GRAND LO.DGE.OF MO. THE Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, )f the State of Missouri, convcllc(l at Boonville. Oil Monday th~ 7th day of .May, A. D. 18:1n, A. L. 5R-l').
G. J11.
S. G. W. pt. I). ])J~Al).ER; J. G. IV... ;~ J.'. .A.. H. GARISH" G. 1'rl'(Js'r. j)l. ,,: J. ,\r. S. MI'fCIIEL. G. Scc'y. BRO. A. :\IAUaICE Jr., . 8. G. D. .1. G. D. " R. w. GROVER, i. ;, G EO. STUCKER, G. Tyler And other HrcthC>l1. The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form at 2 o:cIock" P. 1\1., and nof having a quorum, ce.lled off until 8 o'clock to-morro\\' morning. i.
8 o'clock.
Present, officers and 1I1l'mhers ~~ yesferday, with several additional members. The Grand Lod;c wa::; called to labor in 3rtl degree, prayer by Rev. Bro. R. Bond. . . The M. W. Grand Master delivered his annual address; Which was referred tq a Select Committee, viz: Bros. J. F. Ryland, N. KOllns and F. B. A~'ootl. The M. W. G. l\-laster appointed the following Standing Committee~, viz; On Credcntial,,~nrothei's M. H. McFarland, G. 'K C. Melody and J. H. Tumer. Ol~ Lodges-Bros. P. Draper,G. H. C. Melody andL. Blackwell. Ol~ Lodges U. D.--:-Brothel's Learcy, Burnett, Garish and CalJ~han. On Ui~/illishcd B?'siiless-Bros. J08. 1\fcgquier, Shafer anti A. o. Sl,lllivan. On Grialtllc(s-Brotl1ers J. H. Turner, P. Draper, 1\1. H. McFarland and
R. G.
On .Ilpplications aai Comllwnications-Bros. A. Maurice Jr., Rawlins, Hardin and H. W. Grover. Ol~ C1ULrity-Bros. C. D. W. Johnson, McDonald, Walker and Harris. On Trays and .1IIca11STBros. J..l". Ryland, R. S: I.everidgt>, . Kelburck. Rush, Clark5('O, TuttI A. 1\lanrice Jr ..• and B. W. Grover.
4 On, Accounts-Bros. B. W. Grover,N. Kouns. Moore and A. Maurice Jr~ On. the College-Bros. Ruggles, A. Maurice Jr., Richard Bond, F. B. Atwood, N. Kouns, Bird, Blackwell and Draper.
The.committee on Credentials the following report: The undersigned committee on Credentials, beg leave to report that they find tho fol1owmg Lodges represented, viz: by E; S. RUGGLEs!. W. M. " G. H. C. MELODY, proxy for W.M. " J. W. S. MITCHEL, proxy for S. W. Na.phtaJ.'k, HtSntsviUe. "J. C. SHAFER~ W. M. 路Liberty, . B1, " A. H.GARISH, W.M. 32 " 5J. F. RYLAND, proxy for W. M. Lafayette, , { L. BLACKWELL~_proxyfor J. and J. W. R. G. STOCKTO.NL W. M. 36," R. S. LEVERIDG~, S. W. Cooper, C. 'D. W.JOHNSON,J. W. 40, "E. MeDONALD, W. M. Mount Moriah X " 5N. KOUNS, proxy for W. M., and J. W. H. Fulton Lodge J. O. 48, t ROWLINGS, proy.y for S. W. Livingston Lodge, " 51, "J. H. TURNER, W. M. Wakenda ,. " 52, " F. B. ATWOOD, W. M. " 55, " A. O. SULLIVAN proxy for W. M. S. &. J. W. Arrow Rock " " 64," W. KILBURCK,W. M.&proxyfor S. &.J. W. Landmark " (C 71, " W. BURNETT;. W.1\-!. Sa1Jaooah " " 72, " R. BOND, proxy for W. M. S. and J. W. Danville " Eureka. (( :: 73, " A.S. HARRIS, S. W. and J>roxy for W. M. 75, "W.H. McFARLAND, W. M. .I1shley " :; 78, c路, E. SCARCY, 8. W. and proxy for W. l\-I. St. Joseph " 85, " B. W. GROVER, proxy for W. M. & J. W. Johnson " " 87, "J.C.CLA.RKSON,proxy forW.l\1.S.&J.W. Washing " <C 92, ~'P. DRAPER, W. M. Perseverance " " 93, ,. A. P. BIRD,proxy forW.l\f. st. Marks " ,( 95, " P. B. MOORE, J. W. St. Andrews " " 101, " A.l\fAURICEJr.,proxyforW.M. S.&1. W. Greene "
St. Louis,
No. 12, 20, 25, 30,
AU of which Lodges have paid their dues excepting Liberty No.3!. which claims a credit for their Lodge dues on account ot money loaned Bro. S. W. B. Carnegy for the pse of the Grand Lodge. It also appears that St. Andrews Lodge, No. 90 is in arrears sixty dollars for Lodge dues, which will be a subject for the action of the Grand Lodge. There being 23 Lodges that have paid their dues, a quorum is present to do business. All-of which is respectfully su6mitted, M. H. McFARLAND, G. H.C. MELODY, J. H. TURNER. Brother Maurice presented a memorial from J. A. Scott and others, which was referred to committee on applications and communications. Brother G. Secretary presented a memorial from the G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, which was referred to same committee. A petition from a number of brethren in Santa Fe praying for a Charter, referred to the committee on Subordinate Lodges. ~etition from a nQmberof brethren in Scott connty, praying for a Dispensa.tIon. Petition from Prairie Lodge No. 90, which was referred to the same committee: Brother Ryland presented a report from the President of the College:; And a report ot the President of the Board ofCuratorsj . Also, a report from the .Facul~y of... the Coileg~. The Grand LQdge called C'ff unhl ;2 e'clock.
2 o'clock,
P. M路.
The G. Lodge was called to labor, present officers and membersas in the morning, and also Brothers Call~han and Hardin from Boone Lodg:e No. Brotner Maurice offered the fonowing, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to read the minutes of the Grand Lodge every morning h~fore any other business is done; during its session at this communication. The committee appointed ll.tthe last session of the. Grand Lodge,to see the property in Marion county, belonging to the Grand Lodge, Was di~charged, and Brother P. Draper, appointed an agent for that purpose. A memorial from Huntsville Lodge No. 30, was read and referred to the committee on Grievances. Brother Bond offered. the following amendment and alteration of the By., bf the Grand Lodget--Art. XXVIII., page 36, Sec. 3, lineS; strike out the w'lrds "Grand Lodge" and insert Ourators. Article XXIX., page 39, Sec. 5, line 4; strike out an-aft~r the word "vacan.. ey;" Sec. 6,page 40; strike out all between the word "Curators" in1ine first and the word "by" in the second line; page 41, Sec. 15J strike out all between the words "necessary"and "elect" in second line, and the words "all Profes~ sors, Tutors" in the 3d line; Ordered toa second reading on-to-morrow. Brother Grover offered the followinO', which was adopted: Resolved, That the election of the~rand Officers of this Grand Lodge be had before 11 o'clock or. Tnursday next, at which time a public installation. . . shall take place at the M. E. cnurc~. The committee on Credentials re.portedTebo. Lodge No. 68, represented by Brother A. M. Tutt, W. M. M. H. McFARLAND, G. H.C. MELODY, J. H. TURNER. Brother Grover ottered the following: Amend Article XXIX., Sec. 1st, in the 2d line, br striking out the words "not less than seven nor more than fifteen," and insertm~ the words "not less than .fifteen nor more than twenty-six," and that one Curator shall be selected in each Masonic District i.D the State, and the residue selected as convenient to the Masonic College as possible, who shall be elected once in every two years. Ordered to a second reading 9n to-morrow. The G. Lodge was called from labor untIl to-morrow morning at 8 o'
8 o'clock.
Present, Grand Officers and Members as yesterday, also Brothers McMurry arid Clark.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor. The committ{'e on Credentials begJeave to report; Fayette J... odge No. 47 represented by BrotherB. H. Clark, proxy for 路W. M. Independence Lodge No. 76 by J. McMurry, J. W. M. H. McFARLAND, G. H. C. MELODY, J. H. TURN.gR. Brother Ryland from the Select Committee reported the fol1owin~: The \1ndersigned Special Committee to whiCh was referred the address of our M. W. Grand Master, report; The committee suggest the propriety of referring that part of the address which speaks of the D. D. G. Masters and which requeats a change of the
6 By~Laws in relation to their making their reports to the Grand Master, pre~ viously to their annual meetin~ of Ole Grand Lodge; to a special committee~ as follows: Brothers A. M. Tutt, McMurry, and McDonald, and that saicl committee be requested to report thereon such action as it may deem pl路 opel' for this Grand Lod~e to take in the premises. The committee also recommend that, that part in relation to the Masonic Colleg-e, be referred to the committee on the College. The committee recommender! that so much as speaks of the XXVI Article of the By-Laws, in relation to Masons not member~ of any Lod~e, does not require any reference hecause of the action had at this session on that subject. We recommend that part ot the address which speaks of application for leave to visit our Lodges by Masons from New York, who hale from Lodges in thrrt State, the name:! of which arc not on the registry, as wen us that part whi~il speaks of writing abroad to ascertain the character of r.crsons seeking admission to our Order, and upon such information thus obtal1led beln~ made the hasis of quarificatioll for admission, be referred to a select corr.i~litt0e of Brothers Garish, Grover and Hardin, with instructions to investigate these suh.i!='cts and Ttl port thereon. oWe also su,<rg-est the propriety of referrin~ that portion of the address in relation to uniformity of work and lectures of subordinate Lodges to the Select Committee to which we recommend the subject of D. D. Grand Masters report. The committee 路recommended that the entire add"ess of the Granrl Master be published with the proceedings of the Grand Lod~e, as we consider it all interestillg' document and well calculated to advance the interest of the Fraternity aDd the caus~ of Masonry at large. J. F. RYLAND, ~ ~ATHAN KOUNS, Committee. F. B. ATWOOD,
Brother Maurice presented a memorial from John lStinefield, which was referred to the committee oil Grievanc~s. Brother nyJand presented a code of. By-Laws for the government of the Faculty of the College, which was referre,1 to the committee on the Collc;e. Brother Shafer oltered the following, which was arlopted: To insure uuiformity in thp. work and lectures in the several Lodges under this jmisdiction; Resolved. that the M. W. Grand .Mr.ster be requested to deliver the lectures on the fIrst, second and third degrees, at the present com~ municatiOll. Brother Garish offered a memorial, which was referred to Brothers R. Bond, J. Megqnier and A. M. Tutt. The reports of Brothers A. M. Tutt, Gro vel' and Mauricl', as D. D. Granel Masters, were received and referred to the committEe on applications and communications. Brother Grover made the following report of the Committee on Acconnts, which was adopted: To th.e Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Slate of .Jlfissollri: The undersigned chairman of the com:nittee on Accounts has been directed to submit the following report. That they have had under consideration the report of Brother Thomas S. Miller, Commissioner to ascertain from the books of the Inte Eoard of Curators of Masonic College at Marion, the condition of Brother WiiIock's account upon said books-and he finds due said Brother 1VilJock the sum of $149 03, for which he has drawn a warrant llj'on the Grand Treasurer. Your committee recommend that said warrant be paid by the Urand Treasurer to said Brother David Willock, late Steward of Masonic ColI('gc. B. W. GROVER, CAr. Com. on .!let's. Brother Melody stated that he had received a Jetter from Brother R. R. pallar;n, t~ndering his thanks to this Grand Lodge, and begs to decline reeeho-
Ing uJeweI.
7 Brother Garish offered the followine:, which was adort~ll: Re~olved, That this Grand Lodge into the election of oHic<:!'s at ~ o'e]ock this afternoon. Brother Ryland offered the following, which was adopted: The committee to sell Marion Collrge property, should be ins1ructed l~t. fa divide the property if he dpemed it best. 2d, to advertise ane! sell prinlel~: ;1 practicable in six months, if not so sold, to sell at his discr.etion p"hlic)y. 3d, to sell for at least one-fifth part in hand and the balance to be paId ill 0[,(' and two years, a deed to be made when paid for. 4th~ all procp.!'d>l to be pa;d Into the GI and Treasury, within two months after receiving the same, to he. drawn by Colleooe fund Commissioner. Brother Charfes P. Bonduvant, of Marion Lodge U. D. entend. The committee on Grievances made the following report, which wa:'! adopted:
To the M. W. Grand Lodge of llfissOUl'i: The committee on Gnevances beg' leave to report that they ha,-e had under consideration the memorial of A. Pilcher, asking to be reinstated to the privileges of Masonry, from which he had been excluded by Marion Lodge No. 59, under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and having referred liS no papers from said Lodge upon to base a report, have none to make, and ask to be excused from thc furthcr consideration of the subject. Your committee have also had under consideration the memorial of James McKown, late a membcr of \Vestern Lodge No. 53, prayiu~ to be restored to the p.rivileges of Masonry, from which he was expelled in said Lodge on the evenmg of the 11th Septcmber, 1841). The memorial states that James McKown tookan appeal in due form to the Grand Lodg-e; havlrI~ referred us no . ccrtified documenls or papers from 'Western Lodge No. 53,- upon which to make a report, have none to make and ask to be excused from the fu rther consideration of the subject. Your ron1mittee have also had under consideration the meIt10r \al and resolution of Huntsville Lodge No. 30, and have carefully cxamined the same, be~ leave to ask the adoption of the following resolution, ann ue ex cuscd from the further consideration of the subject: . Resolved, That the memorial and resolution of Huntsville Lodge No. 30, be laid on the table indefinitely. Yom committee on Grievances, to w hom was referred the app eal of. Samuel A. Bowen, from the decision of S1. Johns' Lodge N D. 28, Hannib aI, Missouri, havinp carefully exafl1ined the proceedings and evidence in the cas c; beg leave to aSK the adoption of the following resolution, and be discharged from the further consideration ef the subject: Re~olved, That the decision of S1. J ohns Lo<l~e No. 28, be and is h~ reby sustamed. All of which is respectfully submitted. . JNQIL TURNE~ M. H. MeT-' ARLAND, Com. R. G. STOCKTON,
Brother Turner made his report as D. D. Grand Master, which W2.S referred to the committee on applications. Brother Grover offered the following, which was adopted: WHEREAS, the committee on Ways and Means cannot satisfactorily perform its duty in making up their report without first having a full and minute statement of the funds received at this commumcation, by the Grand Secretary. Therefore, Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be requested to furnish at as early a period as possible a full statement of all the funds received by him at this communication, designating the several amounts,from whom received and to what particular fund each belong. The Grand Lodge was called off until 2 o'clock, P: M.
2 o'clock.
Prc~('nt) offierl's and mernbf'r~ as in tile morning. Thr Grand Lorlgr was called to labor in ample form.
The committee on Crc>uentials made the followine; report: Paris Union Lodge No. 19, represented by J. G. Caldwell, proxy for W M. S. find J. Ward,
Madison Lodge No. 91, by Henderson Davis, S. w. The Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of officerl'l; when the followin&, were duly elected, viz:
. BRo. JNO.
" " " " "
}'l. RYLAND, M. W. G. Master. R. W. D. G. ~faster. E. S. RUGGLES. R. W. S. G. Wardell. JOS. MEGQUIER, R. W. J. G. Warden. P. DRAPER, W. G. Treasurer. JOHN M. REED, C. D. \V. JOHNSON, W. G. Secretary.
The committee on Credentials reported Jefferson City Lodge No. represf:nted by Brother W. E. Dunscomh proxy for W. M. and Brother Presley T. Cordell, proxy for J. W. Brot her Draper offered the following: Resov"ed, That the last clause of the first Section of the sec"1td Article of the Cons titl1ti"n be so amended as to read as follows: The w. Master and Wardens for the time being of the several chartered J..odg:es under the jUrIsdiction of this Grand Lodge or their legally appointed proxIes. Brother Megqllier, chairmain of committee on Unfinished Business, made the following report, whlch was adopted: The committee on Grievances of 1848. to whom the memorial of Samuel Moore from the decision of Tebo Lodge No. 68, was referrad back, to report to the Grand Lodge in 1849; having been furnished with the entire proceedm&s of sa~d Lodge in the case 01 Samuel Moore who was expelled from the priVIlege of Mas onry, have taken the same into consideration and find the proceedings in ace ordancc with the laws of this Grand Lodge, and therefore recommend th ~ adoption of the following: Rcso tved, That the decision of Tebo Lodge No. 68 be affirmed. All of which is respectfully sub~itted, J08. MEGQUIER, Chairman. Brother Bond made the following report which on motion was referred to a select committee of Brothers Grover and Ryland,with instructions to enquire into the facts and report to the next meeting of this Grand Lodge. The committee to whom was referred the memorial from several Brethren of Liberty Lodge No. 31, have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report; that from the evidence before them, they believe those Brethren signed a bill of exchange to Brother Carnegy, for the benefit of the College in good faith "as a loan," and aught to be paid by this Grand Lodge, especially as it is represented that they would be satisfied with the principal All of which is respectfully submitted.l alone. R. BuND, Chairmtl:r1" Brother Maurice made the following report: The committee on applications and communications to whom was referred the reports of the D. D. G. Masters, beg leave to report, that they have had under consideration the reports of Brothers Carnegy, of the 3rd District; Turner of the 5th; Grover of the 7th; Tutt of the 10th and Maurice of the 15th; and from the general tenor of the reports the committeI' find the
9 several Lodges in said districts in a healthy condit lOll, and the cause of MaIlomy to be'flourishing. They find that three dispf'nsations have been granted since the last Grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge-one by Brotber Grover for a new Lodge at Kansat, called Herrine Lodge; one by Brother Turner for a. Lodge at Bloomington, called Bloomington Lodge; and one by Brother Tutt for a new Lodge at Georgetown called Relief Lodge. That Brother Maurice continued the Dispensation of Sarcoxie Lodge for six months, the same having expired by limitation last October. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. MAURICE, Jr., Chairman. The Grand Lodge was called off until to~morrow morning 8 o'clock.
8 o'clock.
The Grand Lodge was called to labor; officers and members as yesterday. The committee on Chartered Lodgds made the following report, which was adopted:
To tM M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: Your committee on Subordinate Lodges beg leave to reprt, that they have examined the records and papers of Hardin Lodge No. 87; to which a charter was granted by P. G. M. Rolls, on 9th Oct. 1847, which Lodge has in accordance with said charter, surrendered the same togethel with all records and papers. Not deeming it our province to examine the By-Laws of that LOdge, we have not done so; but we have great pleasure in stating that the records appear to have been kept with great care-and are believed to be strictly correct. It does not appear however, that a regular return in accordance with the form prescribed has been rendered; by which the amount of their dues to this Grand Lodge can be ascertained, without a thorough examination and comparison of all their proceedings. There appears forty-two names on their roll-in the proceedings of that Lodge we observe a resolution, which reads as follows: That the funds of this Lodge after the payment of all G. Lodge dues fro~ the Brethren of Hardin Lodge No. 87, be given to the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri, in trust for the following purpose? viz: "In trqst for one to be drawn for and subject to the order of the first legally co~stituted Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, to be hereafter reaularly estabhshed in Santa Fe, New Mexico." Understanding that a charter has been granted to a new Lodge at the city of Santa Fe, in New Mexico, by the name of Santa Fe Lodge No. and learning from the papers of Hardin Lodge No. 87 that they had in the hands of their treasurer the sum of $139 88 we therefore beg to recommend that after de~ ducting forty-two dollars the amount of dues appearing to be due to this G. Lodge, the balance of funds in the hands of the treasurer of Hardin Lodge No. 87 be given to Santa Fe Lodge No. Since our former report the following named Lodges have presented their returns, viz: Dana Lodge No. 83, Jefferson City No. 43, Marion No. 59, Osceola No. 61, and Madison No. 91; and find the same to be correct. All of which is respectfully submitted, P. DRAPER, ~ G. H. C. MELODY, Com. L. BLACKWELL, Brothers McMurry and Moore obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the session.
10 Brolherl\Iauricc made the following communication: The committee on Applications and C0mmunicafions, to whom was refer~ed 'the petition of Brothers Geo. A. Thomas, Benj. F. Reed, Robt.路 T. Brent Henry U:Neal, P. R. Tully, Jas. D, Robinson and Jeasas Abram praying fo; a charter consti~uting them a Lodge of Fre.e and. Accepted M~sons, by the uame of Santa Fe Lodge to be held ~t the Clt,r of ~anta Fe terntory of New. ~exlco, report tha~ they have take~ lllt.O cons~der~tl(~n the prayer of the petiboners, and have given It that exammatiOn which ItS Importance requires and would recommend that the wishes of the petitioners be granted, and therefore ask the adoption of the following resolutiof}: ReSolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to draw up a charter in accordance with the wishes of the petitioners, signed by the proper officers and deliver the same as S0011 as convenient. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. MAURICE, Jr., C hm'n. The committee h~ve had under consideration. the application of Prairie Lodge No. 90 and Neosho Lodge No. 81 as~ing their Lodge dues re-mitted and after carefully weighing the reasons upon which Prairie Lodge No. 90 makes the application, beg leave to rep?rt that th~Y; deem them wh1rtly insufficient and therefore that the applicatIOn of Prairie Lod!!e No. 90, be not g-ranted. While. your committee is of opinion that the Grand Lodge ought not for light and tnval causes to exonorate the members of a Lodge from the regular payment of Grand Lodge dues, yet under the peculiar circulDstances in which Neosho Lodge No. 81 is placed, and especially as the unfortunate financial condition of the Lodge is wholly attributable to the failure of former members of that Lodge, in the performance of their duties your committee recommend thil.t the Grand Lodge dues of Neosho Lodge No. 81 be remitted for one year. Your committee beg leave fnrther to report that they have had under con. sideration the dispensation granted by our M. W. Grand Master to Brother A. Maurice to constitute and install the officers of Greene Lodge No. 101, Mount Vernon Lodge No. 99, and find that the duty was performed according to ancient usages. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. MAURICE, Jr., B. W. GROVER, A. J. HARDIN. The committee on Accounts made the following rep.ort, which .As adoptedl The committee on Accounts to whom was referred the report of S. W. B. Carnegy, agent to collect 1he bonds against Wm. Hassenger, beg leave to report that tho nlAtes have been put in suit and a judgment obtained upon them in the Marion Circuit Conrt and they will be collected in due course of Law" All of which is respectfully submitted, B. W. GROVtR, Chairman. A memorial presented by Brother Shafer was referred to the committee 01\ Charity. . . Brother Rowlings presented the followmg, which was referred to a Select Committee of Brothers Atwood, McDonald and Clarkson: . Resolved, That np Brother shall be permitted to demit from any Lodge. under this jurisdiction except it be for the purpose of traveling out of the juris. diction of said Lodge or of joining another Lodge. The Grand Lodge proceeded to form a proceSSlOn pursuant to order, for the purpose of publicfy installing the Grand Officers. J. W. S. MITCHEL, Grand Secretary: Attest: After the installation the Grand Lodge returned to the Hall,when the M. W. G. Mastermade a handsome and very appropriate address. After which, on motion the ~. Lodge was called off until half past 2 o'clock
2 o'cldck, r.
Th~ Grand Lodge was called on in ample form; nfficereu as foll(l\\'~;: M. " " " " " " "
W. " " " " " .( "
Grand Master. G. S. W. G. J. W. G. S.
G. T. G. S. D.
G. J. D. G. Tyler.
On motion of Brother Maurice, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That wc, the members of this Grand Lodgc, return our warmest thanks and fraternal regards to our Worthy Past Grand Master, Brother Jos. Foster, for the able, efficient and impaItial manner in which he has governed the Grand Lodge. Brother Megquier called for the third reading of the resolution amendin b the 2d Sec. of the 1st Article of the R.y-Laws, which was rejected. Brother J. W. S. Mitchel offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the dues of Marion Lodge No. 59 be and the same is hereby remitted for one year. Brother Bird offered the following resolutio'n, which was rejected: Re8olved, That the word "Boonville" be stricken out of the 1st Sec. of the 1st Article of the By-Lawil, and "St. Louis" inserted. Brother J. W. S. Mitchel, on the part of the cqmmittee heretofore appointed by this G. Lodge to collect the ancient charges, &c., reported progress and asked further time until the next ~ession of this G. Lodge, which wa'l granted. Brother Bond called foc the third reading of the amendment to the ByLaws, which was read and adopted. Brother Foster requested his vcate to be recorded as in the negative. Brother Grover offered the follow~ng amendment: . To Art. XXIX, Sec. 1, in the second line, the words ~'not less than seven nor more than fifteen" be stricken out, and the words "nct less than fifteen nor more than twenty-six" be sUbstituted; and that one Curator shall be s~. leded in each Masonic District in the State, and the residue selected as convenient to the Masonic College as 'possible, who shall be elected once in et;elY two years. . Brother Foster offered the following amendment to Brother Grover's, as a ryder (to the effect that the numper of Curators be reduced to seven and chosen contiguous to Lexington;) which was ruled as out of order by M. W. Grand Master. The amendment of lJrother Grover, was then adopted. The committee on Grievance reported as follows: Your committee on Grievances beg leave to report that they have had referred to them an appeal taken by Jolin Steinfield, from the decision of Coop. er Lodge No. 36, expelling him from tpe privileges of M'asonry. The evidence taken before the Lodge, was forwarded to St Louis and could not be before' your committee. We therefore respectfnlly recommend that the appeal be referred back tD Cooper Lodge No. 30, with instructions to give Mr. Steinfield a new hearing, and tlJat P. G. Secretary Mitchel, to whose address the evidence was sent be instructed to return the same to Cooper Lodge. Your committee have also had before them an appeal taken by Nicholas Ray from the decision of Madison Lodge No. 91, expelling him from said Lodge. From the copy of the proceedings of the Lodge inrefercnce to said case, it appears that char~es were properly preferred, and that Mr. Ray was duly notified~ but at the tune of the trial, in consequence of said Ray refusing to comply WIth the order of the W. M., a resolution was adopted expellin~ him for insultipl? the W. M. nnd B~cthrel!' Sain Ray being expelkd, not on the charge ongmaUy preferred agamst Illm, Lut bya ne\-... f('ljolfltion of the Lodge, and for a diffcl!'nt of}i:-nr.e J p"ur c'~'mmi1L'(' tl!il.'k his expulsion alto,
12 gether irregular and respectfully recommend that the appeal and testimony be referred back to Madison Lodge No. 91, with instructions to proceed to final trial on the original charges and specifications af.!ainst him in accordance with the By-Laws of this G. Lodge, and your committee ask to be discharged from the further consideration of said caS6S. All of which is respectfully submitte~) , JOHN H. TUR~ER, Chai1'man. Brother Foster offered the following viz: Resolved, That the M. W. Grand ~aster is hereby requested to make the resolutions of Brothers Bond and Maurice, on the subject of intemperance and gambling the basis ,of a private circular to the subordinate Lodges, at his earliest convenience; and that the resolutions shall not be printed with the printed proceedings of this G. Lodge. Laid over until to-morrow. The following resolution was offered by Brother Garish, which was rejected~ Ruolved, That the vote on the resolutions of Brothers Maurice and Bond be reconsidered. Ordered that the Past G. Treasurer pay over to the present G. Treasurer all the funds in his hands after settling With the committee. The Grand Lodge was then called off until to-morrow morning 8 o'clock.
8 o'clock.
The Grand I.odge was then called on in ample form, officers and members as yesterday. Brother Foster offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Saint I..ouis Lodges and be numbered three and nine. Brother Foster's resolution which was laid on the table until this morning, was called up, read and adopted. . The following resolution was offered by Brother A. M. Tutt, and ado{lted: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge do hereby recommend the Masonic SJgl!et, a periodical published in St. LOUIS by P. G. M. J. W. S. Mitchel to the fraternity throughout the State, as a publication designed and calculated to teach the true principles of Masonry, and advance the interests of the order. The folloWing report of Special Committee. was adopted:
To the M. W. Grand Lodge Of the State of Missouri: . Your committee to whom was referred the resolution to amend the XXIV Article of the 9th Sec. of the By-Laws, beg leave to say that in as much as it appears by the anci~nt usages that no member of a Lodge was permitted to demit except for the purpose of travelmg out of the jurisdiction of his Lodge, or (or the pur{>ose of joining another Lodge: Therefore, in the opin, ion of this Grand LOdge it is unmasonic for a Brother to demit except for the reasons above stated; nevertheless, thIS G. Lodge is of opinion that subordinate Lodges are boup.d to remit the dues of any ,member who may be unable to pay the same, and that the subordinate Lodge so remitting dues is not bound to pay Grand Lodge dues for a member thus deemed unable to pay. All of which is respectfuIJy submitted, T. B. ATWOOD, Chairman. The committee on Applications and Communications made the following report, which was adopted: To the M. W. Grand Lodge: The committee on Applications and communications to whom was referred the communication from the G. Master of Iowa, have given it that consideration which they deemed the importance of it demanded; and they would most respllctfully suggest that the whole matter contained in the communication from the G. Master of Iowa is not within the jurisdiction of this G. Lodge. All of whkh is respedrully submitted to your consideration, A. MAURICE, Jr" Chairman.
Dist'riels of the State by Counties,May 1849. FIRST lJISTRICT.
Bao. J. H. TrURNER, D. D. G. M. Howard, Gvingston, Macon,
Chariton, Randolph., Highland.
Linn, Saline,
Grundy, Schuyler
Clay, Davis,
H. B. ATWOOD, D. D. G. M.
Ray, Harrison.
Canoll, Gentry.
81. Charles, Montgomery,
Lincoln, Callaway,
Warren, Boone.
Audrain, Shelby,
Monroe, Lewis,
Marion Scotland,
Ralls, Clark.
Platte, Andrew,
Clinton, Nodaway,
Buchanan, Holt,
Decalb, Atchison.
B. W. GROVER, D. D. G. M.
Jackson, Henry,
Van Buren, Lafayette,
Bates, Pettis.
Cooper, Millpr,
Moniteau, Osage.
St. Louis,
Benton, Camden,
E. T. MAJORS, D. D. G. M.
St. Clair, Cedar,
Hickory. Dallas.
BRO. A. l\fACRICE, Jr., D: D. G. M. Dade, Greell~J
BRO. JACOB INGRAM, D. D. G. M. Washingtoll, Crawford,
Ste. Genevieve, Madison, TWELFTH
St. Francois, (;ape Girardeau.
BRO. R. A. HATCHER, D. D. G. M. Wayne, Mississippi,
Scott, .New Madrid,
Ripley, Dunklin.
The committee on Charity made the following report, which was adopted: The committee on Charity to whom was referred the petition of Brother J. C. Shafer, asking this Grand Lodge to pass an order for the relief of a destitute Brother, (Brother E. Slater,) respectfully recommed the adoption of the following resolution: . Resolved, That this G. Lodge donate the sum of $50 for the relief of Bro. E. Slater, and that the W. M. of Huntsville Lodge No. 30, be authorized to receive the same and pay it over to said Brother. Respectfully submitted, C. D. W. JOHNSON, Ch711'n. The M. W. G. Master appointed Brothers A. Maurice, Jr., G. H. C. Melody, Chas. Levy and B. M. Runyans a committee to settle with Past Grand Treasurer and Past Grand Secretary. The cummittee on the College reported as follows, viz: To the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Missouri:
Your committee to whom was referred the affairs of the College, beg leave to report,that they have had hefore them the report of the Curators and Faculty, from which they give the following synopSIS: Under the impreSSIOn that the G. Lodge had directed the College to be opened on the first of October last, the Curators gave notice to that effect and made what preparation they could to fulfil what they believe to be their duty as directed by this body. Mr. Tanneyhill, the President elect not accepting the Presidency of the College, the Curators called a meeting of the Professors, Messrs. Patterson and Cameron, who did accept, and were prepared to enter upon the duties of their respective chairs. Believing that the By-Laws of the G. Lodge authorized the Curators to fill the chair of Presieent, which was not accepted by Mr. Tanneyhill, they, after corresponding with Rev. Abiel Sheerwood D. D. of the Baptist Church Ill., appointed him President of the College, which appointment he accepted, and in the month of November, entered upon the duties of his chair. It appears from the report before us that the number of students entered during the first term was ninety-five, sixty of whom were from Lexington, fiftee:1 from Lafayette county, five from Ray county, five from Saline county, three from Brunswick, three trom Alabama, two from Kansas, two from St. Joseph, two from Kentucky, one from Platte county, one from Callaway and one trom Mississippi. Forty-four students were Sons and Wards of Masons. The present. number of students is seventy. From the report ot the Faculty it appears that the advancement of the pupils has been greater than could have been expected under all the circumstances. The il'port of the Treasurer of the Hoard of Curators states that cash had
15 been received to the amount of $1021 28 for tuition, of wIdth amount S519 01 have been paid out for current ex;>ehces, leaving ill the hallds of the Treasurer a balance of $502 27. The report of Brothers Hunter antI Alford, agents of the College, states the amount received from Brother Thos. T. Ashby former agent, in notes at $6,149 94 in subscriptions at $10,869 20, in all $17,019 14 of which they had collected $1,406, a part of which has been paid over to the building committee. the remainder is still in their hands, on account of the absence oj their Trea~ sural' A code of By-Laws for the internal government of the College, drawn up by the Faculty, accompanied the report of the Curators, which are very numerous and minute none of which, so far as your committee perceive~, are contrary to the Laws of this G. Lodge. We therefore recommend them to be submitted td the inspection of the Curators, and if found applicable to the local circumstance::! of the College, may by their permission be used for the purposes intended. Your committee forbear to present any thing on the subject of the appointment of the late President and the opening of the College Ull the first Monday of October last, believing as we do that the Curators acted in good faith according to the best light they had before them, the account of which has been laid belore this G. Lodge. In regard to increasing the number of the Faculty by constituting a distinct chair of languages, your committee would rerommend that such additional chair should be created, provided it shall clearly appear to the curators that funds are available to pay the arrearages due to the present Facl.:.!ty, and to meet the additional expenses of another chair. Your committee recommend that to aid in meeting the expenses of a distinct chair of ancient languages, the salary of the President be fixed at $1200. We further recommend that the salary of the principal of the preparatory department be increased to $1000. And should a distinct chair of ancient languages be created, that the salary of the Professor be fixed at $1000. Your committee have had no re.eort from the College fund Commissioners before them. Finally your committee rejoice to believe that the prospects of the College are quite as encouraging as could be expected-and hope, that the support and guardianship of this grand Lodge will continue to be extended to it. and that the ensuing year willoe as the past, and much more abundant in the prosperity of that mstitution. All of which is respectfully submitted, E. S. RUGGLES, Chairman. On motion of Brother Foster the following Brothers were appointed a committee to nominate Curators,.viz: Bros. Bond, Blackwell and Grover. Resolved, That the warmest thanks of the members of this Grand Lodge are due, and are hereby tendered to our R. W, Brother Bond, Grand Chaplain! for his assiduous attention during the session of this Grand Lodge, and for his able and efficient discharge of the arduous duties that have devolved upon him. Brother Jno. H. Turner, W. M. of Livingston Lodge No. 51, reported the following list of non affiliated Masons who refuse to comply with the resolution of the Grand Lodge passed in May, 1848, requesting them to pay three dollars annually, viz: Jas. W. Hdrris, Adam C. Woods, Porter C. Tooley, Wm. Purkins and John Y. Stern, The committee appointed to nominate Curators reported as follows, viz:
District No.1 Bro, JOHN H. TURNER, " " 2 " G. CALDWELL, " " 3 " T. J. C. FAGG, "
"4 " 5 " " 6
SEARCY, filled,
16 District No. 7 Bro. JOS. MEGQUIER, filled, . " " 8
., " " "
" " "
10 11 12
" " " " " " " " " " "
The following resolution was offered by Brother Foster and adopted: Resolt'ed, that the Grand Secretary is ht'reby required to publish in the printed proceedings of the Grand Lodge all the amendments tbat have been made to the present code of By-Laws. Brother }i'oster offered the following: WHEREAS, there now exists an unadjusted claim between several Brothers of Liberty Lodge Nc. 31, and this Grand Lodge. Therefore, Resolved, That Liberty Lo~e be permitted to retain its dues to tbis Grand Lodge until said claims shall nave been adjusted, adopted. Brother Foster offered the following: . Resolved, That the committee appointed to settle with the Past Grand Secretaryand Treasurer, are hereby required to examine the archives of the G. Lodge and destroy all papers that in their judgment are not essential to the proper understanding of the former acts of the Grand Lodge. The committee of Ways and Means reported as follows, whicb was adopted:
To the M. W. Grand Lodge of th, S tate of Missouri: The undersigned committee of Ways and Means beg leave respectfully to submit the following report: That they have had under consideration the various subjects connected with the appropriate duties of said committee, and have given to them as full and patient investigation, as the limited time allowed them would permit. Your committee find from the reports of the several Grand Officers and committees of the Grand Lodge that tne available College fund, now on hand amounts to the ~um of â&#x20AC;˘ ,. - $1,704 83 Probable amt. of College funds from Lodges whose returns have not been received at this communication of the Grand Lodge, 29 .â&#x20AC;˘. 640 00 in number is estimated at 750 00 Probable amt. of donations to College frolD'6O Lodges not yet rec'd. Making in all total estimated College fund -
- $3,094 83
The items making this amount are herewith rendered in the form of an account marked A., which reads as follows:
STATEMENT OF COLLEGE FUND. Received for tuitiol! in College from report of Board of Curators $1,021 28 _ 519 01 Paid out by said Board Amount in hands of Treasurer of Board of Curators
$502 27
17 Amount of College fund received at this communication from Lodge~ reported -..Amouht In hands of College fund CommIssIoners Amount from Boone Lodge No. 94 for degrees not reported by Grand Secretary-Mitchel, l\fakin~
available funds;
810 00
343 56
47 00 $1,704 83
짜 Qur committee further report that from the same source we finct the present available contingent fund of the Grand Lodge on hand is $982 70 Probable amt. of contingent funds from 29 Lodges no returns rec'd. 386 61 $1,369 30
Total estimated oontingent fund
The items forming,said amount are rendered herewith marked B., which reads as follows:
STATEMENT OF CONTINGENT FUND. Amount received at this communication, Rigley Lod~e U. D., not reported by Grand Secretary,and Dlspensatien and Charter to Lodge in Santa Fe-and Dispensation to Benton, Scott county-and Charter to 9 Lodges under Dispensation; all of which is unreported by G. Sec'y., (Mitchel,)
$876 00
106 67 $982 67
And also the present available charity fund on hand amounting to Probable amount charity fund from 29 Lodges no returns received Amount in hands of Grand Treasurer, Total amount charity fund,
$491 33 193 33 17548
$860 14
Your oommittee in connection with this statement of the financesof the G. Lodge, havoC also to report that the salaries of the President and Professors of the College will amount "at the close of the present year, which will expire in Nov." to the sum of $3,300 00 Less this amount paid them, 458 00 Leaving a balance of, -
$2,842 00
Which statement discloses the fact that the estimated means of the College fund up to this communication of the Grand Lodge will exceed the expences at the close of the accademic year, 552 83. Your committee believing that the reputation not only of this Grand Lodge. but the whole Masonic Fraternity, is most deeply involved in the success 01" the Masonic College-that its prosperity and usefulness is a cherished objeet with the whole Masonic family in this State, and that its permanent endowment is the first and highest consideration which presents itself to this Grand Lodge, beg leave, after having given to the subject the most anxious and careful reflection, to recommend the following plan for the sale of scholarships. as a substitute for that adopted by the committee on the College at the last annual communication of this Grand Lodge. 1st. That the Board of Curators of the Masonic College be and they are hereby authorized to appoint OM or more agents to sell scholarships. 2nd. That said scholarships be of tbree classes. l<"irst, any person paying fifty dollars cash in advance shall be entitled to instruction III any or all the bran<:hes taught in :;a\Q Collc~e for one st.udent at a tim~ for fi,e consecutive
18 years. Second, any person paying one hundred dollars cash in advance shall be en.titled to 1~e same privileges ~s those in the first class for ten years COIl~ secuhvely. fhlrd, any person payIng three hundr,ed dollars cash in advance, ?r in in~talments at tnt> end of one, two and three years well secured and paymg the Interest. on ~ach yearly in advance shall be entitled to the same privi~ l~ges, as those III tlfe first and second class during the existence of the institution. , 3rd. The date at which the five years for the first class and the ten years for the second class, shaH commence to run; shall be fixed by the purchasers of the same respectively and inserted in their certificate. . 4th: A certificate of s~holarship shall be delivered to each purchaser. settIng forth the ~mou':lt paId. or se~ured to be paid-the date ofth~ payment and the date a~ whIch lU8 scholarshIp shall commence to run, whIch certificate shall be SIgned by the Grand Master, attested bv the Grand Secretary, with the seal ?f the Grand Lodge attached, and when"the sale is made by an agent countersIgne~ by sueh ag~~t. 5th. Tlie rIghts and pnvlleges secured to each purchaser not to vest or take effect until scliolarships to the amount of fifty thousand dollars shall have been sold. 6th. The funds thus raised shall be fo~ever set apart as an endOwment fund fur said College the interest of which, (but no part of the principle) shall be applied to the salaries of路 Presidents, Professors and Tutors. 7th. That the several subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of this G. Lodge, have the privilege of takipg five scholarships for and on account of the Lodge, and should any Lodge .1'efuse or be unwilling to take said scholarships by the next annual communication of thi3 Grand Lodge then the agent shall sell them gIving the preference to said Lodge. Your committee are of opinion that if Ule sale of the scholarshIps above provided for, is intrusted to active and efficitnt agents, that a permanent endowment fund can he secured which will place the institution beyond the reach of failure. Your committee would respectfully recommend in view of the faIlure of so many of the subordinate Lodges to make their returns at this communicution that the Grand Secretary b.e requested to address the subordinate Lodges failing to s~nd tip their returns requiring that they settle the same as soon as practicable. Ally of whIch is respectfully sllbmitted, B. W. GROVEn, A. MAURICE, Jr., A. l\f. TUTlj R. S. LEVERIDGE. The following resolution was offered by Bro. Grover, and adopted: Resolved, That the sale of scholarships of the first class reported by the committee of Ways and Means, be restricted to 500, and that the agents be instructed to offer the same {or sale in the several cotmties in this State in proportion to population in each county. And that the sale of the number of licholarships in the second class be restricted to 500. And that the sale of the number of scholarships in the third class be restricted to 500. The committee on Applications and Communications made the following . report, which was adopted: Your committee to whom was referred the report of Brother Athurton, D. D. G. M. of the 8th District, would beg leave to report that they find the district in a flourishing condition and Masonry prospering-he has granted a dispensation to som~ Brethren at Plattsbu~gh in Clinton county for a new Lodge, and one in Ridely. We would most respecttully refer your body to that portion of the report in relation to the installation of the officers at Ridely Lodge U. D. and the confirming of the degree of Past Master on a master of a Lodge U. D. All of whIch is respectfully submitted,.. A. MAURICE, Jr., Chairman. The following resolution was offered by Brother Garish, and adopted: . WHEREAS, the Lodge at Plattsburg, Clinton county, working under dispensation has tailed to make a return. T'lerefote,
19 Re$olved, That the dispensation be continued until the next regular meeting of the Grand Lodge. Brother A. O. Sullivan, of Arrow Rock Lodge No. 55, reported the following list of non affiliated Masons who refused t() comply with the resolution of the Grand Lodge, passed in May 1848; viz: Joseph Huston, Wm. Price, Thos. McMahan and Bro. Lawless. These Brethren are well able to pay but refuse. A. O. SULLIVAN, Rep. Arrow Rock Lodge No. 55. Brother John M. Reed gave bond as Treasurer, which was approved ami filed with Grand Secretary Brother A~ M. Tutt offered the following resol~tions, which were adopted; Re~olved, That the Grand Secretary publish with the proceedings of ttlis G. Lodge the second Earagrapb of the report of Brother B. M. Atberton, D. D. G. M. of District No.8 Ruolved, Tha~ undel' the By-Laws cf this Grand Lodge the W. M of anew Lodge U. D., is not as such entitled to the degree of Past Master/nor can the officers of such new Lodge be installed until a charter be ~ranted, the 3d and 4th Sections of the IV Article of the By-Laws being expliCIt on those subjects. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, every officer and member of the same are amenable to this Grand Lodge for aU official acts done as such-and that tRe opinions of Brother Atherton on this subject to say the least, are dangerous and subversive of the principles of the order. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge eannot approve the conduct of or the views advanced by Brother Atherton as stated in ilie second paragraph of his said I'eport, which reads as follows: He reports that 10 SeJ!tember lastheisstted two dispensations for new Lod2es one at Plattsburg in ClInton county and one in Ridgeley, Platte county; tbat he pet'soRaUy constituted the last mentioned Lodge and installed its oBlcera. That the same services were rendered to the new Lodge at Plattsburg, by W. Br. B. M. Hu~hes, as proxy by written authority for the undersigned. The undersi.,gned begs leave to state that previous to the installation of the otllcera of the Lod~e at Ridgeley he conferred the degree of Past Master on the Muter named 10 the disJlensation. This may have been incorrect, but in the judgment of the underSigned no Master can properly be iMtlZlUd 88 presiding over a Lodge without receiving that degree, and undertaking its peculiar obli~tions, and the installation of o.1ficers of a Lodge under dispensation seems to be absolutely req1lired by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. This provis~on for installing officers of a Lodge U. D., is as fiu as the knowledge of the undersigned extends, peculiar to the By. Laws of tbis Grand Lodge. Had not the ByLaws seemed to require an "mstallation," the undersigned could Dot have admitted the necessity of conCering the degree But wliether the act is proper or improper is not as he is inclined to tbmk, a subject to be canvassed in a G. Lodge ot Master Masons, the subject being referrable to the usages of a Past Master's Lodge only. The undersigned makes these remarks because he is aware that his official act has been criticised-and he wished to place before the Grand Lodge his reasons for thus acting, and holds hlmself amenable to his Brother Past MfUtmt if he has erred. The following resolution was offered by Brother Grover, and adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Curators of the Mll90nic College be authorised to give the agent or agents for the sale of scholarships such compensation a8 they shall deem reasonable, and that they require said agent or agents to give bond with approved security for the faithful performance of their duty to the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The M. W. G. Miister 'appointed Brother J. W. S. Mitchel, Chairman of Committee on foreign correspondence, Brother Brown being absent. The M. W. G. Master appointed Brother G. H. C. Melody, Grand (~C1Ufâ&#x201A;Ź!1' And Re". Brothers RICHARD BOND, E. C. HUTCHISON, ('" E. M. MARVIN, ;::,J
B. R.
W. D. WEAR and
1.\ rOLLOCK.
t~ .
The return of our annual meeting brings us together under circumstances most pleasing to the grateful heart, circumstances elicitingthe best exerc~es of our affections to Him who.alone changes not-by whose kind prot.ection we are thus permitted to pass our fraternal greetings, and unite our efforts for the extension and perpetuation of every moral and social virtue. Pel mit me to congratulate you, my brethren, on the favorable auspices under which we meet; our institution was never more prosperous or popular than at the present day. FrQm all quarters the cheering intelligence comes that our sister Grand Lodges are busily engaged in the great practical of the flaternity; the cultivation of peace on earth and good will toward men. This, my breth~ nm, is the sunshine of prosperity, wrought out fot us,,--:-under God-by the re-cuperative power inate in the principles of the. Orde:; on those .principles let us firmly rely, rather than on that popular favor, which at best IS as fickle' as the wind. Ever remembering that adversity will not more certainly- lead to reflection, than prosperity will to arrogance, pride and its consequent resu}~. I speak to those who should possess, both wisdom and prudence; consider what I say and govern :yourselves accordingly. ' . For the condition of Masonry in jurisdiction, I I.Dust reCer you to. the reports of the D. D. G. Masters; I suggest that the law defining the duties- appertaining to this office be changed so as to require those officers to make quarterly reports to the G. Master, that he may be enabled to judge not only of the condition of the traft, but of the ability with which they aischarge the important duties assigned them. To conduct the affairs of the College, with success IS the.great desire of all; to so manage that it shall prove a wise appendage to our cares and a blessing to the world is the great :prize for which we shoild lawfuUy strive. The consumation路 of thi8, in my Judgment is to be attained only by great sacrafices, personal preferences must be waived, sectional considerations discarded,.....;.all selfish propensities subdued, and the God of the Mason alone exalted. Are we prepared'to base our efforts on such considerations as these? If 80, success is certain, and we may zealously engage in the necessary provisions for its support. F-xom the Board of Curators we muat look for such information as will en~ able the GraI}d Lodge clearly to understand the condition and wants of the College, over which they exercise control. It may not beintrusion,however, to offer such suggestions as present themselves to my mind. To complete tile f~ulty contemplated at our last meeting, it becomes necessary, in consequence of the non acceptance of Brother W. Tannihill, to eled a President; to provide a library and all necessary apparatus for the C()llegc, is the bounden and immediate duty ot the'G. Lodge. Those needfulappendages ~ 0 a College are as essential to the faculty as are tlie ordinary tools ofthe craft, to the officers ()f a Lodge; and without them the great interests of education cannot successfully progress. To provide for the prompt payment of the salaries of the President and Professor'! with our limited means IS an arduous duty,and sbouldearly claim your attention. To me it has been a SUbject of earnest solicitude; viewed in any aspect, it presents difficulties to some minds almost insurmountable. But when I remember the seU-sacraficing spirit that has devised and conducted the Institution thus far, through evil and good report, I am encouraged by the thought, that, if all else shaH fail, the liberal spirits of our brethren will be found steadfast and immovable in the glorions cause, And when I reflect that less than one dollar annually from each, will more than supply the lack of ordinary reSOlutes, th~ difficllliies all vanish and the meridian spl<.:ndor of the institution
21 Jarts its refnlgent rap into the iml10st recesses of my troubles, and I rf:ad as with a slin beam, when there is a will there is a way. The action of this Grand Lodge in relation to the affiliated Masons residing in this jurisdiction has met with some opposition at home and elicited mauy comments frpm abroad; to all of which it behoves the Grand Lodge to give a calm and patient consideration. Our sister Grand Lodges have the right to review ous acts and approve or admonish us of our errors, as to them lllay seE'm wise and just, and for the best good of all; for though, presiding over separate and distinct, the institution is but one and individual; and whatever shall affect the most remote corner is telt for good or evil throughout the whole. I have received a number of letters since we last met, enqniring what ought to be done when opposition to the law is made, to all of which I have gh¡en the simple reply, "execute the law." Within our own jurisdiction all opposition must cease, and all opinions however exalted, or experienced, must yield to the known and declared will of this Grand Lodge; and he who will not stay his opposition to the laws of the Grand Lodge until he can seek a remedy by legal means, emits a light W01'se than da1']cncs.s--corrupting in all its influence~ as well as destructi\:e to the best interests of the craft: If the law is wrong and not in accordance with the ancient rules of the fraternity, it is to be presumed that our old and experienced Brothers who object to ita execution because they say that it is an infringement of their rights, are prepared to point out the ancient rule violated by the existence of the law in question; and as good men and true come up to the help of the Grand Lod~e and seek its repeal. This law may be inexpedient, but there is 110 anCIent rule either. written or traditionill with \\'hich it conflicts. Every law in ancient Masonry affects all Masons alike~ their. interests, duties and obligations are such) tha~ wh~tever concerns one IS the mterest of all. And he wbo take9 any other VIew IS sure to run into darkness and its legitimate fruit. Hence the errors? of those local regulations, which hav~ introduced into the Masonic world tile anomaly of the non affiliated' Masons. Such terms formed no part of the Masonic vocabulary of ancient Brethren, and to them the non affiliated Mason was unknown; or if known was regarded only as a profane. Nor had they this other anomaly in Masonry, swarms of drO?leS basking away the sunshine (>1' summers, or roving amongst the exuberant flowers, with it may be an occasional empty visit to the hive, until the pinching frost of winter has dri yen them in-and then forsooth the small pittance of the widow and the orphan must be dispoiled for their relief. To all such,.our aneient brethren said in the language of Solomon "go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise." . He who takes opposition to the law in question, admits that the affiliated !VIason does more than his duty or that 1 he nOli affiliated tloes less; 0.1' that there IS one law for one class-as it seems they must be classed-and a different law for the others-either of which is fatal to his opposition, and if true would be destructive of the best interests of the fratcrnity, by disturbing that unity which it is our glory to preserve. If all Masons are at home and are eqllal when and wherever they may meet; is it not reasonable and just, that all should be required to cOlltl'ibute for the wants of the distresscd on the one hand, and for the perpetuity and respectability of the fraternity on the other. Who will und~l'take to say that He is relievp.d from his portion of the responsibility resting upon the organized hody of Masons, who keeps a home for the sojourner as he passes, contributes to hi~ wants in distress, as well as afford him sure direction in a land of strangers. ~c wl;lo has so far forgott"n the dttty of a .Mason, as to take such opposi.. han, ~s many have done, if a poor guide, has already digressed out. of the old path 111 â&#x20AC;˘ which he S9 vehemently contends all should walk; and IS fit to bc dealt WIth only as the law under consideration directd. T I have gl:anted a dispensation to open 11 new Madrid, to be called ~ew Madnd Lodges also one in the city ofSt. Louis, to be called Ge?l'ge Washmgton Lodge, and one to be called Beacon Lodge; I continiled the DIspensation in Old Pike Lodge. It would, se~m that efforts are making by our Brethren in Kentucky, TennessPoe and IllinOIS fo form t,,¡o Grand Lorlges in each of those State~; it is true
22 that those jurigJidiolls large, anu doubtless expenu muth Masonic means in attending their Grand Convocations. Yet I hope our Brethren will weigh well the consequences ere they embark in the enterprize. I know of but oue correct motive for such a procedure; that is the saving of those means so sacredly devoted for the relief of distressed Masons, their widows and orphans; to which all energies should be directed and in which all hearts should be fully ~nlisted as the sheet anchor and hope of the institution. There have been a number of applications to visit our Lodges hailing from New York, that are not on the registry furnished. Deceived they may ha\'e been and doubtless were; but what will that avail in the far otf west to which they hasten, all guards that have been or that may be set up, will, I fear/rove too frail to resist, the circumstances by which they will be surrounde , and the result will be that we shall have them returning and hailing from lodges of our own creation claiming rights from which they may not be deliveredand froID us they will return to the jurisdiction of our 11st of New York demandin~ what she may not deny without opening a breach wider than that now eXisting in her own peaceful and happy juriSdiction. I mention this because the good of the craft requires that aU the breacMt shOuld be speedily closed, as well as to bring the results, which I think I fore,; see approaching before you, and throu~h you to our sister of New York, whom the Masonic world holds responsibla for the safe keepinA and prudent management of all that interests the craft in the jurisdiction over whIch she exercises supreme control. Allow me here to caution the Lodges against the too frequent practice oC writing abroad for the character of applicants and on the information thus ob-' tained to base their qualifications for Masonry. Such information, however, good for the practical purposes of life falls far shDrt of that knowledge, which we should require before we admit to any participation in our sublime rights. The propounding of written enquiries to the editors of Masonic periodicals, is a pracbce too frequently and trivially indulged in by our brethren. To wriU, when Free Masonry is the subject, is a difficult task in the best of hands and should only be resorted to by our brethren, if at all, when all other sources of information haye failed. If our brethren would read with more attention that which is already, and think still more of what they read, the seeming necesllity for written enquiries on the subject of Masonry would soon merge into that which is so seldom seen, tbe intelligent and efficient Mason. A uniform sYlitem of work and lectures has been the burden of the Masonic fraternity for centuries. many are the sacrafices that have been made both of time and means; the amounts that have been thus' expended would be a sufficient endowment for the perpetual support of hundreds of destitute Masons their widows and orphans, for all time to come. To this end Grand Lodges were instituted, conventions held and agents after agents have been sent through each quarter of the Globe, in many generations; of the past as well as the present, all anxious to be the noted instrument to usher in this desirable era; in which the frail memory of man shall be quickened. to unerring certainty, and perfed uniformity pervade the whole. But notwithstanding all this we are still in the estimation of many enveloped in darkness, discord and confusion. . Now after exhausting such vast amounts of etforts and means in this hitherto vain attempt at perfection; ought we not to pause, and rationally enquire for the cause that has so succellsfully defeated our efforts; if indeed, it be true, that we lire thus left to grope our way In the dark as many seem to think. In our own jurisdictlon great efforts have been made-aye, many have grown grey in the service. Some five years ago, this Grand Lodge addopted a system of work and lectures and by solem edict required that that should be the only ~ystem taught and practiced in our Lodges. Per~i~ me t.hen to enqu~re, how many of youmy Brethren have obeyed this !loleD} u:JlmcllOn of t'be Grand I.odge, and have learned and practiced that system onl~? And !IOW many are now prepared to exemplify that work and lectures bet?re the G~and Lodge; trY"lt my brethren, the effort will not. on)' itnswer my mterroga1Jres~ Lilt It will de\'(~lop the true calise or failures, 10 the
23 past and establish a sure uata by which we may rationally anticipate the result of all efforts to be made, both In the present and in the future. The truth i!ol, Free Masonry is a science not to be learned in a few hours chit chat even with the best informed. To be proficient requires much reflection and deep research-its dimensions are too vast, its objects too sacrt1d and ih benevolence too expansive to be ~rasped by the comprehension of sciolist~, a!t in the physical so in the MaSOniC world, we must dive to the bottom jf we would secure the Pearl. With much r-egret I learn that there is a diversity of opinion in some of our sisterly Lodge~, as to what constitutes the requisite qualifications of candidates for admission into our Fraternity-and in their .reasonings on the subject they seek to draw distinctions between Masonry of the past and Masonry of the present. Now it so happens that in this as in many other tbing~ in ancient Masonry, that however logical our reasonings or profound our opinions, we cannat alter this fact, that {Jur ancient Brethren, whom all ~ree instituted the Fraternity, have specifically prescribed the necessary qualifications, and established the bounds which we may not pass without material injury to the best interests of the Institution. Is it not wise, is it not far more prudent and safe for the Fraternity strictly to adhere to those principles and precepts which like a strong poWt:1' has resisted all opposition, and before which even that great destroyer Time stands as it were, rebuked and chafed as the Tiger that has missed his prey, rather than to waste our efforts in the vain attempt to remodel; for that I fear is the desired result, or seek to adorn that which is in itl!(>lf the perfection ofbeaaty. Let us my brethren adopt as our rule on this subject. the beautiful and wise sentiment of Joshua, ':Let other do a!l they may, as for the Grand Lodge of Missouri and its subordinate~ we will stand to and abide by the lJ'fu:;e7lf rpquisitions; not le!ls in the spirit than in the }f'tter.
J. W. Jl/id/l'Il. P(/,$l UNllld
!i':,'. a'ith tlif' G(,1)1 ~
__ C_7:,_~.L/~lcd ~'-=~~1~~_}~.'./~.~~~!.
A, L. ;)84\-1.
Tyro LOllge. pi,.ris Ullioll~' St. LOlli;;, l\aplJtali, SL Johns, Huntsville,
!\lay c:
Cooper, " Mount Moriah, " "" " 1848 Jefferson City, "1849 " " c:
"Fulton, "
No. .. " " " "
J2, 19. 20~ 2;" 28, :~O, " 32, " 3(; "40: "" "43, " "bal for '48 " 47, " 48, " " ,. "
I,od~1' oj 11[.:
1sf, 1R49.
Chari-\ COlltin-. Ccl- Ttl ty. gent. lege. 0 a .
---'---- -- --5 33 11 00 15 00 B 33 9 33 '7 00 21 66 13 00, 13 6011 9 33 13 33 5 33,1 5 33 '11 OO! 6 66' 9 66 15 00 11 66 5 66 8 00 8 00 1 66 6 33 4 66 2 33 5 00 1033 5 33 13 66 6 33 13 331 3 00, 2 66 14 33 1 8 661 8 331 1000i 6 66 9 0(' 9 00 12 33 13 33 2 66 6 66
10 66 37 22 00 79 30 00 6 18 6652 18 66 14 00 43 33 62 26 0028 21 33 6 18 66 7 26 6627 10 66 10 66 6 22 00 10 13 33 19 33 12 30 00 34 23 33 II ~3 2 16 00 3 16 00 15 33 11 12 6b 9 9 33 4 66 10 00 9 20 66 37 10 66 3 27 33 21 12 66 7 26 66 10 6 00 5 5 33 3 28 6642 17 33 13 16 66 14 20 0020 13 33 18 18 00134 18 00 '64 24 66 128 26¡ 66115 5 33 25 13 33 75 30 0031 30 00 30 00 36 30 00 30 00 30 Ot 30 0052 10 00 20 00 30 0024 30 00 8 10 00 29 80
Livingston, " 51, Weston, " 53, Wakenda, " 52, c; Douglass, " 54, " Arrow ROCK, "55, " Monticello, " 58,"" '4!:J ,: .( " " """ " Landmark, " 64, "Marion, " 59, " Marshall, " 65, ,; Tebo, " 68, " Savannah, " 71, " DanvillE:', " 72, "Eureka, " 73, "Ashby, " 75, " Independence, "76, Lebanon, " 77, " " " " " " '48 " S1. Joseph, " 78, ,0; Dana, " ,83, " Johnson, " 85, .~ Washington, "87, " Madison, " 91, " Perseverance, "92, " S1. Marks, " 93, "Boon, " 94, "96, " St. Andrews, " Mount Vernon, "99, "Green, " 101, " Bloomington, " 102,disp&chr " Carthage, "1('3, " " " " Heroine, "104, " " " "Relief, " 105, degrees, ,," " "d.isp&chr "Miami, " 106, " Golden Squar~, " 107, " New Madrid, " 108,chr&degs " Santa Fee, " 109, charter, " Ridgely, U.D. dis'p cont'd ., Geo. Washington," 9,chr&degs "'Beacon, " 3s " " " " Marcus, " 110, chart:,T, Ort. '49\ Amt. from Weston Lodge, No. 03 14 90 S41\),DO $1l31,RO--$<i% c.
" "
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 112 51 80 28 21 127 67 47 35 67 16 22 43 20 41 79 35 19 27 24 34 28 14 1 24 68 19 62 36 50 14 11 85 39 39 50 38 fH 91 65 55 33 95 61
I 30
30 00 36 30 30 30 00 82 10 20 00 54 00 38 10 44
00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70
Cr. J. W. S. .Mitchel, Past
Grand &cre!ary ill
frcwoltlll wi/it Ihr 1.'\;~1.
Lodge. of Missouri, Irom .illlg. lst, 1818 10 .Sel't. 1st,
By affixing Grand.Lolige seal <tlll.l f'ol"\varding l?'Suhordinrttc Lodgl"; . 522 blauk certIhcc.ltes as pro\"lded by law, ;>22 00, Less this sum relinquished to Grand Lodge 3DI 50, ::; 130 ;>fl By cash returned to Westcm Louge, 1 OIl , 2 (In For removing Grand Lodge papers at the fire, For printing blank dispensations, 3 .')fl Postage and stationery from Aug. 1st, 1848 to Sept. 1st, 18.19, U 0(1 l>aid Grand Treasurer Watson as 1'1' rec:t., 44 70 1,842 if/, "" " Reed""" "" " " certificate of !!eposite, 501 22 $"2,537 70 The committee appointed to settle with mc, having faile!l (0 :11tenJ to that duty, I now forward you my account subject to future scrutiny.
J. W. S. l\-lITCHEL, P. G. Sec'y. ST. LOUIS, Sept. lOth, 1849.
AMENDrrlENTS TO THE BY-LA\VS. Article XXVIII, Section 3d, as amended will read: The Faculty of the Col lege shall consist of a President and requisite, Professors of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy; Professor of Mathematics; Professor of Mental and Moral Science; Professor of Ancient Languages and Literaturc; And a principal of the preparatory school, each of whom shall JJC elected by the Curators as often as occasion may require, and shall hold his office for two years, and nntil his successor shall have been duly elected and instaHed. Article XXIX, Section 1st, will read: There shall be a Board of Curator.> of the College to consist of not less than fifteen nor more than twenty:-six, who shall be elected once in every two years. One from eac;h Masonic District in the State, and the residue' selected as c.onvenient to the College as possible, and who, when duly commissioned shall hold their offices until their successors are dilly elected and commissioned. Same Article, SectiQn 5th, wiII read: Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, Professor or other department of the College, the Board of Curators shall assemble at the College and elect some SUItable Brother to fill such vacancy.
For the information of Lodge'! at a distancc, and as an explanation for the delay in printing the proceedings, I will state that it was my instructions to have the report from the committee appointcd to settle with the Past Grand Secretary and Treasurcr printed with the proceedings, which report has not vet reached me; and the statement furnished by Brother Mitchel is substitutcd, subject to rcvi~ion. Fn ternally, &c.,
C. D. W. JOHNSON, Grand Secretary.