1850 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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THE ANNUAL COMMUNICATION of the Most Worshipful GJland Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Miss6uri, was held in the city of Boonville, on the first Monday of May, (6th day) A. D. 1850)

A. L.5850. There were


M. W. JNO. F~' RYLAND, G. M. W. D. W. GROVER, G. S. W. Pt. W. A. PATTERSON, G. J. W. Pt. W. R. S. LEVERIDGE, G. S. D. Pt. W. O. G. STRONG, G. J. D. Pt. W. J. M. REED, G. Treas. C. D. w. JOHNSON, G. Sect. W. J. W. MURPHY, G. Tyler. And Brothers, William Cogswell. Geo. W. Dunn, ,~ J. G. Treadway, " G. W. Heryford, ~, w. R. Scott, " N. P. Thompson, " F. S. Cardwell, 1'. W. Davis, " ,.: l\f. H. McFarlalld, Gustavus Deuuisou, .: J. B. .Helf, S. H. Sanders, L Blackwell, A. D •. Green, .' N. A. Langstcr, " J. C. Sheerer, Philip WilJiams; " P. D. l\1oore. "



'fhe Most Worshipful Grand Lodge was opened 011 the Third Degref') in J.ue form. The M. \V. Grand Master appointed Uros. Dunn, D~nmson, Williams an,' Leveridge, a Committee on Credential.;. TIlere not being a qUm'Uffi pre3ellt~ the M. 'V. Grand Lodge was call!!,l 0.[ until 3 o'do(]c, thi3 \\ft~'fnoon, ill uue form. .



3 o'clock.

The M. W. Grand Lodge met. Present, If. W Jno. F. Ryland, G, M, . W. B. W. Grover, G. S. W. Pt. W. G. W. Dunn, G.J. W. Pt. W. M. H. McFarlalld, G, S. D. Pt. C. D. W. Johnson, G. T. W. J. W. Murphy, G. Tyler. And others, &8 in the forenoon. The Grand Lodge was called on in due form; when the Committee on ere dentials reported that there was but J2 charteled J,odges represented. Not being iu1licient to constitute a quorum, they asked leave to sit agam. G.路W DUNN, P. WILLIAMS, GUSTAVUS DENNISON. / The Grand Lodge wu then called off until to morrow n..orning, 9 \l'clock. .: in due fonD.

TUESDAY MOaNrNG, MAY 7, 9 o'clock. 'lbe Grand Lodge met. Present, officers and members as yesterdar., with the addition of Bros. P. Draper, G. J. W., O. G. Strong, J. W. S. Mitchell, P. G. Sec'y., J. McKay, S. F. Currie, C. W. t"cott, A. P. Dorris, E. C. lIughe8~ J. G. Treadwlly, and H. Brown. The liommittee on Credentials reported that there was not a sufficient number to constitute a qu"rum, and asked to 8 t again. The Grand Lodge was ca1l~d oil till 2 o'clock, in due form.

TUESDAY, 2 o'elock. The ~I. W. Grand Lodge met. Present, officers and members as in the morning, with the addition of Bros. Caleb Fisher, E. G. B. McNutt, G. H. C. MelOdy, P. B. Wood,and visiting, J. C. Ferguson. The Grand Lodge was called to laoour on the Third Degree in due form. There not being a quorum present, was called off until 9 o'clock, to-morrow morDing, in due form.

WEDNESDAY Morning, May 8, 9 o'clock. The M. W. Grand Lodge met. Present, M. W. W. W.

W. lno. F. Ryland, G. M. Bro. W. Blackwell, D. G. M. B. W. Grover, G. S. W. Pt. W. P. Draper, G. J. W. M. H. McFarland, G. S. D. Pt. W. L. S Cornwell, G.l. D. Pt. Philip Williams, G. T. Pt. C. D. W. Johnson, G. Sec. W. J. W. Murphy, G. Tyler; And Bros. R. S. Leveridge, R. G. Stockton, 1\. Gibson, R. T. Prewitt, G. H. C. Melody, and visiting, Bro. J. C. Ferguson, and others as yesterday. The G. Lodge was called to labour on the Third Degree in due form.. The M. W. Grand Master call~d for a report from the Committee on Credentials, when they made the following, viz; 1be undersigned Committee em Credentials beg leave to report that thr.

following Lodges are represented, viz.

3 Missouri Lodge, No.1, Proxy for S. and J. W., S. F. CUlTie, Beacon " " 3, E.S. Hughes,S. W.,&.proxyforW.M.&J. W. Geo. Washington c. " 9, Charles M. Scott, proxy for W. l'tf. p . U . ' " " 19· SPhilip Williams, W. M. ar18 nlon , ~ John Sparks, J. W. st. Lollis " "20 SJf)remlah McKay, J. W., and , (G. H. C. Melody, proxy for W. M. &. S. W. Naphtali " "25, J. W. S Mitchell, W. M. St. John's " "28, O. G. Strong, S. W. Hunbville ,t "30, J. C. Shrefer, W. M. A. Patterson, W. M. Lafayette " "32, Levi Blackwell, proxy for 8. W. . W. T. Wood, " " J. W. And. Gibson, W. M. Cooper " "36, C. D. W. Johnson, S. W. _ E. Lamy, J. W. . .JefFerson City " "43, A. P. Dorriss, proxy for W. M• Fayette " "47, Robert T. Prewitt, W. M; " "48, R. A. Raphael, proxy for W. M., S. &. J. W. Fulton Richmond " "57, Geor~e W. Dunn, W. M " "64, Caleb Fisher, proxy for W. M. &. S. W. f.andmark " "74 SJohn G. Treadway, W.. M. Warren , ~ J. F. Rig~, proxy for J. W. Ashley " "75. M. H. Md'arland, W. M. Jackson ~, "82, J. B. Relf, proxy for S. &. J. W. Johnson " "85, B. W. Grover, proxy for W. M., S. &. 1. W. Madison " "91, E. G. McNutt, S. W. Perseverance " "92, P.,Draper. W. M. A.cacia tf .c 95, Gustavus Dennison, S. W. St. Andrews " "96, P. B. Moore, J. W. " "102 SA. D. Green, W. 1\1:. Bloomington , ~ N. A. Langston, proxy for S. W. Relief " "105, S. H. Saunders, proxy for W. M.

~ ~

'rbere being twenty-six Lodges represented, there is a quorum. All of which is respectfully submitted. G.W. DUNN, P. WILLIAMS. Committee. GUSTAVUS DENNISON,



On motioR of Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell, it was Resolved, That the readmg of the proceedings of the last Grand Lodge bE' dispensed with, as it is pre~umed that each member has a printed copy. "theM. W. Grand Master then proceeded to deliver his annual address~ as foUo\Vs:


IN compliance, with the regulations of the Grand I.od.p, I now proceed to offer for your consideration the Annual Address of


Hrand !\Iaster. We meet now under more auspicious circumstances, than when I last bart tbe pleasure of ~reeting you as a member of this body; then the '';pestilent".which walk~th 10 darkness" and stayeth not its ravages in mid day," had made its appearance in our cities.-The Scourge,sent by the Almighty in his inscrutable, but all-wise Providence, to' visit Earth was telt in our CounIry. The "Destroying Angel" was about in the land; and none. not one of us was able to put a sign upon bis doorpost as a token, that the familJ' within by "divine eommana" was not to suffer. Gloom, 8utici.pations, dark and fvreboding apprehensions were felt by all.

4 .

Now WI! meet under JiJl'erP-llt feelings: no pestilence is in ollr midst; and weare thankful to the all-wise Disp'enser of events. that our lives have oeen splU'ed, an4 tbat we may anticipate health and peaee. My brethren, let us humbly offer up our heart felt acknowlellgements to Him wbo permits not a sparrow to fall unobserved, for all his protecting and fatherly kindness to us.-Let the thanks, the praises of grateful hearts arise before Him from our Order. It is from Him, Masonry teaches us, that every good and perfect girt cometh: may His wisdom assist us in our counsels, and guide us in our deliberations. By the assistance of mv brethren at the last annual communication, I laid off' districts and arpointed D. D. G. M's. It is their duty to report to the Grand Master, al the transactions and proceedings in their respective districts, of a general nature, bearing upon the Order, at large, time enough prior to this Communication, to enable him to embody the substance oC their re.pon. in his address. The D. D. G. M's havp, failed to comply with their (iuty in thisrespeet; (but I hope that they will heraeafter Bee to this matter, and I strictly enjoin it on each D. D. G. M., to make this, the subject of special attention hereafter.) The- failure ofthe D. D. G. M's., to comply in this respect at this time is owin~ doubtless, to the great delay in printing and distributing tbe proceedin~ of Our last annual meeting. This delay was produced 10 part by tbe cholera, ~.hicir1>revented the preparation and pubhcation ofthQse proceedings for a long time. The committee appointed to settle the accounts ofthe P. G. S., and P. G. T., was to have met shortly afterth.e adjournment of the Grand Lodge, at St. Louis, (these officersres1din~ there) but the cholera was ragiug to such fearful extent in that devoted city, and continued to rage for sncli alength of time, that the members of the committee thought it most prudent, not to meet agreably, to the fiI:st appointment: and did not afterwards meet, until October following: tbe Grand Secretary desired to have their report, and delayed for 80me time the publication of the proceedings in order to obtain the same; at length at my request to delay no longer, he had tbe proceedings publisbed. I am inclined to think, that many oC tlte D. D. G. M's. did not know, thf\t they were required to make report to the. Grand Master instead of reporting to the Grand Lodge. I am unable therefore to speak only in general terms of the order at large throughout the State. I have conversed smce my arrival in Boonville w1th several of the D. D. G. M's.. and am gratified to learn from them of the general prosperity and growtb of the Order in our State. I have visited Bome of our Lodges anrlllave granted Dispensations for Dew Lodges one at Waverl,. in Layfayette county, and one at Sibley in Jackson county. These LOdges have been workiug and are in healty and prosperou, conditions. Anew Lodge has been opened at Dover, aud Bro. Surock informed me, that be had granted a Dispensation as D. D. G. M. to a number of brethren in his District and that they were at work. In pursuance of the resolution of the Grand Lodge at its last annual Communication, I addressed a printed Circular to all tbe Lodges in our State and under our jurisdiction upon the subjects of "Gaming" and "Drinking." I ~ow present to the Graud Lodge aeopy of that Circular. Wbether this Cm:ular ~haU meet with the approbation of this body or not, I have only to say, tbat 1t was written in a spirit of kindness and brotherly feeling for the members of our order. T he subjects therem mentioned are 8u(,h as deeply affect the standing and character of men in general, and of Masons most especially. I holdit to be unmasonic to indufge to excess in tbe use of the intoxicating bowl; and that no Mason. can be just and upright who depends upon the card table for his livelihood. To lean~ to 8ubdue OUT plUsicm, and to improve o1Jt'selves in the principles of our ancient and honorable institution are important duties of"Freemasonryt'.-who yet has ever learned to subdue his passions by indulging iu 'i~cb viCIOUS propensities 8S Driking and Gaming? The history of these vi¡ .~e~ is too well known •. The victims of these vices are to be seeD every whp.re. ~e wrecks ?f fortune, of hope) o~ character, of genius) of talentt'l, ~J':

;;\1 'hat J~ ,ll'ar, '~:;'.lma!.J'e and ~;v~rc;d


I1t('; caused. by theCl!:' VICP'i are f'J

5 be seen. thickly scattered along the journey of life, from its first outse4 b tbe morning until its close in oarkness and the ~rave. The philanthropist is called upnn to do something to put a litop to these destroying pests. MalJonrr is called upon to exert ber mildest. kindest anc1 most potent inlluence, to reheve man, from the shackels which tbese Destroyers have thrown aronnd bim. I trust tbatthe Circular has had some beneficial effect. Dilrin~ last fall, I was invited to be 'Dresent at and to assist in tbe dedic~足 tion of a Masomc Hall in the city of St. Louis. On the 18tbday of October it being one of those remarkably bright, clear and beautiful days for which our fall se<lsons are so much admired, I met a large concourse of .my brethren in the new Hall, and there dedicated the same. After the dedication, a procession was formed, which marched through some of the principal street.! of the city, and finally stopped at Concert Hall, where I had the honor to address the Craft on the duties and principles of the Order. The new Hall is a spacious and commodious one; finely finished and furniahed, and speaks volumes in praise of tbe skill, energy, zeal, and perseverance, of our Brethren in that city. The paintings are of good order and in fine taste.-The work of Bro. Dollener. r felt a proud and secret satisfaction at the admiration expressed by some far-eign brothers upon that occasion-a Past' Grand Officer of the Grand Lodge of England was present.-Here on the western margin oftbat noble stream, once- the Western boundary of the United States, is a 4:ity of some seventy thousand inhabitants, the seat of Commerce and the Arts, and biddin~ fair, to be the future Home and residence of a million of human beings; blest in the best Government on Earth-enjoying liberty under the protection of written Constitution and Law; and affording the fairest and noblest field for the phi\antbropi8t.-~-Here is found the ancient and ven- -' erabJe Order, here the beauty, the strength, the skill and the power of the Architect. Here Frp,e Masonry has built for herself an ample dome; her sons her votaries ever willing to aid and assist in time of need. Here stands Free Masonry in bold relief, teaching man his be$t interests and learning h :,10 by example-how tOfut tbese lessons into practice. I have receive a number of communications from various brethren in different sections ot our State, from which I learn that our Order -is gaining OD the affec tions and admiration of men, and in consequence is gaining inDUJDbers. I have no doubt, that the Gold Mania which urges so many of our fellow citizens to seek the mill~S beyond the Rocky Mountains, has had so:; e mtluence on our Order. Indeed I have had many applications for Dispensations in order to permit candidates to be initiated. I h~ve under some circumstances granted. this favor, and under others refused it. I think when a young man just coming to bis majority desires admission to our Order and there has not been time ~u1Jlcient.19 take the regular course, and be is about seeking a Home in a foreign countrYt that a dispe~sation might still be granted. But when a man, who has ha<1 many oppott~nities to become a member, has always kept aloof until he thinks it wUl aMto his safety and promote his own individual interest to be affiliated with us just before taking a long voyage} I have always thought such appliclUlb sliewed no special grounds for my l~vor-such selbsh men rarely make good Masons. Sometimes they acquire the habit of doing good to otb4trs from the force of example-from surrounding circumbtauces; but there is not often found the open, generous, warm-hearted brother concealed in such selfishness. I appointed brother G. H. C. Melody Paat Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lecturer. If I mistake not, he informed me, that previous to my election as Grand Master, a Dispensation had been granted to several brethren emigrating to California. I have had no report, nor have I heard any thing or them. t received a communication from a Master 1\:[ason in that distant land1 who informed me as a friend that the ties of Masonry even, appeared to hIm, to have lost much of their binding force in Califorma. That gold, and the thirst for gold, had dried .up the fountains of Brotherly Love and Relief in that cou~try. That such is the case, is not astonishing; wherever that ra~ine; tbirst for Mammon seizes a fellow being-here with us, even-the channels

6 of fraternal feeling become dry; the finer sensibilities of the heart become fiiseased, and at lengih cease to operate on his conduct,'because he has ceased to call them into action;' and his sensibilities and the charities of his nature become dead, for want of being u!\el\. In such a bosom, no sympathy for Free Masonry, no sympathy for others' woe or weal can be found. A Free Mason who begins to feel the approach of this moral leprosy, bad better pray to be delivered from the monster, or his after life may be embittered with reflections dlstressin~ to the soul. The Masonic College demands of me a special notice. Though I am not a Curator, I have visited that Institution frequently, ane! sometimes un,expectedly. I have heard the classes recite; I have examined them myself, espeeially iq the Lan~ua~es; I have heard the youn~ gentlemen at the commencement, also at the end of the first session of thIS present collegiate year, declaim in public. I can 8:1Y that the Institution bid!'! fair to become a blessing to the State, ahd an honor-a lasting honor-to our venerable and cherished Order. The Report of the President to the Board of Lurators, and the Report of that Board to the Grand Lodge, will place you in full possession of all the filets In connection with the College. It is In high favor with the people where it IS situated; because thf.'Y see its advantages. All it needs is a proper endowment; and I havp, no doubt that the Grand Lodge can use means that will ultimately succeed in endowin[' it amply. The saleof Scholarships will do this. I have been sOlnewhat am,\zed at the notions of some of its friend!! on the subject of Scholarships; bnt then it is a new subject, and men who have thCJught much on other matte! '3: who have even thought profoundly, lIlay dift'~r on this. Experietlce must lend us her light. I have made some enquiries since ollr last IDPeting, and there is no doubt in my mind of the entire practicahility of elldowment, by selling the small Seholarships; although that seems to be the I!ource of greatest distrust in the minds of others. My opinions will be delivered at more 1ength, orally, if necessary, at this present commnnication. When the Grand Lod~e, in March, 1847, fixed upon its location at Lexington, it passed a resolution pledgin~ ittelf to do all in its power tt) foster, encourage, and support the Institution. I will not suppose for a moment, that-there can be a thought entertained, seriously, of abandoning this und~r taking; such a thing would stamp disgrace and di~hollor on the whole Fraternity in our State, yea, it would reflect upon the Order disgracefully at targe. Nothing has done 80 much to elevate Free Masonry as this great and glorious undertakin~. This Institution will afford, In time, the te.::.chers for our towns,villages, and neighborhoods. Here is to be the great fountain, whence streams will issue, reaching throughout the length an~ breadth of our land. The propClety or impropriety of the undertaking, originally, is not now debateable. We have undertaken it; and to declme now to ~upport it, to withdraw our influence as a great and growing Order of high moral character from it, will ruin tbe Institution and disgract> us. We must prevent such consequences. Ma)' Heavon assist us to set: and to think aright on this subject. I most reluctantly refer in this address to the Grand Lodge of Missouri, to the riotolls, disorderly, and un masonic conduct of a portion of the members of the Grand Lodge of New York, in June last. I will路 not here recite the disgraceful conduct of the revolutionists. I call the attention of the Grand Lodge to this subject, I would to God that such scenes had never been witnessed among Masons; they disgrace any body of men; bllt to Masons, lIuch acts, such outrages, have heretofore been strangers. Jt is with you, my brethren, to say what stt:ps we shall take on this subject. I have been notified, that Borne of the Lodges under our jurisdiction have, by resolution, cut oft' all communication of a masonic character with the Order in the State of New York, until the action of the Grand Lodge is known upon the subject, I believe the Grand Lodge of New York has settled this matter. However, the reports and the action of that Lodge will be before you; and you will take 8u芦h steps as your wisdom and the good of the Order will dictate. Free Masonry has been unfortunate in New York. 1 hope for better conduct in the Order in that State in future.

1 The subiect of a General Grand Lodge in the United States, is one UpOll which I have no positive or fixed opinion; but so far as I havt: thought upon the subj ct, I am disinclined to its success. I can see no material benefit likely to arise from a General Grand Lodge; but on the contrary, it will upen a channel for heavy expenditures alld disbursements. I suggest the propriety of having our By-Laws revised and reprinted. My brethren, the character and standinK of our ancient and time-honon-Il Institution in this ~tate, depend, in a great measure, upon us, upon our actionlt and proceedings. There should never exist among its members any other feelings than those of Brotherly Love J and in all our relations, Truth should mark our conduct as men and Masons. We must ieel our obligations to each other, and our responsibility to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe.· We must act on the ~eat TrClstle-board of l.if~ as becomes men, christians! an<1 Masons, before we can rightfully expect the joyous greeting of "Well done .. thou good and faithful workman." U Wages to thee are due "t thy command." I conclude by commending you to the blessing and protection of our Supreme Grand Master.

JOHN F. RYLAND. Which, on motion of Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell, was rE-ferred to a committe~ of three. When Bros. J. W. S. Mitchell, P. Draper and G. W. Dunn, were appointed said committee. On motion of Bro. R. A. Raphael, the Grand Lodge permitted the members from Subordinate Lodges to sit without their jewels. On motion 01 brother Drayer, it was .&solved. That Delegates 10 attendance from Lodges U. D. shall take theu' seats and have the privilege of participating in debate. On motion of brother A. P Dorriss, it was Resolve.d, fhat the Grand Lodge proceed to the election of officers to·mor row evemng at four o'clock. 'Carned, 23 to 12. On motion of brother Leveridge, it was Resolved, That when the Grand Officers shall have been elected that they be publicly installed, and aprocession'Cormed and march to the M. Church for that purpose, and that th~ M. W. Grand M:\ster be requestt,d to delivel' an address On the occasion, land that a committee of three btl appointed to make .a~r~ngement8 and invite aU. the brethren (in good standing,) in town 3nd ViCInIty to jom in J.>rocession. . Brothers Stockton, Gibson and Leveridge.were appointed said committee. Entere~J brother L. E. Wil~iamson, W. M. Versailles Lodge, u. On mollon of brother A. Gibson, it was Ruolved,That the Installation of Off.cers shall be at 12 o'clock, on Friday next. The Grand Lodge was then called off until half past one o'clock. in due form. 4




1 o'clock.

The M. W. Grand Lodge was called to labor on .he Third Degree in due form. .Present, Grand Officers and other members, a!l in the forenoon, with the addition of l;Irother J. H. Turner, of Livingston Lodge, No. 51. The M: W. GrandMaster appointed the folluwing committees, viz: Comm~ttu on Work and Proceedings of Subordi7&ate Lodges---Brother!'l P. Draper, Chairman, G. H. C. Melody. R. .-\. Raphael, S. F. Currie, J. G. Treadway. Committee on Foreign Comm'Unications.-·-Brother~, J. W. S Mitchell, Chairm:in, Philip Williams and L. S. C rnwell. Committee on Account".·•• Brothers, Andrew Gibson, Chairmao) A. H. Green, S. H. Saunders, J. A. Sparks and M. W. Hall.

8 C01l&mittee un U,':/iILisrled Busill,ess.-Brothers, A. P. DOl'l'iss, Chairman) A. Dennison, E. G. McNutt, N. A. Langston. Committee 016 Work and Dispensations.-Brothers, A. Patter30n, Chair. man, A. Gibson, B. W. Grover. • Committee on GrUlvances.-M. H. McFarland, P. Williams, G. Dennison, U. A. Raphael, C. M. Scott. CO»lnl'l,ttee on .applications and Comm'l£nicationa.-Brother~, J. H. Tur. ~ler, Chairman, S. F. Currie, E. A. Hughes, Caleb Fisber, J. C. Sharper, o. G. Strong. Committee on Charity.-Brothers, J. F. Currie, Chairman, J. A. Relf, L. Blackwell, J. McKay, P. B. Moore. Comm.ittee on tM Masonic College.-Brothers, B. W. Grover, Chairman; G. W; Dunn, Gustavus Dennison, R. T. Prewitt, J. W. S. Mitchell, P. Draper, W. T. Wood. Committee on Ways and Means.-Brothers, W. r. Wood, Chairman,G. H. C. Melody, P. Williams, G. Dennison, B. W. Grover, J. H. 'furner, G. W. Dunn. Brother C. H. Scott presented a petition from Brot)ler F. E. Baumgarten and others, at St. Louis, for a charter or dispensation {or a Lodge to work in the German and Euglisb languages. Referred to the Committee on Applications and Communications. Tbe Committee on forei~ correspondence reported as follows: The Committee on ForeIgn Correspond~nc~, on enterring upon the duties assigned them, feel called upon to ask the forbearance of the Grand Lodge, for their imperfect work. Such a report as the importance of the subjects involved demands, would require the diligent research and patient investigation of weeks, untramelled by other ana excitin~ subjects, while under a pe~uliar state of things, we are compelled to Unut our time to a few hours, stolen from serious and pressing engagements: The usual method of taking up' tne proeeedlllgs of the several Grand Lodges, and reviewing them in detail, has been departed from on this occasion, with a view that whatever of time and space we may be able to give, may be devoted to the more prominent and interesting su Jects, requiring the action of this Grand Lodge. We beg our sister Grand Lodges, theretore, not to suppose we have found nothing interesting in the procee<lings of those not bere referred to. The general intelligence of men, and tbe ditfusion' of Masonic knowledge, seems rather to augn:;ent than lessen the differences of opinion on many ques.. tions of vital importance to the Craft; nor is this to be wondered at, if we remember that there is now a migbty army of Masons. composed of intelligent and thinking men, who being aroused to a spirit of enquiry, cannot be expectp,d to view any mooted question in the same light or arrive at the same conclusion, though reasoning from the same premises. The first subject of general interest to which the attention of the Grand Lodge is called, is the oft complained of want of uniformity of work and lectures. Since the revival of Masonry in the United States, various methods have been resorted to in order to correct this evil, the most usual of which has been the employment of Grand Lecturers. That this plan has signally failed of its end, is made manifest by a reference or visit to the Lodges in the States where this system has been pursued. We venture the opinion that it will be found, gellerally, that as much if not more difference exists in the work of Lodges under said jurisdictions than iJithose wbere no bright luminary has appeared, clothed with dignified authority. If men were to be found who could not be made to· feel the workings of vanity or love of applause, and if such men could have their days lengthened, it might .be tha.t the prejudices against any thing ~hicl\diffel'~ fr?m o~r earIV teachings, would wear away and we be Induced to cOlDclde ~lth the Grand Lectllr.ers. But Grand Lodges must of necessity, change thell' Grand Lecturers, and each one is prone to look complacently ~pon himself as alto. geth~r superior to his predecessor, ll;nd, p'eradvent~re" ~~ou~d he discover the ~eficleney of anyone talent or qualification, he WIll '-ro~sthltely make uP. for any deficiency of knowledge by an exuberance of language, and hence artse~

9 the system of adding on or intermingling the frippery of modern 1\Iar-:01ll'Y with the work and lectures of the Ancient Craft degrees. The Grand Lodge of Ohio has for many years employed Grand Lecturers, and the printed proceedings of the last communication brings to us the intelligence, that the Craft throughout the State had been in so much confusion, as to lUake it necessary to call a convention of the best informed Masons in order to rid the institution of innovations, and bring it back to its wonted purity. And it IS proper to enquire what amolmt of good is likely to follow. We perceive that Brother Snow, the old and prominent Mason of Ohio, he who worked and lectured before the anti-Masonic excitement, hewho was greatly instrumental in introducing Cross' work mto the west, has given his name in approbation of the work and lectures adopted by that conventipn, and hence those who composed that body a.re borne out in saylDg, they have thfl: original work and lectures of Cross. A member of this Committee received the work and lectures of the three first de~ees,from William Gibbs Hunt, of Lexington, Ky., in 1820; and was assured by Brother Hunt, that he had thus received them word for word from Brother Snow, and that Brother Snow had assured bim that they were word for word the work and lectures of Cross. Qur Brother further states that he continued to use the same work and deliver the same lectures, until after his removal to Missouri, some two years before the meeting of the Baltimore convention, when by a regulation of the Grand Lodge he felt obliued to unlearn, as it were, and learn a system differing from it very essentiaYly; and he now solemnly declares that the work and lectures reported to this Grand Lodge by its dele,gatts to the Baltimore convention, are substantially, 'fea, almost word for word, the work and lectures which he received as above, In 1820. From all this one would suppo3e that the Grand Lodge of Missouri, in using the system of the Baltimore convention" is working in harmony with the Grand Lo~ of Ohio; and yet, if we may Judge by a partial exemplification, made in ~t. Louis~ shortly after the adjournment of the Ohio convention, by one of its learned members, no two Grand Lodges in the Union differ more widely. In talong leave of this subject, your Committee leel constrained to say that the Baltimore work and lectures, as reported to this Grand Lodge, contain less extraneous matter and l~ss of modern Masonry, than any we have heard·. We know itis said" and with mllch truth, that it is difficult to knew what is the Baltimore work, for nearly all the members of that convention differ widely, nor is this to be wonderod at, as we are told, few, if any, but the Missouri delegates took the means, atter th,~ alljournment of the convention, to learn tile wode aud lectures well enough to take them home. But had it been otherwise, neither that conv"n~i:,•• nor ~ny other will ever be able to produce uniformity (If work, for t!'lP. ~imple reason that no such <l!sembly will ever be clothed with at~thoTi:y to enforcc nny system agreed upon, and now, as ever somc Grand Lodges will approve and adopt, while others will repudi'lte. Your COll\!'f)Jttee ar~ therefore of opinion, thatthe 'lifficulty complained ot~ will contiMe tv exist, to a. gTe'ltcr or less extent, lntH some general head is clothed with p0\'-er to adopt and enforce obcai. ~nce to a sy;gtem Of work 2.nrt lectuTl,'$; and Q~l!.cngh e~-cn then some slight iiscrcpancies, COJl3€qucnt upon the pronelles3 of different men to use different lallgnagc,will ever c:ds~) l,!lerc will be no dallger of innovatiolts, sUl;h:13 arc now to be met with. Can a Grand Lodge conf.:;- Degrees? At a regular Commnnication of the Grand Lo(l~e of 'Visconsin, a few years since, a candidate for the mYsteries of .Mas0mY, sas Initiated, Passe\i, and Raised, in that Grand ho(ly. 1.'his action has called forth the opinions, and in some cases, the animadversions of other Grar:d Lodges. The Gr~l1d Lodge of Iowa has assumed the high ground of condemning it, as improper and unmasonic in so glaring' a degree, as not to call ii..c the promulgation of a single reason f~)r pronouncmg said judgmt:nt. Your CommIttee believe fliat the Grand Lodge of England, bas e,-er been M'garded as the highest authorit.v for Masonic usage and Masonic law in the 2

10 Unitp.d States, and w(' llav.e not known the right of a Grand Lodge to confer the three first degrees, to be called in question until now. From 1711 to 1725 no one received in England, the Masters' degree except in Grand Lodge, or in a Lod/?;e conHned by the special order of the Grand Master. Nor is it d~ar that this rule was departed from as early as 1737. We are told that an occasional Lodge was that year called, over which a Past Grand Master presided, to. Initiate, Pass and Raise Frederick, afterwards Emperor of GerJilany, but we are not informed whether this was done by order of the Grand :lfa!lter or not. It is very evident. however, that ashort time. before it had heen the custom to clothe Subordinate Lodges with the Fower to confer only the two first degrees, the Grand I.odge reserving to itsel the right to say who should be entitled to the third. And as it was stated by the Correspondence Committee of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, it would seem strange indeed if the Grand Lodge could not legally do what it can legally ailthorize its agents or Subordinate Lcd~es tod'o. Your committee, therefore, do not hesitate to give it as their opirnon, that every Grand Lodge ha.s the right to confer degrees, while at the same time, we are as clearly of opinion that owing to the condition of things in the United States, it would be unwise and impolitic to exercise that right. But your committee ale very far from ~ee颅 ing with the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, as to the right of the Grand Master to make Masons at sight, or even convene a special Lodge for that purpose. That the Grand Master anciently held and exercised that authority is true, but nev~r since the present system of Grand Lodges has been estab1ished. At a meeting of the Grand Lodge of England, Henry Jermyn, Earl of Albans, Grand Master, on the 27th DE'c., 1663-the following new regulation was I)assed~-"Thatno person of what degree soever, be made or accepted a Free Mason unless in a regular Lodge, whereof one to be Master or a Warden in the circuit or division where a Lodge is kept, and another to be a Craftsman in the trade of Free Masonry."-[p. 133 .I1.'fItderSonJ8 Editio'n of 1756. We bold that the Grand Master at the present day is the creature of the Grand Lodge, made so by a mutual com.pact between all the constituent parts of tbe Grand Lodge} and though he enjo)"s all the rights which anciently belonged to the Grand Master ot" Masonry, except tnat which is taken from him by the compact,he eannotdo that which the Grand Lodge has assigned to be done by another. The Grand Lodges in the United States have all delegated the power of making Masons to Subordinate Lodges, and though by that means they have not deprived themselves of the right to resume the exercise of that power as Grand Lodges, they have clearly taken the power from the Grand Master. We would not say that a Grand Lodge could not delegate that power to the Grand Master to make Masons, that power having, by law, been specifically assigned to others. Your Committee, therefore, believe that under no circumstances has a Grand Master the right to make Masons, or authorize it to be done in any other way than is provided by the Grand Lodge over whtch he presides. Nor should any Grand Lodge, under ordinary circum~tances, Initiate, Pass or Raise in its own body. Pysical disqualification of candid4tes: This subject has of late excited much attel~tion, and some warm discussion in some of the Grand Lodges. Those who contend for the right to dIsregard the ancientlaw, which declares we shall r('ceive "No man that is not upnght in body, not deformed or dismembered at the time of making, but of hale and entire limos as a man ought to be," contend that this regulation was originally instituted to prevent the Lodges from taking in those who were not able of body to perform manuallahor, and to guard against receiving those who might become a burden to the Society; and that in as much as Mascnry is now speculative only, a different rule wi.l answer the ends of the Institution, it being only necessary that the candidate shall be able to make a reasonable living, and be capable of learning the art of Masonry. Your Committee are not prepared to sa~' what were the motives or ends intended to be accomplished by those wh:> mav have originally instituted thi8 law] any more than they are ~o say why 路G~d required of old that none shoul<1

11 enter the priesthood who were not without spot or blemish. We only know that we find this law laid down as one of the ancient landmarks, atlll we know of no vested power authorizing its removal. If it is competent tor a Grand Lodge to remove this and make a new rule, then has the Grand Lodge the same power to remove any other; and it were idle to censure the Grand Lodge of England tor striking out the word ''born,'' and inserting the word "man," so that liberated slaves might be received. But suppose it were in the power of Grand Lodges to remove this ancient landmarlc, to what extent might it be modIfied In favor of the unfortunate candidate, without doing manifest injury to the Institution? The Grand Lodge of Kentucky set a precedent by makin$ the Hon. John Pope, who had lost an arm near to his shoulder, and this mno\Tation has been improved upon, from time to time, until recently a Lodge in Mississippi made a blind man a Mason. If man can be made a Mason who has but one leg or foot, cannot one be made who has DO leg or foot? If a man can be made with Dot one hand, then can aflother bemade who has no hand, for as we understand Masonry, each hand and each foot has an office to perform in Masonry; and we cannot say what would be the kind of Masonry that could be taught without either or all these members. If a man can be made without sight, so can a man be made withbut hearing; in short, each and all the senses may be dispensed with, and yet we would ask what becames of ollr ritual if either of the senses is wanting? Your committee feel the force of an appeal to our sympa. thies in behalf of those who by nature are deformed, or who in the glorious battle-field are maimed for life, and the laws of our Institution poiut them out as claiming our warmest sympathies,but an ancient landmark may not be removed to fit any and every case that misfortune may give rise to. The Jaw~ of our country may deprive a man of property, for which he has paid full value, honestly supposing the title acqmceatherebywasgood, and it presents a calie calling for our sympathies, and yet it would not be wise or just to repeal that law, because all laws shouIa seek to promote the greatest amount of good to the grent.est number. There are, doubtless, many negroes in the Southern Islands, as well as elsewhere, who, thongh not born fi"ee, are now free men of much merit and respectability, but this does not give tbe "p(m:er to any man, or body of men, to make innovations into the bouy of Masonry." The Taw requiring a man to be free-born in order to be made a Mason must forever stand. or any and all ancient landmarks may be removed; and this must be equally true in reference to maimed men. The Grand Lodge 01 North Carolina says that a rule upon this subject is plain and simple. say they. Han applicant is so far dismembered as to render him incapable 01 performing Lodge duties, of doing speculative Masonic labor, he of course, could not be raceived." Well we suppose the Grand Lodge of Kentucky thou~llt the same, and that this could be done with one band, lI,nd,the Lodge ill MiSSissippi thought it coulci bedone without sight. But to return, the ancient landmark 1s staring us in the lace, dare we remove it?



The right of Grand Lodgea to restore expelled members : The Grand Lodge of South Carolina reversed the decision of a Subordi~ nate Lodge, who had expelled two of its members, and ordered them to be restored to membership, this the Subordiuaie Lodge refused to do, and surrendered its charter. That a Grand Lodge can reverse the decision of a Subor路 dina te Lodgl', expelling a Mason from all the privileges of Masonry, will no be denie~-; B.ny where, but your committee are of opinion that ~ach Lo~ge is to be the sole Judge as to who shall, and who shall not be ass~clated With then as memberB of the Lodge. We therefore think lhe Lodge referred to) acted within'the pale of its rights, refusing to carry out the unauthorized and ty ranical edict of the Grand Lodge, aud tbat the Grand Lodge of South Care Hna owes-It to the cause of justice and its own dignity, to reillstate the Mas. terand Wardens of the LOdgewholll they expelled for disobedience to thei. unauthorized edict. The Past Master's Degree: The Ji'ol"t.:iKT, Cf)rI"c'''l'''ndew:'; CI'TIIll1iltec ')1'


GraHn LOtlgf~ hi'S lJ P rctc.,

12 fore expressed the opinion, that the Past Master's degree is not, aud never was, any part of anClent Craft Masonry. and we would not bring the subject up were it nottb:!t the Grand Lodge of Alabama and some others, have determin~d by resolution that in the absence of the Master no one except the Wardens can preside over a Lodge who is nota past Master. Now we think to be consistent, the Wardens should be required, as in Virgini~1 to be Past Masters, or they too prohibited from presiding over a Lodge in the absence of the Master. Your Committee are at a lose to say whence originated the degree of Past Master, but they have every reason to believe it is of modern invention, for we find no alluslOn to it in Anderson's History and Constitution of Masonry. We believe the degree has no Masonic history of a traditional character attachell to it. We believe it does not exemplify or elucidate a single prmcipIe in Masonry, or add a single qualificatit>n to Its recipient, to preSide over a Lod/?e. We believe it wants even the dignity and solemnity of a degree in Anclent Craft Masonry. And while, under existing rules, we are wilIing to see it given to every one who is elected to preside over a Lodge, we fail to find in it any thing which enableg its recipient to preside any better than one who has never received it. The business of the Lod~es is done in the Master's degree, and it is vain to suppose the knowledge of a higher degree could bV any m~ic or Masonic art, enable the Master to Dring that knowledge, even did he acqUlre any, to make him more ca.pable of exemplifying the Master's degree. If a vast fund of knowledge is acquired m the Past Master's degree, no part of it can be used in a degree below. But in addition to all this -how inconsistent does it seem for a Master's Lodge to legislate about a degree above. Did the Grand Lodge of Alabama open a Past Master's Lodge before passing a resolution. saying, that in the absence of the Master and Wardens none but a Past Master should preside? We suppose not, and yet we could hatdly suppose Maste~ Masons would undertake to legislate for a degree above, did we not knoW: that the same thing has been done by our own, and . other Grand Lodges. ' The Grand Lodge of ~ orth Carolill~ says: "That it (Past Master's degree) is an actual bona ft.de de~re(!, essential to every presiding officer of a Lodge, there Ciln be no doubt. fhe Master- who is unacquainted with it, is unacquainted with the elemen\ary knowledge of his office, and must so continue." As wecanllot, of cour.~, in this place exemplify the degree, in order to show the error illto.which'that Grand Lodge has fallen, your Committee can only say, that they entertain a widely different opinion, but in either event they must insist that a Grand Lodge sitting in the Master's degree has no right to legislate aocut it• .8 General Grand Lodge: I The CorrespolHlence CommiUee of the Grand Lodge of Missouri have several times expressed its dJ>position to a General or Wational Grand Lodge; but a yortion of this Committee entertain a doubt whether such would have been Its decision had the s~bject elicited discussion, or excited the special attention of the members. ',The gre~t and growing evils resulting from a want of power somewhere, to. settle difficulties and differences between State Grand Lodges, has been anI! '~till i~ tob severely felt not to alarm our fead for the result. The late cori,dition of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, the ('.ondition of Masonry in New, York for the last twelve years, and the still more startling even ts of 1849, must, it would seem to your Committee, arouse every good and true Mason to I"~ an active vigilance, m order to devise some means to allay heart-burnings, ~ettle honest differences of opinIon, and put down. rebellion against tIle laws arid rules of onr Order. Your Committee tlo not deem it proper to elicit a discussion of the merits of the.question here,? ~or they do not see any probahility of a speedy formation of a General Grand LOdge, but they ask to say, that while they could not approve of eitlter of the plans proposed, they sincerely believe, that a general head or court of appeals, with limited and well defined ,powers, would tend ?:featly to promote llurmony :tIId pre!.lel'vc order with aha between the scnral Grand LOdges in the United ::ltntes.

New 7'e81s:



Your Committee believe it is nOW so generally admitted that no other reli--gious test than-a belief in one, only livIng, and true God, is admissable as a __prerequisite to initiation; _that it is only necessary to say here, that they believe every Grand Lodge who has heretofore occupied different ground has receded, and is now prepared to contend for the doctrine once delivered to our fathers. Non-affiliated M,u()"(l,8:

This subject has excited much interest, especially since this Grand Lodge imposed a tax on this class of Masons. Your Committee have been astonished at the manner in which some Grand Lodges have reviewed the action of this Grand body. They tell us that it is the duty, aye, imperious duty, of every Mason, to belling to some Lodge, and contribute to the charity fund; that a demitted Mason enjoys all the benefits of Masonry, and it is a dereliction of duty not to bear a proportion of its burdens; and yet, in the next breath, they tell us that the Grand Lodge has no right to compel a demitted Mason to pay dues, or contribute to the charity fund, for such contributions should be voluntary. Sach is the doctrine held by the Grand Lod~e of Tennessl?e, and one or two others. Now it does seem to your Committee, that if the Grand Lodge has not the power to comf,el every Brother to perform his known duty, then is the Grand Lodge whol y incapacitated for self-government. If an association cannot compel its members to do theJI duty, or punish them for-a failure, thp.n is the government of that association so defective that its- adhesive principles are liable to be dissolved at all times, and surely it will not be contended that Masonry is in that deplorable condition. No one pretends to deny that for the failUl'e to perform other duties, the Grand Lodge has a right to punish the offender by the infliction of anyone of the penalties known to our institution. If the great body of Masons were released from all obligations to demitted Masons, then there would be some consistency in the doctrine that demitted Masolls are beyond the pale of penal laws; but every one knows that so far from this being the case, the demitted Mason enjoys singular advantages over the members of the Lodge; theyare released from the operation of tlie By-law requiring a regular attendance upon the meetings of the Lodge; they are released from the heavy burden of spending night after night in doing the work of the Lodge; they are exempt from the most ~npleasant of all Masonic duties, viz: that of trying and punishing disorderly members; they can visit when it is for their interest or pleasure; they can retire when they please, and they can call on the members. as individuals, to do them acts of fraternal favor, and administer to their wants. The members of the Lodge have no other advantage over them exc-ept the delightful privilege of doing the drudgery of Masonry. In short, non-affiliated Masons are the independent, honored, and privileged members of the great family of Masons. In mest instances, they are the most able, and least willing, to contribute to the charity fund; and, we regret to say, that in very many mstances, they honor the Lodge with a visit only when they have some ulterior object to accomplish. We know there are many honorable exceptions, but your Committee entertain the opinion that the great majority of non-affiliated Masons are drones in the Masonic hive. Your CommIttee feel called upon to bring forward a single witness in support of the position here taken. Brother Crane. of St. Louis, acted as chaIrman of the "Board of Relief/' several years, and he baa assured a member of this Committee that four-fifths of the applicants for alms hav~ been, by their own statements, men who were made Masons when they were in good circumstances, and so engaged in business that they had not time to devote to Masonry, that they had nof been in a Lodge, some say, for five, some ten, and others twenty yearswhich reasons were given to account for their being 'f'U8ty. But your Committee deem the subject of sufficient importance to enquire into the cause of all, or nearly all, the difficulties complained of, and in this there is or should be no difference of opinion. Anciently, all Masons were required to keep their names enrolled as memhers of some Lodge, and if this tundamentallaw had lIot been violated, we should not Il(lW b" (:alled upon to allude to non-

14 afliliated Masons. We make the following extra!': I from Anderson's Constitutions: " No set or number of Brethren shall withdraw or st'perate themselves from the Lodge in which they were made, or were afterwards admitted membels, unless the Lodge become too numerous; nor even then, without a dispensation from the Grand Master or Deputy, and when thus separated, they must either immediately join themselves to such other Lodge that they sha1llike best, or else obtain the Grand Master's warrant to join lD forming a new Lodge to be regularly constituted in good time."-[ Old Regulat'wns, Art. 9. See Edition of A nderson's Constitution of 1756, p. 313, and Masonic Signet, p. 144, 2d vol. We also make the following extract in order to show that if any disregarded the forep:oing rule, the Fraternity was released from Masonic obligations to them. "At the Grand Lodge, December 3, 1741, Morton, Grand Master, it was resolved t8at before the Brethren proceed to business in any Committee of Charity, all the laws relating to the disposal of the ~eneral charity of this Society, be first read; and that tor the future, no petition shall be received, unless every Brother shall at the time of his sigrting the same, be a member of some regular Lodge, and the name of such, his Lod~e, be always specified!" See same Edition ot Anderson, p. 303, also Masonic Signet, p. 136, 2d vol. In addition to the above, your Committee distinctly recollect to have read a rule. recorded in Anderson's Constitution or History of Masonry, which declares, that a Mason can only demit to travel beyond the jurisdiction of his Lodge, or to assist in forming a new Lodge; and should he travel, and come into the vicinity of a Lod~el he should have his name enrolled as a member, under pain of releasing hiS brethren from obligations to give him work; but your Committee cannot now refer to thp page, nor do they deem it important to do so, for the reason that the extracts liere given, the first of which is one of the old or original rules, fully sustain the Grand Lodge of Missouri, in the action had in reference to non-affiliated Masons in this jurisdiction. In concluding this subject, your Committee beg to say, that they believe the present S~Tstem of By-Laws in general use by the Lodges, is, in reference to the manner of demitting, radically wrong. No member should be allowed to demit if the interests ot the Craft are to suffer by it. Every Mason should be required to continue a member of some Lodge, and if he is not able to pay dues, none should be required of him.

Ma.Yonry in Louisia1la: Your Committee now approach a subject, which has been one of peculiar pain to this Grand Lodge, since 1847.. fhen we found wbat we believed to be innovations, in the Grand Lodge of LOuisiana. The action of this Grand Lodge was in accordance with a sense of our imperious duty. But bow widely ditrerent are the feelings of your Committee, in approaching the same subject now. We be~ to read the tonowing extract from the minutes of the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana: GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF LoUISIANA, ~

New Orkans, January 10, 1850. 5 .The following Resolutions or Articles were unanimollsly adopted: From and after the - - - , there shall be a full, perfect and perpetual union of all the路 Free Masons of the State of Louisiana, whose alJe!?;iance is now divided between the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, and the Louisiana Grand Lodge, under one Supreme Head, and to effect this most desirable purpose, the following Articles of Union are agreed upon by and between the two bodies above named: First-The Lodges now holding charters from the Louisiana Grand Lodge shall surrender theIr charters to tbe Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, which body shall, immediately upon the surrender by the said l.odges of their said charters, and as fast as they come in, issue new charters to the said Lodges, and each of them, and all ef which, upon the surrender aforesaid, shalf be forthwith admitted into the union of the Lodges in thiS State, under the said Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, upon the same footing, and

15 ~hall enjoy each and every ri~ht and privilege which are now e\ijoyeJ by the Lodges or!ginally constituted oy that Dody; they shall take '11 IlJnber upon the register of the said Grand Lodge as they come in immediately after the Lodges now in the said register, and no other charge shall be made for their admission than the Grand Secretary and Tyler's fees. Secondly-All the Lodges now working under dispensations from the said Louisiana Grand Lodge shall be chartered by the <;rand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, as soon as their term of probation shall have expired, upon the same conditions as they would have been chartered if the present contemplated change had not have taken place; and in the mean tirre they shall be under the jurisdiction of the said Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana. Thirdly-OR the before-named day the Louisiana Grand Lodge shall be dissolved, and their present Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wa;dens, their Past Grand Wardens, and Past Masters of the Lodges constituted by them, shall take their seats in the said Grand Lodge of tbe State of Louisiana, with the same rank and privileges as are now accorded to the Past Grand Officers of similar dignity of the said Grand Lodge, and the Past Masters of the several Lodges now under its jurisdiction. Fourthly-The property of the said Louisiana Grand Lodge, as well as the funds that body may possess at the time of its dissolution, as herein contemplated, after the payment of its debts and the liquidation of its concerns, shall become the property of the said Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, and shall be held in common with the funds of that body, and be kept, managed and dis~osed of as the two bodies, when connected, shall direct, which two bodies, from and after said day herein before-mentioned, shall form one SI\preme Masonic body for the exclusiv~ government of all the Masons of the three first. degrees of Masonry, in the State of Louisiana, forever, under its incorporated name and style of the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and all charters and dispensations which shall or may emanate from the said united body, shall bear the same style and nam~. I hereby certify that the above is a true coPY of Resolutions or articles adopte if 'by the Grand Lodge of the State of LOUIsiana at its meeting on 28th January, 1850. J. J. E. MASSICOT, Grand Secretary.

At the meetin~ of the Grand Lodge of 'the State of Lou~siana of 29th Jan. 1850, the followmg articles were adopted and added to the above: "Nor shall any Lodge be created or constituted by the said united body, under any other title than that of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons." Resolved That the resolution of pxpulsion of Willis P. Coleman, John Gedge, an& others, members of George Washington Lodge,:passed and adopted by thi8 Grand Lodge on the 28th day of June, in the year 1847, be and the same is hereby rescinded and annulled. I certify the above to be a true copy. J. J. E. MASSICOT. .Adopted at meeting of 30th of Jan1Lary, 1850. Resolved, That Article 43 of the Rules and Regulations of this Grand Lodge

be and the same is hereby rescinded and annulled. .Adopted at meeti'flg of 5th of February, 1850. &soLved, Tbat the armistice of sixty days now granted to the,members ot

the Fraternity under the jurisdiction of the Louisiana Grand Lodge, A. Y. M., be made perpetual. A true extract. J. J. E. MASSICOT, Grand Secretary.. The Chairman of your Committee was on a visi't to New Orleans, iR February last, was present at two meetings of the New Grand Lodge, had an interview with the Grand Master of each Grand Lodge, and he became satistied, that it was the ardent desire of all parties concerned, to accede to the above terms of union and harmonise under one Grand Lodge. The Old Grand Lodge, as may be seen by the extract read, with a spirit of manliness al'ld liberality which does honor to its members, receded from the objection-

16 able ground, which it had previously occupied,and being thus J?urified, generously opened wide its arms of benevolence, and fraternally inVited themembers of the New Grand Lodge to fraternize under its old and now glorious banner, flung -anew to the breeze of Ancient Craft Masonry. Nor did the members of the New Grand Lodge lag or falter in their efforts for a happy union, but with a desire so ardent, to do a good, a noble work, that if the appearance of a fault was perceptible at all, it consisted in an over zeal. They almost unanimously resolved to accept the terms proposed, and took steps to settle up their pecuniary affairs and consummate the union. When our Chairman left, he ootamed the promise from one of the Grand Masters, to have forwarded to him a certified statement of the facts, whenever the union was finally consummated, and although he has not received an official statement, he is enabled, by a private letter from Brother Willis P. Coleman, to state that the New Grand Lodge has been dissolved, and its Lodges have all taken charters under the old, or present Grand Lodge. Thus have all the difficulties and heart-burnings of Louisiana bepn removed. Thus has our beloved Institution been snatched from an unholy alliance, and restored to its pristine purity. Thus has th~ only cloud which, for many years, has hung over the briglit skies of the Bunny South" been dissipated; and light, and life, and beauty once more decks her Masomc horizon. Your Committee cannot for a moment doubt that, as this Grand Lodge waS the first to condemn and repudiate the course pursued by the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, it will take pride in being the first to extend the right hand of fellowship, and tender our heart-felt congratulations, DOW that all is well. MCÂŁ8onry in New York: It now becomes the painful dUty of your Committee to call attention to an

instance of insubordination, and an open defiance of known Masonic law, which we think has no parallel in the history of our Order, and the like of which we pray may never again disgrace our annals. We mourn the depravity of human nature when, at rare intervals, we hear of a single individual who, under the momentnry exeitement of unholy passion, suffers himself to be led away from the observance of his known duty, by setting at defiance the legally constituted authority-armed with the talismen of power, revered every where and in all ages by g')od and true Masons. .But when a large number of Masons, headed by tliose who had been honored by the Craft; those who had been loud in their denunciation against any who dared disobey the mandates of a Grand Lodge; those who seemed to have set themselves up as lights to guide the erring footsteps of their less informed brethren-we say, when such as these deliberately prepare and arrange to meet in a body, and by their numerical strenJrt}l and unblushing effrontery, do that which every principle of morality forDids-that which their known and well-defined duty prohibits-that which would diggrace themselves and bring reproach UpOB an Institution whose very nature is purity, we know of no censure too strong, no reprehension too severe with which to mark their conduct. Wliether an outrage, meriting the denunciations alluded to, has been perpetrated in the Grand Lod~e of New York, this Grand Lodge will determine when your Committee shall have stated the facts. As the difficulty to which we reter, originated in the mooted question of Past Masters' inalienable rights to a seat in the Grand Lodge, and as it is highly proper that this Grand Lodge should express its op'inion, and therebr. avoid future difficulties in this jurIsdiction, your ComIDlttee have deemed It proper to submit a succinct account of what is kaown of the Past Master's ae~ee, ahd the history of the Grand Lddge of New York. We have no WrItten authentic account of an assemhly or Grand Lodge of Masons at an (larHer period than that which met at York, in England,in 926. At this assembly, Prince Edward, Grand Master; the old records and manuscripts were collected, and the Constitutions and Charges carefully collated, oy which means they were preserved and handed down. To these records we are indebted, through Anderson's Constitutions as published by order of the Grand Lodge of England, for all the authentic history of Free Masonry now extant. We are left to suppose that at the formation of the Grand Lodge at

17 \Tork, the present system of Grand Lodges was unknowll,Lso far as its component parts are concerned. It is quite probable that Masons indiscrIminately met and formed that assembly, and it is therefore equally probable that the Past Master's degree was unknown. And when centurIes had passed, the Grand Lodge of England was formed, in 1717, modeled after the Grand Lodge at York, which had evidently introduced the Subordinate Lodge system for the Grand Lodge of England was made up of Subordinate Lodges, holding charters under tile Grand Lodge at York, except the Lodge of Antiquity, and no mention is made of Past Masters having any legal or just claim as such to a seat in the Grand Lodge. The Grana Lodge of England was originaily compose.d of the same materials which constituted the Grand Lodge at York, viz: the Grand Master, Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, and the Masters and Wardens of particular Lodges. The Grand Lodge, soon after its organization, passed a resolution explanatory of its rights, In which it is decfared that it possesses the power at all times to amend its constitutions and make new regulations for the wen-bein~ of the Craft, provided. however that in no case could any of the ancient land-marks be removed. In obedience to this reserved right, the Grand Lodge did) from time to time, amend and change its. constitutions and add new regulatioDs, among which we find one whIch made the Deputy Grand Master, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Past Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens, and twelve of the m"mbers of the Steward's Lodge, members of the Grand Lodge, but as yet nothing is said about Past Masters, nor are they named as members of the Grand Lodge for fifty years after. Those who DOW claim that Past Masters have an inalienable and inherent right to membership in Grand Lodges, contend that they must have assisted in forming the Grand I.odge of England, and if so, were members of that body. Whether they were present and assisted in establishing that Grand LOdge or not, is not stated; but It is not important, for that Grand Lodge fully declared who were members of that body, and Past Masters are not namea among them. The Committee have no means of ascertaining precisely at what time Past Masters were given a seat in the Grand Lodge of England, but certainly not prior to 1756, for the Chairman of this Committee nas in his possession Anaerson's Constitutions and History of Masonry, with such edicts as were adopted after 1722 up to 1756, at which time this edition was issued by order of tbe Grand Lodge, and Past Masters, down to the latter date, are not mentioned as members of the Grand Lodge. It is therefole evident that Past Masters have no well l?;Tounded claims fo a seat in a Grand Lodge by any ancient us~e or even precedent. It is proper to say that some Masons, wllo claim to be teachers and Masonic guides, call a usage ancient If it has but fifty years to date back to; and if tIiis rule obtain, we think that it can be ascertained that in some instances Past Masters were admitted to seats in Grand Lodges, by courtesy, about seventy years since. In the United States Past MastelS have never been regarded as h.aving any.right to seats in the 'Grand Lodge. All who hold Beats have acqUired that rlglit by Grand Lodge enactment In mere courtesy. Some of om Grand Lodges do not allow them seats at all. The Past Maqters of New York have three counts in their bill of claims-First, Ancient usage; Second, Under the Provincial Grand Lodge; and Third the articles of compact and union of 1827. The first, as we have seen, is wholly groundless, and in order to learn of what value are the other two, we will give briefly a history of the Grand Lodge of New Y.ork. It appears fhat as early as 1738, a charter was issued by the Grand Lodge of England (Darnley, Grand Master,) to Richard Riggszas Provincial Grand Master, and otbers, to form a Grand Lodge in the city or N&w York, but how Jong the Grand Lodge was held under this charter, or who constitnted i!s members, YOllT CommIttee are not informed It appears, however, that In 1781 this ebarter had either been forfeited or was disre~arded, for we find the Brethren of New York had that year received a charter to form a provincial Grand Lodge, not fllom the Grand Lo~e of England, as is generally supposed"but from that clandestine or illegafbody of Masons in London,calling themselves the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons, and otherwise known Ilt the Grand Lodge of London. This body it was that re-published the gar路 3

18 bled edition of Anderson's Constitutions anll Ancient Charges, and called it the Ahimen Rezoll. The chartcr referred to 11rovilled that returns should be made to the Mother Grand Lodge. This charter gave to Past Masters seats in the Provincial Grand Lodge. From th~ period at which this Grand Lodge was established until the close of the revolutionary struggle, but little attention was paid to the work of the Craft. In 1785 we find the Masons of the State assembled in the city of New York, and there formed a Grand Lodge, evidently intend ing to disregard the Provincial Grand Lodge. for indeed its charter had been forfeited. In 1787 it was found that the Grand Secretar'}' had used the blank charter~ of tbe Provincial Grand Lodge, wher6upon. a committee was appointed to investigate the matter, and that committee reported that the Grand Lodge of New York held its existence from and by its Constitution, and not from the Grand Lodge of England, and the old charters were called in and new ones issued according'ly. Thus we see that the Past Masteril of New York cannot claim seats under the Provincial Grand Lodge, for indeed if they could they would owe alJegiance still to the Grand Lodge of England. The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of New York, as adopted in 1785, gave to Past Masters seats in the Grand Lodge, although it expressly states that "Grand Lodges are properly formed or composed of the officers of the particular Lodges under the Grand District jurisdiction." Thus, whIle by courtesy they gave Past Masters the right to sit in the Grand Lodge, they left it on perpetuaf record that properly they were not component parts thereof. In 1823 a difficulty arose among the Masons of New York, and two bodies, each claiming to be the Grand Lodge, were in being. In 1827 these two bodies united oy mutual agreement and articles of compact. By the Constitution, under this compact, Past Masters were made members of the Grand Lodge, but in this, as In all Grand Lodges, it is believed, the right to amend that Constitution was reserved, provided no landmark was removed. The Grand Lodge of New York has, from time to time, amended its C6nstitution, and in 1848 it contained the foJlowing pro,·isions, viz: giving all Past Mastcrs who had served twelve months as Masters of Lodges under charter.• a seat and vote in the Grand Lodge so long as they should remain members of Subordinate I.odges. It also provided for the payment of mileage and per diem to all delegates, but not to Past Masters. There were at that time twenty-four Lodges in the city of New York. N early all these mad a new Master every year; and as the Grand Lodge by the Constitution was7 held in the city, the Past Masters could at any time assemb.e in great numbers without expense or much inconvenience, and overrule the votes of the representatives of the Lodges, and thus setting at naught the doctrine of equalizing representation wlth the population, for each Past Master had one vote) and the Lodge, with one hundred members, had but three votes. The Constitution provided that no amendment should be made to that instrument unless passed !>y two regular June sessions, or by one session, and the approval 01 a majority of the Subordinate Lodges. Accordingly, in June, 1847, an amendment was passed depriving Past Masters from holding seats Jongcr than one year after passing the Chair. This amendment wu£ printed and sent down to the Lodges. and a 'constitutional majority adopted It. The Lodges in the city went against the amendment, and at a quarterly communication, held in thc city of New York, when few if any of the country Lodges were represented, and at which meeting they could not constitutionally propose or act on any amendment to that instrument, a resolution was passed declarin~ that shouJ<t the amendment in reference to Past Masters be adopted by a majority of the Lodg·es, the same would be mid, as it would tenti to deprive Past Masters of their inalienahlerights. On the 5th of June, 1849.. at an early hour in the evening, and before the :lppointed time for tlw meeting of the Grand I.olige, a large number of Past Mastprs asscmbkd in thf> Grano Masonic Hall, :lIIrl about" the usual time of opening, they "o;:ltnpnc{',1 In 11 b(lii'tefoIl5 manner to call for the opening of the Grand Lodsf'. One of the 'V:1rdcn~ rrt,;;!'nt informed them that the

19 Grand Master was in the city, and would be in the Hall soon, but the noisy party commenced, as they said, opening the Grand Lodge. Before th-?y got through, Gran(l Mastel' Willard entered, took his station, and opened the Grand Lodge in an' pIe. form. The Grand Secretary then made the official announcement that a majority of the Lodges had voted for the amendment. The Grand Master then commenced reading his annual address, when he was interrupted by yells and cries for the reading of the minutes of the quarterly communication. He used all the authority his office gave him to restore order, but whenever he attempted to proceed with his address, the noise was repeated so as to drown his voice. He at length gave way, and permitted the mInutes to be read, and then he was permitted to proceed with his address, at the close of which he stated that he had examined the official returns of the Lodges, and found the amendment to the Constitution had been adopted as provided for by law. After he had finished, Isaac Philips, P. D. GrandMaster, asked the Grand Master if he had rightly UndE'fstood him to say that the amendment spoken ot was at that time part and parcel of the Constitution of the路 Grand Lodge, to which the M. W. Grand Master replied in the affirmative. When Philhps said-" Then I pronounce tbis Grana Lodge dissolved." He tben called on those who were acting with him to perpetuate the Grand Lodge, called Willis to the Chair-that is 10 the neighb'orhood of the Chair, for the Grand Master still occupied his official station. To this would-be-Chairman, motions were made, and all the officers necessary to constitute a Grand Lodge were elected by a show of the right hand, notwithstanding the provision of the Constitution requiring elections to be made by ballot. Duridg all this period it is in evidence that the Grand Master, Brother Willard, used all the means and authority in him vested to restore and preserve order, but even the official use of that instrument which 'we had thought, and still think every good and true Mason, and especially every Past Master, would revere, failed of its end. The Grand Secretary, Broiller Boyd, fearing for the safety of the funds of the Grand Lodge, requested a friend to take charge of, and take to a place of safety, a tin box said to contain about two thousand dollars; that Brother was seized on his way out and by foIce the money was taken from him by tbe mob. Th\s disorderly and rebellIons assembly of Mason3 having gOlle through with their mock election, adjollrned and took possession of the Grand Lodge seal, and all the papers. After they retired a motion was made to a4journ the Grand Lodge, which being carried, it was called off until next day. Aud now this spurions Grand Lodge, with Phillips at its head, and James Herring as Grand Secretary, the same individuals wno a few years since denounced, in no measured terms, that body of Masons calling Itself St. John's Grand Lod!:!;e, because it was made up of men who had set at defiance the laws of the Grand Lodge and the Masonic rules of order, are sendin~ out printed pamphlets claiming to emanate from the Grand Lodge of New YorK. We have therefore three Masoaic bodies, so called, claiming to be Gland Lodges in New York, and it becomes the duty of every other Grand Lodge to bike such action as to them may seem proper in the premise~. Your Committee have shown that Past Masters cannot rightfully claim seats in the Grand Lodge by ancient usage. We have also shown that the Grand Lodge of New Yorle, had the right, by its fundamental Jaw, to llmend its ConstitutIOn, provided no ancient landmark was removed. We have seen, also, that the amendment spoken of was adopted in strict conformity to the provisions of that instrument. So far as your Committee is informed, every Grand Lodge that has acted upon the subject, has recognized the Grand Lodge over which Willard presides as the only legitimate Grand body in New York, and all have denounced the riotous conduct of the Past Masters who created the disf;.'Taceful disturbance on the 5th of June last, except the Grand Longe of MI8Si~sjppi,which takes the ground that Past Masters have a vested ri~ht to seats 1Il t~e Grand Lodge, and though the Grand Lod/{e over which Willard prcsid~s JS ree0A"nizcd, bcca1.l~e the ra~t Ma~t('rs did not seck redress in (l con!:tit\lti011'l\ wan路

!O ner, the Grand Lodge of Mississippi says the party headed by Phillips, Willis and ,Herring were guilty of 'nO moral wro'ng. Your Committee are free to confess that if the Past Masters, or mob party of the New York Grand Lodge: can be defended with even a show of justice, the Grand Lodge of Mississippi ehas taken the only ground, u{'on whieh it can be done, viz: that the parties to a compact cannot be depnved without their consent, of any benefits or rights vested in them by the provisions of said compact. The writer of this report is no lawyer, nor has he had the advantage of learned council in order to arrive at the meaning of the term vested rights, but the Committee apprehend that the term, when applied to real estate, is entitled to a very different construction from that which should be applied to political or other associations of men. The rights which we derive by nature or legislative enactments founded on a fundamental law which admits of no amendment or change, are inalienable rights, and cannot properly be taken from us; but if the ~arties to a. political~ moral, or religious compact, reserve to themselves the fight to amend. alter, or change that instrument, and no exceptions are made, then may any or all the clauses, sectiems, or articles be amended In the manner pointed out, without violatin~ any rights vested by that instrument. In other words, there are no vested fights which I\re inalIenable, acquired under an instrument which may by its own provisions, deprive its members of those rights. Take, for example, the Constitution of the United States. A provision is there made for the amendment of that instrument, the precise manner in which it shall be done is pointed out, but it is .expressfy stipulated that certain clauses shall not be amended. Now your Committee hold that any rights acquired under those clauses, the amendment of which are prohibited by the makers of the comp:lct, are not only vested but inalienable, except by their consent, but that all other clauses may be amended at any time, in the manner pointed out. It would be ruinous indeed, if, by a want of foresight, an evil was tolerated by the framers of a constitution, no remedy were left but to dissolve the compact and sever tile union. There are laws in Masonry like those of the Medes and Persians, but tller are only the ancient landmarks, and certainly not those in reference to Pas Masters. Your Committee will not willipgly Impugn the motives of any, but the oftrepeated difficulties and wranglings of the lUasons of New York have became an object ot serious inquiry to all who love harmony within our borders. We know that there has been an aecumulation offunds in the hands of the Grand Lodge of New York, and that the management of such a fund is oftfon a fruitful source of trouble, but we are not left to suppose that the whole difficulty can be traced back to that cause; there m1Jst be a great amount of bad material in that jurisdiction, or a radical defect ill Masonic organization. If we might judge from -the high and lofty tone assumed the Correspondence Committee of that GraDd Lodge, for the last ten years, we should be ready to conclude that there indeed was the point from which emanated true Masonic light; nor can we deny to those productIons, the merit of sound theory in the advocacy of sound doctrines and wholesome laws, but in practice we know of no body of Masons in the United States who fall so far sliort of their duty, and in return for the many tokens of fraternal advice which from time to time they have sent forth to other Grand Lodges, we beg to suggest the necessity of a great reformation or pruning in New York; evils} if not corruption, has crep.t into our Institution there, and we sincerely hope that the ~ood and true wdlleave no stone unturned until it is fereted out ana expelled from our midst. We find the following language used over the signature of six men claiming to be the ;erincipal officers 01 a Grand Lodge, called the St. Johns Grand Lod~e, of New York. They say: "The old Grand Lodge was conceived in a storm and brought forth in a whirlwind! and has, ever since its birth, lived a miserable,sickly, and convulsive life, struggling ever on the verge of dissolution. It bas been a troubled sea, whose waters could not rest." . If but a tithe of this be true, what must we think of Free Masonry in New ~ork, when w<.: remember that from the evidence before us this very body

21 (the old Grand Lodge) contains all the Masons of that State with whom we dare associate as such?

Education: Your Committee feel that but little need be said on this subject, as its pri.. mary' importance is admitted on all hands, and all ~ee that as a benevolent institution Masonry has heretofore lagged gt"eatly Ijehind its co-laborers for the amelioration of the condition of men. But within a few years, most of the Grand Lodges in the United States have manifested a deep interest, and takp.n preliminary steps to establish a system of education. The Grand Lodges of Kentucky and Tennessee have, like ours, each established a college. The former has been flourishing in sreat prosperity, while tbe latter isout yet in embryo. Alabama, Mississippi, Illinois, and sev~ral others have taken mitiatory steps for a system of common schools, and we cannot With.. hold from our brethren of this Grand Lodge a knowledge of the fact, that from almost every quarter of this broad land of ours, the most htartfelt congratulations are pouring in tOJ.!erve the arm and cheer the heart of every Mason in Missouri, to go onward with the good work begun of rearing an institutiM that shall become an honor to the t.raft, and an asylum and a home for the destitute orphan. To these kindly greetings we beg to return our heartfelt thanks) and hope ere long to be able to make known to the world, that .tpe 8ta.n~ar-d of MlJsonry in Missouri is planted upon the walls of true benev.olence. over Which its broad banner will wave in triumph through futur-e generations. Your Committee have cause to regret that they have occupied so much of the time of this Grand Lpdge, and yetare they aware that but a moiety ofthe subjects of great interest have even been hinted at. Your Committee feel called upon to say, that the high and imposing char.acter which the reports of similar committees have so justly assumed throughout the United States has tended no little to embarrass and call forth fears for .tberesult of our iabors. In looking' back at the history of our Order, to that period from which ~ommenced the publication of Masonic legislation, and. turning page by page the records of more than one hundred and thirty years, we Bre now and then dazzled bytbp-high sl:mnding titles and distinguished Dames which honored the halls of our brethren in other and distant days路 but at no pp.riod of the world has there been seen such an aTray of giant intellect and towering genius battling in our glorious cause as in the middle of the nineteenth century. Time was wlien the appearance of a man of distinguished talents within the w路4dls of a Lodge, was hailed as an event, furnishing a star in the Masonie tirmament J but now, star-s of equal or greater magnitude are seen in very clu~ters, shedding light, anc;t life, and glory upon the world around. The productions, emanating from some of the Committees on Foreign Cor... respondence" will favorably co~pare with the ablest productions of the best junsts o.fthe landJ and while your Committee are reminded that this state of tbin~s will most liJcely tend to place this report low in the Bcaleof comparison, l.t furnishes matter for congratulation and la1!dable pride to the great bod-yof Masons. The spirit 'and genius of our Instituion is such, that to be good and tru~, we must rejqice tllat,others ar.~ wiser and .better than we. Your Com~ittteeoffer for the .consideration ~f .tlle (}rand Lodge the following resolutions: /.U8olved, l.-That any legally constituted Grand Lpdg,e has the ri~ht to ~onfe.r either or all the tliree first degrees in Masonry, put it is inexpedient to exercise that right. . Reaolved, 2.-That under the present systeD) of Grand Lodges, the Grand Master has not the r.ight to make Masons at sight, nor convene a Lodge for that purpose, unless said power is given him by the Grand Lodge over which he 'presides. . . ,R.e$olved, 3.-That we cannot recognize the right as existing anywhere, to aet ~.t naught that ancient landmark which says, we shall "make 110 man a Mason that IS not upright in body, not d~formed or dismembered, at the time of JDakillg, but of liale and entire limbs as a man ought to be."

22 Resolved, 4.-Thal while all Granel Lodges havc the right to rcverse thc eleCisions of their Subordinates, suspending or expelling Masons from all the privileges of Masonry, they cannot restore them to members in a Subordinate Lodge without its consent. Resolved, 5.-That Past Masters, as such, have no right to membership in a Grand Lodge, except such as may be derived through the legislation of thllt Grand body. Resolved, 6.~That any and all edicts 01 this Grard Lodge prohibiting Masonic intercourse with _the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, be and the same is hereby rescinded and ammlled. Resolved, 7.-That the Grand Secretary be required to transmit to the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana a copy of the foregoing resolution; tender the fraternal relations and Masonic courtesies of thi~ Grand Lodge, and solicit a like return. Resolved, 8.-That this Grand Lod~e will reCOgllize the Grand J~otlge of New York (over which Brother Willard DOW presides, and of which-Brother J. W. Powe)l is Grand Secretary,) as the only legal Grand Lodge in the State of New York. Resolved, 9.-That all Masonic intercourse is prohibited between the Masons under this jurisdiction and those hailing from, or subjects of, any other so called Grand Lodge in the State of New York. Resolved, 10.-That this Grand Lodge entertains the liveliest feelings-of consideration, for those Grand Lodges who have expressed their warm approbation of our efforts in the cause of education, and we ardently hope our final suecess may merit their applause. J. W. S. MITCHELL, Chairman.

On motion of Brother Dunn, it was Resolved, That the Report be received and adopted, and printed with the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. Brother Melody asked to have his vote recorded in the negative. Granted. On motion of Brother Dunn, it was Resolved, That the Resolutions offered by the Committee all Foreign Correspondence be adopted. Brother P. Draper, Agent of the Grand J~odge for the sale of Marion College property.1 made the following report, viz:

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of MisSOU1"i : The undersigned, who was appointed an Agent at the last session of your Worshipful body, to sell the "Marion Colleg~property," respectfully reports: That, after duly advertising the same in the" Hannibal Journal," "Missouri Republican," and "Masonic Signet," he succeeded, in the month of September l&st, in effecting a sale of said property, viz: the south-west quarter of section six~ and the north-west quarter of sectIOn seven, in township fifty-eight, range seven west, (embracing an the College buildings,) and the east half of the north-west quarter, and part of the west half of the northeast quarter of section thirteen, in township fifty-eight, range eight, west, amountin~ in all to about four hundred and seventy acre~~ to Mr. Ranar Knox, for the sum of fOUf thousand dollars, payable, '$1,000 on tlie first of April of the present year, and $1,000 annually thereafter, the last three payments to bear interest at six per cent. -from the first of J aLuary last, for whIch Mr. Knox executed his notes, payable as above, to the Grand Lodge; and your agent thereupon executed a bond to Mr. Knox for title for said property on the tull payment of said notes. The condition o( the bond is, that the Grand Lodge shall execute a wm路tanty deed for all of said property but about eleven acres, to which we are only to quit claim. This course was adopted on the advice of Brothers T. L. Anderson and C. Wells, Judges of the Third Judicial Circuit, both of wJtom had examined the title wilh much care. Your A!!'"nt hn!" rCrf,jvcd (\n account of flll' first w>1<', r{llf' l~t April lasf~

23 s~ven hundred and tltirty-fin~ dollars ($735), which he now hoJJs, to be paid over as he may be directed. In effectin~ this sa)e, it became n~cessary for your Agent to visit the property, and also the c~ty of St. Louis. On examining the records of Marion county, it was ascertained that no deed from Mr. Hays, or from MesS1路s. Buckner &. Bacon, the trustees of Mr. Hays, to the Grand Lodge, for either the property now sold, or for that heretofore sold to Mr. Hassinger, has been recorded, and so far as your Agent could ascertain, no such deed had ever been executed. He therefore deemed it his duty to endeavor to procure such deed, although not a part of his duty as prescribed in his commission of agency, to effect which he repeatedly wrote to different parties,! to endeavor to obtain a conveyance to the Grand Lodge of all the property held in Marion county. Failing to obtain any thing satisfactory, your Agent visited Palm~'ra, in March last, and obtained a deed from Mr. Buckner of the property above described, and forwarded it to St. Louis, to be executed by Mr. Bacon, but failed to obtain it, in 'Consequence of the absence of Mr. Bacon. In this condition your agent herewith presents said deed, together with the notes of Mr. Knox, and his account of expenses attending his agency, with such vouchers for the same as he could obtain. All of which is respectfully submitted, P. DRAPER.

On motion of Brother Grover, the report was adopted.' Brother Dr.aper stated that Mr. Knox claimed a deduction of one hundred dollars on account of some book cases having been removed from the buildings, which book cases were disconnected, and were reserved in the bdrgain of sale, verbally. ,On motion of Brother Mitchell, it was resolved, unanimously, that the cla;m be disallowed. Brother Draper stated that ~ome of the rails had been removed from the lands sold, and that he had proffered to allow $'25 as compensation. When. on motion, it was resolved, unanimously, that Brother Draper make said allowance of $25. Brother Draper then presented his account of expenses referred to, amounting to $42 25, which account was allowed; and路 ordered to be'paid. 13rother A. Patterson offered the fol1owmg: . Whereas, By resolution of this Grand Lodge, adopted at its communication in March, 1847, the proceeds of thE: sale of the College property in Marion county were set apart a~ a fund to be "sacredly appropriated" to the purchase of apparatus and library for the Masonic College; therefore, Resolved, fhat the Agent, Brother P. Draper, pay over to the Board of Curator3 of said College, the amount received or to be received by him for the first payment on the sale of said property, and that the said Curators apply the same, as soon as practicable, to the purchase of such articies of Chemical and PhilosophIcal apparatus, and snch books for the Ii orary, as in the concurrent judgment of the Curators and Faculty, may be deemed best adapted to the immediate wants of the Institution. 'Which, onmotioll, was adopted. On motion of Brother Mitchell, it was &solved, That a compensation of $25 be allowed Brother Draper for his services as Agent for this Grand Lodge in the sale of College property. On motion of Br01her Mitchell, Brother Draper was continued as Agent for the Grand Lodge, to attend to the perfecting of the titles of the College lands, and other matters connected therewith. Brother Melody, on the part of the Committee appointed by this ,Grand Lodge to settle with the Past Grand Treasurer and Past Grand Secretary, asked to be discharged; which was refused him. . When Brother Mitchell presented a report from Brothel- Levy, one of said Committefl, which was read, as follows:


Grand Lodge of .Rncic路nf ~ Free ani .Rcceptcd Masons of the Sta.fe of lIfissou-ri: The undersigned, a member of the Committee appointed by the Grand

To the M.

24 Lodge hl settle with the Pa~t Grand Sec.retar)路, Mitchell, :lnd Past Grand Treasurer, Watson. begs leave to say that, for certain reasons, he reluctantly served on the Committee; he, however, after mature reflection, and being urged by Brothers Melody and Runyan, performed the duty with them, Brother Maurice having left word that he would not be able to attend to it. In reference to the accounts of Brother Mitchell, the Committee had several meetings, the books and papers were placed in the hands of the chairman of the Committee, Brother Melody, by Brother Mitchell. who, with Brother Bunyan, devoted much time in their eX3mination, and at the last meeting of the Cammittee, Brother Bunyan was requested by the chairman and myself to make out a report to the effect that, after a careful examination, they found the Grand Lodge indebted to Brothtr Mitchell twenty dollars. The under~ signed is not informed why said report was not so made out and signed; but he has been informed that though Brother Bunyan did prepare. the report, the chairman refused to sign it, and it was never presented to the undersigned. All of whlch is respectfully submitted, CHARLES LEVY. ST. LOUIS, May 2.1850. Brother B. W. Grover, on th~ part of the Committee appointed to enqwre into the facts relative to the claIm of Liberty Lodge No. 31, stated that he had not, from causes beyond his control, gained the desired information. When Brother Wood moved to allow the Committee further time to make the necessary investigation; which was grllnted. The Committee \In Credentials reported the following Lodges represented, in addition to those above reported: Livingston Lodge, No. 51, by J. H. Turner, proxy for W. M. Arrow Rock" "55, "S M. H~ll, W. M. ~ A. 0 Sulhvan, S. W. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. W. DUNN, Chairmall.


Amendment offered by Brother Grover: Resolved That the first article of the first section of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge be so amended as to strike out, after the word communication, "in the city of Boonville," and insert in S1. Louis; and also, after the words the first Monday in May, in the year ]851. . Amendment offered by Brother R. T. Prewit : Resolved, That the second section of the second article of the Constitution shall be amended by striking out, after the word Lodges, in the fifth line, the following words, "who is of equal or superior ranK with themselves," and inserting who is a Master Mason.

The memorial from Levi Hiedebrand was read and referred to the Committee on Grievances. The Report of the Board of Curators of the Masonic College was received, read, and referred to the Committee on College. The Report of the President of the College was received, read, and referred to the Committee on College. The Report of Brothers Hunter and Alfred, Agents, collecting for College, was received and refexred to the Committee on Accounts. ~mendment offered

by Brother Draper: Buoked, That the last clause of the first section of the second article of the Constitution, which provides that Past Masters shall be membprs of the Grand Lodge, be repealed. ~mendment offered

by Brother Draper : Resolved, That article first of the By-Laws be amended by striking out the present second section and inserting in its stead-Representations from nine of the Subordinate Lodges under tlie jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, with such Grand officers as may be in attendance, shall be necessary to constitute a q1;orum to do business.

25 Amendment offered by Blother Dun-is: . Reaolvedz That number fifteen, where it uccur~ ill till: flist section l>f thd sixth articJe of the By-Laws, be stricken out and twenty be inserted.

The M. W. Grand Lodge was called off until o'clock, in ample form.


morning, at 8



The M. W. Grand Lodge met. Present, M. W. John F. Ryland, W. M. W. P. Williams, G. T. Pt. W. B. W. Grover, G. S. W. Pt. C. D. W. Johnson, G. 8<'c. W. P. Draper, G. J. W. W. M. H. McFarland, G. S. D. Pt. W. J. W. Murphy, G. Tyler, And others as on yesterday. The M. W. Grand Lodge was called to labor on the Third Degree ill ample form. Brother Grover offt:red the following: Resolved, Tbat the Granel Secretary be directed to furnish the Committee on the College with a statement of the whole amount of funds for l,ollege purposes received by him up to this time, together with the names of the Subordinate Lodges trom which the respective amounts have been received. Adopted. List of non-affiliated Masons within the jurisdiction of Lafayette Lpd~c No. 32, who have complied with the requisition of the Grand Lodge路 oy the payment of three dollars each, two-thirds of which is due the Grand Lodge: - $2 00 Drother John Graves, " Joseph Seversay 2 00 " Robert B. Deadlord, 2 00 2 00 " Howard Williams, ,: G. W. Cauthorn, 2 OU " Cary Lambeth, 2 00 Total,



. $12 00_ W. P. BOULWARE, Secretary of Lafayette Lodge No 32.

I certify that the foregoing list is correct. May 4th, 1850.


The Committee on Accounts beg leave to report that they have examineu the report of Brothers Huntcr and Alford, Aj;ents of the Grand Lodge for collecting the donations made to the Masonic College, and find that they received, on the tat of October, 1843, at Brother Thomas T. Ashby, former Agent of the Grand Lodge, Notes and Subscriptions for the following amounts: Notes due 1st October, 1848, $982 38 1,467 17 " "1st April, 1849, 1,334 89 " "1st " 1850 1,290 50 " "1st " 1851:1,075 00 " "1~t " 1852, Subscription papers 1st April, " ". 1st " " " 1 st " ,.. H 1st " " " 1 st "

1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852,

$u,149 94 $路1,12G orJ 1,725 69 1,673 02 1 769 87 I:GOli 7u --$10,901 37

The amollnt receivell as per account of Bl'Others Hunter and Allord, to May 1st, ]850, is $3,510 42 1849, Feb'y 21, by cash to TreasTer, $100 00 " "23, " " " 73 00 " "27, " " " 100 00 " March 6, cc. " " 175 46 "19 cc " " 40 00 " cc May 29: " "{)sborn & Henning, 100 00 " June 23, " "" (( 102 10 " Aug. 4, " " E . P. McKay, painting, 50 00 " " 7, " "J. A. Crump, 130 00 "Samuel Ball, 105 00 " " 11, " " Sept. 6, '< "T. Alford, 120 00 " Oct. 8. " "Morrison & McK. 55 00 " No,o, 26, " "Building Committee, 100 00 1850, Feb'y 21, by cash paid J. A. Crump, 564 00 " "21, " " " " 45 00 " April 10, " " " " 110 00 :: Feb'y' 27, :: "Morrison & McK. 45 00 Apn129, " A. P. McKay, 50 00 " May 1, _., "Thomas Alford, 125 00 " " 1, " "W. P. Boulware, 82 71 " " 1, " "A. W. Henning, 14 20 H " 1, " "Henning & Osburn, 70 00 " " 1, " " ,,(, 8 05 " " 1, " "F. C. Slorpe, 20 00 " " 1, " "C. Patterson, print., 2 50 " " 3, " "Henning & Alford, brick, 673 30 •• " 1, by commission on am't collected, $3,510 42, 351 04 " " 1, " " bonds, $3,300 00, 99 00 ---$3,510 42

The Committee beg leave to report further, that Brother Wl1Jiam Haux donated his interest (one-half) in a tract of land in Daviess county" and by an agreement made with Mr. George Houx (the owner of the other half) by Brotlwrs Hunter & Alford, the said land has been divided; and your Committee would respectfully recommend that Brother Wm. T. Wood be appointed the Agent of the Grand Lorlge to secure the title to the aforesaid land. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. GIBSON, C/lairman. Vn motion of Brother Patterson,. it was Resolved, That the Agents for the collection of the subscriptions to thpCollege be authorised and required to procure and report to this Grand Lode;e the title papers for !luch hnds as have been donated to the Grand Lodge tOr the benefit of the College, pay the taxes upon the same, and see that nO waste be c')mmitttd upon them, and report the quantity and the value of said lands to this Grand Lodge. The several proposed amendments to the Dy-Laws were read a second time. The Committe on Credentials made the following report: The'undersigned, Committee on Credentials, beg leave to report tha\ the following Lodges are represented, in addItion to those already reported, viz: Washin?;ton Lodge No. 87:, by Wm. K.Lathim, proxy for W. M. S. & J. W. Mitchell I' by L. S. Cornwell, W. M. Gentryville ~, by N. P. Thompson, W. M.. Compass" by T. B. Davis, S. W. Which is respectfully submitted. G. W. DUNN, Chairman. REPORT FROM THE SELECT COMMITTEE:

The nndersigned, Select Committee, to whom the Address of the M. W. Gralll.l Master of our present Annual Communication has been referred; have e.x:llmned thE' same, and lip!': 1<'an' tv make thr foJlowil1~' report:

We rCl'ommcnJ that so much of the address as rdatcs to the suhjecl of District D. G. Masters, be referred to t~e Committee on Subordinate Lodges; .And so much of the said address as relates to the granting of Dispensations, be referred to the Committee on Lodges und~r Dispensation; And that so much of the said address as relates to the Masonic College, be referred to the Committee on the College; And that so much of the said address as relates to the formation of a NatIonal Grand Lodge, be referred to the Committee on Foreign Communications; And that so much of the said address.asrelatt's to the revisIon of the ByLaws, be referred to the Committee on By-Laws. And we recommend the printing of. the said address with the proceedings. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. S. MITCHELL, ~ G. W. DUNN, Com. P. DRAPER, l\EPORT FROM THE COMMIT'I'EE ON LODGES U. D.

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri:

The Committee on Lodges U. D. beg leave to report that they have examined the records and proceedings of Mitchel -Lodge U. D., Dover U. D., Gentryville U. D., and find the same to be correct and in strict accorJancc with the usages of Masonry and the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. They have also examined the records and proceedings of Compass Lodge U. D., and although the minutes of said Lodge are not as full as your Committee could desire, they are generally correct and in accordance WIth the usages of Masonry. Your Committee therefore recommend that charters be granted to Mitchel Lodge U. D., Dover Lodge U. D., Gentryville Lodge U. D., and Compass Lodge U. D., and ask further time to report upon the other Lodges U. D., whose 'proceedmgs are now before them. All of which is respectfully submitted. d. PATTER~ON,~ C B. W. GROVER, 5 om. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge hereby approve the divisiQn as made of a tract of land owned jointly by this G'rand Lodge and George Houx, lyilJ~ near the town of Cravensville, in Daviess county, said division havin!;, been ag;reed on' and made by Brothers Hunter and Alford and the said George Houx, ~ubjeet to the approval of thi~ Grand Longe; and the Grand Secretary is hereby authorised, empowel'l~d and dir~cted to make, execute and deliver to tbe said George Houx a deed, without clause of warranty for the undivided half agreed on as aforesaid to be his, and to receive from the said Geor~e Houx a like deed tor the other half, agreed on to be. the property of this Grand Lodge. Tbe following Committee was duly appointed to revise the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, viz; Brother P. Draper, Chairman, Brother P. William~, and Brother G. H. C. Melody. The M. W. Grand Lodge was called off until 2 o'clock in ample form.

THUliSIL\.Y .\Fl'l::HNOON,

2 o'clock.

The M. W. Grand Lodge met. Present,ofliccrs and members as in thl' forenoon. On Motion of Brother Prewitt, it wa~ Resolved, That the members of the Lod~cs V. D. wlw have uhLlil1',d rltilltel'S be allowed to vote, e t c . 路 , A Special Committee, cOllsistin;.: of BrQlIlt>rs William.", !lllrri,: ,111'1 M,' Farland, was appc1intctl ('II a ((l!nmUllicilJ.i011 (cc1rrE.>SpOJlr!rll("') li0l!! 'h" f.;. S. ~If the Dbtrid "f C"ll/lnoia.

The 1\1. W. Grand LO,ig,; procccdc/) to the election of Officers, when the following Brothers were duly elected for twelve months:


G. M. D. G. M. s. G. W. J. G. W. G. Treas. G. Sec'y.

The Grand Lodge was' then called off until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.


9 o'clock

The M. W. Grand Lodge met. Present, M. W;John F. Ryland, G. M. W. P. Draper, J. G. W. R. W. P. Williams, D. G. M. Pt. W. E. A. Hughes, G. T. Pt. W. B. W. Grover, S. G. W. W. C. D. W. Johnson, G. Sec. W. J. W. Murphy, G. Tyler. And other members as on yesterday. The M. W. Grand Lt)dge was caned to labor on the Third Degree in ampl~ form. A memoricl\ of. C. B. Zaff was received and referred to the Committee on Grievance!:. .. llEPORT FROM THE COMIIIITTEE ON GRIEVANCES.

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Misswri: The Committee on Grievances beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the appeal from Neosho Lodge No. 81, by Brother S. G. Patterson, in the case of Brother James S. Rains, and find the following defects in the papers, viz: It is not stated at what regular meeting the charges were preferred, nor by whom pretcrred.-It has not a copy" of the W. M.'s order to summon a Lodge for the purposc of trying Brother Rains ; nor a rcturn of the summons, together with a copy of the charges and ~pecifieations having been served on Brother Rains. It is not shown that the W. M. apJ10inted a Brother for the special purpose of taking down both sides of the eVIdence. _ We, Hie Committee, believing the decision of Neosho Lodge No. 81 to be in direct apposition to the evidence, and on account of the above irregularity, therefore recommend tl~at the case of Brother Rains be remanded back to Neosho Lodge No.8], with directions that said Lodge will proceed according to the 22d article of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, to commence anew antl try the case again. All of which is respectfully submitted. _ M. H. McFARLAND. Chairman. Whl.eh report was received -and adopted. Thc said Committee report, in the case of Nicholas Rca, from Madison Lodge No. 91, and recommQnu that this- Grand Lodge take no steps in said case until ~aid Lodge No. 91 shall have complied with the requisitions of the last Gmnrl Lo(l~e, and tried said Jhy in conformity with the 22d article of lhc By-Laws of this Granu Lodge. -- R. A. RAPHAEL. The Committee on Grievances 11150 made the following report: . . We, the Committee on Grievances, beg leave to report that we have exam· Itlt'd the pdpefs in th~case of L;;vi Hildebralld, late of Landmark Lodge Nt,. 64, and hll.d, Of!. t\ close €~il~inaHon 01 the papers) Cllld what we call I"arl':'

2S from the representations of tha.t Lodge. that the statements arc true in regard to the expulsion of Levi Hildebrand; and that the ballot had been changed by some Brother present. ' lhat the proceedings of Landmark Lodge' No. 64, in the case of Levi Hil. debrand, were not in compliance with the 22d article of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. That said Lodge, lmowing that said candidate, Mr. George, was not elected, the said Lodge committed a great Masonic error in initiat.ing said candidate. That said Levi Hildebrand was compelled to expose his ballot from the urgency of the case. We, the Committee, therefore recommend that said Levi Hildebrand be reinstated, and that the following resolution~ be adopted: 1. Resolved, That Brother Levi Hildebrand be reinstated in all his Masonic privileges. 2. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge have just cause to arrest the charter of said Landmark Lodge No. 64, and that said charter be and is hereby arrested. 3. ResolvM., That Brother Grand Secretary be required to draw up char~es against the W . Master, Senior and Junior Wardens of said Lodge (Landmark) No. 64 who were in office at the time said candidate was initiated, for per., mitting such gross and unmasonic cOl\duct on that occasion. 4. Resolved, That Brother Grand Secretary be required to summon said officers of Landmark Lod~e No. 64 before the Grand Lodge at its next annual communication, in accordance with the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. The Committee further renort that the request of St. Andrews Lodp:e No. 96 be not granted, and that they be recommended lo enforce their By-Laws. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. H. McFARLAND, Chm'1lt. The folloWing communication from Brother R. S. Leveridge was read;

To the M.


Grand Master, Wardens, and Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Missouri: BRETHREN: Having learned that I was elected Grand Treasurer, on yesterday, during my absence from the Hall-as proud as I might feel, under other circumstances, to have the hOllor conferred on me, yet, under present circumstances, it does not suit me to accept the office.. I therefore respectfully decline. Fraternally, &c., R. S. LEYERIDGE. Boonville, May 10, 1850. . The Grand Lodge then nroceeded to elect a Grand Treasurer, to.supply the vacancy occasioned by the declension of Brother R. S. Leveridge, when Brother J. T. Johnson was duly elected. REPORt' FROM COMMITTEE ON ANCIENT USAGES.

The 'Committee appointed by this Grand Lodge to collect information and define what are the ancient usages and ancient constitutions of Masons, be~ leave to report, that they have examined with ~eat care all the authorities to which they could have access, and have arrived at the conclusion that it is beyond their province to define all the ancient usages in this place, Were it even in their power to do so, but vour Committee believe that nearly all which may be written can readily be路pointed out. At the revival of Masonry in the south of England in 1717, the Brethren of four Lodges in the city of London met and formed a Grand Lodge, which they styled the Grand J..odge of England. Soon aftcr this organization, a rcsolution was adopted requesting the Brethren every where to bring forward any old manuscripts or records in thcir possession, which being complied with, the Grand Lodge appointed Doctor Anderson a committee to collect the ancient charges or usages of Masonry and the ancient Constitutions. In 1721 Drother Anderson reported thj\t he had pcrformed the duty'assigned him, and acommiilcc of fOUl icen Ic~rncu Masons was appointed to examine and report upon the same; who havil~ pcrformed that duty, the Gr,lIlll- Lodge, 011 tlle:?5tlt ot .Marc" j 172Z Qnl~red Jj[ofI1(!! AndClsoll to hil\'e the dOCHlllt'U!S j

30 so collected awl revj~c(l, prillted in a boole ; and ill 11'\23 .Brother Anderson furnished said book to the Grand Lod~e, which was again examined and approved. Your Committee believe that all the manuscripts of which this hook was made up. emanated from Masons who had been made under the authority of the Grand Lodge at York, which, if not the oldest organized body of Masons then on the globe, was certainly regarded as the highest authority in Masonry. Anderson's Ancient Charges and Ancient Consti~utions are therefore believed to contain more nearly the original laws and usages of the Order than are to be found any where else. Your Committee would state that in the several editions of Anderson's Constitutions published ,by order of the Grand I.od~e of England, no sentesce, line or word of the ancient charges has been altered, while the ancient constitutions, designed for the government of Masons and adapted to Grand Lodges, have been altered, amended and changed from time to time. Your Committee, not wishing to occupy the time of this Grand Lodge with an argument in favor of the views entertained by them, are satisfied with presenhng this .concise statement of facts, am! recommend the adoption of the following re.solutions : Resolved, That the Ancient Charges, as pUblished by order of the Grand Lodge of England, in Anderson's ConstitutIOns, contain all, or nearly all, the AnCient Landmarks and Usages of Masonry'proper to be published. Resolved, That no Grand Lodge has the right to alter, .change, or amend any portion of said Ancient Charges. Resolved, That the Ancient Constitutions, as conta:ned in the first edition of Ander50n~s Constitutions, is, or should be, regarded as the highest ~bsonic authority on which to found a code 路of laws for the government of the Craft. All of wbien is respectfully submitted, J. W. S. MITCHELL, C/u1.irman. Which, on lLotion, were adopted. Entered, Brother Richard Suit and Brother Shaefer. On motion of Brother Turner, it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary, hy letter, notify all Locll!cS ill arrcarf' in their dues to the Grand Lodge that the several amo\;nts for which they are respectively in arrears are Fequircd. to be paid over to the Grand Secretary withm ninety days from this date. Brother Langster asked and obtained leave for the balance of the路session.

The hour for Installation, 12 o'clock, having arrived, the M. W. G. Master .appointed Brother 1\1. H. McFarland Grand Marshal, who proceeded to forUl a procession, and proceeded to the M. E. Church. . Prayer by Rev. Brother Corbyn. When P. G. M. J. W. S. Mitchell installed M. W. John F. Ryland Grand Master, who proceeded to instal the' Grand Officers as follows:

w. "


" " " " "" J.o. W.S~RONG, MURPHY, " "


D.G.M. G. S. W. G.J. W. G. Trcas. G. Sec'y. G. S. D. G. J. Dr G. 'ifylcr~

Ailer which the M. W. Grand Master delivered a very appropriate and lorc.ible address. After some remarkahle fine sin~ing by the Young' Lalhes 01 1\1.-. Traq's School, and prayer by Brother Chaplaiu A. D. Corbyn) the G(,wd Marshal <l楼ain formed processioll alld returned to fh" Hall.

. The Grand Looge WitS th~n called off unlil two o'dock this C\fternOO/l; In

ample form.


2 'o'docl~:

'l'he GranJ Lodge was dllild to Jabor on the Thin} De~vee in ampl~ form: When the Committee 011 Lodges U. D. made the followmg report:

To lite M. W. Grand Lodge oj lIfissouri: The undersigned, Committee on Lodges under Dispensation, Leg le;we to report: They have examined the records and proceedin~s of Sibley Lodge U.'D~, Waverly LoJge U. D., Daviess Lodge U. D., Versailles Lodge U. D., Trenton Lodge U. D., Ezel Lodge U. D., Hiram Lodge U. D., Plattsburg Lodge U. D., Foster Lodge U. D. The proceedings of -Sibley Lod~e U. Do' we find correct, with a single exception. It appears, fi-om the mmutes, that at the first meeting of the Lodge after its organizatlOn, the ballot was ta\,{en on a petition for the mysteries of Masonry, with ollly six M. Masons preseilt. While your Committee regard this as a palpable violation of a By-law of the Grand Lodge, the circumstances under which it was committed induced them to view it with some dezree of allowance; two of the members having removed beyond the jurisdichon of the Lodge, the only alternative left to the remaining members was to surrender their Dispensation or ballot as they did. The temptation was strong,and their ardor to be availed of Lodge privileges prompted them to re~ard. the latter alternative 3S the least of two evils. That they were actuated by pure motives. your Committee cannot doubt; and as the records and proceedings of said Lod~e, with this one exception, are in strict conformity to our By-Laws and the usages of Masonry, it is recomm'!nded that a charter be granted to said Lodge. The proceedings ot Waverly Lodge U. D. arc throughout entirely correct and in accordance with the Dy-Laws of the Grand Lodge and the usages of Masonry, with a single. exception. It appears that at the first meetmg of s:lid Lodge, the petition of Brother W. G. Cowan, F. C. of Gallatin Lodg:e U. D., and the petition of John T. Yancy, F. C. of Marshall Lodge No. 65, were received and refered to a special committee, and by speciaL d-j,spe?l-Sa.ti.m~ of the M. W. Grand Master then present, said commIttee was authorised to reportjo1"thwith, which report was received, the ballot taken, aOll the candillates declared duly elected to receive the Third Degree, and they wele severally introduce<} amI raised at the same meeting. While yonr Committee regard'this act of the M. W. Grand Master as illegal and unauthorised, either by the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge or Masonic Hsage, they canllo.t hold the members of said Lodge responsible for their participation in the S:llue ; anll ill as much as all their after procf>edings are regular, your Coml!!it.tee recolT!mend that a charter be granted said Lodge.. The proceedJllgs of DavlCss LOtlge U. D. are generally correct. The Dispensation of said Lodge was gralLtcJ in May, ]848, aJld continued by the M. W. Grand Master in May, 1~49. And your CommIttee recommend that a charter be granted said Lodge. The proceedings of Ezel Lodge U. D. are unmmally perfect and correct, but it appears that owing: to. the delay in furnishing the printed proceedinlfs last year, the members ot saId Lodge applied to S. W. B. Carnagy, as D. JJ. Grand Master for their Dispensation, when in fact Brother Carnagy had been superceded by the appointment of Brother Caldwell. And neither party being aware of the fact, the Dispensation was granted. Your Committee therefore recom~end that a charter be ~ranted said LOIIge, and the act of Brother S. W. B. Carnagy granting gaid Dispensation, the' proceellings had nnder the same, arc hereby legalized by this Grand Lodp;e. The proceedings of Hiram I.od~e U. D. are uuiformly ('oneet and more than ordinal'ily perfect. It appears, however, that the Dispensation for said L(HIg(~ was granted by 13rothel" J. D. Taylor as D. D. Grand Master of the Eighth Dish'id, when it should h~\\'e been gl'antell hy Broth(T J\1cFarland, D. D. Grand Mastel' of the Third District. Y (lur COlllmittee believe that the erro'r ori~in~ted ill the ÂŤ!1'lay of furnishing the p:-jllt.~d proceedings and the want or illJ(lrmatioll ('II the part of saill Lodge.. as, well n~ Brother J. lV. Taylor) in regard to the manTle: in which counties lJfld been di;tricted,

32 Your Committc8 further recommend that a charter be granted said Lodge and that the act of Brothcr J. D. Taylor, and the proceedings had in the promises, be and the same arc hereby legalized. Thb said Lodge ask that the fee for the charter be remitted, for reasons assigned in a resolution appended to their proceedings, to which the Committee 'beg leave to call the attentioa of the Grand Lodge. The proceedings of Foster Lodge U. D. We find the work of said Lodge generally correct; but the transcript of the proce~dings of said Lodge are very awkwardly and informally executed. It also appears that said Lodge has failed to return its Dispensation; and it is therefore recommended that when said Lodge shall return said Dispensation to the Grand Secretary, a charter be granted. The proceedings Of! Plattsburg Lodge U. D. are very correct, with a single exception. It appears that at the first meeting of said Lodge the followmg proceedings were had, viz: "Brother B.M. Hughes then rpad the Dispensation from D. D. Grand Master of District No.7; also his power as proxy for the D. D. Grand Master, and then proceeded to instal the officers in form." While your Committee cannot re~ard the act of the proxy of the said D. D. Grand Master in any other light than illegal and contrary to Masonic usage, they at the same time exonerate said Lodge from any censure in the premises, and tberefore recommend that a charter be granted said Lodge. The proceedings of Versailles Lodge U. D., with one exception are legal, though somewhat informal. That exception is the reception of a petition from a Mr. Stoddard, and by a vote of the Lodge the case of Mr. S. was dec1aredto be one of emergency, he being about to leave for California. Said petition was referred to a committee-said committee reported-the'ballot was taken, and the candidate mitiated, all at the same meeting. While the Committee condemn the action of said Lodge, they are satisfied that it originated in a want of mformation in regard to the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge as well as Masonic usage. Believing that said Lodge, when properly advised upon the subject, will be disposed strictly to conform to the requisitions of Masonic law, they recommend a chartel' be granted said Lodge. The proceedings of Trenton Lodge U. D. are defective. The minutes are defective in not stating how the several offices in the Lodge were filled at the meeting thereot,or the names of any persons present, except of the W. M. candidates and their vouchers. The records also, do not show in what degree any of the proceedings were had. At the first meeting of said Lodge D. D. G. M. Atwood deputIsed Brother Daniel Snowden to organize said Lodge, which was done October 10th, 1849. At the same meeting three petitions for the mysteries of Masonry were presented, referred to committees, committees reported favorably, the ballot was taken on one of said petitions, and the candidate initiated at the Same meeting-by special dispensation from Brother Snowden-he being present. On the 7th February, 1850, the ballot was taken upon a petition for membership twice, after which," on motion, any further ballotting was postponed." On the 4th of April said petition, o~ motion, "was laid over." While your Committee regard the act of Brother Snowden as illegal and hiShly censurable in graating a "special dispensation" to initiate a candidate, it lsbut justice to exonerate the Lodge who acted under his instructions and authority. And as the records of said Lodge exhibit a manifest improvement in the latter part- of their work, and as withholding a charter cannot remedy past defects, with the hope that the members of said Lodge will endeavor to mform themselves as to their duty, as officers and members, and be more particular in future as to the manner of keeping their records, your Committee recommend a charter be granted said Lodge; and the Dispensation g'!anted by Brother Atwood, instead of Brother Turn~r,D. D. G.Master, an~ the proceedings had under it, be and the same is hereby approved and.legah~ed. They ask ftirlher thne to report upon the proceeclmgs of old PIke LOdge U.D. A. PATTERSON, All of which is respectfully submitted. B. W. GROVER. thc procccllings of Cedar Lodge U; Since the above report W:lS i.lr::.~n D. w~e ~\lbmitt0.<\ too yen; CClllr.路iltl,ee~. anc they haY<! exammed the same anu


33 fmd them strictly correct and in conformity with the By-Laws and usages of Masonry, and recommend that a charter be grantctl Cedar Lodge. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. PATTEn~ON. B. W. GROVEn. The Committee on Ways anll Means l'eportcd a.s follows:

7'0 the M. w: Gmnd Ludge of the Stale of Missouri: The Committee on Ways and Means would respectfully ~port, that they have had under consideration the severnl matters properly the subjects of their enquiry and investigation, and although they have had neither the time nOl the means of making their enquiry and il1vesti~ation as full and thorough as the Committee would desire, they are satisfied, very respectfully to submit the following report: Your Committee have, from all the soUrces to which they had access, sought any and all information tending to show the true financial condition of the College, and the state of the charity and contingent funds. Your Committee find, from an examination of 'the report of the Board of Curators of the College, that the aggregate amount of liabilities of the Board is, $~,845 00 To meet this there 19Casb in the hands of tbe Board, $454 19 And due from the Building Committee, ~ 517 33- $971 52 $1,873 4~ Balance liabilities on Curators; To meet this, there is in the hands of tho Grand Secretary, as appears by his statement rendered. $1,826 98 Balance against the College, • .. .. $46 50 To meet this balance of $40 50 agamst the College, arc the dues: on degrees, non-affiliated members, from Lodges unrepresented at this communicatio~~ estimated by your Comm1ttee at a little over half the amount produced by me Lodges which have been reported, which we think a low estimatc,













$1,000 00

Leaving a balance of .. $953 50 To be carried to the credit of the College for the next collegiate year. The College Funu Commissioners have made no report at this communica· tion, but your Committee find from reports at the last communication, there was in their hands the sum of $345 56, which has increased by the accruiug interest. Your Committee cannot report accurately as to the condition of the subscription lists for the crec~ion of the College buildings; they arc, however, inff)rmed by the agent havmg charge of those listn, that there remains yet to be collected about '• • $13,500 00 -' 2,000 ()() And lands and lots estimated at Total, -, There is due from this last fund .\uout

$15,500 00 3~OOO


Leaving a balanfc, whcn collected, of •., SJ2,fJOO 00 Your Committee would also report, in connection with thi:; subject, tht\t Brother P. Draper, Ag-ent (or that purpose, efledcd a sale of the ole! Collcg'c property, at $,1,000, payable ill instalments, $667 '75 of which, by direction of the Grand Lodge, has been paul over to thn Board of Curators. The whole of this funditJ set apart to purcharse for the College, apparatus rtnd library. The Charity funlJAlOw ill the hallils of thc Grand Secretary and Treasnrer) is, as appca~s hy trw statement of the Grund Secretary, • ~7fj8 90 The ContlllE;.9Y1t fi\l\d, as appears froIn statt'mcllt Of Grant! Secretary, in the • $1,583 56 hands of th~ ,SJecretary alHl Treasurer, is Thirty-fonr Lodges havingfaileci to make rdUrtls .'If their du.;s to. this ('(jmnnmicalioll, th,>.se (wo la~t filnrls (Charily and Clllltint)pnl) will b... conS~dtl·"'­ bly il1ni'ased Dr;-., full paytnen\ of dues froll\ ~lI1:h~ Lodg~s. '




Y<>ur Committee have .been unable to ascertain what claims there are UpOR the Charity and Contingent fnnds z but are satisfied no such claims exist as cannot be paid from hmds on band and leave a large Burplus. All of which is respectfully submitted, W. T. WOOD, Chairma1lr. The Committee on Applications and Communications made the following report, which was adopted: 2'0 the M. W. Grand Lodge of MissOUri!

Your Committee beg leave to make the following report: The Committee have had referred to them a petitton from a number of Master Masons iil the city of St. Louis, for a charter or dispensation to authorize them to work in the English or German language-have had the same under ~onsideration,'and recommend the adoption of the foUowing resolution: Resolved, That we recommed tbe Grand Lodge to grant the prayer of the petitioners, and grant a Dispensation. All of WblCh is resp'cetfully submitted. . JOHN H, TURNER, Chai1'1AltJt..

35 The Commlttee oh Work of Subordinate Lodges Q}ade the following re~l.~ which was received and adopted;

To the M. W. fkand Lodge of Mis8ouri: The undersigned, Commitfeeon Work of Subordinate Lodges,respeetftiUy re'p' 0rt, that they have examined all the returns received up to thls tilnll" and sub,. l'I11t herewIth a list ot the same in tabtllar form, to~ether with some ~ticulars which we have deemed important for the information of the Grand J:odge, viz: No.

Names of


.... E:!. ~ l:l:'a;: e!. ;; i ~ 8w... ~



Q. p..

17 16 17 55 1 Missouri 11 6 6 21 3 Beacon 9 Geo. Washington 10 9 931 1111 11 30 19 Pari. Union 6 4 541 20 St. Louis. 27 28 St. Johns 15 13 J222 30 Huntsville 10 11 1067 32 Lafayette 5 3 3 15 34 Troy 1 2 3 49 36 Cooper 8 7 7 43 43 Jefferson City 4 5 6 40 48 Fulton 3 4 315 51 Livingston 6 6 628 52 Wakonda 16 17 1860 63 Weston 2 1 1 19 55 Arrow Rock 64 Landmark 1 18 72 Danville 22 24 27 34 74 Warren 2 1 1 17 75 Ashley 8 8 945 76 Independence 6 4 431 78 t. Joseph 14 19 15 31 81 Neosho 3 3 5 23 82 Jackson 24 20 18 17 89 Friendship 5 5 918 90 Prairie 14 13 11 21 91 Madison 5 5 5 28 92 Perseverance 6 7 731 94 Boon 10 12 11 23 95 Acacia 16 16 16 42 96 St. Andrews 34 35 34 37 102 Bloomington {j 6 6 22 103 Carthage 4 6 6 29 105 Relief 5 3 317 107 Golden Square 22 22 2~ 13 110 Marcus

Dal. Ofr G....d Dues to

dues Lodge College unpaid ~ fund.

600 2300

10 00 300 7300

3900 400 500



1 Missouri 34 Tr掳lm 57 Ric ond 47 Fayette 75 Acacia 82 Jackson

87 Washin~ton 87 Mount V Cfllon

J01 Gl'cell

7 6 2 1516 8 9 15 13 6 <1


2 14 7 23

16 05



JO JO 11 2-1 6 6 711 (; fj 626

2 00 15 00



$4400 $50 00 16 00 2300 31 00 2800 3000 3300 38 00 15 00 2700 13 00 Ret. imperfect. 2200 4000 5900 4300 non-affil. Ma's. 1400 11 00 Ret. imperfect. 45 00 700 1800 22 00 4000 ]500 Ret. imperfect. 1500 1000 2600 18 00 44 00 61 00 non-affiL Ma's. 18 00 10 00 6 non-affil. Ma's. 1700 800 Proe. inegular. 15 00 1 00 1600 7300 dues for 3 years. 14 00 400 $3 due. 45 00 2500 Ret. im~erfec:t. o. 3200 1400 Do. 2300 4800 1700 1100 Imp.J:oceedings 6000 $12 D.e, College 13 19 00 {fUDd,2 years, 15 00 3800 Proc.iriegU1ar. 2600 1500 31 00 2000 Imper. returns. 2300 3300 $4 over paid. 4200 4800 3000 103 00 Proc. irregular. 2200 1800 2900 16 00 17 00 11 00 [~aid $4. 3000 66 Q() 2 yrs wor ,over1848-9. 2500 190O! 2 95 400 58 00 4500 21 00 2408 27 00 41 00 222 0 12 00 20 00 31 00 II 00 21 00 6 00 3路1 00 Non-atfil. at $1 [Im"-

----1136 iOn, ~1;'.1 ~~

36 But few I,odgâ‚ŹS have sent up lhe cOlldel'lsed abstract~of their proceedings, as requirell by the By-Laws. We take pleaSure in saying, however, that we find IUost of those tilat have been received are eOITed ill all important particulars. It appears from some of those ab:;tmcts, ,iuu the tabular I'oports of 9tficers anti members, accompanyiug, that tievcraJ of the Lodges have conferred two or more degrees on u candidate at the same cOllllllunication, and even ou the same day. In some instances aIJ. 01' the degl'CCl;; have been conferred ami the new made llrother admitted on the ::;amc day-whether with or without a dispenl.lation, not. being in all cases noted. Your Committee deem this pta-cHee altogether irregular. It will ~c percdved, from the 1oregoing tabulal' ::;tatcment, that sOme of tbe Lodges, in repurting the amounts collected ii'om non-alIiliatcd llrethren, have reported only one dollar for each, whcleus the By-Laws require that there shall be three dollars collected ii'om such Brethren, two of which are to be paid into the College fund, and one dollar into the funds of the Subordinate Lodge. We would call the attention of the Subordinate Lodges to the 7teccssity of conforming their annua.l reports t6 the form laid down for the same, in the Dy-Laws of this Grand Lodge. Their attention to this matter would greatly i>romote their own convenience1 as well as the officers and members of the Grand Lodge. An of whiCh is respectfully submitted.

I>. DRAPER, Chai,'man.

The College Agent for the sale of Scholarships made the fonowmg report: To the M. W. G"and Lodge of Missouri: Your Agent fot' the sale of Scholarships for the purpose of raising a per~ lllancnt endowment for the Masonic Col1~ge at Lexington, would report: That owing to the delay in printin~ the proceedings of the Grandwdge at its communication in May last, the Curators of the LoUege were not able to procure the services of an agent until some limp. in October last; and owing to circumstances that your agent was not able to control, not more than about three months have been occupied in maldng s:).les. Your agent has obtained the action of fifteen Lodges, in which $9,300 worth of Scholarships have bHen sold, showing conclusively to the mind of your agent, that the plan, . with a little amendment, is bound to succeed, if persevered in. Your agent, immediately on entering upon the duties of his agency, discovered a (lereet in the plan, in not being authorised to receive donations in mOllcy; for almost every man who is favorably disposed towards the College, willing to contribute something to its support, althou~h he may not Wish to take a Scholarship; and with very few exceptions Masons are of one mind I)n lhat"subjec4 nnd that is, the College must be sustamed : and if tor no othE.f reason, for the honor of Masonry in Missouri. Your ageut would earnestly and respectfully r-ecommend iliat, in addition lo the sale of Scholarship:;, he be authorised to receive donations. Your a~(:nt would further report that the Board of Curators contracted to pay the tU.lve:ling expenses of the agent, and for his services as agent, he slwuld be paid live per cent. on the amount sold and collected or secured, provided $50,000 worth of Scholar.ships were soM; and in case that amount Were not sold, two and a half per ccnt. shvuld be paid him for hUJ services. Traveling expenses of agent up to May 2d, 1850, amount to $113 65 The names of. Lodges and individuals that have purchased Scholarsbips, 3l'e. as follow, VJZ :


E. Wiilsor,


one SchoJcuship~ W. H. Russel, f..{ Ct E,. A. MtCarty..)" ((

Am<lunt carried. forw~rd)

$50 00 31KIOO

5000 .$40000

31 $400 00 10000 100 00 50 00 5000 50 00 5000 300 00 5000 5000 5000 5000 300 00 30000 300 00 300 00-$2,500 00

Amount hJ blldlt iN'Watd. •

H. WtUiams, ~)nc &holai~hil'~ J. S. Porter, " " William Huuter," « F. M. Ewioj!, " " " " W. :0. Waddle) H. S. Chadwick," .. J. A. CrumPl ,:' :: A. W· Henmllt;r, (, (C G. A. R icc. W. T. Woo(l, " " J. Seversay, " " A. Patterson, " " S. Keith, "" E. S. Williams, " " " " Jaa. Cloudsley, SALINE COUNTY.

D. Brown, J. M. Lewis,

one Scholarship, "

$5000 50 00- $100 00


• $300.00 Jefferson City Lodge, one Scholarship, 300 00 A. Fulkerson, " " 300.00 W. E. Dunscpmb, " " 300 00 A. P. Dorris, " " 10000 R. B. McKee, " " 300 00 C. W. Stewart, " " T. W. Cloney, " , 10000 10000 Thomas Gregory, " " 300 00-$2,100 00 J. H. Chetrry, " " ST. LOUIS. W. T. Miller, one Scholarship, • $5000 St. Louis Lodge No. 20, two " a t $300, flOO 00 600 00 Napthali. Lodge " 25, two " at $300, J. W. Fmley, one". 50 00-$1,3~ 00 KEYT8VlLLE.

J. M. Davis, two Scholarships, at $50, • J. P. Williams, two " at $50, E. J. Prather, one " C. W. Bell, " "


$100 00 100 00 5000 5000- $300 00


John Lightner,one Scholm'ship,

$50 00-

$50 00


Wakanda Lodge No. 52, one Scholm'ship, • A. C. Blackwell, " " Sept. Stafford, cc " Charles Sterne, Ct " R. D. Ray, "" R. Downey, "" ST. JOSEPH. St. Joseph Lodge No. 78, one Scholm'ship, • Savannan " "71," " Plattsburg t, " _ , tl " G.·H. C,. Mclody~ " " Weston R. A. Chapter," " Golden Square Lodge," " L. P. Wells, "'C J. B. Davenport, cc " Puiric Lodf.c N(l. 90) Cf "


5000 5000 300 00-$1,300 00 -

Total) All (If which is re.slJcdfully

:.;300 00 300 00 300 00


$300 ()() 300 00 5000 100 00 300 00 30000 5000 5000 300 00-$1,750 00 $9,4UO 00

L lJ, lJLACKWELL; J1g.ct!f

Brother J. W. 8. Mitchell offered the foJlowim; lcsolulion : RC8ol"ed, .That the Board of CuratOTs of thc Masonic College he rOf)1\estc rl not to incur liabilities for a ,,-eater sum than thirtyMtwo hundred dollars, on account of the Faculty, for the next ensuing Collegiate year. On motion of Brother G. H. C. l\Ielody, Brother Mitchell's resolution was laid on the table until the report of tbe Committee on College should be in. On motion of Brother McFarland, it was Re8olved, That Brother Blackwell's traveling expenses" as agent fOT the sale of Scholarships, be paid out of the College fund. Brother Grover called for the third reading of the proposed amendment of the ByMLaws-to strike out the word Boonville. The vote being taken, it was lost by 18 to 13 Lodges and 27 to 13 individual votes. Brother Draper's resolution to amend was read the tbird time. Amended 80 as to read thirty. Brother Dorris's amendmcnt was also read a third time, and indefinitely postponed. Brother R. A. Raphael offered the following: Be it resol-vedJ That the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge respecting the payM ment of $3 by nonMafliliated Masons, be repealed. Too late 10 tbe session. CODllDittee on Grievan.;:es made the following report, which was adopted:

To flw M. w: GraM Lodge of Missouri: Your Committee beg leave to report that they have received a memorial from G. B. Zaff, accompanied by a notice from St. Johns Lodge No. 28charges and specifications, for wfiich he was expelled from all the privileges of Masonry路-and beg leave to state that they have examined the papers and testimony in their possession, and ask the adoption of the following resolution: &solvcd, That the proceedings of St. Johns Lodge No. 28 be and the ~ame are hereby sustained. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. H. McFARLAND, ClLairman. Brother Prewitt offerod the following resolution: Resolved That the back numbers of the Masonic Signet be purchased and hound, and that it be subscribed for and bound yearly, for the blmcllt of the Grand J4odge, Which was laid on the table till to-morrow morning. The Committee on Credentials made the following report: The Committee on Credentials report the following Lodge rcprcs.cntcc, in addition to those heretofore reported :Olive Branch Lodge No. 58, by :Brother John R. Brown, W. M. Respectfully submitted, G. W. DUNN, Chairman. The M. W. Grand Lodge was then called olf until to-morrow morning, at 8 o'clock, in ample form.


8 o'dock.

The M. W. Grand Lt)dge was called to labor on the Third Degree in alDplp. form. Present, officers and members as yesterday. The M. W. Grand Lodge granted a charter to Waverly Lodge, and Brother G. W. Hcrryford was appointed W. M.-the W. M. elect having died, and the S. W. removed. Ordered, By the M. W. Grand Lodge, that the Lodges to whom charters were granten at this ses'Sion, be and they are hereby authorised to proceed to work until the charters can he furnished and forwarded to them. REI'ORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE.

To the],f. W. Grnnrl Lodge of Missouri: Your Committee, to whom was referred f1w communication of the Grand Lodge of tbe District of Columhia) ask leaH' to submit the following report:

39 Your Committee feel grntifiell to have the fad announced to tllis GrlUlfl Lodge, that our Brethren in the District of Columbia, the C::Ipital of thig J;reat nation, are desirous to erect a Masonic Temple, where all nations may hold Masolllc communication with each other, and vic with each other in tho cultivation of the social virtues; and that the Masonic Temple is to be dedicated to the name of our worthy Brother Geor~e Washington, the tirst in war, the 1ust in peace, and the first in the hearts of his countrymen-in whom was centred all the social and christian virtue3. Your Committee are satisfied that they express the unanimous ancl fraternal ~entiment of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, when they say that this Granll Lodge would feel highly hOliored to contribute to the erection of a Grand Central Masonic Temple, in the City of Washington, bearing the name of our illustrious'Brother of Mount Vernon, whose name and vntues we this clay remember with fraternal love. That the erection of such an edifice as our Bretbren contemplate, would be a source of pride to all the States, and more especially to the Masonic Fraternity in this great nation, and would be one of the great links in the chain to cxteml bIotherly love, friendship and lleacc: throu~liout the civilized world. The Grand Lodge or Missouri, now In session, tnrough their Committee, tender to the Grand Lodge df the District of Columbia theill fraternal feelings, hopin~ that t~e laudable object may be accomplished, by the Grand LOdges of these UnIted States. But we are constrained to keep our zeal for the laudable objeat contemplated by our Brethren, within the bounds of our means-as the Grand Lodge has established in Missouri a Masonic College for the education of the orphan and poor of our Order, which will require all our resources tor this great and laudable object. . The Grand Lodge of Missouri ask Icavel. through their Committee, to ten(ler to the Grand Lodge in the District of (;olumbla their best wlshes•. . With sentiments of great respett and fraternal rieHJ' P. WILLIAMS, r f 'tt

A. P. DORRIS, ",omtn1. ee.


To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The Committee on College having given to the various sub,kct;: connecteu with their appropriate duties as full and' careful reflection as the limited time allowed them would permit, beg leave respectfully to submit the followingreport: Before entering upon a statistical accoUnt of the condition of the College, and the gratifying evidence of the continued good. feelings of the members of the Fraternity, from all parts of the State, toward an enterprise so creditable to them anu the youn~ but growing State in which it is located, your Committee believe that it will not be inaPJ:ropiate to refer to the rcreate'cl pledgpg solemnly given to .foster and sustam it. At the communication in March. 1847, the following resolution was adopted: . "Resolved, That the members of the Grand Lodge, now present are herehy Illedgcd to use all honorable means in their power for the growth and pros·· perity of the Masonic College, at whatever point it may be located." A~ the following commumcation,1I1 October, 1847, the Committee on thf' Coll.~ge. submitted a ~eport to the ~rand Lodge, which was adopted with (!r~at unammIty, from WhICh the followm~ extractwtll show the tugh ground .:~lInie~ by this Gr~nd .~odge in be~alf of the College: "It is now ttnc!p.r tostermg care of Its friends; and If you ask, who are they? we mAy f:Jldy answer, that from the evidence before your Committee, nearly all th0 l\lai30IlS coimected with the Lodges in this State, and many who are not IIlcmhp.rs arf' its unflinching and uncompromiging frIends. The qlH'stion can WE' ;'ll~tai;~ the College, is no longer regarded a fraternal onc) {or it i!'; known that the honor, the dignity, the repntation, fhe Ma~(lnic taith of every good member is pledged: and we ha\'e but one an~.wcr-we.will sllstalO it!~'


40 From the report of the Pl'ceiJent of tbe College to the Curators, it appear拢" that the whole number of students matriculated during the present collegtate year is one hundred, forty-seven of whom were sons of MasOhs, and fiftythree were not; that the patronage from Lexington nnd Lafayette county has been greater the present than it was the last year.....showing that the InstltutioD is growing in the conficlence and favor of the community where its opera-tions and management are best known. The limits allowed your Committee will not admit of detail. The following .extract from the report of the Board of Curators, will show the opinion of said Board in regard to the government of said College: "It is with much satisfaction and pleasure the lJoard -can :s,,"y that the state of disciphne is good and wholly unexceptioliable, promising the most gratifying result, and that harmony and order prevail in everY department ot tlie College." The Faculty consist8 of a President; a Professor of Mathematics, a Professor of Languages, and a Principal in the Preparatory Department; ~nd from the evidence before your Committee, they have the fullest confidence: and the highest opinion of their efficiency. From the report of the agent appointed by the Board ot Curators to sell $cholarships, your Committee are strongly encouraged to believe, if the system, with some slight modifications, be continued, a permanent endowment fund will b~ realized beyond -the most sanguine anticipations of its friends. The modification which your Committee recommend, is as follows: That agents for the sale -of Scholarships be and they are hereby'authorised to receive donations to the Collegel absolute or conditioual; and also, add immediately to the third class of Scnolarships the following: Any Lodge or' Master Masons who has or may take the third class of saia Scholarships, may retain the principal so long as they shall pay six per cent. per annum _thereon, yearly in advance; but upon a failure to pay sald interest yearly in advance, the principal and interest shall be due and payable; and when sold to a Master Mason, the agents are required to take security for the principal on real estate, unencumbered, which shall be ample, in the opinion of said agents. Your Committee recommend, in connection with this subject, that the Board of Curators continue the present agent or agents for the sale of said Scholarships, or, in their discretion, emp10y others; and that the compensation to said agents ~shall not exceed two and a half per cent., provided less than $50,000 shall be sold, and' five per cent. 路if the amount of $50,000 should be sold within two years from the date of this communication. And also, that sueh agents be allowed ten per cen.t. commission on cash donations, and five })er cent, commission on' real estate or property donations, less their traveling expenses in all cases. Your Committee refer with no little pride to the present condition of the College fund, as appears from the report of the Committee of Ways and Means, adoptcd at this communication of the Grand Lodge; which report shows that the present available means on hand an(\ to be received from Lodges unreported, will leave a laq~c excess to be carried to the credit of the Colleg~ fund for the next colJe~iate year. It also demonstrates that,t1.1c high ~round so repeatedly aS3umed by this Granrl Lodge, is still maintained; and that whether the S~olarship system shall be immediately successful or not, (of which your Committee entertain not the slightest doubt,) this great enterprise, to which our faith is irret'ocably pledged as Masons, will be IJTotully s'llr~lained, and.our liliglttcd faith futlY路1掳cdcemcd! The report (Jf the <':ommittce of Ways and Means shows that the whole amount of lial"ilitie.' or the Board, at the close of the prescnt coIle~iat(; year, is _v $1,873 48 'fo meet which there is now on hand, College fund, J ,82li 48 $47 00 !.\ml)UTlt of College fuwl received sint:e H~port of the CommIttee

01 Way:. <lnd







$104 00

$57 00

41 $~7

Amount brought forward, Amount from LOdges unreported estimated at Amount in hands of agent from Platte City Lodge,



1.000 00 . 50 OQ

$1,107 00

Deduct expenses of agent for the sale of Scholarships,


113 65

$993 65 Your Committee recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: 1. .Resol'Ved, That the Board of Curators be required to re-organize the Faculty, with authority to employ such adjuncts in the Preparatory Department as may be necessary, with the aid and concurrence of the Faculty-so that the whole cost of the professors and adjuncts shall not exceed the sum of thirty-three hundred dollars. 2. .Resolved, That the Grand Lodge reserve to itself the r.ight to cO'JI,jirm or set aside the action of the Board ot Curators in the election, suspension, or expulsion of the President, Professors, and Tutors in said College. 3. .Resolved, That the President of the College be, and he is hereby made, ex-officio President of the Board of Curators, and a member thereof; and CJhould the chair of President become at any time vacant/then, in such case, the member of the Faculty who may be acting President;or may at the time Qercise the duties and powers of President, shall be President and member of the Board of Curators. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. W. GROVER, Chairman. Which were adopted.

On motion, the resoluUons offered in cOJ:lnection with the teport of the Committee on Grievances, in regard to "Landmark Lodge No. 64/' were disposed of as follows: ~ First resolution, ,oejected; second resolution, 'rejected.. Third resolution, adopted; fourth resolution adopted. Brother Dorris oftered the following resolution, which was adopted: ResoZved, That Brother J. W. Murphy be awarded twenty dollars, as a compensation for his lservices ~ Grand Tyler. On motion of Brother Currie, it was Resolvedz Th~t the sum of four hundred dollars of the charity fund o~ this Grand Loage be donated and placed in the hands of the Boara of Belief of the city of St. Louis, to be by them distributed in ckarity. On motion of Brother G. H. C. Melody, it was .Resolved, That the motion be amended by directing the money to be distributed to widows and orphans only. Brother Grover offered the following, which was adopted: ResoZved That after the payment or the current expenses of this communication, monies remaining in the treasury, belonging to the contingent fund, except four hundred donars~ be paid over to the Fund Commissioners. Brother J. T. Johnson presented his bond as Grand Treasurer, which was ;Ipproved and filed with the Grand Secretary. The following were offered by Brother Prewitt; and adopted: Whereas Brothers Runyan, Melody, and Levy. were appointed by the last Grand Lodge, a committee to settle with Past' Grand Secretary, J. W. S Mitchell; and, WMreCl.$, this Grand Lodge has been informed by Brother Melody (the only member of that committee now present) that such settlement bad been made, and a report written and agreed on, which has not been signed; and, whereas, Brother Levy has sent to this Lodge a report signed by himself, which has been substantially endorsed by Brother Melodr, in open Grand Lodge, therefore, .Resolved, That said report of Brother Levy be adopted as the report of the committee and printed with these resolutions, in toe }.,roceedings of tbis Grand Lodge, and that the blllance found due to Brbther Mitchell by saul report be paid.



42 Re,olved, That the thanks of this Gr.and Lodge be and they are hereby tendered to Brother Mitchell for the faithful manner in which he has performed the duties of said offic.e. Brother Fisher asked and obtained leave of absence during the balance of 'the session of the, Grand Lodge. Brother Melody placed in the ,hands of the Grand Secretary the account book of Past Grand Secretary Watson, with report and record book, lost at the great fire in St. Louis, 17th May, 1849, and found by Brother Melody on the 2d of October. same year. Brother Williams offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Be it resolved, By this Grand Lodge, that from the facts and eVidence before them, they are satisfied that the committee appointed to settle with the Past Grand Secretary, are entitled to the commendation of this Grand Lodge for their labors in making such settlement, so far as made. REPORT OF THE COMMiTTEE ON LODGES



To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri:

The COJl}mittee on Lodges Under Dispensation, beg leave to report, that they have examined the work and proceedings of Old Pike Lodge U. D., and tind the following state of facts. The Di~pensation :previously granted said Lodge was continued for one year, at the communication of this Grand Lodge in April, 1849. The Lodge was organized, and proceeded to work. TIle delegate of said Lodge to carry up the Dispensation, proceedings, etc., to the communication in May, 1849, died on the wU, and the returns of said Lodge not reaching the Grand Lodge in time, the Dispensation was not continuell. ApplicatlOn was afterward9 made to the M. W. Grand Master, and on the 6th .day of July, 1849, a renew-al or continuance of said Dispensation was granted, under which said Lodge has since continued to work. It further appears from the proceedings of said Lodge, that on the 10th day of May, 1849, and during the sitting of the May communicatlOn of this Grand Lodge,the said Old Pike Lodge U~ D. met and opened on the third degree; and tne reading of the proceedings of their last meeting being called for. it was stated by a Brother, that the Secretary of said Lodge, then absent as a delegate to the Grand Lodge, had taken the books containing the proceedings of said Lodge with him. The Lodge, nevertheless, proceeded to business, received petitions for initiation, ballotted on some petitions previously received, and initiated one candidate-and all this withou~ being in posSession of a Dispensation or any authority to work, or even of the minutes of their former proceedings. It appear~} moreover, that said Lodge afterwards met on the 17th and 31st MaYt the 7tn, 13th and 14th days of June and 5th of July, 1849, at which meetings a large amount of business was transacted, and several degrees conferred. All their proceedings were tiad even before the date of ilie last l'enewal or continuance of their Dispensation. Your Committee find the minutes of the proceedings and the work of said Lodge generally correct and in accordance with the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. Your Committ~e have also examined the work and proceedings of Hiram Lodge U. D., herd in the town of Hermann, and find the same generally cor路路 i'ectand in conformity with the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge and the usages of Masonry. It is therefore recommended that a charter be granted said Lodge. It is also recommended that)'in as much as the Grand Lodge has, at the present communication, granted a charter to a Lodge in the town ef St. Charles by the name of Hiram Lodge, the uame Hermann be inserted in the charter of the Lodge located at the town of Hermann. AU of which is respectfuUy submitted. A. PATTERSON. B. W. GROVER. aEPoRT OF THl;, COMMITTEE ON eRA.TEnD LODGES

The Committee on Work of Subordinate Lodges respectfully report that

43 the (ollowing Lod~es, in addition to those heretofore reported,have been examined by tliem, VIZ: Palmyra Lodge No. 18-G. Lod~e dues paid for 1849 and 1350-16 members, 22 degrees; maldng in all $38. Polar Star Lodge No. 79-G. Lodge dues for 1850-21 members and 13 de~ees-over-paid $6. Olive Branch Lodge No. 88-16 payinK members and 30 degrees, 1850. Reports " no members" for 1849, and 8 degreeE-$5 paId on accbunt, leaving $J7 due to the Grand Loc'ge, and $3 to College fund. We find the above rtlturns correct in all impc路rta,nt particulars. It will be perceived from the above, as well as our former report, that some of the Lodges have not paid their full dues, and a few of them have over-paid. All of which is respectfully submitted, P. DRAPER, eha,irma"", Brother Williams offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Be it resolved, That the fifteenth section of the路 By-Laws ot this Grand Lodge shall not be so construed as to authorise the Grand Secretary to charge aJee for signing and sealing certificates to be delivered to non-affiliated Brethren within' the jurisdiction of the rp.spechve Subordinate Lodges. Brother Shafer offered the following resolutiou, which was adopted: .Resolved, That the twelfth section of the fifth article of the By-Laws shall not be so construed as to permit the taking of a ballot on any petition when there is a less number than seven members of the Lodge present. CURATORS:

1. W. T. WOOD, Lexington, Mo. 2. PRESIDENT OF FACULTY," " 3. G. W. DUNN, "" 4. DR. CHINN, "" 5. HOWARD WILLIAMS, " " 6. WILLIAM HOUX, ,." 7. E. C. McCARTY, "" 8. LEVI BLACKWELL, "., 9. WM. COGSWELL, Sibley, Jackson county. 10. JOHN H. TURNER, Glasgow, Howard county. 11. JOHN M. LEWIS. Waverly: Saline County. 12. P. B. LABERTON, Dover, Lafayette county. 13. JOSEPH FOSTER, St. Louis; 14. CHARLES R. MOREHEAD, Lexington. 15. WINSLOW TURNER, Plattsburg. Now in office,whose terms expire at next Grand Communication: District No.1, JOHN H. TURNER, Glasgow, Howard county. " "2, H. B. AT WOOD, Carrollton, Carrol county. " " 3 , T. J. C. F AGG, Clarki3ville. " " 4 , JOHN N. PARSONS, Paris, Monroe county. " " 5, EDWARD SEARCY, St. Joseph. 'r "6, L. S. CORNWELL, Columbus. " "7, JOSEI'H MEGQUIER, Boonville. " "8; JOSEPH FOSTER, St. Louis. " "9, JAMES oW. COX,Oseola. " ., 10, JAMES W. McBRIDE, Sprin拢fle1d. " "11, E. S. RUGGLES, CaJedoma, Washington ~ounty. " "12, DR. JAMES WALKER, New Madrid. W. H. RUSSELL, Lexington. CYRUS OSBURN,"


On motion of Brother B. W. Grover, it was Resolved, That the .1\1. W. (;rund Ma:oter be ano he is hereby re'luircd to draw a wananl on the Gralld Treasurer for the whole amount (If funds now

44 in his hands belonging to the College fund, in favor of Brother A. Patterson, for the Board of Curators. Brother B. W. Graver offered the following, which were adopted: Whereas, During the summer of 1849, Old Pike .Lodge U. D. worked some time without legal authority, and raised certain persons to the Master's degree, therefore, Resolved, That the Lodges within whose jurisdiction said Master Masons so irregularly made, mar. reside, be and the same are hereby required to he;i such Master Masons, without charge, and take such cogmsance of the conduct of any among them who may De found unworthy, as the By-Laws and the usages of Masonry may justify.' . On motion of Brother Dorris, it was Resolved. That no portion of the Charity fund shall be used for the benefit of the College, under any circumstances whatever. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brother John Hall, Brother Wilkins Watson, and Brt)ther J. S. Currie, Fund Commissioners. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brother Currie a committee to settle with Past Grand Treasurer Watson, and forward any amount that may be found due to the present Grand Treasurer. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brothers A. Gibson, R. S. Leveridge, and R. G. Stockton, a committee to settle with the Treasurer and Secretary, and report at the next annual communication. The M. W. Grand Master appointed the following Brothers D. D. Grand Masters: FIRST DISTRICT. BRO.

Boward, Livingston,

J. H. TURNER, D. D. G. M.

Macon, Chariton,

Highland, Linn,

Grundy, Schuyle.r.


BRO. EDWARD A. LEWIS, (of Richmond) D. D. G. M. Clay,

Ray, Harrison,


Carroll, Gentry,



BRO. 1\1. H. McFARLI\ND, D. D. G. M. St. Cha.rles, Montgomery,

Lincoln, Pike,




Audraitl, Shelby,

D. W. CAMPBELL, (of Paris) p. D. G. M. Monroe, Lewis,

Marion, Scott,



PJatte, Andrew,

EDWARD SEARCY, (of St. Joseph) D. D. G. M: Clinton. Nodaway,

Buchanan. Holt,

DeKalb, Atchison.


BRO: B. W. GROVER, (cf Warrensburg) D. D. G. M. Jackson, Henry,

Lafayette, Cass,

Bates, Pettis,

Johnson, Saline.


W. E. DUNSCOMB, (of Je1ferson City) D. D. G. M.


Cole, Osage,

Morgan, Miller,

Cooper, Moniteau,

Boone, _ Callaway.


JOSEPH FOSTER. (of St. Louis) D. D. G. M.

st. Louis,





E. T. MAJORS, (of Warsaw) D. D. G. M. Hickory, Polk,

Benton, St. Clalr,

Camden, Cedar,



J. W. CHENOWITH, (uf Springfield) D. D.

Dade, Jasper,

J...awrence, Newton,






Washington, St. Genevieve,

F. S. RUGGLES, D. D. G. M.

St. Francis, Perry,

Crawford, Madison,

Cape Girardeau:


Wayne, Scott,


Ripley, Stoddard,

Mississippi, New MadrId,


Ordered, Tha.t the D. D. Grand Masters make their reports to the G)'and Master on or before the first day of March next, at the city of Lexin~n. The M. W. Grand Master appointed the following Brothers Grana Chap.lains: .

REV. Bao. RICHARD BONO, " J . B. BROWN, " " " s. C. McCONNELL, " " F. L. B. SHAVER, " " J. CREATH, " " A. D. CORBYN, " "THOMAS H. CAPERS; And Baa. J08. FOSTER, of St. Louis, Grand Lecturer. Ordered, By the M. W. Grand Lodge, that the DlUnber of Mitchell Lodge be filled with No. 86, thatbelDg' blank.

Brother B. W. Grover offered the following which was adopted: Ruolved.1 That fifty dollars be and the same is hereby apprepriated for the purpose ot procuring blank charters, to be printed, and that Brotb~ Currie be requested to pocure the same and forward them to the Grand Secretary. On motion of Brother \'Tilliams, it was

46 Res.olved, By this IVI: W. Grand Lodge, that a vote of thanks he tendered to our Brother G. H. C. Melody, for his services as Grand Lecturer. On motion of Brother G. W. Dunn, it was Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be, tendered to the editors of the St. LouIs Republican for advertising. REPORT OF THE BOARD



To the M. W. Grand Lodge Of the State of Missouri: The Board of Curators of the Masonic College at Lexington, in obedience to a law of the Grand Lodge, requiring them to make report as to the cond~足 tion of the College property and state of discipline in the College, would respectfully report, that the College building is in good repair, and IS sufficiently fUrnished to answer all present purposes and necessities, except Philosophical apparatus and a Library-the former being indispensable, by the commencement of the next collegiate year. To provide the necessary furniture for the College, the Board was compelled to use means received for tuition-the Buddmg Committee having failed to pay any part of the $ - - directed by the Grand Lodge to be paid into the hands of the Curators for that purpose, except recently the sum of $82 67. . The College grounds remain .ye~ unenclos~d ,and ~nimproved, but the Board mdulge the nope that the BuIldmg Commlttee wlll not much longer delay these most necessary improvements. It is with much satisfaction and pleasure the Board can say that the state of discipline in the College is good and wholly unexceptionable, promising the most gratifying results, and that harmony and order prevail in every department of the College. The Faculty consists of a President, a Professor of Mathematics, a Profesilor of Languages, and a Principal in the Preparatory Department. The Professor of Languages, however, is paid by private subscription, raised chiefly by a few memoers of the Board of Curators. This subscription will only continue for the present year, and unless authorised by the Grand Lodge, the Board of Curators will be compelled to make vacant either the chair of President or that of Languages. Accompanymg this report, will be found the report of the President of the College, which is full on all the ground it occupies, and to this report we respectfully refer the Grand Lodge. The Board had much difficulty in procuring aF;ents to make sale of Scholarships. Two have been appointed-Brothers Blackwell and Douglas. The former only has acted; and although at a time and under circumstances unfavorable to success, the sales made amount to the sum of $9,150. Ot this sum $1,350 is. for $50 Scholarships, $600 for $100 Scholarship~, and $7,200 for $300 Scholarships. The agent, from the experiment made, is sanguine of ultimate success; and the Board has full confidence that this scheme, prosecuted and continued with the proper spirit, will result in securing to the College an ample endowment. In the mean time, however, to sustain and kee'p the College in being until by this or other means, some sufficient endowment can be procured, the Grand Lodge must adopt some efficient measure for raising necessary funds for paying the salaries of the several members of the Faculty, so far as the amount received for tuition may fail to pay the same. To put the College in:operation, as directed by the Grand Lodge, tte Board was compelled to furnish the building, at a cost of $740 50, as will be seen by a memorandum marked A, accompanying this report; and to procure the services of an agent to sell Scholarships, tlie Board necessarily had to advance the further,sum of $200, making in the aggregate $940 50. The whole of this sum, except $50, which still remains a liaoility on the Curators, was advanced by the Board from monies received from tuitions, and no part of it has been returned to the Board, except recently $82 67 ft-om the Building Committee. The further sum of $517 33 we think will be repaid to us within a few months-the latter sum beIng the balance uapaid of the $600 directed by the Grand L'odge to be paid by tile Building Committee, for furnishing .the College. The Board would suggest that some appropriation should be made

4'1 to refund to the Curator.s the balance ot the sum of $940 50, which balance amounts to $34050. The whole amount received by the Board from the Grand Lodge, including $25 paid by this Johnson Lodge, is $1,020, and w~ are gt&atlY,in arrears to the Faculty. The whole amount of liabilities on the Board of Curators, as will be seen by a report of a committee of the Board, herewith returned, marked' B, is $2,846. .To meet this, there is in money $454 19, and to be paid the Board by the Building Committee $517 33, in all $971 52, leaving a balante unpaid, and for the payment of which no available resources are in the hands of the Board~ of $1,873 48. In conclusion, the Board would only add, in the langu~e of the Grand Master of the Grand路 Lodge of Alabama, that if on this subJect there is but union of sentiment and cOIncidence of purpose in the Fraternity, all that the most devoted have wished for-all that the moetsangaine have ever anticipated-will be accomplished; and this too without impo:!ing a seriouSl burden on a single Lodge or individual. W. T. WOOD; President of the Board of Curators. On motion of Brother MeFarland1_the Grand Lodge now adjourned until the next regular CommunicatIon, in May, 1851, (first Monday.) C. D. W. JOHNSON, (}rand, Secretary.


LIST OF LODGES. NamesofL~dges N0'I~~~I

Mis30uri Beacon Geo.Washington Tiro Clarksville Palmy!a Paris Union St. Louis New London Napthali St. Johns HuntsvIlle Liberty Lafayette Troy Cooper Mount Moriah Jefferson City Bonhomme Faitette Fu ton Livingston Wakanda Weston Douglas Arrow Rock Platte City Richmond Monticello Marion Oseola Landmark Marshal Rocheport Tebo Alexandria Dickerson Savannah Danville Eureka Warren Ashley Independence Lebanon St. Joseph Polar Star Brid~eton

Neos 0 Jackson Dana Johnson Mitchel Washington Olive Branch Friendship Prairie MadiRon

1 St. Louis 3 9 12 Caledonia 17 Clarksville 18 Palmyra 19 Paris 20 St. Louis 21 New London 25 St. Louis 28 Hannibal 30 Huntsville 31 Liberty 32 Lexington 34 Troy 36 Boonville 40 St. Louis 43 Jefferson City 45 Manchester 47 Fa~ette 48 Fu ton 51 Glasgow 52 Carrolton 53 Weston 54 Marthysville 55 Arrow Rock 56 Platte Cit 27 Richmon 58 Monticello 59 Salem, m. 61 Oseola 64 Warsaw 65 Marshal 67 Rocheport 68 Clinton 69 Alexandria 79 Warren 71 Savannah 72 Danville 73 Brunswick 74 Kereville 75 As ley 76 Indefeendence 77 Stee eville 78 St. Joseph 79 St. Louis 80 Brid~ton 81 Neos 0 82 Linnius 83 Calhoun 85 Warrensburg 86 Columbus 87 Greenfield 88 Union 89 Livingston Co. 90 Harrisonville 91 Monroe Co.

" "

Time of meeting.


1st Thursday 2d Saturday bt 1st 1st 1st Tuesday Saturday before full moon 3d Thursday 2d Saturday 2d Friday 2d路Saturday 2d Monday lUonday before full moon 4th Friday 2d Thursday 1st Saturday 3d 2d Monday 1st Tuesday Saturday before full moon " Friday . " 1st and 3d Saturdahs Saturday before fu I moon

" " "








1st Monday Saturday before full moon 2d Monday 1st Tuesday 4th Friday 2d Monday 2d Thursday 2d Friday Friday before full moon ,( 1st and 4th Saturdars Thursday before ful moon Tuesday after " Friday " " " before " Saturday" " 3d Saturd!lY 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d Wednesday Mondal before full moon 2d We nesday 1st Monday lstSaturday 2d Monday



Friday before full moon (( Saturday


1st Monday 2d Saturday

Johnsen Co;


LIST O}' LODGES-[CONTINUEJ).] Names of Lodges No. Perseverence St. Marks Boon Acacia St. Andrews Pltlasant Hill Western Star Mount VerDon Canton Green Bloomington Carthage Heroine Relief Miami Golden Square New Madrid Marcus Trenton Ezel Plattsburg Waverly Sibley Daviess Versailles Hiram Foster Cedar Erwin Dover Hermann Compass Gentryville Ridgeley


Time of meeting.


92 Louisiana 1st Monday after full moon " " 93 CapeGirardeau Tuesday 94 Columbia 95 Jackson 96 Shelbyville 97 Pleasant Hill

98 99 Mount Vernon 100 Canton 101 Springfield 102 Bloomington

Monroe Co.

103 104

105 Georgetown

Pettis Co.

106 107

108 110 111 Trenton 112 St. Francisville 113

114 Waverly 1~5 Sibley


117 Versailles 118 St. Charles

119 Benton

Fremont St. Louis Dover Hermann 124 Parksville 125 126 Ridgeley 120 121 122 123

Grundy Co. Clark Co,. Clinton Co. Lafayette Co Jackson Co. Morgan Co. St.Cllarles " Scott Co. Cedar Co. St.Louis Co. Lafayette Co Platte Co. Gentry Co. iPlatte Co.


in 'Which .I1nnual Relurns should be made.]

ANNUAL REPURT qr the qffic'U! llnd Memberl Of -

-:.d. L. 585

Lodge No. - , held at - - , - - cO'Uuty, Mo.,f0l' the year ending Date of Charter, 185-. _.



,.i. D.I85

Pas~~L~~ed路路I~~~I~~~r~~\ Rej~~l~~I:::.n~;~~, Remarks.







, I



-L---I-II-.-I---路------------I-I !




1 Total. -

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