1864 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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ST. LOmS, l\IAY 23,.1864; A. L., 586i.




The Forty-Fourth Annual CommUnication of the Most Worshipful Grand 0 of Ancient, Free and Aecep~d Masons of the State of ltfissouri, was held in路 the city of. St.路 Lonis, commencing on the fourth Monday of May, 23d da.y, A.,!?, 1864; A. L., 5864. PRESENT.

M. W. JOHN H. TURNER, Grand Master. R. W. W. N. LOKER, Deputy-Gra.nd Master. " JOHN D. VINCIL, Senior-Grand Warden. " ALLEN L. McGREGOR, Junior-Grand Warden. " JOHN D. DAGGETT,Grand Treasurer. " A. O'SULLIVAN, Gnmd. Secretary. REv. BRO. P. M. PINCKARD, Grand Chaplain. " W. WIllTE, Grand Chaplain. BR'O. M. M. JESSE, Grand Sword Bearer, " H. N. TONG, Grand Marshal. " W. B., "''lLSON, Grand-Senior Dea.con. " J. E. CADLE, Grand-Junior Deacon. " W..ELLIS GLENN, Grand Pursuivant. " A. F. TRAINER, Grand Steward. " A. STILLE, Grand Tyler.



or A..?


J.. M:\.8OJ!n5


M. W. JOSEPH FOSTER, Past-Grand Master. H JOHN RALLS, Past-Grand Master. :, L. S. CORNWELL)< Past-Grand Maattn'.

" " R. W. " "

8. H. SAUNDERS, Past;. Grand Master. GEORGE WIllTCOMB, Past-Grand Master. O. F. POTTER, Past-Deputy Grand Master. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Past-Grand Warden. JAMES H. BRITTON, Past-Grand Warden. PAS T-M A S T J: R S •



Charles G. Green, Mt. Vernon


No.4, Providence,R. I.

The Most Worshipful Grand


of Missouri was opened in


Prayer by Gmnd Chapla.in. The M. W. appointed Bros. Collins; Drummond and Anderson a Committee on Credentials, whosubmitt~d the following:





The undersigned, your Committee on Credentials, beg leave to report the following CEJ represented: LODGES.


Missouri .•....••.•• , •..•.•.•.........1


James O. Alter, W. M. D. N. Burgoyne, S. W. R. Elms, J. W. Meridiau•.•••••..... ,'j ••••••••••••••• 2••...•A. Krieckhaus, W. M. United....•......•.••....•.••.......... 5 J. H. Caynor, 5. W. Williamsburg •.•...•••••..•.•.•...•• 8 T. R. Hobson, W. M. George Washington.,.•.••..........9••....Earl Matlack, W. M· Charles L. Spencer, S. W. Frank Parsons, J .. W. Pauldingville ll. W. T. Carter, W. MT *J. H. Simpson, J. W. Auburn••..•••.....•'••....••••.•....14•.....*W. M. Reynolds, W. M. Memphis .••..•..•••.••.••••••••.....16 *John Saunders, W. M. Clarksville ••.•.••••••..••••••....•..17 J. W. Hemphill, W. M. Palmyra.•.••..•.•••.••..•••••..••.•1t:S•••••• *John :B. :Best, W. M. *Thomas J. Cole, S. W. H. J. Drummond, J. W. Paris TJnion...••••.•.•...... ·. •..•....19.•.... lie A. E ..Gore, W.. M. St. Louis ...··· ..•••.•.••·•....•.....• 20.••..• John D. Torlina~ W. M. Florida ...••..•...•..•.......•.•..... 23 R. J. Johnson, W. M. Napthali •••••••••••••••••••.•.......25 Charles Levy, W. M. *Jno. A. Gilfillian, J. W. Mexico ·•••••••••...•••..... 26 *W. White, W. M. St. John's •• , 28 •••••. James McDaniel, W. M. *Jno. L. Steadman,W. M. Liberty..•••••.••••.•..••••.••...... 31 John Ralls, W. M. Ralls ...•.•••••.••.••••..••..•••.•.... 33 Wm. C. Splaun, S. W. Meroer••••••••••••.••.•••••••••.......35.•....B. F. Cotnwell. W. M. • Proxiefl.




Cooper..••••••••.•..••.•••••.••..••.. 36.•...•W. D. Muir, W. M. Mt. Moriah.......•.....•.•..••....40••.•..8. B. Stannard, W. M. E. C. Carrington, S. W. T. Hayward,.J. W. JefFereon ..•..••••••••.•••••••••••••• 43••••••W. E. Duscomb, W. K. Bonhomme...•••••••••••••••••••..•. 45 *A. Barbee, W. M. John K. Bempsted, S. w. Fayette••.•••.......•...· .-.. 47••••• .J. W.Marmadnke, W. M. John F. Baily, S. W•. Fulton•..•..••••.•••••••...•••••••... 4&•••••Henry 8. Turner,. W. M. \Vakanda...•••••.•••.••••.•..•••.•. eo 52,••••.• *James E. Drake, S. W. Arrow Rock h •••• ~55 •.....*0. F. Potter, W. M. Richmond 57••...•*John F. Ho~ton, W. M. J&S. 's. Demeste1'8,' J. W. Monticello .••••.•..••••••••••••....• 58•..... J. H. Leeper, W. M. La.ncaster ·.59••.•••R. Caywood, W. M. New Bloomfield.•..•••••••••••....•6().••....B. O. Austin, W. M. Savannah 71••....N. B. Giddi~gl. W. M. Da.nTille•••••.••••••..... ,•..•.......'f2•.....S. J. Sloan, W. M. Warren ..•.•..•.••••••••.••••...••... 74••....N. A. Grubbs, W. M~ Ashley•••••.•••••••..••••.•..•••...•• 15 A. F. Trainer, W. M. J. H. Allison, S. W. Lebanon•••••••••.••••••••••.••....••77 ••.•.• J. G. Anderson, W. M. J. Crow, S. W. J. W. Harrison·, J. W. Polar Star••.•..••..•......•........79 John W.Luke, W. M. W. C. Demez, J. W.. Bridgton :...••••••••...•80•.•... J. H. Garrett, W. M. George T. Moke, S.W. T. S. Edmonston,J. ·W. Washington ...••.......••..••...•..87 •••... *Allen McDowell, W. M. Friendship 89•••••• *Geo. P. Pepper, W. M. • Proxleill.


01' '1'101. STAT. 01' M!StlOUB.I.




Friendship•••••••••,•••..•....•..•.•89••.•. .John Ure, 8. W. PerseveranCf\ 92.....• J. W. Gunn, W. M. St. Mark's 93•...•.W. R. Wilson, W. M. Evening Star 94•.....G. M. Jamison, J. W. Bethany••••.••••••...••••••.••••••••• 97·.•..•• J. H. Phillebaum, W. M. *G. W. Newman, S. W. Webster .•...••..••..•·•••••.••....... 98 B. M. Jamison, W. M. Heroine 104 G. W. Tindall, W. M. Laporte ..•••.....•.••..•••........•106.....• A. C. Atterberry, W. M. Marcus •..•••.••••..••.••..•••..••••110...... W. B. Allen, W. M. B. F. Revnolds, So W. Plattsburg•..••••...•••••..••..•...113.•....Thomas·F. Vigline, S. W. Erwin 121..•... F. W. Sennewald, W. M. Hermann 123••.••• Charles Eitzin, W. M. Constantine 129•..•.. J. H. Bethune, W. M. George Hamed, S. W. *A. ~. SImpson, J. W. Potosi •••••.•••••....•......•••......131 S. Brown, W. M. Farmington 132•..••.E. D. White, S. W. Star of the West 133••....B. Shepherd, J. ~. Pleasant Mount•••••..•.•••......134•..... W. C. Haller, J. W. Prairieville ••...•••......••..•...•.137 A. Johnson, W. M. Pleasant Grove 142 *S. H. Saunders, W. M. Bloomfield .i53 P. P. Owen, W. M. John D. Smith, ~. W. *C. B. Crumb, J. W. Concord •........••....••••........154 J. B. Henderson, W. M. • W. W. Roberts, S. W. *B. H. Fowler, J. W. Spring Hill 155 J. E. Cadle, W. M. North Star•.......•••.••.•......•.157 J. W. Smith, W' .M Pacific•...•.•.. ·, ...•..••.....•....•159 Thomas Bacon, S. W. • Proxies.









Mirabile Sturgeon Griswold..路:


166 174 178

Pride of the West California

179 183

Chamois , Henry CIay Hannibal. Frankford


194 : 198 199

Wellsville Allenville

New Hope ~


Alto Vista. Poplar Bhrlf Rolla Good Hope Saline Shelbina. 0: -

187 188 192

207 208 209 213 218 226 228


Martin Collins, W. M. M. W. Eby, 8. W. James Austin, J. W. D. Newman, W. M. J. J. Beckett, J. W. 8. R. Ba.y, W"M. John ~1. Burkes, W. M. D. W. Nowlin, W. M. John H. Davis, 8. W. J. H. McAlpine, W. M. 8. H. Owens, W. M. *W. S. Freshour, 8. W. *S. T. Wood, J. W. *A. L. McGregor, W. M. W. J. Stafford, 8. W. W. H. Vivian, W. M. *J. D. Vinci!, W. M. G. Phillips, W. M. G. W. Layne, S. W. *Thomas Perry, W. M. J. T. Merrill, W. M. John Black, W. M. M. B. Watts, J. W. *B. F. Grey, W. M. W. ~1. Strong, W. M. J. W. Baldwin, W. M:. H. J. Smith, W. M. M. Lynch, J. W. *E. S. Roper, W. M. George F. Hill, W. M. C. c. Fuqua, s. ,w. E. Glenn, W. M.


St. James -Proxies.







St. James ••.•... ~ ..•...........•.. 230 J. H. Ramsey, S; W. Warrenton 231 J. E. Hutton, S. W. DeWitt 232.....•*B. D. Lucas, W. M. Eighty-eight CE::J being represented, the M. W. declared a quorum present. Bro. J. D. Vineil offered the followmg, which was, on motion, adopted:

Resolved, That the reading of the minutes of the last Grand be dispensed with, printed copies being in the hands of the members. D

Bro. M. Collins offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted: WHEREAS, The Grand 0 has received information that M. W. Thomas J. Turner, Grand Master of Masons of Illinois, R. W. Harman G. Reynolds, Grand Secretary, and other officers and Past-Grand officers of the M. W. Grand 0 of lllinois, are now in this city, Resolved, That a committee of P. G. Masters-Saunders, Ralls, Foster and Whitcomb-be appointed to wait. on these brethren, and invite them to visit this Grand D. And, on motion of Grand Secretary, Bro. Collins was added to the c'ommittee. The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 3 o'clock this afternoon.




The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by M. W. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. • Proxies.



The M. _W. appointed the following committees: Unfinished Business.-Bros. W. D. Muir, Jas. McDaniel, James E. Drake, J. H. Hemphill. Chartered t.:E!J.-BroB. W. E. Dunscomb, John -Ralls, B. F. Cornwell, F. Potter, J. H. Leeper. CEJ U. D.,-Bros. J. l( Houston, J. G. Anderson, H. J. Drummond, R. O. Austin, R. Caywood, G. M. JamiRon, J. H. Bethune. Accounts.-Bros. Samuel H. Owens, J. H. McAlpine, Earl ~atlack, B. F. Grey. Ways and Means.-Bros. N. B. Giddings, Joseph Foster, J. W. Baldwin, M. Strong, H. J. Smith. Charity.-Bros. Martin Collins, E. S. Roper, B. F.Grey, Geo. Whitcomb. Grievance.-Bros. S. H. Saunders, W. E. Glenn, J. H. Garrett, S. B. Stannard, Allen McDowell. Applications and Communications.-Bros. H. S. Turner, J. H. Caynor, E. C. Carrington, Geo. S., Hill, Thomas Perry, T. B. Howe, J. B. Henderson. ThA :M. W. Grand Master then read the following address:




M. W.



Through the kind providence of our most merciful Father, we are once more assembled to legislate upon the affairs of Ancient Craft Masonry i~ this jurisdiction; to draw-new designs upon the trestle board for the better inculcation of those great tenets of Brotherly J.Jove, Relief and Truth, and to prove, in these unhappy times of turmoil and strife, that the Mystic Chain of Brotherhood, though severely tested, is firm and enduring as the everlasting hills. Let us, with humble hearts and in a contrite spirit, return thanks to God for all his blessings vouchsafed to us, and let our deliberations be such as will calJ down His approval upon our efforts. Soon after the close of the Grand 0 last year, I appointed District-Deputy Grand :Masters in nine out of the tell districts


into which the jurisdiction is divided, and, I r~gret to state, that only four q~alified themselves, in accordance with the requirements of the Grand D. At our last Communication, the jurisdiction was divided into ten districts, including New Mexico, and a District-Deputy Grand Master appointed to ea.ch district, with the exception of the ninth. It was made the duty of each DistrictDeputy to appear before the Grand Lecturer, and, on examination' if found, familiar with the work and lectures of the three degrees of Symbolic Masonry, he should issue to them a certificate of their qualifications; and, on the presentation of such certificates to the Grand Master, he would issue a commission to each of the officers 80 appointed. I regret to state, that, out of the number, only four presented the 'necessary certificates. In making the appointments for the several districts, I endeavored to select those I thought would qualify; but, from some, cause, they have failed to do so, except in the above instances. I particularly request the attention of the Grand 0 to this subject; and trust you will devise, SOIPe means whereby this class of officers can be rendered more effective. Soon after the close of our last路 Annual Communication, I , received sundry letters from several oI the CEJ, asking Ior information in relation to the action of the Grand 0 on the Conservators' Association, to all of which I gave, as I hope, satisfactory answers and explanations. I am induced to believe this, as I have had no inquiries for some time, and am of the opinion that the subordinate C拢:J have, in good faith, obeyed the edicts of the Grand a on this Eubject. A very insulting and inflammatory document, termed "A solemn protest, directed to the masonic brethren of Missouri," and signed Rob. Morris, was sent to the several CEJ in this jurisdiotion, and appealing against the action of your Grand Body, in your action against the Conservators' Association. The paper was insulting, because it affected to ignore the existence oI your Grand Master, who is, during the recess of your most



Worshipful Body, the proper officer through whom all appeals to the Craft, in this jurisdiction, should be made, and路also because the statements made in this "solemn protest" are totally unsupported by facts, and mischievous, because it was intended to create dissatisfaction among the great body of Masona in Missouri, by an appeal, calculated, if successful, to array some of ow brethren in hostility against this most worShipful Grand Body; but, thanks to the iLtelligence of my brethren, this presumption on the part of Mr. Monis has received a well-merited rebuke. I have not heard of a single 0 in Missouri which favor.ably entertained the "protest." If Mr. ~orris is wise, he will not again meddla with our jurisdiction; and if he still continue to make merchandise of all that we, as Masons, hold 'most sacred, he must seek some other market for the disposal of his wares.

I have had a number of communications on various subjects, none of which I have deemed of sufficient importance to bring to the attelltion of tile Grand .0 : numerous applications have been made for dispensations to confer the degrees in less time than the usages of Masonry sanction. In all cases, I declined tv grant such dispensations, believing that, by granting such requests, it would work injury to Ma.sonry. During the past year, I authorized the granting of six dispensations for the formation of new C2J, which will more fully appear in the report of the Grand Secretary. In February last, by r~quest of the parties concerned, I made a new deed for a piece of land in Clay county, sold by your most .Worshipful Body during the Grand Mastership of M. W. S. H. Saunders, the old dee~ having been returned~ I have, on several occasions, authorized CEl, who were compelled by the unhappy condition of affairs in our State cease from labor, to resume their labors, and once more to m!3et and act as eeJ. I have been ca.lled upon, during the P88t year, to I-erform one of the moat unpleasant duties of a Grand Master-that of arresting




the charters of several of the subordinate C€J. While I hold that as much leniency as possible shouldbe extended to our CEj, yet, where clea.r and distinct violation of law is observable, the Grand Master would fail in the duty he owes to the Craft did he not promptly and efficiently act so as to prevent a continued violation of law and usage. The following are the names of the C€::J whose charters ha.ve been arrested: Kirksville 0, No. 128; Middle Grove 0, No. 42; and I have suspended the charters of Wolf Island 0, No. 172, and Nevada 0, No.,~~9. The reasons which induced me to thus act will be found in a package of papers, marked A, accompanying this report. I received tL communication from Rev. Bro. N. A. Langston, W. Master of We~tville 0, No. 202, stating, that his 0, acting on a minority report of the Committee of Investigation, elected, and .initiated, and passed a candidate, who was subsequently rejected for the Master's degree. I replied that the Annual Oo~munication of your M. W. G. Body being so near at hand, I declilled giving a decision; and submit the subject to your M. W. Body to deal with it as you may deem proper. I reter you to the pa.per marked B for a statement of the case. In January last, I received a communication from John W. Luke, W. Master of Polar Star 0, No. 79, stating, that it was the wish of several Masons. in St. Louis that the M:. W. Grand o of Missouri should obtain a' charter of a general character from the Legislature, the charter granted in 1844 being a special one, now no longer in force. Believing that it was right and proper tha.t your M. W. Grand Body should have an act of incorporation, I gave my a8sent to the proposition; e.nd a charter was obtaiued ~hrough· the instrumentality of Bro. Luke, which i8 herewith submitted·for your acceptance or rejection. There are other subjects which I had thought to subUlit for your consideration, but, deeming them of minor importance, I forbe.ar : and, now, with the hope that your deliberations may be conducted

14 in ha.rmony and your legislation be such as will reflect credit upon our beloved Order, I will close this communication,

JOHN H. TURNER, GrandMaster. On motion of R. W. John D. Vinci!, the address was referred to a committee of three, to distribute the subjects thereinconts.i.ned to appropriate committees; and the R. W. D. G. Master appointed Bros: Levy, Vincil and Drummond said committee. ' The M. W. Thos. J. Turner, Grand Master; R. W.. E.F. Babcock, Junior Grand Warden; and R. W. Harman. G. &y.' nolds, Grand Secretary of the M. W. G.L. of Dlinois, were introduced by the committee, and received with the honors due their rank, and were invited to seats in the East. The Grand Secretary read the following report on }"'.oreign Correspondence, wp.ich was received, a.nd ordered to be printed with the proceedings of the Grand 0 : ~O THE

M. W.


A. F. A.


Your Committee on Foreign Correspondence begs leave to submi t the following report: The proceedings of the following Grand Câ‚Ź:J have been received and examined: California, Canada., Colorado, Delaware, illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, New Jerse~ New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, tOgether with circulars from Grand Master Blair and H. G. Reynolds, both of Illinois, Grand Secretary Fenton, and Bro. Rob. Morris.

CALIFORNIA. This Grand CJ held its Fourteenth Annual Communication in the city of San Francisco, 12th May, A. L. 5863; 117 chartered CEJ represented a.nd delega.tes from 8 CÂŁb U. D. present. The Grand Master congratulates the Craft that they meet for the first time in their own Grand CJ Hall, a ma.gnificent structure,



on which more than $150,000 h88 been expended, and not completed. When finished, it is expected to be the most beautifu~, if not the most expensive,路 Masonic Temple in America. It will be a noble monument of the liberality and energy of the brethren of the Golden State, and will proudly challenge competition with older jurisdictions. May success crown their efforts. The subject of uniformity of work is noticed by the Grand Master, who says: "That to me it seems of comparatively little mument whether we adopt and use the work more generally used among us, or the work and lectures as taught in New York, or New England, or Pennsylvania, or lliinois. There are differences, but they are slight and unimportant; all conform to the ancient landmarks and constitutions, all are good, all teach the same doctrines of love and charity. But I do think it important that all the CEb of this jurisdiction shall use the same system, and the Grand 0 ought to enforce conformity to it by all its subordinates." The death of M. W. Charles Gilman, of Maryland, is &uitably noticed, and a page of the proceedings dedicated to his memory, as is also one to the memory of Bro. Humphrey Griffith, PastGrand Orator. The Grand Secretary makes an elaborate report of his labors during the year. From it 'Ve learn that the total receipts during the year was $15,523 50. The salaries of the officers of the Grand 0 amount to $3,400 00, and the printing and incidental expenses of the Grand Secretary's office to $2,840 25. That noble charity, the Board of Relief, continues its labor of love. Total receipts for the year, $5,381 26, and the entire expeLditure during the Bame period, 5,338 25. Two -hundred and thirty-nine applicants were relieved by this amount. Bro. William A. Davis, from the Committee on Jurisprudence, presented a report, on the affairs of Unity 0, No. 130, showing a lamentable departure not only from the writen Constitution of the Grand 0, but an utter ignorance of those lessons which Free



Masonry teaches the candidate at the very outset of his career. Charges were preferred against the 0; which resulted in the arrest of it.s charter. Bro. Gilbert G. Claiborne, from the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, presented an elaborate and well-prepared .report, covering fifty closely-printed pages. Commenting on the proceedings of the Grand 0 of Louisiana, relative to applicants for relief on the strength of Diplomas, sOnJ,e of which are of ancient date, the applicant being unable to pr<rve himself, he thus remarks: "Enough has been said and written of those loose fish who give neither council, countenance or comfort to our Order, when engaged in labor; who are unwilling to rank their names on our rolls, and assume the responsibilities which they owe when the heat makes the burden heavy, but cheerfully appear at the laying of a corner-stone, or the celebration of a saint's day~nough to shame them. We hope, now, our Grand Masters and teachers will turn their attention to another clas& of brethren, who should be addressed, ho-wever, in the language of admonition a.nd instruction. It is to members of CEJ who undertake the responsibility of recommending applicants for the mysteries of the Order. It is there that the swarm of camp followers rise 路and commence their progress. We consider no brother qualified to recommend a petitioner, who has not read the old cha.rges sufficiently to learn from them the true standard and measure by which the applicant must be judged; and no brother in our jurisdiction can now plead ignorance of them, 路since the Grand Q, several years, since, caused them to be republished and distributed with the proceedings." Commenting on Adoptive, or Ladies' ~Ias.onry the Committee say: " If our brethren will take pains to learn the origin of this quackery, and will aJso reflect upon the natural effect of a successful attempt by .Masons to introduce and establish, in OUf country, so-called female degrees, we believe that they will arrive at the same conclusion we have as regards the evil with which it is pregnant,



namely: t6 divert us from our leftier purposes, and make us a mark for detraction." The notice of our proceedings are kind and fraternal. ~a.king the proceedings before us as evidence, there is not a more enlightened jurisdiction in America than California. M: W. William C. Belcher,':Marysville, Grand Master; R. W. Alexander G. Abell, San Franclsco, Grand Secretary.

CANADA. The Eighth Annual Communication of the ~rand 0 of Canada was held in Montreal, 8th July, A. L. 5863; A. D., 1893; 102 CE:J represented. The Grand Master, in appropriate language, alludes to the bereavement of the Queen of England, and the maniage of her son, the Prince of Wales. The death of Sir Allen Napier Mac Nab, Past Grand Master or Canada, is suitably noticed. The Grand Master received an invitatibn, through Bro. Pearl, of Maine, to attend, with his Gr~nd Officers, a National Masonic Convention, to assemble in New xork, in September, 1862. The . Grand. Master declined, and gave his reasons for so doing. The reports of the D. D. Grand Masters give -a very full account of the stability and usefulness of the CE:J in their several districts. They appear to have entered upon their work with a determination that it should be good and square. There is no report on Fore~gn Correspondence. M. W. T. Douglas Harrington, Quebec, Grand Master; R. W.. Thomas Bird Harris, Grand Secr-etary. COLORADO. 'This Grand 0 held its third Annual Communication in Denver City, 2d November, A. D., 1863; A. L.) .5'853; 5 Câ‚Ź:J' represented. No address from the Grand Master. The Grand 0 condemns, in the strongest manner, the "ConB



servators' Association ;" their resolutions are fully equal to those of our own Grand O. M. W. HI W. '.reller, Grand M88ter, Central City; R. W. O. A. Whittemore, Grand Secretary, Denver City. DELAWARE. The Fifty-Seventh Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held in the City of Wilmington, 27th June, 5863; 9 CE::J represented. No address from Grand Master. No report on Foreign Correspondence. The Grand 0 dispatched its business in one session. M. W. Allen Voorhies Lesley, Grand ~iaster, New Castle; R. W. Benjamin N. Ogle, Grand Secretary, Delaware City.

ILLINOIS. The Grand 0 of Illinois assembled in the Hall of the House of Representatives, in the city of Springfield, October 6th, A. D. 1863, A. L. 5863; 307 Câ‚ŹJ represented. Grand Master Blair thus alludes to the action of Missouri in relation to the Conservators: " The Grand 0 of Missouri, at its Annual Communication in Ma.y last. legislated largely in relation to an association called the 'Conservators,' expressing many sentiments which 'carry upon their face a spirit not in accordance with the teachings and genius of the Masonic Institution. " The edict of that Grand 0 prohibits any Mason in that jurisdiction from recognizing as a Mason any person who has ever been connected with said Conservators' Association, unless such person shall solemnly, and in open 0, recant and denounce such 888ociation by taking the following oath of renunciation: [Here follows the declaration.] " Thus the Grand 0 of Missouri has c1o.sed her doors against her sister Grand CEb, and virtually debarred Masons of her own



jurisdiction from visiting C拢J in this and other jurisdictions. The so-called 'Conservators' Association' having been dissolved within this jurisdiction by its own voluntary act, at our .last Annual Communication, it no longer exists among us." Your committee desire to speak respectfully of P. G. Master Blair, not because we ,approved his cour~e, but from the fact that he held the highest position in a Grand D which we respect for its intelligence and the moral worth of its members. We believe P. G. Master Blair to be not so much ar bad man as a weak and vicious one; and having, in an evil hour, identified himself with the Conservators' Association; its members ruled him with a rod of iron, and made him write and say many things wholly unsupported by facts. How he, in view of his tyrannical assumption of power during the past twelve months, his known affiliation with the Conservators, and his blind zeal to uphold their sinking fortunes, could have written the above (which we quoted from his address), and gravely read it before the Grand D of lllinois, many of'whom knew of his connection with the Conservators, and all too painfully aware of his acta, surpasses our comprehension. Bro. Reynolds, Grand Secretary, presented a report which is an able and unanswerable argument against the C-onservators, their schemes, their organization, and their treason. After giving the published history of the Baltimore Convention, which assembled in May, 1843, he states that Bro. Levi Lusk, then Grand Lecturer, was required by the路 Grand~D of illinois to proceed to St. Louis and confer with the delegates from the Grand D of Missouri, which duty the Grand Lecturer discharged by obtaining the Work and Lectures from Bros. Carnegy and Foster. Soon after, Bro. John Barney visited illinois and lectured in that State. In 1845 the Grand 0 appears to have unanimously adopted the Work and Lectures as exemplified in Grand 0, and from that time to the spring and summer of 1862 no Grand Lecturer. taught any other system, until the introduction of mnemonics into the State by Past-Grand l\1:aster Morris. A correspondence with Bro.



Morris and others is introduced in the report, and extracts are given from a pamphlet called" The Conservator," from the man· ual of -the Conservator's degree, and from the work of the degree. The sum and·substance of the whole matter is, that" the Chief Conservator has SUPREME AUTHORITY over the whole body of Conservators, according to the now:published regulations of the Association." On page 33 of the proceedings before us, your committee find the following: Past-Grand Mas.ter Jonas offered the following: "Resolved, That R. W. Bro. O'Sullivan, Grand Secretary of the Grand 0 of Missouri, and Representative of the Grand 0 of TIlinois, near the Grand 0 of Missouri, be invited and requested to take a seat in this Grand D." And on page 43 we read: "The question recurring on the adoption of Bro. J on3<:;' resolution in regard to R. W.Bro. O'Sullivan, upon the call of M. W. Bro. Dills, the question was decided in the affirmative, by yeas and nays, as follows: Whole number of votes cast......•....•................•.....•.850 730 Total votes in the affirmative Total votes in the negative 120 Majority

610 "

It appears from the foregoing that 120 votes were cast against your Grand Secretary for admission to the Grand 0 of TIlinois. This needs an explanation. Your Grand Secretary, accompanied by W. Bro. Charles Levy, of this city, concluded to visit the Grand, o. of lllinois. Having business, also, with the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, which meets during the same week as the Grand 0, on the night before the assembling of the Grand 0 your Grand Secretary was informed that. a protest against his admission to the Grand 0 was being actively circulated for signatures, by a Con-



OF 1\1I8S0URI.


servator, who had on more than, one occasion visited the Grand Bodies in Missouri, and had been treated with that courtesy which the Mason~ of this jqrisdiction always extend to visiting brethren. The next morning, your Grand Secretary, in compl:\.ny· with several members of the Grand 0, repaired to the place of meeting. While there, a P. G. Master requested a copy of the proceedings of your Grand 0 for 1863, which was promptly furnished. It was then for the first time your Grand Secretary learJ;led the na,ture of o£the charges brought against him, which were, 1st, that he had offered an insult to the Grand 0 of Illinois in his report on Foreign Correspondence, when commenting on the wicked designs of the "Conservators;" and 2d, that your Grand Secretary was active in having the" Missouri resolutions " passed in relation to that body. Finally, your Grand Secretary was inf.:>rmed by the same P. G. Master that Grand Master Blair declared he would not open the Grand 0 if your Grand Secretary was present. Your Grand Secretary then withdrew to his hotel. The next morning P. G. Master Jonas offered the resofution before quoted, when 81 vote was taken, with a result highly satisfactory to all true Masons. ~our Grand Secretary WaS then introduced by P. G. Masters Jonas and Buck, and was received, as the proceedings say, in AMPLE FORM. The reception was all that any l\fason, however high his standing, could desire, and proved conclusively that 80 intelligent a body of :Masons as composed the Grand 0 of Illinois could not be brought to gratify the petty maJice of a few disorganizers. In closing this personal matter, which your Grand Secretary desires to do without comment, he may be permitted to return his heartfelt thanks to P. G. Masters Jonas, Lusk, Lavelly, Anderson, Dills and Buck, for the uniform courtesy and kindness extended to him; also, to the l\f. W. Grand Master, Bro. Thos. J. Turner, the true Mason, the courteous, dignified gentleman, whose unremitting attention leaves a grateful recollection of favors which your Grand Secretary never hopes to be able to repay; and last,



though not least, to his warm;.hearted friend and Bro., Grand Secretary lteynolds, he would say that he hopes somes day or other to have an opportunity to pay him off in kind for the cordial reception received at his, hands. And, finally, to the intelligent and worthy Masons cc,mposing the Grand 0 of lllinois he would fraternally say: Obey the declared rulings of your Grand 0; discountenance all innovations on the ancient landmarks; cultivate brotherly regards, and endeavor to forgive and forget all those 'unpleasant occurrences which have dlsturbed your jurisdiction for the past two years. Nobly has the Grand 0 of lllinois ,vindicated its outraged honor by placing the seal of its condemnation on the course pursued by P. G. Blair, and sustaining and ~pproving the acts and doings of its Grand Secretary Reynolds. Resolutions of the most stringent character were presented by that sterling craftsman, P. G. M. Buck, and adopted by the Grand 0, conde~ning, in unmistakeable terms, the ConserVators and their association, as a corrupt and clandestine organization, treasonable to the institution of Masonry, and subversive of its sacred interests, honor and perpetuation. ~ll of the present officers of the Grand 0 are brethren whose known opposition to "Conservatorism" was well understood by the members of the Grand 0; and the re-election, by a large majority, of their faithful and efficient Grand Secretary, Bro. Reynolds, proves conclusively that book-peddling, mnemonics, excerpta, sheep-gates or 'dung-gates, or any other than the true gates, will not be tolerated by our brethren "on the other side of the river." M. W. Thomas J. Turner, Grand Master, Freeport) R. W. Harman G. Reynolds, Grand Secretary, Springfield.

IN,DIAN A. The Grand 0 assembled in Inaianapolis on the 25th 'of May, .1863; 270 CEJ路 represented. The Grand Master alludes to the desolation of the p!'esent un-


natural war, which has been most keenly felt in every Grand 0 jurisdiction, and calls upon his brethren to do their whole duty, " as by so doing they will be faithful to God, true to the country, and fraternal to their fellow-men." The death of P. G. Master Henry C. Lawrence is noticed in suitable terms, and a page of the proceedings dedicated to his memory, as is a180a page to the memory of Bro. R. W. Gilkerson, Senior Grand Deacon. The Grand :Master decided that" a brother, in good standing in his 0, who had gone South, joined the Confederate army, received a commission therein, and is now in arms against the Government of the United States, cannot be expelled by his Lodge for this act alone;" and wisely bases his claim upon the second of the "Old Charges." "Ours," says the M. W., "is a society of peace; loud and discordant Dotes are out of place among us. The trowel is the best of our emblems. Had we, as a nation, dealt less in politics and more in patriotism, the present dark cloud of calamities would never have fallen upon us." Bro. Hacker, from the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, presented a brief report, and suggested to the Grand 0 the propriety of dispensing with the labors of such committee," thus saving a vast amount of unnecessary labor, and the Grand 0 some unnecessary expense." Well, every lDan to his taste. If the Grand 0 of Indiana, through its Committee on Foreign Correspondence, cannot furnish reports acceptable to the great body of Masons in their jurisdiction, and who never see the proceedings of a Grand 0 outside their own, it is all right and proper that such committee should be discontinued. This, we trust, will not be received as a rule outside their jurisdiction. Bro. Hacker presented a. report advocating the expulsion of disloyal brethren, which was, on motion, laid on the table. M. W. William Hacker, of Shelbyville, Grand M88ter; R. W. Francis King, of Indianapolis, Grand Secretary.


IOWA. The Grand 0 assembled in Iowa City" June 20th, 1863 ; 83 CEJ represented. In the absence of the Grand Master, R. W. Edward A. Guilbert, D. G. Master, delivered a;n address, in which he alludes to the disturbed condition of the country, the prosperity of the Order, and schools of instruction. Upon aU these subjects the R. W. has something to say, and says it welL A page of the proeeedings is dedicated to the" patriotic dead." R. W. Grand Secretary Parvin delivered an interesting historic~l address on the 20th anniversary of the installation of the Grand officers of the Grand 0 of Iowa. The first 0 formed in the Territory of Iowa was by letters. of dispensation granted by the D. G. Master (Joseph Foster) of Missouri, dated November 20, 1840, and the first candidate initiated was P. G. Master James R. Hartsock. The Gra.nd 0 was formed in 1844. Bro. W. C. Gaston, Chairman 00 Foreign Correspondence, presented So brief report on the proceedings of twenty-three Grand CEJ. He quotes with approval the action of the Grand 0 of Missouri, 1862, in the restoration of the charter of Clarksville CJ, No.17. M. W. Edward A. Guilbert, A. M., Dubuque, Grand Master; R. W. Theodore S. Parvin, Iowa City, Grand Secretary. KANSAS. The Eighth Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held in the city of Topeka, October 21st, A. D. 1863, A. L. 5863 '; 15 CEb representedL From the excellent address of Grand Master Saqui we select the following: " BRETHREN: I would call your attention to an attempt which is being made in neighboring Gralld 0 jurisdictions to introduce into the Order dangerous innov.ations, productive already of much




discord and ba.d feeling, and calculated, in my opinion, if not discountenanced, to do irreparable injury to the fraternity. I refer to the proceedings of the so-called 'Conservators' Association. > Our sister Grand 0 of the State of Missouri has, in very emphatic language, expressed her condemnation of the 'Conservators' and their acts; and I would recommend that this Grand 0, in whatever manner they may consider proper, record their unqualified disapproval of the ' Conservators" efforts to override the established regulations of Masonry, and impose llew and heretofore unknown customs and standards of authority upon the 路fraternity. It is our duty to 'KEEP OVR ALTARS AS OUR baTHERS BUILDED THEM.'

" In connection with this matter 1 would say that, a short time ago, I received a circular, purporting to be written and signed by Robert Morris, in defense of the' Conservators' Association,' and condemnatory of the a.ction of the Grand 0 of Missouri in relation thereto; and a more high-handed a.nd disrespectful attempt to create insubordination in the subordinate E::E!:J of the State of Missouri, and incite disregard of Grand 0 authority, an enemy of the fraterity could only essay. If the spirit of ihe document is to be taken 88 an example of 'Coll8ervatorism,' the less we have of it the better we will be 88 M880ns." The foregoing has the ring of the trup. metal in it. The Grand Master says: "I hold that a Grand Master is never justified in granting a dispensation to elect, initiate, pass and raise a candidate, unless upon satisfactory proof that the Order will be benefitted thereby, alld not merely an applicant accommodated." In appropriate language the Grand M88ter n01ilCeS the massacre a.t Lawrence, where, among others, six of our brethren were murdered. The Grand Master immediately issued a. circular to the CEb of his jurisdiction, ca.lling for relief, which met with a liberal re~ponse, and the Grand Master visited Lawrence in person to administer to the wants of the homeless, the widow and the orphan.





May our M. W. brother be gratefully remembered by his brethren for this kind act. An excellent report on Foreign Correspondence was presented by Grand Secretary Carr, in which our proceedings are kindly noticed. Bro. R. R. Rees, Chairman of the Committee to whom was referred the subject of the so-called Conservators, presented a chara.cteristic report, closing with the ~ollowing, which, together withthe report, was adopted:

"Resolved, That the fraternity of Kan~a.s should stand aloof from the Conservators, and all other patent-right systems of imparting knowledge, and thereby avoid the hidden rocks, shoals and quicksands 011 which some of our neighbors are in danger of being wrecked." M. W. J &Cob Saqui, of Atchison, Grand Master; R. W. E. T. Carr, of Fort Leavenworth, Grand Secretary.

MAINE. The Grand 0 of Maine assembled in Portland, 5th May, A. L., 5863 ; .A. D., 1863; 98 CE:J represented. The Grand Master thus alludes to the popularity of our Order: " Our Institution is now popular, candidates are rushing to our doors, and, instead of ask't'ng, are almost demanding admission. Here lies our greatest danger. In the time of our prosperity, designing men may endeavor to use Masonry to extend their business, or as a stepping-stone to influence in the community. Candidates influenced by such motives as these would be cancers that would eat our vitals. Another class of candidates make nfgative Masons: they are to Masonry what drones aTe to the hive-they add nothing to our strength. We need large-heft,rted, disinterested, live men. We should not hesitate to reject those who are not worthy. Fix your standard high, and, if the candidate does not come up to it, reject him; and if a candidate-your friend~i8 rejected, do not break up the harmony of your 0 by






foolishly resenting it. It is unpleasant to have one's friend rejected; but we should consider whether we will quietly submit, or prefer to vindicate our friend at the expense of the harmony of the D." The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence reported that a. D (U. D.) has no jurisdiction to try charges against a Mason, even though he be one of those named in the dispensa.tion. Suitable notice is taken of the death of Brother Charles B. Smith, who had been for ten years Grand Secretary of the Grand 0 of 1\{aine; also ~f Bro. James L. Child, a "faithful and fraternal Mason" ; also of Bro. Daniel C. Stanwood. Pages of the proceedings are de·dicated to their memory. The report on Foreign Correspondence· is, as usual, from the fertile pen of Bro. Pearl. It is an able, and interesting paper. Commenting on the proceedings of the Grand 0 of Dlinois for 1862, our worthy brother says: " That no subject has produced so.much contention and discord among the fraternity as this of the COnBervators, where their associations have been introduced. • It· is a. secret organization, the members having· for their immediate object official ~OBition in their own CE:J and the Grand D. It is not only adopting. a system of electioneering in its worst form in our 4!:J, but it also introduces the caucus ayswm. This Grand 0 has heretofore expressed its opinion in regard to electioneering. ill most decided terms; and we fully. believe that Maine will nQt prove a fruitful soil for Conservatism, or any other ism, that would so certainly entail evIl upon our Order." We have received a copy of the report on Foreign Correspondence for tho present year, but too late for an extended notice. Will Bro. Pearl, or some other brother, inform us as to the whereabouts of Henry L. Palmer, purporting to hail from Missouri, and a member of the so-called North American Masonic· Congress? We should like to know who he is, where he is from, and by what authority he acts?



M. Yr. William P. Preble, Grand Master, Portland; R. W. . ha Berry, Grand Secretary, Portland. MARYLAND. A Special Communication of this M. W. Grand 0 was held in Baltimore, on 17th and 18th days of August, 1863, in order that the Committee on Work and Lectures might have the same exemplified before the Grand 0 for its adoption. M. W. JohnN. McJiIton, Grand Master, presiding, with a due representation of CEJ. . In his address, the ~1. W. Grand ]'laster strikes a death-blow at the Conservators and their schemes. "But perhaps he did not understand the subject." We wish we could give this admirable report entire, as it is equal, if not superior, to any of his former masonic, papers; and clearly proves that, as a masonic writer, he has no superior in America. After showing the designs of the Conservators, as well as the impropriety of the association, the M. W. says: "It is by no means difficult to foresee that controversies, heresies, dissensions and divisions must be occasioned by the admission and encouragement of any association existing and operating independently and pertinaciously within the great body of the masonic Institution. This body of Conservators, nay, the chief Conservator himself, in the name of the body,. assumes to be the exponent of Masonry in the United States, and to dictate' systems of work and lectures to be adopted by the Grand CEJ and by the brethren throughout the country. Within the body of Masonry, the association appears to all intents and .purposes as an imperium in z路mperio; and, as such, it is full of danger, and has in it as many of the elements of discord and contention as any government, within a government, that can be conceived. This feature, and its consequences, may be readily apprehended by an inteliigent, candid mind. If the appeal of the Conservator chief to the brethren of Missouri be successful-which is certainly the



design of its author-what is to be the result? Not surely the peaceful and successful working of the Craftsmen of the jurigdic. tion, but diasension, anarchy, perhaps division. And will the masonic authorities, and the individual Ma,som of the United States, sanction or admit of such procedure? I can not but look upon this movem~nt of Bro. Morris as a very unfortunate one; and I can not believe it will be sustained by the great body of Masonry in the United States. . It is to me surprising that the association of Conservators has not before this been .denounced as a masonically clandestine body. It is not legal; it is not authorized; it is voluntary.; it is an association of individual Masons without warrant or lease, ror special pur路 poses, not contemplated by the great body of Masonry itself; it assumes that it is respectable; that it is important; that it ought to be heard when it speaks; that its word and council ought to be taken as authority; it resists regularly authorized' and constitutionally operative Masonry; its chief is supreme, and speaks in behalf of his association; and his work and sentiment are circulated as the work and sentiment of the society. A few generations of such innovation-if admitted and successful-will reduce the masonic institution to the level of an ordinary society, and destroy its unity, its interest, its singular character and purpose. The result is inevitabl~, or humanity is a different thing among the Conservators from what it is elsewhere, and is falsely represented by the chief Conservator. But what is to be said of the publication of the 'Mnemonic&' as a speculation? Does it accQfd with the landm~ks and laws? Is it to be admitted that esoteric Masonry can be made the object of sale in any form whatever? If so, the esoteric character of the Institution must. bE:vome exoteric; and then wh~t ?-the landmarks prostrated, the Institution, so long and so faithfully preserved, must be' leveled to the ordinary associa.tions of the day, and its sacred territory laid open to the world." At the Annual Communication in November last, the Committee



on the Grand I\-Iaster's address of th~ May Communication, relative to the Conservators; made a report, in which they say: "They regard the said Conservators as a body of innovators upon the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons; and that, if successful in their enterprise, they will be likely to do great damage to the masonic Institution by invading the old landmarks路 by which the Order is distinguished from all other human associations. " The following resolutions, among others, were adopted: "ResJlved, That the association styled the 'Collservators of Symbolic ~iasonry,' is an unauthorized and unmasonic body, and working,路as it does, as a secr~t organization within 'the body of Masonry, publishing and selling unauthorized and prohibited books, and conferring degrees unknown to Ancient Craft Ma~onry, should be 'discountenanced by all true and faithful Craftsmen.

Resolved, That the association styled the 'Conservators of Symbolic Masonry,' headed by Rob. Morris, of Kentucky, be, and are, by this Grand 0 declared a clandestine association, .and the members of that body are~ to be so held and treated by all Mason~ under the jurisdiction of this Grand D." . The Grand 0 also condemns the publication of any part of the ritual, either in cyphers or mnemonics; and regards all such acts as a gross and shameful departure from masonic propriety, and as a dishonorable violation of obligations. M. W. JohnCoats, of Baltim~re, Grand Master; R. W~ ~acob H. Medairy, of Baltimore, Grand Secretary. MICHIGAN. This Grand 0 assembled in the city of Detroit, January, 13th, A. L., 5864 ; 121 CEJ represented. The Grand Master, during the year, granted nine dispensations for the formation of new CEJ.路 Dispensations were granted to various r::::搂:J to confer degrees upon one hundred and thirty-three candidates. In one case the candidate was not quite twenty-



one years of age. The Grand Master approves of the work and Lectures of the Baltimore Convention, as taught in Michigan since 1845, and he is very severe upon the Conservators' Association, warning the brethren to have nothing to do with it, as it has been producti\"e of discord and dissension in other jurisdictions. Bro. James Fenton, Grand Secretary, presented the report on Correspondence. Referring to Missouri, he says: "The Grand Lecturer exemplified the work and Lectures, whereupon the Grand 0 solemnly re-affirmed tne Bal~imore work, as received from the R. W. S. W. B. Carnegy and Joseph Foster, their representatives in the Baltimore Convention in 1843." The committee to whom was J;eferred the whole subject of a change in the work of the Order presented a. voluminous report, condemnatory of the Chief' Conservator and his pretensions, and, among others, adopted the following:

"Resolved J That any attempt, by any person or body of men, to introduce or -teach any change of our long-established lectures is unconstitutional, unmasonic, and deserves the most severe reprehension, and is by this Grand 0 strictly forbidden within this jurisdiction." M. W. Lov.ell Moore, Grand Rapids, Grand Master; R. W. James Fenton, Detroit, Grand Secretary. MINNESOTA.

This: Grand 0 held its Eleventh Annual Communication in the city of St. Paul, October 27th, A. D., 1863, A.. L., 5863; 26 CE::J were represented. The Grand Master says: "The Grand 0 of Minnesota was organized in 1853, with three subordinate eetl, since which time thirty-five charters ha.ve been granted. It iS3 very remarkable fact that all who participated in the organization of the Grand o are still living. * * * Other jurisdictions, with a less number of 1Ifb, and some, too, younger th~n ours, have been



A. ~.



called 째upon to mourn the loss of both Grand and subordinate . officers. For two years the Angel of Death has passed us by--a peculiar and mysterious manifestation of the protective care and goodness of Divine Providence." How truly Masonic is the following: U The 'Privileges of Masonry are designed only for the select few. If it were otherwise, no attempt at restrictions would be thrown around admissions. I tremble. for the good name, the safety, the perpetuity of the Order, when I hear brethren boasting or the number of a}>plications pending in their CJ. The brethrt1ll, in olden time, had this idea in view when they ena,ct~d the law that but five new brethren couid he made a.t one time. There is danger, brethren, great danger to the institution, in the wholesale work of making Masons. The old adage,' go slow,' although homely, is a most excellent one in Masonry.') Bro. Prescott, Grand Secretary, presented a well-wtitten :report on Foreign Correspondence; reviewing, in his accustomed goodhumored Ilianner, the proceedings of the several Grand CEJ which came under his obsertation. Our R. W. brother has no faith in the Conservators' Association, saying, "That wire-working for office is the direct and inevitable consequence of such a scheme. Other consequences, direct and inevitable, might be mentioned to result from placing the authority propo~ed in the hands of any think it right to' expose this most one man. * It: *. unmasonic and hurtful move of 'the distinguished Mason of Kentucky,' and that neither his benevolence,}Us patriotism, his misfortunes nor his pooverty should be an excuse for his course. We ha'9"e no fears, however, that his plans will be accomplished. Bro. Morris, in his admiration of Loyola's wonderful scheme, seems to have overlooked the great truth, that a system, however plausible or deeply laid in cunning, which has once proved itself to be so pernicious a falsehood, as to demand its destruction, can: not be sllccessfully initiated."


The .p~ngs of our Grand 0 come in for a fraternal and extended :notice. Personally, we thank our R. W. Brother for




. the kind manner in which he alludes to your Committee; it will not be forgotten. M_ W. A. T. C. Pierson, Grand Master, St. Paul; R. W. Geo. Prescott, Grand Secretary. NEBRASKA. This Grand

D. assembled

in Omaha, June 23d, A. D., 1863 ;

A.L., 5863; 7 Câ‚Ź:J represented. The Grand Master being absent, there is no address. Bro. A. H. Jackson, from Committee on Foreign Correspondence, acknowledges the receipt of the proceedings of several Grand CEJ, but "had no time to compile or sketch their contents. " M. W. D. H. Wheeler, Plattsmouth, Grand Master; R. W. S. D. Bangs, Belleview, Granel Secretary. NEW


The Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held in the city of Trenton, 20th and 21st January, 1864'; 45' CEb represented. The Grand Master states that, in numbers, "Masonry has largely increased within the jurisdiction during the past year, and the quality of the material is such as he can cheerfully recommend." In his notice of the Conservators, the M. W. says: " There are certain matters of difference that have arisen within the jurisdiction during the past year, to whiah your attention will probably be called. The most important of the matters will be that of' Conservatorism.' A little more than two years ago I first heard of Conservators in Masonry. Shortly after that time, together with my associate Grand Officers, I saw the Cons~rvator work exemplified at Jersey City. Immediately after the exemplification, I gave dire~tio~s to said officers to forbid said work behIg used in any 0 within the State. . I have alwaJs considered the system a dangerous one to the Fl'aternity. It is c



not right that one man, however good he might be, should be . entrusted with the control of thousands of his fellows-they subject to his dictation, compelled to do his bidding, and yielding a blillil obedience to his wishes. It is the more dangerous to the existence of ft.n institution, like that of ours, to have a secret, offensive body within it. We have seen the result of the action of the so-caned Conservators within other jurisdictions, and should profit therefrom. I would, therefore, recommend that such accion be taken in this matter as will effectually put a stop to the carrying on 'Conservatorism' in this -State." The Grand Secretary, Bro. Hough, presented a well-written report on Foreign Correspondence, in which he deals heavy blows against the Conservators. Alluding to our report of 1863, he says: "The Grand Secretary, in his report on Foreign Correspondence, under the head of Illinois, handles the Conservators roughly, perhaps n? more so than they deserve for their treasonable designs." And again: "The report is an able one, courteous and dignified, and all that we might expect from Bro. O'Sullivan, who writes without fear, favor or affection for any particular one." The" Missouri Resolutions," adopted by our Grand 0, are copied in full. A very intere8t~ng report on the History of Masonry in New Jersey was presented, from which we learn that Daniel Cox, Esq., was commissioned by the Duke of Norfolk, Grand Master of the Grand路 D of England, as Provincial Grand Master of the Provinces of New York , New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The " Copy of Deputation" bears date 5th January, 1730. It does not appear that the Provincial Grand Master availed himself of his privileges, by the establishing of CEJ. Hence we find that Benjamin Frankl:Jl, in 1734, applied to the Provincial Grand 0 of Massachusetts ~or a warrant for a 0 in Philadelphia. The report is im,portant, as throwing some' light on the early history of Freema,sonry in this country.' We trust the able committee who have charge of this subject will persevere in their labors.



Why don't we hear from New York on the early history of Masonry in that jurisdiction? M. W. Wm. Silas Whitehead, Gra.nd Magter, Newark; R. W. Joseph B. Hough, Grand Secretary, Trenton. NEW YORK. The Grand d or New York assembled in Annual Communicationin the city of New York, June 2d, A. D., 1863 ;'A. L., 5863; 451 e::e:J represented. The Grand Master notices the death of M. W. William H. Milnor, P. G. Master; also the death of R. W. Jarvis M. Hatch, P. G. S. Warden; also Rev. James H. Perry, P. G. Chaplain. The Grand Master decided "that a brother cannot be received as an affiliating member of a 0 unless he produce his Demit, or show sufficient cause for its non-production; that a demit once having been granted by a vote of the 0, that vote cannot be . reconsidered, even though the non-affiliated brother should again petition, and the 0 should unanimously vote to recommend it: when once a demit has been granted and accepted, the brother demitting can return to the 0 in the Bame manner only as any other una.ffiliated Mason would enter it." Bro. Ellicott Evans presented an able report on Foreign Correspondence, covering 134 pages, a large portion of which is devoted to European Grand Cfb. The salary of the Grand Secretary was fixed at $3,000 per annum.......this amount to include clerk hire. We notice, with regret, the adoption of a new burial service by the Grand Cl of New York. It is not a.t all equal to the timeBonored .service as found in "Webb, Cross, Trestle-board and other text books. Do 1l0t try to improve upon this sublime service, brethren! It cannot be successfully done. Every attempt thllEl far 路has been a. failure-this last the worst of all. The "Missouri Resolutions" relative to the (Jon8ervato~ were


GRAND m'J)(m Ml' A.



received and ordered to be placed on file, and are printed with the proceedings of the Grand D. M. W. Clinton F. Page, Grand Master, Binghamton; R. W. James M. Austin, M. D., Grand Secretary, New York.

NEW HAMPSHIRE. The Annual Communication of this Grand 0 was held in the city of Concord, 10th June, 1863; 50 CEb represented. , The Grand Master is desirous that the Free Masons of New Hampshire should maintain such a respect for the version of their work and lectures that they will never voluntarily deviate from them in any respect. He also says: "That it is not desirable to listen to projects for introducing new systems, however plausibly urged, and with whatever parade and authority. . . It will be quite time for us to adopt novelties when the highest recognized tribunal shall give them its indorsement; until then, it is wiser and better "to make no departure from the ancient and approved precedents." Bro. A. P. Hughes preseLted a brief report on Foreign Correspondence, noticing the proceedings of the several Grand CE!J-our own among the nnmber. M. W. Oharles H. Bell, Exeter, Grand Master; R. W. Horace Chase, Hopkinton, Grand Secretary.

OHIO . . The Grand 0 of Ohio assembled in Columbus, l~th October, 1863; 175 CE!J represented. T路he M. W. Grand ~a8ter, alluding to the means ado!,ted for the dissemination of the work and lectures, says: "There also been sufficient legisla.tion to prevent the dissemination of any ritual in this State, other than that approved by the. Grand CJ; and as the enactments and decisions of the Grandt:r are, by its constit~tion, declared to be the supreme masonic law'in this jurisdiction, i.t is expected路 that every Mason in the State will conform to these enactments and路 decisions, and




to the utmost of his power aid in enforcing them and in preventing their violation, either by members of the Craft of this or other States." P. G. Master Thrall presented a well-written report on Foreign Correspondence, reviewing, in a fraternal spirit, the proceec1ingg of sixteen Grand C2:J-our own coming in for a kind notice. Our worthy brother has no sympathy with the Conservators or their designs, as witness the following: ". A large portion of the Grand Cf!:J are exercising themselves to obtain 'uniformity of work;' and out of this febrile pursuit of a phantom has sprung into being a neoteric ephemeron, assuming the pretentious name of ' Conservators of Symbolic Masonry.' . The chief of this 'order' professes to be in possession-whether by indirect inspiration or surreptitiously we know not-of the exact, literal work and lectures of ' Webb Preston' Masonry. This single claim is the entire stock in trade. The monstrous improbability of this claim should have warned all considerate Masons of its spurious character. Yet, by dint of brazen assurance, it was wound into two or three Grand Jurisdictions, and well nigh caused their violent disruption. Fortunately for the Craft in Ohio, the illustrious Webb spent his last years among them; and there are yet lingering in our E:E:J those who received their lessons in Masonry at his handa; and yet many 0thera who learned those lessons of Snow, his cotemporary, 'chosen pupil and co-laborer in the Art. We need no circumlocutory inspiration or vicarious oracle to inform us what these teachings are; they are daily being dispensed by the instructive tongue from the depository of faithful breasts." M. W. Thomas Sparrow, Columbus, Grand Master; R. W. 'John D. Caldwell, Cincinnati, Grand Secretary~ OREGON. This Grand CJ held its Thirteenth Annual Communication at Salem, 21st September, 1863, 24 CEJ represented.



A. 11'. A.


The Grand Master being absent, there was no address from that officer. The Deputy-Grand Master presented a brief report relating to his acts, as such, during the year. Rev. Bro. Perine, from the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, presented a lengthy report, reviewing the proceedings of eleven Gi-and CEJ. The thanks of the Grand 0 was voted our brother for his interesting and instructive report. A report and resolutions were adopted, condemning the C~n足 servators a-nd their designs, and subjecting "to discipline any ~lason, who, having become a member of said organization, will not immediately withdraw his membership from the same." M. W. John McCraken, Portland, Grand 1\faster; R. W. Wm. S. Caldwe1l 1 Grand Secretary.

RHODE ISLAND. rhe Gra.nd 0

assembled in Providence, May 25th, A. D., IhjS; A. L., 5863; 16 CEJ represented. The Grand Master states that he granted dispensations for conferring the degr~es of Freemasonry, without awaiting the prescribed term of probation required by the Constitution and the By-Laws of CEJ. The 1\1. W. caused to be made in a Grand 0 of instn,Iction, Henry C', Spencer, who was initiated, passed and raised a~ the S3>me meeting, without taking the usual ballots. \.

; Hereto'~ore Grand Master Ballou condemned "Young America" and rather complimented himself as being an "old fogy." We would liko to be informed of any act or acts of "Young America" to compare with those of the M. W. Grand Master, violating the Constitution of his Grand 0, and setting at naught the By-Laws of Cf!:J; and, to cap the climax, to initiate, pass'and raise a candidate at one and the same meetin~, without - , the formality of a ballot. What next?



M. W. Ariel Ballou, Woonsocket, Grand Master; R. W. Thos. A. Doyle, Providence, Grand Secretary. WISCONSIN. The Annual Communication of this Grand q was held in the city of Milwaukee, June 9th, A. D., 1863; A. L., 5863 ; 94 CftJ were represented. The Grand Master sayE: "Among the sources of danger which threaten us is one which, in my opinion, is too little heeded, especially at the present time when the number of members in atttendance upon our 0 meetings has become greatly reduced by the absence of many who are in the army of our country. For the sake, it may be, of increasing the numerical strength of the D-perhaps to lighten the pecuniary burden of those who deemed it their duty to remain at 路home-many persons are proposed and receive the degrees, who, if a rigid application were made of the true masonic test, would forever have remained without the pale of our institution. I fear that in some instances we have departed from the customs of the Fathers, in the heedlessness with which we have admitted candidates to participate in our mysteries, and feel it to be my duty on this occasion to warn you of the路 danger resulting from such a want of caution." Bro. Washburn presented the report on Foreign Correspondence. He received the proceedings of only fifteen Grand Cf3.J, and attributed the failure of receiving more to the distracted condition of the country, and the consequent interruption of the usual mail facilities. 1\1. W. Alwin B. Alden, Grand Master, Portage City; R. W. William T. Palmer, Grand Secretary, Milwaukee. "A Solemn Protest, directed to the ~Masonic Brethren of lIEfsouri, against'the legislation of their Grand CEJ, concerning ~rhe Society of Conservators, in 1\lay, 1863, and a Circular directed to the" Freemasons of :\lichigan," signed, Rob. Morris,



are herewith submitted without comment, believing that they "ill be more fully attended to (if deemed necessary) by your M. W. Grand Body. VERMONT. After closing the foregoing report, we received th~ following: GRAND LODGE OF VERMONT, GRAND S~CfETARY'S OFFICE,

Poultney, March, .11. D.,.1864; .11. L., 5864.

l S

At the Annual Communication of the Grand 0 of Vermont, holden at Bellow's Falls, January 14~ A. D., 1864, A. L., 5864, a special committee, to 'whom the subject had been referred, reported the followiLg resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the l\1:asters of the Subordinate CEJ within this jurisdiction are hereby directed 'to permit no person to lecture in their respective CEb, for the purpose of instruction, without the written autho'rity of the Grand .Master or Grand Lecturer of this Grand 0; and that the sale or disposal in any way of any Ritual of Masonry not sanctioned by the Grand Lecturer iM an invasion of the rights of this Grand 0, and that the Grand Master be requested to take measures for the effectual suppression of any such traffic that m~y come to his knowledge. By order of the Grand Master,

HENRY CLARK, Grand Secretary. Thus it will be seen that the last plank is knocked from under the " Conservators." These poor creatures thought to prop their cause by the use of the honored and revered name of Philip C. Tucker, now, and for some time., in his grave. He, were he living, would scorn the men who, in violation of their most solemn covenants, make merchandise of that which all true MasoIlB hold most sacred. CONCLUSION. Our labors, for the present, are ended. Our report is before you with all its imperfections. We have sought to give the views


- 41

of others, rather than our own, upon the all-absorbing subject of the" Conservators ;" and if we have succeeded in convincing our brethren, upon the testimony of others, that the Conservators' A~sociation .is an organization fraught with danger to Ancient Craft Masonry, and, as such, should be discountenanced by all true Masons, then we have not labored in vain. From Maine to Oregon, and from New Jersey to Colorado, these people ar0 denounced as corrupt, and their organization treasonable. Wherever they obtain a foothold they cause strife and contention, and no confidence is to be placed in their professions, for, as covenant-breakers, truth is totally ignored among them, and sincerity and plain-dealing is no part of their programme. Even the dead-the honored dead-are not allowen to rest in their graves undisturbed, but they must be quoted as approving that whic4, were they living, they would loathe and scorn. We in Missouri have had but few of the followers erf this heresy among us. We have, however, a list of names of Masons of Missouri who are, or were, identified with the Conservators. They may be found in the numbers of the "Qonservator" now before us. We believe our brethren were led to connect themselves with the organization as much through curiosity as allY other motive. We would earnestlj appeal to them to abandon all further connection with the Association. Let us support and obey the edicts, rules and regulations of our Grand 0; live faithful to our obligations, and be true to the" great Order," that when "ye die we may leave unsullied names behind us. We have been charged with quarrelling, bickerings and accusations among ourselves. Let us prove, by our acts upon this occasion, that we are a unit in OUf opposition to all treasonable designs, by mercenary men, 'upon the integrity of Ancient Craft :Masonry. Fraternally submitted, A. O'SULLIVAN.



Bro. Giddings presented a memorial from Savannah 0, No. 71, which was received and referred to the Committee on Applications and Communications. The M. W. Grand l\laster of Dlinois addressed the Grand 0 in a forcible and eloquent manner. He was followed by Grand Secretary Reynolds, who gave Borne interesting reminiscences of the introduction of Masonry into illinois. R. W. Bro. Vinci} presented a memorial from Hannibal 0, No. 188, asking for an extension of time to pay one hundred dollars, borrowed from Grand 0, and the same was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. R. W. Bro. Houston presented a resolution asking that the dues of Richmond 0, remaining unpaid, for the years 1861-2-3, be remitted, and the same was referred to the Committee on Ways and l\leans. Bro. D. N. Burgoyne presented a. resolution asking' that the dues of l\iissouri 0, No.1, for 1862, be remitted, and the same was referred to the Committee on Ways and :Means. R. W. John D. Vincil offered the following, which was received and referred tothe following committee-Bros. Vincil, Luke and Houston:

Resolved, That the subject matter of the action of the Grand had during the last Communication, in relation to the Conservators' Association, be referred to a special committee, who shall revise the same and report a mode of action for the future government of the brethren in this jurisdiction. 0,

The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until nine o'clock to-morrow morning.




The M. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor b)" the M. W. Grand Master.



Grand officers at their several stations. Prayer by Grand Chaplain. Minutes of yesterday's- proceedings read and approved R. W. Bro. Vinci!, a8 one of the Committee on Applications from Liberty 0 and others, relative to scholarships in late Masonic College, requested that the Committee might be increased, and the M. W. appointed Bros. Drummond and Whitcomb as additional members of said committee. The Grand Secretary presented a communication signed Robert Morris, which the Grand 0 refused to receive or entertain. Memorials from Howard 0, Pleasant Grove, and sundry others, received and referred to Committee on Ways and Means. The following report, from the Committee on the Grand Master's address, was received and adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The undersigned, appointed to distribute to appropriate committees the subjects contained in the address of our M. W. Grand Master, submit the following: We recommend that the subject of District-Deputy Grand Masters be referred to a select committee; that portion in reference to several Câ‚ŹJ whose charters have been arrested, to the Committee on Chartered Lodges. We suggest that the action of Westville 0, No. 202, in initiating ( and passing) a candidate on a minority report of the Committee of Investigation, be referred to a special committee. Your committee most cordially approve the firm and decided course pursued by our Grand Master in regard to "Conservator" Masonry, and in carrying out the edicts of this Grand 0 in reference to that destructive innovation. May Conserva.tor Masonry, Robert Morris, and his infamously-insulting "Protest," alike ever mee~ the just detestation of all good Masons. Your d?mmittee are happy to report the obt~nment of a just and liber~l charter for this Grand 0, perpetuatdn its character. We recommend its acceptance on the part of this G[and D.



Your committee find nothing in the excellent address of our Grand Master but what we heartily endorse, and of course it will meet the approbation of the Grand 0, and take its proper place in the printed proceedings. Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. VINCIL, H. J. DRUMMOND, CHARLES LEVY. The following special committee was appointed on that portion of the Grand Master's address r~lative to Westville 0 : Bros. L-cvy, Hutton and Grubbs. The Charter of Incorporation of the M. W. Grand 0 of :Missouri was read and accepted, and ordered to be printed with the proceedings. The Grand Lecturer presented the following report, which was received and ordered to be printed:



M. W.



The Grand Lecturer begs leave to submit the following report: In October last, I visited the city of Hamlibal, and found St. John's 0 located in a good hall, neatly fitted up, and doing plenty of work, and that of the right sort; the officers well qualified' and zealous in the discharge of their duties; the members living in peace with each other, and attending their 0 meetings with great regularity. I regret I can not say as much for Hannibal D.From Bome unaccountable cause, the 0 has don~ scarcely any work during the past year, nLd has not met regularly, in accordance with its by-laws. This is to be clef 1:led, as the 0 has several gentlem~Il of undoubted masonic abilty among its members, and could;. if it woult. only do its duty, exercise a beneficial influence in the community. I trust the brethren will awake to a sense of their duties, and go earnestly to work as good and true Masons.



Palmyra 0, No. 18, I found in a flourishing condition, having a neat and well-furnished hall; intelligent officers ; doing a large amount of good and true work; the material being the most moral and influential citizens of the community. Where such zealous craftsmen as Bros. Anderson, Drummond, Dresher, Jackson and with such marked others are found conducting the affairs of the ability, the Gran~ 0 of Missouri need have no fears that imperfect work will be turned out, to become a reproach ppon the Fraternity. Peace and harmony exists among the officers and members; and there is no contention, except that " noble contention, or rather emulation, of who best can work and best agree."

Bloomington 0 I found in good condition; its officers desirous of perfecting themselves in the work, and they, with a number of the members, faithfully attending my lectures. Laporte 0, at Macon City, is enjoying a fair degree of prosperity. If the brethren of this D-manyof whom are enterprising, intelligent merchants-would go to work and build a good hall, and furnish it well, it would add to the respectabillty and usefulness of their D. Being compelled to return home from this place, through illness of an aggravated character, I stopped a few days at Warrenton, and lectured the officers and members of Warrenton O. The brethren have a good hall, well. furnished ; the officers are intelligent and attentive to their duties, and there is no reason why a respectable路 0 can not be sustained at this place. By inyitation of Polar Star 0, of this city, I organized aD of instruction. and commenced 'exemplifying the work and lectures of Ancient Craft Masonry, on the second Saturday evening of January last, and continued them on every Saturday evening until the latter part of the following MarGh. Among the brethren who assisted me in this enterprise I will name, Bro. John W. Luke, W. M. of Polar Star 0; Bro. Martin Collins, W. M. of Occidental 0; Bro. Charles Levy, W. Master of N aphtali 0 ; and Bro. Thomas E. Garrett, P. M. of Pride of the West D. These brethren are



perfectly familiar with the work and lectures of the three Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, alid really needed no instruction from me; yet they were most punctual in their attendance, not missing a siugle night. Their zeal in the cause was truly commendable, and might have been imitated with advantage by many of their younger brethren. Our R. W. Deputy-Grand Master, Loker, when in the city, was a constant attendant; as was also myoid friend and Bro., P. G.

M. Joseph Foster. The brethren believe that some good resulted from our labors, for which I am greatly indebted to the abovenamed brethren. Fraternally submitted, A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Lecturer. The Grand Secretary presented memorials from Bro. Peniok and others, asking that the charity fund on hand in St. Joseph might be donated to St. Joseph,D; also, from Clay, Wakanda, Bloomfield and Alto Vista CEJ, asking remission of dues; and they were received and referred to Committee on Ways and :Means. Memorial from Bethany 0, for a duplicate'charter, the original being lost, received and referred to Committee on Chartered LEb.路' A resolution offer~d by Bro. Hobson was received and referred to Committee on Charity. The M. W~ appointed the following Committee on By-Laws: Bros. Pinckard, Ralls and ~eynolds. M. W. Wm. Lavelly, P. G. Master of the M. W. Grand 0 of illinois, was introduced by the Grand Secretary, and received in ample form. The Grand Secretary read the following report, showing the condition of Montezuma 0, No. 109, Santa Fe, New Mexico; and, on motion of M. W. John Ralls, P. G. M., who granted the original dispensation for said 0, during the Mexican war, the Bame was ordered to be printed with the proceedings:



No. 109, A. F. AND A. M., SANTA FE, NEW MExIco, April 25, A. L. 5864.




M. W.





near Sir and Brother: I have the honor to forward you the accompanying annual returns from this 0 for the year ending April 30, 1864. I also send, enclosed, the amount of our dues to the Grand D,in a Government draft on St. Louis for twentythree dollars, being the dues on forty-seven members, less one, whose 0 dues have been remitted. The work and the history of our during the year now at an end, as collected from the minute~ during that period, have been, in brief, about as follows: As you will observe in the returns, the number of initiations was 14; of passings, 13; of raisings, 12; of admissions, 3; of demissions, 4; of deaths, 1; and or rejections, 13. Suspensions and expulsions, none. The public Masonic address of Bro. J oab Houghton, delivered in this city on the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, in 1862, was published in pamphlet form, by order of the 0 , and distributed early in April, 1863. There was no public celebration or address in 1863, either on the 24th June or 27th December. The anniversary of the Evangelist was remembered, however, inside the 0 room, in a very handsome and instructive address, by our then and present Worshipful Master, the eloquent and learned Chief Justice Kirby Benedict. There has, during the year, been but one death among us-that of William Osterton, in November. He was, at the time, Secretary of the 0, Treasurer of the Territory of New Mexico, and Chief Clerk in the United States Depositary's office here. The funeral was attended by, I believe, all the Masons then in the city, and by the community generally, forming one of the largest processions ever seen in this capital-thus manifesting how dearly beloved the deceased was in our Fraternity, and how highly a,nd universally respected in the community.





The large and well-planned, enclosed l\:fasonic Cemetery, in the northern suburb of the city, has received a number of bodies within its silent precincts during the year; but among them, as above indicated, only one was a Mason. It has been found necessary to make some repairs on the walls during the winter, and the cemetery trustee was authorized by the 0 to havd them made. The brethren are expecting to occupy a new and elegant hall during the summer, on the north-west c( rner of the plaza. It will be in the upper story of the new and extensive building now in course of erection, for their occupancy as a wholesale and re· tail mercantile establishment, by Bros. Messrs. Elsberg and Amberg. It will be quite a relief to get out of our present pent-up and ill-adapted lower-story hall into one that will be both ample and commodious, as well as a pride to the Masons of Santa Fe. The petition to the Grand 0 of seven Masons o£ Los Vegas, seventy-five miles east of here, for the establishment of a new 0 at that place, was endorsed and recommended by this 0 in J anuary. In this connection I regret to say that Bent 0 , at Taos, seventy-five miles north of Santa Fe, has, I understand, practically ceased working, and I am informed that it is the intention of the brethren thcrea,~y to surrender their charter. The excellent code of by-laws drawn up by a committee of the Grand 0 , and rec<1mmended by that body to subordinates, for their adoption, and adopted by this 0 in December, 1862, have bcen amended so as to require a residence of at least ODe year in t~le Territory before making application for initiation, fl.nd so as to require no prescribed time of residence before making application for membership. These amendments I have sent up to your c£icc, to be laid before the 1\-1. W. Grand 0 for its action upon them. 1'he 0, a.£ter the adoption of these amendments, not douhting that they would be approved and confirmed by the Grand 0 , authorized the printing, in tho States (by Bro. P. 1\1. Pinckard), of (), br~:; find han(lsoillC edition of its by-laws. It has also, in like

01' lfHE 8TA'J.'J!l OF MISSOURI.


manner, authorized the printing of a large number of drafts on the Treasurer and receipts in blank, and the purchase of a new seal and new balloting-balIs-of all which we hope and expect soon to be in receipt from Bro. Pinckard. We have in our treasury now about one thousand five hundred dollars, and the 0 is, I think, in all respects, in a flourishing condition, counting among its members no inconsiderable proportion of the best and most distinguished citizens of New :Mexico. The brethren pay up their dues regularly, as a general thing, though some of them have fallen behind in their accounts on the Secretary's books. The delinquents are mostly those who have gone away, inthe one or the other direction, to participate in the present lamentable civil war. In cases where they can be communicated with, the Secretary has been instructed to notify them to settle their indebtedness by the stated meeting in May, or to appear and show cause for their failure in the premises. The minutes of the 0 have been kept full and explicit, in proper form, and in the manner prescribed by the Grand D. Though the year ending April 30th lacks several days of being out, I have made up the returns to its close, the chances being that they will require no alteration or amendment on or before the 30th. Should any become necessary, however, by that time, I will promptly advise you thereof. I am prompted thus early to forward the returns not only in consideration of the great distance they have to go across and beyond the great plains, but also from observing the compliment you paid our Secretary, together with the Secretaries of CEJ Nos. 53 and 92, in your report to the Grand 0 in 1858, on referring to their annual returns. In saying this, however, I beg that you will allow me to assure you that, of course, I do not myself preD



sume to aspire to being mentioned in so enviable a manner and in so distinguished a place. I am, respectfully and fraternally r

DAV. I. MILLER, Secretary Montezuma 0 , No. 109. The Grand 0 this afternoon.


Missouri Was called from labor until 3 o'clock




The. M. E. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations.

:M. W.

Bro. Giddbgs, from Committee on Ways and Means, presented the following report, which Was, on motion, adopted:






The Committee of 'Vays and Means, to whom were referred various resolutions in relation to Grand dues, have had the same under consideration, and would most respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution:.

Resolved, That the dues of the following-named CE!:J', for the time herein specified, be remitted, to-wit: Pleasant Grove

"Vest Prairie 1863.

No. 142, for the years of 1861 and 1862. No. 130, for the balance due for the year of



Richmond 0, No 57, for the balance due years of 1861,1862,. and 1863. Bloomfield 0, No. 153, for the years of 1862 and 1863. North StaT 0, No. 157, for the years of 1861 and 1862. Wakenda 0 , No. 52, for the years of 1861 and 1862. Your committee would also report back the resolution in relation to J.\rlirabile 0, No. 166, and recommend its adoption; also



recemmend to this Grand 0 the rejection of the applications of relief asked by Missouri 0, No.1, and Clay 0, No. 201. Respectfully submitted, N. B. GIDDINGS, J. BALDWIN, H. J. SMITH. Bro. Houston, fromOommittee on t:e::J U. D., present~d the following report, which was, on motion, adopted:


To' THE M. W. G. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: The Committee on .t:EJ U. D. would fraternally report that they have had under consideration.quite a number of By-laws and transcripts of proceedings, and present herewith their recommendation in reference to the same.

C B A P MAN L 0 D G E, U. D. The transcript of this 0 shows that the regular meetings during .the past year, have been held at intervals of only seven days, and that petitions for initiatiDn received at one regular meeting were balloted for after the expiration of seven days; at another regular meeting the candidate received and initiated, and at the expiration of the seventh day thereafter, his .application for the second degree was received, a ballot spread and the candidate passed to the degree of a Fellow-Craft. Such violations of masonic law and usage has characterized the labors of that 0 throughout the past year. The By-Laws containing several sections in direct c~nflict with the established law of the Grand 0, has induced the committee to recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resulved, That the application of Chapman 0, U. D., for a charter be not .granted, and that the Grand Secretary be requested to strike the name of Chapman 0, U. D., from the rolls of thi-s GTand D. IONIC LODGE, U. D. The transcript of this 0 is well made and the work well done. With one single exception, their labors have been in conformity



with law and usage, and the contravention of the .law in that individual exception has not resulted to the injury of the Craft; and believing that the dispensation was intrusted by the Grand Master to craftsmen "good and trtle," and that the interests of the fraternity would be subserved by allowing them chartered privileges we recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the application of Ionic 0, U. D., for a charter, be granted.

ST. FRANCOIS LODGE, U. D. The transcript of this shows that they have conferred the degree of Entered Apprentice upon seven candidates at one meeting, and upon six candidates at another meeting, and that during the past year they entered twenty-nine Apprentices, passed twenty-six Fellow-Crafts, and raised twenty-two Master-Masons' This appears to your committee to be too muci work; it is impossible that justice be done in entering seven can1idates in the short space of time allotted. for labor in an evening. The railroad speed with which Masons are mad~, rut only in CÂŁtJ U. D., but in some of the chartered CEJ of this jurisdiction, merits the unqualified disapprobation of the Grand D. This seems to be the only error into which the brethren of St. Frangois have fallen, and, inasmuch as the work WLlS not disapproved by P. D. p. G. M. Carter, who frequently .. met with the brethren of S~. F,'a.ngo:s, they believed that their work was in strict conformity to law, and pledging themselves (through their representative) that they will, if allowed a charter, "go slow" in future, and believing that the interests of the Craft will be v gilantly guarded, and the laws and usages faithfully obeyed and enforced by the officer and members of St. Frangois, if chartered, we recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Reolved, That a charter be granted to St. Frangois 0, U. D.


O'SULLIV AN LODGE, U. D. The transcript of this 0 shows that the meetings have been regularly ~eld during the year, and that the business, in tho main,



has been well done. The By-Laws contain two provisions which, in the opinion of your committee, should be stricken out. They are the following, viz.: "Section 5 of Article 2 provides, that when a brother is in arrears for more than one year's contribution fees, he shall be deprived the privilege of voting or holding any office." This is wrong; they should be snspended. " Section 8 of Article 2 provides, that when a vacancy in any office occurs, such vacancy shall be filled by election at the next meeting after such vacancy occurs." This, in the opinion of your committee, is wrong. The W. :M. should appoint a'brother to fill the vacancy until the time of the election. With these exceptions the By-Laws meet the approbation of your committee, and the following resolution is recommended for adoption: Resolved, That the application of Bucklin* 0, U. D., for a charter be granted. .

IRONDALE LODGE, U. D. Find proceedings correct, except that they are not signed by Secretary. To By-Laws find following objections, "Article 2, Section 3. Member.s in arrears 8ix months, not eligible to office or to vote, should be suspended by action of D." Recommend that part to be stricken out.' "kt~cle 2, Section 17, authorizes vacancies to be filled by elections or appointments." We suggest that this be stricken out, as vacancies of W: M. and Wardens can not be filled by appointment nor by election, except at the regular annual meetings. We recommend that a charter be granted to said D.

EVERGREEN LODGE, U. D. The transcript of this 0 is correct. That over-weaning zeal to build up a 0 of numbers, without reference to material, which has in so many instances, in past years, operated so prejudicially to the interests of Freemasonry in this Grand jurisdiction, seems • Name changec1, by request of Grand Secretary.



to have been guarded against, most successfully, by the. officers and members of Evergreen 0, U. D., and believing that no violence can be inflicted upon our beloved Order, by granting the prayer of the 0 for a charter, but, on the路 contrary, that much good will result therefrom, we respectfully recommend that a charter be granted to this D.


The proceedings of this is, in the main, correct, with the exception that they are not certified nor signed by either Master or Secretary. The By路Laws, "Section 3, Article 1, admit a candidate after a residence of six months within its jurisdiction." The law of the Grand 0 requires a residence of twelve months. Section 6, Article 1, authorizes the indefinite suspension of a member for the non-payment of dues. The law of the Grand 0 requiring the suspension of members for the non-payment of lues to be made for a definite period. We, however, recomm~nd that a charter be granted to La Plata with the understanding that the By-Laws of that 0 shall be made to conform to the laws of the Grand D. I:J,

SEDALIA LODGE, U. D. The transcript of this 0 we have carefully examined, and find the work well and correctly done, and we recommend that a charter be granted said D.

COLONY LODGE, U. D. The proceedings of this 0 found to be in strict conformity with the laws of the Grand 0 and the time-honored usages of the Order. This 0 initiated eight Apprentices, passed six FellowCrafts and raised four Master-Masons, demitted one, admitted eight, rejected six. The number of rejections proves most conclusively to your committee that a vigilant guard has been stationed at the door of Colony 0, who knew their duty, and

55 knowing, dare perform it; and we recommend that a charter be granted said D. Respectfully submitted,



"v. GRAND 0


The undersigned Committee on Cf!J, U. D., to whom was referred the application of sundry brethren of Columbia, asking for a Dispensation, empowering them to assemble as a legal 0, have had the matter under advisement, and, after matw'ely considering the claims as set forth in said petition, would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the Grand 0 grant the prayer of the petitioners, and the Grand Secretary be directed to issue a dispensation to the brethren therein named. Columbia 0, U. D. Respectfully submitted,

JNO. F. HOUSTON, H. J. DRUM~IOND, R. CAYWOOD, B. O. AUSTIN, Go. M. JEMISON. Bro. Joseph Foster presented a memorial asking an appropriation for the widow of a P. G. Master; and, on motion, the same was referred to the Committee on Charity. Bro. Muir offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted:

Resolved, That in all cases in which a 0 of this jurisdiction, from any cause, has gone down or been disorganized, the Grand Secretary is hereby authorized to grant demits to the members



of such 0, upon being satisfied that the member so applying for a demit is entitled to the same. On motion of Bro. Houston, the case of ~Iiddle Grove 0 was referred to the Committee on Grievance-. Bro. J. D. Vincil, chairman of committee to revise the' action of the Grand 0 relative to the Conservators' Association, presented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSO'GRI: The committee appointed, under resolution, to revise the action of the Grand 0, at its last session, concerning the Conservators' Association, present the following: WHEREAS, Attempts have been路made to foist upon and introduce within the body of Masonry, in various Grand 0 jurisdictions, an institution kn0wn as the" Conservators' Association," contrary to, and in violation of, the ancient and cardinal principles and landmarks of our beloved Order; and WHEREAS, The designs, principles and wndencies of said association are subversive of the great and time-honored institution of Ancient-Craft Masonry; therefore, . Resolved, 1. That we solemnly re-affirm our convictions, uttered twelve months ago, that said association is a corrupt organization, treasonable to the institution of Masonry, and destructive of its interests and perpetuity. Resolved, 2. That this Grand 0 peremptorily forbid the introluction of said work ur orga.nization withi ll . the limits of this Grand jurisdiction. Resolved, 3. That no ~Iason, subject or adhering to said a8SOciation, shall be allowed to visit or sit in this Grand 0, or any subordinate 0 thereunder, or be recognized by any Mason in this jurisdiction, until he shall have solemnly, and in open 0, renounced all connection with said association, its tf\achings and designs. Resolved, 4. That hereafter no Grand officer of this Grand 0, and no officer of any subordinate 0, shall be installed until he



shall have made a solemn pledge, in open 0, that, on his honor as a Mason, he does not approve the principles and designs of said association, and does not hold any connection therewith.

Resolved, 5. That we reiterate our unqualified condemnation of Robert Morris, as chief of said Conservators, regarding him as a traitor to every interest sacred to our hearts in Masonry, and that he deserves the heaviest penalties known to the Order for his criminal abuse of masonic principle and usage. JOHN D. VINCIL, Respectfully submitted, Chair.man of Committee. FORM



I do solemnly declare, on my honor as a Master Mason, that I do not belong to the Conservators' AssoCiation; and that I will repudiate said system, its teachings, objects and designs. The Board of Relief of the City of St. Louis, through its Chairman, Bro. Martin Collins, presented a report, showing the workings of that body during the past year, and the same was received and accepted. The following report on Applications and Comm'unications was recommitted, and, after being amended, was adopted, as follows: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: Your Committee on Applications and Communications would respectfully report that taey have examined the subjects referred to them: Your committee have carefully exammed the application of the brethren at Portland, Callaway county, for a new 0, and .offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the application for a new 0 Callaway county, be granted.

at Portland,

Your committee have had under consideration the petition of Savannah 0, No. 71, asking that their dues be remitted for the years 1862 and 1863; also that the dues of twenty-four members


be refunded, they being unable to collect from the absent brothers. Resolved, That the dues for 1862 and 1863 be remitted, and the sum of twelve dollars be refunded for the year 1864. The communication from Rising S~n Lodge, No. 13, does not come under your committee's jurisdiction. Upon the petition of Hannibal 0, No. 188, askiIlg for further time to pay their indebtedness to this Grand 0, your committee recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that they have until the next session of the Grand 0 to pay the. debt. .The communication from the W. M. of Wet Glaze 0, No. 195, presents no action for your committee. Your committee have examined the petition of sundry brethren of McGee 0, No. 146, and recommend the following:

Resolved, That the dues of said for the years 1862 and 1863 be remitted. Your committee can not entertain the petition signed" Caledonian." The petition of certain brethren of West Plains 0, No. 216, presents no action for your committee-your committee having no knowledge that the applicants are Masons. Your committee have examined the petition of certain brethren of Kirksville 0, whose charter has been arrested, asking for a new charter. Your committee, therefore, offer the following: Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted, giving the new 0 any vacant number, and restoring to them all the books, papers, jewels and property of the old D. Your committee have carefully examined the petition of the brethren of Middle Grove 0, No. 42, and find that a most deplorable state of feeling exists. Your committee recommend that the prayer for a new charter be not granted until the brethren can say, in truth, "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren路to dwell together in unity."



Upon the petition of the brethren of Union 0, No. 173, asking to be permitted to resume labor, your committee offer the following:

Resolved, That, under the circumstances, your committee believe that this Grand 0 would confer no benefit on the brethren by granting their petition~ Your 'committee recommend that the prayer of the W. :M. of 0 be granted,asking that the name be changed to that of Macon. Resolved, That, hereafter, it be known as ~Iacon 0, No. 106.

La Porte

The petition of the 'V. M., of Howard 0 , No.4, presents a novel case-they unanimously expelled three brethren for nonpayment of dues without giving them any notice whatever. The ~I. now asks this Grand 0 to remand the brethren back to them for trial. The brethren of Howard deserve a severe reprimand from this Grand 0 for their hasty action. Your committee, therefore, propose the following:


Resolved, That the action of said bers, is declared null and void.


in expelling said mem-

Your committee have had under consideration the resolution adopted by Napthali 0, No. 25, and move the adoption of the following:

Resolved, That the W. M., at all funeral processions, see that the By-Laws of this Grand 0 are strictly obeyed;, that the long.. established usages and customs of the Fraternity are not violated and hronght into disrepute; and that no funeral service ShetH be perfonned in any other than the Master's degree; and the ouly regalia, worn shall be white gloves and aprons. All of which is respectfully submitted, H. 8. TURNER,

Chai'rman. Bro. Pinckard offered the following, which waS, on motion, adopted:



Resolved, That a dispensation be granted to the petitioners for a new 0 at :Montgomery City. The Grand 0 of l\fissouri was called from labor until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.





The 1\1. W. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the 1\1. 'V. Grand Master. Grand officers at their several stations. Prayer by the Grand Chaplain. l\linutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. An application, in due form, for a 0 at Columbia, Boone county, waS read and referred to the Committee on CEl, U. D.

M. \Y..J. L. Anderson, P. G. Master of the Grand 0 of Illinois, was introduced by the Grand Secretary and 'received in ample form. The Committee on Chartered Câ‚Ź:l presented the following report, and, on motion, the same was adopted:


M:. 'V.

:MrssoURI: The Committee on Chartered CEJ respectfully submit the folTHE




lowing report: We have examined and find correct the returns for the following CEb, for the year ending April 30th, 1864, to-wit; Nos. 1,

2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 67, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79,80, 82, 84, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 106, 109, 110, 113, 116, 121, 123, ,.126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137, 139, 142, 145, 151, 154, 15.5, 156, 157, 159, 162, 163, 164, 170, 171, 172, 174, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194,196, 198, 199, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208,' 209, 213,



214, 218, 221, 222, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, and 232; and they have paid their dues for 1864, their returns being, in the ' main, correct. The following r:::2J have made returns for the year ending the 30th of April last-Nos. 56, 104, 150 and 176-but have failed dues. to pay their ~rand Bonhomme 0, No. 45, has paid the dues for 1862 and 1863, as well as those of the present year. The following r:::2J have failed to make any report for the year ending the 30th of April last: Nos. 6, 7, 16, 19, 22, 32, 34, 37, 38, 41, 44, 49, 51, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 76, 85, 90, 95, 99, 101, 102, 107, 108, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 122, 125, 127, 128, 136, 138, 141, 143, 146,147,149,152,153,160,161, 165, 166, 167, 168, 173, 177, 178, 180, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197, 201, 203, 210, 215, 216, 219, 220, 225 and 227. The returns from 'Vestville 0, 202, and from Griswold 0,178, are informal in this: that in the former the names of those initiated, passed and raised are omitted, and the numbers alone inserted; while with the latter, to carry the informality still farther, they omit the names of their members.


:your committee, in this connection, would recommend that the Secretaries of subordinate CEJ he ordered, in making out the returns t:> the Grand 0, to insert, opposite the name of each person initiated, passed or raised, the date of the conÂŁerl'ing of saia degree, as by this means alone a committee may know if the bJlaws and resolutions of tho Grand have been violated by ma\i ng Masons at " railroad speed." An application is nUldo to this Grand 0, by the officcrs of Bethany 0, No. 97, for a duplicate charter for said 0, their ch:u t r having been lost by accident. Your committee recommend that a dispensation be grantcd to said 0 without expense, authorizing f lem to meet anJ work until their charter is found, or until f e next communication of this Grand D.






165, and Point Pleasant


176, have had a

portion of their furniture destroyed, and have been somuch inter路 rupted and dis'turbed by the unfortunate condition of affairs in the counties in which they are situated as to be unable to discharge their liabilities to the Grand O.

Your committee recommend

that the dues of said CE!J, up to May 1st, 1864, be remitted, and that said CEJ be ordered to make prompt returns and payment of dues to. the next Annual Communication of the Grand D. Nevada


No. 229, initiated a man who had but onc hund,

and the M. W. Grand Master, on being informed of the same, issued an order suspending the charter of said O.

YOllr commit-

tee have been informed that, after the reception of said order by said 0, they continued to work in violation thereof.

Your com-

mittee, therefore, in consideration of so gross a violution of the laws and landmarks of our institution by suid


together with

their disobedience 6f the orders of the IVL W. Grand :Master, recommend that the charter of said 0 be alTested, and the name thereof be stricken from the rolls, and that the D. D. G. M. be required to visit said


and take the charter, jewels, etc., cf said

o into his possession. Wolf Island


the knee and hip.

172, initiated a man with one leg off, betwlen ~he

M. W. Grand Master very promptly, ai~<1,

as your committee believe, very profGrly, arrested their charter. \Vhile your committee condemns, in the strongest terms, all such work as this, they have concluded, after a careful investigation of this case, to recommend that the charter of said 0 he rest0red, a~id

that the D. D. G. :M. be instructed to visit said 0 a,nd fot the

same to work, gividg them aU the necessary instructio~s, so that in future- such irrcguhr and unmasonic work may be avoid0d.





And your committee further recommend that said 0 be instructed to send, with the returns of said 0 for the ensuing year, a full transcript of their proceedings for said year. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. E. DUNSCOMB, JOHN RALLS,

D. N.









The Committee on Chartered Câ‚ŹJ, to whom was referred the memorial of Kansas City 0, No. 220, beg leave to report the following resolution, and recommend its adoption:

Resol'ved, That Kansas City 0, No. 2:20, be authorized to resume work under its charter, and that the dues of said D be remitted up to the 1st day of l\-lay, 1864. Respectfully submitted, JOlIN RALLS,


Committee. "Y. Bro. II. "V. Hubbard, of Illinois, was introduced and invited to a seat in the East. The Hour having arrived for the election of officers, the Grand o proceeded to discharge that duty with the following results: Bros. :Martin Collins and S. H. Saunders were appointed tellers.

}\!. "V. JOHN F.HOUSTON, Grand Master. R. W. REV. JOHN D. VINCJL, Deputy-Grand Master. " A. L. McGREGOR, Gfand-Senior Warden.


R. '\V. MARTIN COLLINS, Grand-Junior Warden. " "

JOHN D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer. A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary.

The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from lab()J: until 3 o'clock this afternoon.


The :M. 'V. Grand 0 of Missouri was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The following Preamble and Resolutions, offered by M. W. John Ralls, were received and adopted: WHEREAS, The W. M. of Trenton 0 , No. 111, has been dead for some time, and the Wardens are absent from the State, so that the 0 has not been able to pJrsue its labors for about two years, for the want of officers; therefore 1. Resolved, That the M. W. G. Master appoint Bro. W. W. Brooks, for the purpose of calling a meeting of the 0 , at some convenient time, preside over the 8ame an~ superintend the election of officers, and, when elected, to instal the officers and set the 0 to work under the new officers. 2. That Bro. BrookA report the same to the Grand Secretary. JOHN RALLS.

Bro. Pinck3,rd, from Committee on By-Laws, preiented the following report, which was, on motion, adopted:



M. W.


Your Committee on By-Laws beg leave have performed the duty assigned them, in business brought before them, asfollo'Ws : By- ~aws of Bonhomme 0 we find to be they propose to permit a Past !flaster, not a

to report that they reference to all the correct, except that member of the 0,



to preside oVer its deliberations in the absence of the W. M., J. and S. Wardena. We recommend that it be amended to conform. to the By-Laws of the G. D. By-Laws of Milton 0, 151, we find in the main unobjectionable, but we recommend that Article 1, Section 1, be amended by striking out the last clause, "unless by consent of all the members present." Article 2, Section 5, strike out all after " peaceable citizen;" also strike out all of Section 4, Article 8. By-Laws of Prairieville 0 , 137, we find to be correct. All of which is respectfully submitted. P. M. PINCKARD, JOHN RALLS, W. M. REYNOLDS.

A memoria.l from Kans3.8 City 0 was received and referred to Committee on Chartered ee:t. Bro. Drummond offered the following, which wal:l, on. motioa, adopted:' ;.


Resolved, That the R. Grand Secretary be instructed to fw-nish the Subordinate CE!:J with circulars, showing the action of this Grand CI on the 5ubjedi of the Conservators' Association, and setting forth the form of renunciation. Respectfully submitted, H. J. DRmrnOND. Bro. Levy, from Committee on Westville P, presented the follOWing report, which was, on motion, adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND t::J OF TIlE STATE OF MISSOURI: Your Committee, to whom WaB referred that portion of the Grand Master's address relating to his act of suspending the labors of Westville 0, No. 202, respectfully report: That the said 0 violated one of the fundamental principles of our Order, in the making of ~ Mason, when only one of the three appointed as a committee to investigate the character of the said a.pplicant reported favorably, and the other t.wo were prepared to E



report unfavorably, he certainly did not bear the tongue of good report. The 0 acted in very bad faith to the great family of :Masons, by thus taking advantage of the absence of two of the aforesaid committee, in making and passing the candidate: although they refused to confer the third degree on his applying for the same, that act can in no way atone for the wrong so willfully inflicted previously by them. Your committee, therefore, recommend that action in suspending the 0- by the Grand Master meet with the approval of the Grand 0, and that the Charter of 'Vestville D be, and is hereby, declared forfeited, and the Secretary required to send its charter, jewels and other property to the Graud Secretary. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES LEVY, N. A. GRUBBS,

J. E. HUTTON. The following report of a Special Committee, on the claims

for pa.yment of scholarships in late :Masonic College, was received, and, on motion, adopted:



M:. VV.



The undersigned committee, appointed to consider and report upon claims against this Grand 0 for scholarships, offer the following: Your committee have had before them the representntiOl1B of Liberty 0, No. 31, together with the statements of :M. 'V. lJro. Carnegy. Owing to the discrcp:1llCy in their views, concerning the claim of Liberty 0, No. 31, your committee are not prepared to present a report at this session of the Grand D. Your committee, therefore, ask to be allowed until our next Annual Communication to complete their labors. Hespectfully submitted,




The Grand Treasurer presented his report, together with sundry papers from Bro. Anderson, which were received, and, on motion, referred to Committee on'Vays and Ivleans : To


1,1.. 'V.



Herewith is presented my account as Grand ~reasnrer, showing the balance reported at last Annual Communication, together with the am<;mnts received since that time; as also the payments, with vouchers therefor, made during the same time, showing a balance in my hands of $8,346 20. The several notes reported as unpaid, and in my hands at last Annual Communication, yet l'emain on hand, viz. : S. R. Bay, for Mirabile


of the 20th Ma.rch, 1858, $300 ;

Justin Brigham, :May 24, 1859, $20; two notes of Hannibal


June 4, 1861, at 12 and 24 months, $50 each-$100; also the Hassinger notes, as heretofore reported. I am advised by Bro.R. E. Anderson, who wus authorized by me to look after the Hassinger claim, that he has obtained l)osses~ . sian of the land sold Hassinger, for which these notes were t~ken ; if so, it is all, in my opinion, we ever will get. Bro. Anderson's report on the subject, as also his account, is herewith submitted.



JOHN D. DAGGETT, GR.\ND TREASURER, In account with the Grand 0 of the State of Missouri. 1863. DR. May 27. To balance per report......................... $ 7,280 85 June 1. To amount from Grand Secretary.$163 50 " 13. " " " 1 1 3 00 273 50 1864. May 4. To amount from Grand Secretary.$220 00 " 2 4 0 00 " 12. " " "295 00 " 14. " " "100 00 " 17. " " " 20. " " "310 00 ,. "1065 00 " 23. " " 24. " " "822 35 . - - - 3,052 35 $10,606 70 TotaL .......••.•••.•........•.•.. 1863. CR. June 1. By order paid A. O'Sullivan, G. 8.$1,000 00 " "Same, conting't exp's 400 00 " " N . Bloomfield........ 20 50 "Heroine. ....... ... .. ... 16 50 " " "Mrs.. Grover •...•..... 75 00 "Liperty ...... . ..... 50 00 " " W . M:. Fisse 61 00 " " "Same................... 50 00 " " S . Brown.............. 50 00 " " W . B. Busby......... 75 00 " " 0 . F. Potter.......... 30 00 "Stille.... .. .. .. .... . ... 250 00 " July 14. " A. O'Sullivan, ~'. ting office 82 50 1864. May 4-. By order paid Same, rent office .... 100 00 - - - 226050 0

0.. ••


Total ..



0" $8346 20 Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. DAGGETT, Grand Treasurer. May 24, 1864. o •••••••••••••• o



Bro. Griswold offered the following, which was, on motion, adop~â‚Źd :

Resolved, That thi~ Grand 0 appropriate to Bro. Stille five hundred dollars, as a compensation for his faithful services as Grand Tyler of this Grand 0, previous to, and during, the present Communication, and that a warrant be drawn on the Grand Treasurer 'for the amount. Bro. Collins presented a resolution to i'emit the dues of for year 1864, and the same was referred to Committee Joachim on Way8 and Means. M. W. S. H. Saunders presented the following, and, on motion, the same was adopted:


Resolved, That the jewels and other property belonging to the 0 , No. 105, be, and are, hereby donated to Sedalia o,No.236.

late Relief

Bro. Tong presented a resolution, and, on motion, the same was referred to Committee on Charity. Bro. Houston offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted:

Resolved, That the property of the late Martha Washington 0, now in possession of Evergreen 0, be, and the same is hereby donated to Evergreen D. Bro. Collins offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted: WHEREAS, The Jewels and Regalia of Constantine 0, No. 129, have been stolen or taken by some person to the 0 unknown ; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be authorized to furnish said 0 with any set of jewels that may be returned to this Grand 0 , and in his possession. M. W. John Ralls offered the following, which was, on motion,


Resolved, That the M. W. Grand :Master appoint a select



committee to revise the present By-Laws of this Grand 0 , and report a new code at the next Grand Communication. A communication was received from P. G. Master M. Boyd, and, on motion, the same was referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Bro. Muir, from Committee on Unfinished Business, submitted the following report, and, on motion, the same was received and adopted:



M. W.




Your Committee on' Unfinished Business beg leave to report that there is no business or this Grand 0 , at its present'session, requiring the action of said committee. Respectfully submitted, l;V. D. MUIR, Cltairman~

JAMES l\lcDANIEL, J. W. HEMPI-ITLL, JA~rnS, E. DRAKE. Bro. J. M. Burkpresented the following, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Lecturer be requested to exemplify the work of the first degree of Masonry, this evening, at early candle-light. , Bro. Luke, from Committee appointed last year to loan the , surplus funds of the Grand 0 , submitted the following report, and, on motion, the same was referred to Committee of Ways and Means:


TilE ~L




Your Committee, appointed at the last Communication to loan a~l unappropriated funds in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, at the close of the Grand 0, would respectfully report that, upon conferring with Bro. J. D. Daggett, he expressed his wish to 1'eretain the use ot said funds, he paying such rate of interest as might be agreed upon; and inasmuch as Bro. Daggett gave bond,



with security, in the sum of ten thousand donal's, for the faithful performance of his duties as Gralld Treasurer, we deemed it but just and proper to allow him to retain the same, and we would recommend the rate of interest to be charged to .him to be six per cent. per annum. Respectfully. submitted,

J. W. LUKE, R. T. EDMONSTON. St. Louis: May 24,1864. The Grand Secretary read the following report, which was received and ordered to be prInted with the proceedings: GRAND SECRETARY'S OFFICE, GRAND 0 OF MI;:;somu, ~ ST. LOUIS, May 23, 1863; 5863.




:M. W.




F. A.


Brethren: I submit the following report, as Grand Secretary, for the past year: Immediately after the close of the Grand 0, last 'Year, I addressed communications to the t:e:J who failed to make returns or pay dues. :From several I received prompt responses, in the shape of returns and dues; others, again, have failed to reply to my communications. If the recommendation so frequently made by the Committee on Chartered CE!J, but never enforced-namely: arresting the charters of all CE:J who fail, after ninety days from the close of the Grand 0, to make returns and pay dues-.:....was carried out in a few instances, I believe it would have a beneficial effect. The followine dispensations for the formation of new CEb were issued: . May 29, 1863-To SyI. C. Griswold and others, to open a 0 at New Haven, Franklin county, to be called Evergreen 0, with Bro. SyI. C. Griswold as :Master; David McKinney, S. W.; Jos. Thomas, J. W. By order of M:. 'V. Grand D.



June 1-To E. N. McFarland and others, to apen a 0 at Libertyville, St. Francois county, to be called' St.' Francois 0, with Bro. E. N. McFarland as Master; Wiley Layne, S. W.; James A. Smith, J. W.. By order of M. W. Grand o.

AUgilllt 8-To A. R. Eaton and others, to open a. at Irondale, Washington county, to be called Irondale 0, with Bro. A. R. Eaton as Master; D. S. Hobbs, S. W.; JohnG. Scott, J. W. By order of M. W. Grand Master. October 14-To J. K. Stephenson and others, to open aD at Bucklin, Linn county, to be called O'Sullivan 0, with Bro. J. K. Stephenson as 路Master; V. B. Bowers, S. W.; W. H. Callison, J.W. By order of M. W. Grand Master. October 17-To L. M. Piner and others, to open a D at Colony, Knox county, to be called Colony D" with Bro. L. M. Piner as Master;. Thomas Gerby, S. W.;. Omn Gerby, J. W. By order of M. W. Grand Master. November 11-To Wm. H. Saxton and others, to open a. 0 at La. Plata, Macon county, to be called Plata 0, with Bro. Wm. H. Saxton as Mast~r; Charles Atterbrlry, '3. W.; Calvin Sutt<>n, J. W. By order of M. W. GrandMaster.


December 9-To Joseph Rowe and others, to open a. 0 ~t Van Rensselaer Academy, Ralls county, to be called Ionic 0, with Bro. Joseph Rowe as Master; Washington Verdier, S. W.; Sam'! M. Elliott, J. W. By order of M. W. Grand Master. January 21, 1864-To George C. Yost and others, to open a o at Sedalia, Pettis county, to be called Sedalia 0, with Bro. George C. Yost as :M:aster; George R. Keill, S. W.; Orestes A. Crandall, J. W. By order of M. W. Grand Master.



June 12, I863~Receivedfrom Bro. J. Smith the charter, jewels ( except compass), books, etc., of Fairmount 0, Clark county. July 22-Issued Ol,der to Bro. Sy!. C. Griswold to take charge of certain property of the Grand 0 which belonged to the late Martha Washington 0; inventory the same and account for its value to the Grand D. August 3.;.....Dispensation returned of Western Sun D, U. D., Greencastle, Sullivan county. August II-Received, by express, from R. W. W. Ellis Glenn, D. D. G. M., the charter, record and ledger, together with a set of silver jewels and $33 85, of Martha Washington 0 , Washington, Franklin county. August 20-Received charter of the lateJasper 0, Sarcoxie, Jasper county. Books, papers, etc., destroyed. September 16-Received charter of Temple 0 , Melleville, Dade county. Books, jewels and 0 room destroyed. September 26-Received charter and jewels of Cedar 0, Stockton, Cedar county. Books and 0 room destroyed. October 29-Received charter of Emerson 0, Marion county, through Bro. Jackson, of Palmyra. 0 did not organize under its charter. December 4-Received fromR. W. W. Ellis Glenn, D. D. G. M., the charter, jewels, record and ledger of Salem 0, Salem, Dent county. January 26, 1864-Received record-book and ledger of Relief Georget(i)WD, Pettis county. No account of charter; jewels loaned to Sedalia 0, U. D. 0,

February 12-Received charter, jewels and books of St. Mary's Perryville, Perry county.


February 19-Received charter, books and Jewels of Flint Hill Flint Hill, St. Charles county.




o rOOID, jewels and books of

Anderso~ 0, Chapel Hill, La-

fayette county, burned. Charter believed to be in the hands of Colonel A. J. Nugent; wrote to him, but received no answer. o room of Sibley 0, Sibley, Jackson county, burned, June 23, 1863; nothing saved. I have issued, during the year, a number of demits to brethren whose LE!J ceased to work, a~d whose charters and books were returned. In all cases I required them to pay the dues they owed their 0 to the time it ceased to work. The amounts so received will appear in my cash account. I have received several applications for demits from brethren at a 'distance whos~ C2:J and books were destroyed. I have declined to issue such documents, believing I had no authority for so doing. It is well known that, owing to the destruction of 0 rooms and their contents, many of our brethren are unable to affiliate with other CEJ, for the want of demits. Wouldjt not be well, in view of these facts, to give the GranLl Secretary authority to issue demits to such brethren, in cases where the destruction of the books of their LEJ is clearly established? There are a number of t:eJ who have done no work for nearly three years, who yet retain their charters, and from whom no returns of any kind can be obtained. It gives me great plea~ure to state that several CE!:J have, during the past year, resumed labor, some paying their dues. I trust that, during the next twelve months, the sound of the gavel will be again heard in every 0 in this jurisdiction, and the brethren once more resume their labor. Fraternally submitted, A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary. TIro. J. J. Outley presented his bill, amounting to $146, for painting portraits, ordered last year, and, on motion, the same was referred to the Committee on Accounts.


The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until nine o'clock to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY MORNING, 9 O'CLOCK. The M. W. Grand 0 of :Missouri was called to labor by the M. 'V. Grand :Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. Prayer by Grand Chaplain. ~linutes of yesterday's proceedings rea,d and approved. R. W. Bro. Houston offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted:

WHEREAS, It appears from representations made by the W. :M. of Colony 0, that most of the members of the late Fairmount 0 are now, or will become, members of Colony 0; thereÂŁore, be it Resolved, That the jewels belonging to the late Fairmount o be donated to Colony 0, for their use and benefit, and that the Grand Secretary be requested to deliver the same to Bro. L. M. Piner. Bro. Steadman presented a memorial, asking relief for Mrs. Nelson, the widow ofa :Master-Mason; the same was recei\fed and referred to Committee on Charity. A memorial from Mr. Booth, aL expelled Mason, was received, and, on motion, was reÂŁerred to Committee on Grievance. The following, in relation to the Endowment .Fund, was presented by M. W. Joseph Foster, and, on motion, the same was adopted: IN GRAND LODGE ASSEMBLED, MAY

26TH, 1864:

It is hereby ordered that Bro. W. P. Boulware, Secretary o.f the Endowment Fund Commissioners, report to Bro. A. O'Sullivan, Secretary of this Grand 0, a full and complete sta.tement of the condition n~ the aforesaid fund, in whose hands it is, the condi-






tions of the investment thereof and how secured, and the amount of the principal., with the accruing interest thereon; said report •to be made on or before the first day of July next ensuing. And the said Grand Secretary is also hereby required to notify the aforesaid Secretary of the Endowment Fund Commissioners of the above order, at the earliest possible moment, and publish 'the report with the proceedings of Grand D. M. W. Joseph Foster presented the following preamble and resolutions, and, on motion, the same were adopted: WHEREAs,The Grand 0 has, at the present session, accepted of a liberal charter from the Legislature of the State of Missouri, empowering it to hold property, personal and real, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars; and, WHEREAS, There is shown, by the report of the Committee of Ways and Means, an unappropriated balance of dollars; therefore, Resolved, 1. That, in order to the establishment of a permanent fund for the use and benefit of the Fraternity of this jurisdiction, the Grand Master is hereby required to appoint, with the approval of the Grand 0, two or more members of the Grand 0, to permanently invest the aforesaid sum, or 80 much thereof as shall remain, after the contingent expenses for the current masonic year shall be provided for~ Resolved, 2. That the said £Und shall be loaned for not less than one nor more than five years, at a rate of interest to pe agreed upon by the committee appointed for that purpose, to be secured on unencumbered real estate, where the assessed value is double the amount loaned-interest payable on th~ first day of May in each and every year. . Resolved, 3. That the surplus funds of each and every year shall be added to the permanent fund hereby established, until it shan reach the aforesaid amount of fifty thousand dollars. Resolved, 4. That the annual interest accruing thereon may be used or funded in the discretion of the Grand 0; provided,




always, that the Grand Cl may invest the a,fore~a,id sum in any manner, where, in its discretion,. a permanent benefit will_accrue to the Fraternity of this jurisdiction, 路as provided for in the aforesaid charter. And, in accordance whh the foregoing, the M. W. Grand Master appointed W. Bros. John W. Luke, Martin Collins and R. W. "Villiam N. Loker said committee. The following report of a Special Committee was reoeived, and, on motion, adopted:

To THE M. W.


Your Special Committee, charged with th~ duty of having likenesses of our Yenerable Bros. Daggett, Whitcomb, Foster and O'Sullivan painted for this Grand 0, beg leave to report that duty performed, in a manner worthy of the artistic taste of our Bro., J. J. Outley, whose bill for executing the paintings is annexed, amounting to $146 00, which your committee reco'umend be paid. Fraternally, W. H. STONE, Chairman. The Committee on Accounts presented the' following report, and, on motion, the same was received and adopted:



M. W.


Your Committee on Accounts, to whom was refetted the account 'of Bro. J. J. Outley, for painting the portraits of Br08. Daggett, Whitcomb, Foster and O'Sullivan, find that the same amounts to one hundred and forty-six dollars, which sum your committee recommend to be paid. Your committ~e further find, that the Special Committee, appointed by the Grand CJ at the last Annual Communication to superintend the painting of the portraits. of the above-named



brothers, have made report thereon; and your committee recommend the adoption of ,the report of said Special Committee. Respectfully submitted, SAMCEL H. OWENS, J. H. l\lcALPThTE, EARL MATLACK, Com11'l-iltee. Bro. l\iartin Collins presented the following, and, on motion, the same was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary,. R. W. A. O'Sulliyun, is hereby authorized to draw a warrant on the Grand Treasm."cr £01' the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500), in payment for his seFvices, as Grand Secretary, during the past :rea-r. The Grand 0 , by resolution, rescinded the resolution of 1858, requiring the publication of the names of the members of the subordinate C€J. Bro. R. Caywood presented the following, and, on motion~ the same was adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF THE STATE OF .:MrssouRI : WHEREAS, Lancaster 0 , No. 59, has had her jewels destroyed without any negljge~ce on her part, . and also suffered other injuries, she therefore asks that the jewels of Graham 0, No. 38, whose room has been destroyed, and itB members scattered, be loaned to said Lancaster 0, No. 59, until such time as Graham 0 shall be revived; said jewels having been returned to the Grand Secretary by the l\iaster of ·Lancaster 0; therefore, Resolved, That the jewels of Graham 0, No. 38, be loaned to Lancaster 0, No. 59, until Graham 0, No. 38, be reorganized. M. W. Samuel H. Saunders, from Committee on Grievance, presented the following report, and, on motion, the same was adopted:


To THE M. W. G. 0 OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI: The Committee on Grievance beg leave to make the following report:



In the appeal of Bro. James P. Pettigrew) against the decision of Wellington 0, No. 22, in the case of C. W. Davis, be dismissed, as there is no evidence before the committee that the 0 came to any decision in the case. In the case of charges preferred against Bro. Seniwald, W. :M. of Erwin 0, No. 121, by Bro. L. Phillips, of St. Paul's 0, No.3, Minnesota, both brothers al'peared before the commiltee, and, after mutual concessions being made, the charges were withdrawn by Bro. Phillips, and the brethren agreed to forget the past and live in harmony in the future. In the appeal of Bro. N. D. Stephenson, against the action of Jackson 0, No. 82, suspending him from the privileges of ~1asonry for twelve months, your committee do not find, from the evidence before them, that any offense was committed by Bro. Stephenson warranting his suspension, and recommend- the adoption of the following: Resolved, That Bro. N. D. Stephenson be, and is hereby, restoreu to his masonic privileges. . In the case of the appeal of A. Garrison, against the aeeision of Allenville 0, No. 198, expelling him from the privileges of r.1asoury, your committee, after examining the large number of certificates in this case, and giving the appellant the benefit of every douht (whether he visited the widow Guess to relieve her wants masonicnlly or for other reasollS, as believed by the D), ;your committee would recommend the udoption or the following:

Resolved, That the appeal of A. Garrison be dismissed, and the \iecision of Allenville 0, No. 198, he confirmed. In the case of Middle Grove 0, No. 42, your committee are perfectly s.atisfied that the Grand 1\iaster acted right in arresting the charter of said 0, and as a portion of the brethren of that have petitioned the Grand 0 to restore th~m the charter, your commmittee would re~ommelld that the charter of said 0 be placed in the hands of the Grand Master, and be be requested to visit that 10caJity and try and restore harmony and brotherly





love, and return the charter to those brethren alone who will pledge themselves to live together according to the teachings of Masonry. In the case of the appeals of Bros. J. W. McNutt and J. W. Magee, from the decision of Middle Grove 0, No. 42, your committee find that these brethren were not expelled in a.ccordance with the By-Law8 of this Grand CJ (being expelled by resolution), and would recommend the adoption of the following:

Resolved, That Bros. J. W. McNutt and "J. W. Magee be, and are hereby, restored to their masonic privileges. In the case of -the appeal of Michael Rees, against the decision of Middle Grove 0, No, 42, your committee will briefly state the case, and the conclusions they have arrived at. Michael Rees is an artist, and after having taken the likeness of Bro. McNutt, he placed it in his show case, by the side of that of a negro, for public ~xhibition. Bro. McNutt being informed of this outrageous action by Rees, repaired to his ga.llery and expressed his opinion of R.ccs'in terms that your committee do not sanction; but, at the same time, we do believe that if any provocation C3,n excuse such language, Bro. McNutt has that excuse in justification of his conduct. _The plea. used by Rees, that he did not think it WO.lld give offense, is beyond our comprehension, as this man Rees claims to be a Master-Mason, and ought to know that our noble institution does not recognize negro equality. The 0 very wisely acquitted Bro. McNutt upon the charges preferred by Rees,_ and it gives your committee great pleasure to endorse this one act of right done by this 0 to balance its many errors. We recommend the adoption of the following:

Resolved, That the appeal of Michael Rees be dismissed. Your committee have had the appeal of Bro. David S. Booth under consideration, and, from the best evidence adduced, your committee are of opinion that the action of the late Border 0, U. D., was unwalTanted, in expelling said Bro. Booth, and would

ol1lrE B'.1'ATE OrMlBBOURI.


recommend that Bro. David S.· Booth be restored to all his masonic privileges. In conclusion, your committee would congratulate the Grand o that, although our country is involved in all the horrors of civil war, we have had but few cases of grievances to ·a.ct upon, proving that, with but few exceptions, we have carried out the great principles of our Order. All of which is respectfully submitted.

S. H. SAUNDERS, W. E. GLENN, ALLAN McDOWELL. Bro. Martin Collins, from the Committee on Charity, presented the following report, and, on motion, the same was adopted: To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI: Your Committee on Charity respectfully report, that they have had under consideration the memorials of Mrs. Martha A. Roberts, widow of Bro. J. R. Roberts, late P. M. of Linn Creek 0, 154; widow and orphans of our late P. G. M., B. W: Grover; Mrs. Nelson, widow of Bro. John N. Nelson, of Liberty 0 , asking for relief, add would recommend that warrants be drawn by the Grand Secretary in favor of :

Mrs. Martha A. Roberts, for...•..............•.•......•..... $ 50 00 Mrs. Nelson, for................................................ 50 00 Widow and Orphans of P. G. M. Grover, for 100 00 Money to be paid directly to persons whom donated to. They would further recommend that no further action uFon other memoriaJs submitted to them is necessary. Respectfully submitted, MARTIN COLLINS, Chairman. Bro. lIartin Collins presented a bill, amounting to four dollars, a.nd the sa.me was allowed and ordered to be paid. - Bro. McDowell offered the following resolution, and, on motion, the sa.me was adopted: F



Resolved, That the sum of eighteen dollars ($18 00) be paid to Bro. Settle, W. M. of Middle Grove 0, No. 42, out of the funds of said 0 (in possession of the Grand D), for expenses incuned by him in attending the present session of the Grand 0, in obedience to a summons from the 1\1. W. Grand :Master. Respectfully submitted, ALLAN McDO'VELL. Bro. JohnW. Luke, from the Com~ittee on Ways and 1\Icans, presented the following report, and, on motion, the same was adopted; To THE M. W. GRAND 0 OF MISSOURI ~ The Committee on Ways and Means would respectfully report, that they have examined the report and accou~ts of Bro. Grand Treasurer, alid have found them all correct, to-wit: Balance in hands of Grand Treasurer, as per report in ~lay,


Receipts by Grand Treasurer in June, 1863............

$7,280 85 273 50 $7,554 35

Deduct appropriations made in 1863, as per voucher 2,260 50 Balance of unappropriated funds subject to intere5t~ as per report of special committee...... ...... ... 5,293 85 Interest .•.•..•. ..•.•...... 31670

$5,610 55 Receipts by Grand Treasurer from Grand Secretary to date.... 3,052 35 Balance in hands of Grand Treasurer St. L01J/-is, May 25, 1864.

$8,662 90

The papers of Bro. R. E. Anderson, included with the Grand Treasurer's report, have also received our attention. Your committee would recommend that the aGtion of Bro. Anderson, in



relation to the West Ely farm, be approved of by the Grand 0 ; at the same time we think any sale of the lunds, at the present time, unadvisable, and we would recommend that, to perfect the title, Bro. Anderson's views about selling under the other juugments vs. Hassinger be concurr2d in. The bill of Bro. R. E. Anderson, for fees and expenses, we have also examined, and would recommend the payment of tho same. The committe would recommend the following appropriations: One hundred dollars for rent of Grand Secretarj'8 offie-e. Your committee have also examined the cOI}tingent expense account of Bro. Grand Secretary, and beg leave to report on same: Amount appropriated by Grand 0 in 1863 Amounts paid. by Grand Secretary, as per vouchers

$400 00 420 25

$20 25 Sho';' :i':j balance' due to Bro. Grand Secretary of $20 25, for whit:: ~:mOllnt we would recommend that a warrant be drawn in his favor.

YOHr committee would recommend that the request of :M. 'V. P. G: ~I. Marcus BOJd, £01' the lo•.n of five hunured dollars, be granted. 'Vith regard to the resolution referred to your committC'e, to remit the dues of Joachim 0, No. 164, in view of all the cirCUElst<lIlCCS in the case, that have come to our knowledge, we would recommend the adoption of the resolution. Respectfully submitted,

J. W. LUKE, H. J. SMi'fH, J. ,Yo BALDWIN. 2\1. ,Y. Samuel H. Saunders offered the following resolution, which' was, on :'11otion, adopted:





M. W.



Your memorialist would respectfully petition that the dues of Memphis 0, No. 16, for the years 1862, '63 and. '64 be remitted to said D. Respectfully submitted, JOHN SAUNDERS,

Proxy for W. M. The following brethren were appointed a Committee to revise the By-Laws of the Grand 0 : R. W. A. O'Sullivan alld P. G. Masters Ralls, Saunders and Cornwell. On motion of M. W. Samuel H. Saunders, The Grand 0 reconsidered M:. W. Bro. Foster's Preamble and Resolutions, previously adopted, relative to the creation of a perm~nent fund. . The Grand 0 of Missouri was called from labor until 3 o'clock this afternoon.




TheM. W. Grand 0 of Missouri Was called to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The preamble and resolution of Bro. Foster, which was reconsidered, being under consideration, after discussion, on motion, the same was re- adopted. Bro. Hutton offered the following, which Was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That., hereafter t the exemplification of the work be commenced 011 the evening of the first day of the session, and continued QT\ each succeeding evening during the sitting of the Grand D. R. W. John D. Vinci! offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted:



Resolved, That the report of the Committee of Ways and Means (so far as the same refers to the loaning of five hundr~d dollars to P. G. Master Boyd) be. so amended as to require the security given to be satisfactory to a committee consisting of Bros. Collins, Daggett and Luke, who are hereby appointed for the purpose of loaning the same. Bro. Jesse offered the following, which was, on motion, adopted:

Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master be, ared he is hereby, authorized to appoint a committee whose duty it shall be to procure suitable portraits {)ÂŁ our M. W. Grand Master, Bro. John H. Turner, and P. G t M. S. H. Saunders, to be placed, with other Past-Grand Masters of this Grand 0, within this hall; and that said committee be authorized to pay for the same, and draw upon the Grand Treasurer for the amount so paid. And the M. committee.

W. appointed Bros. Stone and Grand Secretary said

A communication was received from Farmers' 0 , and referred to the Committee on Grievance, who reported no action was necessary. R. W. John D. Daggett, Grand Treasurer elect, declined that office, when a ballot was taken for the election of Grand Treasurer, which resulted in the choice of R. W. Wm. N. Loker. 'fhe M. W. Grand Master then installed the following Grand officers, Bro. Burgoyne acting as Grand Marshal:

M. W. JOHN F. HOUSTON, of Richmond, Grand Master.

R. 'tV. REV. JOlIN D. VINCilJ, of Hannibal, Deputy-Grand Master. R. "\-V. ALLEN L. McGREGOR, of Viennar, Grand-Senior Warden. R. 'V. MARTIN COLLINS, of St. Louis, Grand-Junior Warden. " WM. N. LOKER, of St. Louis, Grand TreasurEr. " A. O'SULLIVAN, of St. Louis, Grand Secretary.


Rev. Bro. P. 1\-1. PINCKARD, of St. Louis, Grand Chaplain. " S. BROWN, of Potosi, " " W. THOMPSON, of Liberty, " " W. WHITE, of Mexico, " " W. lVI. RUSH, of St. Louis, " Bro. J. N. BURNES, of Weston, Grand Orator. " R. E. ANDERSON, oE.Palmyra, " " A. F. TRAYNOR, of Ashley, Grand Marsha1. " JOHN M.MARMADUKE, of Fayette, Grand :Marshrtl. " JOHN 1\1. BURKES, of Sturgeon,. Grand Sword-Bca.rel'. " \V. D. MUIR, of Boonville, Grand S. Deacon. " J. H. l',:l~ALPINE, of St. Louis, Grand J. Deacon. " J. L. STEADMAN, of Liberty, Grand Steward. . " SYL. C. GRIS\VOLD, of New Haven, " " HAMPTON \VOODRUF:F, of St. Louis, Grand Pursuiyant. " A. STILLE, of St. Louis, Grand Tyler.

'The M:. \V. Grand Master made the following apppintrnents : R. 'V. Thomas B. Howe, D. D. G. M., Calln-o. First .1J路lasonic Dislricl.-Marion, Lew:s, Clark, Shelby, Knox, Scotland, 1\lacon, Adair, Schuyler, Linn, Stilliva.n and Putnam counties. R. \V. J. E. Cadle, D. D. G. 1\1., Spring Hill. Secl.-nd .klasonic nistl'ict.-Livingston, Grundy, Mercer, Davie~s, Harri~on, DeKa:b, Genky, Worth, Andrew, Nodaway, Holt and Atchison counties. R. W. Dan. Carpenter, D. D. G. 1'1., TIa,rry. Third Afasonic Distl'icl.-Buchanan, Platte, Clay, Clinton, Caldwell, Ray, Carroll, Chariton, Randolph and Howard counties. R. \V. John Ralls, D. D. G. M., Madisonville. Fourth Masonic District.-Bocne, Callaway, Audrain~ :Monroe, Ralls, Pike, 1\Iontgorncry, 'Varren, Lincoln and St. Charles counties. R.



"T. Luke, D. D. G. 1\-1., St. Louis.



Fzflh J.lfasonic Dislricl.-St. Louis, Jefferson, Washingto', St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Madison, Bolinger, Cape Girardeau, Iron and Reynolds counties. R. W. J. H. Bethune, D. D. G. M., Charleston. Sixlh Masonic Districl.-Scott, Wayne,Carter, Ripley, Butler, Stoddard, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot and Dunklin counties. R. W. W. Ellis Glenn, M. D., D. D. G. M., St. James.. Seventh ltlasonic Distrz~t.-Franklin, Crawfurd, Dent, Gasconade, Osage, Maries, Phelps, Texa~, Shannon, Howell and Oregon counties. R. W. Sam. H. Owens, D. D. G. M., Califorjlia. Eighth lUasonic Disl,路iet.-Cole, Moniteau, Cooper, Morgan, Benton, Pettis, Saline, Lafayette, Johllf;on, Henry, Jackson, Cass, Miller and Bs.tes counties. (Ninth and Tenth Districts vacant. ) R. W. R. Frank Green, D. D. G. M., Santa Fe. Eleventh Masonic Dislrict-New Mexico. R. W. A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Lecturer. " A. O'SULLIVAN, Com. on Foreign Correspondence. No further business appearing, the minutes of this day's proceedings were read and approved. The M. W. Grand 0 of :Missouri was closed in AMPLE FORM. Prayer by Grand Chaplain. A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Secretary.



Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of ][issouri, as follows: SECTION 1. That John H. Turner, "". N. Loker, John D. Vinci!, A. L. McGregor, J. D.Daggett, A. O'Sullivan and their a,ssociates, members of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons-according to the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of the same-and their rcgulur successors, be, and they are hereby, created a body politic and corporate. by the name and style of "The Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons," and by that name are hereby invested with power and authority, to acquire, hold, possess, usc, occupy and enjoy real and p0i:SO:W,l estate, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, and to sell a,nd convey, or otherwise dispose of the same, according tv the DyLaws, Rules and Regulations of the af<iresaid Grand Lodge; and the said Corporation, by its name aforesaid, shall have perpetual succession, shall 'be competent to contract and becontractcJ. wit.h, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended in all courts and places whatsoever, and to have and use a common seal, and the same to alter at their pleasure; and sa.id Grand Lodge shall have power to .tdd to, alter, amend or repeal the Constitution, By-Laws, Hulcs and Regulations for the government of same-provided such ConstitUti011, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations be not contrary to tho Constitution and laws of this Sta.te, or of the United States. SEC. 2. The said Corporation shall be exempt ÂŁrcm tlw requirements of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16- of Ist Article of GClH;l'..l.l IJu;w, entitled "An act concerning Corporations," 3Jprroy~d


November 23d, 1855, and shall have power to loan the money of said Grand Lodge at the legal r,ate of interest; provided, that the power hereby granted shall not be used for banking, insuring property, or doing any thing not expressly granted by the provisions of this act; that all the real estate held or acquired by the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri of .Free and ~\ccepted Ancient Masons, for the purpose of erecting halls for the use of the Order, or for the purpose of erecting school-houses for the education of orphan children, be, and the same are hereby, exempted from the payment of State and County taxes, so long as the same shall be held for the purposes above mentioned. This act to 'take effect from and after its passage. APPROVED, Februa,ry 13, 1864.


City of Jefferson, .i.l1.issouri.


I, MORDECAI OLIVER, Secreta.ry of State for the State of :Missouri, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of an act, entitled "An act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons," approved February 13, 1864, as fully as the same appears upon the original roll of said act now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of office. Done at office, in the city of Jefferson, this 8th day of :March, 1864.

M. OLIVER, Secretary of Slate.


Mo., May, 1864.

Bro. .fl. O'Sullivan: In reply to the latter portion of your letter, in regard to the request of the Grand 0 that i should make' out a full statement, etc., in relation to the Endowment Fund, I will state that the amount is about, now, $1,875 00, with about four years' interest thereon, at ten per cent. per annum, a.nd the larger. portion of which is secured by personal securitJY. The amount, or fund, was loaned by the Board of Endowment Fund Commissioners, several years ago, to J oh:1 A. Alford, 'Yilliu,m Hunter, Charles Carpenter and Archibald Patterson. I think and believe that, within a few years, the major portion of the above . fund can be collected, and would have been collected long ere this period, if our country had not been visited hy'this most cruel war, which has brought derangement to all of our nn.tional inter路 ests, and distress n.nd desolation over our once happy and peaceful land. I remain, my brother, Yours, most fraternally,

W. P. BOULWARE, Sec. Boa"d E. F. Com.






1RGO. DR. June ;:j. To cash of 'V. P. Boulware, End. Fund...... $ 500 00 ,. 12. " " Est. of A. Pa.tterson, " 57 00 Sept. 10. " " Est. of A. Patterson, " 180 00 f);)0 00 Nov. 8. " " Wrilliam T. Davis, " $1,237.00 CR.

*Jnne 5. 13y acc't allowed G. 0 in 1860..... $500 00 186:1. :Ma.y. By (:ash paid Grand Secretary 730 00


$1,230 00 1860. TO INTEREST ACCOUNT. DR. June 27. To amount of L. S.. Cornwell $100 00 ". 5." " W . P. Boulware.................. 250 00 Sept. 26." " John A. Alford................... 50 00 Noy. 8 . " "Wm. T. Davis 118 00 $518 00 CR.

Juno 5. By a~count allowed by Grand D ..... $200 00 1862. Feb'yl. By account paid Sharp & Broadhead. 25 00 Bn,lance on hand...........................

$300 00

'V. P. BOUL'VARE, Secretary of Board of E. F. Com" LExnwToN, 1\10., May, 186 1. f

-:, See Proceedings G. L., 1860, p. lID.



1863. NO.



Farmers' .........•......•....••...........•...•••...... $ Huntsville •.. ~ ...........•............................. De Witt--£or charter : . St. James', for charter .. "\Van·enton, for charter .. ......Libertyville, dispensation.•••........................ 55 Arrow Rock, dues .. J\Iexico, dues . 26 11 Pauldingville .. 159 Pacific . 42 l\1iddle Grove, balance . 181 I{cnner , .. 80 Bridgeton . 94 Evening Star . 170 Benevolence .;...............................•......... 51 Livingston . 159 Pacific, balance...................•..........••....... •.....Evergreen, dispensation........• 126 Seaman, dues . 91 l\Iadison .......••.•...•.•............................... 42 J\liddle Grove . ......Martha Washington, charter arrested, balance in treasury .............•............................... ...... Colony, dispensation . 145 Rising Sun, dues , . ......From members of late Pleasant Ridge 0,. for demits ..•...•••...........................••.••.....

222 30 232 230 231.

0 •••••••••••••••••••••

'14 00 17 00 10 10 10 20

00 00 00 00

22 00 25 50 8 00 27 00

20 50 B3 00

14 50 18 50 44 20 12 00 18 00 20 00 14 50 41 50 3 00

33 85 20 00 5 00 10 00

96 NO .




......From members of late ~{artha Washington 0, for demits .•..•.....................•..........•...... 17 05 ......Ionic, dispensation . 20 00 '.' ......................•....... 210 Unionville 7 50 ...... Sedalia, dispensation..............•.................. 20 00 ......From member late Tuscumbia 0, demit .. 3 26 171 Hartford, dues .. 12 50 I .: From members late Tuscumbia 0, demits .. 5 30 178 .. : Griswold, dues .•...............•..•...... . . 21 00 48 .. ~ Fulton, dues ....•.....•..•............................. 40 00 ......From member of late Pleasant Ridge 0, demit 1 00 ......From members of late Martha Washington 0, demits . 25 20 1 00 .... ..From member of late Hiram 0, demit . 1 00 ......From member of late Jasper 0, demit .. 162 Whitesville, dues .....•.....•...........•.......•...... 50 00 Total


$726 35



186!. NO.

1 2 4 5 8

9 11 12 13 14 17 18 20 23 24 25 26 28 30 31 33 35 36 40

43 45




$ 38 00

l\:1eridian. ...• ,................. IIoward United............................. vVilliamsburg •. ...•.. •••••• •••. GClrg \V a.shingt:>n......... Pauldingville......... Tyro.••.•.•...:........................ Rising Sun..•......• ~................................ Auburn.................. ..•..... Olarksville...................•.•••............ 0....... Palmyra ,................................. St. Louis............... .•. •••••.... Florida.............. Wy3conda..... Naphtali............................ ........•. Mexico St. John's... Huntsville............................................ Liberty .· 0....................... Ralls...... l\:1ercer Cooper l\:1t. l\loriah....................... Jefferson •..... Bonhomme :....... o Jt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 11 24 20

5! 17 22 27 17 5 51 36 58 21 50 26 43 13 26 26 2.4 19 17 19 25

50 50 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 [0 00 00 50 50 00 50 50 5J









48 .•...• Fulton .......•.•.••••......••.................•...•.... 52 Wakenda . 53

Weston . Douglas . Richmond .............•.••...............•............ 58 Monticello . 59...••. Lancaster ~ . 60 New Bloomfield . 67 Rocbeport .. 71. '.' Savannah . 72 Danville . 74 Warren . 75 Ashley . 77 Lebanon.............................•.........•...... 78 St. Joseph . 79 Polar Star . 80 Bridgeton . .. 82 Jackson ·89 Friendsbip . g2 Perseverance •....................•................... 93 St. Mark's . 96 St. Andrew's.........•............................... 97 ~ethany•.•............................................ 98...•.• Webster .. 100...•.. Canton .. 106 La.porte . 109 Montezuma . 1101. Marcus . 113 Plattsburg . 116 Daviess . 121 Erwin ......••.............•.......•........•.......... 123 I-Iermalln .

54 57

2 33 29 44

7 19 34 18 33 35 22 16

29 11 45 43

51 15

15 20 23

30 22 33

17 20 17 23 28


50 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00

23 00

34 50 5 50




- .....

__ . __... - - - - - -



126 130 132 134 139 142 l L15 151 154 155 157 159 162 163 171 174 178 179 l8l 183 185 187 189 192 193 194 198

Seaman , West Pra.irie .. Farmington . Pleasant J\lount .. 0regon . Pleasant Grove . Rising Star..•................•....................... ~,Iilton..............••...•............................ Concord .

16 00

Spring Hill

18 t.~0 23 00 35 00 12 50 57 00 8 00


North Star Pacific


.. .



Occidental. IIartford , Sturgeon Gris"\\'·old Pride of the West Novelty California Chamois I-Icnry Clay Zeredatha Frankford o Angerona



Poplar Bluff

, ,



. . . , . . . . _ . . ,,.. .


Allensville 199 New IIopc 202 Wcstville 206 Solllerset 207, .•.•. ·81:1y 208 .....• Alto Vista




27 50 35 00 4 00

27 50 8[) i)O

17 00

17 50 13 00

28 00 1'" 50



10 GO 16 GO

11 G0


16 :)0 1~ 0;; 41 0





.~ 7


. . .

lS ;")0 i5 ;y~


. .


0 ]



F1. 50 J8 GO 22 D:i





213 214

Rolla Forcst City

. .

23 00 11 00

-"91 ......

M ' T'Ie......•.••..•• " ystlC


9 00 8 50 12 00


222 226 228 229 230 232

F armers" ........•.•.................................. Saline . Shelbina . Nevada . St. James' . De Witt . 176 Point Pleasant. . 170 Benevolonce . ......La Plata, for charter, etc . •..... Chapman, U. D . 9! Evening ~tar .


22 50 20 00

15 50 15 50 25 13 25 59

50 50

00 00

20 00


On year 1863 $ 726 35 ~, 1864....................................... 2599 50 ---$3325 85 CR.

By cash pai~ Grand Treasurer, pcr receipts $3325 85 A. O'SULLIVA~, Grand Secreta1'!J'


129 131 16t 137

·.. Constantine Potosi Joachim Prairieville ...... Portland, for dispensation I

$ .

. . ..

1 50 22 50 21 50 21 50 20 00






.•.•••From a member of late :1\{artha Washington 0, for demit•••.•.•.•.................•......•......... 84 Potter........••••.••.........•..•..••••...•.....•...... 55 Arrow Rock •••....•.....••......•.•••.•••••••....... ......Colony, for charter................. . . 104 Heroine •••.•....•.....•................•...•.......... ... :..Ionic, for charter..•..........•.....•••.............. .•....Bucklin. .... ... ... ... •.......• , ,. . . 133 Star of the West . 172 Wol£ Island . 218 Good Hope.............•••.•......................... 153 , .Bloomfield .•...••.•.•••••••.•.. 001)."' '- •••••'••••••••• 143 Irondale, for charter . ......St. Fran~oiB, for charter . •••••• Columbia, for dispen3ation .......••..•.•...•.....• •.....Evergreen, for charter..••.•.•....•.......••••••••••

..... .Thomasville


eo_ •••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

6 00 20 50

22 00 10 00

19 00 10 00 10 00 31 00

32 00 15 00 13 00 10 00 10 00' 20 00 10 00

7 00

•....•Montgomery City, for dispensation . 20 00 ......Middle Grove 0, funds returned •...............• 50 00 ......From a member of late Salem 0, for demit... 2 50 229 Hannibal ..•..•....•......•.....•.....•...........•... 14 50 ...... Sedalia, for charter .. 10 00 231 Warrenton ....................•................•....• 20 50 56 Pla.tte. .. .. ...•.........•......•........•.......•...... 17 50 •.....From member of late Martha Washington 0, 5 00 demit •••••.........•...•..•'. .......••...•.•••....... ...... Cash for jewels sold Seaman D ...•..•...•..•.... 10 00 32 Cash Lafayette.........•...•.•••..........•.......... 16 50 18 50 65....•. Pattonsburg •.....•.•......•••..•...••••. o. •..... Cash from Bro. Boulware, Sec. B. E. F. C..... 730 00 91 l\rladison. . ...... . ...•......•...............••..•...... 32 50 ••....From a member of late Martha Washington 0, 5 15 for demit ....•....................•.•.•••...•.•..... 00

0 0 •••••••

102 NO.




156.•...•Ashland ..............•..•..••.....••....•.•.....•..••. 3 Beacon ••......... ~ . 1 Missouri, year 1862.........•...........•...........• ••...•Checkfrom St. Joseph, for ~........•• ~ .•••...•... Total••.•••••..•............•........••.....•

00 • • . • • • • • • • •

26 00 33 50 44 00 34·00

$1422 65


By cash paid Grand Treasurer Loker, per receipts..••.•.$1422 65 St. Louis, June 25th, 1864. E. E. • Received DO word or explaDation with cheek; do. DO' know wbo to credit with it. 61'. s,c.



1864. DR. $ 8,662 90 May 28. To cash from John D. Daggett " A. O'Sullivan.................. 498 50 " June 3. " "............. ..... . 800 00 " " . . . . . . . . . ... •...... 12415 " 25. Total .......••...................................... $10,085 55 CR. 1864. May 26. By check Joachim Lodge, 164 ......•........ $ 21 50 " "Mrs. M. Roberts..................... 50 00 ":Mrs. Nelson.......................... 50 00 " " " G . A~ S....... 18 00 " " .) A. O'Sullivan... 1,500 00 " "A. Stille ·........500 00 " "Pleasant Grove D.................. 46 50 "Martin Collins....................... 4 00 " May 28. " Mrs. Grover...... 100 00 June 1. " R. E. Anderson 150 00 " " P . M. Pinckard...................... 200 00

Total June 27. To balance


$ 2,64U 00 7,44555


:M.W. JOHN F. HOUSTON, of Richmond, Grand Master. R. W. REV. JOHN D. VINCIL, of Hannibal, Deputy-Grand Master. R. W. ALLEN L. McGREGOR, of Vienna, Grand-Senior Warden. R. W. MARTIN COLLINS, of St. Louis, Grand-Junior Warden. " WM. N. LOKER, of St. Louis, Grand TreasurEr. " A. O'EULLIVAN, of St. Louis, Grand Secretary. Rev. Bro. P. M. PINCKARD, of St. Lo_uis, Grand Chaplain. " S. BROWN, of Potosi, " " W. THOMPSON, of ~iberty, " " W. WHITE, of Mexico, " " W. M. RUSH, of ~~~: ~ouis, " Bro. J. N. BURNES, of W~~on; Grand Orator. " R. E. ANDERSON, of Pa~myr3, " " A. F. TRAYNOR, of Ashley, Grand Marshal. " JOHN 1\-1. MARMADUKE, of Fayette, Grand Marshal. " JOHN M. BURKES, of ~turgeon, Grand- Sword-Bearer. " W. D. MUm, of noonvil~e, Grand S. Deacon. " J. H. McALPINE, of St.~OUi8, Grand J. Deacon. " J. L. STEADMAN, of ~iberty, Grand Steward. " SYL. C. GRISWOLD, of-New Haven, " " 1IAJ.'1PTONWOODRUFF; of St. Louis, Grand Pursuivant. " A. STILLE, of St. LOU~8, Grand Tyler. PAST-GRAND


M. W. JOSEPH FOSTE~, Past-Grand Master. " JOHN RALLS, P~~~-Grand Master. " L. S. CO~"'lWELL~ Past-Grand Master.


M. W. S. H. SAUNDERS, Past-Grand Master. " GEORGE WHITCOMB, Pa~t-Grand Master. " S. W. B. CARNEGY, Past-Grand Master. R. W. O. F. POTTER, Past-Deputy Grand Master. " JOHN F. HOUSTON, Past-Grand Warden. " JAMES H. BRITTON, Past-Grand Warden. PA.ST -MAST ER8:












,..James O. Alter, W. M. D. N. Burgoyne, S. W. R. Elms, J. W. Meridian 2•....• A. 'Krieckhaus, W. M. United 5 J. H. Caynor, S. W. Williamsb:urg ..••....•............... 8 T. R. Hobson, W. M. George Washington 9 ;.Earl Matlack, W. M. Charles L. Spencer, S. W. Frank Parsons, J. W. Pauldingville ll. W. T. Carter, W. M. *J. H. Simpson, J. W. Auburn 14 *W. M. Reynolds, W. M. 16 *John Saunders, W. 1\'1. Memphis Clarksville 17 J. W. Hemphill, W. M. Palmyra 18•.•••. *John B. Best, 'V. M. . *Thomas J. Cole, S. W. H. J. Drummond, J. W. Paris Union 19 *A. E. Gore, W. M. St. Louis 20 John D. Torlina, W. M. Florida 23 ~R. J. Johnson, W. M. Napthali 25 Charles Leyy, W. M. *Jno. A. Gilfillian, J. W. l\fexico 26 *W. White, W. M. St. John's 28 JamesMcDaniel, W. M. Liberty 31. *Jno. L. Steadman,W. M. Ralls 33 J ohn Ralls, W. 1\1. Wm. C. Splaun, S. W. t



• Proxies.








Mercer.•.......•.......•..............35 B. F. Cornwell, W. M. Cooper, ~ : 36 W. D. Muir, W. M. Mt. Moriah : .40 S. B. Stannard, W. M. .( E. C. Carrington, S. W. .,_. T. Hayward, J. W. Jeffp,rson ~ .43...•..W. E. Dunscomb, W. M. Bonhomme · 45 *A. Barbee, W. M. John K. Hempsted, S. W. Fayette .47 ooJ. W. Marmaduke, W.1\f. John F. Baily, S. W. Fulton ; , 48 Henry S. Turner, W. M. Wakanda 52 *James E. Drake, S. W. Arrow Rock 55 *O. F. Potter, W. M. Richmond 57••••..*John F. Houston, W.1\tI. , Jas. S. Demesters, J. W. J. H. Leeper, W. M. Monticello 58 Lancaster.•' 59 R. Caywood, W. M. New Bloomfield 60 B. O. Austin, W. M. Savannah · 71 N. B. Giddings. W. M. Danville•••.•..•......... ; 72 S. J. Sloan, W. M. Warren .........••••.•.. , 74 N. A. Grubbs, W. M. Ashley 75 A. F. Trainer, W. M. J. H. Allison, S. W. Lebanon 77 :J. G. Anderson, W. M. J. Crow, S. W. J. W. Harrison, J. W. Polar Star 79 John_ W. Luke, W. M. W. C. Defriez, J. W. Bridgeton 80 J. H. Garrett, W. M. George T. Moke, S. Vi. T. S. Edmonston, J. '\V. Washington 87 ...•..*Allen McDowell, W. :M. • Proxies.



_-----_.-._---- _._-_ .. -----_.-





}·riendship............••............89 ....•. *Geo. P. Pepper, W. M. Friendship 89 John Ure, S. W. Perseverance ~.92 J. W. Gunn, W. M. St. Mark's 93 W. R. Wilson, W. M. Evening Sta.r 94 G. M. Jamison, J. W. Bethany.............•...............97 J. H. Phillebaum, W'. M. *G. W. Newman, S. W. Webster 98 B. M.Jamison, W. M:. Heroine ~ lC4 G. W. Tindall, W. M. Laporte 106 A. C. Atterberry, W. M. ~Ial'cus· l10 .....•W. B. Allen, W. M:. B. F. Reynolds, S. W. Plattsburg 113 .....•Thomas F. Vigline, S. W. Erwin .......•••....................121....•.F. W. Sennewald, W. M. Hermann 123 ••....CharlesEitzin, W. M. Constantine 129 J. H. Bethune. W. M. George Harned, S. W. *A. E. Simpson, J. W. Potosi 131 8. Brown, W. M. Farmington 132 E. D. White, S. W. 8tar of the West ~ 133 B. Shepherd. J.W. Pleasant Mount 134 W. C. Haller, J. 'V. Prairieville 137 A. Johnson, W. M. Pleasant Grove 142 *S. H. Saunders, W. M. P. P. Owen, W. M. Bloomfield 153 John D. Smith, S. W.

*C. B. Crumb, J. W. Concord.•.......••...............•154......J. B. Henderson, W. M. *W. W. Roberfs, J. W. *B. H. Fowler, J. W. Spring Hill 155...•..J. E. Cadle, W. M. North Star•.•.•.•••••..••..•.•...•157 J. W. Smith, W. M. • Proxies.





Pacific.........•........•.....•.....159 Occidental. •.••.••.................163


Thomas Bacon, S. W. Martin Collins, 'V. !\-I. M. W. Eby, S. W. James Austin, J. W. Joachim ......••....•..............164..... ,D.Newman, W. M. J. J. Beckett, J. W. Mirabile ..•......•.................166 8. R. Bay, W. M:. Sturgeon.........•..... 174 John M. Burkes, \V.. ~f. Gril:iwold ................•.........178 D. W. ~owl1n, W. M. John H. Davis, S. W. Pride .0£ the West......•........179 J. H. McAlpine, W. M. California 183 8. H. Owens, W. 1\1. *W. S. Freshour, 8. W. *8. T. 'Vood, J. 'V. Chamois ... ~ ...............••.•.•.•185•..... *A. L. M:cGregor, W. M. W. J. S.tafford, S. W. Henry Clay 187 W. H. Vivian, 'tV. M. Ha.nnibal. 188 ...•.. *J. D. Vincil, W. M. Frankford 192 G. Phillips, W. 1\-1. G. W. Layne, S. W. Wellsville 194 *Thomas Perry, W. M. Allenville 198 J. T. Merrill, W. M. New Hope 199 Jchn Black, W. ?v!. M. B. Watts, J. W. Clay ~ .............•.....•....• 207 *B. F. Grey, W. M. Alto Vista 208 W. M. 8trong, W. M. Poplar Bluff 209 J. W. Baldwin, W. M. Rolla 213 11. J. 8mith,W. !\-I. Good Hope 218 1\'1. Lynch, J. ,Yo Saline 226 *E. S. Roper, W. M. Shelbina. ....•.................. :.. 2:i8 ...•.. George F. Hill, 'V. M. C. C. Fuqua, S. W. H







St. James'


·Wal·renton DeWitt

231 232

,V. E. Glenn, W. M. J. H. Ramsey, S. W. J. E. Hutton, S. W. *B. D.Lucus, W. ~f.

• Proxies.

SUSPENSIONS. Rising Sun 0 , No. I3.-W. Ru;sell, A. D. Brooks, Thomas Chandler, J. l\-I. Reynolds-non-payment of dues. Tyro 0 , No. 12.-J. M. L. Jamison. Huntsville 0 , No. 30.-N. B. Coats, Albert C. Rucker, G. R. Christian, Thomas S. Christian, N. G. Matlock, Levi Dawkins, junior-non-payment of dues. Liberty 0, No. 31.-Patrick Lyons, Ellison Higbee-nonpayment of dues. Cooper 0, No. 36.-E. Lanney, J. H. O'Brien, William B. Short. Weston 0 , No. 53.-J. E. Sickles, Henry Bragg, John :McDaniel, Shaw Warren, A. A. Evans, L. W. Caples-non-payment of dues. Platte 0 , No. 56.-W. C. Baker, George Elley, B. F. Hatton, E. B. Horner, W. C. Hatton, John E. Pitt, JohIi W. Park, L. Shephard, P. Simpson, J. H. Winston, J. Wilson, R. L. Waller, J. T. 'Vhite-non-payment of dues. Pa.ttonsburg 0 , No. 65.-N. Brown, J. H.Taylor, William P. Slack, Samuel Miles-non-payment of dues. IJinn 0, No. 66.-Samuel B. Hensley, Adam Miller. Warren 0 , No. 74.-B..njamin K. Bell, W. Conrad, James A. Clark, J. J. Price, James S. Gilliam, J. R. Mills, J. Taylor, James F. Clarkson, A. Moore, T. L. Vandever, J. M. Hamnen H. A. Morgan, J. A. Fuqua, W. J. Horsley, H. Scovill. Ashley D. No. 75.-S. N. Puisi, W. D. Orr, W. P. Burks. Polar Star .0, No. 79.-B. M. Mead, J. W. Barry, J. R. Newsom. Bridgeton 0, No.80.-Louis R. Brand. Jackson 0, No. 82.-F. M. Forest, W. Burt, J. E. Nevens, G. 'V. Sandusky, P. C. Flernoy, D. Grant, J. H. Thomas, Rob. Warren, J. A. Lemons, N. D. Stephenson. Friendship 0, No. 89.-A. Craig, W. Clark, J. C. Hill, H.



Duncan, W. E. Harle, L. Ireland, J~ Jacobs, J. F. Jones, J. F. Jackson, J. Y. Porter, D. Singleton, J. A. Sidner, B. West, A. Wallace, E. Wilson, D. J. Hobbs. St. Mark's 0, No. 93.-W. C. F. HemJ-sted. St. Andrew's 0, No. 96.-William J. Holliday, S. B. Hardy. Canton 0, No. 100.-D. T. Rodgers, Noah Grant. La Porte 0, No. 106.-M. B. Lucas, A. L. Gilstrap, G. Spilling, R. R. Thrasher, N. Switzer, J. A. Terrell, P. Scheultheis, J. N. Gee, E. Littrell, J. P. Belding, J. H. Coda. Plattsburg 0, No. 113.-Wm. Knight. Daviess 0, No. 116.-John Conner, J. Cravens, A. F. Barrett, W. Griffin, T. S. McGaugh, J. R. Middleton, C. Place, W. Pryon J~ W. Griffin. Hermann 0, No. 123.-James Arrott. Potosi 0, No. 131.-E. Smith. Springhill 0 , No. 155.-L. B. Saloman, L. F. Thompson. Whitesville 0, No. 162.-J. A. Miller, S. King, J. Yates, J. Caulfield, A. J. Cumbest, A. Wood, O. H. P. Sneas-nonpayment of dues. Occidental 0, No. 163.-J. W. Ackerman, A. L. Day, S. Girard, n. Gregory, J. 11. Hall, J. Cornwall, R. McCord. Ha,rtford 0 , No. 171.-J. Sansbury, J. Ha.net, W. Wallis, J. H. Worthington, P. Drewry, S. McEntire, J. H. Broyls, D. L. Godfrey. Zeredatha 0, No. 189.-H. C. Cattlet, R. Hensley, O. CunrJngham, W. Cameron, E. Y. Shields, O. M:. France, J. L. • Hanna, B. Radecom. Wellsville 0 , No. 194.-G. W. Proctor. Allenville 0, No. 198.-0. B. Hartwell. New Hope 0, No. 199.-D. L. C. Davis. Poplar Bluff 0 , No. 209.-J. R. Franklin, R. HoIland, R. D. Jennings, J. H. Polly, S. W. Miller, A. Reves, J. D. Dennis. Forest City 0, No. 214.-Martin Nolan.


Beacon 0, No. 3.-Christia.n Helmering. Florida. 0 , No. 23.-William N. Tandy, ,Tames G088, Alvin Menifee, Alfred Menifee. Bonhomme. 0, No. 45.-Willio.m Shields. Lebanon 0, No. 77.:-Lyle Singleton. Star of the West 0 , No. 133.-ThomasFalkenberry. Pacific 0, No. 159.-John Shue, P. Fitzpatrick, Julius Kahrma.nn. ,Whitesville 0, No. 162.---WilliamElrodl. Allenville 0, No. 198.-Absa1om Galnson. Alto Vista. 0 , No. 208.-John Webb; Rolla. 0 , No. 213.-P. R. Woodard. Nevada 0, No. 229.-Dr. B. F. Cogswell. St. James' 0, No. 230.-Lyle Singleton.



The following resolutions and amendments are in force in the jurisdiction of the GrandD of Missouri: [ADOPTED 1841.]

" That the Grand Secretary is hereby required to inform every Grand D, in correspondence 'fith the Grand 0 of Missouri, that from and after the meeting of this Grand 0, in October, 1848, no Mason, not having a certificate of his good standing, of recent date, will be allowed to participate in the Charity Fund of this Grand 0, or any of its subordinatef!. " That it is inexpedient for any Mason, under the jurisdiction 9f this Grand D, to collect private subscriptions, unless directed by the Grand or subordinate e::eJ, to be appropriated as. masonic charity; and it is hereby interdicted as a practice fraught only with evil to the Craft." [ADOPTED 1849.]

" That no brot~.er shaH be permitted to demit from any 0 under this jurisdiction, except it be for the purpose of traveling out of the jurisdiction of said 0, or of jokling another D." (ADOPTED 1850.]

" Tha.t, while all Grand e::eJ have the right to reverse the decisions of their subordinates, suspending or expelling Masons from all the privileges of Masonry, they can not restore them to membership in a subordinate D without its consent." . [ADOPTED 1852.]

"That a. brother Master Mason; trespassing against our rules, is amenable to the particular 0 of which he is a member. Should an offense be committed by one who has changed his residence, the 0 which has jurisdiction over the place where he resides is the body to whom the charges will have to be preferred, as we have no rule that authorizCf3 a change of venue. Any brother



feeling aggrieved at the decision, on the trial of a brothel', 'has the right路 of an appeal to the Grand D. ". That when a 0 suspends a brother, the time for which he stands suspended shall be d-efined." [ADOPTED 1854.]

" That, in any town or city where there is more than onc 0, it shall be the duty of each 0 to appoint. one or more members, to constitute a Board of Relief, to whom all applicants for ch3Jrity shall he referred, and, if found worthy, relieved; they shall adopt rules for their government, so that the worthy shall not go away empty-handed, and the unworthy eat the bread belonging to the toiling craftsman. To the carrying out of which each 0 in such town or city shall contribute five dollars from every initiation fee to the aforesaId Board of, Relief. "That the 27th section, article IV, of the By-Laws of this Gran~ 0, shall Dot be so construed to prohibit an applicant for initiation or membership from applying to any 0 in this jurisdiction after the lapse of one year. That 4!J under the jurisdiction of this Grand 0 be required to make up their returns, ending on the first day of May in each year, and transmit said returns immediately thereafter to the R. W. G~and Secretary."


[ADOPTED 1855.]

Resolved, That hereafter, and until otherwise ordered by the Grand 0, the Grand officers shall be chosen on the morning or the third day of the session, but shall not be installed into their offices until all the other business before the Grand 0 has been entirely disposed of, which said installation shall close the masonic year. [ADOPTED 1856.]

.Resolved, That this Grand Ddoes Dot recognize the right of the Grand Master to restore the charter to any subordinate 0 , after the same has been arrested or surrendered, or to grant a dis~ pensation to said 0 , until the facts are reported to the Grand CJ.



[ADOPTED 1856.]

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Grand o that no subordinate o should permit non-affiliated ~Iasons to join in public procession, or take any part in any public masonic demonstration, except such non~affiliated Masons as have been members of a .regularly-constituted 0 within the twelve months last preceding 'such celebration. \

[ADOPTED 1851.]

/Resolved, That the memorial presented to this Grand 0 by the Wl' Master of Platte C] for conferring the degree of M.aster Mason upon a disabled brother, Can not be granted. . ;

[ADOPTED 1851.]

\ Resolved, That the Grand Master, when he delivers his annual address to the Grand 0, return all the reports made to him hy the D. D. Grand Masters, and that they be printed with the p~oceedingsof the Grand 0. [ADOPTBD 1858.]

Resolved, That no subordinate 0 within this jurisdiction be allowed to grant demita, except for the following reasons: That the applica.nt is about to move out of t.he jurisdiction of his 0; that he desires to join another CJ; or to aBsist in the formation of a new 0. [ADOPTED 1858.]

Resolved, That hereafter no new 0 shall be formed in the city of St. Louis, or in any city, town or village in this jurisdiction, where there are more than two CEJ located, except upon the recommendation of two-thirds of aU the CEJ existing in the said cities, towns or villages. [ADOPTED 1858.]

Resolved, That it ls the duty of th~ D. D. Grand Masters to see that the 8ubord~nate CEJ rigidly enforce' the masonic law in reference to all unmasonic conduct, and particula.rly those vjces that are so well calculated to bring reproach on the Masonic Fraternity-habitual drunkenncss, gambling, profane swearing,



and those of a. kindred character; and, in default of their doing, to suspend their charters.


[ADOPTED 1858.]

Resolved, That the names of the members of the 8ubo~dinate

CE:J be printed with the proceedings of the Grand


[ADOPTED 1858.]

Resolved, That the Grand 0 adopt the form of the square apron, with triangular flap, on which an, all-seeing eye may be placed, the apron to be bound with blue. [ADOPTED 1868.]-

Resolved, That when, hereafter, subordina.~e C€J under this jurisdiction may want aprons, that they procure them of the above form and pattern. [ADOPTED 1859.] _

Resolved, That the 811bordinate CEJ under the jurisdiction of this Grand 0 be, and they are hereby, required to give to the widows of all deceased worthy brother Master Masons a certificate of the former membership and good standing of their deceased husbands, which said certificate shall be signed by the Master and 'Vardens, a.nd attested by the Secretary. (ADOPTED 1859.]

Resolved, That subordinate CEJ in this juriBdiction have no right to ballot for candidates, for passing or raising, except at their stated monthly communications, and that called-off communications are oot part of the preceding regular or stated commu· wca.tion. [ADOPTED 1859.]

Resolved, That it is incompetent for any 0,_ under this jurisdietiuu, to come!' either of the three degrees upon any person whose physical defects are such as to prevent him from elm/orming literally to a.li the requirements of the Order.



[ADOPTED 1809.1

Resolved, Th路at no dispensation shan be granted to any brethren to form a new 0, unless acccompanied by the,demits of the several brethren,. from the C拢b to which they respectively belonged. [ADOPTED 1860.} ART:CLE I-Section 6.-Upon report of the Committee on Credentials, that a quorum for business is presant, the officer presiding as' Grand Master shaH appoint from those present the following. committees:


IV.-Sections 12 and 13 are stricken out, and the

following adopted in lieu thereof: Every 0, in addition to the amount specified in its By-Laws, shall collect from every person on whom the degrees may be con- . felTed, one dollar for each degree; "and the same shall be.retained by ea~~h subordinate 0 as a fund, to be denominated the Orphans' Fnnd, n;nd used only for the purpose of supporting' and educating the orphans of deceased Mastep-Masons. [ADOPTED 18M.]

Resolved,. That路 no one of the offieers of this Grand 0, Cllum. erntecl_ in the XVIIth Article of the "Old Regulations," shall, while holding office in this Grand 0, act as Master or Warden in his subordinat.e D. [ADOPTED 1862.J

Rcsorved, Tha-t, should an applicant for the mysteries of Free Masonry be elected, and fail to come forwa.rd for initiation within ;:1:: Htoths from the date of said' election, his fee shall be d8Chl'ed f((:路h.~ited, and the whole proceeJings in his case declared n::tll ~t-~ld \"~Iid ; provided, that nothing herein contained. shall prevent any Cl, havingjurisd,iction, :from again receiving his petition. [ADOPTED 1862.]

R"solved, That the jurisdiction of the Gl'u.nd 0 Of l\1is~cnl'i be 11i",i:lI~d into ten districts, for each of which there shall be aD. D.



Grand Master, who shall be appointed by the Grand Master, with the approval of the Grand· D. The brethren so appointed must be Past· or Present Masters of this jurisdiction. Before entering on their duties as D. D. Grand Masters, they shall qualify themselves to teach the work and lectures' of the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, as authorized by the Grand 0 of Missouri, and shall obtain certificates of their qualifications from the Grand Lecturer-provided, that no D. D. Grand Master shall be oommissioned by the Grand Master unless he produce the certificate of the Grand Lecturer; they shall visit the CEJ in their respective jurisdictions, when required so to do, and instruct them in the work ~nd lectures of symbolic Masonry; inspect their by-laws and records, and report annually to the Grand D of Missouri; give an account of the condition of the r:€J in their several districts, morally and financially; they shall attend in person to the organization and instruction of such CEJ as may be formed during the recess of the Grand 0, and iustal the officers and dedicate the halls of such CEJ as may be chartered by the Grand 0 of Missouri; they shall hav.e no authority to order dispensations for the formation of new LE:::J, but may recommend such formations to the Grand Master or the Grand 0 ; they shall have no power to grant dispensations for any purpose whatever; they shall be entitled to such compensation from the subordinate CEJ as may be mutually agreed upon between them; they are instructed to discountenance all unauthorized lecturers and itinerants, in their respe(}tive districts, and report to the Grand D the names and places of residence of this worthless class, should any appear among .them. [ADOPTED 1863.]

Be it, therefore, resolved by. the Grand 0 ofMissouri, in GraTul .I1nnual Convocation assembled, That all the LAWS, RESOLUTIONS and ORDERS heretofore ORDATh"ED in relation to tlte



adoption, promulgation and. perpetuation o~the aforesaid w'.)rk and lectures are herebyreaffinned ; . .I1nd it is hereby further resolved, That it 18 the high duty of the Afasters and Wardens and members of the CEb in this jurisdiction to perfect themselves in the aforesaid work and lectures, and teach 'and pratice "them faithfully, to the exclusion of all other systems by whomsoever promulgated; .I1nd be it further res:Jlved, And enjoined upon the Masters and Wardens of the aforesaid constituent C拢b to路 see that Section 30, of Article IV, of the By-Laws of this Grand 0, is faithfully and fully obeyed, according to the true intent and spirit thereof.









1 Missouri ..••.•..• St. Louis........ St. Louis•.......•. First and Third Thurdays ••...... Sept'r 4th, 1821 2 Meridian South St. Louis.. St. Louis First and Third Wednesdays May, 1852 3 Beacon•.••••••.... St. Louis.••.•.... St. Louis.: •...... Second and Fourth Thursdays..." 1849 4 Howard New Franklin Howard ...•...••.. Saturday before ftill moon......" 1852 5 United.......••.... SJ>ringfield Greene......•••.•• Thursday before full moon......" 1857 6 Ark Newark , Knox Saturday after full moon........." 1852 8 Williamsburg Williamsburg Callaway..•.......• Wednesday before full moon...... " 1852 9 Geo. Washington St. Louis.•....... St. Louis.••• ~ •.••. Second and Fourth Tuesdays... " 1849 11 Pauldingville Pauldingville St. Charles Saturday before 'full moon... " 1852 12 Tyto Caledonia Wa.shington Second Saturday................... " 1825 13 Rising Sun Barry Clay Saturday before full moon......." 1852 14 Auburn....•...•... Auburn: Lincoln First Saturday before full moon " 1852 16 Memphis .. : Memphis Scotland Fx:iday before full moon........... " 1852 17 Clarksville Clarksville Pike Saturday before full moon......... " 1830 18 Palmyra Palmyra ~ .. Marion Second and Fourth Thursdays...." 1831 . p . Monroe............ F'lrst Saturd h" 1835 . U·· 19 ParIS mon...... &y 'In eaeh mont .... 20 St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis..•..•..• First a.nd'I'hird Tuesdays........." 1836 22 Wellington..•..... De Kalb .....••.... Buchanan ........• Saturda.y before full moon........" 1852 23 Florida. Florida Monroe Third Saturday in each mouth..." 1852 24 Wyaconda LaGpa,nge Lewis First and Third Saturdays......." 1853 25 Naphtali.••••••.. ' St. Louis St. Loui8••••....• Second and :F'OUl~th Thursdays. . . . " 1839 26 Mexico Mexico Audrain Third Tuesday......................" 1852 to

i ~



.... toO




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f·r..nkhn , ; -'2S ISt ..'J0J:!i's / ,Hannib.aI.: Marion.•..........: Second and Fourth Saturdays May, 30 HuntsvIlle Hunt8v~lle Randolph Second Saturday................... u 81 Liberty Lib~rty•........ ~ .. C18.y•• ~ :•••••••• 8ec'd Mondayand FourthSaturd'y " 82 Lafayette Lexl~gto~ Lafayette Second Monday..................... " 33 Ralls Madisonville Ralls .....•...•..... Second Saturday.•.. ~............... " Princeton·~ Mercer First Tuesday a(ter full moon... " 35 Mercer ~ 86 Cooper•••••••••••. Boo~ville Cooper.•• ,•••.... Saturday ~efore full moon ~. " Lafa.yette Fourth Frlda.y....................... " 87 Dawson Wellington St. L·ouis St: Louis •••• ~ •.•. Fi~t and Third Mondays. ••....... " 40 Mt. MoriQ~· ~1 Bolivar Bolivar Polk. co •• •• Fnday before full moon.......... " 42 Middle Grote.••. Middle Grove.. ~. Monroe Third Saturday..................... " 43 Jefferson Jeffetson City Cole ~ .. First Saturday... " 44 Rochester .•....... Rochester Andrew Saturday before full moon......." ~. Manchester.••.... St. Louis Saturday before full moon........ " '45 Bonhomme Fayette Howard N~ght before full moon............ " 47 Fayette. ". ~ Callaway FIrst Saturday '.... " 48 Fulton.•....•. ~ ...• Fulton 49 Haynesville Ilaynesville Olinton First and Third S&turdays....... " First Saturday...................... " 51 Livingston Glasgow.......... Howa.rd 52 Wakanda Carrollton CarI'oll ~ Saturday before full moon........ " Weston ~ Pla.tte First and Third Saturday......... " 53 We&ton Marthasville. ~ Wa,rren ' Saturday before full moon...... " 54,Douglas. ~ 551Arrow Uock Arrow Rock Saline ,Saturday before full mOOD......... " 56!platte jPlatte City Platte ISatul'day before full moon....... ".

1864 1839 1840 1840 1840 1853 1858 1841 1858 1841 1853 1854 1841 1854 1841 1842 1841 1854 1842 1842 1842 1842 184~







57lRichmond oR j1onticollo

\RiChmOnd \Ray \Saturday before full moon May, Monticello :f.Jew.ts :Saturday before full moon.. .. " MkLaD(:a~~ler jLaneaster ,Schllyler \Saturday before full moon......... " OO!NfJW Bloomfield.. iN ~'v BtuomfieJd.. ;Cal!::nvuy !First Saturday...... ... u 62 }1ay svillc .. , ?f~ysv;llc :DcKalb :First Moncay and Sc(~oud S[~t'd.r u 1 ,'Davies II First Saturday aner full moen... " 6;)IPatto!'lt')burg il'U.ttoDsburg • 'T . ' , . I f,t-, Lmn :_..JWll :Osagc Saturday before fUlL moon .. " 67!Hochepol'L IHocheIJOrt lBoone Second Thursday.......... (( 69 Alexandria !Alexandria Clark Friday before full moon.. (( 70 ;Roanoke !Roanoke iHoward Saturday before full moon........ " 71 tlavannah !Savannah ,Andrew Saturday before full moon........ " 721'Danville ..!Danvillo 'Montgomery Thursday before full moon. . . . . (' 73 Eureka Brunswick /Chariton Thursday before full moon . 74/wal'ren " IKeytesville lcharlton ISaturday before full moon......... (.' 7;) Ashley ..•..•..... IAshley Pike ....•...... Saturday before full moon......... " 7fj lnde pelldence IIndependence Jackson Second Saturday ,..... " 77 I,ellanon ,Steelville ICrawford Third Saturday....•...... ,.. " 78 St. J oseph ,St. Joseph ...•.. IBuchanan .••... First and Third SatUl:'da.yB... . .. '(' 79 Polar Star 'jSt. Louis 'ISt. Louis :. Second and Fourth Wednesdays " 80 Bridgeton Bridgeton St. Louis Saturday before full moon . Linn.reus ILinn Saturday before. full moon. . . . . . " 82 Jackson 84 1 Potter ..ILonrrwood Pettis Saturday after full moon........... " 87/' Wa,Hhington ~Gl'\.;~;ltield iDaLie Friday }Iefbre full moon............ " 'Cbillicothe II.Jivingston First SaturclDiY before full moon U 88 Fr.iendBhip Dl~.f ~.diflon !l\ladison i.M:onroe Second Su,turday. . . . . " c'llp ,.. na I·P·k ~/T d ay belore to f u11 moon " •.l cr80verance ~.JJ.GI.llf-;U.\' , .1 (J /Lh.On . . I 9:>ISt. ::M:ark's......... iCai)O Girardea.u.. jCape Girardeau. Tuesday before full moon......... "



1842 18.41

1854 1854: 185·1 18[) t

:"853 1843

1844 1854 1844 1844 1846








1846 1846 1846 18..7 1854:

1847 1847 1847 1847



~ ~ ~

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..... 0> .......0. .


94 Evenlllg Star Cuba Crawfo~d.......• ISaturday before full moon May, Cape Gll'ardeau......... . . . •• ..•.. .•....•. " 96 Acacia ..•..•...••. Jackson Shelbyville•....... Shelby....•.••.... Saturday before full moon......... " 96 St. Andrews 97 Bethany Bethany.......••... Harrison....•...... Saturday before full moon......... It 98 Webster •.••..•..•. Marshfield Web8t~r ~. Thursday after full moon.......... " 99 Mt. Vernon••... Mt. Vernon.•... Lawrence •........ Thursday before full moon.... It 100 Canton Canton ...........• Lewis •••.••••.. : Saturday before full moon......... cc 101 Easton...••........ Easton... ~ ...•...... Buchanan•..... ~ First and Third Saturdays.... .. " Macon......•...• Friday b~fore full moon ....•...." 102 Bloomington... Bloomington Jackson Saturday before full moon......... " 104 Heroine.•...... Kansas Adair ~. ... " 105 Kirksville Kirksville 106 Laporte Laporte Macon Third 'l'hursday..... " 107 Golden Square Westport Jackson .....•... Friday before full moon............ " 108 New Madrid New Madrid New Madrid.' Saturday before full mOClD " 109 Nontezuma Santa Fe Santa Fe, N. M •. }4'irst Saturday in each month.... " 110 Marcus ...•.....•... Fredricktown Madison .........• Fourth Saturday..................... " 111 Trenton Trenton Grundy...•.••... ~lrst and Third Thursday8....... " Plattsburg Clinton Saturday before full moon......... " 113 Plattsburg 116 Davies Gallatin DaviesB First Monday. it 119 F08ter ~ Benton Scott }4'irst Saturday....... • • . • •. . . . .. " St. Louis Second and Fourth Friday......... " 121 Erwin St. Louis 122 Dover Dover Lafayette Saturday before full m.oon...... u 123 Hermann Hermanll ,Gasconade Second TueBday 125 Gentryville Gentryville Gentry : Third Saturday............. (( 126 Seamen ,\Milan Sullivan '" Saturday b,efore full moon · " 127 Athens Athons Gentry. . .. • Second ·and Fourth Saturdays.... " u





0> CR.......


I ~

1869 1848 1847 1854 1858 1849 1848 1858 1848 1849 18f54 1858 ~ 1849 ~ 1849 ~ 1851' 1849 1850 . 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1858



129jCOnatantine jCharleston MiBsisBippt. Saturday before full moon lMay, 139 W ~'3t Prairh~ West Prairie Dunklin \Vednesd~y before fnlJ mOl)ll..... " 131IPotosi.........•....iPoto.i.. Washington Saturday beforol'ul! moon .1 " If52 Farmington ... ",Farmington St. Francois Satu-:,dfl,y hefore full mOOD , It 133 Sta.r of the: W~i:l~IIronton~... . Iron Saturday'bi}fore full moon......... " 134 Pleasant Mount..IPleasant Mount. Miller.......... . •.•. . . .•. . a 136 Phamix Bowling Green Pike Thursday before full moon. . . .. u 137 Prairieville Prairieville Pike '.. Satnrday before full moon.... . .. It 138 Round Prairie Newark Andrew Saturday before full moon.... " 139 Oregon Oregon Holt Firat Monday and Third Sat'day It 141 Middlebury Middlebury Mer-cer _.. Fh'st Wednesday Cl 142 Pleasant Gro",e Otterville Cooper Wednesday before full moon.... " 143 Irondale•........ Irondale "'~a8hington -146 McGhee " College Mound Macon Saturday before Fourth Sunday " 149 Lexington ,Lexington ,Lafayette Third lIonday . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. It 150 Bil'ming , Birming Buchanan Wednesday of or after full moon " 151 Milton .....•.... Milton Randolph First Saturday. . . . . . • . . . . • • . .. t, 153 Bioomfield Bloomfield Stoddard ~r8t Friday ...•.. ,. It 154 COl'~cord .: ICo~cord C~l~away .•..... S~turdaybeforefull moon · .;; 155 ~prmg HIlL Spring Hlll LIvmgston First Monday . 156 Ashland IAshland Boone First Saturday.......... . . .. u 157 North Star /ROCkPort Atchison ,Saturday before full moon (( 159 Pacific Pacific City Franklin _.. Saturd~y before full moon........ U 161 Thomasville /Thoma6ville " Chariton I................ . . . . ... (C 162 Whitesville WIHtesville Andrew Saturday before full moon......... " 163 Occidental ••.•.... ISt~· Louis St. Louis Second and Fourth Mondays...... It 164 Joachim Hillsboro' Jefferson Saturday before full moon.. It 165 Maryville MaryVille Nodaway First Saturday in each month.... " 0

1851 1858 1851 1~51

1851 1851 1851 1855 1855 1855 1858 1855 1864

1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855

§ Z



i859 1856

1856 1856

1856 1856 1859

1856 1857















loti Mirabile iMirabile jCaldwel1 First Saturda)~ in each month... Luray ,Clark First Saturday after full moon.. 167 EI Dorado 168 Colony Colony Knox :..... Bartford Putn:l·m FrIday'before full moon............ 171 Hartford 172 'Volf Island Wolf Island Mississippi. Monday before full moon. Saturday before full moon......... 173 Union Bristol Bollinger Friday before full moon............ 174 Sturgeon Sturgeon Boone 176 Point Pleasant Point Pleasant .. New Madrid Friday before full moon Bear Creek Montgomery..... .. . 178 Griswold 179 Pride of the West St. Louis St. Louis Flrst and Third Wednesdays.... 180 Kenner Athens Clark Saturday before full moon. . . . 181 Novelty Novelty Knox Saturday before full moon........ 182 Stewartsville Stewartsville DeKalb.•....... Last Saturday in each month. ... Last Saturday in each montp... 183 CaIifOl'nia California Moniteau 185 Chamois Chamois Osage Saturday after full moon......... Millersburg Callaway.......... .... .. 187 Henry Clay 188 Hanniba.l Hannibal. Marion Second and Fourth Mondays St. Joseph 'Buchanan •..... Second and Fourth Tuesdays..... 189 Zeredatha 190 Putnam Newton Putnam Saturday before full moon......... Platte First Saturday. . . . . 191 ZerubabeL Frankford Pike Saturday beforo full moon. 192 Frankford Missouri City Clay IFirst and Third Saturuays........ 193 Anjerona MontgoillOl'Y Saturday before fnllmooll "1 194 Wellsville Wellsville 196 Quitman Quitman Nodaway Saturday after full moon.......... . 197 Camden Camden Ray..... . . .. ... 198 Allensville Allensvin~ Gentry First and Third Saturdays.......


" " ((

1857 1857 1864



" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859. 1860


" u




t-6 O:l

$ ~ ~


199'New Hope New Hope Lincoln 201 Jamesport J ames)Jort Daviess 202 Westville Westville _ Callaway 203 Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge.. Harrison 204 Bent "'c" 'Fernando deTao8 New Mexico 206 Somerset.••..••• Somerset Mercer 207 .Clay Greenville Clay. . . . . . 208 Alto Vista...•..... Alto Vista Davies8 . 209 Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff Butler 210 Unionville Unionville Putnam 213 Rolla '0 ••• Rolla Phelps 214 Forest City Forest City Holt 215 Hornersville Hornersville Dunklin 216 West Plains West Plains Howell...... 218 Good Hope Carondelet St. Louis 219 Emerson Emerson Marion....... 220 Kansas City Kansas City JacKson............ 221 Mystic Tie..•..... Appleton P.O Perry 222 Farmers' La Belle ~ Lewis.... 226 Saline .....•..... St. Mary's Ste. Genevieve... 227 Cypress ~aclede· Linn.. . . •. 228 Shelbina...•...• Shelbina Shelby. . . . 229 Nevada Nevada Grundy..... 230 St·. J aines' St: James' Phelps 231 Warrenton Warrenton· Warren;........... '232 De Witt De Witt Carl.oll........ 233 Bucklin Bucklin Linn................ 234 St. Francois....• Libertyville St. Francois. . ..

Saturday before full moon

IMay, I

Friduy after full moon...... . . Thursday before full moon... .. _... . Monday before full moon.........



" ., it

" ..... Second and Fourth Mondays... Tuesday on or before full moon Saturday on or before full moon First Saturd'y and Third Mond'y .... .. . . . .. First and Third Saturday......... .....• .•..... . . .. .. . . . . . . . Saturday before full moon......... . . .. ... . . .. ..

~................. .

.... . . . .. .. .. .....•.•.... ...


" U U

" " " " " " " " " " . .. " " " .. . " U


1850 1860 18tiO

1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1862 1862 1862 186S 186S 1863 1863 1864 1"864



§ ~







!fAllIl: 01i' LODOI:.











Vu Rellsselaer Academy. Ralls .. 236Isedalia ••••...•..... Sedalia •...•........ IPettis. .. .. 287 La Plata La Plata Macon.......

235 Ionic


DJI.'rE OF ('UARTZr...

-" May, .

. . . . .•. ••.

" "



1864 1864

~ S r-



A Address of Grand Master.:....•..............••.......•.••......•.10-14 referred ............•• ~ •••••. ~ 14 " " Accounts-Grand Secretary, 1863.........•........•..............94

" " "



Endowlnent Fund Co~mi88ioners......•.....••...•.....93 Grand Treasurer, 1864.........•.....•................•103

B Board of Relief ....................••.•......•...••......••..••.........57

'C California, Grand 0 of•...................•............••••........... 1':1: Canada, " •..............•... ' 17 Colorado, " •...............•••....•.......•••............. 17 Communication, Rob. Morris'................•........................ 43 " Farmers' D .........••••...•....•....•.•.....••...... 85 Committee on Credentials .•.·. .•••••...•••••.•....•••..•................. 2 " "report.....••....•.........••.•..•....•...2-8 Committee to receive Grand Officers of Grand 0 of illinois ..... 9 Committees of Grand 0 , Regular•.•..•.........•••............•...·.10 Committee on Grand Master's address 14 " Foreign Correspondence, Report..••••••.•.......... 14 " Grand CJ proceedings received and examined..... 14 California, Grandc:J.•......••....•..•.•......•...•.•..••••••.•.•.•...• 14 Grand Master's Address ....••.•.•......•.•.•.•....••...•. 14 Grand 0 Hall "••..•.•.••..•.....•..•......................15 Uniformity ofWork•.....•.......••.......••..••••....•.... 15 The Dead••••.•.•.•.••..••••.....••........, 15 Grand Secreta.ry's labors·•••......•••••....••...••.•••••.. 15 Board of Relief.•........•......••...•..•.•.•••••..•••..•... 15 Reverend, Funds, etc•.•••••••••.•.•...•••..•••....•....•.•.15



Committee on Jurisprudence 15 " Foreign Correspondence 16 Diplomas, "Loose Fish," etc 16 Grand Officers........•..•.......•.......................... 17 Canada 17 Colorado ...•........•....................... :....................•... '.' ..17 Conservatism 18 Grand Officers ..•....................•..•..•..................18 Committee on Chfl:rtered CE!:J, Report 60 '" '" ," correct 60 ,', ." "defective returns 61 " " "which make no return 61 " " "informal. ..•.....•........... 61 Secretaries of subordinate CEtJ••••••.•••••••••••.••• 61 Bethany 0 ....•..••.............•...............•.••••. 61 Marysvil~~~d Bethany CEb •..•.•••••••. ~ •••.....•. 62 Nevada 0 62 Wolf 'Island b ~ 62 'Ka.nsaS City ·0••...••......•......................... 63 Committee on By~Laws,Report .. ~ 64 Boiihomme 0·.•. ~ .••...•..••.....•...•...•..•.•........64 MiltOii CJ•••·••.••••••••• ~ ~ ••• eo ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 65 Prairieville' 'CJ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65 Oouimitte6 'onWestvi11e CJ, Report ..•..•.•.........................65 " Appeal, Report 65 " 'AoooUriis, "R.eport...... .........•...•........ . 77 n' . .i, " j . 'J. Outley............•........... 77 CoDUDittee on Grievance', Report .......•.•...•, 79 " ." "Petti~ew'8 Appeal 79 " " "S'ennewald D 79 ". .". "Appeal ~: Stephenson 79 u. " '.'.~~' .Garrison •....•..•... 79 ce. ~, ~'.MiddleGroveCJ •.'.~ 79 ~', .~'. "'Appeal' of McNutt 80 " " " '~o Michael)lees••.•••• 80 " tc " ;~ l).S.~9.Pth •••..... 80


81 "M. A. Roberts 81 "Mrs. Nelson 81 "Mrs. Grover•.• ~ ..• ~ ....••.•••...... 81 Committee on Ways and Means,··Report ~ ~ ..82

Committee on Charity, Report ••••••.•.••••••••....•••••.•.....

" " .,"

0.0 •••

" " "










"G. Treasurer's ac't 82 "R. E. Anderson's ac't.. 83 "Appropria.tions•..... ~ 83




"M. Boyd

83 83 50 51 51 51

" " " " Joachim 0 Committee on Ways and MeaRS,. Beport.• ~ Committee on C€:J U. D., Report•. ~ , " " '~Chapman, U. D · " " "Ionic, U. D " " " . St. Frangois,U. D 52 " " "O'Sullivan, U. D 52 " " '"' Irondale, tI•. D 53 " " "Evergreen, U.D 53 " " ".La Plata, U. D 54 " " "Sedalia., U. D 54 " " "Colony, U. D 54 " " . "Application from Columbia 55 Conservatism, Report of Committee on........................ •.••• p6 Committee on Scholars¥'p ~ncre8Sc4~ ••....•••••••.•• " ..•. '.' u ••••• .43 " Prfinis~ed Bus4lesB, Report •.,••••••••.••.•.; 70 0:


Committees, Special-on Westville 0 44 " " o n By-La"8 ~ ~ ........•.... 46 " " o n Seholarships, Report 66 ." "torevise By..La.ws of Grand 0 70 " "to.loan Grand.O funds, Report•. ~·..'. .•.. 70 " " . o n Portraits, Beport...',. .•••.••••••.•...•... 77 " " t o revise By-Law8 appointed••...•........ 84 " " o n Portraits appointed•••••.•••••..•..• ~ .••. 85 .Charter of Grand 0 a.ccepted and printed 44



Conclusion of Foreign Correspondence 40 Charter of Grand D ...•.•...........••..............••................92

D Delaware, Grand 0 of 18 Grand Officers ......•.....•..............•..........•••..•..18 District,· D. G. Masters' 87 Dti~s remitted---Pleasant Grove 0 50 " West Prairie D •.......••...•......•................ 50 " Richmond 0 50 " Bloomfield D ...............................•....••. 50 " North Star D 50 " Wakanda 0 50 " Joachim D ..............•...•........••.......•...... 69


E Endowment Fund, Commissioners order in regard to 75 Election of Officers ...........••.•.. .... . ... .. .... . .....•.............. 63 Endowment Fund Commissioners, Report..........•.•...........93-4 Expullions •....................•................• ~ .•...................113

G Gtand Officers, Present at Opening 1 2 Grand Past Officers, Present at Opening Grand Officers of Grand 0 of lliinois announced 9 Grand Master's Address •.. ~ .....•..................................... 10 Grand Lecturer's Report 44 Grand Treasurer's .Report 67 Mirabile 0 .....................•••......• 67 Hannibal 0 ............•.•...•........... 67 Hassinger notes 67 ~ts .•..•.•••.....•.•••.•.••...•.•••••68 Granu Secretary's Report 71 " Salary.........•.................................... 73 I lllinois, Grand 0 of..•................................••.............•18 mdiana, " 22



Iowa, Grand 0 of 24 Installation of Grand Officers i 85 lllinois 18 Grand Master alludes to Grand 0 of Mo 18 Strictures on Grand 0 of Mo 19 Report on Foreign Correspondence .: 19 " Conservatism 19 " History of Grand 0 of lllinois ~19 " A.' O'Sullivan 20 21 " History of the Vote " Present Condition...........................••....22 tirand Officers ~ '. . 22 Indiana, Grand 0 of 22 Grand Master's Address 22 23 " " State of the Country " " The Dead•.....•................. 23 " " Deeision 23 Foreign Correspondence.................... • 23 Disloyal Brethren ,......•........•.... 23 Grand Officers 23 Iowa 24 Grand Master's Address .. ~ 24 " "Conservatism 25 "Decision on Dispensations 25 " "Massacre at Lawrence 25 " 26 Resolution on Conservatism Grand Officers 26 0


M Maryland, Grand 0 of Michigan, " Minnesota, " Maine Grand Master's Address " "Popularity of Masonry


28 30 31 26 ,26 26



Committee on Jurisprudence....•.•...............•............26 " e:etJ U~ D 26 " the Dead 26 COJTespondence.......•.................•., 26 " " Conservators 26 " H. L. Palmer 26 Grand Offic~rs 27 Memorials-Savannah D 42 Hannibal 42 " 43 " Howard D " P. G. M. Penick and sundry e:::etl :.••• .46 " Betha.ny 0 46 " J. Foster 55 " Kansas City 0 . 65 " Stedman.•...•••.•.•.• " 75 " Booth 75 " Memphis 0 r 84 Maryland, Grand 0 of ::~ .•................•..... 28 Grand Master's Address : 28 Conservatism :. ~ •........................28 Resolution ••.•........•.•...•... :: .................•........30 Publishing Ritual Condemned: 30 ~~ 30 Grand Officers Michigan, Grand 0 of 30 Grand Master's Dispensation~~~~..•........•............31 Conservatism :•..........................31 Resolution on Conservatism.::; 31 Grand Officers .............•.•• :~: •.•.•............•.......31 ~::; 31 Minnesota, Grand 0 of Grand Master's Address •.... ~:: ..•..............•.......31 History of Grand 0 of Michigan 31 Privileges of Masonry 32 32 Foreign Correspondence••... ::.: Conservatism :: 32 32 Grand Officers ........••••...... ::~

D.......................... .




N Nebraska, Grand 0 of 33 ," •••••••••...••••••.....•.••.......•...•.•••••... 33 35 New York, " New Hampshire, Grand 0 of ; 36 Nebraska, Grand 0 of......•....................................•....33 Grand Officers 33

New Jersey,

New Jersey, Grand 0 of ' 33 Grand Master's Address 33 Increase of Masonry••....•............................. 33 Conservatism 33 Action of Grand 0 of Missouri 34 34 History of Masonry in New Jersey.~ Grand Officers .................•.....•................... 35 New Hampshire, Grand 0 of 36 Work and Lectures.......•..........•..............36 36 Grand Officers

o Officers Grand" Present at Opening





Opening ....................•................•...... " Ohio, Grand





1-2 36

Oregon,. Grand 0 of 37 Ohio, Grand CJ of 36 Grand Master's Address 36 Work and Lectures 36 Foreign Correspondence--.,;Conservatism 37 Grand Officers •••...••••.••.•••..•...•............................37 Oregon, Grand 0 of......••.•.••......................................37 Conservators 38 Grand Officers .............•.......................•.......... 38 Officers of Grand 0, 1864 104



p Past Grand Officers Present " Masters at Grand D " Grand Master Lavely " " Anderson ......••••••••• " Grand Offi'cer Hubbard Permanent Fund provided for

00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 2 46 66 63 75

R Rhode Island, Grand 0 of 38 14 Report of Committee on Foreign COITespondence " "Grand Master's Address .43 " Grand Lecturers 44 St. John's 0 44 Hannibal 0 44 Palmyra 0 ~ 44 Bloomington 0 ...........•............ 45 Laporte D ...............••............. 45 o of Instruction .45 Report of Montezuma 0, 109 46 R.eport ordered printed 46 Report of Committee on Ways and Means 50 " "Sundry subordinate CE!J, dues remitted. 50 " "Mirabile D ...........••••..•.....••••..•.. 50 " "Missouri D 50 " "ClayD ~ 50


"CE:J U. D......•••.•........................51

" "Conservatism ~ Report of Board of Relief , Report of Committee on Applications " "Portland for new 0 " "Savannah D " "Rising Sun 0 "Hannibal 0 " " " W e t Glaize 0

56 57 ~ 57 57 0'••••• 57 58 58 58



Report of Committee on McGee D 58 " W e s t Plains 0 58 " "Kirkville D 58 " " "Middle Grove D ~ 58 " "Union 0 58 " L a Porte D-changed to Macon 0 59 " " "Howard D 59 " "Napthali D 59 38 Rhode Island, Grand 0 of 38 Grand Master's Address Grand Officers 33 Resolutions-J. D. Vincil 9 " M. Collins 9 " Houston 42 " Burgoyne 42 " Vincil ......••........................................... 42 " Hobson 46 55 " Committee on CE:J U. D., Columbia " W. D. Muir 55 " On Conservatism 56 " On Funeral Processions 59 " On Montgomery, U. D 60 " On Ironton 0 64 " Instructing subordinate CEb 65 " Griswold 69 Saunders-jewels 69 " " Houston-jewels and property of M. W. 0 69 " Collins-jewels Constantine 0 69 " Houston-jewels Fairmount 0 75 " J. Foster 76 Collins-Grand Secretary's salary 78 " 78 " Caywood-jewels Lancaster 0 82 " A. McDowell-Settle Vincil-P. G. M. Boyd 85 " " Jessee-Portraits 85



Representalives of Gra.nd 0, 1864 , 106 Resolutions a.nd Amendments ........•••.•..•....................... 115 S Suspensions


T Tabular Statement•..........•......•.........••.•. ~


v Visitors a.t Gra.nd D 2 40 Vermont, Grand 0 of Conservators •............................•.................40

W Wisconsin, Grand 0 of Grand Master's Address " " t o many ~lasons made

Grand Officers

39 39 39



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tk foeUt~ ~'onda7·m

,9665". A. O'SuLLIVAN,

Grand Secretary.


No. 17280uth Fourth Street, St. LO"!-is, Mo

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