1845 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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b F TH E



On the 24th day of June, .11. D. 1845, .11. L. 5845.

ST. LOUIS, MO: Printed by Chambers & Knapp-Republican Office.


JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. At an adjourned communication of the Grand Lodge of l\tIissouri, held at the Masonic College of Missouri, on Tuesday, the twentyfourth day of J une,A. D. 1845, A. L. 5845, were present: Officers-Me W. J. ' Y. S. Mitchell, G. M. " R. W. E. S. Ruggles, S. G. W. " " J . F. L. Jacoby, .J. G. W. " " S . 'V. B. Carnegy, G. S. pro feme " " W . D. Marmaduke, G. Treas. pro tern. " 'Yore Chas. Levy, S. G. D. " "Robert E. Hill, J. G. D. " Rev. W. Hurley, G. Chap. " Wore Carty Wells, G. Or. " " P. W. Nowlin, G. Steward. " Bro. Esrom Owens, G. Tyler. . Hembers-R. W路or. Joseph Foster, P. D. G. M. " " J . 'V. Smith, Pres't Col. " Bro. John Ralls. " "Isaiah Forbes. " James Gresham. " " "F. C. Cake. " ,c W. N. Feazel. ce "C. R. McGee. " " John C. Crigler. "John G. Caldwell. " " "H. H. Gear. " "C. G. Merrill. " "J. W. :McDaniel. " "H. Willis. "A. Patterson, and a large number of visitors. " On a call of the Lodges, the following answered by their representatives, viz: Missouri, . No.1. Troy, No. 3路4. Tyro, " 12. Fayette, "47. Clarksville, " 17. Livingston," 51. "52. Palmyra, " 18. Wakanda, Paris-Union, "19. Arrow Rock, " 55. New London, "21. Monticello, "58. Naphtali, " 25. Alexandria," 69. "70. St. Johns, " 28. College, Far West, CC. 29. There appearing a quorum present, the Grand Lodge was called to labor in the third degree .of Masonry, in due and a~nple form, at 11 1-2 A. M., and the Throne of Grace addressed by G. Chap. Rev. Bro. W. Hurley. .


4 ]

The following was then offeredl:>Y Bro. Gear; and -unanimously adopted, viz: 1. Ordered, That Bro. the Rev. Wm. F. Walker, of the city of Chicago, who is here present, be invited and requested to assist in the 'ceremony of d'ed路 ication.

He was thereupon introduced by Rev. Bro. Hurley, and took his place with the G. Chaplains. The Grand Lodge was thereupon called to refreshment, a grand procession was formed,. and proceeded to t!1e College Hall, where the ceremonies of dedication took place, and addresses were deliv~red by Bro. J. W. Slllith, President of the College, and Rev. Bro. Walker; after which, the proce~sion was again formed and proceeded to the Refectory of the College, where an excellent dinner was provided by the Steward of the College, Brp. D. Willock. After having partaken thereof, the procession was again re-formed by the Marshals, (Bros. Eagon and Bower,) andret4rned to the President's house: and the Grand Lodge was duly called to labor.路 in the third . degree. Bros. Ralls, Feazel, Levy, Foster and McBride were appoinred a Committee on Credentials. Bro. Carty Wells offered the following resolution: 2. Resolved, That the statement upon his word as a Master Mason, shall be sufficient evidence to the committee on credentials of the office and authority' of any claimant of a seat in said Grand Lodge.

Which resolution, after debate, was adopted. The Grand Lodge was thereupon called to refreshment until toJnorrow morning, 8 o'clock.

Wednesday Morning, June 25, .11. L. 5845. The Grand Lodge met and was called from refreshment to labor in the third degree. Present as on yesterday, as also, P. G. lVlaster P. H. McBride, Dep. G. Master Frederick L. Billon, and several visiting brethren. The following resolution was offered by Bro. Ralls: 3. Resolved, That all master masons in attendance be permitted to take seats in fhi!' Grand Lodge, and take part in the discussion of any subject that may propedy come before the ~rand Lodge,

Which was unanimously adopted. The Committee on credentials submitted the following report: 4. That they have discharged the duty assigned them, and report the follow路 ing Lodges duly represented, viz: MissoQri No. I, by Bro. F. L. Billon, proxy for Wor. Mas. " " Isaiah Forbes, Sen. Ward. " 'f James Gresham, Jun. Ward.

~r~;~s~~~~e i~:

Palmyra, 18, Paris-Union, 19, " New London, 21, Naphtali, 25,

::" f'S. t:W.tUj~~~sbY~ J~n.M~~:J: B. Carnegy, 'Vor. Mas. " ':, "

J. G. Caldwdl, proxy for Wor. Mas. Jno. N. Parsons, proxy for Jun. Ward. Jno. Ralls, Wor. Mas. Jos. Foster, Wor. Mas.

[ Naphtali, No. 25, by Bro. " " St. Johns, 28, " Far West, 29, " Troy, 34," Cooper, 36, " Mt. Moriah, 40, " Fayette, 47, "

" "

Fulton, 48, Livin!1;ston, 51, Wakanda, 52, Arrow Rock,55, Monticello, 58, Alexandria, 69, College, 70, " "

" "

" "

'( " "

" " " "



Wm. Humphreys, proxy for Sen. Ward. Chas. Levy, proxy for Jun. Ward. W. D. Marmaduke, proxy for Sen. Ward. H. H. Gear, Wor. Mas. F. C. Cake, Jun. Ward. Geo. Stllcker, proxy for S. and J. Ward. R. L. Campbell, Wor. Mas. Jno. C. engler, proxy for Wor. Mas. J. W. McDaniel, proxy for Sen. Ward. JIlO. A. Powell, proxy for Jun. Ward. N. Kouns, Sen. Wald. Wm. Feazel, proxy for Mas. and Warden3. Chas. G. Merrill, proxy for Wor. Mas. P W. Nowlin, Wor. Mas. Chas. R. McGee, Sen. Ward. R. E. Hill, Wor. Mas. anu prox for Wardens. J. W. Smith, Wor. Mas. A. Patterson, Sen. Ward. H. Willis, Jun. Ward.

In all twenty Lodges represented. Said report was received and adopted. Bro. Cart.y Wells submitted the following resolution: 5. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to report forthwith the probable amount of funds within the power of this Grand Lod~e.

Resolution unanimously adopted, and Bros. ""VeIls, Marmaduke, and Powell, appointed the committee. Bro. Billon offered the following, which was unanimously adopted, viz: G. Resolvp.d, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to draft a preamble and resolutions expre~"i\'e of the !'ense of the Grand Locl/1;e of Missouri on the occasion of the decease of Bro. Andrew Jackson, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.

Bros. lVlcBride, Billon, and 'VeIls appointeit said committee. Bro. Forbes submitted the following resoiution, viz: 7. Resolved, That the action of this Grand Lodge at the present session shall be contillPd exclusively to such busine3s as may be preseuled, relati\'e to the Masonic College;

Which being seconded, Bro. McBride offered the following as an amendment to be added thereto, "And the female department. "

Bro. Wells offered the following as a substitute for the above resolution of Bro. Forbes, viz: 8. Resolvi'd, That the business connected with the colle~e and female derart~ ment take precedence of all other business at this meeting.

After much discussion, Bro. :McBride moved the previous question, which being seconded, was ordered, and the question being upon the substitute offered hy Bro. 'Wells, it was carried. Bro. Carnegy offered the following, whie1l was adopted: 9. Resolved, That the G. Sec. is not entitled to receive the fee of one dollar

f~r sig!lill~ his ~ame and atf!.xing the ~eal of the Grand Lodge certificates spe.

clfied 10 the thllteentb sectton of the twenty-sixth article of the By-Laws ot' the Grand Lod/1;e. The Grand Lodge was then called to refreshment until 2 o'clock, P.rtl,

[ 6 ] Wednesday, 2 o'clock, P • ..M. The Granel Lodge was called from refreshment to labor in due and ample form. Present as in the morning. . Bro. Powell, from the committee appointed to ascertain the amount of funds on hand, &c., submitted the following report, which was received: 10. The committee appointed under a resolution of the Grand Lodge, to reas to the probable amount of available funds under its control, report as follows: That they have been informed that the lower College farm has been sold by the committee appointed for that purpose, for the sum of $5000 00 That of this sum there has been applied to the payment of our debt in Bank at St. Louis, 1687 00 Debt in Bank at Pill myra, about 800 00 To Mr. Camden, as stated by Bro. Carnegy, 650 00-3131 00 That there has been expendeLl for improvements and r('pairs on the College premises, about 500 00 ~ort

Leaving a balance of $1837 00 But we are informed by Mr. Camden, that there is yet due him from $1500 to $2000. From information received ffom Bro. Bill on, in the absence of the G. Secretaryand G. Treasurer, we are of opinion that there is little or nothing in the hands of our Grand Trea3urer. We are informed and believe that there is in Bank at St. Louis, deposited to the credit of Bro. McBride, for the usc of the College, about $70. We a\l~ informed by our General Agent, that he will have in his hands, subject to the ol'det of the Grand Lodge, about $:300. We have also been informed by our War. G. Master, that he has borrowed from Keytesville Lodge, without interest, to be returned next fall, if demandeu, $300. This wOlild shew a fund at the disposal of the Grand Lodge of about $2,500. If, however, Mr. Camden be correct in tte amount of l1is demand, there would not be more than 12 or 1500 dollars. All which is submitted.

Bro. Carnegy submitted sever<ll resolutions on the subject of organizing the female dcpartmcnt of the College, as follows, viz: 11. 1. Resolved, by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons of the State of Missouri, That it is expedient to organize the female department of the Masonic College of Missouri. 2. Resolved, That a committee of five Brother Master Masons, residing in different counties in the State of Missouri, and who are members of Lodgps, be appointed with power and authority to examine and select a suitable place at which to locate the female department aforesaid. 3. Resolved, That the committee above mentioned be authorized and instructed to obtain contributions and donations to the Grand Lodge for the purpose of erectin~ a suitable house for the accommodation of the school. 4. Resolved, That the committee select four or more places for said department, and in the donations asked designate the several sums donated for the house at each place respectively. . 5. Resolved, That the committee take the necessary steps to give notice in the vicinity of the sevl'ral places selected by them so that it may be ascertained at what place the greatest aillount can be obtained on condition that the department aforesaid be located there. 6. Pesolved, Tilat a committee of three Bro. Master Masons, members of the G. Lodge~ be appointed, to draw up and report a code of By-Laws fol' the government of said department with illstructlOllS to submit the same to the G. L. at its lIext meeting-which were seconded; thereupon


7 ]

Bro. Gear offered the following amendment: " That the same be carried into effect so soon as the Gr. Lodge may obtain suffiCIent funds, after the next General Convocation.".

Amendment accepted by Bro. Carnegy. Bro. Caldwell moved the rejection of the above resolutions; motion secorJded, and thereupon a discussion arose which continued to the evening, when they were laid on the table for the purpose of calling off. Bro. Marmaduke offered the following, agreed to, viz: 12. Ordered, That Brethren be restricteu to thirty minutes in debate.

Bro. Kouns paid $.27,00 dues of Fulton Lodge No. 48 to the Grand Lodge for Oct., 1844. The G. L. was called to refreshment until 7 1-2 o'clock.

Wednesday Evening, 7 1-2 o'clock. The G. L. was called from refreshment to labor in the Mas... ter's degree, present as before. Bro. Ralls moved a reconsideration of the vote on the resolution of Bro. Wells (No.8) which motion was carried, and thereupon Bro. Wells withdrew the resolution. The resolutions offered by Bro. Carnegy (No 11) were taken up,路 when Bro. Caldwell, by leave, withdrew his motion to reject said resolutions. Bro. Bostwick of Alton, Ill., was admittad. Bro. McBride offered the following substitute for Bro. Carnegy's resolutions, viz: 13. Resolved, lat. That it is expedient that this Grand Lodge shall establish a seminary under its patronage and control for the education of females, as a part of the Masonic College of Missouri. 2nd. That for this purpose the Grand Lodge does hereby accept the propo. sition of Wm. Muldrow heretofore presented to them by Bro. Carnegy in re" lation to the buildings at Philadelphia, near to the Masonic College. 3d. That the Board of Curators are hereby authorized to take such written assurances from said Muldrow, as will secure to th~ Grand Lodge, said property according to said proposition. 4th. That said Board of Curators be authorized to establish a school on said premises, according to the principles and By-Laws of the G. L. at as early a period as practicable; and that they make a special report of their action to the Grand Lodge at its next annual communication. 5th. That the sum of $100 be appropriated for repairs and improvements to said premises; that said curators be authorized to cause necessary repairs and to draw their warrant on the Gr. Treasurer therefor.

Bro. Mitchell offered as an amendment the following by way of substitute for the second and third resolutions, viz: Resolved, That the Curators of the College be required to cause the requi... site buiidings to be erected on the College premises for the female department of the College.

Which being seconded, was discussed, and then withdrawn by the mover. Bro. "Vells offered the following amendment to be added at the end of the 2d resolution of Bro. McBride's substitute.




13. Or, that the Board of Curator9 shall, in their discretioll~ contract with said Muldrow, for the purchase of said premises, if in their opUlion said purchase c,m be made on reasonable terms.

Which amendment was accepted by Bro. McBride. The question then occurred upon the substitute of Bro. McBride as amended, and was decided in the affirmative on a call of the ayes and noes, as follows: Lodges.


Missouri, 1, Tyro, 12, Clarksville, 17, Paris, Union, 19, New London, 21, ~t. Johns, 28, Troy, 34, Cooper, 36, Mt. Moriah 40, Fayette, 47, Livingston, 51, Wakanda; 52, Arrow Rock, 55, Alexandrial 69,

Voles. Ayes.

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 70

Br. Mitchell, G. M. 1 " Billon, D. G. M., 1 " McBride, P. G. M.I " Ruggles, G. S. W. 1 " Jacoby, G. J. W., 1 " Wells, G. 0., 1 " Hill, G. J. D., 1 " Forbes, 1 C' Caldwell, 1 H Parsons, 1 " Ralls, 1 1 " Ma.rmaduke, " Cake, 1 " Stucker, 1 " Campbell, 1 " Crigler, I " McDaniel, 1 " Powell, 1 " Feazel, 1 " Merrill, 1 " Nowlin, 1 Willis, ] Ayes,


18, 29, 48,

5 5 5 5






Bro. Carnegy, P. G. M., 1 " Foster, P. D. G. M., I " Levy, G. S. D., 1 " Owens; G. T., 1 G. Sec., 1 " Gresham, 1 " Humphreys, 1 " Gear, I " Kouns, 1 I " McGee, " Green, I " Patterson, 1

12 Noes,




Five Lodges,

5 5 5 5 5

Fourteen Lodges


Palmyra, Naphtali, Far West, Fulton, Monticello,

22 92


[ 9 ] Bro. Powell offered the following resolution: 14. Resolved, That' a select committee be appointed to audit and 'Settletbe account of the Perpetual Insurllrlce Office at ,St. Louis, at tbe earliest con,,,enient period, and that they be autborized to draw their draft upon the Grand Treasurer, (or any other person in whose hands the funds of the G. Lodge may be found,) for the amount necessary to discharge said indebtedness.

Which was adopted, and Bros. Powell, Carnegy and Billon were appointed that committee. Bro. Billon moved, 15. That the Grand Lod1e will, on to-morrow at 12 o'clock noon, c'lose the business of the present session, with a view of adjourin~ in time to meet in the city of St. Louis, on the 28th inst., at the Masonic Hall in that city.

Seconded and agreed to. Bro.Campbell submitted the following, viz: 16. WHEREAS, Mount Moriah Lodge No. 40, has elected her officers six months after her former election, when the by-laws of the Grand Lodge authorize an election once only in twelve months. Therefore, Resolved, That said election be declared void.

Which was, on motion, laid on the table, and made the order of the day for to-morrow morning. The Grand Lodge was then called to refreshment until 9 o'clock A. M. to-morrow.

Thursday, 9 o'clock .9.• .M., June 26, .11. L. 5845. Grand Lodge called from refreshment to labor in the third'degree in ample form. Present as yesterday. The resolution of Bro. Campbell (No. 16) laid on the table last evening, was taken up and adopted. The committee to whom was referred the resolution of Bro. BiIlon, relating to the decease of Andrew Jackson, P. G. M. of the G~ L. of Tennessee, by their chairman, P. G. M. McBride, presented the following report, which was unanimously adopted: 11.

"Truly a great manhalh died in Israel."

it hath p,leased the all·wise Disposer of h'uman events, in the dispensation of his Providence, to remove from this sublunary sphere, our distin· guished Bi'Other Ex-President Andrew Jackson, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee; And whereas, it is no less the desire than the duty of this Grand Lodge to express their sentiments upon this afilictive event. Therefore, 1st. Resolved, That in common with the nation at larg~, this Grand Lodge deeply deplores the irreparable loss we have sustained in the death of our illustrious and lamented Brother. 2d. Resolved, That as a testimonial of onr respect to the memory of the illustrious deceased, the members of this Grand Lodge will wear the usual badge of mournin!!;" crape on the left arm, for the space of thirty days. 3d. Reso(ved, That at the close of the business of the GrandLod~e at its present session, it will adjourn to meet at St. Louis, on Saturday next, the 28th lnst., for the purpose of participating in the public ceremonies of the day]. as laid down by the general committee of arrangements of the citizens 01' St t.ouis. WHEREAS,




The Board of Curators, by Bro. Thomas L. Anderson, President, submitted their report, accompanied by resolutions, which being amended, were received and adopted as follows, viz: 18.

To the Orand Lodge of the State of .lfissouri :

The Board of Curators of the Masonic College, would respectfully beg lea\>e to submit to YOllr consideration the following report: Since the appointment of the boanl by your worshipful body, it has failed to convene until the present time; in COlJseqllence of which it became necessary, in order to continue the operations of the College, and to advance its interests and prosperity, that a portion of the members of the board, in an informal manner, and upon theil' individual responsibility, should cause to be made certain indispensable improvements and necessary repairs of the colle~e building;s and IIpon the collegt: premises; a minute account of whiel} will be found in a paper hereunto appended and made a palt of this report (A & B'.) This board would represent in regard to the Refectory that since the termination of the last session of the College, a change hus been mMle in the Steward of the Refectory, by and with the consent of the former Steward, and at the instance of a portion of the Board of Curators. The present t;teward is Gen. David Willock, a Master Mason, highly qUhlifieri in every respect to discharge the duties of his station, and will, in the opinion of this board, meet the desires and expectations of all the friends of the institution. Mrs. WiLlocic has been enga~ed as mat ron of the Co 1\ e!,;e , ann her Eervices in that capacity have exerci~ed tlle happiest effects with the students. The Board would further report, that certain other improvements and repairs being necessary upon the male department of the College, they individually, by virtue of the powers vested in them, ordered the same to be made; and nowasl, your worshipful body to appropriate and set apart, a couting-ent fund, from which may be drawu, flOm time to time, silch sums as may be neccssary for the accomplishment of said purposes. The Board would further state, that at the next annual communication of your worshipful body they ...v ill, in conformity to the requirements of the ByLaws of your body, present a full anti minute account and report of the history and condition of the institution under their care and man<lgemcnl. The Board further reports that on this morning they have recei . .' ed from Mr. Wm. Muldrow, the following propositions for the purchase of the female seminary. First, He offers to sell to the Grand Lodge the bul1dlll~s inclllliing' three acres, and eighty acres of limbereu land in the Ilei~hborhood for $Z,OOO-five hundred dollars tel be paid in board and tuition, and the r~mainder at any time with 10 per cent. interest; or, &cond, To sell the buildings, including the three acres, for $1400-two hundred dollars to be paid in board and tuition, and the remainller at any time with 10 per cent. interest. The board recommend the adoption of the latter proposition, and the appointment of a select committee to complete the purchase. The Board of Curators recommend to the Grand Lodge the adoption of the following resolutions, viz: • Resolved, ht. That this G. Lodge approves of the action of a part of the Curators (in tRe absence of the Board) in making improvcments and repairs to .the College premises. 2<1. That the Committee of Superintendance be authorized to audit and allow, at their discretion, the accounts for such repairs and improvements as have been made, and that they draw their order for the flayment thereof. 3d. That the sum of $300 be appro,)('iated, and placed in the hands of the Treasurer of the College by the committee appointed to sell the lower College farm, to meet future contin~ent expenses. 4th. That the committee appointed to sell the lower College farm, be credited with such sums as they have paid, and may hereafter pay, for lepairs and. 'The account referred to in the report of the Cur~tors above mentiollerl, not lHH'ill~ audited by tho committee oi superintenuence, is omitteu in the record.-Vc}l. G.. SC('.


[ u ] improvements; when the a.ccounts for the same shall have been allowed by the Committee ot Superintendance. 5th, That the G. ~. approve and ratify the appointment of Bro. Willock as Steward of the. College. 6th, That the Committee of Superintendance be authorized to audit the accounts of the Steward for refreshments, &c., furnished during the session of the Grand Lodge, and that the committee appointed to sell the lower College f:lrm, be authorized to pay the same.

The M. Wor., G. M. appointed Bros. Wells, McBride, Carnegy, Anderson and G!over a special committee to examine the title to the premises offered to the G. Lodge by Wm. Muldrow for the female academy, and take conveyance 101' the same if perfect, and execute the contract therefor in pursuance to the report of the Curators. Bro. Green offered the following resolution, viz: 19. Resol1>€d, That the thanks of the G. Lodge are due to President Smith for his able, eloquent, and appropriate address on the occasion ot' the dedication of the College; and that a copy be solicited and placed in the hands of Bro. Wells for publication-adopted unanimously.

Bro. Carnegy offered the following resolution, which was unani.. mously adopted, viz: 20. Resolved, That the committee heretofore appointed to make sale of the College land", and who have sold the same be, and they are hereby directed and required to pay over to the College Fund Commissioners of the G. Lodge the baldnc~ of the proceeds of said lands, after first deducting the sums paid over to the Banks of St. Louis and Palmyra, the note of H. H. Hays in the hands of Jno. R Camden, Esq., that paid for repairs of the College premises, and on the contingent fund ordered at this meeting. 21. Ordered, That the sum of $20 be appropriated for the payment of the Grand Tyler for his attendance and services at the present convocation, and that he have his warrant of the G. Secretary upon the G. Treasurer for said amount from the contingent fund of HlP. Grand Lodge. 22. Ordel"ed, That Bro. Billon be, and he is hereby appointed to contract for and superintend the printing of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, at its pres~ ent communication, and to distribute the same.

In addition to the visiters before mentioned, there were present at the !)resent session, the following brethren: John Swithin, E. J. Peers,T. L. Anderson, Willis C. Johnson, C. Durkee, C. B. Tate J. V. Willis, W. A. Reed, W. C. Spoon, W. H. Merritt, and many others whose names were not obtained. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was called to refre~hment, to meet at St. Louis, on the 28th June, inst., as per resolutIOn.

Satu'rday, June 28th, .II. L. 5845. The Grand Lodge met at Mason's Hall, in St. Louis, at 10 o'clock ,A.. M., pursuant to adjournment, and were called to labor in the 3d degree of Masonry, in due and ample form. . Present-l\L W. J. W. S. Mitchell, G. M:.

R. W. F. L. Billon, D. G. M. " E. S. Ruggles, G. S. W.

[. 12 ] R. W. J. F. L. Jacoby, G. J. W. " John S.Watson, G. Treasurer. " R. B. Dallam, G. Secretary. Wore Charles Levy, S. G. D. ,,' R. E.Hill, J. G. D. " E. Owens, G. T. R.W. J. Foster, P. D. G. M. " J. D. Daggett, P. D. G. M. " Alex. T. Douglass, P. S. G. W. Bro. George Wilson. " Isaiah Forbes. " James Gresham• ., R. L. Campbell. " W. Pritchardt. " John Hall. " John A. Powell. " N. Kouna, and a lar~e number of resident aaa . transient brethren, whose names were not obtained. The necessary preparations being made, the Grand Lodge was called to refreshment, a procession was formed under the direction of Bro. Gresham, appointed Marshal for the occasion, and proceeded to the place designated to unite with the various Associations, Military Companies and .citizens of the place in commemoration of the decease of P. G. M. Andrew Jackson, Ex-President of the United States. After participating in the ceremonies of the day, the G. Lodge re¡ turned in procession to the Hall, and was oalled from refreshment to labor. M. Wore G. M. appointed Bros. Billon and Watson a committe'e to ascertain the expenses attending the occasion and settle the same. The Grand Lodge was then closed in due and ample form at a late




RICHARD B. DALLAM, Grand Sec'y. of the G. L. of Misso1.tri,

By his deputy, S. W. B.







On Monday, the 30th d(J,y of October, A. L. 5845, A. D.1845.

ST. LOUIS, MO. Printed by Chambers & Knapp,-Republican Offiee.




GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI. At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons, began and held in the City of St. Louis on the second Monday, being the 13th day of October, A. L. 5845, A. D. 1845, were present: Officers, R. W. FRED'C. L. BILLON, Dep. G. M., presiding. " Enw'n. S. RUGGLES, S. G. W. "


F. L.


J. G. W.

Enw'D. KLEIN, G. Treas. pro tem. U R. B. DALLAM, G. Sect. Rev'd. H. CHAMBERLAIN, G. Chap_ Bro's. eHA'S. LEVY, S. G. D. " ROB'T. E. HILL, J_ G. D. " THO'S. S. MiLLER, Dep. G. Sec'y. " ESROM OWENS, G. Tyler. Members, M. W. 1. W. SMITH, Pres't. !\tras. Col. Bro. JA'S. L JAMiESON, S. W. St. Louis No. 20. " WIll. A. BARNES, S. W., Naphtali No. 25.


" "

H. C. N. P.



J os. C.




THO\;. G.

" (, ee


S. 'V., St. John's No. 28.



J. W., Huntsville No.30.

Troy No. 34. S.W., Monticello No. 58. HENDERSON P. BOYAKIN, Marion No. 59. SAM'L.- H. RIDDLE, J. -W., Savannah No. 71.




[ 4 ] The Grand Lodge was opened in due form, in the third degree of Masonry, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and the Throne of Grace addressed by G. Chap., Rev. Bro. CHAMBERLAIN. Bro. )VM. HUMPHllEYS, Naph. No. 25, admitted. The R. W. Dep. G. M., appointed the following Committee on Credentials, viz: Bros. RUGCLES, JACOBY and LEVY. The Grand Lodge was then c~lled to refreshment, until 3 o'clock. )to M.

MONDAY, OCT. 13, 1845-3 O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand

Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. R. W. Dep, G. M., FRED'C. L. BILLON, presiding, and Officers and Members as before, with the addition of "Bros. J. ZIMMERMAN, 'V. M., Livingston 61, and JNO. SCOTT, W. M., Danville 72. [1.] 'the Committee on Credentials reported the following Lodges repreaeuted, viz:

Missouri No.1, by Bro. F. L. Dillon, proxy for W. M. Tyro.



St. LoUIS Naphtuli "

17, 20, 25, "

" " " "





St. John's 28, " " Hunts\'ilIe30,

" " "


et et





69, 69, 71, 72,


Slsvaunah 1>anville

" ."

" U

E. S. RUI?:~les, W. M., and proxy for S. and J. W. J. F. L. Jacoby,prox,Y for W. M. and Ward's. Jas. L Jamiesoll, S. W. H. C. Marthens, proxy for W. Mas. W.A. Barnl's, S. W. 'Vm. HumphrE>ys, proxy for J. W. Thos, S. Miller, W. M., and proxy for J. W.

N. P. Kunkle, S. W. A. McKirnq,J. W., and proxy W. M. & S. w. Jacob Zimmel'/oan, W. 1\1. H. Rubert!', s. W. Hf-ll'lI. P. Boyaldn~ prnxy for M.and Wardens. R. E. Hill, W. M., and proxy S. and J. W. S. H. Riddle, J W., alld proxy fOl' W. M. Jno. Scott, W. M.

There not being a quorum of Lodges present, the Grand Lodge was called fromlibor to refreshment until to"morrow at 10 o'clock.

[ 5 1 TUESDAY OCT. 14, 1845-10 O'CLOCK, A. M.

The Grand Lod~e was called to labor in due and ample form: present as yesterday, anel in addition

M. W. J. W. S. Wore Bro.





Gr'd. Mas.

G. Treas. FORBES, S. W. Missouri No.1. STEWART" P. M., St. Louis 20. WATSON,




·W. M., Cooper 36. ROBT. P. PRICE, W. M., Eureka, U. D.




[2.] The Committee on Credentials reported the following Lodges ,epn", Jel.tell, in audition' to those 01 yestt'rday, viz: Coopt"r No. 36, by Bro. A. Glb!'on, W. M . . . MOlIlit Moriah No. 40, by Bro. R. L. Campbell, W. M.) and pr~xy J. W. And lurther repol'tthat fifteen Lodges being represented) a quorum 18 pn:sen~ to proceed to business.

Whereupon the M. W. Grand Master pl'oceede'd tc. read the fol. lowing comnlunication, to-wit: [3.] My BROTHERS: It is made my dlltyto present to tlit8Gran~ Lodge a

m~;jSllge, recornlllellJln~ ~llch mellsures as ill my judgment tans for its.actlon, and 1 extremely regret that my lon~ abselce and engagements have plac~d It out of lJIy !lower to do more than present a rough sketcb, drawD up after eleven o'c1ocJ< last lIight. ., . It atfolus me unreigne!l plel\~ure to be able to.say, that such 'sour harpy and prospp.l'Ous COllllitioll, bolh in our UOIOt!stiC and foreign relations;as to leave but Jltlle It!gislatlH action Ileces~ary. . Since 0111' lastfiralld Anilual Commnnication, much complaint bltsbe~n made to me by Pa.,t i\1a-t~r8,growi"gollt of a clanse in our Byl aws, requlrJRg sub· ominate Lodgp.s to COllier the degree of Past Master o'n their Waldens•. the as-umption of ~uch a power by a Grand Lodge ~olDpost!d of a majority or Mas. Masons,. IS rerhaps lIot without example, but It does 1I0t therefore fc•.I1ow th~t the prJllclple IS CO! recto It i!! certamly the dUly of the subordmate ~I:;e& strictly to obey the edIcts of this Grand Lodge, provided they do not conflict with I he ancien.' landmarks of the order; and all the opposition to tbe law here alluued to IS ~redcatfd upon this principle. Some of ~he I,.odgessb.ave obeyed the law, wIBle others have ref'l~ed or failed toexp.cute It from consclen· tiolls scrllple~. It is certainly desirable that the Grand Lodge should. not ~sslll.ne duubl~IJI power!', and therefore I call your atter-hon to tbe subJect, tru-tlJig you wlil take such llr.tion as may be necessary. It set-ills to me that something more should be done to insure the attendance of the meml~ers of lhis Gnlliu Lod~e, and 1 sug~est whether it would not be well to requIre the G. S. to snmmon such Lodges as rail to st'nd a dele~ate~ to appear by I'r"xy at·the next Grand Annual Commllnication to show cause why it:> ChaneI' shall 1I0t be sll~pell(lt:d for contempt of the e'diets of this Grand L"l.tlgf'; or. take ~lIch other ."ctioll as may be deemed necessary ~o effect the obJect, as I.' canllot be. q'.lestlOllt'd that a full atten/dance is highly Important to the lratt'l'nlty IIIHlt!r thIS J1lrisdiction. The all-engrossing subject for'the action of this G. L. for several years past, bas. been the estab~i"hmellt of a Masonic College for the maintenanc~ and educallon of the de:,tltute orphan children of M. Masons. The expe~lmel.lt has been made) and altho.ugh less than eighteen months have elapsed 6Jn~e It W~8 opened for the reception of students, enough has transpired to lender It certam

[ 6 ] mo~t sanguine expectations of its warmest friends will be more thaD realized; and while I would avoid vain-boasting, I ~annot withhold an ex pres,:" ilion of the pride I feel, that our little band of Brothers ill MlssoIHi ha$ suecessfully planted the first Masonic Cullt'~e known to the world; and I milch mistake' he charactl'r of on r Brot hers i l l hey do 1i0t sta/ll! by al.d sustai/l the institution until it shall require no external aui. The College is now ont of debt with some funds on han<\. but as repairs ami addItional bilildihgs will be leqllired, a library and apparatlls is ab,.ollltely necessary, alld as we cannot hope 10 see it firmly eslabli!'h~d upon e\evuted grounds without an enoowmellt; 1 carlllOt too strollgly recommend )'U\lf early attention to that subject. Two years ago, I tJresented a Illeasnrt', proposing to tender to SOme neighboring States an undivided sc!lo\llrshlp illteresl, UpOIi the condition that they would make pro\'isions for its endowment; my opinions have undergone no change, but as this measun: wns rf'jected, I will not nOw urge it again, but will heartily concur in any other that may promise success. You will, of course, look carefully to the, fiscal COllCf'rns of t~,e Co:leg:e and Grand Lodge, hoMing all receiving and disbursing agents to a strict account; a want of timely attention to this, has douhtlel;s beell the caWie of more pecultiary embarra~sment,in institution's of learning-, than allY other. I rejoice at meeting so many of my Brothers, prepared, doubtless, for the transaction of such business as the good of the craft may demand. Devoutly praying that wisdom and harmony may characterize your labors, I SUbscribe myself fraternally yours, J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M.

t'bat the

The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until half

past 2

o'clock~ P. M.

TUESDAY, OCT. 14, 1845'-;2 1-2 O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was duly called to labor in third degree. M. W. J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M., presiding. [ 4.] The Committee on Credentials reported the following Lodges represented, in addition to those previously reported, viz: Palmyra. No 18, by Bro. S. W B, Carnegy, proxy for W. M. " " " Stanton B1lckner, proxy for J. W. Bonhomme 45, " Henr\' H. Dllv:ll, W, M. Collf'ge 70, " A. Patterson, W. M., and piOXY for J. W. (( "" David Willock,proxy for S. W.

The M. W. G. Mas. appointed the following Standing Commit. tees, to-wit: First-On Foreign Communications: Bros. CHAMBERLAIN, SCOTT and LEVY.

&cmul-On work and proceedings of Subordinate Lodges: Bros. RUGCLES, BOYAKIN and KUKKLE.

Third--On Accounts: Bros. BILLON, MARTH ENS and GIBSOlf. Fourth-On Unfinished Business:





[ 7 ] Fifth-On work and proceedings of Lodges under Dispenaati01l:: Bros. JACOBY, RIDDLE and ZIMMERMAN.

Sixth-On Grievances: Bros. CARNEGY, PATTERSON and ,ROBERTS.

Seventh-On Applications & Communications within this jurisdiction: Bros. LEVY, SCOTT and JAMIESON.

Eighth-On Charity: Bros. HILL, WATSON and CAMPBELL.

Ninth-On Masonic College of Missouri: Bros. BUCKNER, W lL~OCX and HILL.

Tenth-On 'Vays and Means: Bros. MILLER, MARTHENS and BILLON. On motion, so much of the Grand Master's message as relates to路 conferring Past Master degree on Wardens elect, was referred to a Special Committee, consist.ing of Bros. BILLON, SCOTT'and BoyAKIN. That portion of the message relating to attendance of Lodges was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. And that portion on the &'ubject of endowing the Masonie College referred to a Special Committee, consisting of Bros. CHAMBERLAIN, PATTERSON and BUCKNER. Bro. Grand Treas. submitted his annual report; referred to Com-Inittee on Accounts. Bro. JACOBY presented a petition; 'read' and referred to the ComInittee on Grievances. The Grand Lodge was then called from labor to refreshment until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15,1845-10 O'CLOCK, A. M.

The G. L. was called from refreshment to labor. M. W. J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M., presiding. Present as before, and in addition: M. W. S. W. B. CARNEGY, P. G. M. Rev. Bro. ALEX'R VANCOURT, G. Chap., pro lem. Bro. THOMAS B. RAGLAND, Paris Union 19. Vis. Bro. WM. P. SAMUEL, St. John's 28. " J. J. CLARKSON, McKinney Lodge, Ky. ((

[ 8 ] [ 5.] The Committee on Credentials report tbe following additional todge' represented, viz: Paris Union No. 19, by Bro. Tho's. B. Ragland, J. W., and proxy for W. M. Far West 29," N. Nadeau, proxy for W. M.

The petition of Bros. S. R. MILLER and others, M. M. of St. Joseph's, Buchanan county, Mo., for a dispensation for a new Lodge, to be called De Witt, was presented and read; and, on motion, the prayer of said petitioners was granted. The petition of Bros. JAMES J. CLA RKSON and others, M. M. of Greenfield, Dade county. Mo., for a dispensation for a new Lodge, to be called Washington, was pre3ented and read; and, on motion, the prayer of said petitioners was granted.

A petition from Savannah Ladge No. 71 was presented, and teferred to the Committee on Grievances. A petition from Hillsboro: Lodge No. 33 was ,t>resented, and referred to the Committee on Accounts. Bro. S. BUCKNER. offered the follo\ving resolution, viz: [ 6.] Ruolved, That the Grand Secretary be and he is hereby allJlointed to execute to Joseph Has5inger, of the State 01" Delaware, a deed under the seal the Grand Lodge, for the following landslyinK in MariolJ county, ~late of Missouri, being part of the lands purchased by the Grand Lodge of H. H. Hays, viz: Be~innin~ at the N. W. corner of farrp, in the S. E. I.{uarter of 5eclio/l 22, 30 48路100 poles west of the dividin~ line of sections 22 and 23, and 25 poles south of the middle line of section 2:2; thence east 184 poles to the S. E. corner of Hooker's farm; thence north 35 po:es to the S. W. corner of C. R. Roger's farm to the middle line of section 23; thence east on said line li7 18-100 poles to McEll"Oy's land; thence south 343 poles to a stake in the S W. q1larll:r of section 25, 14 polei south of the middle line of said section, contirl'lillg to the middle of sod fence; thence due west 361 18-100 poles to a 5take in S. E. quarler of section 27, 30 48-100 poles west of the dividin~ line of sections 26 allti 27 ;' thence north by Nathan Ayre's land 31320路100 poles to the begicnill~, containin~ 739 Acres, 3 R. and 24 Poles-which land it appears by the report of Bros. Wells, Glover, Miller and Anderson, was sold to said Hassiuger for the sum of $5,000.


Which was adopted, and the G. Sect. ordered to execute said deed. On motion of Bro. W. S. STEW~RT, it was [7.] Resolved, That the hour of three o'clock, Thursday, be the time set apart by this Grand Lodge for the election of Grand Officers for the en8uing year.

The President of the Masonic College presented a report, which was read and referred to the Committee on the Masonic College, a. follows:

[ 9 [ 8. ]


To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of MUSOUTt:

The undersigned, President of the Masonic College, begs leave to submit the following report of the condition of the In~titution: The whole number of pupils that have recei ved instruction in the various department~, is ninety-nine. Of these, fourteen were members of the Freshmen Class,twenty-fonr were pursuing a partial course, and sixty-one wp.re in the Preparatory Department. They have, with few exceptions, been distinguished for their correct, moral and gentlemanly deportmeut, and a proper application to their studies; and th~ir proficiency has been highly honorable to themsl'lves and gratifyin~ to the Faculty. At the public examinations in March and September, they evinced a thorough acquaintance with the variou'l subjects .on which they were examined, and gave general satisfaction to the visitors. Each session closed with an exh!bition, at which a few of the pupils delivered orations of their own composItions. These orations gave I?;reat satisfaction to crowded audiences; and were warmly applauded by a number of gentlemen of classical education, and well qualified to judge of their merits. While the deportment of the great mass of the students has been strictly correct and moral, there have been a few cases of disorderly conduct. Folll' students have been expelled during the past session. The Facqlty have endeavored, by mild and gentle methods, to preserve a sound and healthy discipline, preferring, as far as possible, to reclaim the wayward, and guide them in the paths of vutue. It is hi~hly important that the Grand Lodge make immediate provision to have religious services performed every Sunday in College. The system adopted at the last Grand Annual Communication has proved a decided failure. Only one of the Chaplains then appointed has yet visited the ColletTe. It is highly important that there should be pre<l.ching in the Hall every Sun~ay, and that the students should not be permitted to leave the College premises on that day for any purpose whatever. It is also necessary that two additional teachers be appo\n{ed at this session of the G. Lodge. Bro. Warren A. Reed was employed as teacher of Mathematics at the commencement of the past year and performed his duties with great ability till the middle of July last, when he wasobli~ed to leave on account of ilI-healtlt. His place must be supplied, and an assistant teacher be employed in the Preparatory Department. It is very desirable, also, that some change be made in the Board of Curators, so as to secure the attendance of a quorum whenever circumstances render it necessary. That Board, as at present constituted, is wholly inefficient. It has never held but one meeting since the College went into operation, althou~h business invol ving the credit and respectability of the Institution has often required its action. In conclusion, the undersigned sees no cause why the friends of the Masonic College should despond, or indulge in gloomy forehodings; but on the contrary, every reason why they should feel encouraged to persevere in this great and noble work. Let the craft in Missouri be united, and nothing can prevent jts complete success. It has alre.ady, at the end of the first year of its existence, ~iven in3truction to nearly one hundred children and youth. This is .8 che('ring fact, and gives glorious promise of future usefulness and respectabHity. All which is respectfully submitted:

J. W. SMITH, President of MlUonic Colleg••

The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until 3 o'clock, P. M.


[ 10 ] WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1845-3 O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was duly called to labor in third degree. R. W. F. L. BILLON, Dep. G. M., presiding. Officers and members as before. The Special Committee, to whom the subject was referred, made the following report, to-wit: . [ 9. ] To the Gra.nd Lodge' of JI.[issouri: The Select Committee, to whom was referred that portion of M. W. Grand Master's messa~e relating to the Past Master's degree, beg leave to report: That the subject matter referred to your Committee is, in their opillion, one of great and vital importance to the well-being- arid existence of our ancient institution. involving within itselfa /.1;reat fundamental r :nciple of the order, 8n infring-ement of which your Committee conceive would be "subversive of

the pri11ciples and ground work of Masonry." Your Comm'ittce having fully and maturely considered this subject in all its bearings and effects, are unanimously of opinion, that the conferring of the degree of Past Master upon any other than a Worshipful Master elect, is undoubtedly an innovation on the ancient land marks of the order, and a palpable violation of'the duties of a Past l\faster. Entertaining these views, your Committee are necessarily constrained to recommend the following, viz: Resolved, That so much of Art. 6, Sectio~ 2d, of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, as~ requires the degree of Past Master ~o be conferred on the Wardens of a Lodge subordinate to this jurisdiction, be repealed. Signed, FRED. L. BILLON, ~ H. P. BOYAKIN, Committee. JOHN SCOTT.

Said report was concurred in, and the resohltion ordered to a second reading. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment till tomorrow, at 10 o'clock, A. M.

THURSDAY, OCT. 16,1845-10 O'CLOCK, A. M.

The Grand Lodge was called to labor in the third degree. Pre-lIent .. M. W. J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M., presiding; andadue representation. [10.] The Committee on Credentials reported the following Lodges represented, in addition to those before reported, to-wit: New London No. 21, by Bro. W. L. Tipton, J. W. " " " " " " Chas. F. Clayton, proxy S. W. Douglass No. 54, by Bro. Albert !)owelI, proxy S. W.

The Committee on Work from Subordinate Lodges under Dispensation, made the following report, viz:

( 11 ] [11.] That they have examined the returns of the foUowin~ Lodges, towit: Eureka, Lebanon, Arrow Rock, Dana and Independence. '1 he work and by-laws of each are approved by your committee. Eureka, Arrow Rock, and Independence ask for charters. Lebanon and Dana ask a continuation of their dispensations. The prayer of Eureka, Dana and Lebanon, your committee recommend to be granted. Arrow Rocl, has been referred to another committee ; and as to Independence, your committee are at a loss how to act, from the fact that it appears from the Grand S~crctary's books that a Lodge has been chartered in that name,.which he has no account of for two or three years.

J. F. L. JACOBY, Chairman.

The foregoing report was concurred in. On motion of Bro. MITCHELL, duly seconded, it was [12.] Resolved, That College Lodge be instructed to pay into the bands of the Treasurer of the College, all moneys due tbe Grand Lodge.

On motion of Bro. [13.]


duly seconded, it was

Resolved, That no member of this Grand Lodge shall be

per~itted to

speak more than fifteen minutes at anyone time.

On motion of Bro. CARNEGY, duly seconded, it was [14.] Resolved, By the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient MaSOilS of the State of Missouri, that the deed executed by the Grand Secretary, on behalf of sdicl Grand Lodge, to Jos. Hassinger, be delivered to Bro. S. Buckner, who is authorized on the part of this Grand Lodge, to deliver the same to said Hassin~er, so ~oon a5 it shall appear that full payment of the purchase money tor the lands in said deed mentioned, has been made.

Report of Committee on returns from Chartered Lodges: [15.J

Your committee have examined the returns from Missouri, No. I, Huntsville, No. 30, Tyro, ,: 12, Cooper," 36, P~ris' Union, " 19, l\lt. Moriah," 40, New London," 21, Livingston, " 51, Naphtali, "25, Marion," 59, S1. Johns, "28, Alexandria, " 69, Far West, "29, Danville," 72, and find their work has been done in accordance with the prindples of Ancient Free Masonry, and that said Lodges have complied with their by-Iaws,and the Jaws and ordinances of this Grand Lod~e. Those Lodges have returned not only abridged transcripts of their work, but also the lists required by the regulations of thi9 Grand Lodge. Clarksville, No. 17, Douglass, No. 54, Palmyra, "18, Monticello," 58, St. Louis, ., 20, Laml-l\1ark, " 64, Troy, "3.:1, Marshall, " 66, llonhomme, " '45, College," 70, Ozark, "50, Savannah, " 71, havi'setit-in-tabular-list3_QLtheir officers, members, initiations~ passings, l'a~!l­ in~~, aumissions, &c. &c.~ all in"due form, but ",..ithout the abridged ~ranscrlpt of their work as required by-the 4th £ec. art. 5, of the by-laws of thiS Grand ~~


In the transcript of proceedings o~ Danville 72, it appears .that at a ~eetlng held in July, they called olf in the third degree, although their pro~eectlUgs do not show in what degree they opened; hIlt went on to pass a candidate to th4ll

[ 12 ] degree of fellow-craft. Also, the proceedings of Far-West 29, on the 13th September, shows that work was done in the tbird degree, properly belonging to the first, and also conferring the d(~gree of F. C. on a candidate in the same Lodge. Your committee have rio hesitation in believing that the errors here pointed out, are mere clerical ones on the part of the Secretaries of those Lodges, and resulted from an omission to make It correct rE'cord at the time, or an error in making Ollt ~he transcript, and tflBt that frequent repetitions of the kind will not be met with. Respectfully submitted. E. S. RUGGLES, Chairma1).

On motion, duly seconded, Bro. D. WILLOCK, Steward of the Ma~ Ionic College, had leave to make his report to this Grand Lodg e, which was thereupon presented and read, as follows, to-wit: [ 16.J To the Board of Curators:


Oct. 2d, 1845.

The undersigned, being required by the 4th sec. 32d art. by-laws of the Grand Lodge, once in six months to report to the Board of Curators, the condition of the College premisE'S, &c., begs leavE' to submit the following: 1. The building used as a refectory has undergone some repairs since the undersigned took charge of it, a part of which was necessary for its preservation, a.D.d a part for the comfort and convenience of the Steward and inmates. And for those purposes other repairs are sti Ii needed. The repairs'made, consist chiefly of enlarging the dining-room, fitting un aÂŁl office, or assembly room, at one end of the dining-room, buildillg a new pillar under the bacJe porch, repairin~ the wall under the front portico, replacing the glass that Was broken out of the windows, erecting a chimney in the diningroom for a stove pipe, mending the roof, and repairing two fire places. In the yard a laundrv has been huilt, consisting of two rooUlS, 01lE' of which is approÂťriated to the" washing and starching, the other to ironing "nd distributing, so as to avoid the confusion and dissatisfaction that frequently arises in tbe re., ceipt and delivery of clothing amongst a great numper of..persons. In lieu of gates, styles have been erected on three sides of the yard, in order the more effectually to e~c111de Jive stock. The repairs necessary to be made are shutters for the windows, (which was suggested by about 120 lights of glass havin~ been broken with hail, since the commencement of last session;) new steps Jar the entrance to the kitchen and basement rooms; repairing the steps to the portIco in front of the building; s.ix new locks to doors ; re-p,dntillg the wood work exposed to the weather, and some inside painting; re-plasterirog the ceil ing where a large portion of the old has fallen oft; aud more that is loose and will soon fall, (endangering the. perIons and furniture that may be in the house;) abuut three dozen new lights of window gla!!s; arching the tops of chimneys to prevent the smoke and soot from being blown back into the rooms when the winds are in particular points. The roof need" some additional repairs to prevent leaking during driving rains. Two stoves are necessary, one for the dining-room dnd one for the office, neither of which have any fire places. The kitchen is so badly constructed that thl! culinary operations cannot be carried on with credit to the cooks, or lIatisfactio/l to those who partake of the food sent up. The fire place is too small, and the acceS3 to it is greatly obstructed by a large bake-oven, so illy cQnstrllcted th<Jt it is entirely unfit for the purposes for which it was designed. The oven ought, therefore,to be removed, and its place supplied by a cooking slove of an arJproved pattern. There are not sufficient stables for horses, and those inconveniently located; and there are no shelters for cattle. A ~ood stable and ~ranary:, with sheds ror cattl~, .a~d a carria~e house is highly necessary. There bptng no tavern In the Vlclmty of the College, the Stewar.d must entertain the friends of students and others, who visit the place




on businesll, and without commodious stables, their horsE's cannot be well taken care of, and a great loss of grain and provender is sustained. Milk, so necessary for the health and comfort of boarders, cannot be bad without an expense too onerous for the c.ompensation, uniess the cattle are warmly housed and prott!ctE'd aO'aillst the inclemency of winter on the naked prairie. An ice-house is itldi.spet~ably necessary 1'01' the comfort ann wei! being of tho~e who reside at the College in summer; without ice, mille, butter, &'c., and fresh-meats are almost valueless in warm weather. The late Steward, Col. Montgompry, erected one last winter, the roof of which fell in with the firsth"avy rain last spring, so that ~ht: earth and tim'hers with which it was,covl::fed have partly filled it up, but if it were repaIred, its location is so distant from the refectory that it would be comparatively of little value. I would, therefore, su~~est the propriety of having a good one, with a milk house conm路cted, built adjoining the yard oftbe boarding house. 2. The Presillent's house has undergone some little,"epairs within the last six months. Thestl',ps in front and rear have been repaired and the hand rails and balusters that were broken have been replaced; some of the shutters of the basement windows are decayed, and should be menden or mane HeW; Some little repairs are needed about the roof and I!:utters. The stable has had a new roof of clap-boards, but there are cow sheds and a carriage room w:lnted; the wood wor4 exposed to the weather needs re-painting. . 3. Tb~re are fOl,lrt~en rooms inth~ row of brick dormitories, some of which require a little repairing about the hearths and fire places, and a considerable (lumber of the window glass have been broken out durin~ the last session; it would perhaps be economy to make shutters for them. The Faculty have informed me that the occupants in future are to be held responsible for damages ttone during thl!ir occupancy, so that I presume ,when the rooms are again repaired they will be preserved from material injury afterwards. 4. The dormitories north of the recitation hall, consist of six rooms, one of which needs a stove, having no fire place. The fire places, windows aud evegutters need repairing. 5. The recitation hall wants a number of panes of glass in the windows, alld the tin conductors require mending before they will convey the water to the dsterns. 6. Tbe large stone house is susta ining injury in the wood work and plastering. Two of the upper rooms havebp,en occupied as dormitories most of tbe last session, and the lower part permitted to stand open exposed to the ingress of hors!!s, ~att1e, &c., by which t~e floors are much .d~ma~ed, the stair-way, hand-ralls and balusters are consIderably abused and inJured. If the other dinmitori~9 were all put in good order, there would be sufficient room for eighty students during the winter session, without using the stone house for that purpose. 7. The farm is in very bad repair; the fencing is altogether insufficient to secure a crop; the whole of the fencing on the north, east, and south sides must be re-set. That on the north Was built partly of hickory rails, not one of which is fit for anything, and tlie whole of the north line having been standin~ many years in a dense thicket of briars and undergrowth, is so decayed that very few rails can be had from it, "'ortb putting up again. I would suggest the propriety of contracting the enclosure on the north, so as to turn out tbat part which is unfit for cultivation owin~ to gullies and ravines, and which is so grown over by brush wood and briars that it is next to impossible to get stock, especially hogs, out. About four thousand rails will be required to enclose the farm with a ~ood and substantial fence. The pasture and meadow Jands in front of thl:! College are bounded on the south side, and one half of the west side by the feocing of Wm. Muldrow's farm, and is old and insufficient; also, liable to be tbrown open by the owner or his tenants at any time, rendering it valueless to the College. To enclose these lands will require about three thousand rails, 'and to make and re-set the necessary dividing fences, and those


14 ]

enclosing the Campus, will take about three thollsand, making in all ten thousand rails, with which the premises may be so enclosed and divided, as to render them useful, and perhaps profitable, for many years. It is suggested that a square, including the ,haH, should be fenced oft' from the Camplls~ with a gate on the east side, for the admission of horses, carriages, &c., on public days, and stiles on the south side- where the walk leads to the refectory, President's house, &c. The only access to the hall at present, is through the entire length of the Campus, causing the whole grollnd to be thrown open to stock on public occasions, rendering the attempt to rear shade, fruit, ,or ornamental trees impracticable. 8. There are four good cisterns that receive and contain water fit for use, and two others wbich should be cleansed and covered over al! soan as the eve-gutters .are repaired llnd made ready to lead water from the roofs of the haH and northern dormitories. The necessary pipes have been laid under Irround to eonduct the water fr.:;;u ~bc:;a buildings to their respective cisterns. The pipes are made .of one and a half inch thick white oak plank, measuring one bundred and eighty feet in length. Raised walks have been thrown up with the plough from the President's houge to the recitation haH, from the hall to the refectory,' and from the refectory back to the President's house; but they require straightening and smoothing to 'render them complete. 9. The farm has been occupied by the members of the Faculty, and the Steward for the purposes of husbandry, and so far as tbeSteward is concerned, has yielded DO profit this year. It has produced about as follows: from 22 acres of corn, 10 of which produced nothing, by reason $37 50 of the wet season,250 bushels, at 15 cents, 100 00 ct. 30 " of wheat, 250 bushels, at 40 cents, 2700 " 10 " of oat,s, 180 bushels, at 15 cents, 4800 '" 20 " of meadow, 12 tons hay, at $4 00, 12 50 Fifty bushels of potatoes, at 25 cents, Garden vegetables, say - 15 00 Total product, ;'240·00 ·The producing of -which cost about as follows: Paid Col. Montgomery, We Steward, {or the 30 acres of wheat put in by him, _ $75 00 <c hire of two hands, 7 montbs, at $10 per month, eacb, - 140 00 " cc "hands harvesting wheat and oats, • 2400 - 60 00, " board of hired bands and harvesters, "feedingtea~ • _ • _ 15 00 - 10 00 • . -' • " blacksmith's biIJ, Amoun Hng to the flum of

in which notbing is counted for seed grain, &c. Loss by the operation,


$324 00

$84 00 'the aI-ove calculation is not very miDltte, yet the result is not far wrong. The yield of the crop would ha.ve been considerahly larger, but for the wretched conditil?n of tbe fencing, allowing much to be destrsyetJ by borses and hogs. . TJie present Steward has gone on to put in 40 acres of wheat this year, be. lievmg the Board would authorize the necessary repairs in the fencing, without which. the labor and seed will be inevitably lost. 10. It is necessary that the Board of Curators, with as little delay as possible, t\S1ign to the Steward his respective share of the College farm, as directed by a resolution of the Grand Lodge, passed April, 1844, for the reason that there is Dot a8 much la1;ld in the farm fit for cultivation as the resolution specifies he shall have; and as each Professor is entitled to a specific quantity, a misunder.

[ 15


standing might possibly arise between tbe Professors and Steward, about. their respecttve rights. 11. The woodland belonging to the College is becoming quite bare oftimber, fire wood of a good quality cannot be procured, and such as there is will cost him who Cllts and hauls it, rnore than $1 per cord, the price at which the Steward is required to furnish the students. There is scarcely allY rail timberon the tract, and until the lines are run out and marked, it would not be safe for the Steward to cut any timber trees, lest he should trespass on the lands of others, for if there is any timber on the land, it is near the lines. 12. The undersigned has pro(",eeded, with the advice,and consent of the President, and several individual members of the Board of Curators, to make such necessar~' repairs as he had means to do, and he hopes they will meet, at some early period, on, the College premis(/s~ for the examination of what has been done, and to give directions for such other improvements and repairs, as they may deem necessary. It is further submitted, that the interests of the College requin', imperatively, that the Board of Curators meet frequently, as there are matters connected with the premises, about whi;;h the Grand Lodge should be kept well advised. , All of which is respectfully submitted. , D. WILLOCK, Steward of ,Masonic College.

The report was referred to a special committee,路 consisting of Bros. J.W.SMITH, THOS. S. MILLER and N. P. KUNKLE. A communication from Bro. A. T. DOUGLASS was read and referred to the Committee on Foreign Communications. Bro. CHAMB~RLAIN was excused from serving on the Committee of Foreign Communications, and all others to which he had beenappointed, he being about to leave the State. On motion of Bro. LEVY, duly seconded, it was [17.] Resolved, That the Wor. Master of St. Louis Lodge, 20, be requested to present, forthwith, a copy of the proceedings of the said Lodge, had on certain charges and specifications against a certain member of said Lodge.

The resolution to repeal Rec. 2, Art. 6 of by-laws, was read a second time. The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until this afternoon, at three o'clock.

THURSDAY, OCT. '16, 1845-3 O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor in the third degree. Present as before. M. W. J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M., presiding. [18.] The Committee on C~edentialsreportedFayette Lodge, No. 41, represented by Bro. Robt. Coleman J proxy J. W.

[ 16 ] Bro. BI~L()'N was added to the Committee on Foreign Communications. Br03. C.U,NEGY and SCOTT were added to the COllimittee on Endowment of Masonic College. The Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Officers for the year ensuing, the ballots being cast upon a call of the Lodgps, when it appeared the following Brethren were duly elected, to-wit: Bro. J. W. S. MITCHELL, M. W. Grand Master. " "

" "

R. W. Dep. G. IVI. S, RUGGLES, R. W. S. G. 'V. JNO. F. L. JACOBY, R. W. J. G. W. JNO.




JNO. S.WATSON, G. Treasurer. L. BILX;ON, G. Secretary. Bro. S. BUCKNER. had leave of absence for the remainder of the aeuion.. A communication from R. W. Bro. JNO. A. TUTT, D. D. G. M. for dilrtrict No.6, waS'" read and referred to Committee on Work of Subordinate Lodges. A resolution of instruction from New London Lodge, No.2], was read, and, oU' moti<m,. laid on the table. The Grand Lodge was called from .labor until to-morrow afternoon, at three o'clock. "


FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 1R45-3 O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge. was called from refreshment to labor in third degree.


Present: M. W. J. W. S.


G. M.,

and a due representation. The Committee on Credentials reported [19.] Jefferson City Lodge, No. 43, represented by Bro. Philip Miller, W.M.

The resolution to repeal Sec. 2, Art. 6, of the by-laws, was read a third time and passed. Bro. WATSON, W. M. St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, presented an extract from the records of said Lodge, in accordance with the路 order of

[ 17 ] this Grand Lodge; which being read, was, on motion, laid on the table. [20.] The Committee on Charity, to wbom was referred a resolution, introduced by Bro: McKinney, of HU'ltsville Lodge, No. 30, for the relief of Jas. Finnemore, a F. C. of said LO'dge, beg leave to report: ' Your committee being aware that the funds of the Grand Lodge have been almost entirely absorbed in establishing a great institution of charity, and knowing also, that it has heretofore been the custom of the Grand Lodge to place a part of the charity fund in the several Subordinate Lodges in St. Louis, to be by them appropriated, are led to the belief that applications of this kind should not be made to the Grand Lodge. Your committee would further state, that since said resolution was referred to them, the fact has come to their knowledge, that said applicant had been rejected on his petition for the third degree, in Huntsville Lodge. They would, therefore, r!'lcommend that the Grand Lodge take no further action on said resolution. Which is respectfully submitted. R. E. HILL, Chairman.

Said report was concurred in. The following report was presented and read; viz: [21.] The Committee appointed at the last Communication, to procure a jewel to be presented by this Grand Lodge, to M. W. Past Grand Master Bro. P. H. McBride, report, that they have discharged the duty assigned them, and have procured the same. S. W. B. CARNEGY, F. L. BILLON.

The Select Committee to whom the subject was referred, presented a report, as follows, to-wit: [22.]

To the Gra,na Lodge of M"l,Ssouri:

The Select Committee, appointe!! at the adjoUltled Communication of this Grand Lodge, held at the M~sonic College on tile 24th of June ult., "to audit and settle the account of the Perpetual Insurance Company of St. Louis, and to draw for the atnount necessary to discharge said indebtedness," report, that they have discharged the duty assigned them in the manuel' Jollowing, viz: Your committee, accompanied by Bro. Stanton Buckner, assembled by appointment, at the said office, in St. LouiS, this day, and after a minute and critical examination ot the account, as submitted to them by the said Company found the balance in full, d~e to said office, on account of principal and interest on said debt, UP to this date, to be the sum of one thousand and fifteen 62-100 dollars, (1;015 62.100,) three hundred dollars of which amount were due by Bro. Buckner, and paid by him; the balance of said de manti., viz: $717 3-100 being the amount actually due by this Grand Lodge to said Perpetual Insurance Company, by direction of your committee, wall accordingly paid by Bro. Buckner, and tri1'licate receipts thereof taken for the same. Your committee herewith present the account current of the said Company, and suggest that it be filed With the Grand Lodge papere in the proper office. Respectfully submitted. FRED'C. L路 BILLON, S. W. B. CARNEGY, JOHN A. POWELL. St. Louis, July 1,1845.

Said report was approved, and committee discharged. 8

[ 18 ] The Committee 011 Grievances submitted a report, which, after being amended, was adopted as follows, viz: [23.] The undersigned, a majority of the Committee on Grievances, have had the subjects herein melltioned referred to them, and report: That from a communication from Savannah Lodge, No. 71, it appears their charter was not received until the lapse of six months idler it was issued, that most of their members hav~ come in since and have not paid fees; Ulat they have purchased a house at an expense for purchase and repairs, of about $290 and pray the Grand Lodge to remit one half theil' dues. A communication fi'01ll Arrow Rock Lodge 55, has been before your committte, stating that they have, in some unknown manner, lost their charter; that its loss is by a malicious purloining of it, or by being mislaid. They pray for a copy of tbe old charter, or a new one, on payment of the Grand Secretary's fees. . They have also had submitted to them a memorial from Clarksvtlle Lodge, 17, stating, that owing to demission of several members, and fitting up a house belonging to said I~odge, that a large portion of their remaining mtmbers lack ability to aid in works of charily, and that about five only remain to sustain the present undertaking. They pray for a remission of their <iues, 01' that they have until next communication to pay them. It also appears by a statement placed in the hands of your committee by Bro. Jacoby, that he has in his hands the sum of ten dollars, donated to lhe College by Parson Brown; and twenty dollars by Samuel B. Jacoby, which is in the bands of Clarksville Lodge, making thirty dollars. In the foregoing cases your committee recommend the adoption of the follOWing resolutions, to-wit: Resolved, That Bro. Jacoby pay over the sum above mentioned, to the Col\ege Fund Commissioners, takillg duplicate receipts for the same, and tile one of those receipts with the Grand Secretary. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary make out and deliver, on application, to Arrow Rock, No. 55, a new charter, in accordance with their prayer. Resolved, That Savannah and Clarksville Lodges have time, until the second Monday in October next, to pay their dues to this Grand Lodge. Signed,

S. W. B. CARNEGY, ~ C 'tt A. PATTERSON, S omml ee.

[24.] The Special Committee, to whom was referred the report of the Steward of Masonic Co!lep;e, have discharged the duty entrusled to them, and beg leave to submit the following REPORT: Partly from personal knowledge of the subject, and partly from satisfactory eYidence, w~ are convinced that the repairs already made in lhe President's lJouse, the refectory, ttle College hall and the dormitories, and tho~e recommenJed by the St~ward, are absolutely necessa'ry for the preservation of the propert)', and for the comfort of the officers and students of the College. It appears also, to your committee, highly important that the cultivated parts of the farm be secured by good, substantial fences, and that requisite stables be provided at the expense of the Grand Lodge-the terms for board, &'c., being too low to enable the Steward to make these improvements at his own expense. We, therefore, recommend that the Steward be instructed, under the direction of the Board of Curators, to finish the above mentioned improvements, and draw OQ the Treasurer of the CollegE: for the necessary funds, according to law.


19 ]

Your committee regret that duty compels them to call the attention of the Grand Lodge to the inefficiency of the Board of Curators. That body, we are credibly informed, has held but one meeting since the establishment of the College. This neglect of duty on their part, cannot but have a pernicious inllu~ ence on the affairs of the College, and must necessarily retard its growth, and ~Jiminish its usefulness. Your committee, therefore, strongly recommend that the Grand Lod~e take prompt measures to remedy the evil, by le-organizing the Board or creating an executive committee. J. W. SMITH, Signed, THOS. S. MILLER, NATH'L. P. KUNKLE.

Said report was adopted. The Committee on Masonic CollegE;, to whom was referred the report of President SMITH, presented the following [25.J


That they have had under r.onsicleration the subjects laid before us in the re~ port of the President of said institution, and agree with him that it is highly important and absolutely necessary that some steps be taken to provide reli~ gious worship on the College premises every Sabbath. We find by reference to the laws of the Grantl Lodge for the government of the College, art. 29, sec. 11, that it is provided that the Curators shall elect four preachers of the Gospel, from different etenominations of christians, one from each. This provision, we believe, is wholly inetficient~ and that under it we never can procure the fulfil路. ment of the object desired, and would recommend that the laws in this particular be so amenfled, as to allow the Curator~ to select a preacher from some denomination, \'Illo shall serve for one year, and whose duty it shall be, to deliver a sermon on the premises on each Sabbath during the sessions of said College. On the seconel subject presented to us, we think that from the condition of the Granll Longe, it would not be good policy to appoint, at this tilDe, more than one additional teacher, for the reason that it is as yet unknown how many stndE:nts may be in attenllance during the next session, and as by 15th section of same article, it is provided that the Curators may, from time to time, in vacation of .t~e G~and Lodge, elect and appoint professors and tntors, and under that provISion, If the number of students should be so increased that the necessary instruction cannot be given by three Professors, a fourth may be then appOinted. We agree with the President, that it is very desirable a chan~ shonld take place in the or~anization of the Board of Curators. By reference to 1st sec. of same article, we are of opinion that the inconvt'nicnce!l under which we labor may be remedied without a chang-e of the laws. It is provided that the Board of Curators shall not consist of -illore than fifteen, nor less than seven. Now we suggest that in the election of Curators for the future, that number, say seven, should reside near the College. This suggestion is made because, from the report of the President, we find that under the ,Present arrangement, It has been Impossible to get a meetinlr of the Board, while under the plan suggested by us, We are of opinion that a Board mi~ht be obtained when necessary. We recoll?mend !hat these subjects be taken under consideration by the Grand Lodge at Its earhel:t convenience, as it is important that before the publication of the catalogue the appointment of professors should take place. STANTON BUCKNER, Signed, DAVIn WILLOCK, ROB'T. E. HILL.

Said' report was read and laid on the table. On motion of Bro. CARNEGV, dilly seconded, it wal

[ 20 ] [26. ] Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of October, 1845, the com路 pensation of the p"rofessor, as Principal of the Preparatory Department of the College, shall be the lands, houses and privileges as heretofore ordered, and the sum of six hundred dollar!) per annum, to be paid half yearly, at the end of each session. Gr~nd Lodge was called to refreshment until to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock.

SATURDAY, OCT. 18,1845:-10 O'CLOCK, A. M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. Present: M. W. J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M., presiding,. and a due representation. On motion of, Bro. _J ACOBY, duly seconded, the [27.] Resolution adopted yesterday in report of Committee on Grievances, requi.ring Bro. Jacoby to ,pay over certain monies therein mentioned, was reconsIdered and laid on the table.

Bro. CLA YTON offered the following amendment to by-laws of the Grand Lodge, viz: [28. ] Resolved, That the word" three," in art. 26, sec. 3, be stricken out, and the word" one" inserted, so ad to read" a fee of one dollar. "

ResoLution read first time. On motion of Bro. MITCHELL, duly seconded, it was [29,] Resolved, That Bros. Knox, Reed and Myers, of Rocheport Lodi!e, No. 67, are hereby appointed a committee on behalf of this Grand Lodge, whose duty it shall be, or any two of them, to visit Columbia Lod!re, U. D., or call upon the Worshipful Master and Wardens of the same, requiring a statement of the co~dition of said Lorl,ge; and if, in the opinion of said co~mitt~e, it shall be the lIIterest of the cralt, demand and receive the dispensation, Jewels and regalia, and any property or money to which this Grand Lodge may be entitled, and make I'eport to the next Grand Annual Communication.

On motion of Bro.


duly seconded, it was

[30.] Resolved, That after the close of this Grand Annual Communication, it shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary for the time being, to summon every Lodge under this jurisdiction, that has failed to send a delegate to this Communication, or omitted to pay their Grand Lodge dues, to appear by their legal representatives, on the second day of tbe next Grand Annual Communication, to show cause why their charter shall not be suspended.

On motion of Bro. MITCHELL, duly seconded, it was [31.] Resolved, That the General Agent of the Masonic College be annually required to ~ive bond in the sum of two thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of his duty.

[ 21 ] On motion of Bro.


duly seconded, it was

[32.] Resolved, That all moneys collected by the Subordinate Lodges, and paid into the grand fund, from Masons IIOt members of any Lodge, be returned to the Lodges so paying the money, for the year ,1845 ; and that all such n;t0neys due from other Lodges, not paid in, be retallled by tbe Lodges collectlDg the same, for charitable purposes for the present year.



offered the following, viz:

[33.] Resolved, That art. 29, sec. 17, by-laws of Grand Lodge, be amended by striking out the last c1ause, which reads: "Thote preachers shall each preach at the College Hall on one Sabbath every month, and not oftener," and in lieu tbereQf insert: ((. One of whom shall preach. at the College Hall each sabbath. ifto the month."

Amendment read first time. On motion of Bro. CARNEGV, duly seconded, it was r34.] Resolved, That President Smith be authorized to procure thp. oecessary"blank record books for the records of the College, and draw on, t-lle Grand Treasurer for the amount.



presented the following, to-wit:

l35.] Whereas, The Masonic Convention that assembled at the city of Baltimore, in May, 1843, recommended to the several Grant:! Lodges of the Uaited States the adoption of certain rules forel:ltabl~hing a Convention to meet路 triennially; and

Whereas, this Grand Lodge, at its Annual Communication, in October tbereafter, "approved the pIau recomme""ded by the said Convention," by the adoption of its rules; therefore, Resolved, 1st. That it sball be the duty of the Grand Secretary to ascertain, by correspondence or otnerwise, previous to the la9t day of March next, whether the requisite number, to-wit: thirteen, of the Grand Lodges of tbe United Slates have adopted said recommendation, and whether,. as a consequence, said Convention is thereby established. 2d. Resolved, That should said Convention take place, that our M.路W.. Grand, Master Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell be appointed the representative from this Grand Lodge, to said Convention, with power, should any emergency occur to pre~ vent his personal attendance, to appoint-a suitable Brother to represent tbis Grand Lodge. ' .

The foregoing preamble and resolutions. were adopted. ' The Select Committee on the Board of Curators of the Masonic College, made the following 'report, to-wit: [36.]


That of the fifteen brethren elected to that office, eleven have, within tbe ]l\st year] assembled once.at the College, organized, a Board a~d transacted business for the College, to-Wit: Thos. L. Anderson, P. H. McBride, Carty Wells; S. W. B. Carnegy, Willis C. Johnson, W. D. Marmaduke, R. E. Hill, J. F. L. Jacoby, Jo1:o Ralls, S. T. Glover, and James S. Green. By this act, in the




opinion of your committee, they aecepte,d the office, and legally became Curators of the College. There is satisfactory evidence before your committee, however, that Bro. Thos. L. Anderson has since resigned his office of Curator, and will no longer serve as such. In regard to the other ten Brethren named, we find no such evidence, and therefore must regard them $till as, the legal Curators. With respect to the remaining four of the fifteen brethren, to-wit: Ja'mes H. Blair, John S. Watson, D. Kunkle and H. Griswold, your committee are of opinion, that the fact of their having failed, for a whole year, to attend any meeting of Curators, or in any other way signify their disposition to accept the office, is a sufficient indication of their mtention not to accept it or discharge 'its duties. Your committee, therefore, recommend the adoption of the following, viz: Resolved, That the seats of Bto3. Tbomas L. Anderson)James H. Blair, Jno. S. Watson, D. Kunkle, and H. Griswold, in the Board of Curators of Masonic College, be, and the same are hereby declared vacant. JOHN SCOTT. ~ A. PATTERSON, Committee. J. F. L. JACOBY.

Which report and resolution was approved of; whereupon, On motion, the Grand Lodge proceeded to fill the vacancies in the Board, and the following brethren were found duly, elected, to-wit: STANTON



and 'N. P. KUNKLE. The Committee on Work of Chartered Lodges, pre.sented the following additional EAGEN,



That they have examined returns from Liberty Lodge, No. 31, Tebo, No. 64, and Jefferson City, " 43, Rocheport," 67. Fayette, " 47, The returns from Liberty, Fayette and Tebo are full, and show their work and proceedings to be all that is required by this Grand Lodge. ' Jeffers,on City and Rocheport have only sent up lists of their officers, members, initiations, &c. &c., but have not sent up a transcript of their proceed~ ings, so as to show to your committee in what manner they have done their work. Your committee,recommend the adoption of the following resolution, whicb, upon motion Of Bro. Levy, was amended to read as follows, viz: ' Resolved, That all Subordinate Lodges undE.'J this jurisdiction, as have failed to comply with the 3d and 4th sections of art. 5, of the by-laws of this Grand Lodge, at this Communication, be required to send up, forthwith, full returns Cor the past year.

The foregoing report and resolution wascadopted. The Grand Lodge was called from Jabor till 3 o'clock.

[ 23



Grand Lodge was called to labor in third degree, present: M. W., J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M., presiding, and a due representation. The following resolution offered by Bro. CARNEGY, and laid on the table yesterday, was taken up and adopted, viz: [38. ] Resolved, That those having possession of a certain bond executed by Mr. Wm. Muldrow, therein covenanting to convey to the Grand Lodge a certain house and lot in the villa~e of Philadelphia, Marion county, on certain terms therein speCified, be, and they are directed to deliver said bond to said Muldrow. ,

A communication from Bro. J. A. HEDGES was read, and, on motion, laid on the table, and said Bro. has leave to withdraw the s~me. Bro. MITCHELL offered the following, to wit: [39.] Resplved, That Bro. P. G. M. McBride, Tho. L. Anderson and Carty Wells. are hereby appointed a committee, with power and authority to cause a building to be erected on the Masonic College ground, for the purpose of a Female School, in con'llexion with said Collegp, as contemplated by the laws of the Grand Lod~e. Provided such committee shall believe it expedient to do' so, and report to the next Grand Annual Communication.

On motion of Bro. LEVY, d1..tly seconded, it was [40.1 Resolved, That the Grand Lodge now adjourn to mt>et again at 7 o'clock this evening, f~r the purpose of installing the G.rand Officers elect.

The Grand Lodge was therefore called from labor till 7 o'clock, P. JiI.


The Grand Lodge was duly called to labor in 3d degree. Present,-M. W., J. W" S. MITCHELL, .G•.M., presiding, and a due representation•. M.Wor. S.. W.B. CABNEGY, P. G. M., proceeded to install the, Grand Officers, elect for the ensuing year. to wit: . M. W. Bro., J. W. S. MITCHELi., G. Master. R. W. Bro., JNO. D. TA.YLOR, Dep. G. M. " "ED. S. RUGGLES., S. G. W. " "JI'o. F. L. JACOBY, J. G. W. " cc JI'O. S. WATSON, G. Treall. " "FBED. L. BILLON, G. Sec'y.


[ 24 ) Bro. RUGGLES,_ S. G. M., obtained leave of absence for the bal.. ance of the communication. The Grand Lodge was then duly called from labor to refreshment; until Monday, 20th instant, at 9 o'clock, A. 'M.


The Grand Lodge was called to labor in the 3d degree; present: M. W., J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M.,presiding, and a due representation. Bro. J. McDEARMON, delegate from Warreti Lodge, U. D., presented the returns from said Lodge; submitted to committee. The unfinished business of Saturday evening, viz: Bro. MITCHELl.'S resolution came up in order, and laid over until 11 o'clock,

A. M. Resolution to amend Art. 26, Sec. 3, of the by-laws of the Grand Lodge, read second time. Resolution to amen<tArt. 29, Sec. 17, of the by.;law, of the CoI~' lege, read second time. ',. . The committee on Lodges under dispensation, made an additional report as' fQllows, to wit: [41.] Your committee have had the work of Warren Lodge, U. D.,before . them, and are gratified to find the by-laws snd work of said LOdge to agree with the by-laws and usages of this Grand Lodge. Tworesolutiontl) however, appear in said work, which in the opinion of your committee, claim the . attention of this Grand Lodge. l~t~ a rellolution authorising the delegate from said Lodge to ask a charter; that, In the opinion of your committeesbould be granted; and, 2nd, a resolution authorizing the delegate'to negotiate at the rate of 6 per ct!nt OD $300, loaned by said Lodge to Grand, Master Mit~hell for tlle College; if not negotiated .to' draw the above-named monies. Yonr committee are of opinion tbert the Grand Lodge is in such a situation With her finances, as not to be j~stifiable in paying interest <,n any money; they therefore recommend the return of said money, and that a warrant be drawn on the treasurer of the College for the amount) Respectfully submitted, JOHN F.L. JACOBY., Cham'"..

Thc report was amended on motion of Bro. CARNEGY, by striking out" Treasurer of College," and inserting "Fund-Commissioners," and was then adopted.


25 ]

Bro. MITCHELL'S resolution was now taken up, and the following offered as a substitute by Bro. McKINNEY, to wit: [42.] Resolved, That each Lod~e within the following cOlln~ies---be au¡ thorized to ascertain by subscriptIon, the amount of money tbat can be mad~ available for theesrahlishment of the Female Department of the Masonic College, at any point which the respective Lodges may designate within its jU1:isdiction, and tllat each Lodge make a report of their action upon the matter,settmg forth the amount of money rai~ed and the place of location for which the sub- . scription was made, which report shall be made to the board of Curators within four months.

The Grand Lodge was called from I,abor to refreshment, until o'clock this afternoon.



The Grand Lodge was called to labor in 3d degree~ present: M. W., J. W. S./MITCHELL, G.M., p1'esiding, and a due representation. On motion, Bro. McKINNEY'S substitute, and the original resolution of Bro. MITCHELL, were laid on the table. Bro. MITCHELL then moved a re-consideration of the vote of Saturday last, upon Bro. CARNEGY'S resolution, tv return Mr. W. MULDROW'S bond; which motion was carried in the affirmative. The question now recurring upon the adoption of Bro. CARNEGY'S resolution, it was decided in the negative. Report of committee on applications and communications within this jurisdiction, to wit: [43.] The committee on applications, &c., beg leave to report, That they have had under consideration a communication from Bro. J. A. Tutt, D. D., G. M. of district No.6, appointed by the M. W. G. Master, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the sudden and violent death of our W. Bro., George F. Thornton, whose loss your committee deplore, and believe will be sensibly felt by the fraternity within this jurisdiction and elsewhere where he was known. We find from said communication that Masonry in said district is generally in a flourishing condition. And further, that Bolivar Lodge, U. D • had failed to hol}i any mt:etings on account of not receiving their dispensation, which was ordered by the Grand Lodge at its last annual communication to be returned to them, from which fact your committee infer that it has been lost. . The committee have also before them communications from W. Bro., A. Lightburn, D. D., G. M. of district No.4, from which they learn that on the petition of certain Brethren at Independence, he grante<l them a dispensation under the name of Independence Lodge, a return of which, to~ether with their proceedings, have been made to this Grand Lodge; anti that said proceedings


[ 26 ] are ill accordance ~ith the by-laws and Masonic usage.

The committee also

Jearn from the records of this Grand Lodge, that thert! has heretofore existed a chartered Lodge under the same name at the s路ame place, from which no returns have been received for several years. Your committee respectfully recommend such action on the part of this Grand Lodge, as will correct the irregularities (if any) above referred to. They learn also, that Liberty Lodge 3f, has elected Littlebllry, son of A. Dougherty, to the Masonic College; and that said Lodge rel:uests the donation of the tuition fee of Clinton Allen, a promising lad, son of deceased Bro. Allen, upon which subject the committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That Liberty Lodge, No. 31, in addition to the student she is entitled to send to the Masonic College, free of chO\rge for tuition, be, and she is hereby authorized, to send Clinton Allen to said College, without fee for tuition. The committee have e-xamined a communication from M. G. Johmon and Robert Thompson, - who state they are a committf'e on the part of Far West Lodge, No. 29, which statell that thl! !'um of$26 50 has been enclospd to the G. Secretary, stated to be the amount or their Grand Lodge diles, at 75 cents for each member, and praying an acquittance to enable said Lodge to place themselves under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of IIIil.ois or Wisconsin. The committee recommended the adoption of the following, viz: Resolt'ed, That so soon as Far We~t Lodge, No. 29, ahall pay the full amount of her dues to this Grand Lodge, the Grand Secrdary shall execute to said Lodge an acquittance in full for the same. The co~mittee have also E'xamined a communication from Wor. Bro. John Bull, D. D., G. M. of district No.3, but find nothing therein, requiring in their estimation the action of the Grand Lodge. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES LEVY, ~ G 'tt JOHN SCOTT, S ommt ee.

The above report concurred in, and resolutions adopted: Bro. CARNEGY submitted the following preamble and resolutions t which were unanimously adopted, to wit: [44.] Whereas, the Grand Lodge of Missquri have learned with deep regret, that their highly esteemed Brother, George;F. Thornton, an able and efficient officer of thiS Grand Lodge, has departed this life and gone from among us to his reward on high: Therefore, 1st. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge deeply deplores the loss of their virtuous and distinguished Brother. 2d. Resolved, That the Grand Officers, as a testimony of their high re~ard, for their deceased Brother, will wear Masonic mouruing for the usual period. 3rd. Resol1Jed, That the Grand Secretary transmit to the family of the deceased, a copy ofthese resolutions under the seal of the Grand Lodge.

The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until 9 o'clock, to-morrow morning.

[ '27 ] TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1845-9 O'CLOCK A. M.

The Grand Lodge was duly called to labor, present: M. W., J. W. MITCHELL, G. M., presiding, and a due representation. Resolved, To amend Art. 26, Sec. 3, by-laws of this Grand Lodge, read a third time, the question being put on its adoption, decided'in the negative. Resolved, To amend Art. 29, Sec. 17, by-laws of the College, read a third time, the question bein~ put on its adoption, carried in the alfirmative. The M. W. Grand Master announced the following appointments, viz: M. W., Bro. P. H. McBRIDE, General Agent, College. " " S. W. B. CARNEGY, G. L. " " J N O . D. TAYL')R, D. D. G. M., 1st district. " "CHAS. W. BOWER, " 2nd H "










4th" 5th" 6th" 7th"

" H














.Grand Chaplain.




" " "







M. W.


" "


" "








G. M.
























G. T.

G. P.




Bros. F. L. BULON, JOHN HALL, and JOHN S. WATSON, College Fund Commissioners, St. Louis Mo. Bro. A. P A TTE:Q.SON, was duly elected Professor of Mathematics, for the Masonic College. The committee on Foreign Communications reported as follows, to wit: [45.] The committee on Foreign Communications respectfully report: That they have had placed in their hands, communications from the following Grand Lodges, viz: Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Florida, Maine, New York, Rho<;ie Island, Virginia, Alabama, l{entllcky~ Connecticllt, New Hampshire, Michigan, Illinois, Maryland, Arkansas, Louisiann, Wisconsin and Texas; also, circulars from the Grand Lodges of Louisiana and Michigan, with the signatures of their officers; a circular¡ from Maryland, propo~in!$ a General Grand Lodge; a letter from Bro. Johnson G. Sec of Texas; one from Bro. Teulon, Calcutta, &c., &c.; all of which your committee, from the very limited time allowed them, have but barely glanced at in a very hurried ann im perfect manner, and not with that proper attention and deliberation which your commiUee think is due to tne Grand bodies from whence they emanate, and which is certainly requisite to p.nable them to select therefrom such important parts, as misht perhaps have required, at least an expression of the opinion, if not some aC~lon of this Grand Lodge. In regard to the proceedings of th03e Grand Lodges, your committee cannot with any propriety say, as is now too frequently the case, " that they find 'Bothing therein of 8ufficient interut to require .any action of this Grand Lodgp-;" the reverse is the fact. In the slight examination your committee were enabled to give them, they percei\'e much, very much, of great inter!:st, which had time been allowed them, they would have noticeli particularly. Your committee suggE'st that this committee, now numbering but two members, be incr~ased; and that they be allowed until the next communication, to examine thorou~hly the documents referred to them, and make such report thereon as may appear to them expedient. They also recommend, that the practice pursued by some of the Grand Lod~es, viz: that of a standing committee on Foreign Communications, whose duty It is to examine during the recess such documents, with a view of reporting at the next communication t1erelfter, be adopted by this Grand ~odge ; feeling assured it will much facilitate the labors of the committee, and expedite the transaction of business. FRED. L. BlLLON, ~ Com Respectfully submitted, CHARLES LEVY, 5 •

The foregoing report was concurred in, and Bro. R. W., J NO. D. TAYLOR, Dep. G. M., was added to the committee on Foreign Communications. The same committee made the following report, viz: [46.]

Your committee to whom the subject was referred report, that,

W1uJreas, The Grand Lodges of New York; Louisiana and Illinois, require the Brethren hailing from their respective jurisdictions, to provide themselves with Grand Lodge certificates, when about to leave their jurisdictions; and Whereas, The said Grand Lodges, excepting Illinois, also require the production of the like certificates from all who visit their Lodges; therefore Resolved, That the subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, are instmcted not to examine or admit any Brother who may be person-

[ 29 ] ally unknown, hailing from either of the jurisdictions above named, unless he produces the certificate as required.

The report concurred in and resolution adopted. The same committee made a further report, to wit: [47.] The committee on Foreign Communications. to whom was referred a written communication, upon the subject of York Masonry in Louisiana, beg leave to report: That having but little evidence before them at present, upon which they could with any propriety recommend any action of this Grand Lodl!e upon the subject, they deem it inexpeJient so to do; and ask to be discharged any further consideration of tte same. Signed, BILLON, SCOTT, Committee. LEVY,


The report concurred in and the committee discharged. On motion of Bro. LEVY, duly seconded, it was [4S.] Resolved, That Bros. Hughe!:l, Coleman and McGaughley, of Liberty Lodge, No. 31, be a committee to examine into the state of Independence Lodge, No. 35, and collect the dues of said Lodge; and if they deem it proper~ take charge of the charIer, rf!galia, jewels, &c., belonging to said Lodge, anll report thereon to the next COlnlDuuication of the Grand Lodge.

Bro. Billon presented the following, viz: [49.] Whereas, it appears that Bro. A. Lightburn, D. D., G. M. of District No.4, has granted a Dispensation for a new Lodge to be called Independence, to be held at the said place, whose returns having been received and approved by this Grand Lodge, entitle them to receive a chcl.rter, whicb they respectfully ask for; but inasmuch as there is already a Lodge held at the same place, and under the same name, to wit; Independence, No. 35, as appears from the list of chartered Lodges, from whom nothing has been heard officially fol' some two years, therefore, 1st. Resolved, That until thp. facts in regard to the exigtence or otherwise, of old Independence Lodge, No. 35, be ascertained, a charter cannot be issued under the same name. to the new Lodge. 2nd. Re8olved, That the dispensation issued by Bro. Lightburu, be continued in force until the next Grand Annual Communication.

Said preamble and resolutions concurred in. On motion of Bro. Jacoby, duly seconded, it'was [50.] Resolved, That the di!:lpensation of Bowling Green Lodgp., be continued 10 force until the next Grand annual communication, and the Grand Secr~ forward an attested copy of tbis resoll1tion, at the earliest possible period.

On motion of Bro. McKinney, duly seconded, it was [51.] Resolved, That Huntsville Lodge, No. 30, be allowed the further time of sixty days to pay her dues to the Grand Lodge for the years 1843 and 1845.

The resolution in report of committee on grievances, requiriD~ Bro. JACOBY to pay over certain monies, and laid on the table on Saturday, was now taken up and adopted.


30 ]

On motion of Bro. Willock, duly seconded, it was [52.] Ordered, That from and after the commencement of the next sessioL the Masonic CollE'ge, students shall pay in atlvance for each session of five months, the following fees and ch arges, to wit:


For tuition in the preparatory department " " Collegiate department,

$10 00 15 00

except such as by order of the Grand Lodge, shall be entitled to tuition f1"ee of chug~ For boarding and washing per session, • $25 00 1 00 " fuel, wood, per cord, " candles ar oil, the lowest market price. The fuel and lights to be furnished by the steward, if requested by the students: and paid for 0/1 deli\¡ery. . . Be it further Ordered, That students may) at the discretion of the Faculty, be received at any time during the :session, by paying in advance' for the remainder thereol~ in proportion to' theabov.e r()tes. . Students remaining at the ('~I1";e during vacation, by paying 'in advance for the time, shall be provided for at the same rates. Students who may leave the College of their own accord, or who may be expelled by the Faculty, shall not be entitled to the return of any part of the money paid in advance for board or tuition.

Report of committee on accounts. [53.] The committee on accounts report that Bro. Past Grand Secretary's statement has been submitted to them, which they ha\'e not had time to examine in detail; it presents the follOWing eXhibit, viz: 1844, Oct. ]9. Balance in his hands as per last report, 1845, Oct. 20. Receipts since then to this date, -

$623 00

1003 00 $1626 00

By amount paid over to Grand Treasurer, " error, (twice char~ed) 1845, Oct. 20. By amount paid Tyler, u June 30. " " "G. Treasurer, 1844, Oct. 26.

$688 12 12 00

20 00 - 27 00 747 12

Balance in his hands, as

$878 88

Bro. Grand Treasurer's account for the past year, has been examined and is follow~ viz:

11344, Oct. 2:'. To balance from P. G. Treasurer Billon, ." "2~ and26. To amount from G. Sec'y, 1845, June 30. To " , ; Bro. Billon,

$190 76 688 ]2 2700 $905 88


By account paid as per vouchers (exhibited com.)

1845, Oct. 14.

Balance in Treasury,

897 25 $

8 63

The Grand Lodge was called to refreshment until 3 o'clock, P. M.

[ 31 '] TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1845-3", O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was duly called to labor in the 3d degree•. M. W., J. W. S. MITCH,~LL,G. M.,pr~iding. a due representation present. ' The G. S.; presented returns from Lafayette Lodge,. 32; justre'" cehred-refetred to appropriate committee. Bro. CARNEGY, one of the committee on printing October,oommunication, 1844, presented the following report, viz: [5~.] To the Grand LCtdge of MissouriThe undersigned, one of the committee to whom Was assigned the duty at attending to the transcribing. and pl'intin~ the Constitution, By-Laws and,Pt<>ceedings of this Grand Lodge, respectfully reports: That he with the assistance and concurrence of Bro. Foster, and tbe subsequent conr.urrence of Hro Ralls, ha ve, agreeably to your orrlE'r, caused to be printed 300 copies of the proceeding3 bound with the constitution and bylaws, and 700 copies of the constitution and by-laws without the proceeings. He also, individuatly, caused to be printed 500 additional copies of the constitution: and by-laws, intending- to sell as many copies at 25 cents, as will'pay the expenses of printing' and bindin~, and distribute the balance of the others, or pay the proceedgto the Grand Treasurer~' Two or three c10llars only h:lve been received. He also, after some labor, obtainf'd as he believes, six copies of the printed proceedings of this GraJ'ld Lodge, for every year at which they were printed and caused th~m to be bound in stron~ half-binding, for better preservation. One of these copies ~he undersigned retained, one he delivered to P. D. G. M. Foster, one copy to the CoJle~e, and the others to the Grand Secretary for his office-this was at the small expense of 37 1-2 cents per cop.y for bindin~.

He caused the constitution and by-laws to be well bound, in 9tron~ paper pamphlet binding, which he believes will be sufficient to preserve them. The undersi~ned also made out and appended to the by-laws, a statement respectin~ the formati04.1 of this Grand Lodl5'e; a list of its past and present Grand Officers, with such resolutions a.s were considered important forinfor.,. mati on, respecting our Orphan school. He also made and appended, an extended and explicit index to the constitution and laws; this was deemed importallt on account of the greatly extended code which the-exten del! duties of the Grand Lodge appealed to demand and which have been enacted. He has distributed for sale about 100 copies of the by-laws, printed by him as above stated; and will report the proceeds when received. . All of which is submitted, S. W. B. CARNEGY.

Bro. CARNEGY presented and read a report of his acts and doings, as College agent, in a trip to New Orleans, Mobile, Natchez and ebewhere in the S!'uth in January last, for the purpose of obtaining donations in aid of the Masonic College, as follows: [55.]

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri:

The undersigned, agent of the Masonic College, respectfully reports-that soon after his appointment, he received from the M. W. Grand Master, Bro. Mitchell, a special deputation to solicit donations for the College. His duties of superintending the printing the constitution, by-laws and proceedings of the

[ 32 ] Grand Lodge, detained him until the 2nd of January last, at which (ime he set off upon his mission. From the well-known benevolence and wealth of the Brethren of the. South, it was natural to look to them for assistance in an enterprise intended for the mutual good of the whple craft. At that period, the Grand Lodge was largely indebted fo'r property purchased for the College. With ardent hopes and ex路 pectations, he accordillgly dil'ected his exertions .to the Brethren of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. On his arrival at New Orleans he availed himself of the counsel and assistance of Bro. Douglass, who advised him to return to the city of Natchez, as the Grand Lodge of Mississippi were then in sesi3ion. On arriving there, he was, as your agent, most kindly received and introduced to the Grand Lodge, who heard his application with affectionate attention, and though theme mbers wert~ from home, and many of them, doubtless, with little more than the sum requisite for ordinary travelling expenseii, responded t.o his application by a liberal appropriation. The following are the sums donated and names of the donors at this place, viz: Bro. " " ::

" " " "


Dr. Stringfellow, of Ky. $4 87 Bro. George A. Wilson, Dr. J. H. Duncan, 4 87 " G. T. Martin, " J osiahMarshall, Reuben N. Downing 10 00 " Wm. F. Stevens, H. M. Youngblood, 4 88 J. A. Wilcox, _ 5 00 " D. H. Lane, D. S. Jennings, 5 00 " H. B. Miller, Elias Fisher, 5 00 " Mar~ Breenen, Thos. Palmer, 4 88 " Wm. P. Mellen, " S. Alexander, F. Gildart, 1 00 " T. E. Finney, P. G.M. D. G. Benbrook, 2 00


487 4 88 5 00 500

4 87 5 00 200 2 00 5 00

$91 12

Making the sum received,

Having performed all that he could at this place he returned to New Orleans, and proceeded immediately to the city of Mobile, Alabama. Here he was weI.. comed by a truly Masonic receptioR. The W. M. of the Lodge, Bro. Rufus Green, whose kind attention and efficient services will be ever remembered with gr.a.titude, assembled his Lodge, and the followirg liberal donations路 were made:

Bro. Jno Johnson, " James F. McBride)

" .Rufus Green, W. M., " l!obert M. Parker" " James Wilkins" " Richard H. Redwodd, " John Bowen, " James Landsamor, (C .A. Y. Smith, " Levi Robinson, " F. H. Oliver, " Charles Bancroft, Making at Mobile,

$10 00 Bro. F. Bromberry, ., D.nill 1'0 00 10 00 "" F. Stewart, " L. H. Anderson, 500 " S. G. Williamson, 5 00 " Jas. H. Hickson, 5 00 5 00 {) 00

5 5 5 5

" "

John C. Hodges, F. W. Callaway,


" J. F. Files,

00 00 00

'" Edward Brown, " L. Valeton,

$5 1 5 6 2 1 5

00 00 00 00 00 50 00 1 50

5 00 3 00 100 $110 00

Your agent then returned to New Qrleans, and began at once the discharge of his duties. He obtained an introduction to the M. W. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, Hon. ROBERT PREAUX, who very kindly ordered a iDeeting of his Grand Lod~e, and introduced him to the Fraternity. Your agent presented to the Grand Lodge the subject of our College, and a resolution was presented by Bro. Lewis of Opelousas, ordering that your agent be permitted to solicit contributions from ~he Lodges of the State-upon which the ullden;igned was astonished when the Grand Orator rose and read from their records an Order of their G. L., passed two years previous. upon the application made to


3H ]

them for assistance by Brother T. L. Anderson, whereby the G. L. of LoUlSi路 and refused any a~sistance themselves, and prohibiting the sub-Lodges of the State from making any contribution-which order, as your a~ent s'lbsequently learned, had been forwarded to all the Lodges under that jurisdidion. The vote being taken; however; IIpon the resolution offered by Bro. Lpwis, it was adopted by a large majority-and the undersigntd proceeded with his endeavors. The Lodges of New Orleans, at least several of them, are rich in real estatethey own large squares of land in the city, and have several good hOUSts upon them; yet such appears to be the very heavy demands upon those Brethren, that their ample benevolence is often straighte'iled, to provide for the wants of those immediately around them. The exertions of your agent in that city, therefore, were in a /{reat degree a failure, though they were seconded by the exertions of the M. W. Grand Master Preanx, the R. W. Deputy Grand Master, Hon. Felix. Garcia, Bro. Doug-lass, Gedge, Vanransalier, Martel, and others, to whose l{indlless and truly fraternal aid, the undersigned will ever feel most grateful. Within the city the following sums were received: $50 00 5 00

From Germania Lodge, " Bro. Martel, W. M. of Germania Lodge,

$55 00

From ,the following Brethren at Poinsett Lodge: James R. West of Miss. B. R. Rogers~ of81. Landry, J. Stewart!, of Benton, MiSS., Thos. P. Slade of Miss., John Ged~e; Wm. s. Mount, Cash, Bro. Curion, Condi street,

$5 00 L. B., Simon, 5 00 Peter. Galli, 3 43 Nautre, P. S., 10 00 La Salle, M. S., 5 00 D. D. Hamilton, 3 00 P. D. Venalle, 10 00 Cash, 2 00 Vanrensalier, of Poinsett,

100 100 50

200 200 500 1000

$65 93

Amount at Poinsett Lodge, From Orleans, yom agent proceeded to Opelousas. tion of Bro. Rogers, and

$i 00

Thi(was at the sugge.s-

From 路the Lodge at this place received

$50 00

and every kindness they could bestow, especially from Bros. Rogers and La Teste. (La Tass.) He also visited St. Martinsville, where the Brethren agreed to raise at least fifty dollars-it has not yet been received. Thence he proceeded路 to Baton Rouge, where he was tecei ved in like friendly manner, and received the following contributions: Bro.

" " " " " " " " "

s. S. Selleck, ---Moore, Wm. Robinson, Geo. W. Ward, Daniel Barbe, W. C. F. Tunnard, W. H. McCauskey, A. Bedell, S. M. Hart, Total at Baton Rouge,

00 Bro. W. S. Pike, 00 " T. Huguet, 00 " A. Adams. 00 " F. 路M. Hereford, 00 " Aug. King, 00 " J. C. Patterson, 00 " S. B. Godardt, 00 " S. Bonnecare, 00 " J. Larguier, 5 00

$1 1 5 1 5 2 1 1 1

$500 200 2 00 2 00 250 200



1 DO

$41 50



34 ]

From the Brethren of St. Fl'ancisvill~, received the' kind attentions and tilt' following donations: From " " " " " "

Wm. Ball, $2 00 From Wm. C. McDugal, James Duetsch, 2 00 " H. Hansicl<er, James Salorcey, 1 00 " James M. Berker, A. D. Danis, 2 50 " S. H. Lurty, J. A. KeU"y, 1 00 " M. Back, Wrn. M. Menamen, 0, 50 " R. G. Dawson, Peleg D. Salisbury, 0 50 Amount at St. Francisville,

$5 1 2, 1 2 .1

00 00 00 00 00 00

$21 50

Visited' Woodville-here obtained nothing. Visited Jackson.• La. Obtained nothing. Re-visited Natchez; but ali consultation with Bro. Mellen, made no· effort. From thence, proceeded to Rodney, Mississippi, and received from the brethren there the most cOl·dial welcomE:, and the following donatlOns : $20 00 Bro. M~ B. Stampley, The Lodge at Rodney, Bro. Jno. A. Watkins, 6 00 " J. Phillips, " Cameron, 1 00 " none, 1 00 (C Richmond, Amount at Rodney, From Rodney he visited Fayette, Mississippi, and received from the brethren there $26, but having mislaid the memorandum, will not be able now to report the names of the donors, but will write the W. M. Bro. Duncan for them:

$1 00 1 00 200


$26 00 Thence visited Grand Gulf, here he met a kind brother, on~e a citizen of Our State, Doct. Freydinger. He at once entered .into the subject of my mission, and afforded me the best assistance he could. He rode with me to the town of Port Gibson, introduced me to the brethren and arlvocated the cause of our College. Bro. Hastings, a member of the G.L. of Mississippi, procured a meeting and gave me his best exertions. Here I obtained $22, from the following brethren: John G. Hastings, $3 00 Wm. Poteet, $1 00 Tb9s. Vernon, 1 00 A. Jar~rane, 1 00 A. J. Frisby, 1 00 A. Rollins, 200 1 00 Benj. F. White, 2 00 - - Coleman, 1 00 Allen Davis, 2 00 F. J. Poor, 1 00 D. ~. Ellis, 2 00 D. McDou9..a1, 1 00 Jesse Smith, 2 00 James A. uage, E. Doehiger, 1 00 $22' 00 Amount at Port Gibson, Returned to Grand Gulf and Bro. Freydinger, the· W. M., called his L. and the brethren- raised the following sum: . Dod. Freydinger, $3 00 S. H. Williams, $2 00 W. D.. Maxwell, 1 00 Jacob Eckstein, 1 00 Geo. R. Kiger, 1 50 Geo. Heckle, 1 00 P. Buford, 1 00 Jas. McLane, 1 00 J.• Eckstein, 2 00 Wm. Barbour, 1 00 W. C. Parkes, 2 00 A. H. Horner, 3 00 E. Conklin, 1 00 AmoWlt at Grand Gulf, $20 50 --=S;;me of th!!so ftl\mot are llQ found.


imperre~t, being in rencil, that mistakes in the spelllni ma .,

[ 3a 1 From thence proceeded to Vicksburg and immediately to Yazoo City, wbere I at once received the hospitalities of an old acquaintance and Brother, Dod. Shropshire, who at once introduced me to the most kind and benevolent fraternity. Bros. Leake and Gamet (officers of the L.) entered at once upon t~e subject of my mission, ad\'ocated the cause and afforded the most efficient ald. The Lodge was called, and the following subscription was obtained: $500 $5 00 H. Harrison, Bro. W. J. Leake, 250 5 00 Q. Dubbs, " Wm. Regan, 200 " Thog. J. Wilson, 5 00 Anurew Gibb!l, 300 5 00 Thos. T. Higginbottom, " M. Barnet, 200 3 0:" S. A. Johnson, " L. Wyman, 600 ',: Jno. H. Couos, 3 00 T. S. Jackson, 20 F. Brislick, 2 00 R. W. Winn, 200 5 00 P. Lander, Doct. J. P. Shropshire, 200 2 00 J. Marion, Jno. N. Evans, 600 D. Walker, 2 00 J. M. Hollinsworth, 500 Jno. M. Carlin, 5 00 W. R. Miles, 200 L. D. Dorsey, 2 00 J. J. Fouche, Amount at Yazoo' City,

$81 50

Having received the fore-going liberal contribution at this place, I proceeded to Vicksburg and thence to Raymond, and received the following: Bro. Jas. B. Fairchild, $5 00 Amos R. Johnson, $5 00 " David M. Dancy, 5 00 Raymond Lodge fund" 10 00 2 00 " Jos. W. Steward, AmOll'lt at Raymond, $27 00 Visted Clinton and received $4 25 Visited Jackson. Mississippi, and received in addition to the sum before Itated, at G. L., the following: 1. Smith, $2 00 H. A. Cargill, $2 00, C. H. Manship, 2 00 P. Hitzham, 0 75 2 00 C. Drake, 1 00 Robt. Clark, J. T. Hall, 5 OO.}. L. McManus, 1 00 W. R. Gordon, 1 00 R. H. BrocltUay~ 3 00 Chas. Scott, 4 87 Gov. Brown, 2 00 J. R.' Derrybery, 1 00 B. W. Mower, 3 00 Amount at Jackson, Received the following sums at Canton, Mississppi: . Bro.路 J. J. Cameron, " Jno. Montgomerv, ct Chas. F. Weigandt, " E. Cordts, " D. ::)ommer, ADlourJt at Canton,

$5 2 2 2

00 Bro. D. J. Bloom, 50 "William Bailey, 00 Cash, . 50 Bro. R. Barrington,


100 200 100

5 00


Retumed to Vicksburg, where I received from the hands of Bro. J. H. Campbell money collected from the brethren here, a list of the names not furnished me. Proceeded thence to Memphis, Tenn., and received from Bro. W. J: Woods, $5 00 Bro. J. S. Lanphier, ct E. Titus, 5 00 " Jno. S. Williams, (C H. Horab, 5 00 " Chas. Lofland, Amount at Memphis,


$34 31 $500 600 600 $3000




Be bas received the following sums also, since his last report, from indiyidoal citizens of Missouri: From Rev. 'Bro. Wm.. Hurley, of Masonic College, " 芦 " N. Childs, of St. Louis, " " " Jos. T. Strotber, (per hands Bro. Dallam)


$500 2000 500


From members G. L. of Miss. " Brethren at Mobile, " Germania Lodge, N. O. " Poinsett Lodge, N. O. " Opelousas LOdge, La. " Baton Rouge, " " St. Francisville, L~ " Rodney, Miss. " Fayette, "

$91 110 55 65 50 41 21 32 26

12 From Port Gillson, Miss., 00 " Grand Gulf, " 00 " Yazoo City, " 93 "R~ymond, " 00 "Chnton, " '~Jackson, " 50 50 "Canton," 00 "Vicksburg, " '( Memphis, Tenn., 00

Receipts, Deduet counterfeit gold, (probably receiyed in exchanging paper 1I10Dey)

$2200 2050

81 60 27 00 425

30 62

2600 34 31 30 00

$769 24


Nett receipts of trip south,

$759 24

The expenses of this trip were, (as per statement appended)


Balance, Acid .amount received in Missouri since return,

$479 99

30 00

Total, $509 99 Paid Bro. Foster on account of cash bonowed by him and otbers for $102 27 G. L. to pay note in Bank, . ., Balance subject to order Grand Lodge,

$407 72 .

The committee of the Grand Lodge havin~ in the meantime sold the lands and obtained the means whereby路 the entire' debt of the G. L. was pard off, your agent retained this sum, and having for a long period given his attention for the most part, to the perfecting the purchase of the College property, and other matters connected with the institution-in so far as to need the use of lome money-he asks (if the G. L. deem it not too great a favor) to allow him to retain, as a loan, any balance the G. L. may find standing against him. He has thus exhibited, so far as he knows and believes, a correct, explicit statement of his agency to this day, so far a9 the collection of money is con.. cerned. He regrets, however, that he has neither room, ability or time, to state all that might be said in connection with the duties thus devolved upon him. Let it suffice to路 say, that with the exception of less than one dozen of all he has seen and conversed with, aU have spoken of our school in terms of the higbest commendation. And he takes pleasure in expressing the most ardent gratitude of heart towards the liberal and bene~lent from whom he received 10 much kindlles8 and aid. He would gladly specify the names anc\ residence of those who were foremost in their kind endeavors, but they ~e too numerous to montioD. The fo.-egoing lilt must suffice.


37 ]

to connection with the foregoing, YOQr agent feels it his duty to state also, that in tlischarge of what he felt it his duty to perform, he has kept a constant and vigilant eye upon all th"t related to the College, and is happy to add his to the oft repeateu testimony of ottll.>rotficers of the Grand Lodge, of the able, efficient services of the Facility, the Steward, and all except perhaps Bome of the Curators. He states that the College, ill all its departments, bids fair to till our most sanguine hopes. The students (for the most part) are studious, moral and obedient, and their condllct (the ten thou:JC\I.d slanderous tales that envy, malice and ambition have set dtloat upon the winus, to the contraryn.otwithstanding,) will bear a favorable compat'ison with that of any other eqllal number of students anywhere; some irregularities have taken place, but tbe Faculty have done their duty anel either reclaimed or expell ed the vicious. He asks the G. L. to order the prtnting of one hundred copies of this report, either in the G. L. proceedings or separately, th;\t they may be forwarded to the several Lodges mentioned above, that they may see that their benevolence flas been faithfully reported. All which is respectfully submitted. St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1845. S. W. B. CARNEGY, Agent. On motion of Bro.


it was

[56.] Ordered, That the Board of Curators be required to meet at Masonic College on the first Monday of November, and organize without delay, and proceed to inspect the premises, cau..e the Steward to lay he fore them all the accounts against the CollE:ge for repairs and improvements; audit and allow the s~me for such sum or sums, as they in their discretion may find properly chargeable to the Colle~e, lind that they draw their warrants on the College Fund Commissioners, who are hereby ordered to pay the same.

Bro. DAVID WILLOCK was unanimously re-elected Steward of the Masonic College for the ensuing year. The committee on work of subordinate Lodges, made the following report, viz:

r 51.]

That they have before them a statement of facts fron;t the W. M.,

ana a transcript from Lafayette Lod~e No. 32, from which they learn that the

said Lodge heretofore have held their elections informally, but it also appears they have detected the errt>r, and which it is hoped will be corrected. There also appears some informality in the abstract as required by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. In all other respects they seem to have conformed to the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge. All of which they submit, &c. . N. P. :KUNKLE, ~ A. McKINNEY, Committee. T. S. MILLER,

The foregoing report was accepted. On motion of Bro. BILLON, duly seoonded, it was r58.] Resolved, That Bros. Taylor, Foster and BiIlon, be a committee, to serect (rom the records of this communication, se much thereof as they may think proper to be printed. That they procure to be printed 500 copies thereof, and attend to their proper distribution; and the Grand Treasurer be directed to pay for the same.

[ 38 ] The following accounts were severally 'allowed and ordered to be paid, to wit: An account of Bro. CARNEGY'S for music, hack-hire, &c., attending the College celebration in June, - $19 00 An acconnt of Bro. SOSEV'S, printing at Palmyra, 19 00 " " of Missouri Republican, printing at St. Louis, II 50 " "for jewel ordered for P. M. Mc;BRIDE, - 35 00 " " o f Bro. DALLAM for sundries, - - 52 00 The following appropriations were made, and ordered to be paid, to wit: To Bro DALLAM, compensation for his services as Grand Sec'y $100 00 for the past year, in addition to his account, To pay deficit on salaries of Professors and Teachers of the Masonic College, for past year, 100 00 To compensati01,l to Grand. Tyler, (present commu.) - 20 00 Towards paying for carpet for Hall, - 50 00 OIl motion of Bro. CARNEGY, duly seconded, it was (59.] Ordered, That Bro. Bilton be a committee, to procure thE.> jewels of thiS Grand Lodge, to be handsomely repaired and gilt, for the next communication of this Grand Lodge, and that he draw on the Grand Treasurer, therefor.

There appears no further bu~iness-the Grand Lodge of Mis souri was duly closed in ample form, until the next regular communication. J. W. S. MITCHELL, G. M. Attest, FRED. L. BU.LOlf, Grand &cretary.

[ 89 ] A list of suspensions and expulsions in this jurisdiction: By Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, JOliN W. BoWEN, suspended Cor fifty years. " 25, THOMAS L. AMISS, expelled. " Naphtali " " 28, J OUN W. II YDE and JAMES B. IL.JlTj " St. J Oh115 " expelled. "34, PilILIP T. WELL3, R. H. WOOLFOLK, " Troy " JAMES L. CARTER, TIlOM,U GARTER, WM. J. KNox, EDWAllD R. LANIER and R. H. F. CLARK, suspended for non-payment of dues. " Land Mark Lodge, No. 64, JAMES W. HAWKINS, suspended. " Rocheport " "67, J. W. YELDELL, suspended.

Grand &crdary's Address:

FJlEDEJlIC L. BILLON, St. Louis, Mo.

[ 40 ] A list of the Grand Officers, Past Grand Officers, and members of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, present at the Communication, October, 1845, A. L., 5845. M.W.G.M. Hon. J. W. S. MITCHELL, R. W. Dep. G.. M. FREDERIC L. BILLON, W. S. G. W. E. S. RUGGLES, " J. G. W. JNO. F.L. JACOBY, " G. Treas. J. S. WATSON, " G. Sec. R. B. DALLAM, " Dep. G. Sec. T. S. MILLER,

Rev. H. A.



R. E. E.



S. W. B.


Jno. D. Taylor, W.M., I!t'iah Forbes, S. W., James Gresham, J. W., E. S. Ruggles, W. M., J. F. L. Jacoby, P. M., S. W. B. Carnegy, for W. M., Stanton Buckner, for J. W., Thomas B. Ragland, J. W., John S. Watson, W. M., Jno. L. Jamieson, S. W., Edward Klein, P. M., Wm. S. StewartJ P. M., Chas. F. Clayton, for S. W., Wm. L. Tipton, J. W., H. C. Marthens, for W. M. Wm. A. Barnes, S. W., Wm. Humphreys, for J. W., 路Tbos. S. Miller, W. M., N. P. Kunkle, S. W., N. Nadeau, for W. M.,

" G. C. " G. S. B. " S. G. D. " J. G. D. " G. Tyler. " M.W. P.G.M. & G.L.

MEMBERS. No.1 A. McKinney, J. W., No. 30 " 1 Thos. G. Hutt, W. M., " 34 U 1 A. Gibsonl W. M., ". 36 "12 R. L. Campbell, W. M., " 40 "17 Jobn Hall, P. M" ".40 "18 Philip Miller, W. M., "43 "18 H. H. Duval, W. M, " 45 "19 Robert Goleman, for S. W., "47 "20 Jacob Zimmerman, W. M., " 51 "20 Albert Powell, fOl J. W., "54 "20 H. Roberts, S. W., "58 "20 Hc:n;n. P. Boyakin, for W. M.&c." 59 "21 Robt. E. Hill, W. M., " 69 "21 A. Patterson, W. M., "70 "25 D. Willock, for S. W., "70 "25 J. W. Smith, Pres. Cot P. M., "70 ",25 Saml. H. Riddle,J. W., "71 "28 John Scott, W. M., " 72 "28 R. P. Price, Eureka, 'Y. M., "U.D. "29 J.W.McDearmon,Warrrel'l,Del. "U.D.

VISITORS. Rev. E. H. Cressey, Jos. C. Bower, " Alexander Vancourt. Wm. P. Samuel, Wm. H. Merritt, No. L Wm. Norris, Samuel Brown, " 17. B. W. Hall, M. H. McFarland, " 17. N. W. Savage, Warren, R. T. Edmundson, " 20. J. J. Clarkson, B. W. Hollingsworth, " 20. F. Loring, John Luke, " 25. And othe~ whose Dames were not obtained.

No. " " "


28. 28. 40. 70. D.

Kentucky. Tt:nnessee.

[ 41 ] The Grand officers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, at pre sen t,

areHon. J. W. S. MITCHELL, M.W. G. M., Fayette. JOHN D. TAYLOR, R. W. Dep~ G. M.. St. Louis. EDWARD S. RUGGLES," S. G. W., Caledonia. JOHN F. L. JACOBY, " J . G. W., Clarksville. JOHN S. WATSON, '< q. Treas·., St. Louis. FREDERICK L. BILLON, " G. Sec'y) St. Loui3. STE. W. B. CARNEGY, "/ G. Leet., Palmyra. " G'LAgt.College, Paris. Hon. P. H. McBRIDE, D. D. G. M., 1st District, St. Louis. J OH N D. TAYLOR, CHARLES H. BOWER, " 2nd" Hannibal. JOHN BULL, "Brd " Glasgow. A. LIGHTBURNE, "4th" Liberty. En. S. RUGGLES, "5th" Caledonia. ANDREW M. TUTT, " 6th" Clinton. HENDERSON P. BoyAKIN," 7th" Salem,Il!. Rev. EDWARD H.CRESSY, G. Chaplain, St.Louis. St. LOUIS. " E~ CARTER HUTCHISON," " WILLUM HURLEY, cc College. " Jefferson~ " C. S. HEDGES, " S. D. RICE, "Hannibal. " R. P. HOLT, " Danville•. " " RICHARD BOND, Columbia~ SINCLAIR Kf-RTLEY, G. 0., Palmyra. THOS. L. ANDERSON~ " Fayette. CIIARLES R. SCOTT, G. M.,. LA YTON EnDINGS, " J. McDEA.RMON, G. S. B., Keytesville. CHARLES LEVY, S. G. D., St. Louis. ROBERT E. HILL, J. ·G. D., Alexandria~ JACOB ZIMMERMAN, G. S., Glasgow. JOHN SCOTT, " Danville. CHAS. F. CLAYTON t G. P., New London ESROM OWENS, G. T.; St. Louis. F. L. BILLON, JNO. HALL, and JOHN S. WATSON, Col. Fund Commi$sionets; St. LoWr.

GRAND SECRETARY'S "TABUDA}\ STATEMENT," FOR THE YEAR J845, .11, peT Art. 12, &c. H. By-La/wI of Grand Lodge. ..UE"F :'OD"E'.' ~issouri,



PalPiyra, flu-is- U nioD, St;Louis, New London, . Franklin, Hiram, NaphtaJi, St. Johns, Far West, Huntsville, Liberty, Lafayette; . \ Hillsboro', Troy, Indepen.denee, Cooper, Clinton, Mount Moriah, Jefft!rson City, , Bonhomme, Sparta, Fayette, Fulton, Ozark,

No.1 WHE" BELD. 1 ,St. Louis, 12 Caledonia, 11' Clarksville, 18 Palmyra, Paris, ' 20 St; Louis, ,21 New London, 22 I Alton, Ills. 23 ! St. Charles, 25: St. Louis, 28 ! Hannibal, , 29 ! Galena, ms., 30 1 Huntsville, 31!Liberty, 32 : Lexington, ' 33 I Hillsboro', Ills. 34 Troy, 35 Independence, 36 Boonville, 39 Carlyle,l11s., 40 St. Louis, 43 Jefferson, 45 Manchester, 46 Sparta, 41 Fayette, 48- Fulton, 50 Springfield, 1"


~til::;zI i:'~ 1 ;~' I;:~ ~ I 'i' I ---------'-9- 8-7-'4 29TIME OF MEETJNG.

1st Thursday, 2d Saturday, 1st Saturday,

" " " Tuesday, " 1st 2d Saturday,










full returns



3 3 .. 7 3

4 3

4 3

3 0

19 It}

3 3 1

2 4 1




1 7 5 2

25" 27 full returns' 50 not full, 26 full returns

4 12 5 8

3 10 5 4 0 6

4 1 0 0 1 0

25 40 16 25 18 29

full returns

not ful),

Mond'ybefore-'full moon 3d Thursday, 7 2d Saturday, 11 Sat,urd'y pre to full moon 6 2d Friday, 6 2d Saturday, ·0 2d Monday, 6 2d 'Thursday, Mond'y before full mOOD 3 1st Monday, 4th Friday, 12 2d Monday, 2d Thursday, 3 1st Saturday, '1 3d " 2 Saturd. before full moon 2d Monuay, 1 Ist Saturday, 4th Thursday, 5


'repr'd .

not full,

" " " " " no return,

o 6










1 6

2 1

35 22 12

7 2




1 2






" " " " "


not repr. ,-, repr'd

" "

" "



not repro "

no return,



" " " " "

no return, , repr'd no return, I not repro full returns 'repr'd not full, " full returns



full returnsl not full,

no return'l no return,


l% L...i


not repr. not rep, " "


Livingston, Wakanda, Weston" Douglass, Arrow Rock, Platte City RichllJond '

51 Glasgow, 52 Carrollton, 53 Weston, 54 Marthasville, 55j Arrow Rock, 56 Platte City, 51 I Hichmond, MOlltice1J~, 58 Monticello, Marion, 59 Salem, llls,. O~evla, 61 Oseola, Larld-Mark, 64 Warsaw, Ma.rshall, 66 Mdrshall, Rocheport, 67 Rocheport, Tebo, 68 Clinton, Alexandria, 69 Alexa~dria, College, 70 .Masonic College Savallnah, 71 Savannah, Darlvi lie, 72 Danville, Eurek~) (now73) u. D. Brunswick, Warrell; (now 74) " Keytesville,' Independence, " , Independence, Dana, "Calboun, Lebanon, Steel..iIIe, I


Chartere\1 Lodges,

Satnrd. hefore foil moon, 1st Monday, ' 1st and 3d Saturdays, Saturd. before Cull moon 1st Saturday, Saturd. before Cull moon lst MOllday, Saturd. bd'ore full moon 2<1 Monday, 1st Tuesday, 4th Friday, 2d Monday, "" 2d Friday, . Sa~urd. before full moon Friday" "" 2d and 4th Saturdays, Tuursd, before full moon 4th Saturday, Friday after Cdl mooD, 1st Monday, 1st Friday,

45\ U. D.'5, together 50 Lodges.






5 2

4 2

3 2

1 5

22 21

12 3

10 3

8 3

0 0

23 13

2 4 1 6 3 4 5 5 2 37 1 3

2 2 1 6 5 3 4 3 0 37 1 3

2 2 0 6 7 6 4 3 0 35 0 1

1 1 0 5 3 4 8 1 1 2 1 2

23 22 I' 21" ]3 full returns 22" 17 not full, 25" 18 full returns 10"



rnll returo,/

repr'd I no return, notrepr. "., h not full repr'd full ret~rns not repro no return "" ,,' "" not fuJI repr'd fullret~ns " no return not repro not fuJI, " ,,"


" "

" (( repr'J " " " Del'e ((


l83167 84 -m

" " . not roll, 38


" ....., ~ ~ I....,l



Lodges No.2, 3, 4, 5, 6) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, are extinct. Harmony 24, Springfield 26, Temperance 27, and St. Clair 60, are in Illinois, nnd have united with that G. L. Des Maines 41, 'Iowa 42, Dub~ue 62, Iowa City 63, are in Iowa, and have organized the G. L. of Iowa. Mineral Point 49 and Melody 65 are in Wisconsin, and have' united with the G. L. Dr that Teritory. No charter. were ever issued numbered 37,38 and 44.




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