1851 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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GRAND LOBGH 0' 1IIIS0UBI. TH&ANNUAL COMMUNICATION of the ]\f. W. Grand Lodge or Ancient Free and Accepted Ma!JOns of the State of Missouri, was held in tbe...City e( BooDville, OD the drst Monda;, of May A. D. 1851, A. L.58fH.


R. W., B. W. GROVER, D•.G. M.

R. W., J. MEGQUIER, G S. W. Pt.

a. W.,

E. SEARCY. G.,J. W. Ft. C. D. W. JOHNSON, G. Sect. J. T . .I0HNSONL G. Treas'r. A. O'SULLIVAN, G. S. D. T. W. DAVIS, G. J. D W., J. W. MURPHY, G. Tylec. ADd Brothers, P. B. Grant, ~, Geo. A. Kice, " J. A. Alford, " F. L B. Shaver, T. Hawn, " W. W. McGilton, ,,~ O. F. Potter, fC L. Lewis, " L. Bosworth, " E. 8earcy t ft' S. R. Miller, W., W., W', W.,


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" " "

H. Davis, G. A. Tuttle A. Callahan, J. S. Wells; T. E. Staples, B. H. Smitb W. Cogswei, W. Conaway, N Miller, Caleb S. Canaday, n. F. Wallace. G. W. Heneford, N. P. Thompson.

'l'h0 M. W. Grand Lodge was opened in due form on the third degr~~. P,'ayer by Rev . .dr09. Shavt>r: The R. W. D. G. Master appointed th(' following commiUE:Q 01\ OT~~ denliab. 8r09. B. F. Wallace; O. W. l1erreford, N. P. '1'h~r.


2 ]

"file committep. on credentials reported that there was not a qUOtt:ltn I,resen't. The G. Lodge wa$ then called off till 8 o'clock lo-morrow in due rom:. TUESDAY ~10RNING, 8 o'clock.

There wer.e present, W. Jno. F. Ryland.G. M. R. W. J03. Megquier, G. S. W. PL ]\f.

w. n.

R. W. Grover, D. G. M. R. W. Bd. Searcy. G. J. W. Ilt. \Y. C. D. W. Johnson, G. ~ec. W. ,T. T. Johnson, G. Treasurer. W. A. O'Sullivan, G. S. D. W. T. W. D(),\'is, G. J. D. W. J. W. Murphy., G. Tyler.

And ot.her Brethren. The M. W. Grand Lodge was calJed to labour 0.0 the third degree ill 3:npIe form. The commiUee on credentials ll\a~6 the followin~ report viz: Your committee would respectfully report that the following Lodges ar~ represented.. • Liberty Lodgp~ No. 31, P. B. Grant, J. W. & proxy for W. M. J. A. Alford, S. W. L~rayette '.'" 32. J. W. Pigott, J. W. F. L. B. Sha~'er, proxy W. M. Cooper « " 36, J. Megqllier, W. M. C. D. W. Johnson, S. W. Weston " " 53, F. Hawn, S. W. A. O'Sullivan, W. M. Arrow Roek .(" 55, O. T. P9ttt>r, prox.v S. W. W. W. McGilton.J. W.· 'S ., 61, L. Lewis, s. w.. Oseola Eureka " " '73, L. Roseworth, prox\' W. M. Independence " " ;:6, B. F. Wallace, S. & J. W~ " " 78 S E. Searcy, W. M~ 8t.Joseph , l s. R. Miller, proxy for S. & J. W. Johnson " " 85, G. R. B'IDt, proxy for W. M. S. &"J W. " " 86, B. W. Grover, proxy for lV.. M. Mitchel $' " 91 S G. A. SeUle, J. W. & pl'.()xy for W. :\1 •. Madison '~H. Davis, S. W. Hoone " " 94, C'lllihan prl1xV for W. M. S. Saunders, W. M . " "105, C. Woods, S. W .R elief " T. E. Staples, proxy for J. W, Trenton "111, B. H. SmIth, S. W. Waverly " '. 111, G. W. Hel'eford, J. W . .& proxy W. M. (I "11.;, Wm. Cogswell, W. M. Sibley ,. "120, T. W. Dayis, S. W. & proxy W. M. &. J. \Y. Compass Gentryville " :' 118,. N..P'. Th,'.mpson, W. M. Paris Union ., • 19:" Phllhp Wilham!l, W. M. " " 74,S J. A~ CarnpbelJ, S. W. Warren l F. ". Trent, J. W. Versailles " "117, Tho!. Monroe, proxy J. W. H~nt.sville " '1 30, W. W. McLean, proxy W. M. Hermann " "123, Jas. 'Kessler, W. M. .8loomingloll " "102, A. D. Green, W. MTyro 12~ K fl. Ruggles, proxy S. W. Golden Square " "107, R. U. Piper, W. M. H "109 S W. S. Brown, W, M. Miami 'l J, T. Budd, '3. W. " " 51 5 J, H. "Turner, \V. M. Livingston 'l F. W. l'i~ge!', S. nouglas~ " ' . 54, J. C tdwardH, proxy W. M,·S. & J. W. DanviH~ " \ ' 72" B. W. Adams, proxy W. M. There b.eing thirty.one Loclges represented, there is a quorum pre:'!ent. All of whie,k i'$ respectfully .s;ummitted. B. F. WALLACE, Chairnlllll




e, "


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'The 1\1 W. Grand master, then appointed the following Committee~. COMMITTEE 01" WORK AND PRocFa:DINGS, CHARTERED LODQ'Es-Drothus Jno. H. Turner, Chairman, E. S. Rug~les, and P. William:,;. COMMlTTEE ol't Atcot:l'n's.-Brothers ~. H. Sallders, Chairman, R. G. Piper, and A. O'Sullivan. COMMITTEE ON UNFINISHED BUSINEss.-Brothel's Jo~.l\Iegq\lier,ClJllirm~n, B G. Hunt and L. Lewi8. COMMITTEE ON LODGES U. D.-Brothprs Edward Searcy, ChaIrman. G. _'J.. RicE', T. W. Davi:, Wm. Pigott and B. J'. Wallac£>. . COIlIMITTEE-ON GRIEVA~CE!l.--Re\·. Brothers F. L; B. Shaver: Chairmarl, WIn. Cogswp.1 and A: D. Green. COMMIT1'EE ON ApPLICATIONS AND- COMMUl'(JCATIO]l:S.-Brothcrs :B. F:. Wallace, Chair man. Thos. MOllroe alld G. W. Herreford. COMMITTEE O,N CIIARITY.-Brothers ~'. W. Brown, Chairman, Ino. AI. ford and N. P. Thompson. Ull motion it was resolven that the readino- of the proc£>ed:ngs of the l:ut annual c,)mmlwication be dispensed with, there beilJ~ a supply of prilltt.>tl proceedings in tht> Hall. On motion of Brothers T. W. Davis the Dele-gates from Lodges U. D. v.:ail permitted and illvited to take their seats and participate in debate-. ('0 motion the report of Weston ~.od~e, No 53, for the year 1850, wail re·comitted to the committee on accounts. The M ,V. Grand Lodge was then called off until 2 o'clock this afterrwol:.

Two The M. W. Grand Lodge

pIe form.



called to labor on the 3d dl.'gree is in IUJl~

The M.. W. Grand Master in accordance with tbe r£>quirement of the By~ Laws proce-eded to deliver his aonual addre'ls. • The M. W. Grand Master thl.'n appointed M. W. Joseph Foster, P. G. M. Chairman of committee on Colleg~, P. H. M"Bride, R. ~. Ruggles, R. G. Piper, T. W Davis, J. H. Saunders and Jno. H. Turner.. , R. W"Benj.W. Grover chairman committee of Ways and Means,P. Wi;~ Hams, C. Wood, Wm. Plgott S F. Currie, Wm. Cog'wel and JOil. M4'g (jllier.

Re.'olution by lJrother Turner.

Resolved, t~at the M. W.Grand Lodge t?0 into an electioll of oflic~rs tomorrow mornwgat 10 o'clock, for the ensuwg year, adopted.

Brother McNeil offered thefollowing.· Resolved, that the due!' of Boon Lodge j\'O.!M for the last yt'ar, be arId the Sl\me are hereby remitted by the Grand Lodge to said Lodge. Rt'fered." committee on Grievance.

Brother O'Sullivan offered the/ollowing: Resolved, that the Grand Lodge cause the charter, jewl.'ls &'c., oj lfarllbilt Lodge No. 1)5, to be dplivered to this Grand Lodge. Adopted. (The membp.rs having removed, they of necessity c~ased work.)

The following 'Was offered by Brother Williams. Uesolved, that this Grand Lodge grant a charter to Memphis Lodge U.D. RefereJ to committee on Lodges U. D. The M. W. Grand Lod'~e \\as cal:pd off until 8 o'clock tc.-morrow wvr· 'lill~ ill ample fQrm. 0

[ 4


3 o'clock.

Tlaere was present, M. W. Joo. F. Ryland. G. M. R. W. B. W Grover, D. G. M. R. W. J09 Megquler, G. S. W. Pt. R. W. S. B. Curri..-, G.. J.. W. W. C. D. W. Johnson, G. Sec. W. J. A. Campbdl, Tleas. Pt, W. _0\.. O'Sullivan, G· S. D. W. S.IL Saunders, Go J. D. P., W. J. W. Murphy, G. Tylet. And Bros. L. F.. Williamson, R. GA Pip..-r, A. D. Gre..-n, t. A. Kie(',. N.. Miller, Hiram Wilkerson, J. D. Ruad, E. Searcy: Jame" M. Sutton, L. Leowi$, F. W. Digges, Jobn H. Turner, D. D. G. M. P. B. Grant, P. WitHams.Jesse Henry, Wm. Cogswel Clark Winsor., S. C. Jetf~ T.J. C. Fagg• .T. T. Crow, Rev. F. L. B. Sbaver, S. M. Sproul., H. Davis, G. H. Suttle, W. S. Brown, W. W McGilton 8. K. Miller, O. F. Potter, B. F. Wallace: "i. P. Thompson, n. W. Herreford J obn A. Alford, L. Blackwell, A. Cal· lahan, J. C. Edwards, C: S. Canaday, Clifton Wood J. C. McNeil, P J. McMahan, P. H. McBTld(', P. G. M. Joseph Fo~ter,. P. G. M. G. H. C. Melody, P. D. G. M. William J. Pig-ott; John So' Wells, A. Payne, v; Colhns, J. A. Kessler, F. Hawn, Wm. Bosworth, Wm. KilIhuck, J. L, Johnson, W. B. Adams, G. M. B. Maughs, G. R. Hunt, F. Farnsworth, B. H. Smith, F. W. Trent, T. E. Staples, R. B. McKee. J. A. Campbell. W. B,McLean, T. B~ Parsons, J. W. Galla~er, E. S. Ruggles, D. D. G. M. S. Brown, M. W. Hall, Tho!!. Monroe ana visiting Brothers Wm. Cona.way, Re:v. J. F. Truslow, T. L. Williams, H. S. Wil1!(, Wesley Pearce, J. C. FeJ'gu90n and Daniel Williams. The M. W.. Grand Lpdge was called to 1abor in ample ro~m. On motion it wa'!; resolved that the charges prefered against the officers of Landma~k Lodf,?;e No. 64, he referr('d to a select committee. TheM, W. Grand master appointed Bros. Foster, Currie and Me~ quier, said committee. On motion the memorial from Arrow Rock Lodge No. 65, was referred to said committee. The committee on Lodges under dispensation made the following report.

To the Grand Lodge of Missouri/ The Committee on Lodges U. D. beg leave to report that they have examined the work and proceedingll of Keytsville Lod~e U. D. Barny Lodge U. D. some inf~Tmalit)·,work ~enerally good. Athens Lodge U. D and Constantine Lodge U. D. are in stri~t accordance with the usages of Masonry, and the By. Laws of this Grand Lodge. YOI!1" comDlittl>e fherp.fore recommend that charters be granted to Keytsyille Lodge, Athen", Lodge, Collstantine Lodge and Barny Lodg~s. AU of which ia respectfully submitted.

ED. SEARCY. G. A. KICE, THOS. W. DAVIS, W. J. PIGOTT, B. F. WALLACE. The Oomlllittee on Grievances made the following report: The Committee on Grievance, to whom was referred the appeal of Bro. G. Knight of Monticello Lodge N u 58. ask leave to report. that having eKamined the documt'nt ac.companyin!r said appeal, they would recommend the adoption of the following resolution. Reaolved bv the M. W. Grand Lokge of Mo. tbat the appeai of Bro. Z, ~.

[ 5 ] G. Knight ,)f Monticello Lo~ge No. 58, be sustained, and tbe ease reman. ded to the Lodge for further coosidcntion-as they consider the verdict of the Lodge entirely too mild. Expulsion being, in their opinion, the only a(leql1ate punishment for the offence charted and proved again8t the atcused. The :lame committe~ had the appeal of Bro. Robert A. Raphael of Ful路 ton Lodge, No. ~, under consideration and would move the adoption of the following resolution: ReJolved, That the appeal of Bra; Robt. A. Raphael of Fulton Lod~ No. 48, be sustained,an<1 the case remanded for such decision 8ssaId Lc>dge may in its discretion direct. The Gr and Lo<1ge expressing most decided disapprobation of the conduct charged. The same committee had under consideration the requflstof Boone Lodge No. 94, asking the remission of dlles to the Grand Lodg-e at this annual communication would recommend the adoption of the following resolution. Resolved, That inasmnch as Boon Lode N<? 94, !luffered considt'rable loss by the explosion which blew np StevE'ns'store in Columbia last summer, the amount of its dues t.o this G rand Lodge fQr this year $31,50 be remitted, requiring only the amount of $5,09 due to the Collt'ge fund to be paid by ~aid Lodge. All of whic!l is respectfully submitted. F. L. B. SRA VFR, Chairman. 1he Commitee on credentiali made the following report~ Yotlr committee beg leave to report that the following Lodges are repre~ ~ented, in addition to those already reported, viz: Canton Lodge No. 100, Jas. M. Sutton. proxy for W. M. S. &. J. W. 1\..... . " " 1 (S. F. Currie, S. W. & proxy for W~ M. d:sSOllrl , ~ Clark Winsor, J. W. Landmark" "64, W. Kilbuck, W.]\f. & proxy for J. W. Polar Star" "79. S. C. Jett, proxy for S. & J. W. Fulton " "48, Hiram Wilkerson; W. M.&proxyforS. &J. W. Washington" "87, 8. U. Sproul, proxy for W. M. Fayette " "47, S J. L. Johnson; W. M.. ~ Co. M. B Moss, J. W. R h t" "67 S V. Collins, W.' M. (lC ppor , ~ A. Payne, J, W. Which is rcspl'ctfl:lly submitil'd.

B. F. WALLACE, G. W. HERREFORD. N. P. THOMPSON. According to previous notice, by resolution the M. W. Grand 1.()dfe proeeedt>d to the election of officers. R. W. Benj. W. Grover ~as duly elected W. G. M. n. W Edwa,'d S. Ruggle8~ "" ,: D G. M. 路R. W. d. F. Currie, """ G. S. W. R. W. John H. Turner, "" u 6. J. W. w. C. D. W. Johnson, """ G. 8ec. W. J. T. Johnson, ,."" G. Treall. The M. W. Grand Lodge was called from labour to refreshment unt.il half past 2 o'clock.



2, o'clock.

rhe M. W. Grand Lodge was c&lled ,to Labour on Ute third degree in "'"l\~ pie form.

[ 6 ] Present, M. W. John F Ryland'; R. W. B. W. Grovpr, R. W. G. H.C. Melody, R. W. S. F. Currie, W. CoD. W. Johnson, W. T. B. Parsons, W. J. W. Murphy, And other members as in forenoon.



G.S. W.Pt G.J. w. U. Sec. G. Tl'eas. Pt. G. Tyler.

On motton of Brother Foster, It Was resolved, that the sum of $2') be anq theosame isllereby appronri· ated to the use of Brother I.angston, out of .the charity Cund of thi~ G. Lodge. . Thefollo~ing was offered by Bro. JJ£egquier: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge torm a proce~slon to-morrow morning ~-t 10 o'clock and march to the M. E. Church; and install the vffiCE'1 s; and that Rev. Brother Shaver be requested to deliv~r an address on the occasion and that all brethren in good standing be reqnested to join-:lIld that the public in general be requested to attt:nn, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to ml\ke suitable arrangements-adopted. The M. W. Grand mastE'r appointed Bros. Andrew Gibson, Barnett Hart, and Thomas Monroe, said committee. The committee or. accounts beg leave to report that they have examined the report of Brother Huntl'r and Alford, Agents of the Grand Lodge for collecting the donations madf'! to the mas.onic college-and they find that tbey received from the 1st May 1850 to the 1st May 18iJl, $2249,08. And that they have paid out til£' following sums as per vouches; viz: 1850 May 18, paid Samuel Ball; (or plastertn~ College, $100 00 ' F. C Sharp, for. p ct Q r. vs SiI\'er 10 00 Aug. 7, " Aug 7 , " c." c. vs My~rs, 5 00 A.ug 7, " Hunter & Alford, in part for brick IVOIJ<, 400 00 ~ep 30, " Thos. Alford tor pla~. Masonic College, 30 00 U P McKev for paintillg, ." S' 60 un Sep 10, " Sep 30, " J II Crump stone work on " ,. 73 95 1848 " " t V Limerick TO'xES on lands donated, 90 18 0 Nov!)," Hunter & Al~ord lorbrick \\ork M T. 630 00 185J Jan 18," Thomas Alford for plastering, 100 00 " W M Wi.thers taxes 1849 & '50 2 00 " EM Samuels 1849 2 10 F. Teilee Constable costs ~E'P. 10, 1850, 75 " " Thos Vearly J P costs for affidavits July 50 75 Feb 22, " Samuel Bl\\1 for plastertng M Lodge 100 00 Thomas Alford .,,, 109 01) 11, " " r. W Small wood ('Ierlc bilI of costs in suit of Gr~d Lodge vs Peter 'Wolf 24 9:1 Apr 30, " J. H. Crump lor stpnework on M Coll('~e ]05 00 Benson & Bangs bill of Iron May I, " 65001) May 1, " Hunter & Alford for brkk WI rk M C 1000G Cyrus Osbourn in part for money May 2, " Joaned to building committee 100 00 May 1, " Samuel Ball for ptastering .M: CollE'ge 45 30 ,t


CommissioM on $2240,08 10 per cent do for noting $600 3 c per cent

20 6 18 224 90 1800

.AU of \vbichis respectfully sub,mitted. IS. ILSA UXDERS, .Cbairmau...

[ '1


The MW Grand Lodge was called off' until 8 o'clock to-morrow mornin ample form.



8 o'clock•.

The M W Grand Lodge was ca led to labour on the third degree in ample form.

Present, M. W

John F. Ryland,

R. W. B. W, G~over, R. W, P. Wclliam~, R. W. W. W.

G Master. D.G.M. G. S. W, p.

S. F. Currie, G.J. W. C, D. W. Johnson, G. Secretary.

J. T. Johnson,


A. O'SuHivau,o W. S. H. Saunderll, W~ J. W. l\furphy, And .others as J'esterday.

G. Treasurer.

G.S. D. G. .T. D. Pt. G. Tyler.

Theproceediilgs of the Grand LorJge Was read) corrected and ppproved.

The committee on charity ask leave to report: That they have examined the memorial from Bloomington Lodge, askihga donation of $~O out of the charity fund of tlte Grand Lodge to M r G. B. Gilmore, wife of Brother G. B. Gilmore~ whu i~ now :n California. and from all the circumlltance~ of the case, we feel warranted ill recommending said approQ


prLdiop. Resp~c!fuqy


W. S. BROWN, Chair. Which was adopted.

nesolutions offe'red by Bro. J. C. Edwards.

Resolved, That Ihe dues of Douglass Lodge No. 54, for the two last years be and the same is hereby remitted by lhe Grand Lodge to said L.odge. . Heferred to Commi\lee on Grievauce. The M. W. Gr~nd Master elect appointed Bro~her W.). Pigott, G. S. D. and R. 'V. S~. }i'. c.urrie, G S. Warden ap poillt Brother S. H. Saunden, G. J. D. and J. \V. Murphy was re-appointed G. Tyler. The R. W. Grand Muster aptl0inled R. W. Jo~eph Megquie:r Q. Mar.tial-who :proceeded 10 form a procession in the Hall-:and pro~eE'ded thence to 1he M. E. Church)wl en after prnyer bI


[ 8 ] the Rev. Brot'her Truslow, the M. W·. Grand Maste.r J. F. Ryland, iostalled thb officers elected for the ensuing year in ample form, Arter which, Re\·. Brother Shaver, President of the Ma.lonlc CoUege, in accordance with Ihe request of the G. Lodge proceed. ed to deliver 11 most appropriate and \hrilling address. The M. W. Grand Lfldge retllrned to their Hall-and was called off until half patt two o'clock.

HALF PAST 2, O'clock.. The M. W. Grand Lo{lge was called to labour on the third degree. The :\f. W. Grand Master appointed M. W. P. G. Master, John F. R)'land. Cha.irman of commilteeon Way and MeanJ. On motion of Bro. G. H. C. Melody, It was resolved tbat the Dispensation to Memphis Lodge be renewed. Bro. Blackwell, Ag't for tbe sale of l:lcholarihi}ls 1"01' Masonic College, . presented a report, Which on motion of Bro. Foster was referred to tb~ Committee on theColleg~.

Bro. Foster'preiented an acc't in favor of Messrs. Chambers JI. Knapp, lor 100 Past Masters diplomas, ,$30,00. Which, on motion of Bro. J. C. Edwards, was allowed. The Committee on Grlevance·made'(he following report:.

The committee on gTievance, to whom was referred the resolution of, fered by Bro. Edwards, would report adversely to the request of Douglas, Lodge, NOr~4, as no sufficient evidence has been before them to com'inee tbem that said Lodge should be released from payment of dues. F. L. B. SHAVER, ,Cb'mn, On motion of Bro. A, O'Sullivan, the followin~ resolution wall unani~ mously adop!ed. RESOLVED, That the thanks of thi& Grand Lodge be, and they are hereby, tendered to our Worsbi"pfu:t aAd Rev'li Brother, F. J•• .B Shaver) President of Masonic College, for his very able and interesting address deHvered today, and that 3000 copies of s~id address be printed under ~he supervision of Bre. Shaver, and that they be distributed to fhe subordinate Lodges through the State, that a copy be sent t~ the several Grand Lodges of the United States, tbat a copy be furnished to Bro. Mitchel of the "Signet" an~ Bro. MO<Jre 01 the ,. Masonic Magazine," with a request {or its publi~ ..tion.

The Com~ittee OIl ,Lodges U. D. made the following.report-

To Ike M. W. Grand Lodge

of Mo.

The Committee on Lodges under Dispensation, beg leave to re-port,that thy bal1e ~M\inecl tbe work and proceedinp of the fol1owin~ l.~e.e


[ 9] Sarcoxie Lodge, Phoenix r..odge, Potosi Lodge, Farmington Longe and Star of the West Lodge. The: work and ;Jroceedings of which are with some slight informalitie. very good; and m accorddllce with Masonic usa~es. Your committee wc.uld therefore r~commend that the Grand Lodge gra,.t Ule aforesaid Lodges, Charters. All of which is respectfully submitted, EDW ARD SEARCY" G. A. KICE.

T. W. DAV~S. W. J. PIOOTI'. The Committee on unfmishp.d bnsiness Reported th3t Br'). A D. Green of Bloomington Lodg~ No. 102, (aid to the Grand Secretary $l rep.lrtcd :,.s balance. Of duE's for last year. His receipt however shows that the whole hall been p:l\d. We therefore rt:com mend the adoption of the following resolulionHESOLYED, That the Qrantl !'ec'y draw an order on the Grand Treasurer :for $2- in favl'r of Bro. A. D. Green . .r.cs.pectfnlly!lubmittfod, JOS. MEGQU1ER, Chum, Rro. WiiIiams caUed up his resolution that was laid on the table on Tues-

day, which on motion was indefinitely postponed. On motion of Bro. Ryland it was resolved that the jewels of Old Pike

I~odge be ilent to Phoenix Lodge.

On motion of Bro. Ryland it was r~solved that a Committee be. appoint.. Blac~\VeJ1.relativeto the Masonic College. On motion of Bro. Brown It wa~ resolved that Miam i Lod~e, No. 106, be required to forward to the Grand Sec'y the rei urns and dues of said Lodge for the year ending May bt, 1850, within ninety days from this date; ~aid Lodge ha ing failed to make any returns for that year, and that wheli said Lodge have complied with this resolution, she shall be beld blameless by this Grand Lodg~ for said dehnqllen.. y, . Whereas at the commllnication of this Grand Lodge in 1R49, Bro. Foster prei'ented an acco.mt in favor of---, for the sum of $25 for work done Dn the College buildin!!;s in Marion county, which was allowed but not paid, hDcause the account was lost, there/ore, RESOLVED, That Bro. S. F CUT! ie, G S W be reqllestp.d to cill on Bro. Jordan Montgomery of the city St. Louis and obtain, the name of the gentlemah Who has the claim and audit the account and draw on Bro. G. Treasurer for the amount of twenty-five doUal's with interest for tWQ years. Adopted. .

ed to confer with Bro.


The llndersigned Committee on applications and commullication~, bet: leave to rep0l'tThat they have examined the following communications: Missouri Lodge, No 1 and Fulton Lodge, No 48, upon the proposition to repe(il the last clause of the first section of the l:iecond article of the ~onsfitlltion of the Grand Longe of Missouri ~ The former votin~ aga.nst and the latter in favor of the rt:peal. Rocheport Lodge, No 67, claiming a credit.of one hund~e~ dollars .on the part of th! 4>dge, and seventy dollars on private subscrlptton, which sums wa. paid to Bro. J S Mitchell in Augl]..,t, 1843, as College age~t: . Your Committee recommend that the abovesums be credited to Rocheport Lodge. Bon Homme Lod~e No 45, askin~ for their account to the Grand ~odge., October, 1848, which the Grand Sec'y will please fllrnish. Bro ~ W CheJlowith, D D G M, reports having granted Dispensations t() -S3rJ:Qxle and Harry Lodge3 U D in the last year, and that he is i:ldebted t.Q


[ 10 ] the Grand' Lodge forty dollars for two Dispenlations. Bro A Q Chir>naskil\O' to be released from the payment of a certain note t'xecutpd by him fot"

th~ benefit of thz Maconic College. Your Committee are of the opinion t hat it wonldbe setting a bad precedent to reje ase Bro Chinn from the pay~ lJlt'nt of iaid note. B. F. WALLACE, } 'fHOS. MONHOE, O. W. IIEHREFORD,


R "!:IOLY 1m, That' the 1I1anks of t1"Je Grallll Lodge be returned to 1\11' Tracy 3nd his scholars for Iheir kind attf>ntion and singing during the illstalmeIlt

Ell' ofiicers at the l\lethodis,t Church and also those who superintended, tnv iUlitl'um€obl JJlusi~. Adophd.

REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Th ~ IlI11JNsigned Spp.ciul CommitteI' arpointed by the 1\1 W Grand Lodge. at the annual comlJlullicafion in May, 184~, to inquire 11110 the facts I1l1d report Ilpon the memorial of Liberty Lotl~e No 31, be~ leave to state that rrolll canses bf>yolld their control they ha\'e not until now been a!Jle to perform the duty assigned them. Whiie if is true the cascl is surrounded with some dOllbt and difficulty growing out,. as we believe,. of an hon~st misapprehension between BrG Carllaf,Y. the College Agent, and the LUem· bers of Liberty Lod~e, No 31, who made the' !Jill of exchallge r~lerred t() in the memorIaJ;stjll~from all the ci ..cumstances, we'think at the time the 1ransaction took place, although Bro Carnag-y did not intend to pledge tho Grand Lo<.!ge to refund the amount. he was sO UN·DERSTOOD by the .Bro'i making said Bill of Ex('han~e; and qpon that nnderstanding they were induced to lend their credit to the a~elJt of the Grand Lodge. We therefore bel; leave to ofter the followingresolutionRESOLVEO, That ill lieu ofth~amountofthe Bill of Exchange and the interest thereon, the Grand Lodge of Missollri donate te said Liberty Lodge ~o 31, Two perpetual schoiarsI1ips inothe l\hsonic Coilege at LexingtvlI, to take effp.cl from and after th:is annual communication., RESOLVED, That o[Jehundr,~ and tifly dollars YEARLY FOR FOUR YEARS be and the some is hf'rehy appropri?t'ed·out of the contingent fund of th.. Orand Lodge to the CoHege endowment lund for said sch,)larships RESOLVED. That ~he dues of Lil,erty Lodge No 31, for membership bit and the same are hereby r€mitted for the'vears 1849 and 1850. All of which isre~pf'ctfully submitted

B. 'V. GHOVER, JNO. F. RYLAND. Adopted. Bro Kessler otrereda resolution which was referred to the Committee on (;harity. On motion of Bro T W Davis it was RESOLVED, That (he M W Grand Lodge grant a Charter to Hidgely



1'0 the M. IV. Grand l.odge oj J,[iSlouri : -


F'ree and Accepted

~{a,on, oj

the State


Tbe undersigned Como:ittee to "'ho'rn was referrt'd the case of Bro Kill.

[ 11 ] b'l~k, W M

of Lan lm;lrk Lo~i~p, and Bro'g R. C. Henry and J. J. DonJ'\l\1, S. &. .J. Wardens (If said Lodge, .respectfully teport-That from all thil f~Ct8 before them they Ii d llv tesllmony to sJJslam the chatec ~(>t forth, aDd therefore recommend that the .case be dismissed. ~ JOS. FOSTER, Chairw'\n . . Adopted.

The M W Grand Lodgew3i then cdled cdr until l3 o'c1"ck to-morrow Jllorniog in ample form.


8 o'clock.

Tile M W Gl and Lodge was caHed to labottr on the third dtgl"te in am.tle form PreSent--M. W., BENJ. W. GROVER, G..-M. R. E. S. RUGGLES., D. G. M. G. s. W.pt. R.. W.,P. WILLIAMS, G. J. W. R. W., J~O. H. TURNJt~R, G. SEC. W., C. D. W. JOHNSON, G. TREA8.. W., J. T. JOHNSON, G. 8. D. pt. W., A. O'SULLIVAN, /,}. J. D. W.• , S. H. SAUNDERS, G.• TYLER.. W., J. W. MURPHY, And other members as ym~terday.


'fhe proceedings were read and approved. Bro Melody offprerl the followingtheUrand Secretary prllcur-e a fire- proor sa(c and tha~ 1n~ be requ Ired to keep the records and papel s of this Grand Lodge in said Rejected. RESOLVE~, That


Un molion of Bro. Meloeily il wa!! re!lolved IhJl the Grand See,.etaty b~ req'Jired to p.rocure aprons for theofficeri of Ibis Grand Lodge, corre"ponding with tne collus.

Bro. RyJanu.otfe.red the foil 0 wang- : RESULVED by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, That it will most eheerfuliy ac..cept the p·roposilion of the Grand Royal Arcll ChRplerof .Missouri in relalion to (he permanent endowment Ill' the Prep_Halor)' Depntmeat eflhe ~h:,onic College, and that this Grand Lodge will give to said G (and Chapter lhe privilege of conferring the appointment of the Teaehers in )laId depart-



TheCommittt>e on Foreign Corresponden~J presented a report, which was raad, and ou being arnend£d was referred to a ~I'ecial.colnm.itl ee.

[ 12 ] Bro. Ryland prellented and read a letter (rom Bro. Jeremy L. Crou, arid offered the fullowing: RESOLVED, That thE". Grand L.od~e of 1\'1issouri cordi.cilly accept the valuable prest>nt of Bro. Cr(\ss-HThe Ma!lonic .Chart or Hieroglyphic Munitor"-and that it be adopted as the textbook by lhis Grand Lodge, for the benefit of the subordinate Lodges in the work and let Ures. Adopted. TUE COMMITTEE O:i LODGES

U. D.


REPORT. 7'0 the M. W. Gra.nd Lodge



Your Commiltee on Lod~es, U. D. bt>g leave to report tha~ fhey ha\'e examined the work and proceedio~!J of Ridgely Lodgei Central Lod~e, Ringgold Lod~eand Erwin Lodge, and find the 's;;me generally corrtict and in conformity with the Bv-Laws of thill Grand Lodge and the usages of Masonry. Your committee would further report tbat we find the dates of dispensationlS granted, a, follows: To Ridl?;ely Lodge, 23d Augus~, ]850; Central Lod~e, 8th March, 1851; Ringgold Lodgt', 12th Jan., 1851. Your cornmiHee find that Ceutral Lodge is only five miles from Ridgely Lod~~, and Rin~gold only two; Ridgely being sihlated between Ringgold and Central Lodges. Your committee recomme.nd that a charter be granted to Erwin Lodgt>, but doubt \he propriety of grantin~ charters to Ridgely, Centl1l1 and Ringgold Lod~es, owing to tht'ir elos-e proximity lo each other. Warrrin~IOfl Lodge, U. D., no returns or dues, we Tecommeu& a re:lewal of Di"pelh'alion Updn rbe pa}"men~ of dueS',


The ~I. W. Grand Mastel' appoinlp.d Bro's Sha\'er, Rllggles &. McFarland, committee ora roreigh correspondence. The followin~ was offered by Bro. Searcy: RESOLVED, That a charIer be granted to Ringgold Lodg~, which wa.s laid on the table till this afternoon. The following resoluti'ln by Bro. Turner: Rt:SOLVJ:D, That the action of Madison Lodge, No, 91, in ex· l,e)ling Bro. Ray be confirmed. Adopted. . The M. W. Urand Lodge was called to refreshment uf,tsl 2· o'clock in ample form. FRIDA. Y,

2 o'c\ook.

The )t. W, Grand Lodge was called to labouT on the \btrd m ample form


[18] , Present, officers and members as in forenoon. Bro. McLean of Huntsville J..odge No. 30, asked and obtained leave of absence for balance of 8eS5;00. The oommittee on credentials report the following Lodg~, represented in addition to those. reported heretofore: St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, Jacob Emanuel, prosy. St. Mark, " "93, A. F. Lacy, " Ashly, Ie .c 75, M. H. McFarland,W. ~I. Napbtali, " cc 25, J. W. Mitchel, proxy W. M. &

[So W. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. F. WALLACE, ~ . G. W. HERREFORD, COMMITT£E • .N. P. THOMPSON, REPORi' OF OO)[MITTEE ON LODGES U. D.

The committee on Lodges U. D. report that since their report was submitted this morning. that Warren Lodge U. D. has paid for dispensAtion and sent in v. transcript of their work-which is approv.ed by your committee-and we recommend that a chartel be granted to said Lodge. T. W. DAVIS, B. F. WALLACE, G. A. KICE. Adopted. The petition of Bro's A. R. ~lurry and others was 'rejected. On motion of R. W. D. G. Master, RESOLVED, That Bro. Mitchell be 'requested to furnish the committee on the By·Laws, aU the book! that W8t procured by order ofthe Grand Lodge, for the use of the commiUeeoD an-. cient usages. Adopted. To the M. W. Gra.nd Lodge 01 MUlotJri:

The committee appointed to seUle with the Y. Treasurer i.nd Sec'yoJ thE" Grand'Lodge, at its last communication to 'report at thi', would beg leave to report that the chairman and one other of the commilteeproceeded to settle with the Grand TreasUlc!r, Bro. J. M. Reed, and found that the money had all been paid over to the present Grand Treasurflr, Bro. J. T. Johnson,ancl that the papers relative to the settlement Was lefl with the chair. man, B!'o. Stockton, who removed to St. Louis last fall. His absence, together with the want of the documents, will prevent us at tltis time from making a satisfactory report. Expecting Bro. Stooktort to be present at this communication, we did nat write to him on the subject.

( 14 ] Although we did not make a formal ,;eulemeilt with the Grl\nd Sec'y, we are satisfied from the vOllcherfl present~d 1,0 us. that he has paid over to lhe Grand Treasurer all the momes Itl his hands lathe Grand rreasurer. Respectfully submitted, R. S. LEVERIDGE,. Ac't Ch'mn. \Vhich was recommitted. On motion or Bro. Ruggles, RESOLVED, That the place of meeting of Star of the West Lodge, No. 133, be altered from Iron Mountain St. Francois, county to Pilot Knobb in Madison county. Adopted. Bro. Melody, one of the committee on the By Laws,. reported, when on motion ot Bro. Megquier, Bro. McBride and Bro. J. C. Boyce were added to the committee wilh leave to withdraw the reporl and report "t the next communication of this Grand Lodge; To the Most W. Grg,na Loage oj Missouri:

The undersigned, commIttee on work of chartered. Lodges, beg leave to report: On exnmir,ation of the proceedings of Johnson Lodge, No. 85, your committee find that the Lodge received a petition fo in iliationat a meeting held on the 25th Nov., and without referring iaid petition to a committee, proceeded to take the balh.t and confer the degree on the candidale at the same meeting. At a regular m~eting of the Lodge held on the 路14~h A pril, the following {)roceedmgs were had-'"Moved and seconded that a commi:tea of two be appointed fo wait upon Mrs. S~eger and present her with the sum of thirty dollars, to defray the funeral expenses of our Brother W. C. Steger. Committee Bro's Hunt and Smith."-We find thatat a called meeting held on the 28th April, that Brother l\tlcCown, the M., moved a reconsideration of the \"ol.e for the appropriation o( the $30 for the funeral expenses as above slated. 'Bro. Grover, the D. D. G. l'rlaster of that district WQS presiding, and declared the motion out of order, whereupon Brother l\lcCown appealed from the decision of the chair, which appeal was sustained by the Lodge. Your committee would offer the following resolutions:


Resolved. That the conduct of Johnson Lodge, No. 85, in receiving the petition and acting on the same as appears on their records, is contrary to the usages of Masonry and in direct violation of the By-Laws ofthis Grand Lodge. Resolved further, That the action of Johnson Lodge, No. 85

[ 15 ] in reconsidering the vote appropriating $30 from its charity fund, is hereby rescinded; and it is hereby ordered that the Slime be expunged from the record", and that the W. M. and membeu of Said Lodge is unmasonic and deserves the unqualified disapprobation of this Grand Lodge. Respectfully Stl bmitted, JNO. H. TURNER; Ch'mn. Unanimously adopted.

On motion

of Brother P. Williams,

It was ordeled that a warrant issue to Bro. A. D. Green for

$60 (or the support of a Bro. M. lY.'s wife of Bloomington Lodge, No. 102. On motion of Bro. Turner, Resolved, That a special committee be appointed to settle with Bro. Thos. Ashby. late College agent, and report at the next annual. communication of this Grand Lodge. .Adopted. Bro. Mitchel offered the following Whereas the W. Master of BrIdgeton Lodge, No. 80, vacated his office by removing to California, and said Lodge proceeded fill s~id offiee by electing the SerJior lrVarclen, W.. Masterand whereas said master elect did fill the office of 'V. Master for the balance of the vear, without receiving the P. Master's degree and being regularly installed as the Law directs, Therefore resolved, That the act~ of said Lod~e during the period aforesaid be, and they are hereby, leg-alized, and that said Lodge be instructed to confer the degree of P. Master on said ''''. Master. Adopted.


The M. W. Grand Master appointed the following committee to settle with P. G. See'y, viz: Bros. Pigott, C. Wood, and Clark Winsor. . And also a committee to seltle with P.'G. Treasurtr, coolpsof.d of Bros. S. C. J eH, Gao. A. Rice and B. ~'. Wallace. Bro. P. M. Pinkard, Proxy for J. W. of :aoone Lodge, No' 94, appeared and took his seat. Bro. Jno. M. Davis, Proxy for J. W. Warren Lodge, No. 74, appeared and took his seat.

R. W. Philamon Draper, .Ilgentfor Grand Lodge, sen.! up the following Report. The undersigued, your agent for the sale or "Masonic College Propert}路," respectfully submits herewith his account cU'rrent for receipts ou account of that propert)'.

[ 16 ] Since the last grand annual communication-by which it will be, seen tbat he has only received two hundred aca fifty doJJar& fro:n the purchaser, aU of which has ~een paid over to the Presi.. de~t oflhe Board of Curators of the College at'Lexington, except

lome small items named in the account current. There is a small lst April, 1850,

bal~nce of some $15 due on the note payable the

besides the interest,whicb, together with the payment ot one thousand rlollars due 1st inst. I am assured will be paid in a very .hort time, and have no doubt it will Le 80 paid. I ha"e been unable as yet to procure the deed mentioned in the report last year, to which I beg to refer-but have within a few days past received a communication trom Mr. Bacon, in the city of New York, expressing his willingness to execute it, if satisfied of the payment of the debt to the Perpetual Insurance Co. of St. Louis-to secure which, the property was conveyed to him in trust. I have therefllre laken measures to furnish that satis4 faction througb the Pr~sidellt of that Insurance Co., and have forwarded the deed for his execution, and hope to receive it, properly executed, in the course of a very few weeks, when it will be immediate.Iy filed for record. I beg leave to suggest, that it would not be amiss to procure, if practicable, a deed of conveyance for the Game property, from Mr. H. H, Hays, by whom, it will be recollected, it was originally conveyed to Messrs. Buckner and BliCOIl in trust. The effect of which would be to cover any lack that may have occur路 red in the many conveyances that have been made. Unless otherwise instructed, I will endeavor to procure such A conveyanc6 and have it recorded. The Grand Lod~e of Mo., In account with P. Draper: 1850 May 18th. By,cash of R. Houx part of 1st note; $75 00 1851 Mar. 14th. By u ,," " 1 7 5 00 50 $200

DR. 1850 May 20th. To cash to Curators, as ~ per recei pt, S $75 00 Dec. 28th. To R. Phillips, adverti- ~ sing in St. L. Uaion, College prop5 00 erty, 1851 Mar. 14th. To cash paid E. Wind- l sor, Pres't Curators, 5 170 00 Ap'} 17th. To sundry postages to) 75 S. D. Bacon, ~ Leaving a baiance due P. Draper of $00 75. AU of wh\ch was adt>pted.

$250 75

[ 17 ] The committee on charity, to whom was referred the petition of Hermann and Olive Branch Lodges, aski~g fo,l' a donation of twenty-fi~e doJI'ars for the benefit of Mrs. Kintz, the wife of Bro. Kintz, beg leave to r~ port that the amount asked for be granted for the relief of Mrs. Kintz. J. A. ALFORD. Adopted. On motion of Bro. Staples. It was resolved that this Grand Lodge continue the Dispensation of Ringgold Lodge until tbenexb:ommunication. On motion of Bro. T. W. Davis, It was resolved tLut thi.s Grand Lodge grant a Dispensation to Central Lodge., in Clay county, at SmithlCind.

The fonowing named Brethren asked and obtained leave thebalaace of the session~ Bro. Pin)rard, of Columbia Lodge, No. 94. " "78. Bro. Miller, of St. Joseph Beo. William Alfol'd, Lafayettp," "32. Bro. A. O'SuUiYan, of Arrow Rock Lodge, No. 55.




Resolution of Bro. S. H. Saunders. Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lopge be; and they arc hereby, tendered to our M. W. P. G. Master, Juo. F. Ryland, for his abl'r and impartial discharge of the duties of Grand Master of the M. W. Grand Lo(i~e of .Mo. Adopted. The M. W. Grand Master appointed the following D. D. G. MastersR. W. JNO. H. TURNER, D. D. G. M.-Glasgow. DISTRICT

No. 1.

Composed of Howard, Macon, Adair, Randolph and Chariton Countit'!.



D. G. M.-Trenton.


Composed of Grundy, Livingston, Mercer, Linn, lIarrison, Davies, land and Schuylt:r Counties.


R. W. GEO. W. DUNN, D. D. G. )i.-Richmond. DISTRICT


Composed of Ray, Carroll anc{ Caldwell Counties. R. W. M. H. McFARLAND, D. D. G. M.-Louisvillt'. 4TH DISTRICT.

Composed of St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren, Montgomery) Pike and nalj~ Counties.

[ 18 ] R. W. D. W. CAMPBELL, D. D. G. M.-Paris. 5TH DISTRICT~

Composed of Shelby, Lewi<o, Scott, Monroe, Marion and Clark Counties.' R. W. EDWARD SEARCY, D. D. G. M.-St. Joseph. 6TH DJSTRICT.

CO'mposed of Andrew, Holt, Atchison, Nodaway, DeKalb and Buchanan . Counties. R. W. R. T. P. RIDLEY, D. D. G. M.-WestoD. 7TH DISTRICT.

Composed of Platte, Clay and Clinton


R. W. L. S. CORNWELL, D. D. G. M.-Columbus. 8TH DISTRICT._

Composed of Johnson, Cass, Jackson and Lafayette Counties. R. W. SAM'L H. SAUNDERS, D. D. G. M.-Georgetown. 9TH DiSTRICT.

Composed of Pettis, Bates, Henry and Saline Counties. R. W. JOSEPH MEGQUIER, D. J). G. M.-Boonville. 10TH DISTRICT.

Compo3cd of Cooper, Morgan, Moniteau, Cole, Miller and Osage


R. W. J. R. BOYCE, D. D. G. M.-Columbia. 11TH DISTRICT,

Composed of Boone" Callaway and Audrain Counties. R. W. ClIAS. LEVY, D. D. G. M,-St. Louis. 12TH DISTRICT.

Composed of

st. Louis, .1 efferson, Franklin and Gasconade Counties.

R. W. E. F. Majors,D. D. G. M.-Warsaw. 13TH DI3TRICT,

Composed of

[ 19 ] R. W. JNO. W. CHENAULT, D. D. G. M.-l:lpringfield. 14TH DISTRICT.

Composed of

R. W. EDW'D S. RUGGLES, D. D. G. M.-Caledonia. 15TH DISTRICT.

Composed of

R. W. ROB'T HATCHER, D. D. G. M.-New.Madrid.. 16TH DISTRICT.

Composed of

The M. W. Grand master

appo~nted the










" "

" "





" CLARK WINDSOR, " CYRUS OSBORN, " P. DRAPER, Committee on forei~n correspondence. On motion, the M. W. Grand Master appointed as pecial COlD ... mittee for the purpose of nominating cliratol'S for the Masonic College, viz: Bro. J. A. Alford; W. J. Pigott, Wm. Cogswel. The G. L, was called off until 8 o'clock in ample form.



The Lodge was called on in ample form, present officers and members as yesterday.




To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The committee on Wa}路. and Muns most respectfully beg leave to report, that. they hav:e alone confined their investigation and examinations to the facts appeAring before the G. Lodge at this communication. They refer to the repor~ of the committee made at tbe lad annual communication for any information previous to report. f1'rom the best information in the power of the committee to路 have Acquired under all the circnmstances surrounding us, we state that the dues paid ill at tMs cQmmunicat icm to the Grand Lodge exclusive of the dues -to the College-amounts to between seventeen and eighteen hundred dollars, say $1800. The dues to the Colle~e fund, to about $1600 of the amountof dues to the Grand Lodge paid at this time as above, one-third is set apart as the charity fund, say $600. This leaves to the fund of the Grand Lodge about $1200. These sums hav.e been paid in by about sixty-four Lodges working under this Grand Lodge-leaving upwards of thirty Lodges yet to be heard from, 110 dues nor returns as yet received from them. Should we estimate the returns and dues from those thirty Lodges-by a fair comparifion of t.he Lodges paying in at this communication, we might set dOWh. the amount due the Grand Lodge at eight hundred dollars....-and the College fund at six hundred, but in urder to be within the sures~' estimate we shall put down the dues to the Grand Lodge from th'ese thirty Lodges at ... .. .. _.. .. ~ $800 00. And the College fund at .. $500 00. These last items are but estimates, but we think very favorable ones. From the report of the board, of curatou we find that on the l'stof October next there1will be due by the Board after deducting tUItion fees the 8um of .. .. $2792 24. To meet this liability there is now on hand say $1600 00.. Estimate amount from Lodges not reported now due 500 00.

$2,100 00.. Which leaves a balance due by the board of $692 29. This wilJ be due if the estimates above made is paid in, if not paid in there will be due $1192 29. The Grand Lodge will bear in llJind that the Report speaks of the indebtedness at tne ena of this collegiate year, that is 1st Oct. next. The last report of the Committee on Ways and Means brought down the iBdebtedness to the 1st of April, 1850, instead

of lit.Oct., 1850.

[21 ] The present Report embraces a period of 18 monthi instead of one year, The reason why the indebtedness is so large is, the payment arreara~es of former years. There was paid to President Sherwood upwards of $600,00; to the Agent, D0c. L. Blackwell, $500.00; to the fund for the Library upwards of $100,00; to the Building Committe nearly $450,00. Had these sums been paid by the Grand Lodge or been paid by the funds of the College accruing in the period of Ex-Presi路 dent Sherwood~s time of service, thet e would now ha"e been DO indebtedness beyond the power oCthe present College fund paid in at fhis communication, to extinguish. Were the Board of Curators able to payoff the i;Jdebtedneu which will be due in October next, your committee believe that the tuition fees after that period, in addition to the College fund annually paid in to the Grand Lodge, will entirely and completely pay the exp~nses of the Board in furnishing the Institution with the Faculty and 01her necessary expenses. fn this report we do not put down the S'Jtng of Grand Lodge dues, ch~ritv fund and college fund at the precise amount, becau~e we cannot yet ascertain. the exact sum, but we know the amount stated is very near correct, possibly a little under the real amount. JNO. F. RYLAND, Chairman.

of the


To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted l\iasons of the State of Missouri : Your committee reSpectfully state that they have had before them the able report of the Pl;esident of the College, and a report from the Board of Curators. In order that t he Grand Lodge may have the entire subject of the College fully before them, we have made them the basis of this report and beg leave now to have them read.

REPORT OF PRESIDENT OF COLLEGE. To the M. W. Grand Lodge of :Missouri : Having been placed in official connexiolJ with your Worshipful body, by the action of the noard of Curators of Masonic College, in electing me to the Presidency of that Institution, it becomett my duty to report to you its present condition and prospects. In assuming the resl'0nsibilities of my present position, I was not destitute of an humbling consciousneiss of my inadequacy to discharge its important trusts in a manner befitting its dignity and importance. Sustained however, by the kind confidence, and aided by the intelligent and prompt co-operation of the other members of the FacuUy, and of the Board of Curators,-and upheld by a simple and sincere desire and intention, of devoting my best exerUons to tne perpetuity aua prosperity of the Institution, I have gone through the labors of the greater portion of the Collegiate year.

[ 221 The manner and results ofmy administration, Ilf'8ve to the considl"ration oC others, who wiJI,of course animadvert upon whatever may be found defective or faulty, and approve and commend only that w.hich 'may be worthy of such distinction, if indeed any 6uch should be discovered. Although it is scarcE'ly necessary, it atfords me great pleasure to give my warmest commenda1ion of the able, faithful, impartial and effident manner in which my co-laborers have discharged the duties devolvinf. on them.ProCessors Patterson and Cameron are fully known to you al , and need no endorsement from me to establish their claims to yourfullelit confidence. It is sufficient to assure you, that with tbell' accustomed zeal and ability, they have attended the routine of duties connected with their departments. . Ofthe Adjuncts, Messrs. Chas. H, Grover and Sam'l W. ~ambdh, it is more nece~6ary that I write with greater parti~1l1arity and fulness, inas1Il.ch as thel'e were misgivings in the ~incls of some as ~o the .harmon.y and lnlc~ess of that scheme. Not that it was really an ex~erlment In the history of Collegiate Education, whose novelty was its chief conderimation, hut ~ecause they doubted its practicability among the free and independent den路 Izens of Upper Missouri. The result has lJappily demonstrated the groundlessaess of their apprehensions, and shown that human nature is as susceptible of generolls influel)ces here, as in the older communities of our country. The Board of Curators were fortunate in obtaining such young gentlemen to1m the Preparatory DepartmeDt, as have, during the pI:esent ye~r, ~is颅 char;ed the responliible trusts confided to them. To complete qualIfication for tneir work, united with a dignifit'd and manly bearing among thdr Students, they have maBifested an ardf'nt desire to establish a well-earned reputation for unwavt>ringo zeal and undeviating fidelity as Instructors. Hence, the profi~iency of those under their care has been such, as to win them the good ,opinion of all parties interested in the advancement of the College. And It would perhaps be the almost unanimous opinion of all -concerned, not only that your Worshipful body could not do better than to continue them, but might be doing serious detrimentto the illtere~b of the School, oy discontinuing the arrangement that brought them into connexion with its labors and prospects.. ~mong the st:rious impedimnnts to the prosperity of the College, the followmg. deserve especial attention. The imperfect state of tommon school education, is first in rapk and importance. Many Studer.ts who have been at other schools for several years, are made to believe that they are fully qualified to enter a class, possibly one of the more advanced, in Coll~ge. But where they are subjected to an examination, preparatory to assiglllng them their proper positions, lond are f9und to be deficient, as to thoroughness of instruction and extent of acquirements, and consequently unprepared to take the grade of study they had hoped to as~ume, they are dissatisfied with our requirements; and not only r(>fu~e to enter, but circulate reports derogatory to the character and ~retensions of the Institution. Again, others enter but for a limited time, and because we cannot devote our undividp.d time to their advancement, they become dissatisfied, complain that we keer them back; and often leave the school~ complaining of the arrangement 0 studies; and abusing the Professors as unaccommodating and stern; 9ur only sure defence against such evils and errors, is in correct public opmion. And, we must patiently bide our time, until the more general dIffusion of an enlighteued public sentiment upon these matters shall place u!) in our proper attItude, and' remove egregious misconceptions as to the real nature of true education. Another, and not a slight drawback upon our advancement, is the prE'Seilt high price for boarding in the city of Lexington, and its vicinity. Circumstances, which it is not in the power 01 a portion. of the community to control, opeIateto bring about this state of affairs. Th~ advanced \'!1I~e of property, the consequent high rate of rents, and the prIces of proVISions, always bringing their maximum cost in Ollf market, form combination of circumstances that results in putting up the rates of boarding to a higher

(23 ] standard herp., than at any other place in upper Missouri, it may be. How to obviate these difficulties, is a questiol. of difficult solution. Some deduc~ tion has been effected hov,vever, and we hope to be able to accol'O'plish greater still, so as to bring this matter to a more ee~nomical graduatwn. Hav, ing had some opportunities of observation, and po3sessing reliable sources of information, as to the management of the same affair elsl."where, I have no hesitation in saying, that the boarding, lodgingancl washing in Lexington, both as to quality ~nd quantity, is vastly superiot to that afforded in tne cheaper est,ablishments. Indeed, there are places I wotof the seat of College too, where the scale of habits and manner would form an insuperable objection with me, to the entering of my son as a student. If, howevel', it were at all practicable to erect a steward's Hall in connexion with the College, antl some one could be placed in its management, competentto conduct it properly and successfully, it would no doubt aid very materially in increasing the number of students. The present condition of the College is such, as to enable it to ask with the greater confi~e'nce than ever before, the liberal patronage of an enlightened community. Our Professor Patterson spent the greater portion of the last annual vacation in n trip to the city ot Boston, for the purpose of selecting and purchasing apparatull and a Library for the use of the Schnol. This duty was discharged with that prudencE' and discrimination for whicb that brother is so remakable. The selection is in all respects a most admirable one, and we are now in posse!'lsiQn of the means of ilIush ation and instruction in aU the defar/ments, fully equal to a7'JY within the State. They consist of a ChemIca and Philosophical apparatus, Globes, Maps, Cl-larts, Diagrams; Text Books, &c.) ~c., and amost admirable sele"ctiOn as far as it goes, consisting of about 400 volumes, of Historical, Literary and Mis:cellaneous works, of the most approvt:d standard authors, at a cost ot nearly $1,400 00. These, together with the thorongh organization of the dasses toward a full collegiate regimen, 'Place us in a lliuch higher position than we have ever hithp.rto enjoyed, andglve us countenance in appealing to the pubHe for a sustainingg and remunerating patronage. It is true that tIiere ara difficulties and discouragements in our path, butthey are not insuperable. "Time, Patience and Perseveran~e accomplish all things," is an axi.om whose wisdom and ntility have been vindicated a thousand times since its first utterance, and it is yet destined to accomplish immense benefit to the craft and the community. We feel the utmost confidence in its verification afrp.sh, in the complete success, ultimately, of the noble undertaking to which this Grand Lodge has set her hand "-uu pledged her sacred honor. Other institutions in their incipiency, have had alternations of light and shade-of gloom and gladness-but tru!>ting to tile aids of DIVINE PROVIDENCE, th~commanding merits ora ~ood cause, and the better traits of enlightened human nature, they h:\\"e co'me forth, eventually, in the full splendor of meridian brightness and glor~路. and are now exerting a wide-sprearl, healthful and salutary influence. Thes.l', thongh they are now most brilliant beacons, that send their !'loft and he:lllleous rays afar, o'er mountain, hill and vale, in whose gentle and refreshing light, mighty cities, pleasant villages, and peaceful homesteads are reposing, were once but a~ twinkling stars, scarcely visible in the ha1.yatmosphere of the dim and distant horizon. But their friends,路--the friends of human improvement and mental ilIumination--路stood firmly by them in ~he dark hOUT of stern adver路 sity; and when the st-orm hdd passed, and the hush of terror was over, they pressed en to the attainment of the distincti'ons that nrc now a crown of, rejoicing and adiadem of glory to them. May such be the -destiny of the Masonic College! RIsing ab 0 v,," the clouds and darkness which have obsCllrE:d her 'orient glory, may she roll on to a resplendent culmination in the intellectual heavens, and dnring- the lapse of many changeful generations, beam forth in all the brig-htness and glory of the slIn in his meridian splendor. I cannot close this hurried and imperfect communication, withollt adverting to the harmony .a~d kindly feeling.existing between the Faculty and the Students, and prevaIlIng also In an emment degree among the Students

[24 ] tberr.selves. On appearing before tpe school in the commencement of the Term, speaking- on my own, and in behalf of tlle other memhers of the Faculty, with whose sentiments I had hnd frequent opportunities of becoming acquainted, the assurance was given that we wished to rule only by force of the higher law of love,-that we hoped tbey would lo?k upon us rather as FRIENDS than otherwise. 路路-.and prayed most devoutly, that they mi~ht associate more as a band of Brothers, than strangers,路--and that in all our relations and intercourse, we de~ired that upright intentions, manly deportment, and fraternal feelings should bind and sway the entire mas&. These declarations of principle and practiee, were flg sincerely received as they were honestly avowel!, and in acting them out, the Faculty have secured the warm esteem and confidence.of the Students, whilst ~hey have fully entitled themselves to our sincere regard and decided approbation. As a conse9.uence, all things have moved on pleasantly and prosperously, and the contmuance ot our association has ol?ly tended to multiply and strengthen the ties that \mite and endear us to each other. In conclusion, I am happy in being permitted to state, that the prospects of the College are decidedly mOl'e encouraging than at any period since its location at the City ot Lexington. It is now getting to be understood that I he officers are all attheir proper places, with "the working tools of their profession" all in gook order, ready tor the duties and responsibilitiel; before them. Public attention is turning towards us very favorab! y,'if we may credit the many a58m auces given us on this score; and we expect, if sustaiped by your Worshipful body a few years longer, to b~ able to take our stand by the side of the most flourishing Institutions of Learning in our land. Very respectfully,



REPORT OF THE BOARD OF CURATOHS. To the l'vI. W. Grand Lodge: In obedience to the law of the Grand Lodge requirin~ it, the Board of Curators of the Masonic College at Lexin~ton, respectfully present the following report of the condition of the College. As at present constitute,l, the Faculty con拢lsts of a President elect, Profe"isor of Mathematics, Professor of Ancient La[lguages and Literature, and two Adjunct Proressurs in the Preparatory Depal tment. Each of them it is believed, with due diligence ano fidelity, is endeavoring to discharge the duties incumbent on him; and although some, on the reorganization of the Faculty, prophesied the withdrawal ofpatl"mage to sllch an extent as to jeopardize tbe very existence ot the College, it is gratifying to know that the number of Students being now 105, is greater than at any time during the last Collegiate year. The employment of Adjullcts, of the feasibility of which many entertained very serious apprehensions, h:1S succeedp.d quite as well as its friends anticipated, and not only silenced oppo!;ition, but won many to its support who were slow of faith as to its practicability. The state of Discipline in the College, taking the parental and fratemal relatio(,s as its mOllel and standard, is achif'ving its purpose most successfully, in the maintenance ot that ~ood order, kindly fe~llllg and devotedness t.o study, so indisperlsable to our success and prosperIty. We confidently challenge comparison, in tllese respects, with ny similar Institution in the country.

[25 ] It is with regret we are compelled to state that the College groundll rep main as they were last year, "unenclosed and unimproHd." We indulge the hope, that it is the intention of the Building Commtite~, to give those matters all ne~essary attention, "at their earliest convenience." ~n the month of July last year, Dr. :Blackwell; agent f(n the sale of scholarships, was unable to proceed in that w~rk without ~n advance of .funds by the Board of Curators. To enable hIm to go lin m that enterprIse an appropriation was voted him, adequate to his eXigeneies at the time. Since our last report to your worshipful body, the sum of three hundred dollars has been advanced to him, making in all an amollnt of five-hundred, since he undertook the agency. To carry out the direcfions of the Grand Lodge on that point, and to induce Dr. Blackwell to continue in the work, the fol. lOWing resolutions were passeds "Resolved, That Dr. Blackwell be reqnested to go on with the sale of Scholarships, with the understanding that the amount of his pay be referred to the Grand Lod~e, with the recommendation from this Board of Curators that the pay be fixed at teo per cent on the amount of Scholarships, and the money <!ollected or secured to be paid, Pl'ovided, $50,000 worth be sold; and if that amount be not sold, then the pay shall be 2 ~ per cent. and expenses incurred in the sale of said Scholarships." Up to this date, the sales amount to $18,000. The Dr. is yet actively engaged in the agency, and will no doubt make report of his proceedings at our present session. . In August of last year; Professor Patterson was authorizerl to proceed to the city of Boston to select and purchase App3ratus and a Library for the use of the College. The selection of Instruments, Globes, Maps, t;harts, Diagrams and Text Bo:>ks, for the illustration of the vario us branche3 of study, and of about 400 volumes of a Libr.ary for the general reading of the Students. was attended to with that judgment and discretion for which he is flO justly distinguished. The first cost of the apparatus was $815 37. Expenses on same 184 78. Makin~ an aggregl1te expendihlrefor apparatus of $1000 15. The Library was purchased <>n Plofessor Patterson's individual responsibility, payment for which becomes due Bomt:time in this month. The first cost of Library was $329 63. Expenses on same - 13 33路

$324 86. The Coll"p:e is thus placed on at least an equal footing with any other Institution in the State, and on far better condition than most of them. By action of the Board of C1lrators, the price of Tuition in thepreparatory or lowest grade of scholars in the Preparatory Department, has been reduced to $8 for Tuition, in place of$10, as it stood heretofore. This Was done to meet the views of many who deSIred to have their younger sons begin their course of education in OUf school, so that they might oe prepared to go on regularly in the course of studies marked out in our published C3talogues, as also to induce a more extended patrona~e in that Department, So far, it has worked well. It is for your worshipful body to affirm or rescind that action. From assurances given us by some members of the Building Committee, it is probable that they will be able to discharge the amount d..ue from it sometime during the spring or summer, In making out the r.eportof the liabilities of the Curators tor salaries &c., last year, an error was committed, the effect of which is to make this yeaT's indebt edness appear much larger than it ought. It seems that the report was to date, April 18th, 1850, instead of to the end of the Collegiate year, October 1st, 1850; and consequently leavinJr the acc'ruing expenses of several months of the time unaccounted and unprovidea for. That extra amount has to be added to the rendering of the current expens-

[ 26 ] e~

for this year, and, of course, swells it to that extent beyond its proper


The following- is the statement of accounts of l\fasf\nic College Lexing. ton Mo., up to Oct. 1st. 1851. AMOUNTS RECEIVED. Cash in l1ands of Board of Curators per lallt report ~ to Grand Lodge, .May 1st, 18.50••••••••••••••••••••• S $454 " from Grand Lodge" ., to meet deficiency,.... •• 2014 ,. P. Draper, from sale of old College •• '.'" •••••••• ··912 " " for balance of Tuition fees for pt. 21'd 3d and 4th session •••• 400 " "3rd Collegiate year, (1850 a·nd 1851,) •••••••.••••••• 01633

19 00 75 03 37

---$5,414 34

AMOUNTS PAID OUT SINCE LAST REPORT. Ex. Prest., C. G. McPherson, $441 35 Prest. F. L. B. Shaver, 650 00 Prof'r, Arch'd Patterson, 916 09 Wm Dameron, ·451 94 " Adjc. Pro. Grover and Lambeth, each $25.... 50 00 Dr. Bh\(;kwell, Ag't, 300 00 Building Committee, •• .. 169 04 Apparatus and Books, ..••.•••••••.•••••••••••• ··.1013 38 Expenses of College, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. 193 50 Cash pd Ex-Pres't Adiel Sherwood,

$4184 30 615 98-$4801 23

Balance on hand, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

j •••••••

$613 06

Liabilities of Masonic College, May 1st, 1851, including 3d Collegiate Year, ending Oct. 1st, 1851. Ex·Pres't C. G. Macpherson, $658 Pres. F. L. B. Shaver, ••• .. ·1392 Profes'r A. Patterson, •••••••••••••••••.•••••••..••• 1350 Profes'r Wm. Cameron, ••• ~ ..••••••••••••••••••••.•• 800 Adj'ct Profes'r Chas. H. Grover, ••••••••••••••••••••.125 "Sam'l W. Lambeth, 125 "

65 31 00 00 00 00

$4450 96

Resources of Masonic College, May 1st, '51. Grand Lodge, for Am't paid Dr. Blackwell, Ag't, ••..• $500 oq Building Committee, 444 68 Fund for purchase of Books, 100 63 Cash on hand, 613 06 $1658 67 Leaving a deficiency to be made up by Grand Lodge, of

$2792 29

The Committee regref that the deficiency h made to appear sO heavy thiS

[27 ] year, but·if the Board of Curators bad the amounts paid to the Ag't for-, Seholarships, dne from Building Committee. and Fund to purchase Books, pard to Ex-Pres't A. Sherwood, and C. G. MaephE!'rson, amounting in llll to $.d02 94, aU of which properly bplong to tbe deficiencies of former years, it would leave the balance for this year quite small. It is hoped blat the ~rand Lodge will never be called upon to ad vance so large an amount again. Indeed, we confidently expect, that in some 3 or 4 years more, the College will be able to sustam itself, and stand the proud monument of the inteUigent zeal, enlightened philanthr.>phy, and liberal contributions of the mem6ers of the Masonic Fraternity throughout our growing State. All of which is respectfully suomitted, WM. T. WOOD, Acting Pres't Board Curators. EDWARD WINSOR, Sec'y B'd Curators. MAY 1ST, 1851. By reference to the report of the Board of Curators it will be seen that the amount required to condlld the Institution througb this Collegiate rear ending on the' first Monday of October next, including the amounts paId to Bro. lUackwell and others, at.· •••• · .• • .•••••.••••••••••••..• $2792 29 From the Committee of Ways and Means we Jearn that the amount of College fund now in the Treasury is $lI:iOO, and to the contingent fund $1200, making an aggre~ate sum of $2800 00. We therefilre earnestly recommend that tbt> above liabilities of the College be forthwith liquidated, and thus free the College from all pecuniary embarrassment. In view of the happy condition of the i..ternal affairs of the ColJe~e as reported by its e{ficietlt and energetic President, and the financia: affairs 01' the Grahd Lodge as reported by the Committee of Ways und Means, permit us to congratulate the G. Lodge a"d all the friends of tbe College, on the favorable auspicE'S thu!! presented to our view. We have {lractical eVidence that we have the right men in their proper pla~e.s---a Faculty every way worthy and well qualified (or ilie important poslbons assigned them. To aid i'h the endowment of the College, it is !mg-gested that one thousand additional scholarships,of $!5 each for tour years tUition be sold, the purcha 4 ser to have 1he priYilege of 20 years to avail himself of its benefits. We further su~ge!lt that Bro. Shaver, the President, be requested to travel during vacation, and urge the daims and wants of the College as to him may seem best,and that the Board of Curat<.rs pay his travelling and other expenses. Your Committee would further remal'k that they are forC'ed to the conch14 ~ion that the greatest drawback to the prosperity (If the College, not.heretofore referred to, grows out of the high price of board charged by the citizens of Lexington; and deeming it to be an imperative duty, on their !)art, to suggest whatever remedy may seem to be practicable to obviate the dH~­ culty, they recommend that the attention'of the Board of Curators be dlrected to the establishment of a boarding-house, upon the College iot, or at some other convenient place, and that they report to the next Grand Lodge the most feasible plan of carrying out the above suggestion. RESOLVED, •. That the Grand Lodge of Missouri confirm the appointment of the present Faculty, RESOLVED, That the Grand Lodge approvp the reduction of the tuition fees in the Preparatory Departmer.t. RESOLVED, That the Faculty be permitted in their discretion to teaeh any orp~ans th,ey may select, free of cha~ge, and that the Masonic bodies loc~. ted m the Clty of Lexington, be permltted to send the orphans under thelr c:harge free of tuition fees. AU of which is respectfully submitted, JOS. FO STER, P. H. McBRIDE, S. H. SAUNDERS.

[ 28 ] To the M. W. Grand Lodge: The undersigned, committee to settle with the G. Treasurer, beg leave to report that they have examined his account and find the amount of funds re~eived by him up to tbis communication to be.·· ••••••••••••• $4730 90 CONTRA.

Am't paid out as per vouchers, ••.••••••••••••••••..••••••• 2866 95 Balance on h,nd, ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••..••••• $1863 95 All of which is respectfully submitted, B. 1". WALLACE, G. A. KICE, S. C. JETT. 00 motion of Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell, P; G, M., RESOLVED, That the Grand Secretary be required to draw his warrant on the Gralid Treasurer tor the sum of eight hundred and forty-two noHars 64 cents, anJ that the same be forwarded to the fund commissioners through tbe hilDds of one of the present delegates to the Grand Lodge. Adt'pted.


To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Mo.: The committee appointed to nominate Curators for the Masonic College, to serve during the ensuing two yean., would respectfully beg leave to preBent the followIng Brothers for your consideration-For District ~o. 1 Jno, H. Turner, Glasgow, "" 2 H H. Atwood, Carrollton, ,,(c 3 T. J. C. Fagg, ,,(c 4 P. Williams, Paris, St. Joseph, "" 5 Edward Searcey, Columbus, "" 7 L. S. Cornwell, Boonville, "" 7 Jos Megquier, St. Louis, "" 8 J os. Foster, Oseola, "" 9 Jas. W. Cox, ,(" 10 Jas. H. McBride, Springfield, Caledonia, "" 11 E. S. Ruggles, Farmington, "" 12 Jas. P. Davis, Lexington. Jno.Graves, Cyrus Osborn, Wm. H. Russell, Edward Windsor;

" "


All of which is respectfully submitted, WM. J. PIGOTT. Adopt~d.

The following was offered by Bro. Foster atthe suggestion of Bro. Wil-


Ordered that the By-Law fixing the meetings of this Grand Ledge at the City of Boonville is hereby repealed. Ordered that the next meeting of this G. Lodge be held in the City of St. Louis, on the first Monday in June, 1852. Ordered that the committee to revise the By.Laws of this G. r.od#{e be, and they are hereby instructed to fix the/annual meetings of the G. Lodge to be held in the City of St. Louis. Laid on the table.


To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Mo. : The committee to whom was referred the acc't of Bro. Blackwell, beg leave to submit the following facts fot" your consideration. We find that Bro. Blackwell has soid Scholarships to the amount of $18105 00 Commission on same l1t 10 P ct h: ••.••••••.•• $452 63 Cash collected, 152 75 Commission on same at 10 p ct. •• · ••••••.•• ···15 28

$467 91 Am't p'd Bro. Blackwell by Board of Curators, .....•...•.•..•..•..•••.• $500 00 Add. am't collected, ; 152 75

$18257 75

$652 15

Bal. over commission, $184 84.

In regard t(\ the emb:urassment in which Brother Blackwell says he is placed in consequence of his having resignpd his business in order that he might give his undivided attention to the sale of Scholarshirs and theinte.rests of the College, we respectfully submit to the consideration of the G. Lodge, believing t11at justice will be done to Bro. Blackwell in this matter. The amount of his liabilities is some $6(0 00, so stated by himself and baving no means to meet the same, he calls on Ihis G. Lodge for aid. Respectfully submitted, E. SEARCY, Ch'mn, Adopted. The committee on Forei~n Correspondence made a report, which was J;ead. Bro. Mitchell asked leave to withdraw it. On motion of Bro. T. W. Davis ii was RESOLVED, That the balance of $182 8-1 appf'aring against Bro. Blackwell be relnitt£'d. and that the further sum of $261 00 'be appropriated for his benefil. Adopted. Bro. Foster offered th~ followinlr: Ordered that the Grand Master draw his warrant on the Grand Treasur&r in favor of the Board of Curators for the Coljege fund, and for a sum to pav the balance of the debt, due by them, from the contingent fund, in accord. ance with the report of the Committee on College at this communication. Adopted. On motion of .Bro. T. W. Davis, It was resol\red that this Grand Lodge grant a dispensation to Central Lodge in Clay County, at Smith land. An account in favor of Grand Tyler for sundry expenses on acc't Grand Lodge was presented, amounting to $16 10, which was allowed and ordered to be paid. . \ " On motion of Bro. Megquier il was RESOLVED, Thatthe G. Sec'y draw a warrant for $20 on G.· Treasurer in favor of G. Tyler for his services. .' The commIttee appointed to settle with Orand Sec'y asked-to -be discharged, and the settlement referred to the formercoqlmit£ee, with instrtIctlOns to report at next comD111ni~.Jltion. Adopted .. The l\'I. W. Grand Lodge was then caHed to refreshment, until 2 o'clock, ill I,mple forli•.

[30] 9, O'clock The M. W. Grand Lodge was caned to labor on the third degree.aD .....

pIe form:

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARTERED LODGES.. To the Grand Lodge of Missouri: The undersigned committee on work of I.odges under charters respectfully report that they have examined all the reports received up to thil' time, and submit herewith a Jist of the same in tabular form together with some particulars which we have deemed important for the information of the Grand Lodge.

No.' 1 2 9 12 18 19 30 31 32 36 40 45 47 48 61 53 64 It6



64 68


76 78


82 87 90



.96 100 101

102 104: 105 106 111 113 114 114 118 119

Names of


I~ ---------i' ~ e: ~ !f



un- G.dues. Wge CoDer. afir D.. paid. fun.

Missouri, 01 8 '1 41 '1 6 '1 20 Beaoon Goo. WashingtoD, 7 7 5 34 221 15 ~, b 5 4 25 Palm~, Paris nion, 111 31 Huntsville, 686 31 Liberty, 821 23 4 I) 6 79 Lafayette, Cooper, 222 37 I) 4: 3 26 Mount Moriah, Bonhomme, 1 1 2 15 323 25 ~ette, ton, 8 ~ 46 21 Livingston, Weston, 8 7: 7 64 Douglass, & 5: 4 17 I) ArrOw Rock, Platte, lO 8 734 Ozark 8 2 2 15 18 Landmark,. Tebo, 1 1 .2 J5 2 3 3 39 Warren, I) 6 .'>43 Independence, 910 10 44 St. JOlleph, 7, I) 6 31 NeOllho, Jackson, 21 Washington, 1 26 Prairie, 11 8 8 25 Madison, 6 b 7 30 Pleasant Rill, 910 9 30 St. Andrews, 1 8 838 Canton, 4 4 427 Green, 6 6 6 28 Bloomington, S'5 5 35 Heroine, 4: 2 2 14 {klier, 1514 13 44 Miami, 2 1 17 ~nton, 2221 20 25 Plattsburg, 1 14 Waverly, 2 3 3 1.9 Sibley, -233 19 Davies, 19 Hiram, 8 812 7/35 tFoster, 6 4: 5 1~


400 100 11 00 10 00 100


. 4,22


3100 100 69 00

3 00 400


4'1 00 20 00 34 00 15 00 25 00 27 00 3100 2300 79 00 37 00 26 00 5 00 24 00 46 00 21 00 6400

25 00 20 00 19 00 5 00 14 00 3 00 20 00' II 00 15 00 12 00 12 00 400 8 00 20 00 100 22 00


20 00

15 00 7 001 18 00 \ 15 00 400 3100 80 00 43 00 16 00 44 00 29 00 27 00 1800 21 00 26 00 100

52 00

39 00 20 00

63 00


31) 00 30 00 38 00

22 00 2800 23 00

8 00 3500 1400 44 00 I7 00

3400 15 00 8 00 4200 3 00 25 00 100 100 7 00 200 23 00 I5 00

14 00

I900 19 00 19 00 35 00 18 00

[ 31 ] List of Chartered Lodges Continued, Names of



Cedar, Dover, Hermann, Compas, Gentryville, Golden Square, Ezel, Vel'l!ai!es, Ashley, NapbtaIi:, Johnson, St. Louis, Bridgeton, 92 Perseverance, 88 Olive Branch, 34 Troy, 86 Mitchel, 88 Olive Branch, 100 Canton,

'122 123 120 125 107 112 117 76 25 85 20 80

12 Tyro, 45 BOnhomme, 18 Palmyra, 54 DougllUlS, 77 Polar Star, 83 Dana, 88 Olive Blauch, 93 St. Mark,

1 ~.

~~I ~'Dues tnl.'a. LodgeJCollege~

i .i




4/ 13 1 41 19 1 8 4 7 1 19; 4 ,5' 6;13' 5' 7 7:241 1818 15271 1, 3 3211 1524 3 4 417 3 3 333 1 7 'l '122, 'll: 9 '950' 3 3 219: 5' 4 429: 13 '1 7'231 5 I) 617 :30 4 2' 222 11 8 4, I) 8221 7 8 721 2 2 2 II 10 1 7 I) 19 11 I I 191 3 3 [) 211 7. 5 422 10 9' 161 IOIOJ10 aOl





13 00· 3 00

5 00

53 00



19 00 19 00 13 00 24 00 14 00 18 00 3400 17 00 33 00 17 00 50 00 19 00 29 00



00 30 00 25 00 6 00 8 00 30 00 22 00

13 00 1400 2100 II 00

I fund

12 0 19,00 15 00 19 00 61 00 8 00 4'1'00 II 00 9 00 2100 29 00 8 00. 15 00 16 00 30 00 5 00 2400 17 OU 2200 i 6·00 ' II 00

1849 u

18St}, It Il

" "



13 00

16 00 30 00

30 00 30 00

38 00

it It It

Your committee have carefully examined the returns and abstracts of the subordinate Lod~es under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge so far as they have come to hand and we take pleasure in saying that they embrace the essential requirements of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge as also the work. In the proceedirgs of Madison Lodge No•. 91, Brother Ray was expelled by said Lodge•. Itseems that the charges had been prefered against the e-xpl!J)ed Bro. previous to the last annual communication ot this Grand Lodge,and whil,e said ch~rges wer,e being tried, said Ray was expellt:d for insulting the Lodge, and not on th~ charg~s prefered against htm The !patter was brought up to the Grand Lodge at its last communication and remanded to Madison Lodge No. 91, fOf a new trial. They s~y in their proceedings that they do not know.: the residenceJ of Bro. Ra~' and could not give him notice, and that, they went into the trial on the former charges ·'Exparle" and expelled him. There is no appeal from W. Ray before this Orand Lodge and we sudmit the case to the Grand Lodge for acti->n. All of which is respectfully submitted, JNO•. H. TURNER, Chairman. Adopted.


The following was offere.d by B,·o. Foste'l": Ordl!red that the Grand Master draw his warrant on the Grand Treasurer of this Grand Lodge in favor of Bro. Patterson for the sum of three hundred forty-two dollars and eightr.-six cents, advanced by him for the purchase of books for the College Llbrary-aud that said amonnt he borrowed from the funds under the control of the College fund commissioners as soon as the Library funds will admit. Saill amount to be on interest at 6 per cent until paid. The payment of which with the said interest, the Grand Lodge hereby pledges its faith. Adopted.· , On motion t)f Bro. Mc.Farland it w~"

[32 ] Resolved by the Grand Lodge ofthe State of Mo., that the Grand TreaslIrer be authorized to r~fund the amount of thirteen dollars, paid to the Grand S(>c't. at our last annual communication by the D. D. G. Mast~r of the Third District-sent up by old Pike Lodge U. D. for the purpose of paying for their charter: Adopted. On motion of Bro, Wallace it was Resolved, That atter the payment of the several amounts authorized by this G. LOd~e from the G;and charity fund, the residue be and the same i!J hereby reqUired to be paid over to the Fnnd commissioners; and alsi) that after the payment of the current expenses of this c.ommunication and the warrants authorised by this Gland Lodge to be drawn on the contingent Fund, the remainder, be and the same is hereby required to be paid to the Fund commissioners. On motion of Bro. Ryland it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to have a deputy. Adopted. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Bros. Jno. So Watson, Andrew J. Coons. 'md Jos. Rowe, C~llege fund Comissioners. Their being no further business, the M. W. Grand Lodge was closed in ample fOI In until the first Monday in May, 1852. C. D. W. JOHNSON, G. Secretary.

[ 88 ] LIST OF LODGES. Names of Lodges.

M . . .~i-ss-o-u--;ri,...., -.-••-.-••-.-=.'-.-••-.-.1 Beacon>...... ...... ... Geo. Washington •••••• 'I'yro,. .... • .. Clarksville ~ Palmyra,. ••• •••• •••••• Pans Union, .. St. Loui~, • Naphtali, ,..... • St. John's; •••• •••• •••• Huntsville, .... .... .... Liberty,. •••• •••• •••••• Lafayette, •• •••• • •• •••• Troy,.... • •••• •••• •••• Cooper,....... •••• •.••• Mt. Moriah,. ...... .... Jefferson City,.... • •••• Bonhomme, •••••• • • •• • Fayette, .... .... ..... Fulton, •••• •••••• • •••• Livingston,.. .... .. .... W dconda, •• •••• ..••••• Weston, 'Douglas, •••••• •••• •••• Arrow Rock, .. .. •• .... Platte, ••• ••• •••• •••••• RiChmond, •••• •••••• •• Monticello, Osceola, .. Landmark. •••• •••• •••• Rocheport, .. .... ...... Tebo,.... •••••• .• ••••• Savannah,.... •••••• ••• Danville, •••• •••• •••••• EUleka,; .... .... ...... Warren, ••••••••••••• , Ashley,.... ...... ..... Independence, • •••• •••• St. Joseph, ...... .... •• Polar Star, •••• •••••• •• Bridgeton, Neosbo, Jackson, •..• •••• •••• .. Dana,.... •••• •••• .••• • Multnoma, •••• .••• •••• Johnson, ...... •• .. Washington,.... Olive Branch, Friendship" Prairie, •••• •••• •••• •• • Madison,.... .... ...... Perseverance, •.••••.•• St. Mark'~,...... .•.• •• Boone,.... •••• •..• ••.• Acacia, •••••• ••.• •..•• .. St. Andrew!!,.... Pleasant Hill ••

Location•. No. I St. Louis, 3 9

12 17 18 19

" "

Caledonia, ClarkSVille; Palmyra, Paris, 20 St. Louis,

" 28 Hannibal,


30 Huntsville,

31 32 34 36

Liberty, Lexington, Troy,


St. Louis,

43 45 47

Jefferson City, M'inchester, Fayette, Fulton, Glasgow, Carrollton, Weston, Marthasville, Arrow Rock, Platte City, Richmond, Monticpllo, Osceola, Warsaw, Rocheport" Clinton, Savannah, Danville,

48 51 52

53 54

55 b6

51 58 6.1


67 68 71 72


County. St, Louis,

"" Pike. Marion. Monroe. St. LowS.

" Randolph. Lafayette. Lincoln, Cooper. St. Louis. Cole. Howard. Callaway. Howard,•. Catroll. Platte. Warren. Saline. Platte. Ray. Lewis. St.. Clair. Brnton. Boone. Henry: Andrew. Montgomery.

73 74 Keytsville,

75 Ashley,

76 Indf'pendence, 78 St. "o~eph, 79 St. LOlliS, 80 ·.Bridgeton, 81 Neosho, 82 Linnoous, 83 Calhoun, 84 Oregon City, l'-5 W'arrensburg, 87 (jreenfield, 88 Union, 89 90 Harrisonville, 9] Fredericktown, 92 Loui~ialla, 93 City of Cape Girardeau, 94 Columbia~ 95 Jackson, 96 Sh~lbyville, 97 Pleasa~t Hill

Cbariton. Pike. .Iackson. Buchanan. ~t. Louis. Newton_ Linn. Henry. O.egon, O. T. Johnson. Dade. Ifranklin. Cass. Monroe. Pike. Cape Girardeau•. Boone. Cape Girardeau·. Shelby. Casso

[ 34 ]

LIST OF LODGES-Continued. ~ames of Lod~~ Western Star, ••••••••• Mount Vernon,.. •••••• Canton,...... .... Green,.... .. •.•..• :Hloomington,.......... Carthage, .. .. •• .. .. Heroine,t." .... .... Relief, ••• , .. •• .. •. •• .• Miami, .. .. •• .. .. .. ... Golden Square,........ New Madrid,., ...• ••••




98 99 Mt. Vernon, 100 Canton, 101 Springfield, 102 Bloomington, 103 Carthage,

104 Kap~as, 105 Georgetown, ]06


10'1 West Port, 108 New Madrid,

Santafee,........... ... Ion Marcus,~. • •• • • •. • • •• .. 110 Trenton, .. ...... .. • 1:1 1 Ezell,.. •. •... ..••.• 112 Plattsburg,.. .. 113 114 Waverly, Sibley, 115 Davies, '" 116 Versailles, ~ 117 Hiram, •• . . .. •• •• .. •.• 118 Foster, •.••••••..•.•.. 119 Compas, .. . 120 Erwin................. 121 Dover, •.•••...••.•. , .. 122 Hermann, •. •• •. •• .. .•• 123 Cedar,........ ..•• .••• 124 Gentryville, .. •• •• .. ... 125 Athens,.... •.•••.•• .•. 127 Kirksville, •• •• . . • •• .•. ]28 Constantine,.. •. . • • . • •• 129 Barry,................ 130 Potosi,. • •• • • ••• 131 .Farmington,.. • •• 132 Star of the West, • • 133 Sarcoxie, • • • • • • • 134 RIdgely, • • • • • • • 135 Phoentx, • • ]36 Mitchel, • . . . . . V.D.


Lawrence. Lewis. Green. Randolph. Ja'lper. Jackson. Pettis. Saline. JacksQn. New Madrid. N.M.

Trenton, iSt. Francisville, Plattsburg, Waverly, Sibley, [.allatin, Versailles; St. Charles, Bentoll, P"rkviJIe, St. Louis, Dover" Herrr.ann, Fremont, Gentryville, Atbens, Kirksville, Charlestqn,.

Grundy. Clark. Clinton. Lafayette. Jackson. Davies. Morgan. St. Charles. Scott. Platte. St. LouiF.

Potosi, Farrr.ington, Pilot Knob, Sarcoxie,

Wasbington. Jasper.

Bowling;;reen, Columbus,

Pike. Johnson.


Gasconade. Cedar. Gentry. Gentry. Adair. Mississippi.


IFo1"m in which .I1nnual Returns should be made.]

ANNUAL REPORT Of the Officers and Members of- - Lodge, No.. -, held at---, - - County ~ Mo., for the year ending - - A. L. 585

,A. D. 185

~1~IRallk'I~I~Raised; L~itieal



Date of- Charter, 185 - .

I Died·I~1 Suspendeif.jG•.L.

Dues.: Col. Fee~Remarks.

I TotaL






Most A.neieDt and Honorable Fraternity OJ


STATE OF MISSOURI, Con v ened in t k e .Vi ty


Boo n e viiie ,

May 3rd, A. D. 1852, A. L. 5852.




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