1841 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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GllAND u.r

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On the first Monday of Oct., A. L. 58路Hj A. D. 1841.



SAINT LOUIS: PrintClI by Chambers







At a Grand Annual Communication of the (j-l"and -Lodge of Missouri, begun and held at the Masonic Hall, in the city of St. Louis, on the first l\Ionday in October, being the fourth day of the month, A. -L., 5841, A. D., 1841.

PRESENT. H. McBRIDE, G. M. " " JOSEPH FOSTER, D. G. M. W. ALEX. T. DOUGLASS,S. G. W. EDWARD KLEIN, J. G. W. Pro. Tern. Rev'd. HIRA1\I CHAMBERLAIN, G. C. JOHN RALLS, G. Trea. P. T. RICHARD B. DALLAl\I, G. Sec. CHARLES H. BOWERS, S. G. D. E. S. RUGGLES, J. G. D. ESROM OWENS, G. Tyler. S. W. B. CARNEGV, Past G. ~1. B. S. OIds, Iowa Lodge, U. D. Henry Boas, Tyro Lodge, No. 1.2. Jacob Block, St.. Louis Lodge, No. 20. Parker Dudley, Palmyra, ." "18. Francis Parker, l T L dUD Eleazor Block, S roy 0 ge, 路 路 C. H. Wagoner, Milner Lodge, No. 165, Penn. C..E. Bowers, Coleman l~odge, U. D. David WiDock, Palmyra Lodge. J. S. Cunningham, Pa.ris Union Lodge. Jno. G. Cald\vell, " " Rev. B. T. Kavanaugh, Naphtali l . odge. Rev. Joab Bernard, St. Louis I.JodO'c. Gilbert Nourse, Naphtali Lodge. 0 F. G-arlick, Liberty Lodge. M. W.


A. Lightbourn,"


Jesse Little, Naphtali " The Grand I~odge ,,路as opened in the third Jcgrc~ of l\Ia-




sonry in due and solemn form, and the Throne of Grace addressed by the R~v. Brother B. "1'. Kavanaugh. On Inotion, ordered, That each Brother be furnished with a copy of the proceedings of the last' Grand Communication. The following Lodges called and \\rere duly represented, viz: Tyro Lodge, No. 12, by E. S. Ruggles, S. W. and proxy for 'tV. M.; Henry Boas, proxy for J. W. Clarksville Lodge No. 17, by J. F. S. Jacoby proxy for

\tV. 1\1. Palmyra Lodge No. 18, by D. Willock, W. IVI., P. Dudley, and S. W. B. Carnegy, proxy for J. W. Paris Union Lodge No. 19, C. H. Bower, W. l\f., N. Parsons, J. W. and Jessee S. Cunningham for S. W. St. Louis Lodge No. 20, Edward Klein, W. M., Joab Ber-

s. W.,

nard, S.


New London Lodge No. 21, Joh:n Ralls, W. M. Franklin Lodge No. 22, Charles Howard, W. M. Hiram Lodge No. 23, Jas. J.\tlcClure, W. M., H. Chamberlain, J. "'tV., Jesse Little for S. W. Naphtali Lodge No. 25, Joseph Foster, W. 1\1., James B. Biscoe, S. W. St. John's Lodge No. 28, Thos. S. Miller for W. M. and J. W., and S. W. It Carnegy for S. W. Huntsyillc Lodge No. 30 J. G. Cald\vell for W. M. and W. Liberty Lodge No. 31, A. Lightbourn, W. M., F. Garlick for J. \;V. La Fayette Lodge No. 32, P. Phi"pps. , Hillsborough Lodge No. 33, C. B. Blockburger, W. M. rrroy Lodge, V. D., F. Parker, W. 1\-1., E. Block, 路S. W . .A. motion was mn,9c and adopted that, representatives from l~odges working under dispensation, be a.llowed to take seats in the Grand Lodge. The follc\ving COIluuittccs were appointed by the W. M. Grand ~laster, viz: On \vol'k of Subordinate LodgesBrothers J. l'oster, .:\lex. '1'.I)ouglass, S. '\tV. B. Carnegy, 路 Ed,\T. J(lcin and C. II. Bo,\路cr. On Crcdentialsl~rothcrs \Villoek, Parker, nIiller and Ralls. ()n cOlnmtlnications of (lrulld LodgesBrnthcr~ CarnC'gy, CalJ\vl'll~ Ru~glps, Block and Dudley. ()n lTllf\ni~hf:(lBl1~ilH's~-_-\


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Brothers Lightburne, Cunningham, Boas and Little. On Petitions and MemorialsBrothers Kavanaugh, Coleman and Andrews. On AecountsBrothers Bernard, :Miller, Calch,,'ell and Bower. Bl~other Carnegy submitted several resolutions urging the propriety and necessity of establishing a College of learning under the government and patronage of this Grand Lodge, .. for the ed ucation of the sons of indigent Masons and others, and also for the erection of a Grand Masonic Hall, which were. read, 'and 011 his motion, referred to a seled committee. The M. W. G. M. appointed on said committee, Brothers Carnegy, Lig~tbourn, Ruggles; Nourse and Douglass. The Grand Lodge called from labor until 2 o'clock. P. M. Monday evening, October 4,.11.



The Grand Lodge called to labor pursuant to adjournment. PRESENT.

Priestly H. McBride, G. M~ Joseph Foster, D. G. M. Alex. T. Douglass, S. G. W. S. W. B. Carnegy, J. G. W., P. T. David 'Villock, G. T., P. T. Richard B. Dallam, G. S. Thos路. S.Miller, D. G. -So Charles H. Bower, S. G. D. E. S. Ruggles, J. G. D. Rev. Hiram Chamberlain, G. C Esrom Owens, G. T. Brethren C. B. Blockburger, A. Lightbourn, H. Boas,J. S. Cunningham, Jesse Little, Rev. Jas. G~ Vincent, C. E~ Perkins, F. Parker, B. S..Olds, C. H. Wagner, lVlilner Lodge, Penn., B. Willard, Lockport Lodge, No. 73, N. Y. Brother Chamberlain put on committee ofForeign Communications, and Brother Blockburger on committee 'of Unfinished Business. The following Brethren admitted: Harvey Griswold, late of Hiram I..odge No. 23, Eleazar Block, Troy Lodge, V. D. Peers, St. Louis No. 20, Gilbert Nourse of Naphtali No. 25. Brother A. T. Douglass offered the following preamble and resolution which were adopted:

M. W. " " "


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W HERF.AS, it is' absolutely necessary that there should be a uniform.ity in the mode of working by the Subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge. Therefor<>, be it . \ . Resolved, That a committee of five members be appointed , to consult and determine upon the mode of Lecturing and \Vorkiilg in the several degrees of Entered Appr~ntice, Fellow Craft and Master J\Iason, and report during the present session of the Grand Lodge. The M. W. G. M. appointed the following committee:Brothers Douglass, Carnegy, Foster, Coleman and Mdody. The following Brethren admitted: Brothers J. G. CaJdwell, of Paris Union Lodge, J os. Mahood, of Naphtali, Par.. kerDudley, of Palmyra, C. E. Bowers, of Coleman, B. T. Kavanaugh, of Naphtali, F. Garlick, of Liberty, W. R. Singleton, of Naphtali. _ The following preamble and resolutions were, offered by .Brother Carnegy, and adopted, viz: . WHEREAS, by the dispensation of an All Wise and Inscrutable Providence, our worthy and much esteemed Brother and Companion THOMPSON DOUGLAS.S, Past D. G. Master of the G. L. of Mo., has been removed from this transient state of trial, labor and suffering to "that undiscovered country, ~hence no traveller returns," to participate in the rewards ,of a well spent life of devotion to the cause of Truth, Charity and Masonry. Therefore, Resolved, 1st. That in the death of Brother Douglass, the fraternity have to mourn the loss of one or its most efficient, intelligent' and faithful members, and, one of its brightest ornaments. Resolved, 2nd. That the fraternity whp knew Brother Doug1ass~ recur to h~s memory as one in an eminent degree entitled to the Jove, esteem and respectful regarJ of all. Resolved, 3rd. That as a mark of esteem fQr the memory of the decea.sed, the officers and ~embers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, will wear the usual mourning for, thirty days, and that the <;irand Hall be hung in mourning during the present convocation. llcsoked, 4th, That the Grand Secretary make out and transmit to the widow of the deceased, a copy of the foregoing resolutions. ' The Go'L. was called from labor unt'1 to-morrow evening, 2 o'clock, ' !







Tuesday c'l.'eru路ng, October 5,.11.




The G. L. was called to labor pursuant to adjournment.





M. W. " " " " " " "

Priestly H. :McBride, G. M. Joseph Foster, D. G. M. Alex. T. Douglass, S. G.. W. S.W. B. Carnegy, J. G. W., P. T. David 'Villoc~, G. T., " " Richard B. Dallam, G. S. Thos. S. Miller, D. G. S. C. H. Bower, S. G. D. " E. S. Ruggles, J. G. D. " E. Owens, G. Tyler. Rev. H. Chamberlain, G. C., and Brothers Blockburger, Jno. Ralls, F. Parker, E. J. Peers, Jno. G. Caldwell, B. S. OIds, C. H. Wagoner, Thos. Andrews, H. H. Duvall and Joseph Hale, of Bonhomme Lodge; Jas. McClure, W. P. Coleman, F. Garlick, E. Klein, J. M. DeBolle, Philadelphia, No. 51; A. Lightburne, B. T. Kavanaugh, H. Boas, J .. S. Cunniugham, Gilbert Nourse, P .. Dudley, Jas. B. Biscoe, W. R. Singleton, Nath'1. Childs, J. Little, E. Hovey, G. Wilson, J. E. Shropshire, J. Bernard, J. G. Vincent, C. Bennett, C. E. Bowers. The Throne of Grace addressed by Brother G. C., H. Chamberlain. The cummittee asked for further time to report, which was granted. The committee on Foreign Communications made the following report which was adopted: The committee to whom was referred the communications of Foreign .Grand Lodges, and other foreign communications Inade to this Grand -Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary thereof, during the year ending Dec. 30, 1841, beg leave respectfully to report, that they find the following have been received: From the G. L. of Maryland, a copy of their proceedings of the G. A. C., for the year 1841. From the G. L. ofNo;th Carolina, proceedings Dec. 1840. From the G. L. of l\1ississi'ppi, proceedings Feb. 1841. From the G. L. of Pennsylvania, with a list of rejections and expulsions by the Subordinate Lodges, from 1839 to the 7th June 18路H. From the G" L. of Rhode Island, June 1841.






From the G. L. of the Republic of Texas, an annual cir.. cular letter, descriptive of their fraternal feelings, their hopes and wishes, and their present condition. They have also had submitted to them the prospectus of R. W. Charles W. Moore of Boston, Massachusetts, for pub.. lishing a paper devoted to the cause of Masonry; and also a prospectus from~ Jacob Davis and Sa-muel Thompson of Augusta, Georgia, proposing the same thing, and soliciting the patronage and assistance of the fraternity. From these testimonials of fraternal regard, towards us of the Far West, your committee find nothing specially directed to our consideration, except a proposition respecting the organization of a General Grand Lodge, to meet at the City of Washington, for the purpose of adopting suitable measures for producing a uniform system of work. This, in the opinion of your committee, is a propositio:l of doubtful expediency at best-Though the meeting of the General Grand Lodge, were to be held at a place to which no objection could be raised.But it is clearly exceptionable in out judgments to constitute any such body with the view of meeting at that place. Already there are too many influences operating in conflict with Masonic union and Brotherly affection, and to your committee it appears like a proI.osition to add fuel to the fires of discord to propose any convocation of the fraternity, at a place already con~picuous as a theatre o~ discord and commotion, wholly at war with the peace, quiet and love which should reign among us. From the G. L. of Texas, a circular letter has been received and submitted to your committee. From this letter we are rejoiced to find that the best feeling pervades the bosoms of' the brethren of that sister Republic.. That high toned sentiments of honor, morality and Masonic zeal prevails among them in an eminent degree, evincing at once another proof, that Masonry and Liberty, political and religious, may well co-exist together, and that where the latter most prevails there the former flourishes best and is most efficient in their labor of love. In so far as your committee are able to judge from the commmiications received they are happy to find the institution still secure in the enjoyment of civil, religious and Masonic liberty-and standing now as it ever has and ever will, unharmed and secure, permanent and unmoved amidst t~le assaults of wickcclnc!';~, falsehood; treachery and tyranny, hold-








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iug on in its steady march, .persevering in every Rood work, distributing every where the light of Truth, of Virtue and of Charity. In view of this happy condition, your committee che~rfully acknowledge the kind a,nd }'atherl,v protection of the All \-Vise and beni1iccnt Ruler of the \-Vorld.

S. \V. B. CARNEGY, ~ P. DUDLEY, Committee. E. S. RUGGLES. Your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, 1st. That the G. L. reciprocate the courtesy of the Grand Lodges from which communications have been received, and that the G. Secretary as s路oon as convenient transmit one copy of the proceedings of this Grand Lodge at its present Communication, to each Grimd Lodge in the United States, and also to Foreign G. Lodges. Resolved, 2nd. That the G. L. recommend the proposition of Messrs. Davis & Thompson and 1\'1oore, for the publica.tion of .Masonic papers, to tile patronage and favorable consideration of the fraternity. Resolved, 3rd. That this G. L. solicit from the se\'eral G. Lodges of the United States and Foreign G. Lodges, a continuation of friendly intercourse and correspondence. The M. W. G. Alaster presented to l>ast G. Alaster, S. W. B. Carnegy, a Jewel which had been voted to him by the 路G. L. as a testimony of their high esteem and respect, and ac. companying it with an appropriate address whicl, \vas eloquently and feelingly replied to by Brother Carnegy. Brother Gilbert Nourse offered the following resolution which wa~ adopted: Resolved, That the able and eloquent address of the M. W. G. lVlaster P. H. :l\1cBl'idge on the presentation of a Past l\1aster's Jewel to the 1"1. W. Bro. S. \V. B. Carnegy, P. G: M. of the G. L. of lVlissouri, and the feeling and impressive reply of Bro. Carnegy, be entered upon the records of this Grand Lodge and made a part of its proceedings. The committee on petitions and memorials, made the folT lowing repoi路t which was uclopted and (lrd(~red to be placed in the hands of the chairman of committee on work. ' The committee on pctitions antI memorials beg leave to report路that they have examinclI the following petitions ancI find that disDensations havc ueen gl',lnted as follows, viz: 2




To BUl'lin~ton Lodge, Iowa Ter., <.1ispensa.tion granted 20th Nov. 1840. To Coleman Looge, St.Louis, dispensation, Jan. 23, 1841. To Troy Lodge, Lincoln Co. Mo.," " " To Iowa Lodge, Iowa Tel'., " Feb. " To Cooper Lodge, Boonville, Mo.," April" To Independence Lodge, Independence, Mo., dispensation April, 1841. To Shelby Lodge, Shelbyville, Mo., dispensation April, 1841. To Bonhomme Lodge, ~Ianchester,Mo., dispensation, April 18<11. To Kabzeet Lodge, Sparta, Mo., dispensation, May, 1841. To Ozark Lodge, Springfield, Mo., " July," To Fa.yette Lodge, Fayette," " Aug." To Clinton Lodge, Chariton, t, " "" To Pulton Lodge, Fulton, " " Sept." To Clinton Lodge, Carlyle, Illinois, " Jan. " with accompanying communications. All of which is respectfully submitted. Signed, B.T. KAVANAUGH, vv. P. COLE~IAN, C THOS. ANDREWS, I OlD. B. S. OLDS., J


The committee on revised By-laws of the G. L. made the following report which was adopted, viz: WHEREAS, It appears to this G. L. that a majority of all the Lodges, working under the jurisdiction of this G. L., by virtue of Charters granted to them, viz: Lodges No. 18, 19,20, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, have adopted the By-Laws of this G. L.as amended at the Communication in October, 1840, by proceedings oa their part in conformity to the By-Laws hitherto ~n force. ThereFore, be it Resolved, 1st. That said By-Laws amended and adopted as aforesaid, are from this time, by virtue of the adoption by said Subordinate Lodges, the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. ResollJed, 2d. That Brother Grand Secretary, cause to be printed 200 copies of the proceedings of the G~ L. at its present cOInJIlunication, with a true copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of this G. L. now in force appended to each, and also canse to be printed, separately, 500 copies of the

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Constitution alldBy-Laws, and transmit to each Subordinate Lodge, three copies of each, as S0011 as convenient. . The Select Committee on the resolutions offered by Bro. Carnegy made the following report,which was adopted: The undersi~ned, a committee to w1.l9m was referred the resolutions of Brothe'r Carnegy respecting the erection of a Hall and the establishment of an Institution of Learning under the patronage and gO\'ernment of this. G. Lodge, respectfully report, that they have had the Same under consideration and devoted to them as much attention as their time would permit. The objects contempl~ted are of momentuous co~\ sequence to the fraternity-objects which, when cons'ummated, must meet the approJation of all who desire the welfare of the indigent, the help\ess and the destitute. It is most obviolls to everyone, that a good education is one of the greatest blessings which can be possessed by man, while at the same time to be destitute of it is the greatest privation "flf!sh is heir to." These are so obvious to, everyone that any argument upon them must be, useless. Your committee therefore, recommend that said resolutions be adopted by the Grand Lodge. Signed;






On motion of Brother C. H .. Bower, Resolved, That the G. L. will, on to-morrow evÂŁning, at 2 o'clock proceed to the election of officers for the ensuing year. Brothers G. B. Brlla and H. L. Clark, St. Louis Lodge No. 20, and John S. David of Burlington Lodge, admitted. The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 9 o'clock toDlorrow morning.

TrCdnesday nwrning, October 6th, 1841. The Grand Lodge was called to labor pursuant to adjournment.




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M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M. " Alex. T. Douglass, S. G. W. " S. W'. B. Carnegy, J. G. W., P. T. " Rich'd. B. Dallam, G. S. " Thomas S. Miller, D. G. S. " B. T.Kavanaugh, S. G. D~, P. T. " E. S. Ruggles, J. G~ D. . " E. Owens, G. '-f. .Rey. H. Chamberlain, G. C., and ~Btothe路rs Lightbourn and:Garlick, Liberty Lodge, J. Berna..d, St. Louis Lodge, H. Boas, Tyro Lodge, J. S. Cunningearn, Pal-is Union Lodge, N. Childs and E. Edwards, Naphtali Lodge, C. Howal'd,.of Franklin Lodge, H. H. Duval and J. F. Hale, Bonho.mme Lodge,U. D., Jno. Ralls, New London Lodge, F. Parker, of Troy, U. D., C..B.. Blockbur..; gel', Hillsborough, D. Willock, Palmyra Lodge. The Throne of Grace was addressed by Brother Kavanaugh. Brother Lightboutn added to Committee on .Work, and Brothel' Nourse to Select Committee on Uniform Mode of ~Vork.

The representatives of Liberty Lodge made the following request, viz: . . . In conformity to a resolution passed by Liberty Lodge No. 31, we hereby tender to this Grand Lodge the charter of said Liberty Lodge, and request aneW charter and installation of' officers under the same in due form, according to ancient usage. A. LIGHTBURN, l .' Representatives Signed, F. GARLICK, SLiberty Lodge No.3I. Whereupon Brother Carnegy offered the followin~ resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, 1st. That the Grand Lodge refuse toa'coeptthe surrender of-the charter of Liberty Lodge No. 31. Resolved, 2d. . That the M. 'IN. G. Master appoint some suitable Brother P. M. to instal the present officers elect of said Lodge. . The following Brethren admitted-Me W. Joseph Foster D. G.M. G. Nourse of No. 25, H. 'C. Paulselof Jeffel'~on U. D., J. M. Parker, New Albany, Ind., Wm. S. Stew~

( (





art, No. 20, J. G. Caldwell, No. 19, J. McClure, No" 23, 'J. G. Vincent, No. 23, P. Dudley, No. 18, W. P. Coleman,':of Coleman U. D., A.,Gibson, of Cooper, U. D., G. H. C.Melo-, dy, G. Treasurer, G. Wilson, No. 25, PI Phipps, No.32, C. H. Bower, No. 19, E. J. Peers, of Troy U. D., W.R. 'Single~ ton, No. 25. . ' The Grand Lodge called from labor until ~o'~lo路ck.

a o'clor.k, P. l.f.-Oct. 6th; 1841". ' The Grand' Lodge called to labor pursuant to, adjournment,

and the Throne of Grace addressed by G.. Ch~plain. PRESEN:r:

IVI. W. P. H. McBride, G. M. "

Alex. T. Douglass, S. G.W. ' . . S. W. B. Carnegy, J. G. W., p~ T. ,. G. Wilson, G. T., P. T. ' " R. B. Dallam, G. S. " Thos. S. l\1iller, D. G. S. " G. Nourse, S. G. D., P. T. " E. S. Ruggles,J. G. D. " Esrorn Owens, :G. T. Rev'd. H. Chamberlain, G. C., and Brothers C. B. Bl9ck.., burger, No. 33, J. G. Caldwell, No. 19, F. Parker and E. J. Peers, of Troy, U. D., C. H. Bower, No. 19, H. C. Paulsel, Jefferson U. D., Jas. ~rcClure, No. 23, J. F. Hale and H. ,H. Duval, Bonhomrne, U. D.; J. Ralls, No. 21; J. G. Vincent, No. 23; - - Bennett of Burlington,U. D.; E. Klein, E. G. Simons and J. Russell, No. 20; A. Lighthonrn and F. Garlick, No 31; J. S. Cunningham, No. 19; Jesse Little, J. B. Biscoe and B. T. Kavanaugh, No. 25; P. Phipps, No. 32; C. Howard, No. 22; J. F. L~ Jacoby, No. 17; A. Gibson, of Cooper U. 'D.; D. Willock, No. 19, J. Foster, D. G. M., A. B. Chambers, Past D. G. M., D. Parker, E. H. Shepherd, W. R. Singleto'n, 'V. P. Coleman and John DeBolle. The committee on credentials made a report on proxies, which was accepted. J. S. Cunningham, proxy for J. 'V. of No. 19; E. S. Ruggles, prox.y for Vi. M. and H. Boas, for J. W. of No. 12; F. Garlick, for J. W. of No. 31; Thos. S. Miller for W. M. and J. W., and S. ,V. B. Carnegy for S. W. of No. 28, and S. W. B. Carnegy for 路S. W. of No. 18; J. G. Caldwell for W. 1\1 and.W of No. 30; J. Little for S. W. of (I




No. 23; B. S. OIds, Iowa U. D.; A. LiglItbourn tor Independence U. D.; F. Parker, W. 1\'1., E. Block, S. W., and E. J. Peers, J. ,,y. of Troy U. D.; H. P. PaulseI, Jefferson, U. D.; A. Gibson, Cooper U. D., P. H. l\lcBride for W. M. and Wardens of Fayette, U. D.; H. H. Duval for J. W., and J. F. ~ale for W. 1\'1. of Bonhomme U. D.; J. F. L. Jacoby for W. M. No. 17; W.路P. Coleman, 'IN. M.,'Coleman U. D. Brother D. Willock obtained leave of路 absence for the remainder of this; convocation. The Grand Lodge now proceeded to the election of officera for the ensuing year. The following were duly elected: M. W. P. H. McBride, G.M. " Joseph Foster, S. G. W. " C. H. Bower, J. G. W. " G. H. C. Melody, G. Trea. " Richard B. Dallam, G. Sec'y. " Esrom Owens, G. Tyler. The Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning, at 9 o'clock.

Thursdr.I,Y 1rwrning, October 7, 1841. The Grand Lodge was calle.d to labor pursuant to adjournment. PRESENT.


W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M. " J. Little, S. G. W., P. T. " s. W. B. Carnegy, J.G. 'V., P. T.

Richard B. Dallam, G.路 S. Thos. S. Miller, D. G. S. " G. \Vilson, S. G. D. " E. S. Ruggles, 'J. G. D. " E. Owens, G. Tyler. Hey. II. Chatnberlain, G. C. Brothers J. F. L. Jacoby, C. H. Bower, I-I. P. PauIsel, H .. Boas, .T. S. Cunningham, C. Howard, J. :McClure. 'P. Phipps,. B. T. ]~a\'all3.u~h,.T. G. Calclwell, W. R. Singleton. Prayer by the Rev. C. Chaplain. Brothers DOllgIaSS, Parker, Lightbollrr., Gibson, Foster, Nourse, Bel'll;tl'd amI E. C. Bowers u(lmitlcd. Brother Cal'llegy's resolutions on ball auu cducatiqn were t.aken up, rl':td an-d \lnanimoll~ly adopted. " "



The Grand .Master maJl~ tke following apI)ointmellts: .Toab Bernard, D. G. 1\I. Hev. H. Chamberlain, G. C. Alex. T. Douglass, G. Visitor. W. R. Singleton, S. G. D. Jas..Magehan, J. G. D. E. S. Ruggles, G. M. J. Little, G. P. J. Eagan, G. S. A. Lighthonrn, G. S. B. Brother Douglass from the committee on work of subordinate Lodges, made a report, which, on motion, was laid on the table. The following resolution was adopted: Resob:ed, That the Fayette Lodge have a crdeit for twenty dollars, paid some years since 路for a dispensation which was obtained but not used. Brother Douglass offered the following amendment to the 11 th section of the by.,.laws, which was unanimously adopted, viz: after the word "Lodge," read "except ministers of the gospel, who are engaged in their ministerial duties." The Grand Lodge adjourned until 3 o'clock, P. M. Thllrsd(l// E,..:enl"ng, 3 0' clock- Oct. 7, 1841. The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. Present:-Same officers and ,members as in the morning. The officers elect were installed in due and ancient form. Brother Douglass from committee on work, called up their report which was laid on the table in the morning. The report was read and adopted. The committee on accounts made their report, which was adopted. . The Brother G. Chaplain offered iJH:~ following resolution, which \vas adopted. Resolved, That the Gi'and lecturer be instructed to bring the recommendations of this Grand Lodge before the several lodges he may visit, and that he be authorized and requested to address tq them such observations as he may deem prope,-, for the purpose, of securing a liberal subscription to the institutions contemplated in the action of this Grand Lodge. The G. Secretary appointed Brother 'fhoma~ S. Miller D. G. Secretary.




Brother E. Klein presented an account against the Grand Lodge, amounting to thirty dollars, for printing the address of Rev. Brother J. N. IVlaffitt, delivered before the Grand Lodge on the cycnillg of February 1st, 1841, at the installation of St. Louis and N aphtali Lodges. The account was ordered to be paid by the Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.


October 8, 1841. The Orand Lodge.lJlet pursuant to adjourn~ent. 1Jwrm)zg,

PRESENT. M. \V. Joab Bernard, D.G.M. . .J oseph Foster, S: G. 路,V. A. Lightbourn, J. G.W., P. T. Richard B. Dallam, G. S. ,v~ R.Singleton, S. G. D. . . E. S. Ruggles, J. G.D., P. T. H. Chamberlain, G.C., and Brothers Douglass, Garlick, J acobv and Paulsel. . PraY'el~ by the Rev. Grand Chaplain. Brother Douglass asked leave to call up again the report of the committee on work, which was granted, and the report was taken up. A slight amendment in relation, to Clinton. L04ge was proposed and adopted. Some oth.er slight amendments concurred in, when the report, as amended, was unanimously adopted. . .' " REPoRT.-The undersigned, committee on the work of subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, submit the following report: '. . . . Your cOlnmittee have had before them retlirns' from the following Lodges working under charters, viz: Tyro Lodge, No. 12. Hiram Lodge, No. '23. Clarksville" " 17. N aphtali路. " " : 25. , Palmyra ,','" 18.' St. John~s." " 28~ :\ 'Paris Union" '" '19. Huntsville'"'' '30. .StLouis " "20. Liberty' :~" " 3 L New Lohd(:m . " '21.. La Fayette" " 32:.. ( Franklin " ,,'. 22. ; Hillsborou'gh" ,,: 3:3. ". . Your committee find the ~ork 0(1')'1'0, 'CI~rks~:'iik,Pari~" Un'ion, New London, Hiram, Hunt5Yille:;Nai)~lt~li;.~n,4~.;L.~.:

路 [



Fayette IJoJges, tf) have been done according to ancient form and usage, and in cunformity with the constitution and byl"aws of this Grand路 Lodge. In the proceedings of Palmyra Lodge your committee find that on the 15th October, 1840, and again in April, 1841, they per!nitted petitions for initiation to be withdrawn, which is a direct violation of a resolution adopted by the Grand Lodge at its commll~ication ia 1839. From the transcript of Hillsborough Lodge it app.ears that "they, on various occasions, conferred the first and second degrees in a :l\Iastcr's Lodge, ,and the third in a Lodge of Apprentices. In the proceedings of 'Lodge No. 20, the committee find much that is, censurable. To a few of the most prominent errors we beg'leave to call the attention of the Grand Lodge. Ori the 6th J anl1ary, 1839, a resolution waS adapted to appoint a committee to procure from It brother Mlster 11f1sun in St. Louis, a title to a piece of land, said to lia ve been purchased from him some, years .since, ,for a Masonic Cemetery. That committee was appointed oil the 6th March following, and it does not appear that any subsequent action has been taken on the subject, although, as appears from the transcript, they were repeatedly urged so to do. Your committee, however, deem it hexpedient in this report, to state all the facts connected with this subject. On the 5th Dec., 1837,.the Lodge passed a ~esolution prohibiting a 1\1. Mason from visiting the Louge until his conduct had undergone an investigation. That investigation h~s not taken place, thus cutting off a brother from all It-fasonic intercourse, without even the form of tri~l. Your committee also find that their by-laws have been dispensed with at almost every meeting held for the advancementpf candidates, thus rendering their by-laws in fact null and void.' In proceedings of Libedy Lodge, it appears that on the 28th Dec., 1840, and again on the 16th Fe~ruary, 1841, petitions for initiation were received and the candidates initiated the same e,~ening; and on the 10th February, 1841, a petition for membership was received and t~~ brother elected the same evening; and on the 6th April..Jollowing a brqther admitted to membership on verbal application, aU of whidl is in direct opposition to the bylaws 9拢 tl~e Grand Lodge; and the proceediilgs of St. John's Lodge show the s~me irrcgularities and disregard to the prov~~i,On~ ()~ your by-laws. YOllr committee have also had be.: fore the.m, returns from Franklin Lodge, (now under censure of.this.Grand ,Lodge,) together with a statement of facts in 3




relation to the past and present situation of said l..odge; also a petition signed by the few remaining members of the Lodge in which they ask the Grand Lodge to ~emit their dues and forgive the past. In view of all the facts in this case your committee would offer the following resolution: Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that Franklin Lodge be re-instated in all its former privileges in connection with this Grand.Lodge. (The resohltion was adopted.) No returns have been received from Far \-Vest and Temperance Lodges. Your commitee have also had before them, partial returns of work and the by-laws of the following Lodges under dis'pensation, to-wit: Jefferson, Troy, Coleman, Burlington, Iowa, Independence,Cooper, Kabzeet, Clinton Ill., Bonhomme, Fayette, Ozark, Clinton; l\tIo. In the work of Jefferson, Troy, Coleman, Independence and Bonhomme, your committee find nothing that is censurable, but much to approve. Burlington and Coleman Lodges, however, have not sent up a transcript of their work as required by their dispensations and the by-laws of the Grand Lodge, but have laid before your committee their books. From the books of Burlington Lodge we find that the Lodge ori the 3d December, 1840, received several petitions for initiation, and initiated the candidates upon the 7th of same month; on the 9th December, 1840, they received a pet~ion, balloted for and initiated the candidate on the same evening; same proceedings took plaoe on the 12th and 16th December, 1840, and at several subsequent meetings. Such proceedings your committee believe,路 cannot be too severely reprehended, as it is not only a direct violation of the by-laws of the Grand Lodge 'and their own by-laws, but it opens the door for the most foul imposition, Time should always he allowed to enquire into the character of applicants. Your commitee also find that this Lodge has held two electio~s for officers, one on the 24th. June, 1811, and again on the 9t~ September, 1841, in direct violation of the thirteenth section of their own by-laws. Of the work of Clinton Lodge,. Ill., your committee can form no opinion, as the return merely states the fact of the Lodge having met at sundry times. Many of the errors noticed above in ,the work of' Liberty an~ Burlington Lodges, appears in the work of Iowa, Kabzeet, Cooper and Clinton, ]\,10., Lodges. The transcript from




Fayette Lodge is imperfeCt--iJ!---exhibitirig but a very small portion of their work. Ozark -Lodge--has held -one meeting, at which all the work was -don-e in an Apprentices' Lodge. Your committee have also examined the by-laws of the Lodges under dispens?tion,and find them generally in conformity with the by.laws of the Grand Lodge. Your committee would offer the following resolutions. Resowed, lst. That charters be granted to Jefl'crson,Troy, Independence, Bonhomme, Cooper and Iowa Lodges. Resolved, 2d. Thatchartersbe granted to Coleman, Burlington and Clinton, Ill., Lodges, as soon as they send up to the Grand Secretary a complete transcript of theirwork, and their dues, if any. _ Resolved, 3d. That the name of Kabzeet Lodge be changed to that of Sparta, and that they have a (~harter and be known as Sparta Lodge No. --". Resolved, 4th. That the name of Clinton Lodge, Mo., be changed to Livingston. Resolved, That the dispensations to Fayette, Fulton, Ozark", Shelby, Columbia, Mineral Pojnt and Livingstcn Lodges be continued until the second Monday in October, 1842, and that they be required at that time to send up to the Grand Lodge a complete transcript of all their work from the commencement, with copies of their by-laws. In view pf the above work on dispensations, your committee would respectfully recommend, that in all cases of granting dispensations, some competent b!'other should be appointed to organize the Lodge and instruct the brethren how to work in a legal manner. Your committee would also ,state a~ their opiniqn, that the common practice of dispensing with the by-laws of a Lodge is unmasonic, and should hever be _ done except in extreme cases, and then by a large majority of the members of the wOOle Lodge. In conclusion, your committee congratulate the Grand Lodge on the flourishing condition of Masonry within her jurisdiction. "She is indeed extending her borders and strengthening her stakâ‚Ź's." "Sixteen dispensations for new Lodges have been granted the past year, and there is an evident -improvement in the work of tlu_'- old and many of the new Lodges, and we rejoice in the prospect of attaining during the present year, a uniformity in the work of snhordinate _ Lodges, and which has long been a deszaeralum with the




All of which is resp~ctfully submitted. JOSEPH FOSTER, l' ALEX. T. DOUGLASS, J A. LIGHTBOURN, Com'tee. S. W. B.CARNEGY, 1 C. H. BOWER" ) The following resolutions, offered by Brother A. T. Douglass, were ad0l-ted: .Resolved, 1st. That the Grand Secretary pay to the Grand Chaplain fifteen dollars towards defraying his expenses during his attendance on the sessions of the Grand Lodge. Resolved, 2d. That the Grand Secretary be allowed the SUm of thirty dollars for copying proceedings of the Grand Lodge for publication. .. . ' Resolved, 3d. That the Grand Tyler be allowed the sum of twelve dollars for his services during this convocation. REPORT OF COMlVIITTEE ON ACCOUNTS. Your committee on accounts respectfully report, that they have examined the account of Grand Treasurer and find the same to be correct, agreeable to the statement herewith, leaving a balance in his hands of $566 09. Your commit路tee would further report that they have examined the following accounts and find the same to be correct, 'viz: An account of J\iissouri Republican, for $89 50 "," J. & F. Little, " 4 8 00 "" Warburton & King," 10 82 " " R. Beauvois, " 2 5 00 '.' R. S. Campbell, " 10 00 " And would offer the following resolution .. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary draw his warrant on the Grand Treasurer for the above amounts. The resoltition' was adopted. The committee on unfinished business report, that no co~~ munication has been received by the Grand Secretary from the Grand Lodge of Illinois. We therefore recommend that the Grand Secretary be again requested to open a correspondence with the Grand Lodge of lliinois, requesting a list of names and number of Lodges constituting the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois, and report at OUt next annual communication. A. LIGHTBOURN, Ch'n. of Com. . The following accounts were presented and allowed, viz: An account of Grand Secretary for postage, $6 40; an acGrand Lodge. Signed,





count of Brother Owens for stationery, from S. W. Meech, Ordered to be paid by Grand Secretary out of funds in his hands. Brother Foster offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: , Resolved, That the thanks of this. Grand Lodge be tender.. ed to our R. W. Brother Douglass, late S. G. W., for the inestimable services by him rendered to this Grand Lodge in the repeated visits which he has made to sundry Lodges UBdel' the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge, imparting to them the necessary information to the right discharge of their duties as legal ~odges, and that one hundred dollars be allo~ed to him as a partial compensation for his services and expenses. Brothers Nourse, Kick and Gibson admitted. The following amendments to the constitution were offered by Brother Douglass: Resolved, lst. That the first section of the constitution be so amended as to read after the words "Deputy Grand Master," "and as many District Deputy Grand Masters as the Grand Lodge may from time to time deem expe~ient." Resolved,. 2nd. That the word "semi," in the first line, ,3d section., be struck out. Resolved, 3d. That the whole of the fifth sectlon be struck out: 7th Se.ction. In aU questions which shall com~ before the Grand Lodge for its decision, every subordinate Lodge shall be ~ntitled to one vote, and the brethren representing the Lodge shall. agree among themselves on which side the vote shall -be, given, and every present and past Grand Officer, and all past Masters of regular Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge and who continue members of regul,ar Lodges, shall be entitled to a vote; provided, however, that no member shall be entitled to more than one vote; and the Grand Master or his Deputy, when presiding, shall,whenever it is necessary, give the casting vote. ., 14th Section. Whenever any alteration 01' amendment shall be proposed to this constitution, it shall be reduced to writing and read from the chair, and if concurred in by a majority of two-thirds of the legal votes present, shall become a part of this constitution. Re3olved, That the subordinate (chartered) Lodges be requested to take action on the above amendments to the con$200.

[ 22 ] stitution, and report thereon at tLt; next regular cwnrnunic~ tion of this Grand Lodge. Brother Wilson offered the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the GI ..nd Secretary be authorized to pro.. cure new collars for the Grand Lodge jewels before the next session of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 'b'clock. Saturda!J' rrwrnmg, Octvbe:r 9, 1841.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment. PRESENT.

M. W. Alex. T. Douglass, G. M., P.T. " G. Nourse, S. G. W., P. T. ' " E. S. Ruggles, J. G. W., P. T. ," Richard B. DalJam, G. S. " H. P. 'Paulsel, S. G. D. " W. R. Singleton, J. G. D. " E. Owens, G. Tyler. Rev'd. H. Chamberlain, G. C., and Brothers Kavanallgh, Perkins, Boas and Brua. Prayer by Brother B. T. Kavanaugh. The select committee on uniform mode of work, made the following report by Broth~r Nourse: The select committee appomted to prepare and report on a uniform mode of work, respectfully report, that owing to other and important duties, they have not been able to give that attention to the subject which its importan~e dema.b.~s, They regret this the less, because they believe thp object will be more fully attained through the personal attentions ann exertions of the Grand Lecturer. The committee on foreign communications made an additionalreport. . The committee find the following communications have been received in addition to those already noticed: From the Grana Lodge l\1aryland, proceedings 1840 " " " Florida, " 1840-41 " " " Alabama, " 1840 " " " Indiana, " 1840 " " " Virginia, -" 1840 " " " Ohio, " 1840 ",. " Kentucky, " 1841





And also a l\1asonic Calenuer from the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texa~, with the constitution and by-laws of several of her subordinate Lodges. Your committee have examined the foregoing communications and find nothing claiming the special action of this Gran<f Lodge. We are much pleased to see that they afford ground for sincere congratulation at the favorable prospect of the Craft throughout the country. Brothers Foster, Bla~kburn, Bernard and Melody, G. T., admitted. Brother Melody expressed in a feeling manner,his thanks to the Grand Lodge for the confidence which they have again reposed in him and his sincere and fraternal reJ:?;ard for the members of the Grand Lodge, and offered as an excuse for his non-attendance, his peculiar situatioo, and asked permission to retire, which was granted. On motion of . Brother Bernard,twenty dollars was voted to a poor w,idow of路 a deeeased 1\1. Mason, and the Grand Secretary requested to pay the same out of any money in his hands. Resolutions offered by brother Carnegy and unanimously adopted: Resolved, 1st. By the Grand Lodge of Missouri, that it ig necessary aud expedient to erect at St: Louis, a Grand Hall of suitable size and structure to accommodate the Grand Lodge of the State, the Roy.,1 Arch Chapters and subordinate Lodges of the city of St. Louis, and which shall cost not less than sixty thousand nor more than one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. . Resolved, 2d. . That it is necessary and expedient, and the imperative duty, as well as the interest of the Grand Lodge to establish at some healthy and cOl'lvenient point, an institution of learning for the sons of indigent Masons and such others as the Grand Lodge may from time to time admit; and also to establish at such place as the Grand Lodge may direct an asylum for the maintainance and education of the female orphans of worthy M. Masons and others. _. Resolved, 3d. That it is the duty of the Grand Lodge to proceed forthwith to adopt such measures as may be best calculated to obtain the pecuniary means necessary for the accomplishment of the objects specifitd in the first and second resolutions. . Resolved, 4th. That the Hall should be erected at such




point as would render it of easy access to the fraternity, and would likely ensl1re. a fair remuneration for the use of the fi路rst and second stories on lease. Resolved, 5th. That it be' recommended to t::ach subordinate Lodge under this jurisdiction, and to every worthy brother of the fraternity, to c'ontl'ibute liberally each year for five leal's to the o~jects specified in the foregoing resolutions. Resolved, 6th. That the Royal Chapters and subordinate Lodges of the city of St. Louis ought to subscribe in fiv'e annual instalments such sum as would produce at an interest of six per cent. per annum, so much as would be a fair annual rent for the use of a set of rooms in the Hall for the accommodation and use of each, the money so sllbs~ribed to be paid in annual instalments and applied towards the arection of the Hall as other funds. Resolved, 7th. That the Grand Master, ;,is often as need require, shall appoint in each county in the State of l\:iissouri and in the vicinity of each subordinate路 Lodge under this jurisdiction, one or more trusty brethren, who when appointed shall make a list of the members of the fraternity in their vicinity, awl collect from each, once in every year for five years, such sum as each may please to give, to be paid over into the hands of a treasurer to be appointed by the Grand Lodge to receive it, and to be used by order of the Grand Lodge for the objects aforesaid. Resolved, 8th. The persons so appointed to collect money shall ask and receive such donations as the liberal and charitable may desire to bestow for the objects aforesaid, and shall make a list of all d.onations and report the name of the donors to the Grand Lodge annually, and pay over the moneys collected to the treasurer. Resolved, 9th. That the Grand Lodge of Missouri ought to ,be incorporated by law, with powers to purchase and hold forever so much land as is necessary, on which to erect a Grand Hall, to use and lease out said Hall, to receive the rents and profits arising therefrom, and to employ them for such purpose as they may think proper. Also, to purchase and hold forever, not more than one hundred acres of land, to be used and employed exclusively as a site for an institution of learning, as ~pecified in the 2d resolution, with power to erect houses and the necessary buildngs thereon, appoint teachers, professors and governors for the same, and to rule




and govern the same in such manner as the Grand Lodge may desire, with such other powers as may be necessary for the complde accomplishment of the objects aforesaid, and also to purcllase ilnd hoid forever so much land in addition to tile abovementwned tract as may be necessary for a site for the asylum and school spel'.lfied in the ~d resolution, and power also to occupy, use and employ the same for that object. Resolved, 10th. That we will each use and employ all such means as may be in our p'ower respectively to obtain the charter aforesaid. Resolved, 11 tho That the Grand Master shall appoint one or more suitable persons in each county in this sti;lte, whose duty it shall be, when so appointed, to use all due means in his power to procure the passage of the laws aforesaid. Resolved, 12th. That the entire amount of all the rents and profits arising from leasing out the first and second stories of the Hall, shall be applied to the maintenance of the institutions of learnilig and the asylum abovementioned. The following resolution was offered on Thursday by Brother E. Klein and adopted: Resolved, That the expulsion of Chas. C. Hamilton, by St. Louis Lodge No. 20, be published in the American Masonio Register and one newspaper in the city of St. Louis for the term' of weeks, together with a description of said Hamilton's person. .Bddress 0/ M. W. G. lJIL on presenlt'ng to P. G. M. Carnegy a P. G. Master's jewel. BROTHER CARNEGy-In the name and on behalf of the Grand Lodge of the State of 1\1issouri, I perform the pleasing task of presenting to you the jewel of Past Grand Mas.. tel' of this Grand Lodge. It is a pleasing duty, springing from a two-fold consideration. First: The Grand Lodge have awarded it to you in consideration of your known devotedness to the principles of our ancient and time honored institution, and for years of untiring exertion on your part to sustain and build up our great moral edifice, exertions which'descrved to be rewarded with greater success. But you labored in a period of travail with the institution, at a time when the clouds lowered and the storm of persecution bcat 1lI0st violently and furiously, when the feelings of despondency were visible in every countenance, and the stoutest hearts became faint and almost ready 4

[ 26 ] to )'ield our citadel to the ruthless hand of ignorance, blind fanaticism and ._unh~ Howed pollution-and whatwould have been the c0nsequene "S, had you not been a faithful sentinel at tbe post assigned you by the confidence and pl1rtiality of the Grand Lodge, can only be a matter of conjecture. Suffice it to say, the clouds have now passed away and present a clear horizon, and in now contemplating the situation and pleasing prospect of the future, your h拢art cannot but be gladdened. 'You enjoy that delightful state of feeling which invariably springs from a consciousness of 11 a\"ing fought the good fight and kept the faith-of having discharged your Masonic duty to the ~raft and the institl.ltion. And secondly, my Brother, the duty which now devoh路es upon me is a pleasing one, for I know of a truth that the honor thus. paid you by the Grand Lodge is not unworthily bestowed-that however distinguished the honor is, every jot and title is richly due to you both as a man and a Mason, and that it is a legacy which you will prize above all others and all price. To which P. G. M. Carnegy made the following reply: Under emotions which almost suppress the powers of utterance, M. 'V. G. M., I accept from your hands. the rich jewel which the Grand Lodge has awarded to me as an evidence of their affectionate regard for me, and the ~stimRtion in which they havQ been pleased to consider my feeble efforts in the cause of our "time honored institution." I have no ability, I have no language, by which those feelings mi~ht be adequately described. I do thank you, M.W., and the Grand Lodge for this most distinguished honor. "Gratitude is a delightful emotion." It thrills through every avenue of the soul, it wakes up all its sensibilities and calls forth all the sympathies of its nature. Such are its influences when called into exercise upon occasions of even ordinary good offices received. How much greater then is the measure of it which mus:t be roused into being in my breast on receiving so dtslinguished an honor from so distin.. guished a so~rce. An h.ODor, this, abo've all price. It is not the glittering jewel, rich, costly and !eautiful as it truly is, to which value is attached by me~ for though rich and valuable in itself, still as contrasted with the inestimable value which I place upon the voice of approval of my brethren of the Gr~nd Lodge evinced by its bestowal, it is less than the dust of the balance. To have re~eived from any of

mY'fellow men the approving voice would be altogether grateful. To receive from those of the "mystic tie" with whom I ha"e been so long associated in anxious toil, from tho,se who have known me longest and best, in terms of commendation so stron~, the sanction of their approval, is an honor aboye all price, the recollection of which I shall cherish with gratitude to my latest existence. I can but feel, and must not fail to acknowledge, that it is more than I have merited. It may be true that I am "devoted to the principles of our institution;" it may be true that I have contributed somewhat "to build up and' sustain this glorious moral edifice;" yet far be it from me to arrogate to myself the honor of having yielded services larger or more, useful than others of my brethren in the glorious cause. It is true that during the period of three years, which I had the honor to preside over the deliberations of the Grand Lodge, "the clouds lowered and the storm of persecution beat violently ~nd furiously, and many were ready to yield up the citadel to the ruthless 'hand of ignorance, fanaticism and foul pollution;" yet feeble indeed were its defence had it devolved on me alone, but the strong arm of "Him who makes the wrath of man to praise him," and the faithful few who then stood by me and that still stand by you, w-ere interposed for its safety, and the citadel stands sure. True it is, we had something for the exercise of fortitude, something to achieve. When the government of the Gra~d Lodge, through the partiality of my confiding brethren, was first confided to my hands, I found whatever of an,cient Free Masonry that belonged to the Grand Lodge located far, far, upon the confines of our western population, just upon the line which separates civilized from savage man. At. the sound of the war trump, that she might still be the messenger of "peace on earth and good will" even to her infuriated pursuers, who panted for her blood, had fled from the "city full" from the face of those who could 'not or would not defend her, and sought refuge in the "desert waste." It was then the stout hearted little band, which then composed the Grand Lodge came forth to the rescue, and the hopeless wanderer in-the wilderness, clad in the white robes ofiLnocence benevolence and charity, guarded~ sustained and protected by the strong arm of the great "Captain of man's salvation" was triumuphantly led back to this goodly city, in which we now ,and henceforward continue unmolested, to worship at the high altar of our devotions. In all this, though I wore




the badge of the principal, I feel that I performed a subordinate pa~t only. And now that "the clouds have passed away and the Masonic horizon is once more clear and brilliant," I look back with pleasure, and delight to acknowledge, that to others in an equal, if not a superior degree, is Masonry in Missouri indebted for the happy issue whiclt you rightly judge "must so much gladden my heart." Of those brethren w 110 so nobly stood forth in the glorious conflict, some few are still with us to aid, as they have done, to build and beautify the Masonic Temple; but some are no more with, us-they are gone to the temple of God in the skies. Nor must I fail, sir, to remark in justice to myself and you, that to no one is Masonry more indebted for the high and honorable station now occupied by her, than to yourself; for that which had been begun in weakness by me has been perfected in strength by you, and if on looking back through the last ten years of my own exertions I could find any thing to approve in myself, how much more may I glory in the still more efficient exertions and well meant endeavors of yourself under whom Masonry has obtained to so great prosperity. ,\Ve may all rejoice that she again occupies the high pl,ace in the affections of our fellow citizens, to which she is so well entitled. We have the heart cheering fact before us, that the benign principles of our order are beginning again to have their influence among men. Bigotry, prejudi,ce and irreligious fanaticism have, for t.he last time we trust, usurped the place of reason. The reign of tyranny is past, ~nd liberty, reason and true religion, so long trodden down, are once more, and we hope forever, restored to their rightful influence in the hearts of men. The hydra monster, intolerant perse~ cution, frowned down by the good sense and love of justice of our fellow citizens, has slunk back into the covert darkness from which it first came forth, and our peaceful institution is again standing forth, a guide to the wanderer, a beacon light to tRe tempest tos'sed mariner on the ocean of life, the shield of the oppressed, the succor of the weak, the solace of the di tressed, to the orphan a parent, to the widow a friend, nay, to all a friend to teach and practice towards all "brotherly love, r.elief and truth," "on earth peace and good will to all men." Such, worshipful sir, is the happy condition in which I rejoice to find that heaven inspired and heaven preserved institution for which we all have so long ~nd so a'rdently contended. But, M. W., I must not detam you




longer. I would if I could give utterance to my feelings, but I cannot (.roceed. Your kindness has imposed ,3;D obli.. gation which lam not able to pay. I thank yau, M. W., and the Gr:.tnd Lodge for this most distinguished honor. I should be glad indeed could I find in my poor endeavors for the welfare, of the fraternity, something to merit it. I shall indeed prize it a~ a rich legacy, a le~acy above all price." May I be enahled to merit the confidence and esteem by which it is bestowed, and transmit it untarnished to those that shall come after me. And may we all, "wherever dispersed," after having' "fought the good fight and kept the faith," "with consciences void of all offence towards God and man" and with "holiness to the Lord" inscribed on an our hearts and all our works, be permitted to pass the portals of this terrestrial and be "accepted and received" int~ the Celest{'tl Grand Lodge, where the Supreme Ruler of the universe presides. The Grand Lodge was closed in clue and ancient form, and prayer by Grand Chaplain. ALEX T. DOUGLASS, G. l\f. P. T. RICH'D. B. DALLAl\!, G. Sec'y.

OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF TYRO LODGE, No. 12. Officers. A. Hudspeth, W. M. D. Hanger, Sec'y. E. S. Rllggle~, S. W . W m . Ashbrook, S. D. P. T. McCabp" J. W. P. Shaver, J. D. M. Bell, Treas. J. Hickerson, T. Members-M. M. J. N. Reyburn, A. K. Harris, H. Boas, H. Haverstick, C. B. N. McCabe, Jno. H. Pinkley, J as. Bl!lford, B. S. Kenner, G. Day, W. B. Cowan. CLARKSVILLE LODGE~ No. 17. Officers. W. S. Hough, W. M. Jno. Saunders, Sec'y. J. F. L. Jacoby, S. W. T. J. Duncan, 8.,D. S. J. l\icGinnis, J. W. B. T. Lindsey, J. D. Saml. Brown, Treas. J. C. Bell, Tyler.


S. Burton, R. B. Burton, R. Dairs,

30 ]




ST. LOUIS LODGE, No. 20. Officers. Edw. Klein, W. M. Wm. R. Dawson, J. D. Joab Bernard, S. W. Jas. L. Jamison, Trp,as. Wm. S. Stewart, J. W. Richard B. Dallam, Sec'y. Thomas Darlington, S. D. E. Owens, Tvler. Members-lJf.M. Sam!. Hays, J. Newman, W m. Blackburn, G. Morton, P. Block, Thornton Grimsley, E. Scott, G. Maguire, W. B. A.. Gildea, Theo. L. McGill, H. A. HUfxtltal, c. Campbell, Isaiah Russell, S. V. Farnsworth, Thos. H. Maddox, B. B. Brown, J. S. Evans, Theo. L. Papin, A. Loflin, C. J. Carpenter, H. P. Mayer, Wm. A. Stewart, N. Colburn, T. L. Dishroon, J. Curtis, Jno. Scott, A. B. 'Dewitt, L. Hollinback, L. Jaccard, R. Cathcart, J no. SimQnds, J. Rowe, A. B. Chambers, H. McKee, J. Mathias, Thomas Gray, C. Recordon, C. Horn, P. W. Kennaday, L. B. GostofF, Jno. E. Smith, G. H. C. Melody, G. B. Brua, B. S. Hollingsworth, Wm. Renshaw, E. G. Simons, J. C. Laveille, V. J. Peers, W m. F. Adams, A. C. Puckett, C. Semple. A. O. Meh'in, Jacob Block" Fellnw errifl. J. M. England, A. P. McCready. Entered .J1pprentlce. L. Du Breuil. Dead.

Thompson Douglass, P. D. G. M. of old G. L. Jacob Cooper.






CharlesC. Hamilton, a M. M. Demztted.

Albert Todd; E. S. Block, to join Lodge at Troy. NEW LONDON LODGE, No. 21. 'Officers.

J. Ralls, W. 1\1. P. N. Smith, S. W. J. A. Emison, J. W. N. Pierce, Treas.

R. W. Lyons, Sec'y. Jno. lHace, S. D. Jno. Tracy,- J. D. R. A. Davis, Tyler. .1l1emhf.rs-lJIL M. L. Tracy, D. Jones, J no. J ameS0n, T. Ford, D. Rice, B. H. Brizandine, J. G. Shields, Thomas Barkley, jr. H. A. Barkley, F~ B. Leach, J no. Coleman, Jno. H. Hughes. John Philips, Fellow Greif!路 . A. Menefee, W. Ellis, L. C. Northcut, W.H. Wilson, M. Y. Thompson, Entered ./lpprentices.

R. A. Daniel, L. W. Watkins,

J. R. Hopson. Rejected.

George H. Liggett, October 10, 1840. Expelled.

James C. Barnett, September 25, 1841. Jno. Congers, an E. A., struck from the roll, July 10, 1841. Erased from the roll.

Jno. D. Tucker, Jno. W. Williams, Jno. H. Miller, M. Masons. Suspended.

Samuel W. Mayhall. FRANKLIN LODGE, No. 22. Officers and Members.

C. Howard, W. M., J. C. Bruner, Maxey, Summers, Randle, Noland, Carter, Lowe, Dolbee.




HIRAM LODGE, No. 23. Officers. Jas. McClure, 'V. M. Wm.- C. McElroy, Sec:y. T. W. C'unningham, S. 'V. Jas. C. Lackland, S. D. H. Chamberlain, J. W. A. Benedict, J. D. P. A. Stockslager, Treas. llfernbers-M ill. Rev . .Jno. H. Fielding, Chap. John A. Lack, Alex; T. Douglass, P. M. B. R. Wardlow, John Orrick, P. lVI. E. Gauss, B. Emmons, sen. R. A. Cummins, W. J. McElheny, John E. Sumner, H. Cole, C. McMeeken. Rev. Jas. G. Vincent, FelkJw Greif"!. Pines ,Shelton. Entered Apprentice. L. E. Powell, E. Fine. NAPHTALI LODGE, No. 25. 째iJU:ers. Joseph Foster, W. M. John H. Ferguson, Sec'y. James B. Biscoe, S. W. James Magehan, S. D. N. Childs, J. W. C. Eby, J. D. F. Little, Treas. W. A. Barnes, M. J .. Little and C. Hooper, Stewards. }'fembers-M M. S. Price, J. S. Allen, J. G. Barry, A. Todd, C. Kick, S. Pottle, J. P. Cunningham, R. J. Woodward, J. P. GiFke, J. B. Crowther, J. Mahood, H. King, J. Gill; J. J. Parmlee, W. R. Singleton, W. W Bassett, H. Singleton, G. Boshey, . C. H. Pond, J. Consaul, C. L. Lukens, G. Wilson, B. T. Kavanaugh, Thomas L. Amiss. H. C. Mathews, Entered 1I~Jj1rentice. X. Turner, D. A. Magehan, H. G. Thiele, E. Raymond~ 5


34 ]

ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 28. Officers.

E. C. McDonnald, W. M. William Collins, Sec'y. Adward D~nning, S. D. B. W. Horr, S. W. Thomas D. Reid, J. D. .John L. Lacy, J.W. James Couray, Treas. T . .T. Ayres, S. and T. Memhers-M. M. D. D. Dunlap, H. J. Peak, B. T. Norton. D. For,d, S. D. Rice, HUNTSVILLE LODGE, No. 30. \ Ojficers.

E. F. R. N.

Slater, W. M. H. C. Collins, Sec'y. Terrell, S. W. G. Reed, S. D. Grimes, J. W. . Thomas P. Coats, J. D. B. Christian, Trea.~. F. 'V. Terrell, S. and T. Mernhel's-frl. M P. Christian, 'Villiam B. Giddings, :M. Bradley. A. G. Lee, Entered ./lpprentlces. R. Samuel, . William Palmer. LIBERTY LODGE, No. 31. Qtficers.

A. Lightbourn, W. M. P. N. Edwards, Sec'y. J. P. Frost, S. W. A. Doughett,., S. D. John S. Lightburn, J. D. Bela M. Hughes, J. 'V. H. Coleman, Treas. S. O. Berry, S. andT. Membel路s-M. Me H. C. Malone, T. Y. Gill. A. McLane, J. J. Puller, . J. Gentry, R. D. Edwards, John Holbert, John E. Whitsell, S. O. Berry, L. Scott, Thomas M. Bacon, G. W. Sullivan, John Terrill, C. J. J. Leopold, John Gordon, John H. Morehead, B. Estes, John Hartsel, . . John Browning, J. Frost, J. D. Skaggs, W. B. Clark, B. Warner, W. W. Redmund, O. Gardner, F. Garlick, P. B. Grant, W. Devore, 1

[ 35 ] Members-Continued. John Thorton, S. T. Brooking, P. N. Edwards, J. J. Atkins, J. V. R. Hicks, R. B. Ellis, A. S. Hughes, John Edwards, W. R. Brassfield, James M. Hughes, D. S. Skaggs, E'. M.Samuel, J. M. Wood, L. C. Jack, Rev. Henry Remmick, Wm. Wilkinson, M. N. Owens, John Nelson, W m. B. Almond, B, Holiday, F. B. Martin, G. Morehead, C. H. Berryman, John O. Bristoe, D. Gentry, John C. Hawkins, L. Lingenfetter, A. D. Edwards, 'Villiam C. Jones, John M. Duncan, John V!neyard. Entered .IJpprentlce. W. Owe~s, B. M. Crust, F. C. Hughes, William Martin, William Culver, P. B. Walker, John Edgar, expelled September 22, 1841. P. S. Frost,

LA FAYETTE LODGE, No. 32. Officers. P. Phipps, W. M. John S. Benson, Sec'y. M" Fitzpatrick, S. W. John H. Wilson, S. D. G. A. Thomas,J. W. G. A. Kesi, J. D. J. WetzelJ, Treas. Jas. Clowdesley, S. & T. Memhers-M. M. C. Osborn, C. C. Carroll, William Houx, C. A. Goshen, William W. Leverett, .... James HustoD, . D. Hogan, W. Limerick, A. W. Hen.ning, R. B. Bradford, William H. Miller, J. H. Graham, T. K. Miller, J. H. Low..ell, -J. S. Allen, . "Villiam Earley, J. Levsey, F. Zeyler, A. Dowden, A. Hess, R. T. Littlejohn, A. Ramsay. Pelhw Crt!!f. R. 1\1. Henderson, J..-\. Porter.





C. B. Blockbur,ger, W.1\:f.

/ J.R. Rolston, Sec'y. A. Duvant, S. w. C. B. Hartville, S. D. J. Millard, J. W. 1\1:. J. Bloc'kburo-er, J. D.路 John S. Hillis, Treas. R. Crow, Ty]er~ Thomas H. Corey, a.nd William H. Hight, Stewards. Members-M.M. H. Kingsley, J. B. Collen, M. Kingsley, J. Boone, A.Knapp, G. J.Richerson, A. Caniker, B. Kelley, H. P. Gay, P. W. Milford, N. Brown, G. W. Brown, T. Abbott, William Wood, J. Lingafelter, M. K. Turner, M. P. Nicholson, S. S. Caneday, D. D. Sumway, D. S. Spainchorden, A. Stotesbury, Thomas A. Gray, Wm. Cannon, . J. C. McHenry, William Shands, John Curreker, A. Street, J. Hart, A. McMelIen, R. Ross, H. l\'Iansfield, A. H. Knapp. Fellow Craft. A. Knight, William B. Herrick, John D. Cline, J. E. Ash. Entered .I1pprentice. D. Lingofetter, John P. Frain. TEMPERANCE LODGE, No. 27. Returns received after the G. L. closed, viz: Oct. 12, 1841. Officers. N. M. McCurdy, "V. M. Q~ C. Alexander, Sec'y. D. B. Hodge, S. W. H. C. Remann, S. D. A. S. Thomson, J. W. William Hodge, J. D. T. C. Kirkman, Treas. M. Philips, Tyler. MemlJers-M. M. T. B. Hickman, J. Abbott, A. Lee, J. D. Gorin, William Linn, W. T. Hopkins,

[ 37 ] Fel1tJw Crqft. L. Griffith, M. Weber, A. H. Barnes, A. Johnston. Entered路 .flpprentice. A. Evans. JEFFERSON LODGE, U. D.-Chartered Oct.-1841. Officers. J. Dunnica, W. M. D. Main, Sec'y. H. P. Paulsell, S. W. T. Goforth, S. D. E. Fisher, J. D. P. Miller, J. W. T. Miller, Treas. C.Meredith, Tyler. Memhers-M. ill. J Ainsworth, B M Lisle, J" C Gordan, T Lamb, H Gordan, A M Davidson, G B Thomas, J. A Crump, B F Robinson, BEvans, H Robinson, J P Thomas, A P Dorris, G W White, R H Jones, B A Ramsay. TROY LODGE, U. D.-Chartered October -1841. Ojficers. F Parker, W M J P Fuller, Sec'y E Block, S W William Porter, S D Edward J Peers, .r W S Davis, J D Emanuel Block, Treas Levi Robinson, Tyler. Memhers-M. M. N Simonds, .T R Shipp, R H Woolfolk, S D Parker, E S Block, R H F Clark., T G Hutt, C C Hewitt, John Snethen, R. Criswell, A Martin, C E Perkins, .1ohn S Duncan, "J H Britton, F Carter, J W Alloway, J W McKee, E R Lenear, Carty Wells, C A J Womack, A S Buchanan, John W Sydnor, .T ames Admire, W H Munday, J M Zimmerman, \V W McKay.




Entered .I1pprentice.

William Seaton, J Adams, C Fant,

John- R Seaton, P Drap~, John Adams.

INDEPENDENCE LODGE, U D.-Chartered Oct. 1841.\ Office1's, James B Yager, W M J H Fulkerson, Sec'y ,T N Burgess, S W Samuel Shortridge, S D J R Low, J W M Elliott, J D S COwens, Treas. J R Oldham, Tyler Members-Jj~ M. ' C J Asbury, C Yager, D Waldo, J F Childs, B F Simpson, S D Luca~, J G Watts, M Rice. Fellow Craf1'--:'William Peacock. "Entered .I1pprentice-S H Irwin. BONHOMME LODGE, U. D.-Chartered Oct.-t'841. Officers.

P Kincaid, W W Nelson Tindall, Sec'y A C Tindall, S W F L Billon, S D L Dozier, J W Vespasian Ellis, J D J Kellogg, Treas C Carman, Tyler Membe路rs-M. M. J F Hale, M King, H H Duvall, John Shotwell. Fellow Croft. James Dozier. COOPER LODGE, U. D.-Chartered October - - 1841. lJfficers.


J N Lawrie, W M; A Gibson, S W; B. Hart, J W. Members-M. M. R S Leveridge, John Lynch, G W Eaton, H E Moore, G Stacker, William S Moore,' William Harley, A H Neal, .J ohn Kelley, C D W Johnston, R D Shackelford, B C Clark, G C Hart, William Harris,' WB Callender, Joseph H January, J Ohll Garnett. ' John Sites,




Bntered .I1pP1oentice. William Price, ' G Cramner, C M Bradford, H Finney.

IOWA LODGE, U. D.-Chartered Oct. - - 1841. Officers. A Humphries, W M T S Parvin, Sec~y John Lilley, jr., S W William Fry, S D B S OIds, .r W B P Howland, .r D J Parvin, Treas S B Shortridge, Tyl~ J C Matthews and P G Jeans, Stewards. A/embers-J,l. 1~f. J Williams, M Couch, M Mathews, B Covil, .T Magoor, William B Snyder, S S Lathrop, R Lucas. Fellow Craft-H Wilson, A F Hoffmeyer. Entered .I1pprentice-J eremiah Fish. Rejeded-Emory Farr, Septeml$er 2d, 1841. COLEMAN LODGE, U. D.-Chartered Oct. - - 1841. Officers. W P Coleman, W M Jacob R Snyder, Seey. E C Bosworth, S W J Oliphant, S D E Hovey, J W A L Evans, J D E Warren, Treas E Owens, Tyler. Memhers-M. M. A Billings, C Golliow, B Casey, C Bowers, J Hull, A Louis, E Thomas, John Slygh, S B Johnston, J A Hedges, P Frees, E Edwards, J Signaigo, J,DolI, F C Rfjecled. A H Edmunson,.T une 10,1841. J os Massalksi, Aug. 31, '41. Abram Colon, August 12," H BEvans, Sept. 9, 1841. CLINTON LODGE, U. D.-Charter~d Oct. - - 1641. Officers. ' J T Bradley, W M H H Neely, Sec'y Z Case, S W E A Hadin, S D H Scott, J W o Dunn, J D M McLaughlin, Treas F Howly, Tyler.


40 ]

Memhers-M. M. William Kelly, Thomas Moon, Thomas Wilton, C N Halstead, James Thompson, G Clinton, Fellow Cr(fj~, o H P Maxey, P L Maxey, W H H Barnes, F D. Taylor, T M Nichols, J olin A Goudy. Entered .fJpprentice. W H Maddox, H P Boydkin, V Turner. F Hornback, M W Hall, FAYETTE LODGE. U. D. , Officers, ' H L Boon, W M; Samuel T Crews, S W; D Kunkle, J W. Members-M. lIf, L J Daly, J M Morrow, :L Crigler, William Taylor, A D Green, R G Crigler, M A Chilton, James A Shirley, G 'V Givens, J P Lancaster, John Bondurant, A H McDonald. LIVINGTSTON LODGE, U D. Officers. G W Morehead, W M S W Lewis, S n J ames Hall, S W F W Diggs, J D \Villiam Cabeen, Sand T William C Halley, J W ~Tohn Markle, Sec and Tr Members-MM C P Bondurant, G W Enswiler. Entered .fJpprenll'ce. W A McClure, 0 S Coleman, William N Feazel, J P Vaughan, A Mann, William C Woodson, G W Saffrons, William G Morrison. OZARK LODGE, U. D. Ojfzcers. Joel H Haden, W M John W Da'nforth, Sec James R Danforth, S W C Cannefax, Tyler. C Perkins, J W Members-M. M. Thomas Shannon, L B Mitchell,




BURLINGTON LODGE, U. D.-Chartered Oct.--1841. Offu:ers. H C Bennett, W M W McCord, Sec'y W Thompson, S W W Fry, S D E E\"ans, J W T S Parvin, J D R .l.\'Iartin, Treas D路Hamm, Sand T Members-M. AI. C Swan, James Clark, Thomas Curts, James Hall, J R Harstock, James W Neally, J H. McKinIiey, R RMcColly, C Nagle, W Reynolds, .Tames R Fairweather" H R Thompson, Samuel Smith, John Lerue, John S David, Oliver Cock, W M Devoe, Thomas Graham. Robert W Gray, rejected January 4, 1841. SPARTA LODGE, U. D.--Cllartered Oct. - - 1841. OJlkers. E HubbeI, W 1\1 F Waymin, Sec J Browning" S W T K Waymin, S D S Kemper, J W 0 Gillam, J D R Duncan, Treas J Croy, Tyler M Buine and J W Hays, Stewards. Members-M. M. John A Eagar, John Lewis, H l\Ia.xwell, J ,0 Thruston, H W Hanisin, H H Moss, J H' Whitehead, J A Cochran, \N illiam Hagar, A McAllister, W R Richardson, F \V Smith, E S Castle, B H Disran, G Hill, Robert Gilham.



R. Lyons, Aug. 28, 1841. J Le,"y, Aug. 28, 1841. Expelled. John Edgar; September 25, 1841. FULTON LODGE, U. D. . . Olficers. Daniel Nolley, "'tV ~ Thomas W Collier, J W Alfred Menefee, S W 6

[ ,42


A-lemoers-M. Richard Pond, Nathan Kouns, Wm Henry Russell; Edward P Gaines,

l'rf. Daniel Dunham, A Fricht, David Elliott, R 0 Blakey.

SHELBY LODGE, lJ. D. Officers. John 'N Long, W M William S Chine, J W Lucian J' Eastin, S W , Membe"s-M At!. Perry B Moore, Obadiah Dickerson, Isaac W Moore, vVilliam Strachan, Elias Kinchelo, Abraham Mattock, Tlwmas W Clements, John Jacobs. No returns from Mineral Point, U. D. A LIST of rejections, suspensions and cxpllJsions hy, the subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge of l\-lissouri, for the year ending Octoher 1st, 184l. By Clarksville Lodge, No. 17.-John Mason, rejected 13th March, 1841; L. F. McNutt, membership forfeited. By Palmyra Lodge, No. 18.-Suspended, N. Werneck, Thomas M. Dickson, "V.B. White, Solomon Cudwell,.John S. Williams, A. B. l\-IcDonald. By St. Louis Lodge, ,No. 路20.-Charles C. Hamilton, M. 1\1. expelled for gross unmasonic conduct. ' Dy New,London Lodge, No. 21.-Expelled, James,C. Barnett, John Congers and E. A. Struck; suspended, Samuel W. Mayhall; struck from the roll, John 'D. Tucker, John W. Williams, John H. Miller, M. Masons; rejected, October 10, 1840, George H., Liggett. By Liberty Lodge, No. 31.-Expelled September 22, 1841, John Edgar"Jor gross unmasonic conduct. ' ,By Iowa Lodge, U. D.-Rejected September 2d, 1841, Emory Farr. , ' By Coleman Lodge, U. D.-Rejected June 10,1841, A: H. Edmunson;, August 12, 1841, Abram Colon; AuO'. 31, 1841, Joseph Massalksi; September 9, 1841, H, B. Ev~ns. By Burlington Lodge, U. D.-Rejected January 4, 1841, Robert W. Gray. , . By Sparta Lodge, U. D.-Rejected August 28, 1841, R. Lyons, J. Levy; expelled, John Edgar. (See Liberty Lodge.)




A LIST of expillsions made out from documents received since the last Grand Annual Communication. Communicated by, the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, 1840.Lodge No. 21, Isaac N.Rent; Lodge No. 26, Samuel A. Porter; Lodge No. 28, N. J. Dean; Lodge No. 37, 'A. Biddle. Expelled by the' Grand Lodge of New York, 1841.-Benj. C Dutcher, (by the R. W. Grand Lodge,) W. M. of Lodge, No.2; by Lodge No. 21, William S. James, W. M. of said Lodge; by Lodge No. '14, Jesse Peters, by Lod~e No. 58, William Dorris; by Lodge No. 64, John Kiese. Suspended bv R. W. Grand Lodge, Robert B. Folger, P. M. of Lodge No.2, in the city of 'New York. , By the Grand Lodge 'of Alabama, 1840.'-By Lodge No. 45, John E Webster; by Lodge No. 27, William Lunsford; by Lodge No.. 36, Thomas. F. Dickey; by Lodge No. 40, Robert F. Wilson; by Lodge No. 47, Edward H. Moore. By the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, 1841.-By Abraham's Lod~e No.8, Louisville, Henry Hammerling, M. M.; by Winchester Lodge No. 20, "Vinchester; Ric,e'McDaniel, M. M~; by Davies Lodge No. 22, Lexington, Albert Orlando Newton, 1\:1. M.; by Burlington Lodge No. 56, Burlington, William Bradford, M. M.; by Anderson Lodge No. 90, Lawrenceburg, John Elliott and H. P. Sanders; byGoodF3ith Lodge No. 94, Florence, James C.' Carter, M. M.; by Bodley Lodge No. 97, Quincy, Ill., William S. Walton and Joseph Kelly, both M. M., residence Adams county, Ill.; J. W. Chenowith, M. M. gone to' Arkansas; Martin Ladner, E. A., supposed ~one to Missouri;, by Cowan Lodge No. 98, La: Fayette, Henr)' B. Koen; by Tadmor Lodge No. 108, Warsaw, Ky." Cornelius Snyder,M. M.; by Warren Lodge No. 110, Leesburg, Ky., John P. Hunt, F. C.. ' By the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, 1839 to 1841.-By Lodge No.2, Joseph T. Murphy, William Bradley, David Vandersmith; by Lodge No.3, William P. Banks, Ephraim Buck, Edmun<j S. Conner, Wm.F. Harri~on, Thomas Maitland, George Prager, Benjamin G. S. 'Vilkes" William S. Clements; by Lodge No. 9, John Watson, \VilliSl9J Arnold, Hutton Grant, James M. Kain;. by ,Lodge No. 19, Cllarl~s J. Stewart, Henry SegUin, Michael Dounahower, Aaron C. Osborn, Edward Peak; by Lodge No. 43, James Brown, Peter A S Ilydam, George B. Withers, Jacob Friend, Leonard Keizer, George Hitzelberger; by Lodge No. 52, Thomas E. Williams, Conrad ThieM, Charles Ra~say; by Lodge NQ.71,


44 ]

William McMichael, David Nathans, Benjamin W. Cohen,---Jacob Hispeller, Samuel H. Traquair, Frederick J. Haas, Fillipo Mancinelli, Euric~Fiorelli, J no. Milnor Williams, J os. Lowensten; by Lodge No. 72, Asher S. Lyons, P. C. Paul, J. G. Thompson, Peter Molan; by Lodge No. 91, A. M. Flint, S. J. Sturges; by Lodge No. 114, John Fulton, John Johnson, Thomas Sloan, Robert Crispin, Horatio Hurback, David Ryan, Lane Schofield; by Lodge No. 115, J a~es C. Ochschleagher; by Lodge No. 130, JosephH. Fenimore, Ezekiel Childs, H. Hirchfield, Samuel Alexander, H. C. Spicer, J. 0' Leary 'Read, John Ait ken, John Middleton, Jacob Frishmuth; by Lodge No. 138, H. G. Geisenheimer; by Lodge No. 152,.George Sigman; by Lodge No. 155, Daniel Davis, John Sneader, Thomas Lewellen, John S. Cafferty, Azariah Crane, Joseph Perkins, Samuel Marple; by Lodge No.. 137, A. L. Pickring, Ruben Roberts) Lewis Gillipgham, George T.Wal.. lace; by Lodge No. 211, John Tilford, Abraham Lazarus, J ames Williamson, Daniel McIntire, Thomas Scott, William McCaghin, Samuel Drain, Robert Sloan; by Lodge No, 216, Michael Hogan, Isaac Lykens, E. E. Bland, B~njamin Cook, NathCin Evans, Joseph Allen, Lewis Halenor, B. M. Lewis, B. T. Taylor, J. K. Olivine. Grand Lodge of VirKinia.-By LodgeNo. 15,John H. Beville; by Lodge No. 39, T. A. Fourqurean; by Lodge No. 96, Joseph W. Gilliland. MASONIC NOTICE. At the late convocation of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, of Free and Accepted Masons, the following resolution was proposed and adopted: Resolved, That the expulsion of Charles C. Hamilton, by St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, (from all the rights and privileges of a member of the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, for unmasonic conduct,) be published in the American Masonic Register, amI one newspaper in the ~ity of St. Louis, together with a description of said Hamilton. The said Hamilton is an Englishman by birth, of about 35 years of age, sandy hair and fair complexion, about 6 feet 6 inches hi~h, full breast and inclined to corpulency, speaks quick ana positive; is married but has no children, when in this city usually dressed in a frock coat, and pays considerable attention to his dress; by profession, whilst in this city, a vender of lottery tickets and an exchange broker. R.ICH.-'\RD B. DALLAM. G. Sec G. L.


GRAND LODGE' OF MISSOURI. 1. BE IT ORDAINED, That the Grand Lodge shall consist of a Grand Ma'ster, a Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior, and Grand Junior Wardens, a Grand Chaplain, a Grand, Treasurer, a Grand Secretary and Deputy Grand Secretary, two Grand Deacons, a Grand 1\1ar5hal, a Grand Tyler, two Grand Stewards, aGr md Sword-bearer, a Grand Pursuivant, the Master and Wardens, for the time being, of the ~everal ' Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, all Past Grand officers of this Lodge, and all Past Masters of regular Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, who continue memhers of any regular Lodge. 2. This Grand Lodge, so to be organized, shall be styled路 and known by the name of "THE GRA.ND LODGE (jF MISSOURI, OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS." 3. Th~ Grand Lodge shall hold semi-annual communications;and the Grand Master, or his Deputy, in case of his absence, may, on very urgent occasions, call special meetings. . , . 4. When any officer of a subordinate Lodge cannot attend the Grantl Lodge, he may depute any brother, being of equal' rank or superior to himself, to act for him in the Grand Lodee; and such deputation shall be under the hand and seal of the' brother deputing. When the Master and Wardens of any subordinate Lodge depute the same brother to represent them, he niust have attained at least the rank of Past Master. 6. Past Grand Officers may hold offices in subordinate Lodges, and this shall not deprive them of any privilege they miRht claim in the Grand Lodge as Past Grand officers. 6. The Grand Masier, Grand Senior and Junior Wardens, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, shall be annually elected by ballot. The Grand Master and Grand Secretary shall appoint their Deputies respectively, and until the Grand LodJ;{e shall, by its By-Laws, otherwise provide, the Grand Master shall appoint all other officers. 7. In all questions which shall. come before the Grand Lodge for its decision, every subordinate Lodge shall be en-

titled to three ~'otes, which shall not be separated, but the qrethrpn representing such Lodge shall agree among them'selves, on which side the Yotes shal~ be given: nnd every present and Past Grand Officer, and all Past Masters, being memhers of this Grand Lodge, shall be. entitled to one vote, individually, and the Grand Master, or his Deputy, when presiding, shall.., whenever it is necessary, gi\"e the casting vote. 8. The Grand'Lodge shall have power to constitute new Lodges, by letters patent, under their seal. q. To establish an uniform mode of working throughout thb State, strictly adhering to the ancient land marks, usages and customs of Masonry. And in furtherance of this desirable ohject, it shall be the duty of the Grand Master, by himself, or some well inf'Ormed brother, by him appointed.at / least once in every year, to visit every subordinate Lodge undel'the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, to lecture and in'strucl the bret4ren, and to COrl ect such enol's as may have ob,tained among them. To require from the several Lodges under their jurisdiction such annual dues as they, sfaan det'ffi necessary to be appropriated for the benefit of the craft. 10. To hear and determine all appeals from subordinate Lodges, and to decide all disputes between the different, Lodees under their jurisdiction. 1 I. To demand such fees as may be deemed just and reasonable, upon granting charters constituting new Lodges. 12. To make such By-Laws as may be necessary for their good government, and not inconsistent with this Constitution. 13. And to do all things heretofore accnstomed to be done by other Grand Lodges, which are within the, ancient landmarks and usages of the craft. 14. No alterations shall take place in Hlis Constitution, . except in 'the manner following: Every amendment shall be proposed in writing, at u regular communication of the Grand Lodge, a fair copy of which shall be sent by the Grand Secretary to each of the subordinate Lodges, who shall pass or reject the same, and certify theil" proceedings to the next regular commul1ication; when, if it appear that two-thirds of the subordinate Lodges have agreed to pass the same, it shall' become a part of this Constitution.



THE CONSTITUTION. ' Resolved, 1st. That the first section of the constitution be so amended as to read after tlw won]s "Deputy Grand l.\oIas-




ter," and as mwny Distrz"C't Deputy Grc;znd Masle'rs as tlte; Grarul Lodge mgy from Dme tJ time deem eJ.]Jedient. Resolved, 2ml. That the word "SerTu/' in the first line, 3d section, be stl"uek onto Resolved, 3d. That the fifth section be struck out, (as it embraced in the first.) , Resoh1ed, 4th. Tha.t the seventh be so amended as to read, "In all questions which shall come before the Grand Lodge for its decision, e'~er)路 subordinate Lodge shall be entitled to one vote, and the brethren representing the Lodge shall agree among themselves on which side the Yote shall be givf'n, and e\路ery present and past Grand, Officer, and ,all past Masters of regular Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge .and who continue members of regular Lodges, ~hall be entitled to a vote; provided, however, that no member shall be 拢ntitled to more than one vote; and the Grand Master or his Deputy, when presiding, shall, whenever it is necessary, give the casting vote. . Reso!ocd, 5th. That the 14th section read-"'\Vhene\"er any alteration 6i"amendment to this constitution shall be, proposed, it shall be redqp'~d to writing and read from the' chaIr; and if concurred in by a majority of two-tlu"rds of 'the leg:tl votes present, shall become a part.of this (3onstitution.",


RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS. 3, 1821.-Rcsolved, That the M. W. Grand Mas..' t~r be authorized, in the recess of the Grand Lodge, on proper application, to issue wa'rrallts of dispensation, to con.. tinue,fl'om the dates' thereof, respec~iveJy, until the next G. Annual Communication. . APRIL 2, 1822.-The above resolution 'so modified, th:at. ~very Lodge working under dispensation, shall return their work to the next semi-annual communication aftertheda~e oLtheirletters, and if'approv'ed, they shall receive a charte"t. APRIL 3, 1822.-Resolved, That no subordinate Lodge working under the jurisdlCtion of this Grand Lodge, shall cDnfer the degree of Fellow Craft or :Master Mason, upon any Brother who has been initiated in any other Lodge within the United States, unless the Brother so applyidg shall procure a recommendat.ion or cert.ificate of good standing from the Lodge in' which he was initiated. , APRIL 8, 1823.-Resolved, That this Grand Lodge cannot grant a letter of, disppJ'lsation to a subordinate Lodge workOCTOBER




ing under this jurisdiction to initiate any person, maimed 01' disabled, or wanting the qualifications established by ancient usage. APRIL 9, 1823.-Resolved, That the G. Treasurer be authorized to pay over to Br. G. Secretal)', at the order of the M. W. G. Master, any sum or sums which he may expend for postage, &'c., without the usual form of presenting accounts to the Grand Lodge. OCTOBER 7, 1824.-0rdered, That the G. Secretary be, and he is hereby authorized to contract for the necessary printing, to be done; and'that the G. Treasurer be authorized to pay for the same upon the order of the M. W. G. l\Iaster. OCTOBER 26, 1824.-:-0rdered, That the G. Secretary, when publishing the proceedings of this G. Lodge, to the subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of the same, cause to be annexed thereto a list of the names of those expelled or su~颅 pended, and which have been communicated by other G. Lodges; and that, when co~municating with the different G. Lodges, he do also transmit? list of the names of those expelled or suspended under the jurisdiction of this G. Lodge. 'APRIL 12, 1826.-Resolved, That at all meetings of the G. Lodge, no member thereof shall be permitted to take his seat unless in full Masonic dress. OCTOBER 5, 1826.-Resolved, That any Brother who was a member of any of the subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction, which have surrendered their char'ters, or have been otherwise dissolved by any act of this G. Lodge, shall,Qn producing satisfactory proof of his having paid up all dues thereto, and of his 'good standing with said Lodge, be entitled to a certificate thereof; and the Grand Secretary is hereby 'authorized路 to grant such certificate under the seal, of this Grand Lodge. OCTOBER 6, 1826.-Resolved, That it is not consistent with the principles of Masonr)", for any Lodge working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, to receive and act upon the petition of any person for initiation into the mysteries of Free Masonry, who may reside in the immediate neighborhood of any other Lodge, or upon the petitioIt of one who has, at any time before, been rejected, except all the members should be present who acted at the instance of the first rejection, or by 'special dispensation of the Grand Lodge. OCTOBER 10, 1838.-Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge no subordinate Lodge should permit a petition




for admission or initiation to be withdrawn, after a committee has been raised to enquire into the character and qualifications of the candidate. PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE BY-LAWS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOUtRI.§ 1. The annual meetings of the Grand Lodge shall be held in the City of St. Lquis on the second Mond'ay of October in each and every year, at which time the Grand Officers shall be elected and appointed in the manner prescribed by the constitution. § 2. Any member of the Grand Lodge may introduce into the Grand Lodge, any Master Mason in good standing with the fraternity; but the brother so introduced shall not . vote upon any question, nor speak upon any matter before the Grand Lodge, without permission from the Grand Master or the Lodge. § 3. No' Mason shall be eligible to any office in the Grand Lodge unless he be a Past Master, excel-tin cases of emergency.. § 4. In case the Chair of the Grand Lodge shall become vacated by death, resignation, or otherwise, it shall be filled by seniority until the next Grand Annual Communication; but the Deputy Grand Master ceaseS to exist as such, so soon as the Chair becomes vacated by the Grand Master who appointed him, and in case any other o$oe becomes vacated by death, resignation or otherwise, -the Grand Master for the time beinJl; shall fill such vacancy by his nomination. § 5. Every Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Gralld Lodge shall, at ,each Grand Annual Communication, deliver to the Grand Secretary, a list of the officers and members of their Lodge; also a list of the initiations, passings and raisIngs, admissions, deaths, removals, suspensions and expulsions of members, and rejections of candidates, with the respective dates, signed by the Master ahd attested by the Secretary. § 6. All subordinate Lodges under ~his jurisdiction shaJI be required to lay before this Grand .todge, at the Grand Annual Communication in every year, an abridKed transcript of their proceedings,stating particula~Iythe time of every meeting, and whether it be a ~tated, emergent or adjourned meeting, and embracing so much of their work as will conyey a corr~ct idea of the whole. . 7


50 ]

§ 7. No letter or warr~nt Qf clispensation shall bc granted for the formation of a new Lodge, but upon the petition of at least seven known and approved Master Masons, in which their first l'tlaster and Wardens shall be nominated, which petition shall be accompanied by a recommendation from the Lodge most convenient to the place in which the new' Lodge is to be holden. § 8. The Grand l\1ast~r or his Deputy Grand Mastermay, d ilring the recess of the Grand Lodge, upon proper application, issue letters of dispensation, to' .continue in force from the datc thereof until the next Grand Annual Communication. § 9. Every Lodge working under dispensation shall r~­ turn a list of officers and members, with a 1ranscript of their work, (as required by the fifth and sl:7:lh sections of these by-laws,) and also their letter of dispensation to the next Grand Annual Communihation after the date of said letters, and until such return is made and approved of, no charter shall issue. § 10. }'or every letter, or warrant of dispensation for the formation of a new Lodge, there shall be paid into the Grand Treasury the sum of twenty dollars; and for every charter or constitution the sum of len dollars; and a further sum of three dollars in addition to be paid to the Grand Secretary, which said sums respectively shall be paid before th~ delivery ofthe warrant or charter, and in all other cases where the ieal of the Grand Lodge is required to be afihed, there shall be paid by the applicant, to the Grand Secretary, 'thesuDl of .two d o l l a r s . ' . § 11. E \'ery Lod~e under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall pay into the Grand Treasury the sum of twentyfive cents annually for each member thereof. as a grand charity fund, and a fmther sum of seventy-five cents annually for each member belorlging to their Lodge at the time of making their Grand Annual Communication, except ministers of the gospel who are reg-ularly engaged in their ministerial duties; and the Master arrd \Vardens or representatives of any Lodge shall not take their seats in the Grand Lodge until all their dues be paid; and in case of the neglect or refusal of any l . odge to pay the same at or before the next cOffilnunication thereafter, unless reasonable excuse be offered, such Lodge shall be stricken off the books of the Grand Lodge, and their warrant ·01' charter considered null and void; but on proper application. to the Grand Lodge, making due returns and pay.




ment of dues, they may be restored to their former rank and privileges" if the Grand Lodge shall judge proper. & 12. It shall be the duty of the Grand Treasurer to lay before the Grand Lodge, at each Grand Annual Communic~-, tion, all his accounts for inspection and adjustment, and shall immediately pay over to his successor any balance which may be found due from h1m to the Grand Lodge, together with a\ the books, papers and documents belonging to his office. ยง 13;! The Grand Treasurer shall execute to the Grand Mast.er, (for the time being,) to the use of the Grand Lodge a bond with such security uncI in such sum as shall be approved of by the Grand lVIaster, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his dnties. ยง 14. All appeals from any subordinate Lodge shall be in writing, containin~ a statement of the c<Jse, the exceptions taken to the decision of the Lodge, and a brief statement of the evidence, to be anthenticat.ed by'the certificate of the Secretary of the Lodge appealed from, and left with thc GrandSecretary; and the appellant shall give the other party at least one month's notice thereof, or otherwise the Grand Lodge shall not proceed' to hear and determine the same. Provided, the parties interested may waiye the notice required by this section. & 15. When any member is snspended or expelled from a~lY Lodge, or when any applicant is denied admission into any Lodge, under this jurisdiction, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of such Lodge, immediately thereafter to trans- . mit information of that fact, with the name and residence the memuer suspended or expelled, or the applicant denied admission, to each and all of the other Lodges under this ju.risdiction. But no Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, nor any member thereof, shan: publish, or in any manner make public the suspension or expulsion of any memb~r, except it be to the fraternity, or within the walls of a Lodge. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the Grand J.... odge giving pU,blicity to such suspensions or expulsions, should they deem it proper so to do. ยง 16. In all cases of the snspension or expulsion of a member, two-thirds of the votes of the members present shall be required, and ill all cases of the restoration of ,a mason, suspended or expelled by any Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the same majority shall be required. ยง 17. No Lod~e, working under the jurisdiction of this


[. 52


Grand Lodge, shall conf~~ the degree of Fellow Craft or Master Mason upon any brother who has been initiated or passed (as the case may' be) in ~ny other Lodge within the'Vnited Stales, unless the brother applying shall. produce a recommendation or certificate of good standing from the Lodge in which 'he was admitted. Provided, that where such Lodge may have b,een ,dissolved, and then·by the procuring of such testimony rendered impossihle, then in snch case other proof of his good standing .md worthiness may be recei\·ed. § 18. No Lodge under this jurisdiction shall receive any petition for initiation or admission, except at a stated monthly meeting thereof, and no ballot shall be taken upon any such petition, except at least seveh members are present, nor until at least twenty days shall have elapsed ~fter the date of its presentation. § 19. The several Lodges under this jurisdiction shall, in all cases of conferring degrees, deliver at the time the lecture appertaining to the degree conferred. § 20. No work or other business of the craft shall be performed in any Lodge under this jurisdiction below the degree of Mastet Mason; except only, lecturing, examination of candidates for advancement, and conferring the degree. § 21. No Lodge under this jurisdiction shall receive and act upon the petition of any applicant for initiation or membership, whose residence may be nearer some other Lodge under the same jurisdiction, than that to which application is made, unless with the consent of such nearest Lodge. '§ 22. No· second ballot shall be taken, in any Lodge un.der this jurisdiction, upon the petition 01 any person for initiation or membership, unless there be .present all, who still remain members of the Lodge, that were present at the time of taking the first ballot, or until vne year thereafter. § 23. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand l\:Iaster, Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, for the time being, or a majority of them, shall be a standing committee of charity, under whose direction the grand charity funds shall be distributed. § 24. Each member of the Grand Lodge shall be entitled to a certificate thereof, which shall entitle him to admission into any Lodge under this jl1l isdiction, and to all the rights and privileges, which the members of such Lodges respec.. tively possess: Provided, ht is a member, in good standing, of some one of the subordinate Lodges.




§ 25. For every certificate grant~d by the Grand Lodge, to. any member of any subordinate Lodge under this jurisdic. tion, there shall be paid into the Grand Treasury the sum of one dollar, and no certificate shall be granted to any brother without a previous certificate from the Lodge of which he is a member, setting forth his regular behavior, and that he has paid all his dues tQ the Lodge. § 26. Upon the demise of any Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand ~.odgc, the last Secretary and Treasurer of the said Lodge, shall, within six months thereafter sun:endel' to the Grand Secretary, all the books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of the Lodge so demised. § 27. Every Lodge within this jurisdiction, shall exercise all the rights of discipline over Masons, (not members thereof, or of any other lodge,) who may reside in the vicinity of such Lodge, so far as may relate to the conduct and behavior of such masons, whilst resident in the vicinity of such Lodge. § 28. The Grand Secretary, or other officer, wher~ publishing the proceedings of this Grand Lodge, shall cause to be published therewith, a list of all rejections, suspensions or expulsions under this jurisdiction, and also those communicated by other Grand Lodges. § 29. The constitution and by-laws of this Grand Lodge, shall be publicly read in each subordinate Lodge, by the. W. Master thereof, or some brother appointed by him for that purpose, at least twice in every year. § 30. WheRever any alteration or amendment shall be proposed to these by-laws, it must be reduced to writing, and read from the chair, and if concurred in by a majority of two-thirds of the legal votes present, shall become a part. of these by-laws. Grand Lodge of Missouri, St. Louis, ~ .10th October, A. D. ]840, A. L. 5840. 5 "Resolved, That the report of the committee on revision of by-laws, be concurred in, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to transmit a copy of said revised by-laws to each of the subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction, for approvalor disapproval, and if approved by a majority of said subordinate Lodges, shall become the by-laws of this Grand Lodge, and thatsaid subordinate Lodges be required to make re.turn .of their proceedings in this behalf to the next grand annual communication." A true copy of the report and resolution. R. B. DALLAM, Grand Secretary.

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