STATE OF MISSOURI, From its Organization in 1821 to 1840, inclusive. Compiled from original Records in the office of the Grand Lodge.
On the 12th of October, 1876, the Grand Lodge, in pursuance of a recommendation of Most Worshipful Brothel' JAMES E. CADLE, Grand Master, directed the Grand Secretary to have re-published the Proceedings of the early years of the Grand Lodge, including those years of which the records had never been printed.. The records of the Annual Communications of October, 1822, April and October, 1832, and those of Octobel', 1833, 1834 and .183?, were never published. lu1835 no Communicati@n of Grand Lodge was held. The proceedings of the Convention at organization in 1821, and April, 1822, were published, but no copy of the same was on file in this office, and I am indebted to Most Worshipful Brother JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, P. G. M., of Maine, for the loan of the copies he .had in his libraJ;y, and to whom we acknowledge our obligations. It will be observed that titles of officers and nomenclature in many particulars, in the early proceedings, differ)'rom those now in use, but they have all been preserved throughout the reprint in their original style.
In this first re-publication of our Proceedings, I think it eminently proper to present a brief history of Freemasonry in this State, and shall, therefore, ,quote from the preface written hy my predecessor, Brother A. O'SULLIVAN, and published with the Constitution of 1853 : I presume It is well known that the first settlers of Upper Louisiana, (as this State was formerly called,) were French, who came by the way of Canada, and were companions of Cartier, La Salle and Father Hennepin, who, with perseverance and courage seldom surpassed, traversed the vast wilderness that then lay between the Canada line and the French settlements on the Lower Mississippi. To connect her Canadian with her Southern possessions on tbe Mississippi was a favorite scheme with France, and in order to effect this she caused a chain of military posts to ,be established along the Lakes and the Obio and Mississippi rivers. Between these posts settlements rapidly sprang up. One of whicb, Ste. Genevieve, was of some importance as early as 1763. Here was concentrated the lead trade, as also a trade in furs and pel tries. In November of that year. Pierre Liguiste Laclede, who had received from the Director General tbe exclusive privilege to trade with the Indians of Missouri and those west of the Mississippi, arrived at Ste. Genevieve, but finding no place suitable for the storage of his goods, and being still too far from the mouth of the Missouri river, a proximity to which was an object of prime importance to him, he proceeded up tbe Mississippi river. . On the 15tfi of February, 1764, Laclede and his party landed at the spot now occupied by the City of St. Louis, and proceeded to cut down trees and draw the lines of a town, which he named in honor of Louis XV.,of France j a town which subsequently became the Capital of Upper Louisiana, and now the commercial capital of Missouri. The merchants of Ste. Genevieve and St. Louis, in the days of' wbich I write, procured their goods from Philadelphia, to wbich city they resorted once in every year. There several of tbem became Masons and were made in the Old French Lodge, No. 73, on the registry of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. In process of time, as the Masons in tbe Territory became numerous, they resolved to form a lodge, and, on proper application, in the year 1807-8, a Warrant of Constitution was granted by tbe Grand Lodge of Penns~'lvaniafor a lodge to be" held in the town of Ste. Genevieve. Territory of Louisiana," and is registered on the books of said Grand Lodge, as Louisiana Lodge, No. 109Otho Strader being its first Master, Doctor Aaron Elliott and Joseph Hertick, Wardens, [and included in its membership many of those who SUbsequently became prominent merchants of St. Louis: Pierre Chouteau and Bartbolomew Berthold, the founders of the gre'at Fur Company, and otbers.-G. F. G.] Tbis was the first lodge established in the now State of Missouri. In the years 1811-12 Gen. H. Dodge presided over this lodge, as Worshipful Master. Owing to the unsettled state of the Territory during th'e late war
with England, the lodge declined, and it finally ceased to work about the year 1825. * * * * * '" * * * * * * In the year 1809-10 a charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl-' vanta to certain brethren in St. Louis, to open St. Louis Lodge, No.111. Of this I am unable to procure the least information-who its officers were, or when it ceased to exist. A dispensation for a lodge at the town of Jackson, now in the County of Cape Girardeau, was granted by the Grand Lodge of Indiana, in 1820, and subsequently chartered by the Grand Lodge ~f Missouri. On the 8th of October, 1816, a charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, to Joshua Pilcher, Thomas Brady, Jeremiah Conners and others, to open a lodge in St. Louis, by the name of " Missouri Lodge, No. 12." On the 6th of October, 1819, the same Grand Lodge granted a charter to Wm. F. Hoberts, Seth Converse, Wm. Bates and others, to open a lodge in the town of Herculaneum, by the name of "Joachim Lodge, No. 25." On the 6th of October, 11l19, the same Grand Lodge granted a charter to Benjamin Emmons, B. Palmer, John Payne and others, to open a lodge in the town of St. Charles, by the name of .. St. Charles Lodge, No. 28." On the 22d of February, 1821, in pursuance of an invlt.ation sent by Missouri Lodge, No. 12, to the several lodges in the State, the following lodges, by their representatives, assembled in the hall of Missouri Lodge, in St. Louis, and haVing resolved to organize It Grand Lodge for the State of Missouri, appointed a committee, consisting of Brothers Wm. Bates, Nathaniel Simmons and Edward Bates, to draft a Constitution and Code of By-Laws for the government of the Grand Lodge, 路and then adjourned to meet at the same place on the 23d of April following, to organize a Grand Lodge.
What followed subsequent to this date is a matter of record in the following proceedings. As the thr~e lodges aforementioned, viz: l\1issouri, J oachim and St. Charles, were the ones out of which the Grand Lodg-e sprang, all chartered by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, we must necessarily look to its record for our history of them previous to 1821. In 1869 I had occasion to search into the early history of Missouri Lodge, No.1, and wrote to the Grand Secretary of Tennessee, Brother JOHN FRIZZELL, who,out of the wreck of archives left by the civil war, was enabled to compile the following, and for which we are under many obligations:. Exb'acts f1'om Proceedings of G1'and Lodge of Tennessee. Tuesday, October 3, 1815. .. Ordered, That a Dispensation issue to Brothers Joshua Norvell, Joshua
Pilcher and *Thomas Bradley, to open a Lodge in the town of St. Louis, in the Missouri Territory, under the name of" Missouri Lodge, No. 12." At thts date the Grand Officers wereROBERTSEARCY,G.M. JAMES TRIMBLE, S. G. W. DAVID IRWIN, J. G. W. WILKINS TANNEHILL, G. S. J. C. McLEMORE, G. TR.
October 8, 1816. "The By-Laws and a transcript of the proceedings of Missouri Lodge, No. 12. were presented and approved, and a charter ordered to be issued to said Lodge." .
January 4, 1819. "The Secretary communicated to the Lodge: That the Most Worshipful Grand Master had issued a Dispensation to sundry brethren residing at or near Elkton, on the 28th of November last, by name of" Elkton" No. 24.
"A lso, to" sundry brethren residing at Herculaneum, Missouri 1'&I"'itory, by the name oj' Joachim' lYo.25." July 5, 1819. " Received a petition from sundry brethren, Master Masons, residing at St. Charles, Missouri Territory, praying for a Di!lpensation to form a new Lodge at that place, to be called â&#x20AC;˘St. Charles Lodge, No. 28,' which being read, it was
" Orde,'ed, The prayer of the petitioners be granted."
October 4, 1819. LODGES REPRESENTED.
"Missouri No. 12, by Isaac N. Henry." * * * *
* :;:
Octobe'1' 5, 1819. "Received a petitlo"n from St. Charles, No. 28, surrendering its Dispensation and praying for a charter." NOTE.-Immediately after foregoing entry occur these words-" which being read,.--
.. O1'dered, That a charter issue accordingly to Benjamin Emmons, as Master; Bennett Palmer, as Senior Warden. and Jno. Payne, as Junior Warden," which are erased by the pen, because, as I suppose, the committee had not reported upon the proceedings of the Lodge. The next entry in the minutes is the report.
* This is from the printed proceedings-in the original rrw,nusC'!'ipt proceedings the name is" Thomas Brady."
October 5, 1819.
"'rhe Commi.ttee who were appointed to examine the returns from the several subordinate lodges presented yesterday, reported that· the returns from Nos. 8. 16, 12, 9. 10. 6, 13, 14, 19. 21, 22 ,and 23 were regularly made• .. That the following lodges, working Under Dispensation, appear to be returned .in a regular manner, viz: Nos. 25, 24, 30, 28, 26 and Z7• .. And find that they have been conducted according to the ancient custom of the Craft. They therefore recommend that Chm"ters be granted tbem respectively. JOHN SPENCE. 1. N. HENRY. Oommittee. "Which being read was concurred with. and "Ordered. 'rbat charters issue to Elkton Lodge, No. 24; St. Charles Lodge. No. 28; Joachim Lodge. No. 25; R,ising Virtue Lodge. No. 30; St. John's Lodge. No. 27; and Winchester Lodge, No. 26, forthwitb.'.'
October 2, 1820.
,. The Grand Secretary reported that on the 5th of October last. charters were issued to Lodges. Nos. 24, 26, 27. 28. and 30'; and on the 6tb day of tbe same month, to Lodges Nos. 25 and 29, agreeably to the directions of the Grand Lodge at their last Annual Communication."
Appended to the printed proceedings of 1820. II
From the SUbordinate'Lodges, up to the October meeting, 1820, showing their present strength, togetber with tbe number initiated, passed. raised and admitted since the Grand Annual Communication of 1819."
.. Missouri. No. 12-~nitiated, 8; passed, 7; raised. 5; admitted. 1. Total number of members at present, 40."
"Joachim. No. 25-Initiated. 3; passed,2; raised. 2; admitted. 1. . Total number of members at present. 17."
No. 28 not reporting.
October 1. 1821.
.. Th.e Grand Secretary reported:
"Also. that, from information received from some of our subordinate lodges. it appears that Grand Lodges have been established in tbe States of Missouri and Alabama, and that they have joined those ,Grand Lodges, and
renounced their allegiance to this Grand Lodge. There are other lodges now working under this Grand Lodge, wi thin the limits of those States." .. Resolved, That so much of the foregoing communication as relates to lodges beyond the limits of this State,considering themselves as not under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, be referred to a committee consisting of Brothers Norvell, Dixon and Wood."
October 2, 1821.
"The committee to whom was referred that part of the Grand Secretary's Report relative to lodges beyond the limits of this State, report"That in a communication from Joachim Lodge, No. 25, dated July last, there was forwarded a resolution, adopted by that lodge, requesting the officers to surrender the charter from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee to the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and obtain a charter from said Grand Lodge of Missouri. "In a communication from Missouri Lodge, No. 12, we are informed of the organization of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and of said Lodge, No. 12, having come under its jurisdiction. In which communication there is a complaint about the payment of one dollar tor each degree and admission; and a request that the debt due this Grand l.odge, originating in that way, be permitted by this Grand Lodge to be paid to the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The same request is made by Lodge No. 25-which request is, in the opinion of your committee, unreasonable, and ought not to be granted."
.. No communications from other of the lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, within the States of Missouri (or Alabama), have come into the possession of your committee, nor have any advices been received directly from ei ther the Grand Lodge of Alabama 01' Missouri. . "Your committee would, therefore, recommend that a correspondence be opened by the Grand Secretary with all the lodges formerly under the jurisdiction of this lodge, within said States, in order to ascertain in what situation they stand, and report to this Grand Lodge, at the next Annual Communication, and in said correspondence, that the state of the accounts of those lodges with this Grand Lodge be forwarded in order that those lodges may have an opportunity of paying the balances which ma~' be dueâ&#x20AC;˘ .. M. NORVELL,
M. L. DIXON, Committeeâ&#x20AC;˘ .. Which report was concurred 'With."
October 8, 1822.
.. 'J;he Grand Secretary reported: ,. That he had written to the subordinate lodges within the States of Alabama and Missouri, on the subject of their having come under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges of those States; and it appears that lodges No. 12, 25 and 28, have joined the Grand Lodge of Missouri; and lodges No. 21, 36 and 41, have joined the Grand Lodge of Alabama."
Preface. Appe~ded to P1-inted
proceedings, 1822. ,"RETURNS
From the subordinate iodges, up to路the October meeting, 1822. showing their present strength, together with the number initiated, passed, raised and admitted. since the Grand Annual Commnnication of 1821."
"St. Charles, No. 28-Initiated, 12; passed, 10; raised. 11; admitted,3. Total number of members, 27. Returns from September, 1819, to March, 1821, when said lodge joined the Grand Lodge of Missouri,"
The annual returns of our then three lodges to the Grand Lodge of Tennessee being destroyed by the war, it is impossible now to obtain a roll of theIr membership between 1816 and 1820. , As the members of those lodg~s comprise many who were then the most prominent citizens of the young State, and as a guide_ to the reader of the following proceedings, and to enable him to properl~ locate the active membership of the Grand Lodge, I herewith include a list of the same, in their respective order. I will here-state that" St. Charles" Lodge, No. 2&, had its name changed to "Hiram," under its new charter. MISSOURI LODGE, No. l-.AT ST. LOUIS.*
OFFICERS: EDWARD BATES, W. M. JOHN D .. DAGGE'l'T, S. W. JOHN WALLS, J. W. R. HALDEMAN, Treas. WM. K. RULE, Sec. ISAAC A. LETCHER, S. D. THOMAS ANDREWS, J. D. JOSEPH WHITE, Steward. JOHN C. POTTER, Tyler. *The names of Hamilton R. Gamble, Archibald Gamble and Thompson Douglass appear in the Proceedings of Grand Lodge, 1821-22, but not upon the first returns of either of the three lodges named, al though these brethren appear as among the first Past Masters of MIssouri Lodge, No. I, upon its recorps. The usage at that time, of allOWing members to act~s representatives of a lodge of which they were not members, has done much to confuse the individuality of lodge membership until the usage was abrogated by ~aw.
Sullivan Blood. James Kennerly. William Renshaw. John Jones.. Jos. V. Garnier. , Stephen Rector. Wm. Clarkson. David Kneeland. Hart Fellows. Wm. Leneve. Thornton Grimsley. A. L. Bruce. D. B. Hoffman. John Hay. P. Rochblave. Wm. L. Long. Nathaniel B. Tucker. Louis Guest. Henry Rollins. John WaUace. Thomas H. Benton. Phineas James. Risdon H. Price. Thomas Berry. Daniel O. Boss. Moses B. Wall. C. B. Alexander. Zenus Smith. Abraham Beck. J. O. Laveille. William Stark. James Oonner. Thomas F. Riddick. George Morton. Robert P. Farris. Jas. P. Spencer. Wm. Hughes. Geo. Ho' O. Melody. Josepp. Walters. J. J. Douberman. Paul 1\1:. Gratiot. Wm. Robertson. Samuel Stebbins'. Theo. L. McGill. John Shackford. Francis 1\fason. Edward Moore. Charles Bent. Wm. Orr. Otis Tiffany. Asa Wheeler. R. Milligen. Abraham L. Platt. JOACHIM LOD?E, No. 2.-AT HERCULANEUM.
...~ll records of tbis lodge between 1821 and 1825 are lost, except the original charter and a few letters. The returns of 1819 and 1821 were lost in Nashville, Tennessee, by the war. Its charter was arrested by the Grand Lodge of Mfssouri, April 7, 1825, but what became of its record and papers, I am unable to ascertain. The following list is made up out of the few papers in existence.
WILLIAM G. PETTUS, W. M. JOSEPH W. GARRATY, S. W. ROWLAND WILLARD, J. W. HENRY HAYES, Sec. James Alcorn. Daniel Monroe. Richard H. Waters. Horace Barker. Francis Parker. Stephen W. Foreman. William Smith. Daniel Howland. . Phineas Block, F. C. Jacob D. Williams, E. A.
Samuel C. Owens. G. W. Ash. John Lilly. Samuel Keithley. Bernard O'Neil. Thos. D. Stevenson. Emanuel 路Block. Nathaniel Simonds. Otis Peck, F. C. William Rector, E. A.
We find in the Proceedings of Grand Lodge names of brethren acting afS proxies for lodges, but that does not prove them to have been members of such lodges, from the fact that from the very organization of the Grand Lodge, and for many years afterwards, the law did not require representatives to be members of the lodge they represented, as we find frequently that one person would act as proxy :(01' v'arious lodges at the same time; hence nothing but the original returns can be relied upon as to actual membership. As before stated, Joachim Lodge, No.2, ceased to work in 1825, and Hiram Lodge, No.3, at St. Charles, surrendered its charter April 4, 1826. Miss.ouri Lodge, No.1, alone remains. As a further aid to the reader, we will state that the following lodges' represented in our Proceedings, and holding charters from our Grand Lodge, were located in other States, viz: Olive Branch, No.5, at Alton, Ill. Vandalia, No.8, at Vandalia, Ill. Sangamon, No.9, at Springfield, Ill.
Prefaoe. Union, No. 10, at Jonesboro', Ill. Eden, No. iI, at Covington, Ill. Franklin, No. 22, at Alton, Ill. Harmony, No. 24, at Jacksonville, Ill. Springfield, No. 26, at Springfield, Ill. Temperance, No. 27, at Vandalia, Ill. Far West, No. 29, at Galena, Il~. Hillsboro' (afterwards Mt. Moriah, No. 40), at Hillsboro'. Ill. Clinton, No. 39, at Carlyle, Ill. DesMoines, No. 41, at Burlington, Iowa. Iowa, No. 42, at Bloomington, Iowa. Mineral Point, No. 49, at Mineral Point, Wis. Marion, No. 59, at Salem, Ill. St. Clair, No. 60, at Belleville, Ill. Dubuque, No. 62, at Dubuque, Iowa. Iowa City, No. 63, at Iowa City, Iowa. Melody, No. 65, Platteville, Wis. Multanomah, No. 84, Oregon City, Oregon. Smithton, No. 140, Smithfield, Kans. Kansas, No. 153,W yandotte, Kans. . Giddings, No. 156, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Bent, No. 204, Salt Lake City, Utah.
As there were several lodges in our own State corresponding in name to some of the foregoin'g, it is necessary to preserve the proper distinction in reading through the records. Relative to th~ original members of the Grand Lodge in 1821, not one is now living, the 'last member, Brother JNO. D. DAGGETT, of :Missouri Lodge, No.1, P. D. G. M., P. G. Treas. and P. G. Sec., died in St. Louis, May 10,1874, in the eighty-first year of his age.
It is to he hoped that as the Grand Lodge has gone to the . expense of this republication, the work will be properly appreciated, read and preserved. Each lodge will receive one copy, and as no more are printed than enough to supply the present demand, wit~ a few extra. ~opies for future lodges, hence the necessity of preservation must be apparent to all. The Grand Lodge to-day has 495 lodges, and about 23,000 Masons under its jurisdiction. Frat,ernally submitted, GEO. FRANK GOULEY, Grand Secretary.
Feb. 22d, A. L. 5821.
In pursuance of an invitation sent by Missouri Lodge, No . .J..2, to the several Lodges in this State, to appoint delegates to meet in convention, for the purpose of considering the propriety of establishing a Grand Lodge in this State, the delegates of St. Charles Lodge, No. 28, Missouri . Lodge, No. 12, and J oacbim Lodge, No. 25, appea:r:ed and p~oduced their credentials of deputation, and the Convention being organized in due form; passed ·the following preamble and resolutions: . WHEREAS, the subordinate Lodges of this state are situated at aconsiderable distance from the Grand Lodges by which they have been severally chartered. and their .attendance upon the Grand Lodges tb which they are subordinate, is rendered inconvenient and expensive, and whereas Masonry Is daily increasing, and the number of -Lodges multiplying in ~his State-
Therefore-1st. Be it 1'esolved, That it Is expedient and necessary to the interest of the Craft that a Grand Lodge should be established in this State to b::l invested wUh all the powers and privileges usually enjoyed by Grand Lodges heretofore established.
Proceedings to Organize
2d. Be it resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to draft a Constitution for the government of the Grand Lodge so to be established, and that they send a copy thereof to each of the Lodges in this State, within two weeks from this date. 0
3d. Be it resolved, That each of the Lodges in this State be requested, as soon as conveniently may be, after receiving a copy of the Constitution, as provided for in the second resolution, to pass upon the same, and decide whether they will ratify or reject it, and whether they will voluntarily place themselves under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge so to be established; and further, that they be requested, with as little delay as possible, to communicate their proceedings thereon to all the Lodges in this State. o
4th. Be it resolved, That if a majority of the Lodges in this State do ratify such Constitution, and do agree to place themselves under the jurisdiction of such Grand Lodge, the officers of such Lodges, by themselves 01'0 their proxies, properly appointed, and all Past Masters usually admitted to seats in Grand Lodges, shall meet in the town of St. LOUis, on the 23d day of April, A. L. 5821, and there organize the Grand Lodge, and elect the necessary officers. 5th. Be it resolved, That Brothers WM. BATES, of Joachim Lodge, No. 25, NATHANIEL SIMONDS, of St. Charles Lodge, No. 28, and EDWARD BATES, of Missouri Lodge, No. 12, be appointed a committee to draft a Constitution of the Grand Lodge, in pursuance of the second resolution. 6th. Be it resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each of the Lodges is this State. Attest: WM. RENSHAW, Secretary.
EDW. BATES, Presiding.
Of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons. BE IT ORDAINED, That the Grand Lodge shall consist of a Grand Master, a Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior and Grand Junior WardenS,a Grand Chaplain, a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Secretary and Deputy Grand Secretary, two Grand Deacons, a Grand Marshal, a Grand Tyler, two Grand Stewards, a Grand Sword Bearer, a Grand Pursuivant, the Master and Wardens for the time being of the several Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, all Past Grand officers of this Lodge and all Past Masters of regular Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Gr!!-nd Lodge, who continue members of any regular Lodge.-/ This Grand Lodge so to be organized, shall be styled and known by the name of .. The Grand Lodge of Missouri, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons." The Grand Lodge shall hold Semi-Annual Communicationsj and the Grand Master, or his Deputy in case of his absence, may, on very urgent occasions, call special meetings. When any officer of a subordinate Lodge cannot attend the Grand Lodge, he may depute any brother, being of equal rank or superior to himself, to act for him in the Grand Lodgej and such deputation shall be under the hand
Grand Lod:ge of Missouri.
and seal of the brother deputing. When the Master and Wardens of any subordinate lodge depute the same brother to represent them, be must have attained at least the rank of Past Master. Past Grand Officers may hold offices in subordinate lodges, and this shall not deprive them of any privilege they might claim in the Grand Lodge as . Past Grand Officers. The Grand Master, Grand Senior and Junior Wardens, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, shall be annually elected 'by ballot. The Grand Master" and Grand Secretary shall appoint their deputies respectively, and until the Grand Lodge shall, by its By-Laws otherwise provide, the Grand Maste]' shall appoint all other officers. In all questions which shall come before the Grand Lodge for its decision, every subordinate lodge shall be entitled to three votes, which shall not be separated, but the brethren representing such lodge shall agree among themselves, on whIch side the votes shall be given j and every Present and Past Grand Officer and all Past Masters being members of this Grand Lodge shall be entitled to one vote individually. and the Grand Master, or his Deputy, when presiding,shall, whenever it is necessary, give. the casting vote. The Grand Lodge shall have power to constitute new lodges, by letterspatent under their seal. . To establish an uniform mode of working throughout the State, strictly adhering to the ancient landmarks, usages and customs of Maso"nry. And.in furtherance of this desirable object it shall be the duty of the Grand Master, by himself or some well informed brother by him appointed, at least once in every year, to visit every subordinate lodge under the 'jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, to lecture and' instruct the brethren, and to correct such errors as may have obtained among them. To require from the several lodges under their jurisdiction such annual dues as they shall deem necessary, to be appropriated for the benefit of the Craft. To hear and determine all appeals from subordinate lodges, and to decide all disputes between the different lodges under their jurisdiction. To demand such fees as may be deemed just and reasonable, upon granting charters constituting new lodges. To make such By-Laws as may be necessary for their good government and not inconsistent with this Constitution. And to do all things heretofore accustomed to be done by other Grand Lodges, which are within the ancient landmarks and usages of the Craft. No alterations shall take place in this ConstitutIon, except in the manner -following: Every amendment shall be proposed in writing at a regular Communication of the Grand Lodge, a fair copy of which shall be sent by the Grand Secretary to each of the subordinate lodges, who shall pass or reject the same, and certify their proceeding to the next regular Communication; when, if it appear that two-thirds of the subordinate lodges have agreed to pass the same, it shall become a part of this Constitution. -
The foregoing is a copy of .the Constitution of the Grand 2.
Proceed~n~s to Or~anize'
Lodge,' drafted by the undersigned, the committee appointed for that purpose by the Convention of Delegates, assembled at St. Louis on the 22d instant. . WM.BATES, NATH'L SIMONDS, EDW. BATES, 路Oommittee.
A Convocation of Masons met pursuant to previous notice given by the Convention of Delegates, at the lodge room of Missouri Lodge, No. 12, April 23, A. L. 5821, for the purpose of organizing the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri. Opened in the 3d degree in due form. Present: W. EDWARD BATES JAMES KENNERLy WILLIAM BATES ABRA!IAM BECK JOSEPH V. GARNIER ISAAC A. LETCHER JOSEPH WHITE JO~N C. POTTER
M. protem. S. W. J. W. Sec'y Treasurer." 8. Deacon. " .J. Deacon. " Tyler
On motion, the Proceedings of the Convention held at St. Louis, Feb. 22d last, and the Constitution adopted by them were read. Adjourned until to-morrow, 3 o'clock., P. M.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
April 24; A. L. 5821.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Present: W. EDWARD BATES Master, pro tem. JAMES KENNERLY S. Warden• .. WILLIAM BATES .J. Warden, .. ABRAHAM BECK Secretary, WILLIAM G. PETTUS :.Tl'easu1·er, JOHN D. DAGGETT S. Deacon, GEORGE H. C. MELODY...T. Deacon, JOHN C: POTTER Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES. EDWARD BATES and JOHN D. DAGGETT, Missouri Lodge, No, 12. WILLIAM BATES, Joachim Lodge, No. 25. ABM. S. PLATT, St. Charles Lodge, No. 28. Brothers HUGH RANKIN, HERVEY HUNT, T. DOUGLASS and T. F. RIDDICK.
On motion, it was Resolved, That all Past Masters present be entitled to a vote at the present meeting.
An election for the officers of the Grand Lodge, for the ensuing year, was then held, and the following brethren were elected, to wit: Brother T. F. RIDDICK Most W. G. M. JAS. KENNERLY, S. G. W. WILLIAM BATES J. G. lv. ARCHIBALD GAMBLE G. Treasurer. WILLIAM RENSHAW G. Secretary.
Adjourned to Friday, 4th May, next. EDW. BATES, Master. ABM. .
Sec·retary. .
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI. HELD IN ST. LOUIS, MAY 4, A. L. 5821. ST. LOUIS, FRIDA.Y, May 4, A. L., 5821. Present: T. F. J AS. WM. WM. WM. JNO. JNO.
RIDDICK•............ M W. G. M. KENNERLy :.. G. S. W. BATES G. J. W. G. PETTUS G. T.,pro tem. RENSHAW G. S. W. HONEy G. S. D. JONES G. •J. D.
D. C. BaSS......... HUGH RANKIN.............. EDW. BATES J. D. DAGGETT
.} Tylers.
.. ..
Brother DOUGLA.SS having been requested by the Most Worshipful Grand Master elect, to officiate, for the purpose of consecrating and installing the Grand officers of th~s new Grand .Lodge, a procession was formed and proceeded to the Baptist Church, where the solemn ceremony of consecration NOTE.-Original p~inted by WILLIAM ORR.
I!roceedings to Organize
and installation was performed in conformity with the ancient landmarks, and customs of the fraternity. Procession again formed and returned to the Lodge room: ,Resolution offered by brother ing effect, viz:
BATES, to the follow-
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to 'draft a Code of ByLaws for the government of the Grand Lodge, al.ld to report as soon as possible.
Brothers DOUGLASS, PETTUS and GARNIER were appointed that committee. Resolution of the c.onvention of Delegates, which met 22d Feb., A. L., 5821, 'and the Constitution formed on that occasion by the committee appointed for that purpose, were read. Lodge now adjourned until to-morrow evening, Saturday, at 6 o'olock, P. M.
MAY 5th, A. L., 5821. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: JAMES KENNERLy M. W. G. M.,pro tern. ED WARD BATES 8. G. W., pro te,m. WILLIAM BATES .J. G. Warden. ARCHIBALD GAMBLE .Grand Treasurer. THOMPSON DOUGLASS G. S.pro tem. J. W. HONEY 8. G. D. JOHN JONES J. G. D. J. C. POTTER Grand Tyler. Brothers.-PETTUS. STARK. ANDREWS. MORTO~, RANKIN, MELODY, FARRIS, FERGUSON, ANDER!:lON, GREGG, DOUBERMAN, WATTERS and GARNIER.
Brother RENSHAW, Grand Secretary, appeared and took the Jewel of his office.
Grand Lodge路of Missouri.
Brothers DOUGLASS, PET'rus and GARNIER, who were appointed the committee to draft and report a Code of ByLaws, reported as follows: The undersigned committee, appointed for the purpose of drafting and reporting a Code of By-Laws for the Grand Lodge, have performed that duty, and report the following twenty sections, all which they respectfully submit.
T. DOUGLASS, W. G. PETTUS, J .. V. GARNIER. ST. LOUIS, May 5, A. L., 5821.
SECTION 1. The semi-annual meetings of t.he Grand Lodge shall be heid in the town of St. Louis, on the first Mondays of April and October, but the meeting. in October shall be called the Grand Annual Communication, at which time the Grand officers shall be elected and appointed in the manner prescribed by the Constitution. SEC. 2. No brother shall be admitted into the Grand Lodge but those who are members thereof, without special invitation of the Grand Master, or one of the Grand Wardens, and such brother when admitted is not to voteor even speal~ on any question without leave of the Grand Master. SEC. 3. No Mason shall be eligible to any office in the Grand Lodge unless, he shall have passed the Chair in some regular lodge, unless it be in cases of emergency. SEC. 4. In case the Chair of the Grand Lodge shall become vacated by death, resignation or otherwise, it shall be filled by seniority un til the next Grand Annual Communication, but the Deputy Grand Master ceases to exist as such, so soon as the Chair becomes vacated by the Grand Master who appointed him; 'and in case aI;ly other office becomes vacated by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, the Grand Master for the time being shall fill such vacancy by his nomination. SEC. 5. 'Every lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall, at each Grand Annual Communieation, deliver to the路Grand Secretary, a list of the officers and members of their lodge, also a list of the initiations, admissions, deaths, removals, susp'ensions and expulsions of members, and rejectlonsofcaIididates, with'therespective dates signed by the Master, and attested by the Secretary;' and each lodge under this jurisdictiQn, shall, at the first q:rand Annual Communication, to be held in Qctober next, furnish the Grand Lodge with a copy of their By-Laws. SEC. 6. No Letter,or Warrant of Dispensation shall be granted for the formation of a new lodge, but upon the petition of at least seven known and approved Master Masons, in which their first Master and Wardens, shall be nominated, which petition shall be accompanied by a recommendation from the lodge nearest to the place in which the new lodge is to be holden. NOTE.-Originai printed by
Proceedings to Organize
SEC. 7. For every Letter or Warran t of Dispensation for the formation of a new lodge, there shall be paid into the Grand Treasury the sum of twenty dollars, and for every Charter of Constitution the sum of ten dollars, and the . further sum of three' dollars in addition to be paid to the Grand Secretary, which said sums respectively shall be paid before the delivery of the Warrant or Charter; and all other cases, where the seal of the Grand Lodge is required to be affixed, there shall be paid by the applicant to the Grand Secretary, the sum of two dollars. SEC. 8. Every lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall pay into the Grand Treasury the sum of twenty-five cents ?!,nnually, for each member thereof, as a grand charity fund, and a further sum of fifty cents annually for each member belonging to their lodge at the time of making their Grand Annual Communication. Provided, That no lodge shall pay aless sum, than ten dollars, exclusive of the contribution for charity. And the Master and Wardens, or representatives of any lodge shall not take their seats in the Grand Lodge until all their dues be paid, and the Treasurer's receipt therefor be produced, and in case of the neglect or refusal of any lodge to pay the same, at or before the next Communication thereafter, unless reasonable excllse be offered, such lodge shall be stricken offthe books of the Grand Lodge, and their warrant or charter considered null and void. But on proper application to the Grand Lodge, making due returns, and payment of dues, they may be restored to their form~r rank and privileges, if, the Grand Lodge shall judge proper. SEC. 9. Every member of the Grand Lodge, and. every visiting brother, shall pay into the Grand Treasury, each meeting, the sum of one dollar. SEC. 10. Any member of the Grand Lodge who shall neglect or refuse to pay his semi-annual dues, for two successive communications, shall be suspended or expelled, as the Grand Lodge may determine, and no member of the Grand Lodge shall be permitted to vote at any election for Grand officers, until he sh"all have paid his d.ues. SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the Grand Treasurer to lay before the Grand Lodge at each Grand Annual Communication, all his accounts for inspection and adjustment, and shall i'mmediately pay over to his successor any balance which may be found due from him to the Grand Lodge, together with all the â&#x20AC;˘ books, papers and documents belonging to his office. SEC. 12. All appeals from any subordinate lodge shall be in writing, and left with the Grand Secretary, and the appellant shall give the other party at least one month's notice thereof, or otherwise the Grand Lodge shall not proceed to hear and determine the same. SEC. 13. When any brother is exclUded any particular lodge for malpractices, information thereof shall be sent to the Grand Lodge, and all the lodge's under this jurisdiction, as soon as conveni~nt, but no lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, nor any member thereof, shall pUblish, or in ,any ma,nner make public, the suspension or expulsion of any member, except it be to the fraternity, or wi.thin the walls of a lodge; but nothing herein contained shall prevent the Grand Lodge giving publicity to such expulsion, should they deem it proper so t~do. ' SEC. 14. 'In all cases of the suspension, expUlsion or restoration of a member, two-thirds of the votes of the members present shall be required, and in all cases of the restoration of a Mason suspended or expelled by any 19dge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the same majorHy shall be . required. ' SEC. 15; The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Treasurer, and Grand Secretary for the time being, or It majority of them, shall be a standing committee of charity, under whose direction the "Grand Charity Funds shall be distributed. SEC. 16. Each memoer of the Grand Lodge shall beentitled to a certificate thereof, which shall entitle him to admission into any lodge under this jurisdiction, and to all the rights and privileges which the members of such lodges respectively possess. ' SEC. 17. F'or every certificate granted by the Grand Lodge, to any member of any subordinate lodge under this jurisdiction, there shall be paid into the Grand Treasury the sum of one dollar, and no certificate shall be granted to any brother, without a previous certificate from the lodge of which he is a member, setting forth his regular behavior, and that he has discharged all his dues to"the lodge. SEC. 18. Upon the demise of any lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the last Secretary and Treasurer of the said lodge, shall, within six months thereafter, surrender to the Grand Secretary all the books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of the lodge so demised./" SEC. 19. Every lodge within this jurisdiction, may exercise all the rights of discipline over Masons, (not members thereof, or .of any other lodge) who reside in the immediate vici nity of such lodge, so far as may relate to¡ the conduct and behavior of such Masons, whilst resident in the vicinity of such lodge. â&#x20AC;˘ SEC.:ro. Whenever' any alteration or amendment shall be proposed to these By-Laws, it must be reduced to writing and read from the Uhair, when it may be debated, and if concurred in, shall be submitted to the subordinate lodges; if approved of by a majority of them, it shall then become a part of these By-Laws.
Which were severally read and adopted. Resolution offered by Bro. E. BATES, viz: Resolved, That as soon as the subordinate lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, shall respectively surrender their charters to this Gmnd Lodge, they shall-respec.tively receive a charter from this Grand Lodge, without fee or reward, except the fee of the Grand Secretary,
Which was seconded and adopted. Resolution offered by Bro. T. DOUGLASS, viz: That when any chartered lodge under this jurisdiction ~hall transmit the charter under which they now work, to this Grand Lodge, with a request that a new charter be granted to them by this Grand Lodge, they shall name their present Master, Senior and Junior Wardens.. Resolved,
Carried" Resolution offered by Bro. PETTUS:' Resolved, That the Grand Master cause an attested copy of the Proceedings of this Grand Lodge to be transmitted to the Master of each subordinate lodge within this State.
Lodge now adjourned until 4 o'clock, P. M.; to-morrow.
Proceedin.t8 to Organize
. MAY 6,.A. L., 5821: Grand Lodge of Missouri met pur~;iuant to adjournment. Members present: M. W. G.M.p. t. G.s. W.p.t. G. J. W. p. t .. G. 1'. p. t. G. See'y. G. S. D. p. t. G. J~ D. G Tyler, p. t.
Resolution oft'ered by Brother DOUGLASS, viz: Resolved, That the Most Worshipful Grand Master be authorized to open a Communication with the different Grand Lodges in the United States, and the different subordinate lodges in this State; and that during the recess of the Grand Lodge, the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Grand Wardens be authorized, on the receipt of any Charter or Warrant of Dispensation from any lodge under thisjurisdiction, to grant them a new charter or dispensation, under their private Seals, attested by the Grand Secretary, which shall be full authority for Buch lodge to continue their labors, until the next regular Communication of the Grand Lodge, but 110 longer unless the Grand Lodge shall' then confirm the same-and that the M. W. ~rand Master be requested to communicate this resolution to each of the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction:
Which, on motion, being seconded, was passed. Resolution offered by Brother DOUGLASS, viz: Resolved, That the Grand Secr.etary cause fifty copies of the Constitution, Proceedings of this Grand Lodge to be printed in pamphlet form for the use of the Grand Lodge: By~Laws and
Which, on motion, being seconded, was adopted. Resolution offered by Brother EDWARD BAT.ES, viz: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to procure a Seal for the Grand Lodge, before the next regular Communication, wi th such em blems and devices as the Grand Master shall direct;' and that, until路such Seal is prOVided, the officers of the Grand Lodge, respectively, may use their private Seals:
Which, on motion, being seconded, was adopted.
] 821.J
Grand Lod~e of Missouri.
An account of brother DAGGETT, for sundries, for th~ use of this Lodge, was presented and read, which, on motion, was seconded and passed-amounting to $25. It was moved and seconded that brother G. S. W; raise a small fund for the immediate necessity of this I.1odge, by contribution, which was carried. The lodge was' now closed unt.il our next regular Annual Communication, unless cases of emergeney should sooner require it to be, opened.
Were present: M. W. W. W. Brother
G. M. G. 8. W. protem. G. J. W. pro tem. G. ~J.lrea8Urer. G. Secretary. D. G. Secretary. G. 8. D.protem. G. J. D. pro tem. G. Tyler, pro tem.
REPRESENTATIVES. Brother EDWAED BATES, Brother JOHN D. DAGGETT, Missouri Lodge, No.1. Brother WM. G. PETTUS, Hiram Lodge, No.3. Brother EZRA. HUNT. Harmony ~odge, No.4. VISITORS. J.V. GARNER, JOSEPH WHITE. W. B. ALEXANDER, Missouri Lodge, No.1. WH. H. POCOCKE, THOS. L~ WHITE, HUGH RANKIN.
Grand IJodge was opened in ancient usage.
according to
Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, with the Proceedings heretofore had, were severally read. NOTE.-Original printed by.WILLIAM ORR.
32 .
Proceedin~ s
. [Oct.
of the
Report from 1\nssouri Lodge, No.1, accompanied by a receipt of the Grand Treasurer for dues, &c., was received and read. Letter of ,Dispensation granted by the M. W. Grand Master, in vacation, to Harmony Lodge, No.4, at Louisiana, confirmed. 0
Report from Harmony Lodge, No.4, accompanied by a receipt of the Grand Treasurer, for dues, &c., was received and read. ...<\. communication was received from Brother SAMUEL A. JANUARY, of Harmony Lodge No.4, certifying that by virtue of an authority given by the 1\:1. W. G. M.,路 bearing date 10th August, last past, he, on the 25th day of Sept., following, proceeded to constitute and consecrate said lodge, and to instal t.he officers thereof in form, according to ancient usage; and it being also represented by Brother' E.HuNT, W. oM. of said lodge, that the Letter of Dispensation granted to said lodge, had been by them considered as a Charter. It was,
On motion of brother GAMBLE, Resolved, That the charter granted to Harmony路Lodge, No.4, by the M. W. G. M., in vacation, be recognized and confirmed.
A petition was received from Unity Lodge, (Jackson, Mo.,) praying that a charter may be granted them, so soon as they shall produce a recommendation from the Grand Lodge of the State of Indiana, by whose authority they now work, under Letter of Dispensation. 掳
On motion of brother DOUGLASS, it was Resolved, That upon the receipt of a recommendation from the Grand Lodge of the State of Indiana, the M. W. G. M. be, and he is hereby, authorised to grant a Charter or Warrant of Constitution to the brethren of Unity Lodge, at'Jackson.
Report from Hiram Lodgp" No.3, was received and read; also a petition from the members of said lodge, representing that they have been heretofore a regularly constituted
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
in virtue of a Charter from the Grand Lodge of the State of Tennessee, by the name of St. Charles Lodge, No. 28-that by a resolution of this Grand Lodge, adopted at their last regular Communication, it was provided, that whenever any Charter, or Warrant of' Dispensation, from any lodge within this jurisdiction, shall be presented tQ this Grand Lodge, that a new Charter, or Dispensation, 8hall be granted to the lodge thus surrendering the former one-that St. Charles Lodge having surrendered her Charter, was entitled to receive another-that the 1\;L W. G. M. had, during the recess of the Grand Lo'dge, granted them a Letter of Disp~nsation, under which they had d~clined working, and pray that a Charter of Constitution may be granted them: Which petition was laid on the table until to-morrow. A petition was received from sundry brethren residing in the town 01' Alton, and its vicinity, Madison Co., Illinois, . praying for Lett~r of Dispensation, and recommended by Mount Libanus Lodge, Edwardsville, which was read and laid on the table. The M. W: G. M. presented. a communication from Joachim Lodge, No.2, and also from brother WILLIAl\'1 F. ROBERTS, Senior Warden of said Lodge, received by him in vacation, relative to a diffieulty between some of the members of that lodge, which was read.and laid on the table. . A Circular from the Grand Secretary.of the Grand Lodge of the State of Indiana, received in vacation, was presented, relative to acerta{n individual calling himself Storey, professing to be a Royal Arch Mason, and representing himself as an object of cl:~afity, communicating the information of his being an impostor. . Lodge adjourned to 3 o'clock, P. M. to-morrow.
Proceedin~ 8
of the
TUESDAY, October 2, 1821. The lodge met pursuant to adjourrunent-Present, as yesterday. . W. WILLIAM RATES, G. S. W. and representative from Joachim Lodge, No.2, appeared. The petition from Hiram Lodge, No.3, was taken up and read-Brother PETTUS presented a list of the members of said Lodge. On motion of brother GAMBLE, it was That the M. W. G. M.cause a charter to be issued, constituting the lod~e heretofore known by the name of St. Charles.Lodge, No. 28, into a regular lodge, by the name of Hiram Lodge, No: 3, according to the prayer of the members of that lodge, heretofore presented. Resolved,
Resolved, That as the St. Charles Lodge, N6. 28, was one of the convention forming this Grand Lodge, and a charter having been odered to issue to said Lodge, by the name of Hiram Lodge j No.3, the said Lodge is entitled to be represented at the present Grand Annual Communication, on complying with the By-Laws.
The petition of sundry brethren residing in the town of Alton; Illinois, and its vicinity, was taken up and read. On motion of brother GAMBLE, it was Resolved, That as one of the said petitioners, brother JOHNWALLACE, has been stricken from the roUs of Missouri Lodge, No.1, for non-com pli~nce wi th the By-Laws of said Lodge, that said petition be not granted until he is restored in saId Lodge.
Lodge adjourned to 9 o'clock, A. M. to-morrow.
WEDNESDAY, October 3, 1821. The lodge met pursuant to adjournment-Present, as yesterday. Brothers BENJAMIN EMMONS and NATHANIEL SI.l\fONDS, of Hiram Lodge, ONo. 3, appeared. Brother HENRY H. SNOW, one of the petitioners from Alton, visitor. The communication from JoachIm, Lodge, No.2, and from brother WILLIAM F. ROBERTS. Senior Warden of said lodge, were taken up and read, and it being stated by Brot~er
of Missouri.
. 35
'WILLIAM BATES, that all differences between the mem bel's of said lodge, the subjects presented to the Grand Lodge, had since been reconciled. It was路 Resolved,
That it is unnecessary to take any order in relation thereto.
Brother WILLIAM BATES submitted the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That when any candidate for initiation shall have been balloted for and accepted in any subordinate lodge, under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and objections should afterwards be made to his initiation, PI' at the time he presents himself for that purpose, it must be by motion for a reconsideration of the ballot, which, if concurred in by one-fourth of the members present, the ballot shall be again taken for the candidate.
Which was rejected.. On motion of Brother EDW.A.RD BA'l'E~, it was. Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master be authorised in the recess of the Grand Lodge, on proper application, "to issue Warrants of Dispensation, to continue fwm the dates thereof respectively, until the next Grand Annual Communication.
Sundry accounts were presented and allowed, viz: JAMES H. DAGGETT, fur engraving seal, twenty dollars-WILLIAM ORR, for printing, twenty dollars-and Ef:1SEX & BOUGH, for stationery, &c., twenty-two dollars and fifty cents. On motion of Brother DOUGLASS, it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be authorised to procure a sufficient number of copies of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, to be printed, and transmit as soon after the present communication as conveniently may be, a copy thereof to each Grand Lodge within the United States, as well as to the subordinate lodges within thisjurisdiction. Also, copies of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Proceedings heretofore had.
Brother DOUGLASS submitted the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That 'the sum of - - dollars be appropriated to Brother JOHN O. POTTER, for his services, as Tyler, (voluntarily rendered) to this Grand Lodge;
Which was laid on
On motion of Brother DOUGLASS, it was That the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS be appropriated for Printing, and other contingent expenses of the Guand Lodge. Resolved,
On motion of Brother WILLIAM BATES, it was Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to procure rooms for the nse of the Grand Lodge, at its lIext meeting.
Brothers' EnwARD BA'l'ES, DAGGETT and RENSHAW were appointed that committee.
36 .
Proceedin.ds of ~he
The Grand Lodge then proceeded to an election of Officers for the ensuing year, wherenpon the following brethren were declared duly elected, viz: 1
G. M. G. S. W. G. J. W. G. T
G. Sem路etary.
On motion of Brothel' EDW ARp BATES, it was Resolved, That a committee be appointed to draft and send to the M. W. Grand Master elect, an address, informing him of his election to that office, requesting his acceptance thereof, and that he will attend the Grand Lodge, for the purpose of being installed.
Brothers PE']'TUS and DOUGLASS were appointed 1hat committee. Lodge adjourned to three o'clock P. M., on Saturday next.
SATURDAY, October 6th, 1821. Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: ARCHIBALD GAMBLE, G. M.pro tern. and Proxy/or HirarnLodge, No.3. W. GEORGE H. C. MELODY, G.S. W.protern.andProxy/orJoachirn Lodge, No.2. W. JOHN D. DAGGETT, G. J. W. pro tern. and Representative /1'om MissoU1'i Lodge, No. I. Brother Q1'and Treasurer, pro tern. WILLIAM RENSHAW, Grand SeC1'etary, p1'O tern. G. S. D. pro tern. THORNTON GRIMSLEY, G. .T. D. pro tern. JOHN C. POTTER, Grand Tyler, pro tern. M. W.
A communication was presented from Brother DOUG~ LASS, of tbe committee appointed. to inform the l\iost Worsbipful Grand Master elect of bis election, &c., stating that they had performed that duty, transmitting a copy of their address, and the answer of the Most Worshipful Grand Master elect, in which he declines the acceptance of that office.. A路 communication was also received from Brother BENJAMIN EMMONS~ Grand Senior Warden elect, declining the acceptance of that office.
Lodge adjourned to Wednesday next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Grand Lod.de of Missouri.
WEDNESDAY, October. 10th, 1821. Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Were present: ARCHIBALD GAMBLE, G. M. pro tern. and Proxy for Hiram Lodge, No.4. W. TH. DOUGLASS, G.8. W. pro tem. and Proxy for Hiram Lodge, No.4. W. JOHN D. DAGGETT, G. J. W. pro tern. and Representative from Missouri Lodge, No. l. Brother GEO. H. C. MELODY, Grand Treasurer pro tern. and Proxy for • Joachim Lodge, No.2. WILLIAM RENSHAW, Grand 'Secretary. W'ILLIAM H. POCOCKE, Grand Tyler pro tern. Visitor.
M. W.
Communications from Joachim Lodge, No.2, and Hiram Lodge, No.3, constttuting proxies, were read. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election of a Grand Master and Grand Senior Warden for the ensuing year,.in lieu of those who had been previously elected, but declined, whereupon the following brethren were declared duly elected, viz: M. w. N. B. TUCKER, G. 11f. W. EDWARD BATES,
G. 8. W.
On motion of Broth.er DOUGLA.SS, it was Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to communicate with the M. W. Grand Master, and Grand Senior Warden elect, inform them of their election, and request their' attendance at 7 o'clock this evening; for the purpose' of installation. Brothe~
GA.MBLEWas appointed that committee.
Lodge adjourned to seven o'clock P.
Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: w. M. ARCHIBALD
G. M. pl'O tern. G. 8. Warden, pro tern. G. J. Wm'den,]Yro tern. Grand Treasurer, pro tern: Grand Secr.etal·Y. Deputy Grand Secretary. G. 8.- D. pro tern. G. J. D. pro tern. Grand Tyler, pro tern. M. W. Grand Master, elect.
Proceeifings of the
REPRESENTATIVES. Brothers EDWARD BATES and JOHN D. DAGGETT, Missouri Lodge, No.!. Brothers A. GAMR[,E and TIT. DOUGLASS, proxies for Hiram Lodge.·No. 3. Brother GEORGE H. C. MELODY. proxy for Joachim Lodge, No.2. VISITORS. THOMAS L. WHITE, DUDLEY KIMBALL, BRIDGE. HUGH RANKIN.
Brother DOUGLASS having been deputed by the Most 'Vorshipful THOMAS F. RIDDICK, Grand Master, for the purpose of insta)ling his successor, was requested to take the chair,-When a Past J\1:aster's Lodge was opened,-And the Most Worshipful NATHANIEL B. 'rUCKER was duly installed Grand Master of tlJe Grand IJodge of the State of Missouri, in ample forni-Past Masters IJodge closed-and the following brethren duly installed in their respective offices, viz: ·W. EDWARD BATES W. WILLIAM BATES,
G. S. W. G. J. W.-by his Proxy G. H. C. :\IELODY. G. 1'reasurer. G. Sec?·clary.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master app'ointed: Brother WILLIAM H. POCOCKE, S. H. J. D'CAMP DANIEL C. BOSS HUGH RANKIN,
G. G. G. G.
S. D. •J. D. P.
Invested each with the jewel of his office, with an appropriate charge. ~
The resolution submitted by. brother DOUGLASS on the 3d inst., relative to an appropriation to compensate brotLer POTTER for his services as Tyler, was taken np and rea<;l. Ordered,
That the blank be filled with "ten.'"
The said resolution was then adopted. On motion of brother GAMBLE, it was Resolved, That as soon as conveniently may be after every Semi Annual Communication, the Grand Secretary shall cause to be transmitted to each of tbe subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, a printed copy of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge. •
The lodge was then closed in regular Communication.
form until the next
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
STATEMENTS OF MONIES RECEI,:,ED. Harmony Lodge, No.4, for Charter $10 00 Missouri Lodge, No. 1,. dues 20 50 Joachim Lodge, No.2, dues 10 00 Hiram Lodge, No.3, dues 1000 Harmony Lodge, No.4, dues 10 00 Brother'SNow, to be returned in case a dispensation should not issue to the brethren of Alton 20 00 Dues from visitors and members ; 16 00 $9650
CHARITY FUNDS. Received路from Missouri Lodge, No. 1.
~i~:~mL~do:e~e~~3.~.:::::~:::::: Harmony Lodge, No.4
$10 25
:::::: ::::::.:::::: :::::: :::::::: : 250 $1975
-GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI. At the' Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, begun and held ~n the town of St. Louis, Monday, April 1st, A. L. 5822, A. D. 1822. Were present: M. W. W. W. Brother
EDWARD BATES : G. M. pro tem. LEWIS C. BECK. G. 8. lv. .. JOHN WALLS G. J. W. WILLIAM ARNOLD G. 1~ WILLIAM RENSHAW G. Secretary. G. H. C. MELODy G .•T. D. pro tem. WILLIAM HUGHES G. .T.D. HUGH RANKIN, G. Tyler.
REPRESENTATIVES FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES• . I Brother EDWARD BATES, Missouri 'Lodge, No.!. Brother JOHN WALLS, Missouri Lodge, No.1
VISITORS. Brother .:fOHN D. DAGGETT, of Missouri Lodge, No.1.
On motion, it was Resolved, That the Grand Lodge adjourn until to·morrow at 10 O'clock, A. M., and it was accordingly adjourned. NOTE.;-Original pr,lnLed by WM. ORR.
Proceedings of the
TUESDAY, Aprll2, A. L. 5822. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. w.
D. G. J.1£. G. M. p1'O tem. G. S. W. G . .T. W G. Treasurer. G. Secretary. G. S. D .• pro tem. G. J. D. G. 1'yler. "
REPRESENTATIVES FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. Brother EDWARD BATES, Missouri Lodge, No. I. Brother JOHN WALLS, Mis:::ouri Lodge, No. 1. Brother WILLTAM BATES. Joachim Lodge, No.2, VISITORS. Brother BEN. SPENCER, Brother JAMES W. WHITNEY, Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, working Under Dispensation. Brother T. GRIMSLEY. Missouri Lodge, No.1..
Proceedings of the last Grand Annual Communication being- read, R. VV. THOMPSON DOUGLASS presented a communication from the ~L W. G. M. appointing him D. G. Master of this Grand Lodge, which was read. Petition from Brethren at Franklin, to whom a I.Jetter of Dispensation had been granted during vacation, was read and the grant confirmed. A Gharter of Constitution having been granted in vacation by the M. W. G. Master to Unity Lodge, in the town of Jackson, Missouri, a communication from the Grand Lodge of Indiana, (under whose authority it had worked) was read, and heing satisfactory, the act granting said Charter was approved. The committee appointed at the last Communication of the Grand Lodge, to procure suitable rooms for holding its meeting at, reported, That they had performed that duty, and had obtained permission from Missouri I~odge. No.1, to occupy those under its direction; which your commii tee respectfully beg leave to recommend-
'Vhich report being accepted the committee was discharged. The petition of sundry brethren residing at and near
â&#x20AC;˘ 1822.J "
Grand Lodge of
Vandalia, State of Illinois, praying Letters of Dispensation were presented and read. Olive Branch Lodge, No. 0, at Alton, Illinois, working under Letter of Dispensation, produced evidence' of their work, and prayed a Charter of Constitution. On motion of Brother GAMBLE, it was' Resolved, That the act of the M. W. G. Master, in grantiQg a Letter of Dispensation to Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, is approved of by this Lodge.
On motion of Brother EDWAaD BATES, it was Resolved, That a standing committee be appointed, whose duty it shall be to examine the returns from all subordinate lodges, (whether working under Charters or Dispensations), under the direction of the Chair, and report to the Grand Lodge.
Accordingly a committee was appointed, composed of Brothers EDWARD BATES, GAMBLE and MELODY. On motion of Brother EDWARD BATES, it was Resolved, That the resolution adopted at the last Semi.Annual Communication, relative to Letters of Dispensation granted in vacation, be so modified that every lodge working Under Dispensation shall return their work to the next Semi-Ann u'al Comm unication after the date of their Letters, and if their work be approved, they shall receive a Charter.
The records and papers of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, were referred to the committee appointed to examine Proceedings and Work of lodges under this jurisdiction. On motion of Brother WILLIAl\{. BATES, it was Resolved, That the sum of twenty dollars be allowed annually to the Grand Secretary of this lodge for his services as such.
",VILLIA:!.\'( ,O;RR'S account, amounting to twenty dollars, for printing done for Grand Lodge, was presented, read' and allowed. The petition of sundry .Brethren at and near Vandalia, was taken up, when, On motion of Brother GAMBLE, it was Resolved, That a Letter of Dispensation be granted to the following brethren, petitioners from Vandalia, 'viz: J AllIES M. DUNCAN, JOHN WARNOCK, Wn,LIAM LEE, D. EWING, JOHN C. KELLOGG, MOSES K. BOTTSFORD, JOSEPH ENOS 'and E. C. BERRY'. â&#x20AC;˘ '
Lodge adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock, A. M.
â&#x20AC;˘ 44
Proceedin~ 8
of the
WEDNESDA.Y, April 3, A. L. 5822. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present :
M. R. W. W. W. Brother
G. D. G. G. G. G.
G. M. S. w; J. W.
1.'reasurer. Secretary. G. S. D. pro tem. G. J. D. pm tem. G. Tyler, p1'O tem.
REPRESENTATIVES. Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother
EDWARD BATES. Missouri Lodge, No. I. JOHN WALLS, Missouri Lodge. No.!. WILLIAM BATES. Joachim Lodge, No.2. WILLIAM G: PETTUS, Hiram Lodge, No.3. G. H. C. MELODY, (proxy,) Harmony Lodge, No.4. VISITORS.
Brother BEN. SPENCER, Olive Br:anch Lodge, No.5, working Under Dispensation. Brother JAS. W. WHITNEY, Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, working Under Dispensation.
The committee appointed to examine the work and proceedings of subor~inate lodges under this jurisdiction, reported, That they have had under consideration the work and proceedings of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, and after a careful exa.mination of the same, your committee find that the records of said lodge have not been kept with the exact regularity and precision which is desirable in all lodges, but they do not find any essential error. or departu're from the ancient usage of the order.
Your committee therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution, viz: . Resolved, That a Charter of Constitution be granted to the members of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, according to the prayer of the petition. .
Which resolution having been adopted, ordered to be issued.
a charter was
A communication from Harmony Lodge, No.4, was r~,ad, constituting brother GEORGE H. C. MELODY a proxy for said lodge during the present session of the Grand Lodge, which was accepted. On motion of Brother EDWARD BATES, it was R,esolved, That no sub<?rdinate lodge working under the jurisdiction of
Grand .Lodge of Misfouri.
this Grand Lodge, shall confer the degree of Fellow Oraf/' or Master Mason upon any brother who has been initiated in any other lodge within the United States, unless the brother so applying shall procure a recommenaation, or certificate, of good standing, from the lodge in which he was inItiated.
Brother THORNTON GRIMSLEY appeared, and took his seat, as a mem bel' of this' Grand Lodge. Brother HUGH RANKIN, Grand Tyler, appeared and took the jewel 'of his office. . Brother JOHN D.DAGEETT, of Missouri Lodge, No.1, (visitor) was announced and received. Brother JAMES KENNERLY, a' member of this Grand Lodge, appeared and took his seat. . A communication from Franklin Union IJodge, No.7, (working Under Dispensation) accompanied by itsProcedings and work, was received, and read, praying a Charter of Constitution, all of which w.ere referred to the committee appointed, to examine proceedings and work of subordinate lodges. . By-Laws of Harmony Lodge, No.4, were presented and referred to the same committee. Lodge adjourned to 3 o'clock, P. M. to-day.
WEDNESDAY, April 3, A. L. 5822. 3 o'clock, P. M. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: R. w. TH. DOUGLASS W. W. Brother A ..
D. G. M. M. W. G. M. G. S. W. G. J. W. Grand Treasurer. Grand Secretary. G. S. D. pro tem. G. J. D. pro tem. G. 'Jlyle1路.
REPRESENTATIVES. Brother Brother Brother Brother Brother
EDWARD BATES, Missouri Lodge, No.1. JOHN WALLS, Missouri Lodge, No. I. WILLIAM BATES, Joachim Lodge, No.2. WILLIAM G. PETTUS, Hiram Lodge, No.3. G. H. C. MELODY, (proxy) Harmony Lodge, No.4.
Proceedings of the
VISITORS. Brot,her Brother Brother Brother
WM. C. CLARKSON, Missouri Lodge, No.1. J. PLATT, Hiram Lodge, No. a. JAMES W. WHITNEY, Olive Branch Lodge, No.5. BEN. SPENCER, Olive Branch Lodge. No.5.
The committee' of examination of work and proceedings of subordinate lodgcs under this jurisdiction, reported OIl the records and proceedings of :Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, as follows, viz: Your committee whose duty it is to examine the returns of subordinate lodges, and to whom was referred the work and proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, now working under Letters of Dlspensat10n from the M. W. G. Master, Beg leave to 1'epo'rt, 'rhat they have performed the duty assigned them, by carefully examining the records and proceedings of that lodge, and find them, in the general, correct and regular: Your committee cannot forbear expressing their warm approbation of the zealous caution with which Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. have guarded the Sanctuary from t.he approach of impr'oper persons; which is manifested by their rigid scrutiny of candidates for admission, and the frequent rejections which appear on their records. Your committee are lead to. this remark by refiection that young Masons and new lodges are too apt to suppose they confer a benefit on the order by swelling the number of its members without paying a due attention to the qun,lifications of the individuals. In the Proceedings of that lodge, of January 4, 5822, will be found the following entr.y, "A ballot being taken on the petition ?f JOliN G. PARISH, one vote appeared against the petitioner, and on a second ballot one still appeared against the petitioner, it is ordered that the said petition layover \,lntil the next meeting." Your committee are of opinirn that, the course pursued in this instance is irregular and Improper; for it is the right ofever~' member of a lodge to prevent the admission of any applicant, even without rendering a reason. This right may be whollv defeated. if, after a ballot is commenced. and objections made against the applicant, the question can be continued, and, perhaps, afterwards taken up and decidcd in the absence of the objectors. Your committee deem any course improper and unmasonic, which, in its consequences might force upon any Mason tbe ties of brotherhood and friendship. with men in whose favor they would never have voluntarily assumed them. But your committee believe that Franklin Union Lodgc, No.7, acted in this respect from pure and good motiyes, and not with any sinister design to defeat the rigbt of individual memuers, as it appears the applicant was afterwards rejected; they therefore beg leave to suumi I. the following resolution, viz: ::. Rf?so[ved, That a charter be gran ted to Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, accordillg to the prayer of the peti tion. , Resolved, That t.he Grand Lodge do disapprove of the proceeding had in Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, on the petition of JOHN G. PARISll: and that the Grand Secretary do cause a copy of this report, and .the resolution, to be transmitted to Franklin Union Lodge, No.7.
TlJesamc committee, towhom was referred the By-Laws of Harmony Lodgc, No.4, reported as follows, viz:
. Grand Lorl,de of Missouri.
Your committee. whose duty it is to examine the returns of subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, and to whom were referred the By-Laws of Harmony Lodge, No, 4, Ber, leave to 1'eport, That they have performed the duty assignetl them by carefully perusing the By-Laws submitted to them; and that they find nothing therein inconsistent with the Constitution or ByLaws ofthis Grand Lodge, nor in any manner objectionable.
On motion of Brother DOUGLASS, it was Resolved, That the following amendment to the Constitution of this Grand Lodge be submitted to the consideration of the several subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, and if approved by two-thirds of said lodges shall become a part of said Constitution. viz: "That, in addi tion to the officers enumeratcd in the first clause of the Constitution, there shall annually be elected a Grand Lecturer, whose duty it shall be, at least once in every year. to visit all the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, fOl' the purpose of establishing an uniform mode ofworlring and correcting any errors which may have obtained among them. and that so much of the 9th clause of the Constitution requiring this service to be performed by the Grand Master. be, and the same i5 hereby repealed."
On motion of Brother Enw ARD BATES, it was Resolved. That the following amendment to the By-Laws .of this Grand Lodge be submitted to the several lodges under this jurisdiction. and if approved by a majority of said lodges' shall become a part of the said By-Laws, viz; "The Grand Lecturer shall receive from the Grand Treasury for his services, a sum not exceeding th1'ee dollars per day, while actually el!gaged in the performance of the duties of his office; to be fixed from time to time. by the Grand Lodge. for which purpose the several subordinate lodges shall from time to time pay into the Grand Treasury such further sum as may be requisite for compensating the said officer.
On motion of Brother
Resolved, That the follOWing amendment to the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, be submitted to the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction. and if approved by a majority of said lodges, shall become a part of said By-Laws, viz: .. That so much of the ninth section of'the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, as requires a contribution from visiting Brethren, at the Semi-Annual Communication be repealed."
On motion of Brother GAMBLE, it was . Resolved, That the W. M. and S. W. of each of the subordinate lodges under this jurisdictibn be. and they are hereby appointed a committee for the purpose of obtaining by subscription, funds for erecting a Masonic Hall in the town of St. LOUis; also that a committee be appointed on the part of this Grand Lodge, to meet such committee as may be appointed by Missouri Royal Arch Chapter, and Missouri Lodge, No.1, for the purposes aforesaid, Also to report the expenses which may 'be incnrred in the purchase of a lot, and the erection oCthe necessary bUilding, and that the committees hereby appointed make thei~ reports at the next Grand Annual Communication.
Thc..committee appointed on the foregoing' resolution, is composed of Brothers GAMBLE, E. BATES and DOUGLASS.
0/ the
An account of Brother Grand Steward, for refreshments, amounting to five dollars, was pre~ented, read and allowed. The Grand Lodge was now closed in AMPLE FORM, according to ancient usage, until our, next regular Communication. .
Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, for Letter of Dispensation', in vacation $20 00 Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, for Charter 10 00 U路nity Lodge, No.6, for Charter 1000 Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, for Charter 10 00 Sangamo Lodge, No.9, for Dispensation 2000 Vandalia Lodge, No.8, for Dispensation 20 00 From members of the Grand Lodge, (dues) 路 400 ~94
At a Grand Annual Communication of the State of Missouri, of Ancient, Masons, begun and held in the town first Monday, being the 7th October, A.
7, A. L. 5822.
of the Grand Lodge Free .and Accepted of St. Louis, on the L.5822.
G. M. G. M.
,.D. 8. .J. G.
G. W. pro tem•.
G. W. " Treas. D. G. Sec'!} &; G. S.ln'o tem • G. So D. protem. G. J. D.
G. TUle1·.
VISITORS. Bros. Bro. Bros. Bro.Bros.
PETER F. REGNIER and OLIVER PARKER. JESSE W. GARNER, Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. NELSON ALDRICH, RENJ. SPENCER, Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, JAMES M. DUNCAN, Vandalia Lodge, No.8, Under Dispensation. JOHN SMTTH, CJIARI.E!'> MULLIKIN, JAMES TURNEY, Eden Lodge, No. 11, Under DispensaLiou.
Proceedin.t8 of the
REPRESEN'fA'fIVES. Bro. THOMAS ANDREWS, Missouri I,odge, No.1, WILLIAM -G. PETTUS; Hiram Lodge, No.3.
Grand Lodge opened in DUE AND SOLEMN FORM, in the Third Degree of Masonry. ' On motion of Brother MELODY, it was Resol1,ed, unanimously, That the members of this Grand Lodge, and the
members of subordinate lodges under its jurisdiction, be requested to wear crape on the left arm for the space of ninety days, in testimony of respect for the memory of our deceased worthy Brother, WILLIAM BATES, Grand Junior Warden of this Grand Lodge. Rflsolved, also, That the Grand Secretary transmit copies of the foregoing resolu tion to each of t,he subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction.
The petition of sundry brethren, residing at and near Jonesboro', State of Illinois, received during vacation, and to whom a Letter of Dispensation was granted by the M. W. Master, authorizing them to assemble as a legal lodge, by the name of " Union Lodge, No. 10," was now read. Brother JESSE W. GARNER presented Letters of Attorm~y from Brothers HARDAGE LANE, W. M., and HAMILTON R. GAMBLE, S. W;, of }-'ranklin Union I.odge, No.7, constituting him their proxy in this Grand Lodge. A communication from the Grand T.odge of Tenne'ssee, received in vacation, containing an account of their Proceedings at their last Annual Communication, in which is found a resolution relative to the formation of a General Grand I..odge of the United States, and a resolution requiring the 'Grand Secretary of that Grand Lodge to transmit to each Grand Lodge in the United States, the signatures of the Grand Officers, in their own propel' hand writing, and re, questing each of the Grand Lodges to furnish a similar list of the signatures of their Grand Officers, was read; also, a communication, received in vacation, from sundry brethren appointed by .a, Convention of Masons, held at the City of Washington, on the 9th of :l\farch, 1822, a committee to correspond with the different Grand I.odges in the United States, relative to the formation of a General Grand Lodge; and a communication from the' Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, on the same subject, declaring that the formation of such a General Grand Lodge would be inexpedient and impracticable; but recommending a General Convention of lVlasons for the purpose of taking into consideration the general interest of the Craft; which were severally read. Brother JAMES M. DUNCAN, W. M., of Vandalia Lodge,
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
No.8, Under Dispensation, prcsented a transcript of the proceedings and work of that lodge, which was referred to the committee appointed to examine the returns and work of subordinate lodges. Brother JOHN SMITH, W. 1\1., of Eden Lodge, No. 11, Under Dispensation, presented a transcript of the proceedings and work of that lodge, which were referred to the same committee. Brother WM. G. PETTUS, W. M., of Hiram Lodge, .No.3; presented the By-Laws and returns of said lodge, which were referred to the same committee; also, an extract from the· record of proceedings of said lodge, concurring in the proposed amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, submitted to the several subordinate lodges, relative to the appointment and compensation of a Grand Lecturer, and disagreeing to the proposed amendment relative to the' exemption of visitors from the payment of dues at the Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge now adjourned to·:morrow.
3 o'clock, P. M.,
TUESDAY, October 8, 5822. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. W. W. W. Bro. " .. " "
D. G. M .• M. W. G. M. pro tem. S. G. W. pro tem. G. J. W. " G. Treas. G. See'y G. S. D. G. .T. D. G. Tyler.
Brother J.W. GARNER, represcntative of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, prcsented returns of work and copy of the By-Laws of said lodge, which were referr~d to the committee appointed to examine returns from subordinate lodges. Brother GEO. H. C. MELODY, whobad been deputed to install the officers of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, presented his report on that subject, which was read and accepted..
Proceedings of the
Brother ALDRIQH. representative of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, presented tbe By-Laws and proceedings of said lodge, which were referred to the committee appointed to examine returns' from subordinate lodges. . Brothers SNOW and ALDRICH, of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, reported, in compliance with a resolution of this Grand Lodge, at its Semi-Annual Communication in April, 1822, appointing the Worshipful Master and Senior Warden of each subordinate lodge under their jurisdiction, a committee to raise. by subscription, funds for t,be erection of a l\1asonic Hall, in the town of St. Louis, as follows, viz: The undersigned, who b)' a resolution of the Most Wor~hipfulGrand Lodge, adopted at the last Grand Semi-Annual Communication, was constituted a committee to procure subscriptions and donations for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall in the town of St. Louis, beg leave to report, that they have attended to the duty assigned them, as far as practicable, but have not been able to obtain anything for the contemplated object; which is respectfully submitted. H. H. SNOW, NELSON ALDRICH.
On motion of Brother G. H. C. ME~ODY, it was Resolved, That so much of the communications from the Convention at the
City of Washington, and from the Grand Lodges of Pennsylvania and Tennessee, as relate to the establishment ofa GenerAl Grand Lodge, be referred to a select committee to examine and report thereon.
On motion of Brother DUNCAN, it was Resolved, That so much of the communication from the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania as relates .to the appointment of delegates to meet in General Convention. at Philadelphia, or elsewhere, be referred to the same committee.
Brothers MELODY, GAMBLE, PETTUS and EDWARD BA.TES were appointed said committee. The committee appointed to examine returns from subordinate lodges, reported on the Proceedings and By-Laws of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, as follows, viz: Report, that upon an examination of the By-Laws of said lodge, they find them in general conformable with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and with the ancient usages of Masonry. They cannot, however, pass over the32d and 37th section,s without comment. The32d section is in the following words: I I Every Brother applying to be admitted as a member of this lodge shall, previous to his being balloted for, have visited the same at a stated meeting, and shall produce a certificate of his having paid all dues or arrea-rages to the lodge of which he was last a member, except he belonged to a lodge not under thejurisdiction of the Grand Lodge under which we work." Your committee conceive it highly improper, and to be a departure from the rules of the craft, to admit a brother to the rights of membership, unless he be in good standing with the lodge of which be was last a member; nor can your committee perceive the policy or justice of allowilJg exclusive privileges to Masons who have not belonged to a lodge under this jurisdiction.
Lodge of Missouri.
The 37th section authorizes the Treasurer to pay such accounts as may be allowed by the lodge, without waiting for the order of the.W. M. In the opinion of your committee this is a departure from ancient usage. 1'he Treasurer is taught a d~fferent duty in the lodge, and ought not to be required to violate it. The Tegular proceedings of Frankiin Union Lodge, No.7, referred to your committee, are from the 15th of May to the 14th of September, and are, in the' opinion of your committee, regular and Masonic; it, however, appears by an abstract of their proceedings, that on the 18th of September,1822, BENJAM.IN B, RAY, a member of their lodge, was suspended, but no record of their proceedings in that case is forwarded. Re.~olved, That the 32d section of the By-Laws of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, is in direct opposition to a resolution of this Grand Lodge, passed at its Semi-Annual Communication in April last, so far as it allows membership to any brother, applying therefor, without. producing a certificate of good standing from the lodge to which he last belonged.
Resolved, That the Grand Lodge disapprove of so much of the 37th section of the By-Laws of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, as allows the Treasurer to disburse the funds of the lodge without the order of the W. Master. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge approve of the work and proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, with the exceptions expressed in the above resolutions.
Which report and resolutions were adopted. The committee to whom was referred the Proceedings and By-Laws of Vandalia Lodge, No. 11, Under Dispensation, reported, That they find the same in strict conformity with the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge and with the ancient usages of Masonry, and submit the following resolutions, to wit: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approves of the By-Laws and Proceedings of Vandalia Lodge, No.8. Resolved, That a Charter issue to Vandalia Lodge, No.8.
Which report and resolutions were adopted. The committee to whom was refeued the By-Laws and Proceedings of Eden Lodge, No. 11, Under Dispensation, reported, That they have carefully examined the same, and find them generally correct, with one exception, viz: That they arc in the practice of receiving petitions for initiations on the First Degree. Your committee are of opinion that all petitions 'should be received in a Master Mason's Lodge, as none but Master Masons are permitted to vote on them. Your committee beg leave to offer the following resolutions, to' wit: . Resolved, That this Grand Lodge disapprove of the Proceedings of Eden路 Lodge, No. 11, in receiving petitions on the first degree, and approve of all I their other proceedings. Resolved, That a Char.ter issue to Eden Lodge, No. 11, and that the Grand Secretary forward them a copy of this report and resolutions annexed t.hereto.
. Which report and reRolutions Brother MELODY presented J..Jaws of Sangamon Lodge, No.路9, committee appointed to examine Lodges.
were 路adopted. the Proceedings and Bywhich were referred to the the returns of subordinate
Proceeding8 of the
Brother GAMBLE submitted the following preamble and resolutions, to wit: \
WHEREAS, By a resolution of this Grand Lodge, passed at the Semi- . Annual Communication·in April, 1822, the sum of twenty dollars per annum was allowed to the Grand Secretary for' his services. Resolved, That it was the intention of the Grand Lodge to make the salary retrosp.ective, so as to embrace all the time that the present Grand Secretary has acted as such-which were adopted. .
The Grand Lodge adjourned to 10 o'clock, A. M. tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY, October 9,A. 1.1. 5822. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present as ye8terday. The committee appointed to examine the work and proceedings of sub. ordinate lodges, made the followi ng report, viz: The commi ttee to whom was referred the proceedings oflo<lges under this jurisdiction, beg leave to report, that they have carefully examined the By-Laws and Proceedings of Hiram Lodge, No.3. Your committee find the proceedings of said lodge correct., and the By-Laws with the exception of the first section of article 10. which section your committee beg leave to offer for the consideration of this Gmnd Lodge, viz: ... Any member who shall not have paid all his lodge dues up to the stated meeting preceding each St.· John's Day, being thereto required by the Secretary, shall be suspended for six months, but if he come' forward at the end of, or at any time previous to the expiration of said period, and pay the same, he shall be received into his former standing, and if in arrears for twelve months shall be expelled, and ever after refused admittance into the lodge, unless absent from the State, or the United States.
Which report was received, and on motion of Brother PETTUS, it was Resolved, That this Grand Lodge disapprove of the 10th Article of the ByLaws of Hiram Lodge, No.3, which directs an expulsion for non-payment of -lodge dues, and direct that so much of said article be repealed.
On motion of Brother DOUGLASS, it was Resolved, That a committee be appointed to enquire into, and report on the situation of Union Lodge, No. 10, now Under Dispensation,-and brothers DOUGLASS, PETTUS and GAlIiBLE were aPl?0inted said committee.
On motion of Brother DOUGLASS, it was Resolved, That this Grand Lodge now proceed to the election of officers ensuing year, when the following brethren were declared duly elected,
~~ ~he
of Missouri.
M. G. G. G. G.
W. G.;M. S. W. J. W. 'l'reasU?路er. Secretary.
The committee on returns of subordinate lodge.s reported ~s follows, viz: The committee to whom was referred the By-Laws and Proceedings of Sangamon Lodge, No.9, have examined the same, a.nd beg leave to report, that they find the By-Laws and Proceedings of said lodge in strict conformity with the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, but perceive the said lodge unintentionally omitted to require a certificate of the good standing of brothers applying for membership in this lodj?;e. Your committee beg leave to recommend the following resolutions, viz:
Resolved,! That it be recommended to Sangamon Lodge, No.9, so fo amend their By-Laws as to require a certificate of the good standing (with the lodges of which the applicant was last a member,) of any brother applying for mem-. bership. . Resolved, That the Grand Lodge approve of the Work and Proceedings of Sangamon Lodge, No.9. Resolved, That a Charter issueto said lodge.
Which report and, resolutions were adopted. An extract from 路the .Proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, approving the proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge relative to the election and compensation of a Grand Lecturer, and disapproving of the proposed amendment to the By-Laws of exempting visitors from pa~yment of semi-annual dues; was received and read. . A petition from J ABEZ WARNER, stating the loss of his right arm, and praying a Dispensation from this Grand Lodge~ directed to some subordinate lodge, authorising his initiation into the mysteries of l\iasonry,-was received and read. Ordered that said petition be referred to a select committee to examine and report thereon at the next SemiAnnual Communication of this Grand Lodge. Brothers GAMBLE, l\iELODY and ANDREWS were appointed that committee. . The following accounts were presented and allowed, viz: Brother WILLIAlII RENSHAW, for postages Brother WILJ_IAlIl ORR, for prin路ting:
$ 100
The act of Brothers DOUGLASS and GA::VIBLE, in purchasing a set of Jewels for this Grand Lodge 'in vacation, was approved and the amount ordered to be paid out of the Treasury.
Proceeding8 of the
Brother MELODY'S account against this Grand Lodge for services performed, was read, and referred to a select com路 mittee, composed of brothers DOUGLASS, GAMBLE and ALEXANDER. On motion of Brother PETTUS, it was That this Grand Lodge do concur in the propriety of making the respective Grand Lodges of the United States acquainted with the signatu路res of the respective Grand Officers, as proposed by the Grand Lodge ofl'ennessee, and that the Grand Secretary when communicating to the respective Grand Lodges, with whom a correspondence is had, shall report the result of any election of officers, and accompany the same with the signatures of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens, in their own proper handwriting, and duly authenticatedLullder his hand, and Seal ofthis Grand Lodge, accompanied with a request that they will furnish this Grand Lodge with a similar document. Resolved,
The Proceedings of Missouri Lodge. No.1, were pre.sented and referred to the committee on returns from subordinate lodges. The same committee reported on the returns of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, as follows, viz: .. The committee to whom was referred the Proceedings of Olive-Branch Lodge, No.5, beg leave to report, that they have carefully examined the ByLaws of said lodge, as well as proceedings, and find nothing therein contained contrary to the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, or the ancient land-marks of Masonry. Your committee beg leave to offer the following resolutions, viz: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approve of the Proce~dings of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5.
An extract from the Proceedings of Missouri Lodge, No. 1, approving of the proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge relative to the election and compensation of a Grand Lecturer, and disapproving of the proposed amendment to the Ry-T..Iaws exempting visitors from the payment of Semi-Annual Dues, was received and read. The Committee on Returns from subordinate lodges reported on those from Missouri Lodge, No.1, as follows: The committee to whom was referred the Proceedings of Missouri Lodge, No.1, beg leave to report, That they have carefully examined the proceedings qf said lodge, and find them correct. Your committee beg leave to offer the following resolutions, viz: . Resolved,
That this Grand LOdg~ approve of the Proceedings of Missouri
Lodge, No.1.
On motion of Brother PETTUS, it was That a committee be appointed to examine the Secretary's and Treasurer's accounts, and brothers PETTUS, SNOW and ANDREWS were appointed said committee. Resolved,
Grand Lod.de of Missouri.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow at.8 o'clock,
P. 1\1:.
October 10, A. L. 5822.
The Grand Lodge convened pursuant to adjournment. Present as yesterday. The committee appoir~.ted to enquire into, and report on the' situation of Union Lodge, No. 10, under dispensation, reported as follows, yiz : Your committee to whom was referred the subject of an inquiry into the situation of Union Lodge, No. 10. working Under DispenEation, beg leave to report, That it appears a petition was presented, a ~hort time subsequent to the Semi-Annual Communication oftbis Grand Lodge, in April last, to the M. W. Grand Master, from a number of brethren residing at and near Jonesborougb, Union County. State of Illinois, recommended by "Unity Lodge, No.6," at Jackson, Missouri, praying a Letter of Dispensation authorizing tbem to assemble as a legal lodge, &c. That a Letter of Dispensation was accordingly granted to the said petitioners, by the M. W. Grand Master, in the usualform. requiring, among otber things, that an account of their proceedings, together with a list of those initiated, passed and raised, or otherwise managed, they should (with their Letters of Dispensation) transm i t to the Grand Master, at our next Grand Annual Communication, in October,1822. It does not appear to your committee that Union Lodge, No. 10, has complied with the conditions expressed in their Letter of Dispensation. But, on the contrary. that said lodge has wholly failed to make any returns whatever. That the Letter of Dispensation must necessarily expire by its own limitation with the close of the present Grand Annual Communication. Your committee would charitably hope that this failux:e on the part of Union Lodge, No. 10, to comply with-their Letter of Dispensation. has been rather tbe result of some untoward circumstance than of wilful neglect. In the like spirit of charity your committee hope and oelieve that the brethren who compose Dnion Lodge, No. 10, will, from and after the expiration of their authority, suspend their labors as a lodge, and that they only require to be reminded of their duty in order to promptly observe it. Your committee would therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolutions, viz: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do bighly disapprove of the conduct of Union Lodge, ~o. 10, in failing to make their returns. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary inform Union Lodge, No. 10, that unless they shall transmit a copy of their proceedings, as required by their Letters of Dispensation, dUly certified. to the M. Grapd... Master, on or before the first day of December next, said lodge will be stricken from the list of lodges under tbis j llrisdiction. .
Resolved, That in tbe event of Union Lodge, No. 10. certifying to tbe M. W. G. Master, on or before the first day' of December next, a transcript of their proceedings, that he be authorized to grant to the brethren composing said lodge a renewal of their dispensation until our next Semi-Annual Communication.
Proceedings of the
Which report and resolutions were adopted. The committee to whom was referred the account of : brother G. H. O. MELODY, for services rendered this Grand' Lodge, reported That they find him to have been engaged fifty-six d~ys in visiting and lecturing the different subordinate lodges, which at three dollars per day would amount to the sum of............... $168 00 That he has received from Union Lodge, No. 10, twenty dollars in State Paper, equal to ~ $1000 From Sangamon Lodge, No.9, $3 in State Paper, equal to 1 50 And in Specie...... 3 82 . From Franklin Union Lodge, No. 7, .1 : 2200 From Harmony IJodge, No. '4...... 6 00 From Unity Lodge, No. 6 ,.A : 1200 From Hiram Lodge, No.3 600 From Joachim Lodge, No.2........... 3 00. 6432 Leaving a balance due him of
Your committee would recommend that thc amount of the above balance, of one hundred and three dollars and sixty eight cents, be paid out of the Grand Treasury, and that the several subordinate lodges un.der this jurisdiction be required to pay into the Grand Treasury, respectively, the following sums, to wit: . Missouri Lodge, No. 1. Joachim Lodge, No.2 Hiram Lodge, No.3 Harmony Lodge, .N"o. 4.............. Olive Branch Lodge, No. 5 Unity Lodg.e, No.6 Franklin Union Lodge, No.7 Sangamon Lodge. No.9 Union Lodge, No. 10 Making the above' balance of
$ 9 00 12 00 900 9 00 1200 9'00 11 00 1568 17 00
$103 68
Which' report was agreed to, and the above balance ordered to be paid. Brother
submitted the following resolutions, viz:
That that part of the Constitution 'of this Gnmd Lodge which constitutes" all Past Masters of regular lodges under its jurisdiction" members of said Grand Lodge, does refer exclusively to those who 'have been duly elected to presifte over some subordinate lodge. Resolved,
Resolved, That .no brother who has not attained the Degree of Master Mason, shall be a member of any lodge under thisjurisdlcti?n.
vVhich resolutions were referred to a select committee composed of brothers DOUGLASS, SNOW and MELODY, to re'port thereon at the next Semi-Annual Oommunication.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Brother PETTUS submitt~d the following 'resolution, viz: Resolved, That all Entered Apprentices and Fellow-Crafts who have been either suspended or expelled from any of the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, for non-payment of dues, be re-instated to all the benefits of Freemasonry, so/far as they have received them, it being unjust, as well as unmasonic, to exact dues of them,' as they are not permitted to vote on any 'question, either in relation to the admission of members, or the fiscal concerns of the institution.
Which was referred to the same committee, to report thereon at the same time. Brother RANKIN'S account for refreshments to this Grand Lodge, amounting to $6 68~, was presented, and ordered to be paid out of the Treasury. The, committee appointed on the petiti()n of J.A.BEZ W ARNER, asked and 'obtained' leave to make their report on said petition, at the next Semi-Annual Communication. Brother SNOW offered the following preamble and resolution, viz: WHEREAS, It has been made known ,to some members of this Grand Lodge, that a member of Mount Libanus Lodge, No. 29, at Edwardsvllle, State of Illinois, has been guilty of conduct grossly immoral and unmasonic, and whereas, it is believed, the proceedings had in his case, have been irregular, and whereas, it is understood, that said lodge is not in the habit of corresponding with the Grand Lodge under which it works.
Therefore, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to enquire into the facts and proceedings aforesaid, and report to the Grand Lodge, at its next Semi-Ann ual Communication.
The same was referred to a committee composed of brothers SNOW, MELODY and ALDRICH. A Past Master'Lodge was then opened in DUE FORM:, and brother N. B. TUCKER, Grand Master elect, was duly installed as snch-all but Past Masters having previously retired. Past Masters' Lodge was closed, when the brethren returned who had retired', and the M. 'V. Grand Master proceeded to install the following officers respectively, to wit: . Brother EDWARD BATES, by his proxy WILLIAM G. PETTUS WILLIAM RENSHAW ARCHIBALD GAMBLE.
8. G. W. ,.J. . G. w:
G. Secretary. , G. 1'rea..mrer.
The M. W. Grand l\iaster appointed brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS, D. G. M.; brother路 HENRY H. SNOW., G. S. D.;
Proceedings of the
brother FRANCIS l\{ASON, G. J.D.; brothers THORNTON GRIMSLEY and SULLIVAN BLOOD, G. Stewards, and brother HUGH RANKIN, Grand Tyler for the ensuing year. No further business appearing before the Grand Lodge, the same' was closed i'n harmony and peace, in due antI solemn form. Amount of moneys received at this session of the Grand Lodge. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION.
Missouri Lodge, No. 1. Hiram Lodge, No.3 Olive Branch Lodge, No.5 Franklin Union ;Lodge, No.7
$13 00 15 50 10 00 1200 $5050
Missouri Lodge, No.1 Hiram Lodge, No.3 Olive Branch Lodge, No.5 Franklin Union Lodge, No.7
$ 6 50 775 500 600 $25 25
Vandalia Lodge, No.8, for Charter.................................. Sangamon Lodge, No.9, for Charter ·............... Eden 'Lodge, No. 11, for Charter : Recelvee. from members and visitors, Annual Contribution ; :....
1000 1000 10 00 2000 $125 75
At a special'meeting of the Grand Lodge of the State of· Missouri, held in the town of St. Louis, on Thursday the 24th day of October, A. L. 5822. . Were present: M. w. N. B. R. W. W. W. Brother
G, M. D. G. M. G. S. W. pTO tem. G. J. W. pro te1n. G. l'reasurer. G. Sec1·etar.lj. G. S. D. G. J. D, G. Tyler, pro tem.
A Grand Lodge was op(med in the Third Degree, in due form. The M. W. Grand Master stated, that since the close of the Grand Annual Communication, he had received the Proceedings and a copy of the By·I~aws of Union Lodge, No.
Grand Lod.de of Missouri.
10, which were laid before the lodge, and referred to the committee on returns of subordinate lodges. The M. W. Grand Master also ,presented. a memorial from the same lodge, representing that a certain' WINSTEAD DAVIE, who is very much deformed in his legs and lower extremities, . but possessing every qualification of mind and character, which should entitle him to the privileges of Masonry, had petitioned the said lodge to he initiated, and referring his case to the con~ideration of this Grand Lodge for their instruction, and should it be deemed not inconsistent with the ancient landmarks of Masonry, soliciting a Dispensation, authorizing the said DAVIS to be initiated. Which was referred to the same committee to whom was, referred the petition of JABEZWARNER. The committee. to whom was referred the Proceedings and By-Laws of Union Lodge, No. 10, presented their report as follows, viz: The standing committee for the examination of returns from subordinat& lodges working under this jurisdiction, and to whom was referred the ByLaws and Proceedings of Union Lodge, No. 10, at Jonesborough, Illinois, beg. leave to report: That they have examined the same, and find them conformable with the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Your committee overlook some imperfections in the By-Laws and work of said lodge, from the conviction that they are inadvertancies that will be readily corrected, on the suggestion of the Grand Lecturer', who will shortly vjsit said lodge. Your committee t.herefore recommend the following resolution, viz:
Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approve of the By-Laws and Proceedings of Union Lodge, No. 10. Resolved, That a charter issue to Union Lodge, No. 10.
Which report and resolutions were adopted. The Grand Lodge was now according to ancient usage.
c~osed in
harmony and peace,
Received from Union Lodge, No. 10, for Dispensation For Charter ";"
$20 00 1000 $3000
GRAND tODGE OF MISSOURI. HELD IN ST. LOUIS, .APRIL 7', A. L. 5823. • Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, begun and held in th~ City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 7th day of April, A. ~. 5823, A. D. 1823. FRIDAY, February 7th, 1823. Were present: R. w. THOMPSON DOUGLASS W. THORNTON GRIMSLEY W. HAMILTON GAMBLE Brother GEO. H. C. MELODY WILLIAM RENSHAW W. B. ALEXANDER WM. J. REED FRANCIS MASON SULLVIAN BLOOD HUGH RANKIN,
D. .G. M. & M. W .. G. M. pro tem. G. S. lV. .. G. J. lV. G. 'Treasurer
G. Secreta1·y. D. G. Secretary. G. S. D. pro tem. G. J. D. G. Steward. G. Tyle?',
REPRESENTATIVES. Brothers- WM. J. REED and HAMILTON GAMBLE, Franklin Union Lodge, No.7.
Grand Lodge was opened in AMPLE FORM.. Tyled in the Third Degree, and, on motion, was adjourned until Tuesday, 8th inst., at 3 o'clock P. M. .NOTE.-printeq by EDWARD GIiARLESS & CO.
Proceedih~ s
of the
April 8, A. L. 5823.
Present: M. W. W. W. Brother
Brothers Brother Brothers Brothers
REDD &; GAMBLE, of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. MANNING, of Union Lodge, No. 10. JAYNE and.STEPHENS, of Sangamon Lodge, No.9. PETTUS and WILLARD, of Hiram Lodge, No.3.
Brother G. Secretary read proceedings of last Oommunication and presented sundry communications from different Grand Lodges of the United States, all of which, having received due attention, were ordered to be filed among the papers of the Grand IJodge. The committee appointed at last communicatio.n to examine into and report in the case of Mr. J ABEZ WARNER, who, in consequence of the loss of an arm, 路petitioned this Grand Lodge for a special dispensation in his favor; also in the case of Mr. WINSTEAD DAVIE, an applicant for initiation to Union Lodge, No. 10, whose case was referred to the Grand 'Lodge for the same purpose, reported as follows, viz: The committee to whom was referred' the petition of JABEZ WARNER for dispensation in his favor, authorizing some subordinate lodge under this jurisdiction to initiate him into the mysteries of Masonry, he being maimed by the accidental loss of the right arm, and'to whom was referred an applicationofthe same nature from Union Lodge, No.lO, in favor of WINSTEAD DAVIE, . who is much deformed in his legs and lower extremities, but possessiug every qualification of mind and character which should entitle him to the privileges of our Order, beg leave to report that, in the investigation of the subject embraced in the foregoing applications. your committee have had recourse to the most ancient books of Masonry within their control, and although they cannot find any decision upon a similar application, yet they find enough to c~nvince them what the decision must have been if the ancient landmarks of M'tsonry were strictly adhered to. In the book entitled "A Himan Rezon," which purports to be an abridgment of the book of constitutions,and'was published in Philadelphia forty-two years since, we find the following passage exactly in point. 'Viz: "Every person desiring admission must also be upright.in body, not deformed or dismembered at the time of making, but of hale and entire limbs, as a man ought to be." The book here cited has always been received and el:lteemed amongst Masons as good authority on all mat-
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
tel'S of which it treats, but why should we look for written authority? Can' we, without inconsistency, admit a member wanting the qualification, which he would upon any future exalllination be obliged to assent he possessed at the time of making? thereby making him speak an untruth or forfeit his pretensions to Masonry, or is it proposed to help him to a new method of satisfying an inquisitive brother. Your committee heard an argument used in favor of the prayer of the petitioner which they will for a moment notice. It is said that on the first organization of ~asonry into a regular society it was composed of both operative and speculative Masons, and their object was to extend the arts and sciences and to do good to mankind; they were moreover a band of brothers, assisting each other .in those calamities that flesh is heir to-their habits being those of laborious and industrious men, many of them depending on their own exertions for the support of themselves and' families; that it"would have been impolitic and wrong to receive into the Masonic family the maimed and the decripid. The reasoners on this side further say that the close connection between operative and speculative Masonry being in a measure dissolved, that the reason for exclusion on that ground is also done away, and that when we find a worthy man. of high standing, fortune and talents, and one that could never become it burtben to the institution, deserVing initiation, that it is our right and duty to admit him. The reasoning seems plausible, and if your committee had no better guide than their own fallible judgments, they might concur therein, but in many things form is SUbstance, and a departure from those venerable forms which have supported Masonry for so many ages, might in a 8hort time prostrate the mighty fabric. If the reasons for requiring this requisite for initiation were ever good your committee conceive it to be as good now. No doubt the founders of the order could conceive of a rich and worthy man so unfortunate as to be maimed and crippled, yet they made no exceptions in favor of such, but rather chose to shut the door of the Holy Temple against all who were not sound in mind and all their members, and under the tongue of good report. Such we have found Masonry, and such your committee wish to leave i t.We are 1i>ware that a high and respectable authority have made a different decision upon the same question; their superior lights in the science may have enabled them to see their way clear, but wanting those lights y'our committee are governed by their jUdgments and the light of conscIence in recommending the following resolutions, viz: . Resol1Jed, 'l'hat this Grand Lodge cannot grant a Letter of Dispensation to a subordinate lodge working' under its jurisdiction, to iniliate any person maimed, disabled or wanting the qualifications establi'shed by ancient usage. Re.solved, That the Grand Secretary send a copy of the foregoing report and râ&#x201A;Źsolution to Union Lodge, No. IO, and that he furnish Mr. JABEZ WARNER with a copy of the latter. .
On motion, the foregoing. re'port and resolutions were unanimously adopt~d.
DELEGA'l'ES.. A communication from W. EZRA HUNT, Master of Harmony Lodge, No.4, was received and read, appointing Brother GEO. H. C. MELODY his proxy for said lodge during the pres'ent session of tbe Grand I..Jodge. .
Proceedings of the
A similar communication from Brother .JOHN S. PATTON, J. W. of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, appointing Brother路 W. J. REDD bis proxy for the present session. ,
Pr.;>ceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, omitted in propel' form at last Grand Annual Communication, were now presented. Brother l\IANNING, of Union Lodge, No. 10, presented an extract of the minutes of said lodge appointing him to represent it in Grand Lodge at the present session, which was read, and, on motion of Brotber GAMn~E, it was Resolved, That a standing committee be appointed, to whom shall be referred the credentials of all persons claiming a rfght to act as the representatives of lodges under this jurlsdic.tion, which resolution was adopted and Brothers GAMBLE and PETTUS were appointed that committee.
Lodge adjourned until 9 olclock A. M. of Wednesday, the 9th of April, A. J.J. 5823.
WEDNESDAY, April 9, A. L. 5823. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment; p~esent, as yesterday. The Proceedings of Harmony Lodge; No.4, omitted by saia lodge at our last Grand Annual Communication, were now presented and referred to the committee on returns from subordinate lodges. Two communications from Brother GEO. H. HARLAN, formerly of<Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, to Brother RENSHAW, on the subject of grievances, wbich, on motion of Brother GAMBLE, were ordered to lie over until our Grand Annual Communication in October next. The cDmmittee appointed on sundry resolutions by brothers SNOW and PETTUS, at last Grand Anuual Communication, presented their report, which, on motion, was ordered to He over until our next Grand Annual Communication. The committee appointed to report Oil the subject of the formation of a General Grand Lodge of the United States, and the proposition of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania relative to the appointment of delegates to meet in general路 convention at Philadelphia or elsewhere, reported as follows, to wit:
Grand Lodge' of Mis80Ur:i.
That in their opiniop. it is impolitic and unnecessary to establish a Gen~ eraI Grand Lodge in the United States. . "
Your committee.forbear to enter into any reasoning on the subject, as the reports of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and Ohio have amply and luminously anticipated all they should have urged on the question.
Your committee approve of the proposition of a convention of Masons at Philadelphia tq" consider of the general interests of the Craft, with power only to recommend, but not to impose, regulations on the Grand Lodges; but because it is not yet known whether a sufficient number of Grand Lodges have concurred ill the proposition to induce this lodge to incur the trouble and expense of appointing and sending a delegate, your committ"ec recommend the following resolutions: 1. Resolved, Tbat in the opinion of this Grand Lodge it is impolitic and unnecessary to establish a General Grand Lodge.
2. Resolved, That a general Convention of delegates from the several Grand Lodges"in the United States might be of great utility to the Uraft. 3. Resol~ed, That this Grand Lodge will appoint a delegate to meet the delegates of the several Grand Lodges in the United States; due notice of the time and place of meeting being first received. " 4. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania be requested to give to this Grand Lodge the earliest information of sucn Grand Lodges as may . concur in the above proposition and of the time and place I)fsuch meeting of delegates.
5. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary forward to the different Grand Lodges of the United States, and to WM. W. SEATON, Esq., of Washington City, a copy of the foreg~ing report and resolutIons.
Which report and resolutions were adopted. 'The committee on credentials of representatives of subordinate lodges report in the case of brother JOEL MAKKING as follows, to wit: The committee to wh"Om has been referred the credentials of Brotller JOEL MA~NING, Claiming to act as the representative of Union Lodge, No. 10, worlting under this jurisdiction, bpg Ipave to report that by the Constitution of this Grand Lodge any officer of a subordinate lodge who cannot attend the Grand Lodge may deputeany brother being of equal railk or superior to himself to act for him. In the present deputation there is error in this, that the deputation is made by the lodge, when it should have been made under the hand and seals of the brothers deputing, and by a further provision in the Constitution it is requisite in case where the Master and Wardens depute the same brother that he should have attained at least the rank of Past "Master. The brother claim-
of the
ing to act as representative has only attained the degree of Maste;Mason, so that he is excluded on either ground., They therefore recommend the following resolution, vi.z:
Resolved, That the credentials submitted by Brother JOEL MANNING are insufficie.nt to entitle him to a seat in this Grand Lodge as the representative of Un'ion Lodge, No. 10. Sig'ned,
Which report and resolution
On motion of Brother EDWARD
WM. G. PETTUS, A. GAMBLE, Committee.
it was
Resolved, 路That the Grand 'rreasurer be authorized to pay over to Brother Grand Secretary, at the order of the M. W. G. M., any sum or sums which he may expend for postage,&c.,'Without the usual form of presenting accounts to the Grand Lodge.
The account of FORD & ORR, for printing done for this Grand Lodge, to the amount of $32 50 was presented, and allowed, generally. The account of Brother Grand Steward, for refreshments, amounting to $2 50, was presented and allowed. Grand J;otlge closerl inDuE and
MONIES RECEIVED. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 4Annual contrib'ution Chari ty
3 75 $1375
Received from Master of Harmony Lodge, No.4, amount of his contribution as a member ; .. Received from W. G. PETTUS, of Hiram Lodge, No.3, for contribution : . Received from Broth'er S. BLOOD .. Recei ved from Brother GRIMSLEy .. Received from Brother WII,LARD .. Received from Brother RANKIN : .. Total amount received
100 1 00 100 1 00 100 100 $19路75
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
EMERGENT MEETING. S'!'. LOUIS, August, 31, 'A. L.
Were present: M. w. N. B. TUCKER W. W. W. Brother
P. G. M. G. S. lV. G. J. W., 111'0 tem. Gmnd Treasnre1'. G. Secreta?'!l, p1'0 tem. G. S. D. G. J. D. G. Marshals.
G. Stewards. G. Tyler.
Grand Lodge opened in DUE and AMPLE FORM. Tyled in the Third Degree. A procession was then formed, proceeded to the site whereon was about to be erected the Pres.byterian Church, , and, after laying the foundation stone of said church, with due and appropriate ceremonies, returned to the lodge room. Grand Lodge closed in harmony and peace.
. At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, of Al;lCient, Free and Accepted Masons; begun and held in the city of St. Louis 9ll the first Monday, being the 6th da~Y.of October, A. L. 5823, A. D. 1823. Were present: 1\1. w. N. B. TUCKER
G. M.
G. S.
G. J. W.
G. Treasurer, pro tem. G. SecTetary. G. S. D. G. J. D. G. Tyler.
EDWARD BATES, Missouri Lodge, No.!. W. WILLIAM G. PETTUS, Hiram Lodge, No.3. W. G. H. C. MELODY, Franklin Union Lodge, No.4. VISITORS.
'. Grand Lodge was opened in Third Degree. Proceeding-s of last read.,
Tyled in the
of the
Bro~ber MELODY presented a report of tbe installation of officers of Sangamon Lodge, No.9, and consecration of said lodge, wbieh was read aud approved.
The Proceedings of Missouri Lodge, No.1, were presented and referred to the committee on returns from subordinate lodges. A letter of deputation from tbe officers of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, was presented, appointing Brother GEO. -H. }\'IELODY their proxy to represent said lodge in Grand Lodge at the present session; which was referred to the commi ttee on credentials. Grand Lodge was now adjourned until Tuesday, October 7tb, A. L. 5823, at 7 o'clock, P. 1\1.
ST. LOUIS, TUESDA.Y, October 7tb, A. L. 5823. Grand Lodge met purs.uant "to adjournment. Present, as yesterday. With the addition of R. W. THOMPSON DOUGj~ASS, D. G. M., Brother S. BLOOD, G. Steward, Brotber ARCHIBALD GAMBLE, Grand Treasurer, and
REPRESENTATIVES. Brothers WEST and SHAW, of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5. Brother WM. H. BROWN, o{Vandalia Lodge, No.8. Brother JOHN SMITH, of .Eden Lodge, No. II.
A communication from Brotber G. W. HARDIN, formerly of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, to tbe M. W. G. Master, was presented, read, and, on motion, the same was ordered to lie over nntil our next Grand Semi-Annual路Communication, and in the meantime Brother G. Secretary will inform Brother HARDIN his case will then be disposed of. 'fhe Proceedings of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, Olive Branch Lodge, No. "5, Hiram Lodge, No. 3~alld Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, were presented and referred to tbe committee on returns from subordinate lodges.. . .. A communication from Brother E. C. BERRY, of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, was received and read, and, on motlon, was referred tQ Brothers GAMBLE and MELODY.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
'The committee on credentials~:reported favorably on the letter of deputation from officers of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, appointing Brother G. H. C. MELODy"their proxy. The committee on returns from subordina,te lodges reported on the returns of Missouri Lodge, No. :1, Frallklin Union Lodge, No.7, and Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, as follows, to wit: The committee to whom was referred the proceedings of Missouri Lodge, No.1, Franklin Union IJodge, No.7, and Olive Branch Lodge, No, '5, Beg leave toreport that they find them in strictconformjty with theConstitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, and with the ancient usages of Masonry, and offer the following resolution, viz:
Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approve of the proceedings of said lodges, and that the proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, are more full than is required by the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge (see section 5), vut cannot be objected to on that account. '
On motion it was Resolved, That the 8th section of the By-Laws in the present instance be dispensed with, so far as tbe representative of Eden Lodge, No~ 11, is concerned, having lost on his way thither the proceedings of said lodge, and that' he shall have all the privileges of an~' other representative in this Grand Lodge during its present sessiQn.
On motion of Brothel' A. GAMBLE a committee was appo'inted, composed of brothers DOUGLASS and BLOOD,.to examine into and report on the accounts of Brothers Grand Tr~asurer and Secretary. The committee appointed on the communication of_ Brother E. C. BERRY reported as follows, to wit ,: The committee to whom was referred the appeal of E. C. BERRY from the decision of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, suspending him from the privileges of Masonry until the first day of January next, report, That the lodge, in sending up therecord of their proceedings in said case, have not stated the'charges upon which Brother BERRY was tried and suspended, and therefore your committee have not the means of forming an opinion in t.he case; they recommend the following resolution: '
Resolved, That Vandalia Lodge, No.8, be required to certify to the Grand Lodge, at the next Semi-Annual Communication, a full statement of the charges, and evidence in supp,ort of the same, against E. C. BERRY, and in the meantime that the decision of sai~ lodge stand, and that he (BERRY) be noti~ fled of this proceeding. Signed, "
Prooeeding8 of the· I
Which report and resolution were accept.ed, Tpe report qf the committee appointed on sundry resolutions, by Brothers SNOW and PE'l"l'US, at the Grand Annual Communication, in October, 1822, and which were ordered at the Grand Semi-Annual Communication, April; 1823, to lie over to the present session, were now taken up, to wit: To the M. W. the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri : The undersigned, a commi ttee to whom was referred the following resolutions, submitted to the Grand Lodge, at their Grand Annual Communication, in October last, viz: 1. "Resolved, That that part of the Constitution of this Grand Lodge which constitutes 'all Past Masters o.f1·egula1'lodges unde1' its jurisdiction,' members of said lodge, 'does refer excl usi vely to those who have been duly elected to preside over some subordinate lodge."
2. "Resolved, That no brother who has not· attained the degree of Master Mason' shall be a member of any lodge under this jurisdiction." • 3. "Resolved, That all Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts, who have been either suspended or expelled from any of the subordinate lodges under thisjurisdlction, for non-payment of dues, be reinstated to all the benefits of Free Masonry, so far as the.y have received t.hem, it being unjnst, as well as uumasonic, to exact dues of them, as they are not permitted t6 vote on any question, either in relation to the admission of members or the fiscal concerns of the Institution." In relation to the first above mentioned resolution your committee are fully sensible of the importance of the quest10ns involved by it, al1d regret exceedingly their limited means of information and almost total destitution of the sources from whence light might be elicited, your committee have given to the subject that consideration which its great importance demands, and. beg leave to report, That from all the lights they have been able to obtain it appears to have been the ancient prerogative of all Past Masters, so long as th~y continued members of any regula.r lodge, to meet and vote on all questions in all Grand Lodges, whether residing within ilsjurisdictlon or'not. Upon this ancient custom your committee would remark that Grand Lodges then assumed the authority of advancing Master Masons to the degree of Royal Arch, without conferring what are now considered the intermediate degrees. The Past Master's degree was then only conferred upon such as were regularly elected to preside over a lodge, and those generally selected rather for the adventitious qualification of noble birth than Masonic skill; these, when thus elevated, generally retained the chatr during life; consequently but few obtained that degree; therefore no inconvenience resulted from numbers. But in latter and more enlightened times it has been thought necessary to arrange the degrees in such manner as to make that of Past Master the fifth in order, and t.he possession of it a requisite previous to further advancement, in order to give a better understanding of the higher degrees, to produce uniformity of work and to preserve each link In the Masonicchain. Hence the necessity that the po,,:er to confer it should vest somewhere, By the Constitution and laws of the General Gran!Chapter of the United' States that power is vested in the SUbordinate chapters, find In Past Masters, when a brother not possessing the degr.ee has been elected to preside over a lodge; in no other case can it legally be conferred, except in a Royal Arch Chapter. Past Masters, legally sucb, wherever made, are ali,ke elevated to the same level; to grant privileges to one cl.ass, and withhold them from another of equal rank,
of Missouri.
would be to raise distinctions unknown to the genius of Masonry; it would destroy that level upon which all Masons of equal grade should repose; it would dissolve the great fabric of our society and sunder the relations of Masonic governm'ent. Your committee are, however, well aware of the great .inconvenience, and perhaps great injury, which would accrue by permitting Past Masters indiscriminately a seat andavote in this Grand Lodge,because in our day great numbers are elevated to that rank. Your committee also feel tne ditficultyofdiscriminating without infringing the rightsand privileges of part. -Ali Past Masters owe to the fraternity the' performance of certain duties. and which can in no other place be so well performed as in a regular lodge. When, therefore, they withdraw themselves from the lodge (unless from necessity), they measurably withdraw from the performance of those duties enjoined -upon them, aud tacitly, at least, relinqUish those privileges which a perform-ance of.duty would secure to them. Your c0mmittee, in consequence of the imperfect phraseology oft11e resolution, recommend its rejection, and beg leave to submit the following in lieu thereof, viz: Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, the legitimate construction of the first clause of the Constitution is that none are entitled to membership except. the Grand and rast Grand Otficers,tbe Master and Wardens for the tiqle being of subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, and such Past Masters as have been regularly elected and presided oversorne subordinate lodge under this jurisdiction, provided they continue members of such lodge. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand L9dge all Past Masters, being members of some regular lodge under this jurisdiction, have the right of visiting and of giving one vote collectively on all questions presen ted to this Grand Lodge.
Relative to the second above-mentioned resolution your committee report, That, by the geneml usage and customs of lodges, Masons below the grade of Master appear to. have had their proper level assigned them; they are almost universally considered as only candidates for Masterfjhip, and that as Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts they are merely probationary. By the organization of our Institution they are necessarily so, for their novitiate can by no means be dispensed with. Your committee are of the opinion that the adoption of such a resolution would be superfluous; they, therefore,recommend its rejection. In relation 1;0 the third and last of the said resolutions your committee have again to regret the limited information they possess and the want of sources from whence more informatiqncould be derived. All lodges have the undoubted right of charging each individual a reasonable sum as an equivalent for the advantages besto'wed by initiation or passing; consequently the Apprentice and Craftsman pays for what he receives, 'but as an Apprentice or Craftsman he is not entitled to any privileges or immunities. A's a member of the lodge true it is that Masters, pay also an equivalent; simply, for the degree, but as Master he assumes a higher sphere of action ; lie exercises asa matter of right a voice in all the concerns of the lodge, and'of the fraternity generally. These are important privIleges, but withheld from the Apprentice and Craftsman; consequently it is equitable' ,and just that Masters should contribute such monthly or other sum as may ue reqUisite to pay the ordinary expenses of the lodge. Your committee are not prepared to say that it would be unmasonic to reqUire a similar duty from 'Apprentices and Craftsmen, uut very readily concur in the impropriety of so doing. Your committee are well aware of the great injury and inconvenience to lodges where applicants for Masonic light stop at the threShold, alld it ~~ a <;ircqmst~nce mu!,}h to be regretted that
of the
the excellencies of Masonry sometimes fail in making the deRired impression upon the mind and heart of the individual to whom they are communicated. Some there are who, from motives of curiosity, apply for initiation, and become Apprentices, having the only object attained by a development of the leading features and general outline of Masonry, are then content to stop, without further enquiry. Masons have not the right, nor, indeed, are they willing, to solicit an opportunity of communicating more light to anyone 'than he is voluntarily anxious to receive, and if an Apprentice or Craftsman will neither attend the lodge or persevere in the search for Masonic knowledge your committee know of no law or usage of Masonry that can compel him to.either. The ;By-Laws of lodges generally require that each member shall pay in to the treasury snch monthly or other dues as are deemed reasonable and necessary; Apprentices and Craftsmen, not being membe1's, consequently cannot consistently be required to pay dues as members. Your committee recommend the rejection of the resolution, and beg leave to submit the following in lieu thereof, viz: Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, it is improper to exact dues from Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts, and that in all cases where Entered Apprentices and Fellow Grafts have been suspended or expelled from any subordinate lodge under this jurisdiction, for non-payment of dues, it is recommended to such lodge to reinstate such Apprentice and Craftsman to all the privileges of the order so far as they may be entitled to them, Pr-ovided such Apprentice or Craftsman shall make application for that purpose.
And a vote being taken on the adoption of that part of the report relative to the first of said resolutions, it was decided in the negative. The question the~ recurring on the said first resolution, as originally submitted, it was decided in the affirmative. That part of the report of said committee on the second of said resolutions was unanimously adopted. Brother HAMiLTON GA1VIBLE moved to amend the report of said committee on the third. of said resolutions by striking out all after the word Resolved, awl inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit: "That when any member of any degree has been expelled or suspended from any lodge under this jurisdiction, for the non-payment of dues, it is recommended by this Grand Lodge to the subordinate lodge from which the member has been so expelled or suspended to reinstate the member on his appl i cation therefor, PrOVided, that where any circumstances of con tumacy, or willful neglect of Masonl.c duty shall appear in the case of~ny member so expelled or suspended, the subordinate lodge shall exercise their discretion in such reinstatement."
Which was adopted. The question then recurring on the report as amended, it was decide.d in the negative. . I. . ' ,
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
The resolotion submitted by the committee in lieu of the original was also rejected. And on the question shall the original said tl;lird resolution sulnnitted to this Grand Lodge be adopted, ~t was decided in the affirmative. . The Grand Lodge now adjourned until \Vednesday, October 8, A. L. 5823.
October 8, A. L. 5823.
. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as yesterday. On motion of Brother
it was
Resolved, That the vote of yesterday adopting a resolution submitted at the Grand Annual Communication, in October; 1822, relative to Uie suspension and expulsion of Apprentices and Craftsmen for non-payment of dues, be' reconsidered, and ordered that the further consideralion of said resolution be postponed until our next Semi-Annual Commul1jcatlon.
The committee appointed to examine into and report on the accounts of Grand Treasurer and S~cretary reported as follows, to路 wit: . To the 11拢 W. G. Lodge of .Missouri: Your committee, to whom was referred the settlement of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary's accoun'ts, report a balance of seven1~'-1hree'dollars and eighty-one cents remaining in the Grand Treasury, to wit:
Charity fund路 $54 75 For ~rdinary purposes of Grand Lodge......................................... 19 06 ~
MakiQg the sum of dollars Signed,
$73 81
A comm.unication from the Senior Warden 路of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, whose business calls him hence, appointing Brother G. -H. C. :M"ELODY his l)roxy for the remainder of. t,his sesf::lion of the Grand IJodge; also, letters from Junior Warden of same lodge, and Worshipful Master of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, appointing Brother RENSHAW
of the
their proxy, fox the same reason, during the remainder of this session of the Grand Lodge, was received and referred¡ to the Committee on Credentials. A ~ommunication from the. Grand Lodge of Kentucky was presented and readThat DANIEL BI.ISS, representing himself as a member of Freeland Lodge, No. 33, North Carolina, to the Grand Lodge for charity, is entirely unworthy of the same. I â&#x20AC;˘
The Committee on Credentials reported favorably on the letter~ of deputation from Olive Brancb Lodge, No.5, and Vandalia Lodge, .No.8, in favor of brothers MELODY and RENSHAW. The Committee on Returns from subordinate lodges reported on the returns of Hiram Lodge, No.3, as follows, to wit: . ,The .Committee on Returns from subordinate lodges report: . That the return of Hiram Lodge, No.3, is defective, in this, "that they have not given a list of the names of the members." . Signed,
Brother E. BATES offered the following preamble and resolution, to wit: WHEREAS, At the Grand Semi':.Annual Communication of this Grand' Lodge, April, 1822, an amend men t was proposed to the Consti tution, providin g for the appointment of a Grand Lecturer; and, whereas, Missouri Lodge, No. I, Hiram Lodge, No, 3, Franklin Union Lodge, ~o. 7, and Olive Branch Lodge, No. 5, are the only lodgE'S under this jurisdiction which have acted upon the same, and reported their decision thereon to the Grand Lodge; therefore, ' Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to transmit a copy of the proposed amendment to each of the lodg~ that have,not reported their decision upon the same, with:an instruction to all such lodges to consider of, and decide whether they will approve the said amendment as part of the Constitution, and report to the Grand Lodge their decision thereon at the next Semi-Annual Communication.
Whichpreamble and resolution was adopted. On motion of Brother GAMBLE it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary inform JoaChim Lodge, No.2, and Unity Lodge, No.6, that, unless they comply with the 8th /Section of the By-
1823.J '.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Laws of this Grand Lodge on or before the next Semt-Annual Communication, that they will be stricken from the books of the Grand Lodge and their charters be considered null and void.
The Grand Lodge now proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, when it appeared that Brother Brother Brotber Brother Brother
N. B. TUOKER was elected
M. W. G. M. S. lV. •T. W.
EDWARD BATES was elected G. WM. ·G. PETTUS was elected G. A. GAMBLE was elected G. THOMPSON DOUGLASS was elected.. G.
Treasure?'. Secretary.
The Grand Lodge was now adjourned until Thursday, Octobel' 9, A. L. 5823.
ST. LOUIS, October 9, A. L. 5823. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as yesterday. Brother Grand Steward presented an account for refreshments, &c., furnished tbis Grand Lodge during its present se~sion. amounting to $4 81-1, which, on m~tion, wa'~ allowed and ordered to be paid. A' Past Master"s Lodge was now opened, in DUE and AMPLE FORM:, and Brother N. B. TUCKER, M. W. G. M. elect, was duly installed to office for the ensuing year, when the same was closed and the M. ",V. G. Master proceeded and installed the officers elect, to wit Brother Brother Brother Brother
EDWARD BATES, G. S. W., by his proxy, Brother T. DOUGLASS. WM. G. PETTUS, G. J. W., by his proxy, Brother J. D. DAGGETT. A. (j-AMBLE, G. Treasw'e1', by his proxy, Brother CLARKSON•. THOMPSON' DOU,GLASS, G. Secretary.
The M.W.. G. M. also appointed brother GEO. H. C. MELODY, D. G. M., Brother F. ~:IASON, G. S. D., Brother BLAIR, G. J. D., brothers GRIMSLEY and BLOOD, Grand Stewards,.brother PLATT, Grand Tyler. . The 1\:1. W. Grand Master then delivered the following address:
of the
After receiving at your hands for the third,time the most acceptable honor that has ever been conferred on me, I cannot take leave of you without expressing my grateful sense of that cordial support ill the discharge of my duties, and that kind forbearance with my many deficiencies, which I have uniformly experienced at the hands of all 'and each of you. No one is more indebted to Masonry than myself. I have found it a school of the best feelings of the human heart. It has awakened me to a new perception of the beauty of those mild and amiable virtues which it is our care to cherish, and brought ll}e in many i nstallces to an acq uai n tance with those virtues in the bosom s of indi viduals, to which worth I might otherwise have ever remained a stranger. I am indebted to it, brethren, for your friendship for the happy consciousness of mutual regard in which I can look around this room in the full assurance of meeting in every eye the answering glance of brotherly affection. I feel it my duty, before I take my leave of you, to say a few words to illus~ trate and enforce the principal precepts of our order. It would be difficult to find a happier illustration than the history of Masonry in the State atlords since the establishment of this lodge. During that agitating period, while all without the tempest of human passions has raged with ungovernable fury, all within has been peace and harmony. Whatever bitterness of feeling has prevailed elsewhere, it has found no place among us. Nor bas the benign influence of Masonry been confined to ourselves alone, We cannot deny ourselves the satisfaction of believing that, so far as law and order have preserved their authority, and good prineiples the respect which is their due; so far as fraud and violence have been discountenanced, and the spirit of dis 01'gl1nization and misrule restrained, these things have been in great 'measure effected by the combined infiuence of men united by the virtuous principles of Masonry in the bonds of mutual' esteem and mutual confidence. It is by such principles alone that such feelings can be preserved, and while we continue to cherish them we need never fear that their redeeming spirit will fail in time of need to rescue the Constitution of our country from violation, its laws from outrage and its morals from corruption. Let it then be our constant care, as the guardians of that sacred fiame which has burned immemorially upon our altar, to preserve ourselves free from tbose pollutions Which mi路gb.t quench its beams, or turn its cheering light into the baleful and disastrous glare which flashes from the torch of faction. Let me here repeat to you, bretbren, what I have formerly said on a public occasion-that "masonry is the morality of the Bible." It shoUld be our study to investigate the principles of our Order by the help of.that great light of Masonry on earth by which the Mastel' of the Universe has disclosed its precepts to all his creatures. it is here' alone that those divine principles by which we profess to govern ourselves are inculcated. If we go to the schools of ancient philosophy, we find there only the wisdom of this world wbich begins, and ends, and centers in self. Whether"we learn of the epicurean to catch as they fly the joys of every passing moment, and to strew the path of life with the flowers of delight, or turn us to the graver wisdom of the stoic, which warns us that these things are not always in our power, and that our happiness is best secured by any acquired insensibility to pain and indifference to pleasure; in' either extreme self love is all that is taught; it is the benign and gentle wisdom from above by which alone we learn to love one another; to do unto others as we would they should do unto us; and to seek our chief and snrest happiness in the happiness of our fellow creatures. It is 'true that our sanctuary is accessible to nIl, who, under whatever form of religion, believe in God; who can truly declare that they put their trust in Him, and whose life affurds sufficient evidence that they understand His character and revere His precepts. But it is equally true that it is in the Bible alone
of Missouri.
that that character and these precepts are set forth, and Masonry.rightly un路 derstood, notwithstanding its universal toleration must forever bar its doors against the sensuality of the Mussulmiw, and the fierce spirit of the wild and bloody Pagan. In christian countries, those who receive not the faith, uncon路 sciously imbibe the principles of christianity, and whlle'they continue to respect anything, they revere those maxims which habit has connected in their minds with every' thing which is venerable. It becomes us, brethren, who have a peculiar experience of their excellence and their value in society, to look with more than common reverence to that sacred source from which they emanate. We drink, indeed, of the stream at a distance from the fountain head, but when we find the waters sweet and pure, let us not be ready to believe thatfountain to be corrupt. Let. us rather trace it up, and preparing our hearts and minds by the faithful practice of all those virtues which the Bible teaches and Masonry enjoys, and looking to the great Master of the Universe, the master of our breath, the father of our spirts and the fountain of light; let us enqnire whether indeed it be fiesh and blood which has revealed those beautiful and harmonious principles which the boasted wisdom of philosophy has failed to discover. Living by the maxims of peace and charity and brotherly love, and numbering among our patrons the cherished disciple of Him who camedowD from heaven to inculcate these divine principles,to illustrate them byHis life and to seal them with His blood, let us endeavor to turn our hearts to Him, and through faith in Him to live by his example. Let us endeavor to bring our thoughts and feelings, our desires and imaginations into subjection to His righteous will, looking forward to that glorious immortalit~路,which, like fragrant cassia, blooms forever above the corruptions of the tomb. Brethren, may the blessing of God be upon us. May He assist us in all our difficulties, guide us in all our perpleXities, strengthen us under all our temptations,comfort us under all our a:tllictions, and grant that we may all dwell with Him forever in His favor, in the light of His coutltenance and His glory. .
No further business claiming the attention of the Grand Lodge, it was now closed in harmony and peace.
Annual dues.................................................................................... $12 50 Chari ty dues. 6 25 Dues for services received by ~rother MELODy........ 9 00 $27 75
Annual dues..................................................................................... $1400 Charity dues ~............................................... 7 00 Dues for ~ervices receiv:ed by Brother MELODy........................... 9 00 $3000
Dues for services received by Brother
â&#x20AC;˘ $9 00
Annual dues :............. $14 00 Charity dues...................................................................... 7 00 $21 00
Annual dues :..................... $13 50 Charity dues..................................................................................... 675 $2025
Annual dues Charity dues
$10 00 3 25
And from members and visi tors, for dues......... Total
, ..
$1325 2100 $14225
At a Grand Semi-Annual Commnnication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. Louis on the first Monday, being the 5th day of April, A. L. 5824. Were present: R. w. GEORGE W. W. Bro. .. .. "
D. G. M. G. S. W. G.J. W. G. Treas.,pr() tem. G. Sec. G. S. D., pro tem.路 G. J. D. :G. ~J.lyler.
Brother S. P. STRIKER, of Missouri Lodge, 'No. 1. NATH'L SIMONDS, of Hiram Lodge, No.3.
The following 19dges were represented, to wit: MISSOURI LODGE, No.!. HIRAM LODGE, No.3.
Grand Lodge opened in
Third DegTee.
Communications were received from the Grand Lodges of the States of Kentucky and Maine, containing copies of their Proceedings; also; from the Grand Lodges of the States of Louisiana, 1\1ississippiand Kentucky, containing the .
Proceeding8 of the
names and signatures of the several Grand Officers, which communications were ordered to be filed among the papers of this Grand Lodge. . A communication was received from Olive Branch IJodge, :No. 5, under this jurisdiction, informing this Grand Lodge of the expulsion by that lodge of JOHN TWITCHELL from all the privileges of Masonry, for unmasonic conduct, but giving no, description of the person of said TWITCHELL. . A similar communication was also received from Libanus Lodge, No. 29, at Edwardsville, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, informing this Grand Lodge of the expulsion by that lodge of JA.COB B. BRUNER from all the privileges of Masonry; no charge stated or description of person given. A communication was also received fromGEo. W. HARDIN, containing sundry documents relative to his appeal from the decision of Franklin Union Lodge, :No.7, expelling him from the privileges of Masonry, which was referred to a committee composed of Brothers PETTUS and DOUGLASS. A communication was received from the Secretary of Vandalia IJodge, No.8, stating that a Grand Lodge bad been formed in the State of Illinois, and that Vandalia Lodge, No. 8, having attached itself to said Grand Lodge, was desirous of withdrawing itself from this jurisdiction. The following resolution was submitted for the consideration of the Grand Lodge, to wit: Resolved,. That the sum of - - dollars be taken from the charity fund and paid to the Treasurer of Missouri Lodge, No.1, to be applied exclusively to aid in enclosing and improving a lot lately purchased by that lodge for a burying ground. An account of BEEBE & ANDREWS against the estate of MOSES ScoTT~for a coffin, amounting to $1800, was presented and ordered to lie over for consideration.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
TUESDAY, April 5, 5824. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: R. W. GEORGE H. C. MELODY W. EDWARD BATES W. W,l:LLIl\.M G. PEl'TVS
D. G. M. 0. 8. W.
G. J. W.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
G. G. G. G. G.
Treasurer. Sec1路etary. So D., pro tem: J. D.
Fl'anklin Union Lodge, No.7.
Lodges represented, viz: MISSOURI 'LODGE, NO.1. . HIRAM LODGE, NO.3. FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO.7.
The committee to whom was referred the communications and documents of GEO. W. HARDI,N, relative to his appeal from the decision of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, expelling him, &c., reportThat they have carefully examined the same, and' find nothing in the said communications or documents which would, in the opinion of your committee, even raise a doubt as to the propriet.y of his expulsion, and, in the absence of all testimony on the part of the appellant, your committee are bound to infer that Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, have performed only their duty. Your committee, therefore, submit the following resolution,'to wit:
Resolved, That the proceedings of }i'ranlrlin Union Lodge, No.7, expelling GEO. W. HARDIN from all the pri vileges of Masonry, be in all things approved and ratified by this Grand Lodge. Signed,
l\iotion of Brother GAMBLE that said report and resolution be disa?,reed to was decided in the negative. On the question, "shall said report and resolution be it was decided in the affirll)ative.
Several conimunications were presented relative to the appeal of E. C. BERRY, from Vandalia Lodge, No.8, and referred to a committee composed of Brothers MELODY and A.路 GAMBLE. An account of BEEBE & ANDREWS against the estate of MOSES SCOTT for a coffin, amounting to eighteen dollars, presented y~sterday, was taken up and rejected. ' A resolution submitted' yesterday, relative to an appropriation to be applied by Missouri Lodge, No.1, fOT the enclosing and improving a burying ground, was taken up. Ordered, That the blank be filled wit'll "seventy-five dollars."
Said resolution was then adopted. A reso'lution, debated at last.Grand Annual Communication and postponed until the present, relative to the snspen-
Prooeedin.ds of the
·sion and expulsion of Entered Apprentices·,and Craftsmen, for the nop.-payment of dues, was, 011 motion of Brother DOUGLASS, further postponed until our next Grand Annual Commu:t;lication. Grand Lodge adjourned until half-past seven o'clock, P. M.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as this morning, except W. E. BATES, G. S. W., and with the addition of ' Brothers JOSEPH C. LAVIELLE, THORNTON GRIMSIJEY, THOMAS ANDREWS, WILLIAlI'[ CIJARKSON and ISAAC A. LETCHER, of Missouri Lodge, No.!. Brother HAMILTON R. GAMBLE, of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. Brother JOHN A. CARTER, formerly of Harmony Lodge, No.4. Brother JOHN TROXEL, of Benevolent Lodge, Doylstown, Penn., Visitor.
An account of Brother ARM. S. PLA'fT, G. T., fOf services and refreshments, amounting to $6 3t1, was presented and allowed. . An account of E. CHARLESS & Co., for printing, amonnting to $37 00, was presented and allowed. Brother THO. DOUGLASS, G. Secretary, appoi~ted Brother FREDERICK L. BILLON Deputy G. Secretary. The committee in the case of ELIJAH C. BERRY, having the matter again referred to them, • . Report, That they have no additional evidence before them upon which to form their opinion. The records of the Vandalia Lodge are said to have been destroyed by the conflagration of the State House, and therefore we are not furnished with a regular transcript of the charges against the brethren accused·, as acted upon by the Vandalia Lodge. We, however, from the documents before us, have been enabled to form an opinion, and, with real Masonic sincerity, offer i~ to the GrandLodge. We think, from the communication ofE. C. BERRY to this Grand Lodge, under date of the 3d of October, 1823, it may fairly b~ inferred, and, iu fact, no ot.her judgment can be formed than that Brother BERRY connived at, and was accessary to, the corporal punishment inflicted upon Brother BOTSFORD, as he is charged; also wi th having been called upon in vain by Brother BOTSFORD for assistance and protection, and BERRY not having denied, or in any manner extenuated the charge, we are forced to believe he had no defence to make, and hence we take Qccasion to remark, in answer to a communication from the Worshipful Master of Vandalia Lodge, that the rules of evidence in MasoniC proceedings is not fixed, and that any proof an honest man would be willing to act upon ought to be received in this High Court of equity. We Offer the follOWing resolutions, viz:
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Resolved, That the Grand Lodge di'sapprove of the proceedings of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, in the case of E. C. BERRY and WM. L. D. EWING. Resolved, That from the statement of the case, as submitted to the Grand Lodge, it is their opinion that the said brethren, in the matters charged upon them, and established to the satisfaction of this Grand Lodge, entirely lost sight of the principles of .Masonry. Resolved, That ELIJAH C. BERRY be expelled the Masonic fraternity.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
WEDNESDAY, April 7, A. L. 5824. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: R.
GEO. H. C. MELODY D. G. M. W. H. R. GAMBLE G. S. W., pro.tem. W. WM. G. PETTUS G. .T. W. Brother ,THORNTON GRIMSLEY G. Treasurer, pro tem. " TH. DOUGLASS G. Secretary. FRED. L. BILLON D. G. Secretary. THOMAS ANDREWS G. S. D., pro tem. DANIEL BLAIR G. J. D. ABM. S. PLATT G. Tyler. ROBERT HOOD, of Franklin Union Lodg~, No.7.
Lodges represented as yesterday. On motion of Brother DOUGLASS it was Ordered, That the operation of a resolution adopted at the last Grand Annual Communication, relative to Joachim Lodge, No.2, and Unity'Lodge, No.6, be suspended untilthe Grand Annual Communication in October next.
The report of the committee on the appeal of E. C. BERRY, from Vandalia, Lodge, No.8, was taken up. On motion of Brother H. R. GAMBLE The first of said resolutions was amended by adding thereto the words, "in inflicting so slight'a punishment for so flagrant a breach of Masonic duty, and in rescinding the order made by the lodge for a new trIal of the charges against said brethren, at a special or called meeting of the lodge, without any notice of such meeting or proceedings being given to the路brethren."
Said report and resolution, as amended, were unanimously agreed to. On motion of Brother DOUGLASS it was
Resolved, That Brother WM. L. D. EWING, heretofore suspended by Vandalia Lodge, No.8, on charges preferred against him by Brother Moss. R. BOTSFORD, be cited to appear before this Grand Lodge, at the Grand Annual Communication, to be held on the first Monday in October next, to show cause why he sh.ould not be expelled from the Masonic fraternity. Resolved, That Brother Grand Secretary be instructed to forward a copy â&#x20AC;˘ of the foregoing report and resolution to Vandalia Lodge, No.8, to ELIJAH C. BERRY and WILLIAM L. D. EWING.
Brother RENSHA.wand GRIMSLEY were appointed a committee to investigate the accounts of the Grand Lodge with each member; also the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, and report thereon at the next Grand Annual Communication. . . . Brother FREDERICK L. BILLON was duly installed as Deputy Grand SecretaQT. Grand Lodge closed in DUE FORM.
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI: HELD IN ST. LODIS, OCTOBER 4, A. L. 5824. • At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, begunalld held in the town of St. Louis, on the first l\ionday, being the 4th day of October, A. I... 5824, A.. D. ~824. Were present:
D. G. G. G.
G. M. & G. M. pro tern. S. W. J. W. pro tem.
G~ Sec·Y.
Dep. G. Sec'y. G. S. D. pro tern. G. J, D.
G. Steward. G. Tyler.
W, EDWARD BATES, Missouri Lodge, No.!. W. T. GRIMSLEY, Missouri Lodge, No.1. W. G. H. C. MELODY, Proxy for Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. VISITORS. Bro. JOB. C. LAVEILLE, of Missouri Lodge, No.1. .. J. C. POTTER, late of Missouri Lodge, No.1. .. H. R. GAMBLE, of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7.
Grand Lodge opened in
Proceeding8 of the
The returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Franklin , Union I .. odge, No.7, were presented, and referred to the eommittee on returns from subordinate lodges. A letter of deputation was received from the Most Worshipful Senior and Junior '\Vardeus of Franklin Union I..odge, No.7, constituting Right Worshipful GEO. H. C. :M:ELODY their proxy in the Grand Lodge. .
A communication was presented from the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, with a copy of their Proceedings, and from the same Grand Lodge, advising this Grand I ... odge of the expulsion of HENRY BEEBE, fQI'ever, from all Masonic rights and privileges; also from the Grand Lodges of Vermont and. Kentucky, containing a list of the Grand Officers, with their signatures; and also from the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, advising this Grand Lodge of the expulsion of RICHARD MURRAY; which were severally read and filed with the papers of this Grand Lodge. A communication from Monnt Vernon Lodge, No. 14, Kentucky, relative to the case of GEO. W~ HARDIN, was received, read, and ordered to lie on the table. A letter was received from 'Wl\1. LEE D. EWING, who had been cited to appear, stating that in consequence of bad bealth he was unable to obey the .summons, and praying a continuance until the next meeting' of the Grand I .. odge; which was' granted. ' A memorial was presented' from ELIJAH C. BERRY, praying a reconsideration of bis case; which was read and referred to a committee composcd of Brothers PETTUS, BLOOD and DOUGLASS.
An account of E. CHARLESS & Co., for printing, amount- ing to $9, was presented and allowed. Grand
adjourned until to-morrow.
TUESDAY,' October 5, 5824. Grand Lodge mct pursuant to adjournment. I
Prescnt: R.
D. G. M. & G. ·M. pro tern. G. S.
G. •J. W.
Grand Lodge 01 Missouri.
Bro. THOR~TON GRIMSLEY .. G. 1'reas. pro tern. " F. L. BILLON D. G.Sec. & G. Sec.tprotern. " JOHN C. POTTER G. S. D. pro tern. DA~IEL BLAIR G. J. D. ABRAM S. PLATT G. Tylel" SULLIVAN BLOOD..; G. Steward.
Representatives as yesterday, and in addition,_ W. ·WM. G. PETTUS, Hiram Lodge, No.3. . VISITORS. Brothers ISAAC A. LETCHER, WM. K. RULE, and JAMES D. EARL, Missouri Lodge, No.1. Brother HAMILTON R. GAMBLE. Brother SAMUEL TAYJ,OR, Hiram Lodge, 'No.3.
A petition was received from GEO. W. HARDIN, praying a reconsideration of his case; which was read and ordered to lie Oll the table. . A petition was presented from sundry brethren residing at and near Oaledonia, in the county of Washington, State of l\~issouri, accompanied by a recommendation from Missouri Lodge, No.1, praying a Letter of Dispensation to open. a lodge in the said town of Oaledonia, by the name of''' Tyro Lodge." Ordered, That the prayer of said petitioners be granted.
The returns of Hiram Lodge, No.3, were received and referred to the committee on returns for subordinate lodges. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-~orrow.
WEDNESDAY, October 6, A. L. 5824. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. w. W. W. Bro. " •• " "
Representatives as yesterday.
D. G. M. & G. M. G. S. W. G. J. W. G. Treasurer. G. Secretary. D. G. Secretary. G. k~. D. pro tern. G. J. D. G. :lyler.
Proceed~nds of the
Mr. BATES submitted the following propositions, viz: Resolved, That the following amendment to the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge be 8ubmitted to the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, and, if approved by a majority of said subordinate lodges, shall become a part of said By-Laws, viz:
That the ninth section of the By-Laws be so amended that visitors to the Grand Lodge be required to pay twenty-five cents, and no more, at each communication. The committee on credentials, to whom was referred the letter of deputation from theMaster and Wardens of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, constituting the R. W. GKO. H. C. MELODX their proxy, reported that they tind the same strictly conformable with the principles of Masonry and the By-Laws of this lodge; which was agreed to. The Committee on returns from subordinate lodges, to whom was referred the returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, reported that they find the same in strict conformity with the By-Laws of this Gl'and Lodge. The same committee, to whom was refened the returns from Hiram Lodge, No.3, reported that the return is defective, in not stating the deaths, expulsions, suspensions or dimissions. of members, otherwise they find the same in conformity with the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge.
A resolution, submitted at the Semi-Annual Communication in ~.<\:pril, A. L. 5823, and continued until the present, relative to the proprie.ty of expelling or suspending Apprentices and Craftsmen for the non-payment of dues, was taken up and rejected. Ordered, Th'at the petition. and documents of GEO. W. HARDIN be referred to a committee, composed of Brothers G. H. C. MELODY and A. GAl\lBLE.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
THURSDAY, October 7, A. L. 5823. Grand IJodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present" as yesterday', and in addition, Bros. GRIMSLEY, BLOOD, J. H. PENROSE and SAMUEL WOODSON. Representatives as yesterday. The committee to whom was referred the petition and documents of ELIJAH C. BRRRY, who had been suspended by Vandalia Lodge, No.8, for unmasonic conduct, and subsequently expelled by this.Grand Lodge, reported
Grand Lodge fJf"Missouri.
that they have had the same under examination, but from the limited time "allowed them are unable to enter into a detail of the matter; and although there is no denial on the part of said BERRY of the charges alleged against him, and a total absence of anything like testimony, yet on account of the irregularities in the proceedings had against him in Vandalia Lodge, No.8, they recommend to the Grand Lodge the adoption of the following resolutions, to wit:
Resolved, That the vote of this Grand Lodge, at the Semi-Annual Communication in April last, expelling ELIJAH C. BERRY from all the privileges of Masonry, be reconsidered. :a,esolved, That from the great irregularties in the proceedings of VandaU"a Lodge, No.8, in which ELI.TAII C. BERRY was suspended, they should be set aside, and a new trial awarded, and that the case be remanded for that purpose.
On the question, "shall the first of said resolutions be it was decided in the negative, and the report disagreed to. adopted~"
The committee to whom was referred the the petition and documents of GEO. W. HARDIN, reported verbally and submitted the following resolution; to wit:
Resolved, That the vote of this Grand Lodge. ratifying the proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, expelling Gxo. W. HARDIN from all the privileges of Masonry, be reconsidered; which was agreed to.
On motion, Resolved, That -the further consideration of the appeal of G. W. HARDIN from the decision of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, expelling him from the privileges of Masonry, be postponed until the next Semi-Annual Communication, and that the Master of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, be directed to collect and certify to the Grand Lodge, at the next communication, all the facts and evidence relative to the charges against, and the trial of, Gxo. W. HARDIN.
On motion, Ordered, That the operations of a resolution submitted at"the last Grand Annual communication, relative to Joachim Lodge, No.2, and Unity Lodge No.6, be suspended, so far as regards Joachim Lodge, No.2, until the next Semi-Annual Communication.
Ordered, That the Grand Secretary be and he is hereby authorized to contract for the necessary prInting to be done, and that the Grand Treasurer be authorized to pay for the same upon the order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master.
The Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, when the following brethren were found duly elected, to wit:
Proceedinds of the
G. G. G. G. G.
J. W.
Secl'etary Treas.
On motion, Ordered, That Brothe'rs DANIEL BLAIR and SULLIVAN BLOOD be a committee to settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary for the last year.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
FRIDAY, October 8, A. L. 5824. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: I
D. G. M. &; G. M., protem. G. R. W., pro tem. G. J. W., pro tem. G. 'l'reas. G. Secretary. D. G.8ecl路etary. G. S. D., pro路tem. G. J. D., pro tem. G. Tyler.
VISI'l'ORS. Brother H. R. GAMBLE, Brother S. P. STRIKER.
The committee to whom was referred the settlement of the accounts of t.he Grand Treasurer and Secretary, reported a balance of $22 44 in the Grand Treasury, to wit: Grand Charity Fund....... Common Fund .
$21 25 1 19 $2244
The Grand Steward presented an account for refreshments during the present session, amounting to $2 25, which was allowed. On motion, Brother A. GAMBLE was appoint.ed a committee to inform the Most Worshipful N. B. TUCKER of his re-election to the office of Most Worshipful Grand Master. .
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
R. W: GEO. H. C. MELODY was appointed. a committee to visit and settle the accounts of Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, Vandalia Lodge, No.8, Sangamon IJodge, No.9, Union. Lodge, No. 10, and Eden Lodge, No. ;12, in the State of Illinois. Brother T. GRIMSLEY, G. S. W. elect, was (at his request) permitted to decline the acceptance ~f that office. An election was then held for G. S. W., when Brother WM. G. PETTUS was .duly elected. An election was held for G. J. W., vacated by the election of Brother PE1'TUS to the office of Grand' Senior Warden, when Brother THORNTON GRIMSLEY was duly elected Grand Junior Warden. On motion, Resolved, That the operation of a resolution, submitted at the last Grand Annual Communica'tion, relative to Unity ]:,odge, No.6, be suspended until our next Grand Semi-Annual Communication, and that Right Worshipful GEO. H. C. MELODY be appointed a committee to visit and investigate the situation of said lodge.
Grand Lodge adjourned to Saturday, 16th instant.
SATURDAY, October 16, A. L. 5824. Grand Lodge met, pursuant to adjournment. Were present: . R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY W. EDWARD BATES W. THORNTON GRIMSLEy Brother TH. DOUGLASS : " WM. H. BROWN, of Vandalia Lodge, ·No. 8 JAS. P. SPENCER· F. L. BILLON A. S. PLATT D. BLAIR, 1. A. LETCHER, H. RANKIN..
D. G. G. G. G. G.
G.M.&G. M., pro tem. S. W. J. lV., pro tem• . Secretary. Treasurer, pro tem. S. D.
G. J. D., pro tem.
G. Tyler.
Brother JARED D. GOODENOUGH, Oxford Lodge, Ky.
A letter was presented and rcad, from the Most Worshipful NATHANIEL B. TUCKER, G. M:. elect, stating his inability to attend this evening for. the purpose of installation. Oorrununica.tions from the Grand. Lodges of Pennsyl-
Proceedin.ts of the \
vania, Virginia and Indiana, containing copies of their Proceedings, were presented,. read and ordered to be filed among the papers of this Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge adjourned to Monday, 25th instant.
MONDAY, October 25, A. L. 5824. Grand Lodge met, pursuant to adjournment. Were present: M. w. N. B. R. W. W. W. Brother Visitor-Brotber ..
G. M.
D. G. M. G. S. W., pro tem. G. J. W., pro tem. G. TreasurerandSecretary,protem. G. S. D., p1'O tem. G.J. D., pro tem. G. Tyler .
. Owing to the inclemency of the weather and the consequent small attendance of the members, the Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
TUESDAY, October 26, A. IL. 5824~ Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present:· M. w. N. B. TUCKER R. W. W. W. Brother
G. M. D. G. M. G. S. W. G. J. W., pro tem. G. Treasurer. G. Secretary. Dep. G. Secreta1·y. G. S. D. G. J. D. G. Tyler.
A communication was presented from SERGEANT HALL, remonstrating against Missouri Lodge, No. ~2, (now No.1), which w~s read.
Grand Lodge of .Missouri~
That the Grand Secretary be instructed to communicate to S. that, by the provisions of the secoIid section of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, no Mason is permitted to visit the same, unless by special invitation of the Grand Master or one of the Grand Wardens. Ordered,
An account of Brother PLA.TT, Grand Tyler, amounting to $8, was presented and allowed. . On motion, Ordered, That the Grand Secretary, when pUblishing the Proceedings of
this Grand Lodge to the 8ubordlnate lodges under the jurisdiction of the same, cause to be annexed .thereto a list of the names of those expelled or suspended, and which have been communicated by other Grand Lodges; and that, when communicating with the different Grand Lodges, he do, also, transmit a Ustof the names' of these expelled or sUilpended under thejurisqiction of this Grand Lodge.
On motion, Ord~red, That a standing committee be appointed, to whom shall be referred all communications from other Grand Lodges.
Brotbers MELODY and DOUGLASS were appointed that committee. A Past Master's Lodge was then opened, when Brother. N. B. TUCKER, Most Worshipful Grand Master elect, was duly installed as such, all except Past Masters having previously retired. Past Master Lodge was then closed, and Master Masons returned, when the following brethren elect were duly installed in their respective offices, to wit: Brother WM. G. PETTUS, by his proxy THORNTON GRIMSLEy ARCHIBALD GAMBLE TH. DOUGLASS
G. S. Jv. G. •r. W. G. Tre~ure'l·. G. Sec1·ctary.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master then appointed and duly installed the following officers, to wit: Brother GEO. H. C. MELODY D. G. M. DANIEL BLAIR G. S. D. ISAAC A. LETCHER G. J. D. ABRAM S. PLATT G. Tyler. ,. JAMES P. SPENCER,} .. G Stewa1'ds GEORGE MORTON, ..... . .
Brother Grand Secretary appointed Brother F. L. BILLON D. G. Secretary. No further business ~ppearing the Grand' Lodge was closed in harmony and peace. Attest, TH. DOUGLASS, . G. Secretary. 7
AMOUNT OF MONIES RECEIVED, TO WIT: , MISSOURI LODGE, NO. 1Contribution : Charity Fund.......................................
$1250 6 25 $1875
HIRAM LODGE, NO. 3Contribution :................ Charity Fund.............................................
$10 00 375 $1375
FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO. 7Contribution Charity Fund...
$10 00 5 00 $1500
TYRO LODGE, NO. 12For Dispensation........................ From members and visitors, for Dues............
20 00 13 00 $8050
Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the St.ate of Missouri begun and held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 4th day of April, A. L. 5825. A. D. 1825. Were present: w. THORNTON W. W. Bro. Visitor" .. .. "
G. J. W:. & G. M.pro tern. G. S. W.protern. G. J. W. .. G. Secretary. . G. S. D. pro tern. G. J. D.
G. Tyler.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree in
Brother \VM. H. THOMAS presented a transcript of the Proceedings and a copy of the By-Laws of Tyro Lod'gc, No. 12, Under Dispensation; which were referred to the com路 mittee on returns ~roill subordinate lodges. Several communications from different Grand Lodges were also presented and referred to the committee on com路 . munications from Grand lodges.
Proceedings of the ~UESDAY,
April 5, A. L., 5825.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjourmnent. Present, as yesterday, with the addition of R. W. Bro." " "
GEO. H. C. MELODY D. G. M. &: G. M. pro tern. EDWARD BATES, of Missouri Lodge, No. I. ISAAC A. LETCHER G. J. D. ARCH'D. GAMBLE. G. 'Preas.
A letter was presented and read from WM. LEE D. EWING, who had been suspeneded by Vandalia Lodge, No.8, and referred to a committee composed of Brothers GAMBLE, DOUGLASS' and DAGGETT. Grand Lodge adjounred until to-morrow.
WEDNESDAY, April 6, A: L. 5825. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as yesterday. A report from Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, containing a statement of evidence upon which GEO. W. HARDIN had been expelled by路 that lodge, with the subsequent proceedings of the lodge in his case,was received and referred to . the commitMe on returns from subordinate lodges. The committee on returns from subordinate lodges, to whom was referred the proceedings of Tyro Lodge, :No. 12, Under Dispensation, report: That they have examined the Letter of Dispensation and the Proceedings and By-Laws of said lodge, ap.d submit for the consideration of the Grand Lodge, the following remarks, viz: " 1. The Letter of Dispensation authorizes the W. Bretbren therein named to open and govern the said lodge "1n the several degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason, only, and your committee conceive tbat if the authority had extended to anyof the higher degrees it would have been most improperly and improvidently granted. On a review of the work of said lodge;your committee perceive with deep "regret that the said lodge bas thought itselfautborized to confer, and has actually conferred upon two members thereof the degree of Past lJfaster. In so doing the said lodge transcended the powers delegated in" the Letter of Dispensation; yet, your committee indulge the bopethat this error may be shewn to have been unintentional and venial.
2. On an examination of the By-Lawso fthe said lodge; your committeefind several provisions which they deem either an infringement 01 the rules of the
Grand Lodge 'of Missouri.
Craft or of the rights of the private members. In the first place,the 16th article provides that, if a single me~ber should baJlot with a black ball against the admission of a candidate, he shall be liable to be called upon to divulge his vote and explain his reasons therefor; whereas, your committee believe it to be the undoubted right of every member of the lodge to vote 'on such occa· sions according to his conscience, secretly and without accountability. The 17th article provides that .. no person is capable, or shall be·a member of that lodge, unless he be a professor i1;1 the Christian religion." Masonry existed anterior to the Christian era, and many of the brightest ornaments of our Order lived and died in usefUlness and virtue, without ever hearing of the Saviour of men. Although the pure merality of Masonry, and the redeeming piety of the Chri8tian faith, are nearly allied in many of their principles, and in their benign effects upon the condition of mankind, and although it is greatly to be wished that, in a Christian land, they might always be associated, yet ymu committee believe tbat, as Masons, we have no right to enquire into the religious faith of a candidate, further than may be necessary to ascertain his belief in God, and bis Providence, and a future accountability for his actions in this life. . The 19th article provides a mode of choosing represen taUves of that lodge in the Grand Lodge. By a reference to the Constitution of the Grand Lodge it will be seen that the lodge, in its aggregate capacity, is not entitled to rep· resentation here, but that the Master and Wardens of the subordinate lodges, as sucb, are members of this Grand Lodge, and that tbey alone have power to appoint proxies, jointly or severally, and, consequently, that the credentials of the brethren claiming to represent Tyro Lodge, No. 12, are irregular and insufficient, even if the lodge, under present circumstances, could be represented. •
Your committee recommend the following resolutions, to wit: Resolved, 'That, as Tyro Lodge, No. 12, have returned their dispensation, together with a copy of theil' By-Laws and a transcript of their Proceedings, and asked!lo charter of this Grand Lodge, and it appearing that the irregularities fallen into by said lodge were through inadvertance and want of proper information, that a charter be granted to said lodge. Resolved, That Tyro Lodge, No. 12, be reqUired to amend their By-Laws in the matter set forth in the foregoing Report, and that the Grand Secretary furnish a copy of this report and resolutions to said lodge.
After some remarks from Brother WM. H. THOMAS, J. W. of said lodge, the report and resolutions were adopted. The, same committ~e, to whom was referred the Report and Proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, in the. case of G. W. HARDIN, submitted the following resolution, viz: \ Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, }, t is expedien t to suffer a withdrawal of the appeal taken in the case of GEO. W. HARDIN, which was agreed to.
On motion, Qrqered,
Th~t ~roth~r BLA~R be
aqthorlzed to dispose of the fqrnitqre and
Proceedin~ s
of the
jewels of Harmony Lodge, No, 4, whose charter has been surrendered, and also of Unity Lodge, No.6, and pay into the Grand 'rreasury the money arising therefrom.
Grand Ledge adjourned until to-morrow.
April 7, A. I.J. 5825.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as yesterday. The committee to whom was referred communications from other Grand Lodges Reported, That they had examined the same, and find them, generally, to consist of transcripts of Proceedings and official signatures of officers, except one from the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois, giving official in路 formation of the establishment of the said Grand Lodge, and that the lodges heretofore subordinate to this Grand Lodge, in the said State, had placed themselves under the jurisdiction of the said State Grand Lodge. Your committee find nothing further in them that is necessai'y to be brought specially before this Grand Lodge, and recommend that they be filed 'among the archives of this Grand Lodge; which was read and agreed to.
The committee to whom was referred the communication of Wl\L LEE D. EWING, suspended by Vandalia Lodge, No. 8, and under citation to appear before this Grand Lodge, have had the same under consideration, and Repo1't, That said EWING admits the charges, and the evidence in路 support of them, to be generally correct; that the act tor which he was suspended was the result of strong suspicion and of great excitement.
Your committee cannot avoid animadverting upon the Proceedings of Vandal1a Lodge, No.8, on that occasion, in the infliction of so small a punishment for such an offence as that of privity to the violation of the person of a brother; nor can they avoid remarking upon the manifest departure from one of the most sacred landmarks of our fraternity (by said EWING),onewhich forms the chief connect.1ng link in the Masonic chain. Yet, from all the circumstauces of the case, and in consideration of the frank confession, sincere penitence and former good conduct of said EWING, your committee beg leave to recommend that he be restored to all the rights, privileges and immunities of Masonry. In so doing your committee acknowledge the force of Brother EWING'S appeal to the charity and clemency of this Grand Lodge, and also tbe infiuence of that Masonic iujunction which says, "If thy brother offend thee, and will confess his fault, thou shalt forgive him." They, therefore, submit the following reSOlution, to wit: . Resolved, That Brother WM. LEE D. EWING be and he is hereby restored to all the rights, privileges and immunities of a Free and Accepted Mason. Resolved, 'rhat the Grand Secretary forward a copy of said report lu~ion
to ~rother EWING.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Which were severally adopted.
R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY, appointed at the last Grand Annual Communication to visit and settle the accounts of Olive Branch Lodge, N~. 5, Vandalia IJodge, No.8, Sangamon Lodge, No.9, Union Lodge, No. 10, and Eden Lodge, No. 11, StateofI11inois, and also to investigate the situation of Unity Lodge, No.6, at Jackson, Missouri, requested further time to make his report, which was granted. Brother DAGGETT submitted the following preamble and resolution, to wit: WHEREAS, A resolution was passed at the Grand Annual Communication, in October, 1823, requiring the Grand Secretary to inform Joachim Lodge, No.2. that unless they complied with the 8th section of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, on or before the next Seml-Annual Communication, that they would be stricken from the books of the Grand Lodge and their charter considered null and void, and whereas, the operation of the said resolution has been' suspended until this present meeting, and it appearing that said lodge was duly notified of said resolution, and it also appearing that they have failed to comply with the said By-Law, as by said resolution required; therefore, be it Resolved, That said lodge be stricken from the books of this Grand Lodge, and that their charter be and the same is hereby annulled. Resolved,
T,hat the Grand Secretary forward a copy of the above to said
Which were severally adopted. The committee to whom was referred a communication from the Grand Lodge of Illinois, on the subject of the expulsion of ELIJAH C. BERRY, have had the same under . consideration, and Repor~, That WM. LEE D. EWING was implicated with BERRY in the same offence, (namely, that of permitting the person of a brother to be violated, notwithstanding his appeal for protection and relief,,,ha's fra,nkly confessed that the charge is true ; yet, from the pertinacity of BERRY in denying the legality of his conviction, and in resting his defence upon technical objections to evidence, (not denying the truth of the charge,) your committee are of opinion that no cause has been shewn which would entitle BERRY to a reconsideration of his case, but the high source from whence the communication emanates entitles it to consideration.' Your committee, th~refore, recommend the adoption of the following resolution, to wit:
Resolved, That the Grand Secreta.ry be and he is hereby instructed to transmit to the Grand Lodge of Illinois a transcript of the Proceedings in the case of E. C. BERRY, and inform said Grand Lodge that, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, the case of E. C. BERRY does not merit a reconsideration.
Which was adopted. , An account of D. D. PAGE, for $4 31, was presented and allowed; also, an account of Brother 路TYLER, for $5, 'and !Severally ordered to be paid!
of the
No further business appearing Grand Lodge closed in harmony and peace.
Received of Tyro Lodge, NO;,12, for charter................................. $10 00 " .. Brothers HOOD, BLAIR and ~RIMSLEY. dues, $1 each............................................................................ 300 $1300 Attest,
Grand Sec1路etary.
ST. LOUIS, April 29. A. L. 5825.
At a special meeting of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, held in the city of St. Louis, on Friday, the 29th day of April, A. L. 5825, Were present: R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY W. THORN'ioN GRIMSLEY W. JOHN D. DAGGETT Brother A. GAMBLE TH. DOUGLASS DANIEL BLAIR ISAAC A. LETCHER JAMES P. SPENCER,} GEORGE MDRTO~, ABRAM S. PLATT
D. G. M. & G. M., pro tern .. G. S. W., pro tem. G. J. W., pro tem. G. Trecu. G. Secretary. G. S. D. G. J. D.
G. Steu)a1'ds. G1路and Tyler.
Grand Lodge opened in 3d degree in
It being stated from the chair, that Gen. Lafayette, a Brother Mason and an officer of the Revolution, had arrived in this dty, On motion, Ordered, That the ballot be now taken on the election of arother LAFAY:Il:T'fE as an honorarr meIQ.ber of th~s Gr~nd Lodge,
Grand Lodge of Missouri.'
When he was dqly elected. Ordered, That a committee be appointed to wait upon Brother LAFAYETTE, inform him of his election as an honorary member of this Grand Lodge, and to solicit his attendance at the present meeting.
. Brothers MELODY, DOUGLASS and ATWOOD were appointed that committee. After a short absence t~e said committe~ returned, accompanied by Brother LAFAYET1'E and his son, Brother GEO. WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE, who were received by the lodge standing, and an address delivered by Brother A. GAMBLE, to which Brother LAFAYETTE replied, and was then conducted to a chair in the East. On motion, Ordered, Thatthe ballot be taken on the election of Brother GEO. WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE as an honorary member of this Grand Lodge,
When he was duly elected. Brother LAFAYETTE again addressed the lodge, and, with his son, GEO. WASHINGTON .LAFAYETTE, withdrew. Grand Lodge closed in peace and harmony. Attest,
TH. DOUGLASS, .Grand Secretary.
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, .begun and held in the City of. St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 3d day of October, A. IJ. 5825, A. D. 1825. Were present: R. w. GEQ. H.
D. G. M. &: G. M., pro tem. G. S. W., pro tem. G . •T. W. G. Secretary &: Treasurer,
G. Tyler, pro tem. of Mis~ouri Lodge, No.1.
Grand I.Jodge opened in 3d degree in
Grand Lodge
adjourne~ until
October 4, A. L. 5825.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY W. JOHN D. DAGGETT W. THOaN'l'ON GEtIMSLEY
D. G. M. &: G. M., pro tem. G. 8. W., pro tem; (;!· J.
Proceedings of the
Brother JAS. P. SPENCER ~ G. Treasurer, pro tern. " TH. DOUGLASS G. 8ecreta?路y. MARTIN RUGGLES G. 8. D., P)'o' tern. EDWARD BATES G. J. D., pro tern. JNO. J. DOUBERMAN :.. G. Tyler, pro tem. W. JOHN D. DAGGETT, Representative of Missouri Lodge, No. 1. W. MARTIN RUGGLES, Representative of Tyro Lodge, No. 12.
The proceedings of last meeting read. Returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Tyro Lodge, No. 12, were presented and r~ferred to the committee on returns from subordinate lodges. W. MARTIN RUGGLES presented a copy'of the By-Laws of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, also a power of attorney from Brothers ABRAHAM EVERSOLE, S. W., and WILI~IAM H. THOMAS, J. W. of said lodge, constituting him their proxy in this Grand Lodge; which were severally referred to the 'committee on returns from subordinate lodges. R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY reported that, on the 18th day of Aprillal:lt, he had duly constituted and consecrated Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and installed the officers thereof, in pUI;suance of the charter granted by this Grand Lodge.
Several communications from different Grand' Lodges were presented and referred to the committee on communications from foreign. Grand I.lodges. . Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
WEDNESDAY, October 5, A. L. 5825. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as yesterday, with the addition of Brother DANIEL BLA.IR, G. S. D. Brother BLA.IR, who had been appointed a committee to dispose of the jewels, &c., of Harmony Lodge, No.4, aOnd Unity Lodge, No.6, reported that he had sold the jewels of late Harmony Lodge, No.4, for the sum of thirty-five dollars, to Tyro Lodge, No. 12. The committee on returns from subordinate lodges, to whom was referred the reports of Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Tyro Lodge, No. 12, \ Reported, That they had examined the same, and fj.nd them correct proper ~ be approved,
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Which report was agreed to. The same committee also Reported. That they had examined the credentials of our Worshipful Brother MARTIN RUGGLEI:! as the proxy of the Senior and Junior Wardens of his lodge, (Tyro Lodge, No. 12,) and find the same correct and regular in all respects, except that the letter of appointment is not under the seal of the brethren deputing him.
On motion, Ordered, That the slight inaccuracy in form of the said letter of appointment be dispensed with. and Worshipful Brother MARTIN RUGGLES be recei ved as the proxy of the Brothers Senior and Junior Wardens of Tyro Lodge, No. 12. .
A communication was received from Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, relative to the trials and expulsions of WILLI.Al\:I GLEASON -and MARTIN .RANNEY, by said lodge, and referred to the committee on returns from subordinate lodges. R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY, who had been appointed a committee to investigate the situation of Unity Lodge, No.6, . Reported, That on the 18th day of November last he had met the members of said lodge at. their lodge room; that in pursuance of a resolution of said lodge to surrender their charter, &c., passed on the 7th of June, 1823, at which time they ceased from their labors, he had received from them their charter, furniture, books, papers, and twenty-five dollars uncurrent money of the late Bank of Missouri, all of which have been placed in the possession of the Grand Secretary. The attention of the Grand Lodge is respectfully directed to the li~t of delinquent members of said lodge. .
W. JOHN D. DAGGETT was appointed a committee to . examine the accounts of Brothers Grand Treasurer and Secretary'. An account of R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY, for expenses in transporting the furniture of Unity Lodge, No.6, to this place, amounting to $1 25; also, an account of Brother ABRAHAM S. PLATT, Grand Tyler, for his attendance, amounting to $200, were severally presented and allowed.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
THURSDAY,. October 6, A. L. 5825. Grand Lodge
pursu.ant to adjournment.
Present, as yesterday, with the addition of Brother FRED. L. BILLON THOMAS' ANDREWS ISAAC A. LETCHER
Dep. G.Secretary. G. J. D. G~ Steward.
Proceeding8 of the
The committee to whom was referred communications from foreign Grand Lodges Reported, That, since the last meeting of this Grand Lodge. communications have been received from the Grand Lodges of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, District of Colum bia, Mississippi, Alabama and Louis" lana. The Grand Lodge of North Carolina has decided that lodges working under dispensation are not entitled to representatives in the Grand Lodge, and that the names of candidates for admission or initiation in the lodges under their jurisdiction, who may have been rejected, Shall not be published. Your committee, with diffidence, dispute for the opinion of the High Authority whence emanates this latter decision. When an individual presents himself at the door of a lodge for initiation among his associates and neighbors, where his character is best known and his qualIfications bestascertained, and is rejected, we think it would be an innovation of the rights of the members of that lodge fol' any other lodge to force that individual upon them, as a brother in the Masonic family, by receiving and making him a Mason, and that the sanctuary would be better guarded if the names of such persons were always communicated, we do not say to the world, but at least from lodge to lodge. ' Your committee find in the Proceedings of the.Grand Lodge of Indiana, a proposition directing the subordinate lodges to charge all Master Masons within their jurisdiction witli Grand Lodge dues. It is true the proposition was not adopted, yet your committee cannot avoid animadverting upon the principle, which would, in their opinion, tend to destroy Free Masonry. Every. 1\1ason, whether a member of a lodge or not, is bound to bestow aid upon a distressed brother, according to the necessities of the one and the abilities of the other, and of which he is the sole judge. In the distribution of his charity to his fellow man he is also the sole judge of the extent to which he will go; he has the undoubted right to detach himself from the body of a lodge, and in mnny cases this is done to avoid the payment of lodge dues; to coerce him into the payment of Grand Lodge dues might substract from the proceeds of his labor more than he could well spare. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania has decided "that no person can be initiated into the lJIysteries of Free Masonry either by dispensation or otherwise, who is so far maimed or defective in his limbs or members, as to be incapable of gaining a livelihood for himself and family, or to perform all the路 work required ofany individual member within the body of a lodge." At the April term of this Grand Lodge in 1823, it was decided, that no person who was not sound in mind and all his memhe1's, could be initiated, although he might be perfectly cOI{lpetent to gain a livelihood for himselfand family. The Grand Lodge of Ohio hav~ decided that all subordinate lodges have the power of demanding from their several members such dues as they may think just and expedient and to enforce the payment of the same by sentence of suspensi?~ or expulsion. 'l'he Grand Lodge of Maine has decide<;l. that., to change the mode of conferring the Masonic Degrees from that handed down to us by our predecessors would not violate any Masonic Principle, or remove any Land Mark. Your committee would here remark, that it is our solemn duty to hand down unimpaired our mysteries, as we have received them; that any change would go to destroy the universal language by which a Mason makes himself known
of Missouri.
to his brethren of every nation and in every clime. Further remarks on tliis subject is not (cannot be) deemed necessary. Objectionll to the change will readily present theD;lselves to the mind of every Mason. Your committee submit the following resolutions, viz: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do not approve the principle laid down by the Grand Lodge of Maine, in their resolution of the 8th Janua路ry,1824, and that they cannot recognize as a Mason any person known to be ini tiated in the manner proposed by said Grand Lodge. Resolved, That the Grand Se~retary forward a copy of the foregoing report and resolutions to the Grand Lodge of Maine.
The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire has submitted to the Grand Lodges of the several States a proposition to erect a Masonic monument at Mount Vernon, over the remains of our late distinguished brother GEORGE W ASHINGTON, and request. the co-operation of the several Grand Lodges of the United States. Your committee regret that the want of funds, and the limited means of this Grand Lodge will necessarily prevent their making any appropriation in aid of so laudable an object, and recommend the adoption of the following resolutions, viz: Resolved, That the Masters of the several lodges under this jurisdiction be requested to open subscriptions in their respective lodges and neighborhoods, with a view of obtaining among the members of the Order a sum sufficient for路 the erection of a suitable monument over the grave of our deceased brother, GEORGE. WASHINGTON, at Mount Vernon. Resolved, That this.Gt:and Lodge earnestly recommend to every Mason in the State of Missouri to subscribe a small sum proportionate to his ability for an object so laudable and important. Resolved, That the persons receiving subscriptions be requested路 to forward to the Grand Secretary a statement of the amount subscribed, at or before our Grand Semi-Annual Communication in April next.
Resolved, That the Grand Secretary forwarrl a copy of the foregoing. report and resolutions to each of the subordinate lodges under the jurisdiction, and to some responsible person in each county of this State, where no lodge is established.
Your committee find nothing further in these communications necessary. to be presented for consideration, and recommend that they be filed among the Archives of this Grand Lodge. .
The saiQ. report and
were f'ieverally adopted.
W.JOHN D. D:A::GGETT, who had been appointed a committee to examine the ~ccounts of brothers Grand Treasurer and Secretary, Reported, That owing to the absence of the Grand Treasurer, and it appearing that he has failed to enter in his account moneys known to have been received by him, and has also failed to charge in his account orders drawn upon him and presumed to have been paid, that therefore a statement cannot properly be made at this time.
R. W. GEORGE H. C. MELODY, who had heen appointed a committee to settle with the several subordinate lodges in the State of Illinois,
Proceedings of the
Reported, That Olive Branch Lodge, No.5, was indebted to this Grand Lodge in the sum of $10, Union Lodge, No. 10, $20 and Eden Lodge, No. 11, $I'l. That no settlement had yet been had with Sangamon Lodge, No.9, and that Vandalia Lodge, No.8, was not indebted anything. That the said lodges had severally withdrawn from the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and placed themselves under that of the State of Illinois. The committee on returns to whom was referred the communication from Franklin Union Lodge. No.7, report, that they ha.ve carefully examined those Proceedings, and are of opinion, that nothing therein contained requires the interposition of the Grand Lodge. It appears that WILLIAM GLEASON was expelled for constant and habitual intemperance, a vice calculated alike to degr/tde and demoralize himself, and to sUbject our Order to reproach and contempt.
And that MARTIN RANNEY was'expelled for an offence against the private rights of one of his brethren, by the violation of a .tie held dear among all men and among Masons viewed as peculiarly sacred and guarded by peculiar sanctions. . Your committee avail thems~lves of the occasion to express their high approbation of the commendable zeal and firmness of FrankUn Union Lodge, . No.7, in laboring to preserve the purity of their lodge, and to guard the reputation of the fraternity.
On motion, . Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master be, and lie is hereby requested to address a circular to each of the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction not making returns, or failing to be represented on this occasion, directing their atten tion to the 8th section of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge.
Brother D. BLAIR, who had been appointed a committee to dispose of the jewels, &c., of Harmony Lodge, No.4, furniture, &c.~ of Unity Lodge, No.6, )
Reported That he had sold to Missouri Lodge, No.1, the furniture. &c., of Uni ty Lodge, No.6, for the 8Upl of $15 00.
An account of MisRouri Lodge, No.1, for rent, amounting to $15 00, ~as presented and allowed.
The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the' election of Officers for the ensuing year, when the following brethren were duly electE>.d, viz: ' M. W. W. W. Brother
A Past
G. G. G. G.
Maste1·. 8. W. J. W.
T1·easu1·er. Secretary.
Lodge was then opened and M. W. duly installed as Grand Master.
Past Masters' Lodge closed.
Gra~d Lod~e
of Missouri.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master appointed and installed Right Worshipful GEO. H. C. MELODY, D. G..M., and installed the following officers, viz: . . W. WM. G. PETTUS, by his proxy, Brother 1'-'. L. BILLON W. 1'HORNTON GRIMSLEy 路 Brother A. GAMBLE, by his proxy, Brother J. P. SPENCER JOHN D. DAGGETT '
G. G. G. G.
8. W.
.7; W. ']"'l"eo,8. Secre'y.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master made the folloWing appointments, viz: Br.otber FREDERICK L. BILLON ISAAC A. LETCHER THOMAS ANDREWS SAM. T. McKINNEY. by his proxy, Brother D. BLAIR
G: S. D, G. J. D. G. Steward. G. lyle/',
Invested each with the jewel of his office, with an approipriate charge. . On motion, Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be presented to our late Grand Master, the Most Worshipful NATHANIEL R. TUCKER. for the zealous and able manner in which he has presided over this lodge for the last. four years. Resolved, That the Most Worshipful Grand Mas.ter be requested to forward .a copy 01\ the foregoing resolutions to Most Worshipful NATHANIEL B. 路TUCKER.
Grand Lodge closed in harmony and peace. Reinstated-By the Grand Lodge, WILL. LEE D. EWING. Expelled-By Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, WILLIAM GLEASON and MARTIN RAMSEY. '
AMQUNT OF MONIES RECEIVED, TO WIT: TYRO LODGE, NO. 12For Jewels Contri buHon Grand Charity Fund
: 路
. $3500 .. 10 00 ,) 00 : ;. $500Q
MISSOURI LODGE, NO. 1Contribution ; ;........... $1300 Grand Charity Fund....................................................................... 6 ~O $1950 From sundry members for dues
$77 qO
G. Secretary,
At a Grand Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, begun and held iIi the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 3d day of A.pril, in the year A. L. 5826, A. D. 1826. . Were present: M. W. EDWARD BATES R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY ..: W. JNO. J. DOUBERMAN W. HAMILTON R. GAMBLE Brother ARCHIBALD GAMBLE TH. DOUGLASS , : JAMES D. EARL EWEL BAKER SAMUEL T. McKINNEY
G. M. D. G. M,
G. G. G. G.
W., pro tem. J. W., p1'O tem.
TrcasuTe1路. Sec1'clary, pro tem. S. D., pro tem. G. J. D., pro terri. G. 'l'ylC1路.
REPRESENTATIVE. . W. JOHN J. DOUBERMAN, S. W., Missouri Lodge, No, 1.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree, in DUE FORM. Brother Grand Secretary presented a communication from Brotber DANIEL DUNKLIN, of Potosi, containing a list of subscribers by him, obtained in pursuance of sundry resolutions of this Grand Lodge of the 3d of October last, on the subject of erecting a monument at Mount Vernon, over the remains of our distinguisbedBrother, GEORGE WASHINGTON.
NOTE.-Printed by EDWARD ClIAR1-oESS,
Proceedin.ds of the
Which was read and ordered to lie over. A petition of sundry brethren, residing in Ste. Genevieve, recommended by Tyro Lodge, No. 12, was presented, praying a warrant of dispensation to open a new lodge in said town of Ste. Genevieve, by the name of Tucker Lodge; Which was read and ordered to lie over. A communication from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was received, containing the present of a work~ published by the authority of said Grand Lodge, under "the title of "A Bimon Rezon."
Grand Lodge adjourned to 8 o'clock P. l\f. to-morrow.
TUESDAY, April 4, A. L. 5826. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. W. GEO. B. C. MELODY, D. G. M., in the chair. Represented, as yesterday. Grand Lodge adjurned to 7 o'clock, Thursday evening" next.
THURSDAY, April 6,
A. L. 5826.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Brother JOHN J. DOUBERMAN, G..M., pro tem, in the chair. Grand Lodge adjourned to' 7 o'clock, Monday evening ne 4 t.
of Missouri.
MONDAY, April 10, A. Grand Lodge met pursuant
117 ~.
,M. W. Eriw ARD BATES, G. M., in the cluiir. REPRESENTATIVES. JOHN J. DOUBERMAN, Missouri Lodge, No.!. ARCHTBALD GAMBLE, Hiram Lodge, No.4. DAVID WORKMAN, Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. GEO. H. C. MELODY, Tyro'Lodge, No. 12.
The letters of appointment of Brothers GAMBLE and MELODY, as proxies for the officers of Hiram Lodge, No.3, and Tyro Lodge, No. 12, were presented and approved. T!le Proceedings of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, relative to the expulsion of JOHN SICEL'l'ON, from all the privileges of Masonry, forever, sent up on appeal, was presented, read and referred to Brother H. R. GAMBLE. Several communications from other Grand Lodges were presented and referred to the committee on communications from Grand Lodges. ,The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, who, had been appointed in October, 1824, to visit and settle the accounts of Sangarilo Lodge, N 6. 9., in the State of Illinois, Reported, That said committee dtd not visit that lodge as early as its inst.ructions requIred, in consequence of the repeated promises of the Worshipful Master of said lodge to attend the Semi-Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, and settle the accounts of that lodge. In 'addition to the confidence reposed in the promises of the Worshipful Master your committee was further prompted to defer its visit through 'a wish to avoid, on the part of this Grand Lodge, all unnecessary expense. The Worshipful Master having failed in his promises, in October, 1825, your committee proceeded to the town of Springfield, where said lodge is located, and issued a summons to the WorshipfUl Master, a copy of which is annexed to this official report, requiring him to convene the members of said lodge, to which summons no attention was paid by him. Your committee then proceeded to open the lodge, and finding the minutes badly kept:a great want of punctuality in their meetings and attendance to the business of the lodge, and that their conduct, if they were suffered to act any longer, would infiict indelible disgrace upon the fraternity, your committee deemed it his duty, for the credit of Masonry, to arrest' their charter, which was accordingly done; all of which is respectfully submitted.
Which report, 'with the Proceedings of said lodge, was referred to a committee composed of Brothers H. R. GAMBLE, DOURERM'.A.N and SPENCER. " ' The petition of sundry brethren, residing in Ste. Gene~ vieve, was taken up and read.
of the
Ordered, That a Letter of Dispensation be granted to the said brethren, authorizing them to open a new lodge in the town of Ste. Genevieve, by the name of Tucker Lodge, No. lB.
, Brother qA:MBLE presented the Proceedings of Hiram Lodge, No.3, with a resolution passed by said lodge sur-' rendering their charter, jewels and furniture; which was read and referred to the committee on returns from subordinate lodges. " Grand Lodge adjourned to 7 o'clock to-morrow evening.
TUESDAY, April 11, A. L. 5826. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. M. W. EDWARD BATES, G. M., in the chair. Represented, as yesterday. Returns were received from Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Tyro Lodge, No. 12, approving the proposed amendment to to the 9th section of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge,. reducing the due8 of visiting brethren. Proceedings of Tyro, Lodge, No. 12, on the su~ject of removing said lodge from the town of Caledonia, -to Mine-aBurton; was received, read, and referred to a committee, composed of brothers MELODY and BAKER. The committee to whom was referred the report of R. W. D. G. M. and the Proceedings of Sangamo Lodge, No.9, made the following report: " The committee to whom was referred the Proceedings of Sangamo Lodge, No.9, and the R. W. Deputy Grand Master, in relation to said lodge, beg leave to Report, That they find that no communication has been made from Sangamo Lodge, to this Grand Lodge, and none of its dues have been paid for so great a length of time, that your committee can view that lodge in no other light than as utterly careless of the duties owing from a subordinate to a. superior lodge, and entirely regardless of the true interests of Masonry. While your committee pronounce this opinion of that lodge, they confess themselves" unable to find the authority by which our Right Worshipful Brother (acting as a committee to settle the accounts of that lodge,) took from it its charter, and suspended its operations. Your committee believe this is the high pre1'ogatlve of this Grand Lodge, and not of an individual member or otllcer. At the same time, we have no hesitation in our belief, that our R. W. Brother was only infiuenced, in thus arresting their work, by that commend~ .
Grand Lodge of Missol!>ri.
able zeal he has ever manifested for the interests of the Order, and in excusable anticipation of what must be the decision of this Grand Lodge. Your committee beg leave to submit the following resolution:' , Resolved, That the charter heretofore granted to Sangamo Lodge, No. .9, be, and the same is herby declared, null and void; and that the name of the said lodge be stricken from the books of this Grand Lodge. Ordered, That said report lie over for consideration.
The committee on communications from other Grand Lodges, l'eported; that they had examined communications from the Grand Lodges of Vermont, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana and Mississippi, and find nothing in them which require any act or expression of opinion of this Grand Lodge; and recommend, that they be filed among the archives of.. this Grand Lodge. Among the communications from other Grand Lodges, your committee find enclosed as a present from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, a new pUblication called a "A Bimon Rezon," and otTer the following resolution, to wit: Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be tendered to th,e M. W. the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, for their present of a new publication relative to the ancient charges and principles of Masonry, called, "A Himon Rezon." ReSOlved, That the Grand Secretary be, and he is hereby instructed, to forward a copy of the foregoing resolution to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Which report and resolutions were agreed to. The committee to whom was referred the Proceedings of T~'ro Lodge, No. 12, relative to 'the expulsion of JOHN SKELTON for un masonic conduct, Report, That the P.roceedings of Tyro' Lodge shew, that JOHN SKELTON was charged with a crime, equally disgraceful to him as a man and Ma~on, and deserving the severest punishment that could be inflicted by the rules of Masonry, or the laws of ,the land. To investigate this charge, a committee was appointed, who report to the lodge the information they obtained by interrogatin'g persons not appearing to be Masons, and by this report, which has been transmitted to the Grand Lodge, it appears, the chargeisestabl1shed with aggravating circumstances of a most horrible nature. Besides the information thus received, and reported by the committee, the lodge had the testimony of two members, .. wq.ose testimony or knowledge of the facts went to prove the information received by the committee," as the record sent here shows., On this evidence, the lodge, after having heard the defence of the accused, expelled him from the Order, Froin this decision he prayed an appeal to this Grand Lodge, which the subordinate lodge granted, and received from him, and transmitted to the Grand Lodge, a defence in writing, to be read here. The manner in which this appeal was taken, does not strictly accord with the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, but it is believed each of the parties thought the case would be thus regularly brought up, and it is thought certain, from the letter of the accused to the Master of Tyro Lodge, enclosing his defence, that on that defence he rested his case. Your committee is not satisfied with reporting the mere want oftechnicality in taking the appeal, and thus suffering the affll,ir to rest,路 when it is thought both parties are sufficiently before the Grand Lodge for it to adjudicate on the case.
l! the report olthe committee of Tyro Lodge be true, it is impossible that any man can be found, within or without the lodge, wh~ would hesitate to
J짜6ceedin'gs'of the
expel from the Order, frorp. society, and from the world, a man so utterly abandoned as the accused must be. The crime with which be is charged, is sufficiently base to excite the indignation of every Mason, but the circumstances under which that report shows it to have been committed, give to it an aspect at which every man mnst shudder, who is not wholly destitute of all moral sense. . Your committee was most desirous, that in the defence written for the purpose of being submitted to this Grand Lodge, and which was written after the report of the committee in the inferior lodge was made, some denial of the charge, and of the truth ~f that report should be found, that we might have some doubt that man was capable of such enormity. But that defence is a senseless jargon, containing neither denial or confession, in the greater part applying as well to one case as another; and showing nothing from which the correctness of t~e sentence can be doubted.. In this view of the case, your committee begs leave to recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge discovers nothing improper in the Proceedings in Tyro Lodge, No. 12, in the expulsion of JOHN SKELTON from the Masonic Fraternity. Resolved, That the expulsion of the said SKELTON, together with the description of him, given in the record of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, be published in one of the newspapers printed in the City of St. Louis.
Which report and resolutions were unanimously agreed. to; and, Ordered, That a copy of the same be transmitted to Tyro Lodge, No. 12.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow.
April 12, A. L. 5826.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as yesterday. Lodges represented as yesterday. The committee to whom was referred the Proceedings of Tyro Lodge, :N o. 12~' relative to the removal of said lodge from the town of Caledonia to the town of Potosi, Report, That they have had the subject under consideration, and have no hesitation in expressing it as their opinion, that subordinate lodges may be removed from one place to another, with the consent and by authority of the Grand Lodge under whose jurisdiction they work; that they have found several instances where this power has been exercised by Grand Lodges where the I?;ood ot' the craft and the interest of Masonry 1'( quired it, tht>y, therefore, cannot dou.bt but that this Grand Lodge does possess that power. Your committee are further of opinion, that the Proceedings of 'I'yro Lodge,
] 826.J
Grand ~od~e oi .;Jf-t88ouri.
No. 12, upon the subject of the removal of said lodge from Caledonia to Potosi, are irregular and informal, and ought not to be sanctioned by this Grand Lodg~ . Although your committee cannot point out the precise manner in which a subordinate lodge ought to proceed for its removal, yet they conceive, that the consent of tife Grand Lodge, first obtained, is indispensably necessary for its removal. Your committee submit the following resolutions, to wit: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge disapprove of the Proceedings of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, in. removing said lodge from Caledonia to Potosi, Without the consen t of the Grand Lodge, â&#x20AC;˘ Resolved, That the Grand Lodge do consent to the removal of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, from Caledonia to Potosi, provided a majority of all the members of said lodge shall present a petition to the M. W. Grand Master for that .purpose, and obtain an order from him, to be endorsed on their charter, to that effect.
Which report and resolutions were agreed to, and Ordered,That a copy of thesame be transmitted to Tyro Lodge, No. 12.
On motion of brother A. GAMBLE, it was That at all meetings of the Grand Lodge, no member thereof shall be permitted to take his seat, unless in full masonic dress. Resolved,
Grand Lodge adjourned until to¡morrow.
April 13, A. L. 5826.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as
Lodges represented as yesterday. The report of the committee, ,presented on Tuesday last, to Sangamo Lodge, No.9, was taken up.
The report and resolutions were agreed to; and Ordered, That a copy of said report and resolutions be forwarded to the Grand Lodge of 111inois and another copy to the former Master of Sangamo Lodge, No.9.
The committee on work and credentials,- to whom was referred the proceedings of Hiram Lodge, No.3, relative to the surrender of its charter, &c. Report, That the lodge, from removals and other causes, has dwindled down to a number insufficient to maintain the lodge in such a situation as to promise usefulness to the Fraternity, they therefore desire to return their charter, furniture and jewels to the Grand Lodge. Your committee recommend the adoption of the follOWing resolution, to wit:
Resolved, That for the r,easons stated in the Proceedings of Hira,n Lodge, No.3, on the 4th day of April, A. D. 1826, the grand lodge'do consent that their charter be returned and tbe said lodge dissolved.
W. WM. G. PETTUS, Grand Senior Warden was permitted to resign that office, and the Most Worshipful Grand Master appointed W. MARTINRuGGLEs,l\1:aster of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, to fill the vacancy thus created. The Most Worshipful Grand Master also appointed the Rev. Brother JUSTINIAN WILLIAMS to be Grand Chaplain. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in harmony and peace. Brothers
paid each one dollar for dues
$2 00.
HELD IN ST. LOUIS, OCTOBER 2, A. L. 5826. • At a Grand Annual Communication of thc Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, beg!ln and held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the second day of October, in the year A. L. 5826, A. D. 1826. Were present: w. TJIORNTON
G. G. G. G.
J. W. & G. M. pro tem.
S. W.pro tem. J: W.1JrO tem. ']1reas. P1'O tem. G. See'y. G. S. D. pro tem. G. J. D. G. Tyler, pro tem.
W: JOHN D. DAGGETT, M.; Brothers F. L. BILLON, S. W.; J. J. DOUBERMAN, J. W.; of Missouri Lodge, No.1. VISITORS. Brothers P. S. BRIDGES and E. BAKER.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree, in
Proceedings of the last meeting were read. Ordered, That brothers DAGGETT, H. GAlIIBLE and BILLON be added to the standing committee on work and credentials from subordinate lodges.
Proceedin.ts of the
Ordered, That brothers H. LANE, ANDREWS and DOUBERMAN, be added to the standing committee on communications from other Grand Lodges.
Several communications from other Grand Lodges were presented and referred to the standing committee. Grand Lodge
adjonrne~ to
4 o'clock, P. M., to-morrow.
TUESDAY, October 3, A. L. 5826. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. W~
T. GRIMSLEY, G. J. W., in the chair.
Represent~d, as
Brother JOSEPH D. GRAFTON, submitted a copy of the Proceedings and By-Laws of Tucker Lodge, No. 13, Under Dispensation, accompanied with a request from that lodge for a charter. Ordm路ed, That the same be referred to the committee on work and creden tials.
Returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, and abstracts of Proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, for the year .ending with Sept~mber, 1825, were presented, and referred to the committee on work and credentials. Returns were received from FranklinfUnion Ilodge, No. 7, approving the proposed amendment to the 9th section of the By-Laws of tbis Grand Lodge. A communication from brother TH. NEALE, a member of Unity Lodge, No.6, requesting a certificate from this Grand Lodge; also, communications from brothers TH031AS CONS'fANT and JAMES LATHAM, members of Sangamo Lodge, No.9, on the subject of their delinquencies, were severally read and' ordered to be referred to a select committee, composed of brothers LANE and ANDREWS. Grand Lodge adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M., to-morrow.
Grand Lod.de of Missouri.
WEDNESDAY, October 4, A. L. 5826. Grand Lodge met, pursuant to adjournment. M. W. EDWARD BATES, G. M., in the chair. Represented, as yesterday.
And in addition brother NAPOLEON N Ol~VELL, ~s proxy for the Senior and Junior Wardens of Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Returns from Tyro Lodge, No. 12, with a copy of their By-Laws, as revised, were received, and ~referred to the committee on work and credentials. The committee on work and credentials, to whom was referred the returns of Missouri Lodge, N.o. 1, Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and Tucker Lodge, No. 13, Under Dispensation, Repo?'t, That the Proceedings of Missouri Lodge, No. I, as shown by the return, have been regular, and in all respects conformable to the usages of MaSonry, In the By-Laws and the Proceedings of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, your committee find a proper and praiseworthy adherence to the regulations of the Order, Rnd can discover no omission on the part of that lodge, but il} their failure to forward the list of members, &c., signed by the Master, and countersigned by the Secretary. The credentials of broth13r NAPOLEON B. NORVELL, as the Representative of the Senior and JuniOl; Wardens of that lodge, your committee find sufficient to entitle him to his seat. With regard to the Proceedings of Tucker Lodge, No. 13, your committee would remark, that路 there have been so few meetings of that lodge, that your committee have little to censure or approve. It will appear, however, that at no meeting of that lodge has any person acted as a Ty ler. This has arisen from the want of members, and your committee suppose the neglect will not . continue when the nu~ber shall be SUfficiently increased. There are in the By-Laws of this lodge many provisions your committee would wish to see expunged, as contrary to resolutions of this Grand Lodge. Article 7, Provides, "That any brother wishing to be advanced, shall produce the certificate of the Treasurer of his having paid all lodge dues," &c. This is inconsistent with a resolution adopted by this Grand Lodge, at the communication in October, 1823.路 There are other exceptions, which your committee forbear to notice now, as it sufficiently appears, that their present code was only: adopted to regulate their work whilst proceeding under a dispensation, and will be. revised and changed, if a charter should be granted.
Your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, That the work of Missouri Lodge, No.1, Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and Tucker Lodge, No. 13, be approved:
of the
Resolved. That brother N. B. NORVELL be admitted to take his seat as a representative of Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Resolved, That a Charter be granted to Tucker'Lodge, No. lB.
V\Thich report and resolutions were agreed to. Grand Lodge adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. to-morrow.
THURSDAY, October 5, A. L. 5826. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjonrnment. M. W. EDWARD BATES in the chair.
Represented, as yesterday. Returns from Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, were received, and referred to the committee on work and credentials, together with a Letter of Attorney from the Master and Senior Warden of that Lodge, appointing Brother H. LANEto represent them in this Grand Lodge. The committee to whom was referred communications from other Grand Lodges, Report, That there have been received, since the Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, in April last, the pi'oceedings of the Grand Lodges of Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and- Louisiana; all of which have been carefully examined, and they find in them nothing worthy the particular notice of this Grand Lodge, with the exception of those of the Grand Lodges.of Maine and Pennsylvania, and Illinois. FJ:om the Grand Lodge of Maine is a letter, addressed by a committee appointed for that purpose, to this Grand Lodge, in answer to a reso'\ution adopted at the last Annual Communication, disapproving and protesting against the right of any Grand Lodge, or power whatsoever, to authorize any innovation upon, or departure from, the ancien t landmarks of the Fraternity. In reply to this leUer, your committee, while they find themselves constrained, by a sense of Masonic duty, to recommend to this Grand Lodge, to adhere to their former resolution, do not desire to withhold from the Grand Lodge of Maine, a just tribute to their good intentions, and their great ingenuity in support of the ground they have assumed. Your committee believe that no circumstances of expediency can warrant a departure from the ancient principles of the Order- in favor of any individual or community. In further answer to the Grand Lodge of Maine, your committee beg leave to reCer to the Proceedi ngs and Circular of the Grand Lodge of the Sta.te of Pennsylvania, which they -request may be read with this report. The following resolutions are recommended for the adoption of the Grand Lodge: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do adhere to the resolution adopted at their last Annual Communication, in relation to the innovation proposed by the Grand Lodge of Afaine, upon the obligations of Masonry.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
In the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State of Iilinols is noticed a resolution appointing Brothers SAWYER and WEST acommtttee to correspond with this Gr:and Lodge on the propriety of reconsidering the resolution expelling E. C. BERRY from the privileges of the Fraternity, and granting a new hearfng to said BERRY, either by this Grand Lodge or Vandalia Lodge. In conformity thereto, Brothers SAWYER and WEST have addressed' a letter to this Grand Lodge. Your committee, while it affords them the highest pleasure to bear testimony to the delicate and generous Masonic spirit with W;hich the Grand Lodge of Illinois and its committee are actuated, cannot refrain from the expression of their convIction that this Grand Lodge has extended to Mr. E. C. BERRY the full measure of justice. While on this subject, your committee do not hesitate to avow their settled conviction that a Grand Lodge has original as well as appellate jurisdiction in all cases wherein they may.think proper to exercise it. They believe that a different construction would lead to innumerable abuses and sap the very foundation of the Masonic Fabric. Nor can they yield to the doctrine that, in the investigation of charges against brethren, they are to be governed by the technicalities which obtain in courts Of justice. Your committee are clearly of the opinion, that when a brother isarraigned,it is his duty to acknowledge or deny the' facts alleged against him. They hold, in general, that one who would screen himself from punishment upon grounds of technical objection to evidence and refusal to answer, can have but little regard for the preservation of the principles of the Order. Setting aside all matters of this character, you.r committee are of the opin.ion that this Grand Lodge had abundan t testimony in the confession of Brother W. L. D. EWING to force them to the adoption of the resolution expelling Mr. E. C. BERRY. In courtesy, however, to the highly respected source from which the request emanates, your committee recommend the adoption of the follOWing resolutions: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will give a new hearing, at their next Semi-Annual Communication, on the first Monday in April, 1827, in the case of Mr. E. C. BEllRY, who now stands expelled from the privileges of Masonry. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois be requested to cause the depositions of Brothers W. L. D. EWING and R. BOTSFORD to be taken and forwarded, as soon as may be, to this Grand Lodge, unless those brethren may find it convenient to attend in person.
On motion, it was Ordered, That that part of the foregoing report
relativ~ to the communications in behalf of E. "C. BERRY, together with that com'munication, be referred to a select committee of three, with instructions to report against the granting of a new trial. Brothers GAMBLE, LANE and GRIMSLEY were appointed that committee.
The residue of said report and resolution was then agreed to. The committee to whom was referred the communication from Bros. TH. NEALE, JAS. LA'.rHAM and Tn. CONSl'AN'.r, on the subject of their standing with this Grand Lodge, Report, That they have had the same under consideration and beg leave to submit the following resolution: Resolved, That any brother who was a member of any of the subordinate lodges uuder this jurisdiction which have surrendered their charters, or 0
Proceedings of the
have been otherwise dissolved by any act of this Grand Lodge, shall, on producing to .the Grand Secretary satisfactory proof of his having paid up all dues thereto, and of his good standing with said lodge, be entitled to a certifi路 cate thereof; and the Grand Secretary Is hereby authorized to grant such certificate, under the seal of this Grand Lodge.
Which report and resolution was agreed to. The committee on work and credentials, to whom was referred the proceedings of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, with the Letter of Attorney to Brother H. LANE, . Report, That the abstract of proceedings of said lodge for the year ending with September, 1825, is in conformity with what is required by the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. This abstract or list being unaccompanied by any other report, it is presumed it was considered by said lodge to embrace all that was required. Your committee, however, are of a different opinion. By the charters gran toed to the several su bordinate lodges, the Masters thereof are required to lay before the Grand Lodge copies of their proceedings, at least once in every year. Although the right to insert that clause in the charter, which has never been adopted by this Grand Lodge, may be questioned, yet the charters having been so granted and accepted by the subordinate lodges, yourcommittee are of opinion that they are bound to comply with the requisition. Such, in fact, has been the practice of all subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, with the exception of the instance herein reported upon, and one other from Hiram Lodge, No.3, at our semi-annual meeting in April last. Your committee are of opinion that subordinate lodges should make annual reports of their proceedings, that the Grand Lodge 路may be enabled thereby to judge whether their work be in conformity with our Constitution and By-Laws, and the custom and usages of the fraternity. The l'eturn of the proceedings of that lodge for the year ending with September last, extends no further back than March, and is incomplete, in not containi)lg an abstract of the initiations, passings, raisings, admissions, &c., as required by the fifth section of the ByLaws of this Grand Lodge. The defects in this return have arisen from the indisposition of the Secretary of that lodge, as appears by the certificate of the Master; and as the Master promises to transmit a complete copy of the' proceedings, as soon as the Secretary recovers, your committee think it unnecessary to recommend any proceedings, by t路he Grand Lodge, on this subject.
The credentials of Brother LA.NE, as the proxy of the Master and Senior Warden of that lodge, are defective, in wanting the seals of those officers, which, your committee think, must render'them void, under the Oonstitution of this Grand Lodge. Your committe recommend the adoption of the following i'esolutions : Resolved, That all subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction be required to lay before the Grand Lodge, at the Grand Annual Communications, in every year, an abridged transcript of their proceedings, stating particularly the time of every meeting, and whether H be a stated, emergent or adjourned meeting, and embracing so much of their work as will convey a correct idea of the whole. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolution to each of t.he subordinate lodges under this jurisdi<;tioD, and, if approved by a majority of them, shall become a Ey-Law.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Which report and'resoiutions were agreed to.Brother DAGGE1'T submitted the following proposition to amend the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, and if approved by a majority of the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, the article referred to shall be expunged: Resolved, That the ninth section of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, requiring dues from members and visitors, be expunged therefrom.
Grand J.Jodge adjourned to three o'clock P. M. to-morrow.
FRIDAY, October 6, A. L. 5826. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. M. W. EDWARD BATES, G. M., in the chair. Represented, as yesterday. \ Brother H. LANE offered the following preamble' and resolutions, which were severally read and adopted, viz: WHEREAS, Instances have occurred of individuals haVing been rejected by the lodge in whose immediate neighborhood they resided, making application to lodges at a distance from their residence, and being initiated contrary to the wishes of brethren who have the best opportunity of knowing their claims to the privileges of Masonry: Therefore. Be it Resolved by the Grand Lodge 01 Missou1'i, That it is not consistent with the principles of Masonry, for any lodge working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, to receive and act upon the petltio'n of any person for initiation into th~ mysteries of Freemasonry, who may reside in the immediate vicinity of any other lodge. Resolved by the Grand Lodge 01 Missouri, That it is inconsistent with the principles of Free Masonry, for any ~odge under this jurisdiction, to receive and act on the petition of anyone praying to be iniUated into tbe mysteries of Maso'nry, who has, at any time before, been rejected, except all tbe mem'bel'S should be present, who acted in the instance of the first rejection, or by the special dispensation of the Grand Lodge. .
130 Grand evening.
of the
adjourned. to .half past 7 o'clock, this
October 6, A. L. 5826.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. 1\1". W. EDWARD BATES, G. M., in the chair.
The committee to whom was referred the report and commnnication in the case of E. C. BERRY, Report, That the instructions unde'r which your committee act will greatly abridge the remarks they would otherwise feel themselves obliged to make on the subject referred to them, and will entirely remove all hesitation in recommending the adoption of the accompanying resolutions. Your ~ommittee believe that any request of a body so respectable as the Grand Lodge of Illinois should receive great consideration, and be denied only from a sense of imperative Masonic duty. They cannot suppose that the request in the present instance has any other object than the attainment of what that lodge considers justice, and while they feel themselves constrained to recommend a refusal of that request, they regret the necessity imposed on them by their own consciences, and trust they will not be suspected of any wan t of respect for the Grand Lodge of Illinois. In the communication from the committee of that Grand Lodge, your committee have sought for the grounds on which the new trial is requested, but are unable to find any specific reason for the application. That committee very prudently decline "expatiating on the doubtfulness or certain ty of the jurisdiction of Grand Lodges being other than appelate, (ex~ept in cases relating to their respective members,") and "upon the impropriety of rendering a final judgment on the merits of a case, when the appeal was taken on a路 collateral issue only;" for it is believed no doubt can exist on either point. That committee, in their communication, say, "they conceive it expedient to attribute the exercise of authority not warranted by our books of Constitution, to a praiseworthy zeal for the preservation of Masonic customs in their wonted purity." This Grand Lodge may be indebted to the members of that committee for the charitable construction they seem disposed to give to its acts, but your committee do not believe the present case demands any exercise of such charity, or'that there is anything in the proceedings of this lodge, in the slightest degree at variance with the Constitutions of Masonry. This committee cannot now refer to the Masonic works to cite authorities in support of their opinions in this particular, nor do they deem it necessary as they have ~o doubt the original jurisdiction of thlscase'is embraced in the general supervising power of the Grand Lodge, and they believe no person can doubt that if a subordinate Lodge should infiict a fiagrantly improper punishmept on any individual, whether the punishment was too severe or too slight, the Grand Lodge would be bound to correct such decision. But if we descend to legal analogies we will find the jurisdiction claimed by the grand Lodge in thls case is warranted by principles acknowledged by conrts of justice. Courts of equity having jurisdiction of any subject matter for any purpose will proceed to do entire justice between the parties in the whole case. The case
Grand .Lod~e of Missouri.
being before this Grand Lodge on appeal of any kind the lodge might proceed to its complete determination. In using this analogy your committee would not be understood as acknowledging the binding force of technfcal proceedings in Courts of Justice. Masonry admits no such trammels on Justice,nor will suffer her to be '''entangled in the nets of form." Your committee feel entire willingness to subscribe to the general propositions laid down in the communication undel; review, but they feel 'themselves entirely at a loss to discove!" their connection with the subject on which that communication was made. They are known to every man as rules of ordinary justice, and will ever govern lodges in their proceedings, and unless it was intended to hint, that this Grand Lodge had violated some Of them, in the proceedings against E. C. BERRY, your committee would have supposed their recital superfiuous. There can be no violation of any of them found in the proceedings against Mr. BERRY. In an application of this kInd, your committee would expect some fact should be shewn, from Which this Grand Lodge should, at least, doubt the correctness of its former proceeding-but' there is none such in this communication. There 路is nothing alleged, from which ~ven a suspicion could arise that injustice had been done. That Mr. BERRY is a man of high standing, at the head of a large and amiable family, cannot change the facts of his case, or lessen the duties Masonry had impos~d on him. It is not pretended, the charges against him are untrue, or that the evidence would be different on a new trial. If your committee could suppose that a new trial ought to terminate in a different sentence, they might feel disposed to award it, but when they are satisfied 'the result WOUld, or ought to be the' same. with the present, they consider the new trial would be an idle ceremony, unprofitable alike to Masonry and to Mr. BERRY. Your committee trust the Grand Lodge of Illinois will consider this second refusal to rehear this case, as made withont a wish to deny anything to that body which this lodge can properly grant.
Your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge find nothing in the communication from the committee of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, that can create a doubt of the correctness of the sentence of expulsion passed on E. C. BERRY, and that, therefore, they are constrained to refuse a new trial. Resolved, That a copy of this report and resolution be forwarded to the Grand Lodge of Illinois, and a copy to the committee of that Grand Lodge. ~hich
report and resolution was agreed to.
Brother DAGGETT submitted the following resolution, which was rea.d and adopted, viz: , Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be, and he is hereby authorIzed, to have printed one hundred copies of the Constitution and By~Laws of this Grand Lodge,. as amended, together with such resolutions as have been adopted' for the better government of thIs Grand Lodge, and the subordinate lodges under its jurisdiction. Ordered, That Brothers DAGGET'r and R. T. M'KINNEY be a committee to settle the Treasurer's and Secretary'~ accountS. Ordered, That the expulsion of MARTIN RANNEY by Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, in April, 1825, together with a descriptIon of him, be pUblished in one of the newspapers printed in St. Louis.
of the
An. account in favor of Brother ANDREWS, as Steward, amounting to $2 25, was presented and allowed. Ordered, That the sum of ten dollars be appropriated to brother SAM.UEL T. M'KINNEY, for his services as Tyler, at the present meeting and that of AprHlast.
A Past Masters' Lodge was then opened, and Most Worshipful EDW~RD BATES duly installed as Gr~Ild Master. Past Masters' Lodge closed. The Most Worshipful Grand Master appointed, and installed, RightWorsJlipful HARDAGE LANE, Deputy Grand Master, and installed the following Officers: W. MARTIN RUGGLES, by his proxy, H. R. GAMBLE :.. G. S. W. W. JOHN F. RYLAND; by his proxy, T. GRIMSLEY G. J. W. Brother RICH'D. T. M'KINNEY G. Treasurer. JOHN D. DAGGETT _ G. Seeretar.1j.
The Most Worshipful Grand1\iaster made the following appointments: Brother FREDERICK L. BILLON G. H.·D. THOMAS' ANDREWS G. J. D . •TAMES P. SPENCER } G St ds ELIHU A. SHEPARD............... . ewar . SAMUEL T. M'KI.NNEY G. Tyler.
And invested each with the Jewel of his office, with an appropriate charge, when the Most Worshipful Master proceeded to make the following appointments, viz: The Rev. Brother JUSTINIAN WILLIAMS .. GEORGE H. C. MELODY THORNTON GRIMSLEY GEORGE MORTON SULLIVAN BLOOD
G. Chaplain.
G. Lectu1·er. G~ Marshal. G.S.13earer.. G. Pursuivant.
Brother Grand Secretary appointed brother J AMlj:S S. LANE, his Deputy Grand Secretary. 01'dered, That Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, be required to make an a\)stract of their proceedings from October 1st, 1825, to 30th September last, and forward the same to this Grand Lodge, on or before the 27th of December ne,xt; and that the Grand Secretary forward a copy of this order to said lodge.
No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge' closed in harmony and peace.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
1826.J .
TYRO LODGE, NO. 12Contribution Charity Fund
$14 50 ,....................................................... 7 25 - - $21 75
MISSOURI LODGE, NO. 1Contribution Charity Fund FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO. 7Contribution Charity Fund ;
:................ .
: \....
$1650 8 25 - - $24 75 $13 00 6 50 - - $19 ~O
TUCKER I.ODGE, NO. 13~ Received in part, for Dispensation..................... $1000 For Dues-Br. REl"SHAW $2 00 For Dues-Br. BATES ~ $1 00 .. H. LANE 100 .. BILLON 200 .. T. ANDREWS 2 00 .. SIMONDS ;.. 25 .. R. T. M'KINNEY..... 25 .. SPENCER........... 50 •• N. B. NORVELL...... 25 .. E. KLIEN......... 25 .. DOUBER1\[AN 200 ". T. GRIMSLEY 200 " H. GAJl1llLE : 2 00 - - $15 50 $91 50
At a Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand I.Jodge of the State of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 2d day of April, .A. L. 5827, A. D. 1827. Were present : M.W: EDWARD BATES G. M. R. W •. HARDAGE LANE D. G. M. W. MARTIN RUGGLES s. G. W. W. H. R. GAMBLE G. J. W., fYl'o tem. Bro. JAMES P. SPENCER.~ G. Treasurer. pro tem. .. JOHN D. DAGGETT G. Secretary• .. JOHN KELLY 8. G. D.• pro tem. .. JOHN J. DOUBERMAN J. G. D. " JOHN SIMONDS....•............... G. 'lyler. .. JAMES S. LANE D. G. Seeretary. .. F. L. BILLON. REPRESENTATIVES.
W.: H. R. GAMBLE, Bros. F. L. BILLON and J. J. DOUBERMAN, Missouri Lodge, No.1. W. : MARTIN RUGGLES, Tyro Lodge, No. 12. VISITORS. SAMUEL D. LEWIS a.nd HAMPTON WEEn.
Grand Lodge' opened in Third Degree, in
Proceedings of the last meeting were read. NOTE.-Printed by EDWARD CHARLESS.
Proceeding8 of the
Returns and communications from Missouri Lodge, No. 1, Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, Tyro Lodge, No. 12, Tucker Lodge, No. 13, and Boonville Lodge, No. 14, Under Disp~n颅 sation, were presented and referred to the standing committee. Copies of proceedings and communications from other Grand Lodges were also presented and referred to the committee for examination. The petition of sundry brethren, formerly members of Harmony IJodge, No.4, residing at and near Louisianaville, was read, and, together with 80 much of the proceedings of this Grand Lodge as relates to the surrender of the charter of the said Harmony Lodge, :N o. 4, was referred to a select committee, composed of Bros. HARDA.GE LANE and.JAMES S. LANE. Grand Lodge adjourned to half-past 7 P. M., to-morrow.
TUESDAY, April 3, A. L. 5827. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment.
W. HARDAGE LANE, D. G. 1\L, presiding.
Represented, as yesterday. The standing committee on work and credentials, Repo1路t, That Tyro Lodge, No. 12, has made return of their proceedings from October last to 1st instant, which, on examination, your committee find in conformity with the requisitions of the Grand Lodge.
Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, have made return of proceedings up to 30th September last, within the time therein required by an order of this Grand Lodge, in October last, within the time therein required, which your committee deem to be good aud sufficient. They WOUld, however, remark that there , are several instances where caudidates have been hurried through the several degrees, without any cause being assigned. Boonville Lodge, No. 14, Under Dispensation, have submitted a transcript of their proceedings, accompanied with a request that a charter may be granted, and have returned their Letter of Dispflnsation. They have also submitted a copy of their By-Laws. Their proceedings appear to have been in every respect proper, and such as should he approved. Their By-Laws, also, meet the approbation of your committee, with the exception of one clause in the second section, which provides that when one black ball appears in balloting for a cahdidate for initiation, the case shall suspended until the next stated meeting, when the ballot may be again taken. This provision, if retained, your committee think may conllict with the expressed opinion ot this Grand L'od~e, as will be seen by reference to a resolution passed at the
Grand ,Lodge of Missouri.
Grand Annual Communication of October last. Your committee would recommend that a charter be granted to said lodge, and that they be required to expunge from the second section of their By-Laws that part above stated.
Brother :Nt RUGGLES appears duly authorized by letter of attorney to act,as proxy of A. llUDSPETH, S. W. of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, at the present Communication. Missouri Lodge, No.1, Franklin Union Lodge; No.7, Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and Tucker Lodge, No. 13, have approved the additional article to the By-Laws proposed at the Grand Annual Communication of October last. Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Tucker Lodge, No. 13, have approved the proposition to expunge the ninth section of the By-Laws. ' Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, and Tyro Lodge, No. 12, have disagreed to that proposition. On motion, said report was accepted. Grand Lodge adjourned to half-past 7 P. M. to-morrow.
WEDNESDAY, April 4, A. L. 5827. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment.
G. M., presiding.
The standing committee on communications from other Grand Lodges Report, That since the last,Grand Annual Commuuication, communications have been received from the Grand Lodges of New Hampshire, New Jersey, District of Columbia, North Carol,ina, Ohio, Ken tu'Cky, Tennessee and Indiana, all of which have been carefulI~r examined; and your committee find nothing in them rendering necessary the adop~ion of any particular measure of this Grand Lodge. '
The committee to whom was referred the petition of certain brethren in and near Louisianaville, praying for the restoration of the Charter of the late Harmony Lodge, No. 4, and the proceedings of the Grand Lodge. touching such surrende~ . Report, That they will be unable to investigate them sati/,lfactorlly, in the time proposed for the present session of the Grand' Lodge. They, therefore, merely intend on the present occasion to submit such facts as they have been able to collect. Upon examination they find that no notice of this business has been taken on the records of this Grand Lodge. the proceedings, however, of Harmony Lodge, No.4, at their last communication,
the committee have noticed the adoption of a resolution proposing a surrender, or rather a deposit of their charter and jewels in the Grand Lodge, until such time as the difficulties they then labored under should be removed. It appears, also, that the brethren signing the petition were at that time mem'bers of Harmony Lodge, No.4. These.are all the circumstances that the committee have been able to collect, and they are submitted without comment, for a want of time. And inasmuch as the committee deem it altogether proper that a further investigation of the sUbject should be made by the Grand Lodge, before they decide upon the petition, they recommend the adoption of the fol~owing resolution: Resolved, That a committee be appointed to inquire into circumstances relating to the surrender of the charter of the late Harmony Lodge. No.4; and that they be instructed to report the result at the next Grand Annual Communication.
Which report and resolution was concurred in by the Grand Lodge. Our R. W. Deputy G. M., H. IJANE, reported: that in pursuance of authority from the M. W. G. Master, he had consecrated and installed Tucker Lodge, No. 13, on the 23d of November last, at Ste. Genevieve, according to the ancient usages of Masonry.' The committee appoin ted to'settle the Secretary's and Treasurer's accounts, made an exhibit of the present state of the funds of the Grand Lodge, shoWing a balance of $33 50, charity fund, and $6160 of the current fund, now in the ha'nds of the present Grand Secretary; also, a further balance of $3625. charity fund, and $98 of the current fund, to be accounted for by the former Grand Secretary and Treasure.r and others.
No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in harmony and peace.
$10 00
. At a Grand Anmlal Oommunication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held in th~ Oity of St. J.Jouis, on the first Monday, being the 1st day of October, A. I,. 5827, A. D. 1827. .Were present: M. W. EDWARD BATES : R. W. HARDAGE LANE W. MARTIN RUGGLES W. FREDERICK L. BILLO~ Bro. GEORGE M'GUIRE JOHN D. DAGGETT JAMES S. LANE JOHN SIMONDS FRANCIS S. SAMUEL GEO. H. C. MELODY THORNTON GRIMSLEY R. W. THOMPSON DOUGLASS.
G. M. D. G. M. s. G. W. J. G. W., pro tem. G. Treasurer. G. Secretary. II Dep. G. Secretary. S. G. D., pro tem. J. G. D., pro tem. G. Tyler., pro tem. G. Marshal.
Grand Lodge' opened in Third Degree. Proceedings of the last Semi-Annual Meeting were read. Returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, Tyro 'Lodge, No. 12, and Boonville Lodge, No. 14, were presented .and referred to the committee on work and credentials.
Proceedings of the
Communications from other Grand Lodges which have been received sinc~ the Semi-Annual l\{eeting in April, were presented and referred to the standing committee. The committee autborized to be appointed at the SemiAnnual :Meeting in April, to enquire into circumstances relating to the late Harmony Lodge, No.4, were now appointed, consisting of Brothers H. LANE,M. RUGGLES, and MELODY.â&#x20AC;˘ Grand Lodge adjourned to haif-past 2 P. M. to-morrow.
TUESDAY, October 2, A. L. 5827. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. M.. W. EDWARD BATES, G. M.,
Lodges represented: MISSOURI LODGE, No. I-By F. S. BILLON, S. W.; J. J. DOUBERMAN, J. W .â&#x20AC;˘ TYRO LODGE, No. 12-By MARTIN RUGGLES, W. M. BOONVILLE LODGE, No. 14-By H. LANE, as proxy.
The committee on work and credentials, Report. That they have exa.mined the returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and Boonville Lodge, No'. 14, and find them in conformity with the requisitions of the Grand Lodge. Brother MARTIN RUGGLES appears duly authorized to represent the Senior and Junior Wardens of Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Brother H. LANE is also duly authorized to represent the Master and Wardens of Boonville Lodge, No. 14.
The committee appointed to make enquiry relating to the late Harmony, Lodge, No.4, , . Report, That they have found nothing on thc records of this Grand Lodge recognizing the deposit contemplated by Harmony Lodge, No.4, and they believe it would have been the imperative duty of the Grand Lodge, with a . knowledge of the circumstances under which Harmon;}' Lodge, No.4, made the deposit, to have arrested Its charter. They, therefore, recommend. the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners ought not to be granted.
On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. Ordered, That the Grand Secretary furnish the petitioners with a copy of the report and resolution.
Grand Lodge adjourned to half-past 7 P. M to-morrow.
Grand Lod.te of Missouri.
WEDNESDAY, October 3, A. L. 5827. Grand" Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. M.
G. M., ·presiding.
Lodges represented as yesterday, and in addition Brother F. S. SAMUEL, J. W., of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7 .. Brother H. I...IANE offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be presented to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, and other officers of the Grand Lodge of New York, for their kindness and truly Masonic attention to our worthy Brother, the Past Deputy Grand Master of this Grand Lodge, GEORGE H. C. MELODY, whlle on a visit to the State of New York.
An electioq of Grand O~cers for the ensuing year was now held, and the following brethren were declared to be duly elected to their respective offices, viz: M. W. W. W. Bro. "
s, G. 'Iv. J. G. W. G. 'Preas.
G. Sec'y.
. Grand Lodge adjourned to 8 o~clock, A. 1\1., to-morrow.
THURSDAY, October 4, A. L. 5827. Grand Lodge met pursuant to ·adjournment. M. W. EDWARD BATES, G. M., presiding. Lodges represented same as yesterday. A Past l\1asters' Lodge was now opened, (all below that degree having withdrawn), when M. W. EDWARD BATES was duly installed as Grand Master. Past Masters' Lodge closed. The lt10st Worshipful Grand Master appointed R. W. HARDAGE LANE D. ·G. Master, and invested him with the . jewel of his office, and installed the ~ollowing officers, viz: W. MARTIN RUGGLES s. G. ·w. . W. H. R. GAMBLE, by his proxy, Bro. THORNTON GRIMSLEy •• JOHN. D. DAGGETT
L. BILLON, J. G. -W. G. Treas. G. See'y.
Proceedin.d8 of the
The Most Worshipful Grand Master made the following appointments, viz: Bro. .. " " "
路.And invested eaeh with the badge of his office, with an . appropriate charge. The l\iost W orsbipful Grand Master then proceeded to make the following appointments, viz: The Rev. Bro. JUSTINIAN WILLIAMS .. JOHN J. DOUBERMAN,.. , ,. JOHN SIMONDS .. SULLIVAN BLOOD
G. Chaplain. G. 111arshal.
G. S. Bearer. G. Pnrsuivant.
Brother H. IJANE, in behalf Franklin Union Lodge, No. 7, asked the loan of the Grand Lodge's jewels, to be used at
the dedication of their new Masonic Hall. On motion, the request was granted. Ou motion, it was Resolved, That the Grand Lodge' allow to Missouri Lodge, No.1, a yearly rent of ten dollars for the use of their hall and furniture, to commence on 1st October, 1826.
Brother DAGGETT, acting Grand Treasurer, reported a balance in his hands of $56, Grand Charity Fund, $122.60 - of the Current li'und, embracing the amount reported as in his hands in April last, and also the receipts during the recess of the Grand I-Iodge, and at .the present Grand Annual Communic~tion.
Brother DAGGE'l'T presented his accouut for a trunk, amount $3.50, which was allowed. .
Grand Lodge adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday next.
----,,TUESDAY, October 9, A. L. 5827. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. R. W. HARDAGE LANE, D. G. M., presiding. Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Boonville Lodge, No. 14, represented as formerly.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
The committee .report Brother G. H. C. MELODY as duly authorized to represent the Master of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, Brother RUGGLEf:j having obtained leave of absence. The commitltee on communications from other Grand Lodges Rep01't, Thatllince the last meeting of this Grand Lodge,.communications have been received from 'the following Grand Lodges, some of them showing merely the autographs of the Grand Officers, lo-wit: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, l\faryland, Virginia, New Jersey, Nova Scotia, Michigan, Georgia, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi. South Carolina, and Louisiana. The' communication from Michigan conveys the information'of the establishment of a Grand Lodge, with a request that this Grand Lodge recognize them.
Your committee would direct the atten tion of this Grand Lodge to a resolution of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, on the subject of reporting suspensions, rejections, and expulsions, page 12. With the exception .of the communication from the Grand Lodge of Illinois, your committee find nothing more in the said communications requiring any act or expression of opinion by this Grand Lodge. It is with regret that your cbmmittee feel bound to animadvert upon the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Illinois. In the proceedings of this Grand Lodge, at their Communication held in April, 1824, it will be seen that ELIJAH O. BERRY, a member of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, then under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, had been some time previously suspended by said Lodge for a violation of one of the most sacred landmarks of our Fraternity, from which he took an ,appeal to this Grand Lodge: That"the charge against him was sufficiently established to the full satisfaction of every unprejudiced mind, and that this Grand Lodge disapproved of the Proceedings of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, and expelled BERRY, the Masonic Fraternity.
Brother WM. L. D. EWING, who was implicated with BERRY in the act, at our April Communication, in 1825,came forward and honestly and honorably acknowledged his error, for which he was reinstated. At the same Communication, (April 1825,) a communication was received from the Grand Lodge of Illinois,requesting this Grand Lodge to reconsider the case of BERRY. Thc high source from whence that request emenated, induced this Grand Lodge to refer the whole matter to a select committee, to consider and report thereon. The committee in their report, remark: That WM. L. D. EWING, implicated with BERRY in the Bame offence, has frankly confessed that the charge is true, yet from the pertinaci ty of BERRY in denying the legality ot his conviction, (not denying the truth of the charge,) but resting his defence upon technical objections to evidence, your committee are of opinion, that nothing has been shewn which would entitle BERRY to a reconsideration of his case.
Which report was agreed to by this Grand Lodge, and the following resolution adopted: Resolved, That the Grand ~ecretary be, and he Is hereby, instructed to transmit to the Grand Lodge of Illinois, a t~anscript of the proceedings in the case ofE. C. BERRY, and inform said Grand Lodge, that, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, the case of E. C. BERRY does not merit a reconsideration. For a further elucidation of the feelings and opinions of this Grand Lodge,
Proceedin.d8 of the
on this sUbject, your committee would refer to the proceedings had at the communication of this Grand Lodge, in October, 1826, pages 12, 13,15,16 and 17, of the printed copy. In the whole of these proceedings it will be seen that great lenity was exercised towards BERRY, by affording him ample time and opportunity to make his defence. He made none other than a mere technical objection to the mode of evidence talren before Vandalia Lodge, No.8. That every courtesy which this Grand Lodge could consistently render to the Grand Lodge of Illinois has been done. That the Grand Lodge of Illinois conceded to this Grand Lodge, the right of acting solely on BERRY'S case; yet, notwithstanding the frequent respectful consideration of their communications relative to BERRY, and the full expositions givep them by this,Grand Lodge, of all the circumstances of the case, the Grand Lodge of Illinois, at their communication in December last, without asking the consent of this Grand Lodge, restored the said BERRY to the privileges of Masonry, thereby exhibiting a spirit of despotism inconsistent with the principles of Masonry. in declaring n.ull and void the acts of a power equal to themselves, and in the attempt to prevent other Grand Lodges from exercising that wholesome Masonic discipline which would check the improprieties of their members.
. Your committee offer the following resolutions: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge do protest against the exercise of power assumed by the Grand Lodge of Illinois, in restoring the said E. C. BERRY to the privileges of Masonry, without the consent of this Grand Lodge first had and obtained. Resolved, That a committee be appointed for the purpose of reviewing the various communications from BERRY, relative to his case, and also the Proceedings of Vandalia Lodge, No.8, and of this Grand Lodge; to embody the same, and submit them to the other Grand Lodges in the United Stales, with a request that they express an opinion thereon. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will not, and that the lodges under its jurisdiction, be directed not to recognize the said E. C. BERRY as a member of the Masonic Fraternity, until the whole subject shall have been finaly disposed of.
On motion o~ Brother GRIMSLEY, that this Grand Lodge dissent from the opinion expressed by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey in their resolution referred toby the committee, on the subject of reporting suspensions, &c., the question being taken, was decided in the negative. On motion of Brother DAGGETT, that this Grand Lodge approve of the opinion expressed in said resolution, the question being taken, was also carried in the negative. On motion of Brother BILLON, the report and resolutions were adopted. On motion of Brother GRIMSLEY that this Grand Lodge do recognize the Grand Lodges of l\iichigan and Nova Scotia; and that the Grand Secretary be instructed to correspond with' the same; the question being taken, was unanimous in the affirmative. . The committee authorized by the secoJ!d resolution in the
·. 1827.J
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
report of the committee on communications from other Grand Lodges, was appointed', composed of Brothers DAGGETT, BILLON and DOUGLASS. Brothers DAGGETT, DILLON and H. R. GAMBLE, were appointed a committee to settle the Past Secretary's and Treasurer'·s aocounts, prior to April, 1826. On motion, the sum of $4 was allowed to Brother MELODY, for his services as Grand Tyler, at the present communication. No' further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in ,harmony and peace.
$1450 7 25 - - $2175
FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO. 7Annual Contribution Charity Fund
TYRO LODGE, NO. 12Annual Contribution Charity Fund BOONVILLE LODGE, NO. 14Annual Contribution Charity Fund Received on Account
$10.00 <> 00 - - $15 00 $14 50 • 7 25 - - $2175
\ $1000 3 00 2 00 --$1500 $73 50
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI. HELD IN ST. LOVIS, APRIL 7, A. L. 5828. • At a Grand Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, begun and held in the Oity of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 7th da~, of April, . A. I.J. 5828, A. D. 1828. Were present: R. W. HARDAGE LANE R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY W. SULLIVAN BLOOD W. JOHN J. DOUBERMAN W. JAMES P. SPENCER W. JOHN D. DAGGET.T W. A. L. MILLS W. JOHN SIMONDS, JR W. BENJ. WALKER W. GEORGE C. HART
D. G. Mo, presiding. P. D. G. M. S. G. W., p1·otem. J. G. W:, pro tem. G. llt·eas., protem. G. Secretary. G. S. D., pro tem. G . .l~ D., pro tem. G. :l'yler.
Master Boonville, Lodge No. 14.
Grand Lodge .opened in Third Degree, in DUE
Proceedings of last Grand AnnualOommunication were read. On motion of Brother DAGGETT, the standing committees on work and credentials, and on communications from other Grand Lodges, were discharged, and the following special committees were appointed, vit'J: Brothers DAGGETT, MILLS
Proceedin.t8 of the
and SPENCER, on work and credentials; Brothers DOUBERl\IAN, SIMONDS, and MELODY, ~n communications from other Grand Lodges. Grand Lodge adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. to-morrow.
TUESDAY, April 8, A. L.5828. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. R. W. HARDAGE LANE, D. G. M., presiding.
Lodges representedFRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO.7-By H. LANE, as proxy. TYRO LODGE, NO. 12-By G. H. C. MELODY, as proxy. BOONVILLE LODGE, NO. 14-By G. C. HART, W. Master. TUCKER LODGE, NO. 13-By H. LANE, as proxy.
The committee on work and credentials Report, That they have examined the returns from Franklin Union Lodge, No. 7;路Tyro Lodge, ~0.12; Tucker Lodge, No. 13. and Boonville Lodge, No. 14, and find them in conformity with the requisitions of the Grand Lodge. They would remark, however, in regard to Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, that, in almost every instance of initiation, they have dispensed with that part of their By-Laws requiring petitions to lie over, without any cause being assigned, and have initiated the candidate on the same evening the petition was presen ted. Your committee discover, by the Proceedings of Tucker Lodge. No. 12, that a difference of opinion exists between the Master and Wardens of that Lodge, and its members, as to the right of appointing representatives to the GI'and Lodge-the members maintaining that they have the right to appoint them, and the Master and Wardens protesting against the proceedings as an invasion of their right, vested in them by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. The Worshipful Master of that Lodge requests that the question may be submitte"d to the Grand Lodge. Your committee have also examined the copy of Proceedings and By-Laws of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, Under Dispensation, and find them proper to be approved of. That Lodge has returned its Letter of Dispensation and requests a charter may be granted them. Your committee have, likewise, examined the credentials submitted to .them, and find Right Worshipful HARDAGE LANE duly authorized to represent the Master and Senior Warden of Tucker Lodge, No. 13; also the Master and Wardens of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. They find Brother GEO. C. HART; Worshipful Master of Boonville Lodge, No. 14, authorized to represent, the Senior and Junior Wardens of that Lodge. They also find Brother G. H. C. MELODY duly authorized to represent the Mas路ter and Wardens of Tyro Lodge, No. 12.
Which report was, on motion, accepted.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
The following resolutions were offered and adopted, viz: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge disapprove of
th~ course pursued by Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, in regard to the initiation of candidates on the same evening the petition is presented, except where the emergency of the case strictly demands it.
Resolved, That the fourth clause of the Constitution of this Grand Lodge, providing for the appointment of representatives from subordinate lodges, does not l:tdmit of the construction put upon it by tne members of Tucker Lodge, No. 13; that the Master and Wardebs of subordinate lodges only have the right to appoint their proxies to the Grand Lodge, and that subordinate lodges cannot be representedotherwls'e than by their Master and Wardens, or their proxies. Resolved, That a Charter be granted to Perseverance Lodge, No. 15.
Grand Lodge adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. to-morrow.
WEDNESDAY, April 9, A. L. 5828. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Right
w: orshipful HARDAGE LANE, D. G. M., presiding.
Same Lodges represented as yesterday, and in addition Missouri Lodge, No.1, by H. R. GAMBLE, W. M. Brother H. R. GAl\iBLE presented an appointment as proxy for Worshipful GEORGE C.HART, which was read and accepted. . The committee on communications from other Grand Lodges' Report, That, after a careful perusal of the printed Proceedings of the Grand Lodges of Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and MisSissippi, they discover nothing among the contents of the same demanding the particular notice of this Grand Lodge.. The committee, however, beg leave to call the attention of this Grand Lodge to the first resolution of the circular letter of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. Recent circumstances, connecting themselves intimately with the best interests of this institution, are at -the foundation of the recommendation contained in that resolution, and 'furnish the best evidence of its wisdom.
Which report was read, and. on motion, accepted. The following resolution, offered by Brother MELQDY, was read and unanimously adopted, v i z : ' . Resolved, That, in token of respect and regard 'for the memory of our departed friend and brother, DE WITT CLINTON, whose distinguished life is the best commentary upon his virtues, and whose acts of public usefulness and private benevolence atrord the strongest evidence of his undeviating attach-
[ApI. .
ment to the principles of our Order, as well as the most durable monument of his own fame and his country's glory, the jewels and badges of .this Grand Lodge be dressed with the appropriate emblems of mourning.
On motion of Brot.her l\iELODY it is Ordered, That the jewels of the late Hiram Lodge, No.2, be loaned to Perseverance Lodge, No. 15.
The l\faster Masons' Lodge was now closed, and that of Past Master opened; all below that degree having previously withdrawn. Brother JOHN JOHNSON, appointed Master of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, was introduced, and received the degree of Past l\faster~ Ordered, That the sum of $4 be, and the same is allowed to Brother BENJAMIN WALKER, for his services as Tyler at the present Communication, and one meeting in October last.
Brother DAGGETT offered the following resolution, which was read and adoptcd, viz: Resolved, That Brother MELODY be, and he is hereby authorized to demand and receive from any person or persons in possession of the same, the jewels, furniture, books and papers which belonged tQ the late Hiram Lodge, No.2.
Grand Lodge cl?sed in harmony and peace. ACCOUNT OF MONEYS RECEIVED. FROM PERSEVERANCE LODGE, NO. 15For Charter..; FROM TUCKER LODGE, NO. 13On Account
$10 00 10 00 $2000
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, begun a.nd held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the sixth day of October, A. I.J. 5828, A. D. 1828. Were present: M. W. EDWARD BATES R. W. HARDAGE LANE W. HAMILTON R. GAMBLE R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY W. JOHN D. DAGGETT W. JOHN CARSON W. JAMES P. SPENCER W. BENJ. WALKER R. W. THOMPSON DOUGLASS Bro. DAVID LAWRENCE.
G?"~nd Master, presiding. D. G.M.andS. G. W"p,路otern. J. G. W. P. D. G. M. and G. Treas.,protem.
G. Secretary. S G. D., pro tern. G. Steward and J. G. D., pro tern.
G. 'l'yler. P. D. G. M.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree, in DUE FORM. Proceedings of the last meeting were read. On motion of Brother H. R. GAl\fBLE, the following committees were appointed, viz: Brothers DAGGETT and H. LANE, on work and credentials from subordinate lodges; Brothers MELODY and H.'R. GAMBLE, on communications from other Grand Lodges. Grand I.Jodge adjourned to Wednesday, 8th iust., 7 o'clock P. M.
Proceedin.ds of the路 'YEDNESDAY,
October 8, A.L. 5828.
Grand Lodge met路 pursuant to adjournment. Most 'Worshipful
G. M., presiding.
Lodges represented: MISSOURI LODGE, NO.1-By H. R. GAMBLE, W. Master. FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO.7-By G. H. C. MELODY, as proxy for theW. M. BOONVILLE LODGE, NO. 14-By same, as proxy for Master and Wardens.
The committee on work and credentials, from subordinate lodges . Report, That they hav~ examined the returns from Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and find them so far as they go, correct, except as to form, which is not deemed material. They have not furnished a transcript of such portion of tbeir Proceedings as would give a general idea of the whole, which is required by the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Your committee find the returns from Boonville Lodge, No. 14, very full and satisfactory. They find Brother G.. H. C. MELODY properly authorized to represent the Master of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7; also the Master and Wardens of Boonville Lodge, No. 14. Brother MAR'rIN RUGGLES is, likewise, duly authorized to represent the Master and Wardens of Tyro Lodge, No. 12. No other returns -have, as yet, been submitted.
The committee to whom was referred the communications of Foreign Grand Lodges, beg leave to Repo'rt, That they have examined the communications referred to them from Kentucky, Virginia, Maine, Quehec, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Indiana and North Carolina, and discover in them nothing which the interests of Masonry, or the dlity of this Grand Lodge, requires them to notice. . A communication,which was made to the officers of this Grand, by those of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, has been examined by the committee; and they will briefly state the facts from which they think it necessary to propose the accompanying resolution :-In 1807, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania granted a warrant for the establishment of Louisiana Lodge, No. 109, at ,Ste. Genevieve. The charter of that lodge was vacated in 1824, for the nonpayment of dues; and the members, at the time the charter was vacated, have failed to pay to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania the several amounts due from them. Attempts have been made to settle the accounts by an agent, appointed by that Grand Lodge, but without effect. Some of the members of the subordinate lodge. have applied to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to restore their charter, for the purpose of collecting their debts, and closing their business. The officers of that Grand Lodge, in their communLcation now under consideration, express a desire to know the feelings of this Grand Lodge on the revival of Lodge No. 109, within this jurisdiction, for the purpose of closing its business. Your committee state that they can see no objection to such revIval of the charter. It will be temporary-for a special purpose, and with the assent of this Grand Lodge'.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Many worthy brethren, now injuriously affected by the vacation of the charter, will be restored, by the settlement of their accounts, to their proper standing; and many, to whom the subordinate lodge was actually indebted at the time of its demise, will be freed from the general censure.
Your committee, therefore; recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will freely acquiesce in the revival of Louisiana Lodge, No. 109, at Ste. Genevieve, by the Grand Lodge, of Pennsylvania, for the ,purpose of collecting its debts and ~losing its business. ' Resolved, That the Grand Secretary forward a copy ofthe foregoing.resolntion1to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
On motion, the resolutions were adop,ted. A report was read from Brother M. J. NOYES,of Louisiana, stating that in pursuance of an appointment by the Most Worshipful, the Grand Master, he had, on the 8th of September last, in conjunction with a sufficient number of known and approved Past Masters, opened and constituted Perseverance -Lodge, No. 15, and installed the officers thereof, according to ancient usage and form.
Brother H. R. 'GAMBLE, Master of Missouri Lodge, No. 1, presented a communication from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, stating the suspension, by that Grand JJodge, of late Missouri Lodge, No. 12, for non-payment of dues, &c., which was read and refercd to a select committee, composed of Brothers H. R. GAMBLE, H. LANE and DAGGETT. .Grand Lodge adjourned to Friday, 10th, 7 o'clock, P. M.
FRIDAY, October 10, A. L. 5828. Grand Lodge met pursuant to
M. W. EDWARD BATES, G. M., presiding. Lodges represented as before. .Tha committee to whom was referred the communication of the Master of Missouri Lodge, No.1, Report, That the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, many years since,granted a charter under which Missouri Lodge, No. 12, established in this place,'continued to work until the establishment of this Grand Lodge. The charter was surrendered to this Grand Lodge, and a new one issued by it, under which the members composing Missouri Lodge. No. 12, have continued to work to this time. At the time the Tennessee charter was surrendered, Lodge Np. 12 was indebted to that Grand Lodge in the sum of $36, which has never been paid, and, for the failure to pay. that Grand Lodge, during the last year, has suspended Missouri Lodge, No. 12.
Proceedin.t 8 of the
The effect of that suspension is now to be considered. If it can only operate on the subordinate lodge, as a body, without effect on
the privileges of the members, then the suspension in the present case is wholly inoperative, because the charter is surrendered. But if, in ordinary cases of suspending a subordinate lodge, the privileges of tbe members would be affected, tbe preseut case is one in wbich no such effect could be, given to the suspension. This Grand Lodge has received tbe charter of Missouri Lodge, granted by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, and by that act bas admitted tbe right of a subord,inate lodge, under peculiar circumstances, to cbange its allegiance. If any money was then due from Missouri Lodge, No. 12, to the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, there can be no question that tbat money should have been paid; nor can tbe change of charters destroy the rigbt of that Grand Lodge to the money. But when the subordidate lodge has passed under the j urisdic~ion of anotber Grand Lodge, it appears to the comm ittee to be entirely beyond the power of the Grand Lodge to wbicb it was first sub0rdinate to affect tbe Masonic standing of its members. It would be abandoning the rights of tbis Grand Lodge to admit a,ny such power; nor is it at all necessary tbat sucb power sbould be possessed by tbe Grand Lodge of Tennessee. Tbis' Grand Lodge bas been established for several years, a'nd is recognized }).y the Grand ~odge of Tennessee and tbe otber Grand Lodges o'f tbe United States. It possesses full and ample power over tbe lodges and individual Masons within its jurisdiction; and to it, as competent to give remedy against subordinate lodges, sbould all applications for sucb remedy be made. If a subordinate lodge sbould refuse to discbarge its debts to any other Masonic body, tbere can be no doubt tbat its immediate superior can enforce a discbarge of its duty; anr by tbe action of such superior tbe end will be accomplished, without giving rise to disagreeable questions about jurisdiction.
Your committee have therefore arrived at the conclusion, that the most proper mode of obtaining paymen t of the debt due from Missouri Lodge to the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, would have been through this Grand Lodge, and that the suspension by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee can neither operate on Missouri_Lodge, No. I, working under this Grand IJodge, nor affect the Masonic standing or privileges of its members. But your committee, witb a view to do complete justice to the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, think it necessary tbat Missouri Lodge should pay to tbat Grand Lodge whatever may be due. The committee therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, That Missouri Lodge, No. l,be directed to pay to the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, the amount due to that Grand Lodge, at the time the charter of Missouri Lodge, No. 12, was surrendered to this Grand Lodge.
On motion, the report and resolution was adopted., Th~
committee on work and credentials further
Report, That tbey have examined the returns of Perseverance Lodge; No. 15, and Missouri Lodge, No. I, and find them in conformity wHh the requisition of the Grand Lodge. Brother 1'. L. M'GILL appears duly authorized to represent the Wardens of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15.
An election of officers for the ensuing year was now held, when the following brethren were declared duly elected to their respective offices, viz:
Grand R.W. W. W. W. W.
of Missouri.
G. M. S. G. W. J. G. W.
G. Treas. G. Sec'y.
Grand Lodge adjourned to.Saturday, 11th, 7 o'elOC~{
SATURDAY, October 11, A. L. 5828. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment.
R. W.: HAMILTON R. GAJYIBLE, S. G.W. elect, presiding. ljodges represe'nte'd same as yesterday. Brother MELODY, in behalf of Franklin Union Lodge, .. No.7, asked permission of the Grand Lodge, to remove said Lodge to the new town of Franklin. On motion., the request is granted. . A Past Masters' Lodge was now opened, when Most Worf?hipful HARDAGE LANE, Grand Master elect, was duly qualified, and installed into office. Past Masters' Lodge clos'ed. The Most Worshipful Grand Master proceeded to install the following officers, viz: ' w. HAMILTON R. GAMBLE W. ADAM L. MILLS W. THORNTON GRIMSLEY W. JOHN D. DAGGETT
S. G. TV. J. G. TV. G. Treas. by proxy G. H. C. MEI,ODY.
G. See'y.
The Grand Master made the following appointments: Brother JAMES P. SPENCER THOMAS ANDREWS BENJ. WALKER
G. B. D. J. G. D. G. Tyler.
Arid invested them with their respective badges of office, with an appropriate charge. He then proceeded to make the following appointments, viz: R. W. GEORGE H. C. MELODY D. G. M. 'I'he Rev. Brother JUSTINIAN WILLIAMS G. Chaplain. " SULLIVAN BLOOD G. Mm·shal. J. J. DOUBERMAN G. SWQ1'd Bearer. FRED. L. BILLON G. Pw·s'tlivant. JOHN SIMONDS· ·· ·..·..· }.G Bt d WILL. H. HOPKINS...............· ewar s.
Proceedini8 ~
On motion the sum of $4 is allowed to Brother WALKER for his services as Grand Tyler, at the present Communication. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge closed in harmony and peace.
Received at the present communication. MISSOURI LODGE, NO. 1Current Fund : Charity Fund
$18 00 9 00 - - $27 00
FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO. 7Current Fund Charity Fund : TYRO LODGE, NO. 12Current Fund.: . Charity Fund
$11 00 . 550 - - $16 50. ,
$13 50
BOONVILLE LODGE,路NO. 14Current Fund Charity Fund................................................................................. . PERSEVERANCE LODGE, NO. 15Current Fund ~ Charity Pund ;.............................................. .
$20 25
$13 00
6 5Q . _ - $19 50 $10 00 2 75 - - $1275 $90 00
HELD IN ST. LOUIS, APRIL 14, A. L. 5829• • At a Grand Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. Louis, on the 14t,h day of April, A. L. 5829. A. D. 1829. Were
presen~: M. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. M; W.
Grand Lodge opened in
Degree, in
Proceedings of the last meeting were read. Brothers BILLON and MILLS were added to the committee on work and credentials. The committee on work and credentials Repm·t, That the Proceedings of Tucker Lodge, No. 13, submitted to them, 'have been examined and found correct; that Most Wor'shlpful H. LANE is duly authorized to represent the Masters and Wardens of Tyro Lodge, No. 12; Brother THOMAS ANDREWS, the Master and Wardens of Boonville Lodge, No. . 13; Brother H. R. GAMBLE, the Master and Wardens of Franklin Union Lodge, No. 7,as proxies at this Semi-Annual Communication. NOTE.-Printed by KEEMLE &
Brick Building, Ol1ve Street.
On motion of Brother H. R. GAMBLE the communications from other Grand Lodges were ordered to lie over until our next Grand Annual Communication. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge closed ,in harmony and peace.
STATEMENT OF MONEYS RECEIVED. TUCFER LODGE, No. 13Charity, due for 1827 " "1828 Current Fund for 1828
$3 ()O 3 75 1000 $1675
LOUIS, OCTOBER 5,.A. L. 5829. •
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 5th day of October, A. L. 5829, A.D.1829. Were present: M. W. R. W~ R. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. Brother
HARDAGE LANE G. M. FRED. L. BILLON S. G. W., p"O tem. JOHN SIMONDS, JR J. G. W., pro tem. NATH'L SIMONDS G. Treas.,protem. JOHN D. DAGGETT G. See'y. JOHN NUMAN G. 8. D., pro tem. THOMAS ANDREWS G. J. D •. BENJ. WALKER G. Tyler. N. B.o NORVELL, S. W. Tyro Lodge, No. 12.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree. Proceedings of the last Annual and Semi-Annual Communications were read. Brothers JOHN SIMONDS, Jr., and F. L. BILLON, were appointed a committee on work and credentials. Brothers THOMAS ANDREWS and N. B. NORVELL, were appointed a committee on communications from other Grand Lodges. Grand Lodge adjourned till to-morrow evening.
of the
TUESDAY, October 6,A. L. 5829. Grand Lodge met pursuant to ,adjournment. M. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M., presidiI1g. Lodges represented. MISSOURI LODGE, NO. I-By the Master a.nd J. W. FRANKLIN UoNlON LODGE, NO.7-By THOMAS ANDREWS. BOO~VILLE LODG;E, NO. 14-By the same. TYRO LODGE, NO. 12-By N. B. NORVELL.
The committee on work and credentials Report, That they have examined the returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, Franklin Union, No.7, Tucker, No. 13, and Boonville, No. 14, all of which they find in conformity with the reqUisitions of this Grand Lodge. Your committee have also examined the returns from Tyro Lodge, No. 12, which they find incomplete, inasmuch as it is not accompanied with a transcript of their Proceedings, as is required by the 6th section of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Were this the first omission on the part of Tyro Lodge, in failing to comply with the requisition above alluded to, your committee would have been satisfied in merely noticing the fact of the omission; but, alii by a reference to the Proceedings of this Grand Lodge at its last Annual Communication, it will be fonnd that the returns from Tyro Lodge, No. 12, for the year preceding were, in like manner, defective. your committee are constrained to believe, that the omission at this time could not have altogether occurred through ignorance on the part of Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Your committee therefore recommend that "Tyro Lodge, No. 12, be required to forward to this Grand Lodge, at its Semi-Annual Communication in April next, an abridged transcript of their Proceedings, from October 1, A. L. 5827, up to this time. Your committee have also examined the credentials submitted to them, and find Brother THOMAS ANDREWS duly authorized to represent the Master and Wardens of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, also the Master and Wardens of Boonville Lodge, No. 14. Brother N. B. ~ORVELL, Senior Warden of Tyro Lodge, No, 12, is authorized to represent the Junior Warden of that Lodge; and Brother H. LANE appears to be duly appointed the proxy for the Master of Tucker Lodg.e, No. 13.
Which report was,
on motion, concurred in.
The committee to whom was referred the communications from other Grand Lodges, Repm路t. That they have examined Communications received from' the Grand Lodges of Maine I, New York 3, Pennsylvania 1, Delaware 2, New Jersey 1, District of Columbia 4, North Carolina 2, South Carolina 1, Ohio 2, Virginia 1, Kentucky 2, Tennessee 1, Alabama 3, Mississippi 3, Louisiana 2, and New Hampshire I, comprising copies of their printed Proceedings, with the official signatures from several of them. They find nothing contained in them requiring the particular attention of this Grand Lodge, except the Proceedingsof the Grand Lodges of Kentucky and District of Columbia, on the SUbject of establishing a' new Mason Ic test. The Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia,communicated by cirCUlar, is herewith reported for t~e fln't4er <;Qllsiqeration of t4is Grand Loqg'e.
of Missouri.
Which report was, on motion, concurred in; and the following resolutions embraced in the' Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia referred to, were also concurred in, viz: Resolved, That in the opinion of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, no authority on earth, except the universal body of Masons, or their . representatives especiaily empowered for that purpose, has the right or tile pow~r to alter, in any manner whatever, the ancient landmarks of the Order. . Resolved, That the establishment ofany other new or different test or rule, for the examination or admission of visiting or other Masons, besides that handed to us from distant ages, cann.ot rightfully be effected by any other than the high authority'alluded to in the preceding resolution. Resolved, That the attempt to establish such a test by some of the Grand Lodges of the United States, meets the settled disapprobation of this Grand Lodge.
~AGGETT offered
the following resolution, viz:
Resolved, That so much of an order, passed 26th Oclober. 1824, as requires the Grand Secretary, when publishing the Proceedings of this Grand Lodge, to annex thereto a list of the names of those expelled or suspended, which have been communicated by other Grand Lodges, be, and the same is hereby rescinded.
Which resolution was, on motion, adopted. An election of offi~ers for the ensuing year was now held, when the following- brethren were declared duly elected to their respective offices, viz: M. R. R. R. R.
G. M. S. G. W.
.J. G. W.
G. Treas. G. See'y.
Grand Lodge adjourned till Friday evening next.
FRIDAY, October 9, A. L. 5829. \ Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Wer路e present: , M. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M., presiding. Lodges represented: FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO.7-By T. BOONVILLE LODGE, NO. l~By same.
Proceedin.dS 01 the
There not being a sufficient number present for the transaction of business, Grand Lodge adjourned to Wednesday evening next.
WEDNESDAY, October 14, A. L. 5829. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: M. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M. presi.ding. Brother DAGGETT stated that he bad been reqnested by the Master of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, to lpake known to tbis Grand Lodge, that the returns of that lodge, intended to be made at this Communication, were found on examination to be incomplete, for which reason they were withheld, with the assurance, that complete returns should be made at the Semi-Annual Communication of April next; also the request of Per'severance Lodge, No. 15, that for the reason that they were not installed until the 8th of September, 1828, that the amount paid as Grand Lodge dues at the Communication of October last, should be appropriated towards the payment of dues due by that lodge for the past year, ending 1st instant. Whereupon the following resolution, offered by Brother DAGGET1', was unanimously. adopted, viz: ' . Resolved, That inasmuch as Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, was not installed until the 8th of Sept. 1828, that the dues paid by them in Octvber last b~ applied to the payment of their Grand Lodge dues for the past year, ending with the 1st instan t.
Brother DAGGETT submitted his account, as acting Grand Treasurer for the past year, showing a balance in his hands of $93 25, charity fund, and $14 98, of the current fund, exclusive of the receipts of the present Communication. Brother DAGGETT also reported路 t.hat the amount of $90, loaned to Brother H. LANE in October last, had been refunded, and was included in the amount submitted. The Grand Secretary stated that the unsettled accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, reported April 4th, 1827, had been in a great measul'e liqnidated, but were not yet in a state to be report~d upon. f
A Past Masters' Lodge was now opened, and l\fost Worshipful HARDAGE LANE, Grand Master elect, was duly qualified and installed into office.
Grand Lodge of .Missouri.
Past Masters'Lodge closed. The Most Worshipful Grand Master proceeded to install the following officers, viz: R. R. R. R.
W. W. W. W.
HAMILTON R. GAMBLE G. S. W. AARON L. MILLS, by his proxy, F. L.BILLON, G. J. W. RERNARD PRATTE, JR G. Treasurer. JOHN D. DAGGETT G. Secretm路y.
The Grand Master made the following appointments ': Bro. JOHN SIMONDS, JR " THOS. ANDREWS BENJ. WALKER
G. S. D. G. J. D. G. ~I.'yler.
And invested each of them with their respective badges of office, with an appropriate charge. The following appointments were then made by the Grand Master, viz: R. W. FREDERICK L. BILLON The Rev. Bro. JOHN R. BROWN " SULI,IVAN BLOOD THOS. ANDREWS: R. T. M'KINNEY J AS. P. SPENCER. J AS. KENNERLY
Deputy G. M. G. Chaplain. G. JJfa1路shal.
:.. G. Swo'rd Bearer. :
G. Purs路uivant.
} G. Stewards. ..
On motion the sum of $4 is allowed to Brother for his services as Grand Tyler.
There appearing no further business, the Grand Lodge closed in harmony and peace.
STATEMENT OF MONIES RECEIVED AT THIS COMMUNICATION. FROM MISSOURI LODGE, NO. 1Curren t Fund Charity Fund ':............................................................... . FRANKLIN UNION LODGE, NO. 7Current Fund : Charity Fund , TYRO LODGE, NO. 12rent Fund Charity Fund
$15 50 7 75 - - $23 50 $11 00 5 50 - - $1650
lUI 00 :
550 - - $16 50
BOONVILLE LODGE, NO. 14-(due $14 50). Current Fund $14 00 Charity Fund.................................................................................... 725 - - $2125 $77 50
EXPULSIONS. By Tucker Lodge, No. 13-RICHARD S. DORSEY', expelled for gross unmasonic conduct.
~f ISS 0 URI.
HELD IN. ST. LOUIS, APRIL 5, A. L. 5830. At a Grand Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 5th day of April, A. L. 5830,. A. D. 1830. Were present: M. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W.
S. G. W., presiding. G. ChaplainandS. G. W.pro tem. G. J. W. G. Treasurer, pro tem. G. Sem·etary. G. S. D., protem. G. J. D., pro tem. G. Tyler.
A. L.
Tyro Lodge, No.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree; in
Proceedings of th.e last Annual Communication were read. Brother G. H. C. MELODY, who had been specially appointed to visit Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, and Boon. ville Lodge, No. 14, submitted his Report, which was read, and, on motion, referred to a special cOPJ.witte composed of Brothers DAGGETT and BROWN, •
of the
Brothers MILLS and ANDREWS were appointed a com~ mittee on work and credentials from subordinate lodges. Brothers MELODY and SPENOER were appointed a mittee on communications from other Grand Lodges.
A petition from Tyro Lodge, No. 12, for permission to re~ move said lodge, was presented and read, and ordered to lie on the table. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow evening, at 7 o'clock.
TUESDAY,April 6, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: M. W.: JOHN R. BROWN, G.M., pro tem. Lodges represented: MISSOURI LODGE, NO. I-By THOS. ANDREWS, S. W. TYRO LODGE, NO. 12-By J. R. BROWN, W. M., and JOHN D. DAGGETT, proxy for Senior and Junior Wardens. BOONVILLE LODGE, NO. 14 - By THOS. ANDREWS, proxy for Master and Wardens.
The committee on work and credentials Report, That they have examined the returns from Tyro Lodge, No. 12, em-
bracing tl;J.e whole time from October, 1827, to October, 1829, as required by this Grand Lodge, at the Grand Annual Communication of October last. Also the returns from Boonville Lodge, No. 14, since last October, and find them in conformity with the requisitions of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. They likewise find, from the credentials submitted to them, that Brother JUHN D. DAGGETT is dUly authorized to represent the Senior and Junior Wardens of Tyro Lodge, ~o. 12; Brother H. R. GAMBLE, the Mastes:and Wardens of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7; and BrotherTHOS. ANDREWS, to represent the Master and Wardens of Boonville Lodge, No.H.
Which report was, on motion, concurred in. The petition of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, for removal, was called tIp, when the following resolution, offered by Brother DAGGETT, was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the petition of Brother N. B. NORVELL and others, members of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, praying that the said lodge may be removed from the town of Potosi to the town of Caledonia, be, and the same is hereby granteq,
Grand L()dge adjourned to Monday evening next.
Grand Lodte of Missouri.
MONDAY, April 12, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Lodges represented-Same as before; and in addition, Franklin Union Lodge, No.7. . The committee on work and credentials make further report, as fo.llows, viz: We, the undersigned, a committee on work and credentials, beg leave to make the following report on the work and proceedings report.ed to this Grand Lodge, from. Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, inclusive, from the 26th day of September. 1829, to the 29th of March~ 1830. Upon a careful view of the whole ground, your cora mittee are driven to the conclusion that there is an unfriendly spirit prevailing in that lodge, and that there are many perceptible errors in their work. Your committee will now notice some of their proceedings which seem to call for the exercise of the remedial powers of this Grand Lodge. 1st. On the 27th of December last, (the Anniversary of St. John,) at their meeting, they received the petition of a candidate, and acted on it instanter, and initiated him, without any perceptible cause of emergency. 2d. At a meeting of their lodge, on the 4th day of February, 1830, in open lodge, they passed a resolution refusing to receive Brot,her G: H. C. MELODY, when duly authorized by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, as Grand Lecturer and Instructor to subordinate lodges, notwithstanding they had at a former meeting of the lodge received him, and the Master had conducted him to the Chair, that he might exercise the duties of his mission. 3d. At a meeting of their lodge on the 8th day of February, 1830, in an open lodge of Entered Apprentices. they passed a resolution (when, we believe, there were but four mem bers present), preferring charges of unmasonlc conduct against a Brother Master Mason, 'which your committee believe to be in .violation of the ancient landmarks and usages of the Craft. Your committee beg leave to call the attention of this Grand Lodge to the charges of the aforesaid lodge, preferred against Brother G. H. C. MELODY. herewith submitted.
motion, the same being seconded, tbc report was con路 curred in, and the charges referred to, as preferred against Brother MELODY, were dismissed on tbegroulld tbat there was no evidence furnished in support of them. The petition of WILLIAM BOWLES and otbers, residing at and near Clarksville, recommended by Perseverance Lodge, 路N o. 15, praying a dispensation to open a new lodge at Clarksville, to be calledClarksville Lodge, was presented and read, and, on motion of Brother MILLS, that tbe prayer of the petitioners be granted, the same was carried in the affirmative. The committee to whom was referred the report of Brother- MELODY, also the committee on communications from other Grand Lodges, asked and obtained' further time to report. . Gra,pd Lodge adjourned until t9-1I1Orrow evenlng.
Prooeedings of the
TUESDAY, April 13, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Were present: 1\10st Worshipful H. R. GAMBLE, S. G. W., presiding. Lodges represented-same as yesterday. The, committee on communications from other Grand Lodges beg leave respectfully to Report, That since our last Annual Communication, nothing of consequence has come to hand, except a circular from the Grand Lodge of Alabama, upon a subject that originated in the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, which was reported upon at our last Communication. Also, the signatures of the officers of the Grand Lodges of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Indiana, and Kentucky.
Which report was
The committee to whom was referred the report of Brother G. H. C. MELODY, as Granel Visitor and Lectnrer, by specjal appointment of the 1\1:. W. Grand Master, to visit Boonville Lodge, No. 14, and Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, Report, That they have had the same under consideration. From the whole tenor of therepor(,. so far as it relates to Frankin Union Lodge, No.7. it appears that that lodge has, in several instances, transacted business highly prejudical to the true principles of Masonry; that several of its members, and , particularly the Master and Senior Warden, have been gUilty of very immoral and unmasonic conduct; their records have been very imperfectly kept; their conduct towards a member, who had been tried for unmasonic conduct and acquitted, uncharitable. They have initiated a candidate of unlawful age, contrary to the usages of the Fraternity; they have fnitiated an applicant after having been apprised by one of their own members of his unworthiness, and that he could not associate with him ever' as a Mason. They have refused, by a vote of the lodge, to receive further instructi'Ons from Brother MELODY, in tbe character of Grand Visitor, after having first received and recognized bim as SUCh. Some of the members of that lodge have long been in the practice of speaking openly and frequently of the transactions of the lodge; so much so, that they have become a matter of public notoriety, much to the prejudice of Masonry. Altogether, it would seem, that the lodge is in a con路 fused,state, much disrespected and becoming more so. Your committee, however, are constrained to believe that the report under consideration may have been made with feelings somewhat irritated, and, consequently, the misdemeanors alleged somewhat overrated; yet they believe the circumstances of the case are such a~ to require the interposition of this Grand Lodge. They WOUld, therefore, recommend the adoption of the following resoluion: Resolved. That Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, be suspended from further operation un,til :i.fter the next Grand Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge; that theMaster and Wardens oftbat lodge be furnished with a copy of the report of Brother MELODY as Grand Visitor, and the Proceedings of this Grand Lod~e in rola.tioa to the sarllej that ther be cited to appear in person,
of Missouri.
or by proxy, at our next Grand Annual Communication, to make answer to the charges contained in said report, and to show cause, if any they have; why the Charter of that lodge should not be annulled.
Which report was concurred in, al)d the resolution adopted. Brother DAGGETT offered the following' resolution, which, being seconded, was una,nimously adopted: Resolved, That a committee, composed of members of this Grand Lodge who may reside in the vicini ty of Franklin .Union Lodge, No.7, be appointed, with instructions to make enquiry relative to improper and unmasonic conduct alleged against said lodge, and to their present standing, and to report the same to our next Grand Annual Communication. Also, that they be author路 ized to receive from Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, their charter, books, pap'ers, jewels, and furniture, and to hold the same subject to the further order of this Grand Lodge.
Wherenpon, Brothers MARCUS WILLIAMS, JOHN WILSON, and ROBER'l' P. CLARK were appointed th~t committee. On motion of Brother MELODY, that the jewels, formerly belonging to Hiram Lodge, No.3, be presented to Perseverance Lodge, No. 14, the same being seconded, was, on the question being taken, decided in the negative. Brother JOHN R. BROWN presented his petition for a loan from Jthe ellarity fund, to relieve him from embarrassments which have arisen in consequence of sickness in his family. Whereupon, Brother'l\frLLs offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the sum of eighty dollars of the charity fund be loaned to ..Brother JOlIN R. BROWN. for tpe term of one year, at an interest ot six per cent. and that he be required to give his note for the same, payable to the Grand Treasurer, or his successor in office.
The petition of SINCLAIR KIRTLY and others, Master Masons, residing at and near Colnmbia, praying Letters of Dispensation to open a new lodge at Columbia, to be called Columbia I-..odge, was presented and read, with the recommendations of Boonville Lodge, No. 14, in favor of said petitioners. Whereupon, on motion, it was ordered that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and tha:t Letters of Dispensation be issued. On motion of Brother DA,.GGETT, the sum of four dollars is allowed to Brother B. WALKER, for his services as Grand Tyler at this Communication.
No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed' in harmony and 路peace. RECEIVED. From SINCLAIR KIRTLY and others, for Letters of Dispensation to open Columbia Lodge : $20 00
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand I.Jodge of l\iissouri, b~gun and hcld in the city of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the fourth day of October, A. L. 5830, A. D.1830. Were
G. M. G. S. W.prote.m. G. J. W. . G. Treas.protem. G. Sec'ypro tem. G. S. D. pro tem. J. G.D.protem. G. Tyler.
Grand Lodge opened in Third degree in DUE FORM. I
Proceedings of the last Annual and Semi-Annual Communications were read. The following committees were appointed, viz:
On work 'and credentials from subordinate lodges-Bros. THOMAS ANDI~EWS, S. KIRTLEY and THOMPSON DOUGLASS. On Communications from other Gra,nd Lodges-Brothers A. L. MILLS and GEO. n. MELODY.
Returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, and Boonville,
Proceedings of the
No. 14, were presented, and referred to the committee on work and credentials. Brother S. KIRTLEY, W. Master of Columbia Lodge, Under Dispensation, submitted copies of the By-Laws and Proceedings of that lodge, with a request, that if approved of by this Grand Lodge, a charter be granted them. Referred to the committee on work and credentials. The committee appointed at the last Semi-Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, to make enquiry relative to improper and ullmasonic conduct alleged against Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, made report as follows, viz: To the Grand Lodge of Missouri: We, your committee, on whom, by a resolution of your body, was imposed the duty of enquiring into the truth of certain charges against Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, and as to the character and standing thereof, beg leave to report: that we have, after three days of laborious investiga,tion, come to the Bame conclusion with those mentioned in the report of the committee of your lodge upon work and credentials, (upon the subject of the disturbances of the said subordinate lodge) at your Semi-Annual Communication in April last. We think that the corrective power of the Grand Lodge is necessary, to restore the sa id lodge to its proper standing and the performance of its strict and proper Masonic dut.ies. But your commi.ttee belleve, that much of the confusion and other misdoings of the said lodge, and the members thereof, has ~rown, in a great measure, out of the ignorance of some of the attending members. Your committee are sorry to say, that they find some of the better informed members of the said lodge have not attended to the lodge in person for a long time, whose influence and example plight have had a salutary etfect. Your committee are constrained to say, that they perceive even yet among some of the members of said lodgfl, particularly the Master and Senior Warden, and more particularly with the Master, a spirit very uncharitable and unmasonic, producing with each other; ill-natured contradictions, altercations, &c. Yet, in charity, your committee attribute much of this to ignorance, and would respectfuily suggest to the Grand Lodge, that the evils and improprieties existing in the said lodge, and among the'members thereof, would in all probability be remedied, and the said lodge again restored to order and good standing, by punishing one or two of the most guilty, and hitherto most influential members thereof, in such charitable, mild and parental manner as your body in its charity and wisdom may devise. Your committee in order to furnish the Grand Lodge with the best means offorming a correct opinion as to the matters and things above alluded to, have sent (herewith accompanying) a mass of testimony, (principally in questiolJs and answers) by them taken, and also the minute book and large record book of the said lodge.
The report being read, was, on motion, referred to a special committee, consisting of Brothers KIR'l'LEY, MILLS and ANDREWS. Brother Grand Secretary stated, that since the las't SemiAnnual Communication, he had received the Proceedings of the following Grand Lodges, to wit: Louisian'a, Maryland,
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
New York, Mississippi, New Jersey, Maine, Ohio and Indiana, which were referred to the committee_on communications from other Grand Lodges. Grand Lodge adjourned till to-morrow evening.
TUESDAY, October 5, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. M. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M., presiding. Lodges represen ted: MISSOURI, NO. I-By S. and J. Wardens. BOONVILLE, NO. 14-By Brother TROS. ANDREWS.
The committee on work and credentials made the following .report, viz: \ To the ilL W.路 Grand Lodge of Missouri. The committee on work and credentials of subordinate lodges, have examined the returns from Boonville Lodge, No. 14, and find them in strict ~onformity with the ancient usages of MasonrY,and the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Your committee conceive the returns from Missouri Lodge, No.1, not so full and satisfactory as they ought t.o be, and recommend that they be returned to said lodge for further report. The power of attorney from the Master and Wardens of Boonville Lodge, No.. 14, constituting Brother THOMAS ANDREWS their proxy, is in due form. In the transcript of the Proceedings of ColumbIa Lodge, UndeI' Dispensation, your committee discover, that lodge has been in the habit of receiving petitions, balloting for candidates, and voting in relation to their pecuniary concerns, in the E. A. and F. C. Lodges; your committee submit to the consideration of the Grand Lodge the correctness of such proceeding. In all other respects, the Px;oceedings of said lodge are in perfect accordance with the usages of Masonry and the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge.
Which report was accepted, and the following resolutions adopted, viz : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do not approve of the practice Qf Columbia Lodge, receiving and acting on petitions for initiation and passing, and transacting the ordinary business of the lopge, in the degrees beiow that of M. M.; that all other proceedings of said lodge are approved of. Resolved, That a charter be gran ted to Columbia Lodge; that the Grand Secretary be directed to forward a copy of the foregoing report ~nd resolutions to Columbia Lodge.
. On motion, the sum of twenty dollars was appropriated to the relief of the widow and family of the If,tte Brother CHARLES JE.A.NNERET; and the sum of :five dollars to the further relief of the widow of Brother BRENAN.
Proceedind8 of the
A Communication from the officers of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, (under suspension) was read, and referred to Brothers KIRTLEY, MILLS and DOUGLASS.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow evening.
WEDNESDAY, October 6, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment.
:M. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M.presiding. Lodges represented as yesterday. The following report from the committee on communica-' tions from other Grand Lodges, was presented and read, viz: The committee to whom the Proceedings of Foreign Grand Lodges were referred, respectfully report: That they have had the same under coil!;ideration, and after an attentive perusal of them, tqey discover nothing which ,requires the particular attention ofthis Grand Lodge.
The committee to whom was -referred the communication from the late officers of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, submitted the following report, viz: The committee to whom was referred the communication of Brothers PERCIVAL, McNEES and LEVERlDGE, late Master and Wardens (and Brother BRIDGES, memher) of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, have examined the same, and report, that it appears to your committee those brethren, at the 8emiAnnual Communication of this Grand Lodge in April last, preferred, on behalf of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, charges against Brother GEO. H. C. MELODY, Grand Visitor and Lecturer. It also appears to your committee, that previous to the said Semi-Annual Communication, Brother PERCIVAL, the Master of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, informed Brother MELODY that charges would be preferred against him, and cited him to appear and answer to them. It also appears to your committee, that charges were forwarded to t.he Grand Lodge at the said Semi路Annual Communication; that Brother MELODY, in obedience' to said citation, appeared ready to answer and defend; the party complaining did not appear to prosecute (nor did they produce any evidence to support) said charges, and the Grand Lodge, in the opinion of your committee, very properly dismissed them for want of evidence. Your committee are not disposed to animadvert with severity upon the communication of said brethren, and would charitably lJelieve what they assert therein, viz: "that said charges would not be acted on until the present Grand Annual Communication, the citation of Brother MELODY notwithstanding." Your committee also forbear to remark upon many expressions in the communication of said brothers, apparently reflecting upon this Grand Lodge-an act of injustice towards them. Your committee offer the following resolution, viz:
of Missouri.
Resolved, That the request of'said brothers, fora committee to be appointed by this Grand Lodge to investigate.the truth of the charges against Brother MELODY, cannot be granted. Resolved, That a copy of th,is report and,resolutions be forwarded to said
Which report being read, was, on motion, concurred in, and the resolution adopted. The special committee, to whom was referred the report of Brothers WILLIAMS, WILSON and OLARK, submitted a report and accompan'ying resolutions, which being read, were laid over for further consideration. A petition from sundry brethren residing at and near Palmyra, Mo., for a dispensation to open a new lodge, wa's presented-and read; whereupon it was ordered, that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, upon their complying with the provisions of this Grand Lodge upon the subject.
. Grand Lodge adjourned till to-morrow evening.
THURSDAY, October 7, A. L. 583Q. Grand Lodge. met pursuant to adjournment. M. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M., presiding. Lodges represented as yesterday. A petition from sundry brethren, residing at and near Liberty, Clay Co., Mo., praying a dispensation to open a new lodg~ was presented and read, and the same granted, on the petitioners complying with the By-Laws on this subject.
The following resolution by Brother KIRTLEY, was agreed to, viz: . Resolved, That a committee of three be named, for the purpose of drafting such alterations, amendments, and additions to the present Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, as they shall' deem necessary for the better government of the same, and the lodges subordinate to it. And that they report the same to this Grand Lodge at its ne~t Semi-Annual Communica~ tion .
. Brothers H. R. GAMBLE, KIRTLEY and MILLS were appointed th~t committee. The report and resolutions relating to the affairs of Franklin Union Lodge,. No.7, submitted yesterday hy the . special committee were, by permission, withdrawn. Grand Lodge adjourned till to-morrow evening.
Proceedin.ts of the
FRIDAY, October 8, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. M. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M., presiding. Present as before; and in addition, M. W . EDWARD BATES, Past G. M.; and R. W.: H. R. GAMBLE, G. S. W. Lodges represented aR before. Re'turns from Clarksville Lodge, Under Dispensation, were present~d, with a request for a charter, if approved of, and submitted to the committee on work and credentials. The special committee, on the report of Brothers WILLIAMS, WILSON and Cr....AR~, were discharged from the further consideration thereof; whereupon Brother GAMBLE submitted the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted, viz: As it appears that' the officers of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, have appointed Brother JOHN D. DAGGET'r their proxy,Oto answer for them the charges preferred against that lodge, and the said Brother DAGGETT is now absent from this city, therefore, Resolved, That the further consideration of the report of the committee upon the affairs of that lodge be postponed until the next Semi-Annual Communication; at which the officers of said lodge are required to appear in person or by proxy. Resolved, That the resolution of this Grand Lodge,passed the last SemiAnnual Communication, suspending the operations of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, be continued i~ force until 'the end of the next Semi-Annual Communication. 0
Resolved, That the commiLtee consisting of Brothers WILLIAMS, WILSON and CLARK. be authorized and required to demand from the officers of F. U. Lodge, No.7, all the funds belonging to said lodge, and hold the same SUbject to toe further order of this Grand Lodge.
The committee on work and credentials reported as follows, viz: That they have examined the transcript of the By-Laws and Proceedings of Clarksville Lodge, Under Dispensation. and find thatsaid lodge has been in the habit of receiving petitions, balloting for candidates, and doing the ordiIiary business of the lodge in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Degrees. In conformity with this practice, the said lodge, has enacted the following as a section of their By-Laws, to wit: Section 24, "Be it further , ordained, that any member of this lodge, below the degree of Master Mason, may' be permitted to vote on any question which may come before this lodge." Your committee also find, that said lodge has failed to transmit a list of its officers and members, or a list of its initiations, admissions, &c., to the Grand, Secretary of this Grand Lodge, in conformity with the fifth section of the By-Laws. In all other respects, the committee find the B~'-Laws and Proo
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
ceedings of said lodge are in conformity with the usages of Masonry and the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Your committee, therefore, submit the following resolutions, viz:
.. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approve of the By-Laws and Proceedings of Clarksville Lodge, Under Dispensation, except said 24th section of their By-Laws, and except 'the above recited practice of said lodge, of receiving petitions, balloting for candidates, and doing the ordinary business of the lodge, in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Degrees. "Resolved, That a charter be granted to Clarksville Lodge,and that the Grand Secretary forward a copy of this report to the Master of said lodge.';
The report and resolutions. were adopted. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow eve-mingo
SATURDAY, October 9, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. M. W.: H. LANE; G. M., presiding. Present as before. Lodges represented as yesterday. Brother Grand Secretary presented returns from Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, which were referred to the Committee on work and cr~dentials. LANE & allowed.
account for $6 00' was presented and
The committee on work and credentials make further r
Report, That they have examined the transcript of Proceedings, together with the list. of the officers and members, initiations, &c., of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, ending on the first of October, 1830, and find the same in strict conformity with the usages of Masonry and the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. They find that the Letterof Attorney, transmitted by the Master and Wardens' of said Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, appointing their proxy to represent them in this Grand Lodge, is not in conformity to the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, inasmuch as it is not uneler the seals of the said Master and Wardens. Your committee also 'find from an examination of the Proceedings of this Grand Lodge, that Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, has not transmitted to this Grand Lodge an abstract of their Proceedings, together with a list of the officers and members, initiations, &c., of said lodge, from the time of their installation under their Charter, to' October, 1829. Wherefore, your committee submit the propriety of adopting the follOWing resolution, viz; Resolved, That Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, be, and the same are hereby required, to transmit to the next Semi路Annual Communication of this Grand
Proceedings of the
Lodge an abstract of their Proceedings, together with a list of their omcera and members, initiations, &c., from the time of their installation under their Charter, until October, 1829, and that the GrandSecretary transmit to the Master and Wardens of said lodge a copy of this resolution.
Which resolution was 'concurred in. The following preamble and resolutions, submitted by Brother KIRTLEY, were, on motion, adopted, viz: WHEREAS, It appears to this Grand Lodge, that neither 'l'yro Lodge, No. 12, nor Tucker Lodge, No. 13, has delivered or transmitted either a transcript of their Proceedings or a list of their officers and members, initiations, admissions, deaths, &c., to this Grand Lodge,' at the present Communication; and WHEREAS, It appears further, that said lodges have failed to pay their annual contributions, in conformity with the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, therefore,
Resolved, That said lodges are hereby required to make their proper returns and pay their proper contributions on or before the next Semi-Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge; and in default thereof, that they be, and are hereby cited to appear at said Semi-Annual Communication in person or by proxy, and show cause, if any they have, why they should not be stricken from the books of this Grand Lodge, and their Charter considered null and void. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary transmit a copy of the above to the Master and 'Wardens of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and a copy to the Master and Warde'ns of Tucker Lodge, No. 13.
The Grand Lodge now went into an election for officers for the ensuing. year, when the following Brethren were duly elected, viz: M. W. W. W. Bro.
G. M. ~
G. 8. W. G. J. W. G. Treas'r. G. 8ec'ry.
Grand Lodge adjourned till Wednesday, the 13th inst.
WEDNESDAY, October 13, A. L. 5830. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment.
R. W. HARDAGE LANE, G. M., presiding. Lodges repiesented as before. Brother J. D. GRAFTON, W. M. of Tucker Lodge, No. 13, appeared on behalf of said lodge and presented a written st.atement of the causes which prevented that lodge from
Grand Lod.te of Missouri. \
making its annual returns and contributions to this Grand Lodge, accompanied with a request that no censure be passed on said lodge for its failure, for reasons stated verbally and in writing, which being deemed satisfactory, it. was Resolved, Thatsomuch of the preamble and resolution, adopted on the last evening, as related to Tucker Lodge, No. 13. be respinded.
Brother MELODY was authorized to dispose of a Masonic carpet, the propert~7 of the late Hiram Lodge, No.3, at St. Charles. A Past Masters' Lodge was now opened, and M. W. HARDAGE I..JANE, G. M. elect, was duly qualified and installed into office. Past Masters' Lodge closed. The Most Worshipful Grand Master proceeded to install the following officers~ viz.: W. SINCLAIR KIRTLEy W. A. L. MILLS : Bro. THOMAS ANDREWS FRED'C L. BILLON
G. G. :.G. G.
S. w. J. W.
1.""eas'r. Sec'ry.
The Grand Master made the following appointments:· Bro. JAMES P. SPENCER S. BLOOD BEN.I. WALKER
G. S.D. G. J. D.
G. PlJler.
And invested each with the appropriate badge 'of his office. The following appointments were then announced by the Grand Master, viz: R. W. Rev. Bro. Bro. .. ..
.. ..
Deputy G. M. G. Chaplain. G. Marshal. G. Sword Bearer. G. Pursuivant. } G. Ste'ward.~ .
Brother GA.MBLE proposed the following resolution, which was unanimously agreed to, viz: Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be tendered to Brother J. D. DAGGETT, for his correct and faithful discharge of the duties of Grand Secretary for the term of four years, during which he has served in that laborious office•.
Brother ANDREWS offered the following resolution, which was. adopted:
Resolved, That there be allowed and paid to the Secretary of this Grand Lodge, in addition to the fees he is entitled to receive, the sum of twenty-five dollars per annum as a salary, and no other salary to be allowed.
The following'resolution, submitted by Brother GAMBLE, was then adopted, viz: Resolved, That the Tyler of this Grand Lodge receive the snm of one dollar for his attendance each day upon this Grand Lodge.
No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was .closed in harmony and peace.
STATEMENT oJ!' MONIES RECEIVED A'r THIS COMMUNICATION. Current Fund. Chari ty Fund. Total. $15 50 $ 7 75 $23.25 550 ~ 11 00 1650 500 10 00 1500 500 300 on account... 1(1 00 275 1275 From Columbia Lodge (Under Dispensation).. 1000 275 . 10 00 No. 16, for Charter.:...... 10 00 275 2000 From Clarksville Lodge, (for dispensation )..... 10 00 From Missonri Lodge, No. 1.. From Boonville Lodge, No. 14 From Perseverance Lodge, No. 15
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI. HELD IN ST. LOUIS, APRIL 5, ·A. L. 5831. • At a grand Semi-Annual -Communication of the G.rand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held in'the city of St. Louis, on the 5th day of April, A. L. 5831, A. D. 1831. Were present: M. W. HARDAGE LANE G. M. R. W. GEO. H. C. MELODY D. G. M. W. J. D. GRAFTON G. S. W.,pro tem. W. H. R. GAMBLE. G.J. W.,protem. Bro. THO'S. ANDREWS G. Trea.s. " FRED'C. L. BUJLON G. See'y. " JA'S. P. SPENCER G. S. D. " B'R. PRATTE, Jr G. J. D., tem. " BENJ. WALKER G. Tyler. ,M. W. EDWARD BATES P. G. M. Bro. M. F. JONES, Tyro Lodge, No, 12.
VISITORS. THOMAS W. WEST, JAMES R. PULLEN, Missouri Lodge, No. 1. DAVID E. JACKSON, Tucker Lodge, No. 13.
Lodges represented: MISSOURI LODGE, NO. I-By Brothers E. BATES, W. M., THO'S ANDREWS, S. W., B. PRATTE, Jr., J. W. TYRO, NO. 12-By Broth~r M. F. JONES, as proxy for S. and J. Wardens. TUCKER, NO. 13-By Brother J. D. GRAFTON, W. M. 13()QNYILLE, NO. 14-Br Bro. 1'. ANDREWS, proxy for M, and W~rdens,
Proceeding 8. of the
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree in DUE FORM. Proceedings read. Brothenl BATES, JONES, and MELODY, were appointed a. committee on communications from other Grand I..o<:J,ges, and Brothers GAMBLE, ANDREWS, and SPENCER, on work . and credentials from subordinate lodges. The following report was submitted, viz: The committee on work and credentials have examined the returns from 'r~'ro Lodge, No. 12, and. Tucker Lodge, No. 13, and find that the Proceedings of Tucker Lodge are in accordance WHh the prInciples of Masonry, and reqUire no other ~ction of this Grand Lodge than the acceptance of their charter, which they have resolved to surrender. The return of 'ryro Lodge is defective in not shewing a list of the members, but the committee do not believe that the omission reqUires at present any censure from the Grand Lodge. They find the appointment of Brother MYERS F. JONES, as the proxy of the Wardens of that lodge, to be in proper form.
The committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution, viz: Resolved, 'I'hat this Grand Lodge consents to the surrender of the charter and bOoks of Tucker Lodge, No. 13, upon the payment o{the amount due from that lodge to this Grand Lodge.
The report was concurred in, and the resolution adopted. Brother GAMBLE was excused from further service, as a member of the committee on work and credentials, and Brother GRAFTON substituted in his place. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow, at 7 P. M.
WEDNESDAY, April 6, A. L. 5831. Grand Lodge met pufsuant to adjournment. Lodges represen ted as before. The committee on communications from other Grand Lodges, reported: That ietters had been received fwm the Grand Lodges of the States of Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina and Vermont, and from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, containing the signatnres of the superior omcers of those Grand Lodges, respectively. They further report that they have examined printed copies of the Proceedings of the Grand
Grand Lodge ·o[ Missouri.
Lodges of Vermont, .New Hampshire, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and India.na,.and find. nothing therein which requires the particular a\tention of this Grand Lodge.
The committee on work and credentials ask leave further to Report, 1st. That we find the W. M. and S: & • J. Wardens of Franklin Uni9n Lodge, NO.7, cited to appe.ar and answer charges at the present Com. munication, have duly appointed .the M. W. HARDAGE LANE-their proxy to appear for them.
2d. We find Brother T:a.os. ANDREWS duly appointed the proxy Of the W. M. and Wardens Boonville Lodge, No 14. We have examined the returns of said lodge, and find them correct. .
·3d. We find that Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, have made their returns in due form, as required by this Grand Lodge, at the Annual Communication held in October last; and that said 'lodge is in nowise censurable for having heretofore failed to make their returns. ' 4th .. We findtbe returns of Missouri Lodge, No. I, completed as by an order of the Grand Lodge, of October, 1830, that lodge was required to complete them a~ our present Semi·Annual Communications.-All which your committee re~pectfully submit.
The following resolutions were submitted and adopted, viz: 1st. That the ny-Laws of Palmyra Lodge, Under Dispensation, be ap,Proved. 2d. That a charter be granted said Lodge, agreeably to their petition.
On motion of Brother GR.AFTON, it was, Resolved, That further proceedings in regard to the affairs of Franklin
Union Lodge, No.7, be postponed until the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in October next; and that the resolution suspending the operations of said lodge, be continued in force until that time.
A commnnication from the Rev. Brother JOHN R. BROWN, asking the indulgence of another year on the amount ($80) loaned l)im by this Grand Lodge in April last; was presented and read. Whereupon it was Ordered, That the request of the petitioner be granted,' and the Grand Treasurer' authorized to re·new his note for the same, on his complying with the terms of the loan.
The cparter of Tucker Lodge, No. 13, was surrendered by Brother GRAFTON, late W. M.' of said lodge, he baving previously paid the amount due by said lodge to this G:rand Lodge. The amount paid 'by Columbia Lodge, as dues to this Grand Lodge, at the communication in October last, was directed to be placed to the credit of that lodge for '~he
present year; inasmuch as it did not appear, from the former practice of this Grand Lodge, that dues were required from a subordinate lodge nntil chartered. The committee appointed at the last Anmial Communication, to revise the Constitution and' By-Laws of tbis Grand Lodge, were allowed until the next communication to report. There appearing no further business, the Grand Lodge was duly closed in harmony and peace.
MONEYS RECEIVED A'r THE PRESENT COMMUNICATION. Current Fund. From Tyro Lodge, No. 12 $1000 From Tucker Lodge, No. 13 1000 " " . " ; 10 00 From Palmyra, No. 18, for charter......................
Charity Fund. $500 . 4 00 3 75
Total. $15 00 14 00 13 75 1000 85275
HELD IN ST. LOUIS, OCTOBER 17, A. L. 5831. • At a Grand Annual Communication of tbe Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held in the Oity of St. Louis, 011 the the 17th day of October, A. I.J. 5831, A. D. 1831. Were present: M. W. W. W. Bro. " " .. .. ..
P. G. M.,p1·esidin!l..' G. S. W., protem. G. J. W. G. Treas.
G. Secretw·y. G. S D., p1'O tem. G. J. D. G. l'yler,pro tem.
Gra,nd Lodge opelled in 'rbird Degree in DUE
Proceedings of last Communication were read. Bros. LETCHER, . Ad GAMBLE and MILLS were appointed a committee on work and credentials from subordinate lodges, and . Bros. ANDREWS, SPENCER and H. R. 'GAMBLE, on communications from other Grand Lodges. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow evening. NOTE.-Prlnted by the St. Louis Book & Job Office. Olive Street.
Proceedings of the
TUESDAY, October 18, A. L. 5831., Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present as yeRterday, with HARDAGE LANE, G. Master.
the addition of M. W.
The committee on work and credentials reported as follows, viz: The committee to whom was referred the Proceedings of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, Columbia Lodge, No. 16, and Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, report that they have carefully examined the work of said Lodges, and find it; in the main conformable to ancient usages. They find Brotber 1<'. L. BILLON, appointed by the Master and Senior Warden of Tyro Lodge, to represent them in this present Communication. They also find that the Master and Wardens of Perseverance Lodge have appointed Brother T. L. MCGILL as their representative in this Grand Lodge.
, The committee on communications from other Grand Lodges reported:. 'I'hat communications have been submitted to them from the Grand Lodges of New York, Ohio, Maine, Maryland, Rhode 'Island, Virginia, New Hampshire, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida and District of Columbia, and they find nothing in those communications that requires any action of this Grr nd Lodge.
Bro. Grand Secretary read communications from Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, and Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, on the subject of dues to the Grand Lodge, whereupon, it was, on motion, . Ordered, That inasmuch as said lodges had been installed under their charters but a short time, they be exempted from the payment of dues to this Grand Lodge at the present Communication.
Brother A. GAMBLE offered the following which was adopted, viz:
Resolved, That it is no less the .duty than the privilege of subordinate lodges, to be represented, either in perSon or by proxy, at the communication of this Grand Lodge.
Brother Grand Secretary submitted the following, viz: Resolved, 'rhat the third p'aragraph of the Constitution of this Grand
Lodge, be amended to read as follows, viz:
"The Grand Lodge shall hold an Annual Communication, and the Grand Master, or his Deputy in case of his absence, may, when necessary, call special meetings."
There appearing' no fn rther bu~iness requiring the pre路 attention of this Grand Lodge, it was adjourned, to meet again on the third Monday of Dec.ember. ~ent
] 831.J
Grand Lod.de of Missouri. MONDAY,
December 19th, A. L. 5831.
G. M. D. G. M. G.8. W.pro tern. G . .7. W. G. Treasure?·.
G. Secretary. G.·S. D. G. J. D. Fro tern. G. Pursuivant
G.8teward. G. Tyler. P. G. M.
The credentials of representatives from subordinate lodges were presented and referred to tbe committee on work and credentials, who presented the following report, viz: The committee on work and credentiais beg leave to report, that they have examined the credentials submitted to them, a:p.d find' the followiDg lodges, duly represented in Grand Lodge, viz: MISSOURI LODGE, NO. I-By Brothers ,EnWARD BATES. W. M., THOMAS . ANDREWS, S. W., and BERNARD PRATTE, Jr., J. W. TYRO LODGE, NO. 12-By Brother AUGUSTUS JONES, as proxy for Brothers MART~N RUGGLES. W. M., and AIRS HUDSPETH, S. ·W•. PERSEVERANCE LODGE, NO. I5-By Brother JOHN JOHNSON, as proxy for Brothers A. W. CHAMBERS, W. M., WILSON COOK, S. W., and WILLIAM PENIX, J. W. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. I6-By Brothers OLIVER PARKER, W. M.• JESSE HART, S. W., and GEO. H. C. MELODY, as proxy for Brother JAHIEI, PARKS J.W.
Returns from Missonri Lodge, No.1, were presell ted and referred to the committee on work and credentials. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow evening.
Proceedinds of the
TUESDAY, December 20, A.. L. 5831. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournmfnt. Present as yesterday, with the addition of Rev. Brother JOHN R. BROWN, G. Chaplain, and Brother DANIEL DUNKLIN, J. W., Tyro Lodge, No. 12. I... odges represented 路as before.
commit~ee on
work and credentials reported:
That the Proceedings of Missouri Lodge, No.1, submitted to them, are in regular for~.
On motion of Brother DOUGLASS, it was unanimously Resolved, That the charter of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, be rescinded and declared null and void.
Brother H. LANE submitted the following resolutions, viz: 1st. Rcsol1Jed, 'I'hat the act of this Grand Lodge. rescinding the charter of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, shall not be construed as operating to the prejudice of any member of said lodge who may not have been concerned in the irregularities or unmasonic proceedings of said lodge, and who may have paid, or shall pay, his dues to the same. 2d. Rcsolvcd, That ROB'T PERCIVAL, SAM'J, C. McNEES and REUBEN S. LEVERIDGE, former Master and Wardens, and PEMBERTON S. BRIDGES and JAMES C. BOGGS, former members of said Franklin Union Lodge, be cited to appear before this Grand LOdge, in person or proxy, at the Semi-Annual Communication in April next, then and there to answer the charges preferred against them by Bl'Other GEO. H. C. MELODY, Grand Visiter, in his report made to this Grand Lodge, in April, 1830.
The above resolutions were severally adopted. The committee to revise the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, were allowed further time to report. On motion, the committee a,ppointed in April, 1830, to demand the fn.nds, &c., of Franklin Union I ... odge, :No.7, were required to make a路 report of their proceedings in relation thereto, to the Semi-Annual Communication in April next. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow evening.
Grand Lodde of Mis8ouri. W:mDNESDAY,
December 21, A. L. 5831.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. An account of Brother JAMES R. $10 75, was presented and allowed.
amounting to
The Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, when it appeared the following brethren were duly elected, viz: M. W. W. W. Brotber
G. S.
G. J. W.
G. Trcas. G. Sec路y.
A Past Masters' Lodge was then opened, and Most Worshipful EDWARD RATES, G. M., was duly qualified and ins.talled into office. Past Masters'Lodge closed, and Master Mason Lodge re-opened, when the Most W'orshipful Grand Master proceeded to install the remaining officers elect, and delivered to each an appropriate charge. . The Most Worshipful Grand Master then announced the following appointments, viz: R. w. GEO. H. C. MELODY D. G. M. Rev. Bro. JOHN R. BROWN (}. Chaplain. Bro. JAMES P. SPENCER G. S. D . .. J. B. D. VALOIS G. J. D. .. A. L. MILLS G. Marshal. .. ' JOHN SIMONDS, JR G. Sword Bearer. .. RICH'D T. l\lcKENNEY G. Pursuivant. .. JAMES KENNERLy } G. "t ~. .. BERNARD PRATTE JR.......... .' '" ewaru.~. .. JAMES R. PULLEN ..(:i. 'l.'yler.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master delivered an appropriate address, after which, there appearing no further business, the Grand I.Jodge was duly closed in harmony and peace.
STATEMENT OF MONEYS RECEIVED DURING PRESENT COMMUNICATION. Current Fund. Charity}<'und. Total. From Tyro Lodge, No. 12 $10 50 852."i $1575 From Perseverance Lodge, No. 15 1000 4 00 1400 From Columbia Lodge, No. 16 1300 6 50 1950 From Brother J. R. BROWN, interest on loan due AprIl, 1831. : . 480 From Clarksville Lodge, No. 17 .. 10 00 From Missouri Lodge, No. 1.. 20 00 10 00 3000 $9405
At. a Grand I.Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the 2d day of April, A. L. 5832, A. D. 1832. Were present: M. W. EDWARD BATES G. M. R. W. G. H. C. MELODy D. G. M. W. ·M. J. NOYEB G.S. W.,protem. W. AUG. JONES , G. J. W. Bro. THOS. ANDREWS G. Treasure?'. .. J. B. D. VALOIS , : G. Secretary, pro tem. .. H. R. GAMBLE G. S. D., pro tem. .. S. W. B. CARNEGY J. G. D., pro tem. .. JAB. R. PULLEN G. Tyler. .. HARDAGE LANE P. G. M .. A. B. CHAMBERS, W. M. Perseverance Lodge, No. 15. .. JESSE HART, J. W. Columbia Lodge, No. 16. VISITOR.
M. RAULSTON, Missouri Lodge, No.1.
Lodge's Represented: MISSOURI LODGE, No. I-By Brother BATE!!, DREWS,S. W.
M., and THOMAS AN·
Proceedinds of the
TYRO LODGE No. 12-By Bro. A. JONES, proxy for W. M. and S. W. PERSEVERANCE LODGE,No. l5-A. B. CHAMBERS, W. M., and M. J. NOYES, for S. and J. W. COLUMBIA LODGE, No. l6-JESSE HART, S. W., proxy for W. M. and J. W. PALMYRA LODGE, No. 18-S. W. B. CARNEGY, W. M., proxy for Wardens.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree in DUE. FORM. Proceedings of last Communication were read. Brothers A. JONES,' S. W. B. CARNEGY and THOMAS ANDREWS were appointed a committee on work and credentials from subordinate lodges, and Brothers A. B. CHAMBERS, M. J. "NOYES and GEO. H. C. MELODY on communications from othe~ Grand Lodges. . SAMUEL C. McNEES, by his proxy, H. R. GAl\'IBLE; R. S. LEVERIDGE, by his proxy, H. LANE, and ~T. C. BOGGs, by his proxy, THOS. ANDREWS, appeared to answer charges in obedience to a resolution of this Grand I... odge at last Communication; The committee to revise Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge were discharged from that duty. Brothers S. W. B. CARNEGY and A. B. CHAMBERS were appointed to examine the papers relating to the case of the brethren cited to appear, and report the specific charges against them by Brother Grand Visitor. Grand Lodge adjovrned till to-morrow, 7 o'clock, P. M.
TUESDAY, April 3, A. L. 5832. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. ~resent,
as yesterday, except Brother H. R. GAMBLE.
The committee on work and credentials respectfully Report, That in accordance with tbeir duty they have examined the work of Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, and find that at the Third Dec. meeting of the said Lodge, by a resolution t.hen offered, their charter was surrendered. and which we find here returned with a copy of their Proceedings.路 Your committee know of nothing necessary to be done in relation to said lodge but to accept their charter and appoint some proper person to settle the accounts of said lodge with this Grand Lodge. They have examined the work of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and find it in conformity with the rules of our Order. It also appears from their Proceedings that they concur in the proposition offered a.t the last Annual Communica~ion, purporting to amend the Constitution of the Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge. of Missouri.
Your committee further state, that Boonville Lodge has furnished a copy of their Proceedings up to the 21st of Novembel' last, (1831), but think it un¡ necessary for this Grand Lodge to make any order relative to it at this time. The transcript of Columbia Lodge, No. 16, submitted to us shews their proceedings to be in conformity with ancient usage. 'l'hey find the appointment of Brother M. J. NOYES, as proxy for Wardens of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15; the appointment of Brother A. JONES as proxy of the Master and Wardens of.Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and that of Bro. S. W. B. C~RNEG~ as proxy of the Wardens of Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, in due form. They also find the Letters of Attorney from Bro. REUBEN S. LEVERIDGE to Bro. H. LANE, of SAlIt'L C. McNEES to Bro. H. R. GAMBLJ<j, of J AS. COLEMAN BOGGS to Bro. THOMAS ANDREWS, and of JESSE HART to Bro. TROS. ANDREWS, to be sufficient for their apparent, object. They also find on examination of the Proceedings of Missouri Lodge, that at their stated meeting on the 6th March, they agreed to the proposition to amend the Constitution of this Grand Lodge. .
The commhtee to whom were referred the several C9mmunications of other Grand Lodges, having considered the same, beg leave respectfullly to Report, That letters have been received from the Grand Lodges of North Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana, containing the signatures of the principal officers of said Grand Lodges respectiveiy, and that they have examined copies of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodges of the States of New Jersey, Virginia, Alabama and of the Territory of Florida, and find therein nothing which in their opinion requires the action or particular attention of this Grand Lodge.
. . A cOl.9-municatioll from Brother tT. Boonville Lodge, No. 14, was read.
W. 1\1. of
Brother OHAMBERS offered the following preamble and resolution, which was unanimously adopted, viz: WHEREAS, The requsite number of subordinate lodges have concurred in the proposition submitted at the last Communication of this Gl'and Lodge to dispense with one of the Annual Communications of this Grand Lodge, therefore, be it
Resolved, That hereafter this Grand Lodge shall hold one Communication in the year, which shall be held on the first Monday of October.
The committee appointed yesterday to examine and report the specific charges against the brethren cited to appear, made a verbal report. . The case of Brother S: C. McNEES, was now taken up, â&#x20AC;˘ and after a full investigation of the charges made against him by Brother Grand Visitor, the followiag~ was offered by Brother A. JONES. . Resolved, That SAM'L C. McNEES is guilty of the unmasonic conduct of which be stands charged, and, therefore', that he be ex~elled.
Brother H. 13
moved that in consequence of the all,
of the
sence of. Brother H. R. GAMBLE, the proxy of Brother S. C. McNEES, his trial be deferred until to-morrow; which being seconded, was decided in the negative. Brother GEO. H. C. MELODY requested to be excused from voting on the foregoing resolution, and his, request was accordingly granted. A division of the resolution was' now called for, and on the question being put, "whether S. C. McNEES was guilty of the charges preferred against him," it was decided in -the affirmative. Brother LA.NE moved that the word "expelled" in the resolution be stricken out, and the words "suspended for the term of five years'" be added in lieu thereof. The motion was carried. . The resolution, as now amended, was unanimously adopted, viz: R:Solved, That SAM'L C. McNEES is gulity of the unmasonic conduct of which he stands charged, and therefore that he be suspended. from the privi. leges of Masonry for the term of 11ve years.
The case of R'EUBEN S. LEVERIDGE was now taken up, and, after a due investigation of the charges preferred against him, the following resolution, offered by Brother A. B. OHAMBERS, was unanimously adopted, viz: Resolved, That REUBEN S. LEVERIDGE is guilty of the unmasonic conduct of which he stands charged, and, therefore, that he be suspended during the pleasure of this Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge adjourned till to-morrow, 7 P. M.
WEDNESDAY, April 4, A. I-1. 5832. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as before, with the. addition of Brothers A. GAMBLE and THOMPSON DOUGLASS and the exception of Brothers S. W. B. CARNEGY and AUG. JONES, absent on â&#x20AC;˘ account of indisposition. Grand Lodge now took up the case of JAMES C. BOGGS, for charges heretofore preferted against him, and the following resolution was submitted by Brother A. B. CHAMBERS, viz:
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Resolved, That JAMES COLEMAN BOGGS is guilty of the unmasonic conduct of which he stands charged, and, therefore, that he be expelled' from the privileges of Masonry.
Brother GA1vrBLE excused from voting, not being present during trial. .A division was called, and on the question being put "whether JAS. C.BoGGS was guilty," it was unanimously decided in the affirmative.
The question was then taken on the resolution as submitted and adopted-ayes, 13; noes, 2. Brother H. LANE submitted the following preamble and resolution, which was agreed to, viz: WHEREAS, ROBERT PERCIVAL and PEMBERTON S. BRIDGES, of the late Franklln Union Lodge, No.7, were directed to be cited to appear at this present Communication to answer certain charges of unmasonic conduct, preferred against them by the late Grand Visitor in his report to the Grand Lodge in April, 1830; and whereas, there is not sufficient evidence that the citation was actually served, therefore
Resolved, That the said ROBERT PERCIVAL and' PEMBERTON BRIDGES be cited to appear before the Grand Lodge on the day of the next Communication, to answer the said charges. '
Brother LANE submitted the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted, viz: Resolved, That the committee heretofore appointed to receive the charter, jewels, books, furniture and funds of the late FranklIn Union Lodge, No.7, be discharged from further duty under the appOintment, and that Brother JOHN WILSON, of Boonville Lodge, No. 14, be appointed to perform said duties, and that he be directed to "forward to the Grand Treasurer, at St. Louis. such books, jewels and funds as may come to his hands, and if there be any ordinary furniture, he cause the same to be sold, and forward the proceeds in like manner; and that Brother WILSON also transmit to this Grand Lodge a list of the names of such of the members of the late Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, who may have paid their dues, and also of those who have not, with the amount due by each of them. . Bro~her
A. B. CHAMBERS submitted the following, viz:
Resolved, That the 1st section of the By路Laws of this Grand Lodge be amended so that this Grand Lodge, at each Grand Annual Communication, shall appoint the time for holding the next Grand Annual Communication.
Brother M. J. NOYES submitted the proposition to amend the Constitution of this Grand Lodge, vb~: Resolved, That the fourth paragraph of the Constitution of this Grand Lodge be so amended as to require the several subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction to be represented in Grand Lodge by at least one of the principal otftcerl!' of said lodges respectively, when practicable; and when this shall be impracticable, that they be represented by proxies appointed from the bodies of said lodges respectively.
submitted the following, viz:
WHEREAS, Certain persons,. to whom a Letter of Dispensation had been granted at the Semi-Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge in April, 1829, to open a lodge at Galena, having failed to comply with the requisitions contained in the resolution of this Grand Lodge, at their Grand Annual Communication in October last; therefore, said Letter is hereby declared elapsed and expired.
Whereupon Brother olution:
offered the following res-
Resolved, That acommittee be appointed路 to se~t1e wi th the officers of Galena Lodge, and receive their Letters of Dispensation, and all other things appertaining to said lodge, and report to this Grand Lodge at the next Uommunication thereof.
account, $725; was allowed.
Grand Lopge closed in harmony and peace.
A t a Gralld Allllual Communication of the G'rand Lodge of the State of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday, being the first day of October, A. L. 5832, A. D. 1832.
Were present: M. W. EDWARD BATES G. M. R. W. G'EO. H. C. MELODY D. G. M. W. THOS. :ANDREWS G. S. W., pro tem. W. JOHN GARNETT G. J. W.,protem. Brother CHAS. MULLIKEN G. Preas., pro tem. J. B. D. VALOIS G. Sec., pro tem. AIRS HUDSPETH .. .' G. S. D., pro tern. GEO. WILSON G. J. D., p"o tem. R. W. HARDAGE LANE P. G. M. Rev. Brother RENNICK. Brother I. N. REYBURN, Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Brother T. DOUGLASS.. .
Gralld Lodge opened in Third Degree, in
Proceedings of the last Communication were. read. Brothers MELODY, REYBURN and GARNET1' were appointed a committee QIl. wQrk apd credeptials from subordi-
Proceeding8 of the
nate lodges; and Brothers LANE, HUDSPE'l'H and DOUGLASS on communications from other Grand I.Jodges. Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow, 7 P. M.
TUESDAY, October 2, A. L. 5832. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present as yesterday, with the addition of Brother li'RED'CL. BILLON JAS. P. SPENCER ISAAC A. LETCHER
G. Sec. G. R. D.
G. Tyler, pro tern.
VISITORS. Brothers R. COAN, A. O. ABBY, and JESSE LI'l'TLE, Missouri Lodge, No.1. Brother MICHAEL REYNOLDS, Perseverance Lodge, No. 15.-TRASK.
Lodges represented. MISSOURI, NO. 1. TYRO, NO. 12. PERSEVERANCE, NO. 15. COLUMBIA, NO. 16.
The committee on work and credentials Report, That they have examined the returns from Mlssoul'i Lodge, No.1, and Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and tInd that their proceedings are in accordance with the principles of Masonry. They also find the appointment of Brother JOSEPH N. REYBURN, as the proxy of the' Junior Warden of Tyro Lodge, No. 12, defective; but from the facts presented to the committee, they recommend to the Grand Lodge the pro: priety of permitting him to take his seat as the proxy of said Tyro Lodge, No. 12. They find Brother FRED'K L. BILLON appointed the proxy of the Worshipful Master of Tyro I~odge, No. 12, which said appointment is in due form. They tInd the appointments of Brother JOHN GARNETT, as proxy for the Worshipful Mastel', and Brother G. H. C. MELODY, as proxy for the Senior Warden of Columbia Lodge, No. 16, to be in form. . the
They find the appointment of Brother MICHAEL REYNOLDS, as proxy for Wors~ipful Master of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, in due form.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
The report was accepted and agreed to. Brother H. I1ANE presented a petition from Bro. R. S. LEVERIDGE, now under suspension by this Grand Lodge, praying reinstatement, which, on motion, was referred to a committee cOllsistiug of Brothers DOUGLASS, HUDSPE1'H, and LETCHER.
of Missouri..
The committee on communications from other Grand Lodges Reported, That they had referred to them communications from the Grand Lodges of Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Island, Mississippi, Ohio, Louisiana and North Carolina, and find nothing in them requiring the special action of this Grand Lodge. /
Brother DOUGLASS submitted the following, which was adopted, viz: Resolved, That RoBE&TPERCIVAL, late Master, and PEMBERTO'N S.BRIDGES, Treasurer, of the late Franklin Union Lodge, NO.7, be again cited to appear before this Grand Lodge, at the next Communication thereof, to answer certain charges pending against them since April, 1830; and that said citation~ be served on them personally, and that Brothers ~ATHANIEJ, HUTCHISON. JESSE M. GARNER, or WILLIAM BARBEE be requested to serve said citations, and make return of his-proceedings at the next meeting of this Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge adjourned till to-morrow at 2 P. M.
WEDNESDAY, October 3, A. L. 5832. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Brother R. S. LEVERIDGE, praying reinstatement, submitted the following report and resolutions, which were adopted by this Grand I ... odge, viz: The committee to whom was referred the petition of Brother REUBEN s. LEVERIDGE, late of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, have carefully examined the same, in connection with the charges exhibited against the petitioner, for which offences he professes repentance, and asks forgiveness. Your committee would deem itinvidious here to comment upon the conduct of the Brotherhis own consciousness of error be his puniShment-but with that charity which Masonry inculcates, and in accordance with the divine precept which says, "If thy brother offend thee not 'only seven times but sevent;y times Reven, if he repent, confess his error, and ask forgiveness, thou shalt forgive him." By us, then, let his error be forgiven-let us consider them not the result of vicIous propensities, but as arising from the common frailties incident to man. Your committee-recommend the adoption of the following, viz:
Resolved, That the sentence of this Grand Lodge, suspending indefinitely the said Brother REUBEN S. LEVERIDGE from the privileges of Masonry, passed at the Semi-Annual Communication in April last, be and the same is hereby set aside, ann ulled and made void; and that the said Brother REUBEN 8'. LEVE&IDGE be and he is hereby reinstated in and made partaker of all his former rights and privileges as a Mason. ~solved, That Brother REUBEN S. LEVERIDGE be furnished with an official coPy of the fore~oing report and re$olution.
[9 ct .
Proceeding8 of the
The committee on work and credentials further That they find no return of the work from Col umbia Lodge, No. 16, but that twoof the members of the committee, from their personal knowledge of the facts relative to the failure of that lodge to comply with the requisite usages in such matters, are entirely satisfied that the fallure has not been the result of negligence. but has been brought about by ciJ;cumstances not within the control of the lodge; and the committee have every reason to believe that the work and any arrearages that may be due by.said lodge will be in a short time forwarded to the Grand Secretary. Repo~路t,
That they find no return of the work from Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, but from information received by the committee. they are satisfied that the work and any arrearages that may be due from said lodge will likewise be. as soon as circumstances which have intervened to prevent the return from that lodge, also forwarded to the Grand Secretary. They find no returns or credentials from Boonville Lodge, No. 14, and none from Palmyra Lodge, No. 18.
Brothers LANE and REYNOLDS had leave to withdraw. Brothel' GEO. H. C. MELODY, who had been appointed to receive the jewels and furniture of the late Hiram Lodge, No.3, presented bis report, including a list of the articles hehad received fl'om said lodge. Brother MELODY also submitted an account of Brother WM. G. PEl'l'US, late Worshipful Master of Hiram IJodge, No.3, 'for divers advances made by him on account of the said lodge, amounting to $20 OO~ with a request from Brother PETTUS that the路 same migh~ be allowed for reaSOIlS therein stated, which, being deemed satisfactory, the account was, on motion, allowed." . . Brother Grand Treasurer submitted a statement of monies received and paid out by him up to the present date, as follows, viz: ' Current路Fund. Charity. Amount. $204 92 $49 50 $254 42 73 10 91 00 164 10
Received by him Paid out, as per vouchers Leaving a balance in his hands
$131 82
$41 50
$ 90 32
And showing a deficit in the charity fund of $41 50, whereupon it was Resolved, That the sum of $100 00 out of the general funct be appropriated to charity.
The Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, when it appeared the following brethren were duly elected, viz: Brother H. R. GAMBI,E M. J. NOYES AUGUSTUS JONES THOS. ANDREWS FRED'C L. BILLON
G. M. G. S. W. G. J. W.
G. Treas. G. Sec.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
A Past :Masters' Lodge was now opened, (aU below that degree having previously retired), and the Most Worshipful HAl\lILl'ON R. GAMBLE, G. 1\1. elect, was duly qualified and installed into office. Past Masters' ]~odge then closed and M. M. Lodge reopened, when the Most Worshipful Grand Master proceeded to install the remaining officers elect, and delivered to each an appropriate charge. . The Grand IJodge was then duly closed in harmony and. peace. Attest, FREDERICK L. BILLON, Grand Secreta,ry .
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held in the City of St. I,ouis, on 'Vednesday, the 9th day of October, A. L. 5833, A. D. 1833. Were present: R. W. W. W. Brother
(Y. ~V.,
8. G. lV.,pro tem. J. G. lV.,pro tem.
G. T,路eas., :
G. Sec路y. pro tem. G. Tyler, protem.
Grand Lodge opened in Third Degree, in
Proceeding's of last Grand Annual Communication were read. !be following appointment was then read, to wit.: 1,'0
all Ancient York Masons in the State Of Missou1'i:
KNOW YE, That confiding in the ability and faithfulness of our worthy brother, GEO. H. C. MELODY, I, HAMILTON R. GAMBLE, GrandMaster of Masons within the State of Missouri, do by these presents appoint our said Brother MEJ,ODY Deputy Grand Master in and over the said State.
Proceedings of the
Given under my hand, this ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord one tq.ousand eigh't hundred and thirty-three, and A. L. 5833. H. R. GAMBLE.
Brothers SPENCER and VALOIS were appointed a committee on work and 'credentials, and Brothers BA'l'ES and ANDREWS c9mmittee on foreign communications, . A communication froin Brother J. 'VILSON was read and laid on table. . Report of Brother N, HUTCHISON was also read, whereupon the following resolutions, offered by Brother ANDREWS, were unanimonsly adoptpd, viz: Resolved,路That ROBERT PERCIVAL, late Master of Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, is guilty of the unmasonic conduct of which he stands charged, and therefore that he be expelled from the privileges of Masonry. Resolved, That. PEMBERTON S; BRIDGES, TrE'asurer of the late Franklin Union Lodge, No.7, is guilty of the unmasonic conduct of which he stands charged, and therefore that he be expelled from the priVileges of Masonry.
Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morroW' evening, .7
THURSDAY, October 10, A. L. 5833. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. All present as yesterday, as also Right
The committee on work and credentials made report,' which was read and accepted. (See report tiled, :No. 1.) The committee on foreign communications made report, which was also read and accepted. (See report filed.) . On motion, it was
Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to receive the'jewels and furniture of Missouri Lodge, No. 1.*
* NOTE.-The following will explain this I'esolution of the Grand Lodge, and also account for the abseuce of many familiar names in the subsequent p'roceedlngs: At a called meeting of Missouri Lodge, No.1, October 5, 1833, the records show that the lodge had not held a stated meeting for six months, in consequence of the prevailing epidemic of cholera, and the strong anti-Masonic
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Brother WILSON'S communication was taken up ~nd again read, and on motion of Brother ANDREWS. the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That Brother WILSON have further time to make his report of the sale of the furniture of Franklin Union Lodge. No.7, and also that he be instructed to return the square and compass belonging to Brother RYLAND, and that the Grand Secretary inform him Of this resoluiion. Resolved, That the sum of twenty dollars be appropriated to the payment of Lodge rent.
The Grand Lodge now proceeded to an election for officers for the ensuing' year, whereupon the following brethren were found and declared duly elected to wit: t Brother SINCLAIR KIRTLEy JOHN WILSON GILPIN A. TUTTLE JOHN GARNETT GEO. H. C. MELODY
G. lrf. S. lV. J. W. Sec.
G. G. G. G.
The following resolutions were severally adopted, viz . . Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instruc.ted to inform the brethren
elect of their election. Resolved, That when the Grand Lodge adjourns, it adjourns to meet at Columbia, Boone county, Mo., on the first Monday in December next. . Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to inform the subordinate lodges that the Grand Lodge has adjourned to meet at Columbia, in this State, on the
feeling then raging throughout the country, and fiercely waged by some of the leading ministers in St. Louis. At that meeting we find the following offi. cers presen t: EDWARD BATES, W.l\1. THORNTON GRIMSLEY, Treas. JAMES P. SPENCER, S. W. J. WOOLFOLK, S. D. THEO. L. MCGILL, J. W. JOHN HAVERTY, .T. D. JESSE LITTLE, Tyler. J. B. D. VALOIS, Sec. After settling .the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer, the following appropriations were made of the funds: Sisters of Charity Hospital, $200j St. Louis Library Association, $200; Rent, $123; and $3518 to cancel due bills held by Treasurer. Brother BATES offered a pream ble setting forth the necessity of auandoning work, on account of the anti-Masonic feeling, and a resolution to surrender the charter to the Grand Lodge was adopted. In addition to the officers named, the following were members of the lodge at that date: Thos. Andrews, Geo. Wilson, Robert W. Coan, J. R. Pullen, Bernard Pratte, Augustine Kennerly, Frederick . r~. BiIlon, Wm. K. Rule, 'Ruel Bryant, Hamilton R. Gamble, Archibald Gamble, Geo. Morton, Adam L. Mills, John D. Daggett, Phineas Block, Cornelius Campbell, Jas. C. LavielIe, Thos H. West, Thos. H. Benton, David E. Cuyler, Geo. H. C. Melody, James Kennerly, Master Masons, and Charles Cabanneand Edward T. Christy, Entered Apprentices. The charter was restored to the lodge by the Grand Lodge, October 18th, 1842, with aU its former rights and powers as such lodge. G. F. GOULl<:::Y, Grand Sec1路etary.
first Monday of December next, and that it be submitted for the action of the said subordinate lodges, whether the annual stated meetings of the Grand Lodge shall hereafter be held at Columbia instead of St. Louis.
The Grand Treasurer was, on motion, authorized to dispose of such articles as he might deem not worth trall!:iporting to Colum bia. . No' further business appearing, the Gralld Lodge was adjourned to meet at Columbia, on Monday evening, the 2d day of December, A. L. 5833, A. D. 1833.
GRA.ND LODGE OF MISSOURI. HELD IN ST. LOUIS, DECEMBER 11, A. L. 5833. (At a "Cohtinued Communication.")
. At a Grand Annual Communicatiou'of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, continued from the first Monday of October, A. L. 5833,. .A. D. 1833, and held on the 11th da;y of December, A. L. 5833, A. D. 1833,. in the town of Columbia, Boone county, Missouri; Were present: M. W. GEO. H. a. MELODY :D. G. M., presiding W. OLIV:EJR PARKER G. S. W., pro tem. W. JAMES B. NICHOLS G. J. W.,pro tem. THOS. G. BERRY : G. 1'., p1'O tem. SINCLAIR KIRTLEy G. Sec'y, p1'o tem. JOSEPH HU8TON G. S. D., pro tem. ROBERT P. MARTIN G. J. D., pro tern. CHARLES BURNS G. Tyler. pro tem. Brothers JESSE HART, Past Master of Columbia Lodge, No. 11. JACOB EVER8ALL, P. M., and JOHN McDOWELL, W. M.
Lodges represented: BOONVILLE LODGE, NO. 14. TYRO LODGE, NO. 12. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 16.
The Grand Lodge was, opened in .the Third Degree of Masonry in DUE FORM.
Proceedin.t8 of the
Proceedings of the October Communications for 1832 and 1833 were read. Brothers SINCLAIR KIRTLEY and JESSE HAR'I' were appoint.ed a committee on work and credentials from subordinate lodges. The committee on work and credentials made a report (marked A), showing that the lodges above named were duly represented in this Grand JJodge, which was agr~ed to. The petition of HAMPTON L. BOONE, and others, Master Masons, residing in and near Fayette,.Howard county, praying for a Warrant of Dispensation or Cha,rter, authorizing them to open and hold a lodge in the three first degrees of Masonry, in Fayette, was then considered, and, on motion, it was ordered by the Grand Lodge that said brethren receive a Dispensation, according to the prayer of their petition. The Grand Lodge then adjourned until 9 o'clock A. M. to-morrow morning. .
THURSDAY, December 12, A. L. 5833, 9 o'clock A. M. The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. )\fembel'S of the Grand Lodge present as before. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree in DUE FORM. The committee on work and credentials made a report (marked B), which was adopted, showing the fa,ilure of Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, and Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, to make returns, pay dues, &c., per report. The following was submitted by Brother S. KIRTLEY and agreed to:
Resolved, That when this Grand Lodge adjourns, it will adjourn to meet at the next Grand Annual Communication at this place.
The following proposition was also submitted by Brother KIRTLEY to amend the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, and unanimously agreed to, viz: Resolved, That the permanent place of holding the Grand Annual Com. munications of the Grand Lodge of thIs State, shall be in the town of Colum.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
bia, Boone county, until otherwise directed by a By-Law of this Grand Lodge, . and that this proposition be laid before the subordinate lodges of this State for their consideration. \.
The following resolution was offered and agreed to : Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to loan to any new lodge that may go into operation, any necessary jewels or furniture in the possession of the Grand Lodge, until the Grand Lodge shall otherwise direct.
On motion of Brother PARKER, it was Ordered, That the former Treasurer's book of Missouri Lodge, No. I, be used by the Grand Treasurer to keep therein the receipts, disbursements and accoun ts of this Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge was then adjourned. to meet aga,in at 7 o'clock this evening.
THURSDAY, Dec. 12, A. L. 5833, 7 o'-clock P. l\f. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Members of the Grand路 Lodge as before, with visiting brethren by invitation, Brothers MINOR, NEALE, and R. N. TODD, W. M. of Columbia Lodge, No. 16. . The following was submitted by Brother KIRTLEY, and was adopted: Resolved, That the following shall be the order of business for the government of the Grand and subordinate lodges of this State:
After the Lodge is opened the Proceedi ngs of the last meeting shall be read, andlf approved, shall be 5.igned, if left unsigned at the preceding meeting. The unfinished business of the preceding meeting. Petitions. Reports of standing committees. Reports of select committees. The ordinary business of the Lodge. Before closing the Lodge, the reading and correcting the minutes.
A.n account of $3 MELODY.
12~ ~
was allowed to Brother G. H. C. .
The Grand Treasurer admitted the reception of twenty dollars from the petitioning brethren of Fayette.
Also the dues of Columbia Lodge, No. 16, amounting to fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents. Upon motion, it was Ordered, That the Grand Lodge proceed to the installation of the Grand Officers, whereupon the Masters' Lodge was dispensed with, and all below the degree of Past Master having retired, a Lodge of Past MasterR was opened in lieu thereof. '
D. G. M., presiding. DM S. W., pro te路m. G J. W., pl'O tern.
Brethren present: JESSE HART.and SINCLAIR KIRTLEY, Past Masters.
The Grand l\iaster elect was then duly installed in his office, and the Past Masters' Lodge was duly closed and the Masters' Lodge called up in lieu thereof. Presen t as before. The 6rand Master announced the following appointments, viz: A. B. CHAMBERS, of Bowling Green Deputy Grand Mastel'. HAMPTON L. BOONE ; Grand Ohaplain. CHARLES D. W. JOHNSTON Gmnli Seniol' Deacon. AIRS HUDSPETH Grand Junior Deacon. JACOB EVER.."A.LL Grand Marshal. JESSE HART Grand ']lylel' OLIVER PARKER } GrandSlewards. GEORGE KNOX.............................................. . AUGUSTUS JONES G. Sword Bearer. WILLIAM H. RUSSELL G. Pursuivant.
The Grand l\iaster then proceeded to install and charge the other officers elect and appointed by themselves or proxies. Upon the motion of Brother
it was
Ordered. That a committee be appointed to procure suitable room for the use of the Grand Lodge at its next Grand Annual Communication.
The Grand Lodge was then adjourned until the next Grand Annual Communication. GEO. H. C. MELODY, Dep. G. M.
A..t a Gra,nd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, held in the town of Columbia, Boone county, on the 13th day of November, A. L. 5834, A. D. 1834, by order of the Grand Master, as a continuation of the regular Grand Annual Communication'.. "\Vere present: M. W. SINCLAIR KIRTLEy G. jlf., presiding. W. STEPHEN W. B: CARNEGY G. S. W., pro tern. W . .JOSEPH MARTIN G. J. W., pro tern. GEO. H. C. MELODY G. Treas. and G. Ty., pro tern. THOS. W. CONyERS : G. Sec'y, pro tern. , OBEDIAH DICKERSON G. S. D., P1'O tern. THOS. G. BERRY G. J. D., pro tern. Br.othel'S BEN. H. MEAN!'>, AUGUSTUS HART, A. M. ROBINSON, aud A. A. KING. .
Lodges represent.ed:· Columbia Lodge, No. 16, by JOSEPH MARTIN, Senior Warden ,and AUGUSTUS HART, Junior Warden. Palmyra Lodge, No. lS,'by BENJ. H. MEANS, proxy of Sl'ANTON BUCKNER, WorshipfUl Master; STEPHEN W. B. CARNEGY, proxy of the Senior Warden and OBEDIAH DICKERSON, proxy of the Junior Warden. '
Proceedings of the
Boonville Lodge, No. 14, by G. H. C. MELODY, proxy of the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, by G. H. C. MELODY, proxy of the Worshipful Master.
Grand Lodge opened in DUE FORM. Grand Master app~illted Brothers MEANS, MELODY and DICKERSON a committee on foreign communication.s; also, Brother CARNEGY, a committee on work and credentials. The communications of subordinate lodges were referred to the committee on work and credentials. The communications of foreign Grand Lodges were referred to the committee on foreign communications. The committee on foreign communications reported that there was nothing in said communications that required the action of this Grand Lodge;" which report was accepted. The committee on work and credentials made the following report, which was accepted: [No record of this report can be found-G. F. G., G. Sec.]
Brother G. H. C. MELODY, as Grand Visitor to several subordinate lodges, made a report, which was accepted. On mO,tion of Brother CARNEGY, it was Resolved, That Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, be released from the payment of
dues up to this date.
On motion, it was Resolved, That the privileges of Brother HAMPTON L. BOONE, and others,
living in and near Fayette, Howard county, under the Dispensation granted to them at the last Grand Communication of this Grand Lodge, be continued to them until the next Grand Communication.
The Grand Lodge was then adjourned to meet again on to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
.FRIDA.Y, November 14, .A. L. 5834.
Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. , Present as before, except Brothers PARKER and "HAR1', who were absent. "
Lodge of Missouri.
A communication from Brother JOHN WILSON, which was referred to a select committee of two, with instructions to report after dinner, and Brothers MELODY and CARNEGY were that committee. . The returns from Paris Union Lodge, under Dispensation, was referred to the committee on work and credentIals, who, after some time, reported the work of the said lodge to be regular, and, on motion, a charter was ordered to be granted to said lodge. On motion, it was Resolved, That Perseverance Lodge be permitted to remove ihe place of holding said lodge from I.ouisiana, in Pike county, to Bowling Green, in the same county. -
Brother WM. K. VAN ARSDALL, Junior Warden of Paris Union Lodg~, appeared and took his seat. Brother ABRAM BIRD, late of Palmyra Lodge, entered as a visitor, by invitation. The following proposition to amend the By-Laws of this Grand ~.Jo,dge was submitted and agreed to: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Missouri will hereafter hold its grand annual meetings at the town of Columbia, Counl,y of Boone, in this State, on the Thursday after the second Monday in November in every year.
The committee to whom was referred the communication of Brother JOHN WILSON, made the following report, and offered the,following resolutions; all of which were adopted: The commi ttee to whom was referred the communication of Brother JOHN relative to certain jewels, furniture, &c., of Franklin Lodge,
Report, That they bave bad the same under consideration, and find that Brother WILSON has disposed of articles to the amoun't of eighteen dollars, a part:of which has not yet bee~ collected. That tbe said Brother bas transmitted no part of the proceeds of the sales; therefore, your committee recommend the adoption of the following re'solutIon, viz: Resolved, That Brother JOHN WILSON transmit to Brother Grand Treasurer all arUcles belongIng to Franklin Lodge still in bis possession and unsold as soon as possible. 2. Resolved, That Brother JOHN WILSON make .report to this Grand Lodge at. its next Grand Annual Communication, what articles belonging to Franklin Lodge have been by him disposed of, and at what price; also what articles still remain in his bands, if any. 3. Resolved, That Brother Grand Secretary make out and transmit to Brother JOHN WILSON a copy of the foregoing resolution.
On motion, it was Resolved, That when this Qrand
Lod~e adjourn
it wlll adjourn - . ..- - .
Prooeedin~ s.
motion, the following resolution was then read and carried: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri will hereafter hold its Grand Annual Communications at the town of Columbia, in Boone county, in the Raid State, on the Thursday after the second Monday in November, in every year. '
The following motion was then submitted: Resolved, That when this Grand Lodge adjourn, it adjourn to meet at
Columbia, in Boone county, Missouri, on the first Thursday after the second Monday in November, in the year 1!l35.
Which, being read, was unanimously adopted, Ordered; That Brother G. H. C. MELODY be appointed to attend at Paris, Monroe county, Mo., and to install Paris Union Lodge, at such time as may suit his convenience and that of the members of said lodge.
The Grand Treasurer reported the receipt of the sum of $2175, the amount of dues from Columbia Lodge, No. 16, by the hands of Brother.JoSEPH MARTIN. The Grand Treasurer reported the receipt of the sum of $10 from Paris Union Lodge, NO:.19, for her charter, by the hands of Brother VAN ARSDALL. The Grand Treasurer also reported the receipt of $10, the amount of the dues of Paris Union Lodge, No. 19, by the hands of Brother VAN ARSDALL.
On motion, the Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election of Grand Officers for tl1(' ensuing year, ~nd therenpon Brother A. B. CHAMBERS was elected OLIVER PARKER S. W. B. CARNEGY G. H. C. MELODY THOS. W. CONyERS
G1'Wld Master.
Grand Sertior Wm"de71. Grand .Junior Warden. Gra71d Treasu1路e1路. Gmnd Sec. oj the G. L. oj Mo.
And no furtber business appearing in the Grand Lodge. it was adjourned and closed in DUE FORM and harmolly. . 路SINCLAIR KIRTI.JKY, G. J.l1.aster.
1835. [N 0 Communication of the Grand Lodge was held during this year, and the Grand Officers elected in 1834 held over until 1836. G. F. GOULEY, Grand
At a regular meeting of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, at their Hall, in. the town of Columbia, OIl Monday, the 3d day of October,-A. L. 5836, A. D. 1836. Present: SINCLAIR KIR'fLEY .. :' EDWARD SERCEy STEPHEN W. B. CARNEGY PHILIP WILLIAMS OLIVER PARKER RICHARD PULLUM THOS. W. CONyERS AUGUSTUS HART
And G. H. C.
W. G. M. 8. G. W., pro tern. J. G. lV., pro Gem. G. 'Preas., p1'O tem.
G. Sec., pro tem. S. G. D., p1'o tem. :J. G. D., pro tem.. G. 'l'yle1', 1J1'O tem.
and THOS. S.
There being three subordinate lodges represented, the Grand Lodge was then opened in' DUE FORM on the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to bus~ness. On motion, PHILIP WILLIAl\1S, THOS. W. CONYERS and THOS. S. MILLER were appointed a committee on accounts; ,STEPHEN W. B. CARNEGY, OLIVER PARKER, and RICHARD
Proceedings of the
PUI... IJUM, a committee on foreign communications; STEPTIEN W: B. CARNEGY, EDWARD SERCEY, and G. H. C. MELODY, on work and credentials. A commuuication from the Gr'and .Lodge in the State of rrennessee, was presented and referred; also one from the Grand Lodge in the State of Mississippi, which was also referred to the committee on foreign communications.
There beillg no further business before the Grand Lodge, it adjourned until to-morrow a.t one o'clock P. M.
The Grand Lodge met pnrsuant to adjournment. Present: SINCLAIR KIRTLEy OLIVER PARKER. . EDWARD SERCEY G. H. C. MELODy T. W. CONYERS P. WILLIAMS . A. M. ROBINSON ,J. B. NICHOLS
W. O. M.
8. G. W .. pro tem. ..7. G: lV.• pro tem. G. l'rec!.S.
G. Sec., pm tem. G. S. D., pro tern . G . .7. D .• pro tem. G. 'PJjler, "p1'O tem.
And Brothers·S. \V. B. CARNEGY, T. S. MILLER, and RICHARD PULJ.UM.
When the committee on work 'and credentials submitted the following report: Rep01·t. That they have examined the tl'allscripts and letters aforesaid, and tind them ir form a.nd duly cel'titled. and from which it appears that TYRO LODGE, No. 12, is duly represent~d by Brother G. H. C. MELODY,' their proxy. COLUMBIA LODGE~ No. 16. by Brothers OLIVER PARKER, W. M.; T. W. CONYERS, S. W.; and A. W. RORINSON, J. W. . PALMY.RA LODGE. No. 18, by Brothers EDWARD SERCF,Y. W. M.; R. H. PULLUM, S. W., proxy; and S. W. B'. CARNF:GY. J. W., proxy. PARIS UNION LOnGE, No. 19, by Brothers THOS. MILLER. and PHILIP WILLIAMS. Your committee also find that Lodges Nos. 14 and 15 are not represented at the present Communication. Signed, S. W. B. CARNEGY, Ch'n.
The committee report: That
accounts submitted the following
find on examination of the debts and credits in the hands
Grand I;0 d.de of Missouri.
of the Graud Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, a current fund Of $9366%" and a charity fund of $38 83,Ya. and also in' the hands of the late Treasurer of Missouri Lodge, No.1, St. Louis, belonging to the Grand Lodge, as per return of that lodge, the sum of twenty-five or thirty dollars, Lodge No.1, as the amount now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, from the first day of October, 1885 and 1886. Signed. P. WILLIAMS, THOS. S. MiLLER. 'rHOS. W. CONYERS.
The committee 011 foreign communications have had tlJe 'same under cODsidcrQJtion, so far as they have, been submitted, and respectfully Report, That communications h?-ve been received fromthe Grand Lodges of several of the States, and that your committee fiJ;ld nothing from them requiring any action on the part of this Grand Lodge.
On motion of Brother G. H. C.MELODY, that the delegation from Columbia Lodge, No. 16, be permitted to take their seats; which was decided in the affirma~ive. On motion of Brother S. 'VV. B. CARNEGY, that the lodge dues of Boonville 1..40 dg'e, No. 14, np to the 3d day of October, 1835, be remitted, which was agreed to. B was moved by Brother CARNEGY, that Brother G. H. C. MELODY, as representative of Tyr~ Lodge, No. 12, be permitted to 楼tke his seat in Grand Lodge as such; which was decided in the affirmative.
On prayer of Brothers JOS,gPH JOHNSON, J. LITTLE, GEORGE'VILSON, and several otber bretb,ren, residing at and near tbe City of' St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, who since the 4th day of May, 1835, have been working as a lodge of Masons, nuder I,etters of Dispensation from nnder the hand of Grand Master KIRTLEY, and it appearing to the satisfaction of t.he Grand I,odge that all their work is regula.r, it, was unanimously' Resolved, That a Charter be granted to those brethren to open a lodge of Masons in said city, by the nam~ of St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, and to do all things which of rIght may be performed as a lodge of Ancient Masons. Ordered, That 'fyro Lodge, No. 12, Boonville Lodge, No. 14, and Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, have until next Grand Annual Communication to present a transcript of their work. Ordered, That the Grand Secretary address a letter to Brother A. B. CUAMBERS, and one also to Brother M. J. NOYES, informing them that Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, have permission to remove to and open .and hold said lodge in the town of Bowling Green, Pike county, Mo.
And therenpon ,the Grand路 Lodge adjourned until seven o'clock P. M.
Proceedin.ts of the
The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. w. S.
G. M. G. W.
.1. G. W. and G. Treas. S. G. D. .T. G. D. G. Sec., p1'O tem. .T. D., pro tem.
Worshipfnl THOS. REYNOLDS, Past Deputy Grand Master of Illinois.
The petition of JOHN MARKLE, JOHN RALLS, JOHN JAMESON, and others, brethren residing at and near the town of New London, praying for a Dispensation to authorize them to open and hold a lodge in said town, was presented, and thereupon it was nnanimously Resolved, That a Letter of Dispensation be granted to the brethren aforesaid for the object aforesaid: and that said Letter be made out forthwith and transml tied to them. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge presen t to Paris Un ion Lodge the set of Masonic jewels heretofore loaned to that lodge by Brother MELODY, and now in their possession. Ordered, That Brother Grand Treasurer collect from the late Treasurer of Missouri Lodge. No.1, the amount of money in his hands remaining due this Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge was therenpon called from labor to refreshmen t. In a short time the Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. Present in the Grand l.Jodge as before. Brother JOHN GARNET'!' eI)tered and took his seat. Brother MELODY
BU bmitted
the' following resolution:
Resolved, That the next Grand Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge be held in the City C!f St. Louis.
Which was read, and, on motion of Brother CARNEGY 1 was laid on the table for the presen t. . On the .motion of Brother MELODY, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year. And thereupon, Brot.hers CAl1-NEGY: A. REED, MELODY, and GARNET~l.' were severally, nominated for the office of Grand Master, and the ballot being taken, Brother STEPHEN 路W. B. CARNEGY, of Palmyra, Mo., was duly elected.
Grand Lod.te of Missouri.
Brothers SERCEY, PARKER" GARNETT, and SNELL were next nominated to fill the office of Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge for the ensuing year, and the ballot being taken, Brother EDWARD 'SERCEY, of Palmyra, :lVIo., was duly elected. The Grand Lodge next proceeded to the election of Junior Grand Warden, Brothers SNELL, GARNETT and JONES being "in nomination, and the baJlot being' taken, Brother GRANVILLE SNELL, of Paris, Mo., was duly elected to that office. Brother RICHARD B. DALLAM, of St. Louis, was .unanimously elected Grand Secretar~T of tbis Grand Lodge. Brothers MELODY and PARKER were nomin~ted for the office of Grand Treasurer of this Grand路 Lodge, and on ballot being taken, Brother GEORGE H. C. MELODY was duly elected.. And thereupon the Grand. Lodge adjourned until to-morrow at nine o'clock.
WEDNESDAY, October 5, A. L. 5836. The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. The resolution offered on yesterday by' Brother MELODY, relative to the holding of next Grand Annual Communicatiqn of this Grand Lodge at S1. Louis, was, o.n motion, taken up, and on consideration was, adopted. 'Ordered, That Brother Grand Treasurer transmit the records and effects of Grand Lodge to the City of St. Louis, within a reasonable time.
On motion, Ordered, That Brothers CONYERS and PULLUM be a committee to enquire the amount charged for the room occupied by the Grand Lodge at its present session, who in a short time after the enquiry was made, reported that the sum charged by Brother H. HART for the use of said room is left with Grand Lodge.
On motion, therefore, Ordered, That Brother HART be allowed the sum of five dollars for the use of said room, ~nd that he have his order on Grand Treasurer for the same.
The Grand Master then proceeded to install the Grand Wardens elect, as such (Brother SNELL by proxy), which was done accorOingly in due form ..
.The Grand Treasurer was then installed, and also the Grand Secretary elect, by proxy, was installed. And there being no further business in this Lodge of' Master Masons, it was closed in due form and harmony, and a Lodge of Past Masters opened in the stead thereof. A Lodge of Past Masters being opened, Brother CARwas duly installed Grand Master of Masons in Missouri, and th~reupon the Lodge was closed in DUE FORM:
HELD IN .ST. LOUIS, OCTOBER 2, A. L. 5837. •
October 2, A ..L. 5837.
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, begun and held in the City of St. Louis-':" Were present: M. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R.W. R.W. R. W. R. W.
Dep'y G. M.
:G. S. W. , pro tem. G. J. W.,protem. G. 1'reas. G. See'y. G. S. D., )J1'O tem. G. J. D.,pro tern. G. Tyler.
Brothel' JOSEPH L. CRAFT, Webb Lodge, No. 24, Ill,. " Wn,LIAM S. VANCE, late of MUrJ'I1Y Lodge, No. 35, Ky. THOMPSON DOUGLASS, St, Louis Lodge, No. 20, Mo. ALEX'R T. DOUGLASS, St. Charles " JOHN ORRICK, WILLIAM H. PE4-KE, New London" JO~N D. TUCKER JOSEPH FOSTER, Portsmouth, Naval Lodge, No. 100, Va. EBENEEZER C. BOSWORTH," " " " SAMUEL C. PIERCE, Franklin HENRY P. RUNDLE, J. U. BRUNER, GEORGE A. V. REED, Hiram Lodge, No. 21, Va. A. B. CHAMBERS, Perseverance Louisiana. Lodge, Mo.
.Prooeeding8 of the
Opened in DUE FORM. The Proceedings of the Grand Lodge at their last Annual Communication read. /
The Right. Worshipful Deputy Grand Master appointed the following committees, viz:
On Work and Oredentials-Brothers THOMPSON DOUGLASS, JOSEPH JOHNSON and THOMAS路 ANDREWS. . On Accounts-Brothers THOMAS ANDR.EWS, JESSE LITTLE 3nd JOSEPH JOHNSON. On Foreign Oommunications-Brothers H. C. MELODY, ESROM OWENS and RrcH'D B. DALLA1\f. The following returns received, viz: Franklin Lodge, Ill.; St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, Mo.; St. Charles Lodge; New London Lodge. . On motion, they were referred to committee on work and credentials. ' The Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow evening, 3 o'clock.
TUESDAY, October 3, A. 路L. 5837. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: M. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R.
W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W.
G. M. D. G. M.
G. S. W., pTa tem. G.J. W.,protem. G. Treas. G. Sec'y. G. S. D., pro tern. G. J. D.,pro tem. G. 'l.'yle?路.
The returns from Palmyra Lodge were presented and. referred to committee on work and cr~dentials. The committee on work and credentials made the following report on the returns of the Palmyra Lodge, No. 18 :
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
.That upon examination of the same they find them strictly Masonic, and as they contain nothing requiring any action of the Grand Lodge, your committee recommend that they be fiied among the archives. Your committee have also examined the Letter of Attorney from the Worshipful Master and Wardens of said lodge, constituting Brother S. W. B. CARNEGY their proxy, and find the same to be in due form, and
On motion, the report was adopted. The following lodges were called, viz: Tyro Lodge, No. 12, Boonville Lodge, No. 14, Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, Columbia Lodge, No. 16-not represented. . Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, Franklin Lodge, No. 22, New London Lodge, No. 21, St. Charles Lodge, No. 23-represented. The Right Worshipfill Grand Secretary announced t~ the Grand IJodge that the following dispensations were granted' during the recess of the Grand Lodge路, viz: Franklin Lodge, No. 22, Alton, Illinois, Nov. 9, A. IJ. 5836; St. Charles IJodge, No. 2~, May 3, A. L .58q7:路 Forty dollars received for the above dispensations, 3,nd paid over to the Grand Treasurer. The Grand IJodge
until to-lllorrow, 10 o'elock.
WEDNESDAY, October 4, A. Jl. 5837. Grand JJodge met pursuant to adjonrnment. Present: M. w. S. W. B. CARNEGy R. W. JOHN D. DAGGETT JOSEPH JOHNSON JESSE LITTLE. G. H. C. MELODY RICH'D B. DALLAM W. H. PEAKE THOMAS ANDREWS ESROM OWENS
G. M. D. G. M. G. S. W., P?'o tem. T. G.' W:, P?'o tmn. G. Trea.y. G. Sec'y. G. 8. D., pro tem. G. J. D., pTO tern. G. Tvler.
There being no business before the JJodge, they adjourned until 4 o'clock in the evening.
Proceeding8 of the
G. M. D. G..M. G. S. W. G. J. W.
G. Treas. G. See'y. G. S. D .. pro tern. G. J. D., pro tern. G. 'l'yle?'.
The committee on work and cr.edentials made the following report : That they had referred to them a list of members of the St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, with a statement of initiations, passings, raisings, &c., containing nothing for the action of the Grand Lodge, and
On motion, was accepted. The following Lodges were called, viz: Tyro Lodge, No. ,12, Boonville Lodge, No. 14, Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, Columbia Lodge, No. 16, Paris Lodge, No. 19-not represented. Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, New London Lodge, ~ o. 21, Franklin Lodge, No. 22, St. Charles I.Jodge, No. 23-represented. A petition from sundry brethren Master Masons, praying for a dispensation to hold a lodge at Jacksonville, Illinois, was read, and on motion, the prayer of the petitioners was granted; whereupon the Most Worshipful Grand Master ordered a dispensation to be issued. The committee on foreign communications made the following report: That they have received and inspected the same (the Proceedings of the Grand Lodges of the States of New York, Connecticut and Maryland, and from the Grand Lodge of Ireland,) and find nothing requiring the particular attention of this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, except the flourishing con.' dition of Masonry in the respectful lodges heard from. Your committee beg leave to recommend that the Right Worshipful Secretary be requested to reciprocate civilities this Grand Lodge has received from the different Grand Lodges, by transmitting to them and all other Grand" Lodgtls within the United States and elsewhere, the Proceedings of this Grand Lodge-and on motion, was accepted.
On motion, it was resolved, that the Grand Lodge would go into the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year, on to-morrow 11 o'olock.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
The Right Worshipfnl Depnty Grand Master offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the St. Louis Lodge, No 20, be required to make a condensed return of their proceedings to the Grand Secretary for t.he past, year, at the next Grand Annual Communlcation, as required by the By-Laws of thili Grand Lodge; which resolution was adopted .
. On motion of Brother MELODY, it was Resolved,.That the lodges to whom dispensations have been issued, be permitted to take their seats as members of this Grand Lodge, viz: St. Charles Lodge, Franklin Lodge and' New London Lodge; which was agreed to.
The Gra,nd Lodge adjourned till to-morrow 10 o'clock.\ The St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, dues paid $12 50 current fund, and $625 charity fund; the Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, dues paid $17 25 current. fund, and $8 75 cl)arity.fnnd.
THURSDAY, October 5, A. L. 5837. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: M. W. s. W. B. CARNEGY R. W. JESSE LITTLE., G. A. V. REED G. H. C. MELODY RrCH'D B. DALLAM WM. H. PEAKE 'rHOMAS ANDREWS ESROM OWENS
G. M. G. 8. W., P?'o tern. G. .r. W., pro tem. G. Treas. G. Sec'y. G. 8. D., P?'o tem. G ..T. Do, pro tern. :
G. Tyler.
The election for Grand Officers for the ensuing year was taken up agreeable to an order of yesterday, and the following brethren were duly elected, s. w.
The following
G. G. G. G. G.
S. W. .T. W. 'Preas. Sec'V,
were called:
Palmyra Lodge, St. I.Jouis Lodge, Franldn Lodge, St. Charles I.Jodge, N (~w London Lodge, answered by their represe~tatives.
Proceeding8 of the
Perseverance Lodge, Boonville Lodge, Columbia .Lodge, Tryo Lodge and Paris Union Lo~ge, were not represented. The committee on work and credentials made the following report on the returns made by the St. Charles.Lodge: That in the By-Laws of said lodge they find nothing unmasonic, or inconsIstent wIth the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. In the Proceedings of said lodge your committee find that on the 7th of June a petition for initiation was presented and referred, when by the transcript of the record it appears said lodge was opened in the degree of Entered Apprentice. On the lOth July, the committee to whom said petition had been referred, reported, and a ballot for the applican t was had in a lodge of Entered Apprentice. On the 12th August, petitions for initiations were presented and referred in a lodge of Entered Apprentice. On the 11th September. a Master Mason was on motion admitted a member without petition, reference or certIficate of good standing from the lodge of \vhlch he was last a member, which also appears to have been done in a lodge of Entered Apprentice a~ the same meeting. Reports were made upon petitions referred 12th August, a.nd the petitioners balloted for In a lodge of Entered Apprentice; in fact the whole business of the lodge appears to have been transacted by Entered Apprentices, nor have we any evidence that a Master Lodge was ever opened, except an intimation at the termination of the transcript that路the Master's Lodge was closed,
Your committee submit the following resolution: Resolved, That a charter be granted to the members of St. Charles Lodge; which report was accepted.
T.he committee on work and credentials made the following report: That they have examined the abstract of the Proceedings of the New London Lodge and find them generally correct. Some irregularities your committee cannot forbear noticing. On the 8th April, ASON VANRICKEL a Fellow Craft and JOHN MACE an Entered Apprentice, both from Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, were received as members; on the 26th August, WALTER ELLIS an Entered Apprentice from Montgomery Lodge, Ky., was on motion received as a member; on the 9th September, ALVIN MF.NEFOR, an Entered Apprentice from Webb Lodge, No. 55, Ky., received as a member. On question of membership your committee refer to a report on the following resolution 路snbmitted to this Grand Lodge, 9th April 1823. Resolved, That no brother who has not attained the degree of Master Mason, shall be a member of any lodge under this jurisdiction.
The committee reported, That by the general usages and customs of Lodges, MasGns below the grade of Master appear to have had their proper level assigned them; they are universally consIdered as only candidates for MastershIp, and that as Entered. Apprentices or Fellow Crafts they are merely probationary. By the organization of our institution, they 'are necessarily so, for their novlclate can by no means be dispensed with, and that the adoption of such a resolutIon would be superfiuous. The saId report was on the 7th October, 1823, unanimously adopted by this Grand Lodge. '
Grand Lod.de of Missouri.
On the 3d April, 1822, the following .resolution was adopted by this Grand Lodge. .. Resolved, that no subordinate lodge, working under the jurisdIction of this Grand Lodge; shall confer the degrees of Fellow Cra.ft or Master Mason upon any brother who has been initiated in any other lodge within the United States, unless the brother so applying shall produce a recommendation or certificate of good standing from the lodge in which he was admitted or initiat.ed." Your com'mittee find that three of the above named individuals were advanced in the New London Lodge, without reference'Qf petitions to a commi tteeof inquiry or the production of certificates of good standing. Your committee find that at a meeting of New London Lodge, on the 10th .Tune, A. D. 1837, the petition of .TAMES A. EMERSON for initiation, was presented and referred to an appropriate committee, with an express order of the lodge to report instanter, being a case of emergency, as stated in the record of the same meeting. Similar proceedings were had.on the petitions for initiation of GRANVILLE CLAYTON, ROBERT W. LYONS and .ToHN TRAOY. The several committees reported, these were all balloted for,' and the three last named initiated at the sarne meeting. At a meeting on the ~2d .Tune, tbe same proceedings were had on the petitions for initiation of JOSEPH RICE, THOMAS ElIIERSON. POSEY N. SMITH, NATH'LT. PRICE and .TAMES GERRISH, all reported upon, balloted for and initiated at the same meeting; as was also .TAMES A. EMERSON, who had been balloted for on the 10th. SImilar proceedings were had on the petition of DABNEY JONES, at a meeting, August 12th. Your committee believe tbat the members of New London Lodge were actuated by good motives, and were zealous for the acquisition of members, without paying due attention to the qualifications of indiViduals. Your committee remark that in the closing and adjourning of t11(\ lodge, it was all done in the degree of Entered Apprentice. No copy.of the By-Laws of said lodge has been received.
Your committee submit the following resolution: Resolved, That New London Lodge be required to transmit to this Grand
Lodge, at the next communication, a copy of their By-Laws. Resolved, That a charter be granted to the members of New London Lodge according to the prayer of the petition.
Which report was accepted and resolution adopted. The committee on work and credentials have had submitted.to them the original record:of Franklin Lodge, Alton, containing their work; also a'record of their By-Laws. Your committee find nothing inconsistent with the Cons1.ituti~n or By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. In the record of their work we discover at the commencement many irregularities, but路 which appear since to have been corrected, ~nd offer the following: Resolved. That a charter be granted to the Franklin 'Lodge, at Alton.
Which resolution was adopted. On motion of Brother A. B. resolution was adopted:
the following
Resol~ed, Tha路t the Grand Secretary be directed to correspond with Brother M. .T. NOYES, of Perseverance Lodge, an d ascertai n whether the mem bel'S wish t.Q ~onqnue that lod~e, and inforw him that they have the permission of thJs
Proceeding8 of the
Grand Lodge to open at Bowling Green, if they desire 80 to do; that he be requested to report to the Gran.d Secr6Jtary the desire of that lodge. .
Adjourned until to·morrow morning 10 o'clock. A charter was granted to St. Charles IJodge, No. 23, and paid ten dollars for the same; also a charter was granted to Franklin Lodge, No. 22, and to New London Lodge, No. 21 ; each paid ten dollars.
FRIDAY, October 6, A. L. 5837. The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: M. w. S. W. B. CARNEGY R. W. JOSEPH JOHNSON G. A. V. REED G. H. C. MELODY RICH'D B. DALLAM WM. H. PEAKE GEORGE WILSON ERSOM OWENS
G. Jlf•. G. S. W., p1'O te.m. G. .r. W., pro tem. G. l~·eas. G. Sec·y. G. S. D., p1'O tcm. G. J. D., pro trJn1. G. 'l)jle1'.
Brothe~s THOS. ANDREWS, JOHN D. TUCKER, BERIAH GRAHAM. Visiting Brother ISAAC Lours JACKARD, Local Lodge, Switzerland.
The following lodges were called: St. Louis IJodge, St. Charles Lodge, New London Lodge, Palmyra IJodge and Franklin Lodge, represented. Perseverance Lodge, Boonville Lodge, Columbia Lodge, Tyro Lodge and Paris Union Lodge, not represented. The
~ommittee on
accounts made the following report:
That they find on examination of the Grand Treasurer's account the following sums in his hands, viz: two hundred and one dollars and sixteen cents cnrrent, and thirty.two dollars and fifty-eight cents charity funds: all of which is respectfully submitted.
The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved. That the Grand Lodge donate to St. Charles Lodge, No. 23, the
jewels and furniture of St. Charles Lodge. No. -, not otherwise disposed of heretofore. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge donate to St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, all the jewels and furniture now in possession of that lodge, except the Master's Carpet. Resolved. That the St. Charles Lodge have leave to change its name.
The following preamble and resolution was offered:
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
WHEREAS, Columbia Lodge, No. 16, Boonville Lodge, No. 14, Tyro Lodge, No. 12, and Paris Union Lodge, No. 19, have failed to make their respeclive annual returns to this Grand Lodge, and also to pay the dues to the Grand Lodge, as by the By-Laws thereof they are required. Resolved, Therefore, that the said lodges be and they are hereby required, to make out and transmit to this lodge the returns aforesaid, at the next Grand Annual Communication, to be held in St. Louis, on the first Monday in October next; and also at the time last aforesaid, shew cause why their chartert respectively shall not be revoked. Resolved 2d, That tbe Grand Secretary make out fortbwith and transmit a copy of the foregoing resolution to each of the aforesaid lodges.
The following accounts were presented and ordered to be paid, viz: Chambers, Harris & Knapp, for $200 Ricb'd B. Dallam "............................................................... 1 75 Grand Tyler : : 10 00
R. W.:
admitted and took his seat.
Adjourned until half-past two o'clock.
G. M. D. G'-M. G. S. W., pro tern. G. J. W., pro tern. G. Treasurer. G. Secretary. G. S. D., p1'O tern. G. J. D.,protem. G, Tyler.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, Tbe Grand Secretary be allowed ten dollars for his services during the ensuing year, in addition to pis annual sa.lary of twenty dollars.
Which resolution was adopted. The Master Masons' Lodge dispensed with, and a Past l\fasters' Lodg'e opened. . The Most Worshipful Grand Master elect was introduced to the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master and duly installed as .Grand Master for the ensuing year.
'.rhe Past Masters Lodge was closed and the Masters Lodge resumed, and the following officers elect duly installed, viz: A. B. CHAMBERS THOMAS ANDREWS G. H. C. MELODy RICH'D B. DALLAM ES,ROM OWENS
G. S. W. G .J~ W.
G. l'rea.mrcr. G. Secretary. G. l)jler.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master proceeded to make the following appoi~tments, viz: R. W. JOHN D. DAGGETT ALEX. T. DOUGLASS REV. JOHN H. FIELDING JOHN RULAND JOHN D. TUCKER . B: B. BROWN G. A. V. REED GEORGE WILSON
]). G. G. G. G. G. G. G.
G. M.
8. D. Cit. Munhal.
8. 8. S. Beare?'. Pur8't.tivant.
The Grand Senior Warden appointed SAMUEL C. PIEIWE G.J.D. The Grand Secretary appointed ALEX. P. REED, of Palmyra, D. G. Secretary. There being no furher business before this Grand Lodge, it was cloRed in DUE FORM. S. W. B. OARNEGY, G. M. of Jl1. RICH'D B; DALLAM, G. Sec.
RECEIVED, October 7th, 1837, of RICH'D B. DALLAM, G. Secretary, ninetyfour dollars and twenty-five cents, viz: twenty dollars received for a dispensation to Jacksonville Lodge, Illinois; thirty dollars for charters to St. Louis Lodge, No. 23, Franklin Lodge, No. 22, and New London Lodge, 21'; eighteen dollars seventy-five cents St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, dues, and twenty-five dollars and fifty cents, Palmyra Lodge, dues.
G. H. C. MELODY, G. 1 'reasl.lrer.
October 1, A. L. 5838.
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, begun and held in the City of Sf.. Louis. . Were present: s. w. B. CARNEGY Jlf. lV. G. Master. A. B. CHAMBERS THOMAS ANDREWS GEO. H. C. MELODY R. B. DALLAM ALEXANDER DOUGLASS BERNARD PRATTE ESROM OWENS
R. R. R. R. R. R.
W. W. W. W.
G. S. Ww路den. G. J. lVm路dcn. G. 1 1l'easurcr. G. Secretm路y. lI'. G.8. Deacon. W. G. ,J~ Deacon.
R. W. G.
Brothers A. DOUGLASS, H. CHAMBERLAIN, J. ORRICK, WM. S,-VANCE, and HENRY P. RUNDELL. Brother S. V. FARNSwOR'rH, St. Louis, No. 20, Mo. " E.' KLEIN, . J. LITTLE, G. WILSON, L. JACCARD, P. W. KENNEDY E. BOSWORTH, J. SCOTT. w. COCHRAN, J. FOSTER, of the Portsmouth Naval Lodge, No. lOa, Va. NOTE.-Origina,l printed by CHAMBERS, HARRIS & KNAPP.
Prooeeding8 of the
t< The Lodge was opened in DUE and SOLEMN FORM in the Third Degree of Masonry. . The reading Proceedings of the Grand Lodge at their last Annual Meeting dispensed with. The' several subordinate lodges were called, and St. Charles Lodge, No. 23, Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, S1. Louis Lodge, No. 20, . Franklin Lodge, No. 22, were represented.
The Most 'Vorshipfnl Grand Master appointed the following committees, viz: On Work and Credentiltls-Brothcrs CHAMBERS, A: DOUGLASS and ANDI~EWS.
On Communications from Grand and Foreign LodgesBrothers VANCE,
On Unfinished Busines's-Brothers DOUGLASS, CHAMBERS and PERRIN. Un Petitions and j}!femo1"ials-Brothers CHAMBERLA.IN, FARNSWORTH and VANCE. On Acconnts-Brotbers WILSON, PERRIN and ORRICK. The followilig returns were received, viz: . St. Charles Lodge, No. 23, Mo.; St. Louis Lodge, No, 20, Mo.; Palmyra Lodg路c. No. 18, Mo.; Jacksonville Lodge, No. 24, Ill.; Franklin Lodge, No. 22. Alton, Ill.; and referred to the committee on work and credentials. Brother路 MELODY reported that he had installed the officers of Franklin Lodge, No. 22, at Alton, Ill. The Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow evening, 2 o'clock.
TUESDAY, October 2, A. L. 5838. Grand l~odge met pnrsnant to adjournment. Present: s. w. B. CARNEGY M. W. G. Maste?路. A. B. CHAMBERS THOMAS ANDREWS G. H. C. MELODy R. B. DALLAM ALEX. DOUGLASS B. PRATTE : ESROM OWENS
R. W. R. lV. R. lV. R W. R. lV. : .. R.W. R. W.
S. G. Warde)/. J. G. Warden. G. T G. S. G. S. D. G. J. D. G. J.
of Missouri.
Opened in Third Degree. Entered R. W.
D. G. Master.
Oommittee on work and credentials made the following report: On the returns of Palmyra Lodge, No. 18; St. Charles Lodge, No. 23; St. Louis Lodge, No. 20; and also on the returns of St. Louis Lodge, No. :!O, for 1836 and 7, sent up to this Grand Lodge, agreeable to a resolution of the last Grand Annual Communication. In these proceedings they find nothing requiring the action of tbis Grand Lodge, and recommend that they be filed among the arcbi ves. t They have also examined the records of the Jacksonville Harmony Lodge, working under a Dispensation, and find their work ger\"erally correct: It appears, however, tbat on tbe 18th August, JOHN GREGORY, a candidate for the Master's Degree was balloted for in a lodge of Entered Apprentices, the candidate himself being present. They have also failed to send a copy of their By-Laws, or a transcript of their Proceedings, but have sent up the Secretary's books in which the committee find their By-Laws, which th,ey have examined, and in which they find notbing inconsistent with the Constitution or the By-Laws of t.hls Grand Lodge.
The committee re40mmend that the following resolution be adopted: :'. ' Resolved, That a charter be granted to Jacksonville Harmony Lodge.
The committee have also examined the returns of li'ranklin Union IJodge, No. 22. In w4ich they find so many imperfections, 'that they do not feel willing to specify the errors. The committee therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, l'hat Franklin Lodge, No. 22, have leave to withdraw their returns with instructions to send up to the Grand Secretary, with as little delay as possible, a more perfect transcript of their proceedings. .
The committee report that the credentials of S. W. B. CARNEGY, as proxy of the Senior and Junior Wardens of Palmyra Lodge; also the credentials of H. P. RUNDELL, proxy of the Worshipful Master o,f Franklin Union Lodge, to be in due form. The credentials of Brothers CHAMBERLAIN and VANCE, they find to be informal, they having been appointed by theIr respective lodges, instead of the officers whom they represent, which is contrary to the fourth section ef the Constitution. All of which Is respectfully submitted for the consideration of the Grand Lod~e. . A. B. CHAMBERS, ALEX. DOUGLASS, THOMAS ANDREWS.
Proceedin.ts of the
On motion, the above report was accepted and the resolutions adopted. Brother D. F.
The committee on Foreign Communications beg leave to Report, That they have had laid before them communications from the
Grand Lodges of Maine, New York, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Maryland, Georgia, Kentucky and also from the Grand Lodge of Ireland, and upon examination, have found nothing claiming the peculiar attention of this Grand' IJodge, except the last Quarterly Commnnication from the Grand Lodge of New York. Wherein, your committee find, with regret, that certain individuals have been nsing their efforts to disturb the well being of Masonry; but who have been suitably rebuked by the action of the Grand Lodge of New York, and we would recommend to this Grand .Lodge to hold no communication with these disorganizers; but to sustain the Grand Lodge of New York in its legitimate proceedings. A circular from the Grand Lodge of Virginia, describing one THOMAS DAYLY, an expelled Mason, is also rec.ommended to the attention of this Grand Lodge. Also a circular from the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, in relation to the destruction of their Ball, by the late conflagration in the city of Charleston; and soliciting aid from this Grand Lodge. Your committee think that some notice should be taken of this Communication by this Grand Lodge. Your committee earnestly re'commend an interchange of communications with the several Grand Lodges of the United States, and the Grand Lodge of Ireland, with the few exceptions stated above. Your committee congratulate the fraternity on the improving condition of Masonry in the United States-and are of opinion, from the various documents submitted to them. the institution of Masonry will soon occupy a station no less elevated than in the brIghtest days of her hIstory, notwithstanding the impediments and difficulties which malice and envy have thrown in her path. JOHN ORRICK, W. S. VANCE, H. P. RUNDELL.
On motion, tlIe report was accepted and adopted. Brother J. V.
On motion, the report of t.he committee Oil work and credentials, relative to the St. l.Jouis Lodge, No. 20, for 1838, be recommitted with instructions to reconsider and report thereon. . The following resolution was offered by Brother .A. T. DOUGLASS. Resolved, That all Master Masons in good standing be admitted to visit this Grand Communication during its session through courtesy-which was adopted.
On motion of Brother
Resolved, That a select committee be appointed to examine and report on
Boonville Lodge, and Poll other delinquent lodges, whicb was auopted.
Grand 'Lodge of Missouri.
On motion, Brothers CHAMBERLAIN, McBRIDE and A. T . . DOUGLASS were appointed a 'committee 011 the communication of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. On motion, the communication from the Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Virgini[.L, at Richm~)lld, be embodied in the proceedings of this lodge, and transmitted to the subordinate lodg~s of this Grand Lodge. The following is the communication referred to: . In Grand Lodge of the State of Virginia. On Tuesday, the 9th Januw'y, A, L. fi1\38, A. D. 1838.
The Grand Lodge of Virginia having given due consideration to the petition of THOMAS DAYLY, late an Apothecary and Druggist, In the city of Richmond, appealing from a sentence of Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19, by which said 'l'HOMAS DAYLY was expelled from all the right.s and benefits of Masonry. Resolved, That the petition be rejected and the sentence of expulsion be entered against said DAYLY, b~' Richmond Lodge, No. 19, be approved and ~onfirmed.
Said DAYLY represented himself to be an Irishman by blrth,is about six' feet two inches high, complexion fiorid, face full, round and high cheek bones, eyes and hair dark, downcast look, and shakes his head when spoken to, is round-shouldered and stoutly mRde,and has a long and awkward step when walking; he is plausible and specious in language and dealing. Resolved, That the Grand Secretarr be requested to make a special communication of the above resolution and description of person to all the Grand Lodges in correspondence with this Grand Lodge, with a request that they . wlll make a special communication of the same to each of their subordinate lodges. Fraternally yours, JOHN DOVE, G. See'y.
On motion, the communication from New York be referred back to the committee on foreign communications to report thereon. On motion, Brotller McBRIDE was appointed on the committee on petitions, in place of Brother S. V. FARNSWORTH. Brothers P. H. McBRIDE, E. KJ~EIN and G. H. C. MELODY, appomted a special committee on Boonville I.Jodge and delinquen.t lodges. Adjourned until to-morrow, 2 o'clock.
Proceeding8 of the WEDNESDAY,
October 3, A. IJ. 5838.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Present: s. w.
· -
M. W. G. M. R. lV. G. S. lV.
R. W. G. J. W. R. W. G. 1'. R. W. G. S. R. W. G. S. D. R. W. G .•T. D. R. W.O G. 1'.
The committee on work and credentials made the following report: That th~y have, agreeable to a resolution of the Grand Lodge, re-examined the returns from St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, and find that on the 5th of June last, DANIEL BUSBY, a Master Mason, and a member of said lodge, for" gross and fiagrant unmasonic conduct, was expelled from all the benefits and privileges of Masonry." The committee have examined the abstract of the Proceedings of Paris Union Lodge, No. 19, and find them generall3' correct; but some irregulari ties your committee cannot forbear noticing. In October, 1837, the degree of Entered Apprentice was conferred on SAMUEL G. BRIGGS, on the same evening on which his petition was received. After initiation, a committee was appointed to enqUire into his character.• On the 11th of November, a petition was received trom WM. TURNER, without reference, and acted upon immediately in a lodge of Entered Apprentices~ and the degree conferred upon him on the 9th of December. W. V. RIPPY and S. G. BRIGGS had conferred upon them the two degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason on the 27th of December. A petition was received from ROBERT BRACOUGH for initiation, ballot taken immediately, and the applicant rejected. Vote reconsidered, and a committee appointed to investigate the character of t.he petitioner, on the 13th of January, 1838. . Petitions received from J. D. BUDD and ·EDW. DRUMING, and the petitioners initiated instanter. On the same evening, JOHN STONE and WH. GOBS were initiated, and there is no evidence in the Proceedings to show that they had ever petitioned. On the same evening, a petition for the Fellow Craft's Degree from GEORGF. POGUE received, and the degree conferred upon him instanter. No mention is made of his initiation, or to what lodge he might have previously belonged. But the committ.ee forbear to point out all the irregularities, and would refer to a resolution of the Grand Lodge, passed on the 3d of April, 1822: . Resolved, That no subordinate lodgeworklng under the jurisdiction oftbis Grand Lodge, shall confer the degree of Fellow Craft or Master Mason upon any brother who has been initiated in any other lodge within the United States, unless the brother so appl~'ing shall produce a recommendation or certificate of good standing from the lodge in which he was admitted or initiated.
Your committee believe the members of Union Lodge have been actuated
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
by good motives; but in their zeal for the acquisition of members, did not pay due attention to the qualifications of individuals. This appears from the fact that GEO. POGUE passed to the Fellow Craft's Degree on January 18th, was on the lith of August expelled for a violation of the By-Laws, and this appears to have been done in a lodge of Entered Apprentices. On credentials from the Union Lodge, the committee state, that on the 24th September, 1838, Brother P. H. McBRIDE, by a resolution of the lodge,was appointed a delegate to the Grand Lodge. The appointment is therefore informal. Your committtee have also examined the returns from Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Their returns extend through a period of three years, and the committee can only say that the returns merely state that on a certain evening the lodge met and opened, certain business transacted and closed, &c, without specifying what lodge was opened, who were present, or the number present. Your committee would offer the following resolution:
Resolved, That the returns from Paris Union Lodge, No. 19, and from Tyro Lodge, No. 12, be filed in the archives, and that Tyro Lodge, No. 12, be required to send up to the next Grand Communication a more perfect transcript of their Proceeaings for the last three yea~s. A. B. CHAMBERS, A. 'r. DOUGLASS, THOMAS ANDREWS.
Your committee have had a letter placed in their hands by the Grand Secretary from Brother HODGE, Worshipful Master of Temperance Lodge, working under DispensatIOn at Vandalia, stating the reasons why they have not been able to send up a transcript of their ~roceedings, and petitioning for a renewal of their Dispensation. The committee offer the following resolution: Resolved, That tbe Dispensation authorizing the opening of a lodge at Vandalia be renewed, arid that said lodge be required to lSend up to the nextGrand Annual Communication, a complete copy of their Proceedings, with a copy of their By-Laws; all of which is respectfully submitted, ALEX. T. DOUGLASS. THOMAS ANDREWS.
On'motion, the reports were received and the resolutions adopted, The committee on foreign communications, to whom was referred back so much of their report as relates to the difficulties in New York, have had the same under consideration, and beg lpave to recommend the adoption of the following preamble and resolutions: WHEREAS, on the 6th day of August, 1838, the Grand Lodge of New York declared the charter 路of York Lodge, in the city of New York, forfeited and void, and expelled the omcers and members of the said lodge, from all the rights and benefits of Masonry. (See report July, 1837, pages 28 and 29.) And WHEREAS, it appears to your committee that said York Lodge continued to meet clandestinely in defiance of the edicts of the Right Worshipful. Grand Lodge of Ne\v York; and WHEREAS, it also appears to. your committee that there exists in the
Prooeedin~ s
of the
city of New York a ciandestine Grand Lodge by the assumed name of St. John's Grand Lodge, and which is composed chiefly of expelled Masons (see report June, 1838, page 18). Therefore, be it Resolved, By this Grand Lodge, that it will not recognize nor hold any communication with St. John's Grand Lodge, nor York Lodge, in the city of New York. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do highlyapprove of the action of Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of N.ew York, in relation to said York Lodge, No. 367, and the St. John's Grand Lodge, and that it will sustain the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of New York in its legitimate proceedings in relation thereto.
Your committee beg leave further to report, that, in the examination of the communications from the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of New York, they discover a recommendation of the Grand Secretary to his Grand Lodge, recommending the sending and receiving delegates from other Grand Lodges (see report May, 1838, page 13); and WHEREAS, This report was approved by the committee on foreign communications, with certain recommendations (see report for May, 1838, page 21), your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the plan proposed by the Grand Lodge of New York, of sending representatives to, and receiving from other Grand Lodges, be concurred in by this Grand Lodge,and that when it is ascertained that the said plan is matured, that the Grand Officers of this Grand Lodge have power, and they are hereby instructed to appoint a delegate, resident in the State of New York, to represent this Grand Lodge at that place. . JOH~ ORRICK, Ohairman.
On motion, the report was received and the resolutions adopted. On motion of Brother MELODY, the following resolution was offered and adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge recommend to all the snbordinate lodges, a strict observance of the requirements of the Masonic Monitor, in attending funeral processions. and especially that part of the instructions which require uniformity of dress, as far as practicable.
Brother McBRIDE offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Lodges of the Several States of the United States be authorized to app6int a delegate residing within this State, to represent them in this Grand Lodge. .
The committee on petitions
the following report:
Your committee to whom was recommitted petiticns Nos. 1 and2, report that petition No.1 is signed by nine brethren, praying for a new lodge in Hannibal, to be called St. John's Lodge, and dUly recommended byPalmyraLodge, No. 18. But said petition contains .no nominatiDns for the three first officers, as required by the seventh section of the By-Laws. Your committee recommend that this informality be deemed insnfficient to bar them from the privileges w路hich they seek. That the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that A. BOWEN, JOHN FUQUA and GEO. W. BIRD, be named in the Warrant as Master and Wardens. .
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Petition No.2 is signed by eleven persons, most of whom are not known to us, as Master Masons. The petition~rspra~' for the restoration of the charter of Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, heretofore surrendered to this Grand Lodge. Among the brethren petitioning for this favor, are all the three officers named in said charter. Your'committee, on examination of the records and files of this Grand Lodge, have ascertained the following facts: In April, 1830, a Dispensation was granted.to open a lodge at Clarksville. In October of the same year a charter was duly executed, constituting said lodge, and appointing WM. BOWLES, WM. BELL and J. R. CARTER, Master and Wardens. From a transcript of the records of Clarksville Lodge, December 3, 1831, it appears that a communication was read from the Secretary of the Grand Lodge, supposed by your committee to have been his circular as ordered on the 18th of October of that year. Whereupon, it was -unanimously resolved (by Clarksville Lodge) that they ought to suspend for the present, and that aur Brother Junior or Senior Warden convey to the Grand Lodge our charter, which is hereby surrendered. 'l'he Grand Lodge accepted this surrender, by report of their committee, April 3d. 1832. ' . In view of these several facts, and the well known peculiar circumstances of those times, yoUr committee recommend that said charter be restored, With full power of working under it, and that the officers therein named be the first regular offi~ers of said lodge. .
Your committee further report on petition No.3, for a new lodge in St. Louis, to be called Napthali Lodge. Said petition is in due form, signed by seven brethren, and recommended by'St. Louis Lodge, No. 20. They recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. All of which Is respectfully submitted. H. CHAMBERLAIN, 'P. H. McBRIDE,
On motion, the above report was accepted and lutions adopted.
The committee to whom was referred a letter from the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, announcing the unwelcome and painful fact that their Hall had been enveloped in the general conflagration which swept over a fair portion of the 'cay of Charleston. and at the same time soliciting our aid, by appealing to the principle wbich' induces every Mason to assist a brother in distress. The Grand Lodge of Missouri most sincerely and fraternally condole with their brethren in South Carolina, and promptly tender to them the warmest sympathies of true hearted Masons. And it is with many unpleasant regrets they feel CJnstrained to add, that suqh is the low state of their funds, they have not the ability to extend to their pecnniary aid. Our organization is in a young but growing state. A portion of our lodges ceased to work a: few years since, but are now rev! ving and giving evidence that Masonry is destined to flourish vigorously among us at no distant day. Our Masonic Halls are for the most part yet to be built and furnished, and our Treasliries to be supplied with funds for needful c~arities. 'While from these circumstances peculiar to us in the west, we are unable
Proceedings of the
to respond to your call as our hearts would incline us, we hope that aid will be afforded from more favored Grand Lodges of the east, and that your holy and beautiful house will arise the glory of that land. Fraternally yours, in Masonic bonds.
On motion, the report was received and adopted. The select committee to whom was referred the subject of delinquent lodges, made the following report: They find from some cause unknown, and unaccounted for, that the lodges at Columhia and Boonville, in the State of Missouri, have failed to conform to the requisitions contained in the 5th and 6th 'sections of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. At the last Grand Annual.Communication, the two lodges above. named, with that of Perseverance Lodge, having omitted to send representatives or make any return to the lodge. a resolution was then adopted, requiring them to make out and transmit to this lodge the returns aforesaid, and also, to show cause why their charters should not be revoked. Your committee cannot but express their deep regret for the failure of those lodges to discharge a duty which is so ('ssential to the harmony and good being of the institution. The experience of every well informed lodge abundantly teaches the. necessity of a strict adherence to the By-Laws' and ancient usages. The regret of your committee is heightened from the fact, that whilst Masonry generally is reviving, and the order again 'assuming that路 honorable stand which its principles so well merit, delinquencies should be found where we had least reason to expect them. It is a painful duty. but one from which there appears to be no means of escape; we therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, That the charter of Columbia Lodge, No. 16. be revoked, and that the late Secretary and Treasurer of said lodge surrender to the Grand Secre~ taryall the books, papers, funds, jewels and furni ture of said lodge. Resolved, That the charter of Boonville Lodge, No. 14, be revoked, and that the late Secretary and Treasurer of said lodge surrender to the Grand Secretary all the books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of said lodge. Resolved, That the charter of Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, be reVOked, and that the late Secretary and Treasurer of said lodge surrender to the Grand Secretary, all the books papers,jewels, funds and furniture of said lodge. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to transmit to the late Secretary and Treasurer of the said lodges a copy hereof, with a demand for the books, &c., of their respective lodges. P. H. McBRIDE, E. KLEIN, G. H. C. MELODY.
On motion, the above report was received and the resolutions adopted. On motion, the election of Grand Officers to this lodge to take place this evening, at 7 o}clock, for the ensuing year, which was agreed to. The following resolution was offered and adopted:
GrG/nd Lodge of Missouri. '
Resolved, '!'hat the Grand Secretary of this lodge subscribe for one copy of .J AMES HERRINGS' engravings of Washington, for the use of this lodge. .
The lodge adJourned until half-past 7 o'clock this evening.
October 3, .A. L. 5838.
Lodge met'pursuant to adjournment. Present: s. w.
M. W. G. M.
R. w. G. 8. W. R. W. Gâ&#x20AC;˘.J. W. R. W. G. S. D . R. W. G..J. D.
R. W. G. 'Preas. R. W. G. See'y. R. W. G. T.
Opened in the Masters' Degree. Admitted, Brothers
The following resolution was offered by Brother and adopted: .
Resolved, That a committee of three be appoin ted to revise the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, and report the same, together with any amendments which may appear to them' to be necessary, to the next RegUlar Communication of this Grand Lodge. . \ Brothers A. B. CHAMBERS, JOHN D. DAGGETT and GILBERT NURSE were appointed a committee under the above resolution.
The following resolution was offered and adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer of this Grand Lodge, be instructed to procure new trimmings to the jewels belonging to said Grand Lodge.
The following resolution was offered and adopted: Resolved, That all members attending from subordinate lodges, be allowed to vote, although their proxies are informal.
M. VV.
of the'
The Grand l.Jodge went into an election for their Grand Officers' for the present year, and the following persons were duly elected: â&#x20AC;˘11
Grand Maste'/' G. S W . G. J. W.
G. Treas. 0. Sec'y.
The M. W. D. G. Master DAGGETT reported that he had installed the officers,at the St. Charles Lodge.
THURSDAY, October 4, A. L. 5838. The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: S. W. B. CARNEGY : AYRES HUDSPETH THOMAS ANDREWS G. H. C. MELODY R. B. DALLAM A. T. DOUGLASS , W. S. VANCE ESROM OWENS
G. M.
R. W. G. S. W. R. W. G. J. W.
R. W. G. Treas. R. W. G. Sec'y. R. W. G. S. D. R. W. G. J. D.
: ;.R. W. G. Tyler.
The following preamble and resolutions were offered by Brother McBRIDE, and adopted: . WHEREAS, New London Lodge, No. 21, has failed to' make an annual return to this Grand Lodge, and to pay its dues, as by the By-Laws it is required. Resolved, therefore, That the said lodge be, and is hereby required to make out and transmit to this lodge, the returns aforesaid to the next Grand Annual Comm'unlcation, and also show cause why the charter of said Lodge be not revoked for the fallure aforesaid. . . Resolved, That the Grand Secretary make out and transmit a copy of the foregoing to said lodge. P. H. McBRIDE, G. H. C. MELODY.
The committee on accounts made the following report: The undersigne~ committee have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find them to be correct, and there is a balance in the hands of the Treasurer, of two hundred and thirty-three dollars and seventy-five cents. GEORGE WILSON, A. L. ~ERRIN.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
The committee on accounts made the following report: That they have examined the account of the Republican Office for printing, and offer the following resolution: ' , Resolved, That the Republican Office have an order on the Treasurer for seventy-two dollars. GEORGE WILSON, A. L. PERRIN.
The report was accepted and the resolution adopted. I
The following resolutio~ was offered by Brother A. T. DOUGLASS, and adopted: ' Resolved, That the Grand Secretary' be allowed ten dollars for his services durIng the ensuing year, in addition to his annual salary of twenty dollars.
The following resplution was offered by BrotherWILSON, and adopted: ResohJed, That the Grand Lodge pay the expenses of Brother CHAMBER-' LAIN, while he is in attendance upon this Grand Lodge. .
The following resolution wasoffer.ed by Brother McBRIDE, and adopted: Resolved, That the WorshIpful Grand Master and Grand Wardens be a committee, whose duty it shall be to address a circular letter to the subordinate lodges under thisjurisdicLion, on the sUbject of Masonry in general, and particularly urging on tbem: 1st. A more rigid scrutiny into the character of applicants for tbe privileges ~f Masonry. 2d. A more strict conformity to tbe Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge and subordinate lodges. 3d. More particular and supervisory control over the moral character and conduct of their members.
The following resolution was offered and adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be, and he is hereby authorized, ontbe
reception of the jewels, furniture, &c., of any, subordInate lodge, whose charter shall be revoked, or who shall surrender or fo-rfeit their charters, to , loan or otherwise dispose of the same to any subordinate lodge, not prOVided with jewels and furniture.
The Master Masons} Lodge was dispensed opened a Past Masters' Lodge.
The 1\'1. W. G. l\laster elect, was introduced and installed as Grand Master for the ensuing year. The Past Masters' Lodge closed, and Masters' Lodge resumed, and the M.' W. G. Master installed the following Grand Officers elect, for the ensuing year: R. w. A. B. CHAMBERS.. : 'R. W. ALEXANDER T. DOUGLASS R. W. G. H. C. MELODY :ft., W, RIC~AR:P B, DALLAM :
G. W. J. G. W.
G. Treas. Q. Sec''V'
Proceedings of the.
The M. W. G. Master made the following appointments: R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R.
W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W. W.
D. G:.ilf. G. So D.
G. Chaplain. G. Marshal. G. Steward.
.-G. Steward. G. S. Bea1路er. G. Pursuivallt. G. Tyler.
The R. W. Senior Warden appointed tTAS. MAGEHAN, J. G.D. The R. W. Grand Secretary appointed R. W. PRIESTLY H. McBRIDE, D. G. Secretary.
On motion, the sum of ten dollars was allowed the Grand . Tyler, for his services during the present Grand Convocation. ' On motion, the R. W.: G. H. C. MELODY, was required to procure a suitable jewel for the Grand Chaplain. The Secretary was ordered to have a description of DANIEL BUSBY, an expelled member from the St. Louis J.. odge, No. 20, published with the Proceedings of this Grand Lodge. There being no further business before the Grand Lodge, the Grand Chaplain addressed the Throne of Grace, and the Grand Lodge was duly closed until the next Grand Annual Communication. . S. W. B. CARNEGY, G. M. RICHARD B. DALLAM, G. See'y.
MASONIC NOTICE. At a meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter, No.1, of Free Masons, in St. Louis, Missouri, May 16th, 1838, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS, DANIEL BUSBY, a member of this Chapter, having been charged ~ith gross unmasonic conduct, which charges, after a proper investigation, have been fully sustained; 'therefore, be it .
Resolved, That said BUSBY be, and he is hereby expelled from all tbebenefits and privileges of R. A. Masonry.
Grand路 Lod.te of Missouri.
Resolved, That the foregoing resolution be published in all the city papers, with a description of said BUSilY, as a caution to the public, and more especially to the Masonic fraternity.
The following.is a路description of the said
He is in stature, five feet ten and a half inches ; rather slender, not weighing more than one hundred and fifty pounds; his head is thickly covered with light brown hair; has projecting forehead, temples and eye brows; has large light rolling grey eyes, deeply set in his head, having an expression of anxiety and resoluteness; his cheek bones are also projecting and his cheeks hollow; he stands and walks very erect, and When walking, has a peculiar 15wing路of his arms; he is fond of talking, and speaks in a confident loud tone of voice; his looks when closely scrutinized, indj.cate a sort of vacant curiosity and impatience of any posture of repose, together with the utmost dissatisfaction respecting his own situation. There is a sort of glare in his looks that renders it difficult to determine in what direction he is gazing. In his disposition he is prompt, resolute, fiery and impatient, which renders him apparently restless and dissatisfied with himself and the world. ST. LOUIS, May 25, 1838.
At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held at the Masonic Hall at St. Louis, on the 1st Monday in October, being thc7th day of tile month, A. D. 1839, A'. L. 5839. Present: M. W. W. W. M. R. Brother
G. M. G. W. !. G. W., Fl'o Lem.
G. C;., 1)1'0 lem.
:.. G. 路 :
Sec. 1'/,.
8. G. D. ..1. G. D. G. 8. and 1'.
Present, Brothers PRIESTLY H. 'McBRIDE,J OHN H. CURD, E. S. RUGGLES, JOSEPH N. RAYBURN, DAVID HANGER,路 WILLIAM S. HOUGH, JOREPH ROSE, ,JOHN E. SHROPSHIER. There being a sufficient number of ~odge8 represented, the Grand Lodge was opened according to ancient form and usuage in the third degree of Masonry, and the Throne of Grace was addressed by the M. R. Grand Chaplain;' pro tem., J. Bernard. NOTE.-Origi~alprinted by CHA~BERS'&KNAPP.
Proceedings of the
On motion, the reading of the last year's proceedings was dispensed with, and the Grand Lodge proceeded to business.
The Grand Master made the following report, which was ordered to be spread upon the minutes, viz: The Grand l\faster would respectfully report, that, since the last annual convocation of the Grand Lodge, there has been granted a dispensation to sundry brethren residing at Columbus, Illinois, to form a new lodge, to be called.---. A dispensation to sundry brethren residing at Galena, Illinois, to form a new lodge, to be called Far West.
A dispensation to sundry brethren residing at Hillsboro', Illinois, to be called Mount Morice.
The M. W. G. M. appointed the' following brethren a committee on credentials, viz: l\:1CBRIDE,. HOUGH and MARMADUKE: The Grand Lodge wits called from labor until half-past 7 o'clock. The Grand Lodge was called to labor by the M. W. G. Master, at half-past 7 o'clock. Present: Brother JOHN SIMONDS, JR., of St. Louis Lodge. ALEXANDER LINDSEY, of Springfield Lodge. Illinois. ROBERT W. LYON, of New London Lodge, Mo. JOSEPH FOSTER, of Naphtali Lodge, St. Louis. GILBERT NOURSE. of Naphtali Lodge, St. Louis. BERNARD PRATTE, of St. Louis Lodge. WILLIAM Ross, Mystick Lodge, Ill . .EDWARD G. MCQ,UIC, of Persel'verance Lodge. HENRY ROSE, of Phoonix Lodge, Pennsylvania. JOSEPH ROSE, of St. Louis Lodge. JOSEPH GILL, of Naphtali Lodge, St. Louis. L. A. MCGEE. of Confidence Lodge, MaYSVille, Ky.
The committee on credentials made the following report, which was read and concurred in : . The undersigned committee
leave to submit the following report:
They have examined and find the following subordinate lodges dUly repre- ' sen ted by their officers, or by prOXies, duly appointed, to wit: Tyro Lodge, No. 12, E. S. DAVID HANGER, J. W.
Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, WM, S. HOUGH, W. M.
of .Missouri:
Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, W. D. MARMADUKE, W. M.,JoHN H. CURD, S. W. Paris Union Lodge, No, 19, PRIESTJ,EY H. McBRIDE, W. M. Harmony Lodge, No. 24, Jacksonville, IlL, W. S. VANCE. St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, EDWARD KLEIN, W. M.
The M. W. G. Master, appointed mit tees, viz:
following com路
On Work-Brothers "THOMPSON DOUGLASS, P. H. McBRIDE and W. S. VANCE. ' On Foreign Communications- Brothers. ALEXANDER T. DOUGLASS, McBRIDE and E. S. RUGGLES. On Unfinished Business-Brothers A. B. CHAMBERS, J. ,N. RAYBURN, DAVID HANGER and JOHN H. Cl!RD. On Petitions and Memorials-Brothers EDWARD KLEIN, W. D. MARMADUKE and Wl\L S. HOUGH. On Accounts-Brothers WILLIAM S. HOUGH, ROBERT W. LYONS and E. C. BOSWORTH. The ProceedIngs of New London Lodge, No. 21. " Paris Union Lodge, No. 19. " Harmony IJodge, No. 24. " Tyro Lodge, No. 12. St. Louis Lodge, No. 20. " " Palmyra Lodge, 路No. 18. " Naphtali Lodge, U. D. " Springfield Lodge, U. D. " Clarksville Lodge, :N o. 17. Hannibal Lodge, U. D.; " were received and referred to the committee on work. The Grand Secretary laid before the Gran'd Lodge, several communications, which he received since the last Grand Convocation, which were referred to the committee on foreign communications. foreig~
Brot.her l\t[ELODY o'fl'ered the following resolution, which was read and adopted, to wit: Resolved, That the representatives of the subordinate lodges be permitted to'take their seat,s without their jewels.
Proce~dtn,t 8
of the
The following resolution was offered by Brother A. B. CHAMllERS, which was read and adopted, to wit: Resolved, 'l'bat all Master Masons in regular standing be permitted to visit the Grand Lodge during the present Grand Convocation.
The Grand Lodge called from labor till to-morrow, 3 o'clock, P. M.
o'clocl\:, October 8, A. L. 5839.
- Lodge No. I!J. 21.
12. 12. 12.
20. 20. 18. 18. 24.
Tile committee on work made the followi'ng report, whicb was read and concurred in: The committee on work have bad before them the Proceedings and By-Laws of Paris Union Lodge, No. 19, Tyro Lodge, No. 12, Harmony Lodge, No. 24, St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, and Palmyra I_odge, No. 18, have examined the same and find them in conformity with the Constitution a~d By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and recomm,end that they be filed a,mong the archives of the Grand Lodge. Your committee have also examined the Proceedings of New London Lodge, No. 21, 'and find them in the habit of receiving petitions for advancement in the first and second degrees, and in one instance (27th Dec., 1838,) raising a Brother Fellow Craft to the sublime degree of Master Mason, without noting the opening of any other lodge than that of an Entered Apprentice. This, ~'our committee believe an omission in making out the transcript; in all other respects ,the work of said lodge conforms with tbe Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. Your committee also discover that the work of Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, has been principally performE;d by Entered Apprentices; and on the 24th June last, by Special Dispensation of their own By-Laws, (22d sec.) as well as the regulations of this Grand Lodge, an election for officers was held by Entered Apprentices. Your committee bel'ieve these lodges only require that their attention shall be directed to their, il"Tegularities in order promptly to correct them. TH. DOUGLASS, W. S. VANCE, P. H. McBRIDE.
The committee on work made tbe following report, wbicll was read and concurred in :
of Missouri.
Your commIttee on Work have had before them and examined the work' of Springfield Lodge, Ills.; Naphtali Lodge, Mo., and that of Hannibal Lodge, Mo., working under Dispensations granted by the Gralld Lodge, and respectfUlly beg leave to
Repm¡t, That, from the abstract furnished by the Springfield Lodge of their work, it appears that their proceedings have all been done regularly, and in conformity with the By-Laws and Constitution of the Grand Lodge of this State, except in the practice of taking ballots in a lodge of Entered Apprentices. The practice of working in a lodge of Entered Apprentices, has heretofore received the disapprObation of this Grand Lodge, and your committee deem the practice highly exceptional, â&#x20AC;˘ The abstract furnished your committee from the Hannipal Lodge, of their' proceedings, is so brief and'imperfect, as 'to exclude the committee from the means of ascertaining the character of ,their work, and whet.her or not the same has conformed with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. They would say, however, from information derived from, another source, they believe that the work of this lodge has been regular. The proceeding~ of Naphtali Lodge they'find to conform fully with the Constitution and By-Laws erf the Grand Lodge. Your committee respectfully submit, for the adopt ion of the Grand Lodge, the following resolution: Resolved, That 'a Charter be granted to the Springfield, Naphtali and Hanni.-
bal Lodges. P. H. McBRIDE, TH. DOUG LASS, W. S. VANCE.
The committee on credentials made the following report, which was read and concurred in: The committee on credentials beg leave to submit the following additional report: They ha.ve wit:
and find duly represented the following lodges, to
St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, by EDWARD KLEIN, Master. New London Lodge, No. 21, by
SpringfieldLodge, by ALEXANDER LINDSEY, J. W. Hannibal Lodge, by P. H. McBRIDE, proxy. ,The two latter lodges are working under Dispensation.
The following resolution was offered and adopted: Resolved, That the reprel'lentatives from the Springfield, Naphtal1 and Hannibal Lodges, working under Dispensation, be permitted to take their seats in the Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge called from labor till to-morrow morI!ing, 90'elock.
Proceedings of the
WEDNESDAY MORNING, October 9, A. L. 5839. The M. W. Grand labor.
called the Grand Lodge to
The Throne of Grace was addressed M. R. G. Chaplain, Brother HIRAM CHAMBERLAIN. Were present: Brothers WILLAM HODGE, W. M. of Temperance Lodge, Vandalia, Ills.
P. D. MCCABE, of Tyro Lodge, Mo. GEORGE WILSON, of St. I.Jouis Lodge. JOHN E. SHROPSHIRE, of Paris Lodge. The following resolution, offered by Brother MELODY, was read and concurred in: . Resolved, That the Grand Lodge -will, on Friday next, at three o'clock P. M., proceed to install the officers of Naphtali Lodge.
The Proceedings of Hiram Lodge, No. 23, were presented by Brother CHAMBERLAIN, and referred to the committee on work. ' The Grand Lodge was called from labor until morning, 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY MOR,NING, Oct. 10, A. 1.1. 5839, 9 o'clock. The M. W. Grand Master called the Grand Lodge to labor. Committee on work made the following report, which was read and concurred in : The committee on work have examined the Proceedings and By-Laws of Temperance Lodge, at Vandalia, IllS., under Dispensation, and find them generally conforming to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Some errors, however, have obtained among them, such as receiving petitions and referring them to committees; receiving reports of committees on petitions; and other business of the lodge, by Entered Appren,tices; reading the. proceedings of previous meetings to Entered Apprentices, even when a part of those proceedings related to the transactions of the lodge as Master Masons: such mode of work having heretofore often met the marked disapprobation o"f the Grand Lodge, your committee deem further comment unnecessary.
of Missouri.
Your committee refrain from the expression of any opinion as to the propriety of permitting petitions to be withdrawn after presentation and reference, but before final action bad, as has been allowed by that lodge. Your committee submit the following resolution, and recommend its adoption: Resolved, That a Charter be issued to Temperance Lode, at Vandalia, Ill.
On motion, Brother WILLIA.M DODGE was permitted to take his sea.t as representative of Temperance Lodge. W.
took his seat.
The committee'oll work made the following report, which was read and concurred in : The committee on work, to whom was referred a report of the committee on revisals and unfinished business, have had the.same under consideration, and report that Franklin Lodge, No. 22, has not attended to the requisition of 路the Grand Lodge; and that said lodge has neglected to make any return whatever to this Grand A~nual Communication. The requisition upon Tyro Lodge, No. 12, has been fully complied with; the transcript of their Proceedings submitted to the present Grand Annual Communication, commence on the 17th October, 1835, and end on the 21st September, 1839, embracing a period of four years; the character Of which your committee bave previously reported uptm. Temperance Lodge, Under Dispensation, in compliance with the requisition 路of the Grand Lodge, have submitted a transcript of their Proceedings commencing 10th January, 1839, with a copy of their By-Laws, upon which .your committee have also made report. . The resolution of the Grand'Lodge, requiring the late Secretary and Treasurer of Columbia Lodge, No. 16; Boonville Lodge, No. 14; and 路Perseverance Lodge, No. 15, to send up the .books, papers, funds, jewels, &c., of said lodge respectively, has not been complied with; and the late omcers of said lodge have failed to make any return whatever upon the subject. The resolution of the Grand Lodge, requiring New London Lodge, No.' 21, (which lodge had failed to make return of their Proceedings and pay their dues, at the last Gr.and Annual Commnication) to the returns aforesaid to this GrandAnnual Communication, and to show cause why the charter of said lodge be not revoked for the failure aforesaid, has been in part cOplplied With, by a return of Proceeding's, commencing 21st October, 1837, previously reported upon by your committee. The 路latter clause of said resolution, requesting said lodge to show cause, &c., has not as 'yet been complied with. Your committee in this report have confined themselves to the facts, upon which the Grand Lodge will doubtless take such action as may be deemed equitable and just. Your commIttee have examined the Proceedings of Hiram Lodge, No. 23,
Proceedings of the
at St. Charles, and find them in strict conforml ty with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and recommend that they be filed among the archives of the Grand Lodge. " TH. DOUGLASS, P. H. McBRIDE, W. S. VANCE.
The committee on work made tIle following report: The committee on work have examined the Proceedings of Columbia Lodge, Under Dispensation, and find them conforming to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, with one exceptton~ On the 28th September, 1839, two petitions for initiation were received and referred to committees at a meeting of Entered Apprentices. Other business, properly belonging to the Lodge of Master Masons, was transacted at the same meeting. This practice of working by Apprentices and Fellow Crafts, and then calling it the action of the lodge, having been so repeatedly disapproved of by the Grand Lodge, your committee cannot but indulge the hope, that it will be hereafter abandoned by all lodges working under this jurisdiction. "Masonry does not and cannot recognise as a lodge, any convocation of persons of a lower rank than that of Master Masons; a lodge must then of necessity work as Master Masons and not as inferiors. In consequence of the recent organization of Columbus Lodge, and the limited number of its members, the brethren have requested an extension of their Letter of Dispensation. Your committee recommend that their request be granted, and submit the following resolution: Resolved, That the Letters of Dispensation, recently granted by the M. W. G. W. Master in vacation, to the brethren of Columbus Lodge, be and the same is hereby continued in full force and effect, until the next. Grand Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, to be held in the city of St. Louis, on the first Monday of October, A. D. 1840, A. L.5840. TH. DOUGLASS, W. s. VANCE, P. H. McBRIDE.
Brother ROBERT \,y. LYONS, representative from New I.Jondon Lodge, gave a satisfactory explanation why they did not comply with the requisitions of the Grand I.Jodge at its last communication. . The following resolution was offered by Brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS: Resolved, That the Charter of Franklin Lodge, No. 22, be suspended for not complying with the resolution of the Grand Lodge,at its last Annual Communication; and that said lodge, by its representatives, be required to appear and show cause to the Grand Lodge at its next Annual Communication, why their charter should not be revoked; and that the Grand Secretary transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ma~te~ of said lodge.
Which was ordered to he laid on the table for the present. Brother CHAMBJijRS offered the following, which was adopted:
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
'rhe special committee appointed at the last Grand All'nual Communication, to revise the Constitution and By-Laws of this Gi'and Lodge, and report such amendments as they might deem essential, have not complied with the duties assigned them, and therefore ask further time to report. A. B. CHAMBERS, Ghai1'man.
The following' re~olution was offered by Brother CHAl\fand seconded:
Resolved, ~hat in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, no Mason who is not in the active perlormance of his duties as a Mason, by belonging to some regular lodge, and supporting and discharging his duties therein, unless when prevented by old agE\, debility of health, or remoteness of residence, from any regular lodge, is not en ti tIed to the relief and aid of any regular lodge, in its character of a lodge. And any applioant to a lodge may, with propriety, be required to show that he has been in the regular discharge of his duties as aforesaid, before obtaining such relief.
Which resolution was laid on the table for the present. The following resolution was offered by Brother ALEXANDER DOUGLASS: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, no subordinate lodge should permit a petition for admission or initiation to be withdrawn, after a committee has been raised to enquire into tpe character and qualification of the candidate. â&#x20AC;˘
Which resolut.ion was laid on the table for the present. The ,committee on credentials made the following report, which was read and approved: Your committee on credentials would, in addition to their former repo~ts. beg leave to report: That they h,ave examined and find the lodges hereafter mentioned, duly represented in this Grand Lodge, to wit: St. Charles Lodge, No. 2.3, by ALEXANDER DOUOI,ASS, Master, and H. CHAMBERLAIN, proxy for Senior and Junior Wardens. â&#x20AC;˘ Temperance Lodge, by WM.HoDGE, Master. The latter lodge working Under Dispensation. P. H.,McBRIDE, W. S. HOUGH, W. D. MARMADUKE.
Committee on for'eign communications, made t.he following report, w,hieh was read and concurred in': That they have had before them communications from the Grand Lodges of Pennsylvania, from December, 1831, A. L. 5831, to June A. D. 1838, A. L. 5838, inclusive; also from Kentucky. Virginia, New Hampshire, Indiana and Maryland, for the year A. D. 1839, A. L. 5839, and have fonnd nothing claiming the particular attention of this Grand Lodge. Your committee beg leave to recommend a continuance of an intercbange of communications, with the several regularly establ1shed Grand Lodges in the United States. Your committee would take this occasion to congratulate this M. W. Grand Lodge, on the ftourishiJig condition of the Institution in the several States
Proceedin~ 8
of the
above referred to; and are happy to find that that harmony and good fellowship which so effectually" unites us into one sacred band of society of friends and brothers," reigns triumphant, and most admirably illustrates the beauties of our excellent institution. P, H. McBRIDE, GILBERT NOURSE, ALEX, T. DOUGLASS, E, S. RUGGLES:
The resolution offered by Brother A. T. DOUGLASS, relative to subordinate lodges permitting petitions to be withdrawn, and laid on the t.able was called up, read and adopted. Brother W. D. MARMADUKE asked and obtained leave of absence the balance 'of the session. The Grand this eveni~g.
was called from labor until 3 o'Clocl\:
THURSDAY EVENING, 3 o'clock. ~rand
Lodge was called to labor.
The following resolution was offered by Brother McBRIDE and adopted: Resolved, That it is an innovation 'on the principles of Masonry, to receive petitions for membership or initiation, and to act finally thereon, without permitting the petition to layover from one regular stated monthly meeting to another, and having a report from the committee of enquiry raised on the petition.
The following resolution was offered by brother A. T. DOUGLASS and adopted. . . Resolved, That in publlshing the Proceedings of the present and future meetings of th Is Grand Lodge, the name and n um ber of the place of meeting of . each subordinate lodge under its jurisdiction be inserted, with a list of their omcers and members respectfully.
The following resolution was offered by brother A. T. DOUGLASS and adopted: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will, on to-morrow afternoob, immediately after the consecration of Naphtall Lodge, and the installation of its officers, proceed to the election of Grand Officers for'the ensuing year.
The resolution offered by Brother CHAMBERS in the morning and laid over, relative to Masons not members of lodges, was taken up and adopted, . The Grand Lodge called from lab.or, until to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Brother MEl,ODY offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That hereafter it shall be the duty of the Grand Master, at every Grand Communiqation, to give or cause to be given, before the Grand Lodge, a lecture on each of the three degrees of Masonry.
The following resolution was offered by Brother FOSTER and adopted: Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master of the Lodges respectfully, to cause the Constitution and By.-Laws, also the Annual Proceedings of the Grand'Lodge, to be re!l-d before their'lodges respectively, three several times, once in each of the three first degrees.
The resolution heretofore laid upon the table, relative to a revocation of the Charter of the Franklin I.odge, was taken up, read and amended, as follows: Resolved, That Franklin Lodge be requil'ed to make out and transmit to this Grand Lodge, at its next Communication, a transcript of their Proceedings for 1838 and 1839; also, a list of their officers and members, and it is also reqUired that they show cause, at the next Communication, why their Charter should' not be revoked for their former delinquency,
Which was adopted. ' Brother MARMADUKE offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, be required to forward to the Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge, her dues for the years 1838 and 1830, and in default thereof, to show cause why her charter sh,aU not be revoked for her de,l1nquency.
Brother A. DOUGLASS offered the following resolution: Resolved, That so soon as the committee appointed to revise the Consti. tution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge shall have discharged the duty assigned them, they shall ferward a copy to each of the subordinate lodges, who wlll be expected to express their approbation or disapprobation of said revised code, at the next Grand Annual Communication.
Which, by his desire, was laid on the table. Brother MJTCHELL, of Far West I.. odge, Galena, Ill., was admitted and took his seat. Brother W. S. VANCE offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to cause the Proceedings of this Grand Communication to be printed within at least six weeks after the end of this Communication, and distribute as soon thereafter as possible.
Brother A. DOUGLASS offered the follo.wing rf>so]lltioD, which was adopted: " Resolved, That the Brethren at Palmyra, to whom a Dispensation was
Proceed;ings of the
granted to form a lodge, in failing to proceed to work and in failing to return the said Dispensation to the Grand Lodge, as therein directed, have incurred t he censure of this Grand Lodge, and are accordingly censured.
Brother JESSE LIT1'LE, from a committee of Naphtali Lodge, presented a request to the Grand Lodge for a private installation this ~vening5 at the hour heretofore appointed. Brother MITCHELL submitted the returns of Far West Lodge, which was referred. The Lodge called from labor until 2 o'clock this evening. The Grand Lodge was called to labor, and the Throne of Grace addressed by Brother G. Chaplain. The committee on work made the following report: Your committee on work have had submittE:d to them the work of Far West Lodge, held at Galena, Ill., working :under,Dispensation, and resp,ectfully report: . That they find their work generally to conform to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. They have, however, like many others of the subordinate lodges, fallen into the erroneous practice of doing most of their work in a lodge of Entered Apprentices. Your committee have heretofore brought this practice to the notice of the Grand Lodge, and as this may be the last opportunity during the present session of the Grand Lodge, of presenting the SUbject and obtaining an unequivocal opinion against this practice, they recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the practice of working in a lodge of Entered Apprentices is an innovation on the ancient usage and pra.ctice of Free Masonry. Resolved, Th'at a Charter be granted to Far West Lodge, in accordance with
their prayer.
Also, a return from Mount Moriah Lodge, Ill., informally appointing ,Brother G. H. C. MELODY their proxy, and asking a continuance of their Dispensation until the next Grand Aunual Uommunication of the Grand Lodge. Your committee submit, for the consideration and adop1ri.on of the Grand Lodge, the following resolut,ion: Resolved, '!'hat the Dispensation granted to Mount Moriah Lodge be continued until the next' Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge. P. H. McBRIDE, Ohairman.
Which reports were accepted and resolutions adopted. Brother MELODY ,made a motion that the Grand Lodge proceed to install the officers of Naphtali Lodge, which was adopted.
of Missouri.
The Grand Lodge proceeded to consecrate N aphtali Lodge and install its officers, viz: Brother GILBERT NURSE, W. M.; .Brother JESSE LITTLE, S. W.; Brother JOSEPH GILL, proxy .of Brother WM. HULL, J. W.; Brother J. B. GIRKEE, proxy of Brother JAS. BARRY, Treas.; Brother JOSEPH FOSTER, Sec'y; Brother E. S. BOSWORTH, proxy of Brother STEPHEN PRICE, S. D.; Brother F. BRICHTA, proxy of Brother CLARK HOOPER, J. D.; Brother E,SROM OWENS, Tyler. " The following resolution was offered by Brother CHAMBERS: . Resolved, That the Treasurer of this Grand Lodge be instructed to payout of any moneys in thti Treasury, the expenses of the Grand Chaplain in attending this Communication.
Which was adopted. A motion was made and adopted to proceed to the elecGrand Officers for the ensuing year.
~ion. of
The following brethren were duly elect:d: Brother PRIESTLEY H. McBRIDE ALEXANDER T. DOUGLASS W. S. VANCE : GEO. H. C. MELODY · RICHARD B. DALLAM
Grand Master. 8enior Grand TVw·den. Jun1or Grand Warden. Grand 'J'reasu1·er. Grand 8ec1·cta1·y.
The Grand Lodge called from labor until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
FRIDAY MORNING, October 11, A. L. 5839. The 'Grand Lodge called to labor. The following resolution was offered by Brother MELODY and seconded: Resolved, In the opinion of this Grand Lodge, that no subordinate lodge should confer any degree witbout at the same time giving the lectures properly belonging to the degree conferred. .
Which resolution was laid on the table.. On motion of Brother ALEX. T. DOUGLASS, the committee heretofore appointed to revise the By-Laws, were discharged from the further consideration of. that subject. Oli motion of Brother MELODY, a committee, consisting. of Brothers T~O:MPS9N DOUGLASS, G. H. C. MELODY and J.
of the
D. DAGGETT, were appointed to revise the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, and report the result of their labor~ at the next Grand Annual C~mmuriicationof this Grand Lodge.
October 12, A. I.J. 5839.
The Grand Lodge called to labor. The Throne of Grace was addressed by the Rev. Wl\'[. HEDGES. 'rh~ following pr~amble and resolution was offered by Brother T. DOUGLASS: . . WHEREAS, it has now become the custom of every class of a community to avail itself of the aid of the press, to facilitate and extend their influence and welfare, whether in the physical, moral, religious or intellectual pursuits of life; and, WHEREAS, the beneiits to be derived from the institution of oMasonry are of the highest importati'ce to mankind. Ther:efore, be it 0
Resolved,That thi'j. Grand Lodge will aid by its patronage the establishment of a press, to be conducted by some worthy Brother Master Mason, who will edit and print a paper devoted to the cause of Masonry, Literature and Science. 0
Re8~lved, That it be recommended by this Grand Lodge, to the several
Grand Lodges throughout the States, to take such measures as to them may appear best calculated to secure the establishment of a press, and the printing of °a paper of the character above mentioned.
'Vhich preamble and- resolution was adopted. Brother A. T. DOUGLASS offered the following resolution, as an amendment to the resolution offered by Brother MELODY yesterday, and laid on the table, to wit: . Resolved, That the whole of the lectures appertaining to any degree in Masonry, ought to be given at the time of conferring the degree, and the omIssion of any of them is highly censurable
Which was accepted by Brother MELODY and adopted. The following preamble and resolution was offered by Brother THOMPSON DOUGL.AS~, viz: WHEREAS, it has been represented to this Granod Lodge that in many States of these United States, a system has obtained among subordinate lodges of merely opening in the degrees of Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft, and in those degrees performing the work of the lodge; that this practice has been (at least silently) acquiesced in by their respective lodges; and, â&#x20AC;˘ WHEREAS, this Grand Lodge consider such system as conflicting with the ancient landmarks of Masonry, one of which declares that the members of aU
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
working lodges should be Master Masons, and even with us in these modern days none are considered competent to open or hold a lodge, or work as a lodge, unless they be Master .Masons. The degrees of Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft are, of necessity, the mere appendages to a lodge, of which Ap· prentices and Fellow Crafts cannot legitimately be members, and conseq uen tly prohibited any participation in the Work of the iOdge. They are merely candidates for mastership and membership. In each of the degrees of Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft, those candidates must serve a probationary term before they can attain the rank of Master, or claim any of the privileges thereto annexed. Lodges, as such, cannot consistently work as Apprentices or Fellow Crafts, even prov·ided none but Masters be present, and, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, no business can legitimately be transacted in those degrees, other than lecturing. The examination of candidates for advancement, or the conferring of the degree. Many other reasons why a change should be made of this mode of working suggest themselves, but which itwould not be proper to record, and it being desirable that an interchange of opinion upon this SUbject should be had among the different Grand Lodges of the United States, therefore, . Resolved, That the several Grand Lodges in the United States and all other Grand Lodges in correspondence with the Grand Lodge, be respectfully requested to take this matter into consideration, and give to it such an expression of opinion as they may deem right and proper. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolution, be transmitted to all Grand'Lodges corresponding with this Gran~ Lodge.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Most WorshipfUl Grand Master address a cirCUlar letter to the subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction, on the SUbject of Masonry in general, and particularly urging Ol;' them-1st., A more rigid scrutiny into the character of applicants for the privileges of Masonry; 2nd, A more strict conformity to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge and subordinate lodges; 3rd, More particular and supervisory control over the moral character and conduct of their members. .
The following resolution was offered by Brother and adopted.
Resolved, That twenty dollars be allowed the Grand Secretary, foi copying and preparing for the press the Proceedings of this Grand Communication, in addition to the sum allowed by the By-Laws.
The following resolution was o:fl'ered b.y Brother A. T. DOUGLASS: Resolved, That the committee on the revision of the Constitution and By-Laws, be directed and tiley are hereby requested, to amend that section of the By-Laws requiring the Grand Lodge to hold its sessions in the City of st. Louis, be amended so as to give the Grand Lodge the privilege of holding its sessions by adjournment at any other place within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge. .
Rejected. 'fhe
cOlnmitte~ <?n~c~<?~nts lll~de th~ follo.win~ report;
p,.oceedin~ s
. [Oct.
of the
That they have examined the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and find them correct, and that there is a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of four hundred dollars and fifty cents. W. S. HOUGH, R. W. LY0N:S, E. C. BOS WORTH.
The committee on accounts made the following report: 'That they have examined the account of the Republican Office for printing, and offer the following, viz:
Resolved, That the Republican Office have an order on the Grand Treasurer for fifty dollars; amount of their account. The committee further report that they have examined the account of Jaccard & Co. for, a jewel, and offer the following resolution:
Resolved, That Jaccard & Co. have an order on the Grand Treasurer for eight dollars, amount of their account. The committee further state that they have examined an account paid by the Grand Treasurer to the Sisters of Charity, for board and lJursing an indisposed brother, amounting to ten dollars, and offer the following resolution:
.Resolved, That the said ten dollars be alIo wed. W. S. HOUGH, R. W. LYONS, E. C. BOSWORTH.
The above reports accepted and resolutions adopted. GEORGE H. C. MELODY, Grand Treasurer Grand Lodge of Missouri, in account with said Grand Lodge. To balance due at the close of last convocation, $233 75 Feb. 1839. To cash received for dispensation for Springfield Lodge, IlL $ 20 00 Mt. Moria Hillsboro', Ill. 20 00 Aug. 17, Hannibal Mo :.. 20 00 Oct. Columbus .IlL 20 00 .. of Harmony Lodge, dues in fUll, 1839......... 1425 Clarksville 10 00 New London" 1838. 18 75 same 1839 , ,. '" 18 00 Paris Union I I 21 00 l:5t. Louis 30 75 Temperance" 1350 Hiram 1500 Springfield .. 12 75 Columbus 1000 Hannibal 14 00 Tyro 1425 II for dispensation, Far West, IlL :............................... 2(l00 $526 00
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Oct. 1838, By cash, paid paid paid 'paid paid paid
Republican Office Grand Secretary expenl;es Brother CHAMBERLAIN Grand Tyler post.age.............................................. for statlone.·y
Balance due Grand Lodge ST.
00 3000 100U 1000
250 1 00
: $40050 G. H. C. MELODY, G1·. T. of the· G. L. Mo.
Oct. 12, 1839.
. The following resolution was offered by Brother CHAMand adopted. .
Resolved, That the Grand Master have authority to take such measures as he may deem expedient. in relation to the forfeiture of the cbarters of Columbia Lodge, No. 16; Boonville Lodge, No. 14, and Perseverance Lodge, No. 15; who have failed to comply with the resolutions of this Grand Lodge made at its last communication, and that he report'his proceedings thereon to the next communication of this Grand Lodge.
The following resolution wa.s offered by Brother T. DOUGLASS and adopted. Resolved, That the Grand Tyler be allowed the sum of twelve dollars, for his services during the present session of the Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 2 o'clock this evening.
SATURDAY 'EVENING, 2 o'clock, Oct. 12, A. L. 5839. The Grand Lodge was ca·lled to ·labor. Present: Brothers McBRIDE, T. DOUGLASS, E. S. RUGGLES, R. W.LYONS, W. S. HOUGH, JOSEPH :FOSTER. The resolution offered by Brother A. T. DOUGLASS on yesterday, and laid on the table, was' taken up and rejected. A motion was made that the Grand Lodge proceed .to install the officers elected for the ensuing year. A.ll brethren not Past l\'1asters were requested to retire. The Masters'
Pr,oceeding S.
Lodge dispensed with, and opened a Past Masters' Lodge. Brother PRIESTLY H. McBRIDE, W.G. M. elect, was introduced and duly installed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri for the present year. The Past Masters' Lodge was then closed, and the·Grand Lodge then opened in the third degree, when W. ALEXANDER T. DOUGLASS, W. WM. C. VANCE, .G. H. C. MELoDy, RICH'D B. DALLAM, ESROM OWENS,
S. G. W. J. G; lV•. G. Tre<UJ.
G. Sec.
G. Tyler.
officers elect, were installed and received their respective jewels and the congratulation.s of their brethren. The M. W. Grand Master made the following appointments, viz: Brother A. B. CHAMBERS REV. HIRAM OHAMBERLAIN JOSEPH FOSTER GEORGE WILSON JAMES McCLURE JAMES H. RELPH EDWARD KLURE WM. S. HOUGH DAVID WILLOCK COLMORE BEAN of Palmyra
D. G. M. G. Chaplain. G. Visitor. S. G. D. J. G. D. G. M. G. S. G. S. G. S. B.
G. P.
The Grand Secretary appointed Brother JOHN HEARD, D. G. Secretary. Brother CHAMBERS· offered the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be presented to the R. W. Past Grand Master Brother S. W. B. CARNEGY, and other Past Grand Officers for the kind, attentive and diligent manner in which they have presided ov~r and discharged the duties of this Grand Lodge during their respective terms!
Brother MELODY offered the following resolution, which ,was adopted. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge present Past Grand Master S. W. B. CARNEGY with a Jewel.
There being no further business, the Grand Lodge was closed, sine die, to meet at the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday of Octobel' next, when the Throne of Grace was addressed by the M. R. G. C. HIRAM CHAMBERLAIN. . S. W. B. CARNEGY1 G. jJl, RICa'p B. DALLAM, G. Seely,
GRAN D LODGE OF MIS S0 URI. HELD IN ST. LOUIS, OCTOBER 5, A. L.' 5840. • At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held at the Masonic Hall, in tLJe City of St. Louis, on the first Monday of October, being tLJe fifth day of the month, A. D. 18.40, A. L. 5840. . Present: M. W. W. .. M. R.
G. M. W.,p1·otem. J. G. W. ." S, G.
G. C. G. 8ee'y. G. Treas.,p1·O tem. 8. G. D. J. ·G. D., pro tem.
G. Pyle1·. Past Grand Maste1·. }
Past Masters. ..
REPRESENTATIVES.. H. GRISWOLD, NICHOLAJ KERNS, C. BUCHANNAN. VISITING BROTHERS. H. A. HURXTHAL, St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, Mo. J. J. BURTIS, of Abraham's Lodge, New York. DANIEL RAGAN, Potomac Lod~e, No.5, Georgetown, D. C.
The Grand Lodge was opened according to ancient form
Proceedings of the
and usage in the third degree of Masonry, and the Throne of Grace was addressed by the M. R. Grand Chaplain, HIRAM CHAMBERLAIN. A motion was made by Brother B. KLEIN, S. G. W., pro tem., that the representatives from lodges working Under Dispensations, be admitted to take seats in the Grand Lodge, which was agreed to. • Brother GEORGE B. BRDA, of St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, admitted. Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master A. B. CHAMBERS, admitted. The following lodges were represented: St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, by Brother EDWARD KLEIN. Hiram Lodge, No. 23, St. Charles, by Brothers JOHN ORRICK, JAMES MCCLURE" and H. GRISWOLD. Tyro Lodge, No. 12, by Brother E. S. RUGGLES. ParIs Lodge, No. 19, by Brothers T. S. MILLER and CHARLES BOWER. Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, by Brothers S. W. B. CARNEGY, JAMES EAGON and NICHOLAS KERNS. HuntSVille, Under Dispensation, by Brothers T. S. MILLER and C. BOWER, by proxy. Lexington, Under Dispensation, by Brother BENEDICT THOMAS, W. M. Liberty, Under Dispensation, by same, by proxy.
The following lodges were called,not represented: Naphtall, St. Louis, No. 25. St. John's, No. 28, Hannibal, Mo. Springfield Lodge, No. 26, Springfield, Ill. Harmony .. No. 24, Jacksonville, Ill. Temperance No. 27. Vandalia, Ill • No. 17, Clarksville, Mo. . Clarksville, New London" No. 21, New London, Mo. Mount Moria, Under Dispensation, HillsbOro.
On motion of Brother CARNEGY the reading of the Proceedings of the last Grand Annual Communication, was dispensed with, and the Grand Secretary requested to furnish each member Qf this Grand Lodge with a printed copy thereof. 'fhe Grand Master appointed mit tees:
On, Work of Subm'dinate Lodge,l;-Brothers S. W. B. CARNEGY, E. S. RUGGLES, JOHN ORRICK and T. S. MILLER. On Credentials-Brothers CHARLES H. BOWER, JAME~ EAGON and P. C. BUCHANNAN.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
On Oommunicati01is of Grand and Foreign Lodges-Brothers THOMPSON DOUGLASS, HIRAM CHAMBERLAIN and S. W. B. CARNEGY. .
On Unfinished Business-Brothers BENEDICT THOMAS, JAMES MCCLURE and NICHOLAS KERNS. On Pe'titions and Memorials-Brothers, JOHN ORRICK. GEORGE WILSON and H. GRISWOLD.
On Accounts-Brothers T. S. J\:fILLER, :E. S. RUGGLES
and C. H. BOWERS.
The Grand Secretary re.quested to furnish the chairman with the papers b~lon~ing to each committee. The Grand Lodge was ca,lled from labor until to-morrow evening, 2 o'clock.
G . ./If. 8. G. W.• tem. ..J. G. W., pro {em. G. C. G. Sec'y, pro tem. G. Treas., pro tern. s. G. D., pro tern. J. G. D., p,·otern.
G. Tyler.
P. G. P. lifo
:ftf. .
The Throne of Grace addressed by Grand Chaplain. The Most Worshipful Grand Master P. H. McBRIDE, made the follo~ing communication: Since the last convocation of the Grand Lodge, and on tbe petition of sundry brethren'residing in the county of Randolph, Mo., I grantfd tbem a dispensation to organize and bold a lodge in the town of Huntsville, in said county. In conformity with a resolu.tion of tbe Grand Lodge, adopted in its last
Proceedings of the
meeting, thejewels of the late lodge at Columbia, in Boon count~', Mo., having been obtained and handed over to the W. M. of St. John's Lodge, No. 28, at Hannibal, and the jewels of Perseverance Lodge, which had also forfeited its charter, had also been obtained and delivered over to the W. M. of Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, Mo. Those of the late'lodge at Boonville, has been received by the Grand Secretary. and are now subject to the dispositon of the Grand Lodge. .
The committee on petitions and memorials beg leave to .
Report, That they have had the same under consideration, an<\ tind nothing requiring the action of t~e Grand Lodge, except the petition of a number of brethren of the town of Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, praying for a dispensation to assemble ItS a regUlar lodge, to be called the Liberty Union Lodge, No. - , and to be empowered to confer the degrees of Entered Apprentice, FeHow Craft and Master Mason. And the petition of a number of brethren from· the town of Lexington, Lafayette county, Mo., praying this Grand Lodge to grant them a charter or warrant, to establish a lodge in the town of Lexington, to be called the Lexington Lodge, No. - , by wbich they may be empowered, legally t.o confer the several degrees of Entered Apprentice. Fellow Craft and Master Mason, both of which petitions promise conformity to the ancient rules and regulationsof the order, and so far as your committee is informed, all the rules and regulations in such CRses made and prOVided, have been complied with. They therefore recommend to this Grand Lodge, that the prayers of the petitioners be granted, all of which is respectfully submitted to your committee. JOHN ORRICK, Chm'n.
mitted ..
G. S., admitted.
W. M. of Olarksville Lodge, ad-
The subordinate lodges were called, and ,the following lodges were represented: St. Louis Lodge, No; 20. Hiram Lodge, No. 23. Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Clarksville Lodge, No. 17. Palmyra Lodge, No. 18. Paris Union Lodge, No. 19. Naphtali Lodge, No. 25.
Far West Lodge, No. 29. St. John's Lodge, No. 28. Mount Moria, U. D. Huntsville, U. D. Lexington, U. D. Liberty, U. D ..
The following lodges mad€ their returns: Napbtal1 Lodge, No. 25, by JOSEPH FOSTER, W. M. Clarksville" "17, by W. S. HOUGH, W. M. Far West •• 29, by SAMUEL MCCLAIN. proxy. Mount Moria, Under Dispensation, by C. B. BJ.OCKBURGER, W. M.
Brother O. B. BLOCKBURGER was placed on the committee on foreign communications. Brother JOSEPH finished business.
placed on committee of un·
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Brother W. S. HOUGH placed on committee on work. Brother THOS. ANDREWS accounts. .
on committee on
Brother T. S. MILLER admitted. Brothers B. B. BROWN, 路V/. S. STE'VART and H. L. CLARK admitted. Brother GILBERT' NOURSE admitted. Brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS, one of the committee appointed at the last communication of the Grand Lodge to revise the By-Laws of-the Grand Lodge, made a motion that the committee be discharged, and that a new committee be appointed, which was seconded and adopted. The following Brothers were appointed a committee to revise the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge,' and to report thereon the present session. Brothers THOMPSON DOUGLASS; S. 路W. B. CARNEGY, CHARLES H. BOWERS, A. B. CHAMBERS and SAMUEL D. RICE. Brothers JOAB BERNARD, of St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, 路and NA'fH4NIEL CHILDS of Naphtali Lodge, No. 25,. admitted. . ' Brother S. D; RICE, of St. John's Lodge admitted. Brother T. O. PARKER admitted. Brother SAMUEL MCCLAIN, representative of Far West Lodge, No. 29, admitted and placed on committee on petition's and memorials. On motion of Brother CARNEGY, fifteen dollars was appropriated for - - , a distressed brother Master Mason. The Grand Lodge was called from labor until t.o-morro~ evening at 3 o'clock.
WEDNESDAY EVENING, 3 o'clock, Oct. 7, A. L. 5840. The Grand Lodge was called to labor according to adjournment.
Proceeding8 of the
. [Oct.
G. M. G. W., pro tem. T. G. W. ,. G. C. G. S. G. :l'reas.,pro tern.
s. G. D. .J'. G. D., pro tem. G. 1'.
The lodge was opened in the Master's degree. The Throne of Grace addressed by Brother Grand Chaplain. The Proceedings of the Grand Lodge read and approved. The following communication was received from the Most Worshipful'Deputy Grand Master A. B. CHAMBERS: the Wm'shipjul Grand Master oj the Grand Lodge oj Missou.ri, the ITon'blc P. H. McB1'ide: Under the appointment given me by yon to act as your Deput.y, I did, in pursuance to that power, preside over the lodges of St. Louis, No. 20, and. Naphtali, No. 25, on the 21st day of October, A. D. 1839, in laying the corner stone of the Court House in the City of St. Louis, at the request of the County Court of the County;, which was laid in due form. ']'0
The same day, at the request of the friends of the Hon. JOSEPH M. WHITE, deceased, a Master Mason late of Florida, the lodges attended and buried with Masonic honors, the saiddeceas(d brother. Shortly after, as your Deputy, I repaired to Springfield, Ill., and there installed the officers of Springfield Lodge, No. 26, in due form. I visited Hillsboro' in that State and seen and conversed 'with the Master and some of the members of Mount Moria Lodge. I repaired to Vandalia, IlI., and there installed the officers of Temperance Lodge, No. 27, in due form. Since the last communication, I have signed Dispensations for certain brethren to open a lodge in Liberty, Cla.y county, Mo., and to certain brethren to open a lodge in Lexington, Lafayette county, Mo. On the occasion of celebrating tbe birth-da.y Of St. John the Evangelist, I presided and pUblicly installed the officers of St. louis and Naphlali Lodges. All of Which is reRpectfully submitted. A. B. CHAMBERS. October 6th, A. L. 5840.
Brothers C. H. BOWER, W. S. HOUGH,. A. T. DOUGLASS, Senior Grand Warden JOSEPH FOSTER, Grand Visitor G. H. C. MELODY, Grand Treas. GILBERT NOURSE, T. S. MILLER and EDWARD KLEIN admitted. Brother JOHN ORRICK offered the following resolution, which was adopted:
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Resolt'ed, That a special committee of three be apllointed for the purpose of enquiring into the operation of a certain Lottery being carried on in the Ci ty of St. Louis, styled the Masonic Lottery; that they endeavor to ascertain by what authority the same is conducted and how the profits are appropriated, and report to thls'lodge at its next setting. Brothers JOHN ORRICK, CHARLES H. BOWER and A. B. CHAMBERS appointed said committee.
The committee on petitions and memorials made the following report: That they have had laid before them the petition of a number of brethren of Wisconsin Territory, praying the Grand Lodge to grant them a charter for a n'ew lodge, to be opened at Mineral Point. This petition comes recommended by Far West Lodge, and is in every other particular in conform1t.y to the usages of the order, except that they do not name the omcers. Your committee recommend to this Grand Lodge to grant theill a Dispensation' when this defect i~ complied with. A memorial from Springfield Lodge, Ill., has also been laid before them. This memorial rel"pectfulJy represents that as a Grand Lodge has been formed in the State of Illinois, they Wish, for sake of greater convenience, to dissolve their connection with this Grand Lodge and attach them8elves to that of Illinois. It appears to 'your committee that the said lo'dge has acted in good faith toward this Grand Lodge, and have returned their charter, together with a transcript of their Proceedings up t~ the time of their connection with the Grand Lodge of Illinois.
They recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, Therefore, that the said memorial and charter be received, and that they haye permission to determine their connection with this Grand Lodge. The petition of a number of Brethren of Carlyle, Clinton county, Illinois, has also been laid before .them. praying this Grand Lodge to grant 1hem a Charter, Warrant or Dispensation to empower them to assemble as a legal lodge. This petition is recommended by Temperance Lodge, No. 27, and is in a.1I respects in conformity to the usages of the order. Your committee therefore recommend that the pra.yer of the petitioners be granted. JOHN ORRICK, Chairman.
A motion was made that so much of said report as relates to. the granting of a letter or dispensation to hold a lodge at Mineral Point, "Tisconsin Territory, be accepted and adopted, and that the balance of said report lay on the table for the present. ' A petition was presented and read from Brothers JAMES P. P AULSEL, PHILIP MILLER and several other Brethren, Master Masons, praying for a dispensation to hold a lodge in J efl'erso~ City, Missouri. Said petition was recommended b J St; Louis I.Jodge, No. 20, and in other particulars in conformit.y to the usages of. the order. DUNNICA, HENRY
A motion was made and adopted that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and a dispensation be iss-qed accordingly. ' ~~
Brothers H. A. mitted.
of the
and W. R.
The committee on foreign communications made the following report: The committee have had submitted to them Proceedings of the following Grand Lodges, to wit: . Grand
of Ireland, for 1838. Maine, for 1840. New Hampshire, for 1840. Massachusetts, 1838 and 9. Rhode Island, 1839. Connecticut, 1840. New York, 1840. New .Jersey, 1839. Pennsylvania, 1839. Maryland, 1839 and 40. Virginia, 1840. Nortb Carolina, 1839. Mississippi, 1840. Kentucky, 1839. Indiana, 1839.
After an attentive perusal of them your committee find nothing requil'ing the action of this Grand Lodge, except it be a resolution emanating from the Grand Lodge of Alabama (from whom no communication has been received), as follows: .
,. Resolved, That all Grand Lodges in correspondence with the Grand Lodge of Alabama, be requested to elect one delegate to meet in general convention on the first Monday in March, 1842, in the city of Washington, for the purpose of determining upon a uniform mode of work throughout all lodges of the United States, and to make other lawful regulations for the interest and security of the craft." 'rhis resolution. your committee find, has received the sanction of several of the Grand Lodges above referred to, and incorporated in this report for the consideration of this Grand Lodge. Your committee embrace this opportunity to congratulate the Fraternity upon their prosperous c0ndition throughout the United States. THO. DOUGLASS, H. CHAMBERLAIN, S. W. B. CARNEGY.
The undersigned committee on the work of subordinate lodges, under the jurisdiction of tbis Grand Lodge, submit the following report: Your committee have had before them and examined returns from the following lodges working under charters. to wit: Tyro Lodge, N~.12. Clarksville Lodge, No. 17. Palmyra Lodge, No. 18. . Paris Union Lodge, No. 19. St,. Louis Lodge, No. 20. New London Lodge, No. 21.
Hiram Lodge, No. 23. Stâ&#x20AC;˘ .John's Lodge, No. 28. Far West Lodge, No. 29. Temperance Lodge, No. 27. Napbtali Lodge, No. 25.
, Grand Lodge of Missouri.'
Your committee tind the work of Tyro, Clarksville, Palmyra, Paris Union, St. Louis, New London and Hiram Lodges, to have been done according to ancient usage, and in conformity with the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge; comment respecting which is therefore unnecessary. But your committee have to report that from the foregoing lodges (except Pal¡ , myra Loqge) no duly certified list of members, initiations, suspensions, &c.â&#x20AC;˘ &c., as required by the 5tl:) section of the By-Laws, has been laid before the Grand Lodge. This is an omission growIng out'of neglect of duty highly censurable in itself, because it is to that the Grand Lodge must look for information of a highly important nature; without these lists, very great labor becomes indispensable before the true condition of the lodges can be ascertained, and without which the duty of the Grand Lodge towards the lodges is not and cannot be known. From St. John's and Far West Lodges, your committee have also received and examined returns, but they find tbese returns so entirely defective, that from them no just estimate, can be formed as to the character of the work of these lodges. Your committee cannot therefore disapprove or approve it, but regret, that the proper officer, whose duty it is to make out and lay before the Grand Lodge, at its Annual Communications, proper returns, has not found it convenient to do so. From the returns from Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, it appears that tbey interred the remains of a deceased brother, with Masonic honors-though it is not shewn that this was requested by the deceased-your committee find tbis contrary to the custom of the craft as appears from the history of the fraternity. Returns have'been received from Temperance Lodge, No. 27, IlL, from an examination of which no just jUdgment can be formed respecting their work,' no transcript as required being furnished. The list of members, initiations, passings and raisings, &c., &c., received from this lodge, is entirely satisfactory, and so far as your committee can jUdge from, presume their work 'to be good and perfect. From Naphtali Lodge, No. 25, St. Louis, Mo., due returns have been received, which your committee find In due form. The work your committee find in due form. The work of this lodge, as the same appear from tbese returns, appears in conformity with ancient usage and the By-Laws of thIs ~rand Lodge. Your committee find from the returns exhibited'to them, and they view it with much regret, that the many members of the lodges during the past year, have evinced the utmost neglect of the duty of attendance upon the stated meetings of their respective lodges. This is a practice at once injurious, both to those that do and tbose that do not perform this duty. Some there are, it is l,rue, wbo from bad health, absence from bome, pressure of business, &c., &c., may be excusable for neglect. But your committee must express the belief that most of those who fail in tbis duty do so from very dIfferent reasons than those above enumerated, reasons in themselves wholly inSUfficient to justify a disregard of so high and imperative a duty. Your committee have had before them, and examined returns from the following lodges, working under Dispensation, to wit: Huntsville Lodge, Lexington IJodge, Liberty Union Lodge, and Mount Moria Lodge. Your commit'tee find the work of Huntsville Lodge regUlar and in conformity with Masonic customs and the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. They have, however, failed to return a lisL of mem bel'S, initiations, &c., &c., as Is reqnired by the 5th section of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. 'l'his omission bas prevented ~'011r committee from learnin~ th~ tnle Rituation of the lodge.
of the
They return also a copy of their By路Laws, which your committee examined, and 00 approve. They also return their Dispensation and ask a charter. Copies of the Proceedings of Liberty Union and Lexington Lodges, working under Dispensations, have also been examined, from which some irregularities are apparent, but your committee specify only one of them. '.rhe balloting in the degree of Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft for admission and passing of applicants. This is a practice highly improper, and has so often met the decided disapprobation and censure of this Grand Lodge, that your committee deem it useless to say more on the subject, and will only refer the lodges to the former action of the Grand Lodge, from which it will appear tbat it is directly contrary to Masonic usage and custom, as well as the positive and often expressed opinions and directions of tbis Grand Lodge to perform any work whatever (except wbat directly relates to tbe conferring tbe degrees of Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft) in an:y- other tban a lodge of Master Masons. . The lodges last named bave forwarded copies of their By-Laws, wbich your committee, after examination, do approve. But those lodges, like tbe others, have failed to return a certified list of members, &c., by which your committee are precluded from the most important information. Your committee have not received an abridged transcript of the Proceedings of their lodge. They also return tbeir dispensation and a copy of their By.Laws, and ask a oharter. From an examination of the records of this lodge, your committee have the pleasure to report. that they have found nothing deserving censnre. '1'beir work appears regular and in form. Their By-Laws are approved by your com路 mittee. From the foregoing, it is apparent to your committee, and they so report with pleasure, that every lodge under this jurisdiction has forwarded by their representatives returns of their Proceedings for the year that is past, and with equal pleasure they also report, that though some informalities, irregularities and omissions in the work of the craft are certainly apparent, yet from an examination of the whole subject, nothing appears to your committee calculated to discourage the Philanthropist and the Mason. But on the contrary, much to cheer and encourage him on in his labor of love. Your committee find, to their encouragement, that there has been established in our sister State of Illinois, a Grand Lodge, and though this will subtract from the nnmbel' of our own lodges somewhat, your committee rejoice that tbeir vacancies will very soon be supplied by new lodges within our own State. From all of whicb, it is apparent, that the fraternity' in our State, as well as the State of Illinois, is in a prosperous condition, the contemplation of which will serve to stimulate all to a faithful, energetic performance of all their MasoniC duties, and to cheer them in the performance of every good word and' work. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. W. B. CARNEGY,} THO. S. MILLER, Committee. E. S. HUGGLES,
A motion was made and be accepted. Brother T. O.
that the above report
The following' resolution was offered by Brother Grand Tyler, and adopted:
. Grand Lod.de of Missouri.
Resolved, That ~he Grand Lodge appropriate for Brother JOHN H. PHILIPS, the sum of twenty-five dollars, as he is represented to be in a suffering condition, and in need of assistance, and that the Grand Secretary draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the same.
The Grand Lodge was called from labor until to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY MORNING, October 8, A. L. 5840. The Grand Lodge was called to labor according to 'ad.ionrnment. Present: M. W. PRIESTLY H. McBRIDE G. M. ALEXANDER T. DOUGLASS S". G. W. JOHN ORRICK J. G. W. C. H. BOWER G. 'Preas., pro tem. RICH'D B. DALLAM G. See'y. P. C. BUCHANNAN 8. G. D., pro te-m. E. S. RUGGLES ....................... ......•T. G. D., pro tern. HIRAM CHAMBERLAIN G. Chap. ESROM OWENS G. 'Pylel·. S. W. B. CARNEGY, P. G. M., THO. DOUGLASS, WILLIS P. COLEMAN,' NICHOLAS KERNS, C. B. BLOCKBERGER, WM. S. HOUGH, JAMES EAGON, JOSEPH FOSTER, BENEDICT THOMAS, GILBERT NOURSE and H. GRISWOLD.
The Grand Lodge· was opened in the
The Throne of Grace .addressed by Brother Grand Chaplain. On motion of Brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS, Brother JOSEPH FOSTER was appointed to carry into execution the resolution adopted at the last Communication of the Grand' ~odge, to furnish a jewel for the R. W. P. Grand Master. On motion of Brother A. T. DOUGLASS, S. G. W. The balance of the report made by the committee on Petitions and Memoi'ials, that was laid on the table yesterday, was taken up, and that part relating to the 'petitlon for a dispensation to hold a lodge at Carlisle, Illinois, was adopted; and so much of said. report as refers to a communication from the lodge at Springfield, Ill., was at the request of the committee amended by striking out from the word" Illinois," and insert in 'lien the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Communication form Springfield Lodge be referred to the Grand-Secretary, that he open a correspondence with said lodge, for the purpose of ascertaining what lodges working Under Charters from tbis Grand Lodge,'have united and formed themselves into a Grand Lodge, and designated the Grand Lodge of Illinois.
of the
A motion was made by Brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS, and adopted, that the Grand Lodge take up the election for officers for this Grand Lodge, the ensuing year, at 3 o'elock, this evening.
Brother WM. R. SINGLETON, admitted. A resolution waR offered and adopted, to grant charters to constitute lodges at the following places, to wit: At " .. "
Huntsville, Mo., to be c!tlled Huntsville Lodge, Liberty, Mo., " Liberty .. I"exington, Mo., Lafayette Hillsboro, Ill., Mount Moria"
No. No. No. No.
30. 31. 32. 33.
The special committee appointed for the purpose of inquiring about a certain lottery in St. I..Iouis, made the following report; read and adopted: They beg leave to report, that upon inquiry, they find that it is a matter with which the Grand Lodge have nothing to do, But Brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS, as a matter of courtesy, having given a history of the same to this Grand Lodge, your committee beg leave to be discharged from further consideration of the sUbject. JOHN ORRICK, Chai7""nan.
The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 3 o'clock this evening.
THURSDAY EVENING, 3 o'clock. Grand I.Jodge called to labor. p
Brothers O. O. HAMBLETON and EDWARD KLEIN, admitted. The following resolution o:f:l'ered by Brother O. H. BOWER, and a~opted : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to subscribe for thirty copies of a Masonic Journal, at Albany, State of New York, and cause two copies to be forwarded by tile pUblisher, to each of the subordinate lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge. Ordered also,that the Grand Secretary draw a warrant on the Grand ,Treasurer, for the amount of the subscription to pay for the s路ame.
The following preamble and resolution offered by Brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS, and adopted: WHEREAS, Brother C. B. BLOCKBURGER, W. M. of Mount Moria Lodge, was, with .others, recommended to this Grand Lodge, in 1839, by Temperance Lodge, No. ZT. for a Letter of Dispeusation, to form and open said.... Mount Moria Lodge; and
â&#x20AC;˘ 279
WHEREAS, the name of the said Brother does not appear upon thereturn; of sai.d Temperance Lodge, at the last Annual Communication or this Grand Lodge, as a member thereof; and, WHEREAS, also at the present Communication, on the returns of said Temperance Lodge, appears the name of Brother C. B. BLOCKBURGER, wit~ the following entry annexed, .. name was stricken from the roll of membership for non-payment of dues." Therefore, .
Resolved, That Temperance L'odge be directed to correct said entry by allowing said Brother (upon payment of his dues) regularly to demit.
The committee on credentials made the following report: That they have examined, and find the following lodges duly represented: St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, represented by Broth'ers EDWARD KLEIN, W. M.; .lOAD BERNARD,S. W.; WILLIAM S. STEWART,J. W. Tyro Lodge, No. 12, by E. S. RUGGLES, proxy for A. HUDSPETH, W. M.; E. S. RUGGLES, S. W.; P ..C. BUCHANNAN, proxy forJ. N. RAYBOURN, J. W. Paris Union Lodge, No. 19, by TROS. S. MIbLER, W. M.; CRAS. H. BOWER, S.W. Huntsville Lodge, Under Dispensation, by CRAS. H. BOWER and TROS. S. MILLER, proxy for said lodge, W. M. and Wardens. Liberty Union Lodge, Under Dispensation, by BENEDICT THOllIAS, prox3' for said Lodge, W. M. and Wardens. St. John's Lodge, No. 28, by THOS. S. MILLER, pro;y for W. M. and J. W~ !'almyra Lodge, No. 18, by .lAS. EAGON, W .. M.; NICHOLAS KEARNS, S. W., and S. W. B. CARNEGY, proxy for JOHN C. BLAKEY, J. W. Mount Moria Lodge, Under Dispensation,
Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, by W.lII. S. HOUGH, W: M~ Hiram Lodge, No. 23, by JOHN ORRICK, W. M.; JAMES MCCLURE, S. W.; HARVEY GRISWOLD, proxy for TROS. W. CUNNINGHAM, J. W. Naphtali Lodge, No. 25, by JOSEPH FOSTER, W. M. Temperance Lodge, No. 27, by DAVID HODGE, J. W. Lexington Lodge, No. 27, Under' Dispensation, by BENE~ICT THOMAS, W. M.,andproxyforS. W. and J. W. CHARLES H. BOWER,} . P. C. BUCH.ANNAN, Committee. JAMES EAGO~, .
On motion, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the' following brethren were duly elected: PRIESTLY H. McBRIDE ALEXANDER T. DOUGLASS JOHN' ORRICK GEORGE H. C. MELODY RICHARD B. DALLAM
Grand Mastel:. S. G. W. J. G. lV. G. Treas. G. See'y.
Brother A.T. DOUGLASS offered the following resolntion, which was a d o p t e d : . '
Proceedings of the
, '. e,esotved. That the Grand Treasurer pay the expenses of the Grand Chaplain of this Grand Lodge, out of any money in his hands not otherwise appropriated, during his attendance at this Communication.
The special committee appointed to revise the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, asked and obtained leave to report on Saturday morning next. The Grand Lodge adjourned trutil to-morrow evening, 3 o'clock.
3 Q'clock.
The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present: M. w. P.
路 ,
G. M. 8. G. W; J~ G. W., lYrotem. G. 'I'reas. G. See'y. 8. G. D. J. G. D: G. Tyler.
The Grand I..Iodge was openedin the Masters' Degree. The M. W. Grand Master made the following appointments: Brother JOSEPH FOSTER HIRAM CHAMBERLAIN S. W. B. CARNEGY GEORGE WILSON : E. S. RUGGLES JOHN SIMONDS THOS. ANDREWS EDWARD KLEIN D. S. JAMISON ESROM OWENS
Deputy G. M. ~ G. Chap.
G. Visitor. 8. G. D. J. G. D. G. Mm路shal.
G.S. G.S. G. 8. B. G. Tyler.
The committee on accounts made the following report: ,
They have examined the account of the Grand Treasurer, and find the same to be correct, agreeable to the statement herewith. leaving a balance in his hands of four hundred and twenty-six dollars and seventy-five cents. Yourcommlttee beg leave further to report,that they have examined an account of the Grand"'Secretary, for stationery, &c., &c., amounting to three dollars and ninety -one 'cen ts, which is correct. Also an ~ccount of the Grand Tyler, amounting to five dollars, which is correct.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Also an account of the Missouri Republican Printing Office, amount~ng to. fifty-eight dollars, which is correct, and your commfttee offer the following resolution: .
Resolved, That the Grand Secretary draw his warrant on the Grand Treasurer f0r the respective amounts of said accounts, all of which is respectfUlly submitt路ed. . THOMAS S. MILLER, C. H. BOWER, E. S. RUGGLES.
The above report accepted, and resolution adopted.
TREASURER'S AOOOUNTS. GEORGE H. C. MELODY, Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, in account with said Grand Lodge. 1839. DEBIT. OctobeJ; 11. To balance due as per accoun t rendered and settled by committee . $400 50 1800 1840. 5. To cash rec'd of Hiram Lodge, No. 23, St. Charles . 6. To cash rec'd of Naphtali Lodge, No. 25, St. Louit;: . 14 50 6. To cash rec'd of 1"ar West Lodge, No. 29, Galena, Ill. 21 75 6. To cash rec'd of Mount Moria Lodge, No. 30, Hillsboro, 111. . 1425 6. To cash rec'd of Temperance Lodge, No. 'Zl, Vandalia, Ill .. 1500 1625 6. To cash rec'd of Paris Union L'ge, No. 19, Paris; Mo.. . 6. To cash rec'd of Huntsville Lodge 3275 .. 6. To cash rec'd of St. John's Lodge 1375 $546 75
18311. CREDIT. October. By paid Sisters of Charity, account allowed by committee ~ $ 10 00 By paid Chambers & Knapp, acc't allowed by committee 5000 By paid Jaccard & Co., acc't allowed by committee... 800 E. O'VENS, G. Tyler 1200 Bro. CHAMBERLAIN, G. Chaplain, expenses attending Grand Lodge ~........... 10 00 Grand Secret.ary, per resolution G. Lodge... 3000 By balance due Grand Lodge 42675 $54675
BrotherWM. S. HOUGH asked and obtained lea,vc of absence the balance of the session. Brothers H. A. HURXTHAL, DAVID HODGES and BENEDICT THOMAS, admitted. The committee on accounts made the following preamble and resolution, which was adopted:
Proceedings of the
WllEREAS, it appears tbat a resolution was passed by this Grand Lodge, at its last Annual Communication, requiring the Franklin Lodge, No: - a" this Communication, to return a transcript of their Proceedings for the year 1838 and 1839, and show cause why their charter should not be revoked; and, WHEREAS, said lodge has failed to comply with said resolution. Be it therefore Resolved, That said lodge be required to transmit to the Grand Secretary, a full and complete transcript of her Proceedings for the years 1838,1839 and 1840; also her dues up to this time, by the first dlly of January, 1841, and in default thereof, that her charter be revoked and she be required to return her charter,together with tbe jewels and 'furniture of her lodge to the Grand Secretary of this Grand Lodge.
Brother adopted:
madc the following motion, which was
Resolved, 'l'hat the officers elected for the ensuing year, be installed tomorrow.morning at 9 o'clock.
The Grand Lodge called from lahor until to-morrow. morning, 9 o'clock. .
October 10, A. L. 584.0.
The Grand Lodge called t,O labor at 9 o'clock. Present: M.
G. M. D. G. M. S.· G. W. ..r. G. W.
G. Sec'y. G. D. T. G. D. G. Tyler.
Brother DAVID B. HODGE asked and obtained leave of absence the balance of the 8essioll. . The special committee appointed to revise the By-Laws of this Grand IJodge, submitted the following code of ByLaws: BY-LAWS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI. ~ 1. The Annual Meetings of the Grand Lodge shall be held in the City of St. Louis on the second Monday of October in each and every year, at which time the Grand Officers shall be elected a.nd appointed in the manner prescribed by the Constitution. •
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
? 2. Any member of the Grand Lodge may introduce i~to the Grand Lodge, any Master Mason in good standing with the fraternity; but the brother so introduced shall not vote upon any question, nor speak upon any matter before the Grand Lodge, without permission from the Grand Master or the lodge. .
e 3. No Mason shall be eligible to an"y office in the Grand Lodge unless he be a Past Master, except in cases of emergency.
4. In case the Chair of the Grand Lodge shall become vacated by death, resignation or otherwise, it shall be filled by seniority until the .next Grand Annual Communication; but the Deputy Grand Master ceases to exist as such, so soon as the Chair becomes vacated by the Grand Master who appointed him; and in case any other 0ffice becomes vacated by death, ;esignation, or otherwise, the Grand Master for the time being shall fill such vacancy by his nominatIon.
e 5. Every lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall, at each Grand Annual Communication, deliver to the Grand Secretary a list of the officers and members of their lodge; also a list of the initiations, passings and raisings, admissions, deaths, removals, suspensions and expulsiollS of members, and rejections of candidates, with the respective dates, signed by the Master and attested by the Secretary. ' .
e 6. All subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction shall be required to lay before this Grand Lodge, a.t the Grand Annual Communication in every year, an abridged transcript of their Proceedings, stating partiCUlarly the time of every meeting, and whether it be a stated, emergent or adjourned meeting, and embracing so muc.h of their work as will convey a correct idea of the whole. /! 7. No Letter or Warrant of Dispensation shall be granted for the forma.tion of a new lodge, but upon the petition of at least seven known and approved Master Masons, in which their 11rst Master and Wardens shall be nomina.ted, which petition shall be accompanied by a recommen,l:lation from the Lodge most convenient to the place in which the new lodge is to be holden.
i! 8. The Grand Master ot his Deputy prand Master may, during the recess of the Grand Lodge, upon proper application, issue Letters of Dis~ pensation, to continue in force from the date thereof until the next Grand Annual Communication. i! 9. Every lodge working Under 'DIspensation shall return a list of officers and members, with a transcript of their work (as required by the filth and sixth sections of these By-Laws), and also their Letter of Dispensation to the next Grand Annual Communication after the date of said letters, and until such return is made aud approved of, no charter shall issue. /! 10. For every Letter or Warrant of Dispensation for the formation of a new lodge, there shall be paid into the Grand Treasury the sum of twenty dollars; and for every Charter or Constitution the sum of ten dollars j and a further sum of three dollars in addition to be paid to the Grand Secretary, which said sums respectively, shall be paid before the delivery of the Warrant or Charter, and in all other cases where the seal of the Grand Lodge is required to be affixed, there shall be paid by the applicant, to the , Grand Secretary, the sum of two dollars. /! 11. Every lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall pay Into the Grand Treasury the sum of twenty-five cents annually for each member thereof, as a grand charity fund, and a further sum of seventy-five cents annually for each member belonging to their lodge at the time of
Proceedings of the
making their Grand Annual Communication; and the Master ~nd Wardens or representatives of any lodge shall not take their seats in the Grand Lodge \lntU all their dues be paid; and in case of neglect or refusal of any lodge to pay the same at or before the next Communication thereafter, unless reasonable excuse be offered, such lodge shall be stlicken off the books of the Grand Lodge, and their Warrant or Charter considerEd null and void; but on proper aJ1plication to the Grand Lodge, making due returns and payment of dues, they may be restored to their former rank and privileges, if the Grand Lodge shall judge proper.
~ 12. It shall be lhe duty of the Grand Treasurer to lay befor"e the Grand Lodge, at each Grand Annual Communication, all his accounts for inspection and adjustment, and shall immediately pay over to his successor any balance which may be founo due from him" to the Grand Lodge, together with all the books, papers and documents belonging to his office." ~ 13. The Grand Treasurer shall execute to the Grand Master (for the time being), to the use' of the Grand Lodge, a bond with such security and in such sum as shall be approved of by the Grand Master, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties.
e 14. All appeals from any sUbordinate lodge shall be in writing, containing a statement of the case, the exceptions taken to the decision of the lodge, and a brief statement of the evidence, to be authenticated by the certificate of the Secretary of the'lodge appealed from, and left with the Grand Sepretary; and the appellant shall give the other party at least one month's notice thereof, or otherwise the Grand Lodge shall not proceed to hear and determine the same. Provided, the parties interested may waIve the notice required by this sectioll.
15. 'When any member is suspended or expelled from any lodge, or' when any applicant is denied admission into any lodge, under this jurisdiction, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of such lodge,.immediately thereafter to transmit information of that fact, with the name and residence of the member suspended or expelled, or the applicant denied admissIon, to each and all of the other lodges under this jurisdiction. But no lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, nor any member tl;1ereof, shall publish, or in any manner make public the suspension or expulsion of any member, except It be to the fraternity, or within the walls of a lodge. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the Grand Lodge giving publicity to such suspensions or expulsions, should they deem it proper so to do. ~ 16. In all cases of the suspension or expulsion of a member, two thirds of the votes of the members present shall be required, and in all eases of the restoration of a Mason, suspended or expelled by any lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the same majority shall be required. ~ 17. No lodge, working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, shall confer the degree of Fellow Craft or Master Mason upon any brother who has been initiated or passed (as the case may be) in any other lodge within the United States, unless the brother applying shall produce a recommendation or certificate of good standing from the lodge in which he was admitted. Provided, that where snch lodge may have been dissolved, and thereby the procuring of such testimony rendered impossible, then in such case other proof of his good standing and worthiness may be received. ~ 18. No lodge under this jurisdiction shall receive any petition for initiation or admission, except at a stated monthly meeting thereof, and no ballot shall be taken upon any such petition, except at least seven members are present, nor until at least twenty days shall have elapsed after the date of its presentation.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
? 19. The several lodges under this jurisdiction shall, in all cases of conferring degrees, deliver at tbe time, the lecture appertaining to the degree conferred. ? :.!O. No work or other business of the Craft shall be performed in any lodge under this jurisdiction below the degree of Master Mason; except only, lecturing, examination of candidates for ad"vaucement, and conferring the degree. ? 21. No lodge under this jurispiction shall receive and act upon the petition of any applicant for initiation or membership, whose residence may "be nearer some other lodge under the same jurisdiction, than that to which application is ~ade, unless with the consent of such nearest lodge.. if 22. No second ballot sball betaken in any lodge under this juriSdiction, upon the petit)on of any person for initiation or membership, unless there be present all, who still remain members of the lodge, that were present at the time of taking the first ballot, or until one year thereafter.
if 23. The Grand Master, DepntyGrand Master, Grand Wardens, "Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, for the time being, or a majority of them, shall be a standing committee of charity, under whose direction the grand charity funds shall be distrib~ted. "
? 24. Each membe!' of the Grand Lodge shall be entitled to a certificate thereof, which shall entitle him to admission into any lodge under this jurisdiction, and to all the rights and privileges, which the members of such lodges respectively possess; Provided, be is a member in good.standing, of some one of the subordinate lodges.
e 25. For every certificate granted b~ the Grand Lodge, to any member of any subordinate lodge under this jurisdiction, there shall be paid into tbe Grand Treasury the sum of one dollar, and no certificate shall be granted to any brother without a previous certificate from tbe lodge of wbich be is a member, setting forth his regUlar bebavior, and that he has paid all his dues to the lodge. e 26. Upon the demise of any lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the last Secretary and Treasurer of the said lodge, shall, within six months thereafter, surrender to the Grand Secretary all tbe books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of the lodge so demised. " ~ '1:7. Every lodge within this jurisdictron,shall exercise all the rights of discipline over Masons (not members tlJereof, or of any other lodge) who may reside in tbe vicinity of such lodge, so far as may relate to the conduct and behavior of sncb Masons, whilst resident in tbe vicinity of such lodge.
e 28. The Grand Secretary, or other officer, when publishing the Proceedings of tbis Grand Lodge, shaU cause to be puhlished therewith, a 11st of aU l'ejections, suspensions or expulsions under this jurisdiction, and also those communicated by other Grand Lodges.
29: The Constitution and By-Laws of thi~ Grand Lodge, shall be publicly read in each subordinate lodge, by the Worshipful Master thereof, or some brother appointed by him for that purpose, at least twice in every year.
e 30. Whenever any alteration or amendment shall be proposed to these By-Laws, it must be reduced to writing, and read from the chair, and if concurr"ed in by a majority of two-thirds of the legal votes present,shall become a part of these By-Laws. vVhich was read by sections and approved "of b.y this
Proceedings of the
Gr'and Lodge, and a copy ordered to be forwarded to each of the subordinate lodges, wor,king under the jurisdiction of this Grand J..Iodge, for their action. . The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 2 o'clock. The Grand Lodge was called to labor at 2 o'clock. Present: M.
A. B. CHAMBERS D. G. M. ALEX. T. DOUGLASS.â&#x20AC;˘.......... s. G .. W. E. S. RUGGLES T. G.'W. G. H. C. MELODy G. Treas. RICH'D B. DALLAM G. See'y. BENEDICT THO~AS s. G. D. G. NOURSE J. G. D. ESROM OWENS G. Tyler.
. The committee 011 unfinished bURiness having no business before them was discharged. Brother TH01VIPSON DOUGLASS offered the following resolntion, which was adopted: . Resolved, '1'hat the Grand !::;ecretary . communicate to each of the Lodges under this jurisdi('t1on a brief statemen t of the Proceedings of Canton Lodge, No. 60, Ohio, on the 18th of December, A" D. 1839, relative to the expulsion of GEORGE BREYSACHER and HENRY IlI1HOFF.
The following resolution offered and adopted: Resolved, That the M. W. G. Master be requested to demand the fees due the Grand Lodge from Palm'yra Lodge, NO.l9, and ifnot paid, that he suspend the operations of said lodge until t.he dnes are paid.
The following preamble and resolution offered by Brother ALEXANDER T. DOUGLASS, was read and adopted: WHEREAS. it is important that u uniform mode of working be established within the bounds of this G:rand Lodge, therefore, be it Resolved, That Brother----BARNEY, of Virginia, be requested to visit the Grand Lodge of Missouri, at its next communication, and deliver a course of Masonic Lectures to the Craft at that time.
The following resolution offered by Brother THOMPSON DOUGLASS,and adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Tyler be allowed twelve dollars for his services during tbe sitting of this Grand Lodge.
The following resolution offered by Brother THOi\lPSON DOUGLASS, and adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be allowed the sum of thirty dollars for copying Proceedings of the Grand Lodge for publication,
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
The following resolution offered by Brother CARNE:GY, aud adopted: . Resolved, That the Grand Secretary procnre for the Grand Lodge a suitable case in which to file the papers thereof, and returns of subordinate lodge!", &c.â&#x20AC;˘ &c.; also suitable plain tables, for the representatives of each subordinate lodge.
An account of the Republican Office was presented for six dollars, and allowed. . All the brethren, except Past Grand Masters having retired, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Past Masters' Degree. The M. W. PRIES'rLY H. McBRIDE, Grand Master elect, was introduced and installed according to ancient {orm and usage; also, M. W. P. G. M. JOSEPH }'OS1'ER, as Deputy Grand Master was introduced and installed. The Past Masters' Lodge was then closed and opened as Masters' Lodge, when. ALEXANDER T. DOUG'LASS RICHARD B. DALLAM G. H. C. MELODY GEORGF: WILSON E. S. RUGGLES ESROM OWENS
.8. G. G. 8. ..J. G.
G. W. See'y. 'l'reas. G. D. G. D. 'Tyler.
Ottieers elect, were installed and received their l'espectiYe jewels, when the Graild Master, D. G. M. and vVal'dens received congratulations of the brethren. The following resoluti'on offered and adopted: Resol1Jed, That the Orand SecretarycaulSe to be printed, two hundred copies of the Proceedings of this Grand LodgE', and that he transmit six copies to each lodge under this jurisdiction, and one copy to each Gl'3nd Lodge in correspondence with this Grand Lodge.
The Grand Secretary appointed Brothel' THOMAS S. MILLER of Paris, Mo., Deputy Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was adjourned until Monday morning next, at 9 o'clock.
Proceedings. MONDAY MORNING,
October 12, A. L. 5840.
G'. M., }Jro tern. 8. G. lV., p1'O tem. .!. G. W., pro tern. G. 'Preas. G. Sec'y. 8. G. D., pro tern. G. Tyler. P.M.
The Grand Lodge was opened in the Masters' Degree.. The following resolution offered and adopted: .~
The Franklin Lodge, No. 22, at Alton, Ill., has failed to return her Proceedings according to a resolution of this Grand Lodge, made at its Communication, October, 1839. WHEREAS,
Therefore, Resolved, That thE' charter of said lodge be arrested, and that . unless said lodge make out and transmit to the Grand Lodge at its next Annual Communication, due returns according to the 5th and 6th sections of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, the same shall IJe revoked.
and C. C.
There being no further business b~fore the Grand Lodge, it was duly closed. AI.JEX. T. DOUGI.JASS, G. M., pro tem. RrcH'D. B. DALLAM, G. Sec'y.