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A Message from the Grand Master

the Grand Master

Brethren, As this article will not be published until after the holiday season, I would like to start by hoping each of you had enjoyable and safe holidays and that your families and friends are well. We have all had to make changes to the way we do things, but I hope you were each able to connect with the ones you love. I also wish each of you health, happiness and success in the New Year.


The Grand Lodge office has also had to make changes. Due to the pandemic and its increasing numbers, the office has been closed to the public. The Grand Secretary, MWB Jon Broyles, and his Lady Anna were both afflicted with COVID-19. Fortunately both are on the mend. Because of the technology we have, the office has been able to continue its work with staff working remotely.

The Grand Lodge officers will continue to travel and attend events on a careful and select basis. If it is safe to go we will try to be there. We must still keep in mind that the officers come from all over the state and so must also judge whether conditions in their home areas make it unsafe to travel to places that may not have the same level of infection. We want to see you and visit your lodges. Hopefully soon that will become more possible. Most recently, several of us were able to present a 70 year pin at Tyro Lodge in Caledonia. It was a very pleasant evening and we were honored to be there.

The ritual committee has now met several times and is very close to setting out a program for reopening. I believe we will be able to release that plan during the first part of January. The plan does not mean that all of the state may open immediately. What ritual can be done will depend upon the rate of infection in a given area. In spite of this, I encourage the District Deputy Grand Masters to continue to make their official visits, but not to be received formally unless an area is safe for ritual under the forthcoming guidelines.

Finally, I continue to encourage you to use other means to meet. The internet provides us with a number of tools our ancestors did not have when they faced pandemics. We can and should continue to meet remotely and to attend educational and social programs on line. We are still an ancient and honorable fraternity and should act as such. If you know a brother or sister who has COVID-19, or is otherwise isolated reach out to them and let them know we are thinking of them.

May God bless you all and I hope to see you soon,

Barry V. Cundiff

Grand Master 2020-2021

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