1858 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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'fHE 'fhirty-Eighth Annual Communication of the I.\Iost Worshipful Granl! Looge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, was hell! in the city of St. Louis, COIllmencing on the fourth Monthy of Ma.y, the 24th day, A. D.

1858-A. L. 5858. Were present:路

M. \Y. SAML. II. SAUNDERS, Grand Mastel'. HT. W. L. S. CORNWELL, as Deputy Gr. M. " " "

" " "

" " REV." "

" "


.l\IARCUS llOYD, Gr. S. Warden. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Gr. J. Warden. JOHN D. DAGGETT, Gr. Treasurer. A. O'SULLIVAN, Gr. Secretary. J. E. DRAKE, Gr. S. Deacon. JOHN DECKER, Gr. J. Deacon. J. G. 路WHITE, as Gr. Chaplain. A. STILLE, Gr. Tyler.




M. W. S. W. B. CARNEGY, P. Gr. Master. " " JOHN RALLS, P. G. M. " " JOSEPH FOSTER, P. G.M. " " L. S. CORNWELL, P.G.M. RT. " GEO. H. C. MELODY, P.D.G.M. " " S. F. CURRIE, P. D. G. M. " " O. F. POTTER, P.D. G.M. OSBORN, P. G. Warden. ", " C. E. F. GREENLEAF, D. D. G. M. " GEO. WHITCOMB, D.D.G.M. " " JOHN W. LUKE, D. D. G. M. " " SYL. C. GRISWOLD, D. D. G. M. " " L. E. WILLIAMSON, D. D. G. M. " "


The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was opened in the Third Degree in ample form. Prayer by Rev. Bro. J. G. White, Grand Chaplain. The M. W. Grand }faster appointed Bros. Houston, Osborn and Mallory a Committee on Cred~ntials, who reported the following C2J represented: Iio.



1 Missouri

St. Louis

2 Meridian 3 Bea.con

St. Louis St. Louis


5 United

SprinWicld 7 Grover Ca1houn 8 Williamsburg Williamsburg 9 Geo. Wasbiu!!ton.St. Louis ., 11


13 RisinlJ' §un 14 Aubu~n

16 Memphi8 17 Clnrksville 18 Palmyra

N.urzs or OFFICERS.

John D. Da~gett ·W. M. R. S. Voorhies.•••••......... S. W. J. W. A. Newmark A. O'Sul1ivan w. M. Jos. Crooks W. M. cJ. B. Mear8 ·S. \r. A. Squires J. Marcus Boyd ·\V. M. James A. Tutt ~. W. E. V. Dyson S. W. D. Embrv W. M. D. A. Armstrong ". w. J. L. Gillespie !. W. W . M. G. A. Kp.Jlncr M. T. Samuel. "S. w. Williarn )1. R(:yuO[lk W. M. Chllrles M,\rtifl lOW. )1. T. R. Vau~hn W. M. RoLert Canan : W. )1.


Barry Auburn Memphis Clarksville Palmyra

- - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- - - .. Proxies.




22 23

24 25 26

28 2\l 31 32 33

34 36 39

40 42 4-1 45 49 50 51

52 53


55 56 51l 60

64 66 67 68 60 iO

it 72 i~



Wellington.......•.De Kalb Florida Florida Wyaconda Lagrllnge Naphthali St. LOUls

NAMES 07 orrtCI:RS.

J. T. Martin

W. M. William White 8. W. Thomlls E. Shepherd W. M. John Decker W. M. J. II. McLane •••••••••...... 8. W. Isidore 'furk J. W. Mexico Mexico 8. M. Edwards....•' \V. M. St. Joans Ho.nnibal.. N. P. Kunkle W. M. Osa;;e LittleOsage L. Dodge W. M" Liberty Liberty F. L. Hubbell. W. M. J. L. Steadman .'''S. W. Lafl1yette Lexington William T. Do.vis "".J. W. Ralls Madisonville John Ralls M. Troy Troy G. W. Porter M. Cooper Boonville John Ainslie J W. 'fully :rully H. M. Woodyard W. M. Mt. Moriah Bremen William McK. Brooke W. M. S. B. Stannard S. W. Jos. Brooke ·J. W. Middle Grove Middle Grove B. P. Ritehie ""J. W. Hochester Rochester HenryBlount "" w. M. Bonhomme Manchester A. B. Barbee "" W. M. William S. Chunn 8. W. D. Newman "".T. yv. H~ynevill~ H?'ynevil1e John R. l~iD~ ""w. M. Mlddleto"n hllddletown Henry 8hadwell W. M. Livingston Glasgow John H. Turner W. M. Wako.nda. Co.rrollton William H. Winfrey W. M. John F. Houston "S. W. James }<~. Drake ·J. W. 'Weston 'yeston S. P. McCurdy W. M. Elias Barbce "".J. w. Douglo.ss ~'1arthasyille 8'1.1v. C. Griswold "5. W. 11 . D. Waller ·J. W. Arrow Rock Arrow Rock O. }'. Potter ""w. M. J. L. Hardeman S. W. Platte Platte City Samuel M. Hays W. M. Monticello Monticello Hoard Roberts W. M. New Bloomfield New Bloomfield J. L. Chltn~y S. W. V. O. Austm J. W. Landmark Warsaw W. Kilbuek 8. W. Linn Linn .'I.'. M. Herndon W. M. Rocheport Roeheport F. D. Evans ""5. w. 'I.·ebo Clinton :1.'. H. Suttles W. M. B. IJ. Qnarlcs S. W. S. P. "\shby J. W. Alexandria Alexnndria E. }'. Grecnlcaf.. yV. M. Honnokc Roanoke J. B. Bl'lldfllrd W. M. SanJ.nnah S'LYannah O. II. J'. Crni;; W. M. Danvillc DnIlville G. IL 1\Iilton..: *W. M. W. D. B\l~h J. W. Eureka Bl'unswick H. II. Dkkey c"W. M. Ashley Ashley I\. F. 'I'rayll"r W. M







76 7i 78

Independence Lebanon St. Joseph

80 Bridgeton 82 Jackson 83 Laclcdc

86 Mitchell 92 Perseverance 93 100

St. Marka Canton

102 Bloomington 104 Heroine 112 Ezell 113 PlattsblU'g 117 Versailles 121 Erwin 122 Dover 123 lIermann 129 Constantine

131 Potosi 142 Pleasant Grore 143 !,'lint Ilill 147 Buffalo

149 Lexington 154 Concord 155 Spring IIill.. 159 Pacific 160 Edina 163 Occidental 164 Joaohim 165 166 167 169 170 172 173 174

Maryville MJrl\bile Eldorttdo Tuscumbia. Benevolence Wolf Island Union Sturgeon

.Independence Steelville St. Joseph

~ .\MEB



F. Wallace A, Metcalf.. W. Ie Penick JOB. Gl'uhb Bridgeton R. or. Edmundson Linnreu8 J. R. Rclfe Lebanon O. S. Williams J. ll.lIarrison Columhus L. S. Cornwell. Louisiana Ed. McCuen Thollla~ J. C. Fagg C<l.pe Giro.rdeau..•William Bouney Canton S. W. B. Carnegy Z. 'f. Knight Bloomington T. B. Howe Kans:J.s G. W. Tindale St..Frn.neisville D. M. Repsher Plattsburg U. W. Culver Versailles Daniel Williams St. Loui8 ~'. W. Sennewl\ld Dover J. II. MRllory Hermnnn Charles D. Eitzen Charleston W. G. Cooley W. P. Swank W. H. l;oodin Potosi F. H. L. Laird Otteryille S. H. Saunders Flint Hill F. S. Whitchcad lluffalo John Steele •J. II. Paine Lexington H.obert Hale ()oncord 8. N. Russell.. 8prinll; lIill. .'\.. D. Martin Franklin J. B. H. Beak EdinlL S. M. 'Vil't W. G. Bl'v;\D& St. Louis Wm. N. Loker lIillsboro' A. P. Hesser E. F. Horrey Maryville E. Downing ~1irabile S. n. Bay Luray 1. J. Agnew Tuscumbia U. F. Mal'lin Utica Will iam Hixon Wolf Island George Whitcomb Woolford's Store.J. S. Kcl~ey StU1geon Ab",tlolll Hicks

S. W. ·W. M. W. M. S. W. W. M. W. M. W. M. ·J. W. W. M. ·W. M.



S. W. W. M. J. W. W. M. S. W. W. M. W. M. W. M. W. M. W. M. ·S. W. ·W. M. S. W. ·J. W. ·S. w. ·W. M. W. M. W. M.

·S. W. ·S.


*J. W.

W. M. W. M. ·W. M. 3. W. 8. W. W. M. S. W. W. M. W. M. *\V. M. W. M. W. M. S. W. ·W. M. ·W. M.

All of which is respectfully submitted.




The Grand Master declared a quorum present for the transa.<l· tion of business. Bro. Vaughn offered the following: Resolved, That the representatives of Subordina.te C€tJ be allowed to vote and sit in Grand 0 without their jewels. Adopted. Bro. Canan offered the following: Resolved, That tho reading of the proceedings of the last Annual Communication be dispensed with, printed copies being in possession of the members. Adopted. On motion of Bro. Daggett, it W'as Resolved, That delegates from C€tJ U. D. be permitted to occupy seats, and participate in the deliberations of the Grand D. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor ulltil two o'clock this afternoon.


two o'clock P. M.

The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by tho M. W. Grand Master. . Grand officers at their several stations. The Most Worshipful Grand Master deli"cred the following address:



Tbruugh the mercy and guidance of our Supreme Grand Master, we are permitted again to asst'mble in our representative capa.city in Grand 0 , to receive and c.ompare returns of the past year's labor, and to provide, by wise and prudent legislation to remedy evils, if a.ny exist, and to adopt such measures :l:J 'will be conducive to the best interest of our beloved Order for the ensuing year. Then let us .return thanks to Him that has watched over us; through whose goodness we have met around this altar, in this hall, dedicate'd to universal benevolence, again to extend and receive that fraternal greeting which










c\'cr characterize~ the meeting of this band of brothcrs, linked together lLS we are by that inJissoluble ehain of !'ineere affection, whose tenets are brothcrl.r Love, Relief and Truth; whose practice is, to soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortnnes, and to restore peace to the troubled mind. But let us not forget, my brethren, "in the midst of life we nre in death." Since the last communication of this Grand 0, H. W. George Pettit, D~ D. G. 111. of the 21st Masonic District, Rt. W. Alex. T. Douglass, P. Gr. W., and R. W. Rich. B. Dallam, P. G. Secretary of this Grand 0, have been summoned by our Supreme Grand ~Iaster from this ten-estial, I hope to that celestial Grand 0 above. In the death of Bro. Pettit, the Grand 0 has lost a zealous and efficient officer, and the fraternity a worthy brother. With Bro. Dallam I had nO) personal acquaintance; but the high estimation in which he was held by those who personally knew him, is the best guarantee that he was worthy while li\'ing, by haYing at his burial the last sad offices paid to the dead performed by the Grand O. Mj' official acts have been confined to a very nllrrow limit, from the fact, that at no period in the history of this Grand 0 have the craft had a better right to be proud of our honorerl Order than the present. From the reports of the D. D. Gr. )lasters it will be seen tha't peace, harmony and prosperity, with a very few exceptions, permde our entire jurisdiction; that not only moral but intellectual qualifications are now required to gain admission into our mystic temple; that the moral influence ineulcatctl by our Order is seen a.nd felt by all. Let these principles be the guide of our Subordinate ::EJ in the future, and the combined prejudices of church and 8tatc cannot mar our harmonj' or circumscribe our usefulness. I have grant~d but one dispensation to open a 0 , and that at Wellington, Lafayette County. The kn.own skill of the Master named in tho dispensation (Bro. C. Osborne) was a sufficient guarantee that its porta.ls would be well guarded. I have received several petitions to open new 4b, which I should have granted. but for the expressed policy of the Grand 0 not to increase the number of CEJ. This was particularly the case on a petitirll1 from a number of brethren of J~eesburg, Henry County.




This petition will be laid before the Granu 0, and I hope the prayer of the petition will be granted. At the request of P. G. ~laster L. S. Cornwell, I drew a draft on the Granll TreasUl'cr for $150, to pay the interest on It debt duc by the College to Henry Thompson, of Johnson County. In the month of December I received letters from lic\wal.brcthren living under the jurisdiction of that unfvrtimate Middleton o No. 50, charging it with unroasonic conduct. It being out of my power to prrsooally attend and investigate these charges, I immediately wrote to H. W. S. C. Griswold, D. G. Master of that district, to visit that 0, investigate the charges, and, if feuotl correct, to arrest the charter. From the report of Bro. Grislvold it will be seen that he \'isited this 0, and, for the reasons assigned, did not act as directed. I have received reports {l'om the D. D. G. Masters of Districts Nos. 4,10,11,12,13,17, 19, and 21, detniling their official acts and recommending such measures as they deem beneficial to the craft. The recommendations or the~e efficient officers will, I have no doubt, recciye due attention and consideration from this Grand body. I han:- received many inquiries from CE:J and brethren inrrgard to law and nsage. ~[an:' of these questions coulll ha'"e been answered by the writers, upon examination of our By-Laws, "'hile others involved grave questions of Masonic jurispructeQ,ce. I have answered all these inquiries, to the best of my ability. ' Upon receil'iug information of the death of Bro. Pettit, I appointed Bro. Geo. Whitcomb D. D. G. Master of that District. From his known zeal ~tnd acknowledged qml1itications. I fl'lt confident that the duties of that important oilice wonld be satisfaeto\'i!y performed. 'fhe most important measure th:\t will claim your calm :lIllI deliberate attention, at this communication. will Ill' the :\Jas'.lnic College; fol' it i.~ a路 qnrstion of vital impcrtance to the flltnre action of this t~ra1l(1 CJ. I cannot Sl'e this qnl'stioll ill allY nrhl'r light than a contract IJd1lccn this t~ralltl L~ and the citizC'lls of Lafa.'"eLtc County. Let m: take a hril'f r('t\'(lspcdin:, view of this question, :llll! S('l' ir III carlt alltl eyery l,hase it dOt's not stalld








in bold relief as a contract. We are told that there is no written contract. Are Masons' obligations written? Yes, but only on the tahlets of the brain-hollor their base, truth their attribute, and plain-dealing their practice. When the Grand 0, in 1846, determined to change the location of the College from Marion County, it issued a circular requesting proposals from any part of the State to make donations for the erection of the necessary buildings for the College, and agreed to remove it to that point that made the most liberal offer. Was this not a proposition for a contract? And when, in the communication of March, 1847, the propositions from Lafayette County wcre accepted by the Grand 0, and the College permanently located there, did not tha.t act seal it a8 a contract? And every act of this Grand 0, from that time to the present, has been in strict carries accordance with that construction; and if the Grand into effect the resolution offered at its last communication to sell the College, without the consent of the other contracting parties, it would lay itself liable to damages from each and everyone of the citizens of Lafayette County who have contributed in paying for the College property at Lexington, besides putting a blot upon our fail' escutcheon that time would not efface. Tho friends of this resolution assert that the Grand 0 cannot stand this great burden, that some of the Subordinate CÂŁJ will surrender their charters rather than be taxed any longer to support the College. If this opinion was founded on facts, that they were taxed to support the College, then there would be some grounds for complaint; but when the facts are otherwise, then their complaints are not nJid; for not one brother in the State is taxed to support the College. So far from this, his contributions to the have been reduced in the last five years from one dollar Grand 10 half that amount, and the support of tho College, in a groat measure, has been from the candidates for Masonry, and not from the M3sons, 3S the one dollar donated by the candidate. has constituted one-half of the amount donated by the Grand 0 to the College in the last ten years. But, my brethren, let us look at this question in another light~ not of dollars and cents, but of utility, of honest pride; for I will





venture the assertion, there is not a Mason in Missouri but who, at the mention of this Masonic temple of learning, has not felt proud that he constituted one of that brotherhood who have built up and sustained thus far this, the noblest monument that Masonry could erect for its mission in the diffusion of light-the light of science, radiating from the centre to the circumference, sending forth its votaries to diffuse knowledge, the chief corner-stone of our civil and political rights. Can we not sustain it? Can we not foster it for a short time, till its roots take firm hold and draw their sustenance from their lcgitimate source? Shall it be said that Masonry, that time-honored institution, will not do what nearly every church in this State is now doing, sustaining their respective institutions of lca~ning? I hope the day is far distant when this shaH be the decision of this Grand body. We can sustain it. Its liabilities are $5,671 85. To meet thesc liabilities we have now available $1,419 85, leaving a balance of $4,2.52 .52 to relieve it of evrry cent of indebtedness. We have also lauds unsold worth $400 00; and, with the amount of $1000, reported by Brother Carnegy, when aYa,ilable, will leave the balance due by the College $2,852 02; and for the liCJuidation 0 r. which we have the revenues of this communication, besides the pledged aid of some of the Subordinates of one dollar from each member to liquidate its debts and add to its endowment. • The recommendation of the Committee of Foreign Correspondence, at our last communication, in regard to publishing in the proceedings of this Grand 0 the names of the members of C£I:J, I trust will receive the sanction of the Grand 0, as its practical utility none will deny, and the increased cost of printing will not exceed $150 00. I would also recommend that a sufficient num~ bel' of copies of the proceedings of the Grand 0 be printed to furnish every brother of every Lodge )vith a copy, that aU may sec what is done, that hereafter, when any action of this Grand Body 1111l,,)' have to go before the Subordinates, every brother may obtain the desired information from the record, as the action of this Grand 0 is a perfect blank to a large majority of the fraternity. It is true that our By-Laws require the proceedings sent to the Snbol'dillates to be read to the C£I:J. But is this ever done '! So






II i


far as my knowledge extends, it iR a. dead letter in our statute. But give to each member a copy, and at his leisure moments he will examine it, and know what the action of this Grand 0 has been. It is his right to have this information, and as an act of justice I hope the Grand will extend it to him.

Some of our Cf!::J have been imposed UpOD, for the want of information as to who are suspended or expelled masons. If a sheet accompanying the proceedings, giving the names of every suspended or expelled Mason in every State of the Unio~, was prepared, this difficulty would no longer remain. The reiterated complaints of the lack of uniformity of work, as reported by the D. D. G. Masters, requires the serious consideration of the Grand D. To remedy this difficulty many plans have been proposed lLnd tried, and we are yet far from its accomplishment. Under our present system, wIth the industry: zeal and acknowledged qualifications of our Grand Lecturer, can this be accomplished"r But to look at the number of CEJ (176). and the question is answered; it is an impossibility! I would suggest that the Grand Lecturer exemplify the work before the Grand 0 , and that e\'ery brother, when the work differs from that taught by him, shall state the difference, and the Grand 0 shall by vote determine ~hich is the work. Then divide the State into six Masonic Districts, appoint a D. Grand Lecturer to each, and let the Grand Lecturer see that they are fully qualified to perform their duty; let them immediately meet every in their respective jurisdictions, and instruct them in the work, and allow a fa,ir compensation to the D. G. Lecturers for their labor.

That cardinal virtue of Masonry, Tcmperance, should be strictly enforced by an edict of this Grand 0; mere ablStract resolutions on this virtue, mY,brethren, will not do. It is the foundation upon which is crected nine-tenths of the discord that mars the harmony of our Order, and the Grand 0 should, and I hope will, pass some edict, compelling the Masters and Wardens of the Subordinates to take decisive action on this subject. We shall then see exemplified the charge in our ritual "that in all trespass against 0111' Tules you are to judge with ca.ndor, admonish with




friendship and reprehend with justice."


Then, and not till then,

will this bane of our Order be remedied. On my arrival in St. Louis, I was handeu by the Grand Secretary a communication from the M. W. R. R. Rees, Grand Master of Kansas, enclosing a letter from Leavenworth 0 No.2, Kansas Territory, complaining of the action of Weston 0 No. 53, in regard to jurisdiction. In the only case cited by Leavenworth 0 No.2, I do not think the charge of infringement of jurisdiction holds good, as officers of the army have no permanent residence; but if Weston 0 was cognizant of the action of Leavenworth 0 in the case cited, its action was not in accordance with our ByLaws or the spirit of Masonry; and I hope and believe in all future actions of our frontier ~, they will ever keep in view the Order. principles that govern On the 15th of February, I received an invitation from the M. W. Jno. S. Caldwell, Grand Mastel' of Virginia, inviting the officers of this Grand 0 to be present in Richmond, Virginia, on the 22d inst., at the inauguration of the statue of our illustlious brother George Washington. The invitation was received so short a time before the appointed day, that I could notuotify the othl'r officers of the Grand 0 in time to attend, or be present myself on that interesting occasion. Some two months since I received a circular from the R. W. Jno. Dove, Grand Secretary of the Grand 0 of Virginia, requesting the fraternity of this State to aid the ladies of the "Mount Vernon Association" in purchasing the Tomb of Washington. What the Congress of the;:e States, united by his wisdom and valor-what Virginia, the State honored by his birth, will not do, is for women and Masons to achieve! Can they do it? Will they do it? The response of 300,000 Masons, from Canada to Mexico, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, will be, we can and will do this act of justice to our Order, by placing this ballowed spot in trust to those who will guard it from pollution. It will become then to the Mason what Jerusalem is to the Christian and JewMecca to the Mohammedan-a shrine to which every brothel' of the mystic tie may make his pilgrimage, and offer up his prayer for the welfare of our Order.



I have received, and herewith submit to the Grand oJ the circular of Bro. Jno. Dove, one of the permanent Committee of the Universal Congress that assembled in Paris, and submitted the propositions embodied in the circular for the approval or otherwise of thisanu all other Grand Bodies. I can see no reason why this Grand 0 should not give its assent to these propositions, as they embody nothing inconsistent with the principles and, to a great extent, the practice of this Grand D. All the practical propositions, if carried into effect, would, no doubt, add much to strengthen the fraternal feeling existing in our Universal Brotherhood. Having, as briefiy a8 possible, laid before you my official acts, and such recommendations as my judgment dictated, I have but to add, that in your deliberation for the good of the fraternity you will have my hearty co-operation-that, as we have met'upon the Level, may we act by the Plumb, and, when our labor is ended, part upon the Square.

SAM'L H. SAUNDERS. The following are the reports of the D. D. Grand Masters: CABnot.L CoUNTY, Mo., ApJ'il 20th, 185S.

M. W. G. M. SAM'L H. SAUNDERS: Dear Sir and Brot1Ler-The undersigned, as D. D. G. M. of District No.4, respectfully reports: That since receiving from you the appointment of D. D. G. M., I have visited each of the Câ‚ŹJ in this District, but, owing to a failure on the part of Richmond 0 57 to receive the notice of my intended official v.isit, I was deprived the pleasure of meeting the D. The records, however, I carefully examined, ami am glad to sa.y that they evidence a disposition on the part of the members to suffer none to take the initiatory step who does Dot possess all the clements out of which to make good Masons. Yet, notwithstanding the vigilant manner in which the" outer door" has been guarded, the noble cause of Masonry here is progressive, and Richmond 0 No. 57 is adding to her numbers gradually persons of good morals and high respectability, such as I doubt not will do honor to our time honored institution.



Mirabile No. 166, at Mirabile, Caldwell County, Missouri, having received a charter at the last Annual Communication of the Grand 0, and being unable, from circumstances over which I had no control, to attend, I deputized Bro. Elias Parrott, a worthy and No. 62, to constitute, convery intelligent P. M. of Maysville secrate and dedicate the 0 , and install the officers thereof; ","110 attended and performed that duty. In January last I visitcll the 0 , and found the same in truly a prosperous condition. The membership is increasing rapidly, llnd it may in truth be said, that the elevating influence of the principles inculcated by the Order are seen and acknowledged by all the intelligent and unprejudiced of the uninitiated. No. 52, at Carrollton, Missouri, is in a most Wakanda thriving condition, and at no anterior period has the institution of Masonry occupied a more elevated position in this county than "at the present time. As much can be said of its practical efrects, in the moral improvement of its members, as of its increasing popularity. Only one evil threatens us, and that is, in too many instances the door of initiation is too wide. Yet a radical improvement in this particular is manifest here. I rejoice in being able to say w you, and through you to the Grand 0 , that the CE:::J in this district have, without a. single individual member dissenting, determined to sustain, and with their means maintain, the Masonic College, believing, liS they religiously do, that there is a moral obligation resting upon them as Masons, infinitely more binding than any legal engagement could be, to uphold and sustain permanently the College at Lexington. Each and every affiliated. Mason in this district stands pledged by the action of the several CEb to contribute the sum of one dollar, in addition to their regular dues, toward the payment of the present indebtedness of the College; which, if done by every affiliated Mason in this State, I apprehend would place the College out of debt, free from any pecuniarycnrbarrassment whatever. A subject of deep interest to the prosperity of our J\Ia~onic institution is to secure a. uniformity of work and lectures in onr Subordinate CEJ. This should not be lost sight of; and, although our efforts in this regard have signally failed, in consequence of the





almost unprecedented amount of labor required or our present able and untiring Grand Lecturer, I still am of the opinion that a perfect uniformity can he secured by adopting the followillg plan: Di\'ille the State into four districts, and appoint Bro. A. O'Sullivan Grand Lcdurcl', with three intelligent brethren, one from each of the three remaining districts, as Deputy Grand Lecturers, all of ,,-holD, IJefore they engage in the discharge of their duty, shall obtain from Bro. O'Sullivan the work and lectures as given by him in the Grand 0 , and then make it obligatory upon them to yisit every 0 in this jurisdiction, and remain a sufficient length of time to instruct the Master and Wardens in the work, etc., the c;b paying the lecturer or deputy a fair compensation for his time. It is impossible for Bro. O'Sullivan to visit near all the CB, even though all his time was 01' could be devoted in this way; hence I make the suggestion above. Respectfully and fratel'l1allj' submitted.

JOHN F. HOUSTQN, D, D. G. :M. 4th Diotrict.


': i

THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAKD :\IAsTER Of the Grantll.odge Dr Missouri:

The unuersigned, having faileu to make a report in accordance with the requirements of the 13 J'.Laws of the Grand 0 , would, by recent resolution, report: As D. D. G. ?II. of the 7th Masonic District I have granted dispensations for the formation of the following C€:J :-Kenner 0 , at Athens, Clark County; Kovelty 0 , at Novelty, Knox County; which C£J I opened and set to work, as required by the By-Laws. O\\'ing to my absence from the State during last winter, I have not been aUe to visit all the C£J in my di~trict; but as many as I have visited I found in a PI'OliPCl'OU~ condition, peace and harmony prevailing. And, Worshipful Grand J\1aster, hearing myself censured hy the Committee on ~ U. D., for opening the Winchester o without :t dispensation or charter, r would here state, that the Jispensation for saiJ 0 wa~ entrusted tli my care by the Grand

ii_secretary at our last Annual Communication, to CfllTY to saiJ 0 ; and on my way home said dispensation was stolen from me, which


_.._----_ _--_. __._--,-_.. ..





fact was made known to the Grand Secretary on my arrival home. I visited 'Wincbester, and made the brethren llCquainted with the loss of said dispensation; and it being on the night of their regular meeting, and many brothers present, I was requested to meet with and lecture to tbem, which I did to the best of my ability; but doing no work at that or any other time, till they obtained the lost dispensation, or another. , I would respectfully recommend that the Worshipful Grand Master appoint some one better qualified to disseminate Masonic light III my district than myself. Respectfully submitted.

E. F. GREENLEAF, May 27, 1858.

D. D. G. 111. 7th Masonic District.

To M. W. S. II. SAUNDERS, Grand Master, Grand I,odge of MissoUlj:

I am much gratified to have it in my power to report, that Masonry is in a sounl! and he:rlthy condition in the Tenth Masonic District of :Missouri, so far as I havo ascertained from visiting the several CE::J, and from other sources. In addition to my own 0, Perseverance No. 92, I have visited Auburn No. 184, Ashley No. 75, and Phcenix No. 136, and inspected their work and records, and find them generally correct, excepting slight discrepancies in some of their records, attributable to the want of care on the part of the Secretaries. The "work," as remarked, is genemlly correct, though in many instances not full, being abbreviated too much to be as forcible and impressive as it should be. In the more important features of a more elevated moral and intellectual standard of qualification of candidates, I think the work of this tlistrict will compare more than favorably with any former year. In some of thc CE::J but little work has been llonc. This fact alonc is lL favorable indication; for the too great popularity of our )Jcloved Order, it cannot be denied, 1H18 led to the introduction of unsuitable material, not in this district alone, but throughout thc jurisdiction of our Gmnd O. Let us 1lfll'C tllat onr hrethrcn will profit by pai't experience, :lllil WIt "n1ft'!' tlw desire to incrc:l8f~ their numlJC'rs t/l inllllce the allmis-




sion of those who have not proper .moral and intellectual fitness for the edifice. If I mistake not, the peculiar want of Masonry is a clearer perception of tho truo dignity and glory of the Order, and its true dcsign,-not tho dignity 3>nd glor.y of IlCr tinsel ornaments and solemn processions - not tho glory attending the most profound knowledge of her mere shibboleths, though this knowledge is indispensablo,-but the dignity 3>nd glory of a more elevated standa,rd of intellectual culture-of moml rectitude-of inflexible fidelity to moml obligation. Let the conduct of our members be ever such t113>t tho world shall know from our example and conduct that no man, not possessed of these qualifications, daro onter our portals, 3>nd we may bid defiance to all the storms of prejudice and 3>1l the schemes that malice can invent to injure lIS. 'We have but to be true to our professions, to comm3>nd the respect and conudence of all.good men. Fraternally submitted.

P. DRAPER, D. D. G.l\I. 10th Masonic Di;t.rict.


:Mo., 20th April, 1858.

M. W. G. M. S. H. SAUNDERS: Dear Sir-I encloso you 3> blank report, which W3>S not expected until nearly tho expiration of the year. My business was such in the forepart the last summer, that I could not visit the C§J in tho district. Afterward was unablo to do so, by being crippled; and just getting well again. I have heard from nearly all during the year; they seem to be prosperous, getting along with harmony and good foeling, so far as I hear. Very respectfully and fraternally yours,





Mo., Mn.y l~t, 1858.

TIlE M. W. GltAND MASTER Of Lhe (Jr:J.Jld Lodgo A. F. A. l\fn~on8 of the flh,te of Missouri:

In cumpliance with a rcguhtion of the Grand D, I herewith hand you my report us D. D. G. 1\1. of the 12th Masonic District. ====~=='..=~===-_._-----------_ ..:-::=-------_.._-



I have visited, with two exceptions, viz., Danville No. 72 t and Hiram, No. 118, all the CE:J in tbis district, and find that in all the utmost harmony and good feeling appear to prevail t as also a great desire to do nothing but what will promote the best interests of Masonry in this Grand 0 jurisdiction. Agreeably to your instructions, through R'o W. A. O'Sullivan, Grand Secretary, I visited Warrenton, and: laid before the members there the proposals of the Grand 0; but owing to the death \ of some of their officers, and the negligence of others, they failed to comply with the terms proposed, and hence, on the first of July last, their charter was annulled. On receipt of your letter, I visited Middletown 0 No. 50, and found that a majority of the brethren are endeavoring to live up to the teachings of Masonry, but have been very much disturbed in their 0 by a few who have demitted and denounced their 0 and its members. I could not examine the case reported to you thoroughly, as the party claiming to be a.ggrieved was not present, but had taken an appeal to the Grand 0, where, I suppose, the matter will be fully inquired into. From the best information I could get, the brother causing this disturbance is claiming membership, or rather demission, while he holds membership in and presides over another o. I hope that our next Grand 0 will be able fully to adjudieu,te the matter, that the brethren of Middletown Inay thereafter let" brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement them." On the application of Bros. G, B. H. Foreman, Wm. H. Pace, James M. Foreman, C. L. S. Grigg, and seyeral other brethren in the vicinity of Bcar Creek, in Montgomery County, and the recommendation of the nearest 0t u,nd most of them personally known to me, and knowing that they had provided a good hn,l[, I granted them a dispensation to open Griswold 0 U. D., which dispensation bears date November 30th, A. L. 58G7; but owing to jllncf:s, I was deterred from starting them to work until the bst of February, 18.')8. Onr H.. W. n. Lectnl'cr hrl.s visited several of t.hr, CjJ~ in thi8 jllris f lir;ti"n, anrl the offic~rs of thc Lfh tlntR vi';it.cd aT<~ :I.llhcrillg rigidly to the work and Ier.tures received. From t.he TTl:Jrked elr(~('t



that has been produced by our Grand Lecturer where he has visited, I a.m of the opinion that it would be well to adopt the same regulations as have been adopted by Indiana, Iowa, Ma ine or Ohio, whereby we may have a Lecturer to each district. All the L:E:J will have the benefit of proper instruction. The above is resp'ectfully submitted by . SYL. C. GRISWOLD, D. D. G. M. 12th MMonic District.


M. W. S. H.


April 17tb, 1858.

G. M. :

As required by the laws of the Grand 0, I now proceed to make report for the past Masonic year. I have visited all the CEJ in my district, with the exception of Dover No. 122, and made two visits to that place; but they failed to have a quorum in attendance, consequently I did nothing at that place. There has been but little increase in the membership during the year, and in " one or two CEJ none at all. Shawnee 0 U. D. has increased more than any other, and mostly young men, who appear to appreciate their high calling. The record of this 0 has been very badly kept; as they do not show who or whether any person was present at their meetings, and in sOme instances, accordin/2; to the record, the First and Second degrees have been conferred in a. 0 of Master Masons, a.nd the Third in the :First or Second degree. This, I was assured by the Master and members, had never been done, but was the fault of the Secretary. They assured me that for the future they would be more pal~ticular. This 0, unfortunately, is without a place to meet, as their hall was burned some time in January. 1.'hey say they will build a suitable hall, which they think will be ready to occupy early in the season, until which they will suspend work. Golden Square 0, although not a,s fiourishing as usual, is in a. healthy condition. As it is immediately on the border, thero have been applications from persons residing in Kansas for the degrees in that 0, which have been refused. This matter was referred to me, and my decision was, that, with the consent of the 0 under whose jurisdiction they resided, and thc consent of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kansas, they






would have a perfect right to receive thein. Heroine 0, at Kansas City, after having long been almost dead, is slowly but gradually rising to her appropriate stand and a career of usefulness. Independence 0 is in a healthy but not very prosperous condition. ~'he same may be said of Lafayette and Lexington CEJ, in Lexington. Waverly 0 has been in bad condition for some time, but I think there is more disposition on the part of the members to discharge their duties than formerly. Dawson 0 U. D. is doing but little work, but enough to satisfy me that 8he knows her duty and will endeavor to fulfil it. I have granted a dispensation for a new 0 at Chapel Hill, in this county, and shall organize it in a few days. I think that, taken in connection, the CEJ in this district, if not increasing as fast as formerly, are in quite as healthy a condition as I have known them. Sibley 0 is, I think, in better condition than at any time since I have had charge of this district. which When Masons will practice those duties out of the they profess in it, her prosperity will be constant. Fraternally, C. OSBORN,

D. D. G. M.



Masonic District.

THE R. W. GRAND MASTER Of the Grand Lodge of A. F. A. Masons of tlle State of Ilfis80uri :

In making this, my annual report, I cannot but express my gratitude to the Grand Master of the Universe for his watchful care and kind presidency over the craft during the past year. In taking a survey of the field over which I have the honor to preside, there are some things to be deplored, and much calculated to inspire the craft with hope that a better day is dawning. In June last, Newton No. 175 was duly organized and dedicated, under a charter granted by the Grand 0 , under very favorable auspices and with flattering prospect8; but circumstances have since transpired to cause some difficulties. Some very serious difficulties have occurred in Sarcoxie 0, which caused the 0 to pass a resolution to suspend work until after the next Grand Communication.



These difficulties came up at a. very unfortunate time. The craft was struggling hard to erect a hall; they had it in progress, and about ready to lay the corner-stone. I have some doubts whether the breach will soon be healed, and I submit to the wisdoJ+l of the Grand 0, whether it would not be better for the craft to arrest the charter and let the old difficulties die away. It is to be regretted, that generally there is too little attention paid to the principles and ancient landmarks of Masonry. Judging from a.ppearances, we would be led to the conclusion, that the great object of the craft was to increase in numbers and fill the coffers of CEJ; for there are some in almost all CEJ who know comparatively nothing of the work or lectures, and who are constantly violating all the moral principles of Masonry. Tho LÂŁ:J in this district have been in the habit of shuffling over the work of the several degrees, and suffering with impunity the most palpable and flagrant violations of Masonic principles. But I am happy to inform you that there is a general spirit of reform among the Cfb. They.are taking more pains in giving the lectures, and seem to be determined to return to the ancient landmarks. Hence there has not been so much work done by the several CEJ, and henec also some of the difficulties that have ariscn in some of the Cfl:J. I have not been able to devote the attention to the craft that a D. D. ought to: my pecuniary condition would not permit me, without injury to-my business and family; but I think, if the proper attention could be given by a competent D. D., that Masonry in this district would soon be what it ought to be. Yours, fraternally, T.M.JOIINSON,D.D.G.M.



M. W.

GRAND MASTER Of the Grund Lodge of Missouri:

I herewith present my report for the 18th Masonic District for the last Masonic year.



I have, during the year, granted dispensations for three C£]. They hay,", all been organized and put to work. Rising Star 0 would seem to have been rather too active in conferring degrees without some explanation, she having conferred nineteen degrees since August. That is explained by, the fact that several persolls who had been initiated in United 0 were transferred to Rising Star 0, because they lived nearer to it than to United D. 'rho CE::J in my district, so far as I have been :1ble to learn, are in the enj oyment of peace and brotherly love, with perhaps one exception. Some difficulties exist in one of the C2:J, but I believe a m<1jority of its members are determined to cleanse it oE the rubbish, and bring about a state of true Masonic intercourse and conduct. All of which is most respectfully submitted. MARCUS BOYD, D. D. 18th District.

May 24th, 1858.



W. 11.




G. M. :

Dear Sir and Brother-In pursuance of an order £1'om the Grand 0 transmitted to me through you, as the District Deputy Grand Master of this district, requiring of me to report to that Grund body, through you, the present condition of the several C€J composing tbis district, I am salTY that it is necessary £1)1' me to acknowledge my .delinquency in not performing my duty more faithfully. So far as I have visited the LEJ and examined their work, 1 cannot detect any innovations in the established landmarks laid down by our ancient usages. I do not profess to thoroughly understand them myself. I find in some !=2::J some words put in and repeated in the work in the several degrees. I suppose they were intended to convey the same meaning as laid down by the great men who planned and fitted together the work received as the true work of our institution. All the LEJ I have visitell scem to have bccome convinced of the fact that the best way to promote peace and harnlony in the L2J is to keep out impropcr material; and, to carry out their views, they have used freely their l'i::;hts in the ballot-box.

Ther~~= C€J considerable work bog_u_~_1



and completing OIl what they think is proper material. I find good men are seeking admittance into our Masonic body. I also find in some Câ‚Ź:J it is thought an applicant who cannot write his name is unfit to be made a Mason. I find some difference of opinion in regard to what is meant by being sound in body and mind-that none should be rejected who c'u.n by their own labor support themselves and contribute to the wants of others; while some contend that none but perfect men in all their members could be made a Mason. In fact I find the By-Laws of the eeJ strictly prohibit intemperance; and I am sorry to be compelled to say that they are in many instances overlooked. Drinking to excess, habimal swearing, is too often passed over in the e:e::J without any notice being taken of it; and as I am now, and always "ish to be, an advocate for strict temperance, yet I cannot be willing to have our society blcndcd with that of temperance in all its forms. Such has been attempted, us I have heard, by somc of our C@J. In regard to the Masonic Colleg,e, I find that the Worshipful Masters h(l,vc had much trouble in getting two-thirds of their members together at anyone meeting; and when there was, the action h(l,s been differcnt in the different C2:J. Each result will be forwarded in due time. I think all the By-Laws of the C2:J in this district h:we been changed to conform to the requirements of the Gmnd D. I have not been able to visit the 0 at Linn, Osage County, and hope the districts will be changed. 'fhat 0 is situated in 11 portion of country that is cut off from this by the Osage River. No public conveyances running from here to that point; thc distance about eighty miles. I think it would be best to arrange that 0 in the district below it. Consi(lcring all the clements that are at work in our broad and ha,ppy land, wc hayc good cause to be proud of Free :Masonry for its stea~lfast adherance to the oM and time-honored usages of our Masonic instit.ntion. In conclusion, permit me to ofter to the Grand 0 my wnrmcst and ardent desire for its prosperity, and to you my sincere regard for your welfare in this' life and in the other to come. L. E. WILLIAMSON.







M. W.


Mississippi County, May 10,1858.

S.uWEL H. SAUNDERS, Grand Master of Masons in Missouri:

The undersigned, Deputy Grand Master for District No. 21, composed of the Counties of .Mississippi, Scott, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunklin, Butler, and Ripley, would respectfully report: Th.at Bro. George Pettit, of Foster 0 No. 119, who has been for many years the D. G. M. for this district, has departed this life, and was buried with the usual honors by Foster O. The customary resolutions were adopted by that 0 , and also by Constantine 0, which, for many years, had been a special favorite with Bro. Pettit. Our brother left his work, upon the lower temple, full of years and of honors. He was one of the earliest settlers in Missouri; had always been an active business man, and at his death was Judge of the Probate Court in his county. The undersigned was appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Bro. Pettit. The appointment was received with much regret, as the recipient not only felt his want of the many qualifications necessary for the faithful discharge of his duties, but his business, which requires his constant every day attention, leaves him little time to devote to the duties of an office, second to none in its practical effects upon the fraternity. Deeming it, however, too late to return the appointment and have another substituted in his place, for the current year, the undersigned has attempted to perform the duties, so unexpectedly conferred upon him, to the best of his ability. Not having time to visit the more distant CEJ, he availed himself of the provisions of the By-Laws, and commissioned brother Richard H. Hatcher, r. 1\1. of Ncw Madrid 0, an old and skillful Mason, to visit officially the CEJ of Point Pleasant No. 176 and New Madrid No. 1 0 8 . This duty was performed by Bro. Hatcher, who reports, that Point Pleasant 0 is increasing in numbers, and its members manifest much zeal in their work. New Madrid 0, he reports, is "flourishing as a green bay tree,"

l.!==h""a=V=in=g=b=e=en=p=a=rt=ic=u=l~ar=l:=Y=f=o:::rt=u=n=a;=r:=_.=i_n=--=t_h=~=s:lec=t=io=n=of=n::;:e=w=n=l=Cl=n=L=C=rs=,==_ _


----=-=--================ 26



and that the utmost harmony and good feeling exists among them. His report is herewith enclosed. A visit was made to Scott County, but owing to the fact that Foster 0 No. 119 had no hall to meet in, it was not convened. Their former 0 room has been torn down, and they arc now fitting up a new one, in the upper story of the Court House, now building in that county. As this 0 worked under the immediate inspection and supervision of Bro. Pettit, it was presumed that their work would not require any'revision. Constantine 0 No. 129 has pursued the even tenor of hel' way during the past year. She is not a "fast" 0, but takes time to thoroughly inspect the material, and do her work well-the outside pressure, 80 common in country towns, having been mostly -drawn off by other societies. She has a fine library, furnishes her members with It text-book (McCoy's Manual) and a copy of the By-Laws of the Grand o. She has about $1000 funds, and is making arrangements to build a hall for her exclusive use, the present one being occupied jointly with other societies. WolE Island 0 No. 172 is a new 0, chartered last year. Their work has been done well, but they have labored under some peculiar emLarrassments. Their code of By-Laws, which was an exact transcript of the By-Laws of an elder 0, was so materially changed by the Grand 0 in adopting the report of the Committee on C拢:J U. D., that they have been at a loss what to do. 1'ho provisions in regard to tho duties of the officers-similar to those in every code of By-Laws-the time-honored custom, in use in nearly every 0 in the Union, of requiring the petition to be youched for, or rocommended by at least two members of the 0 , and of appointing a committee to investigate the character of the applicant; also, tho few simple rules for preserving order and doc0rulll in proceodings and debates, usual not ouly in Masonic By路Laws, Lut in those of almost every societ,y, were all stricken olll, for the sillgular reason that all those werC provided f01" in the By-Laws of the Grand 0; when the truth is, the By-Laws of the Grand 0 do not prescribe the duties of the officers, nor con-






ta,in any rules for the government of Subordinate e:::e:J, and are as silent as thc grave upon the manner of ascertaining the fitness or applicants. They contain rules prescribing the duties of the officers of the Grand 0, and oE " proceedings, decorum and debates" therein, but make no provision for matters which anyone, whose ears are not unusually lengthy, must know belongs to the By-Laws of the body they are made to govern. The article on the" admission of candidates," which was drawn up with special reference to the By-Laws of the Grand 0 , and the ancient charges, rules and regulations-f-one of the most important matters in the By-Laws of any society (the admission of new membel's) was stricken out for the same reason, when the By-Laws of I the Grand 0 contain few provisions upon the subject, except some restrictions and limitations. I The article on appeals, which was l)early a verbatim copy of the same article in the By-Laws of the Gr'and 0, WaS also stricken out, for no apparent reason, unless it is that the Grand 0 has copies of her By-Laws for sale to the members of her Subordinates. It might be a money-gathering operation to prohibit the Subordinates from putting in their By-Laws the rules and matters necesfor their government, and thereby compel their members to purchase of the Grand 0 , or else sit in darkness and have no rules; but whether it would be equitable, fraternal or Masonic, might well be questioned. . The undersigned has 113,d occallion to investigate the subject of By-Laws of e:::e:J with some care, and has examined over two hundred different codes, including the rules published in England in 1722-the code by Calrott, in 176g-the By-Laws of Antiquity 0, in London, (the oldest in the world,) first published in 17m-the By-Laws of St. John's 0 No.1, in New York, the oldest in America-the celebrated code of National 0, in New York, the mod~l in that State-the forms adopted by the Grand e:::e:J of Ohio and South Carolina-Bro. Mackey's form, and the model code of Bro. Morris, drawn up after a careful collection of nearly fifteen hundred different lists of By-Laws-and in all these, without an exception, are similar provisions to those stricken out of the Wolf Island code.



Believlng it to be of great importance to the craft that this matter should be well understood, your attention is respectfully called to the subject; for if it be true that 4b cannot have in their 0 rules anything that is in the ancient charges or the By-Laws of the Grand 0, then will the By-Laws of most-probably every 0 in the Union-require to be changed. Indeed, they might as well be abolished, as they would contain little else than the nu,me of the 0 and the time of meeting. The undersigned regrets that he has not been able to make a. more full report, but circumstances, over which he has no control, have prevented him. With many thanks for your kindness, which will be ever remembered, this report is respectfully submitted. GEO. WHITCOMB. CAPE GIRARDEAU,




May 1st, 185S.

G. M.:

1110s1 Worshipful Sir-I beg leave to submit the following report of my official acts for the past Masonic year: In September last, I visited St. Mary's 0 No. 63, Perryville, Missouri, examined their proceedings, found them correct, and installed her offic,ers. This 0 is in a prosperous condition. Also visited Union 0 No. 173, at Wolford's Store, Bollinger County, examined their proceedings, found them correct, except the slight error of the Secretary in calling the S. W. W. M. pro tern., when presiding, and which I directed him to write ex officio in lieu. I installed their officers. This 0 is in a fiourishiug condition, and, though young, has erected quite a comfortable hall. I have also resuscitated Acacia 0 No. 95, at Jackson, Missouri, which has not been working, except semi-ocasioually, for three years. I directed that their old officers should hold over until their next regular election, and where vacancies existed to fill them tLt their next regular communication, which was done. Found the minutes correct, except the failure of the Sccretary to record the raising the last candidate, and I ordered the amend-





ment made. The brothers of this 0 have gone to work in earnest, and I hope will succeed in building up a fine D. I have also frequently visited St. Mark's 0 No. 93, and find the minutes badly kept, the record not stating upon what degree the 0 was opened, and other errors, all of which I have had corrected. This 0 numbers fifty members, and is in a healthy condition. In April, I received a petition from Bro. H. H. Bedford, and six other Master Masons, of Stoddard County, recommended by St. Mark's 0 No. 93, praying for a dispensation to meet and work in Bloomfield, which I forwarded to the Grand Secretary, and directed him to issue the dispensation and forward. I visited them for the purpose of setting them to work; but Bros. Kictchen and Bedford not having their demits, I, of course, could not organize them. All of which is respectfully submitted. JNO. H. WILSON, D. D. G. M. for the 22nd Mallonic District.

To M. W.

B路RO. S.

H. SAUNDERS, Grand Master G. L. of Missouri :

Dear Sir-In compliance with the duties of the office conferred on me by you, I have visited the several 4!J in my district embraced in this report, which I now present to you, as showing the condition, to some extent, of Ancient Craft Masonry in this district. The returns of the several 4!J to the R. W. Grand Secretary, which I hope will be sent in punctually, will exhibit more minutely their numerical strength and increase. Missouri 0 No.1, George Washington No.9, Naphthali No. 25, and Polar Star No. 79, meeting in the most central part of the city, are in a flourishing condition; their meetings are well a.ttended both by members and visitors, records well kept, work well done, and officers ably assisted in the discharge of their duties. ])olar Star 0 No. 79 has been unfortunate in tho loss, hy absence, of the W. M. elect, and by death of the ,J. W. The vacation of two important uffices is always calculated to impair the



welfare of a


however ably filled they may be by others pro

tern. St. Louis No. 20 is, I fear, in a languishing condition. When Occidental was formed she carried ofr the greater portion of her working members, and she has since done little. Records are well kept, and work generally done correct. Erwin No. 121 has a fair attendance at regular meetings. Records kept in the German language, with an English synopsis; work and business done principally in German, and, I think, too exclusively so, and on this account there is less intercourse by visiting with this 0 and the members of other C€J, though its location is central. Beacon No.2 and Mount Moriah No. 40 are not favorably located for strength of numbers, or for the attraction of Yi8itors, but faithfully attended by a fair proportion of their own members., are diligent in their efforts to work cOITeetly, [md determine carefully upon applications for admissjon. llecords arc well kept. Occidental No. 163 is in a prosperous condition; in a good location for a steady increase of worth'y members. Meetings weI; attended, and work good; records 'rell kept, and mer'nbers have a just pride in the welfare of their D. Meridian No.2 is pursuing quietly the even tenor of her way. She is in a good condition; is composed of good members, works well, and records correctly kept. Pride of the West, U. D. This I haTe visited constantly, and have found its members eager and faithful in tIle discharge of their duties. Their work is well done, and records genernlly correct. They have been careful of the introduction of strangers, and anxious to keep within the old landmarks. Bridgeton No. 80 numbers some good and zeulol1s members, who appear to ta,ke a great interest in their 0, and in the proper dissemination of the principles of the Order. ltecords l:ept well, and the 0 in an improved condition to what it was in on the occasion of. my last annual visit. Martha Washington No. 46. This 0 1S III a poor condition, and has of late been doing no work of ,any kind, and it will require a thorough renovation to bring it into proper condition.





On account of the peculiar circumstances which I believe have induced this state of affairs, and the neglect of its officers to fulÂŁ. 1 their duties, I would recommend, in place of more stringent measures, that, as there is a sufficient number of good and true men in it, anxious to do their duty, the 0 should be suspended from doing any work in the way of degrees, until three of its number should be found on examination to be well able to confer the three degrees of A. C. Masonry, and competent to discharge the duties of the three principal offices, granting to them until first day of January next to acquire such proficiency, and no longer; and that they at once proceed to restore their 0 to a proper degree of moral and iMasonic standing, by all the means within their power, and bring their members within bounds of their duties. If such a course should be neglected by them, more stringent measures could then be adopted. Owing to changes made in the nights of meeting of some of the ~ in the county, of which I was unadvised till my arrangements for visiting had been all completed, and some of my intended visits being interrupted by causeS beyond my control, I have been unable to visit Bonhomme No. 45, and Pacific 0 No. 159, and cannot therefore embrace them in this report. I am indebted to R. W. TIro. A. O'Sullivan for his kindness in performing that duty for me with Martha Washington No. 46. The CP:J in this district have of late been generally very prompt in their collection of dues, and the number of members attached to them nominally, but who neither assist in work or contribution, is, as far as the city CE:J are concerned, almost entirely dimini:>hed, and the amount of dues in arrears is very trifling. A continued action of this kind should be constantly enforced when necessary, and I have always reminded them of their duty in this respect when I found they neglect it. r must in justice remark that the younger members, who have been elected to preside over Câ‚ŹJ in the city, have shown themselves diligent and zealous in acquiring the proficiency requisite to fill their station with credit; and the Bame zeal is also manifest among many or our young member::!, in acquiring a knowledge or our ritual, and some of the older officers and mem-




bel's might well profit by their example. It woulJ. be deemed invidious to particularize by name, but those I :1.11ude to may rest assured that their conduct is not overlooked by their brethren. There do, of course, occur many instances of inaccuracy of work, and other proceedings; generally, however, they are of minor importance, and pr~mptly corrected. The general tone of the Order is good, and I could name instances of benevolence, &c., which would show that the teachings of our institution are not without good results; but I believe in that unostentatious charity which does not let the left h:1.nd know what the right doeth. It cannot be concealed that there is almost an alarming increase of the number of applications for admisssion into our Order. If the)' are infiuenced by proper motives, and the applicants are really worthy, such a fact might be recorded with pleasure; but when the most careful scruti~y into the character of petit;')ners does not suffice to guard us against the admission of 1 ~ny unworthy persons, the constant stream of petitions must cause considerable anxiety in the mind of every good and true 1\1ason, and constant watchfulness cannot be too strongly impressed on all our e::e.J and members. And this point is not neglected in this district. But to afford additional means of protection to the fraternity, I would suggest th:1.t all the l.::ÂŁb within tho city limits should be required to furnish immediate information to e:1.ch other of a'!l applications for degrees or membership, and the result of sarno when unfavorable. This is practiced to some extent, but is not general. In conclusion, I would acknowledge the uniform courtesy and deference that has been exhibited to me during my visits to the several e::e.J as your representative, and the readiness with which instructions have been received by them. Yours, respectfully,

J. W. LUKE, D. D. G. M. 24th District. ST.


"May 15,1858.

On motion of Bro. Carnegy, Resolved, 'J'hat the It(hlrcss of the 711. W. Grana IHaster he



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referred to a committee, for distributing the subjects therein contained. Adopted. And the following were appointed the committee : Bros. Currie, Car,negy, and Craig. Brother Cornwell presented a Petition for Dispensation for a new a in the city of St. Louis, to work in the German and English languages, which was received and referred to a select committee, consisting of Bros. Carnegy, Whitcomb, and Foster. Bro. Carnegy presented certain accounts, which were refen-ed to the Committee on the College. The Grand Secretary, as Chairman on Foreign Correspondence, presented the report; which was received and ordered to be printed, with the proceedings, and the resolution appended thereto adopted. To



The Committee on Foreign Correspondence beg leave to submit the following as their report: Irhe proceedings of the following Grand CE!J have been received and examined, to wit: Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, Massachusetts, North Carolina, California, Connecticut, Maine, Ohio,' Delaware, Maryland, Oregon, District Columbia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Illinois, Minnesota., Tennessee, New Jersey, Texas, Indiana, Iowa, New York, Vermont, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Virginia, Louisiana, Wisconsin; A circular from the Grand 0 of Maine, relative to the formation of a General Grand 0 ; a circular from the Grand 0 of Virginia, advocating the purchase of Mount Vernon. When we contrast the present voluminous proceedings of the several Grand CEJ with those of twenty years ago, and notice the marked care and ability with which several of the papers are pre3



pared; when we reflect upon the time and labor necessarily bestowed upon the perusal and selection of the matter which goes towards making these reports of the doings of the craft throughout this country, we are constrained to acknowledge that Masonry, its history, philosophy and objects, are being more generally understood and appreciated; and, although much yet remains to be done, that much of good has been accomplished, and that, as we improve in knowledge and virtue, our beloved Order will be recognized as the encourager and disseminator of morality, the determined foe of vice, the resort of the virtuous, and the asylum where the bruised spirit may resort, certain of sympathy and relief,where, around a common altar, the good and true of every nation, country and tongue, may assemble and unite in hymns of praise and thanksgiving to Jehovah, the Almighty, the Eternal. ARKANSAS.

The Annual Communication of the Grand 0 of Arkansas was held in the city of Little Rock, on the 5th of November, 1856, M. W. Nathan G. Smith, Grand Master. The Grand Master calls upon the D. D. Grand Masters to discharge their whole duties, they being plain and well "defined. They should visit all the C€J within their districts, correct all errors that may eXIst, inform themselves of the condition of the C€J, and see they are all living and acting in accordance with the moral teachings of Masonry. Let each deputy, he 15ays, but" magnify his office," by fulfilling its requirments, and how beautifully and harmoniously would the system work! In speaking of Masters of C€J, he says: "Efficient officers make efficient C£:J; 'like priests like people,' is no truer eccleeiastically, than like officers, like CEl, is Masonically. How important then is it for all CEl to elect intelligent, well-informed officers! In accordance with our ancient regulations, a Master Mason should be perfect in the mysteries of the art, before attempting to draw designs upon the trestle-board or instruct the craft to pursue their labors. Not only should the Master of a 0 be familiar with all the lectures and ceremonies connected with his station, but he should also be 'apt to teach,' should be able to enforce and illus-



trate the moral excellencies of our ~ncient institution. Without a strict discipline rigidly enforced while at work, a 0 cannot get along well. The presiding officer should never allow the brethren, while in session, to indulge in whispering or talking, andnevel' permit levity or laughing during the hours of labor. In the opening and closing ceremonies due solemnity and impressive devotion . should always be observed and strictly enforced." Bro. L. E. Barber presented the Report on Foreign Correspondence, reviewing the proceedings of 24 Grand CEJ. D. F. Armstrong was elected Grand Master, T. D. Merrick, Grand Secretary; 67 CEJ represented. CALIFORNIA.

The Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held in the city of Sacramento, on the 12th day of May, 1857-M. W. Wm. H. Howard, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 77 CEJ present. The Grand Master's address is eminently practical. In alluding to the general condition of the craft he says: "There have been numerous accessions to our ranks, both by affiliation and initiation; and the number of rejections would seem to indicate that due precaution has been exercised against the introduction of improper persons into our CEJ. I'must confess, however, that it is far more gratifying to me to contemplate a lengthened list of applications, than one of degrees conferred. There was a time," he says, "when few, except the good and true, either sought for or gained admission into Masonic Câ‚Ź:J, for it was thought that such alone could find their affinities there. Masons were then comparatively few, and were generally known and distinguished for those qualifications which the teachings of the Order require on the part of all who apply for admission. Masonry has gained an unprecedented popularity with the masses; the admiring world is rushing to her altars; the just and the unjust, the false and the true. How shall we avert the impending danger? How remedy the evil which an indiscriminate accession to our ranks is threatening to bring upon us? There is but one method, and that is to do our duty, mildly, but firmly, and withoutfear or favor."



The Grand Secretary presented the report on Foreign Conespondence, reviewing the proceedings of 31 Grand CÂŁ]. OUf brother complains of the duties imposed on him, of preparing his report, his time ]Jeing almost constantly employed in the discharge of his duties as Grand Secretary. When it is borne in mind the writer of this report has been absent from St. Louis for nearly SIX months within the past year, and has traveled over 2600 miles in the discharge of his duty as Grand Lecturer, some allowance will, we trust, be made for any imperfections which may be observable. The report reviews at lengtl\ the proceedings of 31 Grand Câ‚Ź::J. This is done in a spirit of candor. Our brother wields the pen of a ready writer, and while he assumes some positions which we deem untenable, yet, taken as a whole, we regard the report as eminently .I:lbell. The Committee administer a rebuke to the Foreign Correspondence Committee of Delaware, for the manner in which they spoke of communications from other States; and they express their astonishment that Florida should publish "A very singular document, to be called Anderson's Constitutions, and confess their ignorance of the reason why an old-fashioned history of Masonry, from the time of Adam to the reign of George the First, should, by order of the Grand 0 of Florida, have appeared in its proceedings under that title." We wonder what that eminent Mason, the late Judge Douglass of Florida, would have answered in reply to Bro. Abell. We remember the time when it was very difficult to procure a copy of that "very singular document." We confess a weakness in its favor, and hope our brother is alone in his expressions of indifference to its republication. Were it not for the presenTation and republication of "Anderlwn's Constitutions," where would we find th.e "old cha.rges and regulations of Tlte Free and .fleeepted Masons." It is true there are some odd conceits in that old volume. What of tlJa,t? is not the truth easily separated from error? or arc we so eminently practical, that even in an old history of Masonry we cannot tolerate anything that has the least tinge of romance about it '?



In commenting \Qn the right of a Master to resign or demit~ the committee come to the conclusion that he may do either. If we were not afraid of being laughed at by our California brother, your committee would quote from tho,t "singular document" above alluded to, and show that the doctrine was recognized and acted on as early as the reign of Elizabeth, when Sir Thomas Sackville resigned the Grand Mastership of the Masons of Eng. land. Your committee regret to see the agitation of additional tests in Masonry, and agree with California that there should be none introduced; but that all men, good and true; men of honor and honesty; who believe in God and put their trust in Him, who will receive the great light as the inestimable gift \. f God to man, as a role and guide to his faith and practice, possessing the neces&ary physical qualifications, are suitable candidates for our mysteries. We will here, for the present, take our leave of the F. C. Committee of California, regretting that we cannot extract more libeally from their report, and turn with unfeigned admiration to that truly noble charity, the Masonic Board of Relief, of which our worthy brother, the Grand Secretary, is the chairman. From a report presented to the Grand 0, we find that their total receipts for the year ending 31st December, 1856, were $3,412 25, and that they relieved, during the same period, 96 3.pplicants, hailling from 23 Grand 0 jurisdictions, to the amount of $2,484 50. Of this amount $185 00 appears to have been furnished to four cases haili~:r from Missouri. When we reflect that our noble brethren ef C1.lifornia. have for years labored in the holy cause of relieving the destitute Mason, the widow and the orphan, hailing from every Grand 0 -jurisdiction in America, is it too much for them to ask (and yet they do not 8.sk) that the Grand CE:J of the Atlantic States, from whose jurisdiction the applicants for relief hail, should strengthen their hands and contribute their mite in sustaining this great work of love ill which they are engaged '! Your committee believe that it is not. M. W. N. Greene Curtis, Grand Master, Sacramento; Rt. W. Alexander G. Abell, Grand Secretary, San Francisco.




The Annual Communication of the Grand 0 of Connecticut was held in the city of Hartford, 13th May, 1857-M. W. William Brewer, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 54 CE::J present. The Gr~nd Master feelingly alludes to the death of " Bro. James Ward, who was initiated in 1790, and was W. Ma.ster of St. John's 0 No.4, over fifty years ago. Thus one by one of the old fathers in Masonry, like ripe fruit, drop off, and are buried in the narrow house, due East and West, and from their graves, in time, spring forth beautiful flowers, the memory of their good deeds in the cause of our beloved Order acting as an incentive to those who remain to emulate their virtues, whilst their immortal spirits have returned to the God who gave them, and there, before the throne of Jehovah, are continually interceding, it may be, for their erring brethren who yet remain this side the valley of the shadow of death. Who shall say 1" In every report or address which we read we find continual allusions to the great desire which prevails to increase the number of initiations in Subordinate e:e:J, and truly does the Grand Master remark, "That this evil is not confined to his (our )jurisdiction alone; in almost every report of the proceedings of the Grand LE::J of other States I find this evil alluded to. From the reports of the e:e:J in this jurisdiction, now in the hands of the Secretary, you will find, in ma.ny of them, an unprecedented increase of members reported for the last year." "When a 0," he says, " is driven with work to that degree that allows of scarcely anything else, it is evident that some of the chief benefits of our Order are lost sight of. Another evil consists in the rapidity with which the several degrees are conferred. In many cases candidates are hastened so rapidly from one department to another of our mystic temple, that they have neither the time 110r opportunity to appreciate or even discover the furniture with which they are adorned. Candidates are hurried from one degree to another without any reference to their proficiency. To this, I think, we may trace the existence of so many careless and indifferent



Masons. The less instruction the young Mason receives, the fainter Will be the perceptions of the beauty and importance of the great principles which lie at the foundation of the Masonic institution. The letter and spirit of our ancient regulations required every candidate to be thoroughly instructed in one degree before he is allowed to take another. The question, has he made suitable proficiency? should not be a mere formula. The Grand Master thus alludes to an ancient document: "We have also in the archives of this Grand 0 a very ancient and interesting relic of the past generation, which is well worth preserving. It is a Charter from the Provincial Grand 0 of Massachusetts to 'American Union 0,' for the Connecticut Line, granted on the 13th day of, February, 1776. This Charter was granted to the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army, for the us~ of the army, and was used by the officers during the war of the Revolution. Its records are very full and interesting. It was visited by the illustrious commander-in-chief, General Washington; by Putnam, and other distinguished Masons of that period; and accounts of the reception of those distinguished men are spread at length upon the· records of this ancient D. It is now the property of the Grand D." Bro. William Storer, Chairman on Foreign Correspondence, presented a report covering 73 closely printed pages, reviewing the proceedings of 29 Grand C€:J. The following extract gives the views of the Committee on C€J U. D.: "The California Committee do not exactly agree with us in our definition of a 0 U. D. They pertinently ask, If such a body be , no 0,' in what position are those Masons placed who have received their degrees in such a body, when called upon to answer the inquiry, where they were made? Perhaps we were not quite explicit enough, on a former occasion, in giving our views of a. o under dispensation. It may be and probably is true, that such a body is in some sense a 0, at least 80 far as the authority to 'make Masons' is involved; but so far as we have been able to discover, the best authorities agree that such a 0 is not empowered to receive members, nor are its officers entitled to installation.



The persons made Masons therein cannot even become members of that particular body, and have no right to vote therein, until the 0 is duly chartered. Every Mason knows that 'a 0 is a certain number of Ma.sons duly assembled,' with the proper im~ plements of the craft, 'and a charter or warrant empowering them to work.' Now, as we understand the matter, the dispensation of a Grand Master is not such 'a charter or warrant,' but merely a document of temporary existence, authorizing certain i.ndividuals to perform certain acts, till the next meeting of the Grand 0, when all the authority of the instrument comes to an end. If otherwise, why come to the Grand 0 at all for a charter? why not act perpetually under the dispensation? As to the persons receiving the degrees in a 0 under dispensation, doubtless they are Masons, because the mysteries of Masons hn·ve been regularly and lawfully entrusted to them. They may become members of the 0 , on its receiving a charter; and in case no charter is issued, in the usual way." they may become members of some other Now, with all due deference to the acknowledged ability of Bro. Storer, we must respectfully dissent from his views of C€J under dispensation. We hold, with Bro. Storer, that a 0 is a certain number of Masons duly assembled, with the proper" emblems of the craft and a warrant empowering them to work." This warrant may be perpetual, that is so long as the regulations of the Grand body, by whose authority the same is issued, are complied with; or it may be limited, expiring at the commencement of the next Annual Communication. In either case, it must be a legal instrument, possessing force and power, under and by virtue of which Masons are allowed to congregate, and make Masons; exercising the highest power known to the craft, that of perpetuating themselves. It is needless to add, that such a 0 is for the time being a legally constituted body, acting within the limits prescribed by the instmment which gi.ves it vitality, and" having a local habitation and a name." But the Connecticut Committee say: "It may be, awl probably is, true, that such a body is in some sense a D." Will they for a moment contend that it is not in every sense a CJ'! Would Bro. Storer preside in a 0 , and impart the mysteries of Free Masonry




to an a.pplicant, if the sha.dow of a. doubt rested on his mind, as to its legality l We know our brother too well to entertain the thought a moment; and does not the committee admit that such CEb are legal, when they say: "As to persons receiving the degrees in aD U. D., doubtless they are Masons." And why? "Be9ause the mysteries of Masons have been regularly and lawfully intrusted to them." And could the mysteries of Masolls be lawfullyentrusted to them, except they passed through the ceremonies of initiation, passing and raising in a. legally constituted O? The truth is, the issuing of dispensations for the formation of CEJ is of modern growth: we first meet with the term in Preston, where, in the form of the petition laid down as follows: they (the petitioners) set forth that they are regular Masons, and, having the prosperity of the fraternity at heart, •••. they have agreed to form a new 0; that, in consequence of this resolution, they pray for. a warrant of constitution, to 'empower them to assemble as a regular 0, . . . . and then and there to discharge" the duties of Masonry. "The petition, being recommended by three regular CEJ, is sent to the 'Grand Secretary, who, on presenting it to the Grand Master or his Deputy, and its being approved, is ordered to grant a dispensation, authorizing the brethren specified in the petition to assemble as Masons for forty days, and until such time as a constitution can' be obtained of the Grand 0, or that authority be recalled. In consequence of this dispensation, the 0 is held at the pla.ce specified, and its transactioDs being properly recorded, are valid for the time being, provided they are afterwards approved by the brethren convened at the time of constitution." At what time dispensations for the formation of new 4b were first issued in this ~ountry, we have no means at present of determining; but that several of the oldest Grand CEJ did not issue them until the close of the last century we believe to be true. Selecting the oldest Grand 0 jurisdiction, we find that as lll.te as 1788 Ma.ssachusetts, upon the petitic.:l of a number of. brethren for a new,:J at Charlestown, New Hampshire, granted a. charter bearing date February 23d, 1788; and we find, after the organization of the Grand 0 of New Hampshire, that body granting charters, on application, as late as 1800.



A dispensation is an instrument authorizing a constitutional number of Masons to assemble and form and open a 0 and make Masons therein, "after the ancient manner, and not otherwise." It is a warrant of restricted and well-defined powers, varying as to its wording in different Grand 0 jurisdictions, and expiring by limitation, but by virtue of which, for the time it is in force, a o legally formed assembles from time to time and enters paSSES and raises Masons; and if all the requirements of the Grand 0, together with the ancient usages of Masonry are observed, such entered, passed a:nd raised Masons are as lawfully made, and are, both in the letter and spirit, MASONS, as if they were made in the oldest 0 in America. We notice one pleasing feature in this jurisdiction: some of its Subordinates number as high as 317 members, whilst several exceed 100; the 51 C拢b in the State having 110 membership of 4463, averaging 87 members to each O. M. W. William L. Brewer, Grand Master; Rt. W. E. G. Storer, New Haven, Grand Secretary. DELAWARE.

The Grand 0 of Delaware commenced its Bnnual session in the city of Wilmington, on the 27th of June, 1857-M. W. Alfred P. Robinson, Grand Master, presiding; several P. Grand officers and the representatives of 10 Subordinate 0 present. The Grand Master's address is a well-written and judicious paper, and we transfer to our report the following, which we heartily endorse :-=-" At no period in the annals of the craft has Free Masonry been more prosperous, more firmly rooted in路 the affections of her vota.ries, or more efficacious in her purposes of benevolence than at present. Where once her enemies might have been counted by the thousand, and readily distinguished by their loud and clamorous railings, new lE:J have sprung into existence, the members of the brotherhood have doubled and trebled in number; men of high-toned character, men of virtue, honor and intellect, men whose names are indelibly written upon the timeenduring page of fame, have enrolled themselves among her votaries, and have embraced her principles with 'fervent zeal'



and sincerity of purpose; institutions for the dissemina.tion of knowledge and practical learning among the poor, have been organized and brought into successful operation by her bountiful benevolence. I have no hesitation in a.ttributing these happy results mainly to the many judicious Masonic publications, in the shape of periodicals and well-digested essays and disquisitions upon the nature, character and history of our institution, baring to the eye of the uninitiated only so much of the internal machinery of the craft as every candidate for initia.tion has a right to know, before he can be called upon to assume the obligations of II> Ma,son." There was no report on Foreign Correspondence. M. W. Alfred P. Robinson, Grand Master; Rt. W. Daniel R. Wolfe, New Castle, Grand Secretary. GEORGIA.

The Annual Communication of the Grand 0 of Georgia. was held in the city of Macon, on the 27th October, 1857~M. William S. Rockwell, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 181 t:::E!:J present. The Grand Master commences his address as follows: " The sound of the gavel is again heard in our hall, my brethren, and you, the representatives of the Free and Accepted Masons of Georgia, have come up from your several constituencies, to compare, in this legislative assembly of the Order, the experiences of the past, and from them to adjust, if possible, the e?Cpectancies of the future. You may be called on to redress g\-ievances, to relieve from unmerited punishment, or approve the deserved penalty which an outwearied forbearance has been compelled to pronounce on the obdurate offender. You may Le required to abandon or remodel projected schemes for improvement, or:',1 devise new expedients to supply unforeseen defects in such as itfuay be wise to continue. In short, the entire fabric of Free Masonry, as transmitted to us by our forefathers, is to be repaired, strengthened, extended, and rendered meet for transmission to th~se who will shortly succeed us in the great drama of life. In constructing your Masonic edifice, bear in mind the wise admonition




of him whom we are wont to view the great patron, if not founder of the craft, who has said in the lofty strains of Hebrew verse'Except Jehovah buildeth the house, the builders labor in vain.'" Bro. R. M. Smith presented a report on Foreign Correspondence, reviewing the proceedings of the several Grand CftJ, our own among the number. The committee complain of the report on Foreign Correspondence of last year, a.'i containing" errors unfavorable to the state of their ( our) finances, and in relation to their (our) Education Fund." Your committee will undertalw to say for the brother who wrote the report of last year, that it was not his wish or desire to misrepresent, in the slightest particular, the Grand 0 of Georgia, or any action of hers, whether educational or otherwise; and we bid them a hearty God-speed in all their lawful undertakings. We give our hearty assent to the following: "Your committee have noticed with regret the disposition in Bome of the reports of Committees on Foreign Correspondence to quibble about matters not of general interest to the craft, and to find fault in some instances with the local affairs of other Grand bodies. This we consider wrong, as every Grand 0 has the inherent right to govern the Câ‚ŹJ under its jurisdiction in its own way:" we will add, in accordance with the landmarks and usages of the Order. M. W. William S. Rockwell, Grand Master; Rt. W. Simri Rose, Mn,con, Grand Secretary. ILLINOIS.

The proceedings of this Grand 0 come to us in 0. volume of 230 pages, which, for neatness in typography and the systematic classification of its contents, is not excelled by any similar publication in the United States. Besides the usual routine business of the Grand 0, it contains the Constitution, By-Laws and Resolutions now in force of the Grand 0 of Illinois, together with a variety of forms, the value of which will be dulS appreciated by the craft of that jur"isdiction. The Grand 0 assembled in the city of Springfield, on the 6th October, 19S7-M. W. James H. Hibbard, Grand Master, pre-



siding; several P. Grand Officers and Past Masters, and the representatives of 156 CEJ present. The Grand Master, in appropriate language, alludes to the death of Rt. W. Wm. A. Dickey, P. J. Gr. W., who was an able teacher of Ancient Craft Masonry, and a zealous and worthy . brother. The Grand Master says truly, that "we legisla.te too much upon subjects of minor importance. and too little upon more important ones; and by such legislation we confuse the minds of the members of our Subordinate CEJ, and make our proceedings appear a mass of inconsistencies." Grand The Grand Master, in an appropriate manner, alludes to the services rendered by Rt. W. H. G. Revnolds, Grand Secretary, and extols those qualifications of indefatigable industry n,nd faithfulness, which our Rt. W. brother in such an eminent degree possesses. We are truly gratified at the recognition of the merits of Bro. Reynolds, for, from a personal as well as official acquaintance of some years, we can bear testimony to the truth of what Gr. Master Hibbard so beautifullyexpresess. We can further say to Gr. Master Hibbard, that, in thus acknowledging the services of a faithful workman, he does honor to his own excellent heart. We regret to sec that an appeal from the decision of the Grand Master was enterta.ined, and, although he was sustained by the Grand 0, the precedent is dangerous, and if persisted in, may lead to disastrous results. Subsequently the Grand Treasurer raised the following point of order: "That protests to the decisions of the Grand Master, and to the edicts and decisions of the Grand 0 , are unknown in Masonry, and being without precedent, ought not now to be entertained or spread upon the record." 'fhe Grand Master sustained the point of order and ruled out said protest. This entering a protest against the deCision of a Grand Master, or the action of a Grand 0, by an individual member, is in nine cases out of ten a very silly affair, and ought not to be tolerated. Bro. Reynolds, Grand Secretary, presented the report on .Foreign Communications, reviewing the proceedings, or rather selecting the salient points, of 30 Grand f:E':::J. This he does in his clea.r and concise style, extracting largely from the proceed- .)




ings of New York relative to 3n Universal Congress, the committee approving of its main features, and adopting a resolution to open a correspondence with the commission established at Paris. soliciting an exchange of proceedings. On the qualifications of a Master, the committee thus express themselves: "1. He should be a just man. "2. He should be a pattern of good morals. "3. He should be a benevolent and prudent man. "4. He should be a firm and decided man. "5. He should have the ability and will to enforce obedience. '.' 6. He should have courage to enforce discipline. " 7. He should be well versed in laws and usages. " 8. He should know the ritual. "9. He should be apt and willing to teach. "10. He should have the character and ability to command respect in the chair. "It may bo said that few are so qualified. That is true; then let him be Master who comes the nearest to it." We find the following under the head of Personal, which, in justice to the Grand Secretary) we present: "In the report on Foreign Correspondence, in the Grand 0 of Missouri, it was remarked that there was no report from the Committee on Foreign Correspondence in this Grand 0 last year, and that the Grand Secretary was one of the committee. The writer of this report was not appomted on that committee at eIther of the sessions of 1854 or 1825. In 1854 the report was to be prepared by Bro. Pickett, but his mournful detention in Pennsylvania prevented. The Grand Secretary prepared the report by direction of the Grand 0, after it closed. Nor was he ever chairman of that committee until the Masonic year now closing." M. W. Harrison Dills, Quincy, Grand Master; Rt. W. Harman, G. Reynolds, Knoxville, Grand Secretary. INDIANA.

The Annual Communication of this Gra.nd 0 was held in the city of Indianapolis, on 25th May, 1857-M. W. A. C. Downey,



Gra.nd Master, presiding, and the representatives of 194 t:::e:J present. The Grand Master, in his aJdress, deprecates too much legislation, and advises that no one, without considering well, should propose important changes in the laws, or additions to them. The unwillingness of members to acquiesce in the action of the CE:::J relative to the rejection of applicants for our mysteries meet with just condemnation at his hands; and he rebukes that spirit of clamor and agitation which is too frequently gotten up in t:::e:J, and which tends to produce excitement and discord where all should be peace and harmony. He advocates the enactment of a law making the Grand Master and Masters of t:::e:J amenable to the discipline of their CE:::J for acts not connected with the discharge of their official duty, and holds that their election to office should not destroy their accountability to their brethren for their conduct. For official misconduct he would hold the Grand Master and W. Masters of Câ‚ŹJ responsible to the Grand 0 only. This is sound doctrine, and will apply equally as well to other jurisdictions. - By all means, if a Master of a 0 or a Grand Officer brings disgrace upon himself and Masonry, by violating the moral law, the sooner he is taken in hand and deprived of his office or his honors, the better for Masonry. The actions of Masons are closely scrutinized by their fellow-citizens, and any departure from the doctrine we teach and promulgate is !loon noticed, and that to our disadvantage. Prompt action is therefore necessary, 8S well for our own justification 11.8 to prove to the community that we will not tolerate with impunity-a. violation or departure from those gre&t moral principles which it is our pride and boast that Free Masonry teaches. Bro. S. D. Bayless presented the report on Foreign Correspondence. He recommends the appointing of a, standing committee, simllar to that of Ohio, to whom all propositions for either the amendment or revision of either its Constitution or By-Laws, or the construction of either, is referred. He proposes that a committee of three worthy and experienced brothers be appointed, the chairman of which shall serve one year; the second on the list two years, who shall be chairman for the second year; and the



third on the list chairman for the third year; and as fast as the tem respectively of the chairman shall expire, the Grand Master to appoint a new member to make the complement. All questions of construction, either in laws organic or legislative, and propounded to the Grand Master, either in recess or communication, should he also referred to this proposed committee~ whose decision should be decisive of the law until reversed by the Grand 0 ; and such questions so decided in recess shall, after having been reported to the Grand Master, be reported by him at the next communica.tion of the Grand 0, and, unless specially reversed, shall stand as the ruling of the Grand 0 till subsequent and reverse action. "This course~" he Bays, "will prevent hll8ty decisions by the Grand Master, both in and out of communication, and relieve him from much unjust ceDsure." In speaking of Missouri the committee slloy: "The Order is very prosperous, and the work appears to be understood well, and as well carried on. That Gra.nd 0 did not recognize the independence of the Grand 0 of Canada., a thing whic4, we regret to state, does not correspond with the high and intelligent tone of Masonic character otherwise conveyed concerning the Order in that State." M. W. Solomon D. Bayless, Fort Wayne, Grand Master; Rt. W. Francis King, Indianapolis, Grand Secretary. IOWA.

The Fourteenth Grand Annual Communication of the Grand

o of Iowa was held in Iowa city, June 2d, 1857-M. W. John F. Sandford, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 67 CEJ present. The Grand Maater congratulates the Grand 0 on the condition of the Order in their jurisdiction, and speaks of it as a part of that grand scheme of moral government which is rapidly becoming so intimately incorporated into the social system of all civilized natiODS. It is not, he says, to be expect.cd that any system of human benevolence, any more than systems of religion or politics, can maintain an organization free from imperfection, or free itself from those impediment8 arising out of the weakness and infirmity



of the human constitution. Reason alone is sufficient to form our opinions upon this subject, but experience goes beyond reason in the fullness of its demonstrations. The plan of districting the State, for the purpose of holding a Grand 0 of InstructioIl, has been attempted, but, from the remarks of the Grand Master, it appears not to have succeeded. The truth is, as the writer of this report knows only too well, you must visit the brethren in their CE::J, and if you can induce some three or four in each 0 to learn the ritual of the three degrees even tolerably, something considerable may be said to have been accomplished. The remedy alone rests with the Grand O. If a 0 is worth establishing in a. community, let ample evidence be furnished to the Grand 0, or the Grand Master, who alone should be authorized to issue dispensations. That Masonry will be promoted by establishing such a 0 - that the three officers to be named as Master and Wardens are qualified to confer the degrees, and that they have a safe room to work in. We know these things are not attended to in thiB jurisdiction at present. That the Grand 0 of Iowa is a zealous supporter of the ancient charges lnay be inferred from the following: "Resolved, That Helion 0 No. 36 be granted a dispensation to elect their Master from the floor, the Senior Warden having removed from the State, and the Junior Warden being unwilling to accept the station." Your committee believe that this is the true doctrine. No Mason should be elected Master of.a 0 until Ie HE HAS ACTED AS A WARDEN," unless in extreme cases, and then only by authority of the Grand O. We would like to make the acquaintance of that Junior Warden who was unwilling to accept the station; it is so rare nowadays to find a Mason, who, when office is by any means to be obtained, declines the honor, having doubts, it may be, of his ability to perform the duties annexed acceptably, that it is refreshing even to hear of one, and worthy to make a note of, although in another jurisdiction. We fear that Junior Warden must be an old fogy, and not sufficiently impregnated with the great ideas of progression, vitality, and keeping pace with the times, which characterize so many Masons of the present day. He 4




must be, behind the age! nay, he must, stra.nge as it may a.ppear, have not only read something of the history, philosophy and regulations of Free Masonry, (which is of course ridiculous,) but, stranger still, he appears to have some respect for those old documents and the spirit in them, which induced him to decline office, Perhaps he has read even that" old-fashioned History of Free Masonry, published by Anderson," and would, we have no doubt, have the hardihood to vote for republishing it. We trust the chairman on Foreign Correspondence of Iowa, Brother Parvin, will admonish the brother, and inform him that diffidence in ability nowadays is the exception, not the rule, and all the reading necessary to make a bright Mason (we. detest the word bright) is a perusal of about four pa.ges of one of the MONITORS! Let no one, from the foregoing, understand that your committee advise tkat years alone, unaccompanied by moral worth and Masonic intelligence, should rule and govern in Masonry, Far from it. We care not whether a Mason, as such, be three years old or thirty, provided he possess all the moral and Masonic qualifica.tions in their fullest extent. If he does, give him office-give him honors; but let him see to it, that neither in his own person, nor by a lack of firmness, he suffers to be violated with impunity any law or landmark written or unwritten of the Order. We find the'usual appropriation for the increase of the Grand o Library was made, and Masons, after some twelve years' experience, are found writing that, "We cannot avoid the conviction that this enterprise is of the very first importance to the Masonic fraternity." This is certainly strange, that Masons should thus write of the importance of a Masonic Library ; but our brethren are somewhat excusable. The Grand 0 of Iowa was the first to initiate the noble enterprise of collecting a Masonic Library, which is, we believe, the most extensive in America; and the Grand 0 of Iowa we also believe to be one of the most intelligent. Bro. Parvin, Grand Secretary, presented the report on Foreign Correspondence. Our experienced brother well and truthfully remarks, after quoting from the Gra.nd 0 of Alaba.ma to the effect that Masonry is not regarded as a. society for the reformation of the vile or wicked: "A more trui;hful picture could not be




painted,; and the observing brother has only to look around him, , nearer home, to see the prototype from which the original is drawn. The old proverb, 'A word to the wise is sufficient,' is either untrue, or we are not wise. The old proverb is true, and the remainder of the syllogism may he added, by all who are interested in this, the deepest problem we are engaged in solving. 'Masonry will make him a better man' has been rung in our ears until we sicken at the sound: better say he will make the cause of Masonry worse in the opini?n of the wise and good in our midst, and pass by on the other side. Give us good square work, fit for the !)llilding, or let the temple never be completed." On the creation of new CEJ, the committee thus express themselves: " We speak from our own knowledge, and in speaking plead the truth in justification of our offence-that some of these new Cf!J had their origin in the ambition of defeated candidates for office; others in the ill will of those whose friend!! had been rejected in the old, only to be the first initiated in the new; thus laying the foundation of ill feeling which years have not eradicated." Is not this true of other jurisdictions, as well as of Iowa? It will be well if we look a.t home, and see to it that no Cf!J are hereafter created either in city or village, unless the usefulness of such a 0 is made clearly apparent. M. W. J. F. Sandford, Keokuk, Grand Master; Rt. W. '11, S. Parvin, Muscatine, Grand Secreta,ry. KANSAS.

This Grand 0 assembled in Annual Convocation at the city of Leavenworth, on the 19th of October, 1857-M. W. Richard R. Rees, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of four CEJ present. 'rhc Grand Master, in a. fervor of enthusiasm, urges tho necessity or "a.n universal sovereign power, which would call into exCl'cise the active energies of the most distinguished ,men of every portion of the world, where the European, the Asiatic, aud the American could meet upon the common level with the sons of Africa; the fur-clad Siberian, the Brazilian and the Patagonian



could embrace the sons of Barbary; the Austrian and Hungarian, forgetful of their civil contests, could grasp each other's hands as brothers; the Russian and the Pole together meet in social compact with the Turk, the Saxon and the Gaul;" and, to cap the climax, the Most Worshipful Grand Master proposes that a grand magnificent camp meeting be held in the city of York, England, on the 24th of June, 1870, where every nation, tongue and people may be represented, for the purpose of establishing a common head. We have thus, to the best of our ability, endeavored to present a faithful outline of this stupendous project, which Grand Master Rees says he has thought much on, and will leave it without a word of comment, because the subject is too vast for our comprehension. We only hope that the Patagonians, and all others interested, will take due notice, and govern themselves accordingly. M. W. Richard R. Rees, Grand Master, Leavenworth City; Rt. W. Chas. Mundce, Grand Secretary, Fort 'Leavenworth. KENTUCKY.

The Annual Communication of the Grand 0 of Kentucky was held in the city of Lexington, on the 12th October, 1857-M. W. Theodore Wise, Grand Master, presiding; several Past Grand Officers and Past Masters, and the representatives of 168 Câ‚Ź:J, present. The following novel case is alluded to in the address of the Grand Master: "At a called meeting of Robert Burns 0 No. 163, held in the city of Newport, to confer degrees, the Master and Senior Warden being absent, the Junior Warden took the chair, and proceeded to confer the F. C. upon two brothers. Two or more Past Masters were present, and protested against the power exercised by the Junior Warden, claiming that, in the absence of the other officers, it was the duty of the Junior Warden to have invited them to confer the degrees, and addressed a note to the Grand Master, requesting his views upon the subject. In his reply the Grand Master justified the Junior Warden; but this did not give satisfaction, and, upon the next mcpting of the 0, the Mastrr



being in the chair, denied the correctness of the Grand Master's views, pronouncing the action of the Junior Warden unmasonic, and censured him in open 0, in such terms as to cause great confusion in the 0; whereupon the Master arose in his seat, taking the Charter of the 0, and declaring the 0 closed until the meeting of the Grand D." For this conduct of the W. M. he was subsequently tried, and ultimately expelled, and Robert Burns 0 reprimanded by the Grand Master, and the 0 required to enter said reprimand upon their records. Your committee present this case, not from any doubts as to the right of the Junior Warden to preside and confer degrees, but from the fact that a similar doctrine is held by a few brethren in our own jurisdiction. The writer of this report, in the discharge of his duties as Grand Lecturer, was informed by the Senior Warden of a 0, that in the absence of the W. Master he took the East and proceeded to open the 0, when he was ÂŁnvÂŁted to resign the chair by two Past Masters; and he actually did so, in the belief, as they informed him, that in their presence he had no right to preside. 1ÂŁ the Wardens would attend to the letter and spirit of the installation ceremony, they would be convinced of their rights, and be ever ready and willing to exercise them, extending that courtesy on all suitable occasions to any Past Master of known ability who may be present, of requesting him to preside and confer degrees; but this is a mere matter of courtesy, which ID:1Y be extended or not, at the option of the presiding officer. Bro. Rob Morris presented the report on Foreign Correspondence, reviewing the doings of 33 Grand CEl:::J. It covers 61 p~1ges. He condemns all new tests, amI truly remarks "tha.t there has been for some time an inclination to sectionalizc, or rather Christianize, Masonry. The universality of :i\1asonry," he says, "has been one of the great causes of its vit:1lity, ushering it in from the dim regions of remote antiquity to the present time; it has not only been its herald, but its prQtector, and will cause its existence to continue through the unknown future. Like the gre:1t Banyan tree of India, our institution, through its universality, has



extended its branches on all sides, until each, throwing down its into the genial soil, has at length become a gigantic off· shoot, spreading out wider and wider until its foliage has extended over nearly the whole earth, and nations are reposing under its grateful shade." Accompanying the report is an interesting table of statistics. The Grand 0 rejected the proposed amendment, to hold the meetings of the Grand 0 at Louisville. A page of the proceedings is dedicated to the memory of Bros. Willis SteWIl.\'t, John D. McClure, and Jesse Edmondson. A preamble and resolution "to divide the Grand 0 into two equal and separate parts, to be called the Western and Eastern Grand CEJ of Kentucky," were presented, and lie over until next year. We sincerely hope that there is sufficient conservatism in a ma· jority of the Masons of that State to defeat the above resolution~ as nothing, to our minds, would be more destructive than its adoption; for if a State can have two Grand CEJ, why not a dozen? A fruitful field would be presented to the ambitious and disappointed office,seekers ; and they would be only too ready to seize upon any pretext to obtain a little notoriety. The desire for place, for preferment, is so observable, that we Cannot be too emphatic in our condemnation or any such proposed divisioL. M. W. Philip Swigert, Frankfort, Grand Master; Rt. W. J. M. S. McCorcle, Greensburg, Grand Secretary. roo~


The forty-sixth Annual Communicatioll of this Grand 0 was held in the city of New Orleans, on the 8th day of February, 1858-M. W. Wm. Perkins, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 74 CEJ present. The Grand Master alludes to the withdrawal from the Grand D of the following C€J :-St. Andrew (late Disciples of the Masonic Senate) No.5, Perseverance No.4, Polar Star No. 1. The Grand Master also announces that their Grand 0 hall is now released from all mortgages, with the exception of $12,485, which will be promptly met at the time it falls due, March, 1859.



The report on Foreign Correspondence was presented by Bro. Amos Adams, "sub-chairman;" it presents a review of 36 Grand Câ‚Ź:J, covering 65 pages. Commenting on a. report of the Grand 0 of Massachusetts. which advocates the doctrine that Territories are common ground wherein each Grand 0 is free to charter Câ‚ŹJ at pleasure, until such Territory, by being regularly admitted into the Union as a State, acquires the right to form a Grand 0 for itself, the com~ mittee use the following language :-" Now your committee hold almost an entire opposite opinion, with regard to the Territories of the United States. We hold this to be the rule, that any Grand 0 may grant charters in any unoccupied Territory, District or State, and with equal right in a State or Territory; that when such State or Territory shall have a sufficient number of CEJ to form a Grand 0, and they believe it to be their interest to do so, they have an undoubted right to meet and form a Grand 0, without let or hindrance from any other power, and, without any reference to any political or civil moOvelllent, to change the form of government. This course is a reasonable one, which has been practiced from the founda.tion of our government, and, as far as we have ever heard, has been universaUy acquiesced in. Withoutgoing farther back than our own memory, here is Minnesota, Kansas, Oregon, and perhaps others, which have been admitted, acknowledged and greeted as independent Grand [fb, without reference to change from Territory to State; and it would seem that this principle, laid down by the Massachusetts committee, was never advocated until now, when the application is made to the Canada Grand 0." Rt. W. Albert Pike delivered a lecture before the Grand 0 , at its request, on " The Evil Consequences of Schisms and Disputes for Power in Masonry, and of Jealousies and Dissensions between Masonic Rites." It covers 66 pages. It is a moral and philosophic sketch of Masonry, replete with beautiful passsages. and fully sustains the reputation of its distinguished au thor. M. W. Amos Adams, Baton Rouge, Grand Master; Rt. W. Samuel G. Risk, New Orleans, Grand Secretary.




The Annual Communication of the Grand 0 of Ma.ine was held in the city of Portland, on the 5th day of May, 1857-M. W. Jabez True, Grand Master, presiding; several Past Grand Officers, and the representatives of 68 CEl, present.. The Grand Master recommends that a work on Masonic jurisprudence be compiled and approved, for the use of the Grand D. , We find that our brethren down East are not insensible to the Masonic proprieties; they have therefore procured suitable clothing for the Officers of the Grand 0, at the cost of $920 29. This is doing well-very well, indeed, for our eastern brethren; and we mention this matter, in order that the Grand 0 of Missouri may be induced to go and do likewise. Bro. O. Pearl presented the report on Foreign Oorrespondence, reviewing the doings of 28 Grand CEb. We have heretofore, as chairman on Foreign Oonespondence in another body, spoken of our brother's papers as being characterized by sound Masonic doctrine, intertwined with many rare and beautiful gems; and his present report fully confirms us in the opinion we have hitherto formed of his abilities. We have also received a circular from the Grand 0 of Maine, again urging the formation of a G. Grand 0, and that Delegates be sent to Ohicago, in 1859, for that purpose. They quote largely from what they are pleased to call the Oonvention that formed the basis of a National Convention, in January, 1855, and in support of their position say: " There is now a general prevalence of peace, prosperity and fraternity throughout the entire jurisdiction, so that, if all should unite in such an effort, there seems to be no jealousies or strong repellencies to prevent fraternal action. The ÂŁrm establishment of the General Grand Chapter and General Grand Encampment, after the severe ordeal through which, for several years, the former especially, passed unscathed-tbe strong vote of that body at its last session, that' it derives all its powers by grant and delegation from the several Grand Ohapters,' establishes a safe precedent, which, we doubt not, is to govern all similar organizations, and



thus banish the spectres 'centralization,' and 'assumption of arbitrary power' from the altars of Free Masonry in our country. The meeting of those bodies triennially will afford a very convenient opportunity for an economical representation of all the Grand Cfb of the country, and thus meet that perpetual question, . , to what purpose is this waste l' which comes down through several centuries from a purse-bearer who would betray his Lord and Master and the dearest interests of humanity for' thirty pieces of silver.' The proposed national confederation, if consummated, it is manifest, cannot meet the wants to be met by this organization, and should no longer stand in the way; but it seems certain to' your committee that it does not, and cannot, command the requisite number of Cfb to give it existence. We may then reasonably hope that all who have invited us to try that experiment will cheerfully join us in trying this. " Then we conceive an argument in favor of this movement may be drawn from the action of • THE FIRST UNIVERSAL MASONIC CONGRESS,' and the establishment of a permanent commission for international Masonic correspondence, with power to call future congresses, and from the propositions put forth by that congress to the Masonic Grand bodies of the world. What view may be taken of the action of that congress by other Grand C£J, we as yet do not know. The Grand 0 of Maine has heartily responded, so far as to instruct the committee to open a correspondence with the permanent commission, soliciting such information as it may be for that body to furnish, in exchange for our own proceedings. They have also instructed this committee to report upon the several propositions submitted for consideration. Will not the other Grand LEJ adopt a similar course 1 And will they not reconsider the question of a General Grand 0, as a most convenient national centre of correspondence, proposed by the tenth proposition of that congress? Will they not consent to review this question practically, and intrust such discretionary power as they may deem proper, with 'tried and trusty brothers,' to assemble at Chicago, in 1859, and there in their wisdom unite in the effort to form a National Masoni.c Confederation, worthy of our national existence as ' a power on earth l' "



We have thus, in compliment to the Gra.nd 0 of Maine, and the esteemed Chairman on Foreign Correspondence, presented the foregoing long extract from their circular, and will remark, that, if we did not believe onr brother was in earnest in all he undertakes, we would consider the allusion to the stability of the General Grand bodies as a rich joke, and that the committee intended a sly satire on them. Why, does not the author of the circular know that two, if not more, Grand Chapters have .already seceded, and that several others have their separation from the General Grand Chapter under advisement? Is not the General Grand Chapter shorn of all the power she was at one time supposed to possess? Yet, notwithstanding this plain declaration, do we not find the present head of that General Grand bodyan old Mason and for nearly twenty years its G. Grand Secretary -coming in direct conflict with a Sta.te Grand Chapter, INVADING ITS SOVEREIGNTY, and treating with contempt the authority of its highest Grand officer? All this is a matter of record, to be read . by all men, and is not therefore out of place here. What would prevent a similar assumption of power on the part of a General Grand Master, provided we had one, which the Lord forbid! notwithstanding the clear and emphatic expressio:l that the General Grand Chapter derives all its powers from the State Grand Chapters? We see that this will not restrain even old Masons. It is, we believe, a principle of the human mind to desire an opportunity for the exercise of power, and when opportunity does not offer, it sometimes creates it-a.ye, he would be a God! We are now, as our brethren more than thirty years ago were, decidedly and emphatically opposed to a National Confederation, a General Grand 0, a National Masonic Congress, or by whatever name Masons seek to bring the great body of the fraternity into subjection; to be moved, it may be, to their ruin by designing men. Had the writer of the circular been at Hartford, Connecticut, in 1856, when the proposition was made to establish a General Grand Council, he would have felt how hopeless his task of establishing a General Grand D. We live in strange times. All that organization and thorough discipline can accomplish is brought to bear, to operate on the



human mind. Secret societies of every imaginable kind are constantly springing into being; they are scattered all through this country and Europe. Some, whose organization appears to be more perfect than others, can be moved suddenly and systematically, and they endeavor to become" a power on earth." With these we have nothing whatever to do. The writer of this report holds no affiliation with any society or organization under heaven, except the Masonic, and never expects to. We therefore cannot be operated upon by motives which may influence others. We view the formation of a General Grand 0 from a Masonic standpoint alone; are operated upon alone by our love for the honor and usefulness of our beloved Order; and being thus influenced, we cannot see any good, but much of evil, that would accrue to Free Masonry from the formation of such a body. But the circular does not point out the advantages which are to flow from such an organization; nor can your committee possibly conceive of any. Intercourse is now so easy, and the publications annually issued by the several Grand Câ‚Ź::J sre so voluminous that they leave us nothing to desire in the way of information, as regards the doings of the several Grand bodies. Add to these the several able Masonic publications, weekly, monthly and quarterly, issuing from the press, filled with every variety of useful and interesting Masonic knowledge, and, in God's name, what more do we want? Toat the great principles of brotherly love, relief and truth, would quicken into more active life under the fostering rays of a General Grann. luminary,"we do not believe; for do we not see these golden links in the chain of universal brotherhood bright and polished under our present system as they could possibly be under any other? Let those who doubt, examine the records of various Grand and Subordinate CEtJ, together with those of the noble charities instituted in California and New Orleans, and they will there see that Masons, from every country and from every State, have been the recipients of their kindness-have had their wants relieved-have had the last sad offices paid them, and the emblem of immortality dropped on their coffins by sympathizing brothers. While we thus practice the great lessons taught in Masonry, and while we extend courtesy and brotherly kindness to




each other, ever caTeful to respect each other's rights, there will be no ( l jealousies to remove, nor sectional strifes to heal;" but each Grand 0, moving in its own orbit, exercising unquestioned discipline over its Subordinates, and regulating its own affairs according to Masonic law and usage, cultivating peace and good will towards all mankind, will be best discharging the obligations resting upon it, and fulfilling the great end of its organization. We are no alarmists; but we do not desire to see Masonry thrust prominently forward and become a "power on earth." We have no desire to again call down on us the invE'ctives of the unscrupulous and designing. We prefer to see Masonry like that beautiful emblem noticed for its retirement, or rather like charity, "which vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up; doth not behave itself unseemly-modest, unobtrusive, and known alone of men by the ble~sings which it diffuses-by the many bruised hearts it assists to bind up-by the prayer of the widow, by the tear of the orphan it has assisted to dry; in short, by the full discharge of all those duties which its votaries have covenanted to perform, and which, when performed in purity of heart, ascend to heaven, and is the most grateful offering we can present at the throne of the Eternal." By so doing will Free Masonry, like the dews of heaven, fertilize and fructify every human heart upon which falls a single one of its blessings; and they in time will produce a bountiful supply of generous thoughts, of noble acts, which will return to us an hundred fold. Thirty-five years ago the Grand Lodge of MissOUl'i declared that it was " impolitic alid unnecessary to establish 3. Gene'ral Grand 0 in the United States," and to this doctrine your committee heartily subscribe. M. W. Robert P. Dunlap, Brunswick, Grand Master; Rt. W. Ira Berry, Portland, Grand Secretary. MARYLAND.

The proceedings of this Grand D, before us, contain tIle minutes of a special Communication, held on the 15th of July last, and of the Annual Communication, assembled in Baltill1Ol'e, on the 16th November, 1857-M. W. Rev. Jas. A. McKenney, D.



.D., Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 27 Subordinate t::e:J present. The Grand Master's address is brief, and of a local character, referring chiefly to his official acts. Rev. J. N.McJilton presented an interesting report on Correspondence, and closes with the following well-timed admonition: " The strength of Masonry does not consist in its popularity, but in the abiding faithfulness and integrity of her sons, and their continual practice of the Masonic virtues. Unless the portals of the temple be well guarded, the unworthy will be sure to gain admission and danger to the craft will thereby ensue. When the multitudes without flock to the gates, and ask that the bars may be taken down and the way opened ÂŁ01' their approach to the secret chambers wherein our mysteries are deposited, it is all important tha.t the selection should be carefully made among those that will do efficient setvice in the erection of our great and glorious temple." M. W. Charles Webb, Grand Master; Rt. W. Joseph Robinson, Baltimore, Grand Secretary. MICHIGAN.

The Grand 0 of Michigan held its Annual Communication in the city of Detroit, on the 13th of January, 1858-M. W. Levi Cook, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 84 LEJ present. The Grand Master, feelingly alludes to the death of P. Grand Master Bro. E. Smith Lee, who died at the city of Washington, where he wa~ temporarily residing. Alluding to the uniformity of work, he says: "The CEJ under this jurisdictioFl arc now harmoniously working, with great uniformity, both ift the Lecturc~s and work, under the vigorous instruction of our venerable brother, S. DIanchard, Grand Lecturer." 'rhe report on Foreign Correspondence was presented by the Grand Secretary, in which he briefly reviews the doings of the several Grand CEJ. M. W. Wm. M. Finton, Flint, Grand Master; Ht. W. ,Tames F~nton, Detroit., Grand Secretary.




The proceedings of this Grand 0 comes to us in a neat pamphlet of 90 pages. The Annual Communication was held at St. A. T. C. Pierson, Grand Paul, on the 5th January, 1858-M. Master, presiding, and the representatives of 17 i:ÂŁ:J present. The address of the Grand Master is an exceedingly able document, from which we extract the following: "Why is it that at least once in each year, in every civilized country on the globe, there assembles a body of men, composed of all classes in society-kings from their thrones; mechanics from their workshops; statesmen from the halls of legislation; artists from their studios; clergymen from the altar; judges from the' bench; politicians from the forum-discarding the conventionalism of the world, and meeting on an equality of fraternal intercourse, as brethren of one great family-meeting together at all seasons, regardless alike of winter's cold or summer's heat? What is it that has induced you, my brethren, to leave your family firesides, in this cold and inclement season of the year, Bome of you traveling hundreds of miles. where railroads are not known, through snow-drifts; fording rivers half-frozen; crossing prairies where human ha,bitations are miles apart? Why this exposure? What inducement for this sacrifice of time, money and ease? What but your 10Ye of your fellow-man-your desire to counsel together to advance the interests of Free Masonry; whose mission is to soothe the anguish of the afflicted; protect and relieve the necessities of the widow; guide, support and educate the orphan; to eultiv'ate peace and good will among men, thereby rendering them better, happier." The report on Foreign Correspondence was presented by the Grand Secretary, Bro. Prescott. He reviews the proceedings of 27 Grand CE::J in a free a.nd easy sort of manner, evincing much humor and some wit in his com'ments. M. W. A. T. C. Pierson, St. Pa.ul, Grand .Master; Rt. W. Geo. W. Prescott, St. Paul, Grand Secretary.



The pamphlet containing the transactions or the Grand 0 of



MassachuAetts for the past year embrace the quarterly meetings of March, June, September, an adjourned Communication, and the Annual Communication of that Grand body, which was held at the Masonic Temple, Boston, on the 9th December, 1857-M. W. John T. Heard, Grand Master, presiding. We notice that the. Grand 0 have by vote decided to sell the Masonic Temple, as more ample accommodations are required than the present apartments afford. At a special Communication, held on the 28th December, the Grand 0 was opened at 9 o'clock in the morning, and the day was spent until 4 o'clock in exemplifying the work and lectures of the three degrees, between three and fOUl' hundred representatives of CEJ and visiting brethren being in attendance. On the evening of the l!Iame day the Grand officers, who had been previously elected, were installed, and the M. W. John T. Heard, Grand Master~ delivered an address covering nearly twenty pages, which we would submit for publication entire, were it not that we fear we have already transcended our limits. It is a masterly production, discussing under appropriate heads the several subjects which came under his observation or required his attention during the past year. From it we learn that six 路CEJ were stricken from the roll, four Masonic halls dedicated, and six new CEJ constituted. He condemns as a dereliction of duty the failure of CEJ to be represented at the Annual Communications. The Grand Master during the past year perfol'med a feat never before, we believe, accomplished in eo -large a jurisdiction; he visited every chartered 0 (88) in the State of Massachusetts. To this labor of love he devoted seventy days, traveling 2100 miles, addressing in the aggregate about 2500 members of the Order. Our most worshipful brother truly" magnifies his office," and is nobly discharging all his duties as Grand Master of Masons. He sees to it that no unauthorized lectures are delivered in his jurisdiction. Familiar with the work and lectures himself, as sanctioned by his Grand 0 , he enforces, by precept and example, a strict adheronce to them. An accomplished scholar, and possessing a large experience, with a. thorough acquaintance of the history and philosophy of Masonry, he does not attempt to set



himself up as superior to the body which honored him with supreme command, but is actuated alone by a desire to enforce, according to the letter and spirit, the edicts and requirements of his Grand 0 , himself being implicitly governed by them. With such Grand Masters, Massachusetts will continue to be, as she has for one hundred and twenty-five years been., the great fountain of light and knowledge in every branch of Masonry. M. W. John T. Heard, of Boston, Grand Master; Rt. W. Chas. W. Moore, of Boston,' Grand Secretary. NEW JERSEY.

The Annual Communication of this Grand 0 WlIS held in the city of 1'renton the 13th January, 1858-M. W. Joseph Trimble, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 35 CE::J present. The Grand Master states, that "during the year he granted ten dispensations to make Masons at sight;" it being of such vital importance to the interests of Masonry that the applicants could not be allowed to take the usual course. He also recommends th~t an effort be made to collect materials towards a history of Masonry in that State; and says, that since the appointment of Daniel Cox as Provincial Grand Master of New Jersey, in 1729, many changes have taken place. Aye, truly have they. By all means, let us have the history of Masonry in New Jersey, and also of the labors of Bro. Daniel Cox, who was certainly the oldest appointed Provincial Grand officer in America. If it can be shown that he established a 0 previous to 1733, it is of the utmost importance to the history of the Order in this country that it should be made known. The Grand Secretary presented the report on Foreign Correspondence, briefly reviewing the proceedings of thc several Grand CE!J, and appending to his report a resolution recognizing the Grand 0 of Canada, which resolution was a.dopted. M. W. Joseph Trimble, Grand Master, Camden; Rt. W. Joseph H. Hough, Grand Secreta.ry, Trenton.




The Grand 0 of this State assembled in Raleigh, on the 7th December 1857~M. W. Pleasant A. Holt, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 92 C€:::J present. The Grand Master, in his annual address, thus alludes to the progressiveness which is now so much in vogue: "The introduction, in any community, of one bad man into our inner temple, will bring more discredit upon Masonry than the high character and benevolent acts of a dozen upright and worthy will counterbalance. I have seen these evils 80 often, and so palpable, that I must refer to them here in explanation of my unwillingness, in many instances, to consider a petition for dispensation favorably, unless I was satisfied it would not merely gratify the aspiring spirit of a few Masons in an isolated locality, but would advance the interests of the craft generally. We find in this connection another indication, to which I would direct your attention. It is a sort of Young Americanism, that is becoming incorporated into the practical workings of Subordinate C€:::J, & method of making Masons according to the principles of manifest destiny, as well as a hastiness of 0 procedure, as if it was necessary that everything should be controlled by the same laws which govern locomotion through the infiuences of steam, or the transmission of intelligence by the operations of the telegraph. This is wrong in theory, and dangerous in its practice. Masonry, it is true, in its practical application, is to some extent a progressive institution; its usages become modified to meet the custom and wants of the time; but to endeavor to incorporate into it any of the charact·er and principles of modern institutions, not only detracts from its beauty, but inflicts a fatal wound upon its vitality. Delay may be d~ngerous to other institutions, but never to Masonry; and by its judicious exercise we may frequently obviate most unpleasant consequences, and our Annual Communications be relieved of a great deal of unprofitable labor, in investigation of cases of appeal from 0 trials." Bro. Will. K. Bleak submitted the report on Foreign Correspondence, reviewing the proceedings of the several Grand CEJ. 5



M. W. Alfred Martin, Wilmington, Grand Master; Rt. W. William T. Bain, Raleigh, Grand Secretary. NEW YORK.


The Grand of New York assembled in Annual Communication in the city of New York, on the 2d day of June, 18.57-M. W. John L. Lewis, Jr., Grand Master, presiding; several P. Grand Officers, and the representatives of 324 c:e:J, present. The Grand Master's address is replete with beautiful thoughts. Alluding to the difficulties which spring up in CÂŁJ, he says: "The little difficulties which spring up in c:e:J are too frequently magnified by the actors into matters of mighty moment. Here is a great brotherhood, associated together that they may learn to subdue their passions, and promote the mutual improvement of each other, and join in the offices of benevolence to manl{ind. A difference of opinion as to some question of detail arises in a 0, where one individual is right and another wrong; or, if the c,ntest waxes very warm and fierce, it may prove that probably both are wrong. Partisanship arises or is created; one ill-natured act is tIle cause of another, and the dissension can only be healed by the aid of a friendly umpire, or the exercise of some superior officer or body; and yet, in view of the world-wide enterprise before us, and of the mighty host marching to its accomplishment, how utterly insignificant does all this appear, and how fertile must be the imagination which would convert such a surface-ripple into a rolling mountain." Rt. W. Finley M. King presented the report on Foreign Correspondence, which is, like every paper prepared by that brother, argumentative and logical. Despite their internal quarrels, there are few Grand C2J which contain a greater amount of talent than . does the Grand 0 of New York. The committee review, in a truly Masonic spirit, the proceedings of the several Grand CEJ ; they recognize the Grand 0 of Kansas. A resolution was submitted to print the transactions of the Grand 0, from its organization to the present time, which was lost. This we regret, as the early proceedings or that Grand body must cOlltain many



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things of interest, not only to the craft of New York, but to the whole Masonic fraternity. M. W. John L. Lewis, Penn Yann, Grand Master; Rt. W. James M. Austin, M. D., New York, Grand Secreta.ry. NEW HAMPSHIRE.

This Grand 0 held its Annual Communication at Concord, on the 9th June, 1857-M. W. Alfred Greeley, Grand Master, presiding; several P. Grand Officers, and the representatives of 22 Subordinate CEJ, present. A report on Foreign Correspondence was presented by Bro. B. M. Tillotson, covering 53 pages. The committee dissent from Texas, in declaring a belief in the Divine authenticity of the Holy Scriptures as an indispensable prerequisite to Masonic admission; and say they can find no reason for interdicting any otherwise worthy applicant, who firmly believes in the existence of a Supreme Being; nor can they allow of any right to interrogate him farther as to his religious belief. This your committee believe to be the true doctrine, and any additional tests will tend only to confusion and discord, without producing any good results. M. W. George H. Hubbard, Manchester, Grand Master; Rt. W. Horace Chase, Hopkinton, Grand Secretary. NEDRASKA.

A constitutional number of waTranted CÂŁJ having assembled in Omaha City, on tIre 23d September, 1857, iormed a Grand 0 for that Territory-M. W. R. C. Jordan, Omaha City, Grand Master; Rt. W. Geo. Armstrong, Omaha City, Grand Secretary. As everything appears to have been done according to usage on such occasions, your committee submit a resolution, at the end of this report, recognizing the Grand 0 of Nebraska. OHIO.

The Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held at Massillon, on 20th October, 1857-Rt. W. Meredith D. Brock, D.



Grand Master, presiding, and tIle representatives of 227 LEb present. , The GrandMaster, Benjamin F. Smith, having left" the State for the far West," an address prepared by him was read by the D. G. Master. A Committee on Work assembled at Columbia, and, after a session of twelve days, reported a system of work and lectures for the Subordinate LEb, and made provision, through the means of D. D. Grand Masters, for its dissemination. The Grand Master condemns the word Regalia, and is desirous that the simple, but Masonic term, Olothing, should be used, alleging that the former wns stolen from the Odd Fellows, to whom, he says, "regalia" of right belongs. The Grand 0 or Ohio has republished its proceedings from its organization, in 1808 to 1847, inclusive, in "a volume of 664 pages, and have issued 1500 copies, at a cost of $2,024, or say, $1 35 per copy. A specimen of the work i8 here presented, and is more fully alluded to in the report of the Grand Secretary. Your committee allude to this matter in the hope that the Grand 0 of Missouri will do something towards preserving and disseminating the transactions or the Grand 0, from its organization, in 1821, to the present time. It is known to your committee that there are no printed proceedings of our Grand 0 for several years, and the manuscript copy is liable at any time to be destroyed by fire, or other casualities. We do not believe that the Grand 0 would ultimately lose a dollar by the republication, and we confidently hope that steps may be taken whereby the doings of the fathers of Masonry in this State may not only be preserved, but widely disseminated. The report on Foreign Correspondence is the jOJnt production of Bros. 'fhrall and Morton; it covers 50 closely printed pages. They claim for the Grand 0 of Ohio the credit of being the first to constitute a standing committee to bring to the attention of the Grand 0 matters of interest to the craft generally, which may transpire in other Masonic jurisdictions; and also requiring the Grand Master to present an annual statement of his official acts in the recess of the Grand 0, and hi~ views of measures designed




for the welfare of the fraternity, and base their claim, and invito comparison, on the following:'" At theil' (our) Annual Communication, January, 0828, M. W. Thomas Corwin, Grand ~hs­ tor, presiding, Bro. '1'hom:1s n.. Ross submitted the follo"ll'ing resolution, which was adopted: "Resulved, That alliotters and communications upon the subject of Masonry, receivell from individuals amI fureign Grand by the Grand Secretary, during the last yoar, be referred to :1 committee of seven. "In October, 1829, Grand Master Reese submitteu a communication in writing, detailing his official acts. This was repeated the next year (1830), and thenceforward it was maue the duty of the Grand Mastel' so to do. . . . . . If either of these customs had previously obtained in other jurisuictions, your commit· tee are not aware of the fact." lour committee will state, as :1, matter of interest, that as early 1821 Indiana had a committee of the charactel' alluded to in the report of Ohio. In 1822 the Grand Lodge of Vermont had :1 Committee on Communications from Foreign Granu LEJ; and in 18:25 the present distinguished Grand }Iaster, Philip C. ':l'ucker, wa~ a member of such committee. Louisiana, District of Columbia, Kentucky and North Carolina, had such committees in 1824, and Tennessee and Missouri in 1825. We should be pleased to hea,1' from some of the oldest Grand l€J on this subject. On the formation of a General Grand 0, the committee say: "We regard it wholly unnecessary, and therefore inexpedient, to form a Nationall\Iasonic organization. We are prepared to repeat our firm conviction that the establishment 'of i1 General Grand o is inexpedient, and reiterate the heartic'lt lleclaratioll, we are unwilling to change." M. W. Horace Stokes, Grand }Iaster, Lebanon; Rt. W. John D. Caldwell. Grand Secretary, Cincinnati.








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The Grand Lodge of this Territory conveneu at Salem, on the 8th day oJ January, 1857-1\1. W. A. 1'1. licIt, Grand l\Iaster, presiding, and the representatives of 12 0 present.





The Grand 0, through P. Grand Master Ainsworth, presented a jewel to Past Grand Secretary (now Grand Master) Stark. The presentation was made in appropriate language, to which Bro. Stark responded, alluding to his connection with the Grand o from its organization to the present time. It was our good fortune to make the acquaintance of Bro. Stark, at Hartford, a few years ago, during his brief visit to the Atlantic States, and we found him a modest, unassuming, courteous gentleman, and an intelligent Mason. Bro. Ainsworth presented the Foreign Correspondence report. In a spirit of candor he reviews the proceedings of the several Grand CEJ, our own among the number. The report closes with that beautiful poem written by the Mason poet of America, Rob Morris-" We meet upon the Level, and we part upon the Square." M. W. Benj. Stark, Portland, Grand Master; Rt. W. William S. Caldwell, Hillsboro', Grand Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA.

The proceedingfl of this Grand 0 is contained in a pamphlet of 51 pages. The address of the Grand Master, Peter Williamson, was delivered on the 27th December, and is confined to matters connected with the jurisdiction. The Grand 0 Charity iund distribll!a-d within the year was $1,541. The estimated receipts for the year ending January 1st, 1858, is put down at $35,000. This large amount is made up as folIows : From CE:J, Chapters, Encampment, &c., $21,000 " Dispensations, Certificates, Warrants, &c., • 2,00.0 " Rent of Storefl, 10,000 " Collection from CE:J for Regalia, 2,000 $35,000 A report on Foreign Correspondence was presented by Bro. Lucius H. Scott. We hope hereafter to hear in a more extended form from this ancient Grand D. Since writing the foregoing, we learn that M. W. J. K. Mitchell, Grand Master, is no more; he died at "low twelve," on Sunday night, the 4th April last, at the age of 60 years.



It may not be amiss to state that the pr~sent chief magistrate of the United States was, in 1823, aD. D. Grand Master for the counties of Lanca,ster, Lebanon and York. R. W. William H. Adams, Philadelphia, Grand Secretary. RHODE ISLAND.

The transactions of this Grand D, before us, embrace several qua,rterly Communica,tions, together with the Annual Communica,· tion, held in Providence, June 24th, 1857-M. W. Oliver Johnson,. Grand Master, presiding, and a large delegation of e::§:J present. The Grand Master, in appropriate la,nguage, alludes to the dea,th of P. Grand Master Seth Peck, aged 86 years, and speaks of our departed brother as a "valuable citizen, a worthy and efficient Mason, and a consistent and faithful Christian." From the address of the Grand Master we leam, that" the Grand o of Rhode Island was constituted in 1791, by two CEJ-St. John's 0 in Newport and St. John's Din Providence-and it was lwranged that the officers of the Grand 0 should be equally divided between the two C2J, and that the officers should be elected by each D in its separate capacity." From the same source we learn that" Bro. Thomas Smith Webb was interred in the city of Providence by the Grand 0 of Rhode Island, November 8th, 1819." Your committee have been under the impression that Bro. Webb died on the 6th July, 1819, at Cleveland, on his journey from Boston .to Worthington, Ohio, and that he was buried on Wednesday, the 7th, by Concord 0 No. 15, of which William Coleman was at the time Master; but the brethren of Rhode Island, being desirous that the remains of their distinguished Past Grand Master should not moulder in a, strange land, had the body mised a,nd tl':1llsferred to Providence, where it was finany buried, as a,bove stated. Another interesting item of Masonic hist.ol'y we transfer to these pa,ges, as follows: "On the 3d October, 1814, the Grand 0, together with 250 Masons, members of Suoordina,te C£::J, eonycned in Providence, and proceeded to erect a brea,stwork on Fox Point,



430 feet long, 10 feet wide and 5 feet high. 'rhe M. W. Grand Master named it Fort Hiram." The Grand 0 assisted in celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of St. John's 0 No.2. Rev. Geo. M. R:1lldall, D. D. Past Grand Master, of Massachusetts, delivered the address. An original poem, prepared for the occasion, was read by Bro. Chas. C. Van Zant. M. W. James Hutchinson, Providence, Grand Master; Rt. W. William C. Barker, Providence, Grand Secretary. TENNESSEE.

The forty-fifth Annual Communication of this Grand 0 WllS held in the city of Nashville, on the 5th of October, 1857-M. W. Thos. McCulloch, Grand M~ster, presiding, and the representatives of 157 CEJ present. The Grand Master is fearful that too much laxity is observed, and Bays; "It sometimes happens that CEJ, under a misguided zeal for the good of Masonry, supposing that numbers give strength, have suffered from the reception of candidates destitute of sufficient qualifications. When an unworthy member leaves the o room to mingle with his fellow-men, proving faithless to his obligations, betraymg the confidence of those who trust him on account of hiB profession, he inflicts wounds that are deepest and most incurable. CEJ then owe it to their brethren everywhere, to the community around them, as well as to themselves, to bar their doors against every one who would use Masonry as a cloak t del' which to practice imposition, or further mere selfish aims. They should not admit the idler, the spendthrift, nor those who would withhold the right or enforce a wrong; neither the liar nor the evil-doer. Such, if admitted, can at best but become unworthy members, that will annoy and afflict the rest, and corrupt the influence of the Order without. It is the quality, and not the quantit.1J, of material, upon which the permanency and success of the Order will most depend. Good materials for our work are abundant; and the only way to command them is to reject the bad. It were better to do nothing than to do evil." The Grand Secretary presented the report on Foreign Corre-



spondence, in which he says: "He does not consider it any part of his duty to criticise the proceedings of other Grand CE:J in a captious or fault-finding style, but to exa.mine them in a spirit of fraternal courtesy, giving an encouraging word to all efforts to elevate the standard of pure morals; and when called upon to ex路 press disapprobation, to do so kindly, and with due regard to the feelings of others." This your committee believe to be the spirit which should govern all who prepare similar reports, and not, as too many do, in the Chadband style, " improve an occasion." We find that five applications for dispensations to form new CflJ were rejected by the Grand D. We wish that Grand CEJ nearer home would do likewise; thertl are already too many CflJ in existence which do not reflect credit upon Masonry, nor the Grand bodies which created them; and if there wa!l' not issued for the next twenty years another warrant of constitution, we firmly believe that Free Masonry would not only be strengthened j but beautified thereby. M. W. Thomas McCulloch, Clarksville, Grand Master; Rt. W. C. A. Fuller, Nashville, Grand Secretary. VIRGINIA.

The seventy-ninth Annual Communication of the Grand 0 of Virginia was held in the city of Richmond, on the 14th day of December, 1857-M. W. John S. Caldwell, Grand Master, pre路 siding, and the representatives of 77 I:::Eb present. Your committee regret to find the following in the proceedings of this old and influential Grand "Your committee have examined the application of Bro. M. Floyd, im aged brother, for relief, and deem it eminently meritorious. So thinking, they regret very much that their opinion of the functions of this Grand body, in relation to the dispensation of charity, will not allow them to recommend an appropriation to the relief of Bro. Floyd by the Grand 0 , as such." What! not a dollar for the relief of an " aged brother," whose application is deemed meritorious! not a cent to procure food




or raiment for the aged craftsman! not even a kind word to soften the rejection of his petition! It may be that there was a time in the history oE this brother when fortune smiled on him, and he was enabled to give freely to relieve the necessitous; that he assisted to bind up the wounds inflicted by poverty on a proud spirit; that his mite caused gladness to brighten the face oE the orphan, and sunshine once more to ent~r the soul of some heart-broken widow. But dark days must have overtaken him; he has grown old; adversity, too often the companion of old age, follows close on his track; gaunt poverty stares him in the face; the old Mason's pride is humbled; his spirit broken; he turns to his brethren and humbly asks RELIEF. It is denied him; his petition is rejected, and the poor old man finds that an additional arrow was reserved for his already lacerated heart; that the functions of the Grand 0, in relatiun tv lite dispensation of charity, will not allow it to Cu.st one flash oE sunshine across his lonely pathway; that henceforth, so far as the Grand 0 is concerned, his journey to the grave shall not be cheered by a single ray of hope. Famine may eat into his vitals; but he has been denied relief where he had the right to expect it. God help thee, Bro. Floyd ~ you have lived too long, since you have outlived Masonic charity. DIE, OLD :MASON! DIE! The rounds of that theological ladder which you once fondly looked upon are shattered, for tOOy are a delusion. The following circular from the Grand 0 of Virginia, upon a subject dear to the heart of every American, will, we trust, find a hearty response from the Masons of Missouri: ORAND SECRETARY'S OFFICE, GnAND LODGE OF VIRGJ"IA, } RICHMOND,

Marcb, A. L. 5858, A. D. 1858.

1110st Worshipful Sir and Brother-The following proceedings were had in the Grand 0 of Virginia, on the 15th day of December last, on that most interesting question, the acquisition of the holy sepulchre where rests all that was mortal of our illustrious brother George Washington, and its preservation from probna,tion for a.ll time, by which it may be converted into a national enshrined Mecca, to which the devotees of virtue, patriotism and



civil liberty may repair to offer up their prayers for the blessed perpetuity of those indispensable attributes of a. free and happy people. . By the fourth resolution, it will be seen that we propose to cooperate with the "Ladies' Mount Vernon Association," in their matchless purity of purpose, to carry out the disinterested, but pious, proposition of the "Southern Matron," made in 1853; and if no higher incentive were offered to a Mason, his heart would promptly urge him to the proud pleasure of acting in unison with those whose motives are ever pure. Pages, nay volumes, might be written, were it at all necessary, to advance this holy cause; but I have s.aid enough to call your attention to the duty required of me by one of the resolutions, and perfectly confident, as I am, thllt there is a magic charm in the deathless name of Washington, which wells up from the deep fountains of grateful hearts of all true Masons, prompting them to come up readily and cheerfully to this holy work, I shall only now add the hope that you will lose no time in laying this circular before your Grand 0, and apprise me of its action. Very fraternally yours,

JOHN DOVE, G. S. M. W. John S. Caldwell, Fredericksburg, Grand Master; Rt. W. John Dove, Richmond, Grand Secretary. VERMONT.

This Grand 0 assembled in Annual Communication, in Burlington, on the 13th January, 1858-M. W. Philip C. Tucker, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 41 CEJ present. The address of Grand Mast~r Tucker, like every production of his, is clear, logical, and to the point. It has the ring of the pure metal in it. Upon the subject of proficiency in work, he thus remarks: "Every brother will recognize the wide difference between working well and ill, both as to its own beauty and its effect upon the initiate. In the one case, you have a beautiful moral temple, gratifying to your own vision and attractive to your newly-admitted brother; in the other, a temple of broken






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arches, dis,place,-l architraves and prostrate columns-a temple where the stones are not properly hewn, squared and numbered, and in ,,-hich the candidate will discern only the materials of the building, and not the perfect and finished edifice. It is so perfectly easy, with but a small exercise of industry. always to possess the one aud avoid the other, that no 0 can be helJ blameless, "'hile it is devoid of the wisdom, the strength and the beauty which combine, sustain and adorn our great moral institution." The Gmnd Master, in appropriate language, thus alludes to the death of another veteran, "Bro. Joshua Doane, who was ror near fifty years a member or the Masonic Order. ~'o the principles of Masonry he was ardently attached, and he exemplified in his life the excellent tenets of an institution he held in sacred reverence. Through the whole or the Anti-Masonic excitement he stood firm and unwavering, and, together with his intimate friends and tried companions, (the lamented Haswell and others,) bravely beat back the waves of obloquy and odium which were poured upon ~Iasonry in this State. By the Masonic Order his n<.tme will ever be held in that grateful remembrance which the goo,-l and the true inspire, and his memory endure, ever fresh and green as the emblem of immortality deposited in his grave. His remains were followed to the tomb by nearly two hundred of his brethren, and buried under the solemn and impressive ceremonies of the Order. The report on Foreign Correspondence was presented by Bro. Grand Secretary, and, without noticing the proceedings of the several Grand C=E!J by name, presents extracts upon the subjects. whieh arc being discussed through the several Grand 0 jurisdictions. M. W. Philip C. Tucker, Ver-gennes, Grand Master; Ht. W. John B. Hollinbeck, Burlington, Grand Secretary.




The Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held at the town of Waco, on 3d January, 1858-M. 'V. William Stedman, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 112 C-EJ

II[ pre~ent. II 1,--:==::-=---=-=-____ __ ~




The Grand Master alludes to the death of Bro. Anson Jones, who was one of the original members of the Grand 0 of Texas, and its first Grand Master-there being but seven of the original members of that body now living, one of which is our worthy friend and brother, Andrew Neill. Alluding to the duties of D. D. Grand :Masters, the Grand Master says: "Their duty is not to exemplify the work and lectures, but to prcside in the LE:J after they are opened; to examine the records, and see that they are properly kept; to be informed as to whether the members fire punctual in attcndance and harmonious in work, and to inquire generally into the condition of the LE:J; to point out and correct crrors, and recommend a careful observance of Masonic principles. Few, however," he says, "have discharged the duties required of them." Speaking of the qualifications necessary for the Grand Lccturer, the Grand Master sa)'s: " None should be elected to that office except such as have studied and understood thc history, the morality, the literature and scientific teachings of Masonry. Mere smatterers of thc ritual will not do. It is, indeed, necessary that a Lecturer be well versed in the ritual; but that, in my opinioll, is a secondary consideration, that can he learned by rate, while the other cannot be acquired, except by extensive路 investigation, close application, and the exercise of a discriminating judgment." For the first time in fourteen years, the Rt.W. Grand Secretary, Bro. Ruthven, has been unable to attend the Annual Communicu.tion of the Grand 0; and the Most Worshipful Grand J\faster elect, with a fraternal kindness that does him honor, attended to his duties, and visited Galveston, to place the minutes of the proceedings in the hands of Bro. Ruthven, who was, though ahscnt, re-clccted. We trust our brother will soon be about, and able to attend to the dutics of his office. Bro. J. B. Likens presented the report on Foreign Correspondence, and in a truly Masonic spirit reviews the proceedings of the several Grand Cfb. M. W. James M. Hall, Crockett, Grand Master; Rt. W. A. S. Ruthven, Galveston, Grand Secret~ry.

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This Grand 0 assembled in Annual Communication in Milwaukie. on the ~th June, 1857-M. W. Henry S. Baird, Grand Master, presiding, and the representatives of 58 CE3:J present. The Grand Master cautions the Subordinate CE3:J to be careful of the material they undertake to work up, and condemns the hasty and imperfect manner in which tne work is too frequently done. He complains of a want of uniformity in the work, and suggests that one or two Grand Lecturers for the State be appointed, with a stated salary, sufficient to enable them to devote their time and attention to a faithful discharge of their duties. The Grand Master notices the death of Brother G. W. Bicknell, who died at an advanced age, at his residence in Beloit. He was an upright and honest man, and universally respected. There is no report on Foreign Correspondence. M. W. Henry S. Baird, Green Bay, Grand Master; Rt. W. William R. Smith, Mineral Point, Grand Secretary.

Your committee having, to the best of their ability, in the short time permitted from other Masonic duties, brought this necessarily imperfect report to a conclusion, submit it to you for such action as in your judgment may be demanded, with this single remark, that from the various other duties which have to be performed by the writer, he respectfully declines the appointment of Chairman for the ensuing year; and would not present a report at this time, did he not deem that he was discharging a duty im.posed on him by the Grand 0 , which could not be well avoided. Your committee submit the following resolution: Resolved, That the Grand 0 of Missouri recognize the Grand o of Nebraska, and cordially welcome her into full fellowship with her sister Grand CEJ. Fraternally,







The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until eight o'clock to-mon-ow morning.

TUESDAY MORNING, 8 o'clock. The Most Worshipful Grand 0 of Missouri was called to "labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. Prayer by Grand Chaplain. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. . The Grand Master appointed the following committees: UNFINISHED BUSINEss-Bros. T. R. Vaughn, E. McCowan, F. L. Hubbell J. H. McClain, N. P. Kunkle, F. D. Evans. LODGES U. D.-Bros. Cyrus Osborn, John Decker, O. F. Potter., J. H. Mallory, D. H. Armstrong, J. B. Bradford, T. M. Herndon. ACCOuNTs-Bros. John D. Taylor, J. E. Drake, B. F. Wallace, W. G. Cooley. WAYS AND MEANs-Bros. W. C. Watts, W. R. Peneck, Geo. Whitcomb, E. Barbee, A. F. Trainer, L. Dodge, Joseph Crooks. CHARITy-Bros. John F. Houston, Wm. M. Reynolds, J. L. Chaney. ApPLICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONs-Bros. R. S. Voorhies, Henry Blunt, T. B. Howe, John A. Quarles, Wm. Hixon, Wm. MeR. Brooke, F. H. L. Laird. :MASONIC COLLEGE-Bros. L. S. Cornwell, C. C. Whittlesey, S. W. B. CaTnegy, J. L. Hardeman, D. H. Armstrong, Wm. T. DaNis, R. S. Voorhies. GRIEVANCE-Bros. Ma,rcus Boyd, Geo. H. C. Melody, John Ralls, L. S. Cornwell, E. F. Greenleaf, J. H. Mallory, Wro. Culver. . CHARTERED LODGES.-W. N. Loker, O. H. P. Craig, J. H. McLane, N. P. Kunkle, J. W. Luke, R. A. Raphael, T. M. Hays. ON By-LAWS-Bros. John H. Turner, Daniel Williams, G. H. Kenner.



Bro. Davis, President of Masonic College, presented his annual report, which was read, and the same, together with accompanying documents, were received, and referred to Committee on College.

A. To THE BOARD OF CURATORS OF MASONIC COLLEGE: The undersigned fraternally submits to you the following brief report on the internal condition of the College: In view of the embarrassing circumstances whieh have surrounded the College during the year now nearly closed, the attendance has been larger than was anticipated. The whole number of students that have entered to this date, May 20th, 1858, is 132. Of these 56 are the sons of Masons, and 76 not. The number of beneficiaries is 7-one supported by the Grand Chapter, two by the Grand 0 , two are enter~d by Subordinate CEJ, and two by the Faculty. The number of students admitted on scholarship is 36-a considerable diminution in the number so admitted, compared with former years,owing to the expiration of the small grade scholarships. The classification of the students in attendance this year is as follows: Seniors 4, Juniors 3, Sophomores 10, Irregulars in Collegiate Department, 21. Total in the Collegiate Department, 43. In the Preparatory Department there are 89. Prof. J. E. Ryland has charge of the latter department, and he has conducted it with his characteristic industry and ability. Throughout the year he has been assisted by Prof. Suddath and the undersigned, by hearing from his department such classes as he was, for the want of time, unable to hear. Since Prof. W. W. Suddath has occupied the Chair of Languages, made vacant by the resignation, in June last, of Prof. Cameron, he has shown himself well qualified for his position. He is thoroughly skilled in the Greek and Latin languages and literature, and withal ll. most thorough, faithful and acceptable instructor.



The students have generally made fine progress in their studies, and their general good conduct, and their quiet, orderly and gentlemanly deportment, have been a subject of commendation in the community; and are alike honorable to themselves and the institution to which they belong. It is in a few cases only that the Faculty have been under the necessity of exercising any rigorous discipline, and in these it has not been the severest known to our laws. The two Literary Societies connected with the College continue to prosper. The members take great interest in the exercises to which their weekly meetings are devoted; and they are constantly making additions to their already handsome libraries. The College Library has been increased only by the .public documents of the General Government, and the Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. The set of mineralogical specimens donated to our College by the State has not yet been received, owing, doubtless, to the fact that it has not yet been completed so far as to be of much service. In other respects, the condition of the College "is unchanged. Fraternally submitted. W. F. DAVIS, President Masonic College.



M. W.



The undersigned, as President of the Board of Curators of Masonic College, fraternally submits the following report: Soon after your last Annual Communication, Professor Wm. Cameron, who had long and ably filled the chair of Ancient Languages in the Masonic College, resigned that position. Rev. W. W. Suddath, A. M., was elected to the vacant professorship, and entered upon tho discharge of its duties on the first Monday in September last; and, as will be seen by the report marked A, herewith presented, he has given entire satisfaction. For a full statement of the receipts and e.xpenditures of the 6



Board, you are respectfully referred to the reports of the Secretary and Treasurer herewith submitted, and marked respectively Band C. The accompanying paper, marked D, exhibits the present financial condition of the College, and shows that the debt against the College is considerably less than at your last Communication : $5,796 87 Present liabilities, Cash in hands of Treasurer, $779 93 112 38 Cash in hands of Secretary, 327 76 Tuition not collected, but available. 200 00 Rent of boarding-house, 1,420 07 $4,376 80 100 00

Deduct for over estimate of money due Thomson, Debt against Grand




$4,276 80

To meet this debt, we have the land in Clay County, supposed to be worth $5 per acre, or $400, the amount in Bro. Carnegy's hands, and revenues of your present Communication. Soon after the undersigned was elected a member of the Board of Curators, he was appointed to ascertain the condition of the lands belonging to the Grand 0"ÂŁ01' the use or the College, and to effect the sale of them. Owing to sickness in his family, it ,,:as near the last of August before he could attend to the duty assigned him. It wail discovered, on visiting Carrollton, that the land in Carroll County had been sold in 1853 for the tax of 1852, and again in '54 for the tax of '53 and purchased both times by Stephen Donohoe, of Howard County. It further appears that a deed was issued by the State to Donohoe, about the 1st of Sep<tember last. It is proper here to state that Bro. S. G. Wentworth employed onc John Snider, of Carroll County, to pay the tax on the land, and placed money in his hands for the purpose; and that the Board, relying upon him, had thought, until the above developments were made, that the tax was regularly paid. What the tax title is worth, we are unable to say; but we have employed a competent lawyer. to take such steps as the case may warrant.



The lands WAre all advertised for sale on the first Monday in November last, but the financial crisis coming on no sale was effected, except that of two lots in Lexington, at $250. The land in Clay County is without incumbrance, and can now probably be sold at the valuation above stated. The boarding-house on the College premises was rented to Bro. Sa,muel F. Currie, for the snm of $200, for one year from the 1st day of September last; and for the further sum of $200, provided the number of boarders reached an average of 23 during the year, it being stipulated that he should not be restricted in his charges or in the boarders that he should receive. Brother Currie has, howevel:, refused to settle his accounts with the Board, and declared his purpose to refer the matter to you. Our object is to have the account against Brother Currie for rent adjusted, in connexion with the settlement with him for the board of beneficiaries. In accordance with the By-Laws for the government of the Board of Curators, the present Board were divided into four classes, as follows: Jno. M. Lewis, Esq., Saline County; J. Bull, M. D., Lexington; B. F. Wallace, Esq., Independence-Term of service, one year. Wm. T. Davis, A. M., Lexington; Joseph Chew, M. D., Rich~ mond; Stephen Stafford, Esq., Carrollton-two years. Rev. E. S. Dulin, A. M., Lafayette County; - - McCown, Warrensburg; E. G. Arnold, M. D., Lexington-three years. Hon. John J. Holiday, Lafayette County; A. M. Tutt, Esq., Clinton; H;enry Neill, Esq., Lexington-~our years. <It will, therefore, be necessary to elect three Curators to fill the first class. At your last Communication the Board was instructed to receive proposals for the sale of the entire College property. It is sufficient on this head to say, that no proposals have been made to the Board; and we trust that the present report will satisfy every brother in the Grand 0 that our College can be sustained; that obligations to sustain it have been incurred too solemn to be disreg:1rded<; and that any action which looks to the disposal of it



has only the effect of, crippling an institution, whose prosperity it is our duty, and should be our pride, " to promote by all honorable means." Fraternally submitted. WM. T. DAVIS, President of Board of Curators. bray 20 th, 1858.






May 12. To balance endowment on hand, $410 42 Aug. 18. " amount received from George A. Kice, 25 00 Sept. 5. " " Thomas G. Dobbins, 30 00

1858. Jan.



Jno. D. Daggett,


266 77

$732 19 CR. 1858. Jan. 1. By loan to Wm. Hunter, $500 00 April 1. " insurance on Patterson's house, '18 00 --$518 00 May 12. To balance on hand,




$214 19

May 12. To balance interest on hand, June 3. " interest from J no. A. Alford, Sept. 2. " " L. S. Cornwell, " ,Jno. S. Porter, " " 54 " 7. " " Thomas G. Dobbins, " 8. " " Charles Sterne, " 8. " " Charles Carpenter, " 23. " " H. E. Peebles, Nov. 4. " " Geo. A. Kice, "9. " " Est. J. F. Chiles,

$172 50 20 10

80 00 00 00

10 00 12 50 30 12

50 00 00 55

9 00

1858. __ ~an. 11,



D. R. Parsons,

54 00



Feb. 1. To interest from Jno. F. Ryland, " 19. " " Wm. P. Walton, " 27. " " Sol. P. McCurdy,

$10 00 18 00 14'40 $473 25

1857. CR. Sep.24. By cash paid Board of Curators, 1858. Mar. 20. " " " May 7. " " "





$200 00 120 00 90 00 63 25


$473 25 WM. P. BOULWARE, Secret.nry Board of E. F. Commissioners. May 14th, 1858.

DR. J.


B. Secretary, in .Ilccount witlt




1857. DR. July 2. To amount received from Grand 0 , $3,500 132 Aug. 7. " " former Secretary, Sep. 24. " proceeds note discounted by F:umer's B'k, 487 " "amount received Endowment Fund interest, 200 1858. Jan. 4. " Grand 0 , 431 " Feb. 1. " tuition, 19th session, 669 " contingencies, 258 " " 1. " Mar. 22. " Endowment Fund interest, 120 " May 7. " 90 " " " lots sold H. Flynt, 215 7. " " " May 11. " tuition, 20th session, 596 " contingencies, 194 " 11. " " note W. P. Walton. 11 If. " " "


00 53 75 00 68 00 32 00 00 00 50

93 75



May 12. To amount received from S. G. Wentworth, on old subscription, $98 60 Endowment Fund interest, 63 25 13. " " " $7,069 31 To balance cash on hand, 1857. CR. July 2. By amount paid Treasurer, Aug. 7. " " Sep.12. " " " 24. " " " " 26. " " " Oct. 31. " " " Dec. 16. " " " 16. " " Dec.18. " " " 1858. Jan. 4. " " " 13. " " " " " 13. " " " 25. " " 26. " " " Feb. 1. " " "

" "





" 11. ' ,







" 29. " April 21. " May 1. " " 11. " "


" "




" "



" ",. " "

tuition refunded to A. Wilson, 13. " amount paid Treasurer,

" "





" "

13. " " 14. ", balance,


May 14th, 1858.

" "

$112 38 $3,500 132 352 487 306 41 152 31 40

00 53 45 75 00 00 00 00 00

20 00 25 50 10 50 100 00 104 33 25 00 103 00 300 00 152 68 103 25 147 00 215 00 81 09 15 00 263 25 98 60 150 00 112 38 $7,069 31



Treasurer, z'n account wz'tlt BOARD OF VURATORS MASONIC COLLEGE.

1857. DR. July 1. To Cash received from Grand 0, Aug. 7. " " former Sec'y, " Sept. 12. " " " Sec'y of Board, 24. " " " " " " 26. " " Oct. 31. " " " " Dec. 16. " " "., " " 16. " " " " " 18. " " 1858. Jan. 4. " " " " 13. " " " " " " " " 13. " " a 25. " " " " " " " 26. " " Feb. 1- " " "




" "




" "

" "


" " " "




" " "





29. ApI. 21. May 1.


" "





11. "


13. 13.

" "




" "





" "






Agent, collected on old subscription, Sec'y of Board, -

$3,500 132 352 487 306 41 152 31 40

00 53 45 75 00 00 00 00 00

20 25 10 100 104 25 103 300 152 109 147 215 81 213

00 50 50 00 33 00 00 00 68 25 00 00 09 25

98 60 150 00 $6,941 93

To Balance Cash on hand.

$779 71




1857. CR. July 3. By Cash pa.id Prof. Ryland, 3. " " " Cameron, . " 3. Thomas Alford, " " " 3. Pres't Davis, " " "




t' "


10. 25. " 26. " 28. " 28. Sept. 12. " 12. " 12. " 12. " 23. " 25. " 26. " 26. " 26. Oct. 6. " 10. 31. " 31. " Dec. 17. " 18. 1858. Jan. 6. " 13. 25. " 26. Feb. 1-



7. " 7. "


" "







" " " "




" "


" "







" "

" " "



" "







11. "


16. " 17. "





" " ,,

" "








Janitor, Dr. J. Bull, B. F. Wallace, Prof. Allen, Thos. Alford, J no. T. Pigott, H. G. Graham, H. Pel'singer, F. A. Kounslar, O. Anderson, Wm. Morrison, Insurance, M. G. Leiblich, J. A. Crump, Pres't Da.vi~, Prof. Akers. Pres't Davis, Prof. Suddath, -

" Prof. Ryland, Prof. Suddath, Prof. Ryland, J. A. Graham, Pres't Davis, Farmers' Bank, Prof. Ryland, Pres't Davis, Prof. Suddath, Janitor, •


$ 817 50 1,204 100 200 804 263 10 7 10 97 68 42 126 105 15 69 60 120 82 159 130 161 l05 16 41 50 70

75 00 00 00 95 25 50 00 90 60 95 50 00 00 44 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 55 00 00 00

75 30 100 104 25 103 100 24

00 41 00 33 00 00 00 00



$100 105 8 8 8 16 " " 65 Pres't Davis, " 81 S. G. Wentworth, coal acct., " taxes on lands, 17 " " 150 J. Bull, services as Sec'y, " 103 Farmers' Bank, 779 Balll.nce,

Feb. 18. By Cash paid Prof. Ryland, Insurance, Mar. 3. " " " 17. " " Janitor, ApI. 8. " " " May 10. " " "

" "


" "


11. " 11. " 12. 12. 13.

" " "

14. "


00 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 59 00 25


$6,941 93 HENRY NEILL, Treasurer. LBXlllGTOlIT,

May 14th, 1858.

D. Lz"ab£lifies incurred the past Year, and Payments made thereon. $1,600 00 W. T. Davis' Salary, - 1,450 00 W. W. Suddath's Salary 1,000 00 Jno. E. Ryland's " 150 00 J. Bull, Sec'y Board Curators, • 80 00 Janitor, 33 95 John T. Pigott, Books and Stationery, 6 10 J. A. Graham, repairs, 15 10 M. G. Lieblich, clothing, • 25 50 Thomas Alford, repairs, 65 Jno. E. Bascom, chemicals, 96 42 H. G. Graham, clothing, 280 00 Insurance on College and Board House, 28 70 P. Sutherland, repairs, 182 81 S. G. Wentworth, coal, 115 50 Smallwood & Julien, printing, 69 44 O. Ander8on, cod, (bal. old acct.)



$ 6 71

Wallaces & Donaldson, Farmers' Bank Mo., Bal. old liabilities, -

300 00 1,943 67 $1,384 55_


W. T. Davis, on salary, W. W. Suddath, " J no. E. Ryland, " J. Bull, Secretary, Janitor, - \ • O. Anderson, Insurance, S. G. Wentworth,

503 227 250 150

09 55 00 00 64 00 69 44 22500 98 60

$1,587 68 $5,796 87 125 00

Tot.al Liabilities, Error,

$5,671 87 J. BULL, LEXINGTON,

Secretary Board of Curators.

May 14th, 1861.

Liabilities reported May 4th, 1857, and Payments made thereon. $6,236 12

Liabilities then reported, PAYMENTS.

H. Persinger, $100 and into $5, - $ 105 97 D. C. Allen, $89 and into $8 90, 161 T. P. Akers, $130 and into $31, 1,293 W. T. Davis, W. Cameron, 1,223 817 Jno. E. Ryland, 113 John A. Alford, 168 Thos. Alford, $143 50 and into $2510, M. G. Leiblich, 84


90 00 95 75 50 00 60




John T. Pigott, $31 25 andint.$ll 70, H. G. Graham, J. A. Crump,


42 95

126 50 140 00 $4,374 15


Henry Thompson, G. W. Young, Jno. A. Alford, C. B. Kavenaugh,

Less interest as above,

- $1,725 16 187 15 (

00 67 00 00

$6,317 82 81 70 $6,236 12

J. BULL, 1lIXINGTON, May 14th, 1868.

Secretary Board of CurlltOfB.

The undersigned, agent for the sale of certain real estate belonging to the Grand 0 of Missouri, ask leave to report,-That he has sold the tract containing eighty acres of land, donated to the Grand 0 by James H. Graham, lying in the county of Ray, for the sum of four hundred and forty dollars. Three hundred and thirty of said amount has been paid to Board of Curators, leaving a balance of one hundred and ten dollars, to be paid as soon as the deed can be made. He recommends that the Grand o appoint an agent to execute the deed to the aforesaid land, and receive the balance due on the same. Respectfully submitted. JOHN A. ALFORD, Agent.

An account of Bro. Boulware, for services rendered as Secretary of Board of E. F. Commissioners, was received" and referred to Committee on College. ' Bro. 9urrie presented a protes't and sundry papers in relation to his connection with the boarding-house; which were also referred to Committee on College.




Bro. Houston, from Committee on Charity, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To





A. F.




The undersigned, Committee on Charity, would respectfully report: That a brother, hailing from Ohio, is now within this Grand 0 room, hboring under a very severe affiiction, and entirely destitute of means to enable him to reach his horne and kindred; and as one of the glorious objects of our beloved institution is to reo lieve distress wherever found, to soothe the sorrows of the afflicted, and restore peace to the troubled mind, let us in this instance be charitable, for charity extendeth beyond the grave. We have not long to live, and will soon go home; and as we hope for a charitable judgment hereafter, so should we be ready to assist the unfortunate, and sympathize with all in distress; for by such acts only do we demonstrate that there are principles in active operation on this earth which are emblematic of that mercy and charity which await the good in heaven. And believing our destitute brother worthy, we fraternally recommend the adoption of the following resolution: • Resolved, That the sum of thirty dollars be appropriated out of the charity fund of this Grand 0, to relieve our brother, and that the Grand Master immediately draw his warrant on the Grand Treasurer £01' that amount. Fraternally submitted. J. F. HOUSTON, Chairman.

Bro. Carnegy, from the Committee on Grand Master's Address, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: . To



The committee appointed to examine the annual address of the M. W. Grand Master, and distribute to appropria.te committees the several important subjects therein contained, respectfully report: That they have examined the same, and recommend it on account of the important subjects treated of, as well as the plain,



direct, concise and eloquent style in which it is written, to the careful perusal or all; and, for the purpose of bringing the various subjects referred to more speedily and directly before the Grand 0, your committee recommend that that portion of the address in reference to the decease of Bros. Dallam, Douglass and Pettit, be referred to a special committee; so much as relates to Middletown 0 No. 50, to a special committee; so much as relates to the Masonic College, to Oommittee on College; so much as relates to publishing the names of the members of Subordinate CEJ, to Committee on Chartered CEJ; so much as relates to a universal congress, to a special committee; and so much as relates to uniformity of work, to a special committee. Fraternally submitted.. . S. W. B. CARNEGY, O. H. P. CRAIG, S. F. CURRIE. And the following committees were appointed, in accordance with the foregoing recommendations : That part of the Grand Master's address, relating to invasion of jurisdiction of Grand 0 of Kansas by Weston 0 , to Committee on Grievance. R. W. S. W. B. Carnegy, by'permission of Grand Master, appointed the following as special Committee on Middletown 0 : Bros. Whitcomb, Turner, Hale, Reynolds, Ralls. The M. W. Grand Master appointed the following special Committee on Uniformity of Work: Bros. Foster, Daggett, Ralls. On the subject of an Universal Congress :-Bros. Voorhies, Davis, Melody. Bro. Foster, by request of Grand Master, appointed the following, on the death of Bros. Dallam, Dougla.ss, and Pettit :-Rt. W. Bros. Carnegy, Currie, Brooks. . A majority of the committee to whom was referred an application for dispensation for a 0 in St. Louis, to work in English and German, submitted a report, whi.ch was laid on the table until to-morrow afternoon. Bro. Vaughn offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That Thursday morning, ten o'clock, be set apart as



the time for the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year; and that the installation take place on Thursday evening. Rt. W. W. C. Ransom, P. S. Grand Warden Grand 0 Michigan, was introduced and invited to a seat in the East. On motion, it was Resolved, That the Grand Lecturer be required to exemplify the Work and Lectures of the three degrees of A. Craft Masonry, on the evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Adopted. Rt. W. John Garnet, P. Grand Secretary, entered a remonstrance from Lafayette and Lexington C£J, against the disposal of Masonic College. Was read and referred to Committee on College.. Bro. J. F. Houston presented certain resolutions, which were received and referred to Committee on Work. The Most Worshipful Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 2 o'clock this afternoon.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 2 o'clock. The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The Grand Secretary presented his annual report, which was received and ordered to be printed. GRAND SECRETARY'S OFFICE OF TilE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI,}


. To


Mny 24th, 1858•

M. W. GRAND 0 A. F. A. MASONS OF MISSOURI: Brethren-In accordance with the requirements of the ByLaws of the Grand 0, I now proceed to lay before you a report of my acts as Grand Secretary for the past year. Dispensations for the formation of new C£J have been issued from my office as follows: July 23d, 1857-To John C. Cochran and others, to open a new 0, in the town of Ebenezer, Greene County, to be called EbeTHE



nezer D. By order of Rt. W. Marcus Boyd, D. D. Gr. Master, 18th Masonic District. July 27th, 1857-To Thomas P. Hoard and others, to open a new 0 in Clarkton, Dunklin County, to be called West Prairie D. By order of Rt. W. George Pettit, D. D. Gr. Master, 21st Masonic District. August 10th, 1857-To James R. Lory and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Mellville, Dade County, to be called Temple D. By order of Rt. W. Marcus Boyd, ,D. D. Gr. Master, 18th Masonic District. August 26th, 1857-To John Taylor, Jr. and others, to open a new 0 at Novelty, Knox County, to be called Novelty D. By order of Rt. W. E. F. Greenleaf, D. D. Gr. Master, 7th Masonic District. Sept. 7th, 1857-To C. Osborn and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Wellington, Lafayette County, to be called Dawson D. By order of the M. W. Grand Master. Sept. 26th, 1857-To W. S. Smith and others, to open a new o in the. town of Butler, Bates County, to be called Bates D. By order of Rt. W. B. E. Morrow, D. D. Gr. Master, 14th Masonic District. Sept. 27th, 1857-To F. Ray Kenner and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Athens, Clark County, to be called Kenner D. By order of Rt. W. E. F. Greenleaf, D. D. Grand Master, 7th Masonic District. Oct. - 1857-To Geo. B. H. Forman and others, to open a new 0 on Bear Creek, Montgomery County, to be called Griswold D. By order of Rt. W. Sy!. C. Griswold, D. D. Grand Master, 12th Masonic District. Dec. 15th, 1857-To David M. Jameson and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Marshfield, Webster County, to he called Webster o. By order of Rt. W. Marcus Boyd, D. D. Grand Master, 18th Masonic District. Dec. 18th, 1857-To J. Seaman and others, to open a new o in the town of Milan, Sullivan County, to be called Seaman D. By order of Rt. W. A. Mann, D. D. Grand Master, 6th Masonic District.



Jan. 30th, 1858-To James B. Ryland and others, to open a new 0 in the town of La Porte, Macon County, to be called La Porte D. By order of Rt. W. John H. Turner, D. D. Grand Master, 8th Masonic District. March 6th, 1858-To John A. Prather and others, to open a new 0 at Missouri City, Clay County, to be called O'Sullivan 0, which, by request, will be changed to Anjerona. By order of Rt. W. A. J. Calhoun, D. D. Grand Master, 3d 'Masonic District. March 26th 1858-To Milton Darnall and others, to open a MW 0 at the house of H. Swainey, in Platte County, to be called Darnall D. By order of Rt. W. Rev. J. B. Wright, D. D. Grand Master, 2d Masonic District. March 30th, 1858-To Daniel Conway and others, to .open a new 0 in the town of Easton, Buchanan County, to be called Easton D. By order of Rt. W. Rev. J. B. Wright, D. D. Grand Master, 2d Masonic District. April 7th, 1858-To J. B. Simpson and others, to open a new o in the town of Chapel Hill, Lafayette County, to. be called Anderson D. By order of Rt. W. Cyrus Osborn, D. D. Grand Master, 13th Masonic District. In October last, I issued circulars to the several Subordinate CE::J on Bro. Whittlesey's resolution, in relation to the disposal of the Masonic College; and in December following, I mailed duplicates. Having received no returns from Warrington 0 No. 137, for the last three years, and receiving no answer to sundry communications addressed to the Se,eretary, I visited Warrington, in December last, and found that the charter had been lost some two :rears ago, and, owing to removal and other causes, no steps had been taken to obtain a duplicate; the 0 is therefore extinct. Roone 0 No. 94 has also ceased to exist; its charter was re.turned through the hands of Rt. W. Geo. H. C. Melody. I regret to state, that but few of the Câ‚Ź::J have complied with thc resolution of tho Grand 0 requiring the annual returns and dues to be sont in by the 10th of May in each ye!.:.r. Of the few who have obeyed the law in this particular, I may be permitted to



name Weston 0 53, Perseverance 92, and l\Iontezuma 109, whose accomplished Secretaries forwarded their returns in season, and also furnished a list of officers immediately after their election. Few CElJ in any State can boast of such Secretaries as Bro. Millar of Weston 0 , and Bro. Hunter of Perseverance, and in thus presenting their names, I do them but an act of simple justice. Within the past year I have had bound the transactions of the several Grand CElJ in the United States. They make forty volumes, and will form the nucleus of a library, which I trust the Grand 0 will some day possess. The Grand 0 of Ohio has reprinted its transactions from their organization in 1808 to 1847, in one volume of 665 pages, a copy of which is herewith presented. The Grand 0 of California bas also reprinted its transactions from their organization in 1850 to 1854, in a handsome volume of 394 pages, a copy of which has also been forwarded to your M. W. body. These are calculated to preserve the early history of their organization ill a permanent and durable form; a~d the names ltnd actions of the Masons who played a prominent part in the early history of these Grand CE::J is handed down to their younger brethren for their example. Is it too much to ask that this Grand o may go and do likewise. Respectfully submitted. A. O'SULLIVAN. M. W. Jas. H. Hibbard, P. Grand Master Grand 0 of minois, was announced, and invited to a seat in the East. The proposed amendments to By-Laws, which were printed in proceedings of last year, were severally taken up and rejected. The Grand Secreta,ry w~s instructed to place the returns of the CEJ on college question in the hands of Committee on College. Bro. Wallace, under instructions of his 0, presented a resolution in relation to demits; when Bro. J. F. Houston presented the following as a substitute, which was adopted by a yote of r::e:J, as followB-37 to 30 : Resolvrd, that no Subordinate 0 within this jurisdiction be 7




allowed to grant demits, except for the following reasons: That the applicant is about to move out of the' jurisdiction of his 0 ; that he desires to join another 0, or to assist in the formation of a new D. The Grand


of Missouri was called from labor until 8 o'clock

thi~ evening

TUESDAY EVENING, 8 o'clock. The Most Worshipful Grand 0 of Missouri was called to llthor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. The Grand Lecturer exemplified the work and lecture of the first degree. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 8 o'clock to-mOrrow morning.

WEDNESDAY MORNING, 8 o'clock. The Most Worshipful Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. Prayer by Rev. Bro. Irish. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Bro. Vaughn submitted thc following: To THE M. W. GRAND 0


Your Committee on Unfinished Busilless have examined the proceedings of the last Grand Annual Communication, and beg leave to report that they find nothing for their consideration. T. R. VAUGHN, Chairman. And, on motion, the above report was adopted. Bro. Currie presented an account, which was received and referred to Committee on Accounts.



The Grand 0 of Missouri was this afternoon. •


from labor until 2 o'clock


2 o'clock P. M.

The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. Bro. Roberts presented a memorial from Monticello 0 The hour of two o'clock having arrived, the report of Committee on Application for Dispensation for the formation of a 0 in St. Louis, to work in the English and German languages, was called up; when Bro. Foster, from the minority of committee, presented the following report,which was received, and, together with the resolutions appended, adopted: To


M. W.



The undersigned, a member of the committee to whom was referred a petition for a new 0 to be establi!hed in the city of St. Louis, fraternally states, that he regrets the necessity which compels him to present a report adverse to the opinion of his colleagues on the committee; and that not the least of his regrets flow from the fact that his colleagues are brothers of great experience and research in the principles of the Order. Nor indeed can he overlook the fact that the brother na.med for the Master of the proposed 0 is well skilled in Masonry, a long tried a.nd trusty friend, and one of the undersigned's own Masonic children. But, notwithstanding all these regrets, he must lean to what he conceives to be the true interests of Masonry. The petition for this new 0 asks for the privilege and power to work both in the English and German languages. This, to the mind of the undersigned, every 0 under your jurisdiction is fully invested with, and may, whenever the exigencies of the case require, at any time exercise it,without let or hinderance from any quarter. This right, existing in the CEJ, is now unquestioned and



nnqllcstiona.ble; but it may be eMily conceived how the granting of this special privilege of it by this Grand D would not only serve to encumber it, but also aid that system of isolation and sectional feeling already too prevalent, yet so detrimental to. the best interests of Free Masonry. If this be true, the Grand 0 should certainly withhold that part of the prayer of the petitioners. There are now eleven C€:J in the city of St. Louis, and the undersigned holds that they, or a majority of them at least, are in accordance with the spirit of the By-Laws of this Grand 0, (under the guidance of the D. D. G. Master of this district,) the best judges whether a new 0 in the said city would be useful or detrimental to the interests of the order. He therefore offers the following: Resolved, That the petition be referred to the D. D. G. M. of this district, with instructions to strike out that portion in reference to the German language; and that he ascertain the opinion of a majority of the C€:J in said city, as to the necessity or MaBonic utility of establishing another 0 in said city, and to grant or withhold the prayer of the petitioners in accordance therewith. RelO/ved, That therea.fter no new 0 shall be formed in the city of St. Louis, or in any city, town or village in this jurisdiction, where there are more than two r::::Eb located, except upon the recommendation of two-thirds of all the C€J existing in the said cities towns or villages. Fraternally, JOS. FOSTER. The Committee on Grievance submitted the following report, which was, on motion, unanimously adopted:



M. W.


A. F. A.


On the appeal of Bro. Wm. T. Thornton from Grover 0 No.7, your committee have given the CSS8 their most deliberate eOI1llideration, and can but express onr astonishment Rnd surprise that any o of Masons should expel a.ny Mallon upon such testimony all was presented on the trial of Bro. Thornton. Your committee are most clear in their opinion, from lL most carefnl examination



of the testimony, tha.t Hro. Thornton is not guilty. We therefore offer the following resolution; Resolved, That Bro. Wm. T. Thornton be, a.nd is hereby, restored to all the privileges of Masonry.


JOHN RALLS, GEO. WM. CULVER, L. S. CORNWELL, E. F. GREENLEAF. The Committee on Grievance presented an additional report, which was, on motion, adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF A. F. AND A. MASONS OF MISSOURI: Your Committee on Grievllonce beg leave to make the follpwing report: Your committee have had under cOIlSlideration the appeals from the following CE:J, and, after a careful examination of the same, offer the resolutions hereto appended: Appeal of Jacob Fists, Buspended from Rochester 0 No. 44. Appeal of L. P. Styles, from Weston 0 No. 53. Appeal of Wm. Kelly, expelled by Perseverance 0 No. 92. Resolved, That the action of Rochester, Weston and Perseverance CEJ be sustained in the above cases. In the case from Erwin 0 No. 121, your committee see nothing which, in their opinion, requires the action of this Grand 0, and recommend that it be dismissed. Appeal of E. Al(Jon, expelled from Naphthali 0 No. 25. The action is sustained by the committee, and appeal rooonr mended to be dismissed. Appeal of Bro. S. O. Shaefer, expelled from Huntsville 0 No. 30. Your committee recommend the action of said 0 be reversed, lldld Bro. S. C. Shaefer be hereby restored to all the privileges of Ma.sonry.






Appeal of Bro. W. M. Carter, e:a:pclled from 8t. Joseph 0

No. 78. Your committee recommend that the decision of the D be reversed, and Bro. Carter restored to his Masonic privileges. Your committee think the circumstances adduced in the evidence against Bro. Carter are not 8uffbiently plain to expel him. Your committee have ha.d under consideration the letter of our worthy brother R. R. Reese, Most Wor~hipful Grand Master of our sister Grand 0 or Kans!ls Territory. We commend the kind and brotherly tone of our brother's letter, and, after our best deliberations, have come to the conclusion that officers and soldiers of the United States army are not recognized as citizens of any particular State or Territory, but as citizens of the United States, and therefore privileged to petitlOn any 0 where they may be acquainted. Your committee would, however, in the kindest mu,oner, recommend to our Cf.b on the hOi"der of our State to be very careful, and do nothing which might disturb or interrupt that harmoDy ano. unity of feeling which should exbt betweC!1 neighboring CEJ and jurisdictions. All of which is most respectfully llubmitted. MARCUS BOYD, Chairman.




i i


The committee on c-EJ U. D presented the following ;:eport, which was, on motion, ltdopted:

II i




YOUi' Committee on CÂŁ':l U. D. would fra,ternally report, that they have examined the transcriptg of proceedings and By-Laws referred to them, and prest:nt herewith such recommendations in reference thereto lit; they deem proper;






: f





We find the following defect in the proceedings of this 0 : The officers were installed bv All.ron Sulli\Tan. acting under authority D. D. G. Master R. Gorin. We di~approve of the installa-


~ ~::n o_t_~~e~~cers


of a D under dispensation.






D. D. G. Master E. F. Greenleaf, on the 4th of June, 185'1, informed the that he had lost t~)e dispensation on hi9 way home, and gave authority to work until a new one could be grs.nted. Thi~:. we conceive to be in direct violation of the 1:1ws of this Grand D. The 0 should have suspcnded viork until a second dispeIlsatiOII was received. On December 24th, 1857, and Febnwry 4th, 1858, we notice that the 0 was called off, :1Dd not closed, previous to the next regular meeting, which we deem to be improper. The prco,mblc to the By-Laws should be stricken out, as unnecessary; as also Art. 14, as conflicting with the laws of the Grand O. 'The last clause of Art. 23, disnensing \\"jtll the cxamlDo,tion of C3r!(1ic1,~tes for advancement in open 0, must be stricken out. 'l'lw committee consider it highly important that this rule or the Grand CJ should be strictly complied witb, as tending to mako bright Masons. '['he first sentence of first section of Art. 24 should be stricken out, there being 110 power to enforce the collection of fines. Section 10 of the Rules of Order must be stricken out, there being no power to dispense with or snspend the By-Laws of 11 D. We, however, recommend a charter.



I !


At a meeting of this 0 , Oil May 15th, 1858, it resolved itself in a committee of the whole and adopted By-LoWS. This is something singular. Section 16 of t]le By-I"aws, authorizing members to demit upon payment of dues, must be stricken out; abo section 21st aml the latter part of section 23d. We recommend a charter. KESNER D.

We approve of the work and By-I,aws of this 0 , with one exception: On October 10th, 1857, the 0 elected a Treasurer and Secretary, when they should have been appointed by the Master. We recommend a charter.









The By-Laws are defective in authorizing the withdrawal of petitionll for membership nfter the same have been received and referred. From the obscurity of the transcript of the proceedings of this 0, we can only recommend a continuance of the dispensation until our next Annual Communication, and suggest that the D. D. G. M. be specially required to instruct the brethren in the proper manner of making up their records. PRIDE OF THE WBSQ' O.

There should have been no record of the peculiar circumstances of the case of Bro. Rosenbaum, on the 12th of August, 1857. On the 16th of September, 1857, this 0 reconsidered a vote by ballot. This cannot be done. The rules of the Grand 0 provide for a second bll.llot, but for no reconsiderations. On the 3d of March, 1858, this 0 was opened on the several degrees, and business transacted with only five members present, so far as appears from the minutes. This is wrong. The transcripts have not been signed by the W. M. The By-Laws authorize the withdrawal of petitions for initiation, after the same have been received by the D. This is contrary to the rules of the Grand D. As the errors mentioned can be avoided hereafter, and as we have evidence to show that the gravest of them-opening with less than the constitutional number-is only an omission of the Secretary on the minutes, we would recommend that a charter be granted. ZERUBABEL D.

By-Laws are too voluminous: those of the Grand 0 make ample provisions for trials. The transcript is very imperfect. We recommend the dispenaation to be continued until nex.t Annual Communication. WEST PRAffiIE D.

Art. 4, Sec. 3, last clause, must be stricken out.

The exami-




nation of candidates must be in open o. Art. 4, Sec. 3, the words "without the consent of all the members present," must be stricken out. No petition can be withdrawn. We recommend a. charter. SEAMAN O. October 10, 1857, this 0 elected and installed officers, D. D. G. M. Alfred Mann being present. Ma.y 1st, a Junior WllJ'den was elected. We disapprove of elections and installations of officers in C2::J under dispensation. The transcript of the record from this 0 shows that too much of the ceremon:짜 is spread on them, and that brevity in this regard can be studied with great profit. The same prolixity, observed in the minutes of proceedings, occurs also in the voluminous By-Laws. The preamble; Sec. 8 of Art. 1; Sec. 2 of Art. 4; Sec. 2 of Art. 5; Sec. 7 of Art. 7; all after the word" 0," in Sec. 9 of Art. 12, and all after Sec. 8 of Art. 14, we recommend to be stricken out. We also recommend that a charter be granted. LAPORTE o. The proceedings of this 0 are not attested by the Secretary. The work, however, is correct. We recommend that a charter be granted. PAPINSVILLE


The transcript from this 0 is correct; and the By-Laws having been passed upon at the last Annual Communication and approved, we would recommend that a charter be granted. The work and By-Laws of EASTON 0, ANDERSON 0, DAWSON 0, SHAWNEE 0, RISING STAR 0 , WEBSTElI. 0, and BATES 0, are approved, and charters are recommended to be granted. TEMPLE 0.

This 0, December 24, 18&7, transacted business with but six members present. The proceedings had in the case of Bro. Henry McKinley, on the 22d of April, are irregular, and Bro.

11- ----.- .... -.---- ...._.. :1



._==...::c=_-====--=:=.=-===---=:= _ GRAND LODGE A. F. A. MASONS




McKinley is still ~. member of Temple 0, and can only be removed therefrom by charges and specifications, according to the By-Laws of the Grand O. In the 3d Art. of the By-Laws, all after the word" another" is to be stricken out, as the committee does not consider that any case of "emergency" can arise. In Art 5th, the words "without the consent of three-fourths of the members present," must be stricken out. The order of business, as prescribed by Art. 14, should be so changed as to make the conferring of the degrees the last. We recommend a charter. The applicatioDii for C拢J at Chamois and Frankford we recommend to be granted, ILnd that dispensations be issued. We further recommend that the, application for a 0 at Leesburg be rejected. BENNING LODGE



Presents this anomaly. Past D. G. M. Cunningham iSl'lueti a dispensation to the members of this D to meet and work. Your committee consider this altogether irregular, and. without authority; as it is the province of the Grand Master, or his deputies, to order. not to issue, dispensations. In tho By-Laws, we notice a provision for election of officers upon vacancies happening during the veal'. The records of the work !lrc vcry satisfactory, and speak well for the zeal of the members. Believing that the illegality of the dispensv,tion is wholly the -/'ault of P. D. G. M. Cunningham, for which the members of Benning CJ arc in no way responsible, your committee would therefore recommend that the proceedings of said o be legalized, and that a, Charter be granted. We would furthermore recommend that a warrant of dispensation be granted to the brothers asking the same, under the name of Chamois CJ U. D., to be located at Chamois, Osage County, and would recommend Bro. A. L. McGregor as W. M.; Bro. M. B. Stafford, as S. W., undBro. Albert Davis as J. W. We would also recommend that a warrant of dispensation be granted to the brothers asking the sume under the na路me of Frank-

\1==fO:::-r=t CJ U. D., to be lO_C_lL_tC_d_ _ lLt_Frankfort, Pike County, and

rr============--"'=-"=-=-=-=-:::'-=--===::::::::::::-_:::;;;::"';:='';;;::'' :;:-;=O::::7=--=:'







The lllost WoTshipfnl Grand 0

by the M. W. Grand Master.

8 o'clock.

of Missouri was called to labor



Grand Officers at their several stations. The Grand Lecturer exemplified the work and lecture in the second degree. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until eight o'clock to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY MORNING, 8 o'clock. The Most Worshipful Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. Prayer by Grand Chaplain. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. The proposed anlendments to By-Laws were read a second time and rejected. A memorial from Tebo 0 No. 68, relative to dues for 1855, which had been sent to Grand Secretary, but not received by him, :was read, and the same adopted. The Committee on Accounts presented the following: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The Committee on Accounts, to whom was referred an account of Bro. S. F. Currie, for boarding, lodging and washing for beneficiaries of this Grand 0 , in the Masonic College, beg leave to report that we have learned that there is in the hands of the College Committee accounts against Bro. Currie for Ilettlement, and we recommend that said account be referred to the Committee on the College. B. F. WALLACE, Committee. And, on motion, the same was referred to Committee on College. The Committee on By-Laws of Chartered CE::J submitted the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The Committee on By-Laws of Chartered CE::J beg leave to make the following report:



We have examined the By-La.ws of the following C£:J, which have come into the hands of the committee: New Bloomfield Lodge No. 60 Gentryville " " 125 Spring Hill " " 155 90 Prairie " " 147 Buffalo " 21 . New London " " Tuscumbia " " 169 Grover " " 337 Ralls " " Weston " " 53 Liberty 31 " Bridgton " " 80 Naphthali " 25




New Madrid Lodge Jackson " Mirabile " Middletown " Roanoke Sibley " Middle Grove " Perseverance " Friendship " Clarksville " Fairmount " Trenton " Douglass "


No. 166



" " "


50 70 " 115 " 42 " 92 " 89


" "




" 111

By-Laws of Bridgton Cl No. 80 are made to conform to the By-Laws (if the Grand 0, by striking out Article 3, Sec. 2. The By-Laws of Gentryville 0 No. 125 are correct. No. 155, correct. By-Laws of Spring Hill By-Laws of Prairie 0 No. 90 are made to conform with the By-Laws of Grand 0 by striking out Sec. 8, AI-ticle 2. By-Lall's of Bn.ffalo 0 No. 147, correct. By-Laws of New London 0 No. 21 are made to conform to the By-Laws of Grand 0, by striking out of Article 7, between the words" Master," in second line l and" in," in fifth line. By-Laws of Tuscumbia. 0 No. 169, COlTect. By-Laws of Grover 0 No.7 are made to conform with llyLaws of Grand O,by striking out aJ.l of Sec. 1, Article 7, after the word" however," in sixth line. No. 53, are made to conform to ByBy-Laws of Weston Laws of Grand 0, by striking out of Sec. :> of Article 3 so much as relates to conferring with applicants. By-Laws of Liberty 0 No. 31, are made to conform to ByLaws of Grand 0, by.striking out all in Sec. 2 of Article 1, after the word" Wardens." All of Sections 5 and 6 of Article 2. All of Sec. 2 in Article 3, after the word" order." All of Sec. 7 in





Article 3. AlI of Sec. 5 in Article 9. All of Sec. 10 in Article 9. All of Sec. 6 in Article 10, after the word" five." All of Sec. 9 in Article 10, after the word" Lodge j" and all of Sec. 1 in Article 11. By-Laws of New Bloomfield 0 No. 60, correct. . By-Laws of Naphthali 0 No. 25 are made to conform to ByLaws of Grand 0, by striking out Sp,ction 3 in Article 2. By-Laws of Mirabile 0 No. 166, correct. By-Laws of Jackson 0 No. 82, correct. By-Laws of New Ma.drid 0 No. 108, correct. By-Laws of Middletown 0 No. 50, correct. By-Laws of Roanoke 0 No. 70 are made to conform to ByLaws of Grand el, by striking out all of Section 8 in Article 3 By-Laws of Sibley el No. 115, correct. By-Laws of Middle Grove 0 No. 42, correct. By-Laws of Perseverance 0 No. 92, correct. By-Laws of Friendship 0 No. 89, correct. By-Laws 0"£ Trenton 0 No. 111 are made to conform to ByLaws of Grand 0 , by striking out all of Section 6 in Article 2. By-Laws of Clarksville 0 No. 17, correct. By-Laws of Fairmount 0 No. 168, correct. By-Laws of Douglass 0 No. 54 are 80 innacurate and imperfect throughout, that we recommend the whole of said By-Laws be referred back to said 0, to make a. new code of By-Laws to conform to By-J"aws of Grand D. Missouri No.1, Mexico No. 26, and Auburn No. 14, have been before us and examined, and all of these found to be correct. All of which is submitted. JOHN H. TURNER, Chairman.


By-Laws of Concord 0 No. 154 are made to conform to the By-Laws of the Grand el, by striking out of Section 2, Article 5, all after the word" Thus ;" and ask this report be appended to the former report. The hour having arrived £01' the election of officers, the Grand

o proceeded to discharge that duty, which resulted as follows:






M. W. SAM'L H. SAUNDERS, Grand Master. RT. W. MARCUS BOYD, Deputy Grand Master. RT. W. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Grand Sr. Warden. RT. W. JOHN DECKER, Grand Jr. Warden. RT. W. JOHN D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer. RT. W. A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary. In consequence of the reception of a dispatch by Rt. W. John F. Houston, stating that 8. member of his family was taken sick, Rt W. John Ralls, P. Grand Master, immediately installed Bro. Houston. The Grand 0 of Missouri "as called from labor until two o'clock this afternoon.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 2 o'clock. The Grand 0 ot Mis80un was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Maste~路. Grand Officers at their several stations. The Committee on Uniformity of Work presented the following report, which was, on motion, adopted: M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: Your committee, to whom was referred tha~ portion of the Grand Master's address relating to uniformity of work and lectures, respectfully report: That they are not prepared to suggest路 or recommend any method for securing a uniformity of work and lectures than the one heretofore practiced by this Grand 0, through the agency of a Grand Lecturer; but with a view of placing this knowledge within the reach of the officers elected to preside over our several Subordinate \=E], and with the least expense, we would recommend that the Grand Lecturer in each year designate a time and place in each Masonic district, at which he will attend for the purpose of exemplifying the work and lectures on the three first degrees of Masonry; and that he give due notice to the CE!J of each dis-





trict, inviting the Master and Wardens, and s'uch members as may choose to attend, for the purpose of receiving such instruction. If we conld deal with our brethren elected to preside over Subordinate LE:J as we do with our children at school, compelling diem to get their lessons, then the desired object of strict uniform~ ity could probably be obtained. To those desirous of obtaining tho legal Masonic knowledge requ.isite to secure uniformity of work and lectures, there is, at present, in the' opinion of your committee, ample and abundant sources of Masonic light and knowledge. JOS. FOSTER, JOHN D. DAGGETT, Committee. JOHN RALLS,


The following memorials from Tully 0 No. 39 were received and referred to Committee on Applications and Communications: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI: 'fully 0 No. 39 would respectfully represent to your honorable body, that we have only 21 or 22 members-consequently poor; and that by the death of our J. W., Bro. John R. High, who had a large and helpless family who were thrown upon our charitysuch as supplymg the widow with a house to live in, fire-wood, and, in fact, almost in maintaining her and her five small children, and sending such as are large enough to school-that it entirely exhausts our funds. We thercfore ask that the dues paid by us to the Grand 0 for the year 1858 be refunded to our 0, and that we be released from Grand 0 dues whilst the family of our worthy brother John R. High are thrown upon our charity. And in duty bound, &c. By order of the D. H. M. WOODYARD, W. M. Attest: J. M. SUTTON, Secretary. To


M. W.



Tully 0 No. 39, of Tully, Lewis County, Missouri, would re-



spectÂŁully request of the M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri permission (should they hereafter deem it expedient) to remove their 0 from Tully to Canton, in said county. The reason for such request is this: The 0 supposes that they can rent or purchase a large and commodious hall in the town of Canton, one that is well suited for Masoni.c purposes, on reasonable terms; that we believe it would greatly increase the members of our 0 ; and that we feel too poor at present to build a hall, in our town, exclusively for Masonic purposes. By order of the o. H. M. WOODYARD, W. M. Attest: J. M. SUTTON, Secretary. Memorial from sundry brethren of Springfield received and referred to Committee on Applications and Communications. Also memorial from Gentryville 0 No. 125, asking for change of number; also from same, asking for remission of dues. Received and referred to same committee. Also from brethren of Sarcoxie. o ; as also complaint against sundry brethren of same o. Referred t6 same committee. The special committee appointed on Middletown 0 No. 50, through their chairman, Bro. Geo. Whitcomb, presented the following report, which was received, and, on motion of -Bro. H. Shadwell, the same was adopted: To TIlE GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The committee to whom was referred the memorial of Middletown 0 No. 50, and the appeal and charges against said 0 by Crissip Parker, report: That they have examined with much care the very voluminous documents that were placed in their hands, and that they have had before them, as representing the 0, the W. M. Henry Shadwell, who made a long and elaborate statement of the various matters specified in the memorial. They also have examined brothers Tminer, Draper, Saunders, Cornwell, Griswold, and others, who have been familiar with more or less of the circumstances connected with the case, and also the written evidence of Wm. P.




Fishel', Evan J. Owens, Christopher Pearson, Jas. S. Rathburn, J. W. James, Wm. Settles, Benj. Ford, H. Clare, Frederick Shadwell, James M. Barker, and Solomon Hughlett, together with the memorial and charges of Bro. Parker, and the memorial and records of the 0, and very many letters and other statements in connection therewith, and, after a patient examination of the whole matter, the committee find that this case has been pursued with much earnestness, and we fear with much bitterness, for several years. We find that Bros. l)arker, Trainer, Fike and Owens presented a memorial to this Grand 0 , in May, 1856, which was referred to It committee of distinguished Masons, composed of Bros. S. H. Saunders, M. Boyd, C. Lev;} and others. By reference to their report, and the documents that were before them, it a,ppears that Middletown 0, for some cause which is not spread upon the record, surrendered their charter, and that shortly afterwards several of the members petitioned for, and obtained its restoration, and refused to admit into the 0 those members whose names were not upon the petition for its restoration; the object of the surrender and immediate petition for its restoration, as charged by the memorialists, being to deprive them of membership, at least until certain persons who were deemed by them bad material, could be admitted into the 0 The Grand 0 ordered the 0 to restore the memorialists to membership; which the 0 failed to do. At the next meeting of the Grand 0, May, 1857, the matter was again brought before the Grand 0, and referred to Bros. Jno. Decker, J. W. Crane, B. Searcy, and W. S. Davis; who reported that Middletown 0 had been guilty of a direct, wilful and open breach of the erlicts of this Grand 0; which report was adopted by the Gra.nd 0, and Middletown 0 required to restore Bro. Parker to his membership, or that their charter be immediately arrested. So far as we have been able to reconcile the conflicting statements of the heterogeneous mass of documents before us, it appears th&t the 0 did admit Bro. Parker, as required, but immediately suspended him for fourteen months, for refusing to



speak to a portion of the members of the 0, a.nd " under7'ating the qualifications of the W. M." From this trial comes an appeal to this Grand D-a memorial from Bro. Parker and a connter memorial from the D. Bro. Parker chargeslst, That the 0 surrendered its charter, with the express understanding that they would get it restored, and thus get him out of the D. 2d, That they refused to obey the requirement of the Grand D, in not allowing him his privilege as a member. 3d, That having failed to get him out of the D by the sunen~ del' and restoration of their charter, they have unjustly and vexa~ tiously preferred charges against him. 4th, That they tried him in ltn illegal 0t there being no char~ ter preMm. 5th, That the W. M. placed in the chair an interested party and witness in the cause, who not only decided many points submitted to him wrongfully. but admitted a member to vote who had not heard the testimony. 6th, For not keeping minutes of the proceedings at the trial. 7th, For making Masons of unworthy men. 8th, For balloting on petitions within two weeks from the time they were received. 9th, For receiving petitions at called meetings of the D. 10th, For re路balloting for a rejected candidate within three months after his rejection, and electing him when all were not present who were at the 拢rst ballot. To these charges the 0 answers: That, instead of refusing Bro. Parker a membership, "he himself dissolved his allegiance with the 0." As no proof was produced on this point, and it appearing that Bro. Parker has been applying to this Grand 0 at every subsequent session for relief, we conclude the 0 has misstated the facts-if, indeed, we under8tand what they mean by a member dis80lving allegiance with his O. The second charge was explained by Bro. Shadwell, by stating that the report to the Grand 0 in 1856, signed by Bro. Saun-



del's, as printed, does not show the true state of the case; that the resolution of Bro. Saunders, appended to the report, was voted down, and was so reported to the 0 by its representatives; so that the 0 acted under the belief that the Grand 0 had refused to consider Parker and the other memorialists members. Not knowing anything about the correctness of the printed proceedings, and supposing Bro. Shadwell's statement is correct, we should feel disposed to exonerate the 0 from this charge, if it were not the fa~t that the report of the committee of last year, sanctioned by the Grand 0, says that the 0 was wilfully guilty of this charge; and therefore the most we can do, is to offer Bro. Shadwell's explanation. 'rhe 4th charge, that they tried him in an illegal 0, working without its charter, is refuted. The evidence of Parker, Rathburn and Pearson is, that the charter was demanded, and the Master said it was at his home locked up, which was some four miles off. Bro. Shadwell, the W. M., says the charter" was in the book of By-Laws. in the 0 at the time;" and that he did not say it was at his home, but that he generally kept it at home locked up. Now, as Bro. Shadwell must know best in thiS! matter, we dismiss this charge, with the single remark, that he acted uncourtcously as a brother, in not exhibiting the charter when called for, and leaving the brethren to suppose that the 0 waS acting illegaIly, by working without its charter. The charge that the presiding officer (who was a witness in the case) decided wrongfully against Parker on the trial, although supported by the evidence of Rathburn, is emphatically denied by Hughlett, Littles, Barker and others; who state that, if any partiality was exhibited, it was in favor of Parker. As brethren may honestly differ about sucb a point as this, and no particular instance being cited, we dismiss the charge from before us. The charge that a member was permitted to vote who did Dot hear the testimony, although sustained by the testimony of Rathburn, Pearson and others, that Goo. Clare was asleep most of the timo of the trial; yet the statements of Hughlett, Settles, Barker and Shadwell, that Clare stated, at the time, that he was not



asleep, although lying down, and the fact that the acting Master admitted him to vote, will warrant, we think, the dismissal of that charge. The charge that the minutes were not kept during the trial is sustained by Rathburn and Pearson; but is met by the statement of Barker, James and others, "that all the proceedings are on I'ecord, though the Secretary may not have noted all the irreleva.nt suggestions of Parker's counsel." The testimony of Pearson is, that the acting Secretary left some time before the 0 was closed; that the record was not full and complete, and that things of vital importance to the defendant were suppressed. From the evidence before us, and from personal inspection of the record, we think the charge is sustained. . The charge of making Masons of unworthy men is sustained by the testimony of Rathburn, Trainer, Fisher, Owens and others. This charge is met by the memorialists of the 0, who say" that they are at an entire loss even to gucss who is unworthy among us." We are aware that so much difference exists among brethren upon what does, and what does not, disqualify a man for admission into our fraternity, that we feel disposed to pass this charge without further comment. The charge of balloting on petitions within two weeks of their reception, we find fully sustained by the record. The charge of re-balloting for a rejected candidate, in violation of the express law of the Grand 0, we find fully sustained by the record. The memorial of the 0 asks that Bro. A. F. Trainer be re~ quired to obey the decrees of the Grand 0, and submit to the authority of Middletown 0, which he treats with contempt. Upon examination of Bro. Shadwell, who represents the 0 , we find that they claim him as a member, and have so returned him to this Grand 0; and that Bro. Trainer does not consider himself a member of Middletown 0, but is a member of Ashley 0. The facts, as stated to us, are these. When Middletown 0 voted to sUlTender her charter, Bro. Trainer was against it; and after the vote was carried, applied then and there for a demit, for the purpose of joining another 0, which was not granted,



upon the ground that it was unnecesSary. After the 0 had surrendered her charter, and before its restoration, Bro. Tra,iner petitioned for, and was admitted, a member of Ashley D. Since the restoration of the charter he has again applied for a demit; but, owing to some misunderstanding about the terms, it has not been granted. We think that Bro. Trainer did right in endeavoring to belong to some 0 : he voted against the surrender of the charter, and, when he found his own 0 would go down, he did the best he could do, and joined another D. In view of the whole matter we offer the following resolutions: 1st. Resolved, That the appeal of Bro. Parker be dismissed. 2d. Resolved, That the charter of Middletown 0 No. 50 be immediately arrested, and the charter, books, papers, jewels, money, &c., be delivered to the Grand Secretary, in accordance with the By-Laws of this Grand D. Resolved, That Bro. A. F. Trainer had a right to join another 0 , after the arrest of the charter of Middletown 0, and that he has been a member of Ashley 0 since he joined the same. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. WHITCOMB,


S. M. HAYES. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until eight o'clock this evening.

THURSDAY EVENING, 8 o'clock. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The llOur having arrived for the installation of the Grand Offi.cers, Rt. W. 1.>. W. B. Carnegy, P. Grand Mas.ter, assisted by Rt. W. John W. Luke, as Grand Marsha.l, then installed the Grand Officers.


i I'


M. W. SAMUEL H. SAUNDERS, Otterville, Grand Master. RT. W. MARcus BOYD, Springfield, Deputy Grand Master.. " JOHN F. HOUSTON, Carroll County, Grand S. Warden. JOHN DECKER, St. Louis, Grand J. Wardpu. " " JOliN D. DAGGETT, St. Louis, Grand Treasurer. " A. O'SULLIVAN, St. Louis, Grand Secretary. SAM'L M. HAYES, Platte County, Grand Sr. Deacon. " " W. R. PENECK, St. Joseph, Grand .1r. Deacon. " A. STILLE~ St. Louis, Grand Tyler. A memorial was presented by Rt. W. John W. Luke, on behalf of Polar Star 0 No. 79, asking for permission to elect a W. Master, their Master elect having left the United States; and also to elect a J. Warden, in congequence of the death of Bro. F. Flach, who held that office. Bro. Vaughan offered a resolution authorizing an election to fill the above named offices; and so much of the same as referred to the election of a Junior Warden was adopted; and Polar Star o No. 79 was authorized to elect a Junior Warden for the unexpired term. The Most Worshipful Grand 0 of Missouri was calleu from labor until 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.


I !



IiII Ii 'I


FRIDAY MORmNG, 8 o'clock. The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was cltlled to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Prayer by Rev. Bro. Laird. Rt. W• .Bro. Boyd presented lJ. resolution; when Bro. Draper presented the following as a substitute, and, on motion, the same was adopted: Resolved, That it is the duty of the D. D. Grand Masters to see that the Subordinate CEJ rigidly enforce the Masonic law in reference to all uumasonic conduct, and particularly those vices






ternity i-as habitual drunkness, gambling, profane swearing, and those of a kindred chara.cter; and, in default of their so doing, to suspend their charters. A memorial from Mirabile 0 was received, and, on motion路, referred to Committee on .Applications and Communications. The Committee on Chartered Lfb made the following report, which was, on motion, adopted; and the Grand Secretary instructed to correct the list of delinquent CEJ, as reported when they send in their returns and pay dues, previous to printing proceedings:



M. W.



Your Committee on Chartered CEJ, having examined the returns referred to them, reilpectfully report: That we have examined the returns of one hundred and twentynine chartered CEJ, subordinate to this Grand 0, and classify ,them in the following manner: We find that ninety-nine CEJ have paid in full, by their returns; but find, on examination, that twelve of said returns are incorrect, viz. : Danville 0 72, omits the Master; New Bloomfield 0 60, omits one member; Martha Washington 046, for 1857, returns twenty-five members, when we find by their returns thirty-four members, omitting all the officers and one from the list of raised; and for the present year the same 0 returns twenty-six members, omi.tting the same as in 1857; Bolivar 0 omits the Tyler; Lexington 0 , the Tyler; George W3shington, one from the list of raised; Erwin 0, two from the list of raised; Friendship 0 89, omits two members; Middle Grove 0 42, one member; Williamsburg 08, three members; Weston 0 53, five members from the list of raised; Carthage 0 103, two members. Your committee further find, that in the above list of ninetynine paid Lfb, that Fairmount 0 168 should have a credit or $4 50 by their returns; but said returns are unsatisfactory, as under the head of raised they give no names. Flint Hill 0 143, returns ten degrees conferred, when we can only find seYen, making $3 to their credit. The returns of Bene-



volent 0 170 should have a credit of $2 50. Grover 0 7 should be credited $2 on degrees. Johnson 0 85, returns informal, Secretary failing to return names of members admitted or demitted, and also the names of those on whom degrees are conferred. Linn Creek 0 152 should have a credit of fifty cents for one member. Your committee also report a. list of balances due by the following ~: 49. Haynesville, $ 2 50 12. Tyro,......... ....•••......••••••.••• 1 00 131. Trenton, 23 50 147". Buffalo,.............................. 7 70 132. Farmington, 28 50 104. Heroine, 13 50 21. New London, 18 00 5. United, 35 10 107. Golden Square,..................... 4 00 97. Bethany,...... .. .. .. .. • 9 50 33 50 103. Ca.rthage, Your committee regret to be compelled to report the following Cfb as having failed to send up any portion of their Grand 0 dues: 48. Fulton, $60 00 157. North Star, 40 50 56. Platte, 68 00 35. Mercer, 54 00 Making in full, as due to the G. L., $222 50 Your committee are at a loss what to recommend to this Grand as regards said delinquents, as several of the above named ~ are at points where work should be plenty and good. Your committee, therefore, after due consideration, would recommend that the suggestions of the Committee on Chartered ~, for 1857, of which Bro. Houston was Chairman, be carried out, if the same meet the approval of the Grand o. In conclusion, your committee would recommend to Secretaries 0,



of Subordinn,te C€J that in numbering their members, they commence with the W. Master, and so on down with the officers of the 0 , continuing with P. M., then members next admitted or raised, as the case may be. By such a course the Grand Secretary would be saved a large amount of labor, as well as your Committee on Chartered C£]. All of which is respectfully submitted. . WM. N. LOKER, Chairman, O. H. P. CRAIG, J. W. LUKB, N. P. KUNKLE.



M. W.



Your Committee on Chartered 4b beg leave to make an additional report, to wit: 'fha t so much of the Most Worshipful Grand Master's addrcss refelTcd to this committee, (by action of Committee on Grand Master's Address,) rebting to the publishing of the names of members of thc Subordinate C2:J in the printed proceedings of the Grand 0, be adopted by the Gr,tnd 0 ; and we submit the following, as embodying our views thereon: Resulved, That the names of the members of the Subordinate CE:J be printed in proceedings of Grand 0, and that two thousand copies be printC'd for distribution. O. H. P. CRAIG, N. P. KUNKLE, WM. N. LOKER.

Committee on Applica.tions and Communications presented the following reports, which, on motion, weI"} severally adopted: To TIlE 1\1. W. GR,\~D 0


Your committee have had under consideration a memorial adto the Grand bv :1 committee of members of Gentryville 0 No. 125. In that memorial they ask that their Grand 0 dl'cs~c(l




dues for the present year be remitted, and make, as a ground of their prayer, the following ~ First. They are erecting a hall in Gentryville, and are run short of funds. Second. The pressure of the hard times, which has scriously impeded the progress of their hall. Your committee have to say that they understand it to br, the clear policy of this Grand 0, as evidenced in annual addresses of Grand Masters and in resolutions, to encourage and fostel' that spirit of zeal and enterprise which leads to the erection of suitable halls where the craft may have a "local habitation," dedicated alone to the exemplification of the excellencies of our Order. And, convinced as your committee are that our orethren of Gentryville 0 would not have asked this favor at our hands, unless they were impelled by circumstances that point a strong necessity, we recommend that the Grand 0 remit the dues of Gentryville o No 125, for the year 1858. All of which is respectfully submitted for your consideration by the Committee on Applications and Communications. ROBERT S, VOORHIS, HENRY BLUNT,




M. W.



A memorial from Gentryville Cl asks that the number of their which is now 125, be changed to 118; and the date of their charter, which stands on the record of the Grand 01851, while the charter is dated 1850, be changed on the Grand 0 proceed. 0,

ings to correspond with the date in their charter. Your committee recommend that GentryvilJ0 0 reta.in the No. 125, as now known in our proceedings; otherwise great inconvenience will ensue, from the necessity of changing many more numbel's; and also recommend that the date of their charter, a.'3 recorded in our proceedings, be changed to correspond with that originally given their charter.



Respectfully submitted by Committee on Applications and Communications.



M. W.



The Committee on Applications and Communications have had under consideration a memorial from Bro. J. A. Lindsay, formerly W. M. of Bolivar 0 No. 41, setting forth that, under the direction of authority from this Grand 0, that 0 has, in granting demits, required a unanimous vote by ballot; that, upon the vote beirJg taken on the application of a brother for a demit from that 0, a black ball or two were cast, and presents this dilemma: the applicant is denied a demit, and yet no member of the 0 will assume to prefer charges against the applicant, for the reason that the inference will be raised tha.t the brother preferring the charges cast a black ball, thus. working great hardship against the brother wishing to demit. The committee are not cognizant of any written law of this Grand 0 prescribing the manner of taking the ballot, or requiring any definite number of votes, to grant a demit, but are of the opinion that it is a matter of usage and custom, known only to the unwritten law of our ancient Order; and that the usage best known to the jurisdiction of this Grand 0 t is a majority vote of the members present of the Subordinate o. The committee therefore recommend that, if there is nothing in the By-Laws of Bolivar 0 making a. una.nimous vote by ballot obligatory, they be advised to adopt the majority vote viva voce. R. S. VOORHIS; Chairman.



M. W.


Upon the memorial of eleven Master MllSons of the town of Springfield, formerly members of Taylor 0 No.5, setting forth



that they are in the position of non-affiliated Masons, your committee reports, that at the last communication of this Grand 0 resolutions were past annulling the charters of Greene 0 No. 101, and Taylor 0 No.5, and granting a charter to sundry brethren in Springfield to open a 0, to be styled United 0 No. 5, and constituting all members of good standing in the former CEJ of Greene and Taylor members of United 0 No.5. This Grand 0 is advised by its own records that the said resolutiolls have been fully complied with, in the erection of United D. Your committee are informed, from the best of Masonic authority, that six out of the eleven who memoralize the Grand 0 have been active members of United 0 since the same was organized, and we cannot well understand why those brethren have chosen to represent themselves as non-affiliated Masons. In the opinion of this committee the memoralists have mistaken their position. They are now, by the terms of the resolutions above named, members of United 0 No.5. The following resolution is therefore recommended: Resolved, That all the members of Greene and Taylor CEJ, who did not consent to the union of these two CE:J, and have not ~y their actions acknowledged the jurisdiction of United 0 No.5, by going into said 0 and participating in its work as members, are hereby held to be non-lioffiliated. R. S. VOORIUS, Chairman.



M. W.



The Committee on Applications and Communications submit the following report on the communication from eighteen members of Sarcoxie 0 No. 134, and also on the communication of Bro. W. P. Johnson, of Carthage, which were referred to them, as follows: The communication from the eighteen members of Sarcoxie 0 -among whom arc included the W. M., S. W., J. W., J. D. a.nd Secretary-tlcts forth ths.t there is great disaffection among the membcl"ll of that 0, and that in consequence of that disaffec-



tion they have" deemed it best to suspend until the convocation of the Grand D." It is with a sense of the profoundest regret that we lire Compelled to report that the eighteen members who complain of disaffection in the 0, are themselves the cause of that disaffection not only, but have brought disgrace upon the institution which they affect to love and honor, and made it a reproach and It byword in the community. Many, perhaps all of that number, have been guilty of the grossest unmasonic conduct. They have violated, in many ways, the requirements of morality and good order, without the observance of which no man can be respectable; and some of them have been held amenable to the laws of their country, which they have wittingly violated. Not amongst the least of their offences is the false exposition they have made to in their communication. this Grand Masonry has been wounded in the house of its friends. Let the Order vindicate the purity of its principles and the excellencies of its precepts. It is with confusion of face that your committee are compelled for such cause to recommend that the charter of Sacoxie 0 No. 134 be forthwith arrested, a.nd that the Grand Se<::retary take possession of the charter, books, papers, &c. . Your committee are informed that charges were preferred against F. B. McCurdy, Maater of Sarcoxie 0; Wm. C. Winters, S. W.; John C. Walton, J. W., and R. W. Burress, J. D., by Bro. John W. Lynn, of the same 0, a copy of which charges accompanies this report; that at the meeting the charges were presented. The 0 was suspended by a majority of the unruly, under the belief that the arraigned would avoid a trial. We are also informed that the character of these men, professing to be good Masons, is such that no one can sit in judgment on their conduct and live in the same community. Your committee are shocked at the revelations of the irregularitirs of these men, who forget that religion itself cannot screen a mean or wrong action, and are overwhelmed with the conviction that there are men, even professed Masons, who ad in concert to bring the Order into the vilest reproach.



In order to secure the prompt and vigorous prosecution of the charges above mentioned, your committee recommend the passage of the following: Resolved, That Bro. Marcus Boyd be commissioned by this Grand 0, and he be hereby invested with full power and authority to proceed, as speedily as may be, to Carthage 0 No. 103, and there summon and try F. B. McCurdy, W. 1\1. of Sarcoxie 0 No. 134; Wm. C. Winters, S. W.; John C. Walton, J. W., and R. W. Burress, J. D., and such other Masons as may be brought beI0re him, under charges and specifications made by Bro. John W. Lynn, member of the same D. A 1! of which is fraternally submitted, R. S. VOORHIS, Chairman of Committee.

A majority and minority report from the CommIttee on College was read, received, :1nd the following portion of the majority report, being mutually agreed upon, was adopted; the remainder of the majority, together with the minority report, WitS laid upon the table. To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOUHI: The Committee on the Masonic College repectfully report that they have carefully examined the Grand Master's address; the reports of the President of the College, Board of Curators, Endowment Fund Commissioners, and several other communications referred to them, all of which give a flattering account of the condition of the institution. The pecuniary embarrassment under which the College has so long labored is now removed; and, in the opinion of your committee, it will hereafter need but little aid from the Grand 0, except its fostering care and attention. The small class of scholarships, amounting to forty-eight, sold in the year 1852, known as the four and five year scholarships, have all expired. When we take into notice the fact that they were nearly all owned by the citizens of Lafayette County, it may be seen at a glance that the institution is greatly relieved of a burden that has weighed heavily upon it. Instead, therefore, of receiving the small SUIll of two dollars and fifty cents per annum, the interest



on the twenty-five dollar scholarship for a student, he will have to pay full tuition, which will secure an income above the interest on these scholarships nearly sufficient to pay the salary of one professor. Weare sorry to observe that the Secretary of the Board of Curators has not complied with the resolution of the last Grand 0, with regard to the manner of keeping his books and making his returns, the effect of which has greatly embarrassed the committee in arriving at a correct knowledge of the financial condition of the College. We would therefore ask that the Grand 0 make the following orders in relation thereto: 1. That the Secretary of the Board of Curators make a full and complete description of all property belonging to the Grand 0, both real and personal, with an estimate of their present value; also a full and complete statement of all liabilities and outstanding claims; which statement shall be a basis for the opening of a new set of books, which he shall immediately proceed to do, (laying aside the old books,) and keep the sa.me as required in Resolution No.1, on page 65, printed proceedings of Grand o for 1857. 2. That the Secretary of Endowment Fund Commissioners shall make out and present to the next Grand CJ a full and complete statement of the condition of the Endowment Fund, together with a complete list of the Dames of all persons now holding scholarships; and that all his annual returns hereafter shall exhibit a full statement of the condition of said fund, as it respects the investment thereof, to whom loa.ned, at what rate of interest, and in what time. 3. That the Secretary of the Boe.rd of Curators and Secretary of Endowment Fund Commissioners make the annual returns, required in the foregoing orders, to the Grand Secretary, who shall thereupon make It concise and explicit statement of said returns, exhibiting the amounts received and pa.id out, and on what a.nd whose account, embodying separate statements of the Endowment Commissioners' Fund, Curators' Fund and Grand 0 dues, with the respective dates and disbursements, so that the Grand 0 may see at a glance the financial condition of the College.






We learn from the report of the Board of Curators the present indebtedness of the College, as follows: By report of last year, May, 1857, there was due 86,236 12 the sum of 4,374 15 Paid on the same, Balance due, Overcharge of Thompson's mortgage,

1,861 97 125 00 $1,736 97

Expenditures for year 1857--58, (see report of Curators,) -


payments on a.ccount.


Now due, To meet which there is, Balance in Secretary Board CuratOl'8' hands, " "Treasurer" H " Interest on Scholarships in Grand Trea.surer's hands, . Orphans' Fund, Contingent Fund Grand 0, hereby appropriated,

Balance to be met,

5,840 78 37,077 65 1,587 60 $5,490 05

$ 112 88 779 11 1581 56 983 1,250 00 $4,706 65 3683 40

We recommend that warrants be drawn on the Grand Treasurer for the following amounts, as reported by Grand Secretary: In favor of Board of Curators: Interest on scholarships, 31581 56 Orphans' Fund, ,$983 00 Appropriation from Contingent Fund of Grand 0 $1,250 00 In favor of Endowment Fund Commissioners: Principal of scholarship to be inveeted on loans,路 $326 35 We estimate expenses of College for the ensuing year lows :






$4,280 280 200 250 450

Salaries, Insurance, Repairs, Contingencies, Beneficiaries,

00 00 00 00 00

$5,460 00 RECEIPTS.

Tuition, Interest on endowment, Contingencies, Private scholarship, Rent of boarding-house,

• -

$1,400 280 425 250 400

00 00 00 00 00

$2,735 00 Leaving to be met by next Grand 0, from interest Orphans' Fund, contingencies, &c.,

$2,725 00

Thus it will be seen, from the foregoing, that the current expenses for the ensuing year will be met by the College fund proper, (that is, interest on scholarships a.nd the Orphan Fund,) with a very small proportion, if any, of the contingent fund. The above estimate is based upon the amount received for tuition during the last year, which, it is believed by your committee, will be greatly i"creased during the current year. vour committee find reported by the Committee of Ways and Means for 1857, a claim against Wm. Hsssenger, in the hands of Bro. Carnegy, for $1,000. By reference to the printed proceedings for the year 1848, it will be seen that Bro. John S. Watson, Treasurer of College Fund Commissioners, reporte rl that he had in his hands two notes of Wm. Hll.8sengcr for $350 each, dated 18th April, 1844, due ten years after date, and twenty notes of $35 each, for the semi¡ annual payment of the interest on said notes. We can find no record of any part of said indebtedness having been paid to the Grand D. We would therefore recommend that the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary have the matter investigated and attended to.






Your committee haveha.d before them an account of Bro. 8. F. Currie, for boarding, &c., of beneficiaries, which we recommend be rererred to the Boa.rd of Curators to a.djU8t llJld settle, r.t the earliest practicable moment, a8 per resolution of Grand 0 la.st year. We have also a report of Bro. J. A. Alford, of the sale of atract of land situated in the County of Ray, conveyed to the Grand 0 by James H. Graha.m, conta.ining eighty acres. We recommend that the Grand Master execute a deed to the purchaser, and send it to the Board of Curators, to be delivered upon payment of the balance of the purchase money due. We also recommend that the land in ClayConnty be disposed of by the Board of Curators as early as practicable, and that the Grand Master execute a. deed for the same, as soon as paid for. The land heretofore report.ed as belonging to the Grand 0 , in Carroll County, has been Bold for the tax in 1853 and 1854, and a patent issued to the purchaser by the Register of Lands for the State of Missouri. Respectfully submitted. L. S. COR..l'ffiTELL, Chairman. Bro. Decker then offered a resolution, and, pending the discussion of which, the Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 2 o'clock this afternoon.


2 o'clock.

The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri waa called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Bro. Carnegy, from the select committee to whom was referred that part of the Grand Master's address which referred to the death of Bros. DaI1am, Douglass and Pettit, submitted the following, which was, on motion, adopted:

l ' ~ ..







The Select Committee to whom was referred that portion of the M. W. Grand MaSter's address in which he feelingly and fraternally announces the fact of the decease, (since the last annual communication of the Grand 0,) of our worthy and distinguished Bros. Richard B. Dan~m, Past Grand Secretary; Alexander T. Douglass, P. S. G. W. ; and George Pettit. D. D. G. M. of this Grand 0, fraternally report, that-it is with the most profound feelings of sympathy, regret, and sorrow, that we are called upon to contemplate this mournful announcement. Those brothers were known to the members of the fraternity for many years, and to a portion of your committee for a period longer than constitutes the a.verage term of a whole lifetime, and thus known as of the most efficient, exemplary, a.nd estimable among us-ever ardent, laborious and trustworthy in the discharge of every duty, social, moral, religious and Masonic. Seldom, indeed, has it fallen to the lot of any society, of any community, to lament the 108s, in so short a time, of. so many worthy, beloved and distinguished members. BRO. DALLAM was born in the State of Maryland, and assumed his position in the world soon after the termination of our revolutionary struggle for liberty. Rocked in the cradle of revolutionary devotion to country-educa.ted at the feet of the early fathers of the republic-he became imbued with the highest and noblest patriotism, which was evinced to the time of his death, in all his acts as a citizen. When yet a young man he removed to Kentucky, and there he received all the degrees of Ancient Masonry. He continued in that State several years, and until the pressure of adversity induced him to remove to St. Louis, in the year 5829. Here, by patient, unremitting toil, he succeeded in maintaining his then helples~ family. Soon after his arrival here he entered the C', and there continued the brave, unflinching advocate and devotee of our institution through the whole period of the Anti-Masonio tempest, and to the time ofbJs departure hence, ever ready to discharge any and every duty devolved upon him.



As Grand Secretary (an office held by him for many years) he showed himself ever courteous, attentive and faithful in the discharge of his toilsome duties, until age admonished him that retirement from office Was more congenial to his situation; and your committee respectfully submit, that by his noble and exemplary conduct as a citizen, his high sense of honor and honesty as a man, and by his faithful discharge of Masonic duties-his benevolence, truth, brotherly love and charity-he exerted an influence tending to advance the honor, standing and influence of Masonry in our State as much, if not more, than any other member of the Grand D. His, indeed, appeared to be a mission of love to all who knew him; his hand, his heart, his purse, were eyer open to all the needy, and from him none were eyer turned away empty, if by any means he could relieve them :-" it was his delight to bind up the broken heart, to soothe the disconsolate, and hold to the lips of sinking, suffering humanity, the cup of consolation and hope." Such is a brief and imperfect sketch of the noble character of our departed friend and brother, Dallam; nnd your committee offer the following resolutions, and ask your unanimous concurrence: 1st. Resolved, That by the death of Bro. Dallam the State and society have lost one of their most worthy members-the church one of its most pious, devoted and faithful brothers, and the fraternity one of their brightest ornaments. 2d. Resolved, That the fraternity, while they consign Lis mortal remains to the tomb, will ever cherish his memory as of the most worthy, rejoicing that his pure spirit is returned to God who gave it. 3d. Resolved, That $174 35 be appropriated for the purpose of defraying the funeral expenses of Bro. Dallam. 4th. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to our deceased brother, the Grand 0 be clothed in mourning for thirty days. 5th. Resolved, That the fraternity tender to the relatives and friends of Bro. Dallam their sincere and most profound condolence on account of their irreparable lOBS.



6th. Resolved, That Brother Grand Secretary furnish to the family of Bro. Dallam a. certified copy of the foregoing. Resolve.d, That Brother Grand Secretary, in the printed proceedings of the present Communication, dedicate one page to the nlenlOry of each of the deceased brothers. Your committee regret that they possess less knowledge of the earlier history of Bros. Douglass and Pettit. Bro. Douglass was a member of this Grand 0 as early as 5838, and was soon after elected S. G. W., where he presided with distinguished ability during his term. He was soon after chosen Grand Lecturer, and there are many still among us who remember with gratitude the able lessons taught by him in that office. His services of Grand Lecturer were terminated by his removal to the city of New Orleans, and where he was soon after elected Master of a Lodge in that city, and succeeded in gaining the confidence of the brotherhood. During the residence of Bro. Douglas3 in Louisiana he probably exercised a larger influence than any other Mason in establishing a Grand 0 in that State, working only in the York rite, and whereby peace and fraternity were restored throughout the United States, as regarded that jurisdiction. He again removed to St. Louis, and faithful to the impulliles of his heart, he Boon engaged in erecting a new 0 in the adjoining city of Bremen, over which he presided for a long period, dispensing true Masonic light and knowledge. He continuAd his membership in the Grand 0 to the time of his final departure, in the acceptable discharge of his many Masonic duties; and your committee recommend the unanimous adoption of the following: 1st. Resolved, That the memory of our departed Bro. Douglass will be ever cherished with pleasure, and a recollection of his many virtues engraven on our minds. 2d. Resolved, That the fraternity sympatbize with the relatives and friends of OUf deceased brother, and assure them of our constant condolence. 3d. Resolved, That as a mark or respect for the deceased, the G:-and 0 will be clad in mourning for thirty days.



4th. Resolved, That the Grand Seoretary make out and furnish to the family of our Bro. Douglass a duly certified copy of the foregoiJig. The history of Bro. Pettit, highly intere8ting as it surely is to every brother, is, however, less known to your committee; but enough is known to impress us all with feelings of admiration and pleo..flure. For this your committee need only to refer to his quiet, affable, gentlemanly deportment during the whole period of his membership among us, which were such as to secure for him a feeling of more than common fraternal regard; so that, if asked of our feelings toward Bro. Pettit, our answflr would be, "We love him." He was an ardent, devoted Mason; a. kind, obliging neighbor; a worthy and patriotic citizen, ever found at his post; ever faithful as a member and officer of this Grand D. Your committee respectfully submit the following resolutions: 1. Resolved, That the fraternity, in the dea.th of Bro. Pettit, hIlS to deplore the loss of one whose heart W:l8 deeply imbued with the best qualities of our nature; that society and the fraternity will mourn his departure as one of their best members. 2. Resolved, That the members of the Masonic family will cherish the memory of the many manly and Masonic virtues possessed by our departed brother, and which he ever exercised for the benefit of his fellow-men. 3. Resolved, That, in testimony of our high regard for our Bro. Pettit, the Grand 0 will wear mourning for the space of thirty days. 4. Resolved, That the Grand 0 and the whole fraternity tender to the friends and relatives of the deceased the condolence of our sympathies on account of our and their irrepa.rable los8. 5. Resolved, Tha.t the Grand Secretary furnish to the family of Bro. Pettit, deceased, a copy of the foregoing. Thus, in the short space of one year, three of the brightest ornaments of our fraternity have been called from the toils and labors, the joys and sorrows, of this terrestial home, to a participation in the never-ending enjoyments of their heavenly habitation, where the artful and wicked cease from troubling, and where the



weary toil-worn worthies enjoy perpetual undisturbed repose. No more shall they be raised by the sound of the gavel from needful rest to undergo the repeated labors of the craft- their work is completed, and the eternal Grand Master has greeted them with the plaudit, "Enter thou into the joylt of the eternal Grand D." Your committee respectfully submit that these and kindred reflections should operate as incentive. to all to copy the bright examples set us by our departed brothers, to emulate their shining virtues, and practice their bountiful benevolence; to the end that, when we too shall be called - as soon we shall be - to lay down this mortal to put on immorta.lity, we may be, like them, prepared and ready, and through mercy find a. place with them in their happy home. S. W. B. CARNEGY, Chairman Select Committee.

Bro. Decker's resolution was then called up, pending the discussion of which the Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until eight o'clock this evening.


8 o'clock.

The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the Rt. W. Deputy Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. The Grand Lecturer exemplified the work and lecture on the third degree; after which the discussion was resumed on Bro. Decker's resolution. Bro. Decker withdrew the resolution previously offered by him, and offered the fellowing, which was, on motion, adopted, and the resolution of 1847 repealed: Resolved, That the resolution passed by the Grand 0, at its Annual Communication in 1847, requiring a two-thirds vote of all the e::e:J upon the disposing of the College at Lexington, be, and the same is, hereby repealed.



Bro. Decker offered the fonowing, which was, on motion adopted: Resolved, That it is expedient that the Grand 0 of Missouri should Rever her connection with the Masonic College at Lexington; and, with this end in view, therefore, Resolved, That the Grand Master appoint three brethren to visit the E.::E!::' in Lexington, and confer with them, and ascertain from them whether they would be willing to accept the donation of the College, and report to this Grand 0 at its next Annual Communication the result of such conference; and that said Committee be further instructed to obtain the sanction of the Legislature of Missouri to any agreement they may enter into with the above CEJ. After the adoption of the foregoing resolutions, the following named brethren were permitted to record their votes against the same :-L. S. Cornwell, S. W. B. Carnegy, Joseph Foster, Sam'l M. Hayes, W. Hixon, J. A. Tutt, R. S. Voorhis, J. B. H. Beale, O. H. P. Craig, W. R. }?enick, S. R. Bay, W. T. Davis, R. T. Edmondson, Daniel M. Repsher. The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until eight o'clock to-morrow morning.



z'lZdr x -SEVEN YElA:EUiJ..




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MORNING, 8 o'clock.

The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the Rt. W. Deputy Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The Committee on College reported on account of S. B. Munsen, for engraving plate for scholarship, allowing, the same, and ordering it to be paid. Bro. J. D. Taylor, from Committee on Grand Secretary and Treasurer's books, presented the following, which was adopted: To THE M. W. THE GRAND. 0 OF MISSOURI: The Committee on Accounts respectfully report, that they have made a careful examination of the books and accounts of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, which they find correct, and well and properly kept. The Grand Secretary has received, since the last Grand Annual Communication, $7,181 65, which has been paid over to the Grand Treasurer, as per vouchers. The Grand Secretary has paid for postage, stationery, &c., as per vouchers, $104 12 and has received from the Grand Treasurer, 100 00

$ 4 路12 Leaving balance due Grand Secretary of The Grand Treasurer had in his handa, (per the report of the Committee on Accounts,) at the last Grand Communication, including the loa.n of $300 to Occidental 0, (which has since been paid,) $5,297 87 That he has received during the past year 7,181 63 And has paid out, per vouche1'8, Leaving an available balance in hiB banda,

$12,479 52 6,372 20 $6,107 32

Your committee ha.ve ha.d under consideration an account presented by Lathrop Academy and Mrs. M. P. Lientz, for the tuition a.nd board of Henry Knox for the past year, amounting to





$101 85. At the last Communication a similar account was presented to this Grand 0, which, on the report of the Committee on Charity, was allowed, and the said Henry Kuox Waf.! continued at the school. They therefore respectfully recommend the' allowance of the account, and that Bro. Melody be authorized to receive and pay the same to the respective parties. Respectfully submitted. JNO. D. TAYLOR, Chairman. May 2Sth.

The following reports from Committee on Applications and Communications were presented, and, after being amended, were adopted: To THE M. W.



The Committee on Applications and Communications, have conNo. 39. One of sidered the two communicationE from Tully dues for these petitions asks for the remittance of the Grand the Masonic year 1858, and- that they be relieved from Grand dues whilst the family of Bro. John R. High is thrown upon their charity. Whilst. your committee are convinced that it would be injurious to "the interests of the fraternity for the Grand 0 to adopt as a general line of policy the remittance of dues of Subordinate CEJ, yet we are satisfied that cases may arise where it will be an act of charity and justice to remit dues. We are satisfied that the present is a case of that character, and therefore recommend thai the dues of Tully 0 be remitted for the year 1858. The other petition asks that the 0 may have permission, if they shall hereafter deem it expedient, to remove to the town of Canton, which immediately joins the town of Tully. Your committee, in approaching the consideration of this prayer, and framing a recommendation for the action of the Grand 0, feel great delicacy. In the brief and partial manner in which the committee must necessarily obtain its information, it is sometimes quite impossible to arrive at any conclusion which may be satis-



factory, and do equal and exact justice to all concerned. We feel that embarrassment in the present case j but, after having considered the lights furnished us, we recommend the Grand 0 to grant the prayer of Tully 0 No. 39, to remove to the town of Canton, if hereafter they may deem it expedient, with the unani~ mons consent of Tully 0 and the consent of Canton D. All which is fraternally submitted. R. S. VOORHIS, Chairman Com.

To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The Committee on Applications and Communications having had un"der consideration an application to this Grand 0 for relief from Mirabile 0 No. 166, reports that, owing to the recent presame of the times touching all money matters, our brethren of Mirabile 0 have become embarrassed in the erection of a Masonic Hall, and that a few brethren have become personally liable for the indebtedness growing out of the erection of their hall. They propose to borrow from the Grand 0 the sum of three hundred dollars for one year, at a reasonable rate of interest, and giving good and ample security. Your committee are convinced that this is a most meritorious case, and believe that if the application of Mirabile 0 be granted, it will relieve the brethren of that 0 from the necessity of sacrafieing their property. We therefore recommend that the Grand 0 loan to Mirabile 0 No. 166 the sum of $300 for one year, on the negotiable note or notes of good and solvent men, with good endorsers Fraternally submitted. R. S. VOORillS, Chairman Com.

Bro. Vaughan offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars is hereby ordered to be paid by the Treasurer of Board of Curators to Bro. Currie, immedia.tely upon his return to Lexington j said



amount being in part of Cuqie's demand aga.inst Grand 0 for boarding of beneficiaries, the whole account being subject to the final adjustment of the Board of Curators.

The Committee on Universal Congress presented the following which was, on motion, adopted:




J\I. W.



A majority of the committee to whom was referred so much of the Grand Master's address as relates to a Universal Congress of Masons, and the Ten Propositions submitted by that Congress for the action of the Grand Câ‚Ź:J of the world, respectfully submit the following report: That whilst they can but admire the ardent desire and untiring zeal of our brethren for a perfect, consistent and aU-pervading unity of the craft throughout the world, as clearly manifested in the propositions presented, with the comments of the Rt. W. Grand Secretary of the Grand 0 of Virginia, Bro. John Dove, they are constrained to differ from our brethren as to the anticipated results, and firmly believe that their application to the craft would work a far greater evil than good to the fraternity. The Grand 0 of Missouri is now firmly based upon the ancient che-.rges of the Free and Accepted Masons, in the full exercise of all the powers respectively belonging to the ancient craft under which it has been so prosperou& and happy, both in her relations at home and abroad, that, with due deference to the 6pinioDs as expressed in the Ten Propositions, and the "hle and pertinent comments-of our Rt. W. Brother, the Grand Secretary of the Grand o of Virginia, we are compelled to decline any participation in the doings of the proposed congress.


R. S. VOORlllS Bro. Watts, from Committee on Ways and Means, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted:



To THE M. W. GRA.."I'!D 0 OF MISSOURI: Your Committee of Ways and Means fraternally report, that they find, from the report of the Committee of Accounts, the resources of the Grand 0 are as follows, viz. : $6,107 32 Amount in hands of Grand Treasurer, Balances due from CEJ reported, $198 80 " " " " of which 766 00 no part has been paid, 750 00 Probable am't due from CEJ not reported, $1,'114 80

$7,822 12


Estimated Expenses of Grand 0, - $1,600 00 Tuition and board of Henry Knox, due to Mrs. M. P. Lientz, as per report of Committee on Ac\:onnts, 101 85 Interest on scholarships, due to Board of Curator!!, - 1,581 56 Orphans' Fund, due to Board of Curators, 983 00 Amount appropriated from Contingent - 1,250 00 Fund, for support of College, Principal on scholarships, due to Endow326 53 ment Fund Commissioners,

- - - - $4,842 94 Probable balance resources May, 1859,

$2,979 18

We recommend that the sum of one hundred dollars be allowed to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence for the past year. We also recommend that the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated to pay the expenses of the committee appointed to visit Lexington and Lafayette CEJ, in reference to the College; which will leave a probable nett balance of $2,700 in the treasury at the next session of this Grand o. All of which is fraternally submitted. W. C. WATTS, Cha.irman.



On motion, duly seconded, Ordered, That Henry Knox be sent to Masonic College; 'lnd that the Grand 0 will defray the necessary expeiJFles for boarding, clothing and schooling of John Patterson, the son of the late Bro. A. Patterson. Bro. Davis presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That Brothers J. M. Lewis of Saline County, C. Palmer of Clay County, and J. Bull of Lexington, be appointed members of the Board of Curators of Masonic College. Bro. Decker offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That Bros. W. P. Boulware, Thomas Alford and H. G. Graham are hereby appointed Endowment Fund Commissioners, and that the sum of seventy~five dollars be allowed to the Secretary of the Board for his past services. Bro. Milton offered the following, which WaB, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That one hundred and twenty-five dollars be allowed the Grand Tyler, for services, expenses and money paid for Bro. Dallam's funeral expenses. Bro. Currie offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To


M. W.



Authentic information has been received by the undersigned that the widow of our late la.mented Bro. A. Patterson is in very needy circumstances, having three children to provide for-two of them helpless infants, the other a lad of some ten years of age: she herself in feeble health, dependent on her widowed mother for support. Therefore,

Resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars be donated, from the Charity Fund of this Grand 0 to aid her in her embarrassing situation. S. F. CURRIE, S. W. B. CARNEGY.



Bro. Hixon, from committee to whom was referred a circular from Grand 0 of Virginia, submitted the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI: Your committee, to whom was referred a circular from the Grand 0 of Virginia, on that all absorbing subject of the purchase of Mount Vernon, the resting place of the remains of our venerable brother George Washington, the father of. his country, at whose name the breast of every patriot heaves with admiration, and that of every brother with fraternal pride and joy. To say a tithe of all that might be properly said on this subject, would fill volumes. The importance of the proposition is known to all, and the pleasure it affords to be considered worthy to contribute to so noble a purpose is deemed a sufficient reason for recommending a circular to the same effect, to be addressed to the l=â‚ŹJ of this jurisdiction, by the Grand Secretary; which your committee respectfully recomme~ds. WILLIAM HIXON, S. W. B. CARNEGY. Bro. Potter offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That the Grand 0 adopt the form of the square apron with triangular flap, on which an all-seeing eye may be . placed; the apron bound with blue, (as exhibited to the Grand 0 by R. W. Bro. G. H. C. Melody,) and that the Grand Secretary be autnorized to procure aprons of the Bame form for the use of . the M. W. Grand D. Furthermore Resolved, That when the Subordinate l=â‚ŹJ under this jurisdiction m:1Y hereafter want aprons, they procure them of the above form and pattern. The Most Worshipful Grand Master appointed the following brethren to visit the City of Lexington, in accordance with the spirit of the resolution offered by Bro. Decker, and adopted by the Grand 0 :-Rt. W. Bros. L. S. Cornwell, John H. Turner, John Decker.



The M. W.Grand Master made the following appointments: Rt. W. J. B. Prather, D. D. G. M.-Maryville. District No. I.-Composed of Atchison, Nodaway, Holt and Andrew Counties. Rt. W. Samuel R. Hayes, D. D. G. M.-Platte City. District No. 2.-Composed of Buchanan, Platte, DeKalb and Gentry Counties. Rt. W. A. J. Calhoun, D. D. G. M.-Liberty. District No. 3.-Clay and Clinton Counties. Rt. W. John F. Houston, D. D. G. M.-Carroll County. District No. 4.-Caldwell, Rav. Carroll and Livingston Counties. Rt. W. James McFerrin, D. D. G. M.-Gallatin. District No. 5.-Harrison, Mercer, Grundy and Davis Counties. Rt. W. Alfred Mann, D. D. G. M.-Keytesville. District No. 6.-Chariton, Sullivan and Adair Counties. Rt. W. Wm. Ellis, D. D. G. M.-Monticello. District No. 7.-Schuyler, Scotland, Clark, Knox, Lewis and Putnam Counties. Rt. W. John H. Turner, D. D. G. M.-Glasgow. District No. 8.-Macon, Randolph: Howard and Linn Counties. Rt. W. N. P. Kunkle, D. D. G. M.-Hannibal. District No. 9.-Shelby, Marion, Monroe and Ralls Counties. Rt. W. P. Draper, D. D. G. M.-Louisiaua. District No. lO.-Lincoln and Pike Counties. Rt. W. Hiram Rawlings, D. D. G. M.-Fulton. District No. n.-Boone, Audrain and Calloway Counties. Rt. W. Geo. B. Milton, D. D. G. M.-Danville. District No. l2.-Montgomery, Warren and St. Charles Counties. Rt. W. Cyrus Osborn, D. D. G. M.-Wellington. District No. l3.-Jackson and Lafayette Counties.



Rt. W. B. E. Morrow, D. D. G. M.-Columbus. District No. 14.-Johnson, Cass and Bates Counties. Rt. W. A. B. Coffee, D. D. G. M.-BoonvilIe. District "Vo. I5.-Saline, Pettis, Cooper and Moniteau Counties. Rt. W. Jas. A. Tutt, D. D. G. M.-Calhoun. District, No. 16.-Henry, Hickory, Benton, St. Clair, Cedar and Vernon, Counties. . Rt. W. Jaryis M. Barker, D. D. G. M.-Ca.'lsville. District No. 17.-Jasper, Newton, McDonald, Stone, Lawrence and Barry Counties. Rt. W. Marcus Boyd, D. G. M.-Springfield. District No. 18.-Dade, Greene, Polk, Dallas, Taney, La.dede and Webster Counties. Rt. W. L. E. Williamson, D. D. G. M.-Versailles. District No. 19..:..-Morgan, Camden, Miller and Cole Counties. Rt. W. A. Emory, D. D. G. M.-Steelville. .District No. 20. - Gasconade, Crawford, Pulaski, Dent, Wright, Texa.'l, Ozark, Oregon and Osage Counties. Rt. W. Geo. Whitcomb, D. D. G. M.-Charleston. Dist.rict No. 21. - Scott, Mississippi, Pemiscott, Dunklin, New Madrid, Butler, Ripley and Stoddard Counties. Rt. W. John H. Wilson, D. D. G. M.-Cape Girardeau. District No. 22.-Perry, Cape Girardeau, Bollinger, Ma.ddison, Wayne, Reynolds and Shannon Counties. Rt. W. Wm. H. Carter, D. D. G. M.-Potosi. District .,Vo. 23.-Jefferson, Washington, St. Francois and St. Genevieve Counties. Rt. W. John W. Luke, D. D. G. M.-St. Louis. District No. 24.-St. Louis City and County, and Franklin County. . Rt. W. Jacob Houghton, D. D. G. M.-Santa Fe. District No. 25.-New Mexico.





J. F.













The minutes of this day's proceedings being read and appl'ored, no further business appearing, after prayer by Bro. Shepherd, • FORM. the Grand Lodge of Missouri was closed in AMPLE A. O'SUJ.. . LIVAN, Grand Secretury.












Z ~

!;j ~ ~ "

'" 0







:>i 0 ;<;

'" o:l "':>I

;ol ..

::> :>l ;<;

--- -- ---


J. McCaleb Wiley, D. F. Armstrong, N. Green Curtis, William L. Brewer, Alfred P. Robinson, George C. Whiting, T. Y. Henry, William S. Rockwell, Harrison Dills, SolomonT. Bayless, J. T. Sandford, R. R. Rees, Philip Swigert, Ken~~cky, Amos Adams, L OU1Slana, Robert P. Dunlap, Maine, Cbas. Webb, Maryland, John T. Heard, assachusetts, Wm. M. Finton, Michigan, A. T. C. Pierson, Hnnesota, -Wm. Cothran, ississippi, S. H. Saunders, 1issoun, New Hampshire, Geo. H. Hubbard,

Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, D. Columbi~, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,

'"o '"oc:. I oc:~J >< oc:><

Troy, Galley Rock, Sacramento, Norwicb, Georgetown, Wasbington City, Quincy, Savannah, Quincy, Fort Wayne, Keokuk, Leavenworth City, Frankfort, Baton Rouge, Brunswick, Baltimore, Boston, Flint, St. Paul, Carrollton, Otterville, Manchester,

Daniel Sayre, T. D. Merrick, A. G. Abell, E. G. Storer, William S. Hayes, G. A. Schwarzman, John B. Taylor, M.D. Simri Rose, Harman G. Reynolds, Francis King, T. S. Parvin, Chas. Mundee, J. M. S. McCorcle. Sam'l G. Risk, Irll. Berry, Joseph Robinson, Ctas. W. Moore. James Fenton, Geo. W. Prescott, R. W. T. Daniel, A. O'Sullivan, Horace Chase,

M0Dtgomery, Little Rock, San Francisco, New Haven, Wilmin~ton,

Washington City, Tallahassee, Macon, Knoxville, Indianapolis, Muscatine, Fort Leavenworth, Greensburg, New Orleans, Portland, Baltimore, BostOD, Detroi~,

St. Paul, Jackson, St Louis, Hopkinton,

1821 1832 185G 1789 1806 lWO 1830 liB6 1840 1818 1844 ]856 1800 1812 1820 1794 1733 ]826 11\53 1818 ]821 1789

201 103 113 47 10 15 35 220 232 215 109 5 340 106 80 ]01 88 105 24 215

175 32 I

6816 33% 4282 44G3 510 600 ]334 6500 8726 7903 3178 170 100L10 3629 3288 l!j40 5320 350() 805 7i79 6000



New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, R. Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin,









Joseph Trimble, John L. Lewis, Jr., Alfred Martin, HoraclI M. Stokes, Benj. Stark, John K. Mitchell, James Hutchinson, Henry Buist, T. McCulloch, James M. Hall, Philip C. Tucker, John S. Caldwell, Henry S. Baird,

Camden, Penn Yan, Wilmington, Lebanon, Portland, Philadelphia, Providence, Charleston, Clarksville, Crockett, Ver~ennes,

Fre erickshurg, Green Bay,

Joseph H. Hough, James M. Austin, William T. Bain, John D. Caldwell, William S. Caldwell, William H. Adams, Wm. C. Barker, A. G. M;l;ckel:' M. D. Chas. A. Ful er, A. S. Ruthven, J. B. Hollenbeck, John Dove, WilliamR. Smith,

Trenton, New York, Raleigh, Cincinnati, Hillsboro', Philadelphia, Providence, Charleston, Nashville, Galveston, Burlington, Richmond, Mineral Point,




IP 0

. .




l>: I>l 1>lC:> III A

l>: f"I I>l III



Z ----





1771 1808 11551 1764 1


1787 1813 1837 1794 1777 1843

128 260 16 175 }.j




:>l I>l

plll ;Z;


1983 24670 4120 10390 4~0

11000 1048 2600 9.71 1'000 1556 6000 1888

25 l 200 44 158 81 -4388 173215


We are mainly indebted to Rt. W. Grand Secretary of Mississippi for the foregoing table of statistics, and do trust that the several Grand C£J will furniah allch tables as will enable us to arrive more definitely at the number of C£J and Masons in the United States. A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary.



Account of lvIoneys received by Grand Secretary after the publication of Proceedz'ngs of 1857.





.: : . .... .~ .....=~ ..a.. '" '" - -- -"- - - - $ $ $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. m

.. A



,; ~


176 96 132 93 17

108 144 172 71 175 154 139 122 174

134 105 148 158 128 90 49 81 38 171 89 7 57 fit

135 82 102 68 132 148 141 155 75 64 99 103 33

125 46 58

Point Pleasant, for charter, " St. Andrew's,...................... Farmington, .. , ..................... St. Mark's, b. o. $8,............. Clarksville, ......................... New ~fadrid ........................ John Dade, y'rs '56 and '57,.. Wolf Island, tor charter,....... Savannah, .......................... Newton charter and degrees,.. Concord, no returns, ............ Oregon, bal. and $2 50 on 11. o. Dover, ............................. Sturgeon, for charter,........... Sarcoxie,............................ Relief, y'rs '56 and '57,......... Yancey, year '51, ................. Cornwell, ........................... Kir~s.ville, .......................... Praule,.............................. Hayneville, ........................ Neosho, '56 n.nd '57, ............ Graham, ............................ Hartford, degrees and charter, FricnJship,......................... Grover,.............................. Richmond....:...................... 080eola, ............................. Ridgeley, ........................... Jackson, and $7 50 b. c.,....... Bloomington, ...................... Tebo, and $11 25 on yr. '54, .. Farmington, b. c.,................ Yancey, ....... ;..................... Middleburfi' b. c., ................ Spring Hi I, bal.,................. Ashley, .............................. Landmark, yrs. '54, '56 & '57, 11ft. Vernon, yrs. '56 and '57,.. Carthage, yrs. '56 and '57,..... Ralls, ................................. Gentryville, ........................ Martha Washington, b. e. $5,. Monticello, bal. on '57,.........


3 33 6 67 10 00 7 33 14 117 50 00 14 36 00 7 83 15 67 73 50 18 00 IJ 66 19 34 48 00 4 3 16 6 34 13 50 10 7 83 15 67 33 50 29 12 00 24 00 66 00 3 33 6 67 10 00 10 10 68 6 33 12 67 39 68 7 3 33 6 67 1700 850 12 66 25 34 38 00 3 83 7 67 11 50 3 33 6 67 10 00 6 5 00 10 00 21 00 2 18 00 9 66 19 34 6100 35 7 50 15 00 57 00 2 800 2 00 400 28 8 33 16 67 53 00 36 00 6 16 12 34 5950 8 6 83 13 67 2850 54 00 22 00 44 00 120 00 5 u6 11 34 2000 3 3 33 6 67 4000 30 6 9 83 19 67 35 50 4 66 9 34 23 00 9 18 00 12 83 25 67 56 50 18 00 5 16 10 34 33 50 18 DO 4 50 9 00 30 00 18 00 7 83 15 67 41 00 12 83 25 67 4850 10 10 18 00 9 58 19 17 56 75 6 00 12 00 18 00 4 33 8 67 31 00 18 2 50 1 00 1 50 8 00 17 00 25 00 J8 00 2 33 4 67 25 00 36 00 17 66 35 34 90 00 73 00 8 66 17 33 99 00 18 00 19 00 38 00 75 00 3 16 6 34 17 00 7 6 66 13 34 4400 24 9 18 00 5 83 11 67 44 50 3 66 7 34 11 00




A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand CJ of Missouri-1858.

N.... n


..; ~ o

.. --1-------- -$ -----$ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 1 2

3 4 5

7 8

9 11 12

13 14 16


18 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 28 29

31 32 33 34 36 39

40 41 42

44 4$

46 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 58

Missouri f ••••••••••••••• MeTidian, b. e. $9, . Beacon, . Howard .. United, .. Grover, Williamsburg, . Geo. Washington, Pauldingville, . Tyro, .. Rising Sun,.... Auburn, .. Memphis, .. Clarksville, Palmyra,........................ St. Louis, .. New London, .. Wellington, . Florida, . Wyftcond&, . Naphthali, .. Mexico, .. St. John's, . Osage, Liberty, .. Lafayette, . Ralls, Troy, . Cooper, . Tully, Mt. Moriah, Bolivar, . Middle Grove, .. Rochester, . BonhoIDme, Martha Washington, b.c. $4 Hayneville, Middletown, Livingston, Wakandn, .. tVcston, .. Douglass, . Arrow Rock, Monticello, .

00 11 83 23 67 00 8 00 16 00 00 6 50 13 00 00 5 50 11 00 53 10 20 66 41 34 5 50 11 00

71 50 42 00

15 50

35 50 58 50

36 18 6 00 18 18

t ••••• t ••



6 12 18 00 4 6 00 18 00 5



18 00 8 14 20 13 80 11 13 3 3 6 6

2 00 18 00 18 00 18 00

27 90 18 00 20 00 18 00 15 18 00 13 20 00 18 00 2000 15 00 3

7 8 02 16 98 14 !JO 3 00 18 00 5

18 00

Hi 14 10

27 00 18 00 33 00 12 00 3 00 18 00 17 18 00


66 13 50 25 66 9 66 11 00 12 16lt> 33 22 33 6 00 12 66 13 33 8 00 16 00 11 50 9 66 25 16 16

34 00 34 R4 00 34 67 67 00 34 67 00 00

43 50 34 00

80 00 43 50 18 00 40 00

33 00 42 50

62 00 23 00 21 00

20 00

13 00 44 00

8 7 39 00 4 00 31 50 12 34 65 90 8 34 42 50 8 50 17 00 63 50 3 00 6 00 24 00 7 83 14 G7 23 50 6.83 13 67 38 50 3 50 7 00 23 50 8 00 16 00 62 00 1200 24 00 51 00 3 33 6 67 13 00 5 50 11 00 23 50 8 83 17 67 51 50 5 66 11 34 31 90 4 33 8 67 34 00 2 00 4 00 11 00 5661134 35 00 7 66 15 34 36 50 5 83 11 67 31 50 5 50 11 00 26 50 16 00 32 00 93 00 17 00 34 00 96 00 3 33 6 67 31 00 6 83 13 67 37 50 9 83 1!J 67 47 50 ___ ~







Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand o of Missouri.-Continued.


.., 5 t .. il .m ";:" ~~ .. .,.... iiir.t - - - - -"- -"- --

..." . ." m" ~"




60 New Bloomfield, ............... 18 63 St. l\lary's, ..................... . 12 64 Landmark,....................... 65 Pattonsburg, .................... 21 66 Linn, .............................. 24 67 Rocheport, ..................... 68 69

70 71

72 i4 75 70 77

78 79 80 82 83 85 86 87 89

90 92 93 97 100 102

104 107 108 109 111 1 12 113 114 115

117 I 18 121 122


Tebo, ............................. Alexandria, ..................... Roanoke,......................... Savannah, ....................... Danville, ................... ;.... Warren, ......................... Ashley,........................... Independence, .................. Lebanon, ........................ St. Joseph, ...................... Polar Star,..................... Bridgeton, ...................... Jackson, ..... _................... Laclede........................... ,Tohllson, ........................ l\1itClhcll, ......................... \Vashington, ................... Friendship,...................... Prairie,.......................... Perseverance, .................. St. Mark's, ..................... Bethany, ......................... Canton, .......................... Bloomington, .................. Heroine, ......................... Golden Square, ................ New Madrid,.................... Montezuma,..................... Trenton,........................... Ezell, ............................. Plattsburg, ..................... Waverly, ........................ Sibley,............................ Versailles, ....................... Hiram, ...........................

E:.IrWIn, . .•.••.•••.......•••••.....•

19 17


1 15 30 12 19

Dover............................. 2 Hermann,........................ 2




$ c.



$ .c.

18 00 18 00 16 26 16 74 1800 1044 1800 1800 15 55 16 25 13 79 19 00 18 00 1700 36 00 18 00 15 00 23'00 1800 18 00 18 00 18 00 1000 1800 1800 18 00 18 00 16 50 18 00 1800 18 00 1800 1800 18 00 3600

$ c. 6 16 5 33 6 16 7 00 5 00 6 33 7 00 5 33 5 83 8 00 450 13 33 450 9 00 13 33 13 33 14 50 2 66 6 00 8 50 9 50 5 66 9 16 8 33 5 66 8 50 8 33 6 16 6 66 11 50 6 50 12 50 1 16 7 66 9 16 400 6 33 4 00 5 33 600 1 00 11 00 3 33 200

$ c.

12 34 10 67 12 34 14 00 1000 12 67 1400 10 67 11 67 16 00 9 00 26 67 9 00 18 00 26 67 26 67 29 00 534 1200 17 00 19 00 11 34 18 34 16 61 11 34 11 00 16 67 1234 13 34 23 00 13 00 25 00 1434 15 34 1834 800 12 67 800 10 67 1200 1400 22 00 6 67 400

$ c.

36 50 2800 36 5o 4200 39 00 3700 54 00 3400 36 50 34 94 31 50 5700 31 50 42 55 7004 77 00 9650 2600 33 00 3950 69 50 35 00 45 50 43 00 4100 2650 4300 26 00 38 00 M 60 24 00 50 00 33 50 42 00 22 00 3000 31 00 12 00 3400 36 00 39 00 69 00 12 00 8 00

164 A.




Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand o of Missouri.-Continued.


. ..; ..'" "'". .~ ,," '" " ". 10'"


125 129 131 132 138 143 147 148 149 152 155 160 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 172 173 174 176



Gentryville, ........~ ............ Constantine, ................... Potosi, .......................; ... Farmington, .................... Round Prairie, b. c. $4 50, . J<'lint Hill, ....................... Buffalo, .......................... Yancey, .......................... Lexinl!;ton, ....................... Linn Creek ..................... Spring Hill, ..................... Edina, ............................ Occidental, ..................... Joachim, ........................ Maryville, ....................... Mirabile,......................... Eldorado, ........................ Fairmount, ..................... Tuscumbia, ...................... Benevolence, ................... Wolf Island, ................... Union, .......................... Sturgeon, ....................... Point Plel\sant, ................ Sarcoxie, b. c................... St. Louis, R. A. C. Int.,...... Greene & Taylor, L. b. c., .. Occidental, Int.,...............

12 11

10 20 36 10

29 12 19 35 27 35 18 8 20 25 9 18 18 12 10

...~ ~


---$ c.

$ c.

~ ~






$ c.


";:" '<,"


." - - --0

$ c.

6 1\3 13 67 9 83 19 67 18 00 5 00 10 00 1400 36 00 950 19 00 6 00 16 68 6 83 13 67 4 83 9 67 5 00 10 00 1 33 2 67 7 50 15 00 4 00 8 00 7 33 14 67 7 16 14 34 9 50 19 00 5 00 10 00 5 50 11 00 , 5 50 11 00 4 33 8 67 3 50 7 00 5 50 11 00 3 66 7 34 5 66 11 34 4 00 8 00 4 66 9 34 2 83 5 67 1 87 1 88 18 00 8 33 16 67 18 00


$ c.

32 00 38 50 33 00 5000 43 18 24 50 27 30 40 00 32 50 41 00 34 00 40 50 6350 42 00 51 50 34 50 21 00 35 00 41 50 22 00 35 00 28 00 26 00 16 00 3 75 18 00 25 00 18 00





Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand o of 1I1issouri.-Continued.




... .'" Pi. !": . $ ~ ---sc.- ~ ~ Tc:20 5 50 11 00 36 50 ~




159 Pacific, 154 Concord, 91 Madison, 136


11 124 139 120 175 61 73 96 95 43 59 99 6

127 148 35 140 88 180


37 50 179 36

Sprin~field Chapt. Int.,...... Phrenix, John Dade,...................... Pauldingville, bal., Cedar, 1854 and '58, Oregon, Compass, Newton, Osceola, Eureka, St. Andrew's, Acacia, yrs. '57 and '58,...... Jefferson City,.................. Lancaster, Mt. Vernon,......... Ark, ••. Athens,....... Yancey, bal., Mercer, St. Louis Encampment, Int., Chamois, for dispen'n, Pappinville, charter, Bates, "......... "......... Kcnner, Winchester, " Dawson, " Anderson, " Pride of the West,' charter,. Cooper, bal.,............. .......




22 18 00 63 00 6 24 3 00 18 00 6 00 18 00 35 18 00 18 00 17 2

41 00 Hi 00

30 36 00 13 39 31 18

20 00


2 50 5 00 29 6 33 12 67 37 63 4 16 8 34 18 6 66 13 34 20 4 66 9 34 14 8 33 16 67 49 10 50 21 00 52 6 16 12 34 30 30 4 348M 31 6 33 12 67 37 7 00 14 00 41 4 00 8 00 14 11 33 22 67 91 6 00 12 00 48 8 00 16 00 60 4 33 8 67 26 11 00 22 00 94 3 33 6 67 10 7 66 15 34 54 18 6 66 13 34 20 3 33 6 67 10 3 33 6 67 10 3 33 6 67 10 3 33 6 67 10 3 33 6 67 10 3 33 6 67" 10 3 33 6 67 10 20

50 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



LODGES U. D. 1858.


Dispcnsation, Degrees,

.. .


Dispensation, De/?ees, WEST PRAIRIF.. Dispensation, Degrecs, Charter, DAWSON. Dispensation, Degrees, BATES. Dispensation, Degrees, KENNER. Dispensation, Degrces, GRISWOLD. Dispensation, Degrees, Charter, WEBSTER. Dispensation , Degrees, SEAMAN. Dispensation, Degrees, Charter, FRANKFORD.








. .. 20 00

20 00

. .. 40 00 ..

20 00

.. .

6 00

. ..

6 00

10 00 20 00 2000

.. .. 14 00

20 00

. .. .

5 00


.. .

4 00

. .. 12 00 ..

O'SULLIVAJ:~~~e~s;;~o~~'A~g~~'~~'~:j'"'''''' Dispensation,


Dispensation, Degrees, Charter, BLOOMFIELD. Dispensation, ZERUBBABEL. Dispensation, EASTON. Dispensation, Degrees, Cha.rter, ANDERSON. Dispensation,

.. .. ..



$ c. 20 00

1000 20 00


$ c.

26 00 40 00

70 00 26 00 2G 00 34 00

35 00 24 00

2000 10 00

42 00

20 00

20 00

20 00

20 00

20 00 16 00

10 00

46 00


20 00

20 00


20 00

20 00

. .. . .

3 00

20 00 10 00

33 00

20 00

20 00




Dispensation, ........................





$ c.


Dispensation, ........................ Degre,es, .............................. 19 00

20 00

Dispensation, ........................ Degrees, .............................. 35 00 Charter,................................

20 00




$ c.

23 00


$ c.

23 00 39 00

10 00


Degrees, ............................... 17 00

65 00 17 00



9 00

Degrees,............................... Charter, ...............................

18 00



............................... 20 00

9 00

10 00

28 00 20 00





" "

Amount received on year 1857, after publishing Proceedings $1,703 Amount reoeived from Chartered Lodges to settlement with committee............. 4,464 Amount received from Lodges U. D...................... 703 " " " " to date...... 1,014

93 56 00 50

$7,885 99 CRBDITS.

By amt. paid Grand Treasurer, as per receipts from 1 to 33 inclusive............................................. 7,885 99

E.E. St. Louis, July 3d, 18a8.

A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary.

Of the foregoing there was received on Orphans' Fund 'l,523 Prmcipal of Scholarships........................... 376 1851. -Int. on" " 443 68 1858. " " " 1,360 88 - - 1,804 Charity and Contingent Funds 4,181

00 53 56 90

---$7,885 99

• Reported to President of B. Curators during the past year,


required by law. Ga. SEC'y.



Grand Treasurer, in. account with Grand 0 of Missouri.



1857. ~In.y.

1858. May 27th. 1857. May 30th. June" 1st. June" 12th June 24th. June 30th. July 24th. July 25th. Sept. 11th. Dec. 30th. 1858. Jan. 14th. Jan. 16th. Feb. 20th. March 6th. March 13th. Ma.] 25th,

For Balance per Report of Committee, including loan to Occidental Lodge, for $300, paid at present session .•..•.•. ..• $5,297 87 Amount received from Gr. Sec. during past year... 7,014 30 $12,312 17 CR. By amount po.id Pres. Davis $3,500 00 " ., S. F. Currie............... 434 00 " "Stille ~ 75 00 " "O'Sullivan.................. 782 72 " "Melody _..... 74 03 " Counterfeit notes rwd of G. Seo. 15 00 " paid O'Sullivan.... 20 00 " "Whitcomb................ 8 00 " "O'Sullivan 40 00 " "Niedner &. Co............ 489 ()() " "Same...........•• 8 00 " "O'Sullivan................ 10 00


" " " "


" " .. " " "

J. Bull . 43168 Boulware . 266 77 Niedner & Co . 800 Int. on Thompson's notes 150 00 30 00 " O'Sullivan _•••• 3000 Piper .

DR. 'May 27th.

6.37220 $5,93997

Per amount received of Grand Secretary............... 167 35 $6,107 32

1858. DR. . $6,107 32 :May 26th. For Balance per Report of Committee June 30th. " amount received of GrMld 8eo'] this month... 892 50 July 3d. " " " 159 30 t7,159 12 CR. May 29th. By amount loaned Mirabile Lodge No. 166, per order............................... $300 00 By amt. paid Board Curators.... 4,140 69 JUOle 2d. "" "Stille, per order.............. 125 00 ,:" "Mrs. Lltz" ...... 101 85 "" "Luke "........... 290 06 " Counterfeit Bank note................... 5 00 " Broken Bunk note 5 00 June 3d. " amt. paid Kunkel per order............ 100 00 "Grand Secretary.............. 850 00 June 7th. r,,, $5,917 60 Balanoe $1,241 52









John Goodin •••••••••••••W. M. J. A. Hart Seo. S. W. L. Kingsland S. D. R. S. Voorhi8 A. Newmark J. W. N. Beck J. D. J. J. Outley Trea,s. A. Stille Tyler. Membsrs- John D. Daggett, P. D. Gr. M.; John D. Taylor, P. D. Gr. M.; Thornton GriIllsloy, P. H.; F. L. Billon, P. M.; lBaillh Forbes, P. M.; John Simonds, P. M.; William Renshaw, C. C. Carroll, H. W. Leffingwell, Jesse I,ittle, John B. Coleman, S. G. Wheatley, S. O. Coleman, John A. Dolman, F. B. Turnbull, T. Kirgan, Wm. Stewart, D. L. M. Robinson, S. A. Billbrough, A. J. Latz, B. A. Pratte Jr., A. McCurdy, R. Peyinghans, Wm. Derby, L. P. Perry, Wm. Cook, S. Wainwright, J. P. Ravold, H. Ws.lther, S. Hambleton, A. S. Oroutt, A. C. Dennison, JaB. Johnson, S. Voullaire, James Inglis, Geo. P. Morga;), B. F. Walther, J. O. Alter, W. D. Hirsch, J. K. Dunkan, Jas. Johneon, John W. Owen, John Moyses, E. A. DuBreuil, S. Jacoby, T. M. Walker, J. D. Smith, Ben DeRar, Sam. Cone, Edward Davis, John Van, John F. Low, W. V. Kay, Henry Hudson, Chas. Eagin, Jail. Richardson, Justin Mulhern, K. Elms, Wm. Renshaw Jr., John Leak, K. D. Rees, J. Horton. Initiated, 8; Pa.SlJed, 7; Raised, 8; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 2.




Alexander Suss W. M. H. A. Pulte Seo. Chas. Taussig S. W. H. Tiefenbrnn S. D. G. Fisher J. W. F. W. Plass J. D. N. Abeles 1'reas. Ch. Meissman Tyler. Members - A. O'Sullivan, Grand Secretary, P. M.; B. Goldsmidt, P. M.; F. M. Watke, P. M.; C. C. Simmonds, S. G. Sears, J. Rosenstein, F. Dattelzweig, G. Wiegand, Jos. Jecko, L. Block, JOB. Taussig, A. Stille, C. n. Bornefeld, G. W. Campbell Jr., A. Godrin, P. Cresar, H. Hoehn, S. Furth, S. E. Mandlebaum, L. Stern, E. Seeman, 1. Bush. Initiated, 4; Passed, 2; Raised, 1; Demitted, 4.


•Joseph Crookes W. M. Joseph W. Branch Sec. F. H. Welimeyer S. W. Chas. Morris S. D. Abner Squires J. W. Philip Stremmel J. D. Chas. N. Brewster Treas. J. G. Toller Tyler. Members-Chas. L.lIamilton, P. M.; E. Handley, B. F. Jennings, J. McLard, E. Greenleaf, T. Baker, J. Francisco, A. Novey, ·W. French, T. D. Lingo, J. D. Hooper, H. C. Steinman, R. Born, I. Steele, L. Huffell, I. H. Sturgeon, II. Overstolz, S. S. Spearing, J. Scott, J. Holmes, G. H. Hungerford, C. Helmering, C. Speers, J. Sexton Jr., D. J. Beattie, C. Woodward, Rob. S. King. E. H. Williams, I. B. Mears, W. Lingo, C. A. Diggs. Initiated, 5; Passed, 10; Raised, 9; Admitted, 3 I Demitted, 3.




A. H. Lee w. M. H. Crews S. W. I. L. Muroe J. W. Tress. T. C. Boggs Members -II. Kingsbury, P. P.; I.

T. M. Radford Sec. Rev.N. W.Bonham Chap. • A. Smith Tyler. M. ChOrD, P. M.; S. S. Hughes,

• No Deacons returned.-GlL Sltt.



N. H. Bowman, J. Gearhart, F. Blankenbaker, C. A. J. Wilcoxson, M. P. Hensley, R. S. Wilds, J. Lee, J. B. Holman, J. A. Snoddy, J. Snoddy, 路M. Smith, C. H. Stewart, R. M. Patrick, John W. Robinson, Jas Bowmer, J. W. Lee, N. II. McGirk, C. Swearingen, C. Ramey, W. J. Smith, C. E. Burkhart. Initiated, 3; Passed, 3; Raised, 2; Demitted, 3.




Wm. C. Price, P.M W. M. Joseph Gott S. W. R. A. Plumb J. W. Wilson Hacknoy Trea.s. J. W. D. S. F. Ma.ck Sec.

R. A. A. C.

P. Faulkner B. McCleur Johnson Carlton, P. lII..

S. D. J. D. Tylcr. Chap.

Members- M. Boyd, D. Gr. M.; Thos. W. Anderson, A. M. Appleby, J. L. Alexander, .Tohn C. Bigbee, M. II. Bowren, S. H. Boyd, T. S. BranDock, J. B. Budulenden, B. A. Borrell, T. C. Bragg, D. D. Berry, J. A. Brown, W. F. Bodenhaum, T. M. Comptcon, W. J. Coleman, C. Canncfax, John H. Cliynor, J. T. Campbell, J. J. Clarkson, Henry Westmoreland, Jas. R. Danforth, Wm. P. Dobbs, R. W. Donnell, Calhum Duke. N. A. Davis, Goo. A. Dillard, John Dude, W. G. Evans, W. B. Farmer, W. H. Frazier. J. J. Faulkner, F. F. Frazier, Jesse Faulkner, Saml. Fulbright., J. H. Gibson, W. H. Graves, R. A. Goodin, A. Hosman, J. H. IIa(.en, C. A. Haden, A. L. Haull. John Hornbeak, Wm. Hendrick, J. W. Hancock, J. F. HornIJcak, C'. W. Huff, W. L. Hancock, W. C. Hornbeak, M. M. Hooker, S. W. Jopes, N. F. Jones, W. W. Jeffries, A. M. Julian, P. C. King, G. W. Kelly, J. B. Kimbrough, J. S. Kimbrough, J. B. Love, Wm. F. Lane, Wm. McAllams, Allen Mitchell, N. P. Murphy, J. F. McMahan, Mercer Moody, Sam. Moon, A. B. M'Clure, M. C. Murray, HenryMatlack, G. W. Mitchell, J. W. Mack, R. J. McElhnnny, J. II. Miller, J. A. Mack, J. T. Morton, J. A. Millel', W. Merritt, John McElhannon, J. A. Morton, S. A. McKinney, J. S. McKinney, J. K. Murray, Wm. Murray,路 T. G. Newbill, H. II. Neaves, Thos. B. Neaves, S. C. Nevill, John S. Phelps, H. M. Parrish, R. A. Plumb, Wm. D. Proctor, J. G. Perryman, J. II. Price, E. S. Robinson, B. McRoberts, J. L. Hanny, 1V. B. Roper, T. C. Ranny, Ja'8: Rains, G. R. Shackleford, J. M. Richardson, P. R. Smith, Z. Sims, J. R. TUrD':r, J. L. Turner, Thos. Jackson, J. S. Vaughan, S. S. Vinton, J. J. WeaYer, R. S. Wallace, Rob. Wells, T. G. White, E. Wharton. Initiated, 4; Passed, 11; Raised, 9; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 8.



ARK LODGE No. 6-26



John V. Withers W. M. N. C. Riehardson Sec. S. W. R. M. Wilson S. D. Bartlet Sersy, P. M J. W. Thomas J. W. 'r. Hassleton J. D. S. G. Matkins Treas. Jas. H. Porter Tyler. Members-C. H. Baldwin, P. M.; B. F. Snyder, Darius Gardner, Ed. M. COlt. H. Shouse, J. Greenley, J. Fulton, J. B. Singleton, R. T. Fulton, L. Brown, T. W. Stapleton, M. Hickman, H. Hickman, L. C. Bradshaw, Theo. G. Sloan, L. C. Hurgis, J. Stephens, B. C. Lewis, J. Pratt. Initiated, 5; Pailsed, 3; Raised, 5; Demitted, 3.




W. :/11. S. W. J. W TreaB.

JaS. A. Tutt W. R. Taylor, P. M Geo. H. Soister D. B. Pigg, P •. M

R. R. Fewel B. D. Pa.rks, P. M J. A. Hughes J. S. McMllhan

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.

Membcrs- J. W. Williams, P. M.; Wm. Steele, P. M.; P. Gordon, T. J. B. Rockwell, G. Q. Foster, M. Wheeler, R. Crews, J. Means, R. D. Means, R. Roe, .J. Bond, J. A. Pigg Jr., II. T. Donglas, J. D. Baker, R. Major, A. J. Lee, W. T. Hill, P. B. Logan, J. Bradley, Wm. Parks Jr., J. W. Harvey, J. R. Caldwell, E. Stewart, W. Maginnis, W. S. Gilleland. Initiated, 11 j Passed, 9; Raised, 7; Demitted, 5.




Isaac Tate Joseph Seholl.. Benj. P. Jones W. K. KidwelL

W. M. Thos. R. Hobson Scc. S. D. S. W. E. Kunnallec J. W. R. ~I. Bcrry J. D. Trcl1s. T. N. Allen, W. M. Scholl, St. E. V. Dyson Tyler. Members- Hiram Wilkerson, P. !II.; P. W. Overly, P. M.; R. M. Berry, P.1\I.; E. V. Dyson, P. M.; W. Arlllstrong:, C. E. Berry, R. R. Buckner, R. D. Brown, R. Bullard, J. C. H. Broadwater, W. Bell, W. Crews, B. Clark, J. G. Crnne, J. L. Craig, J. D. Willard, A. G. Dawson, H. C. French, W. L. French, B. Garrett, R. Gamer, E. H. Harding, B. F. Harrison, A. Hughes, S. P. Harrison, R. M. Kemp, A. McCubbin, H. S.




Mosly, P. W. Overly, R. A. Raphael, C. R. SchoU, A.E. Sears, C. Taylor, H. Wilkerson, W. H. Wilson, Geo. C. Yates, P. Marlow. Initiated, 2; Passed, 2 j Raised, 2; Demitted,!.




J. W. Crane W.M. E. Matlack Sec. Jonas Whitney S. W. R. C. Gorden S. D. J. L. Gillespie J. W. J. P. Donaldaon J. D. D. H. Armstrong Treas. A. Stille Tyler. Members-Davis Embree, P. M.; Jackson Farrer, P. M.; W. S. Swymmer, A. P. Johnston, J. Mackoy, J. C. Gilmore, S. Downing, T. G. Comstock, J. H. Hall, C. D. Turner, C. M. Scott, D. Gezzi, J. S. Tennison, G. W. Rucker, J. L. Brady, Morris Brady, Wm. B. Watson, J. Farrer, R. B. Snow, T. W. Newman, A. F. Pack, O. H. Fredricks, E. Guisert, Jno. Opel, E. Benkendorf, G. W. Fisher, R. H. Hall, E. E. Allen, Sam. Brown, Jno. Cogswell, K. Fink, E. W. Fox, C. S. Fuller, J. II. Hayden, H. Larned, James Spore, J. M. Conn, C. B. Leigh, G. F. Rootes, J. A. Scholten, J. K. Knight, A. Peting, J. B. Kerr; F. D. Kennedy, W. D. Butler, J. B. Filden, B. H. Peterson, M. D. Meyers, T. Bowers, G. W. Brooks, P. C. Droeght, T. Forester, J. L. Rice, J. H. McBette, C. W. Mann, Geo. S. Day, F. J. W. Davis, G. C. Pearce, C. Strong, J. H. Lampton, F. W. Davidson, Chas. Casey, M. C. Espy, J. C. Moody, W. S. Hillyer, J. W. Benedict, E. Fowler, M. W. Ward. Initiated, 5; Passed, 9; Raised, 7; Admitted, 10; Demitted, 3.


George A. Kenner W. M. John W. Bowman S. W. Wm. B. Oglesby, P. M J.W. John W. Wray Treas.

Preston B. Scott Wm. J. Pritchett Henry Elles R. W. Scruggs

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.

Members-Dall. M. Carter, P. M.; John C. Edwards, P. M.; John A. TaIly, Benj. D. Luckett, Brice Hammock, Robert B. Frazier, Edwin W. Moorman, Marshall Bird, William A. Abington, Thomas G. Mason, Amos .T. Hart, James G. Tatum, Franklin W. May, O. P. Preston, Charles Elles Jr., William A. Kabler, Hezekiah Moore, Charles R. Elles, Samuel F. Logan, John R. Russell. Initiated, 2; Passed, 1 j Raised, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.




8. A. Reyburn W. M. John A. Hunter 8eo. 8. W. A. R. Eaton 8. D. Jesse R. Evan Milton Bell T. W. John G. Imboden J. D. A. Carr Trea8. C. R. McIntire Tylor. Members-II. M. Long, P. M.; M. Edmonds, P. M.j J. 8. :Evans, H. Eidson, J. M. L. Jameaon, W. R. Moyer, S. Imboden, J. Vineyard, J'. Thomas, A. L. George, A. H. Shy, G. C. Winge, J. Alley, J. D. Relfo, S. Gilliam, M. M. Woods, W. M. Thomas, W. Hughs, J. Terren, J. B. Benning, H. Waller, W. P. Gibllon, J. D. Eaton, P. M. Robeson, E. W. Fulcber, J. Sloan. Initiated, 4 j Passed, 3 j Raised, S j Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2. RISING SUN LODGE No. 13--3\) MnBBl\S. OJFICKU•

• Dan'l Carpenter, W. M. J08eph N. Baker, See. Membtr_W. Oonway, P. M.j J. B. V. McCall, P. H.; Thos. L. Parish, P. M.j W. W. Arnold, A. J. Barnett, J. Broadhurst, A. D. Brooks, A. Cox, J. Chorn, C. Capron, T. Ohandler, A. L. Darby, M. Gragg, J. Graft', J. Hilbus, T. P. Hardesty, A. R. Murray, J. Mills, S. Malott, W. RUlle11, B. T. Ricketts, J. M. Reynolds, J • Sharp, I. Suddath, M. T. Samuel, T. G. SteveDB, S. C. Strobell, A. S. Truman, J. W. Parrish, W. B. Nnnnelly, John Wilson, A. C. Woods) B. F. Woods, M. Woods, Elisha Williama.. E. F. Knighton. Initiated, 5; Passed, 6 j Raised, 4; Demitted, 6; Admitted, 3. AUBURN LODGE No. 14----49 MallBBU.

ornelas. W. M. Reynolds,

W. S. Oochran, 8eo• C. F. Downing, S. D. Wbitfield Stone, D. D. Porter, J.D. S.' P. CochraB, Treas. L. W. Archer, Tyler. Members-M. H. McFarland, Rev. Rob. G. Living, Rev. J. Sutton, Augustine BrogleG, D. C. Damron, J. L. Damron, llIaao Ellie, E. J. Fisher, Wm. Frazier, T. H. GrimeG, M. A. Harvey, T. A. Harvey, John Hubbard, J. D. Jewell, S. H. McKay, Jacob McMorris, James Morris, J. T. NeI.on, John J. Ogden, G. A. Palmer, John M. Reid, O. Sword, J8880 ThompsoD,

.W. A. Wood,

W. H.

S. W. J. W.

• There are DO otftcers retl1In«i~R. SF.\:.



I. A. M. Thompson, L. O. Tucker, B. M. Vance,H. Wells,E. E. Whiteside, D. H. Whiteside, George Wells, M. Newland, W. M. Moore, D. B. Smiley, A. J. Walker, J. L. Dawson, Jarret M. Setton, D. A. Clare, W. P. Harshe, P. Cunne, Alx. Sharp, Andrew Morris, Milton Sandford, Joshua Dryden, W. W. Blackburn, J. W. Welch, J. M. Huntt'r. Initiated, 6; Passed, 6; Demitted, 3; Admitted, 2.



MEMPHIS LODGE No. 16-{)8 MEMBltIlS. onICERS. Peter Doyle, , W. M. Jas. T. Perry, Sec, Jacob Clapper, S. W. H. Sheffield, S. D. Thos. S. Rich.ardson, J. W. Wm. Pl>dget, J. D. Jos. R. Forman, Treas. D. Wilson, Tyler. Members-Levi J. Wagner, P. M.; Jas. Proc. Knott, P. M.; Henry M. Gorin, P. M.; Thompson Walker, P. M.; John D. Gorin, P. M.; Charles Martin, P. M.; Elias W. BMby, Jos. G. Downing, Jas. Herreford, Wm. D. Smith, Thos. Hope, Robt. Padget, O. T. Ellis, M. T. Howard, Geo. S. Collins, Hosia Collins, R. J. Vaught, Alden Carter, John G. Walker, Jas. S. Best, G. T. Mcintyre, H. B. Ostrander, Jno. G. Howard, Silas Bellups, Jas. L. Jones, H. A. Howard, Alfred Farenswortb, H. M. Gorin, Jno. M. T. Smith, Thos. Gunn, Tbos. W. Green, Ralph Marshall, D. G. Bondurant, R. F. McCormack, Morgan Tucker, Erastus Mcintyre, John Sanders, Goo. Moore, D. U. Fulk, C. S. Martin, 1\1. McCandless, J. G. HlI8kins, R. A. Bryant, H. K. Sbacklett, D. Wellington, John B. Sanders, JOlI. V. Headen, T. H. Richardson, Ed. S. Goldsberry, J. W. Smallwood, H. P. S. Willis, J. F. Meyer, Aus. Morris, R. T. Nesbit, Eugene Williams, E. W. Knott, Geo. S. Pulliam, A. S. Myers, Jas. T. Crow, J. Q. A. Williams, J. R. Arberry. Initiated, 11; Passed, 9; Raised 8; Admitted, 3.

CLARKSVILLE LODGE No. 17-20 MEIOlERS. OFFICERS. Thos. R. VaughIlD, W. M. J. W. Hemphill, Sec. J. F. L. Jacoby, P. M S. W. Wm. RichMdson, S. D. R. W. Bryant, J. W. A. T. JamesoD, J. D. J. II. Skidmore, Tyler. Joseph Pollook, Treas. Members-Wm. Bowles, P. M.; C. C. Eastin, P. M.; Parson Brown, P. M.; D. W. Allen, George Mozier, James Thurmund, J. W. Brown, A. J.



Vaughan, J. W. Da.vis, Da.vid Ferguson, Henry L. Wells, Wm. M. Demott, A. C. Jameson. Initia.ted, 5; Passed, 4; Raised, 4, Demitted, 3.




Winfield S. Means, W. M. Milton Bradley, Sec. William J. Jackson, .••• S. W. E. H. C. Bailey, S. D. Reice J. Price, J. W. W. B. Phillips, J. D. A. D. Sprague, Treas. James C. WiUis, Tyler. MIJmbers-Stephen D. Bradley, Wilham H. Byrd, W. P. D. Claybrook, John A. Devericks, Robert Canan, Franois A. Hanley, W. T. Hatcher, Thomas E. Hateher, John Kratz, Thomas E. Th~mpson, C. A. Treager, C. R. Rogers, John C. Duncan, William B. White, J€lhn A. Easton, H. W. Hollingsworth, J. B. Willis, William T. Payne, W. H. Hopson, H. E. Smith, T. B. Hatcher, W. C. Dingle, John Yeager, William Flanagan, Elias Kinchelo, Lewis Kinchelo, William McKennon, Isaac Wolfstein. Initiated, 1; Passed, 1; Raised, 1; Demitted, 1; Admitted, 1.




Wm. N. Penn, David H. Moss, Wm. F. Buckner, Jno. A. Parsons,

W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.

Sam'l A. Rawlings, Seo. David W. Campbell, ••.•S. D. James Carr, J. D. Christian Burck, Tyler.

Members-Wm. B. Giddings, P. M.; Richard Porter, P. M.; John W. Long, P. M.; Thomas Barker, P. M.; Granville Snell, P. M.; John A. Sparks, P. M.; Philip Williams, P. M.; Wm. C. Freeland, P. M.; John A. Thompson, P. M.; Jefferson T. Bridgford, P. M.; U. E. Rubey, Jno. S. Conyers, John Forsythe, William Orr, G. T. Giles, Joseph H. Fox, James M. Lasley, Wm. T. Noonan, Wm. J; Noonan, Marcus D. Blakey, Robt. Bowling, Wesley Wilson, Sandford Wilson, Enoch Wilson, Joseph D. Vaughn, Noah A. Sidener, Robert T. Smith, John W. Martin, Hugh J. McGee, William Guthrie, James Bridgford, David A. MoKamey, Sidney S. Elliott, James M. West, John H. Campbell, Clifton E. Wills, John R. Folkes, Samuel Drake, D. M. Alverson, Wm. B. Davis, M. J. Lynch, Wm. L. Gibson, Philip Ross, Sam'l H. Brown, Preston Swinney, L. A. Pendall, James C. Campbell, C. B. Dawson. Initiated, :;; Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 7.


178 ST. Loms LODGE No. 20-40 MEDEas. OFFICERS. H. Dusenberry, ·•.•••••••W. M. N. Berg, Seo. A. Isaaos, S. W. D. Torline, S. D. M. Meyers, J. A. Marks, J. D. J. Kohn, Treas. A. Stille, ".Tyler. MembeTs-George H. C. Melody, P. M.; Louis Rubin P. M.; Wm. Hubbard, P. M.; Jacob Emanuel, Julius Ruthenburg, Lawrence Lonzdo, Eldrige Clark, John W. Thomllourgh, Louis Gumpertson, Augustus Rheinheimer, A. ~eizel, Wm. He88Y, Maurice Greenhood, George W. Eichelberger, A. R. Williams, R. W. Armstead, Hudson B. Powell, Fred. Nagel, Harrison Summers, Charles Hiefel, Bernard Singer, N. Berg, H. Filburn, Andrew Schrreder, Isdor Brohul, James S. Wilson, D. Kroneberger, John L. Bonar, Joseph Dickley, M. Meyers, Hartwell Richards, F. A. Nieman, George Frank, John Kearney, Adam Weekbach. Initiated, 6 j Pused, 5 ; Raised,S.


NEW LONDON LODGE No. 21-26 MEDERS. OFFICERS A. G. Lancaster, W. M. H. C. Wellman,.: Sec. D. D. Desmukes, P. M.,.S. D. S. K. Caldwell, P. M.,..S. W. Wm. E. Harris, J. W. G. M. Kightly, J. D. A. Brown, Treas. J. D. Caldwell, Tyler. Members-C. F. Clayton, P. M.j H. Brown, James Briscoe, E. R. Carstarpher, James Emison, Peter C. Helm, E. B. Strode, C. F. Clayton, C. R. Coontz, R. S. Nicols, E. W. Soutbworth, Tho. J. Wilson, R. A. Mayhall, O. H. P. Ledford, G. C. Hays, Sen., W. K. Flerveine, R. B. Caldwell, J. D. Watson, Benjamin Ely. Initiated, 0 j Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 1.

WELLINGTON LODGE No. 22--481\bHBEBs. OFFICEIlS. John T. Martin, W. M. Jas. P. Petti~rew, Sec. W. W. Brown, S. W. T. J. Crumpacker, S. D. C. Adams, J. W. W. B. Baughman, J. D. A. F. Mire, Treas. Rev. C. W. Stewart, Chap. M. Veach & A. H. Dunlap, St. J. Ml\rtin, Tyler. Member,-W. C. Moore, P. M.; J. H. Ashbaugh, W. Black, W. G. Burton, H. Britz, W. O. Baughman, W. R. Brown, Alex. C. Craig, C. Dix, L. Ellison, C. Adams, B. G. BoatWl'ight, W. W. Clark, G. W. Copp, H. O.



Finch, M. H. Floyd, J. B. Griffin, S. Goslee, R. S. Galbrath, D. C. Garton H. M. Griffith, A. Horn, J. J. Halligan, H. Jones, J. H. Ivins, J. C. JohnBon, J. W. King, A. Mark, J. Mark, A. F. Mire, J. P. Pettigrew, W. S. Robinson, L. W. Ringo, S. J. Singleton, W. B. Smith, H. Norris, J. F. Pendleton, J. McMillin. Initiated, 6; Passed, {); Raised, 8; Demitted, 9; Admitted, 2.

FLORIDA LODGE No. 23-42 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. William Bybee, W. M. R. J. Johnson, Sec. S. W. John A. Quarles, S. D. Wm. White, J. W. M: B. Clark, P. M J. D. P. S. Dames, Treas. James A. Quarles, Tyler. B. C. Pollard, Members-William N. Lund, P. M.; Jonathan Abbey, D. S. Cowherd, A. S. Dannell, H. C. Grady, T. J. Gillaspy, Jas. Goss, Sam'l Houston, H. Johnson, H. B. Leach, Alvin Menafee, Alfred Menafee, John Mounce, John Moyer, Jos. D. Poage, W. S. Riddle, M. Wilkerson, J. F. Young, D. W. Sumner, D. H. Gillaspy, William Martin, Geo. W. Martin, Edwin McElroy, William White, Job Dooley, James M. Pollard, Thornton Hunter, W. E. Cuyler, G. W. Carrioco, Redmund Gentry, J. Hess, F. D. Finch, L. W. Netherland, Chas. Yakey, Joshua Gurtz, Milus Johnson. Initiated, 6; Passed, 9; Raised, 8; Demitted, I; Admitted, 1.

WYACONDA LODGE No. 24-27 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Shepherd, W. M. A. C. Waltman, P. M., Sec. J. H. Talbot, S. W. John M. Cooper, S. D. W. S. Bohon, J. W. "" J. R. Williams, Treas. V. R. Washburn, P. M., Tyler. Members-R. E. Davis, P. M.; H. F. Bartlett, J. S. Galbratb, E. Osborn, C. Stevens, W. E. Bourn, J. R. Lancaster, J. P. Tandy, J. Hutten, J. T. Bohon, C. B. Tate, It. Glore, S. Glore, J. S. Vannest, R. Raine, G. C. Merrill, J. M. Collins, J. Scbelinger, W. L. Bonny, C. Meek, S. F. Bonny. Initiated, {); Passed, 7; Raised, 6; Demitted, 1; Ad.mitted, 1.

"No J. D. given.


T. E. S.



NAPHTHALI LODGE No. 25-76 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Jobn Deckar, G. J. tv., W. M. Jas. H. lI1cCord, Sec. Jas. H. McLean, S. W. Jos. F05tcr, P. G. M.,...S. D. Isodore Turk, J. W. Albert Wambacher, J. D. William H. Card, Treas. A. Stille, Tyler. Members-John W. Hanson, P. M.; Charles Lovy, P. 1\1.; John Shore, P. M.; William H. Stone, P. M.; John Hall, P. 1\1.; William H. Humphries, Clark Hooper, John H. Ferguson, Chas. H. Pond, George Bushey, John H. Burk, Henry Thornburgh, William Lunn, L. L. L. Allen, J. B. McKellops, Jesse Arnott, James Givans, A. R. McNair, Findley Robb, James A. Felps, Samuel Gaty, James Collins, Peter Donville, Samuel Rodgers, John R. Barrett, Thomas Brierly, Jackson Ivers, William H. Stonc, John F. Thornton, J. G. White, Thomas H. Newton, Wiiliam R. Hill, Evan b. Wood, R. H. Rich路 ardson, Morris Langsdorff, J. C. Graver, Nathan Wheelcr, William Marshall, Albert H. Wambacher, Tower Thomason, ThoB. T. Ackerman, Thos. C. Bolton, Freeman Little, Timothy D. Packard, James M. Tanner, William P. Hight, Henry A. Johnson. William C. Pitt, L. R. Straus, Hugo Hockholtzer, Cook 'falcott, Hugh Reid, John 1'. Bell, John T. Dozier, William H. Roberts, R. C. Clibborn, Edwin Duncan, James G. Barry,Edward Grey, F. B. Howe, Thos. C. Noxen, James C. Fleshman, Charles C. Dewitt, . Alex. J. Criddle, John M. Gilkerson, James G. Owens, T. G. C. Davis, C. Shofter. Initiated, 14; Passed, 4; Raised, 7; Demitted, 1; Admitted, 2.

MEXICO LODGE No. 26-49 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Sam'l M. Edwards, W.M. O. S. Holliday, Sec. P.ll. Estes, S. W. Fred. Qu,trles, S. D. Mort. J\Icllhany, ,J. W. Jus. Garrett, J. D. Jno. 11aloy, Troas. G. R" Busbop, Tylor. lIt/embers-J. C. Offutt, G. W. Sullivan, Alfred Cauthorn, W. H. Xorteutc, . N. Laekland, N. Allison, Thos. B. Bond, Thos. W. Reed, G. W. Cardwell, Jas. P'lsqueth, C. C. Rickett, Hiehard Pearson, J. Lander, R. W. St.. Clair, IV. M. Simms, Jas. Harrison, E. P. French, 'Vro. A. Dnvis, .Palll Ahn,t, Jas. H. Rutborgo!', J. G. Coil, Stephen Scott, R. S. Martin, Ed. Gibbs, .Jos. S. Brown, Honrv Williams, N. McSwain, Albert Gibhs, J. i\I. (~ordon, Robt. Gil,bs, C;eo. L. Henry, J. B. Johnson, Wm. Loe, J. W. Luckie, F. A. "Jdlllgh, J. W. MeKe0, Jos. D. Morris, Octav Abat, D. D. Johnson, Jno. M. llurk, Juo. Smith. lnitinted, 4; Passed, 5; Raised, 8.




N. P. Kunkle, W. M. Da.vid Dean, Sec. S. W. J. E. IIfarnill, S. D. John G. Toncray, A. P. Bird, J. W. W. F. Dodge, J. D. J. S. Brittingham, Treas. W. R. Kidd, Tyler. Members-F. Davis, P. M.; T. S. Miller, P. M.; J. C. Bower, J. L. Lacy, W. R. League, John Morris, John De Garis, R. D. Brewington, Wm. Shoot, G. W. Shields, G. H. Jones, Chas. D. Bourne, .J. M. Armstrong, Hiram McVeigh, John Robertson, J. :M. Morris, G. O. Parker, J.lI. Harris, W. A. Mason, C. W. Mills, William Elliott, J. Yancey, .J. W. Brady, G. C. Robards, W. A. Wilson, D. M. Hawkins, T. L. Rivers, Levi Wardlow, J. W. Dunlap, E. M. Brady, H. F. Turner, Jas. Phillips, J. V. Johnson, R. P. Samuel. Initiated, 10 j Passed, 4; Raised, 6 j Demitted, 1; Admitted, 3.


Leonard Dodge, W. III. Jessee A. Lowe,: Sec. James Whitt, S. W. Robt. II. McNeil, P.lI1., ..S. D. A. G. Anderson, J. W. Augustus Baker, J. D. .. .. .'freas. Richard A. Bough:m,.. .'l'yler. Members-Freeman Barrows, David S. Profits, R. A. Blakey, Avery B. Howard, Patrick L. Maxey, .Joshua Hightower, William Modrel, William H. Blanton, Frank Hunter, John B. Eidson, J. I-I. Ruby. Initiated, 4 j Passed, 6; Raised, 5; Demitted, 1; Admitted, 3.


LIBERTY LODGE No. 31-47 MEMBERS. on'leERs. Finley L. Hubbe11.. W. M. '1'hos. S. Patton Sec. Samuel Hardwick S. W. Chas. N. Palmer S. D. J. W. Will. A Hall J. D. Wm. T. Reynolds Jesse E. Bryant Treas. Peter B. Grant. S. & T. Members-A. Lightburn, P. M.; Alexander J. C'lJhoun, P. M.; Dewitt C. Allen, Lewis Bennett, Malleroy Cave, Gabriel Cathc[]'l't, W. W. Cal't-

*' Dead.



wright, Thos. J. Dabney, W. W. Dougherty, John Drew, John Edwards, Wm. M. Ferguson, Rttteliff Fisher, Bartlett Estes, James H. Ford, Napoleon Bush, P. G. Bush, Rev. Geo. W. Foster, David Gentry, Ellison Higbie, J. C. IIencburg, Lafayette Grimes, J. S. Lightburn, Gerrard Long, Maberry Mitchel, Patrick Lyons, L. W. Leacell, David D. Miller, Geo. W. Morris, Rev. L. Mllnkries, Jno. Nelson, Rev. Dan!. Patton, S. Ross Shrader, Henry L. Roult, Thos. Sublett, Sam!. B. Simmons, Jno. L. Steadman, J. T. V. Thompson, Jno. Wallis. Initiated, 5; Passed, 2; Raised, 8; Demitted 1; Admitted 2.


James Clowdsly, Iy. M. Wm. P. Boulware, Sec. S. W. Chas. B. Scott, 8. D. Jno. E. Ryland, Jacob A. Price, J. W. W. H. MeDdenhall, J. D. I'redcrick Zciler, Treas. Chas. Carroll, Tyler. Members-Jno ..A. Alford, P. M.; Jacob Bull, Wm. Clowdsly, John Fife, C. V. Currie, Willinm Hunter, S. G. Wentworth, William Houx, Thoa. lllford, C. A. Davis,.J. K. McCausland, Jos. D. Smith, Theodore Uosewisch, .Jno. F. Ryland, F. S. Weaver, .Jno. Williams, Wm. A. Powell, W. W. Suddath, Jno. T. Pigott, C. O. Wallace, \Vm. '1'. Davis, E. S. Dulin, Wm. McCausland, David Russell, J. A. Robinson, H. S. McClure, Gill Eve Billes, SamI. F. Currie, M. G. Leiblich, H. Persinger, Thos. Adamson, John Donaldson, Thos. M. Hackett. Initiated, 3; Passed, 1; Raised, 1; Demitted, 5; Admitted, 4.




•John Ralls, P. G. M.,.•.W. M. SamI. C. Woods, Sec. J. B. VardeDlnn, S. W. C. D. Modiset, S. D. R. S. Reddish J. W. Powhattan Bryan, J. D. John D. Biggs, Treas. M. M. Smith, Tyler. Members-J. B. Vardeman, P. M.; Joseph Rice, Benjamin Lirers, Geo. E. Frazier, Wm. C. Splaun, .John Phillips, George B. Ogle, Samuel L. Ogle, Samuel M. Lapsly, II. G. Martin, John M. Rice, Wm. H. Hays, James Ross. Initiated, 8; Passed 3; Raised 2; Admitted 1.




TROY LODGE No. 34-48



George W. Porter, W. M. E. J. Peers, P. M 8ec. Moses Bond, :..••8. W. Thos. F. Wells, 8. D. E. D. MorriRon, J. W. Thos. Z. Elliott, J. D. John Sliethen, P. M., Treas. John Britton, Tyler. Members-F. C. Cake, P. M.; Wm. Carty, P.M.; Eugene E. BonBlls, Joel Blank, Jno. M. Burkhead, Washington Croslan, Jas. K. Cannon, TuBy R. Cormick, George W. Coleman, Wm. C. Davis, Peter Firman, Solomon F. Foster, Allen C. Glox, Whiteby B. FTarvey, Samuel Hutton, Luther T. Hammond, Solomon Jenkins, E. R. Lanier, Alex. H. Martin, Chas. W. Martin, Robert Mitchel, A. W. McKee, Elias Norton, Church New, Watson T. Powel, James Poster, John W. Pollard, Oliver H. Ptlrry, Watson Perkins, Robert Ricks, John W. Sydnor, Isaac Spieryston, Peachy G. 8hetton, Lewellin Shipp, Robert Rudier, James A. Ward, Joseph L. Woodson, Richard H. Wills, Riehard O. Woolfolk, L. Wilkinson, John F. Wilson, Carty Wells. Initiated, 8 j Passed, 7; Raised, 5 j Demitted, 5. MERCER LODGE No. 35-46 MEl/BIIRS. OFFICERS.

James B. Bell, W. M. 8quare Ballew, 8ec. Andrew Woolsey, S. D. Robt: A. Kelsey, S. W. Gideon B. Gillihan, J. W Israel Nordyke, J. D. William Kelsey, Treas. Joseph Brown, Tyler. Members-John R. Clark, P. M.; William H. Herriman, F. R. Miller, P. P. Hamilton, Martin Moss, Abile Miles, Geo. W. Clinkenheard, John R. Davis, John E. Burton, Daniel Monroe, Elisha Pewett, James M. Alfrey, C. Morrow, Thomas Caul, Mathew Crawford, Ezekiel Conklyng, Benjamin Humphrey, David Hendrix, John Bellew, Samuel Chestnut, George T. Prichard, Lewis C. Thompson, J. F. Meek, Charles B. McAfee, Conrod Mooter, J. C. Edwards, James Norcross, Enos Pickens, Philip Johnson, ~. R. Fortney, T. G. Clipper, James C. Coon, David A. Moore, John A. McCracken, Joshua R. Barbee, V. B. Buck, J. P. Stone, William Jackson. Initiated, 14; Passed, 10 j Raised, 7; Demittod, 2 j Admitted, 1.


A. B. Coffey, J. C. Blymyer, Jno. ; :neslie, C. Keil"

W. M. 8. W. J. W. Treas.

A. R. Lincoln, 80c. N. Sutherland, P. M." ..S. D. Wm. 8. McCal'ty, J. D. J. C. Kootz, Tyler.



Members-Andrew Gibson, P. M.; A. C. Orrick, P. M.; S. Houck, P. M.j Jno. Aineslie, J. D. Buoshers, Wm. E. Baird, H. H. Brand, F. E. Brent, J. C. Blymyer, J. L. Busket, H. M. Clark, B. C. Clark, A. Clark, Jno. B. Clark, A. B. Coffey, B. F. Craig, P. H. Eades;T. Digby, D. De Haven, Orson Davis, J. C. Ferguson, Joseph Furr, A. Gibson, H. C. Gibson, T. C. Gibbs, Sam'l Gelston, S. Honk, Wm. Harley, P. B. Harris, Wm. Henshaw, J. W. Harper, J. C. Heberling, J. T. Johnson, Wm. W: Jones,' A. Kucklehan, C. Keill, John Kelley) Jos. C. Koontz, E. Lamy, J. R. Lienberger, D. C. Lienberger, A. R. Lincoln, "Vm. T. Moore, J. M. McCutcheon, J. W. :Murphy, Wm. D. Muir, Wm. S. McCarty, Jos. R. Mills, Wm. MeClanihlln, A. H. Neal, Robt. O'Bryan, A. C. Orick, J. H. O'Bryan, L. Phillips, Wm: Prottsman, Wm. Rayle, Wm. B. Short, Geo. Stucker, J08. G. Smith, C. M. Stebbens, N. Sutherland, A. W. Simpson, R. W. Simpson, A. H. Thompson, F. W. G. Thomas, J. Williams, H. A. Tompkins, J. F. Truslow, Robt. Waidson, M. J. Worthermer, Wm. Boggs, W. D. Fielding, Chas. Knell, C. S. Gentry, G. C. Hart. Initiated, 12; Passed, 12; Raised, 10; Demitted, 5; Admitted, 6.



H. M. Woodyard, W. M. J. M. Sutton, Sec. C. H. Rositer, S. W. G. S. E. Vaughan, S. D. A. B. Ousley, J. W. G. S. Brite, J. D. Jas. Nelson, .'freas. John Nelson, S. &; T. Members-Lloyd Rees, Thos. Pierce, Seott Sinclair, R. A. Gr~nt, J. L. Long, P. C. Pollock, H. C. Skirvin, C. H. Durkee, J. H. Bland, D. Farrier, Sam'l Mize, Sam'l Hotel', G. B. Robinson. Initiated, 1 j Passed, 1 j Raised, 1; Admitted, 2.




Wm. McKendree Brooke,..W. M. Thos. Hayward, Sec. Joseph Brooks, S. D. Sam'l B. Stannard, S. W. Thos. E. Wright, J. W. Andrew L. Brenner, J. D. A. Carr, Treas. Jas. M. Teel, Tyler. Members-Jas. M. Hu~hes, P. M.; L. W. Mitchell, P. M.j Jonathan Moony, A. T. Crow, Wm. Stein, E. C.C&"rington, R. C. Mitchel, John



Logan, Henry M. Bryan, D. C. Mudge, G. Huffman, N. J. Bunzle, L. W. Mitchel, W. Patrick. Wm. O. Shands, Geo. M. Doggett, Christian Palmer, R. B. Wiggington, N. Hatch, E. J. Owen, John L. Bremner, Gco. Bremner, JOB.,M. Woods, Thos. Marshal1, J. W. Barret, W. Clark. Initiated, 3; Pussed, 2; Raised, 2; Demitted, 2; Admitted, 2.

BOLIVAR LODGE No. 41-53 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Thos. W. Freeman, W. M. L. J. Ritchey, Sec. J. A. Lindsay, P.l\I., S. D. Wm. M. Griggs, P. M.,..S. W. Wm. C. C. .Akard, J. W. Thos. K. Blake, J. D. Jno. W. Wilson, Treas. Ca.leb Fisher, Tyler. Members-F. Dunnegan, P. M.; John E. Rains, P. M.; A. M. T. Akard, John B. Appleby, James E. Barkley, C. H. Bird, J. N. Barr, E. M. Campbell, T. W. Cunningh:tm, G. W. Campbell, John Cook, Wm. J. Crabtree, Ransom Cates, B. F. Robinson, A. Turk, James M. Wells, Wm. B. Senter, Benj. M. Jewett, Silas Hineman, Spencer Neil, David P. Harris, M. W. Easly, John T. Hunt, John S. Davidson, Wm. H. Newland, Wm. Foushee, Seth Walker, A. C. Mitchell, Thos. L. Acock, Jas. J. Tilton, L. Smith, Jno. J. Smith, R. D. Smith, Thos. D. Hall, Jr., Charles Robinson, Jas. M. Jones, Willis Spillman, Leonard West, Wm. B. Mitchell, John W. Lane, Charles F. Lane, R. G. Hall, James Hall, Richard Richardson, H. 1\:1. Wilkinson, John P. Redman. Initiated, 13; Passed, 8; Raised, 4; Demitted, 5; Admitted, 2.

MIDDLE GROVE LODGE No. 42-34 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Geo. A. SetHe, W. M. B. P. Ritchie, Sec. Pro. Tern. G. B. Featherston, S. W. E. G. Broaddus, S. D. John Ess, J. vr. J. B. Dulany, J. D. B. P. Ritchie, Treas. Joel Noel, Tyler. Members-W. T. Featherston, John W. McGee, John Davis, Wm. J. Owings, Joseph Donaldson, Thomas Western, Thomas Noel, C. F. Sames, John McNutt, John E. Burton, Thomas L. Boyd, John Chilton, F. M. Brown, Samuel Wright, Wm. Wirt, Braxton Pollard, H. T. Noel, James Noel, S. B. Holmes, James Ounby, Henry Swiney, Wills Quisenberry, Andrew Scot,t, Rev. J. A. Berry, Peter M. Burris, Joseph Beatty, M. T. Embree. Initiated, 4; Passed, 4; Raised, 3; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 3.







Wm. E. Dunscomb Thos. L. Crawford James B. McHenry Henry Burger

W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.

John Bauer A. P. Dorriss William 8haw Levi Gunsaullus

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.

Membera-Thomas iV. Clony, P. M.; Philip Miller, P. !II.; C. W. Stuart, P. M.; Charles L. Meredith, Calvin Gun, Robert Ainsworth, Robert R. Jefferson, M. L. Jefferson, William C. Young, John Owens, Thomas Lamb, John H. Chaffey, Thomas Gregory, T. M. Wins tone, Jason Harrison, A. Fulkerson, Wm. D. Pratt, G. F. Weiss, Martin D. Noland, William H. Buffington, E. B. Cordell, G. A. Parsons, James B. McHenry, A. Hunter, E. M. Bolton, John D. Keeling, Wm. S. Freshour, J. J. De Ill. Hay, Alexander Gordon, William J. Patterson, Jefferson T. Rogers, iYilliam A. Curry, Thomas Tod, F. W. Mills, C. L. Holden, William Gordon, William Welden, J. P. H. Gray, William W. Parks, Daniel Robertson, William H. Rhodes, Levi Gunsaullus, Charles O. Curtmann, Julian Le Page, George Mahan, J. S. Flemming, Charles R. Griffin, L. D. Sone, C. J. Corwin, John H. Welch, Henry C. Oliver, J. B. McKenzie, A. J. Chllppel, S. H. Owens, J. P. Garriston, J. R. Southwick, James H. Keeroble, C. W. Samuels, James W. Wallaee, Conrad Meyer, Allen P. Richardson, Joseph Gnoding, F. C. Hughes. Initiated, 25; Passed, 20; Raised, 12; Admitted, 7 i Demitted, 7.




David G. Campbell. W. M. Henry Blount Seo. Cleon Rediek S. W. William lIIorglln S. D. Thos. Williaros J. W. Alexander Johnson J. D. •John Means Tre:l.s. William Lewis Tyler. Barnes Clarke and Henry Bplcr Chaplains. MembC1's - N. Cowan, P. M.; A. Newma.n, 1'. l\I.; Benj. Snowden, Morgan Lewis, Briscoe Warren, Georg;e M. Filson, Geor,::!;e W: Hertel, John Kelly, Daniel Yestal, Henry D. Belli~, Samuel iII. Dysart, .John J. McQuinn, Henry 1'. York, Thomas Monroe, James E. Christian, Samuel F. Cowan, John B. Kirtley, SltDluel Gibson, William S. Furnish, Rose Bowman, Lewis Furnish, W. H. Bryant, Robert McBeath. Initiated, 1; Passed, 1; Raised, 1; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 1.





BONHOM1l1E LODGE No. 45-12



A. B. Bnrbee W. M. George H. Wichmann Sec. 'William S. Chunn S. W. John Shotwell S. D. James H. Hall... J. W. Christ. C. Cockrill.. J. D. Henry H. Duvall.. Treas. David Newman Tyler. Membl'rs-Peter 1\1. Brown, Robert Chesley, John R. Hempstead, Frederick Robinson. Initiated, 3; Passed,I; Raised,l; Admitted, 2.

MARTHA WASHINGTON LODGE No. 46-26 ME:llBERS. OFFICERS. Moab Bowner W. M. Chas. Firnstein Sec. Wm. J. Brown S. W. L. CaldweIL S. D. Jesse Cooper J. W. John Dougherty J. D. Frz. Lange Treas. John Rossman Tyler. Members-G. W. Hawkins, P. 11'1.; E. B. Hammack, P. M.; Wm. Gallenkamp, J. McKinney, A. W. Jeffries, G. M. Amest, G. Schaefer, Wm. C. Morris, John Schelton, Jacob Deitermann, David Jones, Wm. O. Ming, M. D. Rees, Abm. Hall, II. Bullerdiek, J. E. Vaughn, B. Anderson, J. F. Beckner, G. C. Terry, James Bell, J. R. Robertson, Wm. Bell, .Tohn Dysson, Chas. Osterwald, E. Blanton, J. R. Bell, J. Harren. Initiated, 3; Passed, 7; Raised, 7; Demitted, 4.



James L. Minor W. M. II. Rawlings, P. M., Sec. A. W. lIowason S. W. J. M. Duncan S. D. Samuel H. Berry, P. M., J. W. John W. Martin J. D. Daniel Nolly, P. M......'l'reas. Members-Henry S. Turner, P. M.; Wm. Vandoren, P. M.; J. W. Boulware, P. M.; Chas. H. Harden, P. M.; Robert Reed, J. B. Grant, Andrew Kayser, Wm. T. Moore, Benj. S. Bigby, H. J. Roberts, JOHeph Dreps, W. H. Chase, C. J. Gibbs, A. J. Moore, Jas. G. Roberts, Samuel N. Guthrie, Edward Woodrow, Geo. M. Willing, Thos. Curd, E. N. Lovelace, W. T. Wilson, Geo. Steck, Thos. F. Reno, John Carrington, Samuel B.



Collier, Thos. II. Beading, Samuel Watson, Wm. Carrington, Jas. F. Smith, Zadok Hook, Geo. F. Burdett, S. H. Thomas, W. W. Tuttle, Morgan McIntire, Thos. G. Adair, W. E. Roberts, George G. Bartley, Fred. Spanherst, Robert Bagby, Andrew W. Dickerson, Thos. D. Boles. Initiated, 6; Passed, 5 ; Raised, 5 ; Demitted. 3




John R. Green W. M. James W. Evans 8ee. George J. Carter S. W. Edward A. Martin S. D. Henry H. Robertson J. W. Cornelius H. Kelsey J. D. David W. Reynolds Treas. James Hulin Tyler. Members-H. B. Hamilton. P. M.; .John R. King, P. M.; E. A. Martin P. M.; S. T. Brooking. S. G. Biglow, John Biglow, Alfred Davis, G. B. White, G. W. Stoekwill, M. D. James, G. J. Carter, Wm. M. Dougllts, C. M. Smith, John II. Hubbard, W. W. Smith. B. F. Cutler, M. C. Kellum,' Joseph Elliott, Joseph J. Vaughn, M. R. Jones, M. C. Rollins, Albert G. Davis, E. ~. Stone, John T. Bever, George W. Holeman, ISallc Holeman, John M. Allen, Sidney M. Morrow, John W. Greason, A. J. Brown, John Miller, Samuel T. Walters, Jas. Scruggs, John T. Riley, Robert Finch, S. Scantlin, James Wilhoit, L. B. Garrett, Abram Baile, D. D. Marks. Initiated, 4; Passed, 6; Raised, 6; Demitted, 4; Admitted, 4.




John H. 1'urner W. M. John Chamberlain Sec. .F. W. Digges, P. M S. W. Wm. C. Thrash S. D. J. W. Wm. B. T,tlley J. D. Thos. A. H. Smith Wm. P. Roper Treas. John R. Carson Tyler. Members-Daniel B. White, George Eberle,'" Tilley Emerson,. ,rilliam Lahar, John C. 'Woods, J. P. Vau~ban, William McCulley, Edward P. Graves, 'Villiam J. Eddins, Samuel Steinmatz, Bcn. C. Cason, 'William G. Morrison, Jonathan Funk, G. O. Wagoner, G. T. Garvin, James G. Bibb, A. T. Thomas, J. II. Finell, John D. Reyburn, John Seibel, Evermont Randals, Logan D. Dameron, John 路W. Collins, Jumes S. Lill~, John IIfanden. Initiated, 5; Passed, 3; Raised, 2; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 7.



WAKAJ.'lDA LODGE No. 52-96



Wm. H. Winfrey W. M. Nathan G. Cooley S. W. Jas. S. Bailey J. 'V. A C. Blackwell, P. M..Treas.

Henry B. Roy Jas. E. Drake, P.M Levi McCane Thos. Cary

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.

Members-John F. Houston, G. S. W.; Cbas. Sterne, P. M.; B. F. Atwood, P. M.; R. G. Martin, P. M.; W. B. Glover, P. M...

Initiated, HI; Passed, 14; Raised, 12; Admitted, 9; Demitted, 2.




s. P. McCurdy L. M. Lawson J. H. II. Matheny B. Wood J. E. R. MilIar J. D. Barbee Robt. Menifee

W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas. Sec. S. D. J. D.

Rev. J. B. Wright, P. M.••C. Warren Shaw St. B. W. Calvert St. D. P.Wallingford, P. M..M.C. A. G. Bellar M. C. H. T. Slosbner Tyler.

Member6-Dandridge Holloday, P. M.; Jeremiah Woods, P. M.; G. W. Belt, P. M.; L. D. Bird, P. M. ; James N. Burnes, P. M.; M. Bowman, P. M.; L. R. Ringo, P. M.; Benj. Wood, P. M.; Henry Basye, Elias Barbee, Casper Beechler, Levi Brashear, W. T. Barbee, H. B. Branch, C. F. Burnes, G. T. Biddison, John S. Bevans, Jesse Brashear, Benj. Bonifo.nt, Henry Coleman, John II. Cook, B. W. Calvert, Lewis Calvert, Daniel Citchen, A. A. Crance, L. W. Caples, Samuel Douney, Abraham Devin, O. Diefendorf, Jas. Dawson, A. Desert, Israel Dougherty, ·W. F. Dyer, J. J. Deckelman, D. R. Davidson, Jeremiah Edwards, Abel Gilbert, George Gabbert, C. Guenther, J. Goldstein, Wm. Gabbert, A. Goldsmith, John M. GutJu'ie, Lemuel Hudson, F. Haun, J. W. Hardesty, Martin Heferlin, E. G. Hin· ton, J. H. lIull, H. B. C. Harriss, J. D. Harper, T. J. Harper, S. Hinson, Horace Hardin, F. C. Heinay, Wallace .Jackson, H. B. Keller, C. W. Kitchen, C. Kuntz, Geo. Leckenby, M. B. Loyd, Wm. Miller, F. A. Miller, H. McFarland, Jas. M. Moore, John McDaniel, F. Majin, T. P. McGee, John McConnell, S. A. Masterson, W. G. Noble, B. F. Newhouse, W. A. Neuman, E. Ohlhousen, John Owen, D. V. Parrot, W. S. '1'. Patton, E.

'" No other names given in returns.-GR. SEC.



F. Pence, J. H. Pitts, D. Quinn, Robt. Ross, Barnhart Roof', A. M. Reedy, H. Rocknell, D. T. Skelton, John Stairwalt, Nathanl. Searcy, Goo. W. Smoot, F. M. Stanley, Warren Shaw, Chas. Staffehl, O. Smith, Rev. W. II. Saxton, John O. Thompson, Jas. L. Thompson, Isaac Turner, H. Talbot, B. W. Vineyard, J: B. Wright, John S.Waters, Wm. Wright Jr., Ohas. E. Waters, M. L. Young. Initiated, 15; Passed, 14; Raised, 16; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 10.




J. G. Waller W. M. J. A. Bryan Sec. A. B. Logan S. W. S. C. Griswold S. D. C. lIf. Waller J. W. C. Wilson J. D. N. H. Bryan Treas. W. S. Burgess Tyler. Members-A. Powell, J. T. Long, J. O. King, JOIi. Sice, Jno. W. Olaton, C. W. Pringle, A. S. Bryan, Jno. Patton, E. Smith, J. P. Edwa.rds, W. S. Wyatt, 'r. D. Chamberlain. Initiated, 1; Passed, 1 ; Raised, 1; Demitted, 1.




Oscar F. 路Potter Perry Cruse H. S. Whillhelm L. Noble

W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.

W. L. Bo,er Henry S. MiIls James Thornton William Lamb

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.

Members-M. W. Hall, Samuel J. Herron, Benjamin Huston, P. W. Thompson, Henry Neff, Henry O. Miller, John Pipor, Bernice Brown, Tasso D. Potter, Daniol Ellbeck, C. W. Bridgwater, W. W. MeJilton, Thomas L. Williams, John S. Nowlin, J. II. McAllister, Walker H. Finley, W. E. Jamesun, George :M. Brown, John A. Trigg, James A. Boyer, Robert C. Harrison, N. '1'. Allioon, George W, Wallace, William M. Rucker, M. D. Hancock, Willinm Eo Staples, David B. Wood, Charles W. Parsons, D. R. Parsons, William Putcl1, J. Locke Hardeman, John N. Whips, Thomas W. B. Crews, James Hay. Initiated, 7; Passed 5; Raised, 5; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.



PLATTE LODGE No. 56-74 MEMBERS. OFfICERS.Samuel M. Hayes W. M. R. L. Waller Treas. T. J. EastmlUl 8. W. W. M. Paxton Sec. R. M. Johnston J. W. C. P. Ashly Tyler. Membm-W.A. Fox, M. Darnall, J.E. Brooks, John Swaney, G. Sprague, A. T. Guthrie, Jas. Frost, Robt. Cain, J. Bury, W. Christison, W. D. Ronnell, J. E. Pitt, J. H. Winston, J. G. Spratt, Jesse Miller, L. Shepard, W. C. Remington, N. H. Hope, John Cain, S. H. OJiphint, D. R. Atchison, R. P. Clark, J. R. Miller, Jona. Hartman, n. D. Bard, J. B. Moore, E. B. Horner, John Wilson, H. Swaney, Wm. Moore, Wm. Lewis, W. S. Tanner, II. B. Herndon, P. Simpson, E. Morgan, J. N. Bradley, G. P. Dyke, J. L. Brunts, P. Lutes, Johnson Hughes, J. L. Taylor, W. A. White, W. F. Sprague, J. W. Moore, P. H. Collins, John Darnall, W. C. BlI,ker, Thos. Flanery, W. K. Bryant, Jos. McDaniel, J. W. Jones, J. B. Mitchell, Daniel S. Jones, J. 8. Brasfield, Jeff. William8, Sa.muel S. Pa.rke. Initiated, 12; Passed, 12; Ra.ised, 7 j Admited, 5 j Demitted, 6.

RICHMOND LODGE No. 57-79 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. A. H. Conrow W. M. James S. Durrentis Sec. M. B. Bransford S. W. D. P. Whitmer S. D. Co. P. Reins J. W. J. D. '1'aylor J. D. J. F. Hudgins '1'reas. S. Simmins S. & '1'. Members-H. J. Conner, G. W. Dunn, M. Oliver, W. 111. Jacobs, James '1'. Stevenso!ii G. W. Foster, John E. Bates, Joseph E. Couch, J. L. Me路 Cain, S. L. McLeinstein, John P. Quesenly, Thos. M. Jacobs, J. Duvall, Thos. J. Bates, Thos. E. B. Ewing, D. H. Quesenly, A. Oliphant, F. G. Miller, J. W. Johnson, H. W. Turner, W. G. Dacey, J. W. H. Griffin, II. S. Trigg, Hovey Hutchins, A. B. Rolph, John G. BalleI'd, Eli Carter, H. C. Garner,A. V. Rial, C. J. Garner, Willis Hamilton, R. J. Williams, 111. Brown, E. D. Porter, John P. Duncan, Thomas A. Duvall, John S. Barbee, John Rilsey, W. H. BalleI'd, Thos. G. Ballerd, O. Taylor, George Carson, J. B. Turner, John B. Shaw, F. R. lVl:l.dox, W. W. McDonald, V. P. Bernard, E. D. Parsons, S. D. Haren, lIenry'Stanley, W. Russell, J. D. Gant, W. W. Thomas, Alford Kincade, JohB E. Wells, Thos. Labat, A. K. Riglum, W. A. Donaldson, It. C. Hill, David Taylor, J. Chew, James M. Findly, E. S. Graham, S. :1<'. McCanlass, Jas. Elder, A. R. Campbell. Initiated, 6; Passed, 5; Raised, 6; Demitted, 3. <I!

No Deacons returned.-GR. SEC.






Hoard Roberts, P. M B. F. 'fompkins, P. 1\1 John M. Jamcs William Ellis, P. M

W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.

Chas. R. McGee, P. M Seo. Henry L. Frary, P. M S. D. James H. Carlin J. D. Jas. H. Burch...S. and Tyler.

Mem.bers-John P. Caldwell, P. M.; D. T. Wainright, P. M.; James M. l\liller, P. M.; Wm. T. Caldwell, Andrew Hamilton, Alexllader D. Sterrett, James B. Mitchell, Thos. L. McGee, Th08. Stowers, Jas. A. Richardson, D. W. Overton, J. B. Reddish, John Marts, Th08. M. Howard, Edwin Hewitt, Robt. R. Baker, J. V. Lillard, D. S. Hamilton, N. R. Walters, J. G. Morsey, M. L. Chappell, James G. Blair, C. R. Diver, Benson C. Roberts, C. W. Rash, W. D. Finley, J. L. Huff, Elbert Cooter, Joseph Lillard, W. A. Stowers, C. C. Stephenson, Harrison Seaman, J. H. Blair Jr., John C. Anderson, Benj. Haydon, James M. Lillard, W. A. Hamilton, R. S. Brisooe, A. Shaffer, Hodge Lame, Jno. Bondurant, Allen Bondurant, Joseph Bondurant, Thos, J. Hall, R. W. Bagby, Frank Smith, W. N. Hope, James Stephenson, G. W. Taylor, J. B. Curts, R. W. St~phenson, W. W. Beatty. Initiated, a; Passed, 4; Raised, 4; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 7.




R. Caywood, P.M J. B. Alverson, P. M Wm. Buford Bennett Re8ter

W. M. ::). W. J. W. Treas.

James W. Fee Cyrus Horten Henry Myers


See. S. D. J. D.

Members-Isaac Foster, P. M.; D. C. Roberts, P. M.; J. N. Foster, Wm. Lindsey, John A. Dennis, Wm. S. Thatcher, Wm. P. Owens, James Bennett. Elias Brower, Wm. S. Mikel, Jus. P. Mikel, E. C. McClanahan, N. H. Radcliff, Wm. A. Coffey, A. D. Farrie, Allen Reed, Elijah Reed, C. W. Stewart, F. P. Hall, Wm. V. Rippey, Norman Parks. Alf. Aadams, Wm. A. Cochran, M. M. Leeper, Y. W..Payton, Wm. Hombs, David Hall, A. W. Soward, John Garges. Initiated, 10; Passed, 12; Raised, 8; Demitted, 3.


No Tyler retunled.-GR. SEC.




W. G. Tatum, P. M W. M. J. Wilson Sec. J. L. Chaney, P. M S. W. A. Allen, P. M S. D. B. C. Austin, P. M J. W. H. S. Hubbard J. D. W. H. Strickin Treaa. A. J. Zumwald Tyler. Membws-J. Dickson, P. M.; G. B. Hopkins, P. M.; J. B. Adams, P. M.; W. A. Jordan, P. M. j F. G. Nicholes, W. H. Overton, T. L. Tureman, A. Coonce, A. A. Kemper, J. Gathwright, E. W. Hopkins, T. P. Adams, W. Jordan, R. E. Guthrie, W. A. Bennett, A. Oliver, E. W. Hall, S. D. Waggoner, S. M. Harriaon, R. H. Crow, W. G. Turner, J. Wenterbower, JILS. Holt, R. G. Tatum, A. Bennett, E. M. Boss, J. M. Doherty, H. G. ClI-rrotton, J. W. Overton, Wm. Clardy, J. H. Bailey. Initiated, 8; Passed, 6; Raised, 4; Admitted, 1 j Demitted, 7.


J. W. Cox W. M. Jno. Dorchester Treas. L. Lewis S. W. Jno. T. MeClain Sec. Wm. H. Trolinger J. W. Jno. M.Elkins Tyler. Membt:rs-Z. Lilly, Tho. N. Henley, P. M. Cox, Juo. F. Werdemeyer, M. J. Harris, E. H. Bell, E. E. Harris, Aaron Trippet, Dan!. P. Morgan, S. C. Bruoe, Thos. Walton, Wm. W. Ritchey, W. L. Sutherland, Jno. C. Brf\8hears, Wm. M. Cox, JM. C.Motley, B. Dade, A. B. Harris, JM. F. Boswell, Jno. P. Trolinger. Initiated, 5 j Passed, 4; Raised, 3 j Demitted, 6.



Chas. C. Brown G. O. Peppers Morris Blook Henry Hoss

W. M. S. W. J. W. TreM. • No



H. T. BUl'Il.&


J. C. Durr S. D. H. Brhule J. D. W. Doerr•••••• ,••...•..•••• Ty:~. retUJ'lled.-G.. 8D:.



Members-,Jesse R. Walker, Hyman Block, Geo. W. Entler, Leonard Fath, Wm. Wilkinson, Adam Klobe, John Wolford, Chas. F. Schnider, T. J. Brady, Vincent Fania, Augustus Griffith, Edward Fania, John Bird, A. J. Byrns, T. B. Degen, Ferd. Charvean, Elroy Bedwell, Wm. T. Cole, A. H. Tucker, Jos. Shaw, R. V. Brown, Peter W. A. McPipe, Jas. P. Venable, M. A. Blook. Initiated, 6; Passed, :I; Raised, 4; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.


Edward J. Major W. M. Elijah W. Ramsey Sec. Geo. W. Kilbuck S. W. J. G. Phillips S. D. Jacob Freind J. W. C. HoneywelJ J. D. B. W. Keoun Treas. Jeel S. Shcppard Tyler. Members-Jas. Atkisson, P. M.; W. E. Tutt, P. M.; George W. Rives, S. H. Davis, Samuel Lessly, E. J. Couly, W. W. Hood, Geo. H. Blanter, N. Campbell, A. Wamn, C. T. Walthel, C. G. Heath, John S. Burchard, J. G. Vinson, John N. Dunn, Jas. E. Smith, W. C. BIRkey, W. S. Vaughan, J. K. Freind, Jas. D. Atkisson, James Atkisson, B. F. Bibb, Jas. J. Donald, John McMerty, R. C. Hcnry, C. P. Switzler, F. P. Wright, E. H. Ware, W. P. Borland, Jas. McElwrath, J. M. Kelly. Initiated, 3; Passed, 4; Raised, 4; Admitted, 1.


'Wm. EarL. John Hatton Nathaniel Ma.rtin J. R. McDaniel.

W. M. J. M. Christie J. Burns S. W. J. W. Benj. Ramey Treas. David Watson Thos. R. Sims, Ch.

See. S. D. J. D. Tyler.

Mcmbcrs-J. P. Lot\';, P. M.; J. C. Sheeler, R. Shultz, Jas. II. Taylor, Eo L. Hubbard, F. Wcstfieling, A. Montgomery, W. W. Brown, A. P. Williams, Will. Shltltz, Will. Isacs, Wm. Pyle, M. D., N. B. Brown, Benj. F. Estes, B. Burtonshftw, Wm. P. Black, J. D. Williams, Jas. H. Edmiston, H. P. Edmiston, T. L. Okieffee, L. Enyart, G. P. Tallis, E. Frost, R. A. Gee, R. Grantham, Joseph Ledgwood, Wm. Ledgwood, J. McCrosky, M. l\Iorris, Wilson Peery, Henry Ramey, P. Stcepleton, W. R. Simms, Jonathan Smith, Amhro~e Watson. Initiated, 7 i Passed, 6; Raised, 8; Demitted, 2.



LINN LODGE No. 66-30



Thomas M. Herndon ••••W. M. LeAnder Rainey Sec. S. W. Sebert Lewis S. D. Caleb C. Berry Wm. MCCamant J. w:. Jahn C. Soott , J. D. Wm. E. Wheeler 'rrell.8. Adam Miller Tyler. Members-James T. Berry, Geo. W. Hopkius, Albert Davis, Milton Stafford, Sam. B. Hensley, Francis Wright, Geo. Bishop, Hiram Perkins, Jas. Mo',by, Wm. Boles, T. J. Kinsey, A. L. M.cGregor, Thomas Baker, Wm. Irvin, Jas. M. Shobe, J. W. Glover, David Hopkins, B. B. Loche, Rainer Johnson, A. J. Ser.y. Initiated, 10 ; Passed, 7; Raised, 7 i Demitted, 6.


Jas. C. Orr W. M. F. Hently See. H. W. Cra:le S. W. H. F. WiIliame S. D. H. L. Forsyth ~ J. W. W Reid P.1l4 J. D. Henry Tumy Treas. Jas. H. Thornton Tyler. Members-H. F. WiHiams, P. M.; George Thornton, T. W. Sampson, T. D. Jackman, H. Wheeler, M. Staley, R. Smallwood, W. W. Morgan, John Bowman, J. W. Roberts, J. W. Waltan, H.r. White, S. H. Again, T. J. Bently, A. E. Grubb, W. F. Petty, W. D. Kelso, Geo. Watts, C J. Strut, L. Beptly" J, C. Smith... S. G. NOrrIe, J. B. Little~-¥.~.P, Evans, W. A. Bradford, J. L. Kay, J. P. Kiser, JOIlll Crawford;'F;'l'~ Kirby,:8. F. John~Qn, A. Patton. lnitia~ed, 1 j Pas,~,,6; It_.ed, G; Dew,itted,. 3.; ~itted, 6.

TEBO LODGE No. 68-42



J. H. Settles W. M. S. M. Shrewsbury Seo. A. M. Tutt S. D. B. L. Quarles S. W. S. P. Ashby J. W. S. D. Garth J. D. J. G. Thornton, Jr., Treas. W. M. Baaa.rth Tyler. Members-A. M. Tutt, P. M.j W. H. Westfall, P. M.; Ro. .Allen, P. M.; B. L. Owen, M. A. Stewlll't, J. O. P. Hargus, J. M. Cruce, C. E. Cruce, L. Cruce, D. C. Stone, R. T. LindBay, Wm. Paul, Benj. Childers, M. R. Gillett, :po F. Gennoways, J. H. Webster, P.ll. Sharp, P. Will4l, Tho. S. Shipp, V. O. GrllAt, Wm. W. Collinl, Wm. Barberi, D. T. Terry, WUl•.B. Peer,



B. F. Ashby, C. P. Ferris, Wesley Harbert, J. L. D. Blevans, G. W. Cruce, F. P. Hibler, Wm. Martin, J. H Gilliam, Wm. H. Hines, L. C. Washburn, Wm. W. Wood, C. T. Collins, N. J. Dunn, Geo. F. Warth, R. H. Farley, Dan'l Stewart, Wm. McCown, Wm. H. McConnell, J. S. McComb, T. B. Cummins. Initiated, 10; Passed, 12; Raised, 11; Admitted, 5; Demitted, 8.

ALEXANDRIA LODGE No. 69-32 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. E. F. Greenleaf W. M. John Wright Sec. D. Maginnes S. W. R. C. Warriner S. D. James Cowgill J. W. L. S. Dixon J. D. C. D. Eberheart Treas. W. Cannon Tyler. Members-R. E. Hill, P. M.; B. F. Hagerman. M S. Mitchel, V. F. Hill, A. D. Sweet, J. H. Calvert, C. Busb, E. H. Greenleaf, W. D. Bush, C. A. Johnson, Jas. Foly, 8. A. Fletcher, 8. WilsoB, Mark Noe, Geo. Phillips, G. Spurgin, W. E. Ganby, M. H. Lane, W. F. Clark, Chas. Combs, Jno. Sloan, Wm. H. Williams, John Cocberan, John MaEroy, W. Cannon. Initiated, 6; Pused, 3; Raised, 4; Demitted, 4.




J. B. Bradford W. M. R. J. Bagby 8ec. J. W. Terrill S. W. W. P. Phelps S. D. W. J. Ferguson J. W. R. H. O. Harvey J. D. J. H. Patterson Treas. W. H. Marquis 8. & T. M~mbffS-A. Walton, J. Chousbnt, M. D. Ryle, W. E. Walden, D. H. O'Bryan, S. Q. Cary, W. H. Dennis, S. C. Davis, R. James, A. Bradsher, T. W. Burge, J. Hays, H. James, T. Humphreys, H. Metcalf. J. Hardin, B. G. Dysart, C. O'Bryan, T. Gunn, W. R. Burah, Wm. Embree, R. O'Bryan, W. James, Wm. O. Johnson, B. F. Harvey, G. A. Mathis, S. G. Mott. IDitiated, 6; Passed, 6 i Raiaed, 7; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 4.


C. A. Rowley C. H. Gee Powell Dean A. G. Clarke

W. M. S. W. J. W.


M. E. Hall E. C. Breck Wesley Cooper Ellison Townsend

Sec. 8. D. J. D. Tyler.

197 Members-Edwin Toole, P. M.; John S. 'l'isdeJ.e, P. M.: Thos. L. Fortune, A. Nave, Henry Patterson, J. Abney, Edwin Toole, Ed. Russell, J. Hiltibidal, A. P. Ashley, J. W. Breck, Goo. T. Holly, Wm. Dewitt, E. A. Carson, A. Bowman, J. M. Teegarden, A. G. Clarke, G. W. Carter, J. B. Nichol. J. Bowman, Sam'l Woodcock, J. G. Willis. C. A. Rowley, M. E. Hall, Robt. Shaw, W. Cooper, O. H. P. Craig, J. M. Holt, Allen Holt, W. Turner, E. C. Breck, J. P. Saunders, H, G. Gore, F. lmpey, J. S. Tisdale, A. S. Elliott, Thos. H. Clarke, Benj. Holt, Jos. Walker, F. A. Miles, A. E. Gates, B. R. Baxter, Powell Dean, E. Townsend, W. B. Willson, Oeo. Weber, John Kellogg, C. H. Gee, Russell Dobbs, R. W. Bradley, W. R. King . Initiated, 2; Passed, 2; Raised, 2; Admitted, 11; Demitted; 3.

DANVILLE LODGE No. 12-21 MilnER!. OFFICERS. Ira H. Ellis W. M. R. B. Mcllho.ny Sec. J. H. Robinson S. W. G. R. Milton S. D. W. D. Bush J. W. S. M. Baker J. D. n· H. Nunnelly Treo.s. R. O. Fulkerson TyI81'. Members-Jas. H. Robinson, P. M.; B. Sarp, P. G. M.; W. B. Adams, P. M.; H. C. Baker, P. M.; W. B. Adams, Thos. Stevens, H. Soharnbach, Chas. G. Blades, S. C. Baker, Thos. J. JohnsO\l' S. O. Drury, A. D. Reed, Geo. H. Sparks, A. C. Stewart, W. D. Bush, Dan'l Penny, Alfred D. Oft'uU, Nathan Patton, Geo. W. McCarty, Jas. B. Chapman, Goo. H. Brite, B. T. Adams, Chas. E. Woodruff, Jos, C. Bethel. Initiated, 2; Passed, 3; Raised, 3.

EUREKA LODGE No. 73-38 MEXBBlS. OFFIOERS. Jas.1\1. Staples W. M. Jas. A. Jaques Seo. Jno. N. Barr 8. W. E. Rucker 8. D. J. M. Garner J •. W. R. H. Higgins J. D. R. H. Dickey Treas. G. Brawner 8. &; T. Members-R. P. Prico, P. M.; A. Johnson, P. M.; Jno. H. Blue, Thos. H. Spencer, L. Bosworth, Preston Gaines, J. E. M. Triplett, W. Elliott, Jno. G. Fitzer, T. E. Gilliam, R. H. Hodge, Jas. H. Crockett, W. D. Pennel, J. M. Reague, A. M. Day, S. S. Prosser, E. B. Keyte, W. V.Hall, J. J. Flood, S. Mauzy, W. A. McClure, 8. W. Spenoer, C. W. Spencer, J. W. Harriss, C. Derickson, T. H. Price, J. W. Gilliam, J. R. Gilliam, G. W. Harper, W. S. Hyde. Initiated, 3; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 2.







John J. G-rinlltead. W. M. L. M: Applegate Sec. S. W. M. L. Walton S. D. Wm. JODee ,101m NiekesOll J. W. M. G. Huckshorn J. D. J. V. Tumer Tre&ll. H. Hawkin~ Tyler. Membere-N. A. Grubb, P. M.; Lisbon Applegate, P. M. j Alfred Mann, P. M.; Wm. H. Lee, C. W. Bell, James W. Murray, B. K. Bell, Joseph Reed, J. K. Stephensoll, Jas. A. Clark, Jno. J. Price, Jno. M. DaYis, George M. Dowey, E. W. Brummall, Tholl. B. Edgar, Jno. R. Hyde, WID. H. Grubb, Jas. S. Gilliam, Jno. V. Turner, D. C "LÂŁainds, Thos. R. Moormlln, Jas. L. Applegate, Wm. C. Reed, Henry Hainds, M. P. Williams, L. D. BruIDmall, Wm. Smith, Fred. Franklin, Wm. Emmons, Robt. A. Price, R. D. Porter, Wm. R. Redding. John Saunders, F. W. Wert, John Taylor, W. W. Vincent, G. B. Walker, Jno. R. Moorman, W. S. Weat. J. W. West, Jno. R. Whitesides, Tbos. T. Redman, James M. Gardner, Henry Ashby, Jno. C. Crawley, Wm. H. Callilon, M. H. Snider, J. T. Burch, A. M. Clarkson, J. F. Clarkson, T. T. Elliott, T. A. Ager, II. J. Cbrane, Wm. A. Leonard, S. D. Ellington, AlphoDBo Moore, N. Dille, Jas. H. Dysart, B. F. Crawley, G. F. Wauon, Collinon Payne, Thos. L. Vandiver, M. J. Ruoker, James Sportslllan, Jno. B. Dolman, Jno. M. Hamner, '1'h08 H. Walton, Jno. F. Cunningham, Wm. Eidson, Walter J. Horslye, Geo. Cravens, Jno. P. McAdam. Initiated, 7; Pused, 5 ; Railed,5; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.




A. F. Trainer, P. M W. M. S. A. Bryant, P. M Seo. J. B. Poage,P. M 8. W. Sam D. Urr S. D. H. W. Spery J. W. W. J. Sisson J. D. W. D. Green Treaa. M. T. Griggs Tyler. M~mber-4'-Samuel N. Purse, P. M.; John McCormil'k, P. M.; C. W. Pharr, P. M.; W. P. Burks, P. M. j C. F. Walden, A. J. Lovell, H. Hopkie, A. F. Trainor, T. J. Hammond, J. S. R. Gregory, W. J. Sisson, B. F. SummeN, W. D. Orr, Jacob Rees, M. T. Griggs, H. M. Reid, Sam Thomas, W. H. Myerll, William Gillum, John F. Tucker. Initiated, 3; Pu..d, 4; Railed, S ; Demitted, 2. INDEPENDENCE LODGE No. 76-M



W. B. Stone J. M. Rogerll

W. M. S. W.

B. F. Walla.ce

J. A. Westmoreland

Sec. S. D.



John IIockaday J. W. HenryCrump J. D. Robert Weston Treas. Tandy Westmoreland .•Tyler. .Members-IV. L. Bone, P. M.; R. M. Hill, P. M.; Thomas Leonard, P. M.; Samuel Ralston, B. F. Thompson, S. H. Woodson, A. S. H. Crenshnw, R. A. Stone, J. R. Lowe, D. D. White, W. E. McBride, Porter McClanahan, N. A. 'Warren, B. F. Davidson, Isaac Hockadny, lV. H. Rodewald, J. C. Milson, C. II. Thornton, J. H. 1\IcMurray, J. M. Staples, Robert Daniel, J. A. Scruggs John A. Moore, S. B. lIobbs, V. 1\1. Hobbs, Z. W. Barker, K. B. Hockcnsmith, David Moore, John K. Stark, J. Q. A. Speer, .\.. C. Lovelace, I. J. Shaw, A, Hoover, J. 1\1. Crooks, John Montgomery, J. F. Arll\~tl'ong, J. C. Agnew, W. W. Woods,!. P. Woodruff, G. E. Simpson, Henry Crump, J. C. Riggs, C. S. Tannehill, J. H. Twyman, L. C. Miller, S. W. Carson. Initiated, 5; Passed,2; Raised, 3; Admitted, 5; Demitted, 2. LEBANON LODGE No. 77-80



A. W. Johuson \V. M. J. G. Anderson Seo. D. E. Dunlap S. lV. V. Kesler S. D. J. B. Jamison J. A. Adams J. D. S. E. Dunlap Treas. N. Britton Tyler. Members-Lyle Singleton, P. M.; J. H. Ramsey,P. M.; A. Emory, D. D. G. III.; A. Metcalf, P. III.; R. P. Jamison, P. M.; Andy Anderson, H. W. Benton, John Cutherson, H. Dawson, A. Gibson, S. S. Gibson, T. C. Harrison, Harrey Halbert, Jas. J. Halbert, V. B. Hill, J. Hubbard, G. M. Jamison, E. Morris, John lIlitchell, John McDade, Spencer Mitchell, Geo. Prm'et, W. A. Spencer, John T. Garvin, J. R. Pumphrey, Peter Ake, W. F. Cole, J. E. Davis, P. Robertson, H. Lane, J. R. Burk, F. D. Hancock, W. Adair, John Fleming, James O'Neil, Snodin Huff, J. D. Enloe, Willia,m Enloc, O. Ritchey, M. Griffith, D. F. Martin, S. G. Trower, W. J. Hawkins, Jcsse EnJo, ~en., N. Britton, J. R. Woodside, John Freeman, E. W. Jamcs, E. Bhir, B. C. Clayton; S. F. Dunlap, J. G. Anderson, Jcsse Enloe, Jr., J. P. Wilkerson, J. N. W. Conn, Isaac J. Hibler, E. E. Hawkins, J. L. Thomas, Barton Dyson, F. M. Wisdom, S. C. Fleming, Henry lIoss, F. 111. 'Wishon, M. Wood, L. B. Hawkins, S. W. Matlock, Samuel Stl1glcmfm, John Nichols, John Iseman, L. Self, R. W. Dunlap, W. P. Renick. B. c\. Renick, J. R. Craig, J. G. Eaton, James H. Jamison. Initiated, 14; Passed, 9; Raised, 7; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.





W. R. Pcnick T. l{, Smith

W. M. ' S. W.

J. P. Grubb Geo. Buell


Sec. S. D.



W. N. Irisb J. W. H. M. Strong J. D. Treas. .Jno. R. Seaman •••••••••Tyler. Geo. W. Brown Mtmbert-S. R. Miller, P. M.; H. V. Somerville, P. M.; John Scott, P. _ M.; N. J. McAshen, P. M.; C. O. Carson, Jr., P. M.; Simeon Kemper, James Highly, John Curd, Cbas. W. Thoroughman, Felix Robidoux, W. H. High, W. J. Taylor, Jas. A. Anthony, A. M. Saxton, Isadore Poulin, Wm. Ridenba.ugh, R. L. McGhee, Jas. A. Matney, Jas. Craig, Alleu McNew, John Wells, S. N. Sheridan,J. H. Crane, G. C. Catlett, F. M. Wright, J. J. Wyatt, Wasb. Jones, John Kerr, J. Ruchler, W. K. Richardson, H. B. Morris, Sam'l Wade, J. M. Bassett, Reuben Thomas, P. S. pfouts, W. A. Riddle, Smith Adams, Robt. Meeler, Joab Shultz, W. P. Hess, W. A. Cunningham, S. R. Miller, Jacob Marlinger, L. D, Dowell, Jno. S. Lemon, Henry Cattell, John B. Howard, Edward Dutton, Alex. McCorkle, ChBs. Kearney, P. D. Brooks, William Mailler, A. G. Eye, Isaac Owens, G. M. Venable, John Severance, Jno. O. Fisher, J. M. Wilson, S. R. Wayes, J. A. Hill, Norman Buell, H. R. Smith, B. B. Richards, S. S. Allen, Jas. Wright, R. B. Richards, Jas. W. Tayloe, D. W. Egnar, J. B. Ruboleau, L. F. Weimer, R. S. Monroe, Silas Woodson, D. C. Wallace, Dan'l Ranson. W. A. Cunningham. Initiated, 18; Passed, 10; Raised, 9; Admitted, 8; Demitted, 18.




James Wykeham W. M. Henry H. Clark. Sec. Chas. C. Whittelsey S. W. Andrew J. Ham S. D. J. W. E. G. Obear J. D. Wm. H. Waters B. M. Runyan :rreas. A. Stille Tyler. Members-John W. Luke, D. D. G. M.; D. G. Taylor, P. M. j N. Wall, P. M.; Wm. C. Watts, P. M. j Thomas Owens, Henry Cheeks, Henry Shall, S. C. Jett, Thomas Brown, D. N. Bishop, James Ward, A. J. McCreery, A. B. Sluder, S. H. Sherman, A. H. Lee, W. C. Orr, John J. Anderson, C. D. Blossom, Geo. O. Atherton, John N. Boflinger, Wm. D. Woods, B. W. S. Bowen, John H. Young, WooJward Crittenden, James S. Anderson, Thomas V. Strode, Wm. Simpson, Charles C. Greene, A. F. French, A. R. H. French, Thomas W. Gilmer, John H. Simpson, E. G. Roberts, L. Y. Bogy, C. Langtimm, Wm. M. Weibling, T. E. Courtenay, Frank H. Tucker, J. A. Stevenson, S. B. Lowe, A. L. Lacroix, Peter Peterson, John S. Chew, Obed M. Grammer, Amos Cotting, Chas. J. Gill, John A. Brownlee, Jas. S. Jett, T. A. Lewis, F. W. Tillay, N. J. Colman, J. C. Moore, David Brownlee, B. W. Mead, G. W. Boyd, G. D. Hardcastle, Thos. H. Thatch, • Not


member of this Lodge.



Wm. M. Black, Horace A. Cona.nt, H. M. Woodward, Sylvan Carlin, R. S Raymond, Geo.•J. Bltrrctt, Robt. H. Ober, Wm. R. Biddlecome, Jos. J. Ray, T. L. Rives, E. B. Kirby. Wm. B. Field, Geo. L. Carey, S. R. Clarke, Alex. Logan, Jas. F. Sadler, Wm. P. Curtis, James S. Roberts, John M. Leavenworth, James F. Aglar, F. A. H. Garliohs, Jacob Vogdes, John G. Brown. Initiated, 23; Passed, 19; Raised, 14; Admitted, 11; Demitted, 4.




R. T. Edmonston W. M. Wm. W. Musick See. R. E. Bland S. D. J. H. Garrett S. W. J. V. Ohlhouscn J. W. John Adams.. J. D. Henry Cole Treas. Geo. S. Moke Tyler. Members-John R. Hereford, Francis H. Cinn, James Castello, Gus. E. Farmer, L. B. Brand, J. M. Ohlhousen, Wm. Palmer, H. T. Fnme. Initiated, 8; Pa.8sed, 3; Admitted,!. NEOSHO LODGE No. aI-No



Wm. Sandel'8 W; M. S. D. Sandusky 8ee. J. B. Relph, P. M S. W. H. E. Hurlbut, P. M 8. D. Carlus Bordman J. W. James Root J. D. T. T. Woodrulf Treae. JameaM. Penelton S. &; T. Members-G. J. Hurlbut, P. M.; N. W. Harris, P. M.; William Burt, F. A. Forrest, Edward Hoyle, Jeremiah Philips, M. Penington, W. L. Reynolds, J. M. Tooton, Francis' Hancock, M. A. Trumbo, W. S. McClanahan, W. P. Menifee, Joseph Seales, J. T. Gooch, Jaoob Smith, W. T. Gooch, Thomas Hurst, J. E. Nevins, G. W. Sandusky, J. W. Sntherland, J. C. Flernoy, Daniel Grant, L. W. Clark, Joseph Rawlins, G~ W. Baker, A. D. Christy, W. B. Wakeman. Initiated, 3; Passed, 2 j Raised, 3; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 1. LACLEDE LODGE No. 83---51 MEMBERS. OUICERS.

O. S. Williams, P. M .W. M. B. C. Jarrell S. W.


P. BUI'DI John A. Hooker

Sec. S. D.



S. \V. Barnes ....•••...•••.J. W. R. 'Vilks J. D. J. B. Harrison, P. M Treas. John H. Stewart Tyler. MembeTs-J. W. Greenstreet, P. 11'1.; W. G. Jarrell, P. M.; A. S. Cherry, P. lIl.; B. B. Harrison, Josiah Ivey, James Thomas, John S. Herndon, Richard Wilks, J. B. Lambeth, Joshua, Moore, S. W. Barnes, Johnston Craig, Isaac Worly, James W. Harrison, G. H. Styth, L. P. McAdoo, Rufus Phillips, J. H. Cotton, Anderson Everet, J. W. Stewart, A. S. Hudson, Joah Scott, A. D. lIIohaffey, G. W. O'Brien, W. G. Dewit, R. D. Turner, Isaac Willoughby, J. F. Thomas, 111. L. Turner, J. A. Hooker, Reuben Riggs, l\[. H. Hooker, G. E. Alexander, John W. Smith, Thos. Craig, G. W. Davis, J. W. 'findle, W. G. Jarrell, J. Z. Hartin, J. H. Cunningham, J. H. Craig, John S. Shields, John Mitchell, W. R. Craig, M. Arrington, S. B. Noland, Jesse Yestal, W. F. Wyatt. Initiated, 4; Passed, 5; Raised, 5; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 4. POTTER LODGE No. 84-No RETURNS.


LODGE NO. 85-5i MEMBERS. OFFICERS. O. S. Heath W. M. F. S. Poston Sec. S. P. WilJiams S. W. E. M. Sylvester S. D. J. L. Rogers ·}. W. Jas. D. Smith J. D. Z. H. Emerson Treas. W. B. :Moody Tyler. Members-Jas. McCown, P. M.; Elias Ogden, P.l\L; J. A. McSpadden, P. M.; M. C. Goodlet, Daniel Rentch,.S. P. Williams, J. B. COGk, W. D. Pinkston, Wm. Calhoun, J. L. Rogers, Z. II. Emerson, J. W. Potts, H. E. Depp, J. M. Bratton, Wm. Stevenson, N. B. Holden, Jas. Land, A. 1\1. Perry, J. Robinson, R. B. Snelling. R. C. Graham, H. Spencer, Wm. Huff, B. f. Smith, lI1. .Monroe, W. P. C. Caldwell, W. G. Collins, Thos. Neal, F. S. Poston, R. L. King, T. T. Huff, 1\1. H. Burnet, A. P. Williams, J. H. Depp, Harden Coa.ts, A. 1\hrs, P. Harri~, J. Foushee, J. J. Adams, H. C. McDonald, A. WmlclJ, G. F. Gunser, W. L. Upton, J. A. Price, J. W. Crutcher, Josiah Eagin, Isaac B. McGirk, J. Calvin, A. Jones, 111. H. lIlrJon, C,. W. Short, .J. R. Prigmore, J. H. Lowery, Josiah H. Caldwell. Initiated, 15; Passed, 14; Raised, 12; Demitted, 1; Admitted, 4.



86-37 MEMBERS.

OFFICERS. L. S. Cornwell, 1'.U.:\1..W.1\1. M. A. Henry B. F. Dobyns S. ,Yo W. C. Goodwin

S. D. J. D.



T. D. Henry J. W. R. C. Tapsllott 'lJyler. W. H. Violett Trcss. R. D. Morrow Chap. B. :b;. Morrow Sec. Members-B. W. Grover, P. G. M.; B. E. Morrow, D. D. G. M.; B. F. Dobyns, P. M.; Robt. Sanders, W. T. Herndon, R. M. Crockett, P. S. Baker, R. G. S. Burb, W. S. Wilcoxen, A. M. Christian, Jno. B. Miller, R. B. Bradley, J. N. Fergmon, Augustus Demarteus, Tho. N. Rogers, M. J. P. Drake, R. M. D. Rudolph, Rev. W. M. Pitts, W. M. Ramsey, InguDl Starkey, D. A. Jones, J. W. Graves, B. E. Lemons, S. E. Potter, L. M. Drace., II. Larkerbrink, Euel Halbert, Jno. T. Renick, H. D. Russell, Rey. L. F. Asply. Initiated, 5; Passed, 5; Raised, 8.




A. M. Long W. l\I. S. B. Bowles Sec; S. W. J. B. Clark S. D. L. A. McDowell J. M. Stimmons J. W. W. G. McDolVell J. D. J. C. Wetzel. Tress. C. F. Beal.. Tyler. Mem1Jers-W. K. LI1thim, P. D. D. G. M.; R. S. Jacobs, P. 111.; N. S. McClure, P. M. j J. D. Montgomery, C. W. McCullock, II. Clarkson, A. D. HUdspeth, E. Bowles, J. H. Gillespie, J. T. Tucker, M. H. Allison, R. Courtney, G. W. Murphy, G. W. Cotner, J. Lawrence, J. 'McBroom, J. M. Tucker, C. J'. lIardwick, J. F. Finley, B. Appleby, Isaac Preston, John Small, M. W. Buster, W. W. Holland, C. Talbut; J. T. Coffee, S. Moore, D. S. Clarkson, N. H. McClure, A. Renfro, L. D. Brown, W. Farmer, J\IcDowell, F. H. Neal, A. D. Coffman, T. Hastings, H. G. Cowan, W. A. Gihson, J. A. Morrill, S. Z. Beckley, J. P: Moore, S. J. Moore, H. L. Wasson, W. L. Williams, W. H. Bell, J. 'r. Henly, F. McClure. Initiated, 7 j Passed, 6; Raised, 5.





G. W. l\Iichael.. W. M. L. McDowell Sec. David Carter S. W. O. H. Butler S. D. James McDowell J. W. O. F. Butler J. D. W. C. Norman Treas. Bluford West.. S. & T. Members-Geo. Monroe, P •. M.; Jno. Y. Porter, P. M; J. N. Bell, P. M.; A. Wallace, P. M. ; R. E. Holland, P. M.; Ira Benson, Benj. Burt. B.



Coburn, R. W. Campbell, Ed. D. Carter, L. M. Clark, Jno. K. Clark, And. Craig, G. W. CaIl, R. C. Carr, Henry Duncan, Jno. C. Hill, W. E. Harle, Jas, Houf, John Jacobs, W. O. Jennings, Jno. B. Leeper, H. R. Mallning, J. E. McDowell, T. J. Musselman, B. F. McCashlan, Jas. Minteer, Milton McDaniel, Thos. J. Penn, JOB. G. Reeves, Jno. F. Robinson, Frederick Rotr, Robt. Stein, Henry Slack, Dan'l Singleton. AI. Turner, Geo. A. Williams, John Wyatt, L. Ireland, B. B. Carr, M. W. Yager, JaB. Anderson, Rev. J. A. Sidmer, Rev. Wyley Clark. Initiated, 5 ; Passed, 5 j Raised, 6; Admited, 13; Demitted, 3.




A. B. Sloan W. M. M. W. Garrison Sec. W. J. Wright S. D. Henry R. Samuel.. S. W. W. L. Austin J. W. John Smith J. D. Treas. A. J. Coats 'l'yler. L. B. ElIif) Members-Wm. A. Jack, P. M.; S. G. Allen, P.lII.; W. M. Anderson, John Ament, R. O. Boggess, J. F. Brookhart, E. O. Brooks, Mastin Borris,M. Briscoe, John Cummins, A. CasseIl, J. D. Duncan, H. Finney, Tho. Holloway, Joel G. Koontz, J. F. Lee, J. W. McSpaddin, P. D. Martin. R. L. Y. Peyton, H. D. Palmer, A. S. Pulliam, W. G. B. 'Templeton, Henry Tarrant, W. J. Taylor. G. A. Wade, W. E. Whiting, E. P. West. Initiated, 5; Pa.ssed, 3; Raised, 2; Admitted, 2 j Demitted, 4.





E. S. Gaines W. M. Jos. D. Moore Sec. E. A. DawBon S. W. J. R. Mallory S. D. R. M. Ragland J. W. .Jno. T. Noel. T. D. Moses Noel Treas. .lno. Grove Tyler. Members-S. M. Quirey, P. M.; .J. W. Dawson, P. M.; E. U. B. MeNutt, P. M. j A. Ash, Oscar Burton, W. Burton, Cuudle Sue, J. W. Dawson, W. A. Davis, Jos. S. Dawson, Tho. Enochs, Evan Enochs D. n. Enochs, Daniel Eubank, Jas. P. Grove, Jno. Holder, E. D. Holdcr, W. B. Morris, J. R. Mallory, F. McCord, W. H. Mason, C. Maupin, Jno. A. ~ocl, Josh. T. Noel, Jno. Onby, E. M. Poage, U. E. Quirey, M. L. Sharp, J. Twyman, T. P. Thomas, G. W. Walker, J. P. Wetherford. Initiated, 3; Passed, 2 j Raised, 2 j Admitted, I; Demitted, 2.






P. Draper, P. D. G. M..W. M. Ch. G. Hunter, P. M. Sec. J. G. Rhea S. W. M. F. OI&1'o S. D. Thomas J. C. Fagg J. W. John W. Gorin J. D. H. J. Findley, P. M Treas. .Tohn D. Gurley Tyler. Membel路s-B. W. Gorin, P. M. ; l\I. N. Allison, P. 1\1. ; .s. s. Allen, Geo. T. Ashburn, 'l'heodore Betts, A. A. Brothers, W. O. Cook, Wm. F. Hill, John Johnson, Wm. D. Maus, Robt. W. Play, B. F. Parsons, John A. Robinson, Orson Reed, H. L. Rhea, Hamilton Richmond, H. F. Summers, Rufus Saffarr~n, James F. Schabel, Wm. 1.. Tanner, W. C. Teague, A. W. Weed, Augustus Oury, .JlI.Cob Block, Charles Belert, John Q. Burbridge, William Bnglish, A. D. Hunter, A. Hemisphere, E. G. McQuie, E. McCuen, Wm. O. Parks, Joseph Richardson, 'I'. M. Rhea, F. M. Reynolds, Luther Reed, Jas. W. Smith, John J. Smith, A. G. Stonesifer, Wm. B. Simms, Geo. W. Thurmond, Wro. 111. VanHorn, C. A. J. Wommack. Initiated, 1; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 2. ST. MARK'S LODGE No. 93-50



Wm. Bonney ., " W. M. John H. Stokes Sec. W. B. Wilson S. W. Wm. Brown S. D. Ed. Baldwin J. W. Charles G. Judell J. D. Jacob Ingram, P, M Treas. J. C. Wilkinson Tyler. Members-John H. Wilson, D. D. G. M.; John W. Morris, P. M.; J. F. Scheifer, P. M:';' A. T. Lacey, P. M. j E. G. Liles, P. M.; Thos. Baldwin, Wm. Bonney, J. C. Wilkinson, 'Vm.. B. Wilson, Wm. Brown, John Wittemore, G. T. Clarke, Isaac Bloom, H. Schenimann, Wm. J. Liles, G. Buehrman, C. G. Juden, H. Windeknechdt, Z. Block, F. Yeager, James Bonney, B. Guthmann, Josiah Ingram, A. D. Leech, J. H. Clark, J. G. Duncan, Wm. Bicrwith, J. Klosterman, P. Windeknechdt, E. W. Johnson, J. B. William~, Robt. E. McNeely, L. M. Byrne, Jacob Bowman, John Cross, C. W. D. Cook, W. C. F. Hempsted, N. Jackson, G. W. Judcn, A. T. Lacey, H. D. Logan, W. H. }Ioulder, J. H. Peck, J. D. Roberdeau, B. Shepherd, L. Stutzer, J. A. Williams, J. N. Whitelaw, J. C. Parker. Initiated, 7: Passed, 5; Raised, 5: Admittcd, 3. ACACIA LODGE No. 95-12



Geo. M. Beattie John V. Priest

W. M. S. W.

Jacob Tobler '.' James P. IsbelJ..

Sco. S. D.


Henry Camer Jacob Kneibert


J. W. Treas. Andrew Clippard Tyler. Member,-H. n. Bedford, Thomas Neal, William C. Warren, WiUiam E. MaGuire, John E. Bums. Initutted, 2; DemitLed, 2.




James M. Collier W. M. H. B. Cotton Sec. John Dickerson S. W. John Nesbit S. D. A. G. Preast J. W. C. M. Shackelford J. D. JohnC; Logie Treas. A. Chinn" Tyler. M",weTl- -J. B. Marmaduke, P. M.; Jllcob Sigler, P. M. j P. B. Moore, P. M. jJamea Collier, P. M. ; S. B. T. Oaldwell, P. B. Moore, A. Matlack, R. A. Molfeet, Jacob Sigler, Benj. Vener, Jno. J. Taylor, Wm. H. Eckel, M. L. parothcrs, Jos. Hilton, Peter Rolf, John S. Victor, L. A. Holliday, Jos. Griffith, Joo. Kyle, Wm. C. Looney, Wm. J. Holliday, Wm. H. Vanoort, Wm. S. Street, N. Watkins, Geo. W. Baker, James Gooch, Daniel H. Givan, S. A. McGruder, Jas. T. Garnett, Wm. E. Maddock, A. J. Smith, A. McWilliams, J. M. Jamison, John Jucobs, Geo. W. Chime, A. Thompson, Wm. Gooch, Benj. Groog, Thomns G. McGruder, Geor~e C. Yost, J. H. Morrisllon, Geo. T. Hill, James Hopper, Reuben Taylor, Snm'l P. Englis:. . Initiated, 6 j Palllled, 6 j Raised,5; Admitted, 4 j Demitted, 1.




John S. Allen W. M. M. P. Wills Sec. John Spencer S. W. II. T. Monson S. D. J. W. E. W. Banton J. D. W. G. Lcwis B. a.Miller Troas. W. R. Allen S. & T. Member!-H. T. Monson, P. M.; John P. Devers, P. M.; B. Y. Whitbee, Isaac Brady, T. II. Templeman, L. W. H. Cox, Lewis Hefner, hiD Low, A. J. Thompson, John P. King, John P. Devers, G. W. Miller, Ed. L. Ellis, Robert Y. j<'ord, L. D. Thompson, Peter Price, Jr., Henry Salmon, Robert II. Salmon, Samuel K. Roberts, John W. Casebolt, Isaac Phillebllum, H. M. Caddy, S. S. Vandivert, Thos. Vandivert, Wm. Waltz, • No J. D. returned.-a••





L. G. Jones, S. K. I\Iont.gomery, C. J. Blackburn, E. A. Wills, John V. McGahan, Sampson Alley. Initiated, 7; Passed, 4; Raised, 4; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 1.




Charles George W. 1\1. W. W. Gay Sec. S. IL Cotter S. W. E. Gaither, P.l\I S. D. W. D. Garrison J. W. P. P. Brickey J. D. H. F: Williams Treas. J. B. Worsham 'l'yler. Members-R. W. Crawford, P. l\I.; P. i\I. Wear, P. M.; C. F. Wilson, P. M.; Thomas Hash, D. R. Bradford, S. M. Anderson, Th09. F. Everett, 1\1. B. Philips, John J. Owen, Jacob Lollar, Aaron Winters, Pate Anderson, J. H. Duncan, J. S. Garroutte; H. Haley, James Elkins, R. Hayncs, John Guthrie, Alex. McKenzie, J. M. Wines, Jonathan Smith, W. H. Duff, H. C. I,ollar, J. R. Cox, Edward Ragain, H. C. Young, John S. Bradford, John Hash, J. A. Dudley, F. M. Hastings, Alex. Brown, Allen Miller, Robert Waters, Jos. R. Still, B. -'1'. Mahan, Edward Ha.le, N. B. Hocker, J. W. H. Spann, Lewis Nealy, N. P. Hight. Initiated, 3; Passed, 2; Raised, 3; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 2.




s. W. B. Carnegy, P.G.M.• W.IIL

II. Davis Sec. lII·trtin E. Ureen 8. W. Jno. Spenccr S. W. Wm. H. Jones J. W. Peter F. Murphy J. D. Thos. O. Rccsc Treas. Joseph Bigg Tyler. :Members -- "'illill.m Schofield, P. M.; Thos. O. Reese, P. M.; John Spencer, P. III. ; C. Durkee, P. M.; 'l'hos. Bayne, Benj. Crutchfield, Henry F. Hughes, Wm. R. Howard, Thos. Jeffreys, James W. Johnson, Jacob C. Jones, :\Ioses Kercheval, Geo. Potter, 1Vm. H. Northcraft, Adison Reese, David R0f;mos, ,fno. T. Staples, Geo. W. Weller, Jno. W. Carnegy, Henry J. Durk~c, nobt. L. Agee, Alexander Diffenda.ffer, Will. H. Biggs, Geo. W. Dallas, L. C. Jones, L. B. Fowler, J. S. Covert, S. T. Simmons, Charles Hewitt, Wesle.)' Bowling, James S. Green, L. Lusk, John Collins, Thomas Arnold, Geo. W. Taylor, E. c. Dedman, Robt. Criswell, E. P. Goodrich, S. D. Swearengen, James A. Smith, Amos Lusk, G. T. Night, Jno. W. Hawkins. Initiated, 5; Passed, 1 ; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 4.







T. B. Howe W• .M. J. D. Howe Sec. James Lovem S. W. B. H. Weatherford S. D. E. C. Still J. W. P. Tr,immol.. J. D. J. K. Bro~ Trel1s. D.l\1. Howe S. & T. Members-A. D. GroeM, P. :\1.; C. C. McKinney, P. ~l.; G. A. Shortridge, P. M.; B. 11. Weatherford, P. M.; W. M. ~Ia8on, P. M.; C. Atterbery, K. Richardson, M. Attorbery, W. II. Perrin, G. W. Gates, A. L. Goodding, W. Ward, G. C. Sparrow, O. Griffith, .J. B. WinD, William Moore, J. M. McKnnrey, E. F. Wilson, S. Ellis, W. Tate, J. L. Herrin, Jesse Herrin, R. B. Rubey, E. C. Still, F. M. Gr·ubb, James Stacy, ~I. M. Towner, H. McCully, J. D. Holderby, Isaac GOOding, A. T. Harper, Josiah Gatee, Louis RoMon, A. Barron, T. K.. White, W. T. Gilman, R. T. Johnston, C. T. Shirley, E. C. D. Shortridge, Wm. Gates, A. S. Knight, Jolan }\eberts, R. O. Swink, T. G. Sharp, G. L. Grubb, S. Atterbery, A. Epperaon, M. H. Smith, D. D. Right, J. F. L. Branhan, W. A. Mathis, d.M. PiiGber, P. M. Stacy, .James Lovern, Samuel Wooten, Joseph Sears, J811tin Roan, Josiah Abbott. Initiated, 9; Paued, 10 jRaised, 11; Admitted, 4 j Demitted, 16.

CARTHAGE LODGE No. 103-31 MBlIBEBS. opnCBBs. A. M. Dawson W.M. W. P. Jobnson Sec. S. Ross, PJM.••. ~ S. W. Ja8. Da1e S. D.. W. H. Maxey J. W. T. J. Ha1seU J. D. J. J. Scott Treas. H. W. Shanks Tyler. Member,-John R. Chinanlt, P. M. j E. R. GTiffith, Seth Shoemaker, James Haggard, Joseph Donghty, W. Tingle, J. S. Riding, Rice Cballiss, John Potts, E. B. James, Elijah Pennington, Wm. Board, J. T. Vestell, J. P. L. Maxy, Robt. Dale, Gallon Cleveland, P. G. Bowlen, James Stith, W. G. Burden, A. J. Burden, J. M. Hicky, E. F. Halsell, Geo. E. Ward, A. B. Hendrick, Jacob Rankin, T. F. Thompson, David T. Vestell, E. E. Degge, A. M Roder. Initiated, 3; Passed, 0; Raised, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.




L. J. Winchester G. W. Tindale J. E. Sabine W.H.Chick

W. M. S. W. J. W. 'Ireas.

G. W. Stebbins H. S. Ward G. W. Whitworth J. B. Higgins

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.



Members-Isaac M. Ridge, P. M.; W. G. Barkley, P. M.; T. B. Lester, P. M.; J. W. Ammons, W. G. Barkley, W. B. Bouton, S. W. Bouton, J. S. Campbell,. S. W. Eldridge, Alex. Gilham, F. C. Gross, R. T. Gambrel, M. B. Hedges, John Johnson, B. A. Jaudon, W. B. Coots, G. D. Hurt, Thomas Moseley, S. J. L. Porter, H. G. Richards, S. R. Smiley, T. A. Smart, W. W. Talley, J. M. Sexton, J. H. Luther, J. J. Price, C. W. Kline, G. W. Toler, B. II. Scruggs, R. B. Willis, E. J. Fieids, H. C. Derrick. Initiated, 4; Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 12; Demitted, 1.

RELIEF LOD6E No. 105-51 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. B. F. Hughes W. M. J. E. Barnes Sec. Edward Powell S. W. Jo. M. Fox S. D. A. R. Ellis J. W. S. Montgomery J. D. R. Hughes Treas. John Wells Tyler. Members-G. R. Smith, P. M.; Clifton Wood, P, M.; W. Watson, P. M. ; A. Robertson, P.M. ; J. T. Bradford, Peter Porter, W. H. P. Thompson, R. L. Coffey, S. D. Fulkes, S. H. Brown, T. J. Mason, J. P. Thatcher, T. B. Cravens, F. E. Cravens, T. Huff, J. R. Wilson, J. W. Houx, J. F. Philips, H. C. Taylor, John Hanoock, H. J. McCormick, Wm. McFatridge, J. B. Hoss, H. P. Gray, N. N. Parberry, J. J. Bridges, O. Kidd, A. M. Coffey, S. A. Powell, J. T. Walker, Geo. Heard, J. C. Donohue, D. W. Bouldin, J. M. Parberry, D. L. Griffith, Jo. M. Gray, W. B. Killebren, R. G. Killebren, C. Thomson. J. F. Heard, W. Agee, J. G. McClung, J. M. Wooldridge, V. V. Thom.son, B. M., Shy, A. M. Forbes. Initiated, 1; Passed, 1; Raised, 1; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 1.

GOLDEN SQ"GARE LODGE No. 107-75 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. J. T. Morris W. M. L. J. Winchester Sec. A. Compton S. D. James Hunter 8. W. D. B. Funk J, W. P. D. Elkins J. D. Ed. Price Treas. J. L, Duncan Tyler. Members-R. C. Berry, Wm. Booth, A. Byrum, Peter Behan, William Botts, John A. Cantrell, David Edwards, Oliver Guthrie, H. F. Hereford, Jesse King, W. P. Lea, H. W. McGee, Alex. Majors, E. Mosier, James Mills, Joseph Parks, W. O. Ricketts, John Richardson, Jno. D. Reynerson, Wallace Smith, Jno. B. Scott, Geo. Simmons, Jessee Thomas, Louis Vogel, L. P. Wills, O. W. Withington, James B. Yager, Sol. Young, S. J.




HlIffaker, Wm. Donalson, N. L. Simpson, Clayton Bayne, Charles E. Keilrney, T. M. Adams, W. G. Steel, W. H. R. Lykins, G. '1'. Keyer, Lafayette Barnett, A. C. Coberly, G. W. Berry, Thos. E. Strode, A. G. Boone, John Horner, Francis Gallup, C. C. Huffaker, Upton lIays, W. '1'. Donillson, Henry Schoeph, Amazon Hays, J. '1'. Barton, P. II. Alderson, W. H. Keller, Ad-ilphus Mercer, Abraham Smith, J. F. Thomas, E. G. Goforth, F. Y. Ewing, A. S. Johnson, W. L. Halsey, J. M. Thatcher, B. F. Dunn, J. S. Holman, Selah Hudson, A. n. Powell, John B. Sharp, J. J. Kerr, W. Oldham, J. '1'. Brady, Isaac }fundy. Initiated, 5; Passed, 4; Raised, 3; Demitted, 5.


Roht. A. Hatcher W. M. Wm. J. Denhart Sec. S. D. Julus H. Bancroft S. W. R. H. Hatcher, P. M Jas. H. Howard J. W. Geo. W. Dawson J. D. A. Augustine '1'reils. Charles Hook Tyler. MemberB-Richard Barkley, P. M.; Henry L. Walker, Jno. B. Martin, E. W. Howell, Richard Barkley, Thomas H. Dawson, A. A. Laforge, Wm. W. Waters, Thos. L. Bancroft, Amos Riley, Thos. Givin, Jas. H. Brookman, Benj. F. Boyce, Jas. Lee, Louis P. Fay, Ed. C. Broughton, Caleb '1'. Pinnell, Wm. S. Moseley, Horace Chadwick, John H. Powell, Richard l\f. Phillips, Wm. Gray, H. Clay Watson, Benton Akins, Fontian F. See, Thos. L. Fontiane, M. R. Anthoney, Jas. H. Bowman, Je!se D. Toney, Andrew S. Hunter, Benj. Stewart, Wm. N. O'Banon, M. Levy, Jiff. D. Thomas, Pleasant Biship, Don C. Case. Initiated, 4; Passed, 4; Raised, 4; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 12.


R. Frank Green W. l\I. Alex. P. Wilbar See. .John M. Kingsbury S. D. Geo. T. Beall, P.1\1.. S. W. Levi Spiegelberg, P. M..J. W. Chas. Blumner J. D. Thos. F. Bowler Treas. James M. Hunt Tyler. Members-Joab Houghton, D. D. G. 1\1.; Ceran St. Vrain, John D. Wilkins, James Conklin, William McGroity, C. B. Clark, Lafayette Head, John M. Francisco, James Hubbell, Peter Saxol, Moses Swabacker, James M. Hunt, Christopher Carson, Petcr Joseph, Ezra N. DePew, Jules Jeanerett, Alexander Duvall, Solomon Beuthner, George Gold, Sidney A. Hubbell, James 1\1. Giddings, Charles Blumner, Harvey E.



Easterday, Horace Randall, James Henry Carlton, Stephen Boiae, B. J. D. Irwin, Charles E. Whilden, Thomas Rowland, Israel l". Battaile, Joseph W. Corkins, Fred. Tolhurst, Jesus Gil Abieu, F. W. Posthoff, Thos. F. Smith, Wm. Henry Brooks, Gustave Elsberg, Albert H. Pfeiffer, Henry Winslow, Geo. H. Estes. Initiated, 6; Passed, 6; Raised, 7; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 4.





OFFICERS. J. W. Bagby W. M. Jas. Graham Sec• S. W. J09. Kennedy S. D. .J. G. Cleek H. Renfro J. W. . Dan. Rice J. D. J. Austin Treas. J. T. Taylor Tyler. Members-Alf. Blew, William Blew, Jesse Benson, Elijah Burgess, W. W. Brooks, T. W. Cooper, D. G. Cravens, John Cullors, C. B. Carpenter, ·T. B. Clanton, James Cooper, Wm.'P. Sherman, James Estis, Green Estis, John Field, Joseph Ficklin, Jr., J. C. Griffon, J. C. Gibbs, John Graham, James Goodwin, George Graham, E. P. Harding, B. F. Harding, A. M. Haney, J. J. IIobbs, G. H. Hubbell, J. E. Harris, William C. Harvey, Joseph Kennedy, James Lucas, William Lunney, Wiliiam Metcalf, W. H. Nelson, James Nelson, B. H. Smith, John Cyrus, J. H. Shoot, James Terrill, Robert Thompson, Arch. Taylor, William White, Samuel Witten, H. B. Witten, D. T. Wright, William Wooldrige, Joseph Winter, James Williams. Initiated, 4; Passed, 2; Raised, 2; Demitted, 2.

EZELL LODGE No. 112-24 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. D. M. Repsher W. M. J. W. Collins Sec. S. W. J. Piper S. D. Geo. J. McDaniel. Geo. Killian J. ·W. Vfm. Herdman J. D. J. F. Wayland, P. M Treas. J. H. Imes Tyler. Members-J. F. Wayland, P. M.; T. J. Calvert, J. J. Benning, C. O. Sanford, H. H. Fore, C. Lahue, A. Wayland, N. Tull, J. M. Willis, Moses Weaver, A. Bechtol, Van. Swearengen, Geo. J. l\fcDaniel, James Johnson, Wilson Pollock, J. F. Hancock, A. S. Tinsman, J. J. Gray, J. H. Owen, Sampson Hancock, Henry Black, Jacob Herrold, Henry Pierpoint, Wm.



Becket, Will. Berkley, G. W. DllVis, P. F. Hamilton, Isaao MoNamor, O. B. Payne, O. P. Childers. Initiated, 7; Passed, 1 ; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 11. PLATTSBUBG LODGE No. 113-38 MEMBERS. OFFICERS.

Geo. Wm. Culver W. M. Wm. J. Biggerstaff Seo. .. J. N. Hockaday S. D. H. A. McClintock J. W. J. W. Westbrook J. D. John Stecl Treas. Geo. Funkhouser, Tyler. Members-Winslow Turner, P. M.; John Stone, James McClintock, Joseph Wharton, Henry Essig. O. H. P. Gihson, H. Whittington, Benj. Daniels, J. H. Birch, Jr., Alex. Vaughn, Charles C. Birch, Benjamin F. Willis, N. O. Boughman, Wm. Evans, A. H. F. Payne, Thos. F. Viglini. Robert Johnson, Wm. Knight, J. W. Mitchell, J. L. Johnson, D. A. Stout, Mitchell Chappell, N. Maupin, R. G. Chappell, L. M. Lewis, A. K. Porter, Geo. W. Winn, R. R. Turner, J. S. McClintock, L. Leach, S. S. Trice. Initiated, 6; Passed, 6; Raised, 3; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 4. WAVERLY LODGE No. 114-24 MEMBEllS. OFFICERS.

J. F. yancey W. M. James M. Taylor Seo. E. M. Edwards S. W. J. W. Kalfus S. D. J. A. Kraus J. W. J. R. Collins J. D. B. A. Welton Treas. J. B. Davis Tyler. Members-S. Poisal, B. F. Gordon, G. W. Herreford, Wm. Barnett, P. P. E. Youree, C. M. Cowan, M. C. Scott, J. M. Lewis, J. P. Demoss, David Creel, J. E. Davidson, Benj. Cooper. O. F. Thomas, W. H. Hawkins, J. D. Trice. Initiated, 0; Passed, 0 ; Raised, O. SIBLEY LODGE No. 115-32 MEMBERS. OFFICERS.

Joshua Petty W. M. S. W. Roht. C. Eckles J. W. Thos. L. Johnson Joel E. Hudspeth Treas. Members-Jos. W. Hudspeth, Uobt.

N. M. Smith Sec. John S. pryor S. D. Jas. H. Dou~lass J. D. Jas. S. McMillen Tyler. N. Hudspeth, S. B. Hudspeth, Geo.

'" Vacant.



W. Hudspeth, O. O. Ha.milton, John Hambright, Benj. Ha.mbright, L. W. Twyman, Jos. D. Bagby, A. J. Drake, W. J. Jones, Richard B. Chiles, F. F. Shepherd, O. K. Daniel, Stephen F. Daniel, Wm. O. Hampton, Wm. T. German, Robt. Renick, Joshua Osborn, Wm. H. Montgomery, Jas. M. McFarland, Sam'l S. Webster, Chas. Bouchea, Sidney A. Douglass. Initiated, 4 j Passed, 4 j Raised, 4; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 3.

DAVIS LODGE No. 116-No RETURNS. VERSAILLES LODGE No. lL7-36 MEMBERS. OFFICERS Daniel Williams W. M. William J. Tutt.. Sec. W. W. Williams S. D. William Gould S. W. Derson Berry J. W. Wm. H. Goddard J. D. Jas. Livingston, P. M. Treas. Wisdom Millsap Tyler. Members-Thomas Monroe, P. D. D. G. M.; L. E. Williamson, D. D. G. M.; J. B. Thurston, P. M.; W. H. Goddltrd, P. M.; J. P. Ingram, P. M.; J. B. Clemmer, P. M.; J. J. McClellan, P. M.; P. R. Burns, P. M.; W. J. Tutt, P. M.; Wm. Pennebltker, Wm. P. Cooksey, P. R. Burns, G. W. S. Mitchell, S. P. Hunter, W. A. Parkes, Wm. Thruston, Thos. J. Keowan, J. F. Tltylor, J. P. Yoet, C. C. Reed, Wm. Baughman, Thos. Blass, A. Estes, J. H. Groff, A. B. Fisher, Thos. Groff, J. B. Clemer, H. B. Groff, 'rhomas R. Hurnes, J. If Smith, P. T. James, Aaron Ware, D. D. Ross, F. L. Ross, w. P. Ross, W. J. Livingston, J. S. Bridges. Initiated, 1; Passed, 2; Raised,2; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 5.

HIRAM LODGE No. 118-42 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. E. D. Bevitt W. M. J. H. Alexander, P. M Sec. T. L. Carr S. W. A. N. Overall S. D. R. H. Ovcrall J. W. Jno. A. Richey J. D. C. B. Lindsay 'l'reas. S. Gravelly Tyler. Members-John Orrick, P. M.; D. Heald, J. W. Redman, W. W. Edwards, R. McClain, D. McDonald, R. Dugan, J. J. Moore, L. C. Smith, B. Parham, F. C. Hanford, R. A. Nichols, W. N. Kenner, J. F. Riggs, F. Fanning, J. S. McDowell, J. Millington, J. W. Royal, J. W. Robinson, John Orrick, J. C. Lackland, R. Spencer, B. N. Johnson, Sam'l Overall, R. A. IIar~iB, W. D. Orrick, W. B. Clyne,A. Holtsclaw, P. H. Fulkerson, J. E. Stoneheaker, N. C. Orear, J. S. M. Gray, D. A. GriffiLh, J. H. Edwards, P. E. Newton. Initiated, 5; Passed, 2; Raised, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 8.







Jno. F. Broadhurst W. M. E. W. Edgar Sec S. W. Albert Winter S. D. F. B. Moore H. M. Woodsmall••••.•••• J. W. Geo. Roberts J. D. F. M. McDonald Treas. Daily Keller S. & T. Members- R. G. Stevens, P. M. j T. W. Davis, P. M. j Jno. T. Broadhurst, P. M.; Samuel Magun, G. B. Martin, F. Kahm, Hiram Malett, Wm. P. Naylar, L. D. Baker, Jacob Smelser, James Long, E. W. Edgar, M. T. Summs, E. S. Clardy, H. M. Woodsmall, A. II. Scott, W. W. Dale, Geo. Roberts, J. B. Ewen, John Reed, W. P. Barney, Th. Aspling, B. W. Crust, B. F. Nicholson, A. A. Garrett, The. F. Prewett, E. D. Soper, B. F. Johnson, James Ketchum, Geo. W. Patterson, F. M. McDonald, Albert Winter, Dailey Kelly, Rush McComas, Ch. G. Peacock, J. C. L. Beeding, William Barth. Initiated, 8; Passed, 8; Raised, 8; Admitted, 0; Demitted, 4.


T. W. Sennewald W.:\1. Berthold Lunge Scc. Louis Ritterscamp S. W. J. Koninsgesky S. D. Wm. Drechsler J. W. Julius Lange J. D. T. Dings Treas. Henry llempler Tyler. Members - F. E. Baumgarten, P. M.; Chas. W. lIorn, P. }l.; II. H. Meier, P. M. j A. C. Erfort, P. M.; Louis Baumann, F. Bergisch, Jacob Blattner, Henry Block, Th. Brinkwirth, Paul Carlin, F. Dings, II. Doellner, Wm. Drechsler, H. Eggers, Cbas. Everts, J. G. N. Ficdeldey, Jacob Fritschle, F. W. GeImer, H. Hansemann, F. W. Heger, J. G. Heinrichs, Wm. Heinriohshofen, Henry Hempler, Otto Henkel, H. C. Hesse, Hofelmann, H. A. Subilia, F. Kattmaycr, F. Kellermann, J. Koninszesky, H. Kuhne, Jacob Krell, Ph. Lang, B. Lange, August Leuz, G. Martin, J. G. Mersmann, Oh. Mervissen, Oh. Mohrhard, Jacob Nitz, Louis Ritterseltmp, Ph. Rosberger, L. Rotker, F. W. Rosenthal, Salomon, F. W. Sennewald, Wm. Sieven, O. A. Snell, Julius Stange, P. K. Stankerritz, Wm. Stein, Ohl1s. Steller, J. Tanner, J. H. Tebbe, Ph. Thummler, A. l'rumper, J. D. Voester, LottisWacchter) 'fheoph. Weber, M. Werner, Jos. 'Willmann, Gust )\'01£, Nioh. Yost, J". Zciscmann, F. Zimmermann, Wm. Zioch. Initiated, 7 j Passed, 7 j RaiBed, 6 j Admitted, 0; Demitted, 1.



DOVER LODGE No. 122-20 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Jas. H. Mallory W. M. C. Dorsey Baer Soc. P. H. Chambers S. W. P. B. LaBertew S. D. Jno. E. McDougall. J. W. Wm. G. Oliver J. D. ,. Joo. B. Dysart Tyler. J1embers路-Thomas Potter, Jas. S. Platteoburg, Wm. C. Webb, Juo. J. Hall, F. C. Vivian, Juo. R. Bennett, Geo. W. House, Jos. B. Shelly, Jno. J. Holliday, Wm. F. Dowden, Thomas B. Campbell, J. D. Cox, Wm. B. Huutsberry, S. W. Warren. Initiated, 2; Passed, 0; Raised, 0; Admitted, 0; Demitted, 2.

lIERMANN LODGE No 123-12 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Joseph Kessler W. M. Joseph Doyon Seo. Charles D. Eitzen S. W. Jacob Kemmel.. S. D. James Arrott.. J. W. Wm. Jaenecke J. D. August Nasse Treas. Hemy Roloff Treas. Members-James MoCamant, Wm. J. Stefford, August Leimer, James Smith. Initiated, 0; Passed, 1; Raised,!; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.

CEDAR LODGE No. 124-32 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. B. F. Wn,lker W. :M. S. Chandler 8ee. D. 'Velch S. ,V. J. C. Cook 8. D. M. C. White J. W. J. E. Hartly J. D. H. B. Lindsey Treas. W. C. Church Tyler. Members-B. II. Cravans, P. M.; Wm. Wells, P. M.; B. F. Walker, B. II. Cravtlns, 'Ym. Well, Jos. M. FraziCl', John Crisp, John Baker, Thos. J. Williams, S. II. Hare, A. W. Johnson, Jas. Musgrove, H. H. Lacy, E. J. Rector, W. P. Dickerson, Pleasant M. Shelly, J. E. Hartley, H. B. Lindsey, F. G. Lindsey, 'rhos. Hartley, Martin Church, Willill.m C. Church, Wm. P. Hawkins, Jas. C. Cook, Robt. W. Musser, Thos. J. Caplinger, Jas. Dudley, Samuel W. Hams, H. F. Williams, H. F. Ross, JaB. B. Harris, Jas. Cawthorn, Mathew C. White, S. Chandler. Initiated, 7; Passed, 7; Raised, 7; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 2. .~; Treas. vacant by death.



GENTRYVILLE LODGE No. 125-41 MEIlBERS. OFFICERS. N. L. Baxter W. M. Robert Boggs Sec. Isnac Miller 8. W. E. W. Dunigan 5. D. S. B. Pearce J. W. Hugh Stevenson J. D. W. G. W. Cates TreI~s. C. T. Robert-son Tyler. Members-Richard Cates, A. J. French, John T. Hunter, J. A. Gore, Daniel Hardin, Philip Messimer, C. B. Newhall, P. O. Robertson, J. C. C. Patton, T. J. Patton, Edwin Gideon, G. H. Moseley, P. H. B. Maulton, Benjamin Wheeler, P. H. Carson, George Shultz, Horace Webb, Asa Mann, N. Mothersead, A. Devers, Samuel Rainey, W. J. Groomer, John Robert80n, James L. Harrod, N. P. Thompson, R. Ganaway, C. T. Robertson, W. T. Ganaway, Daniel Brown, H. Sherrad, George Crawford, Jas. A. Crawford, Geo. Seoff, G. N. Devine, W. S. Setzer. Initiated, 3; Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 0; D emi tted, 6.

ATHENS LODGE No. 121-66 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Thomas Kier W. M. J. M. Roby Sec. J. S. Blankenship S. w. O. P. Faulkner S. D. A. J. McCrea J. W. H. B. Moke J. D. Joseph Griffith Treas. Will. Handy Tyler. Member.,-Francis Duncan, M. P.; ElishaCamron, L. P. Camron, Caleb S. Cnnaday, Joseph R. Griffith, Calvin B. Hartwell, Jas. W. Lanehart, Francis B. Robidoux, Daniel Spainhowesch, Jefferson Talifero, C. B. Needles, William David, W. T. Canaday, Harold Johnson, Henry B. Hull, P. R. Cadle, Charles Schooler, Francis Duncan, Wm. M. Albin, M. N. Thornton, Thos. Books, John A. Ross, Thomas D. Elliot, Frederick Duncan, John D. Vincil, O. P. Faulkner, Lewis Tweedle, Aug. C. Hilsebeck, Vincent Pyles, W. W. Shockley, Geo. W. Stapleton, Isaac O. Faulkner, John Plaster, W. H. Stephens, John 8. Blankenship, B. F. Crocket, W. Handy, Lemuel P. Taste, Doctor Roton, Samuel Still,A. J. MoCrea., Milton Perry, Robert Faulkner, H. B. Moke, John Canadn.y, Thoma.s Kier, David M. Kemper, James J. Young, P. M. Jacks, John Martin, George Jackson, Jacob Ulmer, Madison Martin, Joseph Reeves, Enoch Liggot, James Wammick, Samuel Stewart, J. M. Ruby, \Y. C. Cowan, A. R. Staples, H. Whitten, Thos. Early, Wm. Kelim, L. M. Rigney. Initiated, 14 j Passed, 9; Raised, 16 j Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.




CONSTANTINE LODGE No. 129-55 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. W. B. Bush W. M. Geo. Whitcomb Sec. W. P. Swank S. W. Wm. Wilbur S. D. J. S. Goodin J. W. W. H. Bush J. D. J. L. Moore ,Treas. David Gilmore Tyler. Members-George Whitcomb, D. D. G. M.; A. M. Bedford, P. M.; W. H. Goodin, P. M.; W. F. Myrick, P. M.; J. M. Overton, J. S. Bledsoe, W. T. Lee, Jno. Means, T. S. McClunessy, A. E. Mardick, Rev. J. W. Hawkins, J. W. Glasscock, William Rodney, R. Price, W. L.· Moore, J. L. Shelby, A. V. Swank, J. W. Swank, Wm. Swank, J. E. Shelby, Jno. Varble, S. D. Golder, M. Newman, E. W. Chapman, J. c. Grigsby, N. Handy, H. Hough, J. W. Lee, J. T. Russt'lll, J. H. Lee, P. A. Norriss, J. Mills, W. G. Cooley, A. Totten, C. Atcher, W. Lee, Geo. Harned, J. A. R. Forgey. Robt. Forgey, S. Keith, L. T. Lee, J. H. Naive, D. Swank, Rev. J. McCary, B. T. Unsell, C. Sheeks, A. W. Grigsby, C. C. Kolfus, L. Lamkin, J. H. Lane. Initiated, 4; Passed, 3; .Raised, 4.


Samuel Irvin W. M. Rev. F. H. L. Laird, P .M••Sec. Stephen T. Dunklin S. W. Sloman Browne S. D. F.:R. Boyd J. W. Matthew A. Todd J. D. Treas. John R. Myers Tyler. Wm. A. Mathews Members-Hon. John H. Stone, Wm. Carter, Stephen Compton, W. L. Wilcox, Benjamin Kindell, Jeremiah Oliver, Henry Pinckley, W. W. Summers, D. A. Cook, Wm. Willoughby, V. B. Mespley, Albert Blain, John F. Cook, Thomas H. Becket, Dr. Wm. Evans, Joseph Neel, Louis Roderic, Thomas Bass, P. W. Murphey, M. M. Lynch, Ewing Mitchell, Jas. Thompson, Wylie W. Johnson. Initiated, 6; Passed, g; Raised, 9; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 5.


J. J. Brady Wm. R. Taylor Jas. H. Elgin John Cobb


W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.

Elisha Arnold, P. M., Sec. P. H. Gooch S. D. S. E. Douthit J. D. M. Sebastian Tyler.



Members-L. '1'. Pim, P. D. D. G. M.; E. W. Prewitt, P. M.; Zeb'n Murphy, P. M.; Chrtrlcs Myers, lIy. W. Crow, Elizrtmond Basye, H. Bl:1ckIed;;e, Francis Clark, Wm. H. Cousins, Jas. S. Evans, N. L. Fleming, J. F. Harris, Jno. Hunter, Jos. B. Jenings, Thos_ Jlf. Johnson, A. Rinehloe, Frrtnklin Murphy, G. Nettleson, Juo. S. Pim, '1'hos. F. Pim, Jr., Val. C. Peers, J. C. Johnson, Thos. S. McMullen, Lewis Evans, M. M. Doughty, J'1S. W. Harvey, Elisha '1'. White, Elizamond B:tsye, Jr., E. S. Poston, J. Van B. Tyler, Chas. A. Vance, I1y. S. Watts, Moses W. Brtker, Jno. II. Headley, Munson CMr, J. W. S. Boyce, Jas. A. Smith, Eo W. Prewitt, H. Jllurphy, D. W. Curry, Ro. J. Hill, Wm. S. Boyce, D. S. Hobbs, Jno. J. Smith, H. R. Foust, Jas. McDaniel, Benj. Sebastian, Jno. F.Levering, Chas. A. Tilley, Nesuit Orton. Initiated, 4; Passed, 4; Rltised, 6; Admitted, 3 j Demitted,!.






William Bolton W. M. James M. Martin, P. M Sec. Martin G. Bennett S. D. Jesse E. IIardin S. W. John B. Dunuar J. 路W. Richardson JII. Pcnn J. D. John }路errell. Treas. Levin N. English Tyler. Members-James O. Broadhead, P. l\I.; Thomas Reynolds, P. M. ; Wm. Penix, P. JlI. j Thomas Dunbar, George Hodges, Dabney T. Carr, Jesse A. A. Hardin, William H. Crane, James Sutton, DavidN.Shew,Harrison Hendrick, Caleb Dorsey, Edward D. Thornburgh, Alexander P. Rodgers, Wm. G. Hawkins, Rima McMillin, Thomas H. Luck, James JII. Freir. Initiated, 2; Passed, 1; Raised, 3; Admitted, 0; Demitted,!.


e .P. \roodcock P: M. W. M. Wm. Florence P. M George W Baker Z. F. Gilmore

Charles Hall S. W. Wm. D. IIatten J. W. Jesse S. Sullivan Trcas. John M. Patrick E. M. Kimball, Steward.

Sec. S. D. J. D. :ryler.



Memhers- Josiah B. Dysart, John G. Cowan, John A. Singleton, Geo. N. Faulkner, James C. Riggin, Cason Howell,Frost Snow, Isaac N. Robertson"Daniel A. Pew, John E. Baker, James W. Roberts, James M. Jeffries, T. M. Freeman, George A. Kersey, Skelton T. Renfro, Jefferson Miller, James T. Walker, Andrew B. Jacks(i)n, Thomas White, Jo~eph B. Collier, Jesse E."Low, JameaB. Calaway, Albert G. Hollister. Initiated, 3; Passed, 2; Raised, 1; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 5.

OREGON LODGE No. 139-63 MEMBERS. OFFICERSJames Foster, P. M W. M. G. B. Chadduck Sec. G. P. Luckhardt S. W. James S. Hart S. D. James M. Patterson J. W. G. Wells J. D. Daniel David.; Treas. F. S. Rostock Tyler. Members-John W. Modie, P. M.; Charles Mann, E. R. Brown, Isaac Iddings, N. A. Uston, A. C. Bevan, John Dozier, R. G. Emerson, Ahraham Sharp, John Wise, T. J. Ksuk, Hiram Wiggins, William Kancher, John F. Williams, W. H. WillifUlls, W. F. Belle, L. S. Carten, John L. Stanton, W. E. Price, Henry Mysete, C. A. Thornton, C. P. Cayton, Jacob Mosier, R. A. Pulliam, G. R. Combs, G. Wills, W. E. Wade, M. T. Lewis, Henry Herr, B. W. Evans, Hiram Patterson, E. W. Meek, S. F. Dillin, Berry Meek, A. J. Pope, Uriah Blair, C. G. Hopkins, T. S. Bragg, Damel Zook, Levi Zook, C. F. Jenning,s, Laply Embse, W. W. Proffit, J. M. Templeton, L. B. Green, W. E. Chesney, Henry Meyer, W. D. McDonald, J. M. Frazier, Mark Strickler, S. R. Canon, Galen Crow, p'eter Price, James Chadduck, James Kelly, Albert Clark. Initiated, 8; Passed, 7; Raised, 6, Admitted, 8; Demitted, 14.


PLEASANT GROVE LODGE No. 142-41 MElIBERS. OFFICERS. Strauther O. Roark W. M. Wm. R. Butler Sec. S. W. Thomas V. Ellis S. D. George W. Enbree Thomas J. Starke J. W. Richard E. Williams J. D. James 路W. BranDin Treas. Thomas Parsons Tjler. Members-Samuel H. Saunders, G. M.; Aaron Hupp, Harrison Homan, Reuben J. Burchum, Wm. E. Combs, Talton T. Cox, Wm. Devinne, Josiah Godby, Horace W. Furgerson, John D. Hieronymus, Granville L. Moad, John Taylor, Elias George, GustavUB A. Schmitz, Thos G. Cockrell, Waide



Howard, Jr., George W. Hutchinson, Roberdieau Allison, John W. Renshaw, Phillip E. Evans, James A. Hughes, Ja8. L. Bridges, Michael D. Reynolds, Wm. II. Allison, Tho8. J. Hughs, David J. Shy, Elijah Neal, Sandy J. Huff, John M. Steele, George W. Harlan, John 'r. Bankhead, Charles Culver. Initiated, 3; Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 0; Demitted, 2.


T. S. Whitehead W. M. H. L. McRoberts Sec. Shelt. Ball S. W. J. T. Drummond S. D. L. W. Fisher J. W. B. E. Ball J. D. C. B. Logan Treas. .Jas. S. Ball Tyler. Members-T. C. Boyd, S. P. Bird, Wm. C. Farmer, Wm. C. Cochran, J. H. Daniel, S. A. Granthem, L. L. Keller, J. C. Keithly, H. B. Logan, R. A. May, G. S. Myers, Wm. M. Newland, W. G. Herold, B. F. Moore, W. V. Williams, W. H. Hill, B. C. Pearce, Wm. T. Robertson, D. T. Sherman, R. A. May. Initiated, 2; Passed, 2; Raised, 3; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.


J. l\f. Barker W. M. S. B. Abernethy J. M. Helm S. W. B. F. Hudson W. C. Christian J. W. A. Chilcut. W. G. Townsend Treas. E. "tV. Chilcutt Initiated, 8; Pa.ssed, 9; Raised, 8; Admitted, 0; Demitted,

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler. 5.



Jehu Steele Wm. M. Davis Wm. R. Barnes A. Stinebaugh.

W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.

John H. Paine E. W. Cheek Wm. W. Bennett G. Stinebaugh

• No namll of Members returued.-Ga. 6.Bo.

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.



Members-Rev. G. B. MitcheIl, P. M.; Jacob Wilkinson, G. B. Jones, G. W. Atwood, James Peril, James F. Randles, Jno. J. Montgomery, Daniel Beckner, Jr., Geo. A. Howerton, Mortimore Payne, John B. Pittman, A. C. Barrett, Benj. F. Potter, Bennett Florance, Aaron Beckner, Wm. Roberson, E. M. Cheek, Hugh A. Leroy, Thos. F. Yeager, Lee Rorie, 8am'l Jones, Rev. J. H. Slarens, Jno. E. Haymes, W. H. Hunt, D. M. Jameson, Allen Day, R. D. Jameson, R. W. Jameson, James E. Hollis, WilliamsoD Crawford, P. L. Buford, D. L. Buford, Wm. T. McBride, M. E. Jameson, H. M. Wilkenson. Initiated, 9; Passed, 6; Raised, 6; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 17.




C. Wallace, P. M W. M. J. P. Lamapce Sec. D. T. Laudcrdale 8. D. Wm. C. Duval, P. M 8. W. A. A. Hensley J. W. Willis R. Cox J. D. l'reas. Jas. F. Dunagan Tyler. Cbas. Butler Members-William C. Price, P. ~I.; R. F. Cleveland, J. M. Thomason, Benj. Ross, Robt. R. Caldwell, Johal Dehaven, Hezekiah Dobbs, W. F. Lane, John Matlock, W. B. Noel, Pleasant Smith, Abner Sherman, Wm. Wells, A. J. Whinery, Wm. C. Price, Wm. Mosier, JaB. W. Tatum, David S. Booth, Kanuda Moffatt, Jas. Blythe, C. B. Walker, John Mills, Geo. W. Woolsey, J. W. Jobe, J. S. Stafford, Lewis Williams, A. Hale, S. C. Stafford, Harris Brown, Jas. Skinner, Benj. Williams, Richard Kelly, John Carroll, Jno. Shields. Initiated, 13; Passed, 13; Raised, 10; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 3. LEXINGTON LODGE No. 149-45



Edward Windsor W. M. Roht. Hale Sec. R. M. Henderson S. W. R. H. Hoffman S. D. T. H. Fox J. W. E. G. Arnold J. D. J. C. Reinhard, P. M Treas. C. C. Carroll Tyler. Members-Geo. A. Kice, P. M.; Smith Keith, G. W. Shualter, W. J. Pigott, G. Clayton, J. B. Alexander, W. M. Smallwood, Aldridge Corder, F. C. Sharp, J. Vaughn, D. F. Greenwood, J. M. McGirk, W. P. Walton, O. Anderson, W. Anderson, J. A. Crump, R. B. Bradford, T. P. Akers, Thos. Hinkle, Henry Weilla, S. T. Hanan, R. T. Littlejohn, J. Scofield, T. C. Bledsoe. W. H. Rusell. W. H. Calvert, B. F. Wallace, H. Flynt, S. • Returns incorrect, in not giriug nlUDeB of the lnitie.ted, P_ed e.nd Ra.ised.~Bo SEC.



De Wolf, H. G. Graham, H. C. Wallace, J. Shualter, J. H. Blewitt, G. J. Blewitt, J. A. Jackson, W. McDonald, A. E. Blewitt, John Dougherty. Initiated, 5; Passel, 2; Raised, 3; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 4. MILTON LODGE No. 151-31



Dabny C. Protor W. M. W. Robinson Sec. Thos. P. White, P. M S. W. C, H. Durkin S. D. Benjamin Howchins J. W. J. G. Suetman J. D. A. Crems Treas. Asa Bernent Tyler. Members-Frank Davis, P. M.; J. H. Newton, William Walton, R. H. Burton, John G. Burton, Martin Featherston, Jackson Featherston, Jackson Panell, John S. Barrett, Wallace McCampbell, James R. Finney, C. H. Dl'ishen, J. C. Parrish, W. L. French, D. C. Jones, Stuband Morne, P. F. Reddings, R. Dennis, R. R. Hall, W. Robison, J. B. Wilson, M. G. Huston, Levi Haynes, L. M. Edas, J. L. Briscal. Initiated, 2; Passed, 1 j Raised, 1 j Admitted, 2; Demitted, 2. LINN CREEK LODGE No. 152--24 MEMBERS. OFFICERS.

8. R. Roberts W. M. J. C. Crouch 8ec. G. M. Swink S. W. J. W. Vernon 8. D. G. Popplewell J. W. J. L. Martin J. D. J. G. RobertB Treas. J S. Tinsley Tyler. Memben-T. J. Kelly, P. M.; A. J. Combs, R. Kleeman, J. H. Robertson, Jno. Givens, Jas. Willson, Jno. Anderson, J. H. Rubey, 'V. L. Shanklin, Richard Popplewell, W. L. Britton, A. E. II. D. Berry, W. M. Dodson, J. T. Harris, W. T. Roberts, A. McF. Hudson, E. C. Robertson, C. Calfee, C. H. Smith, Jr., V, Moulder, J. H. Brown. Initiated, 9; Passed, 10; Raised, 10; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 5. CONCORD LODGE No. 154----15



John P. Handerson W.)1. S. N. Russell Sec. A. P. Pollard S. W. Wm. A. Gregory S. D. T. G. Pledge J. W. Thomson Fichlin J. D. Alfred Barnes, P. M Treas. Wm. A. Pledge Tyler. Members-Thomas G. Pledg"!, Wm. A. Gregory, Wm. H. Edmonston, John Bennett, Richard H. Fowler, Thomas Davis, John Davis, Robert McPheeters, Richard M. Barns, Wm. Burt. Initiated, 7; Passed, 8; Raised, 7 ; Admitted, 0; Demitte<y' 1.



SPRING HILL LODGE No. 155--44 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. A. B. D. Martin W. M. G. P. Pepper See. Wm. F. Miller S. W. J. P.Hutchison S. D. J. B. Fl'ances J. S. L. Harris J. D. John L. Leeper Treas. J. Chenoweth Tyler. Mernbers-J. B. Anderson, Joseph Crews, Rev. B. Minshall, I. Chenoweth, J. 'f. Beuell, W. L. BeueU, R. Lauderdale, James S. Moseley, J. W. Peery, Geo. W. Martin, J. X. Bell, J. S. Wilson, Lem. Chenoweth, Edward Smith, G. H. Ligett, G. W. Haskins, Frank Thompson, D. T. Calahan, A. Anderson, A. A. Sportsman, Wm. Hutchison, T. W. Harper, T. B. Brookshire, Wm. G. Frith, Wm. Hutchison, L. B. Solomon, Stephen Bills, John Devoss, ,J. S. Venable, C. Wilson, Thos. Brooks, J. E. Minshall, Williamson Crews, H. S. Leeper, J. H. T. Green, H. K. PearT. Initiated, 5 j Passed, 4; Raised, 3; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 6.





OFFICERS. Silas Puyear W. M. R. K. Crandall Seo. J. Y. Bird S. W. J. N. Arnold S. D. A. Lyford J. W. A. Beck J. D. 1. N. White Treas. John Shundy S. & T. lIfembers-G. A. Thomas, Solomon Wyatt, John Lewis, W. H. Dunbar, Joshua Hunt, F. S. :Moor, Caleb Miller, J. W. Smith, Wm. Sutton, Wm. Sparks, Grn.nvill Johnson, H. A. Capland, W. S. Hightower, W. C. 'Villman, Richard Wn.its, Stephen South, Lewis Lawrence, John Arnold, Calloway Millsup, Phuris l\fillsup, Lilburn II. Russell, John H. Athon, Judson Rich. Initiated, 11; Passed, 9; Raised, 3; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 8.


PACIFIC LODGE No. 159-33 MEMBERS. 1. B. H. Beale

A. McClul'e P. :Fiti:patrick WIn. C. Inks "

OFFICERS. \Vm. Mauthe W. 1\1. Thos. Bacon S. W. B. Smith J. W. T. Watson TreRs.

8ec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.



Members-John Pyaelt, J. L. Thomas, V. Hogan, J. Shew, L. Detwiler, Jacob Kahrmann, G. Hufschmitt, ·Jos. Thomas, J. T. Brown, A. Thornhill, W. D. Jeffries, John Goff, B. Worthington, B. F. Reed, E. M. Boley, M. Prime, B. B. Jones, S.Oole, J. Linsey, W. Sled, Fr. Becker, - Moderate, E. King, B. F. Farrar, Peter Reed. Initiated, 7; Passed, 6; Raised, 7; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 3.

EDINA LODGE No. 160-43



James W. Baker...•.....W. M. Samuel M. Wert.....•......Sec. Joseph '1.'. Downey S. D. Simeon Oonnelly, P. M.•S. W. Wm. G. Bryant J. W. Jesse Long J. D. P. B. Lenville, P. M Treas. Henry T. Howerton Tyler. Members-T. O. Moore, P. M.; John O. Alred, Emir F. Buller, Stephen R. Bryant, W. B. Bledsoe, Joshua W. Baker, John Black, David Bly, Wm. Beal, David Caldwell, Collin M. Campbell, Richard M. Campbell, Samuel R. Grant, Erastus Gilbert, JOSilph M. Housten, William Harris, Lafayette Hunter, John Miller, Francis Noblett, W. J. Pulis, John A. Stander, Chas. G. Shoot, Stephen Sharp, Emir A. Smith, Thomas E. Eden, Cyrus Fowler, Elbert T. Fowler, George Taylor, Jr., J. Joseph Thomas, Lorenzo 'I.'yhurst, John C. Thomas, Elias V. Wilson, Alfred P. White, William H. Wyatt, And. J. Vanlandingham. Initiated, 5; Passed, 5; Raised, 9; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 1.






Thos. Rieheson W.M. Geo. Temme Seo. W. W. Loker 8. W. P. M. B. Redley S. D. Jas. Johnson J. W. E. S. Pendleton J. D. C. Hequembourgh Treas. Me:mhers-W. Connor, P. M.; Jos. Rowe, P. M.; W. W. Bassett, P.M. ; Z. C. Ingraham, P. M. ; W. H. Merritt, E. Maudsley, J. Mathias, Carvelle Clark, R. Mackwitz, Peter Byrnes, Rub. McCord, Ferd. Ovcrstolz, Ferd. Rozur, Ed. Haren, Jr., Louis Wertlcin, T. Forrester, W. H. Gregg, J. H. Beach, F. A. Lane, Ferd. Meyer, Fred. Speiler, John McCloy, Seam. • No Tyler returned.-GR. SEC.



Gerard, Ira Stansberry, C. S. Kintzing, D. C. Shibley, A. G. Brown, E. A. Pendleton, John A. Goodlett, John Bowen, H. Weissenfelt, John De Moss, G. F. Kelsey, Jas.M. Kelsey, Erastus Wells, Martin Collins, Jas. Buckla.nd, T. A. Buckland, A. W. Ackerman, J. M. Tyler, Jos. Grabble, W. A. Miller, Jas. V. Fisher, W. Lee, Alfred Grabble, O. P. Koenig, P. G. Gerhart, J. H. Fisse, J. W. Wills, H. G. Hibbard, C. Z. Ingraham, Walter SiIupson,-E. T. Prester. Initiated, 15; Passed, 11; Raised, 9; Admitted, 8; Demitted, 4.


Alfred P. Hesser Elias T. Honey Zebulon Pritchett E. B. Beckett

W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.

C. C. Fletcher Wm. B. Weaver Wm. Hendrick Jno. W. Fletcher

Sec. 8. D.

J. D. Tyler.

Members-Franois J. Smith, P. M.; Wm. E. Clark, Jno. B. Arnold, C. B. Fletcher, H. N. Arnold, Jno. W. Weaver, Jno. M. Bailey, Leander 'Bailey, Allen Cook, James Burgess, E. M. Boley, A. C. North, J. M. Hensly, Jno. F. Sill, Jno. Strechland, Sam'l O'Donnell, Chas. T. Lee, W. W. Wallace, Ira J. Beckett, Joseph Campbell, Robert M. Ware, C. Heelmann. Initiated, 8; PaSsed, 11; Raised, 8; Admitted, 0; Demitted, 3.


Erastus Downing W. M. M. J. W. Bickett S. W. Hiram S. Marble James W. WykoJf Adam Terhune J. W. Lewis J. Hedgpeth Samuel F. Guthrie Treas. A. B. Moore S. T. Kennedy and S. M. Jester, Stewards.

Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.

Member.-Jas. B. Prather, P. M.; Wm. V. Smith, Thos. Wadley, A. E. Gates, Sam'l Noffsinger, Jas. H. Saunders, N. Wood, George C. Airy, G. N. Paige, John Saunders, Ja8. A. Heaton, A. Leinville, J. }I. Starnes, John Million, D. Mulholand, W. B. Holt, Sam T. Kennedy,S. A. Jester, J. A. Hedgpeth, J. Matherly, M. Gregg, W. Glaze, P. Kelly, W. H. Griffith, J. V. Castello. Initiated; 12; Passed, 12; Raised, 11; Admitted, 3.





Samuel R. Bay W. M. W. H. Waers Sec. H. S. Partin S. W. J. H. Burrows S. D. W. E. Marquam J. W. J. C. Lillard J. D. W. P. Stule Treas. Paschal Early Tyler. Member3- Joscph Elliott, A. G. Davis, M. C. Kellam, Olmstell Adams, G. W. Harrison, '1'. P. Thomas, James D. Soott, Jno. II. McClintock, A. B. Scovel, Jno. F. Hines, Jeremiah Moru, David Thompson, Jno. R. Penny, Samuel T. Bassett, Thos. C. Davis, G. W. Jones, Jno. Spencer, Wm. Clifton, Lemuel Dunn, Bristol Scovel, W. F. Boggs, Tyre Weeden, John H. Shirts, Rev. Ralph Harris, Wm. Clampitt. Initiated, 7 j Passed, 5; Raised, 6 j Admitted, 2; Demitted, 1.


R. M. Edlin W. M. Reynolds Bane Sec. Willard A. Townsend S. W. Albert A. Perry S. D. Elias K. Riggs J. D. Wm. J. Northcraft.. J. W. Peter Snider Treas. Jesse S. Murphy Tyler. Members-Richard M. Edelen, Willard A. Townsend, William J. Northcraft, Reynold Bane, Peter Snider, Albert A. Perry, Elias K. Riggs, Jcsse S. Murphy, Alexander Smith, Jonathan Whaland, Bradford 1'. Haren, John J. Agnew, Granville Arnold, Erastus Sackett, B. F. Conner, Wm. Watts, Harvey E. Combs, Allen Lcper, Michael Snider, B. D. Harris, Murdock Cooper, Jocl B. Anderson, Alexander L. Porter, John H. Schnielby, J. G. Hart, Samuel Hull. Initiated, 3 j Passed, 2; Raised, 3; Admitted, 3.


Wm. R. Bennington W. M. C. A. Lewis Sec . S. W. Jesse H. Baskett S. D. John F. Smith James C. Shumate.•••••J. W. T. A. Piner J. D. Treas. T. S. Staples Tyler. John J. Martin Members-Levi Myers, P. C. Piner, Benjamin H. Ballard, Geo. W. Shumate, James T. Ballard, William Clark, Daniel Webber, John E. Henry, C. H. Carothers, W. H. Martin, James T. Baskett, John T. Board, Ben Cooley. Initiated, 9; Passed, 9; Raised, 7; Admitted, 2.



'l'USCUMBlA LODGE No. 169-33



D. F. Martin W. M. John D. Read Sec. Wm. 8. Watkins 8. W. Wm. Hawkins S. D. Wm. C. McCubbin J. W. D. Livingston J. D. D. Cummings '1'reas. J. H. Karr Tyler. Members-J. L. Fulkerson, John D. Read, Henry Brockman, ThODlas Scott, J. K. Howell, Jacob E. McComb, Dan'l Etter, E. B. Farley, James Johnston, L. H. Davis, C. O. Curtman, E. W. Golden, G. W. Wood, Job!. Humes, Presley Hawkins, H. A. Jacobs, Philip Bell, A. Thornbury, John Goft', Wilson Lenox, Jos. Johnson, Wm. N. Livingston, Re~. S. A. Blebey, G. LUdermill, J. J. Klossner, James M. Brockman. Initiated, 5; Passed, 9 j Raised, 11 j Admitted, 8.




William Hixon W. M. D. K. Stookton Sec. John S. Harper, P. M.•.S. W. John Lowe 8. D. John W. Ringo J. W. A. J. Austin J. D. James L. Austin Treas. John Sptoht 8. & T. Members-James M. Paul, R. S. Deering, Payton Lane, Da.vid C. Stone, Wm. C. Austin, George W. Cranmer, Wm. S. Knox, Joseph Themert, A. C. Stone, George W. Bates, B. B. Peck, John Specht, Isaao A. Lauck. Initiated, 1; Passed, 3 j Raised, a j Admitted, 3 j Demitted, 1.


W. W. Good W. M. M. McDonald 8ec. James Lee 8. W. M. T. Lee 8. D. H. M. Ward J. R. W. Kimball J. D. J. M. Ringo Treas. W. S. Doom Tyler. Members-H. C. Lee, Thos. Cotton, R. C. Ross, B. G. McElmurry, John C. Gray, W. G. Cooley, Geo. A. Jordan, T. W. Miers; David Miers, Elias E. Fowler, O. P. White, J. H. Bethune, John Barton, Samuel Ogilvie, Elkanah Matbews, Parhm Stone, P. F. Pierce, R. Slack, J. W. Faris, Geo. D. Cooley, James Strother, W. Sheeks, Bryant Bruce, A. Fry, Joel Ringo. Initiated, 8 j Passed, 5; Raised, 5 j Admitted, 1 j Demitted, 1.




UNION LODGR No. 173-24



Samuel McDowell W. M. Zeno Brown See. J. N. Whyburk S. W. Daniel Woolford S. D. A. Lineberger J. W. R. A. McMana J. D. F. Woolford Trel1s. F. Tinncn Tyler. Members-James R. Walker, P. M.; Frederick Kressa, O. E. Snider, G. W. Perry; Bernard Dolle, S. T. MePike, John Il. Dolle, Wm. B. Wilson, Levi E. Whyburk, P. n. Schell, S. W. Whyhllrk, .Tames McPike, Rohertson Shetley, F. A. Asholder, Morris Hatler, S. J. Kelsey. Initiated, 7; Passed, 5 ; Raised, 6; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 1.




W. G. Jackson W. M. W. It 8chooler Sec. S. D. W. W. Stone S. W. W. If. Callaway IV. H. M:tl"shall J. W. D. Mayer J. D. J. D. Patton Treas. W. Barry Tyler. Members-Sidney Smith, P. 1\1.; W. W. Stone, J. H. Marshall, W. R. Schooler, J. D. Patton, W. II. Callaway, D. Mayer, IV. Barry, II. Vance, W. II. 1I1arshall, H. Canada, J. W. Guthwiler, A. Hicks, N. S. Woods, S. J. Graves, J. 1'. Graves, IV. D. Marney, Jno. Muore, Jas. Brown, Chas. Deer, E. II. Rover, J. S. Schoolen, J. W. Finley, W. G. Jackson, V. Bedford, O. P. Yeates, J. M. Collier, J. A. Dow. Initiated, 5; Passed, 4; Raised, 3; Admitted,2.




M. '1'. Bostick W. M. J. B. Allen, P. Jl Sec. John Weems S. W. W. C. Adams S. D. T. D. Northcutt, P. M.. J. W. G. A. Weems J. D. M. H. Ritohey Treas. S. W. Wolcott Tyler. Melllbers--,J.H. Ross, P. M. ; Isum Holmes, C. J. Bullard, Jesse Breley, A. W. Wormington, G. A. Wager, John Saltsman, C. C. Rice, James Kelley, R. C. Christian, Ja.mes\Huft'man, J. T. Brown, W. G. Commons, E. Carter, J. C. Marshall, G. W. Weems, W. S. Evans. J. T. Bryan, Thos. Wright, John W. Pogne, Geo. D. Bunch, Ira Pogne, Jesse Harris, Robt. Daniel, Wm. Isbell, W. R. Randall, J. M. Ferrell, J. G. Wilson, Henry Sturdy, W. E. Montgomery, Dan'l Adams, A. Atwood. Initiated, 13; PallIIed, 14 i Ra.ised, 8 i Admitted, 1 i Demitted, 2.



POINT PLEASANT LODGE No. 176-17 MEMBERS. OFFICBRS. Wm. J. Wadkins W. M. John Woadnnd Sec. S. W. Freem. Lucienr S. p. John Martin Frederick W. Maulsly J. W. Colbert Luciear J. D. Mordioa Jackson Treas. Jefferson Branham Tyler. Members-James Y. Warren, Thomas P. Hawkins, Sylvester Young, De Rufus King, G. A. Luciear, Lewis P. Fay, Oliver C. Butler, James M. O'Donald, John Woods. . Initiated, 6; Passed, 2; Raised, 2.




One hundred and forty chartered Lodges have a membership 5700 16 Lodges who have failed to make returns, estimate, ...... 300 6000 Initiated within the past year, 876 Passed " " " 742 Raised " " • 688 " Admitted " " 319 " Demitted " " "u 431 H 65 Died Suspended " " " 44 26 Expelled " "



Grand ,<;iecretary's Tabular Statement for .11. n. 1858, as per .firlide X, Section 10, By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. NO.








1 Missouri .......... St. Louis........•. St. Louis .......... First and third Thursdays ... Sept. 4, 1821 2 Meridian .......... South St. Louis., St. Louis.......... Second and fourth Fridays ... May, 1852 3 Beacon ............ St. Louis.......... St. Louis .......... Second and 4th Thursdays.. 1849 " 4 Howard ............ New Franklin.... Howard..... ;...... Saturday before full moon ... 1852 " 5 United ............. Springfield ....... Greene ............ Thursday before full moon ... 1857 " 6 Ark ................ Newark ............ Knox .............. Saturday after full moon.... 1852 " 7 Grover ............. Calhoun .........•. Henry ............. Saturday before full moon... 1852 " 8 Williamsburg ..... Williamsburg ..... Callaway .......... Wednesday before full moon 1852 "

9 Geo.Washington. St. Louis.......... 10 Shawnee .......... New Santa Fe ... 11 Pauldingville·..... Pauldingville ..... 12 Tyro ............... Caledonia .•...•.•• 13 Rising Sun....... Barry .............. 14 Auburn ........... Auburn ....•..•..•. 15 Central ............ Smithville......... 16 Memphis .......... Memphis ....•...•. 17 Clarksville ........ Clarksville ........ 18 Palmyra ........... Palmyra.•.••••••.• 19 Paris Union ...... Paris............... 20 St. Louis ......... St. Louis.......... 21 New London...... New London......

St. Louis.......... Jackson ........... St. Charles ....... Washington..•.... Clay ............... Lincoln ............ Clay ............... Scotland .......... Pike ....'........... Marion ............ Monroe ............ St. Louis..........

Second and fourth Tuesdaye.

.......................... ..... ,...

Friday before full moon ...... Second Saturday.............. Saturday before full moon... First Satur'y bef. full moon. Saturday after full moon .... Friday before full moon ...... Saturday before full moon ... Saturday before full moon ... First Saturday each month.. Firet and third Tuesdays .... Ralls ............... Saturday before full moon...




" "


" "

" "





1858 1852 1825 1852 1852 1852 1852 1830 1831 1835 1836 1837

Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement/or .Ii. D. 1858.-Continued. NO.






Wellington ........ De Kalb .......... Buchanan ......... Saturday before full moon ... May,

23 Florida ............ Florida ............ Monroe ............ Third Saturday in each m'th. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32

33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43


Wyaconda......... Naphthali ......... Mexico............. Temple ............ St. John's ......... Osage.............. Huntsville ......... Liberty ............ Lafayette ......... Ralls ............... Troy ............... Mercer............. Cooper............. Dawson ............ Graham ............ Tully ............... lHt. Moriah....... Bolivar ............ Middle Grove..... Jefferson City.....

Lagrange.......... Lewis .............. Wednesday before full moon St. Louis .......... St. Louis.......... Second and 4th Thursday ... Mexico............. Audrain ........... Third Tuesday................. Melville............ Dade .............. .................................... Hannibal .......... .\ larion ............. Second Saturday.............. I,ittlc Osage ...... Vernon ............ Third Monday ................. Huntsville ........ Randolph.......... Second Saturday ............... Liberty ......... ~ .. Clay................ First Mon'y and 3d Satur'y. Lexington ........ Lafayette.......... Second Monday ............... Madisonville ...... Ralls ............... Second Saturday.............. Troy ............... Lincoln ............ Monday before full moon .... Princeton .......... Mercer............. .................................... Boonville .......... Cooper ............ Fourth Friday ................. Wellington ........ Lafayette ......... ..................................... Pleasant Hill ...... Cass................ Third Friday................... Tully............... Lewis .............. Saturday after full moon .... Bremen ............ St. Louis ......... First and third Saturdays.... B~livar ............ 1 polk............ 路... Fr~day before full moon ..... MIddle Grove..... j Monroe ............ 1 FrIday before full moon ..... Jefferson City..... Cole ............... First Saturda.y................. j 1


" " " "

" "




" "



" "

" "

" "


1852 1852 1853 1839 185 2 1858 183 ~ 185 2 184 o 184o 184o 185.3 1841 1853 1841 1858 1853 1853 1841 1853 185 4 184 1

44 45 46 47 ~ 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60



63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Rochester ......... Bonhomme ....... Martha Washin'n Fa.yette............ Fulton ............. Hayneville ........ Anderson.......... Livingston ........ Wakanda :........ Weston ;:.::: .. :::: Douglass .......... Arrow Rock ...... Platte ............. Richmond ......... Monticello......... La.ncllo8ter ......... New Bloomfield .. Osceola............ Mavsville.......... St. "Mary's ........ Landmark ......... Pattonsburg ...... Linn ............... Rocheport ......... Tebo ............... Alexandria ...... ",

Rochester ......... Manchester........ Washington ...... Fayette ........... Fulton ............. Hayneville ........ Chapel Hill ....... Glasgow .......... qarr?l~ton .... ,.... Weston ::;:::.: ... : Marthasville ...... Arrow Rock....... Platte City ....... Richmond ......... Monticello ......... Lanca.'lter ......... New Bloomfield... Osceola ............ Maysville.......... Perryville.......... ""Varsaw............ Pattonsburg ...... Linn ............... Rocheport ........ Clinton ............ Alexandria ........

Andrew ............ Saturday before full moon ... St. Louis.......... Thursday before full moon ... Franklin .......... Saturday after full moon .... Howard............ ·Monday before full moon .... Callaway .......... First Thursday................. Clinton ............ Saturday after full moon..... Lafayette •......•. .................................... Howard............ Saturday before full moon... Carroll...... : ...... Saturday before full moon ... Pi~tte.: :: ..:....... First and third Saturdays.... VlTarren ........... Saturday before full moon ... Saline ............. Saturday before full moon ... Platte.............. Saturday before full moon ... Ray ............... Saturday before full moon ... Lewis .............. Saturday before full moon ... Schuyler .......... Saturday before full moon ... Ca.llaway ......... First Saturday................. St. Clair .......... 1'irst Thurs'y bet full moon. De Kalb ........... First Mon'y and 2d Satur'y. Perry .............. Saturd:),y before full moon ... Benton ............ Fourth :Friday ................. Daviss ............ Second Saturday .............. Osage ............ Saturday before full moon ... Boone... .......... Second Thursday.............. Henry....... ...... Third Saturday ................ Clark ........... "', Friday before full moon ......





" " "

" " "

" " " " " " "


" " "

" "

" "


1854 1841 1853 1842 1841 1854 1858 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1854 1854 1842 1854 1854 1843 1854 1853 1843 1844 1844

I ~

I>:l C..:> C..:>

Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement/or .fl. D. 1858.-Continued. :-;0.\








70 Roanoke Roanoke 71 Savannah S:1Yannah 72 I Danville Danville 73 Eureka Brunswick......... 74 Warren............ Keytesville 75 Ashley Ashley 76 Independence, Independence 77 Lebanon .'1. Steelville St. Joseph 78 St. Joseph 79 Polar Star St. Louis 80 Bridgeton Bridgeton 81 Neosho Neosho 83 Jackson Linnreus 83 Laclede LebanoH 84 Potter.............. Oak Grove 85 Johnson Warrensburg 86 MitchelL Columbus 87 Washington \ Greenfield 88 Bates Butler II Chilicothe 89 Friendship 90 Prairie Harrisonville...... 91 Madison Madison

. Howard Andrew... Montgomery Chariton.. Chariton........... Pike Jackson Crawford Buchanan St. Louis St. Louis.......... Newton Linn.... Laclede Pettis Johnson Johnson Dade Butler Livingston. Cass............... Monroe

Saturday before full moon... May, Saturday before full moon..." Thursday before full moon.." Thursday before full moon.. " First Satur'y bef. full moon. " Saturday hefore full moon... " " Second Saturdlty Third Saturday........... " First and third Saturdays.... " Second and 4th Wednesday. " Monday before full moon... " First Saturday.... " Saturday before full mOOH... " Wednesday before full moon. " First Saturday................ " Charter restored " Friday before full moon .. " Friday before full moon .. " : . " First Satur'y bef. full moon. " Thursday before full moon. " Second Saturday .. "

1854 1844 184-1 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 185! 1854 18t:i0 1847 1858 18路:1:7 1847 1847

92 93 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 100 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

Perseverance...... St. Mark's ........ Acacia ............ St. Andrew's...... Bethany ........... Webster............ Mt. Vernon ...... Canton............. Easton ............ Bloomington...... Carthage .......... Heroine...... " .... Relief ............. Laporte............ Golden Square ... New Madrid ...... Montezuma ....... Marcus.•..·. ........ Trenton............ Ezell ............... Plattsburg......... Waverly ........... Sibley...•.••.••.... 1 Daviss ............. Versailles.......... Hiram..............

Louisiana ......... Cape Girardeau.. Jackson............ Shelbyville ........ Bethany ........... Marshfield ......... Mt. Vernon ...... Canton............. Easton ............ Bloomington...... Carthage .......... Kansas ............. Georgetown ...... Laporte ............ Westport .......... New Madrid ...... Santa Fe .......... Fredericktown ... Trenton............ St. Francisville ... Plattsburg......... Waverly ........... Sibley.............. Gallatin ........... Versailles......•••• St. Charles ........

Pike .....•..•....•. Monday belore full moon .... Cape Girardeau.. Tuesday before full moon.... Capc Girardeau.. .................................... Shelby............. First Monday.................. Harrison .......... Saturday before full moon ... Webster ........... .................................... Lawrence.....•...• Second Tuesday............... Lewis .............. Saturday b~fore full moon... Buchanan ......... .................................... Macon ............ Friday before third Sunday.. Third Friday .................. Jasper ......... Jackson ........... Saturday before full moon ... Pettis.............. First Monda.y .................. Macon .... :........ Jackson ........... Friday before full moon...... New Madrid ...... Saturday before full moon ... Santa Fe,N.Mex. First Saturday each month•• Madison .......... Fourth Saturda.y .............. Grundy............. Third Thursday................ Clark .............. Saturday before full moon ... Clinton ............ Saturday before full moon ... Lafayette ......... Friday before full moon...... Jackson ........... Saturday before full moon ... DavisB ............ First Mondal .................. Morgan............ Third Satur ay ................ St. Charles ...... Monday before full moon.... . . . . . . . II ••• 11.,1.11 • • • • • • • II • • • • • • • •

" "

" " "

" " "

"" "




" "

"" "

" " " " "


1847 1847 1848 1848 1854 1858 1849 1848 1858 1848 1849 1849 1849 1858 1849 1849 1851





1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850



Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement for .11. NO.









119 ]'oster.............. Benton ............. Scott............... First Saturday................. May, 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 138 139 140 141

Compass .......... Erwin .............. Dover ............. Hermann ......... Cedar .............. Gentryvill& ••..... Seaman ............ Athens ............ Kirksville ......... Constantine ....... Wedt Prairie ...... Potosi .............. Farmington ...... Star of the West Sarcoxie .......... Ridgely............ Phoonix ............ Round Prairie ... , Oregon ............ Pappinville........ Middlebury .......

Parkville........... St. Louis .......... Dover .............. Hermann ..•••.•... Fremont .......... Gentryville ....... Milan .............. Athens............. Kirksville.......... Charleston ........ West Prairie...... Potosi ............... F armmgton -. . ...... Arcadia .......... Sarcoxie .......... Ridgely ............ Bowling Green ... Newark ............ Oregon ............ Pappinville........ Middlebury........

Platte ............. Wednesday before full moon. St. Louis .......... Second and fourth Fridays.. Lafayette ......... Saturday before full moon ... Gasconade ........ Third Monday .................. Cedar .............. Thursday before full moon ... Gentry............. First and third Saturdays.... Sullivan ........... Gentry............. Second and 4th Saturdays ... Adair .............. ..................................... Mississippi ....... Saturday before full moon ... Dunklin ........... .................................... Washington....... Saturday before full moon ... St. Francois ...... S:>.turday before full moon ... Madison .......... Saturday before full moon ... Jasper ............. Second and 4th Saturdays ... Platte ............. Second and 4th Saturdays ... Pike................ Thursday before full moon ... Andrew............ Saturday before full moon ... Holt' ............... Saturday after full moon .... Bates .............. .................................... Mercer............. Third Wednesday.............. t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• • • • • • • • • •

" " "

" " " "


" " " l' "

" "




" " "

1850 1850 1850 1850 Ul50 1856 1850 1858 1851 1851 1858 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1855 1855 1855 1858 1855


142 143 144 145 146 147

Pleasant Grove ... Flint Hill. ......... John Dade ........ Rising Sun........ McGee ............ Buffalo............. 148 yancey ............ 149 Lexington ......... 150 Birming ........... 151 Milton ............. 152 Linn Creek ....... 154 Concord ........... 155 Spring Hill.. ...... 157 North Star ........ 158 Cornwell. .......... 159 Pacific ............. 160 Edina .............. 162 Whitesville ....... 163 Occidental ..•....•. 164 Joachim ........... 165 Maryvlllp........... 166 Mirabile ". ........... 167 Eldorado ... ....... 168 Fairmount ........ 169 Tuscumbia ........ 170 Benevolence.......

Otterville ......... Flint Hill .......... Cassville........... Ebenezer .......... McGee College... Buffalo............. Rutledge........... L~xi~gton ........ Blrmmg ........... Milton ............. Linn Creek........ Concord ........... Spring Hill ....... Rockport .......... Rose HilI.. ........ Franklin........... Edina .............. 'Whitesville ........ St. Louis .......... Hillsboro' ......... Maryville.......... Mirabile ........... Luray ............. Fairmount......... Tuscumbia ........ Utica...............

Cooper............. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Charles....... Monday after full moon...... ·Barry .............. Monday after full moon .. :... Greene ............ .................................... 1vlacon ............. Saturday before 4th Sunday. Dallas ............. .................................... McDonald ......... '.................................... Lafayette ......... .................................... Buchanan ......... .................................... Randolph.......... First Saturday................. Camden............ Saturday before full moon ... Callaway ......... .................................... Livingston ........ First Monday .................. Atchison........... Saturday before full moon.:. Johnson ........... Friday before full moon ...... Franklin .......... Saturday before full moon ... I{nox............... Saturday before full moon ... Andrew ............ Secon<l Saturday .............. St. Louis.......... Second and fourth Mondn,ys. Jefferson .......... .................................... Nodaway ......... First Saturday ................. Caldwell .......... First Saturday ................. Clark .............. Saturday after full moon .... Clark .............. Saturday after full moon .... Miller.............. Saturuay after full moon .... Livingston ........ .Saturday after full O1oon ....


" "


" " "


" "

" "

" "





" "

" "





1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1858 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857

> ~ ~

t%J ~



~ ~ ~

Grand Secretary's Tabular Statementfor .11. NO.






n. 1858.-Continued. TIllS OF XEETINO.


111 Hartford.........•. Hartford........... Putnam ............ Friday before full moon ...... May, Wolf Island ...... Mississippi. ....... Monday before full moon.... "

172 Wolf Island ...... 113 Union ............. 174 Sturgeon .......... 175 Newton ............ 176 Point Pleasant ...

177 Winchester........ 178

Griswold ..........

179 Pride of the West 180 Kenner ............

Woolford's Store. Sturgeon .......... Oliver's Prairie ... Point Pleasant ... Winchester :...... Bear Creek........ St. Louis.......... Athens.............

Bollinger ......... Saturday after full moon .... Boone.............. First Friday.................... Newton ............ First Saturday ................. New Madrid ...... Friday before full moon...... Cla.rk............... .................................... Montgomery ...... .................................... St. Louis ......... .................................... Clark .............. . ...................................

" " " " "

" "


1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858




Of Missouri for the year 1858. M. W. Sam'l H. Saunders, Grand Master, Otterville. Rt. W. Marcus Boyd, Deputy Grand Master, Springfield. ,, Rt. W. John F. Houston, Gr~'S;Warden, CarrollCo~ Rt. W. John Decker, Gr. J. Warden, St. Louis. Rt. W. John D. Daggett, Gr. Treasurer, St. Louis. Rt. W. A. O'Sullivan, Gr. Secretary, St. Louis. W. Sam'l M. Hayes, Gr. S. Deacon, Platte Co. w. W. R. Peneck, Gr. J. Deacon, St. Joseph. W. A. Stille, Gr. Tyler, St. Louis. PAST GRAND OFFICERS

Present during Communication of Grand Lodge. M. W. S. W. B. Carnegy, P. G. M. M. W. John Ralls, P. G. M. M. W. Joseph Foster, P. G. M. M. W. L. S. Cornwell, P. G. M. Rt. W. Geo. H. C. Melody, P. D. G. M. Rt. W. S. F. Currie, P. D. G. M. Rt. W. O. F. Potter, P. D. G. M. Rt. W. C. Osborn, P. G. W. Rt. W. E. F. Greenleaf, D. D. G. M. Rt. W. John H. Turner, D. D. G. M. Rt. W. Geo. Witcomb, D. D. G. M. Rt. W. John W. Luke, D. D. G. M. Rt. W. SyI. C. Griswold, D. D. G. M. Rt. W. L. E. Williamson, D. D. G. M. PAST MASTERS. R. Raphael. B. Goldsmit.




In the Grand Lodge of Missouri, at the .flnnual Communication, in May; 1858. (Those marked -, are Proxies.)


Missouri, St. Louis

2 Meridian, St. Louis 3 Beacon, St. Louis

5 7 8 9

United, Springfield Grover, Calhoun Williamsburg, Williamsburg Geo. Washington, St. Louis

11 13 14 16 17 18 22 23 24 25

Pauldingville, PauldingvillEl Rising Sun, Barry Auburn, Auburn Memphis, Memphls Clarksville, Clarksville Palmyra, Palmyra Wellington, De Kalb Florida, Florida Wyaconda, Lagrange , Nll.phthali,St. Louis

26 MexicQ, Mexico 28 St. Johns, Hannibal.. 29 Osage, Little Osage 31 Liberty, Liberty 32 Lafayette, Lexington

J ohn D. Daggett "'w. M. R. S. Voorhies S. W. A. Newmark J. W. A. O'Sullivan "'W. M. Jos. Crooks W. M. J. B. Mears *S. W. A. Squires J. W. Marcus Boyd ~f. James A. Tutt *S. W. E. V. Dyson "'S; W. D. Embry "'W. M. D. A. Armstrong *S. W. J. L. Gillespie J. W. G. A. Kenner W. M. M. T. 8amuel. *S. W. Wm. M. Reynolds W. M. Charles Martin "'W. M. T. R. Vaughn W. M. Robert Ca.nan "'w. M. J. T. Ma.rtin W. M. William White 8. W. Thos. E'. Shepherd..W. M. John Decker W. M. J. H. McLane S. W. Isidore Turk J. W. 8. M. Edwards W. M. N. P. Kunkle W. M. L. Dodge W. M. F. L. Hubbell W. M'J. L. Steadman "'s. W. William T. Davis *J. W.



33 34 36 39 40



44 45 49 50 51 52 53 ,54 05 56 58 60

64 66 67 68 69 70 71

Ralls, Madisonville Troy, Troy Cooper, Boonville Tully, Tully Mt. Moriah, Bremt:ll


J ohn Ralls *W. M. G. W. Porter W. M. JohnAinslie *J. W. H. M. Woodyard W. M. Wm. McK. Brooke..W. M. S. B. Stannard S. W. Jos. Brookc *J. W. Middle Grove, Middle Grove R. P. Ritchie *J. W. Rochester, Rochester Henry Blount *w. M. Bonhomme, Manchester A. B. Barbee *W. M. William S. Chunn S. W. D. Newman *J. W. Hayneville, Hayneville John R. King *W. M. Middletown, Middl<Jtown Henry Shadwell W. M. John H. Turner W. M. Livingston, Glasgow Wakanda, Carrollton William H. Winfrey.W. M. John F. Houston *S. W. James E. Drake *J. W. S. P. McQurdy W. M. Weston, Weston *J. W. Elias Barbee Douglaes, MarthasVille Sylv. C. Griswold.. *S. W. *J. W. M. D. Waller Arrow Rock, AlTOWRock O. F. Potter *W. M. J. L. Hardeman S. W. Platte, Platte City Samuel M. Hays W. M. Monticello, Monticello .....•.....•Hoard Roberts ·W. M. New Bloomfield, New Bloomfield.J. L. Chaney S. W. V. O. Austin J. W. Landmark, Warsaw W. Kilbuck S. W. Linn, Linn T. M. Herndon W. M. Rocheport, Rocheport F. D. Evans *S. W. Tebo, Clinton T. H. Suttles W. M. R. L. Quarles S. W. s. P. Ashby J. W. Alexandria, Alexandria E. F. Greenleaf W. M. Roanoke, Roanoke : J. R. Bradford W. M. Sl1vannah, Savannah O. H. P. Craig *W. M.




72 Danville, Danville 73 Eureka, Brunswick 75 Ashley, Ashley 76 Independence, Independence 77 Lebanon, Steelville 78 St. Joseph, St. Joseph 80 82 83

Bridgeton, Bridgeton Jackson, Linnreus Laclede, Lebanon

66 Mitchell, Columbus 92 Perseverance, Louisiana 93 100

St. Marks, Cape Girardeau Canton, Canton

102 104 112 113 117 121 122 123 129

Bloomington, Bloomington Heroine, Kansas Ezell, St. Francisville Plattsburg, Plattsburg Versailles, Versailles Erwin, St. Louis Dover, Dover Hermann, Hermann Constantine, Charleston

131 142 143 147

Potosi, Potosi Pleasant Grove, Otterville Flint Hill, Flint Hill Buffalo, Buffalo

149 Lexington, Lexington 154 Concord, Concord 155 Spring Hill, Spring Hill

G. R. Milton ·W. M. W. D. Bush J. W. R. H. Dicky ·W. M. A. F. Tra.ynor W. M. B. F. Walla.ce ·S. W. A. Metcalf ·W. M. W. R. Penick W. M. JOB. Grubb *S. W. R. T. Edmundson ..W. M. J. R. Relfe W.M. O. S. Williams W. M. J. B. Harrison J. W. L. S. Cornwell W. M. Ed. McCuen ·W. M. Thomas J. C. Fagg.J. W. William Bouney....*S. W. S. W. B. Carnegy..W. M. Z. T. Knight *J. W. T. B. Howe W. M. G. W. Tindale S. W. D. M. Repsher W. M. G. W. Culver W. M. Daniel Williams W. M. F. W. Sennewald W. M. J. H. Mallory W. W. Charles D. Eitzen..*S. W. W. G. Cooley *W. M. W. P. Swank S. W. W. H. Goodin *J. W. F. H. L. Laird *S. W. S. H. Saunders *W. M. F. S. Whitehead W. M. John Steele W. M. J. H. Paine *S. W. Robert Hale ·S. W. .s. N. Russell *J. W. A. D. Martin W. M.



159 Pacific, Franklin 160 Edina, Edina 163 164

Occidental, 8t. Louill Joachim, Hillaboro'

165 166 167 169 170 172 173 114

Maryville, Maryville Mirabile, Mirabile Eldorado, Luray Tuscumbia, Tuscumbia Benevolence, Utica Wolf Island, Wolf Island Union, Woolford's Store Sturgeon, Sturgeon


J. B. H. Beale W. M. 8. M. Wirt *W. M. W. G. Bryant J. W. W. N. Loker 8. W. A. P. Hesser W. M. E. F. Horrey 8. W. E. Downing W. M. S. R. :R.ay W. M. J. J. Agnew *W. M. D. F. Martin W. M. William Hixon W. M. George Whitcomb..*S. W. J. S. Kelsey *W. M. Absalom Hicks *W. M.



SUSPENDED. Beacon No. Howard, " United, " Williamsburg, .. ......" Tyro, " Palmyra, " " " " " Wellington, " " " Naphthali, " " " Lafayette, " Tully, " Rochester, " Martha Washington,. " " " " " " " " " " Weston, " " " " " Platte, " Richmond, : " " " Landmark " " " " " Linn, " St. Joseph, " " •• • " " "

3, John P. Cassilly, non-payment dues. 4, John H. White. 5, Henry Chenoweth. 8, William E. Dillard. 12, P. F. Bonney, non-payment dues. 18, J. B. Ousley, " " 18, M. Pryer, "" 18, S. T. Finley, " " 22, Joseph Mark, unmasonic conduct. 22, Joseph Ivins, " " 25, John C. Bleakey. 25, Julius M. Ward. 32, Sam'l B. Shannon, non-pay't dues. 39, P. C. Pollock, unmasonic conduct. 44, Jac·ob Fist. 46, S. E. Williams. 46, Thos. Wilkins. 46, Wm. R. Massie. 46, S. Richardson. 53, E. Jenkins. 53, A. T. Owens. 53, A. Stines. 56, L. P. Stiles. 57, Thos. J. Bohunner. 57, Chas. Goldsmith. 64, Chas. A. Clark, non-paym't dues. " 64, Sam'l C. Burnett," 64, Joel Y. Wilson, " " 66, Jas. S. Ladd, unma.sonic conduct. 78, H. Sma.llwood. 78, Lewis Tracy. 78. B. H. Twombly.

245 St. Joseph, " Polar Star,

" Prairie, " Bethany, Mt. Vernon, Carthage, Heroine, Hiram, Athens,

No. 78, F. E. Dimick. " 78, August Moore. " 79, R. H. Cochra.n. " 79, C. H. Stone. " 90, Chas. Hamilton, non-paym't dues. ,. 90, David Lykins, " " " 97, Allen S. Meek. " 99, John Britten. "103, Joseph Doughty. "104, Sam'l A. King, non-aft'. "118, H. C. Easton, non-payment dues. ~..... "121, William Black, " "




5, J ohn W. Chenoweth. 5, .. '" '" ....•••••••... '" '" '" "' .. '" '" '" ...R. A. Hutrard. 21, "' .. '" "''II' '" "' •• "' •• 'II.' John Mace.


22, ..•.. '" .••• '" '" '" .•..•• '" '" '" '" '"

" "


United, •.••••••••••No.



New London, .... Wellington, ...... Naphthali,........ Cooper, ........... Bolivar, .......... Jefferson City, ... Haynesville, ••.••• Richmond, ....... Lancaster,........ St. Mary's, ...... Landmark, ....... Linn, ..............

Roanoke, .........


Lebanon, .........

" "

Jackson, .......... Laclede, ........... Perseverance,.... Montezuma, ••.••• Waverly, .......... Round Prairie,.'. Pleasant Grove, •


" " "

" " "



" " "



" " " " "

" "

"''II • • • • • '" "'. '" '" '" "' • •

'" '"

Leroy Been. Eugene Alcan.

36, ....•.........................W. W. Norris.. 41, Dozier C. Gill. 48, .. "' '" '" '" "''II ••••• "' '" "' •• William Pride. 49, W. S. Check. 57, "' J os. B. IIines. 59,....•...••....•............. Wm. Cetleliven. 68, .............•............. W. A. Leftwich. 64, Jas. Erwin. 66, Sam'l N. Roser. 70, .................•..........H. W. Marquis. 70•........•........................H. D. Ford. 'II • • • • • • • •

77, B. H. Bolin. 77, P. S. Baertorf. 77, L. M. Johnson. 82, ............••............. Gideon K. Holt. L. M. Johnson. 83, 92, William Kelly, non-aff. 109, Benj. F. Reed. 114, .................•............. E. W. Lewis.

188, 142,

John N. Elliott.

Ju. H. Reynolds.



Annual Communic&'ion of Gr. L. A. F. and A. M. of Mo., Proceedings of. 3 Address of Grand Mestcr ;........ '1 Arkallllns, Review of Aooual Communicstion by Committee on Foreign Correspondence,.. 34 Accouots, Committee 19 Applications and Communications, Committee on........................................... 16 Annual Report of President of Masonic College 80 Account of Board of Endowment Fund Commissioners with Gr. L. of Mo............ 84 Annual Report of Gr. Secretary of his acts of past year.................................... 94 Amendments to By-Laws proposed 1l18t year, rejected....................................... 91 Appointment of D. D. Grand MaBters by the M. W. Gr. Master 154 " """ " 156 " Grand Chaplains " " Grand Lectorer " " "" " .. 156 " Committee on Foreign Correspondence '156 Adjournment of Grand Lodge 166 Appendix : 157 Abstract of Reports of Grand Lodges of the United St..tes 159 Account of Moneys received by Gr. Secretary, after publicstion of Proceedings of 1857 161 Account of Grand Secretary with Gro.nd Lodge of Mo., 1858 162 to 167 Account of Grand Treasurer" "" " 169 Annual Returns of Subordinate Lodges 170 Ark Lodge No.6, List of Members 173 Auburn Lodge No. 14, List of M.mbers 175 Arrow Rock Lodge No. 55, List of Memben 190 Alexandria " "69, u" " 196 Ashley " " 75, " " " 198 Acacia. II /1 95, II II It 205 Athens " " 127, " " " 216 Annual Tabular Statement of Subordinate Lodges, by Gr. Secreta.ry 231


II. By-Law~, Committee on...............................................................................

Bellcon Lodge No.3, List of Members ~t

78 171



Bonbomme "



Bridg-eton ,t






" 97, "



Doli var



41, 80,




Bloomington Lodge No. 102, List of Members Buffalo " " 147, " " " Benevolence " "170,"" "

208 220 227

o. Committee on Credentials, Report of............................................................. 4 Canan, Bro., Resolution of, relative to Proceedings of Annual Communication... 7 Carnegy, Bro., Resolution of, reli.tive to Gr. Master's Addre88.......................... 32 Committee of Foreign Correspondence, Report of............................................ 33 California, Review of Annual Communication, by Com. on For. Correspondence.. 35 Connecticut,





Committee " " " " " "


on Unfinished Businells................................................................. "Lodges U. D........................................................................... "Accounts.. "Waysand Means..................................................................... "Charity.................................................................................. "Applicstions and Communications............................................ "Masonic College..................................................................... " (I Grievo.nce ..•........ ..•. " "Chartered Lodges........ " "By-Laws " of Charity, Report of, relative to aftlicted Brother from Ohio •••••••••• " on Uniformity of Work............................................................... " "Universal Congress.................................................................. " "Application for Dispensations, minority Repon of, relative to the formation of a new Lodge in St. Louis. , Committee on Grievance, Report relative to expulsion of Bro. Thornton It " " " II (, sundry ap~lI " "Lodges U. D., " " "their proceedings " tI "


"Accounts, report relative to acc't of Bro. Currie n n By-L&W8 of Chartered Lodges, report relative thereto tl Uniformity of Work, report rela.tive thereto


79 79 79 79 79 '19 79 79 79 79 92 93 113 99 100 161 162 108 108 111

"Chartered Lodges, report relatin to due. from eame 120 " " " "to printing of Proceedin~ 122 " .. Applications and. Communicationa, reports relative to memorial of Gentry Lodge No. 125 122 Committee on Applications and Communication., report relative to memorial from Bro. J. A. Lindsay, of Bolivar Lodge No. 41. 124 Committee on Applications and Communications, report relative to memorial of eleven M. Masons, from the town of Springfield 124Committee on AppliCll-tions and Communic..tions, report relative to communicll-tion of 18 members of Sarcoxie Lodge No. 134, and to communication of Bro. W. P. Johnson, of Carthage 125 Committee on Mil-sonic College, report relative thereto 12'1 " "Grl<nd Secretary and Treasurer's Books, report relative thereto 147 " Applications lLnd Communications, report relative to communication of TUlly Lodge No. 39 148 Committee on Applications and Communications, report relative to communication of Mirabilo Lodge No. 166 149 Currie, Bro., resolution in favor of hi. demand 1411 Committee on Universl\1 CO'.lgretls, report relative to .the ten propo.itions 1IiO



Committee on Ways and Means, report relative to the resources of Grand Lodge 150 152 Currie, Bro., resolution relative to widow of Bro. Patterson, dec'd Committee on Foreign Correspondence, appointment by Gr. Master 156 Central Lodge No. 15, List of Members (n<> returns) 1'16 Clarksville Lodge No. 1'1, List of Members 176 Cooper " 36, u" U 183 Canton U U 100, u" ." 207 " 103, " " U 208 Carthage Compaes " U 120, "" " 214 Cedar "124, , , " U 215 Constantine U U 129, u" " 217 Concord " "154,"" " .. 222 Cornwell " "158, u " " (no returns) 223

D. Daggett, Bro., resolution of, relative to Lodges U. D.................. Delaware, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence... Draper, Bro., resolution rel..tive to Masonic Law Deaths of Bros. DoJlam, Douglass and Pettit, report from Select Committee relative thereto , Decker, Bro., resolutions relative to disposing of Ma.sonic College Dallam, Rt. W. Ilro. Richard B., memory of Douglass, Rt. W. Bro. Alex. T., memory of Davis, Bro., resolution relative to appointing Curators for Masonic College Decker, Bro., resolution relative to Endowment Fund Commissioners D. D. Grand Ma.sters, appointments by the M. W. Grand Master Douglass Lodge No. 54, List of Members Danville ~l 72, it •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " Davis U " 116, Dover " "122, " " "

7 42 119 132 136 141 143 152 152 154 190 197 213 21li

E. Eleventh District, Report of D. D. Gr. Master 18 Eighteen th " ,,'.. 22 Endowment Fund Commissioners, Board oi, in account with Gr. L. of Mo.......... 84 Election of Grand Officers 111 Eureka Lodge No. 73, List of Members 197 Ezell "112, " " " 211 Erwin " "121," " 214 Edina " "160," " 224 Eldorado" "167," " " 226 Expulsions 246 F.'

Fourth District, Report of D. D. Gr. Master : Foreign Con'espondence, Report of Committee................................................ Friday morning Proceedings "afternoon Florida Lodge No. 23, List of Members Fayette " "47," "(no returns.) eo }'ulton " 48, " " "


14 33 119 131 179 18" 187



Friend8hip Lodge No. 8~, List of Members ]<'oster Lodge No. 119, Li.t of (no returns)路 Fnrmington Lodge No. 132, LiBt of Members Flint Hi 11 " 143, }"nirmount ., loS, il

203 214 217 220 226

G. Graud Officers, List of..... 3 Grand Master's Address..... 7 Georgia, Reyiew of Annuu 1 Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence...... 43 Grievances, Committee on............... 79 Grand Master's Address, Report hy Committee of............................................. 92 Grand Secretary's Annual Report of his acts for past year.. 94 Grand Officers, Election of III " Installation of 119 Grand Lodge of Virginia, Report of special Committee on Circular 153 Grand Chaplains, appointment by M. W. Grand Master 156 Grand Lecturer.............................. 156 Grand Lodges of the United States, Abstract of Reports 159 Grand Secretary's account with Grand Lodge of Missouri-1858 162-167 Grand TrelLSurer's account with Grand Lodge of Missouri-1858 169 Grover Lodge No.7, List of Memhers 173 George Washington Lodge No.9, List of Members 174 Graham " 38, " (no returns) 184 G olden Square " " 107, " " 209 Gentryville "125, " 216 Grand Secretary's Annual Tabular Statement of Subordinate Lodges 231

H. Houston, Dro. J. F., Resolution relative to granting demits by Subordinate Lodges Howard Lodge No.4, List of Members Huntsville 30, " " lIa.ynesville" 49," Heroine " 104," Hiram "118," Hermann 123, "

97 171 181 188 208 213 215

I. Illinois, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence...... 44 Indiana, " " 46 Iowa, 48 Installation of Gra.nd Officers 119 Independence I,odb'e No. 76, List of Members ; 198 Index 247 J.

J ef!'erson City Lodge No. 43, List of Members J llCk50n u " 82, U ................................................. ................................................. Johnson " 85, " ................................................. John Dade (( 144, " ................................................. .J oachim "164, "

186 201 202 220 225



K. Kansas, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence....... 51 Kentucky, It tI II " " 52 Knox, Henry, ordered to be sent to Masonic College 152

L. List of Grand Ollicers •...•. .•.... ..• 3 " Past Grand Officers 4 Louisiana, Re"iew of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondenc.... 54 Lodges U. D., Committee on......................................................................... 79 I.ist of Members of Missouri Lodge No.1 170 " " Meridian" "2 170 "Beacon 3 171 " " " Howard" 4 In " " Unite<! " .'i...... 172 " Ark " 6 173 " Grover " 7 173 'I Williamsburgh Lodg;e No.8 173 Geo. Washington" i' 9.•........••.....••.......•..•..•.•••...••..• 174 " Pauldingville II '( 11 ........•.•...•...•.........................• 174 " " Tyro " 12 175 " " Rising Sun " 13 17.'i " }.ubnrn It 14..••...............•••......•.•.............. 175 " " Central " " 15 (no returns) 176 Memphis "It 16....•.....•.....•..........•....•............ 176 " " Cla.rksville II U 17 ....•.••.............•........•.. '. ..••....... 176 Palmyra " 18................. 177 " " Paris Union II" 19•.........•...........•.......•.••..........• 177 St. Louis 20 178 44 "21 1'18 New London " " Wellington " 22..... 178 Florida " " 23.......... 179 W,a.conda. " " 24: 179 " Napbtbali " 25 180 " " Mexico tt 26..... ••................. 180 " St. John'8 4' It 28 181 " " 29 "181 Osage " Huntsville " 30 (no returns) 181 " Liberty " " 31. 181 " " Lafayette " 32 182 Ralls I' tt 33 182 Troy " 34 183 " " Mercer It 35 183 Cooper , t " 36 1.83 Grabam " 38 (no returns) 184 " Tully " 39 184 Mt. Moriah " 40 184 " Bolivar " 41. '" 185 Middle Grove " 42 185 Jefferson Cit.y " "43 186 Rochester "II 44. .•....•...... ..•... .•. .••........•.......... 186 "



List of Membpl<8 of Bonhomme Lodge No. 45 (I 46••••••••••••..•• ~ Martha Washington " " 47 (no returns) Fayette " " " j8.•.••.••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fulton " " " " 49 Haynesville " " It 51 Livingston " " 52........•.•••.•••...•••..•••.•...•.•••..•.•.• Wakanda It 53 ...••.•••••.••••....••••••••••••.•••••..•••.• Westno " " Douglass " " tt 64 Arrow Rock " ,t 65 Platte " 56 ...........•.•••..••.....•..........•....••.. " Richmond II 5'1•....••.•••••.•••••...••..••....•.•..•....•.. " Monticello " " " II 58 Lancaster " 59...•..•.•••.••.•••..•.•.•.•..•......•...•.••.. " " « 60 New Bloomfield " " " Osceola II 61•...•..••..........•.••••.••..•.••.•........• Marksville " " " i t 62· (no returns) Saint M ..ry's tlS :: L..ndmark· " II 64•.•..•••••..•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• Pattonsbur,; II 65 " Linn " II 66•..••••.• Rocheport 67 " Tebo II 68 " Alexandria " II 69 ....•.••.•••••..••.•••••••••••••.••••••••••.• Ro..noke el 70 " Savannah " e( 71 Danville 72 " " Eureka " " II '13 Warreu " Ie '14 Ashley " 75...•...•.•.••...••.•.••..•••....••...•...••.• Independence II 76 Lebanon 77 " St. Joseph 78 Polar Star " " II 79 Bridgeton 80 " " Neosho 81 (no returns) " " " Jackson " Ie 82•.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••..••.•••••.•..•. Laclede " 83 ••..••••......•...•••.••••....•.•.....•....•• " It Potter 84 " " Johnson Ie 85 " Mitchell 86 " " Wll.bington " II 87 ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.••..•••••••• l<'riendship " " " II 89••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••..•••.•.••••••• Prairie II 90 Madison II 91 ••...........••......••.••...•...•......•.... " Perseverance " " 92 St. Marks Ie 93 Acaeio. II 95 " u



187 187 188

188 189 189 190 190



191 192


192. 193 193, 193



St. Anurew's

Bethany Mt. Vernon






194: 194 195 195 195

196 196

196 197 191 198

198 198

199 199 200

201 201 201 201 202 202 202 2U3 203 20,( 204 205 205

205 96 206 97 ..•••..••.••••••.•.....•.•...•.......•....•.• 206




INDEX. Lodge No. 100 List of Members of Canton ,t 102 " Bloomington ,t 103 " Cartbage " " Heroine " it" 104 105 " Relief " 107 " Golden Square " " ,& 108 New Madrid " 109 " Montezuma. " 110 (no returns) Marcus " " " " Trenton " " 111 " Eaell " " " 112 tt 113 Plattsburg 114 Waverly t. 115 Sibley " Davis " u 116 (no returns) Versailles " 117 Hiram 118 119 (no returns) Foster " 120 Compass





" '" ((

" ((


Erwin Dover Hermann Cedar Gentryville Athens Constantine Potoei Farmington Stn.r of the West Ridgely Phoonix Round Prairie Oregon Middlebm'g" Pleasant Grove Flint Hill John Dade McGee Buffal0 Yancey

" " " " " " "

" "

" " " " "



Milton Linn Creek Concord Spring Rill Nortb Star Cornwell Pacific Edina Wbitesville Occidental

207 208 208




213 213 213 214 214



215 215 215 216 216 217 217 217 218 218 21&

" 139 H 141 (no returns) " 1,12 1.:1.

219 219 219 220 220

" 144



208 209 209 '210 210 2JJ 211 211 212 212

" 122 'I 123 (( 124........•.................................... 125 " 127 ,t 129 131 I' 132 II 133 (no returns) II 1;;5 (no returns) 136 II 1~8 ~ .....................•...................



" "



l~G (no returns)



" 1.17


" ]48





" 15]


" " " " "

152 15,1 155 157 158 (no returns)

222 222 223 223 223





" 160


" ]62 (no retur~8) II 163

224 224

254 Li~t


of Memben of Joachim Lodge No. 154 Maryville if 165~ " Mirabile ,t 166 Eldorado " " 161 Fairmount " 't 168 Tuscumbia. " " 169 Benevolence " 170 " Wolf Island " 172 " Union " 173 Sturgeon " " ,t 174 Newton It 175 Point Pleasant. I( 176

225 ~ •...•••••• ..................


225 226

226 226 227 227 227 228 228 228 229

M. Monday afternoon, Proceedings of 7 Maine, Review of Annual Communication, by Com. on Foreign Correspondence.. 5ll Marylo.nd, It It " U 60 Michigan, " ( t U It 61 Minnesota, .. "62 Massachusetts, Review of " "" 62 M onic College, Communication on.......................... 79 Annual Report by President..................... 80 Memorial from 'rebo Lodge received 108 Tully Lodge No. 39 received 112 of Middletown Lodge No. 50, report of Special Committe relative " thereto ,..•...... ........••....••............... ] 13 Memorial of Polar Star Lodge No. 79, relative to election of c.rtain officers 119 Memory of Bro. Arcbibald Patterson 139 " Rt. W. Bro. Richard B. Dallam 141 Rt. W. Bro. Alex. T. Dougl s 143 It

Rt. W. Bro. Geo. Pettit


Milton, Bro., resolution relative to Gr. Tyler'. services, .tc Missouri Lodge No.1, List of Members Meridia.n 2, .. .

152 170 171

Memphis Mexico Mercer

16, 26,






176 180









MI.. Moriah, " 40, " Middle Grove Lodge No. 42, List of Members Martba Washington Lodge No. 46, List of Members Monticello Lodge No. 58, List of Members Marksville (( 62, It It (no returns) Mitchell " 86, " Madison .. 91, .. . MI.. Vernon" "99," " Montezuma" "l09," Marcus .. 110, " (no return~) Middleburg," "141," (no returns)

]84 185 187 ]92 ]93 202 204 207 210 211 219




Milton Maryville

"151, " .. 165, "









(no returDs)



222 225 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••




N. Nineteenth District, Report of D. D. Gr. Mllllter.............................................. New Jersey, Review of Annual Communication, by Com. on For. Correspondence North Carolina, " " " New York, " "" New Hampsbire, " " ÂŤ Nebr...ka " " " New London Lodge No. 21, List of Members Naphthali " " 25, " " "60," " New Bloomfield" Neosho " " 81, " " ( n o returns) New Madrid "108, " " North St..r " " 157, " " Newton " " 175, " "

23 64 65 66 67 67 178 180 193 201 210 223 228

o. Ohio, Review of Annual Communication, by Com. on Foreign Correspondence.... 67 Oregon, " " 69 Osage Lodge No. 29, List of Members 181 Osceol.. " "~l, " , 193 Occident..l Lodge No. 163, List of Members 224 239 Officers Grand Lodge of Missouri for the year 1857

1'. Proceedings of Annual Communication of Gr. L. A. F\ k A. M. of Mo .. Pl1St Grand Officers, List of . . Proceedings of Monday afternoon Annual Communication of Arkansas, Review of by Com. on F. C. It " CllJiforniR., It It " Connecticut, " Delaware, Georgia, It it It Illinois, Indiana, low.., " " Kansa.B, U U " " Kentucky, " Louisiana, Maine, "" " " Maryland, " Michigan, " Minnesota," " " " " Mnsmcbusetts, " " " New Jersey, " " N. Carolina, " " New York, " " N. Hampshire, " "" " Nebraska, " Obio, " " Oregon, " " Pennsylvania, " "

3 4

7 34 35 38 42 43 44 46 48 51

52 54 56 60 61 62 62 M 65 66 67 67 67 69 70



Proceedings of Annual Communication of R. Ioland, Review of by Com. on F. C... 71 U Tennessee,"" u 72 "Virginia., "" 73 .t Vermont, U It It '15 " Texas,




Tuesda.y Morning.................................................................. " Afternoon.... " Evening............................ " Wednesday Morning.............................................................. Afternoon " Evening Thursday Morning Afternoon " "Evening Polar Lodge No. 79, memorial relative to election of certain officers Proceedings of Friday Mllrning " Afternoon................. l'atter.on, Bro. Archibah!, memory Dr. Pettit, Itt. W. Bro., memory or. Proceedings of Si1tunlHy Mornin b .. ·.. · · · · · Patter.,on, John, o'rderet! to be sent by Gr. Lodge to Masonic College Potter, Bro., rewlution relntive to aprons for Gr. Lodge Paulding"ille l..odge No. 11, List of Members Pnlmyra 18, " Pal'is Union


Platte Pattonsburg Polar Star Potter l'ruiric


19, "

Plattsburg Po tosi

" 56, " 65, " " 79, " " 84, " " 90, " "{)2," "113, " "1.31, "







Pacific Point



" " "

, t , " ..•..•............••.•....•.......••..........




79 94 97 98 99 107 108 11.1 118 119 119 131 193 145 147 152 153 174 177 177 191 194 200 202 204 205 212 217



"142," "150, "


219 223

., lTG,






Grand Officers present dul"ing Communication of Gr. Lodge P""t Masters ""


239 239

R. Report of Committee on Cred.ntials.............................................................. Resolution of Bro. Vaughu, relative to Subordinate Lodges.............................. Bro. Cunan, relative to Proceedings of Annual Communication...... Dro. DUl;'gett, relntive to Lodges U. D........................................ Report of D. D. Grand Master of Fourth District................ " Seventh District.... " Tenth District " Eleventh District... Twelfth District Thirteenth District

4 '1 7 7 14 16 17 18 18 20



Report of D. D. Grand Muter of Se.-enteentl. Dietrict ".......................... 21 Eighteenth Di.trict....................................... 22 Nineteenth Di.trict........... 2S " " "" " Twmty路fint District.......... D " " Twenty~econd District 28 " ". TWl'Dty-fourth District. 29 RMolution of Bro. Camegy, relative to Grand Master'. Addr_........................ 82 Report of Committee of Foreign Corr..pondence............................................. 83 Rhode leland, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. CorrNpoDdeace Report of Committee on Charity, relative to amict'" brother from Ohio 92 " o n Grand Master's Addre..................... 92: " Resolution by Bro. V&ugbn, rel&tive to election of Grand OIIlcel1l..................... 93 " rel&tive to lecture6 on A. Craft Masonry _.... 94 Report of Gr&nd Secret&ry of hi. &eta for put yetor 94 Rejection of Amendments to By-La.w. propOlled l ...t year.................................. 9t Reeolution by Bro. Houston relative to granting demits by BubordinJ>te Lodges.. Beport of Committee on Unfinished BQ拢inE'88......... 118 " " on Applications for Dispensation. 99 " " (minority report) rel&tive to flll'1ll&tion of new L~e ia St. Louis 99 " .. on Grievances, relative to expulsion of Bro. Thornton 100 " " "sundry appeals 101 " " on Lodges U. D., relative to their proceedings 102 .. " on Accounts, relative to account of Bro. CllITie 108 " " on ;By-L&we of Chartered Lodges, relative thereto 108 , " on Uniformity of Work, rela.tive thereto '"" 111 " " on Middletown Lodge No. 50, relative to memori&l of same 113 Resolntion by Bro. Draper, relative to M onic Law 119 Report of Committee on Chartered Lodges, relative to dues from same 120 " .. " relative to printing of Proceedings 122 " " on Appli c&ti ons and Communications, relative to memorial of Gentry Lodge No. 128 122 " on Applications and Communications, rel&tive to memorial from Bro. J. A. Lindsay, of Bolivar Lodge No. 'I.. 12,1, " on Applications and Communications, relative to the memorial of eleven Mll.I!ter Masons of the town of Springlield , 12,1, on Applications nnd Communications, relative to communication of members of Sarcoxie Lodge No. 134, and to communication of W. P. Johnson, of Carthage 125 " " on Masonic College, relntive thereto 127 " Select Committee, relati ve to the deaths of Bros. Dall8J11, Dougla6ll and Pettit 132 Resolutions by Bro. Decker, relath'e to the disposing of Masonic Collegs. 1311 Report of Committee on Grand fecretary and Tressurer's Books : 141 " " on Applics.tio~s and Coml!lunications, relative to communication of Tully Lodge No. 39 148 on Applications and Communications. relative to commu" " nication of Mirabile Lodge No. 166 I'll Resolntion by Bro. Vaughn, relati,'e to Bro. Currie'. demand lill Report of Committee on Univel1lal Congress, relative to the ten propo.juona 160






Report of Committee on Wayb and Means, relative to the resources of Grand Lodge Resolution of Bro. Davis, relative to appointing Cu"ators of Masonic College..•. Resolution by Bro. Decker relative to Endowment Fund Commi.sioners Bro. Milton relative to Grand Tyler's services U Bro. Currie relative to widow of Bro. Patterson; deceased Report of Special Committee, relative to circulltr of G. L. of Virlrinia Resolution by Bro. Potter, relative to aprons for Grand Lodge Recapitulation of Grand Secretary's account witb Grand Lodge of Mo.-1858 Rising Sun Lodge No. 13, List of Members Ralls 33, ~( Rochester 44, 't ,t 0.••••••••..•..0•.0... •••• ••••• ••••....• .•••••• •••• Richmond 57, It It Rocheport "67," " 70, (, ,t Roanoke Relief "105, " ,0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ridgely 135, " (no returns) Round Prairie " 138," " Recapitulation of List of Members of Subordinate Lodges Representatives of SubordiDltte Lodges in tbe Grand Lodge of 1858 l(

150 152 152 152 152 153 153 168 175 182 186 191 195 196 209 218 219 230 240


Seventh District, Report of D. D. Grand l\1:1Ster.... Seventeenth Saturday morning proceeding" Subordinate Lodges, Annual Retums Saint Louis Lodge No. 20, List of Members St. John's "28, " St. Mary's 63, " Savannah 71, " St. J osepb 78, " '" St. Mark's "93, " " St. Andrew's 96, " Sibley 115, (( Star of the West" 133, " " ( n o returns) Springbill 155, " : Sturgeon 174, " Subordinate Lodges, RecapitUlation of List of Members " Annual Tabular Statement by Grand Secretary Suspensions..... ..•... ..•..

16 21 147 170 178 181 193 196 199 205 206 212 218 223 228 230 231 •.•. 244

T. Tenth District, Report of D. D. Grand Master................................................. Twelfth" " Thirteenth" " " " Twenty·first District, Report of D. D. Grand Master......................................... Twenty-second" "" .. Twenty-fourth " Tenne..ee, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence




Tuesday morning proceedings Tuesday afternoon"


17 18 20 25 28 29 '1"2 u" 76 ~.............. '1"9 94



Tuesday evening proceedings Thursday morning Tebo Lodge, Memoria.! received Thursday afternoon proceedings Tully Lodge No. 39, memorials received Thursday evening proceedings Tyro Lodge No. 12, List of Members Troy "34," TUlly " 39," 'rebo 68, " " Trenton 111," Tuscumbia" 169, "

to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

98 108 108 111 112 118 175 183 184 195 211 227

u. Unfinished Business, Committee on................................................................. Uniformity of Work Universal Congress," Unfinished Business, Report of United Lodge No.5, List of Members Union ct 173," 'I , ,

79 93 93 98 172 228

v. Vaughn, Bro., Resolution by, relative to Subordinate Lodges........................... Virginia, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence..... Vermont, it l( U " Vaughn, Bro., Resolution by, relative to election of Grand Officers.................... " " i n favor of Bro. Currie's demand Versailles Lodge No. 117, List of Members

7 73 15 93 149 213

w. Wisconsin, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence... Ways and Means, Committee on..................................................................... \Vednesdlty morning proceedings.................. " a.tternoon" evening


Williamsburg Lodge No.8, List of Members Wellington 22, It ,t Wyaconda "24,"" Wakanda 52,"" Weston " 53, Warren " 74, " " 'Vasbington 8'7, it Waverly "114,"" Whitesville "162," " ( n o returns)


WoU Island






78 79 98 99 107 173 178 179 189 89 198 203 217 224 22'1

Y. Yancey Lodge No. 148, List of Members


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