THE Thirty-ninth Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, was held in the City of St. Louis, commencing on the fourth Monday of Ma.y, the 23rd day, A. D. 1859-A.L. 5859. Were present: M. W. SAM'L H. SAUNDERS, Grand Master. RT." MARCUS BOYD, Deputy Gr. M. " " JOlIN H. TURNER, as Gr. S. Warden. " H JOlIN W. LUKE, Gr. J. Warden. " " JOHN D. DAGGETT, Gr. Treasurer. " " A. O'SULLIVAN, Gr. Secretary. " SAM'L M. HAYS, Gr. S. Deacon. " W. R. PENICK, Gr. J. Deacon. REy." S. BROWN, as Gr. Chaplain. " A. STILLE, Gr. Tyler.
M. W. " " RT." " " " " " c'
JOHN RALLS, P. Gr. Master. JOSEPH FOSTER, P. Gr. Master. GEO. H. C. MELODY, P. D. Gr. Master. JOHN D. TAYLOR, P. D. Gr. Master. OSCAR F. POTTER, P. D. Gr. Master.
L. E. 'VILLIAMSON, D. D. Gr. Master.
The Gra.nd 0 of Missouri was opened in AMPLE rOBllII. Prayer by Rev. Bro. S. Brown, Grand Cha.plain. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Bros. Levy, Locker, and Stark, a Committee on Credentials. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 2 1·2 o'clock this afternoon. 2 1~2 o'clock, P. M. of MiBBouri waB called to labor by the M. W. MONDAY,
The Grand 0 Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several Btations. Rt. W. John Decker, Gr. Jr. Warden, appeared in his station. The Committee on Credentials reported the following l:EJ represented: LODGES.
1 Missouri
8t. Louis
2 Meridian 3
5t. Louis 8t. Louis
5 United
8 Wil1iamshurg WilIiamsburg 9 Geo. WaMbington•. St. Louie 11 Pauldingville 13 Rising Sun
Pauldingville Barry
14 Aubum 16 Memphis
Auburn Memphis
17 Clarksville
R. 8. Voorbies F. B. Turnbull D. Goldsmidt A. O'8ullivan Josepb Crooka A. Weigle MarCu8 Boyd N. F. Jones T. G. Nebill J. C. H. Broadwater J. W. Crane Earl Matlack D. II. Armetrong W. B. Oglesby Dan'l Carpenter A. G. Endioot W. M. Reynolda Eull:eD6 Willliams R. T. Nesbitt John J. MoElef6e
S. W.
J. W. W. M.
S. W. W. M. S. W. W. M.
S. W. J. W. W. M. W. M. S. M. J. W. W.M. W. M. S. W. S. W. W. M. J. W. W. M.
18 Palmyra l~ Paris UnioD 20 St. Louis
Palmyra Paris St. Louis
23 Florida.
24 Wyaconda 25 Naphtali
Lagrange St. Louis
26 Maxico
Mexico ,
28 2IJ 30 31
32 33 3'
39 40 43 45 48 50 51 53 55
St. John's O.age., Huntsville Liberty Lafayette Ralls Troy Tully Mt. Moriah Jdferson Bonhomme Fulton Anderson Livingaton Welllon Arrow Rocl< Platte
58 Montioello
IIannibal Little Osage Huntsville Liberty Lexington Madisonville Troy Tully St. Louis Jefferson City Manchester Fulton Chapel Hill.. Glasgow Weaton Arrow Rock Platte City
60 New Bloomiie1d 63 St. Mary's
Monteoello New Bloom6eld Perryville
66 Linn
68 Tebo
Clinton Alexandria Danville A.8hley . Steelville St. Joseph St. LOllis
69 Alexandria 72 D/lJIl'ille 76
78 St. Joseph 79 Polar Star 80 Bridgeton
83 Laclede 86 Mitchell 89 Friendship 90 Prairie 91 Ml\dison 92 Perileverllnce 93 St. Mark's
Bridgeton • Lebanon Columbus Chilicolhe HaTrisoDville Mlldison LouisinDlL C8Jle Gir'lrdeau
E. H. O. Bailey W. M. L. A. Pindall.. W. M. A. Isaacs W. M. M. Myers 8. W. R. J. J ohn.on W: M. J. A. Quarlcs J. W. Thos. E. Shepherd W. M. John Decker W. M. John A. GIlfillan 8. W. E. B. Wood J. W. S. N. Edwl\rds W. M. W. H. Northcut.. S. W. David Dean W. M. L. Dodge W. M. Jas. D. Head W. M. Sam'l Hardwiok W. M. Wm. T. Davis W. M. Jobn Ralls W. M. M Bond S. W. J. M. Sutton S. W. W. McKendree Brooke..W. M. Wm. E. Dunscomb W. M. D. Newman J. W. D. L. Whaley S. W. J. B. Simrson W. M. John H. 'Iurner W. M. L. R. Ringo ·S.W. Oscar F. Potter W. 1\1. Rob't P. Clark W. M. H. Clay Cockerill S. W. John B. Reddish J. W. B. O. Austin W. M. A. M. Appering S. W. J. W. Barnes J. W. David Hopkins ·W. M. Ja8. T. Berry ·S. w. M. J. F. Leonard W. M. E. F. Greenleaf W. M. G. R. J\IiltOll 8. W. M. H. McFarland W. M. H. W. Sperry J. W. J. G. Anderson W. M. W. R. Penick W. M. W. C. Watts W. M. J. W. Luke S. w. Rich'd K Bland VI'. M. Joseph H. Garrett ·S. W. J. B. lIarrison ·W. M. J. W. Grllves S.·W. Jas. l\1cDowell.. S. w. Hamilton Finn~y S. W. M. W. Buford W.M. _John Q. BUI bridge W. M. W. B. Wilson w. lIf.
St. Andrew's 100, Canton 104 Heroine 106," Laport 108' New Madrid 113 Plattsburg 116 Da.vis' 117 Versailles 118 , Hiram ll9 Foster 121 Erwin 122 Dover 128 Kirksville 130 West Prairie
Shelbyville Canton KllDsas City Macon Cit~ New Madnd Plattsburg Gallattin Versailles St. Charles Benton St. Lonis Dover Kirksville West Prairie
131 Potosi Potosi 133 Star of the Wcst..Arcadia
135 Ridgely 136 Phmnix
Ridgley Bowling Green
1311 Oregon
Oregon ,
140 142 143 146
Pappinville Otterville Flint Hill McGee College
Pappmville Pleasant Grove Flint Hill McGee
147 Buffalo 149 Lexington 151 Milton
BuffoJo Lexington Milton
159 Paciiic
Spring Hill Pacifio City
163 Oocidental
St. Louis
Spring Hill..
164 Joaohim
169 TU8cumbia. Tu8oumbia. 172 Wolf Island Wolf IBland 177 WiocheBter WiDchetJter 179 Pride of the Welt..St. Louia ,
John Dickeraon Z. T. Knight G. W. TiDd&fe Ed. Ash Rich. H. Hatcher Winslow Turner Chas. M. Scott L. E. Williamaon E. D. Bevitt B. B. Gaitber Chas. W. HOrD J. H. Mallory B. G. Barrow Tbos. P. Horn
W. M. 8. W. W. M. 路W. M. W. M. W. M. W. M. 路W.M. W. M.
N. A. Page
S. W.
S. Brown A. C. FarDham A. W. Holloman N. Beery JohJI B. DunblU' Wm. Bolton Jas. W. Patterson w. H. Williams Z. Anderson Thos. J. Stark L. W. Fiaher C. A. Perrin.
W. M. W. M. & W. W. M.
W. M. W. M. W. M. W.M.
W. M. J. W. W. M. J. W. W. lIf. W. M. J. W. S. W.
T. W. MtCOrmack
路J. W.
Jobn H. Paine F. C. Sharp W. E. Brilooe Tho.. P. Wbi\e Jobn D. Vinoell A. W. McClure
W. M. W. M.
W. Ellis O1811D..._
Tbos. Rioheson Wm. N. Loker Martin Collins E. F. Honey Ira J. Beohett _ W. C. McCubbin H. L. Petrie. R. Y. Cowgill.. Wm. Burden O. M. Brookel iI. H. MoAlpine
W. M. S. W. W. M. M. J. W.
W. M. S. W. J. W. W. MJ. W. W. M. S. W.
W. M. W. M. 8. W. J. W.
Your Committee would respectfully suggest that the Grand
Secretary call the attention of the Câ&#x201A;Ź:J to Art. 2, Sec. 2, of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge. Respectfully submitted. CRAS. LEVY, W. N. LOKER, THOS. J. STARK. The M. W. Grand Master declared a quorum present. On motion of Bro. Melody, Resolved, That Delegates from 4b be allowed to sit without their jewels. Adopted. On motion of Bro. Penick, Resolved, That Representatives of Câ&#x201A;Ź:J U. D. be permitted to participate in the deliberations of the Grand D. Adopted. Bro. Melody offered the following: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to advise and report to the Grand 0 an appropriate jewel for a P. Gr. M.; alao, a jewel for a P. Master; which was adopted; and the Grand Master appointed Bros. Joseph Foster, John Ralls, Gr. Secretary, and Melody, said Committee. On motion of Bro. Luke, Resolved, That the reading of the proceedings of the last Annual Communication be dispensed with, printed copies being in the hands of the members. Adopted. The Grand Master then delivered the following address:
Having again assembled in our representative capacity in Grand 0 to review the past, IIond act for the future, let us return thanks to our Supreme Grand Master for his watchful care over us since we were called from labor to refreshment at our last annual communication, and to implore his aid in the labor weare about to engage, that it may redound to the Wisdom, Sb'ength and Beauty of our beloved Order.
It is to me a source of considerable satisfaction that I can reiterate that our time honored Order stands prominent in the practice of the great cardinal virtues of Masonry, Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice, and this is attributable to that necessary precaution now practiced by our C€J in guarding well their avenues, not admitting I I rough ashlers" I I that cannot be adjusted by the working tools of the fellow craft" into that perfect lloshler so essential in constituting a part of our great moral Temple. r have received reports from the Deputy Grand Masters of Districts Nos. 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 17, 18,19,21,24 and 25, detailing their official acts and recommending such measures as they deem expedient for the future welfare or the craft. Theee recommendations I feel confident will receive that due attention from the Grand 0 they deserve, emanating as they do from these very efficient and useful officers. My official acts have been grantiIlg DispensatioTls to op~n C€J at Quincy, in Hickory County, California, in Moniteau County, and at Camp Floyd in Utah Territory, and upon the petition of Laporte 0, No. 106, changing the place of meeting of that 0 to Hudson City. In March I received a communication from R. W. Bro. P. Draper, requesting that a warrant be drawn on the Grand Treasurer for $57 76, to pay the costs in a suit of the Grand 0 vs. Knox, which I did, feeling confident it would meet the approbation of the Grand D. In August I received a communication from R. W. James M. Austin, Grand Secretary of the Grand 0 of New York in regard to the initiation of one Keiler by Excelsior 0 No. 195, who claimed to be a Prussian, but was at that time a citizen of St. Louis. The Grand 0 of New York referred the case to a committee, who called upon the Master and Wardene of Excelsior No. 196, for information in regard to Keiler, who reported that Keiler was stricken from the roll of membership in that 0 in 1856 and being non-affiliated, he was amenable to the C€J in this jurisdiction on the charge of swindling, &c. The schism which has unhappily existed in the State of New York since 1849 was in June last happily healed by the Gra.nd
C€J of that State agreeing to be in the future ruled by one legitimate head. The consummation of this much desired object will be hailed by every craftsman with joy and the sinc~te wish that the future action of the Grand 0 of New York may be exemplified, thM harmony is the beauty and strength of all institutions -and that this Grand 0 will at its earliest convenience heal aU that have been made in the C€J declared by it to be clandestine, and the craftsmen of that jurisdiction will have removed the only bar that prevents their admission into the C€J of this as well as many other States. The subject of non-affiliation which hag been and is now agitating every other jurisdiction as well as our own, demands some decisive action on the part of this Grand 0 that this question may be settled and the subordinate C€J relieved from this mooted question of masonic jurisprudence. It has received no small share of the attention of our sister Grand C€:J, and by edicts and resolutions they have attempted to stop this prolific source of discontent and in some instances of discord, but I do not think the penalties attached by any of them goes far enough to eradicate this fungus growth upon the body politic. The non-affiliated Mason claims all the rights and privileges of the affiliated and he is entitled to them, notwithstanding the Grand 0 by resolution says he shall not be, as the Grand 0 has no power to nullify an act over which it has no control, as our obligations make no distinction in regard to affiliation, but let the Grand 0 place the non-affiliated Mason under the ban of suspension as "a Drone" "and unworthy of our protection as Masons." then tlle object will be attained. Let the Grand 0 rescind the Resolution of 1849 in regard to demits and allow every Mason to demit who thinks proper (as we wish none to worship at our altars but by their own free will and accord) but with the understanding that the moment he severs his connection with his 0 our obligations are suspended with him, and I think non-affiliation will be rare indeed in this jurisdiction. I cannot see any injustice in declaring the non-affiliated Mason suspended as he knowingly violates an ancient charge "that every Mason shall belong to some 0," and the only other reason
that he can assign for being so, is to save the small amount of his yearly dues. Let the Grand 0 decree that every non-affiliated Mason is suspended and you will hear no more of this" arbitrary law of 1849" which does not allow any Mason to demit whenever he thinks proper. If the affiliated Mason who is monthy at least laboring in the great cause of Masonry is not entitled to any greater privileges than the "Drone," do you not indirectly encourage non-affiliation? It certainly does, for it places the non-affiliated mason upon equality with the affiliated laboring craftsman making him bear all the burthens, mental, physical and pecuniary, of the institution, while the non-affiliated is entitled to all the rights, lights and benefits of the orders. This is not giving the affiliated Mason justice !-but rescind the resolution of 1849 and let every mason demit who wishes, with the distinct understanding that the moment he by 'his own free act suspends his connection with the Order, our obligations are suspended towards him as 10I.g as he remains non-affiliated, and he cannot with justice assert that this, like the law of 1849, is an arbitrary enactment of the Grand D. The College question will again claim your serious and calm attention as the Resolution of the last communication donating the College to the Lexington t:e:J have been by those t:e:J unanimously refused, and the question for you to decide will be whether the Grand 0 will in good faith carry out its solemn and oft repeated obligations or repudiate them? I cannot see this question in any other light than a legal and equitable contract not entered into hastily but upon calm and mature reflection, and leaves the Grand 0 no alternative hut to carry out its contracts fully not only in letter but i~ spirit. Upon receiving inlormation that the t:e:J at Lexington would not acceed to the proposition made by the Grand 0, I in September last issued the following Circular, believing it to be the best plan I could devise to uphold the plighted faith of this Grand o and at the same time permanently endow the College by the voluntary contributions of the fraternity.
OnlCB OF TlDI GUND MAsTBB, LoDO&, A. F. A. M., Mo.
Believing that the honor, reputation and welfare of the fraternity, or this jurisdiction, depend upon the fulfilment of its obligations to sustain the Masonic College, 1 have addressed you, my brother, to ask your assistance and infiuence in accomplishing this desirable object, feeling confident thai it is only necessary for the craft to see this question in its true light for their action to be in strict accordance with the tenets of our beloved Order. Believing that the greater portion of the opposition to the College is based upon the scholarships, from the fact that a ma.jority of the CE!J that have taken scholarships, receiving no immediate benefit from them, aDd having to pay the interest annually, and the principle when demanded by the Grand 0, is the first and gTeat caDge which has and is now operating to sever the connection now existing between the Grand.O and the College. Cannot tbis difficulty be removed and the endowment, and consequent prosperity of the College, established by a free and voluntary donation on the part of the craft? J think it Can and will be done by every true Mason in the State, and, r request it as a favor that you will, at your earliest convenience, lay this subject before every 0 in your district, and ask their immediate action upon the following proposition, viz: Will not every member, (or a.t least a la.rge proportion of the fra.ternity,) contribute one dollar annually, for ten years, to constitute a fund for the endowment of the Masonic College? If so, then will the Grand 0 cancel every scholarship~ If 5000 out of the 6000 affiliated Masons will make this small donation, then will the College ha7e an endowment, ample and sufficient, to sustain and perpetuate its usefulness through all time; for $5000 annually put upon interest will in ten years, constitute a fund of upwards of $87,000, which would be sufficient to educate the sons of every Mason in the St"te gratuitously. If the brethren, who are able, will pay one half of the whole
amount of this contribution at once, then will the endowment be sooner attained, and its utility felt and acknowledged by all. To sustain the Collego until this endowment can be attained will not add one cent to the amount now paid by the subordinates to the Grand 0, as the 50 cents for each member now paid, makes our Grand 0 fund $3,000, one-half of wi.ich will pay the expenses of the Grand 0, leaving the other half to be appropriated to the College; add to that $1,500 more, which the tuition will amount to, and also the one dollar paid by candidates upon the degrees which was $2,100 last year, but put it down $1,500, and we have the sum of $4,500 annllnlly, which will amply pay the Professors, and the rent of the boarding house will pay contingencies. My brother, if there is any other better plan to accomplish the end we have in view, let us adopt it, as it is a question of vital interest to Masonry in this State, and one that requires immediate action. I should be pleased to hear your views upon this subject at your earliest convenience, and I will receive it as a personal favor, if 路the Secretaries would notify me, immediately after action is taken by their respective eeJ, upon the proposition. Very Respectftilly and Fraternally, SAM'L H. SAUNDERS, G. M. Grand Lodge, Mo. To this Circular I have received many responses from different p3rts of this State and but six eeJ have refused to sustain the College by donating the small sum of one dollar annually for ten years to permanently endow the Collage and bid it fulfill its mission of diffusing the light of education throughout this jurisdiction. In the CEJ that have refused to make the small donation I do not believe that they look at this question in its proper light-they view it as a question of utiliy when it is a question of contract, for I cannot aDd will not believe there IS a Mason in this State, however limited his means, that could not give one dollar annually for ten years to promote the great CRuse of education-if so, why does he refuse to make this donation to endow the College? for
this reason and for this alone that the College question ~s to a. great extent controlled the action of the Grand D. This is in a great measure true, but are we to repudiate a solemn obligation because the carrying out tha.t obligation exerts a eontrolling influence over the action of the Grand body? Rather let us fulfill our obli· gations by endowing it, and it will then be self.sustaining and no longer requiring at our ha.nds that care and attention which it has received ia years paat. This question of lInstaining or repudilLting the College does not lLffect onr standing alone in this jurisdiction, but also in tha.t of our sister Grand C€J, and I ca.nnot better exemplify this opinion tha.n by quoting from the Committee of F. C. of the Grand 0 of Illinois. Page 44 Proceedings Dlinois. Referring to the College it lays: " Our brethren of Mi8souri." "Will the fraternity of Missouri for the paltry sum of one dollar annnally for ten years, forfeit the good opinion of the craft of other jurisdictions? will they erase from their proud escutcheon, Justice, and inscribe in ita place, repudiation?" Never !-never, can this be the decree of a fratetnity that boasts as much intelligence as ours. Let us then in that true conservative spirit of Masonry, pl&Ce the College where it would be self-sustaining-needing only the fraternal care of the Grand 0 to achieve its high destiny. "Our brethren in Missouri are entided to great praise for , seeing this matter through,' not because we have any faith in Masonic schools as such, but because our brethren there had staked their chllractar for nerve and enterprise upon the scheme. They have fully justified and sustained their character as West· ern men and Masons. ·0 From this forth the world will understand that when a Missouri Mason 8ays a thing it must be done, they mean just what they say. Every business man knows what you mean, when it is said that a man's word is as good as his bond. Such a man, though poor, has a credit which Borne men more fortunate might envy. And this is the enviable condition of the Grand 0 of Missouri." By reference to the report of our R. W. Grand Lecturer it will be seen that he has been nearly cODstantly engaged in the performance of the arduous duties of that responsible ()fJice, his well
known and acknowledged ability as a Lecturer with his usual zeal to impart true Masonic hght to the craft deserves the warmest approbation of the Grand D. If to the duties of Grand Lecturer which extend only to conferring degrees, and the lectures pertaining to them were extended to explain the meaning, and impress upon the t:eJ the binding force and intention of their obligations, then will we achieve that great desideratum of Masonry-the practice of the great moral principles taught by our Order. In conclusion, my brethren, let me return you my sincere thanks for the honor you conferred upon me two years since in electing me &s your Grand Master, and if in the discharge of the high a·nd important duties of the office I have committed errors, I hope and tmst you will attribute them to the head, and not to the heart.
SAM'L H. SAUNDERS. The following are the reports of the D. D. Grand Masters :
Of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri :
Dear Brother-The undersigned appointed D. D. G. M. for District No.3, begs leave to make this his annual report: In the first lliace the undersigned would say that circumstances over which he had no control has prevented him from visiting all the C€J in his jurisdiction during the last Masonic year, but would state that he has had communieations from them in regard to their progress a.nd prospects, and am happy to state that so far as I ha"e been able to learn from personal examination a.nd communications-that theCEJ in District No. S are all getting on in p~ace and harmony, and as to the increase of numbers I would respectfully refer to their annual report. I have endea.vored to impress upon all the C€:J the grea.t importance of being very particular what kind of material they admit into their Masonic building) and Hatter myself it has had some good effect. I have during my administration procured a Dispensation for one 0 in my District, situate at Missouri City) in Clay County. The brethren will have their work before the Grand 0 for their
inspection and approval if worthy-and if accepted will pray for a charter-at the next communication to be had in St. Louis, Missouri, in May next. I have nothing further that would be of interest to you or the G. L., only sa.ying again that we are working in peace and harmony and the prospects of the fraternity are brightening in North West Missouri. With my best wishes for you individually and the fraternity at large, I remain, Dear Brother, Yours Fraternally, ALEXANDER J. CALHOUN, D. D. G. M. of Distriot No.3, Mis8ouri.
M. W. G. M.
Dear Sir and Brother-The undersigned a.s D. D. G. M. of District No.2, respectfully reports that since receiving from you the appointment of D. D. G. M., I have visited several of the Câ&#x201A;Ź:J in this District and was prevented from visiting all of them from unavoidable circumstances. Some of the Câ&#x201A;ŹJ visited by me were visited in the absence of regular or called meetings, but on examination of their records I found them in a great measure correct. On the 24th of June last I visited Birming 0 No. 150, at which time I proceeded to constitute, consecrate, dedicate and install the officers of said 0, they having received a charter from the Grand D. On the 11th day of August last I proceeded to constitute, consecrate and dedicate Easton 0 No. 101, and installed the officers thereof. On the 23d day of August, 1858, I renewed the Dispensation for Zerubba,ble o. This 0 has not a suitable place of meeting, the room that is now used for that purpoile being an upper chamber of a residence; there being no ante-room the hall of the building being used for that purpose. The 0 room is entirely too small, even without household furniture, and as there are now two beds in it, makes it a very singular 0 room, and the brethren poorly
prepared to confer the degrees and deliver the lectures. I notified the 0 of an official visit, and when I visited them there were only four of the members present, only one of which was an officer of the 0, in consequence of which we did no work. The brethren of the 0 I believe are good and true men and desire to do right, but in my opinion are not as sufficiently skilled in the work as the Grand 0 desires. [ have during the year granted Dispensations to the following C€J: Allensville, Gentry County, Stuartville, DeKalb County, and St. Joseph, Buchanan County. I visited St. Joseph 0 No. 78, Compass 0 No. 120, Weston 0 No. 53, Rising Sun 0 No. 13, and Ridgly 0 No. 135. This latter 0 (Ridgly,) is very unskilled in the work and lecturcs. The brethren can scarcely work themselves into a D. This 0 is in a very bad condition in this respect, also in a manner destitute of By-Laws. Rising Sun 0 I find quite skillful in the work and lectures. Bro. O'SuUivan visited them last fall, and I understand they improved the opportunity aflerded them by his visit. Upon examination of the records of the remaining C€J I find them in the main correct. Some slight clerical errors. Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL M. HAYS, D. D. G. M. 2d Masonic District. Platte City, May the 5th, 1859. G.uUTIN, Mo., May 3d, 1859.
of the Grand Lodge of Missouri :
The undersigned D. D. Grand Master of the 5th District composed of the Counties of Grundy, Mercer, Harrison and Daviess, most respectfully and fraternally states, That the C€J in this District are in a flourishing l,Jondition. That pursuant to your instructioDs I han urged upon the C€J the necessity of rigid discipline in relation to Gambling, Drunkenness, and kindred vices, and have the pleasure to inform you that the different C£J :> .. ~ working l\ reformation in this respect.
That within the last year I have visited all the CEJ in the District, except that of Middlebury, and find them well versed in the work, and the truly Masonic spirit generally prevailing among the fraternity of who can best work and best agree. With my fondest wishes for the happiness of the brotherhood and welfare of the fraternity, I am, Most Worshipful Sir and Brother, Yours Fraternally, JAMES McFERRAN, D. D. G. M. of D. No.5.
P. S. I have granted an order for a Dispensation to Pleasa11t Ridge 0 in Harrison County. The brethren came well recommended by and from Bethany 0, the nearest 0 to the proposed new 0, and the application being in form I granted the order. All of which is fraternally and most respec~fully submitted by JAMES McFERRAN, D. D. G. M. of D. No.5.
To M. W.
Grand Lodge of Mia80uri:
In making this my annual report, I cannot but express my gratitudt> to the Grand Master of the Universe, for the prosperity of the craft during the past Masonic year. I have visited all of the CEJ in this District, over which I had the honor to preside, and I find many thIngs to deplore, such as Intemperance, Gambling, and Profane Swearing, among some of the members of CEJ. But I have lectured the CEJ specially on that subject, and have called upon them to enforce the resolutions of the last Grand 0 on tha.t subject, and many of the CEJ have taken the matter in hand and have dealt with these members as they justly ought to have done. The CEJ seem determined to purge themselves of these direful evils. They have expelled some, suspended some, and reprimanded others, so you see they have gone to work like true Masons should do. With but few exceptions, peace and harmony prevails through2 G. L.
out this District. There are a rew yet who are not disposed to follow out the true principles and teachings of Masonry. Some few of the CE:J are taking in too many members without regard to the kind of materials. I think they will in future keep their CE:J closer 'ÂŁyled, for they have certainly seen the bad results that have followed such a course. I recommended the granting of one Dispensation to form a new o to the Grand Secretary, Bro. J. A. Scott, W. M. and others, I have not heard from it yet. I think the Grand 0 should grant them a Dispensation. May brotherly love, peace and friendship, pervade throughout the entire Mason world. All of which is most respectfully and fraternally submitted,
J. M. BARKER, D. D. W. M. of 17th District.
Grand Master Grand
Mis!ouri :
I herewith make my report for the 18th Masonic District. The craft are generally getting along well, with one bare exception: the brethren of Laclede 0 No. 83, at Lebanon, are not doing well; much confusion exists amongst them; to have been strict in my course of action perhaps I should have arrested their charter, but much of their doings I learned would come before the Grand 0 for scrutiny and revision, I thought best to leave the matter for its action. I have granted one Dispensation to some brethren in polk County at or near Humansville, and authorized Bro. Lindsay W. Master, of Bolivar 0 to set them to work, which he did. Most W. Grand Master, I would most respectfully and fraternally suggest that the power to grant Dispensations be taken from District Deputies, and instead, require the three first officers o produce to the Grand Master the certificate of the Grand Lecturer that they are qualified to confer the three degrees of E. A. F. C. & M. Mason, correctly before granting a Dispensation. I
make this suggestion for the purpose of trying to bring about a reform in the work, and for the further purpose of committing the work to hands qualified to discha.rge the same with Honor to Freemasonry, and profit to its recipients. I might say much upon this subject, but I now stop; at the proper time I will give my views more fully. Respectfully and Fraternally,
MARCUS BOYD, D. D. G. M. 18th Distriot. S.
M. W. Gr. Master.
W. M. S. H.
G. Master of the Grand Lodge of Missoud :
I herewith present my report for the 19th Masonic District, for the last year. I have during the year procured a Dispensation for one new o and organized the same and set them to work, on the 17th of March last. The brethren who petitioned for the 0 are 8.ll good and true men, and I have no doubt but they will sustain the exalted character of Masonry. I have visited all the CEb in my District except Jefferson City D. From the character of its W. M. I had no doubt but it would do all things right. The Cfb I visited are working harmoniously; all manifest a desire to become useful to Masonry and to all mankind. I do not find a disposition to work up had material. I find in SOme Eâ&#x201A;ŹJ Articles and Sections conflicting with the Constitution and By-Laws of the G. 0, one in regard to demitted Masons. but the CEb are altering the same to conform to the requirements of the Grand 0, and in all cases comply with their obligation to the same by obeying its laws. . In conclusion suffer me to congratulate you as the presiding Grand Officer of this Grand 0 on the prosperity of our ancient and honQrable institution. I remain, Respectfully and Fraternally Yours,
20 To
Of the Grand Lodge of F. A. M"sons of Missouri:
The undersigned D. D. G. M. of the 20th District, would respectfully report, That in his jurisdiction there are five CEJ, two of which he has never visited, to wit, those located in Osage and Gasconade Counties. That the other three CÂŁ:J are Lebanon 0, situated at Steelville, Crawford County,-Salem 0 , situated at Salem, Dent County, and "Star of the East" 0, holden near "Cuba City," Crawford County. That so far as he knows Salem o is progressing slowly and with harmony. I would state that there is some difference of opinion and some dissatisfaction ill regard to the locality and the place of holding the meeting of " Star or the East" 0, and upon a personal examination of the place named in the Dispensation I find the same to be a story and a half dwelling house with two rooms below and now two above, with an L. for the kitchen, belonging to Brother George Prewitt, a worthy member and the head of a large family mostly grown, and Bro. Prewitt at the meetings closes the lower story of the house and the family removes into the L., and after a personal examination I permitted, and the 0 still works in one of the upper rooms, and if the Tyler, assisted by the other members of the 0 cautiously and punctually attends to his duties, (as they promise to do) I reel that our work is safely carried on at that place. The members of that 0 manifest considerable zeal in their labors and send up their work for your inspection. I sorely regret to have to say that Lebanon has almost sunk under her own weight; that is, she has had considerable petty strifes between members, and actions on the charges by the 0, and men r<,gardless of the lectures and direct instructions of the o use, and habitually too, profane language, and intoxicating drinks as a beverage to excess; and other members because they cannot fellowship with all in the 0, or on the ground that some one that they have recommended has been by the 0 rejected, and other such like causes fail to attend the regular meetings of the 0, and for the want of a moral courage ,of the members meeting and doing the business, those thus violating the ancient landmarks are passed unnoticed by the Lodge. I would state that most of
the brothers thus offending are of the worthy and business class of citizens, but their neglect and carelessness isa hindrance to tho Order. Again, Ma80nry is here popular and the applicants are numerous, and often from these seeking popularity and after becoming members think their part is done, and are Drones. I cannot refrain from here remarking that during the last winter we had our Gr. Lecturer with us about one week, and that since that time there has been seen and felt a decided change for the better. There have been two applications for new CEl, one in this and one in an adjoining County, both of which were by me rejected. One not more than eight and the other twelve miles from Lebanon D, and in a sparsely Bettled country. I refused on the ground that I was and am of the opinion that by having too many CEl we are likely to get too much 'bad timber,' some trees perhaps with a sound sap or outside, but the heart doty if Mt entirely gone and the trlle hollow. We have some of these doty or hollow logs in our frabric and frequently in a little storm I can see these sticks give and tremble to the no little hazard of the whole building. One of the cases will, I understand, be submitted to the Grand D. I have seen the statement 3S regards distance, &c., it is true, and on the slightest intimation tha.t I have errred in refusing to order them a Dispensation, I will do 80. All of .which is submitted, Fraternally Yours, A. EMORY, D. D. G. M. District 20. STEELvu.LB, April 3rd, 1859.
May 17, 1859.
M. W. S. H. SAUNDERS, G. M.: near Sir-Since the last session of tbe G. L. there has been no particular change in the condition of the ~ in this District. The several returns to the G. S. will show a steady increaso of members, and I hope the increase will be found of the proper material; it is so far as human foresight can be trusted, but time alone will develop tbe results both in the individuals and the fraternity.
St. Louis 0 No. 20, is reviving, and her members evince a determination to regain her former sta.nding, in which I trust they will gradually succeed. Erwin 0 No. 121 and Meridian 0 No.2, are doing most of their work in the German language. The brothers who preside over them are well skilled in the work authorized by the G: L., and I feel confidence in their ability and wishes to adapt that language to the authorized work so tha,t no objections can be raised on account of its non conformity, whilst I would at the same time suggest the propriety of their confining the work in German only to those cases where it would be absolutely necessary. Pacific 0 No. 159, has been quite prolific of work, and has quite a large number of members. Their work is susceptible of a great deal of improvement. I regret to be again compelled to repeat my inability to visit Borne of the CEJ, viz., Bridgeton 0 No. 80 and Bonhomme 0 No. 45. On the occasion of a visit to Martha Washington 0 No. 46, last fall, I authorized them to proceed to work again, fully hoping that the zeal expressed by the members, would animate them in the better discharge of their duties. I fear that their condition since has improved but little if any. My attention has been directed to an E .. A. of Occidental 0 No. 163, and also one of Pride of West 0 No. 179, both having bodily defects. I have prohibited their further advancement until authorized by the G. L. I have also noticed a practice greatly prevalent among several of the CEJ in the city of ballotting for the advancement of candidates at called meetings, also of adjourning a regular meeting, ann on the resumption of labor, ballotting and doing other business properly belonging, in my opinion, only to a stated meeting. These practices I think are irregular, and capable of being much abused, but as they do not appear to be prohibited by the By-Laws of the G. L., the CE!J in question have not deemed them improper. Experience has shown that the amount assessed by the G. L. on each of the city CEJ, for the Board of Relief, is not sufficient to meet the requirements of the Board, as ma,ny of the CE!J upon
raising the fees for the degrees, voluntarily increased their contributions to the Board. I would suggest that the rule should be modified so as to a.ssess the uniform rate of 20 per cent on the amount of fees for the degrees. During last fall at the request of many of the members of the city CftJ, I organized a 0 of Instruction, under the particular charge of R. W. Bro. John Decker; there was a great deal of interest manifested in it, but on account of the inability of Bro. Decker to devote the necessary time to it, it WaS not continued after the term it first appointed for its termination. The records of the Câ&#x201A;ŹJ will show a great rapidity in the progress of candidates from one degree to another. It may seem to be too great, but the requisite examination is always complied with, and these candidates whu have been passed and raised in the shortest space of time have generally been found and are yet the most proficient, and however much the rate of progress is to be deprecated it is .difficult to refuse advancement to those who show their interest in the work by their immediate and successful efforts to become proficient. Still, the proficiency should be heyond question to justify such progress. I enclose with this a petition for It Dispensation to form a new o at Allenton. It was presented to me at a time so near the session of the Grand 0 that I deem it proper to refer the matter to you. There may be some other matters of local interest claiming the attention of the G. L., which, if necessa.ry, I will make the subject of special communication. Yours Fraternally,
J. W. LUKE, D. D G. M. 24th District. KEYTESVILLE,
M. W.
May 16th, 1859.
SAUNDERS, Grand Master :
As D. D. G M. of the 6th Masonic District, I beg leave to report, that it has been out of my power to discharge the duties of
my office as fully as I could desire. I have therefore failed to visit all the C2J within my District. I, however, last summer made official visits to the two e::e:J in this County-Eureka. and Warren, and found them generally in a prosperous condition. Their records were properly kept-their By-laws in acoordance with those of the G. D,-and their work in nearly every particular, so far as I can judge, in strict conformity to the ancient usage. And I was happy to find in a large majority of the members an earnest desire to co-operate with the G. 0 in her efforts to suppress "drunkenness, profanity, gambling, and kindred vices," among the fraternity. I granted a Dispensation for the formation of a new 0 at Westville, in this County; but I regret to say that in consequence of afflictions and other serious hindrances, I have never found a suitable opportunity to visit that place, open their 0 and set them to work. In conclusion, permit me to suggest that some brother, better qualified and possessing more time than I, be appointed D. D. in this District. Fraternally, ALFRED MANN, D. D. G. M. 6th District.
Of the Grand Lodge of Missouri:
Most Worshipful Sir-From circumstances over which I have no control, I have been wholly unable to attend to the various duties devolved upon me by the Grand 0 as District Deputy Grand Master in the 8th Masonic District. At the time I had fixed upon to visit the several CÂŁ:J in my jurisdiction, my brother was taken very ill, and I was necessarily detained at home to attend and wait on him until the disease should terminate, which it did in about six weeks fatally. On the examination of his papers I found that I with thIÂĽle others were appointed in his Will Executors of his estate, and I being more familiar with his business (having transacted it for the last ten years) than either of the others, the whole burden fell upon me, and in consequence of the large amount
of business to be transacted, it has occupied my whole time and attention and left no time to attend to the duties of my appointment as D. D. G. M., and consequently 1 have not visited a single o in my jurisdiction. I have done but one official act since my appointment. Some time in July or August last (1 have forgotten which) I ordered a Dispensation upon the petition of the requisite number ot brethren, in and near Thomasville, Randolph County, Mo., for a new 0 ~t that place Soon after ordering the Dispensation I received it from the Grand Secretary and not being able to attend in person, I authorized and empowered Bro. J. B. Bradford, Past Master of Roanoke 0 No. 70, to organize the brethren into a new 0 and set them to work under the Dispensation with proper instructions and report to me his proceedings in the premises. A copy of his report herewith follows: ROA.NOKE,
Mo., March 2d, 1859.
R. W. D. D. G. M. JNO. H. TURNER: â&#x20AC;˘ " Sir-In accordance with your order of August or September last, I attended at Thomasville, Randolph County, and with the aid of some brethren of Roanoke and Huntsville LEJ on Saturday the 25th of September last, regularly organized a number of brethren of that place and vicinity into a new 0 of ÂĽa~lOns under the authority of a Dispensation they produced on the occasion. " I feel satisfied that these brethren are capable and determined to guard well the avenues to Masonry, though on first sight of the 0 room I felt some reluctance in attempting an organization of the body, the 0 being held in a church on the lower floor with a portion of the window shutters off, though they promised a suitable guard should be without the room when they were engaged in 0 business and intended in a short time to prepare a better Hall. I now understand from good authority that they are about to commence a new Hall on the second story of a new building." . Fraternally submitted, J.B.BRADFORD,P.M. Roanoke Lodge No. 70."
I regret exceedingly that I was prevented from visiting the several e::e:J in my jurisdiction, but the circumstances under which I found myself placed must be my excuse. From what verbal information I have received from various parts of the 8th Masonic District, I have every reason to believe the Order to be in a healthy and prosperous condition. Fraternally and Respectfully, JNO. H. TURNER, D. D. G. M. 8th Masonic District.
May 9, 1859.
Dear Sir-In rendering my report fortte 11th District I have to state that I have not visited all the C£:J, nor did I deem it necessary to do 80 as there were but two C£:J that were more than 20 miles distant, could hear from them frequently, and often seen the members; there has been less doing in the way of making new members this year than usual, inspecting material proposed with more scrutiny, and what has been done has been well done. There seems to be a disposition on the part of most of the members in this District to sustain the Masonic College, and to contribute of their substance if need be. Now as to the uniformity of the work, which is so desirable, it would be a difficult matter to accomplish unless a law could be enacted to prohibit the officers of the subordinate C£:J to enter upon their duties until they were fully capable to perform the work pertaining to the several degrees and have a certified copy to that effect. The D. Deputies themselves are not fully qualified to give the necessary instruction nor could they spare the time and expense. Something else would have to be resorted to. Something like having all the subordinata officers and D. Deputies to have a time and place to mcet together with some competent instructor £01' several .days, the C£:J bearing the expenses. In some such way I think a uniformity might be arrived at; this might be enlarged upon, but to save expense I forbear.
The CEJ in this District are all in harmony-nothing special to mar or disturb the good feeling; their returns will exhibit the true state of things. I opened and set to work Henry Clay 0 U. D. 23, July last, bearing date July, and are getting along finely, and seem to appreciate the purity of the Order and the necessity of using proper material. Ashland U. D. was duly opened and set to work 25th September la-8t, bearing date September 15th; was present at the opening i they have done a considerable amount of work, using good material; the utmost harmony prevails. Taking all things together the CEJ in this District will compare favorably with the C€J throughout the State. The above is hereby respectfully and fraternally submitted. H. RAWLINGS, D. D. 11th District. WELLINGTON,
M. W. S. H.
April 21st, 1859.
G. M. :
The sands of another Masonic year having run out, it becomes my duty to make my annual report. It is a pleasing reflection that the CE!J in this District are generally enjoying a good degree of prosperity; they have all been visited by me the present year, and such instructions given as time and opportunity would permit. I regret that other duties prevented me from remaining as long with somC of the C€J as would have been desirll,ble and profitable. There is a strong desire on the part of the members to inquire and search for the old paths and walk therein. Dover 0 No. 122, Waverly 114 and Sibley 115, have not increased in numbers the past year, while Lafayette 32, Independ- _ ence 76, Golden Square 107, Shawnee 10, Anderson 50, Dawson 37, Lexington 149 and Heroine 104, have all increased as rapidly in numbers as is conducive to health. The last named 0 particularly has increased rapidly in numbers and moral strength; at almost every meeting her numbers are increased by application and initiation. This is the more gratifying from the low condition in which that 0 was· situated a short time since. All honor to
the noble few who in the time of her adversity stood to their posts and have produced this mighty reaction. I found in some l:EJ a disposition to call in question the propriety of requiring unanimity in the reception of non-affiliated Masons to membership, but as this is an old regulation, it is consequently above the jurisdiction of a subordinate 01' Grand D. Also in one 0 the practice had been introduced to require the candidate to express his belief on the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. As this would be disfranchising those to WhOlli we are indebted for the organization of our beloved institution, it should be promptly and strongly rebuked. In closing I must be permitted to bea.r testimony to the uniform consideration and deference with which as your representative I have been uniformly received, and trust to be relieved from any farther service in this capacity. Fraternally, C. OSBORN, D. D. G. M. 13th District.
M. W.
Mo., April 21, 1859.
Grand Master of
in Missouri:
M. W. Sir and Bro.-I herewith hand you my report as D. D. Gr. Master for District No. 14, for Masonic year ending 4th Monday in May next. Upon proper petition of a number of brethren at the town of Dayton, Cass County, Mo., I granted them a Dispensation to form a new 0 at said town, to be called Dayton 0; I forwarded their Dispensation, it being impracticable for me to attend in person, and deputized Bro. H. Finney, of Harrisonville, Mo'., to visit them and set them to work, which he did as per his report to me by letter. In November I visited Ba:es 0 No. 88, at Butler, Bates County, Mo., installed their officers and constituted them regularly under their Charter; this 0 is composed of good material; they properly appreciate the "Most excellent tenets of our Institution" and
doubtless will have a prosperous career as a D. I remained with them two days, gave them such'instructions as I was able; was very cordially received; and for their kind and fraternal attentions while there feel grateful. Owing to circumstances entirely beyond my control, I did not visit Papinville 0 No. 140; I deputized Bro. Peter B. Stratton, W. M. of Bates 0 No. 88, a very worthy and intelligent Mason and efficient officer, to visit said 0 for me, instal their officers, and constitute them under their Charter,which he did and duly, reported same to me. In the month of February I visited Mitchell 0 No. 86, at Columbus, found the 0 in a prosperous condition and well posted in work, her officers.prompt and efficient. I have made several unsuccessful attempts to visit other CÂŁIJ in my District, but have been compelled to make some disappointments owing to sickness and the bad condition of the roads, which I deeply regret. At a retrospect view of my official record as D. D. Gr. Master, I feel mortified that I have done so little for the good of Masonry, and regret that I accepted the office, as the mantle might have fallen on some more competent Bro., who has leisure to attend to the duties without a loss to "those dependent on him ;" but I cherish the hope that I have been of some service to the craft.. Masonry in the main in'my District, is flourishing, so far as numbers is concerned; but in a great many instances there is too little pains taken in the selection of materials. When it shall be known and acceded, that for a m:l,n to be a Mason is equivalent to his being an honest, upright man and a true gentleman, then it will be that our beloved Order will take her proper sphere in the world, and all the efforts of our enemies to destroy our good name or blight our'influence, will fall as dead and fruitless as a "cannon~ ade of rose buds against the rocks of Gibraltar." Very Respectfully and Fraternally Yours,
B. E. MORROW, D. D. G. M. District No. 14.
April 8th, 1859.
H. SAUNDERS, G. M. : Most Worsllipful Sir-In compliance with my duty and in-
structions as D. D. Gr. Master of the 25th Masonic District, composed of New Mexico, I have the honor to report, that during the past year I heve been generally in attendance at the meetings of Montezuma 0 No. 109, which is the only 0 in my District, and have found nothing calling for official action, either in regard to work, Masonic practice, or conformity to the By-Laws of the Grand o. The annual report which has been duly forwarded to the R. W. Gr. Secretary will show generally the state of the o. I Clln add that this small portion of the craft in this far off and isolated community are steadily improving in the work ~nd in the means of being Masonically useful. The few accessions in numbers made during the past year may be considered as valuable acquisitions to Masonry. The 0 , both theoretically and practically, has performed its work in peace and harmony. Only one incident has occurred to interrupt this harmonious action, and that of too trivial a character to require special notice. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOAB HOUGHTON, D. D. G. M. for the 25th Masonio District.
The Grand Master appointed the foHowing Committees: UNFINISHED BUSINEss-Bros. F. B. Turnbull, T. G. Newbil,
S. H. Owenli. CHARTERED LODGEs-Bros. J. H. Turner, Winslow Turner, S. M. Hays, B. Goldsmidt, J. H. Malory, Thos. Richeson, C. N. Scott. . LODGES U. D.-Bros. John Decker, W. R. Penick, L. E. Williamson, Chas. Levy, N. F. Jones, Wm. MeR. Brooks, Jas. Foster. Accol:JNTs-Thos. J. Stark, Martin Collins, David Deane, Thos. Richeson.
WAYS AND MEANs-Bros. W. N. Loker, E. B. Wood, J. M. Sutton, R. M. P. Clark,B. O. Austin. CHARITy-Bros. R. H. Hatcher, J. Q. Burbridge, J. B. Harrison. ApPLICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONs-Bros. John Ralls, G. H. C. Melody, J. B. Simpson. MASONIC COLLEGE-Bros. Jos. Foster, D. H. Armstrong, It. S. Voorhies, W. T. Davis, John Decker,J. H. Mallory, Thos. E. Shepherd. GRIEVANcE-Bros. Jno. W. Luke, M. Boyd, W. E. Dunscomb, Winslow Turner, Wm. Culver, R. T. Edmondson. On motion of Bro, Shepherd, Resolved, That the address of the GrandMaster be referted to a Committee for distributing thesnbjects therein contained. Adopted. And the following were appointed a Committee in accordance with the foregoing resolution: Bros. Sutton, F~ster and Winslow Turner. Bro. Shepherd offered the following: Resolved, That Wednesday Morning 10 o'clock be set .apa.rt for the Election of Gr. Officers. Adopted. The Grand Secretary as Chairman on F. Correspondence presented his report, which was received and ordered to boprinted and the resolution recognizing the Grand 0 of Canada hid over until to-morrow. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence beg leave to present to the Grand 0 the following report as the result of their labors: Communications from the following Grand CE::J have been received and examined. Alabama, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia,
Minnesota, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, . Vermont,
32 Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana,
New Hampshire, North Carolina, New York, Oregon, Ohio,
Virginia, Wis{;onsin, Washington Ter
And the Proceedings of the Grand 0 of Canada and of the Pro. vincial Grand 0 of Australia. ALABAMA.
The Grand 0 met at Mongomery, the 6th December, 1858.M. W. J. McCaleb Wiley, Gr. Master, presiding.-162 L2:J represented. The Grand Master calls attention to the importance of writing, at an early period, the History of Free Masonry in Alabama, and says "It is due to the living and to the dead, and to those who will come after us, that It should be done quickly .. Many other Grand CE:J have entered upon the work, whilst others have already completed it." Your CommIttee have, on more than one occasion, urged upon this Grand Body, the importance of publishing the records of Masonry in Missouri: It is due to our position, as well as to the early pioneers of the Order, living and dead, that this should be done. We do not believe that such publication would entail any additional expense upon the Grand 0, while the benefits which would result from such a publication is apparent to all. Your Committee once more earnestly calls attention to this subject, !lnd trusts some action of a definite character may he taken before the close of the present session. The grand master does not view in a very favorable light those non-affiliated masons, who are exercising indirectly but surely an iBfluence in Grand Câ&#x201A;Ź:::J. "You might as well," he says, "say that a demitted Church member was still a member of the church, or that a stock-holder in a bank or insurance company, who had sold out his stock, was entitled to dividends, 6S to say that a demitted mason is still a mason a.nd entitled to masonic benefits and ~rivileges; for I hold tha.t 'if he will not
work, neither should he e80t.' But, say Bome, masonry is a. voluntary association, and a. member has a perfect right to withdraw whenever he sees fit. For the sake of argument I will admit the truth of this position, and in reply, if it is only voluntary so far as the demitting member is concerned? and are the contributing members and CE!J bound to recognize him his? to contribute to his support, and give him funeral honors? or can they not voluntary withdraw from him also? The idea. .that he can sever his connection with the 0 and the 0 not be able to sever its connection with, or obligation to him, is to my mind most unnatural and unjust." Bro. S. A. M. Wood presented the report on F. Correspondence, oovering 96 closely printed pages: To say that it is an exceedingly able and candid review of the several Grand D Proceedings submitted to him, would only be to acknowledge that which is oonceded by every intelligent mason who h88 had the pleasure of reading the carefully prepared papers of that distinguished brother. The Grand 0 recognizes the Grand 0 of Canada, and have entrusted Bro. Wood with the important duty of preparing the History of Masonry in Alabama, for publication. M. W. R. H. Ervin, Camden, Grand Master.
The Grand 0 assembled in tlacramento, the 11th May, 1858. -M. W. N. Greene Curtis, Gr. M88ter,presiding.-79 CE!J represented. Alluding to the influence which Masonry is destined to exercise, the Grand master says: "Our Order, grand in its numbers 8路nd influence, will play a noble part in this great Scheme of universal brotherhood: interpreting all language.s, accommodatmg all customs, acclimating all zones, conciliating all sects, whether living under despotic or republican rule, and everywhere performing its mission of charity and love. From every part of the' civilized world ha.s been extended the hand of brotherhood, and palm has pressed palm, sealing the mutual promise of harmonious action." 3 G. L.
From the report of the Masonic Board of Relief, we learn that 112 applicants were relieved, to the amount of $2766 25; of this 8um, ten dollars was paid to an applicant hailing from Missouri. May God prosper this truly noble undertaking of our California brethren, for it is a. brighter gem in the crown of Masonry than can be boasted of by any other Grand 0 jurisdiction in this country 路save Louisiana. The Gr. Secretary presented the report on F. Correspondence, 路.md it is, as usual, an exceedingly valuable paper; our brother a.ppears to grasp the salient points of every argument, and presents them, with his comments, in such a manner that, although sometimes differing with him in his conclusions, we are compelled to admit that he says all that can be said on his side of the subject. Our Brother expresses his opinions pretty freelynpon the subject of our Masonic College, but as the writer of this report has hitherto abstained from ,noticing any of the criticisms upon that institution from other jurisdictions, he Willllot again, in this report, allude to the subject. In cOl:tl.menting on the proceedings of the Gr. 0 of North Carolina, the Committee say: "We are Dot much surprised at the vi(>latioDs of lll,w over which the Grand Master grieves, when we observe that the Grand 0 itself virtually commends the infraction of its own ordinances. The Committee on Charters and Dispensations, in a notice of sundry irregularities, arnong others, report the following:, Pine Grove 0 (U. D.) has fallen into the unmasonic practice of receiving petitions, balloting for the Candidates, initiating, passing, and raising at the same meetinlir~ which we believe to be the main reason why there are so many if!nor!l.nt craftsmen in our midst.' A very safe conclusion beyond all doubt. They also add, in relation to the by.-Iaws of tha Bltme 0, that the 'Thirteenth Article requires a brother casting a black ball, to make known to the master his objecti{)ns to the applicant' Yet, to this 0, so ignorant of the commonest and best known usages of Masonry, and of the laws of its own superior, the Committee recommended a Charter in the usnal summary style, and a Charter was granted accordingly."
The Committee as heretofore condemm the introduction of any new tests in Masonry, and while we are pleased with the manner in which they handle their opponents upon this delicate subject, we are not disposed to allude farther to it, for happily in this jurisdiction we have no such exciting theme before us for discussion. The Gr. Secretary reports 160 volumes in the Grand 0 Library. M. W. Greene Curtis, Sacramento, Gr. Master. CONNECTICUT.
This Grand 0 met at New Haven on the 12th day of May, 1858-M. W. William L. Brewer, Grand Master,55 CEJ represented. . In consequence of the failure of Bro. L. G. Peck (who had been appointed Chairman on F. Correspondence) to present a report, the Gr. Secretary was instructed to examine the proceedings of the several Gr. CEJ, prepare a report and publish it with the proceedings of the Grand 0, which duty Bro. Gr. Secretary faithfully performed, his report covering 108 pages. M. W. Geo. F. Daskam, Norwalk, Grand Master. DELAWARE.
This Grand 0 l'ssembled in Wilmington, 28th June, 1858Rt. W. Edwin J. Horner, D. Gr. Master, presiding, a number of P. Gr. Officers and the representatives of 12 Subordinate LE:J present. There was no address from the D. Gr. Master. No report on F. Correspondence, and the Gr. 0 closed the same evening. M. W. John R. McFee, Georgetown, Gr. Master. GEORGIA.
The Gr. 0 assembled at Macon on the 26th October, 1858M. W. Wm. S. Rockwell, Gr. Master, presiding, 194: LE:J represented.
The Grand Master thus alludes to the age ot the Grand 0 : "To-day, roy brethren, the Grand 0 of Georgia meets its subo~dinate Câ&#x201A;ŹJ in its one hundred and twenty-third annual communiction. In looking back through this long vista of bygone years, it would be strange indeed if no darkening shadows cast themselves athwart the field of view, varied as it has bMn by sunshine and by shade. There, is much in our past history to gratify us in its recollection, and encourage us in our hopeful aspirations for the future. Riven by no internal dissentions -assailed by no outward violence-contaminated by no mingling of the turbid strelLms-of schismatic strife, with its own unruffled current, for ,nearly if not quite a century and a. quarter, the Grand 0 of" Georgia has pursued the even tenor of its way, and is believed to be, at this time, the solitary representative, among the Grand CEl of the Union, of the Grand 0 of England, b~. fore schism and innovation had combined to arrest its prosperity and diminish its usefulness. Is it not meet for us at this day to ponder the simple means by which their long career of peacefulness has been preserved? Does it not become us to tread the path our predecessors pursued, with a confident hope that we may leave to those who come after us, the same firmness and stability which has been transmitted to us ?" Bro. Barry, Gr. Lecturer, presented a report from which we extract the following with the remark that it will suit other latitudes as well as that of Georgia. " In many of the CEl I found the state of the finances in utter confusion-the regular payment of dues had been neglected for years-the accounts of the 'Secretary and Treasurer" have not been regularly examined; the CEl a,ppearing satisfied if enough money is collected to meet current expenses. Evils of a very serious cha.racter result inevitably from this negligence. It IS difficult to convince members in arrears for a long space of time of their delinqeuncies, and it is easy to persuade themselves that they have not received the proper credits for payments; charges are indirectly made against the Secretaries, and the consequence is that the harmony and peace. of the 0 is disturbed by the contradictory statements and opinions made and expressed by
members and officers. Nor is this the only injury inflicted by this culpable negligence. The healing stream of Charity is dried at the fountain-the fund that should, under Masonic sanction, relieve misery and want, is in the pockets. of delinquent members, who forget that they are bound to the maintenance and support of the By-Laws of the 0 , and that these By-Laws enjoin l1 prompt and regular pa~ment of dues. at a specified time. This in my opinion, is the result of the election of unsuited brethren to the responsible station of Secretary, for upon the examination of the records, in too many instances, I found this office filled by pro-temporary appointments." The same brother presented the report on F. Correspondence from which we copy the following: Free Masonry "is the most perfect system of morality that the mind of man originated; the most faithful exposition of the duties man owes to himself, his neighbor, and his God, short of Divine revelation. It is the perfection of human wil:!dom-the reflection of beauty, the durability of strength; it is stamped with the immortality of truth, and imbued with the spirit of Charity and Benevolence. It adapts itself to men of every creed and nation, and wherever the foot of civilized man may tread, it carries its instruction and offers its charities. It interferes not with man's conscience, and meddles not with human dogmas or formulas of faith, but greets the Mussulman in his Mosque, the Pagan in his Temple; the Jew in his Synagogue, and the Christian at his Altar, if they be but good men and true, and with its commanding authority requires of them that tbtlY be just to themselves, true to their God, and faithful to their fellows'j to walk by the plumb line of r~ctitude-to square their actions by virtue, and test their words by the level of Truth. It selects the worthy and well qualified from all nations, and with the cement of brotherly love unites them into one general whole-speaking the same mystic language -.worshipping at the same altar, :lI1d adoring the same God. This is the power of attraction with the many, thongh others may be influenced by sordid and mercenary ml.tives, with falsehood on their lips and treachery in their hearts, to seek a name and a place among us. These are" spots in our feasts of Charity"-" rr'rccs
whose roots withereth without bearing fruit." It is these·that bring a reproach upon our Order, and subjects it to the assaults of its adversaries. M. W. Wm. S. Rockwell, Grand Master. INDIANA
This Grand 0 assembled at Indianapolis, the 24th May, 1858. -M. W. Solomon D. Bayless, Gr. Master, presiding.-208 CEb represented. The Grand Master. in alluding to the granting of Dispensations, says: " It is extremely difficult for the Grand Master to determine in some cases, whether to grant or withhold dispensations. CEJ in many instances, from fear of giving offence to the brethren applying, recommend the prayer of the petition as required by law, when they ought more properly to refuse, thereby calling upon the Grand Master to endorse the proceedings and grant a dispensation; sometimes a petition is granted by a vote of the 0, and the members thereof, for and against, open a correspondence with the Grand Master, pointing out the evil and good results that will follow the granting of a dispensation." How forcibly docs this come home to your Committee; we know and have known for years, that many dispensations for the formation of new C€J. ordered by our District Deputies, had better remain unissued. The writer of this report is cognizant of the fact that it were bette~ for the Order that many C€J now dragging out a feeble existence, without credit to themselves or the Grand 0 under whose auspicies they were brought into existence, had never been established. We have, on more than one occasion, remonstrated against the formation of such C€J, but our remonstrance has beeB of no avail: we have been too frequently answered "that Masonry must keep pace with other Associations, or it will fall into the 'back ground.''' We say, would to God it was, so far as the members of C€J and masons are concerned, in the back ground; LODGES ARE INCREASING TOO RAPIDLY IN THIS JURISDICTION, and we implore of the Grand 0 that it throws
some restrictions around those who are now clothed with authority to order dispensations for the formation of new CE!J. Bro. Palan presented a repQ!t on F. C., which was ordered to be printed with the proceedings of the Grand O. M. W. SolomonD. Bayless, of Fort Wayne, Grand Master. ILLINOIS.
The Grand 0 6£ Dlinois met in Springfield the 5th October, 1858.-M. W. Harrison Dills, Grand Master, presiding.-200 C€J represented. The Grand Master states that they are now in their 18th year, as a Grand 0, commencing in 1840, with Six C€:J, but now numbering 239 Chartered CEJ, with 44 under dispensation, making in all 283 CEJ, with a membership of 10,000. The Grand Master has, during the year, officially visited 34 CEJ. Hsuch Visitations were of more frequent occurrence, much good would result therefrom. The Grand Secretarj presented an interesting report on F. Correspondence, from which we extract the following valuable information relative'to the growth and prosperity of the Grand CJ of Illinois. "This Grand 0 was organized in 1840. Past Gr. Masters, J ooas, Dunlap, Warren, Helm, and our present Grand Master, Dills, were among its original members. It then numbered in reality but -five CEJ. An old Organization, reaching back as far as 1824, and perhaps further, had disbanded long before, very few could tell when or where. Several CEJ were working under Charters from Kentucky and Missouri, and perhaps other States. The population of the State was then between 400,000 and 500,000-a populati<lDcertainly suficient to have justified the immediate organization of from fifty to one hundred CEl, judging by the population of other States. Up to 1845 the Grand 0 proceeded with slow and cautious steps. The population of the State then exceeded 600,000, yet the number of CEJ had not reached higher than 33 or 34, there never having been a No.5, and several having changed numbers, forfeited their Charters, or been set off to-the jurisdiction of Iowa."
From the proceedings before us, we have ample evidence that Masonry in our sister State is in the hands of men who know their whole duty, and faithfully perform it. M. W. Ira A. W. Back, Aurora, Grand 1daster. IOWA.
This GTand 0 assembled at Desmoines the 18t June, 1858.M. W. J. F. Sandford, GTand Muter, presiding.-84 I:E!J represented. The Grand Master thus alludes to the subject of Uniformity of Work: " It becomes necessary for me now to give my views upon this question of 'Uniformity of Work,' in order to extricate myself from the slightest imputation of attaching too much importance to the forms of Masonry, to the exclusion of that higher reverence for its spirit, which every Mason should cultivate. This is the very evil I am seeking to avoid. If it were in my power to confer upon my brethren of this jurisdiction the greatest blessing to be realized from our fraterna.lsystem, I would, without hesitation, excite in their minds a true conception of the internal philosophy of Masonry, by the aid of which they can obtain purer and better views of the principles of its construction, than any combination of mereforms can give them. I would employ this language of art only as a means of laying upon the soul the inspiration of nature's gentle voice, which impels us with 'enthusiasm from truth to truth,' until the whole soience of Masonry spreads out in new and sublime forms, adorning the pathil of life and cheering the prospect of death. But surely this result could never be obtained whilst the external forms of fraternal intercourse and recognition are a source of wrangling and dispute. Experience constantly repeats the lesson, that men will adhere to and contend for the most unimportant and foolish positions with as much obstinacy as they will display in defence of the most sacred principles. But whether from this disposition, or from any otber course, variance and contention exists in our Câ&#x201A;ŹJ respecting the mere forms of our ritual, it constitutes, while it lasts, an effectual barrier to that Masonic cultivation which enlarges the in-
tellect and prepares it for the comprehension of those sublime truths which unfold the deep meaning of our symbols, and display the hidden beauties and excellencies of our Order. It is by harmonizing the external forms of expression, and thus removing the obstacle to the cultivation of higher and better principles, that we have desired to promote the true interests of the fraternity in our jurisdiction." Rro. Langridge, D. Gr. Secretary, presented the report on F. Correspondence, from which your Committee borrow the following judicions and well timed observations of Bro. Mackey: " I must solemnly warn my brethren, with all the impressiveness derived from a sense of danger, that any attempt to intrust the labor of instructing the Câ&#x201A;ŹJ to temporary lecturers, must result in the utter destruction of all that remain to us of the ancient symmetry of our beautiful temple. No man can be qualified as a Grand Lecturer unless he has devoted his time, his talent and his labor, to the arduous though pleasant task of Masonic study. The old Romans had a proverb that a Mercury could not be made out of any kind of wood, and neither can a Grand Lecturer be manufactured out of any kind of Mason. To suppose that by the simple appointment of the presiding officer some half a dozen District Deputies or inspectors can be qualified to instruct the CEJ placed under their control in the arcana of Masonry, wonld be farcical, were it not so pregnant with danger to the safety and preservation of our land marks. The attempt has been made in one or two jurisdictions and most signally failed. Its necessary consequence is a destruction of aU uniformity and a degradation of Masonic science to a mere sY8tem of quackery. A Masonic teacher requires qualifications of the highest character. A profound knowledge of the ritual is, of course, es~ential, and this is to be acquired only after the most laborious study, aided by the a.dventitious assistance of an excellent and retentive memory. But to this must be added, if we would give dignity to the office, or confer a benefit on the pupils whom he is to teach, an education above the common standard, a cultivated intellect, an acquaintance with that ancient language from whose records our system is derived, a familiarity with history and antiquities, and an extent of
reading and power of mind which will enable him to trace the symbolism of our Ol'der, through all its progress, from the ancient priesthood of Egypt, the mysteries of Greece and Asia, and the Kabbala of Palestine. " In this advanced age of Masonic improvement, the attempt to appoint lecturers by the year, as we hire domestics or employ laborers, is an ill8ult to the intelligence of the Order. Whatever steps, therefore, may be taken by the Grand 0 for the diffusion of Masonic instruction throughout the State I trust that due regard will be paid to the qualifications as well as to the employ. ment of the lecturer, and I beseech you, as one seeing where lie the shoals and quick sands of error, to let no motive induce you to trust the task of teaching to those who themselves require to be taught." M. W. J. R. Hartsock, Iowa City, Grand Master. KANSAS.
Thia Grand 0 met in the City of Leavenworth, the 18th October, 1858-5 CEJ represented. On the favorite topic of the Grand Master, "Non-affiliated Masons," he holds forth as follows: " I unhesitatingly proclaim the right of every Mason to withdraw from his affiliation with a 0 whenever he may please, if he be worthy, free from charges, and not indebted to the 0; and.I conceive all legislation which shall tend to ostracise a Mason on account of non-affiliation to be in violation of ancient usages; in derogation of Masonic rights, and as tending to modernize Our ancient institution. I regard the great and distinctive mark between this and every other Order or association to be that "once a. mason always so," and he finally winds up his monologue with the following piteous exclamation: "Oh, save this time-worn institution, which stands on the expansive platform of the world, embracing in its fold all nations, tongues and ~indred, and all the 'med sects of earth, from such unholy bigotry." Now if that is not a flourish in the spread eagle style, we would like to know by what other name to characterize it. Gr. Master Rees has at least the merit of consistency in the foregoing ex-
.pressed opinions, for we well remember the time when he lived in this jurisdiction, that he took every occasion not only to advocate the right of Masons to demit, but advised resistence to law8 enacted for the purpose of taxing those drones. Your Committee cannot answer the foregoing in a more conclusive manner than by a quotation from the annual address of P. Gr. Master Foster, delivered in 1849. In speaking of the law then in force, taxing non-affiliated Masons, he says: "This law may he inexpedient, but there is no ancient rule either written or traditional with which it conflicts. Every law in Ancient Masonry affects all Masons alike; their interests, duties and obligations are such, that whatever concerns one is the interest of all. And he who takes any other view is sure to run into darkness and its legitima.te fruit. Hence the errors of those local regulations, which have introduced into the Masonic world the anomaly of the non-ajJiliated Masons. Such terms form DO part of the Masonic vocabulary of ancient brethren, and to them the non-affiliated Mason was unknown; or if known was regarded only as a profane. Nor had they this other anamoly in Masonry. Swarms oj drones basking away the sunshine of summers, or roving amongst the exuberant flowers -with it may be an occasional empty visit to the hive, until the pinching frost of winter has driven them in-and then forsooth the small pittance of the widow and the orphan must be despoiled for their relief. To all such our ancient brethren said in the Ian guage of Solomon, "Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise." In noticing our remarks of last year upon the subject of the " Grand Camp Meeting proposed by our grandiloquent brother, he appears to think that we did not treat his proposition with that respect due to the CHIEF EXECUTIVE of a sister jurisdiction." Your Committee believe that we paid a very high compliment to the magnificent project of the CHIEF EXECUTIVE upon that occasion, for we at once acknowledged our inability to comprehend it; this we done however humiliating to ourself, as we thereby admitted our limited capacity; indeed the CHIEF EXECUTIVE recognizes this ÂŁact, for he directly charges us with having our conceptioDs contracted within the limits of a Sta.te.
Your Committee have somewhere read of an estimable philanthropic lady named Mrs. Jellyby, who, notwithstanding she had & large family to take care of, devoted all the energies of her strong mind to the interesting natives of Borioboola-Gha. She had no time however to tend to home affairs, her sympathies being altogether with those highly cultivated individuals. Now your Committee would by no means attempt to insinuate that the "CHIEF EXECUTIVE of a sister jurisdiction" resembles the aforesaid lady, but when we take into account his extreme solicitude for our Pat.. agonian and Zunian brethren, and his desire that the ends of the earth may be brought together in one harmonious "Camp Meeting," your Committee only stated the truth when he last year declared, as he again reiterates, that the subject is too vast for his <lOmprehension. The Grand Secretary, Bro. C. Mundee, presented a report on F. Correspondence, gentlemanly and Masonic in its language. We only regret our brother had not launched out boldly in his criticisms, as we have no doubt but that he could fully sustain himself. We hope to hear again from our brother. M. W. R. R. Rees, Leavenworth City, Grand Master. LOUISIANA.
The Grand 0 assembled in New Orleans, 14th February, 1859. -M. W. Amos Adams, Gr. Master, presiding.-77 Subordinate Y2J represented. The Grand Master congratulates the Grand 0 that within the past five years they have paid for the Grand 0 HaH, now worth at least $75,000', and that it is now the property of the Grand D. The revenue derivable from the same, after paying all necesary expenses, is to be appropriated exclusively to charitable purposes, to be distributed in such a manner as the Grand 0 shall deter- . mme. This jurisdiction appears still to be troubled with a few restless spirits, who are endeavoring to sow dissention among well-meaning but simple brethren, many of whom do not understand the language in which the proceedings of the Grand 0 is printed, and therefore become the dupes of those designiTlg disorganizers.
The Grand Master advocates the publication of tha History 9f Masonry in Louisiana, saying that many Grand CEJ are moving in this direction, and that but few could furnish richer materials, extendiI:& over a period of nearly seventy years; and we, with pleasure-, record the fact, that a Committee, consisting of Bros. FellolVs, Barnett, and Gr. Secretary, were appointed to prepare such a. Hi!ltory in accordance with the recommendation of the Gr. Master. Relief 0 has again exhibited a report of their doings, from which we learn that the total amount paid out for charity during the past year, was $3,50a 18; of this amount, Masons hailing from Missouri received $57. This is truly a noble work in which our brethren of New Orleans are engaged, and it will stand the test of the Grand Overseer's square when presented before t'he throne'of the Eternal. The report on F. Correspondence is from the pen of Bro. Fellows, reviewing the proceedings of 33 Grand CEJ, and coveriDg 104 pages. The Committee disbelieve in the "inherent rights of Grand Masters, and agrees with California that an appeal may be taken from their decisions, nor does he know of any reason why his will and not that of the Grand 0 should be the law." Your Committee deem this strange doctrine, and if fully recognized, would reduce our Grand CEJ to the level of mere political Organizations, and our grand Masters to an equality with the temporary Chairmen of those Bodies. It is a well established Historical fact, that for the last thousand years at least, Grand Masters occasionally existed independent of Grand 0 Organizations, such as lYe of the present day understand them to be: it is also a fact, that Grand Masters were not always elected by the Masons in their general assemblies, but were sometimes appointed by the King: and such Gr. Masters and their successors were路 clothed with extraordinary powers: they could, whenever they deemed the general welfare of. the great body of Masons required, convene all the Masons in their jurisdiction~ and preside in their general assemblies: this they done not because of any speciai law, but because it was a part of the prerogatives of the Grand
Master. Thus we find that in 926 Edwin was appointed by his brother, Athelstane, patron of the Masons, procured a. Charter from the King, empowering them to meet annually in communication at York, when the first Grand 0 of England was formed, and at which Edwin presided, by virtue of his appoinment as Gr. Master. Again, about 1630, William St. Clair, Earl of Olkney and Caithness, was appointed by James II., Gr. Master Mason of Scotland, which office was held by him and his male descendants in regular succession unti11763, when William Sinclair, Esq., of Roslin, resigned the office of Hereditary Grand Master, and the Craft were allowed to chose their own head. In the cases thus quoted, we find that Grand Masters have existed independent of the great body of Masons over whom they presided. That the office was one of honor and responsibility cannot be denied, and that attached to the office were certain privileges and prerogatives which were handed down from one Grand Master to another, some of which are recognized and enjoyed even to the present day. But the Committee also state that" formerly Grand Câ&#x201A;Ź:J were simply mass meetings of the whole fraternity. The Masonic Fraternity constituted a pure Democracy, and the Gr. Master elected at those meetings were invested with executive power during. their intermissions. " We must again differ with the Committee as regards the character of the assemblies which they call Grand Câ&#x201A;Ź:J. The General Assemblies or Convocation of Masons, as we before remarked, were held at the pleasure of the Grand Master, and when convened, the Grand Master presided over their deliberations, not by courtesy, but by right. He appointed all the Subordinate Officers, for his greater convenience, and to assist him in the proper discharge of his duties. The assembly or convocation was governed by the old charges, and such regulations as were made from time to time, as circumstances demanded, and he caused them to be read in general assembly so that none might pretend ignorance, he being equally bound with the humblest prentice to obey them; and he was also held responsible by the State for the manner in which the deliberations of the assem-
bIy were conducted, as also for the character of the Laws whieh they made for their government, and when the work for which they were called together was completed, the Convocation was dis8,olved; the appointed officers ceased to possess any power, and the Grand Master alone existed, recognized in the full enjoyment of all the prerogatives attached to his exalted station. If we have in the foregoing stated the true position of Grand Masters in ancient times, and their -relation to the craft, it follaws as a necessary cOIJsequence that no doctrine as the right of appeal from the decisions of Gr. Masters when in general assembly existed, bnt we may be told, that as Grand Masters and the Grand ~ of the present day exist, that right might Mw be t{)Ierated. Upon this subject we will extract from Mackey's Principles of Masonic Law, page 34, a work by the way which we would desire to see in the hands of every member of this Grand D. Under the head "of the Grand Master," our brother says: "The Grand Master possesses a great variety of prerogatives, some of which are derived from the "lex non scripta," 01' ancient usage; and others from the written or statue law of Masonry. His most important prerogatives are inherent or derived from ancient usage. It seems now to be settled by ancient usage as well as the expressed opinion of the generality of Gr. CEJ and of Masonic writers, that there is no appeal from his decision. In June, 1849, the Grand Master of New York, Bro. Willard, declared an appeal to be out of order and refused to submit to the Grand D. An appeal, says the Committee of Correspondence of MarylaD'l, from the decision of the Grand Master, is an anamoly, at war with every principle of Free Masonry, and as such not for a moment to be tolerated or countenanced. Your Committee will say in conclusion that while we are 'no advocates for the in:tIienable rights of Grand Masters, we deny the right of appeal from his decisions unless provided for by constitutional enactmeat. Taking the whole report of Bro. Fellows, we can freely say, that it contains a variety of useful information well deserving the attention of the intelligent Mason. M. W. Sam'l M. Todd, New Orleans, Gr. Master.
The Seventh Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held in St. Paul October 26th, 1858-M. W. A. T. C Pierson, Grand Master, presiding, 19 CEJ represented. The Grand Master appears to be well posted in the workings of the Order, as he visits most of the e::eJ in his jurisdiction. He sees to it that the laws and regulations of the Grand 0 are obeyed, not foolishly arrogating to himself a power in all things superior to the body that placed him in his exalted position, but both by teaching and example in his own person, rendering due obedience to law; with such a Grand Master-intelligent, gentlemanly, and enthusiastic, is it any wonder that Masonry in Minnesota should command the respect and admiration of all right thinking men, that harmony and brotherly love prevails to a great extent among the brethren. We have only to quote from the admirable address of the Grand Master to prove it : " In times of high political excitement, consequent upon change of government, such as we have passed through, discord is apt to be engendered among brethren. I am happy to announce but one instance of that kind has come to my knowledge in all our CEJ. Masonry connects herself with no form of political government and opposes none. Her mission is "Peace and good will to men." Whenever, unfortunately, such differences arise, the second sober thought should induce brethren to remember that they are Masons, and to amicably arrange their difficulties without bringing them into the D. . " Nothing is more unpleasant or painful to a Grand Master in visiting CEJ, than to find a want of harmony among the brethren, or to be called upon to decide upon differences among them; his business when visiting is to inspect the work, to examine the records and see that they are properly kept, to see that the usages and customs of the fraternity are not violated; that no innovations are practiced; that the ancient landmarks are not removed; to instruct, encourage and counsel the brethren, and direct their workings. When I inform you brethren, that the instance alluded to is the only one that has come to my knowledge of want of harmony, in a State so large as ours and containing so many CEJ, it
need cause no surprise,-because if brethren remember that they are Masons, and call to mind the ties and laws of Masonry, other state of things cannot be." The report on F. Correspondence is again by Gr. Secretary Prescott, and comes to us "joyfully groaning under the load of good things" In alluding to the subject of fines for non路 attend路 ance to 0 the Committee says: . " While we are not prepared to advocate the propriety of adopting a system of fines "for neglect of duty or irregular conduct," or for nOll路attendance at our communications, we confess to having at times maliciously wished for some such 'thorn in the flesh" of those who have, month after month, preferred the Odd Fellows to the Mason's 0 , because it saved their paying twentyfive cents as the penalty for absence." And on the project of the Grand Master of Kansas the Com路 mittee say: "The magnificence of the idea is apparent, I!>nd we cannot refuse to admire that equanimity of mind which will allow a revel in such delightful anticipations at a moment when "times are so hard." M. W. A. T. C. Pierson, Grand Master, St. Paul. MICHIGAN.
The Grand 0 assembled in the city of Grand Rapids, 12th January, 1859-M. W. HonI. Wm. M. Fenton, Grand Master, presiding, 86 CE:J represented. The address of the Grand Master is local in its character, confined chiefly to his doings within the past year. The Grand Secretary's report on F. Correspondence reviews the proceedings of the several Grand Cfb in a kind and fraternal . spirit. The session lasted three days and everything was conducted in peace and harmony. M. W. J. Adams Allen, Kalamazoo, Grand Master. 4 G. L.
The Grand 0 assembled in Baltimore the 15th Nov., 1858Rt. W. Anthony Kimmel, D. Gr. Master, presiding, 32 'CEJ rep'resented. This Grand 0 has a Charity fund of $25,335. The Rev. J. N. McJilton presented a report on F. Correspondence covering 137 pages', from which we extract the following: " A powerful restraint is that which appears in this exhibition of Masonic authority, exercised by the Order in the-regular process of its work. It is a bQautiful feature of the institution which thus appearsin the peaceful labors of the great family in the wide field of its operations. The craftsmen are brethren. Although born in different climes and c,ongregated from various parts of the world, they recognize each other, and taking their places in the line of labor, shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand, they proceed in the performance of appointed duties. It is beautiful indeed to behold how the brethren -dwel~ together in unity. and how in such vast bodies they perform in harmony the service required at their hands. Surely the proudest temple that human hands can rear must be that which such a fraternity may b~ild. Next in character to the temple reared by the word of the Almighty Architect, must its fair proportions appear. The session appears to have been a harmonious one, and the brethren separated in peace and harmony. M. W. Charles Goodwin, Baltimore, Grand Master. 'MAINE.
This Grand 0 assembled in Portlalld 4th May, 1858-M. W. Rob't P. Dunlap, Grand Master, 74 CEJ represented. On the subject of Non-Affiliation the Grand Master writes as follows: " There is another subject of growing importance which I deem it my duty to allude to at the present time. There ,are, as is well known, a conSiderable number of Ma!lons within the precincts of many CEJ who do not associate themselves with their brother Masons ai'l Buch, and have no active participation in the affairs of
any particular D. This class, though small when compared with the great body of Masons, is not beneath the notice and action of the Grand CEJ, under whose jurisdictions they live. I am not prepared to impeach or call in question the motives of those, who, for reasons best known to themselves, have seen fit to withdraw from the active sphere of Masonic labor. There may be, doubt路 less, in some few instances, such obstacles, as to render an assOciation with any 0 entirely impracticable; but we are well awaro that, in the great majority of cases, no excuse can be given, unless it be that of a flagging zeal or a penurious economy. These suttlers, "who hang about the outskirts of our army," are always willing to receive any advantages which they may derive from being nominally associated with us, but are never willing to contribute by their hand or their purse, towards the success or maintenance of the Order. Various expedients have been adopted, by different Grand CEJ, to test the strength of their attachment to our fraternity, and to determine definitely the relations which they should sustain to the great body of acting Masons. In some States it has been proposed to levy a small tax upon them-in others, to allow them the privilege of visiting any 0 within the jurisdiction of the Grand 0 once, and if, after that, they unite with no 0, they are to be excluded altogether from such a privilege. Without specifying any particular mode as preferable, I have held it my duty to lay the subject before you for your consideration. Bro. Pearl as usual presented one of those reports on F. Correspondence, for which of late years Maine has been so famous in producing.. The document covers 51 pages, discussing a variety of subjects, such as "Masonic History, General Grand 0, The Great Light in Masonry," &c. As we of this jurisdiction are not at the present time exercised upon any of these topics, it is not desirable to discuss them. We will simply add, however, that it is not by resolutions or professions we can demonstrate the sincerity of our belief in the great light, but only by the practice of those great lessons of duty which are contained in it. If in our intercourse with our fellow men we were influenced by the principles of honor and honesty, rendering
to all men their just dues,-if we cultivated the social and domestic affections to their fullest extent,-if we avoided all uncharitableness and evil speaking, and maintained consciences void of offence toward God and man,-if we loved HIM, and prove the truth of our love by loving our fellow-men,-if we as Masons do all these things, there would be no need of discussing the divine authenticity of the Bible. But as there have been in all ages of the world, loud professors, and indifferent practicers, so is it with the Masonic fraternity at the present time, and so will it cont~nue to be as long as hypocricy is allowed to cloak itself in the garb of professions to serve the Devil in. M. W. Hiram Chase, Grand Master. NEBRASKA.
This Grand 0 met at Nebraska City, 2nd day of June, 1858. -M. W. Robert C. Jordan, Grand Master.-6 CE::J represented. The following stringent resolution in relation to non-affiliated Masons, was adopted. " Resolvtd, That a non-affiliated Mason who shall, for the space of siX'months, reside in any County wherein is a Working a, and fail to make application Jor membership therein, shall forfeit the privilege ot visiting said D. And if he still fail or refuse to do so until the expiration of twelve months, he shall then forfeit all claims to Masonic rights or benefits. " The Grand a has adopted a system of Work and Lectures and provided for their dissemination. They also adopted as a text book, Bro. C. Moore's Caftsman. The session lasted two days, and the brethren appear to have conducted the business of the Gr. o with great harmony. M. W. Robert C. Jordan, Omaha, Gr. Master. NEW HAMPHSHffiE.
The Grand a assembled at Concord, 8th June, 1858.-M. W. Geo. H. Hubbard, Grand Master, presiding.-38 CftJ represented. The Grand Master, from his report, appears to have labored faithfully during his year of Office, laying comer stones of pub-
lie edifices, re-organizing and constituting new CEJ, granting Dispensations, &c.; he recommends a "National Congress or Consultation of Grand Lodges," deplores the want of "uniformity of work and lectures, and recommends the appointment of One Grand Lecturer, or to hold a Grand 0 or Instniction, and demand the attendance of the Master and Wardens of all the Subordinate Lodges: he cautions his brethren that Free Masonry is now popular and thp. Order is in danger from too great a pressure from without, which is sometimes not altogether of a desirable character: and in conclusion, he respectfully declines a reelection. The report pn F. Correspondence is from the pen of Gralid Secretary Chase-it covers 69 pages. From it we extract the following appropriate remarks: " In the proceedings that have fallen under our inspection, we have found, as usual, many subjects alluded to and discussed as having It bearing upon the prosperity and usefulness of the Masonic Institution, to some of which the Committee will briefly allude as worthy the serious consideration, not only of this Grand 0, but of every other Subordinate 0 under its jurisdiction; and the first to which they would invite attention is "Aspiration for Office," an evil seen and felt in an AssociatioDs, whether Civil, Moral or Religious, and in no Instltution more to be deprecated and resisted than in that of Free Masonry. Unfortunately for the world, there are and ever will be, individuals who are first to discover their own qualifications, and press their cla;im for preferment; and when a 0 is so unfortunate as to have such enrolled among its members, its harmony will, in a greater or less degree, be disturbed. The truth is, that in a 0 where harmony and brotherly love prevails, as much honor attaches to a private member who faithfully and conscientiously discharges his Masonic duties and obligations, as to the highest Officer. Let every 0 , then, elevate to Office, such ollly 1\-8 possess the qualifications necessary to best discharge the duties of that Office, regardless of every other consideration, and let every brother, who may happen to differ from the majority, quietly and peaceably acquiesce in the selection." M. W. Moses Paul, Dover, Grand Master.
The Grand 0 met at Raleigh, Dec. 6th, 1858.-M. W. Alfred Martin, Grand Master, presiding-105 CEJ represented. The address of the Grand Master is replete with good advice and sound Masonic doctrine, and his sentiments are equally applicable to one jurisdiction as well as to another, and your Committee present the following extract from that valuable document: "As a system of pure moral ethics, there has never been any more beautiful or more true than ours, and yet more abused. And I regret that truth and candor constrains me to say, that her own children have, directly or indirectly, inflicted the deepest, the most incurable wounds. They have laid paracidal hands upon her honor, and polluted the pure fountains of her morality and virt~e. Designing knaves have been permitted to connect themselves with the Order. Men, whose motives were purely selfish, whose chief object was to acquire position, or to accomplish some mercenary purpose, which, once attained, as surely as the vicious most despise the victims of their wrongs, they will turn upon and traduce the Institution: or, if discovery brings defeat, in either case they become enemies, the most malignant and the most dangerous, because we have placed in their hands the most potent means of injury. And the character of such men, which must be sooner or later developed, is a perpetual reproach upon Masonry. How important, then, that their footprints should be exeluded; for once admitted, they can never be entirely effaced from the threshhold. These evils are sometimes, doubtless, the consequence of our inability to see the secret purposes of men. But I fear they are too frequently the result of a culpable neglect or disregard of the most vital interest of the Institution." Bro. Little John presented a brief report on F. Correspondence in which he complains of the criticisms of certain Grand CE!::J on the course pursued by an agent for their College, who in order to raise money for that institution, "agreed to give publicity to the houses donating, and recommending them to the favorable notice of the craft throughout the State. This reprehensible conduct was no doubt pursued by the agent to increase his cOIDtllissions, and without the sanction or authority
of the Grand 0 of N. Carolina. Much has been said upon this subject that had better been left unsaid, and w~ allude to it, at this time, only to show how the character of a large body of Masons may be imperiled by the action of ODe avaricious member. M. W. Alfred Martin, Wilmington, Grand Master. NEW YORK.
The annual meeting of this Grand 0 was held in the City of New York, June 1st, 1858-M. W. John L. Lewis, jr., Grand Master, presiding, 331 CEJ represented. The address of Grand Master Lewis is a -carefully prepared and dignified document, elegant in its diction, and commending itself to the craft by its highly conservative character. In noticing the prosperity of the craft, for the past y~ar, the Grand Master presents another picture in the following graphic language: " But there is an<lther and mote painful truth lj'ing behind it. It is that, to some extent, dissensions have crept into our 0 rooms; strife and bitterness have found a place beside the three great lights in Masonry; an unhallowed thirst for the empty distinctions of 0 office have been allowed to prevail; contests about trifles have been fanned into flames of discord; attempts made tQ pervert the noble design of our itlstitution to individual benefit or emolument; and a feverish excitement to devise new plans which can but obscure the brightness of the ancient landmarks. If we have polished our ashlers niore perfectly than did our fathers of the craft, we have lost much of their unvarnished honesty and rugged simplicity. Distrust and envy have, in many places, usurped the place of brotherly love and charity." In alluding ÂŁ0 the subject of work and lectures, the Grand Master writes as follows.: " The uninitiated can scarcely comprehend why Masons make this such a prominent feature in their discussions and deliberations. "What matters it," is their language, "as to the precise forms by which you are inducted and bound to your fraternity, if you are but able to recognize each other and practice the duties of brotherly love, relief and truth, which you claim to be your leading
objects." "What matter is it," is our reply, "whether the current coin of the republic have the stamp of the mint or only the indentations of the smith's forging hammer, if it be but precious metal of a determinate value?" It zs the stamp of the mint, brethren, and the sanction which the law throws around it that determines alike the value of the true coin and the worth of the true Mason. Were ours a system of mere forms and ceremonies, designed to impress the imagination of the neophyte and to beguile the leisure of an idle hour, it would matter little; had it been such, the honored names in our land who have mingled in our labors would never have turned aside from their high and enobling duties and pursuits to become craftsmen. It is because a comprehensive system of moral truths, as pointed in application as they are beautiful in conception, lie concealed behind these external forms, just as the pearl lies hidden in the rough shell of the oyster. Interesting and quaint as these ceremonies are, they lay hold upon the imagination, and having fastened there, the seed of the moral truth is left to germinate. This forms the lifestudy of the Mason, and happy is he who has apprehended them. We "do not count ourselves to have fully apprehended," but as Entered Apprentices we commenced our journey eastward, and the tu11 blaze of that perfect light which we seek will only flash upon us through the open portals of eternity." The Grand Master pays a well merited compliment to the Grand Lecturer, Rt. W. Bro. Drow. He does not" damn with feint praise," but the warm outgushings of a generous heart is observable in his notice of the labors of the Grand Lecturer, and knowing the many little impediments thrown in the way of such an officer by little Masons. The Grand Master, in a spirit of brotherly love, comes forward and by his public recognition of his services, and his words of approval buoys up the spirit of the Gr. Lecturer, and strengthens him for the labors which he is again called upon to perform. Where such Grand Masters wield the emblem of authority, who both by precept and example encourage their brethren to noble deeds-to generous impulses, their influence for good is felt throughout their entire jurisdiction, and malice and intrigue are powerless in their presence.
The report on F. Correspondence is from the pen of the S. Gr.. Warden, Rt. W. Finlay M. King, and is as usual with the papers of that Bro., a carefully prepared and elaborate report of the great family of Masons in their Grand D capacity, not only of this country but of Europe, covering 92 closely printed pages. Your Committee are gratified at being able to announce that a union has taken place between the Gr. 0 of New York, or which M. W.â&#x20AC;˘John L. Lewis, jr., is Grand Master, and Rt. W. James M. Austin is Grand Secretary, and the body heretofore known as the Philips Grand 0, of which M. W. James Jenkinson was Gr. Master, and Rt. W. James Herring, Gr. Secretary. This happy consummation was effected through the labors of Bro. Macoy and others, assisted no doubt by that yearning for a renewal of Bocial and Masonic companionship so dear to the heart of every true Mason, and without which his soul would shrink within itself and its chords cease to vibrate melodiously when touched by the tale of sorrow or distress. Your Committee does not desire to pry too closely into afl the minutia connected with this union, it is sufficient for us that it appears satisfactory to the parties immediately concerned; and now the Empire State once more presents an undivided front to foes from without or traitors from within, with the exception of a few misguided men holding under the Grand 0 of Bamburg, and a handful of discontented, disaffected spirits who would rather "rule in Hell than serve in Heaven." Your Committee sincerely hope it will be many, very many years before any dissentions will again have to be chronic: d among the great family of Masons in the State of New York. M. W. John L. Lewis, jr., Grand Master, Penn Ya~. OREGON.
The Grand 0 assembled at Astoria, 12th July, 1858.-M. W. Benj. Stark, Grand Master, presiding.-15 CEJ represented. The Grand Master regrets that there was not a larger representation of the Subordinate CEJ present, and accounts tor the failure, that their Grand 0, like the Ark of the Covenant before the dedication of the Temple, has no local habitation-it is mi-
gratory. The Grand Master issued seTen DispensatioDB within the year, for the formation of new CEJ: he also consecra.ted a 0 and installed its Officers. M. W. Benj. Stark, Portland, Grand Master. OHIO.
This Grand 0 met at Columbus, 19th October, 1858.-M. W. Horace Stokes, Grand Master, presiding.-166 CEJ represented. The Grand Master presents a well written and practical address, detailing his doings for the past year. Alluding to the granting of Dispensations, he says: " I pave endeavored, in granting Dipensations, to require all the legal prerequisites to be strictly complied with by petitions and recommending CEJ. The principal difficulty I have had to encounter, has been the carelessness - to call it by no harsher namfl-of CEJ in certifying to the 'Masonic qualifications' of a,pplicants. Before such a certificate is given, the 0 issuing It should be fully satisfied that the petitioners are competent ~or the work of Masonry; yet it is not uncommon for the necessary recommendation to be- obtained in cases where applicants are not competent to confer a smgle degree. I have been compelled, therefore, to require, il1' addition to the stereotyped recommendation usually given, a certificate from a 0, the District Lecturer, or some brother who understands the work, stating in expres8 terms. that the petitioners are competent qf themselves, without assistan~ from others, to confer the degr~es of E. A. F. C. and Master Mason, in a legal and proper manner. Irecommend Legislation on the part of the Grand 0, defining in speCific language, the. terms 'Masonic qualifications,' as used in our laws. Might it not be well, in view of the difficulties which sometimes _result from the refusal of members to vote the necessary certificates, to require all votes upon recommending new I:ÂŁJ, to be taken by ballot. And how true is the following: Hastyand imperfect work is the great error of Masons in these latter days. It is not unusual for a candidate to be initiated, passed and raised, and even elected to o.ffiee in a ' 0 , within the space of one or two months. This may be in accordance with the common idea of
progress in this railroad age, but is certainly contrary to the illstructions of the fathers, who taught that an entered apprentice should serve a just and lawful time as such, and become proficient before being passed to the degree of a Fellow-Craft, and that the latter should work in the quarries until he gained the necessary skill and wisdom to entitle him to be promoted to the station of an overseer of the work. I am, sometimes, in view of this subject, inclined to adopt the forcible language of an intelligent brother, now before me, 'It is time for the Cf!:J to cease awhile from making Masons until they can-finish those already begun." The following was adopted by the Grand 0 : " The select Committee to whom was referred so much of the M. W_ Grand Master's address as relates to the practice of Masons celebrating St. John's day with other Orders, have had the same under consideration, and offer for adoption, the following: "Resolved, That it is a violation of ancient usage, and unmasonic, for Masons to join with other Orders in any Masonic Celebration. " Bro. O. A. Lyman submitted a report on F. Correspondence, reviewing the proceedings of the several Grand Cf!:J: this he does in an impartial manner, presenting a Panoramic view of the doings of Masonry in the several jurisdictions. He declmes to engage in lengthy dissertations and discussions upon mooted questions of Masonic law and usage, and expresses his opinions with brevity, and without argument. M. W. Horace M. Stokes, Lebanon, Grand Master. PENNSYLVANIA.
The Grand 0 assembled in Philadelphia, Dec. 6th, 1858.Rt. W. Henry M. Phillips, Acting Grand Master, presiding.-A large number of Gr. and P: Gr. Officers, and the representatives of 120 Cf!:J present. Rt. W. Richard VaUK presented a report onF. Correspondence, in which he condemns Masonic publications, and cites the opinion of Virginia in support of his position. He prefers" their hitherto isolated position to the display which is too frequently. made in other jurisdictions, and apparently is content to remain in that bliss-
ful state spoken of by the poet, 'where ignorance is bliss it is folly ts be wise.'" Now, with all due respect to our distinguished brother, and all others of a similar character, your Committee will respectfully state he ha.s been a constant reader, for several years, or most, if not all the Masonic publications which have been and are now issued in this country, and while there appears occasionally some things which had better been omitted, he is constrained to say as a whole such publications have been of vast benefit, especially to the present race of Ma.sons. It is idle to tell us that we can have intelligent Maso-ns without the aid of MASONIC LITERATURE. As well say that intelligent Lawyers or Physicians can be produced, who have never read a line upon these sciences; the thing is impossible. However unpleasant to some the admission, it is a degradation of the science of Masonry for a moment to acknowledge it, and it is reducing our venerable Order to a level with the modern societies of the day, who have neither a History, a fjymbolism or a Philosophy to fall back upon. No doubt there are many. very many, reputed bright Masons, who if they had the power would do for Masonic literature, that which was anciently done f?r the Alexandrian Library, and for the same reasons for the spirit still lives that then existed. But thank Goi at the present day a desire for knowledge is too generally diffused to be successfully checked. Give us then Light, from QUARTERLY, MONTHLY, SEMI-MONTHLY, and WEEKLY Masonic publications. And ye Masons, who would be more than parrots, repeating glibely that which you do not understand, come forward to the support of these Masonic editors, who are coining their brains to improve yuurs. Let us by all means have good Masonic publications-let us patronize them with a generous liberality, and in a few years extinguishers will be placed upon those whose only Masonic reading consists of Webb's Monitor or Cross's Chart. Thus far it would appear that (lur brethren of Pennsylvania were of so retiring a disposition that it would be something akin to heresy for them to publish any of their proceedings except a
61 .
list of Grand Officers, and an annual statement of their financial condition as they have hitherto done until the last two years, when they have published reports on F. Correspondence. But in the publication before us we find over fifty pages devoted to a correspondence between Rt. W. Finlay M. King, Chairman on F. Correspondence of the Gr. 0 of New York, and Rt. W. L. H. Scott and continued by Rt. W. Richard Vaux, holding a similar position in the Grand 0 of Pennsylvania, on what Bro. Yaux aptly styles " diplomatic punctilios." This diplomatic exhibition of skill is contained in twenty-three letters, and the results are two Proclamations. Each of the High contracting powers, through their Chairmen or Ministers, assure the other of their intense desire for the honor, dignity and welfare of the other; yet each endeavor to prove the other in the wrong. Your Committee are free to acknowledge, that since 'the correspondence of Mr. Marcy and the Earl of Clarendon, nothing of a similar character has fallen under their observation to equal it. Webster and Lord Ashburton, in their celebrated diplomatic tournament, are equalled if not rivaled by the distinguished representatives of New York and PennsylvanIa. If mystification be the great object of diplomacy then indeed have our distinguished brethren shown themselves as no mean adepts in this science. Where both are excellent it is difficult to decide which deserves the praise of superiority. But your Committee are compelled in candor to admit that Bro. King committed a grave error when he speaks of the "wealth and numbers" of his jurisdiction. Of this his opponent was not slow to take adv:J,ntage. Ah, Bro. King, your "wealth and numbers" should be felt, not seen-not implied but understood. The whole Correspondence is extraordinary; it was prepared evidently with an eye to its publication, and it concludes as such correspondence usually does, with the assurance that throughout the whole matter each was actuated by the purest motives. Diplomatic! No Masonic relations are therefore resumed between the Grand CE:! of New York and Pennsylvania.. May they long continue. M. W. Henry M. Phillips, Philadelphia, Gr. Master.
This Grand 0 assembled at Providence, 31st of May, 1858M. W. James Hutchinson, Gr. Master, presiding. 16 CE:J repre.ented. The Grand Master congratulates the Grand 0 on the prosperous condition of the fraternity within his jurisdiotion. He admonishes them to be cautious in this time of prosperity. He says that Masonry is become very popular, not only in the U. Sta.tes, but in every country where civil and religious liberty is known and tolerated. Thill is most true Most Worshipful brother, and demonstrates that the exercise of free thought, free speech and freedom of action (&lwo.ys within the law) is absolutely necessary, before Free Masonry can be understood or appreciated. Where a people have the inestimable blessings of civil and religious liberty extended to them, there Free Masonry will flourish. But where the mind and conscience are placed in the keeping of others, there Free Masonry cannot exist-will not be tolerated, for it is opposed to that Despotism which makes the religious belief of multitudes subservient to the few. Wherever the GREAT LIGHT is recognized and freely disseminated there the teachings of Free Masonry will take root and be invigorated. For truth is its basis, and error will fade before it, as surely as the mists of the morning fade before the genial ray~ of the sun. Bro. Thomas A. Doyle presented the report on F. Correspondence, from which we select the following well timed remarks: H Another evil exists in the great increase of CEJ. The Grand Masters, by their readiness to grant Dispensations for new CEJ, evince an apparent desire to multiply their Dumber rather than to Becure an excellence of work by those already existing. Instead of requiring that proficiency on the part of the applicants, which would atrord a sufficient guarantee of even an attempt to lJomply with the conltitution and edicts of the Grand 0, in many cases, the officers to whom the work of the new 0 is entrusted, are wholly incompetent to perform the E1implest duty; while the various reports from the' Committees of CEt:J under Dispensation' reveal the errors that have been made, and exhibit a state of things that
speak in tones of warning to a.ll true friends of Ancient Masonry." M. W. James Hutchinson, Grand Master. SOUTH CAROLINA.
This Grand 0 met at Charleston, 16th Nov., 1858':"-M. W. Henry Buist, Grand Master, presiding, 27 Câ&#x201A;ŹJ represented. From the able address of the Grand Master we select the fol. lowing: " The unexa.mpled increase of our Order has not been unaccompanied with an augmented interest in its science and literature, and nothing is more pleasing to the erudite Mason than to behold the determination which prevails, to' introduce 9.8 an essential prerequisite to advancement in the institution, a familiarity with its learning and antiquities, when it is recognized, as an axiom, that Masonry is a science, and deserves to number among its devotee8 those alone who, by mental and moral culture, are examples of the refinement of the age in which we live-then and not till then, will it be appreciated. Let its pure and lofty principles be inculcated-let its sublime moral thoughts be evolved-let ita profound theories be elucidated, and it will need no tongue of eloquence to protect it from the assaults of the deluded. Ignorance of its principles and tenets, misconceptions of iw aims and purposes, perversion of its objects, have heaped upon it calumny. 1ÂŁ it is desired that this great mission be fulfilled-that the miasma which palls over it be dissipated, let it be known that it requires a morality to appreciate, and an intellect to comprehend it, and it will stand forth to the world with the 'virtuous and honorable as its supporters, and the ignorant and unworthy will no longer worship at ita Iihrine. Of all the Masonic publications with which we are now favored, I know of none which more cordially commends itself to us than the American Quarterly Review of Free Masonry and its Kindred Sciences, and I feel called on to bring it particularly to your observation. With an able corps of contributors it stands unrivaled for conservatism and solidity, and were it to enter the homestead of every Mason in our country, would do much to
preserve unsullied the "ancient landmarks which our fathers set." " The Grand Secretary, Bro. Mackey, as usual presents one of his masterly reports on F. Correspondence, in which he discusses various subjects of discipline, usage and laws, all of which are 路treated with that ability and research for which our brother is noted. The session of the Grand 0 appears to have been an interesting one, and everything appears to have been conducted with the greatest harmony and brotherly love. There are 79 CEJ in this jurisdiction, 11 of which are held in Charleston. M. W. Henry Buist, Charleston, Grand Master. Rt. W. Albert G. Mackey, M. D., Charleston, Grand Secretary. TBNNESEE. The Grand 0 met at Nashville, 4th October, 1858-M. W. Thomas McCulloch, Grand Master, presiding, 165 CE:J represented. The Grand Master thus notices the death of P. Grand Master Wilkins Tamehill: " Since our bst annual meeting, death has visited our ranks and taken from us some of our most worthy and beloved brethren. The aged father and the young and ardent brother have alike fallen by his ruthless hand. One venerable in age, long a chief among us, and a strong pillar of our institution, has fallen from our ranks. WILKINS TAMEHILL is no more! He departed this life on the 2nd June, in this city, in the 718t year of his age. He died full of years and full of honors. Like a ripe shock he has been gathered to his fathers. His noble form will be s.een no more among us, and his sage councils will no more be heard in this hall; but he has bequeathed to us the inheritance of an almost spotless character. In his love for the Order, in his devotion to its interests, in his fidelity to its trusts, he has left us a legacy of priceless value. He had the unbending virtue, the ardent zeal, the matured wisdom of a Hiram; and these he has left to his brethren and to posterity. His memory will long be cherished by us; and at the name of Wilkins Tamehill, the hearts of men un路
born will beat with high resolves, and the light of his illustrious example will guide them safely in the path of duty and honor. To his private virtues, which were pre-eminent, were added rare mental accomplishments. His strong, vigorous mind was finely cultivated, and richly furnished with Masonic lore. He wrote much for the Order, and his writings are regarded as standard works wherever they are known. As text-books, they are appealed to in all doubtful points of Masonry. For six years he presided over this body, and with an ability never since equalled." This is an enlightened tribute paid to one, who for more than forty years held a prominent position in the Masonic fraternity. As early as 1816 we find him Grand Secretary of the Grand 0 of Tennessee, as his official signature is attached to the Charter of Missouri 0 No. ;1..2, then held in the town of St. Louis, and which has since become No.1 on the Registry of the Grand 0 of Missouri. A monument was ordered to be erected over the remains of P. Gr. Master Tannehill, at the expense of the Gr. D. The Grand 0 has ordered the publishing of the History of Free Masonry in Tennessee. It also condemns the holding of Câ&#x201A;Ź::J at private residences. Gr. Secretary Fuller presented the report on F. Correspondence, covering 80 closely printed pages. The Committee in reviewing the proceedings of the Grand CJ of Ohio, on the right to visit, says: "A 0 is an independent association of Masons, if we may be allowed to use the word ÂŁndependent,-of a body owing allegiance only to the Grand 0 of its particular jurisdiction, and has the undoubted right not only to say who may become members thereof, but also to say who ma.y visit it while in session. The governing principle is harmony; and as they possess the right to refuse admission to membership of any Mason to whom objections are made by one who is already a member, so they have an undoubted right to exclude a visitor whose presence might prove offensive ~o any member. Courtesy, however, demands that great caution should be exercised; but at the same time it is the duty of the Master to see that no visitor be admitted into his 0 whose presence would disturb its own pea.ce and harmony. M. W. John Frizzell, Winchester, Gra.nd Master. 5G. L.
This M. W. Grand 0 assembled at Burlington the 12th January, 1859-M. W. Philip C. Tucker, Grand Master, presiding, 44 r:e:J represented. The Grand Master, as usual, delivered an exceedingly able address, treating many topics with that ability and spirit which characterizes all of his productions. How admirably he hits off those twenty-fourth of June orators, some of whom never saw the inside of a. Masonic 0 twice, before they were called upon to deliver themselves. In speaking of the good effects which Celebrations 'have, .,..hen properly conducted, he says: "I have no doubt of the good effect of such celebrations, well conducted, lind of the favorable influence they have upon the community, and eo long as public masonic speakers make these occasions what they always should be,-opportunities for imparting Masonic ins"truction, and for the discussion of questions of Masonic history and principles, -so long will they continue to be beneficial to the craft; but if we degenerate again into placing upon the rostrum men who can only talk vapid ignoraRce and inflated bombast, who are always for having a 0 in the garden of Eden, and another floating over the billows of a sunken world, in the Ark of Noah-just so long will the enlightened portion of mankind laugh at us for such nonsense, and we shall richly deserve it. Alluding to the want of intelligence of D. D. Gr. Masters, he says: "It is highly important that the grade of intelligence among the Deputies of Districts, and the Masters of subordinate Câ&#x201A;ŹJ, 'Should bve its standard of information elevated above its prel!ent level. There is not enough study of our own Constitution and By-Laws, nor of the ancient charges and regulations, as embodied in the book of Constitutions oE the Order. The Grand Master would be spared much labor in replying to enquiries constantly occurring, many of them Upl)ll questions clearly settled by our own Constitution and By-Laws,-if suitable attention was given to these sources of information. As things are, my duty requires me to state what is strictly true,-that there are among us some worse instructed and less intelligent in Masonic matters, than the artists who manufacture their sashes and aprons.
Gr:md Secretary Hollinheck presented the report on F. Correspondence, covering 64 pages. In alludiug to the address of the Grand Master of Kansas, he says: "The first sentence of the Grand Master's address is a pretty close imitation of the CHOATE style of writing, in length, if not in matter, being, according to the most accurate measurement we can make, just'thirteen and a half feet lang." If your Committee had undertaken to measure by feet and inches the lofty sayings of the Chief Executive, would he not crush us with the weight of his dignity? In noticing the address of our Grand Master, last year, the Committee quote as follows: " , Peace, harmony and prosperity, with very few exceptions, pervaue our entire jurisdiction. Not only moral, but intellectual qualifications are now required to gain admission into our Masonic Temple.' [Query: are we to infer that our Missouri brethren have not hitherto regarded intellectual qualific!itions as of value in candidates, or that they have heretofore allowed men, intellectually deficient, to cross the thteshhold of our Mystic Temple, provided their moral qualities were no bar to their admission ?"] We can assure our brethren of Vermont that it is "not now for the first time, intellectual qualifications are required in Missouri, in addition to moral qualities, in order to crO~S the "threshhold of our Mystic Temple." And the context of the Grand Master's address will clearly show that such an interpretation cannot legitimately be given to his language. He, by the sentence above quoted by the Committee of Vermont, intended and did say in effect, what is as well known to the Vermont Committee, as to any other set of living Masons,' that in addition to moral worth, more attention is now being paid to intellectual qualifications than was formerly required, and that Missouri is not bchind her sister jurisdictions in this particular. Your Committee need scarce remind our good brethren of Vermont, that jf more attention was paid to intcllcctual and moral qualifications, in the admission of those who desired to cross the "threshhold of our Mystic Temple," thirty-five or forty years ago, such a crusade against Free Masonry would not have been undertaken, thirty years since, as swept
over the whole of the Eastern States; nor would so many traItors be found in our own household. These thoughts, no doubt, occupied the mind of our Grand Master when he penned the sentence which the Vermont Committee seek to criticise. Philip C. Tucker, Vergennes, Gr. Master. VffiGINIA.
This Grand 0 assembled at Richmond, 13th December, 1858 -M. W. John S. Caldwell, Grand Master, 75 l:â&#x201A;ŹJ represented. The Grand Master alludes to the settlement of the difficulties heretofore existing in New York, although he doubts whether it was in strict conformity to the usages of Masonry. Well, then, M. W., let peace and union have the benefit of your doubts, and let us hear no more jeremeads upon the difficulties in New York. The Grand Secretary urges the brethren to come forward and by their subscriptions aid in placing Mt. Vernon in the hands of the Ladies Association, to be held in trust for the people of the United States. Aye, for the people of the whole world, and through all coming time-for every nationality, or tongue, or individual, in whom God has planted a. desire for liberty-for every down-trodden son and daughter of Adam, who, bound by the shackles of Despotism, and unable to free themselves, hold it, that they may have one shrine sacred to liberty, to which in imagination they can turn, and at its foot send forth the offerings of grateful hearts. to their Creator, for creating and continuing on earth a MAN, who, while subject to all the passions and frailties of humanity, not only achieved for his country the inestimable boon of civil and religious liberty, but endowed him with moderation, to be content with what he had achieved, and good sense to surrender his authority, and be ambitious only of ranking among the foremost citizens of the country to which he .had, under God, given light and life. As Jerusalem is to the Hebrew, let Mt. Vernon be to the American. The report on F. Correspondencewlts presented by Bro. James Evans; in it he reviews the difficulties which have existed in New York since 1849. The Committee are dissatisfied with our comments last year,
and I!Itates that we administered an unmerited rebuke to the Grand o of Virginia, because the petition of a "meritorious Bro. for relief," was rejected, on the grounds that it was not the province of the Grand 0 to dispense charity. We will now state in justification of our remarks, that we have for years read the proceedings of the Grand bodies of Virginia with pleasure and with profit. We have been an ardent admirer of the truly conservative, dignified and Masonic character, of the Grand 0 of that ancient Commonwealth, and we are free to confess her decisions upon all questiollil of law and usage, have had considerable influence in determining our own course. Actuated by these feelings of respect and admiration, it was with pain, we read the doctrine enunciated and approved, "that it was no part of its functions to dispense charity." This doctrine, we believed to be at war with ancient usage, if that can be called ancient which dates from 1724; nay, even earlier; for do we not find the "general charity" recognized in the old "Regulations," as adopted in 1721. It is the denial of the "functions of a Gr. 0," to dispense charity, that we then objected to; not that the Bro. would go away empty handed; the liberality which has ever characterized Virginia Masons, forbade the thought. We are a.nd have been of the opinion, that it is the duty of every Grand 0 to have a Grand Charity Fund, and as occasion may require, not only to assist worthy brethren who may need our kind offices, but also the widow and the orphan. M. W. Powhattan B. Stark, Charles City, Grand Master. WISCONSIN.
This Grand 0 met at Milwaukie, 8th June, 1858-M. W. Henry S. Baird, Grand Master, 57 CEJ represented. The Grand 0 adopted an Amendment to its Constitution, providmg for the appointment of an additional Grand Lecturer, "who shall have taken the Past Master's Degree, and who shall fully understand the work of Ancient York Masonry, in the German lsnguage, and shall labor among the CEJ working in the German language, when called on by such CEJ. Rt. W. Wm. R. Smith, the able and talented Grand Secretary,
declined a re-election. He has bep.n identified with the Grand 0 since 1846. The Grand 0 voted him a jewel, II.S a testament of their regard ÂŁ01' this old and faithful craftsman. M. W. Luther M. Tracy, Milwaukie, Grand Master. WASHINGTON TERRITORY.
From this distant Territory your Committee have received a pamphlet, containing the proceedings of a Convention, held for the purpose of forming a Grand 0 for that Territory. Delegates assembled at Olympia, the 6th Dec'r, 1858, when four warranted C2J were represented, and after adopting a Constitution, "The Grand 0 of Free and Accepted Masons of the Territory of Washington," was duly formed and proclaimed, M. W. T. F. McElroy, of Olympia, Grand Master. "Grand Secretary. Rt. W. T. M. Reid, The M. W. Grand Master was installed by Bro. T. M. Reid, a P. M. The other officers of the Grand 0 were installed by the Grand Master. As the proceedings appear to have been in accordance with " Usage" on such occasions, your Committee, on behalf of the Grand 0 of Missouri, extend to them the right hand of Fellowship and recognition as a legitimate Grand 0, and bid them a hearty God speed in their undertaking. CANADA.
Our co-laborer, Bro. Decker, has prepared the following upon th<l Canada question, which we herewith submit: At the annual communication of this Grand 0, held in Lexington, in 1856, the Grand Master, M. W. L. S. Cornwall, brought before the Grand 0, in his annual address, the fact that "Our Canadian Brethren have organized themselves into a Grand 0, and forwarded to me (the G. M.) a communication, setting forth the reasons that impelled them to that course, and asking to be recognised as an Independent Grand Body." After entering into an examination of the question, the Grand Master came to the conclusion that there was no precedent to justify such a course on their part, and that the Grand 0 of the State of Missouri could
not recognize a. Grand 0 in Canada without doing injustice to the Grand 0 of England. He therefore advised that all action on the subject should be deferred until the Grand 0 of Missouri was made acquainted with the course which the Grand 0 of Engla.nd would adopt in relation to the matter. The address of the Grand Master was referred to a Committee, consisting of Bros. Foster, Levy and Daggett, and this Committee, "after mature reflection," fully concurred in the views presented by OUf Grand Master on the subject, and reported a resolution, declaring that the Grand D of Missouri ca.nnot, cou8istently with her views of Masonic Law, acknowledge the existence of a Grand 0 in Canada, independent of the Grand 0 of England; which resolution was adopted and has remained the exposition of the opinion of the Grand 0 of Missouri up to the present time. The subject was one which, as our G. M. Cornwall declared, required serious deliberation on our part, and no less deliberation is required now. The question is a grave one, involving the nicest points of Masonic Law, which misinterpreted, might result in Slipping the foundations of fraternal intercourse and courtesy, and in bringing about discord and dissension. The difficultIes, however, with which the pathway of your Committee is environed, have been materially lessened by the flood of light poured upon the subject by the investigations of such men as Tucker, of Vermont; Mackay, of South Carolina; French, of Washington City; and last but not: least, Brown, of Florida; with a host of others. But on the other hand we have the arguments of Evans, of New York, endorsed by the Committees of Massachusetts, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia and New Hampshire, no mean authorities, and which characterize the formation of the Canadian Grand 0 as irregular and revolutionary. Are we then really any better fitted for the correct decision of the question than at that time when the decision of the Grand 0 of England was so anxiously awaited? Have delays worked no ill in Masonry, in this our tardy action upon this subject? If the Grand 0 of Canada ought to be recognized, have we not, through our tardiness, placed a stumbling block in the path of the "toiling craftsman," and caused his heart to sicken with diaap-
pointment, that the "God speed," which he so earnestly craved, was put off to a more convenient season? If, on the other hand, the movement in Canada was revolutionary and irregular, was it Dot the duty of good Masons to have branded it as such on the spot and not have given confidence to the rebels by any wavering or hesitation in regard to their position? There is, to be sure, one complication less in the subject now than at the time of the former action of this Grand D. At that time there were two bodies in Canada, each claiming to be the true grand body; one called the GrAnd 0 of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada, which Was in all things an independent body; the other called the Provincial Grand 0 of Canada West, recognizing the Grand 0 of England as its superior, and rendering to it a faithful allegiance. Between these two bodies, the quarrel was at its height. The brethren, under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand 0, looked upon those professing allegiance to the Grand 0 of Canada, as schisIDa.tic and clandestine, and refused to hold masonic communion with them. In the midst of the conflict, however, apparently forgetting that the origina: cause of complaint and difference had been the question of allegiance to England, the Provincial Grand 0 resolved itself to be independent, and formed itself into another grand body, called the Ancient Grand 0 of Canada. The name of one of the combatants was changed, but the character of the conflict remained the same. Which is the legitimate Grand O? which the true repository of power? as Hamlet says, "That is the question." The difficulty was finally setled by the union of the two bodies, and from that time the Grand o of Canada has been a homogeneous body, working with an eye Bingle to the good of Freemasonry. Of this difficulty thcn we have got rid by delay. Shall we at once add our testimony to the Dumber of those who have received the Grand 0 of Canada into fraternal communion; or shall we, in a most wholesome fear of old England, turn the cold shoulder to a band of brethren, who, whatever else may be said, must in all candor be acknowledged to be laboring most zealously, faithfully and effectively, in their allotted work, and turning out, for the inspection of the great Architect, good work, square work, and true? Our former Commit-
tee acknowledged with applause, the patience, zeal and energy, which characterized all their proceedings, even when separated, scattered and borne down by disclluragement: how much more then should we, who view them united, homogeneous and recognized by a large majority of the Grand CEl, the fountains of Masonic power and law, give them their meed of praise. "By their fruits ye shall know them," says the great light of our profession; and if such be the criterion, the Canadian masons may most justly receive the commendation, "Well done, ye good and faithful servants. 71 There can then be no further reason for delay, because of schism among the brethren, or because they have failed in the slightest particular in the important work in which they have been engaged. They invoked the aid of Deity in their undertaking, and that omnipotent and omniscient Being appears to have been ever near them to watch over and to bless. Nor can any further delay be invoked because of any unskillfulness in the workmen. The only ground then upon which this Grand 0 could refuse to recognize the independence of the Grand 0 of Canada at the present time, is that by so doing we would countenance an inter{erence with the vested rights of the Grand 0 of England to the sovereignty over that province. Is this ground tenable? Your Committee is of opinion that it is not,.and they therefore would most cordially recommend the free, unequivocal and immediate recognition of the Grand 0 of Canada by this Grand D. It is but proper and right however that, in making this recommendation, your committee should declare the causes which impel them to this conclusion; and we cannot state them more fully and forcibly than by presenting to this Grand 0 the opinions which have actuated and influenced the conduct of other jurisdictions. Your committee had commenced an elaborate review of the reports of other Grand CEJ upon this question, agreeably to the plan marked out above; but pending the preparation of the same they received information that not only had all the Grand CEl, which were hostile to the recognition of Canadian independence, recanted the opinions they had held, and thereby, in the strongest
manner possible, refuted their own arguments, but that England herself ha.d withdrawn her opposition and welcomed the Grand 0 of Canada into the glorious constellation of Masonic Grand Bodies. They therefore conceived that their work wa.s done, and that to enter into a review of errors, which had been publicly recanted, would be unkind in the extreme and rather unmasonic. They beg leave to offer the following resolution: ReMJwed: Tha.t the Grand 0 of Missouri most cordially welcomes the Grand 0 of Canada into the Sisterhood of Grand 4tJ, and recognizes it as a. free, sovereign and independent body, coequal in allrespects with its fellows. Respectfully submitted, ' A. O'SULLIVAN, JOS. FOSTER, JNO. DECKER. The Grand 0 of MissourI was called from labor 'until 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.
8 o'clock.
The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Prayer by Rev. Bro. Brown. Minutes of Yesterday's proceedings read and appro-ved; Bro. Joel Spiller, on behalf 6f Bro. John Shearer, of Cincinnati, presented to the Grand 0 a copy of Webb's Monitor, as republished by him. The same was received and the thanks of the Gr. 0 returned to Bro. Shearer for his present. Bro. Melody offered the following Amendment to the By-Laws of the Grand D.
Resolved, That the 3rd Section of Article 18, By-Laws of Gr. 0, be stricken out. And the same having been read on three several days, it was ordered to be printed with the proceedings of Gr. 0, and submitted to the subordinate CEb for their action. Bro. John Decker, as one of the Committee a.ppointed under a Resolution of year 1858, to visit Lexington, submitted the following report, which was received and ordered to be printed with the proceedings of Gr. Cl. To
M. W. Ga.
or Mo.:
The undersigned, a member of the Committee appointed to visit the City of Lexington, in a.ccordance with the Resolution on page 137 of the proceedings of the Last Annual Communication, would respectfully report that, after entering into a correspondence with M. W. Bro. Cornwall and R. W. Bro. Turner, in reference to the proper time to visit that city, it was a.greed between R. W. Bro. Turner, and himself, that the 15th of September would be a suitable time for the purpose. The undersigned accordingly repaired to Lexington at that time, but, on reaching that city, he found himself alone. Nothing, therefore, could be done by him officially, and he confined himself to conversing with the brethren of that city, in reference to the subject matter of the resolution. The brethren of that city were not disposed, 80 far as he could ascertain, to entertain In any shape whatever, the proposition of the Grand 0, and the umlersigned was satisfied that all efforts to treat with them on the subject would be unavailing. After remaining in the city some two days, hoping tha.t other members of the Committee would arrive, the undersigned was compelled to return bome, lea.ving the object of the visit entirely unaccomplished, and on again reaching this city found waiting for him a letter from R. W. Bro. Turner, informing him tha.t the sudden a.nd dangerous illness of his brother had prevented him from repairing to Lexington at the time a.ppointed. The undersigned would embrace this opportunity to tender to
the brethren of Lexington his thanks for the very cordial and fraternal manner in which he was received and treated by them during his sojourn in their beautiful city. All which is respectfully submitted.
Rt. W. Bro. Luke presented a Communication in reference to a "Mason's Club," in the City of St. Louis. The same was read, received, and referred to a Special Committee, consisting ofBros. Richeson, Watts and Crane. The Special Committee to whom was referred the address of the Grand Master, presented the following report, which was received. and the resolution appended, laid over for the present. To
M. W.
Your Committee to whom was referred the address of the M.
W. G. Master, would respectfully recommeno that so much of the address as relates to "Non-Affiliated Masons," be adopted by this G. D,-and that so much as refers to "Masonic College," be referred to the Committee on same. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. M. SUTTON, Chairman. Resolved, That any Bro. hereafter demitting from his 0, except for the purpose of joining some other D, or of forming a new 0 , is hereby declared suspended. J. M. SUTTON.
The Grand Secretary offered the following Amendment to ByLaws: Strike out latter clause in Sect. 6, Article 1, of the By-Laws of the Grand D.
And the same having been read three several days, was ordered to be printed with the proceedings, for the action of the subordinate CftJ. A Memorial of Bro. McAllister was read and referred to the Committee on Charity. The Grand Master appointed the following a Committee on ByLaws: Bros. Vaughn, Milton and Morrison. Bro. Wm. T. Davis, President of Masonic College, and President of Board of Curators, presented the following reports, which were received, read and referred to Committee on COllege.
M. W.
The Board of Curators of Masonic Oollege, have instructed me to submit to you the following report: At your last Communication the accounts of Bro. Currie, for the Board of Beneficiaries, were referred to this Board for settlement. The only difficulty was, whether it should offset his account by claiming rent for the Boarding House or not, and this difficulty was removed by Bro. Ourrie: producing a contract made Borne years before, entitling him to the house free of rent, till ten month's notice was given to vacate it. His account was therefore, allowed and paid. The hous6 was then rented to him till the 1st of August next, forCash in advance, ... '" ...........•.....••....• $188 00 138 00 Board of Beneficiary one year, Repairing roof of Boarding House, say... 60 00 In all,
$386 00
The house to be given up on the 1st day of August next. Counsel was employed more than a year ago to secure, if possible. the land in Carroll, which had been sold for taxes, but nothing has yet been accomplished. It is, however, thought that a compromise may be effected, by which half the claim can be secured.
The land in Clay Oounty (80 acres,) was sold nea.r the 1st of the present month for the sum of $350.00, equivalent to cash. For the statement of assets and their value, for the College, you are respectfully referred to that part of the Secretary's report .submitted herewith, marked B. By that officer's statement, marked A, it is shown that the amount to be provided for by the Grand 0, at its present Communication, is $3,668.93-an amount less than was appropriated at your last Communication. The College is, therefore, clear of debt, and the means now provided by the Grand 0 would support its present organization, as suggested by our M. W. Grand Master's Circular. But the Board would respectfully suggest that some means less objectionable to the brethren at luge than the present, be adopted, if possible, for the permanent endowment of the College, that a greater degree of unanimity of the brethren in its support may be secured j that the obligations of the Grand 0 in the premises may be fully met; and that all uncerta.inty as to the continuance of the College may be removed. Eor its present precarious continua.nce from year to year, is, at least, but a. lingering death struggle; and it is so regarded by the citizens of Lafayette County, who claim that it is the bounden duty of the Grand C] " to promote, by all honorable means," the growth and prosperity of the institution. The two Câ&#x201A;Ź.J at Lexington bind themselves to contribute, for each of their members, double the an.ount that may be agreed upon as a contribution from brethren of other CE!J to create a permanent endowment. And should this be done, in a manner adequate to secure public confidence, your Board are quite sure that a successful appeal could be made to the increase of our library and apparatus, and the repair of the College edifice. But your Board forbear to make any further suggestions on these points, as the whole subject of the College will doubtless receive, at your present Communication, your careful and candid consideration. For other details of the financial condition of the College, you are respectfully referred to the reports of the Secretary and Treasurer herewith submitted. In June last, Prof. John E. Ryland resigned his seat as Prin-
cipal of the Preparatory Department-a station which he had filled with marked ability, and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned -thus rendering it necessary for the Board to supply his place. This was done, by the appointment for one year, of George K. Dunlop, A. M., and for the manner in which that officer has discharged his duties, and for other matters pertaining to the internal condition of the College, yon are referred, to the Report of the President, herewith communicated. Fraternally submitted. WM T. DAVIS, Pres't B'd Cur. M. C.
The andersigned respectfully submits this, his fourth Annual Report : Up to the present time, May 20th, 1859, one hundred and twenty students have been received, of whom one is in the Senior class, 3 are Sophomores, 8 are Freshmen, and 24 are Irregulars in the Collegiate Department. The rest are in the Preparatory Department. There are seven Beneficiaries, four of whom attend free of cba.rge for tuition, and three have their whole expense borne by the Grand o. And, without intending to express or imply anything to the contrary of others, it is but proper to say to you, and to the Grand 0, that the last three are fine, sprightly and promising youths, and are making very commendable progress in their studies. Of Professor Suddath, I need only say that he continues to discharge, ably, faithfully and satisfactorily, the duties of his station. Professor George K. Dunlop, A. M., who has had charge of the Preparatory Department since last fall, haa shown himself to be a thorough scholar, a most faithful and skilful teacher, a good disciplinarian, and a man every way qualified for the important station which he fills.
The uncertainty of the continuance of the College, after the close of the present scholastic year, has been a fruitful source of evil. Owing chiefly to this cause, the students have not been so orderly and diligent as during previous years; their number has been reduced, and some have gone to other institutions to receive the honors of graduation, after having obtained from our College, in great part, the requisite training and scholarship. Indeed, the Faculty are thoroughly convinced that no effort of theirs can sustain the institution under the present auspices, that the time has fully come when the M. W. Grand 0 must either take some decisive measures to place it upon a more reliable basis, or abandon the enterprise; and that it is our duty to express to you and to the Grand 0 thus explicitely our convictions on the subject. But we hope, that in their wisdom, Bome Bcheme may be suggested upon which all can unite to secure a permanent endowment, thus placing its continuance beyond contingency. Under present circumstances. the undersigned deems it unnecessary to enter into further details of the internal affairs of the College. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. Tâ&#x20AC;˘ DAVIS, President Masonic College.
May 20th 1859.
A. J. BULL, Secretary of the Board of Curators, for the Masonic College of Mo., herewith submits the following report, shewing the present liabilities, as follows: William T. Davis' Salary ending June,
'1859: William T. Davis, for bal. due on Salary May 12th, 1858,
Less Payment made on above,
$1,600 00 1,322 91 $2,922 91 â&#x20AC;˘ 1,491 68 - - $1,431 23
W. W. Suddath Salary ending June, '59, $1,450 00 do do bal. on '58 to May 12, 1,223 45: 1858, \
$2,67345 1,401 32 --------.. $1,272 13
Less payments on above,
George Dunlop, Salary ending June, $1,000 00 1859 f 140 00 Less Payment Oll above,
$860 00 John E. Ryland, for ha.l. on Salary,
$750 00 13 18
1858, Int. on same,
Less Payments, J. Bull, Secretary, B. C. Salary, ending June, 1859, Less Payment in full, as per Secretary's report, (see it) ~ Janitor, ending 21st Session, do bal. due last year,
Less payments made on same, -
Smallwood & Julian, for Printing, H. G. Graham, ace. Clothing for Beneficiaries, M. G. Lieblech, ace. Clothing for Beneficiaries, C. B. Kavanaugh, Boots and Shoes and Caps, . 6 G. L.
73 12
Joseph Moreland Coal ace. John T. Pigott, Books, Stationery, &c., part for Beneficiaries, William Anderson, Adv. Card, S. G. Wentworth, Coal ace., Mrs. S. F. Currie, for Boarding, Washing, &c., beneficiaries, being bal. after House Rent and order to Yerby Currie's order to Yerby on ace., boa.rding Beneficiaries, Note to John A. Alford, due 29th May,
23 85 10 00 104 90 247 06 60 00
277 69 55 52
Two years Interest, Thomas Alford ace.,
25 00 $4,889 92
Total Liabilities, To meet which we have in hands Sec'y Cash, In hands Treasurer Cash, " Samuel, for Land sold, Cash, " John A. Alford, for sale land in Ray Co., Tuition uncollected and available
$172 55 377 44 350 00
121 00 200 00 $1220 99
$3,668 93 J.BULL, Sec. Bd. Cur. Mal. Col.
May 20th, 1859. DR.
J .. BULL, Secretary, in account with
M'ay14; To balance on hand per report, $112 38 June.. 1. " am't rec'd from G. 0, per W. T. Davis, 3,100 00 " 25.. " " " " 714 00
July 27. 1859.
To Balance on lot sold to Flynt, -
Jan.n. "
Rec'd from endowment fund Oom., " 20. " " " " " "Balance tuition, 19th session, "Balance contingent fee, 19th ses. " " "Tuition 20th ses. t' "Balance contingent fee, 20th ses. Jan.31. " Tuition 21st ses. " "Contingent " Apr. 11. " Rec'd from endowment fund Committee " " May 5 . " "
" 7.""
"19. " Tuition for 22d session. " "Contingent" " " q S. G. Wentworth's old Bub.
80 00 50 00
61 00 24 78
152 50 34 791 216 51 75 25 507
00 00 65 00 00 00 00
180 75 28 00
$6,240 51 CR. 1858.
1. 25.
4. 11.
Sept. 3. H 13. Oct. 7. Nov. 3. 19. "1859. Jan. 11. " 20. Feb. 5. " 12. M'ch 5. " 24.
By amount paid Treasurer,
" "
" ,."
" "
$3,100 00 714 00 11110 60 06 30 00
200 00
" "
100 00 146 25 155 00
" "
100 110 215 47 130 70
" "
" "
00 00 50 50 00 00
By Amount paid Treafmrer,
9. 16. " May 5. Apr.
" " "
" "
" " " " " " "
Secretary's salary ending June 1, '59, Balance on hand,
May 10. To balance cash and bro't down
40 105 70 25 60 50 250 28 150 172
00 00 00 00 00 00 61 00 00 55
$172 55
J. BULL, Sec'y Bd. Curators Masonic College.
May 20th, 1859.
HENRY NEILL, Treasurer, in account wz'th BOARD OF TORS, MASONIC COUEGE. DR. 1858. May 14. To balance on hand per report, June l. " received from Dr. J. Bull, Secretary, " " " 25. " Aug. 4. " " "
Sept. 3. " 13. Oct. 7. Nov. 3. 19. 1859. Jan'y " 20. Feb. 5. " 12. M'ch 5.
" " " "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
$779 3,100 714 60 111 30 200 100 146 155
71 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 25 00
100 00 110 00 215 50 4750 130 00
" 24. Apr. 9. " 16. May 5. 1858. July 12. 1859. May 7. " 11. " 19. " 19. " 19.
To received from Dr. J. Bull, Secretary,
" "
" "
" "
70 40 105 70
60 00 25 50 213 37 28
" "
00 00 00 00
00 00 11 50 00
$6,697 61
CR. 1858. May 20. " 22.
1. 1.
5. 8. 16. 24. 25.
" "
25. 25.
" "
By cash paid WIll. T. Davis, on salary, $110 00 Kavenaugh per voucher, 11 05 " C. & F. Neet, 3 50 " Call. on note on Bank, 102 17 " Grand Lodge's Note and In" terest to Cornwell, - 1,600 00 Wm. T. Davis on salary, 120 00 " H. G. Graham ace. for Ben" eficiaries, 85 51 W. W. Suddath on salary, 800 00 " 400 00 J olm E. Ryland " " Haywood, Janitor 8 00 " Wm. T. Davis on salary, 150 00 " Wm. Suddath 81 57 " " Wm. T. Davis per Contin" 1 80 gent Ex. . ." 406 30 Wm. T. Davis on salary, 155 82 John E. Ryland " " 0
86 July
8. To cash paid W. W. Suddath on salary, 6. " " "
June 30.
" "
14. 14. 14.
" "
13. 14. 25. 29.
Aug.n. Sept. 3. " 3.
" Oct.
Nov. 3.
" " "
3. 3. 9. 9. 22.
" 24. " 25. " 25. 1859. Jan. 25.
" " " " " " " " "
" "
" " " " "
12. 12. 18. 21.
" " " "
" " "
John T. Pigott ace. A. F. Currie am't due him, Wlltllace & Donaldson ace. W. W. Suddath on salary, M. J. Lieblech account per voucher, Haywood, Janitor, Winsor on Ins. Policy, On Note in Bank, Hy. Wallace Attorney's Fee, Smallwood & Julian Printing, W. W. Suddath on salary, Geo. W. Young, bal. ace. Wm. T. Davis, on salary, Haywood, Janitor, On Note in Bank, W. W. Suddath on salary, Samuel Fitchpatrick, Wm. T. Davison salary, Haywood Janitor,
Currie balance board Beneficiaries, George Dunlop on salary, W. W. Suddath " Wm. T. Davis " For messenger to J. J. Holliday, - / ' Haywood, J anito):{ /
W. W. Suddath on saJary, S. F. Currie, Wm. T. Davis, order, Wm Andrew, (Printing) ~
176 73 20 85 10 50
56 44 00 00 22 00
15 8 60 101 13 50 80 16 80 5 100 50 8 80 8 8
10 00 00 10 85 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00
]2 80 22 50
00 00 25 00
2 8 8 17
00 OQ 00 50
83 00 35 00
or Feb. 8.
" " "
8. 11. 11.
" 16. M'ch 1. "
" "
4. 5. 5. 8. 8.
" 21.
25. 15. " " 23.
" 23. May 19. " 19.
" 19. " 19.
" 19.
To ciosh paid Jno. D. Williams, Repairing Cistern, Haywood, Janitor, " W. W. on salary, " E. Winsor, Insurance, July
4 95 8 00 50 00
" " "
60 2 50 13 50 60 45 86
13,1858, -
Haywood, Janitor, Jno E. Ryland on salary, John T. Pigott, Book ace. " W. W. Suddath on salary, " George Dunlop " " Boleter & Clagett ace., " u Wm. T. Davis on salary, M. W. Dyer, presented Davis' " order, ' H. M. Newton, Davis order, Wm. T. Davis on salary, " H. M. Newton, Davis order, " Wm. T. Davis on salary, " W. W. Suddath " " R. P. Sutton on Davis order, " J. C. Cravens, refunded for " Room rent, &0., J. E. Ryland on salary, " Wm. T. Davis " " J. Bull, am't paid hand for " repairs, Wentworth Coal ace., " Balance on hand,
00 00 00 95 00 00 00 00
8 8 108 8 115
00 SO 00 00 00 50 00 4 00
8 50 12 38 186 38 1 83 28 00
371 44 $6,697 67
M'y 20.
To ball10nce on hllond, -
$377 44 HENRY NEILL, Treat. Bd. Our. Mas. 001.
May 20th, 1859.
The Secretary of the Board of Curators for the Masonic College of the State of Mo., according to the requirement of the Grand 0 of the State of Mo., hereby makes the following estimate of the value of College building, Grounds, &c., &c., to wit: 6 acre lot with College edifice and Boarding House, valued at - $25,000 00 College Library, 1,000 00 Philosophical & Chemica.l apparatus, with furniture of recitation rooms, 1,000 00 Mineralogical Specimens, to which Masonic College is entitled by law of the State, 1,500 00 Land in Clay County, 80 acres, sold but Deed not passed, 350 00 160 acres of land in Carroll County, sold to Donohoe, State for taxes, say half valuation, 240 00 Amount Note on James Blair and J. C. Scrogin, given to John Alford, as Agent for Grand 0, to sell land in Ray County, dated 3d Sept., 1856, at 15 months after date, 110 00 For interest on same, 11 00 Endowment Fund in hands of Endowment Fund Commissioners, 4,190 00 Total,
- $33,401 00 J. BULL, Sec. Bd. Cur. Mas. Col.
May 20th, 1859.
Bro. Ralls offered the following: Resolved, That the Grand Officers to be elected 0':1. the morning of the 25th inst., be installed into their offices at two o'clock in the afternoon of same day. Adopted.
Memorials were presented from Bros. Truslow, and Tully, 0 No. 39, which were received and referred to the Committee on Charity. On motion of Grand Secretary, Resolved, That the returns of subordinate C2J on the circular issued by Grand Secretary, relative to demits, be referred to a committee, which waS adopted, and the M. W. Grand Master appointed Bros. Voorhies, Greenleaf, McFarland, Henderson and Melody, said Committee. Bro. Ralls offered the following, which on motion was adopted: 1. Resolved, That the Committee on the College be hereby instructed to enquire into the expediency of making provision by law, regulating the annual salary of each of the officers of the College. 2. And that said Committee further inquire into and report upon the propriety of reducing the amount of each salary, and increasing the tuitioll fees. J. RALLS. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Two o'clock, P. M. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The Grand Secretary in pursuance of a resolution adopted at the annual communication of Grand 0, year 1858, Presented a set of aprons (15) for the use of the G. 0, When Bro. W. T. Davis offered the following: Resolved, That the beautiful aprons procured by Bro. Grand Secretary, (he being a Committee appointed for that purpose) for the use of the Grand 0, and designed and prepared by Rt. W. Geo. H. C. Melody, be received, and the bill therefor, $90, be ordered to be paid.
Resolved, That the tha.nks of this Grand 0 are hereby tendered to the brethren named in the preceding Resolution, for the ha.ndsome manner in which they have discharged their respective duties. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to procure collars to suit ,the aprons for the Grand 0 before the next annua.l communication. The foregoing resolutions were adopted. A memorial from Erwin 0 was read and laid on the table. The following communication from Bro. Joseph Foster, was read as follows: ST. LOUIS, May 24th, 1859. A. O'SULLIVAN, ESQ., Seoretary Grand Lodge of Mo. :
Dear Sir and Brother-In the kind Providence of our Father in Heaven, I am now able to liquidate the debt lowe the Grand o. Please find a check on the Dankinghouse of Jno. J. Anderson, for the sum or $1,758 1. Permit me also to state that Bro.. Jno. D. Daggett, Grand Treasurer, holds my note for the above sum, which is well secured by Iein on real estate in this city, which I desire shall be released in due form, and the Records of the county, at leafit, show that this debt is fully and squarely liquidated. I will also add that whatever interest the Grand 0 may require, shall be punctually paid. Yours, fraternally, JOS. FOSTER. Bro. Ralls then offered the following, which was unanimously adopted: 1. Resolved, That the communication from P. G. M., Bro. Joseph Foster, directed to the Grand Secretary, relative to the indebtedness of Bro. Foster to this Grand 0, be received and spread upon the records. 2. The check enclosed therewith for the sum of $1,758 71, on the Banking-house of John J. Anderson, be received and accepted as a full liquidation and settlement of the debt of the G.
0, against Bro. Foster, and that the Grand Secretary be instructed to present the same for payment at said Banking-house, and when received to pay over the money to the Grand Treasurer. 3. That the Grand Treasurer, Rro. John D. Daggett, be authorized and directed to acknowledge full satisfacti(m of the lein executed by Bro. Foster, to secure thtl payment of the above specified,debt.
J. RALLS. Rt. W. Deputy Grand Master Boyd, appointed at the last annual Communication, as a Special Committee, presented the following report, which was adopted: To THE M. W. G. 0 OF MISSOURI: The undersigned was appointed, by the last Grand 0, to call together Carthage 0, and try certain offenders, of late Sarcoxie o. In obedience to said resolution, I directed the W. Master of Carthage to summon said 0 to meet at their 0 , on the-day of June, 1859, and to summon the offenders, John W. Walton, E. B. McCurdy, Will. Winters and Richard W. Burrus. On the day appointed for trial I met the 0, the parties all pres. ent. The three first named being ready for trial, I proceeded to have them tried, which resulted in the suspension for twelve months, of Walton, Winters and McCurdy. Burrus was allowed ill the - - day of August to be ready for his trial. After It left there, I learned from M. Masons that Bro. McCurdy had been guilty of the grossest un-Masonic conduct. I directed new chargeS to be preferred against him, and he to be summoned to meet in August, at Carthage 0, at the time of Burrus' trial. He was duly notified, and by letter declined attending, when he and Burrus were expelled by Carthage 0, and I think rightly done. All of which is respectfully submitted. MARCUS BOYD. May 24th, 1859.
Rt. W. John D. Daggett, as a Special Committee, presented the following report, which was adopted, and the amount specified ordered to be paid. WHEREAS, The Grand Chapter of Missouri, at its annual Com-
munication of 1858, authorised the Grand Treasurer to act with a similar committee from other bodies, to have the piece of " Charter Oak" heretofore presented by R. W. Bro. Melody, to the G., Chapter and G. D of Missouri, wrought into a gavel, And Whereas, The undersigned having, with the aid of our Rt. W. Bro. Foster, discharged that duty, the gavel is herewith presented, the cost or which is $15 50; one-half having been appropriated by the Grand Chapter, the undersigned recommend that the remaining half be appropriated by this G. D. JNO. D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer.
At the request of Rt. W. Geo. H. C. Melody, it was路 Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to investigate certain charges made against Bro. Melody, in Boone Co., in relation to certain moneys due Mrs. Lintz. And the Grand Master appointed Bros. Joseph Foster, J. Ralls, and J. H. Turner, said Committee. - The Committee on Applications and Communications, made the following report, which was on motion adopted: The Committee on Communications and Applications, to which was referred the petition of T. C. Shepherd, the W. 1\1. of Wyaconda D No. 24, requesting that said D may return their Certificate of Scholarship in the Masonic College, thereby canceling the note executed,-ask to be excused from the further consideration of the subject. J. RALLS, Chairman ..
On motion of Bro. Shepherd, Resolved, That the memorbl of Wyaconda ferred to Committee on College. Adopted.
No. 2-1, be re-
The Committee on Charity presented the following report which was on motion adopted.
To THE M. W.
GR. 0
Of the State of Missouri:
The Committee on Charity respectfully report that Bro. Justin Bingham, of Mich;gan, is represented to your Committee as a distressed Mason, and an object of charity, far from home and friends. Wherefore, your Committee ask the adoption of the following Resolution: Resolved, That this Grand 0 loan Bro. Justin Bingham twenty dollars. That the Secretary be instructed to draw a warrant on the Treasury for the amount, and that the Treasurer take Bro. Bingham's note for the same.
On motion of Bro. Decker, Resolved, That the Grand 0 donate to the widow of a deceased brother the sum of Fifty Dollars, to assist her in paying for a lot on which her dwelling house stands. The resolution was adopted, and a worthy brother gave five dollars for the same purpose. The Grand Secretary, presented, on behalf of the Grand 0 of Iowa, two bound volumes of the History of Masonry in that State from the Organization of the Grand 0 in 1844 to 1858. Also the second volume of the proceedings of the Grand 0 of Ohio, and the was accepted, when the following Resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the thanks of the Grand 0 of Missouri be tendered to our sister jurisdictions of Iowa and Ohio, for their beautiful and appropriate presents. Bro. Decker offered certain resolutions in reference to Masonic Literature, which was on motion laid on table. The Grand Lecturer was required to exemplify the work on tho
E. A. Degree, this evening, George Washington 0 furnishing a candidate for the occason. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 9 o'clock to· morrow morning.
The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Prayer by Rev. Bro. Brown. Proceedings of yesterday were read and approved. The Grand Seo'y presented the following report, which was received, and all that portion of it in which he declines a re-election, was ordered to be stricken out. GRAND SECRETARY'S OFFICE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI, Sr, LOUIS, MAy 23rd, 1859.
M. W.
A. F. A.
Brelhren"-In accordance with the requirements of the ByLaws of the Grand 0, I now proceed to lay before you a report of my acts as Grand Secretary for the past year. Dispensations for the formation of new C€J have been issued from m;)' office as follows; May 27th, 1858-To A. S. McGregor and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Chamois, Osage Co., to be called Chamois o. By order of the Grand o. June 2nd, 1858-To William Penix and others, to open a new o in the town of Frankfort, Pike Co., to be called Frankfort o. By order of the Grand o. June 3rd, 1858-To John E. Whitecraft and others, to open a new 0 in Millersburg, Calloway Co., to be called Henry Clay o. By order of Rt. W. Hiram Rawlings, D. D. Gr. Master, 11th Masonic IJistrict. July 16th, 1858-To William Jackson and others, to open a
new 0 in the town of Newton, Putnam Co., to be called Putnam D. By order of Rt. W. Wm. Ellis, D. D. Gr. Master, 7th Masonic District. July 16th, 1858-To L. J. Jones and others, to open a new o in the town of Camden, Ray Co., to be called Camden D. By order of Rt. W. JohnF. Houston, D. D. Gr. Master, 4th Masonic District. August 7th, 1858-To Wm. E. Curry and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Breckenridge, Caldwell Co., to be called Caldwell D. By order of Rt. W. John F. Houston, D. D. Gr. Master, 4th Masonic District. August 9th, 1858-To Philip Fulkerson and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Da,yton, Cass Co., to be called Dayton D. By order of Rt. W. B. E. Morrow, D. D. Gr. Master, 4th Ma.sonic District. August 21st, 1858-To M. Edmondson and others, to open & new 0 in the town of Thomasville, Chariton Co., to be called Thomasville D. By order of Rt. W. John H. Turner, D. D. Gr. Master, 8th Masonic District. September 15th, 1858-To Wiley G. Tatum and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Ashland, Boone Co., to be called Ashland D. By order of Rt. W. Hiram Rawlings, D. D. Gr. Master, 11th Masonic District. October 13th, 1858-To David Conway and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Stewartsville, De Kalb Co., to be called Stewartsville D. By order of the Rt. W. Samuel M Hays, .D. D. Gr. Master, 2ni Masonic District. October 22nd, 1858-To Wm. A. Spencer and others, to open a new 0 at the house of Geo. Prewit, Crawford Co., to be called Evening Star D. By order of Rt. W. A. Emory, D. D. Gr. Master, 2nd Masonic District. October 28th, 1858-To B. L. Dozier and others, to open a. new 0 at Quincy, Hickory Co., to be called Quincy D. Byorder of M. W. Samuel H. Saunders, Grand Master. . December 1st, 1858-To John T. Garvin and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Salem, Dent Co., to be called Salem D.
By order of Rt. W. A. Emory, D. D. Gr. Master, 2nd Masonic District. January 1st, 1859-To Lawrence Smith and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Humansville, Polk Co., to be called Modern D. By order of Rt. W. Marcus Boyd, Deputy Gr. Master. January 11th, 1859-To J. E. Cadle and others, to open a new 0 in the town of Allenville, Gentry Co., to be called Allenville D. By order of Rt. W. Samuel M. Hays, D. D. Gr. Master, 2nd Masonic District. January 13th, 1859-To A. V. Thorpe and others, to open a new 0 in the town of California, Moniteau Co., to be called California D. By order of M. W. Samuel H. Saunders, Grand Master. February 1st, 1859-To Ruben Higgs and others, to open a new 0 at Wet Au Glaize, in Camden Co., to be called Wet Au Glaize D. By order of Rt. W. L. E. Williamson, D. D. Gr. Master, 19th Masonic District. February 18th, 1859-To N. A. Langston and others, to open a new 0 in the town of We~tville, Chariton Co., to be called Westville D. By order of Ht. W. Alfred Mann, D. D. Gr. Master, 6th Masonic District. February lst,1859-To Samuel Russell and others, to open a new 0 in the city of St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., to be called Zeredathah D. By order of Rt. W. Samuel'M. Hays, D. D. Gr. Master 2nd Masonic District. February, 1859-To Thos. R. Vaughn and others, to open a new 0 in the town of PrairieVille, Pike Co., to be ealled Prairieville D. By order of Rt. W. Philander Draper, D. D. Gr. Master, 10th Masonic District. March 6th, 1859-To John C. Hobinson and others, officers of at Camp Floyd, Utah the United States Army, to open :J. new Territory, to be called Rocky Mountain D. Said Dispensation made returnable on the 4th Monday of :\iay, 1860. By order of M. W. Samuel H. Saunders, Granu :Master. March 8th, 1859-To B. N. Crump and others, to open a new l O i n the city of Hannibal. Marion Co., to be called Hannibal D.
By order of Rt. W. N. P. Kunkle, D. D. G. Master, 9th Masonic District. In September last, I addressed Bro. Henry Shadwell, Master of the late Middletown 0, requesting him to forward the charter, and such 0 her property as may have belonged to the Middletown at the time the charter was declared forfeited by the Grand D. I again addressed him on the same subject the 6th of the present month, and received from him the charter of the Middletown 0, which is now in my office. In accordance with instructions from the Grand 0, I il'sued the following circular on the 5th of August last, to the several CftI subordinate to the Grand 0 of Missouri:
A. E. A.
5th, 1859.
The Mt. Vernon IJadies' Association, with a truly patriotic spirit, have concluded the purcnase of Mt. Vernon, the home and l~st resting-place of the Father of his Country, to rlOld the Ilame forever in trust for the people of the United States. Tho Grand 0 of Virginia, true to those principles of love and veneration for the exalted character of her honored son which has so prominently distinguished bel', tendered its aid to raise the necessary sum required by Mr. Washington, the owner of the Mt. Vern0n property, and has issued circulars to the Subordinate CEJ of its jurisdiction, and also to the Grand 4b of the Union, asking their assistance in this great enterprise. The Grand 0 of Missouri, at its last session, instructed the Grand Secretary to issue a circular to the Subordinate CÂŁJ of this jurisdiction, requesting the members thereof to contribute their .mite in aid of this good work. It may be necessary to state, that the purchase money of the Mt. Vernon property is $200,000, to be paid as follows: 7 G. L.
$18,000 00 cash paid, 57,000 00 to be paid 22d Feb., 1859, do do 1860, 41,666 66 41,666 66 do do 1861, 41,666 66 do do 1862, deferred payments bearing interest. The Association will be enabled to meet the payment of $57,000 on the 1st January next; but it is believed that, with the aid of the Masonic Fraternity of the UDited States, they will be enabled to pay the entire- sum and take possession on the 22d February next. By a clause in the deed of sale, the Masonic Fraternity, as such, will have the right to assemble around the grave of their departed brother once a year. Every subscriber of one dollar is made a Life Member of the Association, and his or her name registered in a book to be printed and published, and they are also privileged to visit Mt. Vernon at any time free of charge. Masons of Missouri, will you strengthen these patriotic ladies, who so generously give their time and meaDS to this labor of love 1 Will you assist them to place it beyond the power of speculators to trafic in the ashes of the illustrious dead 1 Will not each and everyone of us deem it a privalege to be permitted to contribute towards purchasing the home of GEORGE WASHINGTON, to remain forever a hallowed shrine, to which the millions yet unborn may turn their anxious eyes, and deem it the crowning glory of their lives to have made a pilgrimage to that sacred spot? Let us then my brethren, by our offerings on this occasion, show that the Masons of the far West are I!ot insensible of the inestimable blessings of civil and religious liberty, secured to us by our illustrious Brother Washington, and evince our grateful recollection of him by the liberality of our contributions. It is desirable that the subscription lists, containing the name of the 0 , as also the name of the subscriber, be forwarded to the Grand Secretary not later than 1st December next, to enable him路 to make a true copy for the Grand 0 of Virginia, which designs publishing the same.
The Grand Secretary will also report to the Grand 0 of Missouri, at its next Annual Communication, the names of the CEJ, subscribers and amounts subscribed, so that a grateful rememberance of the subscribers may be preserved in the archives of the Grand D. The money in all cases should accompany the subscription papers. Fraternally, &c., And received a reply to the same from the following l:.ÂŁJ and members: Bridgeton 0 , No. 80; Polar Star 0, No. 79; Jefferson City 0, No. 43; Mt. Moriah 0, No. 40; Clarksville 0, No 17; Spring Hill. 0, No. 155; Oregon 0, No. 139; St. Louis 0, No. 20; Whitesville 0, No. 162. The whole amount received in answer to my Circular being $160 50, for which I procured a Draft at a cost of 40c., and forwarded the same to Rt. W. John Dove, Grand Secretary of Virginia, from whom I received a copy of the RichGrand mond Inquirer, dated Feb'y 4th, 1859, and herewith submitted, containing an acknowledgment of the several sums subscribed in Missouri, together with the names and Nos. of the CEJ subscribing. The following is from the Richmond Enquirer: I have also the honor of being the bearer of $160 10, contributed by the following e::e:J in the State of Missouri: $34 50 By Polar Star 0 , No. 79, 13 00 By St. Louis 0, No. 20, 23 00 By Clarksville 0, No. 17, 17 00 By Mt. Moriah 0, No. 40, 11 00 By Jefferson 0 , No. 43, 10 00 By Whitesville 0 , No. 162, 20 00 By Oregon 0, No. 139, 10 00 By Spring Hill 0, No. 155, 20 00 By Bridgeton 0, No. 80, 02 00 By A. O. Sullivan, Grand Secretary
$160 50 Off draft
40 $160 10
I deeply regret their being compelled to delay issuing the en~ closed circular until this time, but have no doubt it will be promptly responded to when you shall be advised. Very respectfully, JOHN DOVE. Richmond, Feb. 1, 1859.
In December last I issued a Circular upon the subject of the Resolution, submitted at the last Session of Gr. 0 , by Bro. B. WaJlace, of Independence 0 76, in relation to Demits, In March last I made out and forwarded to the several CEJ the balances due by them respectively to the Grand D. lP obedience to the requirements of Gr. 0 I had 2000 copies of Proceedings for 1858 printed, and within 60 days from close of Gr. D distributed as follows: one copy to every member of the Gr. D, a copy to every Past and present Grand Officer, one copy each to the Master Wardens and Past Masters of the several CEJ subordinate to the Grand D, two copies each to the Secretaries for the use of the LEb, besides copies to the Gr. Masters, Chairmen on F. C., and Grand Secretaries of the several Grand CEJ with which this Grand D is in Correspondence, and to the Editors of the several Masonic J oumals. I again regret to be compelled to state that notwithstlmding the plain provision of the law which require the returns of CEJ to be made out up to the 1st of May in each year, and forwarded to the Grand Secretary, together with the dues by the 10th of the same month,-but few of the LEb comply with this requirement; as by far the larger portion of them are brought in by the representutivcs and presented on the first and second day of the session when it is impossible for the GraBd Secretary to ascertain their correctness, or the actual amounts due by each D. If the CE:J would obey the Law, ample time would be afforded the Grand Secretary to examine the several returns, correct the errors which might be perceptible, and save much time and labor to the Com~ mittee on Charterell LEJ. I trust the Gr. 0 will by its action set
the seal of its condemnation on those Cfb, who without good and sufficient reasons, violate an important regulation. Respectfully submitted, A. O'SULLIVAN, Gr. Secretary.
A Memorial from Bro. Burden, W. M. of Pride of the West was received and referred to a Committee consisting of Bros. Loker, Dunscomb and McFarland. A Memorial from Bro. Palmer, an E. A. of Meridian 0 No. 2, was also received, and on motion of Bro. Collins, was referred to a Committee consisting of Bros. Patterson, Vaughn alid W. T. Davis. The hour of ten o'clock having arrived, The Grand 0 proceeded to the Election of Grand Officers, with the following results: M. W. MARCUS BOYD, Grand Master. Rr. W. MARCUS H. McFARLAND, Deputy Gr. Master. " The Grand 0 of Missouri was then called from labor until 2 0' clock this afternoon. 0,
2 o'clock, P. M. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. 'fhe election of Grand officers was resumed, as follows: Rt. W. W. R. PENICK, Grand Senior Warden. " JOHN DECKER, Grand Junior do " " "JOHN D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer. " " A. O'SULLivAN, Grand Secretary. On motion of Bro. Ralls, The resolution appointing 2 o'clock for installation, was reconsidered, and the same was withdrawn.
On motion of Bro. Joseph Foster, Resolved, That the College question be made the order of the day for 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. Adopted. The resolution appended to the report on F. Correspondence, recognizing the Grand 0 of Canada, was taken up and the same was adopted. The committee on the following communication from Rt. W. John W. Luke, D. D. Gr. M., submitted the accompanying report, which being amended, was adopted. To
On the 14th day of April, by a communication from Napthali No. 25, my attention wail called to an organization existing in this city, styled a Masonic Club, as being contrary to the interests of Masonry, and highly improper. After making many inquiries about this club, I am able to state路 the following particulars: That a society or club does exist in our midst, styled" Masons' Club," composed of members of several o~ the City CEJ, most of them being Germans, who meet there for the purpose of sociability, under certain rules and regulations, of which I herewith furnish a copy. I visited several of the members of this Club, and also visited the Club at their request, and I must say, that if they would substitute some other name for their Club, there would be no occasion for any remarks from me about it. But I met with no encouragement from them to believe that they would give up the name, unless better convinced of the impropriety of such a. use of it, than they appeared then to be. But hoping that an expression of opinion of the G. L. on the subject, will satisfy those brethren, and that they will readily conform to the law. I deem it most expedient to present the matter to you for your consideration. 0,
J. W. LUKE. D. D. G. M., 24th District.
St. Louis. May 24th, 1859.
Your committee, to whom was referred the communication of D. D. Grand Master, Jno. W. Luke, in reference to the existence of a ClUb in our midst, styled" Masons' Club," respectfully report, that upon a thorough examination of the rules and regulations of said Club, we find nothing therein contrary to Masonic Law, or in violation of the land-marks of Ancient Craft Masonry. But your committee would respectfully suggest to the brothers belonging to said Club, that whilst we have every confidence that they would by no act of theirs, be guilty of any indiscretions that would bring reproach upon our beloved Institution: yet this is but the beginning of what maJ' be formed in the future, under that endearing name, should this association continue under its present style, and that any immoral act, by whomsoever committed, would undoubtedly bring reproach upon the order, if cloaked under the term Mason. Believing, moreover, that the objects and wishes of our brothers can be as fully and as rationally accomplished and enjoyed under any other name, we respectfully and fraternally represent that the interests of Masonry require that they drop the word Mason, and substitute some other in its stead. Respectfully,
? C Ott S omml ee.
Bro. O. F. Potter offered the following amendment to ByLaws. Strike out all of Sections 12 and 13, Article 4, of By-Laws of Gr. 0, and insert the fullowing in lieu thereof : Every 0 in addition to the amount specified in it~ BJ-LlI.WS, Shall collect from every person on whom the degrees may be conferred, one dollar for each degree, and the same shall be kept by each 0 as a fund, to be denominated the Orphan's Fund, and used only for the purpose of supporting, clothing and educating the orphans of deceased Master Masons,-which was lead on three several days and ordered to be printed with the proceedings for the'action of the subordinate CEJ.
The Grand Lecturer was to exemplify the work in the second Degree. Polar Star 0 No. 79, promising to furnish a candidate for the occasion. The GraudD of Missouri was called from labor until 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. THURSDAY MORNING, 8 o'clock. The Grand CI of Missouri was called to labor by the Rt. W. Deputy Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Prayer by Bro. Shepherd. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. Bro. Vaughn offered the following: Whereas, Danville 0 No. 72, did in December last suffer So heavy loss by fire, Therefore, R('so!ved, That the Grand 0 donate to Danville o the sum of $33.50. Adopted. Bro. Ralls, from Committee appointed to devise a P. Gr. Master's jewel, and a P. Master jewel, made the following report, which was on motion adopoted: The Committee to whom was referred the duty of devising a Past Grand Master's jewel, and of a Past Master's jewel, have subject under consideration, and respectfully report,That we have selected as the Jewel for the P. G. M., the Quadrant, with the 47th problem of Eucliu in the center, as here presented. And for the Jewel of a P. M., the Square and Compasses, surrounding the sun. with em:tnating rays, resting upon a circular representation of the 24 inch gunge, as represented in the book of Constitutions of the G. L. of Massachusetts. JOSEPH FOSTER, JOlIN HALLS, A. O'SULLIVAN, G. H. C. MELODY.
Bro. Jos. Foster presented a Majority report on the College, and Bro. John Decker presented a report from the Minority-both were received, and on motion of Bro. Armstrong, it was resolved to adopt the report of the Minority. Pending the discussion of which the Grand 0 was called from labor until 2 o'clock this afternoon.
P. M.
The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The discussion on the adoption of the Minority report was again resumed, when the same was adopted by a vote of CEtJ, Ayes 37, Nays 27, and an individual vote or 44 Ayes to 34 Nays. The following is the report as adopted: To
W. M. G.
The Committee on Masonic College submit the following report: Your Committee, so fa.r as they can learn from the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Curators, are satisfied tha.t the resolution of the Grand 0 directing the manner of keeping the accounts of the Masonic College, has been conformed to; the result is, the labor or your Committee has been greatly facilitated, and we are able to present the financial condition of the College in a brier and concise manner. The Liabilities of the College incurred up to the time of closing the Curator's report, as shown by the report of the Secretary of $4,889 92 the Board of Curators, is the aggregate sum of To meet which, as shown by the said repor~, there 1,220 99 are available means, Balance showing p;esent Liabilities, -
$3,668 93
To meet which there are other available means as follows: Interest on Scholarships In Grand Secreta.ry's hands, Orphan's Fund, Contingent Fund of Grand Lodge hereby appropriated,
1,060 00 1,673 00
935 93
$3,668 93 We recommend that warrants be drawn on the Grand Treasurer for such of the above "other available means" as shall be necessary to meet proper demands upon the funds of the Grand D. The estimate expenses of College for the ensuing year as follows: Salaries, $4,130 00 100 00 Insurance, 200 00 .Repairs, 250 00 Contingencies, 700 00 Beneficiaries, $5,380 00
Tuition, Interest on Endowment, Contingencies, Private Scholarships, Rent of Boarding House, -
$1,500 350 425 125 400
00 00 00 00 00
Total, Leaving to be met by next Grand Lodge from Interest on Scholarships, Orphan's Fund, Contingencies, &c.,
$2,800 Ot)
$2,580 00
:;:'Your Committee have had under consideration the resolution of Ralls, directing our attention to the propriety of reducing the salaries of the Professors of the College a~d of increasing the
tuition fees. We are unanimous in the opinion that the salaries and tuition fees should not, for the present, be touched The minority of the Committee agree in the first portion of the report of the majority, but recommend that all thereof subsequent to the suggestion in reference to salaries and fees be stricken out. The conclusions to which the minority arrive are precisely opposite to those reached by the majority. They can see DO encouragement to proceed, but on the contrary, everything appears disheartening. The College does not prosper, and the weight of debt does not diminish. All of the funds of the G. L. are swallowed up-the charity fund is diverted from its legitimate objects and we have no contingent fund to meet any contingencies except those of the College. Deeming it useless to make an extended report they offer as a substitute for the resolutions of the majority, the following: Whereas, after many years experience, it has become a fixed fact that the "Masonic College" has failed to meet the reason· able and just expectation of this Grand D, and of its warmest and most ardent friends, thereby rendering it in no wise necessary for the Grand 0 to put forth any further efforts for its sustenance; And whereas, the subordinate C2J of this State are having their Treasuries continually drained for its support, thereby in a very great measure cutting off their resources for dispensing their own charities. Therefore, Be it Resolved, That at the close of the present "Collegiate" year, the "College" be closed .~ine die, and that no more of the fund'! of this G. L. be appropriated for its sustena.nce, further than to meet its present liabilities. Resolved, That all Scholarships, held either by l:€J or individ. uals, shall at the wish of the parties holding them, be cancelled, and that such parties be released from all further obligations under the same. All which is respectfully submitted.
The following E:EJ voted Aye to sustain the Minority report: No.2, Beacon, No.3, Meridian, United, "5, Williamsburg, " 8, Geo. Washington, " 9 , Auburn, " 14, "16, St. Louis, " 20, Memphis, Wyaconda, "24, Naphtali, " 25, St. John's, "28, Ralls, " 33, Troy, "34, Tully, " 39, "40, Weston, " 53, Mt. Moriah, "55, Monticello, "58, Arrow Rock, New Bloomfield, "60, Danville, " 72, Ashley, "75, Lebanon, " 77, "83, Friendship, "89, Laclede, Madison, "91, Canton, " 100, Laporte, " 106, Potosi, " 131, " 135, Phcenix, " 136, -Ridgley, a 146, Spring Hill, " 155, McGee, Pacific, " 159, Occidental, " 163, Wolf Island, " 172, Pride or the West, " 179, The following CEJ voted Nay against the Minority report: Pauldingville, No. 11, Rising Sun, No. 13, Osage, "29, Liberty, "31, Lafayette, " 32, Jefferson, " 43, Bonhomme, " 45, Anderson, " 50, 52, Platte, "56, Wakanda, " Linn, "66, Tebo, "68, Alexandria, " 69, Polar Star, " 79, Bridgeton, " 80, Mitchell, " 86, "104, St. Mark's, " 93, Heroine, Plattsburg, "113, Daviss, "116, Versaille8, "117, Dover, "122, Star of the West," 133, Oregon, "139, Pappinville, " 140, Pleasant Grove, " 142, "143, Tuscumbia, " 169. Flint Hill, NOTE.-It is my impression that St. Mary's Lodge voted Aye, but not being positive, I have omitted it.-[GR. Sec.
Bro. Ralls, from Committee on Applications and CommunicatioIls, in referencE.' to a petition for a Dispensation for a 0 at Allenton, submitted the following report, which was on motion adopted: The Committee on Communications and Applications, to which _was referred the petition of John J. Brown and eleven others, addressed to the D. D. G. M. of the 24th District, for a Dispenat Allenton, and assemble as a legal 0, sation to open a new have had the same under consideration, and respectfully state, that from information, which we rely upon as being true, the place proposed for the organization of the 0 is only four miles 'from Pacific 0, by railroad, and five by County road, and 12 miles from Manchester, where there is now a o,-and further, that the 0 which recommended the petitioners, is not qualified to determine the ability of the first officers of the proposed new 0 , to confer the degrees. In view of these facts, and considering that it is not the best policy of this Grand 0 to organize too many CE:::J, or make too many Masons, your Committee therefore recommend that the application be refused. JOHN RALLS, Chairman.
Rt. W. Bro. Decker offered the following amendment to the By-Laws: Strike out Section 6 of Article 11. And insert No Dis. D. Gr. Master shall hereafter have power to order warrants for Dispensation to organize and establish new CE:::J. Which being read on three several days was ordered to be printed with the proceedings of the Gr. 0, for the action of the subordinate C£]. An invitation to visit the Horticultural Exhibition at Wyman's Hall, was extended to the Gra.nd 0 through the Secretary oithe Association, Bro. N. J. Coleman. The same was accepted, arid the thanks of the Gmnd 0 returned to the Association. The Committee on Memorial of the W. Master of Pride of the
West 0 presented th~ following report, and the same was adopted: To THE M. WORSHIPFUL GRAND 0 OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI: Your committee to whom was referred the case of Bro. Wittenbrock, an Entered Apprentice of Pride of the West 0, beg leave to report, that they have had the said brother before them, and on examination find no impediment to his taking the second or any other degree of Masonry. We therefore recommend the Gr. o to allow Pride of the West to confer the degrees on brother Wittenbrock. Respectfully, WM. N. LOKER, Ch.,¡ WM. E. DUNSCOMB, M. H. McFARLAND.
A memorial from W. Master of Occidental 0 was received and referred to a Select Committee, consisting of Bros. Ralls, Vaughn, Daggett and Foster. The Committee on Charity made the following report, which after being amended, was, on motion of Bro. Shepherd, adopted. To THE M. WORSHIPFUL GRAND 0 OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI:
The Committee on Charity to whom was refered the memorial of brother John F. Truslow, beg leave to report that they have g~ven Bro. Truslow's memorial a candid consideration, and believe it would be inexpedient for the Grand 0 to comply with the Brother's request: Wherefore your Committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to return Bro. Truslow his memorial; and inform the Brother that the Gr. Cl deem it inexpedient to comply with his request. In the mattcr of the memorial of Bro. B. McAlister, your committee would rcspectfully report, that they have well considered and enquired into the matter mentioned in Bro. McAlister's me. morial, and believing as they do that the debt mentioned therein was contracted in good faith by members and friends of Colum-
bia 0, and believing that the money would be judiciously expended, recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be, and is hereby appropriated for the use mentioned in said memorial. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to draw 8. warrant on the Grand Treasurer in favor of P. Gr. M. Priestly H. McBride, for said sum of one PuDdred and fifty dolla,rs, that Bro. McBride appropriate the same to payment of the debt mentioned in the memorial, and that he report his proceedings herein to this Grand a at its next Annual Communication. And whereas sald memorial is jointly addressed to the Grand Chapter, therefore Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be lDstructed to forward said memorial to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter, with a copy of this resolution, and a respectful request that the Grand Chapter will make an allowance in favor of this Grand a for one路 half of said sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, 01' such sum as they may deem expedient. In this connection your committee would further report, that in the investigation of the subject they have learned that there is good reason to believe, that at the time of the路 cessation of said Columbia a, there was money in the hands of Some members of said a (your committee cannot ascertain who) which money belonged to said a, and of right now belongs to this Grand a: Whererefore, your committee ask that the following resolution be adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed te llollect any money that may, upon inquiry, be found to be due t.hiil Gr. a by the dissolution of said Columbia a. And that he report his proceedings therein to this Grand a at its next Annual Communication. Your committe have also had under consideration the memorial of Tully a: and Whereas, it appears that said Tully 0 is oppressed with an unusual charge, your committee offer for adoption the following:
Resolved, That one hundred dollars be appropriated out of the funds of this Grand 0 to aid said Tully D. Resolved, That the Grand M. be instructed to draw a warrant on the Grlmd Treasurer for said Bum of one hundred dollars in favor of Bro. Sutton, the Representative of said Tully 0 , said sum to be paid into the Treasury of said Tully 0 , and expended for such charitable purposes as such 0 may direct. All of which is respectfully submitted. RICH'D H. HATCHER, JOHN Q. BURBRIDGE, J. B. HARRISON. The Grand Lecturer was required to exemplify the work in the third degrees on this evening, Naphtali 0 No. 25 furnishing a candidate for the occasion. The Grand 0 was called from labor until 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.
FRIDAY MORNING, 8 o'clock. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the Rt. W. D. Gr. Master. Grand Officers at their sereral stations. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. The Committee on CEJ U. D. presented the following report, which was on motion adopted: To THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The Committee on CE!:J U. D. would fraternally report that they have had under consideration a very large mass of By-Laws and tranS'Cripts of proceedings, and present herewith their recommendations in reference to the same: EVENING STAR D.
The transcript of proceedings of this 0 is in the main correct, but we find that on one occasion the 0 opened with only five members. This is a gra\'e error and one directly in contravention
of the By-laws of the G. L. The Committee have stricken out the preamble to the By-Laws of the 0, believing that such things are useless. No ballot can be taken with less than seven members. This is a. transgression of the By-Laws of the G.L., which cannot be overlooked. The laws of the Grand 0 prescrib~ all necessary rules in reference to baIlotting, and the proper subjects for charity. The Committee have therefore stricken out all By-Laws touching these points. Every Mason is guaranteed the right to prefer his charges to the CÂŁJ itself. Any restriction of this right to a Committee would therefore be unconstitutional. Your Committee would equally disapprove of the infliction of pecuniary penalties. Such a penalty is emi'1entiy un-Masonic. On the whole} however, we are of opinion that the work warrants the issuing of a charter to the D. PRAIRIEVILLE D.
This transcript is well made and the work appear~ to be well done. We notice from the record that on two occasions .the 0 opened and worked with six members. This, we are assured by Bros. Vaughn and Reynolds, is incorrect,-that there were really a constitutional number of brethren present, and that the fault lies with the Secretary i-recommending to that officer greater care in future. We pass the work. Most of the remarks applicable to Evening Star 0 , are applicable to this, so far as preamble to By-Laws and Laws defining duties of officers are concerned. To elect officers by rot, we consider un-Masonic. The Constitution says the election should be by ballot. No brother can demit from a 0 unless he intends joining another 0 , or removing from the jurisdiction. We recommend a charter. CAMDEN D.
The By-Laws and tf8nscript are very defective. We notice that they expdled a member without trial, ejected candidates before examination, allowed non-affiliated Masons to join in pro8G. L.
cessions, and approved minutes at called meetings. This is all wrong. The brethren must correct such errors. The By-Laws are also defective. The preamble, the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Articlos are stricken out; as also the clauses in reference to ballotting. They are unnecessary. We recommend a continuance of the Dispensation, and that the D. D. G. M. look after the brethren. BLOOMFIELD c::I.
This 0 comes up with the startling number of 62 degrees confered since last July. This is too much work. It is impossible that justice can be done to it. From the record it would appear that candidates are elected without reports from Committees of Investigation. With this exceptIon the work seems correct. Of the By-Laws-Section 2d of Chapter 1st, the whole of Chapter 2d, all of Chapter 3d, except that part prescribing the time for election and for the installation of officers and the provision for superannuary officers; all of Section 1st of Chapter 4th, prescribing the qualification for members; Section 4th, Section 7th, and Section 8th, in Chapter 4th, that portion of Section 1st relative to initiation of ministers without fees in Chapter 5th; Chapter 7th, a.nd that part of Chapter 8th, in reference to amendments made by G. L. are stricken out. All these matters are provided far in the Cor.stitution of the G. L. In the rules of order, Rules 12, 13 and 14, are stricken out. No previous question is known in Masonry. There are some errors in these records, but the Committee recommend a charter, advising the brethren to look well to their ways. NOVELTY D.
The transcript of work is altogether a â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ novelty." It speaks of reading, at the very first meeting, under the Dispensation the proceedings of the last communication. The By-Laws were approved at last session. It appears that the three officers named in the Dispensation,
were all removed, and that the 0 has been working under a P. M. This is irregular. The 0 should have been closed for want of proper officers. In justice to the 0 we will add, that the D. D. G. M. did not comply with the requirement of the G. L. in visiting them, and they are therefore not 80 blameable; In consideration of this fact we recommend a charter, and the D. D. G. M. will visit them and set them to work properly. ASHLAND 0, U. D.
The Committee find the correct, but find from their record that 7 degrees were conferred at one meeting, and 4 or more degrees at others; the Committee think it making Ma.sons too fast, and not imparting to them the proper lectures they are entitled to. We recommend that a charter be granted. STEWARTSVILLE 0, U. D.
The Committee find the record of work correct, but in their By-Laws they make no provision for electing Secretary, but suppose it an error in copying off By-Laws. With that correction they would be correct. We recommend a charter be granted. WET AU GLAIZE 0 , U. D.
Committee find the By-Laws correct, and abstract of record also correct, but they never having conferred a degree-being organized 17th March last, and failing to send up their Dispensation, we recommend a renewal of the Dispensation for the next Masonic year. CALIFORNIA D, U. D.
Commenced work on the 31st of January, A. D. 1859, and when we say our Rt. W. A. O'Sullivan was in the chair, read the
Dispensation, and gave them several day's instruction in the work and lectures, it will be unnecessary to add that your Committee found the transcript and work correct. Their By-Laws are too voluminous, and as in almost all路 cases which your Committee have before them, mostly superfluous. Your Committee recommend the striking out of all that part of the preamble relative to qualifications for membership, Sections 5 and 7 of Art. 2, and that part of Section 6 relating to determining by lot. Further in Art. 3, Sec. 2, all after innovations. Sec. 3 and 4, proposition 1 and 2 of Sec 4. Art. 8, all that part relative to a Committee on grievances. Art. 11, Sec. 5, 6 and 7. and all that part of Sec. 12 relating to priviledged questions. . Art. 12, Sec. 8, and that part of Sec. 9 relating to the withdrawal of petitions. See the opinions of your Committee expressed heretofore on other CE!:::J U. D. Your Committee recommend them to review their By-Laws, after ha.ving carefully examined the Constitution and By-Laws of this G. L. Also recommend a charter. MODERN 0 , U. D.
Begun work Jan. 20th, A. D. 1859, date of Dispensation Jan. 1st, A. D. 1859. W. James A. Lindsey, of Boliver 0 No 41, in the chair, by order of Rt. W. D. D. G. M. Marcus Boyd. Their proceedings show that their meetings were held near Humansville, when the Dispensation authorizes them to meet at Humansville. Your Committee, however, are of the opinion that this is satisfactorily explained in a letter to the Rt. W. G. Sec., accompanying their returns, for it seems that it was not the intention of the petitioners for this 0 that it should be established in but near said village. Transcript and records in the main correct. Your Committee
recommend more care in future, also the following changes in the By-Laws: Strike out Sec. 4 of Art. 2, and Sec. 6 of Art. 13. Recommend a charter. CHAMors 0, U. D.
Begun work October, A. L. 5858, under a Dispensation from this G. L., dated May 28, A. L. 5858, Rt. W. Wm. E. Wheeler, D. D. G. M. presiding. Find transcript and work correct. We recommend the following changes in the By-Laws: Strike out Sec. 6 of Art. 1. Sec. 1 and 2 incomplete. Art. 3, Sec. 1 and 5. By-laws are incomplete, and your Committee recommend the review of their By~Laws after a careful examination of the Constitution and By-Laws of this G. L. They have been moderate and correct in their work, and your Committee recommend a charter. . WESTVILLE 0, U. D.
As this Dispensation was issued on the 18th of February, 1859, the has held but one meeting. Your Committee recommend that the Dispensation be continued, and that they strike out Sec. 11 of their By-Laws.
â&#x20AC;˘ QUINCY 0 , U. D.
Commenced work on 21st December, A. D. 1858, A. L. 5858. Proceedings regular, but unaccompanied by any report. This should be attended to immediately. They seem to have adopted for their government, the By-Laws of Osceola 0 , the 10th Sec. of which, in the opinion of Committee, is unnecessary, and should be stricken out. The Laws of the Grand 0 are sufficiently explicit on the subject of demits. Your Committee recommend that the Dispensation be continued. DAYTON 0 , U. D.
That part of Art. 4th, of By-Laws, which reads as follows: "Providing the same be twenty days thereafter, if not twenty
days, then the next succeeding meeting,"-and .the whole of Art. 14, should be stricken out. Their proceedings seem to have been right and proper, and their report to the Grand 0 is as formal as the nature of the case would admit. . . Your Committee recommend a charter. HENRY CLAY D.
The work of this 0 we find correct, and but few alterations in her By-Laws necessary. We recommend to strike out Sec. 4 of Chapter 4, of the By-Laws. Also, all that portion of Sec. 1st of Chapter 3d, in regard to nomination of brothers for office. We recommend a charter when these requirements are complied with. HANNIBAL D.
This 0 has been under Dispensation but a few weeks, and has done but little work; but so far as her records show, her work is strictly in accordance with the By-Laws of this Grand D. We recommend the following alterations in her By-Laws, viz. : That in Art. ] 2th the word "non-affiliated" be used instead of "un-affiliated;" and that all after tho word petition, in the 6th line of Art. 17th, be erased; and that in Art. 19th the words "Charitable purposes" be erased, and "To be denominated the Orphan's Fund," inserted instead. With these corrections we recommend a charter. ZEREDATIIA D.
This 0 was set to work February 21, 1859, by S. M. Hays, D. D. G. M" in the City of St. Joseph. The work we have examined carefully, and find it strictly in accordance with the ByLaws of the Grand D. Sec. 3d of Art. 3d, of her By-Laws, is not in accordance with the By-Laws of the Grand D. We therefore recommend that it be stricken out, and that a charter be granted.
Was set to. work Aug. 21, 1858, by T. G. Stansberry, proxy for Wm. Ellis, D. D. G. M. The work we find correct, but the By-Laws require many a.1terations. We recommend that Sec. 6th of Art. 2nd, Sec. 7th of Art. 3rd, Sec. 6th of Art 11th, Sec. 4th of Art. 12th, and Sec..10th of Art. 14th, be stricken out, as they do not conform to the By-Laws of this Grand D. Also, that all after the word "next," in the second line of Sec. 3d of Art. 12th, be erased, and that in Sec. 3d of Art. 14th, the words "ten days" be stricken out, and the word "Due" inserted instead. We recommend a cho.rter when the above corrections are made. ZERUBABLE D.
The transcript of the proceedings of this 0 are correct, and such portions of the By-Laws as your Committee believe are in conflict with the principles of Masonry, have been stricken out. This 0 has conferred quite a number of degrees, and apparently done a good deal of work. But in the opinion of your Committee said 0 has not done too much work for the time they have been at work. Your C~mmittee, therefore, recommend that a cho.rter be granted to said Zerubable 0, of Platte Co., Mo. THOMASVILLE D.
The transcript of the proceedings of this 0 are in the main correct, and the By-Laws are in accordance with the principles of Masonry. Said 0 has not done a great amount of work, and appears to have proceeded cautiously. We therefore recommend the issuing of a charter for said D. FRANKFORT 0 , U. D.
This 0 was set to work on the 2d day of July, 1858, by D. D. G. M. P. Draper, at which time several petitions were received, and at a meeting of said 0 held on the 23d day of the same
month, the petitions were acted on and the candidates initiated; being only twenty-one days from the time of the presentation of the petition. At a meeting of the 0 held on the 13th day of May, 1859, they elected officers for their o. Their minutes do not show that they examine their candidates as to their proficiency in the preceding degrees, previous to passing and raising them, nor do their By-Laws show any regulation of the same. From July 23d, 1858 until May 13th, 1859, they have initiated 25, Passed 22, Raised 22. Total, 69 degrees. Their stated meetings are held at 10 o'clock, A. M. Having no doubt that their attention being called to their irreg路 ularities, they will not again let them occur; your Committee therefore recommend that a charter be granted them. CALDWELL 0
U. D.
A meeting of this 0 was held between the 15th and 19th October, 1858, without any record of the date of holding the same. Initiated 2, Passed 1, Raised 1. Total degrees, 4. They adopted" The Constitution and By-Laws of the State of Missouri, for the government or this D." Your Committee recommend a continuance of their Dispensation. ANJERONA 0,
We have examined the tnnscript of this 0, and find the same correct. The By-Laws are in accordance with the By-Laws of the Grand 0 , but by far too much of them. We would recommend a charter be granted. SALEM 0,
From sundry slips of paper sent up as their proceedings, we find a paper from which we extract the following words, to wit: "Are hereby empowered to open and labor as a regular conati.
tuted of Ancient Free nad Accepted Masons, under the style and name of Friendship No. - - , and so labor until a Dispensation is received from the Grand 0 of the State of Missouri, or this warrant cancelled. Given under my ha.nd this 8th day of May, A. D. 1858.
A. EMORY, D. D. G. M. of District No. 20."
From one of the aforesaid slips we select the following-that on the 14th June, 1858, they held what they term" the first regular communication of Friendship No.--," without even the appearance of anyone being authorJzed under this illegal instrument to set them to work. They received three petitions and closed their D. A meeting was held on the 24th July, 1858, opened on the third degree and closed on the first degree. We find a. legal Dispensation issued 2d December, 1858, to be to be called Salem. held in Salem, Dent Co., Mo., the Among the aforesaid slips we find a meeting held on the 18th December, 1858, under the name of Salem 0, without anyone being present authorized to set them to work. Nor have they since been set to work by any authorized or un· authorized person. We caDnot gather fr()m these slips that they have adopted any By-Laws, and no such laws have accompanied their papers. They have Initiated l\J, Passed 15, Raised 14. Total, '48 degrees. Rejected 4. From the various slips it would be an extraordinary amount of labor to gather the dates of the conf~lriDg of several degrees and their tabular statement do not show the same. Your Committee regret very much that the D. D. G. M. should have aeted so unwisely, and can only say that it was undoubtedly done through his not acquiring that knowledge of the laws which it is presumed that those who hold so high a trust should be thoroughly acquainted with, on their acceptance of so important an office.
Your Committee can come to no other conclusion than that Friendship, alias Salem 0, U. D., having never been set to work, and for the causes above enumerated, J8nnot be considered legal in any respect. Therefore, all her acts and doings are null and void; and that the Treasurer of the aforesaid body proceed to settle the debts of the same and forward to the Gr. Secretary the Jewels, Record, and all other property of the O. And that the 4b contiguous thereto upon the application of allY of those who bwe received degrees therein, if they shall deem them worthy, may heal them. Your Committee further recommend, that if the brethren shall be recommenderl by the nearcst 0 to be perfectly well qualified to perform all the duties of the 0, and upon the order of the G. M., a Dispensation be granted them Without further expense. Your Committee having for various rea~ons come to the conclusion that the granting of Dispensations should be confined to one head, therefore recommend the following Resolution: Resolved, That it is advisable to change the By-Laws wherever the power is vested in any officer other than that of the Gf. Master, or in h~s absence from the StMe, in the D. G. M., of granting Dispensations for the formation of new CEJ, and that the laws in relation thereto take the usual course to be so amended. Furthermore Resolved, That when any number of Master Masons shall petition for a Dispensation to work as a 0, that they shall upon such application cle~rly describe the place, building, and everything in connection therewith, where they may propose to hold their meetings; and if it shall appear that such place is not properly secured and suitable for a Masonic 0 room, then 8uch application shall be refused. All of which is respectfully submitted. JNO. DECKER, WM. R. PENICK, CHARLES LEVY, JAS. FOSTER, WM. McKENDREE BROOKE, N. F. JONES, L. E. WILLIAMSON.
Bro. Joseph Foster presented a Protest which was received, and an motion to print the same, was rejected. Sundry memorials wer!! received and referred to a special committee, consisting of Bros. Shepherd, Levy and Davis. Bro. Joseph Foster offered the following, which was on motion adopted: Resolved, That the balance of Three Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Eight Dollars Ninety-Five Cents found due to the Professors, and other contingencies for the College, as set forth in the account of the Board of Curators, be paid over to W. T. Davis, President of the Masonic College, with instructions to liquidate the same accounts, and that the Grand Master draw his Warrant in favor of Bro. Davis, for the above sum of $3,668 39. A resolution was offered by Liberty CJ No. 31, through its Representative, which wall received, and on motion the same was referred to a Special Committee consisting of Bro's. J. Decker, Voorhies, Levy, Tindale and Armstrong, with instructions to report at the next session of the Grand D. Bro. J. Decker presented the following memorialJro.m the Board of Relief, and the same together with the resolution was adopted. WHEREAS, It is generally known that the Masonic Board of Relief, as the representative of the C拢J working in the city of St. Louis, are continually called upon by transient brethren for that charity which is at once the duty and pleallure of every Mason, to bestow, and WHEREAS, The C拢J in St. Louis, by their Board of Relief, dispense most of the transient charity of the craft in this jurisdiction, in which many brethren of the country participate, and WHEREAS, They are now, by the frequent calls upon them with路路 out the adequate funds to do justice to all applicants, Therefore it is Resolved, That this Grand 0 donate the Sum of two hundred dollars to the Masonic Board of Relief of St. Louis, for the purpose of relieving the wants of transient brethren, then widows and orphans. DECKER.
Bro. Ralls, from Committee on applications and communications, made the following report, which was adopted. The Committee on communications and applications, to which was referred the petition of Peter Ake and seven others, for a dispensation to open a new 0 at Ironton, in Iron County, have had the same under consideration, and find that the proposed new 0 would be within about three fourths of a mile of Star of the West 0 , No. 133, the same 0 which recommended the breth. ren of the proposed 0 at Ironton. But that 0 does not state in their recommendation whether the three first officers are competent to confer the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, as contemplated by law. Your committee disapprove the policy of making or of opening 80 many new CE:J, especially so near to an existing 0 , and therefore recommend the Grand 0 to refuse the application of the petitioners. Your committee has also had before them the application of Wallace Williams and others for a dispensation for a 0 at Tipton, which if granted would be within 12 miles of California 0, 14 miles of Otterville and 16 of Verdailles, and recommend that the application of said brethren be refUsed.
J. RALLS, Ch'n.
Bro. Patterson presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: . Be it resolved by the Most Worshipful Gr. 0 of the State of Missouri, as follows: That the Subordinate CE:J in the jurisdiction of this Grand 0 be, and they are hereby required to give to the widows of all deceased Worthy Bro. M. Masons in the severaljurisdictioDs of said CE:J, a certificate of the former membership and good-standing of their deceased husbands, which said certificate shall be signed by the Master and Wardens and attested by the Secretary of said several CE:J under their seals, and that uniformity may be ob-
tained in said certificates, the following shall be the form, the blanks being properly filled, to-wit: " 0 , No. - , held at , in the county of - - - , in the State of Missouri, to all regular Masons, whithersoever dispersed, know ye that Mrs. ,is the widow of our well beloved brother - - - , who was late a Master Mason in good standing, and a member of said 0 No. , and that we commend her, the said Mrs. , to your Masonic care and protection• •, Given under our hands and the seal of said 0, No. - - , this, - - day of ,A. D.IS
SL. ~
W. M.
S. W. J. W."
The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 2 o'clock this afternoon.
2 o'clock, P. M.
The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the Most W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. The Committee on Grievance presented the following report, which was, on motion adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 0]' F. AND A .. MASONS OF MISUOURI: Your Committee on Grievances beg leave to submit the following report: Your Committee has had under consideration appeals from several C£J, as follows, and recommend the following action and resolutions: J. B. Sharpe, for being refused admission by Rocheport 0, is referred to Lincoln 0 , Illinois, or to the Grand 0 of Illinois, .for the information desired by him. Complaint of Solomon Silber against Golden Square 0 No. 107. In this case the Grand 0 can give no remedy, as it can-
Dot dictate to subordinate Câ&#x201A;ŹJ to receive members without their consent. Memorial of S. C. Neville, late of Taylor 0 No. 5.-The committee recommend that the Brother be released from the operation of the resolution passed at the last communication of the Grand 0, a memorial presented then, being signed for him by some other person without his knowledge or consent. Appeal of Cha's.Carleton from United 0 No. 5.-The action of the 0 was in strict conformity with the By-Laws of the Grand 0; and your committee recommend the dismissal of the appeal. Memorial of Brother J. S. Leonard.-Your committee would recommend that the memorial and demit be handed back to him, and be presented by him to St. Joseph 0, with this instruction: that said 0 furnish him a certified copy of his demit from Collins 0 No. 215, Ohio, without comment, alteration or eration on the in same, your committee being of the opinion that St. Joseph this instance, exceeded their authority. Memorial of John F. Rohinson, contains no evidence of the facts set forth in it, concerning the action of Friendship 0 , no appeal being regularly made, and consequently no transcript of .the evidence and proceedings of the 0 being sent up. But to avoid the possibility of a brother being harshly dealt with, your committee would recommend that the memorial should be referred to F. 0 , and that Friendship 0 should send up to Grand Secretary, forthwith, a transcript of the proceedings in said case, properly certified, for the revision of the Gr. 0 at its next session. The Committee on Grievances, to whom WllS referred the appeal ofJ. N. Durand, from the action of Pappinville 0 No. 140, ask leave io report: The Committee infer from the memorial of Durand, that he was expelled from the 0, although the transcript of the proceedings of the 0 is entirely silent as to what its action was. From an examination of the testimony in the case, your committee are of opinion that the said Durand has been guilty of Seriou Masonic indiscretions, al hough from the evidence before the Committee, it may well be doubted whether these indiscretions merited the severe punishment meted out by the D. Your Com-
mittee are fully aware, that the written testimony does not always convey an exact and complete idea of the evidence adduced, and that many minor circumstances may have a bearing on the case, which it is somewhat difficult fully to convey to the reader. As all these circumstances, including the prejudices, and credibility of the witnesses, can be best known and apprecIated by the local triers, the Committee do not feel disposed to recommend the reversal of the decision of the D. They do hold, however, that the Grand 0 should be in possession of a full and complete transcript of the record of the D in this behalf, and showing that the trial was conducted in conformity to the usages of Masonry and the constitution of the Grand D. Your committee, therefore, recommend the adoption of the fonowing Resolved: That the consideration of the appeal of J. N. Durand be postponed until the next annual communication, and that, in the mean time, Pappinville D be required to send up a full lI,nd complete transcript of the record and proceedings in the case of said Durand. Appeal of Bro. H. S. Marble from Maryville CJ No. 165.Your committee are of the opinion that the D erred in all of the charges against Bro. Marble. There is a partia.l report of the proceedings of the D, and from all that we can ascertain, the proceedings appear to be irregular. We would recommend that the brother be reinstated in his Masonic privileges, but Dot ab. solving him from any future action of the D on charges and specifications properly preferred and investigated. Appeal of Bro. 1<'. B. McCurdy from Carthage 0 No. 103, from the action of the D on 25th June, 1858.-Your committee are of opinion that the action of the 0 should be approved. Appeal oE Bro. F. McCurdy form Carthage 0 No. 103, from the action of said D on the 20th August, 1858. The transcript of the proceedings in this case is not complete, but from the evidence before us, we would recommend that the case be referred back to Carthage D with the letter of W. P. Johnson, dated September 18, 1858. and that if the evidence of Bro. W. P. Johnson be sanctioned as true by the requisite ma-
jority, then the actio:) of the 0 on date aforesaid be sustained and a full copy of all the proceedings ab initio, be sent up to the Grand 0 at its next communication, for its approval or otherwise. Appeal of R. W. Burris, from action of"Ca.rthage No. 103. -Transcript of proceedings not as full as they should be, but from the evidence we conclude that the appellant was expelled, and we think that the evidence justifies the action of the 0, and recommend its approval. Appeal of Bro. Johnston Craig from Laclede 0 No. 83. Appeal of Bro. Josia.h Ivory from same. Both these are on the same case, which appears to have originated in some political difference. Your committee believe that the charges are trivial and embrace political matters which should never be permitted to be introduced into a to disturb the harmony thereof, and recommend that Bro. Craig be reinstated in his Masonic privileges. Appeal of W. G. Jarrell from Laclede 0 No. 83.-Your committee cannot tell, either from the appeal or transcript of proceedings what was the action of the 0 on this case, but the charges and specifications are vague and indefinate, and testimony unsatisfactory, a.nd recommend the restoration of Bro. Jarrell to his Masonic privileges. Your committee would take this opportunity of calling the attention of the brethren generally to the 17th Article of By-Laws of the Grand 0, which is full and complete as to the manner and mode of conducting trials and appeals. And whilst not disposed to take advantage of the ignorance of a brother as to the proper mode of obtaining redress, still we do not think that such ignorance is excusable or should be pleaded as an excuse, when the proper information ca.n be so easily obtained. We would also remind the W. Master, Wardens and Brethren of the Subordinate CEJ, especially the Secretaries, that when appeals are made from the decision of their CEJ, it is important that the Grand 0 should be furnished with a full record of their proceedings in the trial, copies of evidence, charges, notice of
service, and especially the vote of the 0 on each specification and charge, and the names of all the members, that there may be no delay in the Grand 0 confirming the decisions of the sallie. . ~nd at the same time we cannot speak too severely of that Secretary or 0 through whose culpable ignorance, or neglect in not furnishing the necessary details of trial, a brother's appeal, though properly made, has to remain unanswered, and he remain in probably undeserved disgrace, in consequence thereof. A proper attention to the By-Laws of the Grand 0 would relieve the Committee of Grievances of the greater portion of the labor annually imposed on them. J. W. LUKE, Ch'n, M. BOYD, W. E. DUNSCOMB, W. ERWIN, J. W. CRAIN.
The committee to whom was referred the resolution of Bro. Wallace, offered at the annual communication of 1858, and made the subject of a circular by the Grand Secretary, submitted the following report, which was, on motion, adopted:
M. W.
GR. 0
Your committee to whom was referred the matter of the resolution of Bro. Wallace, of Independence 0 No. 76, presented at your last communication, to rescind the Resolution of your committee of 1849, in words as follows: Resolved, That no brother shall be permitted to demit from any 0 under this jurisdiction, except it be for the purpose of traveling out of the jurisdiction of said 0, or of joining another D. nave to report as follows: Thirty-four C@J, in all, have responded to the circular of the
---------------GRAND LODGE A. F. A. MASONS
Grand Secretary, of which number thirty-one have voted to susbin the resolution of 1849. Three CEJ have voted to repeal that resolution. We therefore recommend to republish the Resolution of 1849, as part of this report. All of which is fraternally submitted. ROB'T VOORHIES~ M. H. McFABLAND, E. F. GllEENLEAF. The Resolution of 1849 is contained in the foregoing report.-
GR. SEC'y.
_ Bro. Patterson offered the following, which was, on motion, adoptea: "
Resolved, By the M. W. Gr. "0 of Missouri, that Subordinate CÂŁjiu"this jurisdiction, have no right to ballot fOl' candidates for passing or raising, except at their stated monthly communications, and that called-off communications are not part of the preceeding, regular or stated communication. Bro. Voorhies presented a protest, which was laid on the table. The Select Committee, to whom was referred the memorial of the W. Master of Occidental 0 , submitted the following report, which was, on motion, adopted. The Select Committee to whom was referred the memorial from Occidental 0, have had the subject under consideration, and without entering upon the particular discussion of the case presented by this memorial, submit the general principles on the question. In the old charges which this Grand 0 adopted some years alTIce, as the written land-marks of Free :Masonry, we find the following provision: " No Master shall take an apprentice unless he has sufficient employment for him, and unless he be a perfect youth, having
no maim or difect about his body that may render Mm incapable of learning the .I1rl." It will be seen that the provision does not describe a man wholly and entirely perfect as to his physical chara.cter. It is plainly limited in its character. It supposes upon its face that a man may have imperfections of body which do not amount to disqt:alifications. If they are not such as to render him" incapable of learning the art," then beyond all question he is eligible to be made a brother. We therefore offer the following: Resolved, That it is incompetent for any 0 under this jurisdiction to confer either of the three degrees upon any person whose physical defects are such as to prevent him from conforming, It"teral~l/, to all the requirements of the order. JOHN RALLS, Ch'n, THO. R. VAUGHN,
A memorial was presented by the Grand Secretary, from the widow of a deceased brother, asking for assistance to build a house, and on motion, the Grand 0 appropriated one hundred dollars for that purpose. The CommJttee on chartered C£J presented the following report, which was received, and on motion adopted: To
W. M. G.
Your committee on chartered CEtJ beg leave to submit the following, as their report: We have examined the reports of one hundred and forty-nine
C£J, one hundred and two of which have fully complied with all the requirements of this Grand D. The following named C£J have failed to meet their dues to this Grand 0 follows:
by balance, as
Canton 0 No. 100, into Hiram 0 No. 118 Wellington 0 No. 22 Alexandria 0 No. 69 Oregon 0 No. 139 Middlebury 0 No. 141 . Kirksville 0 No. 128 Davis 0 No. 116 ' Middlegrove 0 No. 42
$18 00 3u 00 50 If> 00 7 OQ
11 00 13 00 3 00 18 00
$109 50 The following have failed to pay any portion of their Grand
o dues, and are indebted as follows: Independence 0 No. 76 Richmond LJ No. 57 Howard 0 No. 4 Fulton 0 No. 48 Constantine c::J No. 129 Elderado 0 No. 127 -
45 50 - 49 5D 32 00
- 59 50 45 50 - 23 50
$255 50 The following are entitled to credits as follows: Warren 0 No. 74 Athens 0 No. 127 Griswold 0 No. 178
28 vO 1 00 $33 45
Amount due this Grand 0 from her subordinates, as per their reports Amount due to, or over-paid by the Subordinates,
Forty-one CE:i have failed to make their reports to this Grand l1S required by law. Many Câ&#x201A;Ź:J have made up their reports in advance of the closing of the year, thereby laying themsel"es liable to be tftxec1 a second time for degrees conferred. Your committee find many of the returns of subordinates very iuformal 0,
$255 50 33 45
and badly gotten up. We therefore in conclusion recommend, that the Gmnd Secretary be required to transmit to and every lSubordinate 0 a half dozen blank forms of. returns, a.nd request that the returns be made up to the thirtieth of April) i!O as tc show definitely the condItion of our fraternity in each and every year, and require the same to be transmitted to his addrees by the tenth of May. All vÂŁ which is respectfully submitted.
H. TURNER, Chairman Com.
The Committee on ByeLaw8 presented the following report, which was received, and on motion adopted:
M. W.
The Committee on By-Laws of Chartered te::1 beg leave to make the following report: We have examiNed the By-Laws of the following CE:J which came into the hands of the Committee; Ridgely D West Prairie D Winchester D, 1\1t. Moriah 0 Rising Sun D Pacific D
No. No. No. No. No. No.
135. 130. 177. 40. 13. 159.
By-Laws of Ridgely 0 No. 135, are made to conform to ByLaws of Grand D, by striking out all of Sections 4 and 5 in Art. 2, and all of Sections 1st and 2d in Art. 3. Amend Sec. 13, Art. 9, by adding " Which Committee shall be appointed by the W. Master," on the reception of said petition or application. Strike out all of Sec. 4, Art. 9.
Amend Sec. 2d, Art. 10, by adding "balloting" to the first order of business. Strike out the word" the," and insert "a" in 3d line of Sec. 2d, Art. 12. West Prairie 0 No. 130.-By-Laws of West Prairie 0 are made to conform to By-Laws of Grand 0 by making "baIIotiug," included in Art. 5, Sec. 1st, a part of the sixth order of business. Amend Art. 6, Sec. 1st, by striking out the words "or verbaIly," in the 11th line of said Section. Strike out all of Art. 11th, Sec. 1st. By-Laws of Winchester 0 No. 177, are correct. Bj-Law8 of Mt. Moriah 0 No, 40, are correct. By-Laws of Rising Sun 0 No. 13, are made to conform with By-Laws of Grand 0 : by striking out Sec. 6, Art. 2 ; also, by striking out that portion of Sec. 2nd, Art. 3d, \\hich admits of appeal from the decision of the W. Master; also, by striking out in Sec. 5, Art. 3d, the words ., residing within one half-mile of the hall." By-Laws of Pacific 0 No. 159, are correct. All of which is respectfully submitted. THO'S R. VAUGHN, Ch'n, G. R. MILTON, W. B. MORRISON.
The Special Committee on Memorial of Bro. Palmer, submitted the following report, which was received, and on motion adopted: To THE M. WOBSHll'FUL, TIlE
The undersigned committee appointed on the memorial of Bro. Lewis Palmer, of Meridian 0, beg leave, respectfully to submit the following report :
That in the opinion of your committee the matter may only be settled by the membership of said Meridian 0 , and that it is llo question, over which the Grand 0 has no jurisdiction; and b&ving fully reported, your committee pray to be discharged.
Bro. J. W. Luke offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted. ResollJed, That no dispensation shall bo granted to any bretbren to form a new 0, unless accompanied by the demits of the several brethren from the CEJ to which they respectively belong.
J. W. LUKE. Brother Norton offered the following, which was, on motion adopted: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed by this Gr. 0, consisting of such members as the Most Worshipful Grand Master may deem proper, to report at the next annual communication of this 0 , a standard form of By-Laws for the government of the subord:nate CEJ of this jurisdiction. And the Most W. Grand Master appointed Dros. Grand Secretary, Levy and I)otter, a committee in accordance with the foregoing resolution. The Committee on accounts of Gr. Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, which was received, and on motion adopted: To TIlE 1\1. W. GRAND 0
Your COIDmitee on Accounts, beg leave to make the following report: That we have carefully examined the books, accounts, vouch-
ers, &c., of your Grand Secretary and Treasurer, and find the same correct. Your Grand Secretary, as is shown by his books, has received, since the last annual communication, ten thousand one hundred and one dollars, and ninety-five cts., and paid over to the Grand '1'reasurer, as per vouchers, ten thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-one ets., leaving a balance in favor of our Grand Secretary of sixteen dollars and 76 ets., Balance in hands of Grand Treasurer as per report of your committee, at your last annual communication, - . $6,107 32 Received during the past year, 10,118 71 Making a total in hand of Gr. Treasurer of Paid. as per his vouchers.-
$16,226 03
8,479 17
Leaving a balance in hands of Gr. Treasurer of $7,746 86 All of which is respectful submitted. MARTIN COLLINS, Chairman.
The Special Committee to whom was referred sundry memorials, presented a report, and on motion of Bro. Milton, that part of the report relating to the memorial of Bro. H. Shadwell and others, was adopted. The remainder of the report was withdrawn. To
M. W.
The Special Committee to whom was referred the following subjects, respectfully report: They have examined a memorial signed by Bros. Shadwell, James and Gilbert, three Past Masters, which memorial sets out that it is presented by them" at the earnest solicitation of thirty Master Masons and members of the late Middletown D." It is couched in very respectful language, and as stated is certainly respectable in numbers to their application, and deserve some con-
sideration from this Gr. 0, and from the statements therein made, and our own printed proceedings, will show that the Grand o at its former session, have acted in relation to the matters therein recited. In their memorial they set forth that all the facts had not come fully into the possession of the Grand 0, and desire a careful examination of the statements, records, etc., which at this present time is out of the power of your Committee to perform, but willing, that if the brethren are laboring under disadvantages which they ought not to be, and to aid them as much as we well can, we would recommend the following resolution: Resolved. That should the members of the late Middletown 0, on a petition being duly recommended for a new 0, be presented to the D. G. M. of the District, and after he shall have satisfied himself that it will redound to the best interests of the order, he may grant them a dispensation for the same. Respectfully submitted. T. E. SHEPHERD, CHA'S LEVY, W. T. DAVIS. Bro. Sutton offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be allowed the Rt. W. Grand Secretary lD addition to his salary of seven hundred and fifty dollars, his increased and arduous duties as Gr. Secretary justifying such additional recompense. Brother CollIns offered the following, which was, on motion adopted: Resolved, By the Grand 0 of the State of Missouri: That the sum of two hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby donated to our worthy Grand Tyler, for his prompt and efficient services in attending on this Grand Communication, and that our Grand Master be instructed to draw a warrant on the Grand Treasurer for said amount. Bro. Dand Deane offered the following, which was, on motion adopted:
Resolved, That the District Deputy Grand Masters shall be required before granting a dispensation, to examine the three persons proposed as the first Officers, and unless he finds them competent to confer the three degress of Masonry according to the work adopted by this Grand a, and otherwise well located and situated, to meet and carryon their work under the rules laid down by the Grand a, he shall not grant the prayer of the petitioners, or recommend the same. Rev. Bro. Brown offered the following, which was amended by inserting " thirty," and theIl adopted: WHEREAS, Potosi a No. 131, has had to support Henry Pinkley, an aged brother and Father, for a number of years, and lfT1ureas, he is now dead, and was buried at the expense of said a, and has left his widow on our hands to support, Resolved, Therrjore, that this Grand a donate the sum of thirty dollars to said Potosi 0 for that purpose. ' Bro. J. H. Turner offered the following, which was. on motion adopted: Resolved, That the sum of sixty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to M. W. Marcus Boyd, for his services in attending as a Speci'al Committee appointed by the Grand a, to examine sundry communications of Carthage a, to try Cllrtain members of the late Sarcoxie D. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.
8 o'clock.
The Grand a of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. On motion of Bro. Wm. T. Davis, itwas Resolved, That Twenty-five dollars be appropriated to pay the
expenses of two beneficiaries QÂŁ Gr. 0, In returning to their friends. Bro. Potter offered the following: Resolved, That this Grand 0 recommend to the subordinate Câ&#x201A;ŹJ who have not a set of Bro. Melody's carpets, to procure the same. Adopted. Bro. Decker offered the following: Resolved, That the Grand 0 appoint sonie trustworthy Bro. whose duty it shall be to take an inventory of all the Property, Instruments, books and effects of the Masonic College. and file a copy of said Inventory in the dnce of the Grand Secretary. Resulved, That the brother so appointed shall at the expiration of the present Collegiate year take charge of the College buildings, grounds and effects. and hold the same subject to the further orders of the Grand 0 of Missouri, or the Grand Master, in recess. Resolved further, that the brother so appointed is hereby authorized to expend a sum not to exceed two hundreu dollars for necessary repairs of the buildings, which sum is hereby a-ppropriated for that purpose. The foregoing Resolutions were adopted and the Grand Master appointed Bro. R. M. Henderson, of Lexington, in accordanee with the above Resolutions. A resolution ~as offered by Bro. I?ecker, whICh was laid on the table until the next Annual Communication of tl}e Grand D. The Grand Secretary was instructed by the Grand Master to furnish a copy of the protest presented by,Bro. Jos. Foster to him when required. Bro. Ralls offered the following, which was on motion adopted: Resolved, That Bro. Boulware, Secretary of the Endowment Fund Commissioners, be requested to place that fnnd in :t situation to be turned over to the Gr. 0 at the next Annual Communication, to meet any claims of those holding the scholarships. Resolved, That the Secretary, E. F. Commissioners, report to the next G. 0, all scholarships now subscribed to Masonic College, how much paid on each, and what amount of money is at interest ns such fund.
Bro. Collins offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to investigate such claims as may be due this Grand 0 for sch01alships or interest, and also to take such legal steps to secure and collect tue same as they may deem advisable, and to investigate the olaim of Lexington R. A. C. against this G. L. for repairs of College building, and how far the amount due the G. L. as interest on scholarships may offset the same, and report to the next Grand D. And the Committee appointed on Resolution of Liberty 0 was appointed to act on the above Resolution. The M. W. Grand Master, Samuel H. Saunders, then installed the Grand Officers elect, as follow8: M. W. MARCUS BOYD, of Springfield, Gra.nd Master. RT. W. MARCUS H. McFARU.ND, Louisville, Deputy Grand Master. RT. W. W. R. PENICK, St. Joseph, Grand S. Warden. JOHN DECKER, St. Louis, Grand J. Warden. " " JOHN D. DAGGETT, St. Louis, Grand Treasurer. " A. O'SULLIVAN, St. Louis, Grand Secretary. SAM'L M. HAYS, Platte City, Grand S. Deacon. " JAMES McDOWELL, Chilicothe, Grand J. Deacon. " " A. STILLE, St. Louis, Grand Tyler. The Grand Master mad~ the following appointments: DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Rt. W. James Foster,-Oregon.
District No. I.-Composed of Atchinson, Noda.way, and Holt Counties.
Rt. W. W. R. Penick,-St. Joseph. District JVh. 2.-Composed of Buchanan, Andrew, De Kalb and Gentry Counties. Rt. W. Samuel M. Hays,-Platte City.
District No. S.-Composed of Platte, Clay and Clinton Counties.
Rt. W. John F. Houston,-Carroll County. Bistrict No. 4.-Composed of Caldwell, Ray, Carroll and Livingston Counties. Rt. W. James McFerrin,-Gallatin. Bistrict No. 5.-Composed of Davis, Harrison, Mercer, Grundy and Putnam Counties. Rt. W. Alfred Mann,-Keytesville. Bistrict No. 6.-Composedof Chariton t Linn, Sullivan and Dodge Counties. Rt. W. James M. Sutton,-Tully. BiB/rict .,1\1"0. 7.-Composed of Schuyler, Scotland, Clark, Adair, Knox and Lewis Oounties. Rt. W. James B. Mitchell,-Mound College. BiB/rict No. 8.-0omposed of Macon, Randolph and Howard Oounties. Rt. W. David Dean,-Hannibal. Bistrict oMJ. 9.-0omposed of Shelby, Marion, Monroe and Rlllis Oounties. Rt. W. M H. McFarland, D. G. M.-Louisville. Bis/rict No: to.-Oomposed of Lincoln and Pike Counties. Rt. W. Hiram Rawlings,-Fulton. BiBtrict No. n.-Composed of Boone, Audrain and Calloway Counties. Rt. W. George B. Milton,-Danville. Bis/rict No. 12.-0omposed of Montgomery, Warren and St. Oharles Counties. Rt. W. Robert M. Henderson,-Lexington. Bis/rict No. 13.-Composed oÂŁ Jac.kson and Lafayette Oounties. Rt. W. Leonard Dodge.-Little Osage. District No. H.-Composed of Johnson, Oas8, Vernon and Bates Oounties.
Rt. W. Oscar F. Potter,-Arrow Rock. District No. I5.-Composed of Saline, Pettis and Cooper Counties. Rt. W. Thomas H. Murray,-Warsaw. District No. l6.-Composed of Henry, Hickory, Benton, St. Clair and Cedar Counties. Rt. 路W. Jarvis M. Barker,-Cassville. District .7\"0. l7.-Jasper, Newton, McDonald, Stone, Lawrence and Barry Counties. Rt. W. A. W. Long,-Greenfield. District .N路o. IS.-Composed of Green, Dade, Polk, Dallas, Taney, Ozark, Laclede and Webster Counties. Rt. W. L. E. Williamson,-Versailles. District oiV'o. la.-Composed of Morgan Moniteau, Camden, Miller and Cole Counties. Rt. W. A Metcalf,-Steelville. lJistrict No. 20.--Composed of Gasconade, Crawford, Pulaski, Osage, Dent, Wright and Texas Counties. Rt. W. Geo. Whitcomb,-Charleston. Dis/rict .Vo. 21.-Composed of Scott, Mississippi, Pemiscott, Dunklin, New Madrid, Butler, Ripley, Oregon and Stoddard Counties. Rt. W. John H. Wilson,-Cape Girardeau. District .IVo. 22.-Composed of Perry, Cape Girardeau, Bollinger, Madison, W<tyne and Shannon Counties. Itt. W. Wm. H. Carter,-Potosi. District No. 23.-Composed of Jefferson, Washington, St. Francois, Reynolds and Ste. Genevieve Counties. Rt. W. John Deckcr,--St. Louis. Dis/rict .7V(}. 2-!.-Composed of St. Louis City and County, alld FmllkJill County.
Rt. W. Jacob Houghton,-Santa Fe. District No. 24.-Composed of New Mexico. GRAND CHAPLAINS. Rev'd J. N. TOLBERT, " A. V. C. SCHENCK,
A. O'SULLIVAN. The minutes of this day's proceedings being read and approved, no further business appearing, after prayer by Bro. Shepherd, the Grand 0 of Missouri was closed in AMPLE FORM.
A. O'SULUVAN, Grand Secretary.
.I1ccount qf Moneys received by Grand Secretary after the publication of Proceedings of 1858.
.. .....
p. NO.
111 56 120 27 9f3 145 19 151 135 62 128 30 158 110 146 15 162 84 133 132 141 79 48 81 171 159 57 171 141 47 103 83
Treuton, bal.,.............. Platte, ....................... Compass, .................... Temple, charter,.......... Webdter, ..................... Risi.n'1, ................ Pans TnlOn, ................ Milton, ....................... Ridgley,...................... Maryville, ................... Kirksville,................... Hunt8ville, .................. Cornwell, ................... Marcus,....................... McGee, ...................... Central, ..................... Whitesville, ............... Pott"r, ....................... Sta.r of the West,.......... Farmin~toD, ............... Middlebury, ................ Polar Star, b. c.,.......... Fulton, ....................... Neosho, ...................... Hartford, N. R., ........... Pacific, charter,............ Richmond, ................... Hartford, dis., ............. Middlebury, charter,...... Fayette, '57,................ Carthage.................... Laclede, b. c., ..............
$ c.
4 18 9 16 12 11
7 25 12
......; cotl ~ f;l;::'"" .....; ... . :l ;;'" . '" . !: - - - - - - -8- - k
$ c.
$ c.
$ c.
7 f33 13 00 L8 00 12 33 4 16 3 33 3 33 3 33 00 9 33 5 16 00 18 00 3 50 00 7 16 7 83 00 00 6 33 2 66 00 8 00 00 . 5 3il 00 18 00 6 33 4 /)6 00 6 50 00 21 00 14 82 1433 8 28 5 16 00 6 00 36 00 8 00 14 95 8 00 15 00 :~ 33 I 18 00 13 16 6 66 3 33 2 00 4 66 18 00 6 16 50
$ c.
15 24 8 6
67 67 34 67 67 67 67 34 00 33' 67
$ c. :L3 50 68 00 12 50 10 00
00 00 18 00 10 00 7 50 14 00 15 50 12 67 00 5 34 00 16 00 00 10 67 00 12 67 00 9 34 00 13 00 00 28 67 82 16 57 75 10 34 50 12 00 00 16 00 00 16 00 00 30 00 00 6 67 00 26 34 50 13 34 00 6 67 00 8 34 16 00 12 34 33 50 1 00 1 50 6 6
10 10 39 20 28 40 32 35 20 35 23 37 39 35 78 24 46 18 60 40 45 10 57 20 10
148 A
Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand o of Missouri-1859.
." ,,"
~z 0
.. ~ . l!l
.. l: II
..... z
... ... ~
'" "
-- ---- ----
1 2 3 5 6 8
9 10 11
12 13
14 16 17
18 2(1
22 23 24 25 2G Zg 29
30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41
43 44 45
Missouri,........................... Meridian, ......................... Beacon, b. o. $1250,........... United, ............................. Ark Wi! iamsburg,.................... Geo. W ll~hington ................ Shltwnee, .......................... Pltuldingville, .................... 'l'Fo & $1 on yr. '58,........... Riging Sun, & b. o. $8.50,.... Auburn,............................ Mempbis, .......................... ClItrksville,........................ Plllmyrll,........................... St. Louis & $12 on b. c.,...... Wellington, ....................... Florida, ............................ Wyaoonda, ........................ Napht', $18 b. c.; ............. Mexico, ............................. St. John's, ........................ Osage,.............................. Huntsville, ....................... Liberty, ............................ Lafayette, ........................ Ra1l8, ............................ Troy, ................................ Cooper, ............................ DawsvD, ........................... Graham, 2 y'r8, .................. Tully,............................... Mt Moria.h,....................... Bolivar, ........................... Middle Grove,.................... ; Jefferson, ......................... . Roche8ter, ......................... Bonhomme, ...................... Fayette. y'rs '58 &; '59,....... Audllrson, ......................... Li\'ing8ton & b. c. $12,........ Wakanda, .........................
3 19 17 20
$ c.
$ c. 36 00 1800 14 50 17 50 54 00
15 aD 18 00 8 00 18 00 18 00 3 05 12 95
8 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 27 90 18 00 18 00 13 8 6 25 9
1 9
18 00 1800 8 00 15 00
$ c. $ c. 10 83 21 67 6 00 12 00 12 66 25 34 11 50 23 00 466 9 34 5 83 .11 67 13 ~O 27 00 9 50 19 00 5 00 10 00 6 00 12 00 7 50 15 00 7 50 15 00 12 50 25 00 3 66 7 34 7 83 15 67 10 66 21 34 12 00 24 00 6 00 12 00 4 1'3 9 67 18 16 36 34 9 00 18 Of! 8 66 17 34 3 33 6 67 3 16 6 34 7 00 14 00 7 33 14 67 3 133 7 67 8 66 17 34 10 1\3 21 67 3 33 6 67 9 66 19 34 3 33 6 67 6 16 12 34 8 16 16 34
350 16 50 1800 20 00 9 00 13 33 11 76 16 74 5 66 2 33 10 8 00 366 15 8 66 3 13 00 18 00 15 83
26 67 11 34 4 67 16 00 734 17
c. 68 50 :16 00 70 00 109 50 17 00 32 80 59 50 2850 33 00 44 00 $
51 00
40 50 53 50 -17 00 46 50 32 no 51 50 36 00 2350 82 40 45 00 4400 23 00 15 00 27 00 4000 36 50 44 00 55 50 19 00 29 00 1100 2750 44 50 18 50 69 00 45 50 [7 00 2400 26 00 2900 7850
= 149
A. O'SULLIVAN" Grand !!J"ecretary, in account with the Grand o of il1issouri.--Continued.
..... .. "
.. .
11:" ~ Q
53 Weston, ........................... 路 54 Douglass,.......................... 55 Arrow Rock,...................... 56 Platte, .............................. 58 Monticello, ........................ 60 New Bloomfield, ................. 62 Maysville.......................... 63 St. Mary's, ........................ 66 LiDn ............................... 67 Rocheport, ........................ 68 lebo, ............................... 61l Alexandria, ....................... 70 Roanoke, ........................... 71 Sa,annll.h, ........................ 72 Danville, ........................... 74 Warren, ........................... 75 Ashley, ............................. 7i Lebanon, ........................... 78 St Joseph, ........................ 7~ Polar Star,........................ 80 Bridgeton, ......................... 81 Neosho, ............................ 82 Jackson, ........................... 83 Laclede,............................ 84 Potter, ............................. 85 Johnson,........................... 86 Mitchell & $10 b. c.,............ 87 Washington & $12.50 b. c..... 89 Fri~n?ship, ........................ 90 PraIrie, ............................. 91 Madison, .......................... 92 Perseverance & $10 b. c.,...... 93 St. Mark's, ........................ 96 St. Andrews, ...................... 97 Bethany, $9.50 y'r '58,....... 98 Webster, .......................... 100 Canton, ............................ 101 Easton, ............................. 103 Carl.hage, -......................... 104 Heroine, ........................... 106 Laporte,............................ 108 New Madrid, $2.50 y'r '58,...
23 2 21 9 21
3 18
15 26
6 5 28 22 58 23 28 9
....: II
. i ...2... " -- -- -- -- - S ~
$ c. $ c. $ c. 27 14 7 86 17 83 2 66 8 50 2 05 14 95 1(1 33 18 00 10 16 5 16 7 50 4 5(1 4 66 18 00 5 83 16 20 15 80 8 50 18 0 3 50 5 66 10 00 10 08 8 66 18 00 5 00 13 00 18 GO 6 00 25 25 12 77 14 16 38 38 13 62 14 83 12 50 34 50 18 00 8 00 18 00 4 83 9 00 15 00 850 15 34 6 00 8 33 7 16 23 00 18 00 11 34 18 00 9 33 5 00 18 00 13 66 9 50 8 00 18 00 5 33 18 00 6 66 12 00 2000 16 80 873 7 66 9 66 750 6 50 3 16 4 00 18 00 6 33 18 00 8 00
$ c. $ c. 35 67 88 50 534 8 00 9 Oil 48 50 20 67 48 no 20 3t 4350 10 34 17 00 15 00 43 00 9 DO 2250 9 34 35 00 11 67 35 50 17 00 57 50 7 00 13 00 11 34 20 00 17 34 46 00 10 00 33 50 26 00 6l 45 12 00 36 00 2834 75 00 29 67 9650 36 00 101 00 9 67 4050 17 00 50 00 12 00 3354 16 67 4000 14 34 47 50 22 6i 75 00 18 67 46 00 2734 64 00 19 00 34 50 10 67 42 00 13 34 3&'00 24 00 4L 00 17 57 63 00 15 34 51 00 19 34 51 00 15 00 8050 13 00 19 aD 6 34 32.50 12 67 41 00 16 00 4200
450 9 00 4l 50 6 16 12 34 27 50
150 A.
Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand o of Missouri.-Continued.
" ~~ :;'" 0
109 113 115 lW 117 118 119 121 122 123 127 128 130 131 133 135 136 138 139 140 141 142 145 146 147 14!) 150 Hil lSi
157 159 160 16~
164 165 168 169 171 172 173 175 176
$ Montezuma, ..................... Plattsburg, ....................... Sibley, ............................. Davies, .y'r '58 & '59,.......... Versailles,........................ Hiram, ........................... Foster & $13 on '58,........... Erwin, ............................. Dover,............................. Hermann, ......................... Athens,............................ Kirksville, ....................... West Prairie,.................... Potosi, ............................ Star of the West & $19.50 on arrears, ..................... Ridgely &; $6 on b. c., ......... Phoonix, ........................... Round Prairie,.................. Oregon, ........................... Pllppinville, ..................... Middlebur PleaSI\nt rove, ................ Hieing Sun, ...................... McGee, ........................... 13uff,Llo, ........................... I.. p,xin~ton, •••.. •.•.....••...•••. o. 13irming,· ......................... lIIilton, ............................ Spring I1ill, ...................... North Star, ..................... Pacific, ........................... Edina, ............................ \Vhitesville, ..................... Oceiilental, ...................... .Toaehilll,.......................... I1Iaryville, ........................ F,\irmount,....................... Tuscumbia, ..................... IIll.rtford on y'rs 58, 5g,...... 'WoU Island,..................... Union, ............................ Newton, &; bal. $25,........... Point Pleasant $2.50 y'r '58,
..~ ..i
." ,;
. ' " - - - - - - -- -$ c. $ c. ill c. $ c. $ c. ;,;'" ~
18 00 18 00
~ ;:
6 00 12 00 2000
7 16 14 34 39 50
66 50 00 16 00 00 83 00 00 66 16
9 17 12 21) 16 24 7 4 18 13 10
34 00 00 34 00 00 67 00 00 34 3!
3 00 15 00 10 83 18 00 6 50 13 4 50 7 00 16 50 6 16 18 00 11 00 6 3 50 22 6 50 9 6 66 40 4 50 5 5 83 20 6 16 3g 9 83 17 5 00 3 4 33 25 8 50 14 5 66 60 7 33 17 7 66 26 6 83 50 12 16 23 5 66 18 00 6 00 13 4 00 19 6 50 15 5 16 11 5 66 11 4 00 36 16 33 7 4 16
21 13 9 12 22 7 13 13 9
67 00 00 34 00 Oil
12 4 10 15 43
4 8 5 00 18 00 6 18 00 10 8 250 36 00 12 3 2 9 6 5 18 00
12 19 10 8 17 11 14
15 13 24 11 12 8 13 10 11 8 32 8
34 00 67 34 67 00 67 00 34 67 34 67 34 34 00 00 00 3* 34 00 67 34
32 00 67 50 41 00 4850 24 00 74 50 23 00 10 00 65 00 35 00 58 50 18 00 jQ
37 26 42 51 16 41 29 50 22 38 68 32 16 50 31 ~2
40 46 86 40 36 25 38 45 28 23 85 20
00 50 50 00 00 50 50 00 00 50 50 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00
A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand o of Missouri.-Continued. ~ ~
:=;; ~... 10
~ ~
-'--"-"-'----:-1- - ; I -A,
$ c.
178 I Griswold, G 179 Pride of the West,............. 40
9 Geo. Washinl!:ton, b. c.,...... I 147 Buffalo. y'r '58 bal., 231 157 North Star, y'r '58,............ 60 New Bloomfield,....... 142! Pleasant Grove, y'r '58 1 9 70 Roanoke b. c.,....... Rec'd from Jos. Foster,........ 1
$ c. $ 2 I 6 i 5 2 5 I 2 I 6 2 I
I 'I'
c. $ c. 66, 5 34
16 i 12 50 i 1l 56 '[ 5 16 10 66 i 5 83 i 13 10 I 4 :
:il c. 15 00
34 fi8 50 0 16 50 14 7 70 34 40 50 34 8 00 67 29 50 15; 6 25 i1758 70
A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary, in account with the Grand D of Missouri.-Conlinued. RECEIVED FROM LODGES AFTER SJlTTLJlMENT WITH ComlITTEE ON ACCOUNTS.
. .... ... " e:~ ....
... ~ ..;; ~
. ~
.. ~ ~
- -- --
. ~
t.. ...01
... ... J
'" - '"- , - --
$ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 61 Osceola,........................... 18 00 5 00 10 00 33 00 73 Eureka; ........................... 18 00 7 50 15 00 40 50 OC' 50 Well ington, ba.l.,............... I 132 Linn Creek & $12 on y'r '57, 4 8 00 16 00 28 00 107 Golden Square,................. 28 00 16 50 10 66 21 34 60 00 170 Benevolence,..................... 5 3 16 6 34 12 50 99 Mt. Vernon,...................... 36 00 8 16 16 34 60 50 158 Cornwell, ........................ 6 2 16 434 12 50 19 Paris,.............................. 10 9 33 18 67 38 00 143 Flint Hill, ........................ 9 Ii 00 10 00 21 00 144 Jobn Dade, ....................... 17 6 83 13 67 37 50 102 Bloomington, ................... 10 12 16 24 34 46 50 148 Yan.Ct;y ~ $60n y'r '58, ...... 27 9 66 19 34 60 00 3 33 (j 67 10 00 137 PrairIeville Charter, ........... " ........... 191 Zerubable 3 33 6 67 10 00 3 33 6 67 10 00 ........... 94 Evening Star " 3 33 (; 67 10 00 161 Thomasville " 3 33 6 67 10 00 156 Ashland,............... ~:::::::::: 3 33 6 77 10 00 185 Chamois, .......................... 3 33 (; 67 10 00 187 Henry Cla!i,...................... 3 33 6 G7 10 00 189 Zeredatha ....................... S 33 6 67 10 00 182 Stewartsville, ................... 3 33 (; 67 10 00 192 Frankford, ....................... 3 33 6 67 10 00 193 An"rer 0 na,......................... 3 33 (; 67 10 00 183 Ca ifornill. Charter ,............ 11 16 6 34 22 50 1213 Seaman,........................... 13 8 50 17 00 58 00 105 Relief, ............................ 186 Dayton Charter & Degrees,.. 19 18 00 3 33 6 67 29 00 13 50 27 00 55 50 171 ~~rtford bal. on y'r 5 & 59, 15 4 83 9 G7 3450 177 Inchester, ..................... 10
$ c.
=-===========;:::==.===;::==== 1859.
------------------- -----11; c.
CHAMOIS. Degrees,
7 00
$ c. 700
FRANKFORD. Degrees, HENRY CLAY. De,grees, ; PUTNAM. Dispensation, Degrees, Charter, ALLENVlLLE. D ispensRtion, THOMASVILLE. Dispensation, Degrees, SALEM. Dispensation, Degrees, EVENING STAR. Dispensation, Degrees, ASHLAND. Dispensation, Degrees, CAMDEN. (Dispensation Cont.) Dispensation, Degrees, For Charter including G. S. fee, CALDWELL. (I?i8pensll;~ion Cont.) DlspensatlOn, Degrees, For Charter including G. S. fee, QUINCY. Dispensation, STEWARTSVILLE. Dispensation, MODERN. Dispensation Degrees, : Charter, over pd. $5.) CALIFORNIA. Dispensation, WET AU GLA~el~ees,
Dispensation, G. L.
69 00
29 00
. 14 00
10 00 44 00
2000 2000
.. 12 00 .
45 00 ..
20 00 32 DO 20 00
65 00
2000 2 00
22 00 20 00
32 00 ..
52 00 20 00
27 00 13 00 .
60 00 2000
4 00
13 00 37 00
20 00 2000
20 00 20 00
20 00 . . 4 00 13 00 39 00 .. 20 00
.. ..
WESTVILLE. Dispensation,
69 00
7 00 [
27 00 20 00 2000 20 00 20 00
ZEREDATHAH. Dispensation, Degrees, PRAIRIEVILLE. Dispensation, Degrees, HANNIBAL. Dispensation, Charter, NOVELTY. Degrees,
- -- $ c. III c. III c. .. ..
3 00
20 00
23 00
. 20 00 26 00 .. 6 00
20 00
10 00 3000
. 33 00
33 00
Amount received after 3d July, 1858, on year 1858, after publishing proceedings . Chartered Lodges to 20th June .. Lodges, U. D. " " . Joseph Foster, ..
$976 6,386 695 1,758
60 15 00 50
$9,816 45 CREDITS.
By amount paid Grand Treasurer, as per reoeipts, $9,816 45
E. E.
A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary. St. Louis, J line 20th, 1859.
Of the foregoing there was reoeived on Orphans' Fund,.... $1,829 Principal of Scholarships,.. 376 1858. "'Int. on" " $157 00 1859. " " " 1,060 00 - - - $1,217 00 H J. Foster,........................................... 1,758 00 Charity and Contingent Funds,............... 4,605 75 " $9,816 45 *lteported
to President of Board of Cnrtltors during l""t ye:tr.-Glt. t:J'c.
Grand Treasurer, in account with Grand 0 of Missouri.
DIt. 1858. May 26th. To balance per report of Finance Committee, " am't received of Grand Secretary since last " annual report, .
$6,107 32 10,118 71 $16,226 03
CR. May 29th. By loan to Mirabile Lodge per report of Grand Lodge, . " " Paid Board Ourators into on soholarships, .. .. " Orphans' Fund, "Contingent " .. " " Pd. Boulware End't Fund, .. " . June 2d. " Order paid Stille, "Mrs. Litz, .. " " " "J. Luke, . " Counterfeit and broken bank " notes, .. .. June 3d. "Order paid Kunkle, June 7th." " O'Sullivan, . " ",' Same, ~ . July 9th" " Neidner, .. " "" Tully Lodge, . Aug. 3d." " Gr. Sec., . "" Neidner, . " Aug. 26th. " " Same, . Jno. Decker, . Sep. 13th. " " Oct. 13th. " " Boulware, .. Dec. 13th. " " Gr. Sec., . 1859. Same, . Mar. 9th. " " Neidner, . " " " Draper, .. Mar. 28th. " J. Bingham, .. May. 24th. " Melody, .. May. 25th. " " Danville Lodge, .. May. 26th. "
" "
$300 00 1,581 56
983 00 00
1,250 326 125 101 290
13 00 85
10 00 100 00 750 100 400 12
150 861 15 50
00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00
83 00 30 00 20 7 57 20 90
00 00 76 00 00
33 00
BlIl"nce on hand per report of Committee,
DR. 1859. May 2.6th. To balance on hand per report of Finance Committee, .. To amount received of Grand Secretary since report of Commissioner, and up to date of publica.tion, .
$7,746 86 $8,479 17
$8,479 17 401 50 $8,880 67
JOHN D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer in account Grand 0 of Missouri.-Continued.
Dr. account brought over,...... $8,880 67 Ca. By sundry payments since reports to time of publication: May 27th. Paid W. T. Davis per order, .. $3,668 93 " " J. H. Turner, . 30 00 60 00 " " M. Boyd, . 100 00 " " J. M. Sutton, .. 200 00 " " Board Relief St. Louis, .. 25 00 " " 'V. T. Davis, . 5 00 .. " " Counterfeit note, 1,000 00 May 30th. " Grand Secreta.ry O'Sullivan 16 70 " " Same, . 11 00 " " United Lodge, . 7 75 " " Jos. Foster, .. 200 00 "Stille, .. June 2d. 15 00 June 9th. " Grand Secretary, Ex. office, 5,339 38
$3,541 29
By Bro. Melody: Strik e out 3d Section, Art. 18. By Gra.nd Secretary : Strike out latter clause in 6th Section, Art. 1. By Bro. Potter: Amend by striking out all of Sections 1:2 and 13 of Art. 4, and substi. tute the following: "Every Lodge, in addition to the amount ~pecificd in its By-Law6, shall collcct from every person on whom the Degrecs may boo conferred, one dollar for each Degree, and the same shall be rctained by each subordinate Lodge as :t fund to h~ denominated the Orphans' Fund, llnd used only for the purpo~c of supportinp; and edueatin!! the orphans of deceased ~Ia6足 tel' Masons." By Bro. J. Decker: Strike out Section 6, Art. 11, and insert, ":\0 District D. Gr. lILtstcr shall hereafter have power to order "Varrants of dispensation, to organiw and estahlish new Lodges." The (~r. Lodge of Missouri re-aflirmed the following Hesolution of 1849 : ResoIL'('d, That no Broth"r shall be permitted to demit from any Lodge under this jnri-diction, except it be for the purpose of traveling out of the j1ll'isdietion of sail.l Lod.~e, or of jojJliu~ another Ludge.
___ ,I)
.John Goodwin, W. ]\1. H. P. Trumbull, S. W. R. S. Voorhis, l. W. •J. D. Daggett, P. D. G. M. Tres.
.J. D. '1':1ylor, P. D. G. M.,. Spc, Henry Hudson, 8. D. Edward Cooper, A. Stille,
J. D . Tyler.
Members-F. L. DillonI'. D. n.lIT.; .Jno. SilllondR P. 111.: T;;aiah Forbes P. lIf.; JIIO. D. Taylor P. 111.; T. Gl'imsJey P. 111.: 'I'm. Hcn,!J:n" Sr., Jesse Little, C. C. Carroll, ·W. Leffin;cwrll, .Jno. B. Coleman, S. (;. Wheatley, ~. O. Coleman, Thomas l\ir,~nn, Wm. Stewart, D. L. M. Robinson, .John Van, S. A. Billbrollgh, "\.. r. Lath, B. A. Pratte. n, Peyinghause, Cha'. Derby, L. P. Perry, .John Leak, Nimrod B"ck, S. \\'ainwright, .J. P. Ravold, R. l~lmo, II. Walth')l', .J. Woolllvard, A. Newlll/llk, ,'i. !lamblet~n,.J. .r. Outley, A. S. Orcutt, W. A. Pratt, S. Voulhire, David Rees, .J. K. Dnnkan, .r. O. Alter, .r. M. Walker, David Herrick, L. Kingsland, Ben DeBal', n. w. ;\Torgan, .James Johnson, John j\Jeysl~r, E. A. DuBruiell, J. D. Smith, Snm. CODe, Ed. Davis, J. F. Low Ch:t'~ Eng:m, .TltlllcS Richardson, W. Haight, .Justin Mulhcrn, G. S. Walker, n. .r. AIleD, Owen Baa. gaD, John Brook, D.. Horton, .J. A. Starh. luiti:tted, R; Passed, 8 ; Raised, 4; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 4.
Barny Ooldshmidt,......W. M. F. M. Wolke, P. M. S. W. S. G. Seu1'll, J. W. Emil Ulriei, Treas.
Herman Tiefenbrun, G. Fisher, Oeo. Wiegund, C. B. Bornefeld,
See. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-A. O'Sullivan P. M. and Gr. Seo.; Alexander Suess P. M.; Nathan Abel€s, Isidor Bush, L. Block, Gco. W. Campbell, Frederick Dattelzweig, Sam. Furth, Adalbert Godrin, Henry lIoehn, Herman T. Hesse, Joseph Jecko, S. E. Mandlebaum, Christian Meissemun, Herman A. Pulte, F. W. Plass, J. Rosenstein, S. C. Ritterskamp. A. Stille, Alexander Suess, Levi Stern, Emil Seeman, C. C. Simmons, C. W. Sehiekenberg, L. J. Singer, F. M. Wolke, Rudolph Weiss, Herman Tiefenbrunn, Chas. Taussig, Jr., Jos. Taussig, Charles Stubenruneh. Initiated, 4; Passed, 2; Raised, 3; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 2.
Joseph Brookes, Abraham Weigle, Robert S. King, Philip Stremel,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
•Joseph W. Braneh, John B. Mears, Charles R. Meisner, John G. Tollier,
See. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Charles L. Hamilton P. M.; Edward Handley, Benj. F. Jennings, Charles Morris, James MeLard, Albert Schrader, E. Greenleaf, Francis H. Well meyer, Theodore Baker, John Francisco, William French, Tho's D. Lingo, William Lingo, John D. Hooper, Henry C. Steinman, RUdolph Boon, James Steele, Julius W. T. Kurlbaum, Lewis Huffell, Hoit H. Green, Isnac H. Sturgeon, Joseph Gamble, Charles N. Brewster, Joseph Baget, Henry Overstoltz, Adam Ballman, John Hinton, Samuei S. Spearing, Abner Squires, John Scott, Jesse Holmes, John Taylor, G. W. Hungerford, James Green, C. Helmering, Cyrus Speers, John Sexton, Jr., Christopher A. Diggs, David J. Beattie, Corodon R. Woodward, Richard Branch, Egnas Weigle, E. W. Williams. Initiated, 13; Pussed, 9; Raised, 10; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 2.
A. H. Lee James Snoddy Isaac Snoddy T. C. Boggs
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
J. B. HolmBn, Samuel Stoner Charles Wilcoxson, Andrew Smitb
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-H. Kingsbury, P. M.; Harley Crews, P. M.; S. S. Hugnes, Samuel Stoner, R. A. McGirk, James Chorn, Newton G. Elliott, J. B. Holman, Isaac Snoddy, James Snoddy, John Lee, jr., 'tYm. H. Bowman, M. P. Hensley, Harley Crews, Chnrles Wilcoxson, H. H. Kingsbury, A. H. Lee, T. C. Boggs; C. H. Burkhart, Cht>rltl8 Stewart, Robert M. Patrick, Andrew Smith, Isaac Gearhart, Wm. J. Smith, Dr. Bonham, John Story, Bowen Wilcoxson, Leonidis Redman. Initiated, 5; Passed, 4 j Raised, 4 j Demitted,4.
Marcua Boyd, G. M W. W. S. 'tV. N. F. Jones J. W. T. G. Newbil Wilson Hackney Treas.
W. C. Hornbeak J. B. Clark Johu Rainey Joseph Gott,
Sec. S. 'D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Charles CaI:1ton, P. M. j Wm. C. Price, P.lII.; A. M. Appleby, J. S. Alexander, S. H. Boyd,J. B. Biderlinden, D. D. Berry,A.J. Brown, C. Canifax, J. H. Caynor, T. Carten, Josiah Cunningham, J. R. Danforth, Cha.tham Duke, John Dade, G. A. Dillard, W. B. Farmer, n. P. Faulkner, W. H. Fraizer, J. J. Faulkner, F. T. Fraizer, Samuel Fulbright, J. H. Gibson, W. H. Graves, R. A. Goodman, Alfred Hosman, A. T. llaun, John Hornbeak, W. S. Hendrick, J. W. Hancock, C. W. Huff, W. L. Hancock, S. H. Jopes, W. W. Jeffries, A. M. Julian, P. C. King, J. B. Kimbrough, J. S. Kimbrough, W. B. Roper, T. C. Rainey, James Vaughn,jr. Henry Westmoreland, J. T. Bol68, C. D. Bray, B. H. Saye, W. B. Potter, W. S. Snow, John Y. Fulbright, Wm. Lane, W. F. Lane, S. R. Larison, Wm. McAdams, Allen lIIitchell, J. W. D. S. F. Mack, N. P. Murphy, Samuel Moore, M. C. MurrllY, Henry Matlock, G. W. Mitchell, J. W. Mack, J. W. McElhancon, R. J. McElhanny, John H. Miller, J. A. Mack, J. T. Morton, J. A. Miller, Wash. Merritt, J. A. Morton, S. A. McKinny, J. S. McKinny, L. Murray, J. K. Murray, Wm. Murray, H. H. 'Neavis, T. B. Neavia, R. A. Plumb, J. G. Perryman. Initiated, 1 j Passed, 2; Raised, 7; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 3.
John V. Witharli John Fulton Darius Gardnar S. G. Watkins
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
L. C. Bradshaw Seo. Thos. W. Stapleton,.•.•S. D. L. C. Sturges, J. D. John B. Sitlgleton, Tyler.
Memher.-Charles H. Baldwin, P. M. ; Bartlett Searoy, P. M.; .John Allen, Samuel G. Watkins, Benjamin F. Snyder, Robert M. Wilson, Ed M. Cox, Hamilton Shouse, N. C. Richardson, John W. Greenley, John B. Singleton, Robert T. Fulton, Leven Brown. Michael Hickman, John W. Thomaa, Henry Hickmn.p., Thomas J. Sloan, John Stephens, Benjamin C. Lewis, William K. Hardman. Initiated, 2; Rai8ed, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2;
J. C. H. Broadwater..W. M. Joseph Scholl S. W. R. M. Berry J. W. Treas. W. R. Kidwell Thos. R. Hobson Sec.
E. Nunnallee Benj. P. Jones Isaac Tate Williamson CrewB J. L. Craig
S. D. J. D. Tyler. lst Stew'd 2d Stew'd
Members-Hiram Wilkerson, P. M.; Pierson B. Overly, P. M. ; Isaac Tate, P. M.; R. M. Berry, P. M.; Elijah V. Dyson, P. M.; Thomas N. Allen, Wm. Armstrong, Caleb E. Berry, Robert R. Buckner, Rd. Bulhud. Benton Clark, James D. Dillard, A. G. Dawson, Wm. L. }'rench, Henry C. French, Wm. B. Garrett, Richard Garner, E. H. Harding, Benjamin F. Harrison, Samuel P. Harrison, Armistead Hughes, Robt. M. Kemp, Alpheus McCubbin, Parmenio Marlow, Robt. A. Raphael, Wm. 1\1. Scholl, Cyrus R. Soholl, Carter Taylor, W. II. Wilson, G. C. Yates, Jame~ Mason. Initiated, '2; Passed, 1 j Raised, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted 2.
J. W. Crane Edwin Fowler, Chas. W. Mann D. H. Armstrong
W. M.
S. :W. J. W.
Earl Mo.tIack I. P. Dono.ldson Jno. Opel.. A. Stille
S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Member,-Davis Embree, P. M.; Jackson Farrer, PM.; W. S. Swym. mer, A. P. Johnston, J. Mackoy, J. C. Gilmore, S. Downing, J. G. Comstock,J. H. Hall, O. D. Turner, O. M. Scott, D. Gezzi, J. S. Tennison, G. W. Rucker, J. D. Egbert, J. L. Brady, Morris Brady, W. B. Watson, A,. F. Pack, C. H. Fredricks, R. C. Gorden, E. Benkendorf, G. W. Fisher, E. E. Allen, Sam'l Brown, Jno. Cogswell, Konrad Fink:, E. W. FOJ, O. S. Fuller, II. Learned, Ja8. Spore, J. M. Conn, G. F. Rootes, J. K. Knight, A. Peting, J. B. Kerr, F. D. Kennedy, W. D. Butler, J. Whitney, J. L. Gillespie, J. B. 'l'ilden, B. H. Peterson, M. D. Myel', J. Bower, G. W. Brooks, P. C. Drought, Thos. Forrester, J. L. Rice, J. II. McBeth, Geo. S. Day, F. J. W. Davis, G. C. Pearce, C. Strong, A. Close, J. H. Lampton, J.W. Davidson, Chas. Casey, M. C. Espy, J. C. Moody, W. S. Hillyer, J. W. Benedict, M. W. Ward, N. McDonald, C. C. Garbutt, A. Smythe, Wm. Safely, A. R. Moore, E. Montgomery, Jno. Glenny, J. J. Morri8oD, N. D. Noyea, W. N. McQueen. W. J. Berry, S. S. Matison, C. L. Spencer. Initiated, 7; P,assed,5 ; Raised, 7 ; Admitted, 8 j Demitted, 4.
David Tatt' W. S. Gregory G. W. Cllse , Marcus Gill
W. M. S. W. P. W. Treas.
John E. Davidson John O. Eaton, l!'.B. Rice J. L. Porterfield
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Thos. M. Bacon, P. M.; A. J. Gabhart, P. M. j S. G. Porter, Sandy \Villiams, W. R. Oldham, 1<'. M. McKinney, R. Bush, John S. llartlesone, N. B. Oldham, John B. Short, G. S. Deering, O. I-l. P. Ripretoe, F. G. Franklin, W. M. Brady, G. W. WaBcomb, W. N. Young, R. D. Berry, N. N. Pumphrey, S. B. Tipton, F. II. Lindsay, John R. Joncs, W. C. Shanks, Greenbcrry 'fuckeJl, A. J. Stayton, John R. McKiney, C. C. Householder, W. C. Malney, W. F. Deerin~, W. B. Douglas. Initiated, 5 i Passed, 3 i Raised, 3; Admitted, 2 i Demitted, I.
onlcns. Wm. B.Oglesby W. M. Geo. A.Kenoer•.....•...S. W. John C. Edwards J. W. Tren.s. John W. Wray
Jno. W. BGwman Samuel F. Logan Richard W. Scrugglil Abbott Scott
Sec. S. D. J. D. T.
Members-Dale M. Carter, P. M.; John C. Edwards, P. M.; John R. Rossell, P. :M. j Juo. A. Talley, Preston B. Scott, Brice Hammoc, He21ekiah More, Robert B. Frazier, Benj. D. Luckett, Chas. M. Ellis, Edwin W. Morman, Marshall Bird, Wm. A. Abbington, Thos. G. Mason, Amos J. Hart, H. C. Ellis James G. Tatum, Franklin W. tday, O. P. Preston. Initiated, 2 ; Passed, 3; Raised, 2.
H. M. Long M. Edmonds S. A. Rl'!yburn A. Carr
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
John A. ·Hunter M. Bell J. D. Relfe : John D. Stevens
Seo. S. D. J. D. Ty.
Members-J. R. Evans, P. M.; J. S. Evans, H. Eidson, J. M. L. J!l.mi. W. R. Moyer, S. Imboden, JaB. Vineyll.rd,John Thoma~, A. L. George, A. H. Shy, G. C. Wingo, S. Gillium, J. G. Imboden, M. M. Woods, W. M. Thomas, Wm. Hughes, Juo. Terrill, J. B. Benning, W. P. Gipson, C. B. McIntire, A. R. Eaton, Jas. D. Eaton, P. M. Robeson, Jas. Sloan, Jones Tennison, E. G. Cla.y, S. L. Page, H. M. Long, M. Edmonds, S. A. Reyburn, M. Bell, John A. Hunter, A. Carr, John D. Stevens, J. R. Evans. Initiated, 2; Passed, 3; Raised, 4; Demitted, 3. IiIOO,
Dan Carpenter John Broadburst Marshall Gragg John Wilson
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
M. T. Samuel E. F. Knighton A. G. Endicott Elisha William.s
Sec. S. D. J. D.
S. &: T.
Members-Wm. Conway, P. M.; J. B. V. McCall,P. M.; John Wilson, P. M.; B. F. Woods, P. M.; A. R. Murray, Aaron Cox, J. B. Cox, A. L. Darby, James Chorn, A. C. Woods, Jas. W. Parrish, A. J. BarMtt, Cyrus Capron, Jos. Hilbus, W. W. Arnold, Wm. Russell, Lewis Sharpe, A. S. Truman, Ira Suddath, A. D. Brooks, John Mills, B. T. Ricketts, John Gragg, T. P. Hardesty, Jos. N. Baker, Thos. Chandler, J. 1\1. Reynolds, Jas. Chandler, S. W. Malott, Jas. H. Compton, Samuel C. Strobel, G. W. Thompson, Jos. Belt, A. K. Reddish, Robert Reddish, T. G. Stevens, W. E. Bell. Initiated, 7; Passed, 6; Raised, 7 j Demitted, 2.
W. P. Harshe W. M. Reynolds W. Stonc S. P. Cochran
W. M. S. W. . J. W. Treas.
W. S. Cocbrl11l A. F. Downing Jacob Morris M. Newland
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-W. M. Reynolds, P. M.; L. W. Archer, Jesse Sutton, (Min. ister,) A. Bl'ayles, D. C. Damron, J. L. Dawson, Isaac Ellis, E. J. Fisher, Wm. Frazier, T. H. Grimes, N. A,~ Harvey, T. A. Harvey, Juhn Hubbard, G. D. Jewell, S. H. McKay, James Morris, James T. Nelson, John J. Ogden, G. A. Palmer, William Pulmer, John M. Reid, C. Sanford, Jesse Thompson, 'V. C. Teague, J. A. M. Thompson, L. O. Tucker, B. M. Vance, H. Wells, E. A. Whiteside, D. H. Whiteside, George Wells, Wm. Moore, D. B. Smiley, A. J. Walker, J. M. Sitton, D. A. Clare, P. Crum, Alex. Sharp, A. Morris, M. Sanford, J. Dryden, W. W. Bl~ckburn, J. w. Welch, J. M. Hunter, J. Y. Cn.i1, J. G. Megginson. Initiated, 5; Passed, 3; Raised, I; Demitted, 2.
.Charles Martin W. M. Thomll.8 S. Richardson.S. W. Isaac N. Smallwood J. W~ Jos. R. Forman Treas.
JM. T. Perry Peter Doyle Eugene WiUia.m.s Chas. S. Martin.
Seoâ&#x20AC;˘ S D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Levi J. ·Wagner, P. M.; Jas. P. Knott, P. M.; Henry M. Gorin, P. M. j Thompson Walker, P. M. j John D. Gorin, P. M.; Peter Doyle, P. M.; J. R. Asbury, Elias W. Barbee, '1'hos. J. Baugh, Jas. S. Best, Silas Billups, Dltvid G. Bondurant, R. A. Bryant, Alden Carter, Jno •. A. Childers, Jacob Clapper, Geo. S. Collins, Hoaea Collins, Jas. T. Crow, Joseph G. Downing, Oswald 1'. Ellis, Alfred II. Farnsworth, Daniel B. Fowler, Daniel N. Fulk, Ed. S. Goldsberry, 'rhos. W. Green, '1'h08. Gunn, Allen Hardinbrook, Joel G. Haskins, .Joseph V. Headen, Jas. Haryiord, T. Hope, Horace A. Howard, .John G. Howard, Marion '1'. Howard, Charlea Hughes, Jas. L. Jones, Ed. W. Knott, Ralph Marshall, Chas. S. Martin, Geo. H. Moore, A. Morris, A. S. Myers, 1I1~ McCandless, R. F. McCormack, E. McIntyre, G. T. McIntyre, R. '1'. Nesbit;U. B. Ostrander, R. Padgett, W. Padgett, Geo. L. Pulliam, S. J. Pulliam, Thos. H. Richardson, J. Sanders, J. B. Sanders, Job Sanders, H. K. Shacklett, H. Sheffield, J. M. '1'. Smith, Wm. D. ,Smith, M. Tucker, R. J. Vaught, J. G. Walker, Darius Wellington, Isaac F. Meyer, Jno. Q. A. Williams, H. P. S. Willis, Doniton Wilson. Initiated, 6; Passed, 4 ;
(j ;
Admitted, 1.
CLARKSVILLE LODGE No. 17-24 MSKBBRS. OrI'ICKRs. J. W. Hemphill W. M. J. J. lIIcElvee Seo. J. F. L. Jacoby S.W. J. C. Jamison S. D. L. W. Haywood J. W. A. T. Jamison J. D. Joseph Pollock Treas. J. H. Skidmore Tyler. Members-Wm. Bowles, P. M.; Par80n Brown, P. M.; C. C. Eastin, P. M.; J08. W. Brown, Wm. P. Boone, B. F. Boone, R. W. Bryant, J. W. Davi8, D.' Fergu80n, Geo. Mozier, Jas. 'l.'hurmond, A. T. Vaughn, H. L. Wells, S. C. Smith, E. A. Townsley, Wm. M. Demott. Initiated, 2; Passed, 2 j Raised, 2 j Admitted, :) j Demitted, 5.
E. H.C. Bailey W. J. Jackson R••J. Price A. D. Sprague
_W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
W. S. Meana. Wm. B. Drescher Chas, Swift Jas. C. Willis
Sec. S. D. J. D.· Tyler.
Member6-Wm. B. Phillips, P. M.; W. H. Hopson, P. M.; w. S. Means, P. M.; T. L. Anderson, Wm. H. Byrd, Wm. P.D. Claybrook, J. A. Devrix, H. Dresoher, F. A. Hanley, W. L. Hatoher, Tholl. E. Hatcher, T. B. Hatcher, B. B. King, Jno. Kratz, A. Miskey, jr., I. B. Owsley, Wm. B. Phillips, Wm. T. Payne, Lewis Poulton, Wm. R Pittman, C. R. Rogers, A. D. Sprague, H. E. Smith, R. A. Stewart, Ohu. Swift, Thos. E. Thomplion, Chas. A. Treager, E. Taylor, J. C. Willis, Wm. B. White, J. B. Willis, Jno. R. Yager, M. Bradley, G. W. Bates, Jno. C. Duncan, W. C. Dingle. John A. Easton, Wm. W. G. Flanagan, S. T. Finley, Geo. B. H. F.oreman, C. H. Foreman, H. W. Hollingsworth, W. H. Hopso~, E. Kincheloe, L. Kincheloe, W. W. Williams, B. F. Griffith. Initiated, <4; Passed, 7; Ra.ised, 7; Admitted, 3; D\\mitted, 2.
Wm. F. Buckner W. M. Lebbeus A. Pindall Sec. S. W. Wm. N. Penn S. D. John S. Conyers Jas. C. Campbell J. W. Urban E. Rubey J. D. John N. Parsons Treas. Christian Burck Tyler. Members-Wm. B. Giddings, P. M.; G. Snell, P. M.; Philip Williams, P. M.; Wm. N. Penn, P. M.; David H. M06S, P. M. j Sam'l A. Rawlings, P. M.; D. W. Campbell, P. M.; Jno. V. Parsons, P. M. j J. Forsythe, Wm. Orr, G. T. Giles, Jos. H. Fox, Jae. M. Lasley, Wm. T. Nonan, M. D. Blakey, R. Bowling, W. Wilson, N. A. Sidener R. T. Smitb, J. W. Martin, H. J. ~feGee, Jas. Bridgford, D. A. McKarney, Jas. M. West, John H. Campbell, Clifton E. Wills, Jno. R. Fowkes, Sam'l Drake, D. M. Alverson, Wm. B. Davis, Pbilip Ross, S. H. Brown, P. Swinney, John N. Brown, S. Wilson, Sidney S. Elliott, C. B. Dawson, Wm. Foster, H. F. Turner, G. A. Hawkins, J. G. Goodrich, E. Wilson, Wm. B. Gidding, R. Porter, Juo. W. Long, Thos. Barker, Wm. J .. Freeland, John A. Thompson, J. T. Bridgford, Jno. A. Sparks, Jas. Carr. Initiated, 5 j Passed, 3; Raised, 2 j Admitted, 2; Demitted, 2.
Adolph Isaaos Morris Meyers . Adam Weekbaek .Fred. Na.gel
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Nicholas Berg Jno. D. Torline Alex. Marks A. Stille
See. S. D. J. D• Tyler•
Members-Wm. Hubbard, P. M.; G. H. C. Melody, P. D. G. M.; Henry Dusenberry, P. M.; Louis Rubin, P. Ai.; J. Emanuel, Wm. Hubbard, Jos. Kohn, J. Ruthenburg, E. Clark, A. Isaaos, J. W. Thornbourgh, L. 1\1. Gumpertson, Wm. Hessey, M. Greenhood, E. R. Williams, R. W. Armstead, H. B. Powell, F. Nagel, H. SUlnmers, Chas. Stiefel, B. Singer, N. Berg, H. Filburn, A. Sehrredet, Isidor Brohn, J. S. Wilson, D. Kroneberger, J. L. Bonar, J. Dickley, M. Meyers, Alex. Marks, H. Richards, F. A. Nieman, J. D. Torline, G. Frank, J. K.\larney, A. Weekback, P. Conway, Chas. S. W. Fitch, H. Dunker, Wm W. Wrerstel, W. Keiler, J. Pollack. Initiated, 5; PMsed, 3 j Raised, 3; Admitted,3; Demitted,!.
John T. Martin L. B. Peabody T. J. Crumpacker A. F. Mire
W. M. S. iV. J. W. Treas.
J. Martin J. P. Pettigrew Wm. W. Clark C. W. Davis
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Wm. C. Moore. P. M.; J. H. AshLaugh, C. Adams, H. Bretz, Wm. Black, W. G. Burton, W. O. Baughman. W. R. Brown, W. B. Baughman, B. G. Boatwright, G. W. Copp, H. Clinkinbeard, C. Dix, A. H. Dunlap, L. Ellison, M. H. Floyd, S. Goslee, R. Gabert, H. M. Griffith, W. C. Garton, J. B. Griffin, A. Horn, J. J. Halligan, J. J. Hart, James Hall, W. M. Hall, J. H. Hiatt, J. H. Ivins, H. Jones, G. C. Johnson, J. H. Jeter, J. W. King, Wm. Kennedy, J. McMillen, H. Norris, J. F. Pendleton, B. M. Parnell, J. L. Parnell, W. S. Robinson, L. W. Ringo, S. J. Singleton, W. B. Smith, Rev. M. F. Williams, Milton Veach. Initiated, 11; Passed, 10; Raised, 9; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 4â&#x20AC;˘.
R. J. Jobnson W. M. Jno. A. Quarlea S. D. B. C. Pollard Trelts. M. B. Clgrk J. D. Jllmes A. Quarles Sec. P. S. Damcs Tyler. Members-John A. QUR.rles, P. M.;. W. N. Lundy, P. M.; J. Abbey, D. T. Cowherd, Wm. E. Cuyler; G. W. Carrico, A. T. Dannell, Job Dooley, F. D. Finch, n. Grady, T. J. Gillaspy, J. Goss, D. H. Gillaspy, R. Gentry, John IIes~, II. John8on, 1\1. Johnson, H. B. Leach, L. W. Netherland, A. Menaf~e, Alf. Menafee, J. Moyer. W. S. Martin. G. W. Martin, E. McElroy, J. D. Poage, W. N. Lund, Chas. Yakey, Jos. Gentry, Sam'l Whiteman, lIf. Wilkenson, J. T. Young. Initiated, 2; Passed, 1; Raised, 2.
Jno. H. Talbot.. W. M. Wm. L. Bonney Sec. .s. W. T. E. Shepherd, P. M..S. D. W. S. Bohon V. R. Washburn J. W. Jos. Schellinger J. D. J. R. Williltms T~eas. J. '1'. Bohon Tyler.. Members-A. C. Waltmiln, P. M.; J. P. TamIey, J. R. Lancaster,J. M. Cooper, H. F. Bartlett, d. S. Galbrath, E. B. Osborne, Chits. Stevens, W. C. Bourne, C.B. Tate, R. Giere, J. S. Vannest, G. C. Merrill, Wm. L. Bonny, C. S. Meek, S. F. Bonny, W. W. Granger, Jas. P. Webster, J. J Orange, J. M. Hurley, Harvey Musick. Initiated, 3; Passed, 4; Raised, 3; Admitted, 3; Demiited, 4.
John Decker Jno. A. Gilfillan Evan B. Wood 'Vm. H. Card
13 G.
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Jas. H. l\ICCord Jos. Foster H. K. Richardaon A. Stille
Soo. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-John IV. Hanson, P. ]\f.; Chas. Levy, P. M.; J. Shore, P. !II. j .r. FOoter, P. G.lI1.; Wm. Stone, P. 111.; Jno. lIlLll, P. M.; Wm. H. Humphries, Clark Hooper, .J. H. Ferguson, C. H. Pond, Geo. Bushey, J. 11. Durk, II. Thornburgh, Wm. LunD, L. S. S. Allen, J. B. lIIeKellops, J. Arnott, J. Givans, A. R. "leNair, F. Robh, Jas. A. llobb, S. Gaty, Jas. ColJin~, 1'. Donville, S. llodger~, J. R. Barrett, T. H. Brierly, Wm. II. Stone, Jno. F. Thornton, T. H. Newton, W. R. lIill, Evan B. Wood, l\. ll. Hichardson, ]\f. Langsdorff, .J. C. Graver, N. "'heeler, 'I'm. Marshall, A.
II. Wamhlleher, T. Thom!tson, T. AckermaD, T. C. Bolton, F. Little, A. Ii:ramer, F. Henstn, F. C. Sappett, D. lIoney, T. A. Packard, J. lII. Tannpr, W. P. Hight, .J. Hall, H. A. Johnson, Wm. C. Pitt, L. R. Strl~uss, II. Hoekholtzer, C. Talcott, n. Reed, Jno. 'r. Bell, ,T. 'I.'. Dozier, W. II. Roberts, I~. C. Clibborn, E. Duncan, Jas. G. Barry, F. B. Howe, T. C. Noxen, .J. C. Fleshman, C. C. Dewitt, Alex. Criddle, J. M. Gilkerson, Ja8. G. Owens, C. Sholler, E. Gray, J. G. White. Initiated, 13; Passed, 6; Raised, 3; Demitted, I.
S. l\l. Edwards W. M. C. A. Holiday Sec. M. Mcllhanny S. W. T. B. Bond S. D. W. H. Nortbcutt J. W. J. D. Morris J. D. J. Haley Treas. J. Pasqueth Tyl':ll'. Members-J. C. Offutt, P. M. j N. Allison, P. 1\1. j J. M. Gordon, Jas. Garrett, G. L. Huey, F. Quarles, J. B. Johnson, Wm. Lee, J. W. Luckie, O. Abat,J. W. McKee, D. D. Johnson, R.Pear80n, A. Cawthorn, Norman Lackland, P. H. Estes, Thos. W. Reid, G. W. Cardwell, C. C. Ricketts, I. Lander, R. W. Sinclair, Wm. M. Sims, Jas. Harrison, E. P. French, W. A. Davis, P. Abat, JOB. H. Rutledge, J. G. Coil, f'. Scott, G. P. Burhop, N. L. Fish, F. A. McNeigh, G. W. Sullivan, R. Martin, E. J. Gibbs, R. Gibbs, A. Gibbs, J. S. Brown, II. Williams, N. McSwain, J. Smith, Wm. R. Dudley, J. A. Lakeman, L. G. Drury, Wm. White, W. D. Sumner. Initiated, 9; Passed, 6 j Raised, 2; Demitted, 1.
J. R. Long Wm. Denby T. A. Switzler L. L. Carloek
W. M. S. w. J. W. TreaB.
D. M. Long A. Wil!ill.mson J. B. Blakemore W. Morgan
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
~[embers-J. ;\1. 'l'n.l'rRnt, J. H. BuckhanaD, II, i\IcKinlcy, E. K. McMasters, G. F. Jones, J. S. Muze, P. Donley, J. W. Kirby, Will. O. Kil;/[, J. R. Hllrgraves. Initiated, 8; Passed, 7; Ra.ised, 7.
ST. JOHN'S LODGE No. 2f\-52
Da"id Dean 'V. M. P. B. Groat Sec. 8. W. W.F. Dodge 8. D. Jno. U. '1'oneray A. P. Bird J. 'V. T. W. Wood J. D. J. 8. Brittinghum '1'reas. W. R. Kidd Tyler. Members-Thos. S. ;\liller, P. M.; F. Davis, P. M.; N. P. {<:tnkel; P. i\I. ; J. a.Bowers. P. M.; J. L. Day, W. R. League, R. P. Samuel, John Morris, .J. D. Gonis, R. D. Brewington, Wm. Shoat, G. W. Shields, Geo. II. Jones, Chas. D. Bourne, J. M. Armstrong, II. MoVrigh, J. Itobinson, J. M. i\lorris, G. O. Parker. J. II. Harris, Wm. A. Mason, C. W. Mills, Wm. Elliott, J. Yancy, J. ,V. Brady, G. C. Robards, W. A. Wilson, Benj. M. Hawkins, J. E. ;\lorrel1, T. L. Rivers, L. Wardlaw, J. W. Dunlap, E. W. Brady, H. F. Turner, N. Glascock, T. W. Priest, II. D. Christian, Jas. Phillips, J. V. Johnston, W. W. Osborne, O. N. Cutter, R~ Martin, v. P. Dr,\per, W. L. Youst, M. S. Boice, A. Burton,\!'. B. Groat, 0. Mitohell, A. Clark, A. Laporte, R. P. Cobb, II. C. Whiting, J. Armstrong. Initiated, 3; Passed, 5 ; Raised, 4; Admitted, 1 ; Demitted, 5.
L. Dodg;e w. M. .J. Lowe Sec. J. vVhite S. W. R. W. McNeil S. D. A. G. Anderson J. 'V. A. Baker J. D. Wm. II. Blanten Treas. R. A. Bangham Tyler. .Members-R. W~ McNeil, P. M.; F. Barrows, R. A. Blakey, Avery B. Howard, P. L. Maxie, J. IIightower, Wm. Modnl, J. N. B. Dodson, J. B. Eidson, .J. n. Rubey, Wm. H. Taylor, J. W. Stewart, B. }" Hepler. D. W. C. Hunter. Initiated ;,; Passed, 4; Raised, 4; Admitted, 4.
•Jas. D. Head W. M. Sam'l M. Melton Sec. A•.J. Ferguson S. W. Wm. Palmer S. D. H. Murphy J. W. L. S. Barada J. D. J. R. Hull Treas. J. F. Darr Tyler. Members-N. P. Coates, P. M. ; A. G. Lea, P. M.; J. G. McCampbell, Jno. R. Oliver, N. G. Matlock, It. M. Porter, E. Fletcher, G. W. Chapman, C. J. Williams, G. T. Redings, A. G. Rucker. Initiated, 3; Passed, 2; Raised, 3.
Sam'l Hardwick W. M. A. J. Calhoun Sec. J. L. Stpadman S. W. Wm. A. Hall S. D. Wm. T. Reynolds J. W. J. M. Hogan J. D. J. E. Bryant Treas. Jas. H. Ford S. & T. Membera-A. Lightuurn, P. M.; D. C. Allen, L. L. Bennett, N. Bush, P. G. Bush, J. B. Bradle" A. J. Calhoun, G. Cathcart, W. W. Cartwright, T. S. Dabney, W. w. Daugherty, J. W. Drew, J. Edwards, B. Estes, W. M. Ferguson, R. Fisher, P. B. Grant, D. Grimes, E. Highbie, J. C. lIennebugh, J. L. Lightburn, G. tong, P. LyDns, L. W. Leavell, M. Mitcaell, D. D. Miller, G. M. Morris, L. Munkrus, J. A. Nelson, C. A. Palmer, T. S. Patton, W. Pougue, S. R. Shradler, T. Sublett, L. B. Simmons, J. T. V. Thompson, H. L. Routt, W. E. Rhea, J. Wallis, W. T. Wright, M. II, BartleU. Initiated, 2; Passed, 2; Raised, 2; Admitted, 3; Demittod, 7.
Jas. Clowdsly Jno, E. Ryland J. A. Price Fred. Zuler
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Wm. P. Bouliware C. B. Scott W. II. Mendenhall Wm. Merrill :
See. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-John A. Alford, P. M.; J. F. Ryland, P. G. M.; S. F. Currie, P. D. G. M.; J. Bull, Wm. Clowdsly, J. Fife, C. V. Cmrie, Wm. Hunter, S. G. Wentworth, Wm. Houx, T. Alford, JOB. F. Smith, T. Gonwisch, Wm. A. Powel, W. W. Suddath, J. T. Piggott, C. O. Wallace, Wm. T. Davis, E. S. Dulin, Wm. McCausland, D. RusseH, G. A. Robinson, H. S. McClure, G. E. Belles, S. F. Currie,1\1. G. Leiblich, H. Pusinger, T. Adamson, J. Donaldson, T. Hackett, J. Levy, Wm. T. Merrill, D. Duncan, W. Phifer, W. Shepherd, C. C. Carroll. Initiated, 5; Passed, 7 j Raised, 6; Demitted,5,
J. Ralls, P. G.1\L ·.:W. M. Srun'l C. Woock Sec. S. Guttery J. W. Geo, E. Frazier S. D. Jos. Riee T. \V. P. Ilry~n J. D. Jno. D. Biggs Treas. S. L. O'Gh Tyler. Members-J. P. Vardc'wan, P. ~1.; K. Lard, ~L M. Smith, R. S. Reddish, B. Levers, Wm. C. Splawn John Phillips, G. B. O'Gle, S. M. Lapsley, II. G. Martin, J. Ress, Wm. B. Hays, E. K. Gates, Jas. E. Whitman. Initiated, 10; Passed, 9; Raised, 4; Admitted, 1; Demitted.
TROY LODGE No. 34-52 MEMBERS. OFFIC'ERS. F. O. Oake.. ". \V. 1\1. J. A. Hard Scc. Moses Bond S. W. T. F. Wells S. D. J. R. Britton J. W.. Thos. Elliott.. J. D. J. Snethen Treas. Jno. Britton Tylcr. Members-C. Wells, P. M.; E .•J. Peers, P. M.; Jno. Southen, P. 1\-1. ; Wm. H. Block, P. M.; Gco. II. Porter, P. M. ; J. W. Sydner, R. Verdier, }~. R. Lamer, S. Autton, C. W. Martin, E. Norton, E. N. Bonfils, W. F. Powell, Tully R. Cornick, P. G. Shelton, J. W. Pollard, L. Shipp, R. O. Woolfolk, J. F. Foster, W. C. Davis, W•. B. Harvey, A. V.McKee, J. M. Birkhead, R. Ricks, D. C. Russell, W. Crosland, R. H. F. Clark, Robert Mitchell~ P. W. Firman, O. H. Perry, A. Newcburch, Isaac Springstun, J
l!:::=======__=-=._= __ =-_=-======~J
W. Link, J. Blanks, J'18. K. Cannon, J. Portor, J. L. Woodson, Rich. H. Wells; W. Perkins, J. F. Wilson, A. C. Glore, L. F. Ibmmond, Alex. H. Martin, L. IVilkerson, H. Jayne. Initiated, 4 j Passed, 4 j Raised, 2; Admitted, 3.
MERCER LODGE No. 35-44 1\1EIolBERS. OFFICERS. R. A. Kelsy G. B. Gillihan J. Brown S. Bltllew
W. M:. S. W. J. IV. Treas.
路A. Woolsey I. Nordyke 1\1. 1\1oss F. R. MilIer
Sec. S. D. S. D. Tylcr.
Mcmbers-J. B. Bell, P. M.; J. R. Clark, P. M.; Rev. J. W. Woodward, A. lIJilec; G. W. Clinkenbeard, Wm. Kelsey, J. R. Davis, Rev. Jno. E. Burton, E. Pewett, J. W. Alfrey, T. Call, M. Crawford, M. Moss, A. Vanderpool, E. Conklnnd, S. Chestnut, IV. C. Akers, Jas. A. Brown, Gco. '1'. Prichard, J. D. Morris, D. C. Harrison, B. D. Brown, J. F. Meek, C. B. McAlfee, C. Mooter, J. C. Edwards, J. Norcross, F.. Pickens, J. J. Clark, J. C. Coon, John Ballew, D. Hendrix, B. Humphries, P. B. Hamilton, F. R. Miller, W. H. Herriman, V. B. Buck, S. R. Fortna. Initiated, 11; Passed, 9; Ro.iscd, 7; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 8.
COOPER LODGE No. 3G-65 MEIlIBllRS. OFFICERS. Wm. D. Muir WID. Douglnss J. B. Boyle C. Keill W. D. Fielding
W. 1\1. S. W. J. IV. Trens. Cbap.
A. R. Lincoln N. Sutherlnnd H. C. Gibson WID. Rayl..
Sec. S. D. J."D. Tyler.
Members-A. Gibson, P. M. ; A. C. Orrick, P. M.; J. Ainslie, F. E. Brent, WID. E. Baird, II. H. Bl'Und, H. Blymyel'. N. B;'own, Wm. BOg~R, H. M. Cl:trk, B. C. Clark, A. Clark, JnD. B. Chtrk, B. F. Crsi!; D. DeHaven, H. Fergerson,.J. Furl', P. H. Ead~8, P. C. Gibbs, C. S. Gentry, W. Hilrl"y, W. Henshaw, J. C. Heberling, Jas. W. Harper, J. T. Johnson, II. Koontz,
I ,[
A. Keuckilhan, Chas. Knell, E. Lamy, J. R. Lionberger, D. C. Lionberger, J.IV1. McCutchen, W. S. McCarty, WID. T. Moore, Wm. McCIanah11n, T. lI1cCullochs, A. H. Neal, R. O'Bl'yan, J. H. O'Bryan, L. Phillips, Wm. Protermon, J. W. Petty, G. Stuoker, Wm. B. Short, C. W. Stebbins, A. W. Simpson, lL 'IV. Simpson, F. G. W. Thomas, II. A. Tompkins, A. II. Thompson, '1'. P. Vantrees, J. Willi~ms, W. J. Wertheimer, R. Waidson. Initiated, 7; Pl\8sed, 4; Raised, 5; Admitted,4; Demitted, 9.
I "
C. Osborn C. B. Glasscook J. C. Hearne L. Wbite
J. L. Marshall Jno. Crow R. Evans J. H. George
S. W. J: \V. Treas.
See. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-R. W. Keone, W. S. Thorp, Jeff. Williams, J. A. Emison, R. A.H.Hill,J. F. Musselman,C. C. J. Aston, W. Hufford, W. O. Gentry, J. H. Fairman, W. W. Porter, Thos. W. Jacob. Initiated, 4; Passed, 2; Raised, 3; Admitted, 1.
V. T. Ruse L. D. Lllpsley A. ,'llen W. F. Bronaugh
W. M. S. W. J. ,"V. Treas.
n. T. Moore B. F. lIays J. 111. SllllDks S. M~.\ninch
Sec. S. D. J. D. T.YIer.
Mfmbers-W. H. Palmer, P. M.; W. R. Wilmott, P. M.; T. F. Short路 ridge, P. M.; J. Allen, A. Amos. H. Bnrgess, S. C. Cllldwell, J. S. Dllwson, J. P. DI\Vi~, J. M. Fr~eman, T. F. FrlJcman, II. l<'a"'mer, J. Fleming, E. '1'. Farmer, P. W. Hall, F. P. McAninch, W. H. MIL(jJox, J. L. Snow, S. T. Thomas, Truett, B. Whearett.
H. M. Woodyard Ja~. M. Sutton, P. M G. S. E. Vau);hn Jas. Nelson
n. C. S. Kil'win, C. H.
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
C. H. Rossiter S. Hofer J. H. BlI1nd Jno. Nelson
Seo. S. D. J. D. S. & Tyler.
T. C. Pierce. R. A. Grnnt, J. L. Long, P. C. Pollock, Oarkee, S. Misc, G. R. Robinson, F. R. Walker, A.
B. Ousley, G. S. Britt. Initiated, 1; Admitted, 1 j Demitted, 1.
Wm. Mol{. Brooke Vfm. Clark G. Hoffman A. Carr
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Tbos. Hayward B. R. Bonner G. Bremner J. M. Tcel
S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Jas. M. Hughes, P. M.; L. W. Mitchell, P. M. j S. Hoffman, P. M. j R. C. Mitcbell, S. B. Stannard, J. L. Bremner, E. C. Carrington, Geo. M. Doggett, Wm. Stein, J. Brooks, P. R. Black, Wm. O. Shands, J. W. Barrett, T. E. Wright, Wm. Patrick, J. Mooney, H. M. Bryan, D. C. Mudge, N. J. Bun~le, N. Hatch, J. M. Woods, T. Marshall, H. H. Collins, Wm. Fisher, A. T. Crow, J. Logan, C. Balmer, R. B. Wigginton. Initiated,
Passcd, 3; Raised, 1; Admitted, 3.
J. A. Lindsay, J. E. Rains, Tho's K. Blakc, J. W. Wilson,
W. M. 8. W. L W. :l'reas.
William P.Moorc, Wm. B. Mitchell, M. G. Dcvin, Caleb Fishcr,
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tylcr.
Members-B. F. Robinson, P. M.; F. Dunnagan, P. M.; Wm."M. Griggs, P. M.; Tho's W. Freeman, P. M.; W. C. C. Akard, Tho's L. Acook, A. M. T. Akard, John B. Appleby, J. E. Barkley, J. N. Barr, C. H. Bird, B. H. Bond, E. M. Campbell, Tho's W. Cunning.1Hirn, G. W. Campbell, John Cook, Wm. J. Crabtree, Ransom Cates, Henry Cates, John S. Davidson, M. W. Easley, Wm. Foushee, Tho's W. Freeman, John W. Farmer, James Hall, B. M. Juett, James M. Jones, John W. Lain, R. F. Lain, A. C. Mitohell, Jas. E. Mitchell, Spencer Neil, W. H. Newland, Cha's Robinson, John P. Redman, Wm. B. Oenter, R. D. Smith, Andrew Lurk, James J. Tilton, James M. Wells, Seth Walker, Leonard West, B. W. White. Initiated, 5 ; Passed, 6 ; Raised, 9; Demitted, 10.
G. B. Featberstone Mills Quisenberry, E. G. Broaddus, lienry Swinny,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Jas. A. Berry, G. A. Settle, Jos. l$. Dulany, Joseph Beatty,
Sec. 8. D. J. D. Tyler.
MembC1'.-B. P. Richie, P. M., Tho's Weston, P. M.; W. T. Featherstone, Jno. W. McGee, Jno. Davis, Wm. J. Owens, Joseph Donaldson, Thomas Noel, C. F. Sames, Jno. McNutt, Jno. E. Burton, 'l'ho's L. Boyd, Jno. CHIton, F. M. Brown, Samuel Wright, William Wirt, H. T. Noel, James Noel, S. B. Holmes, James Ownby, B. P. Richie, Peter M. Burrus; A. T. Scott, M. T. Embroe, F. W. Alleu, Jno. B. Quisenberry Jno. Wright, C. C. Featherstone, Jno. ESB, Joel Noel. Initiated, 2; Passed, 1; Raised, 3; Demitted, 1.
William E. Dunsoorub, W. :\1. A. P. Dorrlss, P. III., S. W. J. W. Wallllce, W. Henry Burger, 'frens.
John Bauer, S. II. Owen , C. W. Samuels, Levi GuDsaullus,
Sec. S. D. J. D. 'fyler.
Membera-C. W. Stuart, P. M.,; Thomas W. Cloney, P. M.; Philip Miller, P. M.; G. B. H~nley, John A. Meredith, J. D. Campbell, A. J.
Griffin, Wro. M. Leftwich, Charles E. White, James Ambrose, Samuel H. Sone, E. Lord Trickey, Alexander Burns, Meredith D. Moore, Allen P. Richardson, James H. Keemble, A. J. Chappel, Conrad Meyer, J. R. Southwick, J. P. Garriston, J. B•. McKenzie, Henry C. Oliver, John II. Welch, C. J. Corwin, Charlcs O. Curtmann, Charles R. Griffin, L. D. Sone, Jaijon Harrison, Thomas Greenway, FrancisC. Hughes, L. C. Holden, F. W. Mills, William A. Curry, Jefferson T. Rogers, J. J. De La Hay, William S. Freshour, John D. Keeling, E. M. Bolton, A. Hunter, William T. Shaw, Tho's L. Orawford, J. B. McHenry, G. A. Parsons, E. B. Cordell, William H. Bullington, M. D. Noland, G. F. Weiss, Wm. D. Pratt, A. Fulkerson, John II. Chaffey, Wm. C. Young, M. L. Jefferson, R. R. Jefferson. Initiated, 13; Passed, 8; Raised, 8; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 5.
Henry Blount, Cleon Redie, Alexander Newman, John Means,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Alexander Johnsoll, Lewis Furnish, Thomas Williams, Daniel Vestal,
S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Member.9-Newton Cowen, P. M. ; Robert McBath, Henry T. Bellis, Brisco Warren, Morgan Lewis, William S. Furnish, William Lewis, Samuel Gibson, Reese Bowman, John J. McQuinn, Samuel f. Cowen, William Morgan, John Kelsey, John Kelley, E. 1). McElroy, James S. Powell, Ulisses Powell, Thomas Moore, Henry Eppler, George M. Filson, Henry P. York, James E. Christian, Nicholas Barlett, William H. Bryant. Ber.jnmin Snowden, Samuel Reighley. Initiated, 4; Passed, 4; Raised, 4; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 1.
LODGE No. 45-14
Andrew B. Barbee......W. M. John Sbotwell, P. M.,•• S. W. J. W. David Newman II. II. Duvall, P. M., Treas.
Sec. George H. Wiohman, William S. Chunn, S. D. Christopher C. Cochrell,J. D. John K. Hempsted, ......Tyler.
Members-Peter 111. Brown, James II. Hall, Robert Chealy, MathiflS Spare, William Shields, Reinhold Drershlen. Initiated, 3; PaSlHld, 3; Raised, 4; Demitted, 2.
John S. Johnson, •J. W. lIIcDonald, Cha's W. Kline, •John E. Ewin,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
W. O. Benton, II. G. Ewin, Cyrus Brashear, Jno. Farris,
Sec. S. D. J. D . 'fylcr.
Members-C. W. Pritched, P. M.; Lewis Criglnr, N. G. Elliutt, C. E. Givens, .Jno. R. White, Jno. Page, Jno. Blebnch, .Jr., .Jno. P. Lebree, \I,Tm. Payne, .Jno. Shn-froth, Jno. H. Lewis, .Jno. M. Marmadllh, F. W. Freman, Jno. B. Clark, Jr., P. M. Pinkard, Ira. C. Darby. Initiated, 0; Passed, 0; Raised, O.
JOB. Dreps w. M. David L. Whaley S. W. Samuel H. Berry J. W. Daniel Nolley, P. M..Treus.
H. Rawlings, P. M Edward Woodroe Sam'l N. Guthrie Morgan McIntire
Sce. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-C. II. Hardin, P. 1\1.; J. W. Boulwnre, P. M.; WIll. Vandoren, P. 111.; Jaa. L. lIIinor, P. M.; Robt. Reed, J. B. Grant. W. T. 1\1oore, John W. Martin, B. S. Bigby, H. J. Roberts, C. J. Gibbs, A. J. Moore, J'IS. G. Roberts, 'rhos. Curd. E. N. Lovelace, W. T. Wilson, Geo. Steck, 'rhos. F. Reno, John Carrington, Samuel B. Collier, Thomas H. Beading, Sam'l "Vat~on, Jas. A. Spangler, Wm. C!lrrington, Zn.duk Hook, Geo. F. Burditt, Solomon II. Thom'ls, W. W. Tuttle, 'rhos. G. Adair, W. E. Roberts. Geo. G. B'lrtly, .J. }<'. Spannhorst, Roht. B~gby, Andrew W. Dickerson, Thos. D. Boles, F. W. Knight, J. W. Bartley, Lawrence Dl.tiley, Jas. M. Williams. Initiated, 8; Passed, 6; Rl\ised, 5; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 4.
J. B. Simpson, P. M W. M. J. A. Houston, S. W.
T. E. Hal'ris
.A. Harris J. Howard
C. Litteal. .A. J. Longacl'e
J. Treas.
George E. Chinn
S. D .
J. D. Tyler.·
Members-L. S. Chivington, P. 1\1.; C. Clay King, Rufus King, M. Brown, I. H. Miller, 1\1. Mullins, A. Sayre, Wm. M. Pitts, I. B. Cown, .J. Yankee, J. L. Gregg•.J. C. McBride, R. G. S. Burks, W. Cunnillgham. Initiated, 6; Passed, G; Raised, 3; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.
John 11. Turner Thoa. A. H. Smith J. G. Eberle
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
F. W. Digges William B. Tally William Lohr " John Chamberlain
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-W. C. 'rhrash, W. P. Roper, Filley Emmerson, John C. Woods, Isaac P. Vaughan, William McCully, Jr., E. P. Graves, John R. Carson, William J. l';ddins, Samuel Steinmetz, B. C. Cason, Wm. G. :Morrison, G. O. Wagner, G. T. Garvin, John Seibel, L. D. Dameron, J. S. Bf\llew, John Mal1din, J. C. Mason, J. H. Finnel, A. 'r. Thomas, D. B. White. Initiated, 0; Passed, 1; Raised, 2; Demitted, 4.
n. Morrison, P,M.. W. M.
Geo. W. Bra,her, P. M S. W. Levi McCane J. W. Wm. B. Glove~, P. M Treas.
Henry B. Roy Nathan G. Cuoley, 'i'llomas Cury James McMurtry,
Sec. H. D.
J. D. Tyler
Members-F. B. Atwood, P. M.; A. C. Blackwell, B. M. ; Thomas G. Dobbins, P. M.; Jas. E. Drake, P. M.; John F. Houston, P. j\1.; Ignaoe Heidel, P. M.; Arch'd Austin, Wm. C. Atkerson, (Preaoher), C. N. Blooctt, Jas. W. Bailey, William Barbee, Henry Bitzenbooger, James A. Banks, George Buokheart, (Preacher), Samuel Clinckscalea, John Campbell, William D. 00.1, Thomas Cary, Henry Cary, Thomas Oooley, Nathan G路 Oooley, Sampson C. Oask~y, John Crews, Peter Circle, William A. Darr, Robert N. Darr, Wm. Z. Darr, Willis Dan, William M. Eades, Nathan C. Finch, .Charles F. Fant, John II. Floyd, Arch'd Flint, John Guillette, Ananias Grow, William J. Herndon, William II ill , Thomas Hardwick, Oharles Heidel, Henry Hulse, Thomas S. Holloway, Terry M. Hewlett, Henry Humphries, Overton J. Kerby, Joseph Leedom, John Lemastus, James C. Linville Robert E. Luckie, Warren Lemastus, Thomas W. Morris, James' H. Minnis, Robert G. Martin, William J. Montgomery, John M. Montgomery, Jamea l'.IcGuire, John Maupin, Levi McCane, Henry Merrill, William Mrtrlow, William McCorkle, James G. Plemmons, Andrew J. Plemmons, Daniel Peyton, Wm. H. Pate, Charles A. Powell, Wily Roy, Edward C. Robinson, Vincent W. Rose, John C. Snider, Stephen Stafford, Charles Sterne, Jaoob Snowden, Eli G. Stone, Wm. Sinard, John II. Sterne, Thos. W. Sinard,Geo. W. Sagister, Wm. R. Sheehan, Jas. Stovall, Jonathan Trowber, Sam'l Turner, Dudley Thomas, Wm. O. Thomas, Harvey B. Thomas, Alexander Trotter, David H. Walker, Harrison Wilcoxson, Wm. II. Winfrey, Max B. Wetzstein, Jas. L. Young, John W. Maddox, (Preacher), C. A. Huzen. Initiated, 15; Passed, 9 j Raised, 7 j Admitted, 11; Demitted, 6.
D. P.Wa1lin~ford,P.:M.. W. M. L. M. LR.wson S. 'V. J. H. Matheny J. W. Benj. '"{ood Trens. J. E. R. l\IilIar Scc. J. D. Bal路bee S. D. Levi Brasheara J. D.
Rev. E. J. Owen J. J. Dcckleman, J. H. Pitts Jas. N. Burnes A. G. Bellar H. T. Schlossner
C. St. St. M. C. M. C. Tyler.
Members-Danclrige Holladay, P. M.; Jeremiah Wooda, P. M.; G. W. Belt P. M.; J. B. Wright. P. M.; L. D. Bird P. M.; Benj. Wood, P. M.; M. BOWIll'lD, P M.; L. R. Ringo, P. M.; S. P. McCurdy, P. M.; L. D. Bird, H. Bil~ye, Elias Barbee. Casper Beechler, W. S. Barbee, H. B. BraTlch; C. F. Bumes, G. T. BidisoD, John S. Bevans, Jesse Brashears, Benj. Bonifant,
1 ' : = = = = = = = = = = -\
Jacob lleller, Henry Bragg, Wm~ Bradney, Philip Birlinea, F. M. Bell, H,mry Collman, Jno. H. Cook, B. W. Calvert, Lewis C~lvert, A. A. Crain, L. W. Caples, L. W. Crittcnden, Joseph Collman, Samuel Downey, Abraham Devin, Oliver Diefendorf, James D&w8on, A. Dessert, Israel Dogherty, W. F. Dyer, D. R. Davidson, Able Gilbert, George Gabbert, Charh.s Gunthier,Isaao Goldstein, Wm. Gabbert, A. Goldsmith, J. M. Guthrie, E. Gumbert, L. Hudson, F. Hawn, J. W. Hardesty, M. Heferlin, Jas. II. Hull, n. B. C. Harris, J. D. Harper, T. J. Harper, S. Hinson, F. C. Highwny, Rev. F. B. Holman,Walbce .Jackson, C. W. Kitchen, Daniel Kitchen, Christ. Kunze, Geo. Leckenby, M. B. Loyd, Wm. Millcr, F. A. Miller, H. McFarbnd, Jas. L. Moore, Jno. McDaniel, Fred. Masso, J0hn McConnell, S. A. Masterson, Hubt. Meunfre, W. G. Noble, B. F. Newhouse, W. A. Newman, Eo Ohlhausen, .Jno. Owen, Rev. Eo J. Owens, D. D. Par· rott, ,Y. S. S. Patton, Eo F. Pence, J. S. Plummer, Dlmiel Quinn, Burnhart Ruff, A. M. Rudy, J. C. Rockwell, H. T. Scblossner, D. T. Skelton, N. Searcey. G. W. Smoot, F. M. Stllnlcy, Warren Shaw, Chll,s. Slaffehl, Obadinh Smith, Rev. W. II. Saxton, AnselStrllter, Wm. Sauer, John P. Thompson, Isaac 'furner, '1'. H. Talbot,,B. W. Vineyard, Benj. Wood, Jas. 13. Wright, Jno. S. Waters, Wm. Wright, Jr., J. F. Wisely, M. L. Young. Initiated, 13; Passed, 11 ; Raised, 11 ; Admitted, 3; Dtlmitted, 7.
•Jos. n. Yv·aller, A. n. lAgan, C. M. WIIller, N. II. Bryan,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
J. A. Bryan, S. C. Griswold, C. Wilson, W. L. Burgess,
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Membcrs-J. Patton, A. Powell, Eo Smith, Thos. Chamberlain, J. A. B. Edwards, C. W. Pringle, A. S. Bryan, J. Siee. Initiated, 0; Passed, 0 ; Ra.ised, O.
O. F. Potter, P. D. G. M.,W. M. P. Cl·('I1" 5. \V. H. S. Wilhelm. P. ~I. ,J. W. L. Noble :rreas.
L. Boyer II. S, Mills, P, M Jas. Thornton Wm. Lamb
See. S. D. J. D. :ryler.
Members-J. Piper, P. M.; M. W. Hall, P. M.; Wm. W. McJilton, P. ]\f.; N. 1'. Allison, B. Brown, G. M. Brown, C. W. Bridgwater, Jas. A. Boyer, T. w. B. Crews, J. I. Crutcher, II. D. Doak, O. Davis, D. Eilbcck,
W. II. Finley. B. 1I1l~ton, S. J. Herron, R. C. Harrison. M. D. Hancock, J. H. Hay, Wm. E. Jamieson, J. Kirby, F. W. Knox, C. Q. Lewis, H. C. Miller, J. H. McAllister, J. S. Nowlin, Henry Neff, T. D. Potter, C. W. Parsons, D. R. Parsons, J. Piper, W. Putch, W. Price, W. M. Rucker, W. E. Staples, C. N. Sutherlin, P. S. Sandridge, P. W. Thompson, B. T. Thompson, J. A. Trigg, '1'. L. Williams, G. W. Wallace, D. B. Wood, Jno. N. Whips. Initiated, 6; Passed, 8; Raised, 9; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 2.
R. P. Clark, P. M W. M. W. M. Paxton, P:M.......See. II. C. Coekrill S. W;. S. M. Hays, D. D. G. M., S. D. J. W.. J. B. Wilson,jr J. D. R. S. Wll.ller Ja.s. Fl'ost Treas. H. DeBard Tyler. Members-W. C. Remington, P. M.; W. A. Fox, P. M.; J. G. Spratt, P. III.; T. J. Eastman, R. M. Johnston, C. P. Ashly, J. E. Brooks, John Swaney, A. '1'. Guthrie, R. Cain, J. Beery, J. E. Pitt, J. U. Munston, J. Miller, L. Shepard, N. n. Hope, J. Oain, D. R. Atchison, J. B. Moore, E. B. Homer, J. Wilson, W. Mooro, W. Lewis, W. Cannon, II. B. Herndon, P. Simpson, E. i\Iorg'tn, Q. N. Bradley, G. P. Dyke, P. Lutes, J. Hughes, W. C. Baker, T. Flanery, W. K. Bryant, J. McD,miel, Jeff. Williams, S. Parke, M. K. Remington, J. G. Rapp, S. L. Doty, B. F. Hollingsworth, H. B. Todd, R. M. Tatman, R. N. Coffee, S. P. Remington. Initiated, 6 ; Passed.5; Raised, 6; Admitted, 3; Demitted 8.
M. B. Brrtnsford C. P. Reins T. G. Bulbrd J. F. lIudgJns
W. M. S. 'V. r. YV. Treas.
J. S. Demastess D. P. Whitemall M. F. l\IcDonald
J. G. Bullard
Sec. D. ·J. D. '£yle[·,
Members-Jos. Chew, H. J. Conner, G. W. Dunn, W. M. Jacobs, J. T. Stevenson, Jno. E. Bates, J. L. McCown, S. L. McCinstinn, A. H. Conrow, J. L. Quesenberry, T. M. Jacobs, I. Duvall, T. J. Bohannan, T. J. Bates, T. E. R. Ening, D. H. Qucscnby, A. Oliphant, F. G. Miller, W. G. Dacy, H. S. Tri~g, H. Hutchins, H. C. Gamer, A. A. Rial, O. T. Gamer, W. Hamilton, R. J. Williams, M. Brown, E. D. Porter, J. S. Duncan, T. A. Duvall, J. S. Burbce, J. Kelsy, S. Simmons, W. H. Ballard, A. Taylor, G. Corson, J. B. Turner, J. B. Shaw, F. R. Maddox, W. W. McDonald, V. P. Benard, S. D. Sloan, E. D. Powson, H. StUDley, W. Russell,J. D. Gunt, W. Thomas, A. Kincade, J. D. Taylor, T. L/l,fut, A. K. Ryburn, w. A. Donaldson, D. D. Taylor, J. M. Findley, S. F. McCandless, J. Elder, A. K. Csmpbell, A. F. McAfee. Initiated, 0 j Passed, 2; Raised, 1; Demitted,
MON'l'lCELLO LODGE No. 58-61
Benj. F. Tompkins R. w. Bagby H. ltoberts, P. M '1'.111. Hownrd
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
C. R. J. G. R. S. J. H.
McGee, P. M Sec. Blair S. D. Briseoe J. D. Carlin••... S. & Tyler.
Members-J. P. C'lldwell, P. 1\1.; D. T. 'Wainwright, P. M.; J. M. Miller, P. M.; Wm. Ellis, P. 1\1.; W. T. Caldwell, A. D. Sterrett, Jas. P. Mitchell, T. L. McGee, T. Stowers, J. A. Rieh'lrdson, D. W. Overton, J. E. Reddish, J. Marts, W. Ellis, C. R. McGee, T. M. Howard, E. Hewitt, R. K. Baker, J. M. James, J. V. Lillard, D. S. Hamilton, N. B. Walters, J. G. Morey, J. If. Burch, C. W. R'lsh, Wm. Finley, J. W. Foreman, Jos. Lillard, W. A. Stower~, C. C. Stephenson, H. Seaman, J. C. Anderson, J. II. Blair, jr.. B. Haydon, J. M. Lillard, Wm. A. Hamilton, A. Shaffer, II. Lane, J. Bondurant, A. Bondurant, T. J. Hall, J. H. Carlin J. Bondurant, F. Smith, W. N. Hope, J. Stephenson, J. B. I~urtz, W. W. Beatty, R. W. Stepbenson, iII. L. Chappell, C. R Diver, B. C. Roberts, J. H. Bostoll, W. n. Allen, Wm. N. Turner, J. s. Motter, A. Hamilton. Initiated, 4; Passed, 2 ; Raised, 3 ; Admitted, 2 ; Demitted, 3,'
B. O. Austin W. M. J. 'V. Overton Sec. A. Allen S. W. J. Dixon 5. D. J. W. E W. Hopkin~ J. U. H. S. Hubbard M. Dou;;herty '1'yler. Jno. Wilson Treas. Mcmbers-J. Dixon, P. M.; G. n. Hopkins, P. M.; W. H. Overton, r. L. Tureman J. B. Adams, A. Vouns, A. A. Kemper, J. Gathright, T. P. Adams, R. E Guthrie, W. A Bennett, A. Oliver, S. D. Wagner, S. M. Harrison, R. H. Crow, W. G. Tumer, W. H. Strick.lin Jas. Holt, R. G. Tatum, A. J. Zumwah, A. Bennett, H. G. Carlton, Wm. Clardy. Initiated, 2; Passed, 0; Raised, 0 j Demitted, 6.
L. Lewis W. M. Jno. T. McClain, P. M Sec. l'tl J. Ham S. W. J. T. Henley S. D. Wm. M. Cox J. W. T. N. Henley J. D. A. Tuppet Treas. J. W. Cox, P. M l·yler. Members-Z. Sitbny, P. M. Cox, J. F. Weidemeyer, E. H. Bell, E. E. Harris, D. P. Morgan, S. C. Bruce, T. Walton, J. M. Elkins, W. W. Richey, Wm. H. Trolinger, W. L. Sutherland, J. B. Cox, H. Hubbard, John C., J. C. Mortey, B. Vade, A~B. Harris, J. F. Boswell, J. Dudley, J. P. Trolinger, Wm. Nichols, H. C. Gentry. Initiated, 3 j Passed, 5 ; Raised,4; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 1.
J. F. Doberty W. M. W. V. McCandless Sec. R. Forbus S. W. R. A. Hewitt, P. M•..•S. D. J. Wbitehurch J. W. C. Puraley J. D. L. Harvey Treas. W. Bowers Tyler. Members-N. J. Harvey, 1. N. Shambaugh, S. Dalton, J. Y. Johnson, W. Bell, A. Clark, H. Spurlock, H. L. MePherson, G. A. Bell, F. Dalton, D. J.
]5 G.
I1hthews, A. Sherard J. Webb, J. Stokes, T. Ideo, H. L. Je!ferirp, "路m. Reid, G. TethersoD, W. M. Thomas, A. Scammahurn, W. Burris, S. l~ean, J. Osbourn, Wm. Riley, F. Cook, G. M. Brown, J. H. Brown, W. ~ iller, 11. Carter, J. Daily, J. Stephens, H. Bowers, J. Davis, T. Reed. Initiated, 7; Passed, 8 ; Rll.ieed, 6; Demitted, 2.
ST. MARY'S LODGE No. 63-27
C. C. Brown G. C. Pepper M. Black H. Hoop
W. M. S. J. W. Treac.
H. T. Burns J. C. Doerr H. Brhule W. Doerr
Sec. 8. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-J. R. Walker, H. Block, G. W. Eutler, L. Fath, W. Wilkinson, J. Wolford, C. F. Schnider, T. J. Brady, V. Faina, T. B. Degan, F. Scharveaux, E. Bidwell, W. T. Cole, A. II. Tucker, Jos. Shaw, R. V. Brown, P. W. A. McPike, B. S. Pratte. Initiated, 2; Passed, 3; Raised, 4; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.
Wm. J拢nrl.. III. Morris T. Simmons, J. H. McDanieL.
W. M. S. W. ,J.
J. M. Christie .J. Burns H. Barney D. Watson
Soo. 8. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-J. P. Lotz, P. M.; G. H. Pallis, Wm. F. Black, R. Shults, J. C. Sheeler, D. Watson, H. B. Best, H. R~.mey, J. Hatton, A. Montgomery, A. P. Williams, R. A. Gie, G. Lee, W. Peery, J. Smith, J. II. Edmiston, J. Ledgewood, "Vill. Pyle, Will. Williams, .J. Hatton, H. B. BeEt, Wm. '}
Isaac, N. Martin, J. Taylor, T. L. Okieffee, B. L. Kirk, P. Stapleton, L Enyart, B. Burtoushaw, E. Frost, Wm. R. Simms, R. Granthum, W. Ledg· wood, Wm. Brown, N. B. Brown, E. L. Hubbard, F. Westtielding, J. 1I1eCrosky, J. P. Lotz, J. CrOok, M. Fowler. Initiated, 7; Passed, 7; Raised,6 ; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.
LINN LODGE No. 66-28
W. E. Wheeler G. W. Hopkiu8 Wm. Irvin B. B. Dashe
W. M. S. W. J. W. Trens.
Jas. T. Berry See. T. M. Herndon, P. II1 S. D. D. Hopkins J. D. R. Johnson 'fyler.
lIfembers-Wm. MeCnmnnt, J.C. Scott, A. Miller, S. B. Hensley, Geo. Bishop, J. Moslv, W. Boles, T. F. Baker: J. W. Glover, A. J. levy, ~I. PerkinR, T. n. Baker, F. H. Nix, Geo. L. Baker, J. Brumble, E. Garrigan, J. M<.1hon, J. W. Blount, J'IS. Criswell. J. Marsh. Initiated, 3; Passed, 7; Raised, 11; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 8.
W. Scohie II. L. Forsythe: H. ~v. Crane H. Tumy
W.l\1. S. W. J. \Y. Treas.
F. Bently, P. 1I1 F. D. Evans J. N. Kring S. G. Norris
80e. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Memb~r.~-W. Reid, P. lit.; J. C. Orr, P. 1\1.; H. F. WiIlinms, P. M.; T. D. Jackman, l\L Staley, J. L. Kay, of. P. Keiser, G.R. Wilson, W.1I1. Morgan, .J. ]\f. Rowland, J. Bowman, .J. W. Roberts, .Jas. II. Thornton. T. J. Bently, W. F. Pilty, W. A. Bradford, P. Phillips, C. J. Stent, L. Bently, J. C. Smith, J. B. Little, J. Crawford, F. F. Kirby, B. F.•Tohnson, A. Pattan, W. B. Smoat, G. Thornton. Initiated, 4; Passed, 4; Raised, 3; Demitted, 3.
TEBO LODGE No. 68-51
M. J. F Leonard W. M. S. M. Sbrewsbury Seo. G. F. Warth S. W. C. J. Collins S. D. s. P. Ashby J \'V. S. D. Gartb J. D. J. G. Thornton, jr., P. M., Tr. W. M. Boz,~rth, P. M ,Tyler. M~m"eT8-A. M. Tutt, P. M ; R. Allen, P. M.; J. H. Settles, P. M. j Rob't Allen, J. W. Askew, n. F. Childers, J. M. Cruce, C. E. Cruce, L. Cruce, W. W. Collins, C. T. Collins, G. W. Cruce, W. n. Cock, N. J. Dunn, R. H. Farley, V. O. Grant, P. F. Genoways, S. D. Garth, M. R. Gillett, J. U. Gillh'lrn, C. Good, A. Griffith, W. Harbert, W. H. llines, R. T. Lindsay, W. Murtin, R. L. Owen, Wm. Paul, W. H. Pierr, B. L. Quarrels, G. F. Royston, T. W. Royston, M. A. Stewart, D. C. StOlle, T. Shipp, P. B. Sharp, D. Stewart, G. Z. Salmon, 1\1. W. Sevier. D. T. Terry, P. Wise, J. H. Webster, L. C. Washburn, W. W. Wood, E. J. Warth, Geo. M. Wright. Initiated, 12 j Passed, 11 ; Raised, 9; .Admitted, 1; Demitted, 5â&#x20AC;˘
E. F. Greenleaf, W. M. P. C. Warriner, Soo. Jas. Cowgill, S. W. E. H. Greenleaf, S. D. J. H. Calvert, J. W. II. Taylor, ,J. D. C. A. Johnson, 'freas. C. Combs, Tyler. Members-R. E. Hill, P. M.; B. F. Hagerman, V. F. Hill, M. J. BrowD, M. S. Mitchell, A. D. Swee.t, Wm. D. Bush, S. J. Fletcher, G. Spurgin,. W. II. Lane, W. F. Clark, Wm. H. Williams, J. N. Lewis. Initiated, 1 j Passed, 2; DEmitted,6.
Wm. P. T'helpq, Wm. I. Furger~on, Wm. F. Wald~n, Jno. H. Patterson,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Trc8s.
J. B. Bradford, P.l\I.. Seo. .J Choust1lnt S. D. S. G. Mott, J. D. Wash. Marquis 5. & T.
Member5-S. Walton. M. D. Ryle, D. H. O'Bryan, S. Q. Cary, W. H. Dennis. R. J. Bagby, So C. Davis. Robert James, A. Bratcher, J. W. Ter. rill, T. W. Burge, J. Hays. H. James, Tho. Humphreys, H. Metcalf, Jamel Hardin. Caleb O'Bryan,. Tho. Gunn, W. R. Burch, Wm. Embree, R. O'BrY" an, Wm. James, W. C. Johnson, A. F. L. Denny, Geo. A. Mathis, Jno. W. Robinson. Initiated, 1 j Passed, 0; Raised, 2 j Demitted,3.
-. C. A. Rowley, W. M. J. W. Widdertield, Sec. J. G. WilliB, S. D. C. II. Gee, S. W. Powell Dean, J. W. M. E. HaIl, J. D. William Il eren, Treas. E. TOWDBend, Tyler. J. B. Aichool, M. Member.-John S.Tisdale. P. M. j Edw. Russell, P. M.; E. A. ClU'BOn, P. ~L; H. G. Gore, Edw. C. Breck, Abram Bowman, Edw. Russell, Joseph Walker, Jas. W. Breck, Isaac 'Bowman, W. F. Ford, Geo. W. Carter, A. S. Elliott. Josppb M. Holt, S. S. Elkin, J. R. Eader, Geo. W. Turner1 Charles Hall, Uriah Davis, Jllcob HiitiLidal, Geo. T. Holly. J. M. Teegar den, James P. Saunders, Jackson Abney, John Kellogg, Wesley Cooper, Gco. Weber, R. S. Dobbs,.E. A. CarBon, Frank Impey, Allen Holt, Tbos. L. Fortune, O. H. P. Craig, Henry Patterson, John J. Scott, William Dewit, S. W. Woodcock, ltob't Shaw, C. H. Allen, W. B. Brumtield, J. oM. WattR, B. R. Holt. F. A. Miles, B. R. Baxter, R. W. Bradley. Initiated, 3; Passed, 5; Railed. 3; Admitted, 5 j Demitted, 5. 4
A. C. St~wl\rt W. M. JOB. C. Bethel Sec. G. R. Millon S. W. W. D. Bush S. W. J. H. Robinson. P. M J. W. R. B. Mcllhany, J. W. D. H. Nllnnelly 1'reaB. Ira H. Ellis, Tyler. Members-Ben. Sharp. P. M.; S. Clay Baker, P. 1\1.; W. B. Adams. P. M.; G. R. Milton, P. M.; A. C. Stewart P. M.; D. W. Baker, P. M.; W. B. Adams, Thomas Stephens, H. Shamback. Cha's G. Blades, S. C.
Baker, S. M. Baker, R. C. Fulkerson, A. C. Stewart, Daniel Penny, A. D. Offutt, Nat. Patten; G. W. McCarty, J. B. Chapman, G. H. Britt, B. T. Adams, Cha's E. Woodruff, W. G. Hill, Thos. W. Nunnelly, J. L. Sharp, Ben. Palmer, W. E. McGinnis. Initiated, 0; Passed, 1; Raised, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.
JaB. 1'11. Staples, W. M. W. M. Powell, Sec. S. W. Louis S. Prosser, S. D. Ephriam Rucker, John H. Garner, J. W. Wm. V. Hall, J. D. R. H, Dickey, P. M., Treas. George Brawner, ,S. &; T. Members-Robert P. Price, P. M.; A. Johnson, P. M ; John H. Blue, Thos. n. Spencer, Lorin Bosworth, J. E. H. Triplett, Wil~on Elliott, John G. Fitzer, Thos. E. Gilliam, William J. Hyde, Robert H. Hodge, Jnme~ H. Crockett, Isaac M. Reager, R. H. Higl;ins, Ambrose H. Day, Edw. B. Kerte, John J. Flood, John N. Barr, Starke Mauze), Wm. A. McClure, Sam'] W. Spencpr, .J. W. Harris, Jas. A. Jaques, Edw. S. Williams, Thos. II. Price, Cha's Derrickson, Juhn W. Gilliam, hham R. Gilliam, Geo. W. Harp!'!"; Geo. E. Brn.l'g, Peter F. Burrus, C. Warden, Tho's F. Warden, Geo. McCoy, Geo. F. Lampkin, S. C. Johnson, W. D. Pennell. Inlti~ted, 9; Paased, 8; Raised, 7; Demitted, 1.
:lfRlIBERS. ,
Alfred Maon, WiIliHm Jone~, John C. Crawly, Sterling P. Ewing,
Lewis M. Applegate, M. L. Wll.lton,
Sec. S. D. Jas F. C1ark"'on, J. D. L. P. Wooldridge, Chap. Jns. M. Gardner, Ty]er. MfmbuB-l,isbon Applegate, P. 101 ; Nathan A. Grubbs. P. M.; John J. Grinstead, P. M.; Caspar W. Bell, P. M.; Wm. H. Lee, Jas. W. Mur. ray, Beoj. K. Bell, Joseph Reeob, Wm. COOTad, J. K. Steph~nson, James A. Clark, John J. Pnce, John M. Davis, George M. Dewey, E. W. BrummaU, Thos. B. Ed~ar, John R. Hyde, Wm. H. Grubbs, Jas..路S. Gilleam, Tho's Moorman, Wm. C. Reoob, H. S; Hainds, L. D. Brommall,Frederick
S. W. J. W. Treas.
Frllnklin, John Nicke86n, Wm. Eml'DS, Robert A. Price, R('z;n D. Porter, Wm. R. Redding, John Saunders, Fred. W. Trent, John Taylor, G. B. Walker, John P. Williams, .John R. Moorman. Robert~on lIJoore, J. W. Wtlst, Jobn R. Whitesides, Thomas T. Redman, Henry Ashby, M. H. Sny. del', Jonathan T. Burch, A. 111. CIl\rkson, Jam('s F. Clarkson, Tbomlls T. Elliott, PO'l'l'hatnn A. Agee, H. J. Chrllne, Wm. A. Leoullrd, Samuel D. Ellington, Alphonso Moore, Noodiah Dille, B. F. Crawby, Golden F. Wasson, Thos. L. Vandiver, M. J. Rucker, Jllmes ~portsman, Harrison Hll.w. kin8, John H. Dolman, John M. 'Hamner, Henry A. Morgan, Henry Sea路 ville, Thomas H. Walton, Peter R. Dolman, John F. Cunningham, WiI路 liam Eidson, Walter J. Horseley, George Cravens, John J. MoAdam, Thos. M. Crowder. Initiated, 5; Passed, 7 j Raised, 6 ; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 10.
M.H.MoFarland,D.G.M.W.M. C. W. Pharr, P. M., See, S. N. Purse, P. M., .8. W. W. P. Burks, S. D. H. W. ~perry, J. W. A. Oden, .J. D. W. D. Green, Treu. S. D. Orr, '1'yler. Members-S. A. Bryant, P. M.; John McCormick, P. M.; J, B. Poage, P. M.; A. F. Trainor, P. M.; C. F. Walden, A. J. Lovell, H. Hopkie, T. J. Hammond, J. S. R. Gregory, W. J. Sisson, B. F. Summers, W. D. Orr, Jacob Reese, M. T. Griggs, H. M. Reed, S. D. Orr, Samuel Thomas, W. H. Myers, H. H. Wisdom, W. K. Gillum, Jno. F. Tucker, H. C. McPike, B. F. Brown, A. Greggs, C. T. Nash, Jas. Merritt, M. M. Tucker, T. R. Ogden, Jas. N. Orr. Initiated, 3; Passed, 3 ; Raised, 3; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 1.
Thomas Leonard, I. N. Rogers, L. C. Miller, W. H. Rodewald,
W. M. 8. tV. J. W. Treas.
B. F. Wallace, M. W. Miller, J. W. Crooks, T. Westmoreltmd,
Sec. S. D. ). D. Tyler.
Membm-Samuel H. Woodson,P. D. D. G. M.; R. M. Hill, P. M.; W. L. Bone, P. M.; Samuel Ralston, B. F. Thomson, A. L.ll. Crenshaw, R. A.. Stone, J. R. Lowe, D. D. White, W. E. McBride, N. A. Warren. Robert Weston, B. F. Davidson, Isaac BockaJ'ly, John II. Me~lurry, J. M. Staples, Robert Daniel James A. Scruggs, Jobn A. Moore, S. B. Hobbs, V. M. Hobbs, W. W. Barker. C. A. Moorp, K. D. Hockensmith, uohn A. Westmoreland David Moore, J. K. Stark, J. Q. A. Speer, A. C. Lovelace, A.. Hoover, John Montgomery, J. F. Armstrong, John A. Agnew, W. W. Woods, I. P. Woodruff, J. E. Smallwood, Geo. E. Simpson, Henry Crnmp, J. C. Riggs, W. B Stone, John HoekadlLY, J. H. Twyman, S. W. Cll.rson, W. R. Wilson, J. R. Hilliard; J. J. Clarkson, A. W. JoneA. Initiated, 7; Passed, 6; Raised, 5; Admitted, 5; Demitted, 2.
D. E. Dunlap, P. M.,..W. M. Jaa. O'Neal, 8. W. J. W. Aâ&#x20AC;˘ .Adams, S. F. Dunlap ~ Trea8.
E. A.. Levy, J. R. Pumphrey, V. Kesler John Nichal,
Seo. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-A. W. Johnson, P. M. ; R. P. Jams-on, P. M. ; J. H. Ramsey, A.. Metel'lf, P. M.; Lyle Singleton, P. M. ; A. Emory, P. M.; Andy AnderSOD, H. W. Benton, John Cutberson, II. Dawson. A. Gilson, T. C. Harrison, HlI.TTY Halbert Jas. J. Halbert, V. B. Hill, John Hubbard, E. Morris, John McDade, Spencer Mitchell, J. T. Garvin, Peter Ake, W. F. Cole, T. Robertson, H. Lane, W. Adair, W. Ake, John Fleming, Snoden Huff, J: D. Enloe, Wm. EDloe, O. Ritchie, M. Griffeth, O. F. Martin, S. G.Trower, W. J. Hawkins, Jesse Enloe, Sr., N Britton, J. R. Woodside, John Truman, E. Blain, B. C. Clayton, J. G. Anderson, Jesse Enloe, Jr., J. P. Wilkerson J. N. W. Conn, Isaac J. Ilibler, E. E. Hawkins, B. Oyson, F. M. Wisdom, L. C. Fleming, F. ~1. Widhon, M. Wood, L. B. Hawkins, G. W. Matlock, S. SLiegleman, J. Nichol, I. Iseman, L. Self, R. W. Dunlop, W. W. P. Renick, B. A. Renick, J. R. Craig, 1. G. Eaton, J. H. Jamison, J. M. Johnson, A. R. Hickman, Q. Patton, Jason Carr, G. 1'. Potter, A. Eaton, D. Eggers, E. A. SeR.y, A. H. Trusk, W. 1\1. Robinson, Charles Segnar, Joseph Crow, W. G. Pomeroy, R. C. Jllffries. Initiated, 13; Passed, 12; Raised, 13; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 10.
Wm. R. Pennick, W. M. Joseph S. Bronne, Sec. Thomas R. Smith, S. W. Geo. W. Buell, S. D. Allen McNew, J. W. H. Monroe Strong, J. D. Geo. W. Brown, Treas. J. C. Rya.n, St. Rev. H. R. Smith, Chap. R. B. Richards, St. James B. Alder, 'l'ylerâ&#x20AC;˘ Members-W. A. Cunningham, P. D. G. 1\1. ; S. K. Miller, P. M.; H. V. Somerville, P. fit; J.Scott, P. M.; N. J. McAshan, P. M.; C. O. Carson, jr., P. M.; S. Kemper, J. Highly, J. Curd, Cha's W. Thoroughman, Felix Robidonx. Wm. H. High, James A. Anthony, A. M. Saxton, Isadore Poulin, Robert L. McGhea, James A. Matney, James Craig, John Wells, Josiah H. Crane, Geo. C. Catlett, Joseph J. Wyatt, Wash. JaMs, John Kerr, John Keitschler, Wm. R. Richardson, Jonathan M. Bassett, Reuben Thomas, P.-S. Pfouts, Wm. A. Riddle, Smith Adams, Wm. P. Hesd, Jacob Madin. ger, John S. Lemon, JOhn B. Howard, Edward Dutton, Wm. Mailer, Isaao Owens, Gilbert M. Venable, John Severance, John O. Fisher, S. R. Wages, James A. Hill, Norman Buoll, Ben. B. Richards, Sam'l S. Allen, sr., Jas. Wright, David D. Egner, J. B. Rabstean, Lewis F. Weimer, R. S. Monroe, D. C. Wallace, Daniel Ransom, Sidney P. C. Cunningham, Solomon L. Leonard, E. A. Hitchcock, Isaac V. Riley, H. R. Hammond, A. P. Carter, Edwin Toole, Lewis Clinkenbeard, Marion T. Cox, H. D. Hall, Geo. Thompson, Sam'l Peltz, Wm. M. Lewis, Thomas M. Haynes, Aaron WilCll, John Chamard, Lewis Hax, James C. Roberts, John E. Ranna, Rob't H. Smith;Wm. J. Loque, H. H. W. Sigourney,jl'., Geo. W. Lewis, N. G. Berryman, (Minister) John G. Fackl~r, (Minister) John T. Ross, John S. Bradshaw, John T. Menefee, Wash. W. Brown. Initia.ted, 16; Passed, 19; Raised, 17; Admitted, 18; Demitted, 20.
W. C. Watts, A. J. Ham, Wm. H. Waters, B. M. Runyan,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Jas. S. Roberts, E. G. Obear; C. T. Vanderford,
S. D. J. D.
Members.,-J. W.Luke, P. M.; D. G. Taylor, P. lIf.; K Wa.ll, .P. M. ; J. Walker, C. Kearney, W. H. Pritchard, C. Sa.rgent, W. W. Sa.ndford, S. C.
16G. L.
J~tt, Gustavus Brown, T. Brown, Edward W. Prescott, t. T. Pimm, n. H. Bishop, Jas. Ward, A. J. McCrellry, A. B. Sluder, A. R. H. Freuch, Jas. W. Barry, S. H. Sherman, A. II. Lee, W. C. Orr, Jno. J. Anderson, C. D. Blossom, 060. O. Atherton, Jao. N. Boflinger, W. D. Wood, Barton W. S. Bowers, Woodward Crittenden, Juo. S. Anderson, Tho's V. Strode, W. M. Simps'OR, Cha's C. Green, Jno. E, Collins, Tho's W. Gilmer, W. R. Biddlecome, Jno. H. Simpson, E. G. Rllbert~, L. V. Bogy, Christian L.angtimm, S. H. Leathe, W. M. Weibling, Tho's E. Courtney, Frank H. Tucker, Jno. A. Stevenson, S. B. Lowe, A. L. Lacroix, Peter Peterson, J. S. Chew, Obed M. Grammer, J. H. Pottinger, Amos Cotting, Jno. A. Brownlee, J. S. Jett, Tompkins A. Lewis, F. W. Tilley, N. J. Coleman, J. C. 1\:[oore, Tho's Miller, jr., David Brownlee, B. M. Mead, G. W. Boyd, G. T. Hard· castle, T. H. Thatch, Wm. M. Black, H. A. Conant, H. 1\1. Woodward, Jno. G. Brown, Ch. C. Whittlesey, Sylvan Carlin, R. S. Raymond, Geo. J. Barrett, E. P. Curtis, R. H. Ober, T. L. Rivers, E. B. Kirby, W. B. field, Geo. L. Carey, S. R. Clarke, Alex. Logan, Jils. F. Sadler, Jacob Vogdes, T. 6. Porter, Wm. P. Curtis, Jno. M. Leavenworth, J. F. Aglar, Henry Cheeks, Tho's Owens, Henry Shall, W. C. Defries, G. W. Beardslee, H. T. Taylor, E. A. Manney, F. A. H. Garlichs, H. A. Holcomb, J. B. Sharp, J. Jewitt Wilcox, Washington Wel/t, Lewis Quinan, Jno. H. Young, R. R.
HopkiJUl. Initiated, 22; Psssed, 13; Raised, 12; Admitted, 13; Demitted, 3. BRIDGETON LODGE No. 80-29
R. E. Bland W. M. Stepben H. Martin, S~c. John Adams, S. W. James C. Edwards, S. D. J. W. Jamcs E. Adio, J. D• Geo. T. Moke, .Jos. H. Garrett, P. M.)Treaa. Henry Cole, Tyler. Members--Rob't T. Edmonson, P. M.; J. H. Garrett, Henry Cole; William Palmer, J. R. Hereford, F. H. Cinn, L. R. 13J':tnd, James Castello, J. A. Bel1, W. W. Musick, J. M. Ohlhausen, F. B. Edmonson, G. E. Farmer, H. T. Frame, Louis P. JHmes, .T. Deitzler, David Ba.ber, E. W. Patton, H. W. Fowler, Frank Morton, James Dawson, J. II. Cummings, 'lhomas J. Thompson. Initiated, 6; Passed, 10; Raised, 10 ; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 2. NEOSHO LODGE No. 81-51
E. B. Boone, W. B. Sutton,
W. M. S. W.
Tho's Wrigbt, R. W. Ellis,
Sec. S. D.
Joshua Roberts, J. W. F. H. Neal,. ~ J. D. H. Jeonings, Treali. R. T. Hllbbert, Tyler. Members-J. D. Templeton, P. M. j Wm. H. Clark~, P. Mol J. D.P. Ken.. drick, P. M. j M. F. Crouch, P. M.; T. K. B:U'lDao, P. M.; H. C. Ar~ strong, P. M.l James T. Boyd, David B. Bullard, M. F. Crouoh, J. W. Crowdus, Sam'l P. Cloud, Moses Carver, Richard Coody, James H. Chris-' tian, R. W. Ellis, Jay L. Frenoh, W. W. Fralier, James Gralit, J. W. Graves, L. B. Hearrell, Thomas J. Holman, J. B. Hearrell, H. JemUngs, Mathew R. Johnson, Jno. W. Kenney, J. D. P. Kendrick, J. Q. A. Lewis, w. P. McGinnis, A. McKee, W. J. J. Morrow, Jno. H. McKissick, F. H. Neal, John Price, J. M. Proctor, Richard Prico, Juo. Patton, Joshua Robllrts, B. A. Russel, Wm. Robison, J. B. Stevens, :u. Swerry, W. B. Sutton, Jas. F. Wilcoxen, Cha's Woodall, Tho's Wright, Sr., Thomas Wright,jr., Jesso Wiley, E. D. Grigg, A. J. Dorne, B. D. Jennings. Initiated, 4; Paslled, 2; Raised, 2; Admitted, 2; Demittod, 4.
H. E. Hurlbut, W. M. S. D. Sandllsky, Sao. P. C. Flernoy, , S. W. Edward Hoyle, S. D. C. Bordman, J. W. Francis Hs,ncock, J. D. Tho'sT. Woodrulf, Treas. Joseph Raulins 8. & T. Members-William Sanders, P. M.; J. B. Relpb, P. M.; G.J. Hurlbllt, P. M.; William Burt, F. M. Forest, Jeremiah Philip, William Pennington, W. L. Reynolds, James TootOD, M. A. Trumbo, W. S. McCanah:\n, W. P. Menifee, James Root, Joseph 8eales, J. F. Gooch, Jaoob Smith, W. T. Gooch, N. W. Harrill, J. E. Nevens, G. W. Sandusky, J. W. Sutherland, J. M. Penelton, D. Grant, L. W. Clark, G. W. Baker, A. D. Cristy, W. B. Wakeman. . Initiated, 0; Paased, 0 ; Raised, 0 ; Demitted, 1.
A. S. Cherry A. :\/. Appliog S. W. Barnes J. B. Harrison
W. M. S. W. J. w. Treaa.
B. B. Harrisou
J. B. Lambeth. J. Moc>r J. W. Stewart..
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Membcrs-J. W. GTeenstreet, P. M.; W. G. Jarrell, P. M.; O. S. Williams, P. M.; J. Ivey, Jas. Thomas, J. L. Herndon, R. Wilks, Isallc Worley, J. W. Harrison, G. H. Stythe. L. P. McAdoo, Rufus Phillips, A. Avert, J. W. Stewart, J. Scott, R. D. Turner, J. F. Thomas, A. Case, J. A. Hooker, M. H. Hooker, G. E. Alexander, J. W. Smith, W. F. Wyatt, T. Craig, G. W. Davis, B. C. Jarrell, J. W. Tindell, J. Z. Hartin, Isham Cunningham, J. H. Craig, J. S. Shields. J. Mitchell. J. F. Kindred, W. R. Craig, P. Burns, S. B. Noland, A. D. Mahaffy, J. Vestol, W. G. Dewit, J. H. Wilson, D. Z. Keedy, R. H. Borer. Initiated, 7; Passed,4; Raised, 4 j Admitted, 3; Demitted, 8.
John S. Jones W. M. Jas. R. Davis Sec. S; W. N. T. Allison, P. M S. D. C. Q. Shouse James Roberts J. W. S. Scott J. D. J. P. Hunt Treas. G. Anderson Tyler. Members-A. A. Glascock, P. M. ; N. T. Allison, P. M. j C. O. Jones, E. Landon, J. T. Feris, B. J. Shaw, A. Gorell, Wm. Gresham, J. Joplin, F. Ruth, Wm. King, M. Hodges, J. Hill, D. J. Parsons, J. F. Witcher, J. H. Potter, R. Tuch, B. Weller, D. Tussey, G. Potter, W. Carter, J. C. Hemphill, G. W. Rothwell, J. Kellerman, John Buck, M. C. Sandidge, J. M. Brents, A. Davis, J. B. Davis, O. Hurt, H. M. Ramsey, W. H. Wilson, D. Pittman, D. M. Williams, Wm. Shackelford, R. Furgeson, J. L. Cartright. lDitiated, 7 ; Passed, 9: Raised, 10 j Admitted, 3; Demitted, 2,
Jas. McCown W. M. F. 8. Poston 8ec. S. W. A. Mars 8. D. Z. H. Emerson E. M. Sylvester J. W. J. M. Bratton J. D. Jno. Fowshee Treas W. B. Moody 8. & T. Members-E. Ogden, P. M. ; J. "A. McSpadden, P. M.; O. S. Heath, P. M. j M. C. Goodlet,D. Rentch, S. P. Williams, J. B. Cook, W. D. Pinke-
ton, W. Calhoun, J. L. Rogers, H. E. Dipp, Wm. Stevenson, W. B. Holden, A. M. Perry, J. Robinson, R. B. Snelling, R. C. Graham, H. Spencer, W. Huff, B. F. Smith, M. Monroe,W. P. C. Caldwell, W. G. Oollins, T. Neal, R. L. King, T. T. Huff, M. II. Burnett, A. P. Williams, J. H. Depp, H. Coats, A. Mars, P. Harris, J. J. Adams, H. C. McDonald, A. J. V. Wadell, G. F. Gunser, W. L. Upton, J. A. Price, J. W. Crutcher, J. Eagin, I. B. MoGirk, A. Jones, M. H. Moon, G. W. Short, J. H. Lowery, J. H. Caldwell. Initiated, 9; Passed, 7; Raised, 7; Admitted, 10.
I. Starkey S. W. B. F. Dobyns, P. M Sec. J. W. M. A. Henry S. D. W. C. Goodwin W. H. Violett Treas. J. W. Graves T. D. Chap. R. C. Tapscott Tylar. R. D. Morrow Members-B. E. Morrow, P. M.; B. W. Grover, P. G. M. ; R. Sanders, W. T.Herndon, R. M. Crockett, R. C. Tapscott, W. S. Wilcoxson, A. M. Christian, J. B. Miller, R. B. Bradley, J. N. Ferguson, A. J. Demasters, T. N. Rogers, R. M. D.Ru~olph, T. D. Henry, M. A. Henry, B. E. Lemon, S. E. Potter, L. M. Drace. H. H. Larkerbrink, E. Holbert, J. T. Renick, H. D. Russell, P. S. Baker, J. R. Kelly, B. T. Bowmer, J. K. Fan, Ja.a. Mosby. Initiated, 5; Passed, 5; Raised, 4; Demitted, 6.
Lewis A. MoDowell W. M. N. McDow!lll See. A. M. Long, P. M S. W. N. S. McCluer, P. M S. D. S. B. Bowles J. W. Wm. H. Bell J. D. J. O. Witzel, P. M Treas. C. F. Beal. Tyler. Members-W. K. Latbim, P. M.; R. S. Jacobs, P. M.; J. T. Coffee, P. M. ; W. G. McDowell, P. M. j F. A. McOlare, P. M.; M. A. Allison, B. Appleby, S. G. Appleby, C. F. Beal, E. Bowles, M. W. Buster, S. D. Brown, S. L. Beckley, W. H. Bell, John Bell, T. E. Bell, A. Clarkson, G. W. Catner, D. S. Olarkson, A. D. Coffman, H. G. Cowan, J. F. Finley, W. Farmer, J. H. Gillespie, W. A. Gibson, A. D. HUdspeth, C. F. Hardwiok, W. W. Bolland, Wm. T. Ha.atings, S. N. King, J. Lawrence, J. D.
Montgomery, C. W. MoCttllooh, G. W. Murphey, W. G. McDowell, Som'l Moore, N. II. McCluer, S J. Morris, J. P. Moore, s. J. Moore, B. F. Moore, I. Preston, R. Poland, A. Renfro, J. Small, J.~L Stemmons, J. M. Tooker, C. Tllibutt, Wm. L. Williams, E. T. Watlloo, II. Young. Initiated, 5; Passed, 8; Raieed, 10; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 6.
B.A.TES LODGE No. 88-21
P. B. StrattoD W. M. ,Van Buren Van D]ke Sec. J. Wi8ely S. W. Wm. S. Smith S. D. J. S. Robin8on J. W. John E. Morgan J. D. J. S. McComb8 Treas. John Marvel. TyJer. Memben-C. Wen8, Wm. CODDelly, W. P. Geeen, Jno. Hale, Jno. T. Thornton, Wyatt Santord, J. Price, J. A. Adkins, Wm. C. Holf, H. C. Hen8ley, J.II. lIolling8WQrth, G. Garwood, T. B. Cummins. Init.iated, 6 j P8I8ed, 1; Raised, 1; Demitted, 9.
FRIENDSHIP LODGE No. 89-57MBUEItI. oFnc:l1ts. L. McDo1ll'ell W. M. A. S. Hughes Sec. Jas. McDowell S. D. David Carter S. W. a. A. Williams J. W. E. T. Yaguar J. D. Wm. C. Normllo Trea8. I. Benson.....路 St. & Tyler. Mt'mbers-G. Monrop, P. M.; A. Wallace P. M.; J. N. Bell, P. M.; R. E. Holland, P. M.; G. W. Micbael, P. M.; B. Cobern, J. Rives, H. W. Campbell, E. D. Carter, B. West, J. C. Hill, II. Duncan, A. Turner, L. M. Clark, J. K. Clal'k, A. Crllig, W. E. Harl, Rob. Stein, O. H. Bucler, O. F. Butl"r, G. W. Call, B. Burt, M. W. Yagar, J. E. McDowell, Jno. Jacobs, Fred. Rolf. T. J. Penn. T. J. Mus8ulmlln, J. Wyatt, B. F. MeCa~bhn, J. C. Mintller, J. Houf,.J. P. Leiper, W. O. Jennings, lIL M. Daniel, R. C. Carr, D. Singleton, J. Ander~on B. B. Carr, L. I.eland, T. S. Broadus, S. L. Watsoll, ,T. F. JODe~, E. Wilson, T. E. Jones, T. B. Jones, J. Walker, R. B. Williams, S. L. Harris, W. w. Walaen, Jno. A. Sydenel', J. Y. Porter. Initiated, 2; Pasded, 2 i Raised, 2; Admitted, 11.
LewisB.EIlis, W. M. G. W. Patterson, S. w. Elil\!l P. Weat.. J. W. Wm. A. Jack, P. M., ..Treas.
M. W. Ga.rri~o~ Wm. L. Auatin, W. J. Wrij!;bt, John Smitb,
_.Seo. .s. D. J. D. Tyler.
Membet"s-S. G. Allen, P. M.; A. B. Sloan, P. )1.; W. M. Anderson, John Ament, R. O. Boggess, J. F. BrookbRrt, E. O. Brooks, Ma~tin Burris, W. M. Briscoe, John Cummins, A. J. Coots, A. Cassell,H. Finney, Tho. Holloway, J. F. tee. J. W. MeSpadden, D. D. Martin, R. L. Y. Peyton, II. D. Palmer, W. G. B. Templeton, llenry Tarrant, W. J. Taylor, Geo. A. Wade, W. E. Whiting. Initiated, 3; Passed, 3; Raised, 2 j Admitted, 2; Demitted, 4.
M. W. Beauford, W. M. Evan Enochs S. W. M. W. Wil80Ii, J. W. I. W. Dawson, P.M.,.â&#x20AC;˘Treas.
F. B. Todd, Wm. A. Davis, G. W. Waller, R. M. Ragland,
Sec. S D. J. D. Tyler.
Member&~E. G. B. McNutt, P. M. j E. L. Gains, P. M.; S. III. Quirey, Alfred Ash, Ollcar Burton, Wm. Burton, E. A. Dawson, Jail. 8. Dawson, Thos. Enochs, Daniel Eubank, James P. Grove, John Grove, 1 has. Garnett, John M. Holder, E. D. Holder, Hezek.ial Lander8, Wm. B. Morris, J. ~. Mallory, T. McCord, Wm. II. Mason, Jas. D. Moore, John A. Koel, John T. Noel, Moses Noel, Joshua T. :Xoel, Thomas Noel, Sr., Johu Ownby, U. E. Quirey, M. L. Sharp, J. P. Weatherford, J. G. Caudill, F. B. Todd, E. M. Poage. Initiated, 5; Passed, 6; Raised, 4 j Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.
P. Draper, P. D. G. III.,W. 1\1. J. G. Rhea, 8. W.
C. J. Hunter~ P. III M. W. Allison, P. 1\1.,
8ec. 8. D.
J. \V. Gunn, , II. J. Findly; P. M.,
J. \V. Treas.
T. M. Rhea, E. McCuen,
J. D. Tyler.
Members-B. W. Gorm~ P. M.; S. S. Allen, G. T. Ashburn, Jacob Block, Th. Betts, Charles J~elert, A. Brothers, J. Q. Burbridge, M. F. Clare, W. C. Cook, B. 1'. Clifford, Wm. English, T. J. C. Fagg, J. D. Guiley, A. D. Hunter, Wm. F. Hill, A. Hemisphere, John Johnson, E. G. McQuie, Wm. D. Maus, A. Oury, B. W. Peay, Wm. O. Parks, B. F. Parsons, E. D. Pearson, Jos. Richardson, J. A. Hobinson, Orson Reed. F. M. Reynolds, H. L. Rhea, L. Reed, H. Richmond, Jas. W. Smith, H. F. Summers. John J. Smith, R. Safl'a.rrans, A. G. S.tonesifer, W. B. Simms, Jas. F. Schablll,W. L. Tanner, G. W. Thurmond, Wm. M. Van Horn, A. W. Weed, C. A. J. Wommack. Initiated, 2; Passed, 2; Raised, 1; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 2.
ST. MARK'S LODGE No. 93-51 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. W. B. WilsoIl, E. G. Liles, P. M., M. H. Moore, Wm. Bonney, P. l\I.,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
Chas. G. Judlln, C. W. D. Cook, Jno. \Vhitmore, J. C. WilktJnson,
8ec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Membe1's--Jacob Ingram, P. 1\I. j W. R. Dawson, P. M.; J. W. Morris, J. F. Schieffien, P. M.; A. T. Lacey, P. 1\1.; John Cross, John W. Morris, Giles T. Clarke, Alfred T. Lacey, John H. Stokes, John Henry Clarke, John II. Wilson, Thomas Baldwin, Edwin Baldwin, Isaac Bloom, James Bonney, ,Tacob Bowman, Otto Buhrmann, L. r.-L Byrnes. William Bierwith, J. J. Duncan, B. Guthmunn, J. J. Hutchinson, Josiah Ingram, E. W. Johnson, George W. Juden, George W. Johnson, John Klosterman, W. J. Liles, A. D. Leech, R. E. McNellly, A. McClumury, Hy. Schoeneman, L. Stutzer, E. Sheppard, J. A. Williams, Jas. N. Whitelaw, Henry Windeknechdt, P. Windeknecbdt, J. B. Williams, James Woods, Ferd. Yeager, W. J. Baldridge. Zalma Block, Jno. Albert, J. C. Wilkenson, Frank Heampstead. Initiated, 8; Passed, 6; Raised, 6; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.
John Dickerson, W. M. Wm. B. Cotton, Sec. M. L. Carothers, S. W. A. G. Preast, S. D. John Nesbit, J. w. Wm. Goooh, J. D. C. M. Shackelford, Treas. Benj. Groog, Tyler. Members-Jas. B. M~rmaduke, P. M.; P. B. Moore, P. M.; Jaoob Sigler, P. M,; Perry B. Moore, A. Matlock, R. A.Moffett, J. C. White, Benj. Vener, Jno. J. Taylor, Wm. H. Eckel, Jos. Hilton, Peter Roff, Jno. T. Victor, L. A. Holliday, Jno. Kyle, Wm. c. Looney, Wm. J. Holliday, N. Watkins, Geo. W. Baker, James Gooch, Daniel II. Given, A. MoWilliams, J. C. Logie, James M. Jamison, A. F. Chinn, John Jaoobs, A. Thompson, E. A. McGruder, Geo. T. Hill, James Hopper, Reuben Taylor, W. M. Sparks, S. P. Engles, Ja.mes L. We~t, O. C. Fuquo, R. T. Sparks, II. II. Stevens, W. F. Shackelford, O. B, Johnson, James Feeley, Geo. O'Conner, Samuel Marmaduke, L. C. Gooch, J. H. Johnson, S. B. IIardy. Initiated, 9; Passed, 9; Raised, 10 ; Admitted, 2 j Demitted, 6.
II. T. Morison, W. M. J. H. Phillebaum, 8ec. John Spencer, S. W. M. P. WilLs, S. D. B. T. Whedbee, J. W. E. W. Banton, J. W. S. C. MiIIer, Treas. W. R. AIIen, S. & T. Members-J. S. Allen, P. M.; J. P. Devers, P. M.; !vin Low, Isaac Phillebaum, 1{' 111. Cuddy, Isaac Brady, E. A. 'Vilis, T. H. Templeman, C. J. Blackburn, Lewis Heffner, B. F. Whedbee, L. W. H. Cox, W. G. Lewis, A. J. Thompson, J. S. Allen, J. P. Kiny, G. W. i\1iller, R. Y. l!'ord, Peter Pr路ice. R. II. Salmon, S. K. Roberts, J. W. Casebolt, S. S. Va.ndivoort, David McGowan, Andrew Cowan, H. Lindsay, G. R. Davis, C. R. Moore, C. L. Jennings, Richard Morris, A. S. Meek, W. Hodgin. lniti,ttcd, J2; Passed, ;) j Raised, 5 j Admitted.. 2; Demitted, 1.
J. G. Wh\l.rton D. M. Jl1mison C. l'urncr A. E. G088
G. L.
W. 1\1.
S. W. J. W. TrcR8.
D. Burford M. S. Baley P. L. Burford M. E. Jnmison
Scc. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-T. S. Oole, P. M.; Jno. Monday, P. M.; P. H. Hughes, P. M.; Wm. F. M~Bride, L. Jones, J. E. Haymes) J. G. Latimer, A. Day, E. Day, Wm. Hunt, J. W. Strickland, R. D. Jamison, J. E. Hollis, R. W. Jl>lIlison, J. H. Slavens, Wru. F. Bodenhamllr, A. F. Hamilton, G. Hoover, C. S. Wallis, T. C. Brag, Jno. McMahan, J. B. Love, ·S.Marlin, B. F. 1.'. Burford, J. King, S. J. La.timer, R. W. Donnell, W. K. Tabor, J. R. Jamison, G. Shackelford, G. W. Latimer, J. T. Drumheller, J: N. Turner, T. Sharpcnstcin, J. Johnson, O. F. Dryden, D. L.Burford. Initiated, 21; Passed, 19; Raised, 18; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 2.
Daniel Biddlecome W. M. Wm. W. Gay 8ec. J. R. 00% 8. W. Chas. George, P. M S. D. J. W. H. Spann J. W. E. Gaither, P. M J. D. TrellS. Prll8tonB. Brickey Tyler. Henry F. Williams Members-R. W. Crawford, P. M.; C. F. Wilson, P. M. Wear, P. M.; T. Hosh, D. Bradford, P. B. Buckey, S. M. Anderson, T. F. Everett, M. B. Philips, Jno. J. Owen, Aaron Winters, Bate Anderson, J. S. Gatroutt, W. ·D. Garrison, H. Haley, S. K. Cotter, JaB. Elkios, R. Haynes, A. McKenzie, J.:M. Wines, W. H. Duff, H. Lallor, J. R. Cox, C. Geord, E. Ragain, H. C. Young, Jno. B. Bradford, J. Hash, P. A. DlI.dley, F. M. Hlt8ting, Alex. Brown, A. Miller, Wm. W. Gay, Rob't Waters, Jos. R. StilJ, S. H. Burchhartt, B. F. Mahan, N. B. Hocker, L. Neely, N. P. Hight, R. M. Moore, S. Robert8, G. W. Dotson, Wm. F. Roper. Initiated, 3; Pas8ed, 3 ; Raised, 3; Admitted, 3; Demitted,2..
H. Davis, vV•.M. G. 'V. Patec, Sec. M. E. Groen, 8. W. Z. T. Knight, P. M., S. D. J. W. W. H. Biggs, J. D. R. L1 Agec, Tho's O. Rees, p. M., ..Treas. L. B. Fowler, S. & T. Members-S. W. B. Carnegg, P. G. M.; Hon. J. S. Green, P. M.; 1\1. E. Green, P. M.; John Spenoer, P. M.; W. H. Jooes, J08. Biggs, P. F. Murphy, Tho's Bayne, W. B. Howard, Tho's B. Jeffries, M. C. Kerchevl11,
__ -_-_.::~_.-_... -_..-__-_.... ::=_::=___=.-._-_-._._'_:::c.:::_-:::c:.:.:.'::-:7C-~._.~-_.-__
W. H. Northcraft, D. T. Rogers, J. T. Staples, J. W. Carnegy, H.J. Dur路 kee, Alex. Difendafer, L. C. Jones, S. T. Simons, Wesl)" Bolin, L. Lusk, .J; A. Smith, Amos Lusk, J. W. Ha.wkins, Tko's J. Cocbran, Rees Davis, 1. Craft, Sam'l Ken, J. w. Hoke, John Bland, D. R. Asbury, S. W. B. Carnegy, M. Hony, W. Schofield. Initiated, 3 j Passed,2 ; Raised, 3; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 5.
Absolom Kerns, John Loog, John Westbrook, John J. Pullin,
W. M. S. W. J. Treas.
Elijah McCrary, Silas H. Kerns, Ezra Bertt, L. D. Dowel,
Sec. S. D. J. D. 8. & T.
Members-Barnes Clark, Adam Kerns, Sr., Adam Kel'nR,jr., NOllh Kernll, N. C. Baughman, Wnr. H. Sifers, W. P. Shotridge, Absolom Scott, Tolman Smith, Alexander Vaughn, Jacob Shultz. Initiated, 8; Passed, 8; Raiscd, 7 j Admitted, 3; Demitted, 1.
T. B. Uowe, James Lovern, E. C. Still, J. N. Brown,
W. M. S. W. J. 'IV, Treas.
J. D. Howe, P. Trammel, S. Wootten, D. M. IIowe,
SllC. 8.. D. J. D. S. & T.
Members-A. D. GreeD; P. M.; G. A. Shortridge, P. M.; B. H. Weath路 ereford, P. M.; Wm. M. Mason, P. !If. ;0. Attcrbery, N. Richardson, M. 1\tterbery, W. H. Perrin, G. W. Gates, A. L. Gooding, W. Ward, G. C. Sparrow, O. Griffith, J. B. Winn. W. Moore, .1. M. :McKansey, S. J. Parker, A. Barron, T. K. White, W. T. Gilman, R. T. Johnston, C. T. Shirloy, E. C. D. Shortridge, W. Gates, John Roberts, R. O. Swink, T. G. Sharp, G. L. Grubb, S. Atterbery, A. Epperson, M. II. Smith, D. D. Wright, .J. F. S. Branhan, W. A. Mathis, C. M. Pilcher, P. M. Stacy, J08. Sears, .Jestiri Ronn, J. B. Rogers, S. S. Lingo, J. B. Cravens, John Lovern, E. ShaDe, P. G. H. Barnett, Wm. Miller, J. Smith, A. L. Shortridge, S. C.
Rubey, Wm. Ratliff, Jas. Ratliff, E. F. Wilson, S. Ellis, W. Tate, .1.3 Herrin, J. Herrin, R. B. Rubey, F. M. Grubb, Jos. Stacy, M. M. Towner H. McCully, J. D. Holderly, J. Goodding, A. T. Harper, J. Gatee, L. Ro路 biou. Initiated, 3; Passed, 4; Raised, 3; A.dmitted, 2; Demitted, 3.
R. J. Dale, W. M. Wm. P. Johnson, Sec. W. H. M"'xy, S. W. T. J. Halsel, S. D. J. D. L. Maxy, J. W. James Dale, J. D. J. J. Scott, Treas. E. F. Halsel, Tyler. Memlul,s-A. M. Dawson, P. M.; Standfield Ross, P. M. ; John R. Chinault, P. M.; A. M. Dawson, P. G. Bowlin, Wm. Board, Rice Challiss, Galon Cleaveland, W. G. Burden, A. J. Burden, E. R. Griffith, A. B. Hendrick, James Haggard, J. M. Ricky, E. B. James, Philip Mathews, W. T. Orchard, John Potts, Elijah Pennington, Jacob Rankin, A. M. Rodes, John S. Redding, John J. Scott, H. W. Shanks, James Stithe, Seth Shoemaker, Wm. Tingle, T. F. Thompson, J. T. Vestell, D. T. VesteH, Wily Webb, George E. Ward. Initiated, 1; Passed, 2; Raised,!.
Goo. W. Tindall, J. W. Humious, R. T. Gambrel, W. H. Chick,
W. M. S. W. J. W.路 Treas.
Geo. W. Whit"'orth, H. S. Waru, J. W. Robinson, J. P. Higgins,
Sec. S. D. J. W. Tyler.
Members-Wm. G. Barclay, P. M:; I. M. Ridge, P. M.; T. B. Lester, P. M.; L. J. Winchester, P. M.; John W. Ammons, S. W. Bouton, W. S. Chick, E.n. Cravens, E. S. Field, M. J. Friedsam, F. C. Gross, James L. Gray, M. B. Hedges, J. P. Higgins, John Johnston, B. A. Jaudon, S. B. Kerr, Geo. E. Pitkin, Jonathan IHchordson, J. W. Robinson, Tho's A. Smart, Geo. W. Stebine, B. H. Scruggs, J. M. Sexton, W. W. Talley,
William Thompson, H. S. Ward, R. B. Willis,R. B.Nelson, S. D. Vau~bn, F. R. Lord, A. W. Henning, J. J. Price, J. H. Luther, Sol. S. Smith, Geo. Rader, Geo. W. Toler, C. W. Kline, Joseph King, Joseph Giliford, D. L. Shouse, J. W. McDonald, H. C. Derick, John S. Campbell. Initiated, 6; P86scd, 5 ; Raised, 6; Admitted, 15; Demitted, 3.
Geo. R. Smith, A. R. Ellis, J. S. Wells, J. J. Bridges,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
J. F. Philips, Sec. W. Watson, P. M., S. D. J. M. Wooldridge,••.....•J. D. S. H. Montgomery, Tyler.
Members-Albion Roberson, P. M. ; Clifton Wood, P. M.; B. F. Hughes, P. M. ; Reese Hughes, P. M.; Wm. Agee, Ira E. Barnes, James E. Bouldin, S. H. Brown, D. W. Bouldin, F. E. Cravens, T. n. Cravens, Wm. Dixon, J. C. Donohue, C. H. Field, A. M. Forbes, J. M. Fox, H. P. Gray, F. W. Grisham, John Hancock, Sam'l H08s, George Heard, J. F. Heard, O. Kidd, Wm. Lightfoot, T. J. Mason, H. J. McCormick, Wm. McFatridge, J. G. McClung, W. E. Middleton, Peter Porter, E. Powell, N. N. Parberry, J. M. Parberry, B. M. Shy, T. E. Staples, David Thomson, V. V. Thomson, Clay Thomson, H. C. Taylor, J. P. 'I'hatcher, G. O. Talbot, J. R. Wilson. Initiated, 3; Passed, 2 i Raised, 2 ; Admitted, 3 i Demitted, 3;
J. B. Ryland, W. M. Geo. W. Eastman, Sec. S. W. Jas. Bouton, S. D. Alfred Ray, P. M., A. Arterberry, J. W. T. C. Dowel. J. D. Treas. J. J. Brown, Tyler. Wm. G. Griffin, Members-E. Ash, P. M.; B. H. Davis, P. M.; B. F. Grafford, M. B. Lucas, M. S. Terry, J. J. Blake, J. Dothitt, Albert Gr~en, Henry Piper, A. L. Knight, A. Lawabee, Wm. H. Russel, S. W. Huston, J no. Botts, H. Evans, H. B. Menafee, T. H. Gafford, J. Winters, L. Evans, E. Ash. Initiated, 11; Passed, 10; Raised, 7; Admitted, 5.
Cha's F. Kearney, W. M. S. J. Huft'aker, Sec. A. Compton, S. W. F. Gallap, S. D. D. B. Funk, J. W. G. W. Berry, " J. D. Ed. Price, Treas. L. J. Duncan, Tyler. Memberg-M. W. McGee, G. P. Wills, Jessee Thomas, Nathan Scarritt, Alex., R. C. Bury, J. F. Mills, J. T. Morris, J. B. Scott, Jessee King, Wm. Boothe, J. A. Cantrall, Oliver Gurthre, A. Bysam, W. P. Lea, Lewis Vogel, H. .F.Hereford, JamesHllnter, Gco. Simmons, Peter Behan, Wm. Botts, S. Young, A. Smith, C. Bayne, J. D. Reynerson, T. M. Adams, G. W. Stuce, Geo. T. Keyser, T. E. Strode, A. G. Boone, M. C. Huffaker, Upton Ultys, Henry Schocph, A. Hays, P. D. Elkins, Wm. H. Keller, AMercer, J. F..Thomas, E. G. Goforth, F. G. Ewing, A. S. Johnson, James Barton, J.l\f. Thatcher, J. S. Holdman, Setoh Hudson, II. Clay Pate, .J. M. Sharp, J. J. Kerr, J. 1\I. Morey, S.l~. Ward, .J. Endres, Jno. WalAh, R. Adams, S. Houck, Joab Bernard, Lewis Nathans, H. W. Jones, T. J. Goforth. Initiated, 13; Passed, i; Raised, 8; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 9.
Julius H. Bancroft, W. M. Wm. J. Denhart, Sec. Jas. H. Howard, S. W. R. Hatcher, P. M., S. D. Benj. Stewart, J. W. F. F. Lee, (dec.) J. D. ''I'm. Waters, Treas. Cha's Cook, Tyler. Members-Rich'd Barkley, P. M:. j Edw. C. Broughton, Jas. H. Brookman, E. W. Horrell, Amos Riley, II. L. Walker, Thos. II. Dawson, G. W. Dawson, .John B.l\lartin, Tho's Corvin, D. C. Case, Pleasant Biship, Ben. F. Boyce, Jas. Lee, A. A. Laforge, Benton Akios, C. T. Pinnell, H. Chadwick, II. C. Wat&on, Tho's L. Icontian, M. R. Anthony, L; P. Fay, Wm. Gray, M. Levy, Wm. N. O'Banon, Jas. Bowman, A. S. Hunter. Initiated, 3; Passed, 3 j Raised, 3; Demitted, 4.
MONTEZmfA LODGE No. 109-36
Hugh U. Smith, GOQ. T. Beal,
W. M.
S. W.
Geo. H. Ester, Jno. M. Kingsbery,
Sec. S. D.
J. W. Jno. D. Wilkios J. D. 80th R. Hammer, Cba's Plwnmer, Treas. Jas. Conklin, Tyler. Member6-Joab HO'ughton, D. D. G. M.; R. Frank Green, P. M. j Seth R. Hammer, P. M.; Milton Cogswell, P. M.; Ceran St. Vrain, Joo. D. Wilkinson, James Conklin, Jeslls G. Abreu, Wm. H. Brooks, Tho's F. Smith, A. P. Wilbor, Gustus Elabery, Lafayette lIead, Jno. M. Francisco, Moses Swabeeker, Christopher Carson, Peter J08eph, Ezra N. DePew, Alexander Duvall, Jas. W. Giddings, F. W. Postoff, Tho's T. Bowler, Geo. Gold, A. H.Pfei.1fer, H. E. Easterday, Stephen Boice, Henry Winslow, J. F. Rattoile, Jos. W. Corkins, Jules Freidenthal, Tho's Pollock, Wilton
Cog8well. lnitiattld, 0; Passed, 1 j Raised, 1; Admitted, 5; Demitted, 5.
Winslow Turner, W. J. Biggerstaff, William Knight, John Steel, John Stone,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas. Cbap.
A. K. Porter, William Culver, Nicholas Maupin, R. R. Turner,
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Member6-G. W. Culver, P. M.; T. D. W. Yorley, P. 1\1. j J!ts. McClintock, Joseph Whorton, Henry E~sjg, H. A. McClintock, Harvey Whit路 tington, Jas. H. Bircb,jr., Cha's C. Birch, Banj. F. Willis, Wlll. Evans, A. H. F. Payne, T. F. Viglilli, Robert Johnson, J. W. Mitchell, J. N. Hockaday, Wm. Bradford, James L. Johoson, D. A. Stout, Geo. FUllkhouser, Mitchell Chapel, R. G. Chapel, L. M. LeWis, F. M. Gist, Geo. W. WinD,
J. S. McClintock, Lloyd Leaoh, S. S. Trioe, Wm. N. Snail, H. G. McClintock, W. H. Chowning, James Algio, Tho's D. Kelly, L. L. Johnson, S. H. MoWilliams. Initiated, 5; Passed, 5 j Raised, 5; Demitted, 5.
Tho's L. Johnson, W. M. N. M. Smith, See. Rob't C. Eckles, S. W. Joshua Petty, P. M., S. D. C. C. Hamilton, J. W. Sidney A. Douglass, J. W. S. S. Webster, Treas. John S. Pryer, Tyler. Members-Jas. W. Hudspeth, RoVt N. Hudspeth, Silas B. Hudspeth, Geo. W. Hudspeth, Joel E. Hudspeth, L. W. Troymlln, Frank F. Shepherd, John Hambright, Ben. Hambright, Jos. D. Bagby, Jas. H. Douglass, Jas. S. McMiliin, A. J. Drake, Wm. J. Jones, Wm. T. German, Joshua Osborne, Wm. H. Montgumery, Jas. M. MoFarland, Wm. C. Hampton, Simeon Hamilton. Initiated, 0; Passed, 0; Raised,O; Admitted, 1; Demitted,4.
Jno. Cravens W. M. Chas. Place See. R. F. Owings S. D. S. Noral. S. W. J. 路n'. G. P. Allen J. D. S. W. Bryan C. M. Scott Treas. J. R. Middleton Members-Jas. Mcl'errnn, D. D. G. M. j H. Ferry, F. M. Estes, Wm. Vallandigham, S. Gillelan, I. Jourdan, M. Thornton, S. Bryan, J. H. MoNeale, S. II. Pryor, W. N. Pryor, P. R. Wil't, O. n. Rich;~rdson, J. II. Miller, R. L. Dodge, B. Davis, A. C. Leard, G. W. Cawthorn, W. Fitzgerald, B. B. Pryor. Initia.ted, 9; Passed, 13; Raised, 14; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 2.
I i
Daniel Willial'1s Wm. Gould .. J. Livingston, P. M
W. M. S. W.
W. J. Tull
Dorson Berry W. Millsaps
Sec. J. D. Tyler.
Members-L. E. Williamson, P. 111. ; '1'.1I10nroe, P. M.; J. J. McClellen, P. R. Burns, P. M.; J. B. Thruston, Wm. Pennebaker, W. P. Cooksey, P. R. Burns, W. H. Goddard, G. W. L. Mitchell, S. P. Hunter, W. A. Parkes, Wm. Thruston, John P. Ingram, T. J. Keown, J. P. Yost, Chas. C. Reid, W. W. Williams, Wm. Baughman, Wm. Gould, T. Blass, A. Estes, J. H. Graff, T. Graff, H. B. Graff, J. B. Clemmer, T. Humes, J. H. Smith, P. T. James, A. Wear, J. D. Brashear, M. H. McComb, M. Atkisson. Initiated, 2 j Passed, 2; Raised, 1; Admitted, 2'; Demitted, 3.
HIRAM LODGE No. 118--61
E. D. Bevitt W. M. J. H. Alexander, P. M S. W. W. W. Edwards J. W. R. A. Harris Treas.
J. S. McDowell '1'. C. Hanford S. Gravelly 1. J. Moore
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Jno. Orrick, P. M., W••J. McElhiney, P. M.; E. A. Lewis, P. M.; T. L. Carr, R. H. Overall, C. B. Lindsay, A. N. Overall, J. A. Richej, J. W. Robinson, J. C. Lackland, R. Spencer, B. N. Johnson, S. Overall, W. D. Orrick, W. B. Clyne, O. Hollsclaw, P. H. Fulkerson, J. E. Stonebreaker, N. O. Orear, J. S. M. Omy, D. A. Griffith, D. Heald, J. W. Redman, R. McLaren, D. McDonald, R. Dugan, 1. C. Smith, B. Parham, R. A. Nichols, W. N. Kenner, J. F. Riggs, J. MillingLon, J. W. Royal, J. H. Edwards, P. E. Newton, T. B. Cady, W. M. 0111'1', H. B. Evans, M. Thompson, J. H. Nottage, 'I'. S. Reeve, E. Goldsmith, W. A. Alexander, R. Haislip, E. Schenck, E. Kallaher, F. E. Freeman, L. B. Randolph, J. F. Edwards, S. Cuningham"C. F. Johnson, J. K. McDearmin, H. B. Easton. Initiated, 18; Passed, 15; Raised, 15; Admitted, 2; Demitted,!. ii,
G. L.
NoS. D. or J. W. returned.-Gr. Sec.
B. B. Gaither Alex. Waugh Jno. Barnes A. Crow
W. M. S. W. J. W. Tres8.
Jas. Parrott C. D. Cook S. E. McMu1len A. G. English.
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-A. S. Henderson, C. F: Wall, Isaac Hunter, B. F. Hunter, J. Sikea, J. F. Gaither, Jos. Hunter, N. W. Anderson, S. Stringer, Jno. D. Cook,E. Dodge, S. Denton, C. Ellis, E. Denton. Initiated, 0 i Passed, 0; Raised, o.
A. Winter W. M. J. M. Arnold Sec. 1. Oppenhemm S. D. S. Magune S. W. W. W. Dale J. W. F. Kahn J. D. Treas. G. W. Patterson S. & T. R. McComas Members-J. F. Broadhursh Wm. Barth, Jno. P. Barnes, T. W. Davi~ Jas, Ketchum, D. Kelley, F. M. McDonald, H. Malott, T. B. Moors, John Mo.rsho.l1, Chas. Merritt, B. F. Nicholson, Wm. P. Naylor, C. G. Peacock, George Roberta, John Reed, E. D. Soper, J. Smelser, Mat. Vanlemning. ham, H. M. Wordsmo.ll, John Wallis, Frank Walker. Initiated, 6; Passed, 6; Raised, 5; Admitted, 0; Demitted, 3.
ERWIN LODGE No. 121-72
Chas. W. Horn W. M. Ceas. Wezler Sec. Wm. Stern S. W. F. W. Heyer S. D. F. H. Hesse 路J. W. A. Lenz J. D. F. Dings Treas. H. Hempler Tyler. Members-F. Baumgarten, P. M.; H. H. Meier, P. M.; A. c. Erforth, P. M.; T. W. Sennewald, P. M.; L. Baumann, '1'. Bergisch, J. Blattner, H. Black, T. Brinkwirth, P. Carlin, H. Doellner, W. Drechsler, M. Enzinger, C. Everts, H. l!'ideldey, J. Fritschle, A. Flahr, E. Gessler, H. Hansmann, J. G. Heinricbs, W. Heinricbshofen, F. II. lIoffelmo.nn, II.
Huho, F. Kattmeier, B. Kihlholz, T. Koch, T. Kanninzesky, H. Kubn, T. Kull, N. Yost, B. Lange, P. Lang, G. Martin, T. T. Mersmann, C. Mevissen, C. Mohrhardt, H. Niedderreuther, J. Nitz, A. Plettenberg, A. Reipschlreger, J. Rrelsberger, L. Ralker, T. W. Rosenthal, C. E. Salaman, A. C. Snell, .J. Stange, P. C. Stankiewicz, A. Strauss, C. Steller, H. ~ubil1ia, J. Tamm, J. H. Tebbe, P. Thumler, A. Trumper, J. D. Vrerster, T. Weber, C. Wezler, J. Willmann, H. T. Wilde, G. Wolf, N. Yest, F. Zieseman, F· Zimmermann. Initiated, 8 j Passed, 8; Raised, 8 j Admitted, 2; Demitted, 5.
1~2-22 MEMBERS.
Jas. H. Mallory Sam'l W. Warren John E. McDougall.. C. D. Baer
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
P. H. Chambers P. B. LaBertew • John B. Dysart
Sec. S. D. Tyler.
Members-.Jas. S. Plattenburg, Wm. C. Webb, John J. Hall, P. H. Chambers, John R. Bennett, Wm. G. Oliver, Jos. B. Shelby, Wm. F. Dowden, '1'. B. Campbell, John D. Cox, W. B. Huntsberry, J. M. Grigsly, Sam'l H. Harren, John E. Boyn, R. T. Kountz, L. Neale, jr., B. A. Watson, H. Livingston. Initiated, 4 j Passed, 4; Raised, 4; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 5.
Chas. D. Eitzen W. M. .Jos. Doyon Seo. Wm. J. Stalford S. W. J08. Ke8sler S. D. J. Rommel J. W. Wm. Janecke J. D. A. Nape Treas. H. Rololf Tyler. Members-A. Leimer, J. Arrott, J. McCamant, James Smith. Imtiated, 3; Passed, 1.
* No J. D. returned.-Gr. Sec.
CEDAR LODGE No. 124-37 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Wm. "rells Wm. Bybee •J. C. Cook J. E. Hartley
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
S. Chandler W. C. White S. W. Horn Jas. M. Frazier
Scc. S. D . J,· D. Tyler.
Members-B. F. Walker, P. M. ; B. H. Cravens, P. M.; John Crisp, Jno. Bakel', T. J. Williams, S. H. Hair, A. W. Johnston, Jas. Musgrove, H. H. Lacy, E. J. Rector, H. B. Lindsey, F. G. Lindsey, Thos. Hartly, M. Church, W. C. Church, R. W.Musser, T. J. Caplinger, Jas. Dudley, H. F. Ross, S. A. Mitchell, Jas. B. Harris, Jas. Cawthorn, H. J. Ohurch" R. W. Wren, G. R. Corbin, Jas. Beard, Peter B. McKay, H. Horton, T. N. Cook, W. Bybee. • Initiated, 9; Passed, 10; Raised, 7; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 5.
SEAMAN LODGE No. 126-19 MEMBERS. OJ'FICERS. J. Seamlln W. M. Rob. D. Morrison Sec. S. W. S. Biddison S. D. Wm. Shaw, P. 1\1 Wm. B. Morrison J. W. Wm. H. WatSOD J. D. A. Gillespie Trees. John Creek Tyler. Members-J. Dewitt, .Jno. McCullough, T. Lanc, H. T. McClanahan, J. Goodwin, G. D. Burgess, Wm. A. Lane, J. C. Hutchison, J. N. DeFrance, ' James R. Sands. Imtiated, 7; Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 1.
ATHENS LODGE No. 127-54 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Thos. Kier W. C. Cowan Jos. Reever J. R. Griffith L. M. Rigney
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas. Marshall.
J. M. Ruby J. H. Whedbee F. R. Moyer J. S. Perry J. S. Perry
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler. Stew.
Members-F. Duncan, P. M.; G. W. Stapleton, P. M.; C. S. Canaday, P. M.; R. Canaday, P. M.; E. Camron, L. P. Camron, J. W. Lanehart, F. B. Robidoux, D. Spainhowerd, J. Talliaferro, C. B. Needles, W. David, W. F. Canaday, H. Johnson, P. R. Cadle, M. N. Thornton, Jno. A. Ross, T. D. Elliott, F. Duncan, O. P. Faulkner, V. Pyles, Wm. W. Stockly, J. Plaster, W. H. Stephens, John S. Blankenship, B. F. Crocket, Wm. H. Handy, T. Roten, A. J. McCrea, R. Faulkner, H. B. Moke, Jno. Canaday, D. M. Hempel', Jas. J. Young, P. M. Jacks, Jno. Martin, G. Jackson, M. Martin, E. Liggett, M. G. Ruby, A. R, Staples, H. Witten, S. D. Murphy, Wm. Kellim, J. R. Conway, J. Fletcher, A. Degginger. Ini~iated, 5.; Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 15.
R. M. Parcels W. M. W. T. Porter Sec. J. F. James S. W. B. G. Barrow S. D. J. W. J. D. Foster J. D. A. Wolf H. S. Parcels Treas. David James Tyler. Members-J. B. Dodson, P. M.; W. Conner, A. Grist, C. W. Hardin, W. Ringo, Wm. H. Parcels. J. T. Kirk, T. B. Parcels, F. Neff, Wm. H. Sheeks, John R. Adkins, Benj. Murphy, N. Grogan, G. W. Adkins, J. W. Galyen, E. W. Parcels, M. 1:'. Hannah, H. Sloan, Jesse C. Thatcher, D. A. Eley, M. L. Meriwether, C. v. Peyton, I. J. Lansdale, A. McFerron. Tho. Dodson, Wm. F. Smith, Wm. M. Gates, A. McKinney, J. Pickens, E. M. C. Morelock, H. Shibley, Wm. L. Fletcher, W. Thompson, W. M. Brown, H. E. York, H. Smoot, R. Ringo, Jas. T. Ringo, John Thomas, N. Pettinger, R. K. Lansdale, Z. A. Stone, W. Paul. Initiated, 6; Passed, 5; Raised, 4; Demitted, 4.
Alfred M. Bedford.......W. M.
W. H. Goodin, P. M See. Wm. F. Myrick, P. M S. D. J. W. Wm. H.Bush J. D. C. C. Kalfus Jas. L. Moore Treas. Sam'l Keith Tyler. Members-Geo. Whitcomb, P. M. &D. D. G. M.; Wm. B. Bush, P. M.; Wm. P. Swank, J. S. Goodin, Wm. Wilbur, D. Gilmore, J. S. Bledsoe, Will. T. Lee, G. L. Mitohell, Tâ&#x20AC;˘.S. McElmurry, A. E. Mardick, J. W.
Glasscock, Wm. Rodney, R. Price, W. L. Moore, R. C. Ross, A. V. Swank, J. W. Swank, J. E. Shelby, J. Varble, S. D. Golder, J. C. Gray, Wm. S Doom, E. W. Chapman, Jno. C. Grigsby, N. Handy, H. Hough, J. W. Lee, Jas. T. Russell, J. H. Lee, J. Mills, W. G. Cooley, C...Ucher, J. H. Lane, W. Lee, G.Harned, J. A. R. Forgey, J. H.Naive, L. T. Lee, J. L. Shelby, J. M. Brown, A. W. Grigsby, B. T. Unsell, J. H. Bethune, F. A. R~ndal, E. P. Diehl, J. W. Allison, C. Sheeks, M. Newman, L. Rosenberg. Initiated, 7; Passed, 5; Raised, 5; Admitted,l; Demitted,7.
T. P. Hord, P. M W. M. A. B. Douglas Sec. N. A. Page S. W. R. C. Sterrett, P. M S. D. G. W. Jordan, P. M J. W. John M. Muse J. D. J. Timberman, P. M TreaS'. M. C. Scoby Tyler. Members-R. C. Franklin, W. D. Pickard, J. P. Boyett, T. James, H. Noble, S. P. Waltrip, Jas. A. Walker, R. W. Biggs, S. J. Harkey, Sam'l Timberman, J. R. Gregory, P. T. Slaton, J. Middle~on, T T. Ward, Jno. Owins, D. C. Lane, D. R. Galoway, B. Marshall, W. H. Horner, A.-B. S. .Johnston, D. Lacewell, 1. J. Taylor, M. Farrar. Initiated, 16; Passed, 14; Raised, 13; Admitted, 7; Demitted, 4.
A. C. Fambam W. M. A. W.Holloman, P. M.. S. W. J. F. Gamer J. W. F. J. Harris Treas.
WDI. L. Faber J. C. McNeely C. H. CoJlins J. Jamison
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-A. Peace, P. M.; J.M. Ashlock, L.Ashlock, C. Arnold, P. Ake, W. Ake, Wm. Boatright, I. Baker, DeW. Bugg, J. W. Board, .Tohn Chilton, S. Chilton, 'T. J. Chilton, J. Chilton~ Jos. Chilton, Wm. Chilton, J. Crownover, J. Cole, R. Chauvin, M. Cosine, W. Uopellbnd, Jno. F. T. Edwards, J. Fitzwaters, L. Farris, W. Farris, W. N. Gregory, J. H. Hel路 muth, T. D. Harrison, Wm. J. Hinchy, D. Horney, T. Hurt, R. H. Harvey, J. Inman, J. Johnson, B. JohnBon, n. Lee, J. Malery, S. W. Miller, J. McHenry, W. F. ~itchell, Wm. N. Nalle, G. Nalle, Sanford O. Pease, M. F. Pealle, F. P. Martin, J. A. Pratt, C. R. Peck, W. Parmer, L. M. Pettit, J. Quigley, G. Russell, S. G. Roy, D. Ragan, J. H. Thomas,W. c. Thomas, W. Tong, I. Whitecotton, G. L. Waugh, H. N. Watts, L. Thomasson. Initiated, 6 i PaBBed, 6; Raised, 6; AdmItted, 3 ; Demitted, 8.
RIDGLEY LODGE No. 135-27 MEHBERS. OFFICERS. Noah Beery W. M. E. O. Sayle Sec. M. Phelps S. W. T. Fitzgerald S. D. John A. Beery J. W. H. J. Mayo J. D. C. W. Sayle Treas. A. Gusten Tyler. Members-D. Mock, P. M. i J. M. Moore, P. M.; J. Buchanan, P. M.; Nehemiah Beery, C. H. Black, H. T. Burnham, A. Cook, J. Dodd, W. H. H. Dougherty, J. Jones, J. Kelley, J. T. WilliamB, Wm. A. Owens, Geo. H. Sowers, B. Smith, J. M. Scott, W. A. C. Sayle, O. F. Redmon. Initiated, 8; PaBBed, 5; Raiee:d, 5; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.
PH<ENIX LODGE No. 136-27 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Jno. B. Dunbar W. M. Jas. M. Martin 8ec. M. G. Bennett 8. W. T. Dunbar 8. D. J. E. Hardin J. W. 'rhoB. I-I. Luck J. D. Wm. G. I-Iawkins TreaB. Wm. I-I. Crane Tyler. Members-J. O. Broadhead, P. M.; Will. Bolton, P. M.; T. Reynolds, P. M.; K. :\IcMillan, J. M. Frier, G. Hodges, J. A. A. lIm'din, R. :\1. Penn, D, Carr, A. P. Rodgers, H. Handreck, D. N. Shew, J. Sutton, F. Bratcher, J. McNutt, E. Thornburg, Will. H. :McCormick, C. Dorsey, Jno. H. Todd. Initiated, 4; Passed, 5 ; Raised, 4; Demitted, 3.
c. P. Woodcock, w. D. Hatten
W. J. Turner, Z. F. Gilmorc,
W. M. Benj. W. Knott, S. W. J. S. Sullivan, J. W. J. M. Patrick, TreaB. T. Walker, Wm. Florence, P. M., Stew.
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyl~r.
Membet's-E. M. Kimball, T. M. Freeman, John G. Cowan, John A. Singleton, Josiah B. Dysart, Frost Snow, Isaac N. Robertson, Geo. W. Ba~ ker, Cason Howell, Geo. N. Faulkner, Jas. W. Roberts, John E. Baker, Geo. A. Kersey, James T. Walker, Andrew B. Jackson, Cha's F. Loop, Jos. B. Collier, Albert G. Hollister, Daniel A. Pew. Jessee E. Lowe, Jas. M. Jeffries, Jefferson Miller, Skelton T. Renfro, Thomas Collins, M. P. Jackson, John Dunlap, Davis Kennison. Initiated, 1 ; Passed, 3; Raised, 3; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 3.
JaulCs M. Patterson, W. M. James W. Chadduck, S. W. W. H. Williams, J. W. Daniel David, Treas.
G. B. Chadduck, James S. Hart, M. T. Lewis F. S. Rostock,
s. D. J. D. Tylcr.
Members-James Foster, D. D. G. M.; John W. Modie, P. M.; G. A. Rigdon, W. B. Combs, Cha's David, J. S. Upton. II. H. Hedgepeth, G. F. Langdon, M. D. Merret, H:. H. Craig. J. R. Hatton, Albert Clark, E. C. Sherer, G. R. Combs, S. R. Canon, Mark Strickler, J. M. Frazer, W. D. McDonald, H. MeytJl", W. Chesney, J. M. Templeton, L. EDibre, O. F. Jennings, T. S. Bragg, O. G. Hopkins, Uriah Blair, A. S. Po!,,,, Benj. Meek, S. F. Dulin. E. W. Meek. B. W. Evans, Henry Keer, G. W. Wells, R. J. Poindexter, R. C. Pulliam, Jacob Mosier, G. P. Luckhardt. C. P. Cayton, C. A. Thornton, J. F. Jackson, W. E. Price. Galen Crow, J. L. Stanton, T. J. Creek, L. S. Carter, W. F. Bel!, John F. Williams, Wm. Rancher, Hiram Wiggins, John Wise, A. Sharp, B. G. Emerson, John Dozier, A. C. Beran, H. W. Upton, I. H. Iddings, E. R. Brown, Cha's Mann. Initiated, 9; Passed, 8; Raised, 8 j Admitted, 3; Demitted, 8.
Dr. Z. Anderson, S. S. Duke Wm. N. Sbl~W, Geo. L. Duke,
W. M.. 8. ,V. J. W. Treas.
Preston Denton, Sec. ----8. D. D. A. W. Morehouse, J. D. J. E. Scruggs Tyler.
Membe1"S-B. G. Piper, P. M ; J. B. Newberry, Dan'l Young, F. H. Eddin-, Geo. W. Hopkins, A. V. Bradley, ~lartin Lloyd, F. M. Gooden, T, F. Guthrie, Dr. C. F. Mercer, Philip Zeal, D. C. Boettinger, R, G. Piper, Abrabl\m Ellis. Initiated, 2 j Passed, 2; Raised, 2; Admitted, 1.
Geo. C. McCray, William White, John "ilkinson, Dr. Sam'! Sbook,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
.J. J. Wilkerson, Thomns Austin, R. D. B1akeley, Solomon Spear,
Sec. 8. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-James BrRnham, Lewis Myers, David Butcher, Marcellus Renfro, Dr. A. L. Wynn, Call'in Renfro, E. P. Wynn, Milton Myers, Lewis Coon, D. W. Vanderpool, JamcR Bradley, D. A. Williams, John Hugbes, James Tru~sell, Royal Williams, WiJliam Reid, J. A. C. Thompson, Jobn 'fhogmartin, T. J. Reid, Ira Blakely, JaB. M. Cox, Ben. F. Cornwrll, Elz,t Yar.cB, J. W. Collins, Wm. Stcpp,J. N. Winter, Sam'! Cambust, II. B.路Barcley, Garret Gibson. Initiated, 7; Passed, 8; Raised, 7 j Admitted, 3 j Demitted, 6.
James J. Starke Geo. W. ElDhree, Ricbnrd William8, James 'V. Branin,
G. L.
W. M. S. w. J. W. Treas.
John T. Bankhend, Thomas V. Ellis,. Elijllh Nenle, Jobn M. Steele,
Seo. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Samuel H. Sanders, P. G. M.; Strawther O. Roark, P. M. j Robel'deuu Allison, William H. Allison, William R. Butler, R. J. Burcham, James S. Bridges" Charles Culver, Thomas G. Cochrell, Moses S. Connl'r, William E. Combs, Tarlton Y. Cox, William Devinne, James A. Dixon, Philip E. Evnns, Horace F. Ferguson, Josiah Godby, Thomas C. Goodin, Hnrris0n 1I0man, Aaron Hupp, John D. Hieronymus, Waide Howard, jt"., Geo. W. Hutchison, James A. Hughes, Tho's J. IIughes, Sandy J. Hough, Geo. W. IIarlnn, Thom~s Parsons, David J. Shy, William T. Shirley, John Taylor, Robert J. Yilncey. Initiated, 4; Passed, 3 j Raised, 2 j Admitted, 2 j Demitted, 8.
---(dead,)......•••W. M. Shelt. Ball, S. W. L. W. Fishet", J. W. H. B. Logan, Treas.
II. S. McRoberh,•.••••••••Sec. B. E. Ball,..............•...8. D. Jas. A. Ball,..•• Wm. C. Furmer,
J. D. Tyler.
Members-B. II. Ball, S. P. Bird. T. C. Boyd, Wm. C. Coohran, James T. Drummond, Sam'l A. Grantham, Wm. C. Hill, Wm. G. Herold, James C. Keithly, L. L. KI,ller, James H. May, R. A. May, Geo. 8. Myers, Benj. F. Moore, Wm. M. Newland, Benj. C. Pearce, Wm. T. Robertson, D. T. Sherman, W. V. Williams, B. M. Guthrie, Will. F. Broadhead. Initiated, 2 j Passed, 3; Raised, 4; Admitted, 1.
Wm. C. Christian, J. M. Helm, .J. W. Call1pbell, W. G. 'l'ow[lsend,
W. M. 8. W. ..J. W. 'Il'eus.
T. E. M8son, 8eo. 'fho's McDewell, P. M.,S. D• .fohn Packwood, J. D. E. W. Chileutt, Tyler.
Members-.J. ~t. Barker, V. D. G. 1\1.; Asa Chilcutt, C. D. McDowell, E. M. l\loore E. Daugherty, Soloman Roberts, J. Daugherty, W. H. 8ooter, David Srurdy, Jus. H. Meaders, 1\1. l1amilton, W. W. Lock, Tho's Stockton, R. Stubblefield, G. M. Hampton, .1. H. Trower, Wm. Hill, Henry
Stinett, Henry McCary,'B. B. Clements, Thomas Brixey, It. A. Walker, W. L. Long, A. J. Carter, Cha's O'Kelley, M. L. Wyrick, H. O. Price, J. G. Peevey, J. M. Grammer, W. L. II. Frazier, W. L. Waters, J. W. Hawk, Wm. Log~n. Initiated, 6; Passed, 6; Raised, 5; Ad1l1itted, 1; Demitted, 3.
John C. Cocbran,P.1I1. W. lI'I. J. W. RaIlJsey, S. W. Thomas TilIer, J. W. T. J. M. Hawkina, Trcas.
B. G.Sims,
Amos H. Goodin, John ~lcDoDl\ld 1\1. Abernatb.v, W. J Bl·a.dshaw, Chap.
Sec. S D.
J. D. Tyier.
Members-John D. Winton, Geo. R. Barrett., J. C. Crockett, Geo. M. Winton, Philip Crouch, Wm. Porter, T. A. Relld, C. M. Ross, J'18. E. Abernathy, J. B. Kerr, Wm. R. S,ty, John Q. H>tckney, John M. Winset, Wm. l\1cVltnzant, Alexander V. Goodin, A. D. Fullert.on, J. M. Donnald, A. H. Oecil. Initiated, 15; Passed, l2; Raised, 13; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 4.
McGEE LODGE No. 146-35
J. B. Mitchell, W. 1\1. T. W. McCormiek,P. M.,Sec. M. H. Smith, S. D. C. A. Penin, P. M., S. W. J. P. Powell J. W. Lewis :\leadows, J. D. R.M. J. Sharp, Treas. S. M. Hendricks, Tylcr. Jumes Dysart, P. M., ... Chap. Members-Jefferson lIJorrow. A. J. Marshal, SaUl'l Cunningham, Stephen Gibson, Johlll'. Baker, Wm. lIf. Dammeron, J. W. Richardson. E. S. Gihson, Wm. P•. Dysart, James Jolmson, Will. F. !\Janning, J. G. Wright, R. T. Gorham, W. P.Bltkel'. J. W.P. S. Dysart, John Ramsey, J. S. Howard, John Leathers, J. H. Petty, S. C. Powell, Wm L. Corey, E. P. Pharr, S. M. Hendrix, G. W. Gates, W. C. Smith, J. A. Brown, D. D. Porter. Initiated, 1; Passed, 2; Raised, 2; Ad~itted, 2; Demitted, 1.
John H. Piline, SfC. S. W. G. Stinebaugh, S. D. J. W. Wm. W. Bennctt, J. D. Tyler. Treas. Ed. W. Cheek, G. B. lIIitchell, Chap. Members-G. B. Mitchell, B. A. Barrett, Jacob Wilkinson, G. B. Jones, G. W. Atwood, James Peril, A. Stinebaugh, J. F. Randles, J. J. Montgomer,y, D. Beckner, jr., Geo. A. Howerton, A.. C. Bll.rrett, B. F. Potter, Bennett Floranee, Aaron Beckner, Wm. Roberson, E. M. Ch~ek, H. A. Le'wey, Tho's F. Yeager, Mortimore Pllyne, Lee Rorie, S. A. L. Reser, J. B. Pittman, C. McPheeters, .John C. Barrett, A. W. Wisdom, Wm. C. West, Tho's Franklin, John C. WilliRms. Initiated, 10; Passed, 5; Raised, 5; Admitted, 2. John Steele, Wm. M. Davis, Wm. R Barnes, Benj. S. Whitson,
W. M.
C. Wallace, W. M. Wm. Moses, See. Wm. C. Duval, P. M.,.S. W. Bcnj. Ross, S. D. Jno. CarroJ, J. W. D. T. Lauderdale, J. D. Cba's Butler, Treas. Jno. Shields, Tyler. Memhers-Wm C. Pric~, P. M.; R. F. C1oveland, J. M. Thomason, R. R. Caldwell, J. S. Dehaven, Hezckinh Dobbs, Wm. F. Lane, .Jno. Matlock, W. B. Noel, Pleasant Smith, Abner ShermltD, Jno. Wells, A. J. Whiney, J. W. TRtum, David S. Booth, l(anadaMoffatt, J,,~. Blytho, C. B. Walker, Joo. l\1ill~, Geo. W. 'Voolsey, J. w. Jobe, J. s. Stll.ffllrd, I.ewis Williams, A. Hale, S. C. Stafford, Harris Brown, Jas. Skinner, Bcnj. Williams, Ricb'd Kelly, Martin Stafford, J. P. Lnmance, Willis R. CO!, .Jas. F. Dunagan, A. A. Hensly. Initiated, \I; Passed, 9; Raised, 9; Demitted, 4.
E. Winsor, Tbo's H. Fox,
W. M. S. W.
E. G. Arnold J. W. J. C. Reinhard, P. M., Treas.
J. L. Thomas, R. H. H"lfmJlD, H. Flvnt, Jas. S. Ba.ll,
Sec. S. D. J. O. Tyler.
Members-Gao. A. Kice, P. M.; Oliver AnderBon, John Vaughan, Jno. B. Alexander, Rob't B. Bradford, Jas. A. Crump. D. F. Greenwood, Tho's HinJde, Wm. P. Walton, Smith Keith, Wm. J. Pigott, R. M. Htmderson, W. M. Sml\llwood, G. W. Shewalter, Isaac ~I. McGirk, Aldridge Corder, Wm. Anderson, Granville Clayton, F. C. Sharp, Henry Neill, Tho's P. Akers, S. T. Hamm, H. H. Gratz, R. T. Littlejohn, Jesse Scofield, Tho's C. Bledsoe, Wm. H. Russell. Wm. H. Calvert, B. F. Wallace, Stephen De Wolf, Henry C. WIl~lace, Roh't Hll.le, Joseph Shewalter, J. P. Babbitt, JaB. II. Blewett, G. J. Blewett, Jno. A. Jackson, Albert E. Blewett, John Daugherty, Joseph Moreland, Ii. C. Boteler, Benj. D. Weedin, Caleb T. Belles, Joseph V. Shipman, John P. Bowman, John E. Cheatham, Jos. F. Hassell, John R. Crump, F. P. Deatherage, Geo. W. Houx, G. B. Long. Initiated, 12; Passed, 14; Raised, 13; Admitted, 4.
BERMING LODGE No. 150-30 MuBus, OI'FICIlBt!.
Cha's L. Crow, W. M. James E. Weller, Seo. William Willis, S. W. T. H. Harper, S. D. J. W. R. C. Thomas, J. D. Hiram W. Harper, Rob't Bryan, Trea:s. .Henry Hampton, Tyler. Members-Wm. Bryan, James P. Bryan, Rob't B. Thomas, , Dan'l W. Crouser. William M. Edwards, Andrew J. Wright, lIenry D('er, John W. Brown, Cornelius Day, John M. McCormick, IIarvey S. Gatcs, John W. Carter, James McCanahan, A. M. Campbell, Jason B. Combs, Wm. C. Wells, Wm. W. Williams, J. H. C. Robinson, John Plank, Willes Helm, G. E. Bishop. Initiate; 5; Passed, 5; Raised, 9; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 3.
Dabny Procter, W. M. Tho's P. White, P. M.,.S. W. Banj. Huuekins, J. W. Arch. Cruse, Treas.
Wm. Robeson, C. H. Deskin, J. G. Swetnam, Asa Bennett,
Seo. S. D. J. D. Tylerâ&#x20AC;˘
.Members-Frank Davis, P. M.; Isaac H. Newton, R. F. Burton,1\1ar-
tin Featherilton, J. G. Burton, A. J. Featherston, Jackson T. Powell, John J. Bennett, Wallace McOampbell, R. J. Finney, J. O. Parish, p. F. Richings, D. L. Jones, Wm. E. Briscoe, R. R. Hall, M. G. Huston, Levi Haynes, JamesL. Briscoe, M. L. Eads. Initiated, 2; Passed, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted,5.
G. PoppleweIl W. 1\1. C. H. Smith , Sec. J. L. Ma.rtin S. W. S. R. Rol.lerts S. D. J. C. Crouch J. W. J. G. Roberls J D. O. Oa1fee Tl'eas. J. S. Tinsly Tyler. Members-T. J. Kelly, P. 1\1.; S. H. Roberts, P. M.; Geo. M. Swink, J. W. Vernon, A. J. CombS, R. Kleeman, J. Givens, J. Wilson, jr., John Anderson, W. L. Shankland, N. Popplewell, Wm. L. BriLtian, A. E. H. A. Berry, Wm. M. Dodson, J. l!'. Harris, Wm. -T. Roberts, A. l\1cF. Hudson, V. Moulder, J. H. Brown. Initiated, 1; Passed, 1; Raised,2; Demitted, 2.
A. l3. D. l\I;~l'tin W. l\!. J. S. Wil~on 路 S~c. '1'. B. Brook<hirc S. W. J. E. Minsh:dl S. D. J. P. llutchition r. W. II. T. Lp,eper J. D. J. T. LeepcL' Treas. J. S Venohle Tyltlr. Tho,. Rrooks Chap. Mcmbprs-~.Jno. U. Vincel, r. M.; J. n. AmlCl'~on, J Cruse, n. Mimh:tll, I. Chcnnwcth, J. T. Bevel, Wtn. B~>vcl, R. La.uderd:tle, J. S. Mnsely, W. r.- MilIcI', G. P. Pcpp,-r, J. \Y. Pc"ry, G. W. Martin, Jos. H. B.Jll, L~tn. Chenowetb, Ed. Smith, G. II. LigcLf, G. W. Hoskins, L. F. Tho!llption, D,' T. ~ollt~lan, A. Ander~()n, A. ~portslllilO, W. H. ~arton, T. W. H<lpper'J "m. G. Frith, H. Hutchison, L. n. Solomon, S. Bills, J. Chenewctll. J.
DeVOllll, C. Wilson, T. Brooks, W. Cru~e, J. H. T. Green, H. K. Poore, A. Dumelton, J. It'. Early. C. A. Williams, Wm. J. Lumpkin, W. A. Martin, W. G. Liget, J. Robinson, J. Lilly. Initiated, 9; Passed,9 ; Raised, 9; Admitted, 2; Demitted, I.
W. M. J. Y. Bird Treas. S. W. J. H. Athan Sec. J. W. F. S. Moore Marshall. A. Beck S. & T. Members-G. A. Thomas, P. M.; S. Pruyear, P. M.; S. Wyatt, John Lewis, R. R. Crandle, J. Hunt, C. Miller, J. A. White, Wm. Sutton, W. Sparks, G. Johnson, H. A. Copeland, U. S. Hightower, W. C. Willman, R. Waits, S. South, L. Lawrence, J. N. Arnold, O. Millsaps, P. Millsaps, L. H. Russell, J. N. Bandy, H. L. Kimberlnne, A. M. Bucksm, J. Spencer, L. Athon, C. F. Miller. Initiated, 5 ; Passed, 4; Raised, 5; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 3. J. W. Smith Wm. H. Dunbar A. Lyford
1~8-13 l\lEHBKlts.
F. C. Hownrdin W. M. B. G. 'frowbridge Sec. T. J. Jones S. 路W. Jas. Skilman S. D. Wm. C. Dunean 路J. W. C. PloWlUBn J. D. D. Gloyd 1:Jeas. L. Jones S. & T. Members-T. Duvall, J. W. Barkesdale, Wm. O. Duncan, Wm. L. Wood, M.P. Foster, B. G. McVay. Initiated. 2; Passed, 2 ; Raisell, 2; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 3.
A. MeClure V. Hogan 1'. Fitzpatrick T. Watson
W. M. S. \v. J. W. Treas.
Wm. Ellis Gllmn 'l'hos. Bacon "'. Sledd J. Younger
Sec. 8. D. J. D. TyI.r.
Membm-Wm. C. In'b, M. Steines, Geo. King, Jno. P. Yeatt, Wm. Mautbe, G. Huft'scbmidth. Jobn Shue, A. Cbeatbem, W. D. Jeft'ries, D. W. Cantrell, N. W. Worthington, B. J. Reed, S. Cole, W. Thornbill, B. B. Jones, B. Smitb, P. Beeker, C. Mottll.rt, P. Reed, C. W. Jeft'ries, H. Farrar, J. I. Wood, J. R. Eoft', S. Hamilton, W. Thomap, G. Guernsey, A. Hownrd, D. Gorman, M. Josepbson, C. Boley, G. W. Fisher, C. Paft'ratb, H. V. Hugbes, H. Calvin, W. Fausel, W. C. McClure. Initiated, 19 j Passed, 21 j Raised, 20; Admitted, 2 j Demitted,11.
EDINA LODGE No. 160-46
E. V. Wi1son W. M. J. W. Baker Seo. S. Connell,., P. M S. W. A. P. White S. D. Jno. C. Thomas J. W. J. A. St!\Dder J. D. J. W. BaIrer, P. M Trell8. J. Long Tyler. Member.-Wm. R. Bemington, P. M. j J. C. Alrid, E. F. Butler, Wm. G. Bryant, W. B. Blidso, Jno. Black, D. Bly, W. Beal, T. BTown, D. Caldwell, C. M. Campbell, R. M. Campbell, J. T. DowMy, T. E. Eden, E. 1<'. FowlcT, S. R. Grant, E. Gilbert, T. Gorby, J. M. Houston, Henry T. Howerton, Wm. Harris, S. Hosman, T. Hull, P. B. Linville, J. W. Lyons, L. Minter, J. Miller, F. Noblett, W. J. Pulis, C. G. Shoot, S. Sharp, E. A. Smitb, W. M. Sutton, G. Taylor, jr., J. J. Thomas, L. Lyhurst, Wm. H. Wyatt, S. M. Wirt, S. Bryant. Initiated, 5 j Passed, 7 j Raised, 5 j Admitted, 4; Demitted, 1.
Wm. Howard W. M. E. Myers, P. M See. O. B. Saunders S. W. V. Wilson S. D. J. W. J. B. Vnughn J. D. W. E. CaTl. J. F. Simpson Treas. J. N. Simpson Tyler. J. D. Bowcn St. G. D. Buis St. Members-A. S. McClannahnn, V. Wilson, W. Trevin, A. WOOd, A. R. Bowles, T. W. Trotter, B. Ogle, A. C. Miller, S. Custis, Wm. C. Perry, Jas. Muncla, J. J. Dougberty, Wm. D. Cbandler, A. J. Comhest, E. Agee, Wm. Elrod, D. M. Ewing, Wm. Trotter, J. S. McAdow, B. Ellis, John
Chandler, J. Pulley, E. Shepherd, A. D. Saunders, Jas. Pennington, A. ,~. Horner, O. H. P. LueRss, R. Adams, J. Harris, J. M. Ragan, J. McDaniel, A. D. Saunders. Initiated, 9; Passed, 8 ; Raised, 9; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 1.
Tnos. Richeson W. M. T. M. Barron Sec. Wm. N. Loker S. W. Wm. Blown S. D. M. Collins J. W. A. 1'. Hollister J. D. C.Heqoumbourg Treas. - - Hineman Tyler. Members-W. Connor, P. M.; J. Rowe, Z. C. Ingraham, P. III. ; Wm. H. Merritt, C. Mandsley, J. Mathias, C. Clark, R. Mackwitz, P. Byrn~, R. McCord, F. Overstolz, F. Rozier, E. Haren, jr., L. Westlein, T. Forester, J. Johnson, Wm. Brown, W. H. Gregg, J. H. Beach, F. A. Lane, F.lIIcyer, F. Speiler, J. ]',1ooloy, S' Garrard, 1. Stansbury, C. S. Kintzing, D.• p. Shibley, A. G. Braun, E. A. Pendleton, Jno. A. Goodlett, J. Tlmen, Jat M. Hatt, H. Wisenfeldt, J. DeMos!, G. V. Kelsey, .Jas. M. J'('rsha\" }~. Wells, Jas. Buckland, '1'. A. Buckland, A. W. Acknman ••foo. F. Lon;;, .1. M. Tyler, J. Grabble, W. A. Miller, Wm. Lee, G. Temme, A. \.;rabble, O. P. Koenig, G. P. Gerhart, Jno. H. Fisse, Jno. B. (;ray, S. Hughes, .J. W. Wills, II. G. Hibbard, W. Simpson, E. '1'. hester, 1\1. Finfrock, \Y. H. Stubblefield, S. D. Davenport, J. Smith, A. lIteyer, C. •J. Gilbert, W. II. Taylor, G. H. Wiley, A. B. M. Thompson. [nitiated, (); Passed, 8; Raised, 9; Admitted, 4; Demitted, 1.
E. F. Honey W. M. Jno. L. Tbomns Se<J. Z. Pritchett S. W. Willis J. Williams S. V. Ira J. Beckett J. \\'. Jno. W. Fletcher J. D. Chas. C. Fletcher Trras. C. A. Heilmaun Tyler. Ml'mbers-F. J. Smith, P. M.; A. P. Hesser, P. :\1. ; C. B. Fletcher, W. E. Clarke, J. W. Weaver, Wm. Hendrick, J. B.•\rnold, Lennder Bailey, J. M. Bailey, S. O. Donnell, A. Cook,1. Strichlllod, Wm. Bla..:kwel', E. 1\1. Boley, W. Wallace. J. Burgess, A. C. North, E. B. Beckett, R. M. Ware, J. M. Heosley, T. Jarvis, J. P. Hesser, J. Haverstieh, O. Dover,C. J. Lee. Initiated, 9; Passed, 6; Raised, 8; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 2.
"1..====2=0=0=.=J,=.=======:::====::::=- ======='J
W. M. 1. Cllstillo Sec. 8. W. J. B. Prather, P. M 8. D. J. W. T. J. McQuiddy J. D. S. M..1ester Treas. A. Terhune Tyler. Member8-M. F. Gerard, P. M.; Wm. V. Smith, Thos. Wadley, E. A. Gates, S. Noffingcr, Jas. n. Saunders, N. Wood, G. C. Airy, G. N. Paige, John Saunders, J. A. Heaton, A. Tinville, J. M. Starnes, J. Million, D. Mulholland, 路W. B. Holt, S. M. Jester, J. A. Hedgepeth, J. Matherly, M. Gregg, Will. Glo:c, P. Kelley, W. H. Griffith. Initiated, 6 j Passed, 6; Raised, 6 j Admitted, 2. .J. W. Wykoft'.. 8. '1'. K.JUida
MIRABILE LODGE No. 166-27 MZJlBERB. OFFICERS. Rev. R. Harris ,V. l\L Wm. H. Wans Sec. Jno. H. Burrows S. 'V. H. S. Parlin S. D. W. E. Marquam J. W. Wm. Clifton J. D. Thos. C. Davis Treas. P. Early Tyler. Members-Sam'l K. Bay, J. Elliott, A. G. Davis, M. C. Kellam, O. Adams, T. P. Thomas, A. B. Scovel, J. F. Hines, J. Moree, W. P. Steele, Jno. R. Penney, S. T. Bassett, T. C. Davis, G. W. Jones, J. C. Lillard, J. Spence, L. Dunn, W. F. Boggs, T. Weeden, Will. Clampitt. Initiated, 1; Passed, 0; Raised, 1; Demitted, 2.
R. M. Edelen W. A. Townsend A. A. Perry E. Sacket
W. M. S. W. J. W. Tress.
W. H. lVatts B. F. 00nner G. R. Jones J. J. Agnew
Sec. 8. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-B. P. Hannon, R. Bane, A.. L. Porter, !II. Cooper, J. B. Anderson, J. S. Murphy, Jno. H. Sneibly, J. Whaland, G. Arnold, B. D. Harris, M. Snider, H. E. Combs, W. J. Northcraft, E. R. Riggs, Alex. Smith, F. Snider, F. F. Howell, J. W. Howell, P. Snider, A. Leper, Sam'l Hull. Initiated, 3; Passed, 2; Raised, 4.
Jno. F. Smith W. M. W. J. Hunt.. ..•..•••.......Sec. Jesse H. Basket.. S. W. W. H. lI1artin S. D. B. H. Ballard J. W. J. C. Scbumate J. D . G. W. Shumate Treas. Jno. T. Board Tyler. • J. J. Martin Chap. C. H. Carothers J'.Iar. J. E. Henry St. T. S. Staples St. Members-G. H. Tl'iplett, B. Cowley, S. J. Davis, T. A. Piner, C. A. Lewis, D. Weber, J. T. Basket, Jno. McReynolds, W. Cla.rk, J. w. Miller, J. T. Ballard, W. C. Moore. Initiated, 3; Paslled, 4 ; Raised, 6; Demitted, 3.
W. C. McCubbin W. M. E. W. Golden Sec. John D. Read S. W. Tho~. Scott S. D. Wm. Hawkins J. W. D. Etter J. D. D. Cummings Treas. G. W. Wood Tyler. Members-D. F. Martin, P. M.; Wm.. S. Watkins, D. Livingston, Jas. H. Karr, J. L. Fulkerson, H. Brockman, J. K. Howell, J. E. McComb, E. B. Farley, Jas. Johnston, L. H. Davis, C. O. Curtman, John Humos, H. A. Jacobs, P. Bell, A. Thornbury; J. Goff, W. Lenox, J. Johnson, S. A. Ricbey, G. Indermil1, J. J. Klossner, J. M. D. Carnes, Wm. J. Livingston, D. J. Marquis, S. Popplewell, James Etter, J. Gott, J. M. Uhnnn, A. J. Ulman, A. B. Carley. Initiated, 6; Passed, 6 ; Raised, 7; Admitted, 3; Demitted, 5.
A. J. Austin W. M. B. R. Whitney Sec. •J. S. Harpel', P. M S. W. John Lowe S. D. Will. Hixson, P. M J. W. G. W. Cranmer J. D. J. Specht S. &, T. R. S. Deering Treas. Members-Jas. L. Austin, D. C. Stone, Wm. C. Austin, P. Lane, Jos. Teinhert, B. B. Peck, W. S. Knox, A. C. Stone, I. A. Lauck, A. B. Peck, E. Waterhouse. Initiated, 1; PRssed, 2 j Raised, 2
Admitted, 1; Demitted, 3.
Thos. G. Stansberry......W. M.
S. W.
• See• .Allen Cook S. D. • J. D. Geo. C. Fuilerton.....Tyler.
John Bragg J. W. L. P. Smith Treas. David Forbes Chap. Members-T. W. Hand, P. M.; D. L. Godsey, P. M.; Jno. J. Brasfield, Wm. A. Crawford, C. Harkins, J. C. Triplett, John E. Cook, I. Wheelis, A. Grogan, G. Terrell, L. P. Smith, S. McIntire, Wm. D. Wallace, D. Holley, A. J. Grogan, J. W. Shelton, J. Powell, Wm. Millirons, G. H. Broyles, T. W. Hand, Jas. Goul, C. H. Wallace, J. Oldaker, D. Maddox, C. W. BonMy, Q.McKinley, E. A. Simpson, L. F. Thatcher,M. W. Crabtree, L. B. Whorton, M. T. Wallace. Initiated, 4; Passed, 5 ; Raised, 1; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 11.
E. Mathews R. W. Kimball Thos. Cotton J. M. Ringo O. P. White
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas. Cbap.
M. McDonald Jno. Barton J. Ringo w. S. Doom
Sec. S. D. J. D.
Member8-Ja8, Lee, J. M. Ringo, M. McDonald, M. T. Lee, R. U. Kimball. W. S. Doom, H. C. Lee, R. C. Ross, B. G. McElmurry, J. C. Gray, W. G. Cooly, G. A, Jordan, T. W. Miers, E. E. Fowler, s. Ogilvie, E. Mathews, P. Stone, P. F. Pierce, R. Slack, J. W. Farris, G. D. Cooly, Jas. Strother, W. Sheeks, A. Fry, J. Ringo, E. G. Swanner, J. H. Underwood, E. M. Condor, G. Keyser, H. L. Petrie, O. P. White, D. Miers. ' Initiated, 3; Passed, 5; Raised, 3; Admitted, 2; Demitted, 3.
UNION LODGE No. 173-24
S. McDowelI R. A. McManus Z. Brown John H. Dolle
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
P. B. 80hell A. Lineberger F. Woolford A. Baum
8ec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-Wm. B. Wilson, J. N. Whyburk, F. Tinnen, F. Kressa, G. W. Pe'rry, B. Dolle, G. T. McPike, L. E. Whyburk, Ja8. McPike, S. W. Whybt.rk, R. Shetley, F. A. H08holty, M. Hatler, R. Farrow, Wm. Stephens, B. Thornburg. Initiated, 4; Passed, 3 ; Raised, 4; Demitted, 3.
'H. Canada A. IIicks S. Smith, P. 1\1 J. D. Patton
W. M. S. \V. J. W. Treas.
W. R. Schoolcr D. lIIayor V. Bedford Jno. Moore
8ec. S. O. J. D. Tyler.
Members- W. G. Jackson, P. lIf. j W. W. Stone, J. H. Marshall, W. Callaway, W. Barry, W. H. M:mhall, A. Hicks, U. S. Wood, S. Graves, J. F. Graves, W. S. Marney, Jas. Brown, Chas. Deer, E. Roarer, J. S. Schooling, J. W. Finley, O. P. Yeates, J. M. Collier, J. Dow. Initiated, 23; Passed, 16 ; Raised, 12; Admitted, 3.
H. S. H. A.
T. D. Northcutt W. M. W. G. Commons Seo. R. D. Bunch S. W. J. H. Rosa, P. M S. D. W. R. Randall J. W. J. G. Wilson J. D. M. H. Ritchey Treas. S. W. Wolcott Tyler. Members-J. B, Allen, P. M.; M. T. Bostick, P. M.; lsam Holmes, C. J. Bullard, W. M. Wormington, John H. Ross,J. Briley, A. W Worming. ton, G. A. Wages, John Weems, W. C. Adams, Jno. Saltsman, C. C. Wright, J. C. Marshall, E. Carter, G. W. Weems, T. Wright, J. T. Bryan, G. D. Bunch, J. W. Poage. Ira Poage, J. Harris, J. M. Ferrell, W. E. Montgomery, H. Sturdy, S. Adams, F. Atwood, R. H. Christian, J. Lamberson, Jas. Huffman, E. Y. Russel, W. W. Weatherfly, Jas.Sawyer, G. A. Chaetien, J. M. G. Jones, G. A. Dabbs, G. R. McMahan, E. S. Kinney, G. A. Weems, Jas. Kelley, W. D. Miller, J. M. Glothlin. Initiated, 13; Passed, 14; Raised, 10; Admitted, 1; Demitted, 4.
John Woodard, W. M. F. W. Maulsley~ Sec. Freeman Lasieur, S. W. Calbert Lasieur, S. D. Sylvester Young, J.'tV. James M. O'Donald, J. D. C. C. WiIIiams, Treas. John Mooney, Tylor. Members-Wilton U'Banion, John Wooney, Columbus C. Williams, John Woods, Oliver C. Butler, Lewis P. Fay, G. A. Lasieur, De Rufus King Thomas P. Hawkins, James Y. Warren, Jeff. Branham, Mordica Jackson, John Woodard, F. W. Mously, John Martin W. J. Watkins. Initiated, 2 j Passed, 2; Raised, 3.
WINCHESTER LODGE No. 177-29 MEMBERS. OFFICERS. Hiram Beeson, W. M. C. Chapmsn, S. W. Jas. F. McWiIlillms,..â&#x20AC;˘ ;J. W. Tho's W. Arnold,.......Tress.
Sec. E. Y. Cowgill, Aaron Sullivan, P. M.,.S. D. Sam'l D. Moorehouse, J. D. J. Blake, Tyler.
MembeTs-C. M. Higbee, P. A. Hill, W. Caa Mitohel, John N. Boulware, Geo. J. Glasscock, Cha's C. Williams, Reid Dillon, Bernard McDermott, Andrew Welsh, Wm. McDermott, Ab'm W. Mi~chel, Jas. F. James, Cha's V. Maddox, Geo. R. Biggs, E. C. Dedman, Elias Powell, Tho's C. Taylor, Joseph M. MoKim, Elias Owens, Henry Keller, Zebulon Sorter. Initiated, 6; Passed, 4; Raised, 10; Admitted,l; Demitted, 1.
James McClure, J. S. Singleton, Wm. H. Po.ce, J. D. Wells,
W. M. S. W. J. W. Treas.
JohnP. Farrow, C. L. S. Grigg, J. L. Berry, F. C.Barns,
Sec. S. D. J. D. Tyler.
Members-J. M. Forman, A. J. Wall, John F. Wagley, G' II. Sparks, C. S. Ramsey, Dr. W. W. Crockett, Tho's P. McGinnis, Friend Wells. Initiated, 2; Passed, 2; Raised, 2; Demitted, 1.
WIll. Burden,
W. M.
G. M. Brooks, J. H. MoAlpin,
G. M. RQ.nsom, Henry, T. L. BarrelI,
Sec. S. D. J. D.
J. W. Edw. Boyl, Treas: Member.!l-Geo. Wharton, E. Clifton, L. Whipple, William Starrett, Isaiah Russell, A. S. Bornestein, Jas. F. Allbright, H. B. Ellis, Michael Ga. vier, Wm. G. Hill, Isaac Pcrrit.z, Isaac Rasebone, Daniel Orr, John Cooper, Meyer Friede, Dav. Niel, BfLI"nett Turk, Tho's A. Walker, Benj. Niles, Tho's Nordvke, C. Stevens, A. T. Sheckley, Eb8JIezar ERton, John W. Owens, Abram Mack, tYro. Marshall, Wro. Nevis. J. F. Gray, George Haquet, F. Thias, Francis SavigDllc, Ed\\'. Boyle, Justus Finch, J. Meybug, A. L. Kor. nick, E. J. Cooke, Tho's D. Dunnell, Sam'l Huston, C. H. Church, L. Cohn, Henry Hess, T. Maas, Stephen B. Grove, Wm. Nittlebrock, Alex. McCurdy, Jas. Coff, Anthony Havey, John Grether, II. G. Athen. Initiated, 18; Passed, 12; Raised, 10; Admitted,5.
--------------------- ---KENNER LODGE No. 180-26
1<'. R. Kenner, W. M. R. P. Slaughter, Sec. Wm. B. Armstrong, S. w. Geo. Neff, S. D. R. w. Bollen, J. W· D. 1\'1. Scott, J. D. George Gray, Treas. P. F. lIamilton, Tyler. Members-M. T. l\lcMames, H. M. Hiller, Wm. D. Starr, David McKee, Wm. C. Banta, Peter' Turner, A. J. Burks, Michllel Dunahoe, R. A. Sailor, P. F. Hamilton, E. B. 'Veils, Wm. Baker, Geo. M. Sailor, C. M. Slaughter, Jamea II. Hiller, Isaao R. Harlan, Ma.thills Soott, .Joseph P. Uray. Initia.ted, 4 i Passed, 7; Raised, 8; Admitted, 3.
One hundred and eighty cha.rtered Lodges have a. membership 6616 15 Lodges estimated at 300 6916 Initiated within the past yea.r, 959 Passed " " "845 Raised" " "812 Admitted" " "316 Demitted" " "538 Died " " "98 Suspended " " "70 Expelled" ., "31
G. L.
Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement for .IJ. D. 1859, as per .lJrticle X, Section 10, By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. NO.
Missouri. .......... Yeridian .......... 3 F ~acon ....•••.•... 4 howard............ 5 United ............ 6 Ark ................ 7 Grover............. 8 Williamsburg..... 9 Geo. Washington 10 Shawnee........... 11 Pauldingville ..... 12 Tyro .••.•..••.•...• 13 Rising Sun ....... 14 Auburn ............ 15 Central ............ 16 Mempliis .......... 17 Clarksville ........ 18 Palmyra........... 19 Paris Union ....... 20 St. Louis.......... 21 New London...... 1 2
St. Louis.......... South St. Louis.. St. Louis ......... New Franklin.... Springfield........ Newark ........... Calhoun............ Williamsburg ..... St. Louis.......... New Santa Fe .... Pauldingville...... Caledonia ......... Barry ............. Auburn ............ Smithville ......... Memphis .......... Clarksville .... Palmyra ........... Paris............... St. Louis ......... New London ......
St. Louis ......... St. Louis ......... St. Louis ......... IIoward ............ Greene ............ Knox .............. Henry ............. Callaway ......... St. Louis ......... Jackson ........... St. Charles....... Washiugton.......
e ••••••••••••••
Lincoln ........... Clay ............... Scotland .......... Pike ............... Marion ............ Monroe ........... St. Louis.......... R.alls ...............
TIl!E 01' RETtNQ.
DAft 01' CHARna.
First and third Thursdays... Sept. 4, 1821 1852 Second and fourth Fridays•• May, Second and 4th Thursdays.. 1849 Saturday before full mOOD ... 1852 Thursday before full mOOD.. 1857 Saturday after full mOOD.... 1852 Saturday before full moon.. 1852 Wednesday before full moon 1852 Second and fourth Tuesdays 1849 Saturday bef. full moon..... 1858 1852 Friday before full mOOD..... Second Saturday.............. 1825 Saturday before full moon.. 1852 First Sat. before full moon. 1852 Saturday after full mOOD .... 1852 Friday before full moon ..... 1852 " Saturday before full mOOD.. 1830 " Saturday before full moon.. 1831 " First Saturday each month. 1835 First and third Tuesdays... 1836 Saturday before full mOOD.. 1837
" " " " " " "
" " "
" "
Grand Sfcretar.V's Tabular Statement for .9.
I -48 NO.
49 50 51 52 53 54
55 56
57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Ii.Alne 01' LOllGE.
I Fulton ·...... ·· ... 1 Fulton ............ :Hayneville ........ i Hayneville........ Anderson ......... Chapel Hill ....... Livingston ....... Glasgow ......... Wakanda ......... Carrollton ........ 'Weston ............ Weston ............ Douglass ........... Marthasville ...... Arrow Rock...... Arrow Rock ...... Platte ............. Platte City........ Richmond ........ Richmond ......... Monticello ........ Monticello ......... Lancaster ......... Lancaster .......... New Bloomfield.. New Bloomfield.. ' Osceola............ Osceola ........... Maysville ......... Maysville.......... St. Mary's ....... Perryville ......... Landmark ..•..... Warsaw............ Pattonsburg ...... Pattonsburg ...... Linn ............... Linn ............... Rocheport ......... Rocheport ........ Tebo ....... , ...... Clinton ............ Alexandria........ Alexandria ........
Callaway ......... Clinton ............ Lafayette.......... Howard ........... Carroll. ............ Platte ............. Wa·rren...•••...••. Saline.............. Platte ..............
Ray ................ Lewis .............. .schuyler........... Callaway .......... St. Clair.......... De Kalb........... Perry .............. Benton............. Daviss ............. Osage.............. Boone.............. Henry.............. Clark ..............
D. 1859.-Conitnued. TllOC 01' IIBIITUIQ.
First Thursday................ May, Saturday after full moon.... " Second Sllturday.............. " Saturday before full moon ... " Saturday before full moon ... " First and third Saturdays.... " Saturday before full moon ... " Saturday before full moon ... " Saturday before full moon ... 8aturday before full moon ... Saturday before full moon ... " Saturday before full moon ... " First Saturday................. First Thurs'y bef. full moon First Mon'y and 2d Saturd'y Saturday before full moon ... " Fourth Friday.................. " Second Saturday .............. Saturday before full moon ... " Second Thursday.............. " Third Saturday................ Friday before full moon......
" "
" " "
" " "
1841 1854 1858 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1854 1854 1842 1854 1854 1843 1854 1853 1843 1844 1844
I ~
70 Roanoke .......... 71 Savannah ........ 72 Danville .......... 73 Eureka ............ 74 Warren ........... 75 Ashley ........... 76 Independence..... 77 Lebanon........... 78 St. Joseph........ 79 Polar Star........ 80 Bridgeton ......... 81 Neosho ............ 82 Jackson ........... 83 Laclede ............ 84 Potter ............. 85 Johnson. ." """" , 86 Mitchell .......... 87 Washington....... 88 Bates .............. 89 Fri~n.dship ....... 90 PrairIe............. 91 Madison .......... 92 Perseverance ..... 93 St. Mark's ....... 94 Evening Star..... 95 Acacia ............
Roanoke.......... Savannah ......... Danville .......... Brunswick. Keytesville ....... Ashley............. Independence .... Steelville ......... St. Joseph........ St. Louis .......... Bridgeton ........ Neosho ............ Linnreus .......... Lebanon ........... Longwood .....•... Warrensburg...... Columbus ......... Greenfield ......... Butler............. Chilicothe ......... Harrisonville ..... Madison .......... Louisiana•.....•.. Cape Girardeau.. Cuba City......... Jackson ...........
Howard............ Andrew ............ Montgomery...... Chariton........... Chariton........... Pike ............... Jackson........... Crawford.......... Buchanan ........ St. Louis ......... St. Louis ......... Newton ............ Linn................ Laclede ............ Pettis.............. Johnson .......... Johnson .......... Dade............... Butler ............. Livingston ....... Cass ............... 1\lonroe ........... Pike ............... Cape Girardeau.. Crawford .......... Cape Girardeau..
Saturday before full mOOD ... May Saturday before full moon ... " Thursday before full moon .. ~ " Thursday before full moon ... " First Satur'y bef. full moon. " Saturday before full moon ... " Second Saturday .............. " Third Saturday................ " First and third Saturdays. 0" " Second and 4th Wednesday.. " Monday before full moon.. o. " First Saturday ................. Saturday before full moon.... "L' Wednesday before full moon. First Saturday................. Second Monday ............... " Friday before full moon...... " Friday before full moon...... "" Saturday before full moon.. First Satur'v bef. full mOOD. " Thursday before full mOOD... " Second Saturday.............. Monday before full moon.... Tuesday before full moon...
.............................. '" . .......... "......................... '"
" " " " "
1854 1844 1844 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1855 1854 1850 1847 1858 1847 1847 18t1 1847 1841 1859 1848
~ --.
Grand Secretary's Tabular Statementfor .11. D. 1859.-Continued. NO.
--96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
115 116
St. Andrew's ..... Bethany..••..•..•. Webster.•••••••... Mt. Vernon ...... Canton Easton ............ Bloomington...... Carthage.......... Heroine .......... Relief ............. Laporte ........... Golden Square ... New Madrid ...... Montezuma....... JIt'Iarcus ............ Trenton ........... Ezel ............... Plattsburg........ Waverly.. ......... Sibley ............. Daviss.............
.......... .
Shelbyville.••..... Bethany........... Marshfield •..•.... Mt. Vernon ...... Canton ...........• Easton •....•...... Bloomington ..... Carthage .. ,....... Kansas............ Georgetown ...... ~aporte......." ... Westport ......... New Madrid ...... Santa Fe .......... Fredericktown ... Trenton .......... St. Francisville.. Plattsburg........ Waverly........... 1 Sibley ·····•··· .. Gallatin ..........
Shelby..........••. Harrison ...•...... Webster •...•.••.. Lawrence ••..••..• Lewis .•........•.. Bucbanan .•.•...• Macon............. Jasper ............ Jackson .......... Pettis .............. Macon ............. Jackson ........... New Madrid ...... Santa Fe,N.Mex. MadisoIJ, .......... Grundy ........... Clark ............... Clinton ............ Lafayette ......... Jackson ........... Davis .............
First Monday.••..••.•.•....... Ma.y, Saturday before full moon.. " Thursday after full moon •.. Second Tuesday.....••..•••.. " Saturday before full moon.• " First and 3d Wednesday.... " Friday before third Sunday " Third Friday.................. "" Saturday befor(l full moon.. First Monday, ................. " Third Thursday............... " Friday before full moon ..... "" Saturday before full trioon .. First Saturday each mcnth.. " Fourth Saturday.............. " Third Thursday............... " Saturday before full moon .. "" Saturday before full moon .. , Friday before full moon ..... Saturday before full moon . " First Mond.ay.................. "
1847 1854 1858 1849 1848 1858 1848 1849 1849 1849 1858 1849 1849 1851 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850
Versailles .... '" .. Hiram ............. Foster ............ Cumpass .......... Erwin .............. Dover .............. Hermann.......... Cedar .............. Gentryv il1 e........ Seaman............ Athens.......... '" Kirksville ......... Constantine....... West Prairie...... Potosi .............. Farmington....... Star of the West Ridgely............ Phcenix ............ Prairieville........ Round Prairie .... Oregon ........... PappinvilIe........ 141 Middlebu~ ....... 142 Pleasant rove .. 143 Flint Hill .........
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 135 136 131 138 139 140
Versailles ......... St. Charles ....... Benton ............ Parkville ......... St. Louis ......... Dover.............. Hermann ......... Fremont ........... Gentryville ........ Milan ............. Athens ............. Kirksville ........ Charleston ........ West Prairie...... Potosi ............. Farmington....... Arcadia ........... Ridgely... .,....... Bowling Green ... Prairieville•..•.... Newark ............ Oregon ........... Pap~nvil1e........ Mid ehury ....... Otterville.••.••.... FlintHill.•••....•.
Morgan ........... St. Charles ....... Scott............... Platte .............. St. Louis.......... Lafayette ......... Gasconade ........ Cedar ............. Gentry ............ Sullivan ........... Gentry............. Adair .............. Mississippi ....... Dunklin ........... Washington....... St. Francois ...... Madison........... Platte ............. Pike ............... Pike ............... Andrew............ Holt................ Bates ............... Mercer............. Cooper ............ St. Charles .......
Third Saturday............... Monday before full moon... First Saturday................. Wednesday before full moon Second and Fourth Friday.. Saturdav bef. full moon..... Third Monday.................. Thursday bef. full moon..... First and 3d Saturdays ...... Saturday be£. full moon..... Second and 4th Sltturdays... Friday bef. full moon........ Saturday bef. full moon..... Wednesday bef. full.moon ... Saturday bef. full moon..... Saturday bef. full moon...... Saturday bef. full moon...... Second and 4th Saturdays... Thursday bef. full moon...... ......... I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Saturday be£. full moon..... Saturday &fier full moon.... Friday be£. full moon........ Third Wednesday.............. Third Wednesday ............. Monday a~r full moon ......
" "
" "u "
" "
" " " "
" " "
" "
" " "
1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1858 1851 1851 1858 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1855 1855 1855 1855 1858 1855 1855 1855
Grand Secretary's Tabular Statementjor .11. NO.
\_ _ W_HE_RE_A_EL_D_'
_ _I
n. 1859.-Cuntbnued. Tl_lI_E_OF_}I_EE_Tl_N_G.
144 John Dade 145 Rising Sun 146
147 148 149 150 151 152 153
154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
162 163 164
1 Cassville ,Ebenezer McGee College Mound... Buffalo............ Buffalo............ yancey Rutledge Lexington Lexington Birming Birming Milton Milton Linn Creek Linn Creek....... Bloomfield Bloomfield Concord Concord........... Spring Hill Spring Hill....... Asbla.nd Ashland........... North Star........ Rockport Cornwell Rose Hill Pacific Edina Edina Pacific.City Thomasville....... Thomasville....... Whitesville Whitesville Occidental........ St. Louis......... Joachim }Hillsboro'
Barry . Greene ......•...•. Macon .. Dallas . McDonald .. Lafayette . Buchanan .. Randolph . Camden . Stoddard .. Callaway . Livingstun .. Boone .. Atchison .. Johnson .. Franklin .. Knox .. Chariton . Andrew . St. Louis . Jefferson .
Monday after full moon .....• May, Wednesday bel. full moon ... " Saturday before 4th Sunday. " Saturday after full moon . " Second Wednesday .. " Third Monday . " Night of or after full moon.. " First Saturday . " Saturday before full moon.. " " " First Monday . "
Saturday before full moon.. Friday before full moon . Saturday before full moon . Saturday before fall moon ..
Second Saturday . Second and fourth Mondays. Saturday bef. full moon......
" " "
1857 1855 1855 1855
1855 1855
1855 1858
1855 1855 1859 1856
1856 1859 1856
" "
1856 1856
165, 166 :;g 167 !'" 168 r' 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
Maryville Mirabile.......... Eldorado Fairmount........ Tuscumbia Benevolence...... Hartford W01£ Island....... Union Sturgeon......... Newton Point Pleasant Winchester Griswold. Pride of the West Kenner Novelty Stewartsville..... California Modern Chamois. Dayton..... Henry Clay 18~ Hannibal......... 189 Zeredatha 190 Putnam
M~ry~ille " .. : Nodaway 1 F!rst Saturday .. Mirabile Caldwell FIrSt Saturday . Luray...... Clark Saturday after £ull moon .. Fairmount...... Cla.rk Saturday after full moon . Tuscumbia. Miller Saturday after full mo n .. Utica.............. J~ivingston........ Saturday after full moon .. Hartford. Putnam Friday before full moon .. Wol£ Island....... Mississippi Monday before full moon . Woolford's Store Bollinger :. Saturday after full moon .. Sturgeon Boone............. First Friday . .. Oliver's ·Prairie.. Newton First SatUl:day New Madrid Friday before full mOon .. Point Pleasant Winchester Clark Thursday bef. full moon .. .. Bear Creek....... Jl"lontgomcry...... . First~nd third Wednellday .. St. Louis......... St. Louis Athens Clark Saturda.y bef. full moon . Novelty Knox . .. . Stewartsville...... DeKalb..... Californja Moniteau... .. . Humansville Polk .. .. Chamois........... Osage.............. .. Dayton Cass.. . .. Millersburg Callaway .. .. Hannibal Marion .. St. Joseph Buchanan . ···································1 Newton............ Putnam .
...... I I . . . I I .. I I • • . • • I I I "
. . . . . . . . . . • I I •• II •• "
. . . . . . I I • • • I I ...
••••••• II II ••••
" " " "
" "
" "
" " "
" "
" " " " " "
1857 1857 1857 1857 18{)7 1857 1857 1857
1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859
G1'and Secretary's Tabular Statement for .11. D. 1859.-Conlinued NO.
191 Zerubable ......... ............... , ..... Platte .............. May, u 192 Frankford ........ Frankford ., ..... Pike ............... 11.. 193 Aujerona ......... Missouri City..... Clay ............... ................................... " •
•••••••••••••• , ••• II •••••• II •• II ••
I . ' •••• I I ••
I I • • • • • • • • 11."
1859 ]859 1859
of Missouri for tlte year 1859. M. W. Marcus Boyd, Grand Master, Springfield. Rt. W. Marcus H. McFarland, D. Gr. Master, Louisville. Rt. W. W. R. Penick, Gr. S. Warden, St. Joseph. Rt. W. John Decker, Gr. J. Warden, St. Louis. Rt. W. John D. Daggett, Gr. Treasurer, St. Louis. Rt. W. A. O'Sulliva,n, Gr. Secretary, St. Louis. W. Sam'l M. Hays, Gr. S. Deacon, Platte City. W. Jas. McDowell, Gr. .T. Deacon, Chili'cothe. W. A. Stille, Gr. Tyler, St. Louis. PAST GRAND OFFICERS
Present during Communication of Gr. Lodge.
M. W. John Ralls, P. G. M. M. W. Joseph Foster, P. G. M. Rt. W. Geo. H. C. Melody, P. D. G. M. Rt. W. John D. Taylor, P. D. G. M. Rt. W. Oscar F. Potter, P. D. G. M. Rt. W. John H. Turner, P. G. W. Rt. W. John W. Luke, D. D. G. M. Rt. W.1. E. WillisttI;B0n, D. D. G. M. PAST MASTERS.
W. " " " " " "
N. P. Hesser. Robert A. Raphael. B. Goldsmidt. R. T. Edmondson. A. V. C. Schenck. J. B. H. Beale. Isiah Forbes.
In the Grand Lodge of Missouri, at the .!lnnnal Communication, in May, 1859. (Those marked ., are Proxies.)
Missouri, St. Louis
R. S. Voorbies
F. B. Turnbull. 2 Meridian, St. Louis 3 Beacon, St. Louis 5 United
8 Williamsburg, Williamsburg 9 Geo. Washington, St. Louis,
11 13
Pauldingville, PauldingvilIej Rising Sun, Barry
14 16
Auburn, Auburn Memphis, Memphis
17 Clarksville, Clarksville 18 Palmyra, Palmyra ]9 Paris Union, Paris 20 St. Louis, St. Louis
23 ..Florida, Florida 24 25
Wyaconda, Lagrange Naphtali, St. Louis
S. W. J. W.
B. Goldsmidt W. M. A. O'Sullivan *S. W. Joseph Crooks W. M. A. Weigle S. W. Marcus Boyd W. M. N. F. Jones S. W. T. G. Newbill J. W. J. C. H. Broadwater.. W. M. J. W. Crane W. M. Earl Matlack *S. M. D. H. Armstrong *J. W. W. B. Oglesby W. M. Dan'l Carpenter W. M. A. G. EndICot *8. W. W. M. Reynolds S. W. Eugene Williams *W. M. R. T. Nesbitt *J. W. John J. McElevee *W. M. E. H. C. Bailey W. M. L. A. Pilllhll *W. M. A. Isaacs W. 1\1. M M;,crs S. W. R. J ..Johnson W. M. J. A. Quarlc:" J. W. Thos. E. Shcphcrd *W. M. John Decker ~.W. M. John A. Gilfillan S. W. E. B. Wood J. W.
26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 39 40 43 45 48 50 51 53 55 56 58 60 63 66 68 69 72 75 77 78 79 80
Mexico, Mexico
.s. N.
Edwards W. H. Northcut.. St. John's, Hannibal.. David Dean Osage, Little Osage L. Dodge Huntsville, Huntsville Jas. D. Read Liberty, Liberty Sam'I Hardwick Lafayette, Lexington Wm. 'r. Davis Ralls, MadisonvilIe John Ralls Troy, Troy M. Bond Tully, Tully J. M. Sutton Mt. Moriah, St. Louis W. McK. Brooke Jefferson, Jefferson City Wm. E. Dunscomb Bonhomme, Manchester D. Newman Fulton, Fulton D. L. Whaley Anderson, Chapel HilL. J. B. Simpson Livingston, Glasgow John H. Turner Weston, Weston L. R. Ringo Arrow Rock, Arrow Rock Oscar F.' Potter Platte,' Platte City Rob't P. Clark H. Clay Cockerill Monticello, Monticello John B. Reddish New Bloomfield, New BloomfieldB. O. Austin St. Mary's, Perryville A. M. Appering J. W. Barnes Linn, Linn David Hopkins Jas. T. Berry Tebo, Clinton M. J. F. J eonard Alexandria, Alexandria E. F. Greenleaf Danville, Danville G. R. Milton Ashley, Ashley M. H. McFarland H. W. Sperry Lebanon, Steelville J. G. Anderson St. Joseph, St. Joseph W. R. Penick Polar Star, St. Lewis W. C. Watts J. W. Luke Bridgeton, Bridgeton Rich'd E. Bland Joseph H. Garrett
245 W. M. S. W. W. M. W. M. W. M. W. M. *W. M. W. M. S. W. S. W. W. M. W. M. J. W. S. W. W. M. W. M. *S. W. W. M. W. M. S. W. *J. W. W. M. S. W. J. W. *W. M. *S. W. W. M. W. M. S. W. W. M. J. W. *W. M. W. M. W. M. *S. W. W. M. *S. W.
83 Laclede, Lebanon 86 89 90 91
92 93 96
100 104 106 108 113 116 117 118 119 121 122 128 130 131
Mitchell, Columbus Friendship, Chilicothe Prairie, Harrisonville Madison, Madison Perseverance, Louisana St. Marks, Ol.Lpe Girardeau St. Andrew's, Shelbyville Canton, Canton Heroine, Kansas City Laport, Macon City New Madrid, New Madrid Plattsbarg, Plattsburg Davis, Gallatin Versailles, Versaillcs Hiram, St. Charles Foster, Benton Erwin, St. Louis Dover, Dover Kirksville, Kirksville West Prairie, West Prairie
Potosi, Potosi Star of the West, Arcadia
135 136
Ridgeiy, Ridgely Phoonix, Bowling Green
Oregon, Oregon
140 Pappinville, Pappinville 142 Pleasant Grove, Otterville 143 Flint Hill, Flint Hill 146 McGee, College Mound 147 Buffalo, Buffalo 149 Lexington, Lexington
J. B. Harrison *W. M. J. W. Graves *S. W. Jas. McDowell S. W. Hamilton Finneyâ&#x20AC;˘... *S. W M. W. Buford W. M. JohnQ. Burbridge *W. M. W. B. Wilson M. John Dickerson W. M. Z. T. Knight *S. W. G. W. Tindale W. M. Ed. Ash *W. M. Rich. H. Hatcher *W. MWinslow Turner W. M. Chas. M. Scott *W. M. L. E. Williamson *W. M. E. D. Bevitt W. M. B. B. Gaither W. M. Ohas. W. Horn W. lVI. J. II. Mallory : ,y. 1\1. B. G." Barrow W. M. Thomas P. Horn W. 1\1. N. A. Pagc S. \V. S. Brown W. M. A. C. Farnham W. iYl. A. W. Hollom:tn S. W. N. Beery W. ~1. John B. Dunbar W. M. Wm. Bolton J. W. Jas. W. Patterson \V. M. W. H. Williams J. "V. Z. Ander30n W. 1\1. Thomas J. Stark W. M. L. W. Fisher J. "Y. C. A. Perrin S. W. T. W. McOormaek *J. W. JohnH. Paine *W.l\f. F. O. Sharp *W. M.
151 155 159 163
164 169 172 177 179
Milton, Milton
W. E. Briscoe Thos. P. White Spring Hill, Spring Hill John D. Vincell Pacific, Pa.cific City A. W. McClure W. Ellis Glenn Occidental, St. Louis Thos. Richeson Wm. N. Loker Martin Collins Joachim, Hillsboro E. F. Honey Ira. J. Bechett Tuscumbia, Tuscumbi& W. C. McCubbin Wolf Island, Wolf Island H. L. Petrie Winchester, Winchester E. Y. Cowgill Pride of the West, St. Louis Wm. Burden C. M. Brookes J. H. McAlpine
247 W. M. S. W. *W. M. W. M. *J. W. W. M. S. W. J. W. W. M. J. W. W. M. :*S. W. *8. W. W. M. S. W. J. W.
Howard, No. Williamsburg, " Wyaconda, " " " Jefferson, , Livingston, " " " Wakanda, " Douglass, " " " " " Richmond, " Monticello, " Pattonsburg, " Savannah, " Danville, " " " Independence, " " " " " " " St. Joseph, .••••.•••.. " " " Polar Star, " Laclede, " " " " " Potter, ,I
4, Jack White. 8, Armistead HU@;heB. 24, B. E. DaviB. 24, Rob't E. Rain. 43, JaB. W. Gooding. 51, Jas. G. Bibb. 51, William Tippet. 52, Wm. D. Bt..sby. 54, John T. Long. 54, John C. King, non-pay't dues. 54, John W. Clayton." " 57, John Rice, non-pay't ducs. 58, Joshua L. Huff. 65, William Brown. 71, Asa P. Ashley. 72, F. J. Johnson. 72, A. D. Reed. 76, Porter McClanahan. 76, Cha's H. Thornton. 76, JaB. C. Marion, non-pay't dues. 76, Tho's J. Shaw. " " 78, J. C. Twoombly. 78, Henderson SmaIIwood. 79, James Wykeham. 83, William G. Jarrell. 83, J ohnstoll Craig. 83, Geo. Brandon. 84, W. C. WhIte, non·pay't dues.
Potter, Friendship, St. Andrews,
No. 84, J. R. Herrington,'t dues. " " 89, Harding R. Manning." " 96, W. E. Maddox. " , "96, Jas. T. Garrett. Bethany, " 97, S:1m'l Alley, unmasonic conduct. " " 97, L. D. Thompson, non-paym't dues. " " 97, H. Salmon, " " " " 97, Tho's Vandworth, " " " ,. 97, Wm. Waltz, ,~ " " " 97, L. G. Jones, " " " " 97, S. K. Montgomery, " " " " 97, E. L. Ellis, " " Mt. Vernon, " 99, John Britton. Canton, " 100, G. W. Dallas. " " 100, J. S. Covert. " " 100, John Collins. " " 100, E. P. Godrich. Heroine, " 104, William White. " " 104, S. W. Eldridge. " " 104, S. R. Smiley. " " 104, Thomas Mosely. " H 104, G. D. Hurt. " " 104, Wro. B. Coots. " " 104, II. B. Bonton. Golden Square ....... " 107, Wm. Carlyle, non-pay't dues. "" " 107, E. Mosier, " " " " "107, Wm.T. Donaldson, " ,," " 107, J. S. Cook, " " " " " 107, P. Slater, " " "" ., 107, R. M. Daniels," " "" " 1 07, ]\{. Baker, " " " " " 107, W. C. Rickett," " " " 107, L. Burnett, " " " " " " 107, Jno. Homer, " " Montezuma, " 109, Jules Jeaunerett. " " 109, JaB. L. Hubbell. Daviss, " 116, Nathan Gillean. 23 G. L.
250 Athena,
John Dade, Edina, " Maryville, Mirabile, Fairmount,
No. 127, Solomon A. Cadle. 11 144, Cha's O'Kelly. " 160, Thomas C. Moore. " 160, Cyrus Fowler. " 165, Hiram S. Marble. " 16o, Green W. Harrison. " 168, T. L. Durkee.
Auburn, St. Louis, Wellington, Mercer,
No. " " "
" "
" "
14 20 22
J. L. Damron. Augustus Rheinheimer. Joseph Mark. Daniel Monroe. Christopher Morrow. John Raughman. John S. Farr. Sam'l Barrier. Henry L. Frary. Jno. H. Bayley. Andl'ew J. Byrne. Lurz. Anderson. E. \V. James. John W. Adn,ms, F. C. F. E. Dimmick. ~ ..Lewis Tracy. Augustus Moore. John D. Fogerson.
85 35 35 52
Monticello,.........." 58 New Bloomfield, " 60 St. Mary's " 63 Warren, ~. 74 Lebanon, ·, 77 St. Joseph, " 78 " " 78 " " 78 " " 78 Laclede, " 83
John T. Newbill.
Friendship, Mt. Vernon Relief,
" 89 ·• 99 " 105
J ohn F. Robinson. Jacob Sollar. Ri G. Killebreu. W. B. KiIlebreu. Rev. R. Rennick. Ge0. M. Kirk. Isaac S. Shelby. J. N. Durand. Michael D. Reynolds. Benj. F. Hudson. John M. Jones, HUll-all'. , Hi.ett Vance.
" Sibley, ..,
Kirksville, West Prairie, Pappinville, Pleasant Grove, John Dade, Sturgeon, Pacific
" 105 11[j " 128 " 130 " 140 " 142 "
" 144 " 174 " 159
INDEX. A. AunUlLl CommuniCll.tiol1 of Gr. L..A. F. and A. M. of Mo., proceeding. of...... Address of Grand Muter......... Accounts, Committee on..................................................... Applications and Communication., Committee on " Alabama, Review of Annu&1 Communication by Committee OIl Fonign Correspondence.. Amendments to By,Lawe offered by Bro. Melody _..................... Amendment to By路 Laws, by Grand Secretary................................................. Amendment to By-Laws, by Bro. Potter.......................... 芦 " " Decker............... A.ehland Lodge U. D., Review of its Proceedings and By,lAws by Committee on Lodges U. D Anjeron& Lodge U. D., Review of its Proceedinga UldBy-Laws by Committee on Lodges U. D..................................................................................... Appointments of D. D. Gr. Muter............................................................... " "Grand Cbapl&ins ~ " Lecturer " "Coll1lllittee on Foreign Corrwpondence................... Appendix ~................................................... Account of moneys received by GrtlDd .3ecretary after PabJication of Pro. ceedingB of 1858............................................. Account of Gr. Secretary with Gr. Lodge of Ko.............................. Annual. returns of Subordinate Lodges......... Ark&n8ll8 Lodge No.6, Liet of Members...................................................... Auburn " " l~," " Andenon " It 50, It " Arrow &ck" "35," Alex&ndria " 69," " Ashley " '15," " Athens " " 127," "
3 'i 30 31 32 ';4 76 103 109 115 1%0 140 143 143 lU J.45 147 148 159 162 1M 180 182 188 191 212
B. Boyd's, D. Gr. M., Report rel&tive to trial of offenders of late Ba.rcoxic Lodge Barden, of Pride of the West Lodge, Memori&l of......................................... Bloomfield Lodge, Review of its proceedings and By-Lam by Committee on ~ Lodges U. D Board of Relief, Memorial of..................................................................... Brown's Resolution rel&tive to dona.tion to Potosi Lodge...............................
91 101 114 123 138
Beacon Lodge, Bolivar " Bonhomme " Bridgton Bates " Bethany " Bloomington" Buffalo Harming Benevolence"
. 160 176 178 194 198
No.3, List of members " 41, 4t " " 44, " " " SO, " " 88, u
97, "
"102, " "147, " "150, " " 170,
" " " " "
201 203 220
221 228
c. Committee " Circular of Committee "
on Credentials . "Report of .. Gr. Master .. on unfinished business .. "Chartered Lodges i( ,t Lodges U. D . " Accounts . " Ways und Means , .. " Charity . " Applications and Communications .. " " Masonic College : . " Grievance , " Grand Mll-"ter's Address .. California, Review of Annual Communication by Committee on Foreign Cor0. I
~ .. ~ ...............â&#x20AC;˘ .......
Connecticut, Rel'iew of Annual Communication by Committee on Foreign Correspondence .. . Canada que"tion, treaties by Bro. Decker Committee on By-Laws . ~Committee to investigate returns of Subordinate Lodges relath'e to demits . C"ammulJication of Bro. Foster relative to paying his obligation to Gr. Lodge Committee on cL::-rges made against Bro. Melody .. " Applications and Communications, Report relative to 'Wyacondiu Lodge .. COlDmittee on Charity, Report relative to distressed Masons .. " Applications and Communications, Report relative to dispensation for a Lodge at Allenton .. Committee on Charity, report relnti"e to Bro. Truslow's Memorial .. of.Lodge U. D., report relative to By-Laws and proceedings of Subordinate Lodges .. Camden Lodge, Review of its proceedings lind By-Laws by Committee on Lodges U. D _ . California L. U. D., Review of its proceedings and By-Laws by COlD. on L. U. D. Chamois L. U. D., II It 4l" H Caldwell L. U. D., " " It " " Committee on L. U. D., Resolutions relative to granting of Dispensation......... " ." Applicati~ns and Communications, report relative to grl1ntlr.g; certaln DIspensatiOns .
4 4 11
30 30 30 30
31 31 31 31
31 31 33 35
77 89 90 92
92 93 109 110
112 113 115
117 120
Committee on Grieva.nce, Report rela.tive to " " Chartered Lodges, Report rela.tive to report of Sub. Lodges........ Committee on By-La.we of Chartered Lodges, report of................. " " Standa.rd form of By-Laws for Subordinate Lodges..................... " " on Accounts of Gr. TraM. a.nd Secreta.ry, Report ot................... Collins' Resolution relative to Gra.nd Tyler................................................... "" " " dues from scholarships &c........... Committee on Foreign Correspondence, appointment of......................... Closing of Gmnd Lodge... Clarksville Lodge No. 17, List of Members............................................... Cooper " " 36, " Canton " " 100," "............................................. Carthage " " 10.3," "............................................. ComplIB8 " " 120, .. Cedar "124,"" Constantine " 121J, "............................................. Cornwell " "158, ".............................................
255 125 131 133 135 135 137 140
143 143 166 174. 202 204 210 212 213 223
D. D. D. Grand Master's Report of Third District .. 14 " 2nd " .. 15 " 5th " .. 16 " " 17th " .. 11 " " 18th " . 18 " 19th " .. 19 " " 20th . 20 " " " 24th " .. 21 6th .. 23 "8th .. 24 " " lUh " .. 26 "13th . 27 " "14th . 28 " 25th " .. 30 DelawlLr~, Ite"iew of Annu",1 Communice,tion by Committee on Foreign Correspondence . 35 Decker', Treatise on the Canada queotion .. 70 " Iteport on Lexington question . '15 Do,vis' Resolution relat.ive to "prons, <Ioc . 89 Daggett's Heport relative to goanI procured . 91 Decker's ResuluLioll relative to donation to a widow . 93 Decker's Ameudment 1.0 By.T"aws relative to Dispensations , .. 109 DHyton Lodge U. D., R.eview of its proceedings and By-Lnw~ by C~nimitt,e on Lodges U. lJ : ~ . 117 Demits, Report of Special Committee : .. 129 Dearie's Resolution relative to granting Dispensations .. las De路vis' Resolution relative to DispensationB .. 139 Decker's Resolntion re!:l.tive to taking Inventory of M. C. &c , . 139 District D. Gr. Ma.sters, appointments of .. 110 Dawson Lodge, No. 37, List of Membel"' ' : .. 115 Donglass" 54, " .. 182
Danville Lodg-e No. 72, List of Members Da\·i~8
.( 116,
" 122, "
_..... 189 ...................................................
.................................................. 211
E. E8tiwate of Colle;-e Building, &c., by Sec. of Masonic CoUege........................ Election of Granu oflicers........................................................................... Evening- Star Lodge, Reyiew of its proceeding-s and By-Lllws by Committee On Lodg-es U. D..................................................................................... Eureka Lodge No. 73, List of Members....................................................... Easton " 101, " Erwin ,. "121," it Edina. " 160, " it "167," ,
88 101
112 190 203 210
224 226
F. Foreig-n Correspondence, Report of............. .•• Foster's Communica.tion relatin to paying his obliga.tion to Gr. L.................. Friday morning proceedings........................................................................ Fra.nkfort Lodg-e, U. D., Review of its proceedingll and by Committee on Lodges lJ. D................................................................................. Foster's Resolution relative to liquidating dune to Profll!lsOrll of Mlll!onic College Friday &lternoon Proceedings............... Florida Lodge No. 23, List of Members...................................................... Fayette "47, " "...................................................... Fulton " " 48, " "..................... Friendship it " 89, " "........................ " "119," Foster Elint Hill." "143," ".............. Fairmount" "168," "......... Grand Secretary's T..bula.r Statement for 1859...........
31 90
112 119 123 125 169 179 179 198 210 218
227 234
G. Gra.nd officers, List of.................... 3 Grand Master's Address............................................................................... 7 Circu1o.r .. 11 Grievance, Committes on........................ 31 Grand ~agter's Address, Committee on......................................................... 31 Georgia, Review of Annu..l Communication by Committee of Foreign Correepoodence...... 35 Gnmd"Ma.ster's Address, Report of Committee............................................... 76 Grand Secretary's Resolution rel..tive to Demita..................... 89 " Report rela.tive to his account\! during the past yesf........... 94 Grand officers, ektction of........... 101 " Installation of............ UO Cha.plins, appointml!Dts of.................................................................. 143 U Lecturer, u· " 11 l~
Grand Lodge, Closing of.. .. Grand Secretary's Account of moneys received after the publication of proceed. ings of 1868 . Grand Secretary's Account with Gr. Lodge of Milll!ouri .. Gra.nd Sec,etary·. Account with Gr. Lodge of Missouri, recapitulation of . Gl'llnd TrellSurer's Account with Gr. Lodge or MillSouri .. Geo. Washington Lodge No.9, List of Members . Gra.ham " " 38, ,t •...•' . Golden Square "107, " " . GrisW'old ""178, " " ..
147 148 165 158
163 176 206 231
H. Horticultural Exhibition, invitation of Gr. Lodge to . 109 Henry Clay Lodge, Review of it. proceedings and By-Laws by Committee on Lodges U. D .. 118 Hannibal Lodge, Review of its proceedings and By-Laws by Committee on Lodges U. D .. 118 Howard Lodge No.4, List of members .. 161 Huntsville 'i " 30, " 172 Heroine "104, " . 204 Hiram "118, " .. 209 Hermann "123, " . 211 Hartford "171, " .. 228 u
I. Indiana:) Review of Annual Communication by Com. of Illinois H Iowa H Invitation of Gr. Lodge to Horticultural Exhibition Installation of Gr. officers Independence Lodge No. 76, List of Members ;
~'oreign Correspondence
38 39
40 . I~ . 140 .. 19C
J. Jetrerson Lodge, No. 43, List of Members Jackson 82, " J ohn.on" 85, " John Dade" "144," Joachim " 164, "
177 195 196 218 225
KUDSM, Hel'iew of Amlu~1 Communication, by Com. on Foreign Correspondence.. 42 Kirksville Lo<lg-e, No. 12S, List of Members 213 Kenner ISO, " 232
L. List of Gl':tnu Ofiic9r'.................................................................................... Past Grand Otlicers............................................................................ Lodges represented.. 24G. L.
3 4 4
Luke, ResolutioD of... ..•.• 7 Lodges U. D., Committee OD.......................................................................... 30 Lou:siaDa, Review of Annual Communication, by Com. on For. Correspondence.. 44 Luke presenting Communication in reference to Masons' Club........................... '16 Liberty Lodge, No. 31, Resolution of 123 Luke's Resolution relative to Dispensations 135 Lodges U. D., Dues received 153 List of Members of Missouri Lodge, No. 1. 159 " " Meridian"" 2....... 1&0 " " Beacon " "3 160 " " Howard " "4 161 " " United "" 5 161 " Ark" "6 162 " U WilliaIl1!burg U 8 162 ., " Geo. Waehington " 9 163 II It ShaWnee if i' 10 163 " " Po.uldingville U 11 164 " " T;y:ro " " 12 164" U Rising Sun" " 13 164" ,. Auburn " " 14 165 " U Mempbis"" 16 165 " " Clarksville"" 17 166 " U P&1myra " 18 166 Ii " Pa.ris Union (~ 'I 19 167 " " St. "Louis " 20........... 167 " " Wellington"" 22 168 " " Florida U 23 169 " U Wyaconda"" 24 169 " " Naphtbali U ., 25 169 " " Mexico " " 26 170 " " TlUUple " " 27 170 ;" " " St. John'e " " 28 171 " " Osage " " 29 171 " " Huntsville"" 30 172 " " Liberty " " 31. 172 ,. Lafayette"" 32 172 tl Ralls 'I 83 173 " "Troy " 39 173 " M~rcer " " 35 174Cooper " " 36 174 " D"wson " 37 · 175 " Graham " 38 175 " Tully " .19 176 Mt. Mol"iab" " 40 176 " Boliv•.r " 41. 176 " Middle Grove " 42 177 .TetTerson " I' 43 177 Rochester " 44 178 " 45 178 Bonhomme " Fayette " 47 -._ 179 " Fulton I' II 48u 179 "
0 0...............
" "
List of Members of Anderson Lodge, No. 50 " " Livingston"" 51 " " W..k..nd.. " 52 " " WeBton " " 53 " " Dougl&8s " 54
_·•••• 180 180 180 181 182
Arrow Rock
" " 56
Richmond Monticello
" " " "
" " " " " "
" "
" "
" " " "
" "
" II·
" "
" "
" " " " " " " " "
" " "
" 63 ." 65
186 18G
New Bloomfield
57 58 "GO " 61 "62
]82 IS:J ]S:3 IS:1 : IS;; 0' •••••••••• 185 1S5
Oceola. Maysville St. !llo.ry's
Linn Rocheport
187 187 Tebo " " 68 188 Alexandria. it "69 188 ii 70 ' ,. 188 Roanoke Savannab ii ii 71.... 189 Danville " "72............. 189 Eurek.. " 73..... 190 Wa.rren " " 74 190 Ashley " 75 191 Independence" "76 191 Lebanon " "77.. 192 St. Joseph " 78..... 193 Polar Star " 79 193 Bridgeton " 80 : 194 Neosho " " 81. 19-1 Ja.ckson " 82 195 Laclede ". 83 19;; Potter " " 84 : 19G Johnson " 85 196 Mitchell " 86 197 Washington " 87 197 Bates i ' " 88 , 198 FriendEhip " 89.~ ...................••......................... IPS Prairie " 90 199 Madison " 91. 199 Perseverance" "92 199 St. Marks " "93 260 8t. Andrew8'" "96 '" 201 Bethany 97 :: 201 Webster " 98 201 Mt. Vernon " "99 202 Canton " lOU ,..; 202 Easton " 101. _ 203 Bloomington" " 102 :.: 203 Carthage " 103..... 204 Heroine " " ·104 204 ,t
66 67
Lilt of' Memh8lll of Relief Lodge, No. 105, " 100 " " Lo.porte " " Golden Square " 107 " 108 " " New' Madrid " II II Montezuma a " 109 " " Plattsburg" " U3 " " Sibley " " U6 " II Daviess " " UO " " Vel1l&illeB" " 117 (I II Hiram " U8 " Foster " 119 " Compass " " " 120 " Erwi.n " 121 Dover " " " 122 Hermann " 123 " " Cedar " 124 " " Seaman " " " 212 Athens " 127 " Kirksville " 128 Constantine " " 129 " Weat Prairie " " J30 " Sto.r of the Wellt " 133 " " Ridgely " If J36 " " Phrenix " " 136 " Round Pro.irie" I f 138. " Oregon " " 139 " Pappinville, " " 140 " " Middlebury " "J41 " Ple&llant Grove " 192 " Flint Hill " 143 John Dade " " 144 Risill,g'.Star " " 146_•._ "i, McGee "" " 146 /I Buffalo " " 147 Yancey " 148 Lexington " 149 " " Berming " " 160 Milton " " " 161 Linn Creek " " 152 " Spring Hill " " 155 " " North Star " " 157 Cornwell " 158 " " Pacific " " " " 159 Edina " " " 16Q Whitesville " 162 " Occidenta·1 " " " 1G:~ ..•• 0.
_. __••••.•••• 203
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
Maryville Mit'ahiJe ElnorlLllo
" " " " "
16,1. 165 166 167 16S
206 206 200 200 207 208 208 209 209 210 210 210 211 211 212 212 212 213 213 214 214 216 215 216 216 219 217 217 218 218 2J9 219 220 220 220 221 221 222 222 223 223 223 22·\ 221 22r)
225 226 226 226 227
List of Memhel'!\,of Tuscumbia. Lodge, No. 160 ,t Benevolence"" 170 u ••••.••••.•.•••• " Hartford" " 171 " Wolf Island" " 172 " "Union " 173 : " Sturgcon " " 174........... " Newton It 175 " " Point Pleaaa.nt ., 176 " Winchester"" 177 " Griswold " 178 " " Pride of the West "179 " Kenner" " 180 List of Sub. Lodges, Recapitulation of..... List of Representatives from Subordinate Lodges............................................
227 228 228 .228 ~~O
220 230 230 230 231 231 232 233 244
M. Monday afternoon Proceedings...................................................................... Melody, Resolution ot.................
Masonic College, Committee on " 31 Minnesota., Review of Annual Communica.tion by Com. on ]'or. Correspondence.. 48 Michigan, " "" "49 Maryland, . " " Ml Maine, " " 50 Melody, offering amendments to By-Laws....................................................... 74 Masonic Club, Communica.tion in reference to................................................. 76 Memorial of Bro. McAllister _.. 77 Masonic College, Roport of President of........ 77 "" " t o Board of Curators..... 79 " " " Secretary 80 " " Treasurer.. .. 84 Memorials by Bro. Truslow a.nd Tully Lodge No. 39 811 Melody's Report relative to certain cha.rges :. 02 Memorial by Bro. Burden of Bride of the West Lodge 101 Palmer of Meridian Lodge 101 "Ma.sons' Club," Report of Committee on 102 105 MlLjority Report on College by Bro. Foster Minority " Decker 105 110 Memorial of Bride of the West J,odge, Report of Committee Memorial of Occidental.Lodge 110 Modern Lodge U. D., Review of its Proceedings and By-Laws by COUl. on L. U. D. 1]6 Memorial from Board of Relief 123 MemorilLl of Occidental Lodge, Report of Select Committee JOO MemorilLl by Grand Secretary rellLtive to widow of deceIL80d MIlSon J:lJ MemorilLl of Bro. Palmer, Report of Special Commi ttee J 34 Memorial of Bro. Shadwell, Report of SpecilLl Committee 136 Mbsouri Lodge, No.1, Li,t of Mem1ers _ ]59 ;If eridian 2, " 160 Mcmphi~
26, "
17U 174
Mt. Moriah Lodge, No. 40, Liet of Melllbers Middlegrove " ..................................................... " 42, " Monticello " .................................................... " 58, Maysville " 62, " .................................................... Mitchell " "It ........... ........................................ " 86, Madison 91, " ..................................................... Mt. Vernon " 99, " " Monteznllla " ................................................... " 109, " It Middlebury .................................................... " 141, " McGee " " ................................... ................. " 146, " Milton " ............................. ....................... " " 151, Maryville " .................................................... " 165, " Mirabile .................................................... 166, " "
" "
" "
" " "
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ...................
" "
176 177 184 185 197 199 202 206 217 219 221 226 226
N. Nebraska, Review of Annnal Communication by Com, on For. Correspondence.... New Halllpshire, " " " " " North Cs.rolina, " " ".. New Yark, It Ii Ii Ii" u Novelty Lodge, Review of ita Proceedings and By-Laws by Com. on L. U. D Norton's Resolution relative to Standard form of By-Laws for Sub. Lodges Naphtali Lodge, No. 25, List of Melllbers New Bloomfield" "60," " Neosho " " 81, " New Madrid " "108," " North Star " " U7, " Newton " " 175," "
52 52 54 55 111 135 169 185 194 206 223 230
o. Orpgon, Review of Annnal Comlllnnication byComlllittee on For. Correspondence Ohio,.. " 9ccidentsl Lodge, Melllorial of O.age Lodge, No. 29, List of Members Oceola "Ill, " " Orpgon " "139," " Occidentsl" .. 163, " "
57 58 110 171 185 216 225
P. Proceedings of Annual Commnnication of Grand Lodge A. F. sud A. M. of Mo. Pa.t Grand Officers, list of............ Proceedings of Monday AUernoon................................................................. I'enick, Resolution of Penmylvania, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence Proceedings of Tnesday Morning................................................................... Afternoon........ .. Wednesday Morning................................................................ Palmer of Meridian Lodge, Memorial of.. Proceedings of Wednesday Afternoon Potter's Amendment to By-Laws Proceedings of Thnrsday Morniog :
3 4 4 7 59 74 89 94 101 101 103 101
INDEX. Proceedings of Thumday Aftemoon Friday Morning " Prairie Lodge, Review of its Proceedings and By-LlOws by Com. on L. U. D Putnam u " II il ,~ Patterson's Resolution rellOtive to Wido\vs of DecelOsed MMons ; Proce6dings of Friday Afternoon Patterson's Resolution relative to Balloting for Candidates Proceedings of Saturday Morning Potter's Resolution relative to PurchlUling Oarpets Proposed Amendment to By-Laws Paulding,ille Lodge, No. Ii, List of Members Palmyra " 18, " " Paris Union " "19," " Platte " " 56, U U.....
105 112 113 119 124 125 130 138 139 158 164 166 161 183
Pattonsburg Polar Sts;l'
Potter Prairie
" " 84, " u " 90, "
186 193 196 199 199 207 215 217 21'1 223 230 231
it Ie
65, 79,
Plattsburg "113, U Phoonix "136, ,t Papinville it ,t 140, ,e Pleasant Grove" It 142, " Pacific " " 159, " Point Ple88ant" "176," Pride of theWest" " 179, ..
a'a ••••• a.. •••••• ••••
•••••.••••••••• U
••• H
., U it
••••• _
Q. Quincy L. U. D., Review of its Proceedings and By-Laws by Com. on L. U. D. 111
R. Report of Committee on Credentials ,. 4 Representation of Lodges : :.;:.r. j, 4: RSllolution by Bro. Melody........................................................................... 7 t( It Penick..... 7
" Luke.............................................................................. Report of D. D. Gr. M. of 3d District................................. "2d 5th" " 17th " , ,'.,..... " ,..... " " " 18th 19th " 20th " " " 24th 6th " " . 8th lIth 13th " " 14th 25th "
1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 27 28 30
Resolution by Bro. Stephen............................................. I(
Sl 31 31 62 15 16 76 7'1 '19 80 84 88 89 89 89 90 III 91 92 92 92 93 93
Report on Foreign COITespondence......... Rhode Island, Review of Annual Communication by Com. on For. Correspondence Report by Bro. Decker on Lexington Qnestion................................................ Report of Committee on Grand MMter's Addrees............................................. Resolution by " Report of President of Masonic College " " t o Board of Cur..tor.... Secretary .. "TreaSllrer Resolntion concerning Installation of Grand Officel's, by Bro. R..lls................... Resolution relative to Demits, by Grand Secret..ry.............. Resolutions relative to Salaries of Officers of College, by Bro. Ralls.................. Resolutions relative to Aprons, &c., by Bro. Davis........................................... Resolutions by Bro. Ralls, relative to Bro. Foster's Communication.......... ...... Report by D. Gr. M. Boyd relative to Trial of Offenders of Late Sarcoxie Lodge Report by Bro. Daggett relative to Gavel procured.................. Resolution by Bro. Melody relative to certain charges..................................... Report of Committee on Applic..tions and Communications.............................. ReSOlution by Bro. Stephen relative to Memorial of Wyaconda Lodge............... Report of Committee on Chllrity relative to Distressed Masons.......................... Resolution by Bro. Decker relative to Donation to a Widow............................ Resolution of thanks by Grand Lodge of Missouri to Grand Lodge of Iowa and Obio for Presents.. 93 Repon of Gr..nd Secretary rel..tive to ..cts during past year............................... 94 Report of Committee relative to Masonic Club 102 104 Resolution by Bro. V..ughan relative to Danville Lodge Report by Bro. Ralls relative to Devising JeweL 104 Report of Committee on Applications ..nd Communications relative to Dispensation for .. Lodge at Allenton 109 Report of Committee on Memorial of Pride of tbe West Lodge 110 .... ~' .....• U Cha.rity relative to l\lemoria-1 of Bro. Truslow 110 i, L. U. D. relative to By-Laws ..nd Proceedings of Sub. L. 112 Resolution by Com. on L. U. D. relMive to Granting Dispens..tions 123 Resolution of Liberty Lodge, No. 31.. 123 Report of Committee on Application and Commnnicatin relative to gr..nting Dispensations 124 Resolntion by Bro. PatteJ1lon relative to Widows of DecellSed Masons 124 Report of Com. on Grievances relati ve to Appeltls 125 Report of Special Com. relative to Demits 129 Resolution by Bro. p ..tterson relatll'e to' B..lotting for CandidfLtes 130 Report of Select Committee relative to MemorifLl of Occidental Lodge 130 Report of Committee on Chartered Lodges relative to Heports of Sub. Lodges 131 By-LfLws of Cbartered. Lodge, 133 Report of Special Com. on MemorifLl of Bro. Palmer 134 Resolution by Bro. Luke relative to Suspen.ion 135 Resolution by Bro. Norton relatin to Standard Form of By.r,uw, for Sub. LOLlges 135 Report of Com. on Accounts of Grand Trell",rer !lnd Secret''' · 135 Report of Speci..l Com. relative to Memorial of Bro. Shadwell Hnd others 136 Resolution by Bro. Sutton relative to Grand Secretary's Salary 137 y
Resolution of Bro. Collins relative to Grand Tyler Deane relath'e to Granting Dispel1Bations It Brown relative to Donation to Poto~i Lodge Turner relative to Compensation for Services: " "Davis relathe to Beneficiaries Potter relative to procuring Carpets 4l Decker relatiye to taking Inventory of ltL C., &c u Ralls relative to Endowment Fund Collins relative to Dues from Scholarships,4c Recapitulation of Grand Secretary's Account with Grand Lodg-e Rising Sun Lodge, No. 31, List of Members Ralls " 33, " Rochester 44:, I' " Richmond 57, " " Rockport 61, " 'Roanoke " 10, " " Relief " " 105, " ". Ridgley " 135, " Round Prairie" "138," RiBing Star " 145, " " Recapitulation of List of Members of Subordinate Lodges Representatives from Subordinate Lodges, List of..............................................
13; 138 138 138 139 139 139 IS9 140 155 164 113 178 183 181 188 205 215 216 219 233 244
s. Shepherd, Resolution of u
. ••••••••••• u
•• ••••••••••••••••••••••
South C&rolinlt, Review of Annual Communication by Com. of Foreign CorreBpondence .. Spiller offers Webb's Monitor to Grand Lodge .. Stewartsville Lodge, U. D., Review of its Proceooings and By.Laws by Com. of Lodges U. D . Salem Lodge U. D., Review of its Proceedings and By.Laws by Com. of L. U. D. Sutton's Resolution relative to Grand Secretary's salary . Saturday morning's Proceedings :. .. Subordinate Lodges, Annual Returns of Shawnee Lodge, No. 10, Lillt Gf Members .. St. Louie U it 20, " it St. John " " 28, " .. St. Mary's " " 63, " " .. Savanna.h "11, " .. St. Joseph" '1'8,"" I ." •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.••• j . St. Mark's 93, " " .. St. Andrew's " 96," " .. Sibley " 115, " .. ,t c( 126, It ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Star of the West " 133, " " . Spring Hill " 155, " .. Sturgeon It 174, ,t (( ••....................•......••.....•..•........•.• 8uspen~ions ,......................•.. I ••••• 0 ••••• 0
G. L.
0 ••••
31 31 63 74 115
120 131 138 1511 163 161 171 186 189 193 200 201 208 212 214 222 229 248
II '.
T. Tennes,ee, Review of Annual Communication by Com. of For. Correspondence Tuesday morning Proceedings....................................................................... Tmslow offering Memorialfrom Tully Lodge No. 39....................................... Tuesdayafternoon Proceedings :....................................... Thursday morning proceedings afternoou Thomasville Lodge, review of its Proceedings and By-Laws by Committee on Lodges U. D Turner's resolution relative to compem",tion for services Tyro Lodge No. 12, List of MemherS Temple " 27, " Troy " 34, " Tully " 39, " Teho " 68, " Tuscumbia" "169," Tabular Statement for 1859 by Grand Secretary..............................................
64 74 89 89 104 105 119 138 164 170 173 176 188 227 234
u. Unfinished Busine's, Committee on............................................................... 30 United Lodge No.5, List of Memher'......................................................... 101 Union " "173," 229
v. Vermont, Review of AUIl1l111 Communication by Com.. of For. Correspondence.... 66 Virginia, u" 68 Vaugbn'. Resolution relative to Danville Lodge............................................ 104 Ver,aill". Lodge No. 1l7. List of Members 209
w. Ways I1nd Means, Committee 00................................................................... Wisconsin, Review of Annu"l Communication by Com. of For. Correspondence Washington Territory " """ Webb's Monitor, offered to Gr. Lodge by Bro. Spiller...................................... Wednesday morning. proceedings evening {( ,.. Wet au Glaize Lodbe U. D., RHiew of proceedings and By-Laws by Committee on'Lodges U. D Westville Lodge U. D., Review of Proceedingsl1nd By-Laws by Com. of L. U. D. Williamsburg Lodge No.8, Ust of Members............................................. Wellington (( 22, Wyaconda " " 24, " " W",kanda. " b2, " (( Weston t1" 53, " Warren
'Vashington 'Vebster
,'.i' 74, a (( 87, " " 98, "
31 &.l
'10 74 94 101 115 117 162 168 169 180 181 190
191 210
West Prairie Lodge, No. 130, List of Members Whitesville "162, " " Wolf Island " "172," " Winchester " "177," "
. 214 224 228 230
Y. Yancey Lodge No. 148, List of Members........................................................ 220
z. Zaradatha Lodge, Review of its Proceedings and By-Laws by Com. on L. U. D. 118 Zerubable