1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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To.,..the Most lVorshi路ptul Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & A. M.:

In looking over the Proceedings of the various Grand Bodies for the last year, we have been impressed with the continued prosperity of our Order. The wrecks of multitudes of societies which enjoyed the popular favor for a season and floated for a tiole upon the ,unrUffled sea of success, strew the beach of Time.. They foundered in the storms qf discord, and went down in 'the ocean of contention, but the bark upon which the fortunes of our Order were shipped has out路ridden hurricanes, sailed the borders of whirlpools, and today, without a defect in her keel, a rotten rib or plank, a split-sail or a broken cord, she "rides the waters like a thing of life;" floats her flag over myriads of 'mariners, who stand to her helm and cordage, and we believe she is destined to buffet the wind and the wave for all time and tempests to come, and be afloat in all her trim, holiday splendor, when the Angel of Doom blows the judgment trump, and the last thunder shakes the world below: So. mote it- be.

ALABAMA-1906. Lodges, .445. Members, 18,191. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama held its ~ighty:sixt~ Annual Communication at the Masonic Temple in the City of Montgomery on the fourth day of December, A. D. 1906, A. L. 5906, commencing at 7: 3a o'clock p. m., with 368' Lodges represented. Ben M. Jacobs, Birmingham, Deputy Grand M'aster, acting as Grand Master.. A striking picture of M. W. Grand Master Henry H. M'athews, who died June 6, 1906,ad'orns the first page of the Proceedings. G, L. Ap.-l



,The address of R. ,W. Bro. Jacobs covers thirty-four pages. and' evidences executive ability, and a proper appreciation of the true object and aims of Masonry. H~ says: \,ye f'lhould evel' bear in mind that :Masonry is no association of mere mystic dreamers, no aggregation of selfish individuals, banded together for social amusements, but a great society which, under God's, providence, bas a duty to perform in the regeneration of the human race, and these Annual Communications should be an insl1iration to "higher thoughts, nobler actions and grander aChievements," the m'ol'al elevation of ourselves, and .the betterment of the world, UNPARALLELED PROSPERITY.

During his term Dispensations wel~e issued for the organization. of twenty-seven new Lodges, while at the same time there was an increase in the membership of approximately 2,000, and in this connection he says: . Kumerical strength is of ver;r little iinportance; it is the best reputation of its membership that constitutes the successful Lodge, SAX FRANCISCO CONTRIBUTIONS.

The sum of $3,883.88 was' promptly contributed by Alabama Masons to the relief of sufferers by the earthquake, of which $3,300.00 was remitted when a communication was received fI"om the Grand Master of California to withhold further remitt~nces, "because, in his judgment, ample funds were on hand to meet all relief required." The balance of $583.88 was turned into the Widows' and Orphans' Fund of the Grand Lodge. I


In announcing the death of Grand Master Henry H. Mathews, Brother Jacobs says: He has left his brethren and family an untarnished name and a record without路 a .stain. In the quiet seclusion of home 'life. surrounded by the members of his famil~', the spirit of our Most Worshipful Grand Master took its flight. When the messenger came he was found ready, and together they cl'ossed the rivet'. . Thus star by star declines, Till all are passed away. . As morning higher and higher shines, To pure and perfect day; ~or sink these stars In empt;r night: They hide themselves in heaven's light. DECISIONS.


The Acting Grand Master rendered fifteer: decisions, of which except No.5, were approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence. This was with reference to the objection made by a Brother to the installation of a Master, ThB committee asks that ruling be postponed to the next Grand Communication in or,der that they may prepare the necessary procedur~ controlling such cases,




, 3


On this subject the Acting Grand Master pertinently remarks: But anything that 1001,s like seeking after notoriety or advertising the 'Lodge should be discouraged and discountenanced. The publication of the names of persons initiated I do not think is propel'. It looks like the Lodge conceives that it has secured an honor rather than that it has conferred one, I regard 110 man so great that he is not honored by receiving the degrees 1n Masonry. WIDOWS' AND ORPHAKS' HOME.

The proposition to amend Section 21, qf Article 6, of the Constitution, submitted to the Subordinate Lqdges for, approval or rejECtion, failed to receive the requisite majority vote, This the Grand Master regri!ts, and appropriately says: In a Civilization like ours, based upon family life as the central feature. there is an absolute need of some institution to take charge of children bereft of their parents. How far better it is, then, to have an institution that will take charge of our children, but do still more: wiII provide them with the tl'aining so essential, that they. may become honorable and selfsustaining men and women,

He recommends that the amendment be introdnced at that Communication for submission to the Lodges. That a committee be appointed to urge an active campaign in its favor, and an appropriation of sufficient amount to meet its expenses: A resolution ,was offered, and referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, recommending the appointment of a committee of three to ask the Legislature to amend the act incorporating the Grand Lodge, so as to authorize 'the establishment of.a Masonic Home. The Committee on Jurisprud,ence reported unfavorably: First, because the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. prohibits the ameIidI!1ent. Second, that even if the Legislature ~ould amen-d the Charter fixing an additional per capita tax it could not be legally done without amending the Grand Lodge Constitution, and so the destitute widows and helpless orphans in Alabama are "left out in the cold." Subsequently a committee ~f three Past Grand Masters ""as appointed to solicit funds and wage a camp~ign of education in the intere$t of a Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home.



The Grand Treasurer's report shows: 1905, December 5th,. to balance .. , , . , . , ... , , , : ... , , . , ... ',' $ 7,224 69 '1906, November 15th, received t~ date .. , .. , , . ,', ... , .. , .. 8,905 Ol? Total debits, .. , .. ,.". ', .. , , ... , , , .. , ... , , . , , . , , , , , . $16,129 69 By amount paid out. , , , , .', .... , , , , .. , , , , , . , . '. , , , , ,' ... " 8,297' 44 Balance on hand路." ... " .. , ... , .. ,., ... ,.",." .. ,. $ 7,'832 25





Upon the recommendation of W,', Bro, William G: Titcomb, Ch!lirman of the Committee on. Foreign Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized, and the application made by the GranQ Lodge, "Valle de Mexico," was denied'. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN


This report, covering 265 pages, was rendered by W. Bro. Wm. G. Titcomb, and is full of interesting matter, He reviews Missouri for 1905, and, in speaking. of GranQ Master Valliant's address, he .says: The Grand Master's Address merits much mOI'e than the passing not.lce we can give it.. In respect to purity of diction and elevation of thought, It is exceptionally fine. * * '" Taken as a whole, this Address of Grand Mastel' Valliant Is an exceedingly able one, which we wish our readers could see fol' themselves.

Referring to M'. W. Bro. Givans' report on the Masonic Home, 4e says: The conclnsion of this Heport. shows that Past Grand Master Givan is a real believer In the oversight and guidance of the S. A. O. '1'. U.

He is pleased to compliment us, and, coming from the source it does, we appreciate it, and only wish our right arm was long Enough to "shake his paw."

ARKANSAS-1906. Lodges, 515. Members, 16,772. The M:.W:.Grand Lodge of F. and A. Masons of the State of Arkansas met at its Sixty-fourth Regular Communication in the Masonic Temple in Little Rock on TUEsday, the 20th day of November, A. D. ] 906, at 10 o'clock a. m., and was opened in ample form. M.' .W.' .A. B. Grace, Grand Master, presiding. Representatives present, 451. The address of the Grand Master, covering sOple twenty-eight pages, is a practical, business-like document. While some of his "suggestions" are somewhat radical, yet, in the main, they "are timely and good." Here is one of them: In t.hese days of steam and electricity it is, unfortunately, true that even Masonry has not escaped infection by the spirit of rush and hurry that seems to pervade all the walks of American life. The candidate, In many Lodges, is put through a part of each degree in a canter, so to speak. and is told that "the rest is monitorial and he can read it at his leisure;" 01' that "the lecture pertaining to this degree is very beautiful and instructive, but owing to the lateness of the hoUl' we will omit it now and give it at some more convenient opportunity, etc." As a rule that is the last of it. The result is, that the young :\:lason usually remains ignorant of anything more than a mere smattering of the work and lectures, and could not work his way Into any well-governed and carefully-tyled l\'lasonlc Lodge on earth.



There is too much truth in this. which we heartily endorse:


Here is another "suggestion,"

Many Lodges get into a rut and die of dry rot by the simple process of electing the same old set of officers year after year. Tbe effect is to choke down the laudable ambition of the younger members, and in most cases to destroy or impair tbeir zeal. Try and forget the idea that old Brothers Smith, Brown and .Jones are the only members of the Lodge wbo are capable of filling the stations, and give, the younger Masons a chance. New brooms sweep clean and the hour always' produces the man.

Th€ Grand Master rendered thirty-six decisions. All of them were approved by the Committee Dn Masonic Law and Usage, except No. 13, towit: A Brother l,eeps books for a wholesale liquor and cigar company as an auxiliary employment; does much of the work at borne; has no interest in the business and nothing to do with sales. Held that this Is not a violation of the edicts for bidding Masons to engage in the business of selling intoxicating liquors.

On this decision the committee divided, and there was' a majority and minority report. The minority report was adopted, and was as follows: In the opinion or the minority every olle in any way connected with the liquor business, from the portel' who hauls the coal to the man whose money is invested, becomes a part of the traffic. In order to run the business these are neces!::al'y adjuncts, and none more so than the bookkeeper. The business coufd hardly be' kept going without him, and we consider him as much a violator of our law as ~the man who puts his money ill to start the business.

We think the Grand Master's decision was- right, and d'~ubt not the "bookkeeper" would have made a good Mason. The sooner Masonry quits tinl{ering with sumptuary laws, and confines itself to 'W; legitimat€ sphere, the better. PICTUHES.

While a elf an-cut picture of M. W. Grand Master Jacob Trieber. adorns the' front of the "Proceedings," between pages 40 and 41, appears a group picture of "the Grand odge officers, Custodians and District Deputy Grand Masters, at a School of InstructioI! ,January 21-25, 1907.'" They are certainly a fine-looking, intelligent set of men, and were evidently "hale fellows well meL"



Th,e Grand Treasurer reports: Balance on hand at beginning of fiscal year, Octobn 1, $ 782 ~3 1906, ' Received from Grand Secretary October 1 to November 16. 12,056 50 Total November 16, 1906 · $12,839 33 Disbursements since close of fiscal year, OCtober 1, 1906". . 238 00 Leav!ng a balance on hand at this date


: .. $12;601 33




The Grand Treasurer reports the total contributed by the Fraternity of the State to the San Francisco sufferers $1,266.95. ORPHANS' HO~'IE.

The report of the Board of Trustees o路f the Orphans' Home, recommending its location at Batesville, was adopted. The city having agreed to donate 100 acres of land, and to connect said property by lineR of wire and pipe with the electric light and water plant of the city. The plans submitted by the committee show the estimated cost of the buildings, designed for the accomodation of 100 inmates, to b~ $40,000, exclusive of furniture and equipment. May success crown their efforts. GRAND LODGE OF ALBI<;R'l'A.

Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized. ADDRESS OF GRAK.J) ORATOR.

R. W. Bro. R. A. Rowe, Grand Orator. delivered quite a lengthy oration. It evidences not only a great -deal of research as to the antiquity of Masonry, but sets forth in a pleasing and eloquent manner the true teachings of the Order. If space permitted we should like to copy it in fu1l, but must be content with the fo1lowing extracts: The universal Fatherhood of God and the universal Brotherhood of man is the light of Masonry. Its flash was seen In the Grecian and Roman world. But the tyrants of. mankInd has.tened to put it out. The tyrants hate this light! This truth! Often they have crushed It to the earth! Yet it blazed forth and lighted up the skies of England when King John signed the Magna Charta. It secured for tbe first time in the history of thp world the right of trial by jury and many other rights, the most important t.hat the people of any government can obtain and the greatest blessing to them. Then for a time it was smothered out, hut Its pent路up forces exploded and burst t.he bands that bound It. The explosion blew ofT King Charles' head and shook all the monarchies of continental Europe. .Tohn Milton lit a torch at this conflagration and stuek fire t.o every tyrant's throne, and. the thunder of t.hese explosIons is still resounding around the world. This great light shot its rays across the Atlantic, and on our shores was out of reach at the king's muskets and cannon; and setting fire to the material here. has formed a blaze of light so large and so brIght t.hat its reflection on sky and cloud and spa is sending its life路glving rays to the darkest. parts of t.he eal路th. Brethren. l\Iasonry has cared for t.his principle and preserved It from deat.h and taught t.his doctrine solitary and alone in the world. Long before King .Tohn was compelled to sign the Magna Charta; long before Milton hurled his thunderbolts at monarchy, and long before Thomas .Tefferson wrote the immortal Declaration. eveTy Mason bad at our sacred altar been taught tbis great principle. But God, In His myst.erlous way. when all the people of the world, Including the chosen people of Israel, had forsaken Him .and His way of government and had denied Ilis universal Fat.herhood ordained t.hls glorious Frat.ernlt.y, which has throughout all ages proclaimed' to all men one God and a common ol'igin, and therefore. one universal Brotherhood. It is tearing down all Idolatrous. and national religion, and' the God of the universe speaks to all mankind regardless of his nationality. He is not. the God, of Israel alone, nor that of Moab, Egypt,

1907'. ]



India, Japan 01' America, but of the whole world. He does not live in Palestine alone but is omnipresent. 'l'he .Jordan and the Ganges. the Tiber and the Euphrates, contain wat.er wherewith the Christian may be baptized and enter His service. For four thousand years she has proclaimed: "There is but one God, the Father of us all." Masonry presents him no creed or seeks to change his religion or his allegiance to his government, Masonr~' simply teaches the universal "Fatherhoo<! of God and Brotherhood of man," making him to feel and know that the whole world is,akin. * *, :to * * * * * * 1t Is the home where we form many, if not the most of our habits, both of action and speech, which we earry into the world clinging to us. It should be dedicated, to love and' truth, to all that Is tender in feeling and noble and pure in thought, to holiest communion of soul with soul. Every Mason ought. to make' his home happy. He can if he will. Masonry says: "Let no man enter upon any great or important undertaking without first 'invoking the aid of Deity," Masons never commenced a more important undertaking than to build a home and rear a family. No home can be what Masonry intends it to be and what God intends it to be without prayer in it. Did you know that we who fail to hold family prayer are missing one of the most important duties of life, and doing ourselves and children an irreparable injury? ' Did you know' the boy or girl brought up in a home of r prayer, If he wanders away from truth and right, will return? ,No home can be happy in every sense of the, word without prayer in it. It brings us closer to God, to one another, and gives us the courage to fight the ,battles of life and lessen the pangs of death. The custom ,of family prayer is held in honor wherever there is real Christian life, and knits together the loose threads 'of a home and unites its various members before God. No man ever prayed earnestly without learning something.


In view of the fact that the condition of the Masonic Temple was far from satisfactory, and that to bring it up to such a condition would entail an expenditure of $40,000, the Board of Control was authorized to advertise for bi{}s and propositions' .for the sale of the Temple, and report to the Grand Lodge at its next session. Pl.!BLIC GRAXD HOXORS, HOW TO BE GIVEK. The following was adopted: Resolved, 'rhat the public grand honors (not funeral honors) should be

given by raising the bands above and a little in front of the head and clapping them once, and then letting them fall to the side, repeating this action twice, making three times that the hands are brought together.

GRAND SECRETARY'S SALARY INCREASED.' The salary of R. W. Bro. Fay Hempstead was increased t() $] ,500.00. He is certainly worth it. M:.W:.JACOB TRIEBER, Little' Rock, Grand Master. R: .W: .FAY HEMPSTEAD, Little Rock, Grand Secretary. Next Annual Communication, Little Ro~k, November 19, 1907.



ALBERTA. We have not been favored with a copy of the Proceedings of this new Sister, and are content to adopt the report of R. W. Bro. Marcombe, of Iowa, as t.o her introduction into the social circle, as follows: A new star has appeared in the Masonic heavens. The political division which separated the old Northwest ,!'erritories of British North America into the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, in September, 1905, brought about a division of the Grand Lodge of :\1anitoba. Thus was born the new governing body of j\fasonry in Alberta. '!'his was further necessitated by the great distances in t.ervening between Lodges,. and the separation of many by hundreds of miles from the central authority. • ' The thin pamphlet of Proceedings before us tells an interesting story. It impres~es one alike with the virility of Masonry and the immense expansion 'and great growth of the British Northwest. Project for an independent Grand Lodge of Alberta had its inception in :March, 1905, while the political changes wel'e still being considered. Brother O. W. Kealy, Worshipful j\laster of Medicine Hat Lodge, has honor of first broaching the subject. At his suggestion call was issued for a convention by the senior Lodge (Bow River, No. 28, of Calgary). The first gathering of that convention was held at Calgary, :May 24, with twenty-nine BrothCl"S present, representing nine Lodges. At that time preliminary' organization was effected, and the proceedings had, notified to every Lodge within the prospective province. Again the convention met at Calgary, October 12, 1905, at which time delegates from seventeen Lodges were present and participated. At this date the new Grand Lodge was fOI'mally constituted and Grand Officers elected. The jurisdietion was then divided into thref . districts, to each of which a Deputy Grand Master was assigned. During this first Communication petition was received from a sufficient number of Brothers asking for Dispensation for a new Lodge at High River. Grand Lodge was also asked to select a name. 'rhe petition was granted and the name of Corner-Stone Lodge chosen. I-laving in mind the limited resources of the lIew body. 'and the elaborat.e regalia required for Grand Officers in British North America, provision was made for purchase of ornamentation fOI' two officers cadl year, beginning with that necessary for the Grand and Deputy Grand :\fasters. Officers-elect were installed by M. W. Bro. E. A. Braithwaite, Past Grand Master of :Manitoba. . Grand Master W. G. Scott, of the mother .Jurisdiction, was also present, and brought to those who had thus become independent assurance of the heartiest good wishes of the Masons of Manitoba. A committee was appointed to notify other Grand Lodges of action taken, and to request fraternal recognition. Such acknowledgement is, of course, assured, and for Iowa we are justified in weleoming this new body into the circle of the American Masonic powers.

M. W. GEORGE MACDONALD, Calgary, Grand Master. R. Wi J. J. DUNLAP, Edmonton, Grand Secretary. Next Annual Communication, Medicine Hat, February 20, 1906.

ARIZON A-1905. Lodges, 19. Members, 1,202: The M. W. Grand Lodge of Arizona met in its Twenty-fourth Annual Communication at Flagstaff, November 14, 1905, and was opened by Deputy Grand Master Miller, the Grand Master, M. W. George Shand, being. absent on account of sickness. FifteEn of .the nineteen chartered Lodges were represented, which, with a strong corps of Grand and Past Grand' Officers, constituted the body.

1907: ]



The annual address of Grand Master Shand was read by Deputy Grand Master Miller,and, by reason of his ill-health, is brief, and confines! to matters of routine, and furnishes no food for the reviewer. A telegram 'Of sympathy was sent to Grand Master Shand, at Los Angeles, California,' expressing regret at his unavoidable absence, and fervent hope for his speedy recovery and rEturn. FINANCES.

The report of the Grand Treasurer shows total income and cash assets $3,933.10. After meeting all expenses, the balance yvas $2,633.39. The Widows' and Orphans' Fund amounted to $3,315.95. The resources included territorial and other bonds valued at $10,78.8.40. CONDITION OF T.RE CRAFT.

The report' of the Committee on Returns of Lodges is short, expleasure at activity in all the bodies, and pronounced the work sent up for inspection good, from which we judge the secretaries of Arizona Lodges are "onto their jobs." pres~ing


The following regulation was adopted: No life membership shall be granted, except upon payment of a sum of money named therein, which sum shall, in case the annual. dues are $12, be not less than the sum of $150, and the minimum amount to be proportionately greater or less as the .dues are g>'eater or less; and shall further provide that all amounts paid for life membership shall be invested only in such reputable banks of deposit, 01' in such bonds of the .United States, Territory of Arizona, or some city, county,. or town thereof. or in such other first-class stocks, bonds or securities as may be directed by the Lodge and approved by the Master, and that only the income thereof shall be used by the Lodge, the original amounts to be forever l{ept and main tained as and for a permanent life membership fund.

This would seem to meet most of the objections urged against the ]ife membership proposition. ENCOURAGING.

The newly-instl:l,lled Grand Master, Brother Edwin S. Miller, said he belieVEd there "is not to be found a: jurisdiction where the entire mem bership is composerl of men who practice the great virtues of

our institution more sincerely and faithfully than do those of Ari;~ona."


Appendix. FOREIGN



Arizona having eliminated that important feature, we miss the sr.]â‚Ź;ndid r(;port on correspondence of Brother¡ Belden, and trust the Grand Lodge may see its Way to recall him to a post for which he is so well fitted. Most Worshipful EDWIN S. MILLER, Flagstaff, Grand Master. ,Right Worshipful GEORGE J. ROSKRUGE, Tucson, Grand Secretary. ~t>xt Annual Communication Phenix, November 13, 1906.

BRITISH COLUMBIA. :';.Jodges, 39. Members, 2,859. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of, British Columbia met at j"ew Westminster, June 22, 1905.. Grand Master William J. Bowser presiding. There were thirty-three Lo.dges represented. . The a\ldress of the Grand Master is a business-like document, and free from any "spread-eagle" efforts. He says: "During the past year .prosperity has been the part of the people of this splendid province, and Freemasonry, alike, has enjoyed the benefit of this general prosperity." Four members of the Grand Lodge had been "CALLED FROM: LABOR to refreshment," and suitable tribute is paid to their memory by the Grand Master. The "Ancient Charges," we are glad to know, are still kept in mind in British Columbia, The Grand Master properly excluding one-eyed and ftngerlcss applicants. He properly refused to assent to a change in Lodge by-laws, which wO,uld deprive those who were in arrears for dues "ineligible to office and incompetent to vote," and pertinently remarks: . If a Brother is unfortunate and unable to pay his dues, but is still a good Mason. and active in the wOl'k, he should not be deprived of any rights; but if, on the other hand, he is able to keep up his dues and does not do so, then the Lodge should take action to snspend him.

The Grand Master made many official visitations, showing that he properly appreciated the duties of his office. In his own Lodge HU unpleasant duty confronted him, but he did not shirk it. Learning that canvassing and political methods were resorted to by can, Jidates for office, he attended the election, took charge of the Lodge and called attEntion to "how very unmasonically a few misguided Brelhrenhad acted.'" While the lesson was a severe one, it, no doubt, brought forth good fruit, not only in that Lodge, but throughout the Jurisdiction.




['he Grand. Master says that no man occupying such office .had ever been blessed ~;'with such a splendid set of enthusiastic 'District Deputy Grand Masters as was my fortunate lot." The rep~rts of these District Deputies seem to justify this compliment, and show' them to have exercised a careful and intelligent supervision over the Lodges under their charge. FIN A N'CES路.

The rep?rt of Grand Treasurer H. H. Watson shows: Total income and balance Disbursements



$7,633 50 3,434 20 $4,199 30

The Charity Fund, arising from interest on investments and revenue from Grand Lodge, foots up $2,699.85. The total of invested funds on this account is given as $13,268.99. FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

Upon the report of Committee on Correspondence the Grand Lodge declined, to gran:t fraternal r~cognition to the Grand Lodge of Queensland, while the "Smythe" Grand Lodge of Western Australia was declared irregular in formation. The committee could not s'ecure satisfactory information as to the Grand Orient of Brazil, and ther.efore declined its recognition. We learn from this report that British Columbia is in Fraternal Correspondence with the Grand Orient of Italy, which Will, no doubt, shock the nerves of some ultrapurists, as Brother M'orcombe says, but we are disposed to agree with him that it is "an excellent sign when fraternity reaches beyond ourselves and our immediate neighbors; when minor differences of origin or form a're ignored for sake of extending the influence, and prestige, and power, for good of the General Craft. Request for the recognition of the Grand Lodge of Porto Rico was postponed for lack of definite information. The foregoing has been culled from the report of R. W. Bro. Morcombe, of Iowa, as we have not been favored with a copy of the Proceedings, and from what Brother Morcombe says of the report on correspondence of Brother DeWolf Smith, we regret its absence. Brother Morcombe says: . . Our keen-sighted Brother in several places points the inconsistencies of action into which Grand Lodges have' been betrayed. when they refused to be satisfied with the simple requirements of Masonry and sought to dis-




cL'iminate between applieants because of occupation. Thus in Arkansas be finds tbat "a man wbo makes wine and sells it is eligible for membership, while a man who simply sells it is disqualified."

We hope to receive the Proceedings for 1906. M. W. Bro. T.,J. ARMSTRONG, New 'Westminster, Grand Master. V. W. Bro. R. E. PRETT, Victoria, Grand Secretary. The Aimual Communication was to have been held at Victoria June 21, 1906.

CALIFORNIA-1906. Member~,

Lodges, 308.


The M. W. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons held its Fifty-seventh Annual Communication at the Calvary Church in the city of San Francisco, on Tuesday, the 9th of October, A'. L. 5906, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., with representatives of 240 chartered Lodges and delegates from seven Lodges under Dispensation present. The Proceedings, proper, cover 351 pages of closely printed matter, a large portion of which is taken up with reports from the various Relief Committees, giving in detail the disposition of the fund for the relief of the earthquake sufferers. A splendid picture of Grand Master Motley H. Flint serves to introduce the neatly-printed' and well-arranged volume. After looking at his "dial-plate" we are not surprised at the masterly manner in which he grappled with the "earthquake horror," and proved himself "the right man in the right place." GRAND MASTER'~ ADDRESS.

He thus commences his address: One year ago, as we gathered together in this beautiful city, the metropolis of the Pacific Coast, teeming w.ith industry and prosperity, we little thought of the cbange which would be effected in so sbort a time: but we can all give thanks to Him who docs all things well, that in our hour of need the Grand Jurisdictions of the world poured forth their relief quickly and generously, and that in our State we had the necessary men of courage, honesty and ability to handle the relief matters in a most satisfactory manner, but, better still, they had tbe tenacity and ullity of purpose to determine to rebuild our demolished and bumcd sections of the State better and more substantial than before. Brethren, you who have not visited the stricken sections of onr State prior to the convening of our Grand Lodge, can have no con<,(>))tlon of the bravery of our citizens, when, immediately following the disasteJ' and fire of April ] 8th, last, the men of California, with the pioneer spirit of '49, determined that the California of the future should be far better. more solid and .substantial than before. What has been accomplished to date speaks volumes fa l' these men of coumge, and from my observations I believe, and I am sure you will agree with me, that In a short period of time our




metropolis and other injured dties near by will soon be a credit and joy to all Californians. The relief work incident to the disaster of April 18th last having been such an important matter, and involving so many different points, I have deemed it best to submit to the Grand Lodge an additional Report covel"ing each and every item of this work, which Report will be read immediately following this Address. NECROLOGY.

The .demis~ of M. W. William Johnson, who was Grand Master in 189'1, a.nd Hiram A. Rucker, who was Grand Master in 1887, are feelingly mentioned. Brother Rucker was Superintendent of the Widows' and Orphans' Home, and the able and' satisfaCtory manner in which he performed his duties makes the loss to the Fraternity doubly hard. COND~TION



The Grand Master says: It Is with pleasure that I am able to report to you that, notwitbstanding tbe unfortunate casualties of a few montbs since, the general condition of l\fasonry witbin our .Jurlsdiction is most satisfactory in' every respect. Tbe returns for last year show a membeJ:Ship on .July :31, 1905. of 31,561; the returns for this year show a membership of 33,769, a net gain of 2,208.

Five new Lodges were constituted and pispensations for nine others were. issued. Among these was "Veteran" Lodge, Sawtelle, Los Angeles County; for which no fee was charged, and no charge is to be made for the Charter. Speaking of this Lodge, the Grand Master says: It is with pleasure that I l'(~port that the old soldiers deeply and sincerely appreciate the action of this Grand Lodge. and I find from personal visits that the Lodge is doing a great and noble .work. MASONIC E:MPLOY1VI'ENT nUREAG OF LOS ANGELES.

The Grand Master says: After a connection of nearl~' ten years with the Masonic Board of Relief of Los Angeles, and a thorough study of the situation, I felt that, as California is the Mecca of thousands of people from the East, who visit our ,Golden State by reason of its mild climate or in search of health. many of our Brethren from the Eastern Jurisdictions arrive here without funds. and fl'equently with families entirely dependent. but with the hope of secllring employment; and in hundreds of cases worthy Brethren have visited this State and positively refused to accept financial assistance, and. in fact, declined charity. All they desired was an opportunity to secure honest employment. . ' Believing that. our, Fraternity could set a good example in this way, I prevailed upon the Scottish Hite Bodies, Chapters and 路Commandery of Los Angeles. to make monthly donations for one year to open a Masonic Employment Bureau. This Bureau was opened for business November 15, 1905. A regular office is maintained in the Masonic Temple in l"os Angeles, which is open from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, and is in charge of a competent Secretary, whose duty it is to secure written applications from worthy Masons and tbeir dependents desiring employment, and then each aft.ernoon to' visit a II employers and endeavor to place our d,eserving Brethren in positions. The results have been more than satisfactory, and I am pleased to state that the Masonic Employment Bureau of Los Angeles, during the ten months of its operation, has made a most inagnificent showing.




The Secretary of the Bureau thus closes his report: Considering how this city has' been flooded with unemployed thl'ough the 'misfortune of the San Francisco disaster, and the demands made on the employer from every source for the employment of s.ame, as well as the many coming from the East, J believe the showing made herein will reflect due credit¡ on the Los Angeles ')fasons and the Masonic Bodies undel' whose support and control it is, ' We live for those who love us Whose hearts are kind and true: For the Heaven that smiles above us. And awaits our spirits. too, For all human ties that bind us, For all' tasks our God assigned us, • For the bright hopes yet to find us, And t.he good tba t we can do, l{espectfulI~' Subl~litted by yours truly and fraternally,



The Grand Master reported the sale of the Masonic Temple property at Post and Montgomery streets, for $750,000. This sale was approved by the Grand Lodge, ana a committee appointed to organize a corporation to purchase a lot and construct a new Temple. which we doubt' not Will be il). keeping with the pride and energy of our California Brethren. DECISIONS.

The Grand Master rendEred ten decisions affecting local questions, seven -of which were approved and three modified by the Grand Lodge. The Grand Master held that a Past Master of a Lodge in a foreign Jurisdiction who had removed to California and affiliated with a Lodge, was entitled to be recognized as a Past'Master. The Grand Lodge. decided that under their Constitution one who had served a term as Master of a Lodge within the jurisdiction of that Grand Lodge w~s entitled to. be recognized as such, 'and not a Past Master from another Jurisdiction. A member of one Lodge, without first withdrawing from his Lodge, applies for affiliation with another Lodge upon his certificate of his standing in the Lodge of which he is a member. He is elected to membership in the Lodge to which he applies.' When does he c'ease to be a member of his old Lodge? When does he commence to be 'a member of the new Lodge to which he is elected? When does his liability for dues in' the old Lodge end, and when does it begin in the new Lodge?

. Appendix.



It was held that "'during the time that may elapse before 'his withdrawal from the old Lodge and filing his dimit in the new Lodge he is not a member of any Lodge, and not liable for dues to any Lodge." The right to use wine at a banquet held outside of the Lodge room, where such wine is paid for otherwise than from Lodge fund8, was held permissible. It was held that it is contrary. to Masonic usage to serve such liquors in a Masonic 'hall. l\IA SONIC HOl\1:ES.

It sÂŁems they have established two Masonic Homes, one at, Decoto and. one at San Gabriel, near Los Angeles. They, both seem' to be in a flourishing condition. In speaking of the Home at Decoto the Grand Master makes a .very sensible suggestion, to-wit:


Brother' Frank Picl'ce has made a suggestion which, in my opinion, is wise and should bear careful investigation; that is, provided satisfadory arrangement can be effected to transfer the adults to the Califomia Home at San Gabriel, near Los Angeles, and that our Decoto Home be used entirely for an orphanage, The ,visdom of allowing the boys and girls growing into manhood and womanhood to be in the same building. 01' on the same grounds as the adults of mature years, he.:,; oeen a question of serious considera~ion, . '

This writer, as a Director of our Maso~ic Home since its organization, and as one of the Executive Committee, has persistently, voted against the admission of old Masons into our Home; being thoroughly'persuaded that to have aged people and children, not related to each other, in the'same Home, and under the same management, is deleterious to both classes, and seriously interferes with its 'successful managem~nt. Our experience has demonstrated this, 'and -more than one of our Directors has become convinced of it. The Home at San Gabriel is supported by g;atuitous donations, t?gether with membership fees of $1.00 per year, or $25 for life. The institution is entirely free from debt, and the assets at present are: Ten acres of ground worth ' ' .' , $ 10,000 Buildings ;.................... 70,000 Furniture, fixtures and machinery ,......... 10,000 Cash and Trust Fund securities........................... 8,817 Due from members and donors '. . _.__~300 l.'otal ._



All of which cos't only $26,500; insured for $40,000. The Board of ,Directors have demonstrated the fact that this splendid Home can be run on $5,000 per-year, and hope soon ~o .have an anilUal income from dues 'of that amount.




The Grand Master submits a communication on this .subject, which, by reason of the importance of the questions invo!ved, 'we feel constrained tq insert in full. This writer questions the genuineness of the kind of Masonry propagated by the Grand Orient of Spain, as well as that promu!gated by the Grand Orient of France, and commends this document to the carefu! consideration of our Grand Lodge: Los ANGEIJt;S, CAL., October 3, 1906, Motley H, Flint, Esq., M. 路.W, '.Grand Mastel', Grand Lodge of California" F. a路nd A, M., Los Angeles,. Cal.:

Most Worshipful Sir-In reply to your request for a statement regardIng the Spanish-Filipino Lodge in Manila, working under charter from the Grand Orient of Spain, I desire to' submit the following: In Manila at the present time there are three active Lodges, regularly chartered by the Grand Orient of Spain, viz.: "Dalisay" Lodge, No. 177; "Modesto" Lodge, No. 199; and "Sinukllan~' Lodge, ,No, 272. Another Lodge, ":\1'abini," No. - , working in Aparri, Cagaayan (the northern part of Luzon), I'eeently received a charter from the Grand Orient. These Lodges were not recognized by "Manila" Lodge,' No, 342, Jurisdiction of California, until the latter part of 1904, when in response to an inquiry" our 1\1. '.VV. 路.Brother H. G, Squier received. a communication from M. '.W. 路.Past Grand Master Nutting, inferring that these' Lodges were regu~ar, since which time :\-Iasonic intercourse has been exchanged between "Manila" Lodge and the three Spanish-Filipino Lodges above mentioned. There are also about seventeen other Lodges in the Philippines, all claiming- to hold charters from the Grand Orient of Spain, that are in a dormant state. Under their Constitution, these Lodges can become active and resume their wOI'I{ whenever a sufficient number of members of a Lodge may desire. The Grand Orient of Spain is composed of the Supreme Council :~3d Degree-; tbe Grand Council of the Order, members of which are elected by a Generai Assembly consisting of representatives from all Lodges; Chapters, etc., up to the 33d Degree; and the various Subordinate Bodies dependent upon the above. 'I'he Supreme Council exercises jurisdiction over all the Degrees from the fourth to the thirty-third, while the first three Degrees are the special charge of the Grand Council of the Order. The Grand Orient of Spain claims to work in Scottish Rite 'Masonry only. There were also several Lodges in the Philippines holding charters from the Grand Orient of .France, but these Lodges were not recognized by "Manila" Lodge. I understand that the party at the head of these Lodges has recently returned his charter to the Grand Orient of France, and has petitioned the Grand Council of France to be healed. r have recently been informed that there are sevel'al ]\Iasonlc Grand Bodies in Spain, each claiming to be regular. and as there has been some doubt expressed as to whether or not the Grand Orient of Spain, which controls the three native Lodges in ~lanila recognized by "Manila" Lodge, is a regular Masonic Body recognized as such by other regular Masonic Jurisdictions, r would fraternally request that this matter be looked into and t1wt "Manila" Lodge be informed in the premises. I believe that this question should be settled in view of the large numbers of dormant Lodges claiming to hold charters from the Grand Orient of Spain, and which may become active at any time, and also of the fact that new Lodges are being chartered. Two of these native Lodges' have an American member raised since the American occupation, and when I left Manila one of them had received and balloted upon petitions from three Americans for the Degrees of Mawm~


1 might state here that there is a Spaniard residing in Cavite, P. 1., who claims to be a regular l\1ason, and who states that the Grand Orient of Spain is not a regular Masonic Body. I also know that this Spaniard has been refused admittance to the three native Lodges in Manila, as they claim that he is under a ban of the Grand Orient of Spain, and on their objection he




was also denied admittance into "Manila" Lodge. However, I am informed that this SpanIard visits "Cavite" Lodge frequently. Trusting that this will receive some consideratIon by you and the M. W. Grand Lodge, as it is for the good of regular and legitimate Masonry in the Philippines, I beg to remain, Yours Very .E'ratel'nally, (Signed)

AMOS. G. W. BELLIS, Representative of "Manila" Lodge, No. 342. RELIEF REPORTS.

The. reports of the Grand Master and 'of the various Relief Boards appointed by him to minister to the sufferers by the earthquake, are voluminous, and enter into the details of the work so faithfully performed by them. The executive ability shown by the Grand Master and the zeal and activity of his lieutenants so fitly and feelingly set forth in the reports, should be read to be appreciated. Their management of the task voluntarily assumed by them is absolutely wonderful, and we should like to give the reports in detail, but must be content with th~ following from the "General Masonic Relief Board of San Francisco:" The portals were opened wide. and the distributing station started by Masons for Masons was in reality a vel'itable "Gates Ajar." On the first day of the voluntary giving out food. upwards of seven thousand persons of both sexes, of all ages, of every nationality and irrespective of creed or religion were supplied. From that on, and for nearly nine days thereafter, at least sIx thousand rations a day were given out. and the fervent "'God bless you," the silent thanks and the humble gratitude of all was more t.ban payment for the t.rving and strenuous worlt of the little band of Master Masons who wOI'ked day and night, early and late. The good, big-hearted Craftsmen of Oakland and Alameda County, hearing of the work that was being done, eame to the aid of those in charge by supplying food in such quantities that a.t times it. was a nU7.zle where ,it could be stored. In the whole world's histoi',y covering calamities which have befell cities. countries and nations (and none have been han ned down in any equalling that which overcame our chel"ished clty). is there any record of the feeding sans cost to anyone. as was the case on the many days succeeding the second and third da:rs of the disaster. In a population of over 500,000 pel'sons. and a Ilowing that 100,000 of them fled the city, thCl'e is yet to be heard of one single instance where anyone ,vent hungry. Arrangement had been made. and was made fOJ' everyone. and it will always he a J路ernembrance. never to be forgotten, of the millionaire standing in front or behind the poorest soul in the "breadline" (prince and' pauper). awaiting his chance to obtain something. no matter how little or what be might be given. to appea~e bis and his family's hunger. Conditions were unalterably changed. and "one touch of nature made the whole world 1dn." As disastrous and sorrowful as was the calamity. it had its good effect in making all as one family and binding the tie of brotherly love and fraternity stronger. It knew no station in life, all. like the teachings of Masonry, were of an equality: they met upon the level and parted on the square--such a square as had never before dawned on men-not even Craftsmen, who suffered. to realize the full meaning and intent of that teaching. Moreover, it brought an old and sacred Order to the front rank of respect and esteem. The profane opened their eyes in wonderment. and their very looks indicated that Masonry amounted to something after all, unless how could they who were members of it, succor those who had belittled and defiled It. and treat all as if of their own fold. The parable of the good Samaritan was brought home to them as it neVl?r was'before: and while our Craft needs no commendation, no thanks, nOJ' testimonial. it is gratifying to know that its principles and teachings have found favor with many who herefofore have abhorred what they term "Secret Societies." Willingly day G. L. Ap,-2




after day, wIth joyful mien. the little band of workers-the gleaners in the Lord's vIneyard of help and assistance-toiled without murmur, and it was only when it was found that storage for food became the question, that It was decided to limit the distribution to Masons and their famllies only. • ... Nothing that could be thonght of for the welfare of our Brethren has been left undone, and our every thought has been to devise means to make all as happy as could be under the trying times, and to give them all the succor, help and aid possIble. Our only regret at times has been that we may not have done enough for some, but when second thoughts of that ltind came upon us, we have hunted them up and made amends for any little shortcomings that may have occurred as an error on our part. Stop a minute and sa~7 "Hello!" As down life's road you smoothly go, For a pleasant word and a cheery smile Will shorten the road by many a mile For some poor Brothel' who is going slow, So stop a minute and say-"Hello!" • FINANCES.

The report of the Grand Treasurer shows: Total receipts for the year ending July 31, 1906 $45,272 51 Total disbursements '............. 38,677 12 Balance cash on hand July 31, 1906

$ 6,595 39

As Treasurer of the Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home, he shows: Balance on hand from last year $36,286 99 Received, 1906.......................................... 35,422 86 ~

Total receipts DiHbursements

September 30th, balance cash on hand this date

: .. $71,709 85 -. .. 31,902 45 $39,807 40


V,T. Bro. Oscar Lawler, as Grand Orator, delivered a very readable address, and proved very conclusively tbat "God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform." From it we must be content to copy and endorse tbe following: Freemasonry as an· institution and Freemasons as indivIduals can not be separated from the ordinary affairs of life. It is nota mere toy. serving as a mental diversion at each Annual CommunIcation, nor an idle lip service to be performed in the Lodge room. It is a great, living moral force which should pervade and 'regulate human conduct from childhood to age, at the hearthstone, on the marts of tmde, in the social and busIness Intercourse between man and man, Its principles express and theIr practice should exempIlfy the cardinal virtues which should be part and parcel of our every-day existence. .



Past Grand Master Edmund C. Atkinson delivered the obituary address on the death of Past Grand Master William Johnston, which was eloquent and touching, while Past Grand Master Frank M. Angellotti spoke tenderly and laudably on the death of Past Grand Master Hiram Aeroton Rucker, who w'as also Superintendent of the Masonic Home. From M'. W. Bro. Atkinson's address we quote the following: From the border line of light where history begins there comes to us the great question of the ages, "If a man die shall he live again 1" Are we ready with the answer 1 . That question has been uppermost in my mind since early manbood. The day-star of my life is far past the meridian and hastening now with prone career to the Ocean Isles, For myself I am ready to give the answer. "I have asked that dreadful question' of the hills that look etemal, of the purling streams that路 rippling flow forever: of the stars amid whose fields of azure my rapt spirit hath trod in glorY,-all were dumb; but now as I gaze upon the living face and feel that the love which kindles through Its beauty can never wholly perish," I believe---I krww tbat we shall live again. As sure as 1 have faith in the existence of God, the All-Father. I bell~ve that we shall live to join the' loved and lost in realms of light beyond the confines of earth. The stars come nightly to the sky, The tidal wave unto the sea: Nor time, nor space, nor deep nor high Can keep my own away from me. COMMITT.EES ON INVESTIGATION.

Upon the 'recommen{jation of the Committee on Jurisprudence the following was adopted: Resolved, That the reports of Committee on Investigation appointed' on the' petition of applicants for the degrees of Masonry, or for applications, shall not be read in the Lodges, except so far as the announcement of the character of the repor't is concemed: nor shall the names of the Brethren appointed on such committees be announced in the Lodge. AMENDMENTS. AMENDl\'lENT TO THE CONSTITUTION.

Sec. 2. Art. I, Part III, adding, after the words, "the lectures thereunto appertaining" : Provided, always, that whenever the nearest or most convenient chartered Lodge refuses to grant Its recommendation, the Grand Master may, if after fUll investigation he deems It to be for the best interests of Masonry, grant such Dispensation without any such recommendation having been given. NEW GENERAL REGULATION.

No. 82. No Junior Warden of a Lodge shall be installed unt1l he shall have produced to the installing officer the certificate of the Grand Lecturer or of路 the Inspector of the district in which his Lodge is situated, certifying that he has personally examined such Junior Warden-elect and that he Is qualified to give the work and lecture of the First Degree: and no Senior Warden shall be installed until he shall have produced a like certificate of his qualification to give the work and lectures of the First and Second Degrees. Such certificates shall be sent to the Grand Secretary and filed in his office.




REPORT ON CORRESPONDKl'iCE. This report, covering sixty-three pages, was rendered by Brother William A. Davis, and, though short, is comparatively "sweet." For some reason or other, "Missouri" "is left out, and presumably he was not favored with a copy of our Proceedings. He closes by saying: "We have written the paper we submit herewith as our final report." Vle hope Brother Davis does not contemplate "shuffling off this mortal coil," and that we shall hear from him again. The Fifty-eighth Annual Communication will be holden in the city of San Francisco, commencing October 8th, A. L. 5907, at 10 o'clock a. m. M. W. EDWARD H. HART, San Francisco, Grand Master. R. W. GEORGE JOHNSON, San Francisco, Gra.nd Secretary.

CANADA-:-1906. Lodges, 395. Members, 37,628. The Fifty-first Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M.,of Canada, in the Province of Ontario, was held in the city of Toronto, commencing on Wednesday, the 18th day 'of July, 1906, and w,as opened by M. W. Bro. James H. Burritt, K. C. on tlle Throne, with 333 Lodges represented. GRAND MASTER'S AlJIJRESS. The Board of General Purposes characterizes this Address as, "a scholarly and exhaustive record of one of the most prosperous years in the history of our Grand Lodge." STATE OF THE CRAFT. The general state of the Craft in the Jurisdiction is healthy. The net membership having increased 2,500. The income for the year to the 31st路 of May was $34,377.19, as against $33,011.18 last year, showing a net increase of $1,366.01. The Grand Master complains of the large accumulation of arrears for dues, and says: . c ::\ly own opinion is. if you can be assured of any Brother's inability to pay hIs indebtedness, it would be better to remit bis arrears and retain his membersbip. A Mason suspended from his Lodge for non-payment is in a very regrettable position; probably from no fault of his, be is ostracized from a society whose associations for good are unquestioned, and it is far more in accordance with our teachings of cbarity to give him the benefit of the doubt and still call him Brothp'l路.





Among the list of the dead is M'. W. Bro. R. T. Walltem, K. C., who was Grand Master for the years 1888-1889. He was a power in the Grand Lodge, and will be much missed. The death of M. W. Broc Allan McDowell is spoken of, and we presume,路 by an error of the typesetter, he is spoken of as "Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi." l\U;SSAGE OF SYMPATHY.

The Grand Masfer wrote a letter 'of sympathy to the Grand Master of California, expressing sincere regret at the misfortune which had befallen the Brethren by reason of the earthquake, and tendering a check for $1,000 if needed: This sum, with $25.00 from Civil Service Lodge at Ottawa, was afterwards forwarded. RULINGS.

A great many rulings, most of them consequent on many of the changes made by the new Constitution, were made by the Grand Master, arid approved. Among them we find the following: Learning that some Masters of Lodges were In the habit of groupIng their candIdates for degrees, I was oblIged to rule, by means of a circular to the Lodges, as follows: 1. In the FIrst Degree, take them separately up to and InclusIve of the choarge in the northeast corner. 2. In the Second Degree, take them separately up to and inclusive of the obligation and the explanation of the altered position' of the lights on the altar. 3. In the Third Degree, take .them separately up to and inclusive of the rising "of the bright morning star." 4. That the advancement of any candIdates could only be made when the warrant was present, and the conferrIng of a degree in an adjoInIng room simultaneously with the working of a Degree in the Lodge room was lIIega} and must be discontinued. SEMI-CENTENNIAL BENEVOLENT FUND,

In 1903 Grand Master Harding, in his address, suggested the propriety of raising $100,000, first, to mark the semi-centennial of the formation of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1905, and, second, to utilize the income derived therefrom for the relief of distress. The fund, with interest, now amounts of $30,389.29. Grand Master Burritt warmly commen{ls this movement, and thinks the full 路amount can be rais~d by July 1, 1907. He says: "It is easily done if you get the proper machinery at -work." In closing his address, the Grand Master pertinently remar~s: Upon meo, during :tbe路 InterIm between your Annual CommunIcation, has been cast the duty, as your Grand Master, of safe-guarding the principles of the Order, and seeing that the Constitution is strictly observed. When I took my obligation at your altar I promised to do this, and I have striven




to do it, but always In the hope that those al!ected would see it tbrough my eyes and sympathize with me in the effort to do what I thought was right. If the ~onstitutfon is once allowed to be broken the door Is open for further irregularities, and tbe result would be chaos and the Grand Master cease to be a ruler. Better be seemingly severe in love than weak becau,se of false s~mpathy. PRESENTATION.

The Senior Past Grand Master, Brother A. A. Stevenson, in recognition of his fifty years of Masonic life, was presented :with a jubilee medal, which the Grand Master had caused to be struck. Brother Stevenson, in accepting the medal, said if he had to begin life over again, be would not wait until he was twenty-seven, but he woulD. petition for admission to a Lodge just one minute after he had attained the necessary age. REPORTS OF DEPUTY DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS.

These reports, of which there are twenty-one, are very full and complete, and show faithful work. We know we will be pardoned for quoting the closing words of R. W. Bro. J. O. McGregor, D. D. G. M., of Hamiton District No.8, as follows: WhlIe I bope to continue to take an active part in the work of the Craft Ull I am summoned to the Grand Lodge above, I feel no small measure of relief in turning once more to the quiet bills and fields, for A country lad is my degree, An' few there be that ken me, 0; But wbat care I how few they be, I'm welcome aye to Nannie, O. Come weal, come woe, I care na' by, I'll tak' what heaven wlJI send me, 0 Nae itber care in life bae I But live an' love my Nannle, O. My work bas had its "imperfections, but I ask you to Pardon now, the bold outlaw, Rob Roy MacGregor, 0; Grant him mercy, gentles a', Rob Roy MacGregor, O. Let your hands and hearts agree, Set the Highland laddie free, Make us sing wi' inuckle glee, Rob Roy MacGregor, O. J. O. McGREGOR, D. D. G. M., Hamllton District No.'S. FRATERNAL DEAD.

The report of the Committee on the Fraternal Dead is full, of pathos, and we regret that our space will only a;llow the following extract: Nay, Brother Masons, Cain's dread question, "Am I my brotber's keeper?" has been answered once and for all of us. No one can live unto himself or for himself alone. We are, in tbe fullest sense, our Brother's keeper, and this is the all-important truth which our annual tribute to our sleeping Brethren should ever teach us. Have they' wronged us, forget it, and see




that we in our turn wrong not others; have they made partial shipwreck of their lives, let lis avoid the treacherous sands, the luring currents, the hidden rocks on which their barks went ,down; have they left" a stainless record of unfaltering trust in God and unselfish work for man, may we notfollow in theil' steps, emulating' their virtues, and striving each of us to Climb still higher in the wa~' they trod, To gaze with awe on th' ,unveiled face of God. For let us remember that We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best. FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

Alberta and Queensland were recognized. REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE.

This report is by the Committee, Past Grand Master Henry Robertson, who, like ourself, selects the interesting facts and good things he comes across, but rarely gives an opinion. Under Ireland we quote and endorse: We congratulate Brothel' Crawley and his <colleague on the stand they took. It certainly looks like a piece of abominable selfishness to throw such obstacles in the wa:!' of a colony seeking Masonic self-government. The requirement of a two-thirds majority of the Lodges of each Jurisdiction is entirely unreasonable, and by a little maneuvering it could be made impossible to acquire.

Missouri, for 1905, receives attention. He quotes approvingly from Grand 'Master Valliant's address. He takes occasion to remind us that the Grand Lodge of Canada pays no mileage or per diem to representatives. De gustibus non est disputandum. M. W. Bro. James H. Burritt, K. C., of Pembroke, Grand Master, re-elected; M. W. Bro. Hugh Murray, of .Hamilton, Gr'and Secretary; re-elected. ! The Fifty-second Annual Comm)Jnication will be held in the city of Ottawa July 17, A. D. 1907. .



.Lodges, 107. Members, 11,50l. The M'. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Colorado began its Forty-sixth Annual Communication at Masonic. Temple, in Denver, on Tuesday, September 18th, A.D. 1906, and closed the following day. . M. W. Bro. Charles F. Painter, Grand Master. . The Proceedings are prefaced with' a striking portrait and sketch of Grand Master' Arthur Edgar Jones, While like honors are given



Brother Lawrence N. Greenleaf, who is now serving his twentythird year' as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspond路 ence in the Grand Lodge of Colorado. The Grand Representatives present were invited to the East, where they were received and welcomed by the Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Wm. D. Wright, Representative of the District of Columbia, responded in "a few well-timed remarks." GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

The Address of the Grand Master, covering thirty-six pages, gives a full account of his stewardship in a well-worded, business-like manner. He pays loving tribute to the memories of Past Grand Master Albert H. Branch, and the Senior Grand Warden, John Humphreys, who had died during' the year. The former, in December, 1905, and the latter April 26, 1906. Speaking of Brother Branch, he says: To him "Masonry was a live issue. pregnant with good. He lived it ill his daily life and practiced its beautiful tcachin~s in his business relations and in his intercourse with his fellows. Green live' the deeds of OUI' fl'iend: Sweet is his vil路tne路s perfume: Prayers from his soul did ascend Pure as the dewy-washed hloom; Open his heart, as the day. Prompt to yield Heaven its due: Strong to give virtue the f';way: Heart-warm his plt~路 and true.

While of Brother Humphreys he says: If the true worth of a man's life be that many eyes drop tears and many hearts are saddened at his death, then was the life of our Brother dch beyond compa re in all that makeR life valuable. A devoted husband. a kind and loving father. a loyal friend. true to every duty. faithful to every trust. we leave thee in thp hands of Him who doeth all things well. in full confidence that we shall- meet agai~. SAN FRAXCISCO SUFI"EHI';RS.

The Grand Master issuert a call for aid for the San Francisco sufferers, and $3,754.70 was generously contributed. REFUSED TO LAY CORNER-STONE.

The Grand Master refused to lay the corner-stone of a "Temple" f~r the Mystic Shrine, and assigned the following reason:: In my opInion, this building was not a public buildIng such as Is con: templated in Masonry. the corner-stone of whIch should be laId by the Grand Lodge; said building being erected by a private corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Colorado, and is not being erected, as is generally admitted, for Masonic purposes. '






The report of Grand Treasurer shows: Balance on hand, as per report of 1905 Received from Grand Secretary ~

.Total Disbursements


$22,255 49 ,....... 13,039 50 $35,294 99 ; . . . . . . . .. 10,383 31

September 18, 1906, balance on hand in General Fund .. , . $24,911 68 Balance on hand in Library Fund ~ ........... 380 34 $25,292 02 FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

Upon the recommendation of the Committee' on Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized, while that of the Grand L.0dge of Queenstown was postponed. NECROLOGY.

From the report of the Committee on Necrology we feel constrained to make the following extracts: 0, death! We know when moons shall wane, , When summer birds from far shall cross the sea, 'When Autumn's hue shall tint the golden grain, But who shall teach us when to look for thee.

'" was '"not done, * yet '"his column '" His work is '"broken, l\{oul'n ,ye and weep, for ye cherished his worth. Let every tear-drop be sympathy's tokenLost to the Brotherhood, lost to the earth. His epitaph: A Mason true and good; Sincere in friendship, ready in relief, Discreet in trusts, faithful in Brotherhood, Tender in sympafhy, and kind' in grief. ORATION.

Brother John B. Haffy, Grand Orator, delivered an oration whieh we wish we had the space to copy in full. He certainly proved himself a Grand Orator. We must be content with the following extract:


Its spread is not the result of armed conquest or even peaceful missionary work; neither the swol'd nor the missionary has ever been employed to gain for, it a single adherent; it has ever been the promoter of education, the preserver of history and literature and the friend' of liberty. "Without aggressiveness 01' organized Interference, by its own intel'nal constitution and by its action upon its own members, it exerts an influence which places it at the head of the conservative, and yet progressive forces of civilization; it attacks no fOl'm of government, but supports all existing political institutions,"




Man is in communication witb tbe world, and tbe world is peopled, and every individual of tbat popUlation bas an influence for good 01' evil upon the conduct of all the rest; our destinies are so intel'woven that each exerts an influence directly or indirectly upon' all others. "No individual member of society' can be elevated intellectually, without beneflting in a greater or less degree his associates. The principles of Masonry are inculcated in every ~ortlon of the civilized world, and it would be impossible not to benefit mankmd ~t large by teaching Masons to become better men and bettel' citizens." It can not be disputed that the most eminent Masons have been men of elevated minds,' warm hearts and irreproachable lives. The influence of Masonry does not confine itself to the walls of the Lodge room, but permeates the universe. "No man lives to himself alone, but casts off sunshine or shadow and affects to some extent those within reach." Ko stream from its source flows seaward. How lonely soever its course. But what some land is gladdened. No star evel' rose and set, Without influence somewhere. No life can be pure in its purpose And strong in its strife, and all life Not be purer and stronger thereby. "Masonry teaches' by example rather than by precept; it is a vital power, far greater than any mere professions of creeds or doctrines." Silent and unseen the stream of Masonic influence flows ever onward, exerting that influence for the intellectual advancement ,of mankind and fOl' the regenel'ation of humanity. It being of great antiquity, wonderful vitality and founded upon moral principles, and whose members exemplify in their lives the lessons taught 'at its altars, must necessarily have left, and will still leave its impress upon civilization. POWERS AND



A long but interesting memorial regarding the powers and prerogatives of the Grand Lodge was presented by Past Grand Master Teller, and upon the recommendation of the Committee on Jurisprudence, is printed in full "for the information of the Craft in general, and this JuriSdiction in particular." It is certainly very edifying and instructive, and we regret that lack of space forbids its publication in full. PAST GRAND MASTER'S JK\VEL.

A Past Grand Master's Jewel was presented to the retiring Grand Master, for which M. W. Bro. Painter returned thanks in well-chosen words. REPORT ON CORHESPONDENCE.

Past Grand Master, Brother Lawrence L, Greenleaf,' who has been nominated for "poet laureate" of the Western Masonic World, renders this, his twenty-second (and eighteenth in consecutive order) report, and it shows the work of a practiced hand:

1907. ]



He reviews 'Missouri for 1904 and 1905. Of Grand Master Kuhn's address he says: It is nevertheless lively reaaing, owing to his humorous路 method of presenting even disagreeable matters. * * * Under the. bead of "Phys!.cal Qualifications," he defends the "Missouri Cripple Law," but his reasoning Is specious and dictated by sentiment rather than the verities of Masonic tradition and symbolic .requirement.

Them's our sentiments. Of the address of Grand Master Valliant, he says: His Address covers some thirty-five pages and contains In addition to a record of his officIal acts and the condition of the Craft and matters for legIslation, many eloquent thoughts on a varIety of live topics of specIal Interest to the Brethren. While he invades the province of the Grand Orator In hIs concluding pages, his utterances are so clearly In Hne wIth the needs 6f the present day, that they may not be questioned as to their place. Good work and true is always acceptable from the Master Workman.

We suppose he means us, when he says: Brother Rufus E. Anderson appears at the Round Table as the successor of the lamented Brother Vincil, and signalizes hIs advent with a Report on Correspondence covering 333 pages, whIch certaInly entitles hIm, though a new-comer, to move up toward the head of the table.

Coming from such a source, we appreciate the compliment, and shall be content to occupy a place. anywhere near our gOOd Brother Greenleaf, . whom we recognize as an "old-time Freemason of the days of Washington," and who, in his "views," verifies the old saying: "It's hard to learn an old dog new tricks.;'

CON N ECTICUT-1907. Lodges, 110. Members,/20,752. The One Hundred and Nineteenth Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Connecticut Free and Accepted Masons was held at Masonic Hall in the City of New Haven, commencing January 16, A. D. 1907, M. W. Bro. Benjamin F. Turner, Grand Master, presiding and 109 Lodges represented. A splendid picture of Grand路 Mast.er Turner, with a look of firmness and intelligence, greeted us as we opened the proceedings. Fine photos of Past Grand Master Frederi~k S. Stevens and Miles W. Graves, Grand Treasurer, also adorn the book. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

The Address, cov.ering only eighteen pages, is a clear-cut business docnment. He pays fitting tribute to Past Grand Frede.rick W. Stevens, who died October 17, 1906, and Grand Treasurer Miles W. Graves, who died December 13, 1906, and both of whom were evidently grand men and an honor to the Fraternity.




He reports the year 1906 as one of activity among most of the Lodges and with no case of either grievance or appeal. A net gain of 663 during the year is reported. MASONIC HOME.

The Grand Master says: It is the practical results of our Order whose foundation is charity.

'" ., '" I would that every Mason in this State would visit our Home, that its excellent qualities could be seen. '" • '" Brothers, let us not be weary in well-doing. and give of our abundance that the help we may give to those aged Brothers and, Sisters may sustain and make pleasant their declining days. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR.

Speaking of this Order, he says: Not many years ago this Order was little known, and not long since it was recommended that Masonic Lodges permit this Ol'der to assemble within their rooms. Still in some sections there is an antipathy against them, but Brothers who think thUS, you know them 'not. Are not your wives, mothers, sisters and daughters interested with you in all good works, ana this work of Brotherly love, relief and truth, is worthy of their earnest endeavors. Have they not displayed their desire to help, aid and assist the poor and destitute, and bring cheer and comfort to the afilicted? and as these are part of the teachings of our noble Order, they who are working along the same lines are entitled to our support and assistance. May their numbers increase and their good works will surely follow them. CONTRIBUTION TO SAN FRANCISCO.

This appeal resulted in raising funds to the extent of $5,546.43, while the sum of $125 was sent direct from three Lodges, making a total of $5,671.43. In addition to this there was contributed by Chapters and members of the Eastern Star $712.79. FINANCES.

The Grand Treasurer reports: To balance on hand January 17,1906 $ 8,477 41 Received from Grand Secretary......................... 15,312 25 Total Payments Balance on hand January 14, 1907

$23,789 66 15,509 54

$ 8,280 12

The Committe'e on Finance. The following resolutions reported by the Committee on Finance were adopted:


. Appendix.

, Resolved, That there be required to be paid to the Grand Lodge from each Lodge in this Jurisdiction the sum of one dollar for each member' upon its roll of membership. Resowed, That in estimating their membership all members may be deducted who have been in good standing thirty years. Resolved, That twenty-five per cent of the amount received be appropriated .for defraying the expenses of the Grand Lodge and seventy-five per cent be appropriated for the purposes of the Masonic Charity Foundation of Connecticut. Resolved, That the Subordinate Lodges be required to make their returns to the Grand Lodge as follows: One-half on or before July 1, 1907, and one-half on or before January 1st, 1908, both payments to be based upon the returns made Jan~ary 1, 1907. FOREIGN HECOGNlTION.

Upon the reconimendation of the Committee on Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Alberta and that of the Valle de Mexico were recognized. IN :\:lEMORTAM.

Upon the pages set apart to the memory of the honored dead we tind these appropriate verses: They never quite. leave us, the friends who have passed, Through the shadow of death to the sunlight above;

.A. thousand sweet mem'ries are holding them fast,

To the places they blessed with their presence and love.

We, too, will go As the' stron~ Our sun will go To rise in the


home o'er the river of rest, and the lovely befol'e us have gone; down in the beautiful west. glory that circles the throne .


Until then we are bound by our love and our faith, To the saints who are waiting in Paradise fair: They have passed beyond sight. at the touching of death. But they live like ourselves in God's infinite care. One by one we lose the handclasps That so warm a welcome gave: One by one the voices silence In the stillness of the grave. One by one we miss the faces Of the forms we once caressed: One by one their naD)es are written.. Cease to labor! Home! At rest! REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE.

This, his Thirteenth Annual Report, is presented by M. W. Bro. John H. Barlow; who, as Brother Lambert.on'says, "gleans interesting happenings and eloquent words in his journey around the world." He reviews Missouri for 1906, quotes from Brother Houston's address on the liquor question without comment, except to say that he speaks "plainly and forcibly."



Commenting on the resolutions adopted by our Grand Lodge, directing the Grand Secretary to investigate the truth or falsity of the reputed recognition of the Grand Lodge of France by the Grand Lodge of Germany, with the view, if true, of terminating our relations with the Grand Lodge of Germany, he thinks we have con· founded the· Grand Lodge of France with the Grand Orient of France. We are inclined to think that the less we have to do with either of them the better. He makes sever~l abstracts from our report and speaks of it as, "a carefully prepared review." It is encouraging to have the favorable notice of a Mason' like Brother Barlow, and we hope to have him with us at the "Round Table" so long as we are permitted to' occupy a seat at it. The next Annual Communication will be held at Masonic Tem·pIe, Hartford, January 15, 1908. M. W. ANDREW J. HALLOCK, Bethel, Grand :\\'1aster. M. W. JOHN H. BA;RLOW, Hartford, Grand Secretary.

COSTA RICA-1905. Lodges, 7. Members, 2Q7. The copy of Proceedings before us, which, when compared with those of Missouri, have the appearance of a pamphlet, is full of interesting matter. Instead of annual meetings they have their Quarterly, Annual and Extraordinary Communications. ST.



An Extraordinary Communication was held in the First Degree in celebration of the day of ·St. John the Baptist, the 24th of June, 1905, at 7: 30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple, Brother Thomas Provedano, Grand Master, presiding. The following are the minutes of the meeting. Like the record of all their meetings, it. is brief and to the point: 1. The M. W. Grand Master opened work in due form. II. The M. W. Grand Master explained the motive of the meeting, which was exclusively to. celebrate the feast of St. John the BaptIst, for which purpose he invited speeches on the subject. III. It was resolved to make use of the permission concerning the symbolism of the feast only, and as the Brothers commissioned to explaIn it could not be present at this meeting, the M. W. Grand Master related the history of the name of John, calling attention to its signification, allusive to the course of the year which embraces the Solstices, in his character of Baptist and Evangelist; aiIuded to its civilizing influence throughout the ages, considering it as the Oannes of the Eritrean Sea, the Babilonic Oen or Oes, the Hebrew Joannes, the Eannes of the Phrenitians, the Janus of Ancient




Rome, or the John of the Christians; affirming that for Freemasons, he was in the most general sense the representative expression of the Zenith and Nadir of the Ligbt, and also in bis opinion, tbe Intelligence of a principle of superior order, to wbich Nature is subordinate. IV. 'l'he usual formalities being compIled witb, tbe M. W. Grand Master advised that he would proceed to close work, in order to pass to tbe Banquet Hall. wbere he hoped tbat, as customary, .entbuslasm, cordiality and harmony would reign. ~,I i V. The minutes being approved and signed, work was closed in AMPLE FOR)[.

• The follo,ving appears in the record of the Quarterly Communication held September 22d: Number 84. In order to celebrate the feast of Saint John the Baptist in the customary manner by ,the Fraternity, RC8011:cd, That the Dignitaries and Officers of the Lodges of the Jurisdiction be conVOked to attend a meeting of the Grand Lodge, to take place on the night of the 24th lnst. in our Temple, and in the Degree of Apprentice. Given in' San Jose; the 18th of June, 1905.

It occurs to us that if this day were more generally observed by the Masons of America and made the occasion of impressing upon the minds and hearts of our Brethren the moral teachings of our .Order it would elevate the standard of Masonry. It is all well enough to know and be able, parrot-like, to repea~ ~he Ritual, but if at least once a year the st.ern integrity of St. John the Baptist (the only patron saint of Freemasonry until after the sixteenth century), which induced him to forego every minor consideration in discharging the obligations he owed to God, the unshaken firmness with which he met martyrdom rather than betray his duty to his Master, his steady reproval of vice and continued preaching of repentance and virtue, were impressed upon the minds of the Brethren it would have a wholesome effect. QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION, NOVEMBER

24, 1905.

Among other proceedings we note the following: 5. The Supreme Council of t.he Thirty-third Degree of the Orient of Greece advises us that an irregular Supreme CO'Uncil has been created in their JurisdIction by the ex-Mason Pan PetrakIs, who is soliciting recognition from every Masonic Body in the Orb, It was resolved to pass same to the Commission of Foreign Relations. 12. The Grand Lodge of North Dakota advises us the joining the Eternal Orient of Brother John J. Freeman. A battery of sorrow was tributed to his memory. V. Permission to speak for the good of the Order in general and of this Grand Lodge in particular was conceded. The Grand Master requested permission from the Grand Lodge to order the pUblication of a work of his, in which he refutes some Masonic publications 'extremely pernicious to the Institution. It was resolved to authorize the expense and to give a vote of thanks to the M. W. Grand Master for his extensive works in favor of Masonry. QUARTER'LY COl\Li\:fUNICATION, JANUAHY

26, 1906. ,

From the record of this meeting we quote: V, This being the session designated by Articles VI and IX of the Constitution to verify the elections of the Grand Dignataries for the next administrative period, the M. W. Grand Master declared them opened, and they gave the following result:





Brother Antonio Castro Q, Grand Master; Benjamin E, Piza, Deputy Grand Master; Jos~ Arrasty, Senior Warden; Cecil V. Lindo, Junior Warden; Diego Povedano, Secretary; Felipe Martin, Treasurer, l\lESSAGE OF THE M. W. ORAND MAI;'fER.


From this entertaining address we copy the followin.g, as it seems to us to have the "true ring" about it and commend the Masonry of Costa Rica to our favorable consideration. We opine that some of our members might follow this advice: 0 But I still venture to claim your attention to another order of work, the tendency of which I desire to ratify, assuming the responsibility for its results, These are three publications that I have formulated with the view of avoiding the descent of Costa Rican Masonry on the inclined plane of materialism, which today saps the world, and which unhappily obscures the light of our ideals. The titles of the same a.re as follows: "Address""What Freemasonry Is," and "Thc Existence of the Soul and F'reemasonry." In these works I proposed to demonstrate that negligence, and the deviation from OUl' true standpoints and elevated aims, are a gang-rene that may extinguish the Institution if, ignoring the opinions that generally predominate, we lack the courage to face them. , With only palliations and senseless formul:e, we shall see the importance of this Order decline to the point of extinction, in the same manner as every organism, of whatever kind it be, that fails to perform faithfully the part it was destined, to. realize. always perishes. In order to avoid this, it is necessary for us to penetmte the Inner spirit of Masonic teachings, free from all pl路cjudlcc. Let us keep' always before us that Masonry excludes in its affiliated distinctions of religion, nationality, race, rank and social position; that it is a school in which independent intelligence should be formcd, thinkcrs and sages apt in carrying light to their Brothers, with the view to the 路al'l'ival of a day when, by means of tolerance, respect. for rights and fratemal Jove, we may see reigning in the world an universal. morality whose benefits may reach all beings. Let us stand firm against those reformatory principles that puffed up supcrficiality attempts to impose. thus unconsciously pla;ying the part of enemies of that true progress, which if on one hand should rest on the admirable conquests of science, which weighs the visible, tangible and material aspect of things. on the other should find no impediment to speculation on that vast and immutable essence from which all things, precede. Withdrawing our gaze from our most elevated ideals, and denying the verity that a Superior Intelligence, which we call the G. A. O. T. U. presides over evolution, the only result we obt.ain is to find division gl'owing apace in our ranks, and the spirit of anal'c~y that invades everything In these days, adopting the deceitful aspect of a repal"ative and liberal tendency, which, as you will find. can only give us its usual fruits, following such devious paths.

We find striking portraits of Grand Master Antonio Castro Q., and of Diego Provedano, Grand Secretary, both of which impress us favorably. The address of both of them is San Jose de, Costa Rica, Central America.-

CUBA-190S-6. Lodges, 55. Members, 2,704. These. Proceedings come to us printed in Spanish, about which we know as much as "a hog does about holiday." The Gran Maestro is Jose Fernandes PelIon, while Aurelio Miranda is Gran Secretario. Three sessions were held, the annual being on the 25th of March, 1906. The "Meusaje Del Gran Maestro" seems to be a splendLl




document, and possibly wo~ld afford some -valuable quotations if we could read it. The "In forme De Relaci0I.les Exteriores" tendered by F. De P. Rodriguez, is no doubt a' credit to both his head and his heart. He reviews Missouri for 1905. We find our name in the following paragraph, but dpn't know whether it is complimentary or not, and are willing to take the chances on it: El Informe General es de pluma nueva, del hermano Rufus Eo Anderson, el que, dicho sea de paso, es un buen sustituto del. difunto hermann Vinci!; sa be condensar y resumir, pero para ser tan largo su trabajo debiera tener un indice que facilitara su examen. No se ocupa particularmente路 de Cuba, sin,o copia todo 10 dicbo POl' el herman a Frankel en su 1'CP01't it la Grall Logia de New Yorl"

It wou~d be much more satisfact.ory if OUf Cuban Brethren would have a few copies of their Proceedings printed in "plain English" for distribution among us fellows who did not have the good fortune to be born Spaniards.

DELAWARE-1906. Lodges, 30.

Members, 2,772.

The' One Hundred and First Annual Communication of the M. W. Grand Lodge of A. F. and A. Masons of Delaware was held at Wilmington, October 3 and' 4, 'A. D. 1906, presided over by Grand Master Levi~ Irving' Handy, of whom' a splendid portrait appears on the fty leaf. The picture shows him to be a "heavy weight" physically, while his address shows he has a brain and heart of like dimensions. Special Communications were held December 9, 1905, for l.aying corner,stone of Homreopathic Hospital; April 30, 1906, for dedicating the Hall of Jackson Lodge, and Thursday, June 7, 1906, to comniemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the Grand Lodge, at which distinguished Brethren from 'other States as well as a full attendance of the home membership were present. The usual banquet and speeches in "well-chosen words," but which are not reported, characterized the oc'casion. THE GHAND MASTEI~'S ADDRESS.

The committee to whom ,.the Address was referred, properly characterized it as "very able," and congratulated him upon the "zealous and efficient manner in which he conducted the affairs of his high office." G. L. Ap.-3




We heartily endorse these utteran'ces, which evidently came from the heart, and which we wish our Brethren every;where would路 lay to heart: INTERF,ST IN SUBOHDINATE LODGES.

The real seat of Masonic interest is in the Subordinate Lodges. The older members of the Grand Lodge, who have been coming here for many years, have a natural attachment for the Grand Lodge as such; but I believe it is true that no Mason will long keep a true and warm interest in Masonic matters if be neglects hif'; Subordinate Lodge, attends none of its meetin~s and gets out of touch with its membership. Our Masonic obligations were taken at the altar of a Subordinate Lodge, and it is by gathering around that same altar that we are mOf';t likely to preserve their binding effect on mind and conscience, It was in a Subordinate Lodge that we first observed the chaste beauty of Masonic symbolf';, and there that we ,first heard the lofty principles of right living which Masonry inculcates. It is by I'e~ular attendance at the Subordinate Lodge that. the light by which Masons work and live may most surely continue to shine and illumine our minds and make plain the path of duty, You have been instructed before from this Grand East concerning the evils of non-affiliation, and I now call your attention to a sort of legalilled non-affiliation. It is the condition of the Mason who is affiliated in form and non-affiliated in fact. His name remains on the list, but his person does not appear in the T."odge room: He pays his dues-Masonic dues are always and properly light-but he pays no attention to Masonic duty. Every now and then he comes to Lodge on election night because he has been summoned, and possibly he wears a Masonic emblem in the hope that some HI'other may note it and thereby he may receive the benefit of Masonic love and confidence. That is somet'hing be is still ready to receive, although he no longer has any of it to give. He is non-affiliated in everything except in name, and aB of the evils of nonaffiliation surround Masonry such as his, Affiliation means more than mere payment of dues. It means an interest in Maf';onry and in Brother Masons, and it demands attention to the affairs of the Subordinate Lodge. CALIFOHNIA SUFFERlms.

He says, of their contribution to the San Francisco sufferers: The ftill sum of $1,836.85 reached the sufferers without the deduct ion' of a postage stamp. It illustrates how efficient, honest and economical the' oI'gani~ation of Masonry is when it undertakes a work of charity or mercy. CASTING THE DLACK EALL.

These remarks, on the use of the ballot, are well timed and we commend them to the prayerful consideration ~f our readers: Masonry insists that the applicant be physicaBy a perfect man in order that he may typify in his physical manhood that perfection which Masonry desires in his temper 'and spirit. But as I grow older in Masonry I grow somewhat critical about the motives which seem too often to lie back of the single black ball. If an applicant is really unfit for Masonic membership more than one member of the Lod~e is likely to find out that fact. For myself, if'I had cast a black ball and found that the baBot was spread anew, I should have to be fully assured that my grounds were just and honorable and my information beyond possibility of mistake before I would be willing to cast another black baB on the second ballot. I should reason that if I were the only man who knew evil of the" applicant, probably what I knew was not true. 'rhe blacl{ baB which represents spite or prejudice or personal enmity and ill-will is unworthy of any Mason, It proves not that the applicant ought to be kept out, but that somebody is already in who ought to be put out.





The Grand Master reported four decisions, all of which were approved. The third wherein he held that "when a Mason路 has double membership, suspension or expulsion from either Lodge to which he belongs. suspend~ or expels him from both." This was questioned upon the ground that no member can be suspended or expelled without due Masonic trial, but the Grand Master was sustained. FINANCES.

The Treasurer's report shows: 1905. Oct. 4. Balance cash on hand 1906. Sept. 29. To cash received

$1,742 35

Total credits By cash paid out

$3,636 22 1,659 75

1,893 87

Balance $1,976 47 The Grand Secretary reports an increase in the number of Master Masons for the year of 104. The Committee on Grand Charity Fund report amount on hand $1,806.96. FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Correspondence fraternal recognition was extended to the Grand Lodge of Alberta. NEW FLAG.

The committee appointed to devise and procure a new flag for theM. W. Grand Lodge reported that they had provided a flag of white field with square and compasses and letter "G" emblazoned . thereon, which was >adopted. Certainly all Masons, whether native or fo~eign born, could. worship under that flag. JK\\'EL PRESENTED.

On behalf of the Grand Lodge M. R. Grand Chaplain Hubert W. Wells presented to retiring Grand Master Handy the Jewel of a Past Grand Master.

· Appendix.


:MASONIC FUNERALS. Among the regulations of the Grand Lodge published with the PIOCEycdings we find the following: The performance of the solemn service required by :Masonry over the remains- of a Brother is Masonic Labor, and the Lodge, while so engaged, is performin~ Masonic - Labor. and must have, therefore, absolute and complete control, and can not permit any but Masons, in good standing, to take anj' part therein. That when any non-Masonic association declares its determination to participate in said labor, such as having a portion of pall-bearers, or the pladng of emblems on the cotlin. or the performance of their burial service, it shall be the duty of the Master of the Lodge to peaceably retire to his hall and close the Lodge, thus avoiding all strife and discord and unpleasant discussion.

We 1-egret that this is not the law in Missouri, where nonMasonic pall-bear€rs may act and any church or moral and benevolent society may unite in the procession and render its services at the grave. THE


The following, to our mind, covers the whole ground and is all that is lleces,sary for the Grand Lodge to say on this subject, though we hav€ always opposed any legislation on the qu€stion, believing that the virtue of Temperance, enjoined upon the candidate in the E. A. degree, as explained in the Monitor, is sufficient. He don't believe in mixing Masonry with politics, thereby endangering the perpetuity of the Craft. 38. Resolved, That it is hereby made the duty of all Lodges in tbis Jurisdiction to restrain as far as possible the evil of intemperance among the Brethre:::l, even to the extent of trial and punishment when necessary. 2. All Lodges are required to exclude from the Lodge room and anterooms all intoxicating liquors. and for the faithful peL'formance of this dut.y will be held strictly accountable to the Grand Lodge. 3. All Subordinate Lodges are prohibited from receiving and acting upon a petition for initiation or membership from any person engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. and :Masons are fraternally advised and requested to refrain from engaging in the liquor traffic.

FOHEIGN CORHESPONDENCE, This is from the pen of Brother L. H. Jackson, and shows a power of condensation that is worthy of commendation. He reo. views Missouri for 1905. He characterizes the Address of M. 'V. Bro. Valliant as "lengthy, abl€ and interesting." He speaks of our report as "well performed work," and coming from such a source we are proud of the compliment. "May his shadow never grow less." ROBEHT K. STEVENSON, Wilmington, Grand Master. BENJAMIN F. BARTRAM, Wilmington, Grand Secretary. Th-:. next Annual Communication will be held at Wilmington commencing on the first Wednesday in October, A. D. 1907.

1907. ]






Members, 7,999.

The Ninety-sixth Annual Communication 'of the Gra'nd Lodge F. A. and A. M. of the District of Columbia, was held at Masoni~ Temple, Washington, D. C., December 19, 1906, Grand Master Walter A. Brown, a striking picture of whom adorns the fly-leaf 'of the Proceedings, presiding. Since the last Annual, six Special and three Stated Communications were held, the proceedings of which cover sixty-six pages. The first Stated was held March 10, 1906. for the purpose of attending the funeral and consigning the -rem.ains of Past Grand Master Thomas F. Gibbs to earth with the honors of Masonry. The first Stated. was held March 10, 1906, for. the purpose of exemplifying the work in the three degrees of Masonry. The second Special was held. April 14, 1906, for the purpos'e of laying the corner-stone of the Office Building of the House of Representatives. The gavel used by Brother George Washington when he laid the corner-stone of the Capitol, September 18, 1793, was used on this occasion. At the close of th~ ceremony Speaker Cannon presented Brother Theodore Roosevelt, who delivered his ,address, entitled "The Man With the Muck Rake." , The third Special was for the purpose of "paying the honors of the Craft," to' the remains of, Past Grand Master Ge9rge Harold "\Vall,er. The second Stated was held May 9th, at which memorial reports, one on the death of Past Grand Master Thomas F. Gibbs and one on the death of Past Grand Master George Harold Walker were adopted. An amendment to the Constitution was adopted, increasing the salary of the Grand Treasurer to $100. A resolution from the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons requesting the Grand Secretary ,of the Grand 'Lodge to' furnish to their Grand Secretary the names of the members of its constituent Lodges whose membership has ceased from any cause was concurred in. Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Corr~spondence the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized. The fourth Special Communication was held June 19, 1906, for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the P. E. Church of the Advent. The third Stated was held September 22, 1906. Upon the recom¡ mfndation of the Committee on Jurisprudence recognition of the Grand Lodge of Queensland was postponed.




The Grand Secretary stated that -he had received from Brother George G. Bergman, Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, the following information concerning the status of Mexican Grand Lodges with which this Grand Lodge was in nominal communication: Grand Lodge of Federal District of Mexico-Alive, but absolutely clandestine. . Grand Lodge of Hidalgo-Clandestine and extinct. Grand Lodge Jacob de Molay-Extinct and territory absorbed by Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, Grand Lodge of .Jalisco-Clandestine and extinct. Grand Lodge of Lower California-Clandestine and extinct. Grand Lodge of Morelas-Clandestine and extinct. Grand Lodge of Oaxaca-Clandestine and extinct, Grand Lodge of Vera Cruz-Clandestine. Has long invaded the territory of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico. Grand Lodge Vincente Guerrero-Clandestine and extinct.

The Grand Secretary asked, and was granted, permission to drop the names of the Grand Lodges mentioned from the register of .Grand Lodges wiLh which this Grand Lodge is in Fraternal Correspondence. It was orderea that each constituent' Lodge pay annually to the Grand Lodge twenty-five cents for each member for the maintenance of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home of the District of Columbia. The fifth Special Communication was' called October 16, 1906, for the purpose of dedicating the west wing of the Masonic and Eastern StaT Home. Some six hundred Masons and members of the Eastern Star took part in the ceremonies. Mrs. Alcella Lamond, President of the Board of Directors, delivered quite a lengthy address, giving a detailed account of the struggle they had to contend with and congratulating the Craft on the success which had crowned their labors. The closing paragraphs of fie'r address are as follows: '1'he relationship existing between the membership of the Masonic Fraternity and that of the Order of the Eastern Star is among the dearest of earthly ties. Our mutual interests centered in this Home will prove a blessing to each organization, for with us "abldeth Faith, I-lope, and Charity, these three, but the greatest of these is Charity. She is a friend indeed, a' friend in need, She has no lengthenell 01' tiresome screed, But kindness in word and thought and deed Is what she teacheth, the only creed Of Charity. And blessed are they who ever will find Tn their hearts a lfindness for all mankind; 1<'01' this is the brotherly tie that doth bind The lovers of God whose hearts are inclined '1'0 Charity. We trust this occasion will be an enjoyable one to you, and that many of you will join with us in the resolve 路that this Home shall be completed. \Ve want you to look over our Home, and see what we have and what we need. Our good Sisters .are selling cream to buy a cow. The regular order 'is to buy a cow to sell cream, but it will work both ways.

1907. ]



Mrs. Jeanette R. Newton, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter O. E. S., delivered a ,short but eloquent address, and the Home was solemnly and forever consecrated to the benevolent uses for which it is ordained. The relief,' protection and support of aged, indigent and homeless Master Masons, their wives, widows and orphans, and of those near relatives of Master Masons who are' members of the Order of the Eastern Star.

The Grand Master closed the services with an eloquent and appropriate address, from which we copy the following: And of what sort of charity are we speaking? Not that fOl'm which is satisfied with the strict performance of a duty, but that broader spirit of love which knows no other boundary for its field of usefulness than the wants of our fellow creatures and our power to relieve them; not that sentiment that counts the'drops of the healing wine and oil that are poured into the wounds of affliction or takes note of the cost of relief l but that nobler and broader impulse of the sympathetic heart which finds Its highest and best expression in the performance of all those kindly acts which spring from a belief in the Brotherhood of man; which so administers to the needs of the unfortunate as to relieve the pll.ngs of adversity without leaving in their place any sense of dependence or humiliation; which sees' not a duty, but a privilege, in soothing the unhappy, in comforting the wretched, in binding up the wounds of the stricken in body and spirit, in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and sheltering the homeless.

The sixth Special was held for the purpose of laying the路 corner路 stone of the new Synagogue to be erected by the Adas Israel congregation. THE ANNUAl, COMMUNICATION--GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

The Committee on Jurisprudence characterizes this address as "busine.ss-like and in accord w'ith the characteristic methods of the' Grand Master." It is certainly a well-written document, and not devoid of eloquence. He says: Speaking of the year's work as a whole, I find that the Lodges are in splendid condition both numerically and financially; that peace and harmony prevail within our borders, and the prestige of our Institution has been maintained on the saIl).e high level as in the past. 'We arc at peace with al~ other Grand .JurIsdictions, and no sound of discord mars the harmony of our relations ~ith one another.

Speaking of "Our Fraternal Dead" he thus introduces the subject: In this season of rejoicing, when the songs of Noel are ringing throughout the Christian world, ringing out the glorious tidings of the birth of a Saviour, let us not forget our Brethren who have crossed the river, and are now safe within Heaven's gates, and silently and reverently call up their blessed memories, call up their kindly acts, their noble efforts in fiehalf of a larger. fellowship, a dearer 路Brotherhood. '1'0 every man upon this eart.h Deat.h cometh soon 01' late, .And how can man die bett.el' Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the t~mples of his gods?

He pays eloquent and glowing tributes to the memories of Past Grand Masters Gibbs and Walker.




He render€d only four decision's which determined local questions, and were all approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence. NEW MASONIC TEMPLE.

The sum of $220,000 has been so far raised for the purpose of building a Temple that shall in every way meet t.he needs of the Fraternity and favorably compare with the splendid architecture of the many public and private edifices in Washington City. "It is expected that the corner-stone of th€ new edifice will be laid by the first of May next, and that means will be found to proceed without interruption in the erection of the structure," says the Grand Master. The Grand Master thus closes this excellent address: Sentiment enters into the warp and woof of our being. It compelled the Institution of Masonry; it makes for good 01' ill as wisely or unwisely used. It is with feelings of deep appreciation that I come to the sayings of these final words, Deep sentiment prompts me to say to you, my Brethren. that all through the journey, which began I,ast St. .John·s Day and which eUlls in a few days with the reCllrreI!ce of that anniversary, I have felt. your presence and, yoU!' warm handclasp, You have been my buckler and shield: my help in every need. If there be any glory attaching to my stewardship, if there be any achievement out of the ordinary, to you all honor, to you all praise, I have no fears for the future of our beloved Institution. It is so much a part of our national life, its teachings have I1nconsriOllsly so woven themselv\~s into the best that there is in our community, that those who are to follow me need but be guided by the prayer of one of the wise ones of , earth, "Lord, teach me to do my duty lovingly and willingly." and the days will be bright forever. :FIN ANCIAJ,.

The Grand Treasu rBr reports: Balance December 12, 1905 ",." Received sinee " , Disbursed



, ,., $ 7,299 80 ,., .. " .. ,... 11,696 67


$18,996 47 , . ,. 11,114 89

Balance December 13, 1906. :: '.. , .... , .. , , , , , .. , , , , .. ,$ 7,881 58 INTERNA'rIONAL BUREAU OF l\{ASONIC INTERCOURSK

The Committee on Foreign Correspondence made the following report, in which we heartily concur: 'WASHINGTON, ')'0

the Grand Master, Grand Lodge, F . ..1. A. M"

D. C., October 24, 1906. District ot Oolumbia:

. Your Committee on Correspondence, to 'whom you have referred the communications of M. W. Bro. Ed. Quartier-Ie-Tente, of the International' Bureau of Masonic Intercourse, begs leave to report that in the opinion of yom' committee it would be very desirable to be in full communication with



the above-named Bureau, and that the expense to' this Grand Lodge would be 10 francs per Lodge, or 270 francs in all, which amounts to $51.84 per annum. . Your committee begs leave to invite your attention to our 1905 Report on Correspondence, p. 415, under the caption of Switzel'1and Alpina, in which we haye declared that, in our opinion, the purposes of international communication may be better served by these correspondence reports than by an International Office. It may,· however, be very advantageous to individual Brethren who are traveling in Europe or in South America to be identified and vouched for by the International Office" and for that reason also we commend the office. The Lodges of the District of Columbia have the largest average membership in the United States, so that the per capita cxpense to us would be less than to the othcrs. 'l'here are Lodges in rural districts west of the Mississippi River having so small a membership that the tax for this purpose "would be out of all proportion. There area bou t 13,135 Lodges in the United States, and if each should "adhere" the International Office" would reccivc about 131,350 francs, 01' $25.219.20 per annum, from American Masons who \vould be scarcely benefited. • '~Te arc separated from Switzerland by an ocean, ranges of mountains, lakes, rivcl's, etc.. which our Swiss Brethren may not realize". The State of Texas alonc contains more square miles of area than I<'rance, Switzerland and Belgium together. Communication between France, Belgium and Switzerland is easy, and the same language is spoken in all of these countries. Theil' people mingle frecly, and Masonic henefits are mutual bet\veen them. The office of this Bureau may be of great benefit to the Brethren in that region, but there is no good reason why they should expect us to contl'ibute to its support 1)1"0 1"ata: While we in the District of Columbia arc ahundantly able to contribute at the proposed rate. \ve \vould in so doing be setting an example and establishing a precedent [or other American Grand Lodges which your committee does not feel justified in rccommending. 'We beg leave, thercfore, to rccornmend that the facts. ,figures and reasons be communicated to ~f. 'V. Bro. Quartier-le-Tente, and sug-gcst to him a more equitable proposition. Fraternally submitted, GEORGE W. BAIRD, FRANK B. CURTIS, 1'H0l\1AS CALVPJR, K. N. HARPER, R. B. NIXON, Committee. REPORT ON" FOHEIGN COlmESPONDENCE.

This report is from the ready pen of M. W. Bro. George W. Baird. Missouri for 1906 is favorably reviewed. He compliments M. W. Bro. Houston on his warning against the evils of modern "business methods." He says: "To the writer these 'business methods' have never appeared so badly as at present." To us it seems that too much of the "compasses" and too little of·the "square" is made use of. He raises the question whether the law forbidding Masonic burial to a man who was unaffiliated by reason of his Lodge having become extinct is not a "defective law." Sec. 201 of our by-laws provides: "A Mason who dies after the charter of his Lod~e has beenal'l'ested. but before its arrest has been approved by the Grand Lodge, may be buried by the nearest' 01' any convenient I~dge." If his Lodge has become extinct,



he may apply to the Grand Secretary and if worthy, obta:in a certificate which will entitle him to join another Lodge. We think any law that discourages non-affiliation is not "defective."

Commenting on the decision of Brother Houston, that "a man who can not write is not eligible for the degrees," Brother Baird becomes spiritually inclined and says: We can not help thinking that in the Supreme Grand Lodge above we may find men and Masons who can not write. If so, their capacity to appreciate the joys of Heaven would be ver.y limited. We think the Grand Master was right, and we never want the job of undertaking to drill into a man whosechlrography is limited by his "X," the science of morality veiled in allegory and explained by symbols.

Referring to the refusal of recognition to the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina, Brother Baird remarks: "We are sorry for this." We have a sta,nding Committee on Foreign Recognition, and it was upon its recommendation that this action was had. We confess that after reading up the history of the Craft in France, we are either in the English Channel, the Bay of Biscay or the Mediterranean Sea on that subject and are likely to remain there. When, on the 14th of September, 1877, the General Assembly of the Grand Orient of France overthrew Freemasonry in that country by promulgating the famous' amendment of Article I, of the Constitution of Masonry, viz.: "Being an institution essentially, philanthropic, philosophic and progressive, Freemasonry has for its immediate objects, search after truth, study of universal" morality, sciences and arts, and the practice of benevolence. It has for its principles utmost liberty of conscience and human solidarity, and its motto is Liberte, Egalite, et Fraternite," it looked to us as though France,. 'through the Grand Orient, rejected Masonry.• Our idea is that the, Grand Orient, while it continues to exist in name, is not Masonic. There is no doubt but that the Supreme Council of the A. A. Scottish Rite in France stood and still stands true to all the principles • of Masonry, but outside of that we can but think the so-called Masonry of .France iS,to say the least, ambiguous. We appreciate the compliment paid us and hope to be able to merit his continued approval. li'RANCJS J.WOODMAN, Washington, D. C., Grand Master. AVoINE W. JOHNSTON, Washington, D. C., Grand Secretary.




ENGLAND-1906. We have the Proceedings of the Quarterly Communication of September 5, 1906, holden at Freemasons' Hall, London, with R. W. the Hon. and Very Rev. Dean Leigh, D. D., Provincial Grand Master for Hereford, as Grand Master. A resolution was adopted recognizing the Grand Lodge, of Alberta as having sale and sovereign jurisdiction within the Canadian Province of that name. A resolution was adopted recognizing the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, as having-sole and sovereign jurisdiction within the Southern American country of New Mexico. The question then came up as to reconstructing the pr~sen~ temple belonging to the Grand Lodge or 'erecting a new one worthy of the wealthy and dignified body which will assemble therein. After considerable' discussion, the arguments being given in full, the matter was postponed until a special meeting of the Grand Lodge to be called by the Grand Secretary. In the course of the discussion it was pointed out by, the Pro. Gran'd Master that a room large enough to accommodate all the members of the Grand Lodge must be able to contain 36,000 Brethren, that being about the number of members, and the Pro. Grand Master well said: "If I am calle,d upon. to preside over an assembly like that I shall have to ask Grand Lodge to pr'ovide me with a megaphone." We also have the Proceedings of the Quarterly Communication holden the 5th day of December, 1906, R. W. the Right Hon. Thomas Frederick Halsey, Deputy Grand Master, on the Throne. The subject of building the Freemasons' Tavern was discussed and the matter was referred to a special committee of nine. No statements are given as to the number of Lodges or membership. We take the liberty of quoting from Brother Lamberton's report the following additional information: Rec,elpts, including balance of $1,089,770, were $1,184,327; disbursements (InclUding $4,000 for the Royal :Masonic Benevolent Institution, $2,200; for sundry donations and pensions, $5,000; for the Indian F.arthquake Fund, and $1,300 for a wedding present to Princess Margaret of Connaught, the daughter of the Grand Master), were $63,820; balance, $1,120,505. The Annual Grand Festival was held on April 25, when the Grand Mastel' was proclaimed, and the various other officers of the Grand Lodge were installed, and in the evening "the Officers and Members of Grand Lodge, with a great number of Brethren, partook of an excellent entertainment provided by the Grand Stewards at the Hotel CeciL" At the Quarterly Communic~,tion in June (the 6th day), an amendment to the -Rules was adopted whereby (as was done in December previously for the Grand Lodge), an additional number of officers was authorized in the Provincial Grand Lodges. . The Grand Lodge of Quebec was accorded fraternal recognition, the granting of which having been delayed since'1875 by the fact that there were three Lodges" which held under the English Constitution. An hon-




orarium of $5,000 'was voted to' the Grand Registrar, Very Worshipful Brother .John Strac:han, K. C., who is the legal adviser of the Grand Lodge, in recognition of his services. A long report was submitted by the Grand Registrar on the matter of the recognition of the Grand Lodge of Queensland; he holding that it is necessary for two-thirds of the Lodges under €ach Constitution (that is gnglish, Scotch and Irish) to conse'ntto the formation of a legitimate Grand Lodge, a necessity we can not assent to as the rule in any case. No committee or report on Correspondf'nce. :Most Worshipful Brother His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, of London. GI'aDd Master, re-elected; Very Worshipful Brother Sir Edward Letchworth, F. S. A., of London. Grand Secretary, reappointed.

FLORIDA-1907. Lodges, 166.

Members, 7,228.

Six Special Communications were held, four for laying cornerstones and two for performing burial· service. The Seventy-eighth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Jurisdiction of j<"'lorida was held in the City of Jacksonville, January 15, A. D. 1907, \\T. M. Bro. Charles W. Johnson, Grand Master, presiding. GJ~A i\' D :M:ASTER'S ADDRESS.

This address covers some forty-eight pages and gives a faithful account ?f his' stewardship. He reports the "passing into that other world" of Most 'Vorshipful Past Grand Masters George S. Hallmark and Norvelle R. Carter. The rendering of his address was suspended while a fitting eulogy on the life and character of Past Grand Master George S. Hallmark by Past Grand Masters William E. Anderson and Marcus Endel, and one by Past Grand Master Pasco on the·life and character of Past Grand Master Carter were read: Under the head of "Foreign Relations," the Grand Master says: . A communication was received from a body styling itself Grand Lodge of the Angels in Cuba. Believing that I was not able to cope with such a body, the commllnication has been turned over to the Committee on Foreign Correspondence.

We can not find where Brother Wright reported, either as to tp.e character or location of this angelic body. We thought 'it possible the Or'der of the Eastern Star had winged its way across the Gulf Stream. The Grand Master does not say what the nature of the communication was and h~nce we are'left to conjecture. CALIFORNIA DISASTER.

Under this head the Grand Master reports the correspondence with M. W. Bro. Flint. The sum of $200 was contributed by the Grand' Lodge, $2,358.73 by the Lodges and $~38 by individuals,




making a total of $2,996.73 contributed from th€ Masons of Florida. The Grand Master says: "Approximately $300,000 were contributed by the .Masonic Fraternity at large to Masonic relief in California," and then appropriately adds: The impressions made ·upon the profane wben t.bey see t.be unostentatious, Joving charit.y flowing freely to t.hose in need must be of a lasting and impressive character, and serves to demonst.rat.e our sincerity in our belief in the Fat.herhood of God and t.he Brotherhood of man. There is no unbelief: Whoever plant.s a seed beneat.h the sad And waits t.o see it push away t.be clod Trusts be in God. \Vhoevet' sees 'neat.b winter's field of snow The silent barvest of the future grow God's power must. know. Whoever la~"s UpOIl his coucb to sleep Content to lock each sellse in slumber deep Knows God will l{eep. \VllOever says tomorrow. t.he unknown, The fut.ure, t.rust.s tbat power alone He dares disown. And day by day, and nigbt unconsciously, Tbe heart lives by tbe faitb tbe lips deny, God knoweth wby. DISPENSATIONS.

The Grand Master granted forty-two Dispensations, some of which were for advancement of candidates before demonstration of suitable proficiency by regular examination. The Committee on Jurisprudence held that this could not be dOIl:e-we think properly. Five Dispensations were granted to 'Lodges to,hold their annual election in advance of the regular t.ime fixed by the Constitution and Regulations. These were not approved. A Dispensation was grant.ed Noma Lodge, No. 156, to celebrate St. John's Day on the 23d instead of the 24th of June, the latter date falling on Sunday. We do not see any impropriety in celebrating the anniversary of St. John the Baptist on Sunday. In fact, we think it would be a very appropriate day and would add solemnity to the occasion, DECISIONS,

Among the decisions reported is the following: 13. Is tbe ceremony of presenting the' E.. A. with a lamb-sldn apron, which becomes bis own property as laid down in tbe new Monitor, a part of the -work of tbls Grand Lodge '! Answer: :"0, it is not a portion of the work of the E. A. Degree as promulgated by this Grand Lodge, and should not be introduced during t.he work of the Degree for that· reason. If tbe Lodge desires to make the E. A. a present of a lamb-skin apron and desires to use· this beautiful form of present.ation or any other, It should be done after the conclusion of the work following the cbarge.



Four of the Committee on Jurisprudence reported that said decision should not be approved, while three reported in favor of it and the minority report was adopted. This not being a part of the Esoteric Work, we see no reason why it should be postponed until after the charge and thus detract from its solemnity and impressiveneSs on the candidate. VISITATIONS.

The Grand Master regrets that the sickness of his wife prevented his making more visitations, and under this head is pleased to remark: In the trOUblous times of unrest, of political humbug~ery, with the prostitution of the high ideals of American citizenship to the. base desires of grafters and unscrupulous office holders, there rests in the good sense of the common people the safety of the nation; and so long as the common sense of the common, plain people is maintained and controls our destiny, the safety of the American republic, that l'epublic bequeathed to us by the Masons of 1776 is assured. . While it is true that the great Fraternity of Freemasons, with more than 1,500,000 voters in this country, and every man a carefully selected man culled with care from the community in which he lives, does not enter into politics-and God forbid it ever shOUld-it is also true that it can exert a most powerful influence for good, and it is incumbent upon each one of us to resolutely set the seal of our individual disapproval upon the wrong-doer, and to uphold the hands of the man or men who are endeavoring to lead in the pathway of rignteousness and honesty. FINANCES.

On hand January 16, 1906 , Received from Grand Secretary .. '.'

, ,

, ,


Total ~ ,, , . '.' , Received from Grand Secretary January 15, 1907 Total ,."" ,., " Paid out as per vouchers to date


", ,,

Balance on hand subject to 'appropriation


$ 7,565 33 422 30


$ 7,987 63 7,722 00

, . . ..

$15,709 63 7,134 25



$ 8,575 3.8


路Upon recommendation of the Committee on Correspondence the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized, while the application of the Grand Lodge Valle d,e Mexico for' recognition was postponed, to be taken up when the committee shall deEm it best, ' MASONIC TEMPLE.

The report of the committee recommendi~g that the old Temple be sold for $55,000, and that bonds in the sum of $70,000 be issued for the building of a new Temple was adopted.





The sum of $100 was appropriated to erect a monument to thf: memory of the Masonic dead buried at Johnson's Island, Ohio. DIGEST ADOPTED.

A Digest of Masonic Law, Rules and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, prepared by Past Grand Masters Pasco and Puleston, was adopted. ORATION.

The Grand Orator H. S. Yerger, D. D., delivered a very instructive and interesting oration, but being entirely extemporaneous, the same was not published. MASONIC HOME AND ORPHANAGE.

The Trustees of the Masonic Home and Orphanage reported amount of funds on hand $11,033.93, and urged upon the Brethren continued effort to raise the amount necessary to carry out the enterprise. 'l'HE LIQUOR QUESTION.

The Committee on Jurisprudence, in reviewing the decisions of the Grand Master, reported: The first d~cision is in reply to the question. whether a member of a Lodge in Florida, who is bookkeeper and accountant for one engaged in the liquor business, is liable to charges under our regulations. If the bookkeeper is under no obligations to his employer to promote his liquor business or to aid in the sale and delivery of intoxicating liquors, and, as the Grand Master states, has no other connection with such business than that of a clerical character, the committee agree with the conclusion of the Grand Master that he has not made himself subject to the penalties of the regulations relating to those who are engaged in the路 liquor traffic. RI';PORT ON CORRESPONDENCE.

This excellent report (it being his sixth) was rendered by M. W. Bro. Silas B. Wright, and covers 219 pages. It is as brief as he could make it and do honor to himself and his Grand Lodge, and we are curious to know how he is going to compress his next one within the ~imit of 128' pages, ill-advisedly prescribed by his Grand Lodge at its late session. We wonder some brOad-minded ~rother did not move to make it 130 pages,. but we pres~me some metaphy.sical wiseacre in the Grand Lodge had calculated just how many "Procee.dings" would have to be reviewed, the length, breadth



and thickness of each one, and figured out that it would just take 128 pages to "kiver the case." We see no way out for Brother Wright, except to have his report printed in "diamond," "pearl" or "agate" insead of "pica" type. He reviews Missouri for 1906 and characterizes M. W. Bro. Houston's address as "well written, interesting and ably presenting the matters which had received his attention during the year." We appreciate the compliment he is pleased to pay us and glad to know that we are in accord on so many current questions as to Masonic usages, and as to the correct interpretation of our laws. He differs with us as to "the right of objection to a visitor except for cause." The "right of, visit" is one of the most important of all Masonic privileges, because it is based on the principle of the identity of the Masonic institution as one universal family, and is the exponent of that well-known maxim that "in every clime a Mason may find a home and in every land a brother." The right may be lost or forfeited on special occasions by various circumstances; but any Master who refuses admission to a ::\1ason in good standing, who knocks at the door of his Lodge, is expected to furnish some good and satisfactory reason for, thus violating a Masonic right. M. W. ELMER E. HASKELL, Palatka, Fla., Grand Master. R. W. WILDER P. WEBSTER, Jacksonville, Fla., Grand Secretary. The next Annual Communication will be held in the City of Jacksonville, on the third Tuesday in January, A. D. 1908.

GEORGIA-1906. Lodges, 505.

Members, 27,620.

The One Hundred and Twentieth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Georgia was held in the City of Macon, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., October 30, A. L. 5906, M. W. Bro. Max Meyerhardt presiding. Steel portraits of Past Grand Masters David E. Butler and Samuel D. Irvin look at us with kindly and intelligent faces' as we open the Proceedings. GRAKD


M. W. Bro. Meyerhardt has lost none of his zeal or his eloquence. The committee, to whom it was referred, speak of it as: "Full of Ma.sonic wisdom, brotherly love, encouragement and cheer, which every Mason s,hould. read and study in order to imbibe some

1907. J



of the true Masonic thoughts and love for Masonry with which the address is so full," while the Committee on Jurisprudence closes its report with these words: "Especially do we commend to the Craft his most beautiful, inspiring and elevating address and pray God that the Grand Lodge of Georgia may be blessed with his services for many years to come." CONDITION OF THE CHAFT.

We quote from the address as follows: Onc~

more. my Brethren, it is my pleasure and my privilege to announce to you that t.he year just closing has been one of unprecedented prosperity, It has been a year of growth and progress. a year of unbounded enthusiasm, a year of noble deeds and high endeavor, a year t.hat will live fOl'e,'el' in the history of Georgia :r.fasonry, . Our numbers have increased to nearly three times t.en t.housand: mallY new Lodges have been institutcd; our treasury is full to oYerflowing: our harmony has not been disturbed by any untoward event.; our Home has sheltered the aged, t.he widow and the fathe.rless; we have raisec! the moral standard high, makin~ manhood and character OUI' only tests, And having been so blest wit.h every good and perfeet: gift. should we not", lil,e the hosts of ancient Israel, in all humility and thanl\fulness, exclaim: "Blessed be the name of the glory of His Kingdom forever and ever," I am supremely happy in announcing t.o ;\,ou today that we have promptly met every expense and cvery obligation incuncd during the year. The Home has been maintained in great comfort; an additional servants' room has been built; our. Grand Lodge '.remple has been improved; offices have been equipped and handsomely furnished for the use of the Grand Secretary, and after paying these and all· other expenses. and not.withstanding the fact that at our last Communication thc attendance of Past Mastcn; was the lal'gest ever known in the history of Georgia ~Ia:sollry: we have ill our treasury t.oday a surplus of $30,000, and the sum of $2,000 in honds, making a grand total of $~2,000. 'l'his, I belie,:e, is the largest surplus that has ever been accumulated· in the treasury of the <irand Lodge of Georgia during the entire period of its existence. During the coming year, from various sources, several thousand dollars more will Ire added. After paying in full t.he expenses of this Gmnd Communication, there ought to be on hand hetween $15,000 and $20,000. which is considerably more than we have ever had before. , N ECHOLOG Y.

The Grand Master, with gratitude, announces that the Grim Tyler has not invaded the ranks of the Grand Lodge during the year, and with tend.er sympathy records the names of those who have fallen in other Jurisdictions, and trnthfully remarks: We can not, will not give heed to the deadly materialism of this l'estiess age. We will not enter the gloomy caverns of a cold and blighting philosophy that would rob us of our sweetest hopes and our holiest aspirations. Wc will hold fast to our ancient faith. We feel. we know, that we shall once more touch the vanished hand. and heal' again the sound of a voice t.hat is still. In every human soul is found the seed of immortality. We live. ,ve die, and. we shall live again. The creed of darkness and dcspair' is not for us. But ours the hope, the unshaken faith, the deathless t.rust. tha t He who notes the sparrow's fall, will not permit the mastel'piece of His creation to crumb!e -into nothingness" There is no dcath! '1'he stars go down • To rise upon some ot.her shore, And bright in Heaven's jewelled crown They s~lnc forcvermore. G, L. Ap.-4




There is no death! Althougb we grieve Wben beautiful, familiar forms That we have learned to love, are torn From our embracing al'ins; Although with bowed and breaking heart, With sable garb and silent tread, We bear their senseless dust to rest, And sa:r that they are dead, They are not路 dead! They haVe bu t passed Beyond the mists that blind us here, Into the new and larger life Of that serener sphere. OFFICIAL ViSITATION.

The Grand Master reports some twenty visitations, and that in every part of the commonwealth he found prosperous, growing Lodges, splendid officers, .earnest Masons and the fires of love, charity and enthusiasm burning brightly in every community. We are at a loss to know.how to reconcile 路this healthy condition of affairs with the following recommendation of the Committee. on Grievances and Appeals: "We recommend that .the judgment and sentences of the. several Subordinate Lodges be confirmed and the following members be expelled:" Then follows a list of fifty-six from as many different Lodges, Possibly if they would be more particlJlar as to quality and less solicitous about the. number they would have fewer "wolves in sheep's clothing" to expel from the fold. DECISIONS.

Five decisions are reported, all of which were affirmed, except the third, which was as follows: 3. I have been' asked What constitutes habitual intoxication, wilich under our Code would constitute a Masonic offense. for which charges should be preferred? . My reply is, that if a Brother becomes intoxicated on several occasions, even two 01' three, the act would bccomc habitual within the meaning of the Code, I am inclined to the opinion that to become' intoxicated even once is unmasonic conduct, and should be chal'ged as such,

The following was substituted by the Grand Lodge: YOUI'

Committee on


respectfully submits the following


committee has carefully considered that portion of the Grand :?I'faster's Address referred to us and approve each decision therein, except Decision No.3, in lieu of which we substitute the following: lIabitual drunl,enness is such as has become a habit, to be judged by the special cirCUlllstnnces of each case. Drunkenness for one time only is a Masonic offense. YOul'





We heartily endorse the following recommendation: 'l'he County Conventions' bring together the Brethl'ell of each cOl1nty In a social, Masonic way, as nothing else can do. The District Conventions, ,comprising many count ies. result in tlw meeting and mingling of many hundreds of Brethren, and in making; uniform

1~07. ]



the Ritualistic work. At each county and district meeting, I would suggest that a few hours be given over to public exercises. The families of the Brethren wliI thus be brought together in 'closer contact, while the Addresses delivered on these occasions will bring home' to the public generally the truths and principles of Freemasonry. I therefore heartily recommend that the Brethren of every county and every district unite themselves into an association, under the name of County or District Conventions, and hold at least one meeting each year. I would also recommend that some part of the time be devoted to publie exercises, including music; addresses. recitations, etc. If this recommendation should be carried Ollt dm'ing the coming year, I am sure you will all agree with me at the end of the year tha t the results have more than repaid the effort. A NEW GRAND



The Grand Maste., in view of the growth of Masonry in Georgia, favors the erection of a splendid modern building at least three stories high with elevator and up-to-date heating and lig,hting equipments. He says: "We should have a hall large enough to accommodate 2,000 people. Weshould provide an office on路 the ground floor, which would be convenient to the Brethren having business with that office. We should have numerous and large committee rooms on' the same floor as our Grand Lodge hall, together with a commodious. office for our Grand Treasurer, furnished with a modern 'vaUlt ,or saf'3 sufficiently large to contain the archives of the Grand Secretary as well." He favors the locatiop of the Temple at Macon. A commission consisting of two from the Sixth District and one from each of the others, was appointed; to consider this recommendation and report at the next Annual Communication. This writer would be glad to see something of this kind done in St. Louis. MASO~JC


The Grand Master reports the Home in splendid condition, Between twenty-five ~nd thirty wards of Masonry have been sheltered there during the past year. The Home family seems to be contented a'!d receive the best of care and attention at the hands of Superintendent Harris and wife. An additional. servants' house has been b~ilt and other improvements made during the year. An additional annex, it is thought, will be nee~ed, a~ applications are increasing. The sum of $2,000 was received from the executor of Mrs. Louisa Kellar, which is required to be permanently' invested, the interest only to be used in maintaining the Home. The Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star was made a member of the Board of Trustees. The following recommendation of the Committee on Finance was adopted:




We recommend ·that the sum of not less than $5,000 be ret.ained in tbe hands of the Grand 'l'reasurer to meet incidental and other expenses of the . Grand Lodge,. anj] should the support of the :Masonic Home necessitate it that the Grand Treasurer be authorized to borrow sufficient funds for said support, endorsed by the Grand Master, and that all funds in our treasllry be subject ·~o .the use of the Trustees of the l'1ome, except $5,000, as hpretofore meptionrd.

The Hopse Fund shows: Cash on hand last' report. Cash received Total Cash disbursed

$ 821 71 6,891 01

' :

Balance on hand

, ",

', .. ",


$7,712 72 7,622 55 $


90 1.7



The following closing words of the Address should appeal to us as well as the Masons of Georgia, and we commend them to Masons everywhere: Gird up your loins, my Brethren. Buckle on yonI' armor·. Set up VO\ll' standards on the llig-hest. hills. Let Masonry take her appoint.ed place \vith the mighty hosts that battle for righteousness and truth. for all tlJat constitutes the true happiness of man. The hour is ripe. The ·field is ready. Time is passing. God is calling. Death is waiting. 'Ve ('an not, shall not prove recreant to our holy mission. 'Yith the glorio'us wcapons of our Masonic manhood, let us charge the foe ",!lel'cvel' found. Let us break the fetters that enchain the hearts and minds of men. Let. us battle without ceasing for pure homes, for rugged honesty, for private and for public virtue, fOJ' all that is sacred and good beneath the sun. Let liS not rest till the land shall be free from vice. and man to man shall BI'other he. 80 shall we aC(luit us lil{e men. So shall we honor :Masonry: So shall we uplift humanity. So shall we glorify God. So shall We li\'c to hail the season By gifted minds foretold "'hen man shall live by reason And not alone for gold. When man to man united. And every wrong thing right.ed. The whole world shall be lighted As Eden was of old. GHAND


The sum of $100 was appropriated to purchase a jewel for Grand Master MeYHhardt, and $300 was appropriated to pay for portraits of Past Grand Masters J. 'VIl. Taylor and W. A. Davis and Grand Master Meyerhardt, to he presented to the 'Grand Lodge at its next Annual Communication. FOI{EIGK RECOGNITJOK,

The Grand Lodge Cosmos at Chihuahua·was refused recognition, while the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized.





A badge or emblem of the Eastern Star was ordered procured and presented to Mrs. F. E. Wolflin, mother of the Grand Secretary, for valuable services rende~ed in assisting her son in the performance of his duties. NI<:W LODGES.

Charters were granted twenty·one new Lodges. membership was reported as. 2,331.

The net gain in


In looking over the Proceedings we were again impressed with the unusual size of the committees, ranging from 25 to 100, upon which were a large number of Past Masters. There being· 467 Past Masters present drawing $4 each per diem, and each of them casting a vote. Query. Does not this have a tendency to destr{)y the representative character of the Grand Lodge and give to a Grand Master, who has such vast patronage; a cinch on the office? As we have said in a former report, we recognize in. Grand Master Meyerhardt "an Israelite, indeed, in whom there is no guile." A fine scholar, a dovoted Mason and zealous Grand Officer, but may there not be others who are entitled to be Grand Master. and who being kept in the line of promotion from year to year, stand in the way of those who might be worthy aspirants for advanceme'nt and thus cause "many a flower to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air." We believe in ·the Lodges being represented through their Masters and Wardens, and doubt the p'ropriety of making every Past Master a member of the Grand Lodge, placing him on the pay roll to insure his attendance and putting it in his power to' kill the vote of the Master of his Lodge. We opine Brother Meyerhardt's zeal would not. abate and that he would make as good a Past Grand as he has a Grand Master, and not stand in the way of some other Moses, while he took the place of Aaron or 'Hur and held up his hands. HEPORT



Brother A. 'Q. Moody renders us this, his sixth Report on Corre· spondence, in which he reviews the proceedings of fifty·six Gra.nd Lodges. Why Missouri did· not reach him ~e are at a loss to understand. He certainly ought to have had aliI' Proceedings for 1906. 'We will have to send out a tracer.




Brother Moody gives a brief but pertinent review of the Proceedings examined by him. In his "conclusion" he says: "There is a wide divergence of opinion among our writers on Correspondence as to what Grand Bodies are entitled to fraternal recognition." We agree with him that "Grand Orients are not .of equal dignity with Grand Lodges," and are opposed to their recognition, espe-. cially where they ignore the Deity and repudiate the divine authenticity of the Scriptures. As to the question of physical qualifications in a candidate for the degrees of Masonry, we are among the "sticklers" for the "Ancient Landmarks" and fought our "Cripple Law" with all our might. We are persuaded that even in this enlightened age the "Landmarl{s" can not be improved on, and the closer we stick to the text the b~tter for Masonry. 'we are not so hard run for members that we have to go out among the "halt and the lame and the blind" to hunt up material. We trust Brother Moody will receive our Proceedings before ' his' next report. . M. W. MAX MEYERIIAHDT, Rome, Ga., Grand Master. R. VY. W. A. WOLLIKIN, Macon, Ga., Grand Secretary. Next Annual" Communication October 29, A. D. 1907.

IDAHO-1906. Lodges, 44. Members, 2,25l. Three S'pecial Communications of the Grand Lodge were held. one February 25, 1906, for the purpose of burying the rema,ins of R. W. Bro. Alexander Rossi, Past Deputy Grand Master, .whn died February 22, 1906; one May 2, 1906, for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the new Canyon County Court House, and the third for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of he Methodist Church, in the town of Emmett. Brother John T. Morrison, Grand Orator, delivered a splendid and appropriate address at the laying of the corner-stone of the Court House. We regret that lack of space prevents us from publishing it in full, for it has the ring of true patriotism. The Thirty-ninth Annual Comm:unication of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho convened in Boise the 11th day of" September, A. D. 1906, Jeremiah W. Robinson, Grand Master, presiding.


1907. ]


"This is a tersely written, business-like document, covering all essentials without verbosity," as was said by ,Brother Kuepper of a similar address. He €xhorts the Brethren: "Let our labors be for the uplifting of humanity and we will have added our mite to the' gt:eat aim of QUI' beloved Fraternity." VISITATIONS.

The Grand Master visited all except five of the Lodges, and says: . It is with pardonable pride that I report all Lodges in a very excellent

and prosperous condition. The growth of Masonry has kept pace with the general prosperity of the State, and most of the Lodges have largely increased in membership. While I am convinced that due diligence has been employed in the selection of new material, I have' endeavol'ed to more firmly impress upon the minds of the Brethren the supreme importance of the conservatism of Masonry in, all things, and especi,ally in the admission of those who are to participate in our mysteries and enjoy our privileges, and upon whom must eventually rest the sacredness and responsibility of our noble and illustrious Fraternity. Unworthy material may be easily admitted. but' may not be so readily discarded, besides the injury sometimes lives long af1.el·' ward.

He thus speaks of the "good Sisters of the Eastern Star:" I have already had occasion in another capacity to thank the good Sisters of the Eastern Star for the very interesting and! important part they so often took in my entertainment on my visitations, but I can not pass here without compllmenting the Brethren upon their ministering, angelic wives, mothers, daughters and sisters. If for no other reason than these four, you, my Brethren, should be good men and Masons.

Fourteen decisions were rendered, all of which, were approved, and involve local questions. Gl~AND TREASURER'S I~EPORT.

1905, To balance as per last report. , $ 7,047 591 1906, September 11, cash received from Grand Secretary .. 11,937 40'

Total debits Total credits Cash to be accounted for

: : ,

His statement of Orphan Funds shows invested

$18,984 991 ' .. ,.. 11,337 73

: .. $ 7,647 26 $45,054 01


The report of the Trustees of Orphans' Funds shows allowances· made !luring the ,year amounting to $1,550.00. Out of the fourteen allowances, seven were to orphan children. Would it not be much



better if our Idaho Brethren would provide a Masonic Home, :where these orphans could not only have their temporal wants路 supplied, but their intellectual and spiritual needs looked after? :VIO:,<{).i\lE;';"T TO



The committee reported the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of Past Grand Master Edward A. StEvenson and family at a cost of $450.00, and were discharged. AIJOPTED WOHK.

The following resolution was indefinitely postponed: By the )1:ost Worshipful Grand Lodge of Idaho, A. F. & A, )1., that the H. 路,'V. 路.Grand Lecturer J)repul'e a cipher copy of the adopted work fol' each Lodge in this .Turisdi(~tion, and transmit i he same thl'ough the Gl'and Secretal'y to the Worshipful Mastcl' of each Lodge within ninety days fl'om" and after the adoption of this l'eso!ntion. 1(.108011;拢;11,



The report of the Committee on Appeals and Grievances covers a little over a page, and yet eleven cases were before it and passed upon. Here is the way they disposed of cases: In the matter of Hiram Lodge, No. 8G, vSo Frank C. Williams, we find the papers and action rcgular and recommend the same be sustained. In the matter of Wardnel' Lodge, No. 34. VS, John Huber" we find that the papel's in this case an~ not complete, as follows: No evidence of summons being sent. 01' ,received by defendant, papers and trial not conducted according to Code. We recommend that this be returned to Wardner Lodge, No. 34. with instructions to make propel' returns, and if no summons was issued, to rcopen the case, following the )1:asonic rules. '

Inasmuch as our Grand Lodge has adopted the plan of not publishing the facts in detail, we give the above plan for the consider~ ation of our committee. It would certainly save much time and space in the Proceedings. PRJ<~SENTATION



The retiring Grand lVI'aster presented to the newly-installed Grand Master the Grand Master's Signet Ring, to be worn during his term 'of office. The excellent portrait of Wiqiam Fo Smith, the newly-elected Grand Master, which adorns the fly-leaf of the Proceedings, impresses us with the idea that the Ring passes into hands "competent, true and trusty,"





This report, covering 104 pages, is the work of Brother George E. Kuepper, "quoting with discretion, and commenting with true critical spirit." We are glad to find "that he trains with us on the que5tions of temperance, physical qualifications and other latter-day crochety questions which are now agitating some Jurisdictions .. He does not believe men can be made good by legislation. He says: "A candidate for Masonry in Idaho must be a man with plenty of gray matter in his cranium. Then, in addition, he must have two feet, two legs, two arms, two eyes, two lungs, etc. It all goes by pairs. He reviews Missouri for 1905. Of Grand Master Valliant's address he says: The Grand )faster's Address is a strong document. He not onl~' has a fine command of the En~Jish language. uut his ideas are up to that standard that requires a strong lan~uage to express theIll.

We appreciate the compliment he is pleased to pay us, and hope to continue in his good graees. W.ILLIAM F. SMITH, Mountain Home, Grand Master. THEOPHILUS W. RANDALL, Boise, Grand Secretary. The next Annual COll1ll1Unication will be held at Boise, September 9, 1907.

ILLINOIS-1906. Lodges, 743.

Members, 79,712.

The M'. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free. and Accepted 路Masons of the State of IIlin.ois heid its Sixty-seventh Annual Communication in the .city of Chicago, commencing Tuesday, the second day of OCtober, A. D. 1906, and was opened in AM:PLI, FORM: by the M: W. Grand Master, Chester E. .Allen. The ponderous volume of the Proceedings, covering 620 pages, staggers olir zeal. There is so much in them worthy of note, and the cry of "cut it short" is so audible that we are like the mule that starved to death between .the two haystacks, not knowing which to eat off. But here goes: The Proceedings are interleaved with bust portraits of Past Grand Masters George E. Lounsbury (1874-5), Joseph Robbins (1876-7), Theodore T. Gurney (1878~9), Rev. William H. Scott (1880-81), D. M. Browning (1882), and a full-length portrait of Dr. \Vellman M. Burbank, Grand Steward, who died December '20, 1905.



A sketch is given of the proposed new Masonic Home building at Sullivan, to ,be three stories high, thoroughly fire-proof, and 50x150 feet in dimensions. The "dial-plate'" of Doc. Robbins looks as it did when we first knew and loved him, in the years gone by. While he has, grown old in years, his affluence of thought has not diminished. GI~ANJ) MASTER'S REPOHT.

In this is shown a vigorous, careful administration, endorsed by his re-election to the office. He thus spEaks of the condition of the Craft: J am pI rased to be able to assure you, Brethren, that in all that t.o it pertains. Ancient Craft Masonry in general, and in this Grand .Jurisdiction in particulal路. has made substantial progress during the past year, The CODstituent Lodges have, almost without exception. evinced a healthful and vigorous activity, and the reports to the Right Worshipful Grand Secretary show the material incI'ease of approximately 4,960 in membership, There is every evidence, furt.hermore. that the Brethren have exerciRed prudence in the selection of material, 'and that they have not sacrificed personal fJualifications in their zeal fOl' numerical strength. No serious dissension has arisen to bring discord among the Lodges or the Brethren. and the true spiI'it of Fra temity genera lIy preva Us. OBITUARY.

Under this head he records the death of R. W. Bro. Wellman Morrison Burbank, Grand Steward, who died 'December 20, 1905. His Masoni~ career, lasting over fifty years, was an active, honorable and distinguished one. SCHOOLS OF INSTRUCTION.

Five Schools of Instruction, conducted by the Board of Grand Examiners, were held during the year. The liberal attendance and the interest taken in them is reported as "most gratifying." The one at Quincy was held February 6, 7 and 8. On the 8th of February'R. W. Bro. Isaac Cutter tendered his resignation as a member of the Board of Grand Examiners. At the next meeting of the" Grand Lodge, in October, Brother J. H. C. Dill" who had served as Grand Secretary for thirteen years, was ousted, and Brother Isaac Cutter put in his place. ThE! law that for'bids electioneering in Grand Lodges is ignored in these "Schools of Instruction,'" and we wonder if these "Schools of Instruction" had any "finger in the pie." If so, it were better to abolish the schools, and keep the 'ballot-box in t.he Grand Lodge. FOREIGN RELATIONS.

Among other complications reported is one in which the Grand Lodge of Hamburg complained that a me'mber of one of its constitu-

路 I


1907. ]


ent Lodges had been refused admission to a Lodge in Illinois, notwithstanding the fact that he had presented a valid certificate that he was a Brother of the Third Degree. The Grand M'aster, at the suggestion of Brother Robbins, instructed the Grand Secretary to make reply: . First, that Lodges in Illinois are not permitted to admit as visitors those whose claim to the Masonic character rests on documentary evidence alone. Second, that neither the Grand Master nor the Grand Lodge has the power in ,this Jurisdiction to compel a Lodge to admit a' visitor who is not 1JCrSOna grata to all the members, no matter how thoroughly his Masonic status has been established,. the rule being that the objection of a single member will exclude hIm and that such objection can not be ovel'l'uled.

\ From the first ruling we do not dissent, but as to the second, we think it depends on whether the objection is captious or not. We have had occasion, earlier in this report, to express our views on the "right of visitation." The admitted doctrine is that. the right of visit is one of the positive rights of every Mason, because Lodges are' justly considered as only divisions for convenience of the universal Masonic family. If the admission of the applicant, whether a member or a visitor, wo~ld, in his opinion, be attended with injurious consequences, such, for instance, as -impairing the harmony of the Lodge, a Master would then, I presume, be justified in refusing admission. But without the existence of some such good reason, the right of visitation ~s absolute and positive, and is insured to every Mason in his travels throughout the world.


The sum of $9,224.25 was promptly contributed 路to this fund,' and forwarded to Grand Master Flint. Four hundred and forty-four Lodges res~onded to the call; a strikin.g evidence of practical Masonry. DECISIONS.

Four decisions as follows:


reported, and were approved.

The first one is

I have been asked whether the use of a stereopticon or other similar methods of illustrating the historical account is permissible, and I haveheld that the use of any such illustrations of this part of the lecture. with the exception of the "Marble Monument." is prohibited.

Our idea is that the stereopticon ought to be relegated to the vaudeville, nickel-odeon, and shows of that sort. Th.ld-fashion charts. are good enough for old-fashion Masons.







The Treasurer's report shows: 1905, October路 2, balance on hand ,as pEr last report ... , , , , ,$44,874 85 1906, September 26th, collected to date, , .. , , . , .. , , , , , , . " 46,274 05 Total """"", " ".,.,., 1906, October 1st, by amount paid out. , , , , , , ',' : , Balance on hand.,


"., .. "


", $91,148 90 , " 45,757 11 $45,391 79


Our Illinois Brethren have two "Masonic Homes," one known as the "Illinois Masonic Orphans' Home," at Chicago, and the other the "Illinois Masonic Home," at Sullivan. The surroundings of the Home at Chicago having become undesirable, the report of the T,l:ustees recommending the sale of it, and a' new location selected, and suitable buildings erected, was adopted. The Home at Sullivan was report'ed as in a crowded condition, and the erection of a second building was ordered, the sum of $60,000 being appropriated, one-half of it at this session' and the remainder next year. Appropriation for current expenses for the coming year were made, as follows: Sullivan , Chicago.. ,

,."""., .. ,.,."."" '. ' , , , . , ,$15,000 ".",., " .. ".",.,.,.,., .. ,. 12,000

The membership of the Home at Sullivan is fifty-five. Nearly all of them old prople, while that at Chicago, September 30, 1906, was sixty-six, all children. No report' is made of the per capita cost of either Home. FOHElON Ht:COG:\'ITION,

Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Correspondence the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized. OHATION.

Brother Owen Scott, Grand Orator, delivered a splendid oration. He had performed that duty just a quarter of a century before, and we are persuaded he could not have delivered a better and a more appropriate address than the one before us. Vve regret that lack of space preventsuslfrom reproducing it entire, and must be content with these, few extracts:





the structure which we ra ise, Tinle is with materials filled; Our todays and yesterdays Are the blocks with which we build: Let us do our work as well. Both the unseen and the sOeen. Mnke the house where God may dwell Beautiful. entire, and clean . 1"01'

.Just a quarter of a century ago I stood before this Grand Lodge in a feeble effort to deliver the annual oration. What has come alld gone in the world about us during this span' of years partakes largely of the miraculous: In t.his brief space more bas been done by the finger of man in material progress t.han In a thousand years preceding. The mimcles of yesterday are the commonplaces of t.oday. A wizard has toyed wit.h the lightning and the world has been transfol·med. Tmnsportation. trade. commerce, the world's worl" have been moved about by the genOius of man, as the child places its toys at. will. Yet. the great Brotherhood which a IIoW8 us the privilege of its memhership is 80 far in advance of all t11Is that. t.here need be no fear of It.s evel' being ovelTun or outgrown. 'Vbile I may not. have been able to keep pace with the wonderful movements about us. and despair of being able fitly to p)·esent. t.he great instituti~fn of which I am proud to be an humble constituent:. yet I have learned during the , twenty-five years now added to the eternal pnst. something of t.he magnitude and t.he glory of Freemasonry. The many brillIant. men who have appeared on this platform as t.heexponcnts of Masonic principles in t.he past ,make m~' present task anything but an easy one. These, my predecessors, constitu I.e a galaxy most resplendent in the' oratorical sides. They are the peers of any on t.he platform, t.he hustings, or in the pulpit. °


'" fit. to'" live, an '" organization, '" '" like 'an " individual. * '"must have '" '" To be a purpose. The aimless are the useless. The strength of a nation's navy is not. alone in the number and size of its engines of. war. It must have gunners who can see and hit Ole mark. Shooting at random may serve to amuiSOe the idle multitude with its noise and display; but, when real ronftict eomes, the effec.ivenefls of the man Iwhind the gun counts for victory. '" '" '" may'" exist,* but ht' is a A man wIthout a mission. without a pupose. mere float.er. driven hit.her and ·vonder. Everv wave from the 'crafts of t.he sturdy ones,' bent. on t.he achie,;ement of life:;' well-defined purposes, IllHI,es rough scas for his snils. TO Ul'L1FT 11\I))VII)\;AI. JJIFI·:.

The first aim, t.herefore. is to uplift t.he individual life. Each man who bows at our altar and lissumes t.he solemn obligations placed upon him should rise with clearer purpose and loftier aim. If he can but realize that as a Mast.el· Mason he has had gIvcn him the plans and specifications drawn by the Supreome Architect of the Universe for the el:ect.ioD of t.he sublime structure of hIs own character, he will have caught the real spirit and aim of ::\1asonry. On the contrary, if merely moved by desire to- improve his business, to weal' a Masonic charm or to be able to start in a mad chase for the "higher' Degrees," t.he newly-made Mason has been spoiled in t.he making. To be a real Mason is to be a better man in every rela! ion of life. A more loyal. loving and considerat.e husband: a more devoted and indulgent father: a better citizen; a truer friend- are a few of the fruits to be gathered from the Masonic OJ·chard. Many are so Intent upon selofish achievements that these are little esteemed.




It is a skeleton.of dry bones hung toget.her by wires. as may be seen

in the doctor's office 01' the class-room of the medical college. Our care for the old and young in our homes is not our whole dut.y. In eVE-I'Y Lodge

" Appendix.


in city, town 01' hamlet, are alJUndant needs for the kindly and' fl'iendly offices of the individual Mason. Organized charity, so-called, does not supersede the generous duty of the Craftsman, If be has really imbibed the true spirit of our wonderful Brotberhood be will not allow tbe sun to go down without the relief of every wortby distressed Brotber witbin tbe lengtb of his cable-toW', Neithel' wlll the measurement be by any circumscribed standards. Wbel'ever there is a human sigb, a pain of anguisb, a sorrow-stricken beart or a fevered brow tllis cable-tow will be found sufficient" to reacb it, The mission of Masonry is to every corner of tbe world in wbich may crouch distress or suffering or want. It goes to uplift, to gladden, and to beautify. To uprear noble, manly cbaracter whether in society, in religion, in the State, 01' in the infinite relations of individual life, is Masonry's divinest mission. The world wants men, large-beal路ted, manly men, Men who will join its choi'us and prolong Its psalm of labor and its song of love. Tbe age wants beroes: Heroes who shall dare To struggle in the serried ranks of tl'ut.h, To clutch the monster Error by the tbroat; To bear opinion to a loftier seat, 'L'o blot the era of oppl'ession out And lead a universal freedom in. o


Brother H, T. Burnap, Chairman of the Committee on Obituaries, presented the report of the committee. We feel constrained to copy this much of it: As we pause at this hour in tbe midst of our labol's to drop a teal' ovel' the gl'aves of our l<'raternal dead, and, witb loving hands and saddened 'beal'ts. to plant the fragrant acacia, of affectionate remembrance. we arc reminded tbat the doors of Eternity open ever toward the Great Unknovm. and o'er the tesselated pavement of this fleeting and checkered. existence we are all fast hastening to join that innumerable caravan whose destination lies beyond tbe sable curtains of the tomb. 'I'oday we are born, tomorrow we die and e'er the setting of another sun we are forgotten. Alas! how brief is our existence and, how vain is every earthly ambition: Between two breaths wbat crowded mysteries lie. The first ShOl't gasp, tbe last and long-drawn sigh! Like phantoms painted on tbe magic slide. Forth from the darkness of tbe past we gIfde, As living shadows for a moment seen In airy pageant on tbe eternal screen . Traced by a ray from one unchanging flame, Then seek the dust and stillness whence we 'came. How' faithfully do the how'-glas8 and tbe scythe admonish us of the shortness of human life! and the broken column, tbe weeping virgin, the spade and COffin, Ilow eloquently do they discourse of blasted hopes and

terrestrial deatb! The cry of the bereav~d and tbe sorrowing is ever in our ears, and the endless procession from the cradle to tbe grave is never out of sight. TIlus constantly and solemnly reminded of our latter end, the oft-repeated question unconsciously recurs, "If a man die sball he live again?" The hope of immortality, like tbe fear of the grave, is born in every human soul. Sball these bodies at last be raised in glory from tbe darkness of the tomb and in spotless celestial raiment stand before the throne of the I;;ternal Master of tbe Heavenly Lodge? Or Does 'I'hese Is it These

life's summer see the end of all, leaves of being mouldering as they fall, for tbis the immortal Artist means conscious, throbbing, agonized machines?




• The trestle-board upon which Jehovah dl'aws his plan's is not exposed to moi,tal eyes. Hoodwinked and helpless we go ever round and round with faltering feet and outstretched hands crying for light, light to illuminate the dark pathway our Bl'ethren have tro~, We trust and fear, we question and believe, From life's dark threads a trembling faith to weave, Frail as the' web that misty night has spun Whose dew-gemmed awnings glisten in the sun. While the calm centuries spell their lessons out. Each tl'Uth we conquer spreads the realm of doubt. We came out of the eternity of the past and we enter the infinity of the future with no knowledge of either, 1.'01' centuries science, with her magic wand, has ,bent o'er the crucible of Truth and fanned the' fires of Hope, watching and waltip.g for some transmutation in Nature's wondrous elements that should solve the secret, so long sought, of human life. While Religion, with her flaming torch, fed from the font of 1"aith, has searched through Revelations' pages for knowledge of the life beyond the grave. The one in feeble terms asserts a faltel'ing hope: the other, in spite of doubts and fears, says, "I believe." And to the. Evergreen, that symbol of immortal life through all the ages Masonry clings. These beloved Brethren, to whom today we pay the last tribute of OUl' respect, have, indeed, ended their mortal existence, "but through our belief in the mercy of God, we can confidently hope that thelt'- souls shall bloom in eternal spring. EXPENSES OF GRAND LODGE.

The Committee on Finance recommended appropriations from the General Fund to defray the proper exp~nses of the M. W, Grand Lodge for the ensuing year, as follows: For mileage and pel' diem of officers, representatives and committees. $20,000 For printing and distributing Proceedings ", " " 3,000 F'OI' miscellaneous printing _ , ," 1,000 FOI' salaries of Grand Officers __ . . .. 5,000 ·For Schools of Instruction ,., _ _ , 1,200 For miscellaneous expense!'; ,. _ "., : .. _. .. 5.800

00 00 00 00 00 00

$36,000 00

Also that the following appropriations be made from the Charity Fund: For maintenance of the i\las()llic Ol'phans' Home at Chicago For m.aintenance of the Masonic Home at Sullivan

'.. $16.000 00 16,000 00


This able review, covering 346 pagEs, is from the ready pen of our esteemed friend and Brother, Dr, Joseph Robbins. H~ving arrived at the fiftieth mile-post in his Masonic career, he shows that Time has laid his hand upon him, not harshly, but gently, like as a harper who lays his open palm upon his harp-strings; not to deaden the sound, but to soften their vibrations. . We have only space to notice his review of Missouri for 1905. He characterizes the address of Grand Master Valliant as ."a paper of great ability, suffused all over with the real Fraternal s'pirit," and says: "He is the first Grand Master within our knowledge who has wrestled with the moon and come out on 'top." He quotes seven of the fortYithree decisions' made by Brother Va~liant.




[Sept. •

Commenting on No. 11, he aptly says: No. ] 1 illustrates in a measure againl'it what sort of questions the Craft may be precipitated h~' a radical change such as is involved in the "Missouri Cripple Law." The Grand Mastel' was not thrown off his balance by the problem here presented. and did not forget that whatever the law was declared to be it remained of that fundamental quality which makes it rest OIl each individnal conscience. constraining each member to vote his judgment regardless of the judgment of the Grand "faster or anybody else.

Again he says: In No. 31 the Grand "faster labors under a misapprehension as to the probable attitude of Illinois Lodges. lllinois has always maintained the ancient doctrine that "A :\laster :Masoll is free of the guild:" that is, that a Master Mason, resident in Illinois. has the right to affiliate with the Lodge of his choice if it will receive him, whether it be within or without this Oi'and JurisdIction, and that Illinois "Iasolls have the l'ight to affiliate petitioniJrg )Iaster Masons with equal disregard of .Jurisdictional lines.

Brother R~bbins. need have no fear of getting into a controversy with us over tl;le Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico r~cognition. We, like him, are somewhat familiar with its historY,and are free to say that if our vote could have prevented it, it would not yet. have been recognized. We, like him, "had an excess of riches iu possessing their Proceedings of former years," and knew too much of its history and personnel, to say not.hing of its Lodges being creatures of the A. and A. S. R., which we are persuaded has no authority' and never had authority to warrant Masonic Lodges. We noticed among'the Proceedings where Brother M. O. McAlpin 'had introduced a resolution to extend Fraternal recognition to the M. W. Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico as the peer of all other Sister Grand Lodges, and that it was referred to the Committee on C<:rrespondence. We searched diligently through the Proceedings for his report, but ,as 'yet have been nnable to find it. We appreciate fully and thank Brother Robbins for his (calculated to make one feel good) remarks aboH t us, and will take his advice as to printing our future reports if we can bulldoze th'2 printer. CHESTlm E. ALLEK, M. W. Grand Master, Galesburg. ISAAC CUTTEH, R. W. Grand Secretary, Camp Point. The next Annual Communication will be held in the city of Ch icago on the first Tuesday in October, A. D. 1907.



Members, 7,540. Lodges, 186. Six Emergent Communications were held for the purpose of laying corner-stones. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. and A: M., of Indian Territory, held its t.hirty-third Communication at Ardmore, Chickasaw Nation, commencing on Tuesday, Angust 14, A. D. 1906. M. W.



Richard Willson Choate, whose picture adorns the fly-leaf of the Proceedings, presiding, with Representatives from 114 Lodges present, A Grand Master and two Past Grand Masters of the Daughter Grand Lodge 'of Oklahoma, M, \\'. Bro. D. P. Spaiks, William L. Eagleton and William M. Anderson, and Past Grand Master Thomburg, of Arkansas, were honored visitors. The latter took occasion to say: Arkansas gave you the Secret. work and now she wants to give you the Monitorial work, T have eompiled a Monitor that has been adopted by the Grand' Lodg~s of Arl,ansas, Lonisi:llHl ano olhel~<;. and T l'c(:olllJl1end if: to your favol'able <:onsidera1"ioJl. .

The Past Grand evidently had "an eye to business." GltASD ?\IASTER'S ADDRESS.

Thi::i "State Paper" shows an active, el".ergetic officer, "zealous of good works," Speaki~g of the condition of the Craft, he says: In many respects this has been the most prosperous year that this Grand Jurisdiction has ever experienced. 'l'he bountiful ;yield of the soil in all kinds of agricultural produce, the extensive output of our coal mines, the successful development of our oil industry, the large amount of capital invested in railroads and electric plants, and the tide of immigration now turned toward our new State-the forty-sixth star on our flag-all tbesl~ progressive tendencies help to shape our destiny and contribute to the advancement of our statehood in wealtb and in population, Tbis general prosperity has been reflected in the advancement. of FI'eemasonry. New Temples have been built, others are in pl'ogress of constrllction. and many new Lodges '}la\'e been added to 0111' ro;;te1'. FRAT!'~HNAL


Under this head he announces the death of M, \'Y. Bra, John Rennie, Past Grand Master, who died February 8, 1906, of whom he says: "Not many men have so few faults; not many so many virtues." OnpJ-]A)i s' llOJ\IE.

In obed'ience t.o a resolution of the Grand Lodge, at its last Communicati6n, the Grand Master announces the appointment of a committee of five~ who, with a like committee from the Order of the Eastern Star, to visit the Orphans' Homes 'of Fort Worth, Texas, and Wichit~, Kansas, This committee reported in favor of inviting propositions from places desiring, the location of the Home under three classes, designated as "A," "B" and "C." It was ordered that the incoming Grand Master appoint a committee of five, who, immediately after the close of' Grand Lodge, should give six month's notice that, it will receive applications and bids for the said Home, said bids to be submitted to the Lodges of the Territory to determine by vote the location, and if anyone place has a majority of all the votes G. L. Ap.-路-G




cast, it shall be declared to be the place selected and the committee authorized to proceed with the work, and if there be a failure to select, then the applications and bids are to be submitted to the next session of the Grand Lodge. The report of th'e Trustees of the Orphans' Home Fund shows total funds to date $53,154.93. DECISIONS.

Fifteen decisions were rendered, all of which were approved aft.er sligh.t changes in Nos. 2, 5 and 7. No. 15 is as follows: Held it is contrary to Masonic law for a Mason to engage in running a "pool ball or howling alley."

How about the fellow that plays pool or bowls? We assert that the law of Masonry authorizes no such regulation. vVe never shoved a billiard cue nor had occasion to cry "set 'em up," but we know of good men and Masons who 'do both, regarding it as healthy exercise, and of some good men and Masons who run bowling alleys and billiard tables, without a saloon attachment, and to say that th8 same is "eontrary to Masonic law" is simply preposterous. Though a Mason and Methodist, we fail to see ·how in this casco either the proprietor or the patron is a violator of the moral law. PRESENTATION OF GAVEL.

The Grand Master announced that the gavel used by him in calling the Grand Lodge to order was made by' a little orphan boy in the Home at Fort Worth, Texas, and in the name of this little 'boy he presented the gavel to the Grand Lodge. We notice also that a Bois D'Arc gavel, made by a Brother in Tishomingo, was presented to the Grand Lodge. We do not notice that thanks were extended to either of them and for some reason or other the name of neither the boy nor man is given. lU;PORT OF GRAND SECRETARY.

The venerable Grand Secretary, Brother J. S. Murrow, presents his twenty-eighth annual report, and mentions the fact that he ranks third in seniority on the list of Grand Secretaries, the other two being Christopher Diehl of Utah and Cornelius Hedges of Montana, of whom he says: • They are twin Grand Secretaries. They are both grand. g:oor} men. and pray tbey ma~' live many more years.

Tncluding himself in the prayer, we say, "So mote it be. Amen!"

1907. J



His account shows that he ,has collected and turned over to the Grand Treasurer $10,623.52. The Grand Treasurer shows: Balance of General Funds on hand August 10, 1906 $ 9,339 32 Balance of Orphan Home Funds on hand '. . . . . .. 4,176 49 Total

$13.505 81 . THE NEW



The following resolution was adopted: Be U Resolved, That the incoming Grand Master appoint a committee

three to路 confer with a like committee to be appointed by the Grand Master of the 'Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, for the purpose of considering a plan of merger or union. of the two路 Grand Lodges into one Grand Lodge. And in the event said committee of three Is able to agree upon the terms and conditions of said union, it report the same to the Grand Master of said Grand JurIsdictions, who in turn will submit plans, with all the details thel'eof, to their separate SUbordinate Lodges, and by proclamation convene the Subordinate Lodgeswlthin a period of sixty days thereafter for the purpose of determining the advisability of effecting said union, upon th~ terms and conditions as authori;r,ed by said committee. The Master and. Secretary of each Lodge shall certify the result of tllei.路 action to their' respective Grand Masters, and in the event of the majority of said Subordinate Lodges In each of said Grand Jurisdictions shall be ill favor of such union, then the Grand Master of the Indian Territory shall take such steps as may be necessary in carrying out said plans.






Master afterwards appointed the foll?wing Brethren on this

Leo K Bennett, Alexis


P. D. Brewer.


Brother William H'enry Talmage, Grand Orator, delivered what the Secretary is pleased to term "a magnificent address," entitled "A Design on God's' Trestleboard," We have room only for the following extract: 'l'he children of Israel, the first chosen people, paused at the crossing of the Jordan to erect a monument to the glory of Jehovah. So do we. For the Masons of Indian and Oklahoma '.rerritorles passing into the conditlon of .,tatehood, to their cedlt, have erected the greatest monument In our commonwealth. not to the ~lory of greed or mammon but to God's great design-Brotherhood. ' The erection of the peerless Scottish Rite Temple in McAlester, Indian '.rerrltory, 'and the voluntary contribution of neal' one hundred thousand dollars for the erection of a Mason's Widows' and Orphans' Home, is not only the greatest achievement of the new State of Oklahoma, but there 'Is nothing in Masonry the world over that compares to it, considering. Its youth. . Verily the eyes of the world and of heaven are upon us! The day and the duty are ours. In the midst of great temptations, when the destiny of our State is crowded into our every word of action, how shnll we act as Masons to fulfill the designs of God's trestleboard? My answer, Is "Artaban."





The following appears among the Proceedings: It was l'epol'ted that a Brothel' attending the Grand Lodge as a Hcp)'cf>cntative of. a Subordinate Lodge had gotten drunk while in attendanee. This matter was greatly deplored by the Brethl'en, and referred to the incoming Grand Mastel' to be dealt with, and made a warning for all who arc so inclined for t.heir flltUl'e guidance, The Grand Lodge of Indi:lll .'l'el'l'itorywil! not stand for this kind of thing.

We hope the Masters of Indian Territory "will t.ake due notice and govern themselves accordingly." A W ATERMELON


We find at the close of the Proceedings a group picture of the members of the Grand Lodge lined up along two long tables, each with a slice of watermelon in his hand, which Brother 'Palmer bad furnished as a reward for coming to Ardmore. The. picture is labeled "Not as melon(colic) as it looks." We trust none of them were affected like Ike Partington was, whose mother said he had eat more green apples than there was any necessa.ry for. HEPOIU



This is the fourth from the pen of our good Brother Thomas C. Humphrey and shows that he combines the art of a ready writer with judicial acumen, he being one qf the U. S. Jurlges. In closing .his preface he say's: We here give not.iee to one and all Reviewcrs that the union of O. T. and 1. T. will make it Ok .. and that the effulgence of the forty-sixth stal' will probably dazzle the eyes of t.he Masonic world.

We trust we may be spared to see the twinkle of t.he Star. He reviews Missouri for 1905. He characterizes the Address of Grand Master Valliant as "an able and intellectual treat," He quotes in full his. decision, "In the Matter of the Moon.'.' Says the Grand Orator "handled his subject with abili~T." Speaking of our report, he is pleased to say: As a four-year-old. we extend the Fraternal band to the one-yeal'-old member of tbe Guild, and say that he writes like a "grown person."

We appreciate the compliment coming from such a source and hope to merit the "favorable opinion" of the .Judge, so long at least as we sit at the same table. F. SMITH, Mountain Home; Grand Master. THlWI'HILU8 W. RANDALL, Boise, Grand Secretary.



APPendix. INDIANA-1906~

69 .

Lodges, 529.

Members, 45,059.

We have not been favored with a copy of the Proceedings of this Grand Body and are therefore compelled to glean from the reviews of our brother correspondents such information as they may furnish us. The M. W. Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Indiana held 路its Eighty-fifth Annual Meeting in Grand Lodge Hall in the City of Indianapolis, )fay 22, A. D. 1906, Grand Master Alfred W. Emery presiding. GJUND MASTER'S A))OHESS.

This was a practical paper, dealing with the affairs of his Jurisdiction in a business~like manner. He reports the death of Past Grand Master Frank S. Duval. Acting promptly at the time of the earthquake at San Francisco he issued an appeal, in conjunction with the heads of the other Masonic Grand Bodies, which resulted in the collection of nearly $5,600 for the California sufferers. He refused to lay corner-stones on Sunday, which action we note with approval. FlUE IN THF. TEl\'lPLE.

On May 9 practically three ftoorR of the_ Masonic Temple proper 'were destroyed by fire, while other parts of the building were damaged to a considerable extent by water. The question of rebuilding or remodeling the present Temple, with power to sell the old site and build a new. Temple after. being discussed was referred to a ~ommitiee composed of the Board 'of Trustees, together with .the l'etiring and incoming Grand Masters. I'INANCES.

Balance on hand Receipts current year Total cash Disbursements Balance

, " , .. ,

, ,


, ".:



$24,564 28 ,. 23,816 77


$48,381 05 , .. 19,0::5 4:1 :$29,355 62

JfORElG N RECOG N 1'1'10-" .

Recognition of the Grand Lodge of .Alberta was' postponed until the next meeting with a view to obtaining' further information to the legalitY~f its formation, while Queensland was recognized,






Brother :E;dward Wolfe, Grand Inspector, made his first report. which is a creditable document and will doubtless be productive of good resul~s. However~ in 路view of the' fire which had greatly damaged the property of the Grand Lodge and which would necessitate large expenditures in case the building is to be restored or remodeled, it was deemed to be inexpedient to take any steps at this meeting looldng toward the establishment of a Masonic Horne. GHAND MASTEn's JEWI<~L.

A beautiful Jewel was presented to t.he retiring Grand Master and complimentary resolutions. adopted. The portrait of the incoming Grand -Master appropriately forms the frontispiece of the Proceedings. m:POR'l' ON CORRI<:SPONDENCE. As our Hoosier Brethren call it, the "Annual Review of the Proceedings of Masonic Grand Lodges of America and J4"oreign Jurisdictions," was "prepared for the Masonic Grand Lodge of Indiana by Daniel McDonald, Reviewer," and is spoken of as an "excellent" report. He believes, with us, that a candidate who can neither read nor write ought not to be made a Mason. Speaking of the powers of the Grand Master, he says: He has prero~atives that are above the Constitution, one which



tution has any right to interfere with.

Such doctrine might have done in the days when King Solomon was Grand Master or to the "Absolute Sovereign Grand Master," as recognized in the Rite of Mizraim. We agree with Brother Lamberton of Pe~nsylvania, when he says: We fear that is an assumption that our good Brother will be unable to substantiate when the proof comes to be demanded. "'ell, it does not matter; but the time wIll come,. we firmly believe, when Grand Mast.ers will be compelled to obey the Constitution, laws, regulations ,and Landmarks, whatever they mRy be, instead of taking things in theil' own hands, cavorting , around like a bovine in a china shop, defying Constitutions and Landmarks, making Masons at sight, and doing divers and sundry other things that wat> never cOlltemplated when that office was created. There, now; go to !"

We hope to have a copy of the. Indiana Proceedings before us for our next -report. M. W. Bro. LINCOLN V. CRAVENS, Madison, Gra.nd Master. R. W. CALVIN W., PRATHER, Indianapolis, Grand' Secretary.

1HO'I. ]

Appendix. IOWA-1906. Members, 36,736.

Lodges, 505.

We have no hesitancy in saying that these are the best executed, typographically, of any Proceedings that come to our table, and as we open the volume a splendid steel engraving of Grand Master William H. Norris looks us square in the face and impresses us with his sterli.ng worth as a man. A splendid reception was tendered the Grand Lodge by the dtizens of Des Moines. Brother.J. A. Wirt, in well-chosen words, made the welcoming Address, and Brother Louis. Block made a happy response, interspersed with wit and poetry, and thus closes his timely remarks: We are glad. my Brothers, that you. like all the rest of us--are architects of fate, Working on these walls of time, Some with massive deeds and great, Some with ornaments of rhyme. That with you, as wIth usFor the structures that we raise Time is with materials filled. Our todays and ~-esterdays ,Are the blocks with whIch we build. And that. as one Brother .has so beautifully put itIt is the house not made with hands, not built of stone an'd steel,

Whose base is the great common thought that' all of us must feel, Whose clear design but follows out the one eternal plan That they who work in Brotherhood must know their Brother man.

'.rhis we have bullt-and still shall bulld-tho' not with brick and beams, For we shall breathe the breath of life into our' cherished dreams. For we shall see our faith take form again, and yet again, For we build more than temples-aye, for we are" building men .. My Brethren,' once more, on behalf of the Brethren here assembled. permit me to thank you for the most generous welcome you have given us.

The Grand Lodge of Iowa A. F. and A. M. convened in its' Sixtythird Annual Communication in Des Moines, at 9: 30 o'clock a. 路m., Grand Master William Henry Norris presiding, with 476 Lodges represented. . GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is, as reported by the committee, "a carefUlly prepared report of his official acts. He says: I I congratulat.e the members of this Grand Body on account of the general satisfactory condItions that exist among the Craft. Peace, harmony "and general prosperity prevaIl among the Lodges throughout the JurisQiction.




He says: During the past year there have been the usual heavy losses OIl account * * * Investigation proves that thegreatet' number of our losses on account of such suspensions may be traced to the manifestly harmful custom, that is altogether too common throughout the Jurisdiction, of permitting dues to accumulate year after year until the sum total is so great as to frighten "timid souls," who, when confronted with financial obligations, are in the habit of mentally inquiring, "Will it pay?" and who do not seem to possess a sufficient amount of moral stamina to courageously answer "It always paY8 to be honc8t/' . It is quite possible that a certain amount of clearage on this account will redound to the ultimate credit of the Fraternity by ridding it of undesirable material. that ill all probability gained admission under fraudulent l'epreRent":l tion~o Qf dimissions and suspensions for non-payment of dues.


Under this head the deaths of Hiram Gilmore, Grand Custodian, on the 24th of March, 1906, and John Hilsinger, Past Grand Treasurer, on the 26th of March, ] 905, are reported. JOINT USE OF LODOE HALLS.

The Grand Master reports that 215 Lodges are using halls that are jointly occupied by other fraternities or by the public generally, while only 268 Lodges are occupying buildings or parts of buildings used exclusively for Masonic purposes, and he properly refused to grant Dispensations for the format.ion of new Lodges without a pledge that they would secure halls, to 'be used â‚Źxclusively by the Masonic Fraternity. 0


An imposing cut on the back of the Proceedings represents "the only Masonic Library BUilding in the world," at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and our Iowa Brethren are justly proud of it as a storehouse filled with good things "gathered and gleaned the world over." This accounts for the attractive style in which the Grand Secretary and the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence are able to present their reports and intersperse them with such choice bits of poetry. GRAND SECl{ETARY'S REPORT.

Grand Secretary Parvin, in his report, speaking of Masonic triais, says: 'Yeo have been criticized time and again for ma.rring the appearance of Grand Lodge Proceedings with full printed reports of the Committee on Appeals and Grievances, reciting, as they do. the facts of the charges against Brother Master Masons. giving much of the testimony presented in trials, In t.he opinion of mallY. all details should be omitted from the




printed reports, leaving only the name of the Lodge and the final action of the committee, with perhaps the Brother's initials, to be made public to the world. We can not refrain from commending this course, and believe that our Grand Lodge would do well to follow such course in the future.

Brother Parvin devotes five pages to obituaries of deceased Grand Secretaries Robert Wilkinson Furnas of Nebraska, Thomas Milburne Reed of Washington, and Charles Inglesby of South Carolina, and furnishes medallion pictures of them. He introduces his tribute with this quotation: There are countless heroes Who live and die Of whom we have never heard; For the great, big, brawling world goes by With hardly a look or a word; And one of the bravest and best of all Of. whom the list can boast, Is the man who falls on duty's call--'The man who died at his post.

He thus introduces his report as Librarian: Come. see m~' books and l~ead with me. And let us feast and talk to~ether; From care and strife we shall be free, And have no thoughts about the weather. V

Except .a living man, there is nothing more wonderful than a book-a message to us ft'om the dead-from human souls whom we never saw. who lived, perhaps, thousands of miles away; and yet these, in those little sheets of paper, speak to us, amuse us, terrify us, teach us, comfort us, open their hearts to us as Brothers.

He says: The entire cost of all matters perlailJiug to fhe Library, including J.lUrchase of books and periodicals and 路binding of both; the purchase of cases and supplies for the Library, and the catTying on of all work connected therewith, amounts to less than five cents per member. Surely there should be no Mason In all Iowa who could reasonably object to any such expenditure for the institution. On the other hand, every Mason who makes use of the Library is doing something not only for his own ~ood but for the benefit of all those with whom he comes in contact. The information gained by one visiting the Library for the' purpose of preparing an Address is just路 as beneficial to all who listen to that Address as though each of them had the opportunity of visiting the Lihrary.


'rota! receipts 1905-6


$64,187 67


No. 1. Services路 of Grand Officers.. . . . . . . $ 3,050 00 No. .II. Genera! expenses 4,530 65 "il No. III. .Mileage and per diem , 8,638 ,93 No.' 路IV. Special appropriations 11,21163 No. V. Library building and Library............ 3,572 90 No. VI. Compensation and exnenses Dist. Lectures. 812 28 No, VII. Expenses incurred by Trustees Grand Lodge. 20100 'Grand Treasurer I-per cent (See Section 17, Code).. 320 17-$32,33756 Cash on. ,hand.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$31;850 11





returns received through the efforts and courtesy of your Committee on Chartered Lodges, it is ascertained that forty-eight Master Masons, or Master Masons' widows and orphans, received assistance from the Grand Charity Fnnd during the past year, and in many instances the case cited would include a family of from four to ten children, so that the number of individuals assisted was several times the above figure, and the local Lodges were extending regular assistance in sixty-five additional cases. Ten Master Masons were found in public instltutions--eight of them in insane hospitals and two in soldiers' homes, the latter from their own choice--but there is not a single Master Mason, nor a Master Mason's widow or orphan receiving assistance or support from a public cp.aritable institution in Iowa, a condition that must be truly gratifying to every Brother in this Grand Jurisdiction. The returns also show that the local Lodges contributed from their own Lodge funds for the relief of members and their families during the year $9,498.08, and contributed for the relief of others, not meD;lbers of the Fraternity, $2,482.29, making a total expended by the Lodges for charitable purposes $11,980.87. Add to this sum the $7,398.80 placed with the local 'l'rustees, under the jurisdiction of t.he Trustees of the Gmnd Charit.y Fund. during the year, as shown in Exhibit C, and we find a total of $19,379.67 contributed by t.he Masons of this Grand Jurisdiction for the relief of the unfortunat.e. REPORT ON FI~ATERNAL DEAD.

This report was present~d by Br~. J. E. Howe and cC?vers some nine pages. We should like to copy it in full. but must be content with the p'rologue: To the Most WorShipful. Grand Lodge Of Iowa:

'l'ime, with its never-ending revolutions, has brought us once more to t.he closing days of another :\lasonic year. Another year of life, with its pleasures and pains, its joys and sorrows, its successes and disappointments, has gone into the misty past. Once more has the great Brotherhood met in Annual Communication. These annual meetings are to us like the warm showers of the beautiful spring-time to the verdure and flowers of earth, warming into newness of life old friendships, and encircling with the golden chain of fraternal love those more recently admitted to our ranks. They are like the cool rill of living water that rushes down from the snowcapped mountain to the parched valley in the plain below. They are like the oasis in the desert to the weary wanderer on life's journe~', Here we meet the restful smile and the glad handclasp that comes from the meeting of the friends of a lifetime. Old Friends! Mere words but ill express What friendship means to thee and me; The joy that thrills each Brother's breast As hearts beat warm and hands are pressed In 路firmest clasp. To thee and me, Like showers to the thirsty land These greetings are.' These gatherings grand, Renew our hope, inspire our faith, Enrich our souls with Love and Truth, And send us forth with purpose strong In freedom's cause 'gainst error's wrongR. A GOOD SHOWING.

From the 0 report on Chartered Lodges, we extract the following: You will observe from these figures that the total receipts of the J.JOdges in Iowa during the year 1905 were $179.327.89; that the paid dues on December 31, 1905, were $29,040.09, or 80 cents for each member In good standing at the close of the year at 1905; that the cash on hand December 31, 1905, was $213,085.35; that the value of the real and .personal property

1907. "1



of the Lodges in this Jurisdiction is $732,881.81, making total assets of the Subordinate Lodges $945,967.16, which does not include the $29,040 unpaid dues. .'1'0 this total 路amount should be added the value of the property owned by the Grand Lodge, which includes the Library and the grounds at Cedar. Rapids, cash in the hands Of the Grand 'l'reas1.1rer and in the hands of the Trustees of the Grand Charity Fund, which brings the total value of the property owned by the Blue Lodge Masons in Iowa over $1,000,000. We venture that few of the Craft realize that our Iowa Blue Lodge Masonry is a million-dollar institution, with an annual income of $180,000, and carrying a cash balance of over $200,000. A goodly sum for the protection of the widow and orphan, or the assistance of the victims of disaster, or the infirmities of age. We are pleased to note tbat many of our Lodges are investing in permanent homes, and that nearly one-fourth of them are occupying Lodge rooms dedicated to Masonry, and over one-half have Lodge rooms where only ~fasonic Bodies are permitted entry. FOIIEIGi'i HECOO;\,ITIO:".

As recommended by the Committee on Fraternal Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Alberta was duly recognized. Action on the recognition of the Grand Lodge of France was postponed indefinitely. PRESENTATION OF Al'ROl\.

Past Grand Master W. L. Eaton, with a few appropriate remarks, in behalf of the Grand Lodge, presented to the retiring Grand Master, W. H. Norris, a Past Grand Master's apron. lN MEMORIAM.

At the close of his list of deaths Brother Parvin aptly quotes: The stream is calmest when it nears the tide, The flowers are sweetest at eventide, The bil'ds more musical at close of day, And saints divinest when they pass away. Morning is lovely, but a holier charm Lies folded close in Evening's robe of balm; And weary man must ever love her best; For Morning calls to toil, but Night to rest. "Until evenin~" we must weep and toil, Plow life's stern furrow, dig the ungrateful soil, Tread with torn feet our rough and thorny way, And bear the heat and burden of the day. Oh! when our sun is setting may we glide Like summer evening down the golden tide; And leave behind us as we pass away, Sweet, starry twilight round our sleeping clay. REPORT ON FRATERNAL CORRESPONDENCE.

This, his fifth 'annual report, is from the ready pen of our Brother Joseph' E. Morcombe. We heartily endorse these views 'expressed in his preface: In this place I would urge the necessity for deeper thonght; for a closer study of the things which Masonry holds and yet so well conceals. Schools for Instroction are indeed numerous, but teaching therein is largely confined to' matters of form and words-the real esotery finds no place in their CUT-



['iculum, Should Hot some attention be also given to the underlying meanings-some attempt be made to gain knowledge of lost 01' forgotten significances? Rathel' in the spirit of suggestion than of criticism would we say that Lodges and Grand Lodges imagine all duties met and weIl-performed if but the body of the Craft is amply nourished and well-appareIled.








The l<'raternity is now, and will continue to be, an active force in the world. Its power for good will increase as we learn more fully to use its organized influence, Even now among the nations, all unsuspected; it is substituting the evangel of peace for the 'ancient and ruthless law of strife and bitterness; teaching ever the great lesson of common m:otherhood, in which there is "neither border nor breed nor birfh;" seeking in all things to bl'lng neal'er the reign of righteousness on earth. For these ,great purp<JsesWork, Brothers mine, with hand and brain, To- win the golden age again: Till Love's miIlennial morn shall rise In happy hearts and blessed e;yes, And all the world may know that we Are Knights in God's own chivalry,

He reviews Missouri for 1905, devoting two pages to the proceedings of our Grand Lodge. He cOn'l.plim~:mts Brother Valliant on his masterly administration., He says: Common sense and the Masonic Code will solve most questions brought to the attention of a Grand Master, Brother Valliant gives abundant evidence of properly combining these two requisites.

Speaking of the use, or rather, the abuse of the black ball, Brother Morcom be says: 'We know of no more serious evil nOI' more ditiicult question in the whole range of Masouk discussion. The single black ball as suffirlent for exclusion is not a Landmark, nor is its use univers~I.

We have known the Ishmaelitc in the Lodge and lost all patience with his abuse of the ballot, but have never discovered any remedy except to arrest the Charter of the Lodge and leave the "cuss" out in the reorganization of it. ;rhe "one-man power" has always been regarded as an inhel;ent privilege, not subject to interference of the Grand Lodge, because as the Old Charges say, "The members of a particular'Lodge are the best judges of it; and because if a turbulent member should be imposed upon them, it might spoil their harmony or hinder the freedom of their Communications, or even break and disperse the Lodge, which ought to be avoided by all true and faithful." We appreciate and thank our Brother for the compliment paid us. We fell in love with him from the start and hope it is not true, as reported by Brother Lamberton, that this is his last report. If so we can truthfully say with Brother Lamberton, "We part with Brother Morcombe with regret and truly say that his successor has an exemplar to foHow." WILLIAM FISKE CLEVELAND, Harlan, Grand Master, NEWTON R. PARVIN, Cedar Rapids, Grand Secretary.





IRELAND. This comes to us in an annual report containing only the address of. the Deputy Grand Master, Sir James Creed Meredith, LL. D., delivered at Stated Communfcation of Grand Lodge held in Dublin .on St. John's Day, 1906.. The frontispiece .consists of a group picture of· Sir James Creed Meredith,' the Deputy Grand Mastlr, H. E. Flavell~\ the Deputy Grand Secretary; 'W. J. Chetwode Crawley, LL.D., Grand Treasurer, and Rev. Benjamin Gibson, M. A., Grand Chaplain. The Address, covering some twenty-five pages, reads well and we would be glad to transcribe it here, but m~st content ourselves with a few prominent points. He says: It is very pleasant, indced, in addressing the Grand liodgc to be able ti) assure you that we are in a thoroughly sound financial position, and outside mere matteI's of mone~' I think I can say that the Order is a.s prosperous and as flourishing today as it has ever been in the history of Masonry in this conn try. THE GIRLS'


Now, Brethren, I would like to devote a few minutes to saying something about .the three jewels of Masonry-our Girls' School, our Boys' Sehool. and the ViCtoria Jubilee Annuity Fund. At the last examination held by the Intermediate Board in this country, 27 of the pupils of our school were sent up, and no fewer than 24 actually passed the examination. The Jlercenta,ge . of our girls who passed was 89, whereas in the three grades in which our candidates competed, the average passes all thron~h the whole of Ireland was only G2-that is, that the record of our Girls' School is 89 as compal'eo with (,2 of the 'Uirls' Schools all over Ireland. TIlFl BOYS'


I can say for OUr Boys' School as well as for our CHris' School that the education is admirably given, and that everything is done that can be done for the pUI'pose of sending the boys out into the world fit to meet that competition which day by day has become keener. 0ur Brother, Sir 'WilHam Firedlater. who in his lifetime took a very lively intercst in everything connected with onl' Order, left .£100 to each of our Schools. and Mi!':8 Ella X. Flood Irft a legacy of £1,475, 6d. to each School. 'rIll':





Hemember, this is not a fund that takes On anybody who want.s money. Those who are not old enough must work for themselves. be they men or women. Nobody undp.r sixty y('3rs of age can be placed on the list of candidates-aye. and thet'e are Imockin~ at our doors at this moment individuals who have seen not only sixty years but nearly half as much more. There are candidates close on ninety years of age looking for the henefit of these annuities. '" ., " 'Ye incl'(~ased the annuities last yea)' from £]5 in all cases to £:2;, for our old and dcenycd BI'cthren, and to £20 • fol' the poor widows. . ']'IIE .J('liH"ALISTS"


As regards ou'r friends of the Institute of .Journalists, it is their practice. and a good one, that the~' should meet from year to year in some important town in the empire fOI' the purpose of interchanging views as regards their • profession, for pleasant social intercourse, and' for having. I think J may say. a good time. This year the venue was fixed in Dublin. There are a . very large number of that profession in England' and .abroad who have the




advantage of being members of the Masonic Fraternity. When it was decided that the路 Institute would visit Dublin this year, our Brother Wayland and our Brother Hunt communicated with me, and we broiJght the matter before the Board of General Purposes and before路 Grand Lodge, and you decided that those who were members of the Fraternity and members of the journalist profession should not be allowed to come to Dublin 'and depart with merely that wal;m welcome which the citizens of Dublin generally had given to the whole body, but that ,we should do something to greet our own Brethren when they came amongst us. Accordingly it was arl'anged that a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Instruction should be held" at which a Degree should be conferred, and tlutt after LAROR there should come that very proper and enjoyable sequence, refreShments. My Brother, the Grand Treasurer, in his capacity as one of the Secretaries of the Grand Lodge of Instl'Uction, and my Brother Lord Justice FitzGibbon, following out their well-known love of everything Masonic, joined together for the purpose of exemplifying the gntered Apprentice Degree, and I am glad to say that we were able on that occasion to have the Degree conferred upon a real candidate. I need hardly say that the ceremony was performed in a perfect manner, and that the Brethren from England and abroad thoroughly ,and entirely appreciated the way in which the Degree was worked, and they appreciatea, too, I think, the evening entertainment that followed. I'iEWS FRO)! THE PROVINCES.

I thought it would perhaps introduce a new feature this year into my Auuual Address if "I were to endeavor to obtain for you from the different provinces of Ireland some reports as to how Masonry was progressing in those provinces, and accordingly I desired that a circular letter should be sent to the Provincial Grand Masters or their Deputies, askiJig them for information as to anything of interest that had taken place. Well, Brethren, iIlt no less than six of the provinces' all they could say was that they had nothing special to report, that Masonry was progressing, following the 路even tenor of its ways, and that they t.hought everything was going on as usual. This was the case in the Southeastern Counties, in Meath, in Munster, in Armagh, In South Connuught, and in Tyrone and Ferman~gb. XUU'l'-I-!


In North Munster a new Lodge room bas been built in Nenagh. In lJimerick there exists a Masonic Club, wbich has a large membership. The Grand Master of the Province of Korth Munster, Sir Charles Barrington, Bart., has informed me that Lodge No. 13, in the city of LImerick, possesses two very valuable antiqUities-one a large silver cup-the other what is stated to be the oldest known Masonic Jewel. This latter consists of a smal1 brass square, found during the taking down of Bal1's Bridge, in the city of Limerick, which was a very ancient structure, and was taken down in 1823. This Jewel is dated 1517, that is as closely as possible 400 years ago, and it bears upon it this inscription: I will strive to live with love and care Upon the level and by the square, which, I think, establishes the Masonic connection of that Jewel. (Applause.) As regards the silver cup, the history is exceedingly interesting. It was first referred to about the middle of the last century by one who was a most distinguished and pre-eminent Freemason at that time:....-Bro. Michael Furnel!. Ten or twelve years ago it was tbe subject of an article published' by our Brotber the Grand Trl'asurer, whom I tbink I may justly call The Great Antiquarian of the Order-and about three years ago a most interesting paper referring to it !>y our Brother H. F. Berry, a Past Master of. the Trinity Col1ege Lodge, appeared in tbe Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge. It appears that during the War of 1813 tbere was a worthy member of Lodge No. 13, Limerick-a namesake, by the way, of our present Grand Sword Bearer-he was the .James Campbell of those days-(applause)-who was the owner of a sloop called "The Three Friends." While at sea be happened to fal1 in with the French privateer "Le Furet," w.bich was cllmmanded by Louis Marlncourt. The French privateer captured "The Thl'ee Friends," and made the captain and crew prison erR of war, but Marillcourt found that Campbell and he were Brother Masons, and he immediately deelared that be tould not retain captive his


J 90"(.]


Brother Campbell, and he therefore at once released him and his crew and restored to him his sloop. Brother Campbell, on his return to Ireland, reported to the Brethren in Limerick the generous treatment he had received at tbe hands of the Frenchman, whereupon the members· of Lodge No. 13 subscribed £100, which they invested in the purchase of a silver cup. SlIver cups, in tbose days, r'eml'mber. were a good deal dearer than silver cups are now. This cup, suitably inscribed, was, as soon as possible on the termination of the wal', -sent over to France to Brother Marincourt., with the Fraternal greetings of Lodge No. 13. But poor Marincourt had died before tbe cup arrived, and bis friends, after a short time, thinking it would be a meII).ento which would be highly valued by the Brethren in Limel'ick, returned the cup t.o Limerick, where it is now to. be found as one of the sacred and valued possessions of Lodge No. 13, Limerick. (Applanse.) HULINGS

01" THE BOAHD 01"


There are two or tbree rulings of the Board of General Purposes about which I would like to say a word. We are asked whether, after suspension, if a Brother is restored, he is restored to membership of his Lodge, or to· good Masonic standing only. The Board have ruled t.hat he is restored to good Masonic standing only, and not to membership of his Lodge. If· he wants to get back t.o his Lodge, he must take the same steps he should take if he wanted to get into any other Lodge-that is, he must be proposed and, balloted for in the usual way. We were asked whether a non-Masonic band was allowable during dinner, and whether waiters should be allowed to be present during Masonic speeches. The Board have ruled that during dinner a non-Masonic band might be present, that during the delivery of Masonic s~eecbes it is desirable. as far as possible, that only Masons shonld be. present, but they were not' prepared to go the length of laying down i-ny hard and fast rule 'Upon the matter. We were also asked whether a WGrshipful Master might hold a meet.ing of his Lodge and perform any Masonic work without first having the minutes of the last meeting read. That, like a great many other things, is a matter upon which the Worshipful Master must exercise his own discretion) but I would suy to bim he must do it in a reasonahle manner. If a minute book is there, I would say read your minutes first, but' if the Secretary .has forgotten to bring the minute book, or some little accident of that Idnd has happev.ed, I would say the \Vorshipful Master should allow the meeting to go on. and let the minutes be rcad at another meeting. PROPOSAl"


I have been asked from one of the provinces to say a word upon a topic which is, I think, important to us all, that is, as to what the proceedings should be prior to the election of a candidate to our Order. Eaeh candidate· must certainly be pl'oposed and seconded in open Lodge, either at the regular meeting 01' at an emergency meeting, and I have no hesitation in saying that the Dublin practice is right, and that is, that the question should be put to the Lodge whether it is their wish! tbat the name of the candidate should be placed upon tbe book for ballot for the usual space of time. If any Brother ehooses to object, it is his right to object on that question being put, and the Master is bound to hear it, and he Illay advance some reason' why the, name. should not be put on the books at all. But assuming no objection is raised, it is open to any member of the Lodge, during the interval t.he name remains on the books, to inform the Worshipful Master or the Secretary that he thinks it better the name should not be balloted for. My advice to any Worshipful Master under such circumstances would be that he should rule that he would not have the name balloted for, because remember that it is the right of any Master Mason to go to the ballot box and put in a black hean, and if he does, that candidate can not be initiated in that Lodge at any rate. I do not like black beans, and I do not think any should be put iii except under strong compulsion. If you know that a person is an unfit person to be a member of our Order, you are entitled to black bean him, but you ought first to give his proposer. or the Worshipful Master, or the Secretary, intimation that you would rather the name was not put forward. If after that they insist upon' putting the name forward, then you are quite justified in black-beaning. A Brotber bas a right to black-bean without saying anything about it. I have told you I do not think that a proper course to adopt. You rna:r intimate that the man ought to go to another Lodge.






Brethren, I afraid I have detained you for longer than I ought to have done, but I was supplied b~r my good B['ethl'en. here and there with so many topics, that I found it hard to compress into tbe 'proper limit all tbat I wanted to say. Personally I desire to thank my Bretbren of tbis Grand Lodge, onc and all, for tbe very hearty reception that tbey gave me today. and for the kindness wbich I bave ever experienced at their hands. .1 feel tbat time is rapidly passing, and whctber I may be spared 01' tll}t, to stand In this place a year hence, no one here can say.. 'We are all of us. Brethren, in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. May I in all humbleness and in all' sincerity implore His benediction upon the members of this great Order; may we all be enabled to live more truly up to the great principles of Masonry which we have learned, and when we are called hence, may the Order continue to flourish. Lct us all remember that great hereafter to which we are all hastening, Imt on the journey to which we must not lose sight of the thought that every onc of ns must finish that journey 'alon(>. (Applanse.)

KANSAS-1907. Lodges,

Members, 28,764.


The M.路 .W,' .Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas convened in its Fifty-first Annual Communication in the. City of Wichita, February 20, A. D. 1907, with 287 Lodges, representeel, M. W. Thomas L. Bond, Grand Master, presiding, The opening prayer by Rev.F'uller Bergstresser as 'Grand Chaplain, was an appropriat.e and impressive one, as shown by the following extract: By thy forgiveness we hope to live lives needing less forgivcness. l'ush us out into the world of busy men, brave and willing to live the white ]ifp. the helpful life, the common sense life of the Christian gentleman. l~it us into some one elsc's need. vVe pray for the heart that Imows no other art than knowing to be kind. Enable us to do our best every day, from dawn to retiring time. '''hen called to any sel'vice, sma 11 01' great, find in us IlO laggard 0[' shirker. 2\love our hand, our thought.. our voice, to do some service in this great world of necd. )1ay we' bring "forth in abundan<:e, 11kI' the earth, happiness and evc['y sort of good. Help us to some Garden of Getbsemane, whel'l~ we will be away from the noise and sin of the market plaee and social whirl, where angels may visit us to teach us the' glory of loving kindness. Gmnt that the rohe of darlmess may be thrown off. from the e~'es that would see thee. Have compassion upon those who are seeking happiness solely in the things whieh belong to the physical life: help them to know thee, the fount of true happiness. Hefresh us with thl' thought of God for us, and by the presenCI~ and power of God within us. :May the' look of pity whkh shines in thine eterna I face dispel our griefs and doubts. . GRAND J\fASl'El~:S ADD]U<:SS.

The Commhtee on Reports well says: In his opening. the (;J'and Mastel' broadly sketches in for('eful and beautiful language the duty and privileges of )1asonry. He enjoins upon his Brethren courage, devotion and energy, and the articles of faith and phlIosophy which he so beautifully states, bear thc impress of earnestness and soundness. The Grand Master says that "he who neglects to do good, fails to be good ;" that whoever is self-sufficient will nevel' reach the heights ;. while "he that humblcth himself shall be exalted." Surely no nobler (lXhortation could be given by the Gl'and Mastcl' of the ('raft.



1907. ]


Two thousand one hundred and seventy-eight Brethren ~ave been raised to the sublime 路degree of a Master Mason, an'd the net gain for the year 1906 is 1,597, while harmony and brotherly love prevail throughout the JMrisdiction. NECROLOGY.

Under this head he announces the death of Past Grand Master Thomas Emmet Dewey, chairman of the Committee on Correspondence', which occurred June 9, 1906, and of Past Grand Master John Guthrie, on the last day of his seventy-sixth year. CHAffiMAN OF COMMITTEE ON CORRESPONDENCE.

To fill the vacancy caused by the death of M. W. Thomas Emmet Dewey, M; W. Bro. M. M. Miller, who had previously served in that position, was appointed chairman of Committee on Correspondence. SAN' FRANCISCO CONTJUBUTION.

The sum of $1,010 was contributed to the sufferers by the earthquake by the Ka.nsas Masons. CORNEH-STONES.

The Grand il1:aster reports the laying of the corner-stones of five public buildings during the year. SPECIAL DISPENSATIONS.

The Grand Master says: ,

I have declined requests to confer qualifications upon petitioners for Masonry, as that authorIty is not vested in the Grand Master.

We are glad to know that M. W. Bro. Bond does not regard a Grand Master as an autocrat. DECISIONS.

Seventeen decisions are reported, twelve of which were approved and are of local application. Of those' disapproved, NO.5, is as follows: QuestIon: Can the Lodge funds be used for the purpose of placing a memorial window in a church? AnsWer: No:

No. 15 -is as follows: ' Question: Can the funds. of a Masonic Lodge be used to. employ detectives?' . Answer: 1';G. G. L. Ap.-6



In disapproving these decisions the Committee on JurisprudencE' says: Relative to Decisions Nos. 5 and 15, we believe the law to be that every Lodge has the inherent right to control its funds and property and appropriate the same for Masonic uses and Lodge purposes in the interests of Masonry, and we are of the opinion that this Grand Lodge should not enact laws particularizing what are not Lodge and Masonic purposes. that being the province of each Lodge to act under existing circumstances within the general con-fines of the law.

InDecision No.4, the Grand Master says: 4. A petitioner without the physical qU'alifications was initiated, and then objection was made to his further advancement, because of his physical disability. I held that he should not have been initiated but, having路 been initiated, it would be a gross injustice to him to refuse him advancement unless his physical disability prevented him from performing the work of speculative Masonry and complying with the requisitions of the Masonic Ritual.

Commenting on this the Committee on Jurisprudence very properly holds: While we approve of the application of the law to the facts as stated by the Grand Master in Decision No. 4 relative to the physical disability of a candidate, we prefer to adhere to the position hel'etofore taken by this Gl'and Lodge, that it is not wise to promulgate and announce any formal decision relative thereto other than that contained in the "Charges of a Freemason," DISTRICT DEPUTY Gl~AN]) MASTlmS.

An increase in the number of District Deputy Grand Masters to not ,less than fifty nor more than fifty-five, was recommended by the Grand Master, and his suggestion was adopted.' MASON Ie HOML

There are at present sixty-four guests in the Home;, each is an indigent Mason or the wife, widow or orphan of a Mason. Their material wants are supplied; they are cared 路for and protected; the young are educated; the old are furnished with recreation and enjoyment. Each Kansas Mason contributes fifty cents per annum to the funds necessary for these purposes. In other words, through ithe co-operation of Kansas Masons each Brother is supporting, main:taining and caring for sixty-four worthy and deserving people at an annual expenditure of fifty cents.' By contributing less than one cent a year, each Kansas Mason supports a Brother Mason, or a Mason's wife, widow or orphan. The receipts of the Home last year were $23,853.24. This includes $5,250 paid upon loans and $1,570 r~ceived from the Order of the Eastern Star. Warrants were drawn on the Treasurer for $20,34fl.09. Four thousan.d five hundred dollars of this 'Yas for new loans made and $1,000 was a donation to the Chapel Fund.

~.907. ]


Since the establishment of the Masonic Home, the Order of the Eastern Star bas most generously contributed to Its support.._donating much more liberally In proportion to Hs abliity than has this Grand Lodge. Believing that the spiritual welfare of the guests of the Home was fully as important as their material comfort, this noble organization has erected upon the Home grounds a magnificent chapel at an expense of more than $10,000. This beautiful building will be formally presented to this Grand Lodge at 4 :00 o'clock this afternoon. I hope that every member of this Body will testify his appreciation of the zeal, enthustasm and noble effort of the Grand Chapter of' the Order of the Eastern Star by his presence at the presentation ceremony. I fear that in some Masonic circles due credit is not given to the Order of the Eastern Star for their faithful devotion to and loyai support of this great Masonic charity. Every Brother who visits the Masonic Home chapel will certainly have increased respect for and admiration of the· Order of the Eastel'll Star. ORATION.

The address of Rev. Fuller Bergstresser, the Grand Orator, is a practical a.s well as eloquent oration, and we should be glad to copy it in. full, but must be content witl?- the following extracts. His subject was "The Mission of Masonry." He says: Freemasonry is settled upon a solid and eternal foundation. l<;very Mason, who is worthy the name, believes in at least four things. First. he believes in God. Second, he believes in the 'Bible as the one great chal·t and compass of human life. Third, he believes' in the immortality of the human soul. Jt'ourth, he believes in the Brotherllood of man.


. .

2. .Masonry p,'esents a finn and unbroken belief in the divine authority of the Bible, and accepts it as the one gl'eat chart and compass or human life.

Deny the Bible, and the chief corner-stone is removed and our super· structure is left unguarded to the merciless and pitiless storms soon to beat in fury against it. . It is scarcely necessary before this audience to entel' upon a euolgy 01' defense of the great book -of books. But this is the age of the iconocla.st, to whom the Bible appears merely as a sort of crazy-quilt· of untrue history, distol'ted science, weak poetry, impractical morality, and vague foreshadow· ings of the unknown and unknowable. Every ilttle while a man comes up to overthrow the Bible, and rips it open, and shows the inside, and is surrounded by men who admire what he has done, and think the book is destroyed. And yet it lives on, and from age to age evinces its power. What is the reason of it? Why, it is this: that from the very first page to the very last it is on the side of man. It hates those -things that hurt men, and it loves those things that make men happier by making them better. It is a book that is on the side of humanity from beginning to end, and it bas for every human woe a balm. The whole spi!'it of the Bibie is in favor of mankind, 'and men will not wililngly let it die. The greatest glory of Masonry is the fact that ever' and always this ancient Craft has put into word and deed the 'ren Commandments., the Golden Hule. and the parable of the Good Samaritan.• We meet the sacred lessons of the Bible in every advancing step in the various Degrees. Without it our working tools. such as the square. plumb-line, level, trowel and compasses, are divested of all meaning, and our Ritual Is a mockery and an empty sound. A Bibleless altar is not Masonry. The waxing or the waning. influence of the Bible wili decide the hope or the doom of Masonry. Paraphrasing a remark of the American Demos· thenes. Daniel Webster: "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, we will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity in some evil hour neglect its instructions and deny its authority, no man can tell how suddenly a calamity may overwhelm us and bury our glory in obscurity."



No greater glory can come to us than to help uphold the authority and widen the enlightening influence of the Bible.• We play with fate when we lightly esteem the sacred book on our altar. For you and me this is God's plumb-line dropped down over the side of our character, to show U8 where our character recedes and where it bulges, and just w'bat is the perpendicular. We as Masons know full well that we build in vain, either a house or a character, if we build in violation of the warnIng of the plumb-nne. FOHEIGN RECOGNITION.

Upon the rec'ommendation of the Cummittee on Correspondence the following Grand Lodges were recognized and an exchange of Grand Representatives accorded, to wit: Grand Lodge of Alberta, Grand Lodge of Porto Rica, Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, and Grand Lodge of Queensland. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NECROLOGY.

This report, signed by Brothers WilliamL. Burdick and William H. Mize, is a touching tribute to the dead of their o-wn, as well as other Jurisdictions, and closes wit~ these impressive words: And now, my Brethren, the greatest lesson of this' hour is the thought that this service should renew our faith In that one supreme belief which alone can nerve the hearts of men, and furnish them with strength and comfort, in every trial. Although all our philosophy and faith can not remove the sharp pangs of sorrow and grief when we look upon our dead, and while it is natural and right that we should mourn, since they have left the world lonelier for us who remain, yet friendship and love are immortal, and are not limited to time 01' space. Masonry stands for the great tenet of. immortality, and our love requires it. Our whole Institution is founded and establlshed upon this bed-rock. The primal source of our faith, a cardinal principle of Masonic philosophy, in fact the very birth-mark of our existence, is an endurin~ belief in an original and eternal creative Spirit, whose we are and to whom we shall return. 'Tis the shallowest kind of a philosophy that says, "Out of nothing I eame and into nothing I go," since the highest reason of the intellect and the' very law of evolution makes it a necessity that we shOUld realize that from something we came, and onwa.rd, ever progressively onward into something, we go. £01;e is eternal, t1'uth is 'eternal, and is not the spirit, the soul, whose emanations love' and truth are, greater than they? In this belief, implanted in the very soul of man, we should refuse to look upon death as the King of Terrors, announcing the dread proclamation "Go," but rather regard it as the Loving Messenger of nature who whispers "Come,'" Not moreover with Hamlet should we say, Who would fardels bear . To· grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, puzzles the wilL but rather in' the nobler 'and truer view, (leclare, But that the faith of something after death Strengf;hens the will., With this trust, while we cherish within our hearts the memory of our Brethren, while we pronounce' amid our love and tears this life's last greeting, "Hail and farewell," their spirits we commend to God, the Eternal Father ,of us all;' and' may He who protects the widow and the fatherless have these bereaved ones in His holy keeping. . Fraternally submitted,. WM. h BURDICK, WM.. R. MIZE, Committee.




W.· .George D. Adams, on behalf of the Salina Brethren, presented M: W.Bro. Thomas L. Bond with a Past Grand Master~s Jewel. The Grand Master accepted this gift in a pleasant and befitting manner. PICTORIAL. A clear-cut photo of Thomas Leonidas Bond, Grand Master, is presented on the frontispiece, one of John Guthrie,· Grand Master, 1877-8, and a group picture of the appointive, officers, 1906, follow the statistical tables in the Proceedings and add to the make-up of the book. REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE. This is the handiwork of Brother Mathew M. Miller, who was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of M. W. Bro. Dewey, and shows that he is no. novice in the work. While his. reviews are short they are pointed and suggestive. He reviews Missouri for 1906, but makes no comment, except upon our quotation from Brother Morcombe of Iowa, on the col: 'legience of Grand Lecturers. We agree with him that "Masonic collegiences or congresses let out too much steam' by 'escape' and use too litt.1e in 'sawing wood,'" and respectfully decline the honor of the position for which he nominates us. 'We agree with him on the 'suggestion made in the conclusion of his report, viz.: We think t.he topics suggested by the following questions now stand well to the front for the consideration of the Craft: 1st. What would be a square-deal basis for recognition? 2d. Can pseudo Masonry be better overcome by legislation, or by more stringent avouchment? 3d. Shall the cipher book take the place of, the instructive tongue? 4th. Based upon the ultra purist claims now made for regularity, what Grand Lodge of England, Scotland or' Ireland was regularly organized originally? '

M:.W:.EDWARD W. WELT,INGTON, Ellsworth, Grand Master. R: .W: .ALBERT K. WILSON, Topeka, Grand Secretary.

The Fifty-second Annual Commun.ication will' be held at' Topeka, February 19. 1908.

K.ENTUCKY-190S,' Lodges, 501. Members, .27,01{ ,. ., , The Grand Lodge of Kentucky Free and Accepted Masons held its One Hundred and Sixth Anilua,l .Communication in the Masonic Temple, Louisvilie, Ky., commencing Tuesday, October 16, 1906. James Gaqiett, Gr.an~l Maste.r,. pr~?}din:g. • " J"





This is a plain, common-sense document, givit;lg an account of his administration in a business-like way. He thus expresses his views of the "object in Assembling": My Brethren, we have not left the shop, the office, the factory, or the farm, to assemble for pleasure alone; we are here for a purpose-to do something for God, our fellow man and ourselves. "We have most important labors to perform. We are to blaze a path to be followed by our childrens' children. What we do will become history. 'l'hen, if we are to write history Jet us write it well, without undue favor or affection. We are not time~ servers; we are the servants of a noble cause. Let us be about our Master's business. Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, To silence envious tongues. Be just and fear not; Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's, Thy God's and truth's.

He announces the death June 21, 1906, of Joseph Thormeyer Davidson, Grand Tyler, and the appointment of Herman H. Erdman to fill the vacancy. He reports the arrEst of the ch~rter of Hood Lodge, No. 602, Adair County, and justifies his action in these words: BRETUUEN-It appears from the statements of a number of Brethren made under the sanction of their Masonic covenants, that officers and members of your Lodge appeared in public, clothed as a Lodge, while in a state of intoxication, and thus attended the funeral of Brother Wm. 'Wamack, in January, 1906; so that the solemnity and dignity of the occasion was seriously impaired, and the honor and reputation ot the Fraternity was thus brought into disrepute. It also appears that charges having been preferred against a number of members of your Lodge, and report of the committee made thel路eon. that the same were dismissed without taking the sense of the Lodge as to the guilt or innocence of the accused. The said Master also neglected and failed to cause charges to be preferred, or even to reprove 'Brethren who appeared in the Lodge under a state of intoxication; who bronght deadly weapons, and used profane language in open Lodge. 'rhis immora'I, intemperate conduct appears to have made no impression upon the Lodge, other than a mere incident, and the enormity of the offenses seem to be beyond the comprehension or appreciation of the members, which tends to show that they do not seem inclined to enforce the law in such cases made and provided. Therefore they should not hold a charter under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.

These fellows are a fair sample of some of the goats that creep into our Lodges and don the lambskin. They must have been of the "baser sort." It is bad enough to get drunk at a banquet, but when it comes to getting drunk at a funeral.we are not surprised at the "putting on the lid" In Kentucky. He reports $2,564.15 forwarded to San Francisco for the relief of the sufferers by the earthquake. Dispensations were issued for nine new Lodges. We notice that none of these 'Yere in Adair County. SUGGESTIONS.

Under this head the Grand Master says: The expetlence of the past year has demonstrated that the Craft in somll sections are either ignorant of the law or they treat it with contempt.

190,7, J



Several of my, worthy predecessors have had to contend with, and have called your attention to some of the evil practices which have caused me trouble and worry. The two most important are:, Many requests for "Special Dispensations" to confer Degrees within less than a month, or on lame and deformed people, and for many other purposes, were received and rejected. Had the applicants for these "Special Dispensations" devoted the same tim,e to studying, or even reading the Constitution and Regulations it requit'ed to write to the Grand Master and get his opinion, he would have been advised that his request could not be granted, and would have saved the Grand Master time, trouble and expense. Another evil, more serious and threatening than the one above mentioned, one which strikes at the very foundation of 'Masonry, is the use of "UDauthorized books." Truth Is the foundation upon which the beautiful superstructure of Masonry is built, and· this Grand Lodge should not adjourn until it has taken some det.erniined steps to suppress this evil. The E. A. OB. '" '" .. '" It is being violated and has been violated so long and so often that it is not now considered criminal to do so. We find that the Grand Lodge of 1865 had this 'question before it and in unmistakable words declared the lliw in t.his jurisdiction to be: "The use of improper and unauthorized books is pernicious in its influence; and the purity of Masonry can only be maintained by a strict adherence to the ancient teachings of the Order. The use of such books by Lodges within this .Jurisdiction will be regarded as a high offense; and any Lodge or member thereof so offending will be proceeded against by this Grand Lodge, and have its chal·ter arrested or the Brother expelled for so doing." 1865 Proceedings, page 73; Regulation 73, page 52. It seems after this declaration of the Grand Lodge, some one in an effort to save his conscicnc() devised another plan to violate his" O-B. without subjecting himself to the punishment set out in the 1865 Decision, but the Grand Lodge again, in 1891, met the issue and extended the opinion above referred to, as follows: "Printing or use of cipher work is not allowable in Kentucky." 1891 Grand Lodge Report, page 48; Regulation 892, 'page 172. Again, in 1904, the Grand Lodge adopted the follOWing resolution: "This Grand l ... odge declares that the Entered Apprentice O-B. forbids the printing, writing, or making of ciphers of any part of the three Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry." Page 42, 1904, Grand Lodge Report. ' At the session of th.e Grand Lodge in 1900, the JUl'lsprudence Committee, which was composed of P. :.G. :.M. :.Soule Smith, Brothers R. H. C. Rhea (now P. :.G. :.1\1. :.) and E. B. Beard, In referring to clandestine Lodges, ,said: "The fact that some'Lodges do use unauthorized books containing work expressly condemned by the College of Custodians, and in defiance of. the edicts of this Grand Lodge, has made clandestine Masonry possible and profitable. . "Clandestine Masonry know these books perfectly, just like a professional gambler knows his cards. Such 'knowledge is the capital of their business, out of which they derive an Income by swindling genuine Masons who only know the same work, and do not know it half so well." Page 42 of 1900 Proceedings of Grand Lodge.

The committee to whom was referred this part of the Grand Master's Address, reported: First. That we heartily endorse every word the Grand Master says In regard to the use of any and all kin.ds of books on the part of the officers of our Lodges. The law of this Grand Lodge Is so emphatic on this subject 'that any Brother guilty of. using anything of this nature violates his obligation, Is guilty of a grave and serious Masonic offense, and shoul'll be suspended fr.om his office by the Grand Master. A Lodge 'knowing that any of Its officers are guilty of such an offense, and not -r.eportllg the same to the Grand· Master,shOY)d have its :cha-rter arrested. The power is in the bands of the Grand Master to :enforce tbe laws of this Gl'and Lodge, and we trust he will exercise it on this point as :he does on all other· poin ts. Second. In regard to our Lodges having and doing a uniform work -in the conference of the Degrees,and -in various :other .matters, w-esuggest that this is a subject requiring more thought and work than anycommiUee could give to it during the 'session of the Grand· Lodge. Uniformity In our





Ritualistic work is desirable, and your committee believes, a'nd knows, it can be attained, but the plans to bring this about wlII require much thought, and study, and time. It is too important a matter to be acted' on hastily. Your committee, therefore, would beg to offer the following resolution: Be it resolved, by this Grand Lodge, that the ipcoming Grand Master is authorizeq to appoint a committee to be known as the "Committee on Work," whose duty shall be to consider this matter and try and report a plan to the Grand Lodge at its next session, carrying out the ideas of the Grand Master and giving to our Lodges a uniform work that wlII be pleasing and satisfactory to. all. RECOMMENDATIONS.

P. '.G. 'oM, ·.Rhea, at the last session, recommended that documentary evidence be required of visitors by Subordinate Lodges. The recommendation did not meet with your approval, but time has more thoroughly demonstrated the necessity for some action along this line, and I repeat the recommendation made to you last year, suggesting that you pass a law requiring documentary evidence of visitors. ' FINANCES.

Balance close of last s€ssion Cash received to August 31, 1906

" . . . . . . . ..

$18,349 05 7,550 10 $25,899 15


Paid warrants from No.1 to 69 Balance on hand August 31, 1906


$22,113 07 3,786 ,08 $25,899 15


P:,G:.M: .Frank C. Gerard presented the Grand Lodge with a "stonemason's hammer," made of stone from the quarries in' which King Solomon's workmen procured stone to build th€ Temple. ThiR piece was taken from under lVIt. Moriah, as was a rough specimen that accompanied it. ::I1ANUFACTUHFJ AND SALE




The resolution offered this morning by Past Grand Master Wilhelm and which reads as follows: ((Resolved, That it sh,alI be unlawful for a Kentucky Lodge, to receive or accept into its membership one who is engaged in the manufacture or sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors as a beverage, except where such manufacture or sale is for medicinal purposes. "Any and all Lodges guilty of violating <this edict shall fodeit their charters." Was referred to our committee 'with direction to report at this 'hour. Your committee is of the opinion that this matter should be treated as an amendment to the Constitution, involving as it docs questions pertaining to the fundamental law of Masonry, and if offered as an amendment, should take the usual course of an amendment to the Constitution as provided, Article. XVII, Section 1.

The above recommendation from the Committee on Jurisprhdence was adopt€d.



Upon the recommendation of t.he "Reporter of Foreign 'Affair~," Brother W. W. Clarke,. the Grand Lodg€ of Alberta was recognized. OLD MASONS' HOME.

The committee on this Hpme reports: We congratulate the Craft of Kentucky upon the fact that almost onehalf of the required sum of $25,000 has been contributed, and is now in the hands of the Treasurer, to build a suitable Home fOl' those of our Brethren who are without means or relatives to care for them in their deClining years. . . . But, Breth-rEm, this glorious work of the Grand Lodge is. not. fully accomplished. Other efforts-other sacrifices-must be made to encompass this desirable end. . How can we meet these demands; how can we secure this additional $12,000, to make happy at once these old veterans in our Masonic ranks'f

We judge from the libe~al contributions reported by Grand Secretaries from Lodges ~Dd individuals in response to this appeal that the $25,000 will be raised in time to have tb)s Home dedicated by the next Grand Lodge. WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' HOME.


We copy from the report of the committee the following: The Masonic Bodies of Louisville, who have· been instrumental in preparing, without cost to this Grand Lodge, the beautiful and well-appointed dormitories, infirmary and other additions for the comfort of these deal' wards, deserve special words of praise and commendation, and they have built for themselves a monument that will far outlast sculptured marble or enduring granite. The committee recommend that the thanks of this Grand Lodge. be extended to them for this and all kindness in. the past. We find that there are now in the Home 121 girls, 110 boys and 12 widows well cared for and happy. We find the health of inmates good as can be expected under such excellent supervision as is furnished by Brother Kelly. wife and their able assistants. In fact, we find all of the affairs at the Home in most excellent condition.. .



The committee appointed at the last session to procure from the Legislature an appropriation for the repair of the monument to the memory of P: .G: .M> .Henry Clay, reported that a bill appropriating $12,000 passed the Senate, but it was held up by the Committee on Appropriations, and the matter went over until the next session of the· Legislature, when they trust it will be passed. "NEW GRAND MASTER INSTALLED.

Brother Samuel K. Veach, upon being installed, among· other pertinent remarks, said the following; You have made me. your GrandMaster-but you have' n'ot' made me. your s·overeigiJ.:. You are my sovereigns and I am your servant: The service rendcr'edby the most obedient servant is only such as is made possible





by the environments placed about that servant by his Lord and Master. I promise to be your obedient servant. If my administration of your affairs ,is a success, it will be your success, and the same will be true of my fallure. As your Grand Master I shall not claim any prerogatives but shall simply endeavor to conform as closely to your laws ,as I shall ask you to do. NEW CONSTITUTION .

A copy of the proposed amendment to the Constitution is published with these Preceedings, and in glancing over it we find many wholesome provisions, among them the following: Sec. 9a. Meetings, Grand East.-The Grand Lodge of Kentucky shalI bold its Annual Communieations on the third Tuesday in October of each year (b) in Louisville (10), which, being the seat of the Grand Lodge, is Masonically called "The Grand East." b. Meetings-Epidemics.-If there should be any epidemic of a contagious disease, insurrection or war, at the time for the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge (a) that would jeopardize the lives of the members, the Grand Master, by concurrence of two-thirds of thel 'elective otlicers, may change the meeting-place for that year, to some other convenient accessible place where the' lives and health of members would seem to be assured, of which change due notice shall be given to members.

We would like to see just such an amendment made to our Constitution. We are satisfied no good comes from having the Grand Lodge "on wheels," and if the Grand Bodies would erect a suitable Temple in St. Louis adapted for all their purposes, and call St. Louis "The Grand East," it would be better for all concerned. RI<~PO]{l'


This report is from the ready pen of Past Grand Master William. W. Clarke. His quotations from Proceedings are pertinent and when he tali:es issue is ready "to give a reason for the faith that is in him." He reviews Missouri for 1905. He quotes freely from the Address of Gr-and Master Valliant, as well as his decisions,aild says: 'These quotations by no means exhaust all the sound law contained in the Grand Master's Decisions, but are sufficient to give an idea of bis ability as a Masonic jurist.

Speaking of our report, he is pleased to say: The duty of writing the Report on Foreign Correspondence, so long and so well performed by the lamented Vincil, devolved on Past Grand Master Rufus A. Andel'son, and right well did he perform it.

Such a compliment coming from Brother Clarke is worth something, and if he will change the middle letter to "E" so that the name of our grandfather, Colonel Rufus Easton, who was the first Representative of the Territory of Missouri in Congress, will not be "dropped from the roll," we will be only too glad to acknowledge it. Brother Clarke thus closes his admirable report: One other subject is exciting the latent mental energies of the Masonic legislator. We aHude, of course, to the clandestine Mason, a clumsy misnomer intended to designate a certain class of lmpostor.s parading in the

1907. ]


guise and under the name of Masonry. We sincerely object to the radical departure from 'the ancient customs of the Order, advocated in certain quarters as a safeguard against this species of imposition, and recommend the enactment by the several ,State legislatures of laws similar to that recently passed by the Legislature of New York, which will be found in our review of the Grand Lodge of that State. ' The question of recognition of Grand Lodges of Scottish Rite derivation is one to the proper solution of which much real learning and ability is being exerted. But for the fact that the.practice has not in many instances squared with the theory, we would incline to favor, as logical and s'ound, the doctrine that such bodies were not entitled to Masonic recognition. '1'0 our Brethren of the Guild we extend Our hearty good wishes.

SAMUEL K. VEACH, Carlisle, Grand Master. H. B. GRANT, Louisville,Grand Secretary. Next meeting, Louisville, October 15, A. D. 1907.

LOUISIANA-1907. Lodges, 184..

Members, 10,584.

The Ninety-fifth Annual Grand Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Louisiana convened in New Orleans, Monday, February 4, 1907, at 7 :30 o'clock p. m., with 148 Lodges represented, Grand Master L. C. Allen presiding. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS. This i!! a sensible, busin~ss-like document, free from pyrotechnics. He pays tribute to' the memory of R. W. Bro. Amos Kent, Past Deputy Gra~d Maste;, who died January 14, 1906. He was ninety-, four years old and "died full of years and honors." R. W. Bro. Robert W. Babington, Past District Deputy Grand Master, and for twenty-seven years Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Irela.nd, near the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, died June 18, 1906, and is spoken of as one whose record as a man and a Mason is well known. DISPENSATrONS REFUSED. June 4, 1906, Minden Lodge, No. 51, to receive petition of a profane who had lost his thumb on the right hand; August 31, 1906, Chas. F. Buck Lodge, No.. 260, to raise a Fellow Craft to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on account of the loss of the first two fingers and two joints of the third finger on his right hand; September25, 1906, N. H. Bray Lodge, No. 208, to entertain the 'petition of a profane who could not write his name; September 28, 1906, Ashland Lodge, No. 196, to receive petition of a pr-ofane with the left arm off between the elbow 'and the wrist.

Appendix.· ~ULINGS



These were few and did not involve any new or unsettled points of law, and the Committee on Jurisprudence reported them "in harmonywith the laws and regulations of the Order." LOUISIA1'IA RELIEF LODGE.

This Lodge was founded in 1854 as a successor to the Masonic Board of Relief and has the somewhat unique distinction of being the only Lodge in the wor.ld operating for such a purpose and operating under a charter from the legal authorities. Four meetings of the Lodge are held each year, at which the Master and the Secretary submit reports of work done in tbe interim. During tbese periods all matters of relief are handled solely by these officers, the Master passing on each case. Tbe Lodge has for some years been a member of the General Relief Board of Kew York City, and is 'served by them witb monthly lists of persons who make it a business to travel over the country imposing upon the Craft. 'l'hrough this means and also by 'reason of the valuable reference books in the Grand Lodge Library" it is reasonably well protected against. fraudulent applications. , .. Tbe labors of the Lodge are varied and consist in relieving distress in every form. Saving the body of the stranger Brotp.er from an unknown grave, ministering to the wants of the living and speeding the stranded wayfarer on his homeward way. TEMPLE PROPEWry.

It seems that the Grand Lodge \ has outgrown the Temple, but lhe architects have rellorted that the Temple can not. be. enlarged, and so the proposition was made to sell it and purchase another site, but thIs was voted down by the Grand Lodge, and' the ,Board 'of Directors authorized to "improve and renovate the Temple so far as they may deem necessary for the needs of the..Craft at this time." GRAND LECTURERS.

The work is being exemplified by two most faitbful and efficient Gl'aDd Lecturers, Brother .J. H. Caldwell and Brother W. M. Baker. 'rhey have this year visited every Lodge, botb chartered and U .. D., in this Grand Juris, diction, witb one or two exceptions. and t he good that is being done can be seen in the increased ability and enthusiasm of all members who have availed tbemselves of the opportunity of sceing tbe work of tbese brilliant and capable officers. Learning anew the lesson "1'he attentive car receives tbe sound from the instructive to,ngue and the mysteries of, Mllsonry are safely' lodged in the 'repositories of faithful breasts,'" CAUTION.

It is very unpleasant to sound an 'alarm, but

sometiine~ it is necessary to do so to prevent misfortune. .. Ma'ny Brethren 'were initiated during .the year '1906. ,Masonry is popular, and because of, its po.pularity many are knocking at its dOQl's for admission.•• The time has come when we should carefully scrutinize' the cbaracter and qualifications of those who seek membership with lIS. Moral, and physical pcrfe<:tioq should be required of. all candid.ates-moral perfection, in order that his coming among us may add lustrc to the Order of which he becomes an integral part; perfect manhood, that he .may; SUPPOl't himself and family and contribute to tperelief of indigent Brothers and their families. .

1907. ]



We heartily endorse what the Grand Master says on the subject of SUNDAY MEETINGS.

Brethren, I believe the time has come when this Grand Lodge should take official cognizance of regular and special Communications of Lodges on Sunday, as well as Lodges of Instruction. What I shall say on the subject is only that which I feel it my duty to do, 'and if, perchance, any .of the Brethren differ with me, let us discuss it in all fairness and with Brotherly love. , In the ·first pl~ce, I think I am safe in saying that there is not another Grand Masonic Jurisdiction in the United States where Lodges meet for work or instruction on Sunday. I am aware of the fact, also, that Masonry will not conflict with any religious or political views I may entertain. I would' not have it changed or altered. I know that nothing that Masonry teaches will· conflict with any true religion. However, we are taught that aUF ancient Brethren wrought in both operative and speculative Masonry, and that they wrought six days and rested the seventh, and consecrated the seventh day as a day of rest from their labors. Men of science 'I.... ho have given the matter much thought, inform us that this day of rest is absolutely necessary for the well-being of the physical man. All Masons should cheerfully confol'm to the laws of the land in which they live, and the civil law establishes Sunday as a Sabbath, and therefore it is. the logical day to be observed as a day of rest. No Lodges or 'Lodges of Instruction should be permitted to meet on Sunday.

In 1890 our then Grand. Master C. H. Briggs made the following ruling, which. was endorsed. by our Grand Lodge: I have refused several requests for Dispensations to authorize Lodges to appear as. Lodges on Sunday for the purpose of attending Divine Worship, and one request' to authorize the laying of a corner-stone of a church on Sunday. Sec. 217 is explicit: "No Lodge meeting shall be held on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday, except to perform funeral services." With this Section before me I could not give Lodges permission to meet on· Sunday, even to attend Divine Worship, and ·it would ill-become the Grand Lodge to assemble on Sunday to lay the corner-stone of a church when the law forbids Subordinate Lodges from meeting on that day, "except to perform funerll.l services." Our ancient Brethren wI'ought six days in the week and .rested on the seventh day., This is one of the Ancient Landmarks which should not be transgressed, even for the purpose of "laying a corner· stone at the request of a church." (Proceedings 1900, page 6.)

Notwithstanding Brother Allen's timely' advice, the following . action was had: 'l'he Committee on State of the Order submitted the following report: NEW


February 5th, 1907.

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Louisiana, F. & A. M.:

Your Committee on the State .of the Order, to whom was referred the sUbject-matter of "Sunday Meetings" (in the M. W. Grand Master's Address), begs leave respectfully to report that whilst we fully appreciate the sentiment which has prompted the repugnance to such meetings, we are disposed to leave to the conscientious scruples of the Brethren their individual disposition in the premises. " , Masonry is nothing if it is not the hand-maiden of religion, and If the . requirement· of perfect decoJ'Um be maintained during the session of a Lodge on Sunday, the ,attendants should not behold, nor hear anything that would shock their sensibilities; therefore, be it Resolved, That no legislation be had on the subject. Fraternally submitted, D .. R. . GRAHAM,





On motion, the report of the' committee was received and the following sUbstitute was offered in lieu of the resolution therein submitted: Be it Resolved, By this M. W. Grand Lodge, that no meetings of constituent Lodges in this Jurisdiction be held on Sunday, except for funeral services. Fraternally submitted, GUS. D. LEVY. P. M., .Jefferson 191. ,TOREPH MEYERS, P. M., Linn Wood 167.

A motion to adopt the substitute was lost by a 'tote of 270 nays against 205 yeas, the roll of. the I~odges bein'g called. A subsequent motion to adopt the resolution submitted by the committee was carried and the resolution was declared duly adop~ed.


gustibus non est disp.utandum." HECOr>IMEKDATIOKS.

Among. others, the Grand Master recommended the following: That the method of summary raising, as practiced by some Lodges, be pl'ohlbited; and It is thereby made mandatorY on the constituent Lodges to confer the entire second section of the Master's Degree up to and includIng the raising upon eac.h candidate separately, and not more than five candidates at one Communication.

The Committee on Work submitted the following report: NF.W ORLEANS, LA., Februal'y 6th, 1907. To the M. W. G. M., Waf"dens and Brethren Of the Grand Lodge, F. d: A. M., Of Louisiana:

Your Committee on Work to Which was referred that portion of the Grand Master's Address on the "summary" or short method of confel'l'ing the second section of M. M. Degree, beg leave to report as follows: 1st. That the "summary" method referred to is entirely without sanction of law, and is in conflict with the worl, of the committee, approved by this Gra.nd Lodge. 2d. 'That it Is the result of strivIng to raise the greatest number of M. Ms. within a given time and should be specifically and definitely forbidden by this Grand Lodge. We theL'efore append the following resolutions: Re it Resolved, That the constituent Lodges in this .Jurisdiction are forbidden to abbreviate the second section of M. Ms. Degree or use the "summary" method of conferring same, but the Degree shall be路 conferred in full on all occasions, but the third section may be conferred on not more than five at one time. 2d. Be it Resolved, That no Lodge in this Grand JurISdiction shall raise more than five Master Masons at one and the same Communication. Respectfully and li'raternally submitted, ROBERT H. CAGE. Chairman. DA VID R, GRAHAM, .CHARLES F. BUCK,' A. C. ALLEN, . ROBERT R. REID, Committee.

On motion, the report of the committee was received and the resolution adopted.





R. W. Bro. A. G.. Ricks, Grand Treasurer, s.ubmitted the following report" which was, on motion, duly adopted, Referred' to the Como' mittee on Audit and Accounts:, NEW

ORLEANS, LA., February 4th, 1907.

To the M. W. Grand Master and a"rand Lodge of Louisiana, F, & A. M.:

MOST WORSHIPFUL SIRS AND BROTHERS-I respectfully submit herewith my annual report for the year ending December 31st, 1906: 1906. •Tan. 1.

Cash balance on hand, . , , , , ',' . ,$ 4,626 29 Amount received from the Grand Secretary during 1906. 30,846 99 Total in Treasury, , By 348 warrants paid during 1906

, .. , ,

To balance on hand December 31st, 1906

, $35,473 28 ,.. 31,693 42 , .. $3,779 86

In addition to the above balance your Grand Treasurer has in his keeping the following special funds: "'idows' and Orphans' I10me 'Fund deposited in the Commercial-Germania Trust and Savings Bank of this city.. $ Interest on same to' December 31st, 1906.. , .... , .. , .. ,

175 20 6 17

$ 181 37 Widows' and Orphans' Pel'manent Relief Fund, deposited in the Metropolitan Bank of this city .. , .. " .... " ... $ 1,674 02 Interest on same to December 31st, 1906.............. 59 10 Masonic Cemetery Special Permanent Fund, in the Metropolitan Bank of this city, .. , Interest on same to December 31st, 1906 .. ,

deposited ,., .. ,

$1.733,12 $ 2,884 00

69 55 $2,953 55


From this report we take' t.he following: The Ci'aft occupy a higher standard of perfection today throughout the territory of your Lecturer than has been his pleasure to witness for many years past. 'rhese Improved conditions do not only apply to the Ritual by which they are enabled to do better work, but by the moral application of these high I mOl'al duties to their every-day life are enabled to realize .that salvation or reprobation begin here, not beyond the tomb; but in life itself they are to prepare for the mysteries of death by inCUlcating a spirit of disinterested affection; a generous sympathy with those that sutTer. pity for. the fallen, mercy for the erring and relief for those in want, thereby attaining a, higher life spiritually as well as morally.


Upon the recommendation of the. Committee on Foreign Correspondence, the Grand LOdge of Alberta was recognized.





M, W, Bro. Charles F. Buck, Past Grand Master, having been' appointed Grand Orator, delivered a masterly Address. It is "full of meat," 'and we regret that lack of space ,forbids our reproducing it. These few "slices" will serve to give an idea of the character uf the "roast": The truth about Masonry is that it is greater and better and more .beautiful. than the inadequate power of words can convey. This is a trite commonplace way of saying what we can not say, but the gist of it is that that which is deepest,' profoundest, most comprehensive and most beautiful in human life dwells in the spirit only. Like some sacred inetfable mystery it defies expression, and, like the peace of God, it passeth all understanding. Masonry at all times and in all countl'ies and among all the 路peoples of the earth has appropriated to itself thIs great missIon; the uni路fication of mankind by the exclusion of everythIng special, local or selfish on the one hand and the inclusion of those vIrtues and purposes, necessities and aspirations which are common to the human nature on the other. * * * * * * * * The man who has sutrered the m~rstery of the symbolic death and. is wakened from it on the sublime points-"a good man made perfect,"-by the strong grIp of the lion of the tribe of Judah-stands before us, the embodiment of spiritual perfection from which the vices and mortalities of common life have been extracted and cleansed away. He grasps the hand not of a man, but of mankind-he becomes one with and a part of the suffering mass as the pledges of fellowship al'e unfolded to hIm and his footseps, his prayers, and the sympathies of his heart are conl'ecrated to the service of his Brother. As a rule the new Mastel" Mason grasps 'the vigor and beanty of this consummation, He realizes as he looks hastily, perhaps vaguely, back over the various journeys he has made from hIs first surprIs.e to this final climax, that a new and broader view of. his own being has developed Into consciousness. He is, perhaps, dazzled in the revelation路 that has come to him,-in . the beauties .of a system which contains hidden in its simple and innocent formalities the whole problem of life, aye, and of death and immortality! He feels, in a breath, his weakness and his strength;. his dependence and his sovereignty; his mortality and his divine hope. He bows in a sense of humility before the grandeur of the new light by which his spirit sees, and dedicates himself in silent worship to the realization of Its deep suggestions. . We may truly wonder why, with so much of goodness and beauty in the human heart which Mas'Onry has brought home to his own soul-like a new inspiratlon-the world should not be better and happier than it is. The sacred ground on which he stands unfolds itself to him as a neutral domain in a unIverse of contention and strife :-a Red Cross mIssionary in - the midst of a battlefield where the emblems of contending nations are blended into t.he single banner of the children of Goa! Such are, probably, some of the mighty impressions which crowd on the mind and sympathies of a good man at the moment.whenthe last rays of the light of the Master Mason's. Degree have penetrated to his SGul. , He may not analyze them distinctly; he may not appreciate their farreaching influence on himself; nOI' their whole significance, He may be conscious only of a vague newness; that something hitherto unknown or unfelt has come into his life, of which he had never any clear. conception, but, paradoxial as it may seem, on looking back he finds that It has always been there, only it had not been brought into action. He Is suddenly impressed with the sublime truth that the best part of our. lives Is that which we live for and In others. . Truly, the Mason Is first made "in the hear~." RECEPTION OF GRAND REPRESENTATIVES.

This is, to our, mind, a happy custom and one which it would do no harm if all Grand Lodges. would adopt it. The roll of the Representatives of Sister Grand Lodges was called and they formed in

1907. ]



line before the Grand East, when the Grand Master addressed them, extending a hearty and fraternal greeting; after which the Grand Lodge joined in welcoming the Representative~ with the private Grand Honors. The Rev. Bro. C. C. Kramer, Representative of the Grand Lodge of Maryland; responded in part as follows: M. W. Grand Master., a"and Wa-rdells and Representatives to the M. W. a"and Lodge of Louisiana:

We are present among you to bear a message of' Fraternity, friendship and congratulation. We come from constituencies which extend in latitude from the icebergs on the north to the sun-15issed waters of the southern seas. They reaeh in longitude from the east where civilization had its earliest dawn to the west where she is now bearing her choicest fruit. Thus our pl'esence indicates the universal extent of Masonry and, as a parable in human life, we stand around this holy altar manifesting unity of heart and declaring glad tidings of peace and good will. It is but pertinent to the joyous felicitations of this cordial greeting which you have extended to us that I should discuss some of the 'remarkable tendencies in our' modern life. The thought of our modern progress is crystallized in the word "convergence." Its meaning is unfolded in the many successful endeavors of science to bring the distant regions of the world together. We find that space and time are well-nigh obliterated; both natural and artificial barriers are giving way, and men of different cults. languages and prejudices are coming together in international concord, fri,endship and agreement. The superficial .observer may imagine that our modern civili7:atlon is decidedly material. Gn~at engineering enterpl'iscs are employing theil' mighty forces in cutting a navigable channel through an isthmus, boring tunnels through mountains and in. building great .trans-continental systems of railroads. Education itself seems to bow in subjection to the material when she holds out the temptation to avarice to prepare to gain riches as life's greatest treasure. . I rise in the midst of this magnificent gathering to defend our modern civili7:ation. What is presented to the eye is but the outward form of a divine sacrament. There is an inward life, a heart that beats, a soul that breathes. The world has never been left without a witness of good. 'l'oday agencies manifOld are giving a heart to our civilization. Human suffering awakens and develops human sympathy. Human sorrow woos and wins the helpfulness of human love. • Among these agencies which are giving to civilization its heart-life, none stands out more pl'ominently than Free and Accepted Masonry. It has been t.he welding and uniting force which has brought the divergent and warring factions of the human race together. In the time of war it has softened the asperities of human hatred. and has t.al1ght the erst.while foes the high and more sacred law of human Brot.herhood. In the t.ime of pestilence it has feared no demon of disease. It. bas nursed the sick; it has fed the hungry; it. has sheltered and protected the widow and the fatherless. In t.hose times we call prosperous, when a cruel commercialism sets up its tyrannous. reign of oppression, t.hen, too, the Mason's. philanthropy knows no bound. He teaches justice, he practices charity, he inspires hope. . Civili7:ation can have no heart unless it establishes charact.er. The lives of men must exhibit the sacredness of it.s t.eachings. In providing for men's tnaterial necessities we must. also develop t.he soul-life. In t.he modern workmanship of t.he Craft we have but the symbol of the Temple construction.; our speculative se1ence must. appropriate the great thought of the building idea to the construction of t.he spiritual 'L'emple. That. Temple has its foundation laid in eternai trut.h; it is const.ructed by means of the¡ righteous deeds' of men; its alt.ar is lit by the fire of human love; its pinnacle pierces the hig-hest heaven and is illumined by the pure effulgence which pours forth from the throne of God. M. W. Grand Mast.er and Representatives to the M. W. Grand Lodge. I thanl{ you on the part of my Brethren fOl' the very cordial reception you have tendered, and assure you that it wiIl be our pleas\H;e to convey to the Grand Jurisdict.ions we represent the truly Fraternal greetings you have expressed. . G. L .• Ap.-7

Appendix. REPOHT




We congratulate M. W. Bro. Herman C. Duncan on his restoration to health and to his place at the Round Table, which路 he seems to have resumed with renewed vigor. He expresses sorrow for the deaths of Bro. Allan McDowell and Bro. Joseph S. Brown, with both of. whom he was personally acquainted, and speaks of thE;lrn as "noble men and zealous Masons.". He quotes freely from the Address of Brother Houston. He takes issue with him as to there being no law to prevent the use of the name "Masonic" in connection with a sanitarium established by other than a "Masonic Body." We agree with him that the Grand Lodge is holder of an equal right with an individual to prevent the use if its name in an enterprise over which it has no control. In this instance the name is simply a "red rag hung out to catch gudgeons," and it ought not to be allowed. He quotes the report of our Committee on R~:cognition of Foreign Grand Lodges on the Grand Lodge of "Alpina," located' at Berne, Switzerland, and says: It is of the first importance that every Grand Lodge should stand firmly by the principles of the Fraternity. and we trust that there will be no break in the line. The very best thing we can do for the Masons of France is to withhold recognition from them' and theIr affillates until a belief In God Is restored as a test of membership. They wlIl return to that Landmark the quicker than if we should fellowship with them In their ~nbelief.

vVe heartily concur with Brother Duncan in these views. Without the All-Fatherhood there can be no All-Brotherhood. He quotes freely from our, what he is pleased to term, "prOducts." We labored hard enough, but were not aware that we had "brought forth" more than one "product." We trust that "in ascending the hill of prosperity Brother Duncan may never meet a friend." UEE E. THOMAS, Shreveport, M. W. Grand Master. RICHARD LAMBERT, New Orleans, R. W. Grand Secretary. The next Annual Communication will be held in New Orleans, commencing February 3, 19.08.

MAINE-190G. Lodges, 202.

Members, 25,889.

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons' of the State of Maine met in Annual Communication at Portland, May 1, 1906, M. W. Grand Master Hugh R. Chaplin presiding.





The following from the introductory part of this Address strikes us as being very pertinent at this time: . In our own country many questions of far-reaching importance have arisen, Some of them have been settled, others are still unsettled and must be dealt with and decided. All these things (and they Ill'e but a few of the many which might be mentioned)-all these things can but: forcibly remind us that in these eventful times there is everywhere, and surely in our own country, which delights to boast of government by the people, a most urgent necessity for men who will do the right as God gives each to see' the right. Never more than now have conditions cried out for men who have convictions founded upon oldfashioned conscience, and who have the' courage of their convictions. It is a part of the mission of Masonry to help such men. The Annual Communication is a very important factor in the government of our Institution. and has much to do with making it and keeping it what it should be. Each of us who takes any part in one of them takes upon himself a responsibility by no means light. "By their fruits ye shall know them" is the standard by which Masonry is and will be measured. Let us always act with that standard in mind; let us never forget 0111' responsibility. DECISIO:'\S.

Under this head the Grand Master says: The Grand Lodge of Maine holds tJ:iata Lodge which assists a Mason has no claim for reimbursement upon any other Lodge, including the Lodge to which the Brother who was assisted belongs, unless the Lodge against which the claim is made, promised, before the assistance was 'given, to reimburse the Lodge which rendered the assistance. , This Grand Lodge is opposed to the doctrine, which has lately appeared, that when 路a man becomes a Mason he thereby becomes entitled to be relieved to the full extent of his wants, when in distress, even to his full support. In fact, the Grand Lodge of Maine has repudiated that doctrine. 'rhis Grand Lodge holds that a Mason's ri~ht to relief is limited by the extent of his distress and by the ability of the Brother who assists, of which said ability the assisting Brothel' is, the sole judge under his Masonic obligation, This Grand Lodge has resolved and holds. "Tha t the association of Masons in a Lodge in no manner relieves them from their individual .obligations. and that when they act as a Lodge their duty and therefore that of the Lodge is preclsely the same as that of the individual. Masonic relief is never purchased or sold, and ther'efore never creates a debt." FINANC~S.

The l'eceipts fol' the past year have been as follows: 190:;. , :May 2. Cash on hand from old account.. , .. , , , Cash receipts for the year. , , The expenditures have been, . , , . , ,, 1906. May 1. Cash on hand to ne\\' account. , , .. , . , , . , ,

, ..... $ 7,767 42 , . . .. 8,094 98 ----$15,862 40 , .. , . ,$ 6,485 82

$ 9,376 58 $15,862 40

The Grand Tl'easurel' in his report has given the details. of receipts and expenditu res, . The amount of the invested fund to the credit of the Charity Fund in the hand~ of the Grand Treasurer is $46,643.49.






Brother Chase also reported as follows: IN


May 3, 1906.

Your Committee on' Foreign Correspondence, to which was referred that part of the Address of tbe M. W. Grand Master relating to tbe Communication from the Grand Lodge of Colorado proposing that tbere be formed a collegium of Grand Lecturers for tbe purpose of nnifying t.lle esoteric and exot.eric Masonic worl" with full ]lowers as to its own internal management, but under the control of the respective Grand Lodges, having considered tbe proposition, rel)Ort: 'l'he plan proposed to a cedain extent appears to he an innovation in the method of contI'ol of tbe WorlL Each Grand Lodge at the present time is the judge of its own "Work," and is eit.her satisfied or dissatisfied with it. If satisfied it would hesitate to change at the recommendation even of so learned a Body 3S is contemplated; and if dissatisfied with their \Yorl, it already is in the power of the Grand Lodge to change it. lt must be that the intelligence of the Grand Lectul'el's needs no stimulus to learn the difference between the "Work" in their respctive Jurisdictions and those of other .Jnrisdictions, and being informed thereof can upon call elucidate all points of difference of their' own strength without requiring the support of such a Body as is contemplated. Furthel'more, we are of opinion that tbe expectant result.s are not commensurate witb tbe cost. We recommend tbat this Grand Lodge most Fraternally declines to join in the proposition to form a Collegium of Grand Lecturers. Fraterna))y submitted, ALBRO E. CHASE. AUGUSTUS B. Ii'ARNHAM,


Report accepted and recommendation adopted. CO::"DITION OF THE FRATERNITY.

Brother Howard D. Smith report€d as follows: IN



May 3, 1906. Your Committee on tbe Condit:on of the Fraternity have attended to tbeir duties. and beg leave to report tbat tbey have examined the various reports submitted to them and find the condition of tbe Craft to be most prosperous. '.rbe only danger that we see threatening the Craft is the great popularity of Masonry. See to it tbat none arc admitted but such as will be an honor to the Fratemity. HENRY R. TAYLOR, H. D. SMITH, Ar~BERT M. PENLEY, PORTLAND,



This is from the ready pen of our good Brother Albro E. Chase. He reviews Missouri for 1905, quotes liberally from the Address of Brother Valliant, and says: "His concluding remarks upon Masonry are well worth the perusal of every Mason."


1907. ]


We thank Brother Chase for his words of "welcome" to the Guild. ,We have not found much in the Proceedings for last year to provoke "comment," and if they were all like those of Maine our report. would be a "short horse soon curried." CHAHLES E. JOHNSON,. Waterville, Grand Master. STEPHEN BERRY, Portland, Grand Secretary. The Eighty-eighth Annual Communication was held at Portland, May 7, 1907.

MANITOBA-1907. Lodges, 59. Members, 3,871. The Thirty-second Annual Communication of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Manitoba Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons was held at the City of Winnipeg, June 12, A. D. 1907, M. W. Bro. John McKechnie, Grand Master, presiding. . 6




This document is remarkable on account of its brevity, covering not quite four pages, and yet we are not 'prepared to say "it is too short." He notes the death of one of the most faithful members, Very Worshipful Brother William Braden, whom he says was a "diligent and conscientious worker." He laid the ~orner-stone of the Anglican 9hurch at Solsgirth, and was presented on the occasion with "a handsome silver trowel, suitab1y engraved." Gl~AND


The Grand Master says: Ou the 9th of August I visited Hegina, and in company with M. W. Bro. James' A. Ovas, I installed the officers of the new Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan. This makes the sf:>cond Grand Lodge that we may fairly claim the parentage of, and I hope the last. It is with deep regret we part wit.h so many old friends with whom we lJave been assDciated for years, but we realized that it was for the bl!st interests of Masonry and cheerfully gave 0111' assistance. I would recommend that this Grand Lodge ext.end Official recognition and an exchange of Gr~nd Hepresentatives.

TRANSFER OF LODGES. 'ÂŁhe subject-matter of these petitions were duly considered by your Board, and the following resolution unanimously passed thereon: "That the Pethion of Yukon Lodge, No. 79, and Whitehorse Lodge, No. 81, be granted to date not eal'lie/, than .June the 25th, 1907, and that the Charters be returned, to the said Lodges after cancellation and subject to acceptance of such Lodges by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, and that the Grand ~raster and Grand Secretary be aut.horized to do and execute all needful acts in cuunection therewith."


Appendix. FOREIGN



YOUl" Committee on Foreign Relations and COl"respondence respectfully beg .to report: The committee have examined the papers and documents in the possession of the Grand Lodge emanating from the following Gl'and Lodges: The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, 'l'he Sovereign Grand Lodge of Puerto' Rico, The Grand Lodge of Valle de Mexico, The Grand Lodge of Queensland, and recommended that recognition be given and ,Fraternal intercourse and an exchange of Representatives established between this Gl"and Lodge and the first three Grand Lodges above named. In connection with the Correspondence fl'om the Grand Lodge of Queensland, official documents and statements from the Gl"and Lodge of England have also been examined. and under all the circumstances and in view of the hope entertained by your' committee that the dispute between the Grand Lodges of England and Queensland will be amicably settled, your committee recommend that the question of the recognition of the Grand Lodge at Queensland be held over fOl" consideration until the next meeting of this Grand Lodge.

Which report was adopted. The following resolution was adopted: RC807.ved, That this Grand Lodge desires to express j'ts regret that the Lodges forming the Grand Lodge of Alberta, the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan and the t\vo Lodges of the Yulwn, have sever'ed their long and pleasant. connection with us, and while recognizing that the march of events has rendered this step inevitable. yet it is with sorrow that as a Grand Lodge we part with so many old and valued friends. We trust that notwithstanding tbis severance the friendships and good will which has so long existed may continue unabated, and that every prosperity may attend their future labors.

No report on Foreign Correspondence was made. 1VI. W. JAMES SCLWGGIE, Winnipeg, Grand Master. M. W. JAMES A. OVAS, Winn~peg, Grand Secretary. Next Communication at Winnipeg, June 10, A. D. '1908.

MARYLAND-1906. Lodges, 110. Members, 11,580. The M. W. Grand Lodge of A., F. and A. Masons of Maryland commenced its One Hundred and Twentieth Annual Communication on the third Tuesday in November, 1906. The Grand Lodge was opened by R., W. Deputy Grand Master Jas. R. Brewer, after which the Grand Marshal and Grand Pursuivant were direc.tcd to summon their Escort, repair to the rooms of the M. W. Grand Master and inform bim that the Grand Lodge was opened and awaited his pleasure. The entrance of the Grand Master, Thomas J. Shryock, was announced by the Grand Marshal. He was received with the Grand Honors and assurped his station in the Grand East. This is not the Missouri way, but we are not certain but that it is an improvement.





This shows amount received Amount paid out


Balance on hand



$26,179 41 24,158 09 $ 2,021 32


.All the Lodges are in good condition financially, with a decreasing number' of delinquents, and working harmoniously. There continues a very gratifying increase of membership and much care is being exercised in the selection of desirable material. FOREIGN HECOGNITI01\'.

Recognition of the Grand Lodge of Queensland was postponed in the hope that the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland may see their way. clear to receiving this new Grand Lodge into full Masonic fellowship. The Grand Lodge of Alberta was' recognized. MASONIC HOMK

A committee of five to consider the advisability of erecting a Home for aged, infirm and indigeJ?t Masons was appointed to report at the May Communication of 1907. VETERJ\NS INTRODUCED.

The Grand Marshal announced the presence of a !arge number of visiting Brethren. These Brethren were introduced by Past Grand Master John M. Carter, who said: Most WorshipfUl Grand Master, I have the pleasure to present B;'other John Turnbull. Jr., who is ninety-four yeltrs of age, Brother Lawson P. Keach, but a few years younger, Brother William Platt, who is eighty-four years old, and others too numerous to name in detail, but all of whom were earnest and zealous Masons before many of the Brethren present were born. 'rhese Brethren. during their long lives of usefulness, were active, earnest and enthusiastic members of the Fraternity; they bore the burden and heat of thc day during long intervals when adversity clogged and retarded the progress of Masonry in Maryland, and tonight. they are herc to untte with us in. our rejoicing upon the prosperity and success now attending the Grand Lodge and. the bright promises of the future.

The Brethren were welcomed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master and escorted to seats by the Grapd Marshal and his assistants.





Past Grand Master Thomas J. Shryock, was placed in nomination for GLand Master, and in accordance with the Constitution, was declared duly re-~lected, there being no other nomination for that office. In like manner Brother James R. Brewer was nominated and declared duly re-elected R. W. Deputy Grand Master, and so on through to the office of Deacon. Neither is this the Missouri way, but our Grand Lodge is getting so ponderous and it is so difficult to displace a man after he has once gotten in line, even though he be not qualified for advancement, that we are not certain but that the Maryland plan would remove the difficulty. Their law on that subject is as follows: ~;LgCTION


SEC'rION 1. No Brother shaII be balloted for as a Grand Officer until he shall be previously put in nomination for the office. SEC. 2. 'The Grand Deacons shall not prescnt the ballot box to any voter untll the voter has been called on by the Grand Secretary to anSWC1路. The Grand Deacons, having collected all the ballots, shall deliver them to the presiding officer, who shall rcad aloud, count the same and declare the result. SEC. 3. If more than two Brethren be .balloted for, and no one of them have a majority of all the votes given, the balloting shall be continued until some Brother has a majority of all the votes: but at ever.y ballot succeeding the first the Brother having the fewest votes shall be considered as withdrawn from the nomination. SEC. 4. If the ballots are equally divided, a second ballot shall take place, and if the result be the same, then the Brother in nomination who is the Past Master of the oldest date shall be declared duly elected. SEC. 5. If but one Brothel' be nominated to any office. hc shall be declared du Iy elected.

We find the following among the STANDING



No.3. Dntil the Grand Orient of Italy shall withdraw its recognition of the so-called "Supreme Council of the A. and A. S. Hite, of the Sovereign and Independent State of Louisiana," all Fraternal relations and correspondcnce between that Grand Orient and this Grand Lodge be, and the same are hereby sllspended. No.4. WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge of Maryland adopted May, 1870, the following Standing Hesolution : That until the Grand Orient of France shall withdraw its recognition of the so-called Supreme Council of the A. and A. S. Rite, of the Sovereign and Independent State of Louisiana, all Fraternal relations and correspondence between that Grand Orient and this Grand Lodge be, and the same are hereby suspended; and WHEREAS, The Grand Orient of France has eliminated from its Constitution the name of Deity-the l:!elief in and recognition of Whom, from .time immemoria,l has been a fundamental principle of Freemasonry. as also an essential prerequisite for anyone who desires to enter her pOI路tals; thel'efore, in order to be mOI'e emnhatic in the severance of our relations with the Gl'and O'l'!ent of France. Resolved, That all Masonic communication and intercourse by the Freemasons of Maryland with the Gl'Und Orient of France. it.s subordinates. or any Mason who owes allegiance thereto, is hereby prohibited by this Grand Lodge.





This, his twentieth report, presented by Brother Edward T. Schultz, is in keeping with his standing as a Reviewer and shows him to be sound on Masonic Law, while his synopses are of the best quality. He reviews Missouri for 1905. He speaks of the Address of Brother Valliant as "a well written and instructive paper." He quotes his decision on "Moon" meetings by Lodges, in full "as a matter of curiosity." He speaks of our report as "voluminous,". and wonders "how many of the forty and odd thousand Masons of Missouri have or will read this report." We prepare the meal and it is set before them. It is not our fault if they "starve to death." Brother James E. Green, Past Junior Grand Warden, supplements Brother Schultz's report with a review of the English-speaking Grand Lodges "beyond the seas," and the two together make a complete report. THOMAS J. SHRYOCK, Baltimore, Grand Master. WILLIAM M. ISAAC, Baltimore, Grand Secretary. The next Annual Communication will be held on Tuesday, November 19. A, D. 1907.

MASSACHUSETTS-1906. Lodges, 240. Members, 50,328. A Quarterly Co.mmunication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was held in the City of Boston on the 12th day of December, A. D. 1906, M. W. Bro. John Albert Blake, Grand Master, presiding. GRAl'\D MASTER'S ADDRESS.

We are happy in being assured that the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has kept even step with our Brethren elsewhere in promoting the welfare of our common humanity. The ideals of this Grand Body have ever been of an inspil'ing and lofty character, and whoever bears responsibility. in conducting its affairs, immediatel3' realizes that he must give the best he has if he hopes to obtain the approval of his Brethren and of his own conscience. IN MJi;MORIAl\L

R. W. Bro. Charles M. Avery, who for twenty-one years held the position of Grand Lecturer, and was Senior Grand Warden in 1883, died January 22, 1906. R. W. Bro. Daniel VV. Taft, Past Grand Warden, died July Z7, 1906.




Wor. Bro. Joseph F. French died November 6, 1906, aged 89 years. He was a Freemason forty-five years 'and during that time attended every meeting of his Lodge, regular and special, wJth three exceptions. Strange-is it not? that of the myriads who Before us passed the door of Darkness through, Not one returns to tell us of the road Which to discover we must travel, too. DISPENSATIONS


Among other Dispensations .granted was one.to establish a new Lodge to be located in the .Canal' Zone on the Isthmus. CALIFORNIA CONTRIBUTIONS.

The total all~ount reported as contributed by the Fraternity in Massachusetts to the,relief of the earthquake sufferers is $9,619.50. GRAND TREASURER'S REPORT.

This shows total received Paid ont


$90,253 75 88,503 38

Balance on hand December 12, 1906

$ 1,750 37

Among other items of credit we notice the following: "Expenses feast of St. John, $921.93." 路No wonder; they had champagne sauce, claret sauce, Roman punch and Havana cigars. We are inclined to think some of our Missouri Brethren would think that "a waste of money." THE CHARITY I"UND.

The amount of the Masonic Education and Charity Fund is: December 12, 1906 $314,309 45 Total December 13, 1905............................... 249,642 33 Net increase in 1906


$ 64,667 12


M. W. Bro. John Albert Blake was unanimously re-elected Grand Master and every officer on the list was elected by a unanimous vote, a circumstance which is believed to be unprecedented in the Grand Lodge.





This was held on the 27th day of December, A. D. 1906, for the purpose of installing the Grand Officers and celebrating the Feast of St. Jobn the Evangelist. The Grand Officers having been installed ~t fifteen minutes befOre six o'clock p. m., the Craft were CALLED FRO",! LABOR to refreshment and proceeded to the banquet hall, where the Feast of St. John the Evangelist was celebrated in due and ancient form.

THE GRAND MASTER-Brethren, again the great pleasure is mine of welcoming you to this Graod Feast in commcmoration of our illustrious patron. Saint .Tohn the Evangelist. I trust we have come to these festivities with our hearts attuned to the spirit of his teachings. Let us hope that the lessons from him have left their impress upon the character and the life of those who have come under their influence-lessons so wise and compelling, with the true :Masonic teaching, that men in all the different walks of life are glad to acknowledge their beauty and power, and, with one accord, to gather around a common altar and pledge themselves to the progress and Brotherhood of OUI' common humanity. Brethren, it is my privilege tonight to be the connecting link between you and the Brethren upon my right and left, who are to address you. I am confident that in the hour that is before us we shall enjoy the interchange of kindly words and the inspiration of ennobling thought. Brethren, I now ask yOIl to rise and join with me in honor. of the sentiments that precede the addresses of the cvening. I give you the first regular toast: "To the memory of the Holy Saints John." (The toast was duly honored by thc Brethren.) Brethren, I give you the second regular toast: "To the memory of. our illustrious Brother, George Washington." (The toast was路 dulj' honored by the Brethren.) B.rethren, I offer the third regular toast: "To the memory of our departed Brethren." (The toast was duly honored by the Brethren.) Brethren. I offer the fourth regular toast: "To the Brotherhood of . F'reemasonry. wheresoever dispersed." (The toast was duly honored by the Brethren.) . (A selection was rcndcred by the quartette.) THE GUAND MAS'J'I<JR-Brethren, the 路first speaker of the evening will be our own Right Worshipful Bro. Nickerson. whose face you see upon the back of th~ menu. But before introducing him formally, I have a letter wbich I wish to read, and after that I may have something to say.

(The letter referred to was from Brother Chas. T. Gallagher, in which he is pleased to compliment Brother Nickerson, saying among other things: "It i~ peculiarly appropriate that Brother Nickerson's picture should be on the back of the menu, as an endorser, for he has been an endQ1'ser of every good thing in Masonry.during his connection with the Institution. During the dark hours of the Grand Lodge financially, he endorsed its paper to the amount of thousands of dollars and carried it through the banks, and sustained our financial credit for many years at a time when but for such backing the corporation must have failed." Grand Master Bro. Nickerson, it is written that a prophet has no honor in his own country. 'That may be the rule. sir, but I think you have proved to bp. the exception, and therefore you have proved the rule: for certainly if a prophet has ever come to honor in his own country you are that man. And I realize and the Brethren realize, all that YOll have done for Freemasonry in this Jurisdiction, and all that we owe to you; and we




hope that there remains before you a long career in the office which you dignify by your presence. I think you told me today that Brother :\100re completed thirty-foul' years of service as Hecording Grand Secretary. You have now accomplished twenty-five y~~ars, and I am sure that you are going to beat the record of Brot.her Moore. I Imow you will, if you live up to the wishes and the expectations of the Bret.hren. And now, sir, I am not here to do t.he talking. That. has been reserved for others that are fal' more capable; but I could not let this occasion pass without. adding my word to you personally, and presenting to you this bouquet of flowers. (Presenting a larll;e bouquet of flowers to the Grand ltecording Secret.~ry, Right Worshipful Sereno D. Nickerson.) (Loud applause.) (The Brethren, standing, sinp;, "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," and "Should Auld Acquaintance be F'Ol'got.")

Brother Nickerson resJ?onded in a very happy manner, after which the toasts were responded to: The first by the Junior Grand Chaplain, Rev. William H. Rider. The second by District Deputy Grand Master Clarence A. Brodenn. The third by Right Eminent Grand Commander E. Bentley Young. The fourth by the Senior Grand Chaplain, Edward A. Horton. The fifth by the V'l. M. of Columbian Lodge, Brother Leon M. Abbott, while Rev. Brother William H. Van Allen, Brother George J. Tufts, District Deputy Grand Master, and Brother Melvin M. Johnson brought up the rear. The speeches were all vivacious, illustrat.ed by anecdotes, and one or two of them quite spiritual in their tone. We regret that lack of space forbids our transcribing them all. The feast laster four hours, when the Grand Lodge was closed in AMPLE FOR"'ÂŁ. We have heard it said that a banqueting parson, famous for post-prandial oratory, is never r8markable for the revival meetings he holds nor for the number of souls he brings to Christ. There was no Report on Foreign Correspondence. JOHN ALBERT BLAKE, Malden, Grand Master. SEHE"NO D. NrcKEHsoN. Boston, Grand S'ecretary.

MICHIGAN-1906. Lodges, 399.

Members, 53,795.

We have not been favored with a copy of the Proceedings for last year and our review will be based on that of Brother Lamberton of Pennsylvania. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan began its Sixty-second Annual Communication in the Masonic Temple, in the City of Grand Rapids, Tuesday, May 2Z, A. D. 1906, an~ dosed the following day, M. W. Brother John Rowson, Grand Master, presiding.

1907. ]




This was very long and very full, showing a very energetic, indeed, a very strenuous Grand :Master One of the questions submitted to him, and one which smacks more of matrimony than of Masonry, was as follows: Question: A Brother of another Lodge wants to¡ celebrate his wedding anniversary. and wants me to open our Lodge in wbicb to receive his guests. Have I a right to open the Lodge room for any such purpose '! Ans\ver: No. You have no rigbt to open the Lodge rooms for any other purpose than Masonry. Wedding parties in Masonic Lodges are something unheard of, and the present Grand l\laster will not permit this innovation.

He reported the death of one Grand Officer, Brother Thomas Reardon, Senior Grano. Deacon; five Past Grand .Masters, Most Worshipful Brothers George Washington Peck (1854-1855), William Dunham (1877), William H. Phillips (1894), .r ohn W. McGrath (1880), and John W.Finch (1878), and two Past Grand Chaplains, Brothers D. Brynham Tracy and F'r.ancis'A. Blades. Surely our Brethren have been afflicted. In the evening of the first day, a memorial service was held and eulogies delivered. Portraits of the departed Brethren are given, and 'that of the incoming Grand Master very properly forms the frontispiece, a sketch of his life also being given. THE MAS0NIC HOME.

The Masonic Home. continues its good work, the cost of maintenance being $9,372.26, "which sum, divided by 2603, the number of weeks' subsistence and shelter furnished beneficiaries during the year, gives lIS $3.60 as the average weekly per 'capita cost of maintenance. This amount is about 5 per cent greater than last year, chargeable mainly to the increased cost of table supplies. as also that of nursing and the necessary increase in the renewal of furnishings. . "One thousand two hundred and nineteen persons visited the Home. and 660 meals were furnished visitors." The new Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized. FINANCES.

Receipts, including balance of $7,985.21 Disbursements

$40,026 44 26,56} 21

Balance . ~ ,



In accord with the recommendation from the Committee on Jurisprudence the proposition to form a "Collegium of Grand Lecturers" was disapproved, and ,vhile the same committee believed that it is comme~ldable to arrange for the observance of St. John the Baptist's Day on June 24, 1907, it saw no necessity for taking decisive action now, and the Grand Lodge agreed.




'~"HITE GAnl\1.E~TS.

Hereafter Michigan will, in the lectures, have no "white gloves" in theirs; it is to be "white garments," the Grand Lecturer having mad'e the change "in order that (eo jUdice) it may be historical.!y correct." The Grand Lodgâ‚Ź approved a minority report recommending the change over an excellent, well-considered and scholarly majority report, from which the following will be of interest: From the foregoing it will be seen that four-fifths of the Grand Lodges heard from use the expression "white gloves and aprons," and if we should count those not heard from as not 11.si1'l[j it, we would still haY~ a handsome majority of almost two-thirds in favor of the expression. It may be, Brothers, that the true origin ahil significance of the glove, as a Masonic symbol, has been lost. Our ancient operative Brothers, who wrought in the construction of the Temple, did not record the pattern of theil' aprons nor the color or material of theil' glov~s or :whether they used eitller of them. Certain it is, however, that the glove as one of the symbols of :Uasonry, has corne, do\vn to us through hundreds of yeurs of recorded Masonic history, and on that account alone should not be lightly cast aside. :"lasonry is a symbolic science, not one of exact historic formula, yet our Grand Lecturer asks us to abolish "gloves" because of anachronism. Horner speaks of the use of gIoves by King Laertes to protect his hands from the thorns on the wild !'aspberry bushes; and Xenophon sneers at the effeminate Persians for wearing gloves to protect their hands from the cold, the hardy Greeks requiring no such covering for their hands, and this Jast was about 600 years before Christ. . ' . It is a little difficult to fix Romer',s exact date. but it certainly was previous to Xenophon's time, and. to quote from an esteemed Masonic Brothel'. "When you have traced an article of clothing back 2,700 years. it is allowable to assume 200 years more, if the assumption is not going to hang anybody." Your committee can not say that' the "gloves" worn in that long ago time were exactly like the gloves used at the present dat.e, but it believes that our ancient Brothers wore some covering for their hands and that the gloves of the present at least symbolically represent that covering. Your committee is inclined to the opinion that the "white gloves and aprons" ShOllld be retained in our Ritual and given to future generations as \ve received it.

The Grand Lecturer must have had a "cinch" on the Grand Lodge or it never would havE: pandered to such an innovation. "White garments" is too indefinite, and would indicate that the "craftsmen" were to appear in their shirt tails rather than clad in white gloves and aprons. REPORT ON FOHKTGN


This is by M. W. Bro. Lou B. Winsor. The committee,. who, however, by the bY~la~s, is directed to refrain from criticism of¡ the Proceedings and from promulgating his "opinion upon decisions, laws and regulations of this or any other Grand Lodge." Nothwithstand. ing this prohibition, Brother Lamberton testifies that "our Brother has compiled an interesting paPBr." Clf ARLES L. STEVEKS,. Detroit, Grand Master. Lou B: WINSOR, Reed City, Grand Secretary.




MINNESOTA-1907. Lodges, 245. Members, 22,014. The Fifty-fourth Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Maso'ns of Minnesota was held in the City of St. Louis, January 23, A. D. 1907, M. W. Grand Master Thomas Morris presiding. An imposing picture of the Grand Master adorns the frontispiece of the Proceedings. He looks 3;s though he lived on the fat 'of the land. GRAND MASTER'S ADOlmss.

Six new Lodges were constituted, while Dispensations for two Lodges were issued. He refused' Dispensations to allow maimed and otherwise disqualified men to become members of the Craft. Seven decisions were rendered, all pertaining to constructiOn of local law. Four corner-stones were laid and one new hall dedicated. THE MASONIC HOME.


The Grand Master reported the appointment of a committee for the purpose of organizing and perfecting a corporation to accumu路路 late a fund for the erection and maintenance of a Masonic Home. Re heartily commends the movement. The articles of incorporation provide that the' fee for membership of the Grand Lodge shall be $250, and of Lodges $50, and he recommends that this Grand Lodge appropriate $250 for the benefit of the Home fund at this Communication, and that the various Lodges secure at least one membership as soon as their means perJ!1it. The Committee 011 Appropriations recommended that the sum of $5,000 be transferred from the General Fund to tge Widows' and Orphans' Fund, and that the Grand Lodge take four memberships in the Home, which recommendations wen~ adop'ted. NECROLOGY.

Under this head the death of Past Grand Master Charles Griswold, which occurred December 25, 1906, is announced; also that of Past Deputy Grand Master George H. Davis, who passed to his reward January 9, 1907. IN CONCLUSION.

tn concluding his remarks the Grand Master pertinently says: In concludin~ my remarks, I would most strongly emphasize the fact that it is not enough that we become familiar with the Masonic Ritual, forms, ceremonies and Landmarks. If Masonry is to do for us and others that



which it ought to do, its principles must sink deep into our hearts and find expression in our lives. We are day b~' day building Life's Great Temple into \vhich we are putting as beams. stones, panels. every thougbt, word and act, and each one bears our ineffaceable mark. Let us <:ontinually work in harmony with the Supreme Architect, that His plans may be carried out in our lives, and as we an~ always under His supervision, let us carefully avoid all things not in accord with His will. He is ever neal' to belp us in our emergencies, and in carrying forward His grcat: work. And wben our life task is completed, and our work ended and brought before Him for inspect.ion. acceptance and approval, may it all be found true work, square work, work "well done."



The Grand Treasurer's report shows: Cash on hand January 23, 1907 $12,805 66 Certificate of deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,000 00 Widows' and Orphans' Fund '. . . . . . . . . .. 46,707 46 Grand total in both funds

$61,513 12


Grand Lodge and Lodge contribution $2,336 Royal Arch Masons 7.30 Royal and Select Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Knights Templar 1,360 Total

00 00 00 00


The Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized and t.he customary exchange of Representatives recommended. l\lONUMENT.

A picture of'the handsome monument erected in memory of Past Grand Master, A. T. C. Pierson and wife in .Oakland Cemetery, at St. Paul, at a cost of $350, appears in connection with report of committee. ORATION.

W. Bro. Owen Morris delivered a thoughtful Address, closing as follows: Do we realize tbe meaning of daily traveling upon the level of time to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler rcturns? Wbat is a Masonic Lodge to you and to me? Is it an excuse for absence from home? Is it an instittuion for rotation in office so as to confer peculiar bonor upon one after another? Is it merely a necessary and convenient passageway of escape from the cold world into the Ethiopia of tbe higber




Degrees, 01' the Utopia of the ~lystic Shrine, where all cares are forgotteu and where frivolity reigns supreme? It should be more than this: and the burden of my message to you Brethren, gathered from all parts of the State, ~sto eutl'eat: yon to make of it the most possible, to devise ways for the systematic study and promulgation of Masonic truths and fOJ' the daily practice -of them in the ordinary walks of life. In honor preferring one another. Whosoenr will, be great among YOll let him be servant of all: A life of service is the ideal life. Iionor-seeldng is disappointing and' impractical. Others mar seek 10 1101101' you: Iwt hOI1Ol' only comes jn consequence of uniform commendable conduct:- on YOllr part. Others may seek to dishonor us, Their attempts will be vain; yet: we by a single misdeed c~an bring dishonor npon ourselves. The ideals of ~Hl.sonry are so lofty and so perfect that we fl'ail impC4'fect human creatures strnggling to live up to them. will meet with obstacles of many kinds, and may perhaps路 be buried in the rubbish of humnn failures; bllt, if our pursuits are truly laudable, if our faith is weil-founded, and if our trust is in God, we shall be raised triumphantly by the right haud of nis pC)\Vel' and sustained by the encircling of His everlaRting arms. Though ye have lain among the bots yet shall ye be as the wings of a d(we covered with silver. and her feathers with yellow gold. When thou W<li5r hom ::I naked, helpless child. Thou t.hen didst weep whiIeall around thee smiled; ~o live that sinking to thy last- long sll~ep ThOll then may'st smile while all around theewl~eJl. FOHEIGi" CORHESl'ON))E!\CK

This report is by the Chairman, Brother Irving Todd. who manages to "confine his remarks" to only ninety-t.wo pages, and yet renders a very readable report. He reviews Missouri for -1906, and terms the Address of Grand Master Houston, "a practical business paper," Following his report is the PHOCEE()l~GS






We find this einbelished with clear-cut and impressive pictures of Rev. George Henry Davis, Chaplain, 1893 to 1906, Past Deputy Grand Master Mjnnesota and Past Grand Master Idaho, and Han. Wm. Pitt Murray, First Vice-President, 1904-1907, and the oldest living Past :Master of any Minnesota Lodge, haVing pre,sided over St~ P~111 Lodge, No.3, in 1855. ' After the Annual Addrp.ss by the President, Thos. C. Clark, the Annual Feast was observed, and appropriate speeches made, all of which were entertaining and instructive. As a sample of them we quote fr0111 that of the venerable James H. Davidson; of Ancient Landmark Lpdge, NO.5, It is full of fatherly advice, but lack of space forbids our transcrihing more than this extract: In our eal'!iel' years of Masonic life. we perhaps accepted a .nanow technical construetion of our Masonic oljligations. We regarded them- as framed fOl' emerg(~ndes, to be called out by some "grand hailing sign of distress" in au hoUl' of imminent peril. Now we give the obligation a broader construetion ;-we regard these splendid lessons of hi~h moralit.y and right living as a "rUle of life" to be practiced in our dnily intercourse with our fellow men, The time may have been when a Mason could practice groRs immoralities, almost openly, and not be ehecl\ed, reprimanded or disciplined by his Ledge, nnleSR he trespaHsed 'on the rights 'of a 'Brother Mason. Now :l man can not "live a lie," lind maintain good standing in :l Masonic Lodge. (~.

L. Ap.-8




He must be a man of good repute, be "wol'thy and well qualified," and he mu'st come to our portals "well recommended," or he can not enter. We,as veterans, should impress these great morals on the younger Masons, with whom we come In contact, who have not yet 'attained the Masonic age of twenty-one years, ,-Masonic children! We can well impress these I~SSOIlS by asking some very pointed Questions.: You wear the square, but do you have That tbing the square denotes? Is there within your inmost soul 'l'ha t principle which should control All deeds, and words, and thoughts, Tlte SQual'e of vil'tue-is it tbere, o ~'ou that wear the Mason's Square? Y 011 wear the compass: do you keep Wlt.hin that circle due, That's circumscrihed by law divine, F;xeludin~ hatred, envy. siu', Including all that's true? 'I'he Compass-does itt race tba t curve Inside of which no passion swerve? You weal' the type of Deity;' Oh! Brother. have a cal'e: lIe whose all-seeiI!g eye surveys Yonr inmost thoughts wide-open gaze. lle knows what thoughts are there. 0, send no light, irreverent word From sinful man to sinless God. You weal' the 'l'row(d; do you have That mortar from ahove i\Iade on the retipe of God. Hecorded in His Aucient Word A perfect holy love. And do you spread with :Master's care 'rha t precious mixture here and there? You wear the Cross; it signifies 'l'he burden .Jesus wore11 0, staggering, fell, and bleeding And bore on Calvary the woes Of all who'd gone before. The Cross; ob, let it say "forgive, Father, forgive, to all that live!"



l\Iy Brotbers, if yon will display

These emblems of our art. Let the great moral that they t.each Be en g'l' a vcd, each for each, lJpon your honest heart! So they will tell to God and man 0111' ancient, holy, perfeCt plan.

M. 'vV. Bro. GVSTAF WIDELL, Mankato, Grand Master. R. W. Br_o. THOMAS MONTGOMERY, St. Paul, Grand Secretary.

'The. Fifty-fifth Annual COIllmunication will be held in St. Panl. January 22, 1908.




M ISSISSI PPI-1907. Lodges, 317.

Members, 14,371.

The Eighty-ninth Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi Free and Accepted Masons was held in the City of Natchez, February 19, 1907, Grand Master Charles H. Blum, presiding. GRAND MA~TER'S ADDRESS.

This is just what we might expect from an educated Jew, showing not only unmistakable appreciation of the honorable position he occupies, but unbounded gratitUde for the honor conferred on him, Hear him: In all frankness, I say 1'0 you, that the more I learn of Masonry, the more I realize the lofty claims of the mothet' of faiths upon the affections of men, I see more and more clearly that we' stand together, shoulder to shoulder, upon the questions of moral life and human conduct, and that Masonry goes back to the fountain head of religious inspiration and its voice is the echo of the loftiest Sinai tic t;evelation. Well recompensed can my people feel for the loss of Jerusalem, the Temple, the Ark of t.be Covenant, amI all the crown jewels of King Solomon, for they are untouched by time and unimpaired by tbe wear and tear of centuries; and have defied the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and have floated Irresistibly down tbe ocean of time, while other nationalities more powerful than they' have passed away like a tale that is told, and they know and rejoice in the fact tbat tbey have left an honorable mark upon every branch of human activity and bave given religion to tbe civilized world and bave taugbt tbe doctrine of Universal Brot.herhoud on earth, by the advocacy of faitb in tbe one Father in Heaven, yet they delight in the privilege of joining Brotbers' in the Grand Temple of Masonry, wbere all sincere worshipers are moved by tbe bigbest dictates of integrity, pbilantbropy, culture, patriotism, and fellowsbip glows more brilliant and precious than the lost crown jewels of King Solomon, and men may gain a glimpse of the greatness and tbe glory of tbe Kingdom of God on eartb. To them tbe endorsement of Masonry by tbe similarity of ideas, principles and symbols is a splendid compensation for wbat tbe world bas made tbem suffer in return for all tbe gifts tbey brougbt, and if things equal to the same tbing at'e equal to each otber, then must we all alike become: One in' hatred of all wrong, One in an love of all things sweet and' fair One witb the joy tbat breaketb into song, One with the grief that trembles into prayer, One in the power that makes Thy children free To follow t!'ntb and thus to follow Tbee. Tbus, my Bretbren, I stand before you, tbis day, deeply grateful to you for your generous consideration, keenly sensible of .tbe higb honor tbat bas been mine, and profoundly moved to give utterance to my beart's deepest emotions.



We are not surprised at Brother Blum's national pride. Tha1 is the 'greatest n.ation that exalts moral character and altruistic service above everything else, that points with worthy pride, not to victories w0I! on fields of battle or to unbounded wealth with Its long train of evils, but to its noble men and women.


. Appendix.


Call the roll of Israel's great men: Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, .Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, Isaiah, .Jeremiah, Daniel, Job, John the Baptist: Peter,James, John, Paul-the nation that can give the world stich types of moral manhood路 as these, and then in dying bring forth the paragon of all, the world's one and only perfect l1!an, "The Crystal Christ"-surely such a nation, however marked #and multitudinous its moral faults, can safely claim that Divine Providence has had a hand in its making and its mission. THE I3ELOVEH IlEAlt'.

. Four t.imes during the year death has invaded the Grand Lodge. Tuesday, March .20, 1906, Past Grand Master Irvin Miller, who was an able minister of the Gospel, "fell asleep." Tuesday, May 22, 1907, Samuel B. Lamb, after a long and useful career as a eitizen and a Mason, departed this life. Monday, June 18, 1907, Past Grand Master Bradley T. Kimbrough died suddenly, while on Thursday, December 20, ] 906, Masonry in Mississippi received its severest. shock by;the death of t.hat venerable and beloved patriarch, Phineas Messenger' Savery. MASONIC J-10MK

When the last Grand Lodge appointed a committee to locate and build the Home "it launched forth a powerful army without arms or ammunition," and wben the commi~tee met the fact developed that tbey were "instructed to shoot with unloaded guns." The Home Fund, which had been accumulating for more than a quarter of a century, had been erroneously looked upon by a large percentage of the Fraternity as a fund available for building purposes whenever they were ready to build, when, in fact, it was' an endowment fund for the maintenance of the Honie and could not be used as q, llUilding fund. When this was discovered the Grand Master issued an appeal to the Lodges for subscriptions. One hundred and seventy-four Lodges responded, contributing $5,029.77 in cash an<1 pledged themselves to pay $8,133.53 in future payments. while 144 Lodges made no returns. The Grand Master urged upon the newly-elected Masters La take the ma.tter up with the derelict. Lortgesand urge them to extend a helping hand in raising. funos for a building which wOllld be the pride of every true Mason in Mississippi. . On the 29th of May the following proposition of the citizens of' Meridian wa.s accepted by the Trustees:


] !)/)'{'路1


')'0 Ii. (; Tn/stees of the WidU1CS' a,nd Orphans' H ollle:

The citizens of Meridian, Mississippi, tender you for the establishment of 'said Home ten acres of land. known as the North Park, in the corporate limits of said city, and a cash donation of five thousand dollars, said five thousand dollars to be paid when the buildings are commenced.

The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, by the Grand Lodge, That the Trustees of, the Masonic Home

be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to make a contract OJ' contl'acts for the erection, equipment and furnishing of the Masonic llome and to pJ'ovide rules and regulations for the Government of said Home when completed; to elect: such officers and employes of said Home as in their opinion may be necessary; to regulate the salaries of such officers and employes and the manner and time of the payment of such salal'ies; for the removal of sueh officers and employes a.t their pleasure; and fOJ' the general management of said Home. . Rcsolved, second, That the Trustees of the Masonic I-lome al'e further authorized and 'empowered to draw warrants OJ' drafts on the Building Fund of said Home, through the Secretary of said :Board of Trustees. for the payment of the contractors for the building, equipment and furnishing of said Home, as the work progresses. CALIFORNIA RELIEF.

Thensum of $4,102.16 was the Mississippi's Masonic contribution for the relief of the California Brethren. " "


MAY :W.-Reeeived application from Sand Hill Lodge, No. 442, for a visit from Grand Lecturer" Brothel' Wallace, the Mastel', informing me that his Lodge is fully able t.o compensate the Grand Lect.urer for his services; I declined to grant the request, because the Ledge ought to have sent for the District Deputy. Evidently Sand I-lill Leidge misundeJ'slands the put'poses of the services of the Grand Lec1.urer, If similar requests were made al,d gl'antf'd it would only be a question of time hefore the Grand Lodge would have to dispense with the District Deputy Grand Masters and elect a score or more of Grand Lecturers, STAKJHNG COMMITTEES.

The Grand Mastel' thinks it a mistaken policy to exclude from service on the Standing Committee, as is now done, the Representatives of Lodges a:nd Past Masters, and compiains that it is rarely the case that anyone but a Past Grand Master' is called upon to render committee service. He suggests that the reason of this is to enable the Past Grand Masters t.o draw mileage and per diem. An amenclment was adopted providing pay for the Past Grand Masters, independent of committee work, or as we do, placing them ion the pay roll. DECISJONS.

Among the decisions reported is the following, which was approved by the Grand Lodge, and as it, involves a mooted question, we give it in full:

118 SI.;p'l'~;MllEU




1l.-Recelved the following letter dated Natchez, September

10, 1906:

Mr. (J. H. Blum, Orand


Shelby, Mi.s.s.:

Sm AND BIWTIU.:u-I ask for your decision in. the following: A' fellow Craft has been' elected to take the 'l'hlrd Degree and has been objected to by a Brother In the Lodge, and. the friends of the Brother who has been stopped are insisting on his coming to E. A. and F. C. meetings, and the ohjector does not consider, it just to he compelled to sit in such meetings. asks me to decide on the question, which I do not feel able to do, and I ask for the above decision. I'}. M. HANCK, W. M., Andrew Jackson, No.2. '1'0 which ] replied: DEAR

The question submitted fOI' my. decision is too well settled in Masonic law to require a new decision thereon, so I will simply expound the law wh,ich covers every detail of the Question: 1. A Fellow Craft:; who hns been regularly initiated and passed is a member of the Lodge that has initiated and passed him, and as such is entitled to all the :Masonic privileges accorded to any other member of the same Degree, and the Mastel' can not exclud(~ a member as long as he behaves (kcorously. notwithst.anding that he is "persona non grata" to some members. 74-1901. 2. A Fellow Craft is entitled to partleipate in all pUbllcprocessions . except funemls. 74-1880. 3. And is entitled to sit in a Lodge of bis Degree although rejected for advancemelll:. a6路1897. 4. In t.he case submitted by your Lodge, if the Brothel' who made the objection for advancement knows the objectpd Brother to he guilty of unmasonk condud, it hecomes his duty to bring the matter before the proper committee. 3U-1884. 5. Bctause it is the dut.y of every member who knows of an offense having been committed to investigate the matter. 8G-1902. 6. To deny an Entered Apprentice admission to an E. A. Lodge 01' a Fellow Craft to an F. C. Lodge simply because he is under suspicion of some offense, would be a star chamber proceeding <In the part of the Worshipful "'laster, all of which would be contrary to the spirit of justice that should actuate all Masonic: Lodges. ~Iere suspicion can not operate as a conviction, however momlly certain the members may be of the guilt of the party; it must be demonstrated by proof. ~5-1897. And in conclusion, a Fellow Craft can be tried on charge, 15-18;)6. but the investigation must be in the Degree to which accused has attained in order that he may be present. 48-1882.

As we have heretofore said, so far as Master Masons are concerned, "the right of visit" is one of the most important of all Masonic privi.leges,because it is based on the principle of t.he identity of the Masonic family and is t.he exponent of that. welIknown maxim that "in every dime a Mason may find a home and in every land a brother." After what is called the revival of 1717 Entered Apprentices constituted the bulk of the Craft and they only were initiat.ed in the Lodges, the degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason being conferred by the Grand Lodge. The thirteenth of the General Regulations approved in 1721, says that "Apprentices must be admitted Masters and Fellow Crafts only in the Grand Lodge, unless by a Dispensation." But in 1725 the Grand Lodge repealed this article and decreed that the Master of the Lodge, wit.h his Wardens and a competent number of the Lodge assembled in due form can make Masters and Fellows at discretion. Now, the bulk of the Fraternit.y consisting of Master Masons, the legislation


1907. ]


of the Orde~ is done exclusively by them, and the Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts have sunk into comparative obscurity, their degrees being considered only as preparatory to the greater initiation of the Masters' degree. Still we see no reason why an Apprentice路 or Fellow Craft should not have the "right of visitation" when the Lodge is opened in the degree to whic~ he has attained. CONFEDERATE DEAD AT JOHNSON'S ISLAND.

Application was made by the Robert Patton Chapter, U. D. C., for an appropriation for the purpose of buying and saving from desecration the Confe'derate Grave Yard at Johnson's Island, Ohio. The application is headed: THE MASONIC TEN CO~{MANDl\lBNTS Masonry Has Its Decalogue Which Is a Law to tile ,Initiates.


Commandment NO.6.

Thy friend shall be a second self, i\Hs'fortllne路 shall not estrange thee from Thou shalt do for his memory Whatever thou wouldst do for him JivIng.


It was represented that quite a number of those buried there were Masons, estimated at 152. The Grand Lodge voted an appropriation of $250 for marking the graves of the Confederate dead at that place, and we think it did exaetly right. DISTHICT DEPUTIES.

The following letter received by one of these officers is possibly a fair sample of what many of them receive: OCTOBER 19, 1906. DEAR SIR AND BROTHER-Yours of recent date to hand, and will say In reply that the Grand Lodge pays Brother A. M. I-Ticks $100 pel' month to visit Lodges that are not finan'clally able to pay the District Deputy Grand Lecturer, and we have had him with us. You well know when路 you were here before the Lodge was not able to pay you. Yet you forced yourself all OUl' Lodge, and I had to loan the Lodge the money. to pay for your comIng. Now it seems you want to force yourself on us again. My father taught me not to never go where I was not wanted. And I feel like if you were a genuine Mason you would not condescend to do so. I said to you when you were here that we had to build a new IJOdge hall, celled and painted it, and It pressed us hard to do it. Yet. after all that, you forced us to receIve you and to pay you, In my judgment, a very exorbitant price, Now, If you want to examine my books they are subject to yOUl' inspection at any time, but you will have it all to y o u r s e l f . . .

From' the report of the Committee on Law and Jurisprudence we quote the following,' with approval: BALI_OT.

4: Has any member the l'ight to question the pl'opl'iety or l'eason for anothel' Brother casting a black ball? In event the ballot shows that a candidate has' been bla~k-balled, have the membel's of the Lodge a QUESTION




l'ight to make speeches in favor of the candidate, and ean .the motive, OJ' reason, of the member who cast the black ball be ealled in question by the members of the Lodge '! ANSWloJR: A member of the Lodge not only has a right to cast a black ball, but his conduct is repl'ehensihle if be knows of a good reason why the applicant is Hot good mn tel'ial out of' which to make a good :Mason and fa.ils to black-ball him. 1\:0 member has any right to even know who cast the blael, ball, much less to question the Brother's motives: The making of speeches by members, after the J'esult is declared. casting a slur or criticizi,ng the member who east the black ball. is tlllmasonic and desel'ves the路 severest condemnation. 131-]856. 32-J864, 1G-1871. Digest. pagp 1~, GHA~D




On motion, the recommendation of the Correspondence Commit-, tee tha't the Grand Lodges of Alberta and Valle de Mexico be recognized was concurred in and the Grand Secretary directed to extend to each of them j;"raternal greetings and the Grand Master authorized, if they shall so desire. to exchange Representatives with them. DOCUl\'lI<~~TAHY



'rhe committee to whom was referred the question as to whether a Lodge should require documentary evidence before admitting a visitor into. the Lodge made the following sensible report and same was adopted: The question really submitted is, whetIH~l' or not the adoption of such a law by this Grand Jurisdiction would be wise, and to the best interest of the Craft. e al'e of the opinion that it would Dot be either wise or beneficial. Before a visitor is admitted into a Lodge. he is required to take the test oath. It seems to us that this should suffice. No means have yet been devised by civil law b,v.which an impostor can, with absolute certainty, be detected, and his imposition and fraud prevented. We are of the opinion that an impostor might provide himself with fl'audulent documentary evidence, and that t.he Lodge would be totally unable, during the limited time spent in his examination, to detect t.)le fraud <,>1' forgery. and we do hot believe that the law of t.he District of Columhia ".-ill be found effect.ive in preventing fraud or forgery. Upon the contrary, we feel that SUell a law will put V'isiting Bretlu'en to grea t inconvenience. 'rhey would not always think to provide themselves with documentary evidence, and if they did not so provide themselves, or should !?lisplace this evi~enec. they could not visit Lodges.



These were held at Greenville, Meridian, Brookhaven and Vicksburg for th0 purpose of laying the corner-stones of churches. At Vicksburg Brother Samnel M. Shelton, Grand Orator, delivered an oration in 'vhich he answered the question, "By what authority does the Masonic Craft lay the foundation of a Christian church ?" His remarks were appropriate and impressive. We have only space t.o copy the following, which we heartily endorse: Masonry makes no pretense to be a systecl of religion: it: claims ho equality with the church; it claims no divine origin. but .is the ~orking out of man's conception of great moml truths and great SOCial dutIes gathered entirely from the teaching of God's revealed word, ]\fasom'y stands as a hand-maiden of t.he churCh, l;eady to do its bidding. anxious to assist it. and aiding its teaching whel路ever. it lies in its power.




The man who looks to Masonry as his church makps a great mistake and does a very great injustice to Masonry itself. Masonry simply teaches man's duty to man in t.hls life. and points man to a great reward, which is to '. follow the performance of that duty here, the resurrection of the body and the life hereafter. If lived up to and honestly practiced it would work a wonderful change in the conditioll of the world, and be one of the greatest aids that the Christian church can have. Such is Masonry! The church, or rather Christianity, as embraciD~ tlle invisible. kingdom that God has established on earth, Is of divine ongin, claims its authority not from any system devised路 by man. but because It finds that authority in the revealed word of God. Pre~acjng the

roll of the dead, we find the following gem:


Again the deadened bough shall bend With blooms of sweetest breath. Oh, miracle of miracles! TlIis life that follows deatlI !



There is a Heaper whose name is Death, And, with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain a t a breath, And the flowers that grow between. "Shall r have naught that is fair?" saith he; "Have naught but the bearded grain'1 Though the breath. of these flowers is sweet to me. r will give them all back again." He gazed at the flowel's with tearful eyes, He kissed their dropping leaves; It was for the Lord of Paradise

He bound them in his sheaves. ENGl~AVINGS.

A striking picture of the newly-elected Grand Master, H. C. Yawn, forms the frontispiece, while those of T. B. Franklin, B. T. Kimbrough, Irvin Miller and P. M. Savery are, interspersed through the Proceedings. Iu;porn ON FOHEIGN COHRESPOKDENCE.

This is from the ready pen of M. W. 'Bro. Harry T. Howard, who becomes the worthy successor of Past Grand Master Barkley, de.ceased, who for twenty-one years had filled the chair and of whom Grand Secretary Speed said: . He stood for the old-fashionrd idpa of :\1 aSOlll'y , tli.at it \vas God's servant and handmaid, doing a work which He lIad giyen it to do, and. it was treason to the cause to turn either to the right or left in searching out new and untried by-paths which did not follow the "true prineiples of Ancient Craft Masonry," and therefore he exhibited but little patience for those who favored the introduction of new and strange cURtoms. Let llR tread in the old paths and preserve the ancient usages, custCIIlS and Landmarks, regardless of the new which is ever springing up a 1>011 t us and endcll voring to seduce us fl'om Mas~nry as our fathers taught it.

We welcome Brother Howard to' the Guild and judging from the report before us doubt not he will prove to be "the right man in the right place."




From his review of Alabama we take the following as expressive of our views on the SUbject: M. W. Bro. Henry M. Matthews presided. His Address shows he had a busy twelve months, railroading candidates through the Lodges. Why not issue a blanket Dispensation allowing all the Lodges to work all the Degrees on all candidates at all timcs, if numerical strength is all that is desired? Why have a Constitution, if it is to be dispensed with to suit the caprice of candidates or Lodges? Of course there are emergencies which are not foreseen by the law-makers, which happen in the life of a Lodge, and require immcdiate relief to prevent serious damage to it, but experience has dcmonstrated that in most instances the importance of a candidate or an undue haste upon the pal路t of a Master who wants to rail road- men through Masonry has mOI'e to do with applications for Dispensations than any real necessit.y or the welfare of the Craft. The Grand Lodges lay down wise and wholesome laws which werc intended for the Grand Master as well as the Lodges, and a due regard for the solemnity and dignity of Masonry ought to cause bim t.o think twice before he himself becomes a law-brcaker. li;ither there ought to be no laws relating to the admission of candidates and everything left to the judgment of the Lodges themselves, or these laws should be observed in the lettcr and spirit.

He reviews Missouri for 1906. He devoted most of it to the criticism of two of our decisions on the "liquor question." Our views are well known on this class of legislation by the Grand Lodge. We think the question as to the qualification of candidates should be left to the judgment of the Lodges themselves and that politics and Masonry ought to be kept as far apart as possible. With the' "one-man power" the Lodges ought to be able to keep out such as either by their habits or vocation can not stand the test of the overseer's square. Brother Howard thus concludes his able report: The subjects now taking up the attention of the Grand Lodges of the United Statcs arc: 1. The regulations governing tb~ admission of visiting Brethren. Mississippi has already regulated this vexed question to her satisfaction, if not to tbat of the' visitors. n. The report of tb~ Grand Lodge of Aiabama, asking that Benjamin Franklin's natal day be made a Masonic Memorial Day. Your committee do not deem it necessary to institute Memorial Days for anyone among the Craft at large. III. The Communication from the Grand Lodge of Colorado, proposing the formation of a Collcgium of Grand Lecturers, for the purposc of having only one Masonic Ritual. We agrec with Brother Morcombe of Iowa, that Grand Lecturers are not the ones best qualified to discuss or pass upon l\l:asonic Ritual. As a rule Lecturers are concerned only in juggling with words. Symbois to them mean nothing. If the Ritual is to be reduced to one, for the million of Masons in the States, Clandestine' Masonry would leap forward with renewed vigor. Our safety is in OUt' division. If the Ritual must be changed, let the Masonic scholars do the work and not the Masonic actors. IV. The 'Masonic Congress' in 1917 toceJebrate the 'Bi-Centenary Anniversary of the formation of the Grand Lodge of England, is another far-off event that is casting its shadow across the troubled waters of the annual reviewers. It is so far away, ten yCaI'S, that we still have time to think with our heads and not with our bearts. V. A number of Grand Lodges do not recognize a Grand Lodge that" is formed of Lodges chartered by the Supreme Councils of the Scottish Hite, although they bavescvered their connection with the Bodies that granted their charters.

1907. ]



These conservatives hold that such Bodies are irregular in parentage and organizaUon. We do not agree with them and have recognized some , of these Grand Bodies, being convinced that by so doing we have helped real Masonic growth. VI. The last subject Is the Grand Lodge Alplna. This Grand Lodge has brought together some twenty Grand Lodegs, among them Is the Grand Orient of li'rance. The G'rand Lodge Alpina admits that the Grand Orient of France was wrong about the open Bible, and then attempts to excuse it. As long as the Grand Orient of France is recognized and admitted, we had better stay home with our Brethren.

HE},'HY CLA~ YAWN, Lumberton, Grand Master. FHEDEIUCK SPEED, Vicksburg, Grand Secretary. The next Annual Communication will Hattiesburg, February 11, 1908.


held in the City of

MONTANA-190.6. Lodges, 53.

'Members, 4,421.

The Forty-second Annual Communication of the Grand of Ancient, Ftee and Accepted Masons of Montana was held City .of Helena, September 19, 1906, M. W. Bro. Henry L. Grand Master, presiding. A biographical sketch and clear-cut picture of Grand Henry Lupin Frank precede the report of the Proceedings.

Lodge in the Frank, Master

GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS. This is a multum in parvo Address, covering only eight pages. He reported six decisibns affecting local questions, all of which were 'approved. Among others was' one to the effect: "1. That it is absolutely necessary to give the lectures to the candidate after he has been initiated. "2. That an explanation of the Emblems on the Chart must also be given." THE WORK., Uegardlng the work done in your Jurisdiction, would say that there are but few of the Lodges who do the work as the Montana' Ritual requires. In many Instances it Is a conglomerate mixture, and no one could tell what Idnd of work it was. To remedy this would recommend tqat you appoint a Grand Lecturer, whose duty it shall be to visit all the Lodges and where he finds they are not doing路the Montana work to stay with them and teach them our work until they have got it letter perfect; would also suggest that a Grand Lecturer be selected from among the Brethren by competitive examination; that' a committee be appointed who shall Issue a call, setting the date for the examination of applic'nts for this hono'rable position, notifying all the Lodges that on this date they will meet to examine applicants who aspire to the position of Grand Lecturer for the State of Montana, Ilnd that they award this prize to the. one passing the best examination, and



showing the ability. application and desire to bring about tIle uniformity oC the :Ylasonie work in every Lodge in this .Jurisdiction.

The Grand Lodge declined to accept this suggestion and refused to appoint. a Grand Lecturer fqr the present. CALU'Ol~~IA


The Grand Lodge and Subordinate Bodies contributed $3,000 to airt the sufferers by the earthquake. FOlmIGN RECOGNITION.

The Grand Lodge of Alberta, the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, the Grand Lodge of Alpina of S\vitzerland and the Grand Lodge of Queensland were severally recognized. FINANCES.

Balance on hand as per last report. ~ $ 8,416 70 Amount transferred to Home :F'und. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,000 00 Net balance $ 7,416 70 Receipts to credit of General Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5;323 30 Total debit Total disbursements Balance in General Fund Balance in Charity Fund Total receipts on Home Fund 'Total disbursements Balance in Home Fund

$12,740 00 $ 5,146 15 $ 7,593 85


798 10

$14,245 08 :............ 13,713 08 $

532 00

The Committee on Masonic Home reported the selection of the site known as the Gamer tract, situated. about eight miles from' Helena in the Prickly Pear Valley, conEisting of 590 acres. An architect路 was selected to design a plan for a suitable flame building at a cost not to exceed $23,000, and they have no doubt that when the building is completed the Grand Lodge will have a Home, not only well adapted to its needs, but one that will be a source of pride and gratification to all the members of the Craft.


Appendix. ))lSTJNC:UlSHI~11



We find among the Proceedings of the second day: Follovdng election, Right Worshipful Bro. William II. Mayo, of St. Louis, :'\iissoUl'i, now temporarIly visiting with his 'son-in-law in Bozeman, was introduced, and gave a very interesting account of the Masonic Home of ~1issouri, for which he received the heul;ty t.hanks of t.he Gmnd Mastel' and Grand Lodge. TESTIMONIAL TO PAST GHAND MASTEI{.

Th8 committee designated to present to retiring Grand Master Lew L. Callaway some testimonial to bear permanent witness of the hearty appreciation of his valuable and most acceptable services as the head of the Craft, -reported .having presented him a "beautiful silver service." The letter gratefully acknowledging the gift by Brother Ca.llaway accompanied the report. OI{ATlO~.

At. the close of t.he Proceedings and under the head "Addenda," we find an Address by Henry L. Frank, 33째 Grand Master of Masons of Montana, 1905-6,. on the unique subject, "Masonry." It. is a very readable document and from it we copy: To the fair. unpl'ejudicrd observel', there can be no doubt of the great work that has been accomplished by the 'Fraternity, and the power for good our Brotherhood has exercised throughout the globe, in the upbuilding of lJIanldnd. and the nplifting of humanity. From its earliest history to the present date, it has left its imprint and mark in evel'y land for the bettcrment of the human race. In every clime where its banners have been unfurled, its lessons taught, and it~ pI'inciples promulgated, there it: bee3nw a guiding star in assisting to usher in the dawn of the Universal Brotherhood of man. In those countries where Freemasonry exists. flourishes and thrives, there are found advancl'd civilb:ation, freedom of thought, intellectual development, good citizenship, progressive thought, and the highest and l)(~st' type of manhood. On the contrary, in those countries where Masonry is under the ban, 'frowned upon in disfavor, and discountenanced, those countries are overrun with ignorance, bigotry, superstition, intolerance, fanatieism and prejudice; its people enslaved and down-trodden, and subjected to all the miseries which curse the human family. 'rake Hussia for illustration; the I'e -110 Masonic 'Temple was ever permitted to n~ar irs head heavenward; there .i\fasonry never took root, no m(~etillgs of the Craft are ever held, and every effort: to establish the Rite suppressed. \Vhat are the conditions prevailing? There they have Ignorance in its lowest and most bmtal form, her people ruled with a mailed hand and the knout: oppressed and down-trodden, their right to enjoy life, the pursuit of happiness,or .the conduct of their own affairs, t.rampled and ground under the iron heel of despot, where Siberia, with its attendant horrors and brutalities is pCl'mitted to exist, a loat.hing to t.he world, and a blot on the map of civili2ation. Thi'S applies to all count.ries where the pow(~r of bigotry and prejudlee is excJ'cised to suppress the enlightenment of the people, the dispensing- of justice, and proclaiming, spreading and dl'cnlating thcgl'(,llf and exhalted pririciples of OUl' Brotherhood. BEPORT ON FHAn:HN AI, CORlU:SPONOKNCJ1:.

This is rendered by Brother Cornelius Hedges, the Chairman, who is also Grand Secretary, and considering that he was sick during the months of J,uly and August, and we discover some traces




of "bile on his stomach," yet it's a healthy report. He is about our age, and if we could once get together in his new office room, with cigars, et cetera, we have no doubt we would prove to be par nobile fratrum. He's a good (lId man or he could not give expression to such sentiments as these in his comment on Brother Fitcomb's report: His personal congratulations on recovery from rheumatism trouble was more appropriate when written than at present. We are often and seriously admonished that our heart, either primal'ily or sympathetically, is in trouble. and may at any time suspend operation. We have no cause to complain, for it has served us near seventy-five years, and we ought not to expect mUcll more of it. There is much that we would like to see accomplished before entering the world of spirits, but there are' others better able to work the accomplishment than we are, and we expect to retain in another life all the interest we now have, and our faitb is serene and robust that in God's own time and way ali will come right.

We trust he may realize his fondest hopes and that whether his pilgrimage be long or short, whether the Messenger shall come at morn, at noon or at night, he may Sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach his grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him and lies down to pleasant dreams.

He reviews Missouri for 1905: He says Brother Valliant "has laid before his readers much important and. instructive matter." He "picks no quarrel" with any of our Proceedings, but indulges in a sensible comment on "Masonic Trials," and says: It is quite important that every Lodge should act first in the capacity of a Grand Jury, and not authorize a trial except upon plenty of good evidence.

A. D. MACDONALD, Kalispell, Grand Master. CORNELIl;S H~DGJ<:S, Helena. Grand Secretary. The Forty-third Annual Communication will be held in the City of Butte, commencing September 18, 1907.

NEBRASKA-1906. Lodges, 234.

Members, 15,163.

The Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Nebraska met in Annual Communication June 5,' A. D. 1906, with Melville R. Hopewell, Grand Master, presiding, and 207 out of 234 Lodges represented. The volume of Proceedings before us differs somewhat from that of other States, in that it has board backs, wide margins and the typographical execution is faultless.





This Address is an earnest, business-like paper, showing an active, zealous administration. He thus speaks of the condition of the Craft: We arc in the midst路 of an epocb路making period. History will be replete with the happenings of today. In the march of events, tbe Masonic world is keeping pace. '.rhe Proceedings of other Grand Lodges show an era of unexampled prosperity, Never before has there been greater activity among the Brethren, or mMe interest manifested in the principles of our Fraternity. In our Grand Jul'isdiction, there is mucb to gl'atify and encourage. The great majority of the Subordinate Lodge have been well" attended and 路are growing in membersblp. The Lodge rooms, as a rule, are supplied with up-to-date furniture and paraphernalia. Many of the Lodges own tbeir buildings, and wbat is better stili, the Brethren are imbued with the true spirit of Masonry, and are earnest in their endeavors to be worthy members of the Fraternity. THE CALIFORNIA CALAMITY.

A draft for $500 was sent to Grand Master Flint, who, in acknowledging its receipt, expressed the feeling that. he had sufficient funds to meet the existing conditions. VISITATIONS.

Under this head the Grand Master says:


And I have endeavored to discharge the duties of tbis high office, catching a day here and there as I could. I hope to see the day when tbe Grand Mastel' can take a vacation, as to private affairs, and devote his wbole attention to the business of his office. He will find plenty to do. Then we may expect the ideal executive, one who, besides being weli versed in the law, the teachings and traditions of Masonry, is an enthusiastic lover of the work. Such an one, in addition to routine work, would be able to make a large number of visitations, become personally acquainted with tbe membership of tbe different Lodges, observe their work, obtain a knowledge of local conditions, and thus acquire information that would enable bim to deal intelligently with all matters referred to bim.

Again he says: Oakland, No. 91, and George Armstrong, No. 241, I feel a peculiar interest in, for the reason that I assisted in starting tbem. They are both excellent Lodges. Each bas at its head a genuine Masonic crank, who labors incessantly for the good of the Craft, and obliges his subordinate officers to do likewise. Tbe conseql).encc is, tbere is no loitering or indifference in the Lodge room, but all is activity and enthusiasm'. Here let me say I wish we had more cranks in the Master's chair. We would have mOTe good Lodges. The' Master can not do all tbe work, but he can do a great deal. A Lodge never dies of inanitIon that. has a wide-awake Master. It.is an impossibility. He will not only do his part, but he will stir up the Brethren to do theirs, and when officers and members alike do tbeir full dut.y, the Lodge grows and prospers, just as surely as sunshine and "rain bring forth vegetation. CYPHERS AND KEYS-SO-CALLED.

The Grand Master had to issue an edict to break up the- use of spurious publications called "Keys and Cyphers," and it seems that t;he Brethren, when the matter was properly explained to them, .expressed regret ,and promised to refrain from their. use in the future.



Four of these were laid, and among them that of the Masonic Home at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 10, 1905, there being a large attendance of the Brethren, members of the Eastern Stal' and citizens. SPl<:CTAL


He issued a number of Special Dispensations, and we regret. to notice that five of'them were for conferring the degrees withou.t 1'egard to time. One of them was to confer all three of the degrees, and three the Fellow Craft and Master. This isa species of rail¡ roading a candidate through, which can not be justified. No wonder we have so Tuany ignoramu.seswho (10 not even serve for ballast, but are harnacles on the ship's hull. DEClS\():,\s.

Seventeen decisions are reported, all of which are on local questions and were approved. E]\'DLESS CHAli\ LETTgHS.

\Vord came to me that the Brethren of l'awnee Lodge, No. ;l:-;, wP'l'e endeavoring to raise money for the benefit of their Lodge by the en dIes!'> chain system of letters; deeming this a politl~ way of seeking alms that ought not to be indUlged in by 'Masonic Lodges. I ordered its discontinuance, and the repayment of moneys received. ?l1y order was at once complied with, except as to the r'efllnding of money which. heing l'eceived in donations of ten cents. was impracticable. At the suggestion of the Brethren I modilied my order. directing the amount received, lji24.45, to he turned over' to the Grand Secl'l~tal'Y for the henefit of the Masoni<' Home, which was OOllP.




The. :Masoni<- Home, I am glad to J'eport, is in a flonrishing condition. The new building, ereeLed at a cost of ahout $] 5,000, furnishes accommodations for twenty additional guests. It is heated with steam and basaJl the modern improvemen t.s and accessories. 'l'here are now twen ty-five residents, all contented and happy. so far as J am aoviseil.


The amount is steadily growing from year to yeai:', and is now considerably over $40,000. We frequently hear the inquiry, "What is to be done with it?" In my opinion H can properly be used' for • any charitable purpose.

_ 1907.]




On hand as per last report~ .' $16,677 59 Received from Grand Secretary.......................... 24,307 85 Total .............................................•. $40,985 44 Paid out :21,763 0:$ Balance on hand


The cost of maintaining the Home from January 1, 1905, t() December 31, 1905, was as follows: 22 12 28 5 1,770 830 124 40

75 50 92 00 62

45 74 75

$2,835 73 Total number in the Home during the year, 26; 1 resident died; ] left the Home to take a situation; and 4\ left the Home, having been' there only. temporarily. The above cost of maintaining the Home, computed on actual time far ODe person, viz_: 13 years,. 9 months and 0 days, would be at the rate of $206.36 for one pel'son a y e a r . . ' An addition to the Home has recently been built at a cost of about $15,000. '£he furnishing of the addition has cost so far $915.02. There are now in the Home eleven men, ten women, three boys, and one girl; total twenty-five. '.rhis is an increase of five since December 31·st, 1905. The building and grounds have cost up to date $19,831.48. One hundred and fifty-nine shares of stock have been issued, and the amount received therefrom is $15,900., There has ~een paid on sUbscriptioJ'1's to stock $498.

Past Gra.nd Master Lininger,', President of the Nebraska Masonic Home, thanked· the Grand Lodge for endowing the Home, and said he proposed to build on the grounds a~d donate to the Home, a Lodge room a.nd chapel. HEPOR'!' OF GRAND CUSTODIAN.

This offieer doses his interesting report as 'follows: Where conditions are such that the -attendance of the officers and members will not warrant the Grand Lodge in holding a three days' school, the· Secretary should notify tbe Grand Master on receipt of formal date notice. The official progmmme of Custodian's School requires three sessions each day. two hours and a half to each session, and never' less than six sessions to complete it in detail. I think it is due to the; Craft, and for the best interest of Masonry, that the present method of promulgating the work be carefully observed and investigated,. and, if practical results are not being obtained, suggest some method that will bring about the desired end. Such matters of- vital importance should not be left to the judgment of the

G. L. Ap.-9



Appendix. I>

Grand Custodian. It is my hum1Jle opinion that the husks of rote Ritualism and formal ceremonies not understood, have not in the past, do not at the present, and will not in the future, feed the -hungry soul that is seeking for the rich grain that lies so deeply, yet wisely concealed in the arcane vaults of philosophy, contained in the symbols of Ancient Craft Masonry. How many of us who bear the "Thyrsus" demonstrate in our lives that we are really in possession of the Secrets of a :Master :L\:1ason? God's name he never tal,es in vain, Who in his soul doth bear 'rhe pure principles that are contained Within'the "Compass and the Square." No flowing bowl to the lips ascend Of him who hath found "Truth's" fountain clearStraight in the "Narrow Path" he trends His "Trust 'in God," he knows no fear. "Image and likeness" of God above, As created by his Father's hand, He has found the secret "Divine Love." (Power of Control)-A Master stands. FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

The report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence recom- .. mended the recognition of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, but the same was deferred unt.il the next session. Th€ Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized. SEM I-CENTEN N IAL.

The Semi-Centennial of the organbmtion of this Grand Lodge will occur September 23d, H107, ' Resolved, That a comniittee of fifteen be appointed by the Grand Mast.er to arrange for the appropriate commemoration of that event. and that $300, or so much thereof as may be necessal'Y, be appropriated to defra~' the necessary expenses of such committee. WHEm,;AS,


·W.· .Bro. Ro~erick D. Sutherland delivered an eloquent and masterful oration, closing as foIlows: Then why should any Brothel' become weary and sit down to rest himself 'f Let us be up and doing, doing right, heing just, bearing in our hearts Frat.ernIty. helping the sid, and needy. seeking knowledge rather than wickedness. searching after truth in all things, preparing ourselves for the inevitab.le change. For life is but .a narrow bridge soon to be crossed. A whisper, a word, and t.he end of all. "'e lmow not: from whence we came. but faith tells us where we may go. Myst.ery all round us. but light above. For centuries the Masonic army has been marching on, and when the last day's journey is done, I trust and believe it will be intact, and banded together as never before. . We have passed the,Isle of the Long Ago. Just. before us are the port.als of the Somewhere Land. "'hen we pass them, a II of life as it has been will be over, and life as it shall be will begin. The- temple eternal on Mt. Moriah will be for us. Tile Grand Architect of the Universe w,ill explain j~ all. The temple. in its beauty, will shine wit.h a spil'itual splendor and with marble walls and plates of gleaming gold, with towers of et.ernal strength aEd minarets of glory it will gl'eet 1l~. Rivers of entrancing purity will ebb and llow ::!I'd music ineffable will greet the ear. . Masons will give t.hanks that at last the Fratemity. without. one member missing, I hope, may gather and seek truth and wisdom from Him who planned it all, and who at last restoreth life and joy to one and all.


, A.ppendix.

13 1

REPORT ON FOHlLlGN COHHESPONDENCE. This is an interesting review by Past Grand Master Charl.es .J. Phelps. He is an enthusiastic believer in Masonic Homes, as shown by the following, taken from his introducti<?n: Freemasonry almost evel'ywhere is holding the attention of its votaries with increasing interest, as it seems to the writer, and prosperous conditions abound. Organized relief is almost universal. In these later days Masonic Homes for路 ag.ed and dependent Masons, their widows and orphans, are building and being maintained enthusiastically, and all is well. .

He reviews Missouri for 1905. Says of Grand Master Valliant's Address: "The Grand Master is eloquent in his discussion of the origin and purposes of Masonry." He quotes several of his decisions, speaking of them as "of general interest and importance." .He is pleased 'to say of us: '~Brother Anderson fits well the 'new harness' and it nicely 'adjusts itself.''' This is encQuraging and we hope to be able to "keep within the traces." M. W. ZUINGLE M. BAIRD, Harrington, Grand Master. R. W. FRANCIS E. WHITE; Omaha, Grand Secretary. The next Annual Communication was to be held at Omaha on June 4, 1907.

NEVA DA-'-1906 . .Lodges, 23.

Members, 1,113.

As we open these Proceedings Grand Master Charles A. Beemer stares us in the face, through spectacles, not made necessary by the weight of years, but some abnormal condition of the optics. A Special Communication was held at Reno, September 16, 1905, for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the Reno Masonic Temple. An appropriate oration was delivered by W: .Bro. Samuel Misworth. The Farly-second Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Nevada was commenced in the City'" 'of Reno on the 12th of June, A. D. 1906, Grand Master Charles A. Beemer presiding. GRAND :MASTER'S ADDRESS.

He introduces his Address with the following: Since the time that I emer~ed from "darkness to light," I have 'been ardently devoted to tile Craft.. but the .range of vision has been circumscribed by the narrow confines of my own Lodge. or, when allowed to wander beyond. it was only vaguely to comprehend the vast multitude bound together by the mystic tie of路 our Fraternity. Now I begin to understand the unity of organization. the unity of purpose, which bolds together our vast Bro.therhood for the happiness and elevation of mankind. Our own Grand

13 2



Lodge has its sphere of influence, but its. strength and power dies not alone in the number of its Lodges, in the roll of its membership, but in the mighty hosts tbat surround us and whose battle-cr;y is the same as ours, ",lustice to all and oppression to none." . It was the consciousness of this great fact that gave me courage to enter upon the discharge of my duties as YOUl' Grand Master. CONDITION OF TIn} CHAFT.

From personal observation during my visitations and correspondence with those Lodges which I was unable to visit, I am happy to be able to say that the Lodges are in a fairly prosperous condition, that perfect harmony and good-fellowship prevails among them, and the individual members thereof; that a fail' amount of work has been performed' during the year; that the returns show an increase in membership over that of the previous year, and that perfect harmony exists between this and Sister Jurisdictions. I<'INANCE8.

To the M. 路.W. 路.Grand Lodge F. and A. M. of the State of Nevada: .

BHETHREN-Find herewith the condition of your Grand Treasury for the year ending June 12, 1906: June 13, 1905, balance on hand ' $1,941 41 Received from' Grand Secretary during the year... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,581 83 Total : , *-3,523 24 Paid out on warrants fr0Il?- Kos ..1 to 49 inelusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,454 35 June 12, 1906, cash in Treasury CALJFOR;"DA,


lf2,068 89


The amount contributed was $3,502.55. Among the' contributors we find the 'following: Lewis Chaptel', No.1, ]{. A. :'11., Carson, unsolicited ~ 100 Humboldt Chap tel', No.9, H.. A. 11., Winnemucca, unsolicited '" 100 Esther Chapter, Ko. 3, O. E. S., Carson City, unsolicited. . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Adah Chapter, No.4, O. Eo S., Reno, unsolicited .... , . . . . . . . . .. . ... 50 Turquois Chapter, No. 10, O. E. S., Tonopah, unsolicited..... . . . . .. 50

00 00 00 00 00


Brother Edward D. Vanderlieth records his observations on his "fifth trip around the Masonic World." He has evidently kept his eyes open and路 "taken in the whole show.'! 'He thus introduces his notes of the journey: Great organizations, my Brethren, never stand still. Their work urges them ever onward, and when their etT:orts fail, they move backward. Masonry's growth during the year past bas been marvelous, and we can truly record, she "grows with bel' growth, and strengthens with her strength." This is due to tbe true greatness of her individual members, and the, centrality of individual greatness is. character. It commands nnlversal respect, and its influence for good shines like a well-cut jewel. Maintain the high standard of the character' of tbe individual in our loved li'raterIilty and success will abide in our Lodges, for the only foundation of real SUCl'ess is' character. Therefore, my Brothers, "Jet your character be real, the shining warp and woof of each day, working out the part God has set yOIl in the gl路eat. loom, (If Time.




In glancing over the comments on the various points of interest that attracted his attention we can find no room for controversy, as he seems to be wearing spectacles of the same focus as our own, He'reviews Missouri for 1905. Speaking of Grand Master Valliant's Apdress, he says: "It was both able and interesting." He quotes several of his decisions and commends to the Brethren the one on the "Full Moon" question. He says of our Grievance Committee: ,"The. Committee on Appeals and Grievances is to be especially commended for its work * * * and it is rare to s~e so much firmness and fairness united with hard work. in one committee." He makes us "feel at 'home" by giving us a cordial. welCOme to the Round Table. Why can't we of the Guild arrange to meet at some convenient place, become acquainted with each other and "swap a few lies?" We are sure that we would all bec?me con-' vinced that: There is so much good in the worst of us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it hardly behooves. any of us To criticise any of the rest of us.

What say you? I\LW. WALTER ,J. HARRIS, Reno, Grand Master. R. W. CHAUNCEyN. NOTEWARE, Carson City, Grand Secretary. The Forty-third Annual Communication was to have been held June 11, A. D. 1907, in the City of Rimo,

NEW BRUNSWICK-1905. Lo'dges, 37. Members, 2,200. We have not been f~vored with a copy of the Proce~dings and have to depend on Brother Lambehon for this review. The Grand Lodge, of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of New Brunswick held its Thirty-eighth, Annual Communication in the City of St. John, on Tuesday, August 22, 1905, M. W. B.ro. Edwin J. Everett, Grand Master, pres'iding.



Th.is is confined to his own Jurisdiction, -giving full accounts of his visitaHons, -which were. fewer than he had hoped to make and of quite a number路 of Br~thren who had been summoned to the Grand Lodge above. He reported a prosperous and harmonious year. Dis路. pensations were issued for two new Lodges.



i Sept.

FINANCES. Receipts, including balance of $2,672.91 '.' . $4,987 12 Disbursements '.' :,: .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,665 00 Balance

$3,322 12 . FOREIGN


The Grand Lodge of Queensland was recognized. No committee or report on Correspondence. EDWIN J. EVEHETT, St. Jolin, Grand. Master. " J. TWINING HARTT, St. John, Grand Secretary.

NEW HAMPSHIRE-1906. Lodges, 79. Members, 9,695. A group picture of the first seven Grand Officers ,forms the frontispiece to the Pr'oceedings of 'the Annual Communication, and there is not a bad face among them. A .Special Communication路 was held ~~t Raymond, June 26, 1905, f'or the purpose of constituting Tucker Lodge, No. 99. The Semi-annual Communication was held in the City of Manchester, December 27, A. D. 1905,. fo路r the purpose of having the work in the several degrees exemplified. After conferring the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Degrees a banquet, provided by the Grand Lodge, was partaken of, after which the Third Degree was conferred. There was a large attendance present and the occasion no doubt proved of great and lasting value. to' all, not only as a school of instruction, but also socially and morally. A Special Communication was held in the City of Somersworth, February 13, A. D. 1906, to ,dedicate the hall of Libans Lodge, No. 49, at 'Yhich an oration was delivered by Rev. Brother David B. Martin. A Special Communication was held at Manchester, Sunday, April 29, A. D. 1906, for the purpose of attending' the funeral semices of Brother Joseph Warren Fellows. A brief e.ulogy was pronouncedby the pastor of the church, Rev. George E. Hathaway,' from which we take the following: Conspicuous. meot needs no eulogy. It likewise forbids silence. 11'01' the man of noble life is without quaUfication God's truest revelation. In such an one the world's divinest forces meet to blossom into 'God's sublimest attributes. . We meet to honor a .man of conspicuous merit, to recall those eminent virtues which made him a beloved and public-spirited .citizen. A son of the




granite State, he. emhodied those graces of cb!!-ract~r ";biCI~ well sy.mbol,i~ed the majesty, permanence and beauty of hIs natIve hIlls.. WIth the SImplICIty of childhood hE' loved his home. his family and his friends. With the fidelity of the strong man he was loyai to public and private trusts. With the courage of heroism he was faithful to principle. His virtues were ,those rar.e qualities of character which in the sum and bulk we call int.eg~·ity.. He ~'as true to those elemental instincts of the human heart whence spl'lng Slmpliclt.y, justice, honor, good faith, ~umallit:y. The honors bestowed upon him, the public and private trusts reposed in him, are at once tributes to his character and ability, and names to distinguish his widespread s~rYlces. A practical educatol', an eminent jurist, a true philanthropist, a frie~ld to the fathel'less and the widow, high in the councils of Masonry, a publIC' spirited citizen, a loving father and husband, a true man, he leaves us the priceless legacy of inspiring memories. .

The Rev. Doctor Samuel C. Bean, of Lawrence, then preached the funeral sermon, in which he fitly remarked ~ Shall I -today attempt any analysis of his life and character. any definite estimate of 'him and what he did 01' endeavol;eC1 in the wodd. Such an attempt, to my.mind, wourct be both folly and sacrilege. You wbo hear me, knew him! he stands to each and all of us for what can not be coolly calcu· lated or categol'ied. .Heaven forbid that when I pass away, any rude and daring hand shall subject me to analysis and dissection. .Enough if some friendly hearts shall own me ~s I am, give me the credit for having tried to do a few things well, graciously forget .my errors and transgressions, and confess that to them the world is a little bit lonely without me. .

A touchin'g, heartfelt eulogy was· the'n pronounced by Rey. Doctor Henry W. '}{ugg, of Providence, R. I., Deputy Grand Master or the Grand Enc~mpment of ~nigb.ts of Templar of the United States. Templar burial service was performed by Eminent Commander Walter G.Africa and Prelate Elmer D. Goodwin, of Trinity Commandery. The One Hundred and Seventeenth Annual Communication of the M: .W: .Grand Lodge of the Ancient 'and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of' the State of New Hampshire was held 'in the Freemason's 'Hall, in the City of Concord, May 16, A. D, 1906, Gr~nd Master Ira A. Chase presiding. GRAND l\fASTER'S ADDRESS.


The Address is practical, business·like paper and shows its author to be "a 'Y0rkm_an who needeth Dot to be aShamed," We regret having to confine ourselves to .this quotation of his closing remarks: The outlook' for the future is bright and the prospect vel'v encouraging, Our noble ,institution is bas.ed ~pon broad principles and ~ver' living truths. Its scope IS so broad that It rIses fa,r above the commercIalism and selfishness of the age into the higher and nobler realms· of thought and action. More fu.!ly tha.n any other institution, except· the Christian Church, it meets the deSire whIch e~ists i.n every human breast for universal Brotherhood.· l.'he trust imposed lD us IS great. Very great is the responsibility. I To a certain exten,t the honor and dignity of Masonry and. the maintenance of a high standard of life 'and example devolve upon each individual Free- , mason. ' Human progress depends upon the possession of high and noble idea Is and never rises above the ideals.. The ideals of Freemasonry are very lofty and grand.




Moral and sodal improvement, otherwise called progress, is not yet accomplished. The ideal has not yet been attained, hence there still is work to be done by us as Masons. :Masonry is said to be a progressive moral science. There is yet room for progress. With reverence toward God and love for man, Freemasonr~' is humanitarian and sociological. The personal and social well-being of man in a great measure prepares him fOI' another life by tPching him how to make this life a good one. NECROLOGY.

The Grand Master .fitly mentions the deaths of eight Past D,istrict Deputy Grand Masters, to-wit: Marcellus Hazen Felt, died August 21, 1905; Wilbur Fisk Robins, died March 23, 1906; Samuel Morey Wilcox, died August 30,. 1905; 1<Jzra Huntington, died February 27, 1906; Frank Whipple Preston, died August 29, 1905; ]1ev. John Young, died September 29, 1905; John Folsom Cloutman, died December 7,,1905; George Edward Thompson, died June 25, '1905. A , short Liography and a clear-cut steel engraving of each accompanies the announcement. The face of Joseph Warren 'Fellows, accompanied by an extended biography, by the Grand Master, shows him to have been "a man of splendid physique, of noble mien, fine presence', distinguished bearing, courteous and dignified manner, of scholarly mind, refined tastes and judicial temperament." . He was chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence for years, and made a路 model one. Mention is made of the burial of John Paul Jones on the 24th of April, 1906, at Annapolis. DECISIONS.

Eleven decisions were rendered on local questions, all of which were approved. MASONIC HOME.

, He reports this institution in a very flourishing and prosperous condition. Mrs. Luella C. Beirbeck is Matron, who is represented as a very capable and efficient one. The Order of the Eastern Star has given considerable money to furnish and equip rooms for the care and comfort of the sick. IN MEMORIAM.

M路. W. Bro. George I. McAllister read a be~utiful tribute to 'Brother Joseph Warren Fellows, in which he refers to two important 路decisions made, by him and affirmed by the Grand Lodge.. They are ;as follows: Probably one of the most important services our Brother rendered to the : Fraternity was his learned and. masterly opinion in support of the proposi.tlon that "this Grand Lodge Is the supreme authority in Masonry; has "the power to determine what Masonry is, and to decide what Masonic Bodies

1907.] .



arc regular wherein Symbolic Masonry is used, shown, or made a part of the ceremonies, and that it has thc power and authority to prohibit the Masons of its obedience from practicing as Masonic, any othcr rites than those which it declarcs to be Masonic,' and from using any of its esoteric cei'emonies as MaRonic ceremonies in any other Body than those which it shall hold to be Masonic, and that it is a well-established doctrine that it is a violation of the .Jurisdictional rights of any Grand Lodgc or other Grand Body, for a foreign Qrganization of the same grade or rite to establish Subordinates within the .Jurisdiction of such Grand Body," which received the approbation of this Grand r-odge, has stood the test of time, and has been universally commended and approved. ' In connection with, this celebrated opinion he prepared "an historical, sketch of th~ Ancient and Accepted ScottiSh Rite," which was published in our Proceedings, and is of great value to the Craft, and a monument to his research and profound l-earning. . Anothervcry important and elaborate opinion was written by him in路 1901, in support of the ruling of the Grand Master that "A member of a Lodge has a right to object to tbe Crafting of an Entered Apprentice, and the raising of a Fellow Craft, and to make his objection to the Master privately, at any time before the candidate receives the Degree, and' after he receives any Degree, and before he receives the next Degrce," under our Constitution, which was sustained by' this Gmnd Lodge, thereby establishing its strongest and most potent safeguard for the purity and safety of the Craft. At the Triennial Conclave of Knights Templar a~ Louisville, he read a ver.y able and scholarly opinion supporting the ruling or Grand Mastel' Lloyd, to the effect that the Grand Master ,of Knights Templal' does not have authority to confer the' Ol'dei's of Knighthood "at sight," which' was approved by the Grand Encampment.

He thus closes his tribute: Bt'other, <!ompanion. Sir Knight Fellows: Sleep calmly on: thy noble life . With cares and love replete, Has left on us its impress, rife 'Vith mem'ries fond and sweet, Sleep peaccfull;}'; earth's work is done; Within a fairer clime All hopes and aspirations bloom, And reach fruition's prime. Sleep on, dear friend; such 路lives as thine nave not been lived in vain, . But shed an influence rarc. divine, On lives that here remain. Brethren ,: Tbe tears that we shed; though in silence they roll, Will long keep his memory 'green in Out' soul.


The following was ad?pted:' 115. No candidate whose. application may be rejected by a Lodge shall be Initiated in any Lodge other than thc one wbich rejected him, within five years after such rejection. unless the Lodge rC'commend him to another Lodge by a unanimous vote-the v<;>te to be taken by the secret ballot., at a Stated Communication, notice thereof having been given at a previous Stated Communication. And if any Mason knowingly assist. or t'ecommend for initiation. t.o any Lodge whate\'er, any' candidate. 'rejected as aforesaid. except' as above provided, such Ma'Ron shall he expelled from the Institution. : . SEC.





. A Past Grand Master Jewel was presented to the retiring Grand Mast€r, Brother Ira Arthur Chase, and th~ Grand Secretary, was authorized to procure suitable aprons for presentation to the Past Grand Masters. FINANCES:

May 15, 1905, cash on hand $ 7,531 01 Received from Grand Secretary......................... 8,947 48 Received interest 38 71 $16,517 20 11,482 36

Disbursements Cash on hand



$ 5,034 84


• This was rendered by Brot,her A. S.. Wait, who by reason of severe and protracted illness was compelled to abbreviat€ and. confine it to forty-one pages. He reviews Missouri for 1905 ·and speaks of Grand 'Master Valliant's Address as "an extended and elaborate' review." . \ . M. v.r. WILLIAM A. PLUMl\U:R, .Laconia, Grand Master. R. W. FRANK D. WOODBURY, Concord, Grand Secretary. The One Hundred and Eighteenth Annual Communication was to be held at Concord. May 15, 1907.

NEW JERSEY-1907. Lodges, 181. Members, 26,595. This is a ponderous volume, opening up with a splendid picture of Grand Master Walter Chandl€r. 1'he Grand Lodge of the Most.Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mason,S of the State of New .Jersey met in the City of Trenton in Annual Communication, March 20 and 21, A. D. 1907, Grand Master Walter Chandler presiding. ' .


This is a detailed report of· the work of a laborious year, and covers ninety pages, and embraces the official documents connected 'Yith every subject, showing the Grand Master t.o be painstaking and

1907. ]

Appendix. ,


methodical as well as active,in the discharge of the 'duties of his high office. In his prelude he aptly says: It has been forcibly, and earnestly said that "Time has no past, neither has it any future, but only an eternal everlasting present." The past is sealed in God's book of remembrance, and has disappeared as silently as the shadow of a spirit. The future is ever before us, our hopes and our desires. The present only is ours. "The night of death cometh when no man can work." "We shall pass thl'ough this world but once; any good deed, therefore, we can do, any kindly word we say, or a~Y· noble aspii'ation we can utter, let us do it now, for we' shall not pass this way again.". '.rherefore, if we have any great work, to perform; if we would assist in making the world brighter, or happier, or better, because we have lived in it, and our fellow-creatures wise" and nobler in their thoughts. words and deeds, and so advanced the grand priilciples of Masonry and the tenets of our time·honored Institution, let us do it today, for tomorrow may be too late.



There were no deaths among the Officers of the Grand .Lodge anti he prefaces a long list of the Lodge members who have "passed on" with these appropriate lines: Far beyond our human sight, While sorrows here unfold us, Is that fair countr~; Where our hearts abide. And of its bliss • Nought is more wondrous told us ~rhan these few words, Ye shall be satisfied. Eai' hath not heard, Nor hath eye seen the vision Of light and loveliness beyond the skies; " I-Iope is .forgotten, There 'is full fruition, The heart vainly to conceive it tries. Thither our weak and -weary feet are tending, 0, Lord, our God, with Thy frail ones abide; Guide us towards home, Where, all OUI' sorrows ending, We shall see Thee and be satisfied. MASONIC HOME.

He commends the 'Masonic Home Committee for their "faithful, intelligent and continuous self-sacrificing devotion to' Masonic duty, and the cause of humanity in their faithful administration of the Home since it was first instituted ten years ago." He will call attention,'to the report of the Committee on Masonic Home later on, A letter to the Grand Master, signed on behalf of the inmates of the Home, is given in his Address, in which the following resolution is contained : Resolved, That we, the inmates assembled at, this time, do hereby express our appreciation of and the sincere thanks to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge and the Masonic Home Committee and the Subordinate Lodges for our Home, given to us' in our 'old age and




infirmities, when we are unahle.to maintain and care fol' ourselves, fully realizing that it' is a very expensive institution to maintain; that we are fully aware and recognize that much valuable time and thoughtful care is given by the Home Committee towards our health, comfort and pleasul路e. Therefore, we f~el it not only a duty. but a pleasure to us, and we do hereb5' express to them our sincere thanks and gratitude for their labor and' Masonic Brotherly kindness. THE CALlFOltNIA DISASTER.

The Grand M;aster reports the telegrams and letters touching the contribution to the CaJ-ifornia sufferers by the earthquake, and the report of the, Grand Secretary shows that the contribution by Lodges and individuals amounted to $10,155.78. PUBLIC CEREMONIES.

An. Emergency Communication wa~ held on' the. 30th of May, 1906, in the City of Elizabeth, for the purpose of laying the found.ation stone of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. There were 500 Masons in attendance.' The Grand Master delivered a fitting Address. An Emergency Communication was held on the 22d of June, 1906, at Orange, for the purpose of ~aying the corner-sto~e of the Orange High School. Here also the Grand Master delivered an Address in which he was pleased to say: We are all workers in t.his busy, hustling world, and it is not living in the world of yesterday, nor in the world 'of tomorrow, but in today's world which count.s. We must know t.he world and the day we are living in, and keep in responsive touch with all t.he great and important events around us, We are all bullders, too. 'Not of material edifices, but of spiritual temples, which, when completed; may be fit dwelling places for that Supreme Being, "before whom all should stand. uncovered,. and bow with that a ~e and adoration which is due from the cl'ea ture to the Creator." Forward. upward and onward to higher, nobler and better thoughts and aspirations and to greater achievements, that the world and mankind may be better and purer and sweeter because you, my Brother, or you, my friends, ' have lived in it, and have demonstrated in your lives the dignit~, the truth and the beauty of those high principles which we, as Masons, teach and should practice in our daily walk and conversation. And to you, my young friend,S, gathered around us toda;}', let me, as one who has lived' In the world and experienced many of its trials, tempt.ations and vicissitudes, say to you in all earnestness, that there is no such thin-g as failure if you will indeed be true to God, to your neighbor and to yourselves. "Failure," says Keats, "is in a sense the highway to success, inasmuch as every discovery of what is false 'leads us to seel, earnestly after what is true, anl'! every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterward m,Ost carefully avoid." Defeats and fallures have played a great' part in the history of success, and are great developers of character. '.rhousands have! been fOl:ced into greatness by the very severity of the struggle.. I

0n the 27th of OctOber, 1906, the corner-stone of the new Temple of the Scottish Rite Association was laid in Jersey City. Here a soul-stirring Address was delivered by Brother James B. 'bill, which we wish every Brother among us could read, but we are admonished not to make our report "too long."

. 1907.]

. Appendix.



Visitations by the Grand Master to other Jurisdictions, as well as among his home Lodges, are reported and he closes his account of them with these lines: WlIat will it matter, in a little while, that for a day . Wernet, gave a smile, a touch, a wOl'd of kindness on our way? What will it matter that hearts were brave, and lives were true; Thkt you gave me the sympathy I crave, as I gave you? These trifles, can It be they make or mar' a human life, 'rhat mortal man is lightly swayed by love or strife? Yet, yea! a look the fainting heart may break, or make it whole, Or one kind word or act for love's dear sake, may save a soul.

A list of "Anniversaries," "Receptions," "Public Events" and "Interdicts" under the "perpetual jurisdiction" theory are reported I in detail. He calls attention to the law enacted by the State of New Jersey on the UNLAWFUL .USE OF M:ASONI9 INSIGNIA.'

Some of our dimitted Brethren who have voluntarily become "drones in the hive," do not seem to know that the Legislature of Missouri in 1903 adopted the following law, and that the same is now in force: Every person ,who shall wilfully wear any button, badge, pin or other emblem of any secret society, lodge or organization fraudulently for the purpose of obtaining money, aid, ass~stance 01' other valuable thing within this State, • • * shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and 'upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollal's, 01' by imprisonment in the county jail not' exceeding thirty days, 01' by both fine and imprisonment. See Sess, Acts 1903, page 166.


It is the law of the M, W. Grand Lodge of New Jersey that a visiting Brother must present documentary evidence of his membership, signed and s.ealed by the Secretary of .the Lodge in addi- . tion to proving himself. DECISIONS.

Ten decisions were rendered. ·The fiftb is one which ought to be universally observed. It reads : It is absolutely necessary, in alI cases, that,the ·Committee of Investigation call personally npon the 'petitioner and make diligent inquiry as provided in . the Sixth General Regulation, and satisfy themselves that the candidate has mad.e truthful statements about himself, inquire into his physical condition, and if any physical defect is found, it should be'reported at once to the Worshipful Master of the Lodge.





The· Grand Master thus closed his admirable Address: And now, my Brethren, as we turn to t.he duties befol'c us' and contemplate the future. let me remind ;you of the words of t.he great Apostle to the Gentlles: . "Be not high-minded nor trust in the uncel'tainty ·of .riches, but in the living God who gh'eth us richly all t.hings to enjoJ·." "Do good that J'e be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate, laying up for yourselves a good foundation for the time to come, that you may lay hold on etel"Da I life." . Then when the t.ime for YOUI' departure draweth nigh you can say with ~~Uh.::I have fought.3. good fight, I l\ave finished my course, I have kept the "Hencefort.h there is laid up for me a .crown of righteousness which the Lord, the l'igbteons judge. shall give me in th~t day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." "Grace be with you· all, Amen." "DAl\'n~L COXE" 'fABLET.

A photograph· of the bronze tablet placed by the Grand Lodge in the old St. Mary's Church at Burlington, in commemoration of Daniel Coxe, th.e first Provincial Grand Master of Masons in the new world, holding by deputation from the Duke of Norfolk, Grand Master of Masons in England, jurisdiction over New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, is given, and is a creditable memorial. APPROPRIATE HEMAHKS.

Brother Robert K. Stevenson, Grand Master of Delaware, was called on, -and among other' good things, said: Here, as Masons and Brethren, we empbasize that which is best. Masonry wants the very best bra.in-not a parrot brain, on which an impl'ession can be made, and like a graphophone reproduce it-but a brain which drinks in t.he truth, which is impressed by the precepts, wllich recognizes the symbols of Masonry and IJuts back of them a personality that carries it out in the life and in the teaching, and thus impresses Masonry upon the hearts and Iivcs of o Ill' membel'::::, Masonl'~' that emphasizes not only the very best minds. but the very highest st.ate of mOI'fils. I have never st.ood anywhere when I felt chat there was :J. plumb reared' before me by which I was to erect or build my future life, more perpendicular than when I stood at the Masonic altar and listened tc t.he obligations and repeated them. The moral life of a Mason as outlined in those obligations makes lIS better men, It mal,cs men more careful, makes us more careful wit.h other men's names and othel' men's cha.l'acters, and the richpst jewels of ot.her men's homes; our morals are the best. Masonl'y st.ands fOl' t)le highest type of religion-I do not say for the highest. denominational idea, fol' in this we differ-but it stands for the highest type of religion. ,

This was followed by one or two other addresses, in which good things were said, but. we can not reproduce them for want of space. DISTINGUISHED VISITOHS.

The Governor of New Jersey, accompanied by other Brethren, high officials in the State government, were introduced and received with the Grand Honors. The Governor spoke, of course. but we are crowded for room.





1'0 balance on hand at last report. Disbursements


$16,425 00 13,758 02

Balance .. ',' '.. $ 2,666 98 To cash from GraJ:!.d Secretary, 1906...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26:886 70 $29,553 '68 , 13,163 53

, 'By disbursements ............................•. -

Balance on hand



$16,390 15


Idmates December' 31, 1905 Admi~ted during y~ar




',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Deceased ,.................................................... . Remaining December 31, 1906.................... .•. . . . . . . ..

69 11 -80

6 74

There has been received in cash on account of the maintenance f\md, $23,741.98, and there has been e}:peiided $17,100.50, leaving a balance of $6,641.48 transferred to the Emergency Fund for 1907. Adding to the cash expenditure of $17,100.50 the value of supplies Dn hl'\,nd January 1, 1906, $752.87, and we have $17,853.37. Deducting from this the amount of supplies on hand December 31, 1906, $1,184, committees' expenses, $709:73, and the' expenses on certain mortgage loans, $163, and we find the actual cost of maintaining the Home for the year, $1.5,796.64, a net per capita of $226.07. The report closes with these timely words:

n Superintendent Smith is open to any criticism in the management of the trust reposed in him, it 'is that he someti!lles permits his ,sympathy for the inmates in his care t.o influence his actions too much, and in the kindness of his heart overlooks matters that a more strict and less-feeling disciplinarian would punish.' The only safe way to manage an institution of this kind. composed as it is of young children and old men and women (little, if any better than children), is the st.rict enforcement of the rules enacted for the benefit of all, withont fear or favor to",'ards anyone. FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

The Grand Lodge of Alherta and that of Tasmania were duly 'recognized. • REPORT ON FOREIGN COlmESPoNDKNCE.

This is furnished by Brother Robert A. Shirrefs. He is not a commentator, but an annotator, and has the f~culty C?f boiling down Grand Lodge Proceedings so as to make a "savory dish."




, [Sept.

He reviews Missouri for 1906. The only comment he makes is on the decision that an applicant who was unable to write was ineligible, and while he does not question the correctness of that decision, in his z€al for converting the Masonic into, a prohibition society, thus writes: Amo'ng the decisions, we note that an applicant unable to write was ineligible. but a wholesale manufacturer of liquors was eligible. It was not unmasonic to sign a petition for a saloon license, but a member in good standing who had gone, into the saloon business must be expelled.

We are among those "old fogies" who believe t.hat the cardinal virtue of temperance, as explained to the candidate on his first entrance into the Lodge, is all that the founders afoul' Order deemed it necessary to, say on this s~bject, and that it should be left to the determination of the individual members of the Lodge by ballot. who shall or shall not be 'made a Mason in that ~odge. ' Hence we antagonized the initial legislat.ion in our 'Grand Lodge on the subject and exp~ct to. be found antagonizing class legislation as contrary to the objects and purposes of Masonry. ' M. W. AUSTEN !:I. MCGREGOR, Newark, Grand Master, R. W. THOS. H. R. RJ<~DWAY, Trenton, Grand secretary. The One Hundred and Twenty-first Annual Communication be held in Trenton, April 22, 1908.


NEW MEXICQ-1906. Members, 1,629.

Lodges, 24.

The Twenty-ninth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of New Mexico was held in'the City of Alberquerque, October .15, 1906, Grand Master James G: Fitch presiding. GRAND MASTEn's


This is a straightforward, business-like paper, with energy and devotion to the Craft manifest fr.om "start to finish." He thus exhorts the Brethr~n in his preface: Let us enter npon the performance of our duties here in the firm belief' that the benefit which any of us derive from Masonry is in exact proportion to the love we give it and the time and e1!ort we expend in ·its service. Grand Lodge is the great Masonic Council, exercising legislative, judicial and executive funcLiot:s-it is the modern counterpart of those Anclent General Assemblies of the Craft, who~e origin'is lost in the mists of antiquity, We are gathered here to preserve the Ancient Landmarks; to review the events of the past yeaz', and, in so f~r as we can. to form our plans. for trguidance and p\'osperity of the Craft during the coming year. .'





The Grim Reaper has not visited this Grand Lodge during the past year, 'but in the Subordinate Lodges has gathered his usual harvest. In calling attention to the list the Grand Master says: . Sad memories and solemn thoughts fill our hearts and minds while we perform this sacred duty; yet the o~casion is not without hope and con· solation, as we are revived by the evergreen and ever-living sprig of Faith, which blooms at the head of the grave, this informs me that I shall never die. "The soul, secured in her existence, smiles, :At .the drawn dagger, and defies its point. Tho' stars shr-ll fade away, the sun himself Grow dim with age, and nature sink away in years, But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth, Unhurt ,amidst the war of elements, The wrecks of matter, and the crush of worlds.

At the request of the Masonic Committee of the Paul Jones Club an order was issued' to each Lodge in the Jurisdiction to hold a Special Communication on the 24th of April, 1906, to perform the Lodge funeral service and to give the Grand HOllors in memory of our distinguished Brother John Paul Jones, the founder of the American navy. Most of the Lodges held the required service. "Requ'iescat in pace." MASONIC GROWTH.

He says the substantial growth which Masonry has made within this Jurisdiction the past ,year is very gratifying. From the number of rejections reported I believe the Brethren .everywhere are using due caution in the selection of new material, and are observing the rule that in Masonry quality and not numbers is the object to be attained. He visited every Lodge within his Jurisdiction, except two. BY-LAWS.

The following, we think, is a sensible suggestion: The plan adopted by this Grand Lodge of itself enacting the necessary by-laws for Subordinate Lodges and leaving it to these Lodges only to determine, and insert in the prescribed form, the times of Stated Communications, the fees for the Degrees, the annual dues, and compensation to be paid Lodge Officers. is, I am sure, in accordance with the best modern practice. In this manner only can uniformity and certainty in the government andproccdllre vf Subordinate Lodges be attained throughout this .Jurisdiction. If Subordinate Lodges are permitted to legislate upon any and 'every snbje(;t that they may see fit,doubt, discord and confusion will <;ertainly be the result. ' DISPENSATIONS FOR JOINT OCCUPANCY.

In cases of joint occupancy with the Order of the Eastern Star, I have followed the precedent which seems to have been established by my preQ,ecessol's in office in not requiring any specific reason to be given. 'Perhaps the practice mnybe defended on the ground that this Order is known to ,be under the control of Master Masons, and this furnishes a sufficientguarantee that the privilege will not be abused. ' If this is true,I can see :no G. I•. Ap.-10.



reason why a Dispensation fl'om the Grand Master should be necessary, and would suggest that it be left to each Lodge to be g~nted upon unanimous vote. The Brethren should ever remember, however, that the Ordel' of the Eastel'n Stal' is in no sense a Masonic Body; that the use of a Lodge room is a matter of courtesy and o\)t of right, and that in no event should Lodge funds ever be used for its benefit or convenience. DECISION::>,

Thirteen decisions were rendered affecting local questions, but as showing the ~asonic sense of the Grand Master we quote No. 12: 12. A minister immediately after being raised to the Degree of Master Mason was reqnested to act as Chaplain of the Lodge; he refused to act unless permitted to dose Lodge prayer, "only In the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ." Held this was not permissible. Blue Lodge Masonry requires a belief in God, but no further religious belief; so that all believel's in Deity, whether Christians, .1ews, Mohammedans, al'e equally eligible for membership. It in nowise seeks to int.erfere with the religious beliefs of hs mem; bel's, and this it can only do by avoiding in its exercises the affirmation of any particular religlQlls belief. Certainly many Christian Brethren would object if h1- the exercises of the Lodge, a belief in some particular Hebrew doctrine, practically (knying Christianity, was affirmed, and it would be equally objectionable to the Hebrew Brethren if belief in Christianity was asserted. Masonry is neith~l' Christianity or Hebrewism. It is the common ground upon which all men who believe in God and are willing to practice certain fundamental virtues can meet on equal terms.

Will venture the assertion that that preacher is an extremist, and if be could, would convert Masonry' into a sectarian Order. Such crank3 are not confined to New Mexico. FINANCES.

1905, cash on hand, in bank, bearing interest as report 1905 , Transfer from General Fund Interest from General Fund'


, .. ,


$2,362 96 1,137 04 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 77 $3,633 77


General Fund , Charity Fund

" ,

"., ,

, ,.:

$2,661 40 ,... 3,633 77 -----


Past Grand Master's Jewels were presented to Grand Masters .James G. Fitcb and William B. Childers, and the Grand Secretary was directed to present Past Grand Master Maximillian Frost with one. FOREIGN RECOGNITION'.

UpO:l recommendation of the Cbairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence the Grand Lodge of Alberta and the Grand Lodge Lodge Valle de Mexico were recognized.





This report is from the ready pen of M. W. Bro. James H. Worth, though we do ~ot find his autograph at head or tail of it and had to look through the Proceedings to satisfy ourselves as to its author. In glancing over it we find his ".head is level" on the main issues. His quotations are liberal and his comments fair. He rey,iews Missouri for 1905. He quotes the Grand Master's reasons for issuing his famous Missouri Edict and correctly infers that it has become a thing of the past. , He quotes Decision No. 32, in whi.ch it is held that a ~rother,who refuses to stand an examination as to proficiency is liable to the charge of unmasonic conduct. and says: "We fail to understand it." We find a good many things in Grand Lodge Proceedings that "we fail to understand," We think, with him, that if a candidate does not feel suffici~nt interest in becoming proficient in the work to learn it, the sooner we let him go the better. A Masonic ignoramus 'is simply a "hanger on~' in the Lodge, doesn't even serve for ballast, and our idea is to let him quietly drop out and wallow in his ignorance. So far as the Master Mason is concerned, as there is no advancement to be made to which his proficiency is a condition precedent, we think it well' enough to deprive hill;J. of certain privileges until he does master that, as he has the preceding degrees. We have no qrand Lodge certificates issued to members of the Lodge in this State, and if it entitles him to visitation, without his being able to show his proficie~cy, we doubt if the charging him a fee for it would keep him out of the hive of drones. 'We want to assure Brother 'Worth that it is not our fault that our quotations are not readily recognized in our report, but the fault of the printers. Their attention has been called to it and 'if we can. not ~et them to use but on8 kind of type we will try some one who hal:! more than one kind of type in his font.. We thank Brother Worth for his kindly notice of our review and hope to have many tete-a-tetes with him before we reach the end of the road. A. N. PRATT, Carlsbad, Grand Master. . ALPHEUS A. KEEN, Albuquerque, Grand Secretary. The next Communication is, to be held the third Monday in October, A. D. 1907.



NEW SOUTH WALES-1905. Lodges, 206.'

Members, 11,14l.

The volume before us contains the Proceedings of four Quarterlies and two Special Communications. The Regular .Quarterly Communication of the United' Grand Lodge of New South Wales of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons was held iI;l Sydney on the 13th day of September, 1905., M. W. Bro. J. C. Remingt.on, Grand Master, presiding. GRAXD MASTElfs ADDRESS. This, like most of the Foreign Addresses, is purely a business document. Occupying the chair of the Grand Master, as socium tenens pending the installation of his successor, His Excellency, Sir Harry Rawson,he announced that the Grand Master-elect would return from England and be ready to be installed some time in December. "Death, the Great Leveler," has laid low many a Masonic Pillar since last I addressed you, but fortunately has spared our own ranks. CONDITION OF THE CRAFT. In the marked adv::'.llcement of the Craft in Australasia under local government, we have ample justification, if such were needed, fOl' the encouragement we of New Souih Wale::; have always given to the establishment of Sovereign Gl'3nd Lodges in /' II Australian territories, as soon as the Rrethren found their Lodges sufficiently numerous and strong to warrant the success of the step.

BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. The business of the Grand Lodge is mostly transacted through this Board. There is also a 路"Grand Inspector of Workings." He reports the condition of the Craft as follows: 'Throughout路 all the Lodges visited everything witnessed has been of the most satisfactory and rea~sul'ing character. In many instances the gatherings have been larg~ and brilliant, especially the presence of such numbers of Past Masters and Past Grano LoJge Officers, who show their continued IIlterest in the Craft by their attendance. This year has established a record for such assemblies.

QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION OF 5THDECEMllER, 1905. This was held in the town hall at Sidney, and attended by nearly 4,000 Brethren, among them, M. W. Bro. the Earl of Jersey. The Grand Master, in his brief Address, says: The Board of General Purposes' Report discloses a regrettable interruption to the friendly relations heretofore existing, and which we had believeu would be p~rpetual, with the Grand Lodge of Scotland. It is to be hoped, however, that the maintenance of our position, taken up over a year




ago, towards the infant Grand Lodge of Queensland, will, now be correctly understood, as due solely to our conviction 'Of what is best for Freemasonry in Australasia. Time alone can tell whether we have judged wisely or not, but I sincerely trust ttat nothing will be done ill the meantime to create a gulf between us and the. Grand Lodges of the Mother Country, which it might afterwards be found difficult to bridge. (Applause.) England, Ireland and Scotland may rest assured that there is no desire on our part for anything save absolutely friendly I'elations with the Gr~nd Lodges, to one or the othel' of which so many of our own Lodges owe theil' birth and infant nurture. (Applause,) And what are the lessons wJ;1ich they have handed down to us, and which we in this territory endeavor to inculcate? To refrain as Freemasons from all discussions of faiths or politics;, to be peaceahle subjects to the laws of the countl'y; not to be concerned in plots 01' conspiracies against government, but patiently to submit to the decision of the ,Supreme Legislature. We are emphatically not enemies of any religion, but, on the contrary, number among us the most eminent churchmen, many of them active members of the Order;' and, although路 we do not question or criticise the precise form of any one's cl'e~d, we insist upon belief in the Supreme Being, and in a futul'e state, as an essential Landmark of the Craft, I emphasized this in Illy first Address to you from this Chair in .July, 1899; tonight I am probably delh'cring my last Address as Grand Master, seeing that I bope our next meeting will be fol' the Installation of my successor. My word to you , first and last is: "Stand upon the old ways!" Maintain路 the historic charities of the Order, but give liberally from its General Funds when any great public calamity justifies that course, Remember your duty to God; your neighbor and yourselves, So. shall you build up and maintain in this great land an institution "which 2.ge can not wither nor adversity decay," (Loud applause,)

The cause of this breach seems to have been, from the report of ,the Board, as follows: RECOGNI'l'ION OF THE GRAND LOOGE OF, QUEENSLAND.

The action of tbe Grand Lodge of New Sontb Wales in recognizing, on the 14th of Septemher, !l:}04, the Grand Lodge of Queensland as a r'egularly established Sistel' Grand Lodge, Rnd the subsequent attendance of our Grand Mastel' and Grand Lodge Officers at the Inst.allation Ceremony in Brisbane on the 29th of October, !D04. appear to have given umbrage to the Grand Lodge of Scotland, which by a letter dated the 28th of August, 1905, withdrew the Commission' and .Jewel recently held by its Gl'and Representative ~~.


Then [allows a long and interesting correspondence scattered through the Quarterly Proceedings between the Gi'and' Secretaries of the two Grand Bodies, with copies of d~euments exchanged betweell them. The fight is still on, ' The Earl of Jersey was introduced by the Grand Master, a,nd made a: touching address. He VI'as greeted with the following anthem: Tt'f OUR FIHlcND-"GREETING."

ll'ords by M. lV, Bro. 1'. 'li). Spencer, P, G. M. Hymn.

Tune, Australian Natwnal

Honored Guest! A welcome 'gl'eeting' Now with voice and .heart we t~nd, \ Welcome thrice this joyful meeting, 'Yelcome . thou~oul: trusty friend, M~y the loving tie that biT!ds us . Still' m'oreclose and stronger grow, As thy, kindly face reminds us . ' How we I<Ned Wee-long ago,


,Appendix. May tile fount of joy and gladness Flood thy life with blessings rare, Ease thy pain and bani'h sadness, Wash away tDY grief and care." May life's path be free from sorrow, Calm and cloudless be thy way, And may every bright tomorrow GI'!l.nt the hope thou hast today. Thou hast poured the balm of healing Into hearts whence joy had tied, Thou hast, with thy kindly fceIipg, Kindled Hope when Hope seemed dead. So may God His blessings send thee, So may he thy life extend. God defend thee! Peace attend thee! God protect and guard-our FRIEND.

At the Third Quarterly R. W. Bro. Sir Harry Rawson, Governor of the State, was duly installed as Grand Master. He made a happy talk) saying among other things: 'Vhen I visited the Gl'Und Lodg-e of England, I was able to tell them that, in visiting the back part.s of this State, and the Lodges there, I was very much struck with their excellent worldng. That was not only their own doing, but is largely due to the excellent Gl'3nd LodgeOfficel's, the District Grand Inspectors and Visitors going arouud· to see that the tenets and customs are not being altered. Because I expect it is the same here as in England, and in other parts of the world, there are always Lodges wanting to do something different and out of common, to make themselves more pl'ominent and to bl'ing th~mselves more to the front. .Nothing would upset Freemasonry throughout the world more than getting away from the anci~nt tenets and customs of onr Order. (Applause.) Rl<:PORT ON FORElG'"N CORlll<:SPONDENCE.

This is rendered by Brother T. L. Rowbotham, and is an interesting summary, especially his review of the Grand Lodge of the United Kingdom. He reviews Missouri for 1905, speaking of Brother Valliant's Address as "a very interesting -report," and speaks of our report as "an instructive paper." , This is follow€d by the report of the Freemasons' Benevolent Institution, showing forty-three annuitants on the roll, and the amount expended last year in relief was £911 Os, 10d. We extend cordial greetings to Br'other Rowbotham, and trust that the Grand Lodge of New South Wales "may live long and prosper," in spite of Scotland.

NEW YORK-1907. Lodges, 775.

Members, 146,026.

The Proceedings are "highly interesting and voluminous; too voluminous, indeed, to _be adequately reviewed in the space availa.ble," as Brother Hungerford said of the Pennsylvania Proceedings. Two well-executed and striking pictures, one of Stephen Van Rensselaer and the other of the Grand Master, greet us and impress




us as we open the huge volume. Strong character is shown in the face of M. W. Bro. Scudder. The One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York was opened in the Grand Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, City of New York, May 7, A. D. 1907, Grand Master Townsend Scudder presiding. GRAND MASTER'S A"DDRESS.

A 'wide range of important subjects so excellently;covered in this Address bears evidence of careful and intricate research by an able and experienced mind. He aptly says: The responsibility for whatever business we shall transact rests alike upon all. l<;ach Brother is an integral part of the Grand Lodge and must bear his full shal'e of any criticism wherein we may reach the high standard expected of us by the Brethren composing the membersh!p of our Lodges. NECHOLOG Y.

He prefaces his remarks on the "Roll of the Dead" with the German hymn "Heimgang," and says: Our departed Brethren are lost to' us upon earth; but they are not dead. Behold how vast and varied is their existence. .Today they live again. On the brightest page of our record they move and breathe. In our heal路ts they arl'! immortal l and shall live fore\'er L natural, noble and beautiful.

M. W. Bro. Frank Hurd Robinson, Past Grand Master, died at Hornell, October 11" 1906. A charming tribute is paid to his memory. R. W. Bro. Henry A. Childs, Justice of the Supreme Court, died May 16, 1906. R. W. Bro. Chas. G. Wilson, Past Grand Steward and Past District Deputy GrandMaster, died May 17, 1906. R. W. Bro. Frederick J. Brown, R. W. Bro. Henry C. Haff, R. W. Bro. Herman Cantor, R. W. Bro. Vim. Ross Eddy, R. W. Bro. George W. Robertson, R. W. Bro. Wm. E. Fitch, R. W. Bro. Stephen M. Wright, R. W. Bro. Walter M. Hand, R. W. Bro. Gustave H. B. Erwin, R. W. Bro. Stewart R. Bradburn, R. W. Bro. Henry Krenrich, R. W. Bro.' Cornelius A. Marvin, R. W. Bro. Otto F. Jentz, R. W. Bro. Robert Smith, W. Bro. Andrew :B'erglison, R. W. Bro. Cort. R. Hinchen and R. W. Bro. Valentine Schneider, all of whom seem to haye been prominent Masons, are severally named and appropriate tributes paid to them. FOI~EIGN


The clOUd which thr~atened to disturb the, harmony between the Grand 'Lodges of New York and Idaho has happily passed .away.



J5 2

The Grand Lodges of. Canada reported having arrested the Charter of the Royal Solomon Mother Lodge at Jerusalem, Palestine, for certain specified charges and irregularities, and its members were declared to be henceforth unaffiliated Masons. . A communication was reported from the Grand Master of Italy relating to the observance of the centenary of the birth of Joseph Garibaldi on the 4th of July. The· Grand Mast.er of Italy says : Italian Masonry, who recognized Him as Grand Master, intends that the reverent tribute, essentially Masonic, which it has decreed in his b,onor, should bear the seal of civic revindicatioDs and universal duties for which Garibaldi went ·forth Apostle of Brotherhood among nations. m;CISION.

But one decision is reported, other questions having been readily answered by the Book of Constitutions. The decision is as f9110:vs: I decided that undtr ou:.' Book of Constitutions jurisdiction over a candidate tet'minates at the expiration of twelve months. When that time has el~lPsed a rejected candidate is at liberty to renew his petition for Initiation and memheJ'ship ta any Lodge within whose territorial jurisdiction he resides without release from tbe Lodg-e by which he was previously rejected. There does not appear to me to be any reason why .a distinction should be made between a' candidate now residing in this Jurisdiction and rejected in another Grand Lodge jurisdiction. and the rejection of a candidatc rcsiding in this jurisdiction. and rejected by onc of our Lodges. In .connection with the question of jurisdiction over rejected candidates, it may interest you to know the law of the fifty Grand Lodges in the United States, its Territories, and the District of Columbia, in the matter, Twenty-eight of these limit the pf'riod of SU(:.l! jul'isdiction; eight claim jul'isdicUon over rejected material only while remaining residents within their territory, and fourtcen adhere to pcrpetual jurisdiction over rejected candidates, viz. : LIMITED PEUIOD.

l',faine ........• , New Hampshire Massachusetts . Miehigan

. 5 years 5 years. . , . ~::~~ 5 years ~~'fS~~~Si~' • : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5 years Rhode Island """ 5 years Distl'ict of Columbia .. , . , . , 5 years Arkansas . 5 years Ohio , , 3 years Vermont ,."., .. , .. , 1 year Flodda , . 1 year Indiana , , 1 year l'iorth Dakota , 1 year ",.


Georgia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 year Montana I'year


:::::::::::::: i ~:~~

Washington , , . ", 1 year Califomia , . , . " 1 year l'iew Mexico .. , " 1 year Kew York " " , .. , .. 1 year Colorado G months Idaho. , ' 6 months Iowa , , 6 months Kansas 6 mont,hs Oklahoma 6 months Utah ' .. , , 6 months


Indian Territory. :\evada. Vit·ginia. Kentucky.

Louisiana. !\1issouri. Wyoming. South Dakota. PERPETUAf" .

ConnecUcu t. l'iew .Jersey. Pennsylvania. South Carolina. Delaware. - Maryland. West Vh'ginia~

Korth Carolina. Alabama. NIississippi. Texas. I IIlnois. • Minnesota. Nebraska.


. Appendlx..



ThE> sum of $Z,500 was contributed to the Board of Management of the Jamaica Masonic Benevolent Association for the sufferers by the earthquake. G"/i;RMAN MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOClATfON.

The Brethren of the Ninth, or German Masonic, District con· stantly give evidence that to them "the golden age of Masonry lies before," and have raised $25,000 towards erecting a larger and more substantial Home for the indigent of that· district at Tappan. The new building 'will cost $50,000. STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL.

From the report of the Grand Secretary we learn that the .Lodges on the roll number 775, with an aggregate membership of 146,026 as of date December 31, 1906, representing a net gain of 6,823 members during the year; that the Grand Secretary received for the year ending Deeember 31, 1906, the sum of $184,651.80, and has pa~d same to the Grand Treasurer, an increase of rece~pts over the previous year of $27,37.7.77. From the report of the Grand Treasurer we note he has'disbursed during the year ending April 17, 1907, the sum of $224,881.10, leaving a balance in the treasury of the Grand Lodge of $49,735.18. THE HOME AT UTICA.

The Grand Master's remarks under this head are equally applieable to our Missouri Home, and. hence we copy them in full: I feel greatly encouraged by the practical interest shown in our Home at Utica. Ever since the Home was opened to the reception of inmates it has been a soul;ce of solicitlldr to the l<'l'aternity and of eV€l'-increasing interest. I fear. however, that for effective management, we have not been at all times as discreet as we should have been. Our wards in the Home are drawn from two classes, the oid people and the young. The old ar,e gathered from those whose lives have met failure. In the discharge of our obligation to them, the hospitable dOt)l's of the Home have been opened and they have been admitted freely and cheerfully. These wards are entitled to our sympathetic consideration, but the orderly administration of the Home requires a broadel' view of the frailties of human nature than we have taken in the past. ILls not the part of wisdom to impress those committed to our care . with the thought that they have but to make known their desires to have them gratified and that. nothing is too good for them. There is room for reason in all conditions. Our open-heartedness led us to a condition of discontent bOl'dering on insubordination which, but for the exercise of great patience and tact" might have led to dIsorganization and chaos. I am told that in .the past it was no uncommon thing for inmates of the Home when invited to perform light services, to refuse peremptorily on the ground that they did not come to 'the Home to work but to enjoy themselves.• a frame of mind not surprising under the liberal interpretation of the kind of things said to them when visited from time to time by those charged with' the duties of administering the affairs of the Grand Lodge. Every man "a~d 'woman Is




happier when occupied; many of our inmates are able to do but little, but that little which each is able to do, should be done willingly and kindly. Sitting around from the hour of rising to breakfast, awaiting the meal: from breakfast to luncheon, awaiting the meal; from luncheon to dinner, awaiting the meal, killing time, breeds bad habits, discontent, and demoralization. We are now endeavoring to find work for the inmates of our Home within the physical and mental strength and ability of each. The efforts have already made their impress and a happier atmosphere is manifest. I believe that there should be established at the Home suitable small industl'ies for thc occupation of those wbose services can be put to practical account. Light rug weD,viag, or kindred work, would afford opportunities for the exercise of individual taste, and in my judgment be beneficial in maintaining the morale of the establisbment.

His remarks upon the subject of the "Children" are equally practieal; but we have only room for the followin&: I am asbamed to say that whcn I called for tbe record sbowing what had

become of those of our children since our Home was established who had been graduated from it, I found that no such record cxisted. We do not know today whither these children have gone. '\Ve do not know anything about them. 'We received them, little things; we housed them, we gave them no practical education, a little book knowledge, and pretty tracts, an'd then, wnen they had reached the age of sixteen, sent them out into the world. Possibly a place was found for them, in the first instance, but there the Gurtain falls. To the sorrow of our great Fraternity it can be said that we, who have路 boasted so much of oUl' practical work at utica, today can not tell the whereabouts of our boys and girls, where they are, nor how they fare. I cO.l!ld add more, but why dwell on the past, for it is past. A cbange is made, Today no boy or girl leaves that Home but that his or her movements are kept note of. Each is committed to the care of the Lodge through which admission was obtained to tbe Home, that Lodge is held responsible, the childr路~n are followed, and we are going to know, just where each child is. CALIFORNIA RELIF:F FUND.

The report of the Grand Treasurer shows that remittances were made to Motley H. Flint, Grand Master of California, to the amount of $40,907.50. THE HOME.

The Trustees' report is very full and contains much that is instructive, but we must be content with the following extracts: The Trustees believe that a Homc 'or Asylum for children could be established at a place entirely removed ~rom ~he present Home at Utica for the following reasons: It is not good for the growing children to be obliged to come in contact with the aged and infirm inmatcs occupying practically the same buildings and actually the same grounds. The aged Brethren, througb their weak and helpless condition, excite our pity and commiseration and cast an atmospbere of sadness about the pl'csent Home. The little ones must, as they journey through life, meet their share of, sorrow: and we should now, while they are at an impressionable age, make the:r sUl'1'oundings beautiful and. hopeful, and save them if possible from the depressing influences of failures in life, sickness of others and the almost daily sound of the funeral bell. That the' great heart of the Masonic Fraternity beats in unIson for the orphan child we have abundant evidence, now and in the past, therefore your Board suggests that a future Board be required to take up the work oj. devising a plan whereby an orphanage may be established, separate in its location and its government from the present Home. The building' now used as a dormitory for the children could easily be put to other use.


190 1.]



Your Trustees are unanimously of the. opinion thai: better educational results would路 follow and lasting benefits to the ch'ildl'en would be the outcome, ' The CUl'l'ent expenses of. the Home, embl'aclng maintenance, farm and barn, are $70,043,57, showing a per capita cost of $:l25.40 for tluirteen months; upon the basis of one year the per capita cost would. be $212,23.

REPORT OF GRAND HISTORIAN. This, is a very readable paper, in which he gives sketches of several of the Lodges, accompanied by pictures of the halls in which they met. An interesting picture is that of Sackett's Hal', bor Masonic Temple, believed to be the oldest building in the United States continuously used as a meeting place of Masons. I BROOKLYN MASONIC GUILD. The Auditing Committee 'of the Guild shows assets as follows: Lot 100x195, valued at.路 , $ 15,000 00 Cash on deposit at interest : 109,737 37 Total assets

$174,737 37

On motion of W.路 .Benno Loewey, proxy of National Lodge, No. 209, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That as guardians of the orphans of deceased Brethren the Grand Lodge deems it its imperative duty to provide a more suitable home fOl' their physical, mental and moral training: therefore, be it further reso)ved, that the Grand Master, together with the Tmstees of the Hall and Asylum Fund, be, and her-!by arc, requested to take into consideration, with the assent of the donors, the application of the Daniel D. 'l'ompldns Memorial li'und as a fund [or erecting 011 a suitable site nn Orphanage as a perpetual memorial to the memory of 1\1, ',\V.', Bro, 'Tompkins.

REPOHT ON :FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. This report is by Most' Worshipful Past Grand Master Brother William Sherrer (Brother Emil Frenkel, of the committee, having prepared the translation of the Proceedings of Foreigq Grand Bodies). The report is short, covering some fi~ty pages, our Brother presenting some important facts and apt quotations from addresses and reports; quite rarely giving his opinion. He reviews Missouri for 1906, quotes from the Address of Grand Master Houston his opening remarks and his views on the liquor question, which he says, "is a source of trouble here as elsewhere." If we have room we may filch that part of his report on "Foreign Grand Lodges;" as we have no Teutonic Brother to assist us. M. W. TOWNSEND SCuDDER, Glen' Head, Grand Master. M. W. EDWARD M. L. EHLERS, New York, Grand Secretary.




NEW ZEALANO-190S-6. Lodges, 141.

Members, 7,783.

The first thing that¡ attracted our attention on: opening these' Proceedings was a pyramid of regalia, including an elaborate apron,' huge gauntlets, a chain collar with jewel attached, badges galore, and above it all arose majestically the pleasing and comparaqvely youthful features of THE






K.C.l\:LG., K.C.V.O.

Installed 9th May, 1906. On the next page wâ‚Ź found a similar conglomeration of regalia, with the more sedate, but expressive countenance, rising above it, of THE PRO




On the next page, with similar adornments the venerable but erect' form of M. W.' Bro. Malcom Niccol, Past Grand Master, the . Grand Lecturer of New Zealand. This may be appropriate "in the ould counthry, you know," but we Missourians prefer the Scotch idea: There's many a badge that's unco braw;, W' ribbons, lace and tape on; Let kings and princes weal' them a', Gi'e me the Master's apron, The honest Craftsmen's apron, The jolly li'reemasoll's apron, Bide he at harne, or road afar, Before bis tOlJch fa's bol t and bar. The gates of fortune fly ajar, 'Gin he wears the apron. For wC:llth lind honor, pride and power, .A.'re crumbling stones to base on: Fraternity sb'u'd rule tbe bour And ill;:a Worthy Mason. Eacb Ancient, Crafter .Mason. Then BrHhers let a halesome sang Arise y01l1' fri~Ldly runl!.s along. Guid wives and bairnies biithely sing To the ancient badge wi' tbe apronstrlng That is WOl'!.,l by tbe Master Mason.

The Seventeenth Annual Communication of the Grand 'Lodge ot Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of New Zealand was holden in the Ch.oral Hall of Christchurch, Dunedin, May 9, 1906, Grand 'Master Alfr~d H: ~urton pre.siding.





From this excellent but brief Address, we culI the following: o . 'We, my colleagues and myself, were rather laughed at two years ago, for being too optimistic when we said we trusted that at the end of two years the cash balance of Grand Lodge would amount to £ 10.000. • • * Yon will see from t.he reports that we were perfectly justified in our antIcipations. £ 10,000 was t.he sum we fixed or thought upon, and you will see t.hat we have reached and passed it. • * * Twelve Lodges have been added to the roll during that period, and t.he number of Masons has now passed 8,000.* * * A better Grand Secretary it would be difficult to. think of, much more, to find. I wish now to give a few hints of suggestions and warnings. _ I wish to impress upon the Lodges and members of the Craft here present the necessity of doing something to pI'event the system-a proper systemof blackballing from falling into disrepute. I am conscious that in those Lodges where absolute unanimity is required mischief has occurred. Brethren, I know that the power of the black ball is one that we should never dream of relinqnishing. But J do think it should be exercised 'with great discI'iminatioll. If you t.hink of it., thel'e may be-unfortunately thet'e areamong us men who are sometimes informed with a spirit such as we abhor. It is in the power of one such person in the first place to throw' a Lodge into complete disot'der, and ultimately to stop its further progress. I do not int.end to enlarge upon t.his mattei', but. I ask you and al1 Craft. Lodges to . carefully consider it. Grand Lodge does not int.erfere with a Lodge if it does insist upon unanimity. But it is worth while to consider whether an amendment in favor of requiring a second black ball would not be advisable. As I have said, Grand Lodge does not dictate to any Lodge on this question, In such matters the Lodge is supreme. But I invite you to consider t.he point.. All my colleagues, and all with whom I have had converse on the subject, have borne testimony to t.he iu(:reasing care you have exhibited at the outer door. Never was there a time when you were more careful than you are now. I ask you, Brethren, that in the future you will never make a retrograde step-that you will continu~ ever to be jealous about the admission of persons from outside. I will tell a Lodge that it is far better that it should never give a degree at all than that it should bring bad materia:I into our noble building. On that subject I ask you to be careful again.





There is another matter that was spoken of with gt'eat effect by my Immediate predecessor, my most esteemed BI'other Past Grand Master Williams, and that was that perhaps there v.-as too much· display made in wbat is called the Fourth. or Knife and Fork Degree. I was very much struck with his remarks. I believe they bore fruit, but I think that still a little more refot'm in that directhn would not be amiss. ELECTION OF GRAND MASTER.

The M. W. Grand Master proposed the election of His Excellency Lord Plunl{ett as Grand Master for the ensuing year, and there being no other nominations, he was declared unanimously elected. ELECTIOK Olr PHO GRAND MASTER.

The M, W. Grand Master proposed the election of R. W. Bro. F, C. Binns as Pro Grand Master for the ensuing year. ~e did not think a better 'choice could possibly have been made, . R. W. Bro. Binns' zeal and ability were the topic of comment all over the ter· ritory, and he was one of the best beloved Brothers in the Fraternity.



R. W. Bro. Kaye, Past Deputy Grand Master, seconded the nom· ination, remarking that the name of R. W. Bro.' Binns was a household word all over Canterbury. There was no other Brother than Brother Binns on whom they would prefer to see the honor can· ~ ferred. Motion carried unanimoUSly, with applause. GRAND TRK<\SURER'S REPORT.

The Grand Treasurer presented the balance sheet and statements of aeeount, and moved their adoption. R. W. Bro. C. J. Ronaldson, President of the Board of General Purposes, in seconding the motion, said: Ten yea'rs ago therc werc nndet: the Grand'Lodge of Kew Zealand 105 Lodges. and then: were now 1.46. On compat'jng our financial position today with that of the year ending March 31st, 181H. it was found that the total income from Grand Lodge diles, arising from joining-~, initiations, ctc., had increased by £ 840 per annum. The tota I income from all sources had increased during the same period by £ 2.840 PCI' annum, the cash balances by £ 9,207. and the investments by .£ R,751. During the past two years the expenditure had bccD. kept as dose to the minimum as was possible. As compared with the previous two years thc expenditure had lncreased by only £:38. WIDOWS' AND ORPHAKS' AXD AGED MASONS' FUND.

This report shows the distribution to the objects of this fund of £ 152,109. The M.. W. Grand Master thought this matter was one that the Craft had just cause to be proud of. For y~ars upon yean; the }i'reemasons of New Zealand had wasted their money. The expenditure before Grand Lodge was formed had amounted, at a moderate computation, to £250,000. That .nioney had ·been nearly all wasted. Now they had turned over a new leaf, and this fund was an evidence of the fact. CORRESPONDENCE ,,,iTH GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND.

Th8 letter of David Reid, Grand Secretary of Scotland, is published, from which we must be content to take the follOWing extracts: Thel'e al'e some Inaccurate statements in your lettel's, hut r consider it

uunecessary to partieularly notice them. except that I have again to repeat that the Grand Lodge of Scotland did not. int.end b~' the let.tl~r of its Seeretary, dated 2d of March, 1899. to tcrminate its Jurisdiction In the colony, as your Gt'and Lodge has inferred.. On thc contral'Y. while agreeing to reeognlze the Grand Lodgc of New Zcaland. that letter declared that the Grand Lodge of Scotland reserved (1) its ,Jurisdiction over all its Lodges in Kew Zealand who might choose to continue their alleglanee to it: (2) the' right and Jurisdiction of' the three Scottish Grand Masters over such Lodges; and (3) "Scottish interests."

. . .'




Thc recognition of a Grand Lodge by another Gl'llnd Lodge exercising Sovereign Jurisdiction in the same tcrritory does not imply the surrender by the latter of its Jurisdiction in that territory. Such JuriSdiction requires




. to be sUl'l'endered in express terms. This point has been considered .and deliberately decided by the GI'and Lodge of England; and last year, in reply to a Communication from the Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Western Austl'aIia, the Grand Registrar of England informed him that such was the law on the subject. The Grand Lodge of England recognized the Grand Lodge of I';gypt as an independent sovereign Masonic power: but it, not having surrendered its .Jurisdiction in that country. has ever since continucd to grant charters erecting. English Lodges in that kingdom. The Grand Lodge of Scotland also recognized the Grand Lodge of Egypt, without qualification, and it, too, has followed a similar practice.







'Vhile I wdte in these tel'ms, I have to state that I have been recently informed that your' Grand Lodge has recognized the proposed Grand Lodge of Queensland, whith has been chiefly formed by eertain members of the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland, several of whom were under suspension by tbese Grand Lodges for certain Masonic offences, and one of them has been not only suspended but expelled from Freemasonry by the Grand Lodge of Scotland for ccrtain serious Masonic offences. I understand that these suspensions, and that expulsion. were intimated to you prior to your Grand Lodge's recognition of the Queensland Rody. In disregarding these sentences of suspension and expulsion, the Grand Lodge of New Zealand virtually refuses to accoi'd to these two Grand Lodges sovereign authority over their own members, the recognition wbich it seeks the Grand Lodge of Scotland to. accord to it as a sovcreign :Masonic power. I don't know what view the Grand Lodge of Scotland may take of this matter. hut it· will be my duty to bring tbe circumstances under its consideration; and, if your Grand Lodge bas any explanation to give regarding it, I will be glad to reeeive it for the information of my Grand Lodge.

The facts in relation to the dispute are given by Grand Secretary Niccol, which covers several pages. \ The Grand Lodge of New Zealand has our earnest wishes for a speedy and happy solution of t~e troubles. INSTALLATION OF THE 1\1'. W. GHA]\'() MASTEn.

On the evening at 7 o'clock the Most Worshipful Bro. Lord Plunkett was invested and enthroned. The preparations were elaborate and there were 1,000 Masons present. At the close of the ceremony the following proclamations were made: PrOclamation in the East. Grand Honours. Father of Light, we bend here in the temple which our hands have builded, :Make it ']'hy shrine, and, witb Thy presen(~e gilded. I~et light descending this house attend. Father of Light, we bend! Proclamation in the West. Grand Honours. Fath'er of Life, we' come, unto the fountain whence all life is streaming, And thither flows in ways beyond 0111' dreaming: Let life I'eviving fill this Thy dome. Father of Life, we come! Proclamation in the Soutb. Grand Honours. Fathel' of Love. we call; low at the footstool where Thy mercy wieldeth .AII Th~' commands, and blesseth him that yieldetb; Let love inspiring dwell in our ball. Father of Love, we call ! Addre~s b;V the Installing Grand Master. '1'0 the Brethren.




The Address by the Installing Grand Master was replete with sound Masonic truths and wholesome advice, as was also his Ad-' dress' on his retirement from the chair, and we should be glad to give them in full, but must be content with the following from his valedictory Address: It must not be for a moment supposed that in speaking thus I would nndervalue the exercise of that virtue which may be justly denominated the distinguishing characteristic of, a Free~ason's heart. For

He who will not give Some nortion of his ease, his blood, his wealth. For otbers' good, is a poor frozen churl. nut rather would I' be understood as commending to you a still wider view of "Charity"-as enjoining the recognition of the true interpretation of the idea; and so exchanging for that word the more beautiful and expressive one, "Love." Though theology as a topic of discussion is very propel'ly forbidden in our Lodges, t.he cultivation of a broad and earnest religious spirit is ever urged upon us, for let us remember: There is-there is-one primitive and sure Religion pure. . Unchanged in spirit, though its forms and codes "'ear myriad modes, Contains all creeds within its mighty spanThe love of God, displayed in love of man. I do not. know that with us it is at all true that "the idea seems to be gaining ground t.hat the oblig"fl.t.ion of a Master Mason does not extend路 to and cover his relations with the Brethren in private life; but only extends to the converse and work of the Lodge room; that want of Brotherly love and unkindness and injustice amongst the Brethren in their relations as private citizens is a matter entirely beyond and outside the Masonic cognisance." But such was declared to be true in an eloquent sermon preached some time ago by the G. Chaplain of Nova Scotia. The preacher went on to say: "If this view is correct, and should become generally adopted and acted upon,.it must surely event.ually tend not only to render the terms of a most solemn obligation unintelligible and foolish jargon, but also in a very great measure to nullify entirely the principle of Brotherly kindness, which is as strictly enjoined as any other of the tenets to which we give assent in that obligation. If Bret.hren are only to be kind, just, and t.rue to one another when -in Lodge assembled, and when untyled and unclothed are absolved from their obligation in this respect, then shall we in vain seek to impress upon the profane that t.here can be in our system consistency, integrity a'nd stability." J say it may be t.hat this "touches us not," and t.hat in this relation "our withers are unwrung," but nevertheless a little candid self-examination by everyone of us may not be out of place or unwise. '

Here follows an impressive picture of Past Grand Master Alfred Henry Burton, a group picture of the Grand Superintendents of Districts and one of all the Grand Officers, 1906-7. They all look like "good men and true." BHOTHEB LORD PLUNKETT'S ADDRESS.

This is a plain, practical talk and bespeaks .an excellent Grand Master. Here is a specimen of his inaugural Address: The pomp and cel'emony of the dignified and perfectly carried-mit Installation of this evening is uppermost 'in our minds at t.he moment. Our hearts are filled with satisfaction at the material progres~ and pl路osperity of the ancient Craft in this young country, and we are congratulating ourselves upon the splendid reunion of Brethren gathered here tonight from all over


1907. ].


the colony.' It would be pleasant and easy, for me to frame an Address merely upon these lines, but if I am to be worthy of the honor you have paid me, I must endeavor to probe more deeply beneath the ,surface. Ritual is' in~eresting, but the lessons and duties it teaches are its real use 'and object. How often one hears thesymbollc portion of OUI' HituaI elaborately given, and the mcaning it represents gabbled or spoken without any tone, of' conviction! And what Is the' result? 0111' new Brethren eitherdrop out of Masonry or accept the convivial and social side as its only usefulness. . In my opinion, this hesitation to point the moral more often proceeds from the instructor's feeling of personal ,unworthiness rather than from indifference to the noble morals whkh it is his duty to inculcate. And if I am right in this, such a Brother shOUld talte heart,· for surely that very feeling of unworthiness proves that his mind is not dead to the nobler aims of our Craft. ' . ' Brcthrcn, jf Masonry is to be of genuine service to us, and is to attract our fellow-men, we must keep' ever before OUl' minds its real object, which is to help us to live bcttcr lives, to act on the square in· all our doings.

We observe that our Grand Repre.sentative, W. Bro. W, W. DeCastro, was unable to be present. A BANQUET, OF COURSI';!

The assembly adjourned to 'Canterbury Hall, where ·over 60(} Brethren were at supper, which lasted till shortly before midnight. The toasts, six in number, a!e given. . A SENSIllI,E PHESENT.

A purse of sovereigns from the Brethren of the Craft through· out the territory was presented to Past Grand Master Burton as a slight token of the esteem in which he was held. MONUMENT.

A steei engraving of the monument e!ected i~ Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch, to the memory of the First Grand Master of New Zealand, M. W, Bro: Henry Thompson, appears among the memorial pages, while a photograph likeness of lhe Right Honorable Richard .Jo.hn Seddon, P. C.., Past Grand Master, appears, with a tribute to his memoty, closing with these words: Bury him with fond blessings and few tears, Or only of remembrance, not regret; On his full life' the eternal Seal is $et, Unbroken till the· Resurrect.ion Day. So let his childl'en's children go their way, Go and do likewise, leaving 'neath the sod An honest man, "t!Ie noblest work of God."

. No Correspondence report appears, thougp. the propriety of appointing a Committee on li'oreign Correspondence was discussed at. this session: ' . Address,of Grand Secretary, Malcolm Niccol, 158 Hereford Street, Christchurch, N. Z. ' G. L. Ap.-ll


.[ Sept~

Appendix. NORTH,CARO LI'N A-1907 . Lodges, 352.

Members, 16,835.

Th-e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons o~ North Carolina convened in its One Hundred and Twentieth Annual Communication in the City of Raleigh, January 8, A. D. 1907, Grand Master F. D. Winston presiding. ~ A splendid ~hoto of Grand Master Winston forms the frontispiece. He shows a remarkably high forehead, extending back to a line extended between the ears, while· his clear-cut features show him to be a man of firmness. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is a concise and well-worded account of his administration, covering only fifteen pages. The beauty and felicity of his tribute to friendship is justly commended by the committee, when he says: A sympathizing heart finds an echo· in sympathizing bosoms, that. b.ring back cheering music to the spirit. of the loneliest. Be all honor, then, to true friendship, and may it in our Order grow stronger and gather yet many fragrant blossoms from the dew-bathed meadows of our Fraternal intercoui'se, to spread their aroma along t.he t.oil-worn road of life. "What a blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one's deepest thoughts come simply and safely. Oh! the comfort, the Inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh the thoughts nor measure the words, but pouring them all right out, just as they ate, chaff and grain together, cert.ain that a. fallhful hand will t.ake and sift them; l{eep what is worth keeping, and then ·with the breath of kindness,_ blow the rest away."


'Ve commend these timely suggestions to tnethoughtful considf-ration of our readers: I have not often yielded to t.he importunities of many Brethren, who have asked me to set aside the plain lett(~r of, t.he law. I very much doubt my power to do so; and have no doubt of the wisdom of ref1'lslng. I am sure a firm adherence .tQ uoth let.ter and spirit· of the law will, in the end, beRt promote the interest of our Institution. E.speciallyis this the case in admitting candidates. -Too great circumspection can not be exercised in this respect. It is better· that a few· good men fail to gain . admittance than to receive one unwOJ;thy candidate. A long roll of members is not always the best guarantee of a successful Lodge; and if numbei's are desired, a rigid enforcement of· the rules will soon lead g'ood men to seek our association. 'Vc want the Frat.ernity to grow, but it must be a growth in usefulness, in good work. in strong character. It is a cause of COllgratulnfioll that the moml tone pervading the Order is high. The man of impurp lif!' /inoR it daily more difficult to" become aMason, and if by errol' he does gain admittance. he soon finds the association uncongenial and drifts ant. The best type of ;\Ol'th Carolina citizen today is. a North Carollna Mason. He Is the· foremost advocate of an educated citizenship, of a sober and upright manhood. and a virtuous and homepreserving womanhood. lIe brings to the solution of the question of St H te. the time-honored principles of our Institution.



190 i. ] i


The authorized work' is now firmly established in our Jurisdiction.. The pl'esent very able Board of Custodians has adjusted all minor differences, and now the Stephenson work _is taught by the Grand Lecturer and his Assistants. The result of this is seen in a harmonious work throughout the .Jurisdiction; and a a1sappearance of some friction in many Lodges resulting from an honest difference of opinion as to what the authorized wOI'k was. OHPHAN


I wish every Mason in the State, every citizen of North Carolina, could visit this institution and see its great work in field, and shop. and classroom, and witness its spirit of prayer and praise. Two hundred and eighty children were on the roll at the close of the last fiscal year, Octobel" 31st, 1906. We are now in a position to accommodate about thirty more children. The benefits of the institution are open, to the really needy, homeless children of North Carollna, l'egardless of creed. While eager to receive those who are entitled to enter. I have deemed it right and proper that there should be careful investigation and conscientious consideration of applications 'for the admission of children. Our institution would guard against the moral and social wr,ong of encouraging the severance of family ties and the removal of children' from a true mother, unless it seems reasonable, after faithful inquiry and consideration, that the interests of the- children, or of the mother and the children, will be subserved by pursuing this course.


"Masonic Temples are not built in a day," says the Grand Master. For this purpose they have subscribed $139,037.17, and paid in $50,915.19. "It is likely that the corner-stone will be laid about Sf. John's- Day in June." OHDER OF 'l'HE EASTEHN


In no respect has the M:asonisc Institution' in North Carolina grown stronger than in the hearts of the women. Of late years their attitude towards our Fraternity路 has been completely revolutionized. They now eagerly enlist in our works of charity and good deeds. In the matter of the '!'emple construction, th'ey have been a decided force and we should further enlist their active energies in that direction.. The Order of the Eastern Star is fully organized and has a Grand Chapter.








I recommend that the District Deputies be charged with the work of extending- the organization of the Order of the Eastern Star. DECISIONS.

Fourteen decisions are reported. Th9 Committee on Jurisprudence approved of all except the n\nth,' which is as follows: 9th.



man's legal residence is his Masonic residence.

This the committee overruled, and says: Decision No. 9 is ovelTu]ed, as contrary to Masonic Jaw. It is "That a man's legal residence is his, Masonic residence.~' To enable a I,odge to , entertain a petition for Degrees onc must havc "csided twelve months within the ,Jurisdiction, of the Gl'and Lodge, and must have resided tw~lve months within the .Jul'isdlction of the Lodge to which the petition is presented. To acquire a legal reside~ce, under 'the present State law entitling a person to



vote, requir~s two years' residence in the State, and six months' residence in t he county. For the s~rvice of process a different law obtains. Surely it was not the intention of the framers of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge to leave the "residence" to the statute law of the St.ate. We construe the word "residence" and "resided" in Article X, Section f>, of t.he by-laws of the Grand Lodge to mean actual, bona-fide residence. That is. where one lives, and not necessarily where one might have his legal or political residence, and certainly not where one. may be a transient. ol'sojotll'ner. HOTATIOl\" IN OFFJCE.

He notes the fact that the most active LodgES are those which have frequent changes 9f officers. A long continuance in office df' presses the ambition of younger Masons, who, if they were given an opportunity to learn the work would become highly useful members of the Craft. FINANCES.

Receipts Disbursements


Balance on hand

$16,346 56 11,699· 49 $ 4,647 07


The report of the Board of Directors shows this institution to be m a prosperous condition. At the close of the fiscal year there were 280 children, all of whom were in good health.• The gross receipts fr?m the tours of the. Singing Class for the year past was $8,440, as against. $6,247.62 in 1905. The buildings are reported in first-class condition. An appropriation of $3,000 is asked for the coming year. The Superintendent, in his report, says: Taking into the calculation our inventories, which are necessal'ily rather inaccurate, we make the per capita cost of maintaining each child for the twelve months approximately $58.35, and of maintenance and eduaction $70.35; above the earnings of the institution and the donations in kind used. They have a farm, dairy, shoe shop, printing office and wood-working shop.



The Grand 'Orator, Brother James J. Carden, delivered a thought· ful oration on "The Subjective and Objective Features and History of the Order." He was able to confine his speculations to twenty' five pages and arrives at the conclusion: A life fashioned after Masonic teachings, inspired by faith founded on the Great Light in Masonry, leads one approaching the close of his earthly existence to cherish the liveliest anticipations of the great future which is before him. The change· that awaits him has been beautifully described by an anonymolls writer, thus:


1907. ]



A I)ilgl'im once, so runs an ancient tale, Old, worn and spent, crept down a shadowed vale. On either hand rose mountains bleak and high; Chill was the heavy air, and- dark the sky; The path was rugged and his feet were bare; His faded cheek was seamed with pain and care; His heavy eyes upon the ground were cast, And every step seemed feebler than the last. The valley ended where a naked rock Rose sheer from earth to heaven, as If to mock The pllgrlm who had crept that toilsome way. But while his dimmed and weary eyes assay To find an outlet In the mountain side, A ponderous, sculptured. brazen door he spied, And tottering towards it, with fast-failing breath, Ahove the portal I'ead: "THE GATE OF DEATH." lIe cOlJld not stay his feet that led thereto. It yielded to his touch; and passing through, He came into a world all bright and fair; Blue were the skies, and balmy was the air. And lo! the blood of youth fi~)\ved through his veins, And he was clad in robes that had no s I ains Of his long pilgrimage. Amazed, he turned, And lo! a ,golden door behind him burned In that fall' sunlight, and his wandering eyes, Now lustrous and clear as those blue skies, _ Freed from the mists of age and care and strife, Over the portal read: "THE GATE OF LIFE." FOl{EIGN HECOGNITION.

Upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence,. the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized, while the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and Grand Lodge Alpina were refused recognition. Brother Collins gives the following, we think, sufficient reasons for refusing recognition to the Swiss Grand Lodge of Alpina~ As showing the extreme liberality of the Grand Lodge, Alplna, we make a few extracts, which Indicate its complexion: "Within the limit of the Constitution of the Alplna, the Lodges have the right to int1'oduce their own Statutes, By-laws and Rites, and to manage their own affairs Independently. They alone al:e competent to receive new members, and are absolutely free both in their own elections and the promotion of their Apprentices to ,Journeymen, and of .Journeymen to Master Masons." * * * "It is very difficult to describe with any amount of accuracy' the activity and Influence of Swiss Freemasonry, as a whole, because they have no reliable statistics ,of the work路 of the Lodges themselves." While advocating philanthropy In Its bl'oad sense, and In beautiful periods, it has this to say of the obligation of the individual Mason to relieve a distressed worthy Brother: "On the other hand, Freemasons ue not under any obligation to render one another any mutual aid and assistance in private life, as is commonly believed." In the publication of the "Principles of Union of the Swiss Lodges AIpina," room is made for the atheist, the anarchist, the regular, the Irregular, the clandestine, in this pronouncement: . "The Masonic Alliance recognizes the principle of liberty of conscience and. of thought. It repudiates every obstacle to this 'liberty and every act of persecution exercised against men of another opinion, or of another confession. It respects every sincere belief and every honest con"viction In. religion, as well as in politics." And this is the Masonic Grand Lodge which has assumed the labor of bringing every Grand路 Orient, every Supreme Council and every Grand Lodge of Masons into Frytternal relations with each other, and the Grand Lodge




which, with characteristic complacency, asks the .Grand Lodge of North Carolina to abandon the time-honored doctrines of the Craft and adopt instead the transcendentalism of France and Italy and Germany. Your committee respectfully recommends that the request of the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina be denied. BROTHER S. H. ROUNTREE.

Resolutions adopted by St. John's Lodge, No.4, upon the death of Brother S.' iI. Rountree, known in his neighborhood as the "Grand Old Mason," were presented and spread on the records of the Grand Lodge, and a picture of him inserted in the ~roceedings. PROTECTION OF DAGGHTERS AND SISTERS.

The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, It is the duty of all Master Masons to provide care and' protection for the wives, daughters, sisters and mothers of other Master Masons, when such fact of relationship is made known to them; and WHEREAS, Many of the daughters and sisters of Master Masons are often absent from home and in' strange iands, where their Masonic identity is unknown; now, therefore, be it Re8ollvedJ, By the Grand Lodge' of North Carolina, that whenever it shall be made to appear to the Secretary of a Subordinate Lodge that the wife,. sister, daughter or mother of a member thereof is sojourning within anotherJurisdiction, and the related' member of said Subordinate Lodge shall so: request, it shall be the duty of said Secretary to immediately certify such fact to the Secretary of the Lodge having Jurisdiction over said wife, sister, mother or daughter, whose duty it shall be to acquaint the members of his路 Lodge with such fact, to the end that they may offer to such wife, sister, daughter or mother that degree of care and protection to which they are entitled under our Masonic laws and customs.


An Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge was held at. Oxford Saturday mornlng, June 23, 1906, for the purpose of observing the ceremonies incident to St. John's Day. An appropriate and eloquent Address' was delivered by Col. Solomon Gallert. The following suggestions, coming from an "old bachelor," show that he is not "case hardened," and are worthy of c.onsideration: Another suggestion Is Inspired by the presence of so many women today. Soon after assuming his offlce, our Most Worshipful Grand Master did me the honor to appoint me Deputy Grand Mastel' for the Masonic District In which I reside. In considering what I could, do for the most good of Masonry in my Masonic District, I came to the conclusion that the "good of the Order" and the best Interests of Masonry could best be subserved by Interesting the wives, daughters and sweethearts of Masons In the social, benevolent and charitable work of the Order. My suggestion of this to the various Lodges in my District met with a hearty response, and the plan suggested was the establishment of a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at every point where a Masonic Lodge was situated in the District. And this matter is so much suggested by the sight of these women here today, that I want to suggest that sucll a course, in my opinion, would be of value to the Fraternity all over the State. Being an unmarried man myself, perhaps I am at liberty to say more upon this particular subject than any other man present, because, from appearances, I can say almost without hesitancy that I am the only old bachelor on the hill. Although:




I have never joined the Eastern Star, I have had occasion to observe its good influence upon Masonry where active Chapters have been estab.1ished. In addition to my observations, I know that no man can stand m the presence of a pure, sweet woman without becoming l!- better ind!vidual; ~nd no organization, such as ours, can feel woman's mfluence without bemg benefited. What woman is to the home, the Eastern Star can and ought to be to Masonry. '

Several other Spe~ial Communications were held for the purpose of laying corner-stones. HEPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE,

Brother John A~ Collins, Chairman, presents this, his eleventh report, in which he gathers the matters of greatest interest, seldom giving his views, but when he does they have the true Masonic ring. For some reason Missouri is not included in the list reviewed. Why, we are at a loss to know, and hope we may not "miss connection" 'any more. . F. D. WINSTON, Windsor, Grand Master. JOHN' C. DREWRY, Raleigh, Grand Secretary. . Next Communication at Raleigh, January 14, 1908.

NORTH DAKOTA-1906. Lodges, 78. Members, 5,567. In addition to th~ portrait of Grand. Master Jacobson, which is: obscured by a Shrine Emblem, w.hich is about as appropriate as a fez on the head of one just retiring from the exalted position of Grand Master of M~ons, there are views of the laying of the corner· stone of the Traill County Court House, June 20, 1906, of the Brethren of Tuscan Lodge, No. 44, Bottineau, and their visitors at a meeting in the open air (whether on a "high hill'· or in a "low' vale," we are unable to determine), when t~e Third Degree was conferred on three Brethren, July 24, 1906, and of the Grand Lodge Officers and Delegates, taken in front of the Masonic Temple, Fargo, in June, ~906. The Sevf:nteenth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A,' ,F: .and A,' ,M,' ,of the State of North Dakota was opened in the Auditorium of the Masonic Temple in the City of Fargo, June 26, A, D. 1906, Louis A. Jacobson, Grand Master, presiding. GRANO .MASTER'S ADDRESS, This is a business-like paper. The past year bas been one of • 'activity and ,steady progress among the Craft and peace and harmony prevails, throughout the Jurisdiction.


" l68




The death of Past Grand Treasurer, R. W. Bro. John J. Freeman, who met with a sudden death shortly after the close of the last session, in the Hotel Antlers, Grand Forks, of which he was proprietor, while repairing the elevator, is feelingly noted. DISPENSATIONS.

Dispensations were granted for four new Lodges, while two new Lodges were constituted. GRANO LECTumm AND GRAND AUDITOR.

W ... Bro. Clarence A. Hale, of Grand Forks, N. D., was a.ppointed to this important office. Besides giving necessary instruction in the Ritual, it is made his duty to investigate methods of keeping the n~cords, the finances, and the practical details of Lodge work, . ascertaining financial. conditions and advising, if needs be, along these lines. DEcrSIONS.

Six decisions are reported, all of which except No. 6 were approved. This decision was as follows: QUESTION 6, Statement: The candidate, who has been elected to receive the Degrees while under bonds for trial for violation of the prohibitory law, appeared In court and pleaded guilty of t.he offense, was given a suspended fientence and his bonos released. Is the Lodge now .at liberty to receive his petition? ANSWER: Yes. Being neitheL' under indictment or bonds for the violation of the prohibitory law, the reception of his petition lies at the discretion of the Lodge. .

The Jurisprudence Committee, we think, correctly held: No. 6 is disiPproved. We do not believe that one should be made a . Mason, over wnom the courts of the State hold crimina.l jurisdiction by means of'a suspended sentence. No one should be elected. initiated, passed or raised while under indictment or sentence, even though the sentence be .suspended. SAN Fl{ANCISCO CONTRIBUTION.

"Thp- Grand Master issued an appeal at the time of the San Fran'cisco earthquake, and Past Grand Master Herrick, now a resident of Santa Rosa, was selected to disburse the fund that might be raised, w.hich amounted to the sum of $1,210, not including $175 sent before the Grand Master's appeal had been received. MASONIC TEMPLE DEDICATED.

The Deputy' Grand Master reported having dedicated the 'new Masonic Temple at Sheldon, North Dakota. A banquet-was served in the Opera House by the ladies of the Eastern Star.



Reeeipts, including balance of $9,473.26 Disbursements

$15,834 36 4,615 94

Balance ',' $11,218 42 Amount on hand to the credit of Masonic Home Fund. . . . 645 60 Tbe matter of establishing a Masonic Home was fully discussed and the Grand Secretary was instructed to prepare a paper on the subject, which .he was unable to do so as to' present it in this issue of the Proceedings. GRAND SECKETARY'S HEPORT.

In this, his fourteenth annual report, Grand Secretary Th.ompson emphasizes the necessity of obtaining all personal information required for the Grand Lodge membership register, and gives the following instances !'howing its importance: To illustrate the necessity of obtaining this information, we will give a few instances. 'l'he daughter of a Mastel' Mason, whose father died a number of year'S ago, wanted to learn his Masonic standing at the time of death for the purpose of joining the Eastern Star. We found two Brothel' , ;\lasons by the same name, bearing the same ,initials, but belonging to different Lodges. No data whatever was given' as to their dates of birth or hil路thplaces. and only Initials' of christian names recorded: one was suspended and the other deceased. His death occurred w\1ile the daughter was a very small child. and the family had separated, therefore it was impossible to identify her father, all be,cause necessary Information had not been obtained and the petition properly filled out when It was presented to the Lodge. . Another case was where a Lodge had advanced money for the burial of a Brothel'. and wished to knOW if he was a memher of any Lodge in the State. We found the' same surname and the same initials upon the !'ecords of two Lodges. Nothing but initials had been reported for given names. no date of birth, nothing to identify them, except in this instance hoth happened to be of the same trade. If the records had shown even the first given name in full, it might have helped some. J"UATEHXAL RELATIONS.

The Committee on Fraternal Relations recommended the recognition of the Grand Lodge of Alberta, and it was adopted. COJmESPONDENCE ImpOUT.

This is certainly a "new departure." Past Grand Master Brother . Robert M. Carothers pr,esents 11S with a "list of judicial and legislative acts of Sister Grand Lodges,': to' which he is confined by the action of .bis Grand Lodge. His preface to his "compilation" showf': how useless the performance is, when he says: ltis always to be kept in mind that ,none of these Decisions are to be fOllowed by particular Lodges in this State: also that the opinions are merely those personal to your Correspondent. Not only "in the Orations




given before the several Grand Lodges," but in the Grand Master's Address, "occur many gems of thought and apt expressions of Masonic truth," which would be much more profitable and entertaining than a "Digest of' local • Decisions, which the Grand Secretary has to take the precaution to note." "The following Decisions and resolutions are for general information, not the law of this Grand Lodge, and Masters and others should not be governed by them in absence of similar law in this Jurisdiction."

His Grand Lodge has certainly forced our Brother out 'of the "beaten path" and the sooner they take off the "brakes" and let him back into it the hetter. FHANK S. HAGEH, St. Thomas, Grand Master, FRANK J. THOMPSON, Fargo, Grand Secretary, The Eighteenth Annual Communication was held in the City of Grand Forks, the' fourth Tuesday in June, 1907.

NOVA SCOTIA,-1906. Lodges, 66. Members, 4,715. The Forty-first Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Nova Scotia was held in the City of Halifax, June 13, A. D. 1906, M. W. Bro. . Charles Reynolds Smith, K. C., Grand Master, presiding. After being opened the Grand Lodge marched in procession to St. Paul's Church, where a sermon was preached by R. W. Bro. A. P. Shatford, Grand Chaplain, from the text found in II Chronides, chapter v, verse ,1: "And the silver and the gold and all the instruments put he among the treasures of the house of God," The sermon is published with the Proceedings, and is both eloquent and instructive, showing how as the 'rbugh Ashlar, the perfect Ashlar, the Trestle Boat-d, the Square, the Plumb and the Level were necessary in the building of King Solomon's Temple; the principles and virtues of which they are the symbols are also absolutely necessary for the temple of character. GRANI;> MASTER'S ADDRESS. This Address is replete with information· and good and wholesome'advice, and shows much work accomplished. He says: The past year has been one of Masonic progress and advancement in the Jurisdiction. Nothing has occurred within our bounds to interfere with that harmony which should always prevail among Brother Masons, and nothing has arisen to mar the friendly and most cordiai relations which exist betwe':n our own Grand Lodge and the other Grand Bodies with whom we hold 'Fraternal relations. .

We regret that lack of space forbids Ol,~r copying the peroration in full, but we must be content with these extracts: .As I view the Masonic Institution and its grand and noble principles, so dear to all of us, its purposes may be classed as two-foid.· The first is care of, and solicitude for, the Brethren to make its votaries wiser and bettel' and

1907, ]


17 1

consequently happier. Thc second, as men and as Masons, not only to watch with unfailing care, but to take, \"hen time and opportunity olIer, an active 11art in what is transpiring in the world around us, and .to be directly interested in anything and everything which appertains In any way to the betterment of our fellow-man and for the general good of mankind. By doing this \\'e shall be stronger' men and better Masons. Let us then tal,e a retrospective view and see what has been going on in the world during the past twelve months. One year' ago. when we met togethcr, a bloody war was raging between two great and powerful nations, while complications bctween other countries appeared imminent. Fortunately, for the good of the world at large, and in the intercsts of humanity, through thc efforts of a high-minded statesman, one of Nature's noblemen, aided no doubt by others equally high-minded, that war; some months ago, was brought to an honorable termination, when we, in 'common with the rest of the Christian world, devoutedly prayed that a firm and lasting peace had been established. And t"hat the treaty made last" year, and almost at the conclusion of the war, bet.ween Grcat Britain and the now famous ,Japan will have that elIect is the geneml opinion. And not only that, but it will strengthen the hands of both these countries, have a most. beneficial elIect upon thp. affairs of the Far East, tend for peace, and should prove a lasting blessing. Then, again, the relations between the grand old empire, of which we form no unimportant pal路t, and other nations are more satisfactory than for years past. The term "Splendid Isolation," words in one sense so grand, in another so regretfUl, can no longer, with truth, be applied to the Monarchy of Great Britain and Ireland, fOl' no longer does she stand alone. Proud, powerful, forceful. Christian, but not alone! And what I have remarked is particularly true of the relations bet.ween路 Britain and the great Republic of France, where we witness today a more fricndly feeling than at any time since the days of Napoleon.III. This is a source of gratification not only to every Britisher, whether English 01' Canadian, but to the Christian world, as in a measure hastening the time, so much desired, when there will in truth be "Peace on earth, good will ta men." Again we would note with pleasure the more than cordial relations existing between OUl' own land and the United States. Happy is it, not only for these two great countries, the mother and the eldest daughter, if, affectionately, I may call them such, but for the peacc and well-being of the civilized world that such kindly feelings should prevail. For, without speaking in any way disparagingly of the other great nations, we look upon it as a fact that with Great Britain on one side of the watcI', and the United States on the other, rests, in a large "measure, the peace of the world. And such being the case, are we not more than justified in hoping that the present good feeling may long continue and that the God of love will ever bless and preserve this happy union. For years past this blending of t~e Union .Jack of Old England and the Star Spangled Banner of the Gr'eat Republic has been most noticeable, a.od nothing more is wanted than the great" kindness, the bountiful hospitality and the kind words of our American cousins extended, a few months ago, to Prince Louis of Battenberg, the representative of British royalty, to prove the growth of this good feeling and the sincerity of affection existing between these two peoples, the noble representatives of the" great Anglo-Saxon race.

He then refers 路to the celebration of the hundredth anniversary. of the famous battle of Trafalgar in the fine old City of Halifax. and exhorts that we teach our children to cherish the recollection of Lord Nelson, arid never forget, or let them forget, that today. as ever "England expects every man to do his duty," and recalls the fact that during the past year two great territories have been admitted into the Confederacy as full grown Provinces, and gladly welcomes the new Western Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan iIito that great and growing Dominion, and thus closes the peroration: It is true, you know it as well as I, that our obligations are weighty, our responsibilities great, our trusts important, and, while 'as men and as Masons, I trust we have fully met and faithfully performed our duties, so I hope we have not shirked our responsiblllties. When tIme offered and



opportunity called have we whispered words of comfort, of counsel and of encouragement to our. Brethren in the Craft; have we shielded the innocent Brother from calumny and abuse and upheld his reputation and his dignity, in pUhlic as well as in private, as it was our duty to do, in common with our own; have we to the full extent, and in the manner indicated by the principles and traditions of our noble organization, realized that a Brother in Freemasonry is one to whom the bu'rdened heart can pour out its sorrows, always l'ecognizing that sympathy, support and good advice. if, required, should he' forthcoming; have we been careful !ti, and. in acordance with our just requirements, ministered to the wants ana necessities of our indigent Brother in distress and thereby fulfilled the great law of charity, one of the grand and fundamental principles of this world-wide Masonic Institution'! Is it too much, my Brethren, to expect an affirmative answer to these questions, but if, alas, we can not, then let .us all pl'Ofit by the neglect of the past :and endeavor to do better in the future. We all feel and realize the noble pl'inciples of our Fraternity. and it rests entirely with Freemasons themselves whet.her their influence, both within and without their ranks, is felt for good as it should be. Masonry teaches us so to live that by our outward life and conduct we may be known as 'Masons, and this injunction, this teaching, I would most strongly impress upon the Brethren in the C,raft, You know, and 1 know, that the matters to whir,h reference has been made are of' paramount importance, and the duty of discharging them faithfully and honestly, fortunately, it is not necessary to impress upon you. Then if my referring to these matters will be the means of a more faithful performance of those duties, those sacred duties so incumbent upon all of us as Masons. in the future that has been done in the years that have glided away, I shall certainly feel that ,my mentioning them has not been in vain. AT BEST.

Stephen Roland Sircorn was Grand Master in 1868 and held that high office when the amalgamation under the present Grand LOdg~ of Nova Scotia was consummated. He "entered into rest" at Melrose, Mass., on the 24th day of January, A, D. 1906, ripe in years. DECISIONS.

Among the decisions reported are the following: I decided that Masonic clothing and regalia could not be worn on an:r other than Masoni<: occasions, and at the same time' expressed my sUl'pl:ise at the question being asked.

We don't see how he could have decided otherwise. A question of more than ordinal'y irriportance has 'been submitted in reference to Masonic burial of demitted Masons. The question asked is as follows: Are Subordinate Lodges forbidden to grant Masonic burIal to Masons in this .Jul'isdiction who have been non-affiliates for one year or upwards'! Inasmueh as this is a very vexed question. and one upon which a variety of opinions exist in thl' Jnrisdiction, as to the correct int.erpretation of the .latter part of Section 53, 'Chapter XV, I am rather pleased a ruiing has been asked fOI', so that the matter may be settled, The part of section l'eferred to, and which deals with this qurstion, reads as follows: "Any Brothel' who f!hall remain a nOll-affiliate Mason within this Jurisdiction one year 01' more shall not be allowed to visit any Lodge or join in a Masonic procession, nor be cntitled to Masonic relict or burial." l'i'ow, down to the comma after th~ word "procession" the section is, evidently, imperative and, in my judgment, clearly enacts that the nonaffiliates mentioned shall not visit any Lodge or shall not join in a Masonic procession. But aftel' the comma, as I read it, the imperative part of the section drops" the words following being, "nor entitled to receive Masonic relief or huriaL" In m~' opinion, the meaning of the words quoted is that the non-affiliate::; shall not he entitled as a matter of right, but. that the gl'anting of the Masonie burial will be, and is, discretionary with the Master


A ppendu:.


of the Subordinate Lodge: It strikes me that had the framers of our Constitution a. different intention they would have carried the imperative sense further and said in words that the nun-affiliates "shall not be entitled to Masonic relief or buriaL" I do not, however, think that was their intention, and I have so interpreted their words, Another point that has weighed a good deal upon me in coming to the conclusion arrived at is that if Masonic burial is forbidden then Masonic relief is also forbidden, for the same words apply to each, And certainly the learned framers of our Constitution, eel'tainly the Grand Lodge never intended that our Subordinate Lodges should refuse Masonic relief to the Brothel' in distress simply because he happened to be a non-affiliate of one year or upwards in the Jurisdiction. Apart from the grand and charitable principles of }1""reemasonry, common decency and the laws of humanity fOI'bid such a contention, such a construction, and what holds good to Masonic relief bolds equally good to Masonic burial. I hold, and rule, threfore, thnt while such non-affiliates are not entitled to Masonic burial as a rna.ttcr of 1'i,qht, the granting or refusing same is a matter in the discretion of the Mastel' of the Subordinate Lodge, a discretion, I need hardly say, that should always be wisely and MasonicaJly exercised. .

The argument of the learned Brother is specious, but we can not agree with him in his interpretatIon of the meaning and import of the word "nor," which is defined to be "a negative con路 nective or particle, introducing the second member or clause of a negative' proposition, following neither, or not, in the first, as or in affirmative propositions follows either. We think the interpretation was clearly wrong and dictated more by the heart than t.he head, MASONIC HOME.

A Masonic fair was to have been held at Halifax in the month of September, from which it was hoped to realize a large amount of money toward the establishment of the Home. The Grand Master ~ays:

Besides our members taking an active interest in this work, the ladles all through the Province have come nobly to our assistance and their efforts are worthy of much appreciation and thanks. Our ohject being such a nob)e one, to found a Home for the poor, the aged and deserving, we anticipate a large attendance at the Fair, not only from the members of the Craft in Nova Scotia, but from outside' Jurisdictions as well, and we would respectfully ask and trust that our visitors receive a most hearty and cordial welcome. Besid~s expecting that the undertaking, now in hand, will be a great success financially, I have every reason to believe it will give Freemasonry a great impetus in the Province, will bind" ou!' Brethren closer together and give them something to take an interest in, and work for. Give the Fall', my Brethren, all the assistance, support and co-operation in your power, and hye and bye you will be proud of the results.


He recommends the recognition of the new Grand Lodge of Alberta, and the Grand Lodge adopted the recommendation. He thus closes his admirable Address: Knowing the objections sometimes made to li'reemasonry I have, in a kindlyspirlt, met some during the year. Knowing that from some quarters weare looked upon as a selfish society, it has been m;y object not only to




meet but to combat t.hat unfounded charge. Based upGn the ground-work of Charity, it has been my endeavor to impress_ upon the members of the Craft, as well as upon those who are not of our household, that we are true and sincere belfevel's In "the Brotherhood of Man." Realizing that the charge, also unfounded, has been made that Freemasonry Interferes with religion. it has ever been my answer to this serious and, as I have stated, most unfounded accusation, by stating we interfere with the religion of no man, or any class of men. It is true, gl'andly, nobly, sublimely true, and I am proud to record it, that every clwdidate seeking admission to our Order must openly profess his belief in the Great God who rules thIs universe and whose name we, as Masons, hanoI' ad adore, before he can gain admission, and his 'belief, as well, hi "The Fatherhood of God." This far we go and no further, and who is there among the Christian .people of our land, we care not to what church or denomination they belong, that must not of necessity respect our belief and hanoI' our principles. True, it may be that we do not all and always live up to our highly cherished principles, but none the less there they are, and upon these foundation stones has been reared the Freemasonry of which, today, we are members. 'Ve ask no candidate to' what particular religion or church he belongs; that is a matter of belief and conscience, but having received his avowal of trul"t in the great "1 Am" is what we require and is the best proof that the applicant is a fit and proper subject to receive the mysteries of Masonry as known and practiced among us. Such is Our position and such OUI' answer to th,ese groundless charges made against us and our l~raternlty, and it bebooves us all to meet with kindness but rebut with firmness and decision these false accusations against what we hold so justly dear, the Masonic Institntion. Brethren. it is a goodly heritage committed to our eal'c, and as "true and trusty" Masons guard it well. . FlNA?'lCES.

1905, June 9, to balance eash on hand Received of Grand Secretary Debits C'redits

$2,180 35 7,804 14


: ,.,

Balance on hand June 8, 1906


$9,984 49 7,608 94 $2,375 55


Upon the recommendation of the Special Committee, to whom the subject was referred at the last Communication, the Grand Lodge of Porto Rico was recognized. GRAND LODGE OF CAN ADA (IN ONTAIUO).

The following resolution was adopted: 'l'ha.t the Grand Lodge of Nova. Scotia place itself in communication with the other Grand Lodges ill Canada, outside of O::J.tario, and request them to unite with us in urging the Grand Lodge of Canada, in Ontario, to change its name to one which will lead to less misapprehension among foreign Granrl Lodges.

From the repox:t of the Committee on Grand Master's Address we take the following: MASONIC HOME.

If there is one thing beyond another in which our Grand Master is deeply

interested, it is the establishment of a Masonic Horne for poor and distressed Bl'other Masons. For this laudable and praiseworthy object he has, to use


1907. ]


an old sflying, worked day and nirrht. In this great undertaking all Masons should be deeply interested; and now that the ladies have taken hold of, the work, we feci confident that it will be an assured success, for when did the ladles ever fall In anytbing they ever undertook?

REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE. This report is from the pen of Brother Thomas Mowbray, Past District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Secretary, assisted by Brothers Shatford 'and Ross, covering somB 200 pages. Brother Mowbray writes with a practiced hand, though we are afraid his duties as Grand Secretary interfere with those of Correspondent. His personal reviews show the analytical mind and weU-postedMason. We find him orthodox on questions where he takes issue. Missouri for 1905 is revie\ved by Rev., Brother Shatford. He speaks of Grand Master Valliant's Address as "most capital." He says: "We disagree with his decision that a candidate, with a wooden foot provided with metallic screws and hinges, is a proper person to become a Mason." So do we. Speaking of his other decisions, he says: "He had a grist of decisions covering every possible phase of Masonic procedure, but he answered them all in good shape." , Speaking of our report, he is pleased to say: "For arduous and, 'thorough work, for full and comprehensive information, it cer¡ tainly beats anything we have yet experienced." We are at a loss know why Brother Shatford should withhold the name of the '.author. It was our maiden effort, but' we are not ashamed of it. CHARLES REYNOLDS SMITH, Amherst, Grand Master. THOMAS :MOWnJ\A Y, Halifax, Grand Secretary.


OHIO-1906. Lodges, 507. Members, 65,105. The Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity 'Of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Ohio convened at the Masonic Temple, Columbus, Ohio, October 10, A. D. 1906, Grand Master Lewis P. Schans presiding. A striking picture of M. W. Bra,' Sclians,Jorms the frontispiece to the Ptoceedings. 'o;~/J ,'y,

Gl~ANDM~S'l'ER'S AD~RESf~;;I. .






The following is the keynote o'f this business-like paper: IJook not mournfully into the past; it returns no more'; wisely improve the present. and go forth into the future without a fear and ;witb a manly heart,




He says: \Ve have passed through another prosperous year, our net gain in membershlp being 3,469. This Is 76 more than the net gain. of last year, and is the greatest In the history of the Grand Lodge, with the exception of the year 1903. Our Official Circle remains unbroken, no Past or Present Officer of this Grand Lodge having passed away since last we met. Eight hundred and seventy-nine faithful Craftsmen have' passed to their eternal rest during the past Masonic year. Among the distinguished Masons who have crossed the Divide during the past year al'e three of whom I believe especial mention Is due. I allude to Bro. BentoJ D. Babcock, of Cleveland, who died in that city January 10th, 1906; Bro. John M. Stull, of Warren, who died at .Jacksonville, Fla., .January 30th, 1906, and Bro. John Blyth, who died at his home in Fulton, February 4th, 1906. . .

Glowing tributes are paid to these Brethren. "And while in life's late afternoon, 'Where cool and long the shadows grow, walk to meet the night that soon Shall shape and shadow overflow. can not feel that thou art far, Since near at hand the angels are; And when the sunset gates unbar, Shall I not see thee waiting stand, And. white against the evening star, The welcome of th~' beckoning hand?" DISPEi'\SATIONS REFlJSED.

I received many requests during the year for Dispensations to receive petitions for Degrees at Special Communications; to ballot on candidates at Special Communications; to confer Degrees out of time; to receive and act upon petitions on less than one year's residence; to. permit oUier organizations to use Masonic Lodge rooms; and to f1ppeal to Lodges for aid; all of which were refused.

We wish all Grand Masters had the "cour.age of their convictions," and would adopt the same rule.

The information having reached me that: one Gamaliel Wad-EI-Ward. who claimed to be a Past: Master of Royal Solomon Mother Lodge, of .Jerusalem. had been traveling throughout the State lecturing in Masonic Lodge rooms under the auspices of the Lodge, I made inquiry and have official infol'matlon that said Gamaliel Wad-El-Ward is not even a member of said Royal Solomon Mother L--odge, and ,never was. This informa,tion may serve as a warning to the Lodges of the State and pl'event their being imposed upon in the future, TRA VELUW TROWEL.

Some time ago a 'I'rowel was started by Justice Lodge, of New YOI'k Cit~路, in a journey throughout the various Masonic Grand Jurisdictions, and was called the "Traveling Trowel." Each presentation was made the路 special feature of -large social Masonic functions; and the object to be secured. was a further intensifying of Masonic principles, and the renewing and extending of Masonic Friendships. . , . ' In'May this Trowel, reached Ohio. being presented to the Masons of this State at Toledo. by the Masons of Michigan. The meeting was large and enthusiastic, and It is hoped may re:mlt in much good to the Craft.


·1907. ]

.I 77


M:.W: .Bro. W. A. Belt, Chairman of the Committee on Past Grand Master's Jewel, reported that the committee had procurel a Jewel and presented the same to M: .W: .Bro. C G. Ballou, in his home Lodge, Wakeman, No. 522, at Waterville, onAhe evening of Februa:ry 9, 1906. SAN FRAl'ICISCO AID.

In response to a letter of appeal sent out by the Grand Master, h(' reports: I received remittances from three hundl;ed and ninety-nine Lodges, amounting to *10,162.40. In addition to this, I received from Ohio Chapter, O. E. S., Cincinnati, $12.20; from Conneaut Council, No. 40, R. & S. M., $10; and from Sabina Circle, an organ!7:ation- of la(lies in Cincinnati, $25; making a total amount received, $10.209.60. After forwarding $8,025, I l'eceived a letter from M. ·.W...Bro. Flint advisirrg me that in his opinion they harl on hand sufficient money for their present needs, and requesting me to' mal{e no fUl·ther remittances at that time. This left in my hands a balftnce of $2,184.60, which amount has been deposited in the Capital City Bank, Columbus, Ohio, In the forw of 4 pel' cen t in tel'est-bearing certificate. GRAND TRli;ASURER's ImpORT.

1905, October 10, balance cash on hand

$41,579 72 51,637 03

Cash from Grand Secretary Total.; Deduct credits


','" .$93,216 75 48,974 53

Balance in hands of Grand Treasurer Oct?ber 5; 1906 .. $44,242 22 THE S. S'l'ACKEH WILLIAMS


The committee to solicit subscriptions from the Masons of the State for the, purpose of erecting a suitable memorial over' the grave of Past Grand Master S. Stacker Williams, reported amount in t.he hands of the committee, $887.99, and asked to b~ continued until such time as their work will be entirely consummated. •JEWEL FOR PAST GRAND MASTER.

A committee was appointed to procure the usual Past Grand Master's Jewel, and present it to M. W. Bro. Schans at such'time and place as that Brother may select. . G. L. Ap.-12




The City of Canton as the place and the third Wednesday of October, 1907, was agreed on as the time of the next meeting of the Grand Lodge. FOREIGl'\ mWOGl'\ITION.

l}pon the recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Corre-. spondence, the M. W. Grand Lodge of Alberta was accorded official recognition, with an exchange of Grand Representatives. REPOHT ON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION.

M. W. Bro. Wm. B. Melish presented a report on this subject, from which we quote: All days and years and centuries are not the same, either in interest or importance. Each period has its own character, its peculiar glory and limitations. In the cycle of the centuries each has a place peculiarly its own, and is indissolubly linked with the movements and men that have made its history. It is the spirit of the century, however, that is thus significant and lives eternally in the anna is of the ages. Not all the movements and mutations of the last century stand out as contributing forces to human welfare. 'l'he careful observer will note some things of seeming loss and retrogression, which appear in the record like blots upon an otherwise fair page, • but, in the general summing up, the story told of Ohio Masonry is one of advanee all along the line. Our great Fraternal Structure, standing in the name of the ~raiJ.f1 Architect and I Mastel' of the Vniverse' for the uplift of humanity, is being slowly but surely i·eared. In sunshine and in shadow the worl, of the builders goes forward. . "The new age stands as yet, Half built against the sky, Open to every threat . Of storms that clamor by. While scaffolding veils the walls, And dim dust floats and falls, As, moving to and fro, . Their tasks th!,! Masons ply." The struggles of th(; early Fl'eemasons of Ohio, their loyalty to the Fraternity during the years of persecution, the glorious record of the past, and memories of those of tl1e workmen who have spread the cement of Brotherly love, shoald all be fittingly commemorated. "The shadows lengthen, years and centuries go, The fathers do their work and then retire." The past is their:;;, the future ours, and we must learn and teach. Oh, may our record be like theil·s. They had no model, but they left us one. We submit the following- recommendations: First. That the celebl':ltion of the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of this Grand Lodge be llad in 1908, in connection with the Annual Communication of the M.· W.·· .Grand Lodge and under its aut.\)oL·ity.

The report was adopted arrd Committee of Arrangements appointed. NECROLOGY.

From, this report we copy: These ever-recurring scenes of parting should teach us to be more faithful to those who still remain. Al1 our mourning' is in vain, except as it teaches



1907. ]

us fo make the best of our friends while we have them. Death is as much a part of Divine Providence as life, As life is an untiring teacher, has death no lesson to give ? From these closed eyes, and. these white lips Whet'e loving smiles no longer play, What to the ear that silence hears; Does Death to us. the living, say? "Sweet friends, the words of love you wish You'd said to me while I could heal'; Take heed, in dHys to come, ~'ou speak To iidng ones wh? still are near. "No more for me can you do aught, Save make the flowers bloom where I sleep; But hearts' of living ones still ache, And eyes of living ones still weep. "Pour out on thet~l the lm'e and care You wish rou could on me bestow; Then, wlwn some other falls asleep, O'er vain regrets no tears shall flow." Death, then, would teach us how to live,How we shall die need give DO care,Live as we'l! wish we had: and then l)eath's face becomes divinely fair. MASONIC HOME. \

Appendix "B" to the Proceedings contains the annual report 0; the officers of the Home, and they are fuJI of interesting matter, A picture of the Home building heads the appendix and shows a splendid structure, with a front of fine architect.ural effect. The report of the Secretary shows: GENEHAL


~~c~~:~~: g~t~rn:\e~~~~:路.'. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : $ 3~:搂~} ~~



.. : .. , ,

Balance on hand

" , , .. : . ,

$40,018 76 37.755 21

, . , .. , , , . , , .. ~


$ 2,263 55

E:\'DOW.\'lE?\,(, ytjND.

On hand .July 31. 1905, .. ,,: Receipts during the yeul路 ,

, .. , " .. ,,;

,,,.,., ,



$50,589 84 9,975 00

Disbursements '(premium on bonds) .. , .. " .... ",..

$60,564 84 60 24

. Bal~nce on hand "

, .. ,



, , , . :$60,504 60

GROT.:Nlli.\fPROYEIIIJ;;NT Fl)l'Il),

Balance on hand





, .. $

252 68

Receipts during year and now on hand. , , , . , . , .... , ... , , .. , . , . $

510 00



Balance on hand , .. ,




, .. "

$1,000 00





Total on hand In all funds

:. '.'

, , . $64,530 83


Average per capita cost per residrnt for maintenance of the Horne for the ~;ear, basing the number of members at 17f>, this being, the average pl'esent during the twelve months. $182.45. This includes all the items of expense given under the head of maintenance. such as clothing. drugs, nurses. freight, funerals. hea t and light. hOllsehold ann kitchen needs. insurance, ice. laundry, printing. pay-roll. machinery, repairs, school. tobacco, table supplies, ferd for stock, etc. The average pel' capita cost of table supplies for rrsidents and employ~s, 61/;1 cents pel' meal: for residents only. 7 cents per meal. Average pel' capita cost of clothing and shoes, *U .2]. Average per capita cost of drugp.. nurses, physieians, and other hospital expenses. $8.47. HEJ'OHT 0): FOREIC,\ cOI:JmSI'ONDENCE.

This is the twenty-fifth annual report. from the pen of our venerable Brother W. IVI. Cunningham, this being his ·fifty·second annual attendance on his Grand Lodge. The report covers 383 pages, full Of, int.eresting and instructive matter. He prefaces his report with "Correspondence" from W. J. Chetwood Crawley, Ireland; W. J ..Hughan, England, and Carl Wiebe, Past Grand Master of Hah1burg, Germany, all of '''hich to the Masonic student furnishes much valuable information. We wish we could copy it all, but must b~ co~tent with his history of "Freemasonry in America," which we feel assured will interest our readers: FHEE~IASO::\HY


In thr report of ;your Committee on F'OI'eign Correspondencc for last year, a brief mention was made of the introduction of Freemasonry in America, noting the claims of Penns~'lvania and Massachusetts as to priority of its establishment in their respective Jurisdictions, in which it is shown that a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was in existenee in Pennsylvania as early.as 1730-how 01' by whom warranted is unknown, but it is more than probable that its establishment was similar to that of many other Lodges organized prior to 1717 withont Wanant, as subsequently required, but then deemed regui,J.I' and lawful. 'l~his paper is. therefol'e, intended as snpplementary to that of last year. A~ hitherto stated, the Proceedings of the M. ·.W. ·.Grand Lodge of Massachusetts from 173a to 1792 show that in 1733 St. John's Grand Lodge (Modern) was estahlished under the English Constitution by Henry Price. appointed Provincial Grand Mastel' for New England in 1733 by Lord Viscount :\Iont"agne, Grand Master of Masons In England. Subsequently, Henry Price \vas styled 1'rovilldal Grand Master of Korth Ameri<'a. In 1769 the Massachusetts Provincial Grand Lodge was established under the Scottish Constitutions by M. ',W. '.Bro. General Joseph Warren, appointed Provincial Grand Master by the Earl of Dalhousie, Grand Master of Masons in Scotland. Subsequently M. ·.W. ·.Bro. Joseph \Varren was' made a Provincial Gmnd Master for North America by Patrick Eat'l of Dumfries, "Grand l\laster Mason of Scotland," in 17.72. The Petition for the Provincial Grand Lodge established under Scottish Constitutions, \vas signed by the Master Wardens, and Brethren of St. Andrews Lodge, No. 82, of the Registry of" Scotland; Duke of York's Lodge, No. 106, of the Registry of Scotland, held in the 64th Regiment of Foot. Lodge 'No. 58, of the Registry of England. held in the 14th Regiment. and .the "Master. Wardens and Brethren of Lodge Ko. 322, of the Hegistry of Ireland, held in 29th Hegiment. The records and papers of the period show that these Grand Bodies were fully recognized and that the Jurisdiction of




Massachusetts thereunder was fully occupied-··-and there is no record showing the Infringement of Jurisdiction of the ProvincIal Grand Lodges by either the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland, or Ireland. The establishment of Subordinate Lodges being a prerogative of the Provincial Grand Lodge, the establishment of any Lodge othel'wise, unless with its own consent or recommendation, would have been a :VIasonic discourtesy, and 'an unwarranted infringement of Jurisdiction.* The claim of African Lodge to Masonic regulaL'it.y in its est.ablishment is therefore ull\varranted, not only as to the Jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Lodges, l.!ut the Massachusetts Grand Lodge had already superseded and replaced the Scottish. Pl'ovircial Gl'Und Lodge by its pre-emption of the territory covered' under the new Q.rder of things after the death of General Warren. It is claimed by the PrInce lIall following that African Lodge was wan'anted in 1784, but it was not estahlished until 1787 under its warrant. That its existence under its warrant was precarIous and not a SIH:CPSS, is in evidence. and that it was subsequent Iy stricken from the l'oll of t.he Grand Lodge of England as a Lodge is not questioned. The retention of the V'iTarrant and the suhsequent establishment under it of a pretended Grand Lodge, JlOW known as the so-called Prince Hall Grund 'Lodge, wIth any 'authority whatcvel' therefor, is, in the opinIon' of ~'our committee, the merest pretense without a shadow even of proof. The death of General Wanen having left the Massachusetts Gmnd Lodge (Provincial) without a head, on March 8. 1777, M. ·.W. ·.Bro, .Joseph Webb, Deputy Grand :Master, was eleeted to the Grand East, a full corps of Grand Officers were ele('ted and thereafter acted as, and by its organization, became an Independent Grand Lodge. ?Ii. ·.W. ·.Bro. Webb serving as Grand :\Taster until he installed his successor, M. ·.'V.· Bro. Dr. :John Wan'en, in January, 1783. In 1784 he was re-eleeted and served as Grand :\1aster until his death in 1787, and was ag-ain succeeded by M. ·.W. ·,Bro. :John 'Vanen. Governor lIancock and other dignitaries of the Commonwealth at different times recognIzed and honored this Grand Body by attendll nee upon and participation in its St.•John's Banquets and other public functions. Previous to its exist.ence as an Independent. Grand Lodge, Lodge No. 243. of His Majesty's FIfty-ninth Hegiment, holding under the Irish Com;titution, petitioned to be enrolled under the ;'lassachusetts Grand Lodge, which was granted. Ii'rom time to time an effort was fruitlessly made for. the union of the St. John's Grand Lodge (Moderns), which had continued in joint occupancy of that Jurisdiction wIth the ~'lassachusetts Grand Lodge. In ;June, 1782, a committee .was "Appoint.ed to Draught Resolutions explanat.ory of the Powers & Authority of this Grand Lodge respecting the Extent & Meaning of its Jurisdiction and of the Exercise of any other Masonic AuthorHi(~s within its Jurlsdiction." In December. 1782, the committee appointed by the Massachusetts Grand Lodge submitted the following exhaustive report confirming its action and showing its regularit~' as a Grand Lodge:' "The Committee appoInted to take into consideration the ,conduct of those bl'ethren, who assumed the powers and PeJ'Ogll tives of a Grand Lodge on the Ancient EstahIlshment in this Place, and Examine the Extent of'theit· Authority & .Juriscliction. together with. the Powers of any othpr Ancient Masonic Instit.ntion within the Same: Beg leave to Report the Result of their Examination fonnded 011 t he following facts. Viz.: "That in Comwl.luence of a l'etHion from a number of Brethren of this Town to the Grand Lodge of Scotland, a (,hartel' was granted them under the name of St. Andrews Lodge, by the ?lIost Wpffl & Itt lIon'ble Sholto, Charles Douglass. Lord Aberdour, and t.hat hy ]\fpans of a subsequent· Petition of the said St. Andrews Lodge. a Commission was made out & presented fmm the Most wpm & Ht Hon'ble George, Earl of Dalhousie, Grand Mastel' of Scotland. to the late Most Wpffi Joseph WalTen, F,sq., ~onstituting and Appointing him Provincial G. M. of the AncIent & Hon'hle Socipty of the Free and Aeceptcd Masons, with Powel' of granting Charters of Erection within One Hundred Miles of this Metropolis, but that dUI'ing the Jurisdic·. tion of the Grand Lodge in form & manner thus Appointed three Lodges "' l£ven Lhe est ahlishment of Lodges hy the Grand Lodge of Scot.land in t.hat territory was deemed an infringement of Jurisdiction by. Grand )!aster Jeremiah Gridley. of the St. ;John's Grand Lodge, holding- under thp Grand Lodg;e of England. (Proceeding's Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, 1783-179~, p. 444.) .




only were constituted by the authority thereof. 'l'hat the Commission from the Grand Lod~e of Scotland granted to our Late Grand )'Iaster .Joseph Warren, ESt]., ll11ving died with him and of coursc his Dcputy whos(~ Apllointmentwas derived from his Nomination heing no longer in existence, they saw themselves, without a Head. & "'ithout a Sln~le Grand Officpr,' and of ~:ourse it wa~ evident that not Only the Grand Lodge. but all the particular Lodges under its Jurisdiction must Cease to Af.:semble, the Brethren be dispersed, the Penny less go unassisted. the Craft Languish & Ancient ,:Vlasonry be extinct in this Part (of the) 'World. That. in Consequence of a Rummons from the formcr Grand \"an}('n". to the Masters & \Vardens of all the Regular Constituted Lodges. a Grand Communication was held. to Consult and Advise on some Means to preserve tht; Intercourse of the Brethren. That the Politieal IJend d this Country having destroyed All connection & COITPspondence between the SUbjects of these Rtates & nil' Country from which the Grand Lodge originall;y derived its Commissioned Authority, and the Principles of the p'aft: inculcating on its profpssors Submission to thc Commands of till' Civil Authority of the Country they Reside .in, the Brethren did Assume an Electivp Supremacy, &' under it Chose II Grand Master & Grand Otlk(~rs. and Erected a Grand Lodg-e with Independent Powers & Perogatives, to. be exercised howevcr. on principles consistant with & Subordinate to the Regulations pointed out in the Constitution of Andent Masonry. That the RpIHltation &l.itility路 of thc Craft (Illder their .Jurisdiction has been most Extensively diffused by the I<'lonrishing State of tOl/,rteen Lodges, Constituted by their Anthority. within a short!'r Period. than that in which three Only received Dispensations under the, former Grand Lodge." _ "That in the History of our eraH we find. that in England there are Two Grand Lodges independent of each other. In Scot land the Same. and in Ir(~land their Grand Lodge and Grand Master tire Independcnt of either England or Scotland. 'Tis clear that the Authority of some of thesp Grand Lodges originated in Assumption, or otherwisc they would Acknowledge the Hand fl'om whence they Derived. YOUI' Committee are therefore of Opinion that the Resolutions of the ~aid Present Grand Lodge, were dict:'lted by PrlnciDles of the) Clearest. J';ecessity, founde'd in t1w lIighest Reasons and 'WalTanted by Precedents of the most approved Authorlty.* "Your Committee beg leave to recommend to be Adoptpd hy this Grand Lodge, & to be ingrafted'into its Constitutions. " '1st Resolved,路 That the Brethrcn of the Grand Lodge in Assuming the Powers & Perogatives of an ,Independent Grand Lodge, Acted on the Most laudable Motives and Consistently with the Principles which ought forever to govern Masons, the Benefit of the Craft & the good of }fanldnd: and are warranted in lhPi[' Proceedings. by the Practice of Aneient ~1asons in All Ages of the World.* , "'2Iid Resolved, That this Grand Lodge' be forever hereafter known & Called by the name of the MASSACHUSP;T~i'S GRAXD LODGE OF A~CIE~T l\1ASOI\S, and, that it is free and Indppendent in its GovCl'llmen1. & Otlicial Authority of any other Grand Lodge,' 01' Grand Mastel' in the Onivcl'::;e. "'3d Resolved, That tbe Sover~ign Po\ver & Authority of the said \Jrand Lodge, . be continued to F.'xtend throughout the Commonwealth of Massachnsetts, and to An;r of the United States, where none shall be erected over such Lodges only as this Grand Lodge shall there Constitute. "'4th Resolved, 'l'hat t1.e Grand Master, for the time being, be desired to Call in all the Charters which were held under t1)e J.urisdiction of the late Grand Master Joseph Warl'en Esq' and Return the same with an Endorsement thereon. Expressive of their Voluntary Recognition of the Powel' and Authority of this Grand Looge. "'5th Resolved. That no Pcrson 0[' Persons ought or can (consistently with the Rules, of Ancient Masonry and the Good Order of the Craft) use or Exel'cise the Powers or Perogatives of an Ancient Grand Master, or Grand Lodge, to wit. to give Power to Erect Lodges of Ancient Masonry, Make ~1asons, appoint Superior or Grand Officers, Receive dl1es, or do anythin'g which belongs to the Powers or PerogaLives of An Aneient Grand Lodge within any part of the Commonwealth of Mar;S3chusetts. the Right full and Appropriated Limits to which the authority of this Grand Lodge forever hereafter extends.' "Sign'd PEREZ MORTON, PAUL REVI!ntm. WAHHEN, JAi\IES路 AVERY."


*See Calcot, page 107, :Masons' Pocket Companion, D2.

London edition.



The general recognition extended to this Grand Lodge is sbown in an official communication from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in August, 1780 to the :Massachusetts Grand Lodge in relation to the proposed election of "His Excellency, General George 'Washington," as "Grand Mastel' General for the Thirteen United American States," and "Requesting the Opinion and Approbation of this Grand Lodge thereon." Action on the nomination made by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylval1ia was subsequently postponed '''until a GENEHAL PEACE shall happily take place thro' the CON'l'INENT." The following excerpts from tbe very interesting address of tbe Eminent Brothel' Josiah Bartlett, delivered "on tbe festival of St. John the Baptist, June 24, 5790," ar~ especially corroborative of the regularity of the· Massachusetts .Grand Lodge, viz.: "The political events of the year 5775 produced .important changes in tbe state of Masonry. These 'were no other than the bel'oic death of the Grand Master, on the celebrated bf'igbts of Charlstown, & a temporary dispersion of the Grand Officers," "How to_ assemble the Grand Lodge witll regU·larity, was now made a serious question, as the commission of the Grand Master had died with him, & the deputy had no power independent of his nomination & appointment. Communications for the consideration of this snbject were held at different times untiH the 8th of March, 5777, when, experiencing the necessity of preserving an int.el'course of the brethren, & the want of a proper establishment, to soften t.he rigours of an active and distressing war, they proceeded to the formation of an indelJendent Grand Lodge, with 'powel'S & prerogative to be exercised on principles consistant with & subordinate to, tbe regulations pointed out in the constitutions of ancient Masonry,' And our late worthy & Most Worshipf1tll Hroqler .Joseph Webb Esquire, whose amiable deportment & fidelity in the duties of his important office, now claim our grateful remembrancc, was duly elected G,.an(l .Master & proceeded to install his Officers & organize the Grand Lodge. "The flourisbing state of the ('ratt will be readily acknowledged when we consider that no less than fifteen Lodges were erected from this time to the festival of St.•John the Baptist 5783, when our most worshipfull Brother John \Yarren esquire, whose bi'illiant qualifications are too well known & too universally acknowledged, to need encomi.ums, was placed In the Chair of Solomon. . "It was about this period, wben the Gmnd 'Lodge 'Warranted in their pI'oceedings by the practice of ancient Masons in all ages of the world' after the most serious uelibel'atIon, proceeded to pass reSOlutions, explanitory of its title, 'UuthoTity, ~ and Jurisdiction, which with its laws ~ regulations, were engrafted into the constitutions & ordered to be transmitted to other Grand Lodyes, requesting such correspondence from time to time, as would promote a friendly intercoul'se & advance the happiness of the CI'aft UniversaL" The Proceedings of a Convention held at the Buneh of Grapes Tavern, 'in Boston, ::IIarch 10th, 1785, over wbich P:wl Revere presided, for the purpose of calIip.g a' General COJ;lvention of "Delegates from all Ancient Lodges of Free and Accepted from within that Commonwealth and from all other Ancient Lodges of Free l\Iasons in other of the American States, holding Right undcl' the .Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge in the late Province, or now the Commonwealth of Massachusetts," is of much interest in ,this connection. The meetings of the GJ'and - Lodge were regularly held with- but few, if any, omi:::sions, and the St. .Tohns days celebrated with the usual obsf'l'vances. From 1787 an earnest effort was made to merge the St. Johns Grand Lodge with t.he Massue11usetis Grand Lodg-e, and in 1792 the two Grand ,Lodges were united under its present t;tle. 'J'he foregoing fl'om the records of the M. ·.W. ·.Gmnd Lodge of Massa· cbusetts should-without other documentary evidence which might be adduced-pe sufficient to show that the commonwealth of Massachusetts was p!'e-occupied Masonle Terl'itory priOl' ·to t.he issue in 1784 of a Warrant to African Lodge by the Grand Lodge of England, and its reception, three yeaTs late" .. by that body, After its establishment in 1777, the :Massacbusetts Grand Lodge issued Warrants for the establishment of Subordinate Lodges in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and other unoccupied tenitory, and was recognized as·a regular Grand Lodge by other Grand Bodies..



In glancing over his review of the different States we are satisfied that Brother Cunningham and this writer look through the same Masonic spectacles, and we therefore pass to- his review of Missouri for 1905. He speaks of the Address of Grand Master Valliant as "a b.usiness paper," and quotes freely from it. He characterizes the oration of Brother Arch A. Johnson as a "practical address," and quotes a full page from it. In speaking of our report, he says: "His views when expressed are conservative and judicious." What a satisfaction it would be to meet our good Brother, have a "love feast" with "bread and water" only as the elements, and give in our respective "experiences." "May his last days be his best days." . BIW. HORAC~~ A. IRVIN, Dayton, Grand Master. BRO. J. E. BRciWNWELL, Cincinnati, Grand Secretary. Next Annual Communication at Canton, October 16, 1907.

OKLAHOMA-1907. Lodges, 158.

Members, 7,978.

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Oklahoma comme~ced its Fifteenth Annual Communication in the City of Guthrie, on Tuesday, February 12, 1907. Grand Master Fred D. Sparks presiding. A photo-engraving of Brother Sparks forms the frontispiece to the Proceedings. GUANO MASTER'S


He reports the last Masonic year as one of harmony and prosperity in his Grand Jurisdiction. Fifteen new Lodges were constituted' and eighteen ,put to work under Dispensation. "Death," he says, "has passed the portals of this Grand Lodge for another year." SPECIAL DISPENSATIONS. He reports eleven Dispensations to "confer the degrees out of time" on aqcount of "departing for. a trip abroad," or "moving out of the Jurisdiction." We think this a bad practice. A profane loiters under the eaves of a Masonic hall for years, and when he takes a notion to go among strangers concludes that Masonry will be an introduction abroad



and he is railroaded through. That sort of material had better be "heaved over among the rubbish." SAN FRANCISCO RELIEF.

The sum of $918.25 was contributed to the sufferers by the earthquake. CONSOLIDATION WITH GRAND LODGE OF INDIAN TERRITORY.

A large part of the Grand Master's Address is, taken up with this subject, including a lengthy report from the joint' committee selected by both Grand Lodges. The question of amalgamation is to be submitted to a' vote of the Lodges. and if the vote is favorable then the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma is to hold its session on the second Tuesday in August, the same day as the next session of the Grand Lodge of Indian Territory, when, it is recommended, amonp- other things: . "That tbis report then be submitted to each of said' Grand Lodges at their session in August, and if then approved and accepted, that each of said Grand Lodges pass an ordinance surrendering their Grand Jurisdiction to a new Grand Lodge to be organized by a Joint Convention t() be composed of both of said Grand Hodles and that said .convention be authorized and provided for In said ordinance, and that said convention be heid forthwith in the city of ~1:cAlester. "That said Joint Connntion shall adopt a constitution and by-laws for the Gl'and Lodge and a uniform code of b~'-Iaws and Masonic regulations for the Subordinate Lodges and organize a new Grand Lodge to be named and chartered by this St.at.e as 'The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons' of the State of Oklahoma,' and proceed to elect its officers. ' "That in said ol'ganization the following elect.ive officers shall come from tile Present Grand Lodge of the Indian Territ.ory" viz.: Gl'and ""faster and Grand Seniol' 'Varden, and from the preflent Grand Jurisdiction of Oklahoma, the following elect.ive, officers, viz.: Deputy Grand Master, Grand Junior Wal'dpn aLd Gl'and Treasurer, 3nll that. the balance of said officers and the necessary st.anding committees shall be apportioned equally as near as Diay be. "Appreciating the long and faithful services of each of the Grand Secretaries and realizing thl! strong feeling .of affection which t.he Brethren of each Grand .Jurisdict.ion have, for their Grand Secretary, and knowing the vast amount of addlt.ional wOl'k which will be entailed upon the Secretary's office by such consolidation, we recommend that both of the present Grand Secret.aries be reta ined and the new Grand Lodge for the time being shall have two Grand Secret.arles, the present Grand Secretary of the Indian Territory t.o have eharge of. and pr:rform all the duties of Gl'and Se(~retary under the present Grand .Jul'isdi"tion of the Indian Territory. and the present Grand Secl'etat"y of Oklahoma to have charge of, and perform all of the duties of Grano Secreta r~' under the present Grand .Jurisdlction of Oklahoma. "That. each of said Grand Secretaries shaIl receive the same compensation. "That t.he esoteric w0rk of each of said Grand Jurisdictions shall be retained as in the present .Jurisdiction unt.il t.he new Grand Lodge shall pro\'ide otherwise, and the pres(mt. Grand Jurisdiction of Indian Territ.ory shall l'etain it.s Board of Custodi:ms and a Grand Lecturer, who shall instruct Its Lodges and Brethrell in their said work, and t.he present Grand Jurisdiction -of Oklahoma shall ret.ain its Committee on Work and Grand Lect.urer, to 'inst.rIlCt. it.s Lodges and Brethren. in their said Work, until the new Grand Lodge ~ha! I provide ot.herwlse. . "That a Board of Custodians and the Committee on Work sball receive • the same compensation, and each of said Grand Lecturers shall receive the same compensation." , .




The following table shows the relative and combined strength of the two G)'and BodiN; in 1906: Balance Balance Gen. Fund. Lodge. Membel's. Home Fund. Territo)'y $f:j4,105.38 $9,145.73 ........ 168 Indian 6,.:'3G3 6,777 7,420.80 3,339.47 Oklahoma .............. .141 ---Total ................ 309 13,140 $81,526,18 $12,485.20 lJnder the union of these two Jurisdictions the new Grand Lodge of Oklahoma will stand high 'on the roll, of the 57 Grand Lodges of North America. From among the least of her Sisters she will have sprung to the seventeenth in numbel's of Constituent Lodges and to the twenty-seventh .place in total m路embership. She will thus have overtaken and passed half of hel' Sister Grand Bodies on the great Masonic highway, and thus the Masonic child which' left the maternal roof of Indian Territory has ample room, and a warm heart, for the welcome to her own fireside of her loved mother,


The report o~ the commit.tee shows mtlch work in securing subscriptions to this fund and they express the hope of being able to raise $50,000 by the n~xt meeting of the Grand Lodge. ADDRESS OF GRAND OltATOR.

M.路.W:.George W. Clark, Grand Orator, delivered a short but comprehensive oration, in which the true spirit of Masonry is happily set forth . . ImpORT OK J.~Ol{EIGN COltRESPONDEl\CE.

This is from another one of the Anderson family, who takes his seat at the Round Table for the first time as successor to Brother J. S. Hunt, the Grand Secretary, We extend to M. W. Bro. W. M. Anderson a hearty welcome, and congratulate him on his "maiden effort," We endorse his idea of the duties of his position, when he says: My conception of him who undertakes to review the active work of the Masonic world is tha t he should strongly commend that which is right and strictly in accord with the Landmal'l{s and Regulations and as vigorously condemn that which seems to violate all~r of these.

His first effort he succeeds in confining to a simple statement of facts, and only covers sixtx-three pages. For _some reason, Missouri is left out.. It is certainly not our fault, if he did not receive a copy of'our Proceedings. Hope he will be more fortunate next time. M. W. EARL BEEBE, El Reno, Grand Master. R. W. JAMES S. HUNT, Guthrie, Grand Secretary.


Appendix. OREGON-1906.

Lodges, 109. Members, 7,689. The Most 'Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Oregon began its Fifty-sixth Annual Communication in Masonic Temple in the City of Portland, June 13th, A. D. 1906,' M. W. Bro. William H. Flanagan, Grand Master, presiding. We have not been favored with a copy of the Proceedings, and have to depend on our 'good Brother Lamberton, of Pennsylvania, 'for data. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is spoken of as an excellent paper, without surplus matter. At the date of the San Francisco earthquake the Grand Master wired to the Grand Master of California to draw on the Grand Treasurer for $500, for immediate relief, and though no more was called for $1,600 was contributed. He made a strong plea for unformity of w<,>rk, and steps were taken to bring it ab.out. DECISIONS.

This 路is. one Jurisdiction in which no decisions had to be made. They must have some way of compelling the Masters to familiarize themselves with the Constitution and by-laws which, at the路time of their installation, they promise to support. VISITORS.

The Grand Master recommended that documentary evidence be required of visitors to a Lodge, and the Committee on Law and Jurisprudence recommended an amendment to the by-laws, requiring the same from a stranger, which was ~dopted.. ORDER OF EA.STERN STAR.

A pleasant episode was the reception of a committee from the Order of the Eastern Star. At this time the Grand Lodge was called from labor to receive a visit from a committee of members from the Eastern Star, which was in annual session at this time. The Gl'and Master appointed Brother W. T. Williamson Deputy Grand Master, S. M. Yoran Past Grand'Master. and Brother Norris R. Cox as a committee to retire and introduc'e the visitors. who were: Past Grand Matron Mrs. Claud Gatch, Grand Patron Geo. M. Hyland, and Brothers A. M. Knapp and .Tohn Vert. representing the Grand Chapter, Order of I'~astern Star. ' . After introduction by R. W. Bro. Williamson. in a few eloquent'sentences, they were cordially welcomed b~路 Grand Master Flanagan, which was responded to .by Mrs. G~tch in elegant and happy style, expressive of her:




high appreciation of the reception accoI'ded them. and the kindly relations existing between tbe Ancient Fratemity and the Order of the liJastern Star. The lady was then escorted w the East and received the cong-ratulations of the Brethren. . 'l'bis was followed by a few pleasing remarks by Past Grand Master Hodson, when tbe Brethren were informed by Grand Patron Hyland that: he bad ,been charged with the duty of retuming Ml路S. Gatch safely to her Sisters, and he must now insist on fulfilling his commission. and the visitors witbdrew. The Grand Lodge 'was then called to labol' and the regular business was resumed.

. FRONTISPIECE. A portrait of the retiring Grand Master forms the frontispiece, and a sketch of the life of the good Doctor is given. REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE.

This is furnished by M. W. Past Gra.nd Master Bro. John M. Hodson, and is ~aid to be interesting and informing. M. W. W T. WILLIA~{SON, Portland, Grand Master. R. W. JAMES F. ROBINSON, Eugene, Grand Secretary.

PENNSYLVANIA-1906. Lodges, 456.

Members, 75,273.

We have, in this huge, well-printed volume, an abstract of .the Proceedings of the Quarterly and Annual Communication; a striking cut of the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia, and fine steel engravings of George W. Kendrick, Jr., Grand Master for 1906-1907, of Benjamin Franklin, R. W. Grand Master, 1734 and 1749, and Brother 路Geo. M. Dallas, R. W. Grand Master 1835, add very much to the make-up of the book. As we looked upon the benign featurEs of Brother Franklin, the response involuntarily went up from our heart: "Thank God! I ani an American citizen." The first Quarterly Communication was held March 7, 1906. Among other proceedings at this meeting we notice the passage of a resolut~on appropriating $500 for having a life-size portrait of R. W. Past Grand Master Bro. Robert A. Lamberton painted ,and hung in the Temple. We presume this is the paternal ancestor of our good Brother James M., the able Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence. The two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Brother Benjamin Franklin was proceeded with according to program. The details of which are published in a memorial volume, and edition of 2,000



numbered copies of which was printed: one of which the committee subsequently reported had 'been sent, among others, to the Chairman of the Committee on Corr€spondence. We are afraid ours was "lost in the shuffle," as it has never reached us. We want it bad. FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

Upon the recommendation of tre Committee on Foreign Correspondence the Most Worshipful Gran\! Lodge of Alberta was recognized. MASONIC ORPHAN AGE FOR


The Right Worshipful Grand Master announced the fact that on the secon.d day of May, 1906, the William L. Elkins Masonic Orphan,age for girls, was dedicated with Masonic ceremony in the presence of a large and distinguished audience, Brother John Weaver, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, presiding at the presentation. The estimated .value of the gift is $400,000. . SECOND QUARTERLY COl\f:MUNICATION.

This was held September 5th, A. D. 1906. Among other proceedings we find the following, referring to the San Francisco earthquake: The Ri~ht Worshipful drand !l1aster stated that he was very much pleased with the prompt and liberal response by the Craft in this Jurisdiction to the appeal for assistance fOI' the San Francisco eurtJHjuake sufferers, which was as follows: Grand'Lodgc, Subordinate Lodges, Consistories and individuals .. , . $:)3.080 90 Grand Chapter , , , .. ,., ,.. 4.79:') 50 Grand Commander)' " " ,." ""., ,.,.... :').58:) 75 Amounting to

$4R.4G2 15

Who will· say that the Brethren of the Keystone State are not "big hearted ?" IN MEMORIAM.

The deaths since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Chaplain Brother John P. Blattenberger, D. D., who died June 16, i906; Librarian Brother George P. Rupp, who died July 3, 1906, and Brother William B. Hanna, who served many years on the Committee of Appeals, who died August 4, 1906, were announced, and touching eulogies pronoun~ed on each of 'them. The Grand Master, in speaking of Bro. Hanna, says: But he gave hirnself to the law which he so ably adrnfnistered for more than thirty years. He was its zealous guardian. ambitious and i,ndefatlgable in his efforts to see that justice held the scales at equal balance, that the



unprotecled and the poor, 'tbe widows and orphans received that to which the~' were justly entitled. And I do not know that I can do better than to quote a paragl'apb which appeared in the Le,qal Intelligencer referl'ing to him: "His nature was one of thoughtfulness and consideration for others, his life upright and his examplll pure,' and his sudden and unexpected death comes as Ii severe and g'reat loss to the court over which he so long and so honorably presided, to the Bar, whose affection and respect be so universally,' and so justly commanded, and to the community at large, whom. he always so willingly and unselfishly served through the many channels of his publicspirited activity." He was a loving and devoted husband and father. and to me, personaJly, for more than forty years Brother Hanna has been a helpful, affectionate and 103'.al friend, Friendship's an abstract of love's llohle flame. 'Tis love refined and purged [l'OIll all its dross; The next to angels' love. if not tbe sallle: As strong 3S passion ¡is. t.hongh n01 so gross: It antedat.es a glad eternity, • And is a heaven in epitome, THIRD QUARTERLY.

This was held December 5, 1906. The election of Grand Officers was held, and R. W. Bro. George W. Kendrick, Jr., 'was re-electect Grand Master. This Communication was occupied in hearing and passing on the reports of the Trustees and committee managing the finances of the Grand Lodge. The books of Grand Secretary for the fiscal year ending November 15, 1906, shows: Total receipts ,. $186,703 67 To which add cash on hand November 15, 1905. . . . . . . . .. 37,557 07 $2?4,~60 74 '. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 193,067 83

Maldng a total of Amount paid out

Leaving cash balance on hand November 15, 1906 ... $ 31,192 91 ANNUAL GRAND C?MMUNICATION.

The Annual Grand Communication of the Right Wor.shipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was held at t~e City of Philadelphia December 27th, A. D. 1906, R. W. Grand Mas-ter Bro. George W. Kendric~, Jr.; presiding. ,FOREIGN



The Committee on Correspondence submitted a special report, as follows: Our information is that the Grand Lodge Yalle de "Mexico owes it)3 formation to the dividing- up of one Lodge, without authority, and calling these divisions Lodges, for the definite purpose of securing the three Lodges necessary for tbe formation of a Grand Lodg-e. Without discussing-ot.her matters connected witt the subject, this seems to your committee E'.ufficient reason for recommending that recognition .be withheld.

1907. ]


An applicatio!1 for fraternal I'ecognition, has also been received from the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina ("La Grande Loge Suisse Alpina"), Beforc the formal applicatiollwas presented, the Chairman of your Committee was approached upon the subject, and he asked for infol'mation as to thf' origin of the Lod~es composin~ that Grand Lodge. whether it was a 8ovcrciY1t ruling Masonic body. and, if regularly formed, whethel' it had made such changes in its org-anic laws as would binder its recognition by regnlar Grand Lodges. The littlc infol'mation that has heen furnislled is vel'y inadf'quate and unsatisfactor\'. , . l"u路thermol'c. the SwisS Grand Lodge Alpina. is in entil'ely frat.ernal relations with the Grand Orient of France, which. after abolisbing, in 1871, the Gl'Und Mastership, in 1877, struck from its Constitutions what has well been called "tbe first and mose important of the Ancient Landmarks," belief in tbe Great Al'chitect of the Universe. The plea that this was done for the sake of "nbsolute Iiberty.of conscience" may be true enougb, but by this act Frcnch Masonry ceased to be genuine Masonry, Under 1\11 the circumstances we are unable to recommend recogn路ition. GRAND VISITATIONS,

The Most Worshipful Grand Master K. Stevenson, and Past Grand Masters Harry J, Guthrie, of Delaware, as also New York, accompanied by his officers, with the customary honors.

of Delaware, Brother Robert Brothers Irving, Handy and the M. W. Grand Master of were admitted and received


This is a masterful document, free from generalities, with a business ring about if that is refreshing, From it we feel justifkd in making the following extracts: J,IGHTS.

In the belief tha t uniformity of symbols. as well as principles, in all Jurisdictions is vital to the success of our li'rat.ernity, I have restored 路tbe display of lights upon the Bible on the altaI'. 'J'his is a feature in most all of our sister Jurisdictions. and until within a compal'atively short time was an essential part. of our own work. 'Vithout anyexplana1ion, due care in its exposition was diminishcd and then ig'nol'ed~ and I trust this emphasis upon the subjcct wiII be sufficient to stimlllat<, among the Craft an interest. in this Instructive and educational work. The importance of t.he lights would be better appreeiatefl if Brethren became proficient in explaining their uses and advantages. ' MUSIC.

}<'l'om the time when poetl'~' was first lH'eserved in song', the power of music to excite or stimulate the emotions. and so bettel' enable the mind and heart to. grasp the longings of life, the intention of the Infinite has ever been appl'eciated. Harmony of music increases harmony among men. To my mind it is the voice of the heart to Heaven. a divine inspiration that speaketh in unmistakable tones.. I have. therefol'e. l'estored the use of instrumental music during tbe conferring of degrees, in so far that it Should not delay or interfere witb the worl" INTOXICANTS.

After thollg'htfuJ and mature deliberation. and with t.he helpful advice and encouragement of a large majority of the officers of the Lodges meeting in Philadelphia. T detel'mined to take a forward step in the approach to that self-cont.rol and stl'ength of character which al'e essential to 0111' suecess. In t.he belief that our object. should be to help the weak. as well as gnide



the ermnf, and as a further evidence of ollr desire to reach the higher mental and moral plane, even if at the cost of some physical pleasure. 1 directed that the use of intoxicants should be eliminated from any entertainmenti'! within the Temple, and frOI11 all 1'[asonic entertainments of any I,ind within the .Jurisdiction. The practically unanimous t,j)proval given hy the Craft has set tbrobbing with satisfaction the chord all'eady pleasing to every. conscience and stilTed by my heart.

We heartily endorse this action by the Grand Master, and regard it as strictly within the province of our Order, and we are not surprised that it met with "practically unanimous approval." DECISIOl'lS.

Among these we note the following: Cubes are not permitted to be used in a 路ballot. Dual membership is not permitted, It is not permissiIJle fOl' a Brother -to be a membel' of two Lodges at one and the same time, either in this .Jurisdiction or in this and another. PEHOHATION.

With the passing of years, the lessons taught and the principles enunciated by our Fraternity are receiving a wider recognition, and mal;:in~ a deeper impress upon the thought and action of our memIJers, We are learning to carry into our every day life the high ideals which our worl, exemplifies. I'}nergy of action and honesty of purpose, with路 purity of thought, and kindlines>.; of spirit, are daily actuating our members to better deeds, and with that Idndliness comes a broader spirit of chal'ity. a charity of thongllt as well as of deed, and that charity is carried as on the wing-s of a dove, to the furt.lwrmost parts of 0111' .Jurisdiction. and every feather that drops, every message that falls, is one of "peace on earth. good-will toward men:' REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE,

This is a readable compilation from the pen of our sensible Brother, James M. Lamberton, covering 245 pages, and is an exhaustive report. In his preface he aptly says: The prospel'ity of the country has been reflected in that of the Fraternity, very properly words of caution to guard well the outer door have been given by different Grand Masters.

We think, with路 him, that the requirement of documentary evidence of a visitor, in all cases, is not a wise one. The party who will try to gain admittance improperly to a Masonic Lodge will hardly hesitate at forgery, or the use of papers belonging to another, if he can get possession of them. In his reviews of Oregon, he quotes from Brother Hodson (though he calls him Brot.her Parsons), as follows: Of the Order of Eastern Star he (Brother Parsons) says: "This organization of. the women of our household is earnestly working side bv side with us fa I' the welfare of t.he bome. and the comfort and pleasui'c of, its inmat.es. They have shown by their works that they arl!o entitled to 0111' consideration and respect, and have truly earned the title of 'sister.' I believe that their hands should be upheld in the noble work In




which' they are engaged; and that they should receive our support and encouragement, so far as is possible. 1 take this occasion to thank them sincerely for the assistance and courtesies extended during my administration." That suits our ideas exactly, but we re'fer fu'l路ther comment to Brother Lamberton and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvltnia for conslderatiotl. Consider it pl'ayerfulIy, Brethren, and see if Brother Parsons is not correct. We think that Brother Parsons is, in the main, correct, but that is no reason' why a Fra,ternity such as is the Masonic Fraternity, should admit t.o the use of their hall the sisters of the Order of t.he Rastern Star, t.he Daughters of Rebecca, the Female Druids, or an~' of the other very estimable and nseful societies to which ,1Vom,cn belong.

What Brother Lambe'rton needs is an opportunity to see how our "S~sters" can do in helping the Fraternity in its work of charity. We, like him, were, up to a few months ago, wedded to our Fraternity, and were opposed to any recognition of the "Adoptive Rite," and while we think eacn Lodge ought to have a hall of its own, and occupy it exclusively, yet we find this is impracticable in many localities, yet, in view of the great help the Eastern Star renders in the 'dispensation of charity, we are willing to recognize our wives, daughters' and sisters as co-workers, and so long as they ,do not demand to know our "secrets," and are content with ceremonies of their own, we ought to put the "goat" in the vault, put the lid. on the vault and turn Jeptha's daughter, Ruth, Esther, Martha and Electa, 'loose in our. :f;.odge rooms, and are 'heartily in accord with exGovernor and Brother John L. Bates, of Massachusetts, wh:en he says: mU~h

vVhat would be the canvas withont the 'picture, or the hal'p without 'R tuneful melody, or the mountain without the valley. 01' the shore without the sea, Qt. the cloud without the blue of Heaven? Such would be humanity, were it onlY'3 brotherhood without 'n. sister. J know full wen that the value of womankind is)mpossible of estlmatiol1. J have been told by the philosopher that no man has ever been ahle to discover t.he value of a woman. 01' of a gold mine, but that many a man has ".r.:one broke" tr~'iIlg to find Ollt. And I believe it is true; but think of t.he other side. Here, in this city. the other night a young man was asking a young lady for her hand. and shc said. "No, John Hcnry, I don't: think so. How much are you worth. ?" "Oh!" he said, "I'haven't accumulated anything. J am not worth anyt.hing." "'''ell,'' she said, "I won't marry you; I won't marry a man who isn't worth ten thousand dollars." And so .John Henry went away very much sohered. cast down and disheartenel1; but. he made up his mind the prize was worth working for. The next day he went. to work. and stayed away two weeks. On his return, he said. "~fary, I have come to see you again," and she seemed, to he warmer in her recept.ion of him, but she said. ".John Henry. have you ,got t.he, tcn thollsand dollars?" He said, "No, Mary, but I have twenty-six donal'S and seventeen cents." _ All right, .John Henry. I will t.rust you for the rest." "'oman has to take man on trust. I believe that much of the st.rengt.h and power of this l"raternity throughout the world is due to the respect it teaches for sister and daughter, for the wife and the mother.

Brother Lamberton reviews Missouri for 1906, in six pages of favorable comment. He is pleased to compliment us, and we appreciate it. Compliments from such a source are wort'h having. He says: "Missouri's Senior. Past Grand Master is a Brother to be reckon~d with; he does his work well, and has a路 style路 of his own, 路fresh and G. L. Ap.-13




picturesque;" and again: "Our Brother has opinions which ,do him credit." We hope to continue to merit 'his good OpInIOn. We may "wobble" occasionally, for we sometimes feel like the unfortunate.parader who was complained' of for dnmkenness; The evidence being that he wobbled, and did not keep step. "How could I," said he, "when the band in front of me was playing 'Yankee Doodle,' and the one behind me 'Dixie?'" GEORGE W. KENDJUCK, JR., Philadelphia, R. W. Grand'Master. WILLIAM: A. 'SrNN, Philadelphia, R. W. Grand Secretary.

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-1906. Lodges, 14. Merpbers, 635. The Thirty-first Annual Communication of the Ancient and Hone orable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Prince Ed ward Island was held in Masonic Temple at Charlottetown, June 25, A. D. 1906, Brother Chas. H. S. Sterns, Grand Master, presiding. GRAND'MASTER'S ADDRESS. This message is confined to sixteen pages, but shows an earnest and creditable administration. During the year he v'isited every Lodge in his Jurisdiction, and .says:. Judging from my own ohservations, I am pleased to inform ~'ou that is flourishing. nearly every Lodge_ baving increased its membership, and the material added, in almost every case, of a very bigb order.


FRATERNAL DEAD. "We meet as a Grand Lodge with unbroken ranks. No present or Past Grand Officers being removed by death since our last Communication." . In reporting '''the distinguish~d dead of Sister Jurisdictions," he mentions two Past Grand Masters of Missouri, whom we never had the pleasure of knowing, to-wit: Brother Andrew ,H. Barclay, died December 9, 1905. Brother Irwin Miller, died April 9, 1906. We presume they "sleep well," notwithstanding the mistake. FOREIGN vrSIToRS. Prince Louis of Battenberg, and Prince Arthur of Connaught, are reported ;tS visitors, while a路 visit, from the. Duke of Connaught, prese

.1907. ]



ent Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England, was expecte~ in September, and that of the Sovereign, Kipg Edward VII, and his royal consort later on. DISPENSATIOKS. Out of seven Dispensations granted, five were to "confer the degree in shorter time. than that allowed by the Constitution." The Committee on Grand Master's Address made the. following sensible report on路 that part of it: We re,g.ret to note that so many Disp~nsations were asked fol' to confel' degrees in less time than pt'ovided by the Constitution. We think every effort should be made to discourage making Masons of men who have lived among us fOI' y.ears and not entered OUl' ranks. but attempt to do SQ at the last - moment when lenving our province to mal,e their homes elsewhere. It looks too ,much like asking us to set ollr seal of approval upon them. to be' used to advance their material inter~sts in the land of their adoption. If they have not thought it worth while to come in with us while making' their hoinrs here, let them first sufficiently establish their character' among the Brethren in the land of their adoption before being. admitted into om; ranks.



Receipts Expenditures

$950 16 249 49

Balance on hand .June 25, 1906



$700 67

FORl;;IGN HECOGNITlON'. The CommittEe on Foreign Correspondence recommended the reco'gnition of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of ~lberta, which was adopted. GRAND OFFICERS-A NEW DEAL. We note that in the shuffle the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens were retired, and some "new brooms" brought in. The Grand Secretary's signature, fortunately, is in print among the Proceedings, as it appeared, at the close of the Proceedings we read it "Free Hackline," and were relieved when we found that it was "Neil Mackelvie." No report on correspondence. W. K. ROGE.RS, Charlottetown, Grand Master. NEIL MACKELVIE, Summerside, Grand Secretary.


[ Sept.

QUEBEC-1907. Lodges,6L

Members, 5,48S.

The Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Quebec, Ancient 'Free and Accepted Masons, held its Thirty-seventb Annual Communication in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, on the 13th day of February; A. D. 1907, M. W. Bro. David Ames Mason, Grand Master, presiding. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is a sensible, pleasing Address, showing a business administration, prompted by a sincere love for the Order, and the following, from bis opening remarks is practical' as well as pertinent: It is pleasing to note that the tide of prosperity which has so abundantly advanced the matel'ial well-being of cur country during recent years, shows no sign of abatement. . It is also pleasing to note that Masonry, with us, parallels the prosperity and activity of 0111' country. The future for botil is full of fairest promise. It may be well for 'us, as Canadians, certainly as Masons, to see to it that our growth be not one-sided. That, while we take our full share in the material progl'ess of OUl' country, we forget not that 'tis Righteousness exalteth a nation. That the art of right living, "and the happy reflection consequent upon a well-spent life," are more to be desired than the cattle on a tllousand hills, I)Of:,sessrd as the price of fraud, the wage of greed and inhumanit~路,

These considerations should inspire us with wholesome zeal in the effort to shield our Order from the influence of self-seeking and designing aspirants to its honors. '1'0 th::t end it will become our duty more closely路 to scrutinize' the character and worthiness of those who seek to enter our ranks, Xot alone from t!le outside, however, is there danger. "OUl' foes a re ever near us, Around us a'1d w:th111." We have often been advised to see that none but worthy men are admitted to our Order, but let us endeavor also to see to it that the worthy candida te on admission finds us also worthy. If we would have I\fasonrywhat its votaries claim it to be; if we desire it to attraet 'worthy men, we must not forget that its design is to aid us in living bette,路 liveR, Vnless this fact b~ remembered and exemplified in our Iivt's. we shall be Masons only in name, a stumbling block to our Brethren. 3nd a revroach to our Order, FHAN"CF..

The unhappy differences now ~xistlng between Church and State in Jj'rance are attributed in various quarters to the machinations of the. Ma.sonic 1<'ratemity of that country, It is one of the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, as understood and practiced within the BritiSh E'mpire, .the American Union, and throughout the world g-enel'all~', witll very few exceptions, to abstain fl'om interference with the relig;ioils faith or political' convictions of its members, Hence may be seen, volithiu Masonic circles in t.hese countries, members of the Craft professing, different. religious creeds, and holding different political views, fraternizing tog-ether in perfect amity, good-felrowship and accord, ~Ve hold no cOl'l'espondence or relationship with those Masonic bodies who have abandoned these principles" IN MF.MORIAl\'!.

Under this head he announces the dEath on the 19th of April, 1906, of Past Grand Master Edson Fitch.




Appendix. Rl)LINGS.

He correctly rules against the following by-law: All applications for initiation must be referred to a committee of three, appointed secretly by the Master, and they ~hall report to the Standing Committee, who in return shall report on the same at the next regular Communication. MY RULIKG


The advantages of this measure are not apparent. It would create a division in the Lodge by excluding members from knowle~ge of its proceedings. " It would conceal from member8 the composition of a Committee, whose report should guide them in casting tIle it' ballots. It would proclaim a Masonic Lodge unworthy of its own confidence. It does not appear in harmony with the spirit or letter of t~e Constitution,

He路 also ruled against a Lodge creating a life membership in the Lodge, except by by-law, which must contain the terms imposed, and against the dedication of leased halls. SAN FRANCISCO.

The appalling disaster which visited San Francisco in April last evoked, uniyersal sympathy and a general desire to fender aid to the sufferers by that dire calamity. The Subject of contributing to the relief fund was under advisement when the declaration of the Chief Magistrate of that country, to the effect that the American people neither solicited, desired, nor required outside aid, gave a new and rather peculiar aspect to the subject.' Having regard to the fact that the chief necessities for the. relief of the sufferers wel'e means of transportation and distribution of supplies, to which we were powerless to contribute. That there was actually, and still C0n tinl1es to be, a plethora of relief fnnds, so stated by Masonic and other boards of relief. That to effusively proffer ::tid to a wealthy, spit'ited, and self-reliant people, without necessity, and against. theil' expressed wishes, in the name of Benevolence, woul<) appeal', at least to some people, as of doubtful propriety. . ,. I decided to defer action till our line of duty was more clearly defined. I fully I'calized th~t any measure of relief that we could have worthily and sntisfactorily gl'unted, would receive J,our heai'ty approval. DISTRICT 1I1EETINGS.

These District Meetings may be regal:ded as helpful in many ways in promoting what is best in Masonic life. , They bring neighboring Lodges together in Frat.ernal intercourse an(1 good fellowship. They cult.ivate the social virtues. They stimulate a desire fOl' excellence of work, They enable the Grand Lodge Officers to meet the' ~I'aft oft.~n.er than could otherwise be for encouragement and discipline, riley exhibit to all men how good an(1 how ple::tsant a thing it is for Hl'ethren to dwell together in unity. PICTUHE.

A striking photog'ravure of the Grand Master-elect, with the usual Regalia, Badges, etc., forms the frontispiece to the Proce~dings, and impresses us' with his peculiar fitness for the office of Grand Master. We predict for him a successful and satisfactory administration, FINANCES . .

The receipts are the largest in the history of Grand Lodge. The sum of $6,634.75 has been received and duly handed to t.he Grand



Treasurer, as per vouchers, an increase of $274.75 over last year. Of this amount $2,562.25 was received for the Permanent Benevolent Fund, and $4,072.50 oil a~count of the General Fund. GRAND CRAPLAIN'S DISCOURSE.

R. W. Bro. The Rev. Rural Dean Carmichael delivered a pointed and instructive discourse on the nature and tenets of our Institution. EULOGY.

An impressive picture of M. W. Bro. Edson Fitch, Past 'Grand Master, is given in connection with a feeling eulogy, pronounced in touching language by Past Grand Master E. T. D. Chambers: "To him death was not So much 3S the lifting of a latch, Only a step in the open air, Out from a tent already lnminolls~ With light that shines .through its transparent wall." By all who knew' him, his loss is most deeply deplored. ":\Tow the :Masons monrn. Through Temple chambel's their dead Master fallenThe clear intelligence, the genial soul, The :ips replet e wit h wisdom, quenched and stilled; '.thE' J路tlffian Death has met and struck his prey. And from the quaITy to the Mount, all mourn." ImpORT ON



This is the Eighteenth Annual Review by M. W. Bro. E. T. D. Chambers, Past Grand Master, and from start to finish shows that he is an "old hand at the bellows." From his introduetion we quote the following, .and be~r witness to its truth: ,

It is no light tas;, to even glance intelligently at the varied contents of the sixty odd vol1imes come from the various Grand Lodges with whom we exchange reports. In many cases these reports are much larg-er than- 0111' own, and full. from cover to coveJ', with the exception of some statistical tables, with ina tter for ~aretlll perusal, mature reflection, and occasiona Ily, for courteous crHicism. MOl'eover, there are thousands of pages of most valuable Masonic literature 'scattcrert throughout the~e different reports, which al'e well worthy of reproduction in our own reviews. There al'e learned dissertations on the history, the legends, the traditions and the antiquity of our Order from those who have given almost life路long study to these subjects. There are magnificent homilies upon the moral. the mental and social features of Freemasonry, from Grand Chlipluins and ')l'ators. There are instructive discussions and authorized decisions on many subjects of Masonic jurisprudence which are of tbe utmost importance, not. only to Officel's' of Grand and Subordinate. IJodges, but also to every active member of the Craft. It is this magnitude and confusing variety of the material at his disposal that tends to appall the Grand Lodge Reviewer at the outset of his task, even with a thir~ of a century's editorial experience behind him. He naturally 3"earns to sharI;' with his Brethren the best of the intellectual feast to which he himself sets down. I~ it any wonder that he should endeavor




to be brief in his own remarks, in 'order to have the IDOl'e 拢pace at his disposal for conveying to his reade:'s as many as possible of the gems of Masonic literature, which come to him,

He has this to' say about----;PSEUDO-MASONRY,

While no new subjects of importance have appeared upon the Masonic horizon during the past ye-ar, there has probably been more public discussion of certain so-called Fref'masonry during the last few months than ever before: consequent upon the struggle in li'rance between the authorities of Church and State, and the pertinacity with which the members of the Grand Orient of France, and of its Subordinate Bodies, cling to the name of Masonry, despite their repudiation of its essential characteristics. It would be no credit to Freemasonq were 路the statesmen who are persecuting ministers of religion and effacing all reference to the Deity from the coins of their realm, members of the Craft. That they claim to be' so there is no doubt. That their enemies-both in the clerical press of France and in the French newspapers of C:mada-call them Freemasons, is perfectly true, But neither the one nor the other of these claims constitute these men members of the Ol'der. There can not possibly be any Freemasonry without Masonic Light, and there can be no Masonic Light, where, as in France, the first great Light of Masonry-the Volume of the. Sacred Law-has been banished from the Lodges, and with it all necessity for a belief in the existence of the Great Architp.ct of tlH' Universe. There is then but darkness visible, unillumined by any light from above. Lodges of men calling themselves Freemasons have doubtless afforded conveni<mt meeting places for the "stupid atheists" who bring discredit upon the Masonic name by their vain contentions, but legitimate Freemasonry has neithe,' part nOl' parcel with them, either in their work or in their Ritual and their teachings.

In his review of Arkansas, in speaking of the approval of the decisions of the, Grand -Master, he thus aptly remarks: One of the exceptions, however, shows the. danger 'of going into extremes in the matter of making an~ enforcing prohibitive laws unknown to the Fathers of Masonry. The Grand Mastel' decided that the action of a Brother in keeping books for a wholesale and retail liquor and cigar company as an auxiliary employment, doing' much of the work at home and having no interest in the business and nothing to do with the sales, was not violating the edicts forbidding Masons to engage in the business of selling intoxicating liquors. The majority of the Committee that passed on the decisions uphel(J the Grand Mastel', bnt Grand Lodge adopted the minority report. It would be interesting to know the fate of the Masons, if any there were who assisted to build or furnish the establishment whose books the Brother kept, or who grew the grain from which the'liquor was distllled ..

We do not understand why the Proceedings of Missouri did not re'ach our good Brother Cham1?ers, but we do understand that this is the reason why they were not reviewed. We'll have to send out a "tracer" and fin4 out where the trouble lies. ' M. W. BI~O. GEORGE 0 .. STANTON, Montreal, Grand Master, R. W. BRO. '\YILL H. WHYTE, Montreal, Grand Secretary,




QUEENSLAND-190S. Lodges, 44.

Members, 1,700.

A special Communication of the G;rand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Queensland, was held at Brisbane, July 26, A.' D. 1905, M. W路. Grand Master Bro. G. S. Hutton, presiding. The Grand Master announced that, acting on the precedents set by other Grand Lodges, it was not considered necessary to obligate the Grand Master every time he was elected, and he "was then pro~laimedas installed in the chair for the next twelve months, and until a successor shall be elected and installed in his stead." GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS,

The Grand Master began his remarks by calling attention to the death of the late District Grand Master of the English Constitution, the Honorl!ble Sir Augustus Gregory, and thus closes his brief eulogy: As an .exemplary citizen, one who gave services of incalculable value to the State, his name will be a lasting- memory in Australia. From amongst we Masons he has passed, loved and revered, to a well-earned rest in the Gt'and Lodge above. "May our minds be. squared and OUl' souls prepared, Like his, in Virtue centred, For t.he "Lodge of Light' In those regions bright, Where we kno\v his spirit's entered."

After speaking of the installation of himself in October by the Grand Master of Ne~ South Wales, Most Worshipful Brother Lieutenant-Colonel John C. Remington, who, with his Grand Lodge Officers, had made the journey to Brisbane, the Grand Master asked the Grand Lodge to constitute Brother Remington under the Constitution a member of the "Grand Lodge, with the rank of Past Grand Master, "as a token of the love and esteem in which he is held," which was unanimously done. ENGLAND; SCOTLAND AND IRF.LAXD.

The Grand Master says: '.rhe Grund LQdges of England, Scotland and Ireland still remain aloof, a fact which does not Sllrprise me in the case of the lll'st two named, as doubtless they have been entirel:/' influenced by the antagonism displayed by 1:he local rU!l:'rs of the Constitutions, bnt with Ireland it is different. Before takIng any action towal'ds the fOI'mation of this Grand Lodge, as Provincial Grand Mastel' of the Il'ish Constltutioll, I put t.he matt~r frankly before my then Chipf, not with the idea of obtaining consent for the formation of this Grand Lodge, which neither the Gmnd Master of Ireland, nor any other Grand Master in the world has the power to give, but simply out of personal loyalty. There could be no misconception about the terms of my letter, and the reply brought full approval of my personal action, Nothing was 'lone in a hurry, bnt every stEp was carefully talwn, so that we should keep w(~ll within bounds and precedents. The course I followed was parallel with




t hat of Sir Gerald Smith, District Grund M~stel' of the English Constitution in Western Australia, when the Grand Lodge in that State was established, and that Grand Lodge obtained almost immediate recognition frl)m the Grand Lodge of England, whilst Fraternal relations with us arc still withheld by' Ireland, and, judging by 'the. Grand Secretary's letter of 22d li'ebruary, our last Communieation; bearing date of 12th January, 1905, was not even submitted to the Board of General Purposes. SPECIAL COM:M:UNICAT ION S.

\ A number of Special, ,Adjourned, as weli as the regular Quarterly' Communications were held, the principal work being the consideration of the draft of the Book of Constitution. ' It was (voted that the Representatives of the Grand Lodge near other Grand Lodges should be constituted members of the Grand Lodge of Queensland, with the rank 'of Past Grand Warden. The receipts for the year ending May 31, 1905, were nearly $2,000 less than the expenditurEs, but this was due to extraordinary expenses 'attending ,the starting of the Grand Lodge. At the March Quarterly, record is made of, the letter of Grand Secretary Sinn, advising the Brethren of the actiOn of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania" in according recognition and .wishing them prosperity. It. was, announced that the following fifteen Grand Lodges had accorded recognition: New. South Wales, Western Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Italy, Mississippi, Nova Scotia, Valle de Mexico, D'Haite, Georgia, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Pennsylvania and North Dakota. At the June Quarterly, the Grand Master asked that the unanimous renomination which had been given him be withdrawn, when he would propose for Grand Master the Governor of the Colony, Brother His Excellency Lord Chelmsford, which was dQne, and that Brother was elected by acclamation. It is be.1ieved that this action will very materia~ly hasten the bringing of peace and harmony among the Masons of Queensland'. Most Worshipful Brother His Excellency Lord Chelmsford, of Brisbane, Grand Master; Very Worshipful Bro. Charles H. Harley, of Brisbane,. Grand Secretary, continued.

'RHODE ISLAND-1906. Lodges, 37. Members, 6,483. A clear-cut picture of Grand Master Joseph W. Freeman forms the frontispiece to the volume of Proceedings. The Semi-Annual Communication was held November 20th, A. D. 1905, at which routine路 business was transacted. Special Communi-




cations were held December 2d, A. D. 1905, and May 7, 1906, for the purpose of laying corner-stone, at the first of which an appropriate eulogy on Masonry was delivered by M. W. Bro. William H. Scott, and 'af the second an appropriate eulogy by M. W. 'Bro. Elisha H. Rhodes, and an address by Brother Chester W. Barrows. The One Hundred and Sixteenth Annual Communication of the Most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for the State of RJ;1ode Island and Providence Plantations was held at Providence on the 21st day of May, A. D. 1906, M. W. Bro. Joseph Wood Freeman, Grand Master, presiding. M. W. Bro. Walter E. Ranger, Grand M~ster of Masons in Vermont, was present., and upon being introduced and welcomed as a visitor, responded in a happy manner, and we extraet the following historic allusion for the benefit of our readers: In the anti-Masonic times of three-quarters of a century ago Masonry in Vermont, as in some other plRcl's, was forced ncar the 'verge of destrnction. In no other State WNe its devotees more relentlessly persecuted. Driven from offices of honor and trust, refused social recognition, Cllt off fl'om relations of profession or business; denied by relatives and fl'iends, tbe weak sought safety' by renouncing "Masonry, while the strong sturdily endured the tempest of popular anger and abuse. Vermont elected two governors on an anti-Masonic issue, and was the only State to choose presidential electors for 'Villiam Wirt, the candidat.e of the anti-Mason party. Many Lodges were disbanded, meetings were held but secretly and rarely, the Grand Lodge did not convene for several years; in truth, the voke of the ancient faith seemed to be silenced and the light and life of the rite dead. Nothing can bettel' evidence the indestructibility of Masonic truth and the powel' of Fraternity. The passing winds of violent persecution served to winnow the chaff from t.he wheat. Through these years the strong and true kept the faith, and, however dimly, the flame on Masonic altars here and t.here failed not to send forth its beams of light. l\Iasonry meant more to its votades than evel' before, and when the storm was past a newer and purer Masonry . was ready to sprln.~ into larger and more beneficent life. Without doubt such'hard experience has givpn to Vermont Masonry something of its serious earnestness, stf>rn loyalty and reserved dignity, which ha~ established it. In good repute before the public. Tuday Vermont has a Mason for every thirty of population, and one in evel;y eight men of lawful age. a ratio probably unparalleled. From the weakest in Ma~onry she has berome one" of the st.rongest. And the loyal Bret.hren scattered among .her hill~ do not forget zealously to conserve tbe principles and practiees for which the fathers slltTercd ..

We recall being in the Grand Lodge of Missouri, at St. Louis, when an aged and prominent citizen who had "deserted his post" in time of trial, sought the privilege of visiting the Grand LQdge, but was reluctantly -but openly denied the privilege. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is a well-worded; business paper, covering some ten pages. NECROLOGY.

The list includes one Past Grand Officer, that of Brother William J. Underwood, Past Junior Grand Warden, who died January 27, 1906. After enumerating the list the Grand 路Master says:




May we each strive to emulate their virtues and by theil' example be strengthened in our own lives, remembering that The day is fixed that there shall come to me A strange, mysterious guest; The time I do not know-he· keeps the dateSo all I )lave to do is work and wait, And keep me at my hest, And. do my common duties patiently.

CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKK The Grand Treasurer reports having received $3,091.31 for the California Relief Fund in response to Gr~nd Master's appeal. FOREIGN RECOGNITION. Upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence the Grand Lodges of Alberta and Porto Ri'co were severally recognized. SPECIAL COMM.UNICATION. A Special Communication was held June 2d, A. D. 1906, for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the Roger Williams Baptist Church. R€v. Brother Levi Brooks Edwards deliyered an eulogy on Masonry, in which he is pleased to say: The Grand Lodge has not been invited t6 lay this corner-stone simply' because of its beautiful ana impressive Hitual observed for such occasions. We admire and enjoy the. service now being participated in,. but it is for that back of the Ritual, and which is only symbolized by it, the high idealR, the noble purposes, the pure principles of the Craft-these. and these only. mal<e t.he Craft worthy to he called upon to perform such an act as the la~ving of a corner-stolw of a Christian' church.. . Permit me on this occasion to call your attention to a distinction or two between the <:hri8tian Church a'nd .Freemasonry. Possibly 1 should preface these distinctions or dilTerencl~s by saying that - we might notlee many likenesses hetween the church and Freemasonr~', and perhaps none more pronounced than tha t in each there may be found "black sheep." Those who are in but not of "the fold" or "the Cra.fL" 'rhis fact is not 'to be nsed to the discredit of either the church or the Craft.

We find no report on Foreign Correspondence, WALTER ACKMAN PRESDREY, Providence, Grand Master. S. PENROSE WILT~IAMS, Providence, Grand Secretary.

SOUTH CAROLINA-1906. Lodges, 262,

Members, 10,408,

The One Hundredth and Thirtieth Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina, convened in tlieCity of Charleston, December 11th, A. D. 1906. A photograph likeness of Br:other Francis E. Harrison, Grand Master, 1906-7, form~ ,the frontispiece to the Proceedings, while a




fine I,)icture of Brother Jacob T. Barron, the newly-appointed Grand Secretary to fill the vacancy occasioned by the 'death of R. 'w. Bro. Charles Inglesby, who died on the 26th of March, 1906. GRAND MASTER'S AU])UESS.

This is a strictly business message, showing an able. and efficient administration. NECROLOGY.

He thus announces the death of R. W. Bro. Charles Inglesby: Ofttimes in the summer heat, a chilling wind reminds us of the coming winter, and when the sun is at. its meridian height and splendol' a cloud will obscure his face fOI' a season, suggesting tha t nght will' overtake IlS by and by. . So in the midst of OUI' joys today comes the thought that some seats al;e vacant; we miss some kindly gTPetings and wal'm welcomes; and we remember that some of our fl'iends have gone from among us. "thile the tear:,; dim our eyes and sadness fills our hearts, let us remember that the faithful Craftsmen who labor in the quarries below drop the working tools one by OIle, to reassemble in the peaceful, blissful presence of our' God. Death has invaded the mnks of the official circle of this Grand Lodge but once in the past year .. On Mar(~h :!()th. in路 the city of Columbia, after a protracted illness, IL 路W. Bro. Chas. Inglesby, Grand SecI'etary, passed away.

In November,. 1874, Brother Inglesby was appoint.ed Grand Secretary, was duly elected by the Grand Lodge at the Annual Communication of the sam'e year, and had heen continuously elected every year since. STATE OF THE CRA FT:

This is spoken of in these words: In all the years of varying adversity and prospel'ity which .have passed since the organization of this Grand Lodge. I believe that none can equal the record of the one just ('losing for progress, harmony and general prosperit.y of Masonry in ~Olltll. Cal路olina. 'While, in some instances. situations of considerable dlllieacy have arisen. a happy outcome has been the result of tactful dealing on the par.t of the officel's cha!'gl~d with them. 'rlle!'e have been many Masonic gatherings. where ~everal Lodges would assemble to~et1ll'r for tOut11al pleasure ,find profit, and I am sure that: they haY(' bePTI j)rcdnctiYe of lasting lwuefit. ::IfASO;o.:IC

no?>! fl.

Pu!'suant to the resolution adopted at our last Annual Communication. a 'committee was appointed to look into the feasibility and advisability of establishing a Masonic I-lome. This committee, with n. W. Bro. .James R . .Johnson as Chairman, has performed this dllty and has a report to. submit which will be laid before you at the proper time.

The Grand Master shows ,his good sense. and loyalty t.o Ancient Craft Masonry in the following: PIWPOSI~D


You have for consideration a proposed amendment to Article -III of Const.itution, which was suhmitted at the last Annual Communication. 'I'his a.mendment reads as follows: ' "Amend Article III of Chapter XIV of Constitution by adding the fol.lowing; 'Provi,ded, That such maiming or dismemberment which does not






actually prevent a' candidate from fUlfilling all the requirements of his obligations, shall not be a disqualifying physical disability.''' The consideration of this amendment will naturally involve discussion of the question of physical perfection as one of the qualifications of the candidate, ,a 'doct.rine which has been strictly adhered to, so far as I know, by this Grand rJodge since its organization. . So radical a departure from our law and long-established 'custom demands the most careful consideration. I am. sure t.hat you will reflect upon the far-reaching consequences of such action before adopting t.his amendment to the Organic Law of our Grand J u l'isdiction.

It flffords US much satisfaction to find that when this amendment came before the Grand Lodge there were found 246 stalwart Masons, who reverence the ancient landmarks, to vote again!?t it, and the amendment was lost." DECISIONS.

• Twenty-two decisions were rendered. The Committee on Jurisprudence properly overruled decision No. i 7, to the effect "that in . case the testimony of profanes can not be obtained, through wilful neglect on their part to 3:ppear; it would be proper for the members of the committee' to state, upon their honor as Masons, what these profanes said." This decision is at war with some of the fundamental principles of the law of evidence, viz.: The accused has the right to be brought face to face with his accusers, and, again, if the law permitted facts to be proved by evidence of what others said, the proofs in a cause might be made up of sayings of third persons, not under oath, and not subject to cross-examination. 'Such testimony is totally inadmissible. Decision No. 19 is as follows: 1!"Hh. Can a Lodge open with less than seven Mastel' :Masons present? AXSWF:R: A Lodge of :\1. 1\1.'s is compcsed of three 01' more: of F. C.'s of five 01' rnore: and of E. A.'s of seven 01' more. Hence a Lodge may be opened in finy of the negrees named above, provldea the minimum numher prescribed for each is present.

We do .not understand how the purging and tyling of' a Lodge can be done with only three present. We think the Missouri law better, viz.: Quo1"1l1n.-No Ledge shall be opened nor any business transacted. nor work done, unless there be present seven Mastel' Masons. members of the Lodge.

We remember when old Doc Saunders once said, in our Grand Lodge: "A Lodge of Entered Apprentices is seven Master Ma'sons at work in the Entered Appr~ntice Degree." GI~AND TREASURER'S. REPORT.

Receipts Payments

' : ' $25,397 84 :............................... 12,057 73

Balance on hand December 11, 1906


$13,340 11






'l'he Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized, while the applications' of Grand Lodges of Mexico, Queensland. and Switzerland were received as information, and deferred, awaiting further Masonic light. IN MEMORIAM.


The Committee to Draft' Resolutions and Memorial to the late Br'?ther Charles Inglesby, submitted a touching and eloquent tribute to his many virtues. They say: 'l.'he' Histol'Y of Masonry, its philosophy and its 0 teachings, were to bim an open hoole While he prized the forms and ceremonies of the Order. the underlying principles received his deepest love, lIe unlh\rstood, as few Masons have, the beauties and glories of Masonry, its highest aims and its noblest purposes. His comprehensive and very interesting Rcpol'LS on Foreign Cor. respondence-for nearly a third of Ii centul'y-haH~ given to him an enviable reputation as a Masonic .Jurist. His native ahility. his extensive reading, and his profound study gave to him such knowledge ()f the history and traditions of our ancient路 and honorable Institution, that he \vas regarded as authority on all questions of Masonic law and usage. Brave and fearless in maintaining the rigbt, he was bold and aggressive in denouncing the wrong. His was a knightly natUl'e, hrave, tender and true. He was loyal and faithful to every interest of :\1a80nry, was ambitious for its glory, and for the fulfillment of its mission. *' * '" * '" * '" Some day, somewhere, when we have laid aside the working tools of life, when we shall have passed through the valley of the shadow, we shall meet our Brothel' face to face, we shall once mOl'e gr,asp his hand with the strong grip of a Master ~Iason-the griv that is strongel' than death, the grip uy which we shall be raised from' the level of time to the life and light and splend()I' of a glorious immortality. Brethren, a mighty Craft.sman works no more With maul and level, plumb and squal'c ilnd liDe: His tools lie idle on the clwckered 11001'The workman gune llllOU the ::\laster's sign, 'Yet, true and polished there his ashlar stands, 'rhe chiseled witness of his eunning skill. The name of "Inglesby" glistens in its sands---Thl;) Temple waits the stone on Salem's Hill. VIS [TORS


'M. W. Bro. E. W. Durant, Past Grand Master of Minnesota, was introduced, and received with the Private Grand Honors. SPECIAL ORDER FOR MASONIC HOME.

The Committee on the Masonic Home reported the following resolutions, which were adopted: nC801ved, 1st, That a Masonic Home be estahlished. 2, Thnt, on the first: day of January of each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, the Grand Treasul'el' be directed to pay over to the Board of . Trustees of the Masonic. Home such amount as may be in excess of the cunent. expenses for the year. ""hich amonnt shall be invested in some safe interest-bearing securities, and be held till the sum shall he sufficient for the purpose of establishing the same. 4. The Board of 'l'rustees are hereby empowered to proceed to the selection of a site and the ereetion of a Masonic Home. when in their judgment it' is practicable 01' wise to commence the same. . I

1907. ]



TESTIMONIAL. M. W. Bro. John R. Bellinger, Past Grand Master, was presented with a beautiful goIa watch as' a token of friends~ip by the Brethren over whom he had so kindly and forcibly presided for the last two years: COI{RESPONDENCJ<: REPORT.

This is the "maiden" effort of Brother J. T. Barron" who succeeds' Brother Inglesby as Grand Secretary and Chairman of. rhe Committee on Foreign Correspondence. He says: . I have endeavored to make such extracts and emphasize such matters as I believe interest our South Carolina Craftsmen. and aid tbem in understanding our la\vs and more fUIl J' appreciate the sublime principles of Freemasonry.' .

He has certainly made a good beginning, and we doubt not will prove tobe "the right man in the right place." He reviews Missouri for 1905, noting the prominent proceedings without comment. He says of our report: Brother Rufus Eo Andel'i?on takes the place vacated at the Round Table by Brother Vincil, and furnishes a most complete review of the l'rocccding-s of all Grand Lodges that he could lay h!s h~nds upon.

We beg leave to assure him that it was 'because the proceedi.ngs of South Carolina were not within our reach, that they were not reviewed. We have not only enjoyed, but profited in reading the copy before us, and hope to have them regularly hereafter. M. W. FRANK g. HARH~SON, AlJbeville. Grand Master, R. Vol. JACOB T. BARRON, Columbia, Grand Secretary. The next Annual Communication win be held at Charleston, De: cember 10th, A. D. 1907.

SOUTH DAKOTA - 1906. LodgES, 108. MemlJers, 6,336. The Thirty-second Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancien t Free and Accepted Masons of the State. of South Dakota was held' in the City of Sioux Falls, commencing Tuesday, .June 12, A. D. 1906, M. W. Bro. E. D. Brockman, Grand Master, presiding: ' These "Proceedings" in general make-up and typographical execution, compare favorably with any whfch have come to our table. A fiile picture of Brother Edgar D. Brookman, Grand Master, forms the frontispiece, with a short biography accompanying the same.




An Emergent Communication was held at Sioux Falls, October 10, 1905, for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the Masonic Templ~and Library. Past Grand Master Ivan'.W. Goodner was the orator of the day, and thus introduces his splendid address: Most


Grand Master, Brethren and Friends:

'I'he ceremony of laying the comer-stone is one that has come down to us [l'om the past ages unaccompanied by any history of its origin. All we' know. about it is that it has existed from a time when the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. Indeed, as far back as the time when the Supreme Architect of the Universe was chiding .Job for his complainings, we find it recorded that the Almighty demanded of Job: 'Vhere wast thou, when I laid the foundation of the eart.h? Declare, since t.hou hast such Imo\vJedge'! Who fixed its dimensions, since thou knowest! Or who stretched ou t the Ii ne UJlon it? Cpon .what were its foundations fixed? And who laid its corner-stone, When the rooming stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy? And in the gospels of YIatthew. :\'1ark and Luke, mention is made that, "'i'he stone which the, builders rejected, the same has becoTl1e the head of the corner !" . The corp.er-stone does not apprar to have bren adopted by any of the heathen natioIH;, hut to have descended from t.he .Jews to the Christians.

At" the regular Communication an Address of welcome in behalf of Minnehaha Lodge; No. p, and Unity Lodge, No. 130, was made by Brother Park Davis, Past GrandMaster of Vermont. This was responde~ to by Past Grand Master Goo. V. Ayres; who happilJ: introduced his remarks as follows: M. W. Grand Ma.stcr and


Like the Brother from Sioux Falls who has extended t.he welcome t.o this Grand Body, j have been ealIrd upon to respond without notice and therefore' have no prepared I'esponse: however, the Brethren of Sioux Falls, and I might indude all the citb:ens of this beautifUl city, remind me of a st.ory: An old' dai'key was aslwd if prayers were ever answeI'ed. and in reply said, "Some prall's am answerl'd and some prah's am not answered. Now, aftah the late wah us cullud people wah very pooh and our neighboh, ~:fassah ;Jones, had lots of nice chickens arid I prahed de Lord to send lil1e some of ~fassah .Jones ehic1,ens, but dose prah's was never answered. I then changed and pl'llh'd de Lord to send me after some of Massah Jones' ehicli:ens, and that' pra'h was answered before da~'Iight the next morning'.路' Now, the Idea I desire to con VeY is tha t the Sioux Falls TIrethren and citizens do not sit down and pray the Lord to Rend them \vhat they want,. but on the eontrary. pray t.he LOl'd to send them after it and very seldom fail to get what they are after. ' GRAND :MASTER'S ADDRESS.

His introductory remarks were' not only. eloquent, but breathe' the true Masonic spirit. . He thus speaks of the "State of the Craft:" The records will show 'a ,substantial increase in our members, an im~' provement in our material welfa re and a noteworthy increase .in the number On no part of this Grand .Jurisdiction has t.here been any falling off 01' weakening in our ranks. The growth of our Order has kept pace ';vith the splendid material development of our young State, and the fut.ure is big. with promise. of new Lodges organb:ed.





The Bi-centennial of , Benjamin Franklin's birthday, on January 17th, .was generally observed throughout the JuJ:-isdiction, and in mentioning this fact' the Grand Master says: . ~'he beautiful and comprehensive prayer which he formulated for himself for daily use may very fitly be adopted by every true Mason: "0 bountiful Goodness! 0 bountiful Father! 0 merciful God! increase in me that wisdom which discovers my truest interest, strengthens' my resolutions to perform what that wisdom dictates. Accept my kind office to thy other children as the only return in my power for thy continual blessing to me." DISPENSATIONS.

Under this head the' Grand Master very properly remarks: I have no sympathy with the prevailing idea of railroading anyone through

the Degrees of Masonry, and as a consequence I have refused many Dispensations ·when it did not seem to me that the interest of the Craft would be promoted. '

And then makes this timely suggestion: In most, of the cases whei'e I declined to grant Dispensations to confer Degrees out of time, I have sugg-ested that where a candidate had received any part of the work in the Lodge in which he had been elecled, and was obliged to leave before he had received the remaining Degrees, it would be better for the home Lodge. to request the Lodge nearest to where the candidate was to locate to complete the wOl'k for ,them. GRAND TREASURER'S REPORT.

Receipts ; ,Disbursements

'7' •••••••••• : •••••••••••••••••••••••• $11 ,619

61 5,347 34

Balance in General Fund Cash in Grand Charity ,Fund Grand total in all funds


$ 6,272 27 " 2,178 72

: .. '


$ 8,~50 99


On motion of Brother Daniel A. Brown, Committee' on Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Alberta was duly rec9gnized. DEDICATION,



At 7: 30 o'clock -p. m., the Grand Lodge was convened for the purpose of dedicating the New Masonic Temple. Reminscences connected with the organization of the Grand Lodge were given by Brother Thomas H. Brown, Past Grand Master, and a 'photograph of the'· building at Elk Point, where the first Convention was held" is given. G. L. Ap.-14






An interesting paper on "Our Masonic Genealogy" was read by Brother S. A. Brown, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, accompanied bya map showing the date and IOGation of. Grand Lodges in the United States. An Address was delivered by Rev. M. F. Montgomery, appropriate to'the-occasion, of which we must be content to give the conclusion: If we can not make t.his world a tolcrable world, a dwclling place fit for sons of God. a place to which angels lllay come wit.hout. salling their wings; if we call not live as sons of God here, there is no use talking about heaven and singing about ]laradise. You and J are to make heaven; and if we can not make it in one place, we have no reason 1.:0 believe, wccan in another. So gird yourself fOI' the work .

'Watch The Henew And

and fight and pray battle ne'er give o'e)', it boldly every day help divine implore. EASTEHN STAR ..

At the sound of the ga~el the attention of the members, wel;e called to the fact that a dâ‚Źleg~tion from the Grand Chapter O.E. S. were without; they were invited within the'room and presented the following resolution: llesol1;ed, That the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of the State of South Dakota hereby express its appreciation of the Fraternal greeting from the GI'and Lodge of the' A, Ii'. and A, 1f.of the ,State of Sout.h Dakota, and sincerely hopes that the Idndly and Fraternal feeling between the t.wo Grand Bodies may continue, .

Brother Ivan W. Goodner, for the Grand Master, responded in a few well chosen words, and the lad,ies retired. On the last page of the Proceedings we have a pleasing picture of the Baptist Church, Vermillion, S. D'., where the first. Communication of the Grand Lodge was held. FORE!G'" COHIU-:SPOI\'DE)<CE.

This report is furnished by Past Grand. Master S. A. Brown, and includes a review of Latin-American Masonry by R. W. Bro. Francisco de P. Rodriquez, Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence of the Grand Lodge of Cuba. Brother Dr. Brown succeeded in pickin'g out the kernels "from the Proceedings of each Grand Lodge reviewed, and presents' them 'in a palatable form. He reviews Missouri for 1905. Hâ‚Ź adopts the language ()f the committee on Grand Master Valliant's address, and prints their complimentary comments on it.




He quotes the following from one of Brother Valliant's decisions: Let the Lodge do it.s duty at the tl'ial according to its best juugment and the dictation of its own conscien'Ce. and it need have no anxiety ahout what. t.he Grand Ledge lTIay do with the case on appeal. 0

And makes the following sens"ible comments, which we hEartily endorse: It ought to be so, \HIt" is it Of "'e so often read of the GJ;alld Lodge reversing t1w action of a Lodge, sending tIll' case back for f;cntence, 01' new trial. t3Jdng the case in hand. overruling the action of a Lodge and expelling a Brother who has been acquitted OJ' reprimanded ~ It gives us food 1'01' seriolls ref1ection. We:ure Brothers to t.he culprit. Perhaps he has been in a marked way a Brothel' to us. What shall we do to our cUlprit who has Brothered us well, and afterwards has fallen into the teeth and clutches of t.he law'f . '. . Our own opinion .is that the C;rand Lodge is never so well-informed in the ·case as the Lodge is In which it ·was tried; and that it· ought t.o hesit.ate a long time before l'eversing the judg-m(l-nt. 'Ve believe that t.here al'e mClI whom all the InItIations in the world could not transfotll1 into Bret.hren. 'and t.here are those who are Brethren from the time t.hey are fi1'st prepared to be made Masons in their hearts, and yet. the latter may break many rules. How can we cast out a man who is a Brother in his heart '! It is very· perplexing. . A pl'ospective candidate for the Degrel':s of I<'reemasonry has left. foot off about six inches· above the lInl'le. has a wooden foot in place of the natural one'l with metallic hinges OJ' ~etallic bolts o~' Strews.. In preparation of the candIdate what ~hall be done III regard to lunges aDd other metal? "* * • As to the metallic hinges, ,bollS 01' s(~rews, 1 do'not: think in the preparation of. the candidate you ar<' required to lakl~ notice of t.hem." This admirahle Grand Lodge which l1a;;. propagated the finest Idnd: of ;Uas·onry. OUI' own amongst many others, has taken most: deplol'able tiepal'tm'e from the ancient usages and customs of the Craft as handed down 10 her by the Grand Lodge of 'l'ennessee, and as pradiced by the Masons of forty-nine other' Grand Lodges in the l.:nited States,. by enacting- a rule that a cripple may be made a Mason, provided t.hat he wears an al'tificial limh which will give him the appearance of conforming to the requirements of initiation. The veriest t~'ro can see that the law of :\1issoul'i .1)3;; placed bel' le,u'ned Grand l\'1ast.er in a most lamentable .predicament.. It points to the probability that, if King Solomon had built his Temple in Missou'.'i, axes, hammers and uther t.ools of il'on would have been used in spite of the inhibitions of OUl' ancient G. l\f. H. A. 01'


This writer stood in the forefront and fought agains~ this "departure" with all his might, but in some legislative ,bodies sophistry, at times, prevails over argument. ' Brother Brown prints our name as "Rufus L.," when it should have been "Rufus ~." We are very proud of our Grandfather Rufus Easton's name. He sa~s that while Brother'Vincil copied very little, we seem to "copy everything> but sugar-coats his pill with: "His selections, hOWEver, are thoughtful, ~nd tend to show the bent of his mind, which is truly Fraternal and praiseworthy." M. W, BRO. ROBERT H. MCCAUGHEY, Mellette, Grand Master. BI{OTHER GEO. A. PETTTGlmW, Sioux Falls, Gr·anti Secretal'y.





TENNESSEE-1907. Lodges, 431. Members, 20,986. The Ninety-third Annual Communication of the M. W. Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Te~nessee, was held in the Freemason's Hall in the City of Nashville, commencing Wednesday, January 30, A. D. 1907, Grand Master Robert Burrow, presiding. A fine picture of M. W. Bro. George E. Seay, the newly-elected Grand'Master, forms the frontispi€ce to the' Proceedings. Unless his looks deceive us; he will prove an excellent Grand Master. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is a business document, covering some. twenty pages, and. shows an active administration. ~ He announcE'S the death of Past Grand MasteI: Bro. James L. 'Sloan, which occurred at Nashville, Tennessee, August 26, 1906, and says of him: - Those who were here two years ago will. never forget Brother Sloan. In the prime and vi~or of life, in the joy and exultation of a year of service for the Craft well perfol'med, he presided over this Grand Lodge. He is gone. But we know 'tis common; all that -live must die, Passing through nature to eternity.

We do not find where he issued any Dispensations for railroading candidates through. . OFFICIAL RULINGS.

He rendered only sixty-seven decisions, three of which we regard as of general interest, to-wit: No.9. A second request was .made for approval by 'the Grand' Mastel' of an appeal to other Lodges for aid to a destitute Brother 'Yho had lost propel·ty by fil·e. RULJNG.-Losses by fire have been so frequent, and applications for aid for Masontc Brothers have become so numerous, that I feel that something should be done to stop the unpleasant practiee of fl'equently calling on sister Lodges for charity. If Masons would exercise a little prudence and fOl'ethought and insUl'e their property, all of these troubles could be avoided. I have decided, therefore, to wit.hhold my approval of any of these applications, and hereafter permission will not be given to Subordinate Lodges to make appeals in aid of its members who have .Iost property by fire.

We think the ruling was a correct one. 14, GRAND MAs-nm OI<' VIRGJNIA.-'-King Lodge, No. 461, p'refelTe'd charges against a member of a Virginia Lod~e, engaged in the retaIl liquor business in Tennessee, for havin~ violat.ed Edict. 61 of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. The ~ost Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, in an eal'nest Communication, denied the Jurisdiction of King Lodge 01' of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, t.o try and punish a Virginia Mason for selling liquor in 'rennessee, and insisted that the Gmnd Master of Tennessee direct King Lodge to drop the chal·ges. ANswlm.-The reply is too lengt.hy to be repeared here, but the effect. of it was to decline the request of the Grand Master of Virginia, and to express the opinion that when a Virginia Mason comes into Tennessee and




engages in the sale of intoxicating liquors he ,iolates a Masonic law of this State and Is liable to charges and punishment here, without reference to whether or not his conduct is in violation of Masonic law in other States. The case which evoked the correspondence with the Grand Master of Virginia is now before the Committee on Appeals and Grievances and will later c~me before the Grand Lodge. '

The Committee on Appeals and Grievances made the following report: W. C: Reser, Junior Warden,


Kin,(j Lodge, No.' 461, F'.


A. M.-

At a stated meeting of this Lodge, held on March 13, 1906, charges were preferred against Brother S. G. Keller, Jr., a member of Abingdon Lodge, No. 48, of Virginia, but living within the .Jurisdiction of King Lodge, Ko. 461, this Virginia "Lodge being located fifteen miles from King Lodge, No. 461.. The charges preferred against said Brother was that he at the time and had been for some time, before engaged 'in the sale of intoxicating liquors within the .Jurisdiction of this Lodge in violation of Edict No. 61 of you~' Grand Body. Brother Keller responded to said charges by letter, communicated to the Lodge at its stated meeting on April 9, 1906, in which he states that his membership is in Abiugdon Lodge, No. 48, of the State 'of Virginia,' and that at· the time he became a member of that Lodge, and for three years prior thereto, he was engaged i~ the retail liqU01' business, and admits that he was at the time said charges were preferred engaged in said business within the Jurisdiction of King Lodge, No. 4tH, but insisted in said letter and by his counsel in open Lodge that the Lodge had no .Jurisdiction to tr~ him for said offense and that it was not considered by the Grand Jurisdiction of Virginia a violation of Masonic law for him to be engaged in such business and that he is amenable only to the Grand Jurisdiction of the State of Virginia, The Dodge. voted upon the question whether or not the charges were sustained, and by a vote of twenty-foul' to twenty-one declared the charges not sustained. The record in this case fails to disclose that any notice of appeal was 'given to said S. G. Keller, Jr., and no reasons for said appeal have 'been filed with your commIttee, neither does it appear that any were ever filed in the Subordinate Lodge, but the record does show that the Junior Warden of the Subordinate Lodge appealed from said decision. Your committee is constrained to believe that the grounds upon which the Lodge voted as it did upon these charges was the question of .lurisdiction, the members evidently going oII on the idea that King Lodge. No. 461, had no Jurisdiction to try the Brothel', he being a member of a different· Grand Jurisdiction, while your committee is of the opinion that King Lodge had ample .lurisdiction to try a Brother for any offense committed while residing in the Jurisdiction of King Lodge, No. 461, no matter where his' membership might be, but the record being fatally defective in that it fails to show that certain necessary steps were taken to perfect the appeal the same should be dismissed, the action of the Lodge reversed and the cause remanded to King Lodge. No. 461, to the ~d that tbe Brother may be dealt with for violation of Edict No. 61. '

We have given space to this dec,ision because it invoives an imquestion, and shows the result of local legislation by an organization that claims to be world-wide. We ,think that the Grand Master of Virginia, and the majority in King Lodge who voted "not guilty," were right. Obedience to constituted ·authority is one of the first duties that is impressed on the mind of the candidate; and, h'ence, he who transgresses the laws of the Government under wliich he lives, violates' the teachings of the Order, and is guilty of a Masonic crime. If ,Tennessee was a. Prohibition State, and the accused kept a saloon in violation of the law, then King Lodge would have Jurisdiction to try and punish the member for violating the laws of' the State, but, so long as the State lice,ns€s saloons, the accused is pOl~tant


' 21 4



not guilty of violating the law. The Grand Lodge of Virginia, where the acc,used is a member in good standing, does not make saloonkeeping a Masonic .offense, w~ile Tennessee does. Suppose the Lodge, in Tennessee had expelled the Brother upon no other charge than saloon-7ceeping, would his Lodge in Virginia have been bound by it, and have to dedare him expelled? . Certainly not, because, in Virginia 'the offense for which he was tried and' expelled is not a Masonic offense. As good Brother Lamberton, the time-honored Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence of Pennsylvania, says: One 'Brothel' was charged with selling int.oxicating iiquors, The Lodge failed to cither acquit 01' convict, They t.ook a vote to expel and it failed, That was all. And in our ,opinion that was enough. "What Landmark was infringed by this Brother? What. ancien t. and established usage of the Craft '! Does not the Grand Lodge of Eng-land keep a tavern in tqe precincts of the Temple? Have our Tcnnessee Rrethren expelled the Grand Lodge of England'! Do they. not regard it as an honor to be ill Fraternal I'elation with the Grand Lodge of England? 'l'hen Bl'ethren shal{e off t.he clutrhes of the fanatics, and let them not push you to the peJ'secution of YOllr own, Politics and religion are not intended to enter as a dividing wed~e between us, Prohibition is a polit.ical part.y. Sha!{e it. off the ancient.- Fr'at.emit.y. Let Brotherly love prevail. ' 36. '!'BxNBsslm LODGE, Xo, 204,-A young soldier, who 'had received two Degrees in l\lasonry, was compelled to leave in a short time t.o join his comllfand, and in this emergency t.he Grand Mastel' was asl<ed to exercise his high l)l'crogative and make him a Mason at sight. ANSWI~H.---'.L'he for'mel' high prerogative of the Grand Master to -make a ;\faster Mason at. sight has become obsolete, if it has not actually been interdicted by the cdicts and rulings of the Grand Lodge of Il'ennessee. The Masonic Code. which is very high authority. in nam'ing t.he duties and pl'erogatives of the Grand Mastel', does not include that. of making a Mason at sight, On t.he contl'ary, it. st.at.es that the Grand Mast.er has not the powel' "to suspend by Dispensation 01' ot.herwise the operation of any edict 01' regulation of ' the Gmnd Longe, and no case of emergency can possibly be presented which would authoJ.'i7.e the attempt. to do so." (Page 11.) If t.hat bc t.rue, as Edict 29 provides that. one stated meet.ing. shall elapse between the conferring of the respective Degrees, I am unable to see how the Grand :\1aster could make a Mason at sight without suspending the operation of the e<\ict.

Touching this decision the Com~ittee on Jurisprudence reports: I. The Grand Master rightly observes t.hat. his prerogatives t.o "make a Mason at sight" has fallen into innocul)us des'uetude, and surely his refusal to exercise it- is not open to cri ticism, for it is purely a matter of discretion. But his suggest.ion t.hat the Grand Lodgc may have abrogated this prerogative by edicts and, rulings postulateS an errol' inviting corrcction. This Grand Body, if it would. couIrl not by Juling 01' edict, or in any other manner whatsoever, deprive thc Grand :\1aster of this or any other prerogative, Its enact.mcnt.s and decisions upon all questions are t.hc Supreme Masonic law of t.he State, only when not in conflict with the ancicnt Landmarks of Masonry,n'or in violat.ion of the reserved right.s of Subordinate Lodges, So says our' Constit.ution (Art.icle IV), and thus is preserved t.he 'institutional foundations of Freemasonry, free from t.he encroaching spirit. of "modern progress," , This particular prerogat.ive of the Grand Master being a part of Landmark 9, is t.hus expressed 'in our own Text-Book (page 341), "To. make, Masons at sight in 'a regular Lodge by the consent thereof," which means as interpreted by us, that he may dispense with t.he petition, recommendation, report, and delay prescribed for regular procedure through Subordinates, and may summarily and instantly confer the Symbolic Degrees upon a man possessing t.he necessary qualificat.ions, prot'ided, always, that he do this within t.hc body of a legally. constitut.ed and duly opened Lodge of Free ari(f Accepted Masons, and with t.he consent of the members present, And in so-




21 5

doing he would not suspend or violate any edict or regulation of the Grand Body. FOl' t.he requirements of petition and delay are prcseribed for the government of Subordinate Lodges and t.hcil路 members, and not .in a vain attempt to abrogate the Landmarl{s of our ancient and v~nerable Institution.

The report' of the Board of Control shows the Home in splendid condition. Total receipts for the year $13,960.13. Net current ex-' penses for the year $13,536.65, Average number of residents 'for the year 14314. Average cost 'per year for each person $94.50. The following resol~tion was ad?pted by the Grand Lodge: ResolVed, That the Board of Control be and hereby is cmpowered to negotiate the purchase of land adjoining the .Home at a gross sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and on thc most favorable tcrms to be obtained to the Grand Lodge. FINANCES.

Amount on hand February 1, 1906 Amount received from Grand Secretary, Aggregating sum of, Credits , ,


,$31,963 53 31,370 31


$63,333 84 27,763 25



Balance in hands of Grand Treasurer January 1, 1906. $35,570 59 . '


Brother Henry H. Ingersoll, Past Grand Master, submitted the following resolution, which .was, on motion, adopted: Resolved. '1'hat thc Past Grand M;lS1.ers of this G~and Lodge are hereby requested to prepare for publication a call to Free and Accepted Masons of the路 United States to join. us in the suppression of cipher Rituals of Symbolic Masonry, and the Grand Secretary is authol'ized to publish and: distribute the same to the number of 5,000 copies. SIGNET RING.

The last official act of the Grand Master was to present to the Grand Master-elect, Brother Geo. E. Seay, the "Signet Ring, saying, among other things: '1'0 me, parting with tbis ring is like parting with it dear friend 'rhus are we 'reUlinded that sooner 01' later all of us must pal't. As th~ years slip by one by one .we will pass away an9 be seen no more. In taking my, leave I' can only wHih for youalJ a partmg ~uch as that described by the poet: 0 'Tis hard to part when friends are dear 'Twill cause, perhaps, a 'sigh, a tear; ~ Then steal away, give little warning, Choos~ tb.ine <:wn, time, say not good night, But meetmg III some brightel' clime Bid me good morning.




REPORT ON FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. This report is furnished by Brother Henry' A. Chambers,' Chairman ,of the committee. He introduces his \plendid compilation ?f extracts from addresses and reports, with a touching tribute to the memory of his late associate, Committeeman Brother Robert Walton, who died January 17, 1907, at Chattanooga, while on a visit to that city. He had, on more than one occasion, assisted in preparing the report, "and his work, when done,' was always well done." He also touches upon "physical qualifications," "ciphers," "clandEstine Masonry" and "the liquor' question':' He thinks the tr~nd of {jecisions IS toward "physical perfection." In our view, there ought never to have been any occasion for dEcisions on the subject, as the "Ancient Landmark" defines the "qualifications" ,of a ~andidate, and ought never to have been tampered with. He reviews Missouri for 1906. He quotes from Grand Master ,Houston's address; his tribute to Masonry, and is kind enough to acknowledge that we presented the report on correspondence, "in which Tennessee got a nice notice of nearly six pages." M. W. BRO. GEORGE E. SEAY, Gallatin, Grand Master. BROTHER JOIIN B. GARRETT, Nashville, Grand 路Secretary. The Ninety-fourth Annual Communication will be held 'at Nash'ville, January 29, 1908.

TEXAS':"'-'1906. Lodges, 743. Members, 38,270, The Seventy-first Grand Annu'al Communication of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, was held at the Masonic Temple in the City of Waco, commen"cing Tuesday, the fourth day of December, A. D. 1906. Texas is a large State, and the copy of the' "Proceedings" is proportionately larger. Pictures of Brother John P. Bell, Grand M'ast~r, 1906, and Brother W. H. Nichols, Grand Master, 1883, grace the two front pages, and they both look like typical Texans. A Spe'cial Communication was held at Galveston, November 20, 1906, for the burial of Past Grand Ma~ter M. F. Matt, who died November 18, 1906. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS. I


This paper covers some thirty pages,and we think the committee to whom it was refer!'ed, do not exaggerate when they say: In his introductory 'remarks Most Worshipful Gl'and Master Bradley distinguishes himself as profound in his conception of the truths and principles upon which our beloved Order is founded. His consummate





sagacity in estimating the value to be ascribed the influence of Freemasonry, as it has entered into and wrought upon tbe world's progress and advancement in the past, inspires our confidence in bis prophecy as standing upon the mountain peak of this, the twentieth century, conscious of the truth we, as MasonsJ advocatc, dares intimate that fullest of fruition wbich must come as reward to true faith in an uncreated divinity anll a devotion to His law concerning humanity. It' is with congratulatory pride that wc detect in bis every act a devoted heart and inflexible love for Masonry and Masons, together with strength of mind and courage of conviction. His utterances are forceful in expression, while his execution in the most part is both skjllful and prudeIit~ ,

We endorse the following ~ruly Masonic utterance: The less'on~ or' morality 路alld virtue, of friendship and Fraternity, taught at tbe Masonic altar, :ll.l'e not confined to the Lodge room nor the Masons only. "A little leaven leavencth the wbole lump," ,and they penetrate alld permeate the cntire fabric of hUlhan society.' And it is perbaps not too mucb to say that MasoDi'y, by its lessons of friendship and brotherhood, is doing much to soften and' wear away the feeling of sectarian and denominational prejudice among men, so that men of every shade of religions belief and practice. whether the Jew 01' Gentile, are coming to see, more and morE:" the good there is in their neighbors who may differ with them in matters of religious faith, and are saying: Shall I ask th.e brave Brother who fights by my side. In the cause of mankind, if our creeds agree: Shall I give up my friend, vaiued and tried, If he kp.eel not at'the same altar with me: OUR FRATERNAL DEAD.

Under this head he mentions in feeling terms the death of Past Grand Master B. R. Abernathy, which occurred Decemb.er 25, 1905, and that of Past Grand Master Marcus F. Mott, who died November 18, 1906. FRATERNAL BELA'froNS.

It is a source of ple'asure and encouragement to know that our relations with otber Grand Bodies with which tbe Grand Lodge of Texas maintains I<'raternal Correspo.ndence continue to be most cordial. During the year I. have bad correspondence with tbe Gl'and Masters of many Grand Jurisdictions, and from all come the cheering report that Freemasonry is maintaining its well-earned reputation for "doing good to all men, but. more especially to them that are of the household of fait.b." thus exemplifying that brot.herhood of citizenship which. iR so essential to the well-being of society and the orderly conduct of free government. "



I have granted DiRpensations to various Lodges to appear in public for various purposes, as foHows, the number being too great for particular mention: To install officers in public. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 T'o lay. corner-stones , , . . . .. 13 To dedicate halls.................................. 7 Total number of DiRpensations' granted ..... , .. , . ,. 82 I have refused Dispensations t.o lay corner-stones in several instanees upon the ground that the buildings were not of "undoubted Masonic, public or sacred character," as -required hy resolution of tbe Grand Lodge:路 I also refused a Dispensation to lay the corner-stone of a cburch on Sunday.




'1'0 CONFI<;J( )))>;GHEES OUT OF '!'I.\IB.

J have had the ui>ual number of applications to dispense with the law requiring a candidate to work one lunar month in each degree before applying to be advanced, and as is generally thc case, it developed that some one had suddenly become desirous to travel in foreign countries and receive :\lastcr's wages, and thought tbat Masonry would hc worth something. t.ohim in a husiness or social wa~·. I havc not hesitated, t.o refuse all such requests, except the following-: A young minister who was to ;:I;O as a missionary to some country in South America and was unexpectcdly called to sail within thirty $lays after applying for and receiving the l<'irst Degree. I granted a Dispensation for't.he Lodge to confer the two degTees within less than the requi!'ed time, stipulating that he should he t.horoughly instructed in the work and lecturcs of each degree, and that the Mast.er Mason's Dcgree shtluld not be conferred until aftcr the lapsc of three days from the time of conferring t.he Fellow Craft , Degree. I also authorijled the Lodge to exam inc the candidate and hal101 upon his application at a special,mee!ing called for that: purpose.

Weare glad to find one Grand Master who is' opposed to the railroading process. DECISIONS.

Twelve decisions were rendered, from which we copy the following: 3. That a widow whose father and brother are Masons, hut whose deceased husband was a profane, is entitled to Masonic recognition and assistance as such, and that she mllst. he regarded as the daiigh tel' of a Brother Mason and the sister of a BI'other Mason, entitled 1.0 all the benefit.s due from the l<'ratel'llity to that I'elationship. • , While I am not unmindful that Masonic authorities, held in high esteem, take a contrary view, still. 1.0 hold that the dut.ies and obligations we owe t.o the female relatives of our Brethren, either living- or dead, are so fragile and unreal as to be 'discharged by the death of one or the marriage of the other seems to me to be 1.00 narrow and technical to be in keeping with the benevolent purposes and teach ings of Masonrr.

We, incline to the opinion that if a Mason's d,aughter marries a profane, she absolves her connection with the Fraternity. "If she marries a Mason, she exchanges her relation ~f a Mason's daughter for that of a Mason's wife," and the Committee on Jurisprudence in their report on ~he Grand Master's Address so held. 6. That the loss of the left index finger neal' the root of the nail. leaving the joint lind part of the nail uninjured, is not a physical disqualification t~ l'eceive the .degrees.

In regard to (hisd~cision the Co~mittee on Jurisprudence made the following' repo;t, which has the true Masonic ring; l<'ollowing the long line of precedents in this Grand Lodge, which we helleve arc supported by :\1'asonic tradition, we can not recommend the approval of the Gmnd Master's decision that the loss of the index fingel' ne.ar fhe root of the nail does not disqualify an applicant from receiving the degrees of Masonry; No good, and great possible detriment, to Freemasonry will result· from other than a strict adherence to tile rule, "rock-l'ibhed and ancient as t.he sun," that a man, to be a Mason, must-be sound in mind and memb~rs.


Numerous complaints have been made t.o me during the year by Masons fl'om 'Texas, sojourning in the St.ate of Coahuila. Mexico, t.hat Lodges nnder the .Jurisdiction of that Grand Lodge arc guilty of such irregularities as


21 9

would, if true, make' it obligatory upon the Grand Lodge of 'rexas to discontinue an interchange of Grand Representatives, and withdraw the Fraterml.l recognition heretofore cxtended to that Grand Lodge. . A reputable Mason, a member of Eagle Pass Lodge, No. 626, who is' sojourning in that country, writes me: "In my opinion, there is only one Lodge worldng- under this Jurisdictlon worthy of recognition by our Gl'Hl.Id Lodge, and this is TOlTeOIl Lodge, No.8, it being an English-speaking Lodge, worl_ing the York Rite; and taking for its model our Lodge at Eagle Pass. The other Bodies of this .Jurisdiction are really not Masonic,' either in fact or intentions," He had visited several Lodges, and they did not even require that he be examined or vouched for. They do not display the Great Light on the altar, and confer the "degrees" upon boys sixteen years of age, .although thc Constitution of the Gmnd Lodge "Renito Juarez" requires that ~ candidate must be twenty-one years of age. Some of these Lodges practice other irregularities subversive of the principles of Masonry, as I am 路advised hy reliable Brethren from Texas.

On this subject we copy the REPORT OF

To the Most




Gra'/1:a Lodoe ot Texas:

Your CommIttee on' Ji'ol'eigp .COl'l'espondence 'have very carefully considered that portion of the Address of the Most Worshipful Grand Master "touching the Grand Lodge Benito Juarez, State of Coahuila, Mexico," and do not agree with the Grand Mastel' that on account of irregulal'ities reported 10 him. )'ecog-nition herctofore extended to the Grand Lodge Benito .lual'ez ShOll路ld be withdrawn. That there have been some slight i1't'egularities in some of the Lodges is true, but. the organic law of the Grand Lodge condemns them, and your committee has ilTefutable evidence that. th'cy have been COl'l'ect.ed, will not be permitt.ed, and will not again OCCUl'. 'l'his is all we can demand. Your committee is convinced that our Brethren of Coahuila are making every effort to practice pure. Ancient Craft Masonr~', .and we. believe that the recog-nition of t.he Grand Lodge of Texas should not be withdrawn, but that, instead, we should heIR our weaker and younger sister to bold up her hands in her effort.s 1.0 do good. ' Frater,nally submitted, M.





S. A. B.





Cornmittee. SA~


The Texas Masons heard a call for help, They looked across a continent and above ~the wrecked and ruined homes of California they behelrl:a sign of distress, and true to the unselfish teaching of Masonry they flew to the relief of the Brethren. Within a few hours after the first reports of the catastrophe EI Paso Lodge, No, 130, wired, "Draw on. EI Paso Lodge for $150 for relief of the California sufferers," Beaumont Lodge, No 286, wired directly to Grand Master of California asking him to draw on that LOd&e for $150, Other Lodges were just as liberal and as anxious to extend relief. In response to' Grand Master's request the Grand Secretary received $10,248.90, remitting from time to time to the Grand Master of California until he had remitted $8.000, when he was advised




by Grand Master Flint that no more funds were needed for immediate use. On the 26th of April the town of Bellevue was' struck by a cyclone, the Lodge room, furniture' and jewels of Bellevue Lodge being lost. Many of the members lost their homes and were reduced to the necessity of asking for help, and the balance of the ~oney remaining in the 'hands of the Grand Secretary was, by order of the Grand Master, appropriated to the relief of the Bellevue Brethren. THE HOMK

The Grand Master says:

The Wido~s' and Orphans' Home, the crowniJg glory of Texas I"ree· masonry, is, indeed, "as a shadow of a great rock in a weary land" to the old aI).d wornout widows of our deceased Brethren, til'ed and ready to faint undcl" the burden of life; and it "opens a door of hope" to their helpless orphans thrown upon the cold and selfish charity of the world. >I< >I< * In this concction I hope I may be excused for saying a wOI'd in recognition of the valuable aid furnished the children of the. Home by the ladies of the I£astern Stal' Chapter. While these noble women are not Masons, they are imbued with the true spirit of Masonry; they practice benevolence and helpfulness to others. '£heir help and words of encouragement to the children are above price; tbell' influence is of great value, they' scatter sunshine and gladness along the patiJway of these dependent ones. They are, indeed. ministering angels to the little ones and theil' presence a benedlcUon. I nevertheless raise my hat to these generous-heal'ted women. They shall have theil' reward from Him that said: "Suffer little children to come unto me." Ther'e have been valuable and permanent improvements made at the Home during the year. The auditorium, the gift of the Royal Arch Masons and Knights T~mplar, was completed and dedicated with appropriate cere· monies on .June 27th, during the commencement exercises. The boys' annex was finished and fUl"Dished during the summcr,' and is now occ-upied, the boys having been moved into tbat building, wbich is situated about tbree h~ndred yards from the main building. The capacity of the Home is thus increased to accommodate nearly tbree hundred boys and girls, -besides ample provision for the old ladies. In the Grano Treasurer's report there is an estimate of the value of the assets of tbe Home, 'which amounts to the sum of $255,648.80. This includes the land and improvements thereon, and tbe Permanent Fund, wbich amount.s to $100,820.0~, '.['hese assets represent a handsQme property, whicb has been accumulated by the eJrorts of this Grand Lodge without there being any liabilities outstanding,

The Grand Master thus concludes his eloquent, as well as practical Address: BRETHRF.:-<: Let us continue to keep the fires burning on. the Masonic altar, "remove not tbe Ancient Landmarks wbich our fathers have set," hut continue in the narrow paths the fatbers trod. Let us maintain the higb standard of excellence that has evel' characterized our Fraternity. Let us g-uard well the outer. door to our Masonic sanctuary; keep it locked ·and barred against the profane swearer. tbe drunkard, the gambler. Masonry can not undertake' to reform the depraved, nor 'barbor the vicious. Let 11S remember that the prosperity of our institution must depend upon tbe cbaracter of tbe individual; a stream can not rise higher than Its sou·rce. Let us remember t.hat. increase in numbers does not always denote increase in stl'ength-quality is sometimes worth more than quantit.y. And let us also remember tbat "The builder true is be who seeks the universal good.. To whom life's purpose and its goal 'is human brotherbood. The helping band. the loving heart., the faith 'tis God doth plan: These are the tools wherewith to build earth's paradise for man."


1907. ]



Receipts. To • .']'0

To To To

bave received on account of tbe General Fund: casb balance from last report. $27,190 cash from Grand Master,eigbt Dispensation fees............ 200 cash from Grand Master, proceeds -of tbe sale of property of Prairieville Lodge. demised................................ 2il cash fromll. H. IWis, mileage and' per diem refunded........ 7 casb from Grand Secre~ary, dues collected................. 30,676 Total receipt.s




26 •. 00 00 40 00

$58,098 66

Disbursements, Tbe disbursements are as follows: By warrants drawn on Treasurer. ~ , , $12,392 70 By amount transferred to Widows' and Orpbans' Fund.......... 15,000 00 Total disbursements : ' Leaving balance on hand to crtldit of General Fund

, .. $27,392 70 $30,70596

, I bave also received on account of tbe Widows' and Orpbans' Fund from the Grand Secretary: Dues collected -: : $19,641 25 From sale of paving certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 27 Total


$20,134 52


Upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Co~mittee oIJForeign Correspondence, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Texas hereby recognizes and greets the M, W. Grand Lodge of Alberta as a sovereign, Independent and legitimate Masonic Grand Body, and cordially welcomes bel' into tbe sisterhood of Grand Lodges, and tbat the incoming Grand Master be, and he is herelly, requested, to take such steps as may be necessary for an interchange of Repl'esen tatives. PRESIDENT 1\L F. MOTT.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home, held at Waco, December 3, 1906; official announcement was made of the deat~ of our 'venerable and beloved President, Past Grand Master Marcus F. Mott, which occurred at Galveston OD November 18, 1906. , The Board unanimously adopted a tribute to his memory. For twenty-one years his heart and his thoughts had been centered upon the H0IrJ:e-first to lay the financial basis, then ~o build up the edifice and equip it, then to raise, educate and prepare the boys and girls for honorable and use~ul lives. We regret that we have space only for the closing paragraphs:





As the best and holiest trilmte we can pay to the memory of our departed .colleague, let us again and anew con!;ccratc ourselveR to the wOI'k before us. Let us gather new inspi.':) tion hom a retrospect upon the long and singular devotion of our distinguished HI'otber to the upbuilding of the Home. Let lIS carefully go over the experiences of the past, its successes and its failures, 'and derive from these the le"sons of our daily toil in this beantiful field • of our life work, and "with 0\)1' Brother's inspiring wisdom and counsel going befol'c us, as a pill:u' of cloud uy'day and a pillar o,f fire by night," march on to tbe full fruition of all his hopes. . 'l"o our BI'other, our colleague. obI' fl'iend and comrade, who has gone before, we say farewell and flu'ewell! YOUl' life was a blessing to yoU!' fellowman; its beauties and refinements will ever ue rememhel'ed as the adol'nments of our gpeat Fraternity, Your toils and labol's will continue to bless mankind. Oh, soul of Ollr'departed, rest in peace, thy lal?6r done! "The stars shall fade awa~', the slln himself Grow dim with age, and nature sink in years, But thou shalt flourish in immortal ~'outh,"

A touching tribute was also paid to Mrs. Huldah Rainey, the wife of the Superintendent of the Home, who died on thâ‚Ź 2d of June, ] 906, We give the closing paragraph: 1T0w these poor tO~b'1.leS of ours do falter as we stand upon the vast ocean and hehold the barges of our friends drifting out int.o the unknown sea. and endeavor to speak the last. sad w.ords which affection dictates. Let all within, the sound of these word" beal' testimony to the warm til' of her love for bel' fellows, and the noble qualities of the woman, not hecause custom and usage require it from' us, but because we know and admired hpr, enjoyed her society and ,friendship, and esteem it a privilege to ,honor her "memol'y. and will ever breathe That name as sacredly .and low As pra~'ers at eve."

Past Grand Master George W. Tyler also read a tribute to the memory of Past Grand Master. Mott before t:he Grand Lodge, which was full of pathos and clothed in words eloquently picturing ,the great loss which Masonry had sustained, Past. Grand Master Sam R. Hamilton also read a short tribute to the memory of Brother Mott. Past Grand Master N. M, Washer read a memorial an the life a'nd character of' Past Grand Master B. R. Abernathy, who died December 2'5,1905, Rev, Brother H. R. Coleman, Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, was introduced and delivered a magnificent Address on, "The Morals of Freemasonry." HOME Fon AGED AND I:NFIHM :MASTER MASON'S.

The following. resolution was adopted: If.e~Ol1'Cd, That the M, W. Grand Master appoint a committee of five members of this Grand Ledge, which shall at the next Annual Communicatioll of this Gl'and Lodge report upon the advisability of establishing unde/.' proper restrictions a Home for old and Infirm Master Masons. members in good standing of Lodges under this Grand ,Jurisdiction, and should such committee report favorably upon the advisability of such a venture, that it at the same time devise and report a plan for est.ablishing and supporting such a Home. .




Past Grand Master W. S, Fly read a report of the Committee on ,Jurispr'udence, which was 'adopted: f>TATUS OF DAUGHTEH OR SISTEH OJ<' A MASTlW MASON.

1'0 the Most Worshipful .(;l'o.nd Lodge of Texas:

In a formel' report of your Committee on ~:[asonic .Jurisprudence it stated its ,nonconcul'l'ence with that portion of the Grand Master's Address iiI' which be hcld that the daughter or sister of a Master Mason who has lost her status as such by 'malT"ying' a profane will regain hcr former position, by thc death of her husband, and is entitled to Masonic rceognit:(on and assist· l:mce, and that report was adopted by the Grand Lodge, bilt afterwards reconsiqered, and the .report with,dmwn from the Grand Lodge. We adhere to this opinion that th~ .~eeision is eonl:ral'Y to Masonic Law and a precedent, as expressed by Masonic Jurists, but believing that a reconsidel!ation of the action of apPl'Oval of the rcport was in clfect a disapproval of the samc, and approval Of the ruling of the Grand Master, alld in deference to the seeming desit'e of thc Grand Lodge, and not from any change of mind as to the COI'rect.ness of our former rcport, wc rcport that the ruling of the Grand Mastel' in the l)l'cmises should b~ approved, . • ' , HEPOH'!' Oi\' FOHEIGN COHBESPONDENCE.

This is from the pen of M. W. Past Grand Master' Thomas M. Mathews, Sr., M. D., and is' his twenty-first. report. He succeeds· in making it not only "readable," but "instructive and .interesting." To it' is attache'd as an "appendix," a review on "Latin~American Masonry," by R. W. Bro. F;. de P. Rodriquez, 'which is als<? interesting and instructivA. In glancing over Brother Mathews'comments, we find that OUT mind and his seem tc? rUR in the same <tltannel and recognize ih him "an old-time Freemason of the days of Washington." We find no report on Missouri and tal{e it that a copy of our, Proceedings nexer reac)1ed him. Whether th'e fault is with the "forwarding" or the "carrying" department we don't know. We trust this report may reach him and find him "able to sit up and take a little nourishment." M. W. JOlJi'I P. BELL, Belleville, Grand Master. R.' W. JOHN' W::\.T~ON, Waco, Grand' Secretary. The Sev.·:mty-second Annual Communicat.ion will be held in Waco. December 3,' A. D. 1907.

VfRGINIA-1907. Lodges, 295. Members, 1-7,644. Th'e One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Grand Annual' Communication of the Most Worshipful 'Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Maso~s of Virginia was held in the Masonic Temple at Richmond, ,on Tuesday, the 12th day of February, A. D. 1907, M. W. Bro, Kosciusko Kemper; Grand Master, presiding.





This m€SRage has the merit of both excellency and brevity combined, covering only ten pages. 'l'he past year has been a very prosperous one. Peace and harmony has prevailed among the Craft throughout the Jurisdiction. The Lodges, for the most part, have been doing E'plendid wOl'k, taking into the fold intelligent young' men, the pink and fiower of the several communities in which located. . The Officers, both from personal observation and information, are well equipped and doing excellent work In conferring Degrees, and almost every Lodge bas among its members those thoroughly competent to fill any station to which they may be chos('n. This satisfactory condition is due to the strict enforcement of the requirement that all shall be proficient in the Catechism of the several Degrees before advancment. MASONIC HOME.

The Grand Master


This noble Institution, wbich has such a large place in the affections of the Masons of Virginia, is in good condition and able to provide a pleasant - and helpful Home for the children of our deceased Brothers. Its finances al'e all that could be wished. . ,/


The sum of $500 was sent as soon 'as the n~ws of the' disaster reached the Grand Master. In response to a circular sent out by him the s~m of $3,550 W?S contributed. SUMPTUARY LAWS.

Under this head is published the correspondence between the Grand Masters Of Tennessee and Virginia, which involves a question of such vital importance to the Craft that we feel justified in reproducing it in full: BRISTOl"


M. W., K. Kemper, Grand Master Of Masons, Alexan<!rw"

April 23, 1906. Va.:


Your letter in regard to· charges preferred against , a member of Abingdon (Vir~inia) Lodge, No. 48, in King Lodge, No. 461, Bristol, Tenn., bas belln received. Before your letter came to hand, however, King Lodge had refused to sustain the charges, and In consequence, tbe .Junior Warden has appealed the case to the Grand Master. The question involved is an important one, and as it will probably come before me for official ruling, It is not, I trust, Improper to give in advance my interpretation of the Masonic Law that governs 'l'ennessee Masons; Edict 6. of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, Is as follows: "Subordinate Lodges shall bave p2nal jurisdiction over non-a.ffillated Masons residing, 01' tempor:lrily sojourning, in their JuriSdiction, and over members of other Lodges l~esiding therein." The Tennessee Masonic Text-Book de<:lares: "The penal jurisdiction of a Lodge is the right of trial and enforcement of discipline over its own members, witbout regard to their place of residence, and 'also of ml'mbNS of otLer Lodges living witbin its territorial




jurisdiction and non-affiliated MasonS living within or temporal'ily remaining therein." Page 277 . . Again: "The jurisdictional· rights of the Grand Lodge do not extend beyond the boundary of the State, except in a State or TelTitory where thel'e may be no Grand Lodge." Page H20. . E;dict 61 provides: "All affiliated and non-affiliated Master Masons engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, after .January I, 1903, shall be deemed unworthy of membership in the Masonic Fraternity of Tennessee, and IGharges shall be preferred against. all so engaged by the .Junior . Warden, in whose jurisdiction said manufaeturer or dealer shall be residing," The .Grand Lodge of Tennessee has decided that "Subordinate Lodges have penal jurisdiction over all members of other Lodges in this, OI' any other .':;latc, residing or sojonrning withIn its territorial jurisdiction," Tennessee Masonic Code, page ;;,s. '1'h" last Communication of the Grand Lodge of 'Tennessee, of February 2, 1906, adopted the following resolution: • Wm';RJo:Ml, There are some Masons who live in the jurisdiction of Subordinate Lodges in this ,Jurisdiction that are openly and knowingly violating Edict 61, and in some instances charges have been preferred against them by the .Junior 'Varden, bnt the Lodges have failed and refused to act upon the sa.me or inflict p.unishment, as fixed by the Edicts of this Grand Lodge, therefore, be i t · Resolved, That tl}e incoming Grand Master and those· who may succeed him are direeted to make thorough investigation and take up the charters of all Lodges that have not enforced Edict 61, or those who may hereafter neglect OI' refuse to do so. Proceedings IH06, page 85, These Edicts,· Rulings and Citations contain the Masonic Law in Tennessee, by wbich we must be guided. If the law is certain, the course to be pursued is plain. The only question about which there is any doubt, in my vie~ of the law, as herein quoted, is as to whether a Tennessee Masonic Lodge can try and punish a VirgLnia Mason residing in Tennessee and selling intoxicating liquors in this State, in violation of an edict of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, this not being a Masonic offense in Virginia. Some of the rights of ¥asonry, recognized by all .Jurisdictions, is the right to visit: Masonically any l:egnlar Lodge, tbe right of avouchment and the right to' hold Masonic Communication with' other Masons. 'J'hese rights are, .ordinarily, not restricted to any .Jurisdiction. If a Virginia' Mason, in good standing, sho'uld be refm:ed the right to visit a Tennessee Lodge, it could well be claimert that we had infringed the rights of Virginia and given just cause for offense. If, on the other hand, a Virginia Mason had committed an offense for which many Tennessee Masons had been expelled, it would not be consistent or fail' to allow such a Mason to visit a Tennessee Lodge. In otber words, a Virginia Mason ougl1t not to be giv.en the privileges in a 'J'ennessec Lodge that would not, under similar circumstances, be extended to a Tennessee ~Jason. In some States a man m3J' cany a pistol without violating the law, but .the moment he comes into Tennessee· with a pistol he is liable to arrest and punishment. The principle is analogous to the question under consideration. A Mason in Virginia may be a retail liquor dealel' and not violate any :Masonic law in that State, but the moment he engages in that business -in Tennessee he violates a Masonic law of the last-named State and is subject to punishment there. The fact that it is not a Masonic offense in Virginia does not. render it any less a Masonic offense in' Tennessee. What effect will be given to the judgment inflicting punishment in Tennessee, by other Grand ,J urisdictions, is a Dla Her over which the Grand Lodge of 'l'ennessee has no control. We can only enforce our Laws and Edicts in our own .Jurisdiction. For these reasons I am constrained to. hold that when a Virginia Mason comes into Tennessee and violates a Masonic Law of this State he is liable to charges and punishment here, without I'eference to whether it is a violation' of Masonic law in other States. . I regret very ·much that I am not able to see the matter in the light presented by you. Fraternaily yours, (Signed)



G'rand M astcl'.

G. L. Ap.-15









May 24, 1906.

M. W. R.obert Burrow, Grand Master of Masons, Bristol, Tenn.:

1\1:'- Won. Sm AND BnO'l'JIER:

Referring to our correspondence in the case of No. 461, Tennessee, VS, ". , a member in good standing in No. 48, Virginia, and note your favor of May 2, 1906, wherein you state your satisfaction at our ability to "agree to disagree" in an amicable and friendly spidt. I beg to assure you that iot is my earnest desire to continue the friendly and Fraternal relations during my administration, which have always existed between the two Grand Jurifldictions. Of .course, believing that my position in this case is impregnable, to-wit, that you" Edict No. 61 is only applicable to members of Tennessee Lodges, and under no condition ot' circumstances ('an our Virginia Masons, residing and maint.aining themselves as good 'citizens in and under the civic laws Tennessee, be in any way penalized by the provisions of said Edict, and as I would not permit charges for the cause here alleged to be entertained by No, 48, Virginia, or any other Lodge in Virginia ·should other instances and occasions' arise under your Edict No. 61, 1 feel constrained to assure you that persistent insistence d your right to do so-if- it runs into pl'actical application-will be· regarded as unft'iendly by the :i\lost V,'-orshipful Grand Lodge of Virginia, and will present a new issue which would have to be dealt with on such lines 'as wouid comport with the dignity of this Ancient and Honorable Grand Body. However, I am sure no issue of the kind will arise, for, I am satisfied when the appeal of the Junior \Varden of ~iour No. 461 reaches you, you will sec that. the action of No. 461, 'Tennessee, in refusing to prefer charges against , a Virginia Mason, who was and is doing business in Bristol, Tenn., unqer the civic laws of ~'oUl', State, and whose vocation is neither a ci"ic nor a Masonic offense in, B'ristol, Va., was well taken, and you will sustain yo 1/.1' own Lodge. Of course ~'our Edict No. 61 may be so construed as to prohibit the right of visits and other courtesies usual among Masons of every clime; if so, this will also present a new issue to be dealt with as \ our interest may appeal' when it happens; and in this connection I beg to say tbat no Edict is needed to preyent a member vis~ting, as the humblest member of any Tennessee Lodge can, in my judgment, say wbo shall not be permitted to visit his Lodge-household-and there is no one to say nay. Of course no self-r€:specting Vjr~inia alason will undertake to visit in your Jul'isdiction when, in addition to proving himself a Mason, lie must also pt'ove his business-that is: if your Edict No. 61 is so drastic as to undertake to apply in any mU!1ner to visitors from Virginia. V,;ith assurances of the highest regard, I am,


Yours fraternally,

. K.

The Grand Master

KEMPEH, Grand Master.


No 'reply having been received to my letter of May 24, 1906, nor my attention called to any further effort to penalize the member of No. 48. l'efl"l'I'ed to, I must conclude tbat the Grand Master of Tennessee has never decided the appeal of the .lunior ';Varden of his, No. 461, or, if he has, he sustained the action of said Lodge in her declination to prefer charges. It: is recommended that this Grand Lodge pistinctly, definitely and posi· tlvely take position on the phase of the question involved in the foregoing discu.ssion, by either affirming and continuing the gist of my ruling in letter of May 24; 1906, to Grand Mastet' of Tennessee 01' by adopting for future use and guidance any othet' view which in bel' wisdom she may deem best for her interest. Pel'sonally. I an1 of the decided opinion tilat the unwritten. non-repealable and invinclllle by-law-the black ba·ll-is the organic and I'easonahle remedy for any Brother or hody of Rrethre.... who objects to Masonic association with a party on account: of his commercial, social or. moral relal ions.

1907. J



The committee, to whom was referred the Grand'Master's Address, reported on this question, as (ollows: In regard to the corre3pcndence with the Most Worshipful Grand Masler of Masons in 'Tennessee, 'your Committee most earnestly, zealously and unanimously commend the action of (il'and Mast.er Kc~per. The idea that a Mastel' Mason of the State of Virginia can be penalized by a Masonic Lodge in a .lurisdiction in which he may be sojoul'lling for an offense in no way in violat.ion of his Masonic obligations, or t.he civil law in the Jurisdiction in which the said Virginia Mason may be residing, and which, in the State of Virgtnia, would not be recognized by the Masonic Fraternity as an offense, either against Mllsonl'Y, morality or the law of the land, 'is so abhorrent to 0111' sense of simple right and justice, and what should' bp. comity b(~tween Grand Lodges, that we can not [01' a moment imagine that, on careful consideration, either the Grand or Subordinate Lodges of Tennessee could take any action against 'the said Virginia Mason. There al'e certain great fundamental i'ir!nciples underlying the Instit11ti01:1 of Freemasolll'y which no man. or set of men, can ever violate, and one of these is the undisputed right to Masonic life and l,iberty, not checked by any trammels, except those thl'own around the Institution by the groat. Landmarks. The Grand Lodge of Tennessee, of course, has the right to enact who shall become members of the Institution in Tennei,see a!ld can make the violation of any law, no matter how trivial, penal to any Mason who owes it allegiance and is enrolled upon its Jist of membel's; bnt it can not 'en tel' the Jurisdiction of the St.ate of Virginia indirectly and punish a Virginia Mason for' any offense except that which is against. thl' fundamental laws of Universal Masonry applying to all Jurisdictions, and to the great moral law ali!w. We trust that OUt: Brethren of' Tennessee, on careful consirlel'ation, may prevent any breach whieh might. oecur by taldng a<:U('n in the ease mentioned by the Gl'and Ma:;:ter, not justified by. the Andent Landnlal'k of Masonry...

Which report was adopted. We heartily endorse the position taken by the Grand Lodge of Viq~inia, .as. we have indicated in our review of Tennessee and sincerely hope the issue will be settled, so that brotherly love may prevail and every moral and social virtue cement the two Grand Jurisdictions. DECISIONS,

Six decisions were rendered, three of which we copy: 2d. That. non-affiliates might be buried with Masonic honors as a favor, not as a matter of right. " 3d. That a man who had lost. pal·t of a thumb 'and forefinger of his left hand was not ba.rred from maklnp; application for initiation. • 4t.h. 1'0 the question, "Is it J'awful to permit a Mason who is an intelligent ritualist, but. who has not served as ~laster- or Warden, to confer the Degrees, or any part thereof." I answered; No.,

From all three of which we dissent. If he is a voluntary nonaffipate he is a "drone in ,the hive," and entitled to no privileges. We don't believe in the "Cripple Law" and regard it. as contrary to the Landmarks. As to the third question' the committee express our views when they say: ·"We can see no reason why the Master of a Lodge may



not call -upon any learned and skillful Mason present to do any of the work in the Lodge, he, of course, being present and presiding over his Lodge." FOIU-:IG:"< RECOGNITION.

Upon t.he recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Corresponden<;e the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and the Grand Lodge of. Alberta were severally recognized. INCREASE I?'< SALAHIES.

The salary ~f the Grand Secretary was increased to $2,400, and that of Grand Treasurer to $600. REPOHT ON FOHEIGN CORRF,SPONUl<:NCK

This interesting' report is "from the ready pen of the Chairman of the Committee, Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden .Joseph William Eggleston, M. D. It is an interesting report and wiIl interest all who may read it. In looking over it we find no occasion to take issue with ~rother Eggleston, as.he is sound on the fundani.ental principles of our Order. He reviews Missouri for 1906. Referring to the death of Brother Allen McDowell, he says. "He seems to have been singularly gifted and extravagantly loved by the Craft." He quotes the decision of ,Brother Houston, to the effect that a non-affiliate is not entitled to Masonic burial, and says: "Masonry seems to' be drifting away from the aneient rule, 'once a Mason always a Mason,' as to non-affiliates and those S. N. P. D." Does he believe in the doctrine, "once in grace always in grace?" We think a路 Brother who voluntarily non-affiliates and chooses ,to become a "drone in the hive," forfeits ~ll claims on the Craft. 'We are at a loss how to reconcile the above critieism with this made by Brother Eggleston further on: A Brother was reprimandec1 by his Lodge for printing the namp. and nnmber of his Lodge on his Imsine~s card'. He was of t.he particular variety of men who mmally hecome non-affiliates.

He then says: Till' next th,;ee takp.n together are logical and sensible If-and we 'me:lrJ' a

big if--Iegislation on liquor -selling is permissible in Masonry': , Q1JI':S'J'IO~: Is it unmllsonic conduct 'for a Mason to sign a petition



sa loon license? ANswlm: It is not. QI.TI<:STION: First. Is a wholesale manufacturer of liquors eligible ll!" a petitioner for the degrees? ' AX;;WEH: He is. QUF:STION: Second. What must be done with a member In good stan(lin~ who has'f.~one into t.he saloon business? ANswf;n : ,Iilxpel him.



Some sweet day men will learn to discriminate between making and selling liquor for people to buy and use in their God-given dlscl'etion, and the manufacturing oI dl'unkards and criminals by keepers of public bars. The saloon abolished, public drinking done away with, and the greatest of all evils' would be ended, and no man's rights infringed.

Brother Eggleston and this writer are "of one mind" on this subject. If it were possible to "cut the dog's tail off just behind his ears," and not legalize the sale of liquor by the drink, then there would be no necessity for sumptuary legislation by Grand Lodges, as the saloon keeper would be a violator of the laws of the Government in which he lives and amenable to the Lodge for such violatiOn. Brother Eggleston quotes our introduction to our last report, and . says: The whole report Is a g'ood one, and promotes its authol' at a l.Jound, or, to l.Je accurate, at the second l.Jound, into the front rank.

We do not know what the Doctor wants, but he is authorized to "draw on us at sight," Speaking of the effort to abolish the Representative systems, in which California led off "half cocked," he voices our views as follows: It can not l.Je claimed that. it. does or can do the least.harrn. It, at least. enal.Jles Grand lI1asters to recognize worth, even in t.hose Brethren' who CRll not be ot.herwise honored because our honors are too few to go around. It has done. can do, and probahly will always do, occasionally, some good, and its vcry existence is along t.he lines of amenities and courtesies. Its conference is always. Ol' nearly- so, greatly appreciated. This wdter has had personal use foJ' it, in opening a confidential correspondence to learn facts in re~al'd to a delicate matt.er, from a Stat.e nearly t.wo thousRnd miles away. Virginia's represc;nta ti ve. otherwise a pel'fect stra nger, took all possible pa in s, and 'his reply was a comfort and satisfaction. H. W. Cort. R. Blncken, Virginia's Hepl路esentative. has spent Qi$ time and~ money gladly to serve us individually and collectively, and is ever at our service when any Virginia Mason visits New York. While not a necessit.y, the system is, to 'Masonry, a g'rHceful Ol'nament, and costs not.hing'. Let it stand, is our verdict. and let us tl'y to'mal,e it grow into a very usefUl part. of OUl' geneml plan.

He thus concludes his report: 1'heother pl'ominent movement is the requil'in?; Of documentHry evidence of proper standing of unvouched-for visit"ors. This is a grave and seriollS matter. Grave hecause of thc clandest.ine impostol'S, and morc grflve because of the 路many different requirements in t.he various .lurisdictions. To evcn mention them all wonld be tedious, and yet 3 >\1ason t"l'Hveling in ot.her Stat.es should 'have a chance to know what. documents he wiII need, for the privilege of visiting' is "nsUy mol't~ imporj:ant to tr3velin'g Masons than stay-Rt-homes wou]Cl suppose. The best hotels in strange cit.ies al'C but. poor places for a perfect stm'ngcr to pass t.he weal'y evenin.g hours in, and the Lodge room fills the want. lJniformity is a necessity. What shall it be? Heceipts fOl' dues will not answeJ'. for man~路 Lodges never issue them. and nearly all Lodges have some members who pay no dues because exelYlpt. Perhaps t.he best plan is a Grand Lodge card, and the bottom fact STares us in the face that no matter wbat .we adont it can b,e. probably will be, counterfeited. seal and all. After all. would "it" not. be best to leave the Lodges to pass on each case for themselves, and devot.e our attent.ion to stamping out clandestinism by having the New York law adopted in all the States, and seeing t.hat it is enforced in every casco .




We congratulate Brother Eggleston on his promotion to the position of Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, and next year hope路 to greet him as "M?st Worshipful." M.路 .W.路 .SYLVANUS J. QUINN, Fredericksburg, Grand Master. R. IN. GEoiwE W. CAHIUNGTON, Richmond; Grand Secretary.



Lodges, 137. Members, 9,880. The Forty-ninth Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington conve'ned in the City of Spokane, June 12th, A. D. 1906, M. W. Bro. Abraham Lincoln Miller presiding. A clear-cut portrait of the retiring Grand Master, Abraham LincoIn Miller, forms the frontispiece to the Proceedings. After the Grand Lodge was opened fitting addresses of welcome were made by Brother Floyd L. Daggett, Mayor of the City of Spokane, and Brother William H. 'Ludden, to which the Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Brother Royal A. Gove, responded. Greetings from Past Grand Mast.er Ziegler at Baden, Bavaria, were received and acknowledged by cable. GRAND MASTER'S ADDI:ESS. This Address, covering some thirteen pages, is interesting and shows a Brother anxious to please. CONDI'l'lON OF THE CRAFT. He says: I am happy to report that the condition of the Craft throughout this Grand Jurisdiction is especially gratifying. The year has been uneventful; hardly a .cloud has appeared to cast. a shadow Oyel' the peace and harmony prevailing. The steady increase of our membership has kept pace. with the strenuons spirit which seems to permeate this Northwestern country.- New Lodg-es have been ~ormed, and healthy g-rowth has prevailed in the Chartered Lodges, with very few exceptions. The future of Masonry never seemed brighter.


FRATERNAL DEAD. Under this head the Grand Master pays an eloquent and touching tribute to the memory of. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Thomas Milbourne Reed, Grand Secretary, who having been elected for the" forty-fourth time Grand Secretary, had been unable to be




23 1

present (for the first time in almost a half century) at the, last Annual Communication, and who, on October 7th, h;:td entered, into .life eternal. From the Grand Master's trib:ute we quote:

i can' not permit this occasion to pass without expressing, in the name of the Grand Lodge, the gratitude of the Masonic bodi~s of Washington,fol' his -life, works and example. Not only within our own .Jurisdiction, but all over the country, wherever the light of Masonry illumines the path of men, the good that he did will ,be felt. . . All honor to his name! and may his life and example be an inspiration to us all to strive for higher ideals and better and tr~er lives. Truly may we apply to him these lines: '''Were a star quenched on high, For ages would its light Still lingering downward through the sky, Beam out on mortal sight. So. when a good man dies; 11'01' years beyond ourl<en, The light he leaves behind him Shines upon the paths of men." The death of Past Grand Master Thomas Amos, at Creston, April 25, 1906, is ,also mentioned in a feeling tribute. DECISIONS.


Twenty decisions were rendered, four of which were amended and the others approved. The thirteenth decisi<>n is as follows: 13. \Vhere a Masonic路offense has been路 committed within the territorial .Jurisdiction of a I.Jadge. that'Lodge has a right to try the offending Mason for violation of the Masonic law, although he may be a: member of another' .Jm:isdiction. .

'The qU'estion is what is meant by "The. Masonic Law." Is it the moral law or the civil law, as it p~evails in all Masonic Jurisdictions, or is it a local law applicable only in the Jurisdiction where the .. offendillg Mason resides, making that an offense which the Jurisdiction where he holds his membership does not regard' as such? The sooner we realize that politics and Masonry 'won't mix, the sooner friction like .that 'now existing between the Grand Lodges of Virginia and 'rennessee will be avoided. C'ALIFORNIA RELIEF.

The Grand Master sent $500 for relief, and reports that a great number of the Lodges contributed liberally to the fund, but we find no statement of the amount. MASONIC HOM.E.

It seems that the building of a Masonic Home is still agitating the Brethren and that in the near future it will be established. The Grand Master suggests that it be called the "Reed Memorial Home," in recognition of that Brother's distinguishedI and lifelong' services. .




The Grand Master reported that Past Grand Master Arthur had journeyed. to Nome, Alaska, to constitute Anvil Lodge, which had been. granted a Charter last year. We quote from Brother Arthur'sreport: .


J have no fear for the futu're of that Lodge, the long winters there, coupled with the absence of theatrical entertainments, such as we have in the Statcs, give the members ample opportunity to study Masonry, both as a system of philosophy and as a system of ritualism. Last winter thc,)' often met about 3 o'clock in thc afternoon and kept the Lodge open until 11 or .12 o'clock, . discussing every phase of. Masonry and the f'soteric work. The otUcel's invariably appear in fnll dress, as do many of the members and visiting Bl'ethren,' They have a: very high opinion of their Lodge, and they uphold its, dignity in a manncr that is very. gratifying.

Some of our Missouri Lodges would do well to follow



The report of Acting Grand Secretary, Brother Horace W; Tyler, is an excellent paper, From it wâ‚Ź learn that there was no safe in his office. The receipts, including balance of $15,613.16, were $25,924.51; disbursements. $8,284.44; balance, $17,640.07. The Grand Lodge assets are reported as $54,404.51. GRAND LECTURER'S RErORT,

In this, the following sensible suggestion is made: Better results can be obtained if the Grand :\laster or Grand Secretarv will withhold the Dispensation until fUl'llished with a certificate from th'e Gmnd Lecturer, or one of the Custodians of the Work, that the officers of the Pl'oposed Lodge are competent to confer the three degrees. It is a difficult task to Instrilct a Lodge several months after receiving their Dispensation. and they have conferred degrees.

This ought to be the requirement everywhere. ORATION.

W: Bro. Jeremiah Neterer, Grand Orator, delivered an excellent Address. From it we copy: The unselfish devotion in the welfare of another, as exemplified in the vow made bctwl'cn twolp-cat. characters in Bihlical h)stor,V, "The Lord be between me and thee, and between my seed and thy seed forever," presents this sentiment as its flood tide during that period. It-







It demonstrates that no good influence is rver lost out. of life. but that it advances in an arithmeticaf pro~t'rRsion. lifting up and blessing- mankind: that the noble deeds of a well-spent life are l'cpeatect in many livcs. It shows us that the :Supreme Architect of the Universe causes eaeh individual to ful-J fill the 'life of the Grecian tI"aveler, who lamented, on aiTiving home with a sacl, of corn on his shoulder, because a little hole permitted some of thc corn to sift through and scatter on the .ground' along- the road, but, in later years. in fleeing from his enemies along ¡that way, he found a. plentifUl harvest to satisfy his hunger, grown from the seed thus lost. , It exemplifies the scriptural text, "Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days it shall return." 0(0




A man in a frontier town, where there was no orchestra, voiunteered to act as ':orchestra" at an entertainment. The hall was filled with rou~h fl"Ontiersmen, all armed with great pistols buckled about their waists. The "ol'chestra man" tool{ his seat at the organ. It was noticed that he had a placard on his bacle, "Don't shoot, I am doing my best," Masonry honors him wbo tenders his best, and it does not shoot at random; it hesitates before condemning anothcl"s actions; he may be doing his best. The records of the book of life are not open for our inspection. Let IJ im who seeth in secret, be the arbiter, and let us, as Masons, whisper words of counsei and good cheer in his eal's, and in the most tendel' manner remind him of his fauIts; write his apparent omissions in water, and engrave his known virtues In marble. . , IUTUAL SI<:RVICES AT CREMATION, .

W:.Bro. William H .. Gorham intrOduced the folloWing resolution,. which, on motion, was adopted: llc.sbtved) That a committee of three be appointed by the incoming M.路. W. '.Grand Master fOl' the purpose of dmfting an altel'Dative service to be performed over deceased Master :\lasons whoi:!e remains may be disposed of by the process of cl'elllation in this Grand .Jurisdiction, and that the same, when approved by the M... W... Grand Master, be incorporated in the official Monitor of Washington, as the authorized service for such purpose.

We would like to see this azt.ernative service when the committee "dig it out of the ashes." SEi'I'I [-CI<:l\'TJ<:NNIAL.

The semi-centennial anniversary of the Grand Lodge next year is to be suitably observed, -but the reeommendation for an appropriation of $500 was not approved. MEMORIAL SERVICES.

A memorial service was held late durin'g the session, when just路 and' well-deserved and beautifuily expressed tributes were paid by' Past dr~nd Masters Van Patten and Arthur. The portrait, of Brother Reed and that of Past Grand Master Amos, who died during the year, are given, as well as that of the retiring Grand Master, which forms the frontispiece. Brother Arthur says of Brother Reed: J.'hel路e was nothing wishy-'washy in 'the: character, the conduct. the :\1 a.sonry 01' the daily walk .and conversation of this man; he was a stalwart in every phase of bis life: he was the outspoken enemy of all indirection; he was the soul of honor in all transactions with his fellow men; bis unselfish devotion to the public interest. and needs of t.he community in which he lived brought him to the verge of financial ruin, and cost bim a fortune; his guiding' star alike in public and private life was the strictest integ'l'ity: and "-~.rhus bt.~ boree \vitbout abuse~ ,~. The grand old Bame of gerrtleman." MASONIC TEMPLE.

At the close of the Proceedings, we find a picture of the. Masenic Temple, which was dedicated during the session. FOrom the picture' we are free to say that the Brethren of Spokane are to be congratu;lated upon'their beautiful home,


Appendix. FORI<~lGN



This report is by the committee, Past .Grand Master Stephen James Chadwick. ' He has done himself and his Jurisdiction credit. His selections froin addresses and reports, interspersed now and then with his' views, .make excellent reading. In concluding his report, he expresses our view of what these reports should be, when he says: 1 have sought in this, my first e·!fort, to be a reporter, rather than an editor, a news gatherer rather than an instructor. To say that I have 'en'joyed every minute of my time at the Round-Table would be to state the' truth; to say that it has been tbe bappiest time of my life would nOl: be true; for the pleasure bas been tempered by many clements that, to the reflective mind, bear burdens of apprehension, pain and sorrow. '['0 pass before a compan,Y so critical is to he spurred hy the keen lancepoint of apprehension; to note. at times, tbe disloyalty of tbose who know the Leauties and obli~ations of Masonry. and the abuse of privilege by those wbo do not comprehend its meaning and purposes, causes pain; and to read the passing of the Patriarchs causes sorrow.

He 'reviews Missouri for 1905. In sp'eaking of Brother Valliant's Address, he says: "It is a splendid document of thirty-five pages. It is a rare thing tliat so much space can be profitably employed." He is ~ound on the "physical qualification" question and aptly says: "While 'every case should stand on its own facts' every candidate should stand on his own legs." Past Grana Master Wm. F .. Kuhn is deservedly complimented at the conclusion of this review, and we a~e only too glad to be, the means of "putting a feather in 'his cap," though unintentional on our part. Knowing Brother Kuhn as well as we· do, we are satisfied Brother Chadwick is possessed of discriminating ·judgment, when ·he says: Bro. Wrn. A. Kuhn worthily fills tbe vacant chair of that noble man and Christian gentleman, ,John D. Vinci!. Bro. Kuhn is at all times entertaining, and when "lined out" is eloquent, can be tender as well as sarcastic, and we doubt not that he will take his place among the best of the Guild. He says of us, that, . "We suggest that. unlessJa Lodge is able to furnish a hall for its exc-Iusive use, the sooner it is wiped out the .better." . It would be almost impossible in this new c'ountry to do so; yet, where it is possible, a Lodge should have exclusive use of its hal!. Bro. Kuhn likes rhetoric and song, and quotes liberally from "coneJn-· sinns," and gathers up such poetry as is found in the volumes. \Ve are I.dao to introduce him to the Bl'ethren of this Jurisdiction. And we hope that when we know bim better we shall have no occasion to revise our estimate of the mnn.

Who will say that we can not play the role of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde? It is your treat, Brother Chadwick. We'll take soda. M. W. EDW. FRANKLIN WAGGONER,' Spokane, Grand Master. R. W. HORACE WALTER TYLER, Olympia, Grand Secretary.




WESTERN AUSTRALlA-1906. Lodges, 74. Members, 3,684. A clear-cut picture of the Freemasons' Hall at Perth, which forms the frontispiece to the Proceedings, shows a splendid building, while on the 'opposite page is a photograph of R. W. Bro. Thomas Farquharson Jolly, Deputy Grand Master. The vol.ume contains the Proceedings of four Quarterly yom:r;nunications. The Grand Lodge of Western Australia of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons. was held at Freemasons' HaJJ, Perth, on Friday, July 28, 1905, Pro. Grand Master Brother Michael Samson presiding. PRO. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is a crisp, business document, covering some three and a - half pages. DISPENSATIONS.

Among these we note one to initiate a minor. know what the lawful age is over there.

We would like to


The Board of General Purposes recommended and the Grand Master endorse the recommendation, the appointmEnt of a Committee on Foreign Correspondence. He says: It Is now proposed to give the g.eneral body of. tbe Craft the opportunity of improving tbelr MasonIc lmowledge, and to become acquainted with tbe work that is being done by the great Masonic bodies of distant lands, '

The recommendation was' adopted. GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND.

On this subject the Grand .l\'laster says: It is a matter of I{een disappointment to all Brethren in Western Australia

who prb:e Masonic peace and harmony above the external 'advantages of constitutional preferment, to learn that Brother, the Rev. D. 1. Freedman, the Scottish District Grand Mastel' Sullstitute. has brought back from Edinburgh a repol路t conveying the most emphatic refusal of the Grand. Lodge of Scotland to indorse tbe satisfactory scheme of settlement which was arranged between ourselves and the local Scotch Brethren. Australasia has long grown accustomed路 to the hostility of the Grand Lodge of S~otland,. and certainly the Grand Lodgc of Western Australia never expected any sympathy whlIe the present administration bolds sway, but what we did hope for, was some respect for the resolutions of her own Distl'!ct Grand Lodge, for she. had already announced that matters affecting intercourse were left entirely to the Brethren concerned. The convenient manner in which she ignores the representations of her own Brethren in Westem Australia is a striking commentary on' the wisdom of being governed by a body of men residin~ ,on the other side of the globe, who know nothing whatever of local conditions, and

23 6





who .are quite incapable of appreciating any of the difficulties which her Brethren beyond the seas may, have to contend with. From the latest Proceedings of the Grand Lodg-e of Scotland I quote the following reference to Westem Australia: "A communication from the District Grand Master of Western Australia 'intimating the resolutions of his District Grand Lodge, recommending that the Gl~and Lodge of Scotland should recognize a hody designating' itself the Grand Lodge of. Westem Australia, and requesting- that the Grand Lodge of Scotland sbould terminate its jurisdiction in the colony, was read and considered. Grand Committee unanimously declined to accede to the recommendations;' and approved of the terms of a letter intimating this decision, which it instl'Ucted Grand Secretary to send in 'repl.r to the Distr'ict Grand 101asterY • ' ']'J;1e pOI·tion of the report that mainly interests us is the indication of the steady manner in \vhich we are winning our way into· the affections of the Grand. Lodge of Scotland, In the early stages of our correspondence ,we were referred to as "Brotber Stevenson's body," then we became a "would-be Grand Lodge," and, later on, "a so-called Grand Lodge;" and now we have risen to high and dignified position of "a body designating itself a Grand Lodge." This variety of nomenclature is explained on reading Clause 4 of Brother' l~I'eedmDn's Report, when he says, "The Foreign and Coloni.al Com.mUtcc decline to ta.ke an1/ note of the recognition given to the 1Vcst A.ustralian Consti.tu.tion by pra.cticall1/ all the rest of the G1'a.nd Lodge8 throu.vhout the world," and in Clause 8. "the Committee hoped that the Bret7wen would remMn l.oyal to the flag of Scotland." This expression forcibly reminds us that neither Scotland, nor indeed does any other country, possess a distinctive Masonic flag. Masonry is universal, and. its universality is one of the secrets of its wondel'ful power and growth. The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of !\ian are what demand our loyalty as Masons, WEDDING IN PROSPECT.

The prospective wedding of the immediate Past Grand Master, Brother Dr. Hackett, was announced and he was congratulated. Later i'n the session the Pro. Grand Master presen'ted the M. W. Bro. Dr. Hackett with a pair of solid silver five-branch candelabra on Corinthian columns as a wedding gift from the Grand Lodge. SECOND QUARTERLY COM.MUNICATION.

This was held 3;t Boulder, on the 27th of October, 1905, M. W, Bro. the Lord Bishop' of Perth presiding, GRAND l\'fASTER'S ADDRESS.

He reports, among others, a Dispensation to install a W, M. who had not served office of Warden. He says: Since I came to West Australia we have gone up in population from 100.000 to nearly 2::;0,000, but the Lodges have increased from twelve to over one hundred, of which sevent~'-six are under this Constitution. Masonry is catTied on here with great enthusiasm. great zeal. and I may add, with every indication of acting as a truly Masonic spirit, and it ought to be taken for ~rant€d that we only want to act for the good of the Craft in general. \Ve. in our Constitution, are neither English, Irish, or Scotch. but, just as the State is Chiefly built up of men from these three great nations, and we are here living in peace one with another. and building up a new nation. so in Masonry, undel' the banner of Western Australia. we reco,gnize, no distinction of race, but are one in brotJ?,erhood and sympathy,


1907. ]



R. W, Bro. Frank Mitchell, P. S. G. W., moved in accordance with previous notice: That Rule 119 B. of C. be so amended as' to' enable Lodges to determine by their b~'路laws whether the officers shall be elected by the BretllreIJ or app'ointed by the Mastel', as at present. '

The motion was carried unanimously. THInD QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION.

This wa~ held at Perth, 26th of January, 1906, M. W. Bro. the 'Rt. Rev. C. O. L. Riley, D. D., Bishop of Perth, presiding. GI<ANI) MASTEn's ADDRESS.

The Grano Master thus commences his "brief" Address: Bm;Tl-lHEl\'-'l'hel'c is so much said,. as a rule, at meetings of Lodg-es. and there are so many and sometimes such long speeches at the Festive Board, that it is delightful to he in the position of a Grand Mastel', with little or nothing to relate. As far as our own Grand Lodge is concerned. work goes on so smoothly. and Brotherly love is so strongly, though quietly exercised. that we' have' comparatively little trouble. For this del1ght:ful calm we owe much to the conciliatory spirit of our genial Grand Sect'etary, and to the notice in his offke, "Be brief"-which does not permit a Brother to enlarge much upon his grievances, and ~rievances, you lmow, when simply stated often lose much of their sting, while when you have plenty of time to talk abqut them they grow enormously. \VOllRH1PFUL

He says, in referring to TIlE SCOTTISH QCESTION.

I had hoped to have bel~n able to report some progress towards union. One Stl'P has been taken-the coming' over of another Scotch Lodge. We , had expected that some arrangement might have been come to--even though the authorities in Edinburgh were obdurate. \Ve, thought that Australians would show their independence and do what they all fecl--so. I believe, would be the best fOI' Freemasonry-grasp the hand held out : hut nothing official has been done. Our arm is growing a litlle w.eal'y; still the hand is held out and there is strength enough fOI' a hearty grip when the hand is clasped. We can not do without Scotland. 'Vhere would the Empire b': today without: her Scotchmen-hel' soldiers, her statesmen. her engineers, her pushing, active business men? Wherever you lOOk they are guiding, the destinies of the people and working out their o'wn and others' good. Where would we be in this Grand Lodge withol! t a Stevenson and a host of others who can pronounce without wincing "a right gUid willie-waught," and who know' how to enjoy themselves in a hearty an<J genial mannerjand who can be t.rusted in times of adversit.y to act the part of a friend. '1'0 Scotland, we say, we have tried all ways to woo you. Are you the shy but artfUl lassie who thinks that wooing comes but once, and should not be cut too short? In the words' oJ your own poet: In vain I've tried each artful wile That's practiced by the lover: But naught, alas, when once its lost Affection can recover. . Then break my poor deluded heart, That never can be cheerie; .. But while life's cnrrent t.here shall fiow, Hae long I'll lo'e my dearie.

23 8



Still we are pining and longing, my bonnie lassie-my fair maid of Perth and your dal1ghter on the goldfields-and you will at least permit us to sa~' as you stand hesitating as to whether. Ot· not we are good enough for you to link your fortunes with. A star is peepin' o'er the leaI ken its light, my ain dear lassie; But ab! it 1001,s so lorn, though bright, ''l'is just like me without thee, lassie. Come again, oh, come again, once again, my bonnie lassie, I'll sing a song of brighter days when by thy side, my bonnie lassie. WIDOWS' AN.D ORPHANS' FUND.

The Board of Benevolence reported in favor of the establishment of a Widows', Orphans' and Aged Freemasons' Fund, which was adopted. The following shows the source and object. of the fund: 1.

The name of this Fund slrall











The sources of the Fund shall be : (a)' Such contributions as may from time to time be received from the Grand Lodge of \Vestern Australia. (b) Voluntary subscriptions and donations by Lodges, Chapters, and other :Masonic Bodies or Individuals. (c~ L e g a C i e s . . . . (d) Special festivals and any other means that may be devised by the 'Board of )1anagement. The objects of this Fund shall be: (a) To afford relief to aged Freemasons or the widows of Freemasons, either by the establishment of Homes, the granting of annuities. 01' both. (.b) '1'0 make grants 'to assist in the education and clothing of the children of Masons rcqu iring relief"; (0) '1'0 make grants to assist in the advancement in life of the children of l\lasons requiring relief. FU~DS


T~e Grand Treasurer, V. W. Bro. James Brebber, announced the following balances to the credit of the various Grand Lodge ac~ counts:

Fund of General Purposes, in Bank £ 185 16 8 Fund of General Purpcses, advanced to Freemasons' Hall Account . 700 o o Fund of General Purposes. F'ixed Deposit . 1.500 o o . Fund of Benevolence, in Bank 873 6 1 . 1,000 o o Fund of Benevolence, Freemasons' Hall Debentures ~---=-~~~-


£4,259 .2

Freemasons' Hall Account, at Bank NOM!N A'fIO~ AND




£ 168 16 10


M. W. Bro. Dr. Hackett, Past Grand Master, 'in a few felicitous words, proposed the re-e)ection of M. W. Bro. The Rt. Rev. C. O. L. Riley, Lord Bishop of Perth, as Grand Master for a third term. This


. Appendix.


was seconded by R. W. Bro. T. F. Jolly, Deputy Grand Ma~ter, and carried unanimously. The M. W. Gra~d Master thanked the Brethren for the high honor they had again conferred upon him. The Fourth Quarterly Communication was held at' Perth, April 27, 1906, M. W. Bro: the Lord Bishop of Perth presiding. GRAi'\D MASTER'S ADDRESS.

He has a good deal to say about their relation Lodge of Scotland, and concludes with these remarks:


the Grand

IIowever, we in Westem Australia took one step forward and we can not go back; and surely the wonderful advance which we have been able to make shows conclusively that the vast majority of Masons in this territory were with us in sympathy, even if they al\. out of supposed loyalty to their own Grand Lodge, could not join us. Quietly and steadily we are gaining adherents. Ev.en this week one of the most prosperous and influential Lodges has joined our ranks, and their example, is sure to be followed by others. To those who have now joined our ranks. under the banner of Western Australia, Grand Lodge offers its most cot'dial greetillg. REVEALING LODGE TRANSACTIONS.

My attention has recently been' drawn to the fact 'that some members seem to forget that the business of the Lodge, so far as the outside world is concerned, is just as much a secret as any obligation. There are known instances where a candidate who has been witndmwn from the ballot bas been in possession of the names of tbe Brother or Brethren who objected to his admission, within twenty-four hours of such objection being lodged. There are other cases where certain information respecting a candidate has been reported to the Investigation Committee, and members of tbat committee bave in turn divulged the information and the name' of their informant to Brethren other than the Master. .In some instances the Master has been indiscreet enough to men lion names to, the proposer of the candidate. These are distinctly Masonic offences of a grave nature, and the guilty Brethren are deserving of severe punishment. Altogether Masonic affairs are too much talked of In public places in the presence of strangers, and I would respectfully direct the attention of the Brethren to Ancient Charge No.6, Section 4.



the Grand Anniversary Festival took place in the s~pper room , at the close of the Proceedings. The~. W. Grand Master presided over a. large attendance of the Brethren, many of whom had to undertake long journeys. in order to be present.



, \

This, their first report, is signed¡ by thâ‚Ź full committee, is very creditable and we doubt not will be found of more than passing interest to the Brethren of that Jurisdiction.



Brother A. H: Henning reviews Missouri for 1904.. He quotes Brother Kuhn's remarks on "Physical Qualifications,:' and from the' biographical sketch of the life of Brother Vincil. We welcome these Brethren to the .Guild, but we think the preparation of the report by one Brother would be preferable, because it secures unity throughout the report, 'and continuity in the 路work. Most Worshipful Bro. the Right Rev. C. O. L. RILEY, D.D., Lord Bishop of Perth, Grand Master, Fe-elected. Very Worshipful .Bro. J. D. STEVENSON, of Perth, Grand Secretary, reappointed.

WEST VIRGINIA-1906. Members, 11,006.

Lodges, 129.

The Forty-second Annual Communication of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the ~tate of West Virginia was held at the City of Huntingdon, commencing November 14, A. D. 1906, M. W. Bro. George W. McClintic, Grand Master, pre路 siding. A photograph of Tom G. Strickler, 'the newly-elected Grand Master, forms the frontispiece to the Proceedings. GR.\ND :MASTER'S ADDRESS.

This is strict~y a business docu路ment. of the Craft:

He says of the condition

We have had in our material affairs a prosperous year in this Jurisdiction, and naturally a prosperous people have produced a prosperous ;\':lasonic year. OUl' members have rapidly increased and four new Lodges have been formed, and we believe that in all respects the Fraternity is to be congratulated upon the splendid showing made.

SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER. He reports the sum of $300 sent to the Grand Master of California .for the relief of the sufferers. DISPENSATIONS.

Quite' a number of Dispensations were granted, four of which were for "railroading" candidates through, doing an injustice. both to them and the Craft.




He reports two decisions.

NO.2 is as follows:

2. A candidate who has lost all the-fingers of his left .hand i!, eligible for the mysteries 'of Masonry. The Committee on Jurisprudence repOt·ted: Decision No. 2.-Your committee is of the opinion that while the Grand Mastcr has acted within the prerogatives of his office in applying Deeison No. 2 to the specific case before him, we feel that it is the duty of this committee to urge. a word of waL'Ding to the Lodges. and officers ill this .Jurisdiction against the general acceptance of material that does not con· form to the traditional l'equiremeJ)t~. REPORT OF



I,'Cca rJit 1llation.

Total receipts November 16, 1905, to November 14, 1906 $8;'387 Accrued interest on certificates to November 1, 1906.. 252 To interest certificate M. & F, Bank ,. 2,500 Balance on hand November 16, 1905 9,015

63 63 38


'1'otal receipts By pay-roll, interest certificates in Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, and Orders Nos. 479 to 50~. inelusive ,.......

$20.15:') 72

Balance on hand this date., ...•............... 'l:he above accounted for by lnterest (;el'tificates Nos. 5768-9 .. And bank balance , , " , .

$11.390 57 $] ],096 00 2!J4 57

8,765 15

$11,390 57 Fom:lGN' RECOGNITION .

. Upon the recommendation of the Committee on' Foreign Correspondence, the Grand Lodges of Alberta and Queensland were recognized, while the applications of the Grand Lodge of Brazil, the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and the Grand Lodge of Queensland were passed over until next Annual Communication. THE LIQUOR QUESTION.

The following was adopted: R.esolve(l, That. from and after' thc adoption

of this resolution, those persons who in the future shall be engaged in the sale of intoxicating Ilquors, except for medicinal 01' mechanical purposes, shall be considered ineligible fol' initiation or a~liation in lllly Lodge in this Grand .Jurlsdiction. Any member of any Lodge in this .Jurisdiction who shall hereafter engage in the sale of intoxicating liquors, except for medicinal 01' mechanical purposes, shall be considered guilty of unmasonic c0nduct, and it shalf be the duty of the Junior Warden of such Lodge to prefer charges against any such member, and upon trial and conviction thereof. the Lodge shall expel snch member: but it is understood that this resolution shall not be retroactive. MASONIC TEMPLE.

The following was adopted: Rcsol1ied, That the sum of five thousand dollars of the funds now in the hands of the Grand 'l'reasurer, and the sum of three thousand dollars

annually,. be and the same are hereby set apart to be known as t.he Gr'l1nd G. L.




Lodge Masonic Temple Fund, togethel' with, all interest accumulated thereon. That said sum of five thousand dollars be loaned out by the Grand TreasureI' on good real estate security, 01' invested in United States or municipal bonds, and that the annual ~ums of three 路thousand dollars be loaned or Invested together with the annual interest on all of said sums, in the same manner until the further order of t.his Grand Lodge. REPOH'!' OK FOREIGN CORRESPO;\'DENCE.

This is furnisheo by. Past, Grand Master H. R. Howard, who is also Grand Secretary. ' He sueceeds M. W. Bro.. G. W. Atkinson, who now occupies the position of Judge of the Court of Claims at Washington. Brotper Howard makes a good b,eginning and .if he keeps on will soon "attain unto perfection." He seems to have adopted our plan of being a "reporter" rather than a "common-tater." He reviews Missouri for i906. He characterizes the Address of Brother Houston as :'a splendid business paper, which shows that his acts have been tempered with wisdom and fidelity; his recommendations are wise counsels and his year's work a monument for good Rnd of a high duty faithfully performed." He quotes his remarks on the liquor traffic, but does not comment. The report of Grand Secretary Parsons, he says, ,,'shows that the business of the office has been carefully and faithfully attended to." He likes our way of v:oting on advancement of a candidate, and says: "You can count hands easier than you can count bailots." We hesitate about copying his comments on our report, but have come to the conclusion, in these "strenuous times," that If a man don't blow路 his horn, nobody .will blow it for him. Here is what Brother Ho路war.d is pleased to say: The report on Fraternal- Correspondence is served up by M. W. Bro. Rufus K Anderson, P. G. M., and is his second one. He fills 250 pages in a pleasing and readable manner with exccl'pts from Pror.eedings, addresses and foreign' correspo'ndence. interspersed with lively comments, Fraternal ' criticisms, and useful information gleaned fl'om the Pro('cedings of about all of the American and Foreign Grand Lodges recognized by the Grand Lodge of Missouri.

M. W. TOM: G. STRICKLl<~n, ..Ellenboro, Grand Master. R. W. H. R. HO'VARp, Point Pleasant, Grand Secretary.

WYOMING-1906. Lodges, 23. Members, 1,951. The Thirty-second Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Wyoming, A. F. and A. M., was held in the City of Douglas, September 5, A. D. 1906, M. W. Bro. M. R. Johnston" Grand Master, presiding. A half-tone cut of Brother P. S. Cook (we don't know whether its "Peter," "Patrick," "Phillip" or "Philander") looks you

1907. ]


straight in the eye as, yOU open the volume. He looks like a man who has "the courage of his convictions," and we doubt not will prove a model Grand Master. "GltAND :i\fASTER'S ADDRESS.

This contains a full and detailed account of his visitations' and official acts~ He thus: speaks of the condition of the Craft in Wyoming: On every side there is peace and contentment. In every avenue of the commercial world there is the greatest prosperity. Affairs 'in schools, church and State have reached a higher standard of perfection than ever before. These favorable conditions exist around it, :\1asonry has kept pace with the progress of time: Harmony and energy prevail among the workmen in the quarries and temples. 'All over this fair land our organizations, homes and temples al'e institutions of which we may be proud. Masonry during the last year has had her share of blessings. With the outer gates well guarded the inner portals have witnessed, th.e conversion of many good men to our faith. and doctrine, and today W(l stand a tower of strength in the knowledge that this Grand Lodge has at its command a mighty army of the truest and best of this young commonwealth.


Among these he reports one to Wyoming on December G, '1905, _ when a Joint Communication of Cheyenne Lodge, No.1, and Acacia Lodge, No. 11, was held, and Brother Rosco P. Snyder raised to the 'sublime degree of a Master Mason. A happy event of the evening was the presentation of the Past Grand Master's Jewel to Past Grand Master Frank A. LucRfield. The presentation was made \y the Grand Secretary, Brother Kuykendap, who gave one of his entertaining talks, abounding in wit and wisdom. The ladies of the Eastern Star furnished a royal spread. DI SPENSATIOl'\S.

Twelve' Dispellsation~ were issued, five of which were to "waive examination" and railroad the candidate through. 'We presume .the candidates knew about as much about the degrees when they ,got through as "a hog does about holiday." DECISIONS.

Twelve decisions ,are reported" all of which are local :in their application, and were approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence:





A Special Communication was held at Laramie, October 12, 1905, and the corner:stone of the new Federal Building laid. At the close of the ceremonies Brother F. W. Mondell, as Grand Orator, delivered an Address. July 28, 1906, a Special Communication was held at Green River, and the corner-stone of the Carnegie Public Library laid, when Brother T. S. Taliaferro, as Grl'!-nd Orator, delivered an appropriate Address. ANOTllER GRA?'D LODGE OF :M1SSOURI.

The Grand Master says: . It has been urought to my notice through communications from several

Brethren that Clandestine Lodges are in operation in this State, one in particular, Elah Military Lodge, No. 38, of Fort Mackenzie, claiming to bold a Charter from thc Grand Lodge of MissoUl'i. which is evidently not: the regular Grand Lodgp., but a Clandestine Grnnd Lodge. I believe it my duty to sound a note of warning t.o the Brethren of t.his Jurisdiction regarding the grave danger that lies therein to our legitimate institutions. and the baleful and demoralizing influence t.hey are sure to exert upon both initiated and. profane of this 8tate. In this connection it has come to my knowledge that lIlany Grand Lodges have adopted laws requiring' all affiliated visitors not properly vouched for to .present documentary evidence of good standing in some regular and recogni7.cd Lodge before examination, thereby making it necessary for 'Vyoming Masons who ma~' desire to visit other Lodges to provide themselves with such evidence. I would recommend the adoption - of such legislation as will provide such evidence. HEPORT OF GHAND

Cash on hand as per last report Receipts 0



Total Disbursements









: .., 00















Cash on hand September 2, 1906 ..



o' •









.' • • • •










••• ' •••








$4,408 54 2,785 97 $7,194 ·51 2,451. ,80 $4,742 71


The Special Committee reported favorably to the est~bIishment ofa Home, and report.ed: 'l'he Committee are inclined to the view, after investigating the situation pretty thoroughly in the State, that if it is deemed advisable to establish such an institution, that it shonld be located somewhere near the central portion of the State, and it has occurred to us that perhaps Thermopolis would ue as advantageous a point 'as could be selected, for t.he reason that those needing medical attention and thc benefits to be derived from the mineral waters, could best be cared for at that· point. , The Committee al'e also of opinion that in view of the prospective development of the State and the cODsequlmt increase in the' price of lands, that it -would be advisable 10 SCCUloe a suitable site at an early date.

1907. J




Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Western Australia and the Grand Lodge of Alberta were rec,ognized, while the applications of the Grand Lodges of Queensland, Costa Rica, Porto Rico, Guatemala and Valle de Mexico wer(~ laid over.


A Past Granti Master's Jewel was presented to Brother M. R. Johnston, by Brother B. B. Brooks, Governor of the State.


This is the work of Brother W. L. Kuykendall, and is well done. He shows painstaking and study upon current Masonic events, a8 s,howII by the following, tah:en from his conGlusion: "The questions of perpetual jurisdiction over rejected candidates, physical qualification of applicants for :\1asonry, recognition of Grand Lodges, clandestine Masonry, prerogatives, Landmarks, documentary evidence of good standing, and a few others of some importan~e continue as matters for discussion and action. Toe trend of legislation seems to be in favor of modifying the harsh rule regarding' the first two. The third and fourth are tangled np together In >iuch a way as should require, in every case of application for !'ecognition an inquiry as to relations existing between the applicant and cland<:'stine bodies befor~ going into the question of legit! macy and complete control of the three degrees and territory. Opinion as to the fifth and sixth has and is constantly undergoing a change that, will eventually place them upon a reasonable, j'lst and common-sense basis. and stripped of the romancing ideas so prevalent a score of years ago, thus bringing them In line with facts developed through inve!;,tigation. The seventh has always been necessary. hut fol' some unaccountable reason was Ignored until self-preservation against clandestines and dead-beats required action, which has been taken by many Grand Lodges, thereby serving notice on visitors to provide themselves with propel' credentials."

He revi8ws. Missouri for 1905. He says: "The Grand Master;s Address is avery able document, clear and forceful in the presentation of the business of his office during the, year." He quotes four of the decisions with approval, an9 is silent as to the others. He pronOUllces our report "go<;Jd." This coming from Brother Kuykendall means something, and is appreciated. P. S. COOK, Cheyenne, Grand Master. w. L. KUYKENDALL, Sara~oga, Grand Secretary.




New york Illinois Pennsylvania Ohio Michigan Massachusetts Indiana 1\1issourl Texas Iowa California Kentucky Kansas _ ],:[aine Georgia ~ew Jersey Wisconsin Minnesota Tennessee Connecticut路 Alabama Arkansas Virginia Nebraska North Carolina Mississippi Vermont Maryland Colorado

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .. . . . . . . . . .

139,206 74,741 67,706 61,636 51,871 46,790 42,627 40,983 38,270 36,789. 31,619 26,992 25,986 25,307 25,289 23,487 21,251 20,287 19,420 19,346 16,667 16,155 15,846 14,719 14,578 12,244 11,535 11,057 10,997

West Virginia New Hampshire Washington Louisiana Slmth Carolina District of Columbia Oregon Rho.de l~~an~ IndIan Ierl'Itory Florida Oklahoma .Sol1th Dakota North Dakota Montana Delaware : Idaho Wyoming New :Mexlco

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



X~V~n~' ::': ::.: ::::::::::: Nevada Canada (Ontario) Manitoba Quebec Nova Scotia British Columbia New Brunswick PI'ince Edward Island

. . . . . . . .

10,121 9,565 8,997 8,960 7,937 7,365 7,322 6,428 6,363 6,019 5,976 5,957 5,153 4,013 2,668 2,056 1,809 1.484 1:213 1,191 '1,030 35,000 4,786 4,709 4,417 2,859 2,204 608


1,129.611 CONCLUSION.

Some of our Grand Lodges have not been included in this reportfor the reason that we have tailed to receive copies of their Proceedirtgs, and not .because it would not have .afforded us pleasure "to write them up." In the preparation of t.his report an effort has been made to give YOU a just estimate of the esteem in which the Order is held in the several Jurisdictions. Quotations have been freely made for the purpose of enforcing a.n idea or bringing to you some t.hought for you,r careful consideration. In them YOU will probably find thp best. part of the report. Brother Morcombe expresses our feelings when he says: Ilis ears are duB who, rising from a task like this, has failed to catch some thriIIlng echo of the marching music of humanity. Whether consciol1sly or not, our Ancient Brotherhood is keeping step and pace. Only in phrasings of the melody is theredifTerence; for all men the cadences of progress beat alike. Slowly the old order passes. giving place to the new. .Slowry still. but surely, there is in all the world approach to loftier ideals, greater aspirations. more effective altruistic endeavor. That time is near an end which holds a law transgressed if we bllt hope to join In mightier labors than our own. The spil'it of petty exclusiveness and the little ban'iers of difference between Brothers may路not long divide ,t.he currents of endeavor. We may not stay our hands while the great tide of thought. and doing rises; when In all lands the people are sanping at old frontiers and beating down the limits raised by rac'e and creed and selfishness and (~aste ~




'''Star-eyed Truth (greater than man or doing) Sweeps hurrying on; far off she sees a gleam Upon a peak. She has cried to man路 of old '1'0 build the enduring, the Fl'atemal StateCries yet through all the ruins of the world, Through Karnak, through the stones of Babylon, And yet on winged feet, a form of fl!-deless youth, She goes to meet the coming c~nturies." ,

Fraternally submitted,


WQ~~ /------,


Committee on Correspondence.

We attach the following from the pen of Brother Claude Manning, of New South Wales, as an APPENDIX.

FOREICN TERRITORIES. Al;PINA (SWITZERLAND). (Founded 1844.) Lodges, 34. Members, 3,439. The report of the Grand Lodge of Switzerland, named Alpina, . covers the quinquennial period, 1900 to 190,5.. It is an interesting production, well got up, profusely illustrated With, portraits of prominent Syviss Brethren, and of various Masonic edifices, while there is a fine pictorial representation of the New Federal Palace at Berne. In a preparatory note we are told that路 the Board of Administration . of the Gfand Lodge of Switzerland (Alpina), desirous of exposing (sic.) the principles forming the basis of their work, and of informing the' Masonic Powers of their activity, have decided to publish this volume. Of so voluminous a document it is impossible in the short space allotted for review work to give more than a general impression of the contents. The main body of the worl< consist.s of five parts published in French, each part covers the Proceedings of a year of the quinquennial term 1900-1905. A prefaee is devoted to a short his路 torical sketch of the early days of Maso.nic activity in Switzerland, and of the subsequent development to the period covered by the main report. The first Lodge was opened in Geneva in 1736, others followed in cpmparati,vely rapid succession at Lausanne, Zurich" Neuchatel,



Bale, Berne, Fribourg, Locle, etc. These Lodges had their, own separate destinies, passed through many vicissitudes, and some of them were subsequently dissolved. After the French Revolution, which changed everything, Swiss' Masonry took up its work more largely than ever. At the beginning of the Nineteenth CenturY new Lodges were formed, partly of the remained of former ones and partly of new clements. ' During the domination of Napoleon 1., the Lodges of ~witzerland were under the influence of the Grand Orient of France. ' After this period the influence. was being lost more and more, and German Masonry began to predominate. The Lodge of Berne: in its turn, obtained in 1818, from the Grand Lodge of England, the right to 'institute a Provincial Grand Lodge, which was joined, in' 1821, by that 路of La Chaux-de-Fonds. By and by, two groups had formed themselves, the one under the influence of the rectified German system, the other und~r that of the Lodge of Berne, i. e., of England. In 1842 representatives of ele.,-en Lodges met路 and agreed upon a contract of union. In 1844, this Constitutional Pact was .. signed by fourteen Lodges at Zurich, and Dr. J. J. Hottinger, Professor of the University at Zurich, was elected first Grand Master. Eleven .other Grand Masters have subsequently held sway over the destinies of the Swiss Grand Lodge, Brother Ed Quartier.-la-Tente during the period covered by the latest report, 1900-1905, Dr. H. Haberlin for 1905-1910. There now exists perfect concord between the different. Lodges and the relations between the Masons of the German 'part of Switzerland and those of the French and Italian parts are extremely fraternal. The Grand Lodge is composed of the Masters of different Lodges, of the Delegates of the Lodge's (subject to re-election in each year) of its Board of Administration, and of the Representatives (Maitres Deputes) of the Grand Lodge with the Lodge-c:;. The Maitres Deputes are appointed by the Grand Master and they supervise the execution of Grand Lodge decisions with the Lodges. This is the only control Lodges are put under. The Board of Administ~ation consists of the Grand Master, his, Deputy, and thirteen other members. The duration of administration is five years. Custom. has sanctioned the selection of the Grand Master alternately from the French and German parts of Switzerland, so that the opinions路 and ideas of these groups prevail successively. The Lodges have' the right to govern themselves freely within the limits of the Constitutions.




The principles underlying the basis of union are set forth under twelve separate heads, but .space will. not permit more than this passing reference to them. The Constitution was adopted definitely in 1879, and is still in use. The'reports for each year of the last quinquennial period dealt with sittings of the Council" ~f Adn1ini路stration, Conference of Mas-. tel's' in th-e Chair, Proceedings of Grand Lodge Sessions held during the past five years at Berne, Zurich, Lausanne, Bienne and St. Gall respectively. The last session was, as indicated above, at St. Gall, on Saturday, 24th June, 1905, under the presidency of the Grand Master, Brother Ed. Quartier-Ia-Tente, and in the presence of the Council of Administ~ation and eighty Delegates and Masters in the Chair. A motion was submitted, having for its object the diminution of the number of Grand Lodge Sessions and of the expenses attendant thereupo~. The motion was ultimately withdrawn, but the main object of drawing attention to the ,dange~ of too "lavish expenditure, borne; apparently, 'by the Lodge where the session is held, was achieved. The que'stion of the rec~gnition of the Grand Lodge of Queensland was deferred, on the ground that it has not yet been formally recog路 nized by a majority of regular Masonic powers. On the day following, Sunday, 25th June, 1.905, the new Grand Master, Brother Dr. H. Haberlin, was installed. The receipts of Grand Lodge for 1904, the last year of the period under review, were 13,414.10 francs; expenditure, 12,257.12 francs; credit balapce, 1,158.98 francs. At the end of the volume consip.erable space is given to the history of the International otfice for Masonic relations. This office is charged with furnishing information concerning Freemasonry, and. the multiplying of points of contact between Freemasons of 'all I nations. The movement is traced from its initiation to its present , establishment, and affords interesting reading. The Grand Lodge of S~itzerland has been established as the central bond of union for this purpose, and about twenty Grand Lodges, mainly. European, besides two from Br~zil a.nd one each from Argentine and Egypt, have subscribed adherence to路 the scheme. No English-speaking Lodges have yet joined. To us in far away New South "'Vales, the advantage of joining seems somewhat' questionable. We at present enjoy the right of direct communication with ot.her Masonic powers, and to substitute for that communication through an' intermediary . , power hardly seems to make for improvement in the relat.ionship . . Bro. Dr. H. HABERLIN, Grand Master. Bro. Dr. AD. STREULI., G~and Secretary.




BRAZIL. (Founded 1883.) (No report received.),

COSTA RICA. (Founded 1899.) Lodges, 7. Members, 203. 'The Proceedings of this Grand, Lodge have been transacted 'at Quarterly Communications, held 26th Februa.ry, 27th May, 26th August, 25th November and 3d December. An Extraordinary Communication. on 24th June, 1904, and Annual, Communications on 27th January and 24th February, 1905, all held in the Masonic Temple, San Jose. The M. W. Grand Master, Brother Gustave Pradilla, in his Address cong~atulates the Brethren upon the harmony a~d brotherly love that has pervaded the Lodges of the Jurisdiction. Relationship with the Masonic powers has been .maintained in .a friendly and satisfactory manner. The difference with the Supreme Council of Central America having happily ended, official intercourse has been resumed, and an intel'change of Representatives made. Masonic recognition has been received during the year from the following Grand Lodges: Arizona, South Dakota, New South Wales, New Zealand, Porto Rico, Quebec, South Australia, Victoria, Idaho, Missouri and Ohio, bringing the total number of recognitions to fiftyfive. , We are pleased to note .Brother Eli Broad has been appointed to represent the Grand Lodge of Costa Rica, and Brother H. N. Rudd will look after the interests of New South Wales. The lately-formed Grand Lodges of Guatemala and Queensland' have requested recognition. The request of the Grand Lodge of Guatemala has been granted, but with regard to Queensland action has been postponed pending further information.. The Grand Master urges that the code be amended in 'two important particulars. He suggests the creation of a Board of Commissioners, composed of three Past Masters, to take cognizance of all offenses and .try them under a simple and brief procedure. That a Committee of Foreign Relations be established, and at the end of each year should present an annual report on the progress of Freemasonry in other Jurisdictions. We 路are pleased to notice that the value of a Foreign Correspondence Report is brought prominently forward, and sincerely




trust that in the next report we 'shall have the pleasure of extending a very hearty ,welcome to the latest knight of the Round Table. M. W. Bro. TOMAH POVEDA:l\O, Grand Master. R. W. Bro. E. A. OSBORNE. Grand Secretary, re-elected.路

CUBA. (F'ounded 1859.) Lodges, 92.

Members, 2,783.

The Forty-sixth Annual Communication was held on the 26th March, 1905, when M.'W. Bro, Jose Fernandez PelIon, Grand Master, was iIi the 'chair. . Except as regards the 'Grand- Master's Address, of which an English translation is included in the Proceedings, the whole Proceedings are in a language unfanliliar to the reviewer, but through the courtesy of Brother Eugene Lucciardi, formerly member of Logia Prud~ncia Santiago de' Cuba, but now a member of the , writers' Lodge, a ,resume of the 1>roceedings has been obtained. The Address of Grand 'Master Pe1l6!J" is one of brilliance and instruction from beginning to end, and well worthy' of being reprinted in exte.nso, but want of space prohibits. The folJowing passages may, however, well be quoted:


"Here, congregated, once more ill Annual Communication, our Grand Lodge, closing' the forty-fifth year of its history, let us reverently invol,e the name of the Great Architect of the universe, whose exixstence -forms the fundamental principle of the credo of every good l\1ason, and constitutes the first and foremost of the unalterable Landmarks of the Ancient' Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. Let us thank" Him for having granted the conservation of this Grand Lodge, founded and long sl1stained by Brothers no more among us, and let these words of pious and Fraternal ,reminiscence be dedicated to the memory of those meritorious departed. 'ro the famous English Admiral. Nelson.. is attributed the saying that "to the sea' you must speal{ in English,"and this may be applied mutatis mutan.dis to our -institution, as an organism born in England and thence propagated, for, as In civil law, the jurist in consulting original sources i~ led back to Roman institutions, thus in Masonry, I'}nglish- founts of knowledge must be studied if one would gain a true and pure conception of the institution. Nor may some supel'ficial critic call us servile imitators. Is not sllch quest for information directed by the very origin whence came the pecullal' and distinctive character of the Fraternity? No sooner is this character changed when the Institution ceases to be Masonic, when of Masonry there remains but the name. Therefore. we Latin Masons. if we would preserve that character. if we would have pure and g~nuine Masonry, mUl;lt never throw aside the English moulds. the moulds in which were cast those beautiful Anglo-American org-anizations existing in every State of our sister republic, solely and exclusively dedicated to the realization of t.he social aims of Masonry, those Grand Lodges admirably administered and governed, counting by thousands their Subordinate Lodges, where the direct object of, the Fraternity, individual Improvement, is foremost. where magnificent buildings. be they temples or.l\sylums. attest the existence of the true Frate1'llity, oblivious of all politicl\l and religious agitation.




This, WOl'shipful Brethren, should be our pl'inclpalgoal, especially in moments like the presen·t, when the idea of our own Masonic Temple is pressing forward \vith renewed stre~s, a temple of our own in our own edifice, perhaps suppl~mented by a Masonic Asylum, no less an inspiration oJ'. tme brotherhood. We must once and for all accustom ourselves to consider :i\1asonl'Y as an essentially moral institution, where discussions on religion and politics have no place, from which beliefs and opinions exclude no one. Refuted be the vain and puerile assertion that we, as Masons, are to interfere in public mat• tel's; that we, as such, should seek to solve the problems that at present agitate the world. Ko, Masolll'~', in its collective chamcter, has not and can not have such aspil'ations; ma;}' each Brother individually pursue the path traced for him by his private opinions and ,special interest in such matters. . We are a family united by Brothel'ly love, congregated for the practise of the good, and we are to avoid with scruPJllous care. a rupture In the har· mony that should reign among us, and without which the object of this family's creation would be frustrated. ' In the course of the Masonic year today ending, one Lodge bad planned a public procession, and its :\laster. having consulted privatel~' my opinion on the sUbject,' I advised against the execution of the plan. True, in the United States sometimes Lodges, and often the Knight Templars, as also thll Scottish Riters, Qlld some other secret societies hold pal'ades, generally carried out with extraordinary splendor, and, at first sight, nothing seems to forbid the holding of ~milar pageants in Cuba, but examining more closely into the matter, t.hel'e are, in fact, weighty opposin~ motives, at least t.o him who now addresses you. We all know the stron~ opposition in. Cuba, altogether uncalled for and unjust, which :i\lasonry encounters on the part of the Catholic clergy, whose religion is professed by the majority of Cuba's inhabitants. Every :i\1ason is aware of the fact, none the less real and evident though absurd, that the Catholic clergy believe, 01' at least so allege, Masolll'y to be the enemy of the Church, an opinion that is deeply rooted in the minds of the misinformed, and one which only in time and by dint of direct and continued pl'opaganda, mOI'e of a practical than of an ideal natUl'e, can be dislodged from those disturbed brains, . It is likewise notorious that, as a rule, not only among Catholics, but among Protestants and unbelievers, it is a common errol' to consider Masonry a religion, whilst it is hardly'necessary to point out that in CUba, save some insignificant exception, processions have always been one form of Catholic ' · worship. Hence, the d3y a Lodge would have a public manifestation of this kind, many would believe to behold a religious procession, intended against the Catholic ChUl'ch.

One can not but admire Grand Master PelIon, for refusing permission to make public parades, The great fundamental principles on which Masonry is found'ed are 'brotherly love, relief and truth. New South Wales has long set her back at thEse public parades, and they are discount€nanced in every possible way. We admire our American Brethren for many of their virtues, but· we do not believe in ,following in their wake in this respect. . The Grand Treasure.r reported that the income, with balance carried forward, amounted to $6,634.01, while the disbursements totaled $5,736.3G; $4,890.70 were set apart for the building of the Temple, and the reserves totaled $3,211.65. A Report on Foreign Correspondence is included in the Proceedings, and very fraternal feelings are expressed toward ~ew South Wales. M. W. Bro. J. F. PELLON, Grand Master, re-elected. R, W. Bro. A, MIRANDA, Grand Secretary, re·elected.





RECOGNITION OF GRAND LODGES. The following Foreign Grand Lodges are recognized as regular by the Grand .Lodge of Missouri: Gmnd Lodge. British Columbia Canada · Cos t a R'lca

Grand Sec1·etary. Add1·ess.. Robert E. Brett.. Victoria. Hugh Murray Hamiltou, Ont; D'lego P ove d ano -:... {San Jose, . Rica, C. de A: COBta

.c-:arlos G;. CharlE:'s Havana. Rasmus O. Nielsen Copenhagen. Eclectic Union Philipp Hertz , Frankfort-on-Main. Egypt Michel Bey 8aieh Cairo. England Edward Letchworth London. Germany .'. Wm. Wald B~rlin. Ireland H. E. Flavelle, D. G.,s.. Dublin. Manitoba : James A. Ovas Winnipeg:. NetherJands J. Isebree Moens Rottenlam. New Brunswiek John T. Twining Hartt. .. St. John. New South Wales Arthur H. Bray Sydney. New Zealand Malcolm Niccol Christ Church Norway Christian W. G. Barth Christiania. Nova Scotia TbomaB Mowbray Halifax. Porto Rico Federico Yumet.. San Juan. Prince Edward Island Niel MacKelvie Summerside. Quebec Will H. Whyte Montreal. Queensland Cbas. H. Harley Brisbane. Royal York G. Mitzlaff : : Berlin. Saxony Ernst Hattenius Dresden .. Scotland David Reid Edinburgb. Southern Australia .Jas. H. Cunningham Adelaide. Sweden :.Sven H. B. Svensson Stockholm. Tasmania John Hamilton Hobart.. Three Globes Oscar Zwickau ..· Berlin .. United Grand Lodge of Victoria.John Braim Melbourne. \ Valle de Mexico F. Iglesias Mexico. Western Australia J. D. Stevenson Perth.. Zur Eintracht George Kolb Worms. Zur Sonne .. : Geo. ·H. Fi'scher Bayreuth .. Cuba (Island of)





ADDRESS.ES OF GRAND SECRETARIES. . State. lYame. . Address. Alabama George A. Beaucbamp MontgQmery. Arizona George J. Roskruge Tucson. f\rkansas : Fay Hempstead Little Rock. California ; George Johnson San Francisco. ehas. H . .T acobson .. - Den ver. Colorado Jobn H. Barlow Hartford. Connecticut.. Dela-ware Benj. F. Bartram Wilmington. District ofColumbia Arvine W. Johnston vVashington. Florida :.: : Wilbur P. 'Vebster .Jaeksonville. Georgia W. A. 'Volibin Macon. Idabo 'rheopbilus W. Randall, Boise. Illinois fsaac Cutter Camp Point. Indiana : Calvin W.Prather lndianapolis. Indian Territory : 路 Rev. J. S. Murrow Atoka. Iowa : Newton R. Parvin Cedar Rapids. Kansas Albert K. 'Vilson Topeka. Kentucky , : B. Grant Louisville. Louisiana Richard Lambert.. New Orleans. Maine Stephen Berry Portland. Marvland Wm. M. It:aac Baltimore. Mas~acbusetts Sererio D. Nickerson .-.. Boston. Reed City. Michigan Lou B. vVinsor Minnesot~ John.Fisbel. St. Paul. Mis~ouri : .John R. Par~on St. Louis. Frederic Speed Vicksburg. Mississippi.. Montana Cornelius Hedges Helena. Nebraska ; Francis E. White Omaha.. Nevada C. N. Noteware Carson. : Frank D. Woodbury Concord. New Hampsbire Tbos. H. R. Redway Trenton. New Jerscy New Mexlco Alpheus A. Keen Albuquerque. New "楼ork Edward 1\1. L. Ehlers New York. Nortb Carolina J obon C: Drewry Raleigh. Frank J.l'hompson Fargo. 'North Dakota .T. H. Bromwell Cincinnati. . Ohio : Oklahoma James S. Hunt.. Guthrie. Oregon : James F. Robinson :.. Eugene. Pennsylvania 路 William A. Sinn Pbiladelphia. Rhode Island S. P. Williams Providence..



1907·1 State. South Caro1ina South Dakota Tennessee Texas ·Utah ·Vermont.. Virginia Washington . West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming British Columbia Canada Costa Rica Cuba Denmark : Ec!etic Union Egypt England


Name. Address. Jacob T. Barron Colurnbia. : Geo. A. Pettigrew Siou·x Falls.' l ,.John B. Garrett Nashville. John \Vatson "\Vaco. Christopner Diehl Salt Lake City. : H. H. Ross Burlington. Geo. W. Carrington Richmond. Horace W .. Tyler , Tacoma H. R. Howard Point Pleasant. · Wm. tV. Perry Milwaukee. W. L. Kuykendall Saratoga. Robert E. Brett.. : :.Vietoria Hugh Murray Hamilton,Ont.· Diego Povedano ,.. San Jose. Carlos G. Charles Havana. Rasmus O. Nielsen Copenhagen. Philipp Hertz Frankf't-on-Main Mich~1 Bey Saleh Cairo. Edward Letch worth LO:Q.don. Germ~ny Wm. W.ald Berlin. Ireland : HenryE FJavelle,D G.S.Dublin. Manitoba James A. Ovas.., \Vinnipeg. Netherlands .1. Isebree Moens Rotterdam. New Brunswick Jobn Thomas Twining Hartt..St. .John. Arthur H. Bray Sydney. New Soutb \VaJes New Zealand Malcolm Niccol.. Christ Church Norway Christian W. G. Barth..Christiania. Nova Scotia : :Thomas Mowbray Halifax. ' Porto Rico Frederico J;"umeL San .Tuan. . Prince Edward Island Niel MacKelvie Summerside. Quebec · "\Vill H. Whyte Montreal. .' Queensland Chas. H. Barley Brisbane. Royal York G. Mitzlaff Berlin. Saxony : Ernst Battenius Dresden. Scotland David Reid ; Edinburgh. South Australia .1 ames H. Cunningham ..Adelaide. Sweden : Sven H. B. Svensson Stockholm. Tasmania John Hamilton : Boba..t. Three Globes Oscar Zwic~au: Ber1in. United·G. L. of Victoria John Braim Melbourne. Valle de Mexico F. M. Iglesias : ;.Mexico. Western Australia J. D. Stevenson Perth. Zur Eintracht George Kolb Worms. Zur Sonne : Geo. H. Fischer Bayreuth. ~


25 6




Grand Lodgf'.

Alabama Arizona Ar~ansas

: British Columbia California Canada Cuba : Colorado Connecticut.. Delaware : District of Columbia Egypt England :. Floricta Georgia : Idaho Illinois Indiana : Indian Territory I'J:·eland Kansas : : Louisiana Maine Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Manitoba Maryland · Montana Nebraska Nevada ; New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey


H G. Earnel't Jas. S. Cromh M. W. Greeson Rob't Burns Mcl\Iicking Charles H. Bryan James K. Kerr Ca.lixto Fajardo Edward J. Smith Lucius P. Deming : Dr. Robert V. W·atson


:.. Anniston. Clifton. Prescott. Victoria. San Francisco. Toronto. . Havana. Colorado Spgs. New Haven. Milford . ~Alexander,McKenzie;t Washington. A. C. Garofa.llo .. : Cairo. : Braxton Baker London. : Irving P. \Vebster Gainesville. ~ T. W. Dooley : : Eudora. Jonas 'V. Brown· ldaho City. George A. Stadler Decatur. Mason .r. ~iblack Yincennes. John A. Scott Muscogee. Wm. Hamihon~ : Dublin. Perry M. Hoisington Norton. Jo'bn Puleston New Orleans. Dan'l P. Boynton Monmouth. :W. S. Linton· Saginaw. :Wm. A. McGonagle Duluth. :.: Nolan·$tewart Jackson. R. P. Crookshank Rapid City. .. George Booker Helena. George B. France York.· C. N. Noteware .' Carson City. John ThomasTwining Hartt.St. John. J ames E. Gridley W 01 fboro. Spencer F'ullerton Camden.

1907.] Grand Loage. New South Wales New York New Zealan'd North Carolina North Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Prince Edward 1sland Quebec Rhode Island Scotland South Australia South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee , Texas Utah Valle de路Mexico Vermont Victoria Virginia Washington Western Australia West Virginia Wisconsin : G. L. Ap.-17

Appendi:r. Name. 1on D. Bossley : ..Chas. W. Frank. Wm. 'Varing De Castr6 Walter E. Moore Harry Lord Israel Edw. Sanford : Cbas. Stroud George Ruddell, Jr , .Joh'n H. 1rvine C. C. Carlton T. A. Howard Charles C. Mumford W. M. Monroe ..' James Shakspeare Geo. T. Bryan Tbomas H. Brown John B. Garrett B. B. Paddock Sidney 'Vatson Badcon John C. Mordough: Silas H. Danforth Baron Marks : George 路W. Wright

257 Ad(iresl'. Sydney. NewYork City Wellington. Webster. Can'do. .. Sandusky. Weatherford. Tallma~.

Souris. Aylmer. Providence. . Adelaide. Greenville. Sioux Falls. Nashville. Ft. 'Yorth. Ogden. Me;x:ico. St. Albans. Melbourne. Mal'ion. ,

A. C. Munro John H. Weymouth Hcnry L Palmcr

Pertb. Elkins. MilwRllkee.





Gro.,nd Lodge. Alabama Arizona Arkansas : British Columbia , C~lifornia

Canada Colorado Connecticnt Cuba Delaware District of Columbia Egypt England Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Indian Territory Ireland Kansas Louisiana......... .. Main'e Manitoba Maryland Michigan : Minnesota ~ Mississippi.. 路 Montana Nebraska Nevada : New Brnnswick New Hampshire

Name. Ad(hess. A.l\i. Hough ,Jefferson City Robert E. Collins St. Lonis. F. J. Tygard Blltler. Gib. W. Carson St. Louis. John E. Ryland Lexington. Xenophon Ryland Lexington. E. F. Hartzell.. St. Joseph. Reuben Barney Chillicothe. Thos. R. Morrow Kansas City. New London. George E. Mayball D. M. vVilson ' l\1i1an. Rev ..Jno. II. Miller Kam~as City. R. F. Stevenson St. Louis. Jack P. Richardson : St. Louis. Cam pbell W'el Js Platte City. John R. Parson St. Louis. Martin Collins ~ St. Louis. John H. Barr Kansas 路City. 'Vm. E. Hoke : St. Louis. Samuel M. Kennard St. Louis. Wm. F. Kuhn St. Joseph. Major J. Lilly Moberly. G. A. Goben Kirks\~ille. W路lll. R Stnbblefield St. Louis.' Francis A. Leach Kansas City. C. "V. Bolster Plattsburg. Howard Watson St. Louis. A. C. Stewart. St. Loui&. 'Vm. A. Hall. St. Louis. Chas. S. Vogel...: Rt. Louis. Seymour Hoyt KaIll~as Cit.y. T. A. Dunn ~ Bet.hany. Alexander :M:. Dockery.. : Gallatin.

1907·1 Grand Lodge. New Jersey New South Wales : : Ne\v york New Zealand : North Car~lina North Dakota Nova Scotia : Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island ; Scotland South Australia South Carolina : South Dakota Tasmania Tennessee ~ Texas Utah , Valle de Mexico : Vermont : Victoria \Tirginia : : Washington' West Virginia Western Australia Wisconsin .:. :



Na:ne. Jas. W. Boyd Ira V. McMillen

Address. St. Joseph. _ Maryville.

Martin T Balsley : Sidney R. 'Yood Dorsey A. Jamison 1.. B.Valliant J. B. Thomas , : A. 8.Houston ' D. B. Farnsworth : Ralph L. Wardin C. C. Woods T. WO'. Cotton ' : J ohn T. Short V. O. Saunders Jame~ B. Wright Emanuel F. Hartzell. C. H. Briggs : Jno. J. Dillinger : E F •.Allen \Vm. M. ·Williams R. R. Kreeger



~La Plata. St. Louis. St. Louis. Albany. Mexico. ~pringfield.

Nevflda. St. Louis. Van Buren. . ,T efferson


St. Louis. Trenton. St. Joseph. Springfield. .. Milan. Kansas City. Boonville. Kansas City. .

V. F. Boor Henry 'V. Wait Edwarcl Higbee Rnfns E. Allderson


Kallsas City. lndependence. Kirksville. Palmyra.





No. of Lodge.




4. 5.

S. 9.

12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17.

Name of Party.

Richard Tauber. G. W. Reid. S. Eiseman. John 'Vilson. D. W. Castle. R. .T. Stirrat. Hy. M. BI·ent. C. Haller. Cbas. Rippil1. Aug. )leyer. Frank Voges. Aug. Krol1. F. W. :\latthias. David Cole. R. I!'. Wayland: ~L F. Beal. E. H. Cartel'. '1'. K Henley. H. F. Vogle. R. ·Walker. '1'. R. Hobs·on. Samuel Pasley. E. A. Ames. Givan Campbell. S. Livingston. W. P. )fassoek. H. W. Reynolds. Egbert Smith. . Henry Stanley. K \Villiams. Silas.J ohnson. 'J;. B. Henderson. H. R. Williams. _ M. H. Duncan. M. R. Smith. V. H. Shaw. S. H. Deane. B. F. Bowen. .J. G. Walker. Thornton .Johnson. A. '.1'. Vaughan.

No. of Lodge.



20. 23. 2::J.

27. 28.



33. 3;:;.


40. 1 ;.~.

44. 47. 48. jO. ;,}l.

52. 53. ;;::J.

Name of Pa'-ty.

W. E. Sites. W. 1. Seymour. .J. W. Dreschel·. G. '1'. Bryan. Isaac Rindskopf. R. L. Gentry. M. Donohue. B. Wasserman Jacob Horine. Wm. A. Bridges. A. L. Harris. 11'. R. Lockling-. R. R. Joyce . •J oseph Cohn. \Vm. Yancey. .r. ,Yo Rutherford. L. B. Soper. ·Wm. Pogue. F. M. Marshall. .JI·. G. A. Deckard. W. W. Snyder. W. B. Ballew. Joshua Rock. \"m. Hirons. .T. M. Higgins. E. H. Roberts. ~f. .J. Wertheimer. W. T. McI\:inley. H. F. Bush . Edw. Reese. H. A. Swift. B. Eo Buck·D(~r. G. B. Greenhaw. B. n. Smith. J. Rickenbaugh. T. W(\lvel·t<;>n. W ..J. ~larks. Wm. B ..J ones. H. B. Cecil. S. Gilbert. C. M. Sutherlin.


190'1. ] No. of Lodge.

;:;6. 57. f:iS. f:i9.


62. 63.


67. 70. 74.

76. 77. 7S.


80. 83.

84. 85.



SS. 89.

90. 91.

Name or Party.

Richal'd Redmon. Daniel Pe.nny. .J. W. Williams. C. S. Williams. .J. M. Angell. C. 1-1. ~cuff. .T. :Vf. Lally. W. T. Summers. H. W. Criswell. W. C. Chl:istian. .J. K. P. Smith. 'Vm. Dinwiddie. R. L. Harvey. W. O. McGuire. G. P. Smith. H. B. Boyd. .J. S. Shaw. •T. C. Mattison. Wesley Scobee. J. D. Hicks. K D. Hershey . .J . C. Miller. E. Finnell. .lno. Gaston. Redmond Silvers. .T. C. Snelson. \Vm. Gilchrist. .J. O. Buell. Woo. Krumm. .J. H. Albert. .T. N. Bofinger. L. D. Batavia. T. T. Lucas. R. P. Cory. E. M..Joslyn. .J. H. Medley. C. C. Hart. G. N. Hill. .J. l\f. Johnston. W. H. Clifton. A. Robel·ts. '1'. P. WllkiQson. J. H. Howard. J. M. Travis. .J. N. Maberry. W. W. Holland . •J. 1\1. Patton. W. N. Bond. D. A. Creason. 1. N. Page. John Grant. . Phil. Hales

No. of [,od{je.

92·. 93.

94. 95. 96.

07. fl8.

100. 101. 1.03. 1.04.


106. 1.07. 108. 109. 110. 111.

112. ~1l4. 116.

119. 121.

Name of Party.

11. A. C. T. T. R.

F. Wing. Snider. G. .ludell. .T. Hamil. A. Bray. L. Schenl<el·. H. A. Lewis. Sr. G. Luke Smith. C. .T. Blackburn. "-. Y. Dunn. .John Bollinger. D. L. Graham . .J. Stuart. E. E. Scott. .1. n. Lybarger. D. R. Bartlett. H. Fulenwider. W. P. Dearing. W. E. Dockson. C. P. Shi\)man. I. M. l{jdge. Eo L. Henderson. P. T. Bathriclc .T. B. Burt. H. NOI·thcott. .J. C. Smith. .J. .J, Wilson . •T. W. Quail. '1'hos. B . .Jackson. F. Boal. D. A. Lawrance. W. P .•leffers. S. I-I. Benson. "111hur J'\ewberry. Samuel Ohrnart:. .lohn '1'. Nichol!'>. G. H. Hubbell. W. C. Swayze. .J. W. Cline. P. ~1. Paschal. .J. '1'. Fyfer. E. C. Masse~·. L. D. Edwards. G. W. Harding. C. C. Savage. .J. P. Cape. G. S. Neck. R. Limberg. Aug. Niehaus. 'Vrn. Dl'echsler~ By. Linde. H . .T. Maal·tens.

No. of Lodge.

121. 12G.

128. 129.

131. 132.

B3. 135.

13G. 138. 1:39. 141. 142. 144.

146. 147.

149. 150. 152. 154. 156. 157.

158. 159.


161. 162:




Name of Party. O. Sendelbach. Fl'it"z .1obsl,y. Addison 1'aYIH'. Sl·. E. B. Andel;son. G. W. Hughes. .1. B. COthran. John Clements. H. :UcClal'y. 11. A. A tldns. .1 ..1. Silbaugh. .1. P. Westi)ay. .1acob Birkes. G. E. Badger. Benj. ])avid~()Il. :\1. W. Huff. S I'. Fleming. P Lorenz. H. Tetley. .1. A. Shults. S. H. Gosney. A. D.' Loomis. O. H. :\Iotsinger. C. :\1. :\lotsinger. \Y. C. );nnn. (;. \Y. j'l'aiswater. .1anH's :\lcFarland. 1<'. :\1. Foutty. A. lrupp. A. Henfrow. D. A. ":\lurphy. Collin:\1. ::'I1oOl·e. G. I. BaHon. C. E. :\Iorris. \V. D. Pearson. Benj. T ..lohn. J. 1\1. .:\1atteer. .1 0hn D. Koble. F. :\f. Cossairt. Chas. Virdaz. .J . S. BalTis. Granyille Crump. .1acob Lips. .1. H. LaHne. A. F. Sickl~.s. J. C. Hobel·tson. R. 'Yestlake. .1. H. Bailey. Wm. 11. Scott. W. J. Lane. R'. W. Hammontree. Henry Horton. C. L. Shepherd.

No. of .Lodge. 16~.



168. .lG9. 172. 173. 174. 175.

176. 177.

119. ISO .

18I. 182. lS3.

185. 186. 188. 189.



1!.l3. .194.

195. 196. 197.

Name of Party. W. A. Stone. M. Unterberger. Wm. Wise. Alfred 'rho\\'. Edw. Q. Gale. II. Bec)ltold . J. B. Clarke. A. C. Bema."s. Buford Fal'l'is. C. A. Ellis. C. Downing. .J . M. Chadwicl" W. M. Purdy. W. H. Ballard. '1'. 'V. Hobinson. S. T. Adams. Sr. S. B. 'Yoods. .1. A. Estes. .1. R. 'rumer. John Alley. .1 erome '''or1h. Il~·. I-Iarmon. R. '1'. Foard. Hy. KassebaullJ·. H. Roberts. Sylvester Parsons. '1'. .J. Brown. M. C. Fish. .1. W. Acldin. .J. II. 1-:1 alliord. David Bishop. .J. A. 'Towniey T. B. Patton. D. B. 'Vest. W. H. Bellew. C. B. Cook. A..Mentzel!. .1 acob :'IlolTis. .1. T. Hobinson. Will. H. Webb . T. A. Wilson. E. F. Drown. Hobert Buist. 1\'1. H. Garwood. .1. H. Heed. W. A. \\'09ds. A. A. Loyelace . John n. Abbe. S. T. 'Ya·re. Kelson Damon. V. L. Chester. W. E. Hall.


1907. ] No. of Lodge.


200. 201. 202. 20,..

206. 207. 208. 209. 210.



215. 217'.

218. 219.




225. 226. 228. 231. 232.

Name of Part1/. S. 11. KelT.

.1 ames Long. C. B. Lindsay. H. C. Hall. A. B. Bentley. l. :i.<': Couch: .1. B. Wood. Clay Lemmon. .J. '1'. Stouffcr. .J . R. Sparks. n. W. i'\icolds. W. Eo Ellis. T. 1'. Drapel·. 11. W. Belt. Wm. T. Spence. .Jacob Cart.er. n. P. Baco.n. A. D. Christy. Z. Brasfield. H. W. Lusk. J. W. Sexton. R. S. Williams. G. H. Hume. W. C. Kelley. .1. ""Y. Poole. C. H. Chailland. A S. Vick~ry. Solomon Spurgeon. Henry Dion. W. n. Cutler. W. B. Thayer, Sr. W. E. Thorne. T. H. Woodward. W. ~1. Divcly. F. Fost.er. G. W. Lovejoy. J. Haher. .T. A. Burge. E. Wakefield. E. R. Wallace. .J. W. Breed-love. G. R. Merriwether. D. H. Gay. C. M. Pease. •Jno. F.' Spratt. F. M. Moser. F. Scheuring. J. B. Magruder. Levi Clark. A. L. Brannon. D. A. Glenn. ,Y. T. Da,,'is.

"No. of Lodue.

Name of Pm'tV. Chas. Ritchie. .J. A. Grubb . 236. E. Laupheimer. H. Roemer. 237 .• A. Fisher. .J. M. Shouse. G. N. Blessing. ~~8. B. W. Culve]·. C. Fent.on. H. I-lusted . 239. W. C. Brooks. 141. .J. D. Gregg. Aug. Stahlberg. 242. D. P. Allen. 243. F. L. Brauning('I·. A. Croissant. E. Goldman. .1. C. Peacock. 244. .J. \Y. Heed. :24.-;. G..J. Taylor. 246. .J no. Best. . .1. H. Peveler. 'V. T. Sallee. 247. W. H. Fostel·. P. C. Yates . 251. Al'llold Godt. ~Vm. G. Huge. 254. R. I-I. .Abbott. S. '1'. Broaddus. 256. .1. G. Long. S. W. HicIHlJ·dson. H. C. :\toore. 2::17. .J. H. Asher. n. D. Harter.• A. .J. Sh-eets. 258. .10s..Jenkins: :259. Z. ~r. Atterberry . 262. W. A. Campbell. 263. Lewis Lamkin. A. F. Maxwell. ViT. '1'. Stevens. 264. R. F. Powers. 265. S. K. Farl'. C. Strauss. W. Halley. L. H. Robinson. C. Bondurant. 26G. .James Hicks. 2G7. W. A. Hel'lling. .J obn L. Bowman. August Berning. ::no. W. H. Admire. :2:3:~.

Appelidix. No. of Lodge.

Aame of Party.

270. '.J. H. Dryden. 271. Henj. Kersey. L . .1ohnson. .J. L. Cochrane. 272. .J. .L. Smith. Sr. H. T. Gentry. .J. D. Collard. Eo T. Wyatt. 274. Wiley F ..James. 276. .J. W. Blevens. 277. 'V. T. Barton. 279. G. "'. Norman. .Jacob P. Stoll. 2S0. Gideon Osborne. R. Cecil. W. R Bowen. 281. John Schulz. 282. n. 1<'. Neuberger. 280. .J. B. "Nuckles. 288. Peter Solberg. U. H. Wallace. 292. C. A. Webb. W. W. Chester. 29;~. C: C. HOITel!. 'Yo '1:' .10hnson. 294. A. Crannell. B. F. Gordon. 297. 1\1. O. Bedell. .1. M. 'Vinsett. Ben Wingo. M. H. Williams. 2M). . Philip Johns. .J. Van Peyma. J. P. Sterling. S. L. C. ~~hodes .. .J. G. Minnear. W. T. Craycroft. S. S. Ba~'les. A. '1'. Fleischmann. J. Kessler. G. W. Grove. W. K. Kennedy. G. S. Watson. O. 111. \Vilson. 300. L. F. Hoover. 302. F. M. Hedrick. 303. L. H. Turpin. S. Williams. .J. \V. Foreman. H. L. Hunter. C. B. Ingels. ;1. Ji'. Thomas.


No. of Dodge. ~03.

;':06. H07. 308. :Wfl. 312.


:-u;:>. 316.

318. 321. 322. ;~23.

:J24. 326. 327.


32!). 330. ;~31.

:'l:~;~. :~:{4.


336. ;~37.

340. 341. 344. ;~45.


Name of Party.

S. A. D. Keister. B. Pyle. A. W. Edwal·ds . n. H. Lied~·. .J. H. Sayre. \"Y. B. Kline .John .Joiner. Wm. B. Jolley. .1. C. 'l'ucI{er. S. P. Collins. n. ·C. Webb. ' Eo M. SUI·face. .1. -r... Hudson . W. \V. Shryock. H. E. Combs. '.J acob Bal'er. G. B. Findley. W. W. Williams. A. V. L. Brokaw. L. J. Lippel t. W. F. Robinson. C. .J. Johansen. W.:\1. Randall. .lames Moore. S. S. Plunkett. C. L. White. C. H. Dryer. Wm. Alman. I-l. K. Taylor . \V. :\1. Love. ehas. Woodbury. .J. E. Anderson. Geo. D. Minor. Myron H. Wilcox. .J. H. Hend rickson. .John H. Hull. .J..J. Hutchison. H . .r. Blackwell. C. H. Hand. R. H. McDonnell. T. 1<'. Moore. E. L. Ligon. T. H. Witt. F. T. HobertsolL \Ym. J":amm. Eo Dunlop. .J. K Brigg·s. .J. A. Sheperd. A. F. Donnan . .1. W. Burgess. G. T. McGirr. n. '1'. Harrison.

No. of Lod{}e. :.\49. 350. 35l.


::Hi4. 355. 356. 3G7. ~59.


362. 366. 367. 368. 3G9.

370. '37]. 372. 374: 375. 376. 377. 379. 380. 381. 384. 385. 391. 392. 393. 394. 396. 397. 398. 399.



1907. ] Name of Party.

Fletcher Gum. Thos. Dean. 'Vro. Imboden. W. H. Gulliver. E;, O. Hill. T. L. White. 'Vm. Felton. D. C. Wright. .J. n. :\fanpin. W. W. Shaper. •Tohn Butler. A. .J. Fry . Ambrose Fry. W. T. Folsom. L. W. English. 'Ym: Wal"h. H. II. 'Vagoner. G. A, Newcomb. C. D. Biehle. C. W. McFarland. Peter Hantoek. D. C. Pierce. F. .T. Wilson . .1. H. Wilson .. John lJ. Dunham. G. 'V. l\'fcElrath. A. Wyatt. .T. M. Hagood . '1.'hos. Hisk. .Tas. McCormick. Thos. DuYa11. John Marburg. Hichard Simpson. Nathan Wheeler. fr. .J . Christeson. •1 acob Smalley. A. G. Bonham. ·Wm. Norman. .1. B. Sloop. L. Bacon. .J. S. Madole. .J. H. Guthrie . H. .J. Howland. IJ. D. Or"·ig. A. I-Iuffman. .J. T. ,Renick. A. W. Peterman. J. C. Valentine. Thomas Cliesser. H. G. McClintock. .J . S. LaForce. A. L. Shattuck.

No. of Lodge.


401. 403. 404. 405.

407. 408. 409. 410. . 411.

412. 413. 414. 41G.

419. 420.

421. 422.

423. 424 . 426. 429. 430. 434. 438.

439. 441. 442 .. 443.

Name of Pm·t1/. C. H. Haitt. G. H. Lbng. D. J. Green. Eo :M. Thornton. C. M. Smith. V. N. Mackey. J~. .Tules Eckel. W. H. )·litchell. D. R Cox. .I. 'V. Beall. 1. T. Clat·kson. 1.'. L. Patterson. Eo 'V. Blew. J. S. R Gregory. W. Ii. Wright. Geo. Newton. S ... W. J. 'Vebb. I. L. HarL Ch~s. ·Wheeler. B. S.· :Montg<!mery. T. 'V. Austin. A. P. Guy. Herman Wetter. L. H. Meyer. . Thos. Nesbit . A. J. Crabb. S. T. B1e~·er. Louis Gmf. S. P. Shultz. A. F . Meyer. ,\r m . Shults. S. W. Bai!1s. B. Hountree. N. S. Strong. W. R. Wells. H. O. Magill. .J. L. Litten .. G. ,V. Ward. '1'. D. Douglas. .1. 'Yo Tunnell. .D. Ii'. Linyille. 'Yo ,Yo Hiddell. Joel Cook. G. Ii'. Chilton. .J. H. Roe. Chas. Henson. M. :\1. Rice. J. C. Baker. H. Rabenau. Geo. H. Kell~·. A. A. Staples. C. C. Knight.



No: of Lodge.

443. 444. 445.


447. 449. 450.

452. 457. 458. 459. 460.

463. 465. 469. 470. 471. 472: 473.

474. 476.

477. 479. 480.

481. 482.


Name of Party.

A. Weber. G. W. Heuberts. Richard Joles. C. N. Helme. J. M. O'Shea. H. C. Maupin. I. B. Gowen. F. P. IIitchcoc\,. .r. '1'. Mitc\H'JI. \ Levi King. L. P. James. G. G. Harrison. A. H. Hoby. .J . C. Given. I. A. Kreigh. Josiah Bolton: Wm. L. Smith. J. 1\1. Tarrant. J. M. lOng. O. P. Rearick. A. F. Brady. T. Hiertz. R. C. KlrkpatriclL Geo. E. Robinson. R. O. Perldns. W. '1'. Crenshaw. Thos. Williams. Geo. Smith. James '1'odd. Hy. Toel. W. C. Rout7.ong. G. Kash. '1'. Ives. C. \Villiams. Wm. Shaw. Thos. A. Martin. J. F. Davis. .J. W. McBurney. J. W. Coggins. J .• n. Long. .John ·Wilkerson . G. Thornpson .. J. ;Viackie. Geo. P. Smith. James Allen. Vollie Kissell. J. T. Laird. Wm. Taylor. M. V. B. Heeber. M. N. '1'hornton. D. L. Williams.




No. of Lodge.

484. 485. 486. 488. 4!}]·. 494. 499. 501. 502.

506. 508. 509. 511. :>12. 513. 514. 521. 522. 525. 526. ;)27.

5BO. 5Rl. 532. 533. 536. ;.:l7. 538.

539. 541.

543. 545. ;346.

Nam-e of Pal·ty.

B. E. .Johnson. G. A. Dana. G. tv. .Jad_son. R. '1'. Dcrigna. •J. ·W. Boatmnn. C. A. Brown. L. J. Minnick. F. X. Frost. W. P. Layne. C. R. McGee. C. R. Banl,head. H. Truitt. Robert Barrett. J . L. Simmons. J. W. Glassco<'1,. D. H. Maret. A. F. Greennard. Alex. Cartel'. J. C. 'Vaymeyer. A. 1\1. Cottrill. J. C. Stewart. W. Webl). Van Rice. Wm. H. '1'. Green. J. L. Anderson. B. S. Hancock. J. C. Sterrett. I-ewis Lisle. J. B. Bedell. F. M. Johnson. J. W. Boyd. Geo. Cook. Wm. Duncan. Alex. Jacobs. .1. W . Smith. W. ·W. Moreland. A. A. .Torndt. J. 'V. Buchanan. J. M. Fra7.ier. J. F. Kibler. M. Hardwick. W. J. Magee. \Vm. Bakel'. Wm. 1~lswic1;:, T. P. Woodard. \V111. BI·ink. L. F. Coulter. I~. H. Lamb. W. W. Elliott. \V. H. Hoppel'. John WIII,er~ol1. J. '1'. Colley.



No. of Lodge.


. 548.



1907. ] Name of Pm·ty.

No. of Lodge.

J. H. Milliken. H. C. Weber. A. W. Wing.

560. 561.

G. F .



C. ·W. Balke. 549.. Michael Shupert. D. F. Williams. 550. ·W. P. Stewart. Wm. H. daw]<elJ. E. M. Lynds. M. P. Hynson. 551. Wm. Lodridc J.'H. Cully. J. C. London. 352. '!. ·W. Gray. 553. C. A. Goans. 555. J. L. Powell. 559. A. 0 .. Means.

. 566. 568. 570. 57l. 572. :)75. 376. 582. 585.

j\lame of Party.

H. M. Campbell.

Luke Firth. Noah Toomay. vV. A. ,Dolman. J. Cave, D. Jones. John Whyte. Albert Hein. \V. E. Highfill. C. M. Jackson. H. L. Vcrink. .Toel Cromeens. E. B. Pierce. C. H. Bakel'. C. L. Batcbelor. •J. W . \Yard. J. ,V. Bryant.








No. of' Lodge. No.me of Partv.

John Astle~" J. D. Buckley. O. Eo Laumann. ,V. H. Stevenson. W. H. Barton. 2. E. P. 'Ward. 3. L. S. Shafner... 4. .J. K Bryant. W. C. Monroe. Ha~'s Wallace. G. J. C. Dalton. J. M. Wiley. Aug. Kocnigsbruck. A. L. Reich. 7. J. D. Cooper. D. Louis Chatham. E. H. Hart. H. D. '1'racy. Fred. "'eber.. 10. H. C. Boone. T. Carringtoll. T. E.. Maupin. Tom Whitson. 13. Henry Bro·wn. 17. W. H. Mulhern. 20. 1'1. Lipschitz. 25. - J. Reichenberg'. .J. B. O'Neil. .J. M. Uead. 27. Wm. Uau. 28. Oscar Steers. Leonard Havird. 29. Harold 'romlin. 31. W. H. Woodson . .J. U. Davidson. J. R. Ross. L. G. Sturm. 33. W. T. Clark. 40. .J. F. Butlel·. C. Kraft, Jr. Wm. H. Vogelsang. 42. J. A. Taylor. 1.

No. of Lodge.


45. 49. 53.


56. 58.


67. 72.

74. 75.

78. 8~.

83. 8Q.

87. 90. 94. 100. 102. lOG.

Name of Pat'tv. H. Garwood. .J. T. Hill. A. O. Rader. C. E. Wllight. J. C. Albright. W. T. Merrell. J. ]D. Hughe~ . .T ohn "iiller. O. B. McCulloh. A. E. Schooley. C. E. Avery. O. C. Clay. J. M. )Iiller. .1,. G. Spicknall. W. 1\1. Travis. II. B. Smith. C. C. Ewalt. A. L. McKee. H. H. Merwin. C. '1'. Hopper. A. R. Gordon . .J. A. Williamson. C. H. 'Vhitehead. C. B. Crawley. .1. A. Overstreet. .1. L. Porter. .lames .Johnston. F. L. Spencer. S.•J. Breckenridge. A. G. Chapman. C. W. McDill. S. A. Kellogg. John K ..Jolles. J. M. Atkinson. A. T. Burns. P. C. Ivie. J. T. Fortner. O. '1'. Stringer. S. F. Hoover. G. W. Pierce. I-I. Van Bibber. .J. P. O. Givens.


1907. ] No. of .Lodge.


Name o( Partv.

H. K. Allen.

F. A. Brooks. .J . M. Hahn. l-I. H. lVilson. W. W. J·~lwang-. J. W. Roberts. J. H. Roper. m . Lewis. 117. 119. B. F. Butler. .r. L. I.arkin . B. Manheimel'. A. Mummert. .J. H. Peaslee. 12D. .J . U. Vermillion. Oscar Birkes. 130. W. C. Foster. 133. J. W. CUI·tiS. W. A. Ji'letchel'. .r. W. Lyles. Hugh Kearney. .J. N. Parl,er. 136. G. P. Brown. Gil. Munroe. A. L. Munroe. Eugene Fry. 146. R. Y. Powell. 147. W. C..Christopher. S. P.'White. J. W. Stewart. :M. A. Fletcher. E. R. IdoL 148. A. D. Archibald. 156. S. 1\1. Myers. 158. Fred Agee. H. G. Catron. 162. W. 'I.'. Bennett. 163. .r. H. Bartle. IGL Ii'. P. Landes. 165. W. '1.'. Gillam .. 170. \V. G. Brown. M.'L. Kemp. 171. Benj. Beck. 178. W. 1.. IJotton. 179. F. J. Smith. 184. J. A. Duckworth. 186. L. Manal·d. 188. E. N. Loomi~. 189. Geo. Calder. L. W: Edwards. J. A. McKenzie. ]90. J. G. Busick. R. M. Millel·. 110. 111. 114. 116.


No. of Lodge.

190. 201. 208210. 212. 218. 2l9. 220.

:!21. 225.





237. 238. 239. 241. 243.


Na.me of Party.

.J. M. Studebal,er. Ross Smith. C. 11". Childress. .T. W. Ramsey. E. M. (;olvin. D. D. Crumpacker. C. L. Daley. L. D. Schultz. R. l\f. Quigley. W. P. Vool'IH'Ps~ C. P. Brown. G. Eaton . .J. \V. LeI-luquer. F. E.'McIlwain. M. E. Ross. .1: H. Schell. W. H. Richart. K L. ",,'a t'ke r. .1. H. Orr. R 1\1. 1'rac)". H. P. Hamal,el·. C. H. Hatch. .r. A. I-Talc. R B. .Johnson. G. R. Kenamore. Geo. P. Owen. R. •J-. Shipman. n. C; Scott. .Sam Bruer. Ii'. M. Cartel'. n. Ireland. C. S·. .lad,son. E. McComas. Wm. Pollard. S. A. Rig-gos. A. Shellman. ·W. J:Mathews. \V. D. Bogal'. Emil Dorn. .T. G. Frost.. I,. M. Rankin. 'J. R. .Heaton. Wm. D. Singleton. S. B . .J ones. R. I. J anuar~·. Will. Bailey.


J. \V.


H. Harney. A. B. Benesch. R. W. Brandon. H. F Patterson. .Jno. Padgett.


Appendix. No. of Lodge.

249. 254.


256. 262. 26R.

265. 266. 267.

270. 271.

272. 273. 282.

285. 295. 297. 299.

Name of Party.

G. W. Hodges. R. M. Edwards. S. F. Canterbury. G. W. Clal·dy. D. V. Dafoe. W. D. Hannah. .T. F. Acrec. \-Vm. A. Smith. J. L. Griffin., .1. H. Hal'l'elson. Wm. Searle. D. B. Veazey. V. E. Leroy. T. Duffield. B. W. Greenlee. 'r. C. Howard. Robert Kissel. .lames Nave. G. N. Hichards. C. F. Hays. W.· H. };;lIiot. Harry Silvester. H. l'asternoc\c Chas. Green. M. Jo' McCane. A. S. Co\vden. T. L. Abernathj·. Wm. G. Evans. "Y. C. Lynch. ' C. B. Wells. F. A. Wann. B. Deckard. D. W. Richards. G. F. Wittkopf. .1. W. Kemper. J. F .. Devol. Chas. ;\1yler. .1 . H. Harris. Eo D. Fortner. W ..J. Clark. G. J;. Henderson G. Eo Bowling. H. E. Hunte]'. .J. Mahe. C. Y. Trice. Willis West. rd. W. Wi then;. John Hey. C. B. Wilson. C. W. Parker. C. S. Palmer. Joseph K Truitt.

No. of Lodge. 303.

305. Rll.

314. :n6.






340. 344. 345.

347. 349. 358.


Name of Party.

.J. 'Yo Blanton. Eo S. CIlll·k. E. A. Dulln. B. F ..J ordan. H. S. ~1itchell. R. W. Mitchell. E. C. Shain. W. S. Hord. O. P. Bevins. J. S. Major . J. F. Nolan. S. R Glore. A. W. Barraclaugb. G. DeLacy. C. L. Dille. B. L. Eastman. E. F. Edgecomb. H. L. Leave!. Eo Vi'. Shannon. W. K. Anderson. A. F. Edwards. {2. J. Stein. A. Daust. 1':. F. Korton. Harry Leon. N. E. Barton. .1. F. Patterson. J. 1\1. Johnson. Chas. N. Robinson. C. F. Knecht. J. H. :\Iarshal\' Wm. M. Pat.terson. A. C. Thompson. F. W. Page. G. T. Lively . J. F. Stephens. C; H. Kessler. C. L. Kitchen . L. 'V. Lucas. W. R. Fletcher. J. B. Glover. S. '''. :\Iorgan. A. B. Whitne~" J .W. Cook . .J. J. Cook. G. W. Rogers. T. L. Holmes. F. B. Fay. • S. Ecker. A. English. S. ~L Piper. C. G. Hoover.


1907'路1, No. 01 Lodge.

Name of Party.

W. H. :'I1u,r,zy. M. L. Seward. 362. J. F. 路Sansom. P. F. Crawford. C. W. Martin. .J. '1'. Laughlin. -303. .Jos. Allen. F. Allen. .J . Cunifl'. C. B. l\fiIkr. H. S. Mitchell. D. W. Rodgers. 364. VV. C. Adkins. W. S. Lyons. 367. H.. Shipley. 369. C. Ii. Ireland. 'r. F. ;Uartin. J. S. ~Jadclox. G. W. Reddin. L. G. Simpson. J. L. Stillwell. By. Tschudin. 371. HeOl:Y CaullL 372. A. Middlesworth. A. B. l\ewell. 376. J. H. R. Tolly. Hy. True. 38l. G. '-!,'hompson. 382. J. W. Loyd: 383. I. B. Gaskins. James Honse. Thos. :'IJcKinney. 388, E.'C. Mulford. L. Vrtin. 389. C. I-I. Brown. J. Courtney. A. Dooley. G. :\1. Kent. , Levi Lose. N. Regan. S. n. Todd. D. Omdol'f. 397. L. H. Groom. 403. W. A. Ingram. 4]2. J. l\i. Baugh. A. Holland. H. n. Howard. G. Merryfield. J. Y\'. McCreery. E. K. \Vol ff. C. ~'. White. 360.

No. 01 Lodge.

414. 416.

418. 419. 423.

426. 434.


439. 446. 447. 150. 456. 459. 462. . 463.



Name of Party.

J. A. Miller. H. S. Waits. J. B. Quigley. A.'C. Gould. E. C. Bunch. W. F. .J oplin. G. B. Selby. Jno. Dade. John .Jewett. W. J. Jewett. G. N. Root. T. J. Billup. F. T. Lewis. B. Lake. B. Forte. R. B. Nay. '1'. ROJ;lison. M. J. Compton. A. P. Stevenson. R. H. Gillespie. W. H. Strother. C. W. Culley. L. H. Hausburger. ,V. T. Miller. J. F. Snyder. W. W. Butler. F. B. Corgan. J. L. Haynie. P. A. Hays. A. L. King. J. W. Lewis. J. D. Newton. E. F. Reeves. G. Scott. R. C. Wescott. M. G. Haggard. F. E. Storms. G. W. Thorp. F. M. Butterffcld. J: A. Leatherman. J. '1'. Lewis. I. D. Galbraith. J. L. 'l'hornton. A. A. McPhail. A. A. Green. Henry Hoye. J. H. Laird. F: S. Burks. Chas. A. Cox, J. S. Chiles. M. McCullough. J. Z. Price.



468. 470. 475.

477. 478. 483.

485. 491. 493.



I Sept.

Appendix. ,No. of Lodge.


506. 512. tI


516. 5] 9.




ko. of Lodge.

Name of PU'·ty.

Pryor. W. Hudspeth. Watts. P. Robcrtson. J. N. Hood. W. H. Spain. n. P. Johnson. A. R. Bascom. Geo. T. Pool. J. T. McCluskey. J. B. Lee. G. W. Short. A. M. "·Hey. I. V. Duckworth. A. Handley. S. S. Dunn. '1'. J. Bal·t1ett. W. J. Beall. S. E. Beatty. J. '1'. Blanton. W. H. Bradley, .11'. C. W. Hatton. T. J. New~1). D. II. Hiegle. L. h Whitely. W.· B. Bakcr. P. Babington. C. T. D. li'.

526. ::i~8.

i)3[j. I

538. 540.





530. [j51.

;;5;:;. 561. 564.

Name of Partll. H. S. Effinger. F. P. Hillhorn. H. C. Day. J. L. Goff. J. A. Siler. .J. D. Brussington. B. Baker. ·M. F. Dell. J. '1'. Edens. J. D. Williams. n. E. Browne. '.r. W. Fleming. O. C. Mosman. W. G. Price. C. L. Schley. G. W. Stokes. C. Eo Turner. S. D. Garth. C.,A. Ward. W. S. Gardner. C. E. Coe. N. Williams. li'. Eo Hinch. S. T. Sims. S. G. :\:leredith. .:\1. Ii'. Higgins. .Tno. Smith. E. B. Thompsoll.









of '

·No. Lodge.

26. 46. 54. 56. 106. 107. 221. 225. 237.

No. Name of Party.

John C. Byrd. C. ,W. Kennison. Simon Zeigler. S. H. Redmon . . Chas. E. Schillig. H. L. MiIster. H. B. Futrell. E. A. Duncan. J. r:" Sears.

of Lodge.

250. ,260. 310. 336. 354. 407. 4R9. 545. 565.

Name of PartV.

L. B. Tankersley. L.~:1. Castlio. O. W. Keever. Z. W. Weldon. W. S. Ragsdale. '1'. E. Gregg. D. W. Goodin. H. L.· MiIster. H. K. E. Jobla.



No., of Lodge.

6. 25. 32. 41.

45. 87.

1D5. 114. 118. 144. 154. 179. 199. 212. 220.


'01' Party.

L. C. Bradshaw. I-larry Kiechle. D. C. Milstead. .J. A. Webb. F. W. Brooks. Sam'l A. Kellogg. Tj. K Downs. E. L. Hilbert. I-I. F. Mikel. J. K' Herriott. Wro. C. Pollard. .J. G. Maxey. J. F; Kastler. W. 'V. Duncan. 1\'1. D. Bridges. W. F. Phelps.

G. L. Ap.-13.


SEPTEMBER 30,1907.

No. of' Lodge. Name of Party.

23R. 245. 265.

267. 273. 292.

333. 336. a55. 380. 384. 481. 536. 561. 575.

Lee Adams.

• Edw. Morgan. . E. C. Littlefield. '1'. 1'. 'Valentine. W. C. Hageman.

B. B. Bennett. John C. York.. A. P. ShoUl'. J. A. Elliott. ' . R. W. Denney. Jos. W. Litt·Je. C. V. Hawkins. C. A. Landerman. D. B. Hobson. S. J. Seiss. C. P. McKinney.



274 \.


---No. of Lodge.


Name of Party.

L. M. Slater. H. B. P. "'renn. A. J. Showers. . 2. A. F. Stoeger. J. H. Dcbrodt. 3. J. R. Dey. J. F. Hesse. 5. G. P. Peale. J. ,M. Griffitb. D. C. Dade. J. Eo Culver. F. M. Wolf. J. A: Patterson. 9. 'Geo. B. Horner. F. A. Leavitt. 10. B. D. Dowell. 11. G. A. Kennedy. 16. John P. Craig. 19. J. C. Snell. J. P. Livesay. R. C. Jackson. 20. P. B. lsaacson. J. T. McCarthy. J. A. Finkelstein. Thos. Brennan. 26. B. J. Smith. H. Huffman. A. L. Orr. J. A. Hylton. 27. C. Scbwentker. 28. ' H. H. Cook. 29. A. A., Herndon. 30. E. C. Waring. Hugh Murphy. 33. G W. Briggs. G. W. Payne. 39.. S. F. Shelton. ! Jno. O'Connor. 42. J. W.· Robertson. C. A. Rector.

No. of Lodge.

4:3. 47. 48. 52.

Name of Party.

N. C. Burch. D. H. Pankey. G. E. Bell. Frank Yehle. Geo. Swiggett. 53.. A. H. O. Dowd. 54. W. G. Pike. W. H. Waller. T . •T. .Tones. 59. P. J. Barrow. 60. J. 1. Nichols. 62. W. B. Hart. (i8. Vi'. T ...Tones. 69. N. H. Burton. 76. C. D. Carson. F. E. Hall. M. E.Hali. W. B. Paxton. 77. G. :IS. Terry. 80. G. W. Bennett. 83. D. McClure. 86. 1<-'. McGinnis. 87. W. A. Jones. .J. R. Jeffreys. 89. H. J. Meek. R. S. Hall. E. H. Smith. B. B. Warren. 90. L. C. Berry. 92. E. R. 'l'homason. fl5. J. D. Boland. Wm. 'Vilso~. 99. J. J. McCormick. 101. J. B. l,tose, J. Eo McKinstry. ~02. 109. J. L. Grantham. 111. 'V. B. Murphy. Alex Hazen. 112. S. A. Jones. 113. R. Beard.

NfJ· of Lodge.

114. 116. 121. 124. 126. 128. 1·29. 142. 143. ]44. 146.


1.48. 158. 165. 170.' 171. 172. 177. 179. 182. 186.


189. 190. 191. 197. 198. 204.




No. of Name of Part1l.

F. L. Lockwood. E.' C. Clinkscale. ' A. St.ouse. F. H. Haack. A. G. Strasser. Geo. Teenor. J. 1\1'. Sw.allow. H. Chamberlin. R. Shannon. L. L. Collier. J. l~ridges.. H. Jordan. Wm. Bennett. O. T. Lamb. Eo J. McDonald. D. B. Gipson. B. W. Smith. H. W. Graham. J. M. Orthel. 'J. B. Douglass. John Moore. Eo W. Longwell. W. T. Price. C.•T. Hamburger. Robert Riddle. E. \V. EJayer. J. W. Tiffin. •1. H. Bunger. W. C. Ellison. K'R. Heed. E. Bell. S. M. Magee. W. H. MHler. J. L. Smith. Ira Smith. C. A. F. Peters. J. H. Metzler. Geo. ~. Burns. '.r. D. Bailey. Wm. Morton. Wm. Perkins. C. W. Hollister. F. M. Stockton. ' W. A. Davis. S. K. Setzer. '1'. }V. Patterson. W. B. .Jackson. T. F. Pryor. J. A. Stewart. S: G. Jones. D. V. Johnson: E. Eo Gilbert.


210. 213. 215. 218. 220.

222. 224.


. . 2h. 228. 229. 230. 232. 235. 236.

237. 23D.


245. 246. 247. 254.


256. 257. 258. 260. 263. 265. 269. 270.

Name of Part1l.


P. McCollom. J. R. Brown. I". Gebhart. H. J. Hinsman. W. E. Taylor. E. Harris. D. Shanholtzer. F. A. Waack. F. E. Plume. ' O. M. Lyons. Jno. Lewis. J. P. Haas. D. E. Dunham. J. C. Herod. R. J. Ormsby. J. W. Miller. S. Barker. 'Vm. Earl. Nathan Cross. .T. Savage: R. T. ~~llis. C. E. Marsll. J. H. Reeves. S. P. 'Veller. J. M. Long. F. B.' Sumpter. G. Broadwell. J. Chatten. J. E. Jackson. H. K. Dellnger. S. D. Mrhen. J. H. 'Peveler. H. M. Rice. H. 1. Ogle. S. T. Divinia. By. C. Donahoe.: H. C. Steele. G. W. Lock. J. H. Harrelson. D. J. Lance. J. J. Grimmett. . L. L. Whitehead. W. A. Smith. Jno. C. Cozens. Wm. S. McCollum. ,Cyrus Deyoe. D. A. Darst. , Henry Goodwin. E. D. Smith. F. B. Holliday. T. W. Jones. A. G. Chewning.

276 No. 01 Lodue.

271. 272.

Appendix. 1'[0.

Name of Party.

Geo. H. ,Keene. Joo. Montgomery, Jr. Jno. 路R. Gentry. A~ C. Baldwin. 275. Hy. Shirk. A. J. Keys. 276. H. E. Peyton. A. Waldron. 277. J. W. Boles. 286. Wm. McCoy. 291. Eo S. Rosebeny. n. L. Johnson. 292. S. Eo Albright. G. H. Casper. 296. C. C. Douglas. J. A. MacTeer. 297. Jesse 路Olinger. 2U9. J. W. 路Moore. D. O'~onnor. A. R. Jones. W. F. Kessler. 302. W. H. Phillips. 303. M. K. Sargent. A. C. Sterett. Jas. IJunning. H. A. Wright. 305. 'Vm. Kemper. 307. J. H: Megown. ;Hl. ~. L. Jennett. B. F. Mathews. 312. Leslie Jones. 313. J. E. H.arris. G. Shelton. 315. L. Grenaud. J. H. I Arnold. Ed Sherron. 316. J. M. Shelley. W. L. Smith. W. H. Taylor. 317. J. A. Douglass. 319. T: B. Reigan. 321. Fred Mull. 324. R. W. Dawson. F. D. Wilson. W. G. Thompson. 327. W. W. McLelland. 329. H. Burnett. 331. Wm. H. Dowe. 332. E. H. Marshall. 339. Alex Ireland. 340. P. F. Probasco. 342: J. E. Paul.

[Sept. of



Name Of Party.

W. F. Hannah. J. 'w. lIigson. 345.. S. C. Cramer. Alvin Henderson. 349.. Wm. Dormer. T. M. Dormer. . S. Simpson. 355. Nelson Kerr. 356. J. W. Drane. 357. M. V. Harrison. W. n. Moss. 360. J. W. Russell. C. A. Frank. 363. Lee Jennings. 366. A. M. Smith. 368. J. M. Lee. R. M. Wilcox. 369. E. D. Crim. T. W. Mabrey. B. A. Legate. 374. N. 1\1. Forester. 376. W. J. Dixon. 377. IF. B. Hammer. 381. C. G. Sanborn. 382. F. E. Hammel'. J. Eo' Hobbs. 383. M. G. Logsdon. Henry Porter. 386. J. Ii'. Goodin. 389. S. Crooks. F. M. Lickey. J. K. Roggers. 390. J. H. Shannon. C. J. Wall. 406. H. S. Pollock. 407. D. L. Laflin. 408. E. E. Hart. 416. H. L. Snow. 417. .T. M. Finney. 419.G. B. Berger. 420. H. C. Hartmann. 421. A. Morgan. 422. G. A. RaQ1se~'. W: C. Crutcher. J. T. Woodfill. 424. Henry Hunt. 428. B. E. Morrow. 433. G. W. Osborn. J. A. Roney. 434. A. B. West. Wm. Gandy.


1907.] No. of Lodge.

435. 441.

450. 452. 454. 459. 463. 465. 468. 470. 480.


483. 488. 489. 501. 505. 506. 507.

Append1X. Name of Party.

E. E. Hunter. P. A. Byrd. E. Hltt. J. R. Parmenter. Wm. Macke. E. F. Jenkins. J. W. Bart. J. N. Moad. R. D. Vaughn. S. O. Bolender. H. V. Bolender. C. D. Crane. J. T. Simmons. A. L. Morris. J. L. King. G. W. Tong. F. J. Smith. A. C. Wherritt. M. Bryson. V. Bryson. M. Green. L. Z. 路Williams. J. M. Breeze. J. Lockhart. . Geo. Bil'd. A. J. Beckett. D. M.. Southwick. J. F. Kern. Elias Chute. W: P. Lemon. . John McDermott.


No. of LOdge.

512. 516. . 520. 522.

525. 527. 536. 537. 539. 543.

545; 547. 548. 550. 554. 557. 560. 563.

277 Name ot Party.

C. Humphreys. Ora Hickman. Wm. 'l'lmmermann. F. C. Hale. S. J. Odell. J. R. N. Mlller. W. A. Simonton. W. S. England. " John Boyle. John Sparks. A. B. Guerin. L. C. Jackson. J. R. KeiIey. C. L. Thomas. W. H. White. L.路 F. Strausbaugh. E. B. Miller. J. O. Miller. J. A. Gross. J. B. Henson. J. H. Grant. E. D. Black. Aug. Ortloff. H. D. Staples. D. W. Blount. T. S. Vdlson. Joh!). Salmon, Jr. E. D. Sappington. Keith Cornforth. E. E. Roby.






IIMis~OI~ri St. Lou~s 2 Mendlan St. Lou!s 3 Beacon St, LOUiS 4!Howard ,New Fran.klin 5 United Springfield 6 Ark Newark 7 O'Sullivan IWalnut Grove S Williamsburg Williamsburg 9 Geo. Washington St. Louis lO!Agenc,Y ; .. : lllpaUldmgvllle Wnght City 12 'l'F'O Caledonia 13, RISlllg Sun Barry I4 cyrene 15 Western Star Wmston 16 Memphis Memphis 17. Clarksville ~ Clarksville IS,Palmyra Palmyra I91paris Union IParis 20 St. LOUiS S1. ;Louis 21 Havana McFall 22 Wellington DeKalb 23 Florida., ,Florida 21 "'.vyaconda ILaGrange 25 Naphtali St. Louis 26 Ava Ava ~ Evergreen New Haven 2 St. Joh>:! HannibaL 29\Wind30r lwindsor 30 Huntsville HuntsviHe 31 Liberty ; Liberty 32\ Humphreys Humphreys 33 Ralls Icenter 0~ Troy .. : Troy 30l!:\lercer IPrinceton . 36,Cooper' Boonvill~








O. A. Gillespie Geo P. ;Becker Alex. Hlllcnkoetter Howard 18. C. Lee Greene Geo. F. Flinn Knox C. H. Tucker Greene O. H; Hamstead Callaway J. W. Tate W. G. \Vilderman B!lChanan !l:!-. K. Tbomsol.I Warren A. Flucsmeler \WllShington G. C: I:,oo~is PIll.tte A. W. Craig H. G. Lew' Davless Walter Gregg Scotland I'JOhll E. Luther IPik~ A. H. Moore Manon R. L. Doher!,y Monroe J. P. Boyd :H. A.. Ateiner Gentry C. Lockwood IBuchanan C. B. GHlbreath Mon~oe [0. P. Violett Lewls O. C.Adams L. Bllmiller Douglas \ J. P. Heslerly Franklin A. L. Shl'llon , :Marion /Fredc.rick BltllChle IHenry J. Livingston, Jr Randolph R. E. Sutliff Clay H. J. Alexander Sullivan 1\:1:. L. Haning Ralls IB C.' Briggs Lincoln iNim R. Long Mercer i\f. Perr:v Cooper ; Roy D; Williams


""'' ' ' ' ' 1







'1' ~~IE ~F ~' ...{ EETING.

John l~. Deems :. 1st and 3d Thursdays. Thos. C. Kuhnle Ilst and 3d Saturdays. F. L. Magoon 2d and 4th Thursdays. J.)1. Settle L 2d and 4th Saturdays. P. W. Farmer 3d 1\londay. . Don Pierce 路 IIst Salurday. J, S. McLemore Tuesday before full moon. E. M. Tate Saturday on or before full moon. Wm. L. Reynolds, Jr 2d and 4th Tuesdays. W. E. Goins Saturday on or before f!lll moon. Wm. E. Bryan Saturday on or before lull moon. R. R; Beall Saturday on or before full moon. )[, 1. SamueL Saturday on or before fun moon. ll. WilHam, , sa'neda, on 0' b,fo'" '''11 moon. ,lohn C. Harwood Saturday on or beforeJull moon. C. F. Sanders Fridav on or before full moon. G.'eo. H.l<'e. rree j'SlIturOll Yon or before full moon. John J. Suter 2d and 4th Thursdays. J. S. McGee 1st and 3d Fridays. . J. G. schw.arz 12d. and 4th Thursdays.. i:3amuel Wier Saturday on or before full moon .. A. A. Croft 1st SatlJfday. Wm: H. McCreery Saturda7 011 or before full moon. L.eshe Edwards lIst and 3d Thursdays. George Pierce 2d and 4th Thursday~. John H. Orr 13d Saturday. . :\l. T. Connolly 1st and 2d Tuesday~. C. R. HlImilton .. : 1st and 3d Monduys. . IH. C. Churchill Tues. on or bee f. m. &,2 wks. aft. H. L. Rutherford 11~t and 2d Tuesdays. fA. M. Tutt 2d and 4th MOlldays. Thos. J. Stuart Sat. on or before f. lJl. &, 2d Fri. T. C. Alexll.nder.. 12c1 SaturdllY and 4th. Frida.y. Geo. W. Colbert 2d and 4th Saturdays. H. R. spencer ITues. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. M. E. Schmidt ~d and 4th Fri(lays. .






~ ~

~""'. ~



(f) (l)



37 Hemple 38 Callao 39 DeWitt 40 l\'I.t.l\-foriah : 41 Bu;marck 42 Middle Grove 43'Jefferson 441 Fair.' Play 45 Bonhomrne ~ 46 Wentzvi.lle 47, Fayette 48\Fulton 49 Holt: 50 XenIa 51 Livingston 52IWakanda 53·\Veston 54jlndex ~51~.rrow Rock

Hemple Callao DeWitt St. LOUiS Blsmarck Middle Grove Jelt'erson City Fair Play IBallwin Wentzville Fayette Fulton IHOlt..; · Hop]uns Glaggow

iClinton 1Iacon ICarroll


: :

·St. FrancoIs 11Ionroe lcole Polk St. Louis ISt. Charles Howard : Callaway IQla y : Nodaway 'Howard C~trrollton Carroll Wcston Platte 'IGarden City Cas.s : A.rrow Rock ISaIH!e u.~I'l~Pton T~Pton Il\1011lteau 51 RIChmonrl IRlChmond Ray 58lMontic~llo .. ·.. · I~lontic~llo Le\vis 59 CentralIa , CentralIa : iBoone 60 N!!w Blaomfield New BJoomfield.. ·Callaway 61IWaVerIY· · lwaverIY Lafayette 62 Vinci! : : Cameron Clinton slater : ~ s.a.line : :: 631cambrIdge 64 ),lonroe Monroe CIty l\-Ionroe 65 Pattons1?urg I\attons~urg Dayiess 66 Grant CIty (,rant CIty Worth 671~oChe?Ort .. · ·I;R. ~che?ort.. Boone: 68 Ken.nett Ken.nett.. Dunklm ~9 SullIvan SullI~an }<'ranklin lOjArmstrong Armstrong Howard 7lIsaV~nI1ah Savannah Andrew n GOrIn Gorin : ,. Scotl~nd 73 Eureka BrunSWICk Chanton 7i Warren K:eytesville lc~ariton 7u SIlex SIlex Lll1coln 76 Independence Indep~ndence.· Jackson 77) Leba.non SteelvIlle 'crawfo.I'd Z8,St. Joseph St. JOS~Ph IBuchanan 19 Polar Star St. LOUIs 80 ' Brld ge ton ·..· IBrid.geton St. Lo~is ; .81 jCentra.l ~Iolmo Audram 82 Jackson , ,Linneus ILinn 1'



A. Breckinridge C. F. Daniels : 1st and 3d Saturdays. . W. A. 11athis E. E. Richar<;Ison Friday on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. S. E. Hattll.baugh J. E. Knappenberger 2d and 4th Saturdays. Alfred A. Eicks Ed Win, V. Kyte 1st and. 3d Saturdays. W. A. Cottrell C. l\L Summers Monda) on 01 nearest full moon. R. D. Hawkins Jno. Eustlic.e Sllturday on or before full moon. H. W. Clarke J. E. Garman ·11st and 3d l\-Iondays. G. E. Miller G. C. Miller Thursda y 011 or before full moon. ,John Score C. L. ShotwelL : Sat. on or bel'. f. m. & 2d Sat. aft. W. R. Dlllton jC. T. Richards , Saturday on or before full moon. R. T. Bond John W. Heist 11st and 3d'l'uesdays. E. W. Dunavant D. D. Ford 1st and 3d Fridays. \V. H. Smith : A.. J. Eby : ISaturda y beforc full moon. D. A. Northover IW. H. DowlIng 1st II.nd 3d Satnrdays. Andrew Blocher J. H. Bowen 1st and 3d Fridays. 1 r. M. RllCke. 1' : H. S.' Le.wis s.at. bef. f. m. & Sci Monday afte.r. C.·D. Hall. J. H.. BrICe · 11stand 3d Saturdays. G. C. Kimberlin 'IH. M: ~alcomb 1st and 3a-Tuesclays. W. Moore J. R;. DIckson Satmda! on or be~ore full moon. s. w. HI.lrst.. : : H. Eo Crone }st and .3d MO!lda) s. R. B. KIrkpatrIck D. B. Brady 2d and 4th Fndays. J. '1'. Leslie G. L. Cox ISaturday on or before full moon. Chas. H. Meffert Wm. H. Carpenter ·IThur~daY before full moon. C. W. Longley W. L. Meng 1st & 3d Frida.ys & 4th Saturday. R. P. :\Iotte R. E. S. Booton ISaturday on or before full moon. J. W. Parry Henry Ziegenbein 1st and 3d Mondays. Brick P.. Storts JonasA. Stern I'Tue.sda y on or before. full moon. J. G.'Wade W. R. P. Jackson 1st and 3d Saturdays. J. R, McDonald G. D. Ewing : 2d and 4th Fridays. J. C. W. Vanzant E. O. Sayle 1st and 3d ~Iondays. ,J. w. Boot.he ,Geo. W. prince Thursday on.or be~ore full moon. jJ. T. MCKl\y !C. F. Banmblott 1st and 3d FrIdays. I'G. E; H'lrtmeister W. P. Mattox ' Saturday befon' full moon. W. E. Hulett Ab. Blakely , Saturday on or before full moon. C. E. Stevenson G. McDaniel... Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. after IJ . '.T>{. pulliam IThOS. A. Hays T~ursclay on or before full moon. G. W. Rucker O. K. Benecke FIrst Tuesday. John Chivers..... C. A. Chapman ~aturday on or before full moon. O. H. Robinson G. A. Scheeley SaturdRy on or before full moon. 'G. T. Twyman M. S. Marqua 12d and 4th Mondays. Wm. M. Wright Reinhard Stephan /Saturday on or before fUll. moon. Ja.mes Hyndman C. F. Meyer 1st and 3d Tu.esdays. . W. S Hancock E: P. Ambler 1st and 3d FrIdays. N. J: Seibel, Jr::: Charles Tacke lsaturday on or before full moon.' J. B. Baker C. W. Elli!' , 2d Saturday. N. C. Cassity ; W. F, l\icKibben Sat. on 01' before f. m. & 2 wks. aft.







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831LaCledC Lebanon IJOhn : 84 Webster Groves jWebsterGroves St. Loms Wm. J. Bettttle 85\Miami Miami Saline P. Burruss 86 Brookfield Brookfield Linn J. E. Ohambers 871waShington IGreenfield Dade E. Bell 88 De.fiance ISh~ri?an "":o~th Eo P. ~~!!bitt 89 FrIends~lp "''''''''''1 ChIll Icot.l lC Llvmgston IC. A. ",. olfe 90 Russellv111e RussellvIlle Cole L. G. Oash \Mad,ispn · : F. H. Carver 92 Perseverance ; .. LOlllslll;na lIke ; N. W. Marrow 931St; Marks · IC~peGlrardeau Cap~Glrardeau IL. G. Stovall 9~lvlen.na ' VIenna Mancs.: W. H. Holmes 9" )leramec Eureka S1. LOUIs R. B. Denny St. Alld;ews..: lshelbYv,ille J. W. Frye 9/lBethan) : IBethan) Halllson R. H. Dunn 98 Webster l\larshl1eld Webster ; J. F. McKnight 99 ~1t. Vernon Mt. Vernon Lawrence H. P. S. liurke 100 Ash Grove Ash Grove Greene E. E. Shaw 10llB.ogard Bogard \CarrOll D. W. Minnis 102 Bloomington Bevier Macon : Ed. S. Jones 103\West View fillersville···:.. ·.. ICll.PC Girardeau 1<:. J. Nienstedt 104 Heroine Kansas City Jackson F. W. Keyser 105 Kirksv.ille Kirksville ;.. Adair E. S. Rinphart lO~IGallatin Gallatin ,Daviess W. E. wampler 101,Greenville Greenville [wayne D. N. Holladay 1081Pineville Pineville McDonald H.O. Prater 109 Stanberry Stanherry Gentry A.•J. Bucklew 1l0·Marcus· .. · · :.. IFredericktown Madison J. H. Chitwood 111 Trenton jTrenton Grundy J. B. Wright 112 ;\laitland Maitland HolL Ira Williams 113 Plattsburg Plattsburg Clinton J. P. PinkPrton 114 Twilight.. jCOlllmbia Boone Thos. W. Whittle 115 Laddonia Laddonia Alldrain Wm. H. Brandon 11~ Barne.~ lcabO~l. Texas (~. C. Schlicht 111 Versailles Versailles Morgan 1',. P. Yarnell.. 118 Kingston Kingston Caldwell F L. Parker 119 De Soto De Soto IJefferson Elmer Kemoe 120ICompass IParkville ,Platte Walter W. Higgins














T. wright· · ·lwednesdll Y before full moon. C. W. Alley 2d and 4th Tuesdays. IJ. F. Webster Friday on or before full moon. E. P. Southworth...... 2d and 4th Tuesdays. M. L. ¥OUllg !Fridlly on or before full moon. Nathan Kaufman.... Fri. on or bef.. 1. m. & 2 wks. aft. J .. E. P~rdonIler 1st and 3d Fndays. W. F. Enloe 3d Saturdays. U. Q,. ¥ro\yn j2d alld 4th Saturd.ays. . Freo Gervlg i1st and 3d Mondays. W. H. Hute~s 12d and 4th Tuesdays. L. N. HawkinS Saturday on or after full moon. C. W. Roques Saturday before full moon. J. A. Doyle ..: Friday on or full moon. Wm. 0. Heaston 2d tmd 4th Tuesda)~. W. W. Brannock: Friday on or after fU.ll moon. R. C. Sedwick 1st an~ 3d Fridays. IGeo. W. Musgrave 2d and 4th Thursdays. Jno. W. Minnis 2d and tth Stlturd.ays. D. M. Williams 2d and 4th Tuesdavs. ~: Eo S. Miller Saturday on or after full moon. \Ohas. M. Carter , 2d and 4th Tuesdays.. W. S. Hicks ' 1st and 3d Tuesdays. lwm. O. Ta.!;me Every Tuesday. ,.· H. H. Rhodes 'Saturday 011 or before full moon. IWm. W. Bacon Friday all or before fnll moon. S. M. Hinkley 1st and 3d Saturdays. ·IF. R. Newberry Saturday on orbelore lull moon. Geo. T. McGrath 1st and 3d Thursdays. ILafe Dawson 2d ann 4th Saturdays. E. Hawley Saturday on or before full moori. H. IJ. Wilson 2d and 4th TIH'sdays. E. C. Kennen Friday on or before full moon. Jesse Lar:eau :.. S~t. on or bef. f. m. and 2 wks. aft. y WItten First Saturday. C. S. :VlcLaughlin Slit. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. lwm. Blank 2d and 4th Thursdays. Geo. B. Tuggle Saturday on or before fijll moon.



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121IErwin· 122'Triplett 123 Hermann 124 Union Star 125 Gentryville 126 Seaman : 127 Athens 128 Lorraine 1291 Monett 130 Hume 131 potOSi. 132 Farmington 1?3 Star of the West.. 134 Olean 135 Braymer

rSt. Louis IT.riPlett.. , Chariton Hermann Gasconade Union Star De Kalb Gentryville Gentry Milan Sullivan Albany IGentry IRidgeway Harrison IMonett Barry Hume Bates IPotOsi : w.ashington Farmington St. Francois Ironton Ir~m Olean MIller Braymer Caldwell 13~ Phren~x.; IB~)\vling Green I,'ike ..: 13, D~lphlan B!rch Tree Shannon 138 Lmcoln..: Fillmore Andrew 139 Ore~od :. Oregon IHolt 140 Papmsville Papinsvillc Bll.tes 141 Amsterdam Amsterdam Bates 142 Pleasant Grove Otterville Cooper 143 Irondale Irondale Washington 144 Modern Humansville Polk 145 Latimer Licking 'Texas · 146 McGee College l\found Macon 147 ICass Harrisonville Cass 1481Purdy : Purdy Barry 149 LeXington ILexington Lafayette 150 Birming Halleck Bucha.nan 151 lYIilton Firth Randolph '1~2 Linn cree.k Linn Creek ICamden 1;>3 Bloomfield Bloomfield Stoddard I?,! Ionic , IDesloge ·ISt. Francois 1;>;> Spring Hill Spring Hill Livingston 156 Ashland Ashland Boone 157 North Star Rockport Atchison 158 Mountltin Grove IMountain Grove"lwri~ht 159 Green City~ Green Cit Sulhvan 160 Pleasant Morrisvilfe Polk 161 Clifton HilL Clifton HilL Randolph 162 Whitesville IWhitesYille IAndrew ; 163 Occidental.. St. Louis 164 JOaChim j Hillsboro IJefferson 165 ~Iaryville Maryville Nodaway 166 Portageville Portageville :New Madrid I


"'' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1

Iwm. A. Kleinschmidt.. W. O. B~lle.w ; W. B. DICksOIl ·Geo. A. Moyes IG. W. Gist Wm. J. Carothers ~I. W. Brandenberg Wm. S. Brown W. K. Martin H. L. Curtis E. '1'. EV. ersole C. Eo Hickok 'ym. R. E~gar ]<. W. Inghsh ,Geo. S. Dowell ~. M. Strother C. JohnsolJ W. J. Barnes H. M. Dungan R. B. Campbell ..: G. V. Boswell L.·P. Fairfax 'A. P. Robinsoll ~.Is. H. Griffin L..... B. ?vlitchell... F. W. Dooley R. W. Adams Wilson Lane : IJ . G. Crenshaw A. E. Isaacson · Isaac W. Gee IJ. W. Vincent.. J.~. punch . Albert J. Clay :. 11". J. Hargrave Geo. Chambers IS. S. McMillen J. C. Clouse C. A. Walker.. C. 11. Lane .. IE. E. Hurt.. 11. '1\1. Spohn Wm. R. Glancy J. R. Pounds lchas. A. Jensen S. J. Smalley


IGeo. J. Berne : W. P'. ~aine~ Chas. I.' .·Ochsner... H. 11. Cochran R. Stevenson W. R. Shrodes B. F. Hardin G. F. Perkins Sig.· Solomon J. W. Helms H:C. Bell J. E. Cover Mann Ringo ::l. R. Hoover IJ. A. Nevitt · .. · Cash Wenkle L. M. ~~)WlJsend J. B \\·lllJams IF. L. Zeller.. A. Laue Jas. W. HaiL 0. W. Rothgeb A. C. Vahrenkaup H. W. Arnold IWm. A. nthony 'IGeo. L. Teter H. F. Clark Ed. P. Ambrose Henry'Silllmer I,H. A. St. John : 1. W. Settle C. N. Da.vis : L. B. March Joseph }j;lIedge D. H. Williams Eli Penter L. C. Christian James Archer Thos. R. Davis Thos. C. MitchelL John T. Knox : E. S. Fisher C. L. Alexander Chas. S. Booth Adolph Stauble Frank Haines



2d and 4th Fridays. Thursday on or be!?re full moon. 1st and 3d Mondays. 2d and 4th Saturdays. Saturday 0n or before full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. 12d and 4th Fridays. ~Ionday on or before full moon. ;1st and 3d Fridays. 1st and :lrd ThursdaYs. Satur.da y on or after' full moon. Friday on or before full moon. ISaturday o~ or before full moon. 3d Saturday. 11st and 3d Saturdays. 1st and 3d TUE:;sdays. ,Saturday on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Saturdays. 11st 'Monday and 3d Saturday: Satnrday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th TuesdaYs. Saturday beforc fuil moon. Saturday nearest full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. Saturday on or before full m.oon. Isat. on or bef. f. m. and 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays. Thurs. 011 or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 3d Monday. 14th Saturday. 1st Saturday. ISa~urday on or bef.f.m. &. 2wks.aft: ,FndlLv nearest full moon. 1st and 3d Saturdays. Sat. on or bet'. f. m. & 2 wks. after. 3d Saturday. . 2d &. 4th Thp.r~days. sa.t. on or bef. f. m. &2d Fri..aft. Saturday on or before fnll moon. Friday on or before full moon. Tuesday on or bet. f.m.&2 wks.aft. Saturday on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Mondays. Saturday on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Saturdays. Saturday aft. f. m. &. 2 wks. aft. .

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AND I I,..P. TOWN O. ADDR~.:....

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167 Revere ,IRevere •........... :.. Clark W. L. Sherman 16S 1Colony Colony : Knox C. MeReynulds l691camden Point.. Camden Point; Platte C. E. <Jarson 170 Benevolence Utica Livings.ton J. W. Cramer 121 Hartford IHartford Putnam c; H. C~rryer 112 I Censer Macon Macon 'vI,. C. Goodson 1'i31Gl'lly ::;ummit IGray Summit Franklin J. A. Rusk 1741Sturgeon Stnrgeon IBoone .: J. L. Palmer -175 Newt.on Newtonia : Newton R. L. HMrris 1761point Pleasant.. OOlll'an New Madrid Slim'l Pikey 177 Texas 1 HOllston Texas John Abels 178IGriSWOld· .. ··· ·.. ·IRCllfto\\er Montgomery IH. C. Gregg 179 Pride bfthe West... St. Louis L. C. Westlake 180 Des Moines Athens Clark 1. J. Wilson lSI N?velty Novelty Knox W. H.Epperson 182 Pllot Knob Buek Hart... Douglas H. M. Nash J83 California california ..·.. · ·IMoniteau Wm. Heck 184 I"'.Iorh' y I;\fOrle~ Scott 1\ W. Cleaver 185jC-:hamois Chamois Osage F. E Scovell 186l\[orality !Renick : Randolph .. : Warren Surber 1871 Hermon ·.. · ·.. ILiberul ·IBarton ,W. n. .Johnson IB8 HannibaL HannibaL lVIarion iE. A. McKey.......... .. 189 Zeredatha St. Joseph Buchanan Ed\v. Farrell.. 190.P.ntnll.ffi Newtown Sullivan J. Main, 191 Wilson Pocahontas C~pe Girardeau G. H. Sample 192IFrankford F~ankf~rd: Pike J. E. Lucas: 193 Angerona Mlssoun City Clay L. G. Hopkms H141wellSVille Wellsville Montgomery IGeo. J. Blain 195 Bo~ivar Bo~ivar ~olk 1;. M. Pa~ne : 196 QUltman QUItman Nodaway C. E. Borlllg., 197 Carthag~ Carthage Jasper R. A. Mooneyham : 198 ~llensvllle IAllendale \":orth G. R. Hnnt 1991",ew Hope·..· IElsberr y Lmc<?ln Floyd Galloway 200 Sonora Watson AtchIson 1. B. Jones 201/RlI.venwood Ravenwood Nodaway Fred~ric A. orr 202 Westville Westville C~ltriton IJOhn Jackson 203 Brumley IBrumley Mlller D. G. Wall 204 Rowley ~ .Dearborn Platte W. H. Gabbert 1





:-A. G. Ehrhart H. B. Beckner W. K. Bywaters ChllS. H. Stone T. !~.,Barnh.ouse JaR G. Howe: E. G. ThornhilL J. W. Hulett .T. B. Myers B. F. P.ikey \\'m. H. Fa.rris W. W. Mt>tls Louis TI,ch Wm. Goldsberry IA. L. Ross Robt. Tautenhahn IW. C. Heck C. D. Har.ris Henry MarqUlmd J. W. HendrIX IJ. G. Todd ·A. G. McDanieL IGeorge Rees g. M. Stranser D. C. Thom psc;m H. c. Steele: A. R. Allcorn IW ..H. Miller : W. S. ~skren B. l' onn~ W. \Yallingford G. W. Dickerson W. A. HemphilL C. M. WOTd lwm. P. Sims C. O. West ,J. L. Conn;r : Gao, W. Kirby


1st and 3d Thursdays. Saturday on or before full moon.' Saturday on or before full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. Saturdax on or be~~re full moon. 1st and o)d Mondays. _ 1st and 3d Thur~days. Friday on or before full moon. Saturday on or after full moon. ·Sat. on or ber. f. m. and 'Z wks. aft. Salurdayon or after full moon .. 1H Saturday anc13d Monday. 2d and'4th Wednesdays. Saturday on or before full moon. SlItnrdlly on or be~ore full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Fridays.' IFridHy on or before full moon. Friday on or after full moon. Tues. on or bel'. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Thursdays. 2d and 4th Mondays. 2d ar.d 4th Tuesdays. . Saturday on or he fore full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Tllesdays.~ . 1st lind 3d Saturdays. Saturday before full moon . . Wednesday on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Saturda\·s. .2d and 4th ThursdilYs. !Saturday on or b. f. m. & 2 wl(s. aft. Saturday be~o. re full moon. 1st. 3d and <Jth Saturdays. 12d and 4th Saturdays. 3d Saturday.. . Saturday on or before full moon. Saturday before full moon. 'I


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205ITrilUmina Marshll.ll lsaline :.. \G. G. RObertson \R. E ..t. : lst Thursday. 206.somerset Powersville Putnam F. A. Cozad Joe i\Iills Saturl;lay on or before full moon. 207 Clay .. ~ Excelsior Springs Clay ChltS. S. Wilcox R. T. Craven 1st and 3d Saturdays. . :; Salisbury Chariton : jBernard Warner S. F. Trammel .. , 1st and 3d Tuesdays.. 2081Salisbury 209 poPlar Bluff Poplar Bluff Butler H. Y. Mengel jRP. Lavin 2d and 4th Tuesdays. '210 Unionville Unionville Putnam James W. Jones P. D. Greggers , 2d ll.I1d 4th Mon<1a~:5. 211 Hickory. HilL Hickory Hill. Cole : L. D. ~o~v~rd IJ.;~. procter S~turday ~n or Mlore full moon. 212 1Four l'Ille Campbell. Dunkhn Hem) Schroeder '\. A. Post.. L t and 3d rhursdl\~ s. 213 Rolla Rolla Phelps George E. Llldd B. H. Rucker 1st and 3d Saturdays. . 214 Forest City ,Forest City HoIL H. S. Teare Jos. H. Williams 1st SlIturdllY and 3d Monday. 215 Hornersville ICaruth Dunklin L. G. Haislip E. A. Chailland Friday before full moon. 21~ Hale City : Hale : lcar.roll U. M. Hudson , IL. L. O'Dell :.. 2d.and 4th Saturda~s. 211 Barbee Sweet Sprmgs Sahne M. D. Jackwn Jno. D.. Smlth IFfJda y on or. before lull moon. 21SIGood HO,Pe ISt. Louis ..; John Auld Edward S. Baldwin 1st and 3d Saturn.ays. . 2191Albert Pl~e I1<iansas C~ty Jackson 0. P. Bloss :: Fred. T. Durrant 2d and 4th Monda~s. 220 Kans.as 91ty Jo...ansll:' CIty , Jackso~l IJ. A. La.~mer J. M, l\!.cDonald 2d and 4th Monda) s. . 221 MystIC TIe Oak RIdge Cape GIrardeau D. M. WIlls G. S. Wllls... Saturday on or before full moon. 222 La Belle La Belle Lewis v.. L. B.rO?kin g : H. S. Smith ·.. ISat. on or bef. f. m. & 2d Fri. after. 223 Woodlawn Woodlawn I~[onroe: G. W. Games R. M. Rngland Saturday on or before full moon. 224 Hamilton Hamilton Caldwell Henry :\Iurphy C. F. Ricling~ 1st and 3d Tuesdays. . 225 Salem Dent :\1. F. Roberts Wm. R. Judson ISaturday on or before full moon. 2261Saline St. Mary's Ste. GeI1evieve Edward Schaaf John H. '":oelker Satnrday on or before full moon. 227 Cyp ress Laclede : /Linn Jno. T. Lomax John Hetrrck 1st and 3d Wednesdays.. 2'28 Shelbina She1bina Shelby ; .fohn R. Lyell R. L. Thomas 1st and 3d Fridays. 2'29 Clatlin Protem Tahey C. A. James· 'vVm. A: James ' Saturday on or before full moon. 230 Se. James St. James lpheIPs Harry Boissellier.. · R. D. B.arber : Saturda,y on ?r before full moon. 231 Cardwell Cardwell Dunkhn W. F. Wells J. S. Culbertson 1st and 3dFrrdays. 232 Polo : Polo : : IC~ldwcll :'vI. H. Win~er S. L. \~Olliiietler 2d and 4th 3aturda~s. 233lBucklm : B~cklm .; Lmn : George B.ell ,' R. S. Katha~ ; 20 and 4th Saturdays. 23~ St. FrancOis Llbertyvllle St. FrancOis A: B. ,;\fcKenzIe ,jR. P. S.ebastIan, actmg Saturday before full moon. 235 Weatherby IWeatherby DeKalb IFmley l\lcClure 1. F. RIggS 2d Saturday. 236 Sedalia I'Sedalia Pettis John Devlin IE. E. Codding Ilst Friday. 2y71La PI.a~a :. La Pla~a Macon H. O. Newton L. W. 1\lcDavilt Iwednesdayon ~rbefore full moon. 238 RushVIlle : RushVIlle Buchanan : A. F. Shane rR. W. Jones 2d and 4th Saturdays. ~9 Hopewell ILesteryille Reynolds J. J. Jamison S. H. Irvin ..; Saturday on 0.r after full moon. 240 GranVIlle IGranvIlle Monroe H. F. Clay IJas. A. FurnIsh 2d and 4th FrIdays. 24.1 Palestine St. Charles St. Charles : ,R. C. Haeussler A. E. Lehmann 1st and 3d Tuesdays. 242 p.ortland Portland Gallaway IJ. F. Gilman 1 H. R. Gilbert Saturday on or before full moon. 243 Keystone St. Louis Edmund Pendleton Fred A. Raithel 1st and 3d Wednesdays. . 244 Middle Fabius Downing Schuyler M. S. Shanks IA.· L. Womack Sat. on or before full moon. 245 Knob Noster II.cnob Noster IJOhnson D. N. Saults A. 1'1. Craig Friday on or.before· fnll moon. 24~ Montgomery City "'ll'Iontgomery City Montgomery I w. B.1\[. cOOk IJ. R. ApPling IMonday on or before full moon. 241 Neosh.o Neosho Newton A. J. Thomas ChltS. E. Prettyman ht and 3d '!'hursdays. 248 Rochester F!elena 'A. ndrew C. Varner : A. H. Graham jsat.on orbef.f.m. & 3d Tues. after. 249 Carroll Norborne jCarroll J. M. Goodrich G. T. Meehan 2d and 4th ~Iondays. 250 Glensted Glensted Morgan L. B. Hawks Hobart Ripley Saturd.ay on or before full moon.




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251!Hope 252 Alanthus 253. Laredo . 254 Butler 255 1Alton











,Franklin W. J\rcularius Alanthus Grove .. Gentry ,F. M. LIkens Larcdo IGrUndy ·.. IL. V. Woods IRutler Bates G. E. Cable ,. AltOn !oregon : L. P. Norman 2~~lshekinah ·: ·.. · IFestus.: Jeffe:son 1Hugh Glen ·.. · 20/ Lodge of LIght , EagleVIlle Harrison A. M. Sallee 258 Ravanna Ravanna Ittfercer ID. M·. Foster 259 Lodge of Love Lancaster Schuyler F. C. French 260 :'Ifechanicsville Howell : ;:it. Charles James U. Muschaney 261 Florence New Florence :\Iontgomery J. P. Ellis _ 262 Holden Holden Johnson O. A. Flickiuger 263 Summit. Lee's Summit.. Jackson J. H.. Spenc~r 264 Kirbyville Kirbyville Taney Geo. W. Van Zandt.., 265 Corinthian :.: ,Warrensburg Johnson · Mos~s Cohen ~~~ SOcial... I~'fartin~bUrg Audmin C; D W il1iam~ 26/ Aurora St. LOUIs Wm. H. Heilsiek 268 Lodge of Trnth ,Atlllnta Macon !V. D, Gordon 269 Rock Prairie La.wr.enceburg L~Wren?e J. W. West.. 270 New Salem Wllltield \ Llllcoln ,lleverly Duey





E. G. Busch , ..I1st and 3d Satllrda~·s. W. J. Judd Saturday on or belore full moon . R. L. Storms , Isat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. A. H. Culver 1st Saturday. Corwl.·n S. Gohn Saturday on or before full moo. r IChll.s. S. Fil.lley ll~t.and 3d Saturdays. J. L. DownlIlg 1< nday on or before full moon. Chas. Saylors lwedne.Sday before full moon. P. O. Sansberry 2Ll. and 4th Fridavs. Henry Johnson Sat. on or bef. f. in. and 2 wks. aft. W. R. Holliugsworth Saturday bef. Cm. &:2 wks. after. John Z. Brothel's 1st ar:d 3d Thursdays. . iThos. H.. Thornton 1st ana 3d Fridays. B. A. Parnell Saturday (In or before full moon. Theophiius Hyatt 1st and ;)d ~Iondays. 8. T. Mc~~ew Saturday OJ~ ?r after full moon. Henry \\'llke 1st und 3d 1<ndays. A. ill. Attt·bery.: Monday on or before full moon. S. M. Clark , ,. Saturday on or before full moon. H. J. Muth Saturday on or after full moon.

~~~ ~~:~i~~~::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~::::::::::~~~{i~~.::::::::::::::::lli.~.~r~~r;~d~~·~·:::::::::\~~.1'f'~~~t;es·:::.::·:::::::::::~.~ ~fr~d~;~'


273ISt. Clair 2741COld 275 TranqUillity 2Z6 G;and Rive~ 2/7 \\ m., D. MUIr 278 Essex 279 1Hogle'S- Creek 2SOiLodge of Peace 281 Fenton 282 cos.nl0s 283 Stockton 284ICanopy 2S5 Earl 286 Urich 287/craft 288 Hermitage

Osceola Leeton Orearville F!'eeman PIlot Grove Essex 1Wheatland Chilhowee Fenton St. LOUiS Stockton Aurora \Coffeysburg Urich ICanton :Hermitage

St. Clair IJOh. nson SalIne 'Cass lcooper Stoddard Hickory Johnson ISt. Louis I Cedar Lawrence Daviess Henry ILewis Hickory

H. Daniel.. Ic.IV.Geo.F.R.l-aWleSs Gllchri~t..

WIll. J., Laffoon J. ~-r: ElchE;lberger PhIlip Colhns O. 1'. Scrivener C. S. Eppright.. G.. Sievers D. S. Green jChas. S. younger I<~. J. Stribling W. T. Carter H. L. Randolph F. F. Page W. L. Pitts



J. R. I';'uckles O. Hall. · J. Orear C. M. ~Ill.jors J; T. E1I1S.: L. Harnson Don Harryman IJ. S. Bozarth IJames A. Vandover Eden Reed G. L. Walker E. B. Samuels W. '1'. Pugh Van. W. HulL J. H. Millspaugh IT. J. Taylor

jB. ,C.


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f'riday on or before full moon. I'I'hursday on or before full moon. Wednesday on or before full moon. ~aturday on 0." be.fore full moon. 12d and 4th !,nda~s. \2d and 4th ruesdays. Friday on or before full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. ISaturday on or after full moon. 2d and 4th Mondays. ITh.ur. on or bef. f. m .. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Sat. ber. f. m. &2 wks. Q,fter. Saturday on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Mondays. 'Saturday on or before full moon.






290 Fairmount 291 Edina 292 Lamar 293 sa.rcoxie 294 ~[ound City : 295 Moniteau 296 sParta 297,Ozark 2981sampson 299 Temple 300 Doric 301 White HalL 302. Lick Creek 303!Osage 304 Sig-lIal. 305 C!arence 306 Ashlar 307 New London 308 Parrott 309 King Hiram 310 Sikcstoli. '311 Kearney 312 Cuba 313 Kingsville 314 Pine 31::> Jerusalem 31n RuraL 317.0sborn 3181 Eld.omd() 319 Paulville 320 Many Springs 321 Jonathan 322HIlrdin 323 Corner-Stone 324 McDonald : ~~ D~)Ckery

LlIln , ~~~ Mt: Zi0.n Call1svllJe 329 Kennedy 330 Bertrand 331 Charitv 332 J<:xcello 333 Chillicothe 334 Breckenridge


Wyaconda Edina 'Lamar lsarcOxie : ~Iound City Jamestown lsParta Fair Grove IL.utie Kansas City El kland Barnard :Perry INevada Minden :\Iines :Clarence lcommeree New ·JJondon ;Vlaysville Knoxville jSikeston Kearney Cnba Kingsville Bllrdley Jericho S.prings. Kansas City Osborn Luray Brashear \Iany :5prings Denver Hardin.: St. LOllis Indepenoence 1jl.1.eadville Lllln W~st p~ains Call1svllle Elmo Bertrand .. : St. Joseph Excello Chillicothe Breckenridge

Nodaway ..:

Clark Knox Barton JM.per nolt.. :\Ioniteau Christian Greene Ozark Jackson ,· Webster Nodaway Ralls ivernon : ' B>lrlOll Shelby Scott Ralls De Kalb Ray : sco.tt.. Clay Crawford : Johnson ' Ripley ·ICedar Jackson DeKalb Clark Adair ;Oregon Worth Rnv : Jacl;:son Li.nn :Osage IHOW~IL : Harnson Sodaway IMi.SSiSSiPPi Buchanan ~·Illcon Livingston ,Cald weI 1..

E. W. Geyer

H. E. Sht>rwood J. H. Fisher G. D. Allee M. R. Floyd C. c.. Fuller A. J. Wilson J. C. Barnes ..~ J. W. Hartt.. D. Fl. GibSOll G. G. Wright C. B. I\larlin D. A. Pollard J. E. Blllliware W. E. Stewart Thos. McKissack W. 1,. Flam.rick T. F. Frm-:er G. H.. Tompkins Reuben Winter M. c. Hill O. E. .!{enoalJ Haynie Rowell J. H. Mltrtvn G. ~L Smfth.: Wrn.·J. Dodd Ha.rmon Cline J. W. Kepner I~. ~I. .J()hn~on W. W. Rced Manri('e Fowler John Martin T. R. Bllrns Tosiah Beerv Wm.H. F. Blume A. C. Sout.hern F. L. M.aoden H. C. Fmck Tbos. D. ~[llrtin .T. A. Thompi'on Wm. E. Rcott L. B. Pre~son R, E. Eshleman Wm. D. Powel1. F. S. Miller W. O. Hart


Geo. J. Moore

11st and 3d Saturdays.


1. M. ""ells Isat. ber. f. m.&- Mon. 2 wks. aft. C. M. Smith F'ri(1ay on or before full moon. J. P. Weddell , Friday on or before full moon. • G.'eo. W. Wood 'Tues. on or ber. f. m. &. 2. wks. aft. C. F. Hamsher '~d allf1 4th Tuesdays. M. K. Johnson Saturday on or before full moon. P. Lee Friday on or before full moon. J. A. Putman : Wednesday on or bcfOIe full moon. A. Holt Saturday o.n or before full moon. T. A.i\Hlburn 1st and 3d Tuesdays. S. Marlin Saturday on or before full moon. Thos. McMillen 1st and 3d Saturdays. DeWitt Masters Saturday on or before full moon. H. L. Kingsland 2d Friday. John Brown 2d and 4~h Tuesdnys. • H. A. Wright Sat. on or bef. f. m .. & 2 wks. after. Chn~. i\-I. Wylie Raturday on or after full moon. Geo. E. Lear Sat. onor bef. f. m. & 2 wks. after. Thos D. Williams 1st and 3d Saturdays. A. T. Moffitt Satnrdav on or beforefu~l moon. J. A. Hess ...\Thursday on or before full moon. J. N. Shouse 1st Saturday. . J. L. McCormack Saturday on or before full moon.. Wm. Fl. Nelson Saturday on or before full moon. H. L. Drnne 3d Saturday. J. P. Long Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. Thoi'. J. ThornhilL 1st and 3d illondavs. .1. E. Wnlkcr 2ctand 4th Saturdays. ' IDaniel saar Sat. on or bet'. f. m:llnd 2 wks. aft. \Y. S. Vltwter .'Saturday on or before full moon. Robert Thomas : ISaturdn~. before 4th Sunday. C. A. Brown 1st and 3ci '·Vecinesdavs. J. 1\-1. Carter Saturday before fuli moon. Ja~. A. Smith. Jr 1st and 8d ~[ondays. . S. 'v'i. Strode 1st and 3d Mondays. E. A. ~tl~vkills Every T~lesday. ~ ,G. W. ralTltcr Satnrdll\ 011 or belore full moon. ·G. B. Thorn.as Friday before full moon. W. A. LewIs 1st anct 3ct Thnrsdays. H. L. Savler : 1st and 3d Saturdays. G. R. Wallace 2d ann 4th s.aturdays. Edw. Srhmmm 2d and 4th Mondavs. W. n. Pipkin :: 2d Saturday. • J. W. ·McCormick 2d and 4th Fridays. S..J. Dewey 2d and 4th Saturdays

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335jJOPlin ···· .. ········IJOPlin · ·..·IJasper .. ·.. · · Grant Emerson ·..·..· IH . M. Woodward 336 Hallsvill.e : Halls':lll~ Boone ·R. F. Hul.ett.. D. B: Carpenter 337 Blue Sprmgs Blue SprIngs Jackson Logan St?rms /L. W. Pryor 338 Myrtle Millville Rtl.y W. H. KeIth J. P: Wall 339 F.idelity Farley Platte · IArt.bur Jewe.tt J. \\'. Farley 3'1O Westport Kansas City Jackson C. H. Cheney H. C. Elberg 341 Rockville Rockville Blites \J. R. MeredIth L. W. Anderson 342 Circle R.oscoe St. Clair Robert Scott.. J. E. Clyde 343 Agricola Petersburg :.. Henry \V. S. Ward; B. L. Gllliam 344 Moberly Moberly Randolph ,A. B. Chll.mler Jno. W. Tate ! 345jFellOWshi P ·JOPlin Jasper IJOhn Gmeiner I'F·rank G. Ade ::M.6 Arlington Dixon Pulaski.. Chas. Murphy T. V. Wilson 1 347 Spring Creek ..E<1gar Springs Phelps .: S. F. Arthur C. T. Lamar 3481Wadesburg : I·creighton 'cass R. H. Ross W. i\-Iorlan 349'Pollock POllO.Ck /Sullivan ,R. L. Garner T. :VI. Dormer 350 Tyrian Johnstown Bates : Wm. A. Howard W. H. Dudley 351 Mosaic Belleview Iron R. J. Hill E. M. Logan 352 Friend. : o.zark Christian J. A. Tindle IC. Eo Reid · 353 Barnesville IIWi~gIOIl Reyn()~ds : 'l~. T. O'I.?ell ,Wm. Z. Carter 3~ Hebron: ' IMexlCo Audram F,. F .. Elh,ott \JOhn J. Ste.ele 3;>5 Adelphi Edgerton Platte Edwlll 'I hatcher J. E. Stalldlford 3?~ 1.\.nCient Landmll,rk Harrisburg Boone 1. A. Goslin ; R. L. Beasle.r , 351 Aux VILSse Aux Vusse Callaway W. M. Harn80n W. S. Hopkms ~8 North-West.. Tllrkio Atchison J. F. S~llOenecke: C. H. Coe 3:J9 Garrett Arcola Dade R. M. Crutcher Thos. J. Underwood 360 Tuscan , ,St. Louis............... .los. S. i>IcIlltyre Alfred.H. White ~61 R~ddick I' Bu fru,l 0 D.an.as ···· 1 w. C. H~WkillS W. S. 0' Bannon 362 Hm\I11 Kahoka Clark A. C. BrIdges '3. E. Seaton 363 FraternaL Robertsville Franklin 18. G. Denny.. E. W: Bay 364 Higginsville Hig-ginsville Lafayctte Alfred H. Hoefer Frank Kn~pmeyer 365. Bay<:m Bl~kers~eld Oza~k W. T. Wiles ~ : Bert Swain ~ 366 AdUolr \Klrksvllle AdaIr Fred. Darrow Andrew Han..en Washburn Barry W. A. Fairchild W. B. Adcock ~ 367IBarry ~68.Crescen~ Hill ,Adr~al1 Bl.ltes .E. G. Moudy Nt;lson Moudy 329Co.mposlte D<~l1l'phan RIPl~y I~. L. 1\-[~mrower OtIS M. Gary 310!WIllllLmstown Wlllmmstown Lewls Ohas. LIliaI'd C. Mumma 371 Sheldon jSheldon Vernon G. B. Beenv ,W. S. Hale .372 Nonpareil East Lynne~ )Cass ..IWrn. A. Tbomson, Jr : iE. S. Hartzler 1'







Tum OF MEETING. 'Ilst and 3d Fridays. Saturday on or after full moon. 1st and ild Saturdays. Saturday on or bet'orefull moon. Wedne~day on or before full moon. 12d and 4th Tuesdays. 1st lind 3d Saturdays. Thursday on or before fnll moon. Saturday on or before full' moon. 2d and 4th l\Iondays. 2d and 4th Fridays. . Thursday on or before full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. Sat. on 01' before f. m. and 4th Sat. 'Saturday after f. m. & 2d Sa~. after. 18at. on ur ber. f. m. & 2 wks. after. ,Saturday on or after full moon. I'sa.turday on or before full moon. Sat~,rdayon or before full moon. 1st lu~sday. Sat. 0n or bel'. f. m. & 2 wks. after. Saturday 011 or before. full moon. Tuesday on or before full moon. 2d and Hh Thursday/;. Th Ilrsdav on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Tuesdays. . Saturd~y 011 ?r before full moon. 1st and 3d FrIdays. . Saturdav on or after full moon. 2d and 4th Mondays. 8aturdll;Y bef?re full mOOll. 1st and 3d FrIdays. Sat. on Or bel'. f. m. & 2 wks. after. ISaturday on or before full moon. :2d and 4th Tuesdays. ISat. on or after f. m. & 2 wks. after. Sat. on or bel'. f. m. & 2 wks. after. Saturday on or before full moon.

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3.73 '374 375 370 377

Belle BeHle Wilderness Wilderness Waynesville Waynesville Kin~ HilL S. St. Joseph AnCient Craft.. Kin~ City ~{i8 Berlin Berhn 379 Billings Billings 380 Queen City Queen City 381 Ionia IEldon ·382 Mt. Ararat Topaz 383 Pythagoras Cassville 384 East Prairie .! I<:ast Prairie 385 Richland ; Richland 380 Dayton Dayton 387 \Voodside Thomasville 388 Chula .: ; Chul!t 389 Arcana Harns 390 Marionville l\'Iarionville 391 Raytown Raytown 392,Christian :.:Oak Grove 3931Bee Hive Lawson 394 Lucerne Lucprne 395 Hatfield Hatfield 396 Westcrn Light.. Louisburg 397 Gower Gower 398 Jasper }ltSper 399 Pike I,curryville 400 Decatur Peirce City 401·Carterville Carterville ,102 Malta Maltll Bend 403 Lowry City Lowry' City 40'! Rosenda!e ~osendale 40~ Everton Evcrton 4~ ~Ialden :.1\Ialden' 40, Charleston Charleston 408 Montrosc I'Montrose 409 Louisville Lonisville 410 Iberia Iberia 411 Joppa.. I. " Hartville 412 APfllcton City : Appleton City Va ley Bolckow Greensburg Greensburg 415 HunnewelL HunnewelL 416 Cache : St. Louis 417.White Water Laflin 418iCIear Creek Palo Pinto :


Maries Oregon Pulaski Buchanan Gentry Gentry Christian Schuyler l\Iiller Douglas Barry Mississippi Pulaski. Cuss

Lee D. Love H.. N. Simpson Drury Claiborn J. A. .Moore. T. L. Hardy J. R. McMillen Wm. '1'. Lalllkin Wm. M. Subury M. H. Mo~s : Jas. Smallwood S. A. Newman C. D. MitchelL C. L. Evington Geo. F. Parker O~e~on P. C. Giles LIVI!lgston J. N. Bll:llenger Sulhvan H. L. Richardson Lawrence F. P. Carney.: Jackson ; A. A.. HObbS Jackson W. A. Warrell. Ray G. B. Crowlcy Putnam C.•J. s:ul'geon , Harri-on :.. A. Van Meter Dallas .: P. B. Milrsh Clinton H. C. Ransdell Jasper S. B. Shoopman Pike : A. A. Br.atcher Lawrence E. R. Boston Jasper W. H. Parry....... Saline Peyton Jeter. St. Clair ·Jno. R. Bowen Andrew A. Hopkin!; : Dadc Howard R-gsdule DI!n~li.n : T Pt'nlly.......... 1\!lSSlssIPPI O. W. Jo~lyn Henry ~., R. B. Fewel ., Lincoln .. : : Jamps F. young : 'l\HUer Frank l'(.)Pill IWright.. N. A. Mllfrell St. Clair : Wm. G. '\-fasterson Andrew Wm. F. D?ods Knox J. R. BIl~ns Shelby F. N. Pall1ter G. A. Fiener Bollinger W. :\[. Proffer Benton George Belt




11'David . J. Tyn.es T. King

Saturday on or after full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. C. H. Colley Saturday on or before full moon. Thos. Z. Mays 1st and 3d Saturdays. . Jacob Levy 1st and 3d Saturdays. Geo. R. Weller .. ~ 2d and 4th Saturdays. . John R. Garbee Friday on or before full moon. R. H ..woods 2d and 4th Tue~dfl.Ys. N. J. Shepherd : 2d and 4th Saturdays. B. Hafner Saturday on or before full moon. J. S. Platten burg 'Sat. on or bef. f. m. &. 2 wks. after. A. A. Townsend Every Thur~day. Wm. S. L.ee ~ Wedne~day after full moon. R. F. Smith Saturday on or after full moon. :W. L. She~rill Saturday on or before full moon. IJ. F. H~rns ~at. before f. m. ~2 w.k!;. lifter. J. T. Richardson Saturdav on or after full moon. I. D. M(~G\1llah 1st and :~d Fridays. s~ G. Robinson Saturday on or before full moon. G. H. church ·Friday before 2d and 4th SundltYs. R. J. Clark SaLurday before full moon. IS. L. Prough , Thursday on or before full moon. A. J. KnotL :: \Yednesdav before full moon. J. K. Jones......... Saturday o'n or before full moon. H. 1.'. Bowlin 1st ano 3d Saturdays. 0. C Swanson ,1st llnd 3d Tuesdays. J. H. Sisson Thursday.onor·beforefull moon. J.1\1. Parish 1st and 3d Thursdays. R. J. ·Lpathprs..... 1st and 3d Fridays.• J. J. Wheeldon Tuesday on or before full moon. :C. L. l\{etz TUt-sday on or before full moon. I.John Baum :.. 2d and 4th Thursdays. ,J. C. Tomson Sat. on or before f. m. & 2 wks after. J. Baker , Friday onOJ'.bPfore full moon. .Tames A. Boone 1st and 3d Saturdays. J. A. Gra,gg Sllt. on or bef. f. m. <II. 2 wks. after. T. J. Higginbotham Saturday on or before full moon. George FPrg u.on ·saturdlt j ; on or before full moon. J. H. Fllrmer FJ;iday on or before full moon. Ed. A. Hook Saturday on or before full moon. J. N. Mont~omery : 2d and 4th SaturdllYs. 1.. H. (;unnll1gham Sllturoay on or bf'fore ~ull moon. \\ m. Jll.nes Sr : ISatllfday on or before full moon. A. P. Watkins j2d and 4th Saturdays. • B. F. Winters : Saturday on or before full moon. E. H. Moxley 4th Saturday. .


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Emil F.,NebeL 4~7IJone~bUrg ··············IJones~urg ,Montgomery ,Edw. McCullough ·.. 4th Saturday. 408 MelVIlle DadeVIlle 'Dade H. A. Cavender W. H. "atson Thursday on or before full moon. ~ '459 Hazelwood Seymour Webster T. S. Bruton : N. F. Alderman Thursday on or before full moon. :.... 460 Lambskin St. Louis Jos. G. Mc(;oubne.. , Fred G. Fuessel.. 2d and 4th Wednesdays. \- . 46; Caruthersville ; Caruthersville Pemiscot W. A. G~een 18. H. ~!~Carty 1st and 2d Tue~dap'. , > 462 Santa Fe 'Santa Fe Monroe J. F. Flynt J. B. "Ilson Saturday on or before full moon. :=' 4631Clifton :·.. IThayer Oregon V. L. Al~e!man.; H. W. ~Ialony Saturday on or be/ore full moon. I 464Aullville Aullville Lafayette H. T. PhIIIJps R. A. Ruberts 1st and 3d Saturdays. ~ 465 Gaynor City ParnelL Nodaway H. O. Gray U. S,'Wright 1st and ::>d Saturdays. 466 Southwest Southwest City McDonald I(;eo. D. Cates S. A. Robinson Suturday on or before full moon. 467 Pleasant Hope Pleasant Hope Polk W. B. Patterson .. : C. A. Clingman Thursday on or before full moon. 468 Red Oak Red Oak 'Lawrence J. W. Manning D. E. Curry Sat. on or bef. f. m. and ~ wks. aft. 469 Plato Plato Texas G. W. Turner.. D. S. Smart Saturday before full moon. 470 ~odaway l\Iaryville Nodaway A. W. Reese : B. E. Condon 2d and 4th Saturdays. i71 NUneml j'oronogo.: Jasper .. : F. F. Mumma ,So A. Minard ' Thursday 011 or before full moon. 472 Pickering Picke.ring Nodaway E. L. CrowsQll ·Howard WI',ay Friday on or before full mOOIl. 473 Nineveh Olney Lincoln H. Humphreys O. C. Lewallen lstSaturday. I 174 Guilford GUilford Nodaway A. H. Wilsoll Wm. H. Bledsoe ~ 2d and 4th Saturdays. ' 475 Golden Golden City 'IBarton C. W. Sheppard J. W. l\fard.ick 2d.8nd 4th TueSdays. 476 Mt. Hope Odessa Lafayette W. D. Barclay , Oeo. C. Br) an Fnday on or before full moon. 477 Henderson Rogersville.: Webster B. F. Dennis : W. Tunnell , Thursday on or before full moon. 478 Racine Seneca Newton wm. Campbell W. E.. St.reet................ s.aturday on or before full moon. 479 Rich HilL Rich Hill Bates ,Albert Wiek ~ B. Kirk 2d and 4th .Mondays. 480 JeweL , Pleasant Hill Cass IN. T. Adams Claude Headen 2d. Friday. 481 Marceline .Marceline Linn : Otis Jordan L. E. Pancost.. : 2.d and 4th Tuesdays. .. 482 Cli!ltonville 'EI9orado Springslceda~ Jas. F. Rhodes J. W. Dawson .. : Sat. on or be.f. f. m. & 2 wks. after. 483 FaIrfax Fairfax AtchIson Guy Graves A. F. Neal.. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. 484 Kirkwood Kirkwood St. Louis Orrin Hull, Jr Hugo S. Jacobi 2d and 4th Mondays. 4&') Cold ';Vater Drexel Cass : : J. E. Glass W. 8. Noble .. : 1st and 3d Tuesdays. 48~ Cairo Cairo Randolph : J. P. Stinnett.. J. W. StigalL 2d Thursday and·4th 1?aturday. 48/ Chilhowee Chilhowee Johnson R. E. Sweeney M. J. Ream 1st and 3d Fridays. . 488 Lock Spring Lock Spring Daviess : J. S. Brookshier Geo .C. BlackwelL 1st and 3d Saturdays. 489 Lakeville IBell City Stoddard Neal Teachout J. T. Harvey : Saturday on or before full moon. 490 :\'Iontevallo :\Iontevallo Vernon S. G. Popplewell IJno. W. Stuermer Saturday on or before full moon. 491 Vandalia Vandalia Audrain H'-C. KohL John H. Thole Saturday on or before full moon. 492 Daggett McKittrick Montgomery P. W. Gillette Herman Bezold Saturday on or before full moon. 49::> Vernon Bronaugh Vernon T. H. Heckley W. C. Burton ~at.onorbef.f.m.&2 wks.after. 49~ Lewistown Lewistown Lewis ·I'J. L. McCann J. M. Bagby c Fri. on orbef. f. m. and 2 wks. after. 490IUnity Richards Vernon ; W. P. Whitelaw Thos. Smith Sat. bef. full moon & 2 wlrs. after. 496,Robert Burns Gainesville Ozark H. E. Upton R. Q. Gilliland Saturday on or before full moon. 497 Equality : Newburg Phelps A. S. Abbott.. A. W. Cottle 2d and 4th Tuesdays. 498 Pee Dee Mussel Fork Chariton M. J. Lllin R. P. Clarks(ln 4th Saturday. 499 Paynesville Paynesville Pike ; T. B. Jamison F. W. Patton Saturday on or before full moon. 500 Jameson Jameson Daviess J. C. McDonald :.. N. H, McClary 1st and 3d Thursdays. 501 Buckner Buckner Jackson J. W. Robertson B. T. Ritter 1st and 3d TueSdays. 502 Philadelphia Philadelphia Marion ;L. G. Gupton J. E. Rhoades Saturday before full moon. 1'






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P~':.'''o~~~ I~NTY' _I I


fiOR1Prame Home 504 Platte City 505 Avalon 506 Lathrop 507 Clearmont 508ISaxton 509 Van Buren '510 Biswell.. : 511 Skidmore · 512 \Vebb City 513 Senath 514 Gran by 515;GlIlena 516)lilford ?17iSe~igman

;>180nental..: 519 'Crane 520 Clifton Heights j 521.L()CkW~)Od 522'Gate Clty ~23iSti.nson : ;>24SplCkardsvllle 525'Cunningham 5261Wayne 5271Higoee 52S I Conway 529Niangua I ~30,Ritcl\~y :..: •31 Lane s Pralne ;>32 l Dexter 533,Comfort 534IColumbia 535.Hlack w CI1.. 536Ingomar 537,Bethel. 538 Stclla 539D~w,n

540IWmlgan .. : 541 Jack~onvllle 542/Fergllson 543 Manefield 544 Mexico

Prame Home Cooper Platte City Platte Avalon Livingston Lathrop Clinton Clearmont.. Nodaway Saxton Buchanan Van Buren Carter Browning Linn Skidmore Nodaway Webb City jJasper :. Senat.h Dunklin Granby ,N6l.wton Galena IStone ;:Milford Barton Seligman Ba~ry Blackburn SalIne Crane IStone St. Louis, , LoCkwoo? Dade Kansas Clty Jackson Sti,nson Lawrence SpIckard Grundy Sumner Chariton Piedmont Wayne Higbee IRandolph Conway ILaclede Niangua 'Webster Rit.chey New.ton LOIs Mane.s Dexter Stoddard Rockr Comfort...!:\IcDonald Pacific Franklin Blackwell I',St. Francois Willow Springs Howell BetheL Shelby Stella Newtou L~d!ow Livi!1gston Wl1llgan ..: Sulhvll.n Jacksonvllle Randolph Ferguson St. Louis Mansfield Wright Mexi·co Audrain





W. C. Don Carlos B. F. Don Carlos A. M. Hord J. L. r;llrmack R. S. Haynes ; H. P. Gutorie O. B. sweat IA. L. Henderson J. E. Beam Guy C. Clary G. W.' Leftwich W. D. Pyne '1'. W. Cotton R. L. Coleman E. l\I. WIlson W. P. Nickell. W. J. Hitchcock R. A. Wlllker : H. C. Brown Lee O. Walker A. A. Caneer W. R. StanfilL Wm. A. Bowles E. T. Perkins Thof'. H. Smith : J. W. Ellis T. H. Duckett.. ·; John D. Gibbs T. J ..BlI.rnes L. A. Patterson C. J. Blackburn F. W. Monenbrock O .. F. Douglas .' Geo. f. Gwinn ,John Swinburn Wm. H ..Haley L. Barnes J. L. Shlelds J. V. McNamara Wm.Stark .. L. J. Yin~st.. L. A, Raydon J. W. Wllson C. H. Baker U. A. House C. M. Hopper E. L. Clevenger J. L. Strader J. J. Bradley John T. Randolph Theo. Smith Edwin RusselL J. M. Burchfield .T. B. Davis : J. W. Lllnsford ' W. B. <Jal.laway ,L. R. Wentzel George Lmdner G. W. L\'Iunger S. P. Jeffers I. R. Shellpy J B. McNeal L. R. Dougherty G. H. Gross Thos. Welch H. E. Brown J. L. Abprnathy Geo. H. McClain Wm. Shouse: A. W. Stpinbach W. P. CR-rdwell.. ' James ClIrter J. G. Robprtson A. J. Rierlel R. J. Meqollum S. 'rhrll~her W. P. HE'lfner H. T. McCanne E. A. Hulburd ·.. Thos. D. Condie / . D. Avery N. N. Nichols J. T. Marshall. John W. Howell


~ 0



Saturday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Mondays. 1st and.Rd Saturdays. 1st and 3d Mondays. . 1st find 3d Saturdays. Saturday on or before full moon. Saturday on 'or after full moon. 1st Saturday. 2d and 4th Fridays. :.. 2d and 4th Thursdays. 1st and 3d ~Il.turdays. 1st and 3d Fridays. Saturday before full moon. 3d Saturday. ~hurs. on or before f.m.&2wkB.aft. 1uesday on or before full moon. Sat. on orbef. f. m. &2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Thursday before full moon. 1st and 3d Saturdays. Sat. on or 11ft. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Wednesdays. 2d & 4th Wednesdays. 4th Saturday. Wednesday on or before full moon. E:aturday b~fore full moon. Saturday before full moon. Saturda~ 011 or before full moon . Saturday-before full moon. 1st and ad Tuesdays. Haturday on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Thursdays. Saturday on or' before full moon . 3d Friday. Fri. on or bef. f. m. & 3d Sat.l1;ter. Saturday 011 or before full moon. :. 2d and 4th Fridays. Saturoay on or before full moon. 2d and 4th Saturrlays. 1st and 3d Saturdays.' Wednesdayonor.bef0fefullmoon. 4th Tuesday.


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~. ~


Cfl ('t>



Zalma · IBollinger :J. A. Crosby :.. Nathan Firth ,lst & 3d Saturdays. Prairie H!ll chariton I~. P. Sears J. E.. Se~rs Thursday o~ or before full moon. Kansas City Jackson tieo. M. Sargent EdwlIl :S. Ludy 1st and 3d 'Ihursda~·s. Clinton Henry :. Arthur Lee C. H. Williams ~d and 4th Fridays. Carl Junction Jasper J. C. 8urgess J. E. Smith 2d and 4th Wednebdays. St. Louis !T. EoTurner.. Howard Watsoll ~d and 4th Tuesdays. DoeRun St. Francois IW. J. ~larshall Frank Brown ~d and 4th Fridays. Calhoun Henry ,C. C. MichaeL A. A. Gray l:.t and ad Thur5days. . Clarksburg ,Moniteau jHy. Sappillgtoll Frank B. Ulark 1st llud 3d Mondays. . Foster Bates W. S. James J. J. Fenton !<'ri. on or belore f. ro. & 2 wks. aft. Summerville Texas : !'Jas. McCllskill. H. H. Richards Saturday on or before full moon. Gilman City.: Harrison A. V. Richardson.: .\'.. Ed. S Case 2d and '1th Thurbdavs. Blairstown Henry J. H. Schweer : T. W. Carpenter Sat. OIl or bet. f. m. &. 2 wks. after. Moscow Mills Lincoln E. E. Gear..................... Chas. W. Meyer Saturday on or before full moon. ClarkSdale DeKalb Ir. L. Farris A. A. Morton 1bt lind ad Saturdays. Nelson Saline IH. H. Cormrn J. M. McClelland 2d ano. 4th FrJdays. Cowgill /cald well J. F. McNew -;. F. Thomson Saturday on or before full moon. Deepwater .. : Henry W. H. ~lcCown W. H. Benway 1st llna ad Fridays. Kansas City : Jackson : Wm' J. Deutsch H. E_Colvin : : 2d and 4th Saturdays. Jamesport Daviess .E. C. Morgan J. E. McBrayer 1st and 3d Tue~days. Tebbetts Callaway D. J. Rootes A. W. Griffin 2d and 4th ::iaturdays. Maplewood St. Louis H. A. Cooper .. : H. W. Warren 1st and ad FridllYs. . Miller Lawrence .:: Chas. He!'lrY J. W. /{oberts: Sat. on or bel'. f. IJI. and 2 wks. aft. 56~Nllylor Naylor Ripley Chas. ·E. Smith C. B. Armstroug 1st and 3d Thur:.days. 569 Tiff City Tiff City McDonald 'Dennis Burns Alfred Whitecrow., Thursday on or after full moon. . 570 Republic Repilblic :.. Greene W. A. Coon l>. R. O'Neal. 2d & 4th oatqrdays. 5il Hayti Hayti Pemiscot Y. P. Adams B. S. Steams 1st & 3d Thur~nays. 572 Rlltl~dge ;.t Rutl~dge Scotland Wm; R. Smith............... D. J. B~ford Sat. ~Il or bel'. f. m. &- 2 wks. after 57::\ Berllle : Benne Stoddard R. L. Allen J. F. KlIer 4th ]< nday. 574,. LaMonte '"'''' Llli\1onte Pettis J. R. Wade W. C. Terry l"riday on or before full moon. 525 Ea:ster St. C1ai.r : ~ranklin ~ .. Gilbert La.y : I-!. L. Angerer : ?Hturday on or before full moon. 516 O!lve Brll.ncb St. LOUIs Jules J. Wehr!l (;has. C. Walton :.!d and4thSaturdllYs. 577· B;wing I<:wing ; Lewis K C. Glav!'s I'J. P. Ric.hards /Th. ursday ou or before full mo 5Zli Forest.Park St. LP~iS R. ~. B1.llckmer J. P. Fowdel~ 2d IUld ~th M~mdIlYs. 519 GrandIn Grandlll Carter F. A. MllIllrd Vaden Hamilton 1bt and 3d Fndays. . 580 Houstou Thompson Audrain E:J. Sims S. C. Grov!'s ·3d Friday. 581 Illmo ; ~. Illmo Scott W. E. Self Emil Steck 1st aud art Wedneildayi;l. 582 Koshkonong Koshkonong Oregon U. G. Davis J. Ert. Old Wednesday on or bef. full moon. 583 Nodnger Novinger Adair N. L. Johnson G. p. Herriott.. 2d and 4th Fridays. 584 Red Rird Red Bird Gasronade Chas. Breuer............ G. S. l\Jatlock ~ Saturday before 4th Runday. 585 Shllmrock , ·Shamrock Callaway J. E. Neff :1. S Lail : Thur~.onorber.fm.&Sat.2wks.aft. 580 Criterion Alba Jasper D. A. ('a"lyle : L. F. Roberts 1st and 3d ~Iondays. 587· Branson· Branson Taney A. D. Swift Wm. Hawkins Friday on or before full moon. 588 St. Francisville ~t. Francisville mark H. G. McDaniE'l.. 1'1'. C. Frost Wedne,day Oil or before full moon. 589 DunCll.n Duncan : Webster R. S. King , C. H. Reed First Tuesday. .590 A-dvll.nce Advance Stoddard J. E. nangherty U. Mallette 1st and 3d Tuesdays. . 591 Barnett.. Barnett Morgan Wm. J. Tipton H. L. Windler Saturday 011 or before full moon. 592 Stoutsville Stoutsville ,Monroe Wm. F. Hurd : ,J. S. Walters .. : j2d and 4th 8aLurdays. 593JUnion Union : Franklin A~ H. ~teinbeck ' J. E. Sheltoll 1st and 3d Saturdays. 545 Zalma 546 Prairie HilL 547 South Gate 548 Clinton 549 Carl Junction 550 Rose HilL. 551 Pendleton '552Calhonn 553 Clarksburg 554 !<'oste.r 555 Summerville 556 Prairie 557 Blairstown : 558 Moscow 559 Clarksdale 560 Nelson 561 COWgi\I 562 Deepwater 563 York 564.Jamesport. 565/Tebbetts L 566 Maplewood 567 Miller



I--' ~




~ ~ ~








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.0 4)



E .~

~ &l @ i il 'a ~ '~~-.:

I .....






'a; ~


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'·~~.. ~·~ ..· ............

I::·: ···..·..·.. · ............


(fl (l)


32 3a







~ 1





49 44 1'. 1 5



~ r.[~lce~·:::::::::::. :::..::::::::::·::::: ~ ,~


~. ~










48 ····1 ..·..1 [) . 100



:::::: :::::: :::::: ...[;.



4800 10000 69 00 134 00 117 00 32 00 47 00 50 (10 42000 4 61 00 . 35 00 1 . 109 00 3600 55 00 .. 46 00 . .104 00 .. 140 00 58 00 71 7100 37 37:00 124 124 00 74 74 00 58 58 00 33 3300 2 29 2900· 106 106 00 17 1700 116 11600 63.1 6300 37· 37 00 122 1:l:l 00 III 11100 54 00 , 54 43 4300 1 58 08 00 . 54 54 00 1 68 6800 3 72 7200 56 5600 118 11800 39 3900 43. 43 00 57 57 00 32 3200 117 11700 3 112 11200 5



69 134 117 32 47 50 420 61 35 109 36 55 46 104 140 58

~~ g~@l~~~:.:::::::::::::::::.:.:.::.:.::::::~:: I} ~ 461~ ::::::6 ...... :::~: ~ :::::: :::::: ::::::,:::::: ~ I'' { Mt. Moriah............................

40 41 • 42

Bismarck Middle Grove





5 2


3 ...... 1 1


3 2 3


.~45 ~~~;~~~y ..::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::. ~,6· ~~ I ~6 ~2 ·.. ~.. I.. ·~.. :::::: '''s'1 ::::::1 .i .. ·~·I ·~ Bonho~IIie 46 47

19 50

\Velltzvllle Fayette


~~l~~~:. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



6 4

i 2


,2 3

1..... 6 1

~ ~ ~ ~.I ~



~. ~i~i~~~::::::::::;::::::::l!.l:'.l!.:':·!. ~ 55

Arrow Rock........................


2 1 3 ......




: : : "'i"I:::::: ...~.. 1



1 7

~ ~..


i ::;:::i:::.j. ·11J. <r~ ·· ..


II ~~f~~~~lll:;!jl:!::;::IJf·;:t::{··rr:):t :;::;.! If ~ ~to~~~~d.~~ .. :::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~ l~ 1~ ... ~. :::::: ..~. :::::::::::':I::::::I"'~' 15

65 66 67 68 69

Pattonsburg.... Grant City....... Rocheport Kennett Sullivan ~..... 1

3 5 ......·3 1

~~ ~~~~~o:h~ ~·::::::::::::::::::::::: ~

II ii~~~

·76 77

2 5 2 1

1 1

2 1

1 '1

3 .. ·~ .. 1 1 2 4

I· · 1


3 1

z 1 1



~ ~ "2S' :::::: ~ .::::: :::::': :::::: ~. ~

. : .: :.: : : : : : : . :::::;:~·t.

Independence Lebanon ·Oredit, 31.00.

1 2 5 3 5

[16 16 6, 7



9 4

4 1

4 4


1 1

10 4

MOO 100 500 100 200 300 200

13400 117 00 3200 ............ 4700 .......: \ 50 00 ..: 4~~


1 00 I

3500 10900 37 00 5500 4600 '104 00 140 00 5800 71'00 3700' 12400

I . . . ·i·oo·l .. .........

~~ gg

3300 2900 10600 ·17-00 11600 6.~ 00 3700 12200 111 00 54 00 4300 58 00 54 00 6800

.... ~·~~. I ;~ gg ............1118 00 ............ 3900 ............ 4300 I............ 57320000 , ............

300 300


............ ............ ............ ............


~+::: !:~:i::::::~I:~:~:I:::~::1

15 10


!:::::::~:::I[ l~g ~ :....5..00· 500 ............ 6900


11700 ............ 11200

1 00 7.00 700 600 200 100

. ·..fgfl ..·...;..00·, 200 400 600 700 100


200 100 100 100 200 300 700 900

1000 400

4800 9500 64 00 12000 11600 27 00 4600 4800 4170d 5900 3200 10600 3700 5500 4500 97 00 13300 5200 6900 3600 12400 74 00 5500 3200 2900 9900 1500 1]200 6300 3100 11500 110 00 44 00 *4200 57 00 5300 6700 7100 *5400 111 00 3900 43 00 4800 3200 107 flO 10800

I--l t.O




... ~

~ ~

~ ~


....·..·..· . ............. I · ............

..... ::....













78 79

II -d -d .~2 "~~'~~ til








-d 2



.:§ ~ ~

I St. Jo~ePh"""""""''''''''''''112, 17 Polar Star '20 116


'19 12


~ Z ~


~ ....


~ '~



~ . I '0 I Sod ~ 2




~ l~


3 3

6 3

2 1 2 3

9 ~







i~ .r£~!~r~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . .:....:.....;. :::~:: :::~: ~ :::::: :::~. :::::: ::.~:: . . ~. :::i::

83 84 85 . 86 87

Laclede.. 5 " ebster Groves.................. 10 Miami 5 Brookfield.. 12 Washington 15

~~. Kti:Jir~~tf~:.:.:.:.:::::::::::::::::::::

6 6 '3 8


5 7 2 6. 13

8 3


3 5

1 2


6 ......




2...... 4







41 .. 1 3

i .J...~. I:::~:"-r i : : : : :;: : : : I ~. :::~', ......



ti I~:11~~~o~::::::;:;;::::::::· .~.I ~t ······1······ '! JI}+:; :::~ I:::: 1:'1:; ~;. ""am" , In ~!tfl~~;::OOi~:··:L: I 11·..~·:1 fii:..1III~i· 95

3 ...•.



105 106




i~: Kirksville ~:~:~I~~?:.:.:.:.::·::.:.::·:·::·::·:·:::::: 2~

28 3



I! j

23 9

23 9






' 1


l\larcus: : Trenton

*Cr~dit. $1.00.

:.................. ...... ...... 9 4

tCredit, $6.00.




:::~: :::~::I 5~ ::::::I"::~:: :::::: "}i':f ~. 6 5






t~g E!f~~~l{~~:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::::::::::::::: ~ ~ ... ~ "'~"I1...... :::i:: "':'" :::~:: :::::: i::::::



2 4 1


31 .. ···· - 1 3 ,1

1.. · .. ·[

6 1

10. 4 5 I 3

! :::~:: I"':" 1 5




e'" .... ~

.... -



.E;a Q.l"S



2 2


I-< ~ til

c:; :il O'O.~





'0 I-< Q.l ;::: ..... ~





3 1


I I '5




..... §l ~O 0 E-l

2081 $208 00 I 1$208 00 225 2:l5 00 ,...... 225 00 47 47 OU 47 00 19 19 00 19 00 42 42 00 42 00 1~2 122 00 122 00 117 00 117 00 117 59 59 00 59 00 141 141 00 141 00 120 120 00 120 UO 51 51 00 51 00 117 117 00· ..\ 11700 59 59 110 '.. 59 00 52 52 00 52 00 138. 138 ClO ' 11:1800 169 j 169 00 169 00 47.· 47 (10 47 00 40 40 00 40 00 44 44 00 ' 44 00 77 77 00 77 00 65 65 00 6f> 00 74 74 00 74 00 58 58 00 58 lJO 50 50 00 50 00 47 47 00 47 00 46 46 00 46 00 237 2:17 00 .. 237 00 168! 168 00 \............ 1118 00

I·..· ·..·



,2:! ~-d ~~ '::l


~~ ~~ "'$4"00' ~~ gg

3500 98 00 70 00 187 00



35',00 98 00 ~...... 7000 187 00



0 ~ ~ <l)





"0 I'<






I 1

I I'"

$202 00 2:l2 00 46 00 19 00 1 00 ,41 00 9 00. 113 00 1 11700 4 00 [,5 00 17 00 124 00 14 00 t1l2 00 51 00 800 10900 59 00 8 00 *45 00 13800 9 00 160 00 47 00 40.00 H 00 1 00 76 00 4 00 61 00 13 00 61 00 58 00 2 00 48 00 47 00 5 00 *42 00 7 00 230 00 10 00 15S 00



$600 3 00 1 00



35 98 61 ...... \ 70 187 3 2




~ ~ (';)

~ ~


I............ I



~ ..~~ I ~~ gg

I· ':"'1 7 00 6 00 .3 00

3500 91 00 64 00 184 00

en (\l


M.aitland............................. 2 Plattsburg............................ 2 Twilight , ..:12

112 113 114



1 11



1 1 2


2 6.

' 4 4




,...... 1 ...... ...... 1 1

I4 4



1. 90 .7' 184

iit tr~~~:·U::·:;H::;;;;U j JT+ !)Tl <"~IT J ~........... 120 121

Compass Erwin






2 21







11 5





'1........ 4

65 332

~~~ b~fo~1~~~:.:.·.:.:.: .:.:.:.: : : : : : : : "i;' ~ ~ . ·~·':::i::::::~:: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::J:::~:. :::i: !~ 1

·I·..·.. ·..:.. ;






Iim· ~~Ji>;i;);::i~::::::::::::) r~ If)itli::f:: tJ :/:1:11 : I 'I~ lwi/;/u: ;: !;: : :;: : lliIJIi!!::;:I::::'):;Jrt:I Ii i I";'" ,...... 1



Pleasant Grove


-! 1::::1 l :::::',i:::: f ...1.....1.. II












.t~ :McGee r~L~!e~~·:·:·::·::·:·::·:·::::::·:·:·:·::::::::::: .~ "1' ~ :::~: . .4~ .... 2~. ::::::':::::: ': ~:. : :~:'I ::i :.............. 4 4 1 146

t~~ ~~~y:.:::::::::::: Lexington ~i:ming

149 150

::::::::::::::::::: 2~ 4~ :5 3~.. ;................ ..

1~15~ ~~[J."~i.i.;.:::;;;:;;:::::::;::; j ~p~ng ,











:::::: ...

~.. 2




: 5 3


t~7 )N~J~n~a:~.::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::: "'4' "'j" '''i'' *Credit, $1.00. t Credit, 82.00.

i ::::::

) 2


I ::::

t Credit. 85.00.



~ ~


114 45






J 1i:Jl::;::::::;: :~tT I I , 2







"5700 5700 9000'1100 9100 184 00 18400 6500 '65 00 6800 6800 61 00 61 00 9000 ...... ..... gO 00 15800 I.:.......... 158 00 6:'> 00 ; :...... 6500 33200 332 00 3600 ............ 3600 36 00 ............ 3600 4600 1............ 4600 45 00 ' 1 4500 148 00 I 14800 12200 ............ 12200 48 00 4800 1 14500 ............ ............ 1~~ ~g 21 00 4000 4000 7800 78 00 I 54 00 4800 7700 . 79 00 7900 6900 69 00 , 3800 3800 5200 t>2 00 1 3500 ............ 3500 , 3900 ............. .3900 44 00 ..... · ....:. 44 00 I 47 00 ............ 47 00 7900 ............ 79 00 5200 ............ 5200 54 00 I ............ 54 00, 14500 11~~ 4300 11400 114 00 4500 4S 00 31 00 31 00 6200 ............ , 6200 4700 . 47 00 10300 I 10300 3900 [ 39 00 J 5200 j ............ 5200 6900 ............ 6900


5700 87 ()() ............ 18000 64 00 300 6500 300 5800 9000 I~:::::::~::: 100 157 00 6500 100 331 00 100 :1500· 3600 4600 4500 500 t145 00 400 11800 300 4500 14:~ 00 200 2100 , .. 4000 ,7 00 1 00 54 00 4800 , . 7400 12 00 *6800 7 00 6200 1 00 3700 5200 , .. · .. · .. 3500 . 3900 41 00 3 00 3 00 t49 00 .. 79 00 3 00 4900 4 00 5000 142 00 ~g *4000 500 109 00 42 00 3 00 1 CO 3000 3 00 , 5900 I . 1 00 46 00 .. 1 10300 .' .. . . 3500 I 4' 00 2 00 5000 .: . 6 00 6300 ' ..

400 400 lW


::::~::6~'1 ~~ ~I'::::i:i~' ............








"'::). "'::). ~



gg' :





~1 •




~ . 158 159 160 161 162 163

= - a,- s .:l ~ ~ <, ~ is .,.j.,.j ~

Mountain Grove I Green City.......................... I Pl.easant Clifton Hill. ' Whitesville .:...................... Occidental.......................... I

3 5

8 1 10

3-5-~ ~ 5


5 6 1 ..... 14 15

!~ ~;T;ii~f,~~~t~~:~:;:;:: ~

g~ ~~\~1~~~.::::::::::::::::::·.::::::::: I... ~. ..~..

~ ~~lfWn::·.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::::"T

881 Hanmbal


90 91

Zeredatha Putnam Wilson

* Credit, $1.00.








, --



I · :l I......


3 1 \......




6 ~ Q)




~ :::::: :::::: :::::: ... ~.. :::::: ~..


I:::::: ~ ,:::::. '''i'' ~ ~.. ~~.

1 ..


6 .... ....


r '''2' :::::'1 i :::::: .::::: ::::::

3 .7 2 23

3 7 3 17


1 ...... 1 '2 2 2 2 2 2 ,......

1,' 1 1

' 'r .::~:: :::J:::i:l.::::: .::::: :::::: ::::::




2 2

7 6

1 4




51 106 27 194

~ ~ :::::: 1i~

~ I"T :::::. !~

I 'j i j!J! : • ·U:: j:1t::::

13 ; 17





1 2

1 1

3 ...... 2 1 13 1 1 8 6




70 53 52 48 334

"2 1 ~

:::::: :.. :::1


~ ~

I --

.......:... 4 ......



I •.

I !·•~·:~T:::::~·::}T': ii I i ::::::::::: :::::: t ...

g~ g~~~e~~~m·ii·:. . . :. ::::::::::::::: 1~ ~ Point Pleasant:................... 6 Texas ;".................... 3 Griswold 3' Pride of the West 21


.~ ... ~..

~~~ ~~~:fee~.i.~~~.....:::::::::::::::::::::: ... ~..... ~.. ~

Ii. ~~j~f~~i:L:':f·~·:i:



I.B. ~ I ~ ~ ;:5 z ~ 00 ~ I BIII~ .~Q)&!;::l=:'~ci.ci.Q)5rn~

~~ if:;;~ille· . . ::::..:::::::::::::::::::: ~, ~

176 177 178 79




12 17






10 15

5 7

3 7


3 1

1 I ) i

6 5



1 31·......



1 4

2 2


~ CA



7 5


1 1

I! I

185 216 2' 68 1 I 27


borl I

"I .B~ ~ ~~;><










~3~ t) P-t A'Orn ~Q) _;:I -= ~ AQ) t" Q).... ~A oo~ S ~.c; 0; .... .., l::P-t '0 ~ -< p:l,. ...... Eo; <2l \ < $ 85 00 00 .. ·\$8500 $ 3 00 I $ 82 7000 .. 7000 ............ 7000 ............ 1 00 5~ 00 . 5300 ............ 5300 3 00 4900 . 5200 ............. 5200 1 00 47 00 .. 4800 4800 60032800 .. 33400 ............ 334 00 300 57 00 . 6000 .......... 60 00 200 8900 . $1 00 91 00 9000 41 00 .. 4100 ............ 41 00 ...... 2500 . 2500 ............ 2500 ........... 2700 . 2700 ............ 27 00 1 00 5900 ............ 5900 58 00 \.., :: .. 3100 . 200 3:l 00 ........ 3300 4900 .. 1 00 4900 1 00 5000 89 00 . 300 9200 ... ....... 9200 21 00 . 21 00 ............ 21 00 111 00 .. 200 11300 . 3000 2300 . 7 00 44 00 .. 7 00 5100 ............ 51 00 6 00 1u600 ............ 106 00 2700 ............ 27 00 18600 . 8 00 19400 ............ 194 00 2000 .. . 2000 ............ 2000 3500 . 4300 ............ 143 00 800 5000 . 1 00 51 00 .":.......... 51 00 7600 11 00 87 00 ............ 87 00 4100 3 00 4400 ............ 44 00 51 00 .. .. 5100 ............ 51 00 .. .. *49 00 4800 · ...... ·:.... 4800 43 00 .. 5100 51 00 8'00 178 00 . 185.00 7 00 18500 211 00 .. 21600 5 00 21600 6700 .. 6800 'i ..... 2700 ' .. 2700 I >:::.~




-.1 . · .. ·



.. · ..

............ 1


l~g 88


~ ~ ~

~ ~



13~ 88





.~~ g~


[J) (!)







t~ ~J~;~l~~:::::::::::':':::::'::'::::::::'~ ~

196 Q. nitman : 197' ,Carthage.... 198 Allenville

~~6 ~e~~r~~:.~.::..::



1 6

4 :::: :..:::::::::::


1···..·· :1·..·..


210 211 212



Unionville Hickory Hill....................... Four Mile..

4 1 6


19 19


i :::i: ::::::t L:::::: :::::: :::::: i "': "'2' 1

1 6 5

2 6






2 5 1

1 1





t :::::: t :::::..::::: 1


5 2· 4

1 3


i il~ i~J~i'-; ;/~u:~;:.: :;:'l JI·It.• ~.'• ~. :;: 201



3 2 1 2, 5..........

, 1



6 , 2


~.. ~ "'4' ::.::












4 3 2

,1 . 3

i!i ~~:~f.~~ri~;·LL:-:H:'~}:i-i+ 'i f'::: .:.~:<:~ l"::~ ..

218 219 220

234 235 236 237

Good Hope........... Albert Pike Kansas City...........

St. Francois Weatherby Sedalia......... La Plata Credit S1.00.


19 9 17

13, 13 7 9' 16 17


8 8 8 12' 9! 10 ' 9 18 16 t Credit $2.00.

1 2 7





6 1

4 5 '...... 7

1 4 1


2 7 6

1 :..... 1 9 1

1 3 8


1 1 4

3 . 2


·1 ..·..· '5



3 4 2 2 ......'3

2 1

4 .

1900· 1900 6100 9000 3900 16500 4700 4700 8300 5500 4600 4500 5800 16500 5400 12'l 00 !J6 9600 101 lIJ100 127 00 127 5300 53 102 102 00 14200 142 55 5500 38 3800 76 7600 54 5400 12500 125 10300 103 431 00 431 3500 35 86 ' . 86 00 15 I 1500 82 8200 8900 89 45 45 00 5000 50 66 no 66 62 6200 55 5500 4200 42 5900 59 6900 69 31 00 31 3300 33 173 173 00 154 154 00

61 90 39 165 47 47 83 55 46 45 58 165 54 122


1900 1800 , .. 1900 ..... . 1 1900 61 00 3 00 , 5800 9000 400 8600 3900 1 00 *3900 16500 6 UO 15900 47' 00 200 45 00 47 00 4700 8301l 4 00 7900 5500 5500 41 00 4600 400 1 00 4500 600 • 39 00 .5800 5700 100 16500 200 16300 5200 20U ·1 12. 54 00 00 ...... 11800 4 00 9200 500 10\ 00 , -127 00 12300 4 CO 5300 5000 300 ........... , 10200 10000 2 uO 14200 500 ............ 1 137 00 I · ... .. ..... 5500 4600 .. 9 00 3800 01<3300 6 00 7600 100 7500 540U 5000 400 12500 124.00 1 00 10300 102 00 '100 4310Q 427 00 400 350U 3500 , . 8700 8700 I .. 1 00 1500 200 1300 . 1 8200 7900 300 8200 .. 8900 700 . 45 00 300 4200 I . 5(; 00 50 00 ~ . 66 00 6500 100 6200 6000 200 ,5\ 00 5500 400 4200 t4300 100 5900 5500 400 6500 6900 400 2600 3100 50b 3::1 00 ........... 3300 17300 171 00 200 15400 15300 100

..... · ..... I ~ ..~~..

~ ~



I~I gg


~ ~ (I:)

~ ~


l' 'I


..·..·..·:.. I




'C 00






is .


" . I ~ ~ I~ I~ ~ .~ I is .... ~ I








~ -< I'

RUShViIle Hopewell

2::18 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247

j516 411, 7 5 4 2 Granv~lle 2 2 2 1 Palestme............................. 3 2 2 1 Portland.. 6 6 6 1 Keystone........... 16 23 21 I 3 Middle Fabius 4 4 4 Knob Noster .-............... 2 2 21..... Montgomery City............... 1 ...... 1 2 Neosho................................ 6 4 8 9

~i gt!~lt :.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : ~

! d 1- 0




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1 'I 1 1,





9 2 5


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,3 1

! UJ




i ,.


I ]



.~ ~

,.. :·.. 1


1 ...... '.....


2 1 4 1 1 3 2

2 1 5 10 1






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481$48UO 41 41 00 18 ,1800 72 72 00 46 46 00 299 299 00 60 60 00 41 41 00 I 65, 65 00 III III 00








$4800 41 00 1800 72 00 46 00 $1 00 300 00 60 00 41 00 65 00 III 00



















$4800 4000 18 00 7000 1 00 4500 500 29500 1000 5000 1 00 4000 400 61 00 10500 ~ 00 •. 4600 I..... .. *4800 3200 4200 , 39'00 4 00 6800 4 00 11800 8 00 4900 2 00. 7t 00 3 00 3200 3 00 5500 5 00 7100 100 4100 200 3900 1 00 7500 1 00 -78 00 3500 1000 15700 200 4900 400 19200 2.00 . 61 00 43 00 I 2600 00 4400 200.1 22300





~ ~

i~ i~ ~g :::::~::~~ i~ ~ ~.~ ~~ tf;~1~~~·:·:·:·:·::·:·:·:~·::·:·:·:::::::::::::: "':,'1" ...:... ~:.2 ' 'C4 :::::~4 ::~~:7 ::::::,::::::4 :~:::: :::~::2 :::~::4 :::~.1 12.1~~ 121~~ ~00 ::::::::::.. ~~ gg 254 Butler.................... 2 1 00 122 00 I

255 256 257 258 259 260 1261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271

Alton 1 Shekinah 4 Lodge of Light.. · · ·.. 1 1 Ravanna 116 Lodge of Love :.;...... 7 Mechanicsville 1 Florence 3 Holden 2 Summit 1 Kirbyville 2 Corinthian 9 Social :....................... 5 Aurora 10 Lodge of Truth .. 2 Rock Prairie 1 New Salem:......................... ~ Solomon...... 16 * Credit, $1.00.

1 3 2 2 3 l ' 1 ...... 16 17 1 4 3 3 1-'1 1 3 3 2 3 3 1 6 2 2 7 6 3· 5 4 1 13 11 3 " 4 2 2 I 4 3. 20 1 20 12,

6 1 1 1

18 5 2 1 4 l' 1




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::I 1 1 1 5 10 1 1 ..... 1 ·2 ...... 3 1 3 ,4 4 '............. 2 1 I· ,...... 6 3 2 2 2 4 3 2

57 73 35 58 76 40 41" 76 79 35 167 51 196 63 49 46 224

57 00 73 00 3fi 00 58 00 7600 4000 41 00 76 00 79 00 35 00 167 00 51 00 19600 63 (10 49 00 46 00 224 00,

I...... 200

1 00

57 00 73 00 35 00 58 00 76 00 4200 41 00 76 00 79 00 35 00 167 00 51 00 196·00 63 00 49 00 46 00 225 00








(j) ('ll


2721 Granite


St. Clair...



5 2






3 ..:... 3










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:::3 :,;;:;


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.~ 6~[~ii·:::~·:.~:::::~·:.::~:~~~~~~:::::::· ~ ..







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299 Temple · 300' Doric 301' \~hite ,Hall...


51 1 1 2 1

m1~@FEE,';2:-:-, 11 307 308


New London.. ~ Parrott..

III ,~~I~t!~~~::::::,::::::::: K~ngsville...........................

313 314 315 316 317

46 1 2

18 2 21......


131 1 ..


13 1

5 .. ..

12 ,I

i 1++TI;;;:+ ::::::::::k~

2 .. : 17 . 16

~. J

5 4 Pule..... ....... ......... ......... ...... 5 5 Jerusalem.......................... l' 1 Rural............................... 30 24 Osborn 2 2

• Credit, $1.00.


;.. 12



3j....... 2 1'......

1 1

~ I

iT j:i :::~::;::: <I"~;

4 5 1 20 2

1 2 1 ...... 1 3 19 3 2 1 I

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55 87 18!)

40 62 64 50 84

50 54 44 67 48 46 39 478 43

20000 58 00 5800

20000 200 5800 100 58 00 3300 400 n 00 400 5600 5600 3'lOO 3200 ., 5600 5600 3300 33 00 5700 ............ , 57 00 .. 22900. 22900 300 8300 83 00 ~. 8500 8500100 4900' 4900 .. 04 UO 54 00 4 00 8400 84 00 5 00 60 00 6000 42 00 42 00 35 00 35 00 ....2·00· 7400 74 00 85 00 8:> 00 2 DO 6700 67 00 200 6900 6900 200 54 00 54 00 500 3700 3700 29 no 2900 3900 3900 77200 : .......... 1 772 00 1200 3900 3900 1 00· 5500 5500 8700 8700. 18600 186 00 600 4000 4000 100 6200 6200 64 00 6400 100 .5000 5000 200 8400 8400 700 5000 100 5000 5400 54 00 4400 400 6700 ··.......... 1· 300 . 4800 ............ 4800- ~OO 46 00 ..... 4600 500 3900 .. i 3900 47800 500 14~~ ~~ 4300 300

~~~~ ·1·::::::::::::



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~ ~,"f :::~:: ~ :::::: :::~:: .::~:: "~f "'iir:i:'

1 335 ,Joplin.: ; 22 336 I HallsvIlle........................... 3

19 3

21 2

I; 6


Westport....................... .....




344 345 .346 347 348 349 350 351

?l<lober1 Y 1 7 8 Fellowship , 20 12 Arlington 7 5 ~ring Creek....................... 313 adesburg.......................... . Pollock 1 6 4 1'lria,n..... 3 3 ! OSB.IC.. 2 2

8 15

/ 31 1


41· · 1 ...... 1

3 2

1 8

12 1

1 .......




2. 4

2 3 2

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1 1 2


52· 56 119 47 46 29 306 21 118 56 195 54 51 36 41 219 35 26 fl8 284 260 76, 25 31 54 63 I 24

52 00 56 00 119 00 47 00 46 00 29 00 306 00 21 00, 118 00 fi6 00 19500 ,! 54 00 51 00 36 00 41 00 219 00 35 00 26 00 58 00 284 00 I' 260 00 76 00 2:) 00 31 00 I 54 00 63 00 J 24 00

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, 52 00 1 00 51 00 , 00 59 00 2 00 57 00 00. 122 00 1 00 121 00 47 00 1 00 46 00 46 00 46 00 29 00 29 00 306 00 1 00 30fl 00 21 00 ,....... 21 00 118 00' 6 00 112 00 I' 56 00 56 00 ' 19500 100' 19400 5.4 00 8 00 46 00 51 00 51 00 36 00 5 00 31 00 41 00 ~.... 41 00 219 00 3 00 216 00 35 00 35 00 26 00 3 00 2.~ 00 58 00 7 00 51 00 ~.. 21'4 00 8 00 I' 276 00 "1260 00 4 00 256 00 76 00 1 00. 75 00 , 00 ·27 00 2 00 25 00 31 00 31 00 00 J 57 00 57 00 63 00 2 00 61 00 24 00 3 00 21 00




2 3





~ ~ ~






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'~ i~~~1viii.e::::::::::::::'L·: r! I 355 356

Ade!phi.............................. AnCient Landmark............

1 1

1 1



i!T :::: '~':::il:::: ::::I~i I

89 8900 1 ; \ 34 00 .. 34 89 1. 8900 , 1 00 ' 2 1 1· ,...... 1 2 1 61 61 00 11 00 1 1- •••••••...•• '.•..•. ...... 1 2 3600 .. 36 5400 .. 54 44 4400 . 4000 . 40 58100 23 11 2 1 6 6 10 1 I 581 37 37 00 75 7500 l 81 00 ::'.. 81 72 7200 1 1 I ·.. 2 1 31 2 I 31 31 00 8 1. 1 16 ..:... :.! 9 .. 138 138 00 29 2900 1 3 11 1 1 .. 3 1 2 5 ...... 1 4 5600 400 56 3 3 3 6 10 I , 3 4 3 89 8900 6 2 ...... ...... . I 1 ...... ' ...... 54 54 00 64 64 00 4100 '41 28 2800 4 2 I . 1 1 2 1 1 2 . 25 2500 5 1 2 3 ' .. 53 5300 11 2 1 2 2 1 2 I 4 9000 90 4 2 1 ,...... 1 2 2 65 6500 33.00 ::13 1..... 7 1 1 411 6500 65 '''i 9000 1 00 90 10.'> 00 105 .. :::::: 1800 18 94 00 10 5 2 4 31...... 3 I..·.. · !i4 12 1 2 :. 1 1 .. .. 5200 ii2 4600 46 2500 2~ 2500 25 41 00 500 2 41 . 1 1 I , 2 I 1 1 3 1...... 8 1 .. 8000 80 12" 2 2 3 ,. 1 1 9000 SO 37 00 ............·1 37 21...... 2 1 3 . 2 : 1 2 . 5300 53 71 00 71 2 I' l' 6 3 44 4400 '''i'' 2000 1 I I 1 1 1 1 20 22 . 2200 47 j 4700 2 1 I...... 1 I 1 3 ..

~g I ~~E~;i;~~·. : ~:.:.:.:.:.: ·:·:·:·.:·:·:·: : : : : , . T:::i: ...:. :::::>:~: 36~ I Tuscan.....

i : : : :::~: : : :.: . ::...~ j:::J

m!l!t~~~i;;~;·<:::·: l' T!:~::i: i:::: '1: :'.t ~...... ' ' ' 1' 365 Bayou 1 366 Adair 11 367 ' Barry :..................... 1 368 Crescen't Hill.:................... 5 369 Composite 5 370 Willillmstown............... 7 1

1 7 1 3 4 6

?7: I Bt;lle ···· 4 37 Wliderness~.. 1 375 Waynesville......................... 7 376 KiIl~Hill ...... i 10 377 AnCient Craft ; ,.... 4 378 . Berlin .. · ·· · ·.. · ·..16

5 1 5 10 4 6

383 384

Pythagoras East Prairie

Ii 11 12

388 389 390

C.hUIll. Arcana



~~~ :~~~;g~~eii'.::·:::::::::. ::::::::::::::ll~ ¥ i i'::::: ~ 1

~;6 ~~~~~gcity·:::::::.:·:::::::.::::::::: ~ ~~ ,~7:~i~ra~~t·.:::::::::::::::::::::·.:::' 1~


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~~~ R~y.to~vn 393

~~~ *~i~~\\t::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::·1 ~. ~

396 397

Western Light Gower : Credit, $1.00.



J 1



.. ·

i,J......t :::::: l <:::.:: :::::. ::::::. ... ~. ::::::




8900 34 00 90 00 62 00 36 00 M 00 44 00 40 00 581 00

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81 72 31 138 29

00 00

8 00 3 00


3 00

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9 00 1 00





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73 69 28 129 28

00 00 00 00 00


1 00


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H~ l~i~r:l:~~::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::' Appletob City.....................

412 413 414 415

, 1





! . .~: . .~

Valley ~.............. Greensburg Hunnewell..........................

3 2 3

2 2 3 1



2 2 1






3 1

:~ ~~~~l~~t~;;::::::::;::::.:::::::::::: ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ Montrose I 1I 1 2 I 1 3


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51 62 28 38

51 00 6200 28 00 38 00

I· SI·..·..· 00

2, 3 1 ]5115 9 14 13 1 4 4 .31 1 1 1 3 3 .. ·

1 3

I '

4 1 1 2 2


1 , 7 I 1 1 3 2 1





2.1 30 2 200 1. 53 6 71 32 1

430 431

Winon a.. Ce,rnent................ *Credit, S1.00.

4 2





4 2





2 2







I "

3000 20000 5300 71 00 32 00 :.... 44 00



48 59

48 00 5900

48 00 5900



< $ 49 00

3900 7300 *3200 4600 5500 47 00 4900 8400 8800 1'000 1 00 2500 34 00 3000 300 4900 200 , 6200 1 00 I *2900 :3200 6 00 20500 3200 2200 2200 21500 200 3000 20000 5300 6800 300 30 Uo 2 00 44 00 5800 2900 51 00 48'00 .. 5900




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51 00 6200 29 00 31\ 00

miif}~c~~~'C:;~··.:::::i i ]~;I++j: jf~>~.l :Ill (H: ~~ 421 . Urbana.:.............................. 4 4221 Gate 01 the Temple 12 423 LTalt : 18 424 SamarItan .;......................... 5 425 ,Green Ridge.. 4 4?6 ' Rothville 7

·I . . . .

51 00




S5200S300 4000 100 79 00 6 00 8300 200 1 4800 200 56 00 1 00 , 4700 I'· ..···..·..· 1 52 00 3 00

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13 1 13 11 I'~"" Jasper Pike , Decatur.... 3........................ Carterville 8 2 4 2 i\olalta :............................. 314 2 I 1 Lowry CIty.......................... 9 10 10 ~verton ..

0 Id ~.


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I·:.. ............

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Competition........................ 433.Mack'sCreek







1...... 3





I , ,6




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"est Gate

I Ivl~nhoe Ja.coby , S,bell City.......................

2 20 40 2 4

.. ~............................

9 8

AUllVill.e Gavnor CItV SOlithwest.:

, :.......

6 5 2

10 9



5 3 2

~~~ Plato.. ~~ed~~~~~~:.~:: . ::..:.:.:.:::::.::::: . 8~ 7~

:Z~4~3 ~\~l~~~h~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~,~iner~I I ~ ~ 5

469 470


7 23




Nodaway........................... · ·




10 10·



411 4 3 '


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1 1

1 1

:l 1








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6 2

I·.· .

1 1 2



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2 3 ,......

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19 40 1 5

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460 .Larribskin .;......................... 461 CaruthersvIlle

6;) 466

1 19 41 1 ,

I :

1 1

1·..·.. 3

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53 I

53 ()()

77 58 49 34 46 75 36 72 • 59 44 362 • 74 259 328 30' 311 44 61 '37 ,28 39 39

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2.51 2500 48 4800 54 54 00 35 3500 45 4500 116 I 116 00 62 I 6200 51 51 00 78 7800 33 33 00 62 6200 41 41 00 48 4800 45 45 00 72 72 (l0 123 123 00 46 46 00 41. 41 00 28 2800 37 37 00 48 4800 97 97 00 35; 35 00

53 00 I 6 ()() 77 00 .......... 5800 400 4900 4 00 34 00

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3~ gg

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3600 200 73 00 1 00 7200 5900 00 ............ 4400 44 00 .......:.... 362 00 2 00 36000 7400 ............ 7400 I............ ............ 25900 200 25700 ............ 1 321\ 00 1 00 327 00 I 2900 ............ ' 3000 1 00 100 3800 3900 4400 44 00 ........... 61 00 200 5900 3700 3700 2800 2800 3900 3~. 00 3900 3000 25 00 25 00 46' 00 4800 200 54 00 1 00 5300 ' 200' 3500 3300 I 4 00 41 00 00 600 ............ 11600 110 00 :........... 62 00 300 5900 ........ 51 00 1 00 50 00 2 00 ·80 00 400 7600 3300 ........... 3300 6200 200 6000 ~41 00 200 3900 300 4800 4500 45 00 500 4000 7200 ........... 72 00 1 00 *123 00 1~~ I 200 4400 41 00 4100 29 00 1 00 I 2900 3; 00 37 00 4800 . 4800 9200 9700 I 5-00 ............ 3500 3500

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; 10







7 8 6 13

~ 1'''4' .~

481 482 483 484

Ml.trcelin.e........................... 7 ClintonvIlle........................ 7 Fairfax 7 Kirkwood 14

7 8 7 1-1

487 488 489 490 491 492

Chilhowee Lock ~pring........................ Lakevllle lVIontevallo .. :..................... Vandalia..... Daggett :.............

11 115 3 ~ 4 ;)

:~~ 8~i~o.~~~~~~.::::·.:::::::::::::::::::

:: 495 496 497 498 499 ?OO

;>01 502 503 504 505 506



,5#1 il<


478 i Racine

~ ~

3l ~


12 7 4 4 2,

i,~~;~~~~~ii::::::::::::::::·.::::::::: ~ I

Unity , · 7.1' Robert Burns.. 4 Equality............................. 6 Pee Dee............................. 5 Paynesville 1 Jameson 31 I Buckner..... 8 Philadelphia 21 Prairie Home............. 8 Platte City .-.... Avalon 4 Lathrop.............................. 3


5 2



~ .~

~ S


'" A ~ 1

~ A ~

Ii rn


~ 1

51 al





3 4 1 2

2 1

1 2



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1 1 1 2 1






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I 1


2 1.

2 1



I 1

104 89 65 89'



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I $6200 I 5300 I'




1040U 1 00, 10300 89 00 1 89 00 6500.[............ 65 UO ............8900 89 00

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46 54


~ I 8s



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00 00 00 00 00 00

2 00 1 00

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509. Van Buren.......................... 31 6 '510 lliswell ,. 1 1 2 1 511 Skidmore 1 1 * Credit, $1.00, ·t Credit,SZ.OO.


39 53 35 21 79 26


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3 1 ]2 1 1 10 I...... 1 '..... 4




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·..··· .. ·· ..

Prairie Blttirstown.... * Credit, $1.00.

Ii ,. ,5,










; .. 1


5' 5' 5 l' t Credit, $2.00.




...... 1








46 06 83 60 25 59 58 68 i2 27 415


44 340 . 54 28 2 40 43 52 1 38 .. 46 ,

I 6111 I

~~~ Cfl~~IO~lIl..·· ·1 1";'' 1 g~ ~~~~:~~~~·;:e:::::.:.:,::::::::::::::::"T ~' J,"T :::~:: ~, :::::>:i:: I::::+<.. ~ ' 'T 5~6 I I I........··.. 11 I I I Pendleton.






:~. g~


........··.. ............


I '


............ \



36 47 43 72 52

1! i "T '''i''j'''f :::::: :::~:j::::::! 1"f : :~:

?40.'. ' 1 1 1 Winigan ..; 541 JacksonvIlle....................... 6, 4 542 'I'Ferguson............................. 3 I 3





1~~ ~

............ I::::::::::': I::::::::::: ~~ ~8 :::::::::::: I ~t g~ I


1 Ingonutr







56 55 14lS 45 35U 25 76 47 80 74





I ~ . ~~.I

10600 3500 4500 J 47 UO 1200 ............ 12 00 1 UO 11 00 ;;3 00 33 00 1 00 32 00 56 00 56 00 i! 00 5i! 00 5500 55 uo 1 00 54 00 148 00 148 00 148 00 4500 450u 4500 350 00 '''$'i'o~ 361 00 6 00 345 00 2500 25 00 2b 00 7600 2 00 74 00 76 00 4700 47 00 .... ....... *4800 8000 80 00 1 00 79 00 74 00 74 00 1 00 73 00 66 00 66 00 66 00 21 00 21 00 1 00 20 00 2t 00 .Hi 00 47 00 ,17 00 3 00 I 44 00 -t3 00 -13 au 4300 7200 72 00 2 00 70 00 52 00 it 00 I..... 4600 46 00 '..... ...... 46 00 56 00 56 00 UO 51 00 8:~ 00 83 00 6 00 77 00 6000 ~ g~ g~ ~~ 2500 .')9 00 59 00 2 UO t59 00 5800 1 00 59 00 1 00 I 58 00 6800 ............ 68 00 9 00' 59 00 7200 I............ 72 00 1 00 ,71 00 27 00 I. .. . 27 00 5 00 22 00 41500 ,11500 ····· .. ·····141500 114 00 I 00 9 00 *106 00 44 00 4400 / 4400 34000 ............ 1 :HO 00 6 00 :~34 00 5400 .. . ...... ... 54 00 1 00 5i! 00 280U ............ 2800\ : 2800 4000 .. 40 00 3 00 37 00 4300 I............ 4:~ 00 200' 4100 5200 ............ 52 00 4 00 41'1 00 3800 ............ ::1800 3800 46 00 \. 1 46 00 ' I 46 00



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.... ·1··00·


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--_._. __ .




!: 5~8


_ MOSCOW __ Clarksdale..





SECRETARY'S TABULAR STATEl\lENT-Conl'i.nueil. - - - - - - - - - - - --_ . _ - - . - -





~ I:.:


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I 3 I ~ I""; ~ ~ ~ :.:.i I;;' ~ "i· ~ 1 Q) , ~ ~ .~ ~ .~ :§ ~: ~ ; i ~ , ~ ; .~ lc.__ I.:< ~ ~ ~ '0 I en ~ ~ I ~ I


1 .:::

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5 3

4 8



2/' 1



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; l~ilIer J~f{~[j~ ~ : :\;~ :·:[: : 1 :1 'Ir • ~.!~ II{'-!t)i: ·I ,·.. J.. ·. 567



I '!




'-' CfJ.· '0;;]










42 5:-; 28

~~ 44



Illmo Koshkonong

1" 11

~83 Novin~er ...........................;) ~~~ ~~~~~~k·::::.::.:·:·:: ..:::.::·.::·: ~ 586 587 588 589

Criterion Branson........... St.FrancisvilJe




11 18



R 18 5

18 " 11










1.... . 1

, 1 I...... I·

~ "'1'1.::':: ~ ':::. :.:::: ::.:

jI8 6 11 f>

~i~ ~~:f~ii~i~:::::~::::::::::.::::::::!

3 3 2 -

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4 10 1 '








1 1 ~ !I: : : ::::::1:::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::1.::::: I· ··. .· 11


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171 38

~~ ~~ 44 00


o E-






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, '


00 5f> 00 46 00


1 287 00 1

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44 42 5:-; 28

~ -


f- 2 00



3 00

::::::,::::. 1 00.

00 00 00 00

. 1 OU :-; 00 .. .. .......

~~ ~g 144 00



1 00 24 00 1 00 24 00 .... ..... 3:! 00 1 00 40 00 ...... 33 00 32 00 I 22 00.......... 110 00 1 Oll :H 00 21 00 I ;; 00 35 00 a3 00 . 28 00 25 00 1700 1

I..... .. ..








52 00 56 00 43 00





=::: ,...,-


, : 2'1 00 32 00 40 00 ... :~3 00 I....... 32 00 I 22 00 .. I 11000 :~4 00............ 21 00 35 00 a3 00 28 00 .. . 25 00 I · 1700 , .. ·.. · ··i 1 .. 2~ 00



~1 ~g:::::::::::: ~i ~

:!37 00 44 00 42 00 53 00 28 00


24 24. 3:! I 40 33

581 582




54 .I $ 54 00 56 I of> 00 4f> 46 00

22 110 34 21 35 33 2R 2:)






~ ~~






I ~


. .. .

gg I:::::::::::::.

2:-;6 00 43 00 42 00 50 00 28 00



.. .. ~

~i ~g

48 OU 23 00 24 00 31 00 40 00 33 00 32 00 22 00 ](19 l;O :H no 18 ou 35 00 :l3 00 28 00 2fi (10 1700




~. '·· .. ·· ......



I•••••••••••• !•••••••••••• I••••••••••••••::·:••••··.·.1••••••••••·•






GRAND SECRETARY'S TABUtAR STATEMENT. ChMtered Lodges Oil the Rolls, September, 1906...................... Ce3sed to exist dnring- 1906-1907............................. C1Jartl~l'ed

September. 1907


I1UIll her

585 1

of LOltgeS, 1907



Initiated Passed " Raised Afliliaterl : Reinstated Dimitterl................................. Suspended fOI Ullmasonic conduct S:lspended for Nonpayment dues Expellerl Dic!t :


" .


3,419 a.135 . . . . 1.312 17 . . 475 . 32 740 . 2.576





3.115 1,034 358

4.507 2.576 1,931

NOTE-The nlembership obtained from reporting- Lodg-es is 45.:148, includinl! Lodg-es U. D.


_ -._--...





T~OS. Riddi~k

F. Oct., 18~1 Nath'l B. Tucker Oct., 1822 , Nath'l B. Tucker Oct., 1823 '\ Nath'l B. Tucker ~atl.l'l B. Tuc~er . Oct., 1~2~ Oct.,11\2::1 Ecl\\'ard Bates Oct., 182Ii I' E.dward B.ates Oct.,1827 Edward Bates Oct.,1828 lllLrflage Lane Oct.,1829 Hardage Lane Oct.,1830 Hardage Lane Dec.,1831... Edward Bates Oct.,IR32 H. R. Gamble Dec.,1838 Sinclair Kirtley Nov.,lS84 A. B. Chambers Oct., 183;") tt A. B. Chambers S. W. R.. Cal'l1egy Oet.,183(; Oct.,1837 S. W. B. Carnegy Oct.,1838 S. W. B. Carnegy Oct.,1889 P. H. ~IcBride Oct., 1840 P. I-I. McBride Oct.,1841 P. H. McBride Oct.,1842 P. H. McBride Oct.,184:·;"'. P. H. McBride Oct.,184<1.. .. J. W. S. )Iitchell... Oct.,11W, J. W. S. MitcheIL Oct.,1846 John Ralls Joseph Foster Oct., 1847 May, 18<18 [ J.oseph Foster MaY,1849 John 1". Ryland May, 1850 John F. Ryland ~Iay, 1851... B. W. Grover.. May, 1852 1 B. W. Grover June,18f>3 wilsonBrown May, 185<1..'1 L. S. Cornwell May. 18511 L. S. Cornwell.. May, l~)(i Benjamin Sharp May. 1&57... S. H. Saunders May, 1858 S. H. Saunders May, 1859 i Marcus Boyd





-------- - --


- ----_._-- .. --._-_.



:= llh~;S Ken-;;~rly ~kv.


.- ..








iili·;;-B!rtes \Villiam RenShaw.",.,. Thompson Douglass .. * Edward Rates '" William Bates * Archibald Gamble * William Renshaw.* Douglass ·~ Edward Bates * William G. Pettus * Archibald Gamble * William Renshaw." * Geo. H. C. ~IeIOdy yIEdward Bates * William G. Pettus '" Archibald Gamble * T. Douglass.* : Geo. H. C. MeIQdy ': W~ll!am G. Pettus ...; :rhornton ~r!msl~~<IAreh~baldGamble ..; T. Douglass.* * · Geo. H. C. Melody Wilham G. Pettus fhornton GnmsleJ .. Arehlbald Gamble John D. Daggett. *!Harda.Re Lane Ruggles *'John F. Ryland * Rich. T. )ICKinney *IJ.ohn D. Daggett ,' * Hardage Lane * Martin Ruggles * H. R Gamble :!, Thornton Grimsley * John D. Daggett.'~ * Geo. H. C. ""relody * H. R. Gamble * Adam L. Mills * Thornton Grimsley * Jf)hn D. Daggett." * !"red. L. Billon *- H. R. Gamble '" Adam L. Mills * Bernard l'ratte * John D. Daggett.* * Geo. H. C. lVlelody *ISinclair Kirtley * Adam L. Mills * Thomas Andrews * }"red. L. Dillon.* * Geo. H. C. Melody * Oliver Parker * Augustus Jones ." Thomas Andrews ," Fred. L. Billon.* * Geo. H. C. ""relody *IM. J. Noyes * Augustus Jones * Thomas Andrews ·~ Fred. L. Billon.* * A. B. Chambers *IJohn Wilson * G. A. Tuttle *Geo. H. C. lVlelody * John Garnett.* *lsinclair Kirtley * Oliver Parker * S. W. B. Carnegy *I'Geo. H. C. Melody * Thomas W. Conyers.* * Sinclair Kirtley * Oliver Parker *,S. W. n. Carne!,') '" Geo. H. C. )Ielody * Thomas W. Conyers.* * JOh.n D . . Daggett *IEdward Searcey * G.ranville Snel1.. * Geo. H. C. Melody * Richard R. D.allam.*· * John D. Daggett.. * A. B. Chambers * Thomas Andrews * Geo. H. C. )Ielody * HiC'hard B. Dallam.* * John D. Daggett * A. B. Chambers * Alex. T. Douglass * Geo. H. C. Melody * Richard B. Dallam.* B. Chambers * Alex. T. Douglass * William C. Vance * Geo. H. C. Melody * Richard B. Dallam.'" * Joseph Foster * Alex. '1'.' Douglass * John Orrick * Geo. H. C. Melody * Richard B. Dallam.* * Joab Bernard *IJoseph Foster * C. H. Bowers Geo. H. C. )IeIOdy "'IRichard B. Dallam.* * Joab BemaI'd '" Joseph Foster '" C. H. Bowers John Simonds * Richard B. Dallam.* *I.Joseph Foster *IJ. w. S. ""ritchell * E. S. Ruggles * Fred. L. Dillon * Richard B. Dallam.* *.,'Fred. L. BiIlon * E. S. Ruggles * .1. L. F. Jacoby * John S. Watson * Richnrd B. Dallam.* * John D. Taylor * E. S. Ruggles * J. L. F. Jacoby * John S. Watson * Fred. L. Billon.* '~ John D. Taylor *I:E. S. RUggles *IJ. L. F. Jacoby *IJohn S. Watson *Fred. L. Billon * *E. S. Ruggles * J. L. F. Jacoby * Cyrus Osborn * John S. Watson * J. W. S. Mitchell.* *.IE. s. RUggles *"cyrus Osborn ..: * Joseph l\-Iegguire * John S. watson W. S. Mitchel\.* * E. S. Ruggles * Joseph )Ieggmre * P. Draper * John M. Reed ·• C. D. W. Johnson.'!' * B. W. Grover * P. Draper * S. F. currie "',J. T. Johnson * C. D. W. Johnson,* * E. S. Rnggles L *S. F. Currie * .T. H. 'l'urner '" J. T. Johnson * C. D. W. Johnson.* * S. F. Currie *IJ. H. Turner * S. H. Saunders * J. T. Johnson * A. O'Sullivan.* *IL. S. Cornwell. *iJ. W. Chenoweth *IR. C. Hill.. *IJosePh Foster *!A. O'sullivan.*. * D. P. Waliingford *,James H. Britton 1""""''''''''''''''''''''''** Joseph Foster * A. O'Sullivan.* ··**i.J. W. Chenoweth * H. E.. Van OrSdell."*IJOhn D. Dllggett * A. O'Sul1ivan.~· * W.A. Cunnillgham ,S. t1.. Saunders * Marcus BOYll * .John D. Daggett *IA. O·Sullivan.* * P. Draper *IMarcus Boyd *t'J. F. Houston *,JOhn D. Daggett * A. O'Sul~ivan.* *:Marcus Royd *,John F. Houston * John Decker * John D. Daggett.. * A. O'Sullivan.* *IM. H. McFarlalld *,\V. R. Pcnic\; *,John Decker *iJohn D. Daggett.. * A. O'Sullivan.*


* Thompson







~ ~





{Jl (t




186l...jwilliam R. penick"'*IJOhnI5eck-er\::::::::::::::~' Geo:-Whitc-orrlb.:::::::*IA~L~ii~G~~g~r~.~::::>{J~h~ D~gg~tt:::::::::~ o's~lH~:~:; 1862 George ..Vhitcomb··'*"IJOhn H. Turner *" Wm. N. Loker .*'Samuel RusselL * John D. Daggett.. * A. O'Sullivan.* 1863 John H. Turner * Wm. N. Loker * John D. Vincil.. * A. L. McGregor * John D. Daggett.. * A. O'Sullivan.* 1864 John F. Houston * John D Vinci!. * A. L. McGregor '" Martin Collins Wm. N. Loker * A. O'Sullivan.* 1865 John F. Houston '" John D. Vinci!. * 1\{artin Collins R. E. Anderson Wm. N. Loker * A. O'Sullivan.* ~day. 1866 John D. Vinci!. '" \Y. E. Dunscomb :~ R. E. Anderson A. 1.. McGregor '" Wm. N. Loker * A. O'Sullivan.* t . Oct., 1867 W. E. Dunscomb * C. A. Rowley " T. E. Gll.rrett.. * Wm. D. Muir *Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley.*! Oct., lS6S ,John D. Vinci!. * R. E. Anderson Wm. D. Muir * A. 1\I. Dockery ·Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley.* Oct., 1869 IWilliam D. Muir * T. E. Garrett * Alex. M. Dockery Samuel H. Owens " Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gonley.* Oct., 1870 Thomas Garrett * R. E. Anderson Samuel H. Owens * John E. Ryland Wm. N. Loker ;.* G. Frank GouleY.* Oct., 1871. IThom~ E. Garrett * R. E. Anderson Samuel Fl.Owens"'*iJ01lll E. Ryland Wm. N. Loker '" G. :Frank Gouley.* Oct., 1872 Samuel H. Owens * .I. E. Ryland John .w. Luke * Jas. E. Cadle *" ".vm. N. LOker *,G. Frank Gouley.* Oct.• lS73 I:{. E. Anderson John W. Lllke * Jas. E. Cadle *'Xenophon Ryland Wm.·N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley.* Oct., 1874 I..John W~ Luke *~Xenophon Ryland IJas. E. Cadle ~ 'l'h9s. C. R~adY: :-..* Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley.* Oct., 1875 IJames E. C!l.dle *IXenophon Ryland Thos. C. Ready '" Noah M. GIvan * Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley.*" Oct., 1876 Xen. Ryland 'Thos. C. Ready *jNoah 1\I. Givan * M. G. Hubble Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley.* ~ ~ Oct.. 1877 '1'. C. Reacty *INoah i'lL Givan *IJOs. S. Browne * W. R. Stubbletield ,..vm. N. Loker * John D. Vinci\.* Oct.. 1878 Noah 1\L Giyan * Jos. S. Browne * Wm. R. Stubblefield .. Jas. E. Carter.. * John W. Luke * John D. Vinci!.* Oct., 1879 Jos. S. B.rowne *\W. ~. Stubbl~tield IJ.as. E. .carter 1[ * AI~x. M. DO.ckery Yohn W. Lu~e " : John D. ~!nc!1.* Oct., 1880..".W. R. Stubblefield Alex.1\[. Dockery ,Chas. C. Woons" Lee A. Hall.. IJOhn W. Luke ··· John D. vIIlCI1.* OC,t., 1881. Alex. M. Dockery Rev. Chas. C. Woods ILee A. Hall .*Robt. F. Stevenson John W. Luke * John D. Vincil.* . Oct,., 1882 Chas. C. Woods Lee A. Hall *IRObt. F. Stevenson James W. Boyd Samuel M. Kennarn John D. Vinci1.* Oct., 1883 Lee A. l~alL. *IR. F. Stevenson J,ames W. Boyd ; G~o. R. H~n~ * Samuel !vI. Kennard John D. V!nc!1.'" Oct., 1884 ,Robert 1'. Stevenson .. IJI~meS W. Boyd George R. Hunt · Wm. M. Wllhams lsamuel M. Kennard John D. VIIlCI1.* Oct.• 18s.j ,James W. Boyd *;Geo~ e~: I:Iunt.. : * Wm. M. \Villiams James P .. Wood * Samuel !v,L Kennard IJohn D. V~nc~1.: w. Oct., IGeo.. R. I.Iunt " J,ames P. WOOd He.nr y, T.,. Rogers ISll.mu.el:i'l.L Kennard John D. V!nc!1. Oct., 188, Wm. M. WIlhllms .James P. Wood ·lheodore Brace Geo. E. Walker Samuel M. Kennard John D. Vmcl1.* Oet.,l888. " .James P. Wood * Theodore Brace Geo. E. Walker B. H. Ingram * Samuel 1\'1. Kennard John D. Vinci!.* Oct., 1889 Theodore Brace IGeo. K Walker B. H. Ingram * Jno. R. l'arson ,Samuel1\I. Ke.nnllrd John D. Vincil.* Oct.• 1890 Geo. E. Walker B. H. Ingram * JrlO. R. Parson Harry Keene : * Samuel M. Kennard John D. Vineil.* Oct., 1891. 113. H. Ingram * Jno. I:{. Parson Harry Keene * J. B. Thomas Samuel M. Kennard John D. Vinci1.* Oct.• 1892 Jno. R. Parson 'IHarry Keene " .. * .I. B. Thomas A. M. HOllgh Samuel M. Kennard John D. Vinci!.* oct.• 189:t Harry Keene * .I. B. Thonms A. M. Hough D. A. Jamison Sllmuel M. Kennard John D. Vincil.* Oct., 1894 J. B. Thomas A. ;\'1. Hough A. Jamison F. J. Tygard Samuel M. Kennard John D. Vinci!.* . Oet., 1895 A. M. Hough D. A. .Jamison F. J. Tygard E. F. Allcn " Samuel M. Kennard John D. Vinci],* Oct., 1896 n. A. JRmison iF. .I. Tygard " F. Allen ,,~C. H. Briggs lsamuel i\l. Kennard John D. Vincil,* Oct., 1ii!li [':. J. Tygarct."." I'~. F. All.en ~.'"'''''''''''''' c. H. nriggs.: !CamPben ~ells ; Samuel 1\1. K.ennard John D. V!l1c!l.~ Oct.. 1898 1"" F. Allen C. H. Brlgg Campbell Wells Joseph C. Flllllgm ,Samuel M. Kennard John D. VIllCI],·· . Oct.. 1899 1~. H. Brig-gs CII.JllPb.en W~l1s.: LJoseph. C~Finllgin .. J9hn C. Yocum *ISamuel1\I. Kennard John D.. V!nc!!.* Oct.. 1~00 (ampbt'll "-,,:ells : IJosep~ C; Fmagm ,t.!.John C. ): o<:um Wm. F. Kuhl~ ~llmuel M ~ennard."" John D. V~nc~l.* OeL.,190~ Joseph C.. Flllagm"",;,JOhn C. locum ·~Wm. F. Kuhn Leroy B. valliant I~amuel M. KennH.rd John D. V~nc!); Oct.. 1902 John C. locum ." Wm. F. Kuhn" 1 Leroy B. VallIant A. S Houston " Samuell\I. Kennard .. ". John D. VinCI!. Oct., 1903 lwm. F. 1\lIhn Leroy B. Vllllillnt s. H()~lston D. M. WilS,Oll John R. Parson John D.Vi!1"i!.* Sept., 190-1 .. Leroy B. Vaillant A. S. HOllSton D. M. WIlson Howard \\ atson John R. ParsllIl John D. VlllCll·. Rept., 190:'> .. A. S. Honston D. M. Wilson John T. Short... R. R Kref'g-er AlphollsoC.Stewart***John R.Parsonttt Sf>pt.. .. D. 1\1. John T. Short R. Krf'E'gf>r. Wi 1,1 ian: A. HI111... IAlPhomo C. Stewart ,John R. Parson. Sept., 1901 .. ~ohn~~~~~t.. R. R. Kreeger .. ~._:.:.:.~~WlllI_ll:~l~~I~J.:.:.:~._<?~_ Blgg~r~ ..:..:..:..:.:.:~~:.:..'Alpl10Ils()£~~e~2'0~!!.I~~~~~~._ May; May, May. i\Iay. May.




I.E wlll~ams








"'::). "'::).


~ ..-;





* Deceased.



. t Died August lUh, 1866, while in oftice. , Appointed August 13th, 1866, by John D. Vincil, G. M. ~ Died April 11th. 1877, while in otIice. • Died October 12. 1904. while in office. *** Appointed October 22,1904, by Leroy R. Valliant, Grand l'faster. +

II John W. Luke served, by appointment, as Grand Secretary, from

Aprilllth, 1877, to O~tober 11th. 1877. and died October, 1888. Died within one week after his installation. tt There was no Communication in 1835, owing to the anti-masonic ** Withdrawn from Ma.c;onr~·. . rexcitement. ttt Appointed October 22,1904, by Leroy B. Valliant Grand Master. ~


EDWARD BATES. Worshipful Master.. JA1\1ES KENNERLY, Senior Warden. WILLIAM BATES. Junior lVarde'l1. JOSEPH V. GARNIER. Treasurer ABRAM BECK, Secretary.











REVISED AND BROVGHT DOWN TO SEPTE)IBER. 1907, BY JOHN R. PARSON. GRAND SECRKrARY. ---------_._ ... - . - - - --. - -- _.. _- -- -- _ . - - - .. _-----------"_ .. _--- - --- _.----_._-._--_._------



I__ TOWN. _._!._.~_u:-;Ty_. __

!'I,un; OF LODGE':

2 Joachim 3 Himm.................. 4 Harmony 5 Taylor 5 Olive Bmnch 6\Unit Y 7 Franklin Union 7 Grover 8Ivandaliil. 9 Sang-amon 10 (jni.o~I 10 S}lalmee 10 Chapel 11 Eden 13 Tucker 14 Boonville 14 Auburn 15Cell~1'l~I

15 perSe\erance 16 Columbia :nNew London I 21 Greencastle 22 Franklin 23 Hiram :!4 Harmonv 24 Wyaconda 2fiSpring-field 26 Ava 261Mexico


Herculaneum St. q~arles \LOUlsifLlla Springfield Alton IJltCkSon Franklin Calhoun


Sprmgfield Jonesboro New San~a Fe Chapel fIll!.. Covington Ste. Genevieve Boonville Auburn


LOUlsllUla Columbia !New London IGreencastle Alto.n 'St. Charles I'JaCkSonville La Grange Springfielct rAva ,l\-Iexico

"'' ' '1




IJeffCrson M:0 S~. Charles Mo PIke Mo IGreene Mo Madison 1.11.. Cape Girardeau .. 1\-[0 Howard Mo 1 Henry Mo Fayette IlL Sangamon IlL Union I1I... Jackson 11'10 Lafayette 'Mo Washington IlL Ste. GeneVieve jMo ,Cooper Mo ILincoln MO C. ~~y 11'.[0 PIke IMo Boone Mo ,RallS I.MO Sullivan ,Mo ~.radiwll ,Il.I... St. Charles lIlo l\Iorgan :1I1... , Lewis Il\1o Sangamon Ill DOlljrlllS .\/0 Audraill Mo



10ct., 1820, by G. L. of Tenn IArrested April 7, 1825. 1820, by G. L. of 'l'enn ,Surrendered Apr,il4, ~~26. Oct. 11, 1821.. \Surrendered Api'll, 1825. ~,ray 6,1852 ,United with "United, No.5." April 3, 1822 !United With. 1st G. L. of Illinois, 18:2路1. ;-';ov. 25, 1R21, di~p. G. L. Ind. Surrendered January 7,1823. April 3,1822 Arrested December 20, 18.'H. May, 1852 Died 1860. , October 1822 1 United with G. L. of Illinois, 18:N. October 25, 1822 Arrested Api'll 11, 1826. Octo.ber.25, 182:L lunited with 1st G. L. of Illinois, 18~路1. May, 18;)R; Surrendered IS?? Mar 6, 1852 Surrendered 1855. Octobcr 9, 1822 United with 1st G. L. of Illinois, 1824. October 10, 1826 Surrendered April 6, 1831. AprilS, 1827 IArrested October 3,1838. IMay 8, 1852 ~ IArrested Oct., 1884, by Lee A. Hall, G. :'II ~[aY: 6. 1&'i~ Iwcnt down o.n ,account of war, 1801. ,.\pnI8, 1828 IArrested AprIlS, 1838. !October 5, lR30 Arrested October :1, 1838. :Octobe r 5, 1&.17 jsurrenctered 1862, 011 aCCOllllt of 11'11..1'. 'IJune 2, 1866 Arrested April, 1879. ,October 5, 1837 United with G.. L.. of Illinois, oct.., 184:1. ;Octobcr 5, 1837 IArrested October 16. 1846. jOctober 2. 1838 IUnited with G. L. of [llinois, 1840 )une 10,1853.................. "'jSurrenderecI1876. jOctober 8, lR39 ! United with G. L. of Illinois. 1840. ,October 13, lR87 Arrested .JUIlC. 1892, by B. H. Ingram n. ;\1. :i\lay ti, 1S,')2 :Consolidllted 1887, wIth Hebron, No. ;);)'1.









271 Ringgold jCamden pOint 27 Temperance Vandalia 27 Temple Mellville 29'Far west IGltlena 290sagc Litt!.e Osage ;12 Lafayette ILeX!ngton 32 Lafayette LexlIlgton 32 T\iltngle : P~rryville ;.,3 HIllsboro al·t~~ Mt.. :\Ionah.. HIllSbor<.~ : . 36 Independenn I'!depenQcnce 3i Dawson I'v"elhng~on :.,7 Cedar Owellsville

IPlatte IPla.tte Dade ·.10 Daviess lvernon ·ILlt~ayette Lafayctte Perry IMoJ:tgomcry Jac.bon Lafayette Gll~co'lade

~~ ¥~Ilrt'~.:·.:::::·.::·.:·.:::::::::::::::: ~~~~;~~~ ..~~.l.~:::::: f~~i·S

39 Clillton 39 Modena.., 40,.Colcman 41IDes.lIIoilles

Carlyle Modena S1. Louis Bur.lington

!MO j []l...

IMay 6, 1852 October 9,1839 lIIav, 1858 IOctober 11,1839 ..Il1IO jMay ll, 1852 IMO 10ctober 8, 1840 1110 October 19, 1867 Mo · IOctober 12, 1882 1Il... October 8, 1840 ]\[0 October 8. I8H IMO May 2H, 1858 1\!o October 15. 1868 ,:Mo ;[]l...


:::::::::::::::: ~~g:::::::: ~~:~~ ~\~~ Clinton Ill... October 8,1&11 Me·rcer Mo June 2, 186 R l\Io· ·IOctober 8, 1841.. · : IowaTy October 2J, 1841..

!Arrested ~Iay, 1&'J~. United with G. L. of Illinois, IS-l~. ·\SUrrendered 1863. Surrendered 1846. ' Destroyed 1861, by war. ,Arrested Dece~ber 1, .1866. \Consol. 1882 WIth LexlIlgton, ~o. 14\J. Consol. 1887 with 'r:iple Tie, ?\o. 45:.,. I..~rr~~ted Octob~r 16~ 184? ISulJcndered October, 1846. Surrelldered1864. I AlTe~terl J ltllUllry, 1900.


Monroe RHndolph Andrew Buchanan Franklin ~Iontgomery

Greene ILafayette Howard Warren /Platte I.ewb ISChl.lyler Mal'lon St. Clair .~

1\10 June 2,1866 I.owaTYI'o.ctobcr 20: 18H Mo June 9,1853 Mo IJune 2, 186(; MO 1IJune 10, 1&5::: Mo October 8,1841.. Mo June 10, 1&'i3 IWis. 'l'y,October n, 18-1:2 11I10 !MaY 25, 1~54 ; Mo October 11,18-12 l\IO IMay, 185R· .. · · IMo October 11,1842.. :\'10 October 11,1842 ,MO IOctober 14,18-12 1:\10 :0ctob~r 12, IS42 ,Mo IMay 25,1&')4 ,Ill... October 11, 10'142 llll IOctOber 11, ,R.I..!

~~ ~I~~:~~fJie··.::::::: ::::'.:::::::.::::: ,~i~~?~\~i\i·e·::::::::::~ 1~~I~IIS~~ ..::::::::::::: '~Ig:::::::: :~Ic;~~~~ i~J~::

62 Dubuque

m St. :\oIarys 63 Iowlt City

tl4 Lanomltrk fif> Melody

66 Marshall.

IDubllqUC Perryville IIowa City Warsaw Platteville IMarshall.

Perry Bentoll Sal.ine

'-' -.'J

':::::::::::::::::::: ~1~~;~~~~~e1J6iia~: ~~:~:

Arrested October 19,1846. Arrested October, lRill. IChan g ed to" lilt. Moriah, ~o. 40," 1844. United with G. L. of Iowa, 1R44.

1i'~ll\~ta~.::::: :::::::::::::::::::~::::I~NI~a.~:::.:::::::::::: ~g~~lfi·~(i::::::::::::: ~}~::::::::'IJ~:~~~: i~~:::::::::::~::::::::::::::: 8~~s~1~;:i~~ ~"~~~PhiS. No. 16, 1890.

.. 42 Honston """"""'''1 BreckenrIdge 42 Iowa Bloom.ington 42 f,-liddle Grove Middle Grove 44 JacksonvIlle Jll<'honville 44 Rochester : R. ochester 46 sParta,formerly"Kabzeett"ISParta 46 Mltrtha Washington Washiugton 4911-lineml Point.. Mineral Point... ?O Middletown f,-Iid;dlc!own ;,0 Ozark Sprlllgfield 50 Anderson IChapel Hill.. 51 Livilll!stol! :GllU'gow 54 DOllglas jMa.rthasYille 56 Pla:tte Platte Clty :>8 Monticello Monticcllo .')9ILan~aster Lancaster 59. :\Ianon Salem 60 St. Clair \Bellc\'ille


IOWllTYjOctober 10, l~I:L MO IMI1Y 25, 18~~ IowaTy Octoher 10,1&1::. Mo Octoher I:!. I~I:L Wis. TYIOctober 1~. 1R.IL 1Il0 IOctober l~, 18-m

Arrested Apnl 22,1869. United with G. b. of Iowa, 1844: Arrested February 29,1864. Snrrendered October, 1899. Surrendered 1865. !\.rrested October 19,1846. Arrested Ma.y. 1863. L'nited with G. L. of Wisconsin, 1844. I Arrested May 18,1858. _ Arrested October 18,1841. IDcstrOyed 18Hl, by war. Surrendered September, 1x/6. Surrendered Kov. If), 1883. . Surrendered 1864. ,Arrested by Jas-.:W. Boyd, G. :\1., Oct., lS86. Ar\ested ~866. .. . \Umted WIth G. L. of Illll101S, 11\44. United with G. L. of Illinois, 1&1::;.







::::::·.::::::::: g~~;.g~~~ }~~~: ~r. ~~~~: United with G. L. of Iowa, 1~4. Surrendered Janl!ar~·. 18&1. United with G. L. of Iowa, 1itl,!. Destroyed 1861, by war. United with G. L. of Wisp.oJ\sill, ,Arrested 1&';1.


v" ..... .....

ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETc.-C'ontinued~'J -_._--










66 Lllln 68 Tebo : 69 Alexandria 70 College 70 DickinsOIl 72 Danville 75 Ashley 75.Bowling Green

- -,--' ------


I__ ~_UNTY~

Osage ChIlton ; ··IHenry Alexandria CllLrk L ~rltrion College ?oIarion Warr.·ll ·.. IMarion Danville IM.ontgomery Ashley ·.. IPlke · Bowling Green Pike 75iN~OShO N~osho Newtoll 81 HIckory Grove................ Hickory Grove ,Callaway 83 Dana CalhOll1l.: !Henry 84 };Iultanomah Oregon CIty ; L()lJ?WO(Jd .. · 80IJOhnSOn Warrensburg Johnson 86 Mitchell : Columbus :Johnson 86 Mo. )Iil. 3d Reg't Mo. VoL I SSIB8:tes IJ~u~ler ,Bates .. ; S8.0hve Branch Dillon ·IFmnkllTI 88 Dresden IDresden Pettis 90 Pmirie Harrisonville Cass 90!Kin g Solomon St. Cath.arine Linn






i~~TE·I ,l\fo IMo !l\Io I?oTO Mo MO 11\10 Mo /MO



Acacia Pleasant Hill chapman ~It. vernon CltntOIl Greene E"ton


Jackson Pleasant Hill ILas Vegas I)It. Vernon Canton ·Springfield


Cape GIrardeau ~Io Cass Mo Ter. of New };rex.. ,Lawrence )10 Lewis I};IO Greene ~ :.-[0 '>In


May::>, 1848 ?oIay 8. lS-i8 I.June 2, 1866 'May 11, 184S I~.laY 11,1848 May 12, 184R >lo)" 28. 1858

I.Jackson : :.:vro :-.lew ~radnd :Mo Ter. of New Mex.. ' I Randolph Mo Ter. of New Mex

;\ra y 10. 1849 IMay 10, 1849 IOctober 19, 1867 ,October 1]. 18iS ,?oray S, 1851


Arrested 1894, by Harry Keene, G. M. P. Wood. G. ~I. ,Arrested 1S64: \Changed to" Dickinson." 1847. Formed from "C:ollege. No. 70." ,Consol. with FlorellceLodg~.No. 261. 1892. Surrendered October 18, l8'J1. IChanged to "Ashley. No. 75." \surrendered 1863; restored as 247, in 1867. Surrendered March, 1893. Arrested,October 28,1852. . 1st Lodge on Pac. Coast. Ulllted G. L. Ore. December 2. 1896. Destroyed 1861, by war. IDestroyed 1861, by war. Closed with Mexican war. Destroyed 1861, b~_war. Arrested about 185;>. :Arrested July, 1878, byT. C. Ready, G. ?oJ. !Destroyed 1861. by war. !c.onsol. with No. 86, Jan.,

IArrested 1889, by J.




port : · New Madnd !Las Cruces.. : IMoberly Santa Fe



~ ~


~ ~

Went down durmg the war. Arrested 1853. lunited with G. L. of New )Jexico, 18i7. surrendered December 27, 186:!. [1898. Consol. with Craft Lodge. No. 287. Dec.. United with" United No.5." 1857. Acre"ed OotobO'.l886. by J. W. Royd. G. >I.

11,~l~F:::I~~~;',,-nil~~i!~IFj'~j~~~: Im/ii:2::•• • I'~Ei?~~:-\~~~~;0~. \~: :I,~;est. octo~er.1886 1071GOIden Sql!are 108 New Madnd 108 A7.tec 108 ~()thic 109,Monte7.llma


~HAR~_~~·._ _ I~E~IA~~~-------

28, 18;>6 October 23,1844 loetober 16. 1844 October 16. l&t4 ' \OelOber 16, 1844 October 19, 1846 October 14, 1846 jOctober 14. 1846 ~1o ,June 2, 1866 };ro IOctober 17, 184~ IOregon. Octo~~r 19,J846 MO May 2;>. 1854..;. Mo March 19.1841 Mo May 9, 1850 :October 14.1847 Mo May 28, 1858 -,.: Mo October 14.1&11 Mo October 19, .1867 Mo October 12, 1&17 };ro jJune 2, lS6?

~; ~~~~Jiig'Sta'r::::::::::::::::::::: ig~~u~~~~~:::::: ::::::I~~~,~iO~d'::::::: :::::. ~f~:::::::: ~~~r ?9.1~~5.·.· :::::::::::::::::::::::: I!~~~~~~g~~~~~ S~~ie2];>2.1f~~5.

90 95 95 99 100 101 101



------ . ._---_._--._- - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ -


Arrested .• by J. W. Boyd. G. M. IDestroyed durmg the war. :United with G. L. of New Mexico, 18ii. ,COI.ISO!. w.ith ~foberly ~odge. N.o. 344'~l896. ·UllIted WIth G. L. of };ew MeXICO. 18/1.

if; /'l)



III St. Louis 112 Ezell.


11~ '~averly

110 Sibley 115 Botder 116 Daviess 118 Hiram 119 Foster 122 Dover 124 Cedar 124 Dardenne 128 Kirksville 128 Live Oak 129 Constantinc 129 Charleston 130 Barry 130 West Prairie 134 Sarcoxie 135 Ridgley 1351Warrensburg 137 warrenton 137Iprairievill~ ..: 138 ROl!nd Prame 140 Smithton 141,Middlebury 141 Oriental 14 1Ich.fl.1ll o,r Rocks 143 Fhnt HIlL 1441JOhn Dade 145 Windsor City Rising Star 141 Buffalo 148tYanCy 150 L~avcnworth 152 Lllln Creek 1~3 Kansas 104 COTlCOrd 156 Giddings 158 Cornwell 158 Johnson 159 Pacific 159 Mendota 160 Edina 161 Robcrt Morris Hill )lirabile


Ste.. Genevieve '''ISte. GeneVieve IMO 118.07, by G. L. of pa St. Louis St. Louis Mo 1809, by G. L. of Pa St. Francisville Clark Mo 1\lay 9, 1850 \<yaverI Y Lafayette \;'I{o May 9, 185Q Sibley Jackson MO IMo.y 10, 1850 South-West City..' McDonald Mo October 15,1874 ,Gll.llatin Daviess 1\10 May 10, 1&)0 ISt. Charles ISt. Charles MO 10, Boston Scott :\ro Il\la~ 10,1850 Dover ,Lafayette MO :\[a~.• 20, 18.!iO Fremont ICedar.. ·Mo :May 10, 1851 ,O'Fallon ;St. Charles Mo October 19, IH67 IKirksville IAdair Mo 1\lay 8, 1851 ,Pleasant Hill Cass ;'Iio October 19, ~i)67 Charleston l\lississippi.. Mo May 8, 1851 Charleston Mississippi Mo October 12,1876 Cassville IBarry Mo ·May, 1852 Clarkton Dunklin 1\lo IMay 28.1858 Sarcoxie ,Jasper MO ·1May , 1851 Ridgley Platte 1'10 May 7,1851 War.rensburg IJOhnSOn · IMo October }9, 1867 IWlLrrenton Warren ·:\[o June, 18;)1 prairieville: Pike ~··· ·.. ·· .. IMo May 28.' 18,5.9 Ne~var~ IAndrew Mo I1v1 ay 31,1,850 Smithfield 1\lo· IMo.y' 1850 ;'IHddlebury 1vlcrcer, Kan.Ty May in, 1855 Trenton IGrundy :\[o Octobcr 17, 1873 ~\~en : Llllcoln ·1 10 ,October 14~ 1880 FlInt .HIIL St. Charles :\-lo jMay 31, 18.!i.5 Cil.')svllle IBarry 1vlo June 1, 18.)D Windsor City Carroll. Mo June 1, 1855 EbenC.'7.er Greene i.Mo /· Buffalo Dallas Mo Maj, 1800 Pineville McDonald 1\[0 June 1, 1855 L~avell\vorth :\010 June 2, 185.5_ Lum Creek Camden Kan.Ty,)Iay 26, 185<J Wyand.otte I ~ : Mo May, 1855.:.: ,r,oncOld 1cllllaWfi) K.an.TY .June 1, 18::>:> INebraska City Otoe ;Vlo May 29, 1856 Rose Hill Johnson Neb. Ty May 28,1856 I'Greenvme Wayne 1'10 October 19,1867 pacif!c IFl'll.nklin :vro May 28.1856 Protem ,Tancy Mo ,October 11, 1879 Edina I~nox ,MO JMay 29,1856 Savannah Andrew iMo :\oray 28,1856 I"ofirabile Caldwell Mo May 30, 1857..

1\.la~ 18~0



"'' ' '1

I)[a~, 18~~

IArrcsted by G. L. of Pennsylvl1.liia. lR24. Arrestcd. Surrendered 1860. Surrendered January 28, 1860. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered October, 1882. ArresterllR76. May, 1862. SUflcndered 1866. . lconsol. with Lafayette, Ko. 437, Feb., 1893. Surrcndered 1863. :Arr. Jan. IS, 1885, by R. F. Stevenson, G. M. .Arrested1863. NewCharterI864toNo.105. IArrested by G. L. of Missouri, Hm. ISurrendered July 28, 1874. ,Surrendered December, 1889. iArrested 1852. Arrested October, 1886, by.T. W. Boyd. G. 11. Arrested 1\lay, 1858. Destroyed 1861, by war. Consol. with COJinthian Lodge. No. 265. '89. Surrendered 1856. Arrested 189~, bY. .T. B. Thomas,.G. )[, Ar~ested 1860. 'IUlllted to form G. L. of Kansas. Arrested 1872. ~onsolidated with Tr~nton L~?ge, No.,111. Cons. WIth ~10scow r.I1lls, No. DDS, Oct. 05. Surrendered 1863. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered 1855. A., rrested by E. F. Allen, G. M., 1898. \.rrested 1861. 1Arrested Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. l\l. IUnitcd to form G. L. of Kansas. . Destroyed 1861, by war. United to form G.. L. of Kansas. 1 Surrendered AprIl, 1901. 'IMade no returns. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered April 25, 1885. Arrested Jan. 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. :Arrested June 12,1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. !Arrested :May, 1866. Surrendered 1857. lcon801. with Polo Lodge. No. 232, in 1&.>9








~ ~




Vv '-


ROLL OF' "DEAD LODGES," E'rc.-Continued. - .__ .









~ ~ ~





223 Woodlawn

fit ~~~a~i 229 Mitchell 2;H 232 232 235 239 :!50 264 274 :Hi '1.78 :!S4 :!S4 2:-l6 :289 296 2!J6 :'.'lJ8

WarrenLOn DeWitt · Lone Jack Ionic Spencersburg High Hill. Fayetteville New .\Iarket.. Index Avill!~

Lilly ~ New Bostoll Hesperiall Acaeht ~L Grove Cameroll M,lty hle Ilill .{ll4 I F,tlthtul 312 1Mt. Pleasant , 3B'St. Aubert... :H4IRome :H5AItona 320 Chapel HilL 810'AmIlZ0Il1R ::l26 New Home · :126 Kit Carson :.t:lO Lathrop ~l32 Clark CitY :,::l2 Rylano 336 1Oak Grove 337jl'vlitl.ta ··· ·· .. ·'· 340 A~lty 3tO Jencho 3,111 Relipf ~'.17 Landmark 348 Ash Grove :l.l8 Cimarron .149 Lone Star ;)53 Ben Franklin :~53IBenton



: :::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~da::::::::::::::: ~~l~~~dly:::


il57 PheIps 357 YOlln~'s Creek :;58 Cornfort

Columbns Warrenton DeWitt Lone Jack Rensselaer Spencersburg High Hill Fayetteville New Market Index Bower's Mills jGrant City New Boston Virgil City p.aracllse Webster Groves Cameron........... ~I:~rb.Ie Hill faIr Deallllg I<:llington 81. Aubert , IRome 1 t\ Itona Cllllpel HilL AmltZOllilL lsPrague Elizabethtown Lathrop IClark Oity

11IO ::::::::::

,October 1.9, 1867

'lA-rrested ]S!l~. by Harry Keene, G. M.

~1~::::::::I~~~'2~~61\6'i''''''''''::::::::::''''::::::::: ~~s~~~~;~;~s~Kb1, by war.

Johnson 1\10 Oetober 13, 18il.. Warrel1. Mo 1111.y, 11:i63 Carroll. 110 May 2/, 1863 Jackson Mo October 19, 186i.. Ralls 1IIo IMay 26,1864.. Pike Mo 1[ay, 1865 IMontgomery ,Mo October, 186/ I.Johnson Mo October 15, 1868 Platte Mo October 15, 1868 CaliS Mo Octvber 15,1868 Lawrence IIMO October Hi, 1868 Worth 1110 October. 1868 Linn 110 October 13, 1881. Cedar Mp October'15, ]868 jC.Ill.y Mo IOclOber 15, 18Ii~ St. Louis ,Mo October ]5, ]!<()S Clinton I1\-Io October 10, 1875 I3':Jllin.ger 1I..[ 0 OCLOber If> ..18~~ IRlJ)It'~ 1i\[0 October ]2.1869 Gentry Mo IOctober 12,1869 Callaway :\10 October 12, 1869 Donglas Mo 'October 11, 18S3 Bates., ·.. ·.. 11.lo ·.. ·IOctoqer 12. 1869 Lltfayf'tte ~lo October 12, 186!J AlJiilew 11110 October ]i'l, 11:'!10 :Bfites ~Io: ,·October 16 18/!) I iK. )lex. October 12,1869 IOlil.ltoll ').[o ,.October13, 1870 Clark IMo IOctober 12,18/0 ~erlin I'Gentr y Ii\fO :.OCLober 14.1875 Pink Hill Jacksun Mo IOctober 12,18/0 Il\-la!tit Bend ,Sali'.le Mo /October 12, Sm~thton PettIs Mo 10ctober 13,1870 ,Jencho :Ccdar ~Io jOctober ]6, ]8"4 1Republic. IGl'eeIlP IMo iOctpbpr 13, 1870 Kennett.. !.Dllnklin :\[O ,IOctober 1R, ]1'70 IASh Grove Greene Mo IOctober 13, 1R70 Cimarron 'colfltx N. 1\lex.IOctober 14, li175 Lone Star IGentr y 1..10 ,October 13,1870 Savannah Andrew MO IOctober 13,1870 :;;1. LOllis I i\10 October 14,1886 :Phelps City jAtchison ·i\[o October, 18/0 jRowena 'Audrain jMO October 13, ]8,'11.. IRocky Comfort...iMcDonald Mo IOctober 13,18/0




Sllrrendered 0ctober, 18&;. I,SurrendHed 1~9\J. ISurrendered 1865. No returns. • ISurrendcrcd 18/i. . Arrested in 188\J by J. P. Wood, G. ;\1. :Surrendered September, 1881. [Feb. 1899. Oonso1. with JOllesburg Lodge, No. '15i, '.\ rresten Jalluary. 1900. Surrendered October, 18/8. Arrested lil/7. Arre;;ted by Grand Longe, HlU'1. Ar. Dec., 1~80, by W. R. Stubblefield, G. 111. Arrested 18~\J, by J. P. Wood, G. M. SlIrrendered September, 1888. . I:COII. with TemP.erance, Ko. 438, Sept., 18\19. Surrendered 1874. lconsOI. with Vinci! Lodge, No. 62, 1il138. ?~)J\~oJ. \I.!~.h '1'ru\;el. ~O. 440, D.ec., 189!1., nrrendelCrl June. 1903. <;;onsolidated with Stanberry, No. 109. Surrendered December 14, 1882. Consol. I\·ith Ava, No. 26, March, 1888. jAr.r. Mil..reh. 1896, by A. i\.L Hough, G. M. ':-;urren(ler..rl September 14. 1&'l!J. COli, With "'a 1'<\111' IIh Lodge ~o. 71Apr.1907 Comolirl,l1t'd with Foster T.,odge No. 554.. Arrested 11'78, by T. C. Ready, G. M. Arres.ted MIlY, 1879, by N. 1\L Givan, G. l\I. Surrendered 187;>. Arrested Sept. 10,1904, oy W.,,-.KlIhn,G ..:'.J. Surrenrlered October 3,1873. Arreste.'d. Jan., 1887, by G. R. flunt, G. 1\1. Surrendered January, IRS'!. • Arrested Oct.. It'9~, by Harry h.eelle, G. M. Sllm'mlerl'ci Mfl~. ]i'()(). Arrest.ed ~[ltr., 18/9, by N. 1\1. Givan. G. 1\'1. Arrested 1~i2. Surrendered lR/9. Arrested .Jail. 25.. 18&1, by L. A. Hall, G. 1\1. Consol. with Savannah Lodge, No. /1. Arrestf'o 1!l1l~. by L. B. Vallillnt, G. M. Surrendered 18S1. Conso!. with Hebron ~o. 354, Jllly, 1891. Arrested .Jan. 19, 18M, by L. A. Hall, G. M.






~ ~







ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETc.-Continued.



364 King David ~.6~ Wars~w ."': ~6b

3it 37~


374 ~Z5 3,8 378 379 382 38-1 384 385 38.1


Unalllffilt) Craig Mandeville .. --· Amity Golden Rule PI.um.b · Kl1 w11111lng Warsaw Coatesville Richland Harmony Boont' Reynolds Alexander Dll~all

I-~:-· Kansas City

·· .. · __



Latimer Centre Gavel Alexandria.................. 40t> Meridian Sun :.:-: 406 1[turrea 407 Houston ::.~ 407 Royal 409 Un'ity ' 409 Civil Bend 417 Covenant 421 Ellchd 423 Newburg4~5 Cedar City 426 Leesville 4'i6 Ser1gwickville 428 LOlli~ville , 432 Dauphine 432 Black Oak 433 Silent Temple 435 St. t\icholas 436 Lamonte 43(i Ash Grove

395 401 402 404

-- ~:;;~--='I ;l~~~~!~-_~_~~-~;-cH,~n~R.

,,, eston ICraig IMandeville Filley Jonesburg

Jackson Bentoll __ Platte HOlt Carroll cec1ar Montgomery

;Dowl1lng ."" 'Iwarsaw Coatesville R!chland IVlhbard !Colnffibia ·Centerville

Schuy leI. Benton ISchuyler. Pulaski.. Ray Boone Reynolds



B~dford Mmdon

Licking Lebanon Nt'W Cambria Alexandria Austin \Hannibal. Wellington ;V[ooresville Richmond Civil Rend Carro~lton

versall1es Competition Cedar City Leesville 3edgwickville 1Lonisville Dauphine Preston Macon ':ave Spring Lamonte IAsh Grove


ILiVi~gston Chanton

Texas Laclede Macon Clark Cass )[arion Lafayette ILivingston 1Ray Davit'ss Carroll. /Morgan Laclede Callaway Henry Hollinger Lincoln Osage Hickory Macon Greene Pettis Greene


IOctober 13,1870.. __ ~,lo .. ·· .. ··IIOclober 13. lSZ0 ·Mo October 13.18'0 1\.I. o ·IOctober 1il, IS70 I,Mo October 13, 18i! I"'.lO Octobrr 2~, 189(j ~10 October 16. 1872 l\Io"''''''jOetob~r

"'''' Mo IMo · Mo Mo 1

\1\-10 1\-10

Mo ,i;v[o MO Mo ,Mo \:'010 110



October \.3, 1871. OClober 10. 1894.. October, 1871 October 1~.~1871.. ()('.tohel', 1811 October 17.1\)01 Octob~r



October 13, ·.. ·10ctober 1.~, l:;'I.. October 13,1871. October 12, 1871.. October l:~. 1871.. October 13, lim · 11\[0 October 13,1871.. IMO October 13,1871.. Mo October 13,1871. 1\[0 October 17,1878 MO IOctober 13, 1871.. yfo October 17. 1878 Mo \October 12. 18Z2 :\[o ·October 12,18/2 Mo October 16, 1872 I\fo....... .. Mo October 16,1872 Mo October 14, 1886 Mo October 16.1872 )10 October 17. 1873 ,.. 1\10 October 1~, 1881.. Mo October 16, 1872 ·1)10 October 16.1872 :'>10 !October 16.1872 1:\10 October 13,1881..


~I-- -- ---- '--~~~;ARKS. Surrendered 1879. ~r. Sept.• 1888, ~~ W. 1\1. Willimns, G. 1\1. . Surrendered 18dJ. Arre.sted Jan. 10. '83, by C. C. Woods, G.1\L Arr.,Tan. 14,1896, by A. M. Hough, G. M. "".'" Cons. with Clintonville. N.·O. 48:l. Feb. '06. Surrendered June, IS9~. Ar. Sel?t., 188:", by ~L Willi?-ms, G. 1\,1Con. \V Ith Middle Fabms, No. :l44, Oct. 94. Arr. by Grand Master Houston. Feb., 1906. Conso!. 1881 with Glenwood. No. 427. Arrested ~y (ir. :\-laster T~gard. Feb., 1898. Iconsol. wuh Clay, No. 201, June. 1899. Con sol. with Twilight. ~0.1l4, May 12'04. '" ('on so], with Hopewell, No. 239, May, 1899. Conso!. with Hale Lodge. 184, Oct., 1887. 'Surrendered December, 1902. ' Arrested by Grand Locige, Oet. 21. 1897. Consolidated with Laclede, Ko. 83, 1893.. Surrendered October, 1900. Arrested Oct. 22. 1896, by Grand Lodge. Arr. Aug.• IBS5. by R. F. Stevenson, G. M. Conso!. with Hannibal Lodge, No. 188. Destroyed by tire December 19,1873. An. Aug.• 1893. by John R. Parson, G. M. Surrendered 1876. Arrested Oct.. 1899, by E. F. Allen. G. M. Conso1. w!th 'yaka?da Lodge, No. 52:.,'80. Conso!. With \ersmlles Lodge, No. 111. Arrested March 29. 1890, by '1'. Brace, G. l\l. Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. Arrested Oct.. 1886. by the Grand Lodge. Arr. March, 1897. by D. A. Jamison. G. M. Arr. Dec. 1896, by D. A. Jamison, G. )L Surrendered 1879. • Conso!. with Urbana. No. 421, Dec.• 1890. Surrendered October. 1877. Arrested 1897, bv D. A. Jamison. G. 1\.f. Arrested Oct.. 1878. by '1'. C. Ready, G. :\f. Arrested 1897. by D. A. .Tami;on, G. M.

....., 0-





"""~ """



if. (t


October 16, 18~2 Arrested Octob~r, 1.886, by J. W. Boyd, G. M. October 16, 18/2 Surrendered 18/9. October 16,1872 Arrested 1887, by Geo. R. Hunt, G. M. October, 1873 : Consul. with Wlishington, No.87, De<r.1898. October, 1873 Surrendered Augu!'t. 189\1. October 16, 1872 Arrested Jan. 19,1884, by L. A. Hall, G. }Ol. October 16,1872 Surrendered March, 1892. October 16,1872 Arrested May 21, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. 1\[ 1\[0 October 16,l8~.~ Comol. with C~ruthe:,ville. NO'.46I' .1!J0:{. Mo October 16, 18/~ Arrested Jan., l.J04, by W. F. Kuhn,G. YJ. 110 October 17,11'73 Surrendered April. 1893. Mo.. October 17; 1873 Arrested November 7.1876. iN. Mex. October 17, 1873 Sur. char. & unit. with G.L.of N. Mex., 'i\2. :\10 October 17,.187:5 Arrested by Grllnd Master Brace,Nov.,1R89. Mo 10ctober 15, 1874 SurrenderCd October, 1877. N. Mex. October 1~, 18Z4 United with G. L. of i'<ew Mexico, 1877. Mo October 10, 18/4 jArrested 1889, by J. P. Wood, G. :\!. Mo October 15, 187<1.. Surrendered 1879. ~ern~on ~aljne Mo 1oetooer l~, 1~~4.. Arr. i\Iarch;..1\J06, by Gr. Master Houston. PIttSVIlle Johnson Mo October 1o, lS/4.. Arrested 1810. Louisiana p.ike lV.[o IOctober 12, 1876 Consol. with Perseverance. No. 92,1890.. Clarkton Vuuklin IMo October 15, 1890 Arr. Dec., 1894, by J. B. Thomas, G.:VI. . 1 Straltor9·· .. · GrePlle , \i'10 uctober 11, lilZZ ~rr. Sel't., 1906, by Gm,nd Master Houstoll. ~98Ih.ase¥vllle Ka~ey~l\le M!lco.n :l>fo ,October 11,1811 Surrendered Jan .. 189il. ?13 ~h~n:()n ~uthl'ldge Mills.. Char~toll Mo Octobt'r, 1882 ISurrendered }.larch; lS~9. . ~ .)14 I'.xeter Exeter Barry MO IOctober 12,1882 Arr. MaTch. 19.01, by GIIIIlO Master "ell .. 519 Turney Turney Clintoll Mo octol)er 11. 18il3 ISurrellder.ed ~(\vell1ber 18,1895 520 Toltec Mexico Republic of :\fex ico October 1], 1883 Surrendered January 31,1894. 523 Kidner Kinner Cltlhonn ~lo I'October IG.18:'4> Con sol. with HHmilton. No. 224. 1902. 53:{ Walker Walker Vernon Mo October 12. 1887 Surrellderel1 February 19,1891'. 5<11 Franklin St. Clair Franklin Mo I00.'ob('\' ]6, 1889 jArrested July. 1904. hy W. F. Kuhn, G. 1\1 5<131li'!9cs... :.:..:..:..:.:..:.::..:.:.=..:.:: ..:..:..:..:..:.:::.:.. Kansas C!~~'::":":':":".iRCks?~":":":"':":'::"~'..~!~:_Q0.()ber .1~}890 :.::.::..:.::.:..: .::'.:..:..:9onsol. witl~!Ieroin~, ~?: ~~. ._P_~~,_1~!J(~._

437 Tuscum. bia .. · 442 .~It. Lebanon 445\west Gate 446 Greenfield 447 Fairview 449 Piedmont 451 ArgylP 454 IBenton 4~~lceCi I .:.;: 400 KarneS\llle 457 Triple Tie 463 Lake 465Silver City 466 Centre View 479 Triangle 480 l'I!-ion ·)81 ChIlton 485 Paragon 487 H.erIl~on 491 PIttsVIlle 495 Globe ,195 West Prairie 49i S!ndfor~






lilt. MOriah St. Louis Greenfield Browning Piedmont Neva/!a Lincoln Cot.tollwoOd Pt. .. I'.;lhngton Brazeau Cunninf?ham Silver CIty Centre View Butler Lll; Junta Clmton Green Ridge

MilJE;r Harrison St. Louis City Dade Sullivan '.Vayne Vernon Benton Pemiscot Reynolds Perry : Chariton Grant Johnson Bates : Henry ; Pettis

Il\lo Mo i\Io Mo Mo Mo :'<fo Mo

l-' ~




~ ~


~ ~




,1 ppendi.r.





OFFIOERS. NOAH M. Gn'A:\", President E. F. ALLEN, First Vice-President. V. O. SAUNDEHS, Second Vice-President. . CAMPUELL WELLS, Treasurer JOHN R. PARSON, Secretary, 510 Pine Street E. W. DEANE, Superintendent MW3.路K W. DEAxE. Matron DRS. ROBINSON' AXD LEGGAT, Physicians JAMISON & THO:\fAS, Attorneys


Harrisonville. Kansas City. St. Louis. Platte City. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis.

Ul 07.]




E. F. ALI-E:\" , Kansas City.

A. C. ROBlNsox, St. Louis.

R. E.

J. B. Tno:MAs, Albany.



JAMES 'V. BOYD, St. Joseph.

V. O. SAUXOEHS, St. Louis.

A. M. DOCKEHY, Gallatin.


No HI M.




D. A. JA "usO:\". St. Louis.


Platte City.

JOHN R. PAHSO". St. Louis.

THo:\iAS R. MOHlWw. Kansas City.

EX路Ol<'FICIO MEMBERS. D. M. W IT. so:\' , Grand MasfJer, Milan. JOHN T. 路SHORT. Deputy G1'and Master. Jefferson City.

R. R KHEEGli;H . .Grand Senior Warden, Kansas City. WM. A. HALT.. Grand .Junior Warden. St. Louis.



MHS. LOUlSA .J. MOORE, St. Joseph.

3 20



MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI 1907 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 10 the Gmnd Lodge of llfissouri, Ancient, F1'ce and Accepted Mosons: BRETHREN: Another year has passed away since our last report to you. 'Ve are a year's march nearer Home,a year full of u~eful颅 ness and service, a joyous year to all such. The reports of the Treasurer and Chairman of the Endowment Fund, the Secretary, the Superintendent and Matron are submitted herewith ~l/l)d your careful consideration of them i,.; invited. Last year you re-elected the outgoing membel'~ of the BOllrd of Dir8ctors, viz., Brothers E. F. Allen, Jas. W. Boyd, A. M. Dockery, and Noah M. Givan, The Board organiz;ed by re-electing the ofilcers of t)le former year. The former Superintendent, Matron, Physicians and Attorneys were reappointed. Soon after your last meeting Brother F ..J. Tygard tendered his resignation as a member of the Board, which was accepted by the full Board at its January (1907) meeting and Brother Thos. R. Morrow was elected to flll the vacancy. Brother Tygard 's term would have expir(\(l in September, 1908. Brother Tygard paid to Brother 'V ells, his successor as Treasurer, the amount in his hands. Suit has been 'instituted ill St, Louis by the Receiver of the Bates County National Bank against the Home, but we think the claim is without merit. The committees during the year have b(~en: Finance Committee-Campbell Wells, Sol E. 'Vaggoner, and A. M. Dockery. Executive Committee-V. O. Saunders, E, F. Allen, R. E. Andt>rson, J. B. Thomas and John R. Parson. House Committee-A. C. Robinson, D. A. Jamison, .Jas. 'V. Boyd, and Mrs. Lillie Fletcher. The term of office of the following members of the Board expires with the pre~ent session, Vih., Sol Eo 'Waggoner, Campbell 'Wells, D. A~ Jamison,.1\. C. Robinson, John R. Parson (for three years) and Thos. R. Morrow, for one year. Brother and Sister Redd路 resigned the offices of Superintendent and Matron of the Home to take effect Marcil 1, 1907, and their resignations were accepted by the Board with i"incere regret. Their



3 21

service wa~ recognized by suitable res~lutions adopted by the Board and presented to them ~ , ,Mr. Ed W. Deane and his wife Mrs. Dixie Deane, of Harrisonville, Mo., were unanimously elected their successors and began their. service.on, "March'lst, and have already established the fact that no .mistake was made in th,eir selection. Please read their reports. It i"s a most important and at the same time difficult matter to. secure the best material for these 'positions. The members of the Board are conscious of the responsibility that attends this important .action, but at the same time we feel that there has been manifested at all times th~ guiding hand of our Heavenly Father in the discharge of this duty.路 The Home has been peculiarly fortunate in the selec: tions of the four Superintendents and Matrons that have bken in charge of its affairs since it was first o~~ned for the care of our w~rds. . The tina'ilcial condition of' the Home is most gratifying. The finances are in the hands of those experienced in financial matters. The Endowment Fund is safely and securely invested and is g~ad颅 ually increasing.. Th~ Home is being remembered by Masons in th;ir last will and .testament. Now and then'a sum is received from the executor of an estate. Somotimes the amount is sn~all, bl~t tHe merit o'f the gift does pot always depend on the amount. The Savior commended the poor widow who "threw in 'two mites which make a farthing" as giving more than all who ,"cast in of their abundance."- Recently $]00 wa~ received from the estate of Brother David Cole: and $1200 from the estate of BrotherJ. W. Harrison, both of St. Louis. Settlement has "been made with the estate of Brother Wm. H~ Smith, of Vernon CQunty, Mo., by which the sum of $13,60000 jn cash and r_eal estate was realized after payment of all expenses. May I ask the brethren throughout the State to remember the Home while disposmg of their worldly goods. I take theliberty of giving,afol'm of.bequest which may be used for that purpose" giving Lhe corporate name of the Home. 0

FonM: OF BEQUEST TO THE MASONIC ROl\m OF MISSOURI. I give, devise and bequeath to the Masonic' Home of Missouri the sum of. Dollars (or other specific property described.)

I desire espccia;lly to mention the faithfulness of. the members of the advisory hoard of Eastern Star in the discharge of their duties in connection 'with the Home. Sister Lillie Fletcher of. that 'board has been made a member of our House Committee. The propriety and importance of t~is, I am sure, will be manifest. ~. Respectfully and fraternally submitted,

S~. Louis, September 24, 1907. G. L. Ap.-21

.NOAH ,1\1. GIVAN, 路President.

3 22

A ppe11dix.


MATRON'S REPORT. Under the old regime, befor~ the New Woman'ii voice was heard in the land, I was reared in the belief that the ""r eemin must keep quiet in the Meetin' House," and it does seem strange that at this late day I should begin to violate my training by spea,king to a masculine convocation, and that' a Masonic body. However, it is out of the fullness of the heart thA' mouth speaketh, and I mnst give voice to the gratitude the Home Family feels for all the blessings you have showered upon us durillg the past 1110nths. 'With generous ha'nd you have provided all the necessities ang many of the luxurjes of life for your less forttfnate brothers and their families. The ~pirit with which you have done thIS has shown that you believe "~Tis notwhat we give but what we share, the gift without the giver is bare." TI;e encouraging smile, the warm han<1-~hak~ 'and' the hearty "godspeed" with which some of you have brightened the lives of our aged members, have left a more lasting impression for good than you may know. As for the childr,en, tho' they are sometimes thoughtless and seem to take their privileges and blessings as a matter of course, still in their h(>arts they reverence your IIoble Order, and even the name' "Mason" is ~ passport to their ,unlimited confidence and love. In the olden time the Kin~ could do no wrong. With our children it is the Mason who can do no wrong. While this may not be a safe rule of faith and practice 'on their part it should be an incentive to , the strictest adherence to Masonic .rectitude and honor among the men who associate with our children; , But I am not goin/? to preach. I started O'..lt to tell you something of what our boys and gids have done in the recent past, and what we hope they may accomplish in the near future. You all understand that we are a community of patriotic Americans, and as suc!} we uphold that most American of institutions, the Public School, to the . extent of furnishing seventy-two pupil~ thereto. 'Vhen school closed in May 0111' children were transferred from the Dozier school they had been attending, to the new Clark school in our own neighborhood. We like the change for many reasons, and are gratified to find our boys and girls interested in starting- the school year satisfactorily to .the'mselves and tileir teachers, The vacation has been a pleasant' one; ab0ut one-'third 'of the children have been away visiting- friend,g, Those who remained here w~re by no means idle, and feel that their vacation was profitably spent. Besides their usual housework, our older girls' have been much~nterested in learning to sew; several of them have made their



32 3

own school clothes and are sti~l helping in the sewing-room on Saturdays', wh~ch zeal will make one or two new sewing machines a' necessity in the near, future. The girIs are planning to resume a needle work and reading club we organized last Spring. This club will meet one evening in each week, and the girls embroider or darn while I ip.spect their work or read aloud to th~m. The ~hildren have kept up 'thei~ musical rehearsals more or less regularly throughout the summer and take great 'delight in singing. Our boys have not 'let the girls outstrip them in dilIgence. They are all little fellows, but they have kept up their regular duties and done m....ch ,besides to beautify the Home. , They have painted th~ walls and ceiling of tlie sewingrOO,m and the entire walls of the basement halls; they have varnished floors, stairways and bannisters, retouched bath tubs, painted over forty iron beds and performed many other useful tasks that no other boys but my band of Brownies \votdd dream of doing.


Two our boys have taken a course lin Ba;nes Business College, one of them completing his course iast June, the other will finish in . October or November. Like other fond parents, our hopes are all centered in Olir children, but it is to our dear old people that we look for sympathy a~d a genuine upholding of our hands in t~lis work that we realize more and, more is nQ trivial task. There are so many things they can do to makeJour work pleasant instead of .irksome and we are glad to. say that the majority of them realiz~ this and help us in many ways. There seems to be 'growing up a spirit of ' contentment in the Home, and an individual pride in its w~lfare' and success that is a great source of gi'atification to us. We feel that much of this is due to our efficient corps of governesses, nurses and helpers, who are instant in' season and out of, season to carry out our wishes, supplemented by the dictation of their own good judgment and desire for the best' interests of the Home. Our Eastern Star friends, who are never weary in well doing, have fitted up the third floor of the Children's building with new iron beds, springs and mattresses, and have painted our upstair walls and given, us new rugs for ,many of the bedrooms. To our Christmas Committee we owe ina~y pleasures. The'y have been untiring in tb-eir efforts to entertain our old, people as well as our children, and we do appreciate all their kindness, including the circus, the lawn party and the bORt ,ride. In the half year' we have spen't at the Masopic Home, some griefs have come into the home life, drawn u:s closer together' and, 1 hope. closer to Him who doetli all thing'S well. The Death Angel has visited us and borne away five 'of the' aged members of the Family. I

32 4




Other trials and problems have confronted us, but there has always been a way to meet and overcome them; good friends have not withheld the helping hand. and many pleasant things have brightene'd. the way, so we look into the futq.re, saying: "\\That e'er the sky above us, here's a heart for any fate." Realizing that fate can be what we make it by well directed effort, determination and a hopeful spirit. Fraternally, DIXIE M. DEANE, Matron.



1'0 the President and MembeTs of the BOO1'd of Di1'ecto?'s of the Masonic Home of Missouri: BRETHREN: I her~with hand N"0U the annual report of路 the Masonic Home for the year ending Septemper 1, Hl07. Anothe~ year in the history of o~r Home is numbered with the past, and reviewing it we find a record of loving deeds from kindly' hands ill helpfulness outstretched to us from all over the State; sympathy and love all around us, and the benediction of grace from our Heavenly Father enfolding. us, while the members, old and yo:ung, of tpe Home, grow II;earer and dearer to us as the days go by. We acknowledge, first, the help derived from. "Our Father which art in Heaven,'" who has so generously and signally answered our prayers for strength and gui!lance, and then the gener<;ms assistance of' our brother Masons and the Sisters of the Eastern Star; all of whom have seemed to vie with one another in generosity and kindness to all connected with the Home . . To the variOlis Lodges of the city that have contributed so liberally to the pleasure' of the members of the Home through the Christmas' Committee we are truly gratefuL have. had many pleasures we would not have had but for them, and from the Eastern Star we have r~ceived such generous assistance that our hearts are brimming ov~r with gratitud~ and love, and we know not ho~ to express our thanks. All these matters will appear in a statistical way later in this and Mrs. Fletcher's report. 1.' Dllringthe year lline of our numQer have gone to their final reward; all of them from among the old people of the Home; their names appear elsewhere. We have had very little siGkne'ss ,among the children, and the sickness among the old people is mostly dne the riatural infirn1ities of age. Some of then;J. havp long been





32 5

sufferers, and their patient hop'efulness and resignation to the Divine will is a precious h.eritage to every member of the'Home. II. Our family num berod one hundred and fifty-eight at the last Annual Report. During' the year fourteen) have been ,admitted, eleven old people and three children. In that period we have lost by death nine. Five children .have been honorably discharged, h~ying reached the age limit. Four adults were discharg-ed, being able to care for them:' selves; six children and three adults were discharged for misconduct, and four children returned to their 'parellts, who were able to care for t.hem or needed their assistance .. Making an increase of fourteen and a decrease of thirty one ; leaving t,he net ~embership one hundred and forty-one, as follows.: Women, thirty-onc; men, thirty-seven; girls, thirty-th,reej, boy~, forty. III. The average age of the sixty-eight old people is, seventy-five. Average age of the men is seventy-nine years and nine months. Average age of the women seventy years and six months. We have fourteen old people of. eighty or over, their average age being eighty-four years and six months. ' IV. All the' children but two are attending the public school: one is atted'ding Barnes Business College, and making a fine record, and one under school age. Those in the public, schools have been doing good work. all having' been advanced in their grades last year. Five of -the older ones are in the High 8ch~01 this year: Twenty-one of the children passed the pummel' with friends or, relatives, and all came, home well and hearty and ready, fOT -their school work. Ou~ children are above the average in intelligence, and all are industrious and willing to work.' The boys have' helped to get the, yard in its present beautiful condition, and they have painted the basement hall and sewing room with a skill equal to many expert painters. The girls are learning embroidery work and' plain and fancy, sewing; several of ,them having made their own dresses. They ar'e taking an interest and pride ~n this work. ' V.

Wfl acknowledge th.e following


Large double lawn swing from Anchor Lodge. City. Baseball outfit for our Horne ninb from Moolah Temple, One lot of bread from Reen Memorial Church. One lot of pies from Central Presbyterian Congregation. One lot of fir~works from Katzky 'Bros.• Druggist. One lot of fireworks frofu The Delmar Leader Dry Goods Store. One lot of fireworks from the Christmas Committee, also watermelons and peaches from the same source. Walnut bedstead from MrR. E. HiIg-en'dorf. One lot of clothing- from Miss PauIi~e LauI,lhein1el'.


3 26


, .' [Sept.

Besides these the Eastern Star Chapters of the State remembered us with liberal offerings on St. John's Day, and Baroee Chapter· gave us a day's sewing, ,in which time theY'finished up four hundred and nin€. pieces for us. Then we were treated to boat rides by the Christmas Committee, and fruits frequently by the various Lodges of the city, and a grand fireworks display the night of the GIOl'ious Fourth, which "ras thor-. oughly enjoyed by every member of the Home. So you see how generously we have been remembered by onr Masonic brethren and Eastern. Star sister~ and other' friends, to all of whom we wish to express the sincere thanks of the entire Home Family, and we pray God's richest b)es~ings upon them all. VI. 'Ve wish to make acknuwledgment of the favorR sl~own us by the Eastern'Star Advisory Committee of the Board of Directors, 'which, early' in May. furnished our tJhird -floor boys and girls with new iron beds, springs and mattresses throughout.' Then in August sent painters to freshen up and rehabilitate all the rooms and halls · of the ehildren's building, and before we had finished finding words to express our appreciation of these favors, :were upon us.again with elegant rugs for. all the boys' and girls' rooms, linoleum for the Governesses' rooms and' beautiful stnps for the nursery floors and jnattings for the hallways ann rubber strips for the stairways. All these things were much .needed; and we are truly grateful for the thoughtful and practical consideration of these good women. In conclusion I would like to say. that "I hope the time is not far distant when Manua.l Training and the science of Domestic EC,onomy may be introduced into the Home, and a training given to the boys and git1.s that. will better enable them to contend in the battle for bread after they leave the' Home. Comi~g out 'of school the boy cannot get It place that pays more than $4.00 or $5.00 per week in office or factory, and that would not support him after he leaves the Home. I think some trades, could- be taught to adv,anta.ge, especially to those who are indifferent to schooJing o'r have a special knack for · mechanics. We give some who display special aptitude a business course of some kind. but the great majority are illy prepared for the struggle of life by the time they are 1601' ~8. Many show mechanical skill, which, if turned to account, '''ould be a great supplement to their schooling. In connection with this subject, 1 enclose a IE>tter and a statement as to the objects of an organization of. the Superilitendents of the ·Masonic Homes of the United States. It seems to me such an organization, with the opportunities to investigate the methods of other State Homes, might be of great benefit; and· should such a move meet with the' approval of thi~ Board, I would request the privilege_ of attending the 'in~eting at Louisville, Ky., in Octobe~.



Appendix. i\l.ASONIC HOlltE OF NEW JERSEY,

Burlington, N. J .. 1907. A number of Superintendents believing such an orga.nization would be a mutual benefit, have expressed a desire to form an Association of Superintendents of l\1a~onic Homes. . Realizing the time it would take to comluunicate individually with the whole number, we, the undersigned, have taken the initiative and have dec-ided upon Louisville, Ky., as the place a.nd October 20th as the time to hold first meeting an:i organize; and to that end you are earnestly and fraternally requested to be present and assist in orgapizing an association. . An ackno\vledgment and information as to probability of attending will be appreciated .• Details in reference to meeting place at L.ouisville will be given later. Please send reply to Stephen Smith. Burlington. N. J. Fraternally yours, DEAR BROTHER:


Superintendent Masonic Home. Budington. N . .1. FRANK RAI~EY. Superi~tendent

Masonic Home and Industrial Institute. Ft. Worth, Texas..

QUESTIONS TO BE' CONSIDERED BY THE ASSOCIATION. 1. . Whenever a Masonic Home is established. is it for the best interest for a deceased brother's chHd to be thrown into intimate association in that establish. ment with aged Masons ano 1\1 asonic widows? 2. In an in~titution of this character, is co-education an advantage to both sexes, as far as discipline', studio~sness and the 'well-being of the female sex is concerned? . 3. In an establishment of this eharader, suppose the number of persons of extreme age equal; that is, the children equal to that of old persons. whose interest is paramount, or can they be conscientiously eonsidered equal? If sO,.as a matter of fairness and justice to the young, if they cannot have different institutionsought not they to be in separate buildings? I . 4. "'here a Roine owns its land, or has to rent it, is farming'a useful adjunct to a Masonic Home; or, in other words, is it preferable to teach our boys farming in a limited way as we have to do, or teach them some tl'ade or avocation by which they may earn better wages ~ 5. Is it just and is it good policj' for the Masonic brethren to .be taxed to maintain the widowed mothers of the children, as well as the children themselve~• • the aged Masons and the. aged Masonic widows 'I 6.' Is it advi~able to have a 8ystematic course of training for' the 'girls in commercial studies, and the practical !5tudies of domestic science and dressmaking, to prepare them for making a livelihood 'I If not. what is a better substitute as It course of training 'I 7. Is it advis~ble to give. the boys a systematic course of training to make them all-round serviceable men, by instructing them in the most practical parts of manual training. such as sloyd work, turning and planing-mill woodwork, instruction in the forge room to learn iron work, and finish up with mechanical drawing, including the making of blue print 'I 8. Is it best to confine our'schoolroom w9rk to the grammar grade of the puhlic school, and then give them some industrial and technical training, or carry them on through the high-school grade of studies ~ 9. Is it advisable to have music taught to the extent that our pupils would be prepared to teach when they leave school. or shall we gO only so far as to have primary teaching sufli~ient to enable the student to play accompaniments for good class singing, which brings life into the Home and enlivens our church services. : 10. I~ kindergarten work. a useful adjunct to the first primary grade in the schoolroom? I





The following were admitted during the year-September 1, 1906, to Septeru ber 1,.1907:



W. y. Inglish . 72 John P. Ross.................... 55 Daniel A. Williams........... 80 James S ..McBride :. 73 l!'rederick speck............... 72 Wm. B. McCall 67 Fred. Matlack ]0 .C ornelia Matlack ..-........... 8 Elizabeth Vancleve _ 79 Hettie Gale I Mary E. Reburn............... 57 James H Worley.............. 73 W. H. Williamsofl . 79 Horace T. Greenhaw...... ·12

ADMITTED.J Sept. Sept. Nov. Nov. Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar('h March April May June July.




. ...:..1_R_E_I'_ID_E_N_c_E_'

1906 Moniteau. No. 295 .Jamestown. 1906 Geo. Washington. No. 9 St Louis. 1906 Samaritan, No. 424 Bonn p Terre. 1906 Pride of the West, No. 179 St. Louts. 1906 Sullivan, No.- 69 Sullivan. ]907 Florence. No. 261 New Florence ]907 Bellefontaine Chapter, NG.69, a.E.S. St. Louis . 1907 BellefontalDe Chapter, No.69. 0 ES. St. r~ouis. 1907 BellefontalDe Chapter, No.69', a ~.S St. Louis. 1007 Occidental, No. ]63 St. Louis. 1907 Naphtall, No. 25 St. Louis. 1907 Hayti, No. 571 Hayti. 1907 California, No. ]83 California. 1907 Fairplay, No. 44 Fairplay.

- - - - - - - - -.. - _ . - - - - - -

The following were expelle~ for bad conduct: _ _ _ _N_I



David Fils1;ead , Olifton Farrow.................. Nannie Riggs , Ethel Beck ' , Amy F. Rherlock Elsie Nell Smith ; Stella Hall .. · i D. W. Hughes I P. H. Tucker




73 !June 1,') Jan. 17 iJune 17 Dec. 16 f;lept. 14 Nov. 17 Aug. 78 JUlie 69 June




19061corner Stone, NO-. 1904 Lebanon, No. 77,Apr. ]902 Weatherby, No. 235 Apr. 1902 Venus Chapter, No. 153, O. E. S. Apr. 1897 Shekinah, No. ~56 Apr. ]903 St. Andrews, No. 96 Apr. 1894 Good Hope, No. 218 Apr. 19011 Laddonia, No. 115 July 1902 Montgomery City. No. 246 JUlY



]907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 119090Z, 1907

The following were discharged,' being able to care for themselves:

IAGE·IADMITT~D·I Geo. A. Burnham David A. Olayton Elizabeth J. Clayton Emmli Dowd·

: .. .. .

46 79

73 54


Apr. June Feb: July




1902!MOberlY, 1902·0ccidental, 1905'Occidental, 1903 Kansas City, j

No. No. No. No.

344 Wl 163 220

Dec. July, July July

1906 1907 1907 ]907

'------ ---'----

The following have been honorably discharged and returned to relatives who are able to care for them, or need tbeir assistance: NAME.

Grace Shearlock ........ May Lef:sley ............... Vera Rose Sinclair...... Mattie Churchill ........




Ac'E·IA~MI~TED·I' 11 15 12 7

Aug. Aug. Aug. Jan.



1902lshekinah, 1896 Higbee, 1898 Marion ville, 1906 Linn Creek, 1


IDISCHARGEIJ. No. 256 .Tune No. 527 July No.. 390 July No. 152 July

- - - - - - _..


1907 1907 1907 1907



1907. ]

The following having reached the~ age limit, were granted an honorable discharge.: I




Ca8sie V. Ross. ... Effie Hoover Hollie E. Frier Chas. W. Overton Joseph E. Doty






18 Aug. ]893' ~ew London, 18 Aug. 1902 Star Lodge, 16 • Mar. 1898 Gond Hope, 16 Nov. . 1901 Missouri, 16 Apr. 1904 Galt.

. . '..



No. 307 Sept. No. 419 Dec. No. 218 Nov. No. l1\1ay No. 423 July

1906 1906 1906 1907 1907

The fo'llowin~ died dur~rig ,the year: NAME.


Ma rion N. Thornton ......... Ch as. A. Brown................. Jam es 1\1. Shoush............, He nrietta Peatt................ Ha rvey F. Wing ............... • Sal' ah Brown .................. Ro bert Barrett.................. Geo . I... Smith.................... Jan e E. White ..................

IOct. Oct. 74 Jan. 66 Nov. 87 Jan. 87 May 82 Feb. 72 Nov. 82




1901 1901 1903 1890 1906 1897 1899 1903 1904




Fairfax, Lock Spring, La Plata, Kansas City, Peneverance, Fayetteville; Philadelphia., St.·Andrews, La,throp, 1

I No. 483 No. 488 No. 237 No. 220 No. 92 No. 264 No· 502 No. 96 No. 506


Oct. Nov. Jan. Feb. Apr. Apr. June July Aug;

1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907




I also submit the Roster of the Family: ROSTER. OF MASONIC HOME FAMILY, SEPTEMBER lST~




Amanda M. Roush . 68 Henry Eilers . 79 Nellie Allen .. 16 DeIJa Allen . . 16 Geo. W.Bailey .. 78 23 Nannie J. Fuqua Nellie S. Butler . 16 Ed ward W. League . 82 Caroline Hueffell .. 71 Annie A. Dubuque . 6S 79' ~~;~~;e to~~~~e~;~i~~::: I 14 Beatrice A. Sam pey .. ·1 20 Hen.ry. Burger . 93 Chnstme Burger . 91 William F. Merrill .. 84 'Minerva '1'. Merrill . 76 Gladys yates . 14 Lillie A. Lindsey . 14 Eliza A. Robinson .. 77 J as. Ed win }<'rier . 11 }<'erd. Dro7. 73 RebBcca Peterson . 71 Arthur J. Clayton . 15 GUY Clayton . 13 Mattie J. Hobbs .. 70 David·P. Watts .. 75 Richard Trotter . 82 Sara Ruth Raymond . 12 Dora F. ~loore . 14 Dollic May M.oore . 12 9 Grace Viola Moore .. Earl F. Griswold . 15 15 Grace A. Raymond .. "'1 Helen .Moffett .. 9 8 William 1I1offett . Harriet Sampey . 61 Finis S. Arnold . 80 Jael A. Stearns . 69 Elizabeth Koberle . 70 Eliza A. Court . 72 O. B. Dooley . 77 . 84 .Johu P.·Phillips . Eliza J. Potter . 71 Vall Buren Vandyke . 77 Thomas H. Pratt . 15 Robert A. Pratt - 12 John W. Schwaner . 7.5 James }<'. Riggs .. 16 Clyde A. Riggs . 13 Clara Lentz . 74 Anna Eliza Lilly .. 78Charles }{uch .. 74 Andrew.J. Hoover .. 14 Logan Hoover . 12 Clydc Jacob Hoover . 10 Charles H. Cottnam . 67 91 John Z. Kent L . Edna Izellll, Beck . 13 MurrieI E. Beck . 8 ·Wa.lte'r A. Brandt . 14 76 'William Butte . . 86 M. P. HenslE·y : Anna E. Gassette .. 71 'ImogeneM. Schult . 12 1

Dec. Dec. May May Aug. March Feb~

May May May Aug. March March Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. May Sept. Nov. March April April April April April June April April April May June July', July Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Dec. .Tan.' Feb. April •Tune June JUne June June Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Dec. Dec. Dec. •Jan. Feb. Feb. April Sept.




1890 18\:12 1893 1893 1893 189! 1896 1897 1897 1897 1897 ]898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1899 1899 ]899 lS!)9 1899 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 190] 1901 1901 1901 1902 190~

1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 ]902 1902 1902 ]902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 ]902 ]903 1903 ]903 1903 1903

Wilson, Lambskin, Composite, Composite, La Belle Shclbina, La Plata, Pride of thE! West, Beacon, Napthali, Friendship, Good Hope, Solomon, Jefferson, Jefferson, Occidental, Occidental, Fulton,

No. 191 No: 460 No. 369 No. 369 No. 222 No. 228 No. 237 No. 179 No. 3 No. 25 No. 89 No. 218 No. 271 No. 43 No. 43 No. 163 No. 163 No. 48

Clarence, 'No. 305 Good Hope, No.. 218 Pride of the West, No: 179 Missouri, 'No. 1'1 Dexter. No. 532 Dexter, No, 532 ! Irondale, No. 143 Lathrop, No. 1'>06 Lexington, -No. ]49 Erwin., No~ 121 Dexter, No. 532 Dexter, No. 532 Dexter. No. 532 Evergreen, No. 27 Erwin. No. 121 Savannah, No. 71 Savannah, ~o. ,71 Solomon. No. 271 Spdalia. No.2Bfi 'Fayette, No. 17 ReaC'on. No. 3 Pride of the West, No. 179 United, No. 5 Jackson, No. 82 Aurora, No. 267 Bntler, No. 254 Sampson, No.2!)8 '~ampson, NO. 298 HempIe, No. 37 Weatherby, No. 285 Weatherby. No. 235 Geo. Washington, No. \') Gate City, No. 522. Richmond, No. 57 Star, No. 419 Star, No.419 Star, No.419 '1'uscan, No. 360 Robert Burns. No 496 Venus Chapter, No. 153, O. E. S. Venus Chapter, No. 153, O. E. S. Geo. Washington, No. 9 Lambskin, No. 460 Howard, No. 4 RandolJ)h Chapter. No. 150. O. E. S, Caruthersv.ille, No. 461

Pocahontas. ,St. Louis. Doniphan. Doniphan. La Belle. Hannibal. La Plata. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. Chillicothe. St. Louis. Springfield. .Jefferson City. Jefferson City. St. Louis. St. Louis. Fulton. Clarence. 8t. Louis. St. Louis. St. IJouis.


Dexter. Irondale Lathrop. Lexington. St. Louis. Dexter. Dexter. Dexter. New Haven. St. Louis. Savannah. Savannah. Spring-field. Sedalia. Fayette. St. Louis. St. Louis. Spring-field. IJinneus. St. Louis. Butler. Lutie. Lutie. Easton. Wpath"erby. Weatherby. St. Louis. Kansas City. Richmond. Taberville. Taherville. Taberville. St. Louis. Gainesville. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis . St. Louis. New Franklin Moberly. Carruth'v'le.


1907. ].


33 1








William D. Schult ...... Gladys M. Goodding ... Hugh B. Goodding ...... Marshall H. Bartlett... Elizabeth A. Bartlett... Lola V. Farrow ............ Laura L. Farrow ......... Joseph Goodspeed ...... Almira M. Davidson ... William C. Luckey...... KateC. Luckey ............ Elizabeth Woodring ... Teresa V. Woodring ... Rufus H. Woodring..... Nancy Sweeney ......... Mary B. Doty ............... Elizabeth J. Doty........ Harry B. Porter ......... Charles R. Porter ......... Norman Shell.............. OttO Shell..... .-............. Fred. C. Cohen ............ Johu C. Hampton ...... George C. Hampton .... Ambrosia J. Perrin ..... Dollie A. Decker ........ Thomas M. Decker. Gus. E. lJecker ........... Elizabeth Carttage Eliza A. Smith ........... Elizabeth Jesse ........... Thomas S. Harrison .. Ella L. Harrison ........ William H. Baird ...... John Baird ................. Ivan H.Baird ........... Mary Baird ................. James M. Clyde ......... Charles' F. Mason ....... John R. Culbertson ... Frank Williams........... George Williams ........ Lester Dewhirst......... Gerald Dewhirst ........ Rex Dewhirst.............



Cora L. Overton ......... Claude L. Hunt ........... Ruth L. Hunt............. Nelson J. Swayze ........ Wm. H. Richardson ... Jessie l~. Appleton ..... Anna A. Linn. Eva K. Linn ............... Frank L. Linn .......... Wiiliam MeR. Linn ..... . Emma. P. Smith........... Rolla A. Lake .............. Roland E. Lake ........... Lawrence E. Lake ...... Geor/!'e F. Cope... ... W. Y. Inglish ............... John P. Ross .............. Daniel A. Williams..... .Tames S. McBride ...... Frederick Speck .........

1903 I Caruthersville. No.46i 1903 Lodg-e of Truth, No.2fi8 No. 268 1903 Lodge of Truth, No. 220 1903 Kansas City, No. 220 1903 Kansas City. No. 77 1904 Lebanon. 190i Lebanon. No. 77 No..522 HI04 Gate City, 1904 .......................................... No. 324 1904 ;'dcDonald, 73 No. 324 72 1904 McDonald. No. 53 12 1904 Weston. ]90'4 No. 53 Weston, . 10 No. 53 1904 Weston. 9 No. 190t Middle Grove. 42 83 No. 423 1904 Gault, 15 No. 423 1904 Gault, 12 No. 107 1904 (jreenville. 14 No. ]07 1904 Greenville, 12 1904 Zalma. No. 545 15 Zalma, No. 545 1904 11 No. 411 1905 Fulton. 67 I Jan. Pride of the WeRt, No. 179 Feb. 1905 13 ]0 Feb. 1905 Pride of the West, No. 179 Feb. 1905 Chillicothe, No. 333 75 No. 463 April ' 1905 Clifton. 14 April ]905 . Clifton. No. 463 11 April 1905 Clifton, No. 463 9 No. 241 March ·1905 Palestine, 65 April 1905 Tuscan Uhapter, No. 63, 0: E.\S. 60 ]!l05 ·Sturgeon. . No. 174 May 80 June 1905 Geo. Washington. No. 9 64 Geo. Washington. No. 9 1905 June 49 No. 481 1905 Marceline. 14 .July ]905 No. 481 J.uly Marceline. 13 July No. 481 1905 Marceline. 10 July No. 481 1905 Marceline. 9 No. 271 Aug.. 1905 Solomon, 75 Sept. 1905 Livingston. No. 51 79 No. 101 Jan. 81 1902\ 'Rogart, Aug. 1905 Clarksburg. No. 553 15 No. 553 Aug: 1905' Clarksburg, 13 • No. 459. Sept. ']905 . HazelWOOd. 15 ~o. 459 1905 Hazelwood, 1~ .I Sept. '9 No. 459 Sept. 1905 Hazelwood, No. 1 Sept. 190.5 Missouri. 15 Sept. ]905 Mlsspuri, No. I 12 Sept. 1905 Mi~souri, No. 1 10 ]2 Sept. ]905 Riddick, No. 361 Sept. ]905 ! Riddick. No. 361 10 No. 316 1906 Rural. 73 'Jan. No. 208 Jan. 1906 Salisbury, ' 74 ]906 Anphor. Jan. No. 443 49 May. ]906 Bellefontaine Chapter. No.69. O.E.S 11 1906 Bellefontaine Chapter, No.69. 0)]. S May 10 :May 1906 Bellefontaine Chapter, No.69,0.E.S 8 1906 Bellefontaine Chapter, No.69,0.ES May 5 Ma); ]906 Cosmos.' No. 282 60 ]3 ]906 Potosi.' No. 131 July July ]906 1 Poto~i. No.. 131 10 l!'l06 Potosi. No. 131 ,8\ July July 190fi Hobert Burns. No. 496 85 Sl"pt. 1906 Moniteau. No. 295 74 50 •Sept. ]906 Geo. Washington. No . g 8] No. 424 Nov. 1906 Samaritan. 73 Nov. 1906· Pride of the West. No. 179 1906 , Sullivan. No. 69 73 Dec. 914 12 83 78 14 11 79 73

Sept. Sept. Sept. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. . Jan. Jan. ,lan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. March April April April April


Carruth'ville. Atlanta. Atlanta. Kansas City. Kansas City. Steel ville. Steelville. Kansas City. Belton . j ndependence Independe~ce

Weston. Weston. Weston. Middle Grove. Wheeling. Wheeling. Greenville. Greenville. Zalma. Zalma. Fulton. St. Louis. St. Louis. Chillicothe. 'Jhayer. Thayer. Thayer. St Charles.• St. Louis. Sturgeon. St. LQuis. St. Louis. Marceline. Marceline. Marceline. Marc'eline. Hpringtield: Glasg-ow. B0gart. Clarksburg. Clarksburg. Seymour. Seymour. Seymour. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. Buffalo. BufTalo. Kansas City. Salisbury. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. Potosi. Potosi. Potosi. . Gainesville. Jamestown. St. Louis. Bonneterre. St. Louis. Sullivan.


33 2





Wm. B. McCall I 68 'I Feb. Fred. l\1atlack· ·· .. 11 Feb. Corhelia "Matlack........ 9 Feb. Elizabeth Vancleve..... 79 March Hettie Gale .. : ! 64 I March Mary E. Heburn /' 58 I' April James H. Worl~y.. 73 :May W. H. Wi1l1am"on...... 79 -June HoraceT. Greenhaw... 12 July ---_ .. _ _ ... _ - -I - - -


1907 1907 1907· 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907

Florence, . No. 261 Bellefontaine Chapter. No.69,O.E. i. Bellefontaine Chapter, No.69.0.E.S. Bellefontaine Chapter, No.69,O.E.S. Occidental. No. 163 Napthali, No. 25 Havti, No.571 California, No. 183 Fairplay, No. 44.

ISt. New Florence. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. Hayti. California. Fairplay.

All of which is fraternally submitted, E. W. DEANE, Superintendent.





1. 1906,


1, 1907.

From Grand Lo~ge•.A. F~ & A. M. ,of 1\1is~ouri , ,$20,732 50 Grand Chapter, Order Eastern Star, :............................ 2,32620 Wreckage of old ·buildin~s '. 250 00 Sale of old junk : ..' ~. 2500 David Cole bequeflt r :. 10000 Helm Chapter, R. A. Masons, Kennett, :Mo.... .. .. .... .. 100 00 Total


Which I have paid to Campbell WeJIs,


For .. ", ,. " ". .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~.

.. .. .. .• .. .. ..

.. ..


Treasurer~ and


hold his receipts for



groceries, meats and vegetables' : $ 9,7~7 04 clothing, shoes and dry goods.. .. .. .... 2,801 94 school supplies and sundries for inmates ~. . .. .. . . . . .. .. 504 72 business education for. inmates , :. . . .. .. 83 81 . fuel. light and ice 3.092 40 medicine and dentistr.y :.... 835 45 hil'ed help " :~. 4',483 93 laundry work : .. : . '" " . 1,479 59 Superintendent's and Matron's salary :............................. 1,500 00 Secretary's salary " " .. . . . .. .. 600 00 physician's :salary :..... .. 600 00 Director's expenses : /........ 478 10 fllneral expenses '.' : !.: . . . . . . . . . . . 223 50 disinfectants ( '......... 141 25 telephones "...... 173 76 board of horse ;. 159 50 rent of safb deposit box................................................... 500 testimonial to Superintendent Redd .... .... . . . . ... . ... .. . .... .. .. .. . . . . 20 00 examination of books and accounts of officers.......................... 4000 water license " " :. 106 50 expense,;, Bates Co. bank suit :-....................... 155 00 expenses, Nevada suit :... .. 131 00 improvement of grounds .: _ .' 3,67924 building'S and repairs..................................................... 1,173 00 furniture and crockery " . . . . . . . .. 213 81 range ,............................... 175 00 J. L. Kirkendall (donor Kirkendall Fund) '.... 35000 insurance :: 1.32000 printing and postage : : .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 22 55 $34;336 09 Fraternally submitted, .JOHN R. PARSON, Secreta1·Y.








6, 1906, T? SEPTE~IBER 1, 1907. RE9EIPTS.



6, Six months' interest on J. A. Ford loan $ 75 00 8, Cash from John R. Parson, Grand Secretary 20,62250 18, One year's interest on Henry Day loan. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 480 00 . 30, .. .. C. E. Roberts loan................... 135 00 November 22, Six months' interest on Jasper County Bonds.............. '37 50 December 5, Balance interest on G. D. McClain loan..................... 128 90 22, Cash from F. J. Tygard. former Treasurer................. 1,225 90 27, John R. Parson, Secretary (0. E. S.) 2,326 20. 31, Six months' interest on F. P. 'Valsh loan. .. .. 90 00 31, .. .. Hamilton loan...................... 35000 : "






23, One year's interest on A. F. Clements loan................. 28, .. Chester Naylor loan.:~ ...... ........ 15,' .. }<~. ·E. Reed loan......................

.. Mat Clements loan. ..





April May June

4, 4, 11, 11, 11. 11, 11, 18, 18, 18, '18, 19, 19, 26, I, 12, 21, 24, 3,

5, 6. July August

22, 28, 22,

8, 23, 31,

.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. James Frazier loan " A. H. Brewer 10aIi.: , ........ : .. .. E. A. Scott loan.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . Interest on Henry County Bonds............................ Six months' interest on H. A. Benoist loan.. . . . .. . .. .... Balance fo,rmer Treasurer in Hamilton Bank ,......... .. State National Bank. . . . . . . . . One year's interest on J. Knoch loan :.... .. .. Frank Armstrong loan.............. Cash from wrecking old buildings...... .. sale of junk...................... .. . .. . .. Balance interest on Henry County Bonds................... Interest on deposits from Third National Bank............ One year's interest on Pendleton loan and compound Int.. Six months' interest on J. A. Ford loan..................... Balance interest on Butler Loan and Trust Co. loan .. ,. . . . Bequest from .David Cole. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. •.. .... . .. . .. . .. . . . Donation' from Helm Chapter, R. A. M., Kennett, Mo...... Cash from sale of horse.. .. ... .... . . . . . . .... . . ... . .. .. .. .. . ... Six months' interest on Mausshardt loa'n................... One year's interest on W. S. '''itt loan...................... Cash from' sale of furniture .' ,.... La Plata Lodge, No. 29, O. E. S ;..... Six months' interest' on F. P. Walsh loan................... .. Hamilton loan...................... Cash from John R. Parson; borrowed money............... Back dues from Grand Lodge : .. .. .. One year's interest on W. E. Day note.. .. .. Interest on daily balances.................................... Amount overdrawn Total



30000 282 00 18000 210 00 150 00 180 00 240 00 8000 225 00 530 00 242 94 48 00 15000 250 00 25 00 20 00 9709 153 90' . 75 00 17 17 100 00 100 00 80 00 187 50 27000 50 12 5 00 9000 35000, 3,939 33 110 00 255 00 96 61 1,40698'

$35,967 64


1901. ]





1906. October

8, By Warrant No. 1, Third NationalBank, St. Louis note .. $ 15, .. . 2, Current ExpensE). Fund . 15... 3, E. B. Redd, Supt.: salary.: . 15, .. 4, Louis Scbaef~r, meat .. ~ ' . 15, .. 6, Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., groceries. 15, .. 8, Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co., ice & coal. 15, .. 5, Branch Steam Heating Co., plumbing 15, .. 9.llofmaull Bros.ProduceCo.,groceries 16, .. 10. Union Dairy Co., milk . ' 17, .. 11, Current Expense Fund . 20, .. 12, Jamison & '1'homafl, expense and COlll·t.COStS . 29,-. .. 7, James L. Kirkendall, expenses. : . .. 29 , 14. National La'undry Co.,.lau ndry . 29, .. 13, R. 1\1. Davis, grading . November 1, .. IS, Geo.E. Kassler & Co., improvement of ground.s : . 10, .. 17, Gilsonite Construction Co.. improvement of grounds .. 10, .. 18, Current Expense l.'und . 10, .. 19,. Hofmann Bros. Prod uee Co.• groceries 10, .. 20, 1';. B. Hedd, Supt., salary . ~ . 12, .1 22, J. A. Weifert, medicine . 12, .. 23, Louis Schaefer, Ineat.: .. " . 12. .. 21, Welle-Boettler Bakery Co., bread . 12, .. 29, Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., groceries. 12, _" 27. '1'. J. Reid Shoe Co., shoes . 17, .. 26. Carleton Dry Goods Co., dry goods . 17, .. 25, Famous. clothing .. 17, .. 24, Union Dairy Co., mil·k . 17, .. 28, Joe Carroll, improvement of grounds 17, .. 30, Geo. E. Kessler & Co.. improvement of grounds . December 3, .. 32, Geo. E. Kessler & .Co., improvement of grounds . 6, .. 31, F. Scharnitz, Collr., water license . 7, .. 16, Geo. Eo Kessler & Co., improvement • of grounds . 7. .. 35, E. B: Redd, Supt., hired help, etc .. 7, .. 33, E. B. Redd. Supt.. salary .. 7, .. 34, Current Expense Fund , . 8 .. 36, H'ofmann Bros. Produce Co., groceries 8 .. 39, '1'. J. Heid Shoe Co., shoes .. 10, .. 38~ National Laundry Co., laundry . 10, .. 37, Louis Schaefer, meat ..•.......' '. 12, .. 40. Welle-Boettler Bakery Co., bread .. 12, .. 41, Union Dairy Co., milk .. 12, .. 42, Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co., fueL . 12, .. 43. Famous, clothing, .. 14, .. 45, Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., 2'roceries. 14, .. 44, Carleton Dry Goods Co., dry goods .. 18, .. 46, Union Electric Light & Power Co., light , . 19... 47, M, H. Alexander, funeral of Mary D. Poncrey .



2,000 00 1.00000 12500 22106 280 65 71 27 7900 11690 100 32. 50000 81 05' , 35000 10857 133 75 4900 1,953 40 1,000 00 9066 12500 51 33 22583 61 24 29543 9995 235 91 128 07 lQ904 15890 133 90 168 43 5700 9975 ~39 75 125 00 1,000 00 107 41 10296 245 1( 207 15 56 12 107 31 264 59 5737 22097 148 11 100 89 7400

336 . 1907





'8, By Warrant No. 50, Polar Wave lee & :lNlel Co., coal: $ 23297 8. . . 49, E. B. Redd, Supt., salary , 125 00 8, 51, ~. }<'. Lambe & Co., repairs . 5555 8, ' .. 48, Hofmann Bros.ProduceCo., ~roceries 9489' 11, 52, Louis Schaefer, meat . 21739 ,\ 53, Welle-Boettler Bakery Co.; bread . 6168 12. 54, Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., groceries. 17609 12, HO 49 55. Union Dairy Co.• milk .. 14. 14', 75 18 56, J. A.Weifert, medicine . 58, Current Expense Fund . 50000 16, 16, 105 50 57. Singer Bros. Cloak Co., dry ~oods . 59, Union Electric Li~ht & Power Co.• 16, 11824 light . 11866 60, Hofmann Bros. Produce Co., grocerics Fcbruary . 7, " 7. .. 63. Current Expense Fund . 1.000 00 125 00. 62. E. B. Redd. Su~t.• salary . 7. " 221 14 61, Louis Schaefcr. meat . 8. " 64', National Laundry Co., laundry . 2.'>052 8, " 8, .. 5984 66, Welle·Boettlcr Bakery Co.• bread . 17500 68, Wrought Iron Ran~e Co., one range .. 11. " 11, .. 125 00 65, Branch Steam Heating Co.• repairs .. 11. .. 108 37 67, Union Dairy Co.• milk .. 85 46 . 69. Carleton Dry Goods Co., dry goods .. 14. " .18... 73. Scudders-Gale Grocer Co.• groceries . 187 09 72, Union Electric Light & Power Co., 18, " lor 36 light : . 18, .. 20679 71, Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co., coal. . . 163 20 74.·H. J. Heinz Co., grocerics 19. " 25, .. 75, D. A. Ju,mison. Bates County B'ank 10000 Case . 5 .. 76. Scott & Bowker. W. H. Smith Estate March Case . 5000 77. E. B. Redd. Supt.. t.salary.~ . 125 00 8, " 8, .. 78. Current Expense Fund . 1.000 00 8 .. 79, Hofmann Bros: Produce Co.• groceries 114 31) . 9 .. 80. Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co.• coal . 23542 9 .. 81, Union Dairy Co.• milk . 10921 9, .. 1105( " •82. National Laundry Co.• laundry .......• 12. .. 86. Louis Schaefer. meat . 195 15 84. Welle-Bocttler Bakery Co.• bread .. 5936 12, " 14. .. 83. T V. RQss, dentistry . 5500 '14, .. 85, Barn~s Business College. tuition . 75 46 ,•. 87. Union Electric Light.& Power Co.: 15, " 96 02 light . 16, ., 179 98 88. Scudders·Gale Grocer Co.• groceries. 19. .. 70, EndoWIilcnt Fund .' .. 2,000 00 89. 'Veber Nursery Co., improvement of '28, grounds ~ . 6625 90. Citizens Insurance 00.• insurance . 1,320 00 April 8. " 8 .. 92. Hofmann Bros. Produce Co.• groceries 114 23 8 .. 91, T. J. Reid Shoe Co.• shoes . 107 64 94. E. W.,Deane. Supt.• hired help, etc, .. 441 37 8. " 8.•• 95. E. 'V. Deane, Supt., salary . 125 00 96, National Laundry Co., laundry . 9; " 124 7Q.



1907. ] April

12, 12. 12, 16. 16• 16• 17•





10. By Warrant No.


2. '2• 2• 2• 2• 2., 2, 2, 2 9 10 13. 13. 13. 14,

.. .... ...

. .... .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

is, .. 15,



3. . . 4,


4. . .

4 4

.. ..







4. .. 10, .. 11, 12. 12. .. 13, .. IS, .. 23.•• 23. .. 23, .. 24, ," 24 .. 25 .. 25, ., 25. . . 27, .. 27. ' .. 30, .. 30, .. 31. ..

G. L. Ap.-22

97. 99, 98, .. 100, .. 101. .. . 102. .. 104, .. 103. 93,

Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co., coal.. $ Louis Schaefer. meat , . Welle-Boettier Bakery Co.• bread ...• Carleton Dry Goods Co.• dry goods .. Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., groceries Union Electric Light Co.• light . Current'Expense }<~und . Union Dairy Co.• milk .. Worrell Mfg. Co .

.. 106, John R.Parson, Secretary. salary .. .. '105, F. Scha~nitz. Collector:, water license. .. 107, Drs. Robinson and Leggat. salary . .. 108, H. J. Heinz Co.• groceries . .. 111, Hofmann Bros.ProduceoCo.• groceries .. 109, E. W. Deane, Supt., help. etc . .. 113, 1\1. H. Alexander, funeral of Sarah Brown . .. 110, E. W. Deane. Supt., salary . .. 112. 'W. F. Lambe Co.• plumbing . .. 115. Current Expense Fund . .. 11(. National Laundry Co., laundry . .. 119. Carleton Dry Goods Co., dry goods .. .. 116. Polar 'Vave Ice & Fuel Co.• coaL .. .. 120, Scudders-Gale Gro. Co., groceries . .. 118, Grafeman Dairy Co., milk . .. 117. Saner &; Felter, repair::; on roofs. etc ., .. 121. Union Elec. Light & Power Co.• light. .. .. .. .. .. .. (. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. ..' •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

337 13968 191 00 5928 11634 26439 71 02 50000 10682 54 50 5000 4950 5000 6789 133 38 439 82 10900 12500 9650 50000 126 15 10982 9205 24399 10572 36155 68 75

122. John R. Parson. Secretary, salary . 5000 123. Fischer Meat Co.• meat '185 58 124, Drs. Robinson & Laggat. salary . 5000 4!l4 33 125. E. W. Deane, Supt.. help. etc . 12500 126. E. W. Deane. Supt.. salary . 10194 127, Hofmann Bros.ProduceCo.• groceries 128, Welle-Boettler Bakery Co;. bread . 6828 129. Fischer Meat Co.. meat ' , 197 76 131. Current Expense Fund . 50000 1ilO, National Laundry Co.• laundry :. 156 10 133. Dodson-Braun Mfg. Co.• groceries . 56 15 132. Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co., ice . 74 69 135. Scudders-Gale Grocer Co.• groceries, 23262 74 34 134. Carleton Dry Goorls Co., dry goods .. 5529 136. Union Electric Light Co.. li~ht . 138, E. W. Deane. Supt.• salary . 12500 139. Current Expense l<'und . 1.000 00 409 35' 137. E. W. Deane. Supt.. help, etc . 61 70 140, Hofmann Bros. Prod nce Co.. groceries 13690 141. Fischer Meat Co., meat . 88 20 143. T. J. Reid Shoe Co., shoes .. 241 23 144, C. H. Denniston. carpentry . 4900 142, T. W. Ross, dentistry , .. 5812 146. Welle-Boettler Bakery Co., bread .. 11902 147, National Laundry Co., laundry•...... 151 82 149, Scurlders-Gale Grocer Co., groceries. 148, Carleton Dry Goods Co., dry goods .. 7856 57'60 145, Schmitz & Shroder. clothing .

338 August




I, By Warrant No. 150, Gmfeman Dairy Co., milk ' $ 22252 I, .. .. 151. G. H. Zollmann & Co., groceries. 68 92 6 . E. W·. Deane. Supt., salary............ 125 00 6, .. .. 152, E. W. Deane, Supt., help, etc..... .... ~51 17 7, .. .. 154, Hofmann Bros. Produce Co. ,groceries . 106 57 17, .. .. 157, National Laundry Co., laundry....... 1a309 17, .. .. 160, W~lle-Boettler Bakery Qo., bread.... 6032 17 .. 159, Grafeman Dairy Co., milk............ 10928 20, .. .. 161, J. A. Weifert. medicine............... 74 60 21, .. .. 156, Polar Wave Ice & Fuel Co.• coal & ice. 7897 21, .. .. 155. Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., groceries. 193 90 21, .. .. 158. }<'ischer Meat Co., meat '" . 113 3~ $35,967 64


1907. ]


REPORT OF ACCOUNTANT. ST. LOUIS, Mo.• September 16, 1907. Sol. E. Waggoner, Esq., Ohairman Auditing Oommittee, Board of Directors, of Masonic Home. St. Louis, Mo.:

DEAR SIR: I have examined the books and reports of the Secretary and Treasurer of the Masonic Home from date of the last examination, September. 1906, to September I, 1907, a~d have found them correct. with proper vouchers for receipts and payments. The following is the financial statement to September I, 1907: RECEIPTS. Balance on hand, September 1,1906, as per report From Grand Lodg-e From Grand Chapter, Eastern Star From bequest David Cole , ' }<'rom gift, Helm Chapter, R. A. M From gift. La Plata Chapter, 0 E. S From interest on investments From Hamilton Bank !\.ccount. former Treasurer From State National Bank Account, former Treasurer From wreckage of old building From sale of junk ; From sale of horse From sale of furniture : From borrowed money From borrowed money : ...........•.......' :

$ 1,596 92


: :

Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20,73250 2,326 20 100 00 100 00

500 5,17867 53000 24294

25000 2500 8000 5012 3,93933 2,041 67

$37 , 198 35

PAYMENTS. Loan Third National Bank Loan ; Expenses of Home Excess of payments over receipts


: :

2.000 00

2,000 00 ,. 34,514 53 $38,514 53 $ 1,316 18

Due Campbell Wells, 'rreasurer ,....... . .. 1,406 98 In hands of Secretary.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 80 . Net over draft

$ 1,316 18

Very truly yours, W. K. SPINNEY. Public Accountant.




ENDOWMENT FUND. Statement of securities belonging to the Endowment Funds of the Masonic Home of Missouri, September 1. 1907. Notes secured by real estate. first mortgage. 4~% ,. S 10.000 00 Notes secured by real estate, first mortgage. 5%........................... 21.500 00 Notes secured by real estate. first mortgage. 6%........................... 77,q35 00 Notes secured by real estate. first mortgage. 7%. 65000 Cash on hand September 1.1907.............................................. 1,58094--_.Total : , $111,365 94 These securities belong to the Endowment Funds as follows: Knights Templar Endowment Furid $ James L. Kirkendall Endowment Fund..................................... T. W. Higgins Endowment .l<'und.... Masonic Home Certificate Endowment Fund......................... James W. Harrison Endowment Fund _.......................... W. H. Smith End.owment Fund.......... General Endov,'ment Fund :............... Total


35.111 0013,150 00

5.000 001,11760-

1,200 ()(} 3,85000 51.934- 34-

$111,365 94

All of the above securities are kept b~' the Pinance Committee in the safe deposit box in the vaults oftbe Mississippi Valle~ Trust Co., St. Louis. Mo., rented by the Masonic Home. access to wbich can be had only by tbe presence of two or more members of the Finance Committee, or one of said Committee: accompanied by the President or Secretary of the Masonic Home, with the exception of $6,300 in notes, which are a part of the original Kirkendall Fund, and were left in the vault of the- Hamilton Savings Bank, at Hamilton, Mo., by agreement with Mr. Kirkendall. The cash on hand is deposited in the Third National Bank, St. Louis. Mo., to the credit of the Endowment Fund, dra\ving 2% interest on daily balances, said interest being paid to the Treasurer of the Home. • Respectfully. CAMPBELL WELLS, Chairman Finance Oommittee. To HON. NOAH M. GIVAN, President of the Masonic Home.

1907. ]


34 1


MASONIC ,HOME路 OF MISS路OUR!. This Agreement, made and entered into May 12, 1886, by and between RUFUS E. ANDERSON, JOS. S. BROWNE, REUBEN BARNEY, ALEXANDER M. DOCKERY, TRUSTEN P. DYE~t, ERWIN路 ELLIS, NOAH M..GIVAN, LOUIS C. KRAUTHOFF, WILLIAM H. MAYO, ROBERT F. STEVENSON, FLAVIUS J. TYGARD, JOHN D. VINCIT, and CHARLES C. WOODS. Witnesseth: That said parties, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements, each with the other hereinafter made, and of the mutual benefits to accrue to them thereby, do hereby agree to and with each other, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigDf~, as follows.: First: NAME. That there is hereby orgaplzed a corporation named MASONIC HOME O},' MISSOURI. Second: MEMBERSHIP. That the Membership of said corporation shall consist solely路 of thirteen Master Masons in good standing and Members of Missouri Lodges; that said membership shall consist of the above named incorporators until October '12, 1886, and until their respective successors are elected and aSSUqle their duties; that the successors of said incorporators shall be chosen in three classes, two of which shall be of four members each, and the third of five members; and such classes shall be chosen, respectively, for the term of one, two and three years, and thereafter the designated number of new memoers shall be annually elected for the term of three years; that the members shall be chosen by the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons, or in the ev.ent of the failure of that body to elect, by the above incorporators or their successors, whose term of office have not expired, or by a majority of them; that vacancies among the members sha:II be filled for unexpired terms in the same manner as originally elected; that the members, or anyone of them, may be removed by resolution of said Grand Lodge. 'l.'hird: BOARD OF DIRECTORS. That the Board of Directors shall be constituted ex-officio of the members of the corporation; that the Board' of Directors shall make, amend or repeal the By-Laws and Home rules: fill vacancies am~)llg the members until the following Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge on the first, Tuesday after the second Monday of October of each year; elect, and for cause, remove the officers, fill official vacancies. and conduct the business. affairs of the . corporation. Fourth: OFFICERS. That the officers shall consist of a President, a VicePresident, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Superintendent, and such subordinate officers as may be provided from time to time by the Board of Directors; that

34 2



the PresiOent, Vice-President and Treasurer shall, respectively, be members of the Board of Directors; that the terms of office shall be for one year, unless a shorter time be specified at the 'time of election; that the officers may be removed for cause by the Board of Directors; that vacancies in offi<:~ shall be filled by the Board; that CHARLES C.WOODS shall be President, ROBERT F. STEVR""SON, Vice-President; FLAVIUS J. TYGARD, Treasurer, and LnUIS, C. KRAUTHOI<'F, Secretary, until October 12, 1886, and until t,heir respective suceessors are ele<;ted and assume their official duties. Fifth: OBJECTS. That the objects of said corporation shall be to establish' and maintain a Home for indigent Masons of Missouri, and for l'esident needy widows and orphans of deceased Masons, and to receive by donation, devise, bequest, gift or purchase, and to hold such property and conduct such business as may be necessary for the successful maintenance of said Home. In Testimony Whereof, said parties have hereunto set their respective hands and seals. Done at the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri-, on May 12, 1886.








Clark do do do do - do do


............................ ........................... ......................... :. ............ : ........................... ............ : ...........................

167 180 290 318 362 436 588

Name,of Lodge.

Scotland............. do do

16 Memphis 72 Gorin 572 Rutledge

Schuyler do do do

244 Middle .Fabius 259 Lodge of Love 380 Queen City 427 Glenwood




Revere Des Moines Fairmount Eldorado , Hiram Gothic " St. Francisville

Revere. Athens. Wyh.conda. Luray. Kahoka. Alexandria. St. Francisville. ,

Memphis. Gorin. Rutledge. Downing. ~.Lancaster.

Queen City. Glenwood.


Adair do do do Knox do do do do

:.................. :

105 Kirksville 319 Paul ville 366 Adair 583 Novinger

Kirksville. Brashear. Kirksville. Novinger.

6 168 181 291 414

Newark. Colony. Novelty. Edina. Greensburg.

Ark Colony Novelty Edina Greensburg







Putnam do do. .. do


Sullivan......................... do do do do do i do




Name of Lodge.

171 206 210 394

Hartford Somerset.. Unionville Lucerne

IIartford. Powersville. Unionville. Lucerne.

32 126 159 190 349 389 540

Humphreys Seaman Green City Putnam Pollock Arcana : Winigan

Humphreys. Milan. Green City. Newtown. Pollock. Harris. Winigan.



Grundy do do do

111 253 423 524



Trenton l,aredo (J路alt Spickardsville

35 Mercer 258 Ravanna


Trenton. I~aredo.

Galt. Spickard. Princeton. Ravanna.


Harrison........................ do do : do do do

97 128 257 328 395 556

Bethany Lorraine Lodge of Light Cainesville Hatfield Prairie :

Bethany.. Ridgeway. Eagleville. Cainesville. Hatfield. Gilman Oity.






Gentry........................... do do do ~ do do do do Worth........................... do ;.. do do

Name oj Lodge.

Havana Stanberry Gentryville Athens Alanthus 377 Ancient Craft 378' Berlin 447 Jacoby


McFall. Stanberry. Gentryville. Albany. Alanthus Grove. King City. Berlin., D.arlington.

21 109 125 127 252

66 Grant City 88

: :


198 Allensville 321 Jonathan


Grant City. Sheridan. Allendale. Denver.


Nodaway do do do do do ,do . : do do '


50 165 196 201 289'

301 329 ~

8.0 . :do do do ,do

442 465 470 472 :. 474 507 511

Xenia : : Maryville Quitman Ravenwood Graham 'Vhite Hall.. J(ennedy Burlington Gaynor City Nodaway Pickering Guilford Clearmont Skidmore

Hopkins: Maryville. Quitman. Ravenwood. Graham. Barnard. Elmo. Burlington Junct. Parnell. Maryville. Pickering. Guilford. Clearmont. Skidmore.


Atchison do do do


157 North Star 200 Sonora 358 North-'Vest.. 483 Fairfax

Rockpo'tt. Vir atson.

Tarkio. Fairfax.


. [Sept.


34 6 Eighth District Continued.] County.

Holt do do do


1]2 ;.. 139 214 294

Name of Lodge.

Maitland Oregon . Forest City Mound City



Maitland. ' Oregon. Forest City. Mound City.


Andrew........................ do do do : do do

71 138 162 248 404 413

Savannah Lincoln 路Whitesville Rochester Rosendale Vailey

Savannah. Fillmore. 'Vhitesville. IIelena. Rosendale. Bolcko~.

Buchanan do do do do do do do do

10 22 78 150 -189 238 331 376 508

Agency Wellington St. Joseph Birming Zeredatha Rushville Charity King Hill Saxton

Agency. De Kalb. St. Joseph. Halleck. St. Joseph. Rushville. St. Joseph. So. St. Joseph. SaxtoJl.


De Kalb do do do do do



Daviess.......................... do do do :..................... do do do

124 235 308 317 454 559

Union Star Union Star. Weatherby Weatherby. Parrott............... .. Maysville. Osborn Osborn. ContinentaL Stewartsville. Clarksdale ' Clarksdale.

15 65 106 285 488 500 564

Western Star Pattonsburg Gallatin Earl Lock Spring J arneson Jamesport

'.Winston. Pattonsburg. Gallatin. Coffeysburg. Lock Spring. J arneson. Jamesport.








Clay.............................. do do do do do Cli~ton

do do do do

3] 49 193 207 311 438

Name of Lodge.


Liberty Holt Angerona Clay· Kearney Temperan<;:e

Liberty. Holt. Missouri City. Excelsior Springs_ :Kearney. :..Smithville.

37 Hem fJle 62 Vincii .. ~ 113 Plattsburg 397 GOvier 506 Lathrop

HeIllple. Cameron. Plattsburg. Go"'er. Lathrop.


CaldwelL do do do do do Livingston do do do do do do do

Kingstop Braymer Hamilton 232 Polo 334 Breckenridge 561 Cowgill. : 118

135 224

89 155 170 333 388 434 :.. 505 5H9


Friendship Spring HilL Benevolence . Chillicothe Chula ·V\Theeling Avalon Dawn

Kingston. Braymer. Hamilton. Polo. Breckenridge. Cowgill. Chillicothe. Spring Hill. Utica. Cbillicoth~.

Chula. '" ·Wheeling. Avalon. Lurllow.


Linn.............................. 82 Jackson : do 86 Brookfield 227 Cypress · do

Linneus. Brookfield. Laclede. .



Appendix. Thirteenth District Continued.) County.


Linn do do do

233 325 481 510

Name of Lodge.

.Bucklin Dockery: Marceline Biswell


Bucklin. Meadville. Marceline. Browning.


Macon do do do do do do


:........ 38 Callao 102 Bloomington 146 . McGee 172 Censer 237 La Plata 268 Lodge of Truth ,. 332 Excello


Shelby........................... . do : do do do :.

96 St. Andrew's Shelbina 305 Clarence ~ 415路 Hunnewell 537 Betbel.. 228

Callao. Bevier. College Mound. :.Macon. La Plata. Atlanta. Excello. Shelbyville. Shelbina. Clarence. Hunnewell. Bethel.,


Le~is do do do do do do


24 .W yaconda

La Grange.

58 Monticello 222' La Belle 287 Craft


370 Williamstown 494 Lewisto\vn 577 Ewing

Marion........................... 18 Palmyra do 28 St. John do 188 Hannibal. do 502 Philadelpbia

:.La Belle. Canton. Williamstown. Lewistown. Ew.ing. Palmyra. Hannibal. Hannibal. Philadelphia.


Pike.................. do do

14 Cyrene 17 Clarksville



Eolia. Clarksville. Louisiana.


1907·1 Sixteenth District oOontinued. J County.

Pike do do do Ralls......... do do

Phrenix Frankford Pike Paynesville

33 Ralls 302 Lick Greek 307 New London


349 .


Name of Lodge.


136 ,.. 192 399 499


Bowling Green. Frankford. Curryville.




Centre. Perry. New London.


Monroe.......................... do do do do 01.0 01.0 do do

19 23 42 64 91 223 240 462 fi92

Paris Union Florida Middle Grove Monroe : Madison ; Woodlawn Granville Santa Fe Stoutsville

Paris. Florida. Middle Grove. ;Monroe City. Madison. Woodlawn~

Granville. Santa Fe. Stoutsville.



Randolph....................... do. .. do do do . do do do

30 151 161 186 344 486 527 541

Huntsville Milton ; .Clifton Hill . Morality Moberly Cairo Higbee JacksonVille


Firth. Clifton Hill. Renick. Moberly. Cairo. Higbee. Jacksonville.


Chariton .do : do


73 Eureka 74 'Varren : 122 Triplett

Brunswick. Keytesville.· Triplett.





Nineteenth District Oontinued.) No. Oounty.

Chariton do do . do do do

Name of.Lodge.

202 \Vestyille 208 Salisbury




Rothville 498 Pee Dee : 525 Cunningham 546 Prairie HilL




Westville. Salisbury. Rothville. Musselfork. Sumner. Prairie Hill.


Carroll........................... do do :................. do do

39 DeWitt 52 'Vakanda 101 Bogard 216 Hale · 249 Carroll

De..W itt. Carrollton. Bogard. :Hale City. Norborne.

Ray.............................. do do do do , do '

57 309

Richmond. Knoxville. Bardin. Millville. Lawson. Orrick.


338 393 444

Richmond King Hiram Hardin Myrtle Bee Hive Ada



Platte. do do do do do ,do do

13 Rising Sun 53 Weston 120 . Compass 169 Camden Point.. 204 Rowley 339 Fidelity 355 Adelphi... '504 Platte City :

Barry. Weston. Parkville. CamdenPoint. Dearborn. Farley. Edgerton. Platte City.



do do do

76 Independence Heroine 219 Albert Pike '" 220 Kansas City : 104

Independence. Kansas City. Kansas City. Kansas City.


] 907.1 Twenty-Second District Oontinued. ) No. County.

Jackson do do do do do do do do do do do do

263 299 316 324 337 340 391 392 446 501 522 , 547 563

35 1

Name of JAdge.

Summit.. Temple Rural.. McDonald Rlue Springs Westport Rayto\vn Christian Ivanboe ;: Buckner Gate City South Gate York



Lee's Summit. Kansas City. Kansas City. Independence Blue Springs. Kansas City. Raytown. Oak Grove. Kan~as City. Buckner. Kansas City. Kansas City. KansasCity.




Lafayette........................ do : d(j' do , do do

61 Waverly 149 Lf~xington 364 I1iggiilsville 437 Lafayette 464 Aullville 476 Mount Hope

; ,

Waverly. Lexington. Higginsville.' Corder. Aullville. Odessa.


Saline do do .. do do do do do do


55 63 85 205 217 275 402 518 560

Arrow Rock Cambridge l\liami. Trilumina Barbee Tranquillity Malta .' OrientaL NelsoD

Arrow Rock. Slater. Miami. Marshall. Sweet Springs Orearville. Malta Bend. Blackburn. Nelson.


35 2





Cooper................... do de do do Howard do do do


Name of Lodge.

36 Cooper 14~ Pleasant Grove 277 vVm. D. Muir 456 Wallace 503 Prairie Home . 4 . 47 . 51 . 70

Morg'an do do

Boonville. Ottervill~.

Pilot Grove. Bunceton. Prairie Home.

Howard Fayette Livingston Armstrong

New Franklin. Fayette. Glasgow. Armstrong.

117 Versailles Glensted 591 Barnett

Versailles. Glensted. Barnett.



Centr~lia Rocheport Twilight Ashland Sturgeon Hallsville Ancient Landmark 455 . Hinton

Boone do do do do do do do


67 114 156 174 336 356

Centralia. Rocheport. Columbia. Ashland. Sturgeon. Hallsville. Harrisburg. I1inton.


Audrain.......... do do . do do do do


81 115 266 354 491 544

CentraL Laddonia SociaL Hebron VandaJia Mexico 580 Houston


Young's Creek. Laddonia. ' Martinsburg. Mexico. Vandalia. Mexico. Gant.



Twenty路Seventh 'District Continued.] County. No.

Callaway........................ do do . do .: do do do

353 . Location.

Name of Lodge.

8 Williamsburg Fulton : New Bloomfield Portiand 357 Aux Vasse 565 Tebbetts 585 Shamrock

Williamsburg. Fulton. New Bloomfield. Readsville. Aux Vasse. Tebbetts. Shamrock.

48 60 242


Montgomery do do do do " do . .

:............ 178 Griswold 194 Wellsville : -246 MontgomcryCity 261 Florence 457 Jonesburg 492 Daggett..

Bellflower. Wellsville. Montgomery City New Florence. Jonesburg. McKittrick.


Lincoln..................... 34 Troy do 75 Silex do 199 New Hope : -do ,.. 270 New Salem do 409 Louisville do : , 473 ~ineveh do 558 Moscow


Troy. Silex. Elsberry. Winfield Louisville, 01ney.路 Moscow Mills.


St. Charles............... do do

'\Ventzville Palestine 260 Mechanicsville.. : 46


Warreri :...................... G. L. Ap.-23




Wentzville. St. Charles. Mechanicsville. WriglitCity.







Name of Lodge.


COle.I............................. 43. Jefferson: do 90 Russellville ~ 211 Hickory Hill.. do

Jefferson City. Russellville. Hickory Hill.

Miller : : do

Olean. Eldon.


']34 381

Moniteau do do do


Olean Ionia

:....... 56 Tipton 183 California 295 Moniteau 553 Clarksburg

Osage do

185 326


Tipton. California. Jamestown. Clarksburg.


Chamois I,inn .:

Chamois. Linn.


Franklin do do do do do do do

路................ ,...


27 Evergreen 69 Sullivan 173 Gray ~ummit.. 251 Hope 363 Fraternal.. , 534 Columbia 575 EafSter 593 Union ~

Gasconade..................... 123 Hermann do' 584 Red Bird

New Haven. Sullivan. ,.. Gray Summit. Washington. Robertsville. Pacitic. St. 路Clair. Union. Hermann. Red Bird.



St. Louis City do do do do do do do'

.. .. .. . . .. .. .


D. D. G. M., ST. LOU.IS.

1 Missouri.. 2

3 9 20 25 40


: St. Louis. Meridian St. Louis. Beacon Sf. Louis. George vVashington St. Louis. St. Louis St. Louis. Naphtbali. St. Louis. ~ount Moriah .. 路 St. Louis. Polar Star St. Louis.



Thirty-Third District Oontinued.] County. No.




do do·

do cIo

do -do' do do do do do do . do do do do do





355 Location.

Name of Lodge.

121 Erwin 163 Occidental 179 Pride of the \V' est 218 Good Hope 243 Keystone ·267 Aurora 282 Cosmos 323 Corner Stone 360 Tuscan 416 Cache :· 420 Itaska 443 Anchor 445 \V' est Gate 460 Lambskin ,' 520 Clifton' Heights../ 550 Rose Hill.. 576 Olive Branch 578 Forest Park

. St. Louis County .. 45 . do 80 do ............. 84 do 95 ............ 281 do ...... :'..... 484 do ............. ··542 . do do ............ 566'

Bonhomme Bridgeton Webster Groves Meramec Fenton · Kirkwood Ferguson Maylewood

St. Louis! St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. tou~s. "t. LOUIS. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Loqis. St. Louis. St Louis. St. Louis. Ball win. :.Bridgeton.. Webster. Groves. Eureka. Fenton...Kirkwood . Ferguson. Maplew'Jod.


Cass do do do do do ~ do do do do

54 Index: Cass 276 Grand River 348 Wadesburg 372 Nonpareil 386 Dayton 450 Belton 451 Raymore 480 Jewel. 485 Coldwater 147


; : :

Garden City. Harrisonville. Freeman. Creighton. East Lynne. Dayton. : Belton. Raymore. : Pleasant Hill. . Drexel. ·



Bates do do do do do do do do




'" f

Name of Lodge.


130 Hume 140. Papinsville 254 Butler 3-n Rockville : 350 Tyrian 368 Crescent Hill.. 479 Rich HilL : .. 554 Foster 141 Amsterdam

Hume. Papinsville. Butler. Rockville. :Johnstown Adrian. Rich Hill. Foster. Amsterdam.


Benton Johnson do' do do' do do do do . Pettis do do do

: 245 262 265

274' 280

313 428

Knob Noster Holden Corinthian Cold Spring Lodge of Peace E:ingsville Pittsville Chilhowee




Sedalia Granite 425' Green Ridge 574 La Monte

: Kno.b Noster. Holden. Warrensburg. Leeton. Chilhowee. Kingsville. Pittsville. Chilhowee.


Sedalia. Sedalia. Green Ridge. La Monte.

236 272


Benton Henry do do do do do do do

418 Clear. Creek

Palo Pinto.

29 Windsor

Windsor. Urich. Petersburg. Montrose. Clinton. Calhoun. Blairstown. Deepwater.

286 Urich 343路 Agricola


408 Montrose 548. Clinton 552 Calhoun : 557 Blairstown 562 Deepwater \


'. Appendix.


Thirty-Seventh District Continued.] Cou1!iY. . No.

St. ClaIr do do 'do do .. :



_...... 273 342 403 412 419


Name of Lodge.

. Location, ~

St. C]air 路 Circle LowryCity Appleton City Star

Osceola. Roscoe. Lowry City. Appleton City.. Taberville.



Camden do

152 Linn Creek 433 Mack's Creek

:.Linn Creek. Mack's Creek.

Laclede.......................... 83 Laclede do : ~ 432 Competition 'do 528 Conway Pulaski do

Lebanon. Competition. Conway.


375 Waynesville 385 Richland

"\Vaynesville. Richland.

Miller........................... 203 Brumley do ~ 410 Iberia

Brumley. lberia.


Crawford do

77 Lebanon 312 Cuba



225 Salem

楼aries do do

::..................... 94 Vienna 531 Lane's Prairie 373 Belle

Phelps do do do'

213 230 347 497

Pulaski ..:......... .

346 Arlington

Steelville.路 Cuba. Salem. Vienna. Vichy. Belle.

Rolla St. James Spring Creek

Rolla. St. James. Edgar Springs. Newburg.




Jeffers.on do do


119 D~ Soto.: 164 Joachim : 256 She.kinah


De Soto. Hillsboro. Festus.


Appendix. ,

358 Fortieth District Oontinued.] Oounty.


Washington do do

12 Tyro; 131 Potosi. 143 Irondale

St. Francois


Name 9/ Lodge.


Caledonia Potosi. Irondale..





Dallas do do Hickory do Polk do do do do do



361 Riddick 396 Western Ligqt..路 421 Urbana

Buffalo.. Louisburg. Urbana. .

279 Hogie's Creek 288 Hermitage

Wheatland. Hermitage.

:.................... 44 144 160 195 431 467

Fair Play IVlodern Pleasant Bolivar Cement Pleasant Hope

Fair Play. Humansville. Morrisville. Bolivar. Half Way. Pleasant Hope.


Cedar do' do

283 Stockton' 315 Jerusalem 482 Clintonville

Dade.............................. do , do do do :

87 359 405 458 521

'Washington Garrett Everton Melville Lockwood

Stockton. Jerico Springs. ~ldora~o Sprin~s..

Greenfield. Arcola. Everton. Dadeville. : Lockwood.





Vernon do do do do do Barton do do do do


303 371 : 448 490 493 495



, :

. Name oj Lodge.

Osage Sheldon Schell City Montevallo Vernon Unity


Nevada. Sheldon. , Schell City. Montevallo. Bronaugh: : Ricliards.


187 Hermon 292 .Lamar 304 Signa!.. 475 Golden 516 Milford

Liberal. T..Jamar. Minden Mines. Golden City. MiIford. .

: ~



Jasper .....•...... : .do . do do do

·.. 197 293


do do do ,do



335 345 , 398 401 471 512 549 586


Carthage. Sarcoxie. : Joplin. Joplin. J asper.. Carterville. Oronogo. Webb City.. Carl Junction. Alba.

Sarcoxie.;· Joplin Fellowship Jasper ; Carterville Mineral.. ; 'Webb City Carl Junction Criterion


Greene do do do do do .. ; do do


5 '7 100 27] 297 422 449 570

UiIited O'Sullivan Ash Gro\·e Solomon Ozark Gate of the Bois D'Arc Republic

: Temple~


Springfield. Walnut Grove. Ash Grove. Springfield. Fair Grove. Springfield. Bois D'Arc. Republic.


Appendix. Forty·Fifth District Oontinued.] Cbunty. . No..

Webster do ,do do do do do


98 300 439 459 477 529 589

Name of Lodge.

Webster Doric Mount Olive· Hazelwood HendersoI1 . Niangua Duncan


~1arshfield. Elkland., Marshfield. Sey~our. ~


Rogers\'ille. Niangua. Duncan.


Douglas.......................... do : do Texas : do do do do Wright ; do do

26 182 382 116 145 177 469 555 158 411 543

Ava : Pilot Knob ~ l\it. Ararat Barnes Latimer Texas Plato ' Suminerville Mountain Grove Joppa Mansfield

Ava. Richville. Topaz. Cabool. Licking. Houston. Plato. Summerville. Mountain Grove. Hartville. Mansfield.


Carter do Reynolds do Shannon do



509 579 239 353 137 430

Van Buren Grandin Hopewell Barnesville Delphian Winona

Van Buren. Grandin. Lesterville. Ellingfon. Birch Tree. Winona.


Iron ;.; 133 do :.. 35] Madison........................ 110 St. Francois · 41 do 132. do 154

Star of the West : Mosaic Marcus Bismarck : Farmington Ionic

lronton. Belleview. Fredericktown. Bismarck. Fa~mington. Desloge.


1907. ] Forty·eighth District Oontinued.J Oounty. • No.

St. Francois do . do

N arne of Lodge.

234 St. Francois 424 Samaritan 55!' Pendleton


Ste. Genevieve

• Location.

;Lihertyville. Bonne l'erre. Doe Run.

; ~

226 Saline

St. Mary's.


Bollinger do do

417 . White 'Vater 440' TroweL 545 Zalma

Cape Girardeau do do do .~ do .. : ~erry


93 St. Marks 'Vest View 191 Wilson 221 Mystic Tie : 441 Excelsior

Laflin. Marble Hill. Zalma. Cape Girardeau. ::.Millersville. ·Pocahontas. Oa~ Ridge. Jackson.




Mississippi do' do Scott do do do



Stoddard do do do do do


330 Bertrand 384 East ~rairie .. : 407 Charleston : 184 306 310 581




: :

Morley Ashlar Sikeston Illmo

·153 Bloomfield 278 Essex. 489 Lake'ville 532 Dexter 57a Bernie 590 Advance


: ~


~ :

Bertrand. East Prairie. Cbarleston.. Morley.. Commerce. Sikeston, Illmo. Bloomfield: Essex. Beli City. Dexter. Bernie. Advance.


Dunklin do do

68 Kennett 2J.2 Four Mile 215 Hornersville

Kennett. Campbell. Caruth.


362 Fifty-first District Oontinued.] Oounty. No.

Dunklin do do

Name of Lo'!ue. ~

231 Cardwell 406 Malden ; 513 Senath


New Madrid do do Pemiscot do


166 PortagevilJe.: 176 . PointPleasant.. 429 New Madrid


461 571

Carutbersville Hayti:


Cardwell. Malden. Senatb. Portageville. Conran. New Madrid. :

Carutbersville. Hayti.




Ripley do do

314 Pine 369 Composite 568 Naylor


Wayne do

Popl.ar Bluff

Poplar Bluff. Bardley.. Donipban. Naylor.


107 Greenville 526 .Wayne

Greenville. PiedJ!lont.


Howell., do Oregon do do do do do Ozark do do do

Mt. Zion 536 Ingomar





'Vest Plains. ' "Villow Springs.


Alton. Many Sprin~s. Wilderness. Thomasville. Thayer. Kosbkonong.

320 Many'Springs : 374 Wilderness 387 路Woodside:

463 Clifton : 582 Kosbkonong


298 Sampson 365 Bayou '.路 435 Rockbridge 496 Robert Bllrns

Lutie. Bakersfield. Rockbridge. Gainesville.


Christian: do do

296' Sparta 352 Friend 379 ~illin~s




Sparta.. Ozark. Billings.



Fifty·fourth District Oontinued.) No. Oounty. I

Taney do do do

: ,

229 264 453 587


Name of

Claflin Kirbyville Forsyth Branson



Protem. Kirbyville. Forsytb. Branson.




Barry do do do do

129 148 367 383 517 :


Monett }>urdy Barry Pythagoras Seligmall

Lawrence do do do do do do .: do do


99 269 284. :190 400 452 468 523 567

Stone do


5]5 Galena 519 Crane :



: :

Monett. :..Purdy. ·Washburn. Cassville. : Seligman.

l\1t. Verrion Rock Prairie Canopy Marionville : Decatur Verona Red Oak , St.inson Miller

.lVIt. Vernon., Lawrenceburg. Aurora. Marionville. Peirce City. Verona.. Red Oak. Stinson.. :. Mill.er.

Galena. Crane.



McDonald do d:o do do Newton,. do do do do


Pineville Southwest 533 'Com'fort 538 Ste.lla 569 Tiff City lOS

~ .. 466

: :


.175 Newton 247 ·Neosbo 4ZS Racine 514 Granby 530 Ritcbey

Soutbwest City. Rocky Comfort.. :..Stella. Tiff City.

, : .. :


Newtonia. Neosho. Seneca. Granby. Ritchey




ST. LOUIS, Mo., September 26,1907. 7'0 The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of·the State Missouri:


"Your Committee on Credentials submit the following report: At th'e present session of the 1\1. W. Grand Lodge there are present 731 Representatives, from 380 Lodges, also 17 PaRt Grand Masters, 7 Grand Representatives 44 Distric: Depu,ty Grand Masters, 15 District Lecturers and 226 Past Masters. (Those marked with an asterisk (.) are prox.ies.)


Representative. No.











~ .












CyRENE ...• ;








" :

.. .

1 Daniel A. Gillespie, W. M . Anthony F. Ittner, S. W. Fred Surridge, J ..W. " 2 George P. Becker, W. M. Gerhard G. Strathmann, S. W. Geo. M. Burkhardt, J. ·W. 3 , Alex. Hillenkoetter, W. M. Geo. W. Davison, S. W. Leslie A. Knight, J. W. 4 S. C. Lee, W. M. 5 John G. Newbill, S. W. 6 W. B. Minor, S. W. 7 O. H. Hamstead, W. M. 8 Joe W. Tate,·W. M. 9 Walter G.Wilderman, W. M. Sam'l R. Stevenson, R: W. Otto E. Mueller, J. W. 10 Geo. W. Cortner, W. M.* 12 Ge9. C. Loomis,' W. M. 14 H. G. Lewis, W. M. 15 -!as. K. Bradford, S. W. 16 E. Brainerd S. W. 17 E. N. Moody, W. M.* W. H. Brown, J. W.*. 18 Frank H. SOBey, W. M.* 19 Jas. P. Boyd, W. M. H. H. Hickey,· J. W.


1907·1 Lodge.



, No. 20


. .


FLORIDA........................... NAPHTHALI. ..: AVA ST. JOHN WIN1)SOR HUNTsVILLE


" :

. · . . .







: ·


.. . .


. ..





. . .. .. .. . . .. : .. .. . .. ;. ..

Henry A. Steiner, W. M . .'V. Hampton Nash, S. W .. Jos. M. Sklower, J. W. 21 Ernest C. Lockwood; W. M. 22 C. B. Galbreath, W. M. Thos. Shofner, S. W.* 23. Wm. H. McCreery, W. M. ' 25 .0. L. Bumiller, W. M. Jeff. B. Shaner; S. W. 26 J. P. Hesseriey, W. M. 28 Frederick Bauchle, W. M. 29 Geo. B. Sturgis, W. M.* 30 Roy E.·~utliff; W. M. J. T. O'Bryan, ~. W . 32 .Tos. J. Peters, W. M. J. H. Clawson, S. W.* 34 Nim R .. Long, W. M. Jno. T. Mason, S. W.* 35 A. C. Kell);,.S. W. 36 Roy D.·Willi'ams, W. M. 37 Abijah Breckenridge, W. M .. 40 Alfred A. Eicks. W.·M. Edwin V. Kyte, S. W.* 41 L. H. Butler, S. W,. 43 H. W. Clarke, W. M. D. C. Weatherby, J. W.* 45 John Score, W. M. S. C. Mahanay, S. W. 46 W. R. Dalton,W. M. 48 Edw. W. Dunavant, W. M. 49' Wm. J. Ellington~ S. W: 52 T. M. Rucker, W. M: 53 .Will. B. Calvert, W.·M.* 54 H. M. Holcomb, W. M.* 55 J. W. Moore, W. 'l\L 56 RussellMOliroe,. S. W. 59 Will. H: Carpenter, W. M.* .60 C. W. Longley, W. M. 62 J. W. Parry, W. ~. 63 W. R .. Rhoades, W. M.* 65 A. R. Maffitt, W. M.* 67 Henry Walters, W. M.*

App~ndi~. Lo·dge.


No. 68




69 70 71 72 73 75 76

.. .. .. . . . .. .. ..







.. . . .. ..



83 84 85 86 87

. I


.. .. . .





89 90 91 92

.. .. . .. . .. . .

93 94 96 • 97

. ..

103 105

98 99 100 102

John T. McKay, W. M. T. E. McPherson, J. W.* G. E. Hartmeister, W. M. W. E. Hulett,.W. M. A. J. Lamhright, W. M. A. H. Mackey, S ...W. H. L. Mann, J. W. O. H. Robinson, W. M. G. T. Twyman, W. M. VI. Mitchell Wright, 'V. M. James Hyndman, W. M. Charles Harrison, S. W. Finley R. Hanna, J. W.* . W. Scott Hancock, "V. M.Frank Eardley, S. W. Martin Kelly, J. W.· N. J. Seibel, Jr., W. M. Henry A. Boyd, S. W. Norman C. Cassity, W. M. W. J. McMillan, W·. 1':1. Wm. J. Beattie, W. M. A. A. Wheeler, J. W.* John E. Chambers, W. M. P. V. Reece, S. W. Chas. E. Bell, W. M. E .. ~. Kimber, S. W.* Chas. A. Wolfe, W. M. S.J. Howard, W. M.* F. H. Carver, W. M. N. W. Morrow, W. M. Robert A. May, S. W.* J. H. Ritchey, J. W. Louis G. Stovall, W. M. Wm. H. Holmes, W. M. John W. Frye, W. M. Tandy. A. D.unn, S. W. * C. H. Greer, W. 1\1.* H. P. S. Burke, W. M. W. H. Turk, M.* Geo. F. Brewington, W. M.* Gus. Bland, S. "V. Gao: W·. Miller, W. M.* E. S. Rinehart, W. M.






Wm . .E. Wamp'ler, W. M . D. N~ Holladay, W. M. J. B. Wright, W. M .. J. B. Pinkerton, W. M. H. L. Wilson, W. M.* E. J. Shobe, W. 1\1.*' Charles C. Schlicht, W. M. E. P. Yarnell, W. M. John Holloway, S. W. William Well, J. 'V'. . 118 Frank S. Parker, W: M. . 119 Elmer Ke)llpe, W. M. 120 W" W. Higgins, W. M .. '121 Geo. J. Berne, W. M.* F: Gieselman, S. W. 124 Chas R. Boone, S. W. 126 G. T. Burnham,W. M.* Walter R. Shrodes, S. W.* 127 Morris W. Brandenburg, W. M. 129 W. K. Martin, W. M. 132 C. E. Hickok, W. M. 136 H. M. Strother,'W. M. 187 O. Johnson, W. ~1. 139 . C. L. Evans, W. M.* 141 Geo. V. Boswell, W. 1\1. A. C. Wintermute, J. W. 143 A. P. Robinson, W. M. 145 Geo. Anthony, J. W. 146 A. F. Gipson, S. W . . James T. Ballew,J. W. 147 Wm. H. Barrett, S. ·W.* 149 J. G. Crenshaw, 'V:M. W. R.Eckle, S. W. 150 A.-E. Isaacson, W. M. 151 I. W. Gee, W. M. I. W. Settle, S. W.~ 152 Jas. H. H. Baker, S. W.* 154 A. J. Clay, W. M. ·W. ·M. Manson, S. W. 157 S. S. McMillen, ·W. M. 158 James C. Clouse, W. M. 159 Chas. A. Walker, W. M. Sears, W. M.* 161 W.

GALLATIN No. 106 .GREENVILLE...................... 107 TRENTON........................... . 111 PL;\TTSBURG 113 T"'lLIGHT 114 LADDONIA 115 BARNES............................. 116 VERSA'ILLES 117


,I 36"


UNION STAR 8EAM1\N... 'ATHENS MONETT : FARMINGTON :.... PH<ENix '" DELPHIAN ·.................... OREGON AMSTERDAM....................... IRONDALE........ LATIMER :................ MCGEE



: LEXINGTON........................

BiRMING............ MILTON LINN CREEK..................... IONIC NORTH STAR MOUNTAIN GROVE.............. GREEN' Crry....:................... CLIFTON ,HILL........



Appendix. Lodge.

I,lepresentative. No. 163











164 1-65

168 172 17'1









PRIDE 'OF THE WEST.........~...






180 183 185 186 188 191 192





HANNIBAL' ••.••••••...••.•.•....•. WII,SON













196 197 198' 199


: :



.. ..






.. .

' " ESTvrLLJ<; :


201 202








207 208


. ..

209 210


W. H. Glancy, W. M. M. S. Collins, S. W. Ed ward L. Dillon, J. W .. Judson B. Pounds, W. M. Chas. A, Jensen, W. M. Clarence E. McReynolds, W. M. Walter C. Goodson, W. M.. J. W. Hulett, W. M.* , John Abels, W. M. Ham Gregg, W. M. J. M: Ocheltree, J. W. Louis·C. Westlake, W. M. Wm. P. Hahn, J. W. 1. J. Wilson, W. M. Thomas"M. Fulks, S. W. N. P. Gasper, W. M.* Warren Surber, W. M. Eugene A. MeKey, W. M. Lewis Dougherty, S. "V. J. E. Lu'cas, W. oM. John E. Mantiply, S. W. Geo. J. Blain, W. M. H. C. Black, S. W. R'. G. McKibben, J. W. Leslie M~ Payne, W. M. C. E. Boring, W. M. R. A. Mooneyham, W. M. . Geo. R. "Hunt, W. M. Floyd Ganoway, W. M. C. C. Ea~tin, S. W.* Frederick A. Orr, W. M. John Jackson, W. M. D. G, Wall, W. M. G. G. Robertson, W. M. 1. N. Evrard, J. W. _ Fred A. Cozad, W. M. Sam'l J. Huey, W. M.*· Bernard Warner, W. M. C. W. Aldridge, J. W. Jos. Ashcroft, i. W. T. B. Valentine, W. M.* Trusten Hart, S. W. E. W. Underwood, 'J. W.




Lodge. 211 212

HICKORY HILL ••••••••• ~


















213 216 ,217 218



219 220

221 222 224 225 227 228 230

.. :

: ..••









23i 232 233 236 237 238



.. ..

241 242



















' ~











G. L. Ap.-24

247 248 249 250

. .


251 253

L. D. Howard, W. M. Henry Schroeder, W. M. .Tohn L. B'rown, S. W.* Thos. A. Medley, .T•• W.* A.. E. Woo'd, S. W. A. C. Fink, S. W. J. D. Smith, W. M.* Jno. Auld, W. M. Henry A. Chapin, S. W. Orlando P. Bloss, W. M. Howard F. Lea, W. M.* O. A. Lucas, S. W.* Jas. H. Knapp, J. W. W. J. Roberts, W. M.*, W. L. Brooking, W. M. Lee J. Eads, W. M.* Marion F. Roberts, W. M. H. J. Benjamin, S. W. John R. Lyell, W. M: H. Boisslie-r, W. M. F. C. Klossner, S. W. Walter F.' Wells, W. M. 1\1:. H. Winger, W. M. R. P. Richardson,J. W. John Devlin, W. M. T. J. Scott, S. W. R. G. White, W. M.* J. J. Jamison, W. M. John C. McHenry, S. W.* ' R. C. Haensler, W. M. J. R. Gilman, W. M.* Ockerman Garrett, S. W. Edw. Pendleton, W. M. Chas. W. Speirs, S. W. H. W. Crosby, J. W. W. B. M. Cook,' W. M. Chas. E. Prettyman, W. M. * Ernest H. Carpenter, S. W. J. M. Goodrich, W. M. . F. N. Waltermire, S. W. Joe. Milburn, J. W.* O. W. Arcularins, W. M. A. M. Warren, W. M.


370 Lodge. ~




:No. 254 G. E. Cable, W. M. ALTON 255 L. P. Norman, W. M. SHEKINAH 256 Hugh Glen, W. 1\1:. RAVANNA 258 A. B. Anderson, Jr., J. W. LODGE OF LOVE.... 259 James Taylo'r, S. W. MECHANICSVILLE : 260 Jas. Urban Mu~chaney. W. M. Henry H. Heusler, S. W. Rufus E. Gamble, J. W.* • FLORENCE.......................... .261 A. H. Kallmeyer, W. M.* Harry E Stewart, S. W. C. A. Revelle, J. 'V. HOLDEN 262 O. A. Flickinger, W. M. SUMMIT............................ 263 J. C. Noel, J. W. CORINTHIAN....................... 265 Theophilus Hyatt, W. M..*· SOCIAL.... 266 C. D. Williams, W. M. AURORA ,..... 267 Wm. H. Hensiek, W. M. Wm. Myrer, S. W. E. S. Murdock, J. vV. LODGE OF TRUTH 268 V. D. Gordon, W. M. NEW SALEM 270 H. J. Muth, J. W.* 'SOLOMON......... . 271 T. P. Kelso, W. M. GRANITE.................. 272 Mark A. McGruder, W. M. ST .. CLAIR................ 273 George H. Daniel, W. M. COLD ·SPRING.............. 274 C. F. Gilchrist, W, M. GRAND RIVER.. . 276 F. E. Bybee, ~. W.* WM. D. MUIR 277 J. M. Eichelberger,W. M. Fred K. Harris, S. W. S. L. Stites, J. W.* ESSEX 278 Jas. C. Grojean, J. W. HOGLE'S CREEK •. .. 279 C. P. Scrivener, W. M. FENTON............................. 281 G. Sievers, W. . COSMOS............................. 282 D. S. Green, W. M. Ed. N. Kaercher, S. W. T. W. Peck, J. W. STOCKTON... .•• • • . . . .. ... . . ••.. • • • . 283 R E. Irlson, J. W. CANOPy............................. 284 E. J. Stribling, W. M. URICH·.............................. 286 Harvey L. Randolph, W. M. CRAFT 287 Frank E. Page, W. M. HERMITAGE 288 D. E. Hitson, ~. W. GRAHAM.......... 289 Frank E. McNeal, S. W. FAIRMOUNT 290 W. E. Sherwood, W. M. ' EDINA....................... '291 Chas. A. Brown, W. M.· LAMAR.............................. 292 G. D. Allee, W. M. BUTLER



1907.J Lodge.


MONITEAU TEMPLE.............................

No. 295 299


300 303 305 306 307 308



DORIC OSAGE...... CLARENCE ASHLAR............................ NEW LONDON.....................





ELDORADO. ..... ...... PAULVILLE................

318 319











MT. ZION.....

327 330

BERTRAND................... :.....










JOPLIN............... HALLSVILLE.


BLUE SPRINGS..................

337 340



ROCKVILLE........ .. AGRICOLA MOBERLy....................


343 ~44

A. J. 'Vilson, W. M. G. G. Wright, W. M. Charles B. Overton, S. W. H. H. Getman, .T. W.* F. S. Marlin, W. M.* Daniel O'Bryan, S. W. Wm. L. Hamrick, W. M. T. F. Frazer, W. M: Jno. S. Wood, W路. M.* Reuben Winters, W. ~L 1". C. Long,' W. M. * 1. P. Holt, S. W. Jno. W. Kepner, W. M. Thos. J. Thornhill, J: W.* W. W. Reed, W. M. Maurice Fowler, W. M. .Tas. 1. Carter, W. M.* W. H.F. Blume, W. M. Waldo D. Arens, S. W. Allen C. Southern, W. M. J. W. Greene, J. W. Forrest L. Madden, W. M. .Tohn A. Carter, S. W. H. C. Finck, W. M. Obas F. Weeks, S. W.* Thos. D. Martin, W. M. L. B. Presson, W. M. Wm. A. Piner, W. M.* Samuel F. Kessler, S. W . .l na. M. Bell, J. W. Frank tl. Miller, W. M. A. F. Stockton, J. W. S. J. Dewey, W. M.* Grant Emerson, W. M. N. B. Elkins, S. W. Wm. Hord, W. M.* C. H. Cheney, W. M. Martin E. Casto, .T. W. J. C. Laughlin, W. M.* A. E. Howerton, .T. W. \V. A. Esry, S. W.


A ppen.dix.

37 2 Lodge.


No.345 John Gmeiner, W. M. Leon W. Wing, S. W. J. C. Faulkender, J. W.* ARLINGTON.............. 346 Cha~lie Murphy. W. M: POLLOCK 349 R. L. Garner, W. M. TYRIAN.......... 350 W. A. Howard. W. M. Mosaic 351 Eugene M. Logan, W. M.* FRIEND............................. 352 J. A.. Tindle, W. ~'l. BARNESVILLE........ 353 T. T. O'Dell, vV'. M. HEBRON '354 Eppa F. Elliott, W M. Daniel S. Burroughs S. W.* ADELPHI........ 355 Jerry S. Hall,. W. M.* ANCIENT LANDl\1ARK~.... 356 Israel, A. Goslin, W. 1\1." Aux V ASSE 357 Wm. M. Harrison, W. M. NORTHWEST........ 358 C. H. 'Coe, W. M.* TUSCAN 360 J os. S. McIntyre, W. M. Alfred H. White, S. 'V.* Walter Wimmer, .r. w. HlRAM.............. 362 H. B. Montgomery, W. M.* FRATERNAL 363 S. G. Denny, W. M. B. J. Walters, S. W. HIGGINSVILLE. 364 Alfred H. Hoefer, W. M. BAYOU 365 W: T. Wiles, W路. M. ADAIR.............................. '366 Manville Carothers, S. W. COMPOSITE , 369 E. E. Herriff, W. M.* W ILUAMSTOW)II 370 Chas. Lillard, W. M. ,SHELDON '371 W. H. Fowler, J. W. BELLE :............ 373 Lee D. Love, W. M. WAYNESVILLE 375 Albert W. Burchard, S. W. KING HILL... 376 Jesse A. Moore, W. M. BERLIN 378 J. R. McMillen, W. M. BILLINGS '" 3i9 W. I. Lamkin, W. M. W. L. Hixson, J. W. QUEEN CITy......... 380 W. M. Saxbury, W. M. IONIA 381 M. H. Moss, 'V. 1\1:. J. A. Taylor, S. W. PYTHAGORAS... ..... 383 S. A. Newman, W. M. EAST PRAIRIE :....... 384 R. A. Doyle, S. W. RICHLAND................. ..... 385 C. L. Evington, W. M. Ed .M. Dresser, J. W.* , DAyTON................ ......... 386 Geo. F. Parker. W. M. Jos. R. Woolery, S. W. 388 O. B. McCoy, S. W. FELLOWSHIP





Representative. No. 389 H. L. Richardson, W. M. MARIONVILLE 390 F. P. Carney, W. M. Willis A. McCulloh, J. W. RAYTOWN 391 A. A. Hobbs, W. M. CHRISTIAN.......... .. 392 W. A. Warren, W.路M. MALTA 402 8. P; Houston, ~. W. CHARLESTON 407 O. W. Joslyn; W. M. MONTROSE......... 408 R. B. Fewel, W. M. ApPLETON CITy :...... 412 Jos. Klein, S. W.* CACHE.:............... 416 Gus A. Fiener, W. M. Wm H. Murdock, S. W. J. W. Schuette, J. W. CLEAR CREEK.................... 418 H. W. Fristoe, W. M.* ITA8KA 420 Chas. R. Graves, W. 1\1. C. W. Tacke, S. W. GATE OF TilE TEMPLE........ 422 Woodford H. Longmore, J. W. WINONA 430路 Jos. L. Miller, W. M. COMPETITION..................... 432 James M. Robertson, W. M. MACK'S CREEK.................. 433 N. V. M~ulder, W. M.... , WHEELING .... ~.................... 434 R. A. Tharp,W. M. GO'l'HIC:............................ 436 . F. P.Vandervort, S. W. LAFAYET'l'E..... 437 Wm.Wilson, W. M.* TR9wEL 440 Anderson Mitchell, W. M. EXCELSIOR...... 44 L L. M. Bean, W. M. B. W. Hays, S. W. ANCHOR ,..... 443 Garrett F. Colema:n, W. M. J. F. Nehrlich, S. W. Fred tValter, J. W; WEST GATE .. 445 Peter Freyermuth, W. M. F. W. Sittermann, S. 路W. H. B. Newberry, J. W. IVANHOE.......... 446 Geo. S. McLanahan, W. M. WALLACE.................. . 456 Edward Cramer, W. M.* JONESBURG :........ 457 Edward McOullough, W. 路M. HAZELWOOD....................... 459 T. S. Bruton, W. M. LAMBSKIN............... 460 J. G. McCoiIbrie, S. W. CARUTHERSVILLE................. 461 Wm. Asa. Green, W. M.. CLIFTON :....... 463 V. L. Alderman, W. M. PLEASANT HOPE......... 467 Storm. O. Whaley, S. W. RED OAK 468 John T. Apperson, W. M.* NODAWAy......................... 470 E. F. Hamlin, W. M.... MINERAL 471 G. W. Miller, W. M.* GOLDEN 475 C. H. Button, S. W. Lodge.



374 Lodge.




RICH HILL........................ JEWEL............. MARCELINE....... .












484 485 487 488 489





478 479 480 481 482 483




.' .






: ..



499 501





,')04 505 509 510











.. .

512 513







515 518








52l 522















.. .. .

525 526 527

528 529 531

A. R. Moore, W. M.* Albert Wick. W. M. B. J. Roha, J. W. SamI. T. Walle!, S. W. W. E. 'Parks, J. W. J. F. Rhodes, W. M. Jas. A. Crossan, S. W. Fred Dohr, 路W. M.* B. D. Ormstrom, S. W.* R. E. Sweeney, W. M. 1. L. Wade, W. M.* Neal Teachaut, W. M. Jos. F. Newcomer, S. 路W. Henry Kohl, W. M. R. W. Moore, J. W. P. W. Gillette, W. M. W. J. yannix, S. W.* M. J. Lain, W. M. T. B. Jamison, W. M. Cbase Henthorne, W. M.* W. C. Don Carlos, W. M. Guy Coleman, W. M.* B. P. Green, W. M.* James Moss, W. M.* Emmett M. Wilson, W. M. Warren J. Sloan, S. W. . W. J. Hitchcock; W. M. Jas. Muratta, W. M.* .H. J Brigance, S. W. W. A. Bowles, W. M. L.Henson, 'N. M.* Churchill J. ;Blackburn, W. M. Jno. Swinburn, W. M. O. T. Sweet, S. W. J. R. Newman, S. W. W. T. Jamison, W. M.*路 W. J. Nicks, J. W.* U. A. House, W. M. J. A. Hammond, S. W. W. E. Ward, W. M.* Theo. F. Smith, W. M. John 1"1:. Burchficld, W. M. L. R. Wetzel, W. M.


1907.J . Lodge. .



No. 534


. : .. . . .. ..







536 537 540 542


. .

545 -547

. .. : .

549 550


.. . .. .

557 558

. .

559 561



. . .

563 565 566



568 ~







. .





. . .



5H2 583

L. R.Daugherty, W. M. A. L. McNay, S. W. J. H. Jeffries, J. W.· Thos. Welch, W. M. J. L. Abernathy, W. M. Wm. Shouse, W. M. Chat!!. Tallman, S. W.* Ernest A. Hulburd, W. M. Jno. T. Marshall, W. M. M. R. Wise, J. W.* D. S. McGee, J. W. . Geo. M. Sargent, W. M. Geo. Horn, 8. W.* F. W. Freeman, J. W. H. L. Hunter, W. M.* Jerome C. Burgess, W. M. 'rhos. E. Turner, W. M. Harry G. Nicks, S. W. Jas. R. King, J. W. Frank B. Clark, W. M.* Jas. McCorkill, W. M. J. H. Schweer, W .. M. T. D. Foster, S. W. . J. F. Jones. J. W. Ira L. Farris, W. M. J. F. McNew, W. M. Francis A. Leach, W. M. * D. J. Rootes, W. M. H. W. Warren, W. M.* Thos. A. Davidson, S. W. John W. Menaugh, J. W. Jno. L. Batten, W. M.* L. L. Lefler, W. M.* J. W. Johnson, S. W.* Gilbert Lay, W. M. N. Cardell, S. W. Jules J. Wehrli, W. M. Rollin C. Blackmer, W. M. C. P. Temple, S. W. G. E. Quidor, J. W. E.J. Sims, W. M. W. G. I;?avis, W. M. Nat. L. Johnson, W. M.



Appendix. Lodge.




Representative. Chas. ~rewer, W. M. 585 J. E. Neff, W. M.

No. 584










John Martin, W. M. Wm. F. Hurd, W. M. Grover C. Buffington, J. W. W. J. Tipton, W. M. A. D. Swift, W. M. Wm. Maddox, S. W. A. D., Bollinger, S. W. A.A. Vitt, J. W.

. ,

.. .



David M. Wilson, Grand Master. M. T. Balsley, Grand Marsha~. John T. Short, Deputy Gra"nd Master. C. A. Mosman, Grand Marshal. R. R. Kreeger, Grand Senior Warden. 路Wm. Southern, Jr., Grand Sword Wm. A. Hall, Grand Junior Warden. Rearer. A. C. Stewart, Grand Treasurer. Arch. A. Johnson, Grand Senior John R. Parson., Grand Secretary. Steward. J. R. McLachlan, Grand Lecturer. Jacob Lampert, Grand Junior StewJohn H. l\flIler, Grand Chaplain. ard. C. C. Bigger; Grand Senior Deacon. W. C. Atwood, Grand Orator. R. E. L. Smith, Grand Junior Deacon. John .E. Swanger, Grand Orator. John W. Owen, Grand Tiler.


Corona H. Briggs. W. M. Williams. Dorsey' A. Jamison. Rufus E. Anderson. E. F. Allen. Noah M. Givan. James W. Boyd. C. C. Woods.

Alexander M. Dockery.

,V. R. Stubblefield. A. S. Houston. Campbell Wells Leroy B. Valliant. Wm. F. Kuhn. Arthur M. Hough. John R. Parson. Robt. F. Stevenson.




Martin Collins.





V. O. Saunders, South Carolina. W. }L Williams, Vermont. Gib. W. Carson, British Columbia. Dorsey A. Jamison, S. Dakota. John H.Miller, ·Egypt. Corona" H. Briggs, Tennessee. Leroy B.' Valliant, Nova Scotia. DIS'l'lUCT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS •

.John M. Doran, First District. W.. A. Clark, Thirty-First District. Edward Higbee, Second District. G. H. Pike, Thirty-Second District. John C. Senate, Third District. Julius, C. Garrell, Thirty-Third DisD. M. Foster, li'ourth District. trict. Ira V. McMillan, Seventh District. Wm. W: Ross, Thirty-Fifth District: C. L. Evans, Eighth District. K E'. Codding, Thirty-Sixth District. Geo. Re~s, Ninth District. C. P. Bowden, Thirty-Seventh DisH. F. Lawrence, Tenth District. trict. W. 'J. Craven, Eleventh District. H. T. Wright, Thirty-Eighth District. Frank W. Smith, Fifteenth District. Austin L. McRae, ThirtY-Kinth DisGeo. E. Mayhall, Sixteenth District. trict. Thos. F. Hurd, Seventeenth District. Chas. E. Pyle, l<'ortieth District. H. A. Hatfield, Eighteenth District. Willard B. Dunnegan, Forty-First G. \Y. Rucker, Nineteenth District. District. Chas. B. Hughes, Twentieth District. Joseph A. Cox, Forty-Third District. J. P. Tucker, Twenty-First District. D. B. Fal'Dsworth, ,Forty-Fifth DisV. F. Boor, Twenty-Second District. trict. H. Sinauer, Twenty-Third District. Tolman W., Cotton, Forty-Seventh W. F. Johnson, Twenty-Fifth DisDistrict. trict. Ed Henderson, li'orty-Eighth District.. B'rank E. Bruton; Twenty-Sixth DisF. A. Kage, Forty-Ninth District. trict. .J ames A. Boone, Fiftieth District. F. R. Jesse, Twenty-Seventh District. IIp-ury' Schro~der, Fifty-First Dis.John E. Reeds, Twenty-Eighth District. W. W~ Martin, Fifty-Se/cond District. trict. J. W. Powell, Twenty-Ninth District. G.•J. Vaughan, Fifty-Fourth District. E. A. li'luesmeier, Thirtieth District. H. J. Bradford, Fifty-Fifth District. 'J. W. Withrow, Fifty-Sixth District. DISTUICT LECTURERS .

.Tohn II. Holton, Sec~>nd District. John C. Senate, Third District. D. M. Foster, Fourth District. Adolph Stauble, Seventh District.. Aug. 1<-'. Braun, Ninth District. C. W. BOlster, Eleventh District. S. R. Wood, 1<-:ourteenth District. Thos. F. HUl'd, Seventeenth District. Thos. H. Walton, Eighteenth DJstrict. Henry C. Noland, Twenty-First District. M. E. Schmidt, Twenty-Fifth District. Frank. E. Bruton, Twenty-Sixth Distl'ict.

W. A. Clark, Thirty-First District. G. H. Pike, Thirty-Second District. \V. E. Hoke, Thirty-Third District. W. R. Bowles, Forty"Second District. Bert S. Lee, Forty-Fifth District. . C. E. Hickok, Forty-Eighth District. R. W. Van Amburg, F.orty-Ninth District.. • Henry Schroeder, Fifty-Fir~t District. W. W. Martin, Fifty-Second ·District. W. J. Zorn, Fifty-Third District. G. J. Vaughan, Fifty-Fourth District. W. A. Phipps, li-'Ifty-Sixth District.





Lodge. No. T. B. Wyrick ~1issouri ,...... 1 Win. Gillespie ............•.... ~IissoUl'i ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Arthur Snuggs ~1issouri 1 Jas. A. Harris. . ~nssoUl'i 1 .John H.' Deems )iissouri ] Gregory S. Miller Missouri 1 ''''m. n. Mayo ~IisSOUl'i 1. ;\iissouri ] Geo. 1\1. Spalding Henry Hahn : )iissouri 1 V. O. Saundcrs , Missouri ..'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 )L C. Lewis i\-1issouri 1 Henry D. M. Dormer .: Meridian '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Henry L. Rccker )1eridian ......................•.... 2 )ieridian 2 Geo. Enzinger 'Val tcr S. Parker· Beacon 3I Chas. A. Schill Beacon 3 Archibald Carr .............•. Beacon 3 United 5 D. W. Farmer (;nited ;:; .Job Newton B. V. Chase Gco. W.ashington '...... 9 Chus. 'Vaughop Geo. Washington 9 Wm. L. Reynolds, .Jr Geo. Washington......... . . . . . . . . . . 9 A. J. Michener Geo. Washington '. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ' Geo. Washington 9 A. L. Marion John Nettleship Geo. Washington .9 Geo. Washington !) C. D. Kelly John Kipp Geo. Washington 9 David C. Gilchrist Geo. 'Vashington 9,' J. B. Parkell Geo. Washington 9 Wm. F. Parkcr, , . Geo. Washington 9 ,V. L. La Berge Gco. Washington !) Geo. W. Cortner Agcncy .. ................... 10 J. P. Jett Cyrene 14 E. N . • Woody Clarksville 17 Frank H. Sosey Palmyra 18 .Joseph Spiro ·.. St. Louis .. .. . .. .. .. 20 Sam .A. :Meyer : St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 Peter Schaffnit St. Louis........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 Harry L.' Salisbury St. Louis " 20 .Tos. Giles St. Louis. 20 W. Z. Spiers Havana 21 Florida 23 . Wm. H. McCreery Wm. Ramsey Naphtali 25 Lewis Maas Naphtali 25 Geo. Pierce Naphtali 25 John F. Bannon :\'aphtall 25 J. H. Clawson : Humphreys '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .Tohn C. Pigott Cooper '.. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 Thomas Nolan !'IH. )'forlah 40 Frank A. Chieard Mt. Morjah 40 Louis E. Vogelsang Mt. Moriah 40


1907.J Name.


J. T. Hall. :\1t. :Moriah ,.............. Chas. F. Blomberg :\1t. :Morlah G. C. Ramsey Jefferson :.......................... H. S. Baxter Bonhomme C' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A. E. Diamant Kennett II. B. Richardson, ....•........ ,Varren Geo. T. Matthews Polar Star Edwin P. Ambler Polat· Star . . . . . . .. Robert Burnie Polar Star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Joseph C. Roehl Polar Star..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Walter S. Ashton ..........•.. Polar Star Louis I-T. Behrens : .. Polar Star A. A. Wheeler ' Miami '.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. H. Huggett Friendship J. A. Thomason Perseverance Edgar P. Dunn St. Andrews C. H. Greer \Vebster W. H. Turk ~ . Ash Grovc '............... E. J. Shobe Laddonia A. L. Ross .................• Versailles Elwyn Price , Versailles F'. F. \Y. Krenoing Erwin : Herman Elsner Erwin' H. W. Henselmeier : Erwin A. S. \Yerremeyer Erwin F. H. \Y. Krenning ..........•. ErwIn Geo. T. Burnham , Scaman J oho \Y. Bingham ...........•• Seaman .. :........................ Walter R. Shrodes Seaman Ed Henderson : ' Farmington .lohn Santee Grecn City ............••.......... Chas. Ii'. Niedringhaus : Occidental ' G. U. Heimburger Occidental John J. Pierron . :" Occidental John H. Cookson Occidental . Lee :M. Edgar ., Occidental C. L. Alexander Occidental Harry A. Krueger Occidental Sol E. Waggoner Occidental E. L. SchleifIarth Occidental A. P. Oliver Occidental A. C. Stewart Occidental James G. Ifowe Censer R. H. Dyke ,...... Griswold E. H. Michel Pride of the West .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E. W. League , Pride of the West .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ferdinand Droz 'Pride of the West : Cib. W. Carson .•.............. PI'ide of the West. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Tos. L. Smoot California '. John W. Berryman .. ' : .. Poplar Bluff T. 13. V~lentine Unionville Jobn L. Brown Four Mile


40 40 43 45 68

74 79 79 79 79 79 79 . 85 89 92 96 98 100 115 117 117 121 1~1

121 1~1

121 126 ] 16 126 132 159 163 163 1(-):3


163 163 163 16S 163 163 163 Hi3 172 178 179 179 179 179 183 209 210 212



380 Name.


James H. Toppass Hale City R. L. Dixon Good Hope C. C. Bowersox '.' ' Good I-Iope Howard F. Lea Kansas City '................... Thomas R .. Morrow Kansas City .'..... O. A. Lucas J(ansas City II. L. Caton Buddin ,................. John C. Hess Keystone :......................... R. M. Hanna ....•...•....... Keystone W. Roessler ' ........• , I(eystone , Wm. K. Spinney ' I(eystone , .. ,.... John B. Schmidt Keystone Gus F. Scharr I(eystone Delos M. Haskin Keystone ;........ R. A. Neil ' l{eystone Wm. H. I-Iahn Keystone Cal'! Phillips ...............•. Keystone Fred A. Raithel .. : Keystone' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Louis C. Hehl ..........•..... Keystone .•.....•...••......•...... B. H. Tucker .. · Montgomery City J. M. Z. "'ithrow •............ Neosho ..............•............. Chas. E. Prettyman ••......... Neosho Rufus E. Gamble .•.... .:\10chanicsville ....•..... ; . . . . . . . . . .. B. S. Baker 1~lol·ence Ch~s. W. StaUdinger .•.......• Aurora ,. Wm. Sesslnghaus , Aurora ........••........•..••..... J. 1\'[, Clyde ..........•....... Solomon ........••................ , Wm. D. Muir S: L. Stites James A. Hux '........•.... Essex ............••............... Jacob Schisler ' Cosmos Simon Suss Cosmos .......•.................... Frank G. Bauer Cosmos V. H. Falkenhalner .........•.. Cosmos , Herman Frank Cosmos C. 1'1eyers ....••............•. Cosmos "'m. II. Peck Cosmos Chas. Baer , Cosmos . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. John Nolde , Cosmos Eden Reed Cosmos W. C. Essmueller Cosmos " Thos. A. Milburn Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. F. S" Marlin' Doric .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . John S. Wood New London Wm. T. Newman ....•...... : .• Corner Stone M. W. Eckert Corner Stone James A. Smith, Jr Corner Stone J. 1':1. Jackson .............••• Corner Stone ...•• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. E. Green ...............• Corner Stone ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. C. Robinson ...............• Corner Stone ...•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C. J. Vaughan .•.............• Linn ......•....................... Chas. F. Weeks. '.' I.inn W. M. Childress : Bertrand "


216 218 218 220 220 220 233 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 246 247

247 260 261 267

267 271 277 278 282

282 282

282 '282

282 282'

282 282 282 282

299 300 307 323 323 323 323 323 323 326 326








0 .. H. Sweari!lgep Westport Geo. L. Hassett ....•••........ Moberly .. . Major Jo Lill~' Moberly ., Louis Ratliff Moberly J. C. Faulkender Fe.llowship Chas. S. ~I[offitt Tuscan James Mo Breckenridge Tuscan .. G. Ao Rosebrough Tuscan John E. Bishop Tus~an . H. B. Montgomery Hit'am Will F. Chappell •...•.......•. Williamstown .,. Joseph Klein .......•.......•. Appl.eton City D. E. Greig Cache B. A. Dickson ........•......... Cache A. P. 'Vatkins ....•..••.•..••. Cache .•... Go 'V. French ............•.... Cache .J. E. Gaskill Cache B'o 'V.' Fristoe .~......•.......• Clear Cl:eek... AdflJ?l Fuhrmann Itaska . I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Philip A. Wenzel . '.' Ita.<;ka Henry J. Filsinger ....•.••.... Haska .. W. P. Fl'ench '.' Itaska o' "'m. Foden' Itaska o' . Wm. T-filson : ..-....• Lafayette ' o' .. . L: C. McElwee .............• ; Anchor I-Ierman W. Fa~ : Anchor ...................•.. E. W. Hughes Anchor Jos. G. Ford Anchor .. Alvin D. Reed . ~ Anchol' Rockwell M. Milligan .' Anchor Isaac M. Mason' ..•• Anchor ; Edward McGuigan ••.......... West Gate Thos. Brown ., 'Vest Gate Frederick A. Wind .. West Gate o, Peter Steinmann West Gate Jas. H. Abwlom West Gate Louis Moller 'Vest Gate Marcus D. 'Strait West Gate Chas. D. Dewhirst ' Hazel\vood \ .. : A. L. Williams HaJlelwood Michael Foerstel Lambskin Conrad Meyer ••.............• Lambskin ...............•.. Ph. Kopplin .. : Lamb;kin Henry Harrington Lambskin J. W. McClanahan Cal'Uthersville ....•..... W. 1'1[. Leland ••....... :Clifton ...........•..... " .. o. A. R. 1'10ore .•................ Racine .•.. GUy E. Jurden ..•...........•. Kirkwood .. A. E. Webb ...............•.. Vandalia .. Wm: J Vannix ..........•.... Robert Burns Do P. Watts Lathl'op : .. James Muratta . Webb City 0



































































































'• • • • • • • • •











•••• :







































































































443 443 445 445 o, 445 44:) 445 445,· 445 459 ••





o. 443 443


443 443




420 420.437 443











360 R6~











420 o. 420 o' 420





















344 R45


•• · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




370 412 416 41G o' 416 416 416 418























































340 344





460 460 o, 460 460 o' 4'61 463 478 484 o, 491 496 506 512 ••









~82 Name.

L. Henson .John Hague J, C. Mukish W . •J, Nicks .. ' Will, '1'. Jamison H. L. Hunter Edwin J. Scott A. H. Mlller Chas. C.•Tackson Martin V. Green Henry C. Pollman Geo. J. Hess lM:. \V. Sitton T. N. Suttenfield W. S. Hamilton Chas. E. Walton .Tames· P. Fowden




Galena ,." '.' , .. , , ., Clifton Heights ' :. Clifton Heights Gate City ., Gate City " ,.... Clinton ' .. Rose Hill ,' Rose Hill , ',...... Rose Hill , Rose Hill ", ,... Rose Hill .,'...................... Rose Hill :i\foscow . . ' ;\loscow , "., Clarksdale '.... : Olive Branch , Forest Park .....•.................


515 520 520 522 522 548 550 550 55G 550 5:50 550 558 558 559 '576 578

Frat cl'nally sUbmitted, WM. E. HOKE, Chairman. ·C. B. OVERTON. J. H. CLAWSOK, HENRY SCHROEDER E. M. WI~SON, W. H. BULL, J. W. LA FAVRE.

INDEX. A Accounts, Committee on Appointed....... . Report of Additional Per Diem for Committees Address of Grand Master Committee on Report of Committee on Amendments to By-Laws (1906), Adopted ." Introduced Second Reading 1906 Action on : Not Adopted Third Reading Annual Communication, 1908 Annual Meeting-Opening ~ Closing Appeals and Grievances Committee on Appointed Report of Appointments of Chairmen Standing Committees, .1908 District Deputy Grand Masters Grand Officers Special Committees " Standing Committees Atwood, W. C., Grand Orator, Oration of M

. 65 . 127 . 129 .. 5 .. 5 . 88 . 65 . 62 92 1 •••• 65, 86, 165 . ·86 . 130 . 171 4 . 168 . 41 . 64 : . 93 . 167 : . . 169 . 166 :. 167 .. 64 .. 52 .


Barnesville.Lodge, No. 455 (Arrested 1904), Property of............... " Report of Committee on : :........ Beall, J. W., G. Pursuivant, Death Annonnced by Grand Master... Report of Necrology, Committee on Memorial Tablet.......... Sympathy and Condolence to Family of Benton Lodge, No. 353 (Defunct), Resoluti.on as to Funds... Report of Committee on : ;. Biographical Sketch-M. W. Bro. D. M. Wilson, Grand Master...... Boards .of Relief, Committee on " " Report of............... By- Laws, Amendments to Introduced :.. Revision of :...................... .. 35,

42 155 7 81 177 89 92 155 172 64 148 62 86




c Caiifornia Earthquake Fund , , ~ Chairman Standirtg Committees, 1908, appointed : : . Charity, Committee on . ., Report of .. Chartered Lodges, Committee on .. Report of . Charters, Arrested . " .Duplicate.. . " Granted .. Checks, Exchange on.,. . Closing of Grand J..odge : .. Codification of I.Jaws 路.......... . .. : . Committee on :. Report of. . Commissions Issueq . Committee of Arrangements for Communication of 1907 .. on Accounts . Report of .. Appeals and Grievances : .. Report of .. Boards of Relief .. Report of . Chari~y .: .. Report of .. Chartered Lodges : . Report of .. Codification of I..aws .. " " Report of..................... .. .. Credentials . Report of.. .4. IS3; Appendix 364 to " D. D. G. Masters' Reports : . ", ', Report of.. .. Foreign Correspondence : . Report of.. S2, App. 1 to Appointed for 1908 . Grand Master's Address .. " " Report of ~ . Jurisprudence . " Report of : . .Lodges Under Dispensations . . Report of . Masonic Home (Visiting) :.. : .. Report of ..

,. ,. .,


167 64 122 64 122 39 40

148 42 168 3S 65 86 39

3S ,65 127 64

93 64

148 64 122 64 122 65 86 64 382 64 130

65 252 167 5

88 64 150 64

147 65 119




Committee o.n Necrology : . ,, Report of . OffiCes for Grand Secretary . Pay Roll (Mileage and Per Diem) .. " Report of : . Recognition of Grand Lodges .. Report of.. .. " Ritual : . . Transportation and Hotels .. " Report of : . " Unfinished Business ' ; .. Ways and 楼eans .. " Report of : .. Condition of the Craft . Corner-Stones, Laying' of 33, Correspon.dence, Committee on :.. Report of 52; Appendix 1 to Credentials, Committee on . Report .4, 153; Appendix 364 to'


64 81 130 64 157 65 121 65 65 154, '.64 64 154 5 41 65 252 64 382

D Dead Lodges, Roll of.. Appendix 310 to Deaths, List of :... Appendix 260 to Deceased Brethren-Memorial Pages. to : :.i75 to Decisions of Grand Master 11 to Defunct I..odges, Property of...... Dispensations, Granted, Special 路 33, District Deputy Grand Masters 10, Commissioned........................ List of................................ Reports of 路 Committee on........ District Deputy Grand Masters' Reports, Report of Committee 011.. Lecturers, List of Dues, Suspensions for Non-Payment of.. Appendlx 268 to Remission of..................

'317 267 181 33 42 40 91 39 169 131 64

130 170 272 34

E Elected Officers in Past, List of Election of Directors of Masonic Home of Grand Officers Exchange on Checks......... Exemplification of Work Expulsions Reported

Appendix 308, ;....


309 51 91, 92 42 ;88, 129 Appendix 273




F Financial Statement 43 Tables.: 路 Appendix 292 路to 306 Foreign Correspondence, Committee on......... 65 Report of, 52; Appendix 1 to 252 Jurisdictions, Recognition of.. 121; Appendix 253 Fraternai Dead ~ 7 " Report of Comtnitte'e 011 \..................... 81 Fraternal Relations 9

G Gh:an, Noah M., P. G. M., In Memorian i to iii '" . Memorial Tablet 175 Grand Lodge, Amendments ~o By-Laws................ 62 .Closing of................ 168 Financial Statement of......... 43 ". of Germany, responses from 44 I, Opening of..... 4 Property ~. 42 . Time of next Communication........................... .171 Visited by Children ~f Masonic Home.................... 4 Lodges, List of Foreign recognized 121; Appendix 253 " with Names and路 Residences of Grand Secretaries Appendix 254 Officers, Appointment of...... .. 166 Election of. 91, 92 Installation of : :... 166 Present at Opening of Annual Communication...... 3 52, 74 " Orators- Orations of " I ecturer) Report of ~.... 66 Master's Address............. 5 Comnlittee on........ 5 Report of Committee on :..................... 88 Master, Biographical Sk~tch of 172 Decisions 11 to 33 : .150 . Approved Jewel, presented by retiring Grand Master 167 " Recommendations of..... 36 Representatives Commissioned :... 39 " Representatives appoinled.ne'ar other Grand Lodges, 9; App. 256 -from other Grand Lodges near Grand Lodge of Missouri : Appendix 258 . 42 , " Secreta~y, Additional Room for Office...




Grand Secretary, Recapitnlation of.. ~ :Appendix Reimbursement to ~ . Report' Presented . . Report of Committee on . Supplemental Report of. .. " Tabular Statements Appendix 278 to Secretaries, List of.. Appendix Treasurer-Report of......... . '

307 34 38 127 44 306 254 44

H Hazelwood Lodge, No. 459, Suspension 'of Master of..:........ ......... 10 " Special Committee on appointed........ 91 Report of 128 Home, Masonic, C~i1~ren of, Visit GrandL6dge .. ~ :.. 4 I I Directors Elected...................................... . 51 Mentioned by Grand Master............................. 36 Report of Officers of....... ..51; Appendix 318 to 342 Suni Contributed to during year.................. 42 Visiting Committee Appointed.................. 65 II Report of '119

I Incorporation Papers of Masonic Hom.e Installation of Officers

147; Appendix 341 166

J Jewel, Grand Master's, Presented to Grand Master elect.............. 167 Past Grand Master's, Presented to P. G. Master Wilson...... 168 Jewels, Presentation of, from Grand Masler of Pennsylvania......... 63 Jurisprudence, Committee ~n 64 Report of.. 150

K Kenney,-T. M. S., Grand Chaplain,' letter relating to absence of.. Resolution of regret concerning illness of.. ... ;

4 50

L List ~f Grand 'Lodges, With Names of Grand Secretaries App. Lodge Returns 41,. Lodges According to Districts Appendix 343 to Consolidated : . ., Dead, List of '" Appendix 310 to

254 122 363 40 317




Lodges of Instruc.tion '" New, Chartered Removal of Under Dispensation


.. 35 38, 171 . 40 10, ·39 Committee on .. 64 . Report of Committee on : .. 147 90 Delegates from, placed on Pay Roll .. ::

M Masonic Home, Committee on........................ 6S '" Report of .. , 119 D~rectors Elected ~ ~................. 51 Dues............... 42 Mention of in Grand Master's Addre·ss................. 36 " Secretary's Report............... 42 Report of Officers 51; Appendix 318 to 342 McDowell, Allan, Monument to Memory of.. : 51 •.. 156. Meeting of Grand Lodge, 1908 171 Memorial Pages to Deceased Brethren ..: : 175 to 181 Mileage and Per Diem, Report of Committee on :........ 157 " for Lodges U. D............ 90

N Necrology C'ommittee on Appointed.............................. 'Report of. :.......... New I"odges, List of


. 7 64 81 171

o Officers, Grand, Appointed :........... 166 Elected 91, . 92 " Installed ..' 166 Present at Annual Communication, 3, Append~x' 376 . Past Grand, in Attendance ~ Appendix 376 in the Past, List of.. Appendix 308 Opening of Grand Lodge............ . 4 Orators, Grand, Orations of 52, 74 Orators, Grand, Appointed :................ 166 0


eo • • • • 0


p Past Grand Master's Jewel, Presented to retiring Grand Master Wilson ~......... 168 Past Masters PreseJ:lt, List of.. Appendix 378 to 382 c •••••••




64 Pay Roll, Committee on Appointed : ~ . Report of , .. 157 Presentation of Jewels to the Grand Lodge from Grand Master of 63 Pennsylvania ; ..

R Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges, Report of Committee........ Reinstatements, List of Appendix 274 to Report of Committee on Accounts : : .. . Appeals and Grievances .. Boards of Relief .. Charity .. Chartered Lodges .. . . Codification of Laws Credentials ..... .4, 153; Appendix 364' to ,', District Deputy Grand Masters.' Reports.. ' Foreign Correspondence 52; App. 1 to Grand Master's Address . Jurisprudence . 14 0dges Under Dispensation .. Masonic Home (Visiting) .. Mileage and Per Diem ; .. .Necrology 1 路 .. Pay Roll : .. Recognition of Grand Lodges .. Transportation and Hotels .. Ways and Means路 .. Grand Lecturer : . Secretary .. Treasurer . Officers of Masonic Home 51; Appendix: 318 to Reports of District Deputy Grand M路asters .. Representatives of Lodges in Grand Lodge Appendix 364 to Other Grand Lodges at Annual ComtI,lunication Appendix Other Grand Lodges near this Grand Lodge.App. This Grand J4 0dge near other Grand Lodges.App. Resolution of Regret 路 : : . Relating to Aprons .. Funds of Benfon Lodge, No. 353 .. Jncorp9ration of Masonic Home . Re~urns,. Blanks for ~ . Revision and Codification of Grand Lodge Law .. : .. Ritual, Committee on ..

121 277


93 148

122 122 86

382 130 252 88 15() 147 119-

157 81

157 121

154 154 66

38 44 342 131 376 377

258 256 50 '65 92

147 41 35




[Sept., 1907.

s Secret Work 88, Secretary, Grand, report of submitted . Supplemental report of.. : ~ . Secretaries, Grand, List of.. Appendix Session of 1908 . Special Committees, 1908,. appointed . Committee on Grand Master's Add'r~ss .. . " Report of . Standing Committees ; . Suspensions for Non-Payment of Dues Appendix 268 to " Unmasonic Conduct .Appendix 'I of Master of Hazelwood Lodj::{e, No. 459 10, 91, Swanger, J. E., Grand Orator, Oration of. : .. ; .

129 38 44 254

171 167 5 88 64

272 273 128


T Tabular Statements Appendir 278 to 306 Thomas, J. B., Past Grand Master, Letter from........................... 4 Transportation and Hotels-Committee on :...................... 65 ' I , " R e p o r t on..................... 154 Treasurer, Grand, Report of 44

u路 Unfinished Business, Committee on, Appointed



v Visitors at Grand Lodge



w Ways and Means, Committee on Report of Wilson, D. M., P. G. M., Biographical Sketch of.. I. Portrait of i facing ~

.. 64 . 154 .. 172 .. 172

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