Missouri Freemason Magazine - v61n03 - 2016 Spring

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The Freemason®

Volume 61 Number 3 Spring 2016 ©Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M. The Freemason ® (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published quarterly. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications. Periodicals postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.

Inside this Issue... 03 Grand Lodge

Grand Master’s Message • New Membership Database • Grand Secretary Database Orientation Schedule

10 Crown Jewels

Masonic Home of Missouri • Missouri Lodge of Research

19 In Celebration & Memoriam

Oligation & Entered Apprentice • 50 Year Pins • 60 Year Pins • 70 Year Pins • 75 year Pins

24 District & Lodge News Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M. The editor reserves the rights to accept, reject, subedit, and rearrange material submitted for publication. The Freemason® does not accept forms or clippings for publication. It is the policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to not publish pictures or personal information about children under the age of 21, without written permission from the child’s parent, guardian or sponsoring group.

Committee on Masonic Publications Brent Stewart, Grand Master Richard L. Smith, Deputy Grand Master Ronald D. Jones, Senior Grand Warden Robert T. Thomas, Junior Grand Warden David W. Haywood, PGM, Editor

Artwork - Blue Dandelion Designs, LLC www.bluedandeliondesigns.com

If you do not see your photo, article or event in this publication, please check the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M. Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Grand-Lodge-ofMissouri

Installations & Events • Montgomery Masonic • Scholarship Montgomery Masonic Scholarship • My Masonic Journey • Masonic Indian Degree Team

28 Masonic Youth

Missouri DeMolay • Missouri Job’s Daughters • Missouri Rainbow Girls

31 Freemason Insights 32 Calendar of Events Articles to be considered for publication should be emailed to the editor@momason.org. The periodical is published quarterly. The deadlines for upcoming issues are as follows: Summer Issue - May 31, 2016 Fall Issue - October 3, 2016 (Annual Communications Issue) Winter Issue (2017) - November 30, 2016

If you have a Lodge milestone or want to celebrate a Masonic service milestone, please send a photo and short narrative to editor@momason.org. Photos need to be high quality and narratives should indicate the event portrayed, the Lodge & City, and people in the photo. The editor reserves the rights to accept, reject, subedit, and rearrange material submitted for publication.

Brethren, you may recall that the cover pictures of the last two editions of the magazine reflected very traditional Masonic Lodge themes. The first was your current Grand Master sporting Most Worshipful Brother Truman’s collar and gavel, representing our historical roots and how we strive to preserve our ancient customs and traditions. The second was a reenactment of an Entered Apprentice’s apron presentation (with a copy of our new Mentoring manual), illustrating the act of “giving the gift of Freemasonry” in Masonic ritual. This edition’s cover is a laptop computer— with a “blinding light” emanating from its screen no less. Certainly an apt symbol of our modern, hightech world, but what is the Masonic connection? What place can this sometimes infernal, but now virtually indispensable, contraption have among the traditional working tools of the Craft? There certainly have been times when I would have liked to introduce my computer to the common gavel. One of the most famous scenes from Charlie Chaplin’s movie Modern Times was poor Charlie caught up in the gears of a giant machine, helplessly being pushed forward by the cogs of that modern marvel while helplessly clinging to an old fashioned wrench. When it comes to our modern world of computers, the internet, email, iPhones, Outlook calendar invites, texting, tweeting, and all the rest I sometimes feel just like Charlie. I suspect many of you do as well. Still, I have to be the first to admit that doing my job in Jefferson City, let alone fulfilling my many time consuming obligations as your Grand Master, would not be possible without the benefits of our modern digital communications and computer technology. I simply could not handle the volume of work involved without the benefit of email communications, the ability to text when a phone call is impossible, word processing, and document scanners. Our time may well be the most valuable thing any of us are given. It is limited. We necessarily must use it wisely. The 24-inch gauge and the

MESSAGE FROM THE GRAND MASTER ancient lessons it imparts have not changed even if the world in which we now live has. The computer, social media, and iPhone technologies can assist us in dividing our time so that more can be accomplished within two of the three “equal parts” of our daily lives. To the extent that modern technology can be harnessed to help us better utilize our valuable time in service to the Craft, does it not have a rightful place among our working tools? Yes, learning how to use these new tools can be somewhat intimidating at first, but like Masonry it is a progressive science. I seem to recall how learning my first proficiency was a bit intimidating too. In the pages that follow there is useful information about our new membership database and upcoming hands-on demonstration opportunities in your area. Our new database, just like our new web page and social media efforts, necessarily are works in progress and we welcome everyone’s input and participation. Several months ago we also launched email discussion forums for DDGMs and Lodge Secretaries so that they could ask, discuss, and resolve routine and novel questions and issues. The feedback we have received has been very positive from those DDGMs and Lodge Secretaries who are participating. In addition to using mass email notifications to Lodge Secretaries and officers, these forums also have provided a new way for important Grand Lodge announcements to be sent and received in a more prompt and timely manner. They also have allowed me as Grand Master to more quickly become aware of issues that might require my attention. If you haven’t “logged on” yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. In large part due to our new event request and scheduling process based on streamlined technology, your Grand Line Officers and I have been better enabled to participate in Masonic events almost every weekend thus far in this Masonic year—and many times even during the week—for degree conferrals, officer installations, pin presentations, lodge anniversaries, cornerstones, lodge rededications, and other special events. While representing Missouri as Conference Chair at the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America in February

MESSAGE FROM THE GRAND MASTER / GRAND LODGE was a great, once-in-a-lifetime honor, it pales in comparison to the opportunity I have had, and will continue to have, to be with the brethren in our lodges when initiating their candidates and sharing in their celebrations and fellowship. In addition to the numerous degree conferrals, pin presentations, and lodge activities already scheduled on weeknights through the rest of the year, I am pleased to report that we are already booked solid for a Masonic event on every Saturday through the end of September. Some highlights of those Saturdays include 150 year anniversaries for Wentzville, Sullivan, Callao, La Plata, and Lincoln Lodges; cornerstone and lodge rededication ceremonies; the resurrected “Chiggerfest” in Brookfield; an outdoor 3rd degree in a mine for Samaritan Lodge; appendant and youth organization functions; and the Grand Master’s Chance to Advance Class at Cooper Lodge on May 7. I know and appreciate that many brethren remain skeptical of C2A classes. I hereby extend to those brothers a personal invitation to join us on May 7 and witness firsthand the way we now conduct them. I think you will be very pleasantly surprised and find it worth your time. All of our upcoming events are posted on the official calendar on the Grand Lodge web site. For those using modern technology, input those dates in your Outlook or iPhone calendar. For everyone else, grab a pen and write them down in your pocket calendar or just tear off the back page of this magazine and tack it on your refrigerator with a magnet. You have all the implements of Masonry, indiscriminately, at your disposal. Whatever your current calendar working tool of choice, I look forward to greeting and sitting with you in lodge. Fraternally, Brent Stewart

Introducing the New Membership Database Written by WB Kevin Fuller

In early 2015, the Grand Lodge of Missouri began the process of reevaluating our membership system. After several meetings we arrived at the conclusion that our current system was not capable of meeting the immediate needs or those we have envisioned for the future. With that determination, we began evaluating systems created specifically for Masonic Grand Lodges with the hopes of finding a system to address our immediate needs but also capable of adapting and evolving over time. After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, a decision was made and an amazing amount of effort has been put in, by numerous individuals, to complete the deployment to date. Though the primary deployment is complete, a number of additional enhancements are in the works. Through a joint effort with the software development company, enhancements and new capabilities will continue to be rolled out for years to come. The new membership system is a web-based software package that serves as a single interface providing the Grand Lodge office their primary system of record, a portal for members to access/update their own information, and a view for lodge secretaries to manage member records of their lodge. This system also provides a view of membership records by district for DDGMs and DDGLs to aid their duties. page 4

The Freemason


The new system is a replacement for my.momason.org and bears the same name. It is designed to work with mobile devices, tablets, and traditional web browsers. This ensures that when it is accessed from mobile devices or over dialup connections, system is optimized to ensure a positive user experience. Some features that access and display a large amounts of data may take several seconds to load but the overall user experience should be significantly improved from the previous system. Learning content from the previous Learning About Masonry Program (LAMP) has been reviewed by the Masonic Education Committee and will be incorporated into the same online system. GAINING ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM The new system has four levels of access and each starts out with a member’s personal account. Once your member account is set up, the Grand Lodge will assign permissions and access appropriate to your needs and responsibilities. If you do not have the level of access required to perform your duties, please contact the Grand Lodge office and request additional access. Everyone starts from the same place. Security is layered in a way that allows one person’s account to have multiple roles at the same time without crossing permissions. To access my.momason.org, go to the Grand Lodge of Missouri’s website (http://www.momason. org) and click on the MEMBERSHIP PORTAL button at the top of the page. The system can also be accessed directly by entering https://my.momason.org into your web browser. Once the system is accessed, all users are immediately redirected to a secured portal to ensure privacy and take advantage of all appropriate privacy and security practices. Once your account has been created, the email address and password used during the account creation process are used to log in. If the account password is ever forgotten, there is a password reset link on the login page. It is recommended that the password you create be unique and not leveraged by other online accounts (i.e. bank accounts). Minimum requirements for passwords are enforced at the time that a password is created. Any Missouri Master Mason in good standing can create an account for himself. From the login page, select the “Sign up link” at the bottom of the screen to be redirected. The Lodge Number must be the numeric portion of your home lodge, the Member ID from your dues card, and the member’s last name exactly as it appears on the dues card. If, for any reason, these steps do not work, contact the Grand Lodge office by phone or email to request assistance. Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Masons can also access the system once the lodge secretary or the Grand Lodge Office enters their membership information. The member will need to obtain his member number from his lodge secretary to set up his account. Once logged into my.momason.org, you will be presented with a personalized dashboard. The dashboard is a compilation of all the current information that has been entered into the system. Several tabs appear across the top of the page to divide information into meaningful packages. Lodge secretaries have the ability to enter lodge communications online along with upcoming events. These are shown on the membership’s dashboard Spring Issue 2016

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GRAND LODGE on the Correspondence and Events tabs. If you belong to multiple lodges, you will see information from each of your lodges on the one page. A newer feature in the system is the ability to store lodge minutes online but under the security of the system, such that no one can access them unless they are a Master Mason in good standing with that lodge. Minutes that have been uploaded by the lodge secretary will show up on the Minutes tab. The last four tabs are all about the member. The My Info tab shows the current information entered in the system that is used for mailings, contact information, etc. There is more information to collect and update than what is seen on the dashboard. To access additional personal information, click on the Update Personal Information link. Included on that page is an occupation field which can be used by the Grand Lodge Office and Masonic Home of Missouri to connect brethren in need of services and support. Similarly, there is more contact information that can be viewed or updated by clicking on the Update Contact Info link. The History and Offices tabs show historical information about your past accomplishments. History will show Masonic events like date of Election, Initiation, Passing, Raising, etc. If there are status changes, such as demits or suspensions, they will be reflected on the History tab. Any offices that you have held will be listed on the Offices tab. The two data sets were separated to make the lists easier to read. If you are affiliated with more than one lodge, history and office information will show data from all lodges in one view. There are a few circumstances where the lodge name is not listed for past events; these situations are known and are being actively worked. A large amount of data was deleted in the previous membership system and must be recreated manually. In the navigation window on the right side of the screen, you can access education material appropriate for your current degree. Once a member is recorded as being a Master Mason, they will have access to all education material. The Masonic Education Committee is working diligently to create additional content to be shared with members across the state. You can also load a photograph of yourself to be used as part of your profile. The image can be seen on your profile page online as well as on the Membership Report, which is linked just below the photo link. You can add a photo saved on your computer or when accessed from a smartphone or tablet you can take a photo directly from the device. SECRETARY PORTAL For a secretary to gain access to a lodge’s records online, the report of new lodge officers must be filed with the Grand Lodge Office each year to ensure that the current secretary is granted the appropriate access. Granting secretary access to a lodge is a separate action from being recorded as a secretary and is done by the Grand Lodge Office. page 6

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Once the lodge secretary receives lodge admin permissions, the amount of information at his fingertips is immense. The records of all members, in the various stages of their Masonic journey, are accessible by the secretary from the moment that the candidate’s petition is entered online. When the secretary accesses my.momason.org, he is presented with the Secretary’s dashboard which displays a snapshot of the lodge’s current condition. The Members tab shows lists of all current Candidates, Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts and Master Masons. There is a countdown and indicator light by each member to provide a gauge of how long he has been waiting to receive his next degree. Secretaries should refer to the Grand Lodge By-Laws for rules governing the maximum length of time between degrees. In most lodges, there are a large number of individuals that have been listed as Candidates and Entered Apprentices for years. Many of these individuals are likely Master Masons or have terminated their degree process long ago. Secretaries are asked to review the membership records online and help clean up old items that are no longer accurate. If a member’s status should be updated, a secretary can make certain changes by clicking the Change Status link on the member’s main screen. A secretary can identify if a member has died, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, or failed to advance to the next degree. Each of these will update the member’s status accordingly. If a status change is needed other than those available in the drop down, please contact the Grand Lodge Office. It is important to note that any status update will require the date of the status change. The secretary has the ability to add certain historical events that may be missing, by clicking the Add History Event link on the member’s History tab. Some historical events can only be added by the Grand Lodge Office because of additional rules. It is important to note that adding a historical event will not change a member’s status, Masonic title, etc. Adding historical events will only update the member’s history record. From the Secretary Dashboard, there is a register of the sitting lodge officers and Past Masters of the lodge. The list of sitting officers is used to display lodge officers on the publicfacing website via the Lodge Locator. The list of Past Masters does not currently take into account lodge mergers; however, that modification is in progress. The intention is to have the lineage of a lodge reflected by showing all Past Masters of any lodge that has merged into the current lodge. Also, from the navigation window on the right side of the screen, the secretary can access and print some of the most commonly used forms when supporting the lodge including the Achievement Award, C2A Request, Grand Lodge Event Invitation and Installation Report forms. Spring Issue 2016

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GRAND LODGE Secretaries can also add new members and affiliations once a petition has been received. By clicking on the Add New Member link on the Secretary Dashboard, he can enter the personal information for a new candidate. All of the information needed to complete the process should be available on the candidate’s petition. Once the candidate’s profile is created, he should show up in the list of current candidates on the dashboard. Within the candidate’s profile, a digital copy of his petition can be scanned and saved in lieu of keeping a drawer full of paper petitions. DISTRICT PORTAL When a DDGM or DDGL accesses my.momason.org, he can access their district’s Summary Dashboard, lodge and member information to aid in his leadership of the craft. The Member Pipeline and Year to Date Statistics are specific to his district’s performance of bringing in new members and advancing them through the degrees. New reports are being created to provide a clear picture of members that have or are due to renew their Sub Cards. DDGMs and DDGLs can request access to their District Portal, if it has not already been granted, by contacting the Grand Lodge Office. GRAND LODGE PORTAL The Grand Lodge Officers and office staff have a similar view in my.momason.org but they have access to all information across the jurisdiction. The Summary Dashboard is updated continuously to show our membership pipeline, age profile, membership types, etc. to support their leadership for the craft. Much like the District Dashboard, the Grand Lodge Dashboard will permit the user to click through any green link to access the additional details making up that figure. Through the Grand Lodge Dashboard, additional forms can be added to the system as well as provide electronic notices to the craft that will be displayed on district, lodge and member dashboards. There are restrictions on the types of transactions that a lodge secretary can perform. If there are updates to a lodge or member profile that cannot be done by the lodge secretary, contact the Grand Lodge Office for assistance. There is a support network behind the office staff to ensure that anything necessary can be completed. While there has been a great deal of work put into the reincarnation of my.momason.org, it is not complete nor will it ever be. Grand View Software is the company based in Louisiana that built the software package behind my.momason.org. Since our initial purchase, they have continued to develop new enhancements and capabilities for all of their customers. As new major enhancements are implemented, further communications will be provided through the system so be sure to create your account and take part in the journey. For more information about our new capabilities and to stay informed of new features please visit the Grand Lodge website (www.momason.org).

“Information Technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other.” -Bill Gates page 8

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The new Membership Data Base is up and running. Lodge Secretaries can now enter a member’s information directly into the system. New lodge members can be added and members advancing in degrees can have their records immediately updated. If you experience any problems entering information, please contact Sherry Mann at smann@momason.org. Reinstatements will continue to be entered by the Grand Lodge office. The main purpose of these meetings is hands-on orientation in the use and capabilities of the new Membership Database. All Lodge Secretaries are strongly encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend please try to make sure your Lodge is represented.


Scottish Rite Temple St. Joseph, MO East Gate Lodge No. 630 Kansas City, MO Harold O’Grauel Lodge No. 672 Cape Girardeau, MO Leadwood Lodge No. 598 Leadwood, MO Fenton Lodge No. 281 Fenton, MO Masonic York Rite Temple Springfield, MO Marceline Lodge No. 481 Marceline, MO Masonic Complex Columbia, MO


Tuesday May 3, 2016 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Tuesday May 10, 2016 Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Thursday May 19, 2016 Thursday May 26, 2016 Tuesday May 31, 2016 Saturday June 4, 2016


6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am

As with all events, weather and other factors may cancel or force re-schduleing of the events. Please contact the respective parties to make sure that the event is still scheduled before the given date.

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M sonic Home of Missouri OUTREACH PROGRAMS 25 years of being where you are

Courage in leadership By PGM Dan Cole In 1989, the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Board of Directors, a group of 13 Masons from across the state, were faced with determining a course of action that would allow the Masonic Home to continue to meet the needs of the membership that would be both more efficient and effective. The Board of Directors made the heart wrenching decision to let go of the Delmar facility after 100 years of providing care, relocated the residents to other facilities, and ended the Life Care Program. However, they did not let go of the Masonic Principles upon which the Masonic Home was founded. The Board of Directors knew that the Home was never about the buildings. The Masonic Home was always about taking care of those in need within those walls. As difficult as it was, the Board of Directors set the Masonic Home on the path to fulfill its mission without building facilities. Was it possible to help Masons, their wives or widows, and the Order of the Eastern Star in Kirksville, Cape Girardeau, Joplin, and all corners of Missouri? Could we help those needing care and assistance without forcing them to move to Kansas City or St. Louis? The answer to that question was a leap of faith, and the answer was yes – a Financial Needs Program. This program would allow the Masonic Home to help a Mason stay in his own home in his own community. In 1991, the first clients of the new Financial Needs Program were given financial assistance while remaining in their own communities. Just as the bricks and mortar campus changed and evolved over 100 years, the

Financial Needs Program would grow and evolve and would eventually be called the Outreach Program. The Outreach Program is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year! I served as President of the Masonic Home at the time the decision was made to move from “Bricks and Mortar” care to a more universal Outreach Program. It is difficult to believe

PGM Dan Cole

that this path began 25 years ago. It is also difficult to believe that the decision made so many years ago would grow into such a comprehensive group of programs truly designed to meet the needs of this fraternity. That decision was not an easy one, and took a group of dedicated Board Members who had the courage to change the course of the Masonic Home. It truly provides a way to make the Masonic Home of Missouri part of every community in the state, serving the fraternity and working with the fraternity to help those in need. Please join with me in celebrating the success of the Outreach Programs of the Masonic Home of Missouri.

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Join the Truman Club Today What is The Truman Club? The Truman Club is a group of donors who have pledged to support the Masonic Home of Missouri through annual giving. Who can join? Membership is open to all brothers, sisters and friends of the Home who make a minimum $100 in taxdeductible contributions each year. What are the benefits? All new members receive a welcome packet containing their membership pin and information about The Truman Club. Throughout the year members receive special mailings, including an invitation to the exclusive Truman Club Dinner and an annual membership gift. What is the Truman Club Dinner? All members are invited to the annual Truman Club Dinner, held on the Saturday prior to Grand Lodge Annual Communication each September. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, September 24th. The Truman Club Dinner is an excellent networking opportunity for our members and a chance for the Home to honor those donors who have joined the Truman Club or moved into one of eight Truman Giving Societies. For more information on our Truman Giving Societies, visit our website at www. mohome.org.

To join, visit us online at www.mohome.org to download an application or contact Julie Kirchhoff at jkirchhoff@mohome.org or (800) 434-9804.

The Truman Club A Society of the Masonic Home of Missouri

“The Masonic Home of Missouri, in my opinion, is reason enough for the existence of the Masonic Fraternity. Every man who is a member of our Fraternity in Missouri ought to be proud of the fact that he contributes to the welfare of his Brethren, and their children.” - Harry S. Truman Grand Master’s Address 1941

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At Grand Lodge Annual Communication in the fall of 1875, Past Grand Master John C. Ralls introduced a resolution that was adopted recommending “a select Committee be appointed to enquire into, and report upon, the expediency and necessity of making suitable provision for the erection of a ‘Home’ for the indigent widows and minors (orphans) of worthy (deceased) Master Masons… to be located in some suitable and healthy place.” Paying tribute to Past Grand Master Ralls and his original call to action, the Masonic Home created the Most Worshipful Brother John C. Ralls Master Builder Society to recognize Lodges who supported the Masonic Home during its historical 125th Celebration in 2014. A special plaque commemorating the 125th Anniversary and each Lodge’s level of support in that program is now permanently on display in the Masonic Museum at the Masonic Complex.


Senator in 1820. Ralls had become very ill, and it seemed unlikely he was going to be able to cast his vote for the senate seat. However, the election was so close that a single vote would decide it, so Ralls was carried to the hall on his bed to cast the deciding vote to elect Benton. He was carried home and pass away a few days later, leaving behind a widow and five small children. Ralls County Missouri would be named for Daniel Ralls. One of his sons, John C. Ralls, would become a lawyer in Ralls County becoming active in politics, military affairs, and Missouri Masonry.

Recently the Grand Lodge of Missouri placed on loan to the Masonic Home three items connected to PGM John Ralls. These items are now on display in the Masonic Museum in a case located directly below the plaque. The items include two official state documents and his Past Grand Master’s Jewel. These items spark a curiosity into just who was John C. Ralls? John C. Ralls was born in Bath County, Kentucky, in December 1808. His father, Daniel Ralls, moved the family from Kentucky to Missouri settling a track of land near New London. Daniel Ralls had only lived in Missouri for two years, when he was elected to the legislature from the then existing county of Pike. Daniel Ralls was a strong supporter of Col. Thomas H. Benton who was a candidate before the legislature for United States

John C. Ralls Grand Master 1846 - 1847 John Ralls served in the state militia in the Black Hawk War in 1832. The official state document for this service is one of the items now on display in the Masonic Museum. He would be named a lieutenant colonel in 1837, and this official document signed by Governor Lilburn W. Boggs is also on display. It is believed that he became a Master Mason in his late thirties, most likely receiving his degrees in Palmyra Lodge No. 18. He was a charter

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MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI member of New London Lodge No. 21, serving as Master several times, and was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1846. In 1847, he was named Colonel of the 3rd regiment of Missouri Mounted Volunteers. As Grand Master, he issued a dispensation to Missouri Military Lodge No. 86, on June 12, 1847. The dispensation was carried with the regiment as it marched over the Santa Fe Trail into the Territory of New Mexico. Ralls assumed Masonic jurisdiction of the Territory of New Mexico until the organization of the Grand Lodge of New Mexico in 1877. Ralls would reportedly have the distinction of receiving the sabers of the captured Mexican officers at the fall of Santa Cruz, and the last recorded minutes of Military Lodge No. 86 were dated July 5, 1848 in Santa Cruz.


in July 1882 – 7 years prior to the opening of the Masonic Home of Missouri. Please visit the Masonic Museum Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. when the Masonic Complex is open. If you have any questions regarding the museum, please contact the Masonic Home of Missouri at 1-800-434-9804. To learn more about the Masonic Museum, please visit the Masonic Home of Missouri’s website at www.mohome.org. Information for this article was obtained from: “Biographies and Engravings of Grand Masters, Grand Treasure’s, and Grand Secretaries of the Grand Lodge of Missouri from 1821-1900, Inclusive” and “Missouri Lodge of Research 10,000 Famous Freemasons” by Willian R. Denslow Volume IV. Both books are located in the Missouri Masonic Research Library at the Masonic Complex. For information on the Library, please visit the Lodge of Research website at www. molor.org.

John C. Ralls appointment by Lilburn W. Boggs, Governor of the State of Missouri (photo credit: Masonic Home of Missouri archives)

In addition to his military career, Ralls apprenticed in a court of record in Kentucky. He was a clerk in the State House of Representatives, was Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts of Ralls County, and was admitted to the bar in 1850. In 1853, Ralls would demit from New London Lodge No. 21 to become a charter member of Ralls Lodge No. 33, serving as Master of the Lodge in 1859. The Grand Master’s Jewel on display in the museum is engraved with the following: “Presented by the MW Gr Lodge of AF AM Masons of Missouri” “For MW John Ralls P Gr Master In token of Fraternal regards” “May 5861” The back of the Jewel has the words engraved: “Friendship” “Morality” “Brotherly Love”. He was 74 years old when he passed away

The Ralls Exhibit (photo credit: Masonic Home of Missouri archives)

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Spotlight on... Creating-A-Partnership Program (CAP) Greenville Chapter #337, Order of the Eastern Star initiated eight new members this past year, and those members decided that they wanted to get involved. Involved as in “let’s organize a committee, coordinate with our local school, sell lots of chili and smoked ribs, and raise funds to help children” involved. “Well, I was mentioning to the Chapter about how the Greenville Lodge [No. 107] had received matching funds from the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Creating-A-Partnership Program (CAP),” David Bollinger, Worthy Patron, chuckled as he recounted how fast things happened, “and before I knew it, we had a committee.”

According to the organization, Feeding America, food insecurity is harmful to all people, but it is particularly devastating to children. Proper nutrition is critical to a child’s development. Not having enough of the right kinds of food can have implications for a child’s physical and mental health, academic achievement and future economic prosperity. In the United States today, 15 million children face hunger. Many time, families are faced with purchasing the cheapest food available, even if they know it isn’t the healthiest option in an effort to provide enough food for their household.

After meeting with the elementary school counselor to find out what items were needed to help children, the committee coordinated with the school to hold a Chili and Smoked Ribs meal before and during local basketball games. “Our community is very supportive about fundraisers.” David says, “They understand that any funds raised are then spent in the community and that it helps the children in the community.”

Although related, food insecurity and poverty are not the same. Poverty in the United States is only one of many factors associated with food insecurity. Food insecurity refers to USDA’s measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Food insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all the time. Food insecurity may reflect a household’s need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills, and purchasing nutritionally adequate foods. As part of a concentrated effort, Feeding America ‘mapped’ the Meal Gap of child food insecurity data from 2011-2013 and released their findings in 2014. (see inset)

This is the second time that the Chapter has received matching funds through the Creating-APartnership Program (CAP). The first time, the Chapter helped purchase school supplies for a Back-to-School Event. This time, the funds will support the Paw Pack Backpack Program, a weekend or holiday food supplement program for children in need. Backpacks are filled with kid-friendly, nutritious food that students take home over the weekend or holiday periods to supplement their meals when there is not enough for them to eat at home. After the weekend, the children return their empty Backpack to school to be refilled. The program continues week after week throughout the school year or as needed to keep growing youngsters happy and healthy. Weekend-food programs are not run by the federal government, but by local communities that simply can’t stand the idea of children being food insecure.

In Wayne County, where Greenville, Missouri is located, the food insecurity rate was 17.1% in 2014, which is higher than the overall Missouri rate. Over 73% of the population of Wayne County (13,521 according to the 2010 census) are below the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) threshold for poverty. “We are helping to send food home to 15-20 children each week at the elementary school.” David says, “Our new members had a vision for this and the whole process to receive the matching funds was super easy. The end result of knowing you

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MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI have helped a child who is going without food made all of the work worthwhile. This fall we are already planning to help raise funds for another school program called ‘Keds for Kids’ that assists in purchasing shoes for children whose parents may be struggling. It’s all about helping the community.” The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Creating-APartnership Program (CAP) is a matching funds program that creates a partnership between the Masonic Home and Lodges or Chapters throughout the state to help children in need within their communities. The Masonic Home may match up to $10,000 per Lodge or Chapter each fiscal year, July 1st through June 30th

OES Worthy Patron, David Bollinger, presenting a check for $2,620.66 to Veronica Clubb, Counselor for Greenville Elementary School.

Lodges and Chapter can work within their community to identify a child or children in need through schools or other local community organizations. Assistance can help provide clothing, school supplies, coats, shoes, hats and gloves, hygiene items, eye glasses, dental work, etc. Lodges and Chapters can also opt to identify projects within their communities through schools or through other charitable organizations. The Food Backpack project is just an example of a program found statewide. Matching funds must go toward the purchase of specific items, such as food or backpacks and are not for general operating expenses. This program is not intended to be used as a Thanksgiving or Christmas program. All matching funds must be raised by the Lodge and/or Chapter, and the application


Mapping the Meal Gap In 2014: • 48.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 32.8 million adults and 15.3 million children. •

14 percent of households (17.4 million households) were food insecure.

Households with children reported food insecurity at a significantly higher rate than those without children, 19 percent compared to 12 percent.

Food insecurity exists in every county in the U.S., ranging from a low of 4 percent in Slope County, ND to a high of 33 percent in Humphreys County, MS.

Fourteen states exhibited statistically significantly higher household food insecurity rates than the U.S. national average of 14.3% between 2012-2014: • Mississippi 22.0% • Arkansas 19.9% • Louisiana 17.6% • Kentucky 17.5% • Texas 17.2% • Ohio 16.9% • Alabama 16.8% • Missouri 16.8% • North Carolina 16.7% • Oklahoma 16.5% • Tennessee 16.3% • Maine 16.2% • Oregon 16.1% • Kansas 15.9% All statistical informaton regarding food insecurity came from http://www.feedingamerica.org/. You can find out more about the Meal Gap at http://map.feedingamerica.org/county/2013/overall

must contain two signatures, with one being either the Worshipful Master, Worthy Matron, or Lodge/Chapter Secretary or Treasurer. Applications can be mailed upon request or downloaded at www.mohome.org. If your Lodge or Chapter is interested in learning more about the Creating-A-Partnership Program (CAP), please contact Tisha Woodard, Partnership Programs Coordinator at (800) 434-9804 or twoodard@mohome.org.

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Masonic Lodges and Order of the Eastern Star Chapters are some of the Masonic Home’s most ardent supporters and donors. Through their giving, the Home is able to continue to provide services to Missouri Master Masons, their wives, widows, female members of the Order of the Eastern Star and children throughout the state. One Lodge routinely remembers their deceased members through tribute gifts to the Home. Hebron Lodge No. 354 in Mexico, Missouri has made twelve such gifts since January 1, 2014. “The Lodge discussed a long time ago, probably around 1989, that instead of buying flowers as memorials, it would mean more to give a memorial gift to the Home.” Jared Price, Secretary of the Lodge, says, “It would be used to help other members of the Fraternity and do more in the long term. We still honor our deceased brethren at their services, because my daughter made artificial flower arrangements with the Square & Compass emblem on them. Each funeral home in Mexico has one and they use them for our members.” A tribute gift is a gift made to honor or commemorate an individual or event and benefits a charitable organization. Many times, tribute gifts are given as memorials for a deceased loved one. “In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to... (the specified organization)” is a memorial designation often seen in an obituary. This type of memorial giving results in small gifts—often $25 to $100 gifts—that are received by the named organization for a short time following the individual’s death. When you make a gift to the Home in someone’s honor or memory, the honoree will receive a card letting them know about your generous donation. The amount of the gift will be confidential. As a donor, you will receive a receipt for your donation which is oftentime tax deductible.


“My father, Vernon E. Price, lived at the Masonic Home in St. Louis when his mother was struggling after a divorce. She had to put him in the Home while she got back on her feet.” Jared shares, “I remember visiting the campus later and seeing how much the Home took care of those that lived there. Knowing that my Lodge’s gift will continue to help others is very humbling to me. It’s our charity and should be supported.” The Home continues to care for members of the Masonic family through the Outreach Programs. Tribute gifts are an extraordinary way to honor a special person in your life. You are not only touching the life of the honoree, you’re honoring others through your gift by ensuring that the Home can continue to support the Outreach Programs and future clients. Hebron Lodge also participates in the PennyA-Day and Creating-A-Partnership Programs, and supports the Annual Golf Tournament. “We wish we could do more, but at this time, we need to address some building issues,” Jared says, “I really want to encourage other Lodges to become involved by either donating through tribute gifts, Penny-A-Day, golf tournament sponsorship, or participating in the CAP Program.” Tribute gifts can also help a Lodge or Chapter build membership in The Vincil Society, a recognition program designed to acknowledge Lodges, Chapters and other organizations for cumulative giving to the Masonic Home of Missouri since January 1, 2014. Members are recognized on a beautiful Vincil Society donor wall that is on display at the Masonic Complex, our way of saying “Thank You” to those organizations that support us. To find out more about The Vincil Society, contact Julie Kirchhoff at (800) 434-9804 or jkirchhoff@ mohome.org.

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Some reasons that people give tribute gifts to the Masonic Home of Missouri: Anniversaries Birthdays Confirmations Congratulations Holidays

Memorials Other Special Occasions Thank You's Weddings

If you, your Lodge or your Chapter would like to honor someone through a gift to the Masonic Home, you can mail your gift directly to the Masonic Home. When mailing, please note the name of the individual you are honoring and enclose a note stating the occasion, name(s), address(es) of the gift recipient(s). These individuals will recieve notification of your generous recognition. Please contact Julie Kirchhoff at (800) 4349804 with questions. Send tribute gifts to: Masonic Home of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A, Columbia, MO 65202.

You can leave a permanent legacy by purchasing an engraved, granite paver stone to be placed in the Masonic Home of Missouri Square & Compass Courtyard. The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Square and Compass Courtyard is a unique area located at the Masonic Complex in Columbia, MO. It is here that you, your lodge, or chapter can make a lasting impression by having a granite paver stone engraved.

Stone Sizes & Cost 12” x 12” $400 18” x 18” $600 4 ft Bench $1,500 6 ft Bench $2,500

For more information or to order a stone please contact Julie Kirchhoff, Annual Giving Officer (800) 434-9804 or jkirchhoff@mohome.org. The Square & Compass Courtyard at the Masonic Complex

Masonic Home of Missouri’s Mission Statement To assist eligible adults and children in need by practicing the principles of Freemasonry Spring Issue 2016

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Bro. Clifton Truman Daniel

Eldest Grandson of MWB Harry S Truman presents an original lecture titled

“Harry S Truman: The Character of a Freemason” Please join us for an afternoon of exciting activities in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the Missouri Lodge of Research. • Exclusive meet & greet with Bro. Clifton Truman Daniel immediately following the presentation. • Talk by Bro. Clifton Truman Daniel - Eldest Grandson of MWB Harry S Truman titled “Harry S Truman: The Character of a Freemason.” • Remarks by Alex Burden - Executive Director of the Truman Library Institute. • Curated exhibit of the Frank S. Land and Harry S Truman 33° rings along with remarks from two special guests regarding their history and significance. • Full-day admission to the Harry S Truman Library & Museum

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Congratulations The officers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri AM & FM would like to congratulate the following recipients of membership service pins. It is a great honor to bestow these membership pins on our Brothers.

Obligation & Entered Apprentice MWB Brent Stewart obligated Erik Isbell, son of Moolah Shrine Chief Rabban Dean Isbell, on February 16, 2016. Also receiving their Entered Apprentice degree that night at Noble Lodge 684 were (l to r) Luke Becker and Nick Reynolds. Photo by RWB Charlie Wiegert, Sec.

On March 9, MWB Brent Stewart, along with several other Grand Lodge Officers, paid a fraternal visit to Fenton Lodge 281. While there, the Grand Master obligated Tim Hairer in the Entered Apprentice degree, making Tim a 7th-generation Freemason.

MWB Brent Stewart initiated Bro Todd Null on January 25, in Lamar 292. Over 50 Brethren were in attendance. Pictured are MWB Stewart, Bro Todd Null and WB Henry Tafner, WM. Submitted by S.L. Squires, Sec. Spring Issue 2016

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50 Year Pins On February 25, Bro John Jackson of Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, Mo. was presented with his 50 Year membership certificate from the Grand Lodge by RWB Jim McManigle, DDGM of the 34th Masonic District. Bro Jackson was pinned by his good friend and fellow brother, Bro Dan Murphy from Gate of the Temple Lodge 422 in Springfield, Mo. After expressing his gratitude to his lodge and the fraternity, he stated “50 years ago, my father initiated me into the mysteries of Freemasonry. I still miss him.” At the Stated Communication of Washington Lodge 87 held on December 22, 2015, we were pleased to present to Bro Allan F. VanHooser the Grand Lodge 50-Year Member Award. This is a special award as not all of us live long enough to receive it. It is also special to us when we get to present this award. Bro VanHooser was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in the old Melville Lodge 405 at Dadeville, MO., on December 16, 1965. He became a member of Washington Lodge 87, Greenfield, MO. on May 22, 1979 when Melville Lodge consolidated with us. Bro Allan has always been true to the tradition of Freemasonry and we know will always be. Bro Allan and his wife Patti live on a farm west of Dadeville, MO., where they raised three daughters. They have a excavating company and raise beef cattle on the farm. For some years, he had 200 acres of land that he built a ‘fox proof’ fence around and stocked with foxes. Hunters enjoyed bringing their hounds there to listen to them trail and run the fox. We do congratulate and thank him for his longevity in the world’s oldest Fraternity, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons.

On June 8, 2015, biological and Masonic Bros Larry and Robert Probasco were presented with their 50 year pins and certificates at Unionville Lodge 210. RWB Melvin Hall performed the ceremony. The brothers had several family members, from wives to grandchildren, in attendance. Robert was raised as a Master Mason just 4 months before his younger brother Larry.

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On December 10, 2015, MWB Brent Stewart visited Forsyth Lodge 453. He honored WB Robert Housman with a 50 Year pin presentation. The Pinning was accomplished by WB Robert's wife Rita.

RWB Chris Newbold, DDGM of 26th Masonic District, presents a 50 year pin to WB John (RED Rooster) Rice on February 22, at Mechanicsville Lodge 260. photo by Bro Don Owens, Sec.

IN CELEBRATION & MEMORIAM Bro Roger Wilhelm, a member of Hale City Lodge 216 recently celebrated 50 years of membership in the Masonic Fraternity. Bro Wilhelm joined Bosworth Lodge 597 in 1965. Bosworth Lodge would later consolidate with Hale City Lodge. The presentation of the certificate and lapel pin was made by RWB Lloyd G. Lyon, DDGL of the 14th Masonic District and Bro Keith Clavin, Junior Warden of Hale City Lodge. RWB Lyon stated “on behalf of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Missouri, it was with great pleasure and an honor I was able to present Bro Wilhelm with the distinguished and honorable award for membership longevity, his 50 Year Membership Pin.

Front row from left to right: WB John W. Prather, Brother William S. Gilliam, WB William C. Gilliam Sr., WB Sherril G. Duncan, June Gilliam (Wife of William Gilliam Sr.). Back row from left to right: WB Rodney Perry, WB Norman D. DeVore, WB Richard H. Prather, WB Terry W. Luttrell and WB Tyson L. Helton.

Bro William C. Gilliam Sr. of Iberia Lodge 410 received his 50-year pin and certificate from the Masonic Grand Lodge of Missouri on 26 February 2016. WB Norman D. DeVore made the presentation on behalf of Iberia Lodge 410. On March 8, Bro Gary Blecke received his 50 year pin in California 183. WM Stuart Inglish officiated and his wife pinned the jewel on Gary. Pictured are Pat and Bro Blecke, WB Stuart Inglish, and RWB Steve Liebi. Picture by WB G.R. Shelley.

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IN CELEBRATION & MEMORIAM On February 23, Washington Lodge 87 presented Bro Larry Gene Witt with his 50-Year Service Award. Bro Witt did his degree work in the old Melville Lodge 458, located at Dadeville, Missouri and was raised a Master Mason on February 5, 1966. He became a member of Washington Lodge on May 22, 1979, when Melville Lodge 458 consolidated with Washington Lodge. Bro Witt and his wife Carole were co-owners of a grocery store in Willard, Missouri for several years. When they sold the store, they moved back to their farm north of Dadeville where they still raise cattle. They were in the floral delivery business, delivering to florist shops in the Southwest Missouri area. They are also agents for Dade County Farm (L to R) Grandson Adam, Brother Larry Witt and Mutual Insurance Co. For the last several years, Brother Witt has driven WB Chris C. McLemore, III a Dadeville school bus, taking children to out-of-town school activities, such as FFA work, sporting events and such. They have two sons, Jeff and Brian, and two daughters, Gena Hargis and Ginger McLemore.

Bro Duane Baker was presented his 50 Year Pin and Certificate on Monday, January 11, 2016 by RWB Emmett Bryson, DDGM District No. 7 at Oregon Lodge 139. He was assisted by Bro Baker’s wife Evelyn.

60 Year Pins On November 14, 2015, DDGM Wayne Calhoun presented Bro Perry L. Hayes, Sr his 60 year pin. The surprise presentation was made during their annual fish fry. Bro Hayes has been a member of Bayou Lodge 365 since October 1955. Bro Hayes served 20 years in the US Air Force, retiring as a Master Sergeant. He served in Korea and Viet Nam. He was part of the Honor Flight of the Ozarks in June, with his daughter Terry having the privilege of serving as his Guardian for the flight. page 22

On March 3, 2016, RWB Rick Hurshman, DDGM of the 32nd District, along with Bro Bolser’s wife, Janice presented Bro Ronald O. Bolser his 60 year pin at Butler Lodge 254. Submitted by RWB Alvin O. Griffin.

The Freemason


70 Year Pin William L. Ollar was recognized on February 11, 2016 as having been a Freemason for over 70 years. He is a member of Composite Lodge 369 at Doniphan, MO and received his 70 year pin there. Worshipful Brother Ollar began his Masonic career in Pine Lodge 314 on November 17, 1945, received his Fellowcraft degree on December 15, and was raised on January 18, 1946. Worshipful Brother Ollar “went through the chairs” and served as Master of Pine Lodge in 1950. He stayed active in that lodge while it was in existence and transferred to Composite Lodge 369 in 1961 after Pine Lodge closed. He now lives in Doniphan and is still active and attends lodge regularly. On December 3, 2015 at the Downey Lodge 220, in North California, with Grand Lodge Officers, 8 members of other appendant Masonic bodies and his lady and lifelong friend Carl “Bud” Banks in attendance, WB Kermit Rosenthal received his 70-year pin. WB Rosenthal was initiated in Edwardsville Lodge 99, Master of New Douglas Lodge in Illinois, and currently a member of Perseverance Lodge 92 in Louisiana, MO. He became an active advisor in DeMolay and Rainbow for Girls and in the York Rite. Photos by Robert Mason and the ceremony was led by Max Rush.

75 Year Pin On March 24 2016, during a regular stated communication of Sheffield Lodge 625, MWB Brent Stewart, Grand Master of the State of Missouri, presented Bro Chester White his 75 year service pin. Bro White is an inspiration to all that were in attendance for this special occasion. Bro White was accompanied by his wife of 70 years whom he took pride in calling “his sweetheart”. There wasn’t a dry eye among the Brethren as he talked about how much pride he had in being a Mason. Congratulations to our Brother.

Bro Burrell Smith received his 75 year pin commemorating his membership with Monticello Lodge 58 A.F. & A.M. L to R in attached picture, DDGM-Tim Coy, Burrell Smith, Bill Smith.

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Installations & Events

Pictured from left, RWB Jim Smallwood, WB John Crossley, Chamber President Jon Rapp, RWB David Watkins and WB Greg Edwards accept the Organization of the Year award on behalf of St. James Lodge. Crossley is the 2015-2016 Worshipful Master of the lodge.

St. James Lodge 230 was recently named the St. James Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 Organization of the Year. “This year, we chose the Masons,” said Jon Rapp, outgoing chamber president. “They have been around since the founding of St. James and do a lot of things often under the radar to benefit the community.” On top of often helping people in the community “under the radar,” the Lodge also regularly hosts a MoCHIP Child ID event and recently established a Student Emergency Fund for St. James high schoolers in need. St. James Lodge 230 is St. James’ oldest organization. The Lodge was first chartered May 29, 1863.

Pictured from left to right are RWB Jeff Richey, RWB Wayne Calhoun, Bro Dale Cutbirth and WB Lewis Nauss.

Bro Dale Cutbirth was named “Mason of The Year” for 2015 at the meeting of Sampson Masonic Lodge 298 in Theodosia. The certificate held by Bro Dale cites his dedication to the principles of Freemasonry and his work on behalf of Sampson Lodge & the Theodosia community. A forty-five year member of the Masonic fraternity, Bro Dale currently serves as Treasurer of both Sampson Lodge and Theodosia Chapter 130, OES.

Pictured from left to right are WB Steve Tygart, RWB Bill Beatty and RWB Jim McManigle.

On February 9, RWB Jim McManigle, DDGM for District 34 presented the NEW Traveling Gavel for District 34 to WB Steve Tygart, Master of Bolivar Lodge 195. The gavel is the handiwork of RWB Bill Beatty.

Pictured on the front row (from l-r) is Ryan Lyonberger, Senior Deacon; Greg Leftwich, Senior Warden; Richard Blakeslee, Worshipful Master;Earl Fitch, Junior Warden. Back Row (l-r) Jack Kairy, Treasurer; Terry Fitch, Secretary.

On December 5th, 2015, St. Johns Lodge 28 held its annual installation of officers at the Masonic Temple in Hannibal, Missouri.

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Pictured from left to right are Brother Walter Tucker, Chairman of the lodge’s Venison Project and RWB Bill Gatewood.


On Saturday January 15, Pauldingville Lodge 11 in Wright City, MO delivered the third shipment of ground venison to the Agape Food Pantry in Warrenton, MO. The ground venison is courtesy of the Missouri Department of Conservation’s “Share the Harvest” program that runs concurrent with deer season. Hunters who do not want to keep their deer are encouraged to donate their catch to an authorized meat processor who prepares it for donation at no cost to the hunters. When the project began, Wright City Meat in Warren County donated about 300 pounds of venison. After Pauldingville Lodge became involved three years ago, they started their own “Venison Project” to spread the word to the local hunting community to try to increase the donations. This year’s total donation was 3,415 pounds of venison, over 10 times what was being donated just a few years ago. The venison was shared between the Agape Food Pantry in Warrenton and the Bread for Life Food Pantry in Troy, MO.

Each year, the Masons of Minnesota who winter in Texas hold a luncheon to host the Grand Master of Minnesota Masons, as he visits the Rio Grande Valley. This year, we honored Vicky Spears, the widow of a Missouri Mason, Harold Lovell Chilcoat, Past Master of Brotherhood Lodge 269 in St. Joseph, whose brother-inlaw, David Ramsey, is a MO Past Grand Master. Pictured from left to right are Grand Master John Gann, Vicky and Most Worshipful Brother Roger Taylor, PGM.

On November 8th, 2015, at the invitation of WB Joel Semler, the Grand Lodge of Missouri rededicated Clinton Lodge 548 after they completely remodeled their building for their 125th anniversary. Also in attendance were Clinton Mayor, Bro Greg Lowe and State Representative Wanda Brown.

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DISTRICT & LODGE NEWS On Saturday January 23, 2016, Pauldingville Lodge 11 hosted a C2A Class at Warrenton Lodge 609. MWB Stewart served as the C2A Moderator for the event. There were 18 candidates (1st picture) with MWB Stewart and RWB Scott Schultz, DDGM for the 25th Masonic District and Secretary of Pauldingville Lodge 11 on the end of the front row. In addition to the candidates, 64 Missouri Master Masons were in attendance for this event.

In the class was Bro Brandon Flowers who was passed and raised and the youngest of four generations of Missouri Master Masons in Pauldingville Lodge 11. Front row from left to right are Bro Bruce Flowers, Jr. and his son Brandon Flowers. Back row from left to right: WB Bruce Flowers, Sr., Brandon’s grandfather and WB George McCune, Brandon’s great grandfather.

Montgomery Masonic Scholarship Seventy-five years ago, the west gate was opened and John C. Montgomery began his journey in Freemasonry. In his journey within the Craft, Dr. J.C. Montgomery went on to become the Grand Master of Masons in Missouri in 19781979, and it was from his year as Grand Master that MWB Montgomery created the MontgomeryMasonic Scholarship at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Seed money for the scholarship came at the conclusion of MWB Montgomery’s year from his not taking a Grand Master’s jewel, rather using the jewel of PGM A.S. Houston (19051906) loaned by Hebron Lodge No. 354 and devoting the funds for that jewel as a starter for

the scholarship. Family, friends, and Brethren have continued their support of this endeavourer. This continued support of the Montgomery-Masonic Scholarship was evident at the celebration of MWB Montgomery’s seventyfive years of service to the Craft which was held on December 27, 2015, at Rose Hill Temple, and was lead by MWGM Brent Stewart. Among the highlights of this day was the announcement that the host lodge for his celebration, Polar Star-Rose Hill No. 79, had made a gift of $1,.000.00 to the Montgomery-Masonic Scholarship. MWB Montgomery receiving the gift of Polar Star Rose Hill Lodge No. 79 from MWB Brent Stewart, Grand Master, and RWB Richard L. Smith, Deputy Grand Master.

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My Masonic Journey I am not a Mason! I am the wife of a Mason. I would like to tell you just how much the Masonic Fraternity has positively affected my life. I married a young man when we were both just teenagers. We were sure that we were mature adults ready to take on the responsibilities of adult life, not realizing at the time that we were such novices. My Grandfather was a Mason and, even though he was a hardworking man, he could not keep up with paying his dues. He was proud of being a Mason and lived his life in the manner any Mason would be proud of. My husband was not raised to know anything about Masons and, even though his great Uncle was a Mason, it was never mentioned or talked about. Jerry had some close friends in the small town of Palmyra, Missouri, that were Masons and Shriners. Back in the 60s, Masons were not allowed to recruit new members. A Brother had to wait until he was asked before he could go into detail about the fraternity. It wasn’t until his Uncle Woody became a Mason that Jerry started asking questions and learning about the Masonic Fraternity from his friends. Liking what he learned, he petitioned the local Lodge and was accepted. He worked at the memorization of the Degrees with a dedication I had not before seen in him. He attended Lodge regularly and was soon working his way through the chairs of his Lodge. With each new step, his confidence in himself grew, his maturity increased, and his moral values became more firmly entrenched. He was sitting in the West when his job took us to Illinois. He now has a plural membership in Palmyra Lodge 18 and Grove Lodge 824. I was proud of these changes, and could see to what extent Masonry was affecting our lives. There were no special words that I can recall or even where we were; there were no light bulbs that came on, but without a doubt, I understood, and feel even more strongly today, that everything my husband is, everything I am, and everything our children and our grandchildren are, is

By Betty Peters

intricately interwoven with his Masonic beliefs, values, and responsibilities. Our personal lives and our Masonic lives are one. I also enjoyed the stories that I heard from Gus, a family friend, a Mason, a Shriner and an Eastern Star. I especially liked hearing about Hiram Abiff and his loyalty to his Masonic Fraternity. I loved hearing the stories about Naomi, Ruth, and Esther and listening to the Missouri version of the “Apron Lecture” that he recorded for me. This man was a walking encyclopedia on the Masons and Eastern Star. As a child, orphaned at an early age, I remember the Masons and Shriners coming to the orphanage, bringing Christmas presents, and singing Christmas Carols with us. Back then I did not think I could ever have a network of friends and support that I now know exists in the Masonic Fraternity. I now know that if ever I am in physical, emotional, or financial need, help is near, and that a Mason is only a phone call away. As the spouse of a Mason, I take my responsibility very seriously. I want to encourage all women to support their Mason. They need our support to stay active with their lodge. Learning to be a Mason is not taught in just three degrees. It is a constant learning process and a lifelong lesson that is nurtured with every meeting and event. Simple words written on a cold piece of paper can’t express the warmth I have in my heart. My life has been enriched by the experiences I have had and by the people I have met through my husband’s affiliation with the Masons. I love the man Jerry has become, even more than I loved that naive teenage boy I married forty-nine years ago. I love the Masonic Fraternity and its principles of living and for helping to make him the man he is. So, in closing I want to say “Thank you” to all of my husband’s Brother Masons everywhere. I love you all!

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By WB Larry J. Dreppard

On March 12th, a very special event came to the Tri-lakes region. The Masonic Indian Degree Team of Tulsa Oklahoma, came to the 43rd district to perform a Master Mason Degree on a Missouri candidate, and did it underground! This was the joint effort of Galena Lodge 515, Table Rock Lodge 680 and Branson Lodge 587. The event was held in a mine belonging to a local quarry in Branson. WM Bill Frogge of Galena Lodge 515 lined up the degree team and secured the mine. Table Rock and Branson lodges provided two meals and all the lodge furnishings, excluding the altar, which was a 3,000 pound rock and also arranged for seating for over two hundred Brethren. There was a lot to do, but thanks to all the hard work of the Brothers from other lodges in Missouri and other states, everything went smoothly, a good example of who can best work and best agree. Bro David Morris Cole III of Galena Lodge 515 was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by the degree team in Native American fashion of Oklahoma ritual. The Grand Master, MWB Grand Master Brent Stewart presided in the East during opening and closing of the lodge with his officers filling the rest of the chairs.

Missouri DeMolay Building the Future

The future of Missouri DeMolay is in the hands of the young men, so in order to keep the organization going, Missouri DeMolay held a symposium at the Masonic Complex in Columbia on January 30th, in order to learn what we can do to make the experience better. In addition to hearing the young men, we also gave them the essentials to create a new chapter or revive a chapter to keep it moving forward. We taught many lessons about how to get the brotherhood out into the community, how to expand the reach of DeMolay, and how to take the lessons home and use them. We have opened a new way to keep chapters involved and to keep the retention of new members high. For as one man has said “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” As we continue to receive support from our Masonic family we learn new ways to bring our name to the community, but if we don’t keep up with the ever changing society, we will be left in the dust. We want many others to take part in focusing on the future of DeMolay and help us make the leaders of tomorrow, today. If it was not for the continued support of the Grand Lodge of Missouri we would not be in the position we are, so we thank those who continue to support us in making our Masonic Youth the premier youth groups of the world. We are just a phone call away, so please don’t hesitate to ask for anything. Submitted by:John Parker, State Master Councilor page 28

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Missouri Job’s Daughters Dear Missouri Masons, Missouri Job’s Daughters has participated in a lot of exciting events and projects over the last few months! Late October brought our exciting annual Miss and Junior Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter Pageant! Miss Olivia VanTine (daughter of Dad Phil VanTine, Master of Fenton Lodge), Miss Jessica Hoffman, and Miss Brooklyn Childs were selected as our Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter, Junior Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter, and Miss Missouri Congeniality, respectively. In November we hosted our annual Grand Bethel Officers and Representatives Retreat at the beautiful Camp MO-Val. Our workshops/discussions included topics such as Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why” message, leadership, promotion, retention, social media, communication, ritual, our Jobie-toBee program, scholarships and resumes, and specific responsibilities of our Grand Bethel Officers and Representatives.

Crown Night Program.” A “Cape and Crown Night” is an hour long welcome night that consists of a PowerPoint presentation about our Order, icebreaker games, refreshments, and an opportunity for girls to try on Job’s Daughter capes and crowns and envision themselves as a princess or queen.

Lastly, I would just like to take a moment to thank all the Missouri Masons for your generous donation to Missouri Job’s Daughters which is being used to provide a significant discount for all Daughters attending our annual Grand Session in Jefferson City this June! We truly appreciate your gift and value your support as Masons and as second dads. May God bless all of you, and may God bless Missouri Freemasonry!

Missouri Job’s Daughters has also been focusing a great deal on promotion this term, utilizing a promotion program called the “Cape and

Submitted With Love and Respect, Brianna Hall, PHQ Grand Bethel Honored Queen – Missouri Job’s Daughters Past Miss International Job’s Daughter 2013-2014

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Missouri Rainbow Girls Hello Missouri Masons! The holidays are now over and although it was a time of relaxation with “peace and quiet” around my family, I was happy to have the opportunity to visit many assemblies around the state. Over the break, I traveled to Ashland, Pulaski County, Rolla, Wentzville, and Liberty Assembly. I helped with multiple initiations and installations, had a blast at Christmas parties, and even practiced my cooking skills at District 4’s (KC area) Cooking Challenge! I also attended the Grand Lodge Masonic Open House and the DeMolay State Officer’s Installation. After I was installed, my priority was to travel as much as I could to get to know the girls of Missouri Rainbow. If you are with an Assembly I haven’t attended yet, please know I will be visiting soon. Spending time with my Rainbow friends, both old and new, allows me to be a part of events and to get to know everyone. Of course, I am always encouraged and appreciate meeting members of all branches of our Masonic Family at events.

Kenzie with the Grand Officers who were able to attend her recent Reception.

As I have traveled, I feel our commitment to the Shriners Hospital has become all the more important. The Shiners are committed to helping children with physical disabilities. They are allowing children to have an equal opportunity to achieve their dreams in life. We, as an organization, have the opportunity to help these children in their time of need, so they can work toward their goals in the same way we work towards our own. From now until the end of my term in late June, I have challenged each Assembly to collect items or monetary donations for the Shriners Hospital. If you can help your local Assembly, please know I have directed them to the Shriners Hospital “need” list. I look forward to hearing and seeing how this challenge is fulfilled. Let’s help those kids anchor their dreams! There’s much more to come between now and the end of June. Please check our calendar and come see us soon! (www.moiorg.org) Rainbow Love, Kenzie Lodholz, Grand Worthy Advisor State of Missouri International Order of Rainbow for Girls

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The Freemason


The Legend of the Cryptic Rite: A New Perspective RWB Bill Snyder

When I began my journey into Freemasonry, I accepted the idea that some well-intentioned and well-educated folk in the early 18th Century had stopped drinking and socializing long enough to organize a philosophical system of three degrees that would make me a better person, a blessing to my community and my family and friends. That system was ostensibly in imitation of operative guilds or lodges. Thus, it was based on something that was very old but historically-accepted as having existed in one form or another, and had incorporated some chivalric traditions along the way. Having become a Symbolic Lodge Mason, I was advanced to Royal Arch Mason, a Cryptic Royal and Select Master, and knighted in the York Rite. Coming soon thereafter to a greater knowledge of how Freemasonry had been organized in the United States, and receiving instruction of its forms in Great Britain as well as Europe, the great differences between Freemasonry as practiced in Scotland and its identifiable origins, all suggested a history that was definitely at odds with the legend of an 18th Century starting date. It raised questions about it simply being imitative of craft or operative lodge systems. Indeed, everything suggested to me that the operative or craft system appeared to have been imitative of a preexisting speculative system, with some occasional borrowing by both systems from the other. Moreover, it became clear that in the proverbial beginning, there were only two degrees, not three. Thus, whatever lodges which existed in the time before the onset of the Master Mason degree, it was logical to conclude that one of the “Fellowcrafts� had to be the master or leader of those lodges. Next Issue: Part 2: A Cryptic theory on how ancient fellowcrafts were prepared for the East.

About the Author: When RWB Bill Snyder of Independence Lodge No. 76 is not starting arguments with his Masonic brothers and companions about Masonic history and legends, he is serving as the Grand Master of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the State of Missouri, and the Executive Secretary of the Kansas City Scottish Rite. He is a past Grand Chaplain. Copyright 2016 Bill Snyder; Permission granted to the Grand Lodge of Missouri for use in its publications.

Spring Issue 2016

page 31

Grand Master’s Calendar of Events April April 16 • Masonic Home Board April 17 • Grand Master’s Breakfast (St. Louis)

May 18 • Iberia Lodge 410, 3-50 year pins. 6:00 pm May 20-21 • Mo Lodge of Research/Truman Library/ AMD Ingathering (Independence) • Masonic Home Board

April 23 • Grand Master’s Cryptic Masons Class (Columbia)

May 28-30 • DeMolay Annual Conclave (Jefferson City)

April 30 • Daggett Lodge Lodge 492 - Special Presentation

June 2 • Gower Lodge 397, 50 year pin


May 2 • Masonic Home Golf Tournament (Columbia) May 7 • Grand Master’s C2A Class (Cooper LodgeBoonville) May 10 • Osage Lodge Lodge 303 - Regular Meeting May 14 • Bonne Terre - Outdoor Mine 3rd degree (pending) May 17 • Huntsville Lodge 30, 50 year pin, MEC Allen Kohler


June 25 • GM BBQ (Event Pending)


July 2 • Webster Lodge 98 Cornerstone - Marshfield

June 4 • Wentzville 150th Anniversary Dinner (no dedication/cornerstone) June 6-15 • Grand Lodge of Scotland June 10 • Masonic Home Board • Burning Bush Artglass Dedication June 16 • Weston Lodge 53 - Kansas Prince Hall visit (tentatiive) June 19 • Sullivan Lodge 69, Rededication/Cornerstone

June 23-27 • Rainbow Girls/Job’s Daughters Annual Assemblies June 24 • Region A “Chiggerfest” 3rd degree Brookfield


July 9 • Grand Master’s Knight Templar Class July 16 • Masonic Home Board July 16 • Callao Lodge 38, 150th Anniversary Cornerstone/Rededication 3:00 pm July 22-23 • La Plata Lodge 237, 1st degrees, 150yh Anniversary, Cornerstone and Rededication July 27 • Fenton Lodge Lodge 281 - 50 year pins July 29 • Poplar Bluff Lodge 209, 1st degrees/RGL School of Instruction

As with all events, weather and other factors may cancel or force re-schduleing of the events. Please contact the respective parties to make sure that the event is still scheduled before the given date.

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