THE STATE OF MISSOURI, «onbenelr In ,the «U}1 of St. noufs,
OCTOBER 12, 1846-5846.
Ordered to be read in all the Lodges.
Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Granq Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of the State of Missouri, was held at the Masonic Hall, in the City of St. Louis, on the second Monday, (the 12th day,) of Oc~ober, A. D. 1846, A. L.5846. THE
R. W. JOHN D. TAYLOR, Deputy Grand Master. " ", E. S. RUGGLES, Sr. Gr. Warden. " " J. F. L. JACOBY, Jr. Gr. Warden~ " " JNO. S. WATSON, Gr. Treasurer. " " FRED'C. L. BILLON, G. Secretary. Wore B. B. BROWN, Deputy Gr. Secretary. " CHARLES LEVY, Sr. Gr. Deacon. " JOHN SCOTT, Jr. Gr. Deacon, pro tem. " ESROM O'VENS, Gr. Tyler. MEMBERS.
Past Grand Master. of .Missouri Lodge, No. 1. W. M., St. Louis Lodge, .No. 20. Sr. W., St. Louis Lodge, No. 20. Jr. "V., St. Louis Lodge, No. 20. Jr. W., .Naphtali Lodge, No. 25. Sr. W., Cooper Lodge, .No. 36. P. M., Mt. MoriaILLodge,No. 40. W. Mas., Fulton Lodge, No. 48. 'We Mas., Marion Lodge, No. 59. W. Mas., Oseola Lodge, No. 61. Jr. 'Var., ])anvill~ Lodge, No. 72.
lbo. " " " "
JNO. N. PARSONS, Pm'is Union Lodge, No. 19. J. W. CRANE, Napldali Lodge, No. 25. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Fayette Lodge, No. 47. THOS. T. ELLIOTT, Eureka Lodge, No. J3. WM. W. PACE, Ji[arion Lodge; No. 59. DELEGATES.
BRO. RICHARD R. REES, ~ 'V~: ~.aster, Independence Lodge, " " "
WM. CLAUDE JONES, S. W. Neosho Lodge, U. n. JAMES McCLURE, Wore Master, Bridgton Lodge, U. JAS. W. JAMISON, Lebanon Lodge, U. D.
Bn'o. WM. H. " " " "
~ if oM' ./, L d M 1 S0 '/,ssoun, 0 ge, o. •
of Naphtali Lodge, No. 25. of Douglass Lodge, No. 54. WILLIAM NORRIS, Polar Star Lodge, U. D. ELIAS ABRAMS, of Lafayette Lodge, No. 71, Philadelpkia. THOS. HARNEY, of Lebanon Lodge, No. 66, Tennes.see. HENRY EADS,
At 3 o'clock, P. M., the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master proceeded to open the Grand Lodge, in oue fot·tn, and appointed Brothers Ruggles, Scott, and Levy, a Committee on Credentials. The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 9, A. M., to-morrow. TUESDAY MORNING,
Oct. 13, 1846.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor by the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand l\Iaster, in bue form. Present,. as yesterday, and in addition, OFF'rCERS.
Rev'd. Bro. EDW. H. CRESSEY, Grand Chaplain. " "WILLIAM: HURLEY, do. Wore ROB'T. E. HILL, Junr. Gr, Deacon,
M. W. J. W .. SMITH, President Masonic College. BRO. JAMES GRESHAM, J unr. Warden, Missouri Lodge, No. l. " STANTON BUCKNER, 5P. Master, Palmyra Lodge, ~ No.18. " PARKER DUDLEY, Past Master, Palmyra Lodge, No. 18. " SAMUEL T. GLOVER, Sen. Warden, do. do. 18. " JOHN RALLS; Wor. Master, New London Lodge, 21. " N. P. KUNKLE, Wor. Master~ St. John's do. 28. do. 28. " SAM'L. A. BOWEN, Past Master, do. " N. B. COATS, Wor. Master, Huntsville do. 30. u N. B. CHRISTIAN, JunT. Warden, do. do. 30. " EDW. J. PEERS, Past Master, T1'ClJJ do. 34. " H. ROBERTS, Wore Master, Monticello do. 58. " A. J. HENDERSON, Junr. Warden, do. do. 58. REPRESENTATIVES.
BRO. CARTY WELLS, Palmyra Lodge, No. 18. " WILLIAM TRACY, S New London Lodge, No. " SAM'L. K. CALDWELL, ~ 21. " H. C. MARTHENS, Naphtali Lodge, No. 25. " J. W. WEST, Monticello Lodge, No. 58. " .CALEB FISHER, Landmark Lodge, No. 64. DELEGATES.
" "
JAMES O. BROADHEAD, SWor.lVlaster,BowlingGreen ~ Lodge, U. D. J ACKSON FARRAR, S Sen'r Warden, Olive-Branell, ! Lodge, U. D. VISITORS.
Levison, No.1; Pollock, No. 25; Shaefer, No. 30; Montgomery, No. 70.
Most Worshipful J. W. S. Mitchell, Grand l\iaster, being announced, entered, and was conducted to his seat. The minutes of yesterday were read. [ 1. ] .The Committee on Credentials reported the following Lodges duly represented, viz: Jlfiss01J,ri, Tyro, C~ark~ville,
6 Palmyra, :j:"io. 18, by CARTY WELLS, S. T. GLOVER. Paris- Union, 19, " JORN N. PARSONS. St. Louis, 20, " ED. KLEIN, J. L. JAMISON, W. R. DAW80N. New London, 21, " J. RALLS, W. TRACY, and '5. K. CALDWELL. 26 " 5J. W. CRANE} H. C. MARTHENS, WILLIAM Naphta[i, , ~ HUMPHREYS. St. John's, 28, " N., P. KUNKLE. Huntsville, 30, " N. B. COATS, and N. B. CHRISTIAN. 7!oy, 34', " ED. J. PEERS. Cooper, 36, " JAMES M. CHORN. Fayette, 47, " WM. TAYLOR. Fulton, 48, " HIRAM WILKERSON. lIfonticello, 58, " H. ROBERTS, J. W. WEST, A. J. HENDERSOK. Marion, 59, " J. R. RYMAN. Oseola, 61, " JOSEPH W. COX. Landmark, 64, " CALEB FISHER. .J1.lexandria, 69, " ROB'T. E. HILL. Danville, 72, " JNO. SCOTT, JAS. H. ROBINSON .. EU1'eka, 73, " THOS. T. ELLIOTT. DELEGATES.
Independence, Neosho, Bridgton, Lebanon, Bowling Green, Olive Branch,
There being twenty-one chartered Lodges represented, and six under Dispention, a quorum is present for business. E. S. RUGGLES, ~ JOHN SCOTT, Committee. CRS., LEVY,
On motion of Bro. Grand Secretary, [ 2.]
The reading of the proceedings of the last Grand Annual Communi.. cation was dispensed with, printed copies thereof being furnished the members,
The Most Worshipful Grand Master then read his Annual Message, from which the foliowing extracts are made: [3.] "My BRoTHERs:"Through the kindness of an all-wise and merciful Providence, we are once more permitted to assemble in Grand Annual Communication. Since our last annual convocation, nothing has occurred to shake our confidence in the perpetuityof Free Masonry, or the great good it \-vill, under the smiles of Jehovah, wntinue to accomplish; nor has any thing transpired to dampcn our ardor in the great work of be'nevolence."
. .
"By a resolution of the last Grand Annual Communication, it was made my Quty, should I believe a Com-cntion wcuid be hcld, and unable to attend it myself, to appoint a delegate. At a timc, bef;.;vcd to be sufficiently early, the
7 Grand Secretary instituted a correspondence with the several Grand Lodges who had approved the measure, and, although he did not receive answersfro!Jl all of them, he was of the opinion the Convention would be heB, and I gave him the appointment. His report wilT be made. "In connection with this subject I take pleasure in calling the attention of the Grand Lodge to the discussion now going on, .in relation to the creation of a General Grand Lodge. That the existence of some departmen~, clothed with authority to give forth the true work and lectures, is necessary to the well-being and prosperity of the craft, I sincerely believe; 1'101' have I so little confidence in my Brethren, as to apprehend any of the evils feared by some, in the action of a General Grand Lodge. I was willing to trust to a Convention, but as that body could not enforce, or issue, an edict, andas the Grand Lodges differed about the propriety of its action, it has failed to do any good; and while I will not here occupy your time, in giving my reasons in favor of the establishment of a General Grand Lodge, I earne~tly recommend to the Grand Lodge, to take action on the subject, and, if opportunity offers, lam willing to be heard in its favor. " My Brethren, in a few days it will become your dut.y to elect your officers for the ensuing twehe months. By your partiality I shall then have been retained in this honorable station as long as our By-Laws will permit. In the discharge of my official duty, I hav~ endeavored to walk within the bounds of our ancient land-marks, regardless of minor consequences; in my intercourse with some of the Lodges, I may have seemed to be too ready to censure a departure from ancient usage, but when! assure those Lodges, that, while I would not, in all cases, be bound by the letter, in no case am I willing to see the spirit of our venerated laws trampled under foot; and, if I have differed in opinion with them in relation to what constituted ancient law, I have done no more, in expressing my ,'iews, than they, or any member, would have done, (if true to his trust) similarly situated. As your presiding officer, I have tried tobe impartial; and I take pride in saying, that I know of no instance in which I have given dissatisfaction. " I have now been in the servke of our noble craft near twenty-seven years, and would gladly so far retire as not at. all times to feel under obligations to participate in the work of Lodges; but seeing so many standIng aloof, who might, if they regarded their obligations, do much good, and how few there are to路 perform the work aright, I am reminded that, if I continue to serve until it shall please our Supreme Grand Master to call me to the spirit land, I cannot be more than true to my tru3t, and therefore hold myself bound to go where duty calls. For the fraternal courtesy which I have received here, and elsewhere, my gratitude is due. "My Brothers, you have a heavy responsibility hanging over your deliberations; but that you will do your duty, and preserve, unsullied, the high reputation you have so gallantly \von, I will not doubt. Go honestly to work; if the plans I have suggested meet not your approval, devise and execute better ones-let your motto be onward to glory and renown, and. you will receive the gratitude of the widow, and the thanks of all goad men. Do this, and take with you to Jour respective Lodges the fraternal love of your devoted Brother, J. W. S. MITCHELL."
The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 3 o'clock, P.M.
8 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Oct. 13, 1846. The Grand Lodge was called to labor in ample fornl. Present, as before, and in addition,
Richmond Lodge, No. 57, by Bro. ED. RUSSELL, S.
The M. W. Grand' Master appointed the following STANDING COMMITTEES: 2. On Work of Chartered Lodges.-13rothers Parsons, Kunkle, Case, Jacoby, Henderson. 3. On Accounts.-Brothers Ralls, Crane, J. L. Jamison, Pace, Tracy. 4. On Unfinished B1LSiness.-Brothers Billon, Watson, Wilkerson, Ryman. 5. On Lodges under Dispensation.'-:Brothers Peers, Klein, Dawson, Elliott, Fisher. 6. On Grievanc88.-Brothers Carnegy, Roberts, Marthens, Bryan. 7. On Applications and Communications.-Brothers Humplireys, Brown, Chorn, Shaefer. 8. On Gharity.-Brothers J.D. Taylor, W. Taylor, Roberts, Coats. 9. On College.-Brothers Glover, Buckner, Dudley, West, Hill. 10. On Ways and Means.-13rothers Wells, Bowen, Caldwell, Christian.
Brother Grand Treasurer presented and read his Annual Report, (Appendix B.) which was referred to the Committee on Accounts. The petition of Brothers Charles R. Magee, and others, M. M., for a Dispensation for a new Lodge, to be held at Canton, Lewis county, recommended by Monticello Lodge, No. 58, was presented and read; and, on motion, the prayer of said petitioners was granted. On motion of Brother J. W. Smith, [ 4.] Resolved, That so much of the address of the Grand Master as appertains to the Masonic College, be referred to the Committee on the College.
On motion of Brother Wells, [ 5.] Resolved, That the residue of the address of the Grand Master be referred to a Select Committee, with instructions to report a suitable reference.
Brothers Wells, Ralls and, Bowen, were appointed said Committee. On motion of Brother Wells, [ 6. ] Resolved, That Delegates from Lodges under Dispensation, be allowed to participate in the debates of the Grand Lodge.
The resolution of the last Annual Communication to
9 repeal a portion of Article VI., Sec. 2-d., of By-Laws, was read first time. Algo, the resolution to amend Article XXIX., Sec. 17-same. On motion of Brother Wells, [7.] Resolved, That a Select Committee be appointed to settle with Thomas L. Anderson, Thos. S. Miller, Samuel T. Glover, and Carty Wells, in relation to the disbursement of the fund in their hands, arising from the sale of College lands.
Brothers Ralls, Marthens and Ruggles, were appointed said Committee. On motion of Brother Bowen, [ 8.] Resolved, That a Select Committee of three be appointed to examine the books and accounts of this Grand Lodge, since its existence, (if needs be) and report how the funds have been disposed of; and, also, the amount of all contributions made to the Masonic College of Missouri,and report to this Grand Lodge at the present session. .
Brothers Bowen, Glover and BiIlon, ,were appointed said Committee. Brother Billon reported: . [ 9.] That pursuant to a resolution of the last Grand Annual Communication, he had procured the jewels of the Grand Lodge to be repaired and handsomely gilt ;and had obtained new collars for the same. And that he had also attended (as instructed) to the "printing ,and proper distribution of the pro-" ceedings of the last Annual Communication."
Brother Eillon, Grand Secretary, presented his report as delegate to the triennial Convention, contemplated to have been held at Winchester, Va., in J\fay last past; said report embracing the proceedings there had.-( See Appendix J.) A petition from Waterloo Lodge, U. D., praying a continuance of their Dispensation until the next Communication'of the Grand Lodge, was presented and read;' and, on motion, the prayer of the petitioners granted. On motion of Brother Ralls, [ 10.] Resolved, That special leave be granted to the representatives of each subordinate Lodge, to vote without their jewel.
The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 9 o'clock, A. M., to-morrow.
10 Oct. 14, 1846.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor. addition:
Present, in
Additional Lodges Lafayette;
~ ~
P. Dep. Grand Master. P. do. do.
to wit:
No. 32, by Bro. J. 路W. LANGHORNE,
Mount Moriah, D01J.gla.~s,
40," 54, "
~ P~~/:ras. and War-
" GEORGE JACOBS, Prox. J. W. ." HARVEY GRISWOLD, Prox. Wor: Ma.ster.
Minutes of yesterday read. Appeals路 from the decisions of Fulton, Lafayette and Wakanda Lodges, were presented and referred to路 the Committee on Grievances. Brother Cressey offered the following amendments .to the By-Laws, to WIt: (11.] 1. Resolved, That Art. II., By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, be amended as follows: Sections 6, 7 and 16, strike out the words" to adjourn," and substitute in their place the words" to call off." 2. Resolved, That Art. XXXIII. Sec. 7, of the By-Laws, be amended, by sttik路 ing out so much of it as is contained between the words "third reading thereof," in the 5th line, and "there be a majority," in 10th'line.
Brother Foster offered the following preamble and resolutions, which, heing a~ended, were adopted: [ 12.] W7z.erea.s, It is the opinion of this Grand Lodge, that the interests of the craft under her jurisdiction, ,'require th'at all the "Landmarks" of the order; embraced by the terms ,i Ancient Constitutions," " Ancient Usages," &c., shoulrl be collated, and clearly defined-
1st. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed, whose duty it shall be to collect from the standard works of the order, or otherwise, such information as will enable them clearly to define what are the" Ancient Constitutions," and what were the "Ancient Usages" of the order, and report at the next meeting of this Grand Lodge. 2d. Resolved, That Brother Grand Secretary be required to procure, and deliver to ~aid Committee, as early as practicable, the following works, viz: Historical Landmarks of Free Masonry, and History of Initiation, by Rev. Bro. George Oliver; Theocratic Philosophy of Free Masonry; Antiquities of FreeMasonry; Hutchinson's Spirit of Free Masonry; Mackey's Lexicon; Ancient and Present Constitutions and By-Laws of G. L. of England; also, the 2d vol. of Historical Landmarks of Free Masonry-and that a sum not exceeding fifty
11 dollars is hereby appropriated for the purchase of said works, and the. Grand Master authorized to draw his warrant for said amount in favor of Brother Grand Secretary.
Brothers Foster, Smith and Hurley, were appointed said Committee. On motion of Brother Glover, The President and Steward of the College had leave to submit thÂŁ:ir reports to the Grand Lodge, instead of to the Board of Curators, as required by ByLaws.
Thereupon, ' Brother Higbee, Steward of the College, presented his report, which, (without being read) was referred to the Committee on the College. Brother Smith, President of the College, presented and read his report, which, together with his report as College Treasurer, were referred to the same Committee. The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 3 o'clock, P. M. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON,
Oct. 14, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to labor. The resolutions of last session to amend Art. VI., Sec. 2d, and Art. XXIX., Sec. 17, of By-Laws, were read second time. On motion of Brother Ralls, [13.] Resolved, That the Grand Lodge will, on to~morrow, at 10 o'clock, A. M., proceed to the election of Grand Officers for the.ensuing year.
REPORT No. I.-On Lodges unckr Dispensation. [14.] "ÂĽour COID!Ilittee have examined the proceedings of Bowling Green, Lebanon, Indepenaence, and Polar~Star Lodges, U. D., and find their work and proceedings correct; their By-Laws'are also in accordance with the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Also, the proceedings of DeWitt Lodge, U. D., and find some inaccuracies in their work; but we attribute it to carelessness in their Secretary. We therefore recommend that Charters be granted to the abo\'e named Lodges. De Witt asks for a change of its name to St. Joseph's, which we recommend to be granted. Friendship Lodge, U. D., has had but one meeting, which is correct; their By-Laws are also good, but we have not the means of judging their work, and recommend a continuance of the Dispensation.
~()~ho Lodge, U. D.. ,bas inaecuracies inher proceedings. We find that they' have ba:llotted for candidates with only six members present, which is a viola~
tion of their By-Laws. Their By-Laws are in strict accordance with the ByLaws of the Grand Lodge of Mii3souri, but fro-m the general loose manner of her retUrns, we would recommend a eontinullnce of their Dispensation. Olive Branch Lodge, U. D., we find has departed so far from the By-I~aws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, as also from Masonic usage, both in her Constitution and work, that we not only recommend a continuance of her Dispensation; but that the Dis. Dep. Grand Master be instructed to visit them, and give them the necesS:1ty instructions for their future proceedings. Bridgton Lodge, U. D., your Committee find, with a few inaccuracies, the proceedings to be generaliy correct, and which they deem more the neglect of the Secretary in copying ftomthe tecords, than any remissness of duty on the part of the officers of the Lodge, viz: Itappears that the Lodge commenced work on the 6th April, 1R46, when the petition of Mr. E. Edmundson was received, and a Committee appointed. On the 9th May, said petition was reported on f~1.Vorably; whEm it appears after some business was transacted, a candidate was mitiateu;and pr~sume it was the above named, but the record does not show this. bn the.:cyeriing'M路the 13th May, Bro. Bdmundson received the dagree of F C.; on the evening of the.16th May, the records say that the candidate was ballotted for, and received the degree of M. M., but gives no ciue by which your Committee cap possibly ascertain the name of the candidate. In the table of nameS given with the proceedings, that of Brother E. Edmundson does not appear; neither does it appear what disposition was made of him. It appears, also, that the Lodge met on' the 3d August, and was opened in the third degree, without a Tyler. Your Committee have also examined the By-Laws of said Lodge, and 'find them to accord with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri; The inaccuracies noted, as also. others of minor imp0f.t~ ance, they attribute entirely to the carelessness or neglect of the Secretary, and would therefore recommend, that the Grand l~odge granta Charter to Bridgton Lodge. All which is respectfully submitted. '. . ED. J. PEERS, Chairman.
The foregoing report was approved, and the Grand Secretary directed to issue Charters to Bowling Green Lodge, No. 75; Independence, 76; Lebanon, 7-7; St. Joseph's, 78; Polar Star, 79; Bridgton, 80, and Neosho, 81. On motion of Brother Wells, [ 15.] The Delegates from those Lodges to whom Charters have been granted) be allowed to take seats as representatives to this Grand Lodge.
On motion of Brother Billon, [ 16. ] Resolved, 1st. That it shall be the duty of each subordinate Lodge under this jurisdiction, immediately after the. annual installation of its officers elect, to report to the Grand Secretary the names of the Worshipful Master, :Wardens and Secretary of said Lodge. . Resolved, 2d. That it shall be the dUty of each subordinate I"odge, to report to 'the Grand Secretary any important change said Lodge may at any time find it expedient to ma.lee in its By-Laws.
Grand Lodge called路 from labor until to-morrow, at' o'clock, A. M. TnUI\SDAY
Oct. 15, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to labor-minutes read, &c. Brother Hurley submitted the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted, to wit: [17.] Whereas; This Grand Lodge has learned, with deep regret, that the highly esteemed Brother,. SAMUgi,D. RICE, lately one C)f the Grand Chaplains of thjs Grand Lodge, has, (since the last Annual Communication) departed this life, and his spirit gone to its reward on high :-Therefore, 1st. Resolved, That our Brother was distinguished for moral worth, fine talents, and social excellence. That we warmly cherish his memory as a citizen, a Mason, and a faithful Minister 'of the Go;pel; and that we deeply sympathise with his bereaved family and friends'. 2d. Resolved, That the officers' and members of this Grand Lodge, as a testimony of their regard for the memory of their deceased Brother, will wear Masonic mourning for the usual period. 3d. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary make out and transmit to the family of the deceased, a copy of these resolutions, under the seal of 'this Grand Lodge.
Returns from Dana, Wa'shington and Jackson Lodges;.
U. D., just received, were referred to Committee of Lodges under Dispensation. The hour of 10 o'clock having arrived, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Officers, for the ensuing year, when it appeared the following Brethren we're duly elected, to wit: BRO.
" " " " "
JOHN RALLS, M. W. Grand Master, JOHN D. TAYLOR, R. W. Deputy Grand Master. E. S. RUGGLES, "Senior Grand Warden. JNO. F. L. JACOBY," Junior Grand Warden. JNO. S. WATSON, " Grand Treasurer,' FRED'C. L. BILLON," Grand Secretary.
On motion of Brother Carnegy, [ 18.] Resolved, That the installation of the officers, elect, take place at 3 o'clock, P. M.
On motion of Brother Rees, duly seconded, [ 19.] Resolved, That the whole of the XXVI. Article of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, be stricken
Read first time. 2
14 The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 3 o'clock,
Oct. 15, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to labor. The Grand Officers elect for the ensuing year were duly installed into office, by the lVI. W. Past Grand Master, assisted by P. G. Masters Carnegy and Smith. The Select Committee appointed to settle with Thos. L. Anderson, &c., &c., submitted their report, as follows: [ 20.] The Select Committep. to which was referred the resolution "to settle with Tho!"l. L. Anderson, Thos. s. Miller~ Samuel T. Glovl:r and Carty Wells, in relation to the disbursement of the fund's 'in their hands, arising from th~ sale of College lands," respectfully submit their report, as follows : The lands referred to'were sold by them to Joseph Hassinger, for the sum of $5000 00. The said Brethren have made t.he followingdisbursements, viz: Cash paid Bank of Missouri on the old debtPrincipal, $1,654 54 1 75 Protest, 24 28 Interest, Exchange on Kentucky money, 7 50 $1,688 07 " Branch Bank at Palmyra, 1,382 43 " Jno. B. Camden, (Perpetual ofiJ"ce,) 717 03 80 50 " " Parker Dudley,
" "
" " " "
Amount of the old debt, " J . J. Montgomery, for College repairs, " House rent for teachers in Female Academy, " Furniture and repairs do. do. " lIauling Piano, -
$3,868 03 500 00 $25 00 22 18
4. 00 $51 18
" Glass for College, " " " Putty and goods for College, " " Putting in glass, " " Repairs to College, by Jones, """ " " Probasco, """ " " Ringer, " "
" "
" "
" "
Professor Hollingsworth, David 짜lillock, On note of said "Villock, On same, by Anderson, Amounting to the sum of Exceeding the amount received by the sum of
8 51
10 44 3 75 6 00
10 00
10 00
$48 70 110 00 215 62 150 00
leO 00 $5,043 53
$43 53
15 VO\l~hers have been presented to the satisfaction of the Committee, except for the sum of $40 25 cents. The Committee is, however, satisfied' ,tJiat the money has been paid out, viz :-$25 for the rent of a house for theteaclierjn. the Female Academy; $4 00 for hauling piano; $3 75 for glazing, and $7 00 discount on Kentucky money. The excess above specified having"been advanced by Brother Wells; tha COmmittee submit the following resolution for adoption: Re.~otved, That the. Grand Secretary draw his warrant on the Grand Treasurer; in favol' of Carty Wells, for the sum of forty.,.three dollars and fifty three cents. (Signed,) JOHN HALLS, Chairman.
The foregoing report was read, recommitted, and subsequently adopted. The resolution of last session to amend Art. VI., Sec. 2d, By-Laws, was read third time for final action, and adopted. The resolution of last sC3sion to. amend Art. XXIX., Sec. 17, By-Laws, was also read a third time and adopted. The Committee to whom was referred the residue of the Grand Master's address, with instructions to report a suitable reference, reported the following resolutions, viz: [21.1 1. Resolved, That so much of the address as relates to taxing the -several Lodges under this jurisdiction, for the support of the College, be referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. 2d. Resolved, That so much th,\reof as relates to that part of our By-Laws which requires $3 to "!:Je collected from :Masons, not members of Lodges, be referred to a Select Committee, with instructions to report a proposition repealing the same. 3d. Resolved, That so much thereof as relates to a General Grand Lodge, bp. referred to the Committee on Foreign Communications, with instructions to report at the present Communication.
The 1st and 3d resolutions were adopted; the 2d laid on the table, it having been superseded by Brother Rees' resolution [19. J REPORT No.
Committee on Clta1"lered Lodges.
{ 22. '] They have examined the returns of the following Lodges, viz: Miss01Lri, ~
Tyro, - -
- .No.1, 1846
Clarksville, Paris-Union, St. Louis, - New Lond<m, Naphtali, â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
12, 1846 .17, 1846 19, 1846 ~Q, 1846 21, 1846 ~, )846
St. John's, Huntsville, _. Lafayette, 'foray, - -". Cooper, ".". M01Lnt ;M()7"iah, Fayette, - -
28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 47,
1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846
16 Fulton, Ozark, ,.,. Wakaooa, - Daugkus, Richm(Yfld, - Mont.icello, -
48, 50, 52, 54, 57,
1846-1845 -1845 1846-1845 1846-1845 1846-1845-1844 58, 1846-1845
Oseola, ,. Laoomark, Rocheport, - Alexaooria, - . Da'TWille, .. ' Eureka, - -
61, 64, 67, 69, 72,
1846-1845 1846-1845 1846 1846 1846 73,., 1846
And find their work in accordance with th'e principles of Anci~nt Free Ma30nry, and that they have co.mplied with their By-Laws, and the laws and ordinances'of this Grand Lodge. Palmyra, No. 18 and Co~e, "70 have serit up their lists of Officers, &c. ·for 1846, indue form, but without the abridged transcript of their work, as required by the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. In the transcript of proceedings of Platte. City Lodge, No. 56, it appears that, at a regular meeting, a ballot was taken on the petition of Mr. Marcy, for initiatlon, and found unfair, the vote reconsidered, and. balloting postponed; and at a called meeting the same petition was again pres~nted and rejected. The petition was then withdrawn.. The returns ofthis Lodge arefor the years 1844,1845 and 1846. It appears on the records· of Marion Lodge, No. 59, that, at the regular meeting ~n June last, they received a petition for initiation,and called a special meeting .to confer the same in the same month. All which is respectfully submitted. J-NO. N. PARSONS, ~ J. F. L. JACOBY, f:ommittee. N. P. KUNKLE;
Committee on Lodges under Dispensation.
That they have carefully examined the proceedings and By-Laws of Jackson Lodge, U. D., and find them in strict accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and would therefore recommend that a Charter be gtanted said Lodge. E. J. PEERS, Chairman.
Report approved, and Charter ordered to Jackson Lodge, No. 82. The Committee on thee Masonic College, to whom was referred the reports of the .President, Treasurer and Steward of the College, presented a long and able report*, recommending, in conclusion, "That all of the foregoir,g reports be received, except so much of the Steward's report as asks an appropriation of 300 dollars for the improvement of the College farm and premises, and that that part of said report, for'the present, be . laid on the table." • This report having been incorporated in the Circular of the Special Committee, and already in the possession of our subordinate Lodges, I have deemed it unnecessary to reprint it in the proceedings.-Gr. Sec. .
11 The report being read, the consideration there'or was passed over for the present. The Grand Lodge was called from labor until to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
Oct. 16, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to labor-a due repres~ntation present. B
for Wor. Master, Moun.t Monak Lodge, No. 40.
Brother Grand Secretary called up the list of delinquent Lodges. On motion of Brother Carnegy, [24.] Resolved, That the Charter of Hiram Lodge, No. 23, be, and the same is hereby, declared forfeited; and that the Secretary and Treasurer deliver to the Grand Secretary the entire property of said Lodge, forthwith. [25.] Resolved, That the Charter of Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 33, at Hillsboro', Ills., be, and the same is hereoy, declared forfeited;. and that what property she may possess be: donated to her by this Grand Lodge. [26.] Resolved, That the case ofIndependence Lodge, No. 35, be referred to the Committee on Grievances; also,the ~alance.of the cases of delinquent Lodges.
Brother Broadhead offered the.following, to wit: [27.] Resolved) That it is the opinion of this Grand Lodge, that the report of the Committee on the College be adopted,
Grand Lodge called from labor until 3 o'clock, P. M.
Oct. 16, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to labor-present a due representation. Brother Broadhead's Resolution of this morning, discussed until a late hour in the night, and finally adopted. Grand Lodge called from labor until to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock. SATURDAY MORNING,
Oct. 17, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to labor, ,and minutes read. 2-
18 Returns frOID Arrow Rock, 55, and Liberty, 31,just received, were presented and referred to Committee on Sub. Lodges. A letter from Arrow Rock, enclosing deed of a small house and lot in said town, donated by Brother W. Price to the Grand Lodge of 1"Iissouri, for the use and benefit of the College, and also $20, collected for rent of said house, was received, read and referred to a Committee, composed of Brothers Wens, Bowen and Cressey. The petition of Brothers Joseph Hull, Junior, VV. P. Daugherty, Fendal C. Cason, and others, Master Masons, residing in Oregon City, Oregon Territory, for a Warrant or Charter for a new Lodge, and recommended by Platte City Lodge, No. 56, was presented, read and refered to the Committee on Applications, &c. The Special Committee on Communication from Arrow Rock, reported the following Resolution, which was advpted, viz: [28. ] Resolved, That Bro. P. W. NOWLIN be, and he is hereby, appointed an Agent for this Grand Lodge, with full power and authority to sell and convey Lot No. 12, in Block No.4, in the town of Arrow Rock, Saline county, Missouri, with its appurtenances, in such manner, and on such terms, as he shall deem most advantageous; and that he report his doings to the Grand Secretary, and pay over the amount received to the Grand Treasurer.
REPORT No.3-On Lodges under Dispensation. [29. ]
The Committee report, that they have examined the proceedings of Dana Lodge, U. D., and find their work generally correct. They would state, however, that they find they have recommended the petition of several BrethTen for a Dispensation, which your Committee conceive to be unma-sonic, as said Lodge was then in a probationary state, and not eligible to recommend others; notwithstanding, your Committee would recommend that a Charter be granted to Dana Lodge. . Your Committee have also had under consideration the proceedings of Washington Lodge, V. D., and having ca.refully examined the same, find some inac. curacies therein, which they deem it their duty to notice. First: On the 9th day of May, the Lodge passed a resolution suspending the operation of their By-Laws, for the purpose of passing and raising a candidate on the same eyening, which your Committee find in direct violation of the 28th Sec. Vth. Art., By-Laws of Grand Lodge. Second: They find no mention made in the proceedings of an examination of candidates in open Lodge, previous to the passing or
19 ralsmg. They also find that, on the 9th September, the Lodge again balloted for, passed and raised a candidate on the same evening, without previously examining him as to his proficiency. They also find, that they have failed to return their Dispensation, evidently through mistake. Your Committee recommend that their Di!ipensation be continued until the next Grand Annual Communication, when they be required to return it with their work, &c. EDW. J. PEERS, Ohairman.
Report approveu, and Charter ordered to Dana Lodge~ No. 83. [30.] The Committee on Ways and Means, to which was referred so much of the message of the M. W. Grand Master as recommends that a tax be levied on the Lodges for the support of the College, report, "that it is inexpedient at this time to tax the Lodges for that purpose." C. WELLS, OluJ,irman.
Report adopted. Brother Cressey's amendments to By-Laws, Oct. 14, read second time. Brother Rees' amendment, to strike out the whole of Art. XXVI. from By-Laws, read second time. On motion of Brother Hedges, [31.] Resolved, That the Committee on Charity are hereby instructed to report to this Grand Lodge, at as early a day as possible, the probable amount of the Grand Charity fund, at this time unexpended; and the proportion that circumstances would require to be expended by the Board of Relief of S1. Louis.
Brother Carllegy corrected an error in his report of 1845, relative to his collections at Rodney, Mississippi. The report should have been as follows: M"tssissippi Lodge, No. 56, $,40 00 John.l1. Watlcins,
- - - - Richmond, lrI. B. Stampl.ey, ... J. Phillips,
D. Bone, O. B. Nev',
6 00 1 00
1 1 1 4 5
instead of
$20 00
- 6 00 1 00 - 1 00
00 00 100 00 - 1 00 00 instead of 2 00 00 omitted entirely.
Amount received, $59 00 instead of - $32 00 As reported. I greatly regret this mistake-and especially so, because of the great obligations I am under to Brothers New and Bone, who were most efficient and kind to me in my efforts to obtain contributions. S. W. B. CARNEGY.
On motion of Brother Marthens, [ 32.]
Resolved, That the Select Committee raised to examine into tbeac-
20 CGunts of the -Grand Lodge, have until next regular Communication to路 make their report, and that they may sit in vacation and call for persons and papers.
Brother-J.\'Iarthens was added to said Committee. The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 3 o'clock,
Oct. 17, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to labor. (Jolkge Lodge, No. 70, representea by Bro.A. PATTERSON.
Returns from Livingston Lodge, No. 51, received and referred. Brother Jacoby submitted a preamble and resolution, for which Brother Parsons offered the following as a substitute, which, being accepted by Brother Jacoby, was adopted, viz: [33.] Resolved, That a Select Committee of three be appointed to make a final settlement with Brother Carnegy, as General Agent of Masonic College, and report to this Grand Lodge at next Annual Communication thereof.
Brothers Glover, Dudley and Broadhead, were appointed said Committee. REPORT No. 2-0! Committee on work of Chartered Lodges. [34.]
That they have examined the returns from Liberty Lodge, No~ 31, for 1846. Livingston" 51," do. .I1.rrow Rock, " 55," co. And find the same correct and full. JNO. N. PARSONS, Chairman.
Bro. Glover submitted resolutions, respecting a change in -the location of the Masonic Coliege, which he afterwards withdrew, and accepted the following substitutes offer.ed by Brother Mitchell, viz: [35. .1 Resolved, That when this Grand Lodge shall close its labors, it shall adjourn to the 3d Monday in March, 1847. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed, whose duty it shall be to publish a Circular, to be by them addressed to each subordinate Lodge in this State, setting forth, that propositions will be received by said Committee for the permanent location of the Masonic College, at, or near, any town in the State; and that said CDmmitteereport all propositions for the donation of lands,
21 buill;lings, property or money, to the Grand Lodge, for the benefit, of said College, on thefir!!t day of its. Convocation in March" 18:47.
The foregoing resolutions were adopted, and Brothers Mitchell, Billon and Klein, appointed' said Committee, with power to fill vacancies. The Grand Master announced the following appoint~ ments, viz: BRO. P. H. McBRIDE, General Agent, College. " WM. HURLEY, Orand Lecturer. " CARTY WELLS, D. D. G. M., 2d District. " ALFRED MANN, do. 3d. do. do. 4th. do. " RICHARD R. 路REES, " E. 'S. RUGGLES, do. 5th. do. " AND'W. M. TUTT, do. 6th. do. " H. P. BOYAKIN, do. 7th. do. REV. BRO. E. C. HUTCHINSON, Grand Chaplain.' " " EDW. H. CRESSEY, do. " " NOAH FLOOD, do. " JOHN H. HUGHES, do. " " " JESSE P. DAVIS,. do. " " THOg. T. ASHBY, do. " " RICHARD BOND, do. " J. WORTHINGTON SMITH, G. O. " JAMES S. GREEN, do. " J. J. MONTGOMERY, G. M. " HOARD ROBERTS, do. " SAMUEL A. BOWEN, G. S. B. ". CHARLES LEVY, S. G. D. " ROBERT E. HILL, J. G.D. " WM. HUMPHREYS, G. S. " GEO. WILSON, do. c; BENJAMIN STEVENS, G. P. " ESROM OWENS, G. T. " F. L. BILLON, " JOHN HALL, College Fund Commissioners. " JOHN S. WATSON, " J. W. S. MITCHELL, ) " F. L. BILLON, S. W. B. CARNEGY, " " J.OS. FOSTER, Co~mittee on Foreign Communica" J. D. DAGGETT, twns. " J. W. SMITH, " CHAS. LEVY,
The Grand Lodge was called from labor until Monday, 10 o'clock.
Oct. 19, 1846.
Grand Lodge called to order. Minutes of Saturday read. Returns from Warren Lodge, No. 74, received and referred. Brother Cressey's amendments to Art. II., Sec. 6, 7, 16, and to Art. XXXIII., Sec. 7, of By-Laws of Grand Lodge, were read third time and adopted. Brother' amendment to strike out the whole of Art. XXVI., was also read third time and adopted. On motion of Brother Glover, [ 36.] Resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars .be appropriated out of the funds in the Treasury of this Grand Lodge, to the making of the necessary repairs now r~quired. upon the premises at the College, to be applied by the Board of Curators, if required.
On motion of Brother Marthens, Resolved, That the Committee appointed at the last Grand Annual Communication, to examine into the accounts of the former Grand Secretary, be required to report at this meeting of the Grand Lodge. [31.]
Brother Jacoby submitted the following, which was adopted: [38.] H'hereas, The building of a Masonic Hall, in the City of 81. Louis, is a subject of interest to this Grand Lodge, and a measure, which, if carried into effect, will in our opinion be beneficial to the craft throughout the State, and especially in the city of St. Louis:-Therefore, Resolved, That the Lodges in the city are hereby requested and authorized to form a Committee, consisting of one competent member from each Lodge, to take into consideration the propriety of opening a subscription, for st()ck or oth. erwise~ to procure a site and erect a Hall. And, if the said 路measure meet with suffiCient encouragement, the said Committee shall select a suitable site in the city of St. Louis, and report the facts, with a plan, and the probable cost of said Hall and site, at the March Cemmunication of this Grand Lodge.
On motion of Brother Buckner, [ 39.] Resolved, That the term of office of the present Board of Curators having expired, tile Grand Lodge now proeeed to the election of said Board, to consist of ten in number.
'The Grand Lodge thereupon proceeded to the election, when the following Brethren were duly elected, to wit:
F. L.
After which, the Grand Lodge unanimously re-elected Brother HIGBEE, the present incumbent, as Steward of the Masonic College. On motion of BtotherBroadhead, [ 40.] Resolved, That the. sum of sixty-:four dollars be. appropriated and placed in the hands of Brother P. Dudley, wherewith to pay the building of the fencE' by M. G. Mosely, and that the Grand Secretary execute to Brother Dudley" a warrant on the Grand Treasurer for that sum. [ 41.] Reso~ved, That whatever sum of I!loney shall remain in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, after paying. the sum of one hundred dollars already appropriated for repairs, &c., at the College, and the expenses of this Grand Annual Communication, and not otherwise appropriated, shall be appropriated to the payment of so much of the salaries of the Professors as remains unpaid.
On motion of Brother Crane, as amended, [ 42.] Resolved, .That a vote of thanks is due from this Grand Lodge to Bro. P. G. M. SMITH, and to the other members of the Faculty, for the very able manner in which they have djscharged their duties as President and Professors of the Masonic College, thereby promoting the best interest.3 of the institution. Also, to our R. War. Bro. Rev. W. HURLEY, forthe zeal and fidelity with which be has discharged the duties of Chaplain to the Masonic College.
The Committee on Applications, &c., made the followmg REPORT: [ 43.] Your Committee have had before them the petition of Brethren residing in Oregon Territory, asking for a Charter, properly recommended by Platte City Lodge, No. 56. Your Committee would recommend, that the M. W. Grand Master be requested to grant them a Charter, in accordance with a~cientregulations of the fraternity.' Respectfully submitted. WM. HUMPHREYS, Chairman.
On motion of Brother Rees, [ 44.] Resolved, That a Brother who is suspended for a limited time by any l'lubordinate Lodge, is at once, at the termination of the time of his suspension, entitled to all the privileges of Masonry, without any action of any Lodge.
On motion of Brother Rees,as amended by Brother Carnegy, [ 45.] Resolved, That it is the duty of each subordinate Lodge to pass the secret ballot previous to conferring each degree in Masonry.
On motion of Brother Levy,
24 [ 46.] Resolved, That no Lodge, under this jurisdiction, shall publish the suspension or expulsion of a Brother.
On motion of Brother Taylor, [47.] Resolved, That this Grand Lodge holds in high estimation the moral and Masonic character of our M. W. P. Grand Master, J. W. S. MITCHELL; and that we hereby tender bim the sincere thanks of this Grand Lodge, for the able, zealous, dignified, and impartial manner in which he has discharged the . duties of Grand Master. Resolved, As a further evidence of our regard, that a Committee be appointed to procure a Past Master's jewel, to be presented to our worthy Brother..
On motion of Brother Cressey, [ 48.]
Resolved, That this Grand Lodge feels undiminished confidence in the enterprise we have undertaken, of providing the means of education for the sons of Master Masons, and commend the Masonic College to the Fraternity at large.
On motion of Brother Billon, [49.] Resolved, That whenever a Dispensation for opening a new' Lodge shall be issued by a Dis. Dep. Grand Master, it shall be his duty to immfld,iately apprise the Grand Secretary of the fact, with th~ date of the Dispensation, and the names of the otficers therein appointed; and, also, to transmit the petition and fee for the same. [ 50.] Resolved, That the form of returns, as prepared and submitted by Brother Grand Secretary, be approved by this Grand Lodge, and that hereafter all Chartered Lodges under this jurisdiction be required to conform thereto; and tha.t the Graud Secretary furnish each Lodge with the same.
REPORT No.3-Of Committee on work of Chartered Lodges. [51.]
That the returns of Warren Lodge, No. 74, are correct and full. J. N. PARSONS, Chairman.
REPORT ON FOREIGN COMMUNICATIONS. To the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of ..1ncient Free and ..1ccepted M0,80n8, of the State of .Missouri:
The Committee on Foreign Communications respectfully report, that they have examined the journals of the Grand Lodges of Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode !l;l}and, Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansa.s, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan, which were referred to them from the last Communicationof this Grand Lodge. They have also had under consideration communications from the above named Grand Lodges, and, in addition, the proceedings of the Grand Lodges of Massachusett!', Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, which have been received, from time to time, since the last COr.1munication. To say that this examination has given your Committee high gratification; and that they have risen from the perusal of the history oC each Grand Lodge with feelings of pride and satisfaction, is but fa.intly to convey our sensations. From the North, and the South, and the Ea'st, the sound of the Gavel comes
25" rolling to the West, in one long continuous reverberation; the fires upon ,the ancient altars burn brightly as in days of yore; the time-honored Halls of a thousand Temples are thronged with eager votaries; from hill and valley we gather the tidings, that the pillars of "wisdom~ strength and beauty;" are daily added to the support of structures dedicated to brotherly love, relief and truth ; whilst the old and the young are hastening to bask in the light which is beaming brightly from the Orient. The cause of Free Masonry is onward, only to be stayed when time shall be- ' come merged in the vast ocean of eternity. Your Committee have thought that they could not better discharge their duties, and meet the wishes of the Grand Lodge, than by presenting such notice of each Grand Lodge as they might deem necessary. They have, therefore, taken up the Journal of each in its order. MAINE.-The proceedings of this Grand Lodge are generally of a local nature, and exhibit a flourishing condition of the craft. The Committee on Correspondence remark, that" the implements of the profession are resumed and the craft set to work," She has 56 Lodges, under the charge of eight District Deputy Grand Masters. The representative system has been adopted. The subject of a triennial Convention has been laid over for further action. NEW HAMPSHIRE.-The propriety of recommending Grand Lodge Certificates, after discussion, has been indefinitely postponed, as also the subject of a National Convention. The proposition from the Grand Lodge of Maryland, in relation to the establishment of a General Grand' Lodge, has not been acted upon, but is laid over until the next Communication. There are nineteell subordiJlate Lodges under this jurisdiction, whose proceedings evince a steady adherence to the true principles of the craft.
MAssAcHusETTs.-,V e hail with pleasure the reappearance of the' journal of this Grand Lodge, which we have missed' from our files for one or路two years past. The subjects are generally of a local nature. The Representative system is not adopted. They say, "it is yet in its infanc.y, having been adopted by only three or four Grand Lodges in the)Jnited States, and that sufficient time has not yet elapsed to decide upon its practical utility." The Committee to whom was referred the proposition of the'Grand Lodge of Maryland, on the subject of a General Grand Lodge, reported, that " it was inexpedient to take any further order thereon.'; A resolution was adopted, that" Brethren of eminence out of the state, who have rendered important services to the craft, may, by a vote of the Grand Lodge, be constituted 'Honorary Members,' with such rank as the Grand Lodge may determine." We find fifty-eight Lodges of the royal craft, steadily progressing in the development of the great principles of the order. RHODE ISLAND.-We are without intelligence from this Grand Lodge since her Communication in 1844, 'which presents a pleasing state of the fraternity in Ihat jurisdiction, including niueteen subordinate Lodg-es. This Grand Lodge dissents from the recommendation of the Baltimore Con,'ention on tl1(' s;Jbj~ct of Grand Lodge Certificates, as pre-requisites to granting
26 charity, or the admission of visitors. and adopted.
The Trestle Board has been approved of
CON'NECTICUT.-The路 address of the Grand Master, which opens the journal of this Grand Lodge, is a very- business-like document, containing sound and practical suggestions for the benefit of the craft. By a resolution of May 14, 1845, this Grand Lodge approved of, what is termed, the" Benefit System," and 路recommendedit to her subordinate Lodges. The Representative system is approved of. Resolutions opposed to the for:mation of a General Grand Lodge, and the appointment of a representative to Europe, ,'to seek further light," were adopted. There are thirty-seven subordinate路 Lodges, the larger p'roportion of whom appear to be in a very prosperolls condition. The value of time appears to be duly considered, the Communication lasting but one day. NEW YORK.-The journal of this Grand Lodge, to June, lR45, comes, as usual, made up with skill and ability, and containing a fund of valuable foreign and domestic intelligence. The address of the Grand Master is a lucid and ab~e document, replete with sound principles. The report of the Committee on Foreign Communications shows, they have discharged their duty ~ith great ability, presenting a pleasing variety of detail, and a general synopsis of the condition of the craft. We find forty-seven Lodges represented, but have not the means of ascertaining the actual number in the State. The Representative system, which originated with this Grand Lodge, is still continued. The Certificate system is also adhered to. The proceedings of 1846 are not before us, and, consequently, the views of this Grand Lodge on the subject of a General Grand Lodge are not known. PENNSYLVANB..-The abstract of the proceedings of this Grand Lods-e, for 1845-6, contains the names of the officers and Standing Committees; the address of the Grand Master, and the report of the Committee of Correspondence. Tbey are documents which speak the pure and unadulterated language of the craft, and point out a line of conduct to which we should all do well to take heed. In addressing himself to the craft, the Grand Master admonishes them, in their intercourse with each other, to (( let fraternal love abound; give to charity her widest sweep; comfort the afflicted, relieve the disttessed; bind up the broken heart of the mourner. Bear with an erring Brother; admonish him not only once, but often, gently and kindly, and seek to win him back to the true path; and so to establish him in it, by soft persuasion and convincing argument, that he stray no more. Acts like these are the jewels of the Order. They will make our institution the admiration of man-and let us humbly hope to win, by them, the approving smiles of Heaven." We have no data from which to l.earn the number or state of the Lodges, but presume they are true to the line and the plummet. This Grand Lodge is opposed to Conventions, the Representative system, and a General Grand Lodge. MARYLAND.-The address of the Grand Master, M. W. Charles Gilman, at the May session, 1845, presents many important suggestions. The Representa-
27 tive system is not approved of; the practice of admitting temporary residents to the order, is deemed reprehensible. The subject of a General Grand Lodge is urged, and the co-operation of the Grand Lodges invited at a Convention to be 11eld in Baltimore, in 1847. At the session in November, 1845, a Grand Charity fund was established, into which all monies collected for the relief of indigent widows and orphans of Masons, shall be deposited, and be left to accumulate until it shall amount to ten thousand dollars, when the income is to be appropriated to the proposed object. The " Beneficiary System" has been condemned by this Grand Lodge, "as inconsistent with a proper regard to the best interests of the Masonic Fraternity, and at variance with its most cherished principles." The journal of 1846, contains nothing that your Committee deem it necessary to advert to in this report. VIRGINIA.-The journal of this Grand Lodge presents a truly workman-like appearance, and indicates much care, labor, and intelligence, in its preparation. The Circular from the Grand Lodge of Maryland, on the subject of the establishment of a General Grand Lodge, was referred to a Committee to report at the Communication in December, 1846. The Representative system is declined. A Masonic Text Book has been prepared by Bro. John Dove, exhibiting the work and lectures, as adopted by this Grand Lodge, which has been ordered to be printed for the use of her subordinate Lodges. The subject of education is being agitated by, our Brethren of Virginia) and, in due time, will no doubt be perfected. The suggestion of the Grand Lecturer," that the Grand Lodge enforce, rigidly, the discipline of the institution, by demanding of Masong strict moral conduct, as the terms of continuance among us, by which means we can alone hope to make it what it was in its brightest age, under Solomon and the Hirams, a handmaid to virtue and religion," is well worthy of our adoption. There are seventy-three Lodges in this jurisdiction, which appear to be in a prosperous condition. The labors of this Grand Lodge have been so completely systematized, that, for many years past, her session has occupied Lut three days. NORTH CAROLINA.-We refer with pleasure to the excellent address of the Grand Master. The Lodges in this jurisdiction nllmber forty-five, but do not appear to be as active and prosperous as we could desire, which is in a great degree attr'ibuted, 1st, to too little care in the selection of candidate,,; 2d, too much haste in passing them through the degrees; and; 3d, conferring degrees on credit,-thus entitling them to wield the trowel, ere they had learned the use of "the compasses." We trust that the energetic course suggested by the Grand Master, will infuse life and activity throughout his jurisdiction, and cause the great lights to shine with their pristine brightness. The cause of edu<;ation still occupies a prominent share in the deliberations of this Grand Lodge, and we hope, ere long, will be placed on a substantial basis. The Grand Master favors the project of a General Grand Lodge. SOUTH CAROLlNA.-This Grand Lodge has decided, that it is inexpedient to form a General Grand Lodge; believing that the present Representative system, and the triennial meeting of Grand Lecturers, are sufficient for all the purposes for which the formation of a General Grand Lodge is intended. In the Grand Secretary's report, the resolution adopted by the Grand Lodge
28 of Alabama, declaring, "that being maimed, as by the los3 of a leg, or an arm, does not disqualify a man from receiving the degrees in Masonry," is regarded as an important innovation upon the landmarks of the order. There are twenty-five Lodges in this jurisdiction, and, with" few exceptions," says the Grand Secretary, " are reviving from a sleep, which, for some years, had palsied their efforts." We cordially wish them God speed, in beantifying and adorning the Temple. ALABAMA.-This Grand Lodge, at its Communication in December, 1844, adopted a resolution, that, in their opinion, " it was unmasonic for any subordinate Lodge within the United States, to initiate, pass, or raise, a citizen from any other State, without ascertaining from the Grand Secretary of the State of such applicant's residence, whether he has there applied. for initiation," and requesting the action of each Grand Lodge on the subject. The Committee OT! Education have made a very business-like report, which is penned in the right spirit. We wish our sister every success in her holy and charitable efforts, and doubt not that their exertions for the advancement of this noble undertaking will meet with ultimate triumph. The Representative system has been adopted. We judge from the character of their labors, that the fifty-nine subordinate Lodges are in a prosperous and healthy condition. GEORGIA.-There are forty-six Lodges subordinate to this Grand Lodgeforty-four'of whom were represented at the last Communication; and, immediately subsequent to the adjournment, the dues of the other two were paid. We deem this the best eridence that can be produced of the active and flourishing condition of the craft in-that State. Your Committee concur, unhesitatingly, in the opinion adopted by our Brethren of Georgia, that" the verdict of a jury, acquitting a defendant of a criminal charge, is by no means conclusive of his innocence, in view of the moral law by which our venerable institution is governed: the one being governed by the technical rules of evidence, the other by the oroad and liberal principles of a refined code of morals, deduced from the volume of Divine inspiration." The formation of a General Grand Lodge, the adoption of the Representative system, and the system of Grand Lodge Certificates, are recommended by the Committee on Foreign Communications. Your Committee observe, that the Constitution of this Grand Lodge makes it the duty of the Secretary of each subordinate Lodge, to report to the Grand Secretary, immediately after an election, the result of su~h election, with the names and proper signatures of the officers elected. This provision is deemed very important, and your Committee recommend the adoption of a similar provision in the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. TExAs.-A resolution has been adopted, requiring all visiting Brethren, who are strangers, to be in possession of a Grand Lodge Certificate, from the jurisdiction of which they may have been last a member. The Representative system has been adopted. In order to promote the universality of Masonry, the ConstitutionR and work, a universal Convention of Masons 1S recommended of all legal Masonic bodies, to be holden in London, in July, A. L., 1850. The triennial Convention of Grand Lecturers is approved of-; and the for-
mation of a General Grand Lodge disapproved of, as a novelty, "an innovation, and an experiment in Masonry, which would tend to less,en the sovereignty of the Grand Lodges, by. creating an absolute and supreme head." Your Committee find a resolution adopted, in January, 1845, providing, that in balloting for degrees, one black ball shall reject the candidate for one year; two black balls shall reject for two years; and three black balls shall reject for four years. Your Committee, with due deference to our sister Grand Lodge, deem the rejection for two and four years, as an infringement upon long and well established usage, and respectfully suggest to the Grand Lodge of Texas, to reconsider and amend their resolution. There are twenty-three subordinate Lodges in this jurisdiction~ LouIsaNA.~The annual statement of this Grand Lodge, with a list of her Grand Officers, shows twenty-three Lodges in activity. We have no statement of her proceedings, which your Committee understand are not usually printed. Your Committee find, on an examination of the Constitution and regulations of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, that, in the year 1832, the Constitutions of that Grand Lodge ,were so amended, as to be constituted under t~lTee rites: The anp: cient rite of York; the Scotch rite, ancient and accepted, and the French or modern rite; and under these amended Constitutions, Masons, when working, are allowed to follow different rites, provided they tend to the same purpose.
FLORIDA.-The order is steadily 'ad vancing in this jurisdiction. There are fifteen subordinate Lodgoes, who give evidence of an enviable state of proficiency. The report of the Committee on Foreign Communications is prepared with much care, and is an excellent document. Exertions are making to erect a Hall at Tallahassee. The Representative system has been adopted, but no action has been had on the subject of a GeneJ;al Grand Lodge. ARKANSAS.-We are without the proceedings of this Grand Lodge for 1846. 'We find in the journal of January, 184.5, that a Lodge was permitted to proceed in its labo:s without the installation of its officers. We regard this as an irregularity, which, if continued, may prove of serious injury to the craft, particularly as it has the sanction of authority. Nothing tend~ so soon to impair the energies and endanger the usefulness of a Lodge, than laxity of discipline; and it will be a source of much gratification to your Committee to find that our sister of Arkansas, will, by abolishing the precedent, require her subordinate Lodges to walk by plumb and level. The plan of Grand Lodge Certificates has been adopted. We have reason to be proud of the position maintained by this Grand Lodgl'o Her nine Lodges indicate in their labors much unanimity and energy. TENNEssEE.-The address of the Grand Master is an able document, breathing the pure spirit of Masonry, inculcating sound doctrine, and worthy of all acceptation. A Master Mason's Manuel has been revised lind prepared by Bro. Tannehill, which has been adopted by this Grand Lodge, "as better calculated, than any work in existence, to facilitate the work and lectures of Symbolic Masonry." The Grand Lodge Certificate s)"stem, adopted; and, also, the Repr.e. sentative system.
30 On the subject of a declaration of a "belief in a state of future reward3 and punighments," required by a provision in the By-Laws of this Grt'.nd Lodge, the Committee on Foreign Communications remark, without expressing any opinion on the question, "that it may be well for the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, seriously. to consider, whether it is npt an infraction of the ancient usage~ and landmarks of Masonry, to abandon the position or vindicate it with becoming earnestness and efficiency." Your Committee are not aware that any subsequent acticm has been had .on thesnbject. KENTucKY.-The proceedings of August, 1845, is the latest intelligence we have from our Brethren of Kentucky. Tbe report of the Committee on Education speaks volumes in their behalf. They have only to persevere with steady and untiring zeal, and they shall find "that the small beginning, "\vhich has already been. made, shall continue to widen, and deepen, and spread, until every orphan, dependent upon them for assistance, shall be brought under the genial influence of their institution, and until thousands, yet unborn, shall rise up and call it blessed." There are eighty-four Lodges in this jurisdiction, the majority of whom are in a very flourishing condition. . The Representative路 system, Convention, and a General Grand Lodge, disappro":"ed of. OHIO.-We refer with much pleasure to the address of the Grand Master at the.opening of this Grand Lodge. On the subject of Convention, &c., for prod~cing uniformity of work, &,c., he very justly r~marks,'" that if we would apply ourselves diligently in searching out the old paths, rather than taxing our ingenuity in vain efforts to fix new way marks, the result would be in the end more satisfactory, and more prontable to the caU3e Wp: seek to advance. Let us preserve, in all its simple grandeur, that-which it were presumption in anyone to attempt to improve." The Representative system has not been adopted. A reprint of the Book of Constitutions has been found to be of much valueand importance to the craft; and your Committee would suggest the propriety of a similar proceeding on the part of this Grand Lodge. The following resolution was adopted by the Grand Lodge of Ohio, in October, 1844: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge is clearly of opinion, that a distinct avowal of a belief in the Divine authenticity of the Holy Scriptures, should be required of everyone who is admitted to the privileges of Masonry, and that the denial of the same is an offence against the same, calling for exemplary discipline. , The路Representative system is disapproved of. No action has been had on the subject of a General Grand Lodge. There are seventy-seven Lodges in a very active and pr<~sperous condition. INDIAN_\.-The address of the Grand Master is replete with sound views and practical suggestions, and exhibits a minu thoroughly imbued with a love for the order. The Committee on the subjl?ct of procuring a farm, to be used for the benefit of the widows and orphan~ of 楼asons, report, that they think it expedient, because it can be accomplished-and policy, because it would be a'E!0nument of benevolence to be seen of all men . We wish them all success-they have only to will, and the enterprise j~ half c6lnpleted.
31 The su~jeet of a General Grand Lodge was ¡laid over Until the next Communicationâ&#x20AC;˘. \There were thirty-seven Lodges represented. The report of the Committee on Foreign Communications is a valuable document, evincing much care and labor in its compilation. The Representative system has not been adopted by this Grand Lodge, being deemed. useless. ' ILLINotS.-This Grand Lodge has decided, that her" certificates are to be regarded, not as evidence of their bearers being Masons, but simply, if by other means they give satisfaction of their being such~ as evidence collatenil of their being in good standing." The system of triennial 'Conventions meets with disapprobation. A General, Grand Lodge is approved of. The plan of sending a Representative to Europe, to examine the mode of work iu foreign countries, is not concurred in. The Representative system finds little favor with this Grand Lodge. " Unless," say they, "the system be generally adopted, its end can be but imperfectly answered; if generally adopted, it would be found cumbrous in the extreme, and expensive beyond ordinary ability." The Committee on Foreign Correspondence, have made a very ex\ended and valuable report. They have prepared a statistical table, in which they est.imate the number of Lodges, subordinate t030 Grand Lodges, to be 1,782, containing 35,640 members. This Grand Lodge number;!, in her jurisdiction, thirty-five subordinate Lodges. MICHIGAN'--"7Weare truly pleased to find our sister of Michigan stanaing forward in her new organization, and assuming that position with her sister Grand Lodges,. which her long, steady and devoted adherence, amid all reverses, to the principles of the craft so justly entitles her. A Delegate to the Convention to form a General Grand Lodge, to be holden in .1847, has been appointed, 'to act as circumstances may seem to require. No action has been had on the subject of the Representative system. There are ten Lodges subordinate to this Grand Lodge. ,\VrscoNsIN.-The address of the Gra.nd Master, and the report of the Dep. Grand Master and Committee on Foreign Communications, occupy, very deser'vedly, a large portion of the journal of this Grand Lodge. They enter with much minuteness into the discussion of t.he various subjects which have for some" time been presented to the fraternity. On the subject of education, though partaking of the spirit that animates her brethren of other States, she has not the means to attempt the enterprise; yet, by husbanding her en~rgies, she will, at an early day, organise a system of ben~volence on a scale of liberal and extended philanthropy. The right of every .Mason to vote on the initiation of a candidate, is recognized. A General Grand Lodge is approved of. The Representative system is objected to, "as novel, complex, and not exhibiting any prominent advantages equivalent to the enormous expense attending it." Grand Lodge Certificates, as evidences of Masonic character, only, are approved of; other tests being required to preserve the purity of the order. There are ten Lodges in this jurisdiction, in a thriving condition. In addition to the foregoing, your Committee have also received Circulars from the following Grand Lodges, containing the names of their offict.s for the present year, to wit;
32 District of Coltumbia,
Ne1JJ Jersey, .
South Carolina, New York. No Commllnicatiolls have been received from the following Grand Lodges: Rlwde Island, 1845-1846 New York, 1846 New Jersey, since 1842 Mississippi, - 1845-1846 Kent'UCky, 1846 .Ilrkansas, 1846 Iawa, 1845-1846 GENERAL GR...\ND LODGE.-AS early as the April Communication, 1823, of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, the subject of a General Grand Lodge was agitated and fully discussed, and, after due deliberation, a 'resolution was adopted declaring, that "it is impolitic arid unnecessary to establish a General路 GraJ.ld Lodge." In October, 1841, the Committee oil. Foreign Communications say, that this proposition is one of "doubtful expediency;"路 and in October, 1844, a similar Committee say, that the establishment of a General Grand Lodge "is not necessary, and that the evil would counterbalance all the good that could result from it." These several actions on the subject, your Committee conceive sufficiently indicative of the settled opinion of this Grand Lodge; and, in the absence of any new lights in the matter, with the fact that a large number of the Grand Lodges are opposed to the organization of such an institution, your Committee think that the action of this Grand Lodge in April, 1823, should remain unchanged, and be considered as its present opinion.
REPRESENTATIVE SVSTEM.-This system was concurred in by this Grand Lodge, at her Communication in Odober, 1838, and the Grand Lodges of the several States authorized to appoint Representatives in this Grand Lodge. Your Committee are not aware that any action has been taken on the subject, by the appointment or reception of Representatives: In October~ 1842, the matter w路as before the Committee on Foreign Communications, who referred the subject tothe Grand Lodge, without comment. Your Committee cannot do so at this time. They have fully considered the question of the usefulness of the system, in connection with the expenses necessarily attendant upon it, and have arrived at the conclusion, that. the former is entirely counterbalanced by the latter. This appears to be also the opinion of many of our sister Grand Lodges. DELEGATE TO EUROPE.-We find but little said on this subject, and we incline to the opinion that it must prove a failure. We do not conceive any results that will at all compensate for the expenses which must inevitably follow its ad<;>ption. We. have already too many books; the publication of another, your Committee conceive, will not ill any manner benefit the craft, or have a tendency to produce an increased harmony. Your Commi.ttee have purposely refrained from going into a genera] discussionupon the topics which have been presented to them, upon the examination of the journals of our sister Grand Lodges, deeming their duty discharged in pre-
paring a synopsis of their tabors, with a reference to such subjects as they路 deemed worthy of the special attention of the craft. All which is respectfully submitted. JNO. D. TAYLOR, ~ FRED'C. L. BILLON, Committee. CHARLES LEVY, St. Lonis, Oct. 12th, 1846.
Brother Well~ offered the following, which was adopted: [53 J Resolved, That so much of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, as relates to the organization of said Grand Lodge, and the 4th Article of said Constitution, are, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, inconsistent with, and utterly subversive of, the principles and Constitutions of Ancie'll,t York Maso'll,ry j and ' Resolved, jurtMr, That the part of said Constitution in the words following: " I'll, the year V.'. L.'. 5832, tM 'nUmber oj tM Lodges u'll,der its j'lLrisdiction was already large e'll,O'11-gh, aOO seIJeral Of them, moved by tM desire of getting and spreading a greater informatiO'n, and no d.oubt stim1dated by the attraction of the &otch Rite, ancient and accepted, with its 30 degrees,had applied to certai'll, Maso'll,ic bodiM, which did not depend 01'- tM Grand Lodlje, and obtai'll,ed from them Charters, tM object oj which was, to establish such Chapt~rs and Cou'll,cils as would eMble them to work the philosophical degrees. At that time the Grand Lodge, a'nXious to prevent a division oj power in the Maso'll,ry oj the State, and many members of the Grand Lodge being in possession of the high degrees of the &otch Rite, as well. as oj the French or Modern Rite, it was proposed to amend the Constitution of the Grand Lodge oj the State of Louisiana, so as to have it constituted after three Rites, viz: the Ancient Rite oj Y01'k j the &otch Rite, ancient and accepted j and the French or ~Modern Rite. That was dOM.-And since that time the ~lI1ost Grand Lodge oj Louisiana enjoys alone the right ('f legislating and regulating the symbolical Ma.sonry in the State of Lousiana.
And the said 4th Article, in these words: 4. The sons oj Masons, when presented by their father, or tutor, are dispensed with the condition concer1L路illg the age, and may be received when they are eighteen years old. But it is well understood that they cannot be received Masters J'L '. before they have attained their twenty-first year. No Dispensation contrary to this Article shall be granted""ART.'.
be printed and published in the proceedings of this Communication.
REPORT of Committee on Grievances. [54.J Your Committee have had under consideration the subjects referred to them, and present the following, to wit: FIRST :-Of Independence Lodge, No. 35.-Your Committee find that this Lodge, in June, 1844, resolved to surrender her Charter; that this resolution was never laid before the Grand Lodge, and that her Charter still remains in possession of some one at Independence. That the Lodge has remained dormant from the date of the above resolution to this day, and that another Lodge has been chartered in the same town. It also appears to your Committee, that the Lodge 35, in the year - - , passed a resolution, agreeing to pay to Brothers----- - - - - - - - - - - - - , of that Lodge, about 340 dollars, on account ot'
34 a bill of exchange, executed by those Brethren, whereby to raise funds for the payment of the putchase of property for the Orpha'n School of this G. Lodge, and that the said sum is still due to them. The Brethren constituting the Lodge, then and now, doubtless intend to pay that money honestly; but it has not yet bten done, so far as your Committee have learned. Your Committee therefore recommend the following: Resolved) 1st, That the surrender of the Charter of said Lo:ige 35, be accept~ ed; and, 2d, That Brother JNO. C. COOMBS, be, anu he is hereby, appointed an Agent of this Grand Lodge, to take possession of all the bccb:, papers, property and effects, of said Lodge 35; .also, the subs~ription paper of sundry Brethren, to raise money in annual in,>hl.lments to establish an Orphan Asylum and School, taken up by Brother Douglass-and that he proceed to dispose of the property, jewels, &c., of said Lodge, and that he collect all monies due said Lodge on said subscription, and that he pay over the monies to the Brothers who executed said bill, until the sum be fully paid. And that said Bro. COOMBS be J:equired to submit a written report of hi~ acts 'herein, to the next October meeting of this Grand Lodge. 3d, That the dues of said Lodge 35, to the Grand Lodge, up to this date, be remitted, and that this resolution take effect so soon as the money due, as above stated, sltall be paid. SECOND.-qr Clinton Lodge, No. 39, G,t Carlyle, Illinois.-It appears from documents in the office of Brother Grand Secretary, that that Lodge has ceased to meet. No returns have been received from her since 1843, nor have her dues been paid for the last three years. This Lodge is in our ~ister State of Illinois, in which a Grand Lodge has been organized. Clinton Luugâ&#x201A;Ź existed but a few years under our jurisdiction, and worked faithfully fOF a time, until, by removals and other causes, her numbers were very much reduced. Your Committee recommend, 1st. Resolved, That the Charter of Clinton Lodge, No. 39) be, and the same is hereby, declared forfeited; and, 2d. That the dues of said Lodge be remitted, and her effects of. all kinds be donated to her. THIRD.-Of Sparta Lodge, No. 46, Buchanan County.-Nothing has been hea:-:! r'VCfl ~ler, officially, since April, 1843. Several Lodges have since then been est~blished in the same and adjoining counties, and some of her former member,s are now united with other Lodges. Your Committee recommend the following resolutions: 1st. Resolved, That Brother REES be, and he is hereby, appointed a Committee, to take possession, either by himself, or by some Brother appointed by him, of the effects, books, papers, jewels, &c., of said Lodge; dispose of them, and pay over the proceeds to Brother Grand Secretary, and report thereon to the Grand Lodge at its Communication in October, 1841. FOURTH.-Of Weston Lodge, No. 53.-She has not paid her dues, nor sent in any returns, for the last three year8. Her condition is not well apparen t to your Committee. She was constituted by most worthy Brothers, and your Committee doubt not but that she is still possessed of Brothers, "good and tr'iLâ&#x201A;Ź." Your Committee submit the following: Resolved, 1st, That the Grand Lodge recommend most affectionately to the Brothers of said Lodge, to proceed in the discharge of their Masonic duties.
35 Resolved, 2d, That said Lodge be required to forward to 1his Grand Lodge, at October next, the amount due this Grand Lodge, and also the annual returns of said Lodge up to October next. Several other Lodges have been cited as delinquent; but your Committee have learned, with pleasure, that they have. come forward and performed their duty, and recommend that they be discharged from all further proceedings against them. Your Committee.have before them the proceedings of Wakanda Lodge, No. 52, in relation to the trial and expulsion of Brother James W. Freeman, from all the privileges of Masonry. The record of that trial, which tock place 18th January, 1845, shows it to have been properly conducted. The proceedings of that Lodge also show, that, at a previous period, Brother Freeman had been tried on a heinous charge, but had been acquitted. The offences for which he was tinally tried and expelled, were of a quite different nature. Your Committee therefore recommend as follows: Resolved, That the (I,ction of Wakanda Lodge, No. 52, in the trial and expul~ sian of James W. Freeman, is sustained by this Grand I_adge. An appeal has been taken to this Grand Lodge, by Brother Isaac McCord, who petitioned Fulton Lodge, No. 48, for membership. His application was rejected. Your Committee cannot reverse the proceedings of Fulton Lodge. Another appeal has been taken from Fulton Lodge, in relation to the trial of Brother Daniel Dunham, for alledged unmasonic conduct. The trial appears to have been conducted with exceeding care and reg'ularity. Your Committee recommend the following resolution: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approves the decision of Fulton Lodge, No. 48, in rclati<;>n to the trial of Brother Daniel Dunham. In regard to the appeal case of Brother William Jenkins, your Committee recommend as follows, to wit: Resolved, That the decision of Lafayette Lodge, No. 32, in the case of Wm. Jenkins, be reversed. All which is respectfully submitted.
S. W. B. CARNEGY, ~ Committee. H. C. MARTHENS, 5
The foregoing report and resolutions, as amended, were adopted. On motion of Brother Billon, it was [55.] Resolved, That all Dispensations issued prior to January 1st, 18.t5,and not having been heard from, are hereby declared forfeited, and lIull and void; and those Brothers having them in possession, are hereby required to send them in to the Grand Secretary,with the least delay-they are the following, viz: Columb'U.S Lodge, Shelby, " ConÂŁordia" Columbia"
Ill., .June, Shelbyville) April, Liberty, May, Columbia, 1843 or
1839, by P. 1841," P. 1842," P. D. 1814," P.
G. M. CARN~GY; G. M. McBRIDE. G. M. BER~L'\RD. G. M; }\fcBIUDÂŁ.
R. W. Bro. Taylor presented his report, as Dep. Gr. Master, for District No.1, to wit:
86 .r56.] Respectfully reports, that since the last Grand Annual Communication htl has granted Dispensations, upon the requisite application, for a Lodge at
Bridgto-ri., S~ouis county, by the name of Bridgton; and one at St. Louis, by the name of Polar-Star Lodge, both of whom have been duly organized. I visited Bonhomme Lodge, No. 45, on the 19th September, and lectured in the three first degrees. Her records appear to be well and properly kept. She has done but little work within the past year, and consequently her officers are not as fami.liar with' the lectures as though she had been more a.ctively engaged. The records and work of Mi~souri~ No.1; St. Louis, No. 20; Naphtali, No. 25,' and Mount Moriah, No. 40, have been carefully examined and found correct. Learning that it was the intention of Hiram, No. 23, to surrender her Charter at the present Communication, I did not deem it necessary to visit her. Douglass, No. 54, was not visited, in consequence of pressing business engagements. All which is respectfully submitted. JNO.. D. TAYLOR, Dep. G. M. Dis. No. 1.
St. Lou-u, Oct. 10, .1846.
REPORT of CommilleÂŁon Charily. [57.] The Committee find in the Treasury of the Grand Lodge, as a Charity Fund, as ascertained from Brother Grand Secretary, the sum of four hundred dollars, or thereabouts, and recommend the appropriation of one hundred and fifty dollars to the Charity Fund of the Lodges in the city of St. L~)Uis. JNO. D. TAYLOR, Chairmaft.
Said report was adopted. Brother Carnegy asked for an appropriation of $22 00 to pay the Missouri Republican office, for 500 extra copies of the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, which he had had printed in 1844, over and above the 1000 copies ordered by the Grand Lodge. After some explanation, the amount was allowed. Brother Grand Secretary presented a number of small accounts for printing, advertising, stationery, parchment, seal-press, &c. &c., amounting, in the aggregate, to $96 50, which were allowed, and he directed to pay th~m. On motion of Brother Jacoby, \ [58.] Resolved, That the sum of $25.00 be allowed Brother Grand Tyler, for his services at the present Communication.
The Jewel procured by the Grand Lodge, for Past Grand Master Brother McBride, was presented by Bro. Carnegy, with a brief address on the part of the Grand
87 Lodge, to Bro. C. Wells, who was named by Bro. McBride to receive it on his behalf, (he being engaged in his official duties at Jefferson City, and not able to be present at this Communication,) Bro. Wells, the recipient,replying on behalf of路 Bro. McBride. On motion, it was [59.] Resolved, That Brother Grat楼! Secretary pro~ure the printing of 500 copies of so much of the proceedings of the present Communication as he may deem advisable, and attend to the proper distrib.ution of the same.
There appearing no further business for the action of the Grand Lodge, after prayer by the Grand Chapl:'lin, the Grand Lodge of Missouri was duly adjourned to meet again on the third IVlonday (15th day) 'ofMarch next, 1847. JOHN RALLS, Grand Master. Attest: FRED'C. L. BILLON, Grand Sec'y. Expulsions and Suspensions, reported by Lodges subo'rdinate to tltis Grand Lodge,for the past yea'r. EXPELLED: By Cooper, No. 36, C. B. Powell, Oct. 7,1846, for unmasonic conduct. "Fayette, "47, John A. Powell, March 9, 1846; cause not stated. "Ozark, " 50, John L. C. Huddleston, Jan. 184,6; heinous offence. " Livingston" 51, B. B.Bartholon, May 11, 1846; unmasonic conduct. " Wakanda," 52, Jameg W. Freeman, Jan. 18,1845; do. do. " " " 52, Geo. W. Folger, June 19, 1846; retaining Lodge funds. "Marion, "59, Amaziah Pilcher, Feb. 25,1846; unmasonic conduct. "Oseola, "61, J. T. Brooks, Feb. 5,1846; non.:payment of dues. SUSPENDED: By St. Louis, " 20, Jonas Newman, Joseph Rowe, John Scott, Charles Recordon, J.C. Curtis, T. M. Darlington, W. B. Miles, A. P. McCready, E. Robertson, T. L. McGill, Louis Dubreuil, P. W. Keneday, Cornelius Campbell, Joseph L. Evans, Wm. Blackhurn, Alfred O. Meh'in, H. P. Mayer, T. L. Disharoon, Sept. 7, 1846, for non-payment of dues. c: Naphtali, " 25, S. Carmichael, July 30, 1846; unmasonic .conduct. " 25, Chas. H. Pond, George Bushey, Nov. 11, 1845, non" " payment of dues. " Cooper, " 36, Wm. Henning, .luly 31, 1846; non-payment of dues.
notices to Subordinate Lodges, &c., ~c.
n::T Have you received our Circular respecting removal of College? 'If not, please apprise me immediately. l:T The Secretaries of subordinate Lodges will please notice, particul~]y, resolutions 16, (page 12,) and comply promptly therewith.
n::T District Dep. G~and Misters will please pay strict att~ntion to resolution 49, page 24. n::T In future, Secretaries of subordinate Lodges will be careful to make out the credentials of the representatives, on a separate piece of paper from the returns-said certificate to state whether the representative is such, by being the Wor. Master or Warden of the Lodge, or whether he is appointed by the Lodge. In ill cases said certificate should be under the seal of the Lodge (if there be one) and attested by the Secretary thereof. It is desirable that tllis should be observed in future. . n::T The Brethren removing from the vicinity of their Lodges, without paying their dues and withdrawing, is not recognized by the Grand Lodge as a sufficient reason for the non-payment of Grand Lodge du~s by the Lodge, for such Brethren. The only manner of terminating the accountability of individual members, is, by withdrawal, expulsion, suspension, or death. FRED'C. L. BILLON~ Gra71d SeC1'etary.
APPENDIX A. GRAND SECRETARY'S STATEMENT, NO. l~ Of R拢ceipts, from close of last Communication, Oetober20, 路1845, tu October 10, 1846. Chari-\Contin-I Am't.
I 21, 1845 Lafayette, No, 32, dues, 1845, full,
Oct. " 22," Fulton, No. 48, bal. 1843 & 1845, " March 3,.1846 f' "48, Dispensation 1841, Nov. 7, 1845 Dana, U. D., Dispensation, " 10." Warren, No. 74, Chatter, Jan. 1~, 1846i Polar Star, U. D., Dispensation, March 5, " I Huntsville, No. 30, dues, 1843 & 1845, full, ". 16, " .j Richmond, No. 57, " 1844 &. 1845," Apnl 4, " i Bridgton, U. D., Dispensation, " 17," Wakanda, No. 52, dues, 1845, full, June 10," Washington, U. D., Dispensation, " 17," Oseola, No. 61, dues, 1845, full, July 7," Far West, No. 29, balance 1843and i844, Aug. 18, " Bowlin~ Green, U. D., Dispensation, . Sept. 4, " St. LOUIS, No. 20, dues, 1845, full, " 26," 'Monticello,58,(fr.R.B. D.)dues,'44,fuU,
-----9 67 19 33 29 00 10 66 21 34 32 00 20 00 20 00 20 0020 00 fO 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 13 67 27 33 41 00 20 00 40 00 60 00 20 00 20 00 7 33 14 67 22 00 20 00 20 00 5 67 11 33 17 00 3 83 7 67 11 50 20 00 20 00 16 67 33 33 ' 50 00 -4 33 ~. ~,
Total, 91 833136 7 1405 50 Oct. 10, 1846. Paid Grand Treasurer, in full, as per receipt, $ 405 50
1845, Oct. 13, To balance in Treasury, as per last Report,· "20, "am't. rec'd. of P. G. SE'C'y. Bro. Dallam; ., 1846, " 10," " " o f G. Secretary, Bro. BilIon, Add Charity Fund, . Total Amount,
Ch.arity •
IContingent._ I 8 63
$91 83!
898 88 313 67
---/mi18 ------91 83
($1313 01
1845, Oct. 22,;Byam't.pd.Bro.Owens,Tyling,inJune,~oucher No.1 " " " " " ." " Carnegy, Printing; ".;, 2 " " '0" " " " " Music, &c., " " . 3 " ~, "" " "" " . Ref. Palmyra, 18, "4 " " " " " " " Dallam, sundries, "" 5 " " " " " Smith, (President,) "" 6 " " " " " " " " " Carnegy, College Books" "7 " ., " " " " " Billon,(McBride'sJewel,) " "8 " " 23," " " " Owens, Tyling, October," "9 " " " " " "Chambers &, Knapp, Printin/?;," "10 " " " " " "Co un tel feit Note, 1846, Jan. 22," " "Chambers.& Knapp, Printing, " " 11 ". May 4," " " Bro. Billon, (Del. to Con.) " " 12 " 12 Jewels & Collars, " " Sept. 30;" " " " Hedges, (Carpet,) " " 13
" " 41" ' ' . "" "
:Balance on hand,
2000 19 00 19 00 9 00 152 00 100 00 17 00 35 00 2000 11 50 5 00 71 11 89 00
61 00
50 00 678 61 634 40 $1313 01
St.· Lo-uia, October 12th, 1846.
JOHN S. WATSON, Gra'TId Treasurer.
APPENDIX C. Delinquent Lodges, Oct. 20, 1846. Naphtali, No. 25, - - - - o w e s dues, 1842 and 1844, $63 00 Jefferson City, " 43, no returns-owes dues 1846. Bonhomme, " 45, no returns-owes dues 1846. ,: 50, no returns-paid on account dues 1846, 33 00 Ozark, Weston, " 53, no returns, nor dues paid ]844, 1·845, 1846. c: 56, - - - - o w e s dues 1845 and 1846, 58 00 Platte City, Marshall, " 65, no returns-owes dues 1845 and 1846. 11 00 " 68, no returns-owes dues 1846, * Tebo, " 71, no returns-paid on account dues, 1846, 13 00 Savannah, " 74, - - - - o w e s dues 1846. t Warren, • Tcbo, No. 68, returns and dues, for 1846, received October 20,1846.
t Wa.rren,74-Grand Lodge owes her $300, loaned for College in 1845.
APPENDIX D. GRAND SECRETARY'S STATEMENT, NO.2, Of Receipts, during present Commun~ation. Charity.
" "" " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " "
"" "
" " "" " " " ""
Neosho Lodge, U. D., Dispensation, 1846, Missouri, No.1, dues Tyro, " 12, " " Clarksville, " 17, " 1845, 1846, Palmyra, "18," " " Paris Union," 19, " St. Louis, "20," " New London," 21, " 1845, 1846, "25," " Naphtali, St. John's, "28," " Huntsville, "30, " " "31," " Liberty, Lafayette, "32," " Troy, " 34, " " "36," " Cooper, Mt. Moriah, " 40, " " "43," 1845-Jeff. City, Fayette, "47," 1846, " Fulton, " 48, " Ozark, " 50, " 1845, 1846, Livingston, "51, " " Vtl akanda, "52," " Douglass, "54," " Arrow Rock," 55, " " Platte City, " 56," 1842, 1843-'44, Richmond, "57," 1846, " Monticello, " 58, " Marion, " "59, " " Oseola, " 61, " " Landmark, "64, " " " Rocheport, "67, " " Alexandria, " 69, " College, "70," " Danville, "72," " Eureka, "73," " Lebanon, U. D., Dispensation, 1845, Olive Branch, U. D., Dispensation, 1846, Total,
9 33 5 67 12 33 7 00 900 11 00 11 00 11 00 12 33 6 67 4 00 11 00 5 33 16 33 12 34 7 33 1000 10 26 11 11 5 6 16 9 10 4 6
67 67 67
00 33 67 33 00
$318 00
20, Bal. paid G. T.rcasurer, as per receipt of date,
Thi8 also su(fu:es as a list of those Lodges who have paid up.
00 4 00 7 67 5 67 5 00 7 00 9 00
Oct. 19, Grand Secretary's Account, "
I Contingent.
- - -20-00 18 67
11 33 2467 1400 1800 2200 2200 2200 24 67 13 33
8 00 2200 10 67 32 67 24 66 14 67 20 00 21 33 53 33 23 33 22 00 11 34 12 67 33 33 18 67 20 00 8 00 12 00
8 00 15 33 11 33 10 00 14 00 18 00 20 00 20 00
20 00 28 00 17 00 37 00 21 00 27 00 33 00 33 00 3300 37 00 20 00 1200 33 00 1600 4900 "37 00 2200 30 00 3200 8000 3500 33 00 17 00 1900 50 00 28 00 3000 1200 18 00 12 00 23 00 17 00 15 00 21 00 2700 2000 2000
696 00 1014 00 515 55 498 45
42 .!J.list of the Grand Officers, Past Grand Ojjice1's, and members of the Grand Lodge of Missourz', present at the Communication, October, 1846, .J1. L., 5846. BRO. J. W. S. MITCHELL, oM. W. Grand Master. " JNO. D. TAYLOR, R. W. Dep. G1'and Master. 'r E. S. RUGGLES, " Sen' r. Grand Warden. " J. F. L. JACOBY, " Jun'1'. Grand Warden. " JNO. S. WATSON, " FRED'C. L. BILLON, " n. B. BROWN, REv. EDW. H. CRESSEY, " WM. HURLEY, BRO. CHARLES LEVY, " ROBERT E. HILL, " JOHN SCOTT, " ESROM OWENS, " S. "'Y. B. CARNEGY, " JNO. D. DAGGETT, " JOSEPH FOSTER, " J. W. SMITH,
" "
Gmnd T1'easurer. Grand Secretary. ·War. Dep. G1'and Secretary. " Grand Chaplain. " Grand Chaplain. " Sen'r. Grand 'Deacon. " Jun'r. Grand Deacon. " Grand Steward. " G1'and Tyler. M. W. P. G. M. and Grand Leciur~r. R. W. P. Dep. Gralld .Master. " P. Dep. G.•il!. 11:1. W. P. G. JI.of Va., Pres. of Col.
lIfembers, Representat£ves, and Delegates. Bro. J. D. Taylor, " Isaiah Forbes, " James Gresham, " George Wilson, " E. S. Ruggles, " John Amonet, " J. F. L. Jacoby, " Parker Dudley, " :Stanton Buckner, " Carty Wells, " Sam'l. T. Gh)ver, " Jno. N~ Parsons, " Edw. Klein, " Jas. L. Jamison, " Wm. R. DU\I'son, " John Ralls, m • Tracy, " Samuel K. Caldwell, " J. W. Crane, " H. C. Marthens, " Wm. Humphreys, " Samuel- A. llowen, " N. P. Kunkle, " N. B. Coats, " N. B. Christian, " J. VI. Langhorne, " Edw, J. P,eers,
" "'T
\'1'. M., No. 1 Bro. James M. Chorn,
S. \v., J. W.,
1" 1" 1 " W. M., 12" for S.&.J.W., 12 " P. M., 17" P.M., 18" P. M., ]8" for W.l\1., 18" S. W., 18" for S. &. J. W., 19 " W.M., 20" S. W., 20" J. W., 20" W. M., 21" for S. W., 21" for J. W., 21" for W. 1\1., 25" for S. W., 25" .T. 25" P.1\1., 28" W; M., 28" W. M., 30" J. "V., 30" for M., &c. 32 " for \'\'. I\f., 31 ' "
S. W., No. 36 Isaac A. Hedges, P. 1\1., 40 George Jacobs, for J. W., 40 Wm. Taylor, for \V.l\L, 47 Hiram Wilkerson, W. M.,. 48 H.Griswold, forW.l\I., 64 Edward Russell, S. W., 67 Hoard Roberts, W. M., lS8 J. W. West, for S. W., 68 A. J. Henderson, J. W., fiB Justus Ryman, W. M., 69 Wm. W. Pace, J. W., 69 Joseph W. Cox, W.l\:t., 61 Caleb Fisher, for W. M., &c., 64 Robert E. Hill, \V. M., 69 A. Patterson, for W. M., 70 John Scott, W. M., 72 J. H. Robinson, J. W., 72 T. T. Elliott, for W. M., &c., 73Jas. O. Broadheal\, W. M., B.Grcen, U .D. Richard R. Rees, W. M., Indepen. " .Tas. W. Jamison, Del., Lebanon, " Edw. G. Simons, W. M., Poll\r Star," James McClure, W. M., Bridgton, " W. Claude Jones, S. W., Neosho, V\T m• Sanders, W. M., Jucltson, " Jackson Farrar, S. W., O.Branch, "
43 The Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge
of Mis8ourz',
M. W. Grand Master, New London. R W. Dep. Grand Master, S1. Louis. " " "
S. G. W., J. G. W., Grand Treasurer,
Caledonia. Clarksville. S1. Louis.
Grand Secretary,
St. Louis.
" Grand Lecturer, College. " den'!. Ag'1., College, Paris. D. D. G. M., 1st District, S1. Louis. " 2d" Palmyra. " 3d" Keytesville. " 4th" Independence. " 5th" Caledonia. t; Clinton. " 6th
E. S. RUGGLES, ANDREW M. TUTT, " 7th" HENDERSON P. BOYAKIN, REV. E. C. HUTCHINSON, "Vor. Grand Chaplain, H EDW. H. CRESSEY, "" " " " t;
" "
" " "
...., S1. Louis.
Grand S. B.,
Danville. College. Monticello. St. Louis. Monticello. Hannibal.
" " "
Sen'r. G. D., Jun'r. G. D., Grand Steward,
St. Louis. Alexandria. 81. Louis.
Salem, JJIinois. 81. Louis.
" "
Grand Orator,
" Grand Marshal,
Grand Pur., Grand Tyler,
St. Louis. St. Louis.
~ College Fund Commi.:;"ioners, S1. Louis..
GRAND SECRETARY'S "TABULAR STATEMENT," FOR THE YEAR 1846,-as per Article 12, Section 11,
By- Laws of G-rand Lodge. '--NAMES
Missouri, Tyro, Clarksville, Palmyra, Paris- Union, St. Louis, New London, Napbtali, St. Jobn'~, Huntsville, Liberty, Lafayette, Troy, Cooper, Mount Moriah, Jefferson City, Bonhornme, Fayette, Fulton, Ozark, Livingston, Wakanda, Weston, Douglass, Arrow Rock, Platte City, Richmond, Monticello,
I I No. 1 12 17 18 1.9 20 21
I St.
Louis, Caledonia, Clarksville, Palmyra, Paris, St. Louis, New London, 25 St. Louis, 28 Hannibal, 30 Huntsville, 31 I~iberty, 32 Lexington, 34 Troy, 36 Booneville, 40 St. Louis, 43 Jefferson, 45 Manchester, 47 Fayette, 48 Fulton, 50 Springfield, 51 Glasgow, 52 Carrollton, 53 Weston, 54 Marthasville, 55 Arrow Rock, 56 Platte City, 57 Richmond, 58 Monticello,
~ . 1l rh I~. :.::1l gj .;~.g~
__________1:5- ~::._!<1st Thursday, 2d Saturday, 1st Saturday, 1st Saturday, 1st Saturday, 1st Tuesday, Sat. prevo full mOOD, 3d Thursday, 2d Saturday, 2d Friday 2d Saturday, 2d Monday, Mon. prevo full moon, 4th Friday, 2d Thursday, 1st Saturday, 3d Saturday, 2d Monday, 1st Saturday, 4th Thursday, Sat. prevo full moon, Fri. prevo full moon, 1st and 3d Saturday's, Sat. prevo full mooD, Sat. prevo full mOOD, Sat., prevo full moon, 1st Monday, Sat. prevo full moon,
7 1 4 3 4 3 4
7 7 8 2 17 0 5
5 5 6 6 2 5 2 5 7
3 1
2 4
2 2 13 8 5 2 17 0 5 7 5 7 6 8 1 4 1
3 (1 3 3 2 2 2 12 8 6 2 16 0
0 1 _ 2
3 0
5 3 2 0 8 0
4 7
2 3
6 8
1 2 1 6 10
S' I
0 0 0 0 0
~ IReturns.
- - - b ~-r:-dl~1G-:-.r:-DuEs. No 1 a.~ 1 ..° .s.f5 1 Ret's,,~ ~i ~~ ~
---j--Paid. Not paid.
30 i full, Irep'l _ pa~d 21 I full, Ire p• paId 21 full, rep. _ paid 21 I not full, rep. paid 29 full, rep. i - p a i d 35 I full, rep. paid 34 : not full, rep. pa~d 33 full, rep. _ paid. 39 full, rep. paid 29 full, rep. _ paid 12 full, _ not rep. paid 33 full, rep. paid 16 full, rep. paid 53 full, rep. _ pa!d 41 full, rep. paId no ret. not rep. no ret. not rep. 30 not full, Irep. paid 33 full, rep. paid no ret. _ not rep. paid part 38 full. not rep. paid 35 full, not rep. paid no ret. not rep. --.21 full, rep. paId 22 full, not rep. paid 27 full, not rep. . I 29 not full, rep. pa~d 31 I full, ,rep. paid
I due due
due due
Marion, 59 Salem, Ill., Oseola, 61 Oseola, Landmark, 64 Warsaw, -Marshall, 65 Marshall, Rocheport, 67 Rocheport, Tebo, 681 Clinton, . Alexandria, 69 Alexandria, College, 70 Mas. College, Savannah, 71 Savannah, Danville, 72 Danville, Enreka, 73 Brunswick, Warren) 74 Keytesville, .Bowlinggreen 75 Bowling Green ·Independence, 76 I Independence, • Lebanon, 77 Steeleville, .. St. Joseph's, 78! St. Joseph's, • Polar-Star, 79 ' St. Louis, .. Bridgton, 80 Bridgton, • Neosho, 81 1 Neosho, II Jackson, 82 I Linneus, .. Dana, . 83 I Calhoun, .. Multnomah, i 84 I Ore~on City, t Bolivar, IU· n.; BolIvar, t Washington, " Greenfield, t Waterloo, "Waterloo, t Olive Branch, " Union, t Johnston, "Warrensburg, t Friendship, Chillicothe, ::: Canton, "Canton, Chart. Lodges, I 50 i u. D. 7.
2d Monday, 1st Thursday, 4th Friday, 2d Monday, 2d Thursday, 2d Friday, Fri. prevo full moon, Fri. prevo full moon, 2d and 4th Satnrdays, Thurs. prevo full moon Tues. after full mooD, Fri. after full moon, 2d .Saturday, 1st Mondays, 3d Saturdays, 1st and 3d ~aturdays, 2d Wednesday, Mon. prevo full moon, 2d Wednesday, 1st Monday, 1st Friday, Fri. pre,,". full moon, Fri. prevo full moon, 2d Saturday, Together 57 Lodges__
1 1 2 6
1 1 1 3
1 1 3
2 1 4
0 0 3
12 \ full, 19 i fuU, 15 full,
7 1
8 2 4 0
0 0 0 1
24 13 18 17
- -. - -I o o
- -1-· -
3 16 4 5 21 4 5 1 6 4 3· 2 8 5 5
17 9 7 24 4 5 3
5 2 14 I 6 5 I 0 0 i 4 17 4 0 5 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 0 I
..: ..:! ~
no ret. full, full, full, -not full, 1I no ret. I full, I full, i full, full, u. D. full, U. D. full; U. D. fun, U. D. 1 full, u. D. full, U.D. I full, u. D. I flill, u. D. I full, 'I
- -1- -
25 30 36 19 52 9 17 14 16 12 19 15
~ ~
14 18
del. del. del. del.
I - del. f~, In~et. -
21~~90 11135 I-;W--I~
• New Lodges just Chartered. t Dispensations eontinued. . t Dispensation just granted. Charters of Lodges 23, 33, 35, 39, 46, forteited at present Communication.
paid paid paid due not rep. not rep. paid not rep. paid paid paid due not rep. . paId paid not rep. due exempt. _. do do do do do do 'do do
== ==
no ret. not full, n';-;et.
rep. rep. rep. rep. rep. rep·. rep. del. del. del.
-2-1- --3-3-'-7--
46 List of Masonic Districts, ~c., (J. Lodge
0/ Missouri.
Missouri, St. Louis, Naphtali, Mount Moriah,
R. W. JOHN D. TAYLOR, sr. Ihuu. No.1 :Bonhomme, "20 Douglass, " 25 Polar-Star, "40 :Bridgton,
"54 " 79
Clarksville, Palmyra, Paris·Union, New London, St. John's, Troy, Monticello,
R. W. CARTY WELLS, Palmyra. No. 17 Alexandria, "18 College, "19 Danville, " 21 Bowling Green, " 28 Waterloo, "34 Canton,
No. 69
"70 " 72
" 75
U.D: u.
Huntsville, Cooper, Jefferson City, Fayette, Fulton, Livingston, Wakanda,
R. W. ALFRED MANN, Keytesvilll~ No. 30 Arrow Rock, "36 Marshall, "43 Rocheport, "47 Eureka, " 48 'Varren, "51 Jackson, "52 Friendship,
No. 55
" 65 " 67 " 73
" 74 " 82
Liberty, Lafayette, Weston, Platte. City, Richmond,
R. W. RICHARD R. REES, Independence. No. 31 Savannah, "32 Independence, " 53 St. Joseph's, "56 Multnomab,
No. 71 " 76 " 78
« 84
Tyro, Lebanon,
R. W. E. S. RUGGLES, Caledonia•. No. 12 / Olive Branch, " 77
U. D.
Ozark, Oseo~,
Landmark, Tebo, Neosho,
R. W. ANDREW M. TUTT, Clinto'll. No. 50 Dana, "61 Bolivar, "64 Washington, " 68 Johnston, " 81 I SEVENTH DISTRICT.
R. W. HENDERSON P. BOYAKIN, Salem, JU. No.59./
No. 83 U. D. U. D.
U. D.
APPENDIX J. REPORT Delegate to Winchester, May, 1846.
In pursuance of a Resolution s>f the Masonic Convention of Grand Lodges, held in the city of Baltimore, on, the 8th day of May, 1843, A.'. L.路. 5843, in the words following, to wit: . "Resolved, That this Con\'enti-on recommend to the'several Grand Lodges, that the next meeting of the Grand Masonic Convention of Free ancFAccepted Ma.. sons; be held in the city of Winchester" Va., on the 2d Monday in May, in the year 1846;" and which said resolution was concurred in by a majority of the Grand Lodges of the路路 United States ;-Delegates from th.e Grand Lodges of North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Michigan and District of Columbia, met on the above named day, at the Masonic Hall, i~ .the city of Winchester, and having presented their credentials, adjourned over until to-morrow 9 o'clock, A. M.
TUESDAY, M..'\Y 12, 1846. The Delegates present, on yesterday, met agreeably to adjournment, and or.. ganized, temporarily, by appointing, M. W. Brother Marsteller, of North Carolina, Chairman, and Bro. H. C. Williams, of District of Columbia, Secretary. The Secretary having been directed to examine credentials, reported the following Grand Lodges represented, viz:
North Carolina, BRO. Virginia, " Michigan, " Iowa, " Dis. of Columbia, "
LEWIS H. MARSTELLER, M. W. P. G. Master. LEVI L. STEVENSON, . M. W. P. G. Master. E. SMITH LEE, P. G. Secretary. JAS. R. HARTSOCK, R. W. Dep. G. Master. H. C. WILLIAMS, Grand Secretary.
Brother F. L. Billon appeared, and produced his credentials as delegate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and took his seat Adjourned until to-morrow, Wednesday, the 13th instant, by agreement, to afford further time to such as were not yet represented.
"WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1846. The Delegates met pursuant to adjournment; present, as on yesterday. Thill being the third day of attendance of some o( the delegates, and no additional ielegates appearing to justify or warrant "the transaction of any business by those present, they accordingly adjourned sine die.
Winche8ter, Va., May 13, 1846.
L. H. MARS1 ELLER, North Carolina. L. L. STEVENSON, Virginia. E. SMITH LEE, Michigan. F. L. BILLON, Missouri. JAMES R. HARTSOCK, Iowa. H. C. WILLIAMS, 'Dis. of Columbia. I
.IlHNU.I1L REPORT' of the 'Officers and Members of - . - - Lodge, No. - , held in the of - , County qf --,State of Missouri, for the year ending --,.11. n. 18 - , .11. L.58·-:.... nate of Charter, '-..- - , 18 - . No. Names., Rank.
_ _ _ _ .I
3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16
A. C. E. G. I. K. M.
E. D. F., H. J. L. N. O. P.
Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. A. C. R. S.
X. L. N. J. H.
I Initiated.
Passed., Raised.
~G.ero I
Admitted. Demitted·IDie1Rel,tt·'sUS]pended'iExpelied
w. W. S. J. W. -Treas. SeC't; S. . J. D. Tyler. P. M.
2 3 4
5 Feb . 15 '461
IAug. 15, Reins'd.·
Jan. 27, '46
" " M.M. " " " " F. C.
Apl.19,'46 May 20 June 25 " 27,'" June 25 E. A. June 14, " Sep. 20, " " 4
-o- -
I ,,0
' $ 11 00
1 - - - - -
The Regular Meetings of this Lod~e are held on the - - - in each month. I hereby certify, that the foregoing is a true and perfect return of all matters and things required to be reported, annually, by the regulations of the Grand Lodge. '. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Lodge. .I1tte~t, C. D.~ Secretary. (Lodge Seal, if any.) [L. S.] . A. B., WOT. Mas.
NOTE.-Let each column be footed with the No. of :Members, Initiations, ·&e., and amount due G. L. In the second column place the names of all persons necessary to. be returned to the. Grand Lodge, atld opposite to them, in the proper column, the date of Initiation, Passing, &c., &c., since the last return-opposit~ to Past l\laster" P. ~1'7E~te~ed.App~eDtice, ~. A., ~c. . . • •
lJ:}-The Subordmate Lodges m this JUrISdICtion, m makmg out theu annual return3 to the ·Grand· Lodge, are reqUlred, conform strictly to the foregoing form.-[See Resolution 50, page 24.]
future, to