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2020: A Challenging Year
By Dr. Douglas Reece, WM Missouri Lodge of Research To say that 2020 has been a challenging year would be an understatement. Masonically, we have seen lodges, subordinate groups, and other functions come to a screeching halt. Some of the groups still have not held a meeting since March due to the age of their membership and “lack of a quorum.” Fortunately, your Missouri Lodge of Research has continued to have officer meetings to further the cause of the LOR. Our officer meetings have been via video conference which has allowed us to explore new avenues for the brethren.
One of those new avenues was to start holding our Spring and Fall Truman Lecture series by video conference. We chose to present these in this manner because of two factors. The first is that the Grand York Rite of Missouri had to cancel their annual communication in person which caused them to move to a video conference platform. Our spring lecture had been traditionally scheduled in conjunction with this event or around the same time frame. The second reason was that MWB Brown was forced to hold an abbreviated Grand Lodge session. This caused the Missouri Lodge of Research to reschedule its annual communication and lecture as well.
The rescheduling of our annual communication was accomplished by video conference. We had an exceptionally good participation level from the membership of the LOR and since our meetings are not a “ritual” type of opening/closing but a standard business type of opening we were able to conduct the annual lodge business including the election and installation of new officers for the 2020-2021 year. Your officers of the Missouri Lodge of Research express their deepest gratitude for those who attended by video conference in electing the current officers.
The video platform for the Truman Lecture Series has proven to be a great success. We have been fortunate enough to have approximately the same number of visitors, brethren, and other organizations attend these lectures as we would have holding an in-person lecture. The speakers were also delighted to see the number of participants logged in to the conference.
One of the major developments which occurred this year was that the LOR Board of Directors, with the consent of the officers, turned the operation and ownership of the Library over to the Masonic Home of Missouri. Their charter and organizational documents state that they will maintain a museum and a library. Much debate took place before this decision was reached. By taking this action, it frees up the LOR to continue to work in almost the same manner as before and pursue some additional avenues beneficial to the brethren.
Due to the COVID restrictions and mandates, the Masonic Home has closed the Library and the Museum for the time being. These are only temporary measures for the safety of all concerned. The Lodge of Research will continue to support the Library as we have done in the past and our new role will evolve as the need arises. We do look forward to supporting the MHM as it begins this new phase of responsibility.
2021 will be a year of growth for your Lodge of Research. By the time you read this we should have a new video presentation and a new slide presentation available. The LOR Senior Warden, RWB Dale Roller, has been instrumental in leading this project, and along with other officers, will be visiting lodges making presentations on the Lodge of Research. Exciting times of growth are ahead. We will be working closely with the Grand Lodge as our Bi-centennial events unfold. We will be taking an active part, and this will be at the direction of RWB Ty Treutelaar, who happens not only to be the Deputy Grand Master but your Junior Warden for the Lodge of Research also.
As we usher in 2021, let us be mindful about the safety of our members, our duties to God, our Country and our Families. This next year may prove to be a year of adjustment and change as we move forward. May you experience continued blessings for your family and yourself.