Printed by Chambers & Knapp-Republican
JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS At an adjourned Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, begun and held at Masonic Hall, in the city of St. Louis, on the 2nd Monday, being the 10th day of April, A. D. 1843, A. L. 5843.
R. W. JOAB BERNARD, D. G. M. . W. JOSEPH FOSTER, S. G. W. " J. T. BRADLEY, J. G. W. pro tern. Rev. Bro. HIRA:r.I CHAMBERLAIN, G. Chaplain. Bro. J. F. L. JACOBY, G. Treas., pro telll. " R. B. DALLAM, G. Secretary. " WM. R. SINGLETON, S. G. Deacon. " HARVEY GRIS.WOLD, J. G. Deacon, pro tem. " ESR01\! OWENS, G. Tyler.
BRETHREN PRESENT. Fred. L. Billon, P. G. Sec. Cyrus Osborne, Lodge No. 38. James G. Vincent, Lodge No. 54. John A. Goudy, Lodge No. 59, Ills. Joseph C. Moore, Lodge No. 39, Ills., visiter. James L. Jamison, Lodge No. 20, visiter. E. C. Bosworth, Lodge No. 40, " John B. Sullivan, Lodge No. 25, " The Graud Lodge was opened in due and solemn form in the third degree of Masonry, and the Throne of Grace add~essed by the Grand Chaplain. The M. W. G. Master appointed Brothers Josh. T. Bradley and W m. R. Singleton a Committee on Credentials. The said Committee made the following report:
2 ]
Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, repre~ented Hiram , . " 23, " Naphtali " "26, " Lafayette " "32 " Clinton '" 39, " pouglass " " 64, " Marlon
by J. F. L. Jacoby, W. M. ". Hiram Chamberlain. W. M. " Joseph Foster, W. 1\'1. " Cyrus Osbome, W. M. " Jo~h. T. Bradley, 'V. M. " Harvey Griswold. W. M., and Jas. G. Vincent, S. W. " .Jno. A. Goudy. W. M.
The G. Lodge was called from labor to refl eshment, until to-morr~w evening, 4 o'clock.
Tuesday, 4 o'clock P. M. .J1prz'lllth, .11.
18..13, .11. L. 5843.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor.
PRESENT. R. W. Joab Bernard, G. M., and the officers and brethren as on yesterday. Also, R. W. Geo. H. C. Melody, P. D. G. M., Thornton Grimsley, P. S. G. W., J. W. S. MitcheH, Fayett(; Lodge No. 47, F~ L. Billon,P. G. Sec, Visz'lers.-Jas. S. Lane, Mo. Lodge No.1, Charles Levy, Palmyra Lodge No. 18, Elias Pike, St. Louis Lodge No. 20. The Committee on Credentials reported: Troy Lodge, No. 34 represented by Alex. S. Buchanan, prox. COl' J. W. Fayette " "47, " " J W. S. Mitchell ami .Tohn D. Perry, " proxies for W. M., S. and 1. Wardens. " John S. Watson. S. W. St. Louis" "20, " "Thornton Grimsley, J. w. Missouri" " 1,
The Subordinate Lodges were called, and the following were represented: Missouri Lodge No.1, by Thornton Grimsley, J. W. Clarksville " "17," J. F. L. Jacob}", W. M, ami proxy for S. and J. W.St. Louis " " 20," John H. Watson, S. V\'. Hiram " "23," Hiram Chamberlain, W. M., and proxy for S. W. Nallhtali " " 25," Joseph Fostel', W. M. I.afayctte" " 32," Cyrus Osbomc, W. M. TI'oy " " 34," Alex. S. Buchanan, proxy for.T. W. Clinton " " 39, Ills by Josh. T. Br'adley, W. M. anti proxy for S. & J. W. Fayette " " 47, " .T. 'V. S. Mitchell, proxy for W. M. & S. &, J. \V. Dou/?lass " "54, " Harvey Griswold, W.l\L, .Tas. G. Vincent, S. \V. Manon " " 59, " John A Goudy, W. M.
An appeal from the decision ofClarksviIle Lodge No. 17, in the case of Brothers Sanders and Hawkins versus J. H. Hughes, was presented and referred to a Committee consisting of J. W. S. Mitchell, Jas. G. Vincent and Josh. T. Bradley. Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until to-morrow, at 8 o'clock, A. M.
Tf'ednesdly rwrrning, 80'clock .fJp'rll 12/h, 1843,.11. D., 5843, .11. L. R. W. P. D. G. M. Geo. H. C. Melody, G. M. and officers and brethren as on yesterday. The Grand Lodge was called to labor. The Committee on Credentials reported: Joseph C. Moore, proxy fOI' Cyrus Osborne, 'IN •• M. of Fayette Lodge No. 32. New London No. 21, represented by John Jaml~on, W. M. St. Johns Lodge, No. 28, repre~ented LJy John Jamison, proxy for the three of~ fleers. Fulton Lodge, No. - , represented by E. P. Gaines.
The Committee to whom was referred the appeal from the deoision of Clarksville Lodge No. 17, made the following report: . Your Committee finel from the testimony before them, that Brothers Sanders and Hawkins, who are members of Clarlcsville Lodge No. 17, refused to holll Masonic commu[licatiOl: with Blother John H. Hughes, of New Lomlon Lolilte No. 21, charging thafhe had been guilty of unrnasonic conduct. Afterwards BI'other Hughes demanded of Bl"Others Sanders and Hawkins, through Clarksville LOllge, to reduce to writing specitkations to be forwanlell to N. London Lodge for investigatif)n. Whel'eupon Clal'lcsville Lodge passed a: resolution granting the demand of Brother Hughes from which resolution this appeal is taken. Your Committee hold that when any M. Ma~on is charged with unmasonic conduct, he has the right to demand of the Rrothel' making the chal'ge, to specify, (indeed a contrary cour"e would be at war with every principle of justice.) When the pat,ties are members of .lifferent Lodges it is legitimate for the accused to malce the demand tht ough the Lodge to which the accuser belongs, as it would be the privilege of the accused to pl'efer charges before the Lodge of which the accused is a member. While, therefore, your Committee would not undertake to cast censure upon the brethren above alluded to, they can see nothing in the action of Clarksville Lodge contJ'ary to Masonic usage; and recommend the adoption of the following: Resolved: by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, That Clarksville Lodge has not tran$gressed her Masonic privileges. J. W. S MITCHELL, Chairman, JAMES G. VINCENT, JOSH. T. BRADLEY, Committee.
Which report was accepted, and,' together with the resolution, unanimously ac.lopted. The following resolution was offered oy Brother Joseph Foster: Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to draw up and submit to the Grand Lodge, in concise form, a history of the proceedings of this G. Lodg'e in reference to the subject of Education, the purchase of Marion College pro,:, perty, the present condition of the G. Lodge in reference
thereto, and also, recommend such meaSllres as may be considered necessary and proper. Brothers J. W. S. Mitchell, Jos. Foster, F. L. BiIlon, Hiram Chamberlain and S. W. B. Carnegy, were appointed said Committee. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refrcshment, until 8 o'clock this evening.
lYed,wsday Evening, 8 o'clock. The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor.
PRESENT. R. W. D. G. M. Joab Bernard, P. G. Master S. W. B. Carnegy; officers and mcmbers as in the morning. Also, many brethren residents in ,the State. The following resolution offered by S. W. B. Carnegy was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, by the recent purchase of the College property by the Grand Lodge, it has become neces~ary to collect money for the payment of the purchase much sooner than was contemplated by the resolutions of 1841. and whereas the fl'aternity, who have subscribed to the' FIV': YEARS SUIlSCRTP' TIOS" are to be called ulJon for ~ubsc('iptions payable on the first day of July next, with which to pay the debt contracted fOl'the purchase of the College property, Ordered, therefore, that all sum~ which have been or may hereafter be subscribed and paid on subscriptions last above named, shall be entered to the credit of the Brothel' paying the same upon th.e five year's subscription.
On motion of Brother Carnegy, it was ordered, That the Grand Lodge will hold a special meeting on the evening of Friday, at seven and a half o'clock, and that public notice of the same be given, and the brethren generally in the city be invited to attend. . A motion was made by Brother Carnegy relative to the duties of Grand Visiter as defined in a resolution passed on the 18th day of October, 184~, which motion was laid on the table until to-morrow. The G. Lodge was then called from _iabor to refreshment until to:.morrow evening at three o'clock.
Thursday Evemilg, .lJpril 13th, three o'clvck.
The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. PRESENT. M. W. P. G. M. Ste. W. B. Carnegy presiding. Officersand members as on yesterday and several other brethren. On motion, Brothers Carnegy, Singleton and Dallam were appointed a Committee to prepare so much of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge at its present session, and cause the same to be printed as would be deemed of general importance. The Most Worshipful Priestly H. McBride was admitted and took his seat. Brother Isaac A. Hedges communicated to the Grand Lodge, that Mrs. Ann "Vilson, a widow lady, had, unasked, made a donation of twenty dollars to the Grand Lodge to aid in the payment of thepurchase of Marion College. Whereupon the following was adopted: WHEREAS, the Grand Lodge of MisRouri, having received from MrR. Ann Wilson the liberal donation of twenty dollarS' towards the purchase of Marion College, be it ordered, therefore, that the thanks of this Grand Lodge be presented to Mrs. Wilson, for the very liberal donation presented by her. Also, ordered, that the Grand Secretary make out and transmit to Mrs. Wilson a copy of the· foregoing resolution. The Committee on Credentials reported: Brother R. B. Dallam proxy for Josh. T. Bradley, W. M., of Clinton Lodge, No. 39, and proxy for JohnA. Goudr, W. M., of Marion Lodge, No. 59•. Coleman Lodge, No. 40, represente~ by I. A.Hedges, J. W.
The following resolution offered by Brother Carnegy ye~ terday, and laid on the table, was called up. . WHEREAS, it has been found indispensably necessary, in order to the procurement of the necessary means for the 'payment of the purchase,ofMarion College, to appoint special a~ents throughout the State, instead of the Grand Vis',itoI', who has been prevented from attending to th~ whole . du.ty. Ordered, therefore, that the resolution passed by the Grand Lodge on the 18th of October, 1842, making it the duty of'
8 ]
that officer to attend to collections for tIle payment of that debt, &c., be, and the same is hereby repealed. Ordered, also, that the Grand Visitor be authorized and requested to desist from further lecturing the Subordinate Lodges, until after the lectures from the contemplated Convention at Baltimore shall have been obtained. Which, upon motion, was adopted. R. W. Joab Bernard, D. G..M., and Jno. Simonds, G. T., were admitted. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
Friday Morn'ing, .flp'l'l114th, .J1.]), 1843.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor. PRESENT. M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M. Officers and brethren as on yesterday.> Also, F. L. Billon, P. G. Sec., Geo. Wilson, P. G. S. D., S. W. B. Carnegy, P. G. M. . The Grand Secretary reported that the proceedings of Hillsboro' Lodge, No. 33, Ills., had been received, and on motion, they were laid on the table until the next Grand Annual Communication. Brother Wilson offered a resolution for wIiichafter some discussion, t.he following was substituted by Bro. Singleton, and adopted: WHEREAS, ill the opinion of this Grand,Lodge, the practice of conferring the degrees of Masonry on credit is reprehensible in the highest degree, and detrimental to the best interests of Masonry; be it therefore, Resolved, That the Grand Lodge recommend to the Subordinate Lodges under its jurisdiction, to cease from the practice of conferring the degrees in Masonry on credit, and to provide by law a~ainst the evil. The resolution offered by Brother Mitchell, on Wedesday, 12th, to amend the 4th section of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, "by striking out all after the word 'brother,' in the second line, and insert 'Master M., who shall be at the time a member in good standing of said Lodge, to act for him
in the Gra.n~ Lodge, and such depntation shall be under th~ hand antI seal of the Brother so deputing,'" and which was laid on the table, was now called up, and Brother Carnegy offered the following as a substitute to the amendment: When any officer of a S.ubordinC\te Lodge cannot' attend and represent his LOdge in th(> Grand LodO'e,he may depute any brother of equal or superior rank to himself, to act foi~ him in the Grand Lodg-e, and such deputation shall be made under the hand and seal of the Brother so deputing. Provided, however, that no brother shall be permitted to act as proxy for more than one Lodge. After some considerable discussion the whole matter, on motion, was laid on the table until the next Grand Annual Communication. The Committee on Credentials reported Brother John Hall, S. W., as representative of Coleman Lodge No. 40. The following was offered by Brother Mitchell : W HER}t~AS, it is believed that business of importance will come before the Grand Lodge at' its Grand Annual Communication in October next, Resolved, That the Subordinate Lodges be requested to send one or more dele~p.tes from their respective bodies as members of the said Grand Lodge. . Which, on motion, was adopted. On motion, a Committee of three was appointed by the M. W. Grand Master, to revise the Constitution and ByLaws of this Grand Lodge, and report at the next Grand Annnal Communication in October, 1843. The G. Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until seven and a half o'clock, P. M.
Friday Euemhg, seiJen and a half o'clock. The G.
was called to labor. PRESENT. The M. W. P. E. McBride, G. M. The officers and meni~ bel'S as in the morning, andM. W. Ste. W.B. Carnegy, P. G.-M., Geo. H. C. Melody, P. D. G. M., F. L. Billon, P. G. 2
Also, a great many brethren, memhE'TS of the Suhordinate Lodges in the City of St. Louis, who had he en invited by public notice to attend. The Select Committee on the subject of the Co]]ege, and to whom was referred the resolution of Brother Foster, offered on Wednesday, made their report: "Your Committee deeply impressed with the importance of the subject bcforc them,have given it all the attention whieh their limited tillle would pcrmit; ami with a view that thc Fralel'nity throughout the State may be informed of the precise condition of this Grand Lodge in reference to the establishment of a Masonic COllege, have deemcd it their duty to present, in a concise manner, a statement of such facts, as will tcnd to elucidate the subjcct. ~t will be seen, by a reference to the proceedings of the Grand l,odge in 1841, 1hat a series of resolutions were introduced by brothel' Past Grand Mastel Cal'negy, and adopted by the Grand Lodge, providing for the establishment of a College for the euucalion ot the indigent children of bl'other Mastel' Masclns j and pursuant thereto, snbscriptions were taJ<en al,d within the year the sum of $1482 was slibscdbed, to be paid in five equal annual instalments. On the 12th dar of Septcmber 1842, M. W. Grand Master,Prje~tly H.l'ifcBrille, together with S. W. B. Carnegy, John H. Curd, W. Hpnry Russel, D. Willoek, Richard F. Richmond, Carty W~ll~, Samuel T. Glover, Thomas L. Anderson, Parlrer Dudley Franeis A. Hanl~y, Thomas J. Wise, Wm. D. Marmal\uke, Chas. Levy Jordan J. Montgomery, Asa C. Bryan, amI Bamabas R. King, purchased for the use of the Grand Lodge for the fnstitu tion of Leaming aforesaid certain 'lands and real estate situate in the County of M:l,l'ion, in said State, being known as .the lamls bclongir,~ to Marion College, (upper and lo.w~r College~,) being about thIrteen hundred anti fifty acres of land, WIth the burl<tmgs and Improvements thereon, including the College buildings of the upper Marion College, from one H. ,H Hays, theIr owner, on certain conditions specified inthe bonds of said Hays, to the purchasers above named, and bearing date on the 12th day of September,1842 therein conveying to the purchasers above named, the premises aforesaid, for the sum of $9,500, lcertaiilly less than one-third of its value, even at this time.) , In Octol:Jer, 18~2, the Granl' Lo(I~e accepted the proposal, and through its agents, entered into a contract to pay 101 it on the 1st of Janual'y, 1843; and al. though every laudab'e exertion was made by the M. W. Grand Master, P. G. Master Garnegy. and doubtless by mo~tof the agents appointed for that purpose, it was found impossible to raise the entire amount by t.he time stipUlated; whereupon the M. W. Grand Master, malIc a payment of $3,000 procured for th:\t purpose and obtained further time, viz: about $2,000 were made payable on the 1st of May, and about $5,000 on the 1st of July next. Of the $3,000 paid on the original note $1,400 were borrowed viz: $200 from St. Louis, and $1,200 of the BI"aDeh Hanle at Palmyra, for which latter sum several of the brethren are individually bound. - ' It is believed that the remainder of the debt, together with the interest which will accrue before the bonds mature will amount to nearly $7 000, to meet Which, your Committee are of opinion that about $3,500 have been subscribed by eleven Lodges already heard from, and which they have'reason to hope will be promfltly paid; if so a balance of $35(10 will remain due upon the property, and $1,400 borrowed as above stated, making $4,900 as )'et unprovided. Your Committee are aware that the depressed condition of monetary affairs, which has entered into every ramification of society, would seem to thl'OW a gloom ovcr the noblest efforts of those noble hcarted and patriotic brethren who have taken the front rank, and fcat'lcssly battled, for the cause of humanityand notwithstanding they have, in various ways, been exerting their best energies for the accomplishment of this great scheme, with but pa.t路tial success-and althongh some of them, having traversed lal'ge portions of the State, are -constrained to return and report a largc balance of the debt unprovided for-yet
tlJe,e are they, who ~pea" unhesitatingly of triumphant sueccss~these are they IV ho cry "on'.vard, onward! ill the great cause." Aye! ami your Cummittee most hellrlily cmbl ace th~ same soul cheering views, and they entcrtain the fond hope fl1~\t no where,wiihinthe length aml br.eadth of the State, can a loyal brother be found, who will y.'lthhol.i llis aid in this high and holy effort for the amelioration of the condilior'l of those who otherwise must be thrown lIpon the charity of a co'id andcalcuJatillg' wodd. To this end, your committ~e have thought it their privilege \0 llIake a fraternal al1llaffectionate appeal to such of the craft as have contributed but-partially Ol' not at all, Neeu we asl< such to remember, that here is an opportunity uf acquiring a property situated in a beautiful and healthy country _ with splendid College buildings, ant! a sllq)lus of lands suffi. cient, or l1t>arly so to endow the imtitution, could the purchase money be now paid and the lands held untiluusiness shall revive? Need we tell you, that several brethren, acting in good faith, have, under, and by the authodty of the Grand Lodge, made themselves imHvi\lually liable for the payment of this debt? l\lay we not ask you, "why stand ye here all the day idle?" The.Institution of which you are members, professes to jJractice universal benevolence, and shall i.t be S'aid that Masonry consists only in vain boasting and show? Will you tell the wodd that Free-Ma,oIll'Y consists in faith in God, hope in immortality, and charity to all mankind, while you withhold from the destitute orphan the glean~ ing路s from your plenteous harvests? Could we place before you the destitute ot'phan of a brothel' Mastel' Mason, we know that you would fl'eely give; and how mu(;h more im osing is the array of suppliants who are here Imocldng at the dool' of YOUI' hearts anJ l>leading for alms? hUOllreds,-and itmay be, multiplied 1I10usands, are destined 10 be rescuel\ from scenes of vice and degradation, ami be elevated toa stand among the higher order of moral agd inteilectual beings,if, by the exercise of your liberality, this institution of learning shall be put in successful operation. -. In this ag'e, when the Iwowledge of literature and scicnce is so generally diffusell, to enter into an argument in favor of education, would be an useless waste of time; ami while other societies are establishing imtitutions for benevolent purpo~es, we entertain the hope that every brother will feel himself called'upoq to add to tll is glorious cause. , ' , ' With these views, your Committee entertain the eonfident belief that ampl~ means can and WIll be raised by subscription, and recommend such measures as in their judgment will most IiI<ely accomplish that object; they n'e\路ertheless fear that the entire amount cannot be collected in time to meet prom'pHy the payments as they fall due, to guard against which contingency they recommend thata sale of a portion of the property be authorized. Your-Committee also recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: 1st. Resolved, That fOUl' general age-nts be appointed whose duty it shall be to superintend the taking of sUhscriptions and donations to the Masonic Collegc; and who may appoint sub-agents to assist in the performance' of said duties. '
211 ResollJed, That six brethren be appointed, whose duty it shall be to take possession of the .College property ,a~l1 superi~tellli the ~aking of a deed to tl}e same, whenever It sha.ll h,ave bc~n paid for; which Committee shall have power ,to borrow money to alll In pay 109 for the same, and pledge the property, 01' an,Y part t~ereof, for the payment of any money 60 borrowed; antl lastly, that sald Committee have power to sell and convey any part of the said property should the;- deem it necessary, in order to pay the purchase money. 3d ,R.esollJed, .That the Gr~I,1d Master have power to appoint one or more agents, to SOhClt donatIOns froUl Citizens of other States, for the endowment of said College." .
J. W. S. MITCHELL, Cha'n.,} . JOB. FOSTER, HIRAM CHAM . BERL.AIN" _.. Committee.
Which~ on motion of Brother Carnegy was laid on the fa .. ble until to-morrow. The ~1. W. G. l\1aster P. H. McBride, 1\1. 'V. Past M. Carnegy, W. Brother Jos. Foster, Brother G. Chaplain and Brot.her J. W. S. i\Jitchell, addressed the G. Lodge on the subject of the College, and a subscripti:m paper was handed i路ound路 and the brethren present subscribed two hundred dollars. The thanks of the Grand Lodge were then tendered to the brethren for the promptness with which they replied to the call for aid, and, on motion'the G. Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until to-morrow, 9 o'clock.
Saturday, .lJprzl15th, A.
1843, 9 o'clock,.D. M.
TheG. Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. PRESENT. M. W. P. H. McBride, G. M. Officers and members as yesterday. Also, P. G. ]\1. Carnegy, F. L. Hillon, P. G. Sec.) Brother John de Bolle and othei路s. The report of the Special Committee on the College was called up, and, together with the resolutions was adopted. The M. Worshipful Master appointed on the Committee raised by the first resolution, Brother J .. W. S. Mitchell, .of Fayette, 'Vm. R. Singleton~ of St. Louis, .Tos. Hughes, of Liberty, ~nd Jacob Creath, Jr., of Palmyra. On the Committee for the provisions of the 2nd resolution, Thomas L. AIl~.erson, S. W. B. Carnegy. D. Willock, S., T. Glover, Theodore Jones, Jacob Creath, Jr. The Committf::e appointed t.o select from the proceedings of the meetin b jn October, 1842, so much as would appeai" of public utility, made a report that they had discharged the duty assig!leJ them, and had in~urred an .expense of $85 50-100, in thl:' publication; which report was received and the amount apl;ropriated. The Committee 'on Unfinished Busines51 reported several bills due hy the G. Lodge, amounting to $13 50, which were allow{-,d and ordere,d to路 be paid.'
The following r(~soll1tioll was offered hy Brollier Cdrnegy, find adopted. ResJ!vr.f!, That a of foul' Brotllcr's he appointed, with power to some sl.:illlul Ihather to yisit and examine the bnds donated by Brother de BaHt', and also, to inn~stigate and obt3in the t(tle to ,tile same, allu report at the Jlcxt Communication of the Grand Lodge.
The M.W. G. Master appoillted on sain Comn~ittce Bro .
.los. Foster, John Simon,cis, F. L. Billon :lnd J. D'. Daggett. The l\L W, G. Master appointed on the Committee to revise the Constitution and By-Laws, Brother S. W. B. Carnegy, Brothel' Jos. Foster and F. L. Billon.
On motion of Brother CarIlegy, it was Ordered, That the G.See. be authorized to write out and (feliver a true copy of the papers laid before the G. Longe by a Committee consisting of Brothers Biscoe, Grimsley, Jas. S. Lanf;, H. C. Marthens and A. Todd, at its last Communication, acting on the part of the COllventionof 1\1 asons, upon application by :iny one who may be authorized by.said Convention to rec(~ive the same, on their paying the proper fee for making out said copy. There being no further husiness the Grano Lodge was closed in due and solemn form until the next regular Grand COJlllllUnicatio)).
Officers and members present at th~ Adjonrned Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of .i\'~issouri, hp.gun a d held at the City of St. Lou:s, April 10th, A. D. 1843, A.L. 5843.
M. W. PRIESTLY H. l\:fCBRIDE, G路. M. R. W. JUAB BERNA.RD, D. G. M. R. W. Jos. FO'STER, D. D. G. M., Dist. No. 1. R. W. JOSIAH T. BRADLEY, D. D. G. 1'\'1., Dist. No.2. Re\' Bro. HIRAM CHAl\IBI<~\{LA TN, G. Cllaplaiu. Brothel' JOHN SIMONDS, li-. Treas. " R. B. DALL.UI, G Sec. " \V 1\1. R. SINGLETO::--l, S. G. D. " J ESSE LITTLE, G. P. " JAMES EAGON, G. S. " ESROM OWENS, G. Tyler. M. W. Ste. \V. B. Carnegy, P. G; M., R. W. Geo. H. C. Melody, P. D. G. M., Thornton Grimsh路y, P. G. S. W., Fred. L. UilIon, P. G. Sec., George Wilson, P. G. S. D. Brother J. F. L. Jacoby, John H. Watson, Alex. S. Buchanan, J. W. S. Mitchell, Geo; A. Gannet, Harvey Griswold, Jas. G. Vincent, John A. Goudy, John Hall, Isaac A. Hedges, Cyrus Osborne, Edw. P. Gaius.
M. \V. G.
Paris, IHonroe
County, 1\1:0.
D. G. Mastel', St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.
ON MONDAY, THE 9th OF OCTOBER A. D. 1843, A. L. 5843.
Printed by Chambers & Knapp-Repnblican office. , 1843.
Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, begun and held at the City of Sr. Louis, on Monday, the 9th of October, A. D., 1843, A. L. 5843. PRESENT:
'V. R. W. W~
W. W. .. ' ~ W. W. W. H.. \V.
R. W.
M. W. G. M. pro tem. D. G. M. :.. J. W. S. MITCHELL, S. G. 'V. pro tern. E. S. RUGGLES, J. G. W. pro tem. JAS. R. HARTSOCK, G. Treas. pro tem. R. B. DALLA1\!, G. Sec. . W1\-I. R. SINGLETON, S. G. -D. OLIVER COCK, J. G. D. pro tern. ESROM OWENS, G. Tyler. GEO. H. C. MELODY, P. D.G. fvlaster. FRED. L. BI~LON, P. G. Sec. GEO. WILSON, P. G. S. D. GEO. F. THORNTON, D. D. G. 1\'1. District No. JOSEPH FOSTER, JOAB BERNARD,
P. Crow, Osceola Lodge No. 61. Thomas G. Hutt, Troy Lodge No. 24. Granville Thomas, Jefferson Lodge No. '! a. Theodore S. Pan,io f Iowa Lodge No. ,12. Thornton Freeman, \Vakanda Lodge No. 52. John· Johnson, Dubttql1e Lodge U. D. James Story, l\1arshuH Lodge U. D. Isaac A. Hedges, Coleman Lodge No. 10. Charles R. Scott, Fayette Lodge, No. 47. Louis Robiou, Livingston Lodge No. 57. Henry A. Hurxthall, St. Louis Lodge No. 20. :.
Benjamin Oilley, New Orleans. , 'Ocorge \V. Hcre{<H"d, Dover Lodge No. 39, Term. "\V. H. Jelluillgs, Cotemall Lodge No. 40.
4 ]
The Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree, in Juc and nncient form. The M. \V. G. l\lastcr appointe~ Brothers.f. \\T. S. J\litchell~ Ge0'I'ge H. C, ~lHelody ailcl' Wm~ H. 'Singleton, a COlllmittee all Credentials. The Grand L\)dge was then called f!'Om labor to refresh.~ ment until 4 o'clock, .J\t.
11/londa.y, -1 o'clock, P. Jl,1. The Grand Lodge was called to labor. Same officers present as in the ,morning, with Rev 'd:. Brother Hiram Chamberlain, G. Chaplain. Sanle brethren preSCl1t asin the morning. .Also, H. W. Joshua T. Bradley, CliutonLodge No. 39, D. D. G. 1.\'1. District No. - ; ,H. H. Barnes, Marion Lodge, No. 59; William II. Maddo,x,ClintonLodge NO.3~; John, S. \Vatson, St. Louis Lodge No. 20. ,VISITORS:
B!'Otbers J ()Im De' ~()Ile, 'philadelphia,Pa. , B. S.lIollingsworth, Sf.. Lonis Lodge No. 20.. "'Charles L. l\1f.:reditb, Jefferson Lodge No. 43: Th~ l\T. \V. f"l. appoilitcd the ,following brethren a Committee 0:1 work of subord inare Lodge's: ", Charles R. Scqtt, F. L. Hilioll arid' James R. Hartsock. The following resolutioll, offered 'byBrother J.W. S. l\1itchell, was adn'pted: 'Rcsoh!cd, Tbat 'delegates from subordinate Lodges undel' di~pcnsatioll~ be permitttd to take their seats and enter into all disCl'lssions that rnay arise. ,.' The Committee' on Credel'ltials' reported' the following Lodges rcprCs~Eteq., viz: ' " ' l\11ssouri Lodge No.l',by Fredel;ick L. Emoll; pioxj for \V. 1\1. awl J. 'Varden. Tyro L0d3e No. l2, by E. S. Huggles,J. W. and proxy for \V. l\la:ster aud S. \Vardeu. ; , St. l.ouis LudgL: No, 20,lJy, J .S. W~tSOll', S.Warden.
Hiram L0dge No..~3) "Hii"a'm Chamberlain) 'w. M.. and proxy for S. W . " . " " . ,. .Tr()y Lodge No. -34, by Eleazer Bf~ck~ \-Y. Master) and Thomas G. lintt proxy for S. Warden. Clinton Lodge .No. 39" by.J. T. Bradley, W. l\'Iaster, and Wingate H. Maddox, .proxy for J.WardelJ. Coleman Lodge.No.4~ by Isaa~A.Hedges, W. Master. , " '. . ' Des Moines Lodge No~ 41, byOIive'r 'CocJc, W. Master, proxy for S~ and J". Wardens. .. . Iowa Lod,ge No.. 4~ ·biT. 'S. Parvin, pr{)xy for S. Warden. Jefferson Lodge No. 43, by Granv.ille'Thomas, proxy for W. Master, 'S. and J . Wardens. ~, ".. '. Fayette Lodge No.' 47, byJ.W.S. Mitchell, proxy for W.Master, and Charles R. Scott" pl'ox,y fOJ' S. and J. Wardens. . ' , No. t)1.,b,y Louis Robiou, proxy fo~ W. Master andJ. Warden.' , . ", Wakand a Lodge No.52~.. byThornt()~ H.; F.i~eeman, proxy fo,r W. Master. ," " , ." ' Arrow Rock Lodge N~ 55; 'R. B.. D~llampJ'oxy for W. :M.and Wardens. . . Marion LodgeN o. 59, by W·m~.H. H~ Builes, 'proxy for S. and J . Wardens. . " Rocheport Lodge·U .. D:,by Geo. H. ~ M:'~lody, proxy for 'v. M., S. ,and·,]. W.. ' " , l\iarshall Lodge U. D., '1as.., Story" W.~ and proxy for S. and J. W. ", .' . Land Mark L(ioge·U.D., GeorgeF. Tlwrnton, p~oxy for J . Warden. . .' . ." . Dl1buqueLodg~U.. Dlo,hy John Johns'om"proxy for W. M., S. and J. W. ". . . . Iowa City Lodge H.-D:, hyJ~s. R.Hart~ocki' proxy for W. M., S. and J.W. . - " , ...., " ' Which repor~ was accepted,'.and· tll-e d-eleIDrtes permitted to take theIr seats. ' . The Grand Lodge was thenoalled to refreshment \mtil to-morrow, IOocloekA..M. '
Tuesday Morriing,-Oct. loth, .11. D. 184:3, ~. L. 5843. The Grand Lo.dge was called from refreshment to labor. PRESENT:
M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. 1\1:. W. J. W. S. Mitchell, S. G. W. pro tern. " J. F. L. Jacoby, J. G. W. pro tern. " James R. Hartsock, G. Treas. pro tern.. " Richard B. Dallam, G. Sec. Rev. Hiram Chamberlain, G. Chaplain. w~ Wm. R. Singleton, S. G. D. " Oliver Cock, J. G. D. pro tern. " Esrom Owens, G. Tyler. " Joseph Foster, D. D. G. M. District No.1. " Joshua T. Bradley, D. D. G. M. Dis. No.7. " Geo. F. Thornton, D. D. G. M., Dis. No.6. " Ansel Humphreys, D. D. G. M., Dis. No.8. R.W.George H. C. Melody, Past D. G. M. W. FrederickL. Billon, Past G. Sec. BRETHREN PRESENT:
Moses Cal~well, Paris Union Lodge No. 19. Eleazer Block, Troy Lodge No. 34. T. G. Hl1tt, Troy Lodge No. 34. I. ~ ..Hedges, Coleman Lodge No. 40. Charles R. Scott, Fayette Lodge No. 47. T. S.路Parvin, Iowa Lodge No. 42. Granville Thomas, Jefferson Lodge No. 43. T~o~nton H.Freeman, Wa:kanda Lodge No. 59. Wdhamson T. Hodges, Dooglass Lodge No. 54. C",H. Davidson, Douglass Lodge No. 54. 路B.T.Kavanau~h, Melody Lodge 路U. D. ~()hnJohnson, Dubuque Lodge U. D . . James Story, Mar.shal LodgeU. D . . James Eagon, Palmyra Lodge No. 18. GeorKe A. Keiger, Palmyra Lodge No. 18. VISITORS:
Edwin Cruben, New' Orleans. Wm. H. Mattingly, Cumberland Lodge, No. 61 Md.
7 ]
Charles Levy, Palmyra Lodge No. 18. H. A.Hurxthall, St. Louis Lodge No. 20., Hamilton Finney, Cooper Lodg~ No. 36. B. B. King, Palmyra'Lodge No. 18. The Committee on Credentials reported the following Lodges represented: Clarksville Lodge No. 17, by J. F. L. Jacoby> S. Warden. Palmyra Lodge No. 18, by George W.Keiger,W. M路, and James Eagon, S. Warden. Paris Union Lodge No. 19, John G. Caldwell,W. M., and P. H. McBride, proxy for S. and J. Wardens. Naphtali Lodge No. 25, by Joseph Foster, W .. M. . Iowa Lodge No. 42, by Ansel Humphreys,W. M., and proxy for J. Warden. Independence Lodge No. 35, by H. D.. Woodsworth) W. Master. . Douglass Lodge No. 54, by C. H. Davidson, proxy for W.M., and W. S. Hodges,J. Warden. Monticello Lodge No. 58, by Joseph H.. Blair, W. Master. Melody Lodge U. D., by B. T. Kavanaugh, W. Mas... ter. Which report was accepted, and the delegates permitted to take their seats. A petition from Brothers John Scott, Chas.H. Hewett and others, praying for adispellsation to open a Lodge at Danville, recommended by Troy Lodge No.S4,was presented, read, and on motion, the prayer of the peti... tioners was granted. . The Committee on work of subordinate Lodges, 1'e.. ported that they. had examined the returns of Dubuque and Iowa City Lodges, '~nder dispensations, and they are happy to say, that they are in strict conformity to the requisitions of this Grand Lodge. They, therefore, reeommend the adoption of the following: Resolved, That charters be granted to Dubuque and Iowa City Lodges, bearing even date her~witht and that
lheir represel:l-tatives be permitted to t~ke tbeir seats iH this Gran.d. LwJge, and he E}lltitl~d 00, a.1l the: pr~vil~ges a~ members., ' CBA RLES R. SCOTT" c'ha)f1Wln.
The M. W. M. appointed the following Committees, viz: , On' FJispenSdtiona-T: G. HnH, W. S. Hodges and G. W. Keiger.
, On, Foreign
CQ.mmunica·tions-H~, Chamberlain~ J.
W. S. l\litchell, J. T. Hradley, .Moses Caldwell and E. S. Ruggles. On Petitions and Memorials~J. F" L. Jacoby, Jas. Eagon, I. A. Hedges, R., D. Woodsworth. On Unfinished Busi'ne:'is-James Story-, T.'S. Parvin; J:; H. Blair and 0., H. Dav-idsol1,. On .flccounts-Wm • It Singleton, Thomas S. M'iU-er, J~hn Jo.b~n and T. H.. Fleeman., On Work of Chartered Lodges-Joseph Foster, E. W.oc.k, G. F., Tho~toD, Anse.! HtJ'mphre,rtJ and James Eagon. ,A me,glorial was presented fro,m Independence Lodge No. 35, which', en motion, was referMd to a select Committee, consisting of Brothers Kavanaugh, Hunlphreys and Melody. ' The Grand Lodg~ was called to refreshment, un"! 2 ·o~cloclr, P. M. Cue~day, 2 o.''C1Qck~ P~
The Grand Lodge was called to labor. Present-Offictlrs and members as in the morning. Brother John C. Thei!, of St.tlair Lodge, NQ. 60, was appointed on Committee on Credentials. The Grand Lod~ was called to refreshment until tomor'row, 9 o'clock" A. M~
Wednesday, 9 o'cIQ£k, ./1. ¥., Oct. nth, .11. D. 1843, ./l.L• .').s~3. The Grand Lodge was called to labor. Present-Officers and Brethren as on yesterday~
Brother Joseph Foster presented the proceedings' of the Baltimore Convention, which were referred to a select Committee, consisting ofJ. W. S. Mitchell, E. S. Ruggles, GeorgeF. Thornton, B. T. Kavanaugh and H. D. Woodsworth. The Committee 011 CredentialS reported, Osceola Lodge No. 61, represented by G. F. Thornton, '.V. LVIaster. ' , Franklin Lodge No. 22, represented by Charles Howard, W. Master. \Vhich report was adopted. A memorial from Marshall Lodg'e \vas referred to the Committee on Petitions and Memorials. On motion of Brother E. S. Ruggles, it was Resolved, That the Grand Lodge go into the election of offieers on to-morrow, at 2 O'Clock, P. 1V1. The G,rand Lodge was then called to refreshment, un til 2 o'cLoclc, P. M.
JFednesdcqj, 11th :Oct.! Z o'clock, P . .ill. The Grand Lodge was called to labor. Present-As in the mornmg, The Committee on Petitions and Memonalspre'sented their report relative to the memorial of ,Marshall Lodge, which, after some discussion, was laid on the table. The rep'ort of the special Committee on the memorial of Independence L()dge~ was laid 011 the tabl.). On motiol1'; the dispen~ati.on of Clinton Lodge, in Iowa Territory,was ordered. ,to be continueu,and the said Lodge authorized to work under the same until next Grand Annual Commun,ication of this Grund Lodge. Brother H. Chamberlain, G. Cha.plain, presented his' report relative to his appointment as agent 01 this Grand Lodge for the collf:ctin!l of money from sjst~r Grand Lodges, for the endowmcllt of t!l(~ ~1t)SOllic College, together with sundry documents l"t~ceiveti from the Grand Lodges of ,Maryland, Penrisylvanl(l, New York all!l Massachusetts. Which report and ~.Iocl1ments were referred to a,Coll)-
mittee,:consisting of Brothers Singleton, Kavana.ugh and Caldwell. The Grand Lodge was then called to refreshment, nntil to-morrow, 1o o'clock, A. M.
The Committee appointed, to whom was rcfcrrcdamemorial froID Ilidcp.endence Lodge No. 35, touching the expulsion of Thomas N. Burgess, by Winchester Lodge No. -20, working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, have had the same under consideration, and ofter the following leport as the result of their deliberations. It appears from the history of the case, as gathered from the memorial, that the said Burgess was a member of the said Winchester Lodge in Oct. 18-10; that I~e left that place at that t:me, leaving his family and some unsettled accounts behind him, and removed to Independence, Missouri, where he became a member of Independence Lodge No. 35; that subsequent to his leaving Kentucky, and before settling his dues anddernitting> in a regular manner from said 'Winchester Lodge, proceedings were insti.. tuted against him in said Lodge, and for causes sufficient in the judgment of said Lodge, he was expelled from the fraternity. If the object of tho memorial l-efore your Committee is understood, your IDemonatists now ask this Grand Lodge to restore said -Burgess again to'full membersh~p in our order, upon the grqund that, ill their opinion, justice hasIl;ot been done said Burgess by said Winchester Lodge. In considering the'request of the memorialists, i.n view of the ;above facts, two important questions prcsent themselves for consideratioll" viz: 1st. Was the said Burgcss under the jurisdiCtion of Winchester Lodge No. 20, at the time of their action in his ca~e? and, 2d.. Can the Grand Lo~e of Missouri, with any degree of right or propriety, call in question tlit' dealings or admini8tration of any Lodge towards its members, not within its jurisdiction? That l\lr.Bur~ess was. a member of the' Winchester Lodge at the time of his expulsion, appears evident, not only from the facts stated above, in which it is seen that his connexion wifh It ;,vas n~ver dissolved, but it seems not to be denied by the memorialists themselves. If he wert: a member, their right to expel him, for ('auses in their judgment sufficient, cannot be denied. The second question is one of a serious a'nd impol'tantcharacter, but not difficult of solution. A Grand Lodge holding a free and independent existence, exercising exclll.sive Masonic jUl isdiction within its limits. This is a right sacredly held by each, and generously granted by aU. For one Grand Lodge to call in question the acts and doings' of a subordinate Lodge under the jurisdiction of another Grand Lodge, is to do violence 'to th& great principles of sovereignty claimed by and allowed to every Grand Lodge lawfully organized in the Masonic world, and would result in consequences dangerous to the harmony, if not destructive of the best interests of the fraternity. So lar as the question. of right or poweT is concerr.ed, your Committee are of opinion that this Grand Lodge cannot grant the prayer of the memorialists. Your Committee take occasion to suggest to the Grand Lodge the propricty of expressing its disapprobation in regard to the unllJasonic· practice too much indulge!} in within its jnrisdietion, of receiving members into the various sub-Lodges from abroad, who)tu\'e pr€::sented no evidence either of their good standing- in the Lodge from which they hail, or thut tlley havtdaken a regular demit b~foreaJ p.ying for memhership in any other Lod~e. In view of ihe whole sllbjE'ct, yOllI' Committee r~colDmend to the Grand Lodge the-adoption of the following resolutions: _ R~solcf!d, That the Grand Lodge has no power fo restore to membership all expelled Mason whose explIl~ioll was by a Lodge· workiltg nuder the juri~diction of any other Cranll 1.odge. Resolved, That every Mason from abroad, applyin~ (01' mClIlbt'fsbip"'iiJ any subordinate Lodge Hnder the juri~dictioll of thi~ Graml Lodge, ~lJall
be required to preSe!lt satisfactory evidence t.o such Lodge, that they have takeJl a regular demit from the Lodge of which they haa been previously a member, or that such Lodge is now no longer in existence. All of which is respedfully submitted. B. T. KAVANAUGH,
The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until ,2 o'clock, P. M.
o'clock, P. M.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor. Present-As in the morning. On motion, the election of officers was postponed llntil Saturday, at 2 o'clock. . The Committee on Credentials report the following' Lodges represented: St. John's Lodge No. 21, by Thomas S.l\liller, proxy for W. Master. Cooper Lodge No. 36, J. W. S.. Mitchell, proxy for W ~ Master and Wardens. Naphtali Lodge No. 25, by Wm. R. Singleton, proxy for ~. \Varden. '' Troy Lodge No. 34, by Charles Levy, proxy for \짜. Master. Richmond Lodge N\). fi7, by S. w.n. Carnegy, proxy for W. IVlister. Coleman.Lodge No. WI by J. A. Hedges, proxy for.1. \Vardcn. J. \V. S. MITCHELL, Chairman. WhIch report was aJoptcd. The following report of Comrmttee 011 work of Lodges under dispellsation was made and adopted: The Committee on returns of Lodges under dispensation report, that the following dispensations have been granted since the last Annual Communication of this G rand Lodge, viz: To Rochcport Lodge, at Rochepor,t, 1\10" Dec. 10th, 1842, by Joab BC1'llard, D. G. M. To l\lelvdy Lodg0, PLtttsviUe, WlsconsUl Territory" 1843, by .Joab ~ernarct; D. G. M.
Tu Clinloll L()uge, Plattsburg, M(\_, J nl y 15th, 184;3, by Joseph Foster, D. D. G. M. To ·Land Mark L\)dge, Warsaw, Mo., July 10th, 1843, by George F. Thornton, D. D. G. M. . From all of which Lodges returns have been receive·d, as· also [i-dm lViarshall Lodge,-whose dispensatiiHl was continued in force from the last to the preseut Communicatio·n of· the Grand l .. odge. The Cominittee approve of the work of Rocheport Lodg('. Her rctllms are only incomplete in not being accompanied by a copy of her By-Laws, nor the list reql11rcd by the 5th section of the ny-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Thework.of Marshall Lodge appears to be Ctlrrcct in every p~rticular, with the exception that th(~il' transcript does 110t. specify whether their meetings v:ere.. stated, special or adjonrned, as is required by the 6th section. The returns from Land .Mark Lodge show the same omission in the list required by the 5th section~ In all other rc~pects, her work is (~orrect •. Her By-Laws are in strict C0u[ormity to the regulations of this GrtlndLodge and tbe cOllstitutiollS of Masomy. Thc By-Laws of l\Ielody Lodge cont~in two'provisions which, in the opinion of your Committee, are directly repugnant to the former practice of this Grand Lodge, and the ancient land marks of the Order, viz: 1st-The pri vilege of withdrawing petitions for initiation, after they have been referred to a committee; and 2d-BJ'the admission of a brot~ler Mason to -membership at the time of his application, and without a reference of his petition to a committee; in acc<;>rdance with which, they admitted several brethren to membership_ In all other respects, the work of said Lo~ge meets .th,e approbation of your Committee, who have no hesitation in believing that the errors pointed out by your Committe~, in the -By-Laws and work of said Lodge, will be corrected at the earliest moment. In regard to Clinton Lo(}ge, at Platts:burg, from the shortness of the time between the receipt of the dispensation ar~d the meeting of this Grand Lodge, and the little work ·don£> hyhcr in that time, YOllr Committee do I
not·feel warranted in any expression of opinion respecting the character of her work, but would 811ggestthe propriety of continuing 'herdispensationuntil the next Grand Annual Communication, and recommend tbe adoption of the following: Resolved, That charters be granted to Rocheport, Marshall~ Land . Mark and Melody Lodges, from this date, and that the representatives of said Lodges be permitted to take their seats and be entitled to all tile privileges of members. (Signed,) . . . O. R. SCOTT, Chairman. On motion of lJrother Parvin,. it was. .. pesolved, 'that Brothers Carri~gy and Foster, delegates to the Baltimore Convention, be requested to repart to the Grand Lodge to-morrow, at lOo'clock, A. M., the plan of work adopted and recommended by said Convention. On inotion of Brother Melody, .it was Resolved, That subordiJ.late Lodges, working "under dispens·ations, are not liable foraues to this Grand ~~odge, required under the Ilthsection 9f t.he .By-
The Grand Lodge was then called to until to-morrow, 10 o'clock, A. M.
Friday Oct.'13Ih,~. D.1843 , .l1. L. 5S43, 10 o~dock, .11.
Present~M. W. P. H. MoBride, G. M.;offi~er~.and Brethren aso"n yesterday. The Committee on Cr~detitials reporte4 tlie f{)llowillg
LQdgesrepresented: " Livingstoll Lodge No. 51,byJohn~ull,S.W.,and pr:oxy for W. M. .. . . Hillsboro'LodgeNo. 3:J, by·J.'T; 'Bradley, proxy:for W .. Maste"r, S. and J. Wardeils. "Douglass Lodge"N o. 54, by H. Chainbel'lain, proxy for J. Warden. " . Tyro Lodge;No. 17, by G. H.C.:Melody, proxy 'for LW~~. . . .·J.W.S.' MITCHELL, Chairman. Which "report.· was 'accepteda'nd adopted. .
15 ]
The delegates to the Baltimore Convention then proceeded to lecture on theunifol'm mode of work. The Grand Lodge was then called to refreshment, until 2 o'clock, P. M.. Friday, 2 o'clock, P. M.
Present--A's in th~ rno'rning. The Grand Lodge was~al1ed to labor. A preamble and . resolution . of Brother Ka~'an'altgh, relative to Mineral Point' Lodge, remitting the duel of said Lbdge for the pa-st year, were read and adopted. Th'e following resolution wasofFcred and adopted unanimously, " Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do accept the report of the delegates to the Baltimore Convention onth,e work of the first d~gree, a~,ithas .b~eDpresentE}d-, aDd direct that it be .adopted byaHof ,our sub.G.rdinat~ Lodgeg.. ,... . The Oran(} Lodge was then called rorefresbinen.t; until 7 {)'clock, .P.M. Friday, 7 o'clock, P .. M, 'l~heGrand Lodge was called fo labor in the third degree. The' Committee on uniform mode of workproceetled to lecture on the second degree and first section 'of t~ird degree. • A 'motion was made to accept the same, which. ·wa9 laid'()fi the table until to-morrow, 10 o'olock, A. M. The Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow,at ,10 o'clock, A. M. •
Saturday, Oct. 14th, 10 o'clock, .!.l.M. The Gr8nd Lodge was called to labor. Present-Po H. McBride,M. W.: G. M.;' officer.s and, members as before. AIso,manyBretbren of the city.. . On.motion of Brother J. W. S.MitchelJ, it was'
Resolved" That the report of the delegates to the Baltimore Convention on the work of the second degree and the first section of the third degree be accepted and adopted; and directed that. the same be adopte"d andob;. served by the subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction. Which was unanimously adopted. BrotherH. Chamberlain excused from 路voting. Brother Carnegy offered the following p:reamble and resolutions: Whereas, this Grand Lodge has received information that certain subordinate Lodges under the jnrisdiction of sister Grand Lodges have initiated, and are in the habit of conferring degrees of Masonry upon citizens of other States, within each of' which there is a Grand Lodge. , Resolved, therefore~ that this Grand Lodge路 considers the foregoing p.raetice at once opposed to the true Masonic practice and principle, injurious and hurtful to the fraternity within wh~se jqrisdiction the individual resides, and calculated to t~lrust upon them, as brothers) undeserving and designing persons, ,who could 110t, at their residence, obtain those honors. , Resolved, That this Grand Lodge earnestly. solicit from the several. Grand Lodges of the United States, such action as may preclude said practice, by their sub~rdinate Lodges'in futu路re ... . :Which were adopted.' . On motion of Brother- Carnegy, it was ordered, that the charter granted by the General Assembly of Missouri at its lasfsession, approved 17th FcbrlUuy, 1843, be referred to a select Committee of three,with instructions to report as to the reception or rejection' thereof. Brothers Carnegy, Foster and Bull, were appo-jn~ed that Committe. " . " ' Committee on Credentials reported Brother R. lJ. Dallam proxy for W. M., S. andJ.Wai路densofWeston Lodge. . The Grand I..lodgewas called to .refreshment until 2 o'clock, P. M.
Saturday; 2 o'clock, P. 11-1.
The Grand Lodge w~s called' to labor. Present-As in the morning. Committee 011 Creqentiflls reported, N aphtali Lodge No. 25, represented by George A. Gannet, J. W. . Monticello Lodge No. 5~,C.Levy, proxy for W. M. Palmyra Lodge No. 18, S.W. B. Carr.legy, proxy for W. Master; ., . . . The Grand .Lodgc, on motion', we'nt into the election of officers for the ensuing year. . \Vhereupon, the Hon. P. H. McBride was duly elected Grand Master, unanimously. . . Hon.J.路W. S. Mitchell;路 Senior Grand Warden. E. S. Ruggles, Junior Grand Wa'rden. Frederick L. Billon, GrOlnd Treasurer. Richard B. DaHam, Grand Secr-..tary. On motion, it was ordered that the sum of fifty dollars be appropriated from the Grand Charity Fund; to the Masonic Board of Relief of St. Louis'. The Grand Lodge was then called to refreshment, until 7 o'clock, P. M. . Saturday, 7 o'clock, 1~. 111,.
Grand Lodge was called to labor. Present-M. W. P. H. McBride, G. 1\1.; officers and members as before. Also, a great lDa;ny brethren of the city. : The. delegates to th~ Convpntion then. proceeded to lecture on the second and third sections of the third degree. . , . . . . Brother W oodsworth. offered the follow ing: Resolved, That the Grand Ledge receive and adopt th~ report 路of the delegates to the. Grand IHasonic Con,:ention, as now made upon the third degree, and direct t11.e路subordinate Lodges to observe a strict, conformity thereto. . . . Which, on motion, waslaid on the tableuntill\lo'nday mornin~ next. 3
is ]
The following ·preamble and resolution, off~red by Brother Thornton, ,was referred to the Commlttee. on work of chartered Lodges: . Whereas, it is percehrable from the reports of Committee on work of Lodges under this jurisdiction, at this as well as former meeting8, that said Lodges, in some caseS', fail to give the satisfaction required; therefore, to prevent such-like failures·in fu~ure, be it . Resolved, That in publishing the proceeding of the present session of the Grand Lodge, a form be appended thereto, by which the subordinate. Lodges may be enabled to make ont their transcripts. and returns, according to the requisitions of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until Monday morning, 10 o'clock•. A-fon day , 10.o'clock, ..8. M., Oct.
6th, 1843.
The Grand Lodge was called to· labor in the third degree.. Present-IV1. W. P. H. McBride,G. M.; officers and members as before. The Committee on Credentials reported, George F. Thornton, proxy for W. Master of Paris Union Lodge No. 1 9 . . . Frederick L. BilIon, proxy forW. Master of Melody Lodge No. 65. ' . ' Which report was adopted. . The resolution <?f Brother H. D. Woodsworth, relative to the adoption of the work of the second and'third sections of the third degree,whieh was laid on th~ table Saturday night, was taken up and unaniinously adopted. ." . The Committee' on Credentials and l\iemorials;' to whofll was referred the petition of l\larshall Lodge, reported, that from t.he facts laid befol'ethem, Arrow Rock Lodge should withdraw ber objections to: the applica,,:, tion of the indnridnal (named in the petition) before Marshall Lodge,.·and permit him to be initiated therein. (Signed,) J. F. L. JACOBY, ChairD)an.
Brother Geo. H. C. Melody introduced to the Grand Lodge, Right W. Brother Levi Lusk,D. G.M. and G. Lecturer of the Gra,nd Lodge of Illinois. Brbther H.ChamberJain offered the following: , Resolved, That the Qrand Lodge of Missouri enter,~ains t!~e highest sp.nse of the ability, faithfulness and zeal 'of Brothers S. W. B. Carnegy and Joseph Foster, delegates to the Baltimore Convention in May last, and of the very clear, plain and explicit manner in which they have presented their report: Resolved, That such unwearied effor路ts to advance the interests of the fraternity, as h~s been evinced by these bl'ethrel) in the discharge of the highly important trust rep9~ed, in' them,deserv~s the grateful remembrance of every Mason; and the thanks of this Grand Lodge are hereby most, respectfully and cordially tendered'to'Jhe aforesaid Brethr~n, for the manner in which their'dllty has been performe'd. , Which were unanimously adopted. , 'The special Committee, to' whom ,was referred the a,ct of incorporation -of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, m~ade the following repo'rt: To the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Mtssourz~" The undersigned, a spe(:ial Committee appointed by said-Grand Lodge to examin'e the act of incorporation, entitled "An Act to inco'rporate'>the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient l\1asons of the State of Missouri," approved on the 17th day of February, 1843, submit the following report: They have read and exainined the act passed by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, entitled "An Act to incol'(;orate the Grand Lodge of Free and Accept~d Ancient l\tlasons of the State of Missouri," appro\~ed the 17th day of February, 1843, in obedience to the resolution of their appointment, with a view to its acceptance or r~jec~ion. by said Grand Lodge, and ~avc bestowed upon the subject submitted to them., the consideration due to the importance or it, and ha~e arfiye~ at the conclusion, that the said Grand Lodge ought
to accept the said aot. They therefore, recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, By tbe Grand Lodge of Free and Accepten l\iasons of the State of Missouri, in Grand Convocation assembled, that t~eaCtof the General Assembly of the State of ,Missouri, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of :Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri," approved 17th day of Febr.uary, 1843, be and the same is hereby accepted, received a'nd adopted by said Grand Lodge, and hereby acknowledged and accepted as a rule of action for the Grand Lodge aforesaid, in accordance with tbe provisions in the afore- ' said act contained, and for the purposes and objects therein set forth, agreeable to the true intent and meaning t~ereof.' Resolved, That this Grand Lodge respectfully present their grateful thaJlks to the General Assembly, for the passage of the act aforesaid. Resolved, That Brother Grand Secretary, at his earli'est convenience, procure two duly authenticated copies of the act aforesaid, on parchment, and file one of those copieS! in his office and transmit the other to the Grand 1\[aster. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary make out and file in the office of the Secretary of State, of the State of lVlissouri, a true copy of the foregoing resolutions, attested by the signature of the Grand 1\1 aster aJ'ld conn,tersigned by the Grand Secretary; and affix thereto the seal of the Grand Lodge. , S. W. B. CARNEGY, ~ JOHN BULL, Committee. JOSEPH FOSTER, Which report and resolutions wcre adopted. The repOl-t of R. W. Brother Ansel Humphreys, D. D. M. of the 8th District, was read and ordered to be placed 01'\ file. . ' The Committee on Credentials reported Brother Alexander Heany, as proxy for S. Warden of St. Clair Lodge No. GO. Richard B. Dallam, proxy for Joshua T. Bradh'y, VV. ,Master of Clinton LodgeNo. 39. Geo.
H. C. Melody, proxy for Ansel.Humphreys, W. Mast~r of Iowa Lodge No. 42. . . '. J. W. S. MITCHELL, Chairman. Which r~port was adopted. Brother ()arnegy offered the following, which was ~dopted:
lle$olvec!, That lheiIlst~llatio!l of Grand Officers ta~~ plaGc in this Hall on to-morrow e"ening at 2 o'clpc~..: Brother Chamb~rlaino~ereJ. the;g, whi,ch W2fi adopted:. . . Resolved, ~'hat so much of thp proceeding~ofthf? Grand Lodge of New York as refers to the case of Brother George H. C. Melody, Past Grand Treasurer, be l'~ferred to a Committee, to be apJ;Join~ted by tl.l~~~! W. G. Master. 'rhe M.W. G. Master appointed Brothers ~" l?ulJ~ F. L. Billon and G. W. Thornton. . .-. Committee on Credentials reported Brother Jno. Buq proxy for W. Master Franklin Lodge. .' . A set of resolutions offered by Brother J. W. S. Mitchell, relative to the appointment of an agent to\ visit the Grand Lodges of Mississippi and Louisiana foJ;' the purpose of tendering them an equitable interest, proportionate ~o the amount paid by them respectively, in the lVl asonie College, so, as not to impair our char~ tered right<;, were laid on the table until October, 1844, by a \'ote of 46 ayes and 32 nays. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until tomorrow, 9 o'clock, A. M.
Tuesday rnorm'ng, 9 o'cwck, OctJber 17th, .11. D. 1843.. The Grand Lodge was called to labor' in the thirJ degree. 路Prcsent~M. W. P. H ..M cBride, G. M.; officers and members as on yesterday. Brother Carneg) offered the following, which was aoopted: Resolver!, That no Lodge under tlJis jUl'isJiction shall hereafter permit anyone to deli"er lectures on Masonry before them, except snch as may be authorized so to do,
路 (
by order of this Grand Lodge, attested b)" the seal thereof, or a brother of good standing, and a member of some Lodge subordinate to this Grand Lodge. The following, offered by Brother Carnegy; was adopted: Resolved" That a. committee of three be appointed to dra\Y up and procure a deed of conyeyance for the College premises, and cause th~ same to be duly executed to this Grand Lodge in its corporate name: Resolved, That said Committee draw said :deed in pursnance with the resolutions of 1842, and the terms of the charter gra~ted and approved February 17th, 1843. The Committee appointed were 'Brothers McBride, Cal'negy. and Thomas L. Anderson. The Committee appointed at the Communication of April, 1842, to draw lip a Constitutiop. and code of, asked and obtained an extension of ,time until the next meeting of this Gran~ Lodge. ._ Brother Carnegy offered the foll()\\1 ing; which was adopted:, ' - Resolved, That the thanks and gratitude this Grand Lodge are due to the directors and officers of the Perpeh~al Insurance Company ('If St. Louis, and especially to the President thereof, (J aIm B. Camden,) for the Ion~ and kind indqlgence extE'nded to this Grand Lodge on the heavy debt in their llands for collection against this Grand Lodg~. On motion, it was Resolved, 1st. That a Committee of thrt-e be appointed to draw up and submit to this Grand Lodge, a code of By-Laws for the organization, perpetuation, government and control of the College and Schools which are in contemplation. Resolved, 2d. That the establishment now'known hy the' name of Marion College, shall, henceforward" be known and called by the name of - - - ., on motion, was laid on the table. Brother Douglass' letter to the Grand Secretary was referred to Committee on Accounts. , Committee on Credentials report Brother R. B. Dal-
lam proxy for John C.Theil, W. M. or St. Clair ~odge No.60~ . . The Grand' Lodge was called to refreshment until 2 o'clock, P. M~
Tuesday, 2'Q'cwck, P. M., Oct. 17th, il.D. 184-3~ Grand Lodge was called to'labor in the third degree; Present-As in the morning. .' . . M. W. P. U. M. S. W. B. Carnegy proceeded to insta! the officers elect of this Grand Lodge for the enslHng veat. . M. W; Hon. P. H. McBride, Grand Master. , " H~n. J. W. S.- Mitchell, Senior Grand \\"arden .. J. F. L:Jacoby, proxy, for W. E. S~ Ruggles, Junior, (.;rand Warden. \-V. F. L. Billon, Grand Treasurer• •, Richard.lI Dallam, Grand Secretary. " William Singleton,. Senior Grand Deacgn• . " Charles Levy, Junior Grand Deacon. ,~ Esrom Owens, Gland l·yler.' The 1\1. \V. IVlaster made the following appointments, viz: ' R. ''Y. Jose'ph Foster, D. G. Master. ,,,. s. W. B. Carnegy, Grand Visitor. ~ Rev. Hiram Chamberlain,Grand Chaplain. " William -R. Singfeton, Senior Grand Deacon. " Charl<;;s Levy, jur.iorGrand Deacon-. " John ('. Blakey, Grand Marshall. " William D.-M-armaduke, GrandSteward. w.James Story, G. S. B~arer. •, Esrom Owens, Gralld Tyler. The Graud Secretary a ppoillted Brother John G.·Caldwell, Deputy Grand Secretary.
Brother .Mitchell called up the proposed amendment to the 4th section of the constitution of the Grand Lodge, whir.h was laid on the table at the Aprit session; whjch, after further arnf'ndn.ent, was passed. The secrioD,as now amended, reads th.llS: _ § 4. When any officer of a shbordinate Lodge cal10tn
attendaild represent his Lodge frl- the Grand Lodge,he may depute any brother of equal or superior rank to hilll':' Self toaet for him in the G ralld Lodg~, who) shaJl be~ at the time, a member of good standing in said Lodge. ' The Committee 011 Foreign Correspondence beg lea ,'e to report, that their attention has been called to communicatio'ns from the following Masonic bodie's, viz: The Grand Lodges of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, 1.\'1 aryland, Tenn~ssee, Mississippi, Texas and Illindis~ . . MUch, of the i:ijportant matter contained in these several ddctittient~, has already been referred to select Committees; for more mature consideration than this Committee could be e'xpected to give. Fl'OlQ. a review of the 'proceedings of th.ese Grand Lodges, your Committee find abundant occasion to render humble and sincere thanks to the Supreme Ruler of all, for the favor which lie has continued to bestow on the great Masonic family, shielding them in His kind providence, from the evil intentions of their enemies, and smiling ou their eff0I.:ts to do good in the world_ We congratulate this Grarid Lodge, and the fraternity throughout the Uliited States, for the indllbitaple evidence which is here presented of a general r~viyal of that ancient zeal, purity and excellence, which has been forso-many ages the crowninp,- glory of all faithful and truly enlightened Masonic bodies. ' By these proceedings, the desponding hearts of needy brethren and desolate widows, have been soothed and cheen>d-the tears of orphans have been .wiped awayand many, who were before iri dOll ht concerning us, have been convinced that an institution, which has left so many di~tingnished monuments of its past labor~, is still giving proofs, ample ,and glorious proofs, of its power to originate and execute plans of benevolence, extended as the globe, refreshing as the streams 'I,'hich water it, and genial as the sun which shines upon'it. Science so long fostered in our halls may again hail her great patron as' in ancif'nt times. In a country Jike ours, peopled by men who think for themseh'es. whose Iwarts are glowing with the lon' of liberty ::llld intelligence,
who can venture to estimate the final results of this new impulse which has been given to Masonic charity. The Grand Lodge of Illinois, as we learn from the communications which have been under our consideration, has resolved, in the strength of her truly J\lasonic principles, to separate from herself the unskillful and unworthy who have for a short time taken shelter under her good name. She has now placed herself on elevated ground, and we greet her fraternally, and with great pleasure do we congratulate her on her present grOWing prosperity. The Grand Lodge of Texas, like a youthful giant, is .putting forth a moral energy which crowns her early existence with distingllished honor. We particularly notice, however, one resol utionon the 7th page of the printed minutes, empowering the Grand Master to ('onstitute a member of a subordinate Lodge its representative for the purpose of forming a quorum in the Grand Lodge. This your' Committee regard as a principle wholly inadmissible 'and unauthorized by the usages of our order, and we doubt not that our noble hearted brethren will, on mature reflection, strike this rule from their statutes. The Grand Lodge. of New York has resoh"ed on a great benevolent plan for an Asylum, which is to benefit the widow and her poor orphans, and open to them the prospects. of a brighter day. Should they succeed in opening for them a Seminary of learning, they will have added much to that high respectability with which they are now regarded by their brethren in other States. In conchision, your Committee are deeply impressed with the belief that the several Masonic bodies in the United States, in conjunction with. their brethren in other parts of the world, have only to live and act in accordance with the acknowledged rules of lVlasonry, , to make this era in our annals, in all time to come, arl era whose moral monuments shall hereafter be pointed to as the Pyramids of Egypt, standing, as they now" do~ on their ancient and imperishable base, in proof of the 4
26 ]
giant deeds and benevolent designs of Masons in this generation. All of which is respectfully submitted. / H. CHAl\1BERLAIN, J. "V. S. MITCHELL,
S. W. B. CARNEGY, JOHN BULL, J. F.L. JACOBY; \\Thich was adopted. Committee on work of chartered Lodges made the following report: They have examined the transcripts of the following Lodges: Mi$souri Lodge No. 1 Liberty Lodge No. 31 'ryro ~~ " ]2 Hillsboro' " Ill. " 33 Clarksville" ". 17 Troy "Mo~ " 34 Palmvra . q " 18 Independence' " h 35 Clinton "Ills.," S9 Jefferson" " 43 Coleman "Mo." '40 Sparta " " 46 Des Moines'," r. T. " 41 Fayette " " 47 Iowa " " " 4'Z Livingston" " 51 Paris Union " " 19 Wakanda" It 52 St: Louis" ,~ 20 Douglass" " 54 New London~' " 21 Arrow Rock" " 55 Franklin " Ill. " 22 Monticello" " 58 Hiram "Mo." 23 Marion " ~, 59 Naphtali " .. " 25 St. Clair " I I I . " 60 81. Joh~'s '" " 28 Osceola "Mo. H 61 In a:lmo~t all of which yonr Committee find many" departures, in a greater or less extent, from the ancient established usages, to enumerate all of whiehis not the ob路路 ject of the Committee, where important principles are not involved, such as conferring two, and sometimes three degrees on the same individual in the course of one evening. This pra-cticeyour Committee would condemn in the strongest terms as being at variance with ancient regulations; as well 'as being injurious to the brother on whorq .they are conferred, and should never be done except by special permission from proper authority, believ~ ing,as we dOt that no emergency should violate a sacred pri~ciple with impunity _ _ Anptherp.ractice,. we find, prevails .to an.alarming ex:.. tent, in view of which your Committee tremble, unless
l. '27 ] this Grand Lodge shall, by speedy enactment, interpose her right arm and arrest its progress. We give a sample: On - '- day of - - - , Brothers A., B., C. and D. were stricken frorp the rolls for non-payment of dues. On - - day of - - - ',Brothers E., D. and B's membership being forfeited, they were erased from the books, &c., &c.; and it would seem, from a careful perusal of the dates, that there is a certain season for this system of Masonic pruning. Your Committee would offer some relllarks and suggestions on the subject, but have been apprized that it will be presented by another Committee, who are better prepared to give the subject that attention which its importance demand~. Another subject which has been condemned. at almost every session of the Grand Lodge, your Committee find still continued in practice, and we would feign hope, rroceeds from a \vant of dna reflection rather than a disregard to the p:uental snggestions of this Grand Lodge. \V'c allude to that Jehn like zeaL which prompts to the suspension of the By-Laws for every favorite project. Another error or perhaps misconstruction of th~ Uy-Laws we would mention as being fraught with evils of no little magnitude-the reception of petItions on any buta regular stated meeting. Your Committee 'hold any construction of that section. of the By-Laws, .so as to receive petitio_ns on. any evening' but the one specified in the HyLaws, to be at variance with the true intention of the la w itself, and mnst faiL to accomplish the ends for which it was engrafted, and would hope the Grand Lodge will take some specific action on the- above irregula.rities and innovations ill such terms as shall not be easily misconstrued. . We find SOUle r~soluti(lns by om brethren in Hlinois, relativ'e to a withdrawal from this and nnitllJg with the Grand Lodge of Illinois. We would respectfully suggest that this Grand Lodge recommend them to the care uIlJ proteetion of that Grand Lodge, and earnestly hope. that their \luiâ&#x201A;Ź) may be blessed to the prosperity and happiness of all. The mass of documents which your Committee- have had before tflem, and press of other business" have prevented them from making a form for the returns of sub-
ordinate Lodges, and would resp~ctfl1lly suggest that the same be reqnired 01 the Committee to make out the proceedings for the printer. All of which is respectfully submitted.
JOSEPH FOSTER, GEO. F. THORNTON. Which report was adopted. The select Committee, to whom was referred so much of the proceedings of the Grand Lo.dge of New \'ork as related to Brother Melody, made their report, whicb, on motion of Brother Carnegy, was laid on the table. Committee on Credentials reported Brother 'Melody proxy fi}r H. D. Woodsworth, W. 1V1. of Independence Lodge, Brothers Uillo.ll and Bull added to Committee on Acconnts. Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until to-mor~ row, 9 o'clock, A. 1\:1.
Wednesday Morning, 9 o'clock, Oct. 18th,.I1.. D. 1843. The Grand Lodge was called to labor in the third degree. Present-J. W. S. Mitchell, G. 1\1. pro tem . ; officers and members as before. The report of Committee on Petitions and Memorials, relative to Marshall and Arrow Rock Lodges, whic.h was laid on the table on the 16th, was called up, and after amendmellt, was passl~d. Brother l\1itcbell offered tbe following: Whereas, it IDay becoIDe necessary for some brethren to be personally responsible for the remainder of the d&bt due for the purchase of th~ Marion College property fi-omthe Rev. H. H. Hays. Therefore, Resolved, 1st. That five M. Masons be and they arc, by this Grand Lodge, hereby appointed and d1,11 y. authorized to convey, by deed of trust or mortgage, any portion of said College property known as the College premises, to secure such as may become so bound. Resolved, 2d. Also., that said Committee cOllcurring therein, shall have full power and authority to sell and cOlwey absolutely, any portion or all ot the said property known as the lower College premises, at such price as they may deem just. Resolved, 3d. That said Committee be authorized to take possession of said premises ill the corporate uarne of the Grand Lodge, and provide for its safety anLi husband-like occupation, and that all resolutions couflicting herewith are h~rcby rescinded. .
29 ]
Which preamble aud resolutions were adopted, and Brothers .McBride, Carnegy, J. F. L. Jacoby, Ralls, and Carty \Vells, were appointed that Committee. On motion of Brother Story, a leuer which was re. ceived from the G. Visitor, Brother A. 1'. Douglass, was taken up, and was referred to a Committee of four. The G. Master appointed Brothers Story, Melody, Bull ana Jacobv on said Commiltee. The foliow iug resolutions of Brother Carnegy, which were offered on yesterday, were taken up and adopt.ed: Resolved, That a Committee of five M. Masons be appointed to draw up and s'lbmit a code of By-Laws and ordinances for the organization, government, control and perpetuation of the College and School for which this Grand Lodge has accepted a charter by the General Assembly of Missouri. . Resolved, That the College and establishment heretofore known by the name of Marion College, and which is now the property of this Grand Lodge, shall henceforWard be known and called by the name and style of "THE MASONIC COLLEGE OF :MISSOURI." Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do hereby devise and adopt as a seal of this Grand LOdge, for the purpos~s and by virtue of the authority in the act of incorporation mentioned, approved 17th February, 1843, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri," of the followin~ form and description of seal, to路',.. . it: ".!l Circle; at the top, a Radiance; 011 the left hand, a Coltlmn and Level; on the right, a Column and Plmnb; between the columns, a Boole open, with the Squ.are and Compa,~ses fhereon; within the circle, Stars on the right and left; also, around the outer edge, the words, GRAND LODGE OF MISSOuRi;" the same being the seal used by the Grand Lodge.
The following brethren were appointed the Committee. on first resolution: Cal'11egy, Mit~hell, Billon, Foster and Hutchinson. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshmeut until 2 o'clock, P. M.
Wednesday, 2 o'clock, P. M., Oct. 18/1t, ..8.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor in the third degree. Present-As in the morning. The report of thl} select Committee on the ptoceedings o~ the Grand Lodge of New York, was taken up, and af~er some discussion, the whole subject, together with sauj report, \Va::; referred to another select Committee, consisting of llrothers Carnegy, FOsler, and Campbell,
who were instructed to report at the n~xt ses~ion of the Grand Lodge. The following resolution was offered and passed: Resolved That Brother William R.路Sitigleton路 be appointed as an agent to visit and examine the land donated by Brother John De Bolle, and also to investigate and obtain the title to the same, and report to the G. Master as early as practicable; and that the G. Treasurer pay over to said Brother Singleton the sum of eighty dollars, to defray the necessary expenses attending said mission. <.
The following re~olutions, offered by Brother Carnegy, were passe~: . Resolved, That the G. Secretary estimate the amount of the charity fund now in his hands, arising from the balance in his hands at last Annual Communication, and the sums received sinee that date, and pay over the same to Brother P. H. l\fcBride, to aid in payment for the Masonic College property purchased from H. H. Hays. Resolved, That the following appropriations be made: To R. B. Dallam, for services as G. Secretary for the past year, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Brother Chamberlain, G. Chaplain, for board and travelling expenses, ten dollars. To Brother OWlnS, for services as G. Tyler ten days, twenty dollars,
The special Committee, to whom was referred the report of Brother H. Chamberlain, the special agent to visit the Grand Lodges at the east, together with communications from the Grand Lodges of Maryland, Pennsyl vania, New York and. Massachusetts, have had the S1me ullder consideration, alld bp.g lea ve most respectfully to reportThat from the report of Brother Chamberlain, aIHI the resolutions emanating from those grand bodies, your Committee hail with sentiments of friendship and esteem those se\'eral Grand Lod~es, as being aduated by the same common motives and principles of benevolence as have innuencerl this Grand Lodge in the great wOlk before them. Your Committee find that in these ~everal Grand Lod~es, resolutions were passed, commending the great undertaking of this Grand Lodge, and recommending to the subordinate Lodges under their several jurisdictions, to assist our agent in collecting such <lmounts as the brethren might see proper to give; and althou~h the amount retllrned, as yet, is but small, your Committee feel satisfied tnat it is attributable more to the depressed state of monetary affairs than to a want of charity and benevolence. Your Committee, therefore, offer the following: Resolved, That the grateful thank!! of this Grand Lodge are due to the Grand Lodges of Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts for the kindness and attention bestowed upon the agent of this Grand Lodge, Worshipful Brother Hiram Chamberlain, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Missouri; anti also for the several amounts forwarded by the brethren under the jurisdiction of those several Grand Lodges. All of which is most respectfully submitted. WM. R. SINGLETON,
\Vhich report was accepted alld Ihe resollltionadopte<L
The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Thursday, Oct. 19th, .fl. D. 1843, 9 o'clock, .1:1. Al. The Grand Lodge was called to labor in the third degree. Present-M. W. J. \V. S.!\-litchell, G. M:. pro tern..; oflicers and members as 011 yesterday. Brother l\Iclody olTered a resolution relative to Tyro Lodge No. 12, which was referred to a select Commiuâ&#x201A;Źe, cOllsisting of George H. C. ,Melody, William R.. Siugletall, Charles Levy. The following resolution was read and adopted: Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to select from the' proceedings of this Grand Lodge, at its present session, such matters as are of public interest to the fraternity; and the same are hereby authorized to have six hundred copies thereof printed ~nd distributed.
Brothers Foster, Slllgleton and Dallam were appointe<.J. Brother l\1elody ofiered the following, which \Vas adopted: Resolved, That the W. J. W. S. Mitchell, &. G. W., be authorized to' i'lstall the officers of Rocheport Lodge No. 67.
llrother .T. W. S. Mitchell made his report a~ aile at the agents for collecting money for the Grand Lodge, for the Masonic C o l l e g e . ' .. Received from Fayette Lodge, " "Boonville Lodge, " "Arrow Rock Lodge, " "Brother Chas. Stearn,
$242 00 149 50 143 00 i)
$540 12 The [oreg-oing have been paid over as follows, viz: May, 1813. Depo~itE>d in Bank at St. Louis, to credit of P. II. McBride, G. Master, -' $330 O(} June, 1843. rorwarded to same, al'count of deposite in Fayettt: Branch, -' 85 OC} October 19. Paid S; W. B. Carnegy, 300 00 Less,
$715 12 1 65 $713 47
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Hesolntions ofIcred by llrother Caruegy and adoptQd:
[ 32 ] . Resolved, That it shall not be the dnty of the Grand Visitor to visit and instruct the Lodges, except such asmay require the same, and such as the G. Visitor believes requires his instruction. Resolved, That Masters of Lodges and Lecturers, while lecturing for instruction and conferring the degrees, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge should not introduce any language or address, except that strictly appertaining to the work and lectures, and withhold such remarks as he may wish to make until after the lectures are dosed. Resolved, That the Committee raised to print the proceedings be ihsfruct~d to append in tabular form, after t~e manner of that of last year, a statement, showing the name and number of the sev~ral Lodges-the time and place of their stated meetings, the number initiated, passed and laised witbiuthe last )'ear;and the present riumber of members belonging to each I,ooge respectively; and also append a list of the present and past Grand Officers and members of the Grand Lodge, present at this convocation. Resolved, That Brother Carnegy have leave to draw up and append to his report just submitted, as agent for the College, an explicit acc/)llIlt, showing, as far as has come to his knowledge, the receipts and disbursements, and the present state of the debt.
Resolutions offered ;by Brother Jacoby and adopted: Resolved, That the Lod拢es ~路orking under this jurisdiction are recominended by this Grand Lodge not to permit Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts to move in funeral procession. Resolved, That the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge be divided into the followin~ Districts: The 1st District shall consist of Lodges Nos. 1, 20, 22,23,25,40,44,45,54 and 60. 2d Dishid-Nos. 17,18,19,21: 28 and 58. 3d District-Nos. 30, 36, 43, 41, 49,51,52,55,66 and 67. 4th District-Nos. 31,32,35, 46,53,55,56 and ClintClp. LOQge U, D. 5th District-No. 12. 6th District-Nos. 50 and 61. 7th District-Nos. 33,39 and 59. 8th District-Nos. 41{42, 49, 29, 63, 61 and 65.
The ~I. W. Grand Master made the following'appointments: R. W. Joseph Foster, D. D. G. Master of 1st District. ." s. W. B. Carnegy,"" " " 2d " " J. W, ~. Mitchell, " " " " 3d " "''' " "4th " ,. A. Lightbllrn, " E. S. Rug-gles, "" " "5th " Geo. F. Thornton,"" " "6th " " " J. T. Bradley, "" " "7th " " Ansel Humpreys, " " " " 8th " The special Comrilitte~, to whom was referred the resoIUlion of Brother Melody, relative to Tyro Lodge No. 12, ha ve had the same under advisement, and recommend the adoption of the followillg resolution: R,esolved, That in view of the condition of Tyro Lodge No. 12, the JUnIor G. Warden of...the Grand Lodge of Missouri be and i~ hereby instruc.ted to arrest the. charter of said'路Louge, and take into his possession the Jewels, furniture, rl;>cords and papers of said Lodge, and return the ~ame to this Grand Lorlge; and that the Grand Secretary be instructed to
forward a cerlified' copy of this res~hrtlon to Blother E. s. Ruggles, ,the J. G. Warden of this Grand Lodge. GEORGE H. C. MELODY WM. R. SINGLETON, CHARLES LEVY.
Which report' and resolution were adopted. Resolved. That report of the Committee oil account of Brolher Cham路 lain be postponed until next session of the Grand Lodge.
Which was adopted. The Committee on Accounts reportedThat they have examined the acconnts of the Grand Secretary anu fmd them to be correct; and there is a balance in his hands of Grand Charity Fund, $209 24 Contingent Fund, - 382 7G Total, $592 00 After deductin~ the several amounts appropriated at this Communication of the Grand Lodge-which balance of $382 76 C'ontingocnt timd, hM been paid to Brother G. Treasurer-and by vote of the Grand Lod~e, the Grand Charity Fund of $209 24, paid to Brother Carnegy, to be appropriated to the payment of the debt for the Masonic College. Broth~r Carnegy made the following report: To the Grand Lodge of the State of Missot拢ri: The undersigned, agent for obtaining donations to aid in payment of the purchase of the College premises, submits the following report: During December and January lailt, he twice visited the Lodges in St. Louis, and once the Lodges at Palmyra, Hannibal, New London and Troy; and with what was collected .from those Lodges, and $1500 borrowed, paid over in January last, $3000 of the debt. Of the money advancerl by the Lodges, Paris Union furnisherl greatly more than either of the rest. An explicit statement will be furnished so soon as information can be obtained.路 : In March last, he visited the Lodg('s at Fayette,Carralton, Richmond, Lexington, Marshall, Arrow Rock and Huntsville, taking subscriptions payable in May ami July.' Of those subscriptions, a portion has been paid over to the credit of the G. Master, and has been applied to pay portions of the money loaned and the original debt, as hereinafter stat('d. Within the last six weeks, he visited the Lodges at Monticello,Hannibal, New London, Clarksville, Troy, Fulton,Jetferson City, Boonville, Arrow Rock, Marshall, Lexington, Independence, Weston; Platte City, Liberty, Richmond, CarroHon, Glasgow and Fayette, and althougn hi~ hopes have not been wholly realized, and though by the insidious circulation of a report "that the Masons路were not .lble to accomplish their object and had abandoned it entirely," he has been prevented from entire success; yet enough has been achieved to ensure absolute certainty of final success, and the ardor, zeal and enthusiasm evel'y where evinced by each brother ~vhom he saw,cannot fail to inspire confide~ce in the wavering,zeal and ardor III the lukewarm, courage and confidence In the doubling and tim:J. The great distance t.) be travelled in visiting those Lodges, left very little time to spend with each, (one excepted,) One single night i~ all that can be passed with anyone, and saine of them failer!. to meet lhe demand made IIpon their benevolence; yet fi-om the disposition evinced by those, he \vill not permit himself to doubt their C'ompliance with all that shall be required from them; and he confidently believes that when ,dinal report'shall he made, few, if any: will he found delinquent.
True it is, that some Lod~eg ha not yet ftitnlshed tbeir equal portions of-the debt. Some, thus far, have aih~rl-ye:t of1)ers, amidst the cry of hard times, pecuniary 8uftering, and destituHon lI)eans, have furnished theirs. The under"igned has the heart-cheeTjn~;tefp.ctionthat these, in the tull measure of .ftfa~o1tic benevolence, have come !()rward and nobly, generollsly, cheerfully discharged their duty; and i:1e unders.ignrdcannot feel that Ile has performed his own duty, 1Ilitii he sllall have laid before the Grand Lodge the names of those brethren and those Lod~es who. under every discouragement, have been foremost in achieviJlf,-the glo1'tous~~It. The Lodges in the city-of St. LOllis, dllring the last 'Yin'te'(~ 'rilised and paid o~'er their filII share of the slim then raised, ($3000.) The Lodges at Paris, Palmyra and Troy; also furnished theirs; and the st1oJ(J1'necl accol,lut will show how nobly, generously UD!I promptly the Lodges h~reinnfter mentioned, have met the heavy requisitions upon tbeir Masonic b"untfThe following are the names of those: Clarksville, Hannibal, Fulton,Jrit ferson City, Arrow Rock, Lexington, .Independence, Liberty anti Richmond Lodges. The undersigned has a-long-list of brothers, whose names he desires to make known as those to whom he and the cause of humanity are indebted for the a8sistance given hiin by them, but must withhold them now for want of room; notwithstanding which, however, he must be allowed to present the foIlowing as having the highest claims to the gratitude of allwho, in a period of great p(~cllniary embarrassment, advanced their names and credit, by which money, to the amount of mare than $2000, has been obtained; by which the purchase is made Slife, and a fund provided, from which the destitute may rely-upon which the suffering may draw withont danger of protest-whereby an asylum is erected to whi<:h the hOllseless, homeless orphan may fly tor refuge from the pitiless storm, and whereby the Lodge is provided. They are the following brethren: Jacoby, Eastin, Hough, C. C. Eastin, Broadhead and Mosier, of ClarksviIle, who advanced their bill of exchange for 270; Brothers Kouns, Blakey, Curd, Stone, Wilkerson and Elliott; of Fulton, who advanced their bill for $350; Brothers Miller, B. F. Lisle, J. L. Minor and C. Gunn, of Jefferson City, wh0 advanced their bill for $300; Brothers Waldo, Woodson, Yager and Owens, of Independence, for their bill of $375; Brothers A. Lightburn, Hu~hes, J. S. Lightburn, Coleman and McGhallghley, for their bill fOf $408; and Brothers Conw,'y, Draper, Ayres and others, of Hannibal, for their bill for $275; on all of which bills, infere!?t and exchange deducted, the money has been received. The undersigned ha5 no language by which to express the gratitude of his own heart, or the sentiments he entertains, respecting the truly liberal, patriotic benevolence of those brethren, which, like bread cast upon the w~ters, they and theirs shall gather of the fruits oC their generosity, ~o . long as there remains a tear to dry upon the cheek of the disconsolate, or . a sigh to be hushed in the b080m of the monrner. The following is an exhibit of the accounts above referred to: Bill of Exchange from Hannibali. $275,4 months, proc~eds,$264 00 " " "Clarksville, 270,4" " 259 00 " " "Ful:on, 350, 3 " " 340 90 " "Jefferson City, 300, 3 " " 292 70 " " " "Lexington, 300, 3 " " 292 20 " " "Independence, 375, 3 " " 365 24 " " "Liberty, 408, 4 " " a86 20
Total bills, $2278 Proceeds, $2199 74 precise ~mol1nt not known, having no memorandum.
Sept. 1843. Received from Arrow Rock Lodge, cash, $75 l~eceived from Independence Lodge, pel' Bro. W OOUSOil, 4!:J " "Richmond Lodge, per Bros. Morehe~u aild Hall;61 " "Brother Benjamin Holliday, of Weston, 12 " "Brother Moore) of 'VestolJ, 5 " at Lexington, in April lost, ' 3 " "Marshall, of H. Hook, in April, 5 " "Carrolton, of Brotller Ruddle, 2 ," Oct. 1843, of W. H. Clark, by George F. Thornton, 4 " " " o f John F. McLane, hy " "2 " From Livingston Lodge, by BrotherJ. Bull, 60 Total cash,
Oct. 19. " "
22. I.
00 00 00 50 00 68 00 50 CO 00 00
$279 68
Proceeds of draft of Bro. Mitchell, on Doan & King'; 300 00 By cash per Brother Block, for Troy Lodge, 150 00 By Brother W. C. Boon, certificate of deposite, 57 00
$298(3 68 Deduct expenses, 14 days traveling,
$16 50
33.00-$49 50 $49 50
Paid on the debt perRet., September 26th, H:l4:j,
$2936 92 228 20 $2708 72
Exchange on $350 Kentucky and Yirginia paper.
$2704 22 The amount paid in January, " " "July,
.Paid and ready for payment, Original debf; ~ay Deduct Balance to provide,
3000 00 550 00
$6254 2:2
$9:)00 00 6254 22 $R245 7H
Thu~, under the smiles nnd hy the help of the Supreme Ruler or'the
fraternity of Missouri, in one short year, 'with slllall exertions only, have we secured to theg-reat cause of benevolence, a property w.,.' h more (even now) than $30,000, upon whic~ the totn] .debt still dUl~ is less than $4,OOO-a balance so small, comparatively, that It can and will be inet by those who have not yet contributed towards the object-will be met, not by the proceeds of half hearted, reluctant. charity, but by the charity of free, liberal antI patriotic hearts, who, when they give, do it generollsly, not gcucjgingly. All of which is respectflllly ~l1bmitted. .
-Missouri "Tyro Clarksville Palmyra Paris Union St. Louis New London Franklin Hiram Naphtali St. John's Far West Huntsville Liberty L~fayette
Hillsboro' -Troy Independence Cooper Clinton Coleman .Des Moines "Iowa Jefferson City
Lodge, ,:
" " " "
" "
" '"
.," " " " "
" " "
.." c.
., " " " " " "
" " " " " "
"' " " " "
i Place of meeting.
12 '.
18 19, 20~
25 1
::, 29 ~
35! 36i
St. Louis, Caledonia, Clarksville, Palmyra, Paris, St. Louis, New London, Alton, St. Charles, St. Louis, Hannibal, Galena, Hnntsville. Liberty, Lexington, Hillsboro', Ill., Troy, Indt"pendence, Boonville,
St. Louis,
:Bloommgton, I. T. Jefferson City,
Carlyle, III., :Borlj~on, L .T.
1 I
i II
I I Z.c~ .; ~ 1l ~ 11l~ \.. ~ Z Z I ] I Po.jZ ~ I~ ~ ... rn
o搂01 <V"O
Time of meeting.
1st Thursday, 3d Saturday, 1st Safurday, 1st Saturday, 1st Saturday, 1st Tuesday, 2d Saturday, 2d Saturday, Monday previous to full moon, 3d Thursday, 2d Saturday, No transcript. 2d Friday, 2d Saturday, No transcript. Thursday befol't" full moon. 2d Monday, 1st Monday, 4th Friday, 2d Monday~ 2d Thursday, 1st. Monday~ 2d Monday, 1st Saturday}
.- ,::l '"
::l '" ..... ~
路3 I 8 3
5 1
2 9
!I ~I
4 1
8 1
8 1 3 5,
19 21
49 M 3'
26 15 23 32
4\ I
21 4 . 40
3 8
44 32
81 , 43
9, 1, 50' 5.
:1 :1
25 21
Bonhomme Lodge, "Sparta cc Fayette Fulton cc Mineral Point Ozark Livingston cc 路Wll.kanda Weston cc Douglass Arrow Rock " Platte City, Richmond' " Monticello "Marion ,St. Clair "Osceola Dubuque Iowa City cc Land Mark Melody " Marshall ." "Rocheport Danville Clinton " Clinton "
" " ,"" "
" " " " " ".,
" "
" " " ",; " " " " " " " " " "cc
45' 46\
47 1 48i 491
52 53 1 54'
55/ 56
57 58 5 60
6] 62路 63 64 65 6 67
" CC' " " u.n.' u.n.
U. Ii.
Manchester, Sparta, Fa1;ette, Fu ton, Mineral Point, W. T., Springfield, Mo., Glasgow, Carrolton, Weston, Marthasville, Arrow Rock, Platte City, Richw()rid, Monticello, Salem, Ill. Belleville, m., Osceola, Dubuque City, I. T., Iowa City, Warsaw, Plattville, W. T., Marshall, Rocheport,. Danville, Plattsburg, Davenport, I. T;,
No transcript. Saturday(receding full moon, 1st and 3 Tuesday, No transcript. No transcript. No transcript. Friday, 1st Monday, No transcript. Saturday ~fore full moon, 1st Friday before full moon, No transcript. 1st Monday, 1st Saturday, 2d Monday, Tuesday before full moon, 1st Thursday, 3d Wednesday, 1st Saturday, . 4th Friday, Wednesday after full moon, 2d Monday, 2d Thursday, No work.
3 22!
20 40
I 2:I I 6,3 I I
2 2 1 9 17 3 19
21 2'2
3 5
4 6
27 6 4 2
3 9\ 16
6 4 1 3 9 14
I! I
21 20 38 15 15 28 32 27 31 Jl 3!J
I 16
212\'--212\ 216J 989
The Committee have been compelled to examine the transcripts of nearly every Lodge, to ascertain the facts abo,ve stated, in consequen.ce of the careless manner in which tbe lists have been made out. Those marked (.) had no lists of initiations and advancements.
r-J ~.
~I 1..-1,
A LIST of the Grand Officers, Past Grand Officers and members of the Grand Lodge of Mis:;ouri, present atthe C:>mmunication, OctoJcr, 1843, A. L. 5843: ' Hon. Priestly H. McBride, of Paris, Mo., M. W. G. M. Rev. Joab Bp.rnard, of 81. Louis,Mo., R. W. D. G. M. Joseph Foster, Esq. of St. L~llis, Mo.) 'V, S. G. W. E. S. Rllg;les, Esq., of Washin~ton Co., Mo., W. J. G. W. pro tern. FrE'uerick L. Billon, of' St. Louis, W. G. Treasurer. Rev. Hiram Chamberluin, of 81. Churle3, '\-V. G. Chaplain. Wm. It Singlelon, Esq., of St. Louis,W. S. G. D. Charles Levy, Esq., of St. LOllis, VI . .J. G. D. James Story, Esq., of Marshall, 路W. G. S, B,~arer. Esrorn Owens, Esq., of St. Louis, \V. G. T. Joseph Foster, D. D. G. M.District E. S. Ru!?;~les, " " ,: Geo. F. Thorntl)n," ,; " Joshua T. Bradley, ,; c; .. Ansel Humphreys,;; " "
No. 1. "5. .. 6. c; 7. ,; 8.
M. W, n. W. VV. W.
Ste. W. B. Carne~y, of Palmyra, [VLO., P. G. M. George H. C..Melody" of Rocheport, Mo., P. D. G. 1\-1. George Wilson, of St. Louis, P. S. G. D. Jesse Littie, of St.Louis, P. G. P. MEI\IBERS.
J. F. L. Jacoby,
C. II. Davison; Moses Caldwell, George A. Keiger, James Eagon, James Blair, Hen. D. Woods worth, Thomas S. Miller, .John C. Theil, John S, 'Watson, R. L. Campbell, . George A. Gannet, Charle!'l Howard, Louis Robiou, John Bllll, Alexander Reaney, W. H. Maddox.
Parker Dudley, James R. Hartsock, Eleazer Block, H. A. HurxthaIl, Oliver Cock, J. W. S. Mitchell, Thomas G. HuH, P. Crow, Granville Thomas, Theodore S. Parvin, John John~on, Isaac A. Hedges, Charles R. Scott, B. T. Kavanailgh, Williamson S. Hodgl's,
Ril?:ht Worshipful Levi Lusk, D. G. M. of the Grand Lorlge of Illinois, Delegate to this Grand Lodge. VISiTORS.
Brothers Benjamin Olney and E. Cruben, Ne\v Orleans; Brother John De Bolle, Philadelphia, Pa.; B. S. Hollingsworth, Wm. Jennings, B. B. Kin~, Charles L. Meredith, Hamilton Finney, Wm. H. Mattingly, Maryland,and many brethren of the city.
In compliance with the resolution requiring Committee to prepare a.n abridged method for the subordinate Lodges under charter to make their returns, they wonld recommend the f6110w:ng:
An abridged transcript of - - - Lodge No. - - , under the jurisdiction of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Miss.ouri, for the j\lasonic year hrginning on - - day of - - - , 18-, to - - day of - - - , 18-. Vate or Charter, - - - , IR-. - - - - - - - - - , W. Master.
1st. St. Louis:H. L.C;;:i--;- -.- 6 - - A. B. '\ K. L. .IV. v. do ~J. Foster. 20 3 C. D.M. N. ',W. X. G. H. . do 'H. Scott. 16 8 E. F. 10. P. Y. Z. 1. J . , do do 30 10 Regullll' Lodge bu~incsstransacted only.
AdJourned;,July 8th. Calleel 'Aug. 2d. Keg-ular IAug.5th. Regular !Sept. 3d. -.
- \--'
Who NUMEER OF NAMES OF CA:-iDlDATES .: . ' Resign'd.1 Died. l'Expell'd. Presided.•- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ; .i\lclll Visitors. luiti'd.j Pas,;\I.:Rais'd. ~\umit.'ed
W. A. B. C., r,.. Visit!)!' entered, and having faken the seat of the W, frI., proceeded to lecture on the 1st degree. __.:.:.:=..::...-.:=:_:,.-=.-,-.=.-.. :.--. -."':.----- ---=-- :.:"..::;,"=.",::::;:-:=::=--=---- -'. --:=-'.-.-=------::==.:.:.:.:.=.::-:,".-:-,"--
r---'! (,10) (,0
-==~=~= F. C. E. A.
This is sufficient to show the Secretaries of the several Lodges how they ''He to make out the return.s to the Grand Lodge-the total amount carried out at the bottom-the exact number of members, (M. lVI.,) whether they Bre Clergymen or not-stating that fact in the column under that head. Every tliing should be written perfectly plain, especially the numbers, so that no errors may OCCUI". The tables should be made on foolscap of the usual size, in record form, so that the papers can be filed regularly. Your Committee deem it a duty binding upon every D. D. G. M. to visit each subordinate Lodge and examine their records, and a'>certain if they are kept in a proper and Masonic manner; and if they observe any errors, they shonld correct them, in which event the Grand Lodge will only re~ quire of each subordinate Lodge a synopsis of her work, whereby' she may keep up her statistical information. The Lodges under dispensation are to make out tables similar to the above, and also to send up a certified copy of her proceedings, to be ap~ proved by the Grand Lodge. JOSEPH FOSTER, R. B. DALLAlVI, WM. R. SINGLETON.
The undersigned, a Committee appointed to superintend the printing of so much of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Missonri, at its meeti11g in October, 1843, ~s might appear of public use ro (Ile fra{ernity, have periormed that duty, and submit the foregoing pagesascorreet from the record.