GRAND LECTURER. 1870-1906. DIED MAY 20, 1906. HeldattheScottishRiteCathedral,KansasCity,Mo., Thursday,May24th,1906. IN MEMORY OF G.L.Pro.-l :~ . (Brallb ~ectllrer, 1870-1906. Prayerby.Rev. J. H. Miller,.GrandChaplain: Memorz'al Servz'ces'ofA llr:1l McDowell. By CoronaH. Brig'gs: ears summons us t.o Thee, and our horile, for 1'h\' 'glory Whatishappeninghere, ourFather, happens'inall out homes. Our, The'followingis a briefoutlineofthe Men;lOrial Service: 11 Meinorial Services ofAllan McDowell. 111