1844 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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~~~ OF

FREE AND ACCEPTED ANCIENT MASONS, OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, Held in .8pril and October .4. D. 1844, .8. L. 5844;



GRAND LODGE, Jlpproved, October, .A. D. 1844, .A. L. 5844.

ST. LOUIS: Printed by Chambers & Knapp.


The Committee to whom ,vas referred the drafting of a code of by-laws 1'0'路 the government ot the Grand Lodge of Free . and Accepted AncientMasons, of the State of :Missouri, and the several I . . odges under its jurisdiction, huye attended to that duty, and submit the following pages as their report. . The code thus submitted will be found greatly extended as compared ,vith that by which the Fraternit.y have been hitherto, goYcrned. But long experience must have satisfied all that a few rules and regulations, without having access'to the ancient rules U!ld regulations of the Fraternity, ure not a sufficient rule of' action 101' the government of the Grand and Subordinate Lodges-for the equal government of the craft. The organization, maillten~nce and control of a school and asylum for the maintenance and education of youth, constituteg, also, a new subject of legi~lation, and an additional reason for tho extended code now suhmitted. If the Grand Lodgc shall find (as doubtless they will,) that many of the ancient proYisions of the constitutiQns of l't[asonry, have been incorporated in the new code, they ought not for that reason alone to be rejected. Your Committee have incorporated them in the code for the purpose of placing them within the reach of every Brother. Yonr Committee have had this subject under considcrafio!1 for nearly two years, and bestowed much labor and rescan路h upon it, and hope that the expli.cit code now presented, will lJe found suHicient for the government of the craft; and it is hoped that \'" hat ever imperfections may be found, will be supplied lJy the Grand LoJo-e in the progress of enactment-that when the same shall he ~adoptecJ and~printcd, little reason 111:IY rt'mnil1 fin路 chancre or amenJmcnt. All of ,vhich is respectfully sllumitted. S. ,Y. B. CARNEGY, Chairman .

.A PRIL, 1844.



'VE, the Grand Lodge of "Free and Accepted Ancient l\laBons" of the State of lVlissouri, in ordel' to form perfect fraternal union, establish otder, insure tranquility, provide for and promote the general welfare of the craft, and secure to the Fraternity of the State the blessings of Masonic privileges, do ordain and establish this constitution: ARTICLE 1. STYLE AND TITLE.

ยง 1. The style and title of this Grand Lodge shall be"The Gtand Lodge of Free and .I1cf:epted .J1ndent .Masons of lite State of โ ข.Missouri."


ยง 1. The Grand Lodge shall consist of the follov\Ting officers ana members, with the following rank and title3 : A ':Most 'Yorshipful Grand Master; A Right lVorshipful Deputy Grand Master; A Right Worshipful Senior Grand 'Varden; A R.ight "Vorshipful Junior Grand "Varden; 1\10s.1 Worshipful Past Grand lVIasters ; Right 'Vorshipflll Past Deputy Grand Masters; Right 'Vorshipful Past Grand 'Varuens ; Right Worshipful Past Grand Treasurers, and Past Grand Secretary; Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer; Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Masters;

[ 4 J Right W orshipful Grand Treasurer; Right Worshipful Grand Secretary; Seven Worshipful and Reverend Grand Chaplains; Two Grand Orators; Two Grand Marshals; A Grand Sword Bearer; A Senior Grand Deacon; A Junior Grand Deacon; Two Grand Stewards; A Grand Persuivant; A Grand Tyler. MElIfBERS:

The Worshipful Master and Wardens for the time beIng of the several chartered Lo~ges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, or their legally appointed proxies; Past Masters who have been duly .elected l\1asters and have actually presided as W orshi pful M aster of a Lod~e within the j urisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and who still remain members of a Lodge. ยง 2. Whenever the Worshipful Master and vYardens of any Lodge, (or either of them,) shall be unable to attend the Communication3 of the Grand Lodge, they, or either of them who cannot so attend, may depute any member of their own Lodge, who is of equal or superior rank with themselves, as a proxy to represent their Lodge in the Grand Lodge; and the proxy so deputed shall be entitled to the same privileges, and perform the sanie duties of him or them deputing him.Such deputation shall be in writing and signed by the officer deputing him. ยง 3. On every question which may come before the Grand Lodge for decision, each subordinate Lodge by its representative or representatives present, shall be entitled to cast five votes, all of which shall be given on the same side; and the representatives of each Lodge respectively, by a majority, shall decide on which side of the question the votes of their Lodge shall be cast; and each officer and member of the Grand Lodge present shall be entitled to cast one vote, but no one in his own right, shall giye more than one vote.






§ 1. None except such as have attained to the degree Past Master, and are at the time of their election or appointment lnembers of some Lodge, shall be eligible to any office in the Grand Lodge, and no one shall be eligible to the office of Grand Master more than two years in any period of six years. §2. The l\:fost 'Vorshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, and Right vVpnhipful Grand Treasurer, shall be elected annually by ballot, at the stated annual communications of the Granel Lodge, and shall hold their offices respectively, until their successors shall be duly elected and installed. § 3. A majority of all the votes present shall be necessary to a choice of the ofiiccrs mentioned in the second section of this article. § 4. All grand officers ,vhose election or appointment j!j not othenvise provided for, shall bc appointed annually by the Grand Master, and when duly installed, shall hold their office until their SllcceS30n shall be dulY'.appointed and i.nstalled. ARTICLE IV. OF THE


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1. The Grand Lodge shall assemble as such, once at

least in every year, at such time and place as may be directed by law. . § 2. The Grand l\Jlaster, (an'} in his ab3ence from the. State,) the Deputy Grand ]\faster, by consent of the Grand vVardens, may call special meetings of the Grand J... otlge at ~uch time and place as necessity may require.




§ 1. The Grand Lodge shall be the supreme Masonic authority within the State of Missouri, and by the ancient con.. stitutions and usages of the Fraternity is, and shall he invest~ <.d with all the original essential powers and privileg-es belonging to the ancient craft, and. shall have power especially j 1'"




First. To enact and enforce all laws and regulutions for the government. of the Fraternity, and to alter, amend and repeal the same at pleasure. &condo To constitute new Lodges by granting dispensations ana charters under seal, and for good cause to suspend, re· yoke and annul the same at pl,easure. . Tkird. To establish and preserve a uniform mode of work and lectures, within the ancient land marks and customs of masonry. Fourth. To assess and collect from the several Lodges un~, der their jurisdiction, such sums of money as may be deemed necessary to be appropriated to the benefit of tlle craft. Fifth. To hear and determine all questions of dispute between two or more Lodges. Sixlh. To hear and decide all appeals from the decision of subordinate I,odges. Seventh. To demand and receive such fees and charges for granting dispensations, cbarters, certificates and diplomas, as may be reasonable. . .Eigldh. To re(!uire and collect from all Brother Masons residing within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge such sum of money annually, for charitable purposes, as may from time to time be provided for and required by law• •Ninth. To hear and decide all charges and complaints against any oflicer of the Grand Lodge, and to inflict such punishment on the guilty as may appear just. and propu. Tenth. To ~xercise all such powers and perform all such acts as by custom are exercised and performed by Grand Lodges, within the ancient customs and land marks of the Fraternity. § 2. This constitution shan not be altered, amen<led or repealed, except in. the manner following: The proposition to alter, amend or repeal this constitution, shall be proposed in writing, on one of the first fOUT days of the regular annual communication of the Grand Lodge, and shall be read aloud by the Grand l\faster, and shall be filed and printed with the journal of proceedings of the Grand Lodge,and referred to the several 3ubcrdinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge. The alteration, amendment or proposition to repeal so referred, shall be read in each subordinate Lodge by the ~Norshipful Master thereof, in open Lodge, at three se\,-

[ 7 ] eral stated meetings of the Lodge; and upon the third reading thereof, the 'Vorshipful Master shall put the question dig路 tinctly to ea<.:h Incmber present in the following form; "Shall the entire amendment of the constitution as read pass?" and each member shall answer aye or no, and the Secretary of each Lodge shall carefully record an explicit account of all proceedings had re,speeting 'such proposition to amend, and transmit to the Grand L.odge, at" its first regular annual Communicatiop there<ifter, a duly certified copy thereof, signed by the \Vorshi pful LVf8.:,(er, and attested by himselt~ under the seal of his Lodg~) (it' there be a seal,) or if not, under his private seal. If it sh:til appear from such proceedings that a majority of all the Lodges have concurred in the proposition to alter, amend or r2p('~tl the constitution as the same was referred to them, then the qnestion shall be again put to the Grand Lor1gc, UpO;1 one of the first four days of its regular annual Communicati()n~ and if a majority of all the votes present be cast in favor of the proposition to amend, alter or repeal, the same shall be ancI become a part of thi.s constitution, uncI not otherwise.


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ARTICLE l. Be it enacled and orda1:ned by the Grand Lodge of F1"ee and Accepted .I1ncl:eni Masons of the State of hfissouri as follows: ยง 1. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, shall hold their regular Grand Annual Communication in the city of St. Louis in said State, on the second IHonday of October in every year, and tIle grand ofiicers shall be elected and appointed at those meetings as provided by the constitution. ยง 2. Representuti ve3 from one third of all the subordinate Lodges, undel' the jurisdiction' of the Grand Lodge, with such grand officers and members as may be in attendance, s'hall be necessary to constitute a quorum to do business. ยง 3. Should the requisite number of repliescntatives of Lodges to constitute a quorum, fail to ~ttend for three days, those in attendance shall meet on the evening of the third day at the place designated for the meeting of the Grand Lodge, and shall adjourn to some day within two months next thereafter; and the Grand Secretary, or some other Brother appointed by those present for that purpose, shall immediately give n&tice in writing to every Lodge, of such adjournment. ยง 4w Upon the day designated by the order of adjournment, and so soon as Representatives from three or more Subordinate Lodges shall appear, those Representatives with such Grand Officers, and members oftlle Grand Lodge as may be in attendance, shall constitute a quorum to open the Grand Lodge and transact any buisiness thereofw




~ 5. Whenever the requisite number of members be ptesent, they shall proceed to open and organi~e the Grand Lodge; the presiding officer shall thereupon appoint from the members present, a committee of three, to whom shall be referred all powers and credentials of members relating to their membership, who shall inspect the same and report as to those who shall be entitled to membership in the Grand Lodge. . ยง 6. Upon report of the committee on credentials, that a quorUl;n for buisiness is present, the officer presiding as Grand Master shall appoint from those present, the following Committees; each to consist of not less than three nor more than seven. 1. A Committee on Foreign Communications; 2. A Cmmittee on ""York and Proceedings of Subordinate Lodges; 3. A Committee on Accounts; 4. A Committee on unfinished buisiness. 5. A committee on work and proceedings of Lodges under Dispensation; 6. A Committee on Grievances; 7. A Committee bn Applications and Communications within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, 8. A Committee on Charity; 9. A Committee on the Masonic College of Missouri; 10. A Committee of 1-Vays and Means.


ยง 1. All Communications, Returns, Petitions, Motions, Resolutions and Documents, shall be referred to appropriate committees, who shall report thereon, and all reports must be in writing signed by the Chairman of the Committee making the report. ยง 2. 'lVhel1 a member desires to address the Grand Lodge, or deliver any mat.ter for its consideration, he shall arise and respectfully address himself to the "most Worshipfttl Grand Mastel";" he shall confine himself to the subject under consideration, and avoid personalit.yand abuse. . ยง 3. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be handed to the Grand Secretary, and by him read aloud befoIe de-





§ 4. No motion shall be stated or debated until it is secot1(l. ed, and when stated it shall be considered as in pos!'ession of the Grand Lodge; Dut the mover of it may withdraw it at any time before a decision, or before an amendment to it is passed. § 5. Every motion, resolution, proposition or subject before the same shall be entertained by the Grand Lodge, if required by any member present, shall be reduced to writing. § 6. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be m~de except for the previous question, to adjourn, or to postpone. . § 7. A motion to adjourn s!13.ll always be in orderunles~ a member is speaking, and shall be decided without debate. § 8. The previous questioa shall not be put if objections be made, unless demanded by two-thirds ofthe votes present; and when ordered all further amend.ment and debate shall be precluded. §.9. Any member may call for a division of the question if the sense will admit of it. § 19.' No amenument of an amendment to an amendment shall be entert~ined; and the question on the proposition to amend last made, shall be first put. A motion to amend an amendment shall precluJe all further proposition to amend until it shall be decided. § 11. Moii0ns, resolutions, reports and propositions may be committed or referred, at the pleasure of the Grand Lodge. § '12. No member shall speak oftener than twice on the same subject without le<lYc obtained from the Grand Lodge, nor morc than once until each member who desires to speak shall have spoken. § 13. All questioIls shaH be put in the ordcr in 'which they were movcd, exce~t privileged questions, and in filling blanks, the largest su.m o. quantity anJ the longest time shall be first put. § 14. Every voter present, (unless excused ~y the Grand Lodge,) when the question is put, shall give IllS vote. § 15. 'Vhen a question has been deC:lded in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for an)' member who voted on the side which prevailed, to move a reconsideration thereof, on the same day on which the decision was had, or on the day next thereafter. '9 16. The yeas and nays, and call of the votes by Lodges, I






on any question except to adjourn, shall he ordered whenever demanded by two members, and \vhenever ordered by a majority, shall be spread upon the journal. § 17. No member, during the session of the Grand Lodge, shall leave the Hall, nor confer wilh another without permission of the Grand l\la:;ter.



§ 1. After the ora-allization of committees, so soon as the G rand Lodge shall be~' opened, the journal of proceedings of the previous session shall be reacl, § 2. After the jOllrJl;ll is read and approved, the business of the G ranu Ludge, shall be dis posed of III the fullowing order: I. Such as has been set down for comideration by previous order; 2. Petitions and memorials ; 3. Reports of standing committees; 4. Reports of special committees; 5. ~nfinished business; 6. Propositions antI motions ; 7. ,Any business of the Grand Lodge. § 3. The Grand :lVIaster at each session shall announce the business thereof in the onier desi 6 nated in the previous section, anu no business shall be presented for consideration except in the order above named, unless ordered by two~ thirds of the votes present; and all business of one class shall be disposed of before any other shall be entertained.


§ 1. . N Lodges may be constituted upon petition to the Grand M'a::.d::r, or to his Deputy Grand Master, of not less than seven worthy Master l\fas0113, of known skill as such. Provided, th~:,the petitioners be recommended by some re", gular Lod~e, having the means ofjudging' of the qualifications of the petitioners, situat~ near the place of meeting of ,the new Lodge. § 2. The certificate of recommendation of the Lodge re· commending, shall be endorsed upon tlu: petition, or on 'apa-


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per attached thereto, and may be in tlle following form: "At a meeting of the - - Lodge, No. - , at the Mason's Hall, in the town of -.-, on the - - day of - - , 18-, the following proceedings were had: Ordered, that this Lodge hereby recommend the within named petitionen, (insert their names,) as worthy Mastcr Masons, well s killed as such, and deserving the privileges prayed for by them, and recommend that their prayer be granted. A true copy from the record. Test, JOHN STILES, Secretary. ยง 3. The Grand l\1aster, or some Brother to be commissioned by him, shall attend and open the new Lodge so constituted, as soon as possible after the granting of the dispensation or warrant. ยง 4. As soon as a new Lodge shall be constituted and receive a clw'rler, the Grand Master, (or if he cannot attend,) some well skilled Past l'J:aster commissioned by him for the purpose, shall attend the new L09ge, consecrate the same, and instal the officers thereof. ARTICLE .V OF SUllORDlNATE LODGES.

ยง 1. All Lodges under this jurisdiction shall have a right,

to convene as Jt~rce and Accep(ed Ancient Masons, recieve and enter apprentices, pass Fellow Crafts, and raise J.\Iaster Masons: also to assess and collect such fees and dues as they may find reasonable; to elect Officers once in eVfny year; establish funds for charitable purposes, and transact all business appertaining to Masonry, agreeably to their charters, the Laws ofthe Grand Lodge and the ancient usages of the Craft. ยง 2. The Lodges shall be formed into Districts by the Grand Master, for each of which, a District Duputy Grand Master shall be annually appointed; and it shall be the duty of every Master or Presiding Officer of a Lodge, when notified of the intended official visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, to convene his Lodge, recieve him as the Representative of the Grand Lodge, resign to him the Chair while making his Official Communication, submit to his inspection the By-Laws and work of his Lodge, and receive and conform to his lawful directions. ยง 3. Every Lodge under tlie jurisdiction of this Grand




Lodge, at each Grand Annual Communication, shall deliver to the Grand Secretary a list of the Officers and l\/Iembers of the Lodge, a list of those Initiated, Passed, Raised, and Admitted; a list of Deaths, Removals, Suspensions and Expulsions of l\rlembers, and Rejections of Candidates with the respective dates, signed by the Master, and attested by the Secretary under the Seal of the Lodge. ยง 4. Every Lodge, at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, in every year, shall lay before the Grand Lodge a concise abridged transcript of their proceedings, embracing so much of their work as may convey a correct idea of its character. ยง 5. The lists of members, &c., &c" required in th~ third section of this article ma)' be in the following form. AN~UALRETURN OF


- - LODGE,NO. -, FOR 184-.


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ยง 6. Every Lodge working under dispensation, shall return to the Grand Lodge, at the next Annual Communication thereof, after the date of their letters of dispensation, a copy of their by-laws, a list of the officers and members, and a transcript of their proceedings) as required by the 3d, 4th and 5th sections of this article, and also their letters of dis2


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pensatioll; and no charter shall be granted until such return shall have been made. § 7. For every warrant of dispensation for the formation of a new Lodge, there shall be paid into the grand treasury the sum of twenty dollars, and for every chm'ter the sum of ien dollars, ~nd the further sum of three dollars to the Grand Secretary, as his fee for engrossing the same, and aflhing the seal-to be paid before the delivery of the charter; and in all other cases 'where the seal of the Grand I"ouge is required,' and not otherwise provided for, there shall be paid by the applicant to the Grand Secrt-tary the sum of one dollar. § 8. Eyery Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge,shall pay into the grand treasury on the first day of the Annual Communications of the Grand Lod~e, the sum of one dollar, for each member belonging to their ~Lodge at the tim(' of making the returns, 33 1-0 per cent. of 'which shall be set apart for purposes of charity, and the residue for the expenses of the Grand Lodge. F1'o'vided, that for ministers of the gospel, who are regularly employed in ministerial duties, and exempted by their Lodge from payment of dues, nQ Grand ~Ddgedues shall be charged. § ,9. Vntil tIle due-s specifi<:>d in the last section be fully paid, tl1e representatives of the indebted Lodge, shall not take their seats in Grand Lodge us members thercof. § 10. If any Lodge neglect, 1~til or refuse to P,\Y the dues 'above mentioned, for one year, (unless good cause for such delinquency be shevvon,) their charter shall be arrested and the Lodge stricken from the roll. F)'orilled, however, that on proper application to the Grand l . . odge-making due returns and full payment of all dues-they may be restored to their former rank and privileges. § 11. No member of a Lodge shall be s1lspended or expelled except by the concurrence of two-thirds of the mcmbers present. And no member so suspended or expelled, iihall be restored to membership in the Lodge, except by the unanimous vote of all present, at the t.ime of his application. § 12. No Lodge shall receive any petition for initiation oc admission, except upon the day of the stated regular monthIYll1eeti~gthereof; and no ballot 5ha11 be taken 011 any i\.lch petitioil, except there shall be present at least se\'en

[ 15 ) members of the Lodge, nor at any other than a stated tnonth" ly meeting of the Lodge. § 13. No Lodge shall act upon the petition of an appli~ cant for initiatioJl. or membership, whose residence is near€ another Lodge under this j urisdietion, unless by consent 01 such nearer Lodge. § 14. The Several Lodges in all cases of conferring the several degrees shall deliver the Lectures appertaining to the degree conferred. § 15. No work 01 other business of the craft shall be performed in any other than the l\Iaster's degree, except only lecturing, examination of candidates, and conferring the previous degrees. § 16. No second ballot, upon the petition of any applicant for initiation or membership, shall be takcn by ariy Lodge unless all be present who still remain members of the Lodge, that were present at the time of taking the previous ballot, or until the lapse of one year. § 17. Every Lodge shall exercise all the rights of disci. pline and control over all Masons resident in the Masonic ju., risdiction of such Lodge, (though not members thereof,) so far as relates to the conduct 'and behavior of such Masons. § 18. So long-as there remain in any Lodge seven Master Masons, willing and desirous of existing as a I~odge, the other members cannot surrender the charter of such Lodge; but a, majority present, by concurrence of the Master and ''''ardons, may suspend the Lodge until the next meeting of the Grand Lodge. . § 19. The Grand Lodge, the Grand Master, and District Grand Masters, within their jurisdictions, shall have power to summon the Master and 'Vardens of subordinate· Lodges to attend the Grand Lodge, or to produce the charter, books, accounts and property of their Lodges; and should they refuse to comply, the Grand Lodge may suspend or expel the disobedient, and abrogate the charter of such Lodge. § 20. Upon the demise of any Lodge, so soon as the same shall cease to exist by any cause, the last Secretary and Treasurer of the Lodge so ceasing to exist, shall, within four months thereafter, deliver to the Grand Secretary, all the books, papers, jewels, funds, furniture,charter, seal and pro. perty of the Lodge so demised; and the whole of the-pro..




perty of such Lodge shall become the property of the Grand Lodge, to be disposed of at its pleasure. § 21. All applications for initiation and for membership, in any Lodge, shall be by petition signed by the applicant; and no-such petition shall be withdrawn after t.he same has been received and ordered to be filed, unless by the concurrence of three-fourths of all the members present. § 22. No applicant for initiation or member8hip in any Lodge, shall lJe received except b)' the unanimous consent of all the members present. § 23. No applicant for initiation or membership, whose petition may have been rejected by any Lodge, shall be initiated or received a: member in any other Lodge, without the ,consent of the Lodge to which the applicant first petitioned be obtained for that purpose; or until the lapse of one year from the time of the rejection of the petition. § 24. N I) Lodg-e, in the absence of the W orshi pful Master and 'Varden~, shall initiate, pass or raise a candidate, unless there be present a Past l\laster to preside. § 25. No Lodge shall admit to membership any except Master 1\Iasons, and any Brother suspended or discharged from membership for non-payment of dues, shall not be passed, raised or admitted to membership in any Lodge until the same are paid or remitted. The receipt or certificate of the Master or Secretary of the Lodge of whicl~ the applicant was last a. member, or in which he was initiated, shall be proof that his dues have been paid. § 26. N c; Lodge shall receive any Brother Mason to membership iJ'l'an}' Lodge, except upon legal evidence that all I.Jodgc dues of the applicant have been paid; and should any J.Jodge receive to membership any Brother who is so indebted, without such evidence, the Lodge so admitting the indebted Brother, shall be liable for all his dues. § 27. No I.odge shall permit the delivery of lectures on the work and degrees of Masonry, by anyone who is not a member of the Grand Lodge of lVlissouri, or 'of some Lodge nnder its jurisdiction, or by some one duly authorized by the Grand Lodge. Nor shall any Lodge permit the delivery of any lectures except such as have been sanctioned by the Grand Lodg~.

§ 28.

No Lodge can suspend their by-laws, or any of




them, nor at a special meeting. alter or amend any proceedings of a stated meeting. § 29. When there are two or more Lodges in the same town or city, the dUty of interring the bodies of deceased Brother Masons, who are not members of some Lodge, shall be performed by those Lodges in turn, beginning with the oldest Lodge first.


§ 1.

No Lodge shall confer the Masonic degrees, or either of them, upon credit, nor until the full fee be paid lor the degree to be conferred; nor the three first degrees for a less sum than fifteen dollars. § 2. It shall be the duty of each Subordinate Lodge to cause the degree or order of Past Master to be conferred upon the \V orshi pful :l\Iaster and ""Vardens elect, as soon after their election as is possible and convenient.


§ 1. The Grand Officers elect and appointed, shall, by themselves, (or if not present,) by some Brother as theil' proxy, be installed into office by the Grand Master last in office, if present, or in his absence, then by the next Past Grana YIastel'; or if none of that degree be present, then by the oldest Past Deputy Grand Master, or the oldest Past l\iJastcr present. § 2. The installation of oflicers shall take place as soon as convenient after the election, and may be public or private at the pleasure of the Grand Lodge. § 3. All Grand Officers when duly installed shall be preclaimed as such by the Grand l\farshal, and shall retain their stations until their successors be duly elected and installed. § 4. The several Grand Officers, previous to their instal. lation, shall make the following declaration: "I solemnly promise upon tlte honor of a .Jl-fason, that in the office of - I will, according to the best of my ability, strictly comply with the Constitution, laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge, and all ancient masonic usages, so far as the same may come to my knowledge, and faithfully demean myself iri office. 2c





Most Worshipful Grand Master. § 1. The Grand Master shall have power and authorit)" during the recess of the Grane Lodge, First. To grant dispensations to constitute new Lodges, t<continue in force until the next annual meeting of the Grand Lodge. &cond. To arrest the dispensation or charter of any Lodge for good cause, until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. TM1·d. To convene the Grand Lodge at his pleasure, giving ten days notice in writing', to the Lodges and members, of the time and place intended for the meeting, and stating therein the object of it. Four/h. For good cause, and by the written concurrence of the Grand 'Vardens, to s'uspend from the privileges of his office any member of the Grand Lodge, appointed by the Grand l\tIaster, until the next meeting of the Grand Lodge. Fifth. Convene any Lodge, preside therein with his officers, inspect their proceedings, and require their conformity with the regulations of the Grand Lodge. Sixth. He may grant dispensations for processions, and conferring the degress, and exercise all such other powers as are ,varranted or required of him by the ancient regulations or customs of the craft. § 2. On the first day of the several meetings of the Grand Lodge, or as soon thereafter as possible, the Grand Master . shall lay before the Grand Lodge a written message, therein detailing an account of his official acts during the recess, the state and condition of l\tIasonry in this jurisdiction, and· recommending to the Grand Lodge such measures as he may deem expedient and necessary. § 3. He shall appoint all committees of the Grand Lodge unless otherwise ordered. §4. 'Vhenever, on any question before the Grand Lodge, there shall be an equal number of votes, he shall give the casting ,·ote. . § 5. He shall attend upon the meetings of the Grand Lodge, preside therein, and exercise all the privileges, and


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perform all the duties usually exercised and performed by ·presiding officers of deliberative assemb~ies. § 6. He shall exercise a supervisory control over the officers of the Grand Lodge, instruct them in their various duties, and see that their duties he performed. § 7. He shall examine and correct the record of the Grand Lodge, and when approved shall sign the same. AR'l'ICLE IX. OF 'fHE DEPUTY GRAND MASTElt-lII:-3 POWERS ANI> DUTIES.

§ 1. The Deputy Grand Master shall attend upon the meetings of the Grand Lodge, and render to the Grand l\-Ias.ter such aS3istance as may be required by him. § 2. In case of the death, resignation, refusal to act or removal from the State of the Grand ~Iaster, he shall, ex officio, exerciae all the privilege.s,and·perfoI:"m all the duties of Grand Master, as herein provided, until the llext regular Annual -Communicatioll of the Grand Lodge. . § 3. In the temporary absence from the State of the Grand l\1aster, he may, by the consent of the Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, call a special meeting of the Grand Lodge, first giving at least ten days notice in writing, to the Lodges and members, of the time and place of meeting and the obj ect .of slJ.ch meeting. . § 4. He shall, by virtue of his office, perform the duties and enjoy the privileges of DJstrict Deputy Grand Master within the district in which he resides, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand :l\1a5tcr. § 5. Upon the legal petition of seven or more Master l\-IasollS) duly recommended, he shall have power to grant dispensations to form new Lodges. ARTICLE X. GRA:\D WARDENS--TIIEIR POWEllS AND DUTIES.

§ 1. The Grand'1'Yardens shall assist the Gran.d Ma~ter in the Grand Lodge, and when required are to attend him, and discharge such lVlasonic duties as are properly required. § 2. In the absence of the Grand l\1aster and the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden shall preside over the Grand Lodge, and in his absence the Junior Grand War-




den; and in the absence of all these, then the Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters and Past Masters, according to rank. ARTICLE XI. OF THE GRAND TREASURER.

§ 1. The 'Grand Treasurer shall have the custody and charge of the personal property, jewels, furniture and funds . of the Grand Lodge. § 2. He shall annually, during the Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge, execute to the Grand Master, (for the time being,) to the use of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, a bond with such security, and for such sum as the Grand Master may approve, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties. § 3. He shall keep just and distinct accounts of each fund respectively, belonging to the Grand Lodge; and also, an explicit inventory of all property thereof. § 4. He shall lay before the Grand Lodge annllally,on the first day of the Communications tllereof, an explicit statement of his accounts, exhibiting the amount received and paid out, and on what account, with the respective dates of receipts and disbursements. § 5. He shall pay all orders drawn on him in pursuance of the orders and directions of the Grand Lodge, and pay over to his successor in· office, all monies remaining on hand, and deliver over all property of the Grand Lodge, and all books, papers, evidences of debt, jewels, furniture and regalia, in his possession and entrusted to his care, taking duplicate receipts for the same, one of which he shall deliver to the Grand Secretary. . ARTICLE XII. GRA~D


§ 1. The Grand Secretary shall attend upon the Communications of the Grand Lodge, observe and record the. proceedings thereof, and preserve the same in stlitable books, kept for that purpose. . § 2. He shall heep suitable books for accounts, and care-

[. 21


fully record therein all accounts of the several Lodges, sepa.rating and distinguishing each fund respectively. § 3. He shall keep explicit accounts of all monies received and paid over by him, and annually exhibit to the Grand Lodge an attested copy thereof. § 4. He shall receive all petitions, . applkations and repeals, ahd lay them before the Grand Lodge. § 5. He shall have the custody of the seal of the Grand Lodge. § 6. He shall engross, attest, and fix the seal to all warrants, charters, commissions and certificates, \vhen·ordered by the Grand :i\faster or the Grand Lodge. § 7. He shall keep in a bound book a corrected list of all Lodges under this jurisdJiction, their number, place of meeting, number of members, and annually at the meeting of the Grand Lodge, make out and suspend in the grand hall, a copy thereof for the use of the Grand Lodge. § 8. When the committees are appointed, he shall make out and suspend at the Wardens' stations, copies of the appointment of the several committees. § 9. When required he shall attend upon the several committees with the records, documents, and papers of ·his office. § 10. Unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge, he shall cause the journal of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge to be printed, and with all convenient despatch forward the requisite number 6f copies to the s~veral Lodges, and two copies to each of the Grand Lodges of the United States; and also, the Grand Lodges of such foreign states as may be in communication with this Grand Lodge. § 11. He shall append to the journal of proceedings every year, a list of all the Grand Officers, Past Grand Officers and members ofthe Grand Lodge present at the Communications; also, a tabular statement, exhibiting the name and number of the several Lodges, the time and place of their regular. meetings, the number initiated, passed, raised and admitted in each, and the total number of members belonging to each· Lodge; also, a list of those suspended and expelled in this State, and the United States, stating the cause. § 12. In the interval of the Communications of the Grand Lodge, he shall, at his discretion, answer all communications addressed on the subject of Masonry.




§ 13. At the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, he shall lay before it all communications received in the interval. § 14. The Grand Secretary shall have power, from time to time, to appoint one or more Brethren as deputies, to aid him in the discharge (If his duties-who, when so appointed, shall be membuxs of the Grand Lodge, and entitled to one vote each on all questions. § 15. The Grand Secretary shall be entitled to the follow· ing fees: r".. For engrossing a charter and affixing the seal, $3. For engrossing dispensation and affixing seal, $1." For certificate and seal to other documents, each, $1. For certificate and seal to a diploma, $1. For attending on the Communications of the Grand LOllge, and miscellaneous duties in the interval, attending to the printing- of journal, &c., such compensation as the Grand Lodge may order.



§ 1. The District Deputy Grand Masters shall visit the several Longes in their respective districts once, at least, in every year-il15pect their by-laws,records and mode of work. They shall deliver the necessary instruction in work and bU3i· nC5s, and exercise over the Lodges under their charge a gen· eral superintendence. e§ 2. They shall mahe an annual report to the Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication, setting forth an account of their official acts during the year, the state of Masonry within their jurisdiction, the condition of the Lodges respectively, and suggesting such measures as to them may appear conducive to the general !rood. § a. They '~ay commission any district ~Brotber, .who is of the tlegree of Past Master, to perform their respective du· ties for them, in Lodges at a distance, which they cannot visit in person. § 4. "Yhen any Brother may be commissioned a8 in the third section is provided, he shall possess all the powers, and discharge all the duties of District Deputy Grand Master for the Lodge for which he is appointed.




§ 5. Five days notice shall be given by the District Deputy Grand lHaster, of his iiltended visit to any Lodge. § 6. The District Deputy Grand :Masters shall have pow.. er within their jurisdictions respectively, on the lawful petition of the legal number of Masons, duly recommended, as provided by law, to gran( warrants of dispensation to organize and establish new Lodges. ARTICLE XIV. OF GRA:\D CII.-\PLAL\':;:.

The Grand Chaplains shall attend the Communications of the Grand Lodge, and perform such clerical duties as may be suitable to the oceasion, and as are established by usage.



The Grand IHar~hal shall direct the organization of the Grand Lodge before it i3 opened, collect from the members and petitioners in the Grand Lo(lge, all communications, and place them before the G rand Secretary, introduce visiters, direct the formation of, and c:Jnduct processions, call the Lodges when required, and execute all commands of the Grand l\-Iaster, 110t otherwise provided for.


The Grand Sword Bearer shall tahe nmk as assistant Grand IHarshal, and in his absence perform the duties of Grand l\Iarshal.

A RTICLE XVII. OF (;lc.:\1) J)E.\l'O:\"'.

The Grand Deacons shall communicate mcss~\ges and attend the Grand l\laster in processions.


_ The Senior Grand St.eward, (under the direction of the Grand Treasurer,) shall have in charge the jewels, clothing, ::.. £urniture and regalia of the G rand Lodge; und with the assis-




tanc~' of the Junior Steward, properly distribute the j ewelJ and clothing of the Grand Lodge, and take due care of all'that comes to their charge.


The Grand Pursuivant shall have his place at the inner door; he shall attend to the admission of officers, members and visiters, see that all are suitably provided and clothed, and that each occupy his proper place.-In public procession9 he shall precede and assist the .Grand lVlarshal.


ยง 1. The Grand Lecturer shall acquaint himselfthoroughly with the work and lectures of the four first degrees. He shall attend the meetings of the Grand Lodge and exemplify the work and lectures when required. . . ยง 2. He shall visit the several Lodges, if necessary, and instruct them in the work, lectures and ceremonies, and also, in every department of the d~lty and business of Masonry. ยง 3. He shall be entitled to his traveling expenses, and a reasonable compensation for his services, to be paid by the Lodges respectively, to which services are rendered. PTOvided, however, that he shall visit no Lodge without the request of the Lodge. ยง 4. Ten days notice, in writing, to the Worshipful Master of any Lodge, shall be deemed due notice of the intended visit of the Grand Lecturer to such Lodge.


The Grand Tyler shall duly guard the outer door, and see that none except the Grand Ofl'icers and members enter without the special permission of the Grand Master.


ยง 1. Whenever a Brother shall be accused of any offence, the proceedings shall be conducted in the following manner

[ 25 ] Rule 1. The charges and specifications shall be made in writing, under the signature of a Master Mason, or the committee of the Lodge, and delivered to the Secretary of the proper Lodge. . Rule 2. The Secretary shall make out a true copy of the charges and specifications, and attest the same, and deliver it so attested, to the accused, ten days at least before the time of trial. . Rule 3. If the residence of the accused be not within ten miles of the place of meeting of the. Lodge, an attested copy of the charges and specifications, enclosed by mail to the Post Office nearest to the residence of the accused, twenty days before the day of trial, shall be deemed good notice. Rule 4. If the residence of the acoused be unknown to all the members of the Lodge, the trial may be had exparte. Rule 5. If the accused· reside out of the State, and his residence be known, the Secretary of the Lodge shall send to him by mail, an attested copy of the charges, at least siJ(ty__ days before the day of trial. Rule 6. The -examination of the charges shall· be in a Lodge specially notified for the purpose, at which no visit(:rs shall be admitted except witnesses and counsel. Rule 7. .The accused may select any Brother as his counsel, and the witnesses !:>hall testify upon their honor, (and if 'lVIasoll3,) upon their honor as such; hearsay evidence shall be excluded, and the best evidence shall be introduced. Rule 8. If the witnesses cannot or will not attend at the Lodge, their depositions may be taken ~nd read as evidence. Rule 9. Nutice of the time and place of taking depolSitions shall be given in writing, to the opposite party a reas'onaLle time previous to the time of taking the same, and the deponent shall make his testimony upon his honor. Rule 10. The depositions shall be sealed up by the deM ponent and conveyed by some trust worthy person and deliv- . ered to the Secr~tary of the Lodge, :who shall endorse there011 whether received sealed or other{vise• .Rule 11. Notice to -a Lodge to take the depositions of WItnesses, may be made by delivering a written notice to the Secretary or Master of the Lodge as above proyiderJ~ . Rule 12. Upon every trial, the Lodge shall a.ppoint fome .




26 ]

Brother to write down the evidence on both sides, who shan attend and write down in fair hand the whole of the eviden~e in the case. Rule 13. When the testimony is closed, the ques~ion up~ each specification shall be distinctly put by the Master, to every member present, beginning with the youngest, "Is th.,. accused guilty or not guilty?" The answer shall be given standing, and in an audible manner, and the Secretary shall record the answer. Rule 14. If the accused be found guilty, the Lodge, by vo.te, shall assess the punishment due to the offence. Rule 15. In 11 cases of suspension or expulsion of any member from the privileges of Masonry, two·tljirds of the v.,Otes of all the members present shall be required. Rule 16. Any Brother feeling agricved by the decision of the Lodge, upon the trial of any Brother, may take his a~ peal from the judgment an~ decision to the Grand Lodge. _ Rule 17. The appeal shall be made in writing, and may be in the following fOfm; "1, --,a Master Mason, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, do declare, upon my hOl1or as a Mason, that I feel materially agrieved by the decision of ---'Lodge, No. - , ]\tIo., in the case of--_. - . And for rehearing 'of the'case, and to the end that justice may be done in that matter, do take my appeal to said Grand Lodge. . A. B., Appellant." Rille 18. The above, or similar appeal, shall be signed by the appellant, and filed with the Secretary of the Lodge within ten days' afte.r the trial and judgment, and not afterward'S,1 , ,Rule 19. The Secretary of the Lodge shall immediately re~rd the appeal and transmit to the Grand Lodge, at the next meeting thereof, atrue copy of the evidence in the cause., together with the appeal certified under his hand and seal o~ Qffice•

. Rule 20. The Grand Lodge OJ} receipt of the appeal an~ evidence shall be possessed of the cause, and shall proceed to examine and try the cause, upon th~ evidence so transmit· ted, without. any Qthe.r testimony, and decide the matter finally. Rule 21. The' appellant shall give to the other party, at least le'n days notice, ill wriling, of the taking of the appeal,




a copy of which notice shaH be forwarded to the Grand Lodge, with the evidence of its service. Provided, however, the parties may waive the notice herein required. Rule 22. The Grand Lodge may reverse the decision of a Subordinate Lodge, whereby a Brother is suspended or expelled, but such reversal shall in no case restore the accl!sed to membership in the Lodge, without the unanimous consent of the members thereof. Rule 23. Whenever charges shall be so exhibited against a member of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master, or District Deputy Grand Master, before whom the charges are brought, shall make out a true copy of the same and c:ause it to be delivered to the accused, and shall forthwith suspend him from the exer~ise of his privileges as a member of the Grand Lodge, and cite him to appear before the Grand Lodge at its next meeting, to answer to the charges exhibited against him. Rule 24. The Grand Lodge shall proceed to hear and decide the cause at the earliest convenience, and the judgm~nt shall be final in the cause. Rul~ 25. The rules for taking depositions, serving notices, and decidin~ causes herein prescribed for the Lodges, shall also prevail, so far as the same are applicable, in reference to trials in the Grand Lodge. Rule 26. The Grand Lodge shall have power to try and punish its own members for any offence; and the rules herein prescribed for the government of the Lodges, in trials of offences, shall govern the Grand Lodge in like cases, so far as the. same may be applicable. Rule 27. In all cases of the accusation and trial of memhers of the Grand Lodge, the copies of charges, and notices, shall be served in the same manner, and路 in the same time. Depositions and testimony taken and preserved in the same m::mner as is provided in the foregoing rules, respecting trials in the Lodges; and the same duties required in tho3erules by the Master, shall, in trials in Grand Lodge, be performed by the Grand Master; and the duties therein devolved on the Secretary of the Lodge, shall, in cases before the Grand Lodge, be discharged by the Grand Secretary or his deputy.





§ 1. The clothing of a Grand Officer and Past Grand Officer, shall be a purple sash and collar, gold or gilded jew~, and white apron trimmed with purple. . § 2.· The representatives of Subordinate Lodges shall wear a blue sash, and collar, silver jewel, and whiteat>ron trimmed with blue. ~ . § 3. No Brother shall, on any pretence, be admiUedinto the Grand Lodge, or any Subordinate Lodge, without his proper clothing; nor shall any officer of the Grand Lodge, or representative of a Subordinate Lodge, (proxies excepted,) be allowed to ,'ote without his jewel, unless by special leave of the G rand Lodge. § 4. No regalia, jewel or emblem shall be worn in Grand Lodge, or any 811bordinate Lodge, (except on occasions of public processions,) that do not appertain to the degrees which are un~er the control of the Grand Lodge. . § 5. The fonr foregoing sections shall not take effect, nor . hc enforced until October, in the year 1846. ARTICLE XXIV. MISCELLANEOUS REGtTLATIOXS,

§ 1. The Master of every Lodge under this jurisdiction, ,\'l10 has faithfully discharged his duties; and complied with the regulations of the Grand Lodge, shall, at the end of the Hut year, he prescnted by the District Dep\:1ty Grand Master of his district, with a Past Master's di plom~) to be pro,·ided by the Grand Secretary. § 2. No one below the degree of Master Mason, shall be interred with Masonic honors and the formalities of the Order. § 3. It is the duty of the Lodge of which a Brother is a member, or the nearest Lodge, to attend and perform the usu~l :Masonic burial service over deceased l\iaster Masons, in c\'cry case, if 110t rendered impossible by circumstances, or unless otherwise ordered by the deceased, or hill nearest re~ latives. § 4. No Lodge, nor officer~r member of any Lodge, shall, under any circumstances, give a certificate orrecornmendation to enable a l\1ason to proceed from place to place, as a· pauper




or in an itinerant mallllcr, to apply to Lodges or lVlasons for relief. § 5. No political or other exciting topic, not connected with l\1asonry, shall he permitted in any Lodge, nor in any hall, used as a place of l\'lasonic meetings, in presence of the members of any Lodge, when convened for lVlasonic purposes. § 6. The Master of a Lodge has the special charge and custody of the charter of the Lodge, and s,hould see that it is carefully pr/~served. It must he present whenever the Lodge is opened. 9 7. A visiter; ha",'ili.g been duly recognized as entitled to visit the Lodge, has a right to call for an exhibition of the charter of the Lodge. . § 8. No Brother can be a member of more than one Lodge at the sam8 tiJne. § 9. The removal of <\ member into the jurisdiction of another Lodge, does not,. of itself, authorize his Lodge to strike his name from the list of members~ § 10. No resident l\!lason, ,vho is not a. member of some Subordinate Lodge, shall be allo\ved to vi:,it the same Lodge more than twice, except hy the unanimous vute of' all the members present. . § 11. It shall not be laWflll for one Lodge to iliterfere with the busines~ or Ci};}c~rns of any other Lodgl>. § 12. No vote p•• sscd in the Grand LoJge ('.m be reconsilki"ed, except it shall be moved at the same, or the next day after that at \',+1('h it was passed. § 13. A Lodge or lirother offending against any law or regulation of the craft, or of the Grand Lodge: to the breach of which no penalty is athtched, shall, at the discretion of the Grand LOl.1ge or Subordinate Ledge. having juri6dit:tion of the case, be subject to admoniti<m., reprimand, SUSlJcnsiol1 or expulsion. . § 14. No Lodge shall discharge a mernberflOm his membership for the nun-paymehtaf Lodge dues, ',vhile his dues remain unpaid-:-but before such discharge the Lodge shall remit his dues. § 15. The penalty for non-payment of Ltdge dues, shall be smpension from the privileges of Masonry until his dues are paId-but the Lodge may, for good cause remit the dues of any member. 3"


搂 1. The following terms shall be understood and con.. Itrued to mean the following: . 1. The-expression, ample form.-The Grand Lodge is declared to be opened in ample furm when the Grand Ma:tter presides. 2. In due form.- When the Deputy Grand Master presides. 3. Form.- When it is opened in the absence of both the Grand Master and his Deputy. 4. D1'scharged member-Is one whose Lodge dues have been remitted, and who3e name has been erased from the roll of members, for failing to make payment of dues. 5. Suspension.-The suspension of a Brother excludes him from all Masonic privileges, and precludes alll\fasonic intercourse between him and his Brethren during the time of llis suspension. 6. Expulsion.-This is the highest and most awful punishment inflicted by Masons-it excludes a Mason from all Masonic privileges forever, and all Masonic intercourse 'With the Fraternity, unless he be restored by the Lodge that expelled him, or by the Grand Lodge. 7. .!'totificaiion--Is a notice by which the time, place and Imsiness of the meeting of a Lodge is made known to a mem路 ber. Every member ought to obey this notice, unless it would materially interfere \vith his business, to his material injury. The highest penalty for disobedience, is fine or forfeiture of membership. R. Summons-Is a call of authority, or citation fo appear before the Lodge and answer to charges therein set forth, or it is an imperative injunction to appear at a special 1p.eeting of the Lodge, or to attend on the Grand Master, the District Deputy Grand Master, or a committee of members or other hody, authorized by the Grand Lodge to issue it. It is the duty of every lkother to obey it if possible. The penalty for disobedience to it is ex pulsion, unless the delinquent be able to produce good excuse for hi3 neglect. 9. The Lodge.路-The term Lodge is generally understood to mean: the members (If ,. particular l\!Iasonic association, duly authorized to work, or the hall in which they meet. Its tech路




nical meaning is, the ftooring-or a regularly arranged paint. ing'of the Masonic emblems on canvass-the Masonic carpet. 10. The Trestle Board, or Tracing Board-Is a board on which the Master draws out his designs, or on which thOse designs are already drawn. It ia sometimes used as synony· mous with flooring or carpet. 11. Past Master.-This name is to be understood to belong only to those who have been duly elected and installed, and have served at least one year as Master of a Subordinate Lodge, under the jurisdiction of some Grand Lodge; and to entitle such to membership in the Grand Lodge of Missouri, must have served as Worshipful Master, for at lea~t one ye,r ovtr some Lodge under this jurisdiction.


§ 1.


It shall be the duty of each Lodge under this jurisdiction, once in every year, previous to the first day of August, to ascertain and make out in alphabetical order, a list of all l\laster :Ma50n5 resident within;1heir Masonic j urisdiction 1 (who arc deemed worthy as such,) and who are not members of any Lodge, and keep a record of snoh list, and' return' a certified copy thereof, with the annual returns, to the Grp,nd Lodge; and every Master Mason resident in the State of Missouri, shall report himself as such to the Lodge nearest his residence. . § 2. The Grand Secretary shall transcribe those lists in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, designating each jurisdiction respectively. . § 3. Each Master Mason who is not a member of some Subordinate Lodge, who is c01l3idered able, iihall pay to the Grand Lodge annllally, a fee of three dollars, and each Sub. ordinate Lodge, by some one appointed for that purpose by the Lodge, shall collect the same and pay it over to the Grand Secretary at the Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge. § 4. The Grand Secretary shall keep explicit accounts with each Subordinate Lodge, exhibiting all dues and monies received from them on areonnt of fees due by, and collected from such as are not members. The money: when received by the Grand Secretary, shall be b)- him pa.id over to the Grand TrCiJSUrer.




§ 5. The money so collected shall he a grand charity fund for education of the destitute orphans of deceased Master Masons, and the aid of such Master Masons, their widows and orphans as may need the same, and shall be so applied by direction of the Grand Lodge. § 6. The Brothers appointed by the Lodge to make col. lection of the fees specified herein, shall make full report of all who fail or refuse to pay the same, and the several Lodges shall transmit a copy of the list of delinquents to the Grand Lodge with their annual returns. § 7. The Grand Secretary shall provide printed certificates, of good staliJiJl o·, and shall deliver an appropriate number thereof to each Lodge, duly certified under his hand and the seal of the Grand Lodge, with the necessary space in Llank, for the insertion of the name of the Brother to whom the same is to be delivered. Q 8. The several Lodges shall fill np the blanks in the certificates, with the names of such Master :Masons as pay the fcc specified in the third section hereof, who are not members, and deliver to each Broiher his certificate ; and the Brother deli vering the same shall elldors~ thereon the date of its delivery. § 9. The Lodges, res.pectively, shall fill up and deliver to all such members of Lodges as require it, a certificate. of good standing, as prescribed in the last section, without ch~rge. § 10. Each Brother, not being a member of some Lodge, once in every )'ear, shall re-deliver his ccrtincate to his Lodge, and the Lodge shall endorse thereon the date of its return, and the several Lodges shall determine, by order, to what members the certificates shall be re-delivered, and shall also re-delivcr the certificates to all such Master Masons as have p,.id the annu;:-.l fee ~pecified in the third section hereof, noting on the b..ck thereof the date of its re-delivery. § 11. 'When there are two or more Lodges in ~he same town or city, the duty of making and returning a list of all transient Bret.hren, or Breth~en not members of some Lodge, to the Grand Lodge, and the duty of collecting from such Brethren the monies assessed upon them by law, shall be performed by the oldest Lodge of such town or city. § 12. It shall be the duty of each Subordinate Lodge, to cause a list of all destitute orphan children,of Masoni" within



their jurisdiction, to be made out once every year, and to transmit a copy thereof to the Grand Lodge. The Lodge!'!, respectively, so far as t.heir ability permits, shall cause all such orphan children to be sent to school, eithar to the College or to some convenient school, so as to provide and furnish each· a good English education. § 13. The certificates of good standing, above mentioned, shall b.e in the following form: "The Grand Ledge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of 1\lissouri, to all who shall see these presentsGreeting: "Know ye, that Brother A. B., a Master Mason, (a member of - - Lodge, No. - , or 1'esiding w'1:lhin the jurisdiction of - - Lodge, ';\'"0. - , as the case may be,) and whose signature I have caused to be endorsed by himself, in the margin hereof, is a worthy and acceptable I\'faster 1\1ason, justly entitled to :L\Iasonic privileges and courtesies as such, and as such we commend him to the kindness, confidence and fraternal regard of the Masonic Fraternity, wherever dispersed. - By order of the Grand Lodge" aforesaid. In testimony whereof, I, - - , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Grand Lodge. Done at office in the city of St.. Louis, on this ._- day of - - , A. D. 184-, A. L. 584-. A. B., Grand Secretary." ARTICLE XXVII. FOR THE ESTABLISHING, MAIl\'TAI~ING, GOVERNING AND PERPETUATING A COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF LEARNING, AND AN ASYLUM FOR ORPHANS, UNDER THE CONTROL AND PATHONAGE OF SAID GRAND LODGE. .

Be it 01'dained and enacted by'fhe Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient .Masons of the State of Missouri, as follows: § 1. A college and school for the instruction of youth in an the branches of learning usually taught in such institutions, and an asylum for the orphans of destitute Master :Masons, and such others as the Grand Lodge of Missouri may, by order, admit, is hereby established, in pursuance and by virtue of an act of the General Assembly of said State, entitled "an act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted




Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri;" approved, 17th . February, 1843. § 2.. The, college and school aforesaid, shall be organized1 established, governed and conducted ill strict accor<1ance with the powers and privileges conferred by the act of incorpora.. tion above -mentioned. § 3. The institutions of learning and asylum aforesaid, un· til otherwise provided by law, shall be set up and established in the county of Marion, in said State upon the lands known and described as part of sections numbered six and seven, in township No. 58, north, in range No.7, west; and shall be known and c;llled by the name of "The Masom:c College of the State of .:Nlissouri. n § 4. No person who is not a Master Mason, (servants employed in common labor and females excepted,) shall ever be chosen, elected, or in any manner appointed to any office, place, trust or employm~nt in or about the premises or institution of learning aforesaid; nor shall anyone not a Master Mason, and of tried integrity, undoubted moral character, and acknowledged ability for learning, ever he appointed, elected or chosen President, Principal, Professor, Tutor or Instructor in said institutions of learning; nor shall any mere sectarian doctrine of religion, nor any systematic or polemic theology be ever taught thercFn, either directly or indirectly. § 5. No book shall be received into the college for the use of' tIle students, except such as shall be first approved by the Grand Lodge, or by a committee appointed by the Grand Longe for the purpose of selecting books for the use of·the students, and no-book, which, either directly or indirectly treatg of any subject of sectarian theology or religion, shall be re.ceived for the use of the students. But the scriptures of the Old and New Te3tam-ents, without note or comment, shaH be the third book for ~Yery class, and every student able to read, shall be required to read two lessons from the scriptures each day, and \vithout regard' to any sectarian system. § .6. Should the Grand Lodge aforesaid, neglect r fail or refuse"for the space of five years together, to set up, sustain, and' conduct the institutions of learning aforesaid r as contemplated by the act of incorporation aforesaid, and the resolution3 of the Grand. Lodge heretofore passed, providing for the establisllWg said institutions of learning~ and in pursuunce. of,

[ 35 ] and in accordance with the powers, privileges and directions as set forth in said act of incorporation, and the resolutions aforesaid, in that event, the premises aforesaid, and all property belonging to said Grand Lbdge, as college property, shall be sold to the highest bidder, on a credit of one, two, three, four, five, six and seven years, by a commissioner to be appointed by said Grand Lodge for that purpose, who shall take an oath for' the faithful performance of his duties, and , who shall give due notice of said sale in three newspapers published in said State, describing the property and terms of sale. The sale shall take place at such place as the Grand Lodge may direct. ~aid commissioner shall take bonds from the purchasers, bearing interest at eight per cent. per annum, and shall immediately place such bonds in the hands. of the fund commissioners of said Grand Lodge, to be appointed by the Grand Lodge. ยง 7~ The fund commissioners shall ,receive the said bonds, collect the money thereon as the same shall fall due, invest the same on interest, with good security, and distribute the interest annually arising thereon, in the maintenance of the widows, and the nurture and education of the children, male and female, of indigent Masons. ยง 8. The Grand Lodge and their successors forever, shall, from time to time, as necessity may require, and in such manner as may be provided by law, elect or appoint all such officers, tutors, trustees and commissioners as may be found necessary, under the limitations herein contained, and displace the same at pleasure, and to declare and fix by law the duties, ;' tenures and emoluments of their respective offices. , ยง 9. All property now owned by the Grand Lodge, and such as may be hereafter acquired for educational purposes, (or the proceeds thereof,) .shall be appropriated by the Grand Lodge to the endowment, use and support of said institutions of learning, in such manner as may be most conducive to the promotion of virtue and learning, under the limitations herein contained; and all property donated or acquired fora specific object, shall be applied to that object and no other. ยง 10. In the choice of President, Pri~ipal, Professors, Tutors, Teachers, Officers or Students, no preference shall ever be given, nor discrimination, made, on account of religious opiniolli; nor shall any by-laws, rules or'regulationseverbe


36 ]

made for the government of said institutions of learning, by which the rights of conscience, or th~ free exercise of reU· gious opinions and religious worship may be controlled. ARTICLE XXVIII. § .1. The Masonic College of Missouri shall consist of two departments, 1st. The preparatory school. 2d. The collegiate department. § 2. In the preparatory department shall be taught all the branches of a sound and finished business education; and also all the branches required for admission to the college classes. And in the collegiate department shall be taught all the branches of a sound and liberal education, which are taught in the most favored institutions. § 3. The Faculty of the College shall consist of a Preii· dent and requisite Professors of. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy; Professors of IHutthcmati0s ; Professo!~ of IVlentJ.1 and Moral Science; Professo.~s of Ancient La~g'uages and Literature; . And a Principal of the preparatory school, each of whom shall be elected by the Grand Lodge as often as occasion may require, and shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor shall have been duly elected and installed. § 4. The Principal and Professors, before enterin~ upon the dutie:; of their respective offices, shall make and subscribe the following declaration: "I, A. B., as Principul, (or a Professor, as the case may be,) do declare and promise, upon my honor as a Mason, that I will diligentiy, faithfully, and to the best of my ability, perform all the duties vf - - in the Masonic College of Missouri, durin'" my continuance in office as such; that I will, in all things c~nform to the laws, rules and edicts of the Grand Lodge, which have been, or may hereafter be enacted and ordained for the control and government of the College, so far all the same may come to my knowledge. § 5. Each member of the Faculty shall reside upon the oollege premises, in the house assigned to "him respectively, and each shall take due care of the premises entrusted to him, and be responsible to the Grand Lodge for any injury thereof. § 6. The internal goycrnment of the College, both as to




the property and students thereof, preparatory school, refectory and farm, (except so far as may be provided for by law enacted by the Grand Lodge,) shall be prescribed and exercised by the Faculty. They shall have power to enact and enforce all such by-laws, rules and regulations for the internal government of the college, as they may deem just and necessary. They shall determine all matters of discipline, not otherwise provided for, prescribe the course of study, determine lipon the qualifications for admis.sion to the several classes, and direct the course of studies in the preparatory school, subject to the regulation and "approval of the Board of Curators. § 7. The Faculty shall have power to make all laws and rules for the government of their own body as such, in PIJrsuance to the laws of the Grand Lodge. They shall appoint a Secretary, keep a just and true record of all the laws, rules, and regulations adopted by them, for the government of the college and their own body, anel a record of all their proc.eedings, a true copy of which they shall trall5mit to the Grand Lodge every year, at the Annual .Communications thereof, and, when required, submit the same to the inspection of any patron desiring to examine the same. § 8. No punishment or penalty shall be inflicted upon any student in the collegiate department, except by the judgment ann decree of a majority of the Faculty, sitting as a board of justice for the trial of offences, and no other or higher punishment shall ever be inflicted for any offence, than the following, viz: Private admonition. 2. Admon"ilion in c~ass. 3. Public admonition. 4. Degradation. 5. Sus pen·~Hon. 6. Private dismission. 7. Public dismission. 8. Deprivation of honors. 9. Expulsion. 10. For defacing or damaging property the offender may be fined, besides paying the damllges awarded against him. § 9. The Professors, by turns, as they may order, shall have, charge of each building and student's room not in the specIal occupancy of the Principal, Professors or Ste"ward, and s~ in turn visit each, and inspect the condition thereof once In every day, or oftener, if they think proper, and cause them to be kept in perfect order and neatness. § 10. Th-e President and Professors shall perform all such 4


38 ]

duties respectively, as are performed in colleges and schools. They shall giv.e diligent attention to the instruction of the students in literature, science and morals, and exert their best endeavors, by instruction and di~cipline, to further the great object contemplated by the Grand Lodge in establishing the institution. ยง 11. Each Professor and Tutor, respectively, shall be the tutor and governor of his class at recital, and at all times a guardian of the youth. He shall keep a roll of his class, on which he shall note the attendance, absence and demeanor of each student, the state of preparation, progress, and general bharacter of each, and make a written report thereof to the President, once every week. .ยง 12. The President shall, in like manner, make report to the Board of Curators, at their semi-annual meetings, and the Board of Curators, once in every year, at the stated .An~ TIual Communications of the Grand Lodge, shall make report to the Grand Lodge, setting forth concisely, the name of each Professor, Tutor and Student, the place from which they came, the Lodge or person sending or !J1aintaining him in col~ lege, the degree of advancement of each at the time he entered collegct, and at. the date of the report, and the studies pursued by each; also, the ag~ of each student; setting forth also, the condition of the college property, real and personal, the condition and manner in which the refectory is kept, the names and number boarding- therein, and the sum received during the year, for board, washing and lodging. ยง 13. The by-laws and rilles adopted by the Faculty, for the government and control of the college, shall be submitted to the Grand Lodge at the annual meeting thereof, and so much thereof as the Grand Lodge may approve, shall be the law and rule of action for the internal goYernment of the col~ lege; and if any part be not approved, it shall be struck 011t and of no effect. But the Faculty shall adopt no by-law or rule contrary to, or which may conflict with the laws of the Grand Loclg-c. ยง 14. The members of the Faculty shall deport them~ selves towards the students, in a kind, affectionate and gentlemanly manner, and carefully avoid all harshness and severity of every kind. They shall assiduously endeavor to instil into the minds ofall a love of virtue, benevolence and patriotism, I




§ 15. There shall be two vacations in every year, one to from the 20th day of December to the 5th day of January, and the other from the 20th of June, to the lst of August, and the President or some one of the Professors shall be alwa.ys present at the college during those vacations, and shall have charge of the premises and those remaining, during the period of vacation. Boys remaining at the College must continue to study. ~ontinue

ARTICLE XXIX. § 1. There shall be a Board of Curators of the College, to consist of not less than seven, nor more than fifteen, who shall be elected once in every two years, and who, when duly commissioned shall hold their offices until their successors are duly elected and commissioned. § 2. The Curators shall visit the College twice in every year: once on the 22d day of December, and once on the 20th day of June, and when those days fall on Sunday, then on the days next thereafter. They shall carefully examine alid inspect every department of the college, refectory and farm, and make full report to the Grand Lodge, as to the condition of the premises, and the nature and effect of the ~iscipline adopted for the government of the institution. § 3. The Board of Curators at their first meeting in every year shall, from their own body, elect a President, Vice President and Secretary, who shall serve as such one year, and until successors be duly elected. § 4. At the first meeting in every year, the President of of the Board shall appoint a Committee of Superintendence, to consist of five of their own body, whose duty it shall be to visit and inspect the various departments of the college once every thrc;:e months, and make full report to the Board at the semi-annual meetings thereof, as to the condition of the college and students, carefully designating whatever in their opinion is erroneous, and suggesting such correction in every department, as to them may appear necessary. § 5. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, Professor or other department of the college, the Board of Curators shall assemble at the college and eleci some suitable brother to fill such vacancy, until the next annual meeting of




the Grand Lodge, and a majority of two-thirds of the votes of all the members present shall be necessary to a choice. § 6. The Board of Curators, in vacation of the Grand Lodge, by the concurrence of a majority of two-thirds of all present, shall have power, for good cause, to suspend the President and Professors, or any of them, and to remove from the premises anyone in any department of the college. § 7. In case of suspension or removal, the Board shall make out and lay before the Grand Lodge, at its first Communication thereafter, a full statement of the charges and evidence upon which the judgment of suspension or removal was predicated, and the Grand Lodge shall pass final j udgment in the matter, affirming or reversing the judgment of the Board. § 8. U pan the request of anyone or more of the Faculty, the Committee of Superintendence shall order, if deemed necessary by them, and cause to be performed, all such temporary repairs to the college premises as the comfort of the Faculty and Students, and the security of the buildings may require. § 9. The Board of Curators shall order and direct the na- ' ture and manner of all permanent improvements of the college premises, the manner of laying off the grounds into gardens, fields and lots, and the kind and mode of cultivation of the farm. § 10. The Board of Curators shall h,ave a general superintending control over the institution, (~xcept as herein otherwise provided,) and by such 'Penalties as they may think proper to inflict, enforce obedience to their lawful requirements. § 11. They shall, by themselves or their Committee of Superintendence, make rigid inquiry as to the cleanliness, neatness and good order of the refectory, and for any failure or neglect of duty, (however slight,) on the part of the Steward, may suspend or remove him from the pre'mises, and supply his place with another, until the next Communication of the Grand Lodge. § 12. All contracts for repairs, services, &c., macIe by the Curators or the Committee of Superintendence, shall be in writing, signed by the Curators or Committee, or a majority of them, and the other party, and shall be preserved in a bound bQok 2 to be kept by the Secretary of the Board) or the


..1 ]

CommiUeeof Superintendence, and no contract, not evidenced in writing, in manner aforesaid, shall be binding upon the Grand I.. od~e. § 13. 1he President of the Board of Curators shall have powerto convene them or the Committee of Superintendence, at any t.ime he may think necessary. He shall give to each, ten days previous notice in writing, of such meeting. § 14. Seven of the Board, or a majority of the Committee of Superintendence, (as the case may be,) ~hall be a quorum to do business, and the Grand Lodge shall be bound by their legally authorized acts, in all things. § 15. They shall, from time to time, and as often as they may deem it necessary, in vacation of the Grand Lodge, elect all such Professors, Tutors, Officers and Servants, as may be necessary to the successful prosecution of the business of education, having due regard to the ability of the Grand Lodge to meet the expenses proposed to be incurred. §. 16. At each semi-annual meeting, they shall cause .to be laid before them, all acco~nts .against the Grand Lodge, arising on account of tuition and board of the students. They' shall settle and audit the same, and draw their warrant upon the Treasurer of the College for such sum in favor of each creditor as may be due him, and such warrant duly receipted shall be good evidence of payment, and the Treasurer shall file and preserve thein. § 17. The Curators, at their stated. semi-annual meeting, in the month of June, shall provide for public worship at the College Hall, upon every Sabbath day, and for this purpose, shall elect four preachers of the Gospel from the different denominations of christians,one from each. Those preache~s shall each preach at the College Hall on one Sabbath every month, and not oftener. § 18. No preacher shall ever preach at the College Hall or other place upon the college premises, upon any se~tarian doctrine of theology or christianity, nor enter upon auy discussion of any such subject, either directly or indir~ct1y, nor shall he ever deliver any discourse in contravention of the principles of Masonry. . ~ 19~ The President of the College, or ~n his absence, someone of the Professors, shall be present at all times or 4-




public worship, and for any violation of the provisiuns above mentioned, respecting preaching and public worship 3hall ar· rest further preaching by him £0 violating the pro' isions of law; and he who so violates any rule respecting preaching and public worship, shall not again be elected or appointe to preach at the college. § 20. The college duties of every day shall be begun and· ended with worship, and the President or some Professor shall attend and perform the services by reading a portion of Icripture,"singing and prayer. The singing to be of such psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and the prayeI:8 to be by the use of such forms of prayer ooly, al the Grand Lodge shall prescribe and furnish. § 21. At the stated hours for recreation, some one of the Faculty of the CoIIege shall be present at the place assigned for exercise and recreation, and prevent all improprieties and direct the youth in their intercourse with each other. § 22. Some one of the Faculty shall be present upon the college premises at all times.



§ 1. Youths of the age of ten years, and of good moral character only, shall be admitted as students upon the pay. ment of the fees and charges which the Grand Lodge may from time to time assess. § 2. No student shall be admitted into either department of the college, except such as board at the college refectory, or in the family of his father, mother. or If!gal guardian. § 3. Six months tuition fee,. and charges for board, &'c., must be paid· in advance, in every case, without distinction, except only such as, by order of the Grand Lodge, shall be entitled to tuition free of charge. § 4. The Grand Lodge, once in every year, shall desig. nate what number of students each Subordinate Lodge shall be authorized to send to the college, free of charge for tuition, t.nd the Lodges respectively, shall possess the privilege of sending, free of charge for tution, so many students to the school as, by resolution ~fthe Grand Lodge, may be directed. § 5. The President, (and in his absence, the. Professor of oldest standing,) shall be the Treasurer of the College.


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He shall execute a bond with such security as the Curator. may approve, to the "Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri," in the penal suDl of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge .of his duties as such, which bond ·shall be filed with the Grand Secretary, and be carefully· preserved by him. § 6. All moneys for tuition, fees, boarding and incidental charges for tuition, shall be paid to the :!'reasurer of the Col-lege, half yearly in advance, and the Treasurer, on receiptor any money, shall issue his certificate in duplicate, for the same, to him who pays the same, therein stating on what aceount the same was received, and shall enter the amount in a book to be kept by him for that purposes, designating on what account the same was received, and by whom paid. § 7. The student, parent, guardian or Lodge to whom the Treasurer's certificates shall be so issued, shall deliYer one of them to the Steward of the College, who shall file and preserve the same, and enter in a book kept by him, the certificate so delivered, designating on what account the ~oney was paid; and the certificate aforesaid shall entitle the stu. dent for whom the same is issued, to all the privileges of tuition and board for the six months next ensuing. § 8. The Treasurer of the College upon demand and the· presentation of the certificate above named, shall pay over to the Steward the amount received thereon for board, and take his receipt for the same, and enter all moneys paid out by him in a book kept for that purpose. § 9. The Treasurer of the College and the Steward t shall lay before the Grand Lodge, at its stated annual meeting every year, an explicit account, exhibiting, the amount of each certificateas above provided, and on what and on whose account the money was received. § 10. The Treasurer of the College shall payout all moneys which shall come tohis hands from other sources, upon the warrant of the Curators, signed by their President and attested by their Secretary, and Dot otherwise. ARTICLE XXXI. OF COLLEGE FUND COMMIS810NERS.

§ 1. There shall be a Board of Colleg~ Fund Commis.. sioners, consisting .of three Master Masons, appointed annu-




ally by the Grand Master, at the stated Annual Communica-

tions· of the Grand Lodge. They shall hold ~heir office all such for one year, and until their successors be duly appointed. § 2. The College Fund Commissioners shall execute to the Grand Lodge of' Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, their j oint bond, with such security as may be approved by the Grand Master, in such $um as he may require, conditioned that they will faithfully, justly, and according to law perform the duties of College Fund Commissioners, and faithfully and honestly account for all money that may come to ~.heir hands by virtue of their office as such. § 3. The Commissioners aforesaid shall collect and receive aU money and property collected, donated or in any manner applied as a permanent fund· for the maintenance of education, and keep just and true accounts thereof. § 4. They shall, from time to time, put to intere:;t aU money which shall come to their hands, at the rate of ten per cent. per annum. They shall make no loan for a longer period than twehe months, and only upon the most undoubted security. 6 5. They shall keep just and true accounts of all money and property which may come to their hands, distinguishing each particular fund, and the interest arising thereon, and submit their accounts to t.he Grand Master when required, and annually to the Grand Lodge, at its stated Annual Communications, which, when duly approved by the Grand Lodge, shall be recorded by the Grand Secretary, in a suitable book kept for that purpose. . § 6. The interest only, accruing on this fund, shall be disbursed for the maintenance of education, and the principle shall forever remain a permanent fund; and if, at any time, any interest shall remain unappropriated for the space of two years, it shall be added to, and become a part of the permanent fund, and shall be used as such. § 7. All moneys arising from the permanent fund, shall be disbursed for the maintenance of education, by the Commissioner!;, upon and by virtue of the order of the Grand Lodge only. 9 8. Specific donations of money or property for the main· tenance of education, shall be placed in the hands of the Comrni8lioners aforesaid, who shall be lawfully entitled to the pOi·




session of the same; and all ~uch donat!0ns shall be applied to the obj ect designated by the donor. ARTICLE XXXII~ STEWARD OF THE COLLEGE.

§ 1. There shall be a Steward of the 8011ege elected by the Grand Lodge, at the stated Annual Communications in every year. He shall enter upon the duties of his office on the first day of January in every year, and continue in office one year and until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified. § 2. The Steward shall have possession, for his use as a. refectory, of such buildings as may be assigned him by the Board of Curators, and such portion of the college farm as the Grand Lodge may, from time to time, direct. § 3. The Ste\,{ard of the College shall have the custody and possession, in the name of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, of the college farm, and buildings appurtenant, and shall see that all buildings, fencing, and other improvements and property thereon, be safely kept and in good repair, and that the whole be used and occupied in a husband-like manner. Under the direction of the Board of Curators, he shall lease out such portions of the farm as is not othenvise dis posed of, and for the use of the Grand Lodge collect the rents and profits thereof, and pay the same over to the Treasurer of the College. § 4. Once in six months he shall report to the Curators the exact condition of the college premises, the amount and disposition of the rents and profits, and submit for their consideration such amendments, alterations and repairs, as to him shall appear necessary; and under the direction of the Curators, cause all repairs and improvements to be made which may, from time to time, be found necessary. § 5. The Steward shall, at all times, provide for and keep the refectory. He shall provide and furnish a table for the students and such other persons belonging to the college, as may desire boarding, with plenty of wholesome, cl~an and well prepared diet, three times every day, at such regular stated hours as will best suit the Faculty and stadents. . § 6. He shall cause the washing to be done for the students as needed~ but shall not be obliged to furnish more than




two changes of shirts, drawers, socks and handkerchiefs Cor each student, per week. The clothes shall be well washed, dried and ironed, and delivered to the students in their bed rooms. § 7. He shall provide the necessary fuel for the college and students, to be delivered at the most convenient place at which it is needed. 'rhe fuel to be hauled and neatly piled up by the first day of Septemb2r every year. He shall have liberty, until otherwise ordered, to obtain fuel from the college lands. § 8. He shall provide and furnish to each student, the requisite quantity of candles, or other convenient means of providing light for his room, during the usual hours. § 9. II e shall see that each student keeps himself perfectly neat and clean. He shall permit no one to take his seat at table except he be in neat and clean condition, and for this purpose shall exercise the requisite control. § 10. He shall furnish each student with two clean hand towels per week, and shall makc the bcds and sweep the bed rooms of the students, cr have it done, and see that the same are kept clean 3;nd neat. § 11. The Steward of the College shall be entitled to receive fx:om each student or other person furnished and provided for as above stated, in advance, for six months supply, such compensation as the Grand Lodge may, from time to time, by order direct; and the Grand Lodge, once every year, shall, fix. the rates of compensation to the Steward. § 12. He shall provide board and lodging for the Curators, and such other officers of the Grand Lodge, as may be necessarily at the College on its busines,s; and for this he shall be allowed his .bill, at the rates of boarding for students. ARTICLE XXXIII. COLLEGE AGEl\T,

§ 1. The Grand Master, once every year, during the Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge, shall appoint a general agent for the College. He shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor shall be duly appointed and quali.fied. . § 2. The General Agent shall perform such duties in collecting money for endowment of the college, books, appara-




tus, and other property for its use, as the Grand Lodge mar order and direct. § 3. All money collected by him shall be paid over to the College Fund Commissioners, or to the Treasurer of the Col· lege, as required by law; and all books, apparatus and property, coming to his hands, shall be delivered to the Pres. ident of the Faculty, and take receipts for the same: § 4. He shall, from time to time, make report to the Grand Master, setting forth an explicit account of all that has come to his hands, and th~ ,'.isposition made of it by him. He shall also present, with his report, such suggestions as to him may appear conducive to the welfare of the institution. § 5. He shall perform all such other duties as may be re· quired by order of the Grand Lodge, respecting the pusiness ancl welfare of the College, and report thereon. § G. He 8hall be allowed so much as the Grand Lodge may deem those services to be worth. § 7. These by-laws may be amended, altered or repealed, in the foItowing- manner only: The alteration, amendment or proposition to repeal shall be reduced to writing, and read in open Grand Lodg-e,on three severd days, and if, upon the third reading thereof, a majority of votes present be found in its favor, it shall be printed with tIle jomnal of proceedings, and continued until the next Grand Annual Communication. The amendment, alteration or proposition to repeal shall be again read in open Grand LoJgc, on three of the first four days, and if, upon the third reading thereof, there be a maj or· ityof votes cast for the proposition, amendment or alteration, then the by-laws shall be so amended accordingly. § 8. The amendments which may be passed shdl be printed on separate sheets of paper, and forwarded to the Subordinate Lodge~, and the 'Vorshipful MU5ter of said Lodges shall cause the same to be bound with the by-laws, and shall see that both are preserved and read in his Lodge, at leuit twice in each year.




RESOLUTIONS. The following Resolutions were offered by Bro. Carnegy, October, 1841, and unanimously adopted by the Grand Lodge: Resolved, That it is necessary and expedient, and tile imperative duty, as well as the interest of the Grand Lodge, to establish at some healthy and convenient point, an institution of learning for the sons of indigent Masons and such others as the Grand Lodge may, from time to time, admit; and also to establish at such place as the Grand Lodge may direct, an asylum for the maintenance and education of the female orphans of worthy Master Masons and others. Resolved, That it is the duty of the Grand Lodge to proceed forthwith to adopt such measures as may be best calculated to oJtain the pecuniary means necessary for the accomplishment of the objects specified in the above resolution. Resolved, That it be recommended to each Subordinate Lodge under this jurisdiction, and to every worthy brother of the fraternity, to contribute liberally each year, for five years, to theo1jccts specified in the foregoing resolutions. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Missouri ought to be incorporated by law, with powers to purchase and hold forever so much land as is necessary, on which to erect a Grand Hall, to use and lease out said Hall, to receive the rents and profits arising therefrom, and to employ them for such purposes as they may think proper. Also, to purchase and hold forever, not more than one hundred acres of land, to be used and employed exclusively as a site for an institution of .learning, as specied in the first resolution, with power to erect houses and the necessary buildings thereon, appoint teachers, professors and governors for the same, and to rule and govern the same in such manner as the Grand Lodge may desire, with such other powers as may be necessary for the complete ac90mplishment of the objects aforesaid, and also to purchaS'e and hold forever so much land in addition to the above mentioned tract as may be necessary for a site for the asylum and school specified in the first resolution, and powers also, to occupy, use and employ the same for that object.




REPORT. Brother Carnegy, from the Select Committ~c on the purchase of the College, submitted the following report, which was unanimously adopted: The Committee to whom was referred the subject of the purchase of JVfarion College, have had the same under consideratiorl, and after the most mature reflection respectfully submit the following report: This subj eet, intimately connected as it is with our highest duty, (the education of the indigent,) becomes one of paramount impartance to all who would aid in elevating the SOIlS of our unfortunate brethren from the state of degradation in which a total want of moral, religious (',nel literary instruction must plunge them-and your committee respectfully submit, that there is no object of benevolence on which charity may be bestowed with so much propriety, with such happy results as the education of the poor. It is, indeed, a commendable impulse of hCCl,rt, which-induces the fortunate man to pour out his wealth in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and in providing for and comforting the destitute widow and her suffering orphans-yet to provide for the poor the needed instruction inknowledge,]eligion and virtue, is still more com:.. mendable; they therefore recommend that HERE AS, at the Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Slate of Missouri, in October, 1841, the Grand Lodge, by resolutions then pas~cel, "Re"solved, that it is expedient (Lnd necessary, and the imperative duty, as . well as the interest of t.he Grand LoJge, to establish at some healthy and convenient point, an institution of learning, for the SOi1S of indigent Mason~, and such others as the Grand Lodge may, from time to time, aJmi;;;" "and also that it is the duty of the Grand Lodge to proceed forthwith to adopt such measures, as mny be best cnkulated to obtain the pecuniary means necessary fer the aecomplish~ ment of the objects specified in the foregoing resolution",and whereas, with the 'design of carrying the resolutions aforesaid into effect, and hastening the consummation of the objects and intention of the Grand Louge to establish the institution aforesaid, our M. W. Gr.and l\1aster, Priestly



[ 50 ] H •. McBride, together with S. W. R. Carnegy, John II. C~.lTd, W. Henry Russell, D. Willock, Richard F. Richmond~ Carty "VeIls, Samuel T. Glover, Thomas L. Anderson, Parker Dudley, Francis A. Hanley, Thomas J. \Vise, Wm. D. Marmaduke, Chas. Levy, Jordan J.l\lontgomery, Asa C. Bryan, and Barnabas B. King, did, on the 12th day of September, 1842, purchase for the use of the Grand Lodge for the institution of learning aforesaid, certain lands and real estate situate in the' County of Marion, in s.aid State, being known as .the lands belonging to l\1arion College, (upper and lower Colleges,) being about thirteen hundred and fifty acres of land, with the buildings and improyements thereon, including the College buildings of the upper Marion College, from one H. H. Hays, their owner, on certain conditions specified in the bonds of said Hays, to the purchasers aboye named, and bearing date on the 12th day of September, 1842, therein (,onVCJing to the' purchasers above named, the premises aforesaid, and which they now tender to the Grand L o d g e . " Now, therefore, be it 'J.~r!sulv(;d, by the Grand Lodge of-Free and Accepted Ancient :Masons of the State of l\lissouri, I st. That this Grand Lodge doth and will accept th.e contract of purchase aforesaid, of said lands, upon the terms set forth in thc said bond of said Hays, which is hereby l:eferred to and prayed to be taken as a part of this report. 2d. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge will take the contract aforesaid, for the sale and purchase of the premises aforesaid, from said Hays: off the hands of the said purchasers, and will make payment for said premises according to the engagement entered into by said purchasers for its 'payment, upon the terms, conditions, and consideration specificd in said bond of said Hays-to be used and employed by said Grand Lodge for the institution of learning aforesaid, as contemplated in the resolutions passed, as above stated, in 184]. Resolved, 3d. That the Urand Lodp;e aforesaid, on obtaining title to the premises aforesaid, will establish a school of learning at the Upper College, (so cdled,) fl.)!" the mainteuaJlce and education of the sons of indigent I\l1asons, gratis; and also for the education of such others as may, from time to time, be admitted by the rcgul<,tions of the Grand Lodge. Resolved, 4th. That the il13titntion of learning, and the




premises aforesaid, retained for the school, shall be forever under the control and government of the Grand Lodge aforesaid. Provided, however, that no person, (females and servants employed in common labor excepted,) unless he be a Master .Mason, shall at any tiine be chosen, elected, or in any way appointed to any office, place, trust, or employment in or about said premises or ill5titution of learning. N or shall any mere sectarian doctrine or principle be ever taught, introduced or acted upon in said institution. Nor shall any person who is not a .Alaster Mason in good standing, (females and servants employed in commol~ labor axcepted,) ever exercise, enjoy or occupy any place, duty, trust or employment in or about said institution. Nor shaH anyone who is not of tried integrity, undoubted moral character, and acknowledged ability for learning ever be appointed as President, Professor, Tutor or Instructor, in said imtitutioll. Provided, also, that until the time the G ranu Lodge shall organize the school on the premises aforeimiu, the college builuings aforesaid shall remain in the possession of the present trustees of said colle~e, on such terms as may be prescribed by the t.rustees hereInafter mentioned and appointed to take the title to said premises. Resolved, 5th. That the shidents to be admitted in said institution for gratuitous instruction, shall be selected equally from among those entitleu to that privilege within this jurisdiction, in such manner and on such terms as may be provided by the Grand Lodge. Resolved, 6th. That this Grand Lodge most respectfully petition the Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, to grant to it a charter, therein conferring upon them authority, right and privilege to purchase, hold and use the premises aforesaid, for the use and under the limitations aforesaid; and the Grand Lodge respectfully recommend to the General Assembly aforesaid, Richard B. Dallam, Joseph Foster, A. Lightburn, E. S. Ruggles, J.F. L. Jacoby, Par.. ker Dudley, John Ralls, S. 'V. Lewis, T. J. 'Vise, A. Douglass, Jesse Little and Samuel T. Crues, as suItable persons on behalf of said Grand Lodge, to whom said charter may be granted.


[ 52 ]

CHARTER. the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons, of the State of Misssuri, are desirous of establishing an asylum for the nurture and education of indigent children, and a college of learning under their patronage and control, for the education of such as may be admitted thereto; and wher€as~ the said Grand Lodge have already, through the agency of their Grand l\1aster and others, contracted for the purchase of certain bnds, con i-d1ing about thirteen hundred acres, with many large builungs thereon, snitable for the obj ce:ts aforesaid, and design to ap~]y the same to the uses l'f maintenance and education as aforesaid, tllerefcrr,


Be it enacted V?J the General J1ssc1nbly of the Slate of JiJissvuri, (1S folloles : § 1. Th~t Priestly H. 1\:IcBride, Grand l\1astcr of the


G rand Lodge of the St~.te of l\lissonri, J oab Bernard, Deputy Grand l\1aster, S. 'V. B. Carnegy, })ast Gr~nd Master, Joseph Foster and Charlc:;; H. Bower, Grand lVarclens, Joha Simonds, Grand Treasurer, Richard 13. DaHam, Grand Secretary, Hiram Chambed31!1, Grand Chaplain, A. Dougbss, Grand Visiter, Williil:11 R. Singleton and John Sleigh, Grand Deacons, E. S. Ruggles, Grand l\farshaJ,. Jesse Little, Grand Pursuivant, James E~~gon, Grand Stewurd, A. Lig-htburn, Grand Sword Bearer, ~nd E5fom Ov;;en:--, Grand Tyler, the present officers of said Grand Lndgc, together ",,-itb such as by the constitution of said Grancl Ledge, arc mcmbers tbereof, and their successors in o!1icc, be, and they are hereby consti~ tuted anJ established a body poEtic and corporate, to be known by the name of the "G rand Loclg-c of Free und Accepted Ancient .Masons of the State of l\fissouri," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and a common sca], with power to alt~r and change the same at pleasure; and, by that name may sue, and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, as other corporations. . § 2. Said Grand Lodge thus incorporated, shall have right and authority to purchase, receive by gift, donation, or otherwise, and holJ in fee simple, in their corporate name, any


53 ]

amount of lands and real estate not exceeding in value fiity thousand dollars, in one or more parcels; on which to establish -asylums for the nurture and education of indigent children of both sexes, and such others as said Grand Lodge may admit; and also a college of learning for instruction in the higher branches of science, to' be under the control and patronage of said Grand Lodge. ยง 3. The said corporation shall have the right and' power to accept and hold such lands, tenements and hereditaments, also such goods, chattel5 and money, as may, at any time, be donated, bequeathed or conveyed to them; and the same to grant, sell, convey, put to interest, or otherwise dis pose .of, as may appear to said corporation most conducive to the mterest of said asylums and institutions of learning. ยง 4. The asylums and institutions of learning aforesaid, and such estat.e, real and personal, as may be held for the use the Grand Lodge aforesaid, in pursuance of the foregoing provisions, shall be under the control and government of said Grand Lodge; provided, rhuwever, that no person who is not a Master Mason, (servants employed in labor, and females excepted,) shall ever be chosen, elected or in any manner appointed to any ofilce, place, trust or employment, in or about said premises or institutions of learning aforesaid; nor shall anyone, not a Mason as aforesaid, and of tried integrity, undoubted moral character and acknowledged ability for learning, ever be appointed, elected or chosen President, Principal, Professor, Tutor or Instructor in said institutions of learning; nor shall any mere sectarian doctrine of religion, nor any systematic, or polemic theology, be ever taught therein, either directly or indirectly. ยง 5. The Grand Lodge aforesaid, and their successors, forever, shall have full power, and authority to appoint all such trustees, commissioners, officers and servants as they shall judge convenient and useful, under the limitations in the fourth sect.ion of this act specified, and to displace the same; and to declare the tenures, duties and emoluments of their respective offices; to enact and enforce, by reasonable penalties or otherwise, all such statutes, ordinances and bylaws as they may deem expedient as well for the better management of the revenues, estate and proprietary interests of




54 ]

said institutions, as for the advancement of morality, science and learning; so that the same be not repugnant to the laws of the land; also, to authorize the faculty of the college aforesaid to confer degrees, and distinguish merit by such literary honors and rewards as they may judge proper, and generally to exercise and enjoy all such powers and privileges usually exercised by universities. § 6. The property and funds of said institutions shall be appropriated by said corporation to the endowment and support thereof, ill such manner as may be adjudged most conducive to the promot.ion of virtue and learning, under the limitations aforesaid; provided, that no property or funds, donated for a speciDc purpose, shall ever be appropriated in behalf of any other obj ect other than that intended by the donor. § 7. An alteration, or change of the present or any future constitution of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, shall not affect this act, but said Grand Lodge may change or alter the constitution thereof at pleasure, and the officers and members thereof, under whatever constitution chosen, shall be taken and considered, as to this act, as the corporation aforesaid. § 8. In the choice of principal, professors, tutors, teachers, officers and students, no preference shall ever be given, nor discrimination made on account of religious opinions; nor shall any by-laws or ordinances ever be made for the government of said institutions, by which to control the rights ofconscience, or the free exercise of religious worship. § 9. Every officer or other person, who, by any by-law or ordinance, rule or regulotion of said corporation, shall 'be appointed, or in any wise authorized to receive any moneys, belonging to any fund of said corporation, created or set apart for the purpose of nurture or education, before entering ~n the duties of his appointment, shall execute a bond to said corporation, with good security to be approved by th~ Gr~nd Master, conditioned for the faithful performance of hiS dUbes; and for a breach of which an action of debt shall lie against him and his securities in any court having jurisdiction in such action. § 10. Should the corporation aforesaid neglect, fail or re· fuse to set up and keep the institution of learning aforesaid, as herein contemplated, for the space of five years together,


55 ]

in that event the premises held by said corporation shall be sold to the highest bidder,. or on a credit of one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven years, by a commissioner to be appointed by said corporation for that purpose, who shall take an oath for the faithful performance of his duties, and who shall give due notice of said sale in three newspapers published in said State, describing the property and the terms of the sale. Said sale shall take place at such place as said corporatiou may direct. Said commissioner shall take bonds from the purchasers, bearing interest at eight per cent. per annum, and shall immediately place said bonds in the hands .of the fund commissioners of said Grand Lodge. § 11. The fund commissioners of said corporation shall receive the bonds aforesaid, collect the money thereon as the same shall fall due, invest the same on interest with good security, and shall distribute the interest arising annually thereon, in the maintenance of the widows, and the nurture and education of the children, male and female, of indigent Masons; prov£ded, that the powers hereby granted shall not be used for banking, or insuring property; and provided further, that the right of any future legislature to alter, amend or repeal this act is hereby reserved. This act to take effect from and after its passage. Approved, Feb. 17, 1843.




REPORT. The Special Committee, to whom was referred the act of incorporation of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, made the following report, which was adopted:

To the路 Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of J1fisS0U1"i: The undersigned, a Special Committee appointed by said Grand Lodge to examine the act of incorporation, entitled "An act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient NIasons of the State of :Missouri," approved on the 17th day of February, 1843, submit the following report: They have read and examined the act passed by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, entitled "An act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancicnt 1\-lasons of the Statc of l\li3souri," approved the 17th day of February, 1843, in obedience to the resolution of their appointl.lent, lvith a view to its a~ceptance or rejection by said Grand Lodge, and have besto"\.."cd upon the subject submitted to them, the consideration due to tlll~ importance of it, and have arrived at the conclusion, that the said Grand Lodge ought to accept the said act. They therefore, recommend the adoptian af the fallowing resolution: Resolved, By the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Slate of l\Iissouri, in Grand Convocation assembled, that the act of the General Assembly of the State of l\1issouri, entitled "'./\.n act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient lYlasons af the State of Missonri," approved 17th day of February, 1843, be, and the same is hereby accepted, received and adopted by said Grand Lodge, and hereby acknowledged and accepted as a rule of action for the G rand Lodge aforesaid, in accordance with the provisions in the aforesaid act contained, and for the purposes and objects therein set forth 1 agreeable to the true intent and meaning thereof. S. 路"V. B. CARNEGY, ~ JOHN BULL, Committee. JOSEPH FOSTER.

[ 57


RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS Of the Grand, Lodge, jor the control and government of the College, passed April, .11. L. 5844. , 1st.路 Resolved, by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the Stat.e of ]',1issouri, th~t until January, 1845, and until othen-dse ordered, the Stc'\vard of the College shall have the use of such house as th0 Cllrators may assign to him as a refectory, and sevcnty-five acres of' the College farm, to be laid off by the Curators as they may think proper, in one tract. 2d. The Steward, until 1815, shall be "llovy路cd to charge and receive from each studeJjt and other y>erson boarding in the refectory; the sum of one dollar per week, in advance, for boarding, washing, fuel and light. 3d. Ordered, That until othcrwis e providecl, by resolution of the Grand Lodge, the rate of tuition per session, from vacation to vacation, shall be, in the preparatory department, ten dollars, anJ in the collegiate department, fifteen dollars, payable in advance. 4th. The Board of Curators, as soon as convenient, shall layoff and make a plot of the cr.mpus grounds and farm, and cause the gardens to be handsomely ar.ldsecurely enclosed. 5th. All lands set aparts for, and used as pasture lands, sl'all be enjoyed by the members of the Faculty of the College and the Steward equally, and in common. 6th. Ordered, That the President of the College for his annual compensation, shall bvc such portion of the buildings for his separate use as may be aSEignecl him by the Curators; also, the use and occupation of any amount of lands not exceeding twenty acres; ",Iso, the gardens and lots attached to his dwelling, and six hundred dollars payuble out of such funds as the Grand Lodge may provide, and an additional sum of twenty per cent. on all tuition fec3 which shall be received over one thousand dollars per annum. 7th. Ordered, That the al1!1Uul compensaticn (If each Professor and the })rincipal ofthe preparatory 5choo1,ftS to houses, lands, gardens and lots shall be the same as uJ1:~w{'d to tl~e President, and the sum of five hundred dol1au fief . anJlUm; pap.ble quarterly, out of such funds as the Grand Lodge




may provide, and the further sum of ten per cent. on all mo路 neys received for tuition fees, over one thousand dollars per nnnum. 8th. Ordered, That all moneys received for tuition, over the requisite sum required to pay the President, Professors and Principal their salaries, shall be paid over by the Trea路 surer of the College, to the College Fund Commissioners, and shall be subject to the orders of the Grand Lodge. On motion, Ordered, That the Grand Lodge will elect to take charge of the Masonic College of Missouri, (for the present,) one President, and one Principal of the preparatory department, and thereupon M. 'V. J. Worthington路 Smith, Grand :Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, on the motion and recommendation of M. W. S. \V. B. Carnegy, was unanimously eleeted President of the College, and Bro. A. Patter路 son, of Fayette, Mo., wasclected unanimously, Principal of the preparatory department of the College. The followin~ resolutions were offered by Bro. Ralls, and passed, October, 1844, A. L. 5844: Resolved, That from an~ after the commencement of the next 8ession of the college term, students shall pay in advance, for one session, for tuition fees: PER SESSION. In the Preparatory Department, $10 00 In the Collegiate Department, 15 00 For board in the Refectory, and washing, 25 00 Also, the further sum of one dollar per cord for the wood used by each, to be supplied by the- Steward of the College, and a reasonable compensation for such candles or oil, as each student may use,-the Steward to furnish the same at the request of the student, at the lowest market price, to be paid for in advance. The above resolution will fix the rates of tuition, board, &'c., from the 5th of January, 1845, until otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge. REMARKs.-The first session in each year, (the winter session,) commences the 5th day of January, and ends the 20th day of June. The summer vacation commences the 20th day of June, and co~tinues to the 1st day of August. The second, ( or summer sesswn,) commences on the hit day of August, and

[ 59 ] ends the 20th day of December; and the winter vacation be~ gins on the 20th of December, and continues to the 5th of January, in every year. The following is the course of study adopted by the Fa~ul颅 ty of the Masonic College and approved by the Grand Lodge, Uctober, A. D. 1844, A. L. 5844 :


1. Reading, Orthography and Penmanship, daily. 2. 3. 4. 5.

English Grammar. Modern Geography-Mitchell's and Atlas. Arithmetic-Ray's first lessons and eclectic. Algebra-Harney's and Day's. . 6. Ancient Geography. 7. Latin-Adams' Grammar, Anthon's Latin Reader, Anthan's C\Bsar and Sallust. 8. Greek-Virgil, complete, Anthon's Grammar and Greek Reader. 9. Composition and Dedi.lmation eyery S::\turday. 10. Bible Recitations Cyc.ry SunorlY morning. COLLEGIATJ~ DEPXRrr~:EXT.



Cicero's Select Orations, II (lfurc' 5 Odc~. Greek Testament, Greeia r,L1jol";-.,lsi yolnme. Tytler's Elements of History. .

Gcomctry-Legcndri's. Composition in Eng-li:,h :1nd L:itin. Declamation every S~:tnrlby. Bible Recit::ttion every Sund'lY l110rnlllg:. 80PHO~10nE


Grecia 1\1a501'n, 2d volume, Horace's Satires, Epistl('s nnd Art of Poetry. Plain and 1;;pllcrical Trigollomotry. Mensuration, Navig-:<I ion nnd Sl1rYeyin<r. N nu.tical A~ f.ronolYl}:路 "wI appEcatioll (.1' ..:\..lgclJra to Geometry. Come Sections. &c.

Blair's Rhetori~" Hedges' Lo~ic, Folsom's Liyy TilCi'lUS. Cieero's de amiei!in de scneelllte ill1d de lwtur~~ deormn.

[ GO J Greek and Latin translations and composition, Declamation, \veekly. ~ Bible Recitations eyery Sunday morni!lg. .TUXIOR CLASS.

J uvenal, Homer's Iliad. N'3.tural Philo30phy, (Olmstead and Lectures.) Differential and Integral Calculus, (Cambridge Course.) Lyell's Geology and Lectures. • Cleaveland's l\tIinerology and Lectures. Chemistry, (Turner's and Lechires.) Latin and Greek composition and dec!ama.tion. Bible Recitation every Sunday morning. SENIOR CLASS.

Astronomy, including the calcuh1.tion of eclipses, &c., (N or~ on's (ind Lectures.) Intellectu~.l Philosophy. 1."'!ora1 Philosophy. Political Economy. Civil Engiricerili~, (Cambridge course, with field practice.) Constitution~.l and lnternation<ll Law. Pract:jr;ul Boh~ny and Vegetable })hysiology. Decl8P1ation of original composition. Bible Recitations every SUllday morning. The Hebrew, French, Spanish and Ih::.lian languages will be taught at any period of the college course, if desired by the student, or his parent, g'.1ardian or Lodge. Students who shall go through the whole course above mentioned, and shall pas~ a satisf~tctory examination in all the branches of stndy, be entitled to the degree of BacheloT oj .I1l'ts, and three years thereafter, to the degree of Mastf'r of Arts, in ccurse. E.1:fn!et from the .Report of tllC President. H It will be per~ci\'cd that the course of study here adopted, is' as liberal and extensive as the systems pursued at the oldest and most reputable Coileges in America. It. is the wish and determination of the Faculty to place the graduates of the .JJfason'ic College on a par with those of the most favored inlStitlltions in our country, and this design appe:trs to them perfedly practicable. The course pursued in the Preparatory School will qualify the student to enter the l\1ilitary Academy





at West"Point, or to matriculate in any College or University in the United States. There are now in the several classes, fifty students. "The location of the College is in many respects happily chosen. It is situated in a high, bea utii'ul . [country,] distinguished for the salubrity of its air far removed from the noise, bustle and temptations to ,"ice of any town, in the midst of a population decidedly moral and religious, und offering no inducements to idlene~s or dissipation." The duties of every day are begun and ended with \vorship-reading a chapter from the sacred Scriptures~ \vithout note or comment, singing and prayer-and the Scriptures is the class book for the third class of readers:, and l?yery student is required to read one lesson from the Scripture;:; cyery day. The Curators arc to provide for public preaching in the College Hall, every Sabbath day, by preachers from the "arious denominations, and who are precluded from leeturingon or discussing any mere sectarian doctrine of tliri,.ti'\!1ity or polemic theology-eithel' directly or indirectly.





Onthe22d day of Fe1Jruary, 1821, a Conventi9n of Representatives of th~ee Subordinate Lodges, to wit. No's 12, 25 and 28, assembled at the Hall of MIssouri Lodge, No. 12 iIi the Town of St. Louis, and having resolved to organize a Grand Lodge for the State of lVIissouri, appointed a Committee consisting of Bro's lVilliam Bates, Nath'l Simonds and Edward Bates, to draft a Constitution and Code of By-Laws for the Government of the Grand Lodge, and then adjourned to meet at the same place on the 23d day of .IJpn'Z 1821, to organize a Grand Lodge. On the 23d day of .JJpTil, 1821, Three Lodges to wit, Missouri Lodge No 12, Joachim Lodge No 25, and St. Charles Lodge No 28, all working under authority granted by the Grand Lodge of the State of Tennessee, by their Officers as Representatives, Assembled at the Town of St. Louis, and then and there organized, and established the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The Officers (Representatives) above mentioned, were, From Missouri Lodge No. 12. Edward Bates, John D. Daggett, From Joachim Lodge No. 25. Wm. Bates, T. F. Riddick. From St. Charles Lodge No. 28. Ab'm S. Platt, H. Hunt. .I11so, Bro's H. Rankin, T. Douglass. Thereupon it was unanimously ordered, that a Grand Lodge cf Free and Accepted Ancient l\fasolls for the Stat.e of Missouri, ,vas, and should be duly and amply estabhshed and organized. Present: '\V. Edward Bates, G. M. P. T. James Kennerly, S. G. W. P. T. 'Villiam Bates, J. G. W. P. T. Abraham Beck, G. Sec. P. T. Joseph V. Garnier, G. Tr. P. T. Isaac A. Letcher, S. G. D. P. T. Joseph White, J. G. D. P. T. John C. Potter, G. T. P. T.


63 ]

Brethren Present: Edward Bates, William Bates, J. Jones, J. Graig-, T. Grimsley, W. H. Pocock, J. H. Penrose, W. G. Pettus, W. H. Hopkins and H. Hardin. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons, was thereupon opened in the third degree in form. An Election for Grand Officers for said Grand Lodge, was ordered and thereupon, Bro. Thomas F. Riddick was duly elected, M. W. G.4tM. James Kennerly " " " S. G. W. William Bates "" " J. G. W. Archibald Gamble " "" G. T. William Renshaw " "" G. Sec. The Grand Lodge being thus organized, was called from labor to refreshment, until the 4th day of May next. May 4th, A. D. 1821, A. L. 5821. The Grand Longe met in St. Louis, and being opened路 in ample form, proceeded in Procession to the Baptist Church, where the G. Officers were duly installed, and the .G. L. duly consecrated by Bro. Thompson Douglass. The G. L. subsequently adopted a Code of By-Laws for its government ill accordance with the Constitution previ()Usly adopted.




A ROLL OF GRAND OFFICERS, Of tile Grand Lodge qf M'ssou1'z; from zls organzzation, ~przI23d, 1821, .d. L. 5821, to October, 1844. GRAND MASTERS, With their names, degrees, residence and when in office.

Thomas F. Riddick, P. M., Jefferson Co., 1821.

Hbn. N. B. Tucker, P, M., J acI~son, lY10., 1821-2-3. Han. Edw. Bates, H. A., St. Louis~ 1824-5-6-7. Hardage Lane, P. 1\1., St. Louis, 1828-9-30. Han. Hamilton R. Gamhle, P. lVI., St. Louis, 1832. Han. Sinclair Kirtley, P ..M., do" 18:33. Han. A. B. Chambers, R. A" do., 1834. Han. S. W. B. Carnegy, K. T., Palmyra, Mo., 1836-7-8. Han. P. H. McBride, K. T., Paris, Mo., 1839-40-1-2-3. Han. J. S. Mitchell, R. S., Fayette, 1844. DEPUTY GRAND MASTRRS, With their nameÂŁ!, residence, degrees and when in office.

Geo. H. C. Melody, R. S., St. Louis, 1825. Hardage Lane, P. M., St. Louis, 1827. A. B. Chambers, P. M., St. Louis, 1833. John D. Daggett, R. S., do., 1836-7-8. A. B. Chambers, R. S., do., 1839. Joab Bernard, R. A., do., 1840-1-2. Joseph Foster, K. T., do." 184:3. Fred. L.Billon, K. T', do., 1844. GRAND WARDENS, With their names, residence, degrees and when in offic&.

Jas. Kennerly, 1\'1. M., St. Louis, 1821. William Bates, " Edw. Bates, R. A.

"" "1821-2W. G. Pettus, R. A. "1822. Thornton Grimsley, R. A., " 1824.


65 ]

Han. W. G. Pettus, St. Louis, P. M., 1824-5. Han, T. Grimsley, "" 1825. Martin Rug~les, P. M., Washington co., 1826. John F. Ryland, " 1826. Hon. Hamilton R. Gamble, P. M., St. Louis, 1827-8-9. Hon. Adam L. Mills, ". " 1828-9-80. Hon. Sinclair Kirtley, P. M., Columbia, 1830. Michael J . Noyes, " Bowling-green, 1832. Augustus Jones, " Washington co., 1832. Oliver P a r k e r s " 1834. E. Sercy, R. A., Palmyra, 1836. G. Snell, P. M., Paris, 1836. Hon. A. B. Chambers, P. M., St. Louis, 1837-8, Hon. Thos. Andrews, " " 1837. A. T. Douglass, R. A., ". 1838-9-40. Wm. S. Vance, P. IVI., Illinois, 1839. John Orrick, P. M., St. Charles, 1840. Joseph Foster, K. T., St. Louis, 1841-2. Chas. H. Bower, R. S., Hannibal, 1841-2. J. W. S. Mitchell," Fayette, 1843. E. S. Ruggles, R. A., Washington co., 1843-4. J. F. L. Jacoby, Clarksville, 1844. GRAND SECRETARIES, With their names, degrees, residence and路 when in office.

Wm. Renshaw, R. A., St. Louis, 1821-2. Thompson Douglass, R. S., St. Louis, 1823-4. John D. Daggett, R. S., " 1825-6-7.8-9. F. L. Billon, K. T., "1830-2. Bro. Conyers, P. M., 1834. R. B. Dallam, R. S., St'l Louis, 1836-7-8-9-40-1-2-3-4. GRAND TREASURERS, With their names, degrees, residence and when in office.

Archibald Gamble, P. M., St. Louis, 1821-2-3-4-5. " 1826. Richard McKinney," T. Grimsley, " " 1827路8. 6-

[ 6fJ ] Bernard Pratte, P. M., St. Louis, 1829. Thos. Andrews, " " 1830-9. G. H: C. Melody, R. S., " 1834-6-7-8路9-40-1. John Simonds, P. M., "1842. Fred. L. Billon, K. T., " 1843. John S. Watson, P. M., " 1844. The Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, at present, are the following: Hon. J. W. S. Mitchell, M. W. G. M., Fayette, R. A. F. L. BilIon, R. W. D. G. lvI., St. Louis, K. T. E. S. Ruggles, R. 'V. S. G. W., Potosi, R. A. J. F. L. Jacoby, R. W. J. G. W., Clarksville, R. A. John S. Watson, R. W. G. Tr., St. Louis, P. M. Richarri B. Dallam, R. W. G. S., St. Louis, R. S. M. S. B. Carnegy, R. W. G. L., P'llmyra, K. T. Rev. H. Chamberlain, G. G., St. Louis, K. T. " Wm. Hurley, '~Palmyra, R. S. " Samuel D. Rice, ." Hannibal, R. S. " \Y m. P;!tten, ~~ Fayette, 1.\'1. M. " J. S. J. Dunleavy, " " Richard Bond, "Danville, R. A. " J. K. Lacy, " F. L. Billon, D. D. G. M. 1st district, St. Louis. K. T. W. D.l\larmaduke," 2d " Hannibal, R. S. John Bull, "3d" Glasgow, R. A. A. Lightburn, "4th" Liberty, " E. S. Ruggles, "5th "Potosi, " Geo. T. T-h-ornton," 6th " P. M. J. J. Bradley, "7th" " Carty Wells, R. W. G. 0., Palmyra, R. A. R. S. James L. Minor, " Jefferson City, M. M. C. R. Scott, G. S., N. B. Coats, " A. Gibson, G. S. B. C. Levy, S. G. D., St. Louis, R. S. R. E. Hill, J. G. D., Alexandria, 1\1. M. P. H. Nowlin, Sr. G. S.





J. H. Sanders, Jr. G. S. N. Giddings, G. P. E. Owens, G. T., St. Louis, R. S. F. L. Billon, John Hall and John S. Watson, of St. Louis, College Fund CommiRsioners. S. W. B. Carnegy, of Palmyra, lV10., General AgeIl~' for the College. PAST GRAND MASTERS.

Hon. Edward Bates, R. A. Dr. Hardage Lane, " Han. Hamilton R. Gamble, R. A. Hon. Sinclair Kirtley, " Han. A. B. Chambers, " Han. ~. "V. B. Carnegy, K. T. Han. P. H. IVI cBride, " PAST DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS.

Geo. H. C. Melody, R. S. M. John D. Daggett, " Joab Bernard, " Joseph Foster~ " PAST GRAND WARDENS.

Wm. G. Pettus, P. 1\1. John F. Ryland, R. A. Augustus Jones, P. M" E. Serey, R. S., . Hall. Thos. Andrews R. A., Hon. John Orrick, P. 1\1.,

Han. T. Grimsley, R. A. Han. A. L. Mills, " Oliver Parker, P. M. G. Snell, " A. T. Douglass, R. A~ C. H. Dower, R. A.


Archibald Gamble, P. M. Bernard Pratte, " J ahn Simonds, R. A. PAST GRAND SEcnETARIES.

William Renshaw, M. M., Conyers, P. M.,

Fred. L. Billon, K. T. Richard B. Dallam, R. S..

[ 68 ] Roll of Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, present at the Communication, October, 1844, A. L., 5844 : Hon. J. W. S. Mitchell, M. W. G.. M. F. L. Billon, R. W. D. G. 1\'1. E. S. Ruggles, R. W. S. G. W. J. F. L. Jacoby, R. W. J. G. W. John S. Watson, R. W. G. Treasurer. Richard B. Dallam, R. W. G. Secretary. Thomas S. Miller, R. W. D. G. Secretary. Charles Levy, S G. D. Robert E. Hill, J. G. D. R. W. Nowlin, Sr. G. S. J. H. Sanders, Jr. G. S. N. Giddings, G. P. E. Owens, G. T. S. 'V. B. Carnegy, R. W. G. L. H. Chamberlain, H. Rev. G. C. F. L. Billon, R. W. D. D. G. M., 1st district. W. D. Marmaduke," 2d" Past Grand Officers present; S. W. B. Carnegy, M. W. P. G. M. Joseph Foster, R. W. P. D. G. M. Geo. Wilson, P. S. G. D. J esse Little, P. G. P. Members present: From No.1, F. L. Billon, W. M. and John D. Taylor, S. W., Jesse Little, J. W. From No. 17, J. F. L. Jacoby, proxy. " " 18, S. W. B. Carnegy, M. W., and Geo. H. Keigler, S. W. . From No. 20, John S. Waboa and R. T. Edmundson. " " 21, Jobn Ralls and John Jameson. " " 25, J. S. Allen. ee " 28, W. D. Marmaduke and Thos. S. Miller. " " 30, Milton Bradley, delegate.


69 ]

From No. 32, A. Fisher. " " 34, E. J. Peers, Wm. McCay & G. C. Cake. " " 36, Andrew Gibson. " " 40, John D. Slygh. " " 43, N. B. Giddings, dele~ate. " " 45, Israel G. Hale. " " 47, James H. Saunders. " " 50, S. B. j"l itchell. " " 55, P. M Nowlin. " " 5ÂŁ\, A. K. King, W. H. Barnes. " " 64, John C. Wilson. " " 65, J D. Hale. " " 66, Martin A. Gauldin. " " 67, H. C. Myers. " " 72, John A. Scott. A. Patterson and J. J. Montgomery, College L. U. D.. John A Tutt, Tebo Lodge, U. D. 'Robert E. Hill, Alexandria Lodge, U. D" W. S. Stewart, P. M., No. 20. J. A. Hedges, P~ M., No. 40. J. Worthington Smith, President of College. J7iszlers.-H. B. Bozinker, A. P. Hall, J as. S. Brown, J. S. Lane, N Colburn, A. Gibson, W. G. Goforth, R. L. Campbell, E. Hovey, A. W. Bowman, Ed. McDonald, W. G. Watkins, John Clendennin, late of LaFayette Lodge, No. 81, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Joseph Kent, late of Kensington Lodge, Pa., Master Masons.




Name and No. of Lodges.

Place of meeting.

Time of meeting.




St. Louis, Mo., Caledonia, Mo., Clar}<sville, Mo., Palmyra, " Paris, " St. Louis, '" New London, Mo., St. Charles, " St. Louis, " Hannibal, " Huntsville, " Liberty, " Lexington, ,. Troy " Independence " Boonville, " Carlyle, Illinois, St. Louis, Mo., Jefferson City, Mo., Manchester, " Sparta, " Fayette, " Fulton, " Springfield, " (ilasgow, " Carrolton, "

1st Thursday. 1st Saturday. do do 1st T1lesday. 2d Saturday. MOltday beiore full moon 3d Thursday. 2<1 Saturday. 2d Friday. 2d Saturday. At full moon. 2d Monday. 1st Monday. 4th Friday. 2d Monday. 2d Thursday. 1st Saturday. Saturday before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays. 1st Saturday. Friday. 1st Monday.






Missouri Lodge No.1, Tyro " " 12, Clarksville" " 17, Palmyra " " IS, Paris Union Lodge No. 19, St. Louis " " 20, New London" " 21, Hiram " " 23, Naphtali " " 25, St. Johns " " 28, Huntsville " " 30, Liberty " " 31, -Lafayette " " 32, Troy " " 34, -Independence" " 35, Cooper" " 36, Clinton " " 39, Mount Moriah Lodge No. 40, Jefferson City " " 43, Bonhomme " " 45, -Sparta " " 46, Fayette " " 47, " " 48, • Fulton Ozark " " 50 Livingston "" ·Wakanda " " 52,


'""' -4








~ 323 8



1 (;

1 5

3 3 7

3 3

10 10

3 2 5


22 23 16 4'1 21



8 8

2 10 9 1




22 26 23 19 43 25 36

4 4 7 4 2

5 1

5 1

35 13


5 2

7 5

28 28


1 16





11 40 49 33



,..., ...:f



"Weston Lodge No. 53, Douglass" "54, Arrow Rock Lodge No. 55, "Platte City " " 56 4IRichmobd " , ' 57; Mon.ticello " " 58, Manon " " 59 Oceola " " 61: Land Mark " " 64, Marshall " " 66, " " 67, Rocheport Tebo " " 68 Alexandria " " 'College " " 70, " " 71 Savannah Danville " " 72;


Weston, Mo., Marthasville, Mo., Arrow Rock, Mo., Platte City, " Richmond, " Monticello, " Salem, Illinois, Oceola, Mo., Warsaw, Mo., Marshall, " Rocheport, " Clinton, " Alexandria, Mo., Masonic College, Savannah, Mo., Danville, "

Total Lodges, 42 The foregoing returns of Lodges are for the year 1844. Those marked thus

Saturday before full moon. Friday before full moon. Saturday before full moon 1st MOllday. do Zd Monday. 1st Tuesday. 4th Friuay. 2dMonday. do 2d Friday. 2d Saturday. do Total,

C路) have made no lists for 1844, and the foregoing lists

3 1 8





22 12 15 38

6 1 10 1

3 1 7 4

3 1 4

13 12 22




3 2

5 2



13 10 10 17


24 22 2

110 --;7, 804


'1 ~



are made from former returns.

Lodges No.2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11,13, 14, 15, 16,24,26,27,37,38 and 44, are extinct. Franklin Lodge No. 22, Far West Lodg-e No. 29, Hillsborough Lodge No. 33, and St. Clair Lodge No. 60 are in the State of Illinois, and have unitel\ with the Grand Lodge of that State. DesMoines Lodge No. 41, Iowa Lodge No. 42, Dubuque Lodge No. 62, Iowa City Lodge No. 63, and Clinton Lodge, U. D., are in Iowa Territory, and have united and organized the Grand Lodge of Iowa Territory. Mineral Point Lodge No. 49, and Melody Lodge No. 65, are in Wisconsin Territory, and have united with the Grand Lodge of that 'Territory.




FORM OF ANNUAL RETURN. Annual Return of Palmyra Lodge No. 18, Mo., for the year ending 15th September, 1844, A. L. 5844:

Officers and Members.

~ -g (;j § :;:;


Thomas.). 'Wise, W. M. Hen. Dresher, S. V\;. John Longllire,J, ,"". Wm. H. Allen, Sec. \\'illis C..Johnson, Tr. •Tohn Dcvrix, ~, D. Thomas j\T. Vi 1I:on, J. D. Thomas Stiles. S. &. T. lIIElIIDERS •



~ ';j


::: '8'"0






-g :::l <l>



I -- -- -- -- -- ---d










1 2 3



9 May 1 Junc2 ·luly 31 10 j.June 1 1.Illly 1

•Tohn J. Keenon. Henry Thompson. Theo. Jones. .Tames Eagon. l~. A, Hanley. Thomas Franklin. Henry Folly. K. B. HustOD. It.lJIarney.

11 12 13 M 15 16





July 2

Aug.l Sep.2



\ 17 - - - - - - - - - --1--'·\17 1 11 2 3 11 1J

Visiters during the year,-I1enry Scott of Ky., May; .Tohn .1ohnston, of Vl., Sept.

I, J. Thomas, W. M., of Palmyra Lodge No. 18, Mo., hereby certify that the foregoing is correct from the records of the Lodge, for the year ending 15th September, 1844, A. L. 5844. J. THOMAS, W. M. Attest, J. J. Montgomery, Secretary of Palmyra Lodge [L. E.] No. 18, and the seal thereof. J. J. MONTGOMERY, Sec.

[ 73 ]


Appeals and trials, Admission (If students, Agent for the College, duties, Appointed officers, what, Amendments, how treated, Application for initiation, must be unanimous, Accounts of G. Treasurer to be made, for tuition, to be kept by G. Sec" to be exhibited by G. Sec., Accused, out of State, how notified~ Appeals, how taken, . must be in writing, form, to be filed with Secretary, recorded and sent to Grand Lodge, Grand Lodge to decide finally, notice of, Aceusations and trials in Grand Lodge, Admission of students,



J 4 10 21


42 [)

10 16 16

22 4 16 2 3

41 20 21







26 26 26 26 26

18 19

20 21


123 4



B. By-laws, not to be suspended, Business, order of Brother l\tlasons, not members, Ballot on petitions, when taken, who must be present at second ballot, when taken, Bond, Grand Treasurer must execute, Treasurer of College must execute, Bond of College Fund Commissi{)ners, Burial of deceased brothers, Books of College, how chosen, Bible to be used in College, Beneficiaries, how admitfed Boarding, washing, &c"

28 12 12 16 2 5 2 3

5 5 4

G 16 11 31 14 14 15 20 42

44 28 :311

31 42 58

c. 3 6 8 23

Constitution, how amended, Communications of Grand Lodge, when and whel'e, Chaplains, G.,



'14 ] .EO. P.... GD.

College, laws respecting, e3tablished, how, &te., Masonic, Steward of, Agent for, how governed, name, and where kept, officers to be Master Masons, if not sustained proceedings, to consist of two departments, collegiate department, faculty, to consist of, internal government of, fund commisioners, Curators of the College, Commissioners, College Fund, Committees, and when appointed, Charters of Lodges, when to be granted, what the price of, Charity fund, how created, Charter, for what arrested, when to be restored, by whom attested, Committees, how appointed, Charges, how made against members, to oe delivered, when to be sent by mail, against members of Grand Lodge, Collectors, to report to Grand Lodge, Certificates, traveling, not granted, Grand Lodge to provide, to be delivered by Lodges, provisions respecting, form of, of Treasurer of College, bow treated, Classes in College, admission to, Curatol's, election, when, to visit College, to elect President and Secretary, to appoint committee of superintendence, to elect and fill vacancies, !luspend and remove officers, remove Steward, to layoff lands and garden:!, Contracts, how to be made, College Fund Commissioner8, to execute bond, to collect money, keep accounts, loan money, interest, submit accounts to Grand Lodge,

33 1


36 45

2 3 4

6 1

2 3

6 1 6 6

7 8


46 34 34

34 34 36 36 36 36 43 39 43 9

13 14 14 14





3 1

2 3

23 27

• 6 4 7 9

10 13


25 25


27 32 28 32 32 32 33




36 39

1 2 3 4 5

39 39 39


40 40 51 40

11 4



2 3 45 4

44 44 44






] nc:.

Charter by General Assembly, incorporating Grand Lodge, Compensation, .President, Principal Preparatory Department, Collegiate Department, Class, Junior, studies,

6 7


52 57 51 59 60

D. Decorum, Debate, Deputy Grand Master, Deacons, Grand, Dress and regalia, Definitions and terms, Documents to be referred, Dispensation, amount for, Dues, when to be paid to Grand Lodge, evidence of payment, non-payment; discharge, penalty for non-payment, Degrees, lectures on, to be given, when not to be conferred, not to be conferred on credit, least slim for them, P. M. degree to be conferred, llemise of Lodge, duty of Treasurer and Secretary, Deceased, how buried, Declaration of Grand Officers, form Deputy Grand Master, powers aild duties, may call Grand Lodge, when, may grant dispensations, Deputy Grand Secretary, how appointed, Dispensations, by whom granted, Depositions, when and how taken, notice to take them, how treated and sent, read in Grand Lodge, how, how taken in Grand Lodge, Deceased Masons, how interred, Declaration of President, form, Discipline. how prescribed, &c., Donations, how applied, Department, Preparatory, Collegiate,


9 9 19 23 28 30 9





26 14 15

H5 29

14 24 1 1 2 20

29 15



17 17 17 15 17 17 19 19 19

14路 6

22 20


2!i 2!i 25

29 4

2 3


10 25

27 3 4

6 8


27 28

36 36 44

59 59

E. Election of Grand Officers, what majority required, . ExpulSion, how made, what vote necessary,




5 14 26

11 15




Evidence, hearsay, best, when to be written, Excess of tuition fees, how used, Electioo of J. W. Smith, President, of A. Patterson, Principal,

F. Fees of Grand Secretary, tuition, how paid, to be paid to College Treasurer, to be entered in a book, amount of rate fixed, initiation, Fund Commissioners, Fund, permanent, interest on, how applied, Freshman class, studies,

7 12 8 8 8.

15 3

25 25 58 58 58



42 43 43


58 11


1 2 3 4 5 6




44 40 59

G. Grand Officers, election of, who eligible as such, who elective, to be proclaimed, to make declaraticn, list to be made of, Grand LQdge, powers and duties, to meet once- per yea"" is the supreme Masonic authority, has power to enact laws, aonstitute and suspend Lodges, establish mode of work, to levy and collect dues, to decide differences, to decide appeals, to exact fees for warrants, to assess fees for charters, to try its own members, to exerci~e usual powers, to medin St. Louis in October, when to be opened, may punish members, when established, Grane Master, powers and duties, call Grand Lodge, may summon Lodge, penalty, grant dispensati.ons, may arrest charters, convene Grand Lodge at pl~asure, suspend members of Grand Lodge, convene the Lodges, &c., grant special dispensations, c1eliver annual message,





11 4 11 11 21 5 1 5 1 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6)

1 5 26

6 6 6 8

9 27

62 18

2 19 1


5 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18




Grand Master, Deputy, may call Grand Lodge, when Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Grand Masters, District Deputy, Grand Chaplains, Grand Marshal, Grand Sword BeaNr. Grand Deacons, . Grand Pursulvant, Grand Lecturer, Grand Tyler, Grand Wardens, when to preside, Grand Treasurer to keep property of Grand Lodge, to execnte bond, to keep accounts, lay accounts hefore Grand Lodge, pay all orders of Grand Lodge, to deliver to successor, Government of College, inteflial, of College, Grand Officers, entire list,


19 5

20 20 22 23 23 23 23

24 2 1 2 3 4 5 5 6

24 24 19

20 20 20

26 20 20 36 58 64.

1. Installation of Grand Officers, by whom to be installed, when to be installed, Initiation, petition for, of one rejected previously, Interment of deceased Mas OilS,

1 2

12 23 1 2

17 17 17

14 Hi 28

J. Journal to be read, Jewels, &c., how kept, Judgment on trials, how given, Junior Class what studies,






26 60

L. Lodges, Subordinate, Lodge, Grand, when to convene, Lodges, new, how constituted, to bo opened by Grand Master, to be consecrated by Grand Master, have ~eneral powers, to be formed into di.';tricts, duties to D. D. G. M, to deliver lists of olficers, &c., to deliver transcripts, returns and lists, form, li~ts of members,

1 1 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 5


11 12 5 II 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13



] l!EC. Pol GR.

LodgesTnew, list of members, in 1844, whe'l chartes arrested, how charter restored, exercise discipline over those not members, list of, to be kept by Grand Secretary, to list all Masons, to deliver certificates, li5t and educate orphans, Lodges under dispensation, to make returns to Grand Lodge, Lecturer, Grand, compensation, Laws for the College, Lectures, must be delivered, who may deliver them, Lists of Grand Officers to be made, Laws of College, Faculty to make, to be laid before Gra.nd Lodge, Lanus, pasture in common, List, entire, of Grand Officers, Miscellaneous provisions, regulations, Master, Grand, his powers and duties, Masters, D. D. G., duties, Marshal, Grar,d, Members, such as aJ'e not,. of Grand Lodge who they are, present in 1844" when rising to speak, how often each may speak, not to leave the hall, not suspended, unless, not to be discharged;. dues Masonic College, Majority, what required inelectiolls, Motions, how disposed of, when in possession of Grand Lodge~ when must be in writing, to adjourn, may be committed, Ministers of Gospel, exemptions, Membership, restoration of, who admitted to, Message of Granu Master,. when required, Masters of Lodges, diploma, Masonic honors, who interred with, Masons who are not members of Lodges; to report themselves, to pay $3 annually, to return certincates, Money collected from Masons,


10 10 17 7 1 8 12 6 6


14 15 21 31 32 32 13 13

24 33 14

27 11 7

13 5


16 21 31 38 57 64

17 28 18

22 23 2 2 12 17 11

31 3

68 9

10 11


14 29

3 3

36 5 9





'1 11

10 10

8 11 25

2 1 2 1 1

3 10 5


14 16 18 28

28 31 31 31 32





N. New Lodges, h<lw constituted, when consecrated, Notice to take depositions, of appeal taken, in Granu Lodge, service of,


t 4 11 21 25

11 12

25 26 27

o. Officers-, Grand,. rank !\nd title, their installation, which elective, which appointed, present list of, to be installed, how, Past, list of, Officers in college to be Masons, how elected and removed, their declaration, form, to reside at College, Order of business to be announced, Order of business, when stated, Office, who eligible to, in Grand Lodge, Opened, the Grand Lodge, when to be, Orders on Grand Treasurer, when paid, Oldest Lodg.e, duties in towns, Orphans, how admitted in College, Origin of Grand Lodge of Missouri,

3 17 2 4-

5 5

68 17 68

4 8 4 5

34 35 36






11 1

5 5 11


5 9

20 32 42 62

P. Proceedings, how kept, Proceedin~s, decorum and debate, journal of, read, Pursuivant, Grand, Proxies, how appointed, duties, Propositions may be committedr Petition for new Lodges, how recommended, for initiation and membership,. when to be acted on, Petitioner must petition nearest Lodge. rejected, how treated, Property of demised Lodge, disposed,. in hands of Grand Treasurer, of College, when sold, how to be sold, . . how appropriated, PrmtIng, by whom done, Punishment, how assessed, Politics excluded,

20 9 1



2 11

4 10

1 2 12 13 13 23

11 11


14 15 15 16 15




34 35 35

7 9

10 14 5

21 26 29


80 ] BEC. l'AGE.

Penalty, what, if none provided, Professors in College to be Masons, Preparatory Department, what, Professors, election of, to make declaration, one mllst be present, Penalty on students, offences, President, may COlwcne Board, compensation of Principal, compensation of, Preachers, restrictions on, Permanent fund, Pasture land;;, in common, Preparatory Department,






36 36

3 4

15 8 13 7 8


39 31 41 51 51



345 6 5




Q. Quorum of Grand Lodge, what constitutes, what constitutes, if pot present what action, what after notice, one-third of Lodges, three Lodges, when, of Curators, what Question, the previous, divisIOn of, when, must be put in order,

14 8 9

9 8 8 8 8 8 41 10 10




28 28 28 28

2 3 4 2


R. Hegalia and dress, Regalia of Grand Officers in Grand Lodge, of members ill Grand Lodge, Regulations, miscellaneous, Rank and title of Grand Olficers, Resolutions may be committed, of IS.:! 1 ~ establishing the college and asylum, accept ing ella rter, r,'spectilJg college, 1844, Her.onsideration, whell, Recommendation for new Lodges, how certified, Return of Subordinalp. Lod~e~, form, of Lodges under dispensation, Restoration to member3hip, Revcpsal of judgment, effect, Hemoval, effect 011 membership, Religious opinion, officers, &c., Rooms of students, ins!Ject, Reports, Professors to make, President to make, purchase of College,






48 56 57 10 11

1 2 5 6 11






29 35

9 11 12

37 38 38

49 50


13 12





Repairs, how ordered, Recreation, how conducted, Rates, tuition, boald,

8 9





s. 3 Style and title of Grand Lodge, 11 Subordinate Locges, 20 Secretary, Grand, general duties, 7 14 his compensation, 31 2 to keep lists, 4 31 to keep accounts of fees, 7 32 to provide certificates, 5 44 to record accounts, 20 15 Secretary of Lodges to deliver property, 23 Sword Bearer, 23 Stewards, Grand, 1 45 Steward of the College eleded, 11 40 how remo\'ed, 9 43 to lay acconllts before Grand Lodge, 2 45 what property have, 3 45 to lease out facm, 3 45 to collect rents, 4 45 report to Curators, 45 5 6 provide boarding', &c., 6 7 45 provide fuel and washing1 9 45 provide forcleanlillesg, 1 57 to have lands, &c., 2 57 charge for board, 45 58 his compensation, 12 45 provide for Curators, &.c., 1 2 3 4 42 Students, admission of, 12 10 Speak, each member may, 6 21 Seal, by whom affixed, price for affixing, 7 14 5 21 to be kept by Grand Secretary, 9 14 Seat in Grand Lodge, when taken, 11 14 Suspension, how made, 28 ]6 of by-laws, 15 26 what necessary to, 18 15 Surrerdt'r of charter, cannot, 15 19 Summon Master and Wardens, who may, 6 36 Study, course of, direction, 59 course of, adopted, 18 41 Sectarianism, precluded, 59 Sophomore c lass, study of, 60 Senior Class, study of,

T. Treasurer, Grand, to deliver property, &c.,

20 20




] SEC. P4GIf.

Treasurer of College, bond, who shall be Treasurer, pay to the Steward, to take receipts, t~ lay accounts before Grand Lodge, to pay on order of Curators, Tyler, Grand, Trials and appeals, Trials, when exparte,. how conducted, in Grand Lod~e how conducted, Grand L'JJge in, how governed, Terms and definitions, Title and rank of Grand. OfficerS', Testimony, how ~iven, Teachers in the College to be Masons, Tuition, rates of, rates from January, 1845,

5 5 8 8 9

10 4 6

26 26 7 4


25 25 27

21 30 3 25

34 51

58 3


14 4

10 18


29 29

10 15 5


\Vardens, Grand, duties, .'. elect to have P. M. degree, Work mllst be done in Master's degree, Warrants, how attester!, Worship, public, how provided, how conducted, duties to be begun by, of what to consist,

43 2-1 24


Votes, number, how given, Voters, must all vote, Vote, casting vote, Grand Master gives, Vlsiters, right to see charter, .. may visit twice, Vacations, when, and duration, Vacancies in Faculty, how filled,

42 42 43 43 43

39 39 19

2 15

6 17

11 15 21 41 41 42

18 20 20




Y. Yeas and nays, when ~alled,

[ sa ] REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PRINTING. The undersigned, a committee appointed by tbe Grand Lodge, at its Annual Communication in October, 1844, A. L. 5844, to superintend the printing of one thousand copies of tbe Constitution and By-Laws, of the Grand Lodge, adopted and approved at the April and October Communi cations, and three hundred copies of the journal of proceedings of those Communications, re8pectf~ny report, that they have performed the duties assigned thew, and now submit the result of their labors to the Fraternity, for their judgment of approval or disapprovlli. Your committee have carefully compared the printed with the manuscript copies of those laws and journal,and though mistakes and imperfections may exi!>t, your committee believe no material discrepancy, (if any,) will be found between them. One of your committee has been in constant attendance upon the printing during its execution and has rendered the most caref\ll attention to it throu~hout, and whatever accuracy could be secured by his most diligent scrutiny, will be found to exist, and for whatever imperfections may be discovered, your committee can' only claim, at the handd of their Brethren, their usual indulgence. It will be perceived, (by those who were present at the time of enacting those laws,) that some of their provisions have been transposed,and do not in the printed copy otcupy the same relative place in the code; thi3, however, was directed by the Grand Lodge, and become necessary for the purpose of throwing together those provisions which relate to the same or kindred subjects, and for more eat:y and accurate reference. In the course of duty devolved upon your committee, they have been necessarily obliged to read those laws many times, not only in manuscript, but in their printed form also. They have thus obtaine.d a tolerablyaccurate knowledge of their various provisions, and after careful comparison of them, and reflection respect ing their adaptation to the object illtended in their enactment, your committee take pleasure in adding their approval, to that of very many others, of the extensive and 'excellent code now suomitted for theirs. And thoug-h it may not ~e perfect, yet it is hoped and believed, that the great research, tillIe, labor lind deliberation of those who reported, and of the Grand Lod~e which enacted the code, will not be lost upon the Brethren, for whom those labors were performed, and that it will be long-very long, before the Grand Lodg-e will be called upon to amend or change the rules of actton now submitted for their control. And it appears to your committee that, for tbe future, our object should be mainly "to keep not to mend" the law. The members present in Grand Lodge when those laws were consid路 ered.and.enacted (as if; known to your committee,) were the old,' '., t~e most zealous and ardent of which any country can boast, whose experience, knowledge and talents, as Masons and as men, entitle their acts c




to due respect, and your eommittee entertain the fond hopei that the inexperience of youthful Masonry will not hastily and presumptuously thrust forward amendments or alterations to the excellent code now enacted, without the most pressing necessity, and after the most deliberate retlection. . Two hundred copies of the laws and journals will be bound in common covers for the mail. The residue will be bound in half binding for greater security in use. The printing and binding have been contracted for on terms deemed reasonable; the amount, however, is not yet ascertained, but an explicit account will be submitted at next Annual Communication, which, it is hoped, will be found satisfactory to the Grand Lodge. 1'0 the by-laws a"d journal, your committee deemed it of importance to the craft to append a concise account of the 01 igin of our Grand Lodge, the date and circumstances attending its organization, and a I;et of those worthies by whom it wa~ instituted and established, as also, a roll of those who have been honored as Grand Officers, with its government and welfare up to the present, and by whose exertions-the aid of a faithful Brotherhood-the shield of a powerful Providence to save, and the smiles of a merciful and benignant Grand Master to encourage them, our glorious institution has been reared up, !laved and established, in so far, that no foul, desolating hand from without can hurt or harm us, or in the slightest dl'gree arrest or stay our hand in all that is useful and benevolent. Wbereby there is reared up a l,lace to路 sheller tht= helpless, houseless, homeless Brother flom the merciless storms ofa frowning world-w hereby a hand is providl'd by which the cup of consolation is still ht'ld to the lip of desponding misery-by which an asylum and school is being established for the maintenance and education of such as are de'ltitufe-the tears of the sorrnwing mother wiped from her eyes, and her heart made to expand with gratitude, and hope and joy. They have, also, for the sake of easy reference and general information, subjoined the resolutions of the Grand Lodge establishing the College, and the act of the General. Assembly of Missouri, by which the Grand Lodge is incorporated. To this they have added, for t1w Sl\u:e reasons, the" Cqurse of Stud,!!" adopted by the Faculty, and the resolution~ fixing the dUhes of the various officers of the College, and the rates of board and tuition of students. These have been apllendea to the laws in a con-_ densed form that all may refer to them at pleasure. On account of th~ great length of the code of laws, it was thought expedient to make and append an index. Accordingly: an index,in alphabetical order, has been added) which, it is hoped, will enable all to refet With ease to the law, on any and every subject about which the Grand Lodge has legislated. Your committee are aware that those additiotls are without the order of the Grand Lod~e, but when their {!reat utility is considered, it is hoped, and believed, that, for the very small additional sum which is thus added to the expense of printin~, no one would willingly strike them out. Thus, your committee have discharged the duty enjoined upon them, and they now submit the result to the judgment of the Grand Lodge, and of their Brethren. S. W. B. CARNEGY, ~ JOSEPH FOSTER, Com_mittee on Printing. JOHN RALLS.


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APRILA. D. 1844, A. L. 5844.

The Gr~nd Lodge of Missouri met agreeable to adjourn ment, on Monday, the first day of April, A. L. 5844, A. D. 1844, at St. Louis. PRESENT:

M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M. " " Joseph Foster, G. S. W. " " S. W. B. Carnegy, J. G. W., protem. " " Richard B. Dallam, G. Secretary. " " Charles Levy, S. G. D. " " B. W. Grover, J. G. D. " "" E. Owens, G. Tyler. Bro. John H. Wilson, Land Mark Lodge, No. 64. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Master's degree, in due and ample form. Brother J. F. L. Jacoby admitted. On motion of Bro. Carnegy, a committee was appointed on credentials. Bros. J. F. L. Jacoby, Charles Levy and B. W. Grover ~ppointed said committee. Brother E. S. Ruggles admitted. On motion of Bro. Carnegy, the Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until to-morrow morning, 10 o'clock.

Tuesday Morning,. April 2d, ./1. L. 5844, .11.. D. 1844. The Grand Lodge called from refreshment to labor. PRESENT:

M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M. " " J. F. L. Jacoby, S. G. W., pro tem. ,. U E. S. Ruggles, J. G. W. H " H. Chamberlain, G. Chaplain. 8

[ " "

" "



Richard B. Dallam, G. Secretary. Charles Levy, S. G. D. " " B. W. Grover, J. G. D., pro tem. " " E. Owens, G. T. Bro. John H. 'Vilson of Land l\1ark Lodge, No. 64. Bro. John H. Goudy of Marion, No. 59., Illinois. Bro. Thomas Arnold of Wakanda Lodge. Bro. S. W. B. Carnegy, of }>almyra Lodge, No. 18. Bro. J. Devrix, of Palmyra Lodge, No. 18. Bro. A. Patterson, of liayette Lodge, No. 47. Bros. Charles Flask, G. H. C. Melody of St. Louis Lodge No.. 20. Bro. John D. Taylor, of l\-1issouri Lodge No.1. The Throne of Grace addressed by G.路 Chaplain, Rev. H. Chamberlain. Committee on Credentials made th~ following report: That in the discharge of the duty a:isigned them, they have examined the credentials of the following Brethren and report that they are entitled to seats in the Grand Lodge as proxies, as follows, to-v.,it: Bro. S. W. B. Carnegy for "V. M. and J. W., of Palmyra Lodge No. 18. Bro. Charles R. Morehead for W~ M., of Richmond Lodge No. 57. Ero. Jno. H. Wilson for J. "V., of Land Mark Lodge No. 64. Fro. Thomas Arnold for W. M., of Wakanda Lodge No. 52. Bro. Archibald Patterson for Wardens of Fayette Lodge No. 47. Bro. Hiram Chamberlain for lV. 1\1. and J. W., of Hiram Lodge No. 23. Bro. J. A. Goudy, for W. M. and Wardens of Marion Lodge No. 59. All of which is respectfully submitted. The above report was adopted. The following resolution was offered by Bro. Carnegy, and adopted: Ordered, That Bro. D. D. G. M., E. S. Ruggles, has appointed a special agent of this Grand Lodge, to collect and take possession of all moneys, jewels, furniture and oth.er property belonging to Tyro Lodge No. 12, and also to collect and receive all due.s belonging to said Lodge.




2d. Ordered, That Bro. Ruggles be required to report his proceedings hereon, at the next Annual Communication. W. J. W.S. Mitchell, S. G. W.,admitted. Bro. John Bull, of Livij)g~ton Lodge No. 51, admitted. Bro. J. S. Watson, W. M. of St. Louis Lodge No. 20, admitted. Bro. R. A'. McNair, of Livingston Lodge No. 51, admitted. Bro. Joseph Foster, of Naphtali Lodge No. 25, admitted. Bro. George Smith, of Coleman Lodge No. 40, admitted. Bro. F. G. "Yatkins from Marshal Lodge No. 39, of Lynchburg, Virginia, admitted. The following resolution was offered by Bro. Hiram Chamberlain: Ordered, That a committee of five be appointed, with instructions to examine the Masonic "Trestle Board," compiled by Brothers :LVIoore and Carnegy, and report as to its adaptation to the use and. design for which it was ordered by the convention. . On1ered, That the letters and circulars of Bros. Dove and Moore, and the proceedinp;s of the Grand Lodges of Virginia and Pennsylvania, respecting the Masonic Trestle Board, be referred to the committee on the subject. A motion was made and adopted that two more be added to the committee. 'V. G. M. appointed Bros. Chamberlain, Mitchell, Ruggles, Jacoby, Bull, Billon, and Melo<1y said committee. Bro. Carnegy, Chairman of the Committee on the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, reported, and, on motion, the report was laid on the table for the present. A report from Brother Wardlow respecting his mission to Texas, on the business of the lands heretofore donated to the Grand Lodge, by Bro. DeBolle, was presented, and, on motion, referred to a committee, consisting of Brothers Carnegy, Bull and Mitchell. The 1\1. ''Y. G. Master appointed the following- committees: On Foreign Communicalions.-Brothers H. Chamberlain, J. W. S. .l\t[i~c.hell, Ruggles and Melody. On Petltwns and Memorials.-Brothers J. F. L. Jacoby, Charles R. Morehead and Thomas Arnold. On Unfinished Bus1:ness.-Brothers F. L. Dilloll, Archibald Patterson and John H. "Vilson.


88 ]

On .Bccounts.-Brothers Joseph Foster, Charles Levy aDd J. A. Goudy. On Work of Charlt:rwJ Loclgea.-Brothers Joseph Foster, J. F. L. Jacoby, E. S. Ruggles and J.Bull. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until 3 o'clock.

Three 0'dock. Grand Lodge called from refreshment. Same brethren as in the morning, with the addition of Bro. Henry H. Duvall, of Bonhomme Lodge No. 45, and Brother MahalI, of Naphtali Lodge No. 25. On motion of Brother John Bull, the report of Brother Carnegy, one of the committee on the Constitution and By-Laws, was taken up, and after some consultation, on motion of Bro.

Bull, Ordered, That the report of the Committee on the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Louge, except as to that portion thereof respecting the College, be recommitted to the committee, with instructions to report at the next annual meeting. Adopted. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until to-morrow morning, 10 o'clock. Wedmsday Morning, April 3d, A. L. 5844, .11. D. 1844. The Grand Lodge of Missouri was called!from .refreshment. PRESENT:

M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M. " " J. F. L. Jacoby, S. G. W. " " E. S. Ruggles, J. G. W. " " Rev. Hiram Chamberlain, G. Chaplain. " " Richard B. Dallam, G. Secretary. " " Charles Levy, J. G. D. " " Esrom Owens, G. Tyler. Brothers S. W. B. Carnegy, John A. Goudy, G. H. C Melody, Archibald Patterson. John H. Wilson of Land Mark Lodge No. 64, Warsaw, Mo. Henry H. Duvall and Israel F. Hale of Bonhomme Lodge No. 45, Mo. The Throne of Grace was addressed by Bro. G. Chaplain.


89 ]

The proceedings of yesterday were read, corrected and approved. W. J. W. S. Mitchell, S. G. W.,admitted. A letter was presented and read from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the Territory of Iowa, givinginformation of their forming a Grand Lodge.. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until 3 o'clock.

Three o'clock. Grand Lodge called to labor. Same officers and members as in the morning. The Grand Lodge call~d to refreshment till 8 o'clock this evening. Wednesday Evening, 8 o'clock. The Grand Lodge called from refreshment to labor. Present as in the morning, officers and members, except Brothers M. W. Grand l\'faster and W. S. G. Warden, Brother Joseph Foster, W. M. The Grand Lodge called to refreshment until It) o'clock tomorrow. Thursday Morning, April 4th, ./J.. L. 5844, JI. D. 1844. The Grand Lodge called from refreshment to labor. PRESENT:

M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M., officers and members•. Brother Carnegy presented a comm.unication from Mr. Muldrow, on the subject of a Female Academy, which was read, and, on motion of Brother Mitchell, referred to a committee consisting of Brothers Carncgy, Chamberlain and Billon, and which is as follows:

To the JltL W. Grand Lodge of Missouri, of Free and Accepted Ancient Jltlasons : The undersigned, a citizen of Marion county, in the State of Missouri, respectfully represents, that for many years now past, he has been anxiously and ardently engaged in endeavors to advance the great cause of education-that he has recently learned with very great pleasure, that the Masonic Fra8-


90 ]

ternity of Missouri have engaged in that most laudable mode of dispensing benevolence, and the undersigned, therefore 1 desires to participate, in some humble degree.in this most praiseworthy undertaking. As some evidence of his strong desire to further this great purpose, he proposes to the,Grand Lodge, to lease to them, for the sum of one dollar per annum, ~nd the liberty of sending, free of charge for instruction, three students to the Academy hereinafter mentioned-the house and lot in Philadelphia, known as the Female Academy, situate adjoining and north of his present residence, for a term not exceeding ten years, on condition that the Grand Lodge shall organize, perpetuate and control, at said house, an Academy for the instruction of females in literature and science. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. MULDROW. The following report by Brother Mitchell, on the surj ect of the National Masonic Convention, adopted by the Grand Lodge, October, 1843, but having been omitted in the printed journal, is now ordered to be printed with the j OUfnalof 1844 : "Your committee have carefully examined said proceedings, and tak pleasure in saying at large, that. we have reason to be proud of the wisdom that directed, the strength that supported, and the heauty that will long continue to adorn the labor of that convention; and while your committee do not desire to transcend the limits assigned them, they ask leave to express their high sense of the moral grandeur that evidently pervaded that grave assembly. We fInd they have 5tripped the work and lectures of those gaudy trappings introduced to make fame for the innovator, restored our sacred institution to its primitive simplicity, and placed a mark upon the wretch who shall strive to build up his own fame by innovations upon our ancient landmarks. "Your committee cordially approve the plan recommended on page 37, for the formation pf a National MasonicCoD'vention. They' believe that if this sy stem be adopted by all the Grand ,Lodges, we need no longer fear innovations from Mas.oDic pedlars. ,uYour committee call the attention of the Grand I..odge to a resolution on page 39, where the Convention has recommended a doubtful, if not a dangerous doctrine, viz: That a




Subordinate Lodge cannot try its Master. If the Master was directly the creature of the Grand Lodge there would be a. Bingle argument in favor of this doctrine, as it.will not be disputed that the creature is amenable to the creator.. "A charter is granted by the Grand Lodge not to the Master alone, but to the Master, Wardens and Brethrf'n for the time being. And if it be contended that the Master is amen.. able to the Grand Lodge, because he is a member of the Grand Lodge, then the same would extend to the Wardens, and yet, by a regulation of many of the Subordinate Lodges, neither Master nor 'Vardens are members of the Grand Lodge for many pra.ctical purposes, viz: Lodges that elect their officers semi-annually. But your committee obj ect to this rule, especially, on the score of inexpediency-for, if from any cause, a Lodge were to elect a bad man their Master, thf:y would be compelled to retain him until the meetillg of the Grand Lodge, during which time the Fraternity is liable to suffer, and fall into disgrace before the community, or dissolve its existence as a :Masonic body. "On the same page will be found a resolution of much interest. , "It is a lamentable truth, that in very many instances, .Masons in easy or affluent circumstances, demit irom their Lodge, refuse or fail to contribute to the charity fund, and s~em to loose sight of all their moral obligations to the Frat~rnity.足 Yet these very men, when misfortune overtak(>s them, are among the first to ask our protection. "Your committee, not willing hastily to take any lligh;.. handed measures, have recommehded that the Grand Lodge require a return of all who are not memLers of Lodges. "In conclusion, ~our committee beg leave to express their gratification, that in the proceedings of the Convention, so little is to be found exceptionable, and so much meriting your hearty approbation and cordial support. They recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: "1st. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge receive, adopt and cordially approve the acts of the Convention, except so much as is excepted to by thi3 report. "2d. Resolved, That it is the duty of every Lodge subordi.. nate to this Grand Lodge, to adopt and use the forms and ceremonies hereby adopted.




路'3d. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of every Subordi. nate Lodge to add to the returns to the next Grand Annual Communication, a list of all Master Masons who reside in their vicinity, an"d are not members of said Lodge, together with their age and pecuniary circumstances. "4th. Resolved, by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, that the rules for the organization and establishing a Grand Convention of Masons, as passed by the Convention of Masons, at the meeting in May, in the year 1843, in the city of Baltimore, composed of eight sections, as the same are set forth in the printed proceedings thereof, be, and the same are hereby adopted by this Grand Lodge." Brothers Kouns and Melody admitted. Brother Watkins, of Marshal Lodge No. 39, Lynchburg,


Called to refreshment until 7 o'clock this evening.

Seven o'clock in the Evening. Grand Lodge called from refreshment to labor. Present, same as in the afternoon, with the addition of Brothers John Simonds, 'Vm. Renshaw and Jacoby. A petition was presented from Oliver W. Martin, Miles H. Chinowith, 'Vm. Burnett and several other brethren, Master Masons, praying for a dispensation for opening a Lodge at Savannah, Andrew county, Mo., and to be called Savannah Lo'dge, recommended by Sparta Lodge No. 46-which prayer was granted, and a dispensation ordered. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment, till 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.

Fdday Morning, .Ilpri15th. The Grand Lodge was called to labor in the third degree. Present, M. W. Priestly H. McBride, G. M., the officers and members. Throne of Grace addressed by Bro. Chamberlain, Grand Chaplain. . The committee on the subject of the controversy between this and the R. W. G. Lodge of New York, asked and obtained time until next meeting to report.

[ 93 ] The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until 3 o'clock this evening. Three o'clock in 'he Evening. Called to labor. Present, same as in the morning. Brother Rev. Mr. Hutchinson admitted. The committee to whom was referred the report ofBro. lVardlow,relative to Bro. J. DeBolle's Texas land, made their report. The coinmittee to whom was referred the· report of Brother Wardlow, presented. a report, in which it is recommended that the lands donated be restored to Brother DeBolle,- the bill of expenses of Brother Wardlo\v, to be paid to Brother Foster, (by whom the money had been advanced,) and the thanks of the Grand Lodge rendered to Brother . DeBolle for his benevolent offer, and to Brother Wardlow for the manner in which he had executed his trust. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. &turday JJlorning, .I1pril6th, .11. L. 5844,.11. D. 1844. The Grand Lodge called from refreshment to labor in the Master's degree. Present, M. W. Pl'iestly H. McBride, G. M., also, the ofieers and members. The Throne of Grace addres~ed by Bro. G. Chaplain. The Committee on Unfinished -Business submitted their report, which was received, and, for the present, laid on the table., The by-laws for the government of the College, were taken up, read and adopted. .. - The Rev. Bro. Hutchinson .admitted. Ordered, That the printing of the proceedings and by-laws of the Grand Lodge for the College, paltsed at the present Con.~ vooation, be postponed for the present, and printed with the proceedings of the next October, meeting. The following brethren were elected Curators of the College for the present: S. W. B..Carne«Y, J. F. L. J ooooy" Carty Wells, J OM Ralls, William D. NIarmaduke, C. C. EaStin, James Eagon, Willis C. Johnson, L. B. Mitchell, F. L. Billon, John S. Watson, E. Block, Dr. Kouns, David Khnble, A. Lightburn, S. T• Glover.


94 ]

OnIered, That Brother Grand Secretary procure one thousand certificates, in pursuance with the by-laws, {ind furnish each Lodge with the requisite number. Ordered, That 3: committee be路 appointed with instructions to print 400 copies of such by-laws and orders, relating to the organization and government of the College, as they may deem necessary. Ordered, That Brothers Smith and Patterson, under the orderand direction of the President, take charge of, and per.. form the duties of instruction in the Cullege, irr the several departments thereof, until otherwi.se ordered, under the bylaws and regulations thereot. Ordered, That the proposition of Mr. W. Muldrow, donat-路 ing a house for a Female Academy, be referred to the Curators of the College, with instructions to report thereon; and thereupon the Grand Lodge was closed in ample form and harmony..


At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, began and held in the city of Saint Louis, at the Masonic Hall, on Monday, the 14th day of October., A. D. 1844,

A. L. 5844 ~ rllESENT.

M. W. J. Foster, R. W. D. G. M., presiding G. M. P. T .. " "John Ralls, So. G. W. P. T. u. "E. S. Ruggles, J. G. W. " F. L. Billon, G. Treasurer. " Richard B. Dallam, G. Secretary. " George Wilson, S. G. D. P. T .. " C. Levy, J. G. D. u J. Little, G. P. '" E. Owens, G. H. T. M. W. s.. W.B. C~rnegy, P. G. M. Rev.H. Chamberlam, G. C. M"rM.BE~S


From No. 28, Thomas S. Miller. ,-' "34, E. J. Peers, and G. C. Cake. ,Co h20, R. T. Edmundson..

[ 95 ] From No. 18, S. W: B. 路Carnegy. The Grand Lodge was thereupon opened in the third degree of Masonry, in form. On motion, Ordered, That a oominittee of three be appointed to whom credentials of representatives and d'eleg~tes be referred~ and Bros. F. L. Billon, C. Levy and Thomas S. Miller were appointed that committee. Bros. W. S. Stewart, of St. Louis Lodge No. 20, and S. B. Mitchell, of Ozark Lodge No. 50, entered. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until 3 o'clock P. M., in form and harmony. Monday, 3 u'clock, P. Me The Grand Lodge met pursuaut to order, at 3 o'clock, P. M., and called to labor in the Master's degree, in form. PRESENT.

M. "V. Joseph Foster, D. G. 1\1:. presiding. " "J. W. S. Mitchell, S. G. W. " E. S. Ruggles, J. G. W. Rev. H. Chamberlain, G. C. W. F. L. Billon, G. Treasurer. " T. S. Miller; G. Sec. P. T. " J. Ralls, S. G. D. P. T. " C. Levy, J. G. D. " J. Little, G. P. " E. Owens, G. T. MEMB拢RS.

S. W. B. Carnegy, M. W. P. G. M. Thomas S. Miller, from No. 28. N. B. Giddings, from No. 43. A. 'V. McKay, E. J. Peers and F. C. Cake, from No. 34. John Ralls, from No. 21; A. Gibson, from No. 36. P. W. Nolin, from No. 55; John A. Tutt, U. D. R. J. Edmundson, from No. 20; M. Bradley, No. 30. J. D. Taylor, from No.1; A. K. Kin~, from 'No. 59. A. Patterson, from College Lodge, U. D. . The Committee OIl Credentials of members submitted their report, which was received, showing the路 following Lodges represented, to-wit: From No. 59, A. K. King. From College, U. D., A. Patterson.



Lodge No. l,-by Bros. F. L. Billon,.W. M., John D. Tay. lor, S. W., and J. Little, J.W. Lodge NQ. 18, by Bros. S. W. B. Carnegy, W. M., John Ralls, W. M., and proxy J. W., and John Jameson, S. w. Lodge No. 28, by Brother Thomas S. Miller, S. W. " 'r. 34, by Brother Edward J. Peers, proxy W. M., F. C. Cake, proxy S. W., and William McKay, pro~y J. W. Lodge No. 59, by Brother A. K. King, proxy S. W. " "43," " N. B. Giddi~Ks, delegate. " "36," " A. Gibson, W. M. and proxy Wardens. Lodge No. 30, by Brother M. Bradley, delegate. " "55," " P. W.Nolin, W. M. Brother John Ralls submitted the following resolution: Resolved, That the delegates from Lodges U. D., be permitted to take their seats and enter into all discussions which may arise. Which was unanimously adopted. The M. W. G. M. then announced the t'ollowing standing committees: . On the work arul returns of Lodges U. D.-Brothers Ruggles, Peers and Levy. On proceedings of Lodges working under Charters-Brothers Mitchell~ Ralls and Levy. On Foreign Communications-Brothers Chamberlain, Carnegy and Taylor. On Petitions and Memorials-Brothers Billon, Jameson, Cake and Giddings. On Unfinished Business-Brothers Nolin, King and Patterson. On Accounts-Brothers Ralls, Bradley, Miller and Gibson. A report from Bro. "G. T. Thornton, D.D. G. M. of District No. - , was presented, read, and referred to a committee consisting of Brothers Mitchell, Ruggle~ and Ralls. . On motion of Bro. Carnegy, Bros. Billon and Ralls were appointed a committee to wait upon Bro. J . Worthington Smith, R. W. G. M. of the Gratid Lodge of Va, and President of the Masonic College of Missouri, and request his attendance in the Grand "Lodge. Thereupon, the Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until 10 o'clock to-morrow, in form and harmony.

[ 9'1 ] Tuesday Morning, 10


The Grand Lodge called from refreshment to labor in the third degree. PRESENT.

M. W. Joseph Foster, D. G. M~, presiding. R. "V. J. 'V. S. Mitchell, S. G. W. ~, "J. F. L. Jacoby, J. W. Rev. H. Chamberlain, R W. G. C. F. L. BiUon, R. W. G. Treasurer. .Richard B Dallam, R W. G. Secretary.

Thomas S. Miller, D. q. Secretary. W. Marmaduke, S. G. D. C. Levy, J. G. D. E. Owens, G. T. Members.-N. Giddings, from No. 43; J. A. Tutt, from Tebo, U. D. ; P. W. Nowlin, from Arrow Rock No 55; R. J. Edmundson, No. 20; 'J. S. Allen, Naphtali Lodge No. 25; M. Pendwenskin, Missouri Lodge No.1; ",Y. H. H. Barnes, No 59; A. K. King, from No. 59 ; A. Gibson,from No. 36; M. Bradley, from No. 30; G. A. Keigher, from No. 18 ; E. S. Ruggles, Edward J. Peers, from No. 34; A. Fisher, from No ;52; J. Halls, J. C. Clark, from No. 34; John B. King; Professor Patterson; R. W. J. W. Smith, G. M. of Va, and Pn:sident of Masonic. College, received with due honors, and addressed by M. W. S. W. B. Carnegy, P G. IH. ; J. H. Sanders, from No. 47; H. C. Mathews, from No. 25; John D. Sleigh, No. 40. The proceedingsJf yesterday were read, approved and lO1igned; also, the proceedings of the Grand Convocation in J;\. pril last were read and approved. On motion, Brothers :L\1armaduke and T. S. :Miller were added to the committee on Trestle Board. Brother Atherton of Savannah Lodgâ‚Ź, U. D. On motion, Brother J. F. L. Jacoby was added to the COlllmittee on work of Lodges, U. D. The following preamble and !esolutions were offered by R. lV. H. Chamberlain, G. C, and unanimously udopted: 'V HER:EAS, the Grand Lodge of Missouri has learned with pain and deep regret, the recent death of their ~)cl()\'ed ~)


98 ]

Brother, Rev. J. H. Fielding, Past Grand Chaplain of this Grand Lodge, and at the time of his death President of St. Charles College; therefore, ResobJed, That the deeply afflictive dispensation of Divine Providence which has cut down in the midst of his days, his honors and his usefulness, this highly esteemed member of our order, and the Church of God, and removed him in an unexpected hour, far from the toils and trials of this sublunary world, to the peaceful shore of a happy and blessed eter.. nity, calls for humble submission to the wise Master who rules oyer all-while it becomes us to cherish the most grateful and lasting recollections of his Masonic and Christian virtues. Resol1Jl:,d, That this G rand Lodge bear testimony to the great moral worth of their departed Brother, whose unblemished life as a man, a Nlason and a Christian-whose public servi.. ces in the cause, in behalf of Masonry, richly entitle his memory to this respectful notice from us. Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with that highly re.. ~pectable and important institution of learning, which has been deprived of hi5 invaluable services; but more es~ecially do we tender our l110st sincere and heartfeltsJmpathy to her whose widowed heart is now l:aIled to mourn 'the husband of her youth, ~I1d the father of her orphan children, who have been 50 unexpectedly plunged into the deepest earthly woe. Re8olved, That the Grand Lodge will be clothed in the usual badge of sorrow for thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the affiieted family of our deceased Brother, and also, to the Board of Curators of the College over which he presided. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished for publication in the papers of this city, and forwarded to the :Masonic :Magazine for the use of its columns. And thereupon the Grand Lodge was called from labor. Tuesday, 3 o'clock, Ociober 15th, .11. L. 5844. The G rand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. Officers and members present as in the merning. The Committee on Credclitials asked leave and made the following report, which was adopted: The Committee on Credentials report further, that they fin.d

[ 99 ] the foitowing Lodges represented in addition to those of yesterday, viz: Clarksville No. 17, by Brother J. F. L •. Jacoby, J. \V. "47, " U James JL Sanders, W. M. Fayette ~aint Johns," 28, " U W. D. Marmaduke, W. M. Bonhomme, " 45, " " J. F. Hale, S. W. They also find that Brother Robert E. Hill has been ap¡ pointed by the M. W. and Senior Warden of AI~xa~der Lodge U. D., to represent them at the present CommumcatlOn. Your eommittee also, have in their possession a proxy from the officers of Liberty Lodge No. 31, appointing the R. W. Bro. Foster their representative, which appointment, not being in conformity with the 4th section of the constitution of the Grand Lodge, which requires a Lodge to be represented by' I)ne of its own memhers, is therefore null and void. All of which is submitted. F. L. BILLON, Ch'n. The committee on work of Lodges under dispensation, made the following report, which was adopted: The committee to whom was referred the work of Lodges working under dispensation, beg leave to report, that they have examined the work- of Savannah Lodge, and find it in accordance with the by-laws of Grand Lodge, and usages of Masonry, with one small exception in the by-laws of said Lodge, which permits the withdrawal of petitions by the consent. of the members of the Lodge, which is not allowable by the by-laws of the Grand Lodge, which has been pointed out to the delegate how the Lodges should act, and we feel assured will be remedied by the Lodge. We therefore recommend that a charter be granted to Savannah Lodge.The following Brethren are recommended as the first officers m . Burnett, W. M., Jacob Hiltabidal, of the Lodge, viz: S. W., E. J .-Castle, J. Which is respectfully submitted. E. J. PEERS, J. F. L. JACOBY. The Grand Lodge proceeded to take up the by-laws and constitution, -as presented to the Grand Lodge by the committee appointed previously 1 and after some time spent thereon, the Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until half past seven o'clock.

' '1



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Half past seven o'clock. The Lodge was called from refreshment to labor at half past seven o'clock. Present, as before, M. W. Jos. Foster, D. G. M. presiding. And after some time spent in consideration of the business, the Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until to~morrow morning, 11 o'clock.

Wednesday Morning, 11 o'clock. The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor in the third degree. Present, M. W. Joseph Foster, D. G. M. presiding, officers and memben. A communication was received from the Grand Lodge of Iowa. which was read and referred to the committee on for路 eign communications. Whereupon Bro. John L. Corse, a delegate from the Grand Lodge of Iowa, was introduced. The committee on credentials reported that Coleman Lodge No. 40 was duly represented by John D. Sleigh, S. W. and proxy for W. M. and J. W., and Marshall Lod~e by Brother Martin A. Gauldin, S. 'V., and Land Mark Lodge No. 64, by Bro. John H. "Vilson, W. M. and proxy for S. W. andJ. W. The consideration of the by-laws resumed. R. W. Richard B. Dallam, Grand Secretary, Bros. Patter路 80n, Ralls and Jameson admitted. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until 3 o'clock, P. M. Wednesday Even,ing, 3 o'clock, Ocfobt:r 16, 1844. The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to lahor in the third degree. Present, M. W. Joseph Foster, D. G. 1\'1. presiding, other officers and members as in the morning. The consideration of the by-laws was resumed, and after some time spent thereon, the Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until 7 o'clock. Wednesday Evening, 7 o'clock, October 16th, 1844. The Grand Lodge was called fr(lIJl refreshment to labor in the. third degree. .

[- 101


Officers and members present a8 in the_ev~ning. The consideration of the by-laws resumed. The committee on the Trestle Board asked leave, and made the following report, which was laid on the table for the present: The Committee on the Trestle Board, appointed at the'las~ Communication, beg leave to report, that they have attended diligently to the duty assigned them, and herewith, in brief, submit the result of their deliberations. Your committee are divided in opinion in regard to the matter submitted to them, and therefore report first, on the part of the majo'rily, that after a close and critical路 examination of the work, they find in it, along with some excellencies. defects, which lead to insuperable objections to its adoption as a text Book for the Lodges under our jurisdiction. All of which is respectfully submitted. In behalf of the majority J. F. L. JACOBY, J. W~ S. MITCHELL,

E. S. RUGGLES, W. D. MARMADUKE, F. L. BILLON; Which was subsequently rejected. The minority submitted the following report, which was subsequently adopted: We, the undersigned, being a minority of the committee to whom was referred the consideration of the Masonic Trestle Board, prepared and publi.~hed under the supervision of the Right Worshipful Brothers Moore and Carnegy, beg leave ta. present a minority 1'eport as the result of their most mature deliberation. They have attended with all possible diligenc.e to the duty assigned them, and without enteri~g into any .elaborate detail of the various arguments connected with this important subject, they respectfully submit the following preamble and resolution for the consideration and adoption of the Grand Lodge ~ WHElt~AS, the Masonic Convention, assembled at Baltimore in the month of May, A. L. 5843, appointed a committee to pre.pare and publish a.Masonic Trestle Board, exemplifying the work, as agreed upon in the Convention, and suited for general use ill the several Grand Lodges of the 8-




United States; and whereas, Brothers Moore and Carnegy, being a majority of said committee, have ably dii;cbarged their duty, and presented the fraternity with a work, though not faultless, yet possessing in our view th.e highest excellencies, and in its cliaracter adapted to ge:neral1£8e; therefore, Resolved, That while this Grand Lodge does not enjoin its use on any of the Subordinate Lodges under its jurisdiction, some of whom may prefer other guides, to which thay have been long accustomed, yet she does recommend this as a

suitable tea.:t book) and approve of its general use and adoption, whenever in the opinion Qf the Subordinate Lodges, it may be profitably introduced. All of which is hereby respectfully submitted on behalf of the minority. H. CHAMBERLAIN, THOS. S. MILLER. The committee on work and returns from Lodges under dispensation, submitted the following report, which was;l.dopted: The committee on Lodges under dispensation respectfully submit the following: That they have had before them the work and by-laws of the following Lodges, viz: College, J30livar:, Danville, Alexandria, Clinton and Tyro, and find in general, the work has been done in good order, and in accordance with the regulations of your grand body. Some defects, JlOwever, your committee think advisable to notice. It is apparent in the proceedings of College Lodge, that a petition 'vas received, and the ballot taken on the thirteenth day thereafter, which procedure comes in contact with the 181h sectionof the by-laws of the Grand Lodge. Yet, your committee are of the opinion, that this error would not have occurred had the Brethren been placed in· possess£on of all necessary information and documents at ihe oTganization. Also, the proceedings of Clinton Lodge show a defect which has often been set before your Grand Lodge-that of taldng the ballot in the first degree, a bare notice of which your committee are of opinion, wilt be sufficient to correct such errors in future. Two other errors, however, appear, which your committee thin k are no small thing!>. 1st. That of initiating A. B. in the first degree, suffering him to demit with the privilege to be passed and receiyed in another Lodge, a thing




:which your committee know not where to look for a precedent. 2d. That of initiating C. D., without showing that a ballot had been taken at any time. Your committee do not wish to use any language that may appear harsh or uncharitable, and therefore desist, and submit the following: Resolved, That College, Danville and Alexandria petitions for charters be granted, and the delegates from said Lodges take their seats, bearing even date with this report. 2d. That the dispensations of Bolivar and Clinton be re· turned until the next Convocation of the Grand Lodge, then to be accompanied by the transcript from this time. E. S. RUGGLES, Ch'o. The Grand Lodge thereupon called to refreshment until to-morrow morning, at 9 o'clock, in due form. Thursday .Morning, 9 01clock. The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor•. Present, M. ,V. Joseph Foster1 D. G. 1\1. presiding. The following- Report was presented to the Grand Lodge by the Right. ""·orshipful J. Worthington Smith, President of Masonic College. To the ;Most l¥orshipfltl, the Gmnd Lodge of Missouri: The Unders'igned, President of the Masonic College, beg!f leave to present the following Report of the condition, wants and prospects of the Institution, over which, he has the honor to preside. The undersigned arrived at the College, and entered upon the discharge of his duties on the 14th of May last, at which time, twelve Pupils entered. The season was inauspicious, owing to the unparalled rains, t.he country was for many weeks nearly impassable, and the number of pupils increased slowly On the 6th of June, Professor Patterson arrived, and entered upon his duties as Principal of the Preparatory Department; the rains ceased about the. 20th June, and from that date the number of Pupils increased rapidly. On the 1st August, those Pupils who were qualified, were matriculated in due form and commenced their regular course. The present number of Matriculates is fifteen. viz: 1 Sophomore and 14 Freshmen, and there are 29 in the Preparatory School, making a Total of 44. Of these four are Beneficares viz~ One sent by Palmyra Lodge, No 18 One by the Paris


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Union Lodge, No. ]9. One by the Naphtali Lodge, No. 25. and one by the Palmyra Royal Arch Chapter, No.2. The Students have thus far enjoyed remarkable health, there hav. ing been but one case of sickness during the whole time; they are for the most part, distinguished for their correct, moral and gentlemanly deportment, and diligent application to study, and are making as good proficiency as could reasonably be expected or desired. The Refectory is well kept; the Table being abundantly supplied with every thing mecessary for health and comfort. The undersigned has cons';antly eaten at the same table with the Students, and can confidently assert, that it is not in any respect inferior to the tables of Yale or Harvard. The Exercises of each day are begun and closed, by reading a Lesson from the Holy Scriptures and Prayer, at which all Students are required to attend. On every Sunday Morning, after the ordinary religious services, t~e Pupils are required to spend an hour or tWQ in reciting lessons from the Bible at their recitations,路 in accord~ ance with the Catholic Spirit of l\'Iasonry ~o路 book or questions arc used, the pure word of God without note or comment, being the only fountain where the Pupils are invited to drink of the water of life. After the most mature deliberation, the Faculty adopted the following Course of Study: PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT.

1. Reading,. Orthography and Pennmanship, daily; 2. English Grammar; 3. Modern Geography (Mitchell '8) and Atlas; 4. Arithmetic, Ray,9 First Lessons Electic; 5. Algebra, Rarney', and Day's; 6 Ancient Geography; 7. Latin; Adam's Grammar; Anthon's Latin Reader; 路8. Greek; Anthon's Grammar and Greek Reader; 9. Composition路 and Declatnatiom every Saturday; 10. Bible Recitation every Sunday morning; FRESHMAN CLASS.

Cicero's Select Orations; Horace's Odes; Greek Testament; Grecia Majora; First Volume Tytler's Elements or History; Geometry Legendries; Compositions, in English and Latin ; Declamation, every Saturday; Bible Recitation every Sunday morning;





Greda Majora; 2d Vol. Horace's Satires; Epiottes and Art of Poetry; Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; Mensuration; Navigation; Surveying; Astronomy; Application of Algebra to Geometry; Conic Sections &'c.; Blair's Rhetoric; Hedges Logic; Folsom's Livy; Tacitus; Cic ero's Amicitier, de Senectute, and de Natura Decorum; Greek and Latin Translations and Compositions; Declamation week路 ly ; Bible Recitation every, Sunday morning; 4


Juvenal Homer's Iliad; Nctural PhilosophY1 Olmsted and and Lecture's; Differential and Integral Calculus, (Cambridge Course); Lyell's Geology and Lectures; Cleavland's Mineralogy and Lectures; Chymistry (Turner's and Lecture's); Latin and Greek Composition and Declamation; Bible Recitation, every Sunday morning; SENIOR CLASS.

Astronomy, including the Calculation of Eclipses, &c.; Norton's and Lectures; Intellectual Philosophy; Political Economy; Civil Engineering; Cambridge course; Field Practice; Constitutional and International Law; Evidences of Christianity; Practical Botany and Vegetable Phisiology; Decla.mation of Original Composition; Bible Recitation every Sunday Morning. The Hebrew, French, Spanish and Italian languages will be taught at any period of the College course, if desired by the Student or his Guardian. Students who shall go through the whole course ~bove mentioned, and shall pass a satisfactory examination in all the studies, will be entitled to the deKree of Bachelor of Arts, and, three years thereafter, to the degree of Master of Arts in course. The Grand Lodge will perceive, that the course here adopted, is as liberal and extensive as the system pursued at the oldest and most reputable Colleges in America. It is the wish and determination of t.he Faculty; to present the Graduate of the Masonic College on a par with those of the most favored Institutions in our Country, and this design appears to them perfectly practicable. The course pursued in the Preparatory School, will qualify the Stunent to enter the Military Academy at West Point, or, to matriculate in any College or Uuiversity in the United States. The location of the College, is in




JUany respects hapyily chosen. It is situated in a high, and beautiful [country .:I distinguished for the salubrity of its air, far femoved from the noil>e and bllstle of any Town or Villagej in the midst of a population decidedly moral and religious, and offering no inducements to idleness and dissipation. The Faculty yet labor under many inconvenien~~s; arising from the want of suitable repairs in the College. It is presumed that the condition of the College property is unknown to the most of the Members of the Grand Lodge. But as all have an equal and common interest in it, it is right that all should be acquainted with the true state of the case. "When the undersigned first arrived at the College, the place presented a scene as cheerless and desolate as can well be imagined. The whole premises did not contain one building fit for a human habitation. The only ones that could be used at all, were the Presidents House and Refectory, and even those were extremely leaky and uncomfortable. The Brick Row, which contains 28 dormitories, was entirely unfit for use. _The doors and windows were utterly demolished and many of the rooms had been used as stables and hog-sties. The Hall which formerly served for a Chappel and Recitation Rooms, were in a similar state of ruin. The doors and windows utterly, destroyed, and the floors covered with filth and water. The Refectory had not escaped much better, one of the rooms in the basement story had been converted into a hog-stiej the meat house into a stable; much of the路 glass broken out, and the cistern filled with filth, rendering the water exceedingly offensive to the taste and smell. The beautiful Prairie in front of the College1 containing about 160 acres was and still is, a common; furnishing pastlirage for all the horses, cattle and sheep of the neighborhood, every rail of the fence that once enclosed it having been abstracted, some these damages bave been already repaired. The Dormitories have been renovated, and made as comfortable as could be desired. The cisterns have been cleasned; and the Hall and Presidents House are now undergoing repairs. But much more must be done to render the premises a comfortable residence during the approaching winter. The Recitation Rooms and Dormitories, must be furnished with stoves; as the expense of fuel in the. long and severe winter, in this latitude is a serious and onerous tax. An ice house is also




absol~tely necessary not only to comfort, but to health.-

Raised walks should also be thrown up between the President's house and Refectory, andfrom these te the College Hall. Two or three additional Cisterns are also needed, the pre&ent number being totally inadequate for the supply of water during a dry season. To render the farm of much value to the Steward, the prairie in front of the College, should bp enc1ose~ with a substantial fence. This it is estimated will require about 6000 rails. All tllese improvements together with those already commenced, will cost but a small sum, and as they are indispensable to the welfare of the College, it is hoped that the Grand Lodge will take immediate action on the subject. To place the moral and religious advantages of the Pupils on a footing of equality with those of other Colleges, it seems to the Faculty necessary that a Chaplain be appointed to perform divine service ref5ularly every Sunday. To guard against any danger of Sectarian intluence, should such danger be apprehended, it may perhaps be best to appoint the Chaplain for one year only, and at the expiration of that period, elect another from a different denomi nation. This is the plan adopted by the Uni versity of Virginia, and it has given general satisfaction to the patrons of that Institution, who like ours, are composed of Citizens of all t.he various denominations. The Chaplain at all events, should be a l\'laster l\'Iason, and a gentleman of high literary attainments, capable of explaining and enforcing. the great fundamental doctrines of oUf holy religion. (fhis is a 8uhject of vital importance to the prosperity of our College. We live in a religious community, a vast majority ofparents will always send their sons to those Seminaries where religous advantages are enj oyed, and this is right. The education of youth ,should always be conducted on religious. principles. It is earnestly hoped that the Grand Lodge, will take t his subject into serious and solemn consideration, and act on it in such a way, as may best promote the interest of our Institition, and most redound to the glory of the Grand Master of the Universe. Such, Brethren, is a brief view of the present condition, the wants and the prospects of the l\'Iasonic College of Msssouri. It is an Institution capable of rivalling any of the numerous seats of learning within our wide spread borders. Needs but your fostering care and constant patronage, to place it at once




em that proud eminence to which its numerous advantages give it an undoubted claim. It is the first public charity of the kind ever yet attempted on earth, and by the smiles. of the Supreme Grand Master, it is destined to confer unspeakable blessings on the children of misfortune throughout this vast and lovely valley, and cannot fail to clothe with undying honor, those noble Craftsmen, whose wisdom planned, .and whose liberality has achieved the glorious undertaking. The undersigned takes this occasion to express to you, Brethren, his grateful sense of the distinction you have conferred on him, by appointing him to the honorable post he now occupies, and also for the unceasing kindness and genuine hospitality he has experienced, from the first moment of his arrival in Missouri. In return, he pledges himself that all his zeal and fidelity and whatever talents he may have received from God, shall be路 unceasingly employed for the prosperity of the College, and for the promotion of the best interests of the craft. . J. WORTHINGTON SMITH, President Masonic College of Missouri. The committee on work of Subordinate Lodges under dispensation, submitted the following report: The work of Tebo Lodge has been before them this morning, which they think well performed, and in consideration of which they submit the following: Resulved, That a charter路 be granted to Tebo Lodge; and that the delegate take his seat in the Grand Lodge, bearing .even date with this report. E. S. RUGGLES, Ch'n. Which report and路 resolution were adopted. Thereupon, on motion, theconsiitution and by-laws reported by the committee, were taken up, read a third time by sections, and passed unanimously. The committee on petitions and memorials to whom was referred the petition of Coleman Lodge No. 40, praying the Grand Lodge to change the name of that Lodge to that of "Mount Moriah Lodge," have had the same under consideration, and beg: leave respectfully to recommend that the prayer of said petition be gra.nted, and submit the following, viz ~ Resolved, That the name of Coleman Lodge No. 40, be chauged to that of "Mount Moriah Lodge No. 40," and that


10'9 ]

the Grand Secretary issue'a new charter to s~id Lodge in 'conformity to this resolution.

F. L. BILLON. The 路GrandLodge was thereupon called to refreshment until 3o"clock, P.M.

Tku"sday, 3 o'clock, P . .itt The Grand Lodge called fr<lm refreshment in the third degree. Officers and members as in the morning. The Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Offi~ ceu for the year ensuing, whereupon, J. W. S. Mitchell, was duly elected M. W. G. M. F. L. Billon, R. W. D. G. M. E. S. Rugglea, R. W. S. G. W. J. F. L. Jacoby, R.. W. J. G. W. R. B. Dallam, R. W. G. Seeretary. John S. Watson,R. W. G. Treasurer. Bro. E. D. Beavitadmitted. Ordered, That Hiram Lodge No. 12, have until next Annual Communication to pay their dues to the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of a Steward of the College for the next year, and Bro. J. J. Montgomery was duly elected without opposition. The following resolution offered'by P. G. Master S. W.B. Carnegy, was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the faithful, able and efficient services of our M. W. G. M. Priestly H. l\lcBride, rendered to the whole Fraternity during the four years which he has presided over this Grand Lodge as its Grand Master, merit the greatest thanks and warmest gratitude of every officer and member of thi3 Grand Lodge, and of every member of the whole Fraternity, and are therefore tendered to him as some evidence of the estimation in which the Grand Lodge holds their worthy Grand Master for those services, as wt>:ll as on account of his worth as a man, a Mason and a citizen. 2d. Resolved, That as a further evidence of the regard and esteem of this Grand Lodge, for their worthy Grand Mastel" McBride, the Grand Lodge will provide and present to -him a P. G. Master's jewel. 10




3d. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to procure the jewel above mentioned. The Grand. Lodge was then called to refreshment, and a Past Master's Lodge duly opened in the fourth degree. Thereupon, the Grand Officers elect were duly installed• .The P. M. Lodge was thereupon duly closed, and the Grand Lodge called to labor as before. The committee on credentials reported as proxy for St. Johns Lodge No. 28, Bro. Marmaduke instead of liro. T. S. Miller, absent on leave. The petition of Bro. James O. Broadhead and others, praying the restoration of the charter of Perseverance Lodge No. 15, was presented and referred to the committee on petitions and memorials-and the G rand Lodge was called from labor, until to¡morrow, 10 o'clock.

Friday Morning, October 18th, .II. D. 1844, .II. L. 5844. The Grand Lodge called from refreshment. Present, M. W. J. W. S. Mitchell, G. M., presiding. R. W. E. S. Ruggles, S.G. W. " " J. F. L. Jacoby, J.G. W.,andthe other officers and members of the Grand Lodge, as before. . The committee on credentials reported as member Bro. W B. Giddings, proxy of the Wardens of Paris Union Louge No. 19. Bros. Carnegy, Eillon and Patterson were appointed a ccmmittee to procure a jewel for our M. W. P. G. l\-laster 1\lcBride-and the Grand Lodge was called from labor until half after 2 o'clock.

Half after 2 o'clock. The Grand Lodge was called to labor. Officers and members as in the morning. Bro. Foster offered an ::unenument to the by-laws of the Grand Lodge for the government of the College, which was rejected. . . The commlttee 011 the work of chartered Lodges, submitted the following report: The committee has examined the work of the following Lodges, viz: Saint Johns Lodge No 28; Jefferson Lodge No.




43; Huntsville Lodge No. 30; Ozark Lodge No. 50; Clarks路 ville Lodge No. 17; New London Lodge No. 21; Arrow Rock Lodge No. 55; Marion Lodge No. 59; Wakanda Lodge N 0.52-and report that those Lodges have done their work in accordance with the ancient principles of our order, with the exceptions following: On the 13th January, 1844, St. Johns Lodge made an order to expunge a record previous. Iy made, upon the petition of Mr. J. R. G. for initiation, and to permit the petition to be withdrawn, which is a bad pre路 cedent, and your committee believe it to be irregular. On the 23d November, 1843, Ozark Lodge was called to refreshment for one month, the supposed time of their next regular meeting. If so, the Lodge should have been closed. That Lodge expelled a member when seven members only were present, without stating by what vote the expulsion was made. Bro. Carnegy offered the following resolution: Resolved, That three members be appointed and required to cause to be printed the proceedings of the Grand Lodge at the last and present Convocations of this Grand Lodge; also, the constitution, by-laws, rules and orders of the Grand Lodge now in force; also, the act of the General Assembly of Mis路 souri incorporating the Grand Lodge. . Which was adopted, and Bros. Carnegy, Ralls and Foster were appointed that committee. The committee to whom was referred the communication of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, submitted their report, stating in substance, that the Lodges of that Territory had assembled and organized a Grand Lodge,. in due and legal form-that several of those Lodges had received their existence from this Grand Lodge, and continued their allegiance to the time of 'organizing their Grand Lodge-that Lheir by-laws were good, and evinced a due regard to ancient principles-that from the communications from that Grand Lodge it appeared that the Brothers had not forgotten the courtesies and respect due to the authority from which they sprang, and had dele. gated as their representative a worthy Brother, (John L. Corse,) as their special delegate, to make known to us the fact of their new organization. The committee appreciate the filial regard evinced by the Grand Lodge of Iowa, and assure them that it is reciprocated in fraternal respect in the most


112 ]

ample measure, and conclude by recommending the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Misllouri cheerfully acknowledge and recognize the Grand LOdge of Iowa as a lega:lly organized independent Grand Lodge. llesolved, That this Grand Lodge duly appreciates the fra.. ternal regard evinced by the Grand Lodge of Iowa, and that this Grand Lodge reciprocate their friendly Masonic intercourse. S. W. B. CARNEGY, Ch'n. Bro. Carnegy, one of the Cur.ators of the College, submitted the following communication and resolutions respecting a }'emafe Academy: The undersigned, one pf the Curators, to whom was submitted the proposition of.Col. "Vm~ Muldrow, therein tendering to the Grand Lodge, for ten years, the gratuitous use of a building, known路 as the路 Female Academy, situate. about three;.fourths. of a. mile from the Colleg-e, in the路 village of Philadelphia, states tQ the Grand Lodge, that as soon as possible after this subject was referred, the undersigned called a meeting of the Curators, but a quorum did not assemblesix only attended, hnd they directed the undersigned to make the following: Ordered, That the Curators present deem it expedient to accept the proposition of Col. Muldrow above mentioned. The undersigned, therefore, submits the following resolutions for the consideration of the Grand Lodge: Resolved,. That it is the duty of the Grand Lodge, by every mean$ at their disposal, to pr~\'ide the necessary facilities for the promotion of female education. 2d. That this Grand Lodge, for the promotion of thegreat cause of education in literature and science, agree to accept the .proposition of Col. Muldrow aforesaid, donating the use of the hou~e above mentioned, and that measures for organizing a Female Academy should be at once adopted, to be organized and conducted in accordance with the principles, rules and laws heretofore adopted for the government of the Masonic. College, so far as the same may be applicable. S. W. B. CARNEGY. Brothers .Thornton, Mitcheli and Carnegy, as D. D. G. Masters, severally submitted their reports as such, from




which it is apparent that Masonry in those districts, though not in every respect what it should be, is still performing much for the good of man and the permanent establishment of broth.. erly love among the members. The work of the Lodges is generally well performed, and harmony prevails among them. But it is also apparent that a highly culpable neglect of duty prevails among some in failing to attend the regular meetings of the Lodges, but a general interest and zeal for the promo路 tion of Masonic usefulness appears to pervade the majority. Bro. Tutt submitted the following resolution: Resolved, That the members of Tebo Lodge No. - , now working at Clinton, in Henry county, Mo., be permitted to remove the meetings to Calhoun, in the same county, should there be three-fifths of the members in favor of the removal. Which ,was adopted. The committee on work of Subordinate Lodges submitted their report-that they find the returns of the following Lodges to be correct, viz: Douglass Lodge No. 54, Coleman Lodge No. 40, Fayette " "47, Cooper " a 36, "20, Land-mark" "64, St. Louis" Liberty " "31, Missouri" . " 1, Marshall" "65, Bonhomme " " .45. _ The work of Palmyra Lodge No. 18 is correct, but the re路 turn is not made in the form prescribed by the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until 7 o'cl.ock. Friday Evening, 7 o'clock. The Grand Lodge \vascalled to labor. Officers and lii.embers as at the call to l路efreshment. Sundry amend!ilents to the constitution and by-laws were offered, considered and rejected. A resolution respecting the College was offered by Brother Rall$, and passed. (See Resolutions.) . On motion of Bro. Carneg-y, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That Bros. Carty lVells, Thomas S. Miller, Thos. L. Anderson and Samuel T. Glover, be appointed a committee of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, with power to lease out, sell, or 10路




otherwise dispose of such part of the lower College fmom, as they may think proper to dispose of, for the purpose of rais· ing the means of paying off the balance of the debt due for for the purchase of the College premises, and raising a fund wherewith to endow the College. . 2d. Resolved, That any money raised by the disposition of the property above mentioned, shall be employed by the com· mittee above named, in the payment of the debt mentioned ill the .first resolution. Bro. Chamberlain, from the committee on the College, sub· mitted a report, which was laid on the table for the present. The sum of four hundred dollars was appropriated to the payment of the College debt, and ordered to be placed in the hands of Bro. Jacoby for that purpose. The committee on petitions and memorials made the following report: The committee to whom was referred the petition of sev· eral Brethren, praying for permission to commence work un· der the old charter of Perseverance Lodge, report the follow· ing facts: At the April Communication, 1828, a charter was granted to Perseverance Lodge No. 15-Bro. John Johnson named therein as the first Master. At the Communication of the Grand Lodge, October, 1837, the Grand Secretary was directed to inform said Lodge that they had permission to remove it to Bowling-Green in said county, if they desired to continue said Lodge, and to make returns at the next Commu· nication-they having made none for some years-and also to show cause why their charter should not be rcYol{ed. At the October Communication, 1838, no returns appearing from said Lodge, their charter was revoked, and the Secretary of said Lodge required to send it up with their books, papers, &c. &c., to this Grand Lodge. At the October Communication, 1839, the committee on work reported that said requisition had not been complied with, but the Grand Lodge took no further action thereon. In view of the foregoing facts, your committee suggest the adoption of the following, viz: ResollJed, That the Grand Lodge cannot grant the request of the petitioners for the restoration of the charter of Persc'-erance Lodge No. 15. F. L. BILLON.


115 ]

On motion of Bro. Carnegy, the Grand Lodge proceeded io elect aBoard of Curators for the "Masonic College,." for the term ensuing, and thereupon, Bros. Thomas L. Ander-son, 'Willis C. Johnson, John Ralls, S. W. B. Carnegy, P. H. Me';' Bride, J as. H. Blair, John S. Watson, David Konkle, Samuel T. Glover, 'Vm. D. :Marmaduke, Carty 'Yell,;;, J. F.L. Ja.. coby, James S. Green, Robert E.lIill, and Harvey Griswold were duly elected. Bro. Carnegy offered t.he following resoli.ltion which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That until otherwise ordered, each Suhordinate r.. odge under this jurisdiction, and Bodley Lodge located at Quincy Illinois, have authority andpriviJege to send one stu. dent each, to the .Masonic College, free of tuition fees. Grand Lodge called from labor to refreshment until ten o'clock to-morrow. Safllrdoy .)l{orning, 10 oiclock. The Grana Lodge was called from rcfr~5hment in the third degree. Present, J. ,Yo S. Mitchell, lH. G. 1'1., and other offi.路 cers and members. The committee on 1he appeal from Arrow Rock Lodge by Bro. "Y. S. Long, nude the following report: That they have had the appeal and accompanying docnments before them, and after careful perusal report the followiDg resol ntion : Resolved, That the Grand Lodge affirm the decision of Ar路 row Rock Lodge No. 53.


J. FOSTER. The 1\1. 'V. Grand :Master made the fonowing- ~ppointments: P. G. 1\1. CUl'llcgy, G. L., and ~;encral agent 101' the College. Grand C/urplazils.-llev. n. ChalllLcr1ain, Rc\". ,,~. Hurler, Rev. S. D. Rice, Re\". 'V. Patten, Rev. J. G. 1. Dunlavy, Rev. Richard Bond, Rcy. J. K. Lacy. District D. G..MflSftr8.路-F. L. Dillon, 1st distriet; ,Y. D. ::\Iarmadul{e, 2<1 district; John Bull, 3d district; A. Lightburn, 4th district; E. S. Ruggles, 5th district; George J. Thornton, 6th di:-otrict; J. J. l3radley, 7lh district. . C. 'Yells, G. 0., James L. :l\:Iinor, G. 0.; C. R. Scott, G.




M., N. B. Coats, G. M., N. Giddings, G. P., And. Gibson, G. S. B., Chas. Levy, Sr. G. D., Robert E. Hill, Jr. G. D., P. W. Nowlin, G. S., J. H. Sanders, G. S., E. Owens, G. Tyler. F. L. Billon, John Hall and John S. Watson, College Fund Commissioners, St.. Louis, Mo. The G. Secretary appointed Bro. Thomas S. Miller, of Hannibal, Deputy G. Secretary. Lodge No. 64 wail attached to district No.6. Lodge No. 34" " ." " "2. The following resolutions by Bro. Carnegy, were adopted: Resolved, That the original charter of Tyro Lodge No. 12, be delivered to the present officers and members of that Lodge as their charter, and by its authority those Brothers be entitled to all the rights and privileges of M'asonry, as they might or could do by virtue of a new charter. 2d. Resolved, That the Brothers of that Lodge be excused from all dues and fees for their dispensation and charter. 3d. That all jewels, furniture, regalia, books, papers, and evidences of ucbt belonging to the original Lodge be, and the same are hereby donated and restored to the Lodge last above mentioned. 4th. That Tyro Lodge No. 12, as now constituted, have until next Orand Annual Communication to pay over the balance of the $59 50 remaining due, to-wit: $14 50. Bro. Marmaduke submitted the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge donate the amount of dues due from St. Johns Lodge No. 28, to this Grand Lodge, to Bro. - - - , to be disposed of by that Lodge. The committee to whom was referred the communication of J. W. Smith, (President of the College,) setting forth the system of education adopted, and the condition, wants and prospects of our beloved institution, have carefully examined that communication and report as follows: Your committee, with unfeigned pleasure, congratulate the Grand Lodge, and the great Masonic family of this country, upon the fact of their having secured the services of able, practical men, of unblemished morals, to preside over the interests of that institution, to whom all may safely confide the most sacred of all trusts-the education of their children.




Your committee recommend the approval of the course of study which has been adopted, without any alteration or amendment except a single addition of the German langu~gc with the French, Spanish and Italian, or a substitution of the German for the Italian. Your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, That such repairs as are of pressing necessity, be immediately made, and that the expenses thereof be defrayed out of any monevs which can be appropriated. Resob,ed, That inasm"uch as moral and religious instruction, e3pecially on the Sabbath day, is of primary importance to the young, this Grand Lodge will take such measures as shall seem best calculated to secure, with as little delay as pos3ible, the services of a competent Chaplain on the prin6ples and under the 'restrictions 1'ecommended by the PTesitient of the College. Resolmd, That in ordcr to accomplish these important and most desirable ends, the Grand Lodge appeal to their Brethren and other benevolent individualsthrougbout the State, to aid them by pecuniary contributions, with a liberal and charitable hand. And while your committce submit these resolutions, they may be permitted to say in the langllug-c of ardent hope and expectation, that such an enlarged and liberal charity, as that designcd in the founding and rearing' up the "l\1ASONIC COLLEGE OF l\IlSSOURI," a charity which rcg-ards the tears of the widow and the cries of the orphan-\vhich proposes to watch ovcr their morals, and provide for them the food of thought, while it opens to them the treasures of science and literature and lifts them up from thc dC3ponding helplessness of orphanage. Yea, we do mo~t ass urec1ly hope and believe that such a charity will receive, not only the smiles of Heaven, but. also the approving testimony of all enlightened men, along with the open handed libcrality of many, very many, who may aid us by their contributions. 'Vith these views and hopes, your committee submit their report.

H. CHAMBERLAIN, Ch'n. Bro. Foster offered the following', which, with t.he report, was laid on the table for the present:




RtsoliJed, That so much of the report as has reference to the appointment of one Chaplain, be struck out. Agreed to. The committee on chartered Lodges submitted the following: That they have examined the work of Nos. 23, 43, 19, 25, 34 and 56, and find the work correctly done-but the returns of Nos. 19 And 23 are not made in the abridged form as pre. scribed by t.he by-laws. Respectfully submitted. On motion, Ordered, That the sum of one hundred and four dollars be appropriated and paid to Bro. Joseph Foster, (being part of the money advanced by him to pay an instalment in Bank, on the note of Bros. McBride, Carnegy, Bull and Jacoby,) out of any moneys in the Treasurer's hands, and that Bro. Grand Secretary draft his warrant on the Grand Treasurer for that sum. On motion of Bro. Hedges, the sum of fifty-eight dollars was ordered to be placed in the hands of the Masonic Board of Relief of St. Louis, to be applied by them to objects of charity, and that the Grand Secretary draw his order on the Treasurer for that sum, of any moneys belonging to the charity fund. Bro. Carnegy offered the following, which was adopted: Ordered, That the M. W. G. M. be, and he is hereby authorized t.o borrow, (in the name and on behalf of the Grand Lodge,) any sum of money not exceeding ten thousand dollars, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, at an interest of not more than six per cent. per annum, and for a term of not less than two, nor more than ten years, to be applied to the purpose of paying the debt of the Grand Lodge, and endowing the College. The committee on accounts made the following report: I

That they have had under consideration the report of the Grand Treasurer, and the !ltatement furnisht'd to your committee by the Grand Se~足 retary, and tbey have instructed me to submit the following report, to-wIt: There is in the hanrls of the Grand Treallurer the sum of $190 76 There is in the hands of thE' Grand S-c. the slim of $648 00 25 00 623 00 From wbicll deductan account EubmiHed by him,

Total balance, Of this sum $162helongs to the charity fund,

$813 76 162 00

651 76



] 40000

Of this sum $400 has been appropriated at present,

$251 76 162 00

T.Jnappropriated at this time, Exclusive of the charity fund above, Total in Treasury,

$413 76

J. RALLS, Ch'n.


The Grand lodge of Missollri 7 To R. B. Dallam, Dr. April-To sum paid Bro. Owens, G. T., for tyling, To postage from October, 1843) to October, 1844, To paper, iuk ar,d quills,

$12 00

8 00 5 00

$25 00 Bro. F. L. BilJon, G. Treasurer, in account with Grand Lodge of Mo. Cr. Dr. $382 76 1843. To cash from Bro. Grand Secretary, Cr. by am't paid for printing, per ordt:r, $112 00 By am't paid Bro. Fo:>ter, (Texas,) 80 Oll 190 76 " " balance in the Treasury, $382 76 Richard B. Dallam, G. Sec. of the Grand Lodge, 1841. Dr. to Grand Lodge of Missouri. To cash rec'd of Tr. of st. LOllis L ld;e l\' o. 20, dues 18H, " " " Bonhoffime L dge, 1'343, .. " " Fulton Lodge, " ,; " " New London Lodge, 1843, •• " " PilllIlyra LotJge, ,;" ,; Teno Lodge, Dispensation, "" " Bolivar Lod~e, 18~3, " " " Fayette Lodge, lR44, 0;' " " Arrow Rock Lodge, 18.14, .• " " Bloomington Lodge, 1843, •• " " Springfield Lod~e, 18H, " " " Lafayet te Lodge, " " " " Land Mark Lvdge, 1844, " " " Bonhomme Lodge, I8H, "" " Troy Lodge, " .. " " Arrow Hock Lodge, " ,; ;, " l\lissouri Lodge, " .;" " New London Lodge," " ,: " Huntsville Lodge, " " ;c " Cooper Lodge, " " " " Liberty I~od~e, " " " Danville Lodge, charter, " " " "Jeffer;;on Lod~e, dues, 1844, " ;, " Palmyra Lodge, " " " H Paris Union Lodge, " " " " Marshall Lodge, " Total receipts)

$382 76

$47 00 18 00

30 00 10 00 2000

20 00 20 00 3~


12 00

5 00 71 00 52 00 16 00 11 00

25 12 16 21 21

00 00

00 00 00

34 00

51 00 10 00 28 00 23 00 16 00 24 00

$648 00




The Grand Lodg.e was then called to refreshment, until 3 o'clock, P. M. Saturday Even'ing, October 19th, 5844. The Grand Lodge was called to labor in the Master's degree. Officers and members as before. The report of the President of the College was taken up and Bro. Carnegy submitted the following motion: Strike-out in the list of scietlces as reported by the President of the College, to be taught in College, the following words-"evidences of Ch.t'isNaniiy." . Which motion was carried. Bro. Carncgy submitted his report relative to the situation of the College, and his agency, which was read and accepted, and on his request he has leave to retain it for the purpose of tran~cribing.

Bro. Thornton's report as D. D. G. 1\-1., was read and re路 ferred to a committee, consisting of Bros. Mitchell, Ruggles and Ralls, who submitted their report, which was received, recommending the following: ResobJed, That the amount of the Grand Lodge dues, 01' a part thereof, for the ensuing year, of Land Mark and Tebo Lodges, be appropriated and placed under the charge of the committees of charity of said Lodges, to be applied to the maintenance of the orphans of Bro. Lewis-the amount of dues of each Lodge to be applied hy the committee of charity of each Lodge. 'Which was adopted. Th~ Grand Lodge was thereupon called from labor to re~ freshment, until 7 o'clcck, P. lVI.

.: Saturday,? o'eloelc. The Grand Lodge was called to labor. Present, the G. Officers and members as in the morning. The reports of the committee on the Trestle Board, were taken up, and thereupon, after debate and consideration, the report. of the maj ority was 1'ljccfed. And thereupon, the report of the minority of the committee on the Trestle Board, was taken up, and was adopted. The G. L. was then culled to refreshment, unt.il Mond,l" morning at 9 o~clock.




.Alonday morning) October ~1st, ./1.. D. 1844, .11. L. 5844. The G. L. met pursuant to order. Present, J. VV. S. Mitchell,M. W. G.M., and the officers and mmbers, and was opened in the third degree in ample form. Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell, D. D. G. M., of District No. submitted his report, which was accepted. Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell offered the followin~ resolution: Resolved, That the Curators of the College be authorized to employ an assistant teacher for the Preparatory Department, at a salary not to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars, who shall be well qualified to teach mathematics, who shall instruct such classes as the Faculty may direct. The Committee on Credentials reported Bro. Henry C. Myers, duly appointed Proxy for the Senior and Junior Wardens of Rocheport L. No. 07. The Committee on work of Subordinate Lodges; submitted the following report: That they have had before them the' work of Columbia L., and find no exception to the work of that L. That they desire a continuation of their dispensation and recommend the following: Resolved, that the dispensation of Columbia L. under dispensatiun be returned to them, to continue In force until the next G. annual communication, and then to be returned with a transcript of their work and the synopsis, all of which is submitted. E. S. RUGGLES, Ch'n. Which' report was received, and the resolution adopted: Ordered, that the Grand Sect'y be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars for his services the past year. Ordered, that Bro. G. Tyler be allowed the sum of twenty dollars for his services at the present communication. Ordered, that Bro. Granu Chaplain be allowed the sum of ten dollars for his services at the present communication. Bro. Foster presented a letter from Bro. 'Vardlow, which was read, and ordered to be laid on the table. Bro. Jacoby submitted the following resolution: Resolved, That when the Grand Lodge adjoum, it adjourn to meet at the .IJlasOnic College on the 24th day of June, 1845, at 9 o'clock A. 1VL, for the purpose of dedicating the same, and ~h~t a committee of arrangements be appointed. "Iuch was referred to a committee of five, who reported fayorably, and thrnthe resolution of BrQ. Jacob) wall adopted. The Grand Lodge it': therefore, to meet at the .l{(l$onic Col-


[ 122 ] kge "on the 24th day of June next, "and Bro's. P. H. Mc Bride, J. F. L. Jacoby, T. L. Anderson, Sam'l T. Glover, C. Wells, D, C. Wingate and H. Willis were appointed a committee of


arrangements for the occasion. The committee on the sllbj ect of difference between the R. W. G. L. of New York and this G. L.~ asked further time to submit their report, which was granted. On motion of Bro. Carnegy, it was ordered, that the com~ mittee on printing, be directed to print 300 copies of the journal of proceedings of the April and present Communications, with the Constitution and By-Laws, approved at April and October 1844', and 700 copies of the Constitution and By-Laws without the journal of proceedings;" the latter to be bound in Itrong" paper covers and distributed. Ord.-ered, That the committee have leave to draw on the Grand Treasurer, who is instructed to pay the bill for printing. Ortkred, by the Grand Lodge, that Bro. Carnegy, (genera agent of the Grand Lodge for the College,) proceed to collect from the liberal public in the State of Missouri," and elsewhere, such moneys, books and property, for the benefit of the Masonic College of Missouri, as he may be able to obtain and report to next Grand Annual Communication. Which was adopted. On motion of Bro. Watson, St. Louis Lodge No. 20, obtained leave to amend their by-laws at any time, without the presence of the majority, as required by their present by-laws. The following proceedings occurred at the election of Grand Officers, and was omitted at the proper place: Moved by Bro. - - , that each Subordinate Lodge should be entitled to cast five votes-the number prescribed by the constitution. Bro. R. W. D. G. M. Foster, presiding, decided that Lodges having one representative present only, and who was not legally appointed proxy for at least one of the other officers of his Lodge, could not cast tile five votes of his Lodge. From wllich decision of the Chair, Bro. - - , took an appeal to the Grand Lodge, and thereupon, the decision of the chair was not sustained~and Bro. Foster t.hereupon ente,s h~ protest a~inst the decision of the Grand Lodge on the decision or the chair. Bro. Oame~, agefit theG. L. tor the College, submitted"the fo1l'owing report:



123 ]

The undersigned, agent for the College, respectfully reports: That, since the last communication of the G. L., he has devoted as much of his time and attention to the business of his office, as agent of the College, as w .... s possible. He visited the lodges in St. Louis, St. Charles, Danville, Marthasville, and l\1onticello, in Missouri; and Belleville, Carlyle, Salem, and Alton, in the State of Illinois. An account of the proceeds of this trip is subjoined. Finding it difficult, if not impossible, to obtain the requisite means of meeting the accruing demands against the G. L. from the brethren of Missouri, who had already contributed liberally, and whose hopes for the future had been wholly blasted by the unexampled rains and Hooel, by which the prospects of agriculture had been almost wholly ruined; the undersigned deemed it . imperatively necessary to seek assistance among more favored brethren. He accordingly obtained from the l\tI. 'V. G. M. his assent and commission, and proceeded to the States of Ohio and Kentucky, and solicited from the fraternity of those States the means of saving the College property from sacrifice. The amount realized by this journey will be found stated below; which, though not commensurate with either our wants or expectations, was received from warm, pure, and elisinterested Mas'onic benevolence: and it is due to the brethren of those States to mention, that those of Ohio are considerably indebted themselves, on account of their Grand Hall; and the brethren of Kentucky were engaged in establishing a school for orphans, under the patronage of their G. L. These causes operated against our application, and intercepted the donations, which otherwise would have been bestowed. The efforts of our fraternity to establish the Orphan Asylum, eve.. ry "hel'l~ r('(~' iYI d the approbation of the craft; and your agent has the pleasure to acknowledge the most kind, fraternal, and affectionate aUentill1I1s of the brpthren of those States, wherever he went. It would extend this report to too great a length, to give a list of all those from whom donations 'were received, and to recount the many evidences of fraternal regard and Masonic charity evinced towards him; and therefore, however pleasing the task, must omit it. He has made out, and will file in the office of the G. Sec., a list of those whose generosity prompted them to contribute their means in aid of our school; and, though he must debar himself from the pleasure of presenting a list of contributors, he cannot

[ 124 ] omit his public acknowledgments to a few of the many broth... ers, from whom he received the most marked and special attentions: whose ears were opened to hear, and whose sympathies were brought to partici pate in all that related to the Orphan School of Missouri. Of thGse, allow him to name Bros. Langdon, Graff, Ezekiel, Hanselman, of Cincinnati; Bros. Cox, Holloway, Biggar, Soward, W"ingate, Scott, Bullock, Cunningham, Lewis, Brent, of Kentucky. From those, he received not only their donations, but all the aid they could bestow in obtaining assistance from others: and though he may see them no more, yet will he recur with gratitude and pleasure to the recollection of their kindness, courtesy, and Masonic benevolence; and he tenders to all whom he saw his most grateful acknowledgments. The following is the account of receipts and disbursements since the last annual communication: To sum on hand, at Oct. 1843, per report, $2,704 22 " proceeds of note ill Bank, of Bros. McBride, Bull, Jacoby and Carnegy, for $3,000, at 4 mo~. 2,925 92 " proceeds ~(bill of exchange of I3ros. 1\1orehe:ld and others, the donation of Richmond L. Mo. 335 16 Received of Blo. Dallam, G. Sec. Charity fund, 90 00 " from brethren of St. Louis, by Bro. J. Foster, 6800 ,: "Marthasville L. by Bro. Griswold, 100 00 "Dam'Hle L. their donation, 100 00 " " "Bro. Pines Shelton, St. Charles, 5 00 ,: " "W. J. McElhiney, do. 5 00 " " "Morrison, of Bellevill" J Ills. 5 00 " "Carlyle L. Ills. 8 00 ,~ "Monticello L. by their Tr. Bro. Night, 50 00 "G. L. for Bro. J. Foster, 104 00 " "G. L. by Bro. Jacoby, 400 00 " Donations received from brethren of Ohio & Ky., over expenses, 310 00 Total receipts,

7,210 30

\Vithin the same period, there has been paid out the following sums: To Perpetual Insurance Office, on the debt of the G. L. ,: same Office, on same account, " Bank of Mo. first instalment on the $3,000 loan, "do. do. second instalment on do. "do. do. third instalment on do. Paid a Bro. on the loan at Palmyra, To expenses on journey through Ills. and 1\10. (above,) Paid on contract for rail~, to Mr. Smith, Bllance suhject to ol'der of G. L.

$2,625 2.641 '500 504 500

92 00 00 00 00 to 00 33 00 3 75 9263

7,210 30


125 ]


the"committee entrusted with the sale of the out lands of the College, sold to Mr. Hassinger one h.undred and forty acres of it, for the sum of $700, payable in ten years. This debt pays interest at ten per. cent. per annum, payable semi-annually: thus $70 per annum is secured, with which to educate' such as cannot provide for themselves. It is due to those who provided the first payment of $3000, on the purchase of the College property, to acknowledge the several contributions. This would have been done in my . last report, if I had possessed the information, necessary to the performance of the duty, accurately: but the money was collected by various Brothers, in whose hands subscriptions were placed, and those subscription papers have never come to my hands; and I believe most of them are lost or mislaid. I have in my possession, however, my own memorandums of so much as was received by myself, and shall endeavor stql to obtain the information necessary to all explicit statement ill my next report. It is expected, also, that the entire debt will, by that time, be fully paid off, and an account of cost, principal, and inter~st, arising froll~ the purchase ofthe College property, can then be laid before the G. L. There has been paid upon the College property, the slIm of $9,345 12 And there remains to be paid upon the ol'iginal debt, $600; besides a small amonnt for interest. This will malce the total cost of property about 9,945 12

A large portion of the money thus paid over was ob.tained by loan from Bank; and our indebtedness, at this day, is as follows: To the Bank at S1. Louis, about "" " Palmyra," ' Due as above stated, on original debt,

$1,600 00 60000 60000

Making the sum of $2)800 00 And we have on hand proceeds of sale of lands, and interest thereon, in notes, as previously l l t a t t ' d , ' 770 00 $2,030 00 To meet this sum, all of which is now due, will demand, and (if life is spared) shall receive, the attention and best exe.rtions of your agent; with the hope and expectation of savmg the large property (or its proceeds) asa fund on which the de5titute may draw, for such an education as will fit them for usefulness, and tend to save them from the evils of ignorance and vice. Leaving a present balance of

[ 126


The undersigned路 has been notified by Bro. C. W. Moore, that an eminent and benevolent Bro. of the city of HostonDr. W JNSLOW LEwIs-has donated to the G. L. of :Missouri, for the College, a large and elegant pair of globes (celestial and terrestrial.) For this munificence we cannot be otherwise than grateful, and therefore tcnder to our worthy Bro. Dr. Lewis, our grateful thanks; assuring him, that, while the use of his valuable gift shall be made to impart to the destitute poor the mysteries of science, the recollection of the donor will enkindle the sympathies of fraternr..l lave in the bosoms of his Western brethren. Such is the situation of the G. L. in r~ference to the College, so far as the same comes within the scope of duties assigned to your agent. S. W. B. CARNEGY. Bro. Carnegy, from the committee on foreign communications, submitted the following report, which was received: The committee to whom were referred the foreign communications, received since the last annual communication of the G. L. submit the following report: That the journals of the proceedings of the following G. Lod~es have come to the hands of your committee, and have receIved a careful" perusal: to-wit, of the States of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, Maine, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee; and those of the Territorie~ of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Florida. From the nature and amount of duties devolved upon your committee, during the present convocation, it must be obvious that the attention due to the various subj eets presented to their consideration in this mass of documents, could not be bestowed; but your committee must not pass them without presenting to the G. L. some of the many important matters communicated in them: and the first, if not the most important subject which appears to have claimed the attention of those Gr~md Lodges, is, the contemplated" National Masonic Convention." Most of those have acted upon that subject; and all that have acted, except the G. L. of the State of Connecticut, have approved it, and recommend the organization of a permanent Triennial Convention, upon the pl"ol1 recommended by the Convention of Baltimore in 1843. Some few, however, have not yet acted on the subject. It is doubtless gratifying to the G. L. to find so many of her sister Grand Lodges, by their own example, approbate the course

[ l~] already pursued by herself on this important subject. This subject :appears more and more important,路 the more we reflect upon it. To your committee, it appears, that the "organization of this, or SnIDe similar tribunal, with carefully guarded powers-'-having authority to decide upon, and provide for the means of instruction in the mystic work and ceremonies of Masonry-is probably the best, if not the only means, now remaining to us, whereby the necessary and indispensable uniformity among us can be maintained, and perpetuated; whereby our mystic rites and universal language may be freed from hurtful interpretations, and be continued to us, and ours, pure and uncontaminated. To your committee, it is obvious, that unless a supreme authority shall be e3tablished, to whose decision, questions respecting our mysteries and traditions; our constitutions and our principles, may be referred; and whose final judgment shall be obligatory upon all, the greatest and most ruinous disparity must continue to prevail. One form will be adopted and taught here-another, and different one, there: each refusing to yield to either of those differing from him-each claiming to " possess the trut light," will set Corth, and contend for his long-cherished system; and thus, at no distant period, we shall hear of, not only" York and English-French and Scotch rites," but of New England .J.\.fasonry, Missouri Masonry, and Pennsylvania Masonry; of Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia" rites":.-thus rendering that which should be now, and which might be continued to us and our descendants for all time to come, One in form, and precisely similar in expression, as variant in both, as are the features of those that constitute the several Grand Lodges. It is time that we should surrender our claim to absolute infallibility, and constitute one supreme power, with adequate authority to decide for all. This, doubtless, constituted a "principal reason for the organization of the two Grand Lodges of England, and afterwards the cause of mer~ing those into one Grand Lodge. Let us profit by t.hose hIgh examples: not, indeed, to establish a general Grand Lodge; that is not neces;;ary, nor would your committee submit to it, if it were so-the evil would overbalance all the good that could result fromi!; but the necessity for the convention proposed, with specified delegated po"1lers for the purposes above enumerated, appears to be imperiously demanded, not merely for the welfare ofthe craft, but for the preservation of our very existence, as a fraternity.




Another subject of vital importance appears to have claimed the attention of several of our sister Grand Lodges: "The exclusion of the Jews from the privileges of Masonry," on account of their rej ection of the doctrines of Christianity. This practice has been adopted by some of our Germanic brethren, and, so far as your committee are informed, h~:; =.et the most decided disapproval of' the fraternity everywhere. This is a most grave and important question, involving an ancient principle of Masonry, thoroughly established, and, until now, of universal acceptation, the destruction of which is the destruction of our existence as a society. If our rule, which requires every candidate for initiation "to declare his belief in the existence of one God," be at all altered, restricted, or enlarged, it will be the entering wedge for the introduction into our code of principles, any, and all of those subtle, undefined, and undefinable doctrines, which, in every age and every country, have divided our fellow路men-about which the world has been embroiled-which have served as the occasion, by which our earth has been deluged in blood, and nations and empires have been swept from their bases; and whereby the yoke of ignorance, superstition, and slavery has been fastened upon the largest portion of the human race. Reject a petitioner because he is a Jew, and another may be rejected because he is a Christian. If one Lodge may reject a man because he believes the Redeemer is to come, another Lodge may reject another man because he believ-es the Redeemer has already come. Tolerate this departure from ancient principle, and where shall we stop? The next thing we hear, will be, that the Unitarian, Universalist, and the Catholic are rejected by some Lodge, in which therE': are one or more members who hold to a .different notion of Christianity. The spirit and the reason with those by which the ancient rule is disregarded, and the Jew rejected, will induce the reject.ion of the Pedo-Baptist by the Anti-Pedo-Baptist; and a thousand innovations follow in quick succession, to the utter destruction of all harmony and brotherly affection. Nearly allied to this innovation on Masonic principle, is a provision of law found upon the pages of the statutes of .the Grand Lodge of- Tennessee; it is the latter clause of the following sentence: "I do seriously declare, upon my honor, that I believe in God, and a future state of rewards and punishments." The clause, "and 'l~n a future state of rewards and

[ 129 ] punishmtnts," embodies the requisition to which your committee object. It is an interpolation on an ancient rule. Your committee are happy to find that this has been every where condemned by those that have spoken on the subject; an<l, however obscure we, of the di~tantWest, may be-however small the weight of our opinions; still, in a matter of this importance, it is our duty to utter them. Subjoin this additional requisition, and, as before remarked, it becomes the example to justify the introduction, one after another, of every question of theology and hith; and which, once introduced, must divide the fraternity, as they have the rest of the world, and substitute angry, unkind, and heated debate, and alienated affections for the glow of fraternal love, which may still continue to characterize our assemblies, if we continue to walk by the tried, t.he golden rule of our fathers. No: let the ministers of religion, whose education and habits eminently qualify them for such discussions, adjust those abstruse questions. How ludicrous in the extreme would a discussion appear, in Lodge, between a worthy Brother Jeiyand an equally worthy Christian, on some question respecting the fact of the advent of the Messiah. Equally novel-equally repugnant to our laws, would be the discussion of any ques路 tion respecting rewards and punishments in the future. Our rule requires us to believe in the existence of God; that for reasons we need not here state, was necessary and rfoper. Indeed, it is apparent to every skilful :Mason, that to ensure a continued belief in the Almighty, and so prevent the introduction of idolatry, appears to have constituted one of the principal reasons for the ins~itlLLion of lVIasonry. This is a lesson tought U3 in e"ery degree, und ut every stage of our progress, from the lowest to the highest. But, while on the one hand we are required to believe implicitly in this primary dodrine of all true religion, on the other we are precluded from the introduction of leas iniportant proposi~ tions, and about which men may differ in opinion, and still discharge faithfully and efficiently, all---:..cven the highest Ma~ sonic duties. Two at more Brothers, differing as wide as the poles on all other subjects, may still be equally honest, upright, affectionate and benevolent. In regard, then, to the doctrines of religion, natural and revealed, we must there stop, or destroy the integrity, nay, the very existence of our insti.. tation. Your committee, th erefore, most toes pect-fully and




affectionately request their transatlantic brethren to retrace their steps, and repeal the rule whereby they appear to violate an ancient principle, and thus exclude from a part.icipation in Masonic mysteries, the descendants of those by whom those mysteries were first instituted. and applied; and, in the same manner, request our brethren in the State of Tennessee . (under whose fraternal authority this Grand Lodge first took .its being) to erase from their statute book a rule alike repugnant to ancient principIe-alike conducive, in its operation, to become t.he example whereby to justify the introduction, at no distant day, of any, or all the exciting, peace-destroying questions of faith and theology, which, in all time past, have tended to alienate, and finally destroy that fraternal love, and dry up the fountains of that Masonic benevolence, without which our institution were but a name. The next and most important subject which has claimed the attention of some of our sister Grand Lodges, is the education of destitute orphan children. It will be gratifying to the G. L. and to every philanthropist, to learn, 1hat the Grand Lodges of the States of Kentucky, Mississippi, Virginia, Alabama, and perhaps others, have taken that most important subject into consideration. Some of them have already taken the first steps necessary to the organization of schools under their patronage and control, and we may exult in the hope, that, very soon, the fraternity of .Missouri will find many engaged in the glorious task, which they themselves undertook some four years since. May their efforts become more and more energetic, and be crowned with perfect success. The G. L. of Kentucky have already succeeded, to a happy degree, in this most praiseworthy design. They have ordered the establishment of a school and college, for the education of orphans; and by a munificent donation of money and property, amounting to ten thousand dollars, are already possessed of ample means whereby to prosecute the business of education of all such as are too poor to provide for themselves. Their college is under the care of a board of trustees, appointed by the G. L. It is ~ituate at the town of Lagrange, the county seat of Oldham county. The location is well chosen, in a most healthy and beautiful country, and near the Ohio river. Already they have a president and two instructors, and about forty students: few only of those, we presu"Ile, are beneficiaries. One of




}'our committee had the honor to be present at the G. I.j~ of Kentucky, when the decisive 8tep on this subject was take~~ and has the pleasure to state, that, from the spirit of energetic benevolence which appeared to pervade every bosom, the most entire confidence is entertained that ultimate and complete success cannot fail to crown their endeavors: and your committee are led to the pleasing hope, that, in a few years, every Grand Lodge within our country, will have established an asylum and school for the children of every destitute brother; where every sufferer may find a shelter and a home, and every bereaved orphan an instructor, guardian, and friend. From the proceedings of the G. L. of Pennsylvania, it appears that that G. L. objects to the formation of a National Masonic Convention. This will be, no doubt,. a source of much regret to this, and other Grand Lodges, which approve that measure. Should that G. L. persist in their course, it must deprive the fraternity of the Union, who favor the ob. ject, of the efficient and greatly desired aid of their wisdom and Masonic learning, in adjusting the various questions of our mysteries and ceremonies: and your committee most un路 feignedly regret, as will the whole craft, the loss of their influence, instruction,. and counsel; and earnestly solicit, o~ their part, a reconsideration of their order, and a union with the Convention. Within the last year, our brethren of England have been called to mourn the loss, by death, of our eminent Grand Master, the Duke of Sussex. Few, indeed, have been able to attain the eminence occupied by that most distinguished brother. He had presided over the G. L. of England for more than twenty-five years; and, by his amiable conduct and valuable services, succeeded in securing the most unlimited confidence, esteem, and affection of the numerous fraternity over whose destinies he watched with so much vigilance and parental care. By his deportment as a royal prince, he commanded the esteem of the great, and merited the honors of the state. By his conduct as a man, he won for himself the confideuce and universal applause of his fellow-men: while, by his services ~s. a Mason, he has merited, and will receive, the gratitude, admiration, and fraternal regard of the tho?san.ds 'Yho have been the recipients of a benevolence, whICh In hun.. knew no bounds. He was, indeed, the benefactor of the Masonic world. Your committee, therefore, ill




behalf of this G. 路L. tender to our brethren of England the testimony of their regard and e.$teem for the memory of theIr distinguished G. M.; and beg leave to mingle their sorrows and sympathies with theirs, on account of our mutual be~ reavement. Your committee beg leave to add a single word on the general condition of our fraternity, so far as it may be ascertained from the communications received. A few years since our society, every where within these States, was made to suffer the severest persecutions and sorest injuries. Envy, malice, bigotry, prejudice, and superstition combined against us, and vied with each other, as if emulous to excel in all that might tend to injure and destroy us: but, out of all our atllictions, the great and glorious GRAND MASTI.R of the universe, hy a strong hand and mighty right arm, hath delivered us. The wicked are disappointed of theIr prey, and the Masonic fraternity, shielded, fostered, and preserved by a merciful Providence, still exists, to provide for the destitut.e, tmccor the weak, and" comfort all that mourn:" to lead the blind 1 by a way they know not, and court back to the paths of virtue the wayward wanderer in vice and folly. From depression and sorrow we are raised up: in honor and joy, and in sire'ngth, hath the Mighty One established our glorious Temple of Masonic benevolence forever. The fraternity (less numerous, perhaps, than formerly) are cyery where returning to their labor of love, and evil1ce their wonted energies in the prosecution of those works, which gladden the hearts of the disconsolate, and hush the sighs of the mourner. The well known signal now calls thousands of workmen to labor, who, a little while ago, were never seen in our J\-fasonic retreats; and l though ~e arc now less numerous, we arc more united, more efficient, and more ardent, and the time is just at hand, when suffering and want, which can be alleviated by human means, shall be made to yield to cxertions of Masonic btmevolence; when sorrow and sighiDi shall no more be heard in our land. Respectfully submitted. S. W. B. CARNEGY, Of the COlD. on Foreign Communications.

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