1908 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 1

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•Tohn Thomas Short was born at Carlisle, Illinois, November 4, 1857, and received his education in the "high schools of that place. In March, 1876, he located at Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, where he resided for eleven years, during which time he taught school in the' winter" and in the summer months worked at the carpenter's trade. In 1887 he removed to Jefferson City, where he served as clerk of the Board of Equalization, and was afterwards clerk in the Senate at the extra session of the Legislature. In ]894 he was elected and served as -ReJ,Jresentatiye from Cole County in the Thirty-eigohth Genet-al Assem bly. Since 1890 he has been a contractor and builder. He was married in 1887 to Mi~s Dora Sloan, of Cape Girardeau, and one daughter has corne to gladden their horne. ;\1ASONTC.

He was initiated January 28, passed February 11, and raised March 4, 1882, in Excelsior Lodge No. 441, at Jackson, Cape Girardeau County; was elected ~enior \'7 arden December, 1884, and served as Worshipful Master from December, 1885, to December, 1887. He dim it-ted in 1888 and affiliated with Jefferson Lodge No. 43, at Jefferson City, the same year. There he was elected Worshipful Master in ]890. He was appointed District. Lecturer in 1891 and District Deputy Grand Master in 1892, which offices he .held until he was appointed Grand Senior Deacon, in 1904, by Grand Master Leroy B. Valliant. vVas elected Grand Senior Warden in 1905, Deputy Grand Master in 1906, and Most \Vorshipful Grand ~faster in HI07 • . M. W. Bro. Short received the Capitular Degrees in Jefferson City' Royal Arch Chapter No. 34; the Cryptic Degrees in Ezra Council No. 32, Royal and S.elect Masters; was Knighted in Prince of Peace Commandery No. 29, and served as its Eminent Commander for two years. Is a member of Victoria Chapter No. 14, O. E. S., and received the Scottish Rite Degrees (32°) in A. & A. S. R. Orient of St. Louis. W'hen he took these d~grees he was elected president of his class and this class was nam~a in honor of his mother Lodge, Excelsior. As a Mason his' life .is identified with every mQvement which h3;s marked the progress of Missouri Masonry for the last twenty years.' G. L. Pro.-l




He has discharged the duties of every office entrusted to him with unquestioned fidelity and untiring attention to detail. As a ritualist, he has no superior, and the Craft. throughout central Missouri, owes to no man a greater debt of gratitude for earnest and effective work among them. His ideals are pure, his charity unbounded. In the sacred precincts 'of the home he is a true friend; as a citizen he stands for every movement for the moral uplift of man. I have been his friend and associate as a Mason; I have felt his power as an exemplar of all that is best in life and in none of its varied duties has he been found wanting. The excellent condition of Freemasonry throughout the State attests his superior ability as an executive officer, and: as he retires from the arduous duties of the office of Grand Master, the love and esteem of his Brethren will follow him. • ALGERNON SIDNEY HOUSTON.












COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 29, A. D., 1908: A. L., 5908.

ST. LOUIS, WOODWARD & TIERNAN PRINTiNG CO .• 300 to 825 N. Third Street. 1908.









The Eighty-eighth Annual Communi'cation of the Gran'd l Lodge 'of Anci~nt, Free ancl Accepted Masons of the 'State of Missouri convened at Scottish Rite Cathedral, Seventeenth and Locust Streets, St. Louis, September 29, 1908, at 10 o'clock A. 1\1. PRESENT. JOHN 'r. SHORT .. , ROBERT R. KREEGIDR WJLLlA~l A. HALL C. C. BIGGEJR .' ~A. C. STEWART , •JOHN R. PARSON .J .. R. McLACHLAN REV. .J. H. MILLER ARCH A. JOHNSON .lACOn LAMPERi~ VAN F. BOOR C. A. MOSMAN 'r. W. COTTON , .TOI-IN M. D6RAN WILLIAM SOU1'H;F,RN, JR FRANK R. JESSE 1. 1". F,VRARD. :'" .TOHN W. OWEN



: ,. \

M. W. Grand Master, R. W. DelJuty.Grand Master. .7:. lV. Grand Sen'ior Warden. R. W. Grand Juniot' Warden. R. W. Grand 'l'tcas1l1'er. /(.. W. G,.a,nd Sccretal'Y. R. W. Grand hecturer. R. W. Grand Chaplain. R. lV. Grand Senior Deac'Jn. J(. lV.-Gr-anrl Jttrlior Deacon. R. W. Gmnd Senior Steu;ard. it. W. Grfl1l1l .TuMor Steu;arcl. ,N. 11'. Grand jJfarshal. f(. W. Grand Marshal. R. W. Ot'and S.word Bearer. R. W. Grand Pursuivant. R. W. Grand Orator. .u. W. Grand Tile1·.


Proceedings of the

[ Sept~


At 10 o'clock A. M. the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of the State of Missouri was opened in AMPLE FORM by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, John T. Short, assisted by the other Grand Officers. Prayer was offered by R. W. Bro. Rev. John H. Miller, Grand Chaplain. CREDENTIALS.

The Committee on Credentials reported that Representatives of a constitutional number of Lodges were registere~; thereupon the Grand Master declared the Grand Lodge open and, ready for business. DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. -

M. W. Bro. C. H. Briggs presented to the Grand Master and to the Brethren of the Grand Lodge of l\1issouri M. W. Bro. Milton H. Price,. Grand Master of Tennessee, who was received with Grand Honors, and fraternally welcomed by Grand Master Short. In reply, M. W. Bro. Price expressed, in a few well-chosen words, his pleasure at meeting with the Grand Lodge of Missouri in Annual Communication; and in conclusion said that he brought with him the fraternal regard and greetings of the Brethren of tht: Grand Lodge of Tennessee. He was then assigned to a place in the Grand East. ADDRESS OF THE GRAND MASTER.

M. W. Bro. John T. Short, Grand Master, then presented and read the following Address, which was referred to a Comomittee of the Past Grand Masters present, with M. W. Bro. D. M. Wilson, Chairman.



To the Memb,ers ot the Grand Lodge



BRETHREN OF THE GRAND LODGE-Another year has passed, and as we are assembled in this, our Eighty-eighth Annual Communication, another milestone is reached in our march onward and upward to that high moral plane which is, or ought to be, the goal of every

1908. ]

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


Mason. In the beginning of this session, which will, in some respects, be the most important of any Communication in recent years, it is but fitting and proper that we bow our heads and implore Divine aid and guidance in all matters that will be brought before this Grand Body for its consideration; that we may put forth our noblest efforts for the advancement and welfare of our fellow men; that our Fraternity may legislate for the best interests of Masonry in general. ~ During this session of the Grand Lodge, you, and each of you. have varied and important duties to perform. Let us endeavor to discharge these duties as the conscience of each dictates, and with an eye single to the good of the Craft. As each Representative is an integral part of the Grand Lodge, the responsibility for business transacted at this session will rest upon you all. Remember, tha.t this is not a Grand Lodge for the benefit of Past Grand Masters or present Grand Officers only, but as well for the Representatives of the 600 Lodges in this State. here assembled. The year just passed has been one of harmony and good will, and the progress made, I trust, has been. beneficial and lasting. While we rejoice in this happy and prosperous condition of the Craft, we are not unmindfu'1 of the fact that we have lost some of our most distinguished Masons. Death has claimed its own and Will, sooner or later, claim each of us. M. W. Bro. Noah M. Givan, Past Grand Master and President of the Masonic Home Board, died suddenly at his home in the city of St. 'Louis, on Oct.ober 3, 1907. He was taken to his old' home in Harrisonville, Mo., and was buried on Sunday, October 6. His funeral was attended by several Grand Lodge Officers, eight Past Grand Masters, and a large concourse of Brethren and friends, who could not yet realize the loss they had sustained in the passing a way of this grand, good man and Mason. M. W. Bro. Joshua B. Thomas died in Kansas City, Mo., November 15, 1907. His remains were taken to Albany, Mo., where appropriate services were conducted by M. W. Bros. A. M. Dockery and E. F. Allen, assisted by the members of Athens Lodge, No. 127. An exceedingly large number of Brethren and friends attended this funeral. I copy from M. W. Bro. Dockery's report, as follows: "I have never seen more general manifestations of grief than were exhibited by the people on that occasion. M. W. Bro. Thomas was exceedingly popular in the community in which he lived." M. W. Bro. William R. Stubblefield died in St. Louis, January 10, 1908, and was buried in that. city with appropriate services by Occidental Lodge, No. 163, of which M. W. Bro. Stubblefield was a. member. I was present and assisted in the services at the burial


Proceedings of the


of M. W. Bro. Givan, but, owing to matt.ers over which I had n:) contt:0l, was unable to attend the funeral of either of the' others. The life work and character of these distinguished men and Mason'3 will be fittingly and appropriately laid before y'ou by the ComII}iU€e on Necrology. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Immediately afte~ the last Communication of the Grand Lodge I appointed a District Deputy Grand Master for each of the Fiftysix Districts in this State. Only one vacancy has 'occurred' during the year, that of R. W. Bro. R. E. L. Smith, of the Twenty-fourth Dist;ict, who resigned. To fill this vacancy I appointed·R. W. Bro. I. N. Evrard. Too much can not be saiLl in praise of the high moral standing, efficiencY,and earnest labors of this little army of Masons in this State. It has not been my pleasure to meet each and every one of these Depu~ies, but as I have been in touch with them duriug the year, I know whereof I speak. I have received reports from all the Districts of the State. with the exception of one. FRATERNAL RELATIONS. It is my pleasure to report that Fraternal relations between this Grand Lodge and other Grand Lodges remain most cordial.

GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. Repr€sentatives of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, near other Grand Lodgfls, were appointed as follows: R. W. Bro. 1. Edward Sanford, Nova Scotia; R. W. Bro. 'Richard L. Gibbs, New York; R. W. Bro. Peter Forrest, Queenslalld; R W. Bro. Walter N. Connor, MisSiss'ippi; R. W. Bro. A. E. Whitney, West Virginia; R. W. Bro. W. Munro Denholm, Scotland; R. W. Bro. Robert C. Hill, Washington; R. W. Bro. Leonard J. Ni.ckerson, Cannectidut. ' I

The following were recommended, and appointed by other Grand Lodges near the Grand Lodge of Missouri: R. W. Bro. A. L. Ross, Versailles, Grand Represeritative of the Grand Lodge of Queensland; R. W. Bro. W. H. Miller, JackEon, Grand Representative of Scotland;- R. VV.,. Bro. James A. Boone, Charleston, Grand Representative of Arkansas; R. W. Bro. Wm. F. Johnson, Boonville, Grand Representative of Illinois; R. W. Bro. E. E. Codding, Sedalia, Grand Representative of Manitoba: R. W. Bro. W. S. Allee, Olean, Grand Representative of Virginia; R.W.


Gmnd Lodge of Missouri.


Bro. Churchill .J. Blackburn, Blackburn, Grand Representative of Texas; R. W. Bro. Austin L. McRae, Rolla, Grand Representative of Ohio; R. W. Bro. Charles A. Sheppard, Warrensburg, Grand Representative of New York. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. By authority of the Grand Lodge the following Special Committees were appointed: Revision and Codifi:cation of Laws-A. M. Hough, W. F. Johnson,

A. S. Houston. Ritual-A. S. Houston, D. M. Wilson, Campbell Wells, R. R. Kreeger, Wm. A. Hall. Recognition Of F01'eign G1'and LOdges-E. F. Allen,


Wells, Van F. Boor. Com?nittee on Offices for Grand SecretMy-A. M. Dockery, E. F.

Allen, Campbell Wells. VISITATIONS. It has been my pleasure to visit quite a number of Lodges in the

State by special invitation. First in the list was a meeting of my own Lodge, ;Jefferson, No. 43. This was certainly a most enjoyable affair, as we had with us Past Grand Master W. M. Williams) Past Grand Orator John E. Swanger, W. Bro. J. Oliver Hogg, and. quite a number of other distinguished Masons, who, by their presence and eloquence of speech, made the occasion one long to be remembered. On November 20, the Grand Lecturer and myself were the guestf: of Ivanhoe, Westport and York Lodge~, of Kansas City. The meeting was held in the hall of Ivanhoe Lodge. It was a delightful occasion, and I want to assure you that the Brethren of Kansas City know how to entertain. Ivanhoe Lodge is to be congratulated on it~; splendid quarters. The general arrangement of main' hall, anterooms, etc is ideal. On the afternoon of February 20, together with several Past Grand Masters and present Grand Officers, I visited Mt. Moriah Lodge, No. 40, at St. Louis, and assisted in conferring two Third Degrees. After the work, we repaired to the Athletic Club for dinner, where we each did justice to a bountiful spread. This being concluded, . we proceeded to the Scottish Rite Cathedral, and participated in the final meeting of the Lodge of Instruction, where appropriate speeches were made by M. W. Bros. Jamison and Woods, and' R. W. Bro. A. C. Stewart, and others. This spacious han was


Proceedings of the


filled to overflowing. The meeting was not only enjoyable, but profitable as well. On September 26, as the guest of George Washington Lodge, No. 9, St. Louis, I visited and assisted in conferring the Third Degree¡ with the Lodge at Blue Mound, Ill. Here we met the Officers of the Grand Lodge of our Sister Jurisdiction. This was, indeed, a most enjoyable meeting, as we were well received and royally entertained. On September 28 I assisted in the dedication of the magnificent new Temple of Tuscan Lodge, in the city of St. Louis. Their splendid and well-equipped hall was filled to overflowing. This meeting was, indeed, the, cap-sheaf of my official visitations. The labors of th~ Officers and Brethren of Tuscan Lodge have been crowned with success. This Lodge certainly deserves much credit for this magnificent structure, so imposingly located. It augurs well for MasonrY, not only in the city of St. Louis, but for the entire Jurisdiction. 1 have visited 'and assisted in conferring Degrees in several other Lodges in the city of St. Louis, and have ViSit~d the following . Lodges in the interior of the State: Russellville Lodge, No. 90, Russellville; Tebbets Lodge, No. 565, Tebbets; Lodge of Peace, 'No. 280, Chilhowee; Wm. D. 'Muir Lodge, No. 277, Pilot Grove; Houston Lodge, No. 580, Thompson; Caruthersville Lodge, No. 461, Caruthersville; and Granite Lodge, No. 272, Sedalia. DISTRICT MEETINGS. Have assisted R. W. Bros. Frank R. Jesse, H. L. Wilson, and W. A. Clark in District meetings in their respective Districts. These meetings were held at Vandalia, Columbia, and Eldon. LODGES OF INSTRUCTION FOR THE BENEFIT OF DISTRICT LECTURERS. . At the last Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge an appro~ priation was made to defray the actual expenses of District Lecturers attending meetings held for their benefit. For this purpose meetings were held at Moberly, St. Josep~, Springfield, Sedalia, St. Louis, and Poplar Bluff. These meetings were well attended, as you will observe by the report of the Grand Lecturer. . LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION. During the year Dispensations have been issued for eight new Lodg~s, as follows: • October 4, 1907, Blodgett Lodge, Blodgett, Scott County, Fifteenth District.



Grand Lodge of Missouri.


October 4, 1907, Cecil Lodge, Cottonwood Point, Pemiscot County, Fifty-first District. . . October 19, 1907, Puxico Lodge, Puxico, Stoddar<:l County, Fiftieth District. November 15, 1907, Bosworth Lodge, Bosworth, Carroll County, Twentieth District. Dec~er 16, 1907, Leadwood Lodge, Leadwood, St. Francois County,~orty-eighth District.



December 19, 1907, Elvins Lodge, Elvins, St. Franeois County, Forty-eighth District. March 14, 1908, Cosby Lodge, Cosby, Andrew County, Ninth District. May 21, 1908, Clayton Lodge, Clayton, St. Louis County, Thirtythird District. In each instance I. was fully convinced that these Lodges. were neceEsary for the best ,interests of Masonry. LAYING OF CORNER-STONES. October 12, 1907, Normal' School Building, Maryville, A. M. Dockery, P. G. M. October 22, 1907, Court House, Memphis, John M. Doran, D. D. G.M. Oct.ober 25, 1907, M. E. Church, South, Versailles, Charles C. Woods, P. G. M. November 9, 1907, New Tuscan Temple, St: Louis, A. M. Dockery. P. G. M.

March 17, 1908, Court House, Potosi, Charles C. Woods, P. G. M. March 24, 1908, Central Christian Church, Joplin, M. T. Balsley, P. G. Marshal. May 19, 1908, Public School Building, Bevier, G. F. Brewington, D. D. G. M. May 30, 1908, Presbyterian. Church, Slater, 1. N. Evrard, D. D. G.M. July' 17, 1908, M. E. Church, South, Naylor, J. L. Batton, P. M. August 17, 1908, M. E. Church, South, Webb City, R. A. Mooneyham, D. D. G. M. August 31, 1908, New Hall of Competition Lodge, No. 432, H. T. Wright, D. D. G. M. September 24, 1908, Gymnasium Building, Drury College, Springfield, C.' H. Briggs, P. G. 1\1:.


ProceedÂŁnf!:s at-the '1

I officiated at the laying of


~orner-stones at


. [Sept.

the following places:

April 9, 1908, C~ristian Church, Jeffers~n City. May 28, 1908, .Normal School Buildipg. NO.2. Warrensburg. I have issued Dispensations for removal of Lodges, dedication of halls, 'election of officers, and reballoting on candidate~. In each instance being convinced that the law had been fully complied with. I





State Lodges of Instruction were appointed-and ~eld at a number 'of places during the year, only six of which I was able to attend. These were at Jackson, Campbell, New Madrid, Bowling Green, Paris, and Salisbury. A full report of all th.ese meetings will be given by the Grand Lecturer. ARRANGEMENTS FOR HOLDING THIS COMMUNICATION. T~ secure a suitable place for holding this Communication of the Grand Lodge, I appointed the following. Committee: R. W. Bro. ,Wm. E. Hoke, W. Bro. Jos. S. McIntyre" and W. Bro. F. F. Wm. Krenning. The result of their efforts is that we are again assembled in this magnificent Cathedral.

THE MASONIC HOME. It is my pleasure to report that the Masonic Home is in a splendid condition, exceedingly well managed, and the inmates cared for in the most ~atisfactory .manner. A detailed report will be furnished by the President of the Board, M. W. B,ro. E. F. Allen.

SUSPENSION OF MASTER .OF UNITED LODGE, No.5. Charges of unmasonic conduct having been preferred against . W. Bro. .John G. Newbill, Worshipful Master of United Lodge, No.5, r referred the matter to R. W. Bro. D. B. Farnsworth, District Deputy Grand Master of the Forty-fifth District, who, after a thorough investigation, presented me with what I deemed sufficient evidence to warrant the suspension of W. Bro. Newbill, which I proceeded to do according to law. I notified W. Bro. Newbill to appear at this session of the Grand Lodge to answer the charges. The papers in . this case are with the Grand Secretary. REVISION OF BY-I,.AWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. A Committee on Revision and Codification of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge was appointed three years ago. Owing to th"


Grand L~dge




death of two members of the original Committee, the completion of the work was interfered with and delayed. The Laws have been revised and printed, and distributed to the Lodges of the State, as directed by the Grand Lodge. The work of revision has required much labor and time of the Committee and, up to this time, no compensation for their services has been received, for the reason that the Committee, together with your Grand Master, did n9t construe the wording of the resolution sufficient to authorize the payment for compensation. I, therefore, recommend that a reasonable amount be appropri路 ated to compensate, in a measure, at least, the members of this Committee for their valuable services. '\Then the work of revision shall have been completed' by this Grand Lodge, the work of indexing and printing will necessarily follow. Therefore; I recommencl that the present Committee be continued for that purpose. There seems to be no provision in our By-Laws for the election of the Masonic Home Board. I, therefore, recommend that proper provision for their election be made at this session. DECISIONS. I have made no decisions, but have answered every communica-, tion sent me; and on all matters pertaining to questions of law, I , have been able to dispose of them by reference to the By-Laws, or decisions of the Grand, Lodge. There are a great many unnecessary question's asked of the Grand Master. If the officer.s and members of the locaJ Lodges would become more conversant with t.he laws, four-fifths of the questions asked of the Grand Master could be properly determined by themselves. I will admit that for a number of years, at least, the By-Laws and the Session Acts of the Grand Lodge have been somewhat complicated, t.o which the Committee on Revision can, no' doubt, attest, but with the closing of this Grand Lodge I trust that our laws will be in such shape that t.he Grand Masters for years to come will not be burdened with so many simple questions. CONCLUSION. I can not close this report without expressing my high appreciation for the advice and assistance given me by a number of Past Grand Masters, present Grand Lodge Officers, and a host of other Brethren. I have found ready response to every inquiry, and prompt action to every request. In this connection I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the valuable ser路 vices and counsel of our Grand Lecturer, 'R. W. Bro. J. R. McLachl~n,


Proceea£l1,gs of the


and our efficient and obliging Grand Secretary., M. W. Bro. John R. Par::;on. These Brethren I will ever hold in high esteem for their many favors and courtesies. With this Communication of the Grand Lodge, my official acts are at an end. I have endeavored to be fair and impartial in the duties of the high office. Brethren, assuring you of my profound appreciation of the high honor conferred one year ago, I close. JOHN T. SHORT, Grand Master.


M. W. Bro. John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, submitt~d his annual report, showing that he had for the third consecutive time 'secured annual reports and collected Grand Lodge dues from everyone of the 593 Lodges in the State. The report was, by ord~r of the Grand Master, referred to the Committee on Accounts, and is as follows: To the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of !lfiS.~OU1"i:

In compliance with the law of the Grand Lodge I herewith present my report as Grand Secretary, from September 16, 1907, to September 21, 1908, together wlt:b my books and vouchers. KEW LODGES. The nine new Lodges chartered at the last session of the Grand Lodgn were duly constitut.ed by proper officers, have been at work during the year, and are named and located as follows: CHARTERFlD SI!:PTEUBER

26, 1907.

St. Francisville Lodge, No. 588. at St. Francisvl"l\e, Clark County, First District. Stoutsville Lodge, No. 592, ut Stoutsville, Monroe County, Seventeenth District. Barnett Lodge, No. 591, at Barnett, Morgan County, Twenty-fifth Dis· trict. ' Union Lodge, No. 593, at Union, Franklin County, Thirty-second District. Criterion Lodge, No. 586, at Alba, ,Jasper County, li''orty-fourth District. Duncan Lodge, No. 589, at Duncan, Webster County,' Forty-fifth District. • Advance Lodge, No. 590, at Advance, Stoddard County, Fiftieth District. Many Springs Lodge, No. 320, at Many Springs, Oregon County, l~'ifty­ third District. Branson Lodge, No. 587, at Branson, 'rane~r County, F'ifty-fourth DIstrict. COMMISSIONS TO DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MAS'l'I£RS. By order of M. W. Bro. John T. Short, Grand Master, commissIons were sent to the District Deputy Grand Masters appointed in the fifty-si.x Masonic Districts.


Grand Lodge of Missouri.


COMMISSIONS TO GRAND REPRESENTATIVii;S. B~' order of Grand Master Short commissions were issued to the following Grand Representatives of Missouri near Sister Lodges.

R. W. Bro. I. Edw. Sanford, Halifax, near the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia.

R. W. Bro. Richard L. Gibbs, New York City, near the Grand Lodge of New York. R. W. Bro. Peter Forrest, Brisbane, ncar 路the Grand Lodge of Queensland. R. W. Bro. Walter N. Conner, Hattiesburg, near the Grand Lodge of M.lssissippi. H. W. Bro. A. E. WhItney, Parkersburg, near the Grand Lod'~e of West Virginia. R. W. Bl'O. \V. Munro Denholm, Glasgow, near the Grand Lodge of Scotland. R. W. Bro. Robert C. Hill, Port Townsend, near the Grand Lodge vi Washington. R. W. Bro. Leonard J. NIckerson, West Cornwall, near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. COMMISSIONS Grand as Grand :M:issouri : R. W. R. W. R. W. n. W. R. W. R. \V. R. W. R. W. R. W.


Master Short recommended for appointment the following Brethren Representatives of Sister Grand Lodges near the Grand Lodge of Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro.

A. L. Ross, Versailles, Grand Lodge of Queensland. W. H. Miller, .Jackson, Grand Lodge of Scotland. James A. Boone, Charleston, Grand Lodge of Arkansas. Wm. F. Johnson, Boonville, Grand Lodge of Illinois. E. E. Codding, Sedalia, Grand Lodge of Manitoba. W. S. Allee, Olean, Grand Lodge of VirgInia. Churchill J. Blackburn, Blackburn, Grand Lodge of T~xas. Austin L. McRae, Rolla, Grand Lodge of Ohio. Chas. A. Sheppard. Warrensburg, Grand Lodge of New York. SPECIAL COMMISSION.

R. W. Bro. R. E. L. Smith, District Deputy Grand Master of the Twenty路 fourth District, having resigned, a commission was issued to W. Bro. 1. 1\. Evrard, by order of the Grand Master, to fill the unexpired term. I

LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION. The Grand Master. granted Dispensations for the formation of eight new Lodges to work Under Dispensation, as follows: October 4, 1907, Blodgett Lodge, Blodgett, Scott County, Fiftieth District. October 4, 1907, Cecil Lodge, Cottonwood Point, Pemiscot County, Fifty路 first District. October 19, 1907, Puxico Lodge, Puxico, Stoddard County, Fiftieth District. November 15, 1907, Bosworth Lodge, Bosworth, Carroll County, Twentieth DIstrict. ' December 16, 1907, Leadwood Lodge, Leadwood, St. Fra.ncois County, Forty-eighth DIstrict. December 19, 1907, Elvins Lodge, Elvins, St. Francois County, Ii'ortyeighth District.



Proceedings of the


March 14, 1908. 'Cosby Lodg-e, Cosby, Andrew County, Ninth Distl'ict. May 21, 1908, Clayton Lodge, Clayton, St. Louis County, Thirty-third District. DUPLICATE CHARTERS. By order of Grand ~faster Short, duplicate Charters were issued as follows: 'ro Competition Lodge, No. 432 .. Hall and contents destroyed by fire, February, 1908. Insurance, $500. To Le~ington Lodge, No. 149.' Hall and contents destl'oyed by fire, March. 1908. Records saved. Insurance, $750. ' To Sheldon Lodge, :Ko. 371. Charter accidentally destroyed by fire. Duplicate issued, March 31, 1908. SPECIAL DISPEKSATIOKS. The Grand Master granted a number of Special Dispensations for th~ of corner-stones, removal of Lodges into new halls, and election 01 officers, as follows: la~"ing



Normal School Building, Mal'yville, A. )1. Dockery, P. G. M., October 12, 1907. Court House, Memphis, John ::\1. Doran, D. D. G. M., October 22, 1907. 1\-1. ·E. Church, South, Versailles, Charles C. Woods, P. G. M., Octobet· 25, 1907. • Tuscan Temple, St. Louis, A. )1. Doc!<eQ', P. G. 1\1., Xovcmber 9, 1907. Court House, Potosi, Charles C. Woods. P. G. 1\1., )'Iarch 17, 1908. Ccntral Christian Church, .Joplin, M. 'J'. Balsley, P. Gr. Marshal, March 24, 1908. Public School' BUilding, Bevier, Geo. F. Brewington, D. D. G. l\1., May 19, 1!)08. Presbyterian Church, SlatCl', 1. N. Evrard, D. D. G. M., May 30, 1908. M. E. Church, South, Kaylor, J. L. Batton, P. M., July 17, 1908. )1. E. ChUl:ch, South, Webb City, H. A. Mooneyham. D. D. G. M., August 1'7, 1908. New Hall, Competition Lodge,· No. 432, H. T. Wright. D. D. G. M.• August 31, 1908. Gymnasium of Drury College, Springfield, C. H. Briggs, f. G. i\f., September 15, 1908. Grand Master John T. Short, on April.9, 1908, laid the corner-stone of the Christian Church at Jefferson City; and on May 28th' laid the corner-stone or the Not'mal School Building, No.2, at Warrensburg. FOU RElIlOVAL OF LODGES INTO NEW HALLS.

Hermon Lodge, No. 187, G. D. Allee, D. D. G. 1'1., October 4, 1901. Cold Spl'ing IJodge, No. 274, Eo E. Codding, D. D. G. M., October 16, .1907. Plattsburg Lodge, No. 113, C. W. Bolster, D. D. G. M., :Kovember 23, 1907. Malta Lodge, No. 402, R. F" L. Smith, D. D. G. M., December 27, 1907. _Henderson Lodge, No. 477, D. B. Farnsworth, D. D. G. M., JaD1~ary 14, 190's. Clarksdale Lodge, No. 559, H. F. Lawrence, D. D. G. M., January 25, 1908. Galena Lodge, No. 515, H. 1. Br3;dfol'd, D. D. G. M., February 4, 1908.


Grand Lodge of j11issouri.

, 15

Hayti Lodge, No. 571, Henry Schroeder, D. D. G. M., Febl'uary 4, 1908. Blodgett Lodge, U. D., James A. Boone, D. D. G. M., February 4, 1908. Olive Branch Lodge, No. 576, Wm. E. Hoke, D. D. G. M., February 15, 1908. Cainsville Lodge, No. 328, T. A. Dunn, D. D. G. :M., February 18, 1908. Appleton City Lodge, No. 412, H. L. Hunter, D. D. G. M., February 20, 1908. Webb City Lodge, No. 512, R. A. Mooneyham, D. D. G. M., February 26, 190b. Lexington Lodge, No. 14D, Henry Sinauel', D. D. G. M., March 6, 1908. Canopy Lodge, No. 284, H. 1. Bradford, D. D. G. "'1., April 18, 1908. East Prairie Lodge, No. 38 /t, James A. Boone, D. D. G. M., April 23, 1908. ~1iddle Fabius Lodge, No. 2·H, .Tohn "'1. DOl'an, D. D. G. M., June 19, 1908. Hope Lotlge, No. 251, Geo. H. Pike, D. D. G. M., June 27, 1908. •Toppa Lodge., No. 411, N. n. Garner, P. M., .Tune 29, 1908: Clintonville Lodge, No. 482, 'Vill H. Bowles, D. D. G. M., JUly 17, 1908. Clifton Hill Lodge, No. 161, James Sears, P. 1\1:., August 7, 1908. Hornersville Lodge, No. 215, from Caruth to Hornersville, Henry Schroe· del', D. D. G. 1\1., September 4, 1908. l~OR


Cainsville Lodge, No. 328, October 1, 1907. Wilson Lodge, No. 191, December 19,1!)07. J~rusalem Lodge, ·No. 315, January 3, 1908. Hume Lodge, No. 130, January 7, 1908. Composite Lodge, No. 369, January 21, 1908. Hazelwood Lodge, No. 459, January 31, 1908. Paul ville Lodge, No. 319, February 4, 1908. Grant City Lodge. No. 66, March 24, 1908. Holden Lodge, No. 262, March :10, 1908. Naylor Lodge, No. 568, May 14, 1908. :Moniteau Lodge, No. 295, .Tune 18, 1908. l<'lorence Lodge, No. 261, June 27, 1908. Ionic Lodge, No. J 54, July 10, 1908. Lewistown Lodge, No. 494, JulY.20, 1V08. Cainsville Lodge, No. 328, August 12, 1908. Avalon Lodge, No .. 505, August 20, 1908. I


A number of appeals, and a few·petitions for restoration to good Masoni!' standing have been turned over to M. W. Bro. Dorsey A. Jamison, Chairman of the Committee on Appeals and Grievances. HE VISION OF GRAND LD'DGE BY·LAWS. At the last session of the Grand Lodge the Grand Secretary was directed to have printed in pamphlet form .the proposed revision of the Grand Lodge By·Laws, as prepared by the Committ-ee on Revision of By-Laws, at least sixty days before the Grand Lodge session. This was accordingly done, and on June 10th a copy was sent to the pl'csent Grand Officers, Past Grand Masters, District Deputy Gl'and Masters and District Lecturers, and to ea~h Subordinate Lodge or this Jurisdiction.


Proceedings of the


MEMORIALS. Memorial notices of the loss, by death, of our beloved Past ters, M. W. Bro. Noah M. Givan, Joshua B. 'l'homas and Wm. field, were sent to all the Lodges in the Jurisdiction, and to Past Grand Officers, as well as to all American Sister Grand Masonic publications.

Grand MasR. Stubblepresent and Lodges and

BLANKS FOR RETURNS. Blank returns were sent to the Lodges, May 28th, together with circulars calling attention to the change in law as to time of making returns; the fiscal year now closing on the 30th of June, thus allowing but eleven months' work of the Subordinate Lodges to be shown in the returns for 1908. On the 20th of July another circular was sent to non-reporting Lodges, again calling attention to the law. And on August 1st personal' lettel's were sent to thirty-two delinquent Lodges. HE'l'URNS FROM: EVERY LODG:ij:. All returns should have been received on or before August 1st; 561 of the Lodges -responded on tIme, showing- most gratifying and substantial increase in membership and property; the delinquent thirty-two came in later. For the thIrd successive year every Lodge in the State .has made returns and paid the~per capita tax. I am indebted to the District Deputy Grand :\Iasters for valuable assistance in securing this result. STATISTICAL. Number of Chartered Lodges in the .T urisdiction. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 593 Numbel' of Lodges making returns:.,.............................. 593 Number of members in said r,odges 47,197 Number of Lodges Under Dispensation ,.... 8 Number of m~mbers in Lodges Under Dispensation... . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . 23~ Total number of members : , .47,430 Net gain In membership for eleven months , 1,937 . Per capita tax, 1908, received up to and including September 21st, $46,105.50.


TRANSPORTA'.rION. W. Bro. W. G. Wilderman, Committee, was unable to obtain any rate other than two cents per mile, as now provided by law. During August a circular containing this Information was sent to all the Lodges, Hotel rate;;; were also furnished in the circular, copies of which will be found in the Grand Lodge. MASONIC HOME. By order of the Grand Lodge a warrant for $1,974.76, rebate from tlle Earthquake Fund of the Grand Lodge of CalifornIa, was turned over to the Masonic Home as a donation.



Grand Lodge of Missouri.

A Grand Lodge warrant for $21,769, one-half per capita tax, was paid to the Masonic Home in October, 1907; and on June 30, 1908, another waL'"rant for $158.50, one-half back dues, making a ,total of $21,927.50 paid toward the maintenance of our Home for. that year. The per capita tax for 1908 to and including September 21st, amounts to $46,105.50, one-half of which, $23,052.75, is due and payable to the Ordpr of the Masonic Home. At its last session, the Grand Lodge directed the publication of the revised By-Laws of the Masonic Home for distribution to the Lodges; the Board of Directors appointed a committee for such revision, but the work has not been completed. GRAND LODGE PROPERTY. The property formerly belonging to Barnesville Lodge, No. 455, is now in ~he hands of Barnesville Lodge, 1\0. 353,as ordered by the Grand Lodge at its last session. No other property is on hand, with the exception of a few Lodge Jewels, which are of little value. PRIN'l'IKG PROCEEDINGS. Bids' were taken for printing of Proceedings of this Grand Lodge and the contract was awarded to the lowest and best bId~er. EXCHANGE ON CHECKS. A few of the Lodges persist in sending checks on their local banks, on which exchange must be paId; ,but there has been a marked improvement in this respect. FINANCIAL. RECEIPTS.

Balance, September, 16, 1907, cash " . Back dues, 1907, collected ' $ 317 Dispensation fees, 1908 (eight) . 240 Charter fees, 1908 (eight) ~ . 160 From defunct Lodges ., .. 111 Refund from J ..C. Garrell, D. D. G. M . 2 Refund from A. C. Stewart, G. '.r., 1906 pay-rOll : 23 . • Refund from A. C. Stewart, G. T., 1907 pay-roll 24 Refund from J. R. McLachlan, Schools lnst . 303 Refund from Bros. Dockery, Allen, Wells, for :i\:1cDowel! l\:1onument . 400 Refund from¡ Grand Lodge ,of California, garthqu.ake li'und . 1,974 Petition, G. W. Woolsey for restoration : . 3 Petition, L. H. Rush for restoration . 7 Interest, twelve months, September 1, 1907, to September 1, 1908 . 264

$41,062 95 00 00 00

84 00 00 87 29 00 76 00 00 33

3,831 OU $44,894 04

Grand Lodge dues, 1908, up to and including September 21 : .. Total



46,105 50 $90,999 l:i4



Proceedings of the DISBURSE~fENTS.

Pay-roll, Grand Lodge session, 1907 ~ 5.960 95 One-half pel' capita tax, 1907, paid. to ~1asonic Home 21.927 50 Donation to Masonic Home 1.974 76 Expenses, Grand Master . 1,000 00 Printing Proceedi!?gs, 1907 '.' . 1,517 25 Charity, according to Report on Charity . 690 DO Salary Grand Secretary ' . 2,500 00 Salary Grand' Lecturer ; . 2,500 00 Salar~' Foreign Correspondent . 500 00 Printing, postage, stationery, stenographic work and incidentals . 1,600 00 Office rent, Grand Secretary (eleven months) . 1,100 00 100 00' Past Grand Master's Jewel, D. M. Wilson . Salary, Grand Treasurer . 200 00 Salary, Grand '.riler . 150 00 Funet'al expenses, N. M. Givan, P. G. 1\1 ...•........ 72 10 Floral tribute, Wm. R. Stubblefield, P. G. )1 . 12 00 Expense, Committee on Revision of ny-Laws . 173 fliJ Typewriting copy of By-Laws . 21 44 ·Printing revision of By-Laws, pamphlet form . 64 40 15 00 Organist, session 1907 · . Official stenographei', session 1907 . 130 00 1:) 67 St. Clair Merc. Co. for j:1-'ranklin Lodge, ~o. 541 . 50 00· John R. Pal:son, money advanced Mrs. ,1. D. Vinci!. . Schools of Instruction · . 800 00 200 50 Expense, Grand Lodge session 1907 . Allan McDowell Monument. ' . 500 30 Premium on bonds _ ,, . 150 00 32 35 Laundi'Y and repair Grand Lodge aprons '.' .. 50 00 Portrait, GraTld Master, D. 1\'1. Wilson '.. , . 58 00 Hefunded to Cold Spring Lodge, No. 274 , .. , . Barnesville Lodge, No. 353, by order of Grand Lodge, 1907 ' ,., . 153 56 Bell Telephone , .. : . 54 90 Expcn~es, H. F. Lawren~e, by order Grand Master .. , 274 f ••

Balance on hand September 21, 1908





$44,210 67 $46,788.87

From the above statement· it is seen that the balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer amounts to $46,788.87. From this amount deduct the sum due the Masonic I-lome, one-half of per capita tax, $23,052.75, which leaves a balance on hand of $23,736) 2. Fratcl'l1ally :::ubmitted, .JOHN R. PARSON, GTancl




'Grand Lod(~e of Missouri.



R. W. Bro. A. C. Stewart, Grand Treasurer, presented his report for" the past year, which was referred to the Committee on Accounts, as follows: ST.


September 21, 1908.

To the M. lV. Grand £0 (lgc,. A. F. and A.. M. of Missouri:

DEAR BRETIlRE:.x-Herewith I submit my report as Grand Treasurer, gether wi th my books and vouchers. My receipts and disbursements, in detail, since last statement, al'e follows. : 1907. Balance on hand September 17, 1907, as per last Annual Report $41.062 Sept. 19. Received [rom Grand Secret~ry...................... 2,263 20. ' '" .. . . 111 67 30. Interest on deposits...... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 31. ................................ ~6 ,,' Nov. 30. ........ 16 Dec. 5. Received from Grand Secretal·y '. . . . . . . 71 .................. ... 67 31. 31. Interest on deposits ·................ . . . . . . . 13 1908..Tan. 6. Received from Grand Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 " ' 31. Interest on deposits '. . . . 10 Feb. 29. ................................ 8 Mch. 6. Received from Grand Secretary....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !5 ...................... 30 16. 31. Interest· on deposits .. " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Api. 17. Received from Grand Secretary......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 30. Interest on deposits ~ .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 6 May 9. Received from Grand Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ,.... 6 30. Intel'est on deposits June 30. " ".~ 5 July 2. Received from Grand Secretary , . .. . . . . . . . .. 2,269 3. · . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.260 7. · . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,611 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. '.. 663 8. · .. '906 ~. 10. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,336 11. · . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,135 13. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1,477 14. · ... . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 694 · . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,584 15. · . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 1,062 16. 17. · . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.694 18. ·......... ... ......... 926 20. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1,349 21. · . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 2,948 22. · " 3,287 · . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.094 23.·.

to, as


7fl 00 12 47 47 25 00 11

29 45 72 4;'; 00 19 50 82 50 08 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



Proceedings of the

July 24. 25. 27. 29. 29. 30. 31. 31. Aug. 1. 3. 5. 7. 10. 13. 18. 20. 22. 31. Sept. 2. 5. 15. 21.

$ 1,714 00

Received from Grand Secretary

.... Interest on deposits Received from Grand





. .



Interest on deposits Received from Grand Secretary

'rotal i'eceipts


, ,


. .

1,571 2,085 3,356 1,875 2,581 1,652

2a 1,755 413 403 241 285 233 211 82 48 76 226 53 159 100

00 00 00 00 00 50 l:i4 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 87 00

$90,999 54


1907. Sept. 23.

Warrant No. 92a.







0 27.












N. M. Givan,for expenses Committee on Revision of Laws $ 46 Masonic Home of Missouri, one-bal! per capita tax to September 16, 1907 21,769 A. C. Stewart, Grand 'rreasurer, fOl: , pay-roll, 1907 ,. 5,960 Masonic Home of Missouri, donatioIl to Home 1,974 Wyaconda Lodge, No. 24, relief of J. F. Alberty, by Committee on Charity 100 Craft Lodge, N/). 287, relief of Wm, H. Beach, by Committee on Charity.. 100 Sturgeon Lodge, No. 174, relief of F .. P. Vance by Committee on Charity 100 North Star Lod~e, No. 157, 'rellef of Mrs. Harriet !{idd, by Committee on Charity , ; ,.... 100 Clarksville Lodge, No. 17, relief of A. T. Jamison by Committee OIl Charity 50 Portland Lodge, No. 242, relief of W. J ..Jackson by Committee on CbarIty '. . . . . .. . 40


00 95 76

00 00 00




.1908. ] Sept. 27.

'Warrant No. 10











































A. S. Houston, Past Grand Master, for use and benefit of Mrs. K. M. Deane, widow Past Grand Chaplain.$ 100 Annie M. Ready, widow Past Grand 100 Master, relief Barr .Jewelry Company, Past Grand Master's Jewel for D. M. Wilson, 100 P. G. 1"1. ............•.......•. B. P. Eversden, servIces, Organist, Grand Lodge session, 1907 ....... 15 John W. Owen, services, Grand Tiler. to and including. September 26, 1907 150 Lee M. Edgar, reporting Proceedings Grand Lodge session, 1907, and transcript ...................... 60 St. Clair Mercantile Company, amount due from Franklin Lodge, No. 541, 19 at tIme of arrest of Charter ..... John R. Parson, amount advanced to \ Mrs. John D. Vincll for relief ... 50 R. Eo Anderson, salary, Foreign Correspondent ..................... 41 Julius C. Garrell, expenses, Grand 200 Lodge session, 1907 ............. W. F. Johnson, expense, Committee on Revision of By-Laws............ 25 A. M. Hough, expense, Commi ttee on RevisIon of By-Laws ............ 58 John R. Parson, salary, Grand Secretary, month of September, 1907 ... 208 J. R. McLachlan, salary, Grand Lecturer, month of September, 1907 .. 208 J. R. Parson, Grand Secretary, printing, postage, stationery, stenographIc work and incidentals ..... 100 John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, expenses I~ connection with funeral of M. W. Bro. N. M. Givan ....... 59 Koenig Floral Co., floral emblem for funeral of M. W. Bro. N. M. Givan 13 \. John T. Short,' Grand Master, ex1,000 penses John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, salary month of October, 1907 .... 208 J. R. McLachlan, salary, Grand Lecturer, month of October, 1907 .... 208 R. E. Anderson, salary, ForeIgn Correspondent ..................... 41 John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, printing, postage, stationery, stenographic work and incidentals ..... 300 •••••••••




Grand Lodge of Missouri.










00 00

00 00



67 00 66 50 00 00 33 33


00 10 00 33 33 66




Proceedings of the

Oct. 31.

''''arrant Ko. 32.







7. 12.

36. 37.



























1908. Jan. 13.









J. T. Slwds, agent, rent, GI'and Sec100 00 retary's office, to October 31, 1907, $ J. R. :\lcLachlan. Grand IJCcturer, expenses of School of Instruction 800 OU District Lecturers . St. Louis Union 'rrust Company, premiums on official bonds of Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary to 150 00 October 22, 1908 . Geo. W. Bowles. washing and mending Grand Lodge aprons _ . 32 35 100 00 John· R. Parson, postage ~ . A. M. Dockery, Allan McDowell monument . 500 00 •T. V. D. Patch'. pOI·tmit of P. G. M. David 1\1. Wilson, , . 50 00 .John R. Parson, salary, Grand Secre208 :n tary to November 30, 1907 . J. R. McLachlan, salary, Grand Lec208 ~3 turer to Kovember 30, 1907 . R. E. Anderson, salary, Foreign Correspondent ' . 41.66 .J. T. Sands, agent, rent Grand Secre100 00 tary's Office to November 30, 1907 John R. Parson, Grand Secretary. printing, postage, stationery, stenographic work and incidentals ..... 100 00 Cold Spring Lodge, NO. 274, return of Grand Lodge dues for 1907 . 58 00 John R. Parson, salar~'; Grand Secre tary to. December 31, 1907,.. " ... 208 33 J. R. 1\IcLachlan, salary, Grand Lecturer, to December 31. 1907 ..... 208 33 R. 1" Anderson, salary, Foreign Correspondent . 41 66 J. T. Sands, agent, rent Grand Secretary's office to December 31, 1907. IOU 00 .John l}. Parson, printing,. postage. stationery, stenographic work and incidentals . ·100 00 'Woodward &- 'l'iernan i~rinting Co., printing and binding Proceedings of 1907 . 1.517 2(/ Barnesville' Lodge, No. 353, refund of cash paid by Bal'l1esville Lodge, No. 455, ordered by Grand Lodge, IG07 . H. F. Lawrence. D. D. G. :Master, b~' order of Grand Master . Koenig Floral Company, floml emblem' for funeral of P. G. 1\1. Wm. R. Stubblefield .

153 56 2 74

1908.J .Tan. 18.

:.:n. 3l. 31. 3l. 3l.


29. 29. 29. 29. 29.


Mch. 3l. 3l. 31. 31. 31.

Apr. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30.

May 30.




of lV1issouri.

Warrant No . 54.

Bell Telephone Compa'ny, one quarter's rent .of telrphone. to Much 1, 1908 lj; 55. .Jobn R. Parson, salary Grand Secrctary to January 31, 1908 . 56. .T. R. McLachlan, salary, Grand Lectm;er, to January 31, 1908 . 57. R. K Anderson, s~lary, Foreign Correspollden t . 58. .T. T. Sands, agcnt, rent Grand Secrctary's office to January 31, 1908 .. 59. .Tohn R. Parson: Grand Secretllry, printing, postage, stationcl'y, stenographic work and incidentals ..... 60. John R. Parson, salary Grand Secre路 ta ry to Fepl'uary 29, 1908 . 6l. J. R. McLachlan, salary Grand LectUl'er, to February 29. 1908 . 62. H. E. Anderf>on, salary, Forcign Correspondent . 63. J. T. Sands, agent, rent, SecI'etary's office to February 29, 1908 . 64. John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, printing, postage, stationery, stenographic work and incidentals ..... 65. A.' . S. Houston, expense attending meeting of Hevision Committee .... 66. Jol:1n R. Parson, salary, Grand Secretary, to ~larch 31. 1908 . 67. ' J. R. i\lcLachlan, salary. Grand Lecturer. to March 31. 1908 . 68. R. liJ. Anderson, salary, Foreign COI'respondent . 69. J. T. Sands, agent, rent,路 Grand Secrctal'Y's office, to March 31, 1908 .. 70. ,J ohn R. Parson, Grand Secretary, printing, postage, stationery, stenographic .work and incidentals ..... 71. Void. /72. .lohn R. Parson, salary, Grand Secretary. to April 30, 1908 . 73. J. R. ~'IcLachlan, f>alary, Grand Lecturer: to April 30, 1908 . 74. R. E. Anderson, salary, Foreign Correspondent . 75. .J. T. Sands, agent, renL Grand Secretary's office, to April 30, 1908 76. .lohn R. Parson, Grand 路Secretary, printing, stationerj', postage, stenographic WOI'),: and incidentals .... 77. .lohn R. Pal'son, salary. Grand Secre路 tary, to May 30, 1908 .



208 33 208 3')i) 41 67 100 00

100 00 208 33 208 33 41 H7 100 00

100 00 23 50 208


208 33 41 67 100 00

100 00

208 33 :208 33 41 67 100 00

100 00 208 33

Proceedings .of the

24 May 30.

Warrant No. 78







6. 30.

82. 83.











July 11.
















Aug. 31.









J. R. McLachlan, salary, Grand Lecturer, to May 30, 1908 $ R. K Anderson, salary, Foreign Correspondent ~ .. Jas. 'r. Sands, agent, rent, Grand Secretary's offic~. month of May, 1908 John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, printing, postage, stationery, stenographic work and incidentals \ Bell Telephone Co., for telephone . J'Ohn R. Parson, salary, Grand Secretary, to June 30. 1908 . J. R. McLachlan, salary, Grand Lecturer. to June 30. 1908 . R. Eo Anderson, salary, Foreign Corresponden t . Jas. '1'. Sands, agent, rent, office Grand Secretary, month of June, 1908 . John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, prin ting, stat tonery, stenographic work and incidentals . Masonic Home of Missouri, 'lh per capita tax on back dues, September bel' 17, 1907, to and including June 30, 1908 . A. 111. Hough, expense, Revision Committee . Expense, Revision Comm~ttee, Typewriting copy . Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co., 1,500 copies Revision of By-Laws. John R. Parson, salary, Grand Secretary to July 31, 1908 . J. R. McLachian, saiaQ', Grand Lee路 turer to July 31, 1908 . R: E. An.derson, salary, Committee on F'oreign Correspondence . Jas. T. Sands, agent, rent, Grand Secretary.'s office, to July 31, 1908 John R.路 Parson, Grand Secretary, printing, postage, stenographic work and incidentals . John R. Parson, salary, Grand Secretary, to August 31, 1908 . J. R. McLachlan, salary, Grand Lecturer, to August 31, 1908 . R. E. Anderson, salary, Committee on Foreign Corl路espondence . J. '1'. Sands, agent, rent, Grand Secretary's office, to August 31, 1908 ...

[Sept. 208 33 41 67

100 00

100 00 18 90 208 33 208 33 41 67

100 00

100 00

158 50 20 55 21 44

64 40 208 33 208 33 41 67

100 00

100 00 208 37 208 37 41 67

100 00

1908. ] Aug. 31


Grand Lodge of Missouri. Warrant No. 101.

31. Sept. 5. 15.

John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, printing, postage, stationery, stenographic 'work and Incidentals..... $ 102. A. C. Stewart, salary, Grand Treasurer, 1907-1908 103. Bell Telephone Co., one-quarter's rent of telephone 104. John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, printing; stationery, postage, stenographic work and incidentals.".

Total disbursements

100 00 200 00 18 00

100 00


Total receipts Total disbursements Balance on hand



$90,999 54 44,210 67 $46,788 87

No other money or property of the Most WorshipfUl Grand Lodge has come into my possession or control. Fraternally submitted, A. C. STEWART, Grand Treasurer.


M. VV. Bro. A. M. Dockery, Chairman, presented and read the路 report of Special Committee appointed at the last Communication to act .with like committees from the Grand Chaptt;r R. A. M. and Grand Commandery K. T. of Missouri in the matter of securing new quarters for the three Grand Bodies. The committee was continued and report adopted as follows: 'I'o the M. "If!. Grand Lodge .4.. F. and A. M. of the State of MisSOU1'i:

Your Special Committee, appointed at the last Annual Communication, to net in conjunction with similar committees from the Grand Chapter and Grand Commandery in the matter of securing new offices for the three Grand Bodies, bcg leave to submit the following report: On the 10th day of March, 1908, your committee executed in duplicate, a lease with James T. Sands, Trustee, under the will of Emma C. Copelin, deceased, of the City of St. Louis, for rooms numbered 301 to 319, inclusive, on the third fioor of the structure known as the "Roe Building," situated on the southwest corner of 'Broad~ay and Pine street, in the City of St. Louis, Mo., [or a term of five years. beginning JUly 1, 1908, at a yearly rental of eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00), payable in equal monthly installments on the first day of each month, with the privilege of extending said lease for


Proceedings of the


a IeI'm of five years from tile time of its expii'aUon upon same terms and snme rental, by giving lesso1' sixty days notice prior to the expiration of this .lEase. The alJovc-mentioned rooms comprise all the rooms路 on the third floor of the "Hoe Building," except those numbered 320 to 326, inclusive, which 8.re occupied by the manager 'ofthe building and the Secretary of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Bodies of St. Louis, privilege being granted in the lease to include said rooms, 320 to 326, inclusive, at an additional yearly rental of eight hundred and forty dollars ($840.00), upon giving six months' notice of intention' to occupy said rooms, thus making the third floor of the building an exclusive Masonic floor. It is agreed in said lease that the yearly rental of $1,800.00, before mentioned, is to be apportioned as follows: One thousand two hundred dollars to be paid by the l\i. W. Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. )1.; $8:;0.00 to be paid b;y the Grand Chapter, H. A. M., and $250.00 to be paid hy the GI'and CommJindery Knights Templai路. The lease further provides for the l;:alsomlning of walls and ceilings; woodwork to be retouched and put in first-c\assonler ; new vaults to be placed where neede~; partitions to be built and removed where and when desired; a partition to be placed so as to make a small room out of the hall bet\veen rooms 301 and 303 when so desit'ed, and floors to be put in good order. Said lease has been deposited with the Gt'and Secretary of the M. W. Gmud Lodge, A. F. and A. M. of ?I'lissouri, to be plaeed in his vault for safe-keeping. In oi'der that your committee ma~' sec that the terms of the lease are pl'operly complied with as to improyements aboYc refei:red to, we respectfu!ly recommend that it be con路 tinued in force for that purpose. Fratel'llally






.M. \lV. Bro. Ethelbert F. Allen) President, submitted the Annual Report of the Masonic Home of J\1issouri. Brbther E. V\T. Deane read his report as Superintendent. :M. W. Bro. James W. Boyd presented and read the report of the :Matron of the Home, :Mrs. Dixie M. Deane; also the report of Advisory Committee. M. V'f. Bro. Allen called attention to the printed reports of the Secretary of the Home, Treasurer, Endowment Fund and Expert Accountant. The several reports V\iere adopted and ordered printed in the Proceedings. (See Appendix.)

1908. "I

Gm,nd Lodge of Alissou1'i.


IV1. W. Bro. C. .H. Briggs moved the election of the following Directors of the l\1asonic Home for the respective terms mentioned. Adopted. For three years, Brothers Rufus E. Anderson, Virginins O. Saunders, Thos. R. l\10rrow and David M. Wilson. For two years, Brother George L. Hassett. For one year, Brother \iVilliam M. Williams. GOOD HOPE LODGE No. 218.

The Grand Secretary presented a petition from Brother Edw. S. Bald~vin, former Secretary of Good Hope Lodge, No. 218. . Motion was made to refer to a Special Committee of three, and the Grand l\1aster appointed R. \iV. Bro. George E. Mayhall, Chairman, and R. Vl. Bros.. H~ L. Hunter and G. \iV. :Miller as committee. REPORT COMMITTEE REVISION OF ;BY-LAWS.

M. W. Bro. A. M. Hough, Chairman, presented the report . of Committee on Rev'ision and Codification of Law. The same was adopted as follows: To the Grand Lodge of A. F. an,l A. M. of J:lissouri:

Your committee appointed to revise and codify the B~'-Laws of this Grand Lodge, respectfully report that the duty imposed has been pcrformed in accordance with the instructions givcn, and it submits a revised Code of By-Laws for the consideration of this Grand Lodge. An entirely new set of By-Laws is not submitted, as we interpret.cd our authority to be t.o On13: revise the present laws. We have attempted to harmonize the decisions and amendments with the law, and to blend the whole and simplify our Code. This work has l'equired an examination of the Annual Proceedings, decisions and amendments to the By-Laws, offet'cd and adopted, for the past sixteen . years. Many changes have been made in phraseology; and most of the Sections have lJeen changed in an effort to eliminate ambiguity, and to conform ;ith other changes in the law. We trust the work will meet with ~'our approval. Fraternally SUbmitted, A. M. HOUGH. A, S. HOUSTON, W. F. JOHNSON, Committee.


Proceed,ings of the


M. W. Bro. Hough then stated that the proposed reVISIOn had been printed and distributed to the Lodges, and moved that some specific time be set apart for the consideration of the By-Laws. The hour of 7 :30 P. M. was selected, and so ordered by the GrandMaster. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON OBITUARIES.

M. W. Bro. C. H. Briggs, Chairman, presented the following report on Necrology. Adopted. Tu

the Most lVorfJhipful and A. M.:

G'ranu. Lodge of

the State





Your Committee on Obituaries offer the. following report: The passing away in a single year of three Past Grand Masters, one Past Grand Senior Warden and one Past Grand Junior Warden reminds us that we, too, are exposed to the flying shafts of death, and know not how soon the summons may come to us to la~y aside our working tools and render our Hccount. "To' the past go more dead faces Every year. And the loved leave vacant places Every year. 'Everywhere the sad eyes meet us, In the evening's dusk they greet us, And to come to them, entreat us, Every year. But the true life draweth nigher Every year. And its morning star climbs higher Every year. Earth's hold on us grows slighter, Anu the heavy burden lighter, And the DAWN IMMOHT'AL, brighter Every year." 'l'he death of Noah M. Givan, Past Grand Master of Missouri, occurred so soon after. our last Annuai Communication that the Grand 'Secretary was able to print with the Proceeding~ of 1907 a biographical sketch of our lamented and honored brother. It is needless to repeat here the items which we have in the Proceedings of. one year ago. For forty years Bro. Givan bad been active and prominent' in Missouri Masonry. He filled with honor and distinction the highest offices in the gift' of all the Grand Masonic Bodies of our State. But his crowning work was the Masonic Home, to which twenty years of devoted service were given, and which he did more to bring and keep before the Craft, probably, than any other man. For years Moderator of the Blue River Association of the Baptist Church, prominent at the bar, and filling with honor for ten years the office of Circuit Judge. As man, a lawyer, a Mason and a Christian gentle-


1908. ]

Grand Lodge of A1issouri.


man he filled a large place in Missouri, and is missed and',sincerely mourned by hosts of friends. Joshua B. Thomas, Past Grand Master, was born in Dunnville, Kentucky. June 18, 184::>, and died in Kansas City, November 15, 1907, aged fiCty-eight years. He was made a Mason in Casey Lodge, No. 424, at Dunnville, Kentucky, in 1870, affiliat拢-d with Athens Lodge, No. 127, at Albany. Missouri. December 25, 1875, and was Worshipful Master in 1882. He was District Deputy Grand Master of the Fourteenth District for some years, and was eJected Grand Master in 1894. He received the 'Capitular Degrees at Albany in 1880, and the Orders of Knighthood were conferred upon him by Kadosb Commandery, No. 21, at Camei'on, Missouri, in .January, 1882. In May, 1907, be was elected Grand '.rreasurer of t.he Grand Commandery of Missouri. For a number of years he served Gentry County, Missouri, as County Collector and County and Circuit Clerk, after which he engaged in the banking business. William Raens Stubblefield, Past Grand Master, was born at Greenfield, Illinois, May 8, 1835, and died at the home of his daughter in St. Louis, January 10, 19'08, in bis seventy-third year. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Occidental Lodge, No. 163, at St, Louis, March 13, 1859. Capt. U. S. Grant petitioned that Lodge for the mysteries of Masonry, and was elected at the same time with Bro. Stubblefield, but did not present himself for initiation. Bro. Stubblefield was Master in 1873, and Secretary fl'om 1885 to 1898. He was District Deputy Grand Master for the Sixteenth District in 1875 and 1876, was elected Grand Junior Warden in 1877, and regularly advanced until 1880, when he was elected Grand Master. He received the Capitular and Cryptic Degrees, and the Orders of Knighthood in Chicago in 1864. Returning to St. Louis he affiliated with Kilwinning Chapter, No. 50, and served as High Priest four years, and was Grand High Priest in 1877. Eight years, from 1890 to 1898, he served the Grand Chapter as Grand Lecturer. The writer of this report was with him in a number of State Chapters of Instruction, and can testify to his fitness for that work. lIe was Grand Master of the Grand Councll in 1876. He was Eminent Commander of Ivanhoe Commandery, No.8, in 1875. He was a good ritualist in all Masonic degrees, and well-versed in the principles of Freemasonry. Unostentatious, he was a man of sterling worth, who showed himself deserving of all honors that were placed upon bim. He was the son of a Methodist preacher, and a communicant in the Episcopal Church. Martin Collins, Past Grand Senior Warden, was born May 15, 1826, and died in St. Louis May 25, 1908, ug-ed eighty路two years. Made a Mason in Rising Sun Lodge, No. 126, at Philadelphia, he affiliated with Occidental Lodge, No. 163, at St. Louis in 1856, and served that body as Worshipful Master three years. In 1864 he was elected Grand Junior Warden, ll.nd Grand Senior Warden in 1865. He was exalted in St. Louis Chapter, No.8, and was elected Grand High Priest in 1867. He received the Cryptic 路Degrees in St. Louis Council, No.1, and in 1864 was a member of the Grand Convention, wbich organized the Grand Council of Missouri. In 1869 he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council, and was re-elected in 1870. The Orders of Knighthood were conferred upon him in St. Louis Commandery, No.1, in 1863. In 1865 be was elected Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Commandery, and was re:elected in 1866. He was a devout member of the Episcopal Church. "For a long period he was the Chairman of the Masonic Board of Relief of the' City of St. Louis, and it wall in that capacity during tb~ civil strife that he demonstrat拢-d those acts of kindness that Gndeared him to all."



Proceedings of the


Howai'd \VatsQn, Past Grand' Junior \Val'den, was born in Mt. Vernon, Iliinois, May 18, 1855, and died at his residence ill St. Louis July 7, 1908. aged fifty-thr-€e years. He was made it 1\13.stcl' Mason in Polar Stal' Lodge. No. 79, in 1880. About two years later he dimitted and became a charter m(~mber of Rose Hill Lodge, which he Rerycd as Master in 1894, and as Secretary. for ten years. I-Ie was exalted in St. Louis. Ro~'al Arcb Cbapter in 1890, and ,vas High Pl'iest of Kilwinning Chapter, No. flO, in 1905., He was created a Knight Templar in ,-\scalon Comluandery in 18l:l1, and was Eminent Commander of Bernard de Tt'emelay Comlll:lndery in 1895. He was elected Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1l:l04, and ,,~ould have doubtless been advanced regularly to the office of Grand Master, but for tbe breaking down. of his bealth. F01' some ~rears he filled, with honor, the office of Deputy Grand Master for the TlJirty-Third Masonic District, which includes the City of St. Louis. He was a member of the Metbodist Episcopal Churcb, and until the failure of bis health was engaged in tbe lumber bU~iness. In bis strengtb be gave much of his time to Masoni'y, and it was a matter of grief to his man:r friends that failing health cut short his Masonic career. From otber Grand Jurisdictions we have the following names of distillgnislJ~d Bretbren who have entered into rest: ALABAMA. Jobn Gideon Harris, Past Grand Master, was born in Hale County, Alabama, July 10, 1834, and died in l\:[ontgomel'y, Alabama, July 7, 1908, aged seventy-foul' yeaL·S. He was Grand Master in 1885 and 1886, and Grand High Priest in 1888 and 18S!); TIe began the llractice of law before the war, but E:nJisted as a. private in the Confedet'ate service, and rose to the rank of major. After tbe war be re"umed tbe practice of his profession. He filJp.d the offices of State Superintendent of IDdncation and Railroad Commissioner, and was Register of the United States Land Office at "Montgomery under President Clevela.nd. }i'rom his youth he was a man of decided religious character. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Eli Harrison, Past Grand Master, was born 8,t' Hurdsfield, Chesuire. England, in September, 1824, and died at Victoria, British Columbia, September 19, 1907"aged eigbty-three years. He was elected Grand l\'1aster iti 1879, and again in 1880. In 1881 be declined re-election. He was Gmnd Representative of the Grand Lodges of New Jersey, West Virginia and the District of Colnmbia for thirty-one years. After eight years' residence in the United St a tes, durir;g wbich period he crossed the ,plains and was present at the storming of Ft. Bridget'. He removed to Britisb Columbia in 1858. CON NI<:GTICUT. John Henry Barlow, Past Gr~nd 1\1:aster and Grand Secretal'~', was born in Ridgefield, Connecticut, November 7, 1832, llnd died at his home in Hartford, .June 16, 1!,}08, in his seventy-sixth year. He was elected Grand Master in 1880. In 1894 i1e became Gr'und Secretary, and filled tbat office until his death. He was a member of the Board of Managers of tbe Masonic Home and Se('retary of the TIoard. l-Ie wa" Gl'and Hig.h Priest in 1870 and 1871, and was President of the Convention of Anointed Higil Priests. In 1874 be was Grand Ma~te!' of the Grand Council. "Bro. Barlow was a mun of'deep and earnest religious faith, who made bis belief a part of bis daily walk in life."


Grand Lodge of Missouri.


DISTRICT OF' COLUMBIA. Robert Bruce Donalds(,n, Past Grand Master, was born at. Waterf0rd, London County, Virginia, October 11, 1826, and died in Washington City, November 2:!,. ]907, aged eighty-onc years. He was Grand Master in 1869 and 1870. He was the first President of the Masonic '{'em pIe Association, and his· last appearance in the Grand Lodge was at the Special Communication, June 8, 1907, when the cOl'llerstone of the new Temple was laid. For years. be practiced dentistry, and he was the inven,tor of several instruments which fire consIdered indispensable in the practice of that profession, From the manufacture of one of these instruments he acquired a competency. INDIANA. Christian Fetta,' Past Grand Mastel', \Va;; boi'n in the Province of Hanover, Germany, June 15, 1831, and died at his home in Richmond, Indiana, Dctober 1, ] 907, aged se·venty-six j,ears. He was elected ·Grand Master in 1872, re-elected in 1873. He 'was elected Gl'aDd High Priest in 18~6. He was President of the Indiana Veterans' Association for many years. "Bis inflexible integrity, honesty of purpose, with a: kindly, genial disposition, made him a leader, a companion, a friend." Martin H. Rice, Past Grand Master, was born at Jamaica, Vermont, OctolJer 4, 1829, nnd died in Indianapolis, Au~ust 3, 1908, aged seventy-nine years. He was Grand Master in 1868, and served four years. He ",as' elected Grand' Master of the Grand Council· in i871, and Grand High Priest in 1878. In 1884 he was elected Grand Treasurer of thc Grand'Lodge, Grand Chapter and Grand Council, and filled those offices unW his death. Since 1869 Ile published the Masonic Advocate at Indianapolis, MARYLAND, J

Summerfield Berry Mcdair~·, Past Senior Grand ,War!len, was born in Baltimore, January 11, 1861, and died at his residence ncar Mt. Washington, Baltimore County, September 20. 1907, in his forty-seventh year. He was dected Senior Grand Warden of the Grand ,Lodge in 1900, and Grand, Commander of the Grand Commandery of ~lar~'land in 1 9 0 4 . . .James 'W. Bowers, Past Grand Lecturer, was born in Kent County, Maryland, July 23, 1826, and'died at ',his h'ome ,in Baltimore, January 8, 1908, in his eighty-second year. He w'as Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge from 1864 to 1884, was Grand High Priest from 1873 to 1875, and Grand Lecturer of the Grand Chapter from 1879 to 1889. He was Grand Master of the Grand Council in 1875, and Grand Recorder from· 1901 until' his death. He was President of the Convention of Anointed .High Pi'iests from 1877 until his death, MANITOBA. George Frederick Newcomb, Past Grand Master, died on Monday, December 8, 1907. He was Grand Master in 1877 and 187-8. Thomas Robinson, Past Grand Master, was born at Royston, Kent County, England, May' 21, 1854, and died at Montreal, August 10, 1908, aged fiftyfour .years. He was 'elected Grand Master of Manitoba in 1897. He was engaged in the practice of law from 1882 until his death. MICHIGAN. Matthew Henry Maynard, Past Grand Master, was born in Brownsville, Indiana, April 10;,1832, and died in Jacksonville, Florida, December 27, 19\)7,

G. L. Pro.-2


P.roccedi1igs of the


in his sevp-nty-sixtb year. He was Grand Master in 1876. In 1855 be was admitted to tbe bar, and attained to distinction in tbe practice of law. W. Irving Babcock, Past Grand Master, was born in Troy, New York, .Tuly 7, 1833, and died in Niles, Micbigan, Mal'cb 31, 1908, in bis seventy-fifth ~'ear, He was elected Grand Master in 1890, He engaged in the lumber business many years, but later gave his attention to insurance and real estate. He was mayor of Niles two ~'ears, and State Senator one term. Hugb McCurdy, Past Grand Master; was born in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland, December 22, 1829 and died at his borne in Corunna, Micbigan, JUly 16, 1908, in. bis seventy-nintb year. He was elected Grand Mastel' in 1873, Grand High Priest in 1871, Grand Master of the Grand Council in 1879, Grand Commander in 1877, and Grand Master in the Grand Encampment in 1892. He was a Master Mason nearly fift~'-eigbt years,: and was' one of the most distinguished members of th~ Craft in tbe United States. He was admitted to the bar in 1854, and built up a large and lucrative practice. He was Prosecuting Attorney in 18ri6, Judge of -the Probate Court in 1860, and State Senator in 1864. In 1865 he establisbed tbe FJrst National Bank of Corunna, and was its president dgbt years. NEW YORK. William A. Suthel'land, Past Grand MastN路. died Marcb 11, 1908, aged fifty-nine :rears. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Masonic Hall and AsyluIll Fund. "The law of service was the law of bis life, whether in bis legal profession, his bigh and exalted Masonic station, his attachments to friends, or tbe sacred ties of family and home." NOHTH DAKOTA. John F. Selby, Past Gl'and Master, was born in Millbrook, Pennsylvania, December 24, 1849, and died .Tanuary 8, 1908, at Hillsboro, Nortb Dakota, aged fifty-nine years. He was elected Grand Master in 1891. He was admitted to tbe bar in 1878. In 1884, he was elected State's Attorney, and again in 1898. In 1888 he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, and in 1889 to tbe first Legislative Assembly. After North Dakota became a State be was appointed United States District Attorney. For fourteen years be was a member of tbe Board of Education of Hillsboro, and was serving bis second term as mayor at the time of bis deatb, Robert M. Carotbers, Past Grand Master, was born at路 Swissville, Pennsylvania, April 16, 1859, and died at Grand Forks, North Dakota, February 4, 1908, aged forty-nine years. He was elected Grand Master in 1897, and Grand Commander in 1903. He engaged in the practice of law, and was County Judge of Grand Forks County ten years. In October, 1907, he was elected Moderator of the Presbyterian Syn~d of North Dakota. ONTARIO. Hugb Murray, Pa'St Grand Master and Grand Secretary, was born at Paisley, Scotland, in 1843, and died in Hamilton, Ontario, November 28, 1907, aged Sixty-four years. He was Grand Master in 1884 and 1885, Grand Treasurer froID' 1891 to 1903, and Grand Secretary from 1903 until his deatb. He was' a member of the First Methodist Cburch of Hamilton, and an active wOl;ker in tbe church and Sunday school.


Grand Lodge of Missouri.


PENNSYLVANIA. Thomas Ranken Patton,' Grand 'I'reasurer, was born at Crindle, County Londonderry, Ireland, December 24, 1824, and died in Philadelphia, September 13, 1907, aged eighty-three years. He was elected Grll;nd Treasurer of both Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter in 1873, and filled both offices until his death. He became a resident of Philadelphia in 1844, accumulated a fortune in business, and was the donor of ....fhe Thomas H. Ranken Memori~l Charity Fund" of one hundred thousand dollars. QUEBEC. James Dunbar, Past Grand Master, was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, in 18~3, and'died in Quebec, August 5, 1907, aged seventy-three years. He ,was elected Grand Master in 1874, and again in 1876. He was admitted to the bar in 1856, and for twelve years was prosecuting counsel for the Crown for the District of Quebec. He was a member of the Provincial and General Synods of the Church of England, and was appointed Chancellol' of the DIocese of Quebec in 1897. SOUTH CAROLINA. John R. Bellinger, Past Grand Master, was born at Waterboro, South Carolina, Mardi 14, 1851, and died at Bamberg, South Carolina, August 27, 1908, aged fifty-seven years. He was elected Grand Master in 1904. He was also Past Grand High Priest, Past Grand Master of the Grand Council, and President of the Order of High Pl'iesthood. "He was a man of clean thought and clean speech, and his dairy life was that of a high-toned Christian gentleman." TENNESSEE. .Tohn Thomas Irion. Past Grand Mastel', was born near Franklin, Tennessee, May 9, 1837, and died in Henry County, Tennessee, August 9, 1908, aged seventy-one years. He was elected Grand Master in 1880, and served two years. At the close of bis second term as Grand Master, he was appOlnted Grand Lecturer, and filled that, office tliree years. His early life was given to the practice of medicine, but he was captain of a company in the Confederate service i,n the Civil War, and was dangerously wounded at the battle of Perryville. After a partial recovery he served as surgeon for some time. After the war he was licensed to preach by the Methodist Episcopal ChurCh, South, but his wound hindered him from pursuing the active work of the. ministry or following his profession as a physician. lIe, therefore, turned to other pursuits, and for many years was editor of the leading newspapers of Tennessee. VERMONT. Rev. Edwin Wheelock, D. D., Grand Chaplain, was born in Cambridge, Vermont, November 17, 1822, and died in that city December 18, 1907, aged eighty-five years. He was made a Mason in 1860, and served as Grand Chapla'tn forty years. For more than forty years he w'as pastor of the Cambridge Congregational' Church. WES'l' VIRGINIA. Eli Marsh Turner, Past G;rand Master, was born in Harrison County, West YIl'ginia, December 24, 1848, and died at his borne In Morgantown, West Virginia, March i, 1908; aged fift.y~niIi.e years. He wa'S elected Grand Master in


Proceedings of the


190.2. He practiced law, was four years a member of the Senate of West Vir路 ginia, and fourteen years President of the West Virginia University. For a quarter of It ~entury he was a ruling elder ill the Presbyterian Church and twice a !lclegate to the General Assembl,Y. Henry Byron' Baguley, Junior Grand 'Varden. died at bis home in Wheel.' lng, West Virginia, May 1, 1908, agedfifty~one years. He was Grand Chaplain General of the Grand Commanders,. He S,lood high a;; a practiciI;lg physician. WISCO~SIN.

Ganem W. 'Wasbburn, Past Grand Mastel', died at: his home in O~hkosb. Wisconsin, October 7, 1007, aged eighty-four )'ears. "In his profession. the law, he was a successfui practitioner, and in his careeL' 3S a .Jndge, efficient and honorable. His life was enriched by unceasing toil, and he found peace and content.ment in his declining years." He was Grand Master in 1864. Myron Reed, Past Grand Master, was born September 16, 1836, and died in Minneapolis, October 10, 1907, aged sevent,y-one years. He was Grand Master in 1888 and 1889. "As a citizen, he was respected and esteemed; as a 13\\"ye'l. painstaking and able; as a Brother Mason, honored and bp-loved, and the memory of his genial, generous natUl'e, is imprinted on the hearts of all who knew him." The few days that we can be together in our Annual Session will b~ crowded with important work. Yet it is due ourselves as well as the honored dead that we pause long enough to pay a brief tribute to their memory. Who can measure the influence for good which路 has gone forth from the lives of the distinguished Craftsmen, whose names appear in th is report? Are we emulatin~ the ~ood which was In them, and striving so to live that others may be inspired by our example when we, too. shall have quit the walks of men? Above all, are we seeking so to do O\lr worl, that we may at last stand approved in the presence of our Judge. Only as the trust we professed at the beginning of OUl' Masonic career is controlling in all that we do c.an we meet our responsibilities, and live such lives that om' Brethren can truly revere our memol'Y when our change shall come. Respectfully submitted, CORONA H. BttIGGS, H. B. MONTGOMERY, HENRY C. DANIEL, .JR.. DANIEL O'BRYAN, G. W. MILLER, . C. F. RIDINGS, JNO. A. CARTER, Committee.

It was suggested by M, W.Bro. C. C. Woods, that 'in view of the excellence of the report, the beauty of its sentiment and expressions, that the same be laid on the table to be taken up at any future time. The suggestion being, satisfactory to M. W. Bro. Briggs, it was so ordered by the Grand Master.

• 1908.J

Grand Lodge of Missouri.



Motion was made by~1. W. Bro. Wm. F. Kuhn that when the Grand Lodge shall convene this afternoon, it shall be adjourned at 3 P. l\1~ for the purpose of visiting the Masonic Home as a body. Adopted. REPORT ON FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE.

M. W. Bro., Rufus E.' Anderson, Chairman, presented his report on Fraternal Correspondence. The same was adopted and ordered priI;1ted in the Proceedings. (See Appendix.) REPORT OF CPMMITTEE ON GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS.

M. W. Bro. D. M. Wilson, Chairman, presented the following report of Committee on Grand l\1aster's Address, which was adopted: '1'0 the Grand Lo(lge /O{ Missouri:

Your committee, to whom was referred the Address of the Grand Master, would report: 'Ve rejoice with the Grand Master that the past year has been a year of progress and one as well of harmony and good will, and that the Craft throughout this Grand Jurisdiction is in such a prosperous condition, We note with profound sorrow that since our last Annual Communicationl three of our Past Grand Masters have died. For many years they had been intimately identified with the growth of the Order in Missouri, and their presence, their counsel and their cheer will be deeply missed. We congl'atulate the Grand Master on his appointment of such an efficient and capahle staff of District Deputies, and feel assured that his high praise of them is merited. We also note with pleasure that our fraternal relations with other Grand Lodges still rem1ain most cordial. We approve the appointments made by the Grand Master of Grand Representatives. . So much of the Address as refers to new Lodges we recommend be referred to the Committf'e on Lodges U. D. We recommend that the matter of the suspension of the Master of 'United IJodge, No.5. be referred to a special committee of five. • The Qranct Master recommends that provision be made for the election of the DiI'ectors of the Masonic Home. The Grand Lodge' has the undoubted right to prescribe the method of electing the directors, and whethcr t.his should be done as heretofore viva voce, or by ballot, will bc fOI' the. Grand Lodge, in its wisdom, to decide.

• 36

Proceedings of the


Although the Address of the Grand Master is not long, being as it were a very brie~ summal'Y of his acts, yet we feel assured that his administration has been a successful one, and that his official acts have redounded to the honor of the Fraternity. fl Respectfully sUbmitted, R. E. ANDERSON, A. M. DOCKERY, C. C.·WOODS, .TAMES W. BOYD, ,CORONA H. BRIGGS, A. S. nOUS'rON, A. M. HOUGH, L. B. VALLIANT, . ROBERT F. STEVI~NSON. JOHN R. PARSON, W. F, KUHN. D. M. WILSON, Eo l~. ALLEN, CAMPBELL WELLS,. D. A. .lAMISON.


At 12 M. the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM LABOR until :30 o'clock this afternoon, prayer b~ing offered by R. W. Bro. John H. IVliller, Grand Chaplain. I


FIRST DAY-AFTERNOON SESSION. ST. LO.UIS, September 29, 1908. The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at' I :30 P. M. by M. W. Bro. John T. Short, Grand l\1aster, the other Grand Officers being in their respective stations. Prayer was offered by R. W. Bro. John H. Miller, Grand Chaplain. REPORT OF GRAND LECTURER.

R. VV. Bro. J. R. l\1cI.~achlan, Grand Lecturer, presented his report, and the same was adopted and ordered printed in the Proce.edings, as follows: KAHOKA, MO.,

September, 1908.

To tlle Most Worslli1)(ul Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free a·nd A.ccepted MaSOllS of tlle State of Missouri:

I beg leave to submit' the following as my annual report as Grand Lecturer. Immediately after the meeting of the Gl'and Lodge, in pursuance

Grand Lodge of MisSOU1'i.



of an act authorizing the Grand Lecturer to hold Lodges of Instruction for District Lecturers, I began to devise plans for such meetings. In order that each one of the Brethren might have the advantage of personal instruction,' I arranged to hold six ot said Lodges, and assigned to each of them the place which was nearer and more accessible. Such Lodges of Instruction were held at the following places: I St. Joseph, November 11, 12 and 13. Moberly, November 14, 15 and 16. Springfield, November 21, 22 and 23. Sedalia, Novembel' 25, 26 and 27. St. Louis, December 2, 3 and 4. Poplar Bluff, December 9, 10 and 1l. At the first two places, in the absence of M. W. Bro. John T. Short, Grand Master, who was detained at home on account of sickness, M. W. Bro. D. M. Wilson, Past Grand Master, presided, and assisted in the work. R. W. Bro. C. C.. Bigger, Grand Junior Warden, was also present at St.' Joseph. At the. other places the Gl'and Master was present and presided. R.. BI路OS. A. Hall, Grand Senior Warden; and Jacob Lampert, Grand Junior Deacon, ,wel'e in attendance at S1. Louis, and R. W. Bro. Arch A. Johnson, Grand Senior Deacon, at Springfield. There were forty-six out. of the fifty-six District Lecturers in' attendance at these meetings. The absentees had good and sufficient reasons for their non-appearance, and the most of them wrote me, expressing regret at their inability to be present. In addition to the proficiency shown by this Body, individually and collectively, I am' pleased to say that they are men, in every particular, worthy of the confidence reposed in them. There seems to be a feeling amQng some of the Lodges in certain sections that .. the District Lecturers are not competent to instruct them. I wish to say, from my personal knowledge, that there is no reason for this lack of confidence. Many of them have been long in' the service, and in selecting those to fill vacancies caused by death, resignation, inability to attend to the business or otherwise, I have endeavored to choose only those who are proficient in the work and can devote the necessary time to the discharge of the duties of the office, and whom I have every reason to believe are most acceptable to the Craft with whom they have to labor. The Brethren who attended these Lodges of Instruction were most attentive to every part of the work. They took every advantage of the opportunity afforded by these Lodges of Instruction to perfect themselves in the work, and went forth with confidence in their ability to instruct, and, as' before stated, I have confidence in them. The act authorizing these Lodges of InstructIon also carried with it an appropriation of $800.00 to defray the expense of holding the same. Soon after the meeting of the Grand路 Lodge the Grand Secretary placed to my account as Gl'and Lecturer the entire amount. In all things done we exercised the utmost economy in kE'eping with the dignity of the institution; and, after paying all exp.cnses, which amounted in the aggregate to $496.71, the balance, amounting to $303.29, has been returned to the Grand Secretary. There w~re some ten of the District Lecturers who were not present at any of these meetings, and had there been a full attendance this amount would have been materially lessened. During the year State Lodg-cs of Instl'\lction were held at the following places :,......-Jackson, December 5, 6 and 7; Campbell, December 12, 13 and 14;




Proceedings of the


New Madrid, 'December 16, 17 and 18 ; Bowling Green, January 16, 17' and 18; Paris, January 20, 21 and 22; Salisbury, January 30, 31 and February I, and· Milan, June 22, 23 and 24: At eac!l ,of these places a good attendance was registered,and the various Lodges of the respective Districts were well represented. ' .. . • I can not. forbear to speak in particular of two or three of these· meetings on account of the peculiar interest attached to them. The first place visited was Jackson. It was in this Lodge that· the Grand Master was brought to light in Masolll'y, and giving it the honor of being the first to entertain him, was considered a fitting tribute to Excelsior 441. . . . He whom they had honored years ago had returned to them, bearing the highest honor that can be bestowed upon any Mason' in the gift of the Grand Lodge in this Jurisdiction, as an evidence that he had not "violated the trust reposed in him." A number of Masons were in attendance who were present at that time years ago, and not only were the members of this Lodg~ attentive at all times, but a good representation from surrounding Lodges,. who had known Brother Short years ago, were constantly in attendance. At Paris, every Lodge in the District was represented. They came not only in ~esponse to tbe invitation of the Distt'ict Deputy Grand Master, but as seekers after the true work. The large attendance and close attention given to every detail was an inspiration to those in charge, and made the meeting, one especially to be remembered. We have heard very favorable reports from the various Lodges in this District, resuiting from this meeting. M. W..Bro. D. M. Wilson, P. G. M.,was 'present and gave vaillable assistance. At Milan, in addition to the Lodge of Instruction, the fiftieth anniversary of the institution of tbe Lodge was observed, and as a consequence, the program was somewhat varied. Over two hundred Masons were in attendance, some of them from distant pal·ts of the State. Among them were Alex. M. Dockery, Past Grand Master; R. R. Kreeger, Deputy Grand Master; C. C. Bigger, Grand Junior Warden; .I'acob Lampert,. Grand Junior Dencon ; Alfred H. White, Grand High Priest; Louis E. Vogelsang, Grand LectureI' of the. Royal Arch Masons, and the following District Lecturers: John C. Senate, Frank W. Smith, C, F. Ridings, G. W. Ruckel' and G. F. Brewington. On the afternoon of the twenty-fourth an open session was held, at which many invited guests were present. After enjoying an excellent musical program by the local quartet, Past Gnwd Master A. M. Dockery' was introduced and. delivered the address of the day. During the.meeting 'many of the visiting Brethren gave some very instructive and interesting talks, and taken altogether the meeting was a continued series of good things, and the Brethren of Seaman Lodge are to be congratulated on ·the success of their undertaking. In addition to the foregoing, Lodges of Instruction· were held at the following places: Kahoka, Queen City, Edina, Trenton, Williamstown, Meadville, Hamilton, Lexington, Charleston, Canton, Elsberry, St. Chul'les, Sbelbina, Huntsville, Salisbury, Slater, Lancaster, Hannibal, Union, Washington, Pacific, Bethany, Albany, Ravenwood, QUitman, Tarkio, Savannah, Maysville, Jamesport, Fredericktown, Greenville, Piedmont, Rolla, Lebanon, Springfield, Houston, Mansfield, Rocky Comfort, Granby, Neosho, Southwest City, Morrisville, Excelsior Springs, ·St. Francisville, La Belle, Sumner, Norbol'De, Harrisonville, Sheldon and Lowry ·City. '",-



Grand Lodge of, ltlissouri.


Besides the above, I have on numel'OUS occasions visited Lodges and assisted them in conferring degrees, and whenever practicable, have responded to invitations to be present at the laying of corner-stones and dedication -of Masonic Halls. While the attendance at some of the meetings was not what might be desil'cd, t,he interest taken by those present compensated for the meager attendance. There were but few places, however, that I had cause to complain of absentees. I have enjoyed the companionship of my Brethren and have at .. all times been received cordially and entertained hospitably by them. On November 20, Ivanhoe, Westport and York Lodges at Kansas City gave a reception to the Grand Mastel' in the beautiful hall of Ivanhoe Lodge. It was my pleasure to be I present on that occasion and assist in conferring a degree. On the afternoon of the twenty-ninth of February, with the Gl'and Master and other Grand Lodge OtIicers, I was an invited .guest of Mt. Moriah Lodge, No. 40, at St. Louis, at which time the· Degree of Master Mason was conferred on two candidates by the Grand Lodge Officers. The afternoon was an enjoyable one to all present and to me in particular. At night we were taken to the Scottish Rite Cathedral at the closing of the Lodge of Instrnction lleld during ,lanuary and February. I have been frequently and delightfully entertained by the various Masonic Bodies in St. Louis and have come in contact with many of the Masonic workers, where acquaintance has ripened into friendship, and had it not been for this social and Masonic intercourse, "might have remained at a perpetual distance." During the year I have been in all sections of the State. Have met nearly all of the District Lecturers one or more times in the vaNous Lodges of Instruction, and I am under obligations to them for the assistance given. .'.rhey have done nobly. From reports received from them and from my personal observations, I believe we are steadily and surely improving in a knowledge of the Ritual, and with such knowledge we have a better under• standing of the lessons therein taught, and being upllfted ourselves we expect and demand a high standard of morals from those who seek to gain admission within our doors. The following is an· abstract of the reports of the District Lecturers: Brother John M. Doran, of the First District; held five Lodges of Instruction and made official visits to three others, He repol'ts that the Bl'ethren generally are earnestly endeavoring to become proficient in the work and that the most of them do very creditable work now, He. has responded to every call made upon him and given instruction on many occasions to the Brethren. He spel!ks very. highly of the high standard set by the Lodges genet'ally, and commends the membel'ship for their watchfulness and care. Brother J. H. Holton, of the Second District, reports that the Lodges ~n his District were never in better condition than they are now, both as to quantity and quality of the work done. Two Lodges of Instruction were held by him with good results, besides which he has assisted in conferring degrees in various Lodges and has always been ready and willing to dispense Masonic light to his less-informed Brethren, Brother John C. Senate, of the Third District, has visited all the Lodges in his District and held a Lodge of Instruction in all but one. At some of these places he visited twice" lIe reports that. this has been his best


Proceedings of the



year, 'rhe Brethren 'are enthusiastic and earnestly striving to perfect themselves, particularly in the floor work. He notes a marked improvement over last year in the working condition in all the Lodges. Brother D. M. Foster, of the Fourth District, reports that he heid· Lodges of Instruction at Laredo, Princeton and Ravanna, and that much of the time he was unable to leave his home. He expresses the pelief that all the Lodges are doing better work~ Brother C. C. Miller, of the Fifth District, has not been able to hold any Lodges of Instruction. He was present and assisted the Grand Lecturer at Bethany, when sevei'al of the Lodges were represented. He reports that.several of the Lodges are not in very good condition, but notes improvement in some. Brother John W. Bukley, of the Sixth District, has visited and assisted in conferring the degTees in the following Lodges: Ancient Craft, Athens and Berlin. He held Lodges of Instruction at Allendale and Stanberry, and reports a fair attendance with much interest in the work by the officers in attendance. was also present and assisted the Grand Lecturer at a Lodge of Instruction held at Albany. He reports increased interest and better work among the Craft generally. Brother Adolph Stauble, of the Seventh District, reports that while he held no Lodge of Instruction, he has devoted considet'able time to many of the Brethren who came to him. He was present and assisted the Grand Lecturer at two Schools held in the District. He notes that in every Lodge there are some conscientious Brethren endeavoring to promote the advancement of their Lodge, but that many are indifferent and satisfied to drift as best they can. I •


Brother C. L. Evans, of the Eighth District, has held no Lodges of Instruction, but has given private instruction on numerOus occasions. The Grand Lecturer held a Lodge of Instruction at Tarkio,' whleh was attended by members· of othfr Lodges; and from reports received, the Brethren are aroused and becoming more proficient in the work. Brothet' A. F. Braun, of the Ninth District, has visited every Lodge in his District, and reports them as doing· good work and anxious to learn and maintain the work as taught by the Grand Lodge. He held five Lodges of Instruction, besides giving instruction from time to time at regular intervals to the Lodges in St. Joseph, He acknowledges assistance rendered by a number of the Brethren, and is pleased with the interest taken and the' progress made during the year. Brother II. F. Lawrence, of the Tenth District, has visited eight Lodges in his District, some of them several times. He assisted in conferring the degrees in several of them. A Lodge of Instruction was held at Coffeyburg, with good attendance and much interest shown. ITe reports that while the increase in membet'ship is not great, the material is first-class, and the Brethren are doing good work. Brother C. F. Ridings, of the Twelfth District, has responded to every calland visited a majority of the Lodges. Schools of Instruction were held at the following Lodges: Wheeling, Polo, Braymer, Cowgill and Dawn, at which, with one exception, he reports a good attendance and considerable interest manifested, In addition to the above a Lodge of Instruction was held by the Grand Lecturer at Hamilton, which was attended by Brethren from various Lodges. He assisted in conferring degrees on numerous occasions, and speaks favorably' of the wo"rk. done generally, but deplores the


Grand Lodge of



fact that in a· few of the Lodges th€ work is too much dependent on but two or three of the Brethren. Brother F. L. Madden, of the '.rhil'teenth District, visited all but one Lodge in his District, and held three Lodges of Instruction in addition to .the one held at :Meadlille by, the Grand Lecturer. At each place there were Representatives from other Lodges, who were desirous of improvement. lIe reports that most of the Lodges are in good working condition, but in some others thel'e is not the activity displayed for a real live Lodge. Brother G. F, Brewington, of' the Fourteenth District, held Lodges of Instruction or assisted in conferring degrees at Callao, McGee, Atlanta, Censer aud Shelbyville, besides giving private instruction. lIe was also with the Grand Lecturer at Shelbina, He names some four Lodges t.hat practically have the work and make but few mistakes; others have it fairly well and several very poor, BI'other Frank W, Smith, of the Fifteenth District, has been in reasonably <:lose touch with all the Lodges in his District, The general condition of the Lodges is good. While the most of the Lodges are endeavoring to pel'fect themselves in the wOI'k, yet some are apparently indifferent to results. Held Lodges of Instruction at Lewistown, Hannibal and La Belle. He speaks very favorably' of the work done by each of these Lolges, and commends them for their zeal. Brother George E. Mayhall, of the Sixteenth Dish-ict, was present and assisted in the State Lodge of Instruction, held at Bowling Green in January, at: which some ten Lodges were represented. He has given private instruction to an unusually large number of officers from the various Lodges. Lodges of Instruction were held at Perry, Currp'ille and Centre. One . of the Lodges (Curryville) he visited twice and speaks of it as '·'one of the live Lodges of the District." He reports, good attendance generally, but complains that at one place the officers, the very ones who need instruction, were not present, although the time had been fixed by them. On the whole, the Lolges in thi!, District made a marked advance. Brother Thomas F, Hurd, of the Seventeenth Distl'ict, held no Lodge of· Instl'uction, for the reason that the State Lodge of Instruction held at Pal'is last January brought the officers of every Lodge in his District together. After Which, i,f any dispute arose as to the proper manner of doing the wOI'k, some one was sent directly to him to be set right, He expresses himself that the above me'eting "was the best thing that could be done for Masonry in his Distl'ict," t.hat it made the Fraternity more determined to have the work and be able to do it in an, impressive and intelligent manner. He has visit.ed a number of the Lodges and is of the opinion that the BI'ethren come nearer observing the principles of Masonry t.han ever before. Brotber T. H. Walton, of the Eight.eenth District, held Lodges of Instruction at HuntsviIle, Jacksonville, Milton, Cairo. BesideS the above he visited Moberly Lodge, giving them instruction in t.he work, and held fl'equent meetings in his own Lodge. He reports good attendance and deep interest taken by the Brethren, and that most of tbe Lodges have the opening and closing ceremonies neal'ly perfect and confer the degrees in a first-class manner. Brother G. W. Rucker, of the Nineteenth District, has visited all the Lodges in his Distl'ict, and held Lodges of Instruction in all but two. He finds, the Lodges in bettel' condItion, better infol'med in the secret work and


P1'oceedings of the


more anxious to learn the work correctly than at any time since he has been serving as District Lecturer, Brother C. H: Hughes, of the Twentieth District, reports that "owing to the inclement weather in the early part of the yeal', followed by sickness," he was unable to hold ~any Lodges of Instl'Uction. He visited foul' Lodges and assisted in degree work. Brother Henry C. Noland, of the Twenty-fil'st District, reports that with the exception of weekly meetings held at Parkville during the winter, he held no Lodge of Instruction. In company with Brothel' J, P. Tucker, D. D. G, M" he visited a number of the Lodges and assisted in confel'l'ing degrees. He reports that the work is generally well done by the various Lodges. Brother Clarence I-I, Cheney, of the Twenty-second District, visited every Lodge but one in his District, and reports that the city Lodges are, as a class, well posted and doing good work, bu t that the country Lodges are in need of irrstructlon. He says that "a desire of knowledge" has been awak- ' ened in the District, which he thinks is the result of two causes: First, the desire of some men to become pl'oficient and attain the highest i"deals in all they undertake. Second, the influence which these men have upon a community, as well as all with whom they come in contact, During the months of January and February he held eight meetings in Kansas City and five in Independence, at which meetings Representatives of every Lodge in the city wel'e in attendance.' 'l'he Craftsmen's Club is doing' a splendid wOI'k under the management of Brother Leon Thalman, its president, and t.he faithful ones who have labored so eal'llestly in this cause. The result of their labors is shown in the excellent work done by the various Lodges. Brother Walter R. Eckle, of the Twenty-third District, has visited the most of the Lodges in his District, held Lodges of Instruction and assisted in conferring degrees. Meetings have been held monthly at Lexington Lodge, in which he was assisted by R. W, Bro. Henry Sinauer, D, D, G. M. He reports a good attendance and much benefit derived, The Brethren al'e doing very good work and are zealously endeavoring fOl' more light in Masolll'Y. Brother G. W. Strother, of the Twenty-fourth District, held Lodges of Instruction at Malta Bend, Arrow Rock and Orearville, and visited several of the others. He was present at Lodge of Instl'Uction held at Siater by the Grand Lecturer. He reports that the Brethren generally are desirous of learning the work, and that there is marked improvement in all the Lodges. Brother Frank E, Bruton, of the Twenty-sixth District, held two Lodges' of Instruction, and was able to visit only a few of the Lodges in his District. He repor~s that much interest is taken in the work by the most of the Lodges, but that ,some of them are very deficient in' the work, Brother Frank R. .Jesse, of the T",'enty-seventh District, held Lodges of instruction at Tebbetts, Laddonia, Fulton, 'Vandalia and Gant, At two of these Lodges Grand Master Short was present and presided. And at one of them Past Grand Master Houston was present and gave valuable assistance. lIe has also given much private instruction and reports that tbe Bl'ethrcn genel'ally al'e trying to become acquainted with the work as it is taught by the Grand Lodge, and al'e becoming more proficient than they have been, Bl'other .Tohn Eo Recds, of the Twenty-eighth District, has visited all the Lodges in his District, with one exception, and llssisted in conferring degre~.s. I-Iefd a Lodge of Instruction at Bellflowcl' and l'eports the at;tend-

Grand Lodge of Missouri.

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ance and interest good. He gave considerable pl'ivate instruction, and f~els that the year just closing has been a very prosperous one for his District. Brother J. Powell, of' the Twenty-ninth District, visited the most of the Lodges in his District, assisting in degree work a.nd giving instruction. He reports that all the Lodges have madc substantial gains in numbers :md also in standing before the public; that :\lasonry is fast becoming another word for morality, honesty and good citizenship and we are fast learning that grips, signs and passwords are but an infinitestimal part of Masonry in' its true sense, Brother E. A. li'luesmeier, of the Thir,tieth District, reports that the Craft is progressing fairly well in his District. He has visited the most of the Lodges in the District and assisted in confer'ring degrees on numerous occasions. Much private instruction has been given and a general improve,ment in the knowledge of the secret work is noted. Brother W. A. Clark, of the Thh'ty-first District, reports that the Lodges in his District are in good condition and have made substantial gains during thc year, and that without exception the 'degrees are confened in a creditable manner. Lodges of Instruction were held weekly at Jefferson City during a greater part of the year, where a numbel' availed themselvcs of the opportunity to improve in the work. He also held a Lodge of Instruction at Eldon, which was well attended and much interest manifested. At this place Grand Master Short and Past Grand Master Houston were present and assisted in the work. \ Brother G. H. Pike, of the Thirty-second District, visited every Lodge in his District during the year. At each visitation he -assisted in conferring degl'ees or gavc instruction. He reports that the visitation of the Grand Master and Grand Lecturer was much 'appreciated and very beneficIal to the Brethl路cn. "While there is room for much improvement there is a tendency toward better and more efficient work along all lines." Brother Julius C. Garrell, of the Thirty-third District, reports that the' usual Lodge of Instruction was held once each week during January and li'ebrual'Y, with R, W. Bro. W. E. Hoke presiding. These meetings were very largely attended and much benefit resulted therefl路om. He visited several of the Lodges and is pleased to state that the quality of the work is being kept up. The Craftsmen's Club has held its usual weekly meetings during the year. Brother Arthur Conger, of the Thirty-fourth District, has visited all but one of the l,odges in his District, some of them several times, and he reports that the Brethren manifested more zeal for the cause than at any other time during his administration. Three Lodges of Instruction were held in addition to one held in his own Lodge during February and March, and much time has been devoted to private instruction. He finds that the Brethren are interested and desirous of learning the work correctly and that he notes a decided improvement during the past year. Brother J. C: Laughlin, of the Thirty-fifth District, has held a Lodge of Instruction in every Lodge in his District, and in several of them by request he held two. He reports that the work is progressing satisfactorily, on the whole, and that the Brethren, as a rule, are anxious to. improve. He expresses himself "well pleased with the enthusiasm of the Brethren and their impr'ovement in the work." Brother E. E. Codding, of the Thirty-sixth. District, has visited several of the Lodges throughout the District, giving instruction and assisted in ,.conferring degrees. He reports that the work, as a whole, is given in a very



Proceedings of the


satisfactory mannel', and while there is room fOl' impl'ovement the avel'age is good. Brother Harry L. Hunter, of the Thirty-seventh District, reports having held five Lodges of Instruction, and that the Lodges tbat he visited gave 'good attention to the work. He finds quite a number who are very proficient in the work, and that the Brethren generally are zealously applying themselves to the work. He has devoted some time to the officers of his Lodge, and mentions several of the Lodges in his Distl'ict whom he thinks have meritoriously distinguished themselves. Brother II. T. 'Wright, of the Thirty-eighth District, held five Lodges of Instl'Uction and visited seve,J'al more, assisted in conferring degrees and giving instruction as time would permit. He reports that the attendance was good and that in some Lodges their enthusiasm and zeal is commendable. 'l'he general condition of the Craft in his District is good. Brother C. E. Pyle, of the Fortieth District, reports that the work done by the various Lodges in his District dul'ing the year has been very light owing to the financial stringency. He has visited a number of the Lodges and finds that the inactivity of the various Lodges at not having work to do, has caused considerable apathy towards the ~·ltuaJistic work. BrotHer Joe ·W. Gravely, of the Forty-first District, held thl'ee Lodges of Instruction in the Vistrict. Besides these he goa ve priva te instl'uction whenever the opportunity afforded and availed himself of every opportunity . to keep up with the work to the best of his ability. He reports that the condition of the L6dges in his District as to the work is not what it should be and that he is using his best endeavors to impart instl'Uction when called on to do so. Erotber W. R. Bowles, 'of the Forty-second District, answered all calls made upon him, visited all but two of the Lcd~es in his Distl'iet, but held only a few Lodges of InstructiDn. He reports that the condi lion of the Lodges. as to \Vorl" is good, but can not be said to be excellent, although he considers them at least on an average with otbers. Brothel' DanipI O'l1ryan, of tbe F61·t~·-third District, held no Lodge of Instruction, but visited several and assisted in conferring the de,grees. He \vas present and assisted the Gmnd Lecturer in a Lodge of Instruction, held at Sheldon rec~ntly. 'Brother Bert S. Lee, of the Forty-fifth District, reports that the worl> in most of the Lodges in bis District, is cOQferred in a much better manner than it was a year ago. The officers, especially, have become more proficient. He bas charge of the Craftmen's ciub, which meets weekly at Springfield, and expresses himself favombly flS to the results. He bas visited a number or the TJodges and assisted in conferring degrees. A Lodge of Instruction washeld at Rogersville, in which h~ was assisted by P. G. Master C. H. Briggs, D. D. G. Mastel' Dr. D. B. Farnsworth and Arch A. Johnson, Grand Junior Deacon. He was also present and assisted at a Lod~e of Instruction held at Springfield by tbe Grand Lecturer. Brothel' George W. Miller, of the Forty-ninth District, has held Lodges of Instruction in seven of the eight Lodges in his District, and while the 2.1 tendance in some was not what it should be, he reports the interest great. The I,Qdges are· doing bettcr work, and more inten:st is taken b J' the .Craft in general than ever before. Brothel' James A. Boone.. of the' Fiftieth Distl'ict. visited seven of the Lodges in his District, giving ,instruction and assisting in conferring the degrees. His attention, thIs year, was directed particularly to tge weal,el'

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Grand Lodge of klissouri.


Lodges, and he notes some progress in the work, and adds that "thel'e is yet plenty of room for more improvement." He held some four Lodges of Instruction, and reports a fair attendance and much interest shown. He has answered every call made upon him, and in addition to the above, has given considerahle time to private instruction. . BI'other Hein'y Schroeder, of the Fifty-first District, devoted sixty days and nights to Masonry, heid fourteen Lodges of Instruction, conferred over J'orty degrees and complied with every demand made upon him by the Cmft. He reports that the increase in membership has been greater than last year, and that the class appHcants were of the "highest type of manhood." He l'eports a decided improvement in the ritualistic work throughout the District with but few exceptions. Brother W. W. Martin, of the Fifty-second District, has answered all calls made upon him, and finds the Lodges doing better work than they have ever done. :Mor~ pride is taken in the work done, and some Lodges confer the degTees in a most excellent manner. .He held five Lodges of Instruction, and l'Cl30rts the various Lodges al'e harmonious, and the prospects for the future very good. BI'other Thos. D. Martin, of the Fifty-third District, has visited a number of' the Lodges and assisted them in conferring degrees. Instruction was given to local and visiting officers, and he reports that the Lodges, as a rule, are in a better condition, and are taking more interest in the work, but are not as well up on the ritual as they should be. Brother G. J. Vaughan, of the Fifty-fourth District, visited but one Lodge in his District. He has heard from all of them, and had reason to believe that the Craft is in good general condition. Brother H. I., Bradford, of the I<'ifty-fifth District, held Lodges of Instruction for the following Lodgcs: Decatur, Galena, Mt. Vernon and Canopy. He reports that the Brethren are awakened to their needs, and that now the work is don~ fairly well throughout the District. Brother W. A. Phipps, of the Fifty-sixth District, held two Lodges of Instruction during the year, both being well attended, and good fnterest manifested. A good Masonic spirit prevails throughout the District, and a general i1esire'for better and more proficient work is in evidence. He reports the moml sentiment higher, and the conduct of applicants more c)oselyscrutinized than ever before. Fraternally submitted, J. R. McTJACHLAN, Grand Lecturer.


R. W. Bro. 1. N. Evrard, Grand Orator, ,was then presented to the Grand Lodge, and delivered aniost instructive oration as follows: FREEMASONRY OF 'NIE PRESENT. Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Wardens and Bretlvren:

I want first of all to thank Most Worshipful Grand Master Short for the privilege of addressing this Grand Lodge. Few such audiences congregate. It is an honor to stand before these hundreds of fellowmen and Brethren. You have come up路 here from every路 corner ~f



Proceedings of the


our great State. Every part of her magnificent domain; every county, almost every hamlet is represented here. From the plains of North _Missouri, where the glaciers of old cut out her winding stream; from the Platte purchase, with her extensive farms lying along the majestic river, from the bluffs, of which one may see across the plains of Kansas -and Nebraska almost to the Rocky Mountains; -from -the richest mining territory in the world in the Southwest; from the cornfields of Saline, the vineyards of Gasconade and from every other spot in this State, each of which produces many things and everyone produces men. And particularly have you come here from that favored spot of earth, the Ozark Hills. Every Grand Lodge has in it representatives from those mountains, who bring in peculiar degree their most characteristic spirit of "liberty, equality and fraternity," They bring something that makes one who has ever roamed over those glades and valleys feel like singing with Tom H, Cannon: As in perfumed dr~m I can see them gleam, In the Indian summel"s glow Their gnal'led knobs 11ft through the forest's rift, As they did in the long ago. All gold and brown from the uplands down, Run the riotous rivers still; While the sunlight rests on the wooded crests And kisses each wanton rill. My memory _weeps for the shadowed steeps, For. the' tinkle of far-off bells; They are there, I know, in the gleam and glow, Where the skyland sinks and swells. Oh, tender and true 'as the years for you, My heart ever turns and thrills; . For to me you seem like a lover's dream, Fair, far-away Ozark Hills.

, From this and every part of our imperial commonwealth you have come, because you are Brethren interested in the work of the Order and in the eternal principles for which Freemasonry stands. You and I, all of us, have traveled the same road to a knowledge of that first lesson that we .are taught in Masonry, "to be good and true." When we entered a representation of a certain part of the Temple of Solomon, we beheld on the left a symboi of strength, on the right a symbol of establishment; the first representing human capacity, the second a certainty of the real and the true. The effort' of the ages has been to determine what is real, what is true, and to bring



Grand Lodge of Ml:ssouri.



it within the compass of the human mind. This lesson of Freemasonry 'leads to truth, and to our duty to "act upon the square, keep a tongue of good report, maintain secrecy and practice charity." The pursuit of this lesson leads us over the three steps of youth, manhood and old age, with their ever-varying view路p~ints and multItudinous understandings, all modified by the flowering hope of youth, the active realization of manhood and the retrospection of old age. All, however, must路 reach knowledge in the end by passing over the five steps representing the means by which we acquire all that we know. Primarily, all human experience comes through the five sense~ which are the five orders in the architecture of human character. Mind and heart alike are reached through them. The seven liberal, arts and sciences become ours only when the senses are developed fully and rightly. And these liberal arts and sciences in turn react upon our minds and hearts, and finally lead us to the place where are distributed. the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment and the oil of joy. But when we have reached this point of realization, we finally comprehend the fact that geometry, representing whatever' is capable of demonstration, mllstcause us to bow in humble adoration to the living God. Our history reaches back through the ages, until it is lost in the darkness of antiquity. Not by accident has it survived so long, but because of the eternal law that the inherent principles of righteousness shall endure. No lesson taught by the Craft is more true or more beautiful than that all lessons of knowledge and righteousness , lead to God. Our' Orde~ is not a religious one, but "this beautiful system of morals veiled in allegories and illustrated by symbols" leads us to revere the same infinite and eternal Being to which religion binds our hearts. America must ever stand for the highest in Freemasonry, for in our country better than any.other place on earth is it possible for us to meet upon the level; and. because of this fact we ought the more "to walk uprightly in our several stations before God and man," and square our every action, toward another' "by the square of virtue." As Masons we owe a duty to our country, because of the fundamental Masonic rights guaranteed to us. We should look well to' the establishment of the real and true lessons that we teach. Too frequently the instrument by which we measure our actions is an angle of e'ighty-five degrees or smaller. Sometimes it is an angle of a hundred degrees or more, allowing so much latitude that it knows np bounds, and it is not always charity, either. In the office of one of Ollr State superintendents is an illustration of this kind of measurement. In an examination in ancient history, in


P1'oceedings of the


answer to the question, "Give an account of the battle of Marathon," a teacher answered, "Marathon was a great battle fought in ancient times between two opposing force~. It was fought in a valley between two hills. First one side gained the ascendency and then the other,'but finally the victors won." In my own experience as instructor in the Qld-time institute, I came across another who had his visio'n somewhat blurred. In one answer he gave these definitions: "Misdemeanor, try to overthrow the government; felony, a crime committed on the high seas; equity, being kind to our neighbors; dower, that part of an estate that.a widow re.ceives from a diseased husband." One of our Missouri College professors has a more ludicrous answer, for the truth of which, however, he does not vouch. In . an examination in physiology, the question was, "Name the cavities of the body and theit contents," An old-time路 teacher answered, "The cavities of the body 'are three; the head, the chest an'd .the . abdomen~ The head contains the brains, whE;ln there is any; the chest contains the heart and the lights; and the abdomen contains the bowels, of which there ar~ five, a, e, i, 0, u, and sometimes wand y." The trouble with these men was, that though they had eyes, they saw not; though they had ears, they heard not. They had not learned the necessity of developing the five human senses, those five columns of architecture upon which rest the superstructures 路of knowledge and character. They were simply dishonest, because they had not traveled the stairway at the top of which stands God. Or perhaps it would be better to say that they failed to start right, because in the beginning they. did not acquire that which is necessary to right character, "an unfeigned belief in the one living and true God." Freemasonry is a living exponent of the truth that relationship with God is fundamental to .institutions and to civilizations. The age of Nero at Rome and the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution are indicative of what atheism stands for, and they are antitheses of Freemasonry. At Rome, government became a plaything for the Cresars to use in confiscating whatever their .avaricious minds desired, and for satisfying passions, base-unmentionable. The loss of faith in the gods caused liberty to become license, influence to become a vice and poisoning a fine art. Roman law, the monument, that she had reared in her better days, became a t~ing to wink at, and Roman homes became houses of prostitution. Ever-increasing crime finally led "the eternal city" to a condition inconslstent with her existence, and l?he fell.


Grand Lodge of Missouri.


The reign of t~rror in Paris you are all familiar with. You know of the bread z:iots, the fall of the Bastile, of the three divisions that used La Belle路 Guillotine to destroy the monarchy, and then in turn to destroy each other. You know of the special sewer that was constructed to carry off the blood of the beheaded victims of the rage of the rabble. You' know, too, that the crowning act of the 'reign of terror was to erect a goddess of reason to be worshiped. Some of you have noted the effect of the denial of God upon French }/'reemasonry. Indeed, the effect is still apparent and still under the cognizance of'the Masons of the world. These two pictures are the most terrible in history, and they are the best illustrations in the annals of time of a people trying to live without God. What I want to call attention to is, that in this twentieth century there is a tendency in some quarters to neglect that cultivation of human abilities which, as Masons, we ought particularly to develop in ourselves and train in those who will be the Masons of the future. We have a peculiar unmasonic conception of values, some of which have come from bad precept. We have heard iterated one erroneous motto until we have accepted it as truth, that "honesty is the best policy." Masons at least should know that it is not a ~olicy at all. Men who are honest because honesty seems to be a good policy need constant watching or they will fail to pay their premiums. Honesty, my Brethren, is not a policy at all, but a principle. It is not an affair of the head, but of the heart. It is not comprehended in its fullness by one who does not know and do his "duty to his God, to his neighbor and himself." Temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice; brotherly love, relief and truth might be called the communicabl~ attributes of God, because they came from him. They are, moreover, the qualities that have caused the Masonic Fraternity to endure. They are kept constantly before us by the open Bible upon the altar. Do we hold up these ideas before the world? Does not a responsibility rest upon us路 to see that these virtues are inculcated by encouraging reverence for the source of these virtues? May I mention specifically a siI?-gular change that has' been wrought in our teaching material during recent years? Time was when we school children read and loved some pieces of literature that have now vanished from our school-books. We used to read in the old Third Reader Mrs. Heman's little poem, "1 ,Hear Thee Speak of a Better Land," suggestive of heaven and eternal reward. A little later we read of the spirit of worship in some more verses, . which you will recall f~om these lines, "Gay, guiltless pair, why



Proceedings of the


perch ye here? * * * Ye have no need of prayer, Ye have no sins 1.0 he forg'iven." And later still we came to the story of the traveler who, riding through the country of Orange, in a' desolate spot, came upon religious services conducted by an old blind preacher, saying so dramatically, "Socrates died like a philosopher, but Jesus Christ like a God." You will agree with me that those pieces took hold of our minds and our hearts and lifted us "from the commonplace of. life to better things." That uplifting influence has been removed from the literature of the schools, and, very appropriately, the powey: behind its removal has been the power that has ever been the arch enemy of, Free. masonry. Search the readers through that your children study'; and you may find God mentioned in a purely impersonal way; prayer may be alluded to but it is doubtful; but you will not find anywhere in any reader publisheq in recent years a simple mention of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. True Freemasonry is not a Christian Order, but it is an Order based upon a' belief in God; and the God of America is the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob and, of Jesus Christ. Freemasonry is not a religious Order, but it receives its fundamental teachings and its power from the book on yonder altar whence emanates the religion of our land. And I want to submit to you, my Brethren, -this question: If the end路urance of our, Order is in any way dependent upon the influence of that book, if it is well that these men of Missouri and Masons all over the world should behold it first upon entering a regularly constituted Lodge, would it not be worth while for us to see that at every desk in this land where sits the American and the Mason of the\future there may be an open Bible; not that there shall be taught from it any system of theology, but that it may send out its gently pervading power for truth and righteousness? .There are designs on the trestle board whereby the Craft may pursue their labors. It is not easy to be a good Mason. The journey of human life is still a rough and rugged one-still beset with difficulties and dangers.路 It is never easy to do our full duty. But we shall surely never forget the example of Him who did his duty even unto death. Can it be that we, through neglect of real ethical teaching, are in a degree responsible for the great variety of dishonest transactions t!Iat hike place among the high and the low in these later days? Can it be that the' questi<mable lives, of those who live in palaces as well as hovels; who. are educated as well as those who are ignorant; captains in politics and finance as well as those in the private walks of life, is the result of the lack of attention to the ~eal things that lea9- to God? / If these things be

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Grand Lodge of AI£ssouri.


true, what a power is there in the forty-five thousand men represented here, each of whom wears the lambskin as the emblem of 'innocence 'and the badge of a M·ason. ~ . Of course, this world is not all bad. I would not have you think that I am an alarmist. ,There are good ·thing~ and good men ev~ry­ where. I have great hopes that whatever deficiencies there may be in State or institutions, real wort~1 and real goodness ,will prevail. It has always been so in this Republic. Crises when they have been recognized have always been met. Arid when duties arise to be performed, American manhood.never fails to ring true. Our little Spanish-American War brought out two notes that will sound. as long as the best in civilization shall endure. One of them came from General Joe Wheeler who, at the very beg~nning of the conflict. volunteered his services to his country. He was called on by a few of his friends who, thinking of his personal welfare, tried to dissuade him from entering the (army. He said, "Gentlemen, when I was a young man I started out to fight my.country's battles after having been educated for that purpose. When the war between the States came on, it seemed best to join the forces of my State and fight against the forces of the government. But 'now that the mists have rolled away, and we are once more a united people, not:hing could crown the close of my life with ·so much radiance as to fall while fighting for the old stars and stripes." That was patriotism. The other note came at t.he battle of Santiago Bay, just after that miracle of the nineteenth century had been wrought. The fleet of the enemy had been annihilated, and midst all the fury of shot . and shell, our boys of the navy had escaped with a single casualty. Captain Phillips, of the Texas, his soul surging with the feelings generated by the pressure of occasion, walked out upon the deck of his ship and calming the hurrahs of victory said, "Boys, I want to make the acknowledgment here that I believe in God, the Father Almighty." That was reverence. r· believe we. are coming in these days to see, that, "whatever research may lay a1 the feet of science, whatever hope may achieve, whatever beauty may adorn or love .may cherish'," depends upon the love of country and t11e love of God that we hold in our hearts and teach to our children. The ancients cele~rated with one game that has impressed me because it was true to life. It was a rac€ in which the prize was not to the swift. It was a -relay race and the victory was won only by those who carried, in the. course toward the temple of Jupiter, the sacred fire and transmitted it to his successor still, burning. In this life of ours the 'race is not to the swift nor the battle' to th~





Proceedings of the


strong. The battle is to him who fights worthily for a worthy cause; and the race is to him who transmits to his successor the sacred fire of honor, love and faith that it may be again transmitted, and so live on forever. We shall often fail of accomplishment, but the test is earnest effort. I came across' a little poem not long since that was a source of consolat.ionto me, and in conclusion I shall give it to you. It is from the pen of Edmond Vance Cooke. HOW DID YOU DIE? Did you tackle the trouble that came your way With a resolute heart and cheerful? Or hide :yourself from the light of day, ,Vith a craven soul路 and fearful? , Oh, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's an .ounce, Or a trouble' is what you make it; And it isn't the fact that you're hurt. that counts, But only how did you take it? You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that? Come liP with a smiling- face. It's nothing against you to fall down flat, But to lie thel'e-that's disgrace; The harder you're thrown, why the higher you bounce; Be proud of your blackened eye-It isn't the fact that you're licked that countsIt's how did you fight and why? And though you be done to death, what then? If you've battled the' best you could, If you've played your part in the world of men, Why, the Critic will call it good. Death comes with a crawl, or he comes with a pounce; And whether he's slow or Spl'y, It isn't the fact that you're dead that counts, But only, how did you die':

On motion, the oration was ordered printed in the Proceedings. THANKS.

R. W. Bro. Wm. A. Hall, Grand Senior Warden, then reported to the Grand Lodge that through the courtesy of Brother Robert McCulloch, General Manager of the United Railways of St. Louis, that company would furnish ample cars, free of charge, for the transportation of all members of this Grand ~odge who desired to visit the Masonic Home. It was moved t

Gra.ndLodge of 1.lissouri.


by M. W. Bro. C. H. Briggs that a vote of thanks be extended to Brother McCulloch for this courtesy. Same was carried by unanimous rising vote. REMARKS BY PAST GRAN 0 MASTER STEVENSON.

Grand Master Short having asked M. W. Bro. R. F. Stevenson, p~ G. M., to temporarily occupy the chair during his . absence, he spoke as follows: Brethren, the Grand Orator has entertained you very effectually, and we want simply to remain here contented a sufficient length of time to enable 'the work to be accomplished that the Grand Master has in hand. The line along which you have had instruction today is something for you to take home with you; to tell the members of your Lodges who are not here; to turn their thoughts along other lines; to know what 'Your ritual means and what it teaches. The Bible which was brought to your attention is one of the Great Lights; from the time that you cross the threshold of the Masonic Lodge, it is still before you and has been as eloqu'ently directed to your view today as the . !angu~ge of man could present. These brethren who have talked to you have presented it in a form that must make it impressive upon your minds. But there is som.etbing deeper within the lids of that book; within the instruction that is therein contained; to which the Ritual of Freemasonry points; and of which but few of the neophytes look into far enough tbat they may understand. In the symbolism of Freemasonry, which is taken from that great book, almost entirely, there are lessons which will enable you to build character, and when the Entered Apprentice is placed in the Northeast corner and told that he stands upon the foundation upon which he should build a character for morality, integrity, uprightness, and everything that constitutes a man, his lessons come fro~ that same grand book. If we ever stopped to think that even in the preparation room, a place where in ancient times it was customary for the brethren to go and bring all kinds of absurdities and suggestions to the attention of the candidate, as to what he would be required to undergo; have we ever thought that the preparation meant something that is higher, something that is nobler than the mere divestiture? How many candidates that have gone through that preparation ceremony have ever had called to their attention the value and symbolism of it; what it means to him, more than simply



Proceedings of the o

preparing himself to be an object of ridicule to the members who are assembled on the inside? My brethren, the symbolism of Freemasonry begins in that preparation room, \vhere it teaches the candidate that he must be divested of all those material things which have a tendency to swerve his mind from the purposes which he is endeavoring to accomplish. -He must drown the material things of life and prepare to enter upon the spiritual and moral view, which is to be presented to him when he crosses the threshold; the same spiritual and moral view that is prese"nted in the Great -Light that lays upon the Altar. Now, my brethren, we in Missouri have not been guilty, in later years, of teaching things to the candiddte in the preparation room that will divert his thoughts from the symbolism that is intended to be conveyed. We send the Deacons and. the Stewards out there, who are to exclude every other brother from that preparation room if he ventures to suggest to' a candidate those things that will divert him from the prope-r thought or the proper meaning of the symbolism of preparation. I want you to go back to your Lodges and I want you to instruct the Deacon, if he doesn't understand it, and the Stewards who accompany him, that there is to be no levity, nothing that will unfit the candidate for the lessons which the Master and- the Wardens hold for him when he has crossed the threshold, and to which he is to attain by upright regular steps. Now, brethren, this is only one idea that is presented to you to show you what the symbolism of Masonry means. It is very identical with similar symbolisms that can be made practical, and should be made practical, that we may become, not alone ritualistic Masons, but Masons of understanding and intellect. The man who presents himself and knocks at the door of the Lodge, seeking light, should receive light; and should receive that light which will enable h;im to pass inward and upward, entering at last the sphere of perfection. The old myth was, and from that is derived the idea of the fall of man from a high estafe; that there were seven spheres known to the anCi~nts, each representing the higher - step from _earth, and passing from the highest sphere to the next路 and so on down until was reached the bottom at the seventh; until was acquired the materialism which absolutely covers up the spiritual idea, the spiritual view. To recover this spiritual' perfection' the man must throw off his materiality and turn back again' until he reaches the highest sphere. This is the Christian, the Hebrew and the' Mohammedan doctrine; also that of the Brahmin. And, my brethren, it is the idea of Freemasonry, that no matter how low in sin and degradation a man may get, there is somewhere planted within that


Grand Lodge of A1issouri.


physical form the link, the cable-tow, that unites him with his Maker, a.nd which, if it can be uncovered and permitted to draw, will lead hiIT.l out of that condition and enable him to work his way'back to the sphere of perfection. We are taugbt to lpok tbrougb Nature, . Upward unto Nature's God; We are .told tbere isa Scripture, Written on the meanest sod; Tbat tbe simplest flower created, Is a key to bidden tbings; But, immortal over Natui:e," Mind, .tbe Lord of Nature, springs. From the genesis of being Unto tbls' Imperfect day, Hath humanity beld onward, Praying God' to aid its .way; And man's progress had been swifter, Had. he. never turned aside To tbe worsblp of tbe symbol, Not tbe spirit signified. Thus we take the mlgbtier labor, Crowning glory of bis will, Aild believe tbat In tbe meanest Lives a spark of Godhead still; . Somet~ing that by Trutb expanded, Mlgbt be fostered into wortb; Sometbing struggling In the darkness, Owning an immortal birth. .

Now, my brethren, it is that to which Freemasonry tends. It is that for which you spend your time and money, sacrifice your comforts, leave your pleasant homes and meet with yo~r brethren in the Lodge; it is based upon the proposition that you are your brother's keeper. Not that you can control him by force or power, but you can control him by influence and persuasion and by presenting to him the hjgher ideals of life; by detailing to路 him the instruction contained in the Great Light; in the Ritual which you present and outline before him. Every officer of the Lodge should thoroughly instruct himself, not alone in that Ritual, but also in what it means, and use his utmost endeavor in impressing the candidate with proper view. The candidate should know why he is put through these ceremonies and why these symbols are presented to him. The' officer should co~vey the meaning in路 such a way that it would impress a canqidate in such a manner as will enable him to make a practical application and build his character as that of a true man and 'a Mason. I



P1'oceedings of the


M. W. Bro. A. M. -Dockery was then called on .for a speech, ' and responded with a few well-chosen remarks, intimating that he would be heard from before the close of the Grand Lodge, if a fitting opportunity offered. M.W. Bro.' C~ H. Briggs was called on for a talk, and re- ; sponded, after some persuasion, as follows:


Most Worshipful Grand Master and brethren, my good Brother Evrard, Grand Orator, who spoke to you awhile ago, had ample notice and thorough preparation, and he struck a good lead. Not long ago, in the city of Springfield, where I am pastor of a chu.rch, I was invited by the president {)f the MiEsouri Normal School at Springfield to deliver an address, or sermon, rather, at the close of the summer term, which was attended by seven or eight hundred young people, most of whom had been teaching and were there for furthp,r work. In thinking about the subject on which to spe.ak to them, my eye fell' upon an item in a papet. upon a subject to which reference has been made by our Grand Orator-the fact that the N~tional Teachers' Association, in its session at Cleveland, a few weeks ago, passed a resolution, clear and ringing, concerning the discrimiI!ation against the Bible in the public schools of America. I read that resolution and emphasized that point. I wish to, acknowledge my indebtedness to and express my appreciation of the right and timely woro, which my brother has spoken on that subject. The peanut politicians have dominated American life too . long. The idea that, especially in school life, where literature is the subject, that the best literature in all th{e world has to be excluded and any kind of trash there find a place. I noticed an acconnt the other day of the burial of a man in one of the Northwestern States, whose position was that he stood for freedom, and that he took the stand that brought about the decisions, confirmed by the Supreme Court there, which excluded the Bible from the public schools of his State. It was not an honorable distinction by any means. I d?n't remember his name. I don't wish to. The truth of the matter is in this land of ours we have cherished a clamor that was blind and unr~asoning. The idea concerning liberty, which too many men nave advanced, is license, not liberty. The free man is the man whom the truth has made free, and who is master of himself and has learned to rule himself because he knows the truth. Now, then, Masonry recognizes the word of God as its foundation.' On the Masonic platform men of both Hebrew and Christian faith meet upon a common footing, and nothing comes tip here in our


Grand Lodge of Missouri.


work that jars upon the sensibilities of men who differ somewhat in their religious views and .convictions. But religious views, views of God and of moral conviction, and appeals to the spiritual nature of men, are fundamental in Masonry. They are fundamental also in our American institutions, And the position that ought always to have been taken in American life was that the man who does not like the Bible as a prominent feature of American literature and American life does 路not have to come to this country, does not have to stay here when he gets here, and it is time to turn back somewhat to the old ideas from which we have sadly 路departed. With the change that has come since my boyhood days, when McGuffy's readers were before the public, when children had a literature presertted . which was saturated with religious thought and with high moral ideals, the change 'has been not merely in the elimination of the scriptures and scriptural references, but to a lower and inferior class 'Of literature as such, as an inevitable result. And one of the services which Freemasonry renders to society is that it stands as a breakwater against the narrowness and illiberality of thought. It stands where the Church stands, emphasizing the moral, the spiritual nature of man, and helping to keep alive his faith in God. Now, my plea before those hundreds of teachers. was that In a literary point of view, the Bible stands superior to all other literature the world has ever known, and the discrimination against it in school life has meant lower literary ideals. It has been a damage to child life in America and a spiritual loss to all mankind from the moral 'Or spiritual standpoint. You take the statement which comes from the Master's lips that falls across the ear of every candidate at his initiation: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and ,the spirit of God moved lipon the face of the water,. and God said let there be light, and there was light" Now, consider it from any point of view; there never fell upon the -ear of man a sublimer statement concerning the origin of things than that, And until a better statement concerning the beginning of things can be invented, let the old declaration stand; and all that science has done, and all that philosophy has done, all that man has succeeded in bringing to view in his efforts to unpack the univ,erse, has afforded nothing that can stand as a substitute for that old declaration that is so fundamental in Freemasonry. Twenty-six letters in due order set, Suffice fOI' all of Shakepere's val'ied ",el'se; The elements of Nature's alphabet, So few and simple spell the universe; Can the~' b~' ;~ha nee together lllll'led Compose a Hamlet or create a wol'1d?



of the


One is as reasonable as the other. You might as well tell me that the type i~ a printing office, jumbled together indiscriminately and then arranged indiscriminately :with the top up, could compose and produce a Hamlet, as ·that cosmos can come with no' intelligent, directing, controlling mind behind it. And aU this attempt to discriminate against the Bible in its statements of the beginnings of things are: after all, ~n insult t<1 the, reason of man, no less than to his religious faith. The Bible is the noblest literature the world has ever seen. You takEl what it says concerning the institution which is fundamental in life today, marriage"the union of· man arid woman, 'constituting the true social . unit, and the' statement in GenesiS: "then shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his own wife,. and they twain shall be one flesh," that primeval statement in that old book concerning the family has never been improved up0I?-; Jesus df Nazareth did not try to improve upon that statement. . I quote that to show that ,it represents the highest code ·of right to manldnd today. And you may talk of the sacredne'ssof. human' life here in this age ; and there in that old book is the declaration that "whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall' his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man." . Where is' there a higher statement concerning the true dignity of human life, or where nobler ideals that guide men and move and influence his conduct? And when Abraham hears the voice of God, he goes forth not knowing whither he went, but only that he went in answer to the Di,,:-ine command, and was a sojourner and a stranger for a hundred years. He stands and will stand in every age the father of, the faithful, the type. of men with lives controlled by faith, that can see God and can endure as seeing Him who is in visible. And where in all literature is there a purer life than that of that Hebrew youth, who, repulsing the'temptress and answering to her suggestion' cries" "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" No higher ideal of manly purity is presented in the literature 'of the world than in the life of Joseph. .Why, you take Moses, the man of God, his work stands' the foundation of the ~Torld's jurisprudence in every· age. Men sometimes speak of that Hebrew code as cruel, but it was the most merciful code known in ancie.nt history. But less than one hundred years ago, the code of Great Britain was far more bloody. Sir Charles Knight, in his History of Englang, -record? the fact that as late as 1810 a child under the. ageqf ten·years lay in Newgate prison under sentence of death for petty·'pilfering. You find noble ideals in the legislation of Moses, that our recent legislation has only just caught up with, an~ in some respects the Mosaic code is still superior to our present



Grand Lodge of Missouri.


No one can point to a kiJ;lglier figure in all ancient history than David. There was never a man on the throne of ancient times in whom were found greater personal qualities than those which were blended in the life of that man. True his life was marred in his later years by one great si~ that darkened it, but of which he repented and, which God forgave, yet when_forgiven he was told that the sword would not depart from his house forever. Yet with that blot upon his career he is the kingliest figure of ancient story. And so we might go on with the book which we call fundamental and without which Masonry could. not exist iIi its present form. How unreasonable that such a book should be discr~minatedagainst as it has been! It is time for 'this matter to be considered more carefully; it is time for a reawakening of conscience upon these questions. I am glad that our, brother ha~ pursued this line of thought. ¡r am glad that it is being' agi"tated by the teachers of America as it is, and it is time for the forty-seven thousand men that make up the Masonic Fraternity of this State to \lse their' in- , ftuence toward going back to .asaner and worthier point of view. They are not narrow, they are not seCtarian, they do not want the Bible llsed asa weapon of propagandism for any sect. They are in no danger of erring in that direction. But we have a right to claim that the book which is the noblest of all books in literature shall no longer be discriminated against as it has been, but that it shall have its rightful place in the world's literature and the world's thought, especially in ed'1;Icational circles. The teachings of that book are fundamental in American life as well as in Masonry, and ought to be recognized as fundamental in American institutions. The book, without which no Lodge can exist, is equally necessary to the main- , tenance of society and good order and true intellectual life among men.



The Grand Master, M. W. Bro. John T. Short, resumed the East and 'immediately announced the Standing Committees as ,follows: .TURISPRUDENCE.-Wm. F;' Joh:nson, Chai1-tIl~a1t,o D. 'A. House,' C. B. Farris, C. F. Sanders, Eo F. Allen, L. B. Valliant, Jos. S. McIntyre, Edward L. Dillon. ApPEAL'S AND GRIEVANCF.S.-Dorsey 'A. ~Tamison, Clfairman; Edward Higbee, Francis A. Leach, Leo. S. Rassieur, Bcrthol.d A.Lange, Bert S.Lee; W. J. Roberts'. • PAY ROLL.-W. R. Shrodes, Ohainnan,o P. or. Reiger, R. B. Campbcll, .Tay C. Wood, J. W. Hartley, E. Wood, S. J. Montgomery.




Proceedings of the


WAYS AXD MEA:"S.-A. M. Dockery, Chairman; J. S. Wallace, Frank Eardle;y, A. A. Wheeler, Campbell 'Veils, .John A. Carter, Martin '1'. Balsley, Geo. F. Sargeant. CREDE:\'TJALS.-M. J. Lilly. Chainnan,o Samuel R. Stevenson, Fred A. Raithel, H. T,. Wright, H. L. Bergen. 'CHAHITY.-Dexter B. I<'arnsworth, Chairman; Howard' P. Smith, R. S. Long, Geo. B. Orr, N. A. Zimmerman, R. C. Haeussler, Jacob B. Loehr. CHARTERED LODGEs.-Geo. II. Pike, Chai.rman,o C. L. Alexander, W. S. Preston, W. E. Wampler, Paal Baldwin, Charles Harrison" Milton A. Grissom. LODGES UNDEH DISPENSATION.-James A. Boone, Chairman,' Anthony F. Ittner. Geo. S. McLana3an, W. H.:\1eGrath, Warren .Tones, N. P. Gasper, William Brown, William H. Woods. REPOHTS OF D. D. G. M's.-Austin L. McRae, Chairman " Chas. B. Boving, B. F. Brans~n, S. H. Walt"ers, J. )1. Mattcnlee, J. J. Shaw, J. T. Marshall. OBITUARIES.-C. H. Briggs, Chairman " H. B. Montgomery, Daniel O'Bryan, J. A. Carter, C. 1<'. Ridings, G. W. "filler, H. C. Daniel. CORRESPONDENCE.-R. E. Andel'son, Chairman. UNFINISHED BUSINESS:-H. T. 'Vright, Chai"rnan,' A. C. Kelly, ,V. T. Ball, W. R. Taylor, C. F. Ridings, '1'. B. Turnbaugh, E. F. Elliott, B. F. Heazell. . BOARDS OF RELIE.F.-H. H. Getman, CIlOlinnan; James A. Koontz, W. C. Okey, James McCiaskey, O. D. Austin, L. P. Norman, Wm. A. Kleinschmidt. Acc'buNTs.-James A. Smith, .Tr;, Chainnan " F. 'Wm. Henselmeiel路. MASONIC Ho:.m.-A. L. Ross, Chairman,' A. R. Alexander, Wm. Southern, .Tr., T. D. Hubbell, C. C. Woods, R. F. Stevenson; A. S. Houston, Wm. F. Kuhn. TRA:\SI'OUTATION AND HOTELS.-\V. G. Wilderman, C1J.airman. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. ARRANGE;\IENTS FOH GIlAND Loom; MI~ETING.~'Vm. E. Hoke, Chairman " Jos. S. McIntyre, F. F. Wm. Krenning. NEWBILl. CASE.-Dr. W. A. Clai'k, R. W. Powell', J. Oliver Hogg, E. A. Strong, H. S. Cochran.

The Grand' Master then' announced that immediately after the adjournment of the Grand Lodge there would .be a photographer just outside 'of the Cathedral, who desired' to take the photograph of the members of the Grand Lodge as a body. CALLED FROM LABOR~

At 3 :20 ~. M., in order that the members of the Grand Lodge might visit the Masonic Home,. the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM LABOR until 7 :30 o'clock this evening. Prayer by R. W. Bro. Rev. John H;. Miller, G,rand Chaplain.

Gra.nd Lodge of M£ssour£.

1908. ]


FIRST DAY-EVENING SESSION. ST. LOUIS, September 29, 1908. The Grand .Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at 7 :30 P. M., JVI. W. Bro. John T.' Short, Grand Master, presiding. Grand Officers in their proper stations. Divine blessing was invoked by R. W. Bro. Rev. John H. Miller, Grand Chaplain. REVISION OF BY-LAWS.

The Grand Master announced that this was the hour set apart for consideration of the proposed revison of the ByLaws, and directed a distribution of the printed copies among the Bre~hren. M. W. Bro. A. M. Hough, for the committee, read the various sections by numbers, it being understood, after discussion, that where there was no change and no obj ection, the section' should be considered as adopted. ARTICLE 1. Sections

1, 2,

3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 adopted as printed. ARTICLE II.

Sections 9 and 10 adopted as printed. Sec. 11. M. 'W. Bro. Boyd offered the following amendment: "Insert after the words 'execute and file with the Grand· Master his official bond,' in lines 16 and 17 of Section II,.the words: 'with some reliaqle company as surety thereon.'" The said Section I I, as thus amended, was adopted. Sec. 12.: Clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) were duly adopted as printed. Clause (h) was amended to conform with the amendment made in Section 11. Clauses (i), (j), (k), (1), (m) and (n) were adopted as printed. Moved and carried that clause (0) be stricken out.



Proceedings of the

\Al. Bro. P. A.' Budd offered the following al?endment to Section 12 as an additional clause to the duties of the Grand Secretary, which was adopted: ((He shall prepare a uniform receipt for dues, which shall be used by all the Lodges in this Jurisdiction. These receipts shall be of bond paper with. stub; and ',of suitable size, and contain the pri,nted autograph of the Grand ,Secretary; and the year for \vhich it is issued. The receipts shall be furnished to the Lodges at cost.", . Clause (p) of Section 12 was amended by vote of the Grand Lodge on amendment offered by路 M. W. Bros. C. H. Briggs and Campbell Wens, the sante to read as follows: (p) The salary of the Gt:and Secretary shali be Twentyseven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($275掳.00) per annum, payable monthly. (Adopted as amended.) , ,

Section 13: Clauses (a), (b) and (c) adopted as printed. Clause (d) of Section '13 was amended on motion of M.W. Bro. Kuhn by 'striking out' the words Twenty-two Hundred and Fifty Dollars and inserting in lieu. thereof the words "Twenty-seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars." (Adopted as amended. ) Sections 14, IS, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 were duly adopted as printed. ARTICLE III. Sections 22, 23, *24, 25 and 26 were adopted ';ls printed. ,


IV. ' " Section 27: Clauses (a), (b), (c); (d), (e) and (f) wer'e adopted as printed. Clause (g) was amended by striking Qut the words "in lieu of" in line 9 ana inserting the words "together with" in place of same. (Adopted as amended.) Clauses (h), (i), (j), (k); (1), (m), (n), (0), (p) and (q) were duly adopted as printed: ARTICLE

*Reconsidered second day.

] 908.]

Grand Lodge of Missouri.

In Clause (r)' the words "twenty-five" were, on' motion, stricken out, and the word "fifty" inserted in lieu of same in the third line. (Adopted as amended.) Clause (s) adopted as printed. : AlrncLE \'. 1 Sections 28, 29, 30, 3 , 3 2, 33, 34, 35, 36 , 37, 38 , 39, 40, 4 1, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 4 8 , 49 and 50 were adopted as printed. Section 51 was amended by adding at the end thereof 路the following words, "and dedicated and consecrated." (Adopted as amended.) Sections' 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58 \vere adopted as printed. Section 59 was amended as follows: First, the words "said General Board shall appoint five members of its number as a substitute Board of Relief," in lines 3, 4 and 5, were stricken out. Second, said Section shall be further amended by inserting after the word "government" in the lIth line the following: "In cities where there are two Lodges, each Lodge shall appoint three members, who shall compose a Board of Relief for that city. This Board shall organize and adopt its own rules. Each Lodge in such city shall contribute Five Dollars from each initiation fee to the Board of Relief, provided that such contributions shall not be made when the sum on hand exceeds' the sum of '$200.00." (Adopted as amended.) Sections 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66 were adopted as printed. Section 67: M. W. Bro. Kuhn offered an amendment to said Section 67 by striking out the words "one dollar" in the second and ninth lines and inserting in lieu thereof the words "one dollar and twenty-five cents." Also by striking out the words "one-half". in the fifth line. ~nd inserting in lieu thereof the words. "thr~e-fifths," s~ that said S~cti~m, so amenqed, shall read as follows: " .. Sec. 67-Annual Dues. Every Chartered Lodge shall' pay annually to the Grand Lodge the sum of one dollar and J

G. L. Pro.-3


Proceedings of tlte


twenty-five cents for each Master Mason reported as a member in the annual returns, except those whose dues have been remitted for inability to pay; three-fifths of which sum shall be for the Masonic Home unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge. If any Lodge shall collect from a suspended member dues, for non-payment of which lie has been suspended, such Lodge shall pay to the Grand Lodge one dollar and twentyfive cents for each year's dues so collected, if not previously accounted for. The section, as thus amended, was read and unanimously adopted by a rising vote. Section 68, adopted as printed. Section 69 was amended by striking out the words "onefourth" in next to the last line and inserting the words "onefifth" in lieu thereof. (Adopted as amended.) ARTICLE


Sections 70, 7 1, 72 , 73, 74,-75. 76 , 77, 78 , 79, 80, *81,82 and 83 were adopted as printed. ARTICLE


Sections 84, 85, 86 and 87 were adopted as printed. Further consideration of the revision of By-Laws, on motion of M. W. Bro. Wm. F. Kuhn, was deferred until Wednesday afternoon, when it shall be made the Special Order of Business I at 2 o'clock P. M. It was. stated by M.路 W. Bro. Kuhn that the Revision Committee had been working on the revision of By-Laws for three years. He therefore moved that the question of their compensation be referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Adopted and so ordered. <;;ALLED FROM LABOR.

At 10 :40 P. M. the Grand Lodge was until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. *Reconsidered second day.




Grand Lodge of Missouri.



SECOND DAY-MORNING SESSION. ST. LOUIS) WEDNESDA~) S~ptember 30, 1908. The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at 9.0'c1ock A. M., by M. W. Bro. John T. Short, Grand Master, the other Grand Officers occupying. their respective stations as heretofore. Prayer was offered by R. W. Bro. Rev. John H. :Miller, Grand Chaplain. . . 'MINUTES APPROVED.

The minutes of the several sessions of yesterday \\'ere read and approved. ELECTION OF GRAND OF:FICERS.

The hour for the election of Grand Officers having arrived, the Grand Master appointed as Tellers the followi.ng Brethren: '. J. E. Thompson, P. A. Budd, A. S. Hickerson, Wm. E. Hoke, T. A. Dunn, A. E. Wood, George Presnell, C. C. Gardner. H. O. Gray, 'D. W. Farmer, J. C. Garrell, Gibbon Carson. ~ M. W. Bro. C. H. Briggs, at the request of the Grand Master, explained the method of balloting, and the election proceeded with the following result: BROTHER ROBERT R. KREEGER) Kansas ,City, Grand Master. WILLIAM A. HALL) St. Louis, Deputy Grand l\1aster. BROTHER CLAY C. BIGGER) LacIe~e, Grand Senior Warden. BROTHER ARCH A. JOHNSON) Springfield, Grand Junior V\,Tarden. BROTHER A. C. STEWART, St. Louis, Grand Treasurer. BROTIIERJOHN R. PARSON) St. Louis, GranGl Secretary. B~OTHER


On motion, the Representatives of the Lodges Under Dispensation in attenda,nce at the Grand Lodge session were allowed the usual mileage and per diem.


[ Sept.

Proceedings of the


On motion of M. Vv. Bro. R. F. Stevenson, the Representative of delinq'uent Continental Lodge, No. 454, at Stewartsville, was allowed ~nileage and per diem. . MILEAGE AND PER DIEM FOR VERSAILLES LODGE No. 117.

'On motion, the Representative of the delinquent Versailles Lodge, No. 117, was allowed the usual mileage and per diem. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES.

IV1. W. Bro. L. B. Valliant presented and read the following report, vvhichyvas adopted: 1'0 the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and A.ceepted Masons of the state of Missouri.;

BRETIIRF.?\,-Your Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges, submit the following report: Fit'st, We recommend that om' fraternal relations now existing with the Foreign Grand Lodges be continued. Second, Applications for recognition have been received from the Grand Lodge of Greece, the Gt'and Lodge 'of Brazil, the Grand Lodge "Cosmos" of Chihuahua and the Grand Lodge of Italy, but in the ligh t of the infol'mation which we have been able to receive, we mal{e no l:ecol11l!lendation at this session of the Grand Lodge. 'We are informed that the Grand Lodge of Gt'eece, the Grand Lodge of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Brazil are' all making efforts to organize Subordinate _Lodges within the .United States, which is an invasion of Grand Lodge territory, and again we do not receive satisfactory information as to the organization and conduct of such Grand IJodges. Fraternally submitted, ETHELBERT F. ALLEN, A. M. DOCKERY, W. F. KUHN, L. B. VALLIAN'I',


Grand Lodge of Missouri.

1908. ]



M. W. Bro. Dorsey A. Jamison, Chairman, partially presentee} th' report of Committee on Appeals and Grievances, and Cases Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 14 were adopted without opposition. In Case No. 10, Twilight Lodge, No. 114, vs. Calvin C. Kerfoot, it was 'moved by Bro. Vasco H: Roberts that the report be amended to ;ead "that the decision of the Lodge be reversed and the accused be expelled from Freet'!1asonry." This was seconded, fully discussed, and adopted, and the report of the committee, as thus amended, was adopted. Case No.

I I.

Repprt duly adopted. CALLED FROM LABOR.

The Grand Lodge was then CALLED FROM LABOR until o'clock this afternoon.


SECOND D!\.Y-AFTERNOON SESSION. ST. LOUIS~ \rVEDNESDAY~ September 30, 1908. The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at 2 o'clock P. NI., by 11. W. Bro.John T. Short, Grand :Master, the other Grand Officers at their respective s,tations. Prayer was offered by R. W. Bro. Rev. John H. Miller, Grand Chaplain. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS.

W. Bro. James A. Smith, Jr., Chairman, presented and read the following report, which was adopted: To the Grand Lodge of .1.ncicnt Free and Accepted Masons of the State of MissOU1'i:

Your Committee on Accounts submits the following report: We bave examined the cash accounts of tbe Grand Secretary nnd Grand Treasurer, and bave found them correct, with proper vouchers fOl' receipts and payments. ,-



Proceedings of the

The balance on hand September 21, 1908, is $46,788.87, at the St. Louis Union Trust Compaily in the name of this The Grand 'Treasurer's report 'a~rees with the Grand ment, and is correct. The following is the financial statement for the ~rear 21, 1908:

and is on deposit Grand Lodge. Secretary's stateendfng September


Balance September 16, ID07, cash, .. , . , , .. , .. Back dues collected, 1907" .. " " , . " . " . , , .. $ 317 00 Dispensation fees, 1908 (8) ., '.. , , .. , , ,; 240 00 Chal'ter fees, 1908 (8)",., ·,."", " .. , . 160 00 From defunct Lodges , , " , ,., . 111 84 Refund from J. C. Garrell, D, D. G. M ..,.,., . 2 00 Refund from A. ,C. Stewart, G. '1'., 1906 pay roll . 23 00 Refund from A. C. Stewart, G, T., 1907 pay rolI. , . 24 87 Refund from .T. H. McLachlan, Schools Inst .. , ,. 303 29 Refund Bros. Dockery, Allen, Wells, fOl' McDowell :i\fonument , , :, , , . 400 00 Refund Grand Lodge of California Earthquake Fund .. 1,974 76 Petition G. W. Woolsey forl·estol·ation .... , , . 3 00 Petition L. H. Rush for I'estoration. ; .. , .. , '. 7 00 Interest 12 months, Sept, 1, 1907, to Sept. 1, ID08 . 264 33

Grand Lodge dues, 1908, up to and including Sept 21, Total

$41,062 95

$ 3,831 09

$44,894 Ot 46,105 :;0 $90,99D 54


Pay roll, Grand Lodge, Session 1907 ,., , . ,$ ;),960 95 One-half per capita tax 1907 pa\d to ?lfasonic Home .. 21,927 50 Donation to Masonic Home ',' .. , , '4' • • 1,974 76' Expenses Grand Master , , , ".. 1,000 00 Printing Proceedings 1907 .'.,.,................. 1,517 25 Charity, according to Report on Charity, .. , ..... ',' . . 690 00 Salary Grand Secretary , . , . . . . . . .. 2,500 00 Salary Grand Lecturer ', , , . .. ~500 00 Salary Foreign Correspondent, , , . , . , . .. qoo 00 Printing, postage, stationel'y,' stenog'raphic work and incidentais ,.,'., .. , "" ',,'. 1,600 00 1,100 00 .Ofiice rent Grand Secretal'y (11 months) ... , .. , , .. " 100 00 Past Grand Master's Jewel, D. M, Wilson, .. ,., .. ,. Salary Grand Treasurer , , .. , , . 200 00 150 ,00 Salary Grand Tiler , , .. , .. , .. , ' . 72 10 'Funeral expenses N, 1\:1. Givan, P. G. M '.. , , .. Floral tribute Wm. R. Stubblefield, P, G, M , , . , .. 12 00 Expense Committee Revision of By-Laws , . , ... ," 173 55 21 4'4 Typewriting copy Of By-Laws , .. , . , , , .. , , .. , Printing revision By-Laws pamphlet fOI'm, , .. 64 40 Organist, Session 1907 , ,."., , .. " 15 00 Official stenographer, Session 1907 .. ,.", .. ,." , 60 00 St, Clair Merc. Co., for Franklin Lodge, No. 541 . 19 67 John R. Parson, money adva1,1ced Mrs..J. D. Vincil.,. 50 00



Grand Lodge of Jlvfissouri.

Schools of Instruction .: $ Expense. Grand Lodge Session, 1907 , . Allan ~lcDoweli Monument , . Premium on bonds ,.'., . Laundry and repair GI'and Lodge aprons . Portl:ait Grand Master, D. M. Wilson . Hefunded to Cold Springs Lodge, No. 274 . Barnesville Lodge, No. 353, by order of Grand Lodge, 1l}07 . Bell Telephone , , , . ExpensEs H. F. Lawrenee, by ol'der of Grand Mastel' .. Balance on hand September 21, 1908

800 200 fiVO 1fiO 32 ;:)0 58

00 50 00 00 35 00 00

153 56 5'l 90 2 74


$44,210 67 $46,788 87

From the above statement it is seen that the balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer amounts to $46,788 87, FI'om this amount deduct the sum due the ~rasonic Home, being one-half of per capit.a tax, $23,0::12.75, which leaves a balance on hand of $23,736.12. Fraternally submitted, .TAM.ES A. SMITH, JR., Ii'. WM, HENSELMEIER, Committee.


I t was regularly moved and seconded that the next Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge be, held at St. Joseph, Mo" and being put to a rising vote was unanimously adopted. REPORT OF COMMrTTEE' ON BOARDS OF RELIEF.

\V. Bro. H. H. Getman, Chairman, presented the following report on Boards of Relief and the same was adopted: To the Gmnd Lodge of A. ncicnt F1'ee and. Accepted 1J1 asons:

Your Committee on Boards of Relief respectfully report that all the Boards of Relief have made their reports to this Grand Lodge, arecapitulation of which is attached to this report and made a part hel'eof, These retumsshow that these boards are in good financial condition and are'doing a noble work in dispensing charity to those in distl'ess. H. H. GETMAN, W. C. OKEY, J AMES A.. KOO~TZ. JAMES McCLASKEY, L. P. NORMAN, O. D. AUSTIN, W. A. KLEINSCHMIDT,




Proceedings of (he



St. Louis Bmll'd of HeliefDisbursed " Casl1 on hand


Kansas City Board of ReliefDisuursed , Cash on hand, , St. Joseph Board of HcliefDisbursed , Cash on hand , Springtleld Board of ReliefDisbursed , Cash on hand ,

, .. , ,., $1,264 35 ,.,......... 920 ~4

', ".' , .. , , .. , , ",.",

',' . ,

. 3,857 92 . 1.2H7 27


. 2~7 80 . 1,083 58

, .. , , .. ,

, 128 85 . 1,266 18




The Committee on Appeals and Griev;lnccs resumed work and the recommendations of the Committee in Case No. 12 were adopted. In Cases 13, 15 and 16, the recommendations of committee were affirmed and adopted. TlYere~pon, motion, the report of the committee. as heretofOI~e amended, was adopted, as follows:


To the MostWorshilJful Grand Lod!Je of A,ncient Free and Accepted of MisS01Ui:


Yom' Committee on Appeals and Grievances respectfully and fratemally submit the following as its rcport ou t.he cases which have been rcfeITed to it for its consideration: !. J'J'ASKA LODGE, No. 4,20, 118,




STATEMENT. This case was befor,~ the Grand Lodge at its last, Communication, and was l'cversed and remanded for a new trial for certain errors committed at t.he first trial. (See Proceedings 1907, pp. 94, 95 and 96.) The charge in this case is inal'tific:ially drafted. It alleges that the accused was a duly appoiDted, commissioned and qualified sergeant of police in the City of SI. Louis and State of Missouri, subject to the rules and l'egulntions of the Board of Police Commissioners of said city and State; that on the - - day of ::\larcb, ID06, certain cbarg-es and specifications wel'e prefen'ed I,1gainst said accused before said Board of Police Commissioners, and that he, the accllsed, was, by said Board of Police Commissioners, found guilty under seven out of eight of tbe .specifications contained in tbe cbarge filed against. him. The fil'st specification states suhstant.ially that. the accused !mowinglY pel'mitted, during the time that he was in the Central District of said cit,}',


Grand IJodge of 1I1issouri,


ftom November, 1901, until 1902, to exist in his precinct notorious bouses of prostitution, commonly. known as "panel joints," in which, to his knowl· ~dge, fl'equent larcenies oc'cuned; particularl~' the houses conducted by (naming a number of notorious charactel's in snid city), etc., etc. The seven other specifications are of similar character, and we do not <:onside!' it necessary to here set them forth in detail. Th'.l second trial of this case tool, place on November 18, 1907. Extracts from the -testimony 'of various profane witnesses. who testified before the Police Boal'd, were read in evidence in thls case, te~ding- to establish t!1e truth of some of tbe specifications. Befote, howevel', this testimony was read. tbe Lodge laid the proper basis therefor, ill pur~mance of the decisioll of tbe Grand Lodge in· this case at its last Communication. The only evidence on hehalf of the accused. \vas the testimony of hi.mseIf. Aftel' the introduction of the evidence, ballot' was taken,. which l'esulted ~lS follows: Guilty. 27; llOt guilty, 50; blank ballots, 6. Thereupon, the 'Vorshipful Master declared that the accused was found "not guilty." In due time an appeal was perfected to this Gmnd Lodge by Bro. W. D. Isenberg, and for gl'ounds of appeal he alleges that: 1. Because the decision and judgment of the Lodge was against the evidence 'and tbeweight of tile evidence. 2. Because the decision and judgment of the Lodge, according to the (.vid~nce should have been "guilty." 3. Because the accused falsely stated to the Lodge that a 'Brother Master Mason promised to appear and represent him in his trial, which was false and untrue, and lmown to the accused to be false and untrue.

DECISION. 1. We take it that- the gist of the cbarge and specifications is that the uccused was guilty of the aets set forth in the various specifications embodied in the charge, and not whether be had been found guilty by the Board of Police Commissioners. There, is no doubt about the fact that he was convicted and found guilty under seven of these .specificatlons by the Boal'd of Police ,Commissioners. The question, therefore, which was before the Lodge, was whether be, as a matter of fact. was guilty of these 01' any of the chal'ges contained in the specifications, Such being the fact, the Lodge should have taken a ballot on each of the specifications. It was errOl' in t.he Master not to have taken a ballot on each of the specifications. (See Section 2<33, of Gra~d Lodge By-Laws,) 2. After carefully perusing the tl.'stimony in the case, we are forced to believe that the preponderance of the evidence shows that the accused was guilty of one or mOl'e of the specifications contained in the charge. The only evidence which was offered In bebalf of the accused was that of himself. Some of bis answers WEl'e of such a character as tended to corrobol'ate the testimony offered in behalf of tbe Pl'os€cution. Being guilty, as above stated, he has, by his acts, placed a stigma upon Masonry and is not worthy of being- a memlJel'· of this venerable and honora· iJle institution. Tbe accused has already been a.cquitted twice by his own Lodge. In view of this fact:, we see no necessity of remanding the case. '''e, therefore, recommend that the action of Itaska Lodge, No. 420, in acquitting Henry ~V. 'Ml'yer, be reversed, Hnd that the said Henr~" !\i. Meyer be and be is bereby expeiled from all the l'ights and lH'ivileges of Freemasonry.



Proceedings of the


II. DON HAnnY:lIA~, V8.

E. C,


STATEMBNT. The accused is charged with having on or about May 29, 1907, at the Town of Wheatland, Hickory County, Missouri, and on other days and times, become intoxicated. The accused pleaded guilty. The case was tried September 28, 1907, in Hogle's Creek Lodge, No. 279, of wbieh Lodge the accused is a membel'. The accused was present in person and by counsel. Notwitbstanding the plea of guilty to the above specification, oral testimony was introduced in support of the charge. The testimony assumed a range wider than was wananted by the charge, and inasmuch as it was conducted by the accuser it is deemed proper to direct attention to the fact that t.he record of the case abounds in so-called leading questions, which al'e objectionable because. the answers under such cIrcumstances are not as convincing and of the same probative force as if the questions are so fl'amed as to merely elicit the knowledge of the witnesses on the subject of inquiry, A vote was taken on the conclusion of the trial as to the punishment to be imposed. First as to expulsion, which resulted, yeas, 5; nays, 13; thcn as to suspension, which stood 13 for suspension and 5 against suspension. 'l'hereupon anothel' vote was taken, the longest time of suspension proposcd being one yeal'; it was hy t.he same vote as b~fore, viz., 13 to 5, decided to suspcnd t.he accused for such time. which was accordingly by. the Master declared as the punishment. inflicted. The accuser brings the case herc on appeal for the purpose of having t.his action of the Lodge reviewed, and assigns various grounds which it is unnecessary to set cut., but which are all to the effect that the punishment metcd out by t.h(; Lodge is insufficient, in this, that the member was not expelled. DECISION. We have cal'efully examined the record in tbis case, wbich we believe, wben applied to the specification of the charge, makes a case against the accused calling for some punishment calcula ted to serve as a punishment to him as well as a warning to others apt to err in a like manncr. In our opinion the punishment inflicted in this case, that of suspensipn for a year, is not inadequate, nOl' are the circumstances of the case such as warrant our interference with the judgment below. Intoxication is not only an offense against sodety, but one at all times vigorously condcmned by this Order as being calculated to degradc and to subject the victim to the contempt and detestation of all good Masons, Becn use we believe that pl'oper warning and admonition will have a tendency of uplifting the accused, to the end tbat he may fully appl'eciate that intoxication not only is an infraction' of our law, but one which must be severely dealt with, and that he will thercby be given an opport.nnity of mending his ways and avoiding such excesses, we recommend and it is hereby ordered that the judgment below be and it hereby is affi!'med. From a writing addressed to your committee through thc channels of this case sucll a condition of affairs is alleged to prevail among the members of Hogle's Creek Lodge, No. 279, regarding the "dl'ink habit," as calls for attention. We believp. it is wOI路thy of consideration, and therefore recommend

Gra'nd Lodge of Miss 0 un:.



that the incoming Grand Master, by his pJ;oper Deputr, proceed to investigate the affairs of that Lodge, so that, if they al'e found to be as represented, immediate steps may be taken to end the evil of which complaint is made. III.



The charge contains one specification, to the effect that the accused, on or about the 30th day of July, 1907, in the City of Salem, Dent County, Missouri, at the depot of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway -Company, did unlawfully and maliciously disturb the peace of Brother W. S. Elayer, by talking in a very angry tone, calling' him names and acting in such a threatening manner that said Brothei' W. S. mayer believed his life· to be in danger. It appears from the record that the accused was a member of Caruthersville Lodge, No. 461. The accused filed a written plea of "not guilty" and stated exonerating and extenuating circumstances substantially to the following effect: 1. That on the 30th day of July, 1907, he had not been raised to the degree of Master Mason; that he became such on the 18th da~· of November, 1907, mOI'e than three months subsequent to the date of the commission of the alleged offense with which he stands charged; that on July 30, 1907, he was not remiss in any duty which as a Fellow Craft he owed to the complainant, Brother Elayel;, or to this or any other Lodge of Master Masons or Fellow Crafts. 2. That prior to the commission of the alleged offense, a slight verbal difference had arisen between the accused and Brother Elayer, and that Brother Elayer called upon the Recused at th~ latter's office. Said matters \vel'e discussed by the accused and BI:other Ela~'er, and, as accused was led to believe and did 'believe, adjusted in an amicabl~, friendly and pel'manent way; tha t after said adjustment, ,the accused was informed from a SOUl"Ce which be deemed reliable that Brother Elayei' had publicly stated to divers persons that he, Brother E~aYH, had, in the office of the accused at the time of said discussion of differences, slapped the accused, and that he, Brother Elayer, was only prevented from inflicting upon the accused more serious chastisement by the fact that the accused was a small man; that the accused, at the time he accosted Bro. Elayer on July 30. 1907, believed that said statements were true and that if the said Bro. Ela~'er did make the said statements so attributed to him, and upon which the acccused acted, the initial provocation was not given by the accused, etc., etc. It appears from the record that pI'ior to October 24, 1907••Salem Lodge, No. 225, notified Caruthersville Lodg~, No. 461, of the prefclTing of the said charges against the accused, but no request was made by Caruthersville Lodge for the transfer o"f the case to its Lodge for trial. The trial took place in Salem Lodge, No. 225, on January 4th, 1908. The Junior 'Varden was represented by counsel. The accused was present in person and also represented by counsel. I Brother Elayer testified SUbstantially to the effect that he was in the office at the S1. Louis & San Francisco Depot in Salem on JuIJ' 30, 1907, when the accused asked him to come out, and said to him: "I have been informf:(] that yon said you came to my office and slapped my face and shook.me." 1 said



I;roceedings of the


to him that he knew what tl'anspiredas weIl as I. The accused seemed very angry lind stated that I tell him whether or not I did. "I did not care to answer his question at all and I did not want any altercation with him on the platform, as I was on duty, and I refused him; the more I refused him the ang-rier he got and insisted that I say whether or not I had made these remarks, and I positively refused to say whether I did or not," etc. On cross-examination, the witness stated, among other thing: "A. He says, 'Brother Elayer, you have made some remarks; I understand you have made some remaJ'ks about me, and I want to know whether or not you did: Q. That is the first he said to you ? A. I think so; ~'es. sir. I would not be positive, but I think it was something similar to that. Q: Now what reply did you make to it '! A. I don't know whether I replied at all; I just smiled. Q. \Vby did you not reply to him? A. I don't know whetber I did not positively, Q. Don't¡ you think that was a question that ought to have been answered? A. Well, if he had asked it in the right manner; yes, sir. Q. What manner did he ask it in; you stated a minute ago that it was not much above the ordinary tone of voice? A. He seemed to'be angry and excited-that was one reason." O'ther witnesses testified to substantially the same effect, and stated that the accused did not mal<e any threats towards Brother Elayer, but requested him to answer the question. TlJe ballot was then taken, which resulted: Guilty, 29; not guilty, 12. The" ballot on expulsion was yeas, 21; nays, 20. The accused was thereupon declared 'expelled from all the rights, benefits and pl'ivileges of Masonry, In due time the accused pel'fected an appeal to the Gmnd Lodge and alleged nine grounds for appeal. In view of the decision in this c~se we deem it unnecessary to set forth in detail the various gronnds of appeal. DECISION. • From the record and evidence in this case, it appears that the gist of the charge and specification is to the effect that prior to July 30, 1907, there bad been some slight diffel'ences between tbe accuSed and obe Brother W, S. Elayer, Brother IDIayer being a railroad conductor and the accused a physi, cian; that. Brother Elayer visited the office of the accused and had a talk with the accused in regard to these differences; that the accused supposed the diff~rences had b~en adjusted; that therea.fter the accused leal'lled that B~other Elayer had stated to other parties that he. had gone to accused's office I1nd slapped his face and shook bim. Thel'eupon, the accused called upon Brother Elaycr at the depot of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company just before tbe time of the departure of the train on which Brother Elayer was conductor, and asked him to come out of the office at the depot, and said to Brothel' Elayer: "1 have been informed that you said that you came to my office and slapped my face and shook me, and I want to know wb&ther _or not you did." It appears from the evidence tbat Brother Elayer refused to answer the accused, and the accused was very persistent in obtaining an .answer fl'om him. Some words then passed between them and friends of the parties took each of them and led them apart. The accused did not threaten to assault Bl'other Elayer, nor did he make any threats a~ainst him, but simply demanded of him to say whetber or not he had stated to the other parties that he had come to the office of the accused and slapped his face and shook him. Such a report baving come to the accused, he was pel'fectly right in going, and it was his duty to go, direct to Bl'othel' EIayer and learn from him



Grand Lodge of 1l1issouri.

whether it was true or not. It was also Brotber Elayer's duty as a man and a Mason to advise the accused as to whether or not he had made such a statement, and bis acts in failing to do so had a tendency to provoke the accused. If Brother Elayer had made the statement, and it was untrue, he should be dealt with accordingly by his Lodge. After a careful perusal of the evidence in this case, we are led to believe that if the accused said or did an~,thin~ improper at the depot of the St. Louis & San Francisco llailroad Company on .Tuly 30, 1907, he was pt'ovoked to do it by the accusing witness. 'We are, therefore, of the opinion that the evidence in this case does not sustaitt the charge and specification, and that the Lodge erred in finding the accused guilty and expelling him from Masonry. . We recommend that the verdict and judgment of the Lodge be reversed, the case dismissed and the accused restored to the same Masonic standing which he had prior to the filing of the charge and specification herein. . IV. IN TIn} MAT'J'F,]l OF THE PETITtON FOn RI;;STOHATION 01,'

G. 'W.


STATEMENT. It appears from the petition that G. W. Woolsey was formerly a member of Chariton Lodge, No. 513, at Guthrie Mills, Mo., which Lodge bas ceased to exist. It also appears that the petitioner was suspended fOt' non-payment .of dues .Tune 2, 1890. He prays to be reinstated to the rights and privileges of

I"reemasonry, His petition is recommended by seven persons who claim to be membet路s of Saratoga Lodge, No, 14, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, in the Jurisdiction of Wyoming. It furtber appears tbat the said petitioner is now residin~ at Saratoga, Wyo., within the jurisdiction of Saratoga Lod~e, I No. 14, in the Jurisdiction of Wyoming. Your committee called the attention of the Secretary of Saratoga Lodge to Section 279, of our Grand Lodge By-Laws, but is advised by said Sec;retary tbat Saratoga Lod~e would not entertain tbe idea of recommending the petitioner for restoration unless such request was made by'our Grand Lodge or our Grand Secretary to that effect. There is nothing in the papers to show, What kind of life the petitioner ha'l been living since his suspension. DECISION. Section 279, of om' Grand Lodge ny-Laws, provides, as follows: "If the Lod~e in which tbe original proceedings were had be not in existence, then he may petition the Gt'and Lodge originall~', but should accompany his petition 1vith a recommendation from the Lodge 'in whose jurisdiction he resides." It is apparent from t.he papet路s that t.he petitioner is residing within the

jurisdiction of Saratoga Lodge, ,No. 14, in the .Turisdiction of Wyoming,' btit he has failed to furnish this Grand Lodge with a recommendation of that Lodge in favor of his restoration. Your committee is not advised as to th!' life tllat petitioner has been liVing, nor as to whether he is worthy of restoration. In view of the foregoing, we recommend that the petition be denied and dismissed.


Proceedings of the




No. 481,




STATEMEN'!'. The charge contains two specifications to the following effect: 1. That the accused, on or ab'out the 11th day of .June, 1908, and on or

about tbe 9th and 30th days of July, 1908, at the Town of Marceline, in Cinn County. Mo., and on other days and times, did become and was intoxicated. 2. That the said accused, on or abput the 11th day of June, 1908, and on or about the 9th day of .July, 1908, at the Town of Marceline, in Linn County, Mo., and on other day~ and times, did use insulting and olfensi.ve language to his Brethren. The accused was duly notified of tbe proceeding and of the setting of the case for trial on September 2, 1908. On tile last-mentioned date, the accused appeared at the trial and pleaded guilty to the charge and specifications. Thereupon, a ballot was taken on expUlsion, which resulted as follows: Yeas, .18; nays, 15. Thereupon, the Worshipful Mastel' declared the accused expelled. In due time, Drother Ferdinand Locb perfected an appeal to this Grand Lodge and alleges as grounds of appeal substantially, as follows: 1. Specification No. 2 f:hould ilave been stl'icken from the charge, as Brother Kendricl< declared in open Lodge that he made due and timely apology, and asked the' Brethren th~ir forgiveness to that effect, and that said Brethren so offended had stated that they had nothing against him, and that said Brethren were present in tbe Lodge and made nO,contl"adiction to the statement made by the accused. 2. That the penalty inflicted by tbe Lodge was too severe, DECISION. l.

The fact, if it be a fact, that the accused apologized for the insulting

language refeITed to in Specification 2, and his apo)ogy was accepted by tbe Brethren whom it affected, did not justify the strildng out of the second spedfication. The fii'st ground of appeal is, therefore, not well taken, 2. SofaI' as it appears from tbe record, this is the first time that the accused has ever' been tried for intoxication. It further appears that the accused is a comparatively ,young, man, and your committee is of opinion that J1C should be given an opportunity to rectify bis conduct in the future. We do not believe- that the Lodge extended to the accused in this case that Masonic charity which the case seems to i路cquire. It further seems to appear from th~ record that the accused has apologized for the offensive language used to his Brethren, and that said apolog-y has b,ecn accepted by these Brethren. 'Forty-six members of the Lodge 'recommelid that the punishment be reduced to suspension for the period of from six to nine months. In view of tile foregoing, we are of opinion that the second ground of appeal is well taken. We, therefore, recommend that the judgment of the Lodge be reversed a,nd that the accused, C. !If. Kendrick, be and he is hereby 'suspended from' all the rights and privileges of Masonry, and from membership in Marceline Lodge, No. 481, for the term of nine months from and after the 2d day of September, 1908.

Grand Lodge of Missol/ri.






This Is an attempted appeal from the decision of ,Joacitim Lodge, No. 164, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, adjudging the accused guilty of unmasonic conduct on both specifications of the charges preferred against him, and imposing on him the punishment of expulsion from the rights and pdvileges of Masonry. The record discloses that on October 19, 1907, at the instance of the Lodge the ,Junior Warden preferred these chal';:;es; that November 16, 1907, was appointed as the time for trial, and that it was ordered by the Worshipfnl Master that the accused be dUly notified thereof. The record further shows that the trial occurred Nov.eruber 16, 1007, the appointed time, with the a bon~ result, after the introduction of various witnesses whose testimony tended to support the specifications of the chal路ge. 'The accused failed to attend and was not represented at the trial. It appears that his plea to the charge was not filed until November 18, 1907, two days after the trial and expulsion, and that this appeal by the accused was taken and filed with the Secretary of the Lodge on .January 16, 1908, sixty-one days after tlte tl'ial. .DECISION. Under Section 269, of "the By-Laws of ,the Grand Lodge, appeals must "be filed with the Secretary cf the Lodge within sixty daJ's after the trial and judgment, and not afterwards." The appeal in, this caSe was not filed within lha t time and in accordance with the foregoing p.rovision of our law, which is plain and conclusive. comes too late. We ~ccol'diiigly hold that' we are without jurisdiction in the case, and therefore recommend and it is hereby ordered, that such appeal be dismissed. VII.

COWGILL LODGE, No. 561, 'Us.

SA;\fUEL J. SEISS. STATEMENT. This case was before the Gl'and Lodge at"its 1906 Communication, and was I'eversed and remanded for a new tl'ial on account of certain errors having been committed at the first tda!. (See Proceedings of 1906, pp, 123-4-5-6.) Tlie second specification was dismissed at the trial on July 21, 1906, The first specification was therefore the only one remaining, whicb was to the effect that the accused on or about the 14th day of ApriL 1905, at th~ to\vn 01' villuge of Cowgill, ConntJ-' of Caldwell, State of Missouri, did then and there h'ave illicit camal intercourse with - - - - - - , a Mastel' ~lason's sister. The answer of the accused was "liot. guilty." The second trial tool, place January 10, 1907. In due time an appeal to the Grand Lod~e was taken by the accused, but on account of tbe incompleteness of the record in the case and the failul'e of the Lodge,. through its SecretarJ', to send .up all of the evidence and, the cbarge and specifications, the Appeals and Grieyances Committee at the 1907 Communication of the Grand Lodge, recommended a reversal and I'emanding


Proceedings of the

,[ Sept.

of the case for a new trial. The Grand Lodge, however, upon motion of W. Bro. Winger, ordered the case refelTed back to the Committee on Appeals and Grie.vances, they to instruct the Secretary of Cowgill Lodge, No. :iGl, to fUl'llisl1 them wi th complete copy anc1 transcl'ipt of the recoi'd, etc. (SeE.' J'1'occedlngs lD07, pp. !:J;), l17-R.) In pursuance of thisactioll of the Grand Lodge, the Chairman of tlH~ Appeals and Grievances Committee notified the Secretary of Cowgill Lodge, No. 5Gl, to fUl'Ilish the committee witb a full copy of the transcript of the record, as re1luircd uy order of the Grand Lodge. This tlie Secretary of that LI)(1ge has d(me. FI'om this reeord it appears that the second trial of this case was bad Oil ,lanllar~' 10, 1907. At that tl'ial the accused"was pl'esent in pen-iOn and also represented by counsel. Tbe prosecution offered to r,ead in evidence the testimony of two profane' witnesses, whose testimony had been taken prior to and I'ead at the first trial. The attorney for the accused objected to tbe same, on the ground that the accused was entitled to meet his witnesses faCe to face and cross-examine tbem, and the admission of said d~positions wuuld be in' violation 01 Al¡ticle II, Section 22, of the Constitution of .Missouri. The Won-;hipiul 1Ilastel' oyerruled the objection and permitted the eyidence to be I'ead, and the accused excepted to the ruling. The record shows that this tcstimony was taken by a committee appointed by the Lodge, aftel' "reasonable notice having been sCI'ved on the accused that ,the same would be taken." The record further shows tbat this testimony was duly certified to uJ' said committee, "and it is admitted that it was taken In due and regular form." . " • '1'he record further !3hows that the accused was represented by counsel at the taking of the testimony of these witnesses, and that. his counsel crossexamined one of these witnesses and ah;o objected to the testimony of the other witness at the timc of the taking thereof. The evidence of the pi'osecution established and proYed tbe allegations of the specification. At the conclusion of the testimony for the prosecution, counsel fOl' the accused asked the Worshipful Master to dit'ect the Lodge to return a verdict of "not guiltJ'." This request was renewed at the close of all the evidence. Said requests were refused by the Worshipful Master, and tbe accused excepted. The accused testified in his own behalf -and denied categorically t.be aecusations made in the specification. 'He. was cross-examined by the attorney for the prosecution. 'l'here was also rehuttal testimony offered by the presecntlon. At the conclusion of the testimony a ba llot was taken, which resulted as follows: Guilty, 2D; not gniltJ', :3. The ballot on expulsion was: Yeas, 30; nays, 2.' The \Vorshipflll 'Mastel' thereupon decIal'ed the accused expelled fl'om all . tbe rights and privileges of Masonry. In due time 1he accuscd perfected an appeal to the Grand Lodge. alleges ten grounds for appeal, among which are the following:


1. Because' th~ Worshipful Master erred in refusing tbe request of the accused to direct tbe Lodge to return a verdict of "not guilty" at the close of plaintiff;s case and at the close of the whole case, because there was no legai or competent evidence offered at the trial showing accused to be guilty of tbe' offense charged, or any ather offense.


Grand Lodge of A1issouri.


2. Because the Worshipful Mastcr admitted the testimony of the profane witnesscs, which was in direct violation and conflict with Article II, Section 22, of the Constitution of the State of Missouri, etc. 3. Because under the specification and evidence the accused should have been declared "not guilty.'" .

DI<lCISI9N. We deem it unnecessary, in disposing- of this case, to consider all of the gt'ounds of appeal. 1. The Worshipful 1\1aste1' bas no right in a Masonic trial to direct a non-suit or acquittal. Such is not Imown in Masonic procedure. Even if the Worshipful Master had this right in a Masonic trial, he would have been and was 路corred in refusing the request in this instance, for the reason that the evidence sustained the charge and spccification. 2. The accused objected to the reading of the depositions of the two profane witnesses, 'on the ground that he was not permitted to meet his witnesses face to face at thc trial, and to admit it would be in vi91ation of Article II, Section 22, of the Constitution of Missouri. That section of the Constitution is entitled: "Rights of Accused in Criminal Prosecutions," and provides. among other things, that the accused shall have t.he right to meet the witnesses against him face to face, etc. We have heretofore decided in this case that the strict technicalities of the criminal law do not prevail in Masonic law. (See Proceedings 1906, p. 125.) '1'h<; record in this case shows that the accused was represented by counsl , at the taking of the testimony of tliese witnesses, and that his counsel crossexamined one of the witne!5ses and objected to the testimony of the other witness at the time of the taking- of the testimony. The record further shows that the accused received reasonable notice of the taking of the testimony before the taking thereof, and that it "was taken in due and regular form." The accused, therefore, had the opportunity to cross-examine these witnesses, and, 3S a matter of fact, did eross-examine one of them. He also had the opportunity to "meet them face to face," at the time of the talring of this testimony. He could not, of course, under our law, demand or have them at the trial, as profanes are not admitted to a Masonic trial. Sections 250, 251, 252 and 253 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws provide for the 'taking of testimony of profanes. It appears ft'om the record that these provisions of our law were strictly complied with. This ground of appeal is, therefore, Dot . well taken. 3. After a careful perusal of the record in this case, we are of the opinion that the weight and prepondemnce of the evidence sustains the finding and judgment of the Lodge. _ 4. 'Ve tind no reversible ert'or in the record, and, therefore, recommend tbat. the finding and judgment of the Lodge be affirmed. VIII. BLOO)lINGTON'LODGE, No. 102,

'tis. HER~IA:'i'


STATEMENT. The charge contains one specification to the effect that the said accused, on or about the first day of November, 1907, and at divers times prior thereto, in the Township of Bevier, County of Macon, State of Missouri, did then and there commit adultery with one ,\ the wife of a profane, etc.


Pro.ceedings of the


The accused filed his objections to the sufficiency of the chal'ge, in tbe nature of a demurrer, in which he alleges, as grounds of demurrer: 1. The charge and specification do Dot 8tate facts sufficient to constitute a violation of Masonic law. 2. The charge and specification do not cleai'ly define any offense or contain an accurate account of any offense at any time or any cil'cumstance whatever, 3, Tbe cbal'ge and specification is too vag-ue, indefinite and uncertain as to apprise the defendant of tbe cbal'ge against him, Tbis demurrer was overruled by tbe Worsbipful Master. The trial took place on March ] 7, ]908. Tbe accnsed was not present In ,person, but was represented by counsel. . 'What purported to be the testimony of certain profane witnesses was , l'ead in evidence by the prosecution. There is nothing, bowever, in tbe record which shows that tbis testimony was taken in pnrsuance of Sections 250, 251, 252, and 253 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws. If it had been taken accOl'd· Ing to Masonic law, thel'e was some of it wh·ieh tended directly to 'establish the allegations of the specification, 'l'be ex parte affidavit of the accused was also read in evidence. The ballot resulted :is follows: Guilty, Hi; not guilty. 13, In due time, thl'ee members of the Lodge- pel'fectcd an appeal to the Grand Lodge and alleged as gl'ounds for appeal substantially as follows: 1. That the evidence is sufficient to support tbe charge and specification, and tbe Lodge should have declared the accused guilt~,. 2. That tbe Worshipful ",faster baving been J'etained as 'counsel for accu:sed in a civil suit, he was incompetent to preside at the tJ'ial of this case. R. That the Worshipful Master erred in refusing to admit the evidence of :i\frs. ' . " , , ' .. ,. 4, Tbat tbe W'orshipful Master refused to give evidence in the casf>, WhE'1l c:1lled upon ana requested by the prosecution to take the stand, DECISION, 1. Unless the testimony of profanes is taken in pursuance of Section 250, 251, 252 and 253, of tbe Grand Lodge By-Laws, it can not be read In a Masonic trial. So far as it appears from the record in this case, these sections of the law were not complieo with, It, therefore, follows that the Worshipful Master erred in permitting any portion of t.he alleged testimony of profanes to be read in evidence in this case, 2. There is nothing in the record, other than t.be allegations in tbe appeal itself, which tends to sustain tbe second gl'ound of appeal. If, however, the Wcrshipful Master bad been retained as counsel by the accused • in a civil suit, and was at the time of tbe trial acting as counsel fOl' the accused in said civil suit, it was improper for bim to preside at the hearing' of this case, He should have ,either called upon the Senior Warden OJ' some other competent Brother tp preside at the trial. 3. We have carefully perused what purport.s t.o be the evidence of Mrs. . . . . . . . . . , , ., and your committee is of the opinion tbat the Worshipful Master properly {'xc)uded the same. The repetition by Gus Peukert of statements made to him by bis deceased wife were hearsay and incompetent. The third ground of appeal is, therefore, not well. taken. 4. On account of the vagueness of the record bearing upon the fOlll'lh ground of appeal, we decline to pass thereon.


Grand Lodge of Missouri.



ri. The Worshipful Mastel" clearly el'l'ed in permitting toe cxpartc affidavit of the uccu~ed to be read in evidence. 'roe prosecution had no opportunit~" to cross-examine the accused. Under the well-established rule of Masonic laW, it was, therefore, incompetent, as evidence, and should not have. been read at the trial. If the accused desired his testimony· to be used and could not be present at the trial, he should have had his testimony taken in pUl'suaDce of Sectioni!l 2;>0, 251, 252 and 253 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, G, Section 227, of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, provides as follows: "A Mason may be proceeded against by trial; as hereinafter provided, for the violation of the moral and Masonic law." The offense,· as 'charged· in the specification, if committed, was unquestionably a violation of the moral law. 'The Worshipful Master was, therefore, correct in overruling the demurrer in thig case. The charge and specification stated a Masonic offense. 7. In view of the fact, as appears above, that the Worshipful Master admittcd testimony of profanes which had not been taken in accordance with our law, and' also in view of the fact that the ex parte affidavit of the accused was read in evidence, without having been taken in accordance ')'ith our law. and without the opportunity of the prosecution to cross-examine the accused at the taking thereof, and other reason above stated, we recommend that this case be reversed and remanded for a ne\v trial.


No, 1,




ST'ATEi\:1EN1', The charges in this case resulted from a dispute between two of the members of Missouri Lodge, No, 1, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons~ J:'here wel'e conntel'-charges, but thc appcal now under consideration affects mel'ely one of the two charges preferred against the accused in this case, which are, that on or about November 1, 1907, in the City of St. Louis, and at divers other times and places, in violat.ion of his duty as a Mason and to the scandal and disgrace of the Masonic Fraternity, the accused: 1. Did say to others and charge the fact to be that Brother Benjamin B. Smith had held him up with a knife and extorted fifty dollars from him: and 2. Did falsely and maliciously say to others and charge t.he fact to be that .," ... " ' , ... ,, .. , .. , the wife of a Brother Master ~1ason, was a whol'c and had solicited sexual intcl'course with him. The charges arc datl:'d ,lan 'Jary 18, 1908. J'hey were filed February 6, 1908. and the notice, which was duly served personally upon the accused on Fcbl'Uary 15th fixed the day of trial as of March 25, 1908, which was afterwards, however, changed to the following 8th day of April. On the lastnamed day an answer in the nature of a plea of not guilty to each specification ,,/as filed by· th~ accused, and both of the parties being then present in ~ person and represented by counsel, proceeded with the trial. T'he trial on the first of the aforesaid specifications resulted in an acquittal by a vote of guilty, 65; not guilty, 35. The trial on the second resulted in a verdict of g'uiHy 72, and not guilty 30, and the expulsion of the accused by vote of yeas 72, nays 30, who brings the case here on his appeal, which was taken in due time after the judgment.


Proceedings of the


By reason of tbe fact that the testimony was taken on botb specifications and also for use in the other case above referred to instituted by the Lodge against B. B, Smith, it assumed a ycry widc range and comes to us in gl'eat volume, covering many features of the unfortunatc differences quitc unnecessary to our review of the action of the Lodge below, For the most part the tcstimony submitted to the Lodge below is' so low and vulgar as to make us pause and wonder whether it was necessar~' to inflict it路 ali upon the Lodge and ourselves. So !ar as applicable, the testimony in support of the specifications was about as follows: Benjamin B. Smith, a member of the Lodge, an engine foreman in the.... employ of the St, Louis & Iron Mountain Railway, stated that the accused had been his family physician for about three or four years; tbat on or about the 18th or 19th day of November, 1907, while at the home of his brother, D. H. Smith, in East 路St. Louis, he heard Dr. Gl'eensfelder say he had had sexual intercourse with ... , .. "",., a Brotber Mastel' Mason's wife, and heard him denounc'e her as a ~hore. . W. Bro. .lohn H, Deems, a l'espected and venerable Past Mastel' of tbe Lodge, and for many years Secretary tbereof, testified that Dr. Greensfeldel' came to his office in the Benoist Building on or about tbe 4th day of November, 1907, and in tbe presence of his son, another member of tbe Lodge, "made the'remal'k tbat "" .. , .. '". (the wife of a Brothel' Mastel' Mason) was a wbore;" that hc spoke it empbatically, as if he meant it. On crossexamination, tbe witness stated that Dr, Greensfelder had called tbere twice; tbat on the first occasion, about Novembcr 1, 1907, Dl', Greensfelder told him be had come for tbe purpose of getting bim to write a letter to Brother Smitb, with a view to having Smith return fift~' dollars which the Doctor claimed had been extorted from him: tbat he thcreupon wrote the ietter to Brothel' Smith. He had no recollection about Dl'. Gl'eensfelder saying anything derogatory to , .. " .. ,.", on the first visit. No one besides Dr. Greensfclder and himself wcre prcsent at this fil'st visit. The witness furtber stated that he does not believe that Dr, Greensfelder came to him for . advice and information, and that when Brother Smith called he told Smith the remarks which Dr. Greensfelder had made about . " " , ... ,." Brother Hal'l'Y W. Deems testified that he was present when Dr, HalTY. Greensfelder came into their office in the Benoist Building on or about Noyember 4, 1907 (his second visit there)" and heard him ask his fathel" whether he had written tbat letter; he heard his fatber say he had done so; and then Dr. Greensfclder said "that woman is a whore, nothing but a common whore." Aside from the accused's own testimony, whicb will be referred to hereafter, the defense offered many witnesses who testified to'the frequency of her visits to the Doctor's office and the long duration of some of these visits, The two witnesses, Davis and Kuhs, who accompanied Dr, Greensfelder on his visit to East St. Louis to the home of D, H. Smith (the brother of B. B, Smith), where they were received and interviewed in the parlor while both , .. , . . . . . . .. and his wife were concealed in .an adjoining room, deny that Dr. Greensfelder there said anything in support of the charge. The testimony shows that B. B. Smitll's brother, on several occasions at least, spoke disrespectfully of his brother, B. B. Smith, and also of , .. ".,."" .. , even in such a manner as to cause one to entertain grave doubts about her reputation, especially when it is considered that on at least one occasion she was in the company of a person of nnquestioned bad reputation.


Grand Lodge of Missouri.


W. Bro. Sa~ A. Me:yer, ~'Past Master of St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, testified that Dr. Greensfelder had consulted him about the trouble he had had with B. B. Smith, and sought bis advice; Greensfelder spol<e to him often about the matter and also spoke'of his annoyance by others; he further testified that he suggef:led that tbe Doctor go to Brother Deems for advice, as be was one o~ the oldest Masons in. the city, and that the Docto\' could talk to him as though to a fatlier. Dr. Greensfelder, the accnsed, in his own behalf, denied that on his visit to the home of D. H. Smith in East St. Louis with Kuhs and Davis, he used any language reflecting on the character of He l'ecited the trouble he bad bad with Smith and " in his own office, which. resulted' in his paying them some money; he repeated the' vulgar language used by them and the tbreats they made at the time; he recalIed bel' frequent visits to his office and the lengtb of time she stayed tbere on some of them; showed that ',' .. " bad said that she was a whore; and stated that aftel' the occurrence at East St. Louis she had come to his office with a woman of bad reputation. He further stated that aftel' consulting W. Bro. Sam A. Meyer be called on 'V. BI'O. Deems for advice. O'n cross-examinattion he admitted receiving many presents from this woman, such as a sofa piIlow, a spread, cuff buttons, picture, postal cal'ds and a book, alI of which are shown to have been returned later. Regarding the occurrence at 'W. Bro. Deems' office, he stated he did not remember whether be had stated that , . , . . . . . . . .. was a whore, but that he did say her husband's brother had said so. DIDCISION. We conclude from the testimony submitted and above briefly refeITed to so far as relevant to the issues in the. case that the defendant did on or about the 4th day of November, If.107, refer to .. '" as a Whol'e, though we believe the latter part of the charge, to the effect that the accused had stated that she had solicited sexual intercourse with him. was not proven and is exceedingly doubtful. Neither W. Bro, Deems nor his son attribute that statement to ÂŁhe accused, and inasmuch as we conclude tbat the slander alleged to have occurred in East St. Lonis,while at the borne of D. H. Smith, nevel' occurred, v,e are inclined to the belief that he did not make that statement at all. A reading of the testimony on the part of the accusel' respecting the East St. Louis affair leaves the impression that the invitation extended to Dr. Greensfeldel' to come tbere, and the alleged interview whkh is said to have followed his arrival, were part of a welldefined and preconceived scheme to entrap the DOCtOl' for purposes now unnecessal'y to state. ""hatever may have been the accused's own opinion of the character of ,., , it was bis duty to have refrained from expressing the same, as \ve find he did on his visit to W. Bro: Deems. To that extent, therefore, he erred, as we are of the opinion that by making such statement, even under the extenuating circumstances of this case, he was guilty of unmasonic conduct. His conduct in that respect should not go unpunished. 'We believe. however, the circumstances of this case attending the utterance and those immediately preceding it were such as to mitigate the offense to such an extent that the punishment inflicted by the Lodge appears excessive. On account of the wide range assumed uy the proof, a matter already referred to, much unfavorable and pl'ejudicial testimony crept into the record which had no relevancy to the issues presented, and which must have inflamed the minds of those trying the accused, as is reflected in tbe vel'dict.


Proceedi1igs of the


We, therefore, 'l:ecommend that the case be revcrsed and that the accused, Harry Greensfelder, be and he hereby is suspended from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry and as a member of Missouri Lodge, No.1, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, for a period of one year from the 9th day of April, 1908, the time of the trial in the Lodge below.


No. 114,



STATEMENT. 'f'he charge contains six specifications, to the following effect: 1. That on or about the 9th day of June, U>08, the accused, while testifying in another Masonic trial, did falsely state that one F. W, Niedermeyer bad told him that Brothel' V. H. Roberts had openly solicited'the said Niedermeyer's petition for membership in said Lodge. 2. That nt the same time and place as set forth in Specification 1, the accused did falsely testify at a :i\fasonic trial, to the effect that the said F. W. Niedermeyer had, on,anotber distinct occasion, again discussed the matter of his, the said Niedcrmeyer's petition with him, the said Kerfoot. 3. 'l'hat the said accused, at the Hme and place ~pecified in Specification 1, did falsel~' testHy in 11 Masonic trial tbat be had never posed as a member of another Masonic Order to which be did not belong. 4. That the said accused, at the time and place set forth in Specification 1 mentioned, did falsely testify at a Masonic trial, to the effect tbat he, said accused, had obtained membership in the local Chapter of the 0., K S. by affiliation-he being at the time thereof a member in good standing of another Chapter in said O. E. S. ' 5. That the accused, for the purpose of preventing a fair and impartial trial of the cbarges against V. H. Roberts, did labor to influence the judgment of lilrnest Tate, a member of said Lodge, and of certain and numerous other ijrethren of this Lodge, etc. G. That the accused, for tbe sole purpose of satisfying his private pique and spite against certain members of this Lodge, and for the purpose of stirring up strife and dissension among the members of this Lodge, did spread and circulate false and malicious reports of and conceming the actions of other Masonic bodies, to-wit: 'rhe Commandery of Knights Templar in Columbia, and did circulate false and, malicious t'eports of and concerning numerous members of this Lodge, etc. The accm:ed pleaded "not guilty." The trial tool, place August G, 1908; the accused was present in person and represented by counsel. The prosecution orret'ed in evidence, among other things, certain deposi路 tions which were talten'in a former Masonic trial of R. E. Graham vs. V. n. Hober'ts. Also a Jetter' of the worthy Matron of Jeptha Chapter路, O. E. S., dated June 15, 1908. The accused did not testify in his own behalf, but called one witness, Dozier Stone, and also offered a dimit issued by the Grand Matron and Grand Secretary, O. Eo S., in favor of the accused, in which it was stated that the accused had been a wOl路thy member in good standing of Boone Chapter, No. 208. The prosecution then offered some rebuttal testi路 mony.

1908. ]

Grand Lodge of A1issouri.


After tbe conclusion of the evidence and argument by counsel, ballot was taken, which resulted as follows; Specification No.1: Guilty, 42; not guilty, 29; blank, 1. Specification No.2: Guilty, 37; not guilty, 31; blank, l. Specification No.3: Guilty, 38; not guilty, 29. Specification No.4: Guilty, 34; not guilty, 28. Specification 'No.5: Guilty, 33; not guilty, 28; blank, 1. Specification No.6: Guilty, 2i; not guilty, 33; blank, 1. In due time, Brother H. L. Wilson perfected an appeal to this Grand Lodge and alleges four grounds of appeals. In view of the decision below, we deem it unnecessary to set forth these several grounds ofappea!. DECISION. The errors lIppearing in the record in this case are almost as numerous us the spots upon a leopard. We will call attention to some of the mOl'e flagrant tt,ereof. 1. The prosecution olIered and read in evidence, against the ohjection of the accused, depositions of witnesses, wbich were taken in a formel' Masonk trial, entitled R. E. Gmham va, V, H. Roberts. So far as it appears from the record in this cas~, the accused, Calvin C. Kerfoot, was not a pal'ty to that case. He had no 'Opportunity to croes-examlne the witnesses at the time their testimony were taken. The Worshipful Mastel', therefore, clearly erred In pcr'mitting this t.estimony to be read. It Is one of the fundamental' prineip.les of law, and especiflIJy of "1Ifasoni<: law, that the parties t.o a suit shall have the right and opportunity to cross-examine witnesses before such testimony can be used against such路 part~路. Before this testimony could be read in this case, it should have been tal,fm in this case, under and in pursuance of Sections 250, 251. 2.')2 and 253 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, and the accused ~iven an opportuni~y to cross-examine the witnesses. ' 2. The prosecution olTered and read, against the 'objection of the accused, what purported to be the testimony of the accused in the said former Masonic trial of R, E. Graham vs. V. H. Rober路t.s, withont laying the foundation for reading the same. This was also a reversible error. ,In order to have proven what the accused testifie.d in the other trial, it was necessary to p'rove by some wit~ess that the test.imon路y which was proposed to be read of the accused was a true ti'anscript of his testimony in the other case, or proved by oral testimony that the accused had testified to those facts at the trial of the case of Graham vs. Roberts. 3. The prosecution also offered in evidence what purported to be a letter fl'om the worthy Matl'on of ,Teptha Chapter, Order of t.he Eastern Star, dat.ed ,June 15, 1908, for the pm'pose of showing that the accused was suspended {l'om Jeptha Chapter, a. E. S., September 26, 1903, for the non-payment of dues. This was cIeal'ly incompetent. To prove that fact the pl'oper way for the proof thereof was from the minutes and book!'; of that Chapter, or by the testimony of parties who Imew of their own pel'sonal knowledge the fact that he was a member of Jeptha Chapter and had been suspended for nonpayment of dues and nevel' had been reinstated t.o membership therein. 4. We have only set forth above some of the most flagrant errors appearing in this record, The case was not properly tl'ied below, It may have been that some of the members who voted "not guilty" were Influenced in casting their votes "not guilty" by reason of their knowledge of the incompetency of this evidence, and, therefore, cast their votes accordingly,' believing that competent evidence had not been offered to sustain the allegations of the



P,'oceedings of the


specifications. Some of the accusations contained in some of the specifications are. of such a serious cbaracter that your committee is of the opinion that if the accused is guilty thereof, he does not deserve to retain his membership in tbe Masonic Order. In view of these serious (~harges and the many enol'S that We)'e committed in the former trial, and there being some competent evidence tending to prove some of the specifications, we recommend that tbe case be reversed and I'e· manded for a new trial, according to Masonic law and usage. AMENDED. It was moved by W. Bl'O. Vasco H. Roberts that the decision be amended to rcad: "That the decision of said Twilight Lodge, No. 114, be reversed, and the accused expelled from Freemasonry." Thi's was seconded, fully discussed and adopted, and the repo)·t of the committee, as tbus amended, wa,;; adopted.· .


No. 40,



ST'ATEMF.N1'. 1'he charge contains three specifications to the following effect: 1. That the accused on or about January 1, 1906, and continuously there· after to about February 1, 1907, in or near the '.rown of Kirkwood, in the County of St. Louis, State of Missouri, did continuously and unlawfully, lewdly and lasciviously abide and cohabit with one , the accused then being a married ma.n and haVing a \\tife then living, etc. 2. . 'That the accused on or a.bout the 19th of February, 1f.l08, in tbe City of St. Louis, committed adultery with one , the said accused' being til en and there a married man- and bavinga wife liVing at the time, etc. 3. That the accused on or about li'ebruary 25, 1908, in the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, did commit adultery with one the said accused being then and thcre a married man and having a wifc living at the time, etc. The accused pleaded not guilty. 'l'he trial took place on .July' 25, 1908. 'l'he prosecution offered evidence which sustained the allegations of the specification,;. The accused testified in Ilis own behalf and, while he denied categorically the allegations of the specifications. yet some of the admissions made by him in his testimony stL'ongly tended to prove that he was guilty. The vot(~ OIl the first specification was: Guilty, 43: not guilty, 54. On the second specification it stood: Guilty, 36; not. guilty, 65. On the third specification it stood: Guilty, 36; not guilty, G3. The Worshipful Master t.hereupon declared the accused not· gUil ty. In due time the Junior 'Varden perfected an appeal to this Grand Lodge and alleged as gl'ounds for appeal: (1) 'rhat the verdict of the Lodge was contrary to the evidence and the weight of the evidence; (2) That the finding of the Lodge should be gUilty on each and I?Vcry specification. I DECISIOK There' are no qnestions of law involved in this case l'eqUlrlD~ the decision of this commlt.tee, but t.he questions i1l\'olved lU'e those of fact. We have. therefore, cal'efully perused and examined the evidence. After doing so, we 3rE:

Grand Lodge of Missouri.

1908. ]


of the opinion that the preponderance of the evidence and the weight of the evidence conclusively establishes the guilt of the accused under one or more of tbe specifications. Tlle testimoDj' of the accused bimself has been largely instrumental in inducing us to come to this conclusion. We al'e unable to comprehend 'how an old Lodg'e like Mount Moriah, No. 4U, could ~cqult the accused upon t.he evidence as it appears in this case. 'Ve therefol'e recommend that the verdict and judgment of the Lodge be reversed and that George A. \Viscbrneyer' be and he is hereby expelled [l'om all the l'ights and privileges of Freemasonry.

XII. GnA!\In~

LODGE, No. 272, V8.




STA'l'Ei\mNT. The charge contains one specification, to the effect that the accused did, on the 1st day of August, 1907, at th~ City of Sedalia, in Pettis County, :Mis80Ul'i, unlawfully; wilfully and knowingly lease and let a certain bouse and bupding, to-wit, the upstairs of a. certain two-story bl'ick house and building, then and there owned b~r the said ,Tames C. Parmalee, the same being tbe upstairs of the bl'ick house and building, No. 208 West Main Street, situated in tbe City of Sedalia, in tbe County and. State aforesaid, to one ... , •.. ,."" for the purpose of being used and occupied by the ~aid .".',...... aforesaid, as a brotbel and bawdy house, etc. The said James C. Parmalec then and ·t.hel·e well knowing that said house was intended to bt kept and used by the said , .. ,. aforesaid as a brothel and bawdy house, contrary to law, etc. The accused pleaded not guilty. The case was t.ried oh Jul.,\' 10. ] 908. The prosecution offered evidence Which established the allegations of the specification. The accused. testified to the effect that he did not i.'ent the house to the party mentioned in the specification, 'nor fo[' the purposes mentioned therein. The ballot J'esulted in 13 guilty, and 6 not guilty. Thel'eupon. the Worshipful Master took abaliot of the Lodge on expulsion, ~hich resulted as follows: Yeas, 6; nays, 13. Thereupon, a ballot was taken on suspension, which resulted as follows: Yeas, 9; nays, 1\). Tbereupon, tbe Worsbipfui Master annpunced that the 'accused would a.t some future meeting of the Lodge be bI'ought before the Lodge and reprimanded. In due time. the ,Tunion Warden perfected an appeal to this GI'and Lodge and alleges, as gl'ound for appeal, that '.'the punishment assessed is not commensurate to the offense." DECISION, The overwbelming and conclusive evidence in tbis caSe establishes beyond all doubt the guilt of the accused. In fact, the Lodge itself found him guilty. From 'a careful perusal of the evidence in this case, it appears that the accused, in a most open and notorious manner, rented his premises for immoral and illegal purposes, for the reason that he could thereby gain a few ill-gotten dollars in excess of what it could be rented for legitimate purposes. He did this in violation of all standards of decency and morality,


Proceedings of the


and in violation of the law. He thereby forfeited' the right to remain a member of this honorable institution. The ground for appeal is well taken. The punishment was not com· mensumte to the offense. A reprimand was not sufficient for the offense. While the Lodge did its duty in finding him guilty, yet at the same time it totally failed 10, properly discharge its duty in inflicting the punishment. It should have expelled the accused from all the rights and privileges of ·Free. masonry. In failing to do this, it deserved, and we do by this I·epol·t, censure said Lodge for failing to so discharge its duty. A repetition of the offense would be sufficient ground fOI· arrest of its chartel'. tn view of the foregoing', 'we recommend that the judgment of the Lodge be reversed, and that .James C. Parrnalee be and be is hereby expelled fl'om all the rights and privileges of Freernasomy. XIII.



STATEMENT. The charge contains two specifications, to the followin~ effect: 1. That the accused, on or about the 15th day of .July, 1907, at the City of Versailles, in Morgan County, Missouri, did wrongfully curse, abuse and vilify Brother A. L. Ross,' a :Master Mason, by then and there, in an angry and insulting manner publicly in the presence of a number of persons, both Masons and those who were not Masons, call the said Brother A. L. Ross a "G-- d - - scoundrel," and a "G-- d - - rascal," and a "d---- hellion," and by then and there, saying to the said Ross that he belonged to a "G-d - - coterie,", who were tr~:ing to injure or ruin him, and, by using and uttering other vile, slanderous and insulting- epithets of a similar import and charactcl" towards the said Ross. " 2. That the said accused on or about the 15th day of .Jul~·, 1907, at the City of Versailles, in Morgan County, Missouri, did accost Brother A. L. Ross, a Master Mason, and late Master of Versailles Lodge, No. 117, upon t!..le public streets of the City of Versailles, and did t.hen and there challenge the COl'l'ectness of the official acts of said Ross as Master of said Versailles Lodge, and did then and there, in the presence and hearing of a number of pel'sons, 'both l\iasQns and ·tbose wbo were not Masons,' curse, abuse and vilify the said A. L. Ross, because of alleged o'fficial misconduct, by then and t.here publicly and 1n a loud, angry and insuiting manner, and in the presence of divers persons, as aforesaid, call the said Ross l!- ,"G-- d - - scoundrel," a "G-- d - - rascal," a "G-- d - - hellion,"and by applying to him other vile and slanderous names and epithets of similar import and character. and by then and there charging "the said Ross with belonging to a "d-'coterie," wbo were tI'ying to injure 01' ruin bim, and by then and there publicly stating to bystanders that b(' had secure~ an opport.unity of telling tbe said Ross what be thought 9£ him, and that he was a "d-- rascal" 01· " d - - scoundrel;" :md by asking a i)ystandel' if he t.hought. he put it to him about I'ight, etc. The accused pleaded not gllilt.~r to the charge and, specifications. The tl'ial t.ook pl:'lce on the 7th day of September, 1907. The accused was present in pel'son and represented by counsel.

Grand Lodge 0,' Missouri.



A number of witnesses testified in behalf of the prosecution, which testimony tended to establish and prove the allegations of the specifications. The acc\{sed also testified and offered otheL' witnesses in his behalf. The ballot on the fiz'st specification was: Guilty, 26; not guilty, 3. On the second specification, it was: Guilty, 25 ; not guilty, 4. On expulsion, the vote was: Yeas, 18; nays, 10. Thereupon, the Worshipful Master declared the accused expelled fl'om all the rights and benefits of FreemasollL路y. In due time the accu~ed perfected an appeal to the Grand Lodge and alleges as grounds for appeal substantially as follows: , 1. Because the decision of the Lodge was against the evidence, and does me g"reat wrong and injustice. 2. That the evidence shows that the accused approached Brother Ross In a courteous and Masonic manner for the put'pose of obtaining an honest and correct record of the proceedings of the Lodge in a former trial, and that Ross first became angry and declared that the accused had been raising hell, and that any hasty words that the accused ma~' have used were the result of unfriendly remarks by Brother Ross. 3. That the evidenee tal,en in a former case was reported by the committ.ee and on file in the Lodge at the time of the trial, and that the transcript of the record ought to have showed the report of the committee in its pI'oper place; that the accused d!d no wrong in asking that it might so appeal', and that the requ{:st made by "accused's counsel for the correction of the record was in courteous and Masonic language, and did not caB for abuse or tile filing of new specifications or charges, and that the whole record in the two cases shows that the accused was right in the contentions made before the Lodge. DECISION. I


You\" committee has carefully perused the evidence in this case and are of the" opinion that a preponderance of. the evidence tends to sustain the allegations of the specifications. 'I'here is no reversible errol' in tile record. We, therefoL'e, recommend that the verdict and judgment of the Lodge be affirmed. XIV. MISSOURI LODGE,






STATEMENT. , This is an appeal by Benjamin B. Smith, a member of Missouri Lodge, No. 1, from a 'sentence of expulsion. The transcript of the case contains 177 pages of t~'pewritten mattei' and is in excellent shape, reflecting mnch credit UpOll our venerable Brother .Tohn H. Deems, SeCI'etary of the Lodge. Charges were preferred against the accused on June 4, 1908, by John R. Kelley, Junior Warden. They are as follows: , ST, LOUIS, Mo., June 4, 1908. '1.'0 the WorshipfuL Master, Wardens and Brethren, Missow'i Lodge No.1, A ncient Free and LI ccepted M a80ns:

I hereby charge BrotheL' Ben B. Smith, a member of Missouri Lodge No.1, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, with unmusonic conduct, as follows: Specification 1. That said Brother Ben. n. Smith, on or about the 23d day of Sept.ember, 1907, in the City of St. J.Jouis, State of Missouri, dId unlawfully



Proceedings of. the ./

l:'xl.ort from Harry Greeusfelder the sum of fifty dollars, in violation of his duty as a Mason and to the scandal and disgrace of the Masonic Ft·aternity. Specification 2. That said Brother Ben. B. Smith on or about the 22d day of Septembcr, 1907, in the City of St. Louis, ::\1issouri, did assault Brother Han,}' Greensfelder, and make divers threats against the personal safety of saW Brother Harry Gt'eensfelder; that· on said date Brother Ben. B. Smith threatencd to do bodily injury. to said Brotber Harry Gtteensfelder with a Imife, which he then and there exhibited, in violation of his dutj' as a Mason, and to the scandal and disgrace of the Masonic Fraternity. Specification 3. That suid Brother Ben. B. Smith on or about the 22d day of Septem1Jer, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, and on various other dates subsequent thel'eto, and in the City of East St. Louis, Illinois, did attempt to 1Jlacken the t'eputation and injure the standing of said Brother Harry Greensfeld(,r in divers and sundt·y ways; tha t said Brother Ben. B. Smith during. said period has publicly stated in the presence and hearing of other persons that he would send said Brother HalTy Greensfeldct· to the penitentiary, and that he intended to dri,e him from the Masonic Ordet· and from the Order of the Kni~htsof Pythias, and that said Brother Ben. B. Smith has in divers other ,,,ays attempted publicly to denounce said Brother Harry Greensfclder and attempted .1.0 blacl{(~n his reputation bJ' means of false, slanderous ,and maliciolls statements, in violation of his dut.y as a Mason and to the scandal and disgrace of the Masonic Fraternity. Specification 4. I That said Brothel' Ben. B. Smith did on 01' about the 22d day of S~Ptemher, 1907, and in the City of St. IJouis, Mis~onri, and on or about the 17th day of November, 1907, in the City of East St. Louis, Illinois, and at divers other times and places, usc profane and obscene language, in violation of his duty as a :Mason and to the sca!ldal and disgrace of the Masonic Fl'aternit~'.

Specification [i. That said Brothel' Ben. B. Smith did Ol' or about the ~2d day of September, 1907, in the City of St, Louis, Missouri, and on or about the 17th day of Novembet', 1907, in the City 01' East St. Louis, Illinois, and at divers othcr times and placei'! llsl'pt'ofane and obscene language in the presence of and directed at his wife, in violation of his dut.il;;;; as a Mason and to the scandi:t1 and disgrace of the Masonic Frat.crnity. Specification 13. That said Brother Ben. B. Smith did on or about the 23d day of Septcmb.~r. 1907, in the City of St. Louis, Missoul'i, after being informed by his wife that Brothel' l-lU1'!'y Greensfelder had insulted her, and made improper advances to lter. ?;O to said Brothel' HalT,}' Greensfelder and demand and receive money from said Greensfeldel', claiming that said Greensfelder was indebted to him, which was not true, the t.ruth being that ·said money was paid by said Brother Harry Greensfelder under protest and to quiet said Brother Ben. B. Smi I.h and to prevent said Smith from circulating damaging ~tOl'ies about said Greensfeldel'; that said moncy was received by said Bt'other Ben. B. Smith in violation of his duty as a Mason and to the scandal and disgrace of the Masonic Fraternity. I declare upon my honor as a Mast.er Mason that I make the above charges for the genet'ul good of Masonry and in defense of the int.erests of the Fmternity. li'raternally submitted, (SEAL)

JOHN R. KELLY, JUldor lFarden !lfi.':J8our( Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A.. M.

The answer of the accused is a general denial. 'rhe trial occurred on the night of .1une 24, 1908, Anthony F. Ittner, Worshipful Mast.er, presiding.

1908. ]

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


The. evidence tends to prove and, in the opinion of' ~'OUL' committee, establishes that B. B. Smith, the accus~d, and his brother, D. H. Smith, and their wives, went to the office of Dr. Harry Greensfelder, Sixth and Washington Avenue, in the City of St. Louis,on the evening of September 22, 1907, and that accused charged Dr. Greensfelder with having insulted his wife. Dr. Greensfelder denied this, and declal'cd he had always treated :\1:1's. Rmith as a lady. Accused demanded he should "come across" with some' money and the fOUl; rushed at him, accused, having an open pocket knife in his hand. Dr. Gl'eensfeldeL' made his escape through the open door and did not return until the next morning, when accused and his wife returned, and accused, who had then cooled down, demanded that he pay him money or he would prefer charges against him in the :Masonic and K. P. Lodges, attach his furniture and instruments, and send him to the penitentiary. Accused claimed Dr. Greensfelder owed him $15, money loaned him by his wife, and certain other sums, all of which Dr. Greensfelder denied. Under pressure of the threats mentioned, and, to avoid defamation, Dr. Greens'felder agreed to pay accused $50.00, and wrote a check for that sum, but. accused requested Dr. Greensfelder to go with him ..to the bank and drilw the money. When there, Dr. Greeusfelder reminded the accused be owcd him for professional treatment. It was agreed Dr. Grcensfelder should retain $:>.00 for this, and a new check waf'; written for $45.00, and that sum paid and the accused ,gave Dr. GL'eensfclder a receipt in the following terms: "ST. Loers, September 23, 1907. "Re~eived of Dr. n. Greensfelder fifty and no-100 dollars, in full of all considerations and reaSSluance of my friendsll ip and good will. (Signed) B. B. SilIlTH, 925 PaL'k Ave." l\1:uch vile, profane and obscene language was used by accused on both occasions in Dr. Greensfelder's office. About November 17, 1908, Dr. Grcensfelder was called by D. H. Smith to come to his house in 'East St. Louis to treat his wife, who, he said, was ill. but this was 'a ruse de guerre. Two men, Davis and Kuhs, accompanied him~ Accllsed and his wife were at D. II. Smith's house, and it is clear they had inveigled Dr. Greens'feider there for some purpose. They accused him of gross misconduct and of having made grossly scandalous remaL'l{s about the wives of the aecllsed and D. II. Smith. 'I'his was stoutly denied by Dr. Greensfelder. Both the Smiths testified on the trial that Dl路. Greensfelder applied vile and scandalous epithets to Mrs. B. B. Smith on this occasion, but this is denied in the evidence of Davis and Kulls, profanes, and by Dr. Grcensfelder. In view of the fact that Dr. Grecnsfelder. was only twenty-six yea}'s of age and not the equal, phJ'sically, of either of the Smiths, who are mfIch olde)' than Dr, Greensfelder, as well as other circumstances in evidence, we entirely discredit the testimony ~)f the Smiths and their wives, as to what tl'3nspired on tbis occasion. Mrs. B. B. Smith is forty-seven years of age, a grandmother, and old enough to be the LDother of Dr. Greensfelder. A ballot was taken on the first specification, resulting as follows: Guilty, 68; not guilty, 29; total, 97. DECI~ION.

'The first ground of appeal is that competent and material evidence offered by the accused was excluded, The only evidence offered by the accused that was excluded b~' the Worshipful Master were the charges made by Brother 1.


Pro,ceedtngs of the


B. B. Smith against' Dr. Greensfelder, and the answer filed by him to those

charges (these were offered for impeachment) and Dr. Grecnsfelder's petition for restoration. Neither the charges preferred by Brother Smith nor the answel' filed by Dr. Greensfelder nor his petition for restoration al'e embotlied in the record. If the accused desired to have these rulings of the Worshipful Master review~d he should have put these documents into the record, so that their materiali\y could be seen. Your committee is unable to see that there was any error in their exchision. 2. Counsel for the accused objected to the evidence of Brother Vogel because his name was not endorsed upon the charge~. Section 234 of the ByLaws of this Grand Lodge does not require the naIries of all witnesses to be so endorsed. It)s analogous to the criminal code of this State in that particular. It has always been held by the courts of this State that witnesses other than those whose names are endorsed upon an indictment or information may be used b~T. the State on a criminal prosecution. It might well be ground for a postponement of the trial of an accused Brothel' if the names of important witnesses should .be concealed and it should be made to appear that the accused was surpI'ised by their' testimony. In such case further time should be granted to enable bim to meet it. When counsel offered to prove by Brothel' J. J. Robinson that MI路S. B. B. Smith had appealed to him to see what he could do to keep her husband in the Lodge he said he knew a lady who represented herself to be Mrs. B. B. Smith. It was objected that he did not know the lady was Mrs. B. B. Smith; that there had been no identification of her. The WorshipfUl Mastel' ruled that it is to be assumed it is Mrs. Smith since she said so. Generally speaking identity of names is prima facie evidence of identity of persons. '.rhis is the rule recognized in all jurisdictions. It was so held in the Supreme Court of MIssouri in Gitt vs. Watson, 18 Mo. 274, decided 路by .Judge Scott in 1853. It is a presumption indulged in human affairs; besides she was known by Brother Daniel A. Gillespie, to whom she made a similar appeal about the same time. The second ground of appeal is, therefore, overruled. 3. '.rbe third ground of appeal is that tbe Worshipful Master took a second ballot on the first specification. '.I.ilere were 99 members present and only 97 voted on tbis specification. Section 263 of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge provides that the Mastel' shall submit to the Lodge the question on eacb specification consecutively, "Is the accused guilty or not guilty of the offense in specification ",/ Each member shall deposit his ballot ~ith the words written thereon 'guilty' or 'not guilty,' as be may decide." This requirement is mandatory. Every member must~vote "guilty" 01' "not guilty." It was so held by this Grand Lodge in the case of Grand River Lodge, No. 276, vs. Aaron Waldren. (See Proceedings of 1906, p. 114.) As all the members present did not vote on this specification we are of the opinion that the ballot was illegal, and the WorshipfUl Master was right in ordedng a new ballot. After the accused was declared innocent of the charge upon the second ballot, we are unable to see in what manner it was prejudicial to ilim. At any rate it was the plain duty of the W,orshipful. Master to order a second ballot and require all members present to vote. 4. It is next contended that after the accused was acquitted upon the' first specification it was error for the Worshipful Master to allow the Lodge to vote on Specifica tion 6.

1908. ]

G'rand Lodge of MissOU1'i.,

", 9U

Specification 1 charges tha,t Brother Benjamin B. Smith did unlawfnlly extort from Barry Greensfelder the sum of $50.00 in violation of his duty as a Mason. To extort means "to wrest from another by force, menace, duress," etc.; to obtain money or other valuable thing either by compulsion, by actual force, or by the force of motives applied t.o the will and often more overpowering and irresistihle than physical force." Specification 6 cha~ges in substance that after the accused had been informed by his wife that Dr.. Greensfelder had insulted her and made improper advances to her, he, the accused, went to Dr. Greensfelder, and demanded and received money from him, claiming that Dr. Greensfelder was indebted to him, which was not true, tbe truth bping that said money was paid under protest and to quiet BI'other Smith, ap.d prevent Smith circulating damaging stories about Dr. Greensfelder, etc. It might be conceded that in criminal proceedings Specification {j charges blackmail or extortion, and would be comprehended under the charge of extorting money. But this case was tried in t.he Lodge below upon the theory that tbe first specification charged extortion by physical force. That theory of the case was clearly prescnted by the cross-;,>xamination of Dr. Greensfelder in which he testified that on the morning when he drew the check, Smith had gotten over his belligerent attitude; be was not threatening violence at that time, but he was threatening charges in both the ,Masonic and K. P. Lodges; threatening him with defamation of character and attachment of his furniture and instruments, but did not offer any personal violence.' If the accused had conceived that the charges in the first and sixth specificati~ns were identical, his proper course would have been to have filed a motion to require the .Tunior "rarden to elect on which specification he would pI'oceed. On the contrary, counsel for both sides treated these two specifications as charging different offenses: the fil'st as charging extortion of money by threats of personal ,iolcnce ; the sixth as charging accused with having procured the payment as hush money to avoid defamation of character. We think the accused is bound by the theor~' on which be tried the case, and the point presented, which Is purely technical and wholly devoid of merit, can not be taken advantage of for the first time and allowed to prevail upon this appeal. Rut this contention should be overruled for another reason. The first specification does not state ~ny facts; it states a mere donclusion. Section 233, of the By-Laws, reads: "A charge must be in writing and contain an ol'derly 'statement of the facts constituting the offense. It should be brief, should avoid repetition, clearly define the offense, and contain an accurate statement of the time, place and circumstances of its commission." It is clear t.hls specification wholly fails to contain a statement of the facts constituting the alleged offense or the circumstances of its commission. It does not state whether the money was extorted by personal violence, or ~l)y threats, menace of duress, or by thl'eats of defamation, civil or criminal prosecution. Our courts have repeatedly held that such an allegation in civil or criminal pleadIngs, tenders no issue, il;: a mere conclusion and,thel'efore, fatally defective. Appellant has in a sense appealed to CoosaI' by invoking a principle of criminal pleading. When tr,ied by that rule it is plain the acqUittal on the first speci. fication was not' a bar to his t.rial on the sixth specification for the reason that it did not charge any offense against the accused. 5. '.rhe fifth ground of appeal is that Specifications 2, 3, 4 and 5 do not state unmasonic conduct, or constitute an offense under the laws of this Grand Lodge punishable by expulsion. The second specification is that


P1'oceedings of the


Brothel' Smith did about September 22, 1907, in the City of 81. Louis, assault Brother I-larry Greensfelder, and make divers threats against his personal safety, and threatened to do bodily injury to Brother Greensfeider with a Imife, whicb he then and there exhibited, , There was abundant evidence to f:Ustain this chal'ge. In his cross-examination, Brother Smith testified: "'Yell, yes, sir; I guess If he (DI路. Greensfelder) had remained in his office that night I undoubtedl,Y would have gotten satisfaction out of him, yes, Sil', but he left-had he not run away fl'om me t.hat night when I went there after an explanation there might neyel' have been any need of an Investigation here." In other words the accused went to DI', Grcensfelder's atTice with hell in his eye, and murder in his heart, and the Doctors fiight alone prevented the accomplishment of his fell p~l'pose, We think the specification l?har~es a fiagraj1t violation of Masonic law and duty. and that it was abundantly established by the evidence and, in effect. admitted by the accused in his t.estlmony, and that the offense warnlllted expulsion. The third specification charges that Brothel' Smith attempted to blacken the I'eputation of Dr'. GI'eensfeldel', pUblicly statea that he woulo. send him to the penitentiary, that he would drive him from the Masonic Ol'der and from the O"l'der of the Knights of P,ythias, and in divers ways attempted to blacken his reputation. The By-Laws of this Gl'aJld Lodge do not affix any special pel)alties to violations of Masonic duties. Offenses are not gl'aded as in our criminal code. The penalty to be imposed is left to the consciences of the members of the Lodge in which the trial is held, subject, of coul'se, to h~ I'eviewed on appeal. We have frequentlJ' expelled Masons for drunkenness, for violation of the liquor laws, for fighting and quarreling and 'othel' \Jffemws. Certainly it is an equally grave offense for a Mason to defame a nroth~r, Ol' to publicly threaten to send him to the penitentiary. The' foul'tll specification chal'ges Brother Smith at divers times and places with using profane and obscene language, and the fifth specification charges him with the use of profane and obscene language in the presence of and directed to his wife, In the statement of this case your committee has pl'epared an expurgated and disinfected epitome of the evidence, eliminating many fonl and disgustingly vile and obscene ~xpressions shown by the testimony to ha ye been used i'epeatedly by the accused and that in tlIe presence of his wife. They are unfit t~ be spoken by anyone, much less by one professing to be a Mason. TheJ' are shockingly vile, vulgar and indecent; they brand ~,he speaker as a coarse and brutal blackguard. "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth defileth a man. For those t.hings which proceed out of th2 mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder, adulteries, fonications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things' that defile a man.'':;-Math, 15-11, et seq. Masonry stands for purity of life and speech. No foul-mouthed blackguard Is fit to wear -the name of Mason. He will bring more shame and reproach upon Masonry than the lives and examples of a score of good and true Masons' can atone for. Think of such an one being received into a place representing the holy of holies, where Brethren dwell together in unity, invoking the aid and blessings of heaven, .sweet-savored as precious ointment; like the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the Mountains of Zion, wherc the Lord commanded the blessings, even life for evermore. Such an onc is not a Mason, no mattei' how many degrees he may have taken. He lacks the first essential, preparation In the heart,

Grand Lodge of Missouri.

, 1908.]


His pI'csence is an offense; his lJr(~ath a stench; his companionship pollution. He is fit only to be cast out among dogs, sorcerers and whoremongers, his natural kindred and fit companions. Let him be anathema maranatha. 6. We have no hesitation in saying that the weight of the evidence supPOl'ts the finding of the Lodge, that the accused was guilty of Specifications 2, 3, 4, and 5. It is tl'ue there was a dil'ect conflict of evidence upon some of the issues, but without going furthcr into the details we are of the opinion this ground of appeal should be ovel'ruled. . 7. The seventh ground of appeal is that the action of the Lodge is not Suppol'ted by the Lodge, and the accused did not have a fair and impal'tial trial. We confess our inability to understand the first allegation in this complaint; that the action of the Lodge is not supported by the Lodge, and dismiss it for inability to compl'ehend it. As to the second ground alleged, that he accused did not have a fair and impal'tial trialwc find no suggestion in the recol'd to sustain this challenge to the action of the Lodge. 8. Neither is there any justifica tion fOI' the eighth ground of appeal that the action of the Lodge is in violation of the rights of the accused. He had every right accol'ded to him, Hc was furnished with a copy of the charges and specifications; had twenty days' notice of the time of trial and was represented by able and zealous counsel. 9. Neither do we find tbat the penalty of expulsion was excessive. On the contral'Y it was the only penalty intelligent, self-respecting :Masons could impose, they baving found the accused guilty of tbe charges preferred. 10. The tenth ground of appeal is that the action of the Lodge was the result of pl'ejudice and passion and not the deliberate conviction of the individual members of the Lodge, based on the evidence adduced at the trial. The record affords much'intemal evidence that to our minds is conclusive against this contention. The rulings of Worshipful Master Ittner demonstl'ate that he presided with dignity and impal路tiality. Every ruling was calm, just and tempemte. He dealt {Jut even-handed justice. The evidence of profanes was taken by committee in the presence of the accused and his counsel. The evidence of Masons was taken 'in open Lodge by a stenographer, including evel'y remark of the Worshipful Master and counsel. Finally tbe acquittal of Bl'othel' Smith on the first specifiration shows that the members of the Lodge were not unmindful of the rights of the accused; that they discl'iminated between extortion by threats of personal violence and the collection of hush-money; thus to our minds refuting the last gl'ound of appeal, that the action .::>f the Lodge was the fruit of passion and prejudice. After a careful examination and consideration of the evidence contained in this voluminous record ~'OUl' committee l'ccommends that the vel'dict and the judgment of the Lodge by which Benjamin B. Smith was expelled fl'om the rights and privileges of Freemasonry be affirmed. XV"



ST'ATEMENT. It appears fl'om the petition that the petitioner was suspended for nonpa):ment of dues in July, 1887, by Linn Lodge, No. 66, said Lodge now being

extinct. It further appears from the petition that the petitioner bas been G. L. Pro.-4



Proceedings of the

traveling in the Western country since 1887 and returned to Missouri'last spring. No othel' papers bave been filed in connection with this case and your committee is not advised as to what kind of life the petitioner bas been living ~uring the twenty-one years of his suspension. DECISION, 'In view of the foregoing we recommend that thc petition be denied and dismissed. XVI. IN RE PETITION I"OR RESTORATION OF LEO YOUNT.

ST'ATEi\lENT. r.rhis petitioner was expected by the Grand Lodge at its CommunicatIOn held in 1905. (See Proceeding::; 1905, pp. 84, 85, 86.) He now petitions for rest.oration to good Masonic standing for the reasons: 1. That the trial Lodge did not tind him guilty, as the evidence was not sufficient, '

2. Because the evidpnce submitted to the Grand Lodge was who)J~1 onesided and was IV)t fairly taken, and that be was sick at Chicago and had no tl[i}e nor means to look after the case, He promises, if restored, to comply strictly with the laws and regulations of thc Fratcmity. His petition is recommended by Mar('us Lodgc, No. 1.10, located at Fredericktown,. Mo., the verdict and judgment of which Lodge was revel'sed at the time of his expulsion by路 the Grand Lodge. We al'e advised that the petitioner has not resided in Fredericl<town since his expulsion by the Grand Lodge in 1905, but is now and has resided for sODle time since in' Joplin,


DECISION. The petition is not recommended bJ' any Lodge in Joplin, Mo., within whose jurisdiction the petitioner resides. Your committee has no direct or positiyc infol'mation as to the conduct and habits of the petitioner since bis expulsion by the Grand TJodge. ' *In view of the fact that it is represented by a Past Master of Marcus Lodge, No. 1.10, that the petitioner can fumish proof of his goodcolJduct and charader, if given further time, we recommend that this case be continued to next Communication of Gran9 Lodge. DORSEY A. JAMISON, Chairman,

EDWARD HIGBEE, Vicc-Cha11-'nwn,



*The above case was reconsidered in a ...Sllpplernent.al Report, and the petition('r restol'ed to good Masonic standing.


Grand Lodge of Missouri.



W. Bro.. W. T. Jamison introduced the following resolution: "Resolved) That the Grand .Master may, upon the petition of ten Master Masons in good standing. authorize the formation of clubs to teach the Ritual and work of the Grand Lodge under the super~ision and , control of the District Deputy Grand Master for the District in which the club is located. ('The District Lecturer shall be-authority in the work and have sole charge of teaching it; and may appoint competent instructors. Provided) That the club shall meet in a regularly inspected' and dedicated Lodge hall, and be duly tiled; and, further provided) That none but IVlaster Masons in good standing, and duly vouched for, shall be admitted." ~

On motion of M. vV-. Bro. R. E, Anderson, the above resolution Vias referred to the Committee on Ritual. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON REPORTS OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS.

\V. Bro. J. 1\11. l\1attenlee, Chairman, presented and re.ad the following report, which was adopted: .


To the Most WO;路Shi.pf1ll Grand Maste?', Gra.nd lVarde118 and Brethren:

We, ,~'our Committee on Reports of District Deputy Grand Masters, beg leave to' report as follows: We have examined the repol'ls of the various District Deputy Grand Masters and find therefrom that all have reported upen conditions in the various Lodges in their severai Districts, and from said reports we are glad to state that th~ general condition of Masonry in ?lIissoul'i is in a healthy, growing and prosperous state that btspeaks volumes for the enthusiasm 'and .zeal of the F:l'atel'llity. . Theresee~s to be so far a~ we can see and .al'e able to judge no special need for further legislation regarding District 'Del;'uty Grand ':Masters; and the several reports show that they are an army of zealous, capable and in. dustrious Brethren and worthy of the confidence a~d trust reposed in them. Fra temally SUbmitted, .T. l\I. MAT'1'ENfJI'JE, J. J. SHAW, eIIAS. B. BOVING, R. F. BHANSON, S. H. WALTERS. Oommittee.




Proceedhlgs of the



·W. Bro. James O. ~ogg, Chairman of Committee to whom was referred the case of W. Bro. John G. Newbill, presented the following report, which was adopted: To the Most WOt'shiPfuZ Grand Master, Wal-dens and BI'cthren of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri: BRETHRE~-Your special comm.ittee to whom was referred that portion of the Grand Master's report suspending W. Bro. John G. Newbill, Master of United Lodge, No.5, of Springfield, Mo., beg leave to report as follows: STATEMENT-It appears from tbe evidence that on the evening of July 14, 1908, he appeared in tbe Lodge room in an intoxicated condition ll,nd that on numerous other· days and times did become and was intoxicated, in viola.tion of his duty as a Mason and ·to the scandal and disgrace of the Masonic Fraternity. Again, tbat said John G. Newbill on the 25th day of July, 1908, again appeared in tbe'Lodge room in an intoxicated condition and while in that condition conferred the Sublime Degt'ee of Master Mason upon two candidates, and that he appeared on the streets at diVCt'S other times in an intoxicated . condition. It also appears from the evidence that on or about July 14th he cursed and swore at the members of his Lodge, and called the Grand Master and Grand Secretary most vile and abusive names. It also appears from the evidence that he attcmpted on the evening of July 14tb, wbile in an intoxicated condition, to initiate one who was physically disqualified from receiving the degrees bccause of the loss of the thumb and index finger of the right hand, and when objections were made by the officers of the Lodge he became very angry, saying it was nothing but "Infernal rot." That he then and thet'c left the Lodge, leaving it in charge of the Junior Warden. Brother John G. Newbill appeared before your committee, but denied the cbarge of intoxication, and said tbat if he did curse and swear at the members of his Lodge and the Grand Master and Grand Secl'etat·y, he did not remember it, He also admitted that he frequently dt'ank, but not whiskeJ'.

DECISION. Your committee recommend tbat the action of tbe Grand Mastel' in suspending Brother John G." .Newbill be sustained; and that the dignity and honor of Masonry be upbeld; that Brotbel' John G. Newbill be expelled from all further rights and benefits as a Mastel' Mason, Fraternally snbmitted, JAMES OLIVER HOGG, EDWARD A. STRONG, W. A. CLARK, R. W. POWELL, H. S. COCHRAN, Oommittee,

Gra.nd Lodge of lVlissouri.



On motion, the Representative of delinquent Eldorado Lodge, No. 318, was. allowed the usual mileage and per diem. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARTERED LODGES.

R. W. Bro. Geo: H. Pike, Chairman, presented the following report of the Committee on Chartered Lodges, which' was adopted: To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Pt'ee and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri:

The Committee on Chartered Lodges reports that returns were received from all of the 593 Chartered Lodges befot'e this meeting of the Grand Lodge. '['he following Lodges; however, did not report within the time prescribed by law, and in accordance with Section 92 of the By-Laws as amended at the last session of the Grand Lodge, their delegates are not entitled to mileage or per diem. Nos. 56, 58, 64, 91, 107, 117, 125, 176, 路187, 200,.203, 211, 223, 240, 248, 2S~, 318, 321, 338, 339, 361, 399, 421, 454, 495, 507, 511, 519, 554, 555, 561, and 573. Nine of these same Lodges were delinquent last year, viz., Nos. 56, 187, 248, 361, ,;99, 454, 49::;, ::;07 and 511. The Committee on Char-

tered Lodge.;; last year stated: "There are Lodges which it would seem, would not care much whether it sent Representatives to the Grand 'Lodge or not. The committee, therefore, recommends that, in case of a failure for two consecutive years of a Lodge to make returns in time, the Charter of that Lodge be arrested." This committee would make the same suggestion this year, as it is ver:r imp.l)rtant that reports from all of the Lodges should be received in time for the Grand Secretary to correct the enol'S and tabulate the retnrns for the sessions of the Grand Lodge, as well as to permit this and other committees to examine the returns. In this connection the Worshipful Masters might be reminded that as ~fiicial head of the Lodge they are respom;ible for the conduct of the lJusiness of the Lodge, and should see to it that all reports are absolutely correct before attaching their signature; if the Worshipful Master would do his whole -duty the work of this and other committees would be reduced to a minimum. PROPERTY OF LODGES.

'The reports show that the' Lodges haveReal and personal property , , Cash Dues outstanding , Total assets reported


Net assets


"., $ 828,973 08 , . 191,068 25 , .. ,.".,. 34,798 66

, $1,~)54,839 99 ,.................... 64,817 74



This sho\-.;s a gain over the net assets of 1907 of $38,015.13.


990,022 25



Proceed£ngs of the

One Lodge reports real and personal property amountlog to $1.00, no cash on hand and no dues ()Utstanding. Several Lodges report no cash on hand. We hardly see how a Lodge can be properly conducted with no money in the treasury, INSURANCE. The total amount of insurance carried is $418,044. Nearly all of the Lodges report that their property is insured, though in a few cases the committee obsel'ves that no insurance is cal'ried, and two or three of the T;odges reporting' no insurance own their halls. ThIS is an impor'tant matteI' and every Lodgc should have its l'cal estate and furniture and regalia insured. LIABIT.JI'1'IEs' The following Lodges report that they own their halls, but the liabilities which they report are so heavy that it indicates that their halls are mortgaged, which is in vIolation of the Grand Lodge jaw: No. 17 88 l}5 107 119 127 133 145 157 164 176 190 '213 247 274 293 345 401 407 438 514 519

'1'otal Assets. 00 45 00 28 00 00 58 00 21 08 00 ...... .. .. .. , 4,077 90 ......... ........... . 18,823 56 ..................... 9,369 70 ... . ........ . , ....... 2,821 00 .. . ........ . .. - ....... 7,600 00 ............ ........ . 30,193 00 ...... .. .. .... . . . ... . ::>,311 35 .. .... . , , ......... . , . 4,079 00 .................. " . 5,357 44 1,906 48 ." .. . . ....... -. - ... " ............ ........ . .5,005 00

............. .. . ... $ 5,509 .... . . ...... 1,559 ...... ....... . ...... . 1,534 ., .. . . .... . ...... . .. . 3,869 .............. ...... . 12,345 ........ .. . ,.... ..... . 4,050 . , .. ........ . ..... .. , 2,735 ......... ..... . .., . 1.385 .. .. ..... . 6,762 ............ ........ . 3,291 ..................... 725 ,







$1,250 500 300 2,500 4,250 1,750 518 200 1,200 500 300 725 7,000 1,000 1,250 5,500 4,200 1,200 1,400 3,800 800 .3,650

00 00 00 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

°9 OV 00

It is probalJle that these halls are owned by Masonic Associations and that

the Lodges are not liable for the indebtedness, but the reports do not show this, and th~ committee suggests that the District Deputy Grand Masters for the respective Districts in which these Lodges are located, investigate this mattcL' No. 197 i'ents its hall and reports assets $5,152.29,' with liabilities at $1,600. If this report is correct it shows an unusual state of affairs. as theJ'e is no excuse for such a heavy liability when the Lodge is financially so well off. HALLS. FI'om the returns we find that 307 Lodges own their halls; the large IIIJljority owning the hall' outright, and some of them having joint ownership;

1908. ]

Grand , Lodge of 'Missouri. ,


275 Lodges rent, one' has the use of a hall donated, and ten fall to ,answer. Nearly all of the Lodges repol路t their halls and furniture in good order.. At Kings Highway. and Westminster place, St. Louis, on lot 路155x200. feet, there has been erected a building for the use of'Thscan Lodge, No. 360, the title to which is in '.ruscan Hall Association. The funds for the purchase of the lot and a portion of that for the erection of the building and for furnishing same was donated by the Lodge and by members of the Lodge, the balance (being less than one-quarter of the value), was borrowed on long time. The value of the building, ground and furnishings is about $125,000. This hall was dedicated on Monday, September 28, 1908, and no doubt many of the officers and members of this Grand Lodge were present. We congratulate the members of Tuscan Lodge on the completion of this elegant building. DUPLICATE CHARTERS. Duplicate Charters were issued to Sheldon Lodge, No., 371, whose charter was accidentally destroyed, and to Competition Lodge, No. 432,and Lexington Lodge, No. 149, whose halls and contents were destroyed by fire. ' OUTSTANDING DUES. The total amount of outstanding dues reported is $34,798.66. The following Lodges rcport the largest amounts of outstanding dues: No. 282, $597, with 231 members. No. 111, 523, with 185 members. No. 272, 400, with 203 members. No. 209, 383, with 118 members. No. 299, 364, with 806 inemb'!rs. No. 93, :::50, ,yit~ 172 members. . No. 16 reports 125 members,' annual dues of $2.00, and $345.50 dues outstandiug. As their total yearly income from dues would only be $250, this indicates that more th'an theil' ~ntire membership is in arrears for last ~'ear's dues. ' . No. 234, with 30 memb~rs. annual dues of $1.80, reports $145 outstanding. This indicates that their entire niembership is in arrears for about three years' dues. The reports indicate. that the ent.ire membership of the following Lodges are in arrears for one year's dues, viz.: Nos. 35, 261, 390, 405, 406, 419, 457. and 539. The following large Lodges report that they have no dues outstanding: No. 1. wit.h 727 members. No.9, with 512 members. No. 40, with 474 members. No. 316, with 496 members. No. 323, with 385 members. No. 522, with 352 members. Outstanding dues is a very uncertain asset, as a Lodge may never collect a lal'ge part of it owing to' death, sickness or inability to pay from other causes. It is the duty of every Mason to pa~' his dues when they accrue, and if Lodges would insist on all members pa~'ing promptly as soon as they are due we think there would be fewer members dropped fOl' non-payment of dues. 'Ibe large Lodges mentioned above which have collected all' of their dues are setting a good example to the other Lodges.



Proceed1'ngs of the


REMISSION OF DUES. Dues remitted a.nd ehal'ged to Grand Lodge 1906, 1402, Dues remitted and charged to Grand Lodge 1907, 1372. Dues remitted and charged to Grand Lodge, 1908, 1215. This is a very encouraging reduction from last year 'and shows that the reports of former Committees on Chartered Lodges have had a salutary effect. There is, however, still room for improvement, as sho\vn in this report. The following Lodges report remissions of more than 10 per cent of their membership, viz.: Nos. 16, 23, 35, 37, 58, 61, 64, 86, 175, 176, 181, 215, 234, 244, 253, 255, 269, 336, 338, 351, 411, 415, 432, 494, ;'')38, and 580, If these dues were all remitted for inability to pay, we have no cI'iticism to make, though we re~ret that so many Lodges should have more than 10 per cent of their members unable to pay their dues. If all Lodges in the State charged the Grand Lodge with remission on 10 per cent of their membership, the total amount this year would be $4,730, one-half of which would be a ioss to the Masonic,Home. -No. 288 remits the dues of one member foi' five years and charges the Grand Lodge with $5.00, The Grand secretarJ" in auditing the returns has allo\vetl $1.00 on account of this remission and charged the Lodge with the balance, Several letters have been written to the. Secretary, but up this date the amount due has not been forwarded. The Secretary' of No. 86, ,,'bose Lodge remits the dues of sixteen members out of a total membership of 152, In several cases gives as a reason for such action that the Brother Is "entitled to courtesy of dues remitted." This is all right, but the courtl:!sy should be extended by the Lodge and not charged to the Grand Lodge and Masonic ~ome. The returns, this year show the remission of dues of 5 Secretaries, 5 'I'reasuret'sand 13 Tilers, This is a decided improvement over last year, when 20 Secretaries, 14 Treasurers and 41 Tilers were remitted. The following Lodges remit theil' Tiler's dues and charge the Grand Lodge for it: Nos. 18, 103, 122, 136, 146, 176, 213, 217, 218, 247, 333, 366 and 541, . The following remit their Secretary's dues: Nos. 62, 135, 437. The following remit their Treasurer's dues: Nos. 226, 269, 415, 4'95 and 555. No, 64 remits the Secretary and Tiler. No. 546 remits the Secretary, two ministers and one dead man. Nos. 4, 425 and 576. remit dues of ministers. Nos. 50, 73, 175, 200, 351, 511 and 329 remit dues of deacons or stewards, WORK. Nine thousand, two hundred and thirty-eight Degrees were conferred during the eleven months ending .June 30, 1908, as compared with 9,669 for the previous twelve months; 571 petitions were rejected. 'l'he net gain in membership for the eleven months ending June 30, 1908, is 1837, or 94 less than that for the twelve months ending July 31, 1907. While the total gain i~ t;maller thun lu'St year, the pel' cent of gain for the eleven months is much larger.

Grand Lodge of Missou6.


Fourteen Lodges raised 25 No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

1, 40, 446, 360, 299, 9, 323,


59. 59. 43. 4l. 36. 33.

more candidates, l1s follows: ~



No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

3, 79, 420, 445, 20, 316, 243,

32. 30. 30. 28. 27. 27. 25.

The following Lodges report no work: Nos. 21, 51, 94, 95, 1u8, 125, 130. 131, 168, 175, 196, 211, 215, 221, 227, 240, 269, 280, 297, 317, 338, 347. 358, 437, 442, 500, 516, 528, 530, 554, 560 and 573. We suggest that the Dish'ict Deputy Grand Masters in the respective Districts where these Lodges al'e located give tbem their particular attentiun. MEMBERSHIP. Eighteen Lodges have more than 300 members, as follows: No. 299, No.1, No. 360, 1'10. n, No. 316, No. 40, No. 220, No. 547, No. 446,

806 members. 727 628


496 474 436 417 389

T'wenty-two Lodges have between 100 and

No. 323, 385 members. No. 443, 378 No. 522, 352 No. 550, 344 No. 121, 342 No. 163, 335 No. 331, 321 No.3. 313 No. 243, 31~ have between 200 and 300 members. Seventy Lodges 200 membel's. .

Eleven Lodges have 20 members or less, as follows: No. 58, 18 members. No. 530. 18 members. No. 192,.19 No. 569, 20 No. 223, 16 No. 577, 20 ~o. 240, 19 No. 585, 18 No. 589, 20 No. 395, 18 No. 516, 12 All of these Lodges seem to be in fair condition with the exception of No. 516, which has only 12 members and remits the dues of two. 'It has (Jone no work for two ;years and has total assets of only $31.32, consisting of $13.82 cash and $17.50 outstanding dues. We would recommend that the District Deputy Grand Master for the Forty-third District visit' this Lodge . and repol路t to the incoming Grand Master whether or" 'riot in his opinion it will be best to continue Its charter. A compilation of the returns 'from the larger cities may be found interesting: Net Total. Dues Total As~ets. Members. Raised. Gain. Ou tstanding. $142,962 00 St. Louis, 26 Lodges.. " 7,576 605 460 $1,276 00 Kansas City, 10 Lodges, 3,722 210 152 45,683 00 1,353 00 St. Joseph, 4 Lodges.. . . 850 29 19,561 vO :>4 487 00 Springfield, 3 Lodges. . . 744 11,815 00 51 290 00 51 Joplin, 2 Lodges. . . . . . . 505 31,793 00 41 50路 120 00 :;;eda Ha, 2 Lodges...... 38':l 14 11 420 00 6,12J 00


Proceedings of the


ERRORS AND OMISSIONS. This committee was gre~tly sUl'Prised at the great number of errors and omissions that' occur in the· returns. The returns indicate that the records of Ulany Lodges are kept· in a 'careless 'manner. Some Secretaries do not know how many membel's they 5hould have on their roster until their returns are corrected at the office of .th~ Grand Secretary. Many Secretaries add names to their list of· members and fail to sbow whether· the new members acquired membership by being raised or by affiliation. On tbe other hand many Secretal'ies omit .uames of former members and fail to show whether they were lost by death, dimission 01' otherwise, In many reports the dates of confelTing degrees, affiliations, deaths, etc., are omitted. Tbis occasions mu'cb unnecessary work in th, office ·of. tbe Grand. Secretary, as a letter must be. written to each Lodge making. tbese .errors and omissions. In the reports of Nos. 235, 440 and 454 the Ilstof members are not alpbabetically arranged, making it difficult to check tbeir membership. Tbe reports of Nos. 71, 310, 361 and 409 are not signed by the Secl·etary. The reports of Nos. 64, 285, 454, 510, 564 and 573 al'e not signed by the Worshipful Master. The seal is omitted from Nos. 35, 52, 71, 98, 116, 141, 196, 222, 224, 225, 257, 278, 285, 286, 310, 338, 339, 343,' 347, 355, 361, 367, 382, 383, 394, 409, 453, 454, 489, 493, 510, 518, 553 and 573. Nos. 392 and 579, omit the seal and the signatures of the Worshipful Master and the Secretary. No. 154 with only 77 members, omits 20. names from its list of members and also 'omits the names of several members who dimitted. This Lodge also fiils to answer the questions in regard to real and personal propei-ty, cash on band and dues outstanding. No.• 313 omitted from its report the names of alI candidates initiated, passed and raised by it during the past year. ·The acting Secretary of No. 239 states tbat he can not Youch,for dates of dimissions being correct, as the Secretary died and be is unable'to find wben dimlts were issued. No dimits can be issued witbout .the consent of the Lodge, and it would not be very much trouble to examine tbe minutes and see when tbese dim its were issued. No. 116, witb only 70 members, omits nine names -from its list of . members. . ' Tbe returns of No. 515 are signed by a Past Master as acting Worsbipfill Master. Tbis is wrong; in the absence of tbe 'Vorsbipfu( Master tbe Senior Warden is tbe official bead of tbe Ledge and sbould· sign tbe returns. Ver;)..- few Masons appreciate tbe Importance of the Secretary's work and the amount of detail connected with it, particularly in a large Lodge. No Lodge can be successful unless it has an efficient Secretary and the members should be careful to select a man wbo is competent and also wiIllng to devote' the neces.sary time to properly keep the records; and for tbis he should receive a reasonable compensation. . , The committee takes pleasure in complimenting tbe Secretaries of tbe following Lodges Qn the neatness and accUl'acy of tbeir work, no. errors or olllis~ions baving been found ill their returns: Nos; 3, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 61, 67" 68, IG, 77, 84, 85, 86, 101, 105, 106, 109, 110, 112, 114, 118, 119, 121, 123, 126, 130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 142, 147, 153, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 1G8, 172, 177, 179" 183, 188, 191, 192, 193, 199, 201, 205, 209, 210, 218, 220, 221, 226, 227, 228, 236, 238, 241. 243, 245, 247, 251, 253, 255, 259, 262, 265, 266, 267, 271, 272, 281, 282, 287, 289, 290, 292, 294, 297, 299, 302, 309, 3'15, :n6, 323, 3~4, 325, 329, 331, 332, 337, 341, 351, 352,354, 357, 360, 363, 364 .. 365, 366, 36~, 369, 370, 373, 374, 375, 377, 384, 390, 395, 398, 402, 4?3,



Grand Lodge of 111issouri.

411,422, 428, 434, 443, 446, 448, 45$, 461,' 465; 467, 472, 474, 480, 484, 485, 496, 501, 504, 505, 512, 514, 520, 522, 524, 528, 531, 534, 539, 540, 542, 543, 544, 547, 549, 550, 551, 552, 559, 563, 565, 571; 574, 576, 580, 581, 582, 583, 589, 591. The Secretary of No. 210 suggests the use of better paper for the reports. We think his point is well taken and when the present supply of reports is exhausted, we ad,ise the use 0'( a better quality of paper in the new blanks. Reports of Committees on Chartered Lodges in past years have referred in strong language to errol's and omissions found in Lodge returns, and your committee regrets that 'Worshipful Masters and Secretaries do not "sit up and take notice" aft'2r rending these reports. One Secretary, whose' report is a model of nen tness and accuracy, suggests that, prizes be offered to. the Secretaries sending in the best reports. This committee would willingly surrender its mileage aad pel' dfem towards a ftind for s'uch an object if it would result in a "clean bill of :health," but from past experience we are afraid such a state of affait路s' can not be hoped for this sidE; of the millennium. Fraternally submitted, GEO. H. PIKE, C. L. ALEXANDER, CHAS. HARRISON, W.S, PRESTON, l\r. E. WAM,PLER.


1\1. W. Bro. Dorsey A. Jamison, Chairman, moved to reconsider the action of the Grand Lodge in approving report of Appeals and Grievances Committee in Case No. 16. Adopted. Then M. W. Bro. Jamison asked and obtained permission to make a supplemental report in said Case No; 16, the matter of petition for restoration of Leo' Yount. Said supplemental report' was adopted as follows: To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient F1'ee and State. of Missouri:



Since the adoption of the report Of the Appeals and Grievances Committee in Case No. 16, entitled "In Repetition for Restoration of Leo Yount,'路 your committee has made further examination into th.is case and is reliably inform~d that the petitioner is now living an upright and proper life in Joplin, Missouri, and that his cbaracter and reputation in that community are good. In view of the foregoing and believing that he has suffered sufficient punishment, we recommend that our report filed herein be reconsidered and that Leo Yount be re'stored to good Masonic standing; and that the Grand Secre-


Proceedings of the


tary issue a certificate in favor' of said Leo Yount to that etIect, lIpon his application ther~fol". Fraternally submitted, DORSEY A.•IAMISON, EDWARD HIGBEE, W ..J. ROBERTS, LEO S. RASSmUR. FRANCIS A. LEACH, BERTHOLD A. LANGE, BERT S. LEE.


R. W. Bro.vVm. F. Johnson. Chairman. presented the following report for the Committee on Jurisprudence, which was . duly adopted: To the G1'and Lodge of Ancient Free and .1ccepted Masons of the Stote of Missouri:

Your Committee on Jurisprudence, by vit'tue of the Most "'orshipful Grand Master's 'course during the past year. have an easy and pleasant duty to perform; no decisions having 'been rendered by the Grand Master, as he bas disposed of all questions put to him, by refel'l'ing to the plain letter of the lawol' by citing the interrogatol' to a former decision of this Grand Lodge. 'We are informed that no new questions have arisen. We therefore heartily endorse, commend and appl'ove the Grand l\:laster's action in this respect. Fraternally submitted, WM. F. JOHNSON, U. A, HOUSE, L. B. VALLIANT, C. B. FARRIS, oJOS. S, McINTYRE, C. F. SANDERS, Eo F. ALLEN, EDWARD L. DILLON.


vV. Bro. A. H. Ittner, for the Committee on Lodges Under Dispensation, presented the following report, which· was adopted: ST. LoulS, Mo., September 29. 1908. To the Most lV01'shipful Granel Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Miss01l1'i:

Your Committee on Lodges Under Dispensation beg to submit the following l'eport: We find that dispensations were granted fOl' eight new Lodges during the year, as follows: Octobel' 4, 1907, Blodgett Lodge, Blodgett, Scott County.

1908. ]


Grand Lodge of Ailiss9urL


October 4, 1907, Cecil Lodge, Cottonwood Point, Pemiscot County. October 19, 1907, Puxico Lodge, Puxico, Stoddard County. November 15, 1907, Bosworth Lodge, Bosworth, Carroll County. December 16, 1907, Leadwood Lodge, Leadwood, St. Francois Count J'. December 19, 1907, Elvins Lodge, givins, St. Francois County, March 14, 1908,' Cosby Lodge, Cosby, Andrew County. :May 21, 1908, Clayton Lodge, Clayto~, St. Louis County. We have examined the records and returns of all of these Lodges. The retnrns of all of them ::re in very good shape and show a creditable amount of worl, done b J' all of them. The records of the meetings, however, are not so well kept, and with the exception of Clayton Lodge, are susceptible of much improvement. The amount of work is as follows: Initiations, 80; passed, 72; raised, 67; affiliated, 23'; rejected, 11. 'I."here is a lack of neatness in the record~ of most of the Lodges, and in many instances the rec,)l'd of the proceeding"s is vague .and indefinite. A careful study of some approved model would be of benefit to most of the· Secretaries. Amollg the errOl'S noted the greater number are mere formal errors rather than substantial infractions of the law. '.rhe minutes of· one meeting show th~t at a regular Communication the Lodge was opened 011 the third degree first. The minutes of l>everal of the Lodges show examinations of candidates as to their proficiency, but do not record whether oi: not tlley were declared proficient. In one instance it does not appeal' whether Ol' not the Lodge was closed, though the minutes arc signed by the propel' officers. The records of one Lodge show that at all of its meetings all business was transacted 011 the first degree, even to conferring the degl'ee of Mastel' Mason. W€ believe that this is merely' an oversight on the part of the Secretary in failing to record the opening on the second and third uegrees, but in any event the l'e<:ord ought to show exactly what proceedings were had. There are other instances in which 'it is apparent from the record that othel' business than conferring degrees or examining candidates and voting on their proficiency was actually transacted on· the first and second degrees. 'I.'he practice is contmry to law and ought to be discontinued. The minutes of several meetings fail to show any action in referellce to the minutes of preceding meetings. one entire set of minutes is signed only by the Worshipful Mastel', and in one instance he does not give his official capacity. '.rhe office of Secretary in this Lodge appears to have been a sinecure and we recommend that he assume the proper discharge of his duties. ' In several instances the minutes pretend to give the names of the officers and members in attendance, when it does not appear that a quorum was present. We recommend that the Masters of these Lodges acquaint themselves with the law on this subject. The minutes of Blodgett Lodge show the trial of a Brother on a cha~ge of unmasonic conduct, which according to the record is characterized by such gross irregularities as in all probability render it a nullit~'. No appeal seems' to have been taken in this case and as it is not the province of this committee to pass upon a matter of this kind, we recommend that it be referred to the incoming Grand )faster for investigation and appropl'iate action. In ·several instances the Secretarie,o: have recorded in the minutes of regular meetings. that the Lodge was closed on the first and second degrees re-



P1'oceedings of the

spectivel:\', before being opened on the second and third. From the context we believe that the correct proce~dings were l1ad, but that they were incorrectly -recorded by the Secretary. 'One Secretary repeatedly records' that the Lodge "adjourned." An adjournment, as such is unknown to a Masonic Lodge, but here again we believe the error to be on the part of the Secretary. . The dues of several Brethren who were ministers of the gospel, and in one instance the fees of such a lh;other were remitted. It is' contrary to law to remit tbe fees' in any case, and con,trary to law to remit .dues except for inabilit"y to pay. . The practice of setting out the reports of investigating committees in full seems to continue, notwithstanding this committee' bas .repeatedly called atte)1tion to the fact that the nature of the report ought not to be recorded in the minutes. In one instance the IJodge was 'opened in the absence of tbe Master and both Wardens, though no business was transacted. This is contrary to law .and ought not to be repeated. We belie;ve that special attention ought to be called to the records of Clayton Lodge. They are a model of neatness and we congratulate the Lodge on having so competent a Secretal'y. We have examined the by-laws of the 'various Lodges Under Dispensation, and all of them a]lpear to conform to the laws of the Grand Lodge, Notwithstanding the foregoing irregularities we believe that each of the Lodges in question has shown a degree of ~ndustry, fidelity. and zeal, which entitles it to the favorable consideration of this Grand Lodge, and we recommend that charters be granted to all of them. Fi'aternally submitted, ANTHONY F, ITTNER, GFJO. S. McLANAHAN; W. H. McGRATH, WARREN JONES, N. P. GASPER,






R. W. Bro. Wm. ~ot1thern, Jr., Chairman, presented and read the following report, which was adopted: . To the Most W01'shipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and .Accepted Masons of the State of Missou1'i: -



Home Visiting Committee beg leave to report:

On. the first day of this session the Grand IJodge visited the Masonic Home

. In a body and any necessity for an extended .l'eport from this committee is therefore removed. 'Ve shall only attempt to emphasize some of those things you, yourselv.es, have seen. Those of us who have visited the Home from year to year can not fail to note the great improvement in conditions and be moved to use our best efforts in and out of this Grand Lodge for continued improvement and larger usefulness of this our greatest institutio~ for good.



Grand'Lodge of Missouri.


Your pl'ompt and hearty response to an appeal for an increased revenue for t.he Home is a deserved encouragement to those who are in command and a hearty promise that you stand ready to meet every effort on their part to extend the usefulness of this beneficence. We would again call your attention to路 that part of the report 'of the President of the Home Board,. which points out the necessity of se'parating tbe: old people from the children and providing a home in an' entirely separate and distinct locality for the aged and infirm. E"'eryone who has had to do with old people knows how important a matter is touched in this recommendation and we pray God that He will put' it into the heart and mind of. some loving friend of the men and women and the orphans of our Home, to give a site for an old people's home or to provide' a necessary endowment for the establishment of such an institution. The Masonic Home is the visible and tangible evidence of. our 'sincerity wh~n in our Lodges we promise to care fOl' the widow and th~ orphan and make light th~ burd~ns of the friendless. The Home is our pledge that we are organized for the glory of Almighty God and the love of our fellow man. FraternaIl;}' SUbmitted, WM. SOUTHERN, .TR., ROBERT F. ST'EVENSON, W]\f. F. KUHN, A. S. HOUSTON, A. R. ALEXANDER, F. D. HUBBELL, C. C. WOODS.


R. W. Bro. Geo. E. l\1ayhall, Chairman of Committee in the -matter of Edward S, Baldwin, former Secretary of Good Hope Lodge, No., 218, pres~nt~d the ~ollowing report, which was' adopted: To the Most 'Plorshipful (kand Lodge A.ncient }i'ree and A.cceptcd Masons of J.1isSOU1'i:

We, the undersigned committee, to whom was refel'l'ed a matter in contl'over;;y between Edward S. Baldwin, a Master Mason of George 'Vashington Lodge, No.9, and Good Hope Lodge, No. 218, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, beg leavt~ to report: That the Representatives of Good fIo'pe Lodge, No. 218, and Brother Baldwin appeared before your committee, and after a thorough discussion of the matter in controversy between the parties, an amicable and satisfactory settlement was agreed on, leaving your committee with nothing to consldel'. We therefore recommend that tbe matter be dismissed and your committee discharged. Fratel'llally submitted, GEO. E. MAYHALL, H. L. HUNTER, G. W. MILLER.


Proceedings of the


On motion of M. W.Bro. John R. Parson, the Grand Secretary was authorized to omit from the printed Proceedings the petition of Bro. Baldwin in the foregoing matter. REVISION OF BY-LAWS RESUMED - RECONSIDERATION. ~1. W. Bro. A. 11. Hough moved the recoi1sideration of the action of the Grand Lodge last night in 路adopting Section 81 ; the motion to reconsider was adopted. Thereupon said Section 81 was amended by striking out of same the words "with three dollars" in the second line thereof. (Adopted as amended.)

Sections 88, 89, 90 , 9 1, 9 2 , 93, 94, 95, 9 6 , 97, 9 8, 99, 100, 101, 102 and 103 were adopted as printed. Sections 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109; 110, I I I, 112, 113, 114> 115, 116, 117, 118, 'I 19, 120 and 121 were adopted as printed. ARTICLE IX. The following sections were duly adopted as printed:. Sections 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129. CALLED FROM LABOR.

At 5 :05 o'clock P. M. the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM until 7 :30 P. 1\1., whe~l the revision, of By-Laws wiiI be resumed. Prayer by R. W. Bro. Rev. John H. 1\1iller, Grand . Chaplain. LABOR

I90R. ]


Grand Lodge of Missouri. SECOND DAY-F.'.TENING SESSION.



September 30,


The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at -7 :30 - 0' cluck P. 1\1., by :rv1. W. Bro. John'T. Short, Grand Master, the other Grand Officers at their proper' stations, followed by prayer from the 'Grand Chaplain, R. \V. Bro. Rev. John H. Miller. .. REVISION OF BY-LAWS CONCLUDED.

The Grand Lodge then proceeded to consider the revision of By-Laws as follows: ~

ARTICLE X. Sections 130, 131, 132, 133. 134 and 135 were adopted as prInted. Section 136 was amended by striking out the words "residing in this State: three months" from the second line of said section ; adopted as thus amended. Sections 137,' 138, 139 and 140, adopted as printed.

ARTICLE XI. Sections 141, 142, 143, 144 and 145 adopted as printed.

,ARTICLE XII. Sections 146, 147, 148, 149, ISO and 151, adopted as printed.

ARTICLE XIII. Sections 152, 153, 154 and ISS, adopted as printed. ARTICLE XIV. Sections 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 and 164, adopted as printed.

ARTICLE-XV. Section 165, adopted as printed. Section 166, amended by inserting the words "in this J urisdiction" after the words "another Lodge" in second line. Adopted as amended.


Proceedings of the


Sections 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 and 174, ~dopted as printed. Section. 175, amended by adding to the end thereof the vvords, "except that they shall not have jurisdiction within the corporate limits of another city or town where there is a Lodge." (Adopted as amended.) Sections 176 and 177, adopted as prin~ed.

ARTICLE XVI. Sections 178,' 179 and 180, adopted as printed.


ARTICLE XVII. Section 181, adopted as printed. Section 182; 1\1. W. Bro. vVm. F. Kuhn offered as a substitute for the section, as printed, the, following, which was adopted: No Lodge shall receive a petition for the Degrees or for affiliation from any person who is engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, either as distiller, brewer, brewery agent, wholesale liquor dealer or salesman for such dealer, saloon keeper or bartender. Any Mason WllO may hcreafter be"gin such business shall be expe)led.

Sections 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 19 2 , 193, 194, 195 and 196 were adopted as printed. Section 197 was stricken out. . Section ,198 ,vas amended, first, by striking out the words "except as provided in Section 197" in line three thereof; second, amended on motion by Bro. \iVm. F. Kuhn, by striking ont all of said Section 198 peginning with the words "documentary evidence" in line seven and ending with the last word of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the .follo~ing: Docu1!lentury ('vidence shall be receipt fol' Slues for the current year, bearing the seal of the Lodge and the signature of .the Secretary of the Lodge, together with tile ::;ignaturc of the Grand Secretary of the Grand JurisdIction from which 8uch visitor may hail; or a diploma, duly authenticated by the seal and signature of the Grand路 Jurisdiction. All of which designates a Lodge under the jurisdiction of a Grand路 Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. And such "documcntary evidence" shaH bear date not more thun twelve months last past.

(Adopted as amended). Sections 199 and/200, adopted as printed.


Grand Lodge of Missouri.


ARTICLE XVIII. Sections 201, 202, 203, 294, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212,213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224,' 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 23 1, 232, 233, 2'34, 235, 236, 237, 238,239,240,241,242,243,244,'245,246,247,248,249,25°, 251,252,253,254,255,256 and 257 were adopted as printed.

ARTICLE XIX. Section 258 was adopted as printed. Section 259, amended on motion- by M. W. Bro. Kuhn, by striking out all of the" section beginning with the word "Nonmasonic" in the fourth line and ending with the last word of the section. (Adopted as amended.) Sections 260, 261 and 262, adopted as printed. ARTICLE~XX.

The following amendment, to be known as Article XX, was o,ffered, and, on motion, duly adopted, as follows: "The members of the Board at" Directors of the IVlasonic Home s~all be elected by written ballot immediately followingthe election of the Grand Lodge Officers. . Nominations for Directors shall be made prior to the ballot being taken.

ARTICLE XXI. Sections 263 and 264, as printed, were stricken out, and Sec, tions 283 and 284, of 1892 By-Laws, substituted in lieu thereof, as follows: SJ,CTION 283. 'By Addin'g ·Section. Any additional sectio!? not conflicting with the provisions of tbese By-Laws, which may be desil'ed, sball be proposed in writing, and on being read three several days, j f concurred in by two-thirds of the yotes present, shall become a part of these By.-Laws. SEC, 284. By Alteration or Repeal. Any alteration or proposition to repp.ul any 0f the foregoing By-Laws shall be reduced to writing' and read on three several days, and be publlsbed with the Proceedings of tbis Grand Lodge, and lie over unti.1. the next Annual Communication, and sball be again read: a~d, if approved by a majority of tbe members present, sba\) become a part of the By-Laws of this G.rand Lodge.

Sections 265 apd 266 were adopted as printed.


Proceedings of the


RECONSIDERATION. It was regularly moved that the Grand Lodge reconsider its 'actionof yesterday in adopting Section 24, and, on motion, said Section 24 \vas amended by striking' out the words "of a Lodge in this Jurisdiction" in line four thereof; also by striking ~ut the word "the" just before the word "jurisdiction" in the fifth line and inserting the word "this" in lieu thereof. (Adopted as amended.) *BY-LAWS ADOPTED. On motion, the By-Laws, as amended, were adopted as a whole. ~.-" R'EVISION COMMITTEE CONTINUED.

On motion, the Revision Committee was continued for the purpose of compiling, indexing and printing these By~Laws. the same to include therein so much of. the ceremonies as have been incIud~d in former publications. Adopted. CALLED FROM, LABOR.

At I I :05 P. 1\1." the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM LAllOR until 9 :30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Prayer offered by the Grand Chaplain, R. W. Bro. Rev. Jno. H. Miller. *REVISED BY-LAWS NOT INCLUDIi;D IN PROCEEDINGS. KAXSAS Cl'rY, Mo., October 8, 1~08. John R.Parsot~, Grand Secretary, st. Louis, Mo.: . M. W. Sm AND BnO]'HER-In view of the fact that the Committee on Revision of the Grand Lodge By-Laws was continued for purposes which will necessarily involve considerable labor, and that to such committee was in. trusted the vrinting of the B~·-Laws. I do not consider it advisable' to delay , the printing of the Proceedings of the session of the Grand Lodge just closed, until this committee shall have completed its labor. I, therefore, most respcctfuIly direct that you cause the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge to be published, omitting tbe By-Laws. • Fraternally yours, (Signed) R. R. KREEGER, Grand Ai astCJ

1908. ]

Grand Lodge of lI,fissouri.


THIRD DAY-MORNING SESSION. : ST. LOUIS) THURSDAY, October I, 1908. The Grand Lodge was CALLED TO LABOR at 9 :30' o'clock A. M., by M. W. Bro. John T. Short, Grand Master, the other Grand Officers in their proper stations. Prayer offered by路 R. W. Bro. John H. l\1iller, Grand Chaplain. MINUTES APPROVED.

The minutes of the several"'sessions of yesterday were read and approved. RESOLUTION-MONITORS.

R. VV. Bro. Francis A. Leach offered the following'resolution,


was referred to Committee on Ways and'Means:

WHEREAS, Owing to the failm'e of the concern selling- the l\lonitor of Masonic written work of the first Three Degrees of Masonry in this Grand Jurisdiction, it has been difficult to get such monitors; and "'HTmEAs, Such difiiculty may arise in the futui'e from the same cause; and WHEREAS, It is now necessai'y to qo to another State to get wch monitors which should properly be pulJlished in and be under the conti'ol of this Grand Lodge; be it now therefore Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the incoming- Grand Master whose duty it shall be, with the assistance of the Gl'and Le~turel' and under the control of the Committee on Ways and Means, to prepare, copyright, cause to be published and sell to the Craft a Monitor of the written work of the first Three or Blue Lodge DegTees of this Grand Jurisdiction, to be designated as the authorized l\-lissouri Monitor, at a price to be determined by such committ2e, Any profit from the sale of such Monitors shall go to the Masonic Home.


W. Bro. Walter G. vVilderman, Chairman, presented the report for this committee, which was adopted, as follows: '1'0 the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Missouri:

)/our Committee on 'Transportation and Hotels begs leave to report that on account of the prevailing rate of two cents per mile fOi' the general public,


Proceedings of the


no less rate could be obtained for tbis occasion; and in this respect the Grand . Lodge is on equal terms with all similar gatherings in Missouri. The rates offered by the various botels are about the same as have been made heretofore. Fr~ternally submitted, WALTIDR G. WILDERMAN.



R. V\T. Bro. Van F. Boor presented and read the following report of this Special Committee on lVlonumcnt for R. W. Bro. Allan IvlcDo\vell, Past Grand Lectu:rer, which was ad?pted: To the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State,of Missouri:

BnE'l'HRRx-Your special committe0 appointed by the M. W. Gmud Master for the pUt'pose of selecting a design nnd making contract for a monument t.o be erecte(l in Mount "'ashington Cemetery at Kansas City, Mo., in memory of the late Allan McDowell, report as follows: . We have given the matter great. care and consideration. We received plans and specifications from a. number of representative firms, and finally awal'deu the contract to M. H. Rice, of Kansas City. Such contract being made ,January 27, 1908, and was completed about September 1st following. '.rhe monument is built of Barre granite. At the base it measures 7 feet by [) feet 2 inches; lotal height 11· feet 6 inches; ~eight, nearly 14 ton~. • '['he design selected shows three bases: On the face of the second base is the name ".McDowell." On the third, the title of the poem written by M:cDo~ell, "Life, Death and Life Again." The bases are surmo!lnted by fOUl' massive columns, surrounding the die, 01' tablet, which bears the inscription on the east side, "J-\Ilan "IcDowell, bol'll March 9, 1883. Died May 20, 1906. oGrand Lecturer of the 1\10st Worshipful Grand Lod~e, A. F. & A. M. of the State of Missouri for 37 years." On the north side of the die, is the keystone, with the inscription, "M. E. G. II. Priest, R. A. M. of Mo., 1893." On the south .side is the Maltese Cross with the 'inscl'iption, "R. E. G. C. I~night;; 'l'emplar of Missouri, 1888." On the west side, the emblem of Scottish lUte Masonry. The Square and Compasses with laurel wreath, is on the face of the plinth surmounting the column and die, and on top of this is a moulded cap stone. All of the emblems art.l carved in high relief, and all the lettel's are raised -and polished. It was deemed appropriate on the part of your committee to have an unveiling ceremony at Mount Washington on Sunday. the 20th day of September, and accordingly, R. W. Bros. R. R. Kreeger and V. F. Boor assumed the duties of anunging a progran;t suitable for the occasion. R. 'V. Bro: F. E. Leach, District Deputy Grand Mastel', acted as master of ceremonies. The monument Committee submitted a brief t·eport. An address was delivered by M. W. Bro. Wm. F. Kuhn. Music was furnished by Orient Chapter Quartette of Kansas City. The ceremony was concluded with a

1908. ]

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


prayer by the Grand Chaplain R.W·. Bro..Jno. H. Miller. The large audience in attendance, very generally' represented fl~iends and acquaintances of the deceased. Among the officers of this Grand Lodge who were in attendance, were the foliowing: R. W. Bro. Wm. A. Hall, Grand Senior Warden. R. W. Bro. C. C. Bigger, Grand .Tunior Warden. R. W. Bro. Jno. H M'iller, Grand Chaplain. R. 'W. Bro. Jacob Lampert, Grand Junior Deacon. R. W. Bro. V. F. Boor, Grand Senior Steward. A photograph of tllP. monument has been provided, and we recommend that a' picture of the same be included in tile printed Proceedings of this annual ,session ill connection with the report of your committee. "It is finished." Allan McDowell needed no monument to perpetuate his memory. Those who knew him. and associated with him in his work among the Craft, need no reminder of bis faithfulnes::;, of his loyalty and .devotion to lVIasom'y, and of his life and character; but it is most fitting and proper that the Ma~ons of Missouri should erect a suitable memorial over his eat·thly remains as a slight recogftition of the valuable services which he rendered, and also as an informet· to the Craft of the generations of the future that there lived and died in this commonwealth one of the world's greatest exemplars as a scholar and instructor of the principles and teachings of Freemasonl·y. Fraternally submitted, ETHELBERT'F. ALLEN, CAMPBELL WELLS, VAN F'. BOOR.


1v1. W. Bro. A. 1\/1. I?ockery, Chairman, presented the following report for the committee, which was adopted: To E. 'F. Allen, Campbell Wells and Van F. Boor, Committee to Supedntend the Const1'uction of McDowell Monument:

DEAR BRETHREK-I have the honor to submit the following report of receipts and expenditures on account of' th~ monument erected in memory of our Brother, Allan McDowell, Grand Lecturer. I bave received $500 each from the following Grand Bodies: M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri A. F. & A. M., Grand Chapter R. A. M. and the Grand Commandery K. T. This amount·! bave paid, pursuant to your direction, to M. H. Rice, of Kansas City, Mo., Contractor. . Of the amount expended by tbe Grand Lodge of Missouri $400 bas been refunded by the voluntary contributions of the following Bretbren: .Jobn R. Parson . T. A. Dunn R. F. Stevenson C. W. Bolster ,:, Wm. M. Williams



$ 10 00

-...... '. .. "

10 10 5 10

00 uO

00 00


Proceedings of the George F. Rogel'S Julius C. Garrell ., .Jacob Lampert W. A. lIall E. F. Allen Campbell 'Yells T'hos. R. 1\{orrow • A. 1\'1. Dockery Gate City Lodge, No. 522, Kansas City Kansas City Lodge, No. 220, Kansas City Scottish Rite Bodies of Kansas City Temple Lodge, No..299, Kansas City Gallatin R. A. Chapter, No. iI, Gallatin Rural Lodge, No. 316, Kansas City Hero~!le Lodge, No. 104, Kansas City Total .,

[Sept. $ 25 00 '

. . . . . . : .. . . . . . . .

25 10 '10 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 10 25 25

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


$400 '00 FratemaIly submitted,. ALEXANDER M. DOCKERY, Tl'eosUrel" McDowell 1lf o1l-umcnt Fllnd.


M. W. Bro. A.. M. Dockery, Chairman, made the following report, which was adopted: To the Most Worshipful Grand, Lodge of Anpient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri:

Your Committee on Ways and Means submits the following financial state· ment, together with recommendations thereon:


The report of the Grand Treasurer shows a balance in the treasury on the 21st day of September, 1908, of $46,788.87. Of this amount the sum of $23,052.75 is due the Masonic Home of Missouri by reas.on of the pel' capita tax, which would leave a net balance of $23,736.12 available for current expenditures. We recommend the fol,lowing appropriations: Office rent of Grand Secretary $ PI'lnting, postage, stationel'y, stenographic work and incidentals . Printing Proceedings 1908 . Salary of Grand Secretary . Salary of Grand Lecturer .........................•...... , .. Salary of Foreign Correspondent' , . Expenses of Grand Master . Salary of Grand TreasUl'er , : . Salary of Grand Tiler ,........... . .....•........ Portrait of Grand Mastel' Short , . Premium on Ronds of Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurel' . Past Grand Master's Jewel, John T. ShOI't. , . P, B. Eversden, organist this session . Lee M. ~dgar, reporting Proceedings of Grand Lodge and transcript. '£elephone in offic'e of Grand SeCI'etal·.\' .

1,200 1,800 1,600 2,750 2,750 500 1,000 200 150 GO 150 100 15 GO 72

VO 00 00 00 Of)

VO 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00


Grand Lodge of lvlissouri.


500 00 Expenses Schools of Instruction District Lecturers ...•......... $ 25 00 of Committee in leasing .office of Grand Secretary . 500 00 l"urnishing offiCe of Grand Secretary . 17 00 Expenses A. S. Ifouston, Revision Committee . 13 80 Expenses W. F. Johnson, Revision Committee . 450 00 Compensation for Revision Committee . 750 00 Charity, according to report of Committee '.' . 270 15 Expenses t~is session of Grand Lodge . Pay roll 1908 : . 6,271 5;; Refund to Easter Lodge, No. 57;), of money formerly belonging to defunct Franklin Lodge, No. 541 . 225 69 Repairing collars and aprons . 15 00 Exp~nses

$21,435 19 Yonr committee further recommends a sufficient appropriation to pay for the printing, indexing and distribution of the Constitution and the new Code 'of B;y-Laws, together' with an appropriate preface, Rules of Order, Ceremonies of Installation, Laying of Corner-Stones, Dedication of Halls, and the General Forms usually printed in connection with our organic Code; the numb€l' of copies, and the .cost thereof t.o be determined by the Grand Master, Grand Secret.ary and Chairman of Committee on Ways and ;\1eans, and warrants to be issued as directed by said committee. Fl'3ternally submitted,



On motion, the' Grand Secretary was authorized to print receipts for Lodge dues, the cost of same to be paid by authority of the Grand Master, Grand Secretary and Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means. Form of receipt to be as fol1ow~ :


"These receipts shall of bond paper with stub, and of . suitable size, and shall contain the printed autograph of the Grand Secretary, and the year for which it is issued. The receipts shall be furnished to the Lodges at cost."


Proceedings of the



R. \"1'. Bro. D. B. Farnsworth, Chairman, presented and read the following report, which was adopted: To the Most Wotshipf'u.l Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accept.ed Masons of the State. of Missou.ri:

Your Committee on Charity beg to report that we have (>xamined and carefully considered all applications (or charity which have come before us, and we recommend the payment of the 'following sums: 1. To Craft Lodge, No. 287, fOr the use and benefit of Brother Wm. H. Beach, $100.00. • 2. To Wyaconda Lodge, No. 24, for the use and benefit of Brother John F. Albel'ty, $100.00. 3. To Sturgeon Lodge, No. 174, for the use and benefit of Brothel' F. P. Vance, $100.00. . 4. To ClarksvlIle Lodge, No: 17, for the use and benefit of Brother A. T . .Jamison, $ 7 5 . 0 0 . ' . G. To Portland Lod;;e, No. 242, for the use and benefit of Brother W. J. Jackson, $50.00. 6. To Waverl~' Lodge, ?-70. 61, for the use ftnd benefit of Brother P. H. Pitts, $75.00. 7. To St. Louis Chapter, No:' 8, R. A. M., for the use of Mrs. M. Detter, widow of lkother H. Detter, $50.00. 8. To :i\fl's. K. ~I. Deane, widow of P. G. Chaplain, K. M. Deane, Mexico, Mo., $100.00. 9. To Mrs. Annie l\1. Ready, widow of 'rhos. C. Ready, Past. Grand Master, $100.00. Fraternally submitted,


B. FARNSWORTH, Ohai1"rnan,



1\1. \lV. Bro. A. IVI. Hough offered the following amendments to Section 2, Article 2, and Section 3, Article 2, of the Consti..' tution~ which were read by the Grand l\4:aster and ordered to lie over for one year, under the Grand Lodge law: Amend the Constitution of this Grand. Lodge by striking out Sec. 2, Article II, and enact the following- in lieu thereof: "SEC. 2. The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior 'Vardens of any Lodge, and no other, may appear and vote by proxy, said proxy being at the time of service a member of the same Lodge as his pl'incipal, and producing a properly authenticated certificate of his appointment."


GTa'nd Lodge of Missouri.


Amend the Constitution of this Grand Lodge by striking out Sec. 3, of Article II, and enact the following in lieu thereof: "SIle. 3. Each member of the Grand Lodge shall be entitled, when present:, to one vote,and no more, in all the proceedings of the Grand Lodge. A membcl' can not vote personally in one capacity and by proxy in another:'


The report of the Committee on Obituaries being taken from the table, Rev. Dr. and lVI. "V. Bro. C. C. Woods was recogriized by the Grand 1\1aster, and spoke as follows: MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTEn' AND BUETHUEN OF THE GRAND LODGFr--

J do not apologize for taldng your time on this occasion, not merely because I so rarely offend in this respect that :vour kindness would doubtless

E'a5iIy forgive, hut for the far greater reason that there are now before us, and for the last time, certain eminent Brethren whose high qualities challenge fraternal justice for a brief recognition before we relegate them forever to the eternal 'past. They are bcforeus-with us, not in visible form and revealment, but in spirit presence, summoned fl'om the shadowy unknown by the splendid tribute of Rev, Doctor and M. ,V. Bro. C. H. Briggs, which so toncbingly recites their bigh cbaractel' and many virtues, that in fancy we again behold tbem as of yore. Tbey lay aside the cerements of the tomb and once more stand with us upon this platform in the vigor of peerless manhood. They greet us with kindly band and kindling eye and by the token and the Shib路 boleth we know them as BrotlJers still, thougb they labor with tis no more in the quarries of earth. And since for them we propose no lofty monument, no py'ramid of stone 01' bronze to tell their virtues t.o the ages: since no earthly memorial volume will recoed their history, and no poet-laUl'eate will chant a high prean in their praise, it behooves us to pause for a moment "on the beow of the hill neal' lilt. Moriab" and pay a triuute to our dead Hirams before we commit them forever to the nnreturning past. Among these shadow:;, forms that today toucb our hearts with theh' /nute appeal is one, n~t more worthy perhaps, but more widely lmown tban ali the 'rest; one to whom my sympathies went out and with whom my affections intertwined as not with others-Noah M. Givan. I knew him in the bloom of early manhood when ambition pointing' upwards stirred the pulses of his being and prompted high endeavor. 1 Imew him in the toilful summer of life when bronzed and scarred by. time, tempest and battle; and I lmew him amid the experiences of bis. autumn, when the sun, past its bigh meridian, was casting long and longer shadows toward the East. And always and everywhel'e I knew him as a Pdnce among his peers" a Saul among his Brethren, towering higher in moral stature and yet altogether devoid of egotistic consciousness of altitude or position. As a jurist be ,\as justly recognized as eminent and worthy. His conclusions were ral'ely criticised' and almost never succesfully controvel=ted. As a citizen he .was loyal to duty. As a mere acquaintance he was ever genial and courteous, and 'as a friend he was -faithful to the limit. As n. Christian he was true to his God,


Proceedings of the


his church and to humal1ity, always superior to intolerance and bigotry and ~'et cherishing his personal convictions of tbe truth; and in the high and holy yet tender relations of the home life, he was without spot 01' sbadow. He was In truth a Sir Galahad, a gallant Knight! "Whose strength was as tbe strength of ten, Because his heart was pure." 'Ve' would not do violence to' the modesty of our Brother. even thougb dumb and unprotesting in death, by claiming for him a character absolutely without fault or folly; for as thel'e are spots upon the sun and the most splendid star meets' occasional occultation in its mighty orbit, so路 every human llfe has its llmitations and its error..,. But we do assert that we may turn \ every page of his life's history witbout a blusb and study his character with no painful regrets. His greatest fault, if fault it be, was an exaggeration of the highest virtue. A sympathy for the unfortunate and erring, which sometimes perhaps expressed itself too strongly for the really unworthy. But, however, wonderfully Iil,e .the Infinite in this-like the AllPitying who in His highest expression in the Man of Nazareth came "to seek and to save that which was lost." Would that all of us might sin more often in this wise! I No one ,vho rightly SUl'\'eys the history of M. W. Bro. Givan will doubt tbat he accompllshed his grandest worK and achieved his highest distinction in his connection witb the Masonic Home. While lacking nothing in respect to the law, the history, the philosophy, or tbe spirit and genius of Freemasonry, yet his streng'th and wisdom were manifest in his position as President of the Masonic Home as nowhere else: and in this relation he was best lmown and most greatly loved. When in tbe organization of the Board of Directors the position of President was urged upon myself, as having been Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Home, I, realizing my own limitations and the great qualities demanded by this responsibility, sbrUlllt from the but'den and declined the honor, and without hesitation we unanimollsly elected bim to tbat high position, which he so nobly and conscientiously filled to the day of his death. Only those who, like myself, have known the inner history of the Masonic Home can appreciate the magnitude of his worR and the soul-taxing anxiety and difficulty in connection tberewith. The Home was not dearer to him than to others; but unquestionably he ,abored more abundantl~' and successfully than any and is worthy of the highest honor in that regard. Yet to the splendid men who for long years have given tbeir time and strength as members of the Board, and espeeially_ the St. Louis members, we accord aU honor and praise. And while to give due mentipn of each were impossible, yet it will not be Iforgotten tbat to }\'1. W. Bro. John R. Parson, our present Grand路 Secretary, rightly belongs the distinction of receiving from his Lodge, Chapter and Commandery $100.00 each as the first donation to the Masonic Home, which he forwarded to me as Chairman of the committee befol'e the orga:Q.ization of t.he Board; and he will be remembered lilcewise for his splendid ~anagemcnt in securing for the Home the magnificent sum of $35,000 on O'rpbans' Day at the Triennial Conclave of 1886; and also the sum of $7,000 on t.hat glad daywben the Home was dedicated in 1889, thus raising $42,000 for it.s endowment! Rut . all tbese noble men will be remembered in the annals of the fliture and tbeir names and virtues are even now recorded on higb.. The passing of our Brother Givan seemed to us untimely, for the years had dealt kindly witb him. His e~'e was bright, his voice clear, bis hand was



Grand Lodge of Missouri.,

steong and his form erect. Only his heart had yielded to the stress of time and burden of sorrow; but it had grown sweeter and purer in these ,el'y expel"iences, His life was not in the "sere and yellow leaf." We mom'n him dead; and yet perhaps it is hettel', for we shall remember him as in the fullness of a completed manhood, and not in the blight and decay of age! If his sun sank at once from :Meridian height, at least it spared him the long, chill twilight of advancing ~real路s. So better for both. We shall embalm him in our memory at ilis best and he has entered into a heritage infinitely higher and happier than our fo~dest endeavor could win him here. He was to me a friend, a brother-tender, tried and true, and I held him close to my heart, And so when I stood by the grave and looked into its cold and unresponsive depths, it seemed to me that the spirit touched by our sobbing sorrow might pause in its upward flight; and spreading forth my longing hands, I said "Peace to thee, oh, my Brother-and again Peace. And if indeed with spirit eye and ear you look and listen, let this great multitude with flowers and tears, aching hearts and broken, sorrowing words testify how much you wel'e loved and 'honored, and how gl'eatly we miss and mourn you!"

M, \TIl. Bro. A. M. Dockery then said: \

BRETHREX-I have shared with you, the pleasure of listening to the beautiful tribute, by l\L W, Bro. Briggs, in memory of OUl' distinguished departed Past Grand Masters; and also that richest of loving tributes which has just fallen fI'om the lips of 1\1, ':V. Bl'O, Woods, It had been my purpose, to pI'epare something for this occasion, but during the greater part of the session I have been quite indisposed and that opport.unity has been denied me. But Most Worshipful Grand Master, I ask for a single moment to lay a flower upon the graves of these eminent Past Grand Masters. Memory with me is busy in the long ago, Forty-one years ago I attended my first session of tl~e Grand Lodge of Missouri. As I have looked out over t.his splendid representative body of Missouri Masons, a feeling of sadness comes over me today. as I am reminded that of all the Representatives who were' here in 1867, Brother Anderson and I are the only ones here now. I was touched hy the repol't of Brother Ander'son on Foreign Correspondence, read yesterday, in which he said in substance that the penalty of a long life was that we outlived our friends, How true! And I was further reminded of that touchin~ observation of Rip Van Winkle, when he retumed after his twenty years sleep to his own home, recognized by no one; and in tones of pathetic sorrow exclaimed, "Alas, how soon we are forgot." "That was true then I fear is equally true now. But if there are lives that will live in the memories, the affections and the confidence of Missouri Masons, they are the lives of Givan, Thomas and Stubblefield, I can not add anything to what has been so we!! expressed by Brother Woods in speaking of Noah M, Givan. ,I attended his funeral. Eight Past Grand :lIIasters were present and participated in the soiemn and impressive ceremonies of our Order' rendered by the Grand Master. A great multitude of the people of that section of the State were present. I think possibly that Givan was an exception to the rule-almost universal-to reserve flowers for the casket. There were flowers there for the casket in' almost regal profusion, but it is a pleasure to remember that many were strewn in his pathway while he yet lived. Brethren, it was my privilege, on the invitation of Athens Lodge, at Albany, assisted by M. W. Bro. E. F. Allen, to lay to rest the mortal remainl!!



Proceedings of the


of l\f. W. BL路o.-Joshua B. Thomas. It was the largest funeral I have ever seen in the State of ;YIissouri. The circumstances of his death were tragic. Possibly that IDay have accounted for the outpouring of the Masons and the people of Gentl'~' and adjoining counties. Never before probably had the men, the women and the children of that section, assembled in so vast a throng to do honor tv the me!Dory of any man, as on that November day when they gathered in the capital of the grand old C'ounty of Gentry. Bretllren, I thought then if the spirit of our Brother could have hovered over the scene and noted the universal sadness, when great strong men in that vast audience sobbed out their grief, he would have hesitated long before he terminated a life so endeared to the people of Northwest Missouri. It was not my privilege to be present at the funeral of M. W. Bro. Stubblefield. But I had known him for a long term of years. Brother Stubblefield did not flash across the 'Masonic horizon like a meteor, Qut his life was steady and consistent.. lIe was a gentleman of lovable character, beloved of the Fraternity of MissoUL'i, and I regretted very much that I was not permitted to stand by his grave and pay a last tribute. Brethren, I am glad we have paused, even for a moment in the busy rush of .1his wondeL'ful century, to pay a just tribute to the characters of these honorable and loved Missouri Masons. 'I11ey can now answer the question that has come down through all the ages, that you and I, the oldest and the youngest of this Grand I,odge, must soon answer for ourselves. It is the solemn and tremendous (Juestion: "If a man die, shaB he Jive again?" I rejoice,Most Worshipful Grand Master, in the thou1;ht that while Masonry does not' teach a. religious ci'eed, it does point the way to another and a better llf~. )1any of us may not so live that we can hope, without a change, to enjoy that coming life as Givan and others do. But I do rejoice with the inspiring faith of my mother, that after this life there will be, another and a more glorious life that 'will continue .,forever and forever.

vV'. Bro.


West Goodwin paid fitting tribute as follmvs-:

MOST WORSHIPFUL GRA"D MAST},]TI A"D BRF.1HREN-I certainly am deeply touched by the,,(~ expressive words and encomiums tha t have been passed u.pon these distinguished Masons who have so recently departed this life. But I desire in lOy weakness, and in your indulgence, t.o say one word in \'egard to Brothel' Givan. PL'obably I am the only man in this audience that bas known him now fifty years. I knew him in Indiana when he was a school teacber. I knew his father and his mother and I lmew his brothers, and his whole family, ana I t.ell you, his distinguished Brethren flnd others, this of Brothel' Givan, that he was just like his family, t.hat his family were just lil,e bim. And knowing him as I did for these many years, following his career here as a lawyeL' and fis a Judge in the :-itate of j\Iissouri,. I say without fear of successful contl'adiction, that he was "one of the most absolutely pure men and tL'ue Masons of any of the thousands and thousands of acquaintances I have had over this world. In my experience as a. newspaper pUblisher I 'have come in contact wit.h great bodies of men, both as Masons and politicians and others. No ilian that I ever knew was ~ nearly pUl'e as w,as Brother Givan. I Imow these distinguished Masons of the State who attended his funeml, and I was struck with the sorrow of the great throng of people there that paid tribute to his' memory and who followed him with theil' tears on his last pilgrimage. I thank yon.


1908. ]

Grand Lodge of



1V1.Vv. Bro. C. H. Briggs, Chairman of the路 Committee on Obitnaries, eulogized our departed Brethren m impressive terms, as follow~: /

, I would like to say a word as Chairman' of the committee. I regret to say, Brethren, 路that no data whatever reached us by which to prepare memorandum as to Judge .Tohn Eo Hyland, Past Deputy Grand Master: and that is why nothing was prepared. Inasmuch as we have nothing copied out in the usual form it is proper. that at least a word should be said in his behalf. Many of us knew him. . IT e was the honored son of an: honored sire. His father was two' years Grand ,Master in 1849 and again in 1850: his brother, Xenophon Ryland, was also a Grand Master of this .Grand Lodge, and he was worthy of that lineage of the family of whicb he was a pal't. A man of the highest personal c,haracter, devout and religious in spirit, true to the church of his choice, to which the activity of a long and useful life was given. A ruan of the highest personal quality, a gentleman by instinct and b3-' training, kindly toward all that met him, withal a man of fine legal ability, filling with distinguished honor the position of Judge for many years; absolutely inco1'l'uptible in llis life and unbiased in hi:;; judgments. His was a life flawless and stainless as any that I have ever known. And it is an honor to Masonry that men of the character of Judge John E. Ryland should have taken anillterest in Freemasonry and should have been, as he was in the days of his prime, an efficient worker in all of the bodies of Fi'eemasonry; and was accounted in the Gr~nd Commandery as one of the best Prelates in the State. With regard to路路 these others to whom. l'eference has been made, I 'need add but little, if anything. Howard Watson was' well kno\vn in this State. I knew him only in Masonic channels. I metbim at the frequent meetings of the Grand Lodg-eand on some few othel' occasions. The last time that we were together in any Masonic work that I remember, was when in the tragedy of the 'Tnird Degree in raising to the sublime degree of Master Mason the man who now fills the chair of Chief Executive of our State, he was stationed at the South Gate, myself at the. West and R. W. Bl'O. William A. Flail at the Fast Gate. He was a man lovable in clwracter. All that knew him, trusted and honored him. The breakdowD in his health, the disappointruent of his ambitions, although unavoidable, were a grief to us all. William R. Stubblefield was a man with whom I was thrown much in some 'of the days gone by. He was elected Gl'3nd Master at the first Gr~nd Lodge I ever attended, in 1880. :My closest association with him, however, was during the year I was Grand High Priest of the Gl'and Chapter 'Royal ArCh Masons of Missouri. He was our Grand Lecturel' then. We traveled much together and visited many Chapters 'together, and there I had the best of opportunities to know his real. worth, And the unostentatious qualities of that clean, noble,' simple life grew on me more and more, and I loved him as a brother, and tbat feeling grew tenderer the more I knew him until the end came. . I knew Judge Givan some years before I became 'a Mason, More tban thirty-five years ago my acquaintance with that man began in Harrisonvilleit was in his home, where I was stationed as a preacher thirty-six )'ea'l's ago this fall, and my. opinion formed of the man on that my first acquaintance developed and grew stronger as the acquain tance became more accurate, after I became, a few years from that time,; a Mason'.


ProceedÂŁngs of the


.Toshua B, Thomas I knew in a 'sense-was once his guest in his home on a vi~it to Albany, and it was a 'delightful household to be in and tender, memol'ies of that visit and the personal kindnesses shown to myself move me to say that his untimely death was a matter of deep personal grief, Martin Collins I knew as I have been me~ting him bereall these years, only meeting him, I think, in Masonic channels, But that fig.\lre commanded respect and reverence worthy of the honor can felTed upon him, and worthy of being cherished in our memory as the years go by. . I am glad to have known these Brethren. I think it is well that we should pause and consider their virtues, that we may emulate theil' exampie; and I move the adoption of the report,

Unanimously adopted and so ordered. MILEAGE AND PER DIEM FOR DELINQUENT GENTRYVILLE LODGE No. 125.

On motion, the Representative of delinquent Gentryville Lodge, No. 125, was placed on the pay roll. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION.

R.O W. Bro. Van F. Door offered the following amendment to the constitution, which was read by the Grand Master, and ordered to lie over for one year: Amend Section 1, of Article II, of the Constitution, by striking out the ninth line thel'eof and Inserting in lieu thereof the following: "A Senior Gl'and Deacon," and st:-ike out the tenth line thereof and insert in lieu thereof the following: "A Junior Grand Deacon,"


W. Bro. Sam'l R. Stevenson presented and read the report of the Committee on Credeiltials. Adopted as follows: To the a/-and Lodge of Ancient F1'etJ and Accepted .Masons of the State of Missouri:

Your Committee on Credentials has the honor to submit the following report: At this session of the :Most Worshipful Grand Lodge thei'e were present 752 Repl'esentatives from 385 Lodges, consisting of 320 WorshipfUl Masters, 113 Senior Wal'<lens, 72 Junior Wardens and 247 Past Masters, There were also present 19 Grand Lodge Officel's. 15 Past Gmnd Masters, 7 Grand Represelltatives, 44 District Deputy Grand Masters, and 9 District


Grand Lodge of J.11isso1tri.

1908. ]

Lecturers, making a total attendance of 844. Among the visitors, ~L W. Bro. Milton H. Price, Grand Master of the State of 'J."ennessee. In addition to the above, we find 7 Lodges represented under dispensation. Fraternally submitted, S. R. STEVENSON, Chairman,

J. W. LA FEVER, Secj路etarll路



M. W. Bro. A. S. Houston, Chairman, presented and read the report of the Committee on Ritual, which was adopted, as follows:


the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Missouri:

BRETHREN-Your Committee on Ritual pL'esent th~ following report: We find abundant cause for congratulation in the wonderful progress which has been made in the study of the ritual. Not only in the populous Lodges of the cities, but even in remote country Lodges, with iew facilities for obtaining instruction, a remarkable proficiency, and famlllarity with the work of the degrees is everywhere shown. A spirit of generous rivalry has taken hold of the 3ioung men of the State, and fired by a zealous enthusiasm they have become hypercritical, and will brook no inefficiency nor incompetency in official position. Certainly no man may longer hope for promotion in this Grand Lodge unless he is thoroughly equipped in the 'ritualistic work. The good that men do lives after them. The greatness of the life work of Allan McDowell is not more conclusively shown than in the abundant fruitage of efficient and faithful workers who are everywhere in evidence. Under the skillful guidance of our present most excellent Grand LectureL', the work which Brother McDowell laid down continues with unabated interest and success, and we congratulate the Craft tbat the work has fallen to one so eminently and peculiarly fitted for its arduous demands. Surely th~ mantle of Elijah has fallen upon Efisha's shoulders. !1'raternally SUbmitted,. A. S. HOUSTON, WM. A. HALL, D. M. WILSON, CAMPBELL WELLS, R. R. KREEGER.

M. W. Bro. Houston further stated that two unsigned papers -almost identical in form-had been submitted, to the Com-' G.

r.. Pro.-5




of the

[ Sept:

mittee on Ritl~ql, with reference to' the organization of "Masonic Oubs," and said: "Your committee finds that this paper-well, both of them-,-enlarges the scope of .the duties of the Grand Master in one, and of ,the Grand Lecturer and Deputy Grand Masters in the other; and, if adopted, will necessitate 'a change in the By-Laws which have just been adopted. We, therefore, recommend ,that these two papers be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence; or, if deemed best by this Grand Lqdge,. to' the Committee on By-Laws." On motion, the "two papers" were referred to'the Committee '.bn J urispru'dence; to report at the next 'session of the Grand Lodge. The "two papers" are as follo'ws: 1. Be it Resolved, By tbis Grand Lodge that upon the petition of ten Master Masons, in good st.anding and all in tbe same District, addressed to, t.he Grand Master be shall autborize the formation of a Club for the purpose' of teaching the Ritual and work as authorized by tbe Grand Lodge' of Missouri; provided, be sha)) be satisfied that proficient instructors can be provided by such Club, they to be duly autborized by tbe Gmnd Lecturer or District Lecturer. Eacb District may have onc Club. and in Districts baving over ten Lodges there may be one Club for eacb ten,' r~odges .or fl'3ctlon of ten. . Any Master路 Mason in good standing may be admitted to rilem1Jel'ship or as a visitor when properly Youc~ed for. Such Clubs shall meet in regularly inspccted and dedicated 11alls. All such Clubs sha)) be under the supcrvision of tbe Dish'ict Depu~y Gr~nd Master for the Disll'icl in which a Club is located. The District Lecturer shall be authority in the work and have charge of instruction, so far as practicable, and sha)) supervise instl~uctors provided by tbe Club. The Grand Ma-stel' sha)) be and he is hf:reby empowered to suspend any such Club for utlmasonic conduct.

2. Resolved.. 'l'hat the Grand Master may, upon the petition of ten Master

;\lasons in good standing, authorize the formation of Clubs to teach路 tbe Ritual and v,'ork- of the Grand Lodge; under tbe supervision and control of the District Deputy Grand Master for the Disll'ict in which the Club Is located. The District Lecturer shall be authority in the work and have sole charge of teaching it, and may appoint competent instructors, P"ovided that the Club shall meet in a regula.rly inspected and d~dicated, Lodge ball and be duly tiled, and further p'rovidcd, that. none but Master Masons in good standing and d111y vouched for shall be admitted.



Grand. Lodge of l\!lissouri.

1908. ]


W. Bro. W. R. Shrodes, Chairman, presented the following report of the Committee ·on Pay Roll, which was adopted:: ST..


:Mo., October 1, 1908.

'1'0 thfJ Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of .Missouri:

Your Committee on Pay Roll at this session of the Grand Lodge begs to l'eport that the allowances for mileage and per diem have been' distributed as follows: .. Grand Lodge Ofiicel's $ 222 3;) Past Grand ~1asters ............•.............................. 'i69 95 , District Deputy Grand Masters : .. 593 80 District Lecturers . 151 90 Committees ......................•......................... : . 273 60 Representatives of Chartered· Lodges . 4,769 65 Heprescntatives of Lodges U. D. (7) . 90'30 Total


lii6,271 55

Fraternall:}' submitted, W. R. SHIWDES,


. John T. Short $11 R. R. Kreeger 17 Wm. A. Hall 6 ·C. C. Bigger •.............. 14 A. C. Stewart 6 John R. Parson 6 J. H. Miller 17 A. A. Johnson 15 Jacob Lampert 6 PAST

00 10 00 40 00 00 10 50 00


D. M. Wilson ...........•.. $15 A. M. Dockery ..........•.. 16 E. F. Allen 17 A. 1\1. Hough ..•........... fl Wm. Ii": Kuhn·. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 A. S. Houston 10 C. H. Briggs '. . . . .. 15

70 05 10 00 30 40 50

1. N. Evrard ...........••.. $13 T. W. Cotton : .. :: .. 13 .1. M. Doran .14 Wm. Southel'll, Jr 16 J. R. McLachlan 13 Ii'. R. .1 esse 10 Joun W. Owen '" . .. G Van F. Boor i7 C. A. Mosman 18

55 40 50 50 50 40 00 10 30


R. E. Anderson ......•..... $11 4'0 L. ll. Valliant 6 00 R. ~\ Stevenson 6 00 C. C. Woods 6 00 J. W. 'Boyd 18 30 Campbell Wells 18 20


Proceedings of the



J. D. T. A. C. H. C. C. F. G. G. T. T. G. J. H. II. J. J.

C. Senate $15 1\:1. Foster ' 18 A. Dunn 18 Stauble .. 18 L. Evans 19 F. Lawrence 16 W. Bolster 15 F. Ridings.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 L. Madden 14 F. Brewington 13 Eo Mayhall............. 10 F. Hurd 12 IL Walton 11 W. Ruckeli 13 P. Tucker 17 Sinauer 15 L. Wilson 11 E. 'Reeds 13 W. Powell 8 Eo A. Fluesmeier 6 W. A. Clark 11

70 00 25 70 65 05 20 05 70 00 70 55 80 50 30 75 85 00 40 15 00

Wro. E. Hoke $ 6 Arthur Conger .. , ~ 16 J. C. Laughlin 16 E. E. Codding . . .. 13 H. L. Hunter , 16 H. T.Wright ..· 13 C. E. Pyle '.' 7 W. R. Bowles .. , 17 G. D. Allee 18 R. A. Mooneyham 18 Henry Wilson............. 18 J. A. Naney •.............. 14 Ed Henderson 9 G.W. Miller 13 Henry Schroeder 14 W. W. 'Martin 14 T.' D. Martin.. :..... . . . . . . .. 16 G. J. Vaughan · 16 H. I. Bl'adford 17 W. A. Phipps 18

00 15 20 50 90 25 80 10 05 50 25 65 70 10 50 15 65 35 30 40

DISTIUCT LECTURERS. C~ C. Miller A. F. 'Braun H. C. Noland C. H. Cheney W. R. Eckle

$19 18 17 17 15

15 30 30 10 75


Wm. F. Johnson W. R. Shrodes . D. IJ. .Farnsworth G. H. Pike A. ,F. Ittner

$12 21 15 14 6

M. E. Schmidt F. E. Bruton J. C. Gal-rell J. Gravely Daniel O'Bryan



$12 11 6 17 17

SO 30 00 10 10


80 70 50 15 00

H. T. Wright H. H. Getman Jas. A. Smith, Jr. W. G. Wilderman

$13 25 17 10 6 00 '. . .. 6 00


. D. A. Edw. L. S. B. A.

Jamison Higbee Rassieur Lange

$16 32 16 16

00 40 00 00


U. A. Presnell

Q. A.



E. A. de Celis W. S. Windsor

; ,

$12 15 13 16

40 20 00 90

B. S. TJee ......••.......... $35 00 W. J. Roberts 24 60 F. A. Leach 21 10 .

U. D.

G. B. P€rkins W. S. Hamilton R. M. Mayn~rd

:. $ 6 75 19 70 6 35

1908. ] Ko. 1. 2. .>.

5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 16. 17. 18. . In. 20. 21. 22. 23.

24. 2;5. 26. 28. 30. 32. 3;). 36. 37. 40. 41. 44. 4;;, 4(j. 47. 48.


Grand Lodge of lvfissouri.

Fred SUl'l'idge G. :\1. Burkllardt " G. Davison C. H. A. Brechtel ,Yo B. ~iinor A . .:.\idlehen 'S. R. Stevenson \V. R. Holland L. H. Blattner 'V..1. Dent '1': C. Sparks ; H. G. Lewis C. F. :::iandel's J. lVI. Boone H. 1'. Smith J. .J. Browning, r. W. SKlower W. S. :'Ifanring F. :n'. Hag-enstein D. P. Violett T. Eo Heatherly L. C. Smith J. C. Bralley C. B. BOYing V. G. Sut/llfe ·J. C. Van Fossen A: C. Kelley G. A. Hussell (;co. Bauer O. G. Koenig R. ~1. Beltrd C. H. Bl'own C. L. Shotwell n. A. Talle~' C. O. Lewis n. n. Ford \Y . .J. Ellington D. A. :"orthover C. II. Barnes J. A .• Koontz 'V. B. Calvert .1. A. Bloom T. B. :\lo1'1'is W. IT. Carpenter G. P. Sanders r. W. Parry W. R. Rlloades W. E. \Yampler W. C. Oke,r H. R. Harris P. Baldwin J. A. Clark




Cooper llemple i\H. j\loriah BismarCK Fair Play Bonllomrrw Wenbwille Fayette Fulton 4!). Holt 50. Xenia 51. Liylngston 52. Wakanda 53. Weston :d. Index 55. Arrow Rocl;: :if). Centralia 60.' Kew Bloomfield 62. Vinci! 63. Cambridge 65. Pattonsburg 66. Grant City 67. Roclleport 68. Kennett 69. Sullivan



LODGE. Missouri Meridian Beacon United Ark ' O'Sullh'an Geo. Washington Agency Pauldingville Tyro Rising- Sun Cyl·ene' Uemphis Clarl,svillc Palmyra Paris Union St. Louis Havana Wellington Florida Wyaconfla Naphtali A va St. .lobn Huntsville Humphreys



6 00 15 50

13 20 13 50 () 00 17 90 G 15 !) 2;-. 17 63 8 25 14 58 .9 3i:i 11 40 12 G5

4 00 7 30 12 00 5 7i:i 12 00

6 OU 18 10 12 10 17 12

6 00

. . . . .. . .

7 17 6 5 12 11 14 15 12 14

Ii) 20 90 80 40 35 25 00 G;)


18 20 16 ,20 8 00 10 9G

, . . . . . .


80 20 50

4:> 80 8 00

, ' .

6 00

6 00

. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

11 16 13 11 18 12 15

6" 65 10 00 40 3" 25

8 70

132 No.

Proceedings of the LODGE.


Savannah .........•.. T. ,\7. Scott . . 73. Eureka J. S. 'Yallace . 74. 'ValTen ; .•• A. F. Arrington . 75. Silex 'V. E. 'Villiams . 76. Independence J. P. Griebel : . 77. Lebanon ......•...... ,Yo L. 'Yingo .. ' . 78. St. Joseph C. Harrison .. '. . . . . . . . . .. . . 79. Polar Stal' F. Eardley . ; H. A. Boye . 80. Bl:idgeton 82 .. Jaskson ,V. '1'. Ball . 83. Laclede O. L. Weisgcrber . G. A. Benedict : . 84. Webster Groves A. A. W!.leelel' , .. 85. Miami J. E. Chambers . 86. Brookfield R. S. Long . 87. 'Vashington J. W. 'Reynolds : . 89. Friendship R. H. .lones . 90. Russellville 92. .::::::::: 93. B. F. Branson . 94. Vienna C. H. Couch . 95. Meramec J. T. Perry . 96. St. Andrews 71f. D. Shamblin . 97. Bethany '1'. H. 'Walters . 98. 'Vebster G. B. Orr . 99. lV[t. ,Vernon J. H. Riddle "" . 100. Ash Grove ' D. \V. 711innis . 10l. Bogard Eo S. Jones . 102. Bloomington J. B. Well,er . 103. West View M. J. Zack . 104. Heroine P .•1. Rieger........... .. .. 105. Kirksville ~ James 1\1. McClaskcy . '106. GaJlatin N. A. Zimmerman . 110. Marcus W. H. McGrath . 111. Trenton A. R. Alexander . 113. Plattsburg F. H. Hnbbell : . 114. Twilight ' R. B. Wilder . 115. Laddonia Jesse Larean . 1,16. Barnes . 117. Versailles ..•.......... Eo Price Lee Bridgewater . 118. Kingston W. S. Preston . 119. De Soto D. McRuer . 120. Compass F. Gieselmann ' . 121. Erwin A. J. Stohl mann . 123. Hermann Alva Mann , . 125. Gentryville A'. J. Quackenbush . 126. Seaman 127. Athens .. .' s.. C. Killam . T. R. Hopkins, . 129. Monett W. H. Ta;rlor . . 132. Farmington J. R. Edmonson ' .. 134. Olean ' C. D. Gearhart . 135. Braymer J. E. Thompson .. 136. Phrenix 71.


~1. ~'. ~~:::~'m':::::::::::::::::::

[Sept. PAID. 18 7fl

11 25

2;:) 05 6 90

16 50 9 80 19 05 6 00 6 65 11 25. 13 25 6 40 12 50 14 15 17 10

15 00 11 75

9 75 11 90 11 25 7 10 11 75 18 2;:) 14 50 17 2;:) 16 25 13 7;:) 11 00 11 00 17 10 14 20 16 05 10 30 16 50 17 20 11 85 14 80 16'3;:) 11 RO 16 4;>

7 80 17 30,

6 00 '9 20

17 10

15 70 17 55 17 30 9 70 ]2 10

15 85 9 80

Grand Lodge of JH£ssouri.

1908.] 'No. 137. 139. 140. 141. 143.



Delphian .........•.. T. J. Humphreys . Oregon H. :\1. Dungan . l'apinville :n. B. Campbell : . Amsterdam G. V. Boswell . Irondale A. P. Hobinson '.. 144. :Modern G. A. Arnold . 146. McGee M. C. Clifford . 147. Cass H. C. Daniel, Jr . 151. 1\1ilton E. .J. Vroman . 152. Linn Creek J. Vl. Vincent . 153. Bloomfield T. B. TUl'llbaugh . 154. Ionic 'V. G. Manson . 157. North Star A. McMichael . 158. Mountain Grove Z. T. Skirvin . 159. Green City ..' C. A. Walker . 163. Occidental Ed. L. Dillon . 164. Joachim H. H. Lloyd . 165. Maryville 'V. .Jones . . 168. Colony M. F. Wl'ight . 16H. Camden Point 1-1. H. Gorton . 171. IIartfonI C. H. Cal'l'yer . . 172. Censer J. C. '''"ood ' . 173. Gl'ay Summit A. F. BorbeI'g . J. W. Hartley . 174. StUl'geon 177. 'J\exa~ W. 1-1. Farris . 178. Griswold '.. H. H. Dyke . 179. Pride 'of the West Eo C. F. Kol,en . L. t H. Norris . 181. Novelty 1.83. California W. C. Heck . 184. Morley C. B. II an'is . N. P. Gasper . 185. ChamOis ' 'Varren Surber . 186. Morality 188. Hannibal F. A. Hmith . 189. Zeredatha 'Vm. Brown . D. C. Thompson . 191. 'Wilson 192.. Frankfo!'d J. E. Ma.ntiply . H.. M. LOWl'y . 194. 'Wellsville ]95. Bolival' W. S. Hopldns .........•........ 197. Cal·thage J. ~L Mattenlee . 188. Allensville A. A. Hunt . ]9D. New Hope , .. J ..J. Shaw . L. A. King . 201. Ravenwood J. .J. R iIey . 202. 'Vestville 20;;. Trilu min a S. J. ~:Iontgomel'y . Fred A. Cozad . 206. Somerset D. T. Poll;:' , '. 207. Clay T. H. Edwards . 208. Salisbnry G. W. Knoli . 20H. Poplar Bluff T. B. Valentine . 210. Unionville 0. B'. Davis· . 212. Four Mile A. E. 'Vo.od . 213. Holla ' Wm. Baker . 216. Hale City

133 PAID. 14 65 19 65 1775 12 00 8 90 16 90 12 75 16 15 8 25 14 60

13 10 8 ~5

16 25 16 75 15 15 6 00 7 90

]8 70 6 75 17 90 11 75

12 85 10 75 11 30 17 00 6 75 6 00 13 90 ]2


12 60 10 00

9 70 10 80

19 05

7 25 4 75 9 70 17 10 ]8 50 11 50 8 70 14 75 10 50 13 55 1~ 25 16 50 12 75 10 75 16 50 14 50

10 40 14 50

134 ?\o. 217, ~18.

21fl. 220. ~21. 2~4. ~2:).

226. ~~7.

~28. ~2f.).

2:)0. ~31.

232. 234.

236. '237. 288. 239. 240. 241. 242. :243. 246. 247. 24n. 260. 2;:;;:{. 254. 25;). 236. 258. 259. :!()O.

261. ~6a. ~64.


266. 267. 268.

270. 271. 272. 27H. 27:>. 276. 277. 281.

282. 284. 285.

Proceedi·ngs of the LODGK



Barbee . .' J. F. Elsner Good Hope ...•....••• H. A. Chapin AlbeL't Pike , J. W. Forsy! he·· Kansas City n. A. Lucas :\Iystic Tie J. ,,,. Smith lIamiiton \Y. L. Hughson Saleln ,,,. .1. .lones· Saline E. Schaafi' Cypress ,Yro. U. W{)olls Shelbina Fox Claflin C. A. ;/ames St. .lames F. C. Klossner Cardwell .T. T. Mel'ideth Polo ' B. F'. Pyle ~L Fnl ncois 1. -:\, Shannon Sedalia J. West Goodwin La Plata T . .1. Scott Hushville S. B. \Yells Hopewell ',"m. Shy Granville J. F. Kesner Palestine H. C. Haeussler Portland , .1. R. Gilman Keystone C. ,Yo Speal's Montgomery City ,Yo B. :\1. Cool{ -:\ eosho J. B. Lolli' Carroll ;/. :\:1. Goodrich Glensted ,L. B. l-Iawks La redo E. .1. Hobertson ButleL' O. D. Austin Alton L. P. -:\oL'man Sheldnah , .. ,. A. A. Smith Ha va n na A. B. Anderson Lodge of Love lames Taylor :\1echanicsville J. W. Coshow ·Florence H. E. Stewart Summit W. W, Browning KirbyvllleT. :\L Callen Corinthian , Y . .J. Day , Social \\'111. H. Coil AUI'ora 'Ym. :\Jyrer Lodge of Truth W. B. I';lsea Kew S~lem w. L. GL'UY , Solomon H. B. Thompson (il'anite J-:. A. Stl'lmg : Sf. Clair , C;eo. II. Daniel 1'ru'nquiJity O. A. l'embel'ton Grand HiveI' H. G. Keller Will. D. :\1uil· F. K. Hanis Fenton David Bowles Cosmos , .. Fd~ X. Ka~r<:lH'r Canopy ., Eo .T. StribJinp; Ead 1. A. Bnrtl'h



, : ,


. ,

. . ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12 50

. .. . . . . ,. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

18 4\l


, .. ,



17 10 8 50 16 05 11 10

R 00 12 00 12 ~5 18 G5 8 00 11 2~)

15 10 13 13 13

75 10 30 65 O(J

10 [,0 8 7:)



10 30 6 00



,., ,

6 00 17 10


12 50 7 50

15 70 17 :10 12 25. 7 15

16 15

'_)•.J -


7 73 9 13

14 35 17 30

14 70 9 \:)0

6 00 13 ;W 8 25

16 GO 13 GO 1;) ;,0 13 30

16 i3 () 6 16


25 UO 00 75

17 0;:;

Gmlld Lodge of M issouyi.

] 908.] Xo.

286. 2R7.

289. 290.291. 292. 2D3. 297. . 2!)9. :>00.

:302. ::l03. ;W4.

.805. ~06.

:W7. 308. :30n. ::l11.


:n6. 318. ':319. ;320. i.l23. :324. :>2;).

:326. :327. 328.

:no. 331. 3:'l8. ::l35. ::\36. :3::\7. 340. :HI. 344. :~45.

346. :350. 3:51. 3fi2.

:358. :~;)4.

855. %6. 860. :3()2. :363. ::l64.


135 PAID.


S. n. )lorlan F. R. La"'1'enccson F. A. :\IcNeil F. Landenbui'g C. A. Brown T. E. Thompson G. A. Boyd H. )1. .Tones C. B. Overton C. B. ;HaL'lin :';. P. BYb~e W. G. Ormsuee 11. C. Chaneellol· II. ;1. Sherwood' ; .. II. W. Sanders G. 'J). lI:ll'ris D. F .Hensil .Tacob Wilkerson 1. X Sh·ouse S. W. Hilton .T. "'. l(irk T. A. Porter C. Vawt.er .J. II ..Johnson W. 1J. Arens · A. S. Hicl<erson 1. A. Carter C..1. Vaughn C. ;1. Trimble F, 1\1. Frenell Eugene LasHiter Charit~· S. F. Kessler Chillicot.he B. F. Beazell .Joplin Grant. Emerson Hallsville 1. A. Toalson Blue Sprill~S E. E. )font~omery Westport A. E. Eubank Rockville 1.. C. Griggs )fouerly W. A. Esry Fellowship :\1. T. Balsley Arlington E. .J. Hughs Tyrian W. 1'. Hoover l\1osaic C. C. Kel·lagon Friend J. A. Robert son Barnesville E. C. Bowers Hebron '.' . E. F. Elliott. Adelphi .T. S. IIall Ancient Landmark G. H. Hombs Tuscan 1os. S. ::\1clnt.yl·e Hiram L. J. :Montgomery Frat.ernal B. .T. Walters Hig~insvillc , A. H. Hoefer Urich Craft '.-' Graham Fairmount Edina Lama l' Sarcoxie Ozark Temple Doric Lick Creek Osage Signal Clarence Ashlar Xcw London Parrott. King Hiram Kearney Pine RUl'aI Eldurado Paulville )lany Springs Cornel' Stone )lcDonald Dockery Linn ' )ft. Zion Cainsville .. : Bertrand


: <

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



·.. ,

. . . . . . . . . · . . . . . '.. . '.' .. . ..

12 50 12 2;:; 10 25 8 00

]3 30 18 0;)

16 50 14 50

17 10 9 50

11 40 17 10 18 80

12 85 12 45 10 70 17 00 16 6;)

10 7;:) 50 17 10 10 25


12 ·6 6 16 14 10 16

00 50 00

50 25

00 63

12 25 8 75

1H 05 15 00 ]9 25 10 75 12 50

17 10 8 75 11 90 19 5:i

11 40

15 2ii 5 00 16 )3:) 9 75

10 13 8 6

40 75 00


13 50 7 65

14 70

P1'oceedings of the'

136 No. 366. :169. 370. 371. 375. :H6. 377. 379. 381. 383. 384. ~85.


389. 390. 391. 392. 401. 405. 407. 408. 410.

412. 413. 415. 416. ,417. 419. 420. 422. 423.

426. 427.

430. 433. 434. 437. 440. 441. . 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 450. 452. 453. 454. 456. 459. 460.




Adah' Manville. Carot.hers . Composite J. M. Atkinson . Williamst.own ,J. W. Ramsey .. : . Sheldon C. ?If. \Vood ' . Waynesville A. W. Burchal·q. . King Hill H. M. Ball . Ancien t Craft J. Levy : . Billings J. B. McHenry . Ionia 1. A. Taylor . Pythagoras S. A. Newman . East Pmirie H. A. Doyle ....•......... ' . Hichland F. A. Wright . Dayton K W. Lesley . Arcana U~ S. Bradley . Marionville W. W. Cushing ' . 'Raytown J. Crouse ; , . Christian H. E. Wauen . Cartel'ville L. E. Boyd . Evel·ton C. A. Wisehart . Charieston H. S. Cochran . ; . :Mont.rose C. L. Campbell Ibel'ia F. Topping . Appleton City G. A. Pratt , . K Middleton . . Valley Hunnewell A. ;'1'1. Davis . Cache "'. H. MIll'dock ..•................ White Water J. M. Slagle . Star R. E. Colson . Haska : c. W. Tuckel· . Gate of the Temple 1.'. G. Goldsmit.h . Galt O. If. Sprout . Rothville M. H. Washblll'n . Glenwood Z. O'Briant , , . Winona H. G. Rice , . Mack's Creek G. T. '.VIyer , . Wheeling R. A. Thorp . Lafayett.e ~ C. L. 'Yilson . Trowel R. ":. Van Amburg . Excelsior L. M. nean · . Anchor ,. ,J. F. ~ehrlich . Ada ' C. Remley ~ . 'Vest Gate .. : , . F. W. Sittermann . Ivanhoe \Y. R. Shaw . Jacoby A. Goodman . Schell City ..........•1. M. Darrow '.. Belton : W. n,. GalTison . Verona 1. \Y. young ' .. Forsyth .' 1. C. L. :\IcI~night . Continental V. R. Porter . "Tallace '.' ·\Y. \Y. Cramel· . Ha7.elwood C, D. Dewhirst . Lambskin ,1. G. i\lcCoubrie .

[Sept. PAID. 14 20 10 15

12 70 14 50

12 30' 18 20 17'90 14 30 12 30 18 25 13 .00 12 40

7 50 16 5ri

16 5:) 9 2ri 13 75



16 55 13 30 11 25

9 75 12 00 Hl4il 11 95

6 00 8 75 12 50 6 00 15 50 16 00 12 30 15 ]5 12 75 14 65 12 90 10 75

]1 50 12 70

G 00 13 !-lO G 00 17 10 15 00 ]6 35

16 6fi 16 95 • 16 95 18· 50 12 50 11 75 6 00

Grand Lodge of Missouri.

1908.] No. 461. 465. 468. 471. 475. 476. 478. 4i9. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 4U2. 497. 498. 499. ri01. 502. 503. 505. 509. 510. 512.

514. 518. ;)20. 521. 522. 0>23. 525.

526. 527. 528. '531. 534. 535. 536. ;)37. 538. 540. 541. 542. 544.


547., :>48. 549.



Caruthersville P. L. Tipton . Gaynor City H. 0 .. Gray , . Red Oak ' '.1. T. Apperson . Mineral .......•...... L. W. Mitchell . Golden .: 1. F. Duden . Mt. Hope , ...•.•.• R. 1\:1. Powell , ......• Hacine R. L. Craig ~ Rich Hill W. H. Allen . Marceline K 'V. Taylor . Clintonville 1. F, Coston ...............•...... }"airfax ; .•. A. F. NeaL , . Kirkwood' . , 1. D. Lu ther . Cold Water A. C. Wunnicke . Cail·o ................•1. 'V. Stigall . Chilhowee A. 1'. Franse . Lock Spring T. L. Wade ' . Lakeville 1. F. Kewcomet· . Daggett .. : II. Bezold . Equality W. F. Houk . Pee Dee A. 1<'. Chapman . Paynesville H. )f. Hopke . Buckner R. L. Hocl;: : . Philadelphia .. , L, G. Gupton, , . Prait'ie Home "'. I-I. Bylet· ' . Avalon D. Eo Patterson ..................• Van Buren J. A. Chilton . Biswell W. .J. Sloan . Webb City .. , \v. C. Pugh ~ . Granby W, A. Bowles . Oriental C. .J. Blackburn . Clifton Heights 0, T. Sweet , . Lockwood C. McLemore . Gate City W. T . .1amison . St.inson L. 1\:1. Fo't·tner . Cunningham U. A. House . Wayne , J. A. Hammond . Higbee T. H. Walton . Conway r. E. Russell , . Lane's Prail'ie L. R Wentzel., . Columbia L. H. Dougherty . Blackwell T. "'eleh , . Ingomar O. A. McDIll ' . B'etbel W. T. ~iegler , . Stella E. .1. Dyer . 'Vinigan S. Tht'ashet· . Jacksonville .John Riley ' . Ferguson 'V. HoO Tiffin . Mexico r. T. Marshall . Zalma ' '. • D. S. l\lcGee . South Gate C. E: Jeffries . Clinton H. Kuellmer . CuI Junction J. C. Burg~ss .

137 PAID. 14 18 ,9 12

25 65 25


17 55

15 80 15 05

17 14 17 18

75 00 35


4 ;:1<) '1:3 20 12 25

12 75 13 25 9 00 6 50 14 25 8 25 6 50 16 00 11 90 9 00 8 25 13 40 11 75 18 gO 11 00 13 75 6 00 9 00 17 10 13 25

12 25 11 11 13 8 . 7 8 15 11 18 13

20 80 90 50 35 15 80 75 35 75 8 50 6 50 10 40 13 10 17 10 13 10 12 25

Proceedings of the

138 Xo.






Rose HilI 5;')3. Clarksburg 559. Clarksdale ;:;61. Cowgill 503. York 505. Tebbetts 5(j(). :Maplewood 5138. Kaylor 570. Repnblic e,l1. Hayti 575. Easter ;')7(). . Olive Branch 578. Forest Park 580. Houst.on 581. Illmo 582. Koshkonong :JRG. Shamrock 5813. Criterion :i87. BI'anson 588. St. Francisville 590. Adv,ance 591. Barnett : , 593. Union



H. G. :'licks H. E. Allee H.B1ackburn D. )L 'l'ait C. L. Cookson C. W. IJocke T. Davidson 1. .1. Posey A. S~French V. P. Adams G. Lay G. A . .1ordan C. P. Temple S. P. Cunningham D. P. Perkins F. :1. Hichardson 1. W. ){c'Kibbon A. V. DeCal'doville S. D. Welchel C. S. Huthel'ford A. D. Bollinger \Y . .1. Tipton \Y. L. Cole


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.




6 .'3 12 16 17 11 6 6 16

6 8

6 6 5 B 9 4

7 5 5

00 75 20 10 10 25 00 2:> 10 25 10 00 00 75 50 75 ;:;0 75 ;:;0 25

7 2" 7 00



$6,271 55


R. V/. Bro. \\1m. E. Hoke, Chairman, presented and read the foIlovv"ing report of the Committee on Arrangements for this session of the Grand Lodge. The same was referred to the Committee on \iVays and l\!Icans: T/J the Jlost WOl'shi,Jful Grand Lodue A,llcient Pree al1(/ A.ccepted Masons Missou1"i: .


Yom' Committee on Arrangements for this meeting of the Grand Lodge begs leave to report that we secured I the nse of the Scottish Rite Cathedral for this session, and herewith present bill of expenses. To the Scottish Rite Cathedral AssociationHall, lighting and candles Tarpaulins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ice '. . Ex t..路a help ...... .................. Laundry :. . . . . . . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

.. .. .. ..

... ... ... ...

. .. ... . .. ...

$151 50 1 30

50 00

35 00

4, 00

~236 85



Grand Lodge of Missouri.

St. Louis Button Co., 1,480 buttons (1 cent) .John ,v. Owen, Grand 'I'iler (hauling) Harry Krueger, extra tiling" (stHirs) Arithmometer Company, adding machine Koenig Floral Company, decorations .. " . '"

. ,. . .


$ 14 80 1 00 10 00 2 ;:)0 5 00 $270 1:>

Fn'(ernally submitted.

Vor. E. HOKE., F. F. WILLIAM K[m~~I:"G, .JOSEPH S. ?l1cIN'.n:HE.


R. VV. Bro. H. T. 'Alright, Chairman, presented the follO\\'ing report for the Committee on Unfinished Business, \vhich was adopted: . 7.'0 Ihe Most Woi'ship{ul C!:'I'GI/cl JIastel' ami lJrethrcll of tile Grand Lodge:

Your Committee on Tjnfinished Busine~s heg leave to report that :;til business before tb路is Grand Lodge has been completed and no furt.het' !msiness appears before your COiUIll'ittee: . H: T. "'HIGHT, Chai1'lllGn,

. A. C. KBLI-!Y, \Y. T. BALL.

W. H: or.AYLOR,

C. F. RIDIXGS. T. B. TL'l{:"BAT;GH..


On motion, the representatives of deIinql~ent Lodges CowgiiI, No.' 561, and Granville, X o. 240, ,vere placed on the pay roll. RESOLUTION - ACACIA


路VV. Bro. V. H. Roberts offered the following resolution, which, on Illotion, \~'as referred to the Cc)mmittee on Jllrisprudence: 'V!il:;REAS, This Grand Lodge of Ancient Fl'ee' and Accepted Masons of Missouri is ever deepl~' intel'estE'd in any movement having for its object the


Proceedings of the


intelligent investigation. and study of the bistory, philosophy and ritual of li'reemasonry; and WHEREAS, The Acacia" Fraternity has been ol'ganized expressly for tbe above purpose and now bas flourishing Chapters in nearly all of the leading colleges and universities of this <;ountry; therefore, be it

Resolved, That this Gmnd Lodge most heartily endorses :the Acacia Fl'a· ternity, its objects and purposes, and commends it to the fraternal encouragement and assistance of the Craft throughout this Grand Jurisdiction.


Grand 1\1aster-elect Robert R. Kreeger made the following appointments: McLACHLA~,


1. R.


lmV..J. I-I. MILLER, Kansas City.



.'. HEV. W. C. BITTING, St. Louis.




VAN F. BOOR, Kansas City,


C. A. MOSMAN, St. Joseph.


T. W. COTTON, Van Buren.




W. A. CLARK, Jefferson City.


G. D. ALLI':E, Lamar:




FRANCIS A. LEACH, Kansas City.





J. 'VEST GOODWIN, Sedalia. ,

JOHN W. OWEN, St. Louis.


At the request of Grand :Master John T. Short, J\l. \"1. Bro. Charles C. Wood~ proceeded to install the follow'ing Grand Officers, assisted. by 1\1. W. Bro. D. :M. \Vilson as Grand Marshal: ROBERT R. KREEGIDR, Kansas City




CLAY C. BIGGER, Laclede ARCH A. JOHNSON, Springfield






Grand Lodge of iv! issouri.

] 908·1


APPOINTED OFFICERS . .1 . R. :McLACHLAN, 'Kahoka : GRAND RE". JOHN H. MILLEn, Kansas City GRAND HEV. W. C. BITTING, St. Louis GRAND JACOB LAMPERT, St. Louis GRAND VAN F. BOOR, Kansas City GRAND C. A. MOSMAN, St. .JoReph GRAND TOL:\lAN W. COT'TON, Van Buren GRAND 'FRANK R . .T1j;SSE,Mexico ........•...... GRAND W. A. CLARK, .TetIerson City GRAND G. D. ALLEE, Lamar GRAND EDWARD HIGBEE, Kit'ksville GRAND FRANCIS A. L~ACn, Kansas City GRAND .J. WEST GOODWIN, Sedalia :. GRAND JOHN W. OVi'EN, St. Louis GUAND

The Grand l\1aster, ]\II. pointed the following:



Bro. Robert R. Kreeger,. ap-







LAWS-A. M. Hough, ,V. F. Johnson,

RITUAI~-·D. M. Wilson, W. A. Hall, C. H. Chene)', Wm. E. Hoke, Camplwll Wells. John '1'. Short. R~~COGNITION



OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGE~-"V, .. F. Kuhn, Campuell Wells, Valliant, E. F. Allen, Xen. Ryland, n. F. Stevenson.





OFFICI';S-A. M. Docl{cry, E. F. Allen, Campbell


Proceedings of the



.JOlIN R. PAHSO". .-\. ~r. HOuGH.

n. A..JA~IISON. ~.


e. n.


P. G. -:\/laster .~ohn T. Short then presented to iVL YV. Grand Master Robert R. Kreeger, the Grand Master's Jewel, saying: ~fOST \VonSHIl'FI.'L GHA::\J) l\lASTF.H-It affol'ds me nnbounded plEasure to pin upon youI' brea!;1 the .Jewel of Office of Grand ~laster .of tbis State: Hud . in stating: that I 1';1ow \vili iJe '!lOliol'ahly and worthily WOl'll I am but voicing' tlH~ senti men rs of Ih is en tire Jurisdiction.


M. 'iV. Grano' ::\/[aster Robert R. Kreeger responded a~ f01~o\VS :, :\108'1' \YOl:SHIPI;L'L BHOTHEH SHOHT '-\'i\"J) BHETHHE:\-lt is m~· hope thai this Jewel' is accepted with a PI'OIWI' appl'eciation of the j'espon,;i1)i)iti('~ It cnrril~s with it: and it shall he Illy effort to return it to you un!';ullied at th(~ expiration of the ;\'lasonic ~·e31·.


' 'i.

IVL Bro. Ruhs E. Anderson presented to retIring Grand Master John T. Short a Past Grand Master's Jc\vel, saying: ~JOST \YonsHIPFL'L BHOTHEJ: SHoHT-The pleasing duty of presenting to you thi~ Past Grand ~laster's .Jewel has been assigned to me. As the oldl'st. Past Grand ~laster of the Grand Lodg'c of Missouri it affords me great satisfaction to pl'csent to you this mal'!, of esteem and recognition of your high ' services as Grand ~laster of this Grand Lodge for the year just past. It is not necessary for me to sa;r to you sir, that, without a dissenting voice. we recog'ni)\e in y01l1' admiuistnition efficient activity and ahilit~· of more than the usual high order. Let me cong'l'atlllate you. sil·.

.M, \"i.! Bro. J oh11 T.· Short responded as follows: ;\[0>;'1' WOHSHIPFI;r, BHOTHEHA~DEll80:\ A)."J) BUETI·nn',x OF Tin; GnA:\"D LODGI';-All I can sny nt this time is, my heart is too full for ntterance.



Grand Lodge of Missouri.

thank you, f~'olll tile bottom of my heart, fOl' the great honor yon confe1'l'ed upon me one year ago. I thank YOl!, one and all, and this army of Past Grand Masters, for the assistance you and they bave given me dlll'ing my administration. Whaten'r snceess has attended that administration has not been won by my efforts alone; but. is lal'gely due to the very valnable assistance received from the Past Grand ~lasters, the present Grand Lodge officers and the varions Depnties throughout this Grand .lul"i!'diction.


:Motion was made that a vote of thanks be tendered hy this Grand Lodge to the Scottish Rite Bodies of St. Louis for the ..1se of the beautiful Cathedral; and also to the various committees who have made preparations for the entertainment and comfort of this Grand Lodge. Adopted. The minutes of the


session \vere read and approved.


.Ko further business l.lppearing, the :M. VV. Grand l\{aster, Robert R. Kreeger, closed the Eighty-eighth Annual Communication of the Most 'VVorshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted .Masons of the State of Missouri in AMPLE FORM,. prayer being offered by R. \7\/. Bro. Rev. John H. :Miller, Grand Chaplain.



Grand S eactar)I,


Proceedings of the DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. 1st District-JOHN M. DORAN, Memphis. IDDWAHD HIGBEE, Kirksville. 2d JOHl'i C. SENATE, Milan. 3d D. M. FOSTER, Mercer. 4th T. A. DUNN, Bethany. 5th .JOHN W. BARKLEY, Albany. 6th EDWIN F. H'Al\ILIN. Maryville. 7th 8th C. L. EVAKS, Oregon. 9th FIKLEY R. HANNA, S1. Joseph. H. F. LAWRENCE, Gallatin. 10th C. W. BOLSTER, Plattsburg. 11th 12th C. F. RIDINGS; Hamilton. ]~th FORRIDS'.r L. MADDEN, Meadville. 14th GEO. F. BREWINGTON, Bevier. FRANK W. SMITH, PalmJ'l'a. 1fJth 16th GEO. E. :MAYI-TALL. New London. 17th THOS. F. HURD, Paris. T. H. WALTON, Higbee. 18th G. Vir. RUCKER, Brunswick. 19th 20th C. B. HUGHES, Richmond. 21st .r. P. TUCKER. Parkville. 22d .J. F. "'00'0, Kansas City. HENRY SINAUJ!}R, Lexington. 23d r. N. EVRARD, Marshall. 21th W. Ii'. JOHNSON, Boonville. 25th 26th II: L. WILSON, Columbia. FRANK R. JESSE,'Mexico. 27th JOHN Eo REEDS, High Hill. 28th 29th J. W. PO'VELL, Tro~'. E. A. FLlJES:ME1ER, Wright City. 30th 31st W. A. CLARK, ,.Jefferson City. G. H. PIKE, 'Vashington. 32d .10SEPH S. McINTYRE, St. Louis. :33d ARTHUR CONGER, !Jarrisonville. 34th J. C. LAUGHLIK, Hocl,ville. 35th 36th' B. E. CODDING, Sedalia. HARRY L. HUNTER, Clinton. 371.h H. T. WRIGHT, Lebanon. 38th AUSTIN L. McRAE, Rolla. 39th 40th CHARLES E. PYLE, DeSoto. W. n. DUNNEGAN, Bolivar. 41st 42d' WILL R. BOWLES, Greenfield. G. D. ALLEE, Lamar. 43d 44th R. A. MOONEYHAM:. Carthage. DEXTRR B. FARNSWORTH, Springfield. 45th HENHY WILSON, Ava. 46th 47th .r. A. NANEY, '''路inona. GEO. 'V. PRESNELL, Fl路edericldo\vn. 48th G. W. MILLER, Millersville. 49th JAMES A. BOONE, Charleston. 50th HENRY SCHROEDER, Campbell. 51st W. W. MARTIN, Doniphan. 52d 53d '1'11 OS. D. MARTIN, 'Vest Plains. 54th G. J. VAUGHAN, Ozark. 'H. I. BRADFOHD, Monett. 55th W. A. PHIPPS, Neosho. 56th



Grand Lodge of Mtssouri. DISTRICT LECTURERS. 1st District-JOHN 1\1. DORAN, Memphis. J. H. HOLTON, Kirksville. 2d JOlIN c. SgNA'rE, Milan. 3d D. M. FOSTER, Mercer. 4th . C. C. MILLER, Eagleville. 5th JOHN W. 'BARKLEY, Albany. 6th EDWIN F. HAMLIN, Maryville. 7th C. L. EVANS, Oregon. 8th AUG. F. BRAUN, St. Joseph. 9th H. Ii'. LAWRENCE. Gallatin. 10th C. W. BOLSTER, Plattsburg. 11th C. F. RIDINGS, Hamilton. 12th FORREST L. MADDEN, Meadville. 13th GEO. Ii'. BREWINGTON, Bevier. 14th FRANK W. SMITH, Palmyra. 15th GEO. E. MAYHALL, New London. 16th THOS. I". HURD, Paris. 17th T. H. WALTON, Higbee. 18th G. W. RUCKER, Brunswicl,. Ulth CHARLES B. HUGHES, Richmond. 20th HENHY C. NOLAND, Parkville. 21st. CLARENCE H. CHENEY, Kansas City. 22d WALTER R. ECKLE, Lexington. 23d 1. N. EVRAHD, ~lal路shaII. 24th M:. E. SCHMIDT, Boonville. 25th FINLEY D. HUBBELL, ColumlJia. 26th FRANK IL .1ESSE, Mexico. 27th 28th JOHN E. REEDS, High Hill. J. W, POWELL, 'l'roy. 29th 30th E. A. FLUESMEIER, 'Vright City. 31st \V. A. CLARK, .lefferson City. G. H. PIKE, Washington. 32d JULIUS C. GARRELL, St, Louis. 33d 34th AHTHUR CONGER, Harrisonville. . 35th J. C. LAUGHLIN, Rockville. 36th Eo E. CODDING. Sedalia.路 HAURY L. HUNTER, Clinton. 37th 38th H. T. WHIGHT, Lebanon. ED. J. KOCH, Halla. 39th ,,' 40th CHARLES E. PYLE, DeSoto. 41st JOE Vi'. GRAVI<;LY, Bolivar. 42d WILL R. BOWLES, Gl'eenfield. 4~d DANIEL O'BRYAN, Nevada. 44th FRANK G. ADE, Joplin. 45th BERT S. LEI~, Springfield. 4Gth HENRY WILSON, Ava. 47th ;1. A. NANEY, Winona. 48th C. E. HICKOK,Farmington. G. W. MILLER, :i\1Jllersville. 49th 50th JAMES A. BOONE, Charleston. 51st HENRY SCHROEDER, Campbell. 52d W. W. MARTIN, Doniphan. 5~d. THOS. D. MARTIN, "Vest Plains. 54th. G. J. VAUGHAN, Ozark. .55th. H. I. BRADl<'OHD, Monett. 56th. W. A. PHIPPS, Neosho.


Proceedings of the



NE\iV LODGES. CHARTERED SEPTEMBER 30, 1908. Lodge. Blodgett Cecil Puxico Bosworth Leadwood Elvins Cosby: Clayton

No. 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601.


Location. County. :Blodgett. Scott. Cotton wood Pt. .. Pemiscot. Puxico .. : Stoddard " Bosworth Carroll Leadwood St. Francois Elvins St. !i'rancois Cosby Andrew Clayton St. Louis

District. '. 50th. 51st. 50th. 20th. .48th. '.48th. 9th. 33d.


The Eighty-Ninth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge will be held at ,St. Joseph, commencing at 10 o'clock on the morning of the last Tuesday VIZ.: The 28th day of Septem ber, 1909.


Grand Lodge of l11拢ssouri,



The following amendments were submitted during the session, and. under the law, gC? over until the next Annual Communication:

By =VI. \tV. Bro. A. M. Hough: Amend the Constitution of this Grand Lod~e by ~triking out Sec. 2, Article II, and enact the following in. lieu thereof: "SI;;C. 2. The Worshipful :Master, SCllior and JlllliOl' Wardens of any Lodge, and no othcr, may appear and vote by proxy,. said proxy being at the timc of service a membel' of tlH~ same Lodge as his pl'illcipal, and pl'oducing a properly autlJellticated certificate of bis appointment." Amend the Constitution of this Grand Lodge by striking out Sec. 3, of Article II, and enact the following in lieu thercof: "SEC, 3. Each member of the Grand Lodgc shall be entitled, when prcsent, to one vote, and no more, in all the proceedings of the Grand Lodge. A member can not vote personally in one capacity and by proxy in another."'

By R. \V. Bro. Van F. Boor: Amend Section 1, of Article II, of the Constitution, by striking out the ninth line thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "A Senior Grand Dcacon," and strike out 路.the tenth line thereof and insert in lieu thereof the following: "A Junior G)'and Deacon."


30sbua :fl3.



Whose death occurred at Kansas City,. Missouri, November 15, 1907. Most Worshipful Brother Thomas had attained the age of fifty-eight years; and while he had bee'n in an enfeebled state of health for the past few years, his loss was a shock to the community and to the Masonic Fraternity who held him in high and loving esteem. Our Brother Thomas was born June 18,1849, in Dunnville, Kentucky; and at the age of 22 years located at Albany, Gentry County, Missouri, where he has since resided, serving many years as County Collector and County and Circuit Clerk, resigning therefrom to enter the banking- business. He was married September 25, 1873, in Platte County, Missouri, to Miss Josie Montgomery, who, with a son and two daughters, still survives him. Our well-beloved Brother first saw the light of Masonry in Casey Lodge,_No. 424, Dunnville, Ky., .Tuly 23, 1870; waH passed to the degree of Fellow Craft August 27th, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason September 24th of the same year. He placed. his dimit in Athens Lodge, No. 127, at Albany, Missouri, December 25, 1875, and in 1882 was elected Worshipful Master; for many years he served as Secretary of this Lodge resigning' on account of ill-health. 路As a Grand Officer of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge. Brother Thomas was widely knowil and tenderly loved. He served as District Deputy Grand Master of the Fourteenth Masonic District for a number of years; and in recognition of his ability was appointed Grand Junior Deacon in 1884 from which station he was advanced until given the crowning- honor of the Craft and elected to the office of Grand Master of Missouri Masons in October, 1894. He' retired from office October 17, 1895, and the affection of his Brethren followed all of his future years with interest. In him the Masoni~ Home mourns a staunch and devoted friend. And the路 various committees of the Grand Lodge will miss his wise counsel and unflagging zeal in upholding the principles of Freemasonry in all their prist ine purity. , Our Brother was a member of Albany Commandery, No. 60, K. T. at Albany; Moila Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. at St. Joseph, and


In Memoriam.

Esther Chapter, No. 13, O. E. S. at Albany. In May, 1907, he was elected Grand Treasurer of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Missouri. The funeral ('.~re~onies w~re held Monday, November 18th, in Albany. The last, sad rites, were in charge of the Grand Lodge Officers. All business h~)Uses ,were closed during the ceremony, while citizens, Brethren and friends gathered from all parts of the State to voice their universal regret and friend~bip. "If the Father deigns to touch with divine power the cold and pulseless heart of the buried acorn, and make it burst forth from its prison walls, will He leave neglected in the earth the soul of man who was made in the image of- the Creator~ If matter, mute and inanimate, though changed by the forces of ~ature into a multitude of forms, can never die, will the imperial spirit of man suffer annihilation after it has paid a brief visit to this tenement of clay? He, who in his apparent prodigality wastes not the rain-drop, the blade of grass nor the evening zephyr, has given immortality to the mortal." This is the Mason's hope, his creed as he reverently places.in the open grave a sprig of everlasting green. .JOHN R PARSON.


lMm. lR. Stu,bblefielb, 'GRAND MASTER, 1880.

V\Tho died at the home of hi::; daugbter in St. Louis, J annary 10, ,1908, at the age of seventy-two years, having survived his belo\'ed 'wife and companion but six weeks. 1\1:. VY. Bro. Stubblefield was born in Greenfield, Illinois, May 8, 1835, and came to 81. Louis in 18;16 to eng-age in mercantile pursuits. He was married December 6, 1859, to Miss Mary Gray, at"Flemington, New Jersey. Our Broth"er was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, March 13, 1859, in Occidental Lodge, No. 163, retaining his membership therein until his death. He served his Lodge as V\Torshipful 1\~ aster in 187:~, and as Seeretary from 1885 to 1898. Ilis ability was recognized in the Grand Lodge a.t it.s annual session in 1874, when he was appointed Grand Marshal. In 1875 and ]876 he served as District Deputy Grand Master of the Sixteenth Masonic District. He, was elected Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge at its annual communication 1877 and served consecutive years as Grand Senior 'Varden and Deputy Grand Master; and in 1880 was elected Most '\T orshipful Grand Master of the Grand' Lodge of Missouri., During a brief r-esidence in Chicago our Brother was exalted in Lafayette Royal Arch Chapter' No.2, in 1864; also received the Cryptic ,Degrees in Chicago Council No.4, R. & S, M., the same year. .The Orders of Knighthood were conferred upon him in Apollo Commandery No.1, in 1864, and he received the degrees in the Scottish Rite Bodies of Chicago during 1866. Returning to St. Louis he affiliated with Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter No. 50, April 12, 1871. and was elected Excellent High Priest 1872-1873-1874 and lti91. Affiliating with Ivanhoe Commandery No.8, he was elected Eminent Commander in 1875. In the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters he was elected Most Illustrious Grand Master, . October, 1876. In the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, he was elected Grand Rcribe in 1874, Grand King, 1875, Deputy Grand High Priest 1876, and Most Excellellt Grand High Priest 1877, and served the Grand Chapter as Grand Lecturer from 181JO to 1897 inclusive. Our distinguished Brother assisted in the formation of Tuscan Chapter No. 68, O. E. S., in ]868, and was the first 'Worthy Patron


In Memoriam.

of this Chapter. He was Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter O. E. S. of Missouri the third year after its o!ganization. . Occidental "Lodge, No. 163, conducted the funeral services on Su~day, January 12th, 1908, and our Brother was laid to rest by the side of his beloved companion in beautiful Bellefontaine Cemetery: "God rest thh,; gallant spirit! Give him peace: And crown him with amaranth. and set The saintly palm branch in his right hand. Amid the conquering armies of the skies. Give him Thy Peace forever! Let him walk O'er meads of asphodel, and be . Where dwell the single-hearted and the wise Men like himself, severely, simply good'Vho scorned to be ambitious. scorned the snares Of office, station. ran~; but stood sublime In natural greatness. 0 Father. Son and Spirit! Grant him everlasting Peace."















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