1862 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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The forty-second Annual Communication of the :Most "tV orshipful Grand 0

of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of

the State of 1\:Iissouri was held in the city of St. Louis, commencing on the fourth Monday or May, the 26th day, A. D. 1862

-A. L. 5862. PRESENT:

RT. W. GEO. WHITCOMB, S. Gr. \-Varden, as Gr. ~la,ster. " JOSEPH FOSTER, as D. Gr. Master. " D. P. \VALLINGFOHD, as Sr. Gr. 'Varden. " T. E. SHEPHERD, as Jr. Gr. \Varden. " JOHN D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer. " A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand SecretarJ. REV. Bao. JOHN D. VINCIL, Gl'and Chaplain. " G. A.l~DERSON, S. Grand Deacon. " "

" "


N. LOKER, Jr. Gmnd Dca,con. C. F. KNIGH'r, Gmnd Marshal. SAjfUEL RUSSELL, Grand Sword Bearer. A. STILLE, Grand Tyler.



PAST GR~~ on'leERS.

M:. W. JOSEPH FOSTER, Past Grand Master. " S. W. B. CAR~~GY, Past Grand Master. RT.W. D. P. WALLINGFORD, P. D. Grand Master. " OSCAR F. POTTER, P. D. Grand l\iaster. " JOHN H. T.DRNER, P. Gr. 'Varden. " R. T. EDMONSTON, D. D. Gr. W. JOHN W. LUKE, P. M:. CHAS. LEVY, P. ~/[ R. T. HAWKINS, P. M:.

E. DUFFIELD, P. M. The Rt. W. Acting Grand Master appointed Bros. O. F. Potter, J as. N. Burnes and :Martin Collins, a Committee on Credentials, who reported the following C£J represented: To THE

1\'1. W.

GRAl'l""D 0


The undersigned, ionr Committee on the Credentials of Representatives of SubOl'dinate CEb, respectfully report that the L€:J named below are represented as follows: LODGES.








George \Vashington





*D. N. Burgoyne, W. M. John .T. Outley, S. 'V. Judah A. Hart, J. W. *A. O'Sullivan, S. W. B. GolJsmidt, 'V. M. Joscph Crookes, 'V. M. A. 'Veigle, S. W. J. ,V. Branch, J. W. Earl Matlack, 'V. 1tL *J. 'V. Crane, S. W. J. A. H. Lampton, J. W. William B. Oglesby, 'V.l\I.






Auburn..........••........•......14••••••A. P. Dovrning, W. M. Clarksville•..•...•....' 17 J. ,V. Hemphill, W. :M. 'Wm. S. Hough, S. W. L. Slocum, J. W. Palmyra.•••...................... 18 *James S. llos~, W. M. St. Louis.............•..........20 John D. Torlina, W. 1\1:. C. S. W. Fitch, S. 'V. E. Na,than, J. W. Wyaconda...........•........... 24 J. E. Shepherd, W. M. Napthali..•......•••.•.•.••...... 25 Joseph Foster, W. M. , J. Turk, J. 'We Mexico.....•.....•...••••••.•••.• 26....••W. White. St. John's .••.•....•••....••....•. 28 James McDaniel, W. M. Huntsville•..........•.....•...... 30 *J.C. Schaeier, W. M. Ralls.••......••..............•...33 J. B. Vardeman, W. ¥. Mt. Moriah.......•.....•.....•.. .40 S. B. Stannard, W. 1\-1. *L. W. Mitchell, S. 'N. Middle Grove.......•••........ .42 G. A. Settle, S. W. Bonhomme........•••........... .45 A. B. Barbee, W. :M. J. K. Hempstead, S. W. T. McCutchun, J. W. Fulton.•..•..••........•....••.•. .48 IIcnry S. Tnrllel', 'V. ~L Livingston........•.•.....•..•.... 51. John H. Turner \V. )1. *J. D. Vincil, S. W. \Vakanda 52 Jamcs E. Drake, Vi. 1\1:. Weston..................•........53 James N. Burnes, W. M.


D. P. 'Wallingford, S. W. *Cctlvin F. Burnes, J. V{. Arrow Rock....•..•.......•.•.... 55

H. S. Mills, W. M. *0. F. Potter, S. \V. New Bloomfield..............•...60 ......H. S. Hubbard, W. M.




Danville Ashley Independence Lebanon

Polar Star Bridgeton Evening Star Marcus Erwin Constantine Potosi Star of the 'Vest Bloomington :Milton Concord Prairieville! Pacific Occidental. Joachim



72 W. D. Bush, W. :M. 75•••... *A F. Trainer, \V. :M. *B. F. Brown, S. W. 76 *James ·W. Crooks, W. :M. 77•.•... S. F. Dunlap, W. M. *Joseph Crow, S. W. 79 *J. W. Luke, 'V. M. J. H. Pottinger, J. W. 80 *David Baber, S. W. S. H. :Martin, J. W. 94 W. A. Spencer, W. M. 110 Samuel C. Collier, 'V. 1\1. 121. Charles \\T. Horn, W. :M. Joseph l\icriman, S. 'V. 129 A. E. Simpson, W. M:. 131. Joseph P. Brown, W. M. 133 *A. 'V. Holliman, S. 'V. \Villiam Tong, J. W. 142 T. B. Howe, W. M. 151. *Thomas P. 'Yhite, W. 1"1. 154 R. H. Fowler, W. :M. 157 *~rhomas B. Dorsey, S. 'V. 159 *\V. E. Glenn, S. W. 163 Thornas Richeson, W. ~I. Martin Collins, S. 'V. 164 E. :F. Honey, 'N. :1\1.

D. Newman, S. W. A. C. North, J. W. \VolfIsland Pride of the 'Yest

172 179

*J. H. Bethune, \V. ~I. *\Villiarn Burden, ,V. M. T. E. Garrett, J. yo{.






Ohamois.•...• ~ ......•...•.......185 188 Zeredatha 189


Frankford Allensville New Hope Poplar Bluff Rolla Mystic Tie Salem

J. M. Shobe, W. M. H. E. McDaniel, W. M. 0. F. Knight, W. M. *R. B. Weller, S. W. '*Samuel Russell, J. W. 192 William Penix, W. M. *John P. Fisher, S. W. 198 J. F. Merrill, W. M. 199 John Black, W. M. 209 J. W. Baldwin, W. M. 213 D. R. Parsons, W. M. P. R. Woodward, S. W. ~ 221. Henry Bruihl, S. W. 225 Newton Jones, W. M. Respectfully. submitted, O. F. POTTER, MARTIN COLLINS, J. N. BURNES.

The Grand Master declared a quorum present. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until three o'clock this afternoon.




The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the Rt. W. Acting Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The Rt. W. Acting Grand Master appointed the following :



Unfinished Bus'lness.-Bros. H. E. McDaniel, Joseph Crookes, James E. Drake, Henry S. Turner, Thos. Ritcheson. Chartered CEJ.-Bros. Samuel Russell, J. 'V. Hemphill, A. E. Simpson, Martin Collins, Wm. Burden, C. S. W. Fitch. Câ‚Ź:J U. D.-Bros. John. H. Turner, W. E. Glenn, J. H. Bethune, Wm. Penix, D. N. Burgoyne.

.accounts.-Bros. J. D. Vincil, A. Weigle, J. D. Torlina, L. W. Mitchell, J. H. Pottinger. Ways and Meana.-Bros. Joseph Foster, S. F. Dunlap, A. F. Trainer, C. F. Knight, Joseph Crow. Charitg.-Bros. Wm. White, Newton Jones, T. C. Garrett, R. H. Weller, B. F. Brown, E. Nathan. Grievance.-Bros. J. N. Burnes, J. F. Gilliam, A. Turk, S. C. Collins, J. W. Baldwin. .appUcationa and Communications.-Bros. J. W. Luke, C. F. Burnes, J. F. Merrill, N. A. Spencer, J. W. Branch, Henry Bruihl. The Grand Secretary presented the following Report on Foreign Correspondence, which was, on motion, received and ordered to be printed, and the resolution, recognizing the Grand o of Colorado Territory, adopted.



M. W.


A. F. A.


The Committee begs leave to state that since the 10th of August last, all mail facilities were suspended between his place of esidence and the rest of the world, and has been only partially resumed within the past few weeks; consequently he has been in utter darkness as to what has been doing in Masonry during the past eight months. Arriving in St. Louis, a few days since, he found a large accumulation of masonic publications and letters requiring his



examination and attention. From the former he has endeavored, during the brief time allotted him, to compile the following report, which, owing to the circumstances above stated, is necessarily imperfect. He regrets the absence of the proceedings of many Grand CEJ with which this Grand 0 has been in friendly correspondence. He acknowledges the reports of the following proceedings: California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington Territory, Wisconsin, Organization of Grand 0 of Colorado.


The Grand 0 assembled at Sacramento, 14th May, 1861. M. W. N. Greene Curtis, Grand Master, presiding. Ninety-four CEJ represented. Seven Dispensations for new CEJ issued. The Grand Master, in an elotjl~c;-.t atld.i.(,'3S, speaks of the Universality of Masonry, knowing no d;":;,tlnctlOlIS in the brotherhood throughont the world. In glowing term::. : calls to mind the achievements of the fathers of the republic 'vho fashioned the government, saying that it is equal to every purpose of its organization. It'

The Report on Correspondence was presented by Bro. James L. English, who, after noticing the proceedings of some sixteen Grand CEJ, abruptly brings his report to a close, leaving over " two feet of the pile undisposed of." M. W. James Lawrence English, Grand Master, Sacramento; Rt. V{. Alexander G. Abell, Grand Secretary, San Francisco.




OJ!' A. F.' A. MAsoN'S


The Grand May, 5861.


assembled in the city of Hartford, 8th day of

M. W. HowardB. Ensign, Grand Master, presiding. Sixty-six CÂŁJ represented. From the Grand Master's Address we extract the following: "Warm as our discU8sions may he at times in the atena of " ambition, the walls, within which our mysteries are solemnized, " hear not the most distant echo ~f the turmoil without ; our ears " are only greeted by fraternal salutations; our eyes see nothing "but friendly faces around our altars; our masonic assemblies "are ever characterized by the brotherly love and affection that "binds the heart of every true Mason to his brother. Thus, "brethren, let us continue forever, and unite in rendering the " praise to Him whom we all acknowledge as our Supreme Grand " :Master." The Grand Master was authorized to grant dispensations, at his discretion, to the several regiments of the State called into service during the present war. Suitable resolutions were adopted on the death of Bro. Avery C. Babcock, Past Grand Master. 1;

Bro. Storer, Grand Secretary, presented the Report on Foreign Correspondence. Alluding to our notice of his position, in report of. 1860, relative to making Masons of men physically disqualified from" learning or teaching the art," our Bro. says: "That in "the jurisdiction of Connecticut, where the Grand CE:J had "enacted or adopted no law or regulation on the subject, it was "deemed perfectly legal to conf~ the degrees [meaning the "Blue 0 degrees, of cOurse,] upon any man of good character, " who should receive a clear ballot, without regard to ' external "appeDd~ges.' This is called 'strange doctrine,' and sundry " 'musty old charges' are brought forward to confute it."



It would appear by the foregoing that these "musty old charges," if known, are not recognized as authority by the Grand o of Connecticut, and are, therefore, no landmarks in that jurisdiction. This your Committee will again call "strange," as he has for many years labored under the delusion that they were obligatory in all Grand 0 jurisdictions, and in this delusion he has been conÂŁrmed by such ma,sonic '\\Titers as Oliver, :Moore, :Mackcy and others.

If these six" old charges of the Free and Accepted Masons" are of no force, except when formally adopted by Grand Cfb, why is it that they have been so frequently quoted as containing within themselves certain great principles or landmarks which arc, ana have been, considered fundamental in their character, and which may not lawfully be set aside or violated by any Grand 0 or Assembly of Masons? That your Committee have long entertained this opinion it is scarce necessary for him to say, and he confesses to a feeling of disappointment that one so well versed in the landmarks, laws and regulations of the Order should so utterly ignore their validity. Ygur Committee deny that any Grand 0 may violate them becau:3e of their never being formally adopted as a part of its legal cotlo. We dissent from the position or our brother, that any man of "good ch~racter, who should receive a clear ballot, may legally "receive the degrees, without his having the usual complement of "legs or arms." 'Vo believe that if the candidate have no maim or defect in his body that -may render him incapable of learning the art-of learning physica.lly as well as intellectually-of le<1rn-' ing and teaching in the peculiar manner in which we learn and e would not deny the teach, then may he be made a :Mason. privileges of the Order to a man partially blind-we would to one wholly so. Vv'"c would not prevent a man partially deaf from admission among us-we would one entirely so. And most certainly we would not countenance the making of a :Mason of a man




deprived of legs or arms, because by countenancing such making we would be violating a landmark which we believe to be equally binding on Bro. Storer as on ourself. We readily acknowledge the necessity of the heart being prepared to receive the moxal lessons taught in Masonry; and we have little respect for the l\fason who is only so in name; but unless we have labored under a delusion for many years, we have thought that no would dare so far violate what we have believed to be a landmark, as to make a Mason of a man without the usual complement of legs or arms.


M. W. Howard B. Ensign, of New Haven, Grand Master; Rt. W. Eliphalet G. Storer, of New Haven, Grand Secretary.


The Annual Communication of this Grand 0, was held at the city of Washington, on the 5th November, 1861. M. W. B. B. French, P. Grand Master, presiding, with a full representation of Cf!:]. The Grand 0, by resolution, declared that it shall not be lawful for the CE!:J, nnder its jurisdiction, to hold communications on the Sabbath day for any purpose whatsoever, except to attend the funeral of a member thereof, or of a brother Master Mason. Bro. Ezra L. Stevens, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, presented a report reviewing the proceedings of such Grand Câ‚ŹJ as came to hand. He administers a merited rebuke to the Grand Master of Nebraska, for a want of charity towards the Grand r::::eJ and brethren of the southern States, as exhibited in his annual address to his Grand D. :M. E. Charles E. Stansbury, Gr. :Master, Washington; Rt. W. W. Morris Smith, Gr. Secretary, WashingtGn.




The Annual Communication was held in the city of Topeka, 15th October, 1861. M. W. Richard R. Rees, P. Gr. M~ster, presiding. Twelve CEJ represented. The Grand Secretary read a communication from M. W. Geo. H. Fairchild, who had to leave for the East on business. The State has been districted, of one of which our friend and brother, L. S. Cornwell, is D. D. Gr. M.

7\1:. W. Richard R. Rees presented his credentials as representative of the Grand 0 of Illinois, near the Grand 0 of Kansas, and was acknowledged and welcomed accordingly. Bro. Carr presented the report on Foreign Correspondence. It is a judicious paper, noticing the doings of the several Grand CEJ, our own among the number. The Grand 0 declined to elect delegates to the :Masonic Convention, to be held in Memphis, September 18, 1862. ~here

are several resolutions laid over for consideration, which your Committee would like to notice, but want of time forbid it. M. W. Jacob Saqui, Grand Master, Atchison; Rt. W. E. T. Carr, Grand Secretary, Fort Leavenworth.


The Grand 0 assembled at Louisville, 21st October, 186l. 1\1. 'V. Lewis Landrum, Grand



One hundred and nine C".:E!J represented. The Grand Master feelingly alludes to the empty seats in the Grand 0, once filled by brethren from distant parts of the State. In a circular, issued by the Grand :Master, he notices that two CE:J pagsed resolutions of a political character, and published the



same in the public journals. This the Grand Master believes to be n, manifest departure from the usage, as well as the policy, of the craft; and he affectionately. warns the C€J under the jurisdiction of the Grand 0 to desist from any expression of opinion upon questions of a political character, trusting that the wisdom of such a course will be perfectly manifest. He notices, in suitable terms, the death of Past Grand Master Levi Tyler, and also that of Horace B. Oliver, Grand S. Deacon. The Committee on the Grand :Master's Address, reported against the expediency of establishing Army C€J. The Grand Secretary presented a well written report, in which he condemns the introduction of politics or religion in Grand or Subordinate CEJ. I~ his notice of the Grand 0 of Vermont, he condemns the course, apparently sanctioned by that body, in reducing the ritual or the three degrees to writing, and says that his teaching was different, when initiated, nearly forty years ago.

)-1. ·W. Hiram Bassett, :Maysville, Grand Master; Rt. S. ~IcCorcle, Greensburg, Grand Secretary.

'V. John


The Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand in Baltimore, 13th May, 1861. ~I.


was held

W. John S. Berry, Grand Master, presiding.

Twenty-three CEJ represented. The Grand :Master understands the mission of Free Masonry when he says: "IT IS THE WORK OF THIS ORDER, ALREADY BEGUN, "HERE AND NOW, TO MITIGATE, Al.'ID AT LEAST, TO DO AWAY WHil, "THE HORRORS OF WAR-TO HELP THE RETURN OF PEACE, AND TO







Bro. McJilton again presents us with one of his model reports on Correspondence. From it we make the following extract: " We hold that any brother, who is a member of aD, in "action upon the admission of an applicant, has the right to " object to the admission of the person applying for the degrees of " Masonry without giving the reasons why he so objects, and that "the 0 cannot consistently, without further disclosures in which " the impropriety of his course may appear, call the brother to "account for his action. If a brother commits a wrong by such "proceedings and from malice, personal dislike, or other unjustifi"able cause, reject an applicant, as is sometimes unfortunately "the case, the· 0 and the fraternity must abide the issue, and " wait until the constitutional period shall have passed before the "remedy can be applied. There may be reasons, good and suffi" cient, why a brother should cast a black ball against an applicant, "which reasons may not, with propriety, be communicated to a " second party, even, although that second party be a 0 of his " brethren. Instances are known in which. the causes of objection "were required and stated to C€J, and instead of being safely {, locked in the repository of faithful breasts, they were communi"cated to the applicants and their friends, whereupon serious " difficulties were produced outside of the C€J, which aggrivated " these inside to a very considerable extent. The objecting brother "may be a grievous offender in the course he may pursue in the "premises, but as he is a brother craftsman, and a laborer within "the walls of the Temple, he has rights which the supposed claims "of none outside can set aside, and if he determine so to act, he " may prevent the best ann most deserving man of the community "from admission within the Temple walls."



\Ve regret to learn that TIro. McJilton is no more to fill the post of Chairman on F oreign COl'r~spondence. We think. it will be difficult to replace him. 1\1. W. Hon. John S. Berry, Baltimore, Grand Master; Rt. Baltimore, Grand Secretary.

'V. Joseph Robinson,


The Grand 0 assembled in the city of Portland, 7th 1\1ay, 1861. 1\1.

'V. Josiah H. Drummond, Grand 1\fa8ter, presiding.

Eighty-eight CEJ represented. The Grand 'Master, in a ~engthy address, discusses several questions of masonic law with much ability. In forcible language, he condemns the practice of electioneering for office, which, he says, has crept into some of the Câ‚ŹJ. He also alludes to that pernicious custom, which is so extensively practiced, of disclosing ou,; of the 0 what had been said and done in the D. But a chief source of dunger, says the Grand Muster, is a too rapid increase of members. Alluding to the sad condition of the countr)7, he says: "That in the impending conflict our duties as :Masons " are increased. In the very din of battle, and especially in the "hour of victory, the appeal of a brother should not be disre"garued." 'V en and truly said, :M. W. If those who call themselves 1\lasons were imbued with its sublime teachings, much, very much, of the horrors of this unnatural war might be averted. Bro. Pearl presented the report on COlTespondencc, which we woulu be pleased to notice, did our limited time permit. Suffice to say that it is not behind any which this distinguished brother has heretofore penned. ~I.


Josiah H. Drummond, Grand Master, Portland; Rt. 'V. Ira Berry, Grand Secretary, Portland.




The Grand 0

asse.mbled at Plattsmouth, June 24th, 1861.

)1. ,Yo Geo..AJ·mstrong, Grand Master, prcsiding. Sixty L.EJ rcpresented. Bro. Kinny, Gr:md Or~,tor, delivered an address before the Grand 0 and the public, in which he sass that the three Grand :1\1<1sters, at the building of the Temple, laid down their designs in the middle chamber, where the craftsmen assembled each day. wonder where the craftsmen assembled before the middle chamber was built! Seven years, we are told, were occupied in the building of the Temple, and in the entire ti7nc no rain fell during the da,Y to interrupt the workmen!' This is news to )Oour Committee; and we would th..'luk the brother to gi,-e his authority.


Among other equaJ~'y strange asscrtions made Ly this Oratur, is, th:Lt every American ~~neral, save the traitor Arnold, were :Masons. Now" while your C~~~~llittre deny the first pmt or this statement, he a.dmits th.tt which the Orator I.lcnics: Benedict Al'llOld was a ~hsun; and we al'~ ;u.s'tollished that anv oue :l,r; this lla.y· who pro"


fcsscs to lecture on ffi~ subject of :Masonry ~hould be ignorant of the fact. 'Ye protestn-gainst ::\~asons, who, having but a superficial knowledge of 1\lasonry, j~~ ~istol''y and s)"mbolil':'m, would faiu m~,ke it teach, foreshad.ow, q~' ~~directly proclaim something othcr than a belief and trust iu GOD, I'm-erence for H.!;) NAJ.LE, obedience to l·t' HIS LAWS, AXD A L1t'¢ IIEREAFTER. These are thc great truths which symbolic :Ma.c;om·Y teaches; and ma,y be con::;idcred the great moral a,nd religious ~~~~~mnrks of the Order. Free ~lasonrJ i8 no forerullller of any ot~rr organizatioll or associa,tion ,',·hat(wer. It is of itself complete ~l,~d independent, secking no support £rom any bud.r of men 011 cart}; by wha.teycr Dame they may he distingui.6hed. 2GL



We protest against any and all attempts which are, and have been, made to r~nder Masonry subservient or sectarian in its character. M. W. Geo. Armstrong,. of Omaha, Grana :Master;. Rt. W. Robert Furnas, of Brownville, Grand Secretary.



The 5emi annual meeting of this. Grand. 0 was' heM at Concord, on 27th December, 1860, at which they decided that the system of work and lectures, adopted by the Grand 0 in 1850, comes as near the system of Thomas Smith Webb as human minds can retain and disseminate, and that they are utterly opposed to any change, believing that the Grand 0, being an independent body, has the control of such mattere. We cordia.lly indorse the conclusions arrived at by our conservative- brethren of New Hampshire, and trust other Grand CÂŁJ willimitate . their example. The Annual Communication was held' at Concord, 12tli June, 1861. M. W. Aaron P. Hughes, Grand Master,presiding. Thirty-eight Câ‚Ź::J represented~ The Grand' Master's Address is truly masonic, touching on the unhappy divisions in the country in a fraternal spirit. In appropriate terms, he alludes to the death of M. W. Moses Paul, a Past Grand Master. The report of the Dr D. Grand.Master.s shows that this class of officers perform their duties in a faith-ful manner. Ne- rep0rt on Foreign Correspon(knce. M. W. Aaron P. Hughes, Nashua, Grand l\faster; Rt. W. Horace Chase, Hopkiriton, Grand Secretary.



The Grand 0 held its Eleventh Annual Communication, at Salem, 16th September, 186l. Rt. W. J. R. Bayley, D. Grand :Master, preJ'iding. Twenty-three CEJ represented. A communication from the Grand :Master, who was absent in the Atlantic States, was read, detailing his acts for the past year. Bro. Thomas H. Pearne, from Committee on COlTespondence, presented a well written report, containing a carefully prepared digest of such matters of- interest as he believed would be acceptable to his Grand D. The Grand 0, by resolution, censured certain brethren for withdrawing from the deliberations of the Grand 0 without leave, they being representatives of subordinate CEJ. A well written address was delivered by Rev. Bro. Thomas H. Pearne before the officers and members of the Grand 0, and a large concourse of citizens. M. W. James R. Bil,yley, Corvallis, Grand :Master; Rt. 'V. William S. Caldwell, Hillsboro, Grand Secretary. RHODE ISLAND.

The pamphlet containing the proceedings of this Grand 0 embraces four quarterly, one semi-annual, and one annual Communication. • The Grand 0 assembled in Annual Communication, at Portsmouth, 24th June, 186l. :1\{'

W. Ariel Ballou, Grand Master, presiding.




Bro. Doyle, Grand Secretary, presented a well written report on Con¡espondencc. In his notice of the proceedings of the Grand



o of California, which declares that it is wrong to allow A. F. Craft to testify, upon his honor, as a Mason, as none but Master Masons should be allowed to 80 testify, says: "Your Committee have no objection to this principle, if it is "only a. violation of the constitutional law of Califotnia, but if "by such a decision it is intended to be general law that Entered "Apprentices, or Fellow Crafts, are not entitled to declare on "their' honor, as Masons,' then your Committee object to it, on "the ground that they are :Masons, subject to all the discipline of "the 0, and, as 8uch, they are certainly entitled to testify on "honor in a.ny matter, and are degraded.from their position when " placed on a level with profanes." M. W. Ariel Ballou, Grand Master, Wonsocket; Rt. W. Thos. A. Doyle, Grand Secretary, Providence.


The Grand 0 June 11th, 1861.

assembled at Masonic Temple, Milwaukee,

Rt. W. Luman M. Strong, D. Grand Ma.Bter, presiding. Ninety-nine C€J represented. An " Installation Service for the Grand 0 " was reported by Bro. Palmer, and the same was received. • The D. Grand Master presented a brief report of his doings for the past year. Bro. H. L. Palmer presented the report on Correspondence. It is a well prepared paper, commenting on the acts of the several Grand C€J in a kind and fraternal spirit. The Grand Lecturer, by order of the Grand Master, arrested the charter of a 0 for initiating and passing a candidate who had not resided within the jurisdiction for one year.



The Grand 0 sustained the action of the Grand Master, declar. ing it justifiable and necessary-but subsequently restored the charier! M. W. Alvin B. Alden,Grand Master, Portage City; Rt. W. W.T. Palmer, Grand Secretary, Milwaukee.


The Grand 0 assembled at Olympia, the 2d September, 1861. M. W. Selucius Garfield, Grand



Eight r::eJ represented. The work was exemplified in Grand 0, by raising a candidate furnished by St. John's D. A resolution was adopted, limiting brethren in discussion to five minutes at anyone time, nor to speak more than twice upon the same question without express permission of the Grand D. On the evening of the 3d the Grand Master delivered his annual address. We notice that the Grand 0 expelled two brethren without any action of subordinate Câ‚Ź:J, and in one case without summons or notification of any kind being issued to the offending party. While we do not deny the right of a Grand 0 to expel for sufficient cause, we believe the parties accused should have due notice, if possible, and by all means a fair trial. In the cases before us the parties appear to have been expelled by resolution. This course is repugnant to the spirit of Masonry, which teaches us to be careful of a brother's good name. The matter was subsequently postponed until the next annual communication. M. W. Daniel Bagley, Grand 1\-Iaster, Seattle; Rt. W. T. M. Reed, Grand Secretary, Olympia.


F; -'A. MASONS'"


A :Masonic Convention, for the purpose of organizing a Grand o for this Territory, was held at Golden City, August 2d, 186l. The following Warranted LEb were represented: Golden City, Rocky :Mountain and Summit. A Con8titution and By-La.ws were reported, and adopted. The proceedings appear to have befm conducted in a regular manner. We therefore offer the following:

Resolved, That the Grand

of Missouri extend the right hand of fellowship to the Grand 0 of Colorado, and bid her God speed in her efforts to promulgate the great principles of Free :Masonry. 0

~I. W. J. M. Chivington, Grand :Master, Gold Hill; Rt. W. O. A. 'Vhittimore, Grand Secretary, Parkville.


Within the past year the Grand 0 of Missouri is called UpOT to mourn the loss of M. W. Benj. 'N. Grover, and M. W. Benj. Sharp, who have heen summoned to appear before the Grand. l[nster of the Universe. They were zealous in the cause of :Masonry, and their loss will be severely felt by their surviving brethren. We are also called 'on to mourn the loss of Rt. 'V. Thornton Grimsley, one of the original members of the Grand 0 of Missouri, and a ~ast Grand 'Varden of this Grand D. Our brother lived to see the Grand 0 from its infancy to the time she could number two hundred and twenty-five C拢::]. Thus do our brethren pass away, dying as good men should die, with the hopes of a gloriouf' immortality.




We have brought our report to a close, and submit it with ~ its imperfections. Having passed through many trying scenes -within the past ten months, we have no heart to write. We mourn for the unhappy condition of the country and the amount. of human suffering we have witnessed; and imagination carries us to the many happy homes of our fellow citizens, and we see with the "mind's eJf:,'" widows mourning for the loss of their belovedcomp.anions; mothers and fathers, as the seats around the domestic hearth are v.acant, lamentin.,g for their 'young men, the light and life of their declining age; orphans, from tender infancy to unprotected youth, suddenly thrust upon the cold charities of an unfriendl'y world. The thousands of maimed and emaciated, which .are scattered throu,gh the land, with eonstitutions broken, and with no means for future support, fill our soul with agony, and we are ready to exclaim in bitterness of heart--" My God, my God, why hast ttlOli forsa.ken us1 '" Why is it, that in this age of the world's history, such fearful calamity should have fallen upon us 1 Are <mr pretensions to superior civilization, and to a higher morality, but a myth or the effects of an overweening self esJ,~em 1 Are we not now presented to the nations of the world in our naked defonnity? and ~ill they not revile us for assumption of 8upe- . riority in all that constitutes true greatness, when they see how Iittle we had to sustain such pr.etensions? It is good at times for natioIlB to meet with reverses, if the lesson which adversity teaches is read aright. And if we can now only comprehend the hard lesson we are being ta~ght, it may result in good. If we will, with a chastened spirit, acknowledge our manifold transgressions, and determine to live more in accora.ance with the teachings of the Great Light ; if we will so far subdue our passions as to bear ani forbear with each other, then will it appear that the troubles no,' upon us ha,ve been sent by a wise and merciful parent for ou




good. If we, as Ma~oDs, exercised in their fullest extent those great lessons of prudence, justice and charity, which have 50 frequently been taught as, much of the worst features of the present unhappy contest, now waging by members of the same great family, might never have appeared. But, alas, for poor humanity, Masons, in too many instances, have forgotten those lessons, and, by their acts, clearly prove that they entered the Order for far different purposes. Their hearts were never prepared to receive the lessons of Free Masonry; they never learned to subdue their passions; and their Masonic lives have been one continual lie. Is it too much to' ask of our brethren every1"here to labor faithfully and patiently to subdue strife :lnd contention, to be ever found on the side of law and order, and to extend to the brethren, who, erring, may ~esire to return to their homes and live in peace, that charity which, next to a belief and trust in God, is the brightest jewel of our Order. :May God restore peace and tranquillity to our unhappy country. Fraternally s~bmitted,

A. O'SULLIVAN. TIro. DuffieH offered the f()nowin~ :

Resolved, That the portion of the report of'the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, referring to the death of Bros. GroYer, Sharp and Grimsley, be referred to a Committee of five. And the Rt. W. Acting Grand Master appointed the following as the Committee: Bros. Irish, Duffield, Foster, 'Wallingford and Shepherd. A memorial from !vlJstic Tie 0 was received, and, on motion, referred to Committee on Chartered Câ‚ŹJ. The amendment to By-Laws, offered last year by Bro. J. Turner, was read, and the same was rejected.




Th& amendment to By-Laws, offered last year by Bro. Joseph Foster, and printed w;th the proceedings of Grand 0, was taken up, and after discussiJn, the same was adopted. On motion of Bro. J. N. Burnea:

Resoh!!'d, That a Committee be appointed to define the number and duties of D. D. Grand Masters. And the R. W. 'appointed. the following as the Committee: Bros. Grand Secretary, Foster, Burnes, Wallingford, and J. H. Turner. The amendment to By-Laws, offered last~e~r by Bro. Voorhies, and printed with the proceedings of Grand 0, was taken up, and the same was adopted. The following memorials and papers were presented, and, on motion, referred to the Committee on 0hartered I::EJ : :Memorial from W. :Master and S. Warden of Clarksville 0, No. 17, whose charter had bee~ arrested by D. D. Grand l\faster Jacoby; Sundry papers from P: D. G. M. relative to the same; Memorial from Shawnee 0, ~<?: 10; Huntsville, No. 30; Shelbina, U. D. ; Star of the Wcsh No. 133; Paper in relation to the S. W. of Rolla 0, 213. Bro. Shepherd offered an amep.dmoot to Article IV, Sl'ctioll 11, By-Laws of the Grand 0, to ~tr~ke out the wor<1 "fift)''' before " cents," and insert the word" twenty-five ;" and the same was read a first time. Sundry memorials were pre~e~ted, and, on motion, referred to the Committee on Charity. A communication was receiveq. from Bro. Wardlaw, and, 011 motion, it was referred to the Committee 011 Applications and Communications. ,.t'


A communication was read ÂŁr~~ the.M. W. Grand of Maine, appointing Rt. W. John D. :p~ggett their representative in the



Grantl 0 of Missouri, and, on motion, the same was referred to the following Committee: Bros. R. E. Anderson, Weller and Simpson. Tht Grand 0 of :Missouri was called from labor until nine o'clock to-morrow morning.




The M. W. Gr.and 0 of Missouri was called to labor by Rt. W. Acting Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Prayer by Grand Chaplain. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. The following accounts were presented and, on motion, referred to Committee on Accounts: From M. W. Grand :Master.

From late Middletown D.

A memorial from Bro. Robinson, of Danville, asking to have refunded the price of a five years Scholarship in Masonic College, paid by hIm to M. W. Benjamin W. Grover as agent for Masonic College, and the same was referred to the Standing Committee, consisting of Bros. Armstrong, Whittlesey and Edmonston. Bro. J. D. Vincil offered the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the Rt. W. Grand Secretary be, and is hereby instructed to contract for the Grand 0 printing with such party as will do the same on the most favorable terms. Bro. Irish oiered the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That in the exemplification of the several degrees of Masonry by the Grand Lecturer, during this Communication, the repr.esentatives of the subordinate CEJ be earnestly requested







to attend, and that they be required to conform their instructions to the same in their respective Câ‚Ź:J. Bro. J. N. Burnes, from Committee on Grievance,presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted:



M. W.



The undersigned, your Committee upon Grievaric~, submit a report, as follows: That they have carefully examined the memorial from Huntsville 0, No. 30; ap,d find it an appeal to the Committee of Charity, to which your Committee recommend its reference. They have also examined the memorial from Shawnee 0, No. 0 has suffered exceedingly ÂŁrom acts of grossest vandalism or.. the part of military forces, who robbed their o room of all its furniture, jewels, records, and everything else of the slightest value, your Committee upon Grievance can determine upon no action of an adequate or appropriate character. They recommend that said memorial be referred to your Committee on Charity. .

10, and, although that

The memorial from Shelbina D~ U. D.~ exhibits the fact that vandalism is not confined to the neighborhood of Shawnee 0, No. 10, but that Shelbina D, U. D., has suffered by public misconduct of military authorities in a manner unworthy the enlightened age in which we live. This memorial, however, ought to be considered by your Committee on CEJ U. D., to which its reference is recommen~ed.

The memorial concerning Bro. Paul R. Woo~ard_affords no ground for the action of your Committee, and they recommend no action be taken with r0ference thereto. Respectfully submitted, JAMES N. BURNES,




Bro. Collins offered a resolution which, together with one offered by Bro. Potter, were, on motion, referred to Committee on Ways and Means, with instructions to report on the same at three o'clock, to-morrow afternoon. A memorial was presented by Bro. Collier and, on motion, it was referred to the Committee on Chartered CEJ. Rt. W. Bro. Whitcomb presented a code of By-Laws for subordinate CEl, when Bro. Luke offered the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That action on the code of By-Laws just presented be had at three o'clock, this .afternoon. The Grand Secretary, from a Special Committee appointed last year, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To


M. W.



The undersigned Committee, appointed at the last Communication of the Grand 0, "to report to this Grand 0 at its next "Annual Communication, Bome definite rule in accordance with " Masonic usage, by which the question may be determined for " all time, when a person forfeits his election in a 0, and whether "a man elected, 'and entitled to initiation in one 0, can be "received into another 0 after the lapse of a reasonable time," beg leave to report that they have examined the "Regulations" of the Grand CEl of England, Ireland and Scotland, together with the" By-Laws" and" Regulations" of the several Grand CE:J of this country, and find no rule regulating the subject referred to in the above resolution. . Believing that the By-Laws of the subordinate Câ‚ŹJ should regulate such matters, and being desirous of laying down a rule for their future guidance, the following is submitted for adoption by this Grand 0 : Resolved, Tha,t should an applicant for the Mysteries of Free Masonry be elected, and fail t? come forward for initiation within



six months from the date of said election, his fee shall be declared forfeited, and the whole proceedings in his case declared null and void: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any o having jurisdiction from again receiving his petition. A. O'SULLIVAN, JOSEPH FOSTER, R. T. EDMONSTON. M. W. S. W. B. Carnegy, Past Grand Master, entered and took a seat in the East. The Grand Secretary presented an Installation Ceremony for the Officers of Grand 0, which was received, and ordered to be printed in pamphlet form. The Grand Secretary, for the M. W. Wm. R. Penick, Grand Master, presented to the Grand 0 a sprig of accacia in full bloom, received from W. Bro. Drummond, Representative of the Grand o of Missouri in the Grand 0 of New路 York. The same was received, and the Grand Secretary was requested to make suitable acknowledgements to our worthy representative for his appropriate gift. Bro. Vinci!, from Committee on Accounts, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The Committee on Accounts hereby submit the following report: We find, upon examination of papers placed in our hands, that our M. W. Grand M3!3ter, Wm. R. Penick, has a claim against this Grand 0, amounting to $17 00, money expended by him during his official year as Grand Master, for printing, paper, postage and envelopes. We offer the following:

Resolved, That the sum of seventeen dollars be paid M. W. Grand :Master Penick out of the funds of this Grand D.

路 30


Your Committee would further report, Cr'lncerning an account before us, from Josiah Whiteside, of some defunct 0, stating that he had pa.idsome $18 for repairs done on their hall, &c. : While it may be hard for the Brother to suffer loss bp the failure of his to meet its obligations, yet we are unwilling to recommend the payment of such claims by this Grand D.

Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. VINCIL, L. W. 1vIITCHE~L, J. H. POTTINGER. On ~otion of Bro. Foster-


Resolved, That the charter, jewels, books, and other property of Hiram 0, No. 118, be, and is hereby, arrested, and the Grand Secretary is required to take possession of the same for the use of the Grand 0, and t.hat he furnish certificates of good standing'to such brethren, members of the said Hiram 0, who are clear of the books of said 0, as may desire the same. Adopted. Bro. R. E. Anderson, from Committee on the Representative System, in the case of Rt. W. John D. Daggett, presented a report, and, on motion, the same was recommitted with instructions to review the whole subject. A memorial from Bro. White, a member of Milton 0, was presented, and, on motion, the same was referred to the Committee on Chartered CEJ. The Grand 0 of :Missouri was called from labor until three 0' clock this afternoon.






The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to 'labor by the Rt. W. Acting Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. A report from Committee on Charity was presented, and, on motion, the same was recommitted. Bro. Shepherd's a.mendment to By-Laws was read a second time. A bill for funeral expenses of' M. W. Benj. W. Grover, Past Grand Master, was presented, and, on motion, the same was referred to the Committee on Accounts. The hour having arrived for the discussion of the: Code of ByLaws, presented by Rt. W. Bro. Whitcomb, they were partly read by sections, when, on motion of Bro. Schaefer, the whole was laid on the table. Bro. J. H. Turner, from Committee on CE::J, U. D., presented the following report, which was, on motion, adopted:



M. W.



Your Committee on CE::J, U. D., make the following report: We have before us for our examination the proc.eedings of the following CE::J, U. D.: Shelbina, Saline, De. Witt, Boraer (dead), and Cypress. The proceedings of Saline 0 are deficient in thi~, that they do not show that the minutes of the 0 were read or approved, and that they permitted a petition for membership to be withdrawn after the same had been referred to a committee. By- Laws are correct. In all other .respects the proceedings are very regular and good, and, in view of all the circumstances, we recommend that a charter be granted. f~

Proceedings of Shelbina charter.


U. D., are all correct;. recommend



The proceedings of Border 0, U. D., are very irregular, and we recommend that the Dj'~l'e:lsation be discontinued until more satisfactory evidence be fur;llshed as to the capability of the brethren to sustain aD, an,l rr路.at the Grand Secretary be requested to communicate with the late Ecrfctu.ry of Border 0 and require that the jewels, furnitu:.:e, funds and any other property at present in possession of said 0 be forwarded to this Grand D. The proceedings of De Witt 0, U. D., are very limited, having done but little work, and ask for a continuance of the Dispensation. We recommend the continuance of the same. We recommend a charter be granteu to Cypress 0 when they .send up a copy of their By-Laws to the Granu Secretary: P1'Ovided, they conform to the By-Laws of the Grand D. We have had before us two petitions to form new CEJ, one in Warrenton and the other at St. James, in Phelps county, asking for dispensations. W~ ~ave examined the same, and find that both petitions come 'Wel~ recommended. We, therefore, recommend that dispensations be granted on each petition. We have examined p~e proceedings and By-Laws of Nevada 0, U. D., and find the work correct.

Their.By-Laws do not conform to the rules and requirements of the Grand D. Section 7, of article first, allows the brethren, in the absence of the W~ :M. and "l'ardens, to call any member to preside over them. \Y ~ recommenu that the latter clause of said scction be stricken out, all after the word" seniority." Also, section 8, of arHcle v, be stricken out and the following be substituted in place tkereof: " No member shall be allowed to " uemit from this 0 Ul~~~SS he is in good standing and clear of all " dues antl charges, allq f~ about to move out of the jurisdiction of "this 0, or to assist i~ ~he formation of a new D." Also, ill article vi, ~Frike out the words "vouched for by a brother," and insert in Heu thereof "examined in open D."




When the a.boyc rCflnin'mcnts are ma<.13 Ly said Nevada 0, we recommend thu t n: ch~tl'tcr Le grantcu.

All of which is respectfully submitted, J. H. 1'URNER, 1VM. ELLIS GLKKN ~ J. H. BETHL'NE, D. N. BUl~GOYXE. A communication, accompanying sundry documents from BorGer 0, was read, and, on motion, the same was bid on the ta~llc, and tllC Grand Secretary was instructed to obtain the names of all the members of saiJ. D. TIro. R. E. Anderson presented a resolution to reconsider the 'Votei:akcn 011 report of Committee on Gr:wd 0 reprc3entation, and the S,ULlC being adopted, the Committee presented the following report, with their report, after suhject was recommitteJ, and the same was adopted:



:M:. W.

GRA1"\TD 0

A. F. A.



Your Committee, to whom was referred the matter of appointment of representatives to this Grand 0 by Grand Lâ‚Ź:J of other States-in connection with the communication from the Grand 0 of l\faine, appointing Bro. John D. Daggett as the rcpresentatiye of said 0 to this 0, would respectfully beg leave to report that, in the opinion of your committee, the true interests of our great fraternity demand that there should be a frequent communication and interchange of fraternal feeling between the different Grand CEJ wheresoever scattered around the globe, and the time-honored custom of both foreign and home Gr. C2J inuorses this position that the necessarily enormous expense attendant upon such intercourse, if it be confined to Bome member of the Grand 0 which may desire to effect it, would render so desirable nn object almost, if not entirely, impossible. 3GL



That the fact that a brother has been elevated to a high position in the Grand 0 of which he is a member by the brethren composing it, so far from being an objection to his serving, is a suitable recommendation of such brother as a fit person to represent a sister Grand 0 in the body of which he is a member; and the elevation to his official position by his brethren precludes the idea that his action would be influenced by said commission so as to prevent the impartial discharge of his duties, which we regard as merely honorary in their charactelo, and not involving any action upon his part into which any impartiality could enter. We, therefore, recommend that commissions from sister Grand C€J to any brother of this Gr. 0, in good standing, be recognized, and that Brother John D. Daggett be received as the duly authenticated representative from the GrandD of Maine.

R..E. ANDERSON, Chairman. To


M. W.


We, the Committee to whom were recommitted the above report, would respectfully report, that we see no cause to change the same, and therefore submit it for action.

R. E. ANDERSON, R. H. WELLER, A. E. SIMPSON. The Committee on the death of P. Grand Officers Grover, Sharp and Grimsley, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To THE M. W.



The Committee appointed to consider that part of the report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, having reference to the decease of M. W. Benj.. W. Grover, :M. W. Benj. Sharp, and . Rt. W.Thornton Grimsley., respectfully offer the following preamble and resolutions:



WHEREAS, Our .Heavenly Father has, during the past year, " called £rom labor to Rr.freshment" our larethren M. W. Benj. W. Grover, M. W. Benj. Sharp, and Rt. W. Thornton Grimsley; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we receive, as the sentiment of this Grand o the ~ppropriate rema,rks made by the Committee on F~reign Corros.pondence, and cordially adopt them as a full expr,ession Q£ our £eelings at the loss we have sustained. lleoolved, That the Grand Secretary is hereby required to devote a blt1.nk page of the proceedings, with suitable inscription, to the memory of our deceased brethren, and transmit a copy thereof to their families with the sympathy and fraternal regards of this Grand D . .Fraternally submitted,



The Committee on Charity presented a report, and, on motion of Bro. Irish, the same was laid on the table. The Grand· 0 of Missouri was called from labor until nine o'clock to~.morrow morning.

9 O'CLOCK. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the Rt. Acting Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Prayer by Grand Chaplain. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and 81pproved. WEDNESDAY MORNING,




The address of the Grand Master, received this morning, was read by the Grand Secretary, and, a~ amended by the Committc~ to whom the same was referred, is inserted as follows: BROTHERS OF THE GRAl\"TJ) 0


The Forty-second Grand Annual Communic-ation of our Grand

o brings together, in social and fraternal council, the representatives of the oldest and most honorable association known among men. You should all feel thankful to the Great Ruler of the Universe that, amidst the scenes of ruin and devastation that surround you, he has once more permitted you to meet togethe:c as brothers and Masons, to legislate for the future welfare and prosperityof the Order. I regret to inform you that I canno~ he 'With you at this Communication. My home now is in the tented field, and I cannot leave it without neglecting my duty to the government that we should all so dearly love. As your Grand Master, I will here make a statement of my official acts during the recess of the Grand 0, and will make such suggestions for your consideration as I may think the good of the craft demands. Since our last communication, death has taken from our ranks some of our most highly honored and distinguished Masons. Past M. W. Grand Master W. Benj. Sharp and Benj. 'V. Grover are no more. In the beginning of our troubles 131'0. Sharp took a hold stand for the cause of law and order, and offered his sm路vices to the General Government. Bro. Grover was a Lieutenal1t-Co~oncl in the service of the Unit8d States, and died from wounds re"~eived at the battle of Lexington, Mo. They both lost their !i",cs on account of their devotion to their country, and both left families and numerous friends to mourn their loss. In accordance with a resolution of the la.st Grand 0, I have appointed representatives near many of the Grand CEJ with which we are in correspondence. I procured printed forms for credentials, and have appointed and commissioned the following brethren:


1\1. W. " Rt. W. "


J. J. Smith Rhode Island. Benj. B. French District of Columbia. T. M. Heed Washington Temtory. J. B. Kellogg Wisconsin. " J. B. Hollinbeck ........•.•....Vermont. " VV. H. Adams Pennsylvania. " J. J.\tlcF. Patton••••....•.......•.Oregon. '" Horace Chasa New Hampshire. " James Fenton Michigan. " A. G. Abell Califorma. " J.:NI. S. McOorkle Kentucky. " R. ,Y. :Furnas Nebraska TelTitory. :Fraucis King Indiana. " Connecticut. " E. G. Storer " 'V. 8. Hays Delaware. " J. H. Hough New Jersey. ,~ C. W. Moore Massachusetts. Minnesota. " G. W. Pl'escott " Irfu :Berry ..•..•.........••.....•••Maine. " J a.?ob Saqui............•....••...Kansas. Bro. Cornelius :Moore Ohio. " IJ. Lingenfelter lowa. " J. Adams Allen••..•.............lllinois. " :M:. J. Drummond ~ New York. In appointing representatives, I could not, on account of a limited acquaintance, follow the suggestion of the Grand 0,. and have appointed several who are officers in the respective Grand C§]. Many or the brethren named have accepted their appointments, and several of the Grand CEJ have reciprocated by appointing representatives in our jurisdiction. I hope that the representative system will soon he fully understood and practiced by all the Grand C2J~il the United States. The custom is of ancient date, having bectt a;lopted by the Grand 0 of England at a very early period. It was introduced into the United States in 1838, but did not meet



with general favor at the time, on account of the- expense of. procuring jewels for each representative, which custom has since been abandoned, and the only expense now attending it is the procuring of suitable printed commissions. I will call your attention to the North American Masonic Congress, which proposes to hold its next triennial meeting, in September next, at Memphis, Tenn. This, my brothers, is the old General Grand 0 in disguise, which has been proposed and rejected so often within the last eighty years. The articles of association you will find in the hands of the Grand Secretary. As this body can be of no practical use or benefit to our Order, and is uncalled. for by either the exigencies of the times or the genius of Masonry, I would recommend that you either take no action on the subject or decline sending representatives. I have granted no dispensations during th6} year for the forma.tion of new~. I have had but one application, and that in January, 1862, for a traveling 0 to be connected with the 44th Reg. TIL Vol. U. S. A., then stationed at Rolla, Mo. The time they would have to work under it being so short, I returned them their papers, and asked them to refer it to the present communication for its action. Would it not be well for the Grand 0 to ant€'rmine 'upon the pro11riety or granting di~pen~ations to nl'111Y CftJ, as other appiicatiolls may be made? I granteJ a dispensation to Sturgeon 0, No. 174, to hold one regular Communic:t.ti'On at Centralia, MO'., as their Hall in Sturgeon was oceupied by United States soldiers, they first giving due notice· to' all the members. Many ~plications have been made for dispensations to confer more than one degr€e upon a candidate at the same Communication, all of which I have respectfully declined gra,nting, as I have never- yet seen any good cause for confcrrin6' a degree upon a candidate until he was proficient in those already taken. Rocky Mountain 0, No. 205, in Utah Ten'itory, has ceased to work, and placed in my liands all her moveable property, consist-



i ng of her charter, jewels, hooks, papers, seal, collars, gavels, text books, and three hundred and twenty-two dollars in money, which I have forwarded to the Grand Secretary. Her books and papers show that she was in a prosperous condition. This 0 was composed principally of Masons belonging to the United States Army, who were forced to surrender their charter on account of the army being recalled to Washington City. Bro. M. J. Drummond, of New York City, editor of the Masonic Messenger, and our representative near the Grand 0 of New York, has sent to the Grand 0, through me, a sprig of Acacia, in full bloom. As I am unable to be with you, it has been forwarded to Bro: A. O'Sullivan for presentation. I would suggest that measures be adopted for its preservation, and that the thanks of the Grand 0 be tendered to Bro. Drummond for his kindness. It is customary for Grand Masters, in their annual addresses, to report the actual condition of Masonry in the State. I find myself unable to do so, as, out of twenty-four District Deputies, but four have rendered me officiai reports. I have visited but few LE:J during the year, and none officially. I am, however, of the opinion that not more than one-fourth of the LE:J are regularly at work, and it is out of our power, as Masons, to do anything to revive them until law and order are restored in the State. I would advise that the Grand 0 an-est the charters of all the LE:J that have heen delinquent for two years, and that all the dues from ÂŁ:E:J for the present year be remitted. I have herein rendered an account of my official doings for the year, and briefly called your attention to such subjects as I thought the interests of the order required. Thanking you for the generous confidence you have reposed in me as your executive, I am, Yours truly and fraternally, WM. R. PENICK,

Grand Master of the Grand


of lJfissoun:.


Gf.AXn LO!ICE lA' A. F. A. MA::;ONS

On motion of Bro. Shepherd, tho address of the Gr:tud ~Iaster was rcfel'l'c!l to il, Committee of three, and the following brethren were appointed in accordance with the foregoing motion: Bros. J. H. Turner, R. T. Eumonston, R. E. Anderson. ~.ehe Committee on Grievance presented the following report, and, on motion of Bro. Shepherd, the same was adopted:



IVr. ,y.



We, your Committee on Grievances, respectfully report the result of our deliberations upon the memorial of W. Bro. J. W. Hemphill, 'V. :M., of Clarksville D,_No. 17. The memorial brings up for consideration quite a number of official documents, communications and records, involving several important questions of Masonic jurisprudence. We have given them all a patient and earnest consideration, and while sincerely regretting the difficulties they have created, we congratulate the :M. 'V. Grand D that an occasion is presented for the early and final settlement of grave questions, upon which depend the harmony, and even existence, of the Grand 0 and the subordinate C€J in :Missouri. The attention of the Grand D is first called to the facts established by the evidence: Clarksville 0, No. 17, is among the oldest CE:J of the State. Its career has been one of uninterrupted usefulness for nearly thirty years. On the 20th April, 1861, at the annual election of officers, 'V. Bro. Hemphill was re-elected :Master, Bro. Hough, S. 'V., and Bro. Slo~um, J. 'V., and on the same eycning the officers elect were installed by Rev. Bro. L. R. Downing, a Past :Master :l\iason. The meetings of the D were regularly thereafter continued, and the record shows that the members generally attended and the work progressed as usual, until the 29th August, when the J. \V. Secretary and J. D. addressed a letter to R. ·W. Bro. John F. L. Jacoby, D. D. G. :Master of the Tenth District, who is also




a member of Clarksville 0, in which they state that they feel a.~grieved, because the 'V. :M. refused to assent, at his installatiun, to the ancient charges and regulations of the Order. Shortly after the receipt of this communication, the D. D. G. :Master addressed a letter to the M. ,Y. Grand :Mastcr, informing him of the nature of the complaint, and asking for instructions. The Grand :Master replied, instructing the D. D. to inquire diligently into the facts alleged, and that if the W. 1\1. persisted in qualifying any portion of the installation charge, to depose him immediately. The D. D., as directed, m.a.de inquiry at a meeting of sajd 0, on the 12th Oct01er, and the testimony is conclusive that the 'V. :M. then established by proof, and again declared his assent to all the ancient charges of installation, but admitteu that he had political opinions of his own as to the nature of allegiance which he then and still entertained, and into those views ''>1' opinions he very properly, as your Committee believe, denied the right of the D. D. GrandMaster to inquire. Notwithstanding the result of this interview the D. D. 8e2ms to have remained of opinion that the 'V. 1'1:. " persisted in qualifying the installation charges," and he thereupon performed an :M. from office. In doing so act which he calls deposing the he makes an additional point against the 'V. ~I., "that he had been installed by an unofficial 1\1. 1\1." 'W c are not clear as to Brother, in the nse of the term" unofthe meaning of our R. ficial1\:L :M./' but suppose it refers to the fact that nro. Downing, who installed all the officers of the 0, had never been elected to pr~side over a 0, although he is a Compo R. A. !vIason. The Installation seems to huye been considered valid by the D. D., Tiho officially recognized the S. 'V., thus installed, as 1\Iaster after the supposed deposition. But, as 'V. Bro. Hemphill had been regularly installcd as :Master for the two years immediately preceding, he coulJ not he deposed for mere informality of his third installation.





On the 16t.h November, the D. D. seized upon and anested the charter of said D, and suspended its labors upon the distinct and sole ground that" the name of a plotter agaz'nst the government" appeared upon the record as being present at a D meeting on the 9th of the same month.. The brother alluded to was, and still is, a member of that 0 in full fellowship. lIe was for a time an officer in the army of Sterling Price, but had returned home to pursue his ordinary avocations. Such are the/acts of the case; and such the grounds upon which a W. M. has been deposed, and an old and respectable 0 deprived of its charter-its labors and its members alike suspended. No alternative is left this Grand 0 but to sustain or repudiate the action oID. D. G. M. Jacoby, and it is fraternally submitted that it can in no respect be justified or sustained. As a member of Clarksville 0, frequently on the record as present at its regular meetings, he could not have been ignorant of the fact, that the installation took place in April, that the brethren who made the first complaint were then present, and afterwards regular in their attendance; and that the record of the D expressly states that the ~laster was duly installed. H~ must have known that that record was made up and certified to by the Secretary, who subsequently joined in the complaint~ and that it was read and approved, without objection in the 0, where the Bro. J. W. was at his station. And it is of record in this Grand 0, that in May, 1861, he represented Clarksville 0 under a proxy of this same W. ~I., thus installed in April, in our last annual Grand Communication. The Grand 0 and every grand officer, as such, are prohibited by all the teachings of our noble institution from any interference in the heart-rending strife now desolating our beloved country. We do not mean that multiplied ministrations of charity and kind offices to suffering and distressed brethren, whether engaged upon the one side or the other, shall cease-for these ought to be everywhere redoubled with the single inquiry, is the brother in distress?



It is not for us who have .preserved relations of loyalty to our government to pronounce sentence of outlawry upon beloved brothers, who, wherever they may be, are doubtless as conscientious in their action as we claim to be in ours. If they are in error, they are still our brethren; and they have the same equal right with us, as Masons, to determine their own political destiny, and we are not constituted their judges. We may grieve that so many of our brethren entertain conflicting political sentiments that lead to civil war and carnage; but as- Masons we hope the day will never come when our 0 rooms will be closed against a worthy brother on account alone of Iiuch conflicting political opinions. The Grana CEJ of England and. Scotland, with reference to our ancient brethren who rebelled against the former government, repudiated the power which aD. D. in Missouri dared to exercise. Every standard authority upon Masonic law has expressly repudiated it. The ancient charges and regulations reproduced in our book of Constitutions, repudiate it; and every impulse of intelligent Masonry condemns it. But in the case under consideration the brother had returned to his home and business. He had laid aside the flashing implements of war for the white robes of peace, and, as it appears from the evidence, had given his parole of loyalty and bonds f01' good behavior. How unkind, therefore, to seek to close against him the doors of Masonry !Brotherly love and charity are not mere names !-Fraternity must at all times . inspire us.

In answer to the decision of the M. W. W. R. Penick, Grand Master, as stated in a communication from him to R. W. Bro. Jacoby, in these words: "I have decided lately that a traitor to " the Government of the United States is not entitled to Masonic "burial, or any other benefits of Masonry." We append hereto an extract :from the great work路 of Bro. Albert G. Mackay on ~asonic jurisprudence. It is as follows:



"Treason and rebellion, also, because they are altogether ,; politieal offenses, canDot be inquired into by a 0, and although " a l\fason may be convicteu of either of these acts in the cow'ts "or his country, he cannot be 'masonically punished; and, not:, withstanding his treason or rebellion, his relation to -the 0, to :, use the language of the old charges, remains indefeasible." Mackay's Jurisprudence, p. 510. With these views, your Committee submit the following resolutions for adoption:

Resolved 1. That the act of the D. D. G. M. of the Tenth District, in ucposing W. Bro. J. H. Hemphill as W. M:. from his office., in Clarksville 0, No. 17, was illegal, and therefore void. Resolved 2. That the charter, records; and other property of said 0, be, au'.! the same are, hereby restored; and the officers and members of said 0 are also restored to all the rights and privileges which they 'Would have enjoyed, if the W. ~I. had not been deposed, or the charter of said 0 arrested. All of which is respectfully submitted,

JA1'1ES N. BURNES, J. W. BALDWIN, S. C. COLLIER, JAMES F. GILLIAM. The hour having D-nived for the election of officers, the Grand o proceeded to discharge that duty, with the following result: M. W. GEO. WHITCOMB, Grand


R'l" W. J'OHN H. TURNER, D. Grand Master. " " " "

WM. N. LOKER, Grand Senior Warden. SAMUEL RUSSELL. Grand Junior Warden. JOHN D. DAGGETT, Gr2..ud Treasurer. A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand S:e~retary.




The Special Committee, to whom was refe:'.Ted 'the address of the Grand Master, submitted the following, which wa~, Oll motioll, adopted:




Gr..o\ND 0


Your Committee, to whom was referred the address of our 1\:1. W. Grand Master W. R. Pe.nick, would respectfully beg leaye t~ report, that they '!ere pleased to find that all of the subjects referred to in said address have already been anticipated and acted upon by the Grand 0, except so much of it as refers to the decisions of the M. W. Grand Mastel', and it is, in the opinion of your Committee, therefore unnecessary, besides the lateness of the hour at which the communication was received, renders it impl'acti~abla that such subject~ as have been acted upon should be again refcrreJ to approprittte Committees. Your Committee would further report, thM as to that portion of the address which refers to the decisions or the M. 'V. Gr14ud :Masters, we can but express our admiration of that路 candor which prompted him to admit that they were of a "political" character, and as, in the opinion of your Committee, the spirit al1l1 genius of our great Order forbid, and its rules and regulations expressly prohibit, the consideration of ~my ~hing of a political or sectarian character. Taking warning from the unhappy fate whidl has befallen othcJ:" great and commendal'le in~titutions, by a depa.rture from the strict course which their legitimate objects l'cnllerell necessary, and desiring to steer clear of that grea.t rock which has rent asunder the Church of God itself, and is now shaking from center to circumference tIle great temple of republican liberty, which, for more than three-quarters of a century, has Lecn the admiration of the world, .we can but conclude that the introduction of that portion of the address was unfortunate for our Gr. 0,. and that the discussion or publication of it 'would be fraught with great evil to the fraternity at large. Looking alOl:e to the future welfare and prosperity of our noble fraternity, and expressly disclaiming any discourtesy to our



11. W. Grand Master, for whom we entertain sentiments of high regard and respect, we would thez-ef<>re recommend that that portion of the address, together with so much as refers to the manner of the death of our late worthy brother Past M. W. Grand Master B. W. Sharp, be laid upon the table and omitted from the published proceedings of this Grand D. All of which is respectfully submitted,

. J. H. TURNER, It. T. ED~iONSTON, R. E. ANDERSON. The Grand Treasurer submitted his annual report, as follows, and the same referred to the Committee on Ways and Means:



THE ~1.




. Herewith is presented. my account as Grand Treasurer, as required by fourth section ninth article of By-Laws, showing balance on hand at last annual oommunication, with amount expended and payments made to present time, to which I have added interest on remaining balance of last year, as per agreement then made, making a balanoe due the Grand 0, to date, of $6,646 85-my vouchers for payments accompanying my account. In addition to the notes of Wm. Hassinger, heretofore reported, I have got now that of S. R. Bay, for Mirable 0, of 29th May, 1858, for '$300 ; one of Justus Bingham, of 24th May, 1859, for $20; two of J. F. L. Jacoby, of 30th May, 1861, for $37 50 eachone payable in on~ year and one in two years, with interest at ten per cent.; two notes of Edward Duffield and others, for loan to Hannibal 0, of 4th June, 1861, for $50 each-one paya.ble in one year and. one in two years, without interest; also, two notes of James ~icDaniel and others, for loan to St. John's 0, of 4th June, 1861, for $50 each-one payable in one year and one, in two years, without interest. JOHN D. DAGGETT.



On motion of Bro. Shepherd: All Master Masons in good standi.ng were invited to attend at nine o'clock to-mon-ow morning, to hear the address of the Grand Orator. The Grand 0 of ~ii8souri was called from labor until three o'clock this afternoon.



P. M.

The Grand 0 of :Missouri was called to labor by the Rt. Acting Grand Master.


Grand Officers at their several stations. Bro. L. W. :Mitchell presented the following, which was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Applications and Communications: To


1"r. W.



If a member of a 0 change his residence without notifying the 0 of such change, and after his removal becomes indebted to the 0 for dues, (the 0 having no knowledge of his place of abode,) what relation does he sustain to the 0, and what action is necessa.ry and proper to suspend or remove such delinquent member, and what time must elapse before any action can be taken in the premises? Fraternally submitted,

L. \V. :MITCHELL. The Grand Secretary presented his report, and the same wa' received and ordered to be printed:

48 To



:M. 'V.



A. F. A.


In accordance with the By-Laws of the Grand I proceed to lay before you a report of my doings as Grand. Secretary for the past year. Soon after the close of Grand 0, I mailed charters to the Secretaries or l\hsters of the several Lâ‚ŹJ to whom churters were ordered to issue, and who ha.il no one to answer for them in Grand D. Owing to the irregularities of the mails, and from other causes, I fear some h&ye failetl to reach their destination; the same is true as to the proceedings of the Grand D. I also W1'ote to the scveral delinquent CEJ, but thus far I have had no reply from them. There are many Câ‚Ź:J in this jurisdiction who have had no meetings for the past ten months, anti conscqucntly had no election of officers. This is 111 are especially the case with the L8 in the Southwest: some have had their 0 rooms burnt; others their charters, jewels amI furniture destroyed, and still others have had 80 little of the spirit or :Masonry among the members at the present time that they set the teachings of the Order at defiance, and are the most bitter enemies of each other. It has been well known to the undersigneJ that too many CEJ have, within the past ten Jears, Lcen organized, both in the Southwest and other parts of the State. These ought never to havc had an existcnce. The reasons for such an opinion are, unsuitauleness or the places, ignorance of those selected for officc\'s, and the utter lack of accommodation for safely carrying on the work of Masonry. I have endeavored to get possession of the charters of John Dade, Carthage, Jasper, IJamar, 'Vashburn, Papinsville and Yancey CftJ, but thus far without success. I hope during the coming year to obtain them. I herewith present the charter of Compass 0, No. 120, received hy express, unaccompanied by a word of explanation. It is worse than useless to attempt to establish CftJ in communities where the moral sentiment is not strOllg cnough to sustain them. BRETHREN:



It is known to the members of the Grand 0 that the section of the country in which I reside has been visited during the past year with the horrors of civil war, and, as may be readily conjec. tured, many ~iasons. were found in the ranks of the contending armies. It was my misfortune to witness some of the sufferings occasioned by this unnatural strife: and I thank God that it was in .my power to do some little good for my wounded and suffering brethren ; and while I regret to state that many claiming to be :Masons, hailing from this and other jurisdictions, failed in their duty as such, I found others who clearly comprehended their position and acted accordingly. Of these brethren, I take pleasure in mentioning the names of Col. 'VYman, Capt. Blanchard, and Lieut. ·Williams, of the 13th illinois, and Lieut. Buck,.of the 36th Illinois; also, Col. :Mills, of the 24th Missouri, fOlmcrly of Hampden 0, Springfield, Massachusetts. These brethren, while they discharged their duties as soldiers, never forgot their covenants as l\lasons. :Many of fuy brethren have good reason to be thankful to them for protection in person and in property. May they be gratefully remembered by the fratel'llit)'. 'Vould it not be well t6 ~ake some provision whereby the actual condition of the CftJ Jri~y be ascertained, and to take such .measures as the exigencies of the case may require? The charters of: Rocky Mountain, Compass, New London and Clarkville C£J have been foi'warded to me, and are now in my possession. In conclusion, there have b~en no dispensations for the formation of C€::J issued during the year. Respectfully submitted,


Grand Secretary. The Grand Secretary, as Chairma.n of a Special Committee, presented the following report~ which was, on motion, adopted: 4GL




the eleventh article<of the By-Laws of this G:rand

o has been abolished; therefore, be it Resolved, That the jurisdiction of the Grand 0 of ~Iissouri be divided into ten districts, for each of which there shall be a D. D. Grand Master, who shall be appointed by the Grand Master, with the approval of the Grand D. The brethren so appointed must be Past or Present Masters of this jurisdiction.. Before entering on their duties as D. D. Grand Masters, they shall qualify themselves to teach the Work and Lectures of the three' degrees of Ancient Craft Ivlasonry, as authorized by the Grand 0 of l\1issouri,. and shall obtain certificates of their qualifications from the Grand Lecturer: Provided; that no D. D. Grand Master shall be commissioned by the Grand :Master unless he produce the certificate of the Gr. Lecturer. They shall visit the CEb in their respective jurisdictions, when required so to do, and instruct them in the work and lectures of symbolic :Masonryinspect their by-laws and records, and report annually to the Grand 0 of Missouri, giving an account of the condition of the CEb in their several districts, morally and financially. They shall attend in person to the ()rganiz~tion and instruction of such Câ‚ŹJ as IDay be formed during the recess of the Grand 0, and instal the officers and dedicate the halls of such CEJ as may be chartered by the _Grand 0 of Missouri. They shall have no -authority to order Dispensations for the formation of new CE!J, but may recommend such formations to the Grand Master or the Grand D. They shall have no power to grant dispensations for any purpose whatever. The D. D. G-rand Masters shall be entitled to such compensationfrom the subordinate CE::1 as may be mutually agreed upon between them.



TheD. D. .Grand Masters are instructed to discountenance all unauthorized lect1ll'ers and路 itinerants in their respective districts, and report to the Grand 0 the names and places of residence of this worthless class, should any appear among them.

A. O'SULLNAN, D. P. 'VALLINGFORD, JAMES N.. BURNES. On motion of Bro. Collins: Resolved; That a Committee of Three be appointed to district the State, in accordance with the report of the Committee on D. D. Grand Masters. The Grand Master appointed as such .committee, Bros. Russell, McDaniel and G. Anderson. Bro. Collins offered, the following, which was, on motion, adopted:

Resolved; That the Grand 0 of Missouri donate to the Masonic Board of Relief of St. Louis $500, for the purpose of relieving the wants of transient brethren, their widows and. orphans; also, $200 for the Board of Relief of St. Joseph. Bro. Potter offered the following, which adopted:


on motion,

Resolved, That the resolution appended to the report of the Committee on Ways and Means, adopted at the last Communication, (see' p. 100) whereby the moneys of this Grand ' 0 were funded for charitable purposes, be and the same is hereby r.epealed. Bro. Potter presented a resolution, and the Grand Secretary presented the following as a substitute, and, on motion, the same WaB adopted:

Resolved, That any 0 in this jurisdiction, whether represented at this Communication or not, applying for reli.e拢 for distressed brethren, their widows or orphans, may receive at least



the amount of the dues of said 0 for the present year: Provided, The same is absolutely necessary for existing charitable purposes. Bro. Collins presented the following, and, on motion, the same was adopted:

Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to report on all memorials for charity, now pending before the Grand 0 ; And the l\i. W. Grand Master appointed as such Committee Bros. Collins, Burp-es and Shepherd. Bro. J. W. Luke, from Committee on Applications and Communications, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted:


TilE ~I.




The Committee on Applications and Communications would respectfully report, that they have carefully examined the subject matter of the communication of路 Bro. R. B. Wardlaw, and by reference to the records of the Grand 0 for 1844, they find a. report of Bro. Wardlaw of the result of his mission to Texas, including a bill of traveling expenses incurred by him; a Committee to whom said report was referred, state in theil' report to the Grand 0 , that the mission to Texas W88 undertaken by Bro. Wardlaw, in consequence of the inability of Bro. Singleton to attend to it, the latter brother having agreed to perform that duty, and for which purpose the Grand 0 appropriated the sum of $80 to cover all expenses; that Committee further state that their is an apparent balance of $17 50 due to Bro. 'Vardlaw, but the report embraces no resolution for the paying of said amount, though it does contain one for the payment of $80, which had been previously advanced to Bro. Wardlaw. Such a lapse of time has intervened since the above report, that it is out of the power of your Committee to arrive at any of the minor circumstances of this case, which might probably throw a different light on it; it does not appear from the records of the



Grand 0 that ,Bro. Wardlaw was in any way authorized to act instead of Bro. Singleton, but in receiving a,nd adopting his report the action of Bro. Wardlaw was officially recognized, and your Committee are of the opinion that it would be beneath the dignity of this Grand 0 to avail themselves of the services of a brother, whether the same have been successful or otherwise, without refunding the necessary traveling expenses attending such services, when the Bame are not of record as having been voluhtarily relinquished, even though a claim for the same should remain dormant for a long period of years. Your Committee would recommend the' adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, That the sum ot $17 50 be allowed to Bro. ~. B. Wardlaw, in full of all claims of his against the Grand 0, for services rendered, and that the Grand Secretary be authorized to draw a warrant on the Grand Treasurer in favor of Bro. McDaniel for theabove.amount. The Committee on Applications and Communications, to whom was referred the communication of Bro. L. W. Mitchell, would respectfully report, that the question involved in the same is onc of many that arise, which are of too much consequence to be passed over in a hasty manner, and we would, therefore, respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That a standing committee on ~Iasonic Usage be appointed, to whom shall be referred all questions in relation to the same, and they shall report on same without unnecessary delay.

Resolved, That the communication above alluded to-be refeITed to said committee~ All of which is respectfully submitted.

J. W. LUKE, Chairman.. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until eight o'clock to-morrow morning.






'The M. W. Grand 0 of -Missouri was called to lab<9'r by the M. W. Grand ~Iaster elect. Grand Officers at their Beveral stations. . Prayer by Grand Chaplain. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. On motion of Bro. Shepherd.: The Grand Secretary was instructed to draw a warrant on the Grand Treasurer for the cost -of printing the Code of By-Laws submitted by M. W. Bro. Whitcomb. Bro. Collins presented the following, and, _on motion, the same was adopted:

Resolved, That this' Grand 0 donate to Brother A. Stille two hundred and fifty (250) dollars, as a compensation for his faithful services in every behalf of this Grand body, to and including the pre;sent Communica,tion, and that the proper WalTant be drawn upon the G.rar:dTreasurer for said sum. The.account CYf. Bro. F .. Little, for funeral expenses of M. W. Bro. Grover, was presented, and, on motion, the same was referred to the Committee on Accounts. Sundry memorials were presented from CEJ, asking for relief, and they were referred to the Special Committee. Bro. Shepherd's amendment toBy-Laws ",as read a third time, and, by a vote of CEJ, the same were laid on the table. Bro. O. F. Potter presented his credentials of the Grand 0 of New Jersey.



The Grand Secretary presented his credentials as representative of the Grand 0 of lllinois, and they were received and welcomed accordingly. Bro. Voorhies, Grand Oratot, read an address before the Grand 0 , and, on motion of Bro. Levy, the thanks of the Grand o were tendered the brother.



Bro. Collins, from Special Committee, to whom was referred memorials for charity, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted:



1\-1. W.



The undersigned, your Special Committee on Charitable Memorials, respectfully report that they have faithfully examined the several memorials hereinafter mentioned, and find the. same eminently worthy of charitable consideration, to-wit: New Bloomfield 0 , No. 60, in behalf of the widow of our late k'other, James Criswell. St. JohB's 0, No. 28, for an extension of time in the repayment of a loan by this Grand D. Hannibal 0 , No. 188, for a similar.extension of time in the repayment of a similar loan. Salem 0, No. 225, for relief of certain widows and orphans within its jurisdiction. Arrow Rock its jurisdiction.


No. 55, for relief of existing charities under

.Potosi 0, No. 131, for relief of a wiaow ofa late brother of its jurisdiction. R. 'V. Bro. Wallingford, for relief of widows and orphans of our late brothers, Waters and Belt. Bro. 1\1. Collins, for relief of Mrs. Keusel.

Shawnee 0, No. 10, for relief in payment of the debt of said to the widow of a late brother of said D. Lebanon


No. 77, for relief of widows and orphans.

Evening Star 0, No. 94, for relief on account of the injury room, by its occupation by military forces. of their



P<1uldingville orphans.

No. 30, in behalf of Bro. 'Wm. Palmer. 0,

No. 11, in behalf of certain widows and



Zeredatha 0, No. 189, for relief of existing charitable objects under its jurisdiction. St. Joseph 0, No. 78, for relief of existing charitable objects under its jmisdiction. Orion 0, No. 211, for relief of existing chal'itable objects under its jurisdiction. Clarksville 0, No. 17, for relief of 0 on account of its emba.tTas~ments resulting from suspension of its labors .. Your Committee recommend the following appropriations for the foregoing charitable purposes, and for the several amounts your Committee recommend warrants be immediatefy drawn by the R. W. Grand Secretary upon the Grand Treasurer in favor ofNo. 60, (due8) ~$ - S't~ John's 0, No. 28, (dues)............ .. 30 00 Hannibal 0, No. 188, (dues ) _." .. Salem 0, No. 225.•••... · ~...... 13 50 Arrow Rock 0, No. 55........ 25 00 Potosi 0, No. 131 ~ 25 00 Bro. J. W. Luke for Mrs. Waters 100 00 R. W. Bro. D. P. Wallingford for Mrs. Belt................ 50 00 !........... 50 00 Weston 0 for certain widows TI'·fI. c.')nin~ fl)r 1\Irs. J{euse1. , '" 2:) ;).) Shawnee D,No. 1U ~.! 100 00 Lebanon 0, No. 77, (dues ) ~................. 38 50 Evening Star 0, No. 94, (dues fOT 1862) . 50 00 Huntsville 0, No. 30, for Bro. Palmer :. Pauldingville 0, No. 11, for certain w,itlows...... 25 00 Zeredatha 0, No. 189, for certain widows.................. 25 50 St. Joseph 0, No. 78, for certain widows 75 00 50 00 Orion 0, No. 211, for certain widows...... ...••• Clarksville 0, No. 17, (dues) . Your Committee recommend that the warrant in favor of Shawnee 0, No. 10, be not delivered until the Grauu Secretary New Bloomfield






receives legal notice that the memorial from that 0 is authorized by said 0, and that the money thus appropriated will be entered as a payment upon the indebtedness of said 0 to the widow of the deceased brother alluded to in the memorial. That the Board of Relief in the city of St. Joseph be, and the Bame is, hereby abolished, with the consent of the representatives of C2:J of that city in attendance. All of which is respectfully submitted, MARTIN COLLINS,


JAMES N. BURNES. To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: Your Special Committee on Charitable Memorials make an additional report: They have had under consideration the Memorials from Mexico 0 No. 26, Concord 0 No. 154, and Wolf Island 0 No. 172, and respectfully recommend that warrants be drawn on the Grand Treasurer,as follows, in favor ofMexico 0, No. 26........•.....................••••.............•$31 50 Concord 0, No. 154............................•.•.............. 15 17 Wolf Island 0, No. 172

RespcctfuJly su.hmitted,

:MARTIN COLLINS, T. E. SHEI)HERD, JAMES N. BURNES. The Committee on Cha.rtered C£J presented the following :report, which, after being amended, on motion, the same was adopted: To THE ~I. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The undersigned, Committee on C2:J, respectfully submit their report, as follows, viz. :



'We have examined the returns of eighty-eight CE:J, for the year ending April 30th, '1862, and take. pleasure in stating that the returns from C£J Nos. 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, 14, 18, 20, 25, 26, 30, 32, 33,' 40, 42, 45, 51, 53, 72, -76, 77, 78,82, 100, 102, 109, 121, 126, 128, 129, 131, 137, 151, 154, 156, 164, 171, 172, 179, 180, 185, 189, 198, 199, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 218, 221, 225, are cOlTect, and dues paid, but find in 0 128 a mistake in the returns in connection with two suspended members, for the year 1861. In place of the names of J. J. Lansdale and C. V. Payton, it should have been Henry Shibley and :M. L. ~Ierri­ wether. We would, therefore, recommend a correction. We also find that 0 53 made twenty-three members by dispensation. The following t::::eJ, Nos. 1, 8, 11,21, 36, 43, 52, 87, 91, 94, 96,142,143,155, 159,174, 183, 194,201,216, we find have made their returns, but have not paid their Grand 0 dues. Returns or Hannibal 0, 188, informal. The followin..g CEtJ have failed to make their returns: Nos. 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19,21, 23, 27, 29, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41,44, 46, 47, 48, 50,54,56, 57, 58, 59, 60,61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67~ 68, .69, 71, 73, 74, 81,82, 83,.84,85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93; 95, 97, 98, 101, 103,.104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125, 127;130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 1-11, 14~, 144,145,146,147,148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 157, 158, 160, 161,162,165, 166, 167,168, 169, 170, 173, 175, 176,177, 178, 181,182,184,186, 190, 191, 193, 195, 10(}, 107, 200, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 212, 215, 217, 219, 2~0, 221, 222, 223 and 224. The Committee respectfully recommed that the above C€J have until the next session of the Grand 0 to pay their dues. Your Committee have had under consideration a comullinication from Milton. o , No. 151, and would offer the following resQlution: Resolved, That this Grand


strongly condemns the course



of Milton 0, No. 151, in confelTing the degrees of Fellow Craft and Master M. upon the same person in one evening, and in the absence of the three principal officers. Your Committee would respectfully recommend new charters to be granted to Marcus 0, No. ] 10, also Star of the West 0, 133, theirs having been stolen. As to the memorial of Mystic Tie 0, No. 221, asking permi::.::lon to remove their 0, your Committee would recommend that the request be not granted. We would recommend that, if a sufficient number of the members of Mitchell 0, No. 86, are together and request it,a new charter be granted said 0, and the Grand Secretary be instructed to inform, them of the same; also, that a new charter be granted to S'alem 0, No. 225, they having returned theirs so much defaced that it is unfit for' further use. Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL RUSSELL,



Resolved, That the action of the members of :Milton 0, No. 151, in conferring the degrees of F. C. and M. M. on th,' . me person in one evening is grossly unmasonic and merits ~evere punishment; that the W. M. of s~id 0 be required to bring all the parties concerned to a strict trial therefor.

C. S. W. FITCH, W. BURDEN. Bro. Shepherd presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, Tl1at the members of Emerson 0, No. 219, having failed to be legally constituted, they are hereby aut}.:lOrized to



apply' to any 0 for membership under whose jurisdiction they may reside. Bro. J. W. Luke presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted:

Resolved, That section 1, of article xi, of By-Laws of George Washington 0, No.9, is, in so.far as it requires the. unanimous consent of the 0 to appropriations for charitable purposes路, unmaBonic, and be ordered to be amended, and that the charities of a o shall be disposed of by the vote of a majority of the members present. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until three 0' clock this afternoon.

3 O'CLOCK P. M. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. 'V. Grand Master elect. THURSDAY,

Grand Officers at their several st&ti<onfi.. Bro. Collins, from Special Committee, presented the following additional report, which was, on motion, adopted; and the representatives of Constantine 0 donated the amount to the Boud of Relief of the ci~ of St. Louis.. To THE M. W. GRAND 0


Your Special Committee has had under consideration the memorial of Constantine 0, No. 129, and would respectfully recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of said 0 for $27. Respectfully, MARTIN COLLINS,




Bro. S. Russell, from Special Committee, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted:



:M. W.



We, the undersigned Committee, to whom was referred the matters and things pertaining to the districting of the State into ten proper districts, and report. the same at the present session of the Grand 0, respectfully state, that for the want of time and the necessary information we cannot make said report, and, therefore, ask until the next session of this Grand 0 to make said report. Your Committee further report, that, in their judgment, the lvfost Worshipful Grand Master should appoint as his proxies suitable persons to organize the several Cfb on dispensations, as granted at this session of the Grand D. Respectfully and fraternally submitted,

S. RUSSELL, J. G. ANDERSON. The Committee on Accou~ts presented the following, which were, on motion, adopted:

To THE M. W.



The undersigned, the Committee on Accounts, would respect-. fully report that they have examined the bill of Bro. Freeman Little against th~ M. 'V. G. 0, for the funeral expenses of our late M. W. Bro. Grover, and that after due deliberation among ourselves, and information obtained from without of another undertaker, we are of opinion that several items in said bill are exu!'bitant, and, therefore, that they should not be paid before adyising with Bro. Little thereon. They would, nevertheless recommend that Bro. Collins be authorized to draw upon Bro. G. Treasurer for the full ~mount of the bill, and that he be instructed to obtain, if possible, a reduction of Bro. Little's bill, and in case



of success, that the balance be refunded to the Treasurer of the Grand d. All of which is respectfully submitted, L. \V.



M. W.



~he Committee on Accounts having examined the books of the R. W. G. Secretary, respectfully beg leave to report that they find the W. Bro. has ,received the sum of $2,098, and that he has paid . out $2,098.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

J. H. POTTINGER, L. W路. MITCHELL, A. 路WEIGLE. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor uI)til seven and a half o'clock this evening.


7 1-2


The 1\1. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand l\faster elect. Gr:md Officers at their several stations. The hour having. arrived for the installation of officers, 1\1. W. Joaeph .Foster, Past. Grand l\laster, installed the following Grand Officers, W. Bro. J. W. Luke acting as Grand Marshal: M.. W. UEO. WHITCOMB, of Charleston, Grand Master. RT. W. JOHN H. TURNER, of Glasgow, D. Grand Master.' " WM. N. LOKER, of St. Louis, Grand' Senior Warden.



RT. W. SAMUEL RUSSELL, of St. Joseph, Grand Jr. Warden. JOHN D. DAGGETT, of St. Louis, Grand Treasurer. " " A. O'SULLIVAN, of Springfield, Grand Secretary. REV. BRO. R. H. 'YELLER, Grand Chaplain. ." T. E. SHEPHERD," " " J. D. VINCIL, " " " S; BROWN, " " W. N. IRISH, " " " " P. M. PINCKARD," " BRO. JAMES N. BURNES, Grand Orator. " C. C. WHITTLESEY, " " " D. N. BURGOYNE, Grand Marshal. " E. DUFFIELD, " " " WILLIAM PENL"X:, Grand Sword Bearer. " SAMUEL C. COLLIER, Grand Senior Deacon. " L. W. MITCHELL, Grand Junior Deacon. " A. B. BARBEE, Grand Steward. " J. W. BALDWIN," " " A. C. WALTHMAN, Grand Purauivant. " A. STILLE, Grand Tyler. On motion of W. Bro. Luke: The Report of the Committee on By-Laws was taken from the table, and six hundred copies ordered to be printed, and a copy to be furnished to each D. Bro. Foster, from Committee on Ways and Means, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To


M. 'V.



Your Committee of 'Vays and Means have examined the hooks and accounts of Bros. Grand Secretary and Treasurer lllld frat~r~' nally report, as follows: . ;!


We find the books and vouchers of both to be COl1'CCt. We take as data the balaace in hands of Grand Treasurer, as



per printed proceedings of last session, and agreeing with the $7,679 10 accounts of Grand Treasurer Out of which, as per vouchers, he has paid the appropriations of last session, the aggregate amount of ,vhich is...................................................... 2,917 65 Leaving a balance of $4,761 45 The interest on which, computed by Grand Treasurer, amounts to .. 479 40 . 2,098 00 Amount of receipts,.as per vouchers, this session $7,338 85 The Grand 0 appropriated to sundry objects, as per $728 00 report of Committee................... 174 80 Bill of Little................................... Grand Tyler..................................................... 250 00 ".......................... 1,000 00 Grand Secretary These being all of the appropriations before the Committee, we suggest that the Grand Secretary add other appropriations, and strike the balance;n hands of Grand Treasurer. Fraternally, JOSEPH FOSTER, A. F. TRAINOR, JOS. CROW, S. F. DUNLAP. The Grana Secretary, in accor~ance with the requirements of the report of the Committee on Ways and Means, submits the following: To amount of Cash in hands of Grand Treasurer as per report of Committee on Ways and M:eans $7,338 85 CR.

By expen.'Scs of Grand 0, including all appropriations for salaries, printing, &c. (See G. T.'s Rep. ) $3,299 00 In hands of Grand Treasurer $4,039 85 A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary. .il1ay 29th, 1862. .'



On mation of Bro. Shepherd, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be authomed to draw on the Grand Treasurer for printing and other contingent expenses. The M." W. Grand Master made the following appointments :

Grand Lecturer-Rt. W. A. O'Sullivan. Com. on Foreign Correspondence-Rt. W. A. O'Sullivan. The minutes of this day's proceedings having been read and approved, no further business appearing, after prayer by Rev. Bro. Grand Chaplain, the Grand 0 of Missouri was closed in .AMPLE FORM.

A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary.




It W. BDl. SHARP, P. G•••,

IL W. BDl. W. GBOVER, P. G. It., BT. W. mOBlft'OIl' G:aDlSLEY, P. G. W•

•• " The righteouB periBheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and men of kindness are taken away from that which iB evil, none coll8idering that they are taken away from the evil to come: they shall enter into peace."




To Cash from Jefferson

" " " " "

" " "

" " "

" "

"••.••••• 810


Nevada., U. D Clay ,


" " " " " "

. Alto Vista..•••••••••• Poplar Bluff . Orion •.....•.....••.•............•. Rolla ~ • Flint Hill. . . • • . . .. ....• .. ";.. . . Kirksville. . . . . • . . . .• ...•.• • •••••....

" , " " " "

Novelty . Good Hope ..•............•.... Webster...••.••-••...•.•••.•...•.• .'.. Montezuma.. • . . • •. .. •• Mystic Tie . Papinsville. . . . . . . . . •. • • . • . . . . . . . ..

0 •••• 0





o •••••




7 00 10 00 00 00

13 13 10 13 9

00 00


43 00

15 00 12 00 42 00

21 00 10 00 11 00

Total ..........••..•••••...•.••.•.....•.. 8239 00







2 8 5

Meridian . 825 50 Beacon . 25 50 United . 9 00 9.•• ~ ••...•••.. :George Washington . 46 00 13 Rising Sun . 2500 14•••.••.....•..•Auburn ..••••••....•. ~ •.•••..•.•........••.... 19 00 18•••........•...Palmyra . 34 00 20...........•...St. Louis . 27 50 22 Wellington ..•• : . 23 00 24 Wyaconda...••••....•.••.•.••••...•....• 15 00 25.O'•...•.•.•••••Naphtali . 45 50 'l b Mexico.•.•.•......••••...•....•••.....•. O'••... 30 50 2[,-, ......•......St. John's•........•.•.•...............•.•.... 30 00 3.2. Lafayette ,. 22 GO ~3 RallS ~ ••••••• 10 50 & •••••

40 42

Mt. Moriah....•••••..••....•.-. ........•.....

Middle Grove . 45••.•.•..•..••..Bonhomme . 48•••••••••••••.• Fulton .•..••....•...•.....•.....•................ 51 Livingston . 53.•..•....•.....Weston . 55••............. Arrow Rock .. 70...••.••......•Roanoke.••.•••..••.•........••......•..••..•. 72••••••...•••..•Danville ..

18 50 15 00 9 50 36 00 16 00 47 50 2500

22 00 .17 50





75 Ashley." •..•.••.•••••.••.•••.•••••••..••••.•.• 76••••.••.••••••.lndependence...•••••••..••••••.•••••••••••••• 77•••.•...••.....Lebanon••....•.......•..•••••....••.•........ 78 •••••••••.•..••St. Joseph.•....•..••••.....•.......•••...•.• 79••...........•.Polar Star . 80••••••••.•••..• Bridgeton .. ~ ...•.•••..••••••••••••..•..•.•... 92..•........•... PeraeveraDce . 97..........••...Betha.ny ........•.•....•.••...•.•............• 99•......•.......Mount Vernon•••••••••••..•.•........•.....• lOO•••..••••••••••Canton••••••••••••••••••••••.•...••..•.••...• 102............•.. Bloomington. •• •• ..•• .•. •• •... •• •..•.••..••• 109........••.•... Montezuma. . 121••••••.••. 123 126

It • • • •

Erwin.•.••...•.....•.......................... Herma.nn ...••.•.••..•.•••.•.•.•.•..••.•.•••• Sea.maD . Kirksville . Consta.ntine . Potosi .-..••... "..••.•.•..•..........•

128 129 131 187•••••••••..•...Pr1I.irieville••••••••••••••••••••••••.....••••.• 150••••.....•..... Birming .••.••.•••••.•••••••.....•••••......• 151••••••.•••..... Milton ••••...••....•••.••••.••••...•••.•••..,_ 154 Concord. •••• ••• •. • . 156..••..••..... , .Ashland •.•••.••••••••••••••••••••..•••••...• 163•...•.......... Occidental •....••••••.•••••••••••••.•....... 164••.•..........• Joachim .••••••••.•••••••.•••.•.••....••••.•• 171 Hartford . 172.•....•.........W01£ Island••....••..••.•••.•••.•.••••••••.• 179 _Pride of the West . 185 Chamois . Henr,y Clay •...•.••...•••••.•••.•..•••.•••.• 187 189••....••...••..Zeredatha •••.••...••...••••••••••...•....• 191.•..•••••••..•.Zeruba.ble ••.•.••••..•••••••••••••••••..•.•..•


17 50 17 50 38 50 46 00 68 50 14 50 24 00 25 00 11 50 14 00 32 50 6 00 29 50 5 00 30 50 36 50 27 00

14 00 24 50 20 50 1550 21 00 15 50 35 00 33 50 14 00 17 50 44 00 8 50 11 50 25 50 16 00




SECRE'~"ARY'S ACCOUNT-Coll'tinued.




192.•....•........ Frankford...•...'. ..................•...•....• 23 50 198 Allensville . 5 50 199 New Hope . 8 50 209 Poplar Bluff•.•...•.....••.•.•..........•.... 10 50 6 50 210 Unionville . 8 50 211 Orion . 213 ...•..•..••...•Rolla ~.. .• . .• • . 12 50 . 10 50 214 ......•........ FQrest City 8 50 218 .•...••..••..•• Good Hope ••...••••••••.•.•••.....•....•... 8 50 221 ...........•...Mystic Tie . 13 50 225•...•.•...•••... Salem........•....•....•...•••........••••..• 14 00 151. Milton (year 1861). 205 Rocky Mountain.•...•.•..........••••.•••• 322 00 5 50 Cypress, U. D . 10 00 225.••.••••••.•••• Salem (for charter) •.•...............•••••• 187.•..•••••.•.••• Henry Clay . 4 00 198 Allensville (balan~e ) ...•....•.•••......•..• 50 229 Nevada (for charter, over paid) .. 22 00 226 Saline (for charter ) .••.•.•.••.•••.........• 10 00 h


Amount received in 1862 Amount received in 1861...

$1 ,859 00 239 00

Grand total

82,098 00 ·CR..

By paid Grand Treasurer, per receipts

82,098 00

JOHN D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer, m Accomrr WITH THE G. LODGE OF A. F. A.B. 01 IUSSOUBI. P AYliENTS made since the Report of Committee of Ways and Means, and up to time of publication. May 29, 186Q.

P&tosi o 8 25 50 D. P. Wallingford, for Mrs. Belt . 50 Schaefer, for Palmer. . . . • • . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . .........• S. Russell, for St. Joseph, Zeredatha and Orion t:eJ •• 200 50 James N. Burnes, for Weston o . M. Collins, for Constantine 0, donated to St. Louis Board of Relief. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • . . . . •• - 27 M. Collins, for Mrs. Keusel.. . . .. ....••........•• 25 Same, Board of Relief, St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . 500 A. O'Sullivan, Grand Secretary....... . . . . • • . . • . .. 1000 17 Bethune, for W01£ Island o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 17 James McDaniel, for Wardlaw... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Same, for St. John's o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 N. Jones, for Salem o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 13 J. W. -Luke, Lor Mrs. Waters............. . .. . .. . . 100 31 William White, for charity. • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. F. Dunlap, for Lebanon CJ. . . . . . . . . • • •• • • • • • • • 38 A. Stille, Tyler. • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • 250 25 Potter, for Arrow Rock

0.... ...................

Paid Niedner for printing Code of By-Laws.• 41 Account of Grand Master. .. .. . . .. . ... . 17 Funeral expenses of P. G. Master Grover •• 173 Appropriations for Concord and Shawnee CEJ 115 Estimate of printing and incidental expenses 500

00 00 0000 00 00 50 00 00 50 50 00 50 00 50 50 00 00

82,453 00 00 00 00 00 00-8 846 00 83,299 00


The following resolutions and amendments are in force in the jurisdiction of the Grand 0 of Missouri: [ADOPTED· 1847.]

" That the Grand Secretary is hereby required to inform every Grand 0 in correspondence with the Grand CJ of Missouri, that from and after the meeting of this Grand 0, in October, 1848, no Mason, not having a certificate of his good standing of recent date, will be allowed to participate in the Charity Fund of this Grand 0, or any of its subordinates." " That it is inexpedient for any Mason under the jurisdiction of this Grand 0 to collect private subscriptions, unless directed by the Grand or B.ubordinate C£:J, to be appropriated as Masonic charity. And it is hereby interdicted as a practice fraught only with evil to the craft." [ADOPTED 1849.]

"That no Brother shall be permitted to demit from any 0 under this jurisdiction, except it be for the purpose of traveling out of the jurisdiction of said 0, or of joining another D." [ADOPTED 1850.]

"That, while' all Grand C€:J have the right to reverse the decisions of their subordinates, suspending or expelling Masons from all the privileges of Masonry, they cannot restore them to membership in a subordinate 0 without its consent." [ADOPTED 1852.1

"That a brother M. Mason trespassing against our rules is amenable to the particular 0 of which he is a. member. Should an offense be committed by one who has ta.ken up his residence,



the CJ which has jurisdiction over the place where he resides is thE body to whom the charges will have to be preferred, 88 we have no rule that authorizes a change of venue. Any brother feeling aggrieved at the decision, on the trial of a brother, has the right of an appeal to the Grand D." "That when a 0 suspends a brother, the time for which he stands suspended shall be defined." [ADOPTED 1854.]

"That in any town or city where there is more than one 0, it shall be the duty Qf each 0 to appoint one or more members, to constitute a Board of Relief, to whom all applicants for charity shall be referred, and, if found worthy, relieved; they shall adopt rules for their government, 80 that the worthy shall not go away empty-handed, and the unworthy eat the bread belonging to the toiling craftsman. To the carrying out of which, each 0 in sucl town or city shall contribute five dollars from every initiation feE to the aforesaid Board of Relief." "That the 27th section 4th article of the By-Laws of this Grand 0 shall not be so construed as to prohibit an applicant fOI initiation or membership from applying to any in this jurisdiction after the lapse of one year."


" That Câ‚Ź:J under the jurisdiction of this Grand 0 be required to make up their return ending on the first day of Ma.y in each year, and transmit said returns immediately thereafter to the R. W. Grand Secretary. [ADOPTED 1865.]

Resolved, That hereafter and until otherwise ordered by the Grand 0, the Grand Officers shall be chosen on the moming of the third day of the session, but shall not be installed into their offices until all other business before the Grand D has been entirely disposed of, which said installation shall close the Masonic year.



(ADOPTED 1856.]

/lesolved, That this Grand

0 does not recognize the right of the Grand Master to restore the charter to any subordinate 0, after, the same has been arrested or surren.dered, or to grant a dispensation to said 0 until the facts are reported to the Gr. D.

[ADOPTED 1856.]

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Grand 0 that no subordinate 0 should permit Non-Affiliated Masons to join in public procession, or take any part in any public Masonic demonstration, except such Non-Affiliated Masons as have been members of a regular constituted 0 within the twelve ~onths last preceding such celebration. [ADOPTED 1857.]

Resolved, That the memorial presented to this Grand 0 by the W. Master of Platte 0 for conferring the degree of Master Mason upon So disabl~d brother, cannot be granted. [ADOPTED 1857.]

Resolved, That the Grand Master, when he delivers hiS annual address to the Grand 0, return all the reports made to him by the D. D. Grand Masters, and that they be printed with the proceedings of the Grand O. [ADOPTED 1858.]

Resolve,d, That no subordinate 0 within this jurisdiction be allowed to grant demits except for the following reasons : That the applicant is about to move out of the jurisdiction of his 0; that he desires to join another 0; or路 to assist in the formation of a. new D. [ADOPTED 1858.]

Resolved, That hereafter no new 0 shall be formed in the city of St. Louis, or in any city, town or village in this jurisdiction, where there are more than two CE!:J located, except upon the recommendation of two-thirds of all the CE!:J existing in the said cities, towns or villages. '



(ADOPTED 1868.)

Resolved, That it is the duty of thp, D. D. Gr. Masters to see that the subordinate CEJ rigidly enforce the Masonic law in reference to all unmasonic conduct, and particularly those vices that are so well calculated to bring reproach on the Masonic Fraternity -as habitual drunkenness, gambling, profane swearing, and those of a kindred character, and in aefault of their so doing to suspend their charters. (ADOPTED 1-858.)

Resolved, That the names of the members of the subordinate CEJ be printed with the proceedings of the Grand D. (ADOPTED 1858.)

Resolved, That the Grand

adopt the form of the square apron, with triangular flap, on which an all-seeing eye may be placed, the apron to be bound with blue. 0

(ADOPTED 1858.)

Resolved, That when, hereafter, subordinate CE:J under this jurisdiction may want aprons, that they procure. them of the above form and pattern. (ADOPTED 1859.)

Resolved, That the subordinate CE:J under the jurisdiction of this Grand 0 be, and they are hereby, required to give to the widows of all deceased worthy brother Master Masons a certificate of the former membership and good standing of their deceased husbands, which s'aid certificate shall be signed by the Master and Wardens, and attested by the Secretary. (ADOPTED 11859.)

ResoZ.vea, That subordinate CE::J in this jurisdiction have ne right to ballot for candidates, for passing or raising, except at their stated monthly communications, and that called-off communications are not part of the preceding regular or stated commucation.



(ADOPTED 1859.)

Reaolved, That it is incompetent for any CJ under this jurisdiction to {,'Omer either of the three degrees upon any person whose physica.l def~ are such as to prevent him from con/orming literally to a.ll the requirementa of the order~ (ADOPTED 1859.)

Resolved, That no dispensation shall be granted to any brethren to form a new CJ unless accompanied by the demits of the several brethren from the CEb to which they respectively belonged. (ADOPTED 1860.) ARTICLE

I-Section 6. Upon report of the Committee on

Credentials, that a quorum for business is present, the officer presiding as Grand Master shall appoint from those present the following Committees. (ADOPTED 1860.)

ARTICLB IV. Sections 12 and 13 are stricken out, and the following adopted in lieu thereof: Every 0 in addition to the amount specified in its By-Laws, shall collect from every person on whom the degrees may be conferred, one dollar for each degree, and the same shall be retained by each subordinate Cl as 110 fund, to be denominated the Orphans' Fund, and used only for the purpose of supporting and educating the orphans of deceased Master Masons. (ADOPTED 1861.)

Resolved, That no one of the officers of this Grand 0, enumerated in the 17th article of the "Old Regulations," shall, while holding office in this Grand 0, act as Master or Warden in his subordinate c::J.


M. W. GEO. WIITTCOMB, of Charleston, Grand Master. RT. W. JOHN H. TURNER, of Glasgow, D. Grand Master. " WM. N.LOKER, of St. Louis, Grand Senior Warden. " SAMUEL RUSSELL, of St. Joseph, Grand Jr. Warden. " JOHN D. DAGGETT, of St. Louis, Grand Treasurer. " A. O'SULLIVAN, of Springfield, Grand Secretary. REV. BRO. R. H. WELLER, Grand Chaplain. " T. E. SHEPHERD," " ,( J. D. VINCIL" " " " S. BRO~, " " " W. N. ffiISH, " " " P. M. PINCKARD," " BRO. JAMES N. BURNES, Grand Orator. " C. C. WIllTTLESEY, " " " D. N. BURGOYNE, ?rand Marshal. " E. DUFFIELD, " " WILLIAM PENIX, 1J.rand Sword Bearer. " " SAMUEL C. COLLIER, Grand Senior Deacon. " L. W. MITCHELL, {Jrand Junior Deacon. " A. B. BARBEE, Gr~~d Steward. " J. W. BALDWIN, f' " " A. C. WALTHMAN, Grand Pursuivant. " A. STILLE, Grand tyler. T

'I, ,










Missouri..........•.............. 1...... *D. N. Burgoyne, W. M. John J. Outley, S. W. Judah A. Hart, J. W. Meridian 2 B. Goldsmidt, W. M. *A. O'Sullivan, S. W. Beacon.•.................•••...... 3 ..•...Joseph Crookes, W. M. A. Weigle, S. W. J. W. Branch, J. W. George Washington 9••....Earl Matlack, W. 1\1. *J. W. Crane, S. W. J. A. H. Lampton, J. W. Pauldingville ••.........••......11. William B. Oglesby, W. M. Auburn..................•••......14 A. P. Downing, W. M. Clarksville 17 J. W. Hemphill, W. M. Wm. S. Hough, S. W. L. Slocum, J. W. Palmyra 18 *James S. Ross, W. M. St. Louis :.20 John D. Torlina, W. M. C. S. W. Fitch, S. W. E. Nathan, J. W. Wyaconda , 24 J. E. Shepherd, W. M. Napthali 25 Joseph Foster, W. M. J. Turk, J. W. ·Proxies.





Mexico••••••••...••••••...•.•....26 W. White, W. M. St. John's •.•....•••.•..•.•....... 28 James McDaniel, W. M. Huntsville....••.....••...••.....• 30•..... *J. C. Schaefer, W. M. Ralls.••••.••.. _..•.....••..•.....33 J. B. Vardeman, W. M. ~It. Moriah.•...•.•••..••........ .40 S. B. Stannard, W. M. *L. W. Mitchell, S. W. Middle Grove.•..••.•.•.•.....• .42•..... G. A. Settle, S. W. Bonhomme.••.•.•••••••••••..•....4·5 A. B. Barbee, W. M. J. K. Hempstead, S. W. W. T. McCutchan, J. W. Fulton.•••.•.••••.•••••••••••••••.48 Livingston.••.••••••••••••••...... 51

Henry S. Turner, W. M. John H. Turner W. M. *J. D. Vincil, S. W.

Wakanda••...•..•••••.•••••..... 52

JamesE.Drake,W. M. James N. Burnes, W. M.


D. P. Wallingford, S. W. *Calvin F. Burnes, J. W. Arrow Rock.•••••.•.••••••••.•...55

H. S. Mills, W. M. *0. F. Potter, S. W.

New Bloomfield•..........•......60••••••H. S. Hubbard, W. M. Danville.••...•••...••.•••. 72 W. D. Bush,. W. M. Ashley.•••.•.•••.•.•••.•.•...... 75 *A F. Trainer, W. M. 4


*B. F. Brown, S. W. Independen(',A..•••••.••••...... 76.•••..*James W. Crooks, W. M. Lebanon..•. ~ ...••••.•••••••..•• 77•.....S. F. Dunlap, W. M. *Joseph Crow, S. W. Polar Star•••••.•••••••••••....• 79.•.•.•*J. W. Luke, W. M. J. H. Pottinger, J. W. Bridgeton. •..••• .••••••••••.••• 80••••.• *David Baber, S. W. S. H. Martin, J. W.






Evening Star••..••••..•.•••.... 94 :Marcus..•••...•...•.•..•........ 110 Erwin.••••.....••....••.......... 121.

W. A. Spencer, W. M. Samuel C. Collier, W. M. Charles W. Horn, W. M. Joseph Meriman, S. W.

Constantine.••..••••.•.•••....•. 129 PotosL •.••...................... 131. Star of the West...••.......... 133

A. E. Simpson, W. M:.

:Bloomington•...•••••.....•....102 Milton.•...••.......•..•.•...•..151.

T. :B. Howe, W. M. *Thomas P. White, W. M. R. H. Fowler, W. M. *Thomaa B. Dorsey, S. W. *W. E. Glenn, S. W. Thomas Richeson, W. M. Martin Collins, S. W. E. F. Honey, W. M. D. Newman, S. W. A. C. North, J. W.

Concord _ ••.....•.•..... 154~ Prairieville 157. Pacific 159 Occidental. ..••••...••.......... 163 Joachim


Wolf Island...........••••.....•172 Pride of the West ••....•...... 179 Chamois 185 Hannibal. ...•...................188 Zeredatha 189



Allensville 198 New Hope •••...................199

Joseph P. Brown, W. M. *A. W. Holliman, S. W. William Tong, J. W.

*J. H.~:Bethune, W. M. *William Burden, W. M. T. E. Garrett, J. W. J. M. Shobe, W. M.

H. E. McDaniel, W. M. C. F. Knight, W. M. *R. H. Weller, S. W. *Samuel Russell, J .. W. William Penix, W. M. *John P. Fisher, S. W. J. F. :Merrill, 'V. M. John Black, W. M.

~, \




'. NO.


Poplar Bluff.....••.•.•.•..•...209 Rolla ••..•..•••••••••••.•.••.....213

J. W. Baldwin, W. :M.


D. R. Parsons, W. M. P. R. Woodward, S. W.

Mystic Tie..•............•......221. .....Henry Bruihl, S. W. Salem.:..•......•.•.•••..•...••• 225.....• Newton Jones, W. 1\1.






1 •.•......•........Missouri .•••••..•.•••••.•..... J ohn Woodward. 75 Ashley ••.•••••••••••..•.•••...A. J. Lovell. 92 Perseverance ••••.....•....•.. B. W. Gorin. 123·•.................Hermann....••••..........•...August Nape. 128 Kirksville .......•....•.••••..Henry Shibley. " ...•...•.•..•.......M. S. Merriwether. 189 Zeredatha...•........••.......John S. Leonard. 214 ••.•....•..••.....Forest City Martin C. Nolen.







2........••...••Meridian ••••••••••••••. J. Wiebers. 3•.•..........•• Beacon John B. Mears. 20 St. Louis ...•.•.•.•••.. Joseph Dickley. 22 Wellington....•.........Mark Augusted. 26 Mexico Stephen Scott. 77 Lebanon John Nickols. " .•........•.....Alex. Gibson. 96•......•....... St. Andrews Joseph H. Sloan, non-affi. 145 Rising Star....•....... A. H. Goodin. 151 •••....•..., Milton•••.•••.••...•....D. C. Jones. 162•.............•Whiteville •.............R. Adams. 164 Joachim AIlen Cook. 174 Sturgeon ..•....••......W. Barry. " May B. Thomkins, a. F. C. 189 Zeredatha E.H. Hoffman. 19.8 Allensville C. W. Mattox.






00 00


1 Missouri.......... St. Louis ......... St. Louis •......•. First and Third Thursdays.••.•...• Sept. 4th, 1821 1852 2 Meridian ......... South St. Louis•. St. Louis •........ First and Third Wednesdals.....• May, 1849 3 Beacon .....•...... St. Louis ......... St. Louis ••••••••• Second and Fourth Thurs ays.... " 1852 4 Howard............ New Franklin.... Howard..........•. Saturday before full moon....•.... " 1857 5 United ............ Springfield. ...... Greene ,........... Thursday before full moon••..•.... " 1852 6 Ark ..•..••.•••.... Newark............. ~nox .~ ... \••...••• Saturday after full moon.• :.••.... " 1852 7 Grover............. Calhoun........... Henry .........•... Saturda~ before full moon..••.•.•. " 1852 8 Williamsburg .... Williamsburg .... Callaway ......... Wednes ay before full moon....... " 1849 9 Geo. Washington St. Louis ......... St. Louis ......... Second and Fourth Tuesdays...... " 1858 10 Shawnee .......... New Santa Fe ... Jackson ........... Saturday before full moon.......•. " 1852 11 Panldingville ..... Pauldingville..... St. Charles ...•... Saturday before full moon•...•.. ,. " 1825 12 Tyro ............... Caledonia......... Washington....... Second Saturday..•.•.•.....•..• ~ ..• " 1852 13 Rising Sun........ Barry............••. Clay...-.............. Satu,rday before full moon......•.. " 1852 14 Auburn ............ Auburn ........... Lincoln............. First Saturday before full moon ... " 1852 15 Central ........... Smithville......... Clay ............... Saturday after full moon.......... " 1852 16 Memphis.......... Memphis .......... Scotland ..•....... Friday before full moon............ " 1830 17 Clarksville.•••.... Clarksville........ Pike ............... Saturday before full moon.•....... " 1831 18 Palmyra........... Palmyra........... :Marion ............ Second and Fourth Thursdays.... " 1835 19 Paris Union....... Paris............... Monroe ........... First Saturday each month........• " 1836 20 St. Louis ......... St. Louis ......... St. Louis ......... First and Third Tuesdays. t •• , t •••• ' 1852 22 Wellington....... DeKalb............ Buchanan ......... Saturday before full moon.••...••• " 1852 23 Florida .•..•...... Florida............ Monroe ........... Third Saturday each month....... "




24 Wyaconda 25 Naphthali

Lagrange Lewis.•...••.•.... First and Third Saturdays May, St. Louis St. Louis Second and Fourth Thursdays... " 26 Mexico Mexico Audrain Third Tuesday...................... " 27 Temple Melville Dade Thursday before full moon....... " 28 St. John's HannibaL Marion Second and Fourth Saturdays... " 29 Osage Little Osage Vernon Third Monday...................... " 30 Huntsville Huntsville Randolph Second Saturday......... " 31 Liberty Liberty Clay Sec. Mon. and Fourth Saturday. " 32 Lafayette Lexington Lafayette Second Monday..................... " 33 Ralls Madisonville Ralls Second Saturday................... " 34 Troy Troy Lincoln Saturday before full moon....... " 35 Mercer.•...•...... Princeton •......... Mercer•....•...•.. First Tuesday after full moon... " 36 Cooper Boonville Cooper Saturday before full moon......... " 37 Dawson Wellington L~fayette Fourth Friday. " 38 Graham Pleasant Hill Cass Third Friday........................ " . 39 Tully Tully..•••• Lewis Saturday after full moon......... " 40 Mt. Moriah St. Louis St. Louis First and Third Mondays......... " 41 Bolivar Bolivar Polk Frid,ay before full moon............ " 42 Middle Grove Middle Grove Monroe Third Saturday..................... " 43 Jefferion Jefferson City Cole First Saturday...................... " 44 Rochester ...••.... Rochester Andrew Saturday before full moon.... " 45 Bonhomme Manchester St. Louis Saturday before full moon.......... " 46 Martha Wash'ton Washington Franklin Saturday after full moon......... " 47 Fayette Fayette Howard Night before full moon............ " 48 Fulton Fulton Callaway First Saturday...................... " 49 Haynesville Ha,ynesville Clinton First and Third Saturdays....... " H

1853 1839 1852 1858 1839 1852 1840 l~HO

1840 1853 1841 1853 1841 1858 1853 1853 1841 1853 1854. 1841 1854 1841 1853 1842 1841 1854

;p. >

OQ ~








5u .Anderson ......... Chapel Hill ...... Lafayette ......... Second Saturday ................... May,

51 Livingston ........ Glasgow .......... I-hyward ........... Saturday before full moon......... " 52 \Vakanda ......... Carrollton......... Carroll ............ Saturday before full moon ......... " 53 Weston .... ;...... Weston ............ Platte.............. First and Third Saturdays......... " 54 Douglass .......... Marthasville ...... Warren ........... Saturday before full moon ......... "

55 Arrow Rock ...... Arrow Rock ...... Saline .............. Saturday before full moon......... full moon ......... full moon......... full moon ..•...... full moon ......... 6u New Bloomfield.. New Bloomfield.. Callaway ......... First Saturday....................... 61 Osceola............ Osceola............ St. Clair .......... First Thursday before full moon.. 62 MaJsviIle ......... Maysville ......... De Kalb........... First Monday and Second Sat'day 63 St. l\'Iary's........ Perryville ......... Perry .............. Second Saturday.................... 64 Landmark ........ Warsaw ........... Benton ............ Fourth Friday........................ 65 Pattonsburg ...... Pattonsburg ...... Daviess ............ First Saturday after full moon.... 66 Linn ............... Linn ............... Osage ............. Saturday before full moon ......... 67 Rocheport••••..... Rocheport......... Boone ............. Second Thursday................... 68 Tebo .............. Clinton ............ Henry ............. Saturday before full moon ......... 69 Alexandria........ ~lexandria ....... Clark .............. Friday before full moon ............ 70 Roanoke .......... Roanoke .......... Howard............ Saturday before full moon ......... 71 Savannah ......... Savannah ......... Andrew............ Saturday before full moon.........

56 Platte ......... :.... Platte City ....... Platte.............. Saturday before 57 Richmond ........ Richmond ......... Ray ............... Saturday before 58 Monticello ........ Monticello ........ Lewis ............. Saturday before 59 Lancaster ......... Lancaster ......... Schuyler .......... Saturday before


" " " " " " " " " "'4 " " " " " "

1858 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1841 1854 1854 1842 1854 1854 1843 1854 1853 1843 1844 1844 1854 1844


~ Z



72 Danville.• ~ 73 Eureka 74 Warren 75 Ashley 76 Ind.ependence 77 Lebanon 78 St. Joseph 79 Polar Star 8u Bridgeton 81 Neosho 82 Jackson 83 Lacledf3 84 Potter...... . 85 Johnson 86 Mitchell 87 Washington 88 Bates 89 Friendship 9U Prairie 91 Madison 92 Perseverance 93 St. Marks 94 Evening Star., 95 Acacia 96 St. Audrews's 97 Bethany

Danville ....•..... Montgomery Th!lTsday before full moon IMay, Brunswick Chariton ..••.•.... Thursday before full moon .. Keytesville Chariton Saturday before full moon.'...... " Ashley Pike Saturday before full moon....... " Independence Jackson Second Saturday................... " Steelville ., Crawford Third Saturday..................... " St.Joseph Buchanan First and Third Saturdays...... " St. Louis St. Louis SecOlld and Fourth Wednesday... " Bridgeton St. Louis Saturday before full moon .. Neosho Newton ,.. , First Saturday...................... " Linnreus Linn Saturday before full moon....... " Lebanon Laclede Wednesday before full moon...... " Longwood Pettis '" Saturday -after full moon....... " \Varrensburg •... Johnson ~ Second and fourth Monday .. Columbus Johnson Friday before full moon.......... " Greenfield Dade Friday before full moon.......... " Butler Butler Saturday before full moon " Chillicothe Livingston First Saturday before full mOOI). " Harrisonville Ca,ss Thursday before full moon " Madison " Monroe Second Saturday................... " Louisiana Pike Monday before full moon......... " Cape Girardeall,. Cape Girardeau,. Tuesday before full moon......... " Cuba ~ Crawford Saturday before full moon....... " Jackson Cape Girardeau.. " Shelbyville Shelby Saturday before full moon....... " Bethany Harrison Saturday before full moon....... "

1844 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1855 1854 1850 1847 1858 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1859 1848 1847 1854







l:.O l:-::>







98 W'ebster ; Marshfield'.•....• Webster .;. Thursday after full moon May, 99 Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon , Lawrence Thursday before full moon...... " 100 Canton C{tnton Lewis Saturday before full moon...... " 101 Easton , .•. Easton Buchanan First and Third Saturday......... " 102 Bloomington Bloomington Macon Friday 'before full moon......... " 103 Carthage •.. ", Carthage Jasper Third Friday........................ " 104 Heroine ... Kansas Jackson .. .. Saturday before full moon....... " 105 Relief Georgetown Pettis , First Monday...................... " 106 Laporte Laporte Macon Third Thursday..................... " 107 Golden ~quare Westport Jackson Friday before full moon.......... " 108 New Madrid New Madrid New Madrid Saturday before full moon....... " 109 Montezuma Santa Fe Santa Fe, N. M. First Saturday in each month.. ; " 110 Marcus Fredericktown Madison Fourth Saturday......... " 111 Trenton Trenton Grundy First and Third Thursday......... " 112 Ezel St. Francisville Clark Saturday before full moon.. " 113 Plattsburg Plattsburg , Clinton Saturday before full moon...... " 114 Waverly \Vaverly Lafayette Friday before full moon......... " 115 Sibley Sibley Jackson Saturday before full moon.. " 116 Daviess Gallatin Daviess First Monday...... " 117 Versailles Versailles Morgan ~ Third Saturday..................... " 119 Foster Benton Scott First SatUf!lay...................... " 121 Erwin St. Louis St. Louis.,' Second apq Fourth Friday...... " t!!

1858 1849 1848 1858 1848 1849 1849 1849 1858 1849 1849 1851 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850



122 Dover 123 Hermann 124 Cedar 125 Gentryville 126 Seaman 127 Athens 128 Kirksville 129 Constantine 130 West Prairie 131 Potosi 132 Farmington 133 Star of the West. 134 Pleasant Mount. 135 Ridgely 136 Phrenix 137 Prairieville 138 Round Prairie 139 Oregon 140 Papinville 141 Middlebury 142 Pleasant Grove 143 Flint Hill 144 John Dade 145 Rising Star 146 McGhee 147 Buffalo

Dover Lafayette Hermann Gasconade Fremont Cedar Gentryville Gentry Milan Sullivan Athens Gentry Kirksville Adair Charleston Mississippi West Prairie Dunklin Potosi Washington Farmington St. Francois...... Arcadia Madison...... Pleasant Mount. Miller Ridgely Platte Bowling Green Pike Prairieville Pike Andrew... Newark Oregon Holt Papinville Bates Middlebury Mercer Otterville Cooper Flint Hill St. Charles Cassville Barry Ebenezer Green College Moun<f Macon Buffalo Dallas

Saturday before full moon May, " Second Tuesday. .••...... Thursday before full moon.. ••..... " Third Saturday..................... " Saturday before full moon......... " Second and Fourth Saturdays... " Friday before full moon...... •..... " Saturday before full moon... .••... " Wednesday before full· moon...... " Saturday before full moon... " " " " ........." " " " " .•...••........... ••.... " Second and Fourth Saturdays... " Thursday before full moon...... " Saturday before full moon... ••.... " " " " ". First Mon. and Third Saturday. " Friday before full moon...... " First Wednesday...... " Wednesday before full moon...... " Monday after full moon............ " Thursday before full moon...... " Wednesday before full moon...... " Saturday before Fourth Sunday. " Saturday after full moon......... "

1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1858 1851 1851 1858 1851 1851 1851 1851 1860 1851 1855 1855 1855 1855 1858 1855 1855 1855 1857 1855 1855

I e:J' ;~









148 yancey ............ Rutledge ......... McDonald......... ~econd Wednesday ............... May, 149 Lexington......... Lexington......... Lafayette .•....... Third Monday ..................... " 150 Binning ......... Birming ......... Buchanan ...•..... Wednesd. of or after frill moon ... " 151 Milton ............ Milton ............ Randolph ......... First Saturday ..................... " 152 Linn Creek ...... Linn Creek ...... Camden ......... Saturday before full moon ......... " 153 Bloomfield. ...... Bloomfield ... ... Stoddard ......... First Friday •.....•................. " 154 Concord ......... Concord ......... Callaway ......... Saturday before full moon......... " lfi5 Spring Hill ...... Spring Hill .....• Livingston ... ... First Monday.......••............... " 156 Ashland ......... Ashland ......... Boone ............ First Saturday ...................•. " 157 North Star ...... Rockport ......... Atchison ......... Saturday before full moon.... ~ .... " 158 Cornwell ......... Rose Hill......... Johnson ......... Friday before full moon.......•.... " 159 Pacific ............ Pacific City ...... Fl·anklin ......... Saturday before full moon......••. " 160 Edina ............ Edina ............ Knox ............ " " " ......... " 161 Thomasville ...... Thomasville •..... Chariton ......... ....................................... " 162 Whitesville. ...... Whitesville ...... Andrew............ Saturday before full moon ......... " 163 Occidental. ...... St. Louis ••....... St. Louis ......... Second and Fourth Mondays...... " 164 Joachim ... '" ... HillSboro' ......... Jefferson '" ..•... Saturday before full moon......... " 165 Maryville ......... Maryville ..•...... Nodaway .......... First Saturday ..................... " 166 Mirabile ......... Mirabile ......... Caldwell ......... " .·····.ttr··········· " " 167 Eldorado .......•. Luray ............ Clark .....•..•... Saturday after full moon......... " 168 Fairmount....... Fainnount ...... Clark ............ Saturday before full moon......... " 169 Tuscumbia ....... Tuscumbia ....... Miller ............ Saturday after full moon ••....... "

1855 1855 1855 1855 1858 1855 1855 1859 1856 1856 1859 1856 1856 1856 1856 1859 1856 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857




170 Benevolence Utica 171 Hartford Hartfort 172 Wolf Island Wolf Island 173 Union Bristol 174 Sturgeon Sturgeon 175 Newton Oliver's Prairie 176 Point Pleasant Point Pleasant 177 Winchester Winchester 178 Griswold Bear Creek 179 Pride of the West St. Louis 180 Kenner Athens 181 Novelty Novelty 182 Stewartsville Stewartsville 183 California California 184 Modern Humansville 185 Chamois Chamois 186 Dayton Dayton 187 Henry Clay Millersburg 188 Hannibal Hannibal

Livingston Saturday after full moon May, Putnam Friday before full moon......... " Mississippi •...... Monday before full moon......... " Bollinger Saturday before full moon......... " Boone...... . Friday before full moon......... " Newton First Saturday....... " New Madrid Friday before full moon " Clark Thursday before full moon....... " Montgomery... .. ..•...... •.•••....•.....•..... " St. Louis First and Third Wednesday...... " Clark Saturday before full moon...... " Knox.. " " " "......" De Kalb Last Saturday in each month..... " Moniteau ..."" "" " Polk " Osage Saturday after full moon.... " Cass "before" "......... " Calla",-ay .. " Marion Secop.d and Fowth :Mondays,..... " 189 Zeredatha St. Joseph Buchanan " " " Tuesdays..... " 190 Putnam Newton , Putnam Saturday before full moon....... " 191 Zerubable Platte First Saturday..................... " Frankford Pike Saturday before full moon...... " 192 Frankford 193 Anjerona Missouri City Clay First and Third Saturdays " 194 Wellsville \Vcllsville Montgomery Saturday before full moon...... " 195 "Vet Au Glaize.. 'Vet Au Glaize.. Camden " y


1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 18.58 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859





1859 1859 1859 1860











196 Quitman .......... Quitman .......... Nodaway ......... Saturday after full moon..•..•.... May, 197 Camden .......... Camden .......... Ray ............... ......... .................. ............ " 198 Allensville ........ Allensville ....... Gentry ............ First and Third Saturday....•.... " 199 New Hope ....... New Hope ....... Lincoln............ Saturday before full moon....... " 200 Washburn......... Washburn Prairie Barry ............. " " " " " 201 Jamesport ........ Jamesport ........ Daviess............ " 202 Westville ......... Westville ......... Callaway ......... Friday after full moon ............ " 203 Pleasant Ridge.. Pleasant Ridge.. Ha,rrison .......... Thursday before full moon....... " 204 Bent ............... Fernando de Taos New Mexico...... ........ ' .............................. " 206 Somerset ......... Somerset ..•...... Mercer............. Monday before full moon....•.... " 207 Clay ...•..••.•..... Greenville....•.... Clay ••....•........ . " 208 Alto Vista ....... Alto Vista ...... Daviess ............ ...... ........................... ...... " 209 Poplar Bluff.•.... Poplar Bluff...... Butler ............. Second and Fourth Mondays...... " 210 Unionville......... Unionville.•....... Putnam .••....... Tuesday on or before full moon.. " 211 Orion .......•..... St. Joseph ....... Buchanan ......... First and Third Thursdays...... " 212 Austin ......•..... Austin ......•..... Cass ............... _...................................... " 213 Rolla ............. Rolla .............. Phelps ............ Saturday on or before full moon. " 214 Forest City ....... Forest City....... Holt ............... First Saturday and Third Monday " , 21fi Hornersville ...... Hornersville ...•.. Dunklin ........... " 216 West Plains...... West Plains•..... Howell •.....•..... ......... .................. ............ " 217 Quincy ............ Quincy ............ Hickory ......•... ......... .................. ............ " 218 Good Hope •..... Carondelet .•..... St. Louis ......... First and Third Saturday•.•.•.... "


• • • • • • • II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


...... ........... .....................

1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861


219 Emerson Emerson Marion ............•........•••..•....••....•..•....••.••. May, Jackson. ...•..... •........•.....•..... •••....•. " 220 Kansas City Kansas City 221 Mystic Tie •...... Appleton P.O Perry •...•••.•.... Saturday before full moon...... " 222 Farmer's...•..... La Belle •......... LewIs .........•....•.......•. ~......... •••••..•..••••.•• " •.••..•••...... " 223 .Jasper Sarcoxie •......... Jasper 224 Lama.r.••••••..•... Lamar ... . •...•... Barton•.. ·••••••... ••.•.....••.•••••.... ..•.••••••••...•.. " 225 Salem ••..••••.••.. Salem •......••...• Dent.. •.....••.... Saturday before full moon...... " St. Mary's •...... Ste. Genevieve... •••••.•..•.....•..•.. •••.••.•.••••..... " 226 Saline.••. Laclede.•••..••... Linn. ••.......•..• ••••..••.•.•.•••••••.••• ••...•.•.••.... " 227 Cypress... 22~ Shelbina ..••••.... Shelbina. ••••••••.• Shelby...... ••..•• ••••.••..•••......... ••••••...••••..... " 229 Nevada... .•. ..•... Nevada............ Grundy............ ••••..••.••••..•••••..•. ••••.••••••..•. " > ••••••••



1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1862

1862 1862





1;1 t'"






Annual Communica.ti~~ Proceedings opened................... Amendments to By-Laws. Turner's (rejected).•• ~ ••••••••• ~.. Foster's (adopted)......... •••••.•••••••••••.••.••.••••.•.• Voorhies's (adopted)....... Offered by Shepherd......... " Shepherd-read second time............... " Shepherd-laid on table......... ••••••••.••• Accounts presented and referred to Committee on .••••• •••••• Of F.. Little, referred to .Committee on Accounts...... Of F. Little-report on ••••••••• ••• ••• ••• •• ••••••• ••...• ~prig .of presented..................... •.••••• ••••••••• Acknowledgements to be made•••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.. Address of Grand Master presented.............................. Jl.eferred to Committee.......... ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••.• Noticeof the Dead " ••• ~ .••••••••••••. . ••.• Appointment. Qf Representatives to sister Grand C€J.




North American. Masonic Congress ••••••••• •••••• ••••••

3 24 25 25 25

31 54 26

54 61 28 28 86 40 36 36

37 38

Dispensations •••••••••••••• ••••••• ••• •••••• ••••• •••••• ••• •••• 38 Traveling t:e:l...••••••• ....•.•.••••...•.. ....•.....••...... 38

.Arm.y. t:e::J.••••••••••••••••••••••'............................. 38 Sturgeon £:] ••••••• ~. •••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• Rocky Mountain CJ •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M. J. Drummond presents Accacia............ ••••••••• .Actual condition of craft ••••••••••••••• •••••••••.•••.••.•

38 39 89 39




Applications and Communications Committee appointed...... Report of Committee.................................... R. B. Wardlaw.... ••... •••• •.••• ••....•..... ••.•...•.•..... R. B. Wardlaw, allowance to •..... ••.... •••.•.••. •••••• Standing Committee recommended •••••••.• .•....•••••• Communication of L. W. Mitchell...... •••••• •••.••••• Accounts Committee appointed.................................... Report •••.•... .••.... • ••.... ......•..... ••• F. Little's bill.;..... •••..• M. Collins to draw for amount ...••....•.•.•.•..•.•....•. Refund balance, if any.................................... Grand Secretary's, Report on... .•.•.. .•••.•..••.•. Grand Secretary's, 1861. •............ ••.... •.... .••••. ...• Grand Secretary's, 1862................................... Grand Treasurer's. ..•.......... .••...... ••••. .••. ••..•.•.••

8 52 52 53 53 53 8 61 61 '61 62 62 71 72 75 .

B. By-Laws £orsubordinate CEJ, Committee reported a code •.• Considered and laid on table. •••.•••..........•..•..••...• Called up and ordered printed ••••••.•• •. ... .•. ...•••••.• By-Laws of Grand 0, amendments.............................. Turner's (rejected)•..... ,.. •... .•..... ••••••.••. ....• ••••.• Foster's ( adopted)... •.•••••••..•••••....••..•...•... Voorhies' (adopted) •........•••••.•.. Shepherd's (offered) ..•.•...•••..•.••....•.....•••.••.•••.. Shepherd's (read second time)............ ••••.... .••••.• . Shepherd's (laid on table )................ ..... ...... ••• ..• By-Laws of George Washington D.............................. Border. o U D, report on ••••.....••••••••.•.....••...••....••••••. " " communication· from.... .. ••••••.•• ......••••••..• Board of Relief-St.Louis, appropriation to.................. " " S t . Joseph," ••••.•.••••••••••• •••. ..••••.•••• •••••• • " " " abolished... \

28 31 63 24 24 25 25 25 31 54 60 31 33 51 51 57



c. PAGE.

Committee on Credentials. ~.............. ..•.•.. . •••.... .. .... •... . " Unfinished Business •••...... •••••.... ......•.•..• " Chartered ee:J.•.....•...................... .......

" "

C£:J -U. D...... ••......


Accounts ••••...........................•.•........• 4. Ways and Means........ .••.... •........... •.....• " Charity..................... .......•... ......•..... " lirievance .••..... .•••••.• .. .....•......••••• ••.... " Applications and ComulUnications............. " Correspondence, Report..... ..•••. .•• " " to define duties of D. D. G. M •....• ........• " on Representation from Grand CEJ............ " " " " "report. . ... " " " " "recom'ted " " " " second report California, Grand 0 of, Review of proceedings............... Connecticut, " " " " ...... .. . .. .. . . Colorado "" " " ... .... . ..... .. Colorado Territory, Grand 0 of, Resolution recognizing.... Conclusion of Report on Correspondence........................ Communication from Bro. Wardlaw.............................. " "Grand 0 of Maine...... .••..... Committee on Charity, report. " " " .laid on table..................... Charity fund adopted l88t session abolished..................... " Resolution granting to subordinate CE:J •••••••••••••••• " Special Committee to consider all memorials for " " " report •................ ...• Charity, Special Committee, Second Report..................... " " "tlurd" Shawnee 0, No. 10. St. Joseph Board of Relief .:....... Continental 0


8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8 8 25 26 30 30 33

8 9 22 22 23 25 25

31 31 51 52 52 55 57 60 56 57 60




Chartered Cf!J, Committee on, Report...... •••.•..•• ...••••••.•• No. 128 ~............................... Extension of time to several CE!J •••••••••••••••••••••••• Milton 0, No. 151 ...........• ••.•••...... ••...••.. ••• ••• " " "151 .•...• •..•.••.•..•. •••.•..• .••.••• New Charters .•.... .•••••• .•. ..•... •••.. ..••••.• Mystic Tie, No. 221 ..•.. ...•... .•. .••..•...• l\fitchell, No. 86...... .....• Salem, No. 225..... ..• .•... •... ..•....


Carn«;gy, S. W. B., P. G.



58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59


D. District of Columbia. Grand 0, Review of proceedings...... Dead, Report of Committee on porrespondence •.•.....• ••...• Grand Master's notice of .•...• ••..•......•.••••. Committee on................ ••.••....•.•..•..••.••••• ••••.•• ,, report ..............................•...•.••• Daggett, J. D., as representative of Grand 0 of Maine...... Daggett, J. D., Grand Treasurer................................. De Witt 0 U. D., Report of Committee 011.. ••••••••••••••••••• D. D. G. Masters, Rcport of Special Committee on........... Qualifications of................... ......•..•...........•••••. Duties .•....... ••.•.. .. .•.... Compensation. •... .... •........ •..... .....• Unauthorized lecturers discolpltenanced.................. CommIttee appointed to district the State............... Report of Committee..... ........••....•....• ......••.••.•.•

12 22 36 24 34

25·-< 46 31 50 50

50 50

51 51 61

E. Emerson 0, Resolution in regard to........................... Expulsions.............................................................

59 87

G. Grand Officers, Election of. ..•...••........... ..••... " " Installation of...................•......


44 62




Grand Master. Address.....•... "" " Committee on•.....• _. ....•..... .•••.... "" " " Report......... •••..•••• " " To appoint Proxies......... ..••. •••• .. .•.• .•.•.• Grand Treasur~r'B Report............... •••••••.....•.••..••••••.•• " Secretary's Report. .... .•••. .•••• .. ..•••.••.. .•.... •••. ••.•• t

••••••••••••••••••••••••• II •••••


40 45

61 46 48

Mailed Charters, &c.. .••••.• •••. ••••••••••• ••.. .•••• •••••• 48 Delinquent t::eJ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••• 48 C€:J in Southwest........................... •••.•..•......• 48 Compass D •.•.••..•.•••••.•• 48 II ••••

It It •••• It ••••••••• I....

Condition of Country....................................... 49 Honorable mention of Worthy Masons.................. 49 Actual condition of 49 Charters received by G. S... .••••...••.••.•••.•.....••..••• 49 John Dale, Carthage, Jasper, Lamar, Washburn, Papinsville and Yancey 48 Directed to draw warrant for Printing.......•.•.• 54 and 65 Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement, 1862......... ••...••••.. 88



H. Huntsville 0, No. 30, Report of Committee................... 26 Hemphill, J. W., W.M. Clarksville 0, No. 17, Report...... 40 State of case....•......•....••••.•.•.•••...•.•••...•.• 40 and 41 Arrest of Charter.......................................... 42 The issue. .. ..•. ... .... ..•• •... ... ... ... ... ... .. .•.•.••. ..•.. .• 42 Loyalty.... .•.. .•....... .... •...... •....•....... .•.....• .••.•. 43 Grand 0 of England....................................... 48 ·G. M. Penick's decision.................................... 43 McKay~s Jurisprudence...... .....• •. ..•... .•. ..•.... 44 .••.. ..••... 44 The decision.. .... .. ..•....... •. ..•••.......

L Installation Ceremony received and adopted..................... 28 "ordered printed............................. 28 " Interrogatory by Bro. L. W. Mitchell, referred to Committee 47




Kentucky tirand 0, Review of proceedings of.......... •.... ...


L. CEJ U. D., Committee on..................

8 ee:J U. D., " Reported................ •..... 31 Saline 'a, U. D••..••... ~..................... •..... 31 Shelbina 0, U. D.. ..•... 31 32 Border c:l, U. D.... 32 DeWitt d, Cypress D, 32 Warrenton, Apphcation....................................... 32 St. James, Application...................................... 32 Nevada D, 32 8 Lodges Chartered, CoDJ..lIlittee on.................................. " " " Report................... 57 CE!J approved..................... .• 58 C€J delinquent............................ •........ 58 eeb granted further time to pay dues.................. 58 Milton 0, No. 151. Condemnation......... 58 and 59 Ma.r~ll8 D, new Charter granted 59 Mystic Tie 0, request not granted : 59Mitchell D........................................ 59 Salem 0 __ 59

U. D......... U. D.........


U. D..............

M. Maryland Grand D. Review of proceedings of................... Maine Grand a, Communications from ,.. '~Review of proceedings of u. " " " J . D. Daggett recognized as representative. Memorials from Mystic Tie D............... Clarksville 0, No. 17............................. Papers in reference- to-from D. D. G. M....... Shawnee 0, No. 10........•.. :.:............................

14 25 14 25 24 25 25 25




Memorials-Huntsville 0, No. 39.... ......•. .••................ ......••••••.••.•.... Shelbina 0, U. D... Star of the West Ci, No. 133.......... •.••.....•••••.... Memorials from sundryteJ', referred to Com. on Charity.... " U Bro. Robinson, referred......................... ". by Bro'.Collie:L', referred to Com. of Ways and M. " from Bro'. White, referred to Com. on Char. t:e::l. " "suildry C€J, referred to Special Committee.. Master Masons invited to hear' Grand Orator....................

25 25 25 25 26 28 30 54 47

N. Nebraska G. CI, Review of proceedings of...................... New Hampshire G. 0, Review of proceedings of............... Nevad8J 0, H., D., Report of Committee......... " "By-La.ws of................................. ..•

17 18 32 82

O. Officers'of the <hand 0, 1862.................................... Oregon G.CEJ,Review of- proceedings ot...................... O'Sullivan, A., recognized as representative of G. CJ of llls.

81 19 54


Proceedings-Monday..••...•...', •• ~ . 3 Monday aftern·oon...•.' . 7 Tuesday..•....•.. ~. ••.•....•.•.•••.••..• ••..•..•...• 26 Tuesday afternooR..•.......•.•..•• ~ . 81


. 85

Wednesday afternoon•......•.•••• ~ .•.•.....•...... 47 Thursday . 54 Th\lI'8day afternoon..•••••.••••••••,•••....•.•....• 60 Thursday night . 62 . 25 Papers in reference to S. W. of Rolla. 0, No. 213 'Clarksville 0, No. 17 . 25 " " Potter,- O. F., recognized as representative of G. CJ of N. J. 54 Penick, W. R., G.M., claim of, Report of Committee on.... 29

106 R


&ports-Committee on' Credentials . " Foreign Correspondence•••••••••••••• Grievance •••.•.•..•.••.•••••••••••••••• " Special on Masonic Usage••••••••••• " Accounts •••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• CE!J U. D ••••• " Grand 0 representation .••••••••••• " The Dead •••••••••••••••••••••••••••... " Grievance ••••••••••••••.•••••••••• " " Applica.tions and Communications.• " D. D. G. Masters and Districts. Special Committee on Charity Memorials....••••••• I •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.





" "


00 • • 0

52 43 55 57


Chartered CE:J ••••••••••••••••••••• Districting the State••••••••••••.• " " Accounts •••.••••.•••••••••.•••••••• "Wa.ye and Means••••••••••••••••••



II •••

" '"



27 28

33 34 40


" "

4 8


61 61

63 46 " Secretary ••••.•••.••••..•..•••••••••••••••• 47 ResolutionS-:-Grand t:l Colorado •.•. 22 RaiBing Committee on Dead •••..••.••...••••.••••• 24


Of Grand Treasurer •••••..••••.•.•.••••••.••••.••••.•.•


0 .0.

• •••••••••••••••••••••••

" D . D; G. M.'s...••...•.. 25 " To district the State . 51 "()n Charitable Memorials . 52

" " " "

" ( Standing) on Mas.onic Usage 50

· t'·Ing •••.•••••••• Pnn

II •••••• '"


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I • • '"

Printing-a.ppropriating moneys.•• Exemplifying degrees •.••...•.•....•..••• Applications for mysteries of M.-fees forfeited In reference to D. D. G. M. Tenth District .... The Dead .••••..•......•••••...•. " o ••••••••••••••

0.0 ••• 0 •••


Hiram 0 ..•.............••.••••.•.

26 65 26 28 44 35





Resolutions-On order of the day-By-Laws .••••..•.••.•...•. Appropriating moneys-G. M. Penick......... " "St~ Louis B'd Relief. " " . C€:J for Charity....... Restoring W. J. H. Hemphill..................... " Charter of CI~k8ville 0, No. 17... Repealing Charity Fund........................... Appropriating money to R. B. Wardlaw......... " " A . Stille....... ••. Condemning Milton 0, No. 151 In reference to Emerson 0, No. 219............ " By-Laws of George Washington 0, No.9.................... Resolutions and amendments in force .• ~............... .••••••... Rhode Island Grand 0, Review of Proceedings...... Robinson, Bro., Memorial from.......................... Representatives of Subordinate C€J, 1862. •••••••••.•..........

28 29 51 51

44 44 51 53 54 58 59 60 76 19 26 82

s. Shawnee 0, No. 10, Report of Committee on Grievance.... " " Shelbina 0, U. D . , " C€J U. D.... " " " Saline 0 " " " " St. James, Application from-Report on .. Stille, A., Donation to•••...•..................•....•....••......... Suspensions .

27 31 31 31 32 54 86

w. Wisconsin Grand 0, Review of Proceedings ••••••••• 20 Wardlaw, Bro., Communication from............ 25 Woodward, Paul R., Report in reference to..................... 27 Washington Territory Grand 0, Review of Proceedings...... 21 Ways and Means, Report of Committee......................... 63 Whiteside, Josiah, Claim of •....... ....•.•..• •.......•.••.•... .... 29 Warrenton, Applica~ion from-Report on......... ....•........ 32






TION of' the Grand Lodae of' Mi•• ouri will btt held, at the Masonic


in the City of' Saint

Loui., on the Fourth Monda7 of' May, 1868.

A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary.

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