J()[IN C.,\,,"()(IIT"l\f,
])n:n ",PInt, ~n. lno:~.
Died Sunday nlOflting, A.pril 26, lH03, after a lingering illness, aged 49 years.
Our Grand Master had been a patient sufferer for several years, and in the hope of prolonging his life he \v,ent to Arizona; after a sojourn at Phoenix for several Inonths he returned to his home in Kansas City uniml)}'Oved. His indomitable energy sustained hi~ wasted body, until tired nature sank beneath the strain, and his gentle, lovable spirit winged its flight to "that House not madB with hands, eternal in the Heavens." He died resting calmly in q, deep, firln faith in the "Lion路 of the Tribe of Judah." He ,vas ~1 Christian, a menlber of the Presbyterian Church and one '\vhose belief in religion and Masonry "was not a cOllvenience, but a reality and a life. A calm and gentle soul has left its tenement of clay to meet the re\vards of the just made perfect. Brother 路Yocunl ,vas an attorney-at-law, and had successfully follo,ved his profession all the days of his active life; a man vlitll the culture of the schools, the refinement and bearing of an ideal gentleman and the integrity of a true Mason. He ",'as born in Pennsylvania, April 23, 1854, of that sterling combination of Scotch and German parentage. He was married to Miss Fannie C. Killinger, Annville, I'>a., October 28, 1885. She survives him ..ltVith t,vo chlldren, Louise K., aged 16 years, and Jacob K., aged 14 years. He was madt3 a Master Mason April 28, 1885, in Catawissa Lodge, No. 349, Catawissa, Pa., in which he served as Junior vVarden. Upon his location in Kansas City in 1887 he affiliated with Temple Lodge, No. 299, in which he served as Senior Steward, Senior Deacon, Wardell and then Master in 1893, and for the last five years as its Secretary_
He 'was exalted as it Royal Arch :NIason in Orient Chapter, No. 102, Kansas City, DEJCenlber 29, 1891, in which, after serving in the subordinate positions, he presided as High Priest in .1899. He ,vas greeted as a Select Master in Shekinah Council, No. 24, R~ and S. l\L, February 25, 1892, and served as the Thrice Ilustrious
lVIaster in 1898. He ,vas Knighted in Oriental Conlmandery, No. 65. Knights Templar, on February 18, 1898, serving as Eminent Commander in 1902. He first appeared in the Granel Lodge as the Senior '\Varden of the Lodge in 1892, and has been present at every A.nnual Communication until his death. He served as D. D. G. L. in the Twentyfifth District from 1893 to 1900, when he resigned. At the Annual Communication of 1896 he was appointed Senior Grand Steward by ~L "\lltr• Bro. Dorsey A. Jamison. After serving in various positions in the Grand Lodge, he was, on October· 21, 1902, eleeted to the exalted and honored> position of 1vfost Worshipful Grand Master. His body is with us no more, but his ideal life.. his ulanliness, the sweet incense of his Masonic and Christian influence can never perish, for it lives in the hearts of hunlanity. .JOHN D.
a~ytncl Sec1·eta?~1I.
.Actin!! GJ'and .2J1aster.
ST. LOUIS, OCTOBER 20, A. D., 1903; A. L., 5903 .
to 825 N. Third Street.
CCEPTED MASONS MISSOURI. T'hird .~nnual C~OITIn1Unication of the Cirand Free and Aceel)ted l\fasons of the State of in the Scottisl1 Rite Cathedral, SevenIJocust Streets, St. Louis, Mo., October 20, 1903.
........... ,.'V ......~'''''''IJ
M. TV. Grand .Afastc1·. R. lV. Deput1! Grand J.lfastc'l". R. lV. Grand Sen'lO?' IVardcn. R. lV. Grand .Tzvt/'iol' n"arden.
R. TV. G"ancl Treasurer.
Il. lV.
R. W. Grand Chapla'in. R. lV. Grand Senior Deacon. R. TV. G1'and .hr.nio/' ~
R. lV. G1'and Seniol' Stewa'J'd. R. JF'. Gra:nd Jun'iO'l' SlCW(lNl. R. lV. Grand lrfarslwl. R. JV. (nand MCter-shat.
R. lV. G1'and Sword Bem'c)'. R. lV. Grand Pw·su.i'vant. R. n·". GJ'and Orator. R. TV. G'rand Ot'atol'.
R. W. Gtand Tiler.
Proceedings oj the
opening of the Grand Lodge the 'cl1il'drell Previous to appeared on the platforlTI and deof tIle assembly of Masons with the rendition of lighted the beautiful songs. 'rhe effect produced on the tirand Body '-'V
\.U,Jl,.lLll, ...., .... ,;;. . . ., .
Lodge was opened in A:MPLE FORM: by the Cirand assisted by other Officers, preceded by appropriate music. Prayer was offered by Grand C~haplain~ .Rev. ~T.
represented the for business. COMMITTEE' ON CREDENTIALS.
'rhe C-}rand l\faster announced the follo\ving as
Oornmittee on Credentials : ~rhos. A. Milhurn, B.\Vyrick, :I"'. J. vValker, O. L. Alexander, F. R. \\r oelfle, J. R,. IJightfoot, B. P. 1\liles. H,
'r11e corTIluittee subsequently rep'orted as l)reeent representatives f1"o111 335 Lodges. ADDRESS OF WELCOME.
R. W. Bro. \Vnl. 1"\. IIall, D. D. G. IVI., appeared upon the platfornl and intfoduced lVr. '\V. Bro. JOhIl 11,. Parson, \vho extended to the Granel I...odge in behalf of the Illanagenlent of the Scottish Rite Cathedral a very entertaining and cordial welcome. rrhe Acting Grand 1/Iaster ft. \V. Bro. \Vrn . .l~. !{uhl1, responded in appropriate ternls, accepting the courtesy acc.orded the Grand I-Jodge and conveyed through Bro. Parson to the Scottisl1 R.ite l>rethren the tllanks of the Grand I..Iodge.
Ch'ctndLodge of
. Bro. Bestor G. Bro,vn, Grand Master of the ({rand ~Iasons of t11e State of I{ansas 1\J"I'as introdllced and an enthusiastic greeting by the Grand IJodge. He a. most captivating and entertaining address. .A.cting Grand 1Jaster Brother I(ulln called upon R. 'V. Bro. \7" alliant, Gra11d Se11ior Warden, to respond to charnling address of 11. \\T" Bro. Brown. 'The response vv'as ill keeping \vith the spirit of the occasion, quite lVlasonic ,"",~ as \vell as appropriate. 11.''''''',,",'''" .....
then presented and read In the GrancZ Lodge of Anc'ient F'ree and Ji.ccepte(l ilfasons of the of. MisSOUTi: BRETHRE:N :-It becomes my sad duty, to-day, to stand ill the place of another, anc1 welconle you to the c1uties and responsibilities of the Eighty-third Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. He \vhom you elected one year ago to conduct the affairs of this Fraternity, and who was to preside over your deliberations to·day, sleeps that long, unbroken sleep of death, which is the ,inheritance of Inortal luana The floral tribute of affection lies yet unwithered at his grave, and the gray clods that cover his resting place give mute evidence of his recent entombment. Keenly sensible of the honor conferred upon him, zealous and enthusiastic, burning with the unquenchable fire of the spirit of lVfasonry, actuated by the highest principles of the human soul, he entered upon the duties of his official station vvith the fond anlbi· tion of life about to be realized, when his frail body brol{e like the tuneful string- of a je\veled harp, only to vibrate like sweet bells jangled out of tune, to cease forevermore in its tenelnent of clay.
BHe gave his honors to the world again, His blessed part to IIeaven, and slept in peace."
As your Acting Grand Master, it becomes Iny duty to give an a.ccount of my stewardship for nearly eight months of official· duties.
Inunediately, and for two weeks after the return of our Gran~ l\1aster from Arizona.v he was suffering from total disability to conduet the duties of G-rand Master. It became, therefore, necessary that some steps should be taken in this matter. Not desiring to assume the responsibility of passing on his disability, I requested a conlmittee consisting of M. 'V. Bros. R. F. Stevenson and E. F. Anen" Past Orand Masters; W. Bros. F. Boor, D. D. G. M.; R. R. Kreeger, D. D. G. L.; D. P. Lewis and Thos. A. Milburn, Past 1\1asters, to consider the question of the disability of our Grand l\JIaster. This they did, unanimously agreed that the disability \vas such that the Deputy Grand l\1aster must assume the function of Grand l\tlaster. A.etin,g upon the committee~s suggestion, 1 asto the District sumed such authority, and issued the follow'ing Deputy Grand l\Jfasters and Gran.dOfficers:
KANSAS CI'l'Y-, ~lu.reh 16. 1903. final dis路" SlIt AND BaOTHElt :-Owing to the continued compelled, ability of our Grand l\faster, 'V. Bro. ,John C, preroga. under Article II, Section 10. of Geaua Lodge Bj.路-Laws, tivE:s, powers and dnties of Gt'and Master. It is with relu~tan('e that I tak.r3 this step, and assume the high office and responsibility of him who 'was elected our Grand 1\fa~ter~ and whose gll'eat desire was the honor and glory of our Grand Lodge. r a.sk your assistanee and indulgence. Direct all nlattel'S pertaIning to the office of Grand 'Master i'o my address, 1103 ~Iain Street, Kansas City" If :rou know of any unfinished business 'with Bro. Yocum, write me in regard to it. Pratcrnally yours, W:M. F. KUIIN, DEAR
Deputy G'1'antl Master.
rrl1e condition of our Grand Master gre\,\T slowly worse. Everything 'was done that loving hearts and hands could. do. His Lodge,
Chapter and Commandery came to his aid, and to that of the family. The Grand Lodge stood ready to obey the summons for kindly as. sistance. On Sunday, April 26th, the silent Messenger came and bore his spirit to tbe realms of eternal light and joy. It was the desire of the family that his body should be buried in the family burial ground at Annville, Pa. I aqcordingly telegraphed M. W. Bro. Edgar A. Tennis, Grand Master of Pennsylvania, to extend to the deceased the honors befitting his rank. Prior to forwarding the remains, memorial services were held in the Masonic fraU in Kansas City; a touching and eloquent eulogy was delivered by Rev. Bro. Wm. P. George, D. D.
GraTtd Lodge oj Afissouri
lJnder the direction of Temple Lodge, No. 299, of which the deteased\vas a Past l\tIaster, and escorted by Oriental Commandery vvith one hundred Sir I{nights, with two hundred of the wearers of the white apron, the remains ",'ere taken to the First Presbyterian Chureh, of \vhich he \vas a member, where Rev. Wm. Carter, Ph. D., and Rev. Bro. J. Ste\vart Smith, of St. MaTY's Episcopal Church, delivered fitting eulogies. ...i\.t the cOllclusionof the services the 1'el11ains \vere escorted to the train. TJnder the direction and escort of Bro. E. Stine, the body ,vas taken to Annville, where, \vith Masonic honors at the direction of G'rand l\faster Tennis" ...4.pril 30th. the Inortal remains of our Grand Master were laid beneath the turf and the flowers of his native State. Sleep, Brother, sleep, until the last trump shall sound to arise 8\ge the King in His glory. follo\ving n1elnorial, and caused it to be sent to the nnder our obedience: ~n.:aV[ORL\.:\I.
l~AS'SAS CITY., 1\10• .7
Ap'ril 30, 1903.
ll'on/('ns ((nil Bn:t111'('n in OU)' 07)cdience 'llndc1' the G,·and and ~·L JI. of jII'i88(~u,]'i:
DEAlt BUETHHEX :-It is vdth sadnes$ the death of ou l' :J1. "-. Grand l\Iaster,
I am called upon to
'Yho died Sunday morning, April 2G, J no;:;, after a lingering illness, aged 49 years. Our G"randl\Jaster had be:en
patient sufferer for several
and in
the hope of prolonging hi~ life he went to Arizona; after a sojourn at Phoenix for several montlL~ lw returned to his home in Kansas City unimpJ:oved. His jndoJnitable enE'rgy sustained his \vasted body~ until tired natu!'.., sanl{ beneath tlw stndn, and his genth~~lovabl(\ spirit winged its ft.ight to ..that House not madE' 'w"ith hand8, eternal ~n the Heavens." He died resting calrnl;y in a deep, firlll faith in the "Lion of tlH~ rrribe of Judah." He waR a Christian, a nlenlber the Presb:vterian Church nnd one whose .belief jn religion and l\Iasonl'Y \-vas not: n convenience, but a reality and a life. A calm and gentl(~ son I has left its tenenH:~nt of clay to meet the rewards of thp .lust made perfect.
Brother Yocum wus au attol'lH~J'-at-law, and had successfully followed his p,rofession all the day~ of his active life; it UlOU with the culture of th<: .sdlools, tbe reiineuwllt and bearing of an ideal gentleman and the integrity of it true l\Iason. lIE! was born in tion of Scotch and Killinger, Annville, ('hildren, Louise H:.,
Penns.rlvauia. April ~::. 18;14, of· that sterling combInaGerman parentage. IIewtls married to l\:Iiss lilannie C, Pn., Uctobel' 28, j 88::>. She sl1l"vives him with two aged l() years, and .laeob J-\:" aged 14 years.
P1~oceedings oj~
He was made a~Iastel' :Mason April 28, 1885, in Catawissa Lodge, No. 349, Cata\vissa, Pa., in whi(:h h-e served as Junior Warden. Upon his location !n Kansas City in 1887 he affiliated with 'I'emple Lodge, No. 299, in which he served as Senior Steward, Sen.ior Deacon, V\iarden and then :Master in 1893. and for the !ast five years as its Secretary. fIe was exalted as n RO~lal Arch 1\:fason in Orient Chapter, No. 102, !(an· sas City, December 2~1, ])591, in which, aft~r serving in the subordiDat~ positions, he pr,esided High Priest in lSfJ9. lIe was @reeted as a ~elect ~Iastel' 1n Shekinah Council, No. 24, R. and S. M., Febl'UR1'Y 25, 1~':92. and served as the Thrice Illustrious M9~ter in 1898. He was Knighted in Oriental Commandery, No. 35, Knights Templar, on Februar:y 18, 1898, ser'dng Eminent Commander in 1902. He first 'app~ar(ld in the Grand Lodgj~ as the Senior 'Varden of his Lodge in 1892, nnd has present at every Annual Communication until his death. He served as D. L. in the ':rwents-fifth District from 1893 to 1900, when be resigned. At the Annual ComulunicaUon of 1896 he was appointeel Senior Grand Stc-\\-ard by '\V. Biro. DOTsey A. Jamison. After serving in various positions in the Grand Lodge, he WftS, on October 21, l\Iost Worshipful 1902, ele('ted to the exnlted ana honored position Grand l\tlaster. His body is with us nu more, but his ideal life, his manliness, the sweet inct;nse of his :Masonic and Christian Influence ('an neve.t" perish, for it liv€"~ in tbe hearts of hunut.nity. All Lodges in this Glrand .1ul'isdiction are herebj" dire(~ted to drape in mourning all Lodge Paraphernalia for the term of thirty days. Fraternally yours, WILIJIA~I J:1~. KUI:-IN, JOHN D. VINCIL, G'rand
AcUng Grana Mastf:w. O~'
r have carefully gone over all conlIDunications and papers in the office of our deceased Grand Master, but am unable to find any records of his official acts. If a record of orders, directions, or any official acts, was kept, no letter book, or duplicate copies, can be found.
The following are taken from the records.in the Grand Secretary's office: DISPENSA.TIO~S
Gray Sumnlit Lodge, at Gray's Summit, Franklin County. Signal Lodge, at Minden Mines, Barton County. Lucerne Lodge, at Lucerne, Putnam County. DISTRICT DE.PUTY GRAND. :MASTERS.
Commission issued to John W. Holmes. District D. G. M. of the Fiftieth District, vice Dr. Lee W. Cotton, removed from Jurisdiction.
GTctnd Lodge of MisRO?pri. TO ELECT OFFICERS.
Dispensations ,,,ere granted to the following Lodges to elect officers:
Wyaconda .Lodge, No. 24. Jackson Lodge, No. 82. Chain of Rocks Lodge, No. 141. Poplar Bluff Lodge, No. 209. Saline Lodge, No. 226. St. Clair Lodge, No. 273. Pike Lodge, No. 399. Lowry City Lodge, No. 403. Whitewater Lodge, No. 417. Tro'wel Lodge, No. 440. Lodge, No. 557. J\lOVE IN'l'O HA LLS.
follo,\ving Lodges to change
issued to
Lodge, No. 14. Lodge, No. 27. Cass Lodge, No". 147. Maryville Lodge, No. 165. .Allensville Lodge, No. 198. Hornersville Lodge, No. 215. Doric Lodge, No. 300. Pike Lodge, No. 399. l~vergreen
Duplicate Charter 'was ordered issued to Revere Lodge No. 167, the original having having been destroyed by :fire. Jl
He reco111mended a conl1uiseion to be issued to \V. Bro. Charles W. RoIster, as Representative of the G-rand Lodge of rvHchigau, near the Grand Lodge of lVrissouri. COl:tNER STONE.
He issued a dispensation to M. \V. Bro. 'Villianl 11. "\Villian1s to lay the corner stone of a church at New' Franklin, Mo. REBALLO'£•
To reballot on eandidates was granted to Cement Lodge, No. 431; New London Lodge, No. 307, and Livingston Lodge, No. 51.
He issued dispensation to vV. Bro. Luther R. Twyman, D. D. G·, M., to dedicate hall of Cass Lodge, No. 147. co 1'rIl\fITTEE.
The Grand appointment of hurial lots in pointed under 'Vm. Gillespie.
Lodge at its last session having provided for the a committee "to arrange for the care of Grand Lodge Bellefontaine Cemetery," the Grand Master apsuch resolution~ Bros. Charles . ~. . Rosebrough and
2, OF
\Vithin a short time after our Grand Master had gone to Arizona, In uch confusion arose in the business of the Grand Lodge, owing to
the delay in securing communication with the Grand Master. Just prior to his departure he expressed a desire to conduct the busIness of the Grand Lodge from Arizona. This desire and effort was productive of endless 'worry and confusion. Letters and telegrams came to me as the Deputy Grand 1Ylaster, urging action on some important matters. I had no authority to act, and above all things, I did not desire to place nlyself in a position for criticism in over-officiousness. Twice I ,vas compelled to act in response to telegrams, to end only in confusion in the Grand Secretary's office. This delay in business and confusion caused our Grand Secretary to write me nnder date of .December 19, 1902, as follovvs: The time has come when other action must be tak(~n, Brother Yocum is not Grand 1\faster when be;yond the limits of the State· of M:issouri. You tH'e the Acting Grand :Master. As such I can respect no other authority, hence I shall forward all matter~ of official direction to :you. 'l'hen it will be up to rou as to what course to pursue,
Upon receipt of this letter I did not 'wait until it was "up to me," neither did I propose to interpret Section 10, Art. 2, Grand Lodge By·Laws for my Sup€rior Officer. I placed the facts before 1\[. W. Bro. Wm. M. Williams, Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence for an opinion. The opinion is as' follows: BOON\'ILr.jJ~..
J.Vlo." December 27, 1902.
Dr. lV. P. !i'ZtlzUt" Dcputll G'I"and llIaster of lllason.s: RIGH'l' V{t)RSHIPFUL Srit AND BRO'.rHER :-YOUIl' inquiry of the 19th inst., concerning ~rour dutr to assume the functions and prerogatives of Grand :M:aster is based upon the fact that the· Grand l\faster is temporarily sojourning in Arizona, but his r~sidence is still in Kansas City, and his family 1l';
Grand Lodge 01' flliS8ouri.
1here: he has not i:equested to b~ relieved and the question to be decided is whetlH~r under these cil'('umstances the Depnty Grand Master can, of his own motion and should as a matter of law, take chu,rge of the office and diseharge its duties. I must answer this in the negative. '"Henloval from the Jurisdiction,' used in Section 10. Article II, of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, can not mean a mere temporary ab~ence on a visit fOL' health or pleasure. It refers to a change of residence. It will not be contended that the act of M. W, Bro. Yoeum in going to Arizona constitutes a 'renloDal fro'Yn Kan,sas aU,If .. n(~ither i::; it a renloval fr()ID the Jurisdiction ,,,,1t11in the intent of the Bylaws. If absence from the State is nlcant by Section 10 great confusion would result. How far would the (j路rand ~faster have to go and how long would he 11fi ve to remain a way to justify the Depui"!l i.n assuming to aci" in sto.ad? Such a construction would change the official head of the Lodge eaeh time the Grand ~faster should pass across the line into Stat<:~. J can not think any such meaning should be given to H distin:~tion is made between "absence from the State and .Jurisdiction." l\fere absence from the State authorizes the with Grand ""'ardens to call special meetings of the Seetion 2, .Artide IV, while removal from the .Jurisdiction is to give into the hands of. the Deputy Grand ~laster the authority by tlE~ Craft upon the Grand !vIaster, under Section 10, of think the contemplates by removal from the .Jurisdiction it perchange of residence, and not a mere absence on a visit. The Grand ~faster is wi thin communication with his office and can be reached in a vel'Y short time b3''' mail or wire. I do not find anything in the By-Laws prohibiting bim from rendering decisioll~ upon questions of law, or ftl'om granting dispensations, or that dispensatiollt; granted or decision8 rendered would be void. because the direetions were given by him while temporarily beyond the limits of Missouri. . I do not want to be understood to say that there might ~ot be conditions ,vh<::~re the absence of the Grand l\JInster, even for a very short time and very short distance fl'onl the border line of the State, would nor autllorize Deputy Grand l\ilaster to act. An emergency might arise where Grand l\:faster could not be reached and in case of his disability to act the Deputy might do so. This might even be the case where the Gl'andl\Iastel" was in the State, but for some reason could not be communicated with. I do not undertalre to pass upon that question. I simply hold that upon th(~ fnets stated by :rOll the mere temporary absence of the Glrand l\Iaster does not authorize the Deputy to assume his functions, We can not always liken l\:lasonie l:egulat.ions to the laws of the State, but we ma;y find principles in the latter that . will assist us in construing thc" former. question arose about the right of the I.Jieutenant-Governor to discharge the dutiea of the Bxecutive during the absence of the Governor from the State in 1883. r.rhe Supreme Court held that the mere fact' that the Governor was out of the Statt~ did not authorize' the Lieutenant-GovernoJ' of his o\vn motioll to take the place of the former. The Court referred to the fact that public sr.ntiment would prevent the Governor from remaining away without calling' upon the proper official to take his p]ace~ but unless this was done the I;ieutenant-Governor eould not decide the matter for himself, can readily see that great confusion would arise from a construction of the law that would require thf' Dt~puty Grand l\Iaster to take up the dutie~ of Grund l\laste'l' of his own motion \VhelleVer the Grand l\Iaster got?-s
P1'"oceeclings oj the
out of the State. He might render a d~cision or issue a dispensation or give an order, and befo1.'e it could be exeented the Grand J\iIaster might return and countermand it. :';0 (Ine (路ould tell oue day who was the Grand Mastel" for thut: day withont a (~erU.fi('ate shfHving the exact location of the Grand jInster at the parUeuIlu' I. thel'efol'e.condudE' tllnt ~he language of the 1a\v, as\vell as the reason of the mattei' anc1 the of other similar rules, require the permanent removal uf the Grund ~Ia;.;ter frmn the Jurisdietibn to meet the third clause of Section 10 of Artielf\ II. of the By~Laws. \\'ith best \vishe~ fo.l' a bapp,y' Kew Year, I remain, FJ路a,'.f~rnall:r j'OlU路S.
If Olll' Grand Master had lived, I believe he \vould have reported t.his opinion of the Chairman of the Comulittee on Jurisprudence as a decision, an~l it \vould have come before the Grand Lodge as such. I have no authority to report it other than as an opinion, and as such it i2- before you. The question involved as to the construction placed upon Section 10, Art. 2, is a ","eighty one, and should receive the careful consideration of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary has for two administrations been placed jn ,a position of confusion and emharrassment, owing to the Grand Masters being absent for months from the State. The position of the De11uty Grand Master is equally embarrassing, as he is never sure when he can, or cannot act. If this opinion is accepted as a correct interpretation of this section, the section should be amended without delay. No Brother has the right to accept the important trust of Grand l\faster of Masons, "who cannot remain in the State and attend to the duties of the office. The business of the Craft is more important than official distinction, and cannot wait for any special man. The law should be so amended that when the Grand Master is obliged to leave the Grand Jurisdiction for health or ibusiness rea~ sons, the office should be temporarily vacant, and the Deputy empowered to act. NE~CROLOGY.
Our Grand Lodge has not only sustained the loss of its Grand l\1:aster, but has also lost one of Masonry's champions in the death of Dr. Reuben BarneYt Sr., IHstrict Deputy Grand Master of the Eleventh District, a position which he had filled for many years. Death came suddenly, as a thief in the night, and took away one
Lodge of Jlis8oUT'i. I\Hssouri's noble lVIasons. ...~ loss to l\fasonry in every sense. and to all its allied interests. He had achieved distinction in'the various Grand Bodies, having served as Gra.nd High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal . A . trch lY.rasons; Grand Master of the Grand Counen of Royal and Select Masters; Grand Comulander of the Grand Conlmandery of Knights T'enlplar, and, had he lived, he 'would have to the highest honors in the Grand Lodge. He was a .devoted of the J\Iasonic Home, and one ,of its incorporators.
died \Vednesday, July 15th, in a firm faith in Him 路who is the "That golder. l{e~r 'l:'hat opes the palace of eternity:' COUNER-STONES.
laid, or caused be laid, the corner-stones four lVlasonic halls, two colleges, and one monurnent, a total of fifteen. I commissioned to lay the corner-stones as follows: lVLay 16th, \\T. Bro. "\Vm. A. Hall, D. D. G. 1VL, 1'hirty-third Distriet, to lay the corner-stone of Masonic Hall at I{irkwQod.
June 4th, IVI. W. Bro. Campbell vVells, P.G. M., to lay the cornerErtone of University Club Building, University of l\1issQuri, Columbia. :July' 4th, M. "V. Bro. John D. Vincil, G. Secretary, to lay the corner-stone of the monument at De Sota. August 8th, M. "\",\T. Bro. C. C. 'Voods, P. G. M., to lay the cornerstone of Methodist Church (South), at Fredericktown.
September 18th, "'~.l. Bro. J. E. Reese, D. D. G. M .. Sixth District~ to lay the corner-stone of Masonic Hall at Elmo. September 22d, I e01TIlllissiol1ed vV. Bro. 'V. VV. Ehvang to lay the corner-stone of lVfethodist Church of Columl)ia, under the special charge of rrvvilight Lodge. October 3d, I con1missionec1 vV. Bro. 'Vnl. A.. Hall, D. D. G. M., Thirty-third District, to lay the corner-stone of Masonic Hall, to be oceupied by Clifton Heights Lodge, No. 520, at St. Louis. A,ugust 5th, I laid the corner-stone of the Baptist Church at Sheldon, assisted by the nlembcrs of Sheldon Lodge, No. 370, 'V. Bro. R. J...I. ""Varden, D. D. G. IVI., Forty-first District, and Rev. Bro. J. H . .M,iller, Grand Chaplain . .A.ugust 10th, I laid the corner-stone of Christian College, at Cantlon, _.L\ large attendance of Craft Lodge, No. 287, and neighboring
o.l the
Lodges were present.. I am under many obligations to those present for the successful event and courtesies. July 11th, I laid the corner-stone of the Methodist Church at Chillicothe, assisted by members from an the Lodges in Livingston County, and W. Bro. Reuben Barney, Jr., D. D. G. M., Eleventh District. . l. \ugust 14th, I laid th~ 2orner-stone of the Methodist Church at Independence, assisted by a large attendance of the Brethren of Jaekson County, M. W. Bro. R. F. Stevenson, P. G. IVL, and Rt. 'V. Bro. Allan. ~IcDowelI, Grand Lecturer. August 19th, I laid the corner-stone of the J.\fethodist Church at l\{oberly, assisted by Inany Brethren of the District, 'V. Bro. A. H. Hatfield, D. D. G. IVL, Fifth-fifth District, and Rt. W. Bro. Allan McDowell, Grand Lecturer. September 7th, I laid the corner-stone of the Baptist Church at Chillicothe, assisted by W. Bro. Reuben Barney, Jr., D. D. G. M.; P. Randolph, D. D. G. M., Eleventh District; 'l-l. Bro. C. C. Bigger, D. D. G. M., Twelfth District, and R.t. "V-I. Bro. Allan lVfcDowell,Grand Lecturer. July 25th, I had the pleasure of laying the corner-stone of the Scottish Rite Temple in Kansas City. It "ras an occasion long to be remembered, from, the fact that it was the first corner-stone laid of a building. used exclusively for Masonic purposes in the State~ and from the large atteIl,d.~nc~ of Ma,sons present. Four hundred Ma'sterMasons, . under the escort of¡ one hundred Knights Templar, assisted in the ceremonies. There were present also Rt. W. Bro. Allan McDowell, Grand Lecturer; I'lL Vv Bro. R. F. Stevenson, P. G. M.; R'ev. Bro. John Miller, Grand Chaplain; W. Bro. T. A. Dunn, Grand Senior St.eward; W. Bro. V. F. Boor, D. D: G. M., Twentieth District; and R. R. Kreeger, D. D. G. L., Twentieth District; W. Bro. John T. Harding, delivered the address for the occasion. T
Under date of April 15th, 1903, I received the follo\ving invi-
tation: 'Phe Most lVors!l11Jflll Gran(l ]faster Of the GrantZ Lo(Zgc, A,. P. a1u~ A. 'AI. Of M 0'1 Gtf.:eting: Thl~
undersigned, upon 1'equest of the l\Iissou,ri ""'orld's Fair Commission,
and by direction of the IJf)uisiana Purehase Exposition, respectfully invites you, with the Grand Lodge, to participate in the Civic Parade of l\fay 2, 1903, commemoration of the C~ntennial of the Louisiana Purchase, aDil
'Ibe WaBl,tttgtOll \Bavcl. rrhe above is a representation of the \Vashington gavel
tllat \-vas used by Brother the
\\T[tshington, .President of
ited States, at the laying of tlle eorner-stone of tIle
rrhis gavel is
at \Vashington, I). . I(uhn, in }~uilding
18, 17!)3.
the property ofPotolnac J..Iodge,N o. 5, It \vas used by ..:\cting
the eOl'ller-stone of the 1.lissouri \\1 arId '8
l\fay 2, IB08.
Lodge of
thereafter upon the afternoon of the same day to conduct the ceremonies of the la~7ing the eorner-stone of the l\Iissouri State Building to be erected upon the Exposition grounds. Kinoly reply
Fraternally tlnd respectfully, Fl. J. SPENCER, ffi'anrl M a1'shal Of/vic Pal'·acle.
accepted this courteous invitation, and appointed 'lV. Bro. Wm. D. D. G. M., Thirty-third District, Chairman of Committee, wi th the lVlissQuri World's Fair Commi ssion to make all nece~~sa,ry arrangements to carry out the wishes of the Commission corner-stone. I was also informed that the Louisiana .L4~"'IJV,vJ.l.j'V.l.J. had secured from Potomac Lodge, No.5, Wash'7V~ashington gavel that ,vas used in laying 'II'~"l..,LI.JJ.J.("(''«' Capitol, by Bro. George vVashington, States, September 18, 1793, and has since used to lay the corner-stones of the Bunker l\Jlonuments, and of every National building capitol. ...
Potclnac No.5, had granted the request of the Exposition Comnlission, that the celebrated gavel be brought to St. Louis, in charge of a committee of three ll1embers of the Lodge, viz.: W. Bro. ¥/. C. StUIllP: W. M., 'Bro. Ben. C. Hunt, Senior Warden. and 'V.l. Bro. J obn A. Lacey, Past Master. In order that due courte" sies nlight be extended to this Comlnittee froln Potonlac Lodge, I appointed a conlmittee, consisting of the Past Grand Masters, ,vith M. 'TV. Bro. D....~. Jamison, as chairnlan. I am under DU1.ny obligations to both of the cOlumittees for the excellent nlanner their duties were perforuled. The brethren frOIn Washington were accorded every care, courtesy and entertainment, that becomes the dignity of the Grand Lodge of the State of n1issouri, and a reciprocal feeling and gratitude was nlanifested by our distinguished visitors. T'he corner-stone of the Missouri State Building of the Louisiana , Purchase Expositionwas laid with the iUlpressive services of our beautiful Ritual, amid the historic surroundings of the occasion. A 'very large assenlbly of 1\Iaster Masons, ancl an escort of t~,.o hundred Knights Templar made an impressive scene. I was assisted in the ceremonies by the M. W. Bro. C. Ii. Briggs, as Deputy Grand Master; Rt. W. Bro. Leroy B. Valliant, Sen.ior Grand Warden; W. Bro. V. F. Boor, as Junior Grand Warde:Q.; VV. Bro. Rev. John H. G. L. PRo.-2.
Proceedings of the
Miller, Rev. Bro. W. J. Williamson and Rev. Bro. VV. P. George, Grand Chaplains; also M. W. Bros. C. C. Woods, D. A. Jamison, N. M. Givan, John D.Vincil, W'" R. Stubblefield and R. F. Stevenson, Past Grand l\.{asters; Rt. ,;y....i\Jlan McDowell, Grand Lecturer; W. Bro. Wm. A. Hall, D. D. G. M.; "V. G. Hoke, D. D. G. L.,for the Thirty路 third District, and others" The addresses were delivered by the following distinguished Brethren of the Uraft: Bro. David R.. Francis, President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.; M. W.. Bro. A.. M. Dockery, Governor of Missouri, and Bro...Toseph Folk, Circuit Attorney of St. Louis. The occasion is fittingly portrayed by the Missotl,ri Free Mason in saying: "Much credit is due the alldfile, the Brethren who work for ~1a8onry because they Masonry, for the splendid manner in which they endured the ota march. that they might uphold the banners of the of they are proud to be members.
"Each Grand Officer perform,ed weH anything unpleasant connected with the entire not noticeable on the surface. Tlieuse of the Washington gavel in laying the corner~stone was an inter.esting feature not to be for~ gotten by any person who was enough to look upon an instrument of Masonry used by the F'ather' of his Country, in the eighteenth century. "The Mason who can touch that sacred emblem of Masonry without feeUnga thrill of pleasure路 is indeed dull.. "'I'alten all in all, it was a glorious day for Masons of Missouri."
A picture of the historic gavel \vas presented to the Grand Lodge by the Brethren of Potomac Lodge. I recommend that a cut of it pUbul,n.erd. in the Proceedings.. been my observation t~at the laying of corner-stones bj"' is always productive of much good to the Fraternity; not scheme, but as bringing before the people the beaU.ty and principles of Masonry, .causing a better understanding a.Bdeonc.eption of the close relation existing between Freemasonry, as aJZnoralagent, and the churches of the one living and true God. beautiful ceremonies, when, impressively rendered, leaves .a effect, .but if not so rendered, the corner-stone had better not been laid. Bu:ngtlng never pays in anything
Grand Lodge of Mis8our·i.
have had the pleasure to recommend the following Brethren as Grand Representatives near the Grand Lodge of Missouri: lI
April 30th, IV£. W. Bro. Wm. M. Williams, for Vermont, reappointed.. June 15th, VV. Bro. V. F. Boor, for Washington, vice M. W. Bro. John C. Yocum, deceased. BOth, W. Bro. Harry W. Wait, for West Virginia, vice W. WaUa.ee, deceased. 28th~
W. Bro. 'Renben Barmey" Jr., for Connecticut, vice W. Barney, Sr., deceased. DISTInCT DEPU'ry GRANO MASTERS.
followIng appointments: Geo. W. Rucker, Brunswick, D. D. G. M., Ed. T. Miller, who moved from the District. 17th, W'" Bro" Thomas M. Jones, Rolla, D. D. G. M., Thirtyfourth District" vice T. R. Gibsoll, moved from the District. W. Bro. Preston Ra.ndolph, Chillicothe, D. D. G. M., HH~BVE~ntl.1
.J.,,' ... l'O!
...... .I,
.I"""'. vice W.. Bro. Reuben Barney, S:r., deceased.
W. W. B" Cook,Montgomery City, D. D. G. M., Twentysixth District, vlee Peter Arno~d, re.s.igned.• CIRCULAR
It is the custom of some Lodges to issue printed notices of stated and comnlunl('atlons containing the name or names of candldate;s to ,be for, or to receive one of the degrees, and tbese notices sent to th.e menlltl),ersn/lp uBsealed.
Proceeding8 of the
The printing of the names of candidates on any notice not contemplated 11 good practice, and should be discouraged. But sending such notices through the mail open, or unsealed, must be stopped. The balloting or conferring of .degrees is a Lodge matter and belongs within the tiled recesses of the Lodge. by law Is not
Under Section 151, Fo'rm of Pet·ttiof,1.,,, the petitioner is required to stat~ Such ~tatements must be made specUically. It is a common error, especially in OUt· lat'ger cities and towns for the petitioners to use such words as "Merchants," "Salesman," "Traveling Salesman," "Clerk." "Bookkeeper, "Restaurant Keeper." et~. These terms do not comply with the law. The Lodge has a right to know what a "Merchant" sells; what a "Salesman" and a "Traveling Salesman" is vending. A rooming house with saloon attached ean not be dlgni.:fied by ·'Hotel,'.' nor a resort of disreputables by the nnme of "Hestaura.nt.'· In other words, these terms are too general and not specific. You are, therefore,dh.'ected to see that the occupation is definitely and specifically stated, and tkat a petition for degrees or affiliation be not received nor referred unless it with the law. A misstatement of occupation made by the petitioller Is objection to its rec~ption. his occupation.
It is not m,y despire to Interf~re with the personal liberties or privileges of any Brother. But when certain e):cesses become detrimental and certain .;uJoyments .are harmfUl, we must endteavor to check them. The evIl of smoking in our Lodges during the conf~rring of our sublime degrees bas bec.ome a nuisance and menace. In many Lodges the candidate is inb'oduce(l into a smoke house Q"ather than into a Lodge room "erected to (jod and dedicated to the Holy Saints John." It is, indeed, unbecoming and undignified for officers to smoke while performing the duties of their stations. Yet it is of common occurrence. When we confer. the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry upon a man .we honor him, we make him the recipient of the highest honor that manean bestow upon his fellowman. '.rhere Is nothing more SUblime, more· dignified, mOtte elevating than the conferring of our degrees. is, thE:refore, essential that the ceremonies Should be conducted by and members so that it will reflret ('redit upon the Lodge and the ean. It can not be done in aclond<:>fsmoke. I, therefore, asking too much in requesting that the practice of sm.o:king during the ceremonies of Initiation and during the Lectures be dlscou tin ued ? Fraternally yours, JOHN D. VINCII;, Grand Secretary.
WM. F. KUfIN, Acting Grand 1l!lastfl1·.
lam. pleased to state that this circular letter was kindly received, and the abuses corrected. Several Lodges took immediate action.. and by a by-law p·rohibited smoking in their halls..
Grand Lodge 9f Missouri.
'The Masters of Lodges should feel it incumbent upon them to preserve that dignity, proper decorum and respect for our impressive ceremonies, and the courtesies due the candidate, that nothing' may harm or detract from the solemnity of the occasion.. DISPENSATIONS--TO ELECT OFFICERS.
I have granted dispensations to elect officers as follows. every inst.ance the law has been duly observed:
De·fiia:iEtce Lodge, No. 188, to elect Secreta:ry. No. 240, to elect' Officers.
Qr:a.~~]:l]lie L~)igell'
No. 32€), to elect a Junior Warden. had moved from the Grand Jurisdiction. Lodge, No. 328 to elect Omeers. No. to elect a Junior Warden. the Jurisdiction. elect Officers.
J¥.ifl)~:lffflltl)njba Lod~e~ ,.iii;;4",,!l.Jlli"';'/@~' '1 Jl,.i",l,'C'
The Junior
The Junior
disit')€;OJ%Lti()nS to the following Lodges to move into new
or temp,orary naIls: Ark Lodge, No. 6, at Newark. 1t1lsselIville Lodge, No. 90, at Russellville. i
Lodge, No. 149, at Lexington. Lodge, No. 174, at Sturgeon. Lodge, No. 205, at Marshall. Albert Pike Lodge, No. 219, at Kansas· City. La Plata Lodge, No. at La Plata. ,\Villiam D. Muir Lodge, No. 277, at Pilot Grove. Sarcoxie Lodge, No. 293, at Sarcoxie. Kennedy Lodge, No. 329, at Elmo. Benton Lodge, No. 353, at St. LouiS'. Rosendale Lodge, No. 404, at Rosendale. Mineral Lodge No. 471, at' Oronogo. Buckner Lodge, No. 501, at Buckner. Carl Junction Lodge, No. 544, at Carl Junction. .l...dle:g:1DgtCJ~n
.................u.,I.,I. ... ClI
L granted a dispensatiGn to form Continental Lodge, at Stewarts.. 'V:ille~ BeKalb eaunty, and Mound Lodge at A.m sterd am, Bates eOUllty
Proceedi11.g8 of the
I issued dispensations to dedicate new halls as follows: March to Rt. W. Bro. Allan McDowell to tIedicate hall of Kennett Lodge, No. 68. .A.prH 30th, to. W. Bro. Robt. McLachlin, to dedicate hall for Revere Lodge, No. 167, at Revere.
May 27th, to W.. Bro. Fred. W. BaU, D. D. G. M., Forty-third District, to dedicate hall of Doric Lodge, No. 300, at Elkland.
August 10th~ to M. W. Bro. John D. VinciI, (}rand Secretary, to dedicate hall of Kirkwood Lodge, No. 484, at Kirkwood. September 23d, to W. Bro. G. A. Goben, D. D. G. M., Second District, to dedicate hall of Ark Lodge, No.. 0, at Newark. September 10, to W. Bro.. W. H. Oarpenter, D. D.. G. M., Twentyfourth District, to dedicate. hall of Sturgeon Lodge, No. 174, at Sturgeon. On June 12th, I had.· the pleasure of dedicating one of the best and most h.andsomely furnished Masonic Halls in our Grand Jurisdic.. tion at Marshall. 'The Brethren at Marshall may well fe·el a pride' in the magnificent quarters. furnished for Masonic work. Not only the hall proper, but the anterooms, reception room, dining room, kitchen and property rooms are models. It is in marked contrast to some Lodges in our State, who have a fifty and sixty years'existen.ce, with a hall-furnishing value of not to exceed $25-$30. The attendance at the dedication was large. Standing room meant that every door and window was filled up with people.. Representatives from all the Lodges in Saline County were present. The occasion was, one of much profit to Masonry. TO APPEAR IN PUBLIC.
I have had many requests. for·· a dispensation from Lodges to appear in public on other than Masonic occasions. 'These requests have been denied in all cases, except one. The requests have come for every occasion imaginable: Decoration day, fraternity day, memorial services, church services on Sunday, etc., etc. This ~abit of parading has and is growing, and is chiefly due to·· try,ing to compete, or imitate, the various and multitudinous fraternal insurance societies.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
:fvlany of the Brethren have felt aggrieved over the fact that the rVlasonic Lodge cannot parade, ,vhile other organizations can appear on every occasion. This appearance, on other than Masonic occasions, unless it be of National or State importance, has a tendency to render common and cheap a fraternity that has ahvays been exclusive and dignified.. If this mixture of the Masonic Order "with the ephemeral societies of the day continues, we will lose that character and high standing that has characterized us. to parade with a society, which, in Kansas City up or the lowest class of citizens, and whose annual ae~[')!a..ttC.n is .always held OR th路e . Sabbath Day. ha've felt it a sense of duty to refuse these requests. There too much looseness on this subject in the past. One ra.. reluctantly granted, because the dispensation had been here.. granted, and the Lodge, believing that which has been, is, and be, made all the arrangements, notified the neighboring Lodg.es, before permission of the Grand Master had been secured. I granted this dispensation with a few w?rds of admonition and reproof.
we err if we think the public show or a mere parade will add to our membership. If a Masonic occasion in which a pa19,Uc eeremorJ:y is given, such as dedication of halls, laying corner.. tbe funeral ceremonies, impress the profane with the char:B;r]Ln(~i1P:les of our fraternity, there can be no objection; but he who C'omesto us for parade purposes, it would be better to stop him at the outer door. i
I had a request from路 one of .our strongest and most influential churches to lay the corner-stone on Sunday. From a previous de(~ision, I was compelled to refuse the request. It also for similar reason, refused dispensations to two Lodges to attend church services,a:s Lodges,O'I). a Sunday eveni'ng. I believe the former action of this Grand Lodge was more the The letter of our declaration is, that when a Lodge is open on any of its de.. grees, it is "at labor." Would a Lodge be more at labor in layIng a corner-stone of a church, or attending divine services on a Sabbath evening, than when it performs the last sad rite over a deceased obs~rvanee of the letter, rather than the spirit of the law..
Brother? If the church of the liVing God can lay a corner..stone of a church on to!eSabbath D'ay, and may do so, why cannot a Mas,onicLodge
Proceedirngs of the
in the same manner? If· a divine institution can "labor" in spirit, why cannot the handmaid to the same institution '~labor" in like spirit? I fear the word "labor" has caused us to overlook the sp.irit of our beautiful servicres. I would not favor the laying of cornerstones of any other buildings than churches on the Sabbath .Day, and tb~nonly "when absolutely necessary. Our la"w sbould be modified. ~'labor"
granted dispensations to reballot on candidates to six Lodges. Ineacb of the six cases, can be safely set down that the cause for reballoting was due to Inistakes in some members casting the ballot, spite work or personal grievance. In each ease, I ordered that the By-La ws of the Grand Lodge reba.llot.tlng 'be strictly 0 bserved. TO BALLOT OUT OF Tl:¥E..
Every Grand Master Inust have had the experienc.e of refusing dispensations to ballot out of time. Our laws are sp,ecific on this question. Why will Masters make this request before reading the law'? All such requests were promptly refused. TO SOLICIT FUNDS.
Kennedy Lodge, No. 329, at Elmo, lost its hall and Lodge property bya cyclone. The Lodge was homeless, and while protected by fire insurance, the Lodge had carried neither cyclone nor wintf.storm insuran.ce. The Lodge asked permission to solicit funds from the Lodges in the$tate, wllich, owing to the eircu:trns.t~.,ces,and: that. the loss was l1.otclue • to, any contributory neglige:rJJjee~.lIil tllilreir part, I .granted the request. I am pleased to state that<tl'1e corner..stone of the new haUj;~s b,ee'11 laid. If this property~f).!<l bee,n destroyed by fire, I won.ldllave refused the request, as it is<,the ·duty of every Lodge to prot~ct its property by proper insural',lie.e. INVASION OF TFJ&a:r:TO]L~Y..
Malden Lodge, No. 406,
Demter Lodge, No.. 532.
OIl. June 25, 19Q3, I received a C0rInpla.int tram Malden Lodge t No. 40e, at Malden, that Dexter Lodge, NQ. 532, at Dexter, had invaded
Grand Lodge oj Missouri.
the territory of Malden Lodge, No. 406, by having made a Mason of a resident of Bernie, claiming that Bernie was in the territory of Malden Lodge, by 1~ miles. The Brethren of Dexter Lodge, No. 532, set up a connter claim that Bernie was in their territory, and that a straight line nleasurement would so settle it. The controversy as to the territorial jurisdiction of Bernie has been a troublesome factor for some tilne. In order to settle it for all timet I referred it to W. Bro. F. A. Kage, D. D. G. M., Forty-seventh District, in whose District Dexter is located, and to W. Bro. John R. Pool, D. D. G. M., Forty-ninth District, in whose District Malden is to in\T6stigate and report to me. Their· report is as yours of the 25th lust., rega.,l"d to the claims of the terDexter vs. Malden, in conjunction with Brother JohnR. D. 1\'L, we find tha,t the Cotton Belt Railroad charges fare for fronl Dexter to Bernh~! and for eight miles from Malden to Bernie; section Hnes on map show nine miles scant from Dexseven and one-half mIles scant from Malden to Bernie. that Malden has undOUbtedly jurisdiction over Bernie. Bernie
l:rraternally yours, F. A. KAGE, D. D. Q. M., Fo·t'ty-Se'venth D'i8t1'·{,Ot. 1 find the above correet.
JOHN R. POOL, D. D. G. M.;J 1903.
Fortll-Nji,,·~th Di8t'rict.
'Ibis report. was satisfa.ctory to all concerned, and I am pleased to state that tbere .was no ill-feeling, or unfraternal .act or words in this controversy. . Its adjustm·ent was.. a.micably accomplished, and I trust forever settled. Butler LOdge, No. ,e5l;, V8. Rockh/iH Lodge, No. ,94.1.
Complaint was made by Butler Lodge, No. 254, that Rockhill Lodge, No. 341, had received the petition, elected and conferred the degrele'SJ on a resident in the jurisdiction· of Butler Lodge. Upon investigation I found the charges true. This invasion was ignorantly done, without any deliberate attempt to violate the law. I, therefore, orde:red Rockhill Lodge, No. 341, to p,ay amount of fee to Butler Loa.ge. Somerset LOdge, No. 206,
Putnam Lodge, No. 190.
that Putnam Lodge, at Newtown, has, for several years., e,an:d.idates and conferring the Degrees on residentd
Proceedings oj' the
of Lucerne, a town in the jurisdiction of Somerset Lodge, at Powersville. ,Somerset Lodge has always claimed I.lucerne RS belonging to their jurisdiction, and claim that they did not kno,v of the invasion until a Lodge was organized at Ltl.cerne this year. When the facts were discoTere;d they promptly made a dema.nd for the' fees upon Putnam Lodge. I submitted the question of jurisdiction to W. Bro. J. J. Dillinger, D. D. G. M., Third District, who informs me that at the time these eandidates were accepted by Putnam Lodge, they were in the jurisdiction of Some'rset Lodge.
My decision in the matter is, that even if this invasion occurred three or four years ago, and that they were now members of Lucerne Lodge, the fact was an invasion, and that Putnam Lodge must pay to Somerset Lodge the amountclaime'd for fees. The amount due was $80. Somerset Lodge, in the view路 of the delay in making the ciaim, and the difference in fees betw6,en tae two Lo,dges, would accept $60 in payment in full. I ordered this paid. SUSPENSION OF MASTER.
On April 8, 1908, charges of gross unmasonic conduct were presented to me against W. Bro. C. R. Norman, Master of, Delphian Lodge, No. 137, A. F. and A. M., at Birch Tree. I immediately suspe.nded W. Bro. Norman from office, and placed the Senior Warden in charge of the Lodge. I caused notice to be served upon W. Bro. Norman, citing to him to appear at this Communication of the Grand Lodge for trial. DECISIONS.
1.-Question.-Must a Master Mason who has l)e,e,n suspended from this Lodge for unmasonic condn~t for a' period of six months petition the Lodge for restoration t0membership.? Answer..........No. He is restored to :membership in the Lodge at the expiration of the sentence. No action is necessary by the Lodge or himself. The Secretary should enter his name on the roster of the Mem.bersh.ip of the Lodge.
2.-Question.-Can' an objection he .:made to the aavancement of an E. A., .and how? Answer.-Obiection to advancem'6nt on any other ground than nono: proficiency must be made in open J..,odge or in writing, and become a part of the records. Such objections can be made only for the
Grand Lodge.of Missouri.
purpos,e of investigation or the preferring of charges and hold' only for sixty days. 1
3.-Question.-Can a man who has lost his right arm be made a Mason under our law? Auswer.-No.He cannot receive, nor communicate a portion of the ceremonies. Artificial appliances ca.nnot remedy the defect. 4.-Question.-A Brother was elected Master of our Lodge.and installed:. Soon a.fter his installation he removed from the State. S!b.al.'1 him as a Past Master of our Lodge in the Annual Gmnd·Lodge? Ani••er.-No. It has always ooen held that three qualifications were ne!cessary to attain the rank !sfPast Master. Election, inserving as Master for twelve months. By his removal Grand Jurisdiction, he has vacated the office and has surthe third essential service. Mackey holds that a "Past is one who has presided for twelve months over a Lodge."
5.-·Question.-(a) If a summons from Missouri Lodge, No" 1, served by a member o,f Missouri L.odge, No.1, ona member of Beacon Lodge, No.3, to be present and give testimony in a case on trial in Missouri Lodge, No. 1, and he refuses to obey such summons, would it hold him liable under Section 81 of the Grand \Lodge By.. Laws? sueb. summons be ordered by the Master of Beacon request of Missouri Lodge to hold witness liable under Answer.--Subdivision (a) is dependent on subdivision (b). Every Master Mason has promised to obey a summons coming in a constitutional manner; not necessarily from my Lodge but from a Lodge. I hold that every Mason is bound to obey a summons coming to him from a regular Lodge, whether it be from his' own Lodge or not, but as a matter of, courtesy, the summons should comefrotn Beacon Lodge at the request of Missouri Lodge.. The Committee on Appeals and Grievances in 1875 held that the Lodge to the member belonged had a primary right, the other Lodge had 18, seoondary right. Hence, Missouri Lodge has only a 'secondary jurisdi.ction over the member. I· therefore ordered that Mis,souri Lodge request Beacon Lodge to issue such summons. Should Beacon. Lodge refus·eor neglect to do so, the secondary jurisdiction of Missouri Lodge becom.e,s a prima1~Y one, and has full power to enforce its rights and is,sue the SUJtll:ml;Q(!lS direct.
Proceedings of the
6.-Questioll.~(a) the Senior Warden dies or removes from this Grand Jurisdiction, is there a vacancy in his station and may it be filled by an election?
Answer.-Yes. There is no succession to the station of Senior vVarden. The vacancy may be filled by an election under a dispensation of the Grand· Maat,er. Should the ~unior Warden he elected to the vacancy, then the station of Junior Warden becomes vacant, and lshouldbe fined at the elerction. (0) If the Master and Senior Warden die or remove from this Grand Jurisdiction, wh,at stations are vacant, and may they be filled by election? Senior Warden is The station Ans"wer.-rrhe station of Master is filled by succession ·of Junior The Junior 'Varden becomes acting Master until statioDof Senior Warden is filled by election. He them tOr his station and the new Senior Warden bec~mes Mas·t:er.. Junior Warden should be elected to the station of Senior vvTarden, then the station of Junior Warden bectDm\es V"acant m.ay filled as heretofore ,specified. (c) If the Master dies tion, 1.s there a v,acancy?
removes from this Grand Jurisdic-
Answer.-No. The Senior Warden becomes Acting Master··· but his station of Senior Warden i,s not vacant, for by vlrtue of his statiQn of Senior Warden he a.cts as Master. The station of Senior Ward~n can be filled pro tempore at each com,munication. (d) If the Junior .Warden dies or removes from this Grand Jurisdictio·n, is there a vacancy? Answer.-Yes. There is no succession to' this' station and it should filled by an· election under <:l'.~•.~r:'];)ie'Ills,~:ttilon.
fo,r our fra.ternity for:normal. conditions. of life in these at least a year. In the or disquaUfic.a.tiQU 'of the Master of the Lodge, or .in the event of hifsdeath or disqualification, Warden succeeds to the statioB of Mast,er, not by election of succession. Because, ae1c(1)rding to an ancient custoDil .u. ......J, no melllberc.~ beC(Ulle a Past· Master installation and service as Master for twe~fJge
.L. ... (;All'''VJ'
re'C[lllirement for the Wardens, they are elected all the other officers, for one year, not because of any
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
past grade of official distinction, but because the term under normal conditions has been fixed at one year. I believe that the officers of a Lodge are elected for the sole reason "that the business of the Craft may be expedited thereby." A vacancy in any position below that of Master may greatly interfere with this purpose, not only interfere but in some cases absolutely stop all bu~iness of a Lodge. Hence, any arbitrary rule or law that would prohibit the best efforts a Lodge from being used in the furtherance of the business of the Craft is harmful and without reason.
recurring year路 we repledge our allegiance to the small gratuity we pay is but an infinitesimal expres路sion the l\rlasonic heart. silenc~
Steals on soft-handed (~harity, r.rempering her gifts, that seem so free, By time and place; Till not a woe the bleak world sees. But find herg-race."
It hasbe'en truly .said of this excellent gift that "The desire of in ex.ce;s,s~ cau.sed the angels to fall. The desire for knowledge nt.l~:n to fall. But in charity there is no excess, can angel or man come in danger of it." We care not to bO>$&st for having done our duty; we may mourn for not having acted sooner, but we rejoice in the C'onsciollsness that hearts are happier, lives are brighter, and old age bows in benedic.. tion to the expression of love manifest, in comforts of home to the orphan, to the homeless ,and infirm.. As a member of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, as \ve look upon these buildings, upon happy childhood and contented old age, we may well exclaim, "This is my Home of Love/' It is needless for me to dwell on a subject so dear to us alL yOll. It comes from mell thoroughly imbued with zeal for that institution and fully competent to m.anage its affairs with skill and tact. The report of the B,oard will be submitted to
We aU rejoice that the endowment fund has re'ached the goodly sum of one hundred thousand dollars, and that its finances' are so conducted. I think it is a source of congratulation that a new +'..."'' ' ' agency has he'enenlisted.路 ~nder the banner of our Home. .'ri!l:i楼.A ....
Proceedings of the
Since our last Annual Communication, that which a few years ago seem,ed as a wild chimer~ of an iconoolast, ora fitful dream of a wrecker of ancient landmarks, has hecome a reality; and woman's hand has beeu enlisted in the service of the Home. Her kindliness is ai ding the Board路 in the labor of love. The Order of the Eastern Star has been given that due recognition so befitting our wives, mothers and daughters in contri.buting to the, maintenance路 of the Home and advice in. many of the prohlem.s that confront the Directors. The B,(O,ard', of ladies of Eastern Star has come as a benediction. The of in cash to the Home proves their faith by theirvvorks. The annual contribution of a fifteen cents, per member, tax for the of the Home, is another active demonstration of the interest of the t rNelve thousand members of the Eastern Star feel in the Home. Our St. John's Day in June has been set apart as Masonie Home Day, and their first efforts this year is manifest in earDets, tu.gs, lin.en, towels, that will find at the chairs, sewing machines, furniture, etc" Home when you visit it to day. This observance of Masonic Home Day has not been merely productive of oratory picnics, but a voluntary offering from woman's hand and beart. May this influenee invade every Masonic Lodge in our State, and our watch路"word be: That an institution is truly great that hath a great charity. The Board of Directors deserve the congratulations of every member of the Grand I..Iodge in the selection of the efficient Sup,erintendent and Matron, Rev. Bro. E. B. Redd and. wife, capable in every sense, faithful in all things. WILLIAM H. S1\iITH'S B~QUEST TO 'l'lIEMASONIC liOME.
Dllring the month of January, William H. Smith, of MI0Il.tevial10, Vernon County, Missouri,idi~d, leaving a last will and te:stam.ent, which provides"among otll..er things, as follows:
HAfter payment of debts and expenses, I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, Mary C.Smith, all and singular the rest, residue and rem.ainder of my property, real, personal and mixed, of which I may be seized and possessed at the time of my death absolutely; with power to a,ell, 'convey and dispose of the sa-me, as fully as myself or myself and her jointly could do if living, but to provide for the . care, control and management of said property I bereby direc't that for and during the Hfeof Illy~id wife and subject to her superintendence and approval M. A. Pinkerton, of Vernon County,
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Mo. (unless as hereinafter provided), shall attend to all business connected with the care, control and management of said property and keep a true and accurate account of receipts and disbursements in a book or books kept for that purpose, for which he shall receive out of the estate for and during the life of my wife as aforesaid, not less than three hundred dollars per annum, and if condition.s fihould become such for any reason that the labor, trouble or exp,ense shall be uUUlsual and extraordinary in the performance of the duties devolving 11l)On him, he shall be paid such additional amount,' if any, asm.a;ybe by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. and ~~estj(ons shan be submitted. tha.:t in ease of'the death of said M. A. Pinkermy said wife shan at any time desire t~at he no longer act herein then a Lodge of Masons (A. F. and "\rernon County, Missouri, whom my said wife may choose '",~ shall, subject to her superintendence and approval, or have performed the duties devolving upon him and may a committee of the Lodge or otherwise as they may and shall receive like compensation for such services.
•.• " _,
"It is my will that upon the death of my said wife, all the property of whatsoever nature which shall not have been otherwise used or disposed of by her, shall pass to and vest in the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons to them an,~ tll:eit successors in office forever, for the use and benefit of the Home,b'elonging to the Masonic Order and located at St. Ml'SS()UF'l. to 'he, by such Grand Lodge used and employed as they deem best tor tna interest of such Home, ,subject, however, to the payment of Fifty Donars per annum to keep in repair, beautify and do whatever rntay beneedlful for the care and protection of the burial lot in Monteval1o~ Missouri, Ce,metery, which sh.all be occupied by myself· and family to be expended through such agency and work done under such direction as said Grand Lodge may direct," which last will and testam,ent was pr·obated at Nevada, in Vernot;[ County, Missouri. from the said will as above quoted, that all of his of whatsoever nature, which remains at the death of hls wife, shall p,ass and vest in this Grand Lodge for the use and bene,fit of the Masonic Home. I am advised that. the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home have been IOioking after the interest of this Grand Lodge and the Hom,e ineaid estate, and I am further advised that the nT()'De'rtv belo,nging to s'aid estate is worth between forty and "fifty
Proceedings of the
thousand dollars. I recommend that the whole matter appertaining to said bequest of Brother W. H. Smith to this Grand Lodge for the benefit of the Masonic H'ome, be referred to the Board of Directors, with full power and authority to act in the premises, and to use the name of this Grand Lodge whenever neces,sary or proper to prote·ct the int~rests in said estate of this Grand Lodge and 'the Masonic Home, and also to take such ,action in the name of the Grand Lodge as the said Boat,rd of Directors of the Masonic Home may deem fit and proper. GRAND LODGE
At the last session of the Grand Lodge, a special committee considered the qUf$tion the disposa.l of the property at Kaseyville. This cOIrtmittee recommeuded (viae Grand IAdgeProceedings, 1902, page 77) that inasmucnas the property could not be sold that it be rented at a nominal alB}L I found that Grand Master Yocum had exe,cuted a quit-claim deed, whicll Ire-called, a.s it was contrary to instructions. I am informed property cannot be rented to the Church, hence, SOlT.be other plan must devised to dispose of the property. I would recommend tbat it he again referred to a sp€cial committe·e. t
At, Marthasville existed a similar condition in respect to Grand Lodge property, it being a joint ownership between the Lodge and Church. The Lodge has long since become defunct and the property has become 'an expens,e to the Grand Lo'dge. I therefo<re executed a quit-claim deed to the Church for a nominal sum. FAIR DEALING PROPERTY.
p,roperty' has engaged executed awarra.ntee
att1ent:ton of the Grand Lodge. I to private parties for the s~m
resolution of this Grand Secretary was directed la,nds· bought by a Lo'dge The deed given as per re,fiO!'Utl:OIl ~l:l;vestment hears the date ,of ~he .deed conveying the land
on October 16th, 1845, the to. one: Hassin,ger,partof :a:aY~$.
state what lands. This 16th, 1845, while the date of Grand Lodgepy Hayes be,ars
Grand Lodge oj Missouri.
elate of May 12, 1852, thus casting a cloud upon the title of the property. The matter can be corrected, so I am informed, by the Grand Lodge giving a quit-claim deed of the property to the present owner. I '\vould recommend that it be referred to the same committee of the Caseyville property. CI-[AIRlVI:EN OE" COMMITTEES.
TheChairlllen of the various committees are the working force of t,be Grand. Lodge. Many of them have to devote a week's hard work a11l2d aU of during the entire session, ~,ci'~!dI1,n«,!l" the pleasure and the Annual Reunion. In all the Grand L~dgeshould place them, unless otherwise on the mileage and per diem roll. I would so recomCIIAHGES ORDERED.
A of complaints were Ill-ade to me concerning one Dr. A. K. Musgrove, member of Bethel Lodge, No. 537, for violation of State and Masonic La·w. It appears that Dr. Musgrove has been run.. ning a joint, sometimes known by the dignified title of drug store. ~n;n~j'I1!"i/:lr1 in court annually for several years, plead guilty to o~ selling intoxicating liquors, and paid the fine. This rep:~ted this snmmer.. His actions have becom,e notorious and' the good. name and honor of Masonry has suffered. This Lodge had done nothing and it stand in awe of this man. I therefore ordered charge's to be It was done, trial held, at which the accused plead guilty, and like all law-breakers', wbo feel the Uhalter dra"r," promised not to-be gulilty of the offens·e in the futl:Jlre. The punishment assessed by the Lodge was, a .reprimand. It is indeed that there should be a Lodge in Missouri possessed moral backbone, that would permit a flagrant violator of only Masonic la.w but of the Civil law to escape on a mere I did not believe the punishment fit the crime, and ordered an aPllleaI taken from the .judgment of the Lodge to the Grand Lodge. It is now in the hands of the Committee on Appeal,s and Grievances. .A is such, whether he dispenses intoxicants in a so· r!8speetable saloon, or in a disreputable drug store. A Glisr~l~tl![;aw·~;~e druggist isa greater menace than· asaloonist. L.PBO.......S.
Proc€edings of the
I was informed that Joe I). Yeargain and T. E. Leonard, the former a member of Southwest Lodge, No. 466, and the latter a member of a Lodge in Arkansas, distillers, were engaged in the business of retailing in Southwest City, and advertised their wares in the press of the city. I wrote the Secretary as to the truth of the complaint, who informed me that it was true, and a public scandal to Masonry, and that the Loagewas willing to do anything toprote.ct honor of the fraternity. I ordered charges to be preferred for unmasonic conduet directed W. Bro. J. W. Ritche,y, D. D. 5,4th to trial. I also directed that the Lodge to \\~hich Bro. belonged should be· notified of the proposed acti,on. The held, Bro.. Leonard plead guilty and offered asa plea for he had out his business and would no longer eause for offense. The Brethren asse,~)sed the penalty snspension.
A comm,endable act. M.ooonry even in the p,roBe:clltion of this
a,ny man, and te'mp:er justice with
mercy. Bro. Yeargain, when he oonld not escape by applying for a dimit, remained defiant, was faun d guilty, and p.romptlJrexpelled from the rights and privileges of Masonry. I commend Southwest Lodge for vindica.ting the good name of our Fraternity.
In. The fair name of· our State has been disgraced by some of our civic officials. Public trust has been betrayed and sold to the highest bidder. Civic honor has been oblige·d to hide her frace while private and corporate greed has filched like the purse of its victim. The civilization of century has stood appalIeq and thought of the proud Rome that fell ap,reytocivlc dishonor.. .Of the oionvicted and sentencedboodlers in the criminal IJouis, six of the thirtytwo, to.our sorrow and shame, were Masd;ns. O<?rner Stone Lodge, No. 323, promptly a,nd with commendable zeal, tri.ed and expelled their member wnob;ad sold his honor for money. On the· first of September three were still members of their respective Lodges. One had been gran,ted a dhnit May 9th, 1903. One, whose residence was in KansiasClty, ·dhnitted: in 1900 prior to committing the offense. Brother was formerly a member of Albert Pike Lodge, No. 219. ~e was tried, convicted and
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
sentenced to five years in the penitentiary for bribery. The special feature of this man's crime was, from- the published report, that he transa,cted and conducted his purchase of men to do his bidding under the vows and pledge of being a Mason. I ordered Albert Pike Lodge, No. 219, to prefer charges and try Brother without delay. rrhe fact that 11e had dimitted three years ago, was no bar to this action; neither was his appeal to the Supreme Court a bar to action by a Masonic Lodge. A civil trial does not preclude a Masonic trial and an acquittal or sentence of guilt d,oes not exempt a Lodge from doing its duty. Albert Pike Lodge seconded my QfdJer,:wi:th, z~al and dispatch. The trial is now pending. IV.
Brother ---,- - was a member of l\ieridian Lodge, No.2, on 1903. 1'bis Lodge granted this self-confessed boodler a dimit.. Evidently the Lodge was desirous of getting out of a vexed position it granted this dimit. It is too common a practice in Lodges to grant a dimit to undesirable Inembers rather than to go through the process of a trial. Esp'ecially is this true under one form of our dimits, a dimit without privileges. Lodges cannot escape the responsibility in this manner. An unworthy Mason must not receive a q,imit whether it be "with privileges or' not. A Lodge owes a duty., to itself and especially to the Masonic world. I would be slow to believe that Meridian Lodge was actuated by unworthy dimit having been granted I ordered the Master to of unmasonic .conduct to be preferred. The Lodge the~rder and trial is pending. In two other cases the Lodges have voluntarily preferred charges and trial will be held in the near future. One other case is under advisement and held until sufficient evidence can be obtained~ The edict has gone forth that the boodlers must go. RECALLED DISPENSATION.
MC)und Lodge, U. D., at Am'sterdam, was set at work under di$p路eltsation by Grand Master Yocum in 1903. On June 8th Ire.. ceived a. letter from J. B. Gilmore making serious complaints against the Master, W. Bro. C. E. Emerson. I immediately directed W. Bro. W. W. Ross, D. D. G. M., to investigate the charges and report. 路V'l. Bro. Ross visited Mound Lodge and found that Bro. Gilmore's complaints were unfound路ed and th~t he was a disturbing element in the Lodge.. W. Bro. C. E. E;mersou, w. M.,orderedcharges to be preferred against. Brother
Proceedings of the
GHnlore ba,sed upon the fals,e complaints and falsehoods written to the acUngGrand Master. Having been notified of the fact I directed W. Bro. R. R. Kreeger of Kansas City to preside at the trial, as well as at the trial of an..
other of Mound .Lodge for intoxication and theft. The latter member was found guilty of intoxication and reprimanded. :BI'otner&i:im~re was acquitted.. I am of o;pinion. Lodge '\,,1108,e existence can be measured leas six· months two Masonic trials does not possess fharmony nor theifasonic material to live. It is better to :s.trangle such a without delay. I have therefore recaHed aud ordered a transcript of the proceedings of the to be sent to the Committee on . :. \ppeals and herewith submit all my correspondence in the case.
The Grand Lodge
require that the annual returns and
dues shall be paid on or before September 1st. ThIS year over two hundred Lodges "had failed to obey the law. On October 1st, thirtytwo Lodges were still delinquent. Upon these served notice that unless their reports and dues were in by October 10th their charters· would be suspended. I have therefore suap,ended the charters of tbefollowing Lodges., and· they cannot resume labor until annual returns are made and dues paid. Tipton Lodge No. 56; Angerona, No. 193; Myrtle Lodge, No. 338; Adelphia Lodge, No. 355; Strafford Lodge, No. 497. A more vigorous enforcement of the law would cause more wholesome respect and obedience to the law. The delinquency is chiefly due and carelessne>8$ of the Secretari es. 1
IlteldState Lodges of Instruetiionat Jefferson City, Sedalia, L:elXington, Moberly and Macon. It being late in the year the num.. ber. was perhaps not as large as it would have been 'had the plans of tlle(Jra:nd Ma&ter. been carried and inter.. estwer~good"y!et. I feel the latenesss>eason. interfer·ed with many 'Of the ·;i\fasters of ,our country Lo.dge,s. Tbe work was 'in charge of our veteran!Grand Leet1.lrer, R. W. Bro. Allan McDowell. His, efficien.cy as a te,aeher needs no comi
Grand Lodge of Mis8ouri.
mendation from me. The, unexcelled condition of the work in our Grand Jurisdiction needs no encomium from me. It speaks for itself. RECOGNITION OF GRAND LODGE.
I have been unable to find that the Grand Lodge has ever extended recognition to the Grand Lodges of Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wal,es, New Zealand, Cuba and Valle del Mexico. The six Grand Lodges work under the English Ritual, and l:e~'itiJtna;te··a,eS{~~l1.da:nts of the Grand Lodge. of England, whom we motner. These Lodges speak our language and use the 1'bere should be no hesi,tancy in extending to them recognition, and exchange representatives. Anglo-Saxon one, and Anglo-Saxon 'Masonry is our own. far as f am able to learn these Grand Lodges have been recognized. The Grand Lodge of Cuba has had a hard struggle for existence. Crushed under the heel of civic and church tyranny it languished, but since freedom has been given them by the boys in blue, it has rapidly grown in strength and power.'1'his Grand Lodge lies at our very door, and if found regular, should have our aid and fraternal assistance. MEXICO. F-"l~eem~liSQ'inr'y in Mexico has for years been in 'a chaotic state,and very it was worthy of recognition. The Gran Dietal' a General Grand Lodge, for several years past, clamored for recogni· tion; but owin.g to gross irregularities was refused by our 'Grand Lodge. ':rhe Gran. Dieta has passed the way of. the living and yielded up the ghost. Its demise occurred' several years ago. Since then there has appeared,. a worthy champion for recognition in the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico. I am in receipt., of the following re·quest under the seal of the Grand Lodge: t
September 9, 1903.
,R. lV.Bro. W. F. KUhn" Aot. G,'"an·a .." ilu8ter, M .. W. a'rand, Loage of Mi880u,rl: RIGBT WO:RSHIPFUL SIR :-By order of the M. W. Grand Master Q·f the
M. W. Grand Loage, "Valle de Mexico, Brother Manuel IJevi, I hereby reo 'spectfttlly and fraternally petition for the Grand Lodge Vane de Mexico ttlJ~ recognition of the If. W. Grand Lodge of Missoul"i, and that frata-nal relaM tions be estabUsned between them. ReslPectfully, E. YOUNG, A88t. Grana Secret€£t·'JI ·t1J,(iJ'hrm"qe Of 1!JngUsh OOln"e8P;o1trde'1ll(!),e.
Proceed1ings of the
To this fraternal petition this Grand Lodge cannot turn a deaf ear. It at least merits a candid hearing. The Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico includes among its Subordinate Lodges nearly all, if not all, the English·speaking Lodges, among which is formerly our own Toltec. Past Grand Master Finagin, now a resident of Mexico, puts the very important points sostrongl'y that I quote his letter under date of Jniy: "In 1900, founder of Toltec Lodge under the Missouri, and an active in Masonry" Grand Master of the and efficient Grand Lodge Va,He de l"Iexioo; and Grand· officers did much in the way of bringing about present orderly condition is that they have conof Masonry in that Jurisdiction. The ducted Masonry on the m'ost proper aDd to-day this Grand Lodge has forty-one Subordinate with a membershIp of 1,025. Of the forty-one Lodges the're are si~teen wo'r'k in English, with 542 members; one in Germ:an, with 20 :members, and the rest in Spanish. They say that most of the EngUsh..,speaking members were initiated in these Lodges, but that they have ba.d a great many Masons from the United States who have affiliated with them and afterwards returning to their old homes took. their dimits.. "They have a book of Constitutions and By-laws printed in Spanish, and while I am not very well up in Spanish, still I have read a great part of it, and it seems regular in every sense. This Grand Lodge, admits the wrong-doing of the Gran Dieta in the past! but claiming no connection with such wrong-doing, asserts its stand f()r the l'ightaccording to the ancient custom,s of the fraternity.. There is still clandestine Masonry here, but it is weak and punY,and will not last long. There is Scottish Rite Ma'sonry here, but I have not yet had tilne to examine into it, so cannot say as to itseonditton. N0-w,.b.aving given you·this outlin~, Ibaveto say that the members of t~i'~iGrand Lodge are veryanX;icius~~.be • recogniz,ed by our Grand Lo:~~e,feeling\n a sense they>a:re)~~~In US,. and . a part of us, and o1.l~!~etion.s win do much towar:d>~~'V'ingthem legitimacy and all nenoralriJle .position in the Fraternity if we would recognize them. ~i~iere is muehinterest taken in theiWorld's Fair, and they s,ay it W.iUafford.them the greatest p:leas~ret,~beable~Ol visit with us when t1~.th,f~:re on . 'tl1at occasion. TheYsa~itwnl' be hard01J. the.m,W gQupwith their friends and Brothe·rs.fromTexas, andenj,oyeverything there, but when it came to vIsIting a ., Maseale Lodge, tbeir T'exas Brother, who sits in the L0,d;:ge with them here, would be recognized and admitted, while they would suffe·r the humiliation of being refused admis$ion to the Lodge.'"
Grand Lodge of 'Missouri.
After receiving this letter from M. W. Bro. Finagin, I wrote him tor more information on this subject, and to investigate the character and regularity of th'is Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico. I, received a reply under date of September 14. An extract from the letter is as follows: .
"Bro. Young, who is assistant Grand Secretary, has charge of He is the General Passenger ~I\gent of ,the Mexican National Railroad, and stands very high He is a member of our old Toltec Lodge, is well ver,$ied in Masonry, and a very nice gentleman, indeed. letter I visited Mexico City, and put in four nothimg but an6: learned a good deal about things the more I see of it mOle fa vara.ely I am inclined. I a many of the members through a Texas Brother, who with them frequently, and knows them all well. One afternoon I held an informal meeting with about twenty-five of them, and questioned them upon Masonry in general. They have re:ad and studied the subject of universal Masonry until there is no question about their knowledge and ability.. They obtain the Proceedings from everywhere, and are thorou,ghly posted on all matters before the Grand Lodges, even to the minutest'details. 'rhe members I met of Toltec Lodg.e, including the Master, would be a, credit to any Lodge, we be proud of them if they were in our own State at all of the English corres,pondence.
azre men. offinaneial and business standing, and area force in Me:xiean affairs, and are, destined to mould the' destiny of Masonry in this country to lll:egre'atestcredit of the Order. I do not think there is the slightest d.ouht of their fitnes.s and, ability to manage affairs, and we win make no mistake in extending the band of fellowship to them~ Since' my trip; I am much more in favor of recognizing them, for I think it would be a great mistak,e to decline to do so. M. W. Bro. Finagin presents this subject in a strong. light, and I add my own experience in Kansas City, where Brethren from these E,Dtglisb..speaking York Rite' Lodges have desired to visit our Lodges, and the question of receiving and issuing dimits has arisen on several o~casions. It is our duty to aid legitimate Ma.sonry in Mexico,and no stronger proof of our desire can be shown than. to e;xrteBd recognition to this Grand Lodge: Provided, its actionSBRve b'e'en regular and not subversive pf t11e principle.s of MasonrY.
The Grand Lodges that have already extended recognition from the TJnited States are Montana1 Texas, Georgia, Indiana, California, Nebraska, Arizona, South Dakota and Nevada. would 'recommend that this entire matter, with the documents in my hands be referred to a committee of five Past Grand Masters. CLA.NDES'rINE LODGES.
Thc'effort to organize clandestine Lodges, in the several States, in the vVest, the clandestine Grand Lodge of Ohio, should cause greater the part of Master of Lodges and the Ex.. amining ComnllttHe. Dimits suspected districts should be carefully the Lodge could obSome method clandestine Lodges. tain the nalne, list to the Lodges, While the Grand the list should enjoined. HEvrSION OB
The latest publieationof the Lodge bears the 'date of 1892. A small pamph,let eO;Ilta.l1l11ng the· approved Decisions and. Amendments to the By.. Laws 1895, has. been issued. Many amendments and have been pass,ed and. adopted .since then. While all of these may be found in the· printed Proceedings, yet it isa very difficult and tedious proc'ess to look up these enactments. It is very essential· that some steps sbould be taken immediately to place these amended·law.s in file hands of the' Lodge,s. I am con.. fldellt that the many questions on points 'of law coming aaily to th.eGrand Master is due to the' in no,t tiD. con.. '\Tenient. form the laws enacted in rec:om.rnE~nd that a be appointed to all the amlendnleJ1c~s(~,~~.(fQ\n.n:rn,rAfi de!cisions since same in sent without dela.y to ;::S~J)io'.r!rlln;ate Lodges, and .to the Grand Lodge, or of 1902. SPEOIA.L OO]~:MIT'lIEE. B~os.
Wm..·iA..Hall, L. . S;Q.nleitfa,,:rtb.to of the Gra.nd Lod.g'$
eOilomittE~e nas performed
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Brethren, the work of your Acting Grand l\;laster is finished; it is in your hands for ,a.cceptance or rejection. To do some one else's work, may not always be a pleasing task; but when it devolves upon you, there can be no hesitancy or evasion. I have served and labored in the light given me, doing all things vvith that moderation that begets justice; that the onward march of Masonry may not be impeded; that the rights of the humblest of our Brethren lUigllt receive the same care and recognition, as the more f€>rtun.a.te. !Actuated by the principle that he who holds position of trust should endeavor to magnify the office, and not tb at the office should magnify him. of Masonry can be purchased only by deeds. Without of official distinction, is an empty bauble fit only in pnstime. \Vorl\: is the criterion of merit, faithfulthe measure of success. colleagues in office, desire to return my sincere thanks. Deputies, I am under many obligations for the care and dispatch ,vith yvhich they have executed every duty required of It is needless to comnlend the efficlency of our Grand His unequaled ability as an executive officer has merited the ene()mium of every Grand Master. May the sunlight of advanchim.
grand army, whieh labors z.eralously in the quarries of Masonry, Iam'·profoundlygrateful for the universal courte· sies and kindnesses extend ad. tome,* It is and always will be a pleasure to meet and greet tha.t true m·a.n.and Mason found among the Craft, who oblivious of all Masanic honors, finds the greatest pleasure in erecting within himself and in the hearts of humanity, that Temple which shall forever stand, because it bas been thoroughly tested by the plumb-line, square and rule of the Grand Mas.. ter of heaven and earth.
Ma.y the deliberation of this annual Communication be sanctioned in whom we have all professed to put our trust. May it be done in a manner befitting us, as men and Masons, engaged in the promulgating of the eternal principles of true morality an~ virtue. by
That the principles of truth, justice and loving-kindness· may find a ready acceptance, may w,e ask what manner of men are they. who would stand in the Court of the Master's 'Word, who would bow
at the Throne of the King Most High., who wiould kneel in the
Proceedings of the
transept of the choir celestial, and hear the heavenly hosannah, "Peace on Earthr Good Will to Men?" Who are the3r路~) The men who believe in th~ fatherhood of God, who practice the doctrine of the Brotherhood of M,an; who realize, believe and act, that "I am nlY Brother's keeper."
Such are and should be the Ma;ster Mason, the Master mind and heart that are fa forefro,nt of every onward movement, in the van-guard and not in tbe rear-gua.rd. A leader now, a leader always. A man evermore,la coward never. Onward to the heights of the man's noblest a.nd best achievements, to the final triumph of the principles we profess.. promises and op-
lA'e stand to-day under the rainbow of portunities. "0 beautiful
t.aU woven of
trhere's not ill
Heaven surely Is op'f:楼ia wl!Len thon And, bonding above thee, the And sing, 'The l"ainbow! the 'rhe smile of Goa Is aere.'"
WILLIAM F. KUHN, Acting Grand
This ,vas subsequently referred to a cornmitteecOlnposed present, as follows: JOhll D. ,Vincil, Thos. E. Uarrett,R. E. Anderson, Xenophon Ryland, Noah M. Givan, Joseph S. Browne, W. R. Stubblefield,. CharlesC. Woods,R.F. Stevenson, JamesW~ Boyd, John
or all the Past Grand Master.s
F. J. rrygard, C.
A. M. Hough,D. ......,.,I;,,J,~:;..c;;,. ......
Campbell COM.M ITTEES.
Master announced the fonowing committees Jln1ra'lQ'r'\f'11.f"fOt"l(,}o.
and Appeals
L. Williams, Xen.. Ryland, Campbell Wens, Francis A.. Smith, M. T. Balsley, G. A. GObell" AND GRIEVANCES.-D. A. Jamison,V'f. 'R. J:\oUIJ".路J.,"U~,I.1ll$. Edward Bigbee, Victor E. Fahtenneiner,
Anthony, Preston Randolph, George Mu:nger.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Secretary submitted the following report of his official duties for the year, followed by the report of the Grand 'rreasurer. To The Grand Lodge of A ncient Free ancZ A.ccepted M a,sons of the State of Mis80U,~i:
reILderlu:g my annual report as Grand Secretary, I begin by incorponames and numbers of Lodges chartered at the last session. Cnarletrswere Issued to the same Immedlately路 after the session closed, and tOl"wa,t"dE~ to the Deputy Grand Masters in wp.ose districts they were located. NgW LODGES.
513, at Senath, Dunklin County. Granby, Newton County. No. 523, Stinson, Lawl路ence County. Lodge, No. 565, at Tebbetts, Calloway County. COl\1:MISSIONS ISSUED.
Commissions were issued and forwarded at once to the several District Deputies appointed by Grand Master, Brother John C. Yocum. LODGI~S
'{;<t>d.ges were created by the Grand Master, Brother John C.
of the office. and two after he became unable to were created by R. W. Bro. Wm. F. Kuhn, acting Grand Master. The three instituted. by Brother Yocllm were as follows: Gray Summit, at Gray's Summit, WrankUn County. Signal Lodge, at Minden Mines, Barton County. Lucerne Lodge, at Lucerne, Putnam County. Those crea ted by Brother I(uhn, acting Grand Master, were: Mound Lodge,at Amsterdam, Bates County. Continental Lodge, at Stewartsville, Dekalb County. CONSOLIDATIiiD.
CeeilLod.ge, No. 454,. at Cottonwood Point, Pemiscot County, consolida.ted with Caruthersville Lodge, No. 461, at Caruthersville, same county. CHARrrERS SURRENDIDRED.
During the term now closing, I received the surrendered charters ot three Lodges, as follows:
Powell Lodge, No. 173, loeatedat Powell, McDonald County. Faithful Lodge, No. 304, located at Fair Dealing, Ripley County. Dagan Lodge, No. 394, located at :MendOD, Chariton County.
Proceedings of the
It was believed by the members of said Lodges that they had outlived their usefulness, and it was deemed better to surrender than necessitate funerals in such cases. To their credit it should be stated that
before closing up, all obligations were met. and thus the good name of Masonry was saved from l~eproach in community. One Lodge (Powell, 173) did not surrender until late in the season (September). Before doing so the members made full and complete returns and paid Grand Lodge dues for. the past year. rEhus they could· die in peace and in good credit. APPEALS.
a.ppeal cases have reached this ofilce than in the twenty-six years serviee as Grand Secretary. Those received have been handed to the Chairman the Committee, 1\1. W. Bro. D. A. Jamison.
a custom of twenty-five years, I mailed in July to all the Lodges obedience returns. As heretofore, inquiries were made latei:]1 tbe season, ""by not been forwarded. I am not inclined to criticise or compla.in, witat experience has ,proved that only tardy Lodges fail to l'eee~ve while the faithful officers of Lodge.s alwa)ls get thee in. make returns. In some instances it was fonnd reth"'tng had not turned over to their successors the documents In such it Is very evident that the change made in the import.~nt ofllee of Secretary was timely and for the best. SPECIAIJ DISPE1NSA1'1IONS.
Acting under official orders, quite a number of special dispensations were 'issued, emb~'acing the usual run of business. These were to allow IJodges to l'e-ballot on lrejected petitions, move into new Halls, laying of cornerstones, public parades and dedication of Halls. It affords me much satisfaction to state that many new Lodge Rooms wereseicured and dedicated during the term. Improvement in this respect has been. most marked. An unusual increase is noted in the erection and of new and excellent· Halls. 'l'his is an index showing growth and among the Lodges of the State. " LODGRl RE1T{JR!~lS.
becomes more· and and. deV'Qid of interest. ~rhe be forced upon the of Lodges, "Why have laws them 'f" 'E'or a long ()f ye.ars, I have invited t.he of the Grand Lodge, in my annna,l,rep,ort, to tbe utter failure of Lodges comply with the .By-Law whiehrequ:ires Lodges .to "forward retUl."I).soll or before· September 1st to the . Grand Secretary. H ThIs· has never been done by many Lodges. Du.rlng.Septe.l!l1:L~!e~,.rett1rns e.a.me In slowlY,and it· required a wa,rnlng notice. to be sent fro.m .• thl~ office to bring even •. a tardy respons·e. The acting· Grand Master, BrotnerW.. F: Kuhn, came to my rellef and sent out very positive notices to. delinquent Lodges. Still, at t}l.ls writing there .ape seven LOldges that . have madellorepl;y.. It such "eseape the wrath. to come," notice of the fact will ap.pear<tn· the form of fa sl1p.plemental report.
Grand· Lodge of Mis8ouri.
DELINQUENT LODGES. The following Lodges haye not complied with the law of the Grand as to making returns or paying Grand Lodge dues:
Tipton Lodge, No. 56. Angerona Lodge, No. 193. Alton Lodge, No. 255. Myrtle Lodge, No. 338. A.delphi Lodge, No. 355. Strafford Lodge, No. 497. Lockwood Lodge, No. 521. NU}!gRICAIJ STArl'El\IENT.
A .statemen.t w'iUbe fonnd In 1l3.y.Becapitulation as to the gain in membership during the past year. It is sufficient to announce that has been quite encouraging. The' most gratifying ,point claiming and due recognition is the unprecedented promptness with which paid Grand Lodge (lues. Of five hundred and fifty Lodges reporting, to dues at this writing. r.rhe like of this is not in history of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. This, as well as indications, evidenees unusual prosperity anlong the Lodges, as well readiness to nleet their financial obligations to the Grand Lodge. 'l'RANSPORTArrION.
Bro. "lohn' R. Parson, Committee on rrr,ansportation, furnished me the followIng notice, which was sent to all I.Jodges in the State: REP:R:roSEN'l'aTIVIlJS TO GRAND LODGE" A. F.
& A. M.
20th, 21st and 22d, 1903. In Scottish Rite Cathedral,. Cor. 17th. and Locust Streets. DEAR BRIDTIIREN:
The raIlroads have agreed to a rate ()f· one and one~third fare, on the certificate plan. You pay full fare coming and take a receipt from the agent you buy your ticket from. rI'his certlfleate will be endorsed in St. I.Jouis and entitle you' to return for one-third fare.
cannot be obtain€·d unless you have the agent's receipt that you full accommodations ('an be secured if sufficient number desire to at either of the hotels. Fraternally, JOHN
Oornrnittee on ':P7·a11.8por·t<l,titorn.
M<1Jre than once I have' .had occasion to urge attention to thene;ces:slty of Le>('ige insurance. During my o.ccupancy of this effice (26 years) a number of Lodges have been bU'l"ned out,all.da very small pel'c:ent
Proceedings of the
provided against the "evil day" by insuring either their Iialls or equipments. Recently, I 'went over the returns for the present year already received and east up the reports on the subject of Insurance. I was surprised to find that such ~!l. large number carried no insurance on anything. QuIte a number of Lodges reported belongings running from a thousand dollars to three thou sand witho\ut one cent of protection against loss by fire. Of the reporting Lodges it is found that two hun.d'red and thi,~ty-fivc Lodges have no insurance. "'Vhen misfortune overtakes such Lodges, they are ready to appeal to sister Lodges or to Grand Lodge for relief. Not receiving help in time of need they decry those more fortunate, and Masonry is condemned-all for the negligene,e of official management of such Lodges. I find that 326 of the repo.t'tlng Ilotlges carry more or Jess inSlltl'anCe, the whole amounting to over $300,000, or average of $1,000 per Lod.ge. This is business and is to be eOIXuuendtd. I again appeal to the Grand Lodge for legislation' requiring Lodges to take pollci,es on their properties, though· never so small. This, too. is bt1sine~s. w
CONSTI1' CTIONAI.r AllENDlIENTS: Following m."V required to do so by the law, I published in fo·rm o'f aUI..r(}dges in the Jurisdiction. on the first of MalT, at the last session of the Grand to amendments were also printed in the Grano Lodge Proceedings, Lodges the benefit of the printed matter, I deemed it proper The amendments to the GranJd Lodge By-I..taws session were printed in the same circular. rrhis was done for information. 'I'he vote on the CODstitutional Amendments, as reported the omeers, was 128' Lodge~. This was a little less than one·fifth the in the .Jurisdiction. The law requires that a II Majority of an the IJodges in the Jurisdiction shall concur in the proposed amendments" before they caLl be brought before the Grand I..Iodge. As only one~tlfth of the l.l\odges voted at all, the proposed changes in the organic law fail. r!'he chan.ges submitted were so numerous and complex: that many Lodges let the matter go by default.
EXCHANGE. In former reports I called . Lodge by. Lodges forwarding checks on cllnnge. This custom continues year past Yie·ar 100 Lodges. sent checks on eoUecti 9l.1.S, This sbould not be. I the Gran,:d Lodge so frequently, but do to betaJ.{el1 of the subject and· ruling Gran9 l.,lodge from such loss.
the Grand charge e:x.:-
notdecl'ease. 'rne was charged in makln.g urge this npon the attention of
more, requesting some noUce wlIl relieve the funds of the
lI)t1.1tin,g the year 1902 the oues receivied from !Jo,ages amounted to $&4,751. One-balf of this sum being due the Masonic Home, I issued on .November 11, 1902, a warrant on the Gl'and Treasurer for $17,147; ~nd on October 6, 1903., another warrant· was issued for the reOllaiJ?,der, $228.50, making a' total of $11,.375.50. Trhese warrants wereissu·eiQ in favor of John R. l:' a r'son, , Secretary of the Board of the Masonic Home..
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
G1'8,nd Lodge Dues for the year 1903 amount at the closing of this report to $35,830. One-half of this sum, $1',915, will go to the Home, showing a gain in favor of that institution of $539.50 over the previous year. The lIome will receive fully $18,000 from Grand Lodge dues by the end of the calendar year. As stated last
the steady increase of membership in the Grand Juris-
diction win gradually increase the funds of the Home from year to year. FINANCIAIJ ST..A.'rEMENT.
Balance at last s:ettlement ............•.........•............ $38,673 24 Back dues collected for 1902 " ' $457 00 Four (lharter fees ... "......•............... " "....... 80 00 dispensation fees " ".... 150 00 Collected from dead Lodges........................... 179 05 deed ..•.. , ," " ..•.. " . 1 00 burial lots in Bellefontaine Cemetery " . • .. 30 00 .Jno. v,r. OWt'n, Grand Tiler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 00 McDowell. Grand Lecturer"............. 14 00 pa.y-roH account............................ 28 90 $965 95
dues for
$39,639 19 35,830 00
up to and including October 12
last settlement
"..... .. ..
due'S for 1903 up to and including October 12th. .
Total Disblrrsements
$38,673 24 965 95 35,830 00 $75,469 19 84,516 25
Balance, October 12, 1903
"................................... $40,952 94 DISBunSEMENTS.
'l'llese have exceeded those of last year over $1,000. rrhis was caused by the expenses eonnected with laying the corner-stone of the l\Hsson 1'1 BlIIlding at the World's Fair Grounds, by the Grand Lodge, the unexpected outlay incident the death of Grand Master Yocum, appropriations for charity not provided for by the Grand Lodge, and other outlays not inclUded In the appropriation by the Commitee on 'Vays and Means. '1'11e expenses of the office and Incidental matters fall within the appropriation. Very fraternally submitted, JOlIN D. VINCII.., GfJl"Q/ntZ S eOIf·etarll.
Proceedings of the
Inaecount with GRAND
A. F. and A. M. :
DEBITS.. October
11,190'2, 31, " November 10, " u
March August Ii
13, 1908, 4,"
4," 6, " 10, "
14, "
14, " 17, "
18, 20, 24, 26, 26, 27, 28, " 31, September 1,
" H
10, " l(), "
10, " 12, " J;~,
Cash, J. D. Vincil, Grand Seeretary . do ,.•••' .. d,Q . do do <18 . do dod,o . do do do . do do d,o . do do ,do . do do . do do do do . do do do .., . " . do do do do do do do do do . do do do . do do do . do po do ....•••...•••••.••........•.....• do do do ",. . dodo .. do do do do •.•.••••••....•.•• do do do . do do do . do do . do do . do do . dodo •.•.•..•.......•...•..••..••..•.• do do. . . d,o do do ...••...•................••...... do do do . do . do do do do do ' . u
" " " " " " "
2, ,.
19, 23, 26, OctoberS,
:ro BtL)allce as per last repod
" "
" " " 12,"
Total amount of Recei.pts ...............•• '"
$38,678 24 294 00 15800 28 90,
260 01> 45 00' 1,692 00< 1,244 00 1,762 00, 1,2.'\200 1.332 00' 2,1·14 00 1,183 00 1,346 00 1,811 00 1,844 00 1,964 00 1,220 00 1,141 00 1,444 00 1,319 00 1,856 00 1,710 00 1,824 00 1,311 00 1,033 00 1,278 CO 1,285 00 1,205 00 1,000 00 1,059 00 771 00 370,4.69 19
1903 ]
Grand Lodge of Mi8souri. CREDITS.
$ 25 00 28, 1902, By Cash, Paid on Warrant No. 760 ······ 500 00 do 757 . 30, '4 do do 100 00 do 758 ·····..·· 30, 14. do do 15 00 do 759 ·· do do 30, " 50 00 do 761 . do do 31, " 231 50 do 762 .. do do 31, " 50 00 do 765 · ·.·.····· do do 31, " 13 70 do 766 . do do 31, " 271 00 do 777 ······.······ .. · do do November 4, " 250 00 do 764 ·· do do 5, " do 768 . 4,77250 do do 5, " 70 00 do 763 ·.· .. do do 6, " 17500 do 767 ·· do do 6, " 150 00 do 770 · ·· do do 7, " 100 00 do 771 .. do do 7," 75 00 do 774 · do do 7, " 75 00 do 776...•, . do do 100 00 do 768 . do do 100 00 do 772 . do do 150 00 do 780 . do do 10, " 28 65 do 781 . do do 25 00 12, ,C do 775 . do do 9 103 70 do 779 .. do do 1"'f do 782 .. 17,147 00 14, U do do 100 00 do 769 . 21, U do do 100 00 do 773 .. do do 200 00 do 7R3 .. do do December 2, h 5000 do 784 .. do do " 3," 70 00 do 785 . do do 1S t " 250 00 do 786 . do do 50 00 do 790 . do do 250 00 do 791 . do do 15 55 do 787 . do do 70 00 do 788 do do 5, " 100 00 do 792 .. do do 6, " 100 00 do 793 . do do 7, " 1,817 40 do 794 ~ . do do 7, " . 175 00 8, 41 do 789 . do do do 795 .. 2500 do do 10, " do 796 .. 15 00 do do 16, " do 798 .. do do 70 00 Febnlary 3, " do do do 799 .. 50 00 3, " do do 800 . 250 00 do 3, " do do do 797 . 20000 4, " March do do do 803 .. 50 00 5, " do do 805 .. do 25000 5, " do do SOl . do 7000 6, " 6, 46 do do 802 . do 175 00 do do 804 ".•• do 13, " 400 17, ,( do do do 806 .. 6.20 10 do do do 808 . 23, " 1000 do do do 807 . 25, " 725 April do do do 812 . 3, " 5000 do do do 8IS . 3, " 26000 do do 4, " do 810 .. 7000 do do 4, " do 811 . 2500 ~, H (\10 do do 8.1.5•............•..••••• · .. 2500 6, U do do do 814 . 1500
G. L. Pao.-4.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
7, 1903, By Clash, Paid on Warrant No. 809 .....••........•.............•.....••• 816......•...............................• do do do 21,
$200 00 600 50 00 250 00 25 00 70 00 103 45 20 00 61 69 6 40 175 00 23 72
50 April H
5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 11,
" " U
" " "
" " "
2, 3, 9, 12, 16, 18, 1, 2, 2, 3, 8,
" " " " " " " " " " "
10, 17,
" "
do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
8, "
8, 8, 4, 4, 19, 19,
" " " U
" "
september 2, " 2, ., 8, " 9,; " Octo~er
do do do
25, " 29, " August
do do
14, 20, 21, 27, 2, .:.0,
do do
do do do do do do do do
2, H 2, "
S," 3, " . 5, " 6,
7, " 7,
12, 'I 12, "
do do
do do
do do do do' do do do
do do do do do do do do
do do
do do do do do
822 818
do do
826 8'28
do do do
do do do
do do do d,o
. ..
8$S 834 881 815 826
. . . . . . ..
sg8 .. " 887 839 843 84,4 840 841 842 845
. .
. . .
6 40 10 00 2055 135 00 70 00 50 00 250 00 200 00 190 95 197 50 15 00
6 50 300
50 00
250 00 :3 50 70 00 175 00 8 40 25 00 15 00 5 15 5000 25000 70 00 200 00 7 50 4 50 50 00 250 00 7000 175 00 50 00 250 00 70 00 200 00 1000
do do
864 86p
. .
do do do do do do do
. . . . .
do do do do do
do do do do do do
do do do do
820 817 823 825 827
8'2:4. ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
do do do
. .
do do do do do do do do do
do' do do do do do do do do do do do do
. ..
851 852
. .
850 853 854
. . .
,857 858' 855 856
861 862
. .. .. . ..
It 50 15000 13 69 $34,516 25
Cash Balance due Grand Lodge October 12, 1903
'" •.... $40,952 94
Fraternally sUb,mitted,
SAM'L M. KENNARD, Grand Treasurer.
Grand Lodge of Missouri. REPORT OF GRAND LECTURER.
R. Bro. Allan McDowell submitted bis annual report which is as follows: ST.
To The Gro/nd Lodge ot Anoient Free and Aooepted Masons of the State ot Missouri: .
Herewith I submit my thirty-third annual rep()rt: the last Annual Communication of the Grand I"odge, provision was made for the purpose of holding schools of instruction for the benefit of accocrdancewith this action, schools were held at pl&,ees: Sprilll.gfield, St. Louis and Kansas City. IA'cturers lvel'e present·at one or the other of these meetings. attended became thoroughly proficIent in the work of the Grand schools are of inestimable advantage to the Craft. A Lecturer thoroughly conversant with the work does more harm than good. generosity of the Grand I..Jodge the Lectu·rers are well "posted," Lodge in the State Is not properly instructed, It is its own connection, I dHsil'e to express my hearty thanks, and I those of the District Lecturers, to R. W. Bro. Wm. A. Hall, District Deputy Grand Master of the Thirty·thlll"d Masonic District, who. at my earnest soIieitation, and without the hope of fee or re'\>vard. attended each of tht~se meetings, and was of invaluable assistance to imparting the work. Several, I am glad to say not many, complaints have come to me that District L,ectlners have failed to perform their duties, that is to say, not visIted certain Lodges and instructed them in the Ritual. Investigat(3d each allch complaint, both by correspondence and with the complaining Lodge, and in every case, withI have found that the fault was with the Lodge and not with the Lecturer. Of' cott.rse, I eaRn-at say that Lecturers may not have been to blame in eas:eswhich have not been caned to my attention, and which, therefore, I have not investigated. But 1 cannot believe that such Is the case. ~Pbe Lecturers have been carefnUyselect~d with Iregard to moral worth, social standing, intellectual capacity-and Masonic knowledge. I do not believe there is one among them that would not sacrIfice time and money to impart Instruction to the Lodges committed to his care. But I desire to offer this suggestion: That while they may be willing to tbns spend their time and money for the benefit of others, it is not fair on the part of this Grand Lodge that' they should be Irequired .to do so. I wO'tlld suggest that five doIla>rs a d'ay and expenses is not exorbitant for services. In fact, as a mere business proposition, no one qualified for position would accept the office for this compensation. But our Lecturers are not all millionaires, and it is generally at a great personal sacrifice they accept the position at all. But it will he said there are siame Lodges that are unable financially to pay even this small amount. Ofcoull."Sie, any intelligent Mason knows that a Lodge deficient in the Ritual cannot compete with the various other organizations in its neighborhood, and tnat, therefore, as a mere matter of finance, it will pay it to become pl·ofic~ent.. We have a law that, "The Grand Lodge may (revoke thecharterofaSub" ordinate I.loog-e for dis:obedience to its ordel:s, . rules or laws; fo·r insubo,rdi:t'la-
Proceedings oj the
tion, or whenever, in its judgment, the condition of the Lodge as to discipline or otherwise is such that its longer e:xistellce is detrimental to the interests of Masonry, or whenever its depreciated condition as to numbers, finances or interest in the work, shall render it proper. f7 But the Grand Lodge never has and perhaps never will enforce this law so far as refers to inefficiency in the work, and perhaps it ought not except in extremeeRses. '£herefore., I propose that the Grand Lodge itself shall pay the bar,e expenses of District L~tlifers who visit Lodges which are unable to pay t~,ren the expenses of Lecturers. Either this or 8Jl'rest their charters. A Lodge can.net perform. its duties is simply a stumbling· bloek in the pathway Ivlnsonry and a cumberer of the ground. Give such Lodges a chance, mnd tbey donO't improve their opportunitIes the Grand '.Master will be justified in arJ!~estll!lg their charters. The proposition which I offer cannot poss.ibly cost Grand Lodge more tban five hundred dollars. 1 think it will cost it will be of ine'stlmable advantage to some of our poor Lodges, or if fail to take adv'antage of the provisions made for them, they had better cease to exisL I therefore propose to offer during this Grand Lodge a resolution willen I offered SQme years ago, but which was then voted (lown. It is to the e1f~ct that D'i-strict Lecturers shall be allowed iive dollars a d.ay an<i actual e~p,ellses when vls.itln.g a Lodge. to be paid by the Lodgr,e Visited, lIrel,iilLea that if aay vlsite'd is unable to pay such compensation and expenses, shall the same to the Grand Secretary, who shall thereupon draw a. warrant upon the Grand Treasurer fo.r the actual expenses onIr ofstlch visItation; pro1)i£(Zea further, that no .more than ten dollars shall be pa.id. to a.ny one DisN."iet Lecturer under the provisions of this resolution, and Vf'o'l.?'i(Jed further, that no more than 1\ive hundred and fifty dollars shall be e:x:p,ended by virtue of this resolution. State Lodges of InstructIon have be,en Jae~d at ~Jefferson City, Sedalia. Moberly. Lexington and Macon City, at each of which Grand Master William F. Kuhn presided. OWing to tIle 10ng UlneslSof Grand l\1'aster J ol1n C. Yocum, the usual number was not held. From reports of District rJectur~rs and other information I am assured that these meetings resulted in great good. .Sneb meetin,s .should be encouraged by the Grand Lodge. 'l'here is notbing that so enkindles th~ faces and enlivens the hearts of our country Brethren as a visit from the Gra.nd :l\tlaster. Such meetings are necess,arlly held at any one only in the course of several years. In the meantime a number of. e17thusiastic Brethren have bee,n'admitte:d. This Grand Lodge elects and I hope it never will, to'Eh,e ·eralted positIon of Grand aSR!re profoundly versed· iri;its Ititnal and doctrin(:~s. To hisuttera.nces a;re a.l,'~~ie~~ti.onof the divine light of might not. otherwise re~i"V~,..?r otherwise receiving, might aplpre~cia~te. Even the gr.ay-hea.a~d veterans are renewed and by llearin.g the . old stOlry and its old lessons. occasionally to myself iaI1d to some of the Lecttu·el·s "Tr'lIA".l~ T'it70" too much, wha.tevEu·tha.t term may mean. Some is the work, we don't care Why it is the work." I have ~e is the best teacher of ¥asofnry that can prop,erly interpret its ceremo:.a.ie$ a.nd unfold a:md enforce its have encouraged my Depu.ties t.<:> the performan,ee of these ~g;ar(:I;]e'f~S of the cavilings of c.a,ptlOit'ls. "rltles. ela.'hlled by good and welr..·intentloned Brethren in various
that I intentionally, delil);el~ately and arbitrarily change
of Mi88 0 uri.
the worl{ of the Grand Lodge from year to year. Brethren sometimes say, ""1 learned the work from you ten, twenty or thirty years ago, as the case may be. I have the work as you taught it then, but I can't keep up with your changes." Perhaps the best answer I can make to this is by relating a circumstance which cccurred while M. W. Bro. J. P. Woods was Grand Master. He was presiding at a Lodge of Inst·ruction when some Brother arose and said ~ "I have the work as Bro. J\lcDowell taught it ten years ago, but I can't keep up with his changes." Bro. \Voods immediately arose and said: "You are mistaken, my Brother. Bro. McDowell used to change the work every year, until about fifteen years ago, when I became thoroughly posted, since which time he has not changed it." He meant, of coul'rse, that one thorougllly versed in the W0rk would necessarily know that it had not thl'OUgh the changing years, except such .proper verbal changes made by the Grf,Jud· Lodge itself. earnest endeavor, and that of my DeputIes, to impress alone tbe pro]j)er ~rendition of the ititual, but also, and the mora.!, pbilo/sophic and religious features of QUI' we have, in the very nature of things, been but partially many of our Bretbren are members of various modern rush their candidates through the Degrees careless of anythe immediate Impressions made upon their minds as they jostle through the ceremonies. This is having an injurious effect on Ii"reenulsonry. Lodges should see to it that their candidates are thoroughly informed step by step as they advance in Freemasonry. I have held Lodges of Instruction at Keytesville, CentraHa, Montgomery Poplar BlutT, Commerce, St. l\fary's, Harrisonville, Otterville, Washington, Salem, SUllivan, Cuba, LIberty, Lawson, Witt, Sumner, Meadville, Callao, Albany, .Bethany, Hopkins, New Franklin, Musselfork, Clarksdale, lVlaitland, Madison, Rolla I hav~ in addition visited a large number of individual Im.atrnctions and assisting in conferring Degrees.
Reports been rec~iveq fpom. nearly all the District Lecturers. They each .report a~(I ba,r:r:g.ony preva.iUng in their respective Districts, and that the work of I:1'lr~m~tsQnry Is bel!),g zealously carried fQlrwar<L If no marked Improverllent has been. Il1acfle,' tJl,e.~ebas been no retrogression. Th~ Lecturers have faithfUlly performed tbeir (iu Ues to the Cr~ftand lreceived as their highest reward the conscious;ness. of quty well done and the approbation of their Brethren. If any fault were to be found it m.ight be said, I think truthfully, that some of the Lodges are doing more wQlrk than they cando weH. It might be well for some of them to pause and ta·lte time to thoroughly polIsh the living stones they are placing in our Masonic Temple. A majority of the District Lecturers are also District Deputy Grand Masters, and their Ireports in those two positions are neces-sa.rU,y practically the same. I therefore refer to the reports of the District Deputies which will be. pUbliAbed with the proceedings, for the condItions of the Districts. Without intending to make an invidious distInction, I select for insertion the repOlrts of the Lecturera of two Districts, Which, owing to their nnmerical importance and the· many responsibilities and the duties -devolved upon them, deserve special notice. Bro. Robert .R. Kreeg,er,ot Kansas City, Plstrlct Lect1;lrer Qf th,;e Twentieth Dt!strlct, reports as fonows: "D}1lring· the M,a'S!()lllc year JaOW ne.r:b.lg lts .cIGse, as your1"&l>re,sep. t,tive ia theT'we/J.ltie th District of Ml!ssouJ,"i,mnch
Proceedings of the
time has been devoted to the instruction of members of the fraternity in what may be termed a private or individual manner. This was In addition to the regular Lodge of Instruction opened in Kansas City at the beginning of January and continuing in weekly sessions until the last of February. These meetings were attended by a sufficient number of Brethren to tax to its u tmos't the capacity of the Lodge room in which they were held. I take pride in stating that the interest manifested by those present may safely be regarded as all theevideuce necessary to establish the sIncerity of their 2Ieal the institution, and prove their desire to prepare themselves to perform the wc>t"k to be done in thei·): various positIons in an impressive, and, at tbeBame tIme, accurate and intelUgent manner. The interest manifested at all thecse meetings by pra.cti..eally all in attendance, including those who were not in in their respeicthre Lodges, as well as those who were, demonstrated all questiondonbt that the leading spirits in Masonic work locality desired ba.sis of the institution and conform to requi(rements of Lodge in their efforts to impart Masonic While we may not attal.ned that proficiency which wou~d meet your unq:aalified we shall continue in ouretrorts in that direction, and hope some be able to tl'uthfully say, "Well done." Bro. 'VHHam E. of St. Louis, District for the rrhirty-thlrd District, 'reports as "During the I hava conducted regular Lodges of Instruction, including the meetings of the Craftsmen's Club. During the months of January and Febl'tuu~y I exemplified the Masonic .work at the regular weekly Lodge of conducted by R. W. Bro. '''''iIliam A. Hall. D. D. G.};!. Meet.ings were held on each Saturday during these months from 7 :flO until 10 :30 'l'lhe entke \Vork was exemplified at the successive mecetings, including of the Ritual and tIoor work of all the Degrees 'a.nd ceremonies. "In behalf of the Craftsmen's Club, I have the honor to report that it has proven. itself eminently successful as a means of teaching the otIicial Masonlc,wotk of this Jurisdiction.IThe .greatest interest has been dIsplayed 'by an ,increasing nnmber of Brothers desirous of learning the work cOl'rectly 'and thoroughly. I feel assured that it will continue to pro·ve of great benefit to all of the Brethren of this JurisdictIon, and besides, .wUI be one of the su!resf methods of transmitting the wOl'k unhnpalred to future generations. Tbe success of the Craftsmen's Club isanotherproo,f of the efficIency ofeODX~;el"ted . aetion ov€-r individual effort: '\'Vel1a-ve·a. .strong organization, worlUn~ tp~etn..er in pe.ace and harmony fortllleone aim of improving the work.Of.t~i~Dlstrlct. The results accompUShe(f.~re much greater than could 1iavebe~iachlev.ed by anyone individual. In this work I have been very ably. 8;ssils.t.e(,1: by the following list of instructors: "Class/tn Candidates' Lectures-M. W. Bro.· John D. VincU.. "Class In Initiatory Ceremonies---W. Brco. :m. H. Michel. "Class: 11J1I\!(ast&rs' Lecture, }l1lrst Degree:---clUUus C. Garrell. "CJs.s,$ ttl S!~condS,e'ctlon, Second Degl-ee--.W•. Bro. Jacob Lam.pert. "Class in .Historical Section, Third Degree---W .m. Hoke. "Clas,s .In. Floor Work, including opening and closing-W. In. Hoke.. HClassiE: Masonie Custom-M. 'v. Bro. JohnD.VlncIl. "Class ttl. Rules of Debate-W. Bro_ R. Gelatry. '~Class in.· General Tnstruction-R. "'''. Bro. Wm. A. Hall. H
Grand Lodge of Mw,souri. .A:rTENDANCEo
9 47
Total. 1314 2444
Average per meeting. 136 52
Regular Lodge of Instruction The Craftsmen's Club
"We have been honored by the attendance of roany visiting Brethren, both from this and other Jurisdictions, inclUding several of the DIstrict Lecturers. The Craftsmen's Club Is open to all Master Masons in good standing, meliIlbets or not. I thank you for your own attendance at so many of meeti.ngs." Fraternally submitted, ALLAN McDOWELL,
Grana Lecturer'.
Accounts submitted a report, the same and is as follovvs:
To The Gr€J.fl,(] Lod(le of
Free afJ'z,d Accepted .llfasofl,s of the State of
Mi8sourl. Committee on Accounts, appointed at the last Communication of I;odge, would respectfully report that they have performed the t)o them, and have carefnlly examined the returns from all S1ai-~)I~d.l:ta.a1te Lodges in this Masonic Jurisdiction In connection with the Grand Secretary, ond have examined and compared the the Grand Seeretary on the Grand Treasurer in connection with the Gloand Treasu.rer's report. The accounts of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer correspo.nd, and are correet In every particular. 'We find as fonows: Balance on hand October 11, 1902
$38,678 24
Balance dues 190:! $457 fees, 4 Lodges, OctOber, 1902 80 Dl:~p'E~nsiatjl'<:m fees, 5 Looges, U. D 150 account defun~t Lodges 179 quit-claim deed ..•......•...•.. 1 'l'hree Graves, Masonic lot, Bellefontaine Cemetery...... 30 Refunded by Bro. Jno. W. Owen, G. 'rUer. 26 Refunded by R. v,r. Bro. A. McDowell, G. L . .: ..••. 14 t"hecks returned, account pay 1'011..................... 28 o
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ••
Dues 1903 up to and Including October 12, 1903 •••
00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 90
965 95
$39,639 19
.85,830 00
P?'oceeding8 of the
Masonic Home, one-half dues 1902 Printing Proceedings, 1902 Postage $286 Printlng and stationery. 317 l\:tent, telepbone 60 Clerical wen'x on Register"... 600 Advertis,ing -.......................... 14 Grand Master's printing account........ 13 R~p'airing oftice clock 4 13 0
. _, ......•.. ,............
$17,375 50 1,000 00 00 40 00 00 80 50 50 70 ••
6 00
Ice 15 55 Cards for , .. , , , .. 25 00 1,356 45 Salary Grand Secretary , . 2,500 00 500 GO Salary Committee COl·respondence ..•.... 2,250 00 Salary Grand 150 00 Salary Grand 'rre::1SUl'er. ,............. . ..... 150 00 Salary Gl'and Tiler 550 00 M. W. Grand Master ror expenses , . 840 00 Rentoflice Grand Secretary .. , , . 4,719 75 Pay roll 12 15 Special D·eputy ,....... . . Charity " , . 620 10 School of Instruction for District I..Iccturers, .... , .. 13 69 gxchange on checks .......•...................... 103 70 J:.~xpenses Communication, 1902. ~ . 231 50 McKinley memorial expense, September, 1902 . LayIng <'.:orner-stone Missouri Building', World.'s B'air 558 95 Grounds . 254 00 11~xpense funeral Jno. C. Yocum, G. IV!. . Contlngent,fnnd .•..•....................••..... Delegate to Philadelphia CentenniaL $100 00 Premium bond G. S.................. .75 00 Expense Grand!! 'l'Uer .....•.•......... 35 05 ]~xpense Transportation COlnmlttee...... 10 00 220 05 0
Grand Master's PortraIt
,- • • • • • •
. . . . .. . . .. . . . ..
1,400 2,500 500 2,250 150
00 00 00 00 00 150 00 500 00 840- 00 4,696 80 100 00
850 00 800 00
103 70 231 50
250 00
50 00 -_._._- -_ - -----$34,516 25 $16,372 00 . ...
to Masonic Hom.e
$1,000 00
17,875 50
Severa] items of expenditures have exceeded amounts appropriated:
Fortne M. W. Grand Master, $50 additlo:nal being recruired for his expens:es. Thee:x:ces:s on. aceount of _pay roll was caused by claims made after Com.m.ittee on Pay Ron had reported. An excess of $200 on account. of Charity wa,$ for amo:ant reeommende(i by the .committee on Charity, to be paid 011 the approval of the Grand Master, in addition to amount _appropriated by the Committee. The amounts expended for posta.ge, printin.g and incidentals are $43.55
within the _appropriation. Only $12.15 of _the appropriation of $100 for Special Deputies was used. ' The amount of $50 appropriated for portrait of Grand Master was not used.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
The amount appropriated by Conlmittee on ""'ays and Means was $16,372. Total amount of expenditure, less Masonic lloroe aCCQunt, was $17,140.75, being in excess over appropriation of $768.75. Allowing for unexpected dis~ bursemen ts of $913.36, the usual expenditures are within $144.61 of the amounts appropriated. 'Ve find the balance on hand with the Treasurel- on October 12, 1903, to be $40,952.94. Your committee find that the bool\:s and accounts of the Grand Secretary are neatly and accurately kept. ,\Vith the clo$est examination we fail to find asln,gle errol". We recommend that the G):.路and J.Jodge appropriate $250 to cover unex~ pecte.de~p!enditul'es which fire not provided for in the regular appropriation Fraternally submitted,
Committee on Correspondence, submitted was ordered published in the ProGrand Lodge. See Appendix. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION.
Secretary announced, as is shown in his report, that the vote on the proposed Amendlnents to tIle had faJlen far short adoption, as only about one-fifth of the Lodges in the State had taken action on the subjeet. . '\...IViUI.>.;;lL,J.iU\,A.UJ,V'l.l.
motion of M. W. Bro. R. F. Stevenson, M. \\T. Bro. Givan, John D. Vincil, Jos. S. Browne and E. F. Allen, Inernbers of the Board whose terms had just expired, were re-elected as their own successors. The Grand Lodge was then 3:15 this afternoon.
Proceedings oj the
October 20, 1903.
The M. W. Grand Lodge was CALL~JD TO LABOR at 3:15 P. M., by R.W. Bro. 'Vm . F. Kuhn, Acting Grand Master. The usual Grand Officers were in attendance. Prayer was offered , by the Grand Rev. Bro. J. II. 1filler. MASONIC HOME REPORT.
M. 'V. Bro. Noah 1fasonic Home, ordered printed in
President of the Board of annual report, whicll vtas See Appendix.
The COlnmittee
chairman, Bro. R. F." ~tf~Veng~')n_ report and the same was
Address, through its tIle following
LlJ1L.&.'"'I1J'U''l,,,''I..A ..
ST. LOUIS" Mo." October 20, 1903. To The Grand I.Jof,lge of Ancient Free atl-d A<,'cept6cZ }1la8ons .M..i8so1.tri:
the state of
Your committee. to whom was assigned the duty of reporting in relation to the annual address of the i\"cting Grand Ma.ster, submit. as follows: "Sorrowing, most of all, that we shan see his路 face no more," we have undertaken the review of. the oflicialact~ of the late Grand Master, John Campbell Yocum, as submitted to this body by the Deputy Grand Master, in connection with his own action as the legitIxnatesttecessor provided in the
Bo,Q;k (,)~9Q~stitu Hon. The.faetof disability, as('ertained by a committee of. close MasQni~/"a$iS(lelates of our late Grand .f;oUowedso Immediately by his dem~s,e,. justifies' in our路 opinion the th~ Deputy Grand Master in takingcha.);'ge of the affairs of the and w'e recommend that sncha,ctI()D be~pproved. tOg'~ther with the .m~llP.Odalnot1ce of deceased. ~"e recommend apnrova! of the official acts of our late Grand Master, as appea~()f record in the offiC"e of the Gra.ndiSecretary, and rep'orted to tbi.s body b,v the Aeting Grand ~laster at therH路~s~ntse'$s.ion. 'Wel"ecommend that so much of the annual address relating to Fraternal Dead b~;ref~'rred to. tie standing Commltteeo,j:Obituaries. Believing that thIs Grand IJodge In its representatIve capacity" or through its standing Committee on Jurisprudence, by report subsequently sanctioned, is the final interpreter of its law, we reeommend that I!luchp,ortion ot the An~ual Address relating to Section 10 of Art. 2, Grand Lodge By-L.aws, be
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
referred to the Coroml ttee on Jurisprudence for a clear determination of its meaning. We recommend approval as to laying corner-stones, nominations for Grand Representatives, and appointments of DIstrict Deputy Grand Masters. Regretting the necessity, we recognize the pertinent suggestions ot the Acting Grand Master in his eirc1Jlar letter to the Lodges of the State, and recommend its approval enjoIning the Masters of the Lodges to discretionary ellforcemen t. So lnnch of tbe annual address relatIng to dIspensations for removal and dedication of haBs merits approval, and we so recommend. 'Ve recommen\d for ap"proval the dispensations for election of officers, except those to A:n1llazonia I..Jodge, No. 320, and Hazelwood Lodge, No. 459, relating to eIeetfonof .Tunior 'Varden. Ina.srouch as the construction of law, S,ec. 100 will be involved in the decisions o( the Acting Grand Master, we re~'el'l~n('~e of tbese dispensations to tne Committee on Jurisprudence. recommend reference of dispensaitlon for ContInental Lodge, at to Committee on Lodges Under Dispensation. law being strictly prohibitive and the Mosaic law impera.. commend the Acting Grand Master for his Inflexible adherence and I.Jodge meetings on thenrst day of the week, commonly we recommend approval of dispensation to reout of prescribed time. of tlle Grand Lodge, strictly prohibits circular letapplying fOl" donations, but permIts exercise of discretion in such cases.. 'Ve, therefore, recommend for approval Ke.nneg:y Lo'dge, No. 329. of settlements effected by the Acting Grand Master relating and jurisdiction of I.lodges complaining, we recom· ballotin~
Master, W. Bro. C. R. Norman, of Delphian Lodge, reference to a special committee. The aeelsiot'ls of the ·"&cting Grand Ms..stier numbered from one to six Inclusive. some of them Involving impoFtant (jli~'~stions of administratIon, are recommended for reference to the Co'mmitteeion .JurIsprudence. That portion of tlle report of the A.(~ting GrandMaster relating to the Home. together with that concernIng the contingent bequest of Bro W. H. Smith, of l\<fontevaHo should be referred to the standing CommIttee on ~Iasonic Home. and we so recommend. All matters contained in the address having relation to Grand I.lodge property should be investigated by s. speC'laI commlttee1 and we recommend that such r~ference be made. We l'ecomnlend refer(~nce to Committee on Ways and Means of that portion of tb:~address relating to Chairmen of Committees. Among the powers spe('ift<.1ally declared as belonging to the Grand Master during the recess of the Grand Lodge is that requiring conformity of IJodges to ~Iasonic law and nsage. The Masonic law as to dramshops and lSaloon~keep,ing is as potent agaInst the practice, though it be conducted under another name: and the moral law is the basis of the entire socIal fabrIc, and when disregarded by corrupt. and corrupting individuals, Masons C1" profane~ should be sttsta~ned by every. force enlisted under its banner. We, theref&:re, cOnlnlen,€l for approval by this. Grand Lod.ge· the ·ef!orts made by onr Aetlng Grand Master in requiring the Lodges name.d .. to <leal $l:Ij~PE~n<4ted
Proceedings of the
Masonically ,and morally with their l't:1calcltrant members who have defied its mandates. III the matter of dispensations recalled for cause from Mound Lodge, U. D., at Amsterdam, :.\Iro., we r~commend reference of the entire case, with papers, to the Committee on Lodges Under Dispensation. We recommend rGfe re,n.ce of al I cases of Suspended Charters to the Coromittee on Chartered Lodges. . We recommend AO much of the Acting Grand ~Iaster's address relating to State I;odgod of Instruction be referred to Committee on Ritual. That portion of the address relating to fraternal recognitIon, involving questions requit'ing investigation, we reeommend its reference to a special (~ommJttee of five Past~ Grand Masters. We recommend that subJect of Clandestine Lodges be referred to the incoming Grand 1Ylru.qter. RevisIon or compilation law contemplates much labor and expense. Its a.dvisability at any tim',e should})e preceded by carefUl consideration. ""Ve, therefore, rec:omlllend reference (l,t this matter to the Committee on .Jurisprudence. Thus we conclude the preliminary revie'w and ref·erence of the labor of a busy year. "'e are impressed 'by the fact~ that while the invisible hand may remove the iuc'umbent, under the l\cfasonic system the Grand Master still lives, al\d the grand wOl'k goes ~n; as designs upon the trestleboard, outlined by square, plumb-UnerJUle, the if ever completed, will approximate the ideal, alwaysdfdpendlng on the skill and fidelity of the :Mastel' hand. FraterIlal1y submitted,
.Acting Grand Master announced the following Committees: STANDING COMMl'rTEES. tIP:l?IS;J?~.I1P~~cm•...,.....vVm. M. Williams, Qfrt,a~rman.; Campbell Wells., Francis A.. :Ye~.¢h,Jacob Lampert, R. J1]. L. Sxnlt,l1,M. T. Balsley, C. A. Goben, :X:e~oP\b~J). .Ryl~n·dJ.
~-nlll'D]t~TrA.Ls.-lFhos. A. MHburn, OhcMrman; 'Taylor B. Wyrick, T. J. ,\Valker. C. L. Alexander, F. R. 'Voelfie, J. R. Lightfoot, B. P. Miles. Gll:I:EVANClllS.-D. A. .Jamison, OhQ"irmam,;W. R. Anthony, Preston Randolph, Robert W. Adams, Edward HIgbee, Victor E. Falkenheiner, George M1Jnger.
Grand Lodge.oj Missouri.
LODGES U. D.--Frank L. Magoon. Ohairrrnan,. Phil. B. Isaacson, W. W. Voelker,O. A.. Swearington, Geo. W. Bailey, M V. Ausherman, Frank S, Vernon. ACCOUNTs.-John H. Deems, Ohairma'J~;Louis M. Burns, Chas. A. Gewe.
RITUAL.-A.llan "McDoweh, 01u§l.iirman,; Campbell Wells, R. R. Kreeger, C. ,V. Bolster, D. M. Wilson. WAYS AND MEANS.-J. B. Thomas, Ohairman; V. F. Boor, M. W. Eckert, S. J. Jones, E. C. Brook, H. Wamsley, C. W. Robert.son.
OBITUA~UE1S.-C. H. Briggs, Ohairman ,; Alfred Edwards, J. M. Dillinger. D. A. S. 'fb.l.S,ley, A. A. Sm.ith, T. T. Garnett, R. W. Paris. ,1..n'_"'~""JJ:.U:;L"'>-
A. Rosebrcrugh, OharErman; B. Kirk, H. W.
...... ~""~;L..... '••"'J,
A. L. Ross.
M. H o u g h , R . Stevens, A. Kamp, lIenry P. Eond, O. Daugherty. r·~"lj!..,'(,,,--Jr-:Lt"jlll-'"
I.ihotl, Ohairman; S. M. Hoc~er, H. C. Pollman, W. R. Hunter, S. C. Anderson. A. Kage. Olulit'1nan,. G. S. McClanahan, John R. Hanna, Seth M. Henkley, G. P. Brewington.
~. ".",n"''''''''.'--.Ia"".
M. Breckenridge, Ohairman; A. D. L. IIamllton, Wright, 13\ W. Smith, J. L. Eaton, C. E. Pyle.
CliAlnTY.--F. J. rrygard, Ohait·'/'J'1,att.; J. C.Humes, II. D. M. Doerner, 'VID. G.Manly, David. rr. Aitchison, g. Phelps, J. F. Miller. Ho~rre.-R.M. Hyams, Ohair'ma?'L; W. L. 'Vhipple, S. fl. Griffin, Cline, Jas. Moss, David l\feekel', J. L. Barger.
W. H. Frame, Ohairmat1l:l· Simon Suss, H. M. Cannon, V\im. HUkerbanmer,H. M. De Vault. 'l'RIAL OF
F,.A.Jlen,. OhairrrIJan,,' W. R. Stubble-
field, J. C. Finagin, R. F. Stevenson,C. H. Briggs. CASEYVILLE I>HOPERTY.-R. E. Anderson, 01z,airman, J' JohnR. Parson,
S. R. Wood.
The amendnlents to the By-Laws of tIle Grand L~dge subIllittedat the last annual session were taken up for consideration: The fitlnendment to Section 159 proposing dualmernbership in Lodges, was called up and a motion made to adopt. The same was lost.
Proceeding8 of the
Amendment to Section 66, Grand Lodge By-Laws restricting the fees for the Degrees to Fifty Dollars in Lodges located in cities where there are ten or niore Lodges was called up. An was offered and accepted Inaking the law applicable to citl,es where there are fifteen or· more Lodges. The vote was then taken upon the alnendlnent when it was not
Amendment to Section 1, .l\rticle I, of the By-Laws, was called up and passed over for present.
.A.mendment to Section II, Article II of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge concerning office of Grand 'l"reasurer was read and an amendment when the same was adopted by an overwhellning majority. rrhe law as amended is as follows: Sec. ll.-G1:'and Treusul'(~r. rl'h.e Grand Treasurer shall receive from the Grand ·Secretal"Y all funds and securities .O'f the Grand Lodge, and deposit the sa.me in the name of this Grand Lodge·' in some bank or trust company, to be approved by ~e Grand ~rasteraD,d Chairman of the Committee on Ways and :Means, said bank or trust 'comp,any to furnish the Grand Lodge a good and sufficient bond to se('ure. the same for a sum equal to double the amount of moneys deposited, which bond shall also be approved by the Grand J\Iaster and Chairman of Committee on 'Vays and ~Ieans. It aha 11 be his dnty to attend the annual communications of the Grand Lodge and, when required,. to meet the Grand Officers and committees with bis books and all necessary documents relating to his office; to make a fnll report at the annual communication; to pay all warrants drawn on him by authority of th~ Grand Lodge; at the commencementO'f his term of office to execute and file with the Grand Mast~r his official guaranteed by a reliable surety tn· Such sum as th€l determine, to be renewed Grand Master or Grand of such bond to be paid by the GralldLodge. C9ndltfoned will faithfully discharge the· duties of his. ofliee, and will deliver on demand of the Grand Master, or the Grand. Lodge, or his successor in office, nlI ftl:t\ds and prop,erty of the Grand LOid'ge,. in his poss,essloD., and deliver to hIs successor in office, all moneys, togenne::!: With all books, papers, vouch~ ers, Securities, jewels,ete., in his possessiQ:p. belongJ,p..g to the Grand Lodge, taking duplicate. receipts for same, one of which Shall be delivered to the Grand Secretary. He shall receive for his services the sum of. two hundred dollars ($200) per annum.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
MEMORIAL. R. 'V. Bro. I. V. McMillen prese~ted the following Me.. in behalf of Kennedy Lodge, No. 329. The same was received, ordered printed and sent over to the session of to-morrow for consideration. l{ennedy I..ro,dge, No. 329, located at EIIQ.o, Mo., was on the of :M:ay, 1903, destroyed by a cyclone, which blew down their buildandcrlppllng several of their members, and in which said Lodge met was owned by it, on liU1d:eb'bQdl'lless at the time of its destruction of some
are now engaged in rebuilding subscription from other Masonic
paid its dues to this Grand Jurisdiction Lodge for the purpose of aiding said Lodge Sec'ret~tr:y
appropriate for said purpose the sum of $100) is hereby instrncted to send the Secretary of said
appearing the Grand l.. odge WH.S until 8 o'clock this evening when it purpose of exeu1plifYing the work.
cGtnvene for
ST. LOUIS,October 20, 1903.
'fhe GrarldLodge 'vas
CALLED" TO LABOR, pursuant to at 8 P. M., by Brother Wm. F. I{uhn, Acting Grand Master. rrhe Grand Officers were present as heretof0re. rrhe session being held for the purpose of instruction the Grand Lodge was placed in charge of R W. Bro. Allan McDowell, Grand Lecturer, who, assisted by the Grand Officers, exemplified the work ill the :F'irst and Second De!grees., At 10 P. M. the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM LABOR until to-morrow lnorning at 9 o'clock.
Proceedings of the
ST.LoUIS, October 21, 1903. The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at9 A.M., by Acting Grand Master Brother W m. F. Kuh.n.Other Grand Officers were in their places. Prayer offered by Rev. Brother Xen. Ryl~nd, Acting Grand Chaplaill.
'rhe nlinuteHof the several sessions of y~sterday were read and approved. BOARDS OF RELIEF.
Reports frOIn the several Boards Relief in the Jurisdiction were submitted, ordered printed, and are as follows: KANSAS OITY BOARD OF RELIEF. l
Cash balance on hand J111y 3IRt, 1902 Received from Albert Pike Lodge, No.2UI Receiv~d frOID Kansas City Lodg-e. No. 2iO Received from Rural Lodge, No. 316......... Receiv~d from South GateLodg~, No. 547....................... Rec~ived from Gate City Lodge. No. 522 Received from Heroine Lodge, No. 104.............. .. Received from. Temple Lodge, No. 299....................... Received from Westport Lodge, No. 340........ Receiv~d from York I.JOdge. No. 563......... .. Received from Ivanhoe Lodge, ~o. 446 Received from all other sources..
$ 242 57
30 185 140 110 135 135 250 105 95 205
••. ~ •• ~......
'l'otal receipts Disbursements as per 126 vouchers on file Cash balance on hand July 31st, 1903......................................................... EDWIN DAWSON,
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00 00 14
$2,644 71 2,356 25 28R 46
Fraternal1y·sul>mitted, V. F. BOOR,
$2,644 71
Selyretary and Treasurer. ST. JOSEPH BOARD OF RELIEF: Balance on hal1dlast report Receipts from Lodges during year Receipts from. other sources Disb,ursements durin.g the year Balance on hand ~
$ 864. 88
Fraternally submitted, W. M. CAMPBELL, Vice President.
. ".n
.. .
62 a9
JOHN BRODER, Sec'retary.
Grand Lodge of
~ .....................................•................. $1,105 45 . '" .
Balance on hand last report , Receipts from Lodges dl1ring yeoar
~ ;~ ~f~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;j~ ~:~;~ ~;: : : :;:j.:.: i: ;: ~ : ~:i;: : ~·: : L: :~ ~: : : ~i :·:·: : : L: ;i~i~:~ : ~ ~:~!~ E MARTIN QOLLINS, Pres'ident.
Fraternally submitted, WM. SESSING HAlTS, SeCtetm·y.
,Ai"'I!'~'''''t'''''' ~,1!
1902..,....... .•....
$307 51
No. 5 No. 271 .. " TernpleLodge. No.4:2'2 .. . I)aso, 'l'exHs ... " ....................... n
45 105 210 15 62
: ,......
50 00 00 00 00 60
9 00
Lodge, No. H:3a
108 60
$555 70 $863 21
,F(}I~ as:8ilit,aJl~~e furnished 11 brothers
31st, 1903
--.... '....
187 00
$676 21
inti:eb.t,e<ltleSs of Gaiter of the Temple Lodge, No. 422, reported in our last report,
a.nd their payments are up to July 31st, 1903.
Fraternally submitted, E. N. FERGUSON, Sec'retatl/.
At 1 o'clock the Grand Master announced that the order of the \\rns the delivery of an oration by tIle Grand Orato.r, R. W. Bro. \Vn1. Southern. Brother Southern was allddelivered the following address:
Wn:atever enters into the life of m,en and points out a better and higher way, whatever smooths the rugged road over which we all travel from the cradle to the grave, whatever teaches firmer friendship, greater love and words of truth, whatever brings brighter ideals and p.oints higher ,hopes and an immortality for the future, must be of an inherent benefit to all mankind. Menand. motives of towday are measured by a s.pirit of personal,pra.etical G. L. PRO.-S.
Proceedings of the
results and unless the iconoclast can be shown the naked soul of beauty and usefulness of the perfect statuary, it falls a broken, and shattered, nameless wreck of pieces at his feet. Unless the idealist can be taught through sentiment and spirit that there are greater beauties and higher glories beyond what he can se'e and hear, his creation crumbles to indistinguishable dust and vanishes from the mirages of his seeking mind. 'Vhat scarl~t thread woven with continuous length through the great fabric of freernasonry shows bright and unbroken from the building of King Solomon's Temple under the direction of three Grand lVlasters, to the present day, in the sunlight of greater civilization and utilitarianism. Is that line dimmed and obscured because, having served its purpose, the 'workmen have added the tessellated border and declared the \vork finIshed; or does it still show a part of a more beautiful' fabric yet to be unrolled in still more wonderful designs under ~he hands of more skillful workmen? Whatever is of no use in the world perishes of its own weight. The lives of great men shone out upon the stage of the past as if occupying the entire world with their brightness, but having served
their purpose, they have taken their places in the silent chambers of the dead and are remembered no more forever. A period has fallen at the close of their greatness and they are set apart, each one in his a,ppointed niche, 'while others, unmindful of their glory, conle upon the stage of the world. New students of history and of the panoramic views of the present day aris.e to find one wonderful institution which has survived the birth and death of kings, the duration of empires, the forlnation and destruction of republics and the edicts of Popes. Perhaps, before becoming a part of this magnificent organization, they study its history and wonder that Freemasonry is still ne\v and strong, adapted as well to the present day as to the past, when it banded men together fo'I' the accomplishment of saIne gre,at undertaking which has long ago been finished, or held the lives of men ina secret sign and word. They find it 路drawing into its membership the greatest thinkers,ll the wisest churchmen, the strongest statesmen and that every one is loyal. They must and do decide that in it there is some immortal soul of life. It is said that it required the WOrk of 200,000 men twenty years to build the great pyralnids of Egypt, made to carry down to the history of all ages the names and greatness of the kings who directed the 路work. Yet those kings are to~day but dusty mummies, hidden within the walls of the tombs erected at the cost of so much
Grand Lodge oj Missouri.
blood and treasure, their names forgotten' and their glories unsung, while the simple story of the good Samaritan who stepped' aside fronl his path to minister to the wants of a wounded stranger is famili.ar to·day to every school hoy. The kings who built the pyra· ITlids sought to perpetuate their greatness by the immensity of their aecompUshment 'with men and stones, while the good 8amaritan had no thought beyond that of relieving a suffering stranger, who to him was a brother because of that suffering. Better that the world should lose many libraries than the sim.p1e story of the good Samar·
itan. l:feI'f~ found that scarlet thread which marks the history FreenlRsonry and shows brighter to·day than even in the past. Samaritan bunded by his simple act a fame from which is of eternal life. Freemasonry builded upon the Hfe, lasts as long as friendship, love and truth of hUlllan kind. A principle never dies if it Irhat freelnasonry contains this life is n.fYr\ol~'ll"t·a of Ulen 'who represent one section of not dreamed of \vhen our institution first nlen together.
theory that that man is of no account who in h~s no bitter enemies; that ·organization which is not ~'''''.o:n.'I;.'!U;. has no force of eharacter and will die.' There is absolutely no progress ill this 'world or the next \vithout opposition. The great ...."...., ..A" ...'...... \.,. Church, most powerful for good and holding tlle allegiance of hundreds of 7.housallds" excommunicates Freemasonry. Many good nlen o:f other ehurches declare against the fraternity, we are con· strained to believe, because they do not understand its principles or its purposes. lVIen point to memhers of this great Order unworthy to sit in eouneil or to press the hand of friendship. Were it just thatvve be cond emned for the sins of a fe.w, then the gr,eat Church of Christ 'would also be condemned. There a.re men who become members of the chureh 'with deliberate intent to cover an evil soul and black designs \vith a \vhite mantle of purity, yet for this the church is not condemned. Such men luay even accomp'tish good for others by their teachings ,vhich they themselves may not helieve. Men enter Masonry that the outward badge of respectability and worth may attach to them power to which they are not entitled. The hypocrite in the church sits on the front pew and cries Amen and Amen louder than all the rest. The un\vorthy Mason is found at front of all public processions of Masonry with the biggest badge and the whitest apron. (;I;i,.,I..
Proceedings oj the
If the ceremonies of initiation in the L·odge rooms were all there is to lVIasonry, if it only served as a place of temporary pleasure and enjoyment for one or two nights each month,. if we wore our friend- . ships as a badge upon the lapels of our coats only when in' the Lodge room, and cast theln aside in every-day life, Masonry would long ago have perished miserably as a useless thing. The ties that bind us together are never loosed, the principles that are taught are not kept locked up in. a property room wi,th the silken regalia; the bed of sickness and the home of death are made to rejoice in loving care and blessed promise. There is that in the heart of every man that yearns for companionship and sympathy, for someone to whom the spirit will converse while the lips are silent. The old philosophers. sometimes became hermits and in the solitude of a cave near the mountain top communed with nature and with God. Their spirits, released from the attraet~ons and sights of theeverY"day life, looked out upon the snowy peak, the Vtraving forests singing psalms' of praise as tuned by the breezes of heaven, upon the brooks as they rose from the heart of the mountain, clear and pure, to carry life to life in the valley below. They saw the lightning spring from cloud to cloud ~nd heard the voice of the thunder rebound from the mountain peaks and the soul, fearless and una,," ed, uplifted itself from the sordid nature and proclaimed the omniscient power of a creator. The man returned to the walks of life, strengthened and more silent, with a new view <of life's work and a new .conception of his labors. His soul had tasted the silent communion of a greater power and this he gave to those \vho could not rise to his higher conceptions. He was able to see the mountains and hear the lightnings while amid the turmoil of the city, and to borro,v of them strength at all times. The young man struggling with life and m.eeting the sordid competition .and rude buffeting of others as eager a,s he, must find a ni~oun tain top. He must· form his connections and number himself as one of some band of brothers whose aims are above the tearing down of anotber. in ord·er to rise upon the. ruins. He is led up into the high· hills and low vales, where cowans and eavesdropper cannot approa.ch and is made a Mason. The beauty of the teachings finds. expression in the friendships of his brothers. He is separated from the crowd and· is taught new meanings and enjoys, a new. thrill at a handshake. He is able to withdraw himself from those in the valleY and has been promised the master's word when his labors are completed.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Masonry is arraigned as attempting to supplant the church. That is unjust. lVTaso'nry knows no sect or creed. It dernands an unfeigned belief in the one living and true God and upon this build its structure. It a beautiful system' of morals veileGl in allegory and illustrated by s:ymbols, but it offers no plan of salvation. ,Masonry is' not the physician nor the great surgeon who gives life and hope, but is oftentimes the beautiful hospital filled with fresh air, bright light of the life-giving sunshine, pretty flowers and. l;ovil1.gattelld:rants.. It, serves' its place for those with crooked buton.}y~yrif1gs them to the surgeon in' w'hich it believes.
",.,j:t, ..~~
rests upon one firm foundation. In it there creed. Men of every speech, thought, reUgioll unite upon the of brotherhood. The after light with w'hich the Hindu philosopher wrestled comnlunion, actuates thoughtful men of every an answer to many questions' in one direction The uplifted right hand and the snowy lambevery language. The broad spirit of tolerance who honestly seeks a higher plane. There is no no dividing line of place or purpose. The nl0narel1 m,eets his subject on an equality and as a brotber, in nl,asonry and nowhere els,e. We ask no one to put away his prejujoin with us~ He must be a seeker after our benefits of will ,anclaccord. His judgment must be his own. We of religion and dem路and no denial of principle. 'Ve accord to every one hi,s own rights of thought and attempt to carry him to highe.r realms, and tp assist him in his life by inculcat.. ing correct principles of mGrality~nd virtue.' He cannot charge us' with motives mercenary and selfish. If they come into his life it is outside our scope and teaching. We point him to the One living and true God, to that charity which knows no question, to a he1pful brotherhood of love and truth. Men of every nation, every clime, of all religions and all societies, have' found it enough. T'here are three kinds of Masons. The Mason who has taken the Degrees out of curiosity and after being accepted as a me,mber, never finds his way again to the Lodge room and forgets what he has heard, but has not understood. The路 Mason who attends when an ele,eUan is to take place or when. he can exhibit h.im'self in a, public procession, always pays his dues and demands to be buried with pomp and show, and the Mason who at his first inception begins to see the beauties of the Craft and to understand its tea.chings and
Proceedings of the
who studies to know and serve his Lodge with faithfulness. He pays every obligation, sustains his Lodge, accepts every assignment of duty and may be depended upon always for his w·ork. The first class never produces a real Mason. The ceremonies meant nothing and can mean nothing. One wears the gilt button but is unable to tell its meaning. The second class is a dra.g· upon society. The recognition and benefits are dem,anded and the burdens refused. The third class makes possible that progress without which the Order would long ago have fallen into decay and' been buried unknown in the great pyra;mids of the past. Like an i1?-dividual, every institution must go forward or perish. It cannot stand still. When there is no longer any use for masonry, it will die. I have a friend who has a friend who will be Grand Master of Masons next year in one of the greatest Sta:tes of this Union. Twenty years ago that man was not afraid to boast that he put his foot through everyone of the ten commandmlents. He became wealthy and a member of the Masonic fraternity. As he studied its teachings, he abandoned his lui.bits of former years. As he became more", versed in truth, he lectured other men and became worthy of the character ·.he' must assume as the teacher of other,s. When he was elected Junior Grand "Varden, he rose before that Grand· Lodge and told those present of his career. He told them his story, op :nly and honestly, that it might be known to them all and be might not bring discredit to the Order which had honored him. 'This man's Hfe stands as one among the many of wh.ich we all know where a useful character is made and brought to sturdy fruitfulness through our teachings, and who shall say how many men have been helped to gather ,a stronger hold upon the, principle,s of helpful living through the lessons taught within our halls.
Then comes the practical man and asks us the que,sti 011, "Does it pay?" Recently I saw astate.ment from a minister to the effect that if the money whieh was paid out tosup,p::ort the secret societies was exp;ended for the benefit of the' chnrch, great good could be accoID]):llished. He did not agree that great good was accomplished hythe money as we expend it, and he did not add that if the money e:x,pended for useless luxuries, for tIne clothes, for running the government and for a thousand other things~ each one of which has its bearing o:n the· human life, .were expend.e}ct in the cause of reUgio:B) great good might also be accompUsll.ed.. l1seritici.smoQmer8 not with sufficient force to cause s,erioUJs We; know of the Masonic Homes, where many good. men, wo::menchiidren are cared for and their lives made eOl'l:1:fortable and know
Grand Lodge of Mis80'uri.
of the brother M,asons, their widows and orphans who have cause to bless the expenditure of our money, and we know that where we go, the churches do not come.' But Masonry is not an insurance organizatioll, it is not a charitable instiiution~ it is not elee.. Inosynary. The man not a Mason gropes in the valleys of life. In the great struggle every man's hand is against him. His. life stands solitary am,ong hi,s feUowm.en. His mind does not rise to the heights of phHoaop'by and friendship. He knocks at the door of Masonry. As all. is given a glimpse of another life. As: a ieff taught th:itt theSc.rllare is an emblem of virtue and that as w,e travel upon that time to that undiscovered eountry from whose bourne no returns, we may step aside and enter the tilf~d recesses of the Lodge room and find an oasis in the desert. As a, Master Mason he is taught the great principles of life, jTonth~ manhood and olel age, and the resurrection after death.. He finds that silken scarlet thread which runs unbroken through the centuries oj! that brotherhood ,vith which he is now associated.. He is taught the principles of brotherly love., relief and truth. He has entered upon a new life and assumed new responsibilities. He is taught the correct principles nf living among hi,s brethren and shown that his progress is measured now by his 路ownendeavors and these will always be united with the loving help of others, who wealth of h.onors in Masonic communion. Is it and money?, I think it is. One friend such as we all find am.Q路ng our Ma.Sollicconneetions is' worth it all. I had rather have the true fri'endship of a single good man, a friendship like unto that of Davh:l and tiban to be admired and lauded for attaining highest b(!;)nors. I had such a Masonic friend who passed to his reward by an untimely death. As I sat in the desolate home watching at midnight by the side of the bier, I noted at the corner of the room a beaut.iful white flower "which had just blossomed into full wealth of maturity. It was a plant he tended ana had watched with pleasure for the time when nature bring it to full fruition. When that time came he had also born anew and the perfect snowy whiteness of that beautiful flower 1vas Bnl,blematic of the life and death and the resurrection of this, my friend. When this story was told in. the Lodge room had returned from consigning the body of this goodman gra.ve, there were tears in the eyes of every Brother, and none forget that moment wllen through the death of one,wewere thus clo.ser together. QiDe' moment such a:s this answers i
Proceedings of the
every question of doubt. One moment such as this, tells why Masonry survives and why it should survive. Our associates are "Friends given by God in mercy and in love; l\fy counsellors, my comforters, and guides; l\fy joy in grief, my second bliss in joy; Companions in my young desires; in doubt l\fy oracles; my wings in high pursuit. Oh! I remember, and will ne'er forget
Our meeting spots, our chosen sacred hours '; Our burning words, that路 uttered all the soul; Our faces beaming with unearthly love; Sorrow with sorrow sighing, hope with hope r~xulting, heart embracing heart entire."
Following the address a lTIotion was IIJade alld adopted requesting copy of the address for publication and the same appears ~bove. MEMORIAL.
rrhe Memorial presented by Brother I. V. Mc1fillen in behalf of Kennedy Lodge, No. 829, at Elnlo, "vas referred to the Conlmittee on vVays and Means. RECONSIDERED.
On motion, the action of the Grand Lodge of yesterda.y adopting arnendment concerning the Grand rrreasurer's office was reconsidered. rrhe following reconsideration was presented by Brother Campbell Wells. The same was adopted and becomes a part of the amendrnel1t as anlended in yesterday's session. Grand, Treasurer'.-'J.1heGranc1 'l'reasllrer receive from the Grand Secretary all funds and securities of the Lodge, and deposit the same in the name of this Grand Lodge in some or trust ccnnpa.uy, to approved by the Grand lVIaster and Chairmal10t the Committee $.D,Q Means, said bank or trust COIl1pany to .furnish the Grand sufficient bond securing the same, for doubLe the .amoumt of which bond shall also be approved tb.eGrancd the Committee on 'Vays and :Means.
Lodge of Missouri. RESOLUTION.
Campbell Wells introduced tIle folio"tving resolution the fl'ntire Comluittee 011 Appeals and Ci-rievanees to be appointed by the Grand lVlaster prior to the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. TIle saIne is as follows: th.e entire COlil.mlttee on Appeals and Grievances .be ap· the Gra.nd. Annual Communication of the and that at 9 o1 clock a. m. of the <lay preced ing the opening of th~ in the city where the same is and tht: members of said committee shall be paid in addition to their mi10age per (Hem the sum of two dollars each for their services. CAMPBELL WELI;S.
. Bro. It E..A.ngerson, Chairman of the
the following reports, botll of V\Tere adopted and are as follows:
on Lodge
Stl brnitted
Your committee, to WllOIn was referred the petition of John Godfrey Lehenbauer, of Marion County, Missollri., requesting this Grand Body to make to him a quit·chl.im deed toetu:t.a~B lan€ls in Marion County, Missouri, eonvej'1'ed by it to on~ J o s e p h c f . t e e d ·of date October 16, 1845, for the purpose of reconciling an apparent in the record, which shows that this Grand Body did not receive a deed to said land until May 12, 1852, . long after said conveyance to said Joseph Hassinger,. after examing into tlte connected with said transaction, and finding that this Grand Body luts no claim upon said lands, would respectfully recommend that the l\fa.stel' of this Grand Body be and he is he:rebyauthorized to make, deliver said .John G. IJehenbauer a quit-claim deed to said saId Grand l\Iaster, and attested by the Grand Secretary, this Grand Body attached thereto, upon the payment by Le1heinLbauer of the costs in.cident to the making of said con·
F'raternally sUli1>mitted, R. E. ANDERSON, JOHN R. PARSON, S. R. vVOOD.
Proceedings of the
To The Grand Lod{le ot Ancient FIj'ee anrX Accepted Masons of the State ot 1J;1i.<:J80ttri:
Your committee, to whom was referred the matter of the disposition of the Kaseyville pl'Opel'ty, after carefully considering the condition of said propert.y, find the same \vas conveyed to Kaseyville Lodge, No. 498, and the Baptist Chureh at Kaseyville, jointly, the first story to be oecupied by the church and the second story b:~;r the Lodge, there being, a provision in the deed that when used for other than religious or ~Iasonie purposes, it should revert to the grantor. 'Ve further tind that Kaseyville Lodge ~l1rl'endered its Charter in January, 1898, and its interest vested in this Grand Lodge, since which time it has been a charge on this Grand Body, with no prospect of its ever being again needed fot' Masonic purposes. 'Ve, therefore, recommend that thi~ Grand Lodge eonvey its interest in said property by quit-elaim deed to the trnstp.0s of the Baptist Chul'C'h at I~aseyYiIle. Fl"a ternaI l)r submitted, R. JD. A~DERSOX, S. R. vVOOD, JOHN R. PARSOX. Oommittee.
The COIDlnittee heretofore appointed to look after the interests of the Grand Lodge in burial lots in Bellefontaine Cernetery subrnitted the following report and the sanle vvas adopted. To The Grand Lod!J6 ot Ancient Ji'ree a1Hl Accepted Masons of the State Of Mis.sOU1"'i:
Your committee appointed to look after the burial lots in Bellefontaine Cemetery, t),nd report to the Grand Lodge, have performed that duty. vVefind both lots in thE:' cemetery in an condition, 'Vvith nothing to designate them asl\fasonie burial lots, ·.sa.ve 1l10nUItlent erected to thememo;ry of Anthony O'Sullivan, Grand Secretar~r of the Grand I.lodge, on lot No.1, or old lot. 'l'his monument is crumhling a way, particularly the bases, \vhich are made of limestone. There is space for eight more graves this lot. an.d reeomroend that this lot be used to its fUll capadty m.aking int(~rln€Ults on the new lot. "re r(~com1Uend thut the high mounds.nQw exisUng on ~red, simply showing slight . eIevationsst1;\:f!ficlent they be sodded in connection with clay markers be placed at each gravH tlamber to the plat books kept by the Cemetery AS~0eiation. 'Ve also recommend that the lots be m.arr)r~d in all ",,,,,."".,,,,",.',,,"-,, that they may be kno",-n as 1\lasonic lot;s.lE~osts corners, and a step or steps at the entraDceof the lots
Lodge of Missouri.
and compasses and the inscrlption, "The 1\1. 'V. Grand Lodge or:Missouri, A. Ii". and A. M." rrhe Bellefontaine Cemet:el~Y Association have kindly consented to mark ihe. graves without cost to the G·rand Lodge .and will attend to the grading and sodding at a v€'ry reasonable price. Fraternally submitted, "rlVI. GILIJES.PIl~~, C. A. ROSEBROUGH. 1
that the saIne cOlnmittee be continued. AM!EN:,9"MENT.
rrhe a.ction of the Grand Lodge of yesterday rejecting the
to Section 66, Art. 6, of the Grand the subject of Fees on motion vvas reconsidered. l\fter the reconsideration the subject on I110tioll \vas referred to COlTIlnittee on Jurisprudence. CHARTERED LODGES.
"T. Bro. JamesM. Breckenridge,
Uhairtuan of the Cornon Ohartered Lodges, subtnitted the report of said sanae was adopted and is as follows:
To .The (grand Leod(Jf; Of Mi8801.tri:
Free. ('lind Accepted Ma80n8 of the State of
Your Committee on Chartered Loagesrespectfully submit the following l'l'pOl't;
Total number of T-Iodges shown 565 Accounted for as follows: Lodges reported 556 Lodges reported to da te. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Vacant numbers on the Register... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4
reporting have paid Grand Lodge dues in full. reporting are: 'ripton, No. 50 ; Angerolla, No. 193; i\.delplli, No. 355, and Strafford. No. 4£)7; aU of which Aeting Grand Master. of dat~ October 13, 1903, now pea-ide 'Ve regard thIs action as eminently proper, andI that failure either to rep <)l't or to pay Grand Lodge tbJrt;y da~'fs after time prescribed by our law, shall slllspension until both and payment sha.ll have been nUrlllbers on the Register are: Cecil, No. 464 (which conCuruthersville Lodge, No. 4t31) ; Powell, No. 173; Faithful.
Proceedings of the
No. 304, and Dagan, No. 3H4; the latter three having surrendered their Charters. The total membership of the 556 I.. o(1ges reporting is 37,524, and the estimated grand total, taking those not reporting on the basis of 1902 returns, is 37,664. '.rIle largest Lodges in this Jur!sdictio:g,numerically, are: Temple, No. 209, with 5G4 members, paying dnes on 545. Tuscan, No. 360, with 500 members, paying dues on 490. Missouri, No.1, with 432 members, paying dues on 42l. BuraT, No. 316, with 409 lnerobers, pa.ying dues on 403. The smallest I;odges ~ll'e' Herndon, No. 487, with 12 memb~rs, pl1yingdues on 12. '\Vooulawn, No. 223, with 13 lnembers, paying dues on 13. Central, No. 81, witll 1.5 members, paying dues on 15. Granville, No. 240, with 15 members, paying dues on 15. 1.1he total numher of Brethren raised to the Degree of Master Mason was 2.434. Those admitted by affiliation, 819; and by reinstatement, 383. Losses by death were 577 ; by dimits, 1,150; by suspension for non-payment of dues, 548; by suspension fOl' unmusonic conduct, 11; by expulsion, 27. rrhe net numerical gain for the year is about 1,500 members. Occasional errors are still found in the returns. Those in evidence after patient efforts toward correction by Ute Grand Secretary are two eases of omission of Seal; one of omission of signature of l\1:aster; six: of necessary dates; ten of errors in lists of membership; one in -recapitulation; and seven in which roster of names was not in alphabetical order. ~rhese errors are found in the returns of twenty-five Lodges, as follows: Nos, 80, 82, 87, JA8, lSO, 181, 202, 211, 233, 248, 249, 263, 269, 293, 305, 310, 347, 361, 376, 385, 414, 435, 452, 536, 558. The Lodges路 whose halls have been destroyed by fire during the year are: Sturgeon, No. 174; Summit, ~o. 263; I{ennedy, No. 329, and CaruthersvHle, No. 461; in one case only of which the IJodge suffered no loss of records. By careful investigation of the returns, we find that of the Lodges reporting, 196, with a total return of real and personal property of $70,418.25, carry no insurance. 1'he highest- property value stated is $3,283.25 ~ the lowest,. $15; tIle average, $,359.27.
TheBe facts justify the inquiry, Brethren, whether or not you are adthe路 temporal affairs of the Lo~g~ wIth the same care you would hestow upon your own personal interests: vVe urgently recommend that the ear:.t路ying of insuranee upon thefl' rea,l pers:onal be hereaftercompnlsory upon the Subord!llate of this minl~tering
Fraternally sUlttllTlItte(l~ JA1\拢E:S I{'. C. II. A. F.W. Cn;AS. I~. ilPY1I;.m, A. D. J. I..I.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.. BOARDS OF RELIEF.
Bro.. 1\.. M. Hough, Chairman of the COlnll1ittee on Board of submitted a report and the sanle was adopted is as follows: To The Gra'n'(J, Lodge of A.noient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of DiSlt&WlFi."
the following report:
Springfield Cash on hand July 31, 1.902 $307 51 Amount received ~(}r 3Tcar ending July 31, 1903, from local Lodges........................................... 468 60 Amount received from other sonrces................ 87 10
Total cash ,......... . Disbursements
$863 21 ,.............. 187 00
Balnnce on hand July 31, 1903.... . . . .
$676 21
rrhe indebtedness of The Gate of the Temple Lodge, No. 422, for $120, as
shown in the last report, has been paid. of the St. Joseph b9urd shows: Cash an IttandJuly 31, 1902 $ 864 88 Amount received for year ending' JUly 31, 1903, for initiations ... . ... ... . 160 00
Amount received frOlll other S01:.1.:rces............. Total cash Disbursements Balance on hand July 31, 1903
625H $1,087 47 124 69
$962 78
report of th.e Kansas City, l\!o., board shows: on hand .July 31, 19102 $ 242 57 received for year ending July 31, 1903. IJodges 1,340 00 recehredfrom other $our~es............ 1,062 14 ............'
I)[sburseme:nts on hand July 31, 1'90$
$2,644 71 2,356 25 $ ,288 46
of the
':Che i'epol't of the St. Louis board shows: Cash on hand July 31, J 902 , .. , $1,105 45 Received from all sonrces during year ending July 31, 1903 ,........... 1,321 65 Total cash Disbnrsemcn ts
$2,427 1.0 1,460 80
'rotal cash $ 966 30 Invested in securities........................ . 500 00
The report of the St. Louis board of relief last year showed $1,000 in vested in securiti'3s. '.rhis year's report shows but $500 so invested, with路 out accounting fol' the other $500. 'l'he l'el)ol'ts of the Springfield ancl Kansas City boards show the amounts l'eeeived路 from their l'1:spective IO('al I.;odges, but do not show the number of initiations. The report of the St. .Joseph board shows the number of initiations, and the amount received therefor. rrhe report of the St. Louis board simply shows the gross amount recelvecl from all sources. Your committee is of the opinion that these reports should be uniform, and show the number of initiations of each Lodge, and state whether or not the full amount due from the respective Lodges has been paid. Fl'u ternalJ.y snbmitted, A. II. J. L. S.
IIOUGlI, Oha/iirnz.an. P. BOND, O. DOUG1IIDR':ry, B. ~rARNER, A. Sl\frrrI-L ~I.
111. 'V. Bro. C. H. Briggs, Ohairlnan of theCornmittee 011 Obituaries, presented the following report and the same ,vas adopted. To The Grand路 Lodge of Ancient It'ree aniLA.t';Deptef], j{ason.s of the State of " Jlis80'/(ri:
Your Committee on Obituaries offo1"s the following report: The worthy tribute to OUt" late Grand which forms a part of the Acting Grand fiuous for Jtour committee to present any
1\1:. W. Bro. John C. Yocum, address., renders it super~
tribute to his
So far as \ve hH.ve learned no other Gr~nd. I..,odge has been "bereft Grand :Nlaster during the past year, butmaf1:1 honored Bl"ethr:et'lwho fiIled that responsible office in other yeat's h1avepassed 1;\0 their r:po enlarge upon tI1'2ir merits would make this repJort too long. Taeir are upon perpetnal record路 in the hearts of tb,ose w!ota.o knew them
Lodge of Missouri.
Past Grand :Master of Alabama, was bOl.'n in r.ruscaloosa Ccmnty. }dabama, August 24, 18.f~7, and clied at his home in East Lake, AI~l., ;Jarnuu'3' 9, 1003, in his sixty-sixth year. lIe was made a l\1ason ill 1850, and elected Grand ~raster in December, 1888, and served two :yeal's. AHIZ0NA.
Gra,nd Master of Arizona, was born in Phila1854, and died at San 1:I'rancisco, August 14, 1903, Hie was made a ~Iason in 1866, and was eleeted cor..ORADO. \Vl11i.$m$ '\VoodJ>ury, Past of Colorado, was born fl t i"t'aneesttHVn, New lIampshire, and died near Sedalia, Col., [ig'(;",-d sixtsr-two I'le was made a路 lVlason in 1865, and \VUS elN;tpd Grnndl\laster in 1878. FIe was Grand lIigll Priest in 1881 [lnd 1882, and Genern! Grand PrhH~ipal Sojourner of the General Grand Chapter wa~ eleetec1 G-ra.nd Comnuinc1er in 188a. COXNBC'l'ICn'r.
\Yilliam. \YnIlat'f' I.J(~e, Past Grand 'l\lnstel' of Connecticut, \vas born at B~H'khamsh:'d, Conn., .Jnly 20, J828. and died at his home in l\1erideu, Conn.,
Septem.ber 14, 1008, aged seventy-five years.
lIe was made a l\fasoll in
1854, and \vas eleetpcl Grand l\Iaster in 187:'~, Grand lIigh Priest in 1872, nnd Gran<.l l\Iastt\t路 of the (trancI Council in 1867. For three years he was President ()rder o'f EIigh Priesthood. ])JS'l'RIC'r OF COI..Ul\UUA.
IJ.arner,Past Grand l\faster of the District of Columbia, Ji~.nuary 0, 1830, and died in that elty l\fatch 1H, w'as l)()t"U in 1903, aged yeat路s. He a :Mason in 1863, and Grand 1VIaster in 1881. rIe wa$! Priest ill 1874, and General (Jrand lIigh Pri()st the in 188tt. In January, l8Hti, he was
GrHlld (Jlj~O]tGIA.
1\LMobley, Past (jrand 1\la.ster of Georgia, was born in Jones Georgia, ill 1828, and died in Halrdlton, Ga., 1\fay g~ 1903, aged
,vas made a J.\.Iason in 1844, and was elected Grand
ill 1878. ILLINOIS.
Brownwell. Past Grand :Master of Illinois, was :;(), 182:3, alld dit"'(J at his home in Denver, Januye~tr of his Ut'(~. FIe was made' a Mason in MHster in. 1.865. P~1tst Grt'l.nd Master of Illinois, was born tU:ld died at }j)ast St. Louis, January 30, was nUlcde a Mason in 1869, and waseleeted
lJ.roceedings of the
",Tiley :Nt. Eagan, Past Grand Treasurer of Illinois, was born at Ballston, X. Y., August 1, 1827, and died in Chicago, February 12, 1903, in his seventysixth year. He was made a Mason in 1855, and was elected Grand Treasurel" in 1880, which office he filled until one month before his death, when he resigned on account of failing health. He "ras elected Grand HIgh Priest in 1864, and Grand Commander in 1871. !{ENTUCKY.
James 'Y\'. Staton, Past Grand Master of Kentucky, died .at B'l.'ooksville, Ky., June 27, 190H,aged sixty-eight years. He was made a Mason in 1858, and was elected Grand l\lfaster in 1894. lie was Grand High Priest ill 1876, Grand :Master of the Grand Council in 1888, and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council since 18n8, ~[AINE•
•Josiah Hayden Drummond, Past Grand l\iaster of 1vfaine, was born at 'Vinslow, Me., August 30, 1827, and died at Portland, October 25, 1902, aged seventy-five years. He not only filled the highest positions in the Grand Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery of his own State, but was the first Grand Mastel.' of the General Grand CouncIl of Royal and Select lVlasteJ.:s of the United States, and hud also served as General Grand I~ligh Priest of the Genera! Grand Chapter. He was probably the most illustrious figure in American 1\facsonry, and hi'S labors as Correspondent and in lVIasoni(~ literature hacl placed him at the head of 1vlasonry throughout the \1Clorld. MA.RYLAND.
Charlfls II. OIn.. Past Grand IV[astet' of 'l\faryland, was born at Funkstown, Md., and died at Cumberland in that State, 1farch 3, 1903, aged ninety~two years. He served as Grand NIaster, Grand High Priest and General Grand King of the General Ol'and Chapter. William Henry Shryocl<, Past Grand Treasurer of l\larylal1d, ,vas born in Baltimore,Jannary 26, 18B5, and died in that city April 2H, IH02, aged sixty-seven years, fIe was made a l\-la~on in 1869, and was elected Grand l"rreasurer in 1886. After serving ten years he declined re·election on a('count of faili,og health, In 1.895 he was eleC'ted Grand Higll Priest. MICIUGAN.
H. Durand, P5lst Grand Y.,. Febnlary 21, 1838, ye~lrs. He was
Di c1tln son, Past Grana in 1843, and died at years. He. was
Lee, Past Gl'andJnni:or sota, was born. in . New Ifampshire October 17, HlOl, aged Elighty~niue and was Grand Chapla.in of' the 1892 to 1901.
was born in Scoharle Mich., June 8, 190:3, 1875.
GrarlJd Lodge of Missouri.
Royal Hatch Gor(~, Past Grand lVlaster of :Millnesota, was born at Strafford, Vt., January 16, 1880, and died at Rochester, l\Hnn., February 28, In03, aged seventy-three years. lIe was made Master In 1865, and was Edeeted Grand :');Iaster in 1886. AHssrSSIPPI.
,Tohn Lloyd Spinks, I~ast Grand 'l\laster of l\fississippi, died at his home at :NIel"icliau, :Mi.ss., April 25, 1903. lIe was elected Granel 1YIaster in 1894. and at the tinle of his death was serving his eighth year as Grand Lecturt~l' of the and Grand Council, and was one of the custodians of the 'Work Orand Lodge. :MiON'l'AN,A..
Montana, was born in La Porte in Lincoln, Neb., June in 1896.
Past 5, 18:l'l, 5, 1908, in his sixty-sixth. yeaI'.
Frands JJenry Alliston, Grand rr1*(~asul'er of Oregon, was born in England, February 2, 1859, and died at Portland, Ore.; lVlareh 1, 1903, aged fortyf<Jur years. He was electelI (irand 'rreaSU1"er in 18DS, and re-elected eaeh, ~'eal'
stillman \Vhite, Past Grand l\Iaster of Rhode Island, was born in Canton, !\Iass., F'ebrua ry 5, 1832, anj died at his home in Providence, April 3, 1903, aged seventy-one' years. He was made a N[n.,son in 1860, and was elected
(jrand Master in 18H2. Grand r:f.1reasurer.
He servt~d his Grand Chapter as Grand King and soc:rII CAROI..INA.
Past Grand :Mastcr of South Carolina, was 1.7, 1843, and dJ.ed there, January 19,
]"';;""~,1h. •••.,.,,,,,,,",,,,
in 1866, and was elected of the Grand Council in ill l8R9. TEX NESSTM!3.
Bernard Francis Price, \Yid(~ly known as Bun F. Price, Past Grand ~raster of ~I:e;nneasee, was born in Alexandria, Va., November 30~ 1845, and died ~lt his home in 1Helnphis, Ivfay 4, 190B. aged fifty-eight jo"eal's. lIe was made a }VlaSionin 1868, and was Grand :Master in 1893. WYOMING.
Riehn.rds, of \Vyoming, who died April 28, 1903, was of ~V~·oming in 18{'7. MISSOUIU. Di~trict D~puty
Orand l\:lastel' and District '.rbh"'ty-se.co.l!l:d Masonic District of ~.nssouri, died on the 2d
his bome in Hill.sboro, :Mo. :EIe was a member at lUllsboro ; Ingh '!>riest of Copestone :R. De Soto, and Genecraliaslmo of De Soto COIDtnandety
Proceedirngs oj the
K. T., No. 56, at De Soto. He was born in Jefferson County, Mo., June 2, 1842, and was sixty years old at the time of his death. lIe was ever a lover of ~rasonrYt a devout believer in its principles, a splendid teacher of its Ritual, and one who practiced in his dailsr life that which he taught in the tiled recesses of the J..Iodge. 'These all died in faith. '1'11e)7 believed jn the one living and true God. In that faith they wrought and served their generation, and in that faith they fell asleep. Fraternally submitted, C. H. BRIGGS, A. A. SM:rrH, ~P.
T. GARNI1J1"11\
R. '"V. PARIS. OommUtee.
R. W. Bro. D. lVi. 'Vilson sublnitted the following resolution which was read and adopted: ResoZvecl~ 'rl1at hereafter In the printed proceedings of this Grand Lodge relative to the_ report of the Committee on. Appeals and Grievances, the Grand Secretary pl.lbllsh only the title of the case and the action of the Grand Lodge in affirming, modifyIng or reversIng the action of the Subordinate Lodge, and that all other portions of the report be omitted from the printed proceedings, but filed in the Grand Secretary's office. D. lVI. WILSON.
fI'he following resolutions ""vere introd uced and adopted and the Grand Secretary vvas directed to send copies of the same to theaffiicted brethren therein 111entioned. WHEREAS, ',rhe .Rev. 1\:. M. Dean, one of the Grand Chaplains of this Grand Lodge, is prevented ,b:r sickness from attending the present session, therefore be it ,Re8ol~,'ed> That we extend to Brother our. heartfelt s.ympathY in his affliction, and pray that he may to healtllandstrength. BesoZvea;, That the Grand ~O'''T·O+·QT·"fr i.nst~t1:cte~d to send W. Brother Dean a copy ·of these· resolutions. Fl. BRIGGS, X]~~NOPBlON RYIJAND, ALIIAN l\!cDQWELL.
WHEnEAS, Brother rr. N. 'Voodruff, Grand Master of the Fortieth Masonic District of l\Iissoul'l, is una'il>le UilLS Gra~d Lodge on ac~ count of serious siclcness; therefore be it !Re8oZ1)e(j,rr~bat this Grand Lod'ge €rxtelt(l to Brother W()O~r1.1!f sympathy. and pray;f!or his recovery. !R~8oZvea) at'hat a copy of this by the Grand Secretary of this I"odge.
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
TIle was read, and on motion, referred to the Committee on Recognition of Grand Lodges. 'VBEREA.S, IVEany difficult problems are sllblnitted the St.Louis Board of HeUef, aIld it often is almost impossible to determine whom to recognize, aIJd what Grand JuriscUetiou$ are recognized by this Grand Lodge, and applicants of . foreign tongues being drawn to St. Louis at this time by and tbe is the wish of the St. Louis Board of Relief
Vice-President. S eoretary.
~;r.,i'I'llY WJ_ ...... '-~.L&..oI:::J. U"-J.
l-{. I'. Harrison, Worshipful Master of Arlington Lodge" No. presented tIle follo,ving resolution and the saBle "'''as adopted. R(sol'l)ed~ ~ighth
That Arlington IJodge, ~o. 346, be stricken from the ~rhil'ty颅 District, arid added, to the 'l'hirty-fourth District. R. rr. HARHISON.
Officers 11aving arrived, following brethren as Louis Moller, C. Vl.I.IV路.L~路~ James 0.路 Hogg.
p:roc,ee(lea with the following results:
I{ansasCity,Grand Master.. St. Louis, Deputy Grand 1faster. HOUSTON, lVfexico, Senior Grand Warde11.. WILSON, Milan, Junior Grand Warden.
ele~()ilc~n of LABOR
Grand Treasurer the Grand Lodge until 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Proceedings of the
ST.LoUIS, October 21, 1903. The Grand Lodge was
at 3 o'clock by
R. W. Bro. \Vm.J:i". I{uhn, Acting Grand Master. ELECTION OF OFFICERS.
The election of Grand Officers was resumed \v 11e11 a vote was taken for the office of Grand Treasurer. The rrellers retired and cast up the ballots and anll0unceq the electio!l of 1\1. W. Bro. John R. Parson as Grand rrreasurer. 1'he vote was then taken for Grand Secretary "rhen the rrellers announced the election of M. W. Bro. JOhl1 D. ,rinei1. RESOLUTION.
Brother A. lVlcDoweli offered a resolution looking to the payment of District Lecturers who render services to Lodges. 'l'he sanlewas adopted, and, on 111otiol1, referred to the Committee on Ways alld Means. LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION.
W.Bro. Frank L. Magoon for the. Committee 011 Lodges Under Dispensation, presented a report whicl1 ,vas read and adoI)'ted and is as follo,,~s: Tn The GrancZ Lo(lr;c ofA:ncient Free· and AcceptelZ Maso'Yt8 ot the State ot M';'88ouri:
. The Committee on· I.lodges Under DispeIls.ation would suhnlit the· following report: ~
vVefInd that dispensations for the formation of four granted dU1 ing the year as follows: 4
Gray Summit I.. odge, at Gray's Signal Iilodge, at Mend en Lucerne Lodge, at Lucerne,
Frarnkii. Bart0D County, C()itlnty. Continental J..Iodge, at Ste'war'tsv:iUe. neI{ialb County.
Lodge of Missouri.
returns of these Lodges l1ave been examin~d and, duly now on file in the office of the Grand Secl'etary and neatly prepared, showing the amount of work done by while under dispensation. From said reports we learn that 21 initiations. 18 passings, 15 raisings, 4 affiliations and 3 reIJodges named. 'fhe total luembcrship in them footed up l'eeords are of the nl0stpart well kept, and 'nlake a creditasome slight inae;:uraeies t~xist, yet we believe that with Secretat'ies of the foregoing Lodges will prove them路, well qualified." In view of all the conditions, the same reeornmend that Charters be granted to the above named tberecol'<:ls of the
that he, under dil'ecissued a dispensation on and near Amsterdam, Bates formation of Hl\follnd u I..Iodg~. No report has been received the Grand Secretary haR received official noUce tb,at the }I1astel" Brother 1903, to sundry
dislH>Hsn lin}1 i~sn(~d hns he{~n revokr~d by the Grand Master, owing to disnUHI.ug rhe me~nbers. rrhis ends the labors of your eommittee.
I\'rnternally submittl"'!d.
FUANK 1..1. l\.IAGC) ON. \V. BAILEY. '\Vl\L ,V. VOELI(ER.
O. B:. SWEARINGEN. Ooni m:ittee.
COlnlnittee appointed on tIle above subject report which vvas approved and is here,vith 1
'1'0 1 he a'rand Lodg6 of .-lncirmt Free an(/ AC()('jltetl lIfasons Of the State Of JI,'l{i880U1'i:
to \vhom has been r(~ferred the subject of fraternal reGrand JUl'isdietions, beg leave to report as follows: given the qu(~stion careful consideration, and recognizing othE~r Grand Jurisdletions have already established ira. the Grand IJodges of CUba, New Zealand, New South \Vest Australia, ':rasmania and Victoria, we l'ecom~ I..oc1ge establisJ.l. fra,ternalrelationship with the aforeto the Grand 1..l(J<clge "Valle de 1:Ie:X:ico," we which your commltteeconsider to be of tl11s Gr~1tnd Jurisdiction. We feel that eV"ery membel"of
Proceedings of the
Grand Lodge, not only from a Masonic standpoint, but as well on account of the business and social relations which have heretofore existed between the Republic of lVIexico and the United States, and especially the commercial Intercourse which exists at the present time between the great路 cities of 1\1]ssourl and the Hepublic of ~I(;\xico, that we are glad as ~1asons to estab11sb fraternal relationship with the Grand Lodge "Valle de Mexico_"
':rhe important question considered by your committee was the organization of the said Grand I~odge "Valle de Mexico," and as well as its relationship with other Grand Jurisdictions in accord with the Grand Jurisdiction of the 1\'1. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri. Your committee are of the opInion that the time is already at hand when the Grand Lodge Valle de :Mexico should be recognized by this Grand Lodge. We are credibly informed that within such Grand JurIsdiction already over seven hundred American :Masons are- affiliated with its several I.;Qdges. 'Ve are further advised that it neither claims nor recognizes any fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of Belgium at Brussels, and the Grand Orient of France. We, therefoI,'e) recommend that this Grand Lodge recognize and establish fraternal relatIons with the Grand Lodge, Valle de Mexico: Provided its Gt-and l\tIaster file In the office of our Grand Secretary a statement in writing, attested by its Grand Secretary, under seal, that it holds no fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of Belgium at Brussels, 01' the Grand Orient of E'rance, or any other kindl'e,Q or fraternal Masonic organization which refuses to recognIze the existence of the one living and true 路God. Your committee also received for its further consideration the following communication, referred by this Graud Body: "WHEREAS., Many difficult problems are submitted to the St. Louis ~1:asonic Board of Relief, and it is often impossible to determine whom to r(l.('ognize, and what Grand .Jurisdictions are recognized by this Grand Lodge; and as applicants of foreign countries and langJlages are being drawn to St. Louis at this particular timoon account of the \\,Torld's Fair Exposition, it is the wish of the St. Louis Masonic Board of Relief to be instructed as to what Grand Jurisdictions ar<-) recognized by this Grand Lodge. (Signed) "WILLIAM GILLESPIE, V-ioe-President. 路~WILLIA.MSESSINGH.A.US, Secretary." After gIvIng such inquiry due consideration, yotll'commlttee recommend that t~e Grand Secretary furnish the seve~al Masonic Boards of Relief, and as well as all, of the Lodges belonging to this Grand Jurisdiction, a printed cirCUlar, containing complete informaUO;nas to such foreign Grand Juris.. dictions as . enjoy fraternal relationship the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Fraternany
F. ALLEN, II. R. F. STEVI~NSO:S!, C. sr.rl~ BBL~:FIl~IJD.
Grand Lodge of Missouri..
Amendment to Section 1, Art. I, of tIle By-Laws of the Grand Lodge was called up for consideration. Brother Calnpbell an amendlnent that the Grand Lodge its Annual Communication in the City of St. Louis on the last 'I'uesday of September in each yea'r. The was adopted, and then the section and C~,"A.'"T'ldtJ\:l'1cA. and is as follows: ReaoZ1>ed" Tbat Section said section, whln amended,
By-Laws be amended so that
Section 1.-Time and Place of.-An annual· communication of this Grand Lodge shaH be ht~ld in the City of St. Louis on the last Tuesday of Septem· bel', in eRch Y\~~H\ commencing at 10 o'clock a. ID.; provided, that the place of m€;e~ting may he changed \vhenever a majority of the Grand Lodge shall deem it t~xpedient.
Committee on Jurisprudence, througll its Chairman, IVL W. Bro. Campbell \Vells, submitted the result of their report ~Yas adopted and is as follows: LO(j'f~ (Jf
A.ncieft.t Free (lInCZ .Aocepterj Masons
the state of
Your Committee on report:
begs leave to submi t the following
'Ve have carefully considered the Glecisions of the Grand· Master, and recommend the approval of those numbered 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. In regard to decision No.4, we disagree with that part of decision of the Grand Master, that servic(;\ of twelve mouths is necessary to entitle a Brother to the rank of Past Mastel'. 'Ve hold that when a Brother has been elected and in· stalled as ';VorshlpfulMastE~r, that at the conclusion of the tel"m for which he was elected he is entitled to the rank of Past Master, even though his as sueh may ha ,re been terminated 'by death, removal from the Jurishonorable course. raised in the Grand Master~s address as to whether it })eput;y Grand Master, in case the Grand Master is tem:from the State, to assume the functions and prerogatives rrhls question aro·g,e In consequence of the fact tha.t YOCUlu, a few months after his Installation, .left the tenlporary sojourn In Ariaona. The Deputy .Grand Masterae.as('ertaining just wbat his duties and responsibilities were circumstances, placed the fa.cts b~fore l\f. W. Bro. Wna.) .J:t••·Will-
Proceedings of the
iams. Chairman 0f the C(,mmiHee on Jurisprudence, who gave an extended opinion eovering the \vhole grounds of absence frolll the .Jurisdiction, which is inHertf'din the Gi'and ~raster's acldrc8s. ,Yo concnr in the opinion referred to, und approve of it itS tOl'reetly :-stating the law in the premises. '}'he dispensations to elect .Tnnior 'Vnrdens in Amazonia I.Jodge, No. 320, and Hazel wood Lodge, .l~ o. 459, are approved.
In regard to that portion of the Grand l\faster's' address relating to revision or compilation or By-Laws, we approve the recommendation of the Grand 1\:InstH" tlUlt a (:clmmittee of three be appointed to codify and compile all tlie amendments and approved decisions since 1892, and publish the sanlC in pamplllet form, to be sent without delay to the Sllbordinate Lodges, and t(; the otl1cers of the Grand Lodge. . In regard to the pl'opo8ed amendment to the B.y-Laws of the Grand Lodge affecting seetioll No. 66, (~oncerning fees for Degrees, your eommittee is of the opinion that the same is not in conflict witll the Constitution of this Grand Lodge. \Ye do not believe it is our province to express nn opinion HS to the merits of the proposition.
Fraternally sl1bmltted, XENOPIION RYLAXD, G. A. GOBIIJN, ~L '1'. BALSLI~JY, CAl\:[PBli~LL
fj'RANCIS A. IlEACH, R. FL 1..1. SlVII'l:II, ~I ACOB
The proposed alnendn1ent to Section 66, .A.rticl,e 6, of Grand Lodge By-Law's "vas called up looking to a change in the la,\v concerning Fees.. rrhe saIne was amended and then adopted as illTIended. It is as follows ~ See. fj6-li"ees. No Lodge shall confer the three degrees of ,Aneient Craft for less sum tluln hven ty dollars, nor shall any Lodge In a eity or t()\vnwhere fifteen 01' tnore Lodges are !(}cated confel~ the three degrees for a less SUIU than fifty dollnr~;, but Inore ma~1 be charged. at the discretion of the Lodge. One-half theamoullt must aceompany UH~ pc~titiOIl. rrhe bal1tnee rnay be divided as the Lodge may direct; no dt~gree shall be ('onferred until th*~ sum required tlH~refor J\i~lsonl'Y
Brother (i. "V\T. Bolster tion before vote ,vas adoption.
appearance of tIle children of the ]Vrasonic
Lodge on yesterday lIlorning, the l\Jaster suggested to the brethren the pro'up a collectioll to be placed i11 the hands of of the I-Iolne for tIle use of the children during the World's Fair, thereb~y securing: of that great institution.
,t,ll.,JI.'-' ....,"' ..·',••,v"' ..
'VVJLJI. .....
as reported by Brother Eden Reed, one of anlonnted to $117.
of the vvork in the rrhird Degree \vas ordered for this evening and the Grand Lodge 1vas CALLED FROM: I..,ABOR until 8 o'clock. ";"''lI.·,_,JL,I...Jl.tJJ.i ...
October 21, 1903..
vvas CALLF~D TO LABOR at 8 P. M., by J.Cuhn, .f\cting Grand Master, Grand
C011 vened
for tIle exelnplifica-
in the ~[,hird Degree, R. \\T. Bro. Allan Lecturer, assisted by the other Grand I)r()CelaaE~(l with an il1ustratio11 of the "\vork. exeu1plification the Grand Lodge ,vas ,LABOR until to-lnorrow lTIorning, at 9:15 i\... ~r.
Proceedings of the
October 22, 1903.
'The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO IJABOR at D:15 A. 1\1., by the Acting Grand Master, R. W. Bro. \Vm .. F. I(uhn. Grand Officers present as heretofore. 'fhe opening devotions ,vere led by M. ~V. Bro. Rev. Xenopholl Ryland, Acting Grand Chaplain. The minutes of yesterday's sessioll ","ere read and approved. SPECIAL COMMITTEE.
A Special Oommittee, appoiIlted to consider charges against Brother G. R. Norman, Worshipful路 l\1aster of Delphian Lodge, No. 137, subnlitted the following report \\rhicll was adopted. To The G'~an(l Lodge ot .d.nC'irnt Fr'ee antl Aar.epted Masons of the State of
.M.i8.S0uri: IN THE MATTER OIl'S. A. CORDY VS. G. R. NORZ\i拢AN. Your committee, to whom was referred the case of suspended l\faster, G. R. Norman, of Delphian Lodge, No. 137. have examined the statements submitted in support of the charge of uumasonic conduct, made by the Junior 'Varden of the Lodge, under instruction from the Lodge, and it appearing that the statements were taken or made entirely ear par'tc, and tha.t the accused had no opportunity to be confron ted with the witnesses or to examine them, 路and there being no other evidence, this Grand Lodge, or its Committee: cannot in fairness pass upon the m.erits or ascertain the truth or falsity of theaccllsation. vVe have further ascertained that the term of office of saidG. R, Norman as :Master, has expired, and undf:lr Section 231.路of the Grand I.todge By-Laws, this offense charged I..~an be tried by his Lodge 1n the manuel' provided for trial of Ma-sonic Dffenses. 'Ve, therefore, recommend that this case be returned to the Lodge for proper trial, .as the law requires. vVe believe the Grand 1\iIaster justified in G. R. Norman from office, and approve his action. 11'ra ternaJlysubm.itted"
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
J3ro. James W. Boyd submitted the fol1o,"ting and the satne was adopted. Rf:80hH:cl, That it is the sense of this Grand I.Jodge:
1. That the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home be and it is hereb5'9 instructed not t;o sell or convey any part of the land purchased for our Masonic Home, without the permission of the .Grand !Jodge., "".b1i"'ii·;IR""'.~·"'I"I'
a n y - o t $I,id
ol.1.ght not to construct any building or additions to without. the and approval of. this Grand
way of building to said 3. 1'hat any additional improvements in Home. should be nlade in accorda.nce with a suitable 'architectu~al plan designed with the purpose of making one consistent, united Whole, so 'that vrhen the flome is complet(}d it may resemble the handiwork of Ancient Free and Accepted :Masolls. JAMES 'V. BOYD, GEORGg RgES, 'V. H. CARPENTER.
The following resolutioll ,vas read and approved: ,L",·~<t1>VIi<(,,'I:)t;,II.
That chairmen of standhlg committees who do not draw mileage in fl.nyother eapaC'ity, shall be placed upon the pa~;r roll. C. fl. BRIGGS, XIDNOPHON RYLAND.
Prior to calling off the Grand Lodge, by unanimous con.. sellt above resolution, offered by Bro. Boyd, was reconsidered, and held for consideration at the afternOoll seSSi0119 RESOLUTION.
R. .ll.v'"'P.u...I....L,Il..:::,.
Bro. A. lVfcDowel1 offered the followipg resolutioll to the changes of certain Lodges from tIle Districts were located.
·j!''''C(~~.ii'lii~'ItIiiU,. l'hat Galt Lodge, No. 423, be transferred from the Fourtb to District, and that Somers{~t Lodge, No. 206, and the new Lodge at be transferred ft'om the Third to the Fourth District.
PY'oceedings of the
The follo\ving report ","as subnlitted by the COlll1nittee on Credentials and adopted. To The GrantZ T.JolZfJe of .anoient ]!'rec and Accepted Maso.ns of the State
YonI' Committee 011 Credentials fraternally report that at the present session of the ~L 'V. Grand Lodge, there were present Representatives of ~~35 Lodges, 17 Grand Lodge Officers, 18 Past Grand Lodge Officers, 35 ({I'uncl Hepl'esentatives, 31 District Deputy Grand :Masters, 16 District Deputy I,PCtlU'Ell'S. and 20;) Past l\Iasters. FraternaUy submitted, F. A. lVlIIJBURN, B. P. l\rfILIDS, TAYLOR B. "rYHICK, F. R. \VOELFLI'~. ~J. R. LIGFI'!'FOO'J\ C. L. ALliJXANDEH. OOUlH'dttee.
An oral report \vas submitted by the COlnmittee on Ititual and the sanle was approved. CONSTITUTIONAL AM EN DMENTS.
Brother AllaIl McDowell submitt,ed the followinganlendn1ent to the Constitution, wl1ich read by the Grand l\iaster and ordered printed in the Proceedinge: Stril~e out Section 2, Article V, of thereof the following. SEC. 2. .A.lt(~,路a.Mco'll, ot 001tst:it1.tt;iott. this Constitution shaH be proposed ill and shall lie over until the next with the Proceedings; when, if adopted become a part of this CoustituUonnlld l'lot oti:b8l"'wise.
and insert
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
consideration of the Report on Appeals and Grievances the on Charity presented a report, the same was adopted and is as follows: €/rCl/fI,,{fj Lo€~g(~ Of Af<",o'ient Free anlL Acce.pted Masons of the State of
report that we have considered the following appro-
all applications submitted
priations: One hundr\?d dollars to bt? paid to l\L W. Bro. '1'11os. E. Garrett. to be raid in qual'tel'tr installments. OIle hundred dollars -:::0 lVIl's. Geo. Frank Gouley, through :\Inson ie Board of IteHef, N'ew York.
One hundred dollars to \Vyaeonda Lodge, No. 24, for relief of Bro. J. F. Alberty.
Seventy-five donal'S to Sturgeon Lodge, No. 174, for relief of Bro.•1. 11"'. YHull.
One hundred dollars to Craft Lodge, No. 287, for l'elief of Bro.. \Ym. H. Beach. PerseverHuee Lodge, No. 92, for relief of :\11'8. \V.
A. Nortllw,est Lodge, No. 358~ for relief of 1\'11'8. Harriet Kidd. dollars to Elebron Lod,,ge, No. 354, for l',elief of K. ~L Dean. dollars to NO'rtllwest Lodge, No. for relief of 1\11's. L. P. Har-
rison. t)nf~
hundred dollnrs to Lick Creek Lodge, No. 302, for benefit of Bro.
hundred dollars for 1ndependenee .I.lodge, No. 76, for relief of 1\11'8 Samuel Da.vis. Fraternally subnlH ted, Ii'. J. TYGAHD, Ohairman. •1. C. fIUM:I~, H. D. M.
\Vl\I. D. l\IANLEY,
Proceeding8 of the
rfhe following report V\ras furnished by the Committee on Nlasonic HOlne and adopted : To The G.,'and Lodfle of .Anc·iont Free anll Aecepte(Z Masons of the StatcQf Jlls8ouri:
Your Committee on l\fasonic IIome begs leave to report that they have visited'ihe Home, and found that institution in a most admirable condition, and eannot speak too highly of the efficient and careful management of Brother E. B. Redd, Superintendent, and his excellent wife, the matron. 'Ve most respectfully cal! your attention to that part of the Superintendenes report wherein the Home physicians, Brothers Robinson and· Leggatt, urge upon the Grand Lodge the necessity for a building to be set asIde for the sick-a hospital-and suggest that such action be taken as will meet the urgent necessities of the Flome in that respect. We are of the opinion that the outlay of money for a hospital would be small compared to the benefits derived therefrom. J.I'ratel'nalIy snbDlitted, R. ~r. lIYAl\IS, OJzairlnan,. S. H. GHIFFIN, JAl\tIES l\IOSS, DAVIn ~IEEI(ER. OOJr~rnittee.
The Oonlmittee on Pay Roll submitted a report whicll was approved and is as follows: ']'0 The G1'antZ !JOclrle of Anoient It'1'f,(} and ...4.coepter], Maso'ns ot the State of ill iS80U'l'i:
Your Committee .)u Pay Roll respectfully report that the pay roll for the present Communication amounts to $5,301.80, dIvided as follows: Grand .Officers
$ 200 50 20~ 55 D. D. Grand Masters....... ... .. . ... ... .. . 462 00 D. D. Grand L,ecturers....................... 249 60 ,............... 59 10 Chairfilen of Committees Delegates ..................................• 4,171 05 Past Grand Masters.............
$5,351 80
Fraternally submitted, LIIIOU, H. L.
Rosebrougb, Chairman of conl1nittee, report and the same was approved and is as To The Grand LOfZge of A nOie'il,t Frt3e and A.ocelJterl Masons of the State of
to whom was reports of District Deputy begs leave to report the fifty-five District Depu1'(~pol'ted, with one exception. An examination of these reports interests of the Craft are., generally speaking, well lool,{ed conferring of the Degrees is being done in a creditable manpeace, harmony and brotherly love prevail. I)istl'iC't :\0. 50 is 'without a report.
F'raternaIIy submitted, C. A. ROSEBROUGH, Ohainnan.
rfhe on lJnfinishedBusiness submitted the follo,ving brief report ,vhicll ,vas approved: To Tlite Gt'and LodfJe Of A.noient Free a'Jld AoCe'f)''teil MasoÂťJ1,s of 'the Stat(3eJ! 2tlissOUt,I"f. :
Unfinished Busin~ss would respectfully report that for the cOD,sideration of the Grand Lodge. F'l"at:ernally submitted, It". A. KAGE,
Proceed'ings oj the
Brother Campbell vVells introduced, by request, tIle following anlendrnent to the Constitution, "\vhich ~"as read by the (trand Master and ordered printed in the Proceedings: Amend Section 3, Al'tkle 2, of the Constitution~ by striking out the word "live" in the fourth line, and inserting the words "three and Olle vote addi .. tional fOl,' each fifty members or fractional part thereof, over the first fifty." Also add after the word "vote" in the last line, the following: "The Grand Secretary shall furnish the tellers with printed lists of the Lodges, giving the number of members and number of votes' each Lodge is entitled to east, Hnd the tellers shall check off eacb Lodge as the votes nre received," so that 1he section, ~l s amended, sha 11 read: SI·~C. 3. llotinrl., [.Jodges, Membe'i's, On ever:y question \vhich n1U:r COine before this Grand Lodge fol.' decision, each Subordinate Lodge, by its Representative present, shall be entitled to cast three yotes and one vote additIonal for each fifty members over the first fift3T, or fractional part thereof, all of which shaH be given on the same side; and the Itepl'eSelltatives of each Lodge respeetively, by a. majority, shall· decide 011 whkll side of the question the votes of their Lodge shall be cast; and each officer and m.eluber of the Grand Lodge, present, shall be entitled to cast one vote; but no one, in his own rigllt, shall give 11101'e than one vote.
'1'be Grand Se,;retal'Y shall furnish the tellers with printed Hst~ of the Lodges, giving the nnrobel· of memb~rs and llumberof Yotes enell Lodge is entitled to cast, a.nd the tellers shall ched\: ot! each I~odge as tlH~ votes are received. CA:MPBELI. 'VELLS.
Brother John J~. Parson presented the on transportation: ']10
TheG1"(J/nd Lodge Of A.neient J1't'CC Mis80'tert:
MaBon8 Of
Your Committee on Transportation.
rangements were made with the <.'ei-tificate plan_ the Lodges.
for and one-third Circulars announcing the arrangement were
the State
arthe all
Fraternally suJ[)mltteff. JOHN
At 12 lVI., the Grand Lodge wafS 2 o'clock this afternoon.
October 22, 1903.
Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR pursuant to WIn. F. Kuhn, Acting Grand Master. './ . . . . . . . . . .....,.~ . . present as heretofore. RESOLUTION ..
by VV. M. Bro.R. E. Allderson was COlll111ittee on Charity,recommendinp; an of one hundred dollars to Brother Wm. JackLodge, No. 242. Said comlnitte'e suhseapproving the resolution and made the n'1-"'Y'\"..,""r~'i",n"'ll"l.'Y\ as requested above. WAYS· AND MEANS. wo:mIJnl.t,r&ee on Waye and Means, through its Chair~.,.
Boor, presented the following report follows:
Mastyfl,s ot
the State
Your Commit.tee on ~ra;ys and Means all matters preEcnted, respectfully submIt the following to the ,'ast amount of labor, and the unusually heavy expense required Acting Grand ::\laster W. Ii'. Kuhn in straightening out the afof th€l offi(~e Grand Ivlaster, we unanimously reeommend that he be l'eimbtlrSed to the amount of '500. Ora,nd of Missouri, like other progressive institutions, is eXI:lan~dIng, and the duties of an Active Grand Master therefore, 'we heartily recommend that the for the expens·es. o·f Grand l\tlaster for the miIea.ge and per diem be allowed the chairmen not paid. or provided for in any other cap.aeity. Kenll:edy Lodge, No. 329, of ]~lmo, prayed fol' in by Bro. I. V. McMillan, is unanimously recQmmendedl' rec4C>mmelld $10,000 be from the funds of be paid to the Board of of
Proceedings of the
:Mlssouri for the purpose of erecting all additional building for the accommodation of the old people of the Home, said amount to be drawn from tIl€' treasury, from time to time, as the building progresses. Following is a schedule of recomn1endations: $ 100 00 To Kennedy Lodge, No. 329, of Elmo, ~{o Acting Grand Master's expenses pRst year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 00 Grand Ailastel"s expenses ensuing year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,000 00 11'01' District Lectnrers, as per resolution passed by Grand Lodge 300 00 at this session . b'und for unexpected expenditures, as per resolution passed at this seSSlon " •................................... 250 00 Printing Proceedings of 1903 . 1,000 00 Printing, postage, stationery and incidentals . 1,400 00 One year's rent, Grand Secretary's offices . 840 00 Salary Grand Secretary . . 2,500 00 Salary Foreign Correspondent . 50D 00 Salary Grand 'rreasurel' . 200 00 Salary Grand Lecturer . 2,250 00 Bxpenses and per dienl of Special Deputies . 100 00 Grand Tiler "................... . . 150 00 Portrait of Grand Master . 50 00 Rxpenses of this Grand Lodge Session . 385 00 Bro. .A.. J. Featherstone, for acting as Tiler at Moberly for School District Lecturer~, January, 1903 . 10 00 Charity, as per report of Committee on Chat"tty . 975 00 Bond (premium) of Grand Treasurer . 100 00 MIleage and per diem, according to report of Committee . 5,351 80 Working tools for Grand I..Aodge, 'V. A. Hall . 7 50 'l'otal
$17,969 30
li'raternally SUbmitted, V.F. BOOR, If)' C. BROOKID, S. J. JONES, C. "\¥. ROBERTSON, H. WAMSLEY. JAMliJS A.. SMITH,
A CC),Dslcleration of rupted .by ··the Grand resurned when the several were read, discus,slea them· will be, and Grievances, eration, was aa!~()D1JaQ
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
offered by M. W. Bro. James W. Boyd, and at the lllorning session, having been reconsidered, ,vas b'rought before the Grand· Lodge and discussed at length. The vote was taken on the resolution by sections and each and all rejected. "I/.r>.f:·U.I"lI'"''''''IY1I
l ...
All 'business having been completed the Grand Lodge to the installation of the ·Grand Officers elect.
The Acting Grand Master Wm. F. Kuhn, requested M. Bro. N. M. Givall to serve as installing officer, and appointed M. Bro. C. H. Briggs as Grand Marshal. The following Elective Grand Officers were installed.
\VM. F. KUHN, Kansas City LEROY B. VALLIANT, St. Louis A. S. "HOUSTON, Mexico *D. M. WILSON, Milan~ ;t"a.~:l:$•.).!N. St. Louis Louis : MCClDt}'W'OOI;rJ_ St. Louis
A'PP'O,INT"E.'9· .0: Fp·I>GERS •
Master announced the following as his apterm: l~OWARD
'VATSON, St. Louis A. DUNN, Bethany R. KREJEGIDR, I{ansas City BIG-GRIEt, Laclede A. St. Louis T. Jefferson City .Il;;L,.!').J;;"\..l.LJ..fIJU.1J, St. Jcltseph .,.1' "" ,"" , ·,. T. BAIJSI.Jgy, Joplin GIDN1~RY, St. Louis ......••.. L. SMI'1'H, MarshalL •...•..... JOHN 'V. OWEN, St. Louis
D. :?vI. \Vilson, Grand .Junior Warden~elect, and Rev. J. Ii. Miller, J. ",I."·,,,·(I,'''"'''''C>'I.},L;L and K. l\-f. Deane, Gra,nd Chaplains, being abs~Iit,·w~el'e X!);ot installe(l.
Proceedings of the
During the session of the Grand Lodge twelve different cases claimed the consideration of the committee consisting of Dorsey A. Jamison, Edward Higbee, W. R. Stubblefield, Preston Randolph, Robert W. Adalus, W. R. Anthony an<l Victor H. Falkenhainer. Before the labors of the Conlmittee were ended Brother D. M. Wilson submitted a resolution, ,vhich was read and adopted as fol1o"rs: Rcsolfved, That hereafter in the pl"intedPro(~eedings of this Grand Lodgl~ relative to the report of the Committee on Appeals and Grievances, the Grand Secretary pUblish only the. title of the case and the action of the Grand Lodge in affirming, modifying or reversing the action of the Subordinate Lodge, and that all other p'ol'tions of the report be omitted from the printed Proceedings, but filed in the Grand· Secretary's offiee.
In obedience to the law, as above cited the Grand Secretary presents in brief the cases reported and acted upon as follows : D, S. NELSON A.NDT. S. BR.\.DSHAW 1)8. DALLAS. w. S1\UTR" of Ark Lodge. No.. 6-Reversingthe action of the Lodge expelling D. W. Smith. and suspending him for one ~:ear from April 1, 1!~03. No. 537, "1.'8. ALVIN !(. l\1:USGltOVE., OF BETHEL LODGE,. Nc), 537-Reversing the action of tbe Lodge in aequitting the accused, and ex·· pelling him from all the rights of Masonry. In this case the Grand Lodge ordered tbe s\lspen.slon of the Charter of Bethel Lodge; No. 537, for three months.
W. lVI. CAMPBELL 'V8.'V. R. '\VILSON, OF F'osrXER LODGE, No. 554-'I'he actIon of Foster Lodge, No. 554, in expelling· I:lro. 'V. R. WilSOll was reversed, and the case (lisrni~sed.
No. 455,V8. A. P. Fl:l1''RIS-Snspended for one ;year for aelIingIiquo'r. The committe~ recommended that tl1l:ecase of A. P.Farris be referred to the incoming Grandl\{tlster, to· take $u.eh acUon thereon as he :aUl.)" deem best.
No. 159, VS. J. W. ,\yhen an appeal· was taken and tried Grievances. -fhe majority 'Of the CQ)jnm,ttt!E~e ing the verdict of acquittal the presented' proposing the eXIH11e:folB and privileges of Ma$onry.The mrliij()tity J, Helton expelled frOID aU tJ)),le r~g'bft1saJJH:l
Grand Lodge of Missouri.
A'l'KINSON V8. 1\!. F. \VEYMAN-Appeal taken from the actIon of St. Joseph Lodge, No. 78, which had acquitted the accused. rrhe verdict of acquittal by said St.. Joseph Lodge, No. 78, was reversed nlotlon of. the commIttee; and M. F. Weyman was expelled from all the rhrhts and privileges of l\:lasonry. '" In conn~ction .with' the adoption of the foregoing part of the report a r(l!eolumendation was approved by the Gr}lud Lodge that the Charter of said Lodge decIaredarre.sted, and all the assets belongIng to St. Joseph Lodge, :x o. 78, be plaeed in the hands of the Grand Secretary. DAVID
:M:. r:f.1RELOAR, OF HEBltON LODGE) No. 354-This from Hebron Lodge, No. 354, reversing the verdi<~t of ease of W. 1\-1. TrelQair, and remanding for a new trial.
li1LIJ110TT '1)8. WlVI.
case was
J. B. GILMORE-Appeal from action of Mound Lodge U. D. the very imperfect condltt(')R<Q:fthe record, which failed to
comply with the law of the Grand ('HAHLE8TON LODGE,
No. 407,V8.
appeal 'was dismisse(i•.
H. MOORE-Appeal from the decision
of said Lodge expelling him' from all rights and privileges of Masonry. The committee found no revel'~ible error in the case, and recommended tha t the verdict of expUlsion be reaffirmed. PETITIONS FOR RESTORA'l'ION.
'rhe petition of Bro. S. A. ltlarhart for restoration to good Masonic standing was presented, a.nd a favorable report rendered, and on motion he was restored by Grand Lodge to good Masonic standing.
C. Cl'oll having been expelled in this Grand Lodge in 1898, this Grand .Body for restoration to good Masonic standing. recommen.ded that he be not restored, and a motion was amending the report restoring said Bro. Croll to good
~1 ohn C. Lyons having petitIoned for restoration to good M:asonlcstand~ lng, the eommitte~ reported. adversely, an.d the prayer of the petitioner wah r.ot gran ted.
lirand Master appointed the Ohairmen of tIle Standing Committees as follows: COBRBJSPONDENCE APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES IJODGES tT.. D LODGES JUBliSI;~jftUDE1N(~'f{1
..... ,
,"' " D. G.M
R. E. L. SMI'J.1II.
n~i!trI1111ISfIED :snSINESS • ..r
R. L. HTJN~l'gR.
of the
COMl\IIT'rI1J}jJS. l\1011el''. E. L. Schleiffarth, SimOll Suss. H. Michel. PAY ROL'f.-Henry Lihou. MASONIC HOMEl-vVilliam Southern, eTr. RITUAL-Allan McDowell, Campbell Wells, D. M. '\Vilsol1, Robert R. Kreeger, C. W. Bolster. CODIFICATION OF LAWs-.Tohn D. VinciI, Allan l\JIeDowell, "Vm. A. Hall. ACCOUNTS-Louis
Brotller Wrn. A. Hall presented the following I)Hl)er "\\Thicb was unanimously adopted and is as fol1 o"\vs : Resolved, That a "Vote of thanks of this Grand Body be extended to the Reottish Rite Cathedral Association for the use of theIr beautiful Hnd ele~ gantly furnished building for this se~sion of the Grand I.. odge. Also, to '\tV. Bro. Fuhrman for a picture of our beloved de('e~lsed Grand J\1aster, lVl. 'W. Bro. John C. Yocum. Also, to Bro. C. l{l. Hatfield, organist, and Bro. Wm. C. Pope, of River riodge,路 of Boston, ~Iass., tenor soloist, for their professi()nal services in the opening ceremonies of this session of the Gl'and Lodge. Also, to ~r. 'V. Bro. John R. Parson for the use of l\1:iddle Cluunber columns and other paraphernalia., all freely dOl1ated for our use withollt bope for fee or reward. Fraternally snbmitted,
'VlVI. A.HALL, J(H-I~ D. VINCIL. ()o1nntitt'e6.
The minutes of the day's session were read and approved. CLQS)ING.
No further business appearing the NIost 1fast,er, Brother Wm. F. Kubn, proceeded close the Eighty-'rhirdAnnual V~;ii,.J.."'J.,;UI,.f.,,&. .J."'~""'''.v.a.Jl. I.Jod.ge of Missouri in AMPLE Rev. E. B. Re;dd, Superintende,;Qi ...
Lodge of Missouri.
SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT. The following ~)ln()l1nts have been received since the closing of my report, Oetober 12, 1908' Clifton Hill Lodge. No. 161, balance $ 2 Kenm.edy J oage, No. 329 48 Portageville No. 1 HE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 20 185 , " 35 No. 214.......... . 52 , 57 ............. 19 54 2 Four eha l't(~l'
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $
80 00
289 00
$ 369 '00 Balance on hand October 12, 1903............................ 40,952 94 Total on hand October 22, 1903
$41,321 94
Ijes$ amount dup. l\Iasouic IIome Actual funds for use
Grand Lodge
18,099 50 ,
(lues 1903 to and including October 12 $85,830 00 from atleS October 12 to October 22. . . . . . . . . . . 369 00
'l'otal LE'ss amount
......................................... $36,199 00 du(~
. . . . . . . .. 18,099 50
have not repoI路ted: No. 56. Lodge, No. 193. No. 338. 1\0. 355 (sent in dues October 20th). No. 4~)7.
Proceedings of the DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. 1st District-EDWARD HIGBEE, Lancaster. 2d G. A. GOBEN, Kirksville. 3d JOHN J. DILLINGER, Owasco. 4th D. M. FOSTER, Ravanna. 5th J. H. PRE~TIdS, Bethany. 6th EDWIN F. HAMLIN, Maryville. 7th W. E. GIERMAN, Rockport. 8th ['fo be filled.] 9th C. PIPKIN, Gallatin. 10th C. E. JONES, Plattsbbrg. 11th REUBEN BARNEY, Chillicothe. 12th C. C. BIGGER, Laclede. 13th SIDNEY R. WOOD, La Plata. 14th GEORGE E. MAYHALL, New London. 15th A. T. VAUGHAN, Paris. 16th G. W. RUCKER, Brunswick. 17th S. J. JONES. Carrollton. 18th RALPH BUG HES, Libertr, 19th J. P. TUCKER, Parkville. 20th VAN F. BOt>l{., Kansas City. 21st C. L. FROST, Odessa. 22d LEWIS RICHARDSON, Nelson. 23d W. F. JOHNSON, Boonville. 24th WM. H. CARPENTER, Centralia. 25th FRANK R. JESSE, Mexico. 26th W. B. M. COOK, Montgomery City. 27th JAMES W. POWELL, Troy. 28th AUGUST E. HUOKER, St. Oharles. 2Hth E. E. CODDING, Sedalia. 30th JOHN T. SHORT, Jefferson City. 31st JOHN ISBELL, Washington, 32d CHAS. E. PYLE, De Soto. 33d VICTOR H. FALKENHAINER, St. Louis. 34th ED. J. KOCH, Rolla. 35th LUTHER R. T\"\l'Y MAN, Harrisonville. 36th W. W. ROSS, Butler. :S7th GEO. H. DANIEL, Osceola. 28th H. T. WRIGHT, Lebanon. :39th WILLARD B. DUNNEG'AN, Bolivar. 40th 'VILL. R BOWLES. Greenfield. 41st RALPli L. WARDIN,. Nevada. 42d FRANK G. ADE, Joplin. 43d DEXTER B. FARNSWORTH, Springfield. 44th C. A. SWENSEN, Mountain Grove. 45th T. W. COTTON. Van Buren. 46th CliAS. W. BROWN, Frederioktown. 47th F. A. KAG.E, CaM .Girardeau. ·48th JAS. A. BOONE,Cllaorleston. 4~th JOHN R. POOL, Oardwell. .50th JAS. H. WILKINS, Leeper. jist A. T. HOLLENBEOK, ~est ~2d G••J.. V AUGBAN, Oza.rlr. 53d JOHN E . . '.. 54th J. M. Z. WITHROW. roth H. A. HATFIELD) Moberly.
of Missouri. DiSTRICT lECTURERS. 1st District-J. R. McLACHLAN, Kahoka. 2d G. A. GOBEN, Kirksville. ad JOHN J. DILLINGER, Owasco. 4th WlYI. H. McGRATH, Trenton. 5th JOHN W. BARKLEY, Albany. 6th ADOLPH STAUBLE. 7th .J. F. SCHOENECKE, 'l'arkio. 8th [To be filled.] 9th H.W. SAUNDERS, Ma~rsvil1e. 10th C. '\V. BOLSTER, Plattsburg. 11th PRES1'ON RAN DOLPH, Chillicothe. 12th O. C. BIGGER, Laclede. 13th SIDNEY R. WOOD, La Plata. 14th GEO. E.MAYHALL,New London. 15th THOMAS F. HURD, Paris. 16th Z. T. LAMKIN, Keytesville. 17th S. J. JONES, Oarrollton. 18th RALPH HUGHES, Liberty. 19th 81 DNEY BEERY, Platte City. 20th ROBERT R. KREEGER, Kansas City. 21st C. L. FROST, Odessa. 22d LEWIS RIOHARDSON, Nelson. 23d M. E. SCHMIDT, Boollville. 24th WM. H. CARPENTER, Centralia. 25th FRANK R. JESSE, MexicQ.. 26th W. O. HUGHES, Montgomery City. 27th JAS. W. POWELL, Troy. 28th AUGUST E. HUOKER, St. Charles. 2 9 t h , J . O. PARMELEE t Sedalia. 30th JOHN T. SHORT, Jefferson City. 31st JOHN W. BOOTH, Washington. 3M OR ARLES E. PYLE, De Soto. 300 WM. E. HOKE, St. Lollis. ED. J. KOCH, Rolla. 34th 35th LUTHER It. TWYMAN, Ha.nisonville. 36th RUDOLPH 'J.1ALB01'T, Butler. 37th OSCAR K. BARNES, Windsor. 38th H.1'. WRIGHT, IRbanoIl. 39th 'WILLARD B. DUNNEGAN, Bolivar. 40th WILL R. BOWLES, Greenfield. RALPH L. WARDIN, Nevada. 41st 42d ALFRED REYNOLDS, Joplin. 43d BERT S. LEE, Springfield. 44th CARL A. SWENSEN, Mountain Grove. 45th T. W. COTTON, Van Buren. 46th CHAS. W. BROWN, Frederi~ktown. 47th F. A. KAGE, Cape Girardeau. 48th JAMES A. BOONE t Charleston. 49th JOHN R. POOL t Cardwell. 50th .JAMES H. 'WILKINS, Leeper. 51st A. T. 'HOLI.lEN BECK, West Plains. 52<1 G. J. VAUGHAN, Ozark. 53d .fOHN E. ADAMSON, Mt. Vernon. ~J. M. Z. WITHROW, Neosho. 55th H. A. HATFIELD, Moberly.
P1"oceedings oj' the
NE\V L()DGES. Lod{je. Gray's Summit Signal , Lucerne Continental
"... .
No. 173 304 394 454
Location. Gray's Summit Minden Mines Lucerne Stewartsville
Franklin. Barton. Putnam. DeKalb.
(See also insert between pages 208-9, Appendix.)
ANNUAL COMMUNICA'rION, 1904. rrhe Eighty-:Fourth Annual Oomlnunication of the Cirarld I..Jodge will be held at St. I-Iouis, COIDll1encing at 10 o'clock on the morning of the Last rruesday (viz., the 27th day) of September, 1904.
J.lli.sso l~fri.
rrhe Session, and Communication:
were subnlitted during the la"7, go over to the next Allnual CONSTIT路UTION.
Strike out Seetion 2, Article V, of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following. SEC. 2. Alter'ation of 0011,sUt'Ution, Any proposition to alter or amend this Constitution shall proposed in writing at an annual Communication, and shaH lie over until the next annual Communication and be pubIi8hed with the Pl'oc-eedings; When, if adopted by a two.. thirds vote, the same shall become a pal-t of U11s Constitution and not otherwise. .ALLAN McDO\VELL.
3, ..! rtirle 2, of the Constitution, by striking out the word and inserting the words Hthree and one vote addl, or fractional part thereof, over the first fifty." last the following: "The Grand
lists of the Lodges, giving Lodge is entitled to cast, votes are received," so that SItJC. 3. Voting" Lodges, Men~be'r8. question which may come Lodge, by its Repre.. before this Grand IJodge for decision, sentative present, shall be entitled to cast three and one vote additional for ea,ch fifty members over the fi rat fifty, or fractional part thereof, all of which shall be given on the same side; and the Representatives of (~aeh Lodge respectively, by a majority, shall decide on which sIde of the the votes of their Lodge aha] I be cast; and each officer and member Lod1;e, present, shall be entitled to cast one vote; but no one, oV\l'l'n right, shall gi ve Inore than one vote.
Tbf) Grand Se~retary shall furnish the tellers with printed lists of the Lodges, giVing the number of memb~rs and number of votes each Lodge is Ctmtitle<l cast, the路 tellers shall check ott eaeb Lodge as路 the vote:s alie
on Correspondence :
session was heUl in the City of Montgomery, and covered two days, 20 ~tlld pre.sided over by M. W. A. fun corps of Grand Bro. Russ.teU M.. CUIUlingn.am, Officers enroUed with of 305 Lodges. Quite a of Grand I~odge Representatives were enrolled, Missouri, not 'being mentioned. rrbe record shows a membership in of 13,494 in 387 I.Jodges, from which some $6,OOOre,ceived as dues.Tne Journal contains transactions of at sessions held during the jrear,. at which corner-
were laid. in closing his second term, submitted el1lb>raeing many and varied matters which refrom the body. He reported the laying mEmti(}Iled:----lsrtH~cl~f.tJ privilege,s granted, such "to cORfer one or all of the Degrees t)'1spensations had been granted to create that "the amendment submitted to Sonb.. fora fun€[ fora widows' and orpbans' JJ·U..LJ.Ui,.l,l,.I,1"'~>;l'
home was defeated." 1'he Grand Master felt impelled to say that such defeat "certainly destroys for the present any hope for a widows' and orphans' home." 'l'he financial condition of the Grand Lodge was pronounced "ex,cellent." Grand Master Cunningham very thoughtfully admonished Lodges against a grievous wrong existing among them, growing ,out of "a desire upon the part of some to bring their personal grievances into Lodges, and to dissatisfaction over the ballot." He correctly concluded that "in both these matters the good of Masonry alone should be considered. DECISIONS.
Sixty official findings were reported in the Address.
These afThey were referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. What disposition ,vas made of the rulings thus presented does not appear of record. The Grand Master presented quite a dissertation on the relations existing between the "Books of Revelation and Nature," whi·ch we are" taught constitute the T'restle Board of Masonry. His treatise covered some ten pages. It was a labored effort, shOWing that the writer was a very learned man. How many of his hearers or readers could understand the trend of thonght or grasp his meaning, this deponent saith not. His picture graces· the Proceedings, with the statement that he was "Dr. Russell M. Cunningham." Perhaps the title "Doctor" a.ccounts for the elaborateness of his treatise. Reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secr€tary appear in their order, showing the financial status of the Grand Lodge. Bro. Wm. Y. Titcomb, Committee on Correspondence, submitted special reports, in one instance recommending the recognition of the Grand Lodge of Costa Rica, and in the other declaring against the recognition of the "Grand Lodge of . the Vaney·· of Mexico." His reason seems to have been '''that the conditions in Mexican Masonry are uns.atis.fying." Postponement of ft\rtherconsideration· of the subject followed. It is gathered from the record of pro-ceedings that an attempt had been made to amend the Constitution, looking to the adoption of what is known in Missouri as the "cripple law." The proposed requirement to gain admissi:on into the Fraternity was that a party must have "artificial limb or limbs that will render him capable of practicing and teaching the Ritual of the Fraternity.)~ The amendment was lost, lacking only three votes. to carry the measure. The vote by which the Masonic Home amendment was defeated 'was much larger than the one by which the "cripple law" "lost out. ford int€resting, and for the most part instructive, reading.
. ~. communication from the Association having in charge the above named enterprise was read, printed :in the Proceedings and referred to the Finance Committee, with instructions to report to the next session, which will be in December, 1903. The Grand Lodge ordHred the preparation of "suitable testimonials" to be presented to the retiring Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Russell M. CUllnhlghanl, and $100 appropriated fer the purchase of. the same.
review of Grand
.l:":)o..';'I"""'.~OllI.,:.I..l,J:"Q; .,
Sulligent, Grand Master. Grand Secretary. Anniston,Com. on Correspondence.
A. WK. Y.
is very elaborate, Missouri, for This seems strange Brother Titcomb? ~ E'''.,''''.,.... 28, 1902. The Journal Montgomery.
T路he journal under review contains records' of two Special Communications, at which cornerstones of public buildings were laid with due ceremonies. The Sixty-First Annual Communl,cation was held in the Masonic Temple, in the City of LittleRock,commencing on the 18th of November, with M. W.Bro. Harry H. Myers, Grand Master, pr;esent and presiding, and other Grand Officers in their plaoes. There were in attendance nine Past Grand Masters, representatives of 381 Lodges., and Representatives of some forty Grand Lodges. The Senior Past Grand Master of the Jurisdiction, Rev. and Brother-George A. Dannelley, W3JS receiyed with distinguished eon$ideration. .He has been for some years, confined to his room from paralysis. His 'brethren conveyed him to the Grand Lodge in an invalid's chair, where a warm路 and Masonic ovation was paid
the aged sufferer, follow,ed on his part by a "touching address full of brotherly love and words of counsel," which produced a telling effect upon those present. The brethren made an offering for the
benefit of their much loved veteran Past Granel Master, amounting to $143. In 1874 it was my pleasure to meet and serve with Brother Dannelley for some weeks in an ecclesiastic body of which we were both members. During our stay in a beautiful Southern city, we met· frequently .in Masonic circles, and became . closely united by the ties of fraternity. As the Senior Past GrandMaster of his Jurisdiction, M. wo. Bro. Dannelley is nearing the margin of that stream which we must all cross to the other shore. May he "rest under the trees," where· this ,vriter expects· to meet him amid the vernal bloom of that "Sun bright -clime, unhurt by sorrow and undimmed by time." ADDRESS.
Grand Master Myers submitted an excellent paper to the Grand Lodge, ·covering twenty pages. Having served the Craft for the past two years, or, during a biennial period, his address embraced much matter. Biennial meetings have been regarded as a neces8ity in Arlransas, owing to heavy indebtedness resting on the fraternity. The exordium of M. W. Bro. Myers. was lengthy and full of charming thought: As to business, he proved himself to be indeed a "Master}' His report shows this. He announced the granting of 129 dispensations-thes,e being for election of officers, special meetings, and, in some cases, to do work out of the usual time prescribed by law. Special tributes were paid to the various. Deputies of Districts, whose efficiency was highly commended. Om,cial visits had been made to thirty-six diff,erent bodies in various parts of the State. l'/Iaking an estimate of his findings and of Masonry as he found it~ he sagely and properly concluded "Diegrees do not make a Mason if the heart is not right." writ.er, the rush into the Masonic institution, and the eager, consum.ing ambition to reach so-caned "l-Iigher Degrees," bodes no good to genuine Masonry. ('BEr'f'TER Masons or fewer o.f them" has beeIl my motto for forty years. OBITUARY.
'l'he. Grand Jurisdiction of Arkansas lost during the biennial period a. Past Grand Master, M. W. Bro. R. J.. Laughlin and R. W. Bro. John T.Mars.h, D. D. G.M. These were pronounce'd meritorious members of the Fraternity, and just tributes were paid their memory by·the Committee on Memoirs.
Appendix. NEW LODGES.
Eighteen lle\V I..Iodges having been created during the term, reo <:eived charters at the session .now under notice. Grand Master Myers recommended the Dlodification of their law governing physical qua1i.fications, and shoyved evident sympathy 'with the modern move路 Inel1t the direction of breaking away from vv'hat are known as the Grand Lodge down the rigors of its laws Bnd placed the the Grand litness of grant permission to of one physical qualification
TIlle GrandlVlaster reported sevel~al official rulings which met ap~ proval of the COU1Dlittee on I-Jiaw and Usage.. It is learned f};om said decisions that Lodges in Arkansas vote on character, by ballot, as each applicant for advancement comes up for consideration. Such ballot .cannot be taken until a candidate has heen declared "proficient" in the lecture of the degree examined upon. In Missouri we elect a party to receive all the Degrees by one ballot, and vote by show of halide as to proficiency. Character is settled by the first, an.d ability to advance by the se,cond, vote.
It afforded the Grand Master,great pleasure to announce the reducti on of路 thei r r,remple obligatio!ns, placing that property heyond the reach of creditors. He said that "two years ago the outstanding debt waS in excess路 of $35,000. To-day it is but $25,000." This statement is followed by a foot note to the report of the. Grand Secretary, R. W. Bro. Fay Hempstead, made after the session closed, in which is found the gratifying announcement that "On. the 1st of January, 1903, t:he sum. of $10,000 was paid on the debt, reducing it to $15,000." The Bre,thre,n of Arkansas are to be congratulated on having thus rapidly reduced their obligations. Daylight is opening before them, and soon the nightmare of debt~ so long resting upon the energies of the Craft, will disappear. Then thE} Brethren win be ready to turn tlleir attention and efforts towa,rd the establishment oOf a H'()m,efqrWi'dows and Orphans, a lo:n..ghoped-for result.
The Grand Lodge was favored with an oration by Brother Wm. '1". Hamilton, whose subject was "Truth." His address was printed, and thanks tendered the orator. A brief report on correspondence "W路as presented, in which fraternal relations v.\'ith the Grand Lodge of Washington were accorded, with an expressed hope that perfect harmony may continue to prevail between their respective Grand Bodies. Costa Rica "vas not recognized as a Grand Jurisdiction, "further light" being desired before taking such action. The "National Grand Orient of Egypt" was not welcomed into the family of Grand Lodges, the committee not being "sufficiently familiar with African Masonry to pass intelligently upon the matter." The Grand Lodge of Arkansas has upon its rol1~, 462 Lodges, representing a n1embership of 12,416. VISITOR.
During the session, M. W. Bro. James W. 1.'aylor, P. G. M., of Georgia, and General Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons, was introduced, and made welcome. A vote of thanks was路 tendered M. W. Bro. Harry H. Myers, retiring Grand Master,"for the zeal and efficiency with 'which he discharged the duties of Grand Master." JOHNT. I-Ire~Ks,Little Rock, Grand lVlaster. FAY HEMPSTEAD, Little Rock, Grand Secretary.
The Twenty-First Annual Communication was o,pened and held in Masonic Hall in the city of Phoenix, November 11th, with M. W. Bro. John J. Sweeney, Grand Master, present, and other Grand Officers. R. W. Bro. George J. Roskruge was Grand Secretary. The record states路 that Representatives were present from sixteen out of the seventeen路 Lodges on the roll. Nine Past Grand Masters were enrolled a:s present. ADDRESS.
An Address covering fifteen pages was presented by the Grand Master, which received cordial approv,al from the Co"mmittee on same. The document showed business throughout, and embraced
Inatters pecuUar to the. jurisdiction, such as dispensations of various kinds, laying corner-stones and a few official rulings. He ruled· that Lodges should not incorporate, but vest thei title to property in Trustees to hold same for the use of the Lodge,s. This is good and safe procedure, observed in M'issouri. Foreign relations, heretofore considered, received definite s,ettlement as applied to Mexican Masonry. The G-rand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico was a petitioner for reeognition. This seemJed to have met the favor of the Grand the case was gre'atly embarrassed by the "contention ~nt't"l"J.J>!BTl,c. Council of the 32d De,gree Maso'll," which has always exercises the Degre·es of the Blue contention the parties array themMasonic world will be very the Republie of Mexico. "that the work of the
influenced Masonry in the admission prevent any welcome by American Or/aDd Lodges into the Masonic family of discordant elements
now so common In thB.it country. Some practical recommendations were made by Grand Master Sweeney, such as prohibiting more than five per cent of Lodge income for purposes of refreshment and entertainment. He also advised that the ,sum of $100 be appropriated 3;8 a compensation for the Committee onCo,rrespondence. The Gr,and Master annouuced "that Masonry in Arizona is in a flourishing condition and the past· year has been fruitful," paid a g!oiwing tribute to· their efficient Grand 8ecretary, Brother Roskruge, and closed by recording the death of a Past Grand Master, M. W. Bro. George Montague, in whose honor a Memorial page W8JS dedicated, containing a loving tribute. Reports were suhmitted by the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer respectively, showing the state of t;wo funds-General and that of Widow's and Orphans'. The memhership in the jurisdiction was shown to· he 1,023 indicating a gain of 84 during the past term. 1
Brother Charles D. Belden, Grand Orator, deHvered an AddroorS, embracing six pages of the Prooeedings, for',which received a vote of thanks. His subject, admirably treated, was tlTruth is a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue." Brother M. W. Kales, who had. served as Grand Treasurer for m'any years, wa.s accorded honorable mention and' treatment, one hundred dollars being set apart with which to procure a suitable testimonial to be presented to the retiring Brothe'!. The Grand Lodge refused., to change' existing regulations governing "Physical qualiftcations/'an~
still ad'heres to the "Law as laid do'wn in the ancient charges of A proposition had received a. favorable report, recommending "that 'a sufficient number of copies of the- Ritual be prepa"red in cypher/' was voted down by a small majority. This writer dares to express the hope that such tinkering with the Ritual may remain buried and never receive again a respectable recognition. . On a. postponed motion, action was. taken, formally re:cognizing the "Grand Lodge of the VaIle de Mexico." Near the close of the session M. \V. Bro. "'V. :H'. Nichols presented to the retiring Grand Master, Bro. John J. Sweeney, a P'ast Grand Master's Jewel, conveying the fl'aternal regards of the Grand Lodge. The Jewel was received in appreciative terms by Brother Sweeney.
A report covering 188 page'S was submitted by the Chairman, Bro. Charles D. Belden. Our Missouri Journal for 1901 received most elaborate tre,a;tment, six pages of the revie"r beIng accorded us. The Proceedings thus noted were carefully examined and fraternally cOJ1~ider~d, all matters claiming his attention being passed upon. It is sufficient to say that Brother Belden is a clear, candid, able reviewer, full of the right spirit, high toned and free from a kind of s?nallnesstoo current in our Masonic literature. Ample quotati,ons were made from our record to furnish his路 readers a satisfactory knowledge of our doin~s. FRANCIS 1\11. Z"rICK, Holbrook, Grand Master. GEO. J. ROSKHUGE, TnC'son, Grand Secretary.
The volume of Proceedings of this Grand Lodge gradually increases each year, until now it a,mouhts to nearly 800 pages. With a membership of 25,000 Masons, })rinted in the Journal, it could not be otherwise than large. However, our California brethren are in the ha,bit of doing large things. The Grand Lodge convened on the 14th of October in the Masonic Temple, San Francisco. There were pr~sent M. vV. Bro. Wm. S. Wells, Grand Master, R. W. Bro. George Johnson, Grand Secretary, with other Grand Officers, Past Grand Masters and Representatives of 234 Chartered Lodges and Delegates of seven Lodges U. D.
The .A.ddress of Grand J\1aster Wells covered路 twelve pages.
In a
brief exordiunl he stated that the year closed had been a prosperous
and important one to the fraternity, and that M:asonry in California had enjoyed an unprecedented growth, the increase being larger than ever before in its history. The Grand Ma.ster furnished a long list of distinguished dead of sister Jurisdictions. He had created new Lodges 1J. D. These received Charters during the session. lnatters o,f local interest were embraced in the Address.
These represent the genthoroughly practical. The decisions.
This interes't chaJlenges and calls forth the best thought and lahor of the Craft in the Jurisdiction of California. He mentioned the fact that there was dissatisfaction a,nd misunderstanding throughout the Jurirsdiction con.cerning the Masonic Home, and cornplain t has be,en made in certain qua.rter,s that the Home was not what it be uor as had been expected. It is learned from the address that changes had been made, and a departure from the orlginal purpose of the Grand Lodge caused this dissatisfaction. 'rh.e prime purpose of the Grand Lodge, as stated, wias to establish an institution for the care of de路stitute Masonic orphans. Later the scope of the Home' was enlarged to admit widows, and still later the la,w ""as changed to admit to the institution aged and infirm Masons. The GrandMaster stated that the. pe'r capita tax for the miaintenanrce .of the Home ,had been a caus,e of complaint. He observed that this Grand Lodge levied a per capita tax of one dollar for the Im,aintenance of the HOlue. At pres1ent, it is stated, there is nO,more room for the accommodation of Masons or widows. Additional buildings will be ne{~essary to me'et this\iVlant. The very business-like address of Grand Master Wens was pronounced by the Committee "a document of great interest, and 'a model exposition of the large amount of business he: had beeno8Jlled upon to perform." Grand Secretary, Brother George Johnson, submitted an extended report covering general matters and :t:lnancial interests. It is learned therefrom路 that there are 278 Lodges in the, Jurisdiction and a membership of 24,278. He stated that the gain for the year had been
1,959 members. Consiidering the size of that Grand Jurisdiction, this increase is unprecedented and phenomenal. The income- for the year on general account was $26,839. About the same sum had been receoived on a,ccount of the Masonic Hom·e Fund. A proper committee, conside,ring the report of the Grand Secretary, gave him a very high compliment and congratulated the Grand Lodge upon the excellency of his work. An able, extended and v·ery complete report appe3JI'IS in the Journal, submitted by the, Gl'Iand Lecturer. A Speciall R€port on Correspondence was subm!itted and adopted, refcognizing the Grand· Lodges. of Western Australia, Costa Rica, Valle de Mexico and Benito Juarez, of the State of Goahuila. The Grand Master was directed to take the' nece,ssary steps to perfect such recognition by the exchange of Frate-rnal Representatives. BOARDS OF REI.IEF.
Rep,orts fro,m the Boards of Relief of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacram·ento, Stockton and San Diego were submitted and printed. These reports, annually appearing, show that our Brethre:n of the Pacific Coast do a great amount of charitable work. The Grand Lodge appropriated out of its funds, for the use of these bodies, $8,750. ORATION.
The Grand Orator, Brother Edwa;rd H. Hart, presented an Address covering seven pages, for which he received the thanks of the Grand Lodge. The Trustees o\f the Masonic Home submitted thelir Tenth Annual R·eport. From this report it is learned that the expense of maintaining the Home w,asl about se,venteen d·Qillars peT' month for each inm'ate. The report of the Superintendent of the Homeshow~ that the institution has in charge 106 wards. The report announces the death of .seven inmates during the preceding year. The health of the Home fanmly was reported as fairly good. This report, made by the Sup.erintendent, Dr.!. R. Aiken, furnishes extended and varied information to the Craft of California. The Com,mittee on Returns, in an elaborate report, paid ·high co\IDpliJment to .the Lodges in the Jurisdiction and their Siecretaries, it being found that all returns had been received firom the Subordinate Lodges and that all. dues had been paid in full. The Grand Lodge amended its law, allowing one Lodge to confer the Degrees upon a candidate elE?cted by another Lodge, as an. act of courtesy. I· make mention of this incident as in marked contrast with one of·the Gran d Lodges of this country wbi.ch does not allow any such neighborly act. application has been made by a Lodge in Mitssouri to said
A ppend'i;t.
sister Grand Lodge to confer the thre,e Degrees on a party who had been duly elected to receive them, but business had caused him to remove bef{lre receiving the benefit of his petition. The law of said Grand Jurisdiction seems to have been made to fence off that State from all others, and have no Masonic community with their Brethren outside of that G~and Jurisdiction. T'heGrand Lodge of Tennesse·e had submitted a resolution to the Grand of Californi'a" asking its co.-operation against the puh· 118,6 "c,ipher Rituals." Our California Brethren state in their history "cipher Rituals" been perI..rOdge of C·alirQrnla, a,pproved a v€'ry inlregulation-·that of allowing to consolidate. An been made, offering to change the law Oammunlcation in instead of October, ·r....,""·K ~,T·'n _ _ . n.~,ff almost unanimous H Reviewing the of various committees whose reports I have examined, the conclusion is easily reached that they have many and able l\tasonic. jurists in that Jurisdiction. The Pay· Roll of the session amounted to $5,423. The Grand. Lodge ordered a levy of twenty cents pIer capita for the paym'ent of Representatives. At the close of the, session, after installing the Grand Offioers, Brother Edward H. Hart presented, on behalf of the Grand Lodge, a beautiful Past Grand Master's jewel to uhe retiring Grand Master, Brother Wlm. S. Wells. The address of presentation was a Masonic classic, and the response of the recipient was wa.rmly appreciative and gra::tefuL OORRESPONDENCEo
M.. VV.. Bro. Wm'. A. Davies, P . G. M., presented 'another of his able reviews. He may heclassedi as a1iJ).ong "the veteran" Reviewers. The pr,esent work is the moot elahorateandextended of any production emanating from his skilled bland. It eXGeeds 200 pages in length and i,s full. of IDJaltter interesting to readers alike at home and abroad. It is a superbcompendjum of entertaJining gleanings from Journals reviewed, an'd furnishes his readers quite lar~e information ooncerning the doings of the Masonic bodies of the world. He gave Missouri four pages of his spaee.. Extende'>a quotations were made from the Address of our Grand Master Wells, presenting a complete summary o'! his otlleial work. M·ention was made of our SI>,eeialOon:tm.unicationand M'emori·a! servi·ces in hto,nor of Brother Wiilliam McKinley. The funeral Oration delivered on that oce-asion Wlaspronouncedan "eloque,nt tribufte to the man whom. the nation DI~urns." ." A very warm compliment was pald this writer and. his work on Correspondence. M. W. Bro. Davies has always been kind
to this co,mmittee, for whi(;lh he has sincere appreciation. His advice is duly hee,ded: "Let up, Brother 'Vincil, on the Grand Lodge of \Vashington; she will never do so again." My animadversions have never been delivered against the Grand Lodge in question. Misleading and undue influence caused all the trouble. I tender JM. 'V. Bro. Da.vies my most cordial appreciation, personally and Fraternally, and rejoice that he is continued in charge of this most important department. ORRIN S. HENDERSON, Stockton, Gra.lld Master. GEORGE JOHNSON, San Francisco, Grand Secretary. VVM:. A. DAVIES, San Francisco. Com. on Correspondence.
The Grand路 Lodge convened in the city of Windsor on the 16th day of July, R. W. Bro. J. E. H'arding, Acting Grand Master, 路in the cliair, "'lith other Grand Officers pregent. M. W. Bro. Hugh Murray.t Acting Grand Secretary. It is learned from the record that M. \V. Bro. J. J. lVlason, Grand Secre1tary, was absent on account of im~ paired health. A telegram, ~xpressing the regret of the Grand Lodge, w'as forwarded to him, hoping th:athe may be restored soon to usual health and vigor. An Address of welcome was given by the Mayor and by Representatives of the Lodges in the city of Windsor. ADDRESS.
The AddreSlS of the Acting Grand Master was brief and of a purely .business character. He opened by say.ing that when their highly esteem,ed Grand M'aster, Brother R. B. Hungerford, was elected in July, 1901, it was believed that he had a long, useful and happy life before him, but this expectation was never realiz路ed. On the 9th of September, 1901, the Grand Master obe,yed the call of the' Almighty and ceas,ed from labor.. He w'a,s buried w'ith appropriate ceremony in Woodllawn Cemetery, near the city of London, Canada. A cOQllmitteeassigned the duty of presenting a Me-morial tribute, ,gave expression to the deep sorrow flalt :at the: death of the eminent and distinguished Brother who had been called from fa,mily and the
]fraternity. '1'11e committee said the distinguisihed dead had left behind him "a sta.inless record." A very fine picture of the deceased. is found in the Journal, and pres1ents 'a :striking frontispiece. The Address elnbraced acts of divers kinds by the AClting Grand Master :such as dedications, laying corner-stones, offici,al visits and the ereation of five new Lodges IT. D. The Grand lVfastet that information received, own observa路 the Craft i,n Jurisdiction in a 1110St Address was the reports of
shown that the balance on hand, $18,000. Masters were in p,ages. These reIJorts shows 8lctivity, the part of the several officers. 'rhey of the 467 Lodges in the Jurisdiction. During the session the Grand .Lodge expressed its high appreciation of King Ed\vard the Seventh, together with loving sympathy and admiratio路n for. Her Majesty the QueJen. A motion was adopted by the- Grand Lodge expressing high regard for H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught,Gm,nd Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, and voted to confer upon him the honorary title of Past Grand :Malster. The report of the Board of B,enevolence shows that there had been disbursed during the 'year the sum of $12,345 in the wiay of charity, thus keeping up the hi~h rceord of our English Brethren in this depa.rimell1lt of gooid work. A special re port on Correspondence was presented, proposing the recognition of the Grand Lodge, 'of Costa Rica. The same was adopted. The records of this body sho路ws 372 Lodges on the roll. with a me'mbership of" 28>421. w
A report covering 112 pages was furnished by Brother Henry Robertson, committee. It isa well prepared review composed of matter ,collected from sixty-four Gmud Lodge Proeeedingls. Our Missouri Jorurnal f,or 1901 reeeiv,ed thecomIDliment of less than three pages. The notice was m,ade up of extracts from our transactions. Brother Robertson uses the scissors quite extensively. J. E. HARDING, Lindsay, Grand Master. J. J. MASON, Hamilton, Grand Se-cl'etary.
The Grand Lodge met on the 16th of 8eptember and held its session in th.e Masonic Temple, City of Denver, ,and w1as presided over hy M. W. Bro. George D. Kennedey, Grand Master; "M. W. Bro. Wm. D.Todd, Past Grand Maste.r, was Grand, Secretary. The usual officers were present, with eighteen Past Grand Masters and Rep· resentatives of ninety-seven Lodges· out of 114 on the rolL The record shows the presence of representatives of forty sister Grand Lodges, Missouri being quite conspicuous by the ,absence of our Reprelsentative. ADDRESS.
A report covering seventeen pages emanate.d from the Grand Master, and proved its author to be "Master" of the situation, his Address be.ing strong. and meritorious as a business paper. He was well sustained: by the Gl'1and Body in his offici'al course, especially with re,ference to certain very irregular irregularities with whioh he was called on to deal. T'he "Condition of the Craft" was anIiounced as most satisfactory. He stated "that the past year' had been one of great activity. in our Lodges. An unusual number of petitions have been receiv,ed. His report may be pronounced as first.. class, embracing various subjects, such as the constituting of Chartered Lodges, laying corner-stones, official visits made, new Lodges created and dispensations granted. Tho,se of a special sort were qnite numerous, some of them being to push Wlork1ahead of the usual requirements. A mild but very just ad'monition was given by the Committee on Jurisprudence as to hurrying f·orward the work of the De,gr:ees. It was said: "The Grand Master gave permission to c'onfer all three Degrees. upon candidates in two cases. As a gen:eral rule, w'e think such requests ,should not be granted." To this utteranoe a cordial· approval is a(~cordedby the Missouri writer. No man oan be made a Mason as he ought ·to.·be, in the manner here mentioned. Masons should grow, not jump into the mysteries of the Craft. The Grand Master occupied five pages of his Addres,s in the treatment of tlie most reprehensible and flagitious C<lurse of condnct on the part of a body of people caning thems,elves Masons ever met with by this writer. It may be truly styled a "Lobster" affair, and deserved the severest reprohation possible. An institution called the "ShTine," whatever it may be or mean, got up and carried on ·some kind of saturnalia under the' name of "l.lobs.ter
Smol{er. How the promoters of this scandalous blow-out managed to secure Masonic quarters in ,vhich to indulge in such revelries r:tS are described, is a mystery, but, neverthele'ss, the "Mason-ic Temple at Denver" was the seat of the of thooe who cLaim to be members of an i,nstitution to be a "beautiful SYistem of morals." The GrandMaster reported to his Grand Lodge that a fe1ature of the entertainment was "dancing "VV"omen in short skirts mrethod of raising money selling beer by reported Has a disgr,ace to with VigOI"Committee of Past and "snoiV\l"ed
appears from the smoikey
out. If by the able com~ COllnE~tjlon with the concern is certainly not desirablie. It shown by the committee thlat the women dancers wore "short skirts a.nd hailed from a low· down resort." How short the skirts were is not stated, but the upon the· good name O'f was such as to merit the severest indictment ever written tbe conduct of persons pretending to be members of-the M'asonie Fraternity. No justice can he do,ne the ,d!ocwment furnished by the investigating committee or the Grand Master in his circular issued against the crimes per~ petrated by unthinking and roys'berous participants in the shameful affair. Shrinism rea"che,d its level in the case. mentioned. A· committee 'appointed to case reported, d!eclaring that the "actio'll of the Grand Malster and proper,"·· and the circular issued by him was sarme was approved. .A. motion to exclude all portions of Al{tdress of the Grand Mast3r, relative to the "Mysolc Shrine· be omitted from the printed proce'edin.gs ·of the Grand Lodge," w'as disctlsseilat length and finally "laid upon the table." The Adldress of Grand Master K·ennedey, as a whole, met the needs, of the Craft ~(lD11ed the expectations of the Grand Lodge. Evidenci.ng this V'i'ew, he was complime,nted with a Past Graud Master's jewel at· tileClQSie of the session, expre.ssive of the~ppreciati'on of the Grand Loage for the e:flicient manner in whicn he bad performed tIle ardue~s duties ofihLs position during the term. Th:eGmndS.ecretary, M.. W~ Bro. Wm. D. Todd, pres,ent·e(i a and detailed report, e,m;bracing a statement of the nnLQnlCJ~kl affa.ir~. .He reported· that 'all Lofages hi8l.d made returns Qra.nd~odged.nes, the latter amo;un;t;e,cl1:() $8,000. "'S'IDlOked"
A resolution was introduced and discussed, and then laid over until the next Annual Com,munication of the Granel Lodge. It propose,d to prohibit Hsmoking in Lodge room,s during all sessions." Perhaps this was aimed at the "Lobster Smoker" that \vas so severely reprobated by the GI~a.nd Master and Grand Lodge. Be this as it maY,smoking i,n Lodge rooms during the solemn cere,monies of the Degrees, is an outrage upon d.ecency and' 'a travesty of propriety. In many Lodges it has be/come, more than a nuisance. I have witnesse'd such violations of de,cent deportment until disgusted be-yond expression. I have seen men who called themselves Masons, light their cigars during various parts of the' ceremonies, even when cand idates were at the altar or passing through the impressive portion of the Third Degree w'here death is symbolized. A Lodge room i.s dedicated to God. So is a church. A person who \vould desecrate a church by snapping a match to fire up his smoking machine would be indicted by a Grand Jury. Masons lose sight of the sanctity of Masonic Halls and do things there-in not les,s sacreligiotls than smoking in the House of God. The Grand Master of Missouri has issued a circular to the Lodges condemining the practice. OHATION.
Brother Frank G. Mirick, Grand Orator, delivered a four-paged Address, which was .a:ppreciated sufficie-ntly to win the thanks of his Brethren and a place in the Proc~J~dings. His subject was "Act well thy part." It may be said' in commendation that he ~id his "part" admirably "well." OBrrU..<\.RY.
A loving tribute was paid the mem&ry of a Past Grand Chaplain, Rev. Brother John F. Spaulding. A special report, submitted by M. W. Bro. Greenleaf, recommending the recognition of the Grand Lodges of Egypt¡ and Costa Rica, was adopted, and an exchange of Grand Representatives provided for. WASHINGTON :MEMORIAL.
The Grand Lodge ordered the publi,cation of 500 copies of "The Washington Memorial Exercises," ata cost not to exe,e-ed $1,100, the work to be offered for sale: at $3 per copy. The "Card SY1stâ&#x201A;Ź'm" was reco\mmended as the most suitable method of keeping the records of the membership in the Grand Jurisdiction. I take the liberty of saying to our Colorado brethren that haVing tried the Registea;
System for a number of years, and tested its mertits, I have discarded it for the "Card System," and find the latter far more satisfactory every way, a.nd commend it to all. The "Wo,rId's Fair Fraternal
Building Assoeiati,on" of St. Louis having me,morialized various Grand Lodges in behalf of the -"Temple of Fraternity," the subject was referred to the Finance Committee, ,hich reported that no action be taken in the matter for the. present. The pay-roll shows an outlay on this 'account amounting to $1,731. CORRESPONDENCE.
Bro. Lawrence p.a.ges of instructive .pr:i.)ee!ed:ln.~~s of fifty-five Gvand
The review is one of Ureel:'U.ea.!, a.nd ma.intains路 his of ability. Our Proceedings were the space being devoted to tbe consideration of the matter contained in the Address of Grand Ma,ster Wells. All of the deciisions found in the Address: relating to "physical qualifications" 路wereculled, &nd charaicterized as the "rn,ost radical departure from the customs and usages of the Fraternity that has occurred in the past 170 years of its history In America." No one is more fully a'ware of the stern truth of this statement than the present writer. And no one can be found more intensely opposed to such "departure" tha,n luyself. But we are handicapped and it is the law. Once since the' original "departure" made, an effort was put forth t(l)col'rectthe "new departure," but failure followed as it will until mQ;r',e oonservative vie,ws obtain. MARSHALl.. H. DE.AN,Glenwood Springs, Grand Master.. WILLIAM D. TODD, D'Qlnver,Grand Secretary. L.N. GRll1ENLEAF, I)enver, Oom. on Correspondence.
This session was held in Masonic Hall in the c.ity of Nerw Haven, commencing January 21st. Prese:n.t1 M. W. Arthur C. Wheeler, GranGl Ma$-ter; M. W. John H. Barlow, Grand Secretary,. and the 1.1S'1!tal Grand. Officers. There were in attendanoe fourteen Past Grand Masters' ,and Representatives of 109 Lodges. In the 110路路 Lodg;es in G. L . .A.p.-2.
the Jurisdiction there is a reported membership of 18,514, showing an encouraging increase amounting to 784. The average me\mbers'hip in the Lodges is 168. ADDRESS.
The Address of Gra~d Master Wheeler covers twenty-three page~. It is throughout a business docum,ent showing ability on the part of the Gvand Master and m1!ch careful attention evidenced in the interest of the Fraternity. He announced that throughout the entire Jurisdiction the utmost harmony had prevailed, and the interest shown in the Order was evidenced by the substantial increase in membership. Death has de,prived the Grand Lodge of two repre路路 sentative cha1'1acters', Brother Wm. R. Higbee, who had been Grand Trustee for more than twenty years and was Vice-President of the Board of Managers of the Masonic: Home, and M. W. Bro. John W. Mix, P.G. M.', who served the Fvaternity in 1888. An appropriate tribute was paid to the memory of the departed by the Memorial C'Ommittee. The Address of Grand Master W,heeler contains mention of many and vraried subjects; among others was a report of official vi-sits mad,e, andspe,clal dispensations: granted. Attention was called by the Grand Master to their Masonic Ho,m,e which is under the superintendency of M. W. Bro. J.. O. RQtWl,and. The Grand Master said "The Masonic Home is ours, and stands a bright and shining monument to the charity of the Masons of Cnnnecticut. Having builded well let u.s provide for the perpetuity of this noble charity." Carrying out this sugge,stion of the Grand Master it was resolved that 75 per cent of the dues received from the Lodges be set apart for the maintenance of the Home. T'he Grand M'aster stated that during the year he bad witnessed the work of the Order of Eastern Star and c()lmJm,ended this institutio,n as 8Jceom'plishing much for the M1asonic Home. Follo,wing the re~ort of the Grand Master the Address of the Deputy.Grand M'aster, B,rother M.Wood'ford, was presented and duly referred. It, together with the Grand Master's Address, received appropriate consideration. The Gr.and Treasurer rep,ortedas having handled during tbe year something over $21,000. deducting payments therefrom a balance remained in the treasury of ~ver $6,000 The Grand Se,cretary,M. W. Bro. John 'H. B'arlow, P. G. M., SUbmitted, a carefully prep1ared report giving very interesting statistiCal! information. He showed the membership to be 18,514 and that ther,e are 4,676 'Masons in the Juri'sdiction who are exempt from Gran,d Lodge dues. This leaves, a paying membership of some 14,000 members. He reported the incom,e for the year at . $13,934. The returns' from all the SUbordinate Lodges had all been
received and dues paid except one. 'Brothe'r Barlow reported. having visited thirty~five Lodges during the year. Doubtl'ess the Committee on Grievance was happy in reporting "No business bas been referred to us." On recom'mendation of M. W. Bro. Barlow, Committee on Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Costa Rica was duly recognized, together with that of 'V,estern Austf'talia and an exc,hange of Repre~ sentatives ordered. At the close of the session the newly elected Grand Master presented the retiring Grand Master, Brother Wheeler, with' a Past Grand Miaster's jewel and ,ap:Qdh in appreciation of his valuable services. CORRESPONDENCE.
P. G. M., sub~ He has the bappy J ourna1s re1Vlil~so'uri Proceedings for 1902 up with extracts Brother Barlow) like t''lI''c(:'l,no·P......... bis, m,embership takIng dimit. This is ex~ Brother to apply to a Lodge on a certificate of goodsm.n;(Ung, retaining his membership in his forlmer Lodge; after affiliating with the new Lodge, his membersbip ceases in his former Lodge and he becomes identified with the Lodge petition1ed. .This renders it impoamble f,or a Mason to be~ come non~affiliated in Missouri. If rejected in the Lodge applied to his membe~ship remains in the Qne frQtm which he took hiseertifi.. cate. lam quite surprised at theerroroommitted by Brother Barlow in reference to the resolution was offered· and referred to the Committe,e on Jurisprudence at()ur last ses,sion. That resolution disallowed a peroon not a pres'ent or past Master or present Ward€n to aetas a W. M. in conferring Degrees. This resolution was reported upon by the Committee on Jurisprudence a;dver,sely~ The committee decl~red. as its o'pinion "that the 'Ilresidlng officer may be safely endowed with the power to assign such part of the work as conferrin.g the Degrees to the Masons present as he may deem proper." The res-olution manti-oned' abov,e was offered for the purpose of pre?ellting members of L,odges fromoonferring. Degrees at the request o,f the presiding omeers. Brother Barlow writes dOfwu his concurren.c!e in my'views heretofore expre,ssed concerning Mexican Masonry, and 'also ~eesjiwith 'my posith)u in· regard to th'e reco.gnitlon of the Grand Orient of BelgiUrm. I have the warmest appreciat$en ()It Brother Barlow as an able and 'efiiroient Grand Officer whos,e genuine
Masonry wins my best affection. He is not inclined to acknowledge the weight of passing years though above thre,e-score and ten, declaring that "notwithstanding our vene:vableappearance we feel young and vigorous." Completing his report on the 1st of January he saId, "To our companion reporters, ,one and all, we, w,ish 'A Happy New Year' to each." Though woe are now in the, summertime I reci'proc.ate his good wishes a.nd say, "M1ay you live long and prosper." I am pleased to note that Brother Barlow is continued in charge of the work of Mas10nic Correspondence. LEON M. WOODFORD, Naugatuck, Grand Master. JOHN H. BARLOW, Hartford, Grand Secretary. 1
The session was held in the city of Wilmington, beginning on the first dray of October. Present, M.W. Br,o. George M. Jones, Grand M,aster; R. VV. Bro. Benj. R. B,artra+m, Grand Secretary, with -other Grand Officers, P,ast Grand Offic'ers and a constitutional number of Representatives of Lodgels. There wa.s reported twentyone Lodges in the Jurisdiction, with a memJbershi'p路 of 2,433, evidencing a gain of sixty-nine. ADDRESS.
Grand Master Jones pres,entedan Address containing eleven He announced the condition of the Craft to he路 in .a healthy state, the Lodges ,showing a substanti-al increarse. It was announced that "the last ten years nave been remarkable y路ears of growth and prosperity." The Grand M;aster had been able to visit every Lodge in the Jurisdi1ction and found the financial condition to be excellent and their treasuries well supplied with the "needfuL" Only one official ruling had been made, which applied to 'a candidate "WlhOlSe physical condition路 was such that he could not be m,ade a Mason, not even by the .aid of Missonri's "A.rtificial Appliances." A special dispensation had been granted a..Ilowing a Lodge to receive the petition of one who had not resd:d~d in the G:vand Jurisdiction one year. Of oourse, the law. cut 11.'0 figure in the presence of "Prerogative." The Address closed with a very frank announcement that "The office of Grand Master is the office towhi,ch I aspired when first I entered the Grand Lod,ge alS a mem.ber .e'leven .years .ago." pages~
Aspiration is a good thing, in its place. The Address was commended by a committee as "admirable" and its author accorded the tribute of a jewe'l app,ropriate to his rank as a Past Grand Master. GRAND SECRETARY'SREPOR':'"
From the report of Brother Bartram, Grand Secretary, I glean the following items: Returns from Lodges all received. Receipts, $1,523. Balance on hand" $1,553. Cih~rity fund. $1,700. Reserve fund, $2,100. cele'brate its The ~"1'1n'll"lr'l>itt'QA to levy a tax Centennial to meet such the expens,es.. A p,etition for' the to l'ack of conthe future.
The review was made by the fo·rmer com,mittee, R. W. Bro. L.. H. Jackson and covered 116 pages, considerably larger than his reports in the p,ast. The work is a 'summary o·f doings reviewed, and contains numerous extracts'.. Missouri Proceedings for 1901 receiv'ed the oourtesy of three pages, cOllt&ining a condensed view of the Address of Grand Master Wells and liberal appropriations from the Oration of Brother Walter Williams, our Grand Orator. The Address w,as· pronounced and impressive." That was the estimate uttered by those whohea.rd it. Brother J3JCkson was comp,lim,ented with the privilege his· good work as Corr'eispondent, and I hope, to hea.r from him again.. HARRY J. GUTI:IBIE, Wilmington, Grand Ma.ster. BENJAMIN F. BARTRAM, Wilmington, Grand Secretary..
The seml-annual session of tbisGrnnd Body was held May 14, 19Q2.TheGra.nd MDaster and GraIldSeeretarywere both absent on 'aCCCllllftt of illness. R. W.Bro. George H. Walker, D. G. M., presided, witl1l other Grand Offiee1'1S preseJ:lt. .A lette.!· Jfrom M.. lVlaleolm Seaton,Gra.nd Master, waspres,ented an,d read.
ness of this session wa;s very brief. The Ninety-Se,cond" Annual Communicatio-n was held, commencing De:cember 3rd. The Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Seaton, wag pres'ent and presided. The Grand Secretary, R. W. Bro. A: W. Johnston, was at his post, and other Grand Officers. Ther,e were present eleven Past Grand Masters and Representatives of twenty-six Lodges. The membership in the Jurisdilction is reported at 6,711. ADDRESS.
The kddress of the Grand Master cover,ed twenty-two pages' and is a complete eompendium of business. He announced that the year had been phenomenal in the steady growth of the Craft in the Jurisdiction and that their finances were established upon a solid basis. The Address contains quite an amount of Correspondence. being letters received and ans'wered, whieh w,ere ineorporated into the report. A goodly number of special privlileges had been granted to confer De.grees out of the usual time required by law. MASONIC F .A.I~.
A Masonic Fair and Exposition had been given under the auspices of the Fraternity to aid in pay,ing for the site of a ne,w Masonic Temple. 'I'Jle Grand Master reported the affair as a success both "artisticaHy and financially." The total reiceipts for the Fair amounted to over $55,000. The net profits had been turned over to the Tem'ple A'ssociation, thus enabling it to pay for the site f路or the propos.ed Temple in full, leaving a balance of $10,000 on hand. The Grand Master announced the prospect as very encouraging for the enterprise in the' direction of a new Temple. The Grand Lodge, at a former session, had created a oommittee to provide for the erection of a monument to the路mem,ory of their late Grand Secreta.ry, Brother Wm. R. Singleton. Said committee reported to the session no'w under review that the monument had been C:OID.iP1eted. and erected at .a cost of $1,500. From. the description furnished by the co'mmittee, the monum,ent iisa beautiful tribute to the memory of one of the truest Masons that this writer has ever known. The Grand Master stated路 that the Masonic Board of Relief of that Jurisdiction was in a highly prosperous condition, a;nd is working o,ut the end for which. it was established. The Gr.and Lodge of the District of Columbia had resolved to reprint its Proceedings" one volume of Wlhich, commencing in 1810 and running to 1845, had already路 been published. The work had been delayed for a. tim,e in view of limited funds to compete it. It is believed that sufficient resource,s could
be commanded to carryon the work and the Grand Lodge ordered a continuance of the undertaking which ha;s at present reached the year 1857. A report was submitted by the De,puty Grand !vlaster, Brother George H. Walker, containing a statement of the various matters attended to by ;him during the absence of the Grand Master from the State. On report of a comm.ittee the Grand Lodge estab· lished Fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge Costa Rica. R~ spectin.g Grand Lodges of Mexico and the Argentine Republic, the further time. relations were with the Grand Orient of Italy. FolIo",ring the comple· rontine business the election of Grand Offiee·rs took pl1ace and Lodge was AMPLE
On the 27th of Decemher the Insta.llation Communication of Grand Lodge was held at Masonic Temple, and the newly elected Grand Officers were duly inducted into office.. Som,e gene,ral business was transacted during this session; among others the statem'ent was mad,e that the card system had been adopted and was in' us,e. A letter having been received from a Representative of the "Eastern Star Home," asking for co·operationin the maintenanc,e of th1at institution, the· Grand Lodge ~adeanappropriation of $300 to aid the enterprise. Following his installation the new Grand Master, M. W. Bro. George H. Walker, d,elivered a brief land pertinent Address. Before the close of the s,ession, a .committee, previously appointed, reported that a Past Grand Master's j.ewelhad been procured for the retiring Grand Master,. M. W. Bro. Malcolm Seaton. The jewel was. presented in u el'OqueI1't terms," Slays the r:ecord, and was accepted by the recipient with fe,elfng re'marks. The Journal contains a biographical sketch oif the retiring Grand Master, Brother Seaton, who is ·a native iof the District of Columbia, and born in 1829. A picture furnished as a frontispiece presents a striking though venerable ap'pearance. CORRESPONDENCE•
.A report covering 136 pages, containing the notices of the transactions 'Of fifty~seven Grand Lodlges, was furni:shed by M. W. Bro. G. W. Baird, P. G. M., Chairman oef the Committee on· Corres· piondenee. Th;e commiittee stated! tb.!at this was his third re.;port. Mi.ssouri is included in the. list furnished,one and one·half Pi8tg~ being devoted to ourProooedings for 1892. Brother Bairdglanc.e(i briefly at the Address of Grand Mas,ter Finagin., and sbo,'w~d .• ~
dIsposition to poke fun at him, over one of his de,cisions. It is proper to say in justification of that decision, that it is in accordance with Missouri law. Brother Finagin had been asked "If a Brother can transfer his m.embership from one Lodge, to another, the latter being nearer his present residence?" The answer was given: "Yes, providing he transfers his membership without taking a dimit." We have a la,," in Missouri which provides that a me,mber of a Lodge Imay ask for and obtain a c.ertificate of good standing in his Lodge on "which . he can apply for affiHation in any other Missouri Lodge. Should he be elected to nleID bers/hip in said Lodge, the one from which he hailed is notified of the fa,ct and his member.. ship 'therein eeas1es. If he is rejected for affiliation in the Lodge petitioned, his membership remains in the Mother Lodge. This law was adopted b:>l' the Grand Lodge of Missouri to prevent the growing evil of non-affiliation. It jiS, known that m,any Masons obtain dimits for the announced purpose of affiliating elsewhere but fail to do StD. under our present regulation, a man never bec()mes a non..affiliated M1ason. I hope this explanation win satisfy Brother Baird as to the ruling made by M. W. Bro. Fiuagin. The report of Brother Baird is an instructive and readable document. GEORGE H. WALKER, Washington, Grand Master. A. 'VV. JOHNSTON, Washington, Grand Secretary.
The Grand Lodge convened in Mason~c Temple January 20, 1903. There were present M. W. Bro. James Carnell, Grand Master; R. W. Bro. Wilbur P. Webster, Grand Secretary, with a full corplS of GranEl Omeera. Ten Past Grand M8Isters and Representatives of 134 Lodges were in attendance. From the exeel1ent sum1mary of the G1"and Secretary it is learned that there are "144 active Lodges ·on the roll," with a membership of 4,900, being a net gain of 282. One new Lodge was created. ADDRESS.
An a"ble, practieaJ. and €liversified: A·€hdpes,s of thirty-ftv·e p.ages· was presented by the GraEidMasteF. It is,e:tated tbat the past year had 'been O:l11e of p,rosperity and barJ1B0.cIlY amomg the Craft. The anIllouncement was made of the death of one of their Past Grand
Appendix. Masters, M. 路W. Bro. James M. Hilliard, who, vvas elected Gr,and ]\J[aster in 1897 and also in 1898. 1'he Committee on Memoirs presented a very beautiful tribute in honor of the deceased Brother, stating that "he was a man of unswerving integrity, loyal in purp.ose and faithful in execution in all that p,ertains to' the life and character of a just and upright man and Ma.son." Grand Master Carnell reported that Fraternal relations with other Grand Bodies '\\~ere most cordial and Fmternal. The Address as a business document embraces a of matter of interest, such as la}1'ing eorner-stoB)feS, ne,," I.;odges created, special dispensations granted of the Grand Masters. to the Grand the use of the having made visit small and It has been of this writer Jrears that our Grand do not pay sufficient attention to struggling Bodies, but give consideration to Lodges that are strong in membership and well equipped in all particulars for advancing the Fraternity. :MA.SONIC 1-7IOl\I!E.
Attention was called by the Grand Master to the a,ct of the Grand Lodge in its previous session looking to the preliminary steps to ultiJmately establish and maintain a Masonic Home. His advice was to make haste slowly in view of the vital importance of the work, and urged that the Grand Lodgec'Otlllmence providing resources for carrying out the purpose already formed, and push it vigorously in the future. A committee, haVing in charge this interest, reported at length submitting divers and sundry resolutions looking the establi,shment of 'a Home land Orph:anaga in the future. It was resolved, a,mong other things, that the Grand Lodge make an annual ,assess:g.lent of fifty cents per capita for the establishment of a permanent fund. The Grand Lodge of Florida has thus taken the initial step looking to thee!stablishment of the greatest undertaking tha.t it. has ever handleq. .The Grand Master closed his second term with great credit, . haVing lnn.pressed .himself upon the Craft in that Juris,diction as but few men llave done in the past. Reportin.g .up'on .his Address, the c,ommitteesaid that it wasc.haracteristic -of the m.an who had evidenced aprElliigio\ls amount of zea.!ou.$., -intelli:gent and emcient labor, tberebya(i1;vancing the welfare QJf tl;]e ttll:r~~~,e:r'n;ity in a J!a.:rge measure. A reSQ]'atLoIl. was' adopted.路de,c]Q.lflJ1ll;g
in most positive terms the condemnation by. the Grand Lodge of Florida of the use of a cipher Ritual. ORA.TION.
The Grand Orator, Brother H. S. Yerger, asked the privilege of delivering his oration extemporaneously, as he wished to speak of matters not proper to be written. The record says it was a· most forcible and interesting oration and won th.e thanks of the Grand Lodge. For the foregoing re'ason· the oration is not .found in the Proceedings. .The finances of the Grand Lodge se,em to. be quite satisfa,ctory. A good sized pay-roll, amounting to $2,359, was a notable feature of the, financial condition of that Body. A very pleasing item of information· is contained in the ~roceedings, showing that sinee the last Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge all outstanding bonds against the Temple had been called in, cancelled and burned. Thus they have disembarrassed the Fraternity, and the Temple management, being out of debt, the· Grand Lodge may now turn its attention entirely to the building up of a broad charity, a Masonic Home. CORRESPONDENCE.
An extended review was furnished by M. W. Bro. Silas B. Wright, P. G. M., embljacing 190 pages. This' is the second report furnished by the committee. Having serve,d two years as Grand Master with pleasure to himself .and profit to the Fraternity, Brother Wright was fairly equipped fur the new work assigned him. It is with much 'Satisfaction that· I note that the ·Grand Lodge of Florida has resum~d the important work of Cotrespondence. Now that the Craft has been relieved of debt, the nightmare of Ma:s'onry, our Sister Jurisdiction can afford· to provide good things in the way of Foreign Oorrespondence. That it has done so··for the past two years 1s manifest. No mistake w,as made in selecting the committee to perform. .that duty. Brother Wright is a good gleaner and condenser. He has views of his own on all questions involving princi.. pIes of the If'raternity, which are courteously p,resented. Our Mis~ souri Prooeedings for 1901 received generonsconsideration, three page's being accorded the work. The Add1·ess of Grand Master Wells wasearefuUy noted and fully summarized. Other matters passed under review not omitting the report of this writer on Correspondence, whom Brother Wright styles a "veteran review,er." Referring to the Address of their Gran~i Orator, Brother H. S. Yerger, Brother Wright seems "waiting time with patience" for my opinion
of .the oration. Of said Address I expressed an oplnlon in my last report and commeuded it as "a very readable, practical and appropriate路 Address." I regret that the last effort of the Grand Orator did not appear in the Proceedings of Florida, e,ven though "Brother Yerger is a preacher." The' charm of the rose depends more f.or its attractiveness on its fragrance, than mere display. I hope the Grand Orator \vill continue to "emit increased flavor." It is with incre~u3ed that I note his reapipointment. PUIJESjTO]~,
J.\IJLonticeHIQ. Grand Master.
The Grand Lodge oonvelled on the 28th of October and held its session in Masonic Temple, City of M8Jcon. Present,. MOl W. Bro. Max Meyerhardt, Grand Master;R. 路\V. Bro. W.A. Wolihin, Grand Secretary, with the usual Grand Officers and Representatives of 433 Lodges. There are 447 Lodges in the Jurisdiction with a m,embership amounting to 21,138. Six new Lodges were added to the roll during the session by Charter. ADDRESS.
The Address of Grand Master Meyeraarc}.t was quite lengthy and elaborate, its author being a writer of great vo~ubBity. This is the second offering of the Grand路 Master,. laid upon the altar .of' the Fraternity in Georgia, being the close ofhlssecond term. Following a glowin.g exordium he gave a,ttention to the general affairs of the Craft in that Jurisdiction, 'Stating that they had a surplus on hand of $16,50e, $10,000 of which was at iRterest drawing five per cent. MASONIO ROME.
He was quite profuse in expresslons of joy' over the prospect of a Masonic Home in Georgia., stating that about $11,000 had accumulated and was available. The .Trustees h.aving in charge this interest pres.ented an extended report oontaining. a series of recommendations looking to the creation and maintenance of the Home. The report was practic'a1.and well conceived.
Appendix. DECISIONS.
The Grand Master submitted thirty-two decis.ions, which were passed upon by the Committee on Jurisprudence and generally approved. From these findings, on the part of the Grand Master, it is learned that anyone engaged in selling whiskey in a dispensary is ineligible to receive the Degrees of M'asonry. It was further decided that a Committee of Investigation finding a petitioner w路as engaged in selling intoxicating liquors, should report to the Lodge the facts in the case. Such finding renders the applicant ineligible. The Grand Master very wisely ruled that the loss of a part of the little finger of the right hand does not disqualify an applicant from receiving the Degrees of Masonry. 1-Ie also held that "a Masonic Lodge cannot rent its Hall' for other than Masonic purposes. With such view he had refused' to allow a Masonic Hall to be used for the purpose of dancing or for political meetings. These findings show the practical views and discreet judgment of Grand Master Meyerhardt. "He had created five new Lodges路 by dispensation, whichwBre duly Chartered at the Grand Lodge session. The .A.ddressembodies many local matters, such as appointment of Grand Re.presentatives, .authority to lay corner-stones, receipt of surrendered Charters, dispensations to oonstitute previously Chartered Lodges, to elect and install officers and for miscellaneous :purposes. Some three p,a-ges'were occupied reporting dispensations to "'confer Degrees out of time." There is a moral tone found in the deliverances of the Grand Master of a high order and to be commended by everyone. He took the correct view when announcing路 that "Masonry is a great .moral institution. It is designed to make m'en better and holier." He said: "Drunkenness among Masons must cease; it iis the great, crying evil that demands immediate reform. He who violates the law of God or of the State mus.t be cut off from. the Body of Masoary." These tltterances are like "apples of gold in piictures . o ifsilver," and stand out, giving just p~omJnence to the high and commanding position occupied by the Grand Master of Georgia Maso:ns. I would fain believe that the teachings' of such an official would' he productive of great good; but an examination路 of the list of those tried and punished for Unmasonic conduct, evidences that the m.oral law is not so effective in that Jurisdiction as OOllld be desire'd. At this point it is not out of place to mention, as I have heretofore, the operation of the la.w in that Jurisdiction against members of Lodges tried.and sentenced for non-payment of dues. A very long list appears in the Proceedings of those SUffering under the disability thus imp,osed, and H
"a judgment and sentence of the several Lodges wa.s carried into effect and said members expelled." There were more Masons thus expelled from the rights and privileges of Masonry for non-p,ayment of dues than app,eared in the list showing those that had been expelled by the Grand Lodge for drunkenness, dese,rtion of family, embezzlement of funds, assault with intent to kill, defrauding Master Masons» lying and slander) seduction, cheating and swindling, perjury, illicit distilling, and otheI'! offenses against the laws of Mas<lury, the State and of God. The conclusion of Grand Master Meyerh,ardt was eloquent and praiseworthy. The Grand Lodge of is Jurisdiction, and is steadily advanchope springs up tha,t the moral tone of with· .its
extenso, and the same that
resentatives to the
standing of certain Bodies Grand Master app,oint Rep-
The children from this Jurisdiction, on invitation, visited the Grand Lodge:, which took a recess"and the children entertained the members 'with songs and recitations, when a collection was taken up the institution, and the Grand Lodge made an appropriation in addition to the collection,bringing it up to $500. The Grand Lodge made an a.pprop,riatiolll of$.5Qi)ij. for the ,erection of a monu.. ment to the memory of Past Grand·M,aster, John P. Shannon. Thi,s is one of the most commendable acts Off the Grand Lodge of Geol'gia, for that Jurisdiction never had a tr1.'ter, nobler and purer character than the distinguished Brother, whose name is to b{j perpetuated in stone. FINANCE.
The report of the Committee on Finance s,hows an emine.ntly satisf~.ctory condition of the mOD.E?ta.ryat.fairs of the Grand Lodge. Adding the sum received during the term to bal\ance on hand last there was a total Rmonntin.g to something like $5:0,800.; aecln(:itmn;~ 'V'o'llchers for tbe past ye.ar there was a balance of $80,000 in treasury. Ge0irgia n~s the largest ]),ay-roiUof a11.Y ,Grand J"urisdictionill this number·s considered. THe sum of $12,500 was expiende!d 'onaocountfor the Grand CO'JJDmunication under· review.
A report of 130 pages was prepared .and submitted by Brother A. Q. Moody, committee. It is a general summary of the Proceedings examined, the notices being brie,f and the matter made up principally of extracts; Missouri was not remembered. Grand Master MEYERHARDT was re-elected and resides at Rome. W. A. WOLIHIN, Grand Secretary, lives at ~acon.
The Grand Lodge held its annual sessIon in the city of Boise, commencing the 9th of Septemlber, and was presided OiVer by M. W. Bro. David C. Chase, ,Grand Master. Thea. W. Randall was Grand Secretary, with the usual list of Grand Officers present. There were in attendance five Past Grand Masters and Representatives of twenty:five Chaltered Lodges. ADDRESS.
A reasonably brief Address was delivered by the Grand Master, embracing a very practical introduction. F·ollowing this was the announcement· that the Grand Lodge had suffered the loss of three Past Grand Officers, Brothers George W. Paul and Benj. F. Morris, Past Deputy Grand M1asters, and Brother John Huntoon, Past Grand Tre'asurer. The statistical showing of the Grand Lodge indicates that there are thirty-tw'o Lodges ,on the roll with a membership of ·1,500. Three new Lodges were created during the year by d'ispen.sation and received Charters at the Annual Communication. A few official decisions were reported. Divers dispensations had been granted for loc~lpurposes. Numerous ·official visits had been mad.e during the term by the Grand' Master. The Address was closed With some recommendationssnbmitted for the cOll'sideration of the Gr~and Body.. The Address throughout wa.s thoroughly business-like and .co~mended itself to the favorable consideration of the members of the Grand Lodge. The GrandS,ecretary, R. W. Bro. Randall, s1.lbmitt~d a report which was quite extensive and embra:ced general and statistical matters of interest. .He .reported the .income of the ye·ar as nearly $8,000. The report of the Grand Treasurer followed, presenting the fiscal statuls of the Body) and announced that the Orpban Fund amounted to about $24,000. The report of the Grand
Lecturer was brief. Reports of the Committee on Jurisprudence: Appeals' and Grievances and Returns of Lodges are found in the Proceedings. The business .of the session was brief and of no generall interest. CORRESPONDENCE.
The report, embracing seventy-nine page.s, was furnished by Brother Geo. E. Knepper, Chairman. It i~ his first effort, being a new writer for that Jurisdiction. He said that no apologies were as the term "first annual report" was self-expl:a.natory. the Proceedings fifty-two Grand Bodies and well properly prepared report. As '.~~il ;Der~ Brother w0'ncred.itable and ranks of reviewers a good record. 1 welcome the Brother Knepller gleaned well, extracts pertinent comments. His renew writer, indicating close gave Missouri Journal for He presented in weH:condensed form the principal Address of M. W. Bro. Wens, Grand Master, and spoke of the same in oommendatory term's. Mention was made of the McKinlay service and the funeral oration of this writer. OurQ:rrand Master's Address was declared a document far above the averagie. He made brief appropriations from my work as Grand Secretary and cOlmm·ented kindly upon roy w<ork on Foreign Oor.. respo;ndence. Extending to our new a.cquaintance and Fraternal associate most cordial greetings and+' appreciation, I record with pleasure his reappoin-mnent as Co~ittee on Correspondence. DAVID F. MASON, Coeur d'Alene, GrandMaster. T:aEO. W. RANDA.LL, Boise> Orand Secretary. GEORGE E. KNEPPER, Lewiston, Com. on Correspondence.
TbeGrand Lodge convened in tnecity of Chicago on the 7th day efOretober. Present, M. W. Bro. George M. Moulton, GrandMaster; Brother J .. H.C. Dill, Grali.td Secretary, and a complete roster of·GrallQ There were present ninie Fast Grand Masters, a:n;d Rep.. resentatives of 708 out of the 728 Lo,dges on the roll. In the~odges inth;is large Jurisa.iction there is .all appro:ximate members'".bipo~
64,000. A gain of 3,367 was reported. The annual dues found in the report of the Grand Secretary was something over $37,000. The annual income for the year was about $40,000. The Grand Treasurer had handled in his term about $81,000, leaving a cash b8Jlance of $44,000 on hand. ADDRESS.
The Address of M. W. Bro. Moulton, like Masonry in Illinois, is very extensive, covering forty pages. He reported that no active officers of the M. 'V. Grand Lodge had路 been sUID'moned to the higher life, and furnished a Hstof severa.l prominent members of the Craft in路 the Jurisdiction that had formerly served in different positions as Grand Lodge Officers. I find in the Proceedings a striking picture of one of the venerable men of that Jurisdiction, whom I had the pleasure of meeting in other years, M. W. Bro. Wm. Lavely, P. G. IV!. He was elected Grand Master in 1847. Spea~颅 ing of him. to a distinguished citizen and .scientist in the Missouri State University,years ago, I was asked the question if I knew Brother ~~vely; on replying in the affirmative, he quietly remarked: "God made that man." This remark was characteristic of Brother Lavely andaJso o,! his admirer. The Address of M. W. Moulton is crowded with business interests throughout. He created during the year eight LodgesU. D. These were Chartered by the Grand Lodge. The Address contains announcenlents of haJls ,dedicated, eorner-stones laid, special dispensations granted,"and mGtny other subjects' bearing. upon local questions that need not be mentioned.. He announced that the financial condition of the Grand Lodge, as shown by reports of the Grand Treasurer a~dGrand Secretary, hibited a gratifying condition. During the year he had collected and published all decisions and interpretations of their law which had been previously rendered. On the' principles thus presented he made a series of pra.ctical talks. Said comment contained valuable information and practical iU$.truction. Nine official decisions were reported which received general approval by the Committee on Jurisprudence. Passing upon the status. of the Tiler of a Lodge, the Grand. Master ruled that he had the right to vote therein, but the exercise of the right is neitherco,mpulsory or' necessary. This ruling received special consid,eration from the Committee on Jurisp,rudence, which affirm'ed the :same. In view of the large nuanber of Lodges., sixty-eight, in tne c.ity of Chicago.,tlle Grand Master thonght. that the rule governing concurrent Jurisdiction should be slightly altereid so as to grant Lodges beyond the limdtsolf the City the right to receive resident petitionso.f Ohie.ag,o.. He .re'commended tllata waiver of Jurisdiction over m:aterial residing in territory possessed
in common by two or more Lodges could be granted by the I.Jodge located nearest to the home or residence of the petitioner in the city. The subject of grievances "\'\i~as extensively elaborated, and vindicated the ability of the Grand Master. stated that relations with all foreign Juri,sdictions with which eOJ~reBpj[)D4rleilce w,ere harmonious.
na1tlOlB&l1 movement has be,en D;eieeiS~_ry·
funds with which to erect President, Brother W:nl.
our Master cause!. a circular to be issued to Lodgf3S of Jurisdiction recommending that appropriations be for the purpose according to their several ability. Resulting froim this call $1,325 had been contributed by the Masonic Loc1ges of Illinois. :b'lASON Ie HOME.
After some years of agitation of the question of a Masonic Home in that Jurisdiction,. which at one time met with rather formidable opposition, the ,Masons of Illinois have entered with heart and soul into th& work establishing this great and noble charity. The attitUde of the Grand Master in relation t'O this interest was of no doubtful sort. Resaid: HIt is time that Illinois, usually foremost in progress, should take its place in the column and from now forward practically illustrate the and ilInportant lesson of charity which .is so forcibly ·ineuleated in every de.gree of Masonry." Our Illinois Brethren, when they take hold -of am.a~ter, do not halt at . balf-way measu.res. A committee 011 this subje,ct rep,orted tlttat 2'64 ·aereso,f la.nd had been hc,tIueathed by the late Brother Robert A. for the purpose of establishing a Maso'nic ·Home. The bearing upon this que'stion is very full and to the point. It was recomme:aded that the property thus donated be utilized in the best way possible.~a.nd that n:8oes.sa,ry funrd:sD,e 'provided with whioll to the first building, and other x;beces.s,ary improvements. To it was proposed that an ia,p;pr&p,riation of $25,000 be made Grand Lodge Treasury. A Bfiotion was made to adopt the foregoing reiport when an amendment was offered to make the asp'e'cialorder of bl1siness thefoillowing day. Happily~!airi Another 'motion w'asm,ade to refer tbe Committe;e and that was lOist. The repert adopted and the Illinois Masons· nave sllown G. L. Ap.-3.
purpose to be "first among their equa,ls" in the great work of charity. The Address of the Grand Master contains the history of a large number of special or "occasional" Grand Lodge sessions held for various purposes at nearly all of which the Grand Master was present and presided, showing that he was both active and busy. The com,mittee on the Address said that the Grand Master had had a very busy year. Although the Address presented by him was of greater length than usual, it 路was consise, .logical and to the point, and possessed high literary merit. The Address w.as followed by the report, in detail, of the thirty-one District Deputy Grand Masters. The record shows the presence and introduction of our M. W. Bro. Noah l\JI. Givan, who was present and made a very charming Address to the Grand Lodge presenting the subject of our World's Fair Temple of Fraternity and urging the Grand I...todge of Illinois to become a party to this laudable enterprise. The appeal of M. \楼. Bro. Givan produced good fruit as shown by the report of the Committee on Finance, which recommended that the sum of $1,000 be appropriated for thevVorld's. Fair Fraternal Building Association at St. Louis. ORATION.
The record infornlS us that the Grand Orator, Brother Richarcl Yates, delivered an able and scholarly oration, receiving enthusiastic applause and vote of thanks by the Grand Lodge. The request made to the Grand Orator to furnish a copy of his Address was adopted, but before a revised copy could be obtained the orator was stricken with illness and unable to comply with the desire of the Brethren. It is learned from the record that the bonds of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary are $30,000 each. The statement is found that the contributions for charitable purposes amounted to $37,679. From the same source it is learned that the Grand Lodge accepted a transfer of all the property and effects of the Illinois Masonic Orphan's Home and the Illi11o-is Masonic Home for the aged. . All amendment was adopted to a previous rule submitted, that every Lodge in the Jurisdiction shall pay annually into the Treasury of the Grand Lodge the sum of ninety cents for each Master Mason belonging to such Lodge, and that thirty-five cents of said amount shall be set aside for the special fund kno~n as the "Charity Fund," subject to the use of the Grand Lodge for charitable purposes. At the close of the session Grand Master Moulton, having been reelected, and installed, expressed his appreciation of the confidence shown in his being chosen for the second . term and pledged, as he
35 did one year before, his most loyal, faithful and conscientious service. CORRESPONDENCE.
The Journal of Proceedings of the <:frand Lodge of Illinois
six hundred pages. The unusual size of the work is the report on Correspondence rendered by ~L Vvr â&#x20AC;˘ }{obbins, ,vhich covers 334 pages. The revie\v enlbraces sixty-one Lodge Proceeding.s, American the introduction committee alluded briefly to ,,,,,,n''IT",,ro artent10n during preceding term. The first and these notices was the untimel3r death of PresiBrother Robbins said: "We have seen eloquent tributes to his memory and virtues than in various P'roceedings we have had under The (~Onlnlit~te¡e nlade reference in his exordiunl to other matters connected with :F~oreign affairs' and Grand Bodies which ","in not eonsidered here. In reviewing a work so voluminous as the report now under consideration, it is a great relief to find that it is Inade up very largely of extracts from the Proceedings examined. rrhe labors of our old-time friend and beloved Brother Robbins IT1H.Y" be Illost accurately characterized as a "Review." This term describes his work more fully than any I can appropriate. He is bypre..:emillenee a "reviewer." Great space is therefore accorded to all Jurisdictions whose works he had examined, and clippings frou): such abound in great measure. Our. Missouri Proceedings for 1901 was given the benefit of eight pages of his report. In reviewing our work at that session the Address of Grand Master 'VeIls is kindly regarded andcomp1imented, both as to his pei"ception of the la~r, and fitness of things. The Address ~f Brother Wells was copied from quite extensively, and Fraternally com~ mended. M. W. Bro. Robbins holds, views which meet my hearty ap'proval' with regard to private examination of parties claiming to be Masons. He said that an unofficial examination might be made as satisfactorily as would one by an appointee of the Master made for this purpose. In our exce,eding solicitude respecting compliance with legal standards, Lodges of the present day are not inclined to reeognize a Ma;son as a visitor who has not been examined by a cOInlmittee appointed for the purpose by the Master of the Lodge. While making no pretension to accuracy or an unusual familiarity with Ritualistic teaching, I claim to be as well qualified to conduct an examination in my private office' as anyone else in an ante-room adjacent to a Masonic Hall. This I have often dOlle, vouehing for Masons who were never questioned by a Lodge
committee. One of the decisions of the Grand Master "rells (No.6) which decided that a man could not reaffiliate with a Lodge from \vhichhe had taken a dimit while residing in another State. Brother Robbins says: "Will Brother Vinci! tell us why he cannot thus reaffiIiate?" I reply t.o the' question by saying that there is a pro· vision of law in ¥issouri, to my mind of doubtful mea.ning, on ,vhich this decision is based. I hold now, and I did in former years,when Grand Master of Masons in this Jurisdiction, that a Mason is a member of the great Masonic family, and has the right, which should not be questioned, to seek affiliation with that family at any plac~ he might elect. Brother Robbins, in speaking of decisions rendered by Brother WeBs respecting physical qualification, says that such decisions struck him "as a very clear exposition of Missouri as distinguished from Masonic law." Grand Master 'VeIls, under the existing regulation, could not decide otherwise. His comments upon the action of the Grand Master who was present at the trial of a certain cause in a Lodge in this city was very pertinent. He calls the affair Han extraordinary cas'e," and truly said: "'There was no moral in the mysterious affair but a fact, and the charges against the accused were lost in the shuffie." The oration of Grand Orator, Brother Walter Williams, on the "Value of Life," ,vas characterized as far. above the average in close thinking and· close ~"riting. The report of this Committee on Correspond,ence received favorable as well as Fraternal consideration. Replying to his note on onrMasonic Home where he stated that the Home plan favors only a certain class of cases, I wish to say that the Home management is prepared to meet any and all cases demanding Masonic Charity. Those that we cannot induce to come to and enter the Masonic Home, thereby forfeit a proper recognition of their claims for relief. The Home is provided for all needy ones and we have taken care of them in . the "most satisfactory way. When a claimant for Masonic relief absolutely refuses, without any justification, to enter the MasoniG Home, such person has no cause for complaint at being overlooked by the. benevolence· of the local Fraternity. Brother Robbins was very kind in his reference. to my Address at the McKinley Memorial service held on "Funeral Day," characterizing it as a "noble pro· duction showing the effect of Brother Vincil's long training in extemporaneous speaking." This compliment, coming from M. W. Bro. Robbins, is very warmly appreciated. I have to record with usual satisfaction the reappointment of Brother Robbins 'as Committee on Correspondence. The Grand Master, Brother George M. Moulton, was re·elected and resides in Chicago. Brother J. H. C. Dill, Grand Secretary, Bloomington.
was held in "Grand Lodge Hall "in the city of "commencing on the 26th day of Maj". Present. M. 'iV. Dunbar, Grand Master, R. "V. Bro. Calvin Vl. 8ecretary, Grand Officers,·· and '';Repreof the Lodges" in the Jurisdiction. Also Past Grand Mast~rs and Representatives of thirtyThe Representative of Missouri, M. W. Bro. was enrolled among those pre.sent. Anl)I~ESS.
A supel'ior business document was furnished by the Grand 1Vlaster covering thirty-seven pages. He stated that "the year just closed had been one of un usual prosperity in the material growth of the Order~ both numerically and financiall~"." T'he record shows that at tbe elose of the session there were 518 Lodges on the roll with membership of 37,318, being a gain of 2,211 for the year. This is a very gratifying increase. The death of their former Grand Secretary, Brother Will. H. Smythe, who had served the Grand Lodge in that eapacity for twenty-two yiears, was duly recorded. The death of distinguished Masons. in other Jurisdictions was mentioned, among them that of M. W. Bro. John C. Yocum, Grand Master of Masons in Mls!souri. Brother Dunbar said : "We deeply sympathize with Missouri in the loss o·f their Grand Master.. " He reported the Constitution of the several Lodges Chartered at the last session, and recorded .dispensations _issued' to eight new Lodges." The Address contains variolisitems of interest, such as. cornerstones laid, dedications of- Masonic Halls, permissious of numerous Lodge to change their places of meeting, special dispensations granted, but ill no case to do Masonic work out of time, which shows a strict adherence to sound Masonic poUcy. Extended attention was paid to the subject of Ritual. It seems that our Brethren of Indiana have had more or less difficulty in agreeing upon what constituted the correct esoteric work in that Jurisdiction.. The long-time contention of what constituted the "Webb work" is probably settled, 8:8 a appointed on Ritual in 1901 agreed that the work pub· so,me years ago by Robert Morris came nearer containing the ]!ecture's of Thomas Smith Webb than any other. The Grand Master s[~did: HI therefore most earnestly reCOIllIll€nd this Ritual for your
adoption." The Grand Master reported having received a conl~ munication from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, soliciting the co-operation of the Grand Lodge of Indiana in the erection oia Temple IPraternity at the World's Fair in 1904. This matter 路was reported adversely upon by a committee.
Ten decisions rendered by the Grand Master were reported in the Address and considered by the Committee on .Jurisprudence. Said committee found that the action of the Grand Master in each case was in accordance with Masonic law and usage and were therefore all affirmed. One ruling declared that a person having a thumb and forefinger only on his left hand is not disqualified from being made a Mason. The Grand Master very generously expressed the desire that some provision might be made to remove the disability that prevents worthy men from becoming good and true Masons who are debarred by the law of physical disqualification. Taking the A.ddress of Grand Master Dunbar as a ",~hole it may be well pronounced a first-class business document. The report of the Grand Secretary, R. W. Bro. Calvin W. Prather, was brief and synoptic, showing in t\VO pages all matters of interest connected with hig position. The various subjects claiming consideration in the Grand Lodge were o111y examine'd and reported upon, meeting the approval of the Grand Body. Much matter was thus disposed of, of a local sort, which needs no review here. A committee, headed by M. 路\~t. Bro. Martin H. Rice, reported adversely on a resolution which proposed to charge fees for affiliation in Lodges. The action in this case is to be commended on all hands. During the session a jewel was presented to M. W. Bro. Dunbar, known as a "Past Grand Master's jewel." Following the enthusiasm created by the eloquent Address of pres.entation, Grand Master Dunbar, according to record, in a bappy and forceful manner responded in words of affection to his Brethren in appreciation of the distinguished honor conferred upon him. From a resolution subsequently adopted I am led to cqIlC!l.lde that the jewel presented was not ordered by the ,Grand Lodge but seems to have been a personal tribute. The Grand Lodge resolved: That hereafter the retiring Grand Master. should be presented with a Past GrandMaster's jewel, to be prepared by the Grand Secretary as a tribute from the Grand Lodge, and that all other Past GrandMasters, who have not received such honor, be complimented in like manner.
proper committee had prepared and submitted a report which was adopted, paying Fraternal tribute to the honored dead of Sister Jurisdictions as well as of the local membership that had been called froITl labor. F'ollo·wing the appointment of the Grand Master elect, the Grand Offioers were installed and the Grand Lodge was closed in AMPLE FORM. CORRESl~ONDEN(:E.
sixty Grand Proceedings, America.n and by M. \V. Bro. Simeon S. Johnson, Chairlnan. 117 pages. A synopsis of the transactions of condensation, eharof Missouri for 1902 were pages being assigned to that work. the Address of Grand Master the Jurisdiction for" six months. Deputy Grand Master, who bad served during the ab·sence of Olaf Grand Master, was overlooked. In complettng my review of Indiana last year, I e,xpressed regret at taking leave the then Ohairman of the Committee, Brother Daniel McDonald~ as he had been, superseded by a new committee. I am pleased to note the reappointment of M.W. Bro. McDonald, and welcome him back to the guild. W~L E. ENGLISH, Indianapolis, Grand Master. CAl.VIN W. PRATIIER, Indianapolis, Grand Secretary. DANIEL McIlONAIJD, Plymouth, Com. on Correspondence.
Communication was held at South McAlester, commencing on the 14th of August. Six months after th€ Grand Lodge closed its session I received the Journ~ of Proceedings. A published expbt,n.ation found in the volume explains the long delay in bringing out the work; the contract for printing was let ,to "the lowest bidder," believing tbat the, concern was reliable. A statement from the Grand Secre·tary indicates that the price for pUblishing the Proeeedings was lower than had' ever been secured. Before the con<
tract \vas finished the publishing firm failed. It was necessary to find another publisher; accordingly a Texas firm got the job and by reason of the transfer of. copy and unfinished printed matter, the work ,vas not only delayed but evidenced a badly coufused state of things. This is seen in numerous notable errors founel in the Journal. The session was presided over by M. W. Bro. Henry M. Furman. R. W. Bro. .Jos. S. Murrow was Grand Secretary, with a full complement of Grand Officers present, together with Representatives of 100 Lodges. eight Past Grand Masters and a large number of Past Masters. A welcome was tendered the路 Grand Lodge in what the Grand Secretary calls "an indoor open session." The Mayor of the city delivered the Address of welcome. There are 104 Chartered Lodges on the roll 'with a membership of 4,549. The Grand Secretary said there was a net gain of 373. AIHlTn~ss.
Graud Master Furman presented a very complete business Address, covering fifteen pages, which opened with a historical sketch of the Grand Lodge fronl its organization. At that time, October, 18-74, there were three Lodges in the Territory with a membership of less than 100. In the intervening years the Fraternity has prospered to an encouraging degree, and Masonry now in that Jurisdiction occupies a comm,anding attitude. The Grand Master reported dispensations to confer degrees out of time. Twenty-four decisions were made, seven LodgesU. D. had been created. He paid a high tribute to the late President of the United States, Brother William McKinley. T'he patriotic sentiments of the Grand Master were heartily endorsed by the Committee on Necrology. The路 decisions of the Grand 'Master ~;vere duly considered by the Committee on "Law and Usage," and approved. The Grand Master declared that "Drunkenness. gambling and profane swearing are immoral. and therefore violations of Masonic Law." This declaration being approved it was thereby made a standing rule for the governing of the Craft in that路 Jurisdiction. If properly enforced it will路 add largely to the high standard of Masonry already reached. lVfASONIC HOlVIE.
It is learned from the Journal o-f Proceedings that the Grand ;,Lodge has a total fund of $10,000. The Grand Master amplified the subject quite extensively taking up three pages in the Journal in his comments and reflections. A report was presented to the Grand
Appendix. the financial agent of the Honle, showing the amount of money collected by him dliring the term which footed up between $3,000 $4,000. A special committee on this interest reported that "The amount now in hand is entirely inadequate,t' consequently will not be inaugurated until larger resources are acqnir(~d. The Grand Master reported having made twenty~fi.ve visits official service, saying that he had been received in a If"raternal manner wherever he went among. the Lodges. The Grand Master Furman ,vas closed with an elaborate GRAN}) SECRE'l'ARY'S REl:ll()RT.
extensive general and fiscal and paid G路rand Lodge dues,
Orator, H. W. Fielding, "delivered an interesting and valuable oration in publie to the members of the Grand Lodge and citizens generany of South McAlester." This statement is taken fronl the report of the Grand Secretary. The subject of the Address was "Torking Tools of a Fellow Craft. n The Address was very long and quite ornate. Reports from the Grand Lecturer, Grand Custodians and Com~ nlittee AI)peals were submitted, approved and published.
A report was prepared by Brother Eugene Hamilton embracing reviews thirty-nine Grand Lodge Proceedings, covering ninety~ five pages. It was the first effort of the committee and showed路 some diffidence on bis part as a new beginner, though it is a work or \楼h~ch be need not be ashamed. It is com'posed largely of ,clippings froffi..the i'roceedings examined. At the close he furnished an inter~ asUng compendiuID,embracing a variety of subjects showing the attitudeQ.f the different Grand Lodges of the "0. E. Star, physical qu:aU:fjc:~atlons, liquor business,. perpetual Jurisdiction, non~affiJi,ation, benevolen.ees,anc1 .Mexican Masonry.)) Our Missouri Proceedings for 1902 was entirely overlooked, or the Journal bad not reached its destination. R,OY AI.. J.. ALLIl1N, Duncan, Grand Master. Joe. S. MURROW, Atoka, Grand Secretary. C. HlJ:MPHBEY, South McAlester, Com. on CorresPQndelO.ce.
Thisse·ssion was opened in the city of 'Waterloo, June 2d. Six weeks thereafter a handsome and admirably gotten up volume can· taining more than 400 pages reached this office. .A.s usual it is graced with a striking picture of the Iowa Masonic Library building. The Grand· Lodge was escorted to its place of meeting by a committee of Knights Temlplar, where an Address of welcome was tendered and a response made thereto. The Grand Maste-r, M. 'V-vT• Bro. Willis S.Gardner, presided, and R. W. Bro. Ne'wton R. Parvin was Grand Secretary, and other Grand Officers were present together with Past Grand Masters, and the Representatives of 376 Lodges. There are 503 Lodges on the roll with a Inembership of 83,181, a gain reported of 1,372. The income was. $28,709. AIHHUJSS.
The Address gf Grand Master Gardner 'was of sufficient brevity, covering fifteen pages, and contained much matter of importance to· the Fraternity in the Jurisdiction. After the usual opening congratulations, he announced the death of two of their Past Grand Officers, Brothers Albert C. Abbott, P. G. M., and David S. Deering) Past Grand Senior Warden. l)uring the session the Committee on Fra.ternal Dead presented an extended Memorial tribute embracing these names, and those of others in Sister Jurisdictions. The Grand Master had created two Lodges U. D., which were duly Chartered during the session. The Lodges, five in number, Chartered at the last Annual Communication, had been duly constituted. The Grand Master was very congratulatory to the Ma,sons of Iowa, on the ,large increase during the year. He, gave it as his opinion that· Masonry is growing in favor and the esteem of people in that State. The laying of a number of corner-stones was reported by the Grallcl Master at w~ich he personally officiated. In that connection he caned attention of the Grand Lodge to the jewels, consecration vessels and aprons used by the Grand Officers in such ceremonies. The vessels were said to be old, tamished, battered and dented, and the apron.s worn out and not inkeepi.ng with the dignity of the Grand Lodge. Such visits as had been made by the Grand Master were duly· chronicled in hisAddress..A.ttention was called to the World's Fair Building Association in Sit. Louis and thecommunication received by bim from the President of said organization,which
1903.] subject was referred to the Grand Lodge Trustees. These Trustees reported that it was unwise at that time for the Grand Lodge to make any appropriation for the purpose set forth in thecomnlunication mentioned. Attention was called to the work of the S,chools of Instruction, and the importance of carrying on such agency for the benefit of the officers of Subordinate Lodges. Some space of the Address was devoted to the subject of clandestine Lodges and Masonic imposters and the Fraternity warned against those cQnnected\vitb these irregular and Unmasonic organizations. Referri~g to their Grand Lodge Charity Fund, the Grand Master gave it as his opinion that their plan of dispensing relief was one of the best that ,has yet been devised. The Grand Lodge Wl1\,S congratulated on the amount good accomplished through labor of tbis agerlCY. The Lodge the gre:atest kind in the world, the the Grand IVlaster. institution is the glory alld The Lodge had pre,viously contain biography of their late Grand Secretary, Brother T. S. Parvin. It is stated that this work has been carried on during tIle j"ear to point nearing completion. I have thns hurriedly looked through the Address of M. W. Bro. Gardner, which is a valuable document abounding in business of a practical character. There is foune) in the Journal a.nextended report of the Board of Custodians furnished by that Board, which consists of M. W. Bros. Ge·o. B. VanSann and Chas. T. Granger. These M .. W. Brethren, Past (ira-nd Masters, are solid and capable repre.sentatives of the department in charge. The report is a very full and complete one. .)[y personal ap;p,reciation of both .leads me to ma.ke this statement, aside from.t,l)le 'Value of the document. The Grand Secretary, .Brother NewtoQ. Jt"'P~rvin, furnished .a complete history\of the year's work appertaining 'to his position. It is quite lengthy and very interesting. Speaking o·f the subject of returns of Chartered Lodges he g.ave utterance to the same sentiments found in my rieport as Grand Secretary one year ago. He. had learned, what has heen my experience, that. the· Lodges which are prompt in making returns always seiem to receive the blanks in good season, while on the other hand, the tardy Lodges invariably report a failure to receive their blanks as an excuse for not making returns. Brother Parvin is eminently practical as a business, otfieerof his Grand Lodge. T'his is shown in a numbelf of instances, where his views ,are ille;:act keeping with the best .pusiness standards'. Speaking ofth.~ incorporation of Lodge,s he 1\010.$ that a Lodge having Trustees can cJo aU the things, and· transact all legal business thatcO\lld ·])e done/by the officers or directors of an in.corporated body. This rep-
resents the method adopted by this Grand Lodge a number of years ago and faithfully carried out. A Lodge incorporated . under the la",~ would be subject to the interference of courts in given cases thereby causing trouble. We have avoided all this by pursuing the course similar to that mentioned by Brotller Parvin. The card system for the registration of mem,bership had been adopted by the Grand Lodge of Iowa but not carried out owing to the fact that the Order ulade for funds to carryon this work had not been met by the Grand Treasurer. If our Iowa Brethren will adopt the card system as we have in Missouri, they will find it the best method of keeping trace of their membership that has ever been tried in Grand Lodges. The work of Brother N~wton R. Parvin is extensive .and all-embracing like that of his illustrious father and teacher, and covers a large field such as biographical, report on library, finance and other business incident to the office of Grand Secretary. The, work of the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary as presented and published in the Journal embraces all the matter that we need mention in the view of路 the Grand Lodge Proceedings. COltRESI)ONDEN C}j~.
Brother Joseph E. Marcoonbe, committee, submitted a report of 100 pages. This is the second review made by this committee. It evidences care and ability on the part of Brother Marcombe, who has evidently read the Journals, examined and drawn therefrom such matter as he deemed appropriate. The scisBors were very convenient and. served good purpose; the pro,per use of such domestic tool atones for its emplOylment. Brother Marcombe was briefly kind to Missouri for 1902, giVing us Fraternal consideration in a page of clippings from our transactions with a few paragraphs of personal mention. I announce wfth pleasure that he was continued a.s Committee. on Correspondence for 路t.he next year. Cl[ARLES C. CLA.RK, B路urlQngton,Gralld Master. NEWTONR. PARVIN. Ced~:r Rapids" Grand .Secretary.
KANSAS-19 03. i
The session was held in the Auditorium, city of Wichita beginPresent, M. W. Bro. Thomas E. Dewey, Grand Master; R. W. Bro. Albert K. Wilson, Gra.nd SecretarYt with a fun complement of Grand Officers, eight Past Grand Masters, and Repret
ning February 18th.
sentatives of 267 out of the 364 Lodges were enroiied. The menlbership was reported at 23,567 ~ being an increase over the previous year of 1,179. The Masonic F'raterniity of Kansas has been most fortunate in its history in the selection of Grand Secretaries. My acquaintance with that Grand Lodge began some thirty-seven years ago, when that sterling character, Brother .John H. Bro\vn,\vas Grand Secretary. When he was called to lay down the implements of Masonic labor, his successor, the pres.ent Grand Secretary, Brother Albert K. Wilson, was chosen. V,thile Brother Bro\\~n's strength and great for-o'e fitted him for the position of Comm,iltee on Correspond· Secretarial labors wer'e, lUre himself, strong practicaL advancement that are made in improved methods, along Brother ke'jpt the pace and ha.s developed sy~~te!~lBlitiC method of discn,argiag his d1tlties that a.re peeuliar to benice the Journal Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of among the best o,f the country. At the un'der revieVlr the record states the presence of one of our Masons from Missouri, R. "",r. Bro. WnLF. Kuhn, Grand Master of Missouri. who was presented to and ,vel~ comed by the Grand Lodge of Kansas through its Grand Master. Brotber Kuhn made a brIef and ha.ppy response to hisintroduction~ exp,ressin.g great pleasure at meeting Brethren where he had been for a term of years active in Lodge work. He had served three years as W. M. in that ,State and had been Master. in Missouri for one term, therefore he claimed that he was a three-quarter Kansan. ADIHtESS.
The JOltrnal of Proceedings emanatirlg frolll that Jurisdiction eontainrs'anaec1..lrate and striking re:pri~sentation ocf the Grand Master,. whom we had the pleasure. of meeting at our Grand Lodge tn 'OcctoOier, 1'9(),2, in .Kansas City, where hec}l1}UVere.d a most charming and p,erti':nent Address which was secured by this writer and printed in our volume of Proceedings. The .Address of M. W. Bro. Dewey WBS tl:uite lengthy, covering :fifty pages; but while voluminous it possesses rare merit and contains a vast amount of interesting matter, BaDdled by him during his" term of office. Following his exordium tne announcement was made of the death of the late Granel Junior Wa,rden,R. vV.Bro. Abram H. Ellls. Installed in the early plart of tl1l.e MaSi()'Bic year, hewascaUecl fr<.)ln labor in the following Sep~e.ml;)ier~ He 'Was buried with Masonic nonors. During the ses~ sion . a.Li@id.g~of •SorrGW was beld, when' due honors were paid to them~~()rryofthte deceased Brother. Tbe, Address of the Grand MastercC1)ntains notices of' the death of Past Grand Master Andrew
[Oct •
M. Callaham. This loss, with others, was deeply deplored oy our Kansas Brethren. The Grand Master stated that during the past year the growth of the Fraternity in Kansas exceeded that of any previous term in its history. Com1menting on dissension in the Fraternity the Grand Master said that there was "nothing more discreditable. ~, LIQUOR SELLING.
Grand Master Dewey declared that ~·Nothing has brought to the Grand East more trouble than the question of the sale of intoxicating liquors by members of the Craft." From the collection of .laws in that Jurisdiction on this subject, it would seem to this writer that there could be no misunderstanding of the law or the spirit of the Fraternity on the subject. In 1873 the Grand Lodge declared "that it is a Masonic offense for a Mason to keep a dramshop or sell intoxicating liquors as a beverage." While Brother John H. Brown·· was a Grand Master he rendered an official decision covering the same ground. "rhat law was ap~ proved by the Grand Lodge. With such laws on the statute book it occurs to this writer tliat there could be no place found in Kansas Masonry for liquor seIling. rrbe Committee on Jurisprudence, in passing upon the subject presented by the Grand Master, 3aid that the Grand Lodge, by its approval of the decisions. of its Grand Masters and the adoption of standing regulations governing the same, gIves no unr.p.rtain sound on the subject. The report reaffirmed previous declaration.s and declared that the sale. of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, aiding· or ahetting the s,ale of the same, or furnishing the means for the conduct of such business or renting of buildings to he used for the proposed use, an offense against the body of Masonry, and those violatIng these regulati'Ous are· ineligible to recelvetne Diegrees of· Masonry or to enjoy m'embership in any or their LOidgeis. It is to be hoped that these announcements of the attitu.deQf· Kansas Masonry will put a quietus on all those who tavortneiniquitouscustom of dealing in in.toxiean ts. HEIJ\1BURSE:MENT
Under this beading the Gran,d M.asterpresentedtbeGrand Lodge
an elaborate report extending overse,\tera.lpa,ges.· This matter grew out of the fact that a Missouri Bioardof Relief had informed the Grand Master of the· extreme illn.ess a.nd ,clistress of the widow of a Ka:Dsias Mason. The husband of the lady in qu.estion had been. a
Appendix. nlenlber of a Lodge whose Oharler was taken up. From the papers in the case it appears that the widow did not live within the Jurisdietion of Kansas and she was not considered a p,roper object of its .charity. The statement is found i'n the record that it is one of the well-established rules of the Order in Kansas that charity nlust be besto\ved upon worthy and needy objects by the Brethren within the Jurisdiction where the person resides. This conclusion led to quite a correspondence b~tween the parties interested in both Jurisdictions. The Commitfee on Jurisprudence, in passing upon subject, approved the taken by the Grand Master on ground that charity could not be given by the Kansas Fraternity ofa ,Kansas Mason resdding in Missouri. Grand Master at length of the subject of ItJ.a~cso]ruc Home. He ventnred a sugg.estion that the number of their Masoulc Home should be' reduced from nine to the being chosen from, the Grand .Cll:r:tpter of the stated that this institution contributes liberally to endowment of the Home. lt was further an~ reasoufor the- rep:L"esentation on the Board of Gralld Boclie:ij. no longer exists. The Grand Master reported he had issued quite a numher of special dispensations but not so many had been granted a,sin the previous year. There IS rule in tha.t Jurisdiction reiquiring a payment of five dollars for a specci.al dispensation. It was the opinion of the Grand Ma~ter the be modified ill a measure, so as not to reqnlre fees tor sl1)ecial dispensations for filling vacancies in office, and tbat the charge for di.s.pensation to allow corner-stones to be laid and aectUcatl.on of should no lon.ger.·e~j.st. It is.hisopinion that a fee for confe.rri.;ng Degr~s o1.1t··Qf time is. a .good It iiS the opinion of this writer that if they would charge fees to prevent dispensatfons' from being obtained to do time, it would he healthy legislation. Three Lodges u. :0. during. the term bv the Grand Master, two of Charters from. the Gr~p.a· Lodge. From the views Grand Master,some "nee/dad legislation" will be in recomm€udations in this . direction were formulated in' the Address. On account 'ot a vacancy in the office Warden, caused. by tIle 'death of Brother Abram fh,e Grand Master, according to their law, filled such vacancy L. Bond of ~·.lobnH.. Brown" Lodge. This 'apttna:n.imously appr'oved fu;y the Grand Lodge 'and honored ·byan electiorf'as· t:ne Grand Junior Ward~n. re.jJ])iO!if·~~~ig hi;;$offici.al visitations the Grand Master said'tha.:-ch'e an informal way, more than forty Masonic gatheri~gs.
At one an interesting incident occurred. In a Lodge in Topek-fl he enjoyed the personal satisfaction of raising to the Sublime Degree of M. M. the only son of their Grand Secretary, Brother Albert K. Wilson. This ,vas the more interesting because fifteen years before Brother Wilson had conferred a like honor on Grand Master De:wey. Brother Wilson certainly did not anticipate the result of his work and the final attainment: of the highest honors of Masonry by his distinguished subject. The conclusion of the Grand ~i[aster iSlloted for its elegance, as liis Address is characterized by路 strength and business qualities. T'he document may be pronounced in word, an "able one." Reports of the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Senior Warden were presented and incorporated in the Journal. The Grand Treasurer presented a reporl showing that he had handled during the year the sum of $43,000. After proper disbursements there was a cash' balance on hand of $26,848. The Grand Lodge has a Charity Jj"und of some $6,000. The Grand Secretary, Brother . ~. lbert l{. Wilson, furnished an extended general business report embracing detailed local affairs, followed by a fiscal exhibit. He said: HIt is especially gratifying to report that the net gain during the year 1902 far exceeds that of any other year within the history of this Grand Lodge." He said that returns from all Lodges had 路been received and he. was thereby enabled to submit a complete statenlel1t of the amount of work done during the year. Follo\ving a p17evious order he placed in t.he Grand Lodge 路Journal the portraits of nine Past Grand Masters; in connection with each was a biographical sketch of the Brother. The report of Brother Wilson is a carefully prepared and admirably arranged document showing theabilityo of that officer. During the session a visit was rnade by the Grand Lodge to the Masonic Home, where the members were entertained by an informal reception. One morning of the session the children of the Masonic Home ramlly at Wichita were introduced and entertained the lmembers of the Grand Lodge under the direction of Superintendent and Matron, Brother and Mrs. Snedden, formerly路 of St. Louis. The occasion was said to have been a touching one and produced a laudable pride in the ,m.inds of the Brethren in hehalf of that splendid charity, a Masonic Home.
A distinguished visitor in the pierson of Judge and l\J!I.W. Bro. Charles T. Granger, P. G. M., of Iowa, who was presented to and welcomed. bY the Grand Lodge and "eloquently respondEad to his introduction."
49 ORA'l'ION.
"Pbe Grand Orator, Rev. Francis S. Blayney, delivered Address, which the Grand Secretary characterized as a '"masterly oration, which covered nine pages and .finds a place in the Proceedin.gs. rrhe Masonic Home Board presented a report giving in detail .the condition of that institution. From it I learn that there are now forty路seven inmates of the Home. Mrs. Snedden is prin~ cipal in charge of the Home. The report says, "The has been ve,ry busy person during the past year." That she is emqualified for her position and capable of its management no question who knows that excellent wOl;Ilan. interesting report was by the Necrology. were paid to tbe honored dead and Sister The Grand Lodge of Kansas, to question of cipher Rituals. The the "sale, gift, printing or use of 8D-j~'~dLten cipber Ritual or se'cret work sbaHbe deemed a violation an oifense against the Body of 1iasonry." close the session, R. W. Bro. Bestor G. Bro,vll, repree~0n路ti.g some or the Masonic friends and neighbors of M. Vol. Bro. E". presented. him with a Past Grand Master's Jewel and a. handsomely engrossed Address from the donors. The record says tbe gift was most graciously and felicitously received. Ihave noted all time and place allowed in this revie"r of the doings of the Grand Lodge of Kansas.
M. W. Bro. Wm. M. Shaver, P. G. Y., as Chairman of the Committe'e on Correspondence, presented the report, it being the second production submitted by him to the Grand Lodge. The review of fifty-fi:veGrand Lodge Proceedings, American and Foreign, was quite le.agtby, embracing over 300. pages,. In his introduction, M. W. Bro. Shaver said: "The past year, like this wonderful time of prospierity and progress in which we live, has been one of marked advancement in the Masonic world.': Brother Shaver presents a very readable production made up of numerous and extended appropriations from the Journals examined. The scissors rendered g;oodservice in the prep,aration of the work. Our Missouri路 Journal fOrr 19'G2w,as accorded an extended and elaborate notice, eight pages being devoted to the consideration of, our doings at the se,ssion in Kansa~ City. G.L. Ap.-4.
He noted the visit made to our Grand Lodge by M. W. Bro. Thos. E. Dewey as Grand Master, and Brother Albert K. Wilson, Grand Secretary, and pronounced the address of Brother Dewey as a "piece of practical wisdom; as well as elegant diction." Such ,vas the appreciation of those who heard the admirable talk of Brother Dewey. Elaborate quotations land extracts were made fronl the Address of Grand Master Finagin, with some excerpts fron1 the report of the Deputy ,Grand Master, Brother John C. Yocum. Incidental luention was made. of the business report of this Grand Secretary, the rep,ort of Brother McDowell, Grand Lecturer, the oration delivered by Brother Krauthoff, the Grand Orator, the report of Brother Givan -as President of the Masonic Honle Board, a.nd the visit of Brother .James L. Kuykendall, of Hamilton, Mo., who had donated the Masonic Home over $13,~OO. . The transactions of our Grand Lodge respecting the case involving Brother Wm. H. Mayo \vere appropriated in full. This unfortunate affair having been, passed upon and settled finally by the Grand 1..10 q.ge, no menUon on my part would be in order or the presentation of views opposite to those held by M. W. Bro. Shaver. The Kansas Committee reviewed the action of our Grand Lodge and its final decision 011 the proposed a,menclment which sought to increase the scope of our law against saloon-keepers by including brewers, distillers and wholesale dealers in intoxicating liquors as a beverage. Brother Shaver expressed the opinion, in which I fully concur, that the present day bl~e\\rer does not belong to a higher grade morally 'than the saloonkeeper. His view is correct that the saloon-keeper and the brewer belong to the same class. Brother Shaver has the correctapprehension of the whole question and understands how the proposed anlendment 'was defeated. After the amendment offered one路 year before had been amended, it was adopted路 by a large lua.jority. Through mismanagement or incap路acity, a vote was taken on the final.questioB路 without calling for a vote by Lodges. Had this been done the amendment would have carried V\rith a good and satisfactory majority. One Past Master, by show of hands~ can neutralize a I...Iodge vote which counts five. I was present at the time the vote was allowed to betaken by show of hands instead of by call of Lodges, and wondered at the failure of those conducting the contest not to call for a vote by Lodges. Brother Shaver is an admirer of Brother Kuhn .and expressed his pride at our Missouri Brother that he made such a gallant fight for Masonic principle. I hope to see, the day when the issue will be fully and legitimately tested by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. I conclude this hurried notice of the able and extended report of Brother Shaver with an expression of appreciation of his valuable contri.bl.ltion to Masonic literature.
'The Journal shows. that he was continued ill charge of that departrneIit of work as Chairman of the Committee. BESTOR G. BROWN, Topeka, Grand Master. A.LllE~RT K. WILSON, Topeka, Grand Secretary.
T'he .Jo路urnal of this Jurisdiction is one aUlong eimtbrJaC'E~S
large annuals Proce,edings, memLodge and report
s;ession was the 21st of October. and a splendid
structure called "the Masonic."
I suppose the name is intended name of Masonic Temple. The cost of this property is $250,000. 1 notice in the Proceedings that the Grand Lodge made an appropriation of $20,000 in that dir)e(~tion. The excellent Journal of the Grand Secretary, Brother H. B. Grant, shows a membership in the Jurisdiction of 21,819 in the 475 Lodges on the roll. The Grand Secretary said there was an "apparent gain" of 1192. The income for the Genel"lal Fund was $21,718 and for the Home Fund $22,000.
The Grand Lodge was opened in Ai1\iP'LE FORM with M. \V. Bro. Harry Bailey, Grand lVlaster; R. W. Bro. H. B. Grant, Grand Secretary, and other Grand Officers. There was enrolled as present Ilineteen Past Grand Masters. The record says "re presentative'3 reported as p.resent, 467." 1
it particularly interesting Address covering eighteen pages was
ren垄lerecl by GrandMaster Bailey. He stated that reports received indicated that the Subordinate' Lodges of the State had done much \vorka,nd the Fraternity crowned with prosperity. He referred to their new building ealled "The Masonic," and said it was almost completed. An extended report was. made on this subject by th.e Building Committee showing its then existing condition, recomInlend.. ing tb:~t the committee in charge of that interest be empowered to
. .Append/ix .
complete the work as designed. The Grand Master stated with much satisfaction that no deaths had occurred among the officers or Past Grand Officers during the year. DRCISIONS.
Three brief rulings were reported and referred to the eommittee in charge which approved the same. Official authority had been granted for the creation of seven Lodges U. D., which receivea the approval of the Grand Lodge,. and Charters were granted. The Grand Master said that he had been repeatedly asked to allow Degrees to be conferred on candidates who had "lost an arm or leg." In each case he had given a positive refusal. The Address contains matter of local interest, such as the granting of dispensations and other matters of no special general interest. The report was made by the Grand Master that he had visited quite a number of Lodges in all sections of the State and everywhere had been received with great路 kindness and courtesy. The list of such visits followed this announcement. During the term the Grand Master had received many letters in regard to old men who had not been members of Lodges for twenty-five or thirty years, having been suspended from the rights and privileges of Masonry. These desired, in their olel age,. to be reinstated that they may become affiliated with Lodges. The Grand Master has a very practical view of such matters. Many Masons who had been suspended for years desire to return and find shelter within the pale of' the Fraternity, that they may receive Masonic honors in death or be placed in the Old ~asons' Home during the remaining years of life. That institution having been created for aged members of the Fraternity who have fulfilled their duties and met their obligations, should not be crowded with these drones who have been indifferent to the claims o,f Masonic duty until a late hour in life. The Gran.d Master affirmed that such procedure should be stopped. He announced that some $50,000 had been Bubscribed by Masons of the State and different Lodges for the establishment and maintenance of a Home for Old Masons. This institution is separate and apart from their Masonic Home in Louisville, devoted to the care of the widows and orphans of deceased Masons. The committee on the latter interest rendered a brief report stating that the Home was in a most commendable state, and that the sanitary condition thereof was as perfect as could be desired. He congratulated the Craft in' Kentucky on the splendid success of this, "the pioneer Masonic Home路 of the United States." The reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary furnished very satisfactory路 views of the finances of the Graucl 'Lodge. The
Grand Treasurer had handled $40,000 during the term and reported a cash balance on hand of $14,000. The report of Brother Grant, Grand Secretary, presented a general view of local affairs. A resolution was adopted changing an order made the year befol~e, directing the Grand Secretary to present a gavel to each retiring Grand Master, and inserting in said regulation the securem'ent and presentation of a Past Grand Master's jewel. Reading the action of the Grand Lodge on former occasion the wonder occurred to me what use a Past Grand Master could have for a gavel after retiring from office. The chang,e in this purp.ose is commendable,as a retiring Past Grand lVlaster can wear his ornament making a display of that piece of jewelry, whereas the gavel would answer no practical end. upon the Old lVlasons' Home a committee announced the :.ntere,sts that institution to be in a very satisfactory condj~ ..........'''''... ".~'4 ... ,.....' ...... is located on. acre'S of good land is said VJ~as comfortably abundantly good quality, and that necessary attention. The age Home range from seventy-two to eighty-five session of the Grand Lodge a paper was preCOlltainl11g resolutions Louisville Lodge ,No. 400 the Grand I-iodge to enact a regulation and place its seal of disapproval up,on the. practice of m,&.king Masons of parties who are engaged in the saloon business. rrhis document was referred to the Comnlittee on Jurisprudence~ who handled it very gingerly and recommended that it be referred to the Grand Master elect, and through him to the' Grand Lodge at its next annual session. Can it be that "Old Bourbon" so dominates our Kentucky Brethren as to路 prevent the adoption of suchan important and moral declaration as the fore~ing? The Grand Lodge discouraged Masonic picnics, declaring the only Masonic occasions known to the Grand Lodge. of Kentucky 1s to bury the dead~ lay corner-stoues, dedicate halls, public installation of officers and celebrating the days of the two Saints John. The reason for such declaration is found in the statement that "a Masonic picnic is a festival unknown to the Order." This writer has ohserved that there is a very general tendency on the part of Masons to "mix up" with out.side enterprises, and display their Masonic paraphernalia on occasions foreign to good Masonic taste. A document was introduced condemning the disgraceful practice of prize fighting which had formerly been allowed in the State or' Kentucky. The paper contained a resolution commending the action of the Governor of that State and Attorney-General for interfering
and preventing a prizefight in the city of Louisville in Septemb€r 1902. .The paper was objected to as not being in order, which· objection was sustained by the Grand Master. When the vote was taken the document was rejected. Although the Grand Lodge of Kentucky refused to commend the actio~ of their Governor and Attorney-General in this matter, correct moral sentiInent throughout the country will approve the course of action by the State officials. At the installation of the new Grand ~1aster, Brother .John W. Landrum, his father, M. VV. Bro. J. D. Landrum, performed the duties of illstallingofficer, to which the son replied in the most affectionate and generous terms, showing the warmest appreciation of the son entertained for his father. It was a beautiful sentiment expressed by the newly honored member of the Landrum family when he said to his father: "May you still furnish· to your three sons. who are present with you to-day, the same inspiration to good deeds, pure and lofty thoughts, and may you fall happily into the transitory slumber at last, to wake up in the joy which aV\raits you in the glorious realm of light and redemption." CORIU~SPON})ENGE.
·The annual revie\v was furnished by M.W.Bro..Jan1es W. Staton, P. G. M., who has been in charge of that work for a number of years. The report covered ninety~three pages. I am pleased to find myself in such good company, as myoId friend a.nd I agree on many lines, especially as to preparing our reports on Correspondence. He writes his report, and does not use the scissors. An examination of his work shows an entire absence of excerpts. His review is noticeably brief and is accounted for in these words: "The Grand Lodge has shouldered a big load in the shap6J of a Temple deht and until that is disposed of it will he necessary to economize on every side." The work under review is in keeping with former labor performed by Brother Staton, 'save and except its length. He furnished a very interesting summary. of the Grand· Lodge transactions. .In reviewing Missouri for 1901 he referred to the rulings of our M. W. Bro. vVells,Grand Master, concerning "physical qualifica-. tion,."· and remarked, "As we are a proclaimed liberal on the perfect youth doctrine of course we agree to his decisfons on that branch of law." I too have been "a proclafrned 'liberal,' but not to the extent of defending an indefensible proposItion of 'physical disqualification.'" At this point we come to the parting of the ways. Brother Staton presented a condensed view of our· transactions expressing warm appre.ciation of the work of· the Historical Committee, a copy of which I was pleased to furnish him. orr the work of Grand
Master Wens he said: "The Address is very lengthy and a very able one." He passed a just compliment on the report of the Committee on Jurisprudence, calling it "a very concise and clear headed pa.per.~· This compliment is'intended, for Past Grand Master Noah lVL Givan, whom he styled as "a distinguished Masonic jurist. n The Address of this delivered on McKinley "Funeral Day" was pronounced effort." Brother Staton mentioned }{indly the work. Home. He may not be aware that I recei'~led my great work of charity as it appears in Missouri Kentucky Home a prolonged ,risit in the . 1874. In brief review of Kentucky to record that M. . Bro. James W. Staton is Correspondence reisides at Brookville. W. Ma)l'field, Grand Master. Hf..~NnY B.GUANT, I.Joui svil Ie, Grand Secretary.
This session was held in Masonic Temple, NewOrleans~ commencing February 2nd. The Grand Lodge was opened in Ammle Form by IV£. W. Bro. Robert R. Reid,Grand Master; R. W. Bro. Richard Latmbert, was Grand Secretary, with the usual Grand Officers present." ,At the o,pening of the ses,sion there were Representatives in attendance from eighty Lodges. The repre~,entation reached ninety-five before the session closed. AI>J)RESS.
M. W. Bro. Reid presented a brief and comprehensive business document.. He recorded the los,s to the Fraternity in that Jurisdiction in tbe death of two· prominent Brethren,. R. W. Bros. J. W. and A. L. Atkins, Dep'uty Grand Masters of their resp'ective Districts. He referred in proper terms· to the death of M. W. Bro. Josiah H. Drummon'd, P. G. M., who had been for many yearslR.E9])resentative of the Grand Lod.ge of Louisiana near the Grand >Lodge of Maine. S1'A'rg Olf
The Gland Master stated •that the reports. fronl constirt-m;ent IJod.ges showed a most s.atisfactory increase in membership,
condition of the Craft in the..Jurisdiction was highly gratifying. A committee on this interest expressed great gratifica\tion at the progress made, and mentioned the advanced state of the Fraternity as a "universal reviva1." The net gain is reported for the year at 560. Foreign relations were reported as cordial and Fraternal. The Grand Lodge of Switzerland, known as "Alpina," had invited the Grand Lodges of this country to a conference of Masoni.c powers. The Grand Master, in replying to such invitation, declined to accede thereto. vVASHINGTON.
'I'he edict of non~intercourse with the Grand Lodge of Washington having been withdrawn, Grand Master Reid had recommended the appointment of a member of the Grand Lodge as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Washington and he had been commissioned. A number of visits to .Lodges in the Jurisdiction had been made during the term, and much useful information obtained concerning the prosperity of the C~aft. Only one official decision was reported, \vhich was approved by .the Committee on Jurisprudence. A member of a given· Lodge having been elected Junior Warden, accepted, but at' the time of· installing of officers was absent. The Lodge elected another Brother who was .installed. Subsequently the Junior Warden first elected presented himself· and claImed the office. The Grand Master decided that the party chosen Junior Ward~n at the regular election was entitled to the station and the Lodge had no power to elect another until he resigned or was removed for cause. Quite a number of dispensations had been granted and duly issued. The financial condition of the ,Grand Lodge was reported upon by the ·Grand Master and announced to be most healthy.. He showed that the indebtedness, consisting of bonds, had been reduced to $19,000. Referring to the· proposed Fraternal Building to be erected in St. Louis for the World's Fair, the Grand Master stated that for many years the Grand Lodge had been in debt, and the long postponementof their cherished desire to build a Masonic Home induced him to· advise . against making any appropriation for the purpose of the proposed building· in St. Louis. The admirable and very practical business· document of Grand Master Reid closed with a just. and deserved compliment to their Grand Secretary, Brother Richard Lambert. The Grand Treasurer submitted an exhibit on Finances of the Body, showing that he had handled nearly $40,000 during the year, and that the outlay reduced the amount toa cash . balance of $2,625.
tn()ro,ug:n and well prepared business report· was furnished by our esteemed friend a1ncl Brother, Richard Lambert, Grand Secretary. He recorded that six Charters had been issued to Lodg.es the last Grand Lodge session. Disprensations for the Lodges IT. D. had ordered and duly issued; 'were granted during the session. N~4c·1,·"~tj}r·v recorded dispensations ordered by his Brother Lambert showed and passed over to the
the present membership of tbatJurisdici.s 6,9'64. The footings of the statistical table show 7,264, a difference of The gain, as indicateid in this statistical exhibit, 560. The Orand Secretary closed his report by saying "We have every reas9n to be sincerely thankful at. the s.plendid prosperity which bas fallen to the lot of our Craft during the year 1902.." llEPOBT ON THE :M ASONICTEl\IPLE.
The of Directors having in charg,e this interest, pre.sented a very concise statement as to jlffairs.. Board had had trouble with a Ughtand powercomp,anYI to perform the required .service. The Board sued to for these defects on the part of the contracting COmrp,any abandonment of the ·work undertaken. .The comp~'n.y from the building equipments and the Board of made other arrangeme:nts for the. completion and perfecting of tne work. The Board reported the pro·perty in good condition a.nd e:i:pressed a belief that the in· debtednecss on the Temple would be extinguished . by· the year 1905. When this is done our Brethren of Lonisia.nawill devote themselves Jo the establishment of a cherished. Jilop,e, that of the buiLding of a Masonic Home. The Grand L.eietllrer, Brother C. T. Hines, reported in detail, sllowing his otlicialvisits and labors. He was pleasetlto .re.port a%general advance.entall along the line in the diiIere1:ltBodies of the Craft. Fr'om, .ibe tenor of the Proceedings it is quite manifest tbat·tbe Masonic Fraternity., in LiOt'll~~iana is. making lB.Q'st encoura.ging pro'gress.. One of -the ven~r.. Grand M,asters of· that ··Ju.ris,e.iet.ion, Brother Samuel .• U. prev ell.ted· by illness ftom.a..t~e:nding the last Annl.lal O,Q~r i
munication and was still unable to visit the Grand Lodge. On motion of M. W. Bro. Charles F. Buck, P. G. M., a resolution of sympathy was tendered the afflicted Brother with the assurance of their kindest and most Fraternal regard. CORR~~SPONDENCli:•
.l\. report on Correspondence is found in the .Joul'na.l covering 125 pages. It is an· elaborate compilation. ROBERT
Amite City, GrandlVIaster. New Orleans, Grand Secretary.
This session was held in the city of Portland, commencing on the 6th day of May. Present, M. W. Alfred S. Kimball, Grand Master; R. W. Bro. Stephen Berry, Grand Secretary. The record shovvs Representatives of 197 Lodges with ten Past Grand Masters in attendance, and Representatives of a large number of Grand Jurisdictions. Missouri was honored by the presence of her Representative, Brother Daniel P. Boynton. From ~ome cause, unkno'\vn to me, the Proceedings for Maine, 1901, never reached this office. Those for 1902 came late in the season after my report on Correspondence was in print. At the session under consi(jeration an Address of twenty~ four pages was rendered by the Grand Master, who followed an interesting introduction by a list of the honored dead in Sister Juris<:Uc~ions. The Grand Master expressed great gratification that .the increase in membership· had exceeded that of any former term, 1?eing in advance of even the last year, which was regarded as a very prosperous one. The total membership was announced as 23,224. IHSPF~NSATrONS.
Numerous disp,ensations had been granfted,· such as receiving applicatioftin a shorter time than required by law, to confer Degrees 'out of time, to occupy new halls, and laying corner..stones. A few decisions were reported of practical sort, which met official approval. The Address contains an official report· ofcornel"-stones laid, new
Appendix. halls dedicated, officers installed, and visits luade to various
59 Lodge'S~
Some practical suggestions are found in the Address constituting valuable direction of local application. Reports fronl the Grand Lecturer and District Deputy GrandMasters were included in Journal of Proceedings. The Grand Secretary's report. as \\'ell as that of the Grand Treasurer, shows a healthy financial condition. Some $8,000 cash halance reported on hand. Referenc€\vas made Address to the subject of "International IVlasonry:' An inbeen .received proposing an Universal Congress of Lodge-sto be held at GenevTa, Switzerland. This subject was the Committee presented by H. Drummond, wound up ~dth the reeonlaetion be premises. The illness of . Bro. and that of Past Grand P. Burnham found mention in the Address with the of goes out to these BrethrEn expressions of sympathy and sincere prayer for their recovery. reJl"ort of th,eGrand Secreta.ry, Brother Berry, contained £1 reeODlmendation that a should be issued, to be used by Lodges in place of the Charter which have grown old and liable to be worn out by constant use. Reporting on this subject, M. VV. Bro. Drummond stated that old Charters were certainly destroyed after long use and were a loss to the. history of Masonry, The reoommendation.s w,asapproved that ~'certificates in such case,s be issued, serving the purpose of a Charter as a mere physical substitute, the Charter being· recognized as .in eXistence,still consti~ tuting the leg'aUty of the Lodge's existence." rrhe most interesting feature of the Proceedings iean exte!nde:CI. Feport by our distinguisbed friend and Brother, Josiah H. J)rum.IDi.Q:~d, p.6. M. Theoccasiol1 for this report was a resolution re.gard·!n·g. the· relation between thf.), Grand Lodge of M.aine and th,e Grand. Orient of Belgium. M.W. Bro. Drummond clearly developed that Masonic relations could not be mainta.ined between these bodies: &wing to the fact that the Grand OrientQf Belgium is inclos,e Fratell'Ilal relation \vith the Grand Orient of France. The latter Body having been disfranchised by all of the English speaking Grand Lodges of the world, this report ne'cessitated the withdrawal of recognition from the Grand Orient of Belgiunl.The Grand Orient of France in 1877 struck out of its Constitution tbe following declaration: "The foundation of free Masonry is a belief· in the existenee of God and the immortality. Of thesouI." As the Grand Orient of France thus elimina:ted· th.e Divine from M.asonry, all Masonic Bod'les who declared abeUefin God as absolutely essential to obtaining the Mysteries otMa,sonry,
HUlst declare non-intercourse with that Body and all that hold Fratern.al relations therewith. This able and valuable presentation of the subject by Brother Drummond was adopted by the Grand Lodge of Ma.ine. The Committee on Condition of the Fraternity reported twenty-five Masonic Districts in the State, and from the t'eport of the several Deputies there had been an increased tnterest and attendance and that the past year had been a prosperous one. From the valuable recapitulation of the Grand Secretary it is learned that there are 206 Lodges on the roll with one IT. D.; 197 of these Lodges were represented at the路路 Grand Lodge. The membership, as already stated, amounts to 23,224, indicating a gain of 534. The income for the year is something over $9,000. The Grand Lodge has a Charity Fund within a fraction of $34,000.
.A.. report was prepared by that eminent Brother and distinguished lVIason, M. vV. Bro. Josiah H. Drummond. It covers 271 pages and contains reviews of all the American Grand Lodges except Arkansas, which meets bi-ennially. Quite a numher of Foreign Jurisdictions were reviewed in the report. The work is in harmony with all the past labors of this distinguished Masonic jurist and writer. The Journal of Missouri Proceedings for 1901 rec~ived full and courteous attention, five pages being devoted to an examination of our doings. The Address of M. W. Bro. Wells was duly summarize路d and carefully examined. The work of this writer on Correspondence was kindly treated. In his conclusion Brother Drummond m,entioned the over~ whelming loss whic~ Masonry in Maine had sustained in the death of beloved Past Grand Master, Brother Edward Payson Burnham. This death, Brother Drummond says,: occurred since his review had been commenced. Brother Drummond was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence at the close of the session, . and all lover'S of true Masonic light and knowl~dge.路look hopefully forward to another production from this sage of Masonry. I have learned through the press tha~ our Brother Drummond has ceased to work and live among men. I have received no official notice from those authorized to communicate such information, and am unable to 'make any mention in this report of the grea,t be,reavement of the l\fasonic world. ALFRED S. KIMBALIJ, Norway, Grand Master. STEPHEN BERHY, Portland, Grand Secretary.
MANITOBA-1902" The .Journal of this Grand Lodge for 1901 did not InateriaHze and for 1902 did not reaeh me until too late for an examination for that year. A brie'f notice will be given of the transaetions of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Communication, V\Thich'\\-as in the city CalgarJl', June 11, 1902. M. V\". Bro. R. S. Thornton was Grand Ovas, Grand Secretary. The Proeeedings four Special COD1IDunications at three of of public, funeral session 1901~ in the city of )Vinnipeg. The Journal opened an110uneement 'was ~'as caned the pUrp(1Se of paying the to . Bro. James D,allas O'Meara. P. G. M/' Following the internlent resolutions of respect the deceased. and sY'IDpath)" for his fa1mily were adopted. l~t the session now under consideration there 'were Representatives of forty-one Lodges present out of the seventy Chartered Lodges on the roll,. with three U. D. l."Ihere are 3,486 members in the Lodges~ being a gain of 248. The income from all sourees for the term amounted to $3,000. ADDRESSâ&#x20AC;˘
..~n Address covering two pages was prese1nted
the Grand
Master. He paid a Fraternal tribute to their deceased Past Grand Master, Brother O'Meara. Oontrary to expectation and promIse he ,had failed to hold Lodges of Instruction in the several District~. One official act was the only item claiming attention; that was the deposing of the W. M. of one of the Lodges who "vas charged ,vith Hhaving been intoxicated in the Lodge rO()iID and other places." The record does not sho"r what disposition was made of the case. The reports of the several District Deputies of the JuriscUction follov;ted the Address. The Grand Master had created three Lodges U. I). during the term. These, for reasons good and sufficient, were continuedon probattion for another year. The Representative of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, near the Grand Lodge of Mauitoba, sent an interesting Communication expressing regret .at his inability to be present at the session. His Communication contained a brief summary of the Grand Lodge Proceedings of Missouri. He noted with sllecial interest the Communication held in St.Louis fbI' the purpos.e of paying l\tlemorial honors to the memory of our deceased President, Brother Wnl. McKinley. He stated that this writer was
the orator of the occasion whom he calls by name unknown to either myself or lny friends, "Brother McD. Vincil." The next session will be held in the city of \Vinnipeg, in June" 1903. R. H. MYEHS, Minnedosa, Grand Master. JA:\IES A. OVAS, Winnipeg, Grand Secretary.
MAR,YLAND-1902. The record contains the transactions of three Special CommuIli~ cations. At one meeting the corner-stone of a building erected at Annapolis for the Court of Appeals was laid, and at two subsequent Special Communications the funerals of Bros. Lewis R. Keizer, Senior Grand 'Varden,and Wm. H. Shryock, Past Grand Treasurer. At t.he funeral of Brother Shryock a most charming and touching Address was delivered by the Grand Chaplain, Rev. Henry Branch, D. D. The Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge was held in Masonic Temple, city of Baltimore, commencing the 13th day of May, 1902. M. M. Bro. Thos..J. Shryock, Grand Master, was present, and presided; R. W. Bro. Jacob H. Medairy wa.s Grand Sec~ retary. The Grand Master had been absent during the year and spent three n10nths in touring the Holy Land and Europe. On his return he met a most cordial greeting from his Brethren at the Grand Lodge session. The Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Henry C. Larrabee, governed the Craft in the absence of the G1~and Master, and presented at the May session a brieif report of his official labors, which was cordially approved by a proper committee. The report of the Grand Secretary at this meeting showed an income of $19,000 for the six Inonths preceding. The Committee on Obituaries perforlned that mournful duty and placed upon re,cord the names of their honored dead, Brothers Keiser and Shryock, who have already been mentioned. ANNU ALCOM::N[UN:rCATIO~.
The One Hundred and Sixteenth Annual Communication was held in Masonic Te.mple, Baltimore, commencing on the 18th day of November, 1902. Grand 'Officers. as heretofore. ADDRESS.
Grand lV.taster Shryock presented au Addresls covering eight pages, in which hegav~ a brief review of the affairs of the .Juris~
diction. said, concerning the condition of the Craft, "We have added during the last twelve nlonths a larger number of Brethrell to our roll than ever heretofore in the 4istoty of the Grand Lodge. n Referring tJO the,ir fil1ances,he said路: "Our financial condition is in every way satisfactor:y and healthy." The Grand Secretary reported at this UO'IDltrl,l1lnica'Uo,n the income for the months amounting to' $22,793. number of disas laaving embracing them to do' things confirmation of progress of the. FraA record was l{aster, R. W. Bro. .:.\ddress, feelingly Correspondence, E. 'r. Schultz. 'His absence was not indisposition. but by the fact that he was cele,brating his golden wedding. The Committee on Grand Master's Address, referring t~ the absence of Brother Schultz,expressed great gratification that he was not detained at honle by sickness or sorrow, but路 by the happy event of o!lserving bis fiftieth marriageaulljversary. This expression being eommunieatec1 to Brother Schultz., he resp,onded for himself and "vi fe, expressing high appreci.ation of the kindness of the Grand 'Lodge in its thoughtful remembrance of them on their golden anniversary. During the session a Charter was granted to a Lodge previously under dispensation. Wben the election of the Grand Officers took place, instead of taking tbe usual ballot the Grand Lodge arose in a body and named Jacob H. Mec1airy for the office of Grand Secretary for the fortieth time.
I. find a carefully pre'Ilared and v,ery readable review of fifty-eight Grand Lodge Proceedings, American and Foreign. The work' was prepared as usual by Brother EdwardT. Schultz" Chairman. His views -on all the subjects commented upon are clear cut and vigorously- -expressed. Reviewing the ninety-one decisions of the Grand Master of Alabama he said: "Many of them are of the ;most trivial character." I have often observed that When a Grand Lodge official throws out a SIll ice of official finding:$, that many of them are to practic,al views and use,ful purpos:eB. The faculty of sn:reabdtliDi:~ out teo extensively is not to be de.sired. The result foIIOVU1Jl'2!
[(Jet. wor]{ is not "sweetness long drawn out," but elaborate dullness. -He entered forceful protests to the ruling of路 the Grand Master afor~said -one of which was to make a Mason of a man who could neither read or write. He entere,d a very earnest dissent to the rulings of the Grand Master, who decided that a man could be restored by the Grand Lodge to the rights and privileges of Masonry and to membership in a Subordinate Lodge, from which he had been suspended or expelled. This writer holds that it is not in the po\ver of a Grand Lodge to force upon a .Subordiate Lodge an individual who had be,en expelled therefrom. The reinstatement to good Masonic stand~ ing may be properly made by the Grand Lodge in any case; but to force membership on a Subordinate Lodge is foreign to the rights and privileges of such Bodies. There are many practical sayings in the work of Brother Schultz, together with a good sprinkling of extracts from the Proceedings examined. His writings give evidence of close thought and路 general familiarity with the various subjects treated. He gave to the Missouri Proceedings for 1901 two pages, according most of his space to the official record of our Grand Master Wells. After quoting several decisions rendered by our Grand Master, he stated that the Grand Lodge of Missouri had recently "amended its路 Constitution in regard to Physical Qualification." I must be allowed to correct Brother Schultz by saying that the Grand Lodge rarely ever amends itsdonstitution. That dOCllment was ad,opted by the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1866 and was effectually closed against all possible amendment or improvements. The remark was' made by an old and intelligent Mason that "the Grand Lodg,e of Missouri had locked up its Constitution and thrown the key into the Mississippi River." As that key has never been found, the Grand Lodge has never unlocked it to admit any amendments or improvements, except in the single instance when the P'ast Master's Degree was eliminated from our la"r as precedent to the installation of a Master Elect. While this is true of the Consti.tution, the Grand Lodg路e By-Laws have been amended more than semi-occasionally. The one which has caused more criticism than all that has ever been adopted was the ne,w laV.l governing Physical Qualification, thereby admitting men into the Fraternity who could not comply with our requirements except by the use of "artificial appliances." Oue committee of our Grand Lodge, while approving the findings of the Grand Master under this law, said that ~'it is. not in harmony with the ancient charges as formerly in.terpreted by this Grand Lodge." Brother Schultz paid a very'
pleasant compliment to the Missouri writer on Oorrespondence, and said the oration of Brother Walter Williams was an "eloquent one." THOS. J. SI-IRYOCK, Baltimore, Grand Master. JAOOB H. MEDA.IRY, Baltimore, Grand Secretary. EllWARD T. S<'HlTLTZ, Baltimore, Com. on Correspondence.
MASSACH USETTS-1902 .. oontains the recQrds {l\Ti'Qlf''I\~Oll'>l'''ll
meeting was held
elected for the
session Chas. T.GaBagher, presided and R. W. Bro. Sereno D. Nickerson was Grand Secretary. There were present the usual Grand Omeers and a large numher of Lodge Representatives. Grand Master Gallagher in closing his second term gave exprebsion to the vlarmest appreciation of the han-or he had received at the bands of his路Brethren. His Address contained a very brief review of matters of interest connected with his labors. Mention was made of the $:everal Special Communications held, at which corner,.stones were laid and dedicatory ceremonie,s performed. The number of visits repoJl'ted showed that the he,ad of the Craft in Massachusetts had been active and busy. He reported at some length his visit to Philadelphia In November, and his attendance on the One Hundred and Fiftieth' Anniversary of the initiation of George Washington into Masonry. The Address deliv,ered by him at the Philadelphia gathering is found in the J ournal,and fully sets forth the fine qualifications possessed by this distinguished official. The Address of',Grand Masters in Massachusetts'always embody the financial condition of affairs, leavi~g the 'Grand Secretary with com~ paratively little to do along this line. The Granel Master reported there were 235 Lodges in the Jl..tl"i:sicliction "Vvith a membership of 43,415. His figures show a gain of only 123. Surely. this must be a typogra.phicalerror. The receipts for the year, as s.hown by his anlounted to some $90,000. Disbursements nearly aSllluch. Tp.e income from rents shows that over $65,000 had been received as revenue from th~ Masonic Texnple.Theassessed valuation of t~alt prioperty is $1,00'0,000. The exhibit shows an aggregated "Masonic Educational and 'Charity ,Trust of $221,000/' He recorded inhi~;t~颅 dressrthe loss sustained by the death of two Past, Grand;~!~i~g,~ O,meers, R. W. Bros. Obas. H. N()yris, Past Senior Grand Warnen, e.L,Ap.-5.
and R. M. Field, Past Deputy Grand Master. Appropriate Memorial tributes \vere furnished in honor of these deceased Brethren. STATED COMMUNICATION.
At a Stated Communication, held in Masonic Temple, city of Boston,December 30th, 1902, the several Grand Officers elected. and appointed were duly installed. Following the Address to the newly elected Grand Master, Baalis Sanford, M. W. Bro. Gallagher, retiring Grand Master, proceeded to install him and the remaining Grand Officers. Succeeding the installation was the Grand Banquet or Feast of St. John the Evangelist, which was celebrated in due form and was presided over by the new Grand Master, Brother Banford. From the happy manner in which he discharged the functions of th~ occasion, it is readily seen that he was equal to the occasion. He proposed toasts to the· memory of the "Holy Saints John," to the memory of our illustrious Brother, George Washington, and to the memory of departed Brethren of the Craft wheresoever dispersed. These toasts, whether in wine or water does not appear from the record, were taken standing. Thencamce the speeches, which constituted a delightful treat, as the Addresses were all bright, witty and entertaining. Following the "feast of reason and the flow of soul," the Brethren arose and joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne," after which the Grand Lodge closed in Ample Form. This Grand Lodge never furnishes a re,port on Correspondence. BJiALIS SA.NFORD, SERENO
Brockton, Grand Master. Boston, Grand $ecretary.
This session was held in Masonic Temple, Detroit, commencing on the 27th of January, 1903. Prese'nt, M. W. Bro. Neal McMillan, Grand Master; R. W. Bro. Jeffers,on S. Conover, Grand Secretary~ and other Grand Officers. There were present sixteen Past Grand Masters. and Repre,sentatives of a •large number· of. Lodges. From the recapitulation prepared by the Gr·and Secretary, I learn that there are 391 Lodges on the ~ roll with a membership of 47,638,. showing again over the previous year of2~343.
The Address of Grand Master McMillan was quite lengthy, em~ bracing thirty-six pages, but was business from start to finish. Following an introduction of merit he mentioned with tender sentiment the Fraternal D,ead of Sister Jurisdictions, a long list of aud Representatives yari.ous
c. W. the dedicado work out of corner-stones and in'r'!'AT\il\1""tjQ.i1
Mention. was form of the from the Grand cipher Ritual, but Communication. Michigan is among the few Grand Lodges of this country that furnishes the Ritual to its Subordiate Lodges in print. The Grand Master recorded a series of complaints that had come to his attention, such as, officers setting their watcbes ahead and balloting for candidates before the arrival of melmbers that might object; not counting black balls and declaring the ballot Hfair;" removing black' balls from the hox before passing the ballot;. disp路osition on the part of some to keep any and all applicants out of the Lodge through spite. With such an array of irregularities and violation of. Masonic procedure such L,odges should "lose their Charters. The Lodges Chartered at the previous session w,ere reported .a;g路路8<ltVlmg been duly constituted. rec~etl(9rl
The Grand Master, with great pleasure, referred to their Masonic Home, Where contentment,coInfort a~d happiness are enjoyed by unfortunate Brothers and widows ofdJ;e'ceased Masons. A very full an~explicit statement is found in of the Journal respecting this institution. It is learned Ulere!fr'om that there were forty-nine benenciaries in the institution; forty-one Brethren and eight wo]pen. He stated that the average weekly' per capita cost of maintenance is $3.23. 路Grand Master McMillan cre'ated three Lodges U. D. during his term. M.W. Bro. Jeffers!on .8. Conover submitted a on Oo:rr~iS'Pondence recommen'ding reco.gnition of the Lo;dg~ ()f Western Australia. On m,otio\n the sa.id Body was accepted and an excaan,g.e ()f Re~]}reSE~n1:at:ivEl!S ized. .A very pleasa.ntepisode is repo,rted in the
Grand lVlaster, where it \vas stated that the Grand Lodge of Michigan entertained the Grand Lodge of Canada on the 15th of July last by a boat ride up the Detroit River. The following day the Gr.and Lodge of lVIichigan visited the Grand Lodge of Canada, where a royal reception and entertainment was given. ~uch reciprocities tend to cement closer :relations among the me'IDbership of the grea't Masonic family. DECISIONS.
Ten official rulings were reported, an ex.anlination of which prove them to have been jUdiciously and wisely made. The Comnlittee on Jurisprudence reported concurrence and approval, declaring that said. decisions contained sound l\1:asonic law. The contemplated visits proposed by the Grand Master early in his administration were not m路ade to the extent desired on account of sickness. The Grand Secretary submitted his report, embracing statisti~al and general matter. He announced his own personal bereavement in the death of his wife. The Grand Master made a very tende,r and touching allusion to Jhe bere,avement of this Grand Secretary. Brother Conover was unable to read the: last part of his report, being overcome by deelJ emotion, when it was finished by the Deputy Grand Master. It is proper to say at this point that since the close of,thelast session of the Grand Lodge of Michiga.u, Brother Conover bas followed his loved companion of forty years to, the spirit land, \vhere we trust the long and blissful experiences of life have been happily renewed in the far-a \vay home of th0 Soul, tIre "house not made with hands eternal in the heavens." The Grand Lodge, in considering the appeal of Ithe management of the Fraternal Building Association, St. I.Jouis, declined to make any donation to the fund mentioned. The Granel Master's reference to Mexican Masonry was reported upon by a committee, which treated the subject extensively, and onmotiou, action was deferred until the next session. At the close of the session a Past Grand Master's Jewel was pregenteel to the retiring Grand Master in a very charming and, lengtbY Addres>s, to which he responded in well-chosen words, promising that no act of his shoulc1ever dim the lustre of. the gift.
The review was furnished by M. W. Bro. 1efferson S. Conover, Past Grand Master and. Grand Secretary. It covers 180 pages. He resumed the work for which he wasweU qualified. A few years since he was greatly restricted by the Grand Lodge, governed by false economy, and ceased to write the report on Correspondence. In the :work under review he has given us one of his old~time
reports. As a prefaee to the review, he thought it proper to give a recapitulation of some of the things other writers had said about the doings of Michigan. He thus presented matters under the c.ap~ tiOD, "As Others See Us." On tho printed Ritual subject he appropriated what this vvriter had said on that question in the revie'N of 1902. The report is largely written, being graced with an occasIonal extract. Our Missouri transactions received a notice of four pages, two of which were taken extracts from the Addr,ess M'aster Finagin. He in condensed last his eonelusion bed of
sad than a,ny lovable Br~othel· truly say, HOne by R(ll(lot:1OJtl, the cOlupanions choice." During nlY twenty-five years as Grand Secretary, I have been offic.iaUy familiar with two prominent and able, officers of the Grand Lodge of Michigan. M. W. Bro. Wm. P. Ennis closed his long and valned. service as Grand Secretary and Committee on Correspondence in January, 1892, when he was elected Grand Master of Mas,ons in that Jurisdiction. He was succeeded at thatse,ssion by M. W.. Bro. J. S. Conover as Grand Secretary and writer of Correspondence. In this· service· he has spent the· last eleven years; but recently .I learn from official notices sent out that he closed his official and Masonic life and passed into the Great Beyond to meet his companion on last Christmas morning. Referring to his sad Brother Conover said, am,ong the last things he .had ltMy heart is left desolate by the crushing blow;" I tender sympathy to the Grand I...Iodge of Michigan in this BrotherOotJ.'over was elected at the close of last installed. .R OSCOE W. Paw Paw, Granel Master. CHARLES
This session is recorded asrtne "GO'lden Jubilee" of that and was. held in the Ftebruary24th The Jo'l1rna1 was pictures of ~s a frontispieee. W. •Bro.
who presided as Grand Master, and all the Grand Officers "were tn attendance. Representatives of 216 Lodges out of 228 on the roll. ADDRESS.
An Address of thirteen pages was furnished by the Grand Master ~ who said that the Craft in the Jurisdiction was most pros-perous, and that peace and harmony had prevailed throughout the Jurisdiction. The Lodges Chartered. at the former Communication had all been duly constituted, and the eleven new. Lodges created U. D. received Charters at this session. The· Grand Master made a record of corner-stones laid, halls dedica;ted and dispensations granted. He rendered a number of decisions which received the approval of the Committee on Jurisprudence. They are. all proper and sound expositions of M,asonic Jurisprudence. He ruled that "Belief in God is a prerequisite to being made a Mason, and the Bible must necessarily be taken as the rule and guide of faith", as Masonry is" founded upon its teachings." The question was asked, 'tIf a petition for the Degrees could be received before the candidate was twenty-one years "old?" He very properly ruled that he must be of full age before he signs the petition. He. announced that four of the. Lodges in the State had been more or less injured, if not totally destroyed, by fire, and that there was very limited insurance on the property of these Lodges. The subject of the creation of a Masonic Home was called to the attention of the Grand Lodge, and- being reported upon by a committee, recommended that the whole matter be postponed until the next Annual Communication, and that a committee of three be appointed to report upon the subject. The Gr3tnd Master hascertainly been avery busy man, as he stated that he had traveled over 11,000 miles and had made eighty-five visits to Lodges. The report of the Grand Treasurer indicates that the Grand Lodge has on hand General and.· Widows and Orphans Funds amounting to nearly $40,000. The Grand Master made a very practical and sensible conclusion without any attempt at display. The Grand Secretary, Brother 1'homas Montgomery, reported that all the Lodges had made returns including the eleven Lodges U. D. He announced the income, which amounted to som.,ething over $25,000. The membership in· the Jurisdiction is reported at 18,542. The Grand. Secretary stated that the past year had been the most prosperous by far, of any in the history of the Grand Lodge. The pay roll for the session amounted to·· $2,500. An oration was delivered, covering several pages, by the Grand Orator, Bro. W. C. Masterman. "The
Golden Jubilee" and celebration on the 24th of February, 19,03, was a most interesting occasion, a historical review of the past fifty. years was made, embracing biographical sketches of all the. Grand ~Iasters who had served the Fraternity during the half century just closed. In the list of Grand Masters is a sketch of Brother Janles O. Braden, who was Grand lVIaster 1876-77. The r~cord states on of failing health he San ~.lUl:., soon after there. The cirthat recollected by this two the d;eceased St. Louis soon death of Grand when they wel"e takencbarge of by a number of St. during their stay ....."'J.JLlI.VI9
A report covering eighty-one pages was rendered by Brother Irving Todd, Ohairman of the committee. His review embraced brief and synoptic notices of fifty-four Grand Lodg-e Journals. Missouri for 1902 received the compliment of a little o,ver one page in which he very briefly noticed our transactions of last session. HENRY R. ADAMS, Minneapolis, Grand Master. T:a:OMAS MONTGO!r[ERY, St. Paul, Grand Secretary.
The Grand Lodge convened in the city of Biloxi on ,the 19th of February. Present, M.. W. Bro. Harry T. Howard, Grand Master; M. W. Bro. Frederick Speed, Grand Secretary, with the usual Grand Officers, and twelve Past Grand Masters, and Representatives of 249 out ,of 296 Lodges, includi:n.g, those just Chartered. The membership is reported at 10,966. The income fr,om all sources amounted to $7,219.. ADDRESS.
The A..ddress, of Grand Ma.ster Howard covered 'twelve and was business from first to, last. He reported by deiath of two District, Deputy Grand Masters, Bradley and Posey. Quite a list of. special
appears in the Address, covering various interests. He reported numerous refusals to grant dispensations, nearly all of which sought permission to ballot out o.f time or retake the ballot on rejected applications. Four Lodges had 路been created U. D. These were duly Chartered at the session nOVl under consideration. During the year the official visits made to Lodges by the Grand Master, showed the membership to be of men broad-minded and worthy of the place occupied in the Fraternity. The Address conta.ins much Correspondence of the Grand M,aster, furnishing the letters received and answered in several instances. On account of the, absence of both the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master from the Jurisdiction, the Senior Grand 'Varden, Brother E. N. Thomas, performed the duties appertaining to the office of his Chief, and submitted' a full report of his official doings. The Grand Secretary, Brother Frederick Speed, was paid the highest compliment by the Grand Master that language ceuld express~ describing this officer as a Mason a! national reputation and, a Masonic encyclopedia. The Address was follo,ved by the reports of the several District Deputy Grand Masters. A letter was received from M. W. Bro. Andrew H. Barkley, P. G. M., announcing that illness detained him at home and prevented his attend,ance at the session. A resolution was adopted tendering sincere sympathy to Brother Barkley and family in their affliction and pray路er was offered by the Grand Chaplain for the restoratj,on of the absent Brother to health and usefulness. FRA'l'ERNAL VISITORS.
The Grand Lodge "ras visited, during its session" by M. W. Bro. Robert R. Reed, Granel Master, and other Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. These dignitaries were received and accorded a generous welcome. M. W. Bro. John G. Harris, P. G. M.~ of Alabama, was also welcomed to'a seat in the Grand Body. GRA.ND SECRETARY'S REPORT.
The report of M. W. Bro. Frederick S,peed Gra,nd Secretary, is ,an extensive document, thoroughly business-like, as 'might be expected. He seemed to have just cause for complaint against dilatory Lodges failing to forward their returns or <lues. He recommended a change in the law so as to require Lodge returns to be made on the first day of September and forwarded by the first day of October in each year to the Grand Secretary. 1
73 l\lA80NIC IIOIVrg.
On Illotion $500 was appropriated out of the general funds to the Masonic Honle. The 1'rustees of that institution submitted a report. It is learned therefrorn that the Grand Lodge has in interest~ bearing securities, as the beginning of the Masonic Home ill that .Jurisdiction. "fhe Grand Lodge adopted stringent resolutions against the nse of cipher Ritual, and anyone ~7ngaged in the use of such be suspended ~nd second offense, be vigorous a.nd drastic, suell legislation as adopt eneouraging the use of
committee on this line work presented a lengthy and varIed report, and while it was a valuable document, I miss from its preparation the vigor and capacity of its former chairman, Brother }i'rederick Speed. i\ communication having been received from the management of the vVorId's Fair Fraternal Building at St. Louis, the Grand Lodge resolved, upon report of the committee, to take no action with reference thereto. The Committee on Condition of the Craft reported that the Fraternity is increasing in m'embership. The same comnlittee submitted a report on Necrology, and treated of the bereavenlent of the Craft by tbe death of Brother James M. Bradley and Ambrose A. Posey, D~.strict. Deputy Grand Masters of the Jurisdiction. The sanlecom]J];itt,e,ea~somentioned the death of Brother Jas. Watts, who was Gramr'dS:enior Warden in 1867 and always, until recen.tly, promin.ent the counsels, of the· Craft. The Grand Lodge was reminded by i'us meeting in Biloxi that the body held its. nleeting in that city six years ago, and that it was welcomed by one of the pillars of' Masonry in Mississippi, Past Grand Master John F. McCormick, who since that tim,e has be~.n gathered to his fathers and now reposes in the celuetery of the city. It was reconlmended by the committee that the Grand Lodge visit t.be grave of the deeeas,edBrotl1erin 'a body, which was done aceor'dingly. The Record contains the Minutes of eleven Special Conul;l.unications at whichcornerstoll.es were {lu}y laid with Masouie cerem0l?-ies. I cannot overlook in t1'1is review the fact Grand Master,''M:. W. Bro. Ho\vard, in 11is admirable £'1'-'LU.l.~PIh:l theatt,ention 0·1: the Grand IJod.ge to tbe sin of .•
His contention was that Masons who persist in drinking, in spite of all ·warning,. should be expelled from the Fraterllity, and urged that Masonry should join the noble band of workers who are striving to overcome drunkenness. In that connection he took occasion to warn ~he Brethren who are "Shriners" that the reputation· of Masonry has suffered at their 'hands. "When they hold a meeting whiskey and beel"fiow fr~elY." The outside world thinks the Shrine a part of Masonry. As itis at present, the Masons bear all the responsibility of such conduct. "By Masonic law we cannot engage in the liquor business without. being justly expelled. Let the Officers of the Shrine remember that a great conflagration may be caused by a little spark, and that the Masonic body is disgraced . by their carelessness." The Grand Master in concluding his message to the Grand Body said he had traveled over eight thou~nd miles in visiting subordinate Lodges and doing various kinds of Masonic work. His report showed activity and. ability. During the session of the Grand Lodge the body was visited by a party bearing the astounding title of "IMP~RIAL POTENTATE." He appeared before the Grand Lodge, was introduced, and delivered to that body an Address vindicating the conduct of the Shriners and calling them "a band of noble Brethren." He had heard the indicb.pent pronounced 9-gainst Shriners by the Grand Master in his. Address', and felt impelled to apologize for the conduct of this band of high rollers that have no more just connection with Masonry than the Knights of Pythias. The mighty and illustrious Potentate aforesaid made tbestatement that "the Shrine m~kes ·no claim to be a Masonic body, although the world at large looks upon it as such." He admitted that it was a social order to which none could gain admission who was not a Knight Templar or a Thirty-second Degree Mason in good standing. He passed very lightly over the admitted excesses of that institution. The committee appointed to consider thesubj'~ct of "Drunkenness," mentioned by .the Grand Master, en.dorsed his sentiments very fully and· expressed the hope that his warning would he heeded. Treating of the Shrine matter, the committee· tendered thanks to the Great Potentate for the remarks and explanati ons uttered in behalf of the Shrine, and expressed the belief that these warnings will be heeded" by the Brethren of the Shrine. As this write'r has never committed the blunder of running after strange Gods, I am therefore nota member of this wo;nderfUl, modern parasite that has fastened itself upon the "'Masonic Body, and never expect to be. Knowing nothing of its internal structure
1903 ]
or ceremony, I only judge of the character of the institution from \vhat is seen and known on the outside. I enter my pr-otest once and for all against any recognition of the concern, more from what I have seen than from what I have heard. Recently I was called upon to officiate at a Masonic funeral where due honor ·was paid to the character and merit of a distinguished educator of our city who had been Master of his Lodge· and E. C. of a C9mmanderJi"l' of this city. The funeral was held at one of the largest Christian churches in St. Louis, in the presence of a vast assemblage of JVlasons, educators and citizens. The chancel bower of beauty-flowers the pnlpit on
c;t)ntained ill are emblems a symb'Ol
such circumpresented infamous form The Shrine proela,im.s its syulbols its derivation and adherence to" this form of paganism represented by the 'rurk. wish the Grand Bodies of this country-espe·ci.aIly the Order of Christian Knighthood-wou.ld pUblish a declaration setting forth the fact to the world at large that Shrinism is reprehended by Masonry through all its departments.. OORRESPONDENOE.
The illness of M. W. Bro. .A.. Bir'ltley, "Reporter for Mississippi," is noted elsewhere, it having been. rep,orted to Grand Lc>:(lge during. its session, at which the sym,p'ath.y of the body found hearty expression. Brother Barkley washoillor'ed by· his Brethren by being unani;mously elected Trustee of the "MasCJuie Widows' and Orphans' Home Fund" to succeed himself, a..nd also reappointed CommIttee on· Correspondeuce. " My heart joine'd· 3..11 the prayer offered by the Grand Chaplain in behalf of Brother Barkley that "Our Heavenly Fath~r will s.pare his life for futtaerd.eea.sof usefulness to the ehureD, Masonry and the community." · I devoutly trust this prayer has 'been answered. I judge from. one s'entence found in his con.. Chlsi0·n that he had been critically n~,l>l.lt had sUfficiently recovere(l to wind up ~is labors,. He saia.:"Wehave touched the borderlani! of the'Unknown,wnose poss,i'bUities, iRaIi their unrevealedgri~i~ ness are hid away from· humall sight lllane:Rth the veil ·of th.ee~;~i~~ Future." His report oovered e.ightyopiages, much more limiteCilttl1:aR
[Oct. heretofore. The ~roceedillgsof forty-nine Grand Lodges had been carefully exaluined and the IDlatter therein duly noted. Our Journal for 1902 received full consideration in a three-paged notice. It was a very satisfactory summary of our transactions, special mention being nlade of the Masonic Home and the munificent gift Inade by Brother Jas. L. Kuykendall. With his usual kindness and brotherly affection", my w'ork 011 Correspondence met with cordial approval. He concuri"ed in views heretofore expressed by this writer with reference to. raising funds for the maintenance of Masonic Homesmy-contention being that to depend alone and wholly upon individual donations was unsftfe and not practical. The only way to secure such funds being by taxation. Brother Barkley said: "In an expe~ rience of twelve years, Mississippi has found this to be the only plan that (~an be relied upon that will secure the necessary means." The pardon asked for by Brother Barkley is most freely granted for calling Brother Noah Givan 'Hugh.' I reciprocate hisexpressions of hope that 'we may meet for many years to come at the Round Table and conlmune with each other as Brethren Beloved. ~ My .affection for and appreciation of Brother BffI'kley has grown. steadily with the passing years. May the good Lord continue him in the position he has occupied and. so ably filled in the- past. El\LMETT N. THoM~As,Greenville, Grand Master. FREDERICK SPEmD, Vicksburg, Grand Secretary.
The Grand Lodge. convened in the city of Butte on the 17th of September, and was presided over by M. W. Bro. George T. Slack, Grand. Master. M~ W. Bro. Cornelius T. Hedges was Grand Secretary. ·The usual quota ·of Grand O'fRcers was present, with· ten Past Grand Masters· in attendance. The ll-ecord of the Secretary states that every Lodge in the Jurisdiction had made returns and paid dues. Of the 49 Lodges on the roll 48 were represented. The B~ttractive Journal of Proceedings cOBtains the record of thre,e Speicial COBlDlunications called at various times for the purpose of laying corn erstoues.A picture and·· bi,()graphical sket.ch of Grand Master SlacK· serves as an introduction. to the Journal. My good friena and Brother Hedges, like myself, is the Senior Past Grand Master of that Jurisdiction and heads the list.
The ...4.ddress of Grand lVlaster Slack, consisting of twelve pages, opened with a ehaste exordium, followed by the general rehearsal of official acts perfOI'lUed by him, during the term, such as issuing Dispensations for various purposes, decisions rendered, visits made ,l.nd a brief reference to the question of a Masonic Home. His official rulings were of local application and met the approval of' the Cornmittee on Jurisprudence, with butane exce.ption. He had created new Lodge IT. D., which, for good reasons, was con.Annual Commn.nieatio1fl. Referring to the the recommended that it shan be to to .the Gram.d on Grand
the appointment same was approved. p.l·C)1l()lU1C€ll'l
an able one, and his duties.
M. Vol. Bro. Hedges submitted a fis·cal exhibit, showing the financial state of affairs, indicating that the income for the term 'was about $7000. On general sUbjects his report was all-embracing and covered many matters of local interest. l?'rom the rep.ort it is learned that Grand Secretary Hedges had entered upon the duties of his office thirty years be.fore, been elected in 1872, and the discharge of his official d1ilties hls life work. In 1872, ,vhen· he .took charge of the office as G~andSe~retary, there were fifteen· Lodges in the Jurisdiction a .membership of nearly 600. Now they have 49 I.Jodges, with a llle'msership of '3,553, a gain for the year of 228. During the sessioiR the lnagnificent Temple at Butte was dedicated,· f'oUowed by all Address in which it was stated that the strueture with its appointm,ents cost th~ Fraternity about $85,000. The Address covered twelve pages and proved to be an entertaining and rea'dable oratioll. From the report of Brother Hedge,s it is learned that the year jillst closed had been the most pros·perons in their history. He annolluced. that the prospects for the erection of a· Masonic Home wer'e quite encouraging, and had been greatly improved within a time 1 o,ving to the fact amelXl:ber of Helena Lodge had wilTed to the Grand Lodge tne of his considerable estate to constitute an for the purpose of a IVfasol1ic Hom(?Olite Lodge in the
had already given $100 to the fund. An amen'dment to the Code proposing to require of all visitors to Lodges in that Jurisdiction to produce a receipt showing dues pai d to one year preceding the application to visit. The proposition "was rejer;ted. A.nother proposed change of law looking to the reduction of the minimum fee for the Degrees to $35 was rejected. A motion prevailed to fix the rate of three cents per mile by rail p·ayable· to representatives t.o the Grand Lodge. Before the session closed a. committee was created to procure a testinlonial for the retiring Grand Master, Brother George T. Slack. Following the installation of the newly elected Grand Master, the ('Signet Ring" ,vas presented to him, accompanied by an Aqdress on the part of. the retiring Grand l\tIaster. The Grand Lodge expressed the sense of appreciation and gratitude .of the Masonic Fraternity of Montana to our Heavenly li-'ather for putting into the heart of our deceased Brother David Auchard to devote so large a portion of his fortune to the endowment of a Masonic Home.. On motion it was ordered that $1000 be transferred from the. General Fund of the Grand Lodge to, the Mason.ic Ho'me Fund. This closes a hurried review of the Proceedings of the· Thirty-eighth Annual Session of the Grand Lodge of Montana. CORUESPONDENCE.
'The·· annual revie\y,' covering 136 pages, was prepared by our veteran Brother and revie'wer, M. W. Bro. Cornelius Hedges. It was his thirty-second production and opens with a charming intro(1nction to a well prepared docuID'dnt,entirely written. From his allusion to his physical condition the conclusion is reached that he has been subjected to many acheB and pains. 'rhis· view is perfe,ctlynatural from the statement we quote. "We are sorry to have to say that Montana is liable to Rheumatism." In opening his review, h~ said: "We anticipated pleasure in the \vork if.. only rheumatism would let us alone." Winding up his review he said, "We are not· yet free from rheumatic affliction." I have read of an ancient character who was greatlyaffiicted with boils, and having had some experience along that line in th\3 passing years I could appreciate the troubles of the Patriarch Job, but am happy to say that my experience with rheumatic affliction does not prepare me to enter into understand~, ing with Brother Hedges' trouble,sa~~'upon the general ground of pity and sympathy for ,one who deserves a better fate. Colorado must be cl~matically well conditioned for afflictions of the kind described by our Brother Hedges. Still, with all his recorded affiiction, lam led to believe,measuringhis work by its tone and spirit, that he is greatly improved. 'rhe introduction to the report .is
and practical. He devoted three pages to a revie,v of our transactions for 1901. Expressed admiration for the rapidity of my ,vork in bringing out the Journal for that year, which be said reached him ten days after the session closed, which he pronouneed the quickest time on record for a volume of its size. He eomplimented the good looks of Brother "rells, Grand Master, as wen as the work be. had performed. Mention was Inade of the Ivlemorial service held in honor President McKinley the grand outburst on that occasion. Home reattenltiml1, as well as report of the failure law-Lodges not changes.. This hard and undesirof Brother of courteously comHe;dges is sj"noptic throughout, and of of all the nals reviewed. His spirit as writer is 2.1ways genial and entirely free from criticism and unpleasa.nt comments. Concluding his very interesting work he said it ,vas usually a ple,asure to write his reports, but the pleasure had been m.aterially lessened thinking of old associates in this work. One quotation shows an undertone of sadness as he reviewed the past. "We often envy them that this life of limitation and disappointment is over." Perhaps this feeling is common to thosewbo are nearing the outeryerge of Life路 ,and are thinking of what is be:yond. For myself, Life is too dear and its meaning too significant to justify al'l路y envy of those who have crossed over the river. I take lea-v'e of Brother Hedges with the usual cordial affection and fraternal good will, hoping to meet him in this field through the coming FRANK E. SM!TIt, Lewiston, Grand Master. CORNELIUS HEDGES, Helena, Grand Secretary.
This Grand Lodge convened in'thecity of Omaha on the 4th of June. PRESENT.
Bro. Robert E. Evans Grand. Master; R. 'V. Bro. E.. White, Grand Secretary, and other Grand Lodg~ 1
representation of 214 out of 234 qhartered Lodges in the Jurisdiction. In these Lodges there is a membership of 13 115. Cash reeeipts for the year, $13,895. 1
An address covering fifteen pages 'was presented by the Grand Master,'which contains a great variety ()f business of a local character.. The Grand lVlaster said of the condition of the Craft that it w"a.s prosperous throughout the Jurisdiction, a healthy growth in nlembership had been reported, and that financially they were in a better condition than for years. 'l'he Address embraces an account of official acts performed, sneh as constituting new Lodges, granting Special Dispensations. In .one instance he reported having permitted a Lodge to receive a petition, ballot and confer the Degrees without regard to time. The candidate must have been in a hurry to get through. Two I..lodges were created U. D. and were dull'" chartered during the session. Mention was nlade of the laying of eornerstones and various tefer~nces 'to the condition of certain Lodges that n'eeded special offiehil attention. Speaking of the proposed Masonic HOID,f:) the Grand Master announced that a lady had offered to transfer her home to the l~i"raternity for Masonic Home purposes for a given price. The property was considered de路 sirable, and worth some $25,000. The proposition could not be acted upon by the Grand Master, and the same was referred to the Grand Lodge for its action. The Committee on Orphans' Educational Fund reported that on account of the want of necessary funds to purchase the property the路 proposition was declined. DECISIONS.
The Grand Master reported twenty-one official rulings made during his term which were referred to the Committee on Jurisprudeuce. I regard them in general as sound expositions of Masonic law, but the COffiluittee made exception in a few instances differing from the Grand Master's ruling. He held that a Lodge has no authority to make a copy of its Charter in writing and have the seal of the Grand Lodge pla,ced thereon, to be used in HeJl of the Charter issued by the Grand Lodge. 路'rhi8 ruling was approved and differed materially from the action had by the Grand Lodge, of Maine. The Grand路 Master decided that it was not a direct violation of Masonic law for the Master of a Lodge to sign a petition in favor of granting a saloon license. This decision was not approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence. No reason is given for refusing to
confirm the ruling.· The .A.ddress of Grand Master Eyans was eminently practical, and commended its author to the favorable con.. sHleration of the Grand Lodge.
The report of Brother V\.Thite, Grand Secretary, is a complete document and full of details. It is followed by the report of the Grand Custodians, Committee on Relief, Trustees of Orphans' Eclucational and local interests. Orphans' Fund was special report submitted by Past re,cognition of Lodge ·Va 11ey of
G:rand Orator, Brother A. C. Shallenberger being absent, his oration was presented and read by Brother Blackledge. It covered seven pages of the Proceedings.
The following paragraph from the record of the Grand Secretary deserves a passing Detice: "The Gran.d Master called attention of the Grand Lodge to a report that some Lodges were introducing new and strange features in the section af the Third Degree and· it was ordered that· all Lodges discontinue the use of such paraphernalia and embZem,s." '1'his may mean much or little as we feel inclined to consider it.. This writer would· venture a guess that· the Lodges in question have introdl.1cedsome .kind of toggery or robes in which to appear as oriental 'as possibite. If this is a correct interpretation I would say the Grand Lodge bas taken a proper view of. that effort to modernize or orientaliz:e FreeMasonry. To modernize it and make Masonry like. other organizations that enjoy display rather than propriety, or to orientalize it would carry us back toa period! when such dress may have been used, although it is doubtful. On the seeond day of the session the election for Grand Officers took placea.nd Brother NathanielM. Ayres was elected Grand Master. We had the pleasure of meeting the distinguished Ne·braska ~aS9'ri and Ustening to his very felicitous talk delivered at our Gralld Lodge session in Kansas City, O,ctober, 1..902. G. L.. Ap.-6.
M. 'W. Brothers Charles J. Phelps, P. G. M., and Daniel H. Wheeler, P. G. M., prepared and delivered a report containing 100 pages. The review embraced notices of 59 American and Foreign Grand Jurisdictions-in three instances for two years. The work is a compilation containing much matter appropriated from the Journals reviewed. Our Missouri Journal for 1901 was complimented with a two-page notice. The reviewer, Brother Phelps, appropriated liberally from the Address of Grand Master \Vells, with very brief comments. The Committee Correspondence consists' of Brothers' Francis E. White, Charles J. Phelps and GeoJ;ge W. Lininger. NATHANIEL M. AYRES, Beaver City, GrandMaster. FRANCIS E. WHITE, Plattsmo~lth, Grand Secretary.
This Grand Lodge session was held in Masonic Hall in the city of St. John on the 20th. of August. M. W. Brother Arthur .1. True· man, Grand Master; R. W. Brother J. Twining Hartt was Grand Secretary, .with other Grand· Officers and representatives of twenty Lodges present. TheJ;'e are thirty·five Lodges in the Jurisdiction with a membership of 1994. The gain is approximately 100. The income from all sources $2118. An _~ddress of fifteen pages was submitted by the Grand Ma.ster. He announced that Harmony and Fraternity had prevailed through.. out the Jurisdiction, and was pleased to state that the statistics show a steady and marked growth in··Free Masonry .in the Province. He noted at length the honored dead of sister Jurisdictions, and re,cord.ed the loss. to their· Grand Lod.ge of anum bel" of worthy Brethren. It is a pleasing thought to American Masons that our English Brethren have so deeply sy:tp.pathized with the United States in the great loss sustained by the1death of President William McKinley. Grand Master Trueman said that "the citizens of our connt'.t'Y mourn and the world mourns with them." He extended to the American Brethren heartfe,lt sympathy in their sorrow, and recorded their utter abhorrence of the brutal crime. From the Address· I learn that Fraternal relation.s had been established with the Grand Lodge of Western Australia and Costa Rica. The Grand
IVlaster stated that the most pleasant and enjoyable duty had been found in his visits to Lodges.. This was foltlowed bya long list of official visits made the Lodges in the Jurisdiction. The Grand Master took a practical view of the various questions claiming his official consideration. The Committee on Grand Master's Address offered congratnlations to the Grand Lodge on the effective manner in which .he had discharged his duties.~ From the Proceedings· it is learned that the funds from all sources amounted to something over $4,000.. That Grand Body has an organization known as the Board G·eneral Purposes, which seems to have charge of every interest during Lodge session.. During the sitting of the of the Brother Wm. Past Grand accepted by the No rep1Qrt on Trueman, J. TWining
The Journal contains brief record.s of thre,e Special or Emergent Communications. The annual meeting was held in@ Masonic Hall, Trenton, March 11th and 12th, PRESENT.
M. W. Brother W. H. Apgar, Grand Master; Thoa. H. R. Redway, Grand Secretary, and other Grand Omeers and representatives of a large number of Lodges. The membership of the Jurisdiction is reported at 20,333,, indicating a gain of 1181. . ADDRESS..
An Address covering thirty-four pages was presented by the
Master, and contains a review of' the· affairs of the Grand for the term. Follo\ving an elaborate exordium he gave· an e:x:t:eu(jed list of the deceased Brethren of the Jurisdiction, including Masters and Past Masters of Lodges.. Spiecial mention· was made ot
the death of Brother Albert F. Randolph, Past Grand Junior Warden. He reported the state of the Craft in the Jurisdiction as gratifying, and that the finances of the Grand Lodge were in most excellent condition. Record was made of the various ceremonies performed, district meetings held, Lodges visited, Dispensations granted, Masonic courtesies received, discipline enforced, decisions, verdicts and suggestions. Mention was made of ~the Masonic Home, and that great charity commended to the favorable consideration of the Fraternity of the State. A very extensive report was presented by the Committee on Masonic Home, showing the good progress made and the successful condition of that jmportant branch of l\1asonic effort. The report furnished much reading matter to the local Fraternity in that Jurisdiction. The Grand Master r~ported relations with sister Jurisdictions as most pleasant and fraternaL Grand Treasurer reported a balance on hand of something over $15,000. The Grand Secretary's report is full and extended, giving a complete schedule of all business pertaining to his position. He was compelled to report that no improvement .had been made on the subject of returns of the work. He attributed this defect to the Secretaries of Lodges. From dues for the General Fund, Charity Fund and Home Fund was reported amounting to $20,493. The books of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer we're carefully examined and pronounced c,orrect in every detail. The Journal shows the presentation of divers reports rendered, which were duly adopted. Telegram was received during the session from M. W. Brother Gbarles Belcher, P. G. lVI., a.nnouncing his inability to attend the session by reason of illness. It was also stated that sickness and old age prevented M. W. Bro. Henry R. Cannon from' being present at the session the first tim,e for many years. Telegrams of sympathy were ordered sent to these Brethren, the motion being carried by a rising vote. The secretary reported the presence of dist.inguished visitors, being the Grand Masters of New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware, also Past Grand Master from Connecticut. During the session the children of the Ma.sonic Home were introduced and received a warm and enthusiastic welcome. From the report of the Masonic Home it is learned there are 55 inmates, including 9 children. A resolution路 was offered. and referred to the Committee on Masonic Home, and afterwards adopted, that an assessment be levied aga'inst the Lodges路 at a rate of $2 per capita to .be collected for the purpose of building and路 paying for an Orphanage. T4e committee appointed one year before to take up the question of the "Ancient Landmarks of Masonry," and report at the next session of the Grand Lodge, submitted a lengthy and elaborate
report, ,vhieh "was adopted. A Past Grand l~!aster's je"rel was presented to M. "'\V. Brother Joseph E. Moore, P. G. M. The Grand I.lodge created a committee consisting of seven ladies to have oversight over the domestic affairs of the Home. CORRESPONDENCE.
eommittee of "which Brother Charles Belcher, G. M., vv-as pB.ges.. The \vork is reyiew of the doings ex路tr~lctls, thereby expressing received the 'bene.. of Grand Master the former was expressed my own view to see any practical reports of our Committee to the \vork of this Committee on Correspondence in complimentary ternls. I anl pleased to record the fact that M. W. Brother Charles Belcher is continued as chairman of the Committee on Correspondence. The Grand lYiaster, Brother W. H. Apgar and Grand Secretary, Brother 'I'lhomas H. R. were re-elected, and both reside in the city of Trenton.
This session ,vas held in the city of Santa Fe, October 20th. M. Brother ...~rthur H. HarIlee> Grand Ma,ster; R. W.Bro. Alpheus A.. Kern, Grand Secretary, and other Grand Officers, Past Grandi Officers and re路presentatives of seventeen out of the twenty Lodges in the Jurisdiction. The m.embership for. the year is reported. at 1,133 being a gain of 54. The income was reported at 1,818, after disbursements, cash balance on hand, $1,365.
The Grand l\f.aster presented a lengthy communication to the Grand Lodge covering twenty-five pages. It is a very businessli.ke llaper. At the opening he congratulated the Grand Lodge tha.t it had re路aehed the' twenty-fifth milestone in its history. A Q,uarte.r of
a century before a small band of faithful Masons assembled in l\iontezuma Lodge, where the Grand Lodge was organized. The history since that time of the institution in that Jurisdiction has been varied. rrhe Grand Master announced with much satisfaction that the past year had been in every respect one of great prosperity. The financial condition of all IJodges was reported as excellent. New balls had been properly furnished and dedicated. Speaking of the Fraternal Dead, he said that the members of the Grand Lodge had been mercifully spared. Mention was made of the loss sustained by the Subordinate Lodges in the Jurisdiction, and quite a list of Honored Dead of other Grand Lodges was furnished. In a large list of Special Dispensations I find none .for doing work out of time. One Lodge was createdU. D. and was duly chartered at the session. In the exercise of official authority the Grand Master had been called upon to enforce the law against the Worshipful Master of one of the Lodges for Unmasonic conduct. This unfortunate Brother had misapplied the trust funds in his hands, for which the Grand Master suspended 'him until the session of the Grand Lodge, when a higher penalty was enforced of suspension for a term of five years. Several decisions were reported, all of which were duly approved by the Committee on Grand Master's' Address. I have examined these. official findings and regard them as in harmony with the best standards of Masonic law. The Grand Lecturer, Brother 路Wm. H. Seamon, submitted a report, together with that of his assistant Grand Lecturer. The Grand Master acknowledged their indebtedness to Brother Seamon for his valuable services in the past as Grand Lecturer. rl"he subject of Mexican Masonry ,claimed official consideration, and the Grand Master, after reciting the various conditions of the question, recommended the Grand Lodge to take no further steps looking to the recognition of any of the various Masonic bodies in Mexico. The address closed with some valuable recommendations bearing upon local interests. I do not hesitate to pronounce the address of the. Grand Master a valuable and practical business document. He ,vas commended by the Committee on Address for the zeal, fidelity and care with which he had' managed the affairs of the Grand Lodge. The report of the Grand Secretary, Brother Alpheus A. Keen, ,vas brief and business路 like. The income for the term had been slightly over $1,800. The Committee on Accounts found that路 the books of the Grand Treas路 urer and Grand Secretary had been neatly and correctly kept, and that their reports were in harmony with the facts. The subje'ct of the "World's Fair Fraternal Building Association" at St. Louis was mentioned by said Committee, .and the statement made that
the funds in the hands of the Q路rand Treasurer would not warrant any appropriation. On the question of "cipher Ritual," the Grand IJodge declared that the use of such work had always been disapproved, and that the endeavor would be made to prevent its introduction in that Jurisdiction. A resolution was adopted providing for the gift of a. Master Mason's diploma, at the expense of the Grand Lodge, made to .any Master lVlason who shall pass a perfect examination on the First Section of a Master Mason's Degree within a prescribed time.
R. W. Bro.. W. H. The notices of the contain condensed eomments. The is not burdened with extracts, the scissors being supplemented by the pen. Brother Seamon is a good student, earefulobserver, and a vigorous and intelligent writer. He gave our Missouri Journal for 1901 two pages" paying special attention to the address of Grand Master Wells, and commenting thereon most favorably. Notice- was given to my report on Correspondence" and he said of the same: "It is one of the three whieh should be read by every Mason." Tha.,t verdict places this writer pretty near the top, and but for age, experience and settled habits of mind might produce dizzine,ss of the head. Speaking of Mexican Masonry, he still maintains that it is best not yet to accept the claims of the~ institution in that country for recognition. He said the dissolution of the Gran. Dieta cleared the way for peace, but the fight continued just the same. From bis statement one would conclude that the leaders of the defunct Dieta have taken refuge in the Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico. Accepting this as a clear exposition of Mexican Masonry, I must conchlde, from the statements of Brother Seamon, that the institution is in a nebulous state, lacking concrete elements worthy of our approval. It seems that the Masonic influence now dominant in Mexico is that of the Scottish Rite. Brother Seamon prophesies th.at the future of Masonry in Mexico .will show one of two results.. The first-the death of the Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mextco and York, or American Rite Masonry;路 or second-separation of the two Rites. Taking fraternal leave of Brother Seamon, IreeOrd with unalloyed satisfaction, his rea.ppointment ,as Chairman of the
Committee on Foreign Correspondence, and hope to meet him again, as in the past, in the domain of Masonic work. E . A. CAHOON, Roswell, Grand Master. ALPJIEUS A. KEEN, Albuquerque, G-rand Secretary.
The Grand Lodge was opened in Grand :Lodge Room, Masonic Temple, City of New York, on the fifth of May. PRESENT.
M. W. Bro. Elbert Crandall, Grand Master; M. "VV. Bro. Edward M. L. Ehlers, Grand Secretary, and a full corps of Grand Officers, and nine Past Grand Masters. A constitutional number of Lodges was represented, and. a long list of Representatives of Grand Lodges. Among the latter, Missouri was represented by R. 路W.. Bro. Southwick Hebberd. From the recapitulation of the Grand Secretary it is shown that there are 757 Lodges on the roll, ''lith a membership of 118,185... The Grand Secretary reported that the income from all sources had been $96,232. The report shows that the 754 Lodges had made returns and paid dues. ADDRESS.
The address of Grand Master Crandall was the longest, the most elaborate and extended business document that I have found in my examination of Grand I.lodge Proceedings; but it must be remembered that it is addressed to the largest Jurisdiction in the world. The ad路dress opened well, and attention was caned to the Honored Dead who had passed away to the Unknown Land since the last meeting. Record was made of the death of M. W. Bro. Clinton F. Paige, Senior Past Grand Master, who full of honors and ripe of years, died November 13, 1902. He was elected Grand Master in 1863, and filled that station two years. With one exception he bad been present at every session of the Grand Lodge from 1856, and had been Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence. The Grand Master said of him: 'tHe 'was a man of unquestioned ability, of undoubted integrity, and unsullied honor." ...~ long list of Honored
in other Jurisdictions followed the tribnte paid Brother Paige. Iv.fallY pages of the address 'were occupied with dispensations granted
for various purposes, appointment of Representatives in different Grand Lodges, cOlnments on various ceremonies rendered, installation of officers, laying of corner-stones, dedication of the monument erected in honor of M. VV. Bro. John L. Lewis, 'Past Grand Master, and other important functions. The Grand Master announced that from the repntts of the, several officers it was learneu that the year just closed had been one of exceeding prosperity to the Lodges throughout the Jurisdiction. He had created six ne,\~ Lodges U. D. Foreign relations ,vere reported as most fraternal with othe~ Jurisdictions. The IVlasonic HOlne received passing attention, and the Grand Lodge of institution. The been inother Grand spected Officers, of the Home extended and
for the nlanyof ~he also the Grand uns\verving at all UIlUO,[Cung
(:"xperience, .and
the utlnost du.ties. Such an officer is an invaluable assistant to Grand lVlaster. The Journal contains addresses delivered by the Grand lVlaster at the laying of a. corner-stone, and the dedication of the monun1ent to M. W. Bro. John 1..1. Lewis. The report of the Grand Secretary shows the state of the fiscal affairs of the Grand Lodge, together with the interests belonging to his posi Hon. The report of the Gran;,d Treasurer indicates that路 the funds handled by him during the year amounted to $156,647. AfteraccDunting for disbursements made 1 the cash balance on hand is over $70,000. rrhe report on l\.iasonic Home by the Trustees of that institution shows that during the past year sixty-one applicants had been received, and the number in the Home 291. The report shows the value of the plant to be $446,000. The Home is located. at Utica. The Board outlined the condition confronting the institution, and reached the conclusion as follows: First-that the maximum earning power of the property, from an investment point of view, is very lo'w. Second-that the-- entire revenue from the property, in addition to the per capita tax, is required for the purpose of the. nlaintenance of the Home under the most favorable conditions. Third-that.in view of the larg~ :membership in the State, that it was unwise not to recognize and substalltial additions to the Home must be faced and
solved in the near future. M. W. Bro. Jesse B. Anthony, Superintendent of the Masonic Home, furnished a very full and elaborate statement of all matters connected with the institution. The . Journal contains numerous reports such as Grand Lecturer, Grand Historian, Grand Librarian and Board of Relief. The Committee on Grand Master's .address called attention to his zealous labors in the discharge of his various and onerous duties, and com,mended his zeal and fidelity in the work. The election of officers took place on the second day of the session, and, according to the record, the entire list was chosen "by acclamation." This was a, mighty easy way to dispose of that important duty in a body representing over 700 Lodges. In a special report M. W. Bro. Jesse B. Anthony recommended the recognition of the Grand Lodge of Western Austr,alia, and a resolution to that effect was adopted. The report of the Committee on Jurisprudence was presented by 1\11. "V. Bro. John W. Vrooman, in which is路 found an adverse declaration to a document presented seeking to form an alliance between various Grand Lodges, and the appointment of delegates for a national institution. The Committee announced the plan as unpractIcal, and recommended the rejection of the resolution. The Committee on' Finance reported adversely to the application of the World's Fair Fraternal Building Association, and that no appropriation be made in that interest. CORRESPONDENCE.
M. W. Bro. Jesse B. Anthony submitted his fifteenth annual report, which was signed by him as Chairman of the Committee. There are two other na.mes attached to the report, but evidently Brother Anthony "bore the heat and burden of the day" in its preparation. The review 路comprehends an examination of fiftyeight Grand Lodges, and covers 189 pages. The translations of the PrQceedings of the Grand Bodies in foreign countries were prepared by Brother Emil FrenkeL This work re1quired over fifty pages of the report. It furnishes an extended review of the Craft in foreign countries. Brother Anthony has, for a number of years, compiled and published in his report a series of tables furnishing the numerical standards of the Craft in this and other lands. These tables are specially valuable, as they show from gathered statistics, the membership of the Fraternity, on this continent. The numerical strength of each Grand Lodge in the 'United States and Dominion of Canada is given with the number of raisings, affiliations, restorations, deaths, dim-its,' suspensions and expulsions, presenting the net gain in each case. Of course, New York stands at the head of
1903.. J
the list in nurobel' of Lodges and membership, followed in proper order by Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Massachusetts and Missouri, which stands seventh on the roll. l'he Lodge member~ ship thus enumerated and numerically stated footed up a grand total of members for 1903 944,188, being a gain over the previous year of something less than 50,000. The general report of Brother Anthony is well supplied with extracts, the scissors being much in evidence. His remarks on many of the excerpts made are terse and pertinent. Brother Anthony is always affable and fraternal. In reviewing the Grand Lodge Proceedings of Maine he took up the report on Correspondence of that Jurisdiction with sadness, as the intelligence had just reached him of the unlooked for and of M. \V. Bro. Josiah H. Drummond. -He said of "his record is a proud one in every d ,epa rtindelibly the Masonic literature proves a wise counselor, and a nobleman. u The tribute to the disMaine the heart, and expressed the Missouri Journal raC011:'r:t,~eot:1S attention, p:ages of his space being devoted transactions. He quoted from the address of the disposition to override the secrecy of the bal1o,t. Due mention was made of the Missouri Masonic Home and detailed statements made as to its progress and suceess and the announcement of the $50,000 endowment fund. Brother Anthony will be pleased to learn thBlt since the last report we have increased the endowment fund to $100,000. It affords me pleasure to 'State additionally that from the bequests made by路 other parties we expect very soon to come into路 possession of at least $20,000, which will be added to our endowment fund. The Masonic Home of Missouri has a Hstrong grip" upon the Masons this Jurisdiction, and others have intimated. their purpose to remember the Home when they come to close theIr earthly labors. It is a wonder what a difference types will make in presenting facts. In referring to the action of our Grand Lodge in the bestowment of relief to deserving beneficiaries, he says the Grand Lodge appropriated $850,000 on the score of charity. If such was a fact, many Mas(!)ns of tbis country would want to move into Missouri. Our apPl'opriation amounted to $850. He noticed my report on CorTe.. spondence, under the head of West Virginia, and made an extract therefrom, with which he expressed his full agreement. The ap,propriation made by him from my work had reference to the subject ofc~andestine Masons. The appropriation elaborated simply what f
I think, and when such a writer as Brother Anthony approves my position on vital questions, I am satisfied. I am pleased to record the fact that Brother Anthony is continued in charge of the work on Correspondence fo-rhis Grand Lodge, and take leave of him with only the most pleasant and appreciative feelings. ELBERT CRANDALL (re-elected), Brooklyn, Grand Master. ED'~VAl{D M. L. EI-ILEUS (re-elected), New 'York, Grand Secretary.
This session was held in the qUy of Raleigh, commencin~ January 13, and lasting three days. 'The session was presided over by M. W. Bro. H. 1. Clark, Grand Master. R. W. Bro. John C. Drewry was Grand Secretary. The usual Grand Officers were in, attendance, with eight Past Grand Masters. The number of Lodges represented were not counted, and the weather is too hot for that undertaking, as this is Jnly. From the recapitulation of the Grand Secretary I find 329 Lodges on the roll, with a reported n1embership of 12,662. Of the Lodges enrolled, thirty-six did not make returns according to the report of Grand Secretary. He reported their income for the term $8,249. In his recapitulation he made a comparison between the term then closing and. the year 1895, when he became Grand Secretary. The increase in finances. was shown to be 72 per cent, and the membership 33 per cent. ADDRESS.
The Grand Master presented a brief and one of the most prac~ tical business documents that I have examined. It covets only ten pages, yet throughout there was evidence of strong business capacity. During the year their Grand Chaplain, Rev. A. A. Marshall, D. D., and 'Grand Orator at the last communication of the Grand Lodge, had been called from labor. The Grand Master said of him, that he was "An eloquent preacher, a loving father, a devoted husband, and a good man, and the world was better by his having been in it." This tribute covers all that may be said of man truthfully. A Memorial Committee reported at length in loving praise of their departed Grand Ohaplain. Speaking of the condition of the Craft, Grand Master Olark stated that "Masonry in our State was never
so prosperous." He attributed a great deal of this study and healthy to the ~arnest efforts of their Grand Secretary. Four Lodges had been created U. D. by the Grand Master, and received charters during the session. Quite a number of special dispensations had been granted, but the Grand Master said that he would not burden the Grand Lodge or claim space in the Proceedings by giving de~ tails. creditable list of decisions was reported, which will stand critical examination, everyone being of the most prac qualitjt. They were approved b:y路. the Com.. Relations sister Grand Jurisdic most fraternaL A lon.g list of place in the Address. communications of tbe w
and for
This insti\tution a high in the affection of our Breth of North Carolina. It is favorably commended by the Grand Master, and the report on the same interest rendered by the Board of Directors of the Asylum, and the Superintendent and Treasurer of the institution was encouraging. From the elaborate reports thus' furnished it is learned that the institution is in a flourishing condition and doing a great work. The Grand lVlaster in his address calls attention to the needs of theCra.ft in North Carolina for a Masonic Temple. Steps 路were taken in the direction of securing property one year hefore, and a very lengthy report from said Committee is found in the Journal. The final conclusion reached was to organize a Masonic Temple Committee. The most desirable site for the erection of the buildings had been secured, and arrangements made to float $50,000 first mortgage bonds. The City of Raleigh had taken large amounts of these bonds, and the outlook foraccoll1plishing the purpose undertaken was most encouraging. w
R. W. Bro. Drewry, Grand Secretary, seems to be the happiest man alive, and just bubbling overwitb joy. I noticed in my review last year of the North Carolina Journal that the Grand Secretary was about to get married. A committee was appointed at that th:ne to select a present worthy the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, and
its Grand Secretary. It appears from the information furnished that he had been fortunate enough to not only secure the wife contenlplated, but reported that on his wedding day in last January, a beautiful bridal present in the form of a superb silver service had been accorded the newly wedded pair. No wonder Brother Drewry is happy, possessing a new wife and a fine silver service. In his report he noted the creation of four Lodges U. D., three old Lodges revived, and the Charters of two Lodges surrendered. His l"eport is an elegant business uocument showing in detail all matters pertinent to his position. ORArrION.
The Grand Orator.. Brother M. C. S. Noble, delivered an address, " brief, but beautiful and instructive. A resolution was adopted tendering him the thanks of the Grand Lodge·, and styling his address as "eloquent." This was a proper characterization of the production. COHRESPONDENCE.
The entire review was prepared by that careful and chaste writer, Brother Jolin A. Collins, Chairman of the Committee. It covers 119 pages, and condenses reviews of the Proceedings of fifty-one Grand Lodges. American and Foreign. Brother Collins was gratified to state, from his point of view, that the Masonic Fraternity throughout the world was harmonious and prosperous. The success of North Carolina Masonry in bringing, during the passing years, thousands of children to a position in life· where they may be use.. ful and good, and saved from the bad, to God and the State afforded him great satisfaction, and was doubtless most comforting to the Fraternity in that Jurisdiction. He affirmed the view· that linked with the· material prosperity of Masonry throughout the world are found evidences of progress toward the higher plane of Masonic life and moral worth." It is exceedingly gratifying to this writer to meet such statements as these emanating from a man so well balanced in moral view and correct sentiment as Brother Collins. His work, as heretofore, contains· cullings from the Proceedings reviewed. His comments are generally brief and always pertinent, evidencing the superior capacity of the writer. Our Missouri J ournal for 1902 is courteously treated to a three-page notice. Referring to the report of our Committee on Jurisprudence respecting the conferring. of Degrees by anyon~ except the Masters and Wardens, he said the conclusion of the Oommittee was a "wise" one,
wherein it was stated "That it is our opinion that the presiding officer may be safely entrusted with the power to assign such work of conferring Degees to the Masons present as he may deem proper/' Commenting upon the report of our Committee on Appeals and Grievances he expressed tersely the view of this writer, held for many years, that the publication in detail of ~路the report of said Committee could be left out profitably." .Our Masonic Home received due attention, and clippings were made from the reports of Superintendent. He paid passing attention to the report of this on Correspondence, and said the Brethren 路of the Misf路""~i",,,rll.'irITlr,T'It should not fail to contribution to Masonic this concluded his notiee fa.vorably my views as to the Free l\faster Bro. H.. I. livies at Neck. John C. DreV\rry Grand Secretary, ~l'ith quarters at Raleigh. Dr. Committee on Correspondence, lives at Enfield.
This session was held in Masonic rremple, City of Fargo, June 24th and 25th. PRESENT.
M. W. Bro. Thos. L. Foulks, Grand Master, Frank J.Thompson, Grand'Secretary, and other Grand Officers. The Grand Secretary reported that a constitutional number of Lodges were represented. There are 65 Lodges in the Jurisdiction, with a membership 路of about 4,000. The Grand Master said in his Address that the gain had been 258. .The Grand Secretary's statement indicates an increase of 232. I-lis report shows the revenue for the year, from all sources, to be something over $4,000. The amount of funds in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, for the term, was $9,488, including the balance from last year, which. left a cash balance on hand, after disbursements, 'Of nearly $6,000. Early in the session the record shows the distribution of Aprons purchased by the Grand Secretary for all Past Grand Masters.
An unusually brief but exceptionally good business Address was delivered by the Grand M1aster. Following the usual congratulations in the form of an exordium, the Grand Master referred to the Honored Dead of Sister Jurisdictions, and such of their own members as had passed away during the year. He stated that eleven Dispensations had been granted to confer the Degrees in less than the statutory time. Tbe' Lodges chartered at the last session had been duly constituted. One Hall had been dedicated by the appointee of the Grand Master. Under his authority, Dispensation had been issued to create a new Lodge; this was chartered during the session. Formerly the La\v in that Jurisdiction required but eleven petitioners in order to form a Lodge U. D. The Grand Lodge more recently had fixed the required ,number at twenty. The Grand Master stated that such requirements had prevented four or five places from making applications for dispensations, and recommended that the law be changed so as to fix the required number of petitioners at fifteen. Missouri formerly had a law fixing the minimum number at seven. Within the last ten or twelve years we have raised the standard to fifteen. The rule works well. Three. decisions were reported, two of which received the apPl:oval of the Committee on Jurisprudence. One was disapproved with reference to a路 party who petition-ed for Initiation, moved away, forfeited his righ~s, afterwards, repetitioning, expecting to return to the Jurisdiction, but was a r~sidelltof Montana. Speaking of the condition of the ~raft, Grand Master Foulks stated that during the past year, matters in the Jurisdiction had been most harmonious, and路 a steady increase in membership was noted.
The report of Brother FrankJ. Thompson, like all his productions, is business throughout. He announced that the annual returns of all the chartered Lodges and the two Lodges U. D. had been received. He stated that only one matter had passed through his office for the Committee on Grievances and ,Aplpeals. Mention was made of the death of the. first Grand Secretary of that Grand Lodge, Brother David S. Dodds, who died路 in San Francisqo early in the year 1902; also Brother Wm. James, Past Grand Senior Warden and Past Grand Treasurer. A full and extended report路was made by Brother Thompson, as Librarian. He incorporated into the Journal the likenesses of
Brothers Melvin L. Youngs, P. G. M., and Grand Lecturer of the Grand. Lodge of vVisconsin, and Theodore S. Parvin, Past Grand Sec-
retary of the Grand Lodge of Iowa. These brethren had rendered great service to Masonry in the Grand Lodges of North and South Dakota. This recognition of these eminent and justly distinguished was very- properly made by the Grand Secretary of North report of the Committee Finance, which was recommendation the interest on moneys eolne(~te~d. should be set aside 路of ten cents per capita the maintenance of the a "touching incident." Master Wm. H. Best, was Lodge room, a P~st Grand Master's Apron to presented to the family of the deceased Brother.. The incident touched the hearts of all p,resent, and all eyes "rere filled with tears. The record saJi"'S that Brother Best was the only deceased Grand Master of the Grand. Lodge of North Dakota..
The record states that the Grand Secretary, Brother Thompson, prepared a "Ritual consisting of Two Degrees for an Order to be confined to the Sons and Brothers of M~.ster l\(~sons hetwee~ the ages of fourteen and twenty-one." Aco1l1~itte,e ~was ordered to investigate the Ritual and report at the next Gra1J;d ,A.nnua.l Communication.. Th~ question occurs to this writer, What they call this new Qr4er1 The Oommittee on Finance recom:me;n.ded the compen.s.atio.:n. of the Committee on Correspondence to be one hundred dollars per annum.
The report was submitte,d by M. W.Bro.Robert M. Carothers, Past GraDe] Master, covering thirty-two pflges. Missouri for 1901 was acco;r~ed.one-half page, wb.ich contalne'd a very brief notice of traI1Saictions of that session, and afe}W路路 remarks upon ~he GrandMaster WeBs.
Grafton Grand Fargo, Grand. Se'l~ret.ar路v
The Grand Lodge convened in Free Masons' Hall, Truro, June 11th. PRESENT.
M. W. Bro. Thomas Trenaman, Grand Master; R. W. Bro. TIlos. Mowbray, Grand Secretary, with other Grand Officers, Past Grand Officers and Representatives of Lodges. The membership ill the Jurisdiction is reported at 3,720. ADDRESS.
An address of eleven pages was furnished by the Grand Master, 'who opened by saying that it was a cause of mutual satisfaction that the Lodges for the most part 'were prosperous, and the membership increased. Due attention was paid to the Fraternal Dead who had been called from the membership in the Lodges of the J'llrisdiction, together with prominent Masons of other Jurisdictions. Under the head of Statistical and Financial the Grand Master mentioned the aggregate meulbership, and noted a gain of 146, and that the Grand Secretary had received for the year ending s~me day the sum of $5,455, being an increase over the receipts of the previous year of some $500. The, G-rand Treasurer's report corresponded with that of the Grand Secretary, and after" disbursements showed that he had on hand about $1,800. The pleasant announcement was made that during the year the amount of mortgage on Free Masons' Hall had been reduced $1,500, leaving an indebtedness on the building of $10,000. The Grand Master expressed his opinion that with proper management and due economy the burden would be lightened at the rate of $1,000 per year. The address throughout is filled with details bearing upon local interests. An unusually large number ef special dispensations had been granted, a large portion of which were to confer degrees out of time. The number of visits made and reported was quite large, but not equal to what . had been anticipated at the opening of his term. A few official rulings were reported which were sound in quality, and met the approval of the proper committee. TheGrand Master路 expressed great pleasure in commending the efficiency and zeal with which the duties of the Grand Secretary had been dis-
charged during the year. The report of the Grand Secretary was enlbracing a few statistical details. The report of the Trustees of Free lVlasons' Hall was a very complete document, setting forth its present financial condition. The report of the Grand Treasurer, already mentioned, furnishes an exhibit of the finances of the Grand Body, and are shown to be in a sound and healthy COlldition. The Grand Treasurer stated that the fiscal affairs had undergone transformation. assumed the office on tile Temple, and an interest. debt has been reannual interest This Grand Lodge anlounting to various District submitted reports, which were said: "We have carereports submitted, and to recognize the efficient faithful ,,"ork clone by these R. W. Breth't'en. During the session an address was prepared to His Majesty, EdV\l'ard VII, King of England. 'l"'ihis address ~ras passed by acclamation, and the singing of the national anthem. It is a fact worthy of commendation. that Englishmen everywhere are loyal to the rulillg power in their Motherland. At the. ope,ning of the路 session, followed a long established custom, the Grand Lodge formed into procession, headed by a military band, marched to the church, where a sermon was preached by Rev. Geo. A. Leek, Grand Chaplain. The sermon was short-and readable. general~
A report covering 174 pages was furnisbed by a committee composed of three memhers. Fifty-eight Grand Lodge Proceedings passed under路路 review. Grand Master . Trenaman, in hisaddre~s, called the attention of the Grand' Lodge to the unnecessary delay after their annual communication before the volume of Proceedings was issued. This he said was accounted for in every instance by the delay on the part of the Committee onOorrespondence in furnishing their report. He de.clared that such delay held up the work of publishing their annualJournal for more than. three months. It was bis opinion that the work should be placed in the hands of some individual member, the Grand Secretary lor instance, who could perform the labor in connection with his other duties, and have the work ready for publication路 with the General Proceedings.. The COlJl.mittee on Address concurred in that view, and strongly recommended that some one should be appointed to take upon himself the discharge of
that important duty. Whatever may have been the opinion of the Grand Lodge, I notice that the same committee was assigned to duty for the next· year, and consists of Brothers Thos. B. Flint, Wm. Ross and Thos. Mowbray. The work under notice was, largely prepared by M. W. Bro. Thos. B. Flint, P. G. M., an old and experienced writer. It has longheen the opinion of this writer that too much "farming~ out" of this labor is not best for the interest involved. Brother Flint reviewed Missouri for 1901, and gave us the benefit of something over two pages. The notice is largely taken up in reviewing the Address of Grand Master Wells. The oration of Brother Walter Williams was called "scholarly, picturesque and eloquent." Brother Flint correctly stated that the Masonic Home is "the pride of Missouri Masons." He complimented the addre,ss delivered by this writer at the McKinley Funeral Memorial service as "interesting and elo~ quent." My report on Correspondence was characterized as possess~ lng "thoroughness and sound judgment." He spoke approvingly of my views on the ,subject of the "representative system." LUTHER B. ARCHIBALD, Truro, Grand Master. TrIOS. MO""VBRAY, Halifax, Grand Secretary.
The session convened in the Auditorium of the Board of Trade in the city of Columbus on the 22dday of October. M. W. Bro. Ike. M. Robins,on was Grand Master amd .presided. A portrait, forming a frontispiece, presents the Grand Master as a man of solid and mas~ sive character. R. ·W. Bro. J. H. Br9InWell was Grand Secretary, with other Grand Otficerspresent, Past Grand Officers, and· Representatives of 484 of the 499 Lodges in the Jnrisdiction. From the very sati$f~c~o'rY .summary of the Gran~ Secr~~~ry it is learned that the annual returns fronl all Lodges and Grand J..Jodge dues had been re~ ceived. He stated that. the year just .closed had' been "a record breaker,"'both in increase in membersb.ip and in the revenue derived from the Lodges. The membership footed up 51,374, showing a net gain·· of 3,025.T'he statement was made that this gain is 1,000 more than last year. The income from all sources was over $41,000. Previous to the bus,iness labo,rs being.entered .upon, an .. eloquent address of welcome to the city of Columhus, on· behalf of the ci~izens
and lVlasonic Fraternity, was delivered by Governor George T. which was replied to by Past Grand Master Nelson ·Williams.
101 Nash~
An Address of fourteen pages was furnished by Grand Master Robinson, eVidencing the strength and ability of its author, being thoroughly practical and business"like throughout;" avoiding any of the usual efforts at display. Following a practical exordium he tribute honor'ed other giveB and characaway at the this illustrious Hi s .disappear" Brother Caldwell for thirty"nve his death. He .....,/.&.A·i..:I:i.v,.~ .... Grand Recorder of Grand Council, and Grand Re,corder the Grand Commandery of Ohio. He had also served as Grand 8eeretary of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, and G-rand Recorder of' the Grand :Encampttlent Knights Templar. The statement is found in this tribute that Brother Caldwell was Grand Secretary through a series of ofstxMasonicGrand Bodies. "A record without a paranel in history 'of Masonry." The on Necrology noted the death (;)·f this illustrious citize·n in a brief memorial tribute. Follo"ring his memorial Master· proceeded to rehearse the various official during his term. embracing numerous matters· simply their app1ieation~
!JU).t"J1jl~b~A'J."l.Ol:'<i l:S.
He had ordered issued sixty"eight S.pe\cial nfspensations. Among entire number I do not find one to . s1.l.spend the law allowing the to be conferred out of the statuto-ry time. He had created Lodge U. D., which was duly chartered at the rnany requests for official rulin..g.s :g.ad been received, qU1estiottS had. be'enanswered by ref,ere-nce to the Code and He closed his able b:usiness p,ap·e'r by one of labor, but of pleasure a,s well, marked~ save pleasing events. A brief report was pre.sented by
Grand Master, Brother 'V. A. Belt showing his official doings during the term. The Granel T'reasurer's report followed, in which the statement is furnished that he had handled during the year $78,600, including balance from last year. The disbursements made had been $40,893. Then came the full and very complete general and fiscal report of Brother J. H. Bromwell, Grand Secretary. Mention has alreadY been made of his official announcements. He suggested that as there was a cash balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer o,f $37,000, there would be left after paying all estimated expenses for the year, about $12,000, and recommended that a further donation of $10,000 be made to the Ohio Masonic Home, half of which should be to the permanent or endowment fund. This recommendation 路was adopted. The work of Brother Bromwell speaks for itself,and shows that a master hand has charge of the portfolio of flnance in that Grand Jurisdiction. The Committee on Accounts took this view of it, and publicly thanked the Grand Secretary and the Grand Treasurer for their efficiency, and commended the integrity displayed by them in the management of their respective departments. The Grand Lodge was congratulated on having secured the services of such faithful and capable officers. A special committee had formerly been created to have made and placed .in the Masonic H,ome a memorial tablet in honor of Past Grand Master C. C.Kiefer.Said committee reported progress, and asked for further time. An invitation on the part of the 'I'rustees of the Masonic Home was extended to the Grand Lodge to visit that institution, a special train having been secured to convey them to that point. A resolution was adopted creating a committee to procure the usual Past Grand Master's J ewe! for the retiring Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Ike. M. Robinson. The committee was directed to secure such tribute, and present it to the recipient on some suitable 'occasion. One year previous to this session the Grand Lodge ad,opted a resolution that after January, 1902, no Lodge in that Jurisdiction should permit anyone to visit it who does not at the time of such visit present a receipt for the payment of his dues for the year last past, or a dimit issued to him within twelve months preceding such visitation. The Committee on Jurisprudence brought this matter before the Grand Lodge, and gave路 the resolution a thorough ventilation, holding ~hat such action could not be accepted as a general law unless it,,'had taken the necessary preHminary course for its adoption. The conclusion of the committee was that without such proper action on the resolution it was void and without effect. The labors of the Gra.nd Lodge closed on the Second Day.
The report for the year was prepared by M. W. Bro. W. M. Cunningham, P. G. M., Chairman of the committee. He reviewed the Proceedings of 59 English-speaking Grand Lodges, and noted the existence of fifteen non-English Grand Bodies. The work of the reviewer is not inferior in extent or matter to any former production. Sixteen pages, in tHe form of an introduction, covered an extended and elaborate treatment of the subject of "Landmarks of Free.. lllaSonry." His consideration of the subject in number and nleaning of th:e that have atteution of the Maso~ni(~ world. I-Iesaid that a fruitful subject on has been by ~<eminent Masons, and opinions greatly differ largely on the """,.h.. "...,!I.." .... li .. \"
Drummond, Pike, Richembraces either extracts from, or condensed views ot the Proceedings exalnined. Brother Hunt, Grand Secretary of Ok:l!ahoma, in his review of phio, said that "Brother Cunningham's parsimony in commenting is a little disappointing," meaning that the Ohio committee is not given to elaborating everything that he notices in the Grand Lodge Proceeding.s. It may be said of the distinguished Ohio reviewer that his position on the subjects treated is never of the doubtful kind. Brother Hunt truly said of Brother Cunningham that he refrains from "general criticism of the deeisious of other Jurisdictions. This absence of a critical spirit in the writings of Brother Cunningham marks an elevated view. that he holds with regard to the work 路of other Jurisdictions." It is hardly necess,ary to say, however, that when the defence of a.ny question is called for, Brother Cunningham is always on hand, and ready to mee:t given issues requiring critical examinatio"n. His report is sufficientlysiupplied with extracts and condensed summaries of Grand Lodge Proceedings. In reviewing his report on Correspondence, this writer is sometimes led to doubt whether the former method is not better than his own. Long since I have .abandoned the scissors, and prefer my pres.ent course in pre.. paring my report on 'CorrespondeBce. Treating of Grand Lodge Sovereign,.ty and supremacy, Brother Cunningham stated that certain futile efforts looking to the recognition of so-called colored Masonry had received a just and final settlement, affording satisfactory evi..路 dence that Craft Masonry does not propose to waive its sovereignty and control of that which is le~itimate and regular in FreemaSonry.
In reviewing the Grand Lodge Proceedings of Illinois, Brother Cunningl1am announced his full concurrence with M. W. Bro. Robbins concerning the official recognition of the Grand League of Germany, as such Sovereign Grand Body or its eight constituent Grand Bodies separately, for the reason that said Grand League and Diet of United German Grand Bodies had ignored the action of two of its constituentGrand Lodges by invading the Jurisdiction of Grand Lodges of the Unite·d States, and in recognizing the so-called colored Grand I"odges of this country. From the report of Brother Cunningham it is learned that there is a conservative, Sovereign Grand Body in France, which has been for many years officially recognized by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. This Body is entirely different from the Grand Orient of France, which has been disfranchized for more than thirty years on account of its atheism. The conservative Body in France is called (lthe Supreme Council of France, and the Lodges of Craft Masonry under its obedience." This body and its members are recognized as regular and loyal to Free Masonry, and believes in due reverence for the Sup·reme Being. Brother Cunningham brings out a historical fact not generally known. The Emperor Louis Nap.oleon at one time ordered Marshall Magnan to assume control of Free Masonry as the head of the Masonic bodies in· France. He was accepted by the Grand Orient, but the Supreme Council declined any such unauthorized interference. The. position of the Supreme Council" was respected, and the Emperor refrained from any interference therewith. Our Missouri Journal for 1901 received courteous recognitiQn, and was accorded four pages, which may furnish a summary of the administration ·of· Grand Master Wells. He paid careful attention to our financial standing, together with the Grand· Lodge transactions. I notice that he gets my middle name mixed up ;he writes me down in several instances as John G. instead· of ·John D. Vinci!. That he may not repeat the mistake, I will inform him that my name is John Dayis Vincil.He devoted a· page of his review to my report on Correspondence, showing·· his u;sual good will and fraternal regard. He volunteered the suggestion respecting the Representative system, while c.ommenting on .lIlY treatm~nt of that subject. He thinks better attention should be given t,o the ofIlce at Grand Lodge sessions,· and have a roll-call of Grand Representatives, giving them an opp,ortunity to· respond personaild be fully recognized as such. His suggesti·on is a good one. Brother Cunningham is a close observer, a vigorous writer and concise thinker, well-versed in all matters pertaining to the institution he so ably represents. In concluding his elaborate and able production, he congratulated the Grand Lodge upon the Harmony, Peace and Brosperity prevalent within
106 their borders, and the high position held by that Grand Lodge among the Jurisdictions of this country. Tendering his acknowledgments to the workers in the reportorial field, and offering expressions of Fraternal regard to each, he submitted the labors of the year.. In examining the Journal under review, I find printed near the close the annual report of officers of the Ohio Masonic Home. By reason of this I very nearly overlooked it. From the summary furnished it is learned that there are nlemb,ers composing the Home f?lmily, eonsisting of aged Brethren, women, hoys and girls.
OK LAHOM A-1903. The Journal contains the records of three Special Communications at which corner-stones were laid: one for a Church, one for the City Hall, and one for the State Ca.pitol; the two latter heing in路 the city of Guthrie. At all the special gatherings the Grand Master, M. W. Bro. :M'ortimer F. Stillwell officiated. A striking picture of this Brother graces the Proceedings as a frontispiece.
,The Eleventh Annual GommunicatioD..of the Grand Lodge .was held the路 city of Guthrie,commencingon the lOth of February, 1903. M. W. Bro. Stillvlell was present and pr:esided. R .. W. Bro. James S. Hunt was Grand Secretary,. wit,h G!randOfficers, Past Grand Omeers, and the record states representatives of a constitutional liumber of Chartered Lodges. There Lodges in the Jurisdiction, with a membership of 4,148, evidencing a gain of 957.
R. W. Bro. B. G. Brown, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand LOdge of Kansas, was introduced and w路elcomed with 路Grand Honors.H.e responded in behalf of Kansas Masout;y, and paid a glowing tribute to the.great progress of Oklahoma, and of Masonry..
The Address of Grand Master Stillwell was unusually long, but all-embracing and comprehensive. It was stated by him that the past year had been a prosperous one throughout the Jurisdiction. Twelve Lodges have been formed, which would seek Charters at this session. Peace and Harmony, with slight exception had prevailed among the Craft. Tbe Address embodies a good sized list of the Honored Dead of other Jurisdictions. The Grand Master was happy to state that the official circle of their own Grand Lodge remained unbroken. Fortyeight of their own members had ceased to work and live in the Lodges, and had gone to the unknown land. Mention was made in the Address of the Special Communications held during the term for the purpose of laying corner-stones already mentioned. He stated that the twenty-two Lodges chartered at the last session had been duly constituted. He had granted Dispensations for the creation of twelve new Lodges, which were duly chartered at the session. Among the special acts mentioned was one where he declared void an election held, and ordered a new one for choosing the Lodge officers. The reason assigned for setting aside the first election was that between the time of choice of a Brother for Worshipful Master and his installation, the officer elect had e.ngaged in the saloon business. This act, in the esti:qlation of the Grand l\uster,. totally disqualified him. Speaking of the advance made by the Fraternity in that Jurisdiction, he said, "The last six years our membersl1ip l1a.s nearly trebled, having passed now the f,our-thousand mark. DECISIONS.
Ei'ghteen official rulings were reported:. They are generally sound and safe expositions of Masonic law and procedure. The tentl1 one of the list is open to exception. He had been asked the question, "Can a man lawfully sign a petition a month before he is tw€nty·one years of age? If ~Iected, can the E. A. Degree be conferred upon him when he reaches the age of twenty-one?" He decided in the affirma· tive, and the decision tl1us announced was approved by the Committee on Law and Usage. I would ask, for information, what right has a minor to signa Masonic docume~t. He was either under the legal control of a father or a guardian, and while his petition was pending in the Lodge prior to attaining his majority, l1e was subject to the control of those having the legal right to direct his actions. I object to sneh Inethods of procedure on the ground that as the world ,vas not made in a day; Masonry will not die if a young aspirant for its
1903 ]
honors and privilegea is not started on his career in search of light in such a great haste. One decision rendered byM. \V. Bro. Stillwell shows an t1nqu~lified appre.ciation of the landmarks, and is very sound on the question of physical fitness to be made a Mason. Disqualification in this case was found to exist in an applicant who had lost two outside fingers on the right hand, the first finger being stiff and crooked, and the second finger being stiff and turned in. I am not' inclined to make light of defects in my man, but would suggest that in such regulations be adopted, and that he call have applia,nces" so that he could give th路e proxy or
to mem'bership in a Lodge of a a p路roprietor He in such a The Lawand said the a,nswer should have been, '"You should report unfavorable." He decided that a Lodge U. D.cannot prefer charges, convict and expel a Brother guilty of Unmas,onic conduct. This ruling was approved by the committee. We hold a different view in Missouri. A Lodge U. D. is a duly authorized body acting under the laws that govern chartered Lodges. If a Lodge U. D. cannot discipline a guilty member, how is the law to be enforced during the long run of months before the Lodge can obtain a Charter? .A decision of this kind sets aside the action of the Lodge, morally and legally; which is entitled to pass upon the conduct of its members. The party had offered a plea of guilty, and was expelled. A singular conclusion of the matter is found in the record after the Lodge mentioned had received its Charter and was duly constituted, when the S. W.was pres.iding, a dimit was granted the expelled party, and he left the community with said document in his possession. In this case jtse,eiIDS that a Lpdge' while U. D. did better work than it performed after it was duly chartered. The Grand Master dwelt at considerable length on the question of of their Grand .Secretary, who had been serving t~e Craft for $900 a year, out of which he ;paid omce rent, in addition., to performing the laborious taskofwri ting an elaborate ""rep.ort o~ Correspondence. The Grand Master recommended an increase of compen.sation at $1,200 per year, and hecertai.nly deserves it. In making a report on the Representative System near other Grand Lodges, he mentioned the name of Cyrus Grant Jones near the Grand Lodge. of Missouri. This is something new to the Grand. Secretary of Missouri. Bro'ther A. S. Houston, of Mexico, holds a commission from the Grand Lodge ofOklalioma as such rep'resrentative. The Grand '. M'as.. ter caned attention of the Grand Lodgia to, and urge,d upon meD1l.b:ers
the adoption of, V\7"hat is known as the "Card System." The committee reporting路 upon this subj.ect approved the recommendation of the Grand Master, and asked that an appropriation of $400 beset apart to procure cases and cards, and for the neeessary clerical expense to carry the system into operation. It affords this writer great pleasure to commend this action on the part of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, as the Card System has been introduced by himself, and is a splendid method of making a complete Masonic record of all Masons in this Grand Jurisdiction. The Grand Master stated that in his judgment the time had come for the first steps to be taken for the formation of a Grand Lodge Library. He incorporated in his Address a list of bogus or clandestine Masonic bodies in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. He spoke at length, and earnestly and in most commendatory terms in favor of a system of Foreign Correspondence.
Mention was made of this young enterprise that is now taking shape in that Grand Jurisdiction. The gradual growth of the fund created was stated, and it is expected that in some future day that they will be able to rear a structure dedicated to "the sacred name of Char.ityJ' A report in this interest followed by the Chairman of the Board, showing that there has been s~cured and funded an amount reaching nearly $4,000. The increase of this interest the. past year was something ,over $1,800. An am,endment to the By-laws submitted and referred to the Committee on Law and Usage, which reported immediately in favor of adopting the amendment, propos,ed a levy upon Master Masons on the roll at the close of each year of the sum of 75 cents,of which 25 cents shall be set aside for the Masoni.c Hom,e fund. Thus our Brethren are making admirable headway in the direction of that great l\iasonic CharitY.Tb.e address of the Grand Master was able as well as extended, and is a business document of commendable merit.
The Grand Secr,etary,R~ W. Bro. Jas. S. Hunt, accounted for th~ delay in bringing forth the Proceedings. of their previous Annual Communication-a burn-out in Guthrie explained the whole matter. He stated that Charters had been granted to the 22 new Lodges created at the last session of the Grand Lodge, and that he had issued during the term now closed, Dispensations for thirteen new Lodges.
109 His report sho'ws the income for the year to be $8,600. His rep,ort shows that fifty·two Lodges were delinquent at the time returns should have been made. A dozen Lodges had made ·returns, but failed to pay dues at the time required by the reglilation. From the report of the Grand Treasurer it is learned that the cash handled during the term was $6,900. After disbursenlellts a balance of $3,300 was reported. During the Brother M, Anderson pre· sented· an amendlllent t.o one Article the Constitution, de(~la]~lnig' sale of intoxicating whole.sale offense, and sul:>je:cfts expulsion. It P:l'lDD!()Sed
the tJie
by a
am to :find this
not Secretary, of the
Grand Lod~e of O k l a k o m a , B o d y has been making history from the beginni1'lg,a.nd gre:atly improving every Jrear. Thi)s last position tal{:en by that Body commends it to the moral sense of· the Masonic world. The Committee on Law and Usag.e proposed an amendment to Article 10 of their Code of By-laws requiring every candidate receivin.g tbeThird Degree to p,ass an examination in open Lodge as to his proficiency in such Degree within two months after receiving tbe It is further enjoined that such parties shall not be entitled: t()v:~teorhold oflice or be until he has heen b.y a. majority of votes. T'his proposed amendment w a s p y the Grand Lodg'e. I Cal.111,ot interpret such action except on the ground of disqualifying members of the Who may not have with the requisition ·a,s to I assume that no Lodge ha.s the right to deny a privilege of voting or holding oftice or obtaining a·climit who and legal standing. We nave in Missouri a similar law Masons passing an examination on their proficiency in of the Third Degre,e. Tine is not attached to our nor is there any both being left. to the judgment of tll:e Master of the Lodge. record says that Brother H. S. Grand Orator,. de.. Iivered an oration that was "highly and instructive," but could not bie printed in· the Proceedings, as it touched upon e;s'oterie not to be published. I have thus hurriedlY examined. ~n:d noted fully as possible the very int,er~§ting Journal of Proceedings
of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma. I wish to add in commendation that I have found much to approve and nothing worthy of seriolls reprobation. CORHESPONDENCE.
R. W. Bro. Jas. S. Hunt, Grand Secretary and Chairman of the Committee, prepared a ~,eport of 179 pages. In reviewing Oklahoma one year ago, I stated that that Grand Lodge had not enjoyed the luxury of a report on Foreign Correspondence, but had appointed the Grand Secretary, Brother Hunt, to prepare one. rrhe order was duly obeyed and fully conlplied with. He opened without an intra.. duction, and. closed without aconclu~ion~ and quit when he was done. This sho'wed business. The report is of real merit, and proves its author "a workman that needeth. not to be ashamed." The report is almost entirely written-the scissors being rarely used. Its prep.. aration required close attention and hard work. No work of its length and merit can be produced without both. This, his first effort, commerids and ,entitles him to a most cordial and fraternal welcome among all members of the Guild. No one can accord him a warmer greeting than myself. He has placed Missouri under obligations which cannot he lnet in kind or extent. Our J o'urnal for 19'02 received sev~n pages of his space. His review embraces a close sum.mary made from the works of Brother Finagin, Grand Master and Brother Yocum., Deputy Grand Master. He paid special attention to my fiscal exhibit, and the visitS' of dignitaries of the Grard Lodges of Kansas and Nebraska. It is a very careful, complete and thoughtful analysis made of the work of the Lodges in Missouri. He paid a heartfelt tribute to the Grand Secretary of Missouri on business li'ne's,. Three pages are devoted to a review of my report on Correspondence. I find that we are in full accord, and agree fully on many points mentioned, save and except my attitude on .the United States Flag in Masonic Lodges. He aligns himself ,.,. wi th Brother Aldro Jenks, of Wisconsin. .He parts company with...me on, that subject. I am sorry.. He means well. I pass over his humor, of. hanging "a petticoat in the Lodge room as an emblem of our devotion, and to show the world that we are not flirting with .some other woman." I favor placing the flag in the Lodge room, not as a Masonic emblem,but as . a proof of loyalty to it and the Fraternity, and my unutterable repug" nance to a dominant ecclesiasticism that hates both.' Its presenc.e ~is a J?lentor of Pe'ace and not of War, besides it is E!ducationa1. I am gratified to state thatR. W.. Bro. Hunt has been continued in charge of the department of Correspondence for his Grand Lodge. S. P. LARSH, Tecumseh, Grand Master. JAMES S. HUNT, Stillwater, Grand Secretary.
PENNSYLVANIA, 1902. A fine engraving of the Masonic Temple·· graces the Proceedings as a frontispiece. At the several Quarterly Communications, held April, June and September, the Grand Master, M. ·V\l. Bro. Edgar ....\.. Tennis, presided. Brother W. A. Sinn was Grand Secretar~l'. The re!}reIS~Illta.. ti-on of Lodges was large.. Correspondence re(~OInll'1~eE!de(l Costa Rica, and
Grand wife. the original benefaction, brings the "Patton Memorial Chari t:y' Fund" up to $100,000. In presenting the last amount he expressed the desire that the principal should not be limited to $100 \)iOO, .but that it should be increased gradually from year to year by adding a portion of the interest account accruing to principal. Expressions of "warm appreciation were uttered on the part of the Grand J\1aster and Brother Michael Arnold, P.G. M., in the gift. 1
On the 5th of November, 1902, a was at'Maso;nJc Temple, Philadelphia, withGr'a~d Master Edgar A. Tennispres.ent and presiding, and from 841 Lodges. T11is wa.s the occasion when the and Fiftieth Anniver" s,a.ry of the Initiation of Geiorge into Ma.sonry was cele.. ina most elaborate manner. dignitaries were among them. were Presid.e;)l,t Roosevelt, the of PennsYlvania, Wm. A. Grand Masters .and Jurisdictions. Among Mas,ters from a large rej~:Qr(led. in the list was our C. Yocum, Grand Masons in Missouri. On when the given~andenjoyed, I (find that our Yocum S1J)E~a~:er:s. representing the Grand Lod.ge of M,iss.Quri. thesaa ·f'act has gone to re,cord that Grand Master, ¥o,(,duIn,has passed from the lab()rs of life.
banquet mentioned, the addresses made mark it as the grand. est Masonic occasion in the history of the United States. The history of that occasion is found in a memorial volume published by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, which conta,ins a full and com-' plete account of all the proceedings connected with the celebration. This office has been favored with a' copy, for which I desire, in this official and public way, to return the thanks of the Mas,ons of Mis· souri. At the December Quarterly Communication there were repre· sentatives present from 274 Lodges, the sess,ion being presided over by M. W. Bro. Tennis, Grand Master. At this session the Grand officers for the ensuing year were severally elected. During the meeting, reports were submitted by the Trustees of the Grand Lodge Charity Fund, the Thos. Singleton Bequest, the Stephen Girard Be-,. quest, and the T1rustees of the "Thos. R. Patton Memorial Charity :B"und," all of which show an increased interest-bearing Charity Fund amounting to nearly $300,000. A balance-sheet was furnished showing the assets of the Grand Lodge to be largely over $2,000,000. The expenditure for the year shows an outlay of some $80,000. The report from the Librarian of the Grand Lodge represents that there are on hand nearly 13,000 bound and unbound copies of various \vorks. The report of the Librarian states the visitors to the Library during the year was over 30,000. ., The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania has reprinted the minutes of that Grand Body from the beginning of its history up to and including 1849. But recently the Grand Lodge of Missouri· was made the honored recipient of seven volumes gotten up, and presented to our Grand Lodge Library, for which courtesy thanks are offered in behalf of the Grand Lodge by its Grand Secretary. Before this session closed, the Grand Lodge placed· on record an expression of regret and sympathy at the absence of Past GrandMasters Brothers Samuel C. Perkins and Michael Arnold, who had""been prevented by illness from attending the Grand Lodge session. The earnest hope was expressed for a perfect restoration to health of these Brethren. A mourning pamphlet has reached this office, very recently, announcing the sad fact that M. W. Bro. Michael Arnold, P. G. M., died on the 24th ot April, 1903, in the sixty-third year· of his age. From the tributes paid this distinguished Ma.§}onand citizen, the addr~sses delivered ai the special and funeral sessions of the Grand Lodge, that Jurisdiction has lost one of its ablest and most representative Masons. It is impossible in a short notice by this committee to do just1ce to the memory and worth of this eminent character. I find in the Memorial booklet sent out, a number of addresses delivered by leading Mason$ of Pennsylvania, and members of the Grand Lodge.
'The Annual ConlIDunication was helel at Masonic 1""emple, Philadelphia, December 27, 1902, and was presided over by l\L \V. Bro. Edgar A. Tennis, Grand Master. Brother Wm..A.. Sinn was Grand Secretary, with other Grand Officel;s present, and representatives of 87 Lodges. The record contains an aceount of charities disbursed by the various Boards of the Grand Lodge. Fronl the Grand Lodge Charity Fund, 450 applicants for relief received something near $4,000. The stewards of the Charity Fund $2,265, distributed among the Char~ ity Before in...'L
is one of JournalS hlE;tolrlc:al account ""+'~,.'ii interesting,. Lodge assembled and elected its first Grand Master, 'Vm. Allen. One hundred years before, the first Masonic Temple of the Grand Lodge \vas dedicated. At that time there Vlere in the Jurisdiction 65 Lodges, with a membership of 1,600. No路w there are 440 Lodges, with a mem" bership. of es,ooo. The One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Initiation of George vVashington into Masonry ,vas briefly recounted in the Address. I,..:; ........ 1 .....
Grand Master T'ennis treated this subject in strong and vigorous terIns. .His idea is that Masonic Homes should be such in the fullest sense, not monuments looking to the glory of the Craft~ but Homes where husbands, wives and childreu,. victims of misfortune, may enjoy the benefits of Masonic Charity. He announced that their present Horp.e is supp,orted by voluntary contributions and subscrip" tions, and that no other Home, supported in like manner, has done so well. He beld that in order to meet the urgent calls upon the Craft, more ge1llerous quarters should be provided. His view is that as the Temple debt is practically removed, and assessments less burdensome, that the Masonic Home should be made more largely the benenoiary of the Fraternity. It was his conviction that the canstU:u.ent Lodges would gladly contribute fifty cents per capita, an~ for the maintenance of the institution, and that generous donations and bequests would quickly follow an enlarged eff,ort on He announced in that connection the generous act dis.. G. L.Ap.-8.
played by Brother vVm. L. Elkin, on Christmas Day, when, without display of ostentation, he donated the munificent sum of $500,000 for the establishment of a Home for Mason's female orphans. The Masons of Pennsylvania do large things, and make no demonstration over it. lTnder the head of "Intoxication and Profanity," M.W. Bro. Tennis delivered, in earnest terms, sound utterances against the above-named vices. He felt called upon to refer to these two evils, and to denounce them before the altar, and from his exalted station. "One was the excessive use of intoxicating drinks, .so hurtful to health and morals, and 'degrading in character." The other evil was declared to be more an indecency that a vice, which was profanity, This is ,no place for argument, but I do not see how the use of profanity, especially on the part of Masons, can be characterized as less than vicious. Moralizing on this, the Grand Master said that it was mockery to place a man in the position of Master of a Lodge of Masons who lives day by day in open violation of the teachings of the Masonic standards. If all Grand Masters in all Grand Lodges of this country would preach similar morality, the standard of Masonry would he exalted beyond description. When Qrand Master of Missouri, thirty~seven years ago, I' promulgated from the platform a standard which I have never lowered. It was, "Better Masons or fewer of them." Grand Master Tennis during his term issued a Masonic burial edict calling attention to the small attendance at Masonic burials. This is a common neglect of a very important duty. T'his writer has noted with .sadness and-often with shame, the neglect of Masons to pay proper tribute to the dead by failing to attend the funerals路 of those who are taken from us. In our large cities the great mass of men think themselves too busy to leave their secular calling and accompany the hodies of our Honored Dead to their last resting place, except on Sundays, when a great many people like to go to. a funeral and obtain a free ride. The Lodges oiSt. Louis grievously路 neglect their duties in this respect. My own Lodge, with a membe,rship of over five hundred, will not show an average attendance of tweI).ty members at路 funerals during a twelvernibnth, except it happ-ens to he on Sunday. Brother Tennis said, as a result of the sending out of his edict there had been an increase of attendance at Masonic burials of several hundred percent. I shall st.lggest to our Q,ran<l Master to try the same kind of method to increase the attendance at Masonic were issued by the Grand burials. Quite a number of special Master bearing up()n various and divers .subjects. In one edict sent forth to the Craft, he deprecated the custom o'f late. Lodge sessions. He advised that special meetings be he'Idrather th.an to hold a I..Iodge
session to an unseasonable hour. The edict contained a Decree that no ceremonies under the auspices of Lodges in that Jurisdiction should be permitted to continue meetings, especially banquet festivi· ties, after the midnight hour, unless Under Dispensation from the Grand Master. Several pages of the Address are occupied with official rulings. He decided that no Lodge can pass a resolution '''·In'-''~·1I'''·'''''. ing the representative of the Lodge Lodge to sentative vote for a particular I it is allowable a action by hal1ot~ a majority He prohibited Lodges
societies in the perform.ance of fuueraJ: ~iur:elfJI.O][\le;s. rule was promulgated, which is an,ce made -by QurGrand Lodge, mitte'e on· Ju.risprudence. '''The Master Mason who is competent Degrees upon a candidate.)' Here is a rule have met with in a Masonic Journal: "One born out of wedlock is not eligible to membership in this Jurisdicti,on." How does that quadrate with the declaration made respecting the candidate who is "free-born," without reference to parentage. He held that a candidate can be balloted for and receive the First D,egree on the night he is twenty-one years of age.. Our Pennsylvania Brethren are very sound as to the "perfect youth" doctrine, even tQ the extent of f't111ng tbat "The absence of a toe on one or both feet is physical ". He decided that an apPlicant having impaired visione.ye only, while the .other is perfect, can he admitted, but if in one eye be is qualified. This strikes the Missouri as overdoing the doctrine of physical perfection with The Grand M~ster. reported having authorized the laying and llQlding a number of Schools of with ~large list of Spe.cial Dispens:ations. A very appropriate deliverance was made agaiJ4st "electioneering Recited a mos·t glaring Vl<Ha;t:ton. of Masollic usage when. a appeal, over the signature of a Past Master of a Lodge, out soliciting votes for a Junior Warden that he might be W. M. over the S. W. The Qrand Master held that circulars character are violations of tbe laws and decisions of the a,s well as an. act of Inclosing hlssuperp the Grand scald, of FreeMasonry, its and its pend on trhe of aJ.l to the of the insitl't.'Q.tilo~~ fo,llowed the in.stallatipn· of in Pe]1.nsylvania is a grand .t'","'~o,r"t" +.; .t'''''''' and most ably directed. ""0
The review furnished by M. W. Bro. James M. Lamberton covers 153 pages, embracing courteous recognition of the doings of sixtyM four Grand Lodges. The Chairman of the committee, M. W. Bro. Michael Arnold did not perform any of the labors assigned to him and his COMworkers. Brother Arnold was elected Grand Master in 1892, and served two years in that high office. He was appointed Ohairman of the Committee on Correspondence as the. successor of the late distinguished and honored Richard Vaux, P. G. M. He was connected with the committee from the time he was appointed to April 24, 1903, when he ceased to labor. Of late years, on account of impaired health, he seems to have been relieved of the labor of the committee, although its Chairman. The report now under review is a wellMprepared compendium showing on the part of the writer thorougll familiarity with all the subjects coming under his notice. This sentence will describe Brother Lamberton, "fIe is a first-class reviewer/' Our Missouri Proceedings for 1902 rece,ived a four-paged notice, iJ;l which will be found· condensed a view of our transactions. Noting the appointment by our Grand Lodge of the late Brother John C.Yocum, Grand Master, to attend the anniversary of the initiation of Brother George Washington, Brother Lamberton said, "We had the pleasure of meeting Brother Yocum, and were .delighted with the greeting brought from his Grand Lodge." Brother Lambertoncor~ rectly states my position when he says I have not changed my views as to the "Cripple law" adopted by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. He treated most courteously the production of this writer as Committee on Correspondence. Referring to my remark on the title "Right Worshipful," asappUed to Pennsylvania Grand Masters, he said in answer: "The title Right Worshipful is the older usage which other Grand Lodges have abandoned for the more modern 'Most W orship""'"'fu1.' P Having employe.d larger space than· usual in reviewing the interesting proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, I am forced to cut short my review of the excellent report of Brother Lamberton. In his conclusion he mentioned that Grand Secretaries had been invited t.o attend the anniversary of. Washington's initiation as a Free Mason, and seemed to wonder that they did not attend, or at least show the courtesy of acknowledging the invitation exte'nded to· them. Replying to which this writer says for himself that whatever invitation came· to the office was placed in the hands of the Grand Master,. whose duty it was, to acknowledge the same. Owing to a fixed habit td· take my annual vacation in the month of November, after a year of heavy Ie.bor has been completed, it 'was
impossible for me to have attended the great meeting at Philadelphia. 1 take an official and fraternal leave of Brother Lamberton, expressing the pleasure derived from perusing his valuable work. Edgar A. Tennis re-elected Grand Master, as also \~m. A. Sinn, Grand Secretary. The address of each, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia.
An Address of twenty pages was laid before the Grand Lodge, and opened. with a recital of the loss sustained during the year by death, embracing two Past District Deputy Grand Masters. The Grand Master said the past year had been a very eventful one for the ,Empire to which they. belonged, referring tot.h~ c01.'1clusion of peace in Soutb Africa, and· the coronation of King At home, the Grand Master said that peace, plenty and safetyal:H;)unded,and th.e condition of the Craft evidenced peace and·.·a~rIl'lt()n.y throughout the J'tlrisdiction generally.. He was able to state from the returns to the Grand Se.cretary that so far as numhers were concerned., Masonry in· the Jurisdiction was in a very fiourishi..n g He reported official visits made, a few official decisions rendered, and" the condition of their Benevolent Fund. Dispensations wer:e· granted for special purposes,Grand Repres.entative.sand other matters of local character reported. 'J?ihe Secretary, Brother submitted' a general statement of business connected with hisomce exhibiting the growth of Fraterni~y, commissions issued,ancl reference to the correspondence of the office which he said been very heavy duringtae year. The report may be described in oue sentence· as "a good 'I'heGrand Treasurer handled ·duri.ng year,··· including allce frQn1 last term, $7,349. I find fromh~~state~ent that the as/sets
of the Grand Lodge foot up路 about $19,000.
[Oct. These business exhibits
show the condition of the Fraternity to be in a healthy state in that
Province. The several District Deputies in the Jurisdiction submitted their reports. During the 路session of the Grand Lodge a brief sermon ,vas deliv'ered by the Grand Chaplain. An extended report was made concerning the State of Masonry in the Jurisdiction. Said C'ommittee commended Very highly the Address of the Grand Master, who had just closed his second term. The Committee on Jurisprudence furnished a short' summary of mattets submitted for their consideration, recommending certain changes in the law. The Grand Treasurer was commended for his care" in guarding the funds of the Grand Lodge, and the Grand Secretary was congratulated upon his efficient and 8atisfactory work. CORRESPONDENCE.
A report of 115 pages was prepared and submitted by the Chairman, M. W. Bro. E. T. D. Chambers, P. G~ M. 'The reports of sixty Grand Lodges had been reviewed. Brother Chambers is a liberal reviewer in many ways, especially in his appropriation of matter from the Journals examined, the excerpts being numerous and often" lengthy. Of course his comments furnished a clear estimate of the doings of other Grand Lodges, and must be included in his. very brief work~" Our Missouri Journal f,or 1902 received a two full-paged notice, made up almost entirely from the, Address of Grand l\tIaster Finagin. It closed with expressions of appreciation of kindness shown him both at home and abFoad. I am pleased to note that he is continued in charge of the department of Correspondence for that Jurisdiction. J. B. TRESSIDER, Montreal, Grand Master. WILL. H. WHYTE, Montreal, Grand Secretary.
T'his is one of the old Grand Lodges of the United States, perhaps the very oldest in the South.' The session ,was held in Masionic Temple, city of Charleston, commencing oD: the 9th of December. M. W: Bro. Walter M. Whitehead was Grand Master. R. W. Bro. Charles Ing}esby was Grand Secretary; with other Grand O'mcers present, nine Past GrandMasters, and representatives of 167 Lodges.
The Grand Lodge ,vas formally welcomed by the Acting Mayor of Charleston. An appropriate response was given by the Deputy Grand 1Vfaster, Brother Jno. R. Bellinger. ADDRESS.
An Address covering eighteen pages was opened in eongratulatory terms by the Grand Master, follnwing which he .announced the death of two of the official circle of that Grand Body. W. Ball had passed a way full of and honors. He for nearly fifty Lodge of South Senior
'r'he Gil-and Master
dictions were of the most "rithin the borders of their own Ju'rlsdic~ti(J~n IHI·OOjl''''''''?'''",. and there were signs of steady progress and healthy growth. f-Ie gave a list of, some very rare and valuable books purchased and added to their Masonic library. DECISIONS.
Eleven decisions had been were incorp,orated in the Address. I have examined find tical application and 'Utility· with He a contention between two members bI. one~gainsttne other was entirely and wholly being a .private business transaction, and that never be brO\lght into a .Lodge for settlement. A ""'ol~'Tli~.,.. case Q:ccurred'showi;ng of attention of an important lR~)ei1l"ltpcsrt·· w,l'l.:eJre a party was affUi.ated and became a .member of the unable to prove himself by the usual test, andcQuld n'Dt by anyone. The Grand Master beld that the di.mit on been received was insufficient evidence to establish of the applicant. He re,commended that the person petition the s.a,.me as a profane to receive the regular intervals. may be good us,age in South but would not in Mt'ssouri.· Firom de·cislon No. gathered that has heen· rejected by a Lodge in OaroUna, other residence, he can not be a Lodge
borhoad, because of the doctrine of perp,etual Jurisdiction over rejected material. This is the law in Sauth Carolina, as it is in Pennsylvania, and perhaps in a few other Jurisdictions, but it is a custom that has grown so much into disfavor that there are but few "so poor as to do it reverence." Another instance of a peculiar sort is found in decision No.6. A candidate had received tlle E. A. Degree, but before being passed to the Degree of F. C. he was s路o unfortunate as to lose one joint of the little finger. The Grand Master ruled that he must not be alIo'wed to proceed. Poor old Penns'ylvania has been thusputto shame by this decision in generous South Carolina. The Grand Master said that his ruling was inevitable, because of the regulations in existence, although saId rule works a hardship to some worthy and good men because "it is positive and prohibitory." The Committee on Jurisprudence in cons,idering Decision No.6, as applied to the unfortunate E. A. affirmed the ruling. I am bold to ask the question what detriment could be worked the institution of Free Masonry in this and similar instances where slight defect exists? The loss of one toe has been declared as a bar to the admission into the Masonic Fraternity in Pennsylvania. In South Oarolina one joint of the little-finger created like disability, and stops the progress of one Brother who was well qualified for Free Masonry. The "Perfect Youth" doctrine in this case is so manifestly overdone that it is not even entitled to a grave disclaimer. The Grand Master reported several Special Dispensations allowing Lodges to confer Degrees contrary to what may be considered路 established customs.. A nllmber of Dispensations were refused in like instance. The Grand Master refused Dispensations to lay a corner-stone with Masonic ceremony of a hotel, holding tl~at it was a private business enterprise, and that no claim could be raised towards its being used for Masonic purposes. The Grand Master created three Lodges U. D., and revived two that had been dormant. Tlhe question of physical qualification was discussed at sonle length by the Grand Master, in which he said "That as long as the law stands as it does, many worthy men who would be ornaments to the s,ociety would be disqualified by the operation of this law." I join in the hope, as expressed by him, that the day is not far distant when this Grand路 Body will decide to relegate this rule to the oblivion to which it consigned the doctrine of perpetual Jurisdiction, and that men may pe admitted who have lost a portion of the joint of the .little finger of the left hand. Tthis gives hope that in the not distant future, such路 modification of existing regulation may be made as to allow men to come into Masonry whose internal rather than their external qualification commend them to the Fraternity. The Grand Master regarded the
121 desire to .confer Degrees out of time as a dangerous' thing, and that such privileges had been too freely granted. He holds that power vested in the Grand Master should be used with the greatest caution, and only in extreme cases. I indorse, without qualification, his doubt as to whether such p,ovver should be exercised at all. A body of Masons in Switzerland called the "Grand Lodge of Alpina" has been worrying the Grand Lodges of this country, seeking to form a General Masonic Congress for the purpose of creating an Interna~ tional Masonic lTnion. The Grand Lodge of South Ca faUna had a sinlilar application, and the Grand Master paid no attention to it, saying "that a delegate appointed his Lodge no power to eonlnlit tl1f~Grand Lodge t(1 scheme that might be proposed or adopted Congress. Corner-stones were the Grand Master by persons were duly Application made Grand ~Iaster permis.sion to send Lodge.s in asking contributions McKinley monUlnent was mentioned in the Address, and "",h.,,,,,,,,,"'i",,,.ll'r!· given his consent for sald committe'e to solicit con~ tributions to be used for the purpose named. Grand Master Whitehead. gave a synopsis of the bonded debt, showing that of the $5,000 indebtedness $2,800 had been paid, leaving a balance of $2,200, bearing interest at6 per cent. Aside from this he stated that the "Stock" debt amounted· to about $8,.000, nearly all of it being. held by 1\1asonic bodies. The debt, which is· gradually being reduced, hung over the Grand Lodge of South Carolina for a long period like a dark cloud. He expres,sed the belief that within the coming twelve months the remaining portion of. the bonded debt would be paid, and als·osuggested the buying in of the "stock" and issuing new bonds at a lower rate of interest. The Address of the Grand Master was considered eminently :practical, and pronounced wise and conservative in spirit, judicio,us in tone and a masterly production of Masonic principle. Anyone reading the Address will concur in this finding. lIe paid a very warm and appreciative compliment to the official earnestness and devotion of their Grand Secretary, R. W. Bro. Charles !nglesby. 1"he Grand Treasurer reported funds handled by him during the term amounting to some· $12,000. After the usual disbursements haa been made, including the payment on the bonded debt, th~re was left the sum of $842 in his hands. The report of Brother Inglesby, Grand Secretary, was in no figurative sense a body of figures, for it was nothing else. He showed the income for the term to be $8,394. ' Reports on Charity, Boards of Relief, Hall Committee, together with the rep·orts of the several District Dep.uty H
Grand Masters, 'were submitted and printed. During the session a delightful incident occurred when a testimonial was presented to Past Grand Master Orlando Sheppard. The presentation was made by Brother Jacob T. Baron, P. G. M. The gift consisted of a beautiful watch, behind which was a letter from his Brethren wishing that he might be spared many years and enjoy such pleasure as accompanied the giving. T,he reply of Brother Sheppard was chaste and beautifuL During the session a distinguished visitor from Rhode Island visited and w~s introduced to the GraJ.?d Lodge in the person of Brother Hutsou, P. G. M: A communication from the World's Fair Building Association of St. Louis was duly considered by the committee ,on, that subject. The committee reported no participation in the enterprise. An oil por-' trait of Past Grand l\iaster Orlando Sheppard was presented to the Grand Lodge by Brother B. E. Nicholson. The address of presentation and acceptance on the part of the Grand Master are furnished in the Proceedings. The Grand Lodge in 1901 had appointed a conlmittee to procure and present a Grand Secretary's jewel to Brother Charles Inglesby conveying a slight token of the appreciation and esteem in which he is held by that Gr.and Body. T'he presentation was made . by: letter, and the communicatton of acceptance both 'appear in the Proceedings. The Grand Master and Grand Secretary were re-~lected, and have their address in Charleston, Uthe city by the sea." CORRESPONDENOE.
Brother Charles Inglesby, the路 Grand Secretary prepared and presented a report covering 175 pages, in which he revi~wed sixty-five Grand Lodge Proceedings, American and :F'oreign. The report, like all the productions of the Grand Secretary, bears the impress of -"its author as an able reviewer and painstaking writer. Our Journal for 1901 received the compliment of four pages. Our w,ork at that session was thoroughly summarized, embracing the findin.gs of the Gra.nd Master on certain questions, and their approval by the proper committee. Mention was made of our Masonic Home. The McKinley Memorial service, the work of the Historical Committee, which prepared biographical sketches of certain Grand Officers of this Grand Lodge, and the oration of Brother Walter Williams, all received passing notice. Brotber Inglesby thinks that Missouri has gone as far as any Grand Lodge in the physical qualification rule. I have to say, in reply, that if a Grand Lodge in this country has gone as far as Missouri on this subject I have not learned of it. Speaking of our appropriation of $2,000 to aid in the erection of the World's Fair
123 Fraternal Building, Brother Inglesby said, "The Masons visiting the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 will have a Mecca, and be wen路 cared for/' and expressed the hope that he might be one of the p路ilgrilns. In reply will say to my South Carolina co-worker that if he turns up in Miss-auri during that time, and I am in the land of the living, he will be "well cared for." Brief comment was made upon my report OIl Correspondence, which he said was "from the polished pen of the Grand Secretary." I have to say to Brother Inglesby that I do not use a pen, but the typewriter, 'which is better. I join in full expression of the remark found in conclusion that a writer on Correspondence the ueonelusion~' of great satisfaction relief 1)8 en At. be his Brother the time This is of
as ,I
Drummond is a lOBS to Masonry and to the world.. This is the 26th report of Brother Inglesby, being the same number furnished by this writer. I take the same kindly and affectionate leave of Brother In.glesby that has marked the past, a.nd. hope we may meet agatn in the same field of labor. WAvrER M. WHITlln-IEAD, Charleston, Grand Master. CHARLES INGLESBY, Charleston, GrandI Secretary.
The Grand Lodge convened in the city of HuroD, on the 10th of June" 1902. Two pictures grace the ]?'foceedings, being artistic representations of the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. An address of welcome was deli.vered by M. W. Bro. John ...4... Cleaver, P. G. M., and re,sponded to briefly by M. W. Bro. O..S.Gifford, P. G. M. PRESENT.
M. W. Bro. Charles Hill was Grand Master. R. W. Bro. George A. Pettigrew was Grand Secretary. Other Grand Officers and .Past GrandOffieers were present. The Committee on Credentials rep<>rted repr~s:eIlta'tives present' of ninety-chartered Lodges and three U. D.
T116 Address of Grand Master Hill covere,d fifteen pages, and is of general business cha.racter. Under the heading "Necrology" he mentioned the fact that their Grand Secretary, Brother Pettigrew, had visited the Special Communication of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, and participated in the funeral exercises of the late Grand Secretary of that Jurisdiction, Brother T.. S. Parvin. Brother Pettigrew furnished a brief statement of his' visit, and described the interesting funeral ceremonies of the occa,sion. T1he Grand Master had printed and sent out a circular communicating to the Lodges of his obedience the death of our Brother, Wm. McKinley, .President of" the United States. He reported dedications performed by him, Disp,ensations granted for various purposes, and the creation of one new Lodge. Three decisions were submitted which met the approval of the Committe on Jurisprudence. The condition of the Craft throughout the Jurisdiction was reported as most ,satisfactory. A number of applications had been made for permission to confer Degrees out of time. These were absolutely refused. The Grand Master held that such prerogative as vested in the Grand Master cannot be exercised with too much care. Recommendations were made to the Grand Lodge touching local interests. He reported the laying of the corner-stone of the new M~sonic Temple in the city of Yankton, assisted by other Grand Officers. The Address of the Grand Master was a document marked by intelligence and solidity, being a roost practical paper. The Grand Secretary submitted his Eighth Annual Report. He called attention to the fact that during the year seven Grand Secretaries had been taken from the Lodge below to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. These were Brothers Parvin, Parmelee, Power, Isaacson, Baker, Singleton and Caldwell. RELIC.
The Grand Secretary called attention to an interesting relic presented by Brother Wm. H. H.amilton, of Chicago. It is a case containing a chisel and mallet made from wood taken from a beam in Fiddler's Loft, Kil winning Lodge, Scotland. The Grand Secretary was called upon again to complain that all the Lodges had not complied with the By-laws. Th~se delinquents failed to send in their returns in time as required by law. In his summary of the work he states that there has been a net increase of 207 members, and total membership of 5,925. ,The income pas.sing through his hands from all sources, $4,700. The Grand T'reasurer accounted for a cash balance on hand, including general and charity fund, amounting to
$6,324. The Grand Secretary reported that their membership regis· ter is as complete as it is possible to make it up to date. The Grand Lecturer presented a brief report showing that he had held schools of Instruction from one to six days in fifty-five different Lodges. During the ,session, Charters \\iere granted to two Lodges that had been working lJ. D. ...~ nevv code of by-laws of the Grand Lodge was adopted. The Grand Lodge of South Dakota honored itself by electing to hOllorarJr Dlemhership in the Body:hl!. . Bro. l\Ielvin L. Youngs, o:f is sad to since such shown he has
Bro\\rn covering and Foreign Grand Lodge Proceedings. 1."lbe ,,"ork is a first-class summary made up from a careful examination of the Journals revie'\ved. It is ornamented 'VVl"ith a sufficient nllmber of ext.ra.cts to vary the 170 pages contained in the report. Four pages were devoted to the Missouri Journal for 1901. A very complete synopsis of our doings was given. Special attention was paid the work of our GrandMaster, Brother 'VeIls. Our Grand Lodge received congratulations on the good work being don e along the line of Masonic charity, as shown by the pros· perity of our Home. Speaking of this work, Brother Brown said, "Brethren we greet you. We hope to follow you." Brother Brown commenting on the law of "artiflcialapp.Uances," thinks that the regulation should be "immediately repealed." We are in full accord on aU leading questions inlfolving Mas,()nic principle· and procedure. Referring to my comments on the rejection of old Masons who apply for a.ffiliation, for fear that they may become a charge upon the funds of the Lodge, Brother Brown said: "We sincerely hope that it is not often so." I join in the hope that such treatment of aged1Iasolls is not common; but recently I witnessed a striking example of this in my own Lodge. A Masonwbo had b,een a, member of a Lodge for thirty-five years in good· standing, and one of the very best men and citi2iens in our community, brought his dimit and sought membership with us. T'wo of the committee reported adversely; one in favor. As I had recommended the party, r demanded to know why this unfavorable report. I was very coolly told that the objection was to hi,sa,ge, he being something over fifty years old. 'r was disgusted with tne small, parsimonious view taken of the case, and condemned it outright as establishing a standard governed. by dollars and cents. SI}K:LV··t'~I·~i!'nr
"" ........L .. '-',~
"',,-" ..,,",1\0'"
The objecting parties overlooked the fact that this Brother had been paying Lodge dues elsewhere for an ordinary life-tinle. For tbis the Brother received no credit by the committee, he having been a member of the great Masonic family, and merely wi-shing to change his boarding place. The dollar standard in Masonry is unfortunately too common. It needs to be booted out of the Fraternity. Brother Brown shows a spirit of genuine fraternity, and is as kind as he is capable. His report is a strong and valuable production worthy of its author and of the Grand Lodge which he represents. FRANK A. BHowN,Aberdeen, GrandMaster. GEORGE A. PE'rTIGREW, Flandreau,Grand Secretary. . SAlVIUEL A. BROWN, Sioux Falls, Com. on Correspondence. J
The Grand Lodge session was held in Free Masons' Hall, in the city of Nashville, beginning on the 28th of January. PRESENT.
M. W. Bro. John R. Smith was Grand Master, and R. W. Bro. John B.Garrett, Grand Secretary, with other Grand Officers. The record states that sixteen piast Grand Masters' were enrolled as present with representatives of 406 Lodges. 1'he statement is found in the Proceedings that路 eighteen Lodges were not represented making a total list on the roll of 424. In these there is at present a membership of 17,985, a net gain of 125 was shown. This is a remarkably small advance for such a grand State as Tennessee. The income from all sources was reported by the Grand Secretary to be '$24,239. The Journal is ornamented with portraits of the new Grand Master, Brother E. P.McQueen, and John B. Garrett, the Grand Secretary. 'rhe latter looks pleasant and solid. ADDRESS.
Tlhe -Address' of Grand Master Smith was of unusual interest, and evidenced marked ability and interest in duty. It covers seventeen pages, and opens well, folh>wed by the announcement that with but
one exeeption the death of any of the present or Past Grand Officers The Grand Master stated that one death had taken place during the year in the ranks of Past Grand Officers, R. vV. George T. Stai.nback, D. D.,h3d been caned from labor. and was buried with MasQnic honors. He was a Presbyterian preacher, but the record does not state what office he had filled in the Grand Lodge. The business run of the embraced commissions issued. Dispensations granted and refused~ Under the latter he.adhillg the (i'rand refused in five to allO\\l tb.e usual list of of this Jurisdiction had not bt:en reported.
11'lOst part and llsage.
list, and Master re.number of lrisits his terrll. Concerning these vi~its the Commntee on Jurisprudence said that the work thus performed by the G·rand Master formed "a record unprecedented in number, diversitj"", variety and territory.~' urrrlTAI•.
Grand Master stated in connection with his official visits that after witnessing the conferring of the Degrees in several Sister Jurisdictions, he was of the opinion that "We not only have the best Ritual, but many of the brightest Ritualfsts in this country." It has been my privilege to witness the conferring of Degrees inT'ennessee Lodges for the last twenty years. While I would not detract from the"'work of Tennessee, I woul(lsay to the GrandMaster and Breth ren of that Jurisdiction, come to Missouri and see the Ritual of Masonry in its simplicity and beauty exemplified in our Lodges. Calling attention to the Masonic Home,· the Grand Master furnished a report of the Secretary of the Board of that institution, submitting it in place of any treatment of the subject .from himself. He announced that the children of the Home would give an entertainment at 2. o'clock that afternoon in the Masonic Theater. I find further€')ll .in the Proceedings thatsnch entertainment· was afforded the memhers of the Grand Lodge, where a bright and entertaining progra.mme was carried out with ac.cnracy and grace on the part of the young. life of the Home. The Grand Master closed. his very superior business document byaserie:s of recommendations. One was that the surplus remaining in the hands of the.Grand Treasurer after discharging all the debts of the Grand Lodge be donated to the Widows and Orphans' Home. Tbis was rep<Jrted on by the Commitw
tee on Ways and 'Means, and the same was ap.proved. The recom~ mendation of the Grand Master that t~e per capita tax be increased fifty cents on each member for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans' Home was not approved. The recommendation of the Grand Master that a new set of jewels be purchased for the Grand Officers was reported on adversely by the committee. R. W. Bro. John B. Garrett submitted an extended and carefully prepared report, giving a glance at the past for eleven years. He revealed the fact that during that time the net gain to the Order had been only about 1,000. There had been added .to the list of membership something over 16,000 names. He ascribed the loss of membership principally to sus~ pension for nonpayment of dues. I have already remarked that the gain of the past year in Tennessee was what I would consider distressingly small. A resolution was introduced and duly referred to increase the salary of the Grand Secretary, Brother Garrett, from $1,500 to $1,800. This prop.osition received a favorable report from the Committee on Ways and Means, and the same was adopted. An extended and detailed report was rendered by the Board of Control of the Masonic Home. It· is learned therefrom that the institution has an Endowment Fund of nearly $11,000. The report shoV\Ts farm improvements, school carried on, and that "the morale of the Home is excellent." There had been more sickness in the institution during the·· past year than during any previous period, increasing the cost over $500 in caring for the sick ones of the Home. It is learne¢I that the registration at the present time is 109, costing on an average $78 per annum, or about $6.50 per month. The Journal of the Grand Lodge of T'ennessee is neatly· gotten up, and comes from the hands of one of the most capable Grand Secretaries of the day.
The report is from the pen of that very able and astute writer, M. W. Bro. Henry H. Ingersoll, P.G.M. It is unusually brief, cover~ ing less than 100 pages, in which IfoUlld notices, more· or less brief, of fifty-four Grand Lodges, American and Foreign. The greatest regret to which I now give expression in connection with the work is that the Grand Master devolved the labor of preparing the next re~ port on Correspondence upon another writer than Brother Ingersoll. I do not know the new committee, and shall delay an expression of opinion until he comes into the reportorial family, and we become acquainted. Brother Ingersoll noted Missouri Proceedings of 1902 in less than two pages, giving prominent atteI;ltion to the Address ana. decisions of our Grand Master Flnagin. He expressed pleasure· meet..
ing the Grand Secretary of Missouri, with whom he claims to have had an enjoyable time in Florida on a beautiful day, sitting in the cool shade of the tropical trees there, and also that we were introduced by Lionel Jacobs.' I have heard of a man of that name, and confess considerable surprise that Brother Ingersoll should have given prominence to the aforesaid Jacobs by advertising his folly. He promises to visit St. Louis in 1904, provided his "boss" does not object. If you will afford the necessary information as to who that boss is, I will see that all objections are removed, and that Brother Ingersoll has the right of way to the St. Louis Exposition, and a good time when he comes here. I regreit losing the intimate relationship that has existe·d between us 8,0 pleasantly in the p.ast. It may not be so with Brother luge-rsall, btlt as ye·arsgo as old friends drop sight from. ea.use, I makea,cquainta;nces very slowly. t~;onsisting Grand Master Brothi'er H....4 . pl.ace of predeeeswriters before he ..L:J,'J",,"iL1L~'''''j..' JOHN
P . G r a n d Master. GA.BET·r,N8Jsbville~Grand. Secretary.
Tille session convened in in the city of Honston ,.on·thesecond day of December, by M.. W. Bro. Wm.. Clark, Grand Master, assisted by: Omeers present.T1l.e Grand Secretary, Brother John Wa.tson, announced that a const.it1.l.tiona! number of Lodges were repre.sented. He records the presence offi'fteen Past Grand ·Maste·ts an,d F6jprese.ntatives of 404 Lodges. are 675 Lodges on the roll, in;eill~Ldingnine jn.st chartered. The lille.m'ltlership i:s stated at 31,568. 'I'l;teQene.ral Fund, the Widows and arphans' Fund, and Temple Fund,amount to some $42,000. The number of Masons in the Jurisdiction must have been est:1DJlat ea the Grand Secretary. reported thirteen L6d.ges had not made ...... ~.''''''''''. __.. . .'. The ro1I1'exas JOl.1,rnal is a largeoue., 'beiIl,ga volume of four bu:~ti.':JJJre'l piage~~''" containing the proceedings; 'me:m,'bers of the LG€l;g(eis,.and th~ Corre,spondence. 1
G. L.Ap.-9.
An Address of twenty-seven pages embraced vast and varied interests. This would necessarily be the. case, as the Jurisdiction is large, terr~torially and numerically, as to Masonic standing. I-IONORED DEA.D.
Grand Master Clark reported that the Fraternity in the Jurisdic路 tion had been bereaved by the death of Past Grand Master James Francis Miller, who was Grand Master of Masons in Texas in 1873, and was Grand Commander of Knights T'emplar in 1878. A veryeloquenttribute was paid to his memory by the Grand Master. He said of him that he was recognized in the State as a man of distinction in the profession of law, banker and Congressman. He had high stand.. ing in the Church of which he was a member, and for more than a quarter of a century had been Superintendent of a Sunday School in his church. R. W. Bro. Wm. F. Swain, who served as Grand Secretary from 1888 to 1894 had died during the year. Brother H. R. McCoy, Grand Pursuivant at the time of his death had been called away, and was laid to rest with Masonic honors. rrhe Grand Master announced with great pleasure that the Jurisdiction was at peace with the whole world. Nothing had occurred to disturb the fraternal relations sustained with other Masonic Jurisdictions. He reported having constituted the fourteen Lodges under Charters granted at the session路 one year before. Seven new Lodges were organized during the term U. D. Two Lodges were allowed to resume labor that had been in a dormant state. Twelve corner-stones had been laid under Special Dispensations granted by the Grand Master. Quite a list of Lodges had been permitted to appear in public other than Masonic occasions. The Grand Master commented sharply and" wiselY on the restless desire manifested on the part of Lodges to- reballot on rejected applicatio.ns, and declined to grant any such privileges. A number of instances were cited where he refused to grant permission to confer Degrees out of time. He expressed the belief that scarcely an e.mergency could arise that would justify the Grand Master in setting aside the law of the Grand Lodge, hence his refusal. :Jrourteen decisions were reported, an examination of which shows a soundness of judgment and a practical knowledge of the general principles of Jurisprudence. These were approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence, except in two instances. In this case I agree with the Grand Master with one exception. The question had been asked, does the
loss of an eye debar anyone from reeeiving the Mysteries of Masonry. His answer was in large letters, YES. So a nlan with one eye, who can see as well as many men with two eyes is disqualified. by that simple defect from ever seeing the light by which Masons work. I repeat here an oft-mentioned conviction, that such persons would not be too blind to see a subscription paper for the purpose of raising money to build a. Masonic Hall, or meet the necessi ties of the unfortunate. rr"he Grand Master mad.e mention of their movement to build a lle,\\r Masonic T'emple, and referred the Grand Lodge to the report of the committee on that interest. He pubUs.hed at length and in full detail the receipt,s furnished by the generous-hearted people the Masons-of the relief of amount thus and accounted is record'era as having con.. ."',"....... Io,ljli"ll'............
Grand Lodge, on motion, appropriated $18,000 out of its GenFund for the benefit of tbe Home. There is an extended and complete report furnished by thie Boa.rd of Directors. of that sple.ndid institution in Texas, which is unusually elaborate and full. The Address of Grand Master Clark was commended by the Committee on Juris.prudence, which said: "We take pleasure in testifying tathe zeal and fidelity of the Grand Master in the discharge of the onerous duties of his office." The Grand T're.saurer reported funds handled by him during the year amounting ~o over $47,000. 'IThe Grand Secretary reported on financial lineSi; the same was brief, and corresponded with- that of the Gral1idTreasurer. The·. CommitteeO:Il Correspondence recommended that the appointment of Grand Representatives made b.y the Grand Master, therebyestabUshing frate·rnaI relations with Grand Lodges"eSpi,8ciaUy that of Washington, 'be al'proved. The Grand Lodge s,elected the of Waco as its future permanent location,·· and amended its so as to. conform to that action. Quite a good portion of the Journal is taken up in considerirng the subject of· a new Temple, to be erected in Waco, the final oonelnsioR of which was that a strlllcture costing· not over $150,000 is. to be located in that city. PaYlllent to secure such result is to made by taking $15,006 from G,eneral Fund ·of the Grand L(l)dge-that amount having been d0nated by theeitizen.s for that ptifpose-the sale of property in the city of Houston,and 'bysecuri'llvg Joan·s . . on the property assets of the . Grand Lodge, whicharet(1),e m€>Ttgaged.
T'he Committee on Grievances and Appeals had the largest job of anyone during the session, the number of cases considered and reported on being unusually numerous. At the close of the session the "McLeary ring" was presented to the newly installed Grand Master, who replied, expressing the hope that the ring would be worn with pleasure to himself and honor to the Fraternity. A Past Grand Master's jewel was presented to the retiring Grand Master, and the business of the Sixty-Seventh Annual Communication of Texas was closed in AMPLE FORM. CORRESPONDENCE.
M. W. Bro. Thomas M.Matthews, P. G. M., prepared and submitted a report covering 109 pages, in which is found his review of forty-eight Grand Lodge Proceedings. The report is a well-prepared production no extracts visible. He, like myself, prefers the pen to the scissors. Each of the forty-eight Grand Lodge Proceedings examined received due consideration. furnishing his readers a good summary of general transactions. Brother Matthews gleans and condenses well and most happily, a most desirable quality. When general questions of the day engage Masonic thought, he has welldefined views, clear in his presentation of matter, and firm in adherence to all correct moral and Masonic principles. Touching the action of the Grand Lodge of Washington, it was his view, held with others, that said Grand Lodge did not go far enough in its repudiaton of the legislation of the session 1898. The Grand Lodge of Texas, through Brother Matthews, declared non-intercourse with the Grand Lodge of Washington for the reason that it has not fully and com.. pletely repealed all deliverances made on the former occasion. In .said report, read by Brother M8Jtthews, and adopted by the Grand Lodge, the opinion was expressed that the failure to adopt a resolution that had been sublnitted to the Grand Lodge of Washington, destroyed the effect of the whole of its legislation ,on that matter. The committee also construed the action of the Grand Lodge of Washington to mean a declaration that it still reserves to itself the right to pass upon the legitimacy of those who have been by Sister Grand Jurisdictions declared irregular and clandestine. It seems that the T'exas Brethren hold the Washington Fraternity at arms length, and refuse to accept what is generally considered as a well-meant purpose to keep in line with Sister Grand Lodges. I think we should not hold the strenuous view here m'aintained, but accept the declarations of the Grand Lodge of Washington for what they mean rather than for what they do not say. Our Missouri .Journal for 1902 received a notice of a little路 over three pages, wherein was given" a
133 full and thorough, though hurried, examination of our transactions. The Proceedings reached Brother Matthews later than usual, owing to delay caused by the session being held 300 miles from my publisher. I have registered a standing protest against putting the Grand Lodge of Missouri "on wheels," and rolling it around over the State at will. Every Grand Lodge should have a permanent location and stay there. Brother Matthews gave an epitome of the report of Grand Master Finagin, mentioned my work with favor as Grand 8eicretary,. com,mended Masonic Home, the Committee on Appeals and Gr ii8van;,ces, and d.evoted the remaining sp:m,.ce to the report on by c!ommittee" on mycrititbe Texas law, authorizes ,expulsion non-payment the law that requires a Brother elected to office to ..-1lll"l!'l.+l'lliOT> he win and charging; against members said: attempt to oonquestions because we alw&ysentertained a like opinion." I am ver,r much plea.sed indeed to find myself in such good company on these us·ages, which I have vigorously reprobated in the P81St. Brother Matthews was both amiable and fraternal in his spirit towards myself, for which he is entitled to my warmest thanks. I record with increased satisfaction the fact that he was reappointed Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence for the ensuing term. The conclusion furnished by Brother Matthew.scontained a good old~time exhortation, especially to the Brethren of Texas. He touched upon these with his usual· firmness, elevating the Faith p,fofessed by Masons to a proper level, and made Charity to all ManKtiind a di.stinguished feature of his sermonette, and made Temperauee mean something. WM.. M. FLY, Go,u.zales, Grand' Master. JOHN W ATSON,.Houston, Grand Secretary. i
The Grand Lodge cqnvened in the Masonic Hall, Salt Lake City. January 20th. PRES~NT. M. W. Bro. Wm. J.Lynch, Grand. Master, R. W. Bro. Chris1r.oj])ner Diiehl, Grand Secretary, and otherGrandOfticers. The GrandSefe.. reported ten Past Grand Masters present, and that the ten.
Lodges in the Jurisdiction were represented. These are reported as having a membership of 1,083, evidencing a gain of 101. This is a good showing for ten Lodges. One of the Grand Lodges recently reviewed,with a membership of some 18,000, reported a gain of 125. I should judge the Lodges to be financially sound, as in the ten Lodges there is money amounting to over $15,000, with Lodges propertyvalued at about the same amount. ADDRESS.
The Grand Master presented a brief and practical Address. covering eleven pages. He said that the grim monster had not invaded the Grand Lodge, all of its members having been mercifully sp.ared, but that the ten Lodges of the Jurisdiction had suffered a considerable loss by death. In honor of the deceased members of the Jurisdiction, a beautiful memorial tribute 'was prepared and read, while the Granel Lodge arose and stood during its presentation, followed by the Grand Honors. FOUEIGN RELATIONS.
The Grand Ma.sterstated with great pleasure that their relations with the Sister Grand Jurisdictions, V\rith which they were in fraternal correspondence, are of the most amiable and cordifl'! nature. For general information he presented a most remarkable case. A highly respected. citizen, a resident ~f Salt Lake. City for some years, petitioned a Lodge in that city for the Degrees. It was learned that some four years before he had been rejected by a Lodge in Pennsylvania. A let~er was addressed by the Secretary to the rejecting Lodge in' Pennsylvania asking them for a waiver of Jurisdiction. Subsequently a letter was received from the Grand Secretary of Pennsylvania stating that all such matter had to be transacted by and through the respective Grand Masters of the Jurisdictions interested. rrhereuponcommunication was had with the Grand Master of Pennsylvania, who had referred the ease to the rejecting Lodge, and said Lodge at a later date notified the Grand Master of Utah that the Masonic objection to the party still existed and had not been removed. Grand Master Lynch said that he thought his Grand Lodg~would join with him in the view tha.t this was quite a roundabout way to reach an end, and announced in distinct terms his oppo~ition' to the doctrine held by Pennsylvania cqncerning Perpetual Jurisdiction. He believed it to be wrong and antagonistic to the best interests of Free Masonry. There are a great many Masons in this country who are very glad that they do not live in the Grand Juris~
diction of Pennsylvania. The Grand Master announced that it had been his good fortune to visit, through the year, a number of Lodges, and reported that in viewing the condition of the Fraternity it is on the advance, and the Craft in a most healthy and prosperous condition.. He gave a synopsis of his doings, embracing various mattel's, such as ap,proval' of official bonds, granting Special Dispens.ations, approving of Lodge By-laws, reference to the creation of new Lodges, charity fund, importance of observing Masonic St. Day, rec!6prtion of a President McKinley., Past Grand biographical a
M. of his Jurisprl.l-
PB:8DtISlVlvAJl11ia, matter The shows a his hands of $3,100. as Grand Secretary is made up of details of vari,ous k'hlds~ others showing that there had heen exp;ended for ch.a:rity in the Jurisdiction by Lodges the sum of $1,695. The returns of the ten Lodges in the had all been made, and Grand Lodge dues paid.' The report .shows Brother Diehl to be a careful, practical and painstaking Grand Officer. .This is evidenced by the fact that all matters placed in his hands by the last GrandLo{ige. had received due attention. I Join in an expression of· belief the good name of the Grand Lodge of· Utah will never suffer througka carelessness on 11ispa.rt. 'T'heGrand Lecturer submitted a that nehad Visited. all the. Lodges in the JurisdictiotID. Oll'e, and gave encouraging account of the Craft. "A petition. w~s received and referred toa by the r·e'Q.uisite :p.u:g;r;berQ;fMasons asking for the of ~ LodgeD. D. .A. resolutiQn was adopted creating a to formulate a list "PJtlYf;lC::U disabilities \vhicb ealldidate from ,..a.",.,a'i,:7';~C!Y the l),egrees of Masonry," tQ be at t];}e next Annual I hope that Utah not come acrossth.e of "artificia.lappliances" as used Missouri, and would suggest to to study the Ancient as a perfect guide. Before s:ession was closed, the Master,Brother Lynch), a<:L(lreiSS€~G his· successof,and with what is R,ing." The Bro. Walter Scott tke ,received the token inapproIPria.te iJerms.,and Dr~:>mi;sle;d iEJunctions thereto by the help of the and .g1:ory of the T1'leGra..nd .l;";L",,;I:;,LL:l:lo.l+L!;It!jJ".,
were installed, and an invitation to a banquet accepted which had been prepared by the three Lodges in Salt Lake City. CORRESPONDENCE.
The review of forty-nine Journals in ninety-five pages by R. W. Bro. Christopher Diehl furnishes one of the very sound and practical contributions to good Masonic reading. It was his twenty-seventh annual report. Seven Grand Lodge Proceedings were missing, which accounted for the unusually small number reviewed by him, being a lower figure than he desired. He stated that the work had been a laborious yet a pleasant one. He entered an objection to a decision made by Grand Master Cunningham, of Alabama, who held that a Mason reinstated by the Grand Lodge to the rights and privileges of Masonry was thereby restored to membership in the Lodge by which he had been suspended or expelled. I fully agree with the exception taken to this decision by Brother Diehl, for the reason assigned by him that a Lodge chooses its members, and not the Grand Lodge. I would ask what right has a Grand Master or a Grand Lodge, or anybody else to dictate who shall constitute the membership of my Lodge, Brother Diehl uses the scissors rarely, as comparatively few extracts are found in his report. He holds with this writer that the laws of the Grand Lodge of Georgia expelling Masons for non-payment afgues is too severe; but we, outsiders, have no right to tell the Georgia Brethren what they shall do. Brother Diehl favors the exercise of路 that wonderful power known as "prerogative" by which Grand Masters may make Master Masons at sight, "if the power was exercised when it. would seem to be at least the proper thing." I have never seen the place yet when the exercise of such power was either a necessity or "the proper thing11 to do. Of course we would expect to find so good a Mason as Brother Diehl in favor of Masonic Homes. Speaking of our institution, he mentioned with considerable pleasure the liberal donation made to the institution by Brother James L. Kuykendall. Our Missouri Journal for 1902 received courteous attention in a short notice which contained a synopsis of our work. He characterized Brother McDowell as an "industrious officer in Missouri路 as Grand Lecturer," and assumes that "grass did not grow under his feet}' Speaking of m.y report on Correspondence. he described it as an able' and. courte:olls review, and has been for nearly twenty years. I hope that th~t important mental faculty known as memory is not failing Brother Diehl. I have written the :reports on Correspondence for the Mis;souri Fraternity for twenty:five years,. this being the twenty-sixth. Brother Diehl please, itt your
next report, write down in large letters "I stand corrected." The handsome and well gotten up Journal of Utah is an annual monument to Brother Diehl's care, labor and ability. The present Journal is graced with the tae simile of the face of the new Grand Master, Brother Walter Scott. The other Walter was a Scotchman and wrote poetry. Tbe pre~ent Walter was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. His face represents a solid man as to avoirdupois, and indicates strength of character and firmness of purpose.. Brother Diehl is the author of a very interesting historical sketch of Brother Scott. I am happy record the eontin uanc:e of friend and beloved Brother as on I take leave of him with plea.sant relation for 8eeretary.
This session was held in the city of Burlington commencing on the 11th of June. PRESENT.
M. W. Bro. Chas. R. Montague, Grand Mastert R. W. Bro. Wrn.G. Reynolds, Grand, SecretarY,and ot'berGrand Officers,. seyen . Past Grand Masters, an<l Repres.entatives of a large number of Lodges. While there is no addition o,f thesre,or to the number of the Lodges in the Jurisdiction, I cannot· furni·sht.he information or do the counttag for others who fail to perform' that· work. The Grand Secretary reported membership in the Jurisdiction, lO,674. The revenue footed up $8,137. ADDRESS.
An Address of twelve pages was furnished by the Grand Master, who' stated in the opening that .Peace and Tranquility····· reigned tnrotlgno1.1tthe Jurisdiction. The same happy state of amit1 obta.iDe~ betweexD. that Jurisdiction and Sister Jurisdictions. The Grand:Mals'tar had learned th~t the Lod.ges ha'\7"e nearly all been doingmQ3!'e OT w(j)rk. He recorded the death ofltt,,"W. Bro. ObarlesS.pa~iin..g, r
D. D. G. Master. The Lodges chartered at the previous session had been duly constituted, a Hall of one Lodge properly dedicated, and the officers installed. On the subject of decisions the Grand Master said that he had received a large number of questions from officers of Lodges, and that replies to such inquiries had been furnished, in nearly every instance, by reference to the laws of the Grand Lodge. What trouble and annoyance could be saved Grand Masters if Brethren, especially Masters of Lodges, would learn to "read and expound the law," thus saving our Chief rulers from having to answer numerous questions that could be settled by a brief examination of Masonic regulations and laws. Grand Master Montague said that he had been the recipient of more than the usual number of requests for Dispensations for different purposes, a number of which had· been refused. He made a very practical and valuable commentary on the subject of Lodge Communications, Worshipful Masters and Secretaries of Lodges. His observations were the common view of those well informed in regard to the control of Lodges. He well said, "The office of Master of a Lodge is one of great importance and fequiresof the incumbent vastly more than the ability to learn the Ritual and confer Degrees." It was his contention that no one should be elected Master of a Lodge who has not shown that he pas· sesses the necessary qualification. A poor Warden Or Senior Deacon will never make a good Master. He held that it was of equal importance that a Secretary be a man fitted for his particular position. 1'he Grand Lodge of Vermont is the possessor of a law like unto that of Pennsylvania. The position is that all business connected. with Grand Lodges of other States should be conducted through the· Granel Masters of the different States. I will simply make a pause and inquire what are Grand Secretaries for? .Attention wa.s called to various subjects of local bearing. The Grand Lodges of Costa Rica and Western Australia had previously been recognized by the Grand Lodge of Vermont, and an exchange of representatives provided for. Costa Rica had complied with the request, but Western Australia had not been heard from. They have a Masonic Temple in Vermont concerning which the Grand Master expressed himself in terms quite gratifying and encourag~ng. He announced """-'that as a business investment the profit and loss account shows a smaller balance on the debit side than ever before. This gives prom· iae of ultimate emancip,ation from debt, and the transfer of the balance t<;> the credit side. It is learned during the business transacted from the report of the Grand Treasurer, who made a statement of Temple debt that there yet stands against the Fraternity the sum of $62,000. The rate of interest in this· instance is not given. The
1903 ]
report of the Grand Lecturer was an extended document, and very full of interesting particulars to the local Craft. Several District Deputy Grand Masters had made reports which were incorporated in full in the Proceedings. T'he report on:B-'raternal Dead is a lengthy document, signed by Brother D. N. Nicholson. After the election of Grand Officers, a document was adopted by rising vote, complimenting Brother Warren G. Reynolds, who had served twelve years as Grand Secretary, but retired voluntarily from the office. It is learned that his efforts to serve the Grand Lodge, tl1e Craft, and his uniform courtesy and spirit·· had won sin~ cere and fraternal esteem. Two veterans were recognized and hon~ ored during the session, being formally p-resented at the altar, and cordially greeted with the private Grand Honors. These were Brothers M. P.. Bowman, P. G. D. C. years Grand Senior S'tE9w:ar«1. . Bro. Marsh
Proce:ed.. of the Perkins does i.s and write He thinks that the opening of the twentieth century is too late in the day to offer premiums fOrr self,.imposed ignorance. His· views are little short of condemnation of a decision approved by the Grand Lof\ge of Alabama that, after a ballot is ordered· and declared clear, and .a Brother who cast or in.. tended to cast an adverse ballot a new ballot theI1 and there. It is the opinion of this founded upon long experience and backed up by careful that when a ballot has been passed upon and declared by the W.M., it can 11,ot be reopened except . there. is a provision in the law authorizing the GrandMaster to order a reballot. Brother Perkins was cordial in his review of the Missouri Journal ·for 1901, according us four full pages in which he summarized fully our official doings.. He asked for the meaning of the term found in the Grand 1\Iasteir~s Address that year of ((A speci.fic Grand Lodge," and says it is something new to him.Replying to this request, I will say that the word "spe·cific" has gotten into Grand Lodge lan.guage instead of the term "Special Grand of "Emergent Communication." T'reating of the subject sce;llte'd by our .Grand Master respecting one ·who had served a the penitentiary after havi'n.g belen convicted by the for .fFand through the mails, he s;ai€l. tBat Grand Master tecBnically correet but morally wasw'1."ong. I find Brother Perkins
is liberal almost to the standard established by Missouri respecting "artificial appliances." He thinks .that this perfect youth system that has come down the ages is gradually disappearing. He characterizes the thing as a "fallacy," and that the whole structure is bound to come tumbling down. If a few Grand IJodges of the world like Missouri and Vermont want to open the doors to all that are physically disquali'fied, they have the ability to do so; as to the moral right involved, that is another question. .Brother Perkins said our Grand Lodge was handsomely entertained by the Grand Orator, Brother V\~alter Williams, who delivered a polished and scholarly Address on the "Value of Life/' The Address of Grand Master Wells was courteously treated, and brief quotations made therefrom. OUf Memorial service in honor of BrotherWm. McKinley, late President of the United States, was referred to, and the Address on that occasion pronounced ~n "eloquent one,"路 from the conclusion of which he made an appropriation. The report of this writer on Corresp路ondence was kindly noticed, but he stated that Vermont was nowhere to be found in the notices of the forty-seventh Grand Lodge reviewed. If he had noticed my conqlusion on page 161 of that year, he would have ascertained why Vermont was overlooked. At the conclusion of that report-late in the summer-I stated that among the tardy ones whose Proceedings had not come to hand was Vermont. Brother Perkins expressed the idea that it will not be difficult for this" writer to grow into full harmony with the attitude of our Grand Lodge on the subject of "artificial appliances." T'hishurried review of Vermont I must bring to a conclusion, and bid Brother Perkins good-bye with expressions of appreciation of his ability as a writer, and the strength and 'force of his production. CHARLES R. MONTA.GUE, Woodstock, GrandMaster. HENRY H. Ross, Burlington, Grand Secretary. MARSH O. PERKINS, Windsor, Com~ on Correspondence.
This session was held in Masonic Temple, Richmond, December 2d. PRESENT.
M. W. Bro. H. O. Kerns, Grand Master, R. W.Bro. George W. Carrington, .Grand Secretary, with other Grand Offieers, represents... Uves of Lodges, Past Grand. Masters, District Deputy Grand Masters"
Past Masters, and representatives of Grand Lodges. The representative of Missouri, Brother Wright, was not in the list. ADDRESS.
An Address of fifteen pages was delivered to the Grand Lodge by the Grand Master, Brother Kerns. He reported the death of
Brother Junius A. Cosby, Grand Pursuivant of the Grand Lodge. The Address embraces mention of appointments made to fill vacancies in several Distl"icts, appointment of Grand Repres,entatives, special Dispensations issued, surrend.ered Charters reiceived, extinct Lodges, and records, issuance of du~H,cate Oharter, of Masonic Halls, 1lisits laid, h.l:s the One Hundred and Fiftieth
ington, dered.
of them Jurispru-
one instance not being present at a Stated Communication Senior Warden a Past Master to open th'e Lodge preside~ which he did. Tbe District Deputy Rppearin;g', d'eeideid that the Lodge was not legally op,ened:" The Grand Master decided that the Lodge was properly opened, and the business transacted on the occasion was legal. I regard the views expressed in the Address of the Grand Master as thoroughly practical, and legally T11e Oommitteeon Juris.. n1"l'Hi'::lnl:'~~ differed with the ru.ling of Grand Master on the issu" held that dimlts snould ance.of Lodge dimits. The Master of ~' be granted wlhen the Lodge is in se;ssion. The committee decided that the Mastereonld order adimit where the applicant was in good standling, waiting. for a. meeti;n.g of the Lodge. He properly ruled Ula,t wnere a dimitis granted toa Brother in good standing,and he fans to receive the docUUl;ent, that he, lanat a member of the Lodge, huti.s non..affHiated, and should 路路be furnished with a dimit of the satnedateas<the original one granted.. He also decided that a Lodge has~o exempt from duelS its members who had reachecl a certainagte,orrhad been, members of a Lodge fOF a certain time. The law et. Virginia provides no exemption fr,o!mdues exceptior "honorary lBembersand millisters engaged inmiI'ds'beria.l work." MASONIC: HOME. Th~Grand
Master stated that tllis<i\nstitution should of every Virginia Mas,on. He was led to donations from
off of nearly $600. This matter was referred to at considerable length by the Committee on Grand Master's Address. Said committee felt that the subject called for serious consideration on the part of the Craft. The startling fact was announced that the voluntary donations by the Lodges had fallen off nearly one-third. The committee expressed the opinion that such decrease was due to a lack of interest .on the part ·of Lodges. Our Virginia Brethren will soon realize what we found to be true in Missouri, that the institution will never survive or be a great success unless supported by· a regular tax, levied upon the Lodges in the Jurisdiction, is given it. To de.. pend upon voluntary contributions for the support of the grand work of this kind is to follow the old custom of providing charity by hat collections at Lodge meetings. A well-organized and systematic method of securing funds alone will save that splendid. institution of Virginia Masonry. The Address of the Grand Master having been referred to a proper committee, that body congratulated Brother Kerns on the successful administration of his high office, which he had filled for two terms most acceptably to the Craft. Care, con· servatisID, ~eal and ability had marked his entire career. The Temple property· was up for consideration, and received very careful attention. The income from that investment amounted to a little over $8,000. After disbursements 1 some $4,000 remained in the Treasury. It is a regrettable view that is forced upon this writer that the Qutlook concerning their Temple property is not encouraging. The Committee on Finance reported having paid; off during the year a balance on interest account to the Fire Association of Philadelphia. I suppose that said association. held the bonds issued by the Temple Association of Virginia. The amount liquidated for defaulted inter.. est was about $4,000. The Grand T'reasurer, Brother Fred Pleasants, reported that the amount on hand during the fiscal year was $24,424. In giving an account of the assets of the Grand Lodge he mentioned the Masonic Temple building at $83,000, less the mortgage thereon of $75,000, leaving the Grand Lodge an equity in the property of$8,6~1. The total assets of the Grand Lodge foot up some $21,000. The liabilities accounted for left net assets between fifteen and sixteen thousand dollars. .A. communication tram the World's Fair Association relative to the Fraternal Building ·of St.. Louis wa.s referred to a Special Committee, which reported adversely to any action on their part. The election and installation of officers took place on the second day of the session.T'he chiLdren of the Masonic Home had written letters expressing their gratitude to the Masonic Home of Virginia for the fostering care and the benefits that they had . . re·ceived. The retiring Grand Master,. Brother Kerns, received the coa-
gratulations of the Grand Lodge by rising vote by the Brethren over a son born during the time he was presiding as Grand Master. A telegram was ordered 'sent to his wife conveying good wishes. Who knows but a Grand Master was born during the official labors of M. W. Brother Kerns. A resolution was adopted during the session asking for provision to be made to establish a Sinking Fund. 'A. committee reporting on this subject recommended that for the next eight years a sp路ecial assessment of 25 cents per capita be made on all Subordinate Lodges, and the sum thus raised be applied to pay the mortgage debt on the Masonic Temple. This indicates that our Virginia Brethren, like many other Jurisdicti()iBS in this country, have u.ndertaken the management of a, very larg~ elephant. 'The)! Beed Dot be if among of the .auy might be K.ickeTs.. has been .1~(}J~1.1C Temple The old U!Uill..it~IIt;U the re.M.SiS01Eue
trie,d that the actLQn of a Lodge exp,elling a pa,rty be amrmed. A minority report propo,sed tOB,et aside and the aiet 'of snch ,expulsion, and that the party he declared not guilty. The minority view of the case prevaHed" and tIle maj.ority was tUlirned down. Numerous and extended reports of District Lecturers and District Dreputy Grand Masters are found in the Journal. The Districts alld the Ilames -ofD!eputies;r witb the names of the Lodges are publisher~ i.'n 'the 'Journal. One item itS the closing hours of the sessionalwa)71sapp!earsin the Proceedings,. Tlie Grand Treasurer wasauthoriz:edtop:ay for :vefreshments and servants' hire. If the Grand Lodge of Virginia feeds as well during its session as the Masons did OR oneoecasion wJaen I was a visitor in Richmgnd, and a participant in the hospitalities of our big. hea:rted Virginians, they must have a:ada good time. OORRESPONDENCE.
R. W. Bro. J. W. Eg~leston, Ch2:tirlI.l.an of 路the Committee, submitte'd tbe annual review, which em.'Ora,ced examinati0+ts, more or less ela1;>orate, of sixty-three Grand Lodge Journals, A.merican and F'oreign. Brother Eggleston examines closely the Proce路edin.gs路 I' eviewed, and makes frequent quotations therefrom, followed by perUEi6Jnt observations, and practic'ale0I11!.l.mentB. His treiatment J(j~tr:nals noticed is necess,arily brief,6wing to the largenuttlibe:r l
viewed, and the limited number of pages. Viewed from a Virginia standpoint, doubtless' his interpretations of Jurisprudence are sound. He holds the doctrine that it is not a good rule to giv~ a Lodge exclusiv(~ jurisdiction over all candidates for the Degrees in Masonry who may live within its territorial limits. The reason assigned is that many路 goodmen are kept out of Masonry by a local prejudice. 'that law or custom would not obtain in Missouri. The incorporation of Lodges was justly and properly held to be a.n unsafe procedure. Brother Eggleston believes that all candidates for the Mysteries of Free Masonry should pay the fees,. none being exempted from the payment of Degree Fees, not even ministers. Such is the governing rule in Missouri. . Our Missouri Journal for 1902 received due consideration, two pages being accorded the w,ork. He appropriated freely from the Address of Grand Master Finagin, commenting vigorously upon what our Grand Master termed a "Missouri Landmark," which permits a man with an artificial limb to be made a lVIas,on. Brother Finagin said our la"w will "certify to the wisdom of progressive Masonry." Brother Eggleston made a proper protest against the so-called "progressive science in Masonry," and denominated it an excuse for innovations. It is not necessary for me to reaffirm my position on this subject, and my entire dissent from the very weak utterance of Grand Master Finagin in attempting to defend an indefensible position. While our Virginia Brother thus commented on the "artificial appliance" law in Missouri, the law against which I have registered a路 staJidi~g protest, yet I think his own Grand Lodge has gone to the. other extreme. One of the twelve decisions of the Grand Master, and approved by the Grand Lodge, contains this statement: "I decided that a person who had lost the little finger of his right hand was not eligible to obtain the Degrees of Masonry." In such case an artificial finger would not be .of any service except to make the hand ornamental. Whether the "artificial appliance rule" in Missouri could be used in this case or not, I respectfullY submit that the loss of that one small member of the body would in no sense disqualify an otherwise worthy candidate for the Mysteries of Free Masonry. Commenting upon my report as Committee on Correspondence, wherein I uttered my dislike to conferring Degrees without proficiency, he said that "many in Virginia are of like mind," and spoke approvingly of the sentiment uttered by somebody tliat it "was doubtful if there had ever been a good, useful Mason produced by conferring the three Degrees upon a man in one evening." In this view, Brother Eggleston and myself are in full accord. I wish to correct my misapprehension of a statement made by Brother Eggleston in a former report., .My mistake was路 in assum-
ing that he thought that all continental Grand Lodges and Grand Orients are in intimate relations with the Grand Orient of France nowhere recognized in Masonry as Masonry. in English~speak.ing countries. He clearly expressed that the Grand Orient of France was no'Vvhere recognized in any English-speaking countries. The law of 'Virginia permits Masons to pay One Dollar per annum to a Lodge and be excused for non~affi1iation. FIe says that great many Lodges in that Jurisdiction are in that boat, and the la,v is perhaps doing more harm than good. He rightly views the subjeet in stat.ing the non~a:ffl1iation question is most perplexing one affairs... I can.not Brother and take leave as he has
The M. ~r. Grand of Wasllingtoll convened in the city of T'acoma on the 10th day of June, and was presided over by M. W. Bro. Henry L. Kennan, Grand Master. M" W. Bro. 1'h08. M. Reed, P. G. M., being Grand Secretary. There were present a full corps of Grand Officers, and representatives()f Lodges. The statement is found in opening that there were Lodge.s 'On the roll. In the statistical recapitqlation the said ther'e were 112.. The membership in these Lodges amounts to 6,205. The net gain set down at 400. An Address of Welcome was tendered the Grand Lodge, and duly responded hotll Addresses being found in the Pl"oceedings. ADDRESEt
M. W. Bro. Kennan sulnuitted an Address of medium length, w}lich required twelve pages. In opening; he said that they had met underanspices most favorable. He announced that the foundation of Masonry in Washington "tas laid deejll), and made firm and lasting. NEOROLOQflt
The list of Honored Dead was headed by the name of citizen, statesman and Mason, Brother Wm. brief sketch of his life and prop.er trIbute was paid to the . . . . ,.,.. . . . ".. . . ,..... G. L. Ap.-IO.
of that distinguished Brother. The death of Brother David E. Bailey, ,vho had served as Grand路 Master of the Grand Lodge of Nevada, was also announced. Memorial tablets are found in the Proceedings in honor of both Brethren named. The Address of the Grand Master furnishes a record of corner-stones laid, Halls dedieated, Lodges constituted, Lodge removals and Special Dispensations issued. The Dispensations granted were for special work embracing in a few instances conferring Degrees out of time. Dispensations were refused to ballot on candidates whom he considered ineligible, and to confer Degrees in a less period than required by law. DECISIONS.
'I'he Address contains fourteen official rulings made by the Grand Master, which were passed upon by the Committee on Jurisprudence. All of the decisions were recommended for approval by a majority of the committee. One member demurred, and offered some critical objections. 'T'he Grand lVlaster held that it was not proper for a Lodge to place a Masonic Memorial window in a church edifice; and he also held that it was not necessary to路 ballot on the petitions of a 'candidate for the Degrees who was found to be ineligible for any reason. He ruled that the loss of the whole of the thumb of the lett hand rendered an applicant ineligible. This was approved by the committee. The doctrine of physical perfection seems to have been ptished to its last limit in this case. The finding of the Grand Master wa.s that a person employed as a saloon-keeper or bar-tender at a place where intoxicating liquors are sold is to enter into the business of selling liquor as a beverage. Of course such ruling, which was affirmed, rendered the party ineligible to receive the Degrees of Masonry. MASONIO HOME.
Grand lVlaster Kennan remarked that the most important subject considered at the last Communication was the establishment of a Masonic Home, and desired that 路no backward step should be taken-. He said, wisely, that "A Masonic rIome is not intended to supplant individual benevolence, but to assist in developing it." A committee having under consideration the subject of establishing a Masonic Home reported that the policy of the Grand Lodge heretofore declaredwas that no Home be established at the present time, but that the Grand Lodge devote itself to raising an amount out of which, a.t the proper time when the necessity required', the Home can be built. The plan adopted one year before being approved, and commended,
it was continued for another year. Brother John G. Campbell, on behalf of the Brethren of Tacoma, offered to the 'Grand Lodge $100
as a donation to the Masonic Home fund. His benefaction was ac· cepted with thanks. 'The Grand Master brought before the Grand Lodge the "Grand Lecturer system," which he assumed pos;sessed many of the outlines of a su.ccessful plan for disseminating the standard work. This plan had been tried for one year and abandoned. It wa.s the desire of the Grand Master that efforts should be made to confusion caused by Brethren from Jurisdictions The Addres,g statement that Slof",el"'~bmi:v adopted at the of tbe Grand their positien lJYilaSO]I':!!c· Fr:at:€wfDitv throughout ibis fraternal relasincerity of t~eir Grand Lodges are, this subject. Our
Brethren honorable, truthful and sincere, and· their declaration should receive due and proper credit. Tlrie of the Grand Lodge se1em to o'e in a healthy state as the Grand Treasurer rel)Orted having handled $16,885 during the term. Grand Secreta.ry, M. vV. Brother Reed, sullmitted a very com:plete general report followed an elaborate .statistical account. Tendering congratuhition.s to· th~ on another annual return of the Grand Communication, proceeded to a detailed statement of the thtngs that had JP,asse!d through his office. It was six new Lodges hadb~en organized· during the year. frOl:tl a report,·· weredtlllly chartered by the Grand Lodge. reported the conditi(j)n of the Lodges,· with one or. two as. having done well, and from reports received, harmony preva..Ued. Masoni.c Home had to ahout $2,700. He. an..: nO'(l1!l..()ed the .pleasure realized in the funds. of the Grand "are in a good and healthy C·QiliLQI't1o:n. "W~~SI!lnlgt()~n
Grand Orator, Brother A. ·L.Miller, delivered Lodge oration, which he WaI.S reg'Uiested to furnish in· the Proceedings. ine Address, over three pages, inds a Ene Its bre'V'ity is Qne of the 'mem"ID,ier's
the Grand Lodge offered a resolution on retrenchment, asking the appointment of a comnlittee to ascertain if some cutting down could not be made without injuring the interests of Masonry. The Com~ mittee on Finance reported on the resolution looking .to retrenchment, and expressed the view that the appropriation for the in.. coming year w:as not greater than should be made to properly conduct the Grand Lodge business. The appropriations were therefore made,. amounting to some $6,000. Past Grand Master Brother Stephen J. Chadwick, Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence, submitted a document concerning the Grand Orient of Belgium. The document shows that the Grand Lodge of Washington had, at a former session, authorized an exchange of representatives with said Grand Orient. It ha.ving-since appeared that said Orient is in harmony with the Grand Orient of France, a body' which ignores a belief in God as an essential of Masonry, it was resolved that the Grand Lodge of Washington return the commission heretofore issued by the Grand Orient of Belgium appointing a Grand Representative, and recalling the commission warranting the appointment of a Grand Representative near that Grand Orient, so that the afore,said institutton is out of court. I have gleaned from the Proceedings of Washing.. ton as fully .as time and space will justify. I am gratified to see in the Proceedings, as a frontispiece, a picture of the venerable and widelyknown, as well as universally admired, Grand Secretary of Washington, M. W. Bro. Thomas Milburn Reed, P. G. M. There is an amiability expressed in the face that has long found its utterances in his affable and fraternal writings. May he long continue to live to honor the Grand Lodge that he has served so faithfully. CORRESPONDENCE.
A characteristically strong report of 134 pages emanated fronl the able and practical committee, M. W. Bro. Stephen J. Chadwick, Past Grand Master. This is his first report. I earnestly hope it nlay not be his last. Anyone who followed him through his administration as Grand Master would naturally desire to become better acquainted with this amiable and capable writer. The review of his work on Correspondence has intensifi.ed such desire on the part of the Missouri Committee. It is always most agreeable to fall in, in Masoniccompanionsbip, with a writer who. is not one of your "Know.AlIs." One journey with him through the lar~e and inviting field traveled by Grand Lodge "reporters'? is enough to determine the men.. tal quality of the man, and to catch the Spirit of true Masonic Brotherhood. There is a marked absence of the big "I" shown by those
149 who \vould have supplanted Solomon., and assumed governing functions given him from Heaven. Doubtless Brother Chadwick is familiar \vith such. While wisdom, will die with this class, there is a sad drawback in the matter that fools hardly ever die, and those wise in their o'wn conceit are permitted to remain to worry and an.. nay good people. This is one of the mysteries of Providence wholly inscrutable. In the list of Jonrnals reviewed, fifty-seven in number, Brother Chadwick mentioned Belgium, Cuba, Mexican Masonry, Costa Rica, a.nd some other foreign bodies. Concerning the Belgium J onrnal he said: "vVe have no way of translating this report, nor have we any particular desire to do so." He expre;ss,ed his personal view that while the Grand of Washington fraternal relation record goa's hasty.
not read this reUreport" from said of Missouri surely we have not Costa Brother Ohadwick said, Hln our judgment, action should be deferred. for another year." So mote it be. The general report of the vVashington Committee is largely supplied with extracts, which received sage comments, and very clever treatment. T'here is vi~orin all be writes, freedom from carping critici sm, and an amiable tone runs through the whole. 13:e is eminently soulld on all moral and spares nothing inimical to the good of his fellow-m路en. is shown in a 路l!l.arked opposition to the curse of the race, known as liquor selling. .comm路enting on the action of the Grand t01.lching the .Uquor issue, Brother Chadwick gave to the soundes,t and' best sentiments met with in nlY pounds among the Grand Lodges of the da.y. Departing from my long and fixed custom to avoid the use of scissors in preparing my I here appropriate the S(\ytugs? of Brother Chadwick anent "And it is the duty of every Grand Lodge to maintain a strict barrier against all classes whose business tends to the promoti..on of vice or the degradation of mai-kind. That many good men in a gieneral sense are engaged in the Uquor business may true, 'but the busineas i.s not consistent wi.t!.bft.he ,pretences, aims 'and hope's of Masonry, and the Order can.. Jlo!tafford to endorse direetlyor indirectly a calling which d.Qes not ~llIe(Du.rage temperance, and tend,s '. to overthrow of pra(ience amQing its 'members. Masonry mllst be alive to the progress oftnoraI and the change:d habits aB.d.conditions路 af men.. 'T1'!etime
our ancient Brethren met in taverns is gone forever, and it is gen~ erally accepted as an essential regulation that liquor of any路 kind should never be introduced in a lodge room." OUf Missouri Proceedings of 1901 received very courteous though brief consideration. He said Grand Master Wells "delivered a very business-like address," and furnished a good summary of his official acts. Speaking on the official findings of our Grand Master" and the position of this Grand Lodge on "artificial appliances/' he rather tartly remarked: "Here is where Missouri shines." There is a statement found in Holy Writ "that if the light in thee be darkness, how great is the/ darkness." How can "Missouri shine" when darkness has taken the place of light? Brother Chadwick said there was no evidence that there "was breath in any of these physical p,ieces of patch work." I have long since assumed that parts of those who receive Masonic recognition (the artificial part) are not legally made, for the reason that the "artificial appliances" were not of "lawful age," having been but recently brought into being. Brother Chadwick gave my correspondence fraternal mention and kind ap~ proval, and wound up by saying, "No comment is made on the Correspondence report." I reply: From my youth I have followed a safe rule to form opinions, and make my acquaintances accordingly, claiming the right to select my associations. Following this rule, I always select gentlemen as companions. Hence there was "No comment made on the report on correspondence." Brother Chadwick: did not write said report, or it would have received proper "comment." JOHN ART1-IUR, Seattle, Grand Master. TJ:.IOMAS MILBURNE R:E,ED, Olympia, Grand Secretary. Since writing the foregoing, I have discovered that M. W. Bro. Stephen J. Chadwick was not reappointed Committee on Foreign Correspondence. "As you like it."
The Grand Lodge convened in the city of Fairmount, and held its session in Masonic Temple, commencing November 12. It was presided over by M. W. Bro. Peyton R. Harrison,. Grand Master, M. W. Bro. George W..A.tkinson being Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form, Representatives being present of 117 Lodges out of 120 on the roll. .Th.'eGrH,nd Secretaryestimate-s the membership at 8,022~ indicating a ~in of 591.
The address of M. W. Bro. Harrison is specially noticed for its brevity, only six pages being required for a presentation of his official acts. He stated that the year had been one of progress for the Craft, and that from all parts of the State good accounts had been received from the Subordinate Lodge,s. He recorded the death of t,vo GJ,,'and Lodge officers. Brother Hugh Sterling, Grand Treas~ boon after the close of the session. He :had nlll/JJllr'll"'l't)tll'" of the Grand Lodge." and conspicuous as, vener'Q"ble and Brother Ttmothy from years of seiI'vi.ee in Masonry Memorial comLodge.s of the Jurislarge number of ).ayingcorner-stones" work not provid~d Following the death of tht'ir Grand Treasurer,. Hugh Sterling~ Grand Master appointed M. W. Bro. S,amuel M. Meyers, P. G. M., to fill tne vacancy. The appointee entered upon his duties at once, giving. the required bond. One Loclge' had been created U. D.; and was duly chartered during the session of the Grand Lodge. A petition for the creation of a new I.todge at some point was quietly declined. The Grand Master stated that with' a single exception, no new questions had been brought up for bis (~onsideration. Many questions had heen asked, but were easily answered hy ··reference to the Law. The Grand Master had nothing special to report on thesnbj!ect of Masonic Home. The chairman of the Committee on thiis interest reported-at some lengtl:rt. urging the Grand I..Iodge to take immediate ste'l)s looking to thecrea· tion of that desirable institution. It was the opinion of the COllt:mittee that the Brethren of the .Jurisdietion will cheerfully pay a specialassessmen't of one dollar a· year f()ra time, .which will bring into the Treasury of the Home Fund pros,sibly $15,000. Tha.t amount with What they have on hand woul.d"besu:lic1ent to start the institn!ion in fairlY' good shape. The Chairman said that he had received the promise of $5,000 from a prominent Mason in the State. It further appears from the report that the Brethren at a given point had offered the Oommittee on" Masonic Home ,o·ne hundred acres of land. The property w,as repoirted as in' fairly· good condition, and with. 8 small· outlay could be made a very comfortable Home.- This·stJ.'I.)rje~~was referred to ,the Grand Lo{lge .sitting ,as a co.~mift.ee.~~it~~ whole, when the report already ment~()ned was again brougbt .• u..Ji)••
Finally, on motion of the Chairman of the Committee, the matter was indefinitely postponed. The Grand Seeretary added: "Thus ends, for the present., a.t least, the matter of establishing a Masonic Home within this State." The Grand' lVIaster, in his address, gave it as his opinion, that one of the nlost pressing needs of the Grand Lodge is a Temple of its own, where the archives of the Lodge can be kept in good order, and ,accessible at all times. The Chairman of the Committee formerly appointed to report on the advisability of se,curing a Temple, made a special report, and, on motion, the Committee was continued for another year. Reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary w'ere incorporated in the Proceedings. The income was shown as a little over $6,000. Reports of the Grand Lecturer and. District Deputy Grand Masters followed in order. A resolution was introduced and referred to the Committee on Finance that the Grand Secretary be authorized to purchase a past Grand Master's jewel for each of the Past Grand l\'Iasters who still retain membership in that Grand Jurisdiction, that may not have heretofore received such compliment. Subsequently, action was had on this sllbject, and the Grand Lodge directed that the retiring Grand Master, Brother Peyton Harrison, and the three eldest Grand Masters in point of service, be presented with jewels at a price not to exceed $75 each. Resolved, that a life-size portrait .of Brother Harrison, the retiring Grand Master, be painted in oil, and placed with other' portraits of Past GrandlV[asters in the Masonic Temple at Wheeling. During the session announcement was made that their venerable Grand Chaplain, Rev. Brother Woodworth, had been in poor health. It was resolved that the sum of $100 be sent to the retiring Past Grand Chaplain with an expression of the sytmpathy of the Grand Lodge,and its assurance of ready aid in every possible manner. .The Comn1ittee on Proceedings of Grand Officers stated that the acts of the Grand l\Iaster in his various duties deserved 路the commendation and approval of the Craft. Before the session closed, the question of the place for holding the next session was considered, and several points were put in nomination. Finally Clarksburg was the victor, and carried off the prize. This Grand I,odge seems to enjoy, like others, the great pleasure of "being on wheels." e"
The report was prepared by M. W. Bro. George W. Atkins'oll, P.. G. M., "as Committee on Correspondence, which contains', 260 pa,ges, being a' comprehensive and . thorough review of the transactions of sixty-two Grand I..lodges. If the Proceedings of West Vir-
ginia should appear "without a report on Correspondence from the pen of the energetic and versatile Brother Atkinson there would be mourning in the land. In according to sixty-two Grand Lodge Proceedings, notices more or less. extended, one inlmediately expects review 'well drawn out; hence the 260 pages employed by the West Virginia C,ommittee. OccasionaJly I have had cause to speak of "dullness elaborated"-not so in the case of Brother Atkinson; but I use term-"interest extended." Under the head of "1.,,,,,1"1I·'J'"\.rl1'iI""I",i"'lIl'·,r Remarks," he mentions various questions that divide and thinkers of thte He truly said "these Ilotfactions." He snmnlarized the question of and seems to fairly conservative, al<.,,·','l""""'0j""'Il'n'.'·I,''''~· given to progressive Speaking of the Gran he to another Grand Btody body known as the H lils conclusion t~nies country "·~Nill most likely of douhtful origin and the of Perpetual Jurisdiccandidates. regards this subject as a bone of His conclusion was that the end of the discussion of question is not yet. I wish to express the thought that the discussion is not likely to end as long as Grand Lodges are sov~re!gn and independent, thereby holding doctrines not unMasonic or foreign to the spirit of the Fraternity, and claiming the right to exercise legal control and jurisdiction oyer affairs peculiarly local. Brother Atkinson took up the. subject of non-a,ffiliation, which he regards as the gravest problem nowconfron ting th~ organization of Free Masonry. It is his opinion., and I concur, . that moral suasion is that "\ve cando to induce this army of straggling Masohs to come back into camp. He commented vigorously on the ~buse of the ballot, where the blackball is used purely for personal reasons and spite. He uttered the conviction of this writer in saying that no true Mason would be guilty of such conduct. :He concluded his instructive remarks by saying that "with all our minor differences' of opinion on various subjects it is evident that we, as Maeons, are in th~e true sense of the word at harmony with one another the wide world over." The general report. of Brother Atkinson is a well massed collection of Grand Lodge transactions transferred to his report by the use of the scissors. In· all matters brought thus to the attention by his excerpts, when it was required, he gave terse and pertinent· comments both sound and appro'priate. I :find that he, like' myself, is without qualification opposed to the
innovation known as the "cipher rituaL" Replying to the comment of some Masonic critic who disapproved the action of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia about closing the Grand Lodge on a particular da:r's work, Brother Atkinson agrees with the criticism, saying that all that is necessary is simply to call Brethren from Labor to Refreshment. This is the custom in Missouri, and has been from time immemorial. Brother Atkinson is, as he has ,always been, sound on the question of saloon keepers and liquor sellers in Masonry. One committee, commenting on the action of his Grand Lodge, takes the position that there are others in Masonry equally bad with saloon keepers. It is inferred that this view of the case is intended to justify liquor drinking as well as saloon keeping. Such dodging a great moral issue and use of sophistry is unworthy of a Ma'sonic writer. Two ,vrongs never make a right. If the selling of liquor is justified, then the drinking of it may be justly allowed. Miss'ouri has often been condemned by sister Jurisdictions for adopting laws against the selling of liquor by Masons, and styled its acts as "class legislation." This contention is so silly and shallow that it' needs no refutation. Masonry being a moral institution, whatever is productive of immorality or is immoral it~ self, is unMasonic. We hold in Missouri that it is not good law to punish the victim who drinks intemperately, and not punish the victimizer who furnishes the ruinous and destructive stuff. lean not follow Brother Atkinson further in his able and .instructive production. He gave Missouri for 1902 a notice of five pages. He gave a thorough revie'w of Brother Finagin's address, noted the report of the-Deputy Grand Master, Brother Yocum~ since deceased, complimented Brother McDowell as Grand Lecturer, and presented a condensed view of all the transactions, paying a very kind tribute to this writer on Correspondence. He did nle the justice to say that, technically, I :am right in dissenting from his view as to an irregularly made Mason not necessarily being. clanp.estine. I again enter . my demurrer to his statement, which is as follows: "No Mason illegally made can be recognized as a MasoTI, and in effect and all intents and purposes is no more than a clandestine." In his. conclusion 'Brother Atkinson said that of all the years in his life the one just closing had been the busiest. I suppose he real~ izes the feeling common to all'of us when he said, "As I grow older the days grow shorter. I reckon I am growing old, but I cannot help that." ELI M. TURNER, Morgantown, Grand Master. GEORGE W. ATKINSON, Charleston, Grand Sec. and Com. on Cor.
The session was held in "Masonic Building," commencing June 10th. There were present M. W. Bro. F. H. L. Cotton, 'Gra.nd Master, M. W. Bro. Wm. W. Perry, Grand Secretary, with the usual number of Grand Officers, and Representatives of 235 out of 246 Lodges on the roll. The total me'mbership, as shown by the report of the ~Tlt.nlounted to 19,775. money received $1.0,844.
Grand Master Cotton, In opening he returns from show a steady and llei;~1t;.n.rl:U growth ,of the Order' in this Jurisdiction." This v;ras folthe statement that "Past Master Eugene S. Elliott" bee'B called away on the 2nd of January, 1902. He'\vas elected Grand Master in 1886 and fined that ,station two years. rrhe Grand Master said of him: "He was a m'ost faithful and efficient officer, an upright man and Mason, a conscientious and impartial judge, ,and a' pure-minded Christian gentleman." One worthy of such a tribute will be missed from the ranks of. the Fraternity and from the varied walks of life. Touching and tender words were uttered by the Grand Master in reviewing the loss sustained by the deaths of many in other Jurisdictions who been honored by the Craft. High among these na.mes was· that· of' our fallen President, Brother William McKinley. The Grand Mastel" placed on· record his' detestation of the diabolical spirit of the degenerate. wretch 'who struck down the amiable and loving President of this nation, and decliared that such "should be· driven ba'CK to foreign shores to wither and burn upon the hot-beds of socialism that gave the'm birth." The Address embraced accounts of various matters transacted, such as autho:rizi:ng Special Communications for various purposes·, ap,· pointing Grand Representatives, crieatill,g four new Lodges under dispensation, issuing dispensations to "clispensewith the constitu· tional requirements as to time for balloting and conferring the Degrees H in a number of cases. He very properly refus'ed perm~ssion to "Masonic clothing aia d.a.n,cing party gi:ven 'under tb;f3 aU8])icesof the Lodge/' Acas,e of interest was presented., where a piarty, who had been rejected by a Wisconsin Lodge, succeeded in getting-into a lJodge in Chicago. Grand Masters of· the ,. two aO(;'UIl0eIlt
Jurisdictions took up the case, which resulted in the expulsion of the party aforesaid. Mr. A~ J. Gatterdam will not "dam" Masonry any more by his sharp methods. Much matter of a miscellaneous nature was brought before the Grand Body in the Address. On the subject of a Masonic Home, Brother Cotton advised that 路'we should not allow ourselves to become over~enthusiastic. Let us proceed slowly and carefully." Some money has been raised looking to the creation of a "Masonic Home or Charity Fund." MELVIN L. YOUNGS.
The Address contains the statement that this Brother ,vas absent for the first time in thirty-five years, who had been for five months last past, confined to his home, greatly enfeebled and not expected to survive the attack. Brother Youngs had been Grand Leeturer since 1857. It was my privilege to meet and make the acquaintance of Brother Youngs when visiting the Grand Lodge of Wis'consin some years ago. I was pleased, yea, charmed with his bearing. I am sure the following by Grand Master Cotton represents the facts when he said of Brother Youngs: "He will leave his mark impressed upon the Craft of this .Jurisdiction in a way. that will remind us of his earnest labors, for many years to come." On account of the increasing weight of years and feeble health, it was recommended that Brother Youngs be retained as Custodian of the work-"Custodian Emeritus," and that a Grand Lecturer be, appointed. M. W. Bro. Cotton closed his excellent business Address with a recommendation that the salary of the Grand Secretary be increased three hundred dollars per year. Heretofore he received only twelve hundred per annum. This increase was des!erved, and the present amount is not in proportion to the service rendered. The fourteen decisions reported by the Grand~ Master were dulyconsider~ by an able (Jurisprudence) committee and approved with one exception. This was where an election had be,en held for offi'C'ers, with a given number o'f members present and voting. There being more ballots found than members present, the committee held (rightly) that "should there be more ballots cast than the number of Brothers present, the ballot is illegal and_should be declared void." REPORT OF GRA.ND SECRETARY.
The Gr:and Secretary, IVL W. Bro. William W. Perry, was brief, and business-like, as was to be expected, and furnishe'd a.ll required data. He reported the income from all sources at nearly $10,000. The Grand Lodge Trustees reported as to t.he "Financh"il condition of the Grand Lodge." The assets .foot up something over $22,000.
157 A special report of' considerable length, showing careful research on was furnished by M. W. Bro. Aldro Jenks, Committee, bearing upon the sllbje-ct of recognizing the bodies known as Grand Lodges of Costa Rica and the Valley of Mexico. Following a very thorough review of the status of these claimants, Brother Jenks recoIDlnended "That the application for recognition made by the Grand Lodges of Costa Rica and the Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico denied." His report was adopted. The IVrissouri Committee been so tardy in .recommending the bodies named and for recognition, his non-action has been am "rilling such responsibilties Lodge of MH;s011ri. JEWEL.
Brother Myron Reed, Past Grand lVIaster C. C. o£ Brother Rogers in keeping with fine talking and graceful oratory. No dis.. crimination is intended by this writer, but be ventures the personal opinion that no re.cipient of like courtesy in Wisconsin ever "won his spurs" more meritoriously. COI:tRESPONI)ENCE.
An admirable review covering 160 p!ages was furnished by M. W. He is one' of the strong writers of the day, practical and sound on every question that is· of interest to the Fraternity. He makes occasional quotations and comments mo,re or less at length, giving his views in vigorous and terse language. Glancing briefly at his various utterances I find that his attitude on gen.eral questions is in perfe·ct accord with that of tbis writer. In reviewing the Proceedings of Alabama, Brother Jenks disagrees with the decision that restoration by the Grand Lodge to good Masonic standing of an expelled Mason plaees him in the membership of the Lodge which expelled him. He holds that the status of a party in such cas'e is that of a dimitted· Mason. So do r. Speaking of the efforts of Grand Lodges to establish Masonic Brother· Jenks declared· hims,elf not in favor o,f this method of bestowing Masonic Charity, believing that it is "yielding to the too prevalent desire to modernize M,asonry." I would ask Brother Jenks. 'if, by establishing Masonic HOIDt3iS and thereby providing f()r n.eedyelaimants upon Masonic Charity, modernizes Maso'nry any Bro~Aldro Jenks, P. G. M., Committee.
more than to provide funds and disburse them either by Grand or Subordinate Lodges. I fail to appreciate the idea that in our Masonic Home movements we "modernize Masonry," but, on the contrary, if we ha.ve not reached the true idea of what constitutes Masonic Charity. The Grand Lodge -of the District .of Columbia having declared that a new ballot may be taken on a rejected application "when it shall have been definitely determined that an irregularity has occurred," Brother Jenks holds with this writer that "when the result of the ballot has been announced the ballot is at an end and no further balloting is permissible upon the petition before the Lodge." This is my attitude on the subject notwithstand.ing the law of the Grand Lodge of Missouri allows th~ Grand Master to permit a re-ballot for good cause shown. H-e treated a certain Past Master of a Lodge in Florida very delicately in referring to said party as "a self-constituted champion for saloon-keepers," and mentioned at some length路 the fact that the circular of said Past Master fell into my hands and received a rebuke he is not likely to forget. He quoted with approval the refusal of the Grand l\laster of Georgia to grant a dispensation to lay the corner-stone of a church on Sunday. He stated that it was not a work of imperative necessity. Brother Jenks is profoundly in ,earnest and sound as earnest, on the subject of liquor-s,elling and liquo,r-drinking Masons. He said: "There is no place in M.asonry for the drunkard or the drunkard maker." Referring to the docUIDlent adopted by the Grand ~odge of Idaho defining what are regular and duly constituted Masonic Bodies, ,embracing all the so-called "higher Degrees," Brother Jenks said there was more power in sucn action for mischief than almost anything that has taken place in that Grand Lodge. He asked a very pertinent question, which I have asked and reiterated through the years gone by: "What has. Symbolic Masonry to do with the so-called higher Degrees?" Echo has never answered and never can. Our Missouri Journal for 1901 was very cordially treated, four pages being assigned to a consideration of our doings.Spea-king of Brother Wells, he said: "The Address of the Grand Master was one of more than ordinary ability." He approved of the decision of Grand Master Wells, who held that the removal of a W-orshipful Master from the Jurisdiction of a Lodge, while vacating the office, does not justify an election to fill the station, but that the Senior Warden should assume charge of the Loclge. Com.. menting on an official ruling of Brother Wells concerning one who had been non-affiliated for eighteen months, but for twelve months had been sick and bed-fast-thathe was not entitled to Masonic burial~Brother Jenks said that the decision was literally correct.
His views are that "A dimitted Mason is not entitled as a matter of right, to Masonic burial." It is his contention that the Master of a Lodge may at his discretion bury such Brother with Masonic honors. It would be considered Masonic treason in Missouri for a Mason to hold such an opinion. For myself,. I maintain that the standard of Masonry in modern days has been constructed by commercial considerations. It has gotten to be a governing influence in some Lodges that an old Mason coming into a new cOJPmunity with a dimit cannot be received into me·mbership on account of age lest be become a charge on a Lodge. This niggardness overlooks the fact that l\ri.asonmay have amHated for Hfe-time and paid dues the work. yethemnst be (~ost the I .am opp0siea restricted th,e men in the' case change the ConLodges, Brother such amendConsti tll tion ill it was so agaInst any possible innova~ tion hy future legislation that it was practically locked up and the key thrown away. The only way "Thieh ~l'e can amend our or~ ganic law is to submit the proposed change to the Lodges and let them vote for or against the moolifieation. Treating of the official status of Missouri on subject of physical qualification, Brother .Jenks said: HMissouri has madle it$!elf the laughing-stock of the world. by the extent to which they ...i1avegO'ne in thIs matter." My review on Correspondence was kindly noted and favorably commented upon. .He. quoted from form\~r l1tter~nces of this writer .on the subj,ect of physical qualification. o,(candidates. He beUevedtha.t my view on the question of restoration of a suspended Mason for a definite period takes place at explra~ion of. the s€'ntence of SUSp,€:tlsion, and said : "This the only logical conclU'Siion of tl;he subject." The Grand Lodge through ·itsCommittee on Jurisprudence, declared the Grand Master, while :having. power to grant permission to Lodges. to attend church on Sabbath in Masonic clothing, e.A:~ressied doubt as to the p1"oprietyof making a Masonic display in canne,etion with such s.a·Qred setviee. I have-fully expressed ~~self on this subje,ct in a fo~mer :Brother Jenks quotedm}"'tttterances on that· snbj.eet.'With He did not find a notice of Wisconsin Proce!edings iI.l,'t!he. of 1902 nor any mention of the missing Journal-The JourJl,alwas not received, am.d it wa,san .oversight in not menti.<)iti.ng
the omission. I- must bid my personal friend and Brother Jenks good-bye, expressing the pleasure I feel at his re,appointment as Committee on Correspondence. D. MeL. MILLER, Oconomowoc, Grand Master. WM. W. PERRY, Milwaukee, Grand Secretary.
The Grand Lodge convened in the City of Ra",.Ungs, September 3, and was presided over by M. W. Bro. Samuel Corson, Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Wm. L. Kuykendall being Grand Secretary. Other Grand Officers, elected and appointed, '~tere present, with six Past Grand Masters. The records says "a quorum being present, the Grand Lodge was opened in AMPLE FORM." Pictures of the retiring Grand Master and his successor. illuminate the Proceedings. Both are solid looking Masons. ADDRESS.
The address of Brother Corson, although brief, proves him to be practical as well as solid. The brevity is not its greatest merit. It is brief enough to be read, and pays for the reading. He said, in opening, that the past year had been one of marked prosperity both in membership and the general advancement in Masonic cir~ cles, both as to gain in members and financial condition. He very wisely remarked that' "mere numbers, however, in the Craft, are not an infallible test of progress." Under the head of Necrology he treated at some length of the death of the distinguished fellow citi~ zen and Brother, President~rm. McKinley. In connection with the services held on "Funeral Day," he had telegraphed all the Subordinate Lodges in the Jurisdiction recommending that the entrance to Lodge rooms be suitahly draped at路 the time of the general funeral service. The Grand Master .f.urnished the list of the losses sus~ tained by the local Lodges. The address contains a running aC-i~ count of official business transacted during his term, embrac.ing a few dispensations to confer Degrees out of the usual order. Anew Lodge created just before the last Grand Communication was granted a Charter during the session.
The Grand Master announced that he had been called upon to decide numerous questions, most of which might have been answered by reference to the Grand Lodge laws. Replying to the question -as to the age limit, he correctly stated there is no limitation as regards age measurement by years. The only disqualifying effecct of age is Hdotage." The question was asked, "after being made a l\/Iason if a man should engage in the saloon business, what should be in c,ase." lie said their did not provide for or any action in tbe ease a Mason engaging in I \vould like into the ear of our their law and needs it as to preside in the absettled the stating that the S. W. of the Master This is an rig}lt under "should the W. IVr. the office." It is not SO not be in any Grand Jurisdiction where there is a S. W. or a J. W. in office. He added that in case of a petition for membership an election by unanimous ballot was necessary. 'J1he Committee on Graud M!aster's address having reviewed the document, stated that having examined it carefully, found it a very valuable and concise report of his stewardship. The address merited this compliment. GRAND SECRET..:\BY. ~rbe ever faithful and Ia.boriollsGrand Secretary, Brother Kuykendall, furnished a very complete do!cument, embracing an exhibit of general importance. I-Ie reported the income for the year at $1,800. His statistical tc1.bles showed a membership of 1,308, being an increase over the previous year 'of 141. There are nineteen Lodge.s no\v on the roll, with the me,mbership above named. His report shows that all the Lodges had made returns and paid Grand Lodge dues. Brother Kuykendall stated that the increase of membership had been the greatest in the bistory of the Grand Lodge, and that the Lodges throughout the Jurisdiction were in a proSperous condition. The Grand Treasurer reported handling during the term, including balance from previous year 1 an aggregate sum Qf After the usual disbursements the balance in 路hishanclis amounted to $3,435. The Committee on Doings of Grand Officers reportet1 the financial statements to be correct. One committee,
G.L. Ap.-ll.
in reporting on the eligibility of the petitioner who had only two joints of the fingers of the right hand, the fingers all being grown together so that they could not be separated, declared it incompetent for him to be made 'a Mason. I would suggest in this case that they supply the petitioner. with an "artificial" hand. A resolution was adopted directing all the Lodges in the Jurisdiction to drape their emblems for thirty days on account of the death of Past Grand Master James H. Hayford, who had served 'Us Grand Master two terms, commencing in April, 1878. I find no mention of the death of this Brother in any other portion of the Proceedings. A resolution was offered requiring a "candidate who makes application fa become a Mason, to pledge that, should he at any future time enter into the liquor business, he w'Ould relinquish all claims against the lVIasonic Fraternity, and should suffer expulsion." The record quietly says "motion lost." ~I think that a proposition worded as this resolution was, deserves to be "lost." The Grand Lodge ofvVyoming oug,ht to luake a clear arid intelligent deliver.. ance against the liquor traffic engaged in by Iuembers of the society. The Journal of Proceedings contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Wyoming. CORRESPONDENCE.
The duty of preparing a report on Correspondence again devolved upon that able and practical revievver, Brother Wnl. L. Kuykendall, and commendably well did he discharge that duty. His 'work of 100 pages is free from extracts. It contains condensed statements of the doings of a long list of Grand Lodges, American and foreign. Brother Kuykendall is a very close observer and vigorous writer, having views all his own, with some of which I beg leave to differ. f-Ie argues at l~ngth in favor of a decision of Alabama that "a Brother who has been reinstated by the Grand Lodge to. the rights and privileges of Masonry is thereby restored to membership in the Lodge frorp. which he was suspended or expelled." I hold that a :Mason. wb,o is expelled by his Lodge is as dead to Masonry as when he Qrigin.~11y petitioned as a profane. The new life sought by restoration :n;l\lst be giyen as was Ught when origincally bestowed, which was hy a unanimous ballot. If the expelling Lodge refuses to give mell1ber~bJp to a .Mason e.xpelle.d by it, who路 is 楼asonicallY dead,路 wl1,at righ.t h~s a Qra.Dd L,odge to do wh~t its 8ubordiJ;l"ate refused to do, and ~orGe upon it Cine they had cut off for good and suffictent reasons? JPrfi)t~er ~uykeJ;ldall treated. the subject a:tconsiderable length, but certainly not in a convincillg ma:g.ner to this writer. Iiis method ~triJ\..e.s me a.S complex, and not
ADDENIJUM. rfhe Proceedings of the following named Grand Lodges came to
the body of my review had been completed, hence their
in Masonic Temple, and was preside'd over Bro. Et E. Chipm.an, with other Grand Grand Secretary, Bro. R. E. Brett, was at his p.ost. There are thirtyMtwo in the Jurisdiction, reporting 2,473 members. These Lodges, says the record, reported "total funds and property" amounting to over $84.,000. Estimated and available funds of the Grand Lodge about $7 ~OOO subject to various disbursements. It was ordered that $1,500 be transferred from the General to the Charity Fund. ADDRESS.
A very busines,sMlike docnmentemanated from the Griand East. It contains an extended list of "The Fraternal Dead" in Sister Jurisdictions, "Foreign Rel,ations" were said to be "amicable and friendly." DECISIONS.
Five official rulings were incorp,orated in th.e Address. He declare;(l a party "eligible for the D,egreeg"who had "los,t路 a part of his forefinger." It is to besuppos!ed that the finger aforesaid was on the right hand. He ruled that a Lodge working under dispensation could not grant .a dimit toa Brother who had affiliated with the Lodge while working under such warrant. He must wait until the Lodge' is chartered before securing the privilege of dismislsloo, though he may want to move beyond the Jurisdiiction that路 thns binds him. Suppose the Lodge' is continued under dispensati<)nfor
another term, as is often the case. The Brother must remain in connection with the Lodge against his will and interest. I would ask what is a Lodge for while working U. D.? Our Missouri Law allows Lodges U. D. to affiliate Masons, "grant dimits, which must be certi~ed to by the Grand Secretary" and other reasonable and proper things. The Grand Master properly decided that an un~ affiliated Mason may petition any Lodge for membership he selects for his Masonic Home,. and is not confined to any particular Lodge in the Grand Jurisdiction. Under the head of路 Special Dispensations, Grand Master Chipman uttered most sound and healthy doctrine concerning "Prerogatives." He said: "I am of the opinton that a Grand Master in this Jurisdiction can only grant dispensations which are specifically provided for by the Constitution." Four Lodges were created under dispensation during the term, and were duly chartered by the G~and Lodge. Numerous visits made by the Grand Master were reported, which had proved delightful occasions, where he 'was received with due honor and courtesy. He stat.ed that "The finances of our Grand Lodge are in a very much improved condition." The Craft was reported in a he,althy state and that the utmost harmony prevailed. A report was rendered by the Deputy Grand Master, followed by reports from the severn,l Deputies of Districts. The Grand Secretary, Brother Brett, submitted in detail his annual statement, embracing statistical information valuable to the local fraternity. CORRESPONDENCE.
Brother W. A. DeWolf-Smith, Committee on Correspondence, submitted his seventh annual review, which embraced notices, more or les.s brief, ,of the doings of sixty-four Grand Lodges. It covers 215 pages. I am unable to determine whether Brother DeWolf-Smith was standing on his head or not when the report was gotten up. At 'any rate the reader ,of th~ work from page 80 to 96 would have to perform that perilous feat while reading the report, if he made his reading continuous. Perhaps the binder reversed one "form." The work of the committee is fullly up to his form,er standard and ho14s a front place am,ong American Reviews'. Brother DeWolfSmith excerpts discretely, comments路 wisely and speaks his mind freely on matters foreign路 to his conception of what is legitimate, yet he is very fraternal and courteous, thus proving himself a sa.,fe ~uide to his Jurisdiction. Our Missouri doings at the K~nsas City session of 1902 were treated kindly in a three-p,age notice. He said the Addres~ oi:"Grand Master Finagin l'was short a:o.d practica1." As Grand Master Finagin had b~en out of the. State for siX; montb~,
it not to be expected that he would -or could furnish a Hlong~I' Address. Fourteen pages ought to be accepted as sufficiently extended for the time he, was in charge of the office. Ever:y Grand Master nlust say something. I do not approve of "sweetness long dra\Vll out" any more than dullness elaborated. Sweetness oftens p,alIs and dullness. bores. Brother DeWolf-Smith properly pokes fun at the statement of our Grand Master for calling the la VIi of "artificial a "Land mark." Lord save us from classing our Missouri legislation as to the law am,ong the tolLand Marks. I anl glad to be in the same class with Brother DeWolfand many other point,s we are iu_ fuB accord. to my question a's his name, "why not plain ,,,ere not ''lfay.'' BrotlJ..er
The session convened in "Corinthian. Hall/' May 5th. and was opened by M. VV. Bro. AlbertS.. KimJDaIl, Grand Master, assisted by otberGrand Officers. The reqo;Jrd. states that there are 19,8 chartered Lodges in the Jurisdiction, Representative:s being preise:nt from 191. Ten Past tran{l Masters were enrolled as present, Representatives from Sister Grand. LodgJes. Missouri was rameDabared by Brother Daniel P. Boyton, enrolled as: our Representative. It is so rare to :find· our G;rand. Lod,~a r,epresented, that I fe·e1 ealled upon to· make special mention of tbis ease. ADDRESS.
unusually lengthy Addresis was presented. by the. Grand Inopi~nling he gave quite Id,ngexordh.lm, mostly occupied
with what is termed "a retrospective glance." This was succeeded by a· sad announcement touclling t]le great loss sustained Craft: "During the year death has laid heavy hands Grand Ladge circlie, causing. every :Masonic heart in a.mong olae:st and' most Bers." lie then enumerated their recording 11h~ tld'n~'l'"'h,r1i!t)
from earth of P'ast Grand lVlaster Edward Payson Burnham, who died May 12th. Two Past Senior' Grand Warde,ns are found in the list of their "honored dead"-Brothers Summer J. Chadbourne and Thaddle'l1s R. Simonton, the latter being the "eldest P. S. G. VI." On t'he25th of October, 1902, the news came like "the lightning flash from the clear sky that Past Grand M:aster Josiah H. Drummond, on his way to his office from his noon lun~h had fallen in the street and expired almost instantly." Doubtless the shock to the Grand Ma.ster of Maine was overwhelming, as the sho-elI has been felt throughout the M,asonic world. The words ,of M. W. Bro. Kim~ ball_ were full of tears, which met with a sad response all OVEr that Jurisdiction. The record says that the last official work of Brother Drummond in the Grand Lodge was tfhe installation of the Grand Officers at the previous session. CONDITION OF TIlE CRAFT.
The Address stated that "the large increase in membership dur~ ing the past year is very gratifying,.and has' far e,xceeded that of the previous year," showing a gain .of 534. The Grand Master reported having granted dispensations in several instances to "receive applications from candidate,s who :had resided inside the State less than one year, and to ballot on applications in less than the usual time." Four official rulings were reported, which were found by . the Committee on Jurisprudence "to be based upon correct principles." The report was approv,ed. The Grand Master reported CentennialAnniversaries, the Constitution of a new Lodge under Charter, dedications of five new halls, appointment of Grand Representatives near other Grand Lodges, visits :rpade and other matters pertaining to the local Craft. Attention was called to the completion of. the "Drummond Monument," which had been erected and was ready for dedication. FINANCIAL.
The Committ€e on Finance reported money handled during the year amounting to nearly $16,000, a cash balance being on hand of about $10,00'0. The same committee stated that "the amount invested to the credit of the Charity :F'und" was within a fraction of $36,.000. DRtJM:MOND MONUJYIENT.
The Masons of Main€ could. not· do less than erect a monum,ent in honor lof the late beloved Brother Josiah ·H.. Drummond. To effect this laudable purpose,. it wa~ suggested on the day .of the
burial of Brother Drummond that a movement be set on foot looking to the erection of such monument. T'he matter took shape and resulted in securing something -over $2,000 in sUbscriptions ranging fronl ten cents to twenty-five dollars. The responses to the call for subscriptions were so prompt and numerous that the committee felt justified in making early contracts for the proposed monument. As a result the work was completed and ready to be unveiled during the sitting of the Grand Lodge. On the second day of the session the ceremony of unveiling took place, when, follovving appropriate dedicatory ceremonies, affectionate tributes were paid t he memory of t.he illustrious dead by eminent Brethren and former associates. ~rhtls closed the active and remarkable life of one of the stron.gest Masonic Temple its .A.merican history. i ensome of his co-laborers in world biography of 'V.
for 1902 in the fornler notice of the Journal to tban otherwise would have· been granted· it. of reviewing G'rand Lod.ge transactions by a Maine committee has f.allen into the hands Q.t a new writer, who for some years has been associated with the .la,mented Brother Drummond, who always . prepared the report. It is a sad coincidence in the history of our leading Masons that two of tllecommittee pas.sed away during the last termt--M. W. Cha.irmalfl t anCl M. W. Bra. Burnham, his associate,. W.Bro. Alaro E. eha;se the remaining member of the comm.itte'e, furnished a rev18wcovering 164 pages, .which embraced notices of fifty-six . Grand Lodges, American and flveForeign Jurisdictions. In reading t.he Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Maine, it is most manifest that Brother Chase is one of the active ap.d leading workers in that· Grand Lodge. As a former Grand :Master he made his impress on the Fra.ternity of that Jurisdiction. As a writer on Corresp.ondel1ce, while realizing the impo,ssibility of making such a report as his Gr~nd Lodge had long been favored·· wi.th, M. W. Bro. Chase has no reason to call himself a "novice," a'she does while reviewing Mis~ 80ur1. The work throughout is well written with extracts from the P:t(l'c:eedings' ~eviewed. He gives ali the Grand Lodge Journals. ex.. amin.ed· the full benefit of appropriations made and his m'odestal1d. wise comments. Missouri for 1902 re:ceived courteous recognitlo:n 0f page.s.The charming Address of Grand Master Dewey of t
A f)pend~~x.
Kansas waa cordially noted while the Address of Gr311d Master Finagin received due attention. Commenting on the statement of our Grand Master that a "working te~m" in one Lodge had received the prize for the best work done, Brother Chase very chastely and wisely said that such course was not in accord with the purpose of Masonry either in principle or pra.ctice, to all of which I give my unqualified approval. He asks the questi,on, "What is a team in Masonry?" In answer to this query I must refer him to the Grand Master of Mfssouri who was present when such team work was done and a,varded the prize. For myself, I plead ignorance. Re路 ferring to the rernarks of Grand Master Finagin that the .landmark, known as "the Missouri landmark," will soon take its place in history, where artificial limbs take the place of physical fitness, Brother Chase tersely asks, "What about the ANCIENT LANDl\tIARK regarding physical qualifications?" To this question I reply that the Grand Lodge of Missouri has granted a general dispensation to all Lodges to make Ma.sons out of material physically disqualified according to "Ancient Landmarks." The truth is, that "Ancient Landmarks" in Missouri may be classed among the lost arts. Referring to our' law allowing a member of one Lodge to take a certificate of standing on which to petition another Lodge for member, Brother Chase concluded that this must be another ClMissouri Landmark." .An explanation is due from this writer touching the law referred to. In 1898 the Grand Lodge of Missouri adopted a rule路, the type of the New York regulation; it allows a member of a gi.ven Lodge to obtain a certificate of good standing permitting him to petition another .Lodge for membership. If elected on such certificate to membership, all his relations with his mother Lodge are severed. The purpose of the law, and it has worked well so far in Missouri, is to prevent nonaffiliation; asa member of a Lodge cannot obtain a dimit and put it in his pocket and become' a drone in the hive of Masonry. In, other words, a Mason. in Missouri is never out of. one Lodge until he becomes a member of another. Concluding his notice of Missouri, Brother Chase said of my report on Correspondence was efficient in every respect except he found no place where he could m,ake extracts for his readers. I hope my Brother Chase will not set this down as an unpardonable sin and hold it against the writer of Missouri reports. WM.. J. BURNHAl\[, Lewiston, Grand Master. S1'EPHEN BE.RRY, Portland,Grand Siecretary. A路LDRO E. CHASE, Pqrtland, Cem. on Correspondence.
1903.J MANITOBA-1903.
The Twenty-eighth Annual Communication was held in Masonic Temple in the city of Winnipeg, commencing June 10th. M. W. Bro. R. H. Meyers "vas Grand Master and James A. Ovas Grand Secretary. Representatives of fifty-four of the seventy~five Lodges in the Jurisdiction were present. Eight Past Grand Masters and the Representative of J\ilissouri, Brother R. P. Crookshank, was enrolled as present. The melnbership was reported at 3,811, indicating gain of 328. ...I\n Address of six pageselubraced such matter as the deemed proper to submit. The committee on the p:aper Grand M,aster had H(ii/scharged his duties with the nlarked announcecl that their increased, prevailed with their _ . . .,..'.. . . .,. . ., ,.,.. prosperity.H He had (UE>p~\nsatl.on during the term. Five Past Senior \Varden, and was "buried with general business merit. It followed reports of the of the twelv'e Districts. The reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary- showed a healthy condition as to finances. Judging from the matters furnished in the Proceedings, one may conclude that Masonry is progressing very satisfactorily in that Jurisdietion. 1vIONU~IENT~
The Craft in Manitoba had eriected. a monument in memory of tbe late M. W. Bro. James D. O'Meara, Past Grand Master. It was a fre€-will offering made by the Lodges, something near$6tJ() , having been contributed for that purpose. There is no report on Correspondence. E. A~ BR.AITlfWAITE, Edmdnton, Grand Master. JAMES A.OVAS, Winnipeg, Grand Secretary~
4. large and 1JQost intere·sting: Gra~€1.
v@~uJl3,e of Proceedi,ngs of this me after my ];tep,ort on Cprresponden.ce'. w'as a notice thereof, with several others,must igo to
th:e A.ddendrim. session was held in the Qity Qif Portlaad., beginning June ~d was preshied ove'I" bY Mi. W. Ja~o. William .F. .&:.I";I::i;~''''''.~:L,
Grand Master, assisted by a full corps of Grand Officers. Seventeen Past Grand Masters were enrolled a.s present, with Representatives of a large .number of Lodges and of Grand Lodges. Missouri's Representative, Brother John H. Irvine, a.ppeared for us, and was thoughtful enough to eDroll as such. ADDRESS.
A lengthy and somewhat elaborate address was furnished by Grand Master Butcher, concerning which a committee said: "We sincerely thank iJhe Grand Ma;ster for the zeal he has displayed in discharging the duties devolving upon him." The compliment was worthily 'won and well deserved, as the address proved the ability of its author. MEMORIAM.
Under the above caption Grand Master Butcher recorded the 10sb sustained by the Craft in the death of their Grand Treasurer, R. W. Bro. Francis H. A.lliston, who was called from labor in the years of maturing manhood, being only forty-four years of age. In death he was accorded the honors due his rank and Masonic worth, the Grand Lodge performing the funera.l rites at his buriaL A just tribute was paid his memory in a report rendered by M. ,W. Bro. J. M. Hoc1sonfor the Committee, and adopted by the Grand Lodge by a rising vote. Thus, "One by one they pass away-the Brothers of our adoption, the companions of our choice." The address contains quite la list lof Special Dispensations granted by the Grand Master, the ma.jority of which were to confer degrees, "waiving the statuto,ry limitations." The report of the Educational Fund, furnished by the Trustee of said fund, was incorporated in the a,ddress, showing the sum of over $30,000 set apart for the purpose indicated hy the term. The above amount represents cash on hand, while there is a fund belonging to the Grand Iiodge for the use and benefit of said enterprise of some 900 shares of the Masonic Buildi,ng Association of Portland. DECISIONS.
Seventeen official rulings were reported by the Grand Master. These were, with slight corrections, a~proyed by the Committee on Jurisprudence. To a number of questions presented,he gave a loud and vigorous "NO','路 especially those bearing on the subject of "Physical Disqualifications." I s,trike hands with my Virginia Brother. in Oregon as to the rulings touching the matter of com-
pUance with the requirements as to physical fitnes,s of candidates. He held the doctrine of "perpetual jurisdiction" as shown concern~ ing a candidate who had been rejected "several years ago," and desired to petition another路 Lodge. The answer was, "having peti~ tioned your Lodge, he is always your material unless you waive jurisdiction.. " And this fro'm the grand body on the great western horder of a great continent. I am surprised at our Oregon Brethren. The address of Grand Master Butcher may be properly classed as a clear and strong presentation of maJtter fro,m beginning (~nd. '[ claim relationship with him, as we are from the same State" and the same Am always proud made the great and of State, a:m:d in ha;ving high pl8Jce in James P. G. M., and honor to their Robinson was in no " He showed and furnished an (\xcel1ent journal of Proceedings in keeping wUh former produc~ tions. His statistical matter presents a cleaT of the strengtll of trhe .Turisdiction, there being Hmembers in good standing," with a reported gain of 370. His repiort shows that all Lodges had made returns and paid Grand T.Jodge dues. Happy Gra;nd Secre tary. Our fraternal building to be erected at the '\Vorld's li'air received cordial approval by a s;pe.c1a1 committee, but it was not felt proper to m,ake "any appropriation at this time." The . lateness of the hour when the Journal of Oregon was received forbids further notice. H
The Review was made by M. Bro. J. M. Hodson, P. G. M., and covers 164 pages, embracing uGtic路es sixty Grand Lodge Proceedings, American and foreign. In opening, he expressed the belief that t.he yeaT was the "most pros.perous of Masonry in modern bistorr." I may add that with this marked prosperity, so clearly manifest to this writer, that "harm,oo.y, the strength and be,auty" of ~very institution, has universally prevailed. In closing my work as.:;;t reviewer, I have 'observed that thH "Unity of the Spirit" dOIllinated and obtained most generally. The Review furnished by M. W. Brother Hodson isa~ts1.1re enQugh" revie'w, and is路 clearly Up' to bis sta,ndarcl alr~ady estab;. Usbed,. which is admitted to ];)e high and commendable.' I observe,
as heretofore, that he is a, vigorous defender of w!hat is termed "prerogative," and claim.s. its exercise as proper, even to making l\1:asons "at sight." In his contention for a strict adherence to the "ancient landmarks," he of necessity nlust justify the suspension of duly enacted la.\vs, which require a prescribed time before parties can be, elected to receive the degrees of advancement from one degree to another. When a Gra.nd Master exercises "the high power in me vested" to H\vaive statutory limitations," and do what the 13JW prohibits Masonic Lodges to do, he thereby opens the door for the admission of material that might be rejected if time and opportunity for strict inquiry had been allowed. I ha.ve never ret seen the necessity for such haste. I agree with Brother Titcomb, of Alaba,ma, that such "work turned off in one night must be very imperfect." I wish that more time were mine in \vhich to follow Brother Hodson through his elaborate 'work from beginning to end, as it is a valuable production, being mos1tly written, orna.mented with brief extracts, and comments and enlarged reflections of instructive sort. His treatment of our Mis.s,ouri Journal of last year (1902) was very liberal and generous. His comment upon the saying of Grand l\tIaster Finagin that our "cripple ]a,w" that our usages in this respect ,tWill soon take their places as landmarks in Missouri Masonry," "rere quite amusIng, as under such regula路 tions, "allY old thing goes, just so it can talk." Spare us, my dear Brorther Hodson. Alluding to the absence of Grand Master Finagin for six months, and his extended address of fifteen pages, and the work of our worthy Deputy Grand Master, Brother John C. Yocum, he said, truthfully, that "'he had really done more as Deputy than the Grand Master." Yet the latter said much less than his chief. The commendation given my work as Grand Secretary, and my report on Foreign Correspondence, was a,s hearty as fraternal, for which I tender him sincere thanks, regretting that I cannot reciprocate as to quantity in praising his valuable contribution to Masonic reading matter. His rebuke of our Grand Lodge for its departure from the landmarks as to physical fitness of material cannot be gainsaid or contrdverted, though the trend to such liberalism is beyond question in some directions. My Brother-Hodson had certainly not read the deliverances of Grand Master Meyerhardt, of Georgia, respecting Jonah and the whale. That distinguished Brother located the event a~ recent date, which I called in question, not as Masonic incident, but as a Bible statement. I am afraid Brother Hodson is not sound; on "fish stories," and is dis];) 0 sed. to que'stion a statement found in the "Great Light" of Masonry.
I must leave Brother Hodson, taking fraternal leave, with the pleasant fact before me that he \vill be in charge of the same d&partment another term. Wish that Grand I..odge would furnish the Proceedings soon enough for Jne to do justice to the commendable 'work of all. S. M. YORAN, Eugene, Grand Master. JAl\fES F. ROBINSON, Eugene, Grand Secretary. J. J.\tL HODSON, Portland, Committee on Correspondence.
states and twelfth Journal the A.nnual and session, Providence, and 'J'lll"t:~~i(~pti over by \V. "rm.. Scott. During the term then closing, Past Grand Master, Brother Milton Livsey, ha.d passed Rway. A charming memorial was presented in honor of the deceased, prepared by M. W. Bro. J. E. Hudson, P. G. Addresses were delivered by two of the me'fibers of the Grand Lodge, one selecting as his subject "The Internal Dangers of Free Masonry," the other, "The Encouragements of Free Mas,onry." Both read well. .One sen· tence justifies its appropriati.on here: "Masonry is popular, and dangerously so." A one..page report on Correspondence was sub· n1itted by Brother HenryW. Rugg,Cha.irmanof the Committee. The One Hundred and Thirteenth Communication waS held in Freemasons Hall, Providence, May. 18th, 1903. The record says that "M. W. Bro. Henry Scott and Grand Master of Masons presided, other officers and. members of the Grand Lodge, and the Representativesof thirty-one Lodges." The Address of the Grand Master is of ,considerable length, posse.ssing business merit. He reported having visited all the Lodges in the except one. The spir.it of harmony prevalent and materi'al pros'1:>erity found to exist gave promise of enlarged usefulness and the betterment of mankind. He reco%rded the death of another Past Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Stillman White, who had served as Grand Master in 1902 by appoint· ment. The Grand Chaplain, Brother Henry W. Rugg, prepared and submitted a "Mem·orial Sl{etch" of the d.eceased, which is founQ1 in the Proceedings. T?e Journal .contains an attractive monurnell.t erected to the memory of R.W. Bro. Edwin Baker, who served >as Gran<;1l Secretary from 1872 to 1961-twenty-nine years~ The Grand .. H.e,. . . . .
£7lL,c'""'.'.J< "............
Secretary, R. W. Bro. S. P. Williams, presented matters pertaining to his office. From it I learn that in the thirty-seven Lodges on the roll there is a membership of 5,883, indicating a gain of 198. The money received by him amounted to $3,570. .路WM. H. WALKEI~, Providence, Grand l\rIaster. S. P. WILLIAMS, Providence, Grand Secretary.
CONCLUSION. It was my purpose early in the s,eason to write a "conclusion." From the unexpected length of the foregoing review, my judgment is that the sooner I wind up the more credit I will receive. The following list will 'show the Proceedings reviewed. I close without "note or comment," save to say that the路 Craft in Missouri has prospered during the year now ending, and the Lodges have been more prompt in paying Grand Lodge dues than during any period of my connection with the officp of Grand Secreta.ry. From the general outlook I am convinced that the J\1:asonic fraternity in this country is united, harmonious and prosperous. Ending my twenty-sixth report, in love with lVIasonry and all of its true votaries, am, very fraternally, JOHN D. VINCIL,
,JEnSEY, 1903. MEXICO,
DAKorrA, 1902.
1902. 1903.
SCOTIA, OKI.A.HOlVIA, \.."fr""Ui'~\}":t.t\'.
1902. 1902. II~LINOIB, 1902. INDIANA, 1903.
low A., 1903. 1902.
190路2 AND 1903. MARYLAND, 1902.
1902, AND 1903.
Fifty-five in all.
G. L. Ap.-12.
KENTUCKY,. 1902.
1902. 1903.
1903. VERMONT, 1902. VIRGINIA, 1902. UTAII,
1902. 1902.
State. Alabalna Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticnt
lVarne. ..c1ddress. George A. BeaucbaUlp J\I0l1tg0111ery. GeorgeJ. Roskruge Tucson. Fay HeUlpstead Little Rock. San Francisco. George Johnson " Denver. WIn. D. Todd John H. Barlow Hartford. Dela"~rare Benj. F. Bartralll 'Vilnlington. District of Cohunbia Alvin ",.,.. Johnson \Vashington. Florida Wilbur P. Webster Jaeksol1ville. Georgia W. A. 'Volihin : l\lacon. Idaho Theopbilus W. Randall, Boise City. Illinois J. H. O. Dill Bloo111ington. Indiana Oalvin vV. Prather Indianapolis. Indian Territory Rev. J. S. Murro\v A-to-ka, C. N. ~ Ne\vtoI1 R. Parvin CeclarRapids. Iowa Kansas Albert K. \Vilson Topeka. H. B. G"rant Louisville. I{entucky Louisiana Richard Larn bert N e\v Orleans. Stephen Berry Portland. Maine Maryland \Vm. lVI. I~~'tac Balthnore. l\1assachl1setts Sereno D. Nickerson Boston. l\1ichigan...........................â&#x20AC;˘. Cbarles A. Conover Cold \V"ater. Minnesota Tholuas Montgolnery St. Paul. Missouri J ohn D.. Vineil St. Louis. Frederick Sp(1ed \iicksburg. Mississippi. Montana Cornelius Hedges Helena. Nebraska Francis E. White Oulaha. Nevada O. N. Noteware Cafson City. Frank D. Woodbury Concord. New Hampshire New Jersey Thos. 1I. R. Redway uTrenton. New IVlexico Alpheus A.. Keen A.lbuquerque. Edward M. L. Ehlers NewYork. New York North Carolina John C. Drewry l-?aleigh. North Dakott"t Frank J. Tbolnpson Fargo. "J. FLBrolnwell Cincinnati. Ohio..
Appendix.. .J,.7Va'lne. James S. Hunt Jalnes F. Robinson 'Villiam A. Sinn S. P. Williams Charles Inglesby Geo..A Pettigrevv Te:ltHH~SSE~e John B. Garrett .................................tJohn WatsoIl t,t\h .......• " , ,.•.... C:hrJlsto~:pner 11iehl
Oklaholna Oregon PennsyIvunia Rhode· Island Soutlt Carolina South Dakota
U&1rrl1ne:i;on £t~tll11:g'ton •.• , .••••••.••••••..•••• Tholn~\S ~t
"" 1\tkinson
179 .A.. cldres8. Stillwater. Eugene. Philadelphia. Providence. Charleston. Sioux Fans. Nashville. Hol).ston. Salt Lake City.
Riclnnond. Olylupia. Charleston.
Brett. Victoria. ...... Hanlilton, Onto :y"l)t F. F. ()(lcli · Cairo. England Ed'"vard Let(~h worth London. Irehlnd Salnuel B. Oldhan:l Dublin. Island of Cuba JoseF. Pellon Havana. Manitoba James A.Ovas Winnipeg. New Brunswick J ohn Tholnas Twining Hartt..St. J obn. New South Wales Arthur II. Bray Sydney. Nova Scotia Thomas l\1owbray........• Halifax. Prince Edvyard Island Niel MacKelvie Summerside. Quebec Will H. Whyte J Montreal. Scotland David Reid Edinburgh. United G. L. of Victoria John Brain .l\felbourne.
Grand Lodge.
Alabama Arizona Arkansas British Columbia Oalifornia Oanada Ouba Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Colunlbia Egypt England Florida Georgia
Idaho Illinois Indiana
Indian Territory Ireland Kansas Louisiana Maine Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Manitoba Maryland Montana Nebraska Nevada
Name. H. G. Earnest Jas. S. Oromb M. W. Greeson Rob't Burns lVIcl\iicking Oharles H.Bryan Jalnes K. Kerr Edwardo Loredo Edward J. Smith Geo. IJee Dr. Robert V. Watson Alexander McKenzie F. F. Oddi Braxton Baker lrving P. \Vebster T. ""V. Dooley Jonas "V. Brown George A. Stadler Mason J. Niblack J ohn A. Scott W m. Hamilton Perry M. Hoisington Jobn Puleston Dan'l P. Boynton W. S. Linton Wm. A. McGonagle N olan Stewart R. P. Crookshank J ohn S. Berry vVm. Davenport George B. France 0. E. Noteware :
Piednlont. Olifton. Prescott. Victoria. San Francisco. Toronto.
Havana. Colorado Spgs.. New Haven. J.YIilford. Washington. Oairo. London. Gainesville. Eudora. ldaho City. Decatur. Vincennes. J\iuscogee. Dublin. Norton. New Orleans. Monnlonth. E.
j ackson. Rapid City. Baltimore. Helena. York. Carson City.
Lodge. Name. Address. Brunsvvick ~J oh n Thomas Twining Hartt.. St. John. Haul pshire J aUles E. Gridley Wolfboro. Jersey Spencer Fullerton Camden. lVIexico Alpheus A.. K€~en , l\.lbl1QllerqUe. Ne~r York Southrick Hebbard Newyork City Carolina Walter E.1\foore W"'ebster. I)a,kota George A. Luce Hope. ...........................Ja.mes A.G~~ Halifax. i)ll io ,. C:has. i:5tl"OU41 j~allC1tlsk:y lLI!"~lt~~\"i~ .• ,. , ~, 'U'UAU. H. Ir'''iD·e TaHnui.,n. Ishand C. C.Carlton Souris.
New Ne,v Nevr Ne~r
. f• . . . ,
........................Charies VOh1"'.li.U..
, ••• '.i!'J:..i.'iliI,.I( .Il:!I:;WQ
l\lumford ......... Inglesby Brown.
Tennessee 1'fexas Utah 'V"e:rtnont ·Victoria Virginia '\Vashington Wast Virginia \Visconsin
"\Vm. A. CarriJ?:gton P. L. vv"'"illiams Silas H. Danforth A. G. McCoombe .: George W. Wright Thomas M. Reed John H. Weymouth Henry L. Palmer
Providence. ulAinarkshire. Charleston. Sioux Falls. Nashville. Houston. Salt Lake City St. Albans. Melbourne. Marion. Olympia. Elkins. Milwaukee.
Orand Lodge. Alabalna Arizona Arkansas British COlulllbia California Canada Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia
l-lamf. A. M. Hough Robert E. Collins F. J. Tygard Theodore Brace John E. Ryland Xenopbon Ryland
E. F. Hartzell. Reuben Barney, Jr George E. Mayhall D. M. Wilson J ack P. Richardson Campbell Wells J ohn R. Parson 'Martin CoIlins R. Ii'. Stevenson P. G. Woods Samuel M. Kennard Wm. F. Kuhn Wm. H. Mayo E. F. Allen WIU. R. Stuhblefield
Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Indian Territory Ireland Kansas Louisiana. . Maine Manitoha Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi. Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico
E. H. Phelps 0 W . Bolster I-Ioward Watson '\Vffi. Richardson Wm. A. Hall
Chas. F. Vogel. ~
Seynlour Hoyt Alexander M. Dockery James W. Boyd H. E. Blakeman
.A.ddress. J effersonCity. St. Louis. Butler. J effersol1 Oity. I.Jexillgton. Lexington. St. Joseph. Chillicothe. New London. lVIilan. St. Louis. Platte City. St. Louis. St. Louis. KansasCity. Versailles.. St. Louis. Kansas City. St. Louis. Kansas City. St. Louis. Kansas City. Plattsburg. St. Louis. St. LouiEl. St. Louis. St. Louis. Kfl,DSaS City. Gallatin. St. Joseph. Oalifornia.
Appendix. Nct~ne.
Gratrul Lodge. Ne\v York North Carolina North Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Prince Ed,yard 'IQl,u'VIU'·,.:;;\.,
183 .A.ddtf8S.
Noah NI. Givan A. Fisher Do!sey A. Jamison L. B. Valliant tT.B. Thomas A. S. Houston......... .. D. B. Farnsworth Davis , "
Harrisonville. La Belle. St. Louis. St. Louis. Alban.)'l'.. Mexico. Springfield. J\.\jl,,L V·J,.
H-~1llJJ.i:1., •••• " ••••••••••••••••••••••••• tJ V:LlJ..L
vv BBn]I1g1~on
., .••••••.•••••••••••••••
\Vest Virginia Wisconsin
D. F.
Henry VV. Wait R·ufus E. Anderson
RallsRs City. ln~ependence.
No of Lodge. Name of P(brtJ/. 1. E. Foelling. Wm. Jay. G. T. Olmstead. J. G. AC'hufr. B. E. Miller. C. H. Dunifel'. 2. '\Vm. Hahn. D. Ind. Neuclorf. 3. Morris.J. :M:ej'el'. Jos. W. Brau('h. 5. N. A. Reber. H. ~r. Sutter. 6. J. 1\'1. McKim, Sr. J. C.•Jones. 7. "'.... B. Perry. 9. 'V. J. Abbott. M. Heroud. l\LJ. Brandt. L. F. Campbell. •J. S. Charles. George U. Foster. Henry S. T.lentz. B. F. Lockwood. Joel Utley. 14. C. G. Smith. 15. R. C. Smith. 16. John D. Crook. 18. G. Keller. 20. BUns Haas. Norman Brown. Richard Cohn. 21. Ben. F. I-ligdon. 25. Chris. Ehlen. E. F.Geiner. 31. R. E. Price. 34. DeWitt C. Russell. 35. J. L. Rank. C. P. Bushong. If. J. Alley.
1, 1903.
No. of Lodge. Name of Pa-rt1/. 38. James Clemens. 40. John R. l\lartin. 43. Nicholas Grieshammer. 46. J. B. 'V"alker. 48. R. S. Shield. R. A. Crews. 50. B. 13'. Danford. 52. G. W. Simpson. R. G. Martin, Sr. Juo. Dozier. lVr. E. Preston. 53. Jesse Brashear. H. P. Grover. B. F. Whiteley. 54. J. S. Anderson. 59. '1\ S. Sneed. Jas. Lankford. P. S. I-locker. O. F. Rawlings. J. F. Moore. W. A. Scott. 60. W. M. Langley. 62. Lawrence Forrest. ·64. J. J. Norton. 68. '1\ J. Baird. 69. R. M. Crow. 70. .J. 1-1. Boggs. 'V. R. Burch. C. E. Denney. 71. C. C. Somerville. 73. J. !{nappenberger. J. W. Davis. 76. J. D. Barnhart: 77. John Backster. 78. U. Schneider. H. Powers. C. P. Kingsbury. J. M. Pendleton. 79. Charles Evans.
1903.J No. of Lodge.
80. 81. 83. 85.
No. 01 Name of Pa,'"ty.
Fran}-\: lVforton. G. H. W. Heidorn. Isaac Baker. E. 1\1:. Easle;Y'. H. lVlel路tens.
117. 119. 120.
Chas. ~"ezler,
H. SIol'l' is. Thos. Hainsworth. J. \V. Huffaker. J. P. R" A.
J.Varne of P(U'tJf. Geo. A. Blanchard. 1\1. S. Coxwell. .Tohn F'ulton. .Abner Naylor.
John II. (iI'eve. Hy. !{Jager.
D. Gust.
H. 125. 121.
95. 97. 98. 9H. 100. 102. 104.
H. Dyer. Alex. ()vens. ~T. H. Rider. I-Ierman SJeinbach. John N Donan. .1. C. Frisby. E. R.Hal!. C. S. 'Vallis. Chas. Ha,rvey. Geo. H. 'l'atum. A. J. '1'waddell. Joseph Belcher. Felix I~jmerieh. Abram I{immell.
130. 131. 182. 1.83. 134. 135. 137. 138.
G. C. Yost. 105.
C. I~. Barclay. Jos. Baum.
H. 1\ Reed. ,V. P. Fisher. 107. C. A. Bennett. Jno. F. Miller. 108. A. Price. J. H. Edwards.~ 109. B. Pierce. W. B. l\:fastin. L. M. Chilton. 110.路 D. S. Clopp. 111. W. C. Spier. Wm. IJemkamp. B. flumphreys. 112. Thos. J. HayzU tt. 114. R. J. Boothe. 116. J .. C. Berry. S. PhUpotts. 106.
139. 140. 141. 142. 143.
145. 147. 148. 149.
E. B. Dawson. Valentine Weber. Alvin Rucker. Jos. Huff. D. 1\L Inglish, Sr. ..8.. '\Vheeler. E. rx'. l\{[eekes. 'V. H. Crandall. D. J. Dodge. Gen. Wolverton. Geo. Fultz. 1\;Iorgan Hurst. W. K. De Bord. Henry Shutts. Wm. Kaucher. ""V. H. Meade. J. W. Pollard. '1'. J. Starke. .A.. G, Hughes. Columbus Bean. Carl Gotlieb. W. I..I. Wallace. J. L. Cam.pbell. E. McM:aban. George D.Llttle. L. D. Blankenship. H. "V. 'Vinsor. W. B. Hale. F.J. Hagans. L. Nichols. D. R. Brooks. W. P. Tuttle.
186 No. 01 Lodue. Nam·e of Pa7·tyJO 157. ~Tohn W. Golden. 160.
162. 163. 164.
1. 69. 170. 173. 177. 178. 179.
181. 183. 184. 186. 188.
192. 194. 195. 196. 197.
199. 200. 203.
Jacob Hughes. 1. ~:L Anderson. A. J. Fender. '1\ K. Smith. Thos. S. Lo·ve. J. 'V. Sanders. 'V. H. H. '1'homas. vVm. McKay. Robert Wilson. n. 'V. McMullin. B. F. Anderson. A. 'r. Jones. A. Terhune. G. "V. 'Turner. Wm. Bailey. Jno. R. Duncan. W. H. :Middleton. C. J. Hicks. J. J. Laughlin. W. S. Ford. A. O. Laughlin. C. L. Summers. A. Mack. I. Matson. A. C. Ross. J. M. Dunlap. John Huff. C. C. Harris. R. P. Martin. L. S.Elzea. W. A. Allshouse. W. L. Branyan. S. H. Ifinney. D. M. 1fcDonald. Ed. P. Miles. Isaac Weil. J. J. Steele. Jno. FerreII. Allison J. Day. D. W. Faulkner. D. G. Porter. 1. F.Garner. Chas. Newbert. E. Robuck. ~r. O. Valentine. W. W. WatkinS. Joseph Settles. James L. Dawson. John Hays. W. H. Stanton. George 1\tlartin.
No. Of Lodge.
[Oct. Name of Party.
Robert Perigo. Fielden Barnes. 205. J. J. Da~es. 208. W. II. :Hayes. 209. W. J. Randles. 211. S. 1-1. Jenkins. 212. G. M. White. 213. Chas. Strobach. 216. H. C. Sh1rader. Geo. B. Dougherty. 218. C. T. Wedler. A. R. Elchlepp. ~l. S. Foulks. J.H. Painter. George Lawson. 220. H. C. Farr. Alex. Gray. S. L. Balkam. Qeo. B. Thomas. 221. W. D. Crites. Richard Swan. S. H. Wilson. 222. J. D. Agee. F. D. Janney. D. A. Rumble. 224. ':rhos. Laidlaw. Wm. M. Partin. 226. I-Iy. G.Roseman. 227. James :Maybee. 228. J. W. Sigler. David Morgan. 230. W. 1-1. Bowles. J. R. Pace. 231. J. l\L Bradley. C. F. Bennett. 233. vVm. Boyd.. 234. D. McKenzie. 235. M. B. Browning. 236. Alf. Blanchard. R. C. Evans. J. W~ I-Ioux. 237. J. R. PembertOn. M. Deaton. J. Reynel'. Watts Johnson. 238. W. K. Jones. 239. T. W. Rodgel·s. S. F. Cross. 240. Z. Atterbury. 241. Jno. T. Powell. 242. A. D. Offutt. 243. :Henry A. Hammel.
Appendix. No. ot Lodge. Name of Party. 244.
246. 247.
269. 271.
274. 276. 279. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 287. 292. 294. 296. 299.
G. '1". Collins. 1\'£. L. Rogers. v"\tro. Jaeobs. W. D. Middleton. 'V. S. Morgan. W. 1-1. Anderson. J. 1Iel{eehan. IiJ. M. Hughes. D. IP. Baugher. Haas. Rose. Smith.
A. F. Zimlnerman. S. J. H. Kinyon. I~d ward :Pipe.. J. McManus. G. N. Truesdale. J. S. Lycla. Qeo. A. Lyda. C. A. ~,.I!ilkel·son. L. F. POl·tzer. D. C. K~nnedy. W. Q. Seawell. W. Wood. Wm. H. Coombs. John Duncan. .J . A.Sorivener. R. ·D. Douglca.s. Karl F. Duttlinger. Je~erson
No. of
Lodge. Name ot Party. 299.
303. 305. 306. 308. 310. 311. 312.
333. 335.
W. W. Cavender.. N. :B. Brown. E. Craft. John :Bates.
841. 343. 344.
Ed. Gillis. Frank Wilson. J. N. Irwin. E. R. I{imball. W. H. I{"ltz\slmmons. J. Dimonsb.. It. V. Brown..
JohnC. Yocum. B. H. Chapman. A. IJ. Chapman. G. M. ".alden. Allan Day. E. Jones. W. B. Looney. David McClure. F". F. B. Robinson. L. P. Clymer. George E. Ross.
G. G. W. Golliher. J. F. McCormick. D. VV. vVal1ace. 8.S. Webster. H. Eiekerman. .A. N. Sb·'icklano. C. A. Smith. Abner Coperland. Reuben Ba:rney, S'r. J as. Woodward. Geo. T. BU·l'ge. D. H.GUbert. W. D. OIiv~r. Geo. W. Lee. J. F. ~{cCormaek. M. J. Pll"in..gle. 1. Bitt. Robert Hogg. H.·.A. Roberts. W. P. White. J. N.I{:ring. Wm. Blackboard. H. Conley. R. S.Lanyon. T. J. PattersoJi,l. D. B. Dudley.
188 No. ot Lodge. 348.
349. 351. 353.
354. 357. .360.
362. 363. 364. 268. 369. 370. 871. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 380. 381. 384. 385. .387.
390. 393. 396. ~97.
Narr/;6 of Pa'rt'ij.
Oliver S. Brown. S. B. Griffith. J. S. Dunham. Wm. Cunningham. J. Fitzgerald. Frank Gronhold. C. W. Crutsinger. Geo. Cousins. \Vm. L. French. J. H. Bradley. A• R. ~loore. R. D. Hunter. Elijah Edwards. Hkam J. Grovel'. J. T. James. S. r:r. McCormick. 'V. F. Dovey. 'Vm. J. Scott. Paul M~oll. Geo. ]VIclntyre. Geo. T. Murphy. J. B. Hal·low. F. W. Guerin. J. H. :Maxon. J. W.IDngle. J. G.' lVIol"l'ow. J. :tV!. Proctor'. \V. W. Johnson. J. P. Lewis. \V. ID. .Johns. 'V. A. 'rllornton. J. 1\1. Hogan. 'r. E. Osborn. J. R. Lillard. G. W. Blliott. "V. W. Knouse. Sherd. l\1aze. D. F. Rhudy. ""V. H. Bulla. Geo. Gillette. Y. W. Payton. J. "V. Brown. H. rl'. \Voods. F. Pannell. W. ~'. Monday. W. H. Lewis. J. K. Farmer. R. H. 11'inch. J. L. Watson. David Welch. F. W. Beek. E. ROf:le.
No. ot Lodge. 8D7.
399. 400. 403. 408. 409. 412. 4J3. 415. 416.
421. 422. 423.
427. 429. 430.
433. 434. 437. 440. 441. 442. 443.
[Oct. Name ot Party J. Ii. \Voodwul'd. W. Shepherd. N. I{. Biggs. W. A. I;eg'lrand. T. E. 'Vilkinson. J. S. l\Iarsh. John Anderson. W. F. Shepherd. Jno. R. Bough. C. .J. Schmitt. Jam.es lIal'der. J os. Turner. L. P. Sharp. D. McPherson. E. A. Rollman. F. J. Franzman. Wm. J\tIeierhoff. V. B. S. Reber. August Carle. B. F. Letson. Edward Sewing. S. A. L. Reser. John H~al'rington. J. A. Cooper, SIr. S. S. 'rolle. M. L. Keith. J. D. Hobbs. '1\ Rank. E. Birney. G. D. Gray. R. G. Holloway. J. C. Hughes. D. C. Ried. S. ~~. Crocker. A. S. Richardson. J. M. Perry. Geo. W. Marquis. David Hahn. R. B. Burns. W. II. Nicholas. E. L. Standlee. C. C. Rainwater. C.. E. W"ithall. T. II. Riley. Albert Fallert. H. F. Hubbard. Robt. McWilliams. C. C. Newberry. Wm.. Paschedag. Jas. Chadwi<.'k. N. B. Hatcher. Fred. J. Gaus.
1903.J No. of LQdge.
446. 448. 450. 452. 457. 459. 4HO.
Name of Pat路tZI.
No. Of LOfZge.
516. 519. 522.
Geo. H. Castle. J. K. 1\1:088. W. H. Bi,rgp. B. F. Johnson. John Nebel. S. ':Vinningham. '\V. L. l\.fadsen. M. G. Swanner. Decker.
525. 526.
189 Narnc of Party.
I:Ienry Lowry. John vVright. Eugene G. Gooding. J. EL Sheriff. P. Thompson. B. R. Berry. J. A. Klepper. A. l\lcAHister. J. I. J. '1\
Rose. . Basles. Bry!.n.
Weaver. Catlf:1Y.
542. 481. 482.
486. 490. 491494. 501. 505.
509. 51!.
lUex. IIevHll. P. Reeder. J. V'V. fIarvey.
541. -550.
'\V. l\i. Baker.
W. If. Smith. K. A. I.Jaird. J. H. Leeper. E. D.' Griffith.
C. R. Carnpbell. D. H. Lindsay. C. C. Waful.
Wm. Gant. J. W. Farrow. F. W. Strickle'l\ 1\1'.:. M. Birkhead. J. G. Gray.
553. 555. 557.
558. 559. 564.
Hamilton. Luther B. Smith. J. J. Yocnm. J. B. Abbott. vVilloughby Swingley. E. S. A,rnold. M. R. Gilmore. W. H. Sturgis. W. A. Helton. .A.. ~I. 'Vall. J. W. Birge. W. J.McKean. W. J. Ryan. J. H. Cla.rk. W. B. Brooks. W. J. Ramsey. John De Vorsa.
No. of Lodge. Name of Party. 1. Henry Saak, Jr. F. A. Cooper. J. O. Lewright. B. F. Small. 'V. E. Chilton. Alfred Gfeller. ~J. E. Caldwell. Geo. A. Gable. J. W. McCormick. 5. D. C. Dade. E. M. Hawkins. A. P. Smith. Chas. Habel. P. A. Peer. M. F. Beal. 7. H. C. :McDonald. 9. II. B. Bilbro. J. B. Brolaski. Geo. F. Dutr. R. M. Johnson. John D. Lucas. L. A. Radcliffe. 10. "v. R. Snyder. J. H,. Norman. 14. Theodoll'e Black. 15. W. R. Bradford. 18. J. W. Boulware. 22. Pleasant A. Stiers. 26. W. F. Beaman. W. F. Hailey. H.路 Huffman. F1. M. :'MJller. W.. IIJ. ]\1:or1'ls. J. P. !VI. Norman. W. J. Pettit. G. B. ,"ViIson. 28. .Tas. Clement. J. "V. Heilman.
No. of Lodge. Name of Party. 29. J. R. Bradley. R. F. Owsley. 32. R. D. Roach. B. E. Curl. J. D. Johnson. C. W. Moberly. W. F. Sherwood. J. M. Stringer. Thomas Cady. 36. F,. G. IIoltnan. 40. F.W. IDilerman. I-Iy. Wedermeyer. 48. G. E. Bell. L. W. :Holland. 49. F.H. Fulton. W. H. Smith. 50. M. A. I-Iamm. Jos. Johnson. J. W. Lindsay. O. T. Snodgrass. 52. B. ,V. Bowdol'Y. S. Carothers. C. Grimes,. 53. :H. B. Adkins. Geo. Doppler. 54. L. C. "Viley. J. rr. O'Bannon. 55. "~to B. F'i tzgerald. R. L. Sandidge. 60. J. V\T. Langley. 66. 1-1. E. Spatrord. 69. J. S. li"'titzwater. 71. J. C. Brooks. A. G. Harlan. 72. 1\'1. V. Geary. 76. J. E. Carr. Jasper Reed.
1, 1903.
Appendix. No. of
Lodge. Na'me ot Party. 78.
No. of Lodge. 1:lan'te ot Pa'rty.
G. lVfartz. ThlI. Hamblin. G. Parson. P. Craig. .J. W. Maas. C. A. Vandervoort. 'V. H. Wiley.
S. J. O. S.
P. C. Aly.
C. E. Keoster.
L. W. Nimmo. Edgar ehas. Seaport. W. J. J. A.
A.. J.
Tedrick. S. A. D. Alcott. Baker. M. Chilton. A. C. Frisbie. A. C. Hamlet. D. F. Hill. J. D. Hunter. :f. '1'. Norman. R. "'\\1'. Parnell. It.A. ColUel路. N. L. Riee. J. L. Niehols.
Dee Rice. F. J. Fisher. G. M. Burnett.
113. 114..
115. 116.
L. D. Clark. E. M. Weston. E. Connor. L. B.~talker. R. B. Beard. vVillard Stonum. G.1..I. Norvell. W. 1.. Roberts. L. G. Courts. D"1\rankHulett. W. II. Beal. D.. B. Field. L. Hazzard. H. VV. Hazzard. W. H.
'rhos. Rlcha,rdsou.
187. 142.
C. CUll;)". F. D. Stal'l{e.
H. A. 147.
149. 152. 154.
T. G. Brothers. J. v,r.Ferrell.
B. Harrison. J. Chinn. J. IV[oulder.
159. -B. W. Wood. L. Bunnell.
T. H.B. Scb.ooI:lng. D. F.Cobb. L.S. Irv,:in. A. J. Huskey. George VOgt. J. J. \楼ilson, Jr. C.A. 1<1 Ilis.
P. L.
E. Janes. J. Ii. Perrj~. J.M. Sam!.
No. of
Lodge. Na'me of PU1·ty.
No. of Lodge.
17ft 177.
C. H. Brott. R. 1. rrriplett. l\JI. Sewart. Albert Logan. 'Vm. Swilley. A. J. Dial. J. S. Starnes. J. W. ':rhornton. L. M. Lucas. A. \V. Block. V\'. If. Itamlose. ""'. F. Robertson. 1\11. Strausz.
C. G. !i"anchel'.
J. F. Reynolds. B. Robbins. B. 1\'1. vVill is. :M. Edstrom. S. B. F'ranklin. M. lVLHuntel'. A. L. :MeCauley.
205. 206. 207.
209. 210.
H. 1\1:cCa,f'frey. J. G. 'Vilbur. J. H. Sundys.
T. E. Spencer. Jesse T. Hobb. J. H. Cravens. :M. Dimmett. T. E. Sisko C.
247. 248.
260. 262. 267.
C. B. Oldham. H. f'J ••Johnson. A. J. Hall. Reason Shipley. G. 'V. Houston. H. Douglas. H. T. :Mairs. W. C. Kelly. W. R. Gift.
J.L. Stewart. B. F. '{,homas. 215. 216. 218.
W. R. Hale. J.W. Estep. Chas. G. Brown. B. F. Bircl{head. W"," S. :Mc I""eod. J.S.Wood, R. B. Dickerson, 'V. H. Coudrey. Geo. Dillard. Chas. Howard. George Stillwell.
273. 276.
277. 279. 282. 290. 291.
Na'J}u' of Pa?,·ty. John C. Duerr. H. B. Krebs. Henl'y Hooss. R. H. Hunter. Geo. D. Kil'khoff. O. H. 'l"iede. H. Huarl\:. J. G. Baeton. John Lewis. J. B. Salnpson. J. TaylQr. J. 1\1. Van l\:feter. G. ,Yo Canterbury. J. A. Campbell. F. W. Dorn. J. vV. Ennis. A. F. ~ryard. 'Vm. Cassit J·. B. E. Dawson. C. T. Craig. V\r. C. Stull. Otis Breden. F. H. Harrington. D. H. Naylor. 'V. I,;. Tribbe. Belton Hall. vV. Ii." l\lelntYl'e. '\1. A. Langston. Chapman Baile:v. Joseph Hensley. A. S. Stewart. A. G. Davidson. T. S. l\1~()sher. J. M. Zion. Jno. \V. Boles. II. 1\1. Cox. ·W". T:L Durling. E. B. "reigle. John Lease. Edward S. R.oseberry. Frank Sullivan. J, O. Taylor. J. A. Cavin. 1t1. P. '\Vinstead. \V. L. Dugan. J, C. Liggett. '\V. P. lV[oore. E. D. Crozier'. Jno. Booher. A. LHarl'ison. \Y. 1\1:. KichoaJds.
1903.J No. of Lodge.
_Varne ot PUirt,l}. D. 'Vil8on.
No. of Lodge. Name
T. O. Combs.
C. J. D. J.
F. Larkins. W. ~artin. C. Rockey" C. Piper. I~. D. Benton. F. C. Eames. F~. :Howard. D.
336. 337.
of Party.
E. A. Blythe. G. "'1'. Putnam. Geo. Seay. S. G. Richards. C. W. .1. '.r. Bewljr. L. Fl. J. E. \V.
S. Alexa,:nder. C. Ball. A. Blair. L. Mickey.
J. l\;L Compton. lVI. Arnold. I. N. Anderson. T. J. Beardslee. 'V. M. Campbell. A. N. 'B~llis. J. !vI. I.Jynch. Albert De Reign. Alfred Kincaid. J. T. Crawley. W. L. Barbee. Geo. W. Best.
N. C. Simpson. A. B. Hamilton. T. II. Pounds. 321. Ii\ E. Spencer. 322. Jas. Rice. E. F. Dawson. 323. A. D. Aldrich. W. A. Gallaher. Arthur Vogel. 327. O. A.. Beebe. G. A. Chapman. D. C. Henry. S. B. Wilmott. R. N. Kenney. A. H. Livingston. John Fitzgerald. g,30'. S. S. Clayton. 331. C. B. Clag.ggett. W. II. D,owe. James路 Hanson. Edw. S. .1enklns. C. S. Shepberd.
J.T. Rowland.
L. Ap.-13.
"r.B. B.H. Ragen. Davis.
:H. S. GilIianl. John L. Pierson.
81..1 . 312.
J. D. C. Drane.
364. 366.
J. M. Bradley. T. J. Junkins. Jake Kelly. J. H. Karl'. G. S. Lamull. '!'.. B. MO:lil.trgQfl.11Bl路Y. M. L. ReynOlds. T. G. lVeath.erby. D. J . Freese.
J.U. Paine. W. II. Jones. A. G. Duffie. A. Brown. R. B. Browne. W. F. WlIlis. A. J. RoUer. J. S. Davis. D. L. Shamel. W. B. Couchman. P. L. Davis. J. W. Smith. O. B. Foreman. W. D. Lockwood. W. J. Dixon. James Ryan. B. F. Ca.l?'roll.
No. of Louge. Name of Pa1·ty. 377. Vl. L. Bowman. R. C. Dalby. F. H. "Murphy. 378. T. B. Wheeler. lit. O. Hall. 383. Amos Horner. M. G. Logsdon. R. H. Priest. 1. W. Rhodes. J. M. Smith. 391. \V. H. H. Brown.
406. 407. 411. 413. 414. 420.
426. 433. 434.
441. 449. 450. 457. 45~).
Jesse Cole. Wm. Hickman. J. W. Purcell. Sam Calhoun. Wm. Richa rds. Robert vVhite. Seth Bidford. S. M. Austin. H. A. Jones. Frank Riley. J. Luther l\!ontgomery. James Heriford. Geo. Vanorman. F. F. Kaser. J. A. Fleming. Ifenry Kirch. Hy. Reinhardt. Julius Weiss. C. E. White. J. C. Flannel'. R. A. Kirkpat'l'ick. I. M. McKier. A. L. Quisenberry. D, Stephenson. J. P. R. Dickson. C. Conrad. II. Hunt. J. W. Leeper. Jacob School'. J. W.IJea. A. B. West. H. E. Bailey. A. J. Rose. F. D. Taygart. Aug. Bohnsack. J. F. Slack. W. W. Taylor. Reuben Ja;v. A. S. Mood. W. P. Elrod. J. W. Dewhirst.
No. Of Lodge. Name of Party. 459. T. J. Phi.llips. 463. E. S. Ament. D. W. Gillespie. C. W. Kirkpatrick. J. W. Lewis. P. P. Powell. J. W. Ward. R. C. Wallace. 466. R. J. Pollan. H. A. Duggan. 473. 1. Bonnell. W. D. Shaw. 479. 'V. W. Armsworthy. 481. J. lVr. Baird. R. '\V. Hoyt. "Y. R. i\IcCormick. B. F. Still. E. L. Stephenson. E. "\Vheeler. 483. J. C. Griffith. J. H. Williams. H. C. Spangler. W. J. Sellers. Chas. Combs. J. R. Freet. John Weeks. A. E. Kennedy. L. Z. Lotspeich. A•. C. Hayes. 486. E. Butler. 493. IvL McCullough. 498. S. H. Dowell. 504. J. J. Blal~ely. Woo. Taylol·. C. Shepard. .A.. B. Sanderson. M. L. Gray. Peter Baron. Stephen Remington. 512. W.W. Greenlee. J. M.. Linesba. 524. D. W. Sliger. 526. Geo.R. Martin. G. W. Goodman. B. F. Nations. II. Gaskin. V. Sulllvan. 527. J. S. Purdy. 537. Jacob Bates. C. E. Wailes. C.. L. Thom.as. ""V. H. ·White.
Appendix. No. ot Lodge. Name ot Party.
No. ot Lodge. N arne of Pa,rtv.
550. 551.
J. M. Boles. J. B. Henson. J. D. McKee. J. H. Spence. G. W. Young. G. L. Harris. T .•J. Blackburn. T. Miner.
554. 557.
Arthur J. Tubbs. J. H. Culley. H. Gruner. J. S. Wood. N. L. Liyingston. A. 1\:1. Hendrieks. John Potter. C. R. }\if[eCann. J. V. King. E.Roby.
Ne. Jlt Lodge.
88. 102. 318.
NO/l:;'z,e ~".
of Party.
S. Dale..
1.\ E. 'V\JTilliams. C. T. Coffrin. U. Updyke.
1, 1903.
No. Of LOrdge. Name ot Pa'1·tM. 420. James D. Halter. 483. J. D. Bishop. 526. R. B. Wilson. 563. 'Vro. Reynolds.
NO.ot Lo:a/fle. Nameo! Party.. 6:. D. W. Sllllitb.. A.nton Hain.
C. C. Ro:s.e. John H. Cline. C. C. Tbompson. H. H. Ball. W. F. Werns:e. B.
W. J. V. Be.lshe.
J. H. Prest.on. J'no. V. ~ltzgel;·ald. W.. W. WU'SOIl..
No. ot L'Q<J,ge. Name Of Pa1~tl'.
361. 407. 412. 423. 447. 462. 476. 550. 554.
Jno. K. lV[Ul'll.'ell. Adolph Goodnian. W. M.TJ.'eloal.'. W. A. Wilkerson. 'J. H .. Moore. Oscar D. Bradley. E. E. Root. C. D. Skidmol·e. C. ~f. Baker. CA. B. Hintz. Harry G. 'PA·rtA'rd(\lli ,"Y.
No.. of Lodge. Name of Pa1'ty. 4. J. B. Fleet. J. A. Biles.
R. :Munro. C. Hinckley. C. McDonald. l\;:I. Evans. A J. Smith.. 9. '!'hos. G. Lewis. 10. Peter Randall. 14. J. ID. Bailey. J. E. Bibb. 15. Ernest Metz. 16. Stephen Boner. J. K. Foreman. B. F. Bourn. 'V. R. Moo'l"e. 18. vV'. N. Bates. 19. H. H. Fields. W. A. Todd. R. C. .Jackson. 22. La Fayette Ellison. 25. L. Lowenstein. 27. H. M. TugeI. P.E. Gerber. 28. C. 'V. Gla\res. 30. J. R. Holman. 33. Geo. W.Payne. 'Vro. H. Clarlt. 35. C. A. I"oveland. A. R. Patton. 36. ",,'ro. H. Jenner. 41. S. M. Beard. D. H. Gregg. J. R. Kirkpatrick. C. T. Wallen. 47. Ira C. Darby, Jr. 52. H. A. Hart. J. S. Pence. '\tV. L. Harshbarger. 5. 7.
A. S. H. S.
No. ot
Lodue. Name of 54. 57. 62.
63. 64. 70. 71.. 73. 78. 79. 86. 9~)
94. 97. 98. 100. 104.
105. 109.
D. W. Clark. A. S. Gwinn. Isidor Eller. T. S. Dozier. G. S. l\-ferwin. J. R. Brockman. Woo. II. I.-ain. IJ". T. B. Ragland. Y. Lockridge. D. A. Reece. Reuben Falltner. J. E. Landis. S. E. Ewing. Gilliam Murrain. A. E. Senteny. H. J. Stephenson. ~I. A. Gunn. W. A. Gunn. H. L. I-fart. B. H. Goodman. W. P. Jones. B. R. :Hempstead. Geo. ,V. Tarlton. A. J. Branson. J. M. Emory. H. C. Ro'se. W. C. l.Ieaston. J. 1\:. Hansard. R. M. Brown. F. Reinholdt. W. B. Jones. J. A. Montgomery. P. M. B. Travis. vV. B. ~Iastin. J. C. Soger. J. C. Stockton. J. C. Hussey. J. 1:1. Norman. J. H. Price.
1, 1903.
. 197 No. of Lodge. Name of Party 110. Frank O'Bannon. 111. H. II. 'VUSOD. B. F. Harding. Saml. Hill. J. \V. Nelson.
11 ,t.
ID. r.rorpey. A. II. Burkellolder. ID. C. Clinkscales. 1\1. A. Bright.
No. Of
Lodge, Name Of Party. 1 65. 170. 17l. 173. 175. 177.
179. 182.
BUford Fiu·ris. James B. Gray. H. J. Sherman. 'Yo .A.. Archer. R. \V. Shipley. L. 1\1. \VilliaIlls. T. C. Smith. G. '1\ l\leador. Henry Gaus, .11'. L. 1.1. Simpson. Stuegeoll. H. Hershey. Kelle3'.
\Vilson. I.l.ee.
183. lH4. 135. lBO.
144. 14H. 147.
'\V. rra;srlor. S. 'V. Gilleland. G. .lones. S. Harrison Hendrick. Joseph 'V!litaker. C. ,V. Newmau, I"Ienry Hoye.
'I'. N. IIaynes. T. A. l\{oseley. D. !<. Hall.
D. II. \Vebster. H. Deane.. l\:L. II. Craig.
EI. F. Clark. J. V\-1. Russell. S. Leivey. John lVloore. J.e. Bridges. H. G.•Jackson. l\cL P. Girdner. J. B. Stet·ling. J. V\-". Sapp.
157. 158.
Grant Wyatt. F. G. Worthley.
161. 163. 165.
F ..l\L Huggins. J. l\iL Fiddler. O. W. Dry. Flavius .1. North. T. 'V. Blackman.
210. :!12. 213.
1.1. Stump. F. Plasters. G. Goodwin. S. l\:Iyer's. '1\ B. Sailors. H. G. 1\'Ial'quis. •J. Ii". Pra tt. N. l\Hneul'.
'V. II. Oathout. R. 1.1. .Jahnson. F. G. Paulkner. 1\:1'. l\.L Dudley. 218. 'V. r.r. Smith., 220.E. .1. Harding. R. l\tI. Eades. E. Loomis. 223. R. 1\1. Ragland~' 231. G. Long.
233. 236. 237.
23H. 241. 243. 244. 245.
247. 259.
O'Sullivan. L. T. Cat()n~ · I'I. C. Shoolt. W. D. Bogal'. Wm. Usher. L. C. Dale. A. F. Taneil. J. S. Miles. R. 1. Janua.ry. IJ. fl. Gillette. II. W. ![ueker. A. B. Beneseh~ M. l\;Iorgan.' 'Vi B:. Cowell. Juo. Padgett,. N. R. Swope. Sherman Cole. W. C. HilL F. O. Birney.
No. of Lodge. Name of Pa/tty.
No. of Lodge. Name Of Party.
263. 265. 267. 269. 271. 274. 277. 281. 283. 290. 291. 292.
R. E. Gamble. Lewis Audrain. H. F. 1vIcGinnis. H. 1\1:. Casso F. M. Castle. G. S. Young. R. T. Leaverton. Richard Noland. G. N. Mc:Mahon. Henry Gerlock. H. B. Belgerman. John Jay. T. L. Abernathy. D: Ir. Davenport. 'V. :M. Dunaway. J. W. Boles. J. R. Gandy. Wm. Stafford. Thos. M. 1Iontgomery. J. J. Miliham. J. S. Seifers. George J. Robertson. E. G. Ward. C. C. Daubln. T. H. Lease.
325. 328. 331. 332. 333. 336.
353. 354.
Hoyt Humphrey. 293. 296.
301. 303.
306. f{07.
315. 316.
817. 820. 321.
D. J. Crumley. R. L. IIale. F. C. "'''ernet. J. J. McPherson. W. H. Taylor. D. A. Ridgeway. John V. Kincaid. G. W. Blagg. Edwin Young. ,S. W. McLean. Hiram Penfuild. Harry S. Mitchell. B.J.路 Ellls. C. S. Stowe. J. W. Russell. E. J. Smith. C. M. Phelps. A. Brasher. Geo. W. Cooper. J. H. ~raser. A. J. Harshbel"ge:r. Wm. A. Smith. J. C. Hartford. C. R. Sha.ndy. C. E. Brumfield.
358. 860. 361. 364. 366. 367. 869.
G. P. Summerville. John' Johnson. F. B. Wilson. J. F. l\:IcCorrnick. Thos. W. Alton. L. W. Reynolds. L. D. Westgate. John H. Parker. J. M. Campbell. W. T. Bean. A. M. McClenny, J. P. Pollard. E. M. Windsor. R. L. Oliver. J. F. Smith. J. R. L. Clarkson. S. C. Price. J. C. Bailey. J. B. Glov~r. J. W. Yardley. G. W. Rodgers. Wm. Capito. W. B. Kemp. M. C. Barnes. T. J. Baskett. H. P. Warden. J. A. Wadsworth. J. McNUlty, Jr. A. D. Powers. J. S. Burns. W. C. Webb. J. T. Major. John Sharer. J. L. Banks. T.路 S. Sandlin. J. C" Shepp,ard. J. G. McClarren. J. L. Stillwell. M. W. Cotton. H. L. Reed. J. S. Baker. J. H. '\Vi111ams. T. H. Price. Allen Middlesworth. A. L. Swingle, 'G. W. Gan. Slade Taylor. O. L. Langford. B. F. I{essler. W. O. Butler. M. PhilUps.
No. of
Lo(J,ge. Narne of Pa1~ty.
Lodge. Name Of Party.
381. 388. 300.
392. 39S.
F. Erickson. Rauschelback. F.· Robinson. A. Williams. N. T. Clevinger. J. M. Jeffries. J. H. Sallee. George Easterday. J. D. Campbell. S. M. Gracy. H. Moore. lIeDlonaIa. C. Strayer. Currier. Shields. Smith. Pettit.
J. F. R. J.
478. 479. 481.
485. 488. 50ft
507. 509.
511. fj12.
5116. 519,. 522.
Peterle. McAfee. J. H. C. Bondurant.. Fred..S. Tolle. Chas. Riggs. 429. J. M. Hill. 430. C. Ward. 1. R. Sweeney. J. W. Cannon. 439. W. L. Ackley. 440. S. B. Lancaster.. G. W. Tallent. 443. J ay Nelson. 449. R. A. Smallding. 451. R. L. S·hackelford. 452. R. J. McIntyre. H. Pinkston. N. L. Wilkes. 4.59·. David Asher. 46&. H. J. Helwig.. W. J. McPherson. 468. D. Emmons.. G. Y. Darst. 465. Jas. ADderson. 46ftJ. E. Roark. 4.~Q. F. D .. Wlllard. Jasper. Pippin. T. W.Rll!.
524. 535.
D.Sherer. J. O. Woodwatrd. Hy. Dewerse. J. L. Truex. S. D. Fairchild. A. Hass. D. L. Manard. James Morrow. B. B. Brookshier. G. W. Rh()des. J. E. Patten. A.. II. Qfl:t·rett. W.F. Smith. ::I.. R. Edm.onds. F. P. Morehead. J. M.Marett. Harry Marrs. James E. Howard. .A. Wilkins. T. S. Howa.'rd. C. M. Leslie. W. M. Berry. E. W. Myer. C. E. Fox. J. H. George. J. L. Goff. Jacob Matthey. J. R. Brewer. Chas. H. Kreger.. T.B. Clay'boitl.
5S:a. 54;:1L.
543. 54;5. 5,,46.
548. 54~.
550. 554.
T. J.OArystal. TlioiS. E •. .]enktns. It F.. Hawldns. W. S. Die;t;l;:rmis. J. D. WIUiapas.. T.J. Coney. A. Fawkes. H. H.. Bich9.rdso:a. o. L. Hulbert. A. L. McBride. J. W.. :Mrusser. C. R. Fcenee. Geo.W. Baines. J. J. Stevens. B. JoIlnson. S. B. Ooon. E. S. Ke.skey. H. Blenenstok. S. Bienenstok. Josepb.S1ll11tIl. T. J.. 11"arreTl. W.H.. WUso'n.
1IMis'!01}ri 21 Mendian 3IBeacon 4 Howard 5 United 6IArk : 7 O'SullIvan 8 Williamsburg 9!Geo. 'Vashington 1.O .. Agen~y : 111paUldlngville 12 Tyro 13 Rising SUD 1.4. cv. re.n.e : 15 'Vestern Star 16 Memphis
17 C.larkSVille 18 Palmyra 19,paris Upion 20,St. Loms 21IHavana 22 Wellington 23IFlOrida 24j'VYaCOllda 25 Naphtali 26,Ava .. 27Evergreen 28 St. John 29 Windsor ~ 30 Huntsville 31 Liberty 32 HumPhreys ?8 Ralls il4 Tro.y 8f>.¥ercel' .. ~ 86 Cooper H
; ••••••
: New FrallklIn Springfield Te\Vark ·..· "\Valnut Grove \Villiamsburg !St. Louis I.·Ag~nCY .. : lwnght City Caledonia jBarry I'C.• yr en.e Winston Memphis ,Clarksviue Palmyra ,Paris ..: ISt. LoulS iMcFall IDeKalb !,Florida LaGran.ge ISt. Loms IAva INew Haven ..IHal1nibal Windsor Huntsville !Liberty IHumPhreys Centre TrOJ.T IPrlnceton Boonville
1Greene IKnox ·· · Greene ICallaway ,St. LouisCity IBuchanall jwarren 'Vashington !Platte IPI.ke IDaviess JScotland IPike : Marion :I1.{onro~ : ..; :St. LOUlSClt) :jGentry Buchanan ,M0l1;oe !Lewis .: jSt. LomsCitY IDOU.g. las iFranklin r~farion
]Henry jRandolph \Clay !Sullivan IR!Llls iLmcoln /:hlerCer Cooper
i _
'.. ···I St• Lou!S !St. Lou~s ~!ty ISt. LoU1SClt.}T
~ ~ ~
1_ ._~._._ TIME OF MEETING·~C.~
!TaYIor:s. John H. Deems lIst and 3d Thursdays. IHenr~; p. M. Doerner Thomas C. Kuhnle llst and 3d Wednesdays. 1Geo. \\. Strodtlnall Joseph Brunner !2d and 4th Thursdays. IH. P. Bond '" Janies M. Settle j2d and 4th Saturdays. jr-I. V. Ausherman S. P. Bradley 13d Monda}T. ·I'V. Glover W . • A.Hendrell······ · ISnturday 011 or after fullll100n. jGeo. T. Leeper .-__ J. S. :McLemol'e 1TueSday before lull moon. ). S. Lail G. R. Paden .. ; Saturday on or b~fore full moon. IA. J. Michener Henry Libou 12d and 4th Tuesdays. I.L.. • B. S?lomon R.. F. Do,,~e. ll "'jiSatu.rda.y on or before full moon. (E. G. MitchelL \V. E. BrJ an Saturday on or before full nlOOll. !~eo. C. Loomis Frank P. }flarrow ,Saturday on or before full moon. 11\'1. H. Berry M. T. 8amuel. !Saturday on or before full llloon. :.'i'~r. I?. Y. Morr..i s T. A. \Vrl.·ght ISaturday. on or before full m.oon. J. Klepper R. C. Ed ~\·ardb I,Saturday on or before full mOOD. IOscar F. Pile C. F. Sanders Friday on or before full mOOIl. !James B.. :M: iddleton Julius C.OllillS 188.turony on or before full moon. IF. ,V. Smith J. J. Suter j2d and 4th Thursdays. 1 ~:d~in G•. Mcl~ee Walter S.l~ofrmall i:st and Bd Fridays. iPh11. B. Isaacson Tbos. J. Bntt .2d alld 4th Thursdays. IWm. Z.Spiers Samuel 'Vier jSaturday before full moon. 'F. W. H~lgeDstein J. H. Cook ; !lst Saturday. W .. HU!d F. R. Litq.ePlJ.ge ISaturday on or before. fulllnoon. !D. H. Cllllders _ E. A. DavIs Ilst and 3d Thursdays. !Lewis ?tIaas George Pierc(' 2d and 4th Tbursd~ys. J. A. Hylton...... . !saturd8Y on or before full moon. IJ.. O. Bralley !A. L. Sh~.lton Vol. A. Bridger Ilst and 3d Tuesdays. 1Freileri('k Uanchle Chas. Anderson j1st and 3d Mondu)'s. jWalter \Varren H. C. Churchill ~ lRat. all or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. lH. L. Rutherford A. J. Ferguson ITues. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. IJno. L .. Dougherty 1\f • Tnt t !2d and 4th Monda)'s. !J. M. Dillinger IT. J. Stunrt i8at. all or bef. f. m. & 2d Fri. aft. jHenry Shul~e N. B. Smith /2d and 4th Saturdays. iGeo. 8. TO.Wl1.se11d W.' p.'.Dwell 'jSaturday on or before full moon. IM. F. Robinson A. C. KellY· · ITues. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. IChas. M. Shepherd :rtf. E. Schmidt 12d and 4th Fridays.
R ..
~ "'t:3
~ ~
~ ~.
o o
..,::::::::::. :::j~;~;l~ .::::::::::::::l~~~~~.::::.:·::,:::::: lit;.~.lIif~~~~:.::::.:::::::: !~i:k ~~~ltt:::::: ::::::: i*Vd!'~ ~~~~£~~~. & 2 wks. aft. !DeWttt .~ .lOarrol1•................ D. E. HutSOll , ;A.•. T. K'U(lP~k , ,..,.,::(1 ~!ut14tJ1 SaturdRys. Oil.
•••••••••• n
ck : . Id,.d 42:,.I. M .• . . l,.e ,.Grove 48 Jetrerson 44 FairfJaY 45'Bonhomme 46.• ·Iw. i e.ntz.,Ville 47 Fa~Tette 48'Fultol1 49 Haynesville 50Xen.ia 51. LiV1l1gston 52Wa-kallda.. 53Westou 54 Index OO'Al1'oW Rock p
ISt. :Lollis O?ty St. Francols
Bl3ll1 ttrck !Mid.d.l.·,e. Grove !.Jetferson Git)T P1a-Y Ballwin ,.. · \Ven.tzvil. 'le Favette ,FU'ttOll !Holt IHopki.ns JGlasgow ,Carrollton Weston Garden CitJT A.rrow Rock
1M o.n.roe Cole
\POlk ISt. Louis Ch. a.1'.1e8 Howard Callaw'ay Clav Nodaway Howard Carroll Platte
Ti . Pton.··•.·..··..· •.. I~Ray { 0.n . . • I·teau Richmond Mo..ntice.llo · J.ewis •.5.~.·.0e..•fl.t-r. ali.a jcentr.f1li.a •. ·.· · t·B.Q.o.ne .60tN~"",.~loomfield New Bloonlileld.. Q~lla,vay y Y .9 612. . •. . .• ..V •.• . ¥.•.1l),CJ.1 . . a.•. •. .v.•. el.I w . . ••..a-..v••e .r•. l af:a•. .• .y.. e.••. tt . e· Cameron GlJuton 63. Ol\mbrid.ge 1Sla,ter ~ , Saline 64 Monroe \MOnrOe CIty Monroe
OO. •.,•.. •.• •. . .T •.••..ip.. .•. ton 57 Richmond . 5 8lti..On.. tic ~. 110
67. R.o.. C.heport 68 Kennett 69 SulHvan !OiAnilstrong
i.RO. ch.eport ,IConnett ·lsullivan
69 Grant CIt)'
1.••. •.•.s a.• v.. •~.1.•1 .11al1·.. · 12<GOrlu·· 3.•. Eu ...•.. l'ek a ·
!./4;'Va.rrel1 .
7fi.. . • .Sfl.ex.•."., 76{ndepeudence
c•.• . . •. •. .•. . . A . •. .• •.~aklll.n ..• M •.•. 1•.•.] 1(:'. r I~·J
1\ Ured if. 8noddy )W..T. Ragland M.~: Y~tes. ActilJg BellJamul Ihlw~on J.• McKee J. R. Ket 0 V. G. Blake iR. B. flume
· l
E. \Villiams C. Florenf'e
sa.tu.rda}' on.or before full mOOll. aturda..y belo.re.fUll moun. 1st Friday, 3d SatuJ'day. .
.....• A. p., Ll M•.vingstnne e· ·1'IR J. JonRs A. Stern
/'v. R. P.
IIS a.•. .•t ur •.. . . . d..•. a.,y or.b.eror.e fun mo.on. 1st a]ld Sd011 Saturduys. ITnesday on or before full moon.
lIst and 3d Saturdays.
IH. F. 8ny~er
I'Th. ursday
IG. McDanIel iD. R. Evans !O. A. ChnpnltUl. !H. ".T. King !e P. Patteson
iB. ~. ~usse 11
l!f.'fUf.e f.un moon. l~t and 3d }] 1 Hht} S. . '/saturday before full moon. SRturdu)' 011 or IJefure full Iuonn .
ITue~da.y·on o~ be.~ore fllllllloon .
·.. ·
2d 12d
and 4th FndaH~. !8aturda.Y on or hf..>[J.ore full m. 0011. and 4th :Mondays. 8a..t11 1'0. ar on or bel.ore full moon .
I·IEdwin P .. Ambler IBt and ChrlstuU.l F. 1flp~fer ·l::;t and:3d d Fridays. Tuesn. ays. IF. A. HeIdorn '" ISaturday on or before full moon.
, IJ. B. Baker JB. A. Jones
~ H
ISat. on or bC.',f.f.ln.. &. 2 fun WRS.moon. a.r.ler. iThursday on or b~fore
IL. A. 8asse
1st and 3d :Mondurs.
lGe n • \V. Prince
!e. F. Baumblott lJ. E Banta.:
·12d and 4th FridRJR.
IG. D. Ewing IErdley O. Bayle
n. H. Sln,irh A. F. ArrIngton
I,.•c.• r•. a:s.v.u.a!.•. d K.,.ft . 1 D N.orve..11 jSt. City Alvin '.iB . . .•. . .u• c.Louts . •.h.•. . .a-l.•.l.an.·.·•.•.........•• F .•. . ln.• le,yJ.R.\Vilder111an Hanna ~ 'Bl!Jdg.et.on .. ··.····.·····IBridge~on .. ·~·······I8t.· I OUlS "'m. R. Gentry .82 Qe.l1traJ. Youngs. Creek "·IApc1l ra;in T. D. Worley Jackson Linneus ..•. ~ ..•" ILlnn /E. D. Standly
J•...•. L..HiClkR Hn~.hes Joe W.' •
·1'Saturday ............................................................... on or bpfore full moon.
iGeorge A. Stone jlR. p. owell !. . J. ij:ead IG. P. Sanders
1.. ,
am~s M~
Ch. an:tOl1 ·.. ·10ha.tltoll LincOln
l•. •. 8 Z 7.•. . . .SL .• •. .• t. .e• . •. . • . •b..•. a.• . •. ,. .n.• .• o.•.n '.8te.e.•I vil.•. . •.1•. :e . J..• .• .O • . .,• . • . • .~Star .e.•. . . P..••.•..h.•..••........•.......••..•..•.!,St. .St.. . . ••.LOU1S •. J.. • o.•.. . .S.e.• . .:• iP•. h ..n19Po~ar.
I.AScotland •.lId .••• re..w
BrnnSwi!lk 1tKeYtesvlue· · ·······lsilex ·
D. B. Brad'Y v.¥ •. . T •.. . i\.fC.CU. t.Chan J.• \'V.iB.r.•~.r~011 JS. Gut.nrie ·
Dunklln /Franklin jHoward
1 a-v.a.un . .•...ah n GOri · ..·.. 8
'Daviess Worth IB.oone :
Grant 0Ity
IWm.HilkerbaUll1cr \EdWiu V. l~?'t,(',., , , !l~.;t. a~]~j }~~ Sl1turdays. IJ. 8. Barger : ,0. T. TUll~JCJt , "'''''IMoJl('hlj l1ellrest full moon. . 'L.• Q., ThonlP~ol! l.,.~;. O. B,",.T(.),O,k 8 l~.;flt. on or b.e.fore. f. m. &.2d Fn. aft. / D. C.weather~y ; !E\ o. qhurch ·.·.····.. llst and ad ~Iolldays. ~. Jarnaglll, actulg"jC, IJ,. Grant !Thllr~d8y0I1 or before full 1110011. GottlIeb Bayer ·1 H. M. Parkhurst ISaturday on or before full D10011. 1!.1J: 0., hall. IJCey \.c. T. Richard ~ lsa tl..l.rd..fiy on.. or be.fore full moon. Robert C. Clark IJohn 'V. Heist ilst and 3d Tuesdays. G.JJ. McOal1 IE. \\T. Dunavant, jl~t and iid Fridays. F. Kenley \1£. T Hockaday 18aturdttr aner full n10011. D. A. Overnorthover W'. Porter.: T .. ll~t~ f!]H:l?d Saturd~pt. John H. Bowen ;Horace H. 8Ullth I FrIday Ol~ or befOIe fu111110011. J. W. Poland !J. A. Turner : ,.. ISat.l,cf. f. m. & Hn Monda)' after. Tas.. R. Turner jChas. H.J-!alllX llst Etud 3d Saturdays. E B.Morlall IG. B.Andersoll t8at.onorbpf. f. m. &2 wks.aftpr. W. H.Eades !Joe R. Dickson , ISaturday on or before fullllloon .
2d Saturdays. Saturday on or before full moon.
~ ~
83 Laclede 84 Webster Groves 85 Miam....i 86 Brookfield 87 Washington 88 De.fiance 89 Fnendship 90 R. us.. S.•.!311Ville 91 MadlSon 92 Perseverance 93 St. Marks 94Yie.nna 95 Meramec 96 St. Andre.ws 97 Betha,ny H
98Wel>~ter.~ 99~t. V'ern()D,
100 .A.sh Grove 1•.Ol•.. • . B •. . • •. o. g.• a..r.. d 102lUoomington 103 . West View 104 Heroine tggKirkS~l1e GallatID 107Greenville
109 Stanberry 110 Marcus 111 Trenton 'f.{aitland Plattsburg 114fTWilight n.5 L.•. addOnia 116.·Barnes 11 . •. . . •~..'• •.•.v . •. ~rs a.ll.les u8;rnUgstoll 119 De Soto tOO Compass
ILaclede St. Louis
H. T. Wright W. E. :McComb B. M. vVhittemore O. \V. Ane~' 1L. A. M ye~ J. F. \V e1?s~er Llnn IR. W. DavIs B. F. CblvIDgton ,Dade IFred L. shafer E. Kirby 8h~n?an Jlwo~th B. Ruh ~ J. Evans Chl1hcothe Livmgston Jacob 8. Lllld ,J. E. Pardonner Russ.ellvine.· 11cole A.. Stark T.. J,' A.lexander MadlSon Monroe !J. \V. Atterbury, Jr C. H. Eubank Louisiana Pike IF. O. Haley, Jr Fred Gerwig Cape Girardeau Cape GirardeaU"'IF. A. Kage W. H. Huters vi.enna Marie.s Jno. O. Holmes Heur.s Hefti Eureka St. Louis Thomas Roques W. G. Martin Shelbyville Sbelby Carson James A. Doyle B~thany Harrison \E. W. Pren~is~ C. J. CIHLer Mf-trshfield Webster J. F. McKnl~ht W. Brannock Mt.V~l'non Lawrence IJoseph W. Oase R. C. Sedwick Ash Grove !Greene W. H. Turk G. W. Musgrave B . o.•.ga.rd...••......................Ie. arr{)ll IJ.w.. H. williams L. F. G. Hale E.dwards Bevier Macon IThos. Millersville Cape Girardeau.. !E. S. Miller D. R. Cowan Kansas City Jackson IChlls. W. :Miller :M. Carter Kirks~lle Adair jIG. A. Goben j F. 1tL Buckingham Gallatln ..· IDaviess J. N. Nptherton jM. Thomas Greenville Wayne W. M. Willhite IE. M. Smith Pineville McDonald·····.. W. NoeL , •... 'I'M. N. LaMance Stanberr IGentry ·8. R. Hinkley \V. A. Stockton Fredencktown ;Madison D. L. Glaves F;. H. Day Trenton .I,Grundy · r'chas. A. Thompson A. U. Sptckard Maitland Holt Harvey E. Hall lrra Williams Plattsburg Clinton jClaude Funkhouser J. P. Lewis ,Columbia /Boone · iH. H. Banks G. Long Ladd.onia. !AU.drain IEd war.d. J. S~obe IE. C. Kennell. CabOOl. ,Texas...........•...... jGeorge Hardln !JesseLarPflu v.~rsaI·n.e.s jA.!.or • r.g•an A .• L. R.oSS IJ.ames. M . cNa.ir Kingston caldwen /Frank L. Parker /.T. H Bolthotr De Soto Jefferson O. E. Pyle James F. Carley Parkville..........•. Platte IGeo. R. Cleveland 10. D. Noland WebsterGrov~s
Miami Brookfield Gree!lfield
IC. 10.
~ ~
Wednesday before full moon. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Friday on or b,efore full moon. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Friday on or before full moon. __ Sat. on or ber: f. m. & 2 wk~. after. 1st and 3d FrIdays. Saturd .. ay on or betor.e full mOOll. 2d aud 4th Saturdays. 1st and 3d :I\fondays. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. ,Saturda~r on or after full moon. !Saturday before full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. :. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Saturday on or after full U100D. 1st and 3d Saturdays. Thursday bef. f. ID. and 2 w ks. aft. Sat. on or hef. f. m. and 2 wks. aft. ~d and 4th Tuesdays. Saturday on or after full moon. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. :uesday on or befo;e full moou. 2d and 4th TuesdaJs. Sllturday on or before full moon. Friday on or before full mOOlJ. 1st and 3d Saturdays. 1st and 2d Saturdays. Jst and 3d Thursdays. j2d and 4th Saturda)rs. ISaturday on orbeforefullnl00l1. Ilst and 3d Tuesdays. !Friday 011 o.r before f,?ll ,mo~ll;. Sat. ollorb. f. m.&Fn. ,,:k.101IUg. /F.rid.A.y..on or beror.e fuV moon. )SHt. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 4th Saturday. Saturday on or before full m00l1,
~ ~.
'Pr1;p-Iett...••....••.•. j<?hanton
tar il.le
ens ",',
'c •••
E. H. Bosse
R:. T. Morehead: Rlchard ooeblug
fDnlon8taa: !GentryVi1.le
H.D. ~oyes U.8. Crawford
De Ea.lb
, Gentry Su, . '.' <ill . ,' ,. ', . v,.an G, M,eQ,O.B~otbersead Mi,l. n.es 1[a.ITison O. W. Robertson B-arry W. T. Mars ' :t8()mutn~ ~ Bium~ Bates: O. E.Horton 13i RotoSl PotoSI Washmgton M. E. Rhodes...... 132 Fannington Farmington ISt. Francois J. P. Cayce 133 Star of the West.. ~ .. Ironton Iron Wm.R. Edgar 184 Olean Olean Miller W. S. A.llee ~S5.BraYlller B.raym.e.r Caldwell L . • F . Bl.acketer "oaphwnu Bowling Green Pike J. E. Tbompson Delphian Birch Tree Shannon E. M. Davis Eineoin Fillmore .Andrew W. J. Barnes Oregon Ore~on lIolt George Lehmer ~.,h.8.in. a.ll.in.Vl. ·.ll,e p. ap.,. ill •... V.ill.,a B !L,.:t.a.,.s R..•..W•.Tones B_Gam.Pb.ell of).{ocks Owen Lmcoln J. ~lrOllUa-le .• eas . .•. . ant 'Grov,e 0I1to:t:Ldwle t.. t e.,rvill.·,..e , W~gtQn c,•.o.•.•@p~err , ,.••.,•.J. J'o.e.JL.EatQn ' lD . . . . .•. C.Ox., mern :EIlllllRns¥111e EoJik Swmuel H.Griffin ,~imer Di.cking 'l'ex.as T.B. Mitohell (Jee aollege1tf0Ul1d :Macon ~.I.,.Teler JS :EIarnsonvi.Ua (Ja.ss ,; •• JR.oOert \V. Adams y y 148TFur.xing1;ou . d. p.•. nr .•. . . . dY, , jB ar..•.ry .A •. . . . . W. F, . •. ,. GUrl.e , Le:rlngton Lafayetteu G. BaileY , r.lIlit1g IIalleok Buchanan Paisley McDaUIel ~. ~. :=. ~-lton F.!f.th IRati.d.OIPh P. D. M~ers LInn creek Camden J. W.. VIncent .152 Li.nll Greek
Albany i.la,n .. "', Ridge'way
rame .Moaew .,
1M 1.• . B .funic . . . . •.l 0 ,o.. . •.•I Jlfi . •. . . .•. e.ld l.55Sprlng HllL &.••.............••... 3.,
. . .•. . . ..NorthStar As.h•.mn."d., 156 .161i lQ$~ounMttlGrove
1.16QPletlSMlt ,•.. 5.. . .•9.,• , Q . • . . . .1. . •'6 . . . ._.6,.•. . n •. . . .,.•.'•. .,• .Ci . . •. . •. •.t•.. •.,.y.•, 16lf ~Qn]Ji1[
*6~: WiJt~t~~M.e
f~~~~(3~~~n~..•••• ~
~J.;6l).1dJa~lle .•. . 6.I.• . .J.@9.Q.. . ,•. tmm ·., ,
166 POdlaJl6vl.1[e
IBDesloge l OO.n. 1,fi..e.•. ld
'Sprlng Hill Mb1. ' , 8..n.d.., , Rockport Mountain Grove..
St. JLivingston : ).~..todFrancois d '
C.pun.c Evesh JW.N.'.
B.00.n.. e , .Atchison
S.' F.,' T.'. N.. Mu.s.tain Johnson 0. M. Mitohell
W. F.
Polk R. Paris S ,ll1 •. liV8.n " H,.'.. W. O. w oy [l;andoLph J. W. Grav6s Whitesville Andrew : m. C Jefferies St. Lollis Louis <.Jlty.•...• Olal'ence L. Alexander lm .MalW'Vit1:e •. . . . . . . .l.•.•s. bOl.~Q.............•..•.•••.•.•..•.••••.•.•..,N"ooaway w._,.e,.ffl.C,rs'.o.n .-.. ,E l.,i.J.·a,h BU. rg,ess A<lolph Stauble FortageYMle New Madnd George Ward
Mornsville G•.•r..• ee.•.n Ci . . . •. .c.tJr, Glifton Hill
!Geo. J"BerueH~p,
lB. F. Fl$etwo()'L._.« j:n\ O.lrj()hr~_r ••... H~
([[. M. Cocl:n'~ ., jC. R. 8tevetl~(Ju.. H
•• ,. •••••••
jRObert Tetle)1 Mann Ringo
g.atu.r.da~ Saturdal
or before fUI.l moon. nearest full n100n. 18at. on 01' bef. f. m. and 2 wks. aft. F. L. Stufllbam 1Saturday 011 or-before full moon. "Vm. Anthony J. B. Riohmond , Sa.turda.yon or before full moon. John R. Cowell.. .•.• 1st and 3d Fridays. Y IW..D.'. G. Uf.l,e T.h. U.fS, d~Y. all. or before full moon. IH. Sinauer 3d Monda;. R. Dallam 4th Satllruay. D. F. Qui~enberry 11stgaturdRy. . .. O. N. DavIs ISaturday on or before full mOOll.
J. A. .. jL.. B. Parker March 'Vm. O. Sterling E.li Penter ILewis C. Christian James Archer
~. Davi~
lhos. R. C.1rbtchell C. J. Patton IJ. F •.Roberts ,AustIn P. Oliver lchas. s.. Jones Bootll Warren A. T. Smock
~ C',? l-l
Alex. Harrison
w.B.G.RobinsOll s.tt. elt J.
"' !~\&nd 4th Saturda)'s. iS&tl1l'(lay on or before full moon.
188". /2d
jltj. L. Stand,isll
/Cash Wenkle David Meeker \Geo. T, Rarnes IJ. E. Cummins ,o. W.Sutterfield ,ca..rrieo T. N.
before full moon.
tUrda~ and 4th .•... o. UFridays. orbe,forc, full moon. , 18aturday 011 or before full moon . and Hd Fridays, 18t and ard Thursda~·s. IISaturday after full moon. II~riday on or before full moon. ISaturday 011 or hefore full moon. ,. iB . d SIt.lU.r.•.d."RY., • ,./'.lst and 3t] Saturdays. '.. 1st and 3d 'l'uesdays. IBaturdayon or before full moon. \lat 1111(18d Saturdays. !1.lt Monday and i1d Saturday. P.lsSaturday . ' Rturda y on on Oor .. f. b.efore full IT.loon. hefore full moon.
IJ. iJ".noB. W" .. rrhonulB B,.l.,n,..i.,.-l,Jam IG. F. Per killS 8ig. Solomoll
18.H.BE.Wilbelm J,OhDstOU
;~n~n~~l~l on or ,Iltt~!urli&y. ".
>< ••
- ••• " ••••
~ ~ ;;s
~ ~.
1st and 3d 8n.lurdaYIlJ. I.],Bat. iTId. y l1e,ftr,e~t.full m.. on or heft f. & 2 wka. after. Jt,
jBd Saturday.
2d Saturday. lsat.oll orbef. f. m. &~d ]"'ri. foPJng.
onon or .01' before full 1110011. before full 1110.0.n. -Saturday on 01' before full moon.. Saturday on or before full moon.
IFrldRY \".8.
1st and 3d Mondays.
sa.turday or before full 11loon. 1st and Hdon Saturda)'s. "'. First Saturday after full moon.
~ ~
~j-~~I!Y~[~~=I__ ~~I 167,Revere 16SIColony 169ICatnden. p.Oillt..
170IBenevolenee 171 Hartford 172 Censer.~
!ReVere Colony
jclark IKnox
Ca}Uden P9int·:···I.P!a~te
UtIca \Hnrtford
iLIVlngston tPutnam l}lacon .. ~
j !~._\V.. Hu,ll...: .....•. ···.······..
jbeo. A. Cullmg !H. c. Lowe ~ ·· .. iUhas. A. Bennett
iMacon 173 Defunct .••••......: I..·· ·..· ·······.. r 174 Sturgeon ..: ~.~ ..·.:.ISturgeon ; Boone 1,1. \V. Hlllett : 175 Newton : Newtonia .: ,INewton : IJ. H. Hale 126 POi.nt-Pleas.ant !POint Pleasant New :M. ad~d··· .. :.. lj.samuel Pi~er ·.. ····.•· 1/7 Texas Houston jTexas Johu AbehL 178 Gris. old Pricets Branch (Molltgomery .~ lE. F. wel.ls 179lPrideofthe \"test'''oSt. Louis 1St. Louis CltS· I\V.L. \\hlpple 180IDes Moines : J·Athens jClark .••••···.·• ·.. 1 L. H. 'rherme ~
:J.M.S.F.H~rdr IA. C. Loomis \'\Tright······ .. ·········IH. H. BecklJer..·
·.··IT. n. Barnhouse IJas. G.. Howe
181 p.•. . v·.e.• IKnob t1 .• . . · : : Nl.r .o •. . v e.l.~Y K l.10X . ••• •.. • 1 R.• H. A . . BrIdges p. o~. r J82. • . •. N. Ptlot Richville Dou~las iJ. 183 California : : :. Oalifofllia. MOlu(eau :. i~· ~. Rice .: · y y 1S4.·.·•·.IM.o.rl.e. •.."•.: !MOrle ·········.. ···18cott · · ·Il. F~.. Tomlllisoll 1850ha.ttrois.:....•........ ~. 01Iamois ·· ····losage JF. H. Caughell 186 Morality ··· ·;:· :IR6ni~)r 1Randolph IJ. E. WirL.: 18iIJermon ·······.. ···;;.·.1Libernl IBarton ·· ~ GiSh...••. ~ 18SHanuibal········..·.. :·IHannioal : lltfl1riO:Fl • ·l (ii, W. O·Brien 1~9 Zeredatha St. Joseph.·.·..·· fBuchanan ! D. T. AiWhbon 190 p.. u.tnam ~ .. N.Tewtown .l.SUlliVlUL ·'·.· A.• McCI.uahall 191 Wilson Pocahontas· :.ICapeGirardeau 1E. R. Harris~.~ 192 FrankfOrd~ ~ .. IFral1kford· IPike IJ. E. Lucas 193 Angerona ..: 1Missouri City "'j Clay 1 194 Wellsville I\Vellsville ..•........ I1Yfontgomery 18. S. Cox 1~5.Boliv.ar ; ~.'Boliva.r·· · IPOlk · I.I\v. W. Mo.ore 196. Quitman QuitInan jNodaway IWm. Kraft 1971oarthag~ :jCartnage.·.··· IJasper l H. \V. Hlair 19R. A 1.lenSVille :.. : Allendfl,le I\~orth I.J. H. :r..!CE.Jvaill ~99New Ho~e.. ····· ..·····IElsberrY ~.,Ll11c91n \0. C. Eafoltlll ,tOO J$onora·········:..··..·· \Vatso,n ······ .. ·.. ··~·IAtch18on .. ·• F. 'Vilson 201 Ravenwood Ravenwood INodaway ',. {i'rpd Lvle 202Wesbvil.le Wccstvil.le····.· .. ···.IChariton J .. T. Robimon 203Brunlley : ~.:. 1Bru1l11ey : +~nller ..· · IJanlesTh011111son 204.IBowley. Dearborn... Pla~te .Robert T. Rogers...........
··IJ. .. I.J.
I,G. . w. F.K.Drake lly,:aters 1·; ·.·············· !,v. A. ;Seymour ,J. B. :l\fyers
l:e C)
L~~&~~~-~ IFridnyon orbef. f. m. &2wks. aft. ISaturda~T on or before full moon.
!Satur.da~ on or befor.e. fulllnoon. ISaturda3' on or before full moon. !Saturday on or before full moon.
· ·······
!lst and 3d .Mondays.' i
IFriday on or before fulllnOOl1. · ISaturday on or after full moon. IEd. Bi:-.hi~ !saturda~ o.n or before. full moon. iStephen yates............... Saturda} on o.r after full moon. IJ. 0. Wilson iSatuI'day on or before full moon. 1'1. R. Eggenberg IIst and 3d \Vednesdays. IL. E. 'l'herme ISaturday on or before full moon. l.~. H. L. C . c;>c!r.l'um. .. iSatu.r.day 0.on n or before fullilloon. iF \~ hlte ISatmrday or before full moon. Ie. A. Bnrkhardt !2d .and 4th Fridays. D. 1\1. G. upton I. Ffldayon or before full moon. Henry Marquand !Friday on or after full moon. Warren Surber :Fri. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. after. ' J. H. Todrt ,lIst and 3d Thur~days. A. G. :McDaniel. 2d and 4th M~ondays. .'George Rees 12d and 4th Tuesdays. J. Wells. lsaturday on orhefore full moon. ,D. C. Thompson Saturday on or before full moon. !H. C. Steel sa t • on or ber. f. m. & 2 wks. nfter.
~ ~ ~
!IWm Miller Iw·. S. 11.
Askn·n B. Young
i\V'arren Woodward I.ll; L.. Tilton : l\~. A. HemphIlL 10. II. B~yless I\v..P. 81ms 1C. O. vVest ~pe?'~rm~11 (700. \\l. Klrbl ,
!Saturday before full 11100n: !Wednesday on or before fulllnoon. !lst ann 3d Saturda~ys. 12d and 4th Thursdays. ISatur.day on p.r b. .f . m. & 2 w]rR. aft. ISaturday before full moon. jlst and 3dSaturdays. j2d and 4th Saturdays. ' IRd Saturdar. i8aturday on or before full moon. Stlturday before full moon.
IIrra.uk.Lisetor , I.~ I. 1#,.lmltl1 "."" , jIst rrhursda}'. n..................lli'rea t.xnoI •.•D.v A-IHlrtnvs.......•".,jWJU Dr aper ....•. '-;.:.J.:.•.•. ~!' M ., '! :.•. . .•. . . ••.•. .•.•.••.. •. •• \~atnrd.a., .. on or before full moon. 17,!.. l.__ :rla,ok. ".ll~'t and 3d Saturdays. ........ ~ " "7.,..""...., ············IY,yQluoon IL. B .. Warner ,. il:.~" .. trr&mmel. !lst Tuesday. J31.nn:..•....... Po~1ar :pluff Batler .John w. :BeJ~man ·IJ:lulh J • Mtlrrison . --'" 12~ and 4th Tuesdays. 1.11.HiLl.••.••... ..•...••••...••.• l:I1CkO n l.o..n Y.illHill e .......•.. p: u t.na:.m P. Bond MC.R . Ih.lnney " ,.'jW. G e Q.:H.W; Da.V.l.a; jMOl.l. b.efore & 2 weeks after. Oole 1. D. .E lUmUltf ;Saturday on f.orm. after full moon. W ile fJampbell. Dunklin W. E. Brc;>wl1 ·····., .. IH. y. Merrltt · ·llbt and 3d Thursda)·s. ,=_ Rol1a Phelps A. A. SmIth IB. B. Itllcker 1st and 3d Saturdays. 1F orest.. . .ty .r· est. C.-.it)r HO.l.t .1.... G. Haislip. ·1·· . . .•. . . . . ' " orllersville oaruth ,E..•."..'" Ghaillaud Friday on or before full moon. . ale H.ale CIty ~ Oarron " J. N. Bates IL. L. 0' Dell 2d and 4th Saturdays. ine
dH.. , ..
'.1'lO . 1)) .•. . . .e eHope
lert PIke ,nsas City 'sUe Tie Belle ~ odlawn .mi.lton
>St. LoUlS .n gs sw •.. ee.t.. Kansas City Kansas City Oak Ridge La Bene Leesbllrg IH~milton
A.. . . . .•.
I.Jackson Oape Girardeau Lewis Mo·nroe Oaldwell
John 0. EluU1E!B W. J. ROl!lerts D. H.Wilson J. D~ ll.i.ley .. C.S. ,A:uders?n u
Edward Lo . . . . •. . . . . . U .•. s•.. . •. .N Schaaf...... 0.. . •.0 ft':m,.ll. n .................. €te0. 0. SmiLh rit:H'. Ruggins _. .' 'Dotson ........... +_el;p~ j'..9JU1ti<f1111eider ' ............ r>unklln J. If. Glenny o Oaldwe1.1 J. '1'. Hunter Ok.lin.·.· ...••••: Bu.•.. . Ok Iin . .•·..•...: L . .•.·m •. . . . .Franoois .l l IJJ.W. . . . . •. . cl. Q}'bro.ok FranoolS Ll.oerty'·llle St. Oowley atherb~T Weatherby ...••.•.• DeKalb Elnley 1\'1cOlure 8~dalia Fettis O. T. Wbi8man .l ia g lt Rusllville lBuchanan Wm. l.ata , Rnsh;ville L . .•. .•. \.p·.•.l.ata :Mae.on G . . •. .• . e. 0••...... 0.Bunten Br..e'.".in ton., Hope,~ell Lesteryille Reynolds ]). H. McKenzie GranVIlle GranVI1.le.·· M.on.roe al-Ie.nl'Y . eo s W. J.olles: : ~ le St. Oharles St. Oharles Betndlck d Readsv~l1e Oallaw~y ..: W. N. Davis . e : St. L0l;11S St.. LoUlS·Olty Gns. F. Scharr .lnus ])owllmg', So-huyler W. T . Cowell ~r .•: ••.••• KJ.i~l>.:N~ster .......• J()l1n.son... ~ A. ~{. Craig 'Y Crts Mon.tgom,ery Cil;y:Montgom.ery W. C. Hughes ............. Neosho ~ N"ewton E. Phelps ..................... II e.~ l e . . • . , na. . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . • . • . . . • . • . · . • A.n . . . · • . · . . . • . d . • r . . e . . • . w 'W .••. II. Goo"rich ShR.rp .~ N"Qrb{)l'ne.•..••.•...• Garrell. lJ.l\f. "' ed €Hensted ~ Morgau tL. B. Hawks ....................d3alem
,Dllnklin \L. $t. C. 6.a•.. .J...in.Louis •. . . e City ,0Calvin Cll..Bowersox e Jackson A. D. L. RamUtoll $te. €tentlvleve :1)ellt :
Edward E:I.GO&S.ovBaldwJn . .•. .e , : IJuo. R. Loosen 'George A.. Poteet !·G. 8. WIlls ehas. F. gIn~th /R.M.Ragland !Henry Murphy
3d Saturrlays. IF1st . ~ridand . a,•.,. on .. or. befo.refull moon. 2d and 4th Mondu)'s.
2d ann 4th :Monduys. \Saturday on or before full moon. Saturday on or before full moou. ,Baturday on or before fun moon . I1st and 3d Tuesda~·s. Y Frank Scbeuring Saturday moon. pe.•. .n.• c.er.. H w ar.e a. t.ur..d.•. ll on. or 0.r. before bef.ore full f.UlI1UOOll. Jobn Retrlck lstandSd "\Vednesdays. Rolir(;n·t L. Thomas •• .. m .. 1st and 3d Fridays. J. '.1-'. Keesee Saturday on or before full moon. D. BIll'o(?f Satnrday on or before lull moou. A. E. Thomll8 ~ , 1st and 3d Fridays. M. H. Winger Sat. after f. m. &:ld Sat. followinv. R.• S. 8. .K .•.•. Rtb an tllr..d.R.Y. h.ef. & 2 wks. after. 10. IIughe~ \\ ('dllesday 011f.orTIl.before fullmonn. iI. F. R11f~ " : 2d Baturday• IElroy E.Coddfng .tst Friday.
~. ~ ~
R. "\-'T. Jones IE.1VI .. Dtl.rh.a.n.l
W. P. Sizemore D. W. M~Gee: Jno. B. Martll1 H. R. Gilbert Moses Ely Boon Wolgamott Geo. J. Tarlor ~ J. R. Ap~lIDg Cbas. E. Prettyman A. NH.HalIlP8 Gr~ham.. J. Hobart Ripley
and . 4th Saturdayf;. Iw2de.dll.es d.RYon.or. .be.fore full moon. on or after moou. ISa~urday
\F1st . ~r. lda.y o.n orb~for;fullnl00l1. and 3d Tuesda,jis.
j8aturday on~ or before fun moon. \1st and 3d ·Wednesdays• Sat. on or bet'. f. In. &, 2 wks. after. IFriday on or before fulllDoon. (f\{onday on or beforefuH moon . ITuesday on or before full moon . j'sat.on & Tues.2 W.ks.aft. 2d andorbef.~.m. 4th Saturdays. JSaturdaJ' on or before full Dloon.
~ ~
251,Hope 252 Alanthus 253 Laredo 254 Butler 255 Alton 256Shekinah .. ~7Lodge ofLight 8. R,a . v..allD. a '59 Lodge of Love )()ll\fechallicsville IhlFlorence u
I b~'l'ri~~.,_,_~UNTY'~_I P.
hvashington !Frankliu IAlanthus Grove .. Gentry ILaredo Grundy Butler i"Bates Alton IOregon Festu8 1Jefferson Eagleviue jHarrisOn '.. RaV.,anna :N.:lercer Lancaster Schuyler Mechanicsville St. Charles New Florence Montgomery
JennIugs L. V. Woods A. B. Lud wick,
rC. C. Miller ID. M.-. F()ster !Fred C. J4"rench llsaac P. Ronen H. Kallme:--'" -
0'* :
ID,HenrY a.. •. Vl.ess
iLewis Hickory
~:E ~~~TIN~~ OF
and 3d Satul'da;rs. Saturday on or before full moon. Sat. on or bef. f. m. '& 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Saturdays. ..
11P. S. Terry
1st and 3d Fridays. Friday on or before fulllnooll. 1Vedllesday before full moon. 2d and 4th Frlihnr~ Saturday or
J. L. Downing /J.os.ePh JenkIns learl C. Friedrich \Henry Johlison 1"
.::J __
G. W. Van Za Tbeo. Hyatt.. jThOS. P. Noel Walter B. \Ve ,Griflin j'J. F. :Mason B. Duey A. A. Johnson \Geo. E. McNei1. J. R. Li~htfoot R. L. v.yall A. C . . Vel1 able lJa_s. E.. par.sons ~ A. P. Franse Art Ada..ros J• .A..• Williamson F. W. SweeneY G. Sievers : V. H. Fal}renhalner Wm. c: Ha8~ill P. R. SinclaIr
285 •. • •. •. •. •. •. .• .• .E •. ,.,.• . a. .• •.r•. .l•. . .•. . •.•. 286U~.lC1l, 287 Graft t ••••••• Canton •2881Hernrlta;ge ...•........ Hermitage
Henry A. .A1a)T F. M. LykulS ,Arch Bruce /J. Y. Whitsett.....
I.S. E dward. A .•..n. dJ. A. Snlith ..
y jGo .• . me.•. •. •. S.b.ur.g· lJ-tiCll
IF. \v. Brickey
+ ..
"!. G~Uenkamp
1 .. IJ~h
,2..•. H.•.•O •.•.ld.•. e.n tH.O •.i.den .•.' JOhns...on 3SUUltnit Lee's Summit Jackson 4 Klrb¥ville ,Kirbyville Taney 5 Corinthian /warrensburg Johnson 6iSocial. lv!aririnFiburg Audrain 7Aurori\ S~.~()$ St. Louis ~'ity 268Lodg-e OfTEuth Aplapta. 1tfRCon 269 Rock Prairie rLawrellCeburg....• Lawrence 2~.I.oINew.S. a.lem j'Yil,lfit>..ld Lin . .COIn 271 1Solomon···.. · •..·..· IHpnngfield Greene 272,Granite sedalia Pettis 273St. Clair Oseeola jSt. Clair 274 Cold Spring Leeton 'Johnson 2.7.5.. ..Tranquil.Ht.y o.rearvllle , ISalin.e 27,.6.Gran.d.. Rlvet F)'eem.an c.as.s 2771Vm. D. Mmr Pllot Grove 'lcooper 278..Avi.11.a Bowers 1fills L.•ttwrence 27911Iogle's Creek Wheatland Hickory 280 Lodge of Peace chillhowee IIJOhnson 28.1. lFenton F . ent.on 8t•. L 282lCosmos St. LOUIS St. Loms City 1 StOCkton Stockton Cedar 284 Canopy Aurora Law.renee
_ jT. jL. R •..... D._ .• ,ooli..n •..• E. Hal1.." : F. R. Woelfle L. J. Slavens H
"d C':l
IA. M.
,.\H. W. Cameron
tD. T. KU~am
C. SmIth Is.IM. lvL Hodges Geo. R. Daniel
Wm. Griffith ,B. J. orear IS. A. McSp!1dden IF. K. HarrIs Is. J Kn.ox !E. Dent............ IH. L. Reecl. jJa.mes A•.valldoVer I Eden Reed Hulstone lJ. 8. Lea
!Wm. l,W. . A. I•.•B.P,._.T.Rt ,t Morlan
,Obas. L. Chappell
J. R. Slavens
!l\fonday on or before full moon. j Saturday 011 or before full nlOOll. Saturday on or after full lTIoon. 12d Monday. 3d Friday. 1Friday before full moon. ; Thursday before full moon. 1 Wednesday on or before full moon. Saturd.ay on OF before full moon. 1 2d and 4th Fndeys. 1 Thursday on or DefOT.e full moon. Friday on or before full moon. 1 Saturday on or before full moon. Saturday. on or af.ter fullnlooll. "12d and 4th Mondays. ,Thur. on or ber. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. i 2d and 4th Tuesdays.. . j S.at.urd. ay on or after befm!'full fullmOOD. moo.l.1. Saturday
i 1st and 3d Mondays. j
Saturday on or before full nlOOll.
~ e.-::>.
o (>
attlil.t~•.••••••••.• ~ •• ,I~~~~",,,,,,," ••••• I:N:odaway ., "g.~.,.,~••••••••. lt.~y~~()+lql), ••,••~ ••••• lQla..rlt•.••........... ..•••• ~ .•.••.••.•• ~~.••..•: .l~PQX .~ L(l.~ar II\art0n. L~~ ISa.reoxie...•......•...•IJa.sper Gity :Mound otty jlil:olt
'talbott '*.. J.J.0. EF..H.•. Long Wells ··..··..·
g96 Sparta
29'7 Ozark 29$$f,i,mpson 299 TeWple ?OODoric 301 White Hall 802 Lick oreek 803 Osage
305 G.l..arence 3~Ashlar .3• . 0, Ne1t Lo.ndo.n... 3OaParrott 30i1l{ing Hiram O-tr. Sikeston ~~rpey
Jamestow'n"'''''''I1\{ordteau Barta ]Pair Grove
Kansascity Elkland Barnard Perry INevada
. I
Chrlstian Greene IOzark !JaCkson Webster Nodaway RallS
1.,. P. Ut'lVr,
·.. ······:1~.~I. \'Yepl:.., " , Obtlil.J'\: !5fDwn A. J. "Vray IJ. P. W"lde11 Fl'ankTa}rlor iGeo. W. lVood c. a. FlHler IA.GraDpel1 ~ .A. B. .Meyer.•· I'~aldo p~ Johnsol1 \V. T. TyndaIL !W. G.}iolland G. W.Small IJ. ¥. (~ardl1(n A. Jones ;E. S. :&Iay •••• ~ Samuel M. Hocker IThns. A. lfilburn J.F. Miller IN. Itt. Wollard .: Seth :M:cFarland !'fhml.McM1l1eu G. C.' Rosel.1 IIiI. P. Bybee F. L. La.coff H. Brown un
.0 • • • ;
' .o.n J s .. s.6Y G. w."W.Brundrett..; G. nil.for. c'!. D. Harrls T. D. Williams M. O•.Rill Il. It. r.,enRox "'c'
IS.I'Scott • h,e.l.b.y
C1 .•. ar.ence commeree New.Lo .. nd.on MaySVIlle Knoxville /Sikeston i;ef.W!Jley
R_.~ns De Kalb !tay i/$Qott "..
1Cil1gsville J?in.e
Jo~nson ~~pley
1). ~,.eO$serman
y IC1 I.,JU•.lld \.T.h G.. F. Ellis
" ,George E......• L.ear S. M. Weed "'IA. T. Moffitt 1E. J. Malone ,John N. Shouse iJ.!'J. lfCCo~l1!acJr jPnce;B. I{obluson J. Y. Stone 10.1.,1. Long !Thos. J. ThornhilL IJ. M. Lamar IC. E. Lee A.• Clark K. irk. patrick !O. C. C. A. Brown
1,\. ~!.Johngon · W.. m:. Nelson " 6Jl.j/~i.ne 4. N.l3elcher ill5.Jel'usalem >.Tefl9ho Qeqar J: P.Lon.g 816>Rnral. >KansasCity Jackson 'Walter R. Anthon)1 817 Osborn Osborn DeKalb J. A. La\vson : Rt8Eldorado Luray Clatk : J. A.Porter 8.,.1 .,•.. 9.•. .,. •. pAm.azonia a u.•.•.lY.l•11e B.r . • .a..••...sh.e.• aJ:t ~ IA.Andrew ii.at .. r w ......•S.8••. Hobbs va.wter 8~ Atnazoni(i. Q. 321 Jonathan Denver Worth Wm. Campbell 822 .•. .•. . .•. . II . •. . •. RJ:•.•. d.•. m H.. .•. ard •. in R•. a.yLouis City M' G. rio m .. es /IJ. M.A.carte.r vorner-Stone st. Louis St. ~. W.Eckert JaR. Smith, Jr :M:cDonald Tnde .endence Jackson Thos. J. Walker S. 'V. Strode g.25 .•. . . . .•.• . D?ckery................•. M(eafvme Linn J. I .. H.amilton L.l\fadde.n 26..• Ltnn LInn Osage Ohas. F. '¥eeks Theron Carnes .•.••.. 3~'7 Mt.. Zion West Plains HowelL W. W. Mautz IG. B. Thomas 3~Oaille"\?lle _ Oainosville Harrison. A. E. Childs · .~ <J. D. :l\fcDaniel E1II}9.,•., Npd'!:w1\Y·: 0. Lamar .IAlbert J. Imel O~e~r.a..n. Bertralld. MissmslPlll •......•• flo B.Presson !Thos. L. T..ett g3(L~b.QitJ.~y.•••••< St. Joseph :Buchanan : ~. p, Miles lEdward C. Browne .~.~. . . . •.• R . :~,.l a p..•. . <1.> ~! B.erli.u..•.•.•. . ; G.. .•e•.• n tr.y rObn..E.. Owens Robertson ving13ton .334•..~. •. <i11i~o~h(} Chilliw)tp-e ···.. Preston Randolph C. E. Oornue Brecken:M<lge Breckenddge Caldwell. w. O. Hart ~ .,.. 8. J. Dewey
J&tand 3d Saturdays. :Saturdav OIl or before full moon. :~aturday on or before full moon. · Ifriday on or before full moon. ITues. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. after. 1'~d anti 4th Tuesdays. !Saturday on or. before full nloon. jFriday on or before full moon. ISaturday on or befoTe full moon. !Saturday on or before full nloon. !lst and 3d Tuesdays. ISaturday on or before full moon. 118t and 3d Saturdays. jISaturda.y on or before full moon. 2d Friday. /
eo o
ls . •. at. o.n o..r b.e.f. f. m.'. &2 wks. after. !8aturday 011 or afte: full moon. so,. t. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aIter. Ilst flJ1d 8d Saturda)Ys. ISaturday 011 or belore fnn moon. ,Thursday 011 or before full moon. !lst Saturday. ISaturda)Y on 01' nearest full moon. ISaturda}7 on or before full mOOll. I~tttul·day before 3d SU~day. jBat. on or bef.f, m. & .. wks. aft, llst and 3d :Molldays. '!·2rl and 4th Saturdays. 1Salllrday on or before fu1l11l0on. 3.R.t.U. rdOS.Oll. or befOI.'.e f•.U •. 11 Iuoon. llst and 3d Saturdays. i1st and 811 \\,pdnesda)'s. l.
~ ~
~ ~
fS. a ., turd. X1.Je.fOl'.e fun lllOOH. jlst and.a.ad l\:fondays. 1st and 3d Mondays. 2d. R.lld 4.th Tuesdays. Saturday on or be10re full moou. I<FridRy before full mOOJl. 1st and 3d Thnrsdays. 1st and 3d Saturdays. !2d and 4th S~turdays. 12d and 4th 1rlondays. ISaturday on or before full moon. 120. and 4th Fridays. 2d and 4th Saturdays,
c::> ~
-I 335 Joplin
33.6IHa.llsville 337Blue Springs
--r ASTER. .1.\
I s 'I!W' A. Nickell '1'. P. ~rown
E_C._R_E_TA_R_Y_._ _
Joplin .•......•........ Jasper ·HallsvIlle Boone Blue Springs Jackson
!IR. Ii'. Hulett E. A. Rider
Rockville R.0.Beoe ' Petersburg Moberly
Iw. F. Gilliarn Hhac.•kelford_B. . L.
,Z. SmIth
~ TnrE OF l\fEETING.
·······llst and 3q Fridays. I.saturdaY on or. after full nloon. ,1st and 3d Saturda)'s.
;~. g: ~~ret.iI~Y· ::::::::':.::::::: MFai~ll.:~l.~~...:"::::.::" :"~.1~"la;'tte":::::·:::.::::::::: IIJ:'T:'ReY;;o"id~' :::::: .:::::::~ IJ·..ii':·C~;~.·on . :.~:::: .::: .:::::. il\veci:'(;;; ·~;·bef: ..j:·;;;:·&:2·;~·k~:·1~ft: 3401 \Vestport Kansas City Jackson O. 0. Donald.son H. C. Elberg 2d and 4th Tnesdays. i.:
3411 Rockville 34'.2•.•1' I.·rele B-!3Agrieola 344IMOberIY C.
Bates t . CIa.ir Henry jRandolph
J. O. LanghlIn
Max Lowenstein
'118t aDd 3d Sa1urdRYs.
E. H. Carter Jno. pen.ce G. H.S.•Powers H. A. Hatfield
:Thur~dBY on. or or before befo.re full full moon. moon. ISaturday on
j2d and 4th M<?nda)1s.
~ i.•. I.~.h".S~I.~.~::::::::::::I.~Oix.Ploi~ :.·:::::::::::::::I~~Sl. ~ek'f:::::·::::::::Ir.~~1I· ~.r'r1s~~··:.:·::.~:.:·:::.:: .· C.~~OS.Sgu~k)~~~~~·:.::::~:::..!i.t~~s~:y.tho~r~~ir:iore full moon. Edgar Springs IPhelps J. W. Cook T. Lamar Saturday on or after full moon.
•. •. .•. . 5•.•. •.· .• er.J.lI •. 347,SpriugCreek 348iWadesburg 349tPOlloek 300 TYrlan ~l!b'tosa . ie 35ztFrie:,.l1d
creighton polloek Jobnstown l3elleview ,o. zark 3531~e~ton 8t. LOUis 3.54 Reoron ,Mexico 1 &~51A.delphi 'Edge.rton , 3:)61 Ancient Lau<4uark HarrIsburg 357 AuX' VlLS.se Aux.vasse 3.58 Nortb..\Vest Tarkio 3t~9!Garrett Arcola.: 360 Tusean··..···..···· · St. LOUls IiBUffalo 361. Ri.dd. i.Ck 362 Hiram IKahoka 363!.Fraternal.····· ..······· Robertsville 364 HiggillSville ,Higginsville I 865 Ba)Tou ll3akersfield 366 Adair IKirksville 367 Barry : !\Vas.hburn
lcass Sullivan
R. H. Ross W. A. Wade I. T. Page John O. Schnelle l3ates '''lArthur Ohambers D.Drake Iron ~ .,E. M. LOgBll R. J. Hill ChI1stian IJames A. Roberte.on . W. w. Kinlock ,St. Louis CitY R. Curtis C. C. Walton Audrain j'r. B.l>unean "Jobn J. Steele Platte IDoone T. Porter IG. R. Hombs lcallaway i\V. S. Hopkins 'S. S. 1t{cCue .. IAtchison IE. N. Raines C. H. Ooe. Retillg ,Dade .. ~ : C. C. Killingsworth jJ. A. Hende~gOll ISt. LOUIS CIty John \V. Nute lFred. A. SmIth I'Dallas \V.o.\ H.awkins I\Vlll. A. Coy Clark ,O. W. ~fontgomery IF. lvI. Thompson Frank.lin ,T. o. nUdley : IG. R. Graham /Lafayette Irsa~c Skelton IR. A. 'V~l1s J. "V. Smith !'V. T. 'vne~ I Ozark IAdair John H. Holton IThoR. J. Ornig IBarry Leon B. Northcntt .......•. IT. H. Hickey
4th Saturday. Saturday after full moon. Sat. on orbef. f. lll. & 2 wks. after. Saturday on or before full moon. sa.turdav on or before full moon. 2d Bud 4th l\-fondays. ,lst 'l'uesday. 1
Vernon .ICass
/Wm. B. HJder "Vm. A. Thomson, Jr
!A. A. Crol1c~ 'Wm. E. Wiley
ISaftuday on or before fnll moon. jTuesday on or before full moon. !-2d and 4th Thursday~. Thursday OD or before full Dloon. 11st and 3d Tuesdays. ,SaturdRY oIl!1r before full mo. 011. 11st and 3d Fndavs. ISaturday onor after ful1moon. !1d and 4th:Monda)'s. ,Saturday after full moon. Ilst and 3d Fridays. ISat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. after.
~~ ~ ~~~ft~::::::::·:I~~~~~~iin· :.::::::Ii~~~y. ··::.:·.:·.::::::.:,:::/,X: t: r~~;:.::::::::: ;::::::::::: f!~. ~e~?tp~~o~ :::::::::.:"::::'I!~r~lT~:id~~ .or before. full moon. LewIs ,N. Doran ..; ,R. C. }f11mma Sat. on or after f. m. ~ 2 ,~~s. after.
. .•8. •9.• ·.g. .•.;n.s. . ::: ~7QWl111fl;mstown·.·.. ··.lwilllamsto'vn 371ISheldoll jSheldon S72Nonpareil East Lynne
ISat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. after. ,.. 'Saturda}T on or before full moon.
~ ,I
!_1_.~_I~_~_;n_i~a_~1_:_e:_:i_:i_~_/_·~_~ _:~ _:I,- f_l_'~n_.~_·~_~_Bt_'~_~i_1_:~_r:_~I~_i_L_:_i_.~_t~_:~_:.: _:;~_.~_·.~ _~:_lj_.~_l_.;_B~_~_:_!_~ ~f.{~·~ ~i~:l~m~i\:~ :~.:.: ~ : :~jif~f~ ~if~F~ UI1~o n.
~ .
373IAmity 374Iwilderness 375jWaYllesville 376!Kill~ Hill 377jAnClent Craft ~"".8,I,va. r.sa.w 379!Billings.: 380IQue.en Clty 3.81;!OI1Ia · ··· 3821Mt. Ararat 383.IPYthagoras 384 B<;>one 385 RIchland 386 Day. ton 387 \Voodside 388 Chula 389 Arcana 390 lYfariollville 391 Raytown 392 Christi.an 393 Bee HIve
!Filley ~ !wilderness )VaYl1esville ISO. St. Joseph IKing Oity I'iV. ftfSa\V Billings.: !queen CIty IEldon Topa~
cassvl.11~ C<?lumbla RIChland D· aytoll 'l'hOnlasville Chul!1 Harns · l.fariollville Ray. town Oak Grove La'vsOll
ICedar \oregon IPulaski IBuchanan \Gentry jiBChristian . e nton Sc.huyler :Mllle.3 r Douglas ar.ry .: ~ ,IB. Boone Pulaskl. Cass /oregon ,Livi!lgston lsulhvan Lawrence aCk. son /Jackson Ray
IG. ~[. Liston :J.lf. tlhilk ;~.londay on or before full IUOOH. ITbOluas Odell.. ~ .. llJ.·r. ~illl .• :'H ,., j8aturday 011 or hefore fun lllOon. Frank J. Ghriste8on !~Juhn~r{~n{~IHi.hL ,.,.,,;ERturdayon or before full Dloon. IR. E. Lee Utz ;UenryP..Me)"er !lHt. and 3d Saturdays. !E. O. B~ook \O. G. Waite_ ., jl~t.and 3d Saturdays. Y I. \¥.~.Iino. r .( t. '. \'1_'. ' H.f.. I.aUIlll. .U l F",rldll .on.or be ore fullllloon. full moon. 11'. R. L<?er · · ·.. iiJO}Ul Gflrhee · 1Fridav on or before \v. O. B.lggS ·.· ..·.. I\V. O. StfU~Y ·.. 12d and 4th Saturdays. C..' G•. Kiessllllg ........•..•... !N.",. J. Sl.le.. Pl.. wrd iSaturdRY 0.11.orlJefOre full moon. l.r. J. Smallwood· · IGeorge Hafner jSat. on orafterf. m. & 2 wks. after. I'vm.\A.Elwang,.·..·· 'Near 1·1\ . -[.•.. I.IO . . • r i., n,.e · llsa 0.11 4th orbef. f. lll. &2.WkS. after. ·.. IG. W. Henderaoll 2d. t..and Tuesda)fs. G. W. Faust H. E. \Varren. Jr /SaturdaY on or after full ll10011. O. F. Grosshart, J.. GrOS."Sha..f.' t "I'S'aturday on or after full moon. J. A. Griffith I\V. L. Sherrill Saturday all or before fullllloon. ···.. l~eo. A~rGardner.····· .. ····IJ.F. HarrbL~ Sat. before f. m. ~2 wks. after. C. W. \~atson · 1.1. T.,. RiC~ar(l!ilOll IS. uturday on or after full moon. Ira D. :M:cOullah Jno. A. M(~Gul1ah 118t alld 3d Fridays. Grant Day S. (.f. RobInson 18ftturday on or before full 1110011. W. W. Hancock !G. H. Church Friday before 2d and 4th Sundays. R. J. Clark) Jr jR. J. Olark ,tJRtUfdRy before full moon. # ••
jw. "'.
Is. 1.\
~~~I fiiiifieiii··:::::::.::.::::: fiai. fieiii·:.:':.::::::::: Ba;'ri~~n::::::' ::::., i\has.: iCG;;.idi'~. 'il:'i r:::::: Ii::C Kn'o.tt:::::::::::::::.:::: '.¥cdn;;~diiys'oi;"o;:.·i;~f."ii;)rmo(;;~: 396 'Yestern Light· ·.··ILOuisburg Da..nas W. F. p.. i~ts IJ.CurtIS K'.J.one.8 1.8aturday. oil or be.fo.~e full Uloon. 397 Gower Gower Chnton ,J. T. 'VhltSOll Poe ,18t and 3d Saturda~s. 398!J~per
Jasper .:
3.99IPlke I CU!T)rv.11!e 4ooIDecatut: jPelTce </itY 401 ICartervIlle '··lCartervllle 402.. \Malta : 1Malta B.e.nd -103 Lowry CIty Lowry CIty 404 Rosendale ,Rosendale 405 ~verton · IEvertoll 406 :rvla11en · I}.Ialdel1 407 Charleston lCharleston 408 :Mol1trose ·.. ·.· I:M:ontrose 409 Louisville " Louisville 410 Iberia Iberia: 411 Joppa HartvIlle 412 Appleton City Appleton City 413 Valley BOICkOW 414 Greensburg re, enSb.urg 415 Hu.nnew.el.l Huunewen 416 Cache St. Louis 417 White Water jLaflin.: 418 Clear Creek Palo Pinto IG.
jN. H. Patterson !Plke J. D. Gates !Lawrence F. C. Johnston Jasper W. S. Dawson Isaline .: Jno. \V. Cochran St. ClaIr J. Belt Hammond jAndrm.v G. W. wells Dade ; J. O. Tomson ~t:n¥li ..n ;.~ J. ,Y. Beall 1I1ss1SSIPPI ..•....•. Frank S. Vernon Henry Jas. M. Miller Jr Lincoln IR G. Nichols.' I:hn~l_er G: I •. Farnhaln I'Vnght L. R. Schofield 1St. Clair \V.J. WriRht IAndrew J. E. 1tfiddleton Knox O. G. oral~d.llll ,shelbY M.Davls iSt. Louis City E. D. McPherson IBOllinger L.J. Gril!lsley Benton H. W. Fnstoe n
E. Lee Garst J.. H. Slsson, ,IG. W. Tidwell B. Loomis ' " s. P. H.ouston D. S. Beets P. Hainey C. 'V. Edwa.rds H. BeRll J. A. Boone 1.0. c. Arnold John B. Smith H. A. Osborn N. ]3. Garner jAndrewNaylor IW. W. Best !Wm. Gra~nger , I\V. B. Thlehotr /A. P. 'VatkillS , G. E. Kinder ~ E. H. ]}foxley
~ <o
1st and 3d Saturda~s. IThursda y. on or before fu1l1TIOon. , l~t and ~d Tb~1fS(:t.tys. :1st and od FrIda.' s. ll.TueSdR}f.on or be~orc ~n]l moon. (Tuesday 011 or before fulllnoon. 12d U.ll.<l4th Thnrsdays. ~iSIl~llrday bef. f. Dl. & 2 weeks aft. IF.~rldaY ~n or he~orp~ fnIllHoon. jlst and Dd SaturdR5 s. lsat. on oruet. f. li. & 2 wks. aft. Ti1nc not gi-ven. 1Isa~urday on or be~ore fnl~ nloon. Frtday on or befOIc full 1110011. Satnrday on or before full moon. 12d and 4th Saturdays. !Saturday on or be.for.e full moon. ,Saturday on orbeforefull moon. 2d and 4th Saturdays. ,Time not glven. J4th Saturday. ',1
~ ~.
St. Clai! :..; JSt. LOUIS Clts ,JDanas Greene Grundy : /,St. FrancoIs Callaway i Chariton 4;7IG~en'v.ood IG~en\v.ood I·schUyler 428,PlttsVllle /PlttsVI1le Johnson 4291N~w Madrid N~w Madrid~ ,New 1\'Iadrid 430 WInona ~. \'Vlnona Shannon Halfway jPolk 431Icement 432ICompetition Competition LRclede 433 MRC.k's Creek :Mack's creek 1CaIDden 434 Wheeling Wheelin Livingston 435 i Rockbridge Ozark 43.£iO.1,.O.tbiC AleXR.D. dflR 1Cla.rk 48/!Lafayette ,Cor.der ,Lafayette 438ITemperance ISmlthville IClay 4.. g•.. t. oli.v.e IM'arsh.field lweb .. s.t.e.r 440 Trowel. (Marble Hill t·Bollinger 441,Excelsior IJackson Cape Girardeau 442 ,Bllrlington BTIrlington Junc.. INodaway IjBt. 443 Anchor ~ouis ISt. Louis City 444 Ada 'OlTlck ,Ray 445 ,\vest Gate ISt. L~ouis : \St. Louis C~tY 44.61vanhoe IK.ansas CltY j'JaCkSo.Il 1 447/acQby ~. Darlington ....•... Gentry : 44.8 Ischen City /schell City ,Vernon 449jBois D'Arc BOisD'Arc jGreene 45.' •••... 0 .•.IB.elton : jBelto.n Cass 451 Raymore jCass 1Raymore 452IVerona Verona ·.. · ILawrence 419/Star : Tabervi}.le 420IItaska ~ St. LOUlS 4211u.rbana jurbana 422 Gate of the TemplejSpringfield 423!Galt : IGalt 4241Samantan 1Bonne Terre 4251Cedar City '.cedar City 426jRothville IRothville
jIA. J. Crapb
..~.~ 1__ .~
~F~MEETIN~;.~_ _
IA. C. DaVidson
jSaturdar on or before full nloon. 1st and Bd Nlondays. 4th Saturd.aYe ?d Thursdays. • IT. H. Cook : 2d and 4th Saturda~s. S. 8. Brokenshue Saturday on or before fullllloon. J/H. A. Benson Saturday on or before full moon. Frank C. Pryde ,2d and 4th 'Vednesdays. . jHorac~ .D 'B. Cutler ISa!urday on or before fullnlooll. IJ. M. MIller iFr1da-y- on or before fulllllOO.Ll. !Joel Cook 1'2d and 4th ~londays. IJ. T. Loyd Thursday on or before full1110on. IJ. Kilgore : ,Saturday on or before full moon. :James M. RObertsOll jSaturday after full moon. jIN.V. MOU.lder ; Saturday on or after full 1110011. S. Haynes 2d and 4th Saturdays. J. P. Edwards... . /saturday on or after full moon. D. RebO j.Satu~d. a~ on or before full 11100.11. S. }t£.. Reyu'!lds SatuldaJ on or before full 11100n. CalVIll AtkIllS 11st and 3d Saturdays. •. Brooks Friday efore full in.oon. IW. R E. Dicke)r ,Fridayon or bef. f.lll. &, 2 wks. aft. jH. L. Hoffmeister j2d and 4th Thursdays. !A. F. Stitt.. ' 1st and 3d Saturdays. ~.IR. H. C~ffall 12d and 4th '\Vedl1esdays. IN. B. Plgg !lst and 3d Saturdays. IAndre"vRawFon lst and 3d Tuesdays. jCHen Sherm. an 12d and 4th Thursdays. )lJ. B. Stiger jlst and 3d Fridays. B. Robison __ ISaturda3' on or before fnll moon. J. O. Redfearn jSatunlay before fulll1l00n. '.D P.C..• IdO.,] u.('Sday.on berore.fUll 1110011. ,c. Zinlmerman 1st Saturdayor 011 or bet' full nlOOll. /G. H. Ruggles lIst a.lld 3d Tuesduys.. !A. F. ~eeke IE.. T. LIndsay rW, s. C. Di1~ard
Henry \V. Barth A. R ..• Sprague I~. s. M::artiu: jG. L •. HamblIn :
iArchIbald FranCis
J. E. Rupert Wm. O. Stanley John H.ombs T. E. RICe Lawre~ce W. Fisher E. B. RIChman R. ]i.if. Clark .. · , Jame.:5 Dougan J. R. B. atchelder E. D. Oarpenter E. A. 1forris j.L.ouis F. curts Nathan C~rder C. A. DavIs Da.meron R. W. Van Amburg ,V. H. Miller F. M. Compton /R. 1\1. l\Iilligan ,JOhn A. Settle fHenry F. Steininger IGeo. S. ~{CLanah. an /H. E. walker J. G. B.IYfarquis j\Villiam Morton T. par.r.iRh ]\\1. N. Evans IF~. D. Grigg
' Y.
W. B. Kerns
~. 3,1:.~?'~?. '::.:::::::::::::::: I~~~~."~~:::::: :::::::::e~::. :::::::::::::::: : T.~""~'."T. O'Dell ~.~~~.~~:::: :::::.:::::: : IM~:'~:'~~'~~ . '~..~ . ::::::::::::::::::.' ~~..~~~~~.~:.. ~~.~~. ~~.~~: .~~~]~.~~~~~~: ..... 456IBarnesville Ellington jReynolds f2d Saturday. . E. OoJ!a.1utr 4i6 "Vallace
'Ch~Ul. P.
lit and 3d Fridays.
4.67t~one$bllrg .•••. ~ •••••.•• fJOne-$bUrg 4fi,i~QhqllQ•..."..••...•.•.•<Dadeyil1e 4j9~fiZ~lwood lSeymour 460naa;rtbWn~ iSt. LOuis .. ~
46tCarnthersvi1le 462Sa?1taFe 46.3,.• Clift . ••"'." o.n ~ 4:64 Aullville 465 Gay-nor City 466 Southwest 467 Pleasant Hope 468 Red Oak 469 Plato 470 Nodaway 471 Mineral 472 Pickering 473 Nineveh 474 Guilford 475 Golden 4.7.•6 Mt. Hope 477 Henderson 478 Racine 4'9 Rich HilL 480 JeWel 481 M~rcelin.e 482 Cliptonville 483 Frorfax 484 Kirkwood
.••.•• COl.d 486 Cairo water : 487 Herndon 488 Lock Spring 489 Lakeville 490 Montevallo 4••9.•. 1 Daggett vand.alia 492 493 Vernon ~~g Le'Jistown 4; UnIty...................
"'IMontgomery Dade I'Vebster LfJuis City CaruthersvIlle PelIllScot !santa Fe Monroe T.hayer ...•...•....... Oregon Aullville Lafayette Parnell Nodaway Southwest City McDonald Pleasant Rope Polk 1Red Oak Lawrence Plato Texas 1vlaryville Nodaway Oron0!f0 Jasper PickerIng Nodaway Ohley Lincoln Guilford.: Nodaway Golden CIty Barton odessa Lafayette Rogersville \Vebster Seneca. Newton Rich HilL Bates tPleasant Hill. Oass Marceline Linn Eldorado SpringslCed~ Fairfax AtchISon Kirkwood .~ St. LoUis
nr.exe. Cairo . l Herndon Lock Spring Bell City Montevallo Vandalia ~{cKittrick Bronaugh L~wistown
C. as.s Ral1dolph Saline Daviess Stoddard Vernon .A. udr.ain :M:ontgomery Vernon Lewis Vernon
IE. A.Ball ..l\cV. J. Landers IJ. W. TriI11ble !T. W. :Viley : IHenr)' T •.B~ ars !)ym.MCB18hop IGcorge zelle..rB ,J. S. "Valkel· .fJ. W• Kennedy F. M. La:?derd!lle Wm. A. (l'OOd111ght J. T. Apperson R. B. Lynch Ed. F. Hamlin J. W. Barson ,0. G. McMillen leJ. S. Donaldson John Q. Beggs J. F. Duden C.'. L.Frost B. F. Dennis Wm.. CamPbell B. Kirk John Holloway Geo. T. LYda Wlll. F. Fawble ~V. P. Green O. O. Evans. Jr
"'1'~~~1 saturday.
}'lnuosf1ar on or before full
rT. S. BfuttJIJ., H
W.m. '.' S.M.Udd H. 8. :M:cKinney E. S. Herndon
J. S. Brookshier
:A.tr,)!Ort'UL.. ..
James E. Daugherty R. B. Kabler R.'. L. L. Price AlfO. rd R. J. L. Ska.ggs ~ T. S. Bagby R. M. Olark
•• •• . .
" jThursday on or before full 1It(!lJ~,,~. (~ray.·.···,,··,... ···12~1 and~;h \Ve~llesdays. \Illn~t C. Scbult · 1l.. t and d Tuesdays.
1110011, 11100Il.
~.; 1Irakc
.,.. jSaturday 011 or before fulllnoon. jBa turday on 0. r befo.re full moon. ·.··..·llst and 3d Saturdays. , lsLand 3d Saturdays. j\V. D. ))~hmll ·.· ··IHaturc1ay on or before fun moon. ItL A.~ElluL ·.. ··.· 1Thursdny on or before full moon. ill. W. cllrry ~ j,Hat. on or bef. f. In. and 2 wks. foI. IG. ll'l.'rurner ~ i~~tturday before full moon. jJos. E. Reese /2<1 and 4th Saturdays. G. Routzong /Thurs. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. IEd. 'V. Oreen jBatllrday on or before full moon. ,IW. Ii'. (JulI1l1· Saturday. ;A. H. Wilson 2d and ~1th Saturda~Ts. j W. J. ~tenJ1nons ·l2d .and 4th Tuesdays. lB. E.l11ott /l.1. TidUY on or befor~ full 11100n. ! W. TUllnell Thursday on or before full moon. ,iA-f.l\f. Adums j8aturdaJ on or before funllloon. S. !:[. Barrett ,. ·2d fl,l1d 4th .Mondays. T. H. Oloud t .. 2d lJ~riday. L. E. Pancost 2d ullc;l 4th Tuesdays. \V. E. Dawson........ 8at. on or b~f. f. m. & 2 wks. after. A. F. Neal.. ' 2d and 4th 'Inesduys. Hugo B. Ja,cobi 2d and 4th -.Mondays.
It..• fl EUDJ .• !'l IJ. n. BarIui. \E. }f. Addy
E~. F•.' Kl.I1kner ' Ilchm~. J. VI. Stigall W. H. Fenwick 1. L. Wade John Newcomer IJno. W. Stuermer ThOle H.H. Bezold W. C. Burton James W . Jeffries Geo. A. Finley
~ ~
8•.. a..t,..nr . d. ay on. 0.. 1 l.J(.~fi.t).r.R f.l.Ill n>10011..• 14th Sattirdav.
ITum,d ay 011' or before full lTIoon.
llst and 3d Saturdays. Saturdn,y on or before full mOOH. ISaturday on or before fullnlOon. js.atu. rda,.. ~.r 011 on or 01' b.efure., fll11. m.,. 0011. Saturday before fnll ll100l1. -Saturday on or hefore fun moon. b'ri. anarbet'. t: m. ann 2 wks. after. Sat. b~f. fun moon & 2 wks. after.
~ ~=<r:.~~~::::::::: ~tr.ai~;f..~~ ..::::::::. g~~~e:::::::::::::::: J.~~~~.~ . :..~~~:. :~~~~:::::: ::::::: I.~R.~.~.~:.~:.~i.~~~~~~~::::::::::: ~~~~~~~:.. ~~.~~.~~.~~::~.~~ll.~~~~ ..... Mussellfork .•.... C~ariton Z. Price P. Clarkson Saturday before full m~on.
:.1. 499 Pee Dee PayneSVille 500 Jameson : 501 Buckner 502 Philauelphia
Jameson Buckner Philadelphia
Pike Daviess Jackson Marion
lf . M. Hopke
O. W. Dunll Ohase Henthorn J. L. Simmons
F. W. Patton R. D. Magruder G. R. Speaker IFinley Tlllitt
" .. ,
Saturday on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Thurso9,Ys, 1st and 3d Saturdays. Saturday before full moon.
5031prairie Home 504 Platte City 505 Avalon 506 Lathrop 507 Clearmont 508 Saxton 509 Van Buren 510 Biswell 511 Skidmore 512 \Vebb City 513 Senath 514 Granby 515 Galena 516 :M1lford 517 Seligman 518 Oriental 519 Crane .520 Clifton HeIghts .521 Lockwood 522G~te City 523 StInson 524Spickardsville 525 CUnningham 5261V\rayne HI.'gbee 528 Conway 529 Niangua : ..: 5.30/Ri:t.Ch.,ey 581 Lane s Pralrle 532 Dexter 53B:Comfort 534!Columbia 535 Blackwell 536 Ingomar 5.3.'..7..Bethel. 538 Stella 539 Dawn 540 Winigan
P. O.
Prairie Home ~-..Icooper Platte City Platte Avalon ILivingston Lathrop Clinton Clearmont Nodaway Saxton Buchanan Van Buren Carter Browning Linn Skidmore Nodaway \V'ebb City ~ Jasper Senath Dunklin Granby Newton Galena Stone Milford Barton Selignlan Barry Blackburn Saline Crane Stone st. Louis St. Louis City Lockwood Dade K£.lllSas City ~. Jackson Stlnson Lawrence Spi.ckard Grundy Sumner Chariton Piedmont Wayne Higbee R.',andolPh Conway Laclede Niangua '~Tebster R~tche.y Ne":to.. n Vichy lfanes Dexter Stoddard Rocky Comfort 1\fcDonald Pacific Ji""ranklin Blackwell St. Francois Willow Springs Howell BetheL Shelb.y Stella ~cl?onald >Ludlow IJlvlngston 'Vinigan Sullivan
W. H. Mills GUy Colman Samuel Millay... Joe T. Doherty Thos. Wallace L. F. Jeffries T w. Hoskins J. B. Stone J. E. Pierpoint W. B. Hagar A. A. Caneer J. B. Cummins C. B. Swift Frank A. Faubian G. E. Apple W. A. Masterson J. C. Hayes C. H. Miller O. E. Koons Emsley Stockton W. H. Addington A. L. Lewis J. H. Wilkins T. H. wa.Iton N. C. Ne1"port J. M. Robertson D. L. Buxt9ll M. C. Harflson George Munger S. P. Northcutt tTas. Booth.............. .. H. E. Brown Thos. Vines {I. G. Forman E. S. ltf cKinley N. G. Yahns P. S. Moffitt
B. F. D. Carlos J. L. 0armack R. F Chaffin .., 1. J. Meade L. L. Maier G. W. Leftwich A. S. J. Lehr :.. J. H. Biswell E. D. French L. O. Walker W. R. Browning W. W. Hamilton O. O. Craig Arthur A. Tyler A. R. Roller T. B. Trent J. A. Williams T. J. Burridge "\Vm. St~rk Lee J. YIngst J. B. Keith J. W. Hardy E. P. Buhrman S. Lessley 1. N.Beckner J. B. Davis W. B. 9allo.waY Geo. LIndner C. E. Wallers I. R. Shelley G. H. Gross T. B. Welch J. E. Alsup JOne.•s James Carter ' tToe G. Robertson .18. M. Romine
Saturday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Monda)Ts. 1st Sat. on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Mondays. 1st and 3d Saturdays. Saturday on or before full moon. Saturday on or after full moon. 1st Saturday. 2d and 4th lfridays. 2d and 4th Thursdays. 1st and 3d Tuesdays. "." Friday on or before fu1l1lloon. Saturday nearest full moon. 3d Saturday. Thurs. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 'ruesday on or before full Inoon. Saturday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. . 1st and 3d Saturdays. Saturday after f. m. & 2 wks. after. 1st and 3d Wednesdays. 2d and 4th 'VednesdaYs. 4th Saturday. Wednesday on or before full moon. Saturday on or afrer full moon. Saturday before full moon. M.ondaYon or before full moon. Saturday before full moon. 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Saturday on or after full moon. 2d and 4th Thursdays. Saturday 011 or before fullinoon. 3d Friday. Fri. on or bef. f. m. & 3d Sat. after. Saturday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Fridays. 8~turday on or before full moon.
~ ('I::l
541i'r8~1t]iU .MaJi'~&A8on .648 ¥~sfteld
fSt.Clair lfer8'\1$on ,Malll3fleld
545 Zaln1a
~ Zalma
~6PrairieHlll. Prairle Hill. 647 $outh Gate IKansas City 548 CJ,inton Glinton 549 Carl Junction .....•.. Carl Junction 550 Rose Hill. St. Louis 551 Pendleton Doe Run 552 Calhoun Calhoun 553 Clarksburg Clarksburg 554 Foster Foster ,. 555 Summerville Summerville 556 Prairie Gilman City 557 Blairstown Blairstown 558 Moscow MoscowMills 559 Clarksdale Clarksdale 560 Nelson Nelson Cowgill 5610owgill. .562 Deepwater Deepwat~r ~ ~ Xork Kallsas CIty 564 Jamesport Jamesport 565 Tebbetts..... Tebbetts
Bollinger Chariton Jackson Henry IJasper St. Louis City St. Francois Henry Moniteau Bates Texas Harrison Henry Lincoln DeKalb Saline Caldwell Henry Jackson Daviess Callaway
IA. S. Davi~on
'Wlll. H. 'rlfl1n
F. B. Fuson
\Vm. G. Wilkins
O. N. West ' C. O. Honston F. M. Perry H. L. Hunter J. E. Simpson Henry C. Pollman G. C. Clements J. H. George J. O. W. Moles W. S. James James McOaskin Geo. A. Richardsoll J. G. Harvey W. R. Ward Z. P. ]\{eans J. M.McClelland J. N. Michael C. A. Danwalter Francis A. Leach J. T. DeVorsa J. O. Oave
~. z. I!:owler ","L'·.I~'l RI:,t;l~d.iiy, R. O. Kenllani,ll~t fHld .~~(1 SaturdayR. A. B. Cobb.~ .. : !?y~drte!'ldav on or before full mOOll. John \V.H(H\'elL .. " ., !4thrrue~dtiy. » ..
P. E. Riehards l1st lind 3d Saturdays. A. I.,. BurneIl IThur&df1y on or after full moon. Edwin S. Ludy ·llst and 3d Thursdays. C. H. TietlS{)ft 2d and 4th Fridays. A. Benson Clark 2d and 4th WedneEdays. Howurd 'Vatsol1 2d and ,efth Tuesdays. Ed. Zimmennau... .. 2d and 4th Fridays. A. A. Gray 1st and 3d Thursdays. A. ~1. :Moles ' 1st and gel Thursdays. Jno. J. Fenton Sat. on orbeforef. 111. &2 wks. aft. H. H. Richards .........•". Saturday on or before full moon .. D. D. vVilHanuL 2d tUHl 4th Thursdavs. T. W. Carpenter Sat;. on or bef. f. m. &; 2 wk~. after. LT. H. Scheer j8nturda.y on or after full lllOOIl. A. A. l'rfortoll lit and 3d Saturday. \'V. S. Hanley 2d and 4th Fridav8. G. B. Oowlev Saturday on or before full moon . O. :P. Dougherty 1st Friday. H. E. COlvin 2d and 4th Saturdays. J. E. :M:cBrayer 1st and 3d Saturdays. Sam'I Hufliriaster 2d Saturday and 4th ji"riday. I
~ ~ ~
~ ~
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81
Missouri Mer.id.ian Beacon Howard United Ark..
WIlliamsburg.... Geo. Washington Agency..... Pauldingville
Tyro....... Rislng Sun CYrena Western Star
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D .'
*$1.00 credit.
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North Star
*$2.00 ~redft.
!. .11 3.:.'.
15 7 6
12 13 1 8..
2 ..••... S........
8 3
3 1
· ..
/ 2 1
00 00 00 00 00 00
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6200 71 00 137 00 67 00 268 00 3200 29 00 4400 2900 12400 106 00
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00 00 00
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Pleasant Grove
41 00 71 U5
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4 3 2 4
1 1
~3~:Ph~nix · . ])~lphian... 188 :(Jincoln ~a7
4 1
~ ~
11' 1
7 I 7 3 2 13 1I 13
1 1 I...... 2
181 PotosL................................ {)' 4. 5 132 ,Farmington......... 7 71 5 3. •:t~.~S~ar of th~West... 1 2 3· 0~..()1~Jln>... ~;8J) ..~raymer
I 7
5 1 1
8 2 27 8 1 2
I 19 8
. 1
2 2 2
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ro I 2rd .~
~ 158 ~t~~ove~ ••. ~ •...... 4 ~......... 159 Green CIty .
160 161 162 163
164 165 166 167 168 1.69 170 171 172 178 174 175 176 177 178
181 182 183
184 185
190 191
Pleasant 3 Clifton Hill......... 8 Whitesville . 3 Occidental.......................... 11 Joachim 2 Maryville.... 1 Port~eville (no returns)... 3 Revere ~.......... 1 Colony.. 1 CaJ.D.dell Point. 7 Benevolence... 3
Bowell................................. Sturgeon................
* Oredit 31.00.
4' 4 2 8 3 13 3
1 1 4 4
:1 t1
4 1 Point Ple~ant.................... 6 Texas............... 6 Griswold.... Prid~ olthe West 12 . es M O..ines .. 1 D. Nove\Z: Pilot nob 1 California..... 6 Morley.... . 5 ChalIlois ~.............. 2 y M. o•. .•r.B.lit . Herm?n 82 Raumbal.................. 9 Zeredatha 10 Putnam 3 Wilson '" 1
-d ~ .~ ~. ~ ~
2 1 6 {)
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59 24 44 302 55 98 20 32 23 65 37
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1 _..... .. ] 3 1 5 1...... 1 5 1. 2 4 33 16 8 5 2 1 10 5 1 3 1 14 1......
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14 71 36 46 82 21 139 24. 41 4.0 83 24 35 .4.5. 51 1~19
I .
163 73 22
68 59 24 ·14 302 55 98 20 32 23 65 37
S 1 00
69 00 59 00 24 00 - 44 00 302 00 55 00 98 00 ~....... 2000 32 00 23 00 65 00 37 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
3 00
2 00 7 00 2 00
1 00 3 00
~~ gg :::::.:::::: ~~ gg .... 3·0U·
14 71 36 46 82 21 139 2',4:. 41 40 83 24 35 451 .5 l 19
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 lf33 00 73 00 22 00 . i
14 71 36 46 82 21 139 2.414 :..... 40 83 24 35 4.5. 51 149 163 78 . :!2
00 00 00 00
2 00 H 00 4 00 2 00 4 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.I 00 OO! 00 00 00
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5 00
2 2 7 1
00 00 00 00
72 3 6 2
00 00 00 00 00
66 59 24 42 295 53 98 20 32 23 64 *35
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
~ ~
00 00
jg gg
12 00 68 00 32 00 44 00 78 00 21 00 134 00 24. 00 39 00 38 00 76 00 23 00 35 00 43 44 00 00 146 00 157 00 I· .. •• 71 00 / 22 00 I
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rd Ii
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Knob Noster
Glensted.. ............................. J
Laredo................................ Butler................................
41 3 t:.
2 3 6 1
1 4 6 1
1 4 5 2
1 26 1 5 4 1...... 3 5 3 4 3 3
6 1 4
Montgomery City Neosho................................ R.oCh.ester.....
I3 1 2............
1 1
2 2 3........ _\...... 1 2............................. 1 5 1 2 1 1 3 2 1.. 5 2 2 2 3 ............ 1 6 2 4 2 4 3.................. 5 , 1 2 1 3 /) 1 1 ·.. 1··..·· ·1····· is 3 1...... 3 ...................... 4...... 8 7
45 15 67
5 1 9 7 6...... 3 2 1 2 1 3 1.
42 261 52 51 66 97 42 62 ?~
~~?"4 ~
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DO
15 00 67 00 42 00 261 00 52 00 51 00 66 00 97 00 42 00 62 00
45 00 15 00 67 00
34 76 ~R
34 00 76 00 ~R 00
~ a3
-a -<
I $ 4541 0000
15 00
5 9 6 3 2 2
67 00 37 00252 00 46 00 48 00 64 00 95 42 00 59
45 00 130 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1 00
27 00
'±'± VV
I 35 00 ,............ tJV VV
--<1 ~5
$3 00
2R 00
45 00
2R 00
35 00 45 00 130 00
rd ~
~o>!I ~~~
$44 00
35 45 130
I ~~
a3 ~
$44 00
42 261 52 51 66 97 42 62
1...... 5......
&1 • 0 ~
~~~ ~.~
~ ~ ~~~_~_~ __~_~_-,= ~3_
Rushville ~. 4. I 3 Hope'vell........................ 4 4 Granvill.e Palestine............ 11 7 Portland......... 1 1 Keystone.. 25 28 Middle Fabius 1 2
251 Hope 26.2 Alanthus............................. 253 254
1 00 5 00
35 00 44 00 125 00
. .
. .
~ ~ ~ (':>
.. . ..
~257. . ~ ~~~lli;ili·:::·:::::::::::::::::::::::: ···z·1 '''ii'3 ::::::1..'''1" :::::: '''i''1 I::::::. ::::::1:":::1:::::: :::::: :::::: ·.. ·ii1" ..··iii..oo··· :::::::::::: ···6i"OO·II:::::.:::::: ..·..61'00..· :::::::::::: Lodge of Light....... 1 I'..... 1 38 38 00 38 00 38 00 1
258 Ravanna............................. 259 Lodge of Love 260 Mechanicsv:ll~ ru.l." 1 261. I.F..10.renc.e 262 Holden : : 268 Summit............................... 2.64 ..•... 1 K.•.•i.rbYVille 265 Corinthian •...... 266 so..C..iRl. .•......•..... '" ..•• ..•.•.
Aurora 2.68.•. LOd.ge of Truth 269 Rock Prairl.t:1 270 NewSalem. 271 1 Solomon
1 4 ~ 2 2 2 2 8
4 14
31 ~
1 1 5 5 ~ A 2 2 1 1 2 2 3. 1., 8 8 4 5 17 15· 3 3
l 7 / 4· \
3 2 ·.. 5
5 1
·1· ·
"I.....21 1
"1 5 3 1 4
3 2
1...... .. 11\...... ..
53 77 31 163 44. 190 60
......1! 1 j 2 4 5
3........................ 1 3 6 3 , 2
! I 7 11
4 ~
!..· , 2 \ ; B
1 6
... " .
5300 77 00 31 00 163 00 44. 00 190 00 60 00 tf'1
34 00 78 00 ~h 00
$'2 00
I ··· I .
5U UU I.. ·
5300 77 00 31 00 163 00 4.4 00 190 00 60 00
? 00
' '1 100 ··
1 00
,,17 on
178 00
3 00 2 00
5 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 (}
£.:l VU
2 00
31 00 76 00 R4 00
52 76 3.1 158 40 186 56
00 00 00 00 00 00
40 00
176 00
I· · ··. . ..
I· · !iiI 00
1172 33 I :..,j 2 i' . 1 \ ·r·..3···!1......·· 12 I 18059 It:lOlJg UOon ~·:::::::::·:::·::::::::::1· .. ~·1 ...~....~.:.:::::i ~.. l.. ·~·l':::::: :.::::!::::::[...~ 1'' 2' ::::::1 g ~~ gg ~r \ 4 I 4 21' I ·1 7 3 ····1 2 3 , 75 7o 00 D. Muir..... 5 I {) 6 3 1 ,...... .. 1 1 I 61 fa 00 278 I Avilla i····· .1...... '".. .I. 3 I...... ., ·, I..·.. ·j 5 ····.. 27 27 00 2791 Hogle's Creek 4: 3 3 1.·····1 1 1 j...... 1 I 4 1 I 46 4f1 00 280 Lodge ofPeaee 1 1 1 8 3 44 44 00 281 Fenton................................ 41 2 2 1 21 IIi...... .. 50 50 00 282 Cosmos \ 23 20 22 1 3 2 ' 1 I5 2 l 191 191 00 1 1 ,
20 r 20 2 I 2
r.. · .. · ··· .. ·!·
283 284
286 287 288 289 290 291
292 293 294 295 296
297 298
300 B01 302 80B 304 305 806 307 308 309 310 311 312 813
Stockton ·..· ·1 6 Canopy...................... 2 Earl / Urich Craft... 4 Hermitage 8 Graham , f) Fairmount 1 1 Edina Lamar \ 8 Sarcoxie............................ 7 Mound City.... 1 Moniteau Sparta................................. 1 Ozark : / 2! Sampson·.. ·..· ·..· 1 Te~ple · · 1 50
6 3 1 5 3 4 2
7 6 3 1
D0l'!-c................................... WhIte Hall.......................... LiCK Creek... Osage.....
1 2 9 6
7 6
2 6 6
'111 i 8B1 ····!j 1 I 4 1 I ' 3, 3; j
61 , ·1...... .. , 1-··..· "I'
I .. •
3 1 1. 1 2 4 1 4 3 2 3.. 1 1 1 3 1......
2...... 2 4
2...... 2..
1 2
1 i 3 2
1...... 1...... I'......
!3 · 1 ··1··..··1 4
1 1··.. 1 2
2 3
28 t 24 1 1
25 2..... . 11
4 1
6 \...... 1......
\ 1 ',I!
8 5
;i~ 1er:ai(i~m..::::::.:·::.:·.:::::·.::::::: '''2' "'s' "'s"""i" '''1' "'1',:::::: .~.::: ::::::1.::::: ...~. ·"2'
316 Rural... 31?' Osborn..... ;j; $2.00 credit.
Clarence 'I! 3 3 Ashlar 7 I 3 New London................. 3 i 4: Parrott 4 I 4 l King Hiram..... 3 3 Sikeston jl 1 Kearney.............. O1}ba 5 3 K~"gsville· .. •••.. · · ··•.. 9
75 75 00 63 63 00 48 -:18 00 59 1 tJg 00 I' .. 78 78 00 I 6rl I 6;1 00 1 36 36 00 1 1 II 28 1 28 00 I 2 ·· 1 73 I 73 00 1 I' 2 I 3 I 92, 92 00 6 , 61 I 61 00 1 2 2 67 67 00 1 , 5 , 51 51 00 I 1 , 1 42! 42 00 1..·... 81 31 00 I··..·· , HI ' 1 1 3-1 I 84 00 32 1 4: 14 1 18 I 91 19 I 564 00 I $2 00 564 1 1 2 2 · ·1 40 40 00 /· ..·.. ·..·.. 1 2 2 44 44 00 .•. 2 4 77 77 00 I ·.. 4 t 3 7...... 2...... 2 5 4 168 168 00 1 0> • • •
2 4 30
I "!2
6 1 I 42 .. 4 5 1.. 1............. 1.. 6 2...... 1............... 3......... 5 1 2...... 1 2 1 31 ' 3 7 5 4 2 ! 3 6 5 1 2 1 3 5 2 1 4 2 ' 1 1 1...... 1
4 6 5 1............
3 00
I 1·
409 38
63 53 54 66 40 41 48 63
180 00
56 00
72 00
1 00 I 60 00 00 5 00 I * 24 00 00 4 00 42 00 00 3 00 4100 00 50 00 00 [} 00 186 00 00 75 00 00 1 00 62 00 00 3 00 45 00 00 g 00 56 00 00 4 00 74 00 00 64 00 00 1 36 00 00 3 00 2b 00 00 2 00 71 00 II 00 2 00 I 90 00 00 6 00 55 00 I·..· 00 2 00 65 00 00 5 00 I 46 00 00 42 00 00......... 31 00
00 00 00 00 00
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19 00 2 00 2 00
5 00
63 53 54 66 40 41 48 63
1 ......
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2 00 1
3 00 ···.. ···1 4 00 1 2 00 4 00 I
60 51 54 66 37 41 44 61 3R
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
. .
I..· ..· I ·· ..
547 00 I· 88 00 I· 44 00 , 75 00 163 CO
409 00 38 00
6 00
. . .
. .. .. .
I·..· ··..
I ·..· ... ,
~ 88 :::::::::::: ~ gg .....~ ..~~.. I l~ gg ::::::::::::
409 00 38 00
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I 40338 0000 I···· ...
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.I d I A I I ~S ~. bC~ rd I S ~ rei .g ~S .~~ I~.......§ ~ I ~ ~~ I ~~ ~~ ~ ~S ~;;~ ~f::~~ ~b § ~~ ~. ~S I ~~ ~ ~ ~~ -< A 61 61' I...... 11I...... 11!·~·~~l-13I-~~-~1 3200l~==l$32 oo---riSoo!$29(}QII=-=" 61 .s
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*$5.00 credit.
t$l.oo credit.
I 31
~ '0 ~
249 124 29
46. 115 4t1 51
17 1700 110,' 110 00 44 44 00 133 133 00 56 56 00 471 47 00
36 36 00 118 I 118 00 31, I 31. 00 18 18 00 5.8 58 00 244 244 00 197 197 00 61 61 00 29 29 00 32. 320.0 40 40 00 58 58 00 28 28 00
1 00
I···..·32 0000
~~ 00 ...240 00 I
I 44 00
·.. 1 ; 19B 00 1
I ··
•.• . .
5 00 3 00
300 700 2 00 1 00
! jl
3.•.1.. 18 ·....... i.,S 244 j IH7 1 til
40 00 .. 2.-.9 00 I······..··.. 41 00 , . 57 00 Ii . I *249 00 .. 121 00 [ 29 00 4300 I' ·· .. · · · · j 10800 .. 44 00 48 00 $2 00 j
I 1.
2 00 1 00
,,27 00
_44 00 1700 103 00 43 00 13 00 4l' 00 46 00
7 00
1 00 3 00 8 00 1 00
····1···· 1 00·..·\·····..;···..·.. I .::>5 00
36 00 118 00
!.' I..•• •."1 I·
D6 oo! 47 00
cD ~
11 0 00
4100 , , 41 00 3.200 1 3.2 00 I 1 41 00 41 00 59 00 ··•···· .. 1 59 00 249 00 249 00 124 00 I..... 124 00 29 00 29 00 ' 00 1 ·· 1 1000 00 lIn 00 , 11 46 00 '............ 46 00 51 00 51 00
i)~~ I 2402.~ 0000 ..Au
' . 413.2. I 59
··ll I
~ -r-!
"O!3 'N
' 3181EldoradO 1 1 319 Paulville............................. 5 5 6 I 1 1 1 320 I A.mazonia ;:01 \...... 1 1 1 1 321 Jonathan 10 i t I 1 i· .. ••• 1 2 1 322 Hardin..... .. .. .2\ 3 1 4 1 1·· 1 2 21 .. ···· 323 Corner-8tone •...... ~ I 30 30 27 I 6 3 i 1 3 5. 2 324 McDonald 1 12 13 11 4 5 5 1 1. 3 3 :3 325 Dockery , 4 2\ 2 IIi 1 1 ~....... i 826 1• Linn: a.1 •.. •.. I'······I··.. 31 1i 2. 2 327 • !{t. ZIon 4 1 5, 6 ••••.. 2 7 3281 Cainesvi11e 1 12 10 1 1 11•• 2 1 329j Kenned 1 l' 2 2 1 2 , .. I ' 1· 1 1 3.30 ··· ..· 1 3 t 4 4 ·1· · ' 1 1.. ! 1 2 331 CharIty , 10 I 9 9 I 8 1 4 5 "'j 2 1 1 3 332 Ryland 1 11 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 333 Chillicothe ·.. ·· 3, 2 2 I 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 •••• 1 1 7 334 BreckenrIdge ' 31 4 4... .•. 2 I •· i • ;. 1 1 335 JOPlin.: 1 6 11 14 3 3 1 .1.: 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 1 1,1 J I! 8 2 336 1 Hallsv111e.. 337 Blue Springs I...... .. / 4! 3 I 1 ' 1 3.3.8 1 , 1 ·· ·/i I 339 I FldehtY /' 3 4, 6 2 .••.•• \ 1 1 1. 1 340 ~Testport ,.............. 16 17 18 3 1 3 6 1 34...1 RfJCkvn.le ' 3.1 3. . ···•.. ·I' ··.. ··1' 1.. ···· 342 Crrele 2 3 3 2...... 1. 2............ 2 1 I 343 Agricola 3 3 5 1 1 1 11. 4 ..•... 1 8 34.4 MOber.lY................................ 8 8, 8 3 8 1 1 5 10 B45 Fellowship 26 20 18 111 3 I 3 3 11 846 Arlington... 14 13 9 I 4...... 2 I 2 1 i 4 2 I 347 S ringCreek ! 1..... 2 1 2 1 1 348... esburg 1 1 1 ,....... 1 j 1 3 ) 1 1 1 349 Pollock 3 1 5 I...... 1 1 I 1 350 Tyrian 9 8 10 3 1 1 / "/"..... 1 I 1 351 Mosaic..... 1 1 1.. .. '...... . 1 6'
6 00.
[ 29 I j -H) 3. /.. '.".... 58 00 . 2.H 00
112 00 I · ·· 1 00 00 16 00 . 4 00 t 5..5. 00 .. 5. 00 239 00 I..•..·..·.. 3 00 I 194 00 4 00 07 00 .. 2 00 26 00 1 00 ,.•.••.••.' .3.20.0... . . 1 00 39 00 . 1 00 57 00 [ . 0 00 22 OU .
00. ," ···i)·
00 00. 00 00 . 00 I 00 i 00•.. j 00 I
I ·· .
I·..·.. · .., rt
~~. :~~~.;1;n.•.(. •).•
•. •.. • •.l.• .•l.• .
d.n.· .••.••.: ::::::::::·::::::::::.::::
. 834' :m:~bron
80& .• 4.de.JPhia Sf>6 Ancient Landmark BS.7. A.•uxVasse
::::::1··1 1~I I"i.i·1·2O· :::.::: I.i'l : i::::::1:::::: I B BIB I 6 I'····· ·1··· 1 ·
! 3 ! 1
~ g
j ••••••.••••••
\ 1 1 1 I······
1...... 31 2
t .. •• .. ,I
\ 4 \
1"'3'1'" 4" i... I······i' / \......
1 I······
858 North West j 6 1 I 1 2 i·.. 1 1 2 359 G.ar.r.ott "'1 226 256 I 26.6 8···.1...... 4 I··· \ j 1. 360 Tuscan 1 3 ··1 3 ' 14 10 5 36~ Riddick............ 4 8 i 5 5. 2 2, ! 8 1 3 I 1 36.2 R•. i t .am , 7 7 I 7 1 1 1 I·· 1 1 I' 8 363 Fraternal........................... 6 5 5 2 8 1 ·.1...... 2 5 I 1 364 Higginsville .' 2 3 3 2 2 7 1 2 I...... 1 6 2 36.5 Bay<,?u 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 366 Adarr 11 I 11 10 I 3 1 10 /1 I 6 1 6 I 5 3.67. Barry :........................ :,'J 1.. 2 I 2 1 3. ;...... 1 368 Crescent HIll..................... 1 1 I 1 2 5! 2 1 1. . . . . . 369 Composite 7, 4 2 10 5 4 1. 1 1•• •••• l ...... 370 wilhamstown \ 2 I ~ 3. ,...... 3 1 1 3 371 Sheldon 13 1-· 10 I 1 4 4. 6 1, 3 1 3.7.. .• 2 N..on p. a.ren " , 8 4 I 4 I .1 1 , 1 3 !...... 373 Amity 1 II! 1 1 2 1 1...... 1 I! 1 8.•7•.•.4 Wilderne.ss ···.· 4.. 4 3 1. I..··· .. . . 1 4" I'· ..··· 375 Wl;l,ynesv111e.................. 2 3 2'1· 1 1 ·.. 1 4 376 KinlJ Hill 3,.3 3 1 1 2 I..•... j 4 1 4 I...... 377 A.uCIent Craft "'j 3 1. 3 1 2............ 3 1 1 378.... wars . aw : 1 ' .4 .2 ..•.... 1 379 Billings........... 3 3 2 ], 1 1 2 I · 1 I 1 380 Queen City.......................... 7 3 3 2 2 1...... 1 3 I.·.... 381 Ionia........... 5 4 4 2 3............... ... "'I 2 5 \......
I...... 1'"
383 384 385 3.8.6
1 I 1 Boone l 2 4 Richland ...........................2 2 D.' ayton 1
1 1 4 ,...... 5 4 2 2 ......2 1 .1...............
4. ••••••
··.j .. ····I'······, 2
1....... I......
4! 3
111 I I
Mt. Ararat :............... Pythagoras..........................
1 1
5 \
1...... ! 1
! 1
I··....1 4 I...... 1
1 1 1 I 7
l···.. · ····1......II'
II ::::::
50 42 bOO 40
44 00
I ~8 00.
H4 66 72 2.6 1
nO 42 500 40 64 66 72
00 00. 00 00 00 00 00
26 QO.
118 I 118 2..9' ~9 56 D6 70 70 51 ~1 51 01 S(i 3. 28 28 2.4 ;.. ~. 37 3J 69 69 53 53 2828 70 70 90 90 66 fi"".
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
25 00
84 36 26
84 00 36 00 26 00
~~.3. B.,.~~ ~. : .:
•.• •
.• • • .m •. . . . : :.. ::::::::.'::::::::: IIatfiel<l j 12 B B Western Light Gower... 3 2... *31.00 credit. t31.00 credit.
395. 897
1.. ····
~ ~'I ~: :,.: '21'~" .• ": :..:·.1 ..··: : : : :: :" ~ '1····..'"~..I ~ ~~ ~..~
:21' 2
" 3
1.. ····
~ ~.
;~ 00
; ~~~s~~~.::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::l ~ ~ ~ ::::::""1' ::::::1:::::: :::::: ::::::I"'~" .. ·~tl·"i" ~ 3~ 88 a.lla \ I 1...... I 1 9 1 62 9062 0000 890 Marionville 15 13113 4 3 1 1 391 Raytown.... 2 1 1 2· 6 I 7 I. 33 33 00 3
49 00
21 23
21 00 23 00 46 00
::::::::::::. I
..•......... i
•••• ..•·1
--I ~I I' .~ ~ ~ ~ .~ I I
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 4i2 418 41'4 415 416 417
418 419 420 421
422 428
424 425 426 427
428 429 (30
(l) +:>
<1> :t5 ~"p-{
!'~ (l) <1>
.5 ~ rI2
Decatur Carterville
7 31 8
! j
22 7
8 21 3
3...... 3 1 •..
3 3 1
~6:;[d~~::·.:::·:::::::.:·:. :::::::: '''4' '''4' ....4· :::::: ~.' ~
Eve.•rt .. o.n.
Malden Charleston
Montrose Louisville.................... ..
2 8 9 1 8 1
2 2 8 7 9 11 89 1 1
Ib•.•. en.· a
Joppa Appleton City Valley H.
B 5 7 5 3 8 Greensbm 2 2 Hunnewell......................... 2 I 2 Cache 1 9 7 \Vhite Water... 2,! 2 01ear. Creek......................... Star 2 Itaska................................. 6 8 ur. . b a.n . a.................................. 1 Gate of the Temple 10 9 Galt :................................. 2 2 Samantan 3 2 ced.. a r..City RothVIlle 2 2 Glenwood........................... 2\ 2 P.New • l'tts ..V.:Madrid . l,',lle 3 3 Winona 5. 4 Cement 15 14
*$4.00 credit.
2 1
1.1 4...... 1
2 2 6
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~~:~a·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...~. :::::: ~ ~. :::::: :::::: .::::: .::::: :::::: i I ~
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548 Clintoll................................ 549 Carl Junction..
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OFFIOERS. NOAH M. GIVA.N, President JNO. D. VINOn.~ Vice-President V.O. SAUNDERS, Second Vice-President F. J. TYGARD, Treasurer " JOHN R. PARSON, Secretary, 109 N. 8th Street REV. E. B. REDD, Superintendent MRS. MATTIE REDD,
Physicians Attorneys
Harrisonville, M9. St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, 'Mo. Butler, Mo. St.Louis, Mo. '. . St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, 1\1"0. St. Louis, Mo.
Kansas City. Hannibal. JOSEPH S. BEO"W"NE, St. Joseph. NOAH M.. GIVAN, Harrisonville. J.. TYGARD, Butler. St. Louis.. ROBDrSO:N', 81:. Louis. ALLEN,
J. B. TI:IOMAS, Albany. J. D. VINCIL, St.. Louis. V. o. SA11ND~~, St. Louis. SOL. E. WAGGONER, St. Louis. '-'..""".oI.T......... vVELLS, Platte City. JOHN R. PARSON, st. Louis. UJl.l;jJl",I:4.IJ
w. F. KUHN, Acting 'Grana Master, Kansas City. L. B. VALLIANT, Grana Senior Warden, St. Louis. A. S. HOUSTON, Junior G-rana Warden, Mexico.
E. 路F. R. E.
D. VINOIL, Ohairman.
D. A.
OF l\tIISSOURI. 1903. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. To The Grand LOlZge of .cUwicnt Ji'rce anll AcoeptecZ Masons of the State
have the honor to submit the seventeenth report made by me as President of your Masonic Home, and I company my report with the! reports of the Superintendent Matron, the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Chairman of Finance Committee, the latter consisting ofa statement of '~~'Ir.I''''''lT~"~,,,,, belonging to the Endowment Fund. At your last session you re-elected as menlbers of the R. E. Anderson, F. J. Tygard and V. O.Saunders. The Board organized during the session of the Granel' Lodge by re-electing its former officers and by appointing Bro. E. B. Recld Superintendent, and his wife, Mrs. Mattie Redd, Matron; Drs. Robinson and Leggat, physicians, Jamison & Thomas, attorneys. 'fhe Executive, Home and Finance Committees were reappointed, being those announced in Iny last 1'e路 port. The term of office of the following 'directors expires with this session of your body, and it will be your duty to elect their sue路 ,cessars, namely, E. F. Allen, Joseph S. Browne, Noah M. Givan, and J. D. Vineil. It ,vas my pleasure to report to the路 Grand Bodies, which met in April last, that our Endowment Fund had reached the magnificent sum of $100,000. To this sum has since been added $5,000 received from the T. W. Higgins estate, and $133.34 from the Arab Patrols of the Shrine. at Kansas City and St. Louis; so that the Endowment Fund now is $105,133.34, as made up by the different items stated by Bro. Campbell Wells, Chairman of the Finance Committee. Since the last meeting of the Grand Lodge the vacant property belonging. to the Home, situated north of Von Versen Avenue, was sold to the Washington University for $50,000 cash. This enabled the Board to extinguish the loan m.ade by it from the Endowment Fund to aid in erecting the Old People's Building, and to put the balance in a permanent Endowment Fund, making the total amount as above stated. At the last meeting of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star of Missouri, arrangements were made by Which that body is co-operating in the maintenance and support of the Home. Already $3,000 BItErrHREN:-I
231 bas been turned over to the Home by the Grand Chapter, and in addition it has reseated and redecorated the Home Chap,el In a luanner creditable to the warm hearts tender love to those who constitute that body. lJnder the mutual arrangement Dlade by the Board and the Grand Chapter, the latter is entitled to two advisory members the Boarel of Directors. They have the privilege, and it is made attend the me"etings of the Bo-ard and to advise in nlanagement of the Home, The first members apbody were l\rIrs~ Lillie Fletcher, o-f St. Louis, and Barney, of Chillicothe, Mo. Their presence at the Board have eontributed to the pleasure and profit pertaining to the Home. l\iany phases of .the of the Home can only be examined by ladies, and of unquestioned value to the Board. last session, Bro. ViT. H. Smith, of Vernon County, and in his 'will provided that the remainder of his after the death of his wife shall go to the Grand Lodge in for the Masonic Home. The estate is of conside-rable value. widow of our Brother is in sympathy, we are informed, with the bequest, and it is expected that at her death an important addition will be made to the Endo,vment Fund of the Home. The matter is in the hands of our attorneys, who are giving it such attention as is necessary. I your special attention to the report of the Superintendent and Matron. rrhe inmates of the Home make a happy family,. and the Order is to be congratulated upon the good fortune that came to the Board in th~ selection of the Superintendent and Matron. I rejoice that there are so many good things in connection with the Home to report at this time. It is bec路oming a great institution, and God alone can estimate the great good that is being accomplished by the Masons of Missouri in its maintenance. As it has increa.sed in value, the Board has increased its vigilauce in caring for, it and in seeing that its business is conducted on business principles, and the internal affairs of the Home managed as near on the basis of路 the family as possible. In the midst of our favorable conditions to which we have been led by our Heavenly Fathe'!, I must be permitted to present some of the wants and necessities that are before us. The Old People's Building' .is alreaJdy full, and in order to ,care for those that are continually knocking for admission to the Home, additional room must be had. The Board is of the opinion that an additional bUilding Qr addition. to the present building should be erected at once.
This will cost in the' neighborhood of $20,000. I am sure the Grand Lodge will not hesitate to contribute its plart to the erection of such a building. We have never appealed to the Masons of Missouri in vain. They have always responded to the cry of the widow, the orphan, and the unfortunate Brother. I beg to urge upon the Grand Lodge the importance of this matter, and I ask that you give yourselves the pleasure of inaugurating the' work and contributing substantially to its success. It is becoming apparent that better and more- efficient arrange~ ments should be made for the care of the sick and the helpless our Home family.. We should have separate quarters for them, if possible, should have a Masonic ho/spital or sanitarium.. The portance of this question does not require discussion. I think it is apparent to all who have given the subject any thought. I your attention to the statement of, our Home physicians hereviith submitted. I recommend that the Grand Lodge inaugurate the beginning of an enterprise that will be of incalculable value and credit to' the great ,and noble work in which we are engaged. I am glad to be able to report that our beloved Brother, James L. Kuykendall, who so generously contributed to the Home as reported last year, is in good health and much interested in the welfare of the Home. Fraternally submitted, NOAH M. GIVAN, President. ST. Judge Noah M. Givan, President Board
Mo.., October 12th, 1903.
ot Director8 Maso;nio Ho'me of Mi8-
DEAR SIR-In making out your report to the Grand Lodge at its next meeting, to be held in St. Louis, October 20th, 1903 we beg leave to request you to. incorporate into said report the urgency which exists at, the Home for a proper place to take care of the sick, as conditions now are of such a character that' it ,requires an immense amount of labor and expense without adequate means to supply the demands. It is our opinion that a building should be erected" and set aside. for that special' purpose only, and under no consideration should it be used for any other purpose. The rooms which have, been used in the old building have become un路 sanitarY,and are badly arranged for the care of the sick. A few rooms should be set aside in the new building to be erected for isolation wards" and a small operating room. This arrangement, could, in our opinion, be provided Jor without a very great expense, besides filling one of the greatest necessary adjuncts to the Home. Respectfully, DRS. ROBINSON AND LEGGAT,
Home Physician8.
ana Boar-a
Directors: ST. LOUIS,
September 1, 1903.
the iron tongue of time路 had sounded the hour tw,elve. on August 31, 1903" the record for another year of Jl}la,SOllIC Home of Missouri. was closed forever, and while this is annual report, it is my ti,rst. To me itS' experivaried, pleasur'e and pain, gratification and disapsuccesses and failure.s, have many tim路es followed each succession. I bring you its record with a consciousfaithfully endeavored, if not fully done.
children are contented and happy. Most of them are making use of their time and opportunities at school, two have recently graduated from business college and are now trying the realities of business life; two boys and tV\l"O girls have good positions and are fitting tnemselves for usefulness in the world. Most of the old people are contented and happy. SOIDe of them would find fault with Heaven. The following donations were gratefully received, and used to the best of our ability for the benefit of the Home f1amily: Mrs. Mitchel Scott, St. Louis, Mo., one box clothing. & Moller, St Louis, Mo., bill for repalr wagon, $11. Mrs. Knappenberger, Brunswick, Mo., . one lot路 of clothing. Lambert Pharmacy, St. Louis, ~ro., one lot Listerine. Union Dairy Co., St. Louis, ~10., four gallons lee cream. Mrs. L. '1.'. McCormick, St. Louis, Mo.,. one lot clothing. Gee. L. I-Iassett, St. Louis, Mo., one lot clothing. Mrs. Oliver Clark, St. Louis,Mo., one lot clothing. Mrs. HaIl, St. Louis, Mo., books and pictures. l\frs. I-Iamilton, St. Louis, Mo., one lot clothing. Mrs. Hassett, St. Louis, Mo., three chairs for old people. Union Dairy Co., St. Louis, Mo., eight路 gallons ice cream. New Union Sand Co., St. Louis, Mo~, sand and cement for repairs. F. F. Hensler, St. Louis, Mo., four suits clothes for boys. Mrs. Moon, St. Louis, Mo., one lot clothing. Miss ~oYden, St. Louis, Mo.~ one pair new pillows.
D,onations from Chapters and members Q,f the O. E. S.: Harmony Chapter, Kansas City, Mo., decorated and furnished hall in
mala 1:>uUdlng, estimated cost. (my e:sti:rnate), $450; elegant rug andsixl;'ockerg folt' reception hall In O. P. building, estimated cost $75. Ruth Chapter, Joplln, Mo., two bed comforts. Golden Gate Ch.apter, Kansas City, Mo., one lot bed clothes.
Appendix. ST.•JOHN'S DAYS OFFERINGS. 1':11'8. lYIattie Barney, Chillicothe, 1\10., two pair pillows and cases. District No. 13, O. B. So, one new Home Sewing :Machine. :Miss Boyden,. St. Louis, 1'10., one pair new pillows. Tuscan Chapter, St. Louis, :Mo., cash for table linen, $15. l\ft. Hope Chapter, No. 74, Lamar, lYlo., cash, $5. Irene L."lVIcQueen, D. D. G. L., one lot towels, handkerchiefs, etc. Goldep Chapter, No. 36, one lot pillow slips, towels, etc. Harmony Chapter, Kansas City, 1\10., cash, $25. Salisbury Chapter, No. 155, Salisbury, 2,10., one lot bed sheets, spreads, 'Vebb City Chapter, 'Vebb City, Mo., one lot sofa pillows, handkerchiefs~ Bethany Chapter, No. 23, Bethany, lYlo., cash, $5. Venus Chapter, St. Louis, 1\10., two dozen pillows and ticking. Sedalia Chapter, No. 57, Sedalia, lVlo., one dresser scarf. l\finerva Chapter, No. 209, Wheeling, :Mo., cash, $2. Excelsior Chapter, No. 168, Excel.sior Springs, 110., one bed quilt. St. Clair Chapter, Sedalia, 1\'10., one rocking chair. Golden Gate Chapter, No. 208, Kansas City, l\fo., cash, $5. Chillicothe Chapter, Chillicothe, Mo., elegant rug for upper hall in building.
Bellefontaine Chapter, St. Louis, 1\1:0., ten new rockers. Barbee Chapter, six bed comforts.
The following cash donations were received with instructions to use as I thought best for the comfort land pleasure of the family: Ararat rremple, A. A. O. N. M. S. of !{ansas City. $1~6 lVIrs. Mitchel Scott, St. Louis, ~Io ... 25 Gate City Lodge, No. 522, Kansas City, 1\Ifo .. 5 :Mr. - - :Mangus" Chicago, Ill 5 lVIrs. Rosa Zung, :Montrose, ~ro o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1\11's. 'Villiam Quail, 1\Ianchester, 1V[0............................ 2 St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, St. Louis, :Mo......................... 10 0
00 00 00 00 00 00
$245 00
The above was used as follows: Furniture for parlor and elsewhere $140 Painting and papering parlor and elsewhere 84 12 Song books for use in Sunday services Furnishing treat for family .•................................ 8 o
00 00 35 65
$245 00
The St. Louis Christmas Committee gave us a lovely tree with a present for everybody, young and old. They als·o gave us a turkey dinner for New Year's day, and a boat excursion with dinner on June 17. Kansas City Lodge, No. 220, sent two boxes of toys for Christmas. WelIe..Boettler Bakery Co. gave us a treat of cakes and buns.
rrhe Past Masters' Club of St. Louis gave us a royal treat on St. famil~l their guests for their annual boat excursion. Afterwards the:r over to me the receipts of the boat excursion, amounting to the sum of one hundred and one dollars" \vith instructions to 'Jse it for thepZeasure Hom,e famjly. We have spent but a small portion of that have named Fair and A:musement its credit the of ninety-five dollars; but family of 150 to do the World's Fair with? (A "rise. ) John's Day by malting the Home
(See pages 7, 8 and 9.)
win be seen we have novv in the Home sixty-six (66) sixty-nine (69) children, a total of one hundred and . There are thirty-four (34) men and thirtyWOlDen. Thirty (30) boys and thirty-nine (39) girls. All but six of the men are above years of age, eleven are above eighty and one is in his ninety-first year. Of the ladies, two are pa,st eighty, twelve are past seventy and only five 'less than sixty. The health of the Home has been good, but three serious cases of sickness among the children, only one of which proved fatal, and I-Il'e:1nry Norman Holt is numbered "with us no more., Six old people also pass~d away, but the wonder is that so many were spared. vVhatever of SUCCGSS has attended my efforts to train these children for useful, happy lives, and to render' these old people comfortable and ha,ppy, has come in a large measure ,from the faithful and UIl'UfJlng efforts of my co路worker. She, after all, has had the harder part. We desire to express our appreciation for the hearty cooperation of your Board. May God bless you in your noble work. May He remember in mercy every member of our noble Order. Respectfully submitted, E. B. REDD, Superintendent.
The following were admitted during the year: LODGE.
Occidental, No. 163 No. 78 St. Joseph, Tusca-n, No. 360 Clintonville, No. 482 RObert :Burns, No. 496 Temple, No. 299 Venus Ohapter, No. 153, O. E. S. Venus Ohapter, No. 153, O. E. S. Venus Ohapter, No. 153, O. E. S. Venus Chapter, No. 153, O. E. S. George Washington, No.9 George Washington, No.9 La Plata, No. :l37 Lambskin, No. 460 Howard, No. 4 BellefontauleOhapter, No.62,O.E.S. OCCidental, No. 153 Mt. Zion, No. 327 RandOlph Ohapter, No. 150, O. E. S. Sedalia, No. 126 No. 220 Kansas City, No. 220 Kansas Git~l',
St. Louis. 8t. JObeph., West Plains. Elderado Springs. Gainsville. Kansas City. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Lonis. St. Louis. La Plata. St. Lonis. New Franklin St.·Louis. St. Louis. West Plains. Moberly.
u'layton,D. H...............
wages, Carrie ..............
oottman, Charles ........
H arveY,Joseph W ....... K'"ent,John Z............... l T eagarden, Sarah ........ B eck, Ethol ................. B eck, ':incil E............. j B eck, Edna I ............... B eck, Murriel E.. .••••.•. B randt, vvalter A ......... B randt, Leroy M...•••••.• Shoush, James M ......... B lltler, Willialll........... H ensley, Martin P....... F isber. Ma.ry F ............ C layton, Elizabeth J ... Patton, Montgomery ... Gassette, Eudoxia A ..•. B arnhart, Robert G......
Dowd, Andrew J .........
Dowd, Emma ..............
75 71 63 81
I June Aug. Sept. Noy. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March April June July July
60 14 12
4 11 8 71 73 82 62
81 57 84 54 50
1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 19031903 1903 1903 190;3 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903
Ka1)S~lS City, Ks,nsas City.
Conkliu, Lucy E.......... COllklin, Mary A ......... Frier, Vivian .............. Lambert. Ed ward........ Wages, Carrie .............. Mason, Carr ................. Simms, Elizabeth...... ' Pollock, Leua F........... Pollock, James Omar... Pollock, John. W......... Stewart, Louis ......... ...
......... ..... ....... ........... , ...... .. "''' .. "......... ........... ..................... , ............."........
15 14 16 15 71 14 76 16 12 10 15
Robert Burns, Robert Burns, Good Hope, Palestine, St. Joseph,
Fui'ton:········ .. ..····No:··48
, ...... '" • • . • • • III. III .... ~" .. '" '" '" .. '"
..... -."' ..... "..... "'."' ..
..... ................. Hallville, '
No. 496 No. 49 6 No. 218 No. 240 No. 78
......... "........... Hallville,
..... ,. ................. Hallville,
No. 336 No. 336 No. 366 No. 484
GainsviUe. G-ainsviUe. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Joseph. St. Louis. Fulton. Hanville. Hallville. Hallville. Kirkwood;
Mason, Cecil ........• Lambert, 0 !lie Lambert, Effie........
Lessley, \\TUlie (Miss)..
16 18 18
Palestine, Higbee,
·····No:·240 ~~: tg~{:: No. 240 No. 527
St. Louis. HIgbee.
No. 327 No. 27
vVest Plains.
O'• • • • •,
Mt. Zion, Evergreen,
New Haven.
Robin.son.. Fielding F. B. .••••. 81 Stratton, Minerva 65 Lentz, Henry......... 72 Chadwick, James ........78 James. Joseph T ...•.... 83 Donaldson, Andrew J.. 77 Holt, Henry Norma.n... 14
.... .,
Olarence, No. 305 OlInton, No. 548 George Washington, No.9 No. 445 West Gate, Tuscan, No. 360 Carroll, No. 249 . Purdy, No. 148
Olarence.· Clinton. St. Louis. St. Louis.
St, Louis. Norborne. Purdy.
We also present roster of the Home family: ROSTER OF HOME FAMILY. NAMES.
18 49 74 63 64
Nov. 1889 March 1890
June Nov.
70 75
May May }[ay May
12 12 74 18 17
15 18 18 16
14 56
15 13 11 16 13 17 16 12 10 11 78 67 83 64 75 17 18 13 9
16 8 89 87 83 80 72
Aug. Aug. Aug.
March July Aug. AUK. Aug. Aug. AUg. Dec. Dec. Feb.
Feb. Feb.
May Aug. May May May M.ay Aug. Sept. Sept. March March March Aug.
Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan.
Feb. May
7 14 15 69
76 67
16 13 11 9 66 71
78 76 10 8 14 12
10 8
Sept. Oct.
Oct. Nov.
Nov. March April April April April April April April April Sept. Nov. Jan.
April April April
1890 1890 1890 189'2 1892 1893
1898 1893
No. 271
Polar Star,
Kansas City, Wilson, Geo. Washington, Lambskin, OomJ),osite, Com}:Josite,
Com p,osite, La Bene
~o. 9 No.460 No.369 No.369
No. 222 Riebland, No.382 New LondoD, No. 307 New Lomdom, No. 307 1894 Good Hope, No. 218 1894 Sbelbina, No. 228 1894. Mt. Moriah, No. 40 1894/ Good Hop,e, No. 218 189~· Purdy, No. 148 1895 Purdy, No. 148 1895 Pardy, No. 148 1896 Purdy. No. 148 189;; Sullivan, No. 69 1895 SuUiva,D, No. 69 1896 La Plata, No. 287 1896 La Plata, No. 237 1896 La Plata, No. 237 1896 Sullivan, ~o. 69 1896 Higbee, No.527 1897 Pride of the W €,,'St. No. 179 1897 Beacon, No. 3 1897 }j'a,yetteville, No. 264 1'897 ,N.a.phtali, No. 25 1897 Friendship, No. 89 1897 Sb.ekina, No. 256 189tl Shek.ina, No.256 1898 Go:odHope. No. 218 1898 Go,od Hope, No. 218 1898 Solomon. No. 271 1898 Marionville, NO.390 189'8 Jefferson, No. 43 1898 Jefferson, No. 43 1898 Biswell,. No. 510 1898 Occidental, No. 163 1898 Occidental, No. 163 1899 Fulton, No. 48 1899' 1899 Phil~delpbia, No. 502 1899 Olarence, No. 305 No. 2]8 1899 Good Hope, 1899 ErWin, No. 121 1899 Harrisonville, 1899 Pride of the West, No. 179 1899 Fulton, No. 48 1900 Missouri, No. ] 1900 Dexter, No. 532 1900 Dexter. No. 532 1900 Dexter. No. 532 1900 Dexter, No. 532 1900 Irondale, No. 143 1900 Lathrop, No. 506 1900 Lexington, No. 149 1900 Lexington, No. 149 1900 New LondoD, No. 307 1900 Erwin. No. 121 1901 Fhcenix:, No. 136 1901 De;xter, No. 532 1901 Dexter. No. 532 1901 Dexter, No. 532
1893 1893 1893
I Springfield.
No. 131 . Potosi. No. 79 St. Louis. No.220 Kansas City. No. 191 Pocahontas. St. Louis. St. Louis.
Doniphan. D'oniphan. Doniphan. La Belle.
New London. New London. St. Louis. Hannibal. St. Louis. St. Louis. Purdy. Purdy. Purdy. Purdy. Sullivan. Sullivan. Atlanta. Atlanta. Atlanta. Sullivan.
St. Louis. St. Louis.
Fayetteville. St. Louis.
St.Louis. St. Louis.
Marionville. Jefferson; Oity. JefiersonOity.
Browning. St. 'Louis.
St. Louis. Fulton.
Philadelpbia. Clarence. St. LG>uis. St.Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis.
Fulton. St. Louis.
Dexter. Dexter.
Dexter. Dexter. Irondale Lathrop,
L,exing'ton. Lexington.
New London. St. IJouis. Bowling Gr'n. Dexter. Dexter. Dexter.
___ NAMES.
Grace Viola Moore Earl F. Griswold
Blanch T. Poston I Lipi~n L. Poston j Wllliam E. Poston ··.. ·:1 Helen Moffett " 1 i W~niam.,M. offett 011n H. Overton , Juliet l\larmaduke i Stephen BolaI'd !
H.a~riet FIOIS S.
Dexter, Evergreen,
No. 582 I Dexter, No. 271 Ne\v Haven.
ErWin, Tyro, Tyro, Tyro,
No. 121 No. 12 No. 121 No. 12
17 15 13
15 75 67 76 79
65 66
68 82 13 O. D. Dooley 1 73 John P. Phillips 80 Eliza J. Potter , 1 67 G. O. Clardy 1 90 Geo. A. Burnham........ 43 1
Van Buren Vandyke... 1 John P. sampson ! Sallie Sampson Walter L. Pratt Thomas H. Pratt..... Robert A. Pratt Willis Griffing .
Wrn. A. Miller John W. Schwarner Nannie M. Riggs......... James F. Riggs..... Olyde A. Riggs PhiHip H. l'ucker........ Daniel A. Clayton........ <:rrace Ellen Sherlock.. Clara Lentz.. .. Anna Eliza Lilly.. Charles Ruch · Clara E. Hoover.. Andre w J. Hoover...... Logan Hoover.............. Clyde Jacob Hoover..... Oharles H. Cottman..... Joseph W. Harvey John Z. Kent Sarah Teagarden..
Ethel Beck ..... Vinci! E. Beck........... Edna Izella 13eck Murriel Estene Beck Walter A. Brandt Leroy M. Brandt......... James M. Shoush.. William Butte........ M. P. Hensley.............. :Mary Frances Fisher... Elizabeth J. Olayton... Eudoxia Gassette......... Robert G. Barnhart Andrew J. Dowd Emma Dowd
April 1901 May 1901
Sampey ..•.•.... i 57
Arnold Marion N. 'l'hornton... Jael A. Stearns · 1 Elizabeth Koberle ! Eliza A. Court 1 Charles A. Brown........ Charles W. Overton I
G~~;d ~~~~~.~~ ~~~~I
73 84 72 13
8 79
72 71 14 12 9
65 75
7 70 69 70 15 10
S 6
63 81
I R7
14 12 9
10 8
70 72 81
July July July July
Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. tlan.
:B'eb. April April
April :May l\1ay
June June
June June June June June
June June
June June Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug.
1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901
1901 1901 1901 1901 1901
1901 1901 1901 1901 1901
1901 1901
1902 190~
1902 1902 1902 1902 190:l 1902
1902 1902 1902 1902 1902
1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902
1902 Aug. 1902 Aug. 1902 Aug-. 1902 Aug. 1902 Sept. 1902 Nov. 1902 Dec. 1902 Dec. 1902 Dec. 1902 Dec. 1902 Dec. 1902 Dec. 1902 Jan. 1908 Jan. 1903 Jan. 1903 Feb. 1903 Feb. Feb.
62 69 67 84 54
June July
1903 1908 1908
Missouri, Mexico. Polar Star,
St. LOUis. Caledonia. Caledonia. Caledonia.
7i I ::Mexico. Sf't~:;i~~'
No. 5·~4 i No. 79 St. ].,/oui8. No. 271 I ~pringfield. No. 236 Sedalia. No. 483 j)'airfax. No. 47 I Fayette. Bea~on, No. :3 St. Louis. Pride of the West, No. 179 St.I.louis. Lock Springs, No. 488 Lock Springs. :Missouri, No. 1 I St. Louis. United, No. 5 I Springfield. Jackson, No. 82 I Linneus. Aurora. No. 267 i St. Louis. Temperance. No. 438 Smithville. Moberly, No. 844 .Moberly. Butler, No. 254 Butler. Cyrene, No. 141 Cyrene. Oyrelle, No. 14 I Oyrene. Sampsoll, No. 2~l8 \ Lutie. Sampson, No. 298 ! Lutie. Sampson. No. 2P8 I Lutie. Hig.g-insv. iDe, No. Higghlsville. Occidental, No. 163 St. l.louis. Hemple, No. 37 Easton. Weatherby, No. 235 Weatherb~l'. Weathclby, No.235 Weatherby. Weatherby, No.235 WeatherbY. MontgomeryCity, No. 246 :Montg'y City. Occidental. No. 163 St. Louis. Shekinah, No. 256 I Festus. Geo. waSll.ington, No. 9 \ St. IJOUi,S •. Gate Oity, No.522 Kansas City. Riebmond, No. 57 I Richm0:t;ld. Star, No. 419 Tabersvllle. Star, No. 419 1'abersville. Star, No. 419 TabersvilJe. Star, No. 419 Tabersville. 'Tuscan, No. 360 St. Louis. Clintonville, No.482 Eldorado Springs. Robert Burns, No. 496 Gainesville. Temple, No.299 Kansas City. Venus Ohapter, No. 153, O. E. S. St. I..ouis. Venus Ohapter, No. 153, O. E. S St. Louis. Venus Ohapter, No. 153, O. E. S. St. Louis. Venus Ohapter. No. 153, O. E. 8. St. Louis. Geo. Washington, No~ 9 I St, Louis. Geo. Washington, No. 9 St. Louis. La Plata, No. 28'1 La Plata. Lambskin, No. 460 St. Louis. Howard, No. 4 New Franklin Bellefontaine Ohapter, No.69, O.E.S St. Louis. Occidental. No.163 St. Louis. Ra.ndol1>h Chapter, No. j50. O. E. S. Moberly. Sedalia; No.126 Sedalia. Katlsas City, No.220 Kansas City. Kansas Oity, No. 220 Kansas Oity. Solomon, Sedalia, Fairfax, .B'ayette,
1902, to
1\loore children's estate .... Asealon Commalldery, No. 16, Christmas services Thl'RSherHall, donation .. Geo.rge EJ. \Vatts, donation .... I)onation Arab Patrol, A. N. S . . . . . .. .. Lodge funeral .... , old furnitnre, . . .. .. .. . 0
125 00
17.290 00 50,000 00 a,ooo 00
1 H03.
I{'rom G.t'and Lodge, A. F. & A. 1\'1.. 'Yashington University, sale of propert,Y. Grand Chapter, Order Eastern Star.
16· 00 28
8 88
(l6 67
63 15
12 00 60 00
$70,711 15
228 50
66 67 40 40 I have also received five thousand dollars ($5,000) from the T. V\r. Higgins whkh I have paid to Brother· C~unpbell 'VeIls, Chairman Finance
' DISBURsE1v1EN'rso
F'or groceries, meats and;vegetables. dry goods, clothing and shoes ftlel and light school supplies for inmates .. medicine a.nd dentistry o
hired help
latlndry ... o. printing and postage 0
o' ••• ••••
447 52 2,479 82 91.6 48
743 83
6,421 30 2,584 79 1,383 98
life men1.bership certifieates funeral expenses Directe»rs' expenses Superintendent's and l\Iatron's salary. Se(~retary's salary ... 0
154 32 17750 185 75 37978 1,50000 600 00
. $17,975 07 For buildi.ng and repairs taxes and insurance. furnltureand crockery 0
856 03 1,460 96 841 00 3,15799 $21,13306
li"'raternally SUbmitted, JOHN R. PARSON, Sealf"etary.
F. J.
1, 1902,
31, 1903.
August so, To Balance on hand current account . september 9, To Cash from Holt R. E. Notes, 6 m. Int. on $1,500 at 6% ' . 9, Butler Lo. & Tr. Co., 1 year's Int. on $l t {)OO at 6% . 9, Bard Note R. E., 1 year's Int. on $1,000 at 6% , . 23, J. R. Parson, Secretary . SO, Benoist Bonds, 6 m. Int. on $10,000
at4"'% "
J. R. Parson, Secretary
November 14, December 9,
(E. Star)
60 00 60.00
148 00
225 00
. .
17,147 00 3,000 00
15 33 Jasper Co. Bonds, 6 m. Int. on $1,500
at 5%
28, February 4, 21, 2, March
5, 5, 5, 5,
J. R. Parson, Secretary, Choisel Int. to Jan. 16, 1903 .. J. R. Parson, Secretary .,
1,000 00
60 00
. 45 00 250 00
22500 1 50 28 00 125 00
Kirkendall, 10hn Knoch . C. Wells, Int. End. Fd .. A. Manshardt, 6m. Int. on $7,500 at (3% ••••••••...•.•• '~ .. Hamilton Savings Bank, Int. to Apr. 16, 1903, D. C. Clark, Kirkendall... Jasper Co. Bonds, 6 IU. Int. on $1,500 at 5% . J. R. Parson, Secretary . Hamilton Est. E. E. Notes, 6 m. Int. on $16,000 at 5% End. Fund . Choisel R. E. Notes, 6 m. Int. on $2,000 at 6% End. Fd J. R. Parson, Secretary...
22, 1,
Holt R. E. Notes, 6 m. Int. on $1,500, 6% acct. End. Fd . Henry Co. Bonds, 1 year's Int. on $5,000, 5% acct. End. Fd : . H. A. Benoist R. E. Notes, 6 m. Int. on $10)000, 4%% End. Fd ...•......... Hamilton Savings Bank acct., Int. Kirkendall End Fd . J. R. Parson, Secretary .
37 50
49,000 00 1200
J.E. Parson, Secretary
27, 1903. January 27,
45 00
$ 7,858 94
5, 11,
......... ,..........
Total Int. received on Cash Deposits Receipts Sept. 1, 1902, to Aug. 31, 1903 Total debits
4800 65 86
225 00
16 31) 37 50 30 00
4:0000 60 00 63 15
66 67 397 10
- - - - . 72,909 96 -!~
Septeluber 5, By Warrant No. 785, paid C. C. Woods ., fi, " "786, Current Expense Accollllt 8, " "787, L. Schaeffer October 8, " "788. E. B. Rend ." 8, " "789, Ourrent Expense Acconnt.. 8, " 790, SCudder-Gale Co , 8, " "791. Wro. Barr Dry GOO(js 8, " "7H2, Wens Bakery Co 13, " ~. 793, L. Seha.e'fier... . 6, '" 794, H J. m:ein~ & Co 6,
E. B. Re€Jid
6, " 6, 44
8, " 8, ,.
. .
Carlet011 Dry GoodE' Co
18, "
9, " 9, " 9, U
.. . ..
'. ....•......
6 . 0 n r r e l l t Expense Account. 7, ,. 797, SCudder-Gale Grncery Co
.. .. .. .. "
" 800, " 807, " 808,
Louis Schaeffer. '" E. B. Rood Current E.xpense At'conll t
125 00 1,000 00 110 77
125 00 1,000 00 117 12 152 36 76 60 126 11 77 59 125 00
1',000 00 153 63
. .. .
11627 12500 1,000 00
Bellner 008.1 Go
73 70
Scudder·Gale Grocery Co Kre,nuing Glass 00 Union Dairy Co L. Schaeffer Barr Dry Goods Co L. F. Hammer, CoIL
.. ..
. . .
152 94 8409 112 26 86 25 777 08
E. B. Redd .. Current Expense Fund . ., 811, Reild Shoe Co .. "812, Union Dairy 00 . 41 813, Bobner Ooa.l Co..•...••....•.•.•.•.•....•. u 814, Soudder-Gale Groc~r Co•..•.•.•..•.. 10, 815, Barr lDryGoods Co .. 12, "816, L. Schaeffer; . 16, 16, "B17, Oa.rleton Dry GoodS Co . "818, H. S. Smith . February 6, " "819, E. B. Redd . 6, " "820, Ourrent Expenses ,r .. 6, " 6, "821, Barr Dry Goods 00 . " 822,StinitbDry Goods Co . 7', " "823, Bolmer Coal 00 . 7, " "824, Phcenix Furnishing Co . 7, " 7, " Amount paid C. Wells, Ohairmall Trustees of Endo'wment Fund, by order of Finance Committee . 10, " \Varrant No. 825, paid Scudder-Gale Grocer Co . "826, Ca.rleton Dry Goods Co . 10, " 10, " " 827, Perfection Smoke 00 . "828, L. Schaeffer . 10, " 19', " "829, Union Dairy Co..•........................ 6, "830, E. B.Redd . Jal'1Utuj'"
10," lQ, 10, " 10, " 10, .,
125 00
1.000 00 97 65 9,7 67 20273 135 47
•, .
6, "
Ourrent Expense Acccunt.
9, " 13, " 13,"
" 832, ,. 833,. "834,
BolmerCoal 00 Scndder·Gale Grocer 00 L. SChaeff'er
G. L. Ap.-16.
. . .. .
88 96
142 74 119 53
9'550 125 00 1,000 00 61 45
28240 156,53 175 00 50,000 00 1~6
90 83 175 00
130 55
[Oct. March
16, By Amount paid C. Wells, Chairman Trustees of Endownlel't Fund, by order of Finance Committee . 21, " \Varrant No. 885, paid Union Dairy Co .
8, " 8, "
E. B. Redd ,
125 00
Scudder·Gale Groeer Co . "840, Louis Schaeffer . "841, J08. D. Ranens Co ,. Amount paid C. Wells,Chairman Trustees of Endowment Fund, by order of Finance Committee . Warrant No. 842, paid E. B. Redd . "843, Current Expense, Aocount .. "844, UIlion. Dairy Co . "8!5, Carleton Dry Goods Co . "846, L. SChaeffer . "847, Phamix. Fnrnishing Co . "848, Scudder-Gale Grocer Co . Amount paid \Vyatt Kirkendall, interest refunded by order Finance Oommittee Warrant No. 849, paid Current Expense Account........... " "850, E. B. Redd "851, J. W. Wangler Co........................
129 60 135 10 101 50
9. "
Oontingent Expenses Union Dairy 00
., 836, "837,
5, ,. 5, " 6, " 6,.. " 6, "
6, " 8, U 8, "
9, "
5, 6, 9, 9\ 11, 11, :22, 22, 22, 22, 24, 27, 27, 30, 3@, 30, ·5, 5, 7, 11,
I' U
L. Schaeffer................... .... ..•.••..•
Scudder-Gale Grocer Co............... Oarleton Dry Goods Co........ Ourrent Expense Account..... E. B. Redd, Supt.... ~,.....................
"859, "860, "861,
"854, "855, ,. 856, "857,
338 90 125 00 1,000 00 85 18 10840 123 41 60 00 178
., " " " " " " " " " " " " ,. " "
4,350 00 ~5 71 1,000 00 93 31
W. F. Lambe & Co................ L. Schaeffer...........................
Scudder·Gale Grocer Co...... Union Dairy Co..................... Jamison & Thomas...................... Waggoner Undertaking Co..........
Waggoner Undertaking Co..........
"864, "865,
1,000 125 145 138 147 75 1,000 125 134 125 20~
71 47 27 00 00 70 11 46
169 16 250 53 63 63
00 00 15
Waggoner Undertaking Co.......... 00 B. Redd 125 00 "866, Current Expense Account........... 1,000 00 " 867, Scudder·Gale Grocery 00... 108 87 "868, Carleton Dry Goods Co...... 112 66 Total amount paid September 1,1902, to August 81,1903 $ 7604214 August 31,1902, balance on band __ 4,726 7~ Total............................................................................................ 90
September 1, 1902, I held for account of I{nights Templar Endowment Ir'und securities and cash amounting to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000),
$17.500 of which consisted of notes execntedby the "Home" to the "Endowment Fund." r:rhese notes were cancelled and delivered to the Secretary of the Home by order of Bxecutive Committee, and said committee also directed me as Treasurer to turn OVel" the remainder of the Endowment Fnnd, viz., $32,500, to the Board of 'l'rustees of said Fund, viz., Campbell Wells, Sol. E. 'Vaggoner and:B"'. J. Tygnrd, which was done on February 5, 1903, and Calupbell "'Yells, Chairman of said Board, will make rep'ort of same. 11l1,'aternally SUbmitted, F.J. ,TYGARD,
Append'£x. STATJ·:)lENl"£
II en 1'3 C oun ty, 1\10., Bonds, 5 per cent .Jasper County, 1\10., Bonds, 5 percent Bl1 tler Loan & Trust Co., 6 per cent. :\otes secured by Real Estate, 1st )\!Iortgage,
secured Xotes secured Sores secured on hand,
. .
4~t2 per cen.t 1st Mortgage, 5 per cent by Real Estate, 1st Mortgage, 6 per cent. by Real Estate, 1st :Mortgage, 7 per cent October 5, 1903
b:y' Real
. ..
. . .
5,000 1,500 1,000 10,000 16,OQO 66,400 1,400 8,S33
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 34
$105,133 34
to the .!~n,ch·H:nn,~7.lnt
follows: $ 35,114 00 51,869 34
F'und. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . .. 13,150 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,00'0 00
i:LIli1101rm ient ~'und.
.......................................... ,
$105,133 34
have been placed 'by the Finance Committee deposit box the va ultso.f the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., in Mo., rented by the Masonic Home. access to which can be had only of two or more melllbers of the Innance Committee or one of Comnlittee accompanied by the President or Secretary of the ~Iasonfc
cash on hand is deposited in the Third National Bank of St. Louis, tllecredit of the Endow.ment Fund, drawing 2 per cent interest on ba lance~, said interest being p.alo. to tbe Treasurer of the I-lome.
RespectfUlly, CAMPBEL,L WELLS, Ohairrttan Finanoe OOtnlf1l1ittee.
REPORT OF EXPERT. To the Board ot Directors ot the Masonlte Home: GEN~'L:m:MEN: I have examined the annual statements of the Secretary. a od Treasurer of the Masonic H<>me for the year eno.ing September 1st, and have found them correct, with proper vouchers for receipts and Yours truly, 'WT • K. SPINNEY, P't~bZio
__ __._..
__ ._-----
- -
23D, 1821.
{;... -
.. __
._.--- _-_._'"._-_. __ __._-_...
I I--~-------,-' --·---~------------1---~--------------
- - - - -..- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - -
Th.os. F. RiddiCk. *!I IJ.ames Kennerly *iWilliam Bates *_ Archibald Gamble Nath'l B. Tucker * rrhompson Douglass * Edward Bates *I~Tilliam Bates * Archibald Gamble Nath'l B. Tucker *jThompson Douglass * Edward Bates *IWilliam G. Pettns * Archibald Gamble Nath'l B. Tucker *I'Geo. H. C. :Melody * Edward Bates *jWilliam G. Pettus * Archibald Gamble Nath'l B. Tncker *Geo. H. C. Melody~ * 'Villiam G. Pettus *IThonltoll Grimsley..* Archibald Gamble Edward Bates *lGeo. H. C. :Melody * 'Villiam G. Pettus *IThornton Grimsley..* Archibald Gamble Edward Bates *lHardage I.,ane *I~Iartin RUggles *j1JOhn F. Ryland * Rich. T. :McKinney Edward Bates *II-Iardage Lane * 1..Iartin Ruggles * H. R. Gamble * Thor.nton Grimsley Hardage Lane *IGeo. H. C. :M:elody * H. R. Gamble *IAdam L. Mills * Thornton Grimsley Hardage Lane *IFred. 1.1. Billon *H. R. Gamble *!AdamL. Mills * Bernard l'ratte Hardage Lane *iGeo. H. C. MelodY *I'Sincla.1r .Kir.tley *IAdam L. M.i118 * Tho.mas Andrews Edward Bates *!Geo. H. C. Melody * Oliver Parker *IAugustus Jones * Thomas Andrews H. R. Gamble *IGeo. H. C. Melody * M. J. Noyes *!AugllstusJones * Thomas Al1drews Y Dec., •. 3 A. S.•.inCJR ir KIT •. . tl.e .._ *iSinclair *.lA' B.. Ch Kirtley am.b.ers on A.,. Tuttle *. Geo. G.eo. H. H . . C. C. 1.,IelOd).r Nov., 183_ 1834 B. Chambers **IJOhll OliverWilS. Parker Il•• *.i.,G *ls..•-.•.•.::T W. B. Camegy * Melody Oct., 1835 tt A. B. Chambers *ISinclair Kirtley * Oliver Parker *iS. W. B. Carnegy * Geo. H. C. :Melody Oct., 1836 8. W. B. Carnegy *tJohn D. Daggett * Edward Searcey *IGranville Snell * Geo. H. C. 1vlelody Oct., 1837 S. W. B. Carnegy *IJohn D. Daggett * A. B. Chambers *iThomas Andrews * Geo. H. C. l\felody Oct., 1838 S. W. B. Carnegy *!John D. Daggett *IA. B. Chambers */Alex. T. Douglass * Geo. H. C. l\Ielody Oct., 1839 P. H. McBride *!A. B. Chambers *:Alex. T. Douglass *!\Villiam C. Vance * Geo. H. C. Melody Oct., 1840 P. H. McBride *IJoseph Foster *jAlex. T. Douglass *IJohn Orrick * Geo. H. C. 1vlelody Oct., 1841 P. H. l\fcBride *IJoab Benlard * Joseph Foster *iC. H. Bowers Geo. H. C. l\lelodY Oct., 1842 P. H. l\.fCBride *IJ.oab Bernar.d * Joseph Foster * Ic. H. B!n.vers John Sin.londs *IJoseph Foster * J. W. 8. Mitchell *IE. 8. RUggles *IFred. L. Billon Oct., 1843 P. H ..McBride Oct., 1844 J. W. 8. l\Htchell *Fred. L. Bil.lon */E S. RUgg.les *I_IJ.. L.• F._. JaCOb y *.JOhl1 S. Watson Oct., 1845 J. W. S. MItChell *IJOhn D. Taylor * E. S. Ruggles *iJ. L. F. Jacoby * John S. Watson Oct., 1846 John Ralls * John D. Taylor * E. S. Ruggles *IJ. IJ. F. Jacoby * John S. Watson Oct., 1847 Joseph Foster * E. S. Ruggles *IJ. IJ. F. Jacoby *iCyrus Osborn * John S. 'Vatson May, 1848 Joseph Foster S. Ruggles *IC~'TUfl; Osbofn *iJoseph l\fegguire * John 8. Watson 1tfay, 1849 1Jo11n F. Ryland * E. S. Ruggles * Joseph Megguire *i P . Draper * John l\L Reed :Ma~", 1850"'IJohn F. Ryland * B. 'V. Grover *!P. Drnper *!S. }". Currie * J. T. Johnson ~ay, 1851 B ,~. Grover * E. S. Rllg g'les */'s. F. Currie *.I.. J. H. 1'1_.Ir_ne1' *.J. T. JOh.nson 1.fay, 1852 B. \v. Grover *ls. F. CUrrie * J. H. Turner *'S, H. Sallude1's * J. T. Johnson June, 1853 Wilson Brown * L. S. Cornwell *IJ. W. Chenoweth *jR. C. Hill * Joseph Foste1' y g l\'_..a f , 1M!1 185.4 L.S. L S. C cOrnWell... *.t.'.J.ameS_.H.. B..ritto.n *fI. E. VOll Orsdell **IIJos.e.PI. . l F.oster..: l\fay, Tl1welL ...•....*,I.). *I. P. wa.lliIl.._ iior.d **/J. W. Chenoweth * .John D. Dag-gett May, 18f>6 Benjanlin Sharp *IW. A. Cunningham :::"'). H. Saunders d.-*MarcUI Boyd * .John D. Daggett May, 1857;.. S. H. Saunders *!P. Draper *;:Marcus Boyd *.L Ii': Honston " * John D. Dag-gett ItIay, 1858 S. H. Saunders *jAfarcus Boyd *!Johll 1"'. Houston *.John Veck{~r *Johl1 D. DaggeU May, 1R59 j1tfarcns Boyd *I}rI. H. AIcFtirlalld *;,V. R. Peniek * John IJeelwr *John D. Daggett April, 1821.. Oct., 1821 Oct., 1822 Oct., 1823 Oct., 1824 Oct., 1825 Oct., 1826 Oct.,1827 Oct., 1828 Oct., 1829 Oct., 1.830 Dec., 1831... Oct., 1832
_ •.• :
* 'V.'illiam Renshaw.* * William Renshaw.*i * 'W111iam Renshaw.* * T. Douglass.* *IT. Donglass.* * John D. Daggett.* * John D. Daggett.* * John D. Daggett.* * JI)11n D. Daggett.* * John D. Daggett.* * Fr.edt I.J. Billo.n.*. * Fred. L. Billol1.* * Fred. L. Billon.* ** JOhn. Garnett.* Thomas W. Conyers.* * ThOlnas'V. Conyers.* * Richard B. Dallam.* * Richard B. Dallam.* * Richard B. Dallanl.* * Richard B. Dallam.* * Richard B. Da-llam.* * Richard B. Dallam.* * Richard B. DaUaul.* * Richard B. DalIam.* * Richard B. Dallam.* * Fred. L. Billol1.* * Fred. L. Billon * * J. "V. S. Mitchell.* *!J. W. S. ~IitchelL* *:C. D. 'V. Johllson.* *lc. D. 'V. Johnso11.* *!IC. D. 'V. John80n.* * A. O'Sullivan.* *!A. O'Sullivan.* O'SullivRl'l.* **.IIA. A. O'Snllivan.* *i A. O'SulI~van.* *;A. O'Sul11vRn.*
*: A.
*ii\. O·Sullivitll.*
~ ~
May, 18eO It R. McFarland * W. R. l'enick *John J)f:ck~,r ::~'j~U}1IH'lM!{t'!yt~~ 4t'John D. naggett *!A. O'Sullivan.* * John Decker *,Geo. \¥hitcomb _'i"'A. L_~.teliH~~l*ot," .. _.•. ~:.John D. Daggett.....•...*;A. O'Sulliviln.,~ May, 1862 George Whitcomb *John H. Turner *:\Vm. N. l,ok(~1' ,..*.Hmuw_lHti};,3e!L" *l.rohn D. lJaggett *;A. O'Sullivan:" May, 1868 John R. Turner * Wm. N. I.oker *Jolin I~ .. Vinejl. ,,\. I .. Mct;regur ., .. *pohn D. Daggett *,A. O}Sullivan.* :M;lJ,Y' 1864'" JolmF. IIouaton * John D Vincil A.L. Mc{;regor ~}-fartill C(Jllius " 1\\t n1• N. I.oker *,A. O'Sullivan.* May, 1865 John F. Houston * John l?+- VineiL d\£artin Golliu~:" ·i1{.I5. t\Ude o ll !\Vl11. N. Loker.. · *IA. O'Sl1llivan.* May, 1866••. John D. VincU.. W. E.Dunscomb * R. E. AnderSOlI. · iA. IJ. MeGf{~gor *!~Vrn. N. Loker *[A. O'Sullivan.* t Oct., 1867 W. E.Dunscomb * C. A. Rowley *,'f. E. Gan·ett ;'VlIl. D. MUiT *'I\vrn. N. Loker *',G. Frank Gouley.*t Oct., 1868 John D. Vincil R. E. Anderson i\Vm. D. llfuir *iA. M.DoekurY : ,"·Dl. N. Loker *IG. Frank Goule~·.* Oct., 1869 WUUamD. :Muir * T. E. Garrett IAlex.M.])~.ckery 1BRlI1Uel ILOwens"'*i\VIIl.~. Loker *:G. Frank Gouley.* R. E. Anderson ~8amuel II- OWell$ ••• *;Joltn E. UylRud !'Vm. N.Loker *:G. J1"rank Gouley.* Oct., 1870 Th~mas E. Garrett ThoIDM E. Garrett R. E. Allderson ;Samuel II. Owens *j.J0bn . E. Ryland l\vm. N. Loker 'l:jG. Frank Gouley.*.. Oct., 1871 Oc.,t., 1872•.•. Samuel H. Owens * J. E. Ryland ~ John \V. Luke *IJaf!. ]1:."Gtul1~ * \Vm. N. IJoker *IG. Frank Gouley.* Oct.. 1873 R. E. Anderson John \V. Luke *iJas. E. Cndle *fX~J1ol.fhon Ryland i'Vm. N. I.Joker *IG. Frank Gouley.* Dot., 1874 John W. Luke * Xenophon Ryland 1Jas. E. Cadle *!Tlw.,. H€!adJr *I\":m. N. Loker *IG. Frank Gouley.* Oct., 1875 James E. Cadle * Xenophon Ryland IThos. C. I~eady *\NoH,h M. Givall jWn1. N. Loker *lG. Frank Gouley.* Oct;, 1876 Xen. Ryland Thos. C. Ready *jNoah M. Givan llL G. Hubble \Vm. N. Loker *!G. Frank Gouley.* ell 1 Oot:, 1878 18.7.7 Noah T.. C. Read.Y * J08. Noa.hS.h."LBrowne Givan !.Jo.s.' s..R.B.I8tllbblefield.. .•O'.~ 11e :.• \v 1.i 8.tubbleneld \.vm N. *.IJOhn. D. Vinci!. Vincil. Oct., M. Givan !'t'Vm. IJas. E. Carter * John \V. I~O.ker Luke *,John D. W. R. 8tubblefield : IJas. E. Oarter f *:Alex. :M.lJockery 1John \V. Luke *IJohn D. Vincil. Oct., 1879 J08. S. Browne Oct.,188O 'tV. R. Stubblefield Alex. ~I. Dockery IChas. C. ,Voods 1Lee A. HalL *IJOhu W. Lnke *IJohn D. Vincil. Oct., 1881 Alex. M. Dockery Rev. Chas. C. Woods !Lee A. Hall *IRobt. J.i'~ 8tevenson ,John \V.Ltlke */John D. Vinci!. Oct., 1882 Chas. C. \Vooels Lee A. Hall *,;RObt. Ji'~ . stevenson !.James \v. BOYd \lsamUel:bI. Kellnard !John D. Vincil. Oct., 1883 Lee A. Hall * R. F. Stevenson ~ James "Y. Boyd 'Geo. R. Hunt * Samuel :M. Kellnard jJohll D. Vinci!. 0. C.t.,1.884 R.obert F. stevenson Jam.".es w B.OYd R ...•...H unt *i.''\i.'.m.. M.' •. Wl.·I.lif1.ms ISalnuel }...:f Kennard ~John D. Vincil. Oct., 1885 James W. Boyd GeorgeR. Huut *,IG.:teorge \Vm. M.. ''Villiams :James P. 'VOOd *lsamuel M. Kennard IJohll D. Vinci!. Oct., 1886 Gao. R. Hunt * W• .M. 'VillialllS pames P. vVood *iHeJu)1" L. Rogers : Samuel M. Kennard lJohn D. Vinci!. Oct H 1887 \Vm. M. Williams James P. Wood...•.•...•.*I'l'heodore Brace IGeo. E .. ~Va)ker Samuel :M. Kel1uard :John D. VincU. Oct., 1888•... James P. Wood * Theo(\Ol'e Brace Gao. E. "W"alker !B. H. Illgram * SamuelltI. Kenllard IJohn D. Vinci!. Oct., 1889 Theodore Brace Geo. E. Walker H. Ingram *iJllO. R. Parson ,Sarnuel ~1. Kennard 1John D. V~nc~l. Oct., 1890 Geo. E. Walker B. H. Illgram *'Jno. R. Parson i.,IIarry Keelle *lsaluuelM... Kennard !John D. VInel!. Oct., 1891. B. H. Ingram Jl1o. R. Parson Harry Keene *IJ. B. Thomas Samuel M. Kennard IJohn D. Vincil. Oct., 1892 Jno..R. Par~on Harry Keene .. ~.~ *J. B. Thomas jA. l\f. Hough 1Sa.nluel M. Kenna.rd l.JolJn D. Vincil. Oct., 1893 Harry Keene * J. B. Thomas A. M. Ho~gh l~. A. Jamisoll !SttlllUel M. l~ennard .. ".IJohn I!. ~!nc~l. Oct., 1894 J. B. Thomas A. M. Hough D. A. JamIson IIi. J. Tygard ,Samuel M. Kennurd IJoh1l1J. \ 111Cl1. Oct., 1895 A. Y. Bough D. A. Jamison F. J. TyKard !E. F. Allen !S~tInuel M. Kennnrcl i..Tohn D. Vincil. Oct., 1896 D. A. Jamison F. J. Tygard E. F. Allen iC. H. Briggs ,Samuel ~f. Kennard ..lJohn D. Vincil. Oct•• 1897•.•. F. J. Tygard E. F. Allen C. H. Briggs lca~Pb.ell \~e1l8 : !Samuel M. ~e. nnu::d !John D. V~ncp. Oct., 1898 E. F. Allen C. H. Brig-gs ,Campbell Wells \Joseph C. FUlagln Samuel M. Kennald }ohll D. VInCIl. oc. t.•.•.' .18.99 O. H.• Bri~.gs camPbell. Wells .. _•....•.• Joseph C.' Fill.agin i.John C. yo..cnm *jSamUel 3\f.• KGunard IJohn D. Vincil. Oct., 1900 •.. 0ampbell Wells Joseph C. Finagin IJohn u. yOlmm *1 Wm. F. Kuhn Samuel M Kennard IJOhn D. Vincil. Oct., 1901. Joseph C. Finagin John C. Yocum ....••...*l'wm. F. Kuhn ,Leroy B. Valliant Samuel M. Kennard ~Tohn D. Vincil Oct.. 1902•... John C. Yocum * Wm. F. Kuhn Leroy B. Valliant iA. S. Houston Samuel ~{.l{enl1ard John D. Vinci!. M.aYi 1861.•• WillialllR.Penick
I-L ~
~~C~l:~.::~~~:~;-!lJ~~_2~.~ ~:-~~~_~:J~lnan t~:~_~~~. ~~~_~~O~l_:~. _~::.::~.-:J~~!son_=~~~:,~~~g~~~~.~_~s~~~ ~~ :•.. :_.lTo~Il ..!?~yi_ll~!l . *peceased. II John W. Luke served, by appointment, as Grand Secretary, frOl1l April 11th, 1877, to October 11th, 1877, and died October, 18H8. tDied August 11th, 1866, while in office. f Died within one week after his installation. t Appointeg August 18.·th, 1866, bY.John D. Vincil, G. M. ~ Died Aprlll1th, 1877, while in 'Office. tt There was no Communication in 1835, owing to the anti-masonic ** Withdrawn from Masonry.
EDWARD BATES, Worshipful Master. JAMES KENNERLY, Senior lVarden. JOSEPH V. GARNIER. Treasurer. ABRAM BECK, Secrei,(J,ry·
BA'fES. Junior lVa1Ylell.
~ ~
~ ~ ~.
~ ~
~-.-~~~~~-~~~-~~l~=~~:~~T~=~~~~~ 2 JOachlID Herculaneum Jefferson iMO 1oct., 1820, by G. L. of Tenn IArrested AprIl I, 1825. 3 Htram.. ~ ~ St. Charles St. Charles......•... liMO ,1820, by G. L. of Tenn :,ISurrendered April 4, 1826. 4 Harmony Louisiana Pike }..{o jOct. 11, 1821 ;/Surrendered April, 182-5. 5 Taylor ~ Springfield ...•..... jGreene jklo !May 6,1852 IUnited with "United, No. 5. 17 i,I.Unit.ed.With 1st G. L. of Illinois, 1824. 0.l•.• iv.•.e.• Branch A . "lton ; I:f».Cape .{ ad.~.son 1.'.""'"I.!Nov. A.p.ril 25, 3, 1821, 1822 dlsp. G. L. Ind.jSurrendered 65 Unity Jackson Girardeau .. ',Il. iMo January 7, 1823. 7 Franklin Union Franklin Howard I~{o IApril 3, 1822 jAp-ested December 20,1831. Henry ,;.:l{o !lffay, 1852 !Dled 1860. 7 Grover ...••...•.•....•••.....•••.... Calhoun 8 Vandalia .............••..•......... Vaudalia \Fayette 1Ill. 10ctober 8, 1822 ;United with 1st G. L. of Illinois, 18U. 9 Sanga-mon Springfield jsangamon \Ill. ••...... \'October 25, 1822 ~Arrested April 11, 1826. . Jonesboro Union 1111 ~ctober 25, 1822 jUnited with 1st G. L. of Illinois, 1824. 10 Union 10Shawnee New Santa Fe Jackson IMO IMayJ 1858 [Surrendered 1863. 10 Chapel Cha •e1 Hill. Lafayette l],{o }'!fay 6, 1852 !Surrendered 1855. 11.. E.de.n C.ov. lw.ashingtop 1 ,.O.c,tober 9, 'un.ited with 1S.t q-. L. of Illinois, 1824.. 13 Tucker Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevleve ~l\fo ,October 10, 18 6 ,surrendered Apnl6, 1831. 14 Boonville j,Boonville Cooper I:Mo 'AprilS, 1827 lArrested October 3, 1838. 14 Auburn Auburn Lincoln lM:o (l\1:ay 8,1852 jArrested Oct.,l884, by Lee A. Hall, G.:M 15 Central Smithville Clay I],{o Ll\{ay 6, 1852 I'vent down on account of war, 1861. 15 Perseverance Louisiana Pike i:Mo !April 8, 1828 i Arrested April 3, 1838. 16 C.olumbia Columbia Boone I~ro iOctober 5, 1880 IArrested October 3, 1838. 21 New Londoll NewLondou RalJ:3 IMo /october.5, 1837 !Surrendered ~862,'"'on account of war. 21 Greencastle Greencastle SullIvan ,M:o June 2, 1866 iArrested Apnl, 18/9. 22 FI:anklin Alton bfadison !Ill IOctober 5, 18i~7 :IJnited with G. 1,. of Illinois, Oct., 1843. 23 Hiram St. Charles St. Char1es I}fo !Octob~r 5, 18:i7 1Arl'ested October 16, 1&16. 24 Harmony Jacksonville Morgan !Ill. IOctober 2, 183H.." , jUnited with G. 1,. of Illinois, 1840. 2'! Wyaconda La Grange Lewis IMo I.TunelO, 185B,.~ ,. ,Surrelldered 1876. 26 Springfield Springfield Sang-amon !Ill IOctober 8. 18:iH;; United 'with G. L. of Illinois. 1840. 26 Ava ~ Ava IDoUglas !~{) ~ IOctober l?lMi........:,i\rrested June.1892, by B.H~ Ingnun G. M. 26 Mexico Mexico Audrain :.Afo :May l}, JHfJ2." ,..,c)ow·mJklat.ed ]~.R7, with Hebron, No. ~~·L
I:.: •.
~ ~
19flJnd.~1l ~Oint.····lrlatte
: Pe.rryvllle 83. RillsboroaUlasMt. Moriah.. HillSboro &6 Independence Independence 37 Dawson Wellington 37 Cedar Owensville 38 Graham Pleasant Hill 39 Tully ITully 39 clinton loarlyle 39 Modena Modena 4.0. Coleman · iSt. LOUlS.· 41 Des Moines Burlington 41.Bolivar Bolivar 4LiEtna &tna 42lIouston Breckenridge 42,IQwa Bl()0n.ti11gton 42lM1iddle Grove 1tflddle .Grove 44 ., aCk.•,•s. o.•nV.I.. lle J•.. • a.. •. .c,.• .k.•. . S on.. •. V.Ul.6 44. •. .• JRochester ::Roellester 468pana,formerly"Kabzeettt'<Spar'ta 46 Martha Washington Wa.shington
50 Middletown 9.•.. M .ine.•.r.a.l POin .. t 50. Ozark
50 Anderson 51 Livingston
Middleto'\vu M .•. •.,. in. e.r a.1..• p Q.•int $pringfield Chapel Rill.
54>PoUg las 56Pltbtte 58.Montlcello 59 t MRllcaster
jMarthaJ3ville Platte City yontieello
60 .• . •. •. •S . _.•.•.t. •. . .•. o .• .• . lla.. ir ~10sceOla 62 >81 .sville 6.2.•. }) U 9U.•.• .63f?t.lf~rys
B e••1..•.•.1e.•.vill .• ". e Osceola
64.. lJa.Jldbl-Mk 65 M:elody 66 Marshall
JQ Daviess ·ILittle Osage Vernon !Le:x.ington Laiayette Lexin,~on ....•...... Lafayette
iMO !Ill.
Flatw ·1])8.0.6
Ya,PtlP,).i.fl; 11\£e1J.vi1.le
sll.;lllm :
:Ms.ysville D.•.U.bu q.• ue
Perryville Iow-a.City Warsa"'Y P1atte'Ville Mars]:utll
jMo JMo !Mo !lYlo IIll
MontgOmery Jackson Lafayette Ga8conade Oass Lewis Clinton Mereer
jMar6, 1802
IOctober 8, 184?~ \October 1~, 1867 jQctober 1~, 18Wl 'loctober 8, HWO October 8, 1841
IMo 1June 9, 1858 J:Mo !Jnne 2. 1866 .lMo !June 2, 1866 IIowaTyIOetober 20,1841 IMO IJune 9, 1&"l3 ~~o ~June 10, 2, 1866 I.,MO ,June 1853 j:M:o jOctober 8, 1841 1Mo IJune 10, 1853
Montgomery ,.•. . .•. . . . • Greene
Polk Scotla,nd Caldwell ¥0Ilt()f;) .,
R.. Jln.•.• d•.•..•. .O•.l..•. •. •. n Alldre'V
Buelianw !
Lafayette Howard
Warrell.y ~
Schuyler Marlnu
S.t. 9lttir c.~larr.· St. DeKalb
Benton Sa.line
fArre8ted :May, 1855. \U nitedwith G. L. of Illinois, 1842. ,Surrendered 1863. !gllrrendered 1846. lDestroyed 1861, by war. H1Arrested December 1, 1866. iGon~l. 1882 w!th Le.xingt9n , ~o. 1t9. jConsol. 1887 ,vlth Triple TIe, No. 45<1. jArrested October 16,1846. ISurrendered October, 1846. !8urrendered 1864. iArre8ted January, 1900. IDestroyetl1862, by war. lsurrendered :May, 1863•. ,Arrested October 19, 1846.
10ctobe~:~g, 13a9
fMay, 1>.;08 !Octol)er 11, lJ~89
\May 28 f 1&')8 .. ~ I,OclOber 15, 1868 ,June 12, 185B IMo IJnne 9, 185B !Ill IOctober 8, 1841 I~~o IJune 2, 1866: iMO ~IOctobeI 8,.. 1.M1... lIowaT}·\October 20, 1841.
Platte LeWis
(~faY6, 1&')2.. ~"
25, 1854 is,. TYI.•. :May o•.ctObe.r II,!. 1.842· 10ctober 17, 1842 j1t'Iay, 1858 (October 11,1842
MO !Mo
Ill II1tfO
joctober 11, 1842 10ctober 14, 1842 IOctober 12, 1842 Ma)T 25, 1854 !october 11, 1842 I.oct.o.ber 15,1842 11,. 184,2 IOetober I:May 25, 1854
Iowa Tyl,october 10.!- 184 .. 3 Mo :M:ay 20, 1854
!IowaTyIOctober 10, 1843 .iM9 10ctober 12, 1843 IWlS. TyIOctober 12, 1843 JMo IOctober 12, 1843
Arrested October,
!Changed to. ":?tH. :Moriah, No. 40 t " 1844.
!United with G. L. of IQwa, 1844. ISurrendered 1~63. ,Consol.with Jvfemphis, No. 16,1890.
IAITested April 22, 186H.
United with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. IA.rrested Febnlary 29, 1864. :S.Uf•.•.•f.e.. .• lI•.. d•.•. e. J.'ed 1865. OCI.O. ber,. 1.BUg. !.$urrendered 1A.rrested October 19, 1846. LArreste~ :M:ay, 1863. Arrosted '.. ..S COllSil1, 1844. ,I.:.UD tte•. d• Wi.May tIl.. G18, 1.4'1858. o.! ,l\.,.T.i Arrested October 18, 1847. !Destroyed 1861, by war. ISurrendered September, 1876. !S\lrrendered Nov. 15, 188:1. tSurrendered 1864. !Arrested by Jas. W. Boyd, G.l\L, Oet., 18H(I. IArrested 1866. !United with G. L. of Illinois, 1844. ,United with .G. by L.. O.f Illinois', . 1.843. Destroyed 1861, war. Destroyed 1862, by war. 'IUniteCf with G. L.• of lOW.'. a, 184.'4. Surrendered January, 1864. . ,United with G. 1.1. of lO'WR, 1844. Destroyeq 1861, by war.. .. I United WIth G. L. of \Vlsconsln, 1844. iArrested 1&11.
~ ~
ok-. ~
ROLL' OF " DEAD LODGES," ETc.-Gontintled.
~'I=C~:::~~::~:OCCC=:~::~C-TC~O~~~:Ty~~=r::~':'-!--~AT~-:>:=~~A~~. -1 OO!Linn 681Tebo •.••.. ~ 69 Alexandna
_ -
LInn lOsage · IMO !:May 28, 1856 I Arrested 1894, by Harry Keene, G. lrf. Clinton ·.·1 Henry :1\10 JOctober 23, 1844 ;Arrested 1889, by J. P. Wood, G. :M. Alexandria jCla.rk Mo ;October 16, 1&14 !Arrested 1864. 70~College Marlon cOl1ege ll~{ar!on r:~iO·· ..··.. IOctober 16, 1844 IChanged to H Dickinson/' 1847. lf10 70!DiCkinson Monroe lfIarlol1, ·.. ·.. · i iFornled from "College, No. 70." 72, Danville Danville ·.· ·.. I1v~ontgomery ,A-fO· .. ··• .. iOctober 16.1~4..·········· .. ·.. ····1c:onsOl. with ~"'lorenceLod.g~,No. 261, 1892. 75jAshley Ashley IPlke !Mo ,October 19, 1846 !Snrrendered October 18, ]89,. 75 Bowling Green Bowling Green \Pike·.. ·.. ···· ··.. IMo \October 14, 1846 !Changed to UAshley, No. 75." 75!Neosho Neosho \Newtoll ,1tfo \October 14, 1&16 ISurrendered 1863; restored as 247, in 1867. 78ISt.JoSeph St. Josepb IBuchauan 1Mo ;October 14,1846 iArresled October 22, 1903. 81 Hickory Grove ,Hickory Grove·.. ICallawa) (blo·· ··iJune2, 1866..•..~ !Surrelldered March, 1893. 83jDana _ ICalhonn ,Henry ,1\Io :October 17, 184G ,Arrested October 28,1&52. Oc 884 . 4. M_ .•.•. U .•. • t.• R..no.mah , Ior.egon. City. ····· .. ·1··..·.···· [.:.0, .".rego.n. ;May ,. .•.t'Ob.,err 184.6 1.,Surrendered :•..1~S.t I odge OIl p . ac. Coast. 2,United Potter Longwood PettiR ,Mo 2,"l. 19.;~ 18D4 December 1896. G. 1.1. Ore. 85 Johnson "Varrel1sburg Johnson ·.. ·.. ·.. i~Io ·· .. 1March 19, 1847 !Destro)'ed 1861, by 'war. 86IlMitchell Columbus JOhl1S011 \1\1:0 ·11~:ray 9, 1850 IDestroyed 1861, by war. 86 Mo. Mil. 3d Reg't Mo. Vol.. 1···· ··· ·..· · 1 ··· · .October 14z.1847 ···· ··.iClosed with ~fexican war. 88 •. l13a.t.es I.BUnion utlc.r 1.~Bat.es .. : !.l'.fO ,.,.'tffaJr 28, 1808 iDestrO).ed 1861, b.Y.· war. 88 Olive Branch ·.. IFrankhn )\fo ·.. IOctober 14, 1847 jArrested about 1855. 88jDresden IDresq.en : IPettis ·· rl\fo j0ctober 19, 1867 ·IArrested July, 1878, byT. C. Ready, G.:M. 90i,praitie IHarnsonvllle ICass il\Io :O~tober 12, 1847 ,Destroyed 1861, by war. 90 King Solomon 1St. Catharine ILinn · I1\~o ·.. ·IJUne2, 1866 ;Con sol. with Brookfield, No. 86••Jall., 188R. 941Boone jColumbia iBoone !~fo ····IAfay 8,1848 · iSurrendered :May 25, 1858. 941Evening Star !OUba ICrawford jMo· ···l~{ay 29,1855 $urrendered June 12,1875. 95.. Acacia !,.Jac.kB.Ol1.. ;cap e G.irar.de.au /:MO.• · ri\:ra.y 5, 1&18., :.I.i.';ven.t dO.Wl1 d.uring the war,' 95 Pleasant Rill !Pleasant fIll1., iCass \~fo 'll\fa~y 8,1848 ;Arrested 1853. 95tChapman.~ ;Lt18 Vegas I'l'er. ofNew Mex.. ; .~ J:me 2, 1866 j United with O. L. of New ltfexico, 1877. 99jMt. Veruon !Mt. Vernon ILawrel1ce !:Mo j1rfaY 11, 1848 iSurrendered December 27, 18f32. (1898. lOO;Canton lcanton jLewis il\~o· ·iMa)T 11,1848 ]Consol. with Craft, Lodge, No. 287, Dec., Mo 1011Greel1e !Springtield /Greel1e ;:May 12,1&18 iUnited with" United No. 5,H 1857. lOljEaston jEastou rBuchanan IMo ;~fa)· 28, 1858 · iArrested October, 1886, by J: Boyd, G. M. 103jCarthage ,Carthage iJasp~r i:Mo !M':JT 12, 1849 jBurned out 186]. 105jRelief i(}eorgetowll l~ettis i1tfO !~IaY 10, 1~9 I\Vent down 1860. 106IMacon ll\facon IMacoll.~ I~ro.. ·.. ···I:May 28,1858 8urrendered 1873. l06!L~po~e !1.f~COl! jMa~Oll !~~O il\:faY 28,1858 jChanged to u ~facon, No. 106." l ,MlaInl il\fIaml iSalIne I~~o l~fay 10, 1&19 \SuITcndered February 10, 1857. 10'1!Golden 8quare..•...~ r\Vestport !Jacks~n !n~o I~aY 10, 1~9 :Arrested October, 1886, by J. VV. Boyd, G.l\L lOBINew Madrid l,New ~fRdrid lNew 1\fadrid jMo ::May 10, 1849 .. ~ :Destroyed during the war. 108 Aztec ,~as Cru~es !Ter. of New }fex.. I.~.····.·.··J'October 19, lR("?? ", l!:lj~~1 w.i!h G; L. of ~ew M:ex!Co,lR77. l08 j Gothic IMober13 ,Randolph Mo October 17, 1~(8 ,Lun~oJ. \Hth Moher]) Lodge, No. 344, 189h. u
-k... 00
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~
Trenton IJodge, No. 111.
~ ~
ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETc.-Continued.
2~~MIUU· • . .•. 2.•.,•. ,•.8•., .•.,.•".• ..W .• . .• . .".,.oOOl '., , '.', , ,a..•. 229 Nevada. 29.,.9.•>.,."Ml.t.Q.hetl .•..•...•" ,wn """ '.' '.., "
2621>.,.,. ew .•. . ,itt
282 Lone Jack 235 Ionic 289Speneel'sburg
264 Fayetteville 27..~• New .,l\larket. 2?7 Index 284.. L •. illY 284 :New Boston 286 Hesperian 289 Acacia 296 Grove 296C8Jl161'on 298 .Mftl'ble Hill 804 Faithful. Sl2:Mt. Pleasant 814 St. Aupert n
8.".~c9.A . •. It.. o.n..a 820 Cbapel fill. 82.6.• Nc;w.Home a~6. Klt Oarson SUO Lathrop 882 Clark City 886 Oak Grove 337 M.. alta
3iOJericho 341 Relief ~. .•. 7 L.a.ndmark a48..A.sh Grove ~• cimarrQn
84 •. ,•.• 9,.•. • .•. •.~. .•. •.o. • •. •.l l..e•.• • .• .• .s.• t•.··a.r 003B.enFrauklin . 8f>7Fbelps S57Young's Greek 358 •.. ' .• . 0.O . . •. lllfl.Ol't .• · 8M Killg' David 365Warss,w 366 Unanimity
. .,
Lamar wo••.".Od.. • . l.•.a..,w n,•..•.•..••,•.•••.•..fBanon I,M,.,•.,.on'."'",ro,e Ne\·ada Grundy oo.•.•.I11m . .• uu.s Jo.'.•. h.nBon
De.•, Witt Carroll Lone Jack Jackson Rensselaer Ralls S)Jeneersburg Pike High Hill Montgomery Fayetteville Joh~son New .Market. Platte Index Ca.qs Gran.t .e.i.ty wo.rt.h New Boston Llun Virgil City Cedar Paradise Olay "Tebster Groves 8t. Loms c8Jlleron ,'olinton Marble Hill 11olUl1ger Fair Dealing Riplf'y Ellington Gentry St. Aubert Ganaway Bome :pouglas Alit.. o.• •. .n..• a •..• , :B. at..•es.:,.: Chapel Hill }"qafayette 8.»pagu, ..•.e.•.•. ~ Batces EllZabQthtown Lathrop Clinton ., Clark City Olark Pink Hill Jackson M. a~.ta Bend Saline ISmithton Pettis Jericho Cedar I·Republic Greene Kennett Dunklin Ash Grove Greene ICimarron ;, Lon.e S.t. ar Savannah Phelps City Rowella ~ 1R.OC.k Y. Comfort Kansas City ivVarsaw jWestoll :.
Gentry Andre'w Atchison Audrain M.• CDo.naJd Jackson Benton Platte
IM jMo .. o :M:ay, .. c,.tobe.r 186119•. J.186 ..•?7•... "" ;,.. Mo May 29,1861 o·.······I,ctober IS, 1871 Mo.......May 186~t :M.o 1May 27., 1.86.B Mo IOctober 19, 1867 Me I,May 26, 1864 , Mo :May, 1865 MO !October,.1867 :M0 ,qetober 15, 18~8 M .•. o 1'.october I?, 1~~ M0 October 10, 1868 M ..: o l.oetober, 1.868 Mo 1october 13, 1881. Mo October 15,1868 ,Mo loctober 15, 186.8 Mo October 16, U~68 Mo I'october 10,1875 1vIo October 15.1868 1\1:0 October ]2,1869 ~fo October 12, 1869 ~o October 12,1869 Mo October II, 1&'33 :Mo October 12,186 .....•. 9 Mo October 12, 1869 MO October 16. 18..79 N. Mex. October 12, 1869 Mo October 13, 1870.: ~{o October 12, 1870 Jilo October 12,1870 Mo October 12, 1871. Mo October 13,1870 Mo October 16, 1884 Mo....... October 13, 1870 Mo October 13, 1870 lJIo October 13,1870 N. J\{ex. October 14, 1875
No returns.
0.ctober 13, 1870 October 13,1870 October, 1870 October 13,1881. October 13, 187.0 October 13, 1870 October 13,1870 October 13, 1870
Keene, G.
su.•. rr.8.•. u. d.,a,f.ed. oc.tober,.1888. ,.surre1l0ered 1F99.
M'. 0 Mo Mo Mo J\f.0 :Mo Mo J\Io
1..Demoyed A ..· •. . t;.e.d• . l.89.,.4, 1861,by by.Harr war.
surren.de..re"d. 186.5. No returns. Surrendered 1877. :.\Arrested 1111889 byJ. P . Wood, G. M. zSurrendered September, 1881. [Feb. 1899. IOonsol••. with Jouesburg Lodge, No. 457, I Arrester) J flll1!ary. 1900. '"" IBtlne.nderec1. OctOb.er, 18/8. "'IAfreated 1877. A.r. D. e.. o., 18~80. , b.Y . '"" .. T.• .R.S.ttl.bble, fi~ld, G.. M. Arrested 1889, b}' J. P.\Vood, G. 1JI. Surrendered September. 1~88. . Con. Witl.1 Temperance, No. 438, Sept~, 1899. Surrendered 1874. Consolo with Vincil Lodge, No. 62,1888. 00n8u1. with rrrowei. No. 440, Dec., 1899. ~ Hurrenderecl June, 1905. "'t5 Consolidated with Stanberry, No. 109. ~ Surrendered DeeeJuber 14,1882. Consolo with .Ava, No. 26, :M:arch, 1888. ~ ,IAr.r•. M.tl.TC.h.,.1896, b~.T A.1,'1. HO. ugh, G. M. ~ ~. Burrend~r8d 8epteluber 14, 1889. lconBO.l.Jda.t,~d wfth li'~S.te..r .L.o dge. No. 554. Arresteq UllS, by T. c. Read)", G. M.. . Arrested l\'ff:tY, 1879, by N. J\L Givan, G. ~f. 1surrendere(11875. Surrendered Octuber 3,187:1. ,I Arreste.d ~ a.n.; 1887, ~y C!; R. lIun.t,G. 1\1. Surrendered JUl1uar}, 1&1.{4. Arrested Oct.• 1894, byHarr~T Keene,G. 1\L Surrendered May. 189U. Arrested Mar., lS7H, by N..M. Givan. G. :M. Arrested 1872. Surrendered 1879. Arre.sted ~.an.Savannah 25, 1884, b. ).TLodge, L. A .. Ha.ll' G.. 1\.1.. Consolo WIth No. 71. SUrrendered 188l. Consolo \vith Hebron No. 354, July, 189!. Arre.sted Jan. 19.. , 1884 . , b Y L,,.. A. Hall, G.. 1\1. Surrendered 1879. .. .. Ar. Sept., 1888, by 'V. 1\1. \Yil1iaIl1s, G. ~r. Surrendered 1879.
ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETc.-Continued.
.... , ..•, ..•. • • naE
Cr 371 .Mandeville •' Q..ig•.....•...•..................................... Mandeville •......a.lg 373 C f.
374 Golden Rule :{75 Plumb 878 Kilwinning g79 CoatesVilleH 382 Richland y 884 H •. • .• .•. • on 385•. •. Reynolds 385 .A.lex.ander 394 DR~an 895 Ltttuner
Jonesbmg Middletown ··.···.. ·IDowning CoateSVille Richland jIv1·bb. . ard : Oenterville Bedford MJnqon LICkIng
4.402 •. . 0.1.•. .• •.(Javel., C. •.•.•.,.e,n tr .• .• •. •. e 404 Al~audria 405~e:rldian Sh1n 40~i].•··.t. •tu . . ~ro a./ ... 40~1UIo~~n. · 407 Roy8il
L •...e.'bR.n..on New Cambria Alexandria .A,.ustin H .• . . •. . •.aulll.·b.· ~l WelJ.1n.g\ton H
V .. ~i.c••••• ............. ~ ••• "·~i~i~o.llq.
ld 423'1fewburg
.4?8 fA>ui8viUe
482paupmne 4821.31ack Oak 488$tlent Temple 4~5St. Nicholas 486 Lamonte 43(jt\shGrov~
467r.tiJ,scumbla 442 ;M:t. Lebanon 4.4f)~~st. Gate ~~ • .•~ .•. •.•. . . • .•.•.;•.•.l'• .•. e ••..e..•. . n.•.•.•. .1ie.!. .~ ~7 ..~.!1'i-rview jle(j.l).lOllt Argylf),
' ~
H.Dlt Carroll ]\{ontgomery M:ontgomery Schuyler Schuyler Pulaski. Ray Reynolds Livingston Chariton Texas La.c.l.eda Macon Clark Ca.ss ) 1:arion L~ayette Livingston lR-~y
Oivil J3end
VeraQ.:i.1les Competition Leesyille Sed&wlckville LOUlSville Dauphine Preston ,Macon (:ave Spring Lamonte Ash Grove TusQumbia Mt. l\'Ioriah .jSt. G . . • . r. .• ee1l•• .• . fi.••. .e.• . ld BrownIng Pieclmont Nevada
Daviess Carroll :Morgan olLaclede IRellry Bollinger Lincoln Osage Hickory Macon Gre~ne
I:glller ; Harrison St. Louis City D . • .• a.•. d~ Snlhva,n Wayne Vernon
MO Mo :Mo Mo MO Mo Mo ~.Mo . £0 Mo Mo :Mo
:Mo '·MO...•.... MO Mo ~ i~lO
}rIo :Mo Mo Mo :Mo Mo Mo 1.10 Mo Mo l\fo lvIo ~o
l\fo Ala ~Io
],:•f. O 1\10
Mo Mo
1tO . etober. 13, October 13, .1870 1871 October 16. 1872 !Oetober 13. 1871. IOetober ]3, 1871. October, 1871, IOctober la, 1871 Octobe.r,13 1871. October t 1887 October 13, 1870 October 13, 1871. October 18,1871. Oc.t.ober .12.18.71 October 13.1871. October 13, 1871. October 13, 1871. oc.t.•.o bet 13, 18.71. October 18,1871. October 17,1878 (>otobar 18, 1871. October 17. 1878 October 12,1872 October 12, 1872 October 16, 1872 October 16, 1872 October14, ]886 October 16,1872 October 17,1878 October 13, 1881. October 16, 1872 October 16, J872 October 16, 1872 October 13, 1~1. October 16,18,2 October 16, 1872 October 16,1872 oct.o.b.e ..r, . 18/8 1.8Z .3 October, October l6, 187~ October 16, 1872
::.:.:.:.Arrested . Jan.. 10, '83, ]\f. !Arr. Jan. 14, 1896, byb~.T A.C.C.W.OOdS,G M. Hough, G. 1\1. ;Surrendered June, 1892. ]\0{. Willianls, G. 1\L iCon. with Middle Fabius, No. 244, Oct. '94. jConso1.1S81 with Glenwood. No. 427. iArrested by Gr. Ma.c;ter Tygard, Feb., 1898. Y., No. 2t17. J.. une., 1899. • COllSOl. with '''1ith. Cla. """ i.'conso]. Hopewell, No. 239, :hia)~, 1899. ,Consolo with Hale Lodge, 184, Oct., 1887. ;Surrendered December. 1902. iArrested by Grand Lodge, O(~t. 21.1897. !Ar. Sept., 1888, by W.
conso.lidatedOctober, with LRCled.a, Surrendered 1900. No. 83, 1893. ~ Arrested Oct. 22, 1896, by Grand Lodge. Arr. Aug., 1885, by R. F. Stevenson, G. M. ~ ~ Conso1. with Hannibal Lodge, No. 18B. ~ Destroyed by fire December 19,1873. ~ AlT. Aug., 1898. by John R. Parsoll, G. M. ~. Surrendered 1876. ~ Arrested Oct.• 1899, by E. F. Allen, G. M. Conso1. with tVakanda Lodge, No. 52, '80. Consol. with Versailles Lodge, No. 117. Arrested March 29, 1890, by T. Brace, G. :M. Arrested Oct., 1886, by the Grand Lodge. Arr. March, 1897, by ·D. A. Jamison) G.1vL Arr. Dec. 1896, by D. A. Jamison, G. M. Surrendered 1879. Consol. with Urbana, No. 421, Dec., 1890. Smrendered October, 1877. Arrested 1897, by D A. Jamison, G. M. Arrested Oct., 1878. by T. C. Ready, G. :M:. Arrested 1897, by D.A. Jamison, G. 1vL Arrested October, 1886, by J. 'V. BO)Td, G.l\L Surrendered 1879. Arrested 1887, by Geo. R. Hunt, G. M. (.~on. 80.1.. '.\.'ith. ",ra.Shil1. Surrendered August,.gtOl1t 1899.No. 87, Dec. 189S. o Arrested Jan. 19, 1884, by I.J. A. Hall, G. M. o eo*,Surrendered March, 1892.
o ~
~ ~
~ ~
}yIn", October 1, 1903.
1ft,tn. if'. l(ulin., .A.ctinr/ Grand Jfa.st:c'r: DgAR SIR AND BROTHER-
I have visited a number of the Lodges in the. I~irst District during the last year, and have found them in good working order. Reports from Lodges are -very favorable. So far there is not a discordant note; peaee harmony prevailing. Brother Jamison, of Kansas City, delivered a very fine address at this phl<'(l to the :Masons of Schuyler County, on the 24th of last June, which was highly appreciated. There has been no Lodge vf Instruction held by the Grand. Officers in the First District for several years. I suggest th.at one should be held as soon as the rush of farnl work is over. The membership is largely composed of farmers, and their convenience should be consulted. So far as I l\:now the I~odge rooms are safe and well insured. I have in a 11 oases recommel1ded full insurance. Fraternally yours, EDvVARD HIGBEE. D. G~ )vl. ,F'i1"St Di8t1·ict.
SECOND pIS'1'lnC'f. KntKsvILI~:m,
Mo.., September 30, 1903.
1Vm. F. .l(·uhn J A.cting Grana Maste,r: DEAR SIR .:iND. BaoTHER-
I here-bysnbmlt my report as Deputy Grand Master of the Second District· I had promised myself that I would "Visit e"9'er~r Lodge in thi~ District some time dllring the year, but my time has been so completely occupied in so many different ways that it has been most imp:os,sible for me to do so. I have heard from most· of the Lodges in the. District, and from the .best information I· can get, the Lodges are all thriving and in, good working order, peace and harmony prevailing. I vIsited Ark· Lodge, No.6, at Newark,· Mo., on the twenty-third of this month, and conducted the ceremonies of the dedicat.ion of their newhall, installed the officers, and deli"Vered. an address in the presence of a mixed audience of ladies and gentlemen and Brother Masons that filled the large hall to overflowing; there were so many that could not get in the hall, we adjourned for dinner, whilch the ladies had prepa,re<:l in abundance,
in the city park after which the installation was done in the park, and the Hev. Brother Bottsford, State Senator Dowell and others delivered addresses which were well received, and the interest of the Craft promoted. We be~ speak a. brIght future for Ark Lodge, No.6, and the Brethren in that locality. They have demonstrated their zeal and energy in erecting the new, spadous:, beautiful and excellent hall they have just moved into. Tbanking you for the ~ honor you have conferred upon me, I nm, Fraternally :rours, G. A. GOBEN, D. .l{.> gecond Dist1-iet. 1
OWA.SCO.. 1\1:0•.,
October 12, 1903.
M01.!tet': DBAR Slit AND BROTHER-
my l'eport as District Diepnty Grand Master for the Distrlet. I have visited all the I.JOidges in the District but one, and found them doing fair share of work~ and most of them well up in the work. The Lodges are all in good and safe halls, and most of them wen furnIshed. During my visits I assisted in conferring a number of Degrees on candldat.es, and was well satisfied with the profieiency I found am.ong the officers of the various lodges. Tl1a.nkln.g you for past favors, and hoping my humble efforts will meet with YOtI!" approval, I sunsr:rIbe myself, Fratel'nally .yours, J. J. DILfcolINGER, D. G.M..t Thilrd District.
lFmc. F.
lVIo' J September 80, 1908.
Actin.g Grantt Ma·8ter: DEAR SIR AND BRO'!'HER-
In submittIng m.y report for the year Just closing, I have but little to report, as I ha.ve been unable to do much work officially. I have visited some of the Lodges' in the District, but the want of time has prevented my seelng~n of them. I have, however, tried to keep in touch with them all, and am glad to report to you that the principles of our institution sUll has its intluellce with the Craft in the Fourth DistrIct. Nearly all of the Lo,dges have' had some Increases, and seem to be working in harmoIlY1 which is indeed g~atlf~rlng. I am mindfUl of the honor yOll have conferred py apPQlnt.. ing me YOUr Deputy, and desire at this time' to express my thanks for same. Fraternally yours, ,,\V:M.. H. McGRATH, D. G,. 111.., FoarthD1tstriet.
!i'!P'l'H DIS'rRICT.
BETHANY., 1\10•.•
September 30, lfH)3.
A.cUng Grand Jl1astcr: DEAlt SIR .AND BnO'l:IIE.R-
I herewith submit my report as Deputy Grand }\Iaster of the Pifth trict: I have had but little to do as District Deputy this year. I was to preside at a trial of a Brother on ~{ay 28th, by I,Jodge of Light at ville. ~rhe Brother was found guilty, and expelled by the Lodge, and. I have heard of no steps being talten for an appeal. On July 6th and 7th I attended a District I.lodge of Instrnction, Athens Lodge, No. 127. at Albany, 1\10., by Grand I.Jecturer Allan On July 8th and Hth we attended a District Lodge of Instruction the Grand Lecturer, with Bethany Lodge, No. 97. Bethany, lVIo. All the Lodges in this District were notified of these me-etings. and an officers urged to attend, as well as all members being requested to do so. From our knowledge of the Order in this District the work is in good shape, and the interest in the Order is growing. So far as my !toowledge extends. peace and harmony prevails. Appreciating the favors shown me in the past, lam as ever, F'raterually yours, JAeOB FI. PRl1JN rrI8S, D. G. lJ,J., Fifth Dist1'ict.
MARYVII.LE., }!o,.1I
September 28, 1903.
lVrn. F. ]iultn., k.4.cting (}ranrl ll!(lste1": DIUAR SIR AND BRO'l~H}!JR-
I herewith sul)mit my' annual report: I have visited most of the Lodges in my District, and find them in fairly good shape. SODle diffel.'ence has (~xi.sted in two of them, but that has been adjusted, and they are nov/, working· harmonio'tls]y. February 28th, I snperintended the removal of Maryville Lodge, No. 165, from the. room they had occupied, to the IJOdge room oecupied by the other :l\rIasonic bodieS'.of :Maryville, where all hold thetr meetings. September 18th, the corner-stone laid for the new ]Yiasonic building in Elmo, to take the plaee of the one by a cyclone. Being unable to be present, I commissioned R. ""V. Bro. Jalnes Todd,. PastD. MD. G. ArI., to perform theeeremony, returning the pl:operly· endorsed. Kennedy Lodge, No. 329, has been unfortunate, losing their ball by tire. Several years ago they built a good, substantial' brick building. This was destro~red by a cyclone, andeiglit m~n lost their lives in the ruins. So eomplete was the. destru(>tion that .~V'ery pi~ee of Lodge furniture wa~ destroyed, 'but on· clearing away the the Chat"tel' was found practically
uninjured. I would earnestly recommend that eharity be extended to Kennedy Lodge, No. 329, by the remission of their Grand L,0dgedlles. Few qUf~stions of law have been submitted during the :year. On a whole, the Lodges in this District are in good condition, all having done some ,\YOTk. Thanking :you for favors extended, I Fraternally J.
Sialth Dbstriet.
:Mo., October 3, lDOB.
G:rancl Ma8tc'r: DFL\R SIR AND B:s.OTHliJR--
subrnit my report as Distl'i\'t Deputy of the Seventh District: Having been very busy this year with my own labors, I have been unable tf' devote as much time to l\ItiSOnrj-as I would bave liked, so my report will smaH affair. Northwest Lodge, No. 358, of ,:rarkio, moved into their new hall, and it was dedicated 1\Jlay 28th. Brother Allan IV[cDowell held a Lodge of Instruction at :Maitland, whicb 1 exp'ected to attend, but was called to Ne"v York on account of the sicl\:ness and death of Iny mother. As far as I have been able to learn, peace, harInony and good fellowship prevail among the Craft of this District. rl'hanking:you for the honor confer'red upon nle, I am, It'raternally, ~rours, 'V. I拢.plERl\!IANN, D.
kl." Sf:t'(!1l,th Dist;riot.
EIIHI.'I'B DIS Tl'tJ("l'.
September 14, 190:'1.
If'. I{uhn" ..-leU'nu Gt'(J/1HZ Ma.stc1': DEAR SIR AND BROTIi:IDR.-路
I nerewith submit my report as Deputy Grand ~!Iaster of the IDighth District: I have visited thirteen of the Lodges in IUy District this year, of the sixt~en that are in this District, and find thenl in a prosperous condition. Rosendale L!()dge, No. 404, desiring to move into a new hall, I inspected the sa.m.e, and on April :..!3d I dedka ted the now hall in due and ancienT. foI'J3ll" a:p,d the l\iaster :Mason Deg~路ee. I alIl to stat~ that 1Ylasoury ha~ made a good increase In this District during the year~ and peaee ~tnd hal'nlony p;eevail. 'Thanking yO'll for the bonor conf~rred on me, I am, Fraternally yours, B. F."'vVATSON, D. G. ..Y., JjJ'ighth D!bStdot. G, L. Ap.-17.
XIX'!'H nrS'l'UICT.
::\10.., October
1Vm. F. ](tthn., A.cUng Gran(Z J];Iar:itm': DEAR SIR .AND BROTIUJR-
I hereby submit my report as Deputy Grand l\Iaster of the Ninth District: :My business has prevented me f)'om visiting all the Lodges in my Dis tdct,' but have heard from tho'Se I dia not visit. All seem to be flourishing, and peac'e and harmony prevail. In company with R. "\V. Bro. Allan l\IcDowelI I opened School of Instruction, which was well attended and llltwh interest taken. I have been invited by a number of the Lodges to come and aSl:dst them in conferrIng' Degrees, and have always accepted wIth pleasure. I find the records in Lodges well kept. Also Lodge rooms and furniture well cared for. On the evening of the 11th of July I organized a IJodge under tion at Stewartsville, '..rhey have' an enthusiastic I..odge. I interest of Masonry will be benefited by the organization of 'l'he most of the Lodges haye made a st~ac1y increase in membership, progress made during the year by the various Lodges htlS been pleasing. In conclusion, will saj'" I am very . thankful for the honor eonferred being appointed District Deputy. Fraternally yours, 4
D. G. M., Ninth Dist"t'ict.
TENTH DrWl'Rlc~r. PI..A'l'TSRURG, ~fo. .,
September 30, 1903.
lTl1n. F. ]l'l£hn.t .4.oting Gt'a"]1,,(l llfastm*: rJJ~~\n
I beg leave to hand you herewith IllY annual report as Deputy Grand 1\laster of the Ten ill District: I have not visited all of the Dodges in my District, but from repo·rta received I am able to sta.te that the Lodges throughout the District, with possibly one exception, are in a prosperol1s condition. Several members of Hemple Lodge, No. 37, have withdrawn from that Lodge to form a Lodge U. D. at Stewartsville, 1"10., which consld.erably weakens the membership of the Hemple ]..Iodge. The a.bility of the brethtren at Hemple to maintain a f:iuccessful Lodge is a problem to be dem()nstrated. At a meeting of Plattsburg Lodge, No. 113, held August 13th last, there were present repr,esentntives from all the Lodges in this District t besid~s sBveral visitors from adjoining Districts to witness the conferring of t113 Thi·rd Degree on a candidate. 'l'he work was under the able supervision or H, W. Bro. C. "V. Bolster, District De.puty Grand Lecturer, assisted by the members of the local Lodg'e. Quite a large number were present, includIng several Brothers over 80 years of age. 'l'hese facts will indicate the degree of interest taken in :Mason1ry in this District. All of the Lodges are pr{~-
sidf..~d over by lVrnstel's who are hright :Masons and understand their dutieg find I have every r~ason to believe that ~Iasonr:~r in the Tenth District will
continue to prosper. Fraternnlly yours, C. J':. SOKES, D. (f. JI., Tenth District.
KLFJVEX'l'H DIS'l''RlC'l'.
]vfo' J Septemoer 22, 1903. A.. cting Gf'att,d,
my report as Deputy Grand 1\faster of the Eleyenth commissioned August 12, 19()3, I have had very littl~ Lodges in my Distriet. J2Iavlng nD data at hand by which time pre~edi.ng m;f' appointment that portion will hav.~ I have not the least doubt but that our lamented peJ['formedL the duties of the office well. Hill IJodge, No. 155, and installed officers. doing consIderable work and has elected of and willing to work and learn, and I bespeak for this I.loQge prosperity. On Se:ptember 7th I assisted in laying thee()rnE:n'~stone of tbe First Baptist Church in this city, at w\lich a large (~oncot1l"se of l\!:fasons were present to. greet our Acting Grand ~faster. At night I assisted In conferr11l.g' the M. l\lLDegree upon Brother Barry Stone. of Benevolenee I;odge, No. 170. The work was conducted by M. '17'. Grand 'Master W. F. I{uhn, assisted by R.W.. Bros. McDowell and Bigger and members of Friendship and C1J.IUicothe..Sofar as I have been able to learn peace and harmony prevails. througp,out the Eleventh District.
P'raternally yours, P. RANDOLPfI, D. G. M' J EZeventh Distnct.
Mo., September 30, 1903.
lVm. F. JCUl'l'Yt}...4.0t'£1'bfl Grand lYlaster: DEAR SIR AND BROTHER-
Iresp'ectfully submit my report as D~.puty Grand Master for the past year: I .am plea.sed to" report that all Lodges of this District are doing ver:y well . a;:nd are in a reasonablyprospe.rous condition, p€ace and luu.·l1l. on y ~revailing. I have visited almost all of the Lodges during the pas·t year, somecf them on several different 09casions, and have learned from the Officers and Brethren of the Lodges not visited that all lawell with them.
I feel that I can truly say all the I.Jodges in this District are active 'w'orking Lodges, gl~9wing in membership and show a decided improvement in the work. A. District Lodge of Instrnction was held in l\Ieadsville bv R. W. Bro. Allan :McDowclI, at which I was present. '~Vhile the attenda.nc~ was not large, yet those present were greatly bene1fited arid substantial progress made in the 'Wol'k. In closing desire to say that the past J1Ntr has, on the whole, been a successful and prosperous one for l\lasonry in this District, and the prospects for the incoming year alre bright. Fraternally yours, C. C, BIGGF;R, D. G.- 111., Twelfth Di8lrirt.
THIR'l'EJ1)N'1'H DIS'l'HIC'1'.
lFm. F. Kuhn.., AcUng G·yaneZ Maste'f': DEAR SIR AND BRO'l'HER-
This being annual repol~t day, I beg to submit tll<~ follo,\ylng lJ,rief report of my ~year's worl\:: On September 21, 1903 fir(~ dE$tl'Ciyed the hall and contents of (lllJ' La Plata· Lodge, No. 2B7. After reeeiving tht\ prOpel" dispensation and in~ spectil1g the Odd }l'ello\vs' hall, I grnntpd thtml permission to move in saIne "-e bought such supplies as was necessary, and hav.e done a nice year'::I work. vVe are now located in our new hall, w;hich we will dedicate soon. On Janu8il'3-' 12th J publie1y installE'd the Officers of Lodge of r:rruth, No. 268, Atlanta, which was well attended, and concluded \vith afil1~ banquet. . January 20th, by invitation of Brother J. H. lIolton, 'V. nI. of Ad~lil' Lodge, No. 366, Kirl\:sville. I aceompallied the Officers of· La PIn ta Lodgl:~ to Kirksville sndconferred the Third DegrN~, which was apparently appl'edated by over 100 present; coneluded with a fine banquet. In April I ren(l~red the funeral ceremony· for Lodge of Truth, No. 2fJ8, and assisted in conferring the rrhird Degree at night. June IBth and 20th attended I... odge of Instruction at Callao, presid€~d over b~' It. 'V. Bro. l\feDowell. By invitation of Brothel' '\V. S. Vawter, ",r. 1\'1. of Paulville Lodge, N.o. 319, Brashear, on July 7th I took the Officers of I...a Plata Lodge to Brashear and conferred the Third Degree on three candidt1.tes, which was also appreciated. Another banquet followed. July 19th visited Bethel Lodge, No. 527, in the interest of it trial case, an appeal of whlch is now in possession of the Gl'and Lodge. July 20th and 21st attendoo a State School of Instruction at l\Ioberly. August 17th and 18th attended a State School of Instruction at :h-Iacon. August 24th and 25th lleld Lodge of Instruction at Bethel. I have visited, or seen members from, every Lodge in m~r District, a.nd find :Masonry still. at a high standard.
I\Jy relations vvith the Pl'Htel'nity have been vel',Y pleasant. and I desire to express to you, .and throngh you to the sevel'al Grand ()ffieers whom have met during the year, my gratitude for the many favors shown. rrhnnldng ;you for the honor conferred on me, I l'eluain, Fraternally yours, S. R. ,voon, D. J1... Thirt( ndh Di.st:rict.
year as
Granel :Master
Craft is in good condition in as I inform.ed, there is but little and harmony p'revai I ,among the Brethren. done by the Lodges than usual, both in the in tht~ style of workmanship. 26th d~lY Jantu~,ry, 1H03, I opened a District Lodge of Instl'ucthe haHof Lick Creek Lodge, No. 302, ~tt Perry, Mo., and continued sanlie dtlri:ug 27tb and 28th. The ritualistic work was in charge of R. W. Bro. Alla:n l\iIcDo,"vell, Grand IJecturer. ~rhe results were very gratifying. On l\Iat'(~h 11th, 12th and 18th I held a School of Instruction in the hall of Ralls Nc). 38. 'I~he results would have been gratifjring had the Br(~thren of lJodge Pe'(}n a littlemp~'e zealous. Proficiency in the work (ltlnnot be a,(~quired by absorption. It study. lVr1:lr(~h 2(:')th, I made an official visit Lodge, No. 1$8, and conf€~rred the ,:rhird Degree on one Fellowcr~ft~ I fOlind: the Lodg.e in flourishing concHtion, wid~ awake and progl·es~iv.~. ,Apri.l 2310, I visited Palmyra Lodge, No. 18, and conferred the Thi.rd Degree on one J:l"eUowcraft. I remained there dtt.ring the 24th, giving instruction in .the work. 'l'his I..odge is in goodsbape. 'l'he Brethren are progre'ssive. On .the 19th clay of :M:ay I inspecte-d the new hall of Cyrene 'Lodge, No. 14, at Bolia, Pike County, and found it \vell adapted and arranged fol.' ~:ht$onic purposes. I endorsed their pet.ition for removal, btl t when 10t11' ~ltlth()rizing me to directtb,el,'emoval of IJodge Into,· and to a(Jcordimg to Masonic usage reached me, not being able to attend I eommlssioned the \VortIlY lVIaster of said Lodge to perform me, and be reports that he d.ischarged them as per request. I made an offieial visit to Perseverance Ilodge, No.· 92, and On ,lu.ne on one FelIowcraft. I fonnd everything in a ("(J!1..ferI"ed the condItIon.' This Is one of the !ive I.~odgeS" of the Fourllighly
tE-enon I IIIave visited as many of the Lodges in my. District as possIble, invariably with a hearty welcome and very courteous treatment. I regret ~oulc1 not visit all the Lodges in the District, but I have answe(red all (~aJls In'adl::,anclb.ave given private instructions to many of the Officers and Btethl;en.
The l:011owing statement tabulated from reports of Secretaries of the sevel;al Lodges of the District, will show the condition existing on the 1st day of August, 1903:
Names of Lodges.
Palmyra 18 66 St. John's ...................28 75 Hannibal. 1188 149 111
16~lg $
20 25
2 00 $ 10 75 206 00 32 00 108 75
$3,000 Oo'S 157 00 None. 350 00 350 00 None. 450 00 1,201 85 $ 146 00
19 28 31
~~U:~.~:~.~.~~~.::::::::::: ! 5~~ '''s'i "'i's'" '50"0'0 "'"5ii'iio" 'i",OO()'oo "'i'oo'oo "'176'00 ······23···
Lick Creek New London Cyrene Clarksville Perseverance Phoenix. . Frankford................... Pike Pa.ynesville
,. 302
307 14 I 17 1 92 136 192 I 399 \ 499
77 20X 54 12 33 15 43 ~i() 901 15 75.115 24 9 44 10 21 8X
32 40 3 7 25 15 5 15 11
00 89 50 3 048 65 100 68 292 98 15 00 140 00 1,550 00 1,288 00 None. 7LO 00 9 00 00 300 00 None. 7 00 51 16 .•.... :...... 40 84 12 24 00 50 00 1,900 00 300 00 None. 600 00 1,136 36 .......•.........•...... 00 . 00 23 00 800 00 146 00 None. 20 00 30 00 1,200 00 40 00 350 00 7 00 55 00 56 971 20 00 11 300 00
*No report.
Thanking you for courtesies shown me, I am, Fraternally yours, GEO. E.
D. O. M.)
PARIS) ]\(o..,
October 5, 1903.
lVnl. F. ][u}zn) ACU1tf] Gt'ancl Ma.s[r:r: DEAR SIR AND BUO':l.'HER-
I take pleasure in submitting my report for the year now closing:
I have given dne attention to all luatters submitted for my consideration (luring. the year. No special difficulties· have arisen· in this, the Fifteenth District. ~ome of the IJodges have made good gains, while others have barely held their own. Granville Lodge, No.. 240, failed to elect officers at the regulaf time. Acting under your' instructions, I visited the Lodge in company with Judge T. F. R.urd, D. G. I..t., for thIs District. After talking matters over with. the members of the Lodge, they decided to change the time of their meeting from evening to the afternoon, on account of the fact that most of the members are growing old, and it does·· not suit them to be out after night. I am inclined to thinl\: the change will be for the better.. 'l'he Lodge has since then elected officers, and there is a prospect forsorne 'Work soon. I feel that much good may yet be done there, as this is a grand old Lodge. Peace and harmony prevail thrOtlghol.lt the District. Fraternally yours, A. T. V..; \UGHN, D. G. M.) Fifteen.th Distrwt.
:Mo., Oetober 5, 190:.3.
lFm. F. Kuhn, A.cting Gran(l klastC'·: DItJAR SIR AND BROTHER-
Owing to my late appointment, and protracted illn€~ss during' .Tune and .1uly, I have been able to visit only a few I.lodges in this District. R. '·Y. Bro. McDowell held two Schools of Instrnction during the cne at Sumner in June, which I was unable to attend, Rnd one at Mussel Fork,
August 11th, which I attended, and found the members manifesting cjonsider~ able interest, but they need more Instruction, which I the District I.I~cturer will be able to give. I a ttended the TJodge in the 25th of "TuJ:/, J'vn'f'~~!"t'inC' the Third Degree. is 1m good been asked very (;~n4eSiti'l\')!liS points la,w, and so DistrIct are fairly g'()od condllearn all I~odges in the neal" future. be able
"HT·11fl. P. l{tt.111t., J!C"tiftl'ttgGl'(f1,lJ,rL i
J\!fo." October 3, 1903.
DEAR SIR' AND J311:0T':a:El~--
I herewith submit my report
of the Seventeenth
1\fnsonic District l)f !l:fis~ouri : ~"hi1e I have not ~en to personally visit all of the
~ceount 'of profess\.onal engage·ments in my District, yet I have, by cOirrespondence, andhaving met members of the several I.lodges here and there during the year, kept myself ndvised to some extent of the condition of the Fraternity in this It is apleasl.lre tome be able to report that peace and harmony pre.. vail among the Craft throughout the entire District. Some progress ha.s be;en made in eaeh Lodge during the year past. In some of them much has been made, as will from the returns made to the Grand
summer Brother AUttn McDowell, Grand Lecturer, held a at I.l8.WSOD, but on account of the high water, .I was Later, Brother McDowell held a Lodge ot Instruction at DeWitt. ! was present part of the time only, but enough to discover an interest· and a desire on the part of those attending to become proficient in the worl\:. In August, I had the pleasure of visiting l:-Iardin Lodge, No. r l"'eeeived acordhll gl~eeting indeed. I consider this one of the (·6untryLod!:\'es that r was ever in. 1.~he members all evinced 'an interest· in tbe work.
During the year, I also visIted Bogard Lodge, No. 101, at Bogard. On this occasion, t.he Lodge had work in the Third Degree. I can sincerel;y say that the work done by this Lodge is above the average. Likewise visited Hale City Lodge, No. 21.(}, at Hale, where I had the pleasure of seeing the rl'hircl Degree eonfel'l'ec1. rrhis Lodge has some very energetIc members, who are profieie'llt in rhe work. I am glad to repoet that some pl'ogresshas been made in \Vakenda Lodge, No. 52, at Carrollton, during the year past. I regret to report that the at~ tendance is not what it should be, considering the membership of the Lodge. Howevel', .an increased interest is noticeable, when conditions now are compared \-vith what they were a yea.r ago, and I fraternally hope that this interest wHI go on increasing until it reae-hes each individual member, and thoroughly a\vakens him to a full sense of his l\fasonic dnty and finally tulminate in this Lodge being \yhat it ought to be-one of the brightest and best in the Sta teo Fraternally yours, S. J ..JO:srES, D. O. ]If.) Screnteenth District.
I.. IlHi"HitTY. IVro..• Oetober 1, Infl:l. TV,n,
J(uhn.J itcting (h'(znd Mastc'r: DEAR SIn AND BnOTHER-
Pursuant to thB rGquirement~ of the By-Laws of the Grand I;odge of tlw State of :Missouri. I beg respectfully to report that the ntnl0st harmon~" au<i good feeling has prevailed in the Eighteenth lVrasoni(~ District of 1\:Iissouri. durIng the past :year. 1:he Lodges have all preserved the high standards of the past, and there has been no necessity for any interference with anything tIla t has been done. 'PIle Lodges have he1d various meetings for tIre purpose of creating a more friendly feeling, and more inUm"ate intercourse, which were well at~ tended. FratE?rnally yours, B. P. FINIJmy, D. G-. ~l[ ..• E'bghteenth Ditltrict.
PARKV1LLlD, ~fo.,
TJlnz,. F. J(·tt.hrb, .t.lctinfj Ora'nel
September 21, 1903.
1 herewith submit lny report as Deputy Grand l\Iaster for the Nineteenth :j\fasonic District: It is gratifying to me, indeed~- to be able to report that peaee and harmony prevail among the Brethren in the Nineteenth Di~triet, and that I have not been called upon to settle a single difference between Lodg.~s or
Br(:~thl'en during the entire year. In fact, the duties of D1Y office have been very light dnring the year,dl1l~ mainly to the splenClid condition of the Lodges, and the general spirit of harmony and brotherly Iov(~ which pervades the District. AlI the Lodges are in fairly good working order. some of thf~nl espeeinlly so, and progress has been ma,de in almost all of them during-the year. A Longe of Instruetion was, held in the hall of Compass Lodge, No. 120, at Parlrville, in the early parr: of February, which \vas attended by menlbers from at least four Lodges the District, and good work ,vas done, nnder the able instruction of R. \V.Bro. Sidney Beery, JJistrict Deputy Lt~eturer. The future of l\{asonry in the Xineteenth Distriet n(~ver' appeared brighter 1 han DOW. and I am sure the coming year will 811o","" gond results. Fraternally yonrs. ~T. P. '1'UeKI~n..
fJ,l S'1'r£tI CT. KANS.kS
Cpr:r" 1V10., September 1, lHOa.
Ma,Ble'!': l\las()nr~" in tile ~1"wentieth District is in fiour'ishing and prosperous (~on· <Ution. Lo<lge in this Distri~t \vBl mtlke decided gains in its Ulem· bershiI>, and cllaract~r ()f the Degree wOl'k was never h(~tter. The tlsual Distl'!Ct School of Instrllction was held in ~Tanuary, 1.903, th~ ~tttenc1anee bf.\lng larger tllaneverbefore. Fraternally. YOtu's, V. F. :BOOR, E. a: Jl.., p,t()(31tt'ie'bll, DiS t'rif3 t.
OPES SA., l\fo., l~i'~n. F. l{.t&}11~J Aoting
Oetober 1) 1903.
Ot·an.rl 1JJ:aster:
DEAR SIR AND BlitO'1'B'.En,-
I submit my report as Deputy Grand Master for the rrwent Jr first District: JMl'.ay . 25th,26th and 27th, aSt~}tte Lod:ge of Instrlwtion was held at Lexingr,olil, vV. F. K.ulln, Acting Grand:l\>1.astel", presiding, with It. W.· Bro. :Mc}.)oweU,G. L' 1 in· charge of the work, OtheL' Grand Lodge officers were assisted in conferring Degrees, and visited a number of I..Q{lges in 'rhe work is well done, and peace and harmony prevail.
C. !..I. B'R.OS'l', D. G.. M.),,'!'u.u:Jtl tll-F"iir8t Di8t1"tf't. i
30, 1903.
1I'm. p, ](uhn." -:.tcting GranlZ Master: DEAR. SIn AND B:aOTHli.Jn:My :Masonic duties during the past year have been very
fe~\~, :Masonry in this district is in a prosperous condition. :My health is not good, therefore I respectfully ask to be relieved from further duty. Fraternally yours,
LliJ'VIS RICHARDSON, D. G, M,,, Twenty-Second D'istrict.
lV'm, F. If.'1t7tn,.f .1oUng Gi路antZ Mast"c'1": DEAlt SIn AND BROTHER-
It is a pleasure for me to report to you the prosperity of Craft this, the Twenty-third District. Much work has been done in mauj" of Lodges, and greatly renewed interest has been manifested in some sections. 'j'he membership is increasing, and is of such .material: as to command approbation. The Lodges, as n rule, are prosperous, and are improving in the work. I have visited a number of them, and have assisted, on many occa路 sions, in the conferring of Degrees, and have been willing to lend roy assistance whenever called upon. I have from time to time, nscalled upon, given my counsel and advice in I..lodge matters, and, on the whole, my report to :you can be but favorable. Fraternally yours, "Y. 11'. JOHNSON, D. G.' lIf.) ']1tcenty-'P7dr'cZ, Dil~tr路拢ct.
1903.J On Lodges among rial to
the 15th of September I started out and made a. circuit of all the in roy District. With a few exceptions I found good feeling existing the Brethren, records well kept, and most of them adding good mate~ their membership. Fraternally :yours, 'VM. H. CARPENTER, D. G. M.} Tw:enty-Fotfrth Di.strict.
1\110.) October 2, 1 n03.
F. K'ullnl....4..ctj'n[J Gran,a Ma,sier: DEAR SIR. AND BROTHmn-
the District:
"isited ana
as Depn ty Grand
under its
Social Lodge,
8,nd in
I and oft];cel's in Laddonia Lodge, No. 115, in eon£e-rring Degrtesoll number of candidates. I respond~d to~verycall when a wa.s pQssihle for me to do so, and glad to report a. bealthr growth .for the Order in this Distriet. FraternaJly :yours, F\ R. Jl~SSg, lJ. G.
CI'rY, lVIfJ~.F.
11'u..'e·nty-F~ittlt District.
Mo., September 14,
lruh/Jlt, Actin(J Grana Mt:t8te'J": DEAR SIn AND BlltO'l'Hl!1R-
Deputy Master is required to report to the Grand Master thirty dayspriQr of the Grand·· I,odge.. l.am not sure that a report is exI was commissionedtJae latter part of August. between my aprpoln.fment and this date would permit, in1restigat€id the Lodges of my District. I assisted in conferring the
;at! Seetion24 of the By-Laws of tIle <;rand Lodge, the District
one candidate in. ,\Vensville Lodge, No. 194, on September .L.1Jl~".L.l..,I;.~.L.£
in my Dist1."lct see·m, to be taking an active inte:J:¢$t
is prospect of considerableW'ork being done in the near future. Fraternally yours, W •. :8. :M:. COOI{,
D. G. M.,
'.1'11,e''1.·7j ilJ,.·;SWrJ1NL
Appendix. '1"Yl;~NTY-SEV}1N'rH
rrnoy.. 1\10.) October 3, 1903. lVm.. F.
Acting GranrZ Mas·ter·: DE.\R SIn AND BROTHJt1R-
As Depl1ty (i·rand l\Iaster (If the Twenty-Seventh District, ca.n report that the past :vear has been a good 011e for l\1asonry in my Distriet. Some of the Lodges are growing in membership, and all of them are growing in good work. \Yhile I have had no calls to hold Lodges of Instruction, I have visited n nnmber of the Lodges, and have kept in touch wil'lth all of them. They are in fairly good working condition, and the right spirit prevails throughout the Distric:t. Fraternally yours, .J. VV. pCnVELL, D. G.
TtDc·nt.l/-S€1)cnth Distrkt.
'l"WF;N'I'Y -I-JIGH'rH nIS'l'ltIC'l'.
lFm. F. ](uhn·) .Acting (}rancl lJ!aster: D.FJAR SIR AND BnoTHER-
submit the following report as Deput~r for the Twentyl\Iasonic District: It affords me pleasure to report that the Craft is in a healthy R.nd fairly prosperolls (·oudition over the District generally, and so far as I am a ,vare, peace and harmony prevail among the Brethren. I have had the pleasure on various occasions of visiting most of the Lodges in my District, assisting thelu in the work and the Ritual of the Order. Palestine T..Jodge, No. 241, at St. Charles, as the records of the G·rand Secretal';Y will show, has made a splendid gain in membership during ihe year, and promises to I;ontinue the good work. ,]~his Lodge being constantly under my obser"nttion, I am pleased to say, is ever making efforts to improve in proficiency: I hUYe also visited both \Ventzville Lodge, No. 46, and 'l\Iechanicsville Lodge, No. 200, at. differ'ent times during the year, assisting· the Brethren in conferring the Degrees .')f Ancient Craft Masonry. The courteous trea tlllent receivedfl'onl the Brethren on these occasions has been a· full measure of reward for time and labor expended, and has satisfied me that my visits were appreciat(!d. In the early part of the Ulonth of August, It. 'V. Bro. Allan }lcDowell held a Lodge of Instruction at 'VentzYille, lYIo., of which I received due notice, but much as I regretted it, owing to business engagements, I was unable to· be present on that occasion. vVhile I have not been able to make a perso.nal visit to. Pauldingvin~ Lodge, No. 11, at 'Vl'ight City, ·1YIo.,yet I have been infol'med by a Past :Master of that IJodge that they have been fairly prosperous during the sear, and ar~ in. good condition. respe(~tful1y
As I have not been ealled upon to perform any official business, I have nothing further to report. In conclusion. I believe I ~an say the cause of :Masonry has prospered. fairly well in this District. :H'raternally yours, AUGUST l~. BliCK.ER. D, O. ]~1'3 'l'u:cntJj-.Eiglltll DLstrkt.
l\fo.., October 5, 1908.
for the Twenty-Ninth District, I regret that IE:,tlst with each of ih(~ Lodges, condition. Nearly all the Lodges have bElen submitted to me fol' conharnl0ny prevails. in all the I.I(luges l)urhlg
Di'striet, nnontb of
ont the as all tlH~ iInp,l'ove
the Grtlud Lecturer, Bro. l\IeDowelI, held it \v!lkh was attended by the ..c~cting Grand of the oific(~rs of the different Lodges tlH'oughJ\fudl goo(lwas by this Lodge of Instrnetion, Br(~tbren present entel'eo work with a deterlllinatiO'Il to
Instruetio!ll a,nd a laI"g~
D. G. ,llf,.. TWe1l,ty-Ninth
J:mlt'll~ERSON CITY"
October 5, 190:3.
ll;r 1')lle. J1"'. 1{"Mhn" ..lctintf! Grart(l ],f(Uster: DEAR SIR AND BROTHER-
ness are
for being so late with my report.
Business and sick-
In January I assisted in a State Lodge of Instruction held ill hall of Jefferson I..Iodge, No. 43, i:tl this city. D'uring the summer 1 attended State Lodges of Instruction ))lacon. As you are well aware, both these meetings were well «V\,~J..lV'~·U. • .flave held only two Lodges of Instruction the past year, at Illckory :HilI, both reasonably attended. request I presided at one
At my reqlH=st W. Bro. VV. A. Clark t assisted by other Brethren of Jefferson Lodge No. 43, dedicated new hall at Clarksburg, dispensation having been previously granted. Bro. Clark reports large attendance and a good time. Disp~nsation hnving been granted to Russellville I.odge, No. 90, to move Into new hall, I found it to be impossible for me to officiate at the time set t so I requested M. \V. Bro. A. ~I. I-Iough to conduct the dedicatory ceremony, which he t assisted by several other members of Jefferson Lodge, very kindly and successfully did. For services thus rendered M. W. Bro. I-Iough and W. Bro. Clark have my unbounded thanks. lIel'e are two of Missouri's zealons and devout :Masons. They never refuse a call when it is possible to comply. ' I have answered and c01uplied with all (except two above mentioned) official calls in my District during the year. So far as I am informed, all I..Iodges in this District except two progressing nicely. Not only are they beroming more proficient in Ritual, but the moral standard of all is being raised to a higher plane. Thanldng J"OU for the honor conferred. Fraternal1y ~"Ot1l*S, .JOHN T. SHORT, D. G. J[.,t Thirtieth D拢st'rict. t
l\;Io..1 October 7, 1903.
lfTrn. F. lCuhnJA.cting Gt'and Ma,.stct路: DEAR SIR AND BROTHEJR-
I take pleasure in reporting the excellent condition of l\-Iasonry in the rrhirty-First District. I visited Evergreen Lodge, No. 27, ac(~ording to dispensation of the Grand Master (issued November 20, 1902), the occasion of removal into new hall, on December 2 t 1902. On February ln, 1903, 1 instituted Gray's Summit Lodge U. D., ana am pleased to testify to the good work. done by the Lodge since. Fraternally yours, JNO. ISBELL, D. G. M . .1
D'm S'OTO" 1\10. .1 September 17, 1903L lV"1n. F. Kn7l1t .1 A.cting Grand Master.' II
subrili t my report as Deputy Grand Master of the ThirtySecond District: I have visited several IJodges in the District during the 'year, and find the work being done fairly well. I have been caned to Shekina, No. 256, I
three times dnring the year to install their officers, and to assist in the work. De Sato Lodge, No. 119, has completed' a new han, which I inspected and afterwards dedicated, being assisted by Dr. Vinci! ~ln.d several visiting Brethren froIn St. IJonis. On aCCQun t of serving as VV. M. of my own IJodge, I have not been able to visit as mnch as I would otherwise have done~ most of the Lodg(~s In the District hold their meetings the same that of my 0\V11. hope~ however, to do more in the coming year tha.n I lUl.'ve the past. Fratern.aHy yours, C. E. PY!.lE, D.
'j1,lb'i'Ji'tlil-Se(70nll Di.strt<:t.
THIR1'Y-'l'IiIlU) 'DIRTInco:l'.
Nlo.} October 10, 1903.
subm.it my report .for the past year, which business of the tmportanee bas prevented me from rendering sooner, and for similar reason will be brief. At the elose of the was quite busily engaged in various (~apadties in tbe installing officers, assisting at in~ stallations, and' in eOIlfertin11: In NoveIll'ber and assisted at the SchoolS of Instruction Springfield, City an<:l St. I;ouis. usua.l of Instruction every R. '\V. Bro. Wm. E. work., which was Cl1'l'""''''''T'l''i:rA manner, and which must nave so fOl~tttna;te as to be in attendance. was 1,314: ; average att:eu,ata;.llce total a ttendance for the nine 146.
24th, inspeetedhaI1 fot Benton Lodge, No. About .AprIl 1 insp~Gteda place for temporary
having acc.e·pted, on benalf of the Grand Dodge, the In~ Commission Board of the World's Fair to lay the ~oJ.'Il~r~ State building, ·on Saturday, May 2d, the to tuake the necessary preparations for the whidb I to the best· of my ability. The Grand L.odge, escorted s,e!eral Commandedes,Knights. fl'emplar, and. a large number of the .Ll'.L'ql:i,l;~",~:,L1,. proee.eded to the World's Fair grounds, where theeeremonies were neJl7fo,l'nJted ina-most impressive manner, the following Brethren taklnga11l. intbework:,M.vV. Bro. Wm. Ii'. Master; M. W. :Bdgg~,.Deputy Grand l\;faster; .R.. L. B. VallIant, G'rand Senior
'Varden; R. \V. Bro. A. S. Houston, Grand .Junior vVarden; \r. Bro. A. C. Uobinson, Grand Treasurer; lVL\V. Bro. J. D. Vindl, Grand Secretary; It 'V. Bro. Allan :McDovvelI, Grand Lecturer; R. \V. Bro..John II. JIlller, Grand Chaplain; Bl'o. 'VID. J. vVilliamson, Granel Chaplain; U. ,Yo Bro. Simon ~uss, Grand Senior Deacon; R. \V. Bro. \Vm. A. TIall, Grand Junior D(~aeon 'V. Bro. Robt. R. Kreeger, Gran.d Senior Steward; n. ,"V. Bro. \Yul. E. lIoke. Orand· Junior Steward; H. W. Bro. C. A. Hosebrough, (j·ranc1 :Uarshal; ,V. Bro. Edw. Reed, Grand S'word Beater; R. \V. Bro. C. C. Bigger, Grand l"ursuivant; R. W. Bro. W. R. Gentr;y, Grand Orator; \V. Bro. H. C. Pollman, Bearer Great I.Jight; \V. Bros. J. Lampert and R. ~L Hyams, Stewards to G. Ligl1t; R. 'W. Bro. John \Y. Owen, Grand 'TyJer. I am deeply indebtl?d to ]\1. \V. Bros.•J. D. Vineil, Dorsey A.•Jamison and R. \V. Bro. C. A. Hosebl'ongh for the advice. and serviees rendered on occasion. On'Saturday, :May 16, 190H,. under a dispensntion, and instructions, I laid the ~orner-stone of the !ylasonic hall assisted by several of the Brethren from the city IJodges and members }\]l'kwood Lodge, No. 484, the following Brethren being in eharge work: 'VID. A.. I-Ia.H, D. D. G.~r., as Grand M:aster; C. II. Briggs. as Deput:y' G. 11.; John D. Vinci], P. G. )\it, as ltrand S. '\V.; D. D. GIl., as Orand J. 'V.; J. N. Hughes. as Grand. .Tac'obi, as Grand Secretary; Louis :Moller, as Grand S. D.; V. hainer, as Grand J. D.; L. 1\1. Reed••J. G. Hawken, 'V. L. '~"rigtlt F'riedewald, as Grand Stewards; \V. H. Donovant, as Gritnd ; 1j'. Holton, as Grand S"'orc1 Bearer; :E~, II. Michel, asG'l'and PursuivHnt; ~r. B. 'Vilde, Bearer of Book; Eden Heed, Bearer of G. L.; John \Y. (hven, Gr'and rl'yler. 'rhe day was propitious, and a fine turnout of M,asous from St. Louis, '\Vebster Groves and r.f1enton, as well as ICir!twood, by the ~lnit~U'Jr School cadets, added much to· the impressiveness of the eerelll0nies. On October 3, 1903, I laid the corner-stone of a building at (;lifton Heights, which is t.o be the home of Clifton Ifeigllts IJodg(~, Xo.520. :YI. VV. Bro. D. A. Jamison, 11. 'V. Bros. lIoward '\Vatson a,nd 'VITI. E. Hoke, and 'V. Bro. C. H. l\Hller, l\Iaster of Clifton Ifeights Lodge, \-vith a IlllITIber of otl1 e1' Brethren, assisted in the work. Sickness in my family and press of business have prevented me from visiting' the Lodges in my District as much as I desired, but I have kept in touch with·. them all, and am glad to report that peace, harmony and r,rosperity universally prevail throughout the Thirty-Third Distriet. .As cbairman of your committee appointed tcr secure a suitable lneeting place for the coming session of the Grand I..Iodge, beg to saJf that after nluch trouble we have secured the Seottish Rite Cathedral, at Seventeenth and Loeust streets, whieh has been lcindly tend~red by the Board of Directors, and for which we are under deep obligations. N ocl1al'g(~ has been made 01' will be asked for the use of their elegant qnarters, but your committee ha,s taken the necessary pre<.:aution to the pren:lises bacl< to the Board in as· clean and perfect ~ondition as so genel'ousl~r tendered tbe Grand Lodge. I trust thIs will meet wlth you.;rapPl'oval. ~l'hanking you for the many courtesies extended, and hoping to see you at the coming ~ession of the Grand Lodge. PratermaUy yours, WlVI. .A. HALI.l, D.
(}._~{., :rh/Lt~t11-'Ph;ir(l
~trm .. P. ](u,]ln"
HOLLA~ )1"0 .•
Acting G,,'an(Z Mctster: DEAR
S tR
Oetober 2, 1903.
I herewith submit nly report as Deputy Fourth D'istr~et:
:l\faster of the Thirty-
You. honored nle by appointment to this office on the 18th day of :March, 1903, to sneceed the R. ';V. B:rQ.Thos. Gibson, who had renl:Oved from the District. At the time My ap,polntment, and since, my lmsiness has re(luired aJm,ost my entire a,ttenUi)n. I have, however, stood rNldy to l"espond to any demands that 'lJo(ifge-s of my District migbt make npon s() as Iconltl meet tbe:gL
Some time ltgO. realbil1g that I wou~:d not be able to visit all the Lo,oges my District, I addressed communicaUOins to eaehLodge, calling special ~\tte.ti:on to with refereneet'0 gambling~ profane swearing, drunkenIless" and profanes, parti(~ullliilf~Y l'eeommencling to the ~everal attention tomoiral tl.ilJid benevolent principles of Mathese commu;Eldcatlons was forwarded to you, and YO'll on I received n.o respom:ses to the communications exfrosm St. James Lodge, \vhich l"esponcled in a most fraternal and brotherly spirit. Tbe communiea tiOil from St. James L,odge expressed a true l\:f:~l.sonicspirit, showing me that pea~~e' and harmony prevail in that Lodge. I find that the sale . of,' iJlto::Kicati:~ Uqnors has been carried on by members o.f at lea:st two ]';to,t1!iges I.D my District. I called special attention to Uris ila i:l~ecommunilcat,i!:on t(),tb·e received no respons,e from :them. I lea,rn that one of theJ8crotl1errs re,f:~:tse<ia dranu~hop.· license, and is now out of btlSiness. I regret to saytla~t profalilttl\~ amjnFj'Il>'I.~~:S of SJo)1)ileof t.e Lodges to a large d.eg~f,)~" ! deplo,re' the fact tbat~fasol!l:ry is l'li"O,tflve'Qup to as it ought t() be,a:adlt seem;stt)me that tlte Um~ has eomewhe:n due observance. o:f the Illo~a] prin.. C'iplesof FreemasQnry, without whichtbeinstituUon faa. faHare, alldmu:l;1Ej go (jiOwXl, has in a .large measure ceaseti 'Ito, be obs~n~ed bya large .··l!l'Una)lI,Jel:' of 1heOraft, or to be taught or enforce~b~ the l..(),dges,
l1'islted Lane's Prah~le Lodge, No~ ,during the month of A.ugus't, and .,. W3.spl"ese~t'j and assisted in conferri~~ the. 'Entered JA:pprentice Eeg)!ee tl~OIOC tWQcandlcl'ates.'J.1his Lodge I fOU11d' $ngo,odworking ol'ier, and, was pleas,ed. ,·to not~' the' care .with. whicb tlle coxnm.ittees i.l!lvesttg~tedan callE1iI~ da'te;s who~PPlled for the mysteries.
t:!'hanking you' for the honor ('onferred upon me, Fl'aternaU,yo\l\1:rs, rl'H:O~{AS
J1,L JONISS, Jll.,t Thirrtll-:,ll()'tftrtkD
M:o." September 19, 1903.
W,n. F. ]Cuhn" Acting Gr'and Master: DEAR SIR AND B:a.OTHER-
In obedience to the Constitution, I herewith submit my report for the past year as Deputy Grand Master of the '.rhirty-Fifth District: Had kept a data covering the work in detail, but in some way it has been lost or misplaced, and in the absence thereof will do the best I can fl'om memory. In· J a.nuary I made personal examinatIon of the new hall of Cass Lodge, No. 147, submitting my approval to Grand Master. Yocum, who immediately granted dispensation fOl" Cass Lodge, No. 147, to move from the old LocTge room to their present quarters, at the same time authorizing me to dedicate same according to l\1:asonic usages, which I did on September 4th, last. Have visited all the Lodges in the District except three, and win visited them by the next regular communication of the M. Grand next month, waiving providential hindrance. There have been two Lodges of Instruction held in the District, lr ebruary, at Harrisonville, conducted by R. W. Bro. AlIanMcDowell slsted by myself, ~nd in August, at Creighton, conducted by myself, being well attended, much interest nlanifested, and, as I be liev:e, a great deal of good was done. In several cases the officers and members o·f Cass Lodge, No. 147, have been invited to visit neighboring IJodges, Rnd confer or assist in conferring Degr'ees, to which theybave kindly responded, and in all cases I have accc)mpa.nied, lending such assistance as neees,sary. Am .glad· to report that a great deal of work Is beIng done throughout the District, the officers seem to be quite proficient in their work, much interest Is manifested, and peace and harmony prevail in every respect. Thanking you siucerely for the able and valuable suggestions otfered Wishing for th; best interests 'of the Craft, I remain, Fraternally yours, I..IU rj'BIDR· ·R. TWYMAN,
D. G.
Jr." 'lfhw'ty-Fitth Dr£8t'r ict.
'MO." October 3, 190ft
Wm. F. 1t1lt]tn, A.cUng G'ra1'1td M(J,ster: DEAR SIR AND BROTHER-----
I her~wlth submit report as Deputy Grand. Master of the Thirty-Sixth District: I installed the officers of Ruth on the· 20th day of· De,cember, 1902. On .the 21st day of March" instItuted !;[ound Lodge U. D. at Amsterdam, and on June 20, 1903, by your request, went there to try to heal isome differences between thel\[aster and. some of the Brethren, but did not succeed, and the matter is still pending.
There has been some difference arising between Butler Lodge, No. 254, and Rockville Lodge, No. 341. The matter was referred to you, and I think if:! in a fair way of settlement, it being in regard to invasion of Jurisdiction. Hume Lodge, No. 130, has taken on new life, and is doing some work. In . fact, all the Lodges in the District are doing some worl\:. I was present at the July meeting of Crescent. Hill I;odge, No. 868, in company· with Bro. '1'albot and several other Br()thers, and conferred the l\:iaster's Degree upon one candidate. They ha:ve several others on the way.
J\ilasollry in thIs District seems to be moving forwcard steadily, not fast, but surely. \Vishing for the best Interests of the Craie., I remain, FraternallY Y09rs, WM. W.ROSS,
Tllirty-SiilJth Distriot.
Mo.,. September 11, 1903.
Grand Master:
It give.sme pleasur~ to report to you that so far as I have been able to asce:rtaln, the L~)dges in the Thh·ty-Seyenth District are harmonious, being moved by a true Masonle spirlt~andaDl.ajorlty of them have made very good increases in m.embe:rship,beh.1,g/ot·· ···.aclass that reflects credIt on Masonry. I have not been called on foran.~oIl~'nion concel,"nlng the law,whlcll leads me .to believe ·that when, questions . ·do come up, they are disposed. o~ ina spirit of forbearance with .eacb.· otb.et. I have answered and responded t,oall calls for ascslstanee In rendering the work in the District. In June, In· cQrnpany .with Bro. O. K. B,ames, District Lecturer, I opened a School of Instruction at Deepwater. L9Clge, No. 562. It was very well attended, and I believe good was done. It was the intention to go to Urich Lodge,. No•. 286~ a few days. after,bnt 1llSitters ca:meu.p that made it Impossible fQrxnetoattend.. At the· time of receiving my commlssi(Yo, I was in. hopes to ·beaple to report at tlllstime I had visited all the Lodges. I cannot ·so report to you. I kave learned by correspondence, andl)y·· talkIng wIth .members, bowerver, the general condition of affairs in the District, and lam very well pleased with. .the outlook. With best wishes and kindest personalregards, I am, Jj'raternaUy yours, Gmo. H. DANIEL, lJ. G. M., Thi'1"ty-Seve17/th 1J~triut.
l\Io' J September 9, 190:3.
1iVnl. P. Kuhn., A.cting Grand Master: DEAR SIR AND BRo~rHEH-
In submitting my annual report as Deputy Grand Master for this District it a:tl:ords me pleasure to report that all the Lodges in this District are in good condition. I have visited some of them personally, and have received reports from othel's, excepting Linn Creek. My business duties have prevented me somewhat in giving the Lodges the attention I desired. Fraternally yours, H. T. WRIGH'"r, D. G..~.f.." 'Phi'rty-Eightll. District.
Mo., October :3, 1903.
If. If:.uhn ilcting Gt'arHl Ma8te'r: J
I submit the folloWing report for thec1.arrent Masonic
T'he Lodges of this lJistrict are prosllH~ring, and having substantial in,. creases in membership. I have been called upon but few times for' assistance in settling vexed questions, and all sueh were of minor importance. All calls have been met promptly, and, I think, satisfactorily. Several of our ~odges have made good progress, and none have retrograded. I regard their condition as sound and healthy.. Fraternally yours, WILLARD B. DUNNEGAN, D.G. Af.,_ Tltirty-N-Lnth Di8tl"£Ot.
l1'OR'.clETH DISf,FrnCT..
CAL., October 7, 1903. lFm. F .. K'uhn" A.cting Gra'1'HZ Jlaste1": DEA.R SIR AND' B:aOTHER-
'1'ne condition of roy health will prevent D1ycustom.ary attendanc'e the g,essionofthe Gra.nd Lodge t,}l;i:sfa~~,bli;lt I amnotnnmindful Oit the l'eport that is due from thisDlst~~et.A.report iaa very easy thing to make. It sometimes consists of nOIse alone. Sometimes it carries with it uluch condensed and valuable lnfo!rmatlon. ·.rhere are reports, and re.ports. The Grand l\;[aster of 1\fJsso1.lrl conld not ,vi.sU, inspect and instruct each Lodge, personally, if he devoted hIs' enti.re .time to thi.s object. He cannot
learn from each Lodge individually the facts necessary to enable him to guide the Craft intelligently. "He must to an extent rely upon his Repre. sentatives throughout the State. Thus by this di-vision of labor it. Is possible that each I.Jodge may have personal inspection, pers(:)nal advice and personal encouragement each year, and the Grand Master may be informed in detail of the exact condition of every Lodge in the Jurisdiction. With every Deputy acting in harmony with the Grand ~iaste,r, in touch with' him throughout the year, the ideal may be obtained. 'l:'his I have not done. ~i\fy excuse, ill-health. Excuse controverted by the that by diligent (~orrespondence throughout the year, and a discreet. ttse of blanks prepared for tbe occasion, I could have information that could be arranged lind condensed and made use of Grand }laster.. The conclusion, I been a slothful and SerVftBt.. I kn,ew my duty' and did it
In looking over the
have I tl~d
number of short reports
not piagiarlze, and I am too weak, FraternaIly Y0urs, T â&#x20AC;˘. N. D.O..
:NEVADA,. 1\'10..,
J[or¡tiieth District..
September 22, 1903.
eo.sldera.:tlon sb.own, I am, WAItDIN, 1).. G. M. 3
l\fo." September 14, 1903.
lV11t. F. Kuhn.. Acting Granrl MasttJr: DEAR SIR AND BRo'rHER-
I herewith submit my report as Deputy Grand Master for the FortySecond Masonic District for the past year: Accompanied by Rt. W. Bro. Alfred Reynolds,Deputy Grand Lecturer, I have' visited all the Lodges in the District, some of them quite a number of times with the exception of Jasper Lodge, No. 398, which faUed to have 8- meeting on the date of our visit in March, 1 suppose owing to the bad condition of the roads. It aiIords me pleasure to state that I find the Craft very healthy and prosperous over the District generally, and especially Carterville Lodge, No. 401, which, with a membership of forty-three reported in 1902, have raised twenty-one candidates the past year, which I believe will give them &. per cent of' gain equaled by few other L~dges in the State. :Mineral Lodge, No. ~t71, at Oronogo, and Sarcoxie, No. 293, have both disposed of the old buildings on their grounds preparatory to erecting their new halls, and when these are completed every Lodge in the District will have comfortable quarters. Joplin Lodge, No. 335, and Fellowship Lodge, No. 845, at Joplin, have had a successful year, with bright prospects for the ensuing one. Peace and harmony prevail. Ifraternally yours, :B'RANI{ G. ADI!}, D. G. M ... FOt路ty-SeC01td D'istrict.
Mo." October 7, 1903.
Aot'lng Gran(l Master: DEAR SIR AND BnOTHER-
In - submitting my report as Deputy Grand Master' for the Forty-Third District, I cannot. report anything done in official capacity, except in assisting Brother'Bert S. Lee, D. D. G. L., in a Lodge on Instruction for the Lodges of this vicinity. I was unable to be present at the State Lodge of Instruction held by our late Worsr.ipfui Grand .l\1aster, owing to the路 death of a native. This I believe was the last Lodge of Instruction Worshipful Brother Yocum was permItted to attend. Doric Lodge, No. 300, has completed and occupies a nice new brick hall, and owns the property. The Lodges in this city have done. considerable work during the past year, and so far as I am informed, Masonry is doing fine throughout the District. Fraternally yours, F'RED. W. BALL, D. G. Y." Forty-Third, District.
Mo.) Septemher15, 1903.
ll"m,. F. Ktt]ln" A.oti'tU G1"anrl M'a,8telJ": DEAR SIR AND BROTHEB-
I herewith submit my report as Deptlty Grand Fourth District: I have visited most aU the Lodges
of the Fortyduring the year, and Tbe membership thr'oughout the Dis-
Fratel'"nall:v yoUtrs" C.. A.
VaN BUREN" lV~n,.
.B\. Euhn" A.eting Grana
Mo.) October 5, 1903.
I herewith respectfullY· submit my report as Deputy Grand Master of the Forty-Fifth District: With the assistanco of R.~W~ J3ro;I,;);()~~i~s,J.).D. G. L., Seboo! of Instruction during the 'Wint~:.'With. 'VtlXIBuren the meetings were of;en attended . b:y'Vi~j~l~ •. Brethren, .we were productive of some good outsid.e tllis one Lodg'e. I have put in some time glvingl:n~trn~tlon. to.· individuals, ~umstances have been such that I wasnnabl~ to accompany LectuJer on his visIts for Schools of Instruetionin the as he has been untiring in bis efforts. ~ol~:prove their sure that great good has been accom.f).lishe:d.. A·. f'ew questIons on Masonic lawha~eb~n.subrnitteg to While SQIlle of the Lodges have dOIl.~,:i';~l."llittlework, ('aIled upon to. hold extra communicatiolls:to confer. Diegre~s. 'ihg "Sc~tJJl;e of Time" which "cnts·· the brittle thread of lal1n~hedintoeternitya number of our Brethren. the past year. numoeJ."! wer'e .W. Bros. lVm. Cranden· and ,.J3Jf I~·· Meeker,both of been laithfllI and respected members of· tae . Fraternity qan1cer oif a century. The latter serveq asW·. M. of three With tha.nks for the favor conferred, lam, Fraternally yours, T•. W., COTTON, D. G. M.)
280 FOH'.rY-SIX.~L'H
lVnz. F.
SeptetulJer 9, 1903,
i:lctin[l G1'(ltUZ Mttste1': DUAR SIR AND BUOr.rHEH-
:Masoury in this District is in a fairly health;y eondition; although I have not been able to visit nIl the Lodges, yet I have kept in communication with them, and am glad to say tbat most of them are doing good work. On Januar~· 13th. with members from :Marcus Lodge. we exemplified the work In the b"\ c. and~L 1\1. Degree for Bismarck Lodge, and on Febrnary 11th and 12th I assisted Brother :M:cDowell in a ~cl1ool of InstructIon at Bismarck, which was well attended by the meIllbers of the neighboring Lodges. January 25th and 20th. Brother l\:IcD'OweII held another 'School of In~truction at Frederiektowll, making two schools in the Forty-Sixth Distl'''tct this jieal'. On August 8th, C. C. ,\rood~. P. G. ~L, kindly assisted me in laying tIle<:orner-stone of 1\£ary Parkin l\lemorlal Church, at l:i'l'edericktown~ and the good Doctor was certainly at his best,and not only laId the stone in "due and ancient form/' but Illade an able address on "Ancient Craft Masonr~··' that was well r,eceived by the large audience present, and already Marcus l;odge, No. 110, has reason to expect his~lddress to belu· muc--" fJrnit. D-'rate,rl1.ally yours, CHAS. W.BRO'\'VK, ~l). O~
CAPliJ GIRARDmAu., l\[o•• September 10,.
lYtn. F.
A..eUng G'1'a'nrl 11fastwr: DEAR 'SIR ,.!.ND IlRo'rnIDR-
herewith submit my report as Deputy Grand l\Iaster fOi" tbe FortyHeventh'Masonic District: December 2Sd, installed the offieers of 'St. l\1ark's. L.odge· t No. 93. December ·,27th, assisted in conferring Ule First and 'l'hird Degree, and installed the officers' of White Water Lodge, No.. 417. JaXlllary 8th, I pUblicly installed the 9mee~s ()f Ehtc'els:inr Lodge, No. 441, and although the oftlcers are young in F:lfeemas()nry~ they are much interested in thew-ark, and after closlng the:Ib;.olcil:ge, all pres·ent were invitee to an elegant sp,read prepared by the good.wL"v"e$".wi40ws am.ddaU!ghte~s of 1\Jlasonst \ to which ample justice was done Qy>the B,lrethl'elaand invited guests. I ka'V'ealways answered every, call l))~afa by the Lodges in my D!lstrict Nearly allth:e Lodges 8il"e gro;wb):g' illD!l'eill1ll;e,l"snip. Inm~ own, .St. Mark':$!. I.JOdge, No. 93; I have initIated 15 t passei 11 and raised 10, and there are several applica tlons to be acted on. Dh-atel'nally F\ A.
?vlo. (Jctober S, 1903.
lFm. ]il.I'Cuhn, A.cting GrantZ !fastB:I": DEAR SIn .;\N'D BRd'r.Hll~R-
this my annual its brevity. one, and find no
D!lstrict are in fair work· attelfl:ded one Lodge of In.th:ink much good was the Jurli.sdif'ticl,n grows better in DJle~mt~rshi;f) 6tlt!ca
yea.r.• but. it wHI not be organized
that e'v'erything is harone case of appeal which
Lodge. courtesies, I rem~1J~, FraterllaUyyo1;ll"S, J AS. A. BOONE, D. G. )J:I.) F01-ty-EJighth n'i,strict.
:M.o., September 20,
Ma8ter: DEAR SIR
,t\;ND .tHI~OT'HEIR-
submit mj"
On December 5, 1902, I Brethren into a l'~gular I.Jooge, ~uld g'lilve some general instruction in Ofi Decembe·l- lOtll., 11th and 12th I l:IornetsviIle Lodge, No. 215. February 28, 1903, I inspected a Senath Lodge, No. 513, into them, whi<~h I Lodge in holding +hlo.OaiRI'r"
Second of .InstI.·uctlon at Caruth, for Kennett Lodge,. No. ,.68, that both Lodges be 801-
the number·' of
October 6, 1903.
Kuh1t;f ,;leting G'rana Master: DEAR SIn AND BROTHER-
I have the honor to report as Deputy Grand Master of the FIftY-First District for the current year: Owing to a pressure of private business I have been unable to visit the Lodges as mu("h as I should have ·liked and consequently have little of a special nature to report. Ingomar Lodge; No. 536, of \Vlllow Springs, celebrated ·St. John's Day June 24th by a public installation, followed by a banquet to members aDd their famili.es, also some invited guests. I installed the new omcers-ebL~t, and am pleased to· report the Lodge in a prosperous condition; in healthy growth Is reported throughont the District. A noticeable is the large number of very young men who have sought the light.
We are under many obligations to Bro. C. A.. Swensen, of Mountain D. G. M. Forty-Fourth District, who has visited and assisted in several Lodges. With the hope that the prevailing peace and harmony m.ay continue, Fra.ternal1y yours, A.'.r. HOLIJENBECK, D.G. lI., Fitty-lJ'fJrst Di,stt·iot.
Mo.,$ September, 14, 1908.
1Vm,. F. Kuhn" Aot4tng Grand Ma8ter: DEAR SIR A.ND Bn.OTHE:R:--
A.s Deputy Grand Master for the lrt1Qty-SJeco~d District, I have visited but one Lodge, in my Dlstrlctdurln,g the.pa,st. year, . Sparta Lodge, No. 296, where I went to give instructions and aid in cOimferring Degrees.
Have· not been called upon to cQnsider any diffieultie,s, and all reports I have received from the several Lodges .lea,d :ale to beUeve that p'eace and harm.ony prevail among the Craft thro:ngh6:11tt.the· Distinct, though the Lodges. are ~ot addin.g to their membership .as <~~e.has·.I coUld. wish, considerto,g the large number of good men who onglt'E 'to' be,(!ome interested .inand be benefited by Masonic teachings.. E'tratern.an, G.l..
:MILLER, 1\1:0., October 3, 1903.
lVm,. F. Kuhn" A.cting G'rand Master: DEAR SIR AND BnO'l'HER-
I herewith submit my report as Deputy Grand l\Iaster for the FiftyThird District: November 18, 1902, set to work, under Charter, Stinson Lodge, No. 523. November 21st, visited MarionvUle L0"dge, 'No. 390, and assisted in the conferring of the Second and Third This Lodge ha.s once agaIn gotten out of the rut, and pushing Cii)f draggin.g, doing creditabl~ work. Held Loage of Instruction at Verona, JaDuary 5th and 6th, for the speclar benefit of Verona Lod.ge, No. 452, at time there was a fair attendance, iU1Q el'ldeaUy good results. Held Lodg-e of Instruction at Aurora, Jannary26th, 27th and 28th. Thi/s a meeting, not so !Bnell In numbers, but in interest manl~
I tlave recom.mended to Lodges haviag work to do to invite neighboring Loogest(!) assist in the conferring of Degrees. ~'hIs has been done in· a numllilstanees, namely, Vernon Lodge, No. 99, and Monett Lodge, 1.29. At t1l.Iese meetings ws.s pres·ent, and witnessed the interest, and it is Gf)inloB that the results are far reaching for the benefit of the Craft. T:Qere beeD E;O between any Lodges or individual Brethren tQ me, led to believe that harmony generally pre· and. that a fair part toward the advaIl.cement of Masonry. Sincerely thanklJilg a,.m,.
Mo." Septemqer 15, 1903.
lVm.H.K1.Ith/fh Aoting Grand Master: Dlll..AR SIR AND BnOTHJDu.Iher~with
enclose a short report of mlY' doings as I).eputy Grand Master of t~~E'lftY·Fonrth. ]'Iasonic District for year 1902-1903 : ~n. request of R. W. Bro. Allan McDowell for a suitable Brother toa.qt asI.)lstl"ict L~turer for this District, I sent in the name of Bro.. ·W. A.. P'hlB~s,aPast Master of Neosho Lod.ge,· No. 247. ~;~r~celPt. of Charter, .No. 514, .~a.nt~~. to Granby .Lodg~,slttIateda.t Gra)!Ioy, Mo~, I immediately so informea tlleBrethren, and when date was
fixed, with the assistance of Brethren from Neosho and Ritchey Lodges; this Lodge was set to work under Charter, followed' with timely talks by several Brethren. After closing, partook of an excellent supper prepared for the occasion, flnd enjoyed by all. By request of Neosho Lodge, No. 247, I installed their officers, it being a joint public Jnstallationof this Lodge and the O. E. S. Chapter, all participating later in a nicely prepared banquet. In compliance with your request, I visited Southwest Lodge, No. 466, 8.ud presided at the trials of Brothel路.f:) Yeargin and Lenard, of which you have a "full report. .. Southwest Lodge has some enthusiastic, good and true Masons, who say nothing but the best material will be accepted in the future. I was present at the examination as to proficJency of one Brother 1'hil'd Degree, also the report of six committees for the mysteries balloting on same. I learned that a few members were addicted todrlnklng more 61' and visiting the saloons nfter the Lodge closed, etc., but the Lod.ge has ruembel's who say this practice must be stopped, or the parties will be dealt with. I am almost daily in contact with more or less of the offi{~ers and mem~ bel'S of the IJodges in IllY District, and upon inquiry find alle.nj(:>ylng reason.. itble prosperity, with few eX<leptlons, and doing a fall' amount of work. A few who fall to do their duty at the right time are wrestling with delinquents, one Lodge agreeing to remit half o路f eachdeUnque.nt provided (lther balf is paid by January 1, 1!904. It is unfortunate that Brother 1\rlasons become SQ careless and derelict to duty as to force their Lodge to ~ithel' carry then1 as members in good standing, paying their Grand Lod.ge dues from year to year, enjoyin.g all rights and benefits that their Brothers do who not only pay promptly their own dues, but forced to pay the running expenses of tIle Lodge, and also the delinquent Brothers' Grand IJodge dues, or cOlupelling the Lodge the unpleasant duty of suspending them. Fratern ally yours,
J. M. RITCHEY, D. G. M.,t Fifty-Fourth Dist1"iCt.
1Vrn. F. Kuhn., Act'in{1 G'ra'J'td
Mo... October 3, 1903.
DmAR Sn~ AND B;JtOTIim.B.'"'-
I herewith submit my report a.sDeputy GrandMaster for the year of lH03 : I have had the pleasnre of vls.i.tingalI of Ute Lodges in my District. but one. Have seen and talked to the otIicers of these Lodges, and I am' pleased to report all the Lodges in good condition. Peace and harmony prevail
throughout the District. r:rhere has been a gain in every Lodge, and the material received is of a class that is sa. credit to l\Iasonry. The State Lodge of Instruction \vas held for three days in 1\Ioberly. R. vV. Bro. "V. F.ICuhn, Grand l\rlaster, presiding, and R.vV. Bro. 1\IcDowell, Grand IJecturer, conducting the work. rrhe attendance was good, an inereased interest was manifested, and better work is being done by the Lodges throughout the District. I have assisted in conferring Degrees in se~eral Lodges, and find that the work is being done much. better than a year ago. On August 19th, the corner-stone of the new building of the IVL E. Church North was laid with the usual ceremonies. R. 'V. Bro. W. Ii'. Kuhn, a~tingas Grand ~ra~ter; It. Bro. Allan l\!cDowelI, as Grand Settior "Varden, and M. J. Lilly, as (j'rano Junior "Varden, assisted by a 'f1nnn.ber of Masons and Knights Templar. are being ma.de a petition. tor a new Lodge at .1ad\sonof the opinion that the establishment, of a Lodge at that place J.~iIl:?cJ,Jl.t:'LI[\;"1~:t,l. to the Ordel"t but this matter w'ill be presented later. my thanks for the honors conferred, and with best wishes, Fraternally yours. H. .A..
D. G. 11:(., p路ttty-F'ifth District.
Clark do do do do do
167 180 290 318 362 436
Revere Des Moines Fairmount Eldorado Hiram Gothic...........
Scotland u............ 16 Memphis do :........................ 72 Gorin Schuyler do . do do
244 Middle Fabius 259 Lodge of Love 380 Queen City 427 Glenwood
Re\l'ere. Athens. Wyaconda.. Luray. Kahoka. Alexandria. lV[emphis. Gorin.
Downing.. Lancaster. Queen City. Glenwood.
Adair............. do do'
105 Kirksville 319 PaulviUe 366 Adair
Kirksville. Brashear. Kirksville.
Second District ConUn'ued. J County.
Knox do do do do
6 168 181 291 414
... .......
Newark. Colony. :N"ovelty Edina. Greensburg.
.....•......... 24 "\T~conda 58 l\:[ontieello 222 La Belle .. ...... .. .... . (;raft
Lewis do do
Name oj Lodge.
Ark Colony Novelty Edina Greensburg
La Grange. MonticeUo. La Belle. CJ3.nton. Williamstown. Lewistown.
171 Hartford 210 Unionville
Putluun do
Hartford. Unionville.
Humphreys Humphreys. Seaman Milan. Green City Green City. Putnam Newtown. 349 Pollock ' Pollock. 389 Arcana Harris. ,... 540 Winigan.............•......Winigan.
Sullivan do do do do do do
32 126 159 190
423 Galt..•... o',
Grundy do do Putnam ,,Sio
111 Trenton 253 Laredo 524 Spickardsville 206 ,.
Mercer............. do
394 Lucerne
Trenton. Laredo. Spickards~
Powersville. Lucerne.
35 Mercer
258 Ravanna
Harrison........................ do do do .. do do
Name of Lodge.
97 Bethany 128 Lorraine 257 Lodge'Mof Light 328 Cainesville 395 Hatfield 556 Prairie
Gentry........................... do do do do do do do
21 109 125 127 252 332 377 447
Havana Stanberry Gentryville ,lAthens ~· Alanthus Ryland· Ancient Craft Jacoby......
Worth. do dp do
66 88 198 321
Grant City Defiance Allensville Jonathan
Bethany. Ridgeway.. Eagleville. Cainesville. Hatfield. Gilman Oity. McFall. : Stanberry. Gentryville. Albany. Alanthus Grove.. Berlin. King City. ...Darlington. Grant Oity . Sheridan. Allendale. Denver.
Nodaway......... do do do do do do do do , do do do do do
50 165 196 201 289 301 ~
,329 442 465
Xenia Maryville Quit'll';l.aJ1 Ravenwood Graham Whitehall Kenned.y Burlin~on ..· Gaynor'dity
Hopkins. Maryville. Qnitman. Ravenwood. Grabam. Barnard. Elmo. Burlington Junet..
Parnell. 470 Nodaw~yj•......•...•.•...•M:aryville.. "!e
472 Pickeri:t:),g
·474 Guilford .507Clear.<i>'int 511 Skidmore
Guilford. Clearmont. Skidmore.
.l.Yame oj Lodge•
Atchison do do do
157 200 358 483
112 Maitland
do do do
North Star Sonora.'H'" North-West Fairfax
R,ockport. 1Vatson. Tarkio. Fairfax.
,.. Maitland.
139 Ore'g-o)ll 214 Forest City 294 Mound City
Oregon. Forest City. Mound City.
Andrew do do do do do do Buchanan do do do , do do do do do
, D. It. G. M.,
71 138 162 248 320 404 413
Savannah Lineoln Whitesville Rochester Anlazonia Rosendale Vail;]~,.,
Savannah. Fillmore. Whitesville Helena. Amazonia. Rosendaleol' Bolckow.
oi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
10 Agenc:r .. '~•.................. Agency.. 22 Wel]imgto,n , De Ealb. 78 St. Josepb St. Joseph. 150 Birm.i~g Haneck. 189 Zeredatha St. Joseph. 238 Rushvine Rushville. 331 Charity St. Joseph. 376 King HilL Adams. 508 Saxton Saxton.
De Kalb do do G. L Ap.-19.
124 Union Star 235 Weatherby 308 Parrott
Union Star, Weatherby. Maysville.
1290 Ninth DWtrlct
Name 0/ Lodge.
1)e I{alb do do
317 Osborn 559 Clarksdale 454 Continental.
Osborn. Clarksdale. Ste"rartsville.
15 Western St.'1r Pattonsburg 106 Gallatin
Winston. Pattonsburg. Gallatin. Coffeysburg. Lock Spring. Jameson. Jamesport.
do do do do
0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••
285 Earl 488 Loc~ Spring
500 Jalneson
564 Jalnesport
37 62 113 397 o. 506
Olinton do do do do
Hemple Vinci!. Plattsburg Gower I.Jathrop
Hemple. Cameron. Plattsburg. Gower. I.Jathrop.
Caldwell do do do do do
I.Jivingston do do do do do do do
118 135 224 232 334 561
Kingston Braymer Hamilton Polo Breckenridge Cowgill
89 155 170 333 388
Friendship Spring Hill Benevolence Chillicothe
Ohula 434 Wheeling "'l
505 Avalon 539 Dawn
" "
o ••
Kingston. Braymer. Hamilton. Polo. Breckenridge. Cowgill.
Chillicothe. Spring Hill. Utica. Chillicothe. Chula. Wheeling. A valon. I.Judlow.
J.Varne oj Lodge.
Linn..... .... .. ..... .. .. ... ... ......... ............................... .................... do .............................. ...............................
Linneus. Brookfield.
82 Jackson Brookfield ~l7
238 325 481 510
Bucklin Dockery Marceline
Bucklin. lVleadville. Marceline. Browning.
Macon .....•.... :................ do do do do .. do
38 Cal1ao 102 Bloomington 146 McGee 172 Censer 237 La Plata 268 Lodge of Truth
Shelby........................... do do .....•••................ '" do do .. ...
9'6 228 305 415 537
Callao. Bevier. College Mound. Macon. La Plata. Atlanta.
St. Andrew's Shelbyville. Shelbina Shelbina. Claren1:~ .•.................. Clarence.
Hunl!lieweU Bethe1- ~
,~ .. Hunnewell~
Betb et
Marion 18 Palmyra do 28 St. John do 188 Hannibal ........................... 502 Philadelphia
Palmyra. Hannibal. Hannibal. Philadelphia.
Ralls.............................. 33 Ralls do 302 Lick Cre:ek do 307 New London
Centre. Perry. New London.
Pike.............................. 14 Cyrene
Cyrene. Clarksville.
O!~trKsV'ille. ,. ,
[Oct. FOlu'leenih Distl'ict Contim.ted.]
Pike do do do do
92 136 192 399 499
.Name of Lodge.
Perseverance Phcenix Frankford Pike Paynesville
Louisiana. Bowling Green. Frankford. Curryville. Paynesville.
Monroe do do do do do do do
:.... 19 Paris Union . .. 23 Florida 42 Middle Groye 64 Monroe 91 Madison 223 Woodlawn 240 Granville 462 Santa Fe
Paris. Florida. Middle Grove. Monroe City. Madison . Leesburg. Granville. Santa Fe.
Chariton........................ do do do do do do do do
73 74 122 202 208 426 498 525 546
Eureka Warren Triplett Westville Salisbury
Brunswick. Keytesville. Triplett. Westville. Salisbury.
Pee Dee Cunningharll Prairie Hill
Musselfork. S~mner. Prairie Hill.
Carroll. do do do do
DieWitt De",or itt. Waka:nda Carrollton. Bogard Bog~rd. .Hale..â&#x20AC;˘...................... Hale City. 249 Oarroll Norborne.
39 52 101 216
Seventeenth District Continued.] Oounty.
Name of Lodge.
Ray.............................. 57 Richrnond.. do do do do
a ••••••• a •••••••••••••••••••••
309 King Hiram Hardin 838 Myrtle 893 Bee Hive 444 Ada ,
822 0
(10 ..•..•.••..•.••••••••..•••.••.
••••••• ,
Richlnond. Knoxville. .liardin. Jvlil1ville.
Lawson. OJrrick.
31 .................... "......... 49 .............. ,.. 193 do 207 do ~nl do 438
Liberty Haynesville Angerona Clay Kearney Temperance
Liberty Holt. Miss,ouri City. Excelsior Springs. Kearney. Smithville. a
Platte........................... do do ' do do do do do
13 53 120 169 204 339 35,5 504
W~s~~~~.. ~ ..•..•.•.•..•..•.. 'Ve~to~.
Oo;ao.·Pa.$s ~ Oa~denPoint
Parkville. Oa:t:rl.den F6l.nt. D'earborn. Farley.. Edgerton. Platte City.
.R.owley Fide~ity
AdelphiPl~tte Oity
Jackson.......... do do do do do do do
76 104 219 220
Independence Heroine Albert Pike Kansas City
263 Surnmit 299 Tel\'Ople 31€) Rural 446 lvacno€):e .
Independence. I{ansas Oity. I{ansas Oity. Kansas City. Lee's SumBlit. Kansas Oity. Kansas ·eity. Kansas Oity.
294 Twentieth Dist11,ct Conl'inued.J County.
Jackson do do do do do do do do
Narne of Lodge.
324 McDonald 337 Blue Springs 340
391 392 501 522 547 563
Raytown Ohristian Buckner Gate Oity South Gate York.:
Independence Blue Springs. Kansa8 Ctty. Raytown. '..Oak Grove. Buckn.er. Kansas City. Kansas City. Kansas City.
Lafayette........................ 61 vraverly do do do do do
149 Lexington 364 Higginsville 437 Lafayette 464 Aun ville 476 Mount Hope
Waverly. Lexington. Higginsville. Corder. Aullville. Odessa.
Saline............................. 55 do .. 63 "(10 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 85 do 205 217 do do 275 do 402 do 487 do 518 <10 560
Arrow Rock Cambridge Miami TriIumina Barbee Tranquillity l\1aha Herndon Oriental Nel::;on
Rock. Rlater. Miami. MarshalL S"veet Springs Orearville. Malta B~nd. Herndon. Blackburn. Nelson.
Cooper........................... 36 Cooper do 142 Pleasant Grove do 277 \Vrn. D. l\rluir·
Boonville. Otterville. Pilot Grove.
Twenty-third District Contintuxl. ] County. . No.
Cooper do
}lame oj Lodge.
456 Wallace 503 Prairie Home
Howard do do do
. 4 Howard . 47 Fayette . 51 Livingston . 70 .L\.rrnstrong
Morgan do
117 Versailles 250 Glent;ted
Bunceton. Prairie HOllle. New Franklin. Fayette. - ,.G-lasgow.
A.rmstrong. Versailles. G'1eusted.
DISTRICT. . . . ((..... 'il ~l»'I1f''II.j'T'li'!'I:?
do do do do do do do
1",ocfHH10l"t.•...••••••.••.•• Rocheport.
114 15·6 174 336 356 384
D. D. G. M., nENT'RALIA.
TwHiight .A.shland Sturgeon
I-IaUsvil1e '" Ancient Landmark Boone
Columbia. Ashland. Sturgeon. Hallsville. Harrisburg. Columbia.
Andrain.......................... do do , .. do do .. .. . do ' Callaway............... do do do do do do
81 115 266 354 491 544
Oentral I£ddonin Socia!. Hebron Vand~l.lia
8 Willi.amsburg Fulton New Bloomfield Portland Aux Vasse Cedar City Tebbetts
48 60 ..242 357 425 565
young's Oreek. Laddonia. l\fartinsburg. Mexico. Vandalia. Mexico. Williamsburg. Fulton. New BlooII1:field. Readsville. Aux Vasse. Ceclar City. Tebbetts.
Montgomery do do do do do
178 194 246 261 457 492
Name of Lodge.
Griswold "Tellsville Montgomery City Florence Jonesburg Daggett
Price's Branch. Wellsville. MontgomeryCity New Florence. Jonesburg. McKittrick.
f.Jincoln.......................... do do do do do do do
34 75 141 199 270 409 473 558'
Troy Silex Chain of Rocks New Hope New Salem Louisville Nineveh Moscow
Troy. Silex. Owen. Elsberry. Argentville. Louisville. Olney. Moscow Mills.
8t. Charles..................... 46 Wentzville do do
241 Palestine 260 Mechanicsville
Warren.......................... 11 Pauldingville
St. Charles. Mechanicsville.
Wright City.
Pettis............................. 236 Sedalia do' 272 Granite
Sedalia. Sedalia.
Benton do
'Varsaw. Palo Pinto.
378 Warsaw Clear Creek
77wenty-n'inth District ConUn'/.led.]
Johnson '" 245 do 262 do .•...................... 265 do 274 do 280 do 313 (10
Name oj Lodge.
.K nob Noster Holden '" Corinthian Cold Spring of Peace Kingsville
Pittsville ..,
Knob Noster. Holden. ~Tarrensburg.
Chilhowee. Kingsville. Pittsville.
43 Jefferson 90 Russell ville 211 Hickory HilL
Jefferson City. Russellville. Hickory Hill.
134 203 381 410
Olean Brumley Ionia Iberia
Olean. Brumley. Eldon. Iheria.
Moniteau do do do
56 183 295 553
Tipton. Oalifofnia. Jamestown. Clarksburg.
Osage do
185 Chamois 326 I.Jinn
Cole do do Miller do do do
CaUi<>plm\ia Monite,au Olarksburg
Chamois. I~inn.
Franklin........................ 27 do do do do do
do Gasoonade
Sullivan Hope Fraternal. ColUIllbia Franklin
New Haven. SuIlivan.
69 251 363 534 541 173
Gray's ~unlmit
Washington. RobertsvilJe. Pacific. St. Clair. Gray's Summit.
Jefferson do do . ..
Name of Lodge.
De Soto. Hillsboro. Festus.
119 De Soto 164 J oachinl
.. ..
256 Shekinah
'Vasbington................... 12 Tyro do 131 PotosL do 143 Irondale
Oaledonia. Potosi. Irondale.
Ste. Genevieye
St. Mary's.
226 SuJine
St. Louis Oity........ 1 do 2 do ..................:3 do 9 do 20 do 25 do 40 do 79 do 121 do 163 do 179 do 218 (lo .. 243 do
do do do do do do do do do
. I...... .
.. .. ...
282 323 353 860 416 420 443 445
4HO 520
Missouri. St. Louis. Meridian.: St. Louis. Beacon St. Louis. George ",Vashillgton St. Louis. St. Louis St. Louis. Naphtali. ·..St. J.Jouis. l\:lollnt lVloriah.. " St. Louis. ' Polar Star St. Louis. Erwin St. Louis. Occidental St. I.Jouis. Pride of the 'Vest St. Louis. Good Hope St. Louis. Keystone St. Louis.. .l''l.urora St. I.Jouis. Cosmos St. Louis. Corner Stone St. Louis. Benton " St. Louis. Tuscan St. Louis. Cache St. I.louis. Itaska St. Louis. I\nchor St. Louis. \Vest Gate St. Louis. Lalubskin St. Louis. Clifton I-Ieigbts St. Louis. Rose HilL St. I.Jouis. o
Thirty-third Di.8tr'ict Continued.]
l.Yctme of Lodge.
St. Louis County
do do
. 45 Bonhomme
80 .......... ... 84 'V ~bHtpr Gro\.. es 95 IVleramec ............ 281 Fenton ICirkwood 542 Fergnson
do do do
,...•. \i\r ebster (,rfoves.
Eureka. J.:
0• • • • • • • • •
Kirkwood. Ferguson.
do DeIlt
Lebanon 312 Cuba
Steelville. Ouba.
225 Salem
Maries........................... 94 Vienna do 531 Lane's Prairie
Vienna. Vichy.
Phelps do do
213 Rolla 230 St. Jan1es 347 Spring Creek
Rolla. St. Jalnes. Edgar Springs.
346 Arlington
Cass do do do do do do do do do
54 Index Cass 276 Grand Rivcr , 348 Wadesburg 372 Nonpareil.. 386 Dayton 450 Br-lton 45J Rayrnore 480 Jewel. 485 Coldwater 147
O •••••••••••••
Garden Oity. Harrisonville. Freeman. Creighton. East Lynne. Dayton. Belton. Raynlore. Pleasant Hill. Drexel.
Bates do
130 Hull).e 140 })apiuvUle
Hume. Papinville.
300 Thi1"ty·sixth District Contin1ted.]
Bates do do do do do
254 341 350 368 479 554
Name of Lodge.
Butler Rockville Tyrian Crescent Hill. Rich Hill. Foster
Butler. Rockville. Johnstown. A,drian. Rich HilL ~.,oster.
Henry....... do do do do do do do St. Clair do do do do
29 286 343 408 548 552 557 562
Windsor Urich Agricola Montrose Clinton Calhoun Blairstown Deepwater
St. Clair ~ Oircle IJowry Oity Appleton City 419 Star
273 H42 403 412
Windsor. Urich. Petersburg. Montrose. Clinton. Calhoun. Blairstown. Deepwater.
Osceola. Roscoe. Lowry City. Appleton City. TaberviUe.
Camden do
152 Linn Creek 433 Mack's Oreek
Linn Oreek. Mack's Creek.
Laclede..................... do do
83 Laclede 432 Ooropetition 528 Conway
Lebanon. Competition. Conway.
Pulaski do
375 Waynesville 385 Richland
\Vaynesville. Richland.
Dallas do do Hiekor:y
d;o do
"Name oj Lodge.
361 Riddick 396 ~,.estern Light 421 Urbana
Buffalo. Louisburg. Urbana.
lIogle's Cre,ek .. ,
Fair l\1odern Pleasant Bolivttr Cement Pleasant Hope
Play. H nmanBville. Morrisville. Bolivar. Half Way. Pleasant Hope.
Cedar............ ... . do do do
283 Stockton Stockton. 315 Jerusalem Jerico. 373 Amity ....•.•................ Filley. 482 Olint.onville Eldorado Springs.
Dade.............................. do , do do ~ .. do
87 Was;bington 359 Garrett
Greenfield. Arcola. 405 Evel"tOIl .....•............... Everton. 458 MelvilJe;•.•.................. Dgdevil1e. 521 Lock'vood.....•.............Lockwood.
Vernon do do do
303 Osage 371 Sheld.on 448 Schen··City 490 Montevallo 493 Vernon 495 Unity
do do
Barton·......... do do do do
.. 187 292 475 516 304
Hermon Lamar Golden Milford Signal
Nevada. Sheldon. Schell City. :.M:ontevallo. Bronaugb.
Richards. :
Liberal. Lamar. Golden City. Milford. Minden Mines.
J.Vame of Lodge.
197 Oarthage 293 Sarcoxie 335 Joplin 345 Fello"',.ship :398 Jasper 401 Carterville 471 IVIineraL 512 vVebb City 549 Carl ~Junctjon
Jasper do (io do
(to cl0 <10 cIo (10
Carthage. Sarcoxie. 00.1oplin. J oplin. ooJasper. Carterville. Oronogo. Webb Oity. Carl Junction.
Greene.......................... do do do do do do do
5 7 100 271 297 422 449 497
do do do do do
300 439 459 477 529
United O'Sullivan ARh Grove Solomon Ozark Gate of the Tenlple Bois D'Arc Strafford
Springfield. Walnut Grove. Ash Grove. Springfield. Fair Grove. Springfield. Bois D'Arc. Strafford.
'Vebster Doric Mount Olive Hazel\vood Henderson Niangua
Marshfield. Elkland. Marsh:(ield. Seymour. Rogersville. Niangua.
Douglas..................... do do
26 Ava J82 Pilot Knob 382 Mt. Ararat
Ava. Ricbville. Topaz.
Texas do do
116 Barnes 145 Latimer 177 Texas
Cabool. Licking. Houston.
1903.J Pm路t'i/~fourtlt
District Co nUn ned.1
. . l路to.
Texas do
\Vright do dc)
...Yame afLodge.
469 Plato 555 Su111rnerville
158 ]v[ountain Grove 411 543 :I\In.nsfield
1\'Tountain Grove.
D. D. G. M., V.A.N BUREN.
v'ran Bul"en
: .,
.,...................... 455 Barnesville
Shannon do
137 430 Winona ,
Van Buren..
Lesterville. Ellington. Birch Tree. Winona.
Iron............ do
133 Star of the "'\-Vest 351 Mosaic
110 l\iarcus
St. Francois.................... do do do do do .. do
41 Bislnarck 132 Fannington 154 Ionic 234 St. Francois 424 Samaritan
Bismarck. .
535 Black"",ell 551 Pendleton
Ironton. Belleview.
Farmington. Desloge.
Libertyville. Bonne Terre. Blackwell. Doe Run.
Bollinger do do
417 White Water 440 Tro"rel. 545 Zaltna
Laflin. Marble Hall. Zalula.
Cape Girardeau..... do do
93 St. Marks 103 \Vest Vie\v 191 'Vilson
Cape Girardeau. Millersville.
304 Forty~sel1enth
Appendix. Dlst'i'ict Cbni.'inu,ecl.]
Cou,nty. .
Cape Girardeau do
.Name of Lodge.
221 IVlystic Tie 441 Excelsior
Oak Ridge. Jackson.
Perry Stoddard do do
... .
153 Bloomfield 489 Lakeville 532 Dexter
Bloomfield. Bell City. Dexter.
Mississippi do
330 Bertrand 407 Charleston
Bertral1d. Charleston.
Scott do do
184 Morley 306 Ashlar 310 Sikeston
Morley. Commerce. Sikeston.
Dunklin do do do do do
'" .
....68 212 215 231 406 513
Kennett Four l\Iile Hornersville Cardwell Malden Senath
New Madrid_ do do
166 Portageville
Kennett. Campbell. Caruth. Cardwell. Malden. Senath. PortageviUe.
176 Pointdlpleasant
Point Pleasant.
429 New Madrhl.
New Madrid.
Butler.......... ..
Ripley do Wayne do
0 ••••
209 Poplar Bluff
Poplar Bluff..
314 Pine
369 Compo!site
107 Gre,envHle, 526 '"\Vayne
Greenvil1e. Piedmont.
Name oj Lodge..
Iiowell do .
327 Mt. Zion 536 .
Oregon do do . ..
255 Alton ;.;: 374 'VHde~n€'~s 387 Woodside
Ozark " do .. do , ..................
298 365 435 496
Me, •••••• on • • • • •' •••
West Plains. \Villow Springs.
Alton. \Vilderness. Thomasville. •.. '. ..•...............•Tll.ayer.
Sampson uLutie. Bayou " Bakersfield. Roe.kbridge Rockbridge. Robert Burns " Gainesville.
Ohristian.............. .. do do .
Taney do do
:..... 229 Claflin 264 Kirbyville 453 Forsyth
296 Sparta Sparta. 352 Friend Ozark. 379 Billings...................•.Billings. Protem. Kirhyville. Forsyth..
Barry...................... do do do do
129 Monett 148 367 383 517
Pirrd:Y.. · ····.· B~ Pytbagoras Se]igmall.
Lawrence....................... 99 Mt. Vernon do
do do do G. L. Ap.-20.
Monett. · Purdy. WasbburR. ~!I:.Cassvine.
Mt. Vernon. Lawrenceburg. Bowers Mills. 2840aI1oPY ··.····.··· Aurora. 390 Mail"~onvine Marionville.
269 R.ockPrairie 278 .A.viIla
F'iJty-third Distr'ict Oont'in'ued.J Oounty. No.
Lawrence do' do do
Stone do
400 452 468 523
N arne oj Lodge.
Decatur Verona Red Oak Stinson
Peirce City. Verona. Red Oak. Stinson
5]5 Galena 519 Crane
Galena. Crane.
:\1cDonald do do do
Nevvton do do do do
108 466 533 538
Pineville South west. Comfort Stella
Pineville. Southwest Rocky Comfort. Stella.
175 247 478 530 514
Newton Neosho Racine Ritchey Granhy
Newtonia. Neosho. Seneca. Ritchey. Granby.
Randolph....................... do '" do do do .....................•. do do
30 151 161 186 344 486 527
Iiuntsville Milton Olifton Hill Morality IVIoherJ'y Cairo Higbee
Huntsville. Firth. Clifton HilL Renick. Moberly. Cairo. Higbee.
ens.rtere:(l October, 1008
Total Lo<lges, 1908
561 4
Initia.ted..... Passed R,a.ised e>... ••......•. Affiliated • Reinstated L '....... Dimitted ' Suspended for unmasonic cond.llct...... Suspended for non-payment of dues.. Expelled DIed
2,494 2,434
819 383
1,159 11 548 27 577
2,322 Gaill
3,636 .
NOTE.-The membership obtained from the reporting Lodges amounts to 37,641.
There are five delinquent Lodges from whiehno returns have been received. IJast year these Lodges returned 143 members. Estimating their membership at the same,
the total membership will foot up 37,684, showing an actual gain of over 1,400.
To The 'Gran,d Lod{le of Ancient Free and .L1Hssouri:
1...OU18, 1\10•., October 22, 1903. A(~oeptei}'
Masons of the State of
Your Committee on Credentials fraternally report that at the present session of the :M:. 'V. Grand Lodge, there were present representatives of 335 Lodges, 17 Grand Lodge officers, 18 Past Grand Lodge officers, Grand Representatives, 31 District Deputy Grand Masters, 16 District Deput)~ Lecturers, and 205 Past Masters. (Those marked with an asterisk (*) are proxies J
Loc"lge. MISSOURI ••••••••••••••••..••••• ,; ••• No.
MERIDI.AN •••.•••••••••.•••••••••..• BEACON•••.•••••••.•••••••••••••••••
HOWARD ••••••••..••..••...••••..•• UNITED
ARK •.••••••••••.••..••........•....•
'W ILLIAMSBURG •.•.••••••••••••••• GEO. WASHINGTON
Representative. 1 Taylor B. Wyrick, W. M. J08. W. Krueger, S. \V. H. M. Holland, J. W. 2 Henry D. M. Doerner, W. IVI. B. A. Lange, 8. W . 3 Geo. W. Strodtman, W. l\L Geo. H. Grote, S. W. H. A. Winkel, J. 'VV. 4 Henry Pope Bond, W. M. Wm. C. Nollner, S. W. 5 M. V. Ausherman, W. M. Job Newton, S. W.* 6 W. R. Glover,W. M. John V. McKim, S. W. 7 Geo. T. Leeper, 'V~ M. W. A. McMehen, S. W. 8 J. Sam Lail, M. W. 9 A. J. Michener, W. M. G. W. James, S. W. John Kipp, J. 'V. 10 E. W. Miller, J. W. 11 \V. E. Bryan, J. W.* 12 Geo. C. Loom,is, 'V.M. 13 MahlonH. Berry, W. M.
Bep'reSe1iltiative. No. 14 D. A. S. Tinsley, W. M.. WESTERN STAR... ••••••.•••••••• 15 James K. S. W. MEMPHIS........................... 16 O. F .. Pile, W. PALMYRA ••••.••••...••••.•......•. 18 F. W. Smith~ . IVI. F. H. SoosejJ', S. P.A.RIS UNION •...•. '" •••...•.••.• 19 H. G. J. W, ST. LOtTIS•••.•••.••.•••••••••.....• 20 PhiL B.. VV'. lVL S. Vl., .HAVANA ••••••....•....••.....•.•. 21 Wm. W.lV!. 'VELLINGTON 22 Fred.N. .tl8llgeIlstElln"l W. M. 23 j. W. ,,,r,,~r. FLOJitIDA •...••••.......•••. " . NAPRTA,LI ••••••.•••.•"i~ 25 Maas, W.1Ve J. W"Wurtenbacher, S. W. 26 J ~ O. Beullet, \V" M. ST. JOHN ••.•.•••••.••••..•.•...••• 28 F:red. Banchle, W. M. WINDSOR ••••••••••..•••••••..,•.•••• 29 Wlllter '"'farren, W. ·M. HUNTSVILLE .•...•.•••.........•••• 30 Evan Haines, S. W. 8. E. Phipps, J. W. HUMPHREyS . 32 J. M. Dillinger, W. M. ~J. H. Clawson, S. W,,* RALLS . 33 Henry Shulse, W. M. Ben C. Briggs, S. 'V.* TROy ••...........••...•..••..•..••.• 34 H. F. Childers, W. M.* MERCER•••.•.•..•••...........•,••••• 3,5 Harry Campbell, J. W. COOPER •••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••• 36 C. M. Shep.herd~ W. ')I" HEMPLE ..••••.•.••...•............ 37 ()has. Jaei~son,,~. W.* OALLAO •••••••••••.•..••..•.....•••• 38 W . .A. Matbis,.W. M. MT. MORIAH •.••..•..•..•...•••.•.. 40 Wm" HUkerbaumer" W. J. T" Hall, J. W.. BISJ~{AROK '" 41 Jas. L. Barger, W. II.. J EFF'E.RSON . 43 D.C" Weatherby, W .• M. ]rred.C. Binder, S. W... BONHOMME.•.•••...•..•••.••.••.•• 45 J.M. Brewer,·W.. M.. * WENT'ZVILLE •••••••••..•••...••.. 46 Jr" Chauncey·, W. M. CyRENE .•••••.••....•.•••••••••••..
s. w.
C. T" Richards, J. W.* FAyETTE •..••..••••••..•••..•.•••••
47 John W. Heist, W. M.*
FUI..ITON .•••••••••••••••••••.••••.••• HAYNESVILLE .•...••• ,.••.•.••... X.ENIA •••••••••..•.••..•.•••••••••• ,
48 Greene D. McCaU, W. M. 49 Fielding Ke.nley, W. M. 50 Jas. C. Pistole, S. W.
LIVINGSTON •....••.•••••••..•.•..••
51 John H. Bowen, W.M.
WAlrANDA ••••..•••.••••.•,.; ..•..• WEST'ON •••••.•••.••.. ,..•.•.••••••
Poland, W. 1\1.. B. Calvert, S. W.,
No. 55 John W. Moore, S. W .
.ARROW ROCK ••..•.••••.••.•.....
58 W. T. McCutchan, W. 1\1. 59 W. H. Carpenter, W. ,M. 60 W. L. Meng, J. W. 62 H. Wamsley, W. M.* 63 A. H. Snoddy, W. M. 64 B. O. Wood, W .. M.*
MONTICELLO.............. •••• .•. •• OENTRALIA,'" .•. •.••.•••• .••..•••• NEW BLOOMFIELD...............
VINCIL............. •••...••.•..••••• CAMBRIDGE........................ MONROE ••••••.••..•••..••••.......
60 Ohas. Pipkin, VV. M.* 06 Erdley O. Sayle, W. ~f.*
PATTONSBURG..................... GRANT
ROCHEPORT........................ KENNETT
SULLIVAN.••..•..•••..•.....••••...• SAVANNAH .••.•..•.•••..•.•.•....• EUREKA
WARREN ••..•...•••••••.••••.•••••• INDEPENDENCE .••••••••••.••.••• LEBANON•••••••..•.•.••....•.......
JOSEPH ...••.••...•............
BRIDGETON ••••..•••.••••••••••.•
JACKSON .•.•......•..•••..•••...•.. LACLEDE •.••.•••••••.•.••••••••••.• WEBSTER GROVES ..••.••••...•••
MADISON•.••••.••..••..•••.••••.•.• PERSEVERANCE .•.....•...•.....•
MARKS •••..•.•.........•....••
BmrHANY ••..........•.....••..••.• WEBSTER ••••...••••.••••••....••.
67 Jas. McKee, W. M. Henry Walter, S. "V. 68 O. S. Harrison, W. M.* 69 V. G. Black, W . M. J. T. Williams,. S. W.* 71 M. H. Claskey, W. IV1.. 73 M. A. Knappenberger, ,V. ~1.* 74 H. H. Miller, W. IVL* 76 F.C. Florance, W . M. 77 Karl D. Norvell, W. M. 78 F. R. Hanna, W. M. w. P. Davis, S. W. C. M.T·harnas, J. VV. 79 Alvin J. Wilderman, W. 1\J. J. H. ,Tan Arsdale, J. \V. 80 W. R. Gentry, W.M. 82 S. L. Bradley, J. \V. 83 A. N. Martin, S. W. 84 .B. M. Whittemore,W. lVI. 85 L. A. Myers, W. M. 86 W .. C.Atwood, S.vV.. 89 W. W. Voelker, S. 'V. 90 W. A. Stark,. W. M. 91 J.W. Atterbury, Jr., VV. :LVI:. J . C. Frank, J. W. 92 F. C. Haley, Jr., W. M. J. D. McAlister, S.W. 93 Wm. H. Huters, S. W.* 1,.\4'. E. Shelton,J. W. * 96 Wm. (Jarson ,W. M. 97 Wm. J. Nally,.W. M.* 98 J.F. McK.night, W.l\l. 99 P. S. Burke, S. W. E1E1phrates Boucher, J.W.*
Appendix. Lodge.
ASH GROVE .••.•••.••••••.•.••.••• No. BLOOMINGTOl\... .•••••.•• ....• .••.
RClresentative. 100 W. H. 'V. M. L.R. MilBgrave, S. W.* 102 Thomas .A.. Williams, W. IVI.
G. F.
106 1\1. Thomas, W ~ Ivl. * 107 F. J'. W. 109 Seth M. Henkley, \V. M.*
T...J. Hinkley, J. W.* lVIARCUS
E. L. Pllreell; W. M.*
Day, S. W.* TRENTON......................
1t 1 M. L. Elled~e, S. W.
112 113 114 115 117
•.••• ••• •.•. . .•
VERSAILLES •••••.•..••.•.••..•••••
KINGSTON ••• ...... ••••••••.• ••••••.. DESOTO................ .....••...•.• COMPASS. •••••••••••. EEtWIN
118 119 120 121
UNION STAR .••.•.••••••••..•...•• SEAMAN••••••••••.••••••••••....••••
O. Motbersbead, lV. O. W. Robertson, W. M. W. T. Mars,W. M. II. I. Bradford, S. W.
M':E.Rhodes, W.M. Oayce,W.M. R.Eclgar, W.1\[.
POT,OSI •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' •••.•
W. G. Manley, S. W. E. J. Shobe, W. M. .A..• L. Ross, W. M. John Holloway, S. W. John M. Dromgold, J. W. F. L. Parker, W. M. C. E. Pyle, W. M,:* George R. Cleveland, vV. M. Ed win H. Bosse, \V. l\L A. Kamp, S. W .. A. S. Werremeyer, J. W. fl. D. Moyes, W. M. G.T..13grnham, lV.I\['. * M~
ATHENS •.•••••..•••.••.•••...•••..• LORRAINE , •.••••••.....•
J. D.. Goodpasture, S. W.* Ohas. H. Thompson, S. W.
uUll.u~un. lV.
U3Iupt),ell, S. W..
PHCENIX ••••.•,••••••••••...••••••..•
IRONDALE ••...•..•••••••••.........
W.M.* M.
Griffin, W. M.
MODERN ••••...••..•.•••..•.......•.
J.B. Barnett, S. W.* LATIMER ••••••••••..•.•••••••••• :.. MOGEE
T. B. l\ilitcbell, W. M. G. A. Miller, J. W. R: W. Adams, W.M. Arthur Oonger, S.W.
Appendix. Lodge.
LEXINGTON •••..•.•••.•••.•.•••••• No.149
Representative. Geo. W. Bailey, W. M. C. I. Ryland, J. vV. P. D. Myers, W. M. B. F. Quisenberry, S. W.* J. W. Vincent, W. M. Jasper N. Punch, W. IVL B. 'V. Fink, S. W. W. C. Eves, W. M. J. A. Parker, S. W.*
l\fILTON •.•..• •••. ...•......• ...•.•••
LINN CREEK................. ••.•• BLOOMFIELD... .••••...•••••...•.•.
152 153
IONIC....................... .•..••••.
SPRINGHILL •• ;....................
155 Wm. A. Sparks, \V. 1\1. ~T.
..•.• •.
156 S. Thomas Mustain,
NORTH STAR.... ••••.•...... .....•
157 John D. Dopf, S. W.
GREEN CITy.......................
159 H. '0. Woy, W. M.
PLEASANT................. ....•....
160 R. W. Paris, W. ~L 163 Clarence L. Alexander, \V.
ASHLAND. •••••. •••
Grant Wyatt, J. W.* R. S. Magee, S. W. OCCIDENTAL... .•. •
JOACHIM ••.•.. .•...••......... .••.•
MARYVILLE •••....••......... ......
PRIDE OF THE WEST............
165 ]68 171 172 174 177 179
] 86
COLONy............................. HARTFORD CENSER •.••••.•........•.....•••..•. STURGEON..........................
TEXAS...•....•.....•.•....•..... ~ .. .
..• .•..•..•.... .•.
HANNIBAL........... .......•....••
ZEREDATHA.. .... •.. .•••• •••••••••
WILSON................. BOLIVAR...........................
191 194 195
200 201
. •• •• •••• •••
. W ESTYILLE. .•. .. . ..
Julius C.. Garrell, S. \V. Lee M.Edgar, J. W . Elijah Burgess, W. M. Arthur B. Mc}\;Iullin, J . '\V. Adolph Stauble, W.lVt'.. M. F. Wright,W. M. H. a"Lorne, W . M. Jas. G.Howe, S. w.* J. W. Hulett, W. M. Kirby Lemar, J.. W. W. L . Whipple, W. 1\:1. Henry M . Hammer, J. W. Frank A. Rice, W. M. H . E. Blakeman,J . VV.* W. N. Hamilton, W. M.* F. M. Mose, S.. W. David T . Aitchison, W. 1\1. Geo. Rees, S. W.* D. C. Thompson, W. l\:L* S. S. Oox,W. M. W. W. Moore, W. M. W. B.. Post,S. W~ C.. C. Eastin, W. M. Wm. F. Million, J. W.* C. G. Proctor, W. M.* Jas. T. Robinson, W. M.
1903.J Lodge. RO'YLEY .....••..•.....•...•.....••. No.
TRIIJUMINA '........................
SOME,RSE1' ••••••••••••
'" . . • .. •........
. ..
209 210
HR"lKORY HUlL. ....•.. .....•
FOUR l\fILE ... .•.... ...•..• . ...
ROI.IJA •••.•• ••. ••• •. . •. •. .. .••. .•. .•
HALE ••••.....••.••••••....•.....•..
216 220
KANSAS CITy.....................
...•. ..•....
LABELLE...... .•.... •..••••••.••..• HAMIL'l'ON ...•.. .•.•••.•••...••..•
SA.l/EM ••.•.•••••..............••.•.. SALINE ..••".......... ..... ..... •..••• OYPRESS ••. " ..••. " . . ...•• •.. . .. ..•
CARDWELL .•.•.•....•....•.. ...•.. BUCKLIN
. .•••• .•
SEDALIA......... . ..•.• ;,............ LAPLATA••... q...................
221 222 224 225
2'26 227 230 231 233 236 237 238
PALESTINE... ••• ...••• .•
239 241
H·OPEWEl.L ..•..•...•....•..•.•.. :.
Representative. Robt. T.. Rogers, W. IVI. Frank W. M. R.B. S. W . .John F. Barbee, J.W. rrbOB. P. Draper, W. M. J . A. Lon~, J. W. F:red. D. Andrews, W.M. S. J. J. \V. L.f)'tliiS B. Warner, W. M. J. Berryman, W. M. T. B. Valentine, W. M. 8. P.. McElhenny, S. vV.* G. H. Gardner, J. W. I. D. Bond, W. M. W. E. Brown, W. M. A. A. Smith, W. M. Robt.. McCaw, S. w.* Henry Wood, J. W:* J. N. Bates, W. M. J obn C. Humes, W. IVI. J. M. McDonald, S. W. W. H. DeVault, ~T. VV.* W.J. Roberts, W. M. D...~. WilsOJlil, W.M. s.• <J.AndersQn, .W. M. Lewis N. Ooffman, W. M. Wm. A. Young, 8. '\V. Frank Scheuring, J. W.* Geo. C. Smith, W. M. Fra.nk Schneider, W. M.. Walter F. Wens, J. W. J. Claybrook, W. M. C.T. Whisman, W. M. G. P. Brewington, W. M. S. B. Wells, W . M.. * R. J. White, S. W. D.H. McKen.zie, W. M. Henry W. Beimdick, Jr., W. lVi. Frank J. Bull, S.·W.. t:t. J.. Ellwan.ger,J. W. W. N. Davis, W.M.
314 Lodge.
KEYSTONE ....••....••....•......... No.243
MIDDLE FABIUS ••. •. KNOB NOSTER.....................
ROCHJj1STER •••.••••••••••••••..•••
248 249
OARROLL .••... . .. . . • • •.. .•••• .•. ..•
GLENSTED...... .•.•••.•..•........• HOPE..................... ••••..•••.•
BUTLER............................. ALTON LODGE OF LOVE. •••.• .••. .•••• •••
FLORENCE. •••.•••.•••.•••.• .•• . .... HOLDEN •••..••••...•..............
•••..••.. ..•.• ...•.
•.• ••••. .•••. .. .•.
SOCIAL............................... AURORA ••.•.•..•..••••..••••.••.•••
250 251
ROCK PRAIRIE................ ....
268 269
, NEW SALEMH......................
SOLOMON...... •••••• ••••••••• ••••••
271 272
GRANITE...... . .. . .•.. . ..• . .. . .. . ..
273 275 276 277 278 280 281 282
STOCKTON......... ......• . .
284 285
TRANQ.UILITY...................... GRAND RIVER.. ••••••••• ..... •••
WH. D. MUIR....................
AVILLA............................. LODGE OF PEACE.....
FENTON.................. •.•.•••.•.
Representative. Gus. F. Scharr, W. M. Fred. A. Raithel. S. W. D. M. Haskin,J. W. Geo. Ross, W. ·M.* A. M. Oraig, W. M. E. Phelps, W. M. J. M. Z. Withrow, S. w.* J. W. Yates, W. M.* Wm. Traughber, S. W. L. B. Hawks, W. M. Geo. H. Pike, W. M * H. M. CannoD, W. M.* L. P. Norman, W. IVI.
254 255 259 Edward Hi~bee', W. l\JI
261 262 26,3 265 266 267
A. H. Kallmeyer, vV. l\L Ed ward Andru8B. \V. !vI.
S. A. Smith, W.l\rI. Theo. Hyatt, W. M. Thos. P. Noel, W. 1\1John Knapp, S. w. J. F. Clement, J. W. O. B. Griffin, W. M. John W. \Vest, S. 'v. Henry J. 1\'Iuth, S. W. G. M. Tnrnbull, J. 'V. Arch. A.JohnsoD, W. 1\1. A. Oampbell, W. M.* J. H. Johnson, J.W.* J. R. Li.ghtfoot, W. 1\1.B. B. Davis, S. W.* J. E. Parsons, W. M. A,. P. Frans,e, W. M. J. F. Scott,.W. M.* F. W. Sweeney, W. 1\1. G. Sievers, W. M. V. H. Falkenhainer, 'V. M. F. G. Bauer, J. W. W.m. C. Haatin, W. M. P.R. Sinclair,. W. )'L L. R. Doolin, W. M. Will Dowell. S.W.* T. E. H.alI, W. M.
315 Lodge" .
. ORAFT •••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••• No.
287 F. R .. Woelfle, W. M. Obaa.. 'L. Zen,ge, S W. HERMITAGE .•...•.•.•...•....••••• 288 J. W. Armstrong, J. V\'r.* FAIRMOUNT 290 J. Long, W. M. LAMAR............................. 29.2, A.J. Wray, ltV. M. SARCOXIE... •...• .•.•.• 298 Jimnk Taylor, W. M. TEMPLE . s. M.. Hoeker~ W. M. Stanton, S. W. B. H. Getman, J. W.* DORIC .................................~Q, J. F. MUler, W. M. LiICx:CBBlI:K •....,... .•.•••••. .•.•.• 302 G.. C. Rosen, W. M. OsAGE '. 36g H. R. Stevens, J~ W. CLARENCE.......................... SOD H. A. Wright, S. W. AS,BLAR............................. 30:6 G. W. Brundrett, W. 1\'1. B. C. Moore, J. W. NEW LoNDON...................... 107 G. D. Harris, W. M. PARROTT....................... 30;8 Thos.D. Williams, W. M. H. W. Saunders, S. W.* E. E. Truex, J. W.* KEARNEY •••. u................ ... 311 F. C. Long, J. W. CUBA •••.•••.•••••.••.•••••••••••••• 312 Wm. F. Mitchell, S. W. F. W. Webb, J. W.* RURAL.............................. 316 W. R. Anthony, W. M.
s. W.*
CORNER STONE.•••••.••••••••••••• McDoNALD .•••..••••..••..•.•••••• MT.. ZION.•••. '~ih"'" ••••••••••••••• CAINESVILLE .....•.•..•.... ' .
W.1\f. :Rogers, S. W. * B. P. Miles, W. ~!L !lrr~nk Ftrwles, S. W.
C'RARITY ............••.•..........•
UJ::I.J.,Ll-l.LtxJTJ:;jlE •••,••••••••••••••••••
:BRECKE~R.IDGE' •••••••••.•••••..•
W~· .A.;Pine,r,. J.
~.~ ~~muel Eusse'll,W. M.* 385 A ... H~ughton, W. M. 386 ~ .. r.Hlllett, .W.:M.
FID·ELITY •.•..•..•••..••••••.•••••.
S.39~ .. T. R~ynolds,
WESTPORT•..••....•.•• '• .•..•...•• '!
84:9 341 343 344
. H
MOBERLy•.•.•••••••• '.•••.,
VV'. *
G. Goodrich, W. M.* '
W. M. O.H. Swearingen, S. W. S. H. Bothwell. W. M.* L. D. Powers, W.M.. * Max Lowenste.in,W. .i\{[.J. Lilly,J. W.
Avpendix. Lodge.
FELLOWSHIP••...••••.•.•••••..•.•. No.345
N ORTH\V'EST...... . .• •..•••••••.. . •.
346 349 350 351 352 353 354 356 358
ARLING'rON... .•.. ••...... .•.•••••. POLLOCK......... •• .. .•• . •••..•••• , TYRIAN
MOSA.IC........... .••....•• .•. .••. FRIEND •.••...•.••.•.......•• ~... . •• BENTON.............................. HEBRON ••.• ANCIENT LANDMARK........... GARRETT
RIDDICK....... ........• .•.•.•.•.
ADAIR.............................. CRESCENT
COMPOSITE ••.•• , •••••. ••.• •. •..••• WILLIAMSTO';V~. .•••.••....••.•.•
AMITy•..•.••••• :................... WILDERNESS
WAyNESVILLE.................. KING HILL... •••..•....•. .•. ••••.•
ANCIENT CRAIl"f.................. BILLINGS......
. ..
.. . . .
QUEEN CITy...............
IONIA •• ,.................. ........•
MT.ARARAT . PYTHAGORAS B·OONE .•••••....•.•....•..••••••••••
CHULA ARCANA................... ...•..... MARIONVILLE .•• ~.... .• ...••••••
RAYTOWN.. ••••.•.•. ••.•••••.••••.•
364 36,6 368 369 370 373 374 375 376 377 379 380 381 382 383 384
388 38,9 390 391
DECATUR................. .•.....••
392 400
CHRISTIAN •••••.•••..•••••••••••••
J. M. Myall, S. W. R. T. Harrison, W. M. Cbas. D. Schnelle, J. W. A. B. Maupin, W. M.* E. M. Logan, W. M. J. A. Robertson, W. M. C. C. Walton, J. W.* T. B. Duncan, W. M. G. R. Hombs, S. W.* August v"'olker, J. W. D. W. Edwards, W. IVL* John J. MOfse, S. W. W. N.1,rfcConkin, J. W. W. C. Hawkin8, W. 1\[. Wm. Smithpeter, S. w.* ~. C. Dudley, W. M. Alfred G. I.J. Hollandt, S. \V. W. E. Smith, J. W. W. A. Blakely, W. M.* J. H. Holton, W. M. C.L. Mills, W.M. R. C. Barrett, vv. M.* Newton Doran, W ..M. G. M. Liston, W. M. Thos. A. O'Dell, W. M. FrankJ. Christeson, M. W. Ray D. Wilson, S. W. E.C. Brooks, W. M. Thomas R. l,ove, \V. lVL W. B. Hight, W. M.* C. G. Kressling, W. M. Jas. J. Smallwood, W. M. Wm. A. Wear, W. M. Chas. J. Walker, S. W. Geo. A~ Gardner, W. M. C. W. Watson, W. M, ~T. D. McOullah, W. M. Grant Day, W. M. W. A.l\IiIIer, S. W . F. M. Frick, W. 1\1.* J. F. Stark, W . M.* Chas. A. Cannady, S. W. W. S. Dawson, W. ~I.
Representative. No.402 Juo.. W. Cochran, "\V.lVl. J. R. Brown, S. "\\T.. * ROSENDALE •••••••••.••.••••.•.••. 404 Geo. W. Wells, W. M. MALDEN •••••••••..••••••...•••••••. 406 J. W. BeaU, W. M. CHARLESTO~ ••..•. ••. 407 Frank S. ··Vernon, W. 1v1. MONTROSE •••••••••..•..•..•...•.• 408 C. C.Arnold, W. M.* IBERIA •••••••••.••.•....•...•...... 410 lTeo. I. Farnham~ W. lVl. ApPLETON CITy.................. 412 Joseph Kline, S. W.* VALLEy......... .•..... .•..•..... 413 Geo" F. Wilson, W. l\'I.?~ HUNNEWELL •••••. .•.•..•.•...... 415 F. Davis, W.M. MALTA
••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••
IT.4..sK..4.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
\V. :lU.•Janes, S. W.* 418 H. \V. F'risto, \V. M. 419 ...t\. J . Crabb, 'V. M. 420 Henry W. Barth, W. M.
TROWEL ••••••••••.•••••• ,........
422 423 424 425 426 427 429 43,0 . 431 433 434 439 440
ANCHOR ••••••••••.......•.••.••••.
WESTGATE..... .... •.... ••.• .•.•
IVANHOE......... .........•.•...••.
THE TEi\fPLE .•••••••.
(tALT................................ SAMARITAN CEDAR
ROTHVILLE............... ........• GLENWOOD •••••..• :... ••••.. .....• NEW MADRID
_ ~. CREEK..................
SCHELL CITy......................
BELT'ON......... •.••..... ••..•••••••.
Fred. \V . Rengstorff, J. ,Y. . -. \. S. lVlartin, W. M. E. R. Banes, S. W. Archi bald Francis, W. ]\1. R. L. Hodges, W. M.* F. M. Brecourt. J. W.* ,John H. Rambo,S. \V. Joel Cook, vV. M.* J . O. Faulkner, vV.M.* W. W. Higginbottom, S. W.* J.'R. Batchelder, W. M. ~ ..D. Oarpent~~,W. I~O.
M. R. W. Vansanburg,W. ~1. C. A. Walker, S. w. R. M. Mulligan, W. M: E. W.. Hughes, S. W. Alfred Edwards, S. W. Ja8. A. StanberrY,J. W. ("Xeo. S. lVlcLanahan, W . lV.L J. M. Jones, S.- W. John O. Watkins, J.W. J.G. B. Marquis, W. M. T. T. Garnett, \V. M.* A. H. Parrish, W.. M. T. T. O'Dell, W. M. (xeo. D. Johnson, J. W. W. B. Kerns, W . M.
Representat'ive. 457 E. A. Ball, W. M. E. P. Rosenburg, J. W. CLIFrroN .••.••••••.••••.••••••••••• 463 Geo. Zellers, W. M. PLATO ...••...•••..• .••..•...•...•• 469 J. M. Gladden, S. W. NODAWAy......................... 470 E. F. Hamlin, W. M. MINERAL .........•••••...•••••...• 471 J. W. Barson, W. M. MT. HOPE.. :..... .....•... ••••••••• 476 O. L. Frost, W. M. E. E. Seaman, J. W.* RACINE .............................478 W. M. Campbell, W. M. RICH HILL........................ 479 B. Kirk, W. M. JEWEL .... •••• .........•..•. .••.. 480 John Halloway,W. M. MARCELINE....... 481 Ola, Putnam, S. W. CLINTONVILLE.................... 482 J. W. Dawson, S. W. I{IRK'VOOD..... . ••• ... ... ....•••. • 484 Hugh L. Jacobi, W. M.* Fred Dohn, J. W. CAIRO ..•••........•..•••...•.••••.• 486 J. W~ Sigall, W. M.* LOCK SPRING............. ...••.• 488 H. F. Lawrence, W~ lVr.* "'\1'ANDALIA 491 R. Lee Alford, W. M. LEWISTO\VN .........•.....•••...•.• 494 F. S. Bagby, W. M. JAMESON •••••.••..••.••••••••....•• 500 O. W. Dunn, W. M. BUCKNER 501 Chas. Henthorn, W. M.. PHILADELPHIA . .....••. .•• 502 J. L. Simmons, W. M. PLATTECITY~.................... 504 Guy Col.rpan, W. M. LATHROP... ..•.•.. 506 J. O. Daugherty, S. W. VAN BUREN......... •.• 509 James Moss, S. :rtI. SKIDMORE ....... o.................. 511 A. F. Hitchcock, S. W. WEBB CITy............... 512 James Muratta, S. W. SENATH .••.• ~.............. .•••..••. 513 E. V. McGrew, W. M.* E. V. McGrew,S. W. GALENA 0:..... 515 C. B. Swift, W.M. ORIENTAL......... ...•...... ...... 518 W. A. Masterson, W. M. CRANE.. •..•...••..•.•....•.....•... 519 J. A. Williams, W. M.* CLIFTON HEIGHTS .••••••.•• ~. . .• 520 C. H. Miller,. W. M. GATE CITy............... 522 Wm. T. Jamison, W. M.* Henry S. Thayer, S. W. SPICKARDSVlI"LE • 524 W.H. Addington, W. M. WAyNE .••••••••..••••....•.••·•.•••• 526 Frank S.. Chilton, S. W. HICt BEE.............. .. .•.......... 527 F. H. Watson, W. M. CONWAy........................... 528 N. C. Newport, W.M. LANE'S PRAIRIE ..... ••• .••.••• ..531 M. O. Harrison, W. M. I),EXTER...... ..•............•.•.••.. 532 O. D. Biggs, W. M.* INGOMAR.................. 536 Thoma Vines, W . M. BETHEL...... ...•...••••.•.•••.•.... 537 C. F. Z,eigler, W. M. Lodge.
JONESBURG ......••..••..•...•••..• No.
Appendix. Lodge.
\VINIGAN .......•.•..••....••...... No. FRANKLIN
MEXICO............................. SOUTH (:rATE
540 P. S.1\ioffitt, W. 1\11. 541 A.; S. Davison, vV. M. 544 W. G. Wilkins, W. M.
CLIl'T()N •••••.....•.•.....••••..••.
••,••••.•••••••• , .•••••••••
:SU)If);fB:RVI.LL~ .•••••••••••••••••••
IRIE ••••.• '... •
VL,A l!I:JtS",it'!tJlA,lwl'4>
•••.•.••. .
NELSON .•..•••••.....•.•...•.......• 'YORK ••.••••••••.••.•••.••.•.....•. J./\..MESPORT ••••••••.••..•..••••••••
TEB13ETTS .•....•..•..•......•..•....
S. W. Geo. A. H. O. ~f. W. H. L. W.l\L O. W.l\L .J.. Lind.say, . W. Sullivan, W. M.* J. 'R. George, W. 1\1. J . O. Wft'Moles,W. 1\;1. lV.S. James, W. M. W .. Cft Dorris, ~J. "V. W. B. Kerns, W. M. P. Means, W. l\f. Cft L. Shouse, W. 1\1.* Francis .A.. Leach, W. M. W. I~. Ashbrook, S. W. E. E. Marlow, ~J. w.
Wm. Ii". Kuhn, .A,ctin,g Grand, Master. Leroy B. Yalliant, Gra/YHfL Sf3n,io''Y' 1107 G-'i'(lCH • A. S. H.OllstOll, Grand J'Ltnio'1' WcwlZen. S. :M. I\:ennarc1, GrancZ TIJ"easurer. Jno. D. Vincil, Gf'and Seoretary. Allan l\1:cDoweIl ,Gt·€/;fI.·(j, . Lect'Urer. RE"v. Jno, H. l'rfiller, Grana Oha;pZa'i/ft. D. 1\1'. 'Vilson,G1'anll Sen'io1' Dec/;con.
R.F. LV. Ed.
T. A. J. T. Short, Grand Junior C. C. Biggel", a."ancZ Pursuiv(Jlnt. Wm. Southern, Jr.,. (}ra1.td @rator. John W. Owen, Gra11;eZ Tiiter.
John D. Vincll.
Jas. 'Xl, Boyd.
'rhos.E. Garrett. R. E. .Anderson, 'Xenopllcm Rrlalld. Noah M. Givan. Jos·. S. Browne.
Jno. Ft. Par~on. A. :l\I. Hough. Dorsey A. Jamison. F •. J. 'l.'ygard. E. F. Allen.
vV. R. Stubblefield.
H. Briggs. Campbell vVells. Jos. C. FlnRgirt
C. C. Woods. n. Ii'. Stevenson.
A ppenrl'ix.
.l no. D. Vincil, Virginia. A. 1\1. Hough, Alabama. F. J. Tygard, Arkansas. E. F. Hartzell, Colorado. Geo. E. Mayhall, Delaware. R. Barney, Connecticu t. D. 1\1. 'Vilson, District of Columbia. ,J ack P. Richardson, Florida. Campbell \Yells, Georgia. John R. Parson, Idaho. .~ H. F. Stevenson, Indiana. Samuel M. Kennard, Ireland. 'V. F. !{uhn, Kansas. 'Vm. H. l\J1ayo, Louisiana. E. F. Al len, l\Iaine. H. Stubblefield, Manitoba. C. ,\7'. Bolster, lVIichigan.
Howard 'Vatson, l\.:Iinnesota . 'Vm. A. flaIl, J.\>folltana. Chas. F. Vogel, Nebrasl\:a. Jas. W. Boyd, New Jersey. Noah M. Givan, New York. D'. A. Jamison, North Dakota. Leroy B. Valliant, Nova Scotia. A. S. Houston, Okla.homa. C. C. Woods, Qnebec. rl'. E. Garrett, Scotland. V. O. Saunders, South Carolina. J os. S. Browne, Sonth Dakota. C. H. Briggs, Tennessee. Allan l\.1cDoweIl, r.rexas. Van F. Boor, 'Vashington. Henry W. Wait, "'est Virginia. R. B. _~nderson, ":"isconsin.
Edward Higbee, li'irst District. G. A. Goben, Second District.
'\Vm. A. Hall, 'rhirt;r-Third District. Luther R. Twyman, rrhirty-Pifth DIs-
J. J. Dillinger, rrhird District. .1. H. Prenti$s, Fifth District. B. P. Watson, Eighth District. C. 1~1. Jones, rl'enth District. P. Randolph, IDleventh District. C. C. Bigger, Twelfth District. S. n. 'VoOd, ~rhirteenth District. Geo. E. Mayhall, Fourteenth District. Geo. 'V. Rucker, Sixteenth District. S. J. Jones, Seventeenth District. J. P. rl'ucker, NinetE'enth District. Van F. Boor, Twentieth District. C. L. Frost, rrwenty-First District. 'V. F. Johnson, Twenty-Third District. r~. B. Codding, Twenty-:Kinth District.
trict. '\V. 'V. Ross, Thirty路Sixth District. tieo. H. Daniel, Thirty-Seventh Distriet. "'. B. Dunnegan, Thil'ty-Xin th Distriet.
R. L. 'Varden, Forty-:B~irst District. Prank G. Ade, Forty-Second District. li'lred. "'"t. Ball, Forty-Third District. '1\ 'V. Cotton, Forty-Fifth District. C. '\V. Brown, Forty-Sixth District. F . .A. !{age, Foray..Seventh Distriet. J. A. Boone, Forty-Eighth District. .J. R. Pool, Forty-Ninth District. A. T. Hollenbeck, Fifty-First District. J. Ii1. Adamson, Fifty-Third District. H. A. :Hatfield, Fifty-Fifth District.
J. R. l\fcLachlan, First District. D. 1\:I. Foster, Fonrth District. J. F. Schoenecke, Seventh District. Blmel' ~Iann, Ninth District. C. 'V. Bolster, Tenth District. R. Barney, Bleventh District. Thos. P. Hurd, ,li'ifteenth DIstrict. Lewis Richardson, Twenty-Second District. J. C. I-arrolee, Twenty-Ninth Dis-
'VID. E. flake, ~rhirt:y<l.'hird District. R. Talbott, Thirt~1'-Sixth District. O. 1(. Barnes, Thirty-Seventh District. Alfred Reynolds,Fort:r-Second District. Bert. S. Lee, Forty-Third District. G. J. Vaughn, Fifty-Second District. It. H. li.reeger, r.rwentieth District.
Appendix. PAST
Name. :\1. C. Lewis vVm. II. \iayo John H. Deems
Geo. 1\1. Spalding \V. D. Gillespie 'rhomas .A. Bell .J. II. !{ennerI J T
Lodge. )1issouri :\'Ussouri
'Vm. Gillespie
W. Holland
.10b N(;.wton
JJissouri :\Iissouri :\Iissoul'i JIissouri '....... 0
1 1
:.\1iio'souri .YHssouri
. ..
.... ................... .
Meridian B~acQn
. .
. :Vlissuuri • ........• Missouri . :Ueri(lian
•••••••••• ,
(). H. Hamstead .. 0• • . . .. ..0 •. ()'SuIUvan 'Vm. L. Reynolds G·e(Jrg-e 'Vashington Chas. 'V. v\Taughop George "rashington B. V. Chase George \Vashington Jno. Greenough G·eorge '\Vnshington Henry Llhon (Jeorge vVashington David C. Gilchrist. George \Vashington ,... 'V. F. Parker George Washington Franklin !.). Jones n'eorge -"Vashington J. J . •Tacobs St. Loui's Peter Schnffnit St. Lonis ChaS. Gretner 'Vyacollda .T. 11'. Cook Naphtali . o. • • • • • . . . . • • . . • • • • • • • • •• Dennis C. Viehle Naphtali Jno. l~" Bannon Naphtali \Vm. Ramsey Naphtali (}eo. Pierce Naphtali .J. II. Clawson Humphreys Henry F. Childers T'roy Chas. ~Tackson Hemple \Vm. Dodds l\ft. :Moriah IJ. E. Vogelsang l\lt. Moriah vV'. A. Clark ..................•1effersoll J. M. Brewer Bonhomroe ILS. Baxter Bonhomme H. S. Lalley \Ventzville Jno. \V. IIeist. Fayette 'V. H. Carpentel" Centralia 0
G. 1..1. Ap.-21.
No. 1
J\Iissonri !\1]ssonri
Heaeon " .. Befoteon . . . . . . . . .. . Ilea(~on .. . Beacon
Gregory S. lillIer .Jalnt~S A. Harris .. ·V. O. Sannders. .." .1. 1.1. IS~Ules , . . .. Chas. 1". By. Hahn . .. IDnzinger. . . .. Archihald . . Chas.· A. SchilL I~. .
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 2 2 3 3 3
3 3 5
7 9 9 1.)
H 9 9 9 9 20 20 24 25 25 25 25
25 32 34 37 40
40 43 45 45 46 47 59
Name. Lodge. H. Wamsley Vinri! o. B. O. Wood .. JYfonroe . Erdley. O. Sa;yle Grant City " o. Mo A. Knappenberger Eureka .. II. II. l\1Jller Warren ~ o. Jules C. Lachance Polar S ta r '" Louis D. Batavia Polar Star .. Phil Rodan Polar Star vVaIter S. Ashton Polar Star Edwin . P. Ambler Polar Star Robert Burnie Polar Star Go 'V. J'vlcClure \Vebster Groves IJ. Jj". Booth Webster Groves o. W. D. Crandon .. Brookfield . ~.' G. D. Brant Friendship .1.. A. rrhomason. Pers·everalle(:~ "Til Iiams H. Ilnters St. Marks 1\f. g. Shelton..... St.lfarks .. 'Vln. J. Nally. o. Bethany ... G. A. Brewington Bloomington ., 1D. F. Allen Heroine o. Chaso Pipkin ................• Gallatin Seth M. Hinkley Stanberry ID. r.;T. Day •............•...... lVlal'clls Eo I.J. Purcell ... l\1:arclls .. ;r. Do Goodpasture. i\<faitland <"~o E. Pyle .. ~ De SotQ .··· Geo. J. Berne I~rwin ···· .. ····· G. T., Burnham Seaman Henry C. Bell. Potosi .. S. B. Johnston Olea}l ....•................ David IVIeekin Delphian J. B. Barnett ~ }\!odern B. F. Quisenberry ~ Milton J. A. Parker Ionic ' . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 14J.L. Schleiffarth ...........•. Occidental ........................• Sol. I~. Waggoner OccidentnI John R. Wankelroan OccIdental '" Austin P. Oliver Occidental Jno. D. Hamilton Occidental " ,J. fIt Bethune .•............... Oceidental . ~ G. M. Heimburger Occidental ...........•............. Jas. ··G. Howe · Censer John .A.. Sloan Pride of the West.......... . . . . . . G. W'o Carson Pride of the West .. 10. W. League Pride of the West Ho E. Blakeman .. California o........•.• W. N. Hamilton l\1:orality Geo. Rees Z·ered.:atha· '" •.• ~ ....••.....'. . . . . •• D. C. Thompson Wilson C. G. Proctor .. Ravenwood Henry 'Yood .. :Rolla 0
• • • • • '.
86 89 n2
62 64 66 73 74 79 79 79 79 79 71:> 84 81:
1..10 110 112
11'9 121 126 131 134 137 144 lfjl 154 163 163 :J 63 163 163 163 163 172 1. 79 179 179 183 186 la9 191 201 203
Chas. A. l\fauch Trilumina ,... 205 R. Ii). L. Smith Trilumina 205 \V. S. Stockwell Salisbnry 208 S. P. McElhaney Unionville 210 I~. J. Koch Rolla 213 Robt. McCaw Itolla 213 .lack P. Richardson Good Hope 218 James W. Baldwin Good Hope '" 218 Thos. R. Morro'v Kansas City . 220 GE;\o. F. Rogers HamUton 224 S. B. Wllers RushviUe 238 S. T. McMillin Pab~'stin'e ", 241 '\iVarren 1-1. Fox.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 243 R. M. Hanna '. . " 243 Moses Ely . Keys'ltl&B,e •. "" '. . . • . . • . . • . . . . • •. . .248 .Jno. H. . Keystoine 243 """m. H. . , .•...... Keystone 243 I..iOuie: C. . . . . . . . . . . • I{ey.s't0i'lOlf, ••.., . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • •• 243 K. .. •• • ••••• Kewstff:!m.iQ ....,........................ 243 Jno. B. . 1{,eysin~Be • .' ..••...•••.•..•••.• 243 R. A.. . Keystom.e ' 243 Geo. Ross . . . . .. . ........• l\fidd.~e Fabius 244 .lvI,. . . . . . .. . ......• Neosho ....•...................... 241 Pl"iettvmulil1. . .• ••.•.. . Neosho . . . . . .. 247 ................... l:tocb'ester 248 (ioo. H. Pike flope 251 II. ~!. CaliU'.torl'l............. . .• Butler .........•.................. 254 Edward Higl:Jlbee of Love 259 Wm.Se.ssin.ghaus .. . . Mlchael Cooke . '.' . '1\ H. Blakemore -~urora . 0
John L,. Bowman
•• '
At D. Goodding r.Jodge of crrllth . Thos. R. Gibi$on , ..• Solomon " . Archibald Campbell Granite .••....................... 2't2 J. H. Johnson Granite 272 "B. B. Da.vis. 'rranquility . J. F.Seott o. Avilla .•.......... . . Chas. Ba,er Cosmo.s .•' .......•.... E·de'n Beed ,~ .....•. Cosmo's ....•..........•. "V C. Eiss.mueller Cosmos 0
••••• ' •••••••••••
o •••••
•••••••• '
Slmo'BS:n:ss .•......•..•....•.
Herman. Frank ... 'ViII D,o,well .........•.. ~r. E. T'homl)So·n. T. ..A. Milburn C. G. B,arton J. Y. Crensbaw V. F. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. Jr
Cosmos Earl Lamar . .
o ••••
. 0
282 285 292 'I'emple .299 Osage, •..••...••....••...••••••••. /30S Parrott 308 Ittlral ," .. 316 Corner Stone 3.28 0
Appendix. Name. "TaIter E. Seewoster E. F. Hartzell ,"Vm. .A.. ·Prues 'V. '1.\ Aylesbury V\i. G. Goodrich C. H. Hand S. H. Bothwell L. D. Powers M:. T. Balsley JD. J. Hnghes O. B. :Maupin " JllO. S. Taylor. C. C. 'Valton D. 'V. Edwards Chas. A. Gewe John J1J.' Bishop N. R. 'Vallis G. \-Y. Heiman J as. ~r. Breckenridge C. A. Rosebrough IPred; .A.. Smith '\Vallace Delafield '"v. Smithpeter C. '"V. Montgomery 'V. A. Blakeley R. C. Barrett J. A. Vaughan \'-. B. Hight Chas. .1. Wall{er ..........•.•.. P. 1\1. li'l'icl{ J. F. Stark J. R. Brown C. C. Arnold Joseph I\]ein \V. 1\1. Jones C.' S. l\JIeeks ,~ J. E. Gaskill .. Samuel H. Jackson .. I-Ierman Wetter ...~. F. "reeke 0
Jacob 14ampert J. 1\1. Broadbent
A. Fuhrmann
Jno. H. Pohlman H..T. Filsinger It. S. Ifodges
Joel Cook .Le. !i'aulkner . .:\..lvin D. Reed It. 1\1. llyams l". EJ. Jones Jas. Lewis . 0
Lodge. Corner Stone Charity Charity Charity Chillicothe Joplin Hockville Agricola Fellowship Arlington Tyrian Friend . Benton Garrett 'ruseau 'ruseau Tuscan 'ruseau 0
No. 323 331 33.1 331 333 335 341 343 345 346 350 352 353 359 360 360 360 360
. .
Tuscan Tuscan Tuscan Riddick
sao 861
lIigginsviI Ie Composite
364 8eB 378 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 380
Amity Qneen City
Boone Christian Decatlll' l\falta 1\Iontrose Appleton City
. . . . . . . . . . . .. 384 0
Cache Cache Cache Cache Itaska Itaska Itaska Itaska Itaska Itasl{a Galt New Madrid Winona . Anchor Anchor Anchor 'Vest Gate 0
392 400 402 408 412 415 416 416 416 416 420 420 420 420 420 420 423 429 430 443 443 443 445
Name. Lodge. Jno. N. Denny """est Gate o. Louis Moler .. West Gate Peter Steinmann 'Vest Gate Jas. H. Absolom .....•.•••...• 'Vest Gate 'rhos. Brown ........••....... West Gate. T. 1:'. Garnett ... Belton .. o. Phil ip Kopplin .. Lambskin . Robert J. Loyd Lambslcin .. o. .J oe IJeroy .. Lambskin .,. lIugo S. Jacobs. Kirkwood .J. Wo Stigall o C~air() o. , fT. Ii'. Laurence ., '. Lock Bplings .J. ...-\.. Williams " ,. C~l'ane . o. 'Vm. '1". Jamison ' Gate City " . ., .1 as. S. Stinson... . . . Stinson ", ,. .Tos. C. l\{ukist.,.. . Clifton Heights Frank ., " . ..".. '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (~. O. ., r)extli~~r W.G. . .. .. Bethel o. I~1. Y. ". " S,telII. ""m. H. TtO:de .. Howard .. ROSt~ H!ll . (~bas. . Rose fllli Rose o. 0
445 445 445 445 445 450 4t>O 460 460 484486 488 519 522 528 520 520 532 537 538 550 550 550 550
Fraternally sUbmitted, F. A. l\-fILBURN, B. P. MILES, TAYLOR B. WYRICK,
X A ..........................................6
. . . ."""....,'~.~ tn,V"I.,,~r-.."'1 ...,. ','r\r'i
102 .................7-42 4:l .....................58 ••••••••••••••••••••
•........•.......•..•••....................•... (3 ................................................................... 44 .,.,."'V"\ .•'" ++,-,,,... all 55 ~lpp. 178 Addresses of Grauel Secretaries Annual Electioll 88, 84 Annllal C~oIrlmunicatioll1904, rrilue of 106 .A.mencllnents to By-La"rs adopted 62, 72,87,88 ,~ ,r" rejected , 62 " " " vote on 62, 72, 75 " Constitution laid over 107 " "presellted 92 Appointll1ents ~ 10, 12,19,40 Addendulll 103
B Blanks for Returns Boards of Relief, Reports of " "Report of COll1mittee on " "Memorial from St. Louis Burial Lot Brown, B. G., Grand Master of Grand Lodge of I{ansas, Visit of
44 64 77 83 74 7
Olandestine Lodges ~ 40 Chairmen of Standing COIDlnittees ~ 33 Oemetery Committee, Appointed.: 12 (( " Report of 74 Circular Letter Issued ·~ 19 33 Charges Ordered Constitutional Amendlnents 46, 57 Credentials, Committee Appointed 6 " Report of 92; App. 308-325 " Charity, Report of Committee 93 Charters Issued, 1902 43 " Duplicate 11 " Suspended 36 43 " Surrendered Chartered .Lodges, Report of Committee on 75 Corner-Stones 11, 15 Committees, Special, Appointed 40, 61 Standing, Appointed 42, 61 " " "Chairmen of 101 Construction of Sec. 10, Art. 2, of Grand Lodge By-Laws..12 Correspondence, Report on, Presented 57 oa
"". .
..App. 1-177 ~
Commissions Issued
10, .11, 43
D Decisions of Acting Grand Master.........•.......... 26-29, 87 Dispensations, Special, Granted .•.............10, 11,12, 21,44 " Lodges Under 10, 21,43,84 " Recalled 35 D. D. Grand Masters, Report of OORlmittee on 95 " " "Rep~,;ts of App. 254-285 " ." "Appointed Ql0, 19,104
"Lecturers,. List of
> •••••••••••••••••• '
105 App. 320
Delinquellt Lodges 36, 45 Districts and District Deputy 'Grand Masters.. App. 286~306 Deaths, List of 7,14, 78; App. 184-189 Dead Lodges, List of.......................... .... 246-253 Dedication of Missouri Building, Gr·ounds 17 " 'c. Halls ' ' 22
E Excballge Exemplitication Election of
... ~
111t1talllClal "'-''''V1~''''''''o."IjI,''',,,,,,,~ of •• '
, . , • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • •
.. ,
63, 89 83, 84
Gran,d Lodge
0 ••••••••••••••• 0 ................. •
App 214-227
G '~
'Op,elled Clos:ed
" " " Property . " " Grand Representatives appointed near other Lodges, List of ~ 18'0 Grand R:epresentatives from other Grand Lodges, near Grand Lodge of Missouri,'List of 11, 19, Mast,er, Acting, Addre:siSof . " " Repo,rt on , . " " D,ecisioRs of ~, . " ReeommeR<l!~tio:ns of . ~!ec~let:~r¥ Report of .. Rec~pitulation
Statement of SUl?plemental Report of
List· of
~ .. ~
App. . .
Grand rrreasurer, Report of " Lecturer, Report of Grand, Lodges, Recognition of Grand Officers, Election of " " Illstalled (1903) Appointed " " " " Present
51-55 87, 61, 85 83, 84 99 ~ 99 5; i-11)P. 319
H "Home," Masonic,lVlelltioll of, by Gralld 1Iaster 29 89 " " Oollection for " " Report on 58; Jlpp.228--243 " " Directors Chosen 57 " " \Tisiting Comnlittee Appointed .. " " " "Report of B4
1 IIItl"'odUcti011S Instruction, Lodges of I,nstallation Invasion of rrerri tory.
7 3G g~}
. ..
.... .. .. .. .. .
J Jurisprudence, Report of COIUlnittee on
L Laws, Revision of Laying Corner-Stones Loclge Insurallce Lodges of Instruction " Under Dispensatioll " According to Districts ." New, Chartered " Dead, List of " Consolidated
40, 87 11, 15 45 3C> 10, 21,43, 84 ~86-306
43, 106; App.208-209 q.A})p. 246-253
M Membership Grand Lodge... ~Iasters, D. D. G., List of 29, Masonic Home of MissouriHU " " " Bequest " 4' ,~ Oolleetion "
'7' .-.4P1J. 307 104 58; App. 228-248 Slnith ~ .. 30 0
., 011.
; o. o • • • • • • • • • • • •
8B 61
"""J...A.',JU'V;~J. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 57
UvlPCi\.l" • • • • • • • • • •
Com..., 94 .................................................63, 72 ,.'f.!L. \"I.I...I..J, '-.I ,,I,, JL 11.-'1;.1.
~.,it i~•." .l.~"
l...'lQ • •
• •••••••
'• • • • • • • • • • •
10~)-115 l
.........................................................14, 78 43, 106; Al)P, 208-209 New Nonpayment of Dues, Suspensions for App. 190-195 00
o Obituaries, Con1ulittee 011, Appointed U Report of COffilnittee on....... .. . Officers, Grand, Present H "Elected "Installed " " "Appointed ' " Past Grand, in Attendance " "" in the Past, List of Oratioll by Grand Orator
78 5; App. 319 83, 84
99 99 App.. 31H App. 244 65-72
Pay Roll, COffilnittee on, Appointed H" " Report of Past Grand Officers in the Past, List of " " " i n Attendance Past Masters Present, List of Portrait Past Grand Master Proposed Amendments
61 94 App. 244 App. 319
App. 321-325 Frontispiece 107
Report of Grand Secretary 43-47 " "Grand Treasurer 48-50 " "GrandLecturer 51-55 " "President and Directors of "Home" 58; App. 228 " "Special Committee to consider cllarges 90 " "Boards of Relief 65 " "Committee on Grand Master's Address 58 "" " " .Appeals and Grievances 98, 100 "" " " Charity " ," 93 "" " " Chartered Lodges ..;. 75 "" " " Bellefontaine Cemetery Property.74 " " " Lodges under Dispensation 84 " " " " Ways and Means 97 ,," " " Accounts 55 "" " " Jurisprudence 87 " " " " D. D. G. M. Reports 95 "" " " Credentials 92 ; App. 308 - 325 "" " " Obituaries 78 "" " " Pay Roll 94 "" " " Masonic Home (Visiting) 94 "" " ,~ Recognition of Grand Lodges 85 "" " " Unfinished Business 95 ,," " " Ritual 92
333 ~ ..· 77
Report of Committee on Boards of RelieL, "" " " Grand Lodge ",'
Report on Constitutional AmendlIlents 57 Report on Correspondence 57; App.1.-177 Reports of D. D. Masters , 254-285 Representatives, of near other Grand ~4.pp.
rle,ar Grand Lod.ge of
... ;a.
11 19; Al>P.182 App. 308
• • • •, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • • • •
82,83,84,91,97,99 ..... ................... ,J..4pp. 307 1:telnst~:tt,e11nents
App. 196-199 Grand Master 32 ..................................................... 40, 88 "
1\..eCOrnll)len(lataoI1S of Acting
s Special Committees Appointed 61 Secret Work 63,89 Session of 1904 106 State of the Craft 45, 47 StandingComnlittees 61 Secretaries, Grand, List of App. 178 Suspension of Master 26 Suspensions for Non-payment of Dues App. 190-195 Suspensions forUnmasonic Conduct App. 195 State Lodges of Instruction 36 103 Supplemental Financial Report of Grand Secretary Of
Of • • • • •
T rfabular Statements Transportation of Representatives Thanks :
App. 200-227 45 102
v Visiting C0111mittee-lVI'asonic HOlne-Report of Votes of Sympathy Extended
94 82
w Work Exemplified Ways and Means, Report of COlnmittee on \Vashington Gavel
63, 89 89 18 ..