GRAND MASTER 1918.. 1919
BIOGRAPH ICAL JOHN WILLIAM BINGHAM. Grand Master 1918-1919. John William Binghalu, the oldest son of vVilliam Randolph Bingham and Mary Elizabeth (Kenley) Binghaln, 'V"as born Deceln路 ber 14th, 1867, on a farm in Livingston County, Missouri, near the beautiful city of Chillicothe. He is of good old English stock, on both sides of the house. The Binghanls caUle from England to North Carolina something like one hundred and fifty years ago. S0111e fifty years later they moved \vest to Tennessee, \vhere his great grandfather and grandfather ,vere born. Before' the Civil War his grandfather moved to lVUssouri and settled a ulile east of where the to\vn of Bro"rning no\v stands. Here his father 'was born in 1847. His mother's people, the Kenleys, came from England about the saIne tiule as the Binghanls. She was a little older than his father, being born in 1846 on what is kno,\vn as the old John Kenley farnl in Sullivan County, this state. The fruits of this nlarriage \vere four children, t\VO boys, and t\yO girls, all living and Inarried, of \VhOlTI as \ve have said, John W., was the oldest. Our Grand Master gre\v up a vigorous, stout, 'healthy, country boy, of large physique, full of life and energy, and filled with the laudable determination to lllake his m~rk in the world. He at路 tended the country schools, and passing the,m, entered HUlp.phreys College, HUlllphreys, 1"10., then under the supervision of Bra. George A. Snlith. Sta.ying there for t\VO years he graduated in 1888. Soon afterwards he took the t,vo years course in the State Normal at Kirksville and then finished the three years course. From there he went to our State University at Colunlbia and took a special course in :rnathenlatics. In the fall of 1891 he became Superintendent of the Public Schools at Lancaster, Mo., then the hOl1le of lVI. W. Bro. Higbee, at that tilne a member of the school board, -of which Judge'N'at lVI. Shelton, no\v of lVfacon, Mo., was president. I-Ie held that position until the end of the school ter1111n 1893.
when he \vent to the Law School of the University of Michigan, at .Linn Arbor, from \vhich he graduated with the degree of L. L. B. in June, 1895. The follo'wing August he began the practice of law in Milan. His untiring energy, pleasing address and \vell grounded knowledge of the la\v soon dre\v to him an extensive and lucrative law practice in Sullivan and adjoining counties and in the Appellate Courts of our State. Milan has been his home ever since he began the practice of the law and he has enjoyed for many years the distinction of be~ ing one of its most influential, and progressive citizens. He entered enthusiastically into all move,ments for the bettering of the city and comnlunity. He has been a Inelnber of the Board of Aldermen several times, Mayor, a member of the School Board, of which he was Secretary for nine years, and of which he is no\v the President. Has been a director of the First National Bank for many years and in 1914, 1915 and 1916, \vas its President. He has also been a member of the County Board of Education, among the very important duties of which \vas the adopting of a uniform series of text-books for use in all the public schools of the county. Also has been a nlember of the County Highway Board, upon which was devolved the duty of selecting, locating, establishing and supervising our inter-county-seat highways or state-roads, a' most important duty since the co,ming into almost universal use of the automobile. Besides all this he has been active in politics, both county and state, taking a deep interest in national and state affairs, being Chairman of the County Central Comlnittee in 1896 and 1897, and a member of the State Committee of his party for four years, frolll 1914 to 1918, and during the war he was President of the Red Cross . of Sullivan County. Our Grand Master was married August 1st, 1897, to Miss Martha Simmering of Milan, a beautiful and accomplished young lady, who still lives to grace and adorn his hOllle. To this union have been born two children, a son, Noel M., whose death at the age of nine .was a sore and ,most trying affliction to his doting parents, and a daughter, Dorothy M., now eleven years old. M. W. Bro. Bingham belongs to the Christian Church, having joined while teaching at Lancaster. Since his residence in Milan he has been prominent in the work of both Sunday School and Church.
IVlost "rorshipful Brother Binghaul was initiated at r.;'ancaster, 1\10., in the Lodge of Love, No. 259, October 19th, 1892, was passed
Noveluber 13th, 1892, and raised December 7th, 1892'. After returning to lVlilan he affiliated with Lodge, No. 126, Milan, IVIo., May 19th, 1894. He ,vas elected Senior Warden in 1897, and served as Worshipful Master in 1898. He received the Capitular degrees in Milan Royal Arch Chapter 103, ~n 1903, being exalted November 23rd. He was High Priest of hi~ chapter in 1911. He ,vas knighted in St. Bernard Conlmandery,. No. 52, Milan, July 2, 1908, and served as its Commander in 1912. He passed the Circle in Solomon Council, No. 26, at Milan, on Deceulber 28, 1903, and was its Master in 1905. He received the order of High Priesthood at I{ansas City, April 25, 1911. For nlany years he has been the Treasurer of Seaman Lodge, No. 126; was Treasurer of Milan Chapter for some ten years; was for several years the Treasurer, and has been for the last four years the Recorder of Solomon Council; ,vas for many years the Treasurer of St. Bernard Commandery, an'd has been for the last six years its Senior \Varden. He was elected Grand Junior Warden in 1915, regularly advanced, and elected Grand Master in 1918. Most Worshipful Brother Bingham, although leading a very active civil life, 路which路 of necessity demanded a great portion of his time, has been most active in the Masonic bodies with which he has been connected. He has been for many years one of their .most regular attendants and has always taken part in the conferring of the degrees. His devotion to Masonry and for what it stands has been very seldonl, if ever, excelled; and although in the past year his health has been none of the best, yet his administration just closing has been a Inost commendable one and has met the approval of the Craft. D. M. WILSON.
P1"'clinz 'i nary E,,'rcrcises.
EXEROISES PRELIMINA,RY TO OPENING. 9 A. M., Septeulber 16, 1919 Before the opening of the regular session of the Grand Lodge, the Masonic Orchestra, 60 strong, under the direction of Bro. HenryJ. Falkenhainer, occupied the stage, \vith 96 children frOln the Masonic HOlne of Missouri, the youngest being two yefLrs and six nlonths of age, and rendered the following progranl for the entertainnlent 6f the brethren. Each number \vas appreciatively applauded. It was announced by W. Bro. Sol E. Waggoner, Superintendent of the HOlne, that every child of the Home was present -"96 of theu1." (Applause.) 1. Our Country, HAnlerica" Sl1l,£th-Ca'rey 2. Overture, "Queen ,of Autulnn" ' Briggs 3. Chorus, "Another Year is Dav{uing" " ~Vesley Children of the 4. Soprano "Solo, "Ho\v Long Wilt Thou Forget Me". ,. Oley Spea!~s Ruth Van 'Sickle 5. Egyptian· Ballet Lu£gtni 6. Chorus, "The Lord Is My Shepherd" !( oschatt 7. HUllloresque : Dvora!~ 8. Soprano Solo, "Oh, Dry Those Tears" '" Del l?:£ego Ruth Van Sickle Encore, "If a Body Meet a Body Conling Through the Rye" 9. Berceuse Godart Spanish Dance Popper Encore, "The Rosary" Nevin l\1ax Steindel, cello; Walter Rudolph, piano 10. Our Flag, "Star Spangled Banner" .. , Ke;V-.:4r nold Children of the Home Full Orchestral Acconlpaniment
APPRECIATION EXPRESSED BY GRAND MASTER. Grand Master Binghanl spoke' as follows: It is a great pleasure to be able to congratulate you little ones frolll the HOlne for this excellent program with \\rhich you have \VelCOnled us. All th~ Freelllasons of IVIissouri feel glad to be here and to have the chance to enjoy it. . We feel satisfied that you have been trained \vell by your teachers. We feel that this is an inspiration to the Freenlasons of Missouri to CaIne and hear this beautiful program by our children of the Honle" an inspiration
\vhich 'v ill result in better ",vork" \vhen \ve return to our hOlnes; (..: \.pplause) and, furtherlnore, \ve feel gratified at having Brother Falkenhainer here \'lith his excellent orchestra, \vhich I understand consists of 80rne of the best. nlusicians in St. Louis, (a voice: "Solne of the greatest in the\vorld"). (Applause)~ ""\:Ve all know Bro'ther "Jake n Lalnpert, of course: He is the F~rst Violin? He acts though he \vould like to get an opportunity to say something, but we are not going to let him do so. By 1\1:. ""Y-l. Bro. Lampert: The Grand J.\iIaster: spect, any\vay.
"1 would like to _._-"
\Ve have the advantage of him in that re-
In closing, I \vish to specially conlmend the children, and the orchestra, as well, for their \vell-arranged and finely rendered progranl \vhich has "harmonized" us for the coming session. I thank you. (Applause.) Children and orchestra retire.
COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 16, A. D. 1919, A. L. 5919
ANCIENT FREE AND AC.CEPTED MASONS OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI The 99th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of j\ncient Free and .l\.ccepted l\1asons of the State of J\tlissouri convened at Scottish I{ite Cathedral, Seventeenth and Locust Streets, St. Louis, 11issouri, 1~uesday, Septeluber 16th, 1919, at 10 A. lVi.
PRESENT' dll. ~f·. Grand ldaster R. W. Deputy Gl'a'nd IJfaster R. ~v. Grand Seni01/* fiT/arden * [{. [;fl. Grqnd Junior ~Varden WM. A. H ~LL " ., J? ftV. Grand Treas'lt'rer' JOHN R. PARSON " R. ltV.· GraFLd Secretary J. R. McLACHLAN R. "!iV. G1"and Lecturer JOHN H. IVIILLER oR. W. G1"and Chapla£n ARTHUR MATHER R. ltV. Grand Chaplain FRED V. LOOfS R. W. Grand Chaplain BERT S. LEE R. fiV. Grand Senior Deacon JOSEPH S. McINTYRE R. W. Grand J1unior Deacon ORESTES MITCHELL J? fiV. Grand Seni01" Steward AUSTIN L. l\fcRAE J?. W. Gra'nd J~tnior Steward ,V. W. MARTIN R. f'V.Grand lJ{arshal CHAS. C. GARDNER R. J;V. Grand ]I/[arshal JOHN PICKARD R. (tV. G'rand Sword Bearer ANTHONY F. ITTNER R. 11/. Grand Pursuivant WM. F. WOODRUFF R. [IV. G1'and 01"ator HARRY A.. KRUEGER R. ~(v. Grand Tiler *R. W. Bro. O. A. Lucas unable to be present on account of illness. JOHN W. BINGHAM JULIU'S C. GARRELL .. ,\VlVI. F. JOHNSON
Proceedings' of the
OPENING. At 10 A. 1\1. the IVlost\;"Vorshipful Grand Lodge ~~ncient Free and i\.ccepted 1\lason.s of the State of 11issouri, vvas opened in AIVIPLE FORl\rI by the l\lost \\lorshipful Grand rvIaster, John \iV. Binghanl,assisted by the other Grand Officers. Opening Ode sung by Grand Lodge ll1enlbers. Invocation of divine blessings and guidance during the cOIning deliberations by R. \V. and Rev. Brother John H. 1\1iller, Grand Chaplain.
路CREDENTIALS. The Comnlittee on Credentials having reported that a inajority of Lodges .in the State vvere properly represented, and hence a constitutional nun1ber being present, Grand Jvlaster Bing-hanl declared the Grand Lodge open for the transaction of all business that ll1ight properly conIe before it.
RESOLUTION-INCiREA,SING COM'PENSATION. R. \\1. Bro~ Thos. F. Hurd offered the follo\ving vvritten resolution, proposing an appropriation to increase nlileage by one cent a ll1ile and $2.00 to each per diem allo\ved by present lavv. Whereas, an extraordinary condition exists, the effects of the great war making traveling expenses much greater than iIi nornlal times and the mileage and per dienl provided by la\v wholly insufficient to cover the actual expenses of the l11eulbers at the Grand Lodge; Be it Resolved, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the funds of the Grand Lodge, a lUlUP sum that will be necessary to pay to each accredited representative attending, a sunl equal to one cent per mile each way traveled by hinlin going to and returning therefrom, in addition to any sum allowed hinl by law, and that the further sum of Two Dollars per dienl be allo\ved and paid to each accredited member in attendance at the present session of this Grand Lodge. THOS. F. HURD, R. F. STEVENSON.
SaI11e referred to COll1n1ittee on vVays and l\1eans.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Schoonover~ Past Grand Master of Iowa, \vas received with the Grand Honors, conducted to the Grand East and v\lelCOll1ed by the Grand Master. M. W. Bro. Schoonover gracefully responded with a short talk.
RESIOLUTION-lVIA,SIONIC SIERVICiE AS,SOC~IA颅 TIO,N OF THE UNITED, SIT:AT'ES,. 1V1. \'f..l. Bro. C. H. Briggs presented the following'written resolution proposing the endorsen1ent by this Grand Lodge路 of the "l\IIasonic Service Association of the.United States," forn1ed at Cedar Rapids, Iovva, which was referred to the COll1111ittee on Jurisprudence. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & A. M., in 99th Annual Con1.nlunication assenlbled, hereby endorses and approves the Constitution of the Masonic Service Association of the United States, adopted at the Conference of Grand Masters, held in Cedar Rapids, Io\va, November 27, 28 and 29, 1,918, and assa路 ciates itself as a Inember thereof, assunling the privileges and re路 sponsibilities of such me,lubership. C. H. BRIGGS, R. R.KREEGER
Proceedings of the
[ Sept.
ADDRES,S OF THE GRAND MASTER. l\fost \"r\T ors hipful Grand lVIaster John 'vV. Bingham presented and read the follovving address, vvhich vvas referred to the usualCon1n1ittee, consisting of all Past Grand 1\{asters present, \vith 1\1., \'/. Bro. C. H. Briggs, chairman. To f:e Jl/[ c1Jlbers of the Grand Lodge of .Missouri:
Brethren of the Grand LodgeOn the threshold of this, the 99th Session of the Grand Lodge 路of Missouri, let us pause for a moment to congratulate the- Freenlasons of lVIis'souri , that the cruel war is over and that our boys ,vho have been across the路 seas defending our freedo~ and democracy and the freedo.rn and democracy of the "whole world, in order that we might enjoy universal peace, have at last returned to their honles and to us. And let us feel that these boys, who have done so much, even to nlaking the ultimate sacrifice, have completed their work as an army; but they have left us, as civilians, a nlighty task, a task to \vhich Freemasonry is especially adapted, that of perfecting our relations to\vard each other, that our denlocracy shall be all that the name ir,nplies. As the poet has said: "They have come back, the boys who wore The khaki and the blue, Back to the home, whose open door Greets these whom once it kne\v, Back to the eager hearts that beat In fear the long months through. "They have come路 back, yes, back to us To live in peace again, The heroes of the battlefield, Of gun and tank and plane, The sailors from the ship's that bore Our ,men across the main. "They conle back earnest for the work They dropped at war's alarm, Back to the office, shop and store, Back to the ranch and farm; The old scenes and accustomed toil Bear now a sacred charm. "And some there be who will not come But sleep on silentlyGod rest the brave in peace \vho gave
1919. ] Their lives for victory; The noblest death is theirs, wh.o die Defending Liberty. "Honor to them, the! For thenl the task is done, For them the long, hard fight is o'er, For them the battle won; You "\vho return, and we \vho stayedFor us 'tis just begun. "Our task to keep the banners bright, To keep the ideals fair 路 That took thenl to a foreign land, And left them sleeping there; Our task the Brotherhood of Man To carry everywhere." GROWTH OF M..L\.SONRY IN MISSOURI.
During the year just past \ve have had great Inaterial gro\vth in our own ranks and all the lodges throughout the State have been very busy conferring degrees. This increase, in 'Iny opinion, has been largely due to the war in that it has caused many to think of the nlerits and advantages of Masonry \vho have never before given the question 's'erious consideration. Not\vithstanding the fact that great de111ands have been made the people of the country for funds to carryon the war and its allied activities, the Order throughout the State has prospered as never before. The returns .made to the Grand Secretary 'sho\v that during the last Masonic year 6753, have been raised to the Sublinle Degree of Master Mason, and that the activities of the Craft in Missouri have scarcely kno\vn any bounds. Neyer before has there been such a rush into the ranks of, the Masonic Fraternity in the State. 011
There seems also to be a greater interest in the building of new halls and hOines for the lodges throughout Missouri, and at this tillle there are many lodges of great architectural splendor and beauty in the course of construction; and I would call your路路 attention especially to Kirksville's new hOlne, which is beautifully designed and is a fit tribute to Freenlasonry in that city. ' I find, too, alnong our lodges路 a strong tendency to own their own halls, which many of thenl do already, and it occurs to me that the lodges progress better and have a better spirit existing if they do own their o\vn halls rather than rent or be co-partners with other fraternal organizations.
Proceedings of the
I take pleasure in reporting (and it is deeply gratifying to me to report) these signs of material and numerical growth and prosperity, but I take far greater pleasure and gratification in stating that there is among our lodges and the whole Brotherhood a most commendable effort to carry into effect and actual practice the great moral lessons Masonry teaches and for which it stands. How good and ho\v pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity! Such has been our condition the past year. Nothing has taken place to check the onward advance of the Fraternity. I have not been called upon to arrest the charter of a single lodge. Harmony, unanimity and concord prevail among us. Not a dis cordant note has been struck and the greatest of good will abounds. Our prosperity is reflected in the prosperity and growth of the Brotherhood apparent on every hand, and in every part of the State. This is not imaginary, but real. Of course, amidst the voluminous correspondence of the Grand Master's of.f.~ce, great and constantly increasing as it is, complaints are received now and then, but these are comparatively few in number and in most cases have proved to be unfounded and did not require much effort on my part to so convince the complainants. In fact, they really add to the cumulative weight, the great mass of evidence testifying to the forward and upward march of the Fraternity in Grand Old Missouri. w
Our relations with our sister Grand Lodges still continue to be the most fraternal and cordial. Nothing has occurred during the past year to in any way disturb the peace and good fellowship ,,:-hich prevails. I have had more or less correspondence with the Grand Masters of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Iowa, Pennsyl路 vania and other Grand Jurisdictions, relating almost exclusively to routine matters, and all .in the most friendly and fraternal spirit. Since I was installed in the office of Grand Master' of Missouri, I have not been in good health, and have suffered greatly fro.m high blood pressure and rheumatic conditions, so that I have riot been able to give the time and attention to the welfare of the Craft that it has demanded and that this high 路office warrants. It has路 not been possible for me to visit any lodges except a very . few where circumstances happened to bring me in contact with the brethren, and lowe much to the kindness of the Fraternity in helping me through with the duties of this office. I cannot speak too highly of M. W. Brother John R. ,Parson, who has been ex.. tremely kind and courteous to me in all my work, and his assist-
Grand Lodge of [Ylisso'uri
ance in the performance of my duties has been invaluable. I am also indebted in no little way to M. W. Brother D. M. Wilson for his Inany deeds of kindness during the past ,year. I have found hiln a great friend to one in need, especially in his readiness to assist and advise rile in arriving at a just decision on the questions that presented themselves from time to time during my term of office; he will ever have my grateful thanks and appreciation. I also desire to mention M. W. Bros. Frank R. Jesse, Jacob Lampert, Robert R. Kreeger, William F. Kuhn, Corona H. Briggs, R. W. Bros.' J. R. McLachlan, Julius C. Garrell and W. Bros. George S. McLanahan, Sol E. Waggoner, and o.ther brethren for the many favors sho\vn me during my administration and whose splendid co-operation has helped to lighten materially my task as Grand l\1:aster. APPOINTMENTS.
I recolnmended the appointment of R. W. Bro. Thomas F. Hurd as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Virginia near the Grand Lodge of Missouri. '
At once after the close of the Grand Lodge, I appointed the District Deputy Grand Masters for the fifty-nine districts, and they are now holding their offices, so far as I am advised. My deputies have been very prompt in the discharge of their duties and have uniformly been faithful in their perfor.mance, responding in every instance to the calls made upon them. Much of the high standing of our beloved Order is due to their efforts, and the satisfaction of duty well perforlned should be theirs. DISPE'NSATIONS.
For N e\v Lodges: During the year dispensations have been issued for two new lodges as follo\vs: On April 17, 1919, Altamont Lodge at Altamont, in Daviess County. On June 2, 1919, America Lodge atSt. Louis. To Reballot: Many requests were received by me during the year for permission to reballot on petitions, all of which I granted, deeming in each instance the reasons given sufficient. For Other Reasons: Dispensations have been granted for the removal of halls, and, in Inany cases, for election of officers as ,vill be shown in the ,Grand Secretary's Report.
Proceedings of the
[ Sept.
Early in the year a charge of unmasonic conduct was pre~ ferred against the lVlaster of Pollock Lodge No. 349. I obtained the na1118S of the witnesses in the vicinity, the ,most substantial and influential nlen there, and, the charge of gross drunkenness being fully sustained by the路 evidence, I suspended him from office and notified hinl to appear before the Grand Lodge at this session to ans\ver to the ch~rge. RECOMMENDATIONS.
In cOlnpliance \vith the la\vproviding that the Grand Master shall recol111nend .such measures as may by him be deemed ex-' pedient and necessary, I submit the follo\ving: 1. That a digest of the decisions of the Grand Lodge be prepared and published. 2. That all requests for dispensations to reballot on petitions be accompanied by a fee of five dollars.
3. That, in addition to his salary, the Grand Lodge pay the postage account of the Grand Master. 4. That the attention of the inCOll1ing Grand Master be called to ourl\Hssouri Centennial Anniversary, which will be in 1921, and that he appoint a c0111mittee to report at the 1920 Annual lVIeeting of the Grand Lodge some plan for the proper celebration of the occasion.
informed that the C0111mittee on Revisions has been at
\vork and \vill be able to路 report at the Annual Communication. ~~RRA~GEl\JIENTS FOR
The arrangenlents for holding this communication have been lllacle by R. W. Bro. IVlax A. \iVittmann, District Deputy Grand Master of St. Louis, \vho has also, at my request, directed the arrange.. nlents and detail attending the session of the Grand Lodge in St. Louis. \V...- \SHINGTON IVIASONIC MEIVIORIAL ASSOCIATION.
In conlpany 'Yith BrO'. J. R. lVlcLachlan, I attended the meeting of the \tVashington l\Iasonic Memorial Association at Alexandria.
1919. ]
of :Alissouri
Virginia, February 21-22, 1919, visiting the tomb of Washington and his old home. LAYING OF CORNERSTONES. Cornerstones were laid with appropriate ceremonies at Sumner, Missouri, August 19, and at El Dorado Springs, Missouri, August 21, BrotherJ. R. McLachlan and M. W. Brother Corona H. Briggs officiating. • THE MASONIC HOME. It is nlY pleasant duty to compliment Brother Sol. E. Waggoner, President of the Masonic Home, on his able management of that institution. I refer to the Horne with much pride, as it is a splendid nlonunlent to the philanthropy of Masonry in Missouri, and I feel that in behalf of the Fraternity I may extend to Brother Waggoner and also to the officers of the Home, especially to the Matron of the Old People and to the Matron of the Children, our gratitude for and our appreciation of their efficient administration of the affairs of the Honle. VICTORY LIBERTY BONDS
On April 24, 1919, the Grand Secretary, ,vith the consent of the Grand Master, invested $5,000.00 in Victory Liberty Bonds, a patriotic and safe investlnent ,vhich was heartily indorsed by IVI. W. Brothers C. C. Woods, Corona H. Briggs, D. M. Wilson, R. F Stevenson and others. WAR A'ND RELIEF ADMINISTRATION.
I ,vonId call attention to the splendid work of Arthur H. Myers, our representative in Ne,v York of the War and Relief Administration, in looking after Missouri Free.masons in the hospitals in that city. THE MISSOURI FREEIVL.L\.SONS OVERSEAS COMMITTEE.
The Missouri Freemasons Overseas Committee was pernla~ nently organized at its first meeting which was held at Kansas City, Missouri, October 18, 1918, Brother George S. McLanahan being chairman. On November 26, 1918, the Committee again met and appointed Brother "\Villialn P.Borland and Brother McLanahan as representatives to go to France and investigate the situa.. tion in relation to establishnlent of a Masonic Headquarters oversea's for Missouri. Sailing in January, 1919, they arrived in Paris,
Proceedings of the
January 13, Bro. Borland left for the Army of Occupation, Coblenz, Germany; 'and McLanahan to investigate the situation in the 35th Division \vhich ,vas nlade up of Kansas and l\fissouri troops. Brother lVIcLanahan found it impracticable to establish headquarters either at Paris or in the outlying districts owing to the rapid return of the soldiers to . ~. merica. The death of Brother Borland at the hospital in Cochem, Gerlllany, and the subsequent difficulties in getting his body returned to the United States, 'which was at last acco,mplished only through the aid of officers who were members of the Craft, ended the investigation. Ho,vever, a fund ,vas left in the care of Brother Edmund Heisch, Junior Grand Warden of the Independent National Grand Lodge of France, and John F. Griebel, Lieutenant in the Base Censor's office at Paris, to take care of establishing headquarters if the situation demanded it.
Brother 11cLanahan discovered that there were nlany Masonic Clubs in the Anlerican Expeditionary Forces which provided opportunity for social and fraternal meetings. The investigation at least established a ,varmer and closer relationship between this Grand Jurisdiction and the Independent National Grand Lodge of France. APPROPRIATION FOR THE SUPPORT OF FIFTY FATHERLESS CHILDREN OF FRANCE.
This路 Grand Lodge at its last regular communication, appropriated $1,825.00 as a contribution to\vard the support of fifty fatherless children of France, rendered so as result of the war, and it ,,'"as thought that the :purpose of this Grand body could be more satisfactorily acconlplished by having one member, rather than fifty, attend to the details and correspondence connected there'with. I therefore selected M. W. Bro. Robert R. Kreeger~ o~e cf our past Grand l\1asters, to do this ,york and he readily consented to undertake the task,路 which he has ably performed.
He has furnished IlIe路 a list, giving the name, address, sex and date of birth of each child; also an original letter written in French by either the child or the one with ,vhom it was living, together with an English translation thereof, expressing gratitude for our generosity; thus indicating that no part of the offering went astray. \VhiIe reading these letters and noting the tender expressions of grateful hearts, whose burdens have be.en unusually heavy dur-
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of 11Iissouri .
ing the last few years, I ,vas convinced that no like sum of .1l1oney ever carried ,vith it a greater quantity of good cheer and happiness, nor was ever nlore thankfully received. May the good Samaritan continue along the highways of earth, and may you assist him in his work of comforting these unfortunate children by 'contributing to their support for another year. DECISIONS. 1. In 1913 charges. of unmasonic conduct w.ere preferred against William C. Christmann, a menlber of I{eystone Lodge. On trial had in the lodge he was acquitted. An appeal was taken to the Grand Lodge; the judgment of the lodge was reversed and he was expelled. In 1918 he petitioned the Grand Lodge for restoration and his application ,vas granted. Question: Does the act of the Grand Lodge restore Bro. Christmann to membership in his lodge? Answer: No. The act of the Grand Lodge simply restores hinl to good Masonic standing. The matter is controlled by Section 250 of the By-Laws. 2. A candidate for ir+itiation and membership residing in the Jurisdiction of Hickory Hill Lodge No. 211, petitions Ionia Lodge No. 381. Although requested Hickory Hill lodge refused a waiver of Jurisdi~tion. The Secretary of Ionia Lodge writes to know what if anything they can do in the ,matter. Answer: Nothing. 3. Fayette Lodge No. 47 suspended a member for non-paynlent of dues January 15, 1915. He now desires to be" reinstated. Question: What alnount of dues ,vill reinstate him? Answer: He has only to pay the amount of dues accrued against hinl at the tilne he was suspended. In addition to this ho\vever, he must petition for reinstatement. See Article 13 of By-La\vs. 4. Sololnon Lodge No. 271. July 3, 1915, Eli Smith took his Entered Apprentice degree. He now desires to finish. Question: Ho,v shall he proceed? Answer: the case.
See and follow Section 107 of the By-Laws. It covers
5. Rose Hill Lodge No. 550, asks a dispensation to withdraw the petition for affiliation of one Allen. I replied that I had no
Proceedings of the
po\V'er to grant such a dispensation. See Section 102 of By-Laws as alllended in 1914. Page 157 Pro. 1914. 6. Fairfax Lodge No. 483. Question: Can one \vho has only been in the State eight nlonths be made a Freemason?
Ans\ver :
7. Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209. (a) Question: Is a man who is a government gauger at a distillery eligible to me.mbership in a l\fasonic Lodge? Answer:
(b) Question: Can young men who are in the army petition their hOUle lodges for the degrees where they do not intend to pernlanently remove fronl the state and are only temporarily absent in serving their country? Ans'wer: Yes. The matter was so decided by Grand Master Clark and his decision was approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence and the Grand Lodge. See paragraph 6, Report of Committee, page 103, Pro. 1918.
8. Continental Lodge No. 454. Question: Can one who has not passed his proficiency in the Third Degree hold an appointive office in the lodge? Ans'ver: No. He cannot vote nor hold any office.
9. Brother Blount F. Davidson, Chaplain 347th Infantry, A. E. F., France. Question: Will the Grand Lodge of Missouri issue charters for arlllY lodges working under its jurisdiction?
10. Cairo Lodge No. 486. Question: to meulbership in the Masonic Lodge? Answer: No.
Is a blind man eligible
11. Gate City Lodge No. 522. Question: Is a man 'whose thumb on his right hand has been aUlputated to the \vrist, eligible to lllembership in the Masonic Lodge? Ans,ver: No.
12. Friendship Lodge No. 89. Question: Is a man whose right leg is stiff and bent at the knee so that it does not touch the ground eligible for menlbership in the Masonic Lodge? Answer: 'No.
Grand Lodge of JJ,1iss02iri
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13. Portageville Lodge No. 166, expelled a l11ember some years ago. He recently petitioned for restoration, receiving only a two-thirds vote and ,vas granted a certificate of good standing. Question: Answer:
Does this entitle him to visit the lodge? Yes, unless objection is lllade by a member.
14. A. M. Harlan, D. D. G. M., 36th District. Question: Can a Special Dispensation be issued to accept a candidate w~o has lost his right arm belo"w the elbow and is using an artificial hand?
Answer: No special dispensation can be issued nor 'is it necessary. If the petitioner is able to conform to the ceremonies, he is eligible; if he cannot, he is not. 15. Robert Elliott, D. D. G. M. 44th District. Joplin has two lodges, both nleeting in the same hall. The city lilnits of Joplin are closer to Duenweg than is the hall in \vhich the lodge at Carterville meets, but that hall is closer to Duenweg than the hall in Joplin where those lodges ,meet.
Question: Answer:
Which Section of the By-La\vs applies, 175 or 177? Section 175.
16. Blue Springs Lodge No. 337. Question: Can we make a Freemason of a man whose index and Iniddle fingers are missing from his right hand? Ans\ver:
17. Evergreen Lodge No. 27. This lodge has leased the use of .its hall on certain nights to the Modern Woodmen of the \Vorld ; having no desk of their own for the 'secretary~ they are allowed the privilege of using the d'esl{ o\vned by the Woodmen. To this sonle of the brethren object claiming that under Section 83 of the By-Laws, a' Masonic Lodge is cOl11pelled to own its own desl\:. The nlatter was referred to me.
I see no objection to your lodge using the de'sk.
18. Papinville Lodge No. 140. Question: Is one whose left leg below the knee is paralyzed and withered, extending directly backwards and at a right angle to the thigh, eligible to receive the degrees?
19. Fayette Lodge No. 47. A candidate received the First Degree in 1901. Shortly afterwards he moved to Texas. Later
Proceedhlgs of the
he returned to Missouri but then moved to Oklahoma. Recently he has returned to Fayette. He no,v desires to finish up. Question: Ho'w shall he proceed? Ans,ver: This is governed by Section 107, By~Laws. The candidate should regularly petition for advancement. 20. Criterion Lodge No. 586. Question: Can a dispensation be issued to attend merllorial services in full regalia in recognition of a brother killed in France? Answer: No. 21. Corinthian Lodge No. 265. Question: Is a Greek who is not a naturalized citizen of the United States eligible for the degrees? Ans,ver: Yes. 22. St. James Lodge No. 230. At the last annual election for officers the vote for Master stood: For B., 12 votes; for J., 11 votes. In addition to these 23 ballots there was another ballot ,vhich had on it a nanle for each office to be filled at the election including that of J. for l\IIaster. In other ,vords, if the last ballot ,vas counted, B. had received 12 Yotes and J. 12 yates. The ballot ,vith J. 's nanle on it for l\faster and names on it for the other offices "was thro\vn out by the Master as illegal, and ,vas not counted. Thereupon, B. ,vas declared elected Master. The luatter ,vas referred to me. Decision: I held that there was no election, neither B. nor J. having received a ulajority of the votes cast; that it makes ,no practical difference ,vhether the ballot with J.'s and the other nalnes on it was counted or not. If counted for him the vote was a tie, 12 to 12; if not counted for him, it must be counted as a blank ballot and should be counted as one of the total number of votes cast. In either event, B. would fail of an election. I, therefore, ordered a ne\v election for Master. TRANSFER OF lVIEMBERSHIP.
In the Matter of the Transfer of Membership of Brother W. D. Collins: March 7, 1918, Brother W. D. Collins was elected to Inembership in Adair Lodge No. 366 on a Certificate of Good Stand~ ing issued by St. John's Lodge No. 28. The Secretary of Adair Lodge neglected to infornl St. John's Lodge of Brother Collins's路 election to nlembership. As a consequence Brother Collins was reported by both lodges as being on the roll of me,mbership as
Grand Lodge of Afissouri
and of June 30, 1918, and both lodges paid the per capita' tax. The foHo\ving November I received a letter froln the Secretary of Adair Lodge stating that he had received a letter froln the Secre路 tary of St. John's Lodge asking \vhat disposition had been made of Brother Collins's Certificate of Good Standing, and that in reply he had 'written that Brother Collins had been elected a nlember of Adair Lodge in the preceding l\iarch, and asked for a dimit. St. John's Lodge replied to this letter that they could not issue the dimit until the dues of Brother Collin~ had been paid up to June 24, 1919. I thereupon wrote a letter instructing St. John's Lodge to issue a di11lit in favor of Brother Collins, basing Iny decision on the action of the Grand Lodge in the Kurtz case. (See Pro路 ceedings 1913, pp. 110 and 163.) Having some doubts as to \vhether the Kurtz case \vas correctly decided, I \vrote to St. John's Lodge that 1 would aga'in refer the question to the Grand Lodge for its determination, \vhich I no\v do. CONCLUSION. It would be indeed ungrateful of 1116 to say no \vord of thanks to all those who have aided 111e in nlY \vork during the past year, for I could have accolnplished little \vithout their 'willing and painstaking assistance at all tiInes. I \vish to ex路 press nlY sincere appreciation of all favors shown me and kind .deeds done in illy behalf by the Brethren throughout the State and assure the 111 that it is not a nlatter of mere words but that they shall always be held by me in the Inost kindly relnelnbrance. I 'would again mention M. W. Bro. John R. Parson, who so can路 scientiously and ably presides over the office of Grand Secretary, and \vho has been of the greatest possible help to me during nlY term of office as Grand Master. I have considered the holding of this office a high honor and I have made it Illy ainl to perform all Iny duties to the best of Illy ability. IVTy record is made. It is .for you, Iny Brethren, to say ho\v \vell I have succeeded. Fraternally sublnitted, JOHN W. BINGHAM, Grand 11;1 aster.
Proceedings of the
PROPOSITION FROM MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION OF' S,T. LOUIS. R. \\T. Bro. IZar! IVr. Vetsburg presented the following proposition by '\vhich this Grand Lodge 111ay secure a perl11anent hOll1e in the proposed ne\v tell1ple in St. Louis, and sanle \vas referred to the Special COll1111ittee on lVIasonic Tenlple of one year ago, ,R. \V. Bro. Thad B. Landon, chairn1an: St. Louis, Missouri, September 16, 1919. To the lVIost vVorshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted IVfasons of the State of Missouri, and Brothers Thad B. 'Landon, John T. Short, and James L. Heckenlively, Masonic Temple Committee: Brethren: The l\1asonic Temple Association of St. Louis ,vas duly incorporated under and in pursuance of Article X, Chapter 33 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, 1909, entitled: "B,ellevolent, Religious, Scientific,Educational and Miscellaneous Associations," on the 26th day of Septenlber, 1917. The purposes for 'which it was incorporated were to finance, locate, erect, build, establish, furnish, equip and maintain and operate a Masonic Tenlple or Temples to be used for Masonic purposes only by and .for the exclusive use of the several Masonic bodies and Eastern Star Chapters nleeting in the City of St. Louis, and composing this Association; and to raise by donation, gift, devise or bequest, nloney and other property, and to raise funds by any lawful means to carry out the purposes for "\vhich it is incorporated, and, to issue bonds or other obligations to secure payments of any sums advanced to it; and, to this end, the Association Inight beC01l1e the o'wner or lessee or both, of any real estate or building, or part of a building in the City of St. Louis, and furnish and equip the saIne as may be necessary and convenient, and to sell or dispose or l110rtgage the same as it may see fit, and to conduct such business as might be necessary to carry into effect the objects and purposes of said Association. It is further provided that no pecuniary profit is to accrue to the Association for its o,vn use or to any nlelnber thereof, but all profits or incolne that may come to the corporation after defraying expenses and paying all the necessary loans, expenses, renewals and carrying charges, and
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after providing a suitabie sinking fund for inlprovenlents and addi路 tions, shall be applied to the reduction of the rents charged to the various Masonic bodies and Eastern Star Chapters in such manner and proportion as the Association luay determine. This . ~. ssociation representatives fronl three Coulnlanderies, Star, making a total
was incorporated on the date aforesaid, by thirteen Lodges, three Royal Arch Chapters, one Council' and t\VO Chapters of the Eastern 'of twenty~two.
Most Worshipful Brother W. A. C~ark, GrandMaster, on September 21st, 1917, duly consented to and 'approved of the plan of erecting said Masonic Te,mple in the City of St. Louis, in pursuance of the Masonic law in such cases made and 'provided. Sec. 2 of Art 1 of its By~Laws provides that any legally constituted and organized IVlasonic body and Eastern Star Chapter nl'ay, through its representatives, become an active nlember of the Association upon the ternlS and conditions therein set forth. Sec. 5 of A.rt. II provides for honorary nlembers who shall pay $100.00, but who shall not have any financial interest in the Association. Art. II provides that each Blue Lodge shall pay $35.00 per capita of its mell1bership; Royal Arch Chapters $10.00 per capita, Council of Royal and Select Masters, $10.00 per capita, Commanderies, $20.00 per capita, and Eastern Star Chapters, $5.00 per capita. These amounts to be figured upon the membership of the different bodies, according to their last return nlade to their respective Grand Bodies, before the letting of the contract. It further provides that the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. IVI. and other Grand Bodies, can be~ come melubers of the Association by contributing such as TIlay be agreed upon by the Association and such Grand Body. Sec. 5 of Art. II provides that each member of the Association shall receive a certificate showing the amount of money contributed by such active Inenlber. Such certificate shall be non-interest bearing and non-profit sharing, and shall merely represent the proportionate interest of such active nlember in the assets of the corporation upon dissolution and distribution. Sec. 6 of Art. II provides that each active member shall pay a proportionate ~hare to\vards the up-keep of the Tenlple, etc. Sec. 7 of Art. II provides that no member of the Association shall be legally liable, other than as hereinbefore provided, for any of the debts or I iabi I ities of the Association.
Proceedings of the
Sec. 1 of Art. IV provides for the representation in the Association of each active Ine.nlber. Art. V provides that the Board of Directors shall be composed of one representative fronl each active meluber composing the Association, etc. Since the, incorporation of said Association, other subordinate bodies have beconle nlenlbers thereof, so that at the present thue said Association is composed of sixteen Lodges, three Royal Arch Chapters, three COlll1nanderies, one Council, and ten Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star, Inaking an aggregate of thirty-three active melubers of the Association. According to the last returns made. by these subordinate bodies to their respective Grand Bodies, they are obligated to the Tem:ple Association to pay the sum of about $370,000.00, t\venty-five per cent of which has already been paid in to the treasury of the Association. By the ti,me building contract is let, we believe this figure 路will exceed $400,000.00. A canlpaign ,vas comnlenced in the spring of 1919 for the collection of funds for this enterprise from private individuals, and up to the present tinle, subscriptions to the amount of $171,484.00 have been obtained, Inaking a total amount pledged to the Association by subordinate IVIasonic organizations, Eastern Star Chapters and individuals, the SUUl of $540,000.00. Only about 500/0 of the nlembers of these different organizations have as yet been solicited and the canlpaign of soliciting subscriptions 'will be continued this fall and next winter. The Association has already purchased and paid for a most admirable and desirable location for the Telnple. It consists of a lot of ground centrally located on Lindell Boulevard, west of, and near, Grand Avenue, 'with a front on Lindell Boulevard of 203 feet by an average depth of 321 feet, and cOlnprising about 62,000 square feet. A building comnlittee has been appointed, cOlnposed of of our Ulost prominent Freelnasons of St. Louis, to ,york out the plans and specifications of the building, and to supervise the construction thereof. ...~ cOlnlnittee has also been appointed to pass upon the matter of selecting an architect for the building. These conlmittees are no\v enthu"siastically at ,york upon these propositions. It \vill perhaps take a few months for these committees to ulake such progress in their work as to justify the letting of a contract for the erection of a Temple.
Gra'nd Lodge of 1llissou,ri
The Grand Lodge at its session in 1916, through its COllUl1ittee conlposed of M. W. Brothers Calnpbell V\,iells and Jacob Lampert, declared itself in favor of having a pernlanent hall and offices in the City of St. Louis for the use of the Grand Lodge, and, reconlInending the appointment of a Committee of three, "whose duties it should be, at such tilne as convenient, to Ineet the COlnulittee of Masons in the City of St. Louis, who \vere promoting the proposed Telllple, and to secure frOln thell1 all details relevant to Grand Lodge space and hall, as well as the financial part of the proposition, and report the sanle to the Ways and Means Comnlittee at the next Annual Comn1unication in 1917. R. W. Bro. Thad B. Landon, M. W. Bro. John T. Short and R. W. Bro. Janles, L. Heckenlively ","ere appointed upon this COlumittee. They Il1ade their report to the Grand Lodge at the Session in 1917, \vhich appears upon pages 252-255 of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of that year. They, in their report, refer to the organization of the Masonic Tenlple Association of St. Louis, and that it was then perfecting its ~ncorporation; but, in vie\v of the fact that the Association at that time was not in a position to subnlit details or plans of the probable cost of the building and the fact that a site had not been selected, they recolnmended that the matter be continued and report deferred until the Annual Comnlunication of 1918, \vhich was done. This Conlll1ittee at the Session of 1918, (see Proceedings 1918, pages 107-8), made a 111ajority and Ininority report. The lllajority report recolll111ended that the Grand Lodge set aside as the nucleus of the Masonic Te.lnple building fund, whatever sum it might have on hand in excess of what might be necessary to meet the expenses of the Grand Lodge-the alnount to be deterlnined by the Ways and Means Comlnittee, and to continue to do so from year to year, until such a tilne as the funds would be used for the erection of suitable quarters for the Grand Lodge and its officers, etc. The majority report' further stated that the Committee had carefully gone over the proposition for the erection of a Masonic Temple in conjunction \vith a number of St. Louis Masonic Lodges, and believed it to be a feasible and good, proposition if properly worked out and the proper proportion of cost and definite quarters be shown by nlature detail, should the saIne be taken into consideration later, but, they did not deenl it wise to recommend action on any building proposition at that tinIe, and recommended that such nlatters be taken up later. The nlinority report stated that the COIDlnittee had received fro.ill the ~asonic Telnple Association of St. Louis, its proposition and plan for the joint erection and ownership of the proposed Ma-
Proceedings of the
sonie Temple in St. Louis for the use of the various Masonic Bodies in St. Louis and the Grand Lodge, but further set forth that in view of the existing conditions it was the opinion of the minority of the Committee that it 'was an inopportune time to consider any building project and that the matter should be continued for final determination until the War shall have been won, and further reconlmended that action upon the project "be postponed until Alnerica and her Allies shall have achieved Victory and the War is ended"-and, this .minority report of the Conlnlittee was adopted by the Grand Lodge. The War is now ended and we submit that it is now an opportune time for the Grand Lodge of Missouri to consider and deternline the question 'whether it shall have a permanent home, consisting of an auditoriuln in which it can hold its Communications, proper offices for its executive officers and fire-proof vaults for the proper preservation of its papers, archives, etc. We are led to believe that the finances of the Grand Lodge will justify the Grand Lodge in accepting the proposition of the Masonic Temple Association hereinafter set forth. The Grand Lodge has made adequate provision for the erection and completion of the beautiful group of buildings on the Masonic Houle grounds. They have all been paid for and not a cent is owing thereon. Is it not now tiule for the Grand Lodge to have a home of its
own? There is a consensus of opinion that the present offices of the Grand Lodge are inadequate; that they are unsafe for Grand Lodge records and archives; that they are not com.mensurate with the dignity of the. Grand Lodge, and that the Grand Lodge should acquire and o,\vn a permanent home of its own in St. Louis, with a suitable auditorium for its Annual Comluunications; with fire-proof vaults for its records, securities and archives, and adequate offices for its executive officers. St. Louis is the seat of the Grand Lodge and we-feeling that these accommodations could be acquired by the Grand Lodge TI10re reasonably and advantageously by combining \vith the Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis, which will build the proposed lYIasonic Temple here-are now again offering the Grand Lodge the opportunity to join '\vith us in the building of the proposed Masonic Temple. St. Louis would get from such a structare no benefit other than what would equally accrue to the Grand Lodge, and through it, to the entire Fraternity. Favorable action by the Grand Lodge would result路 in the building of a most magnificent monument to the Craft in this city, which would give
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to the entire Fraternity a corresponding return. The Masonic 'Telnple Association has reached that stage where it can be said to be an assured success. It has thus far raised approxi,mately $600,000.00 for this purpose. It further feels assured that it will raise several hundred thous,and dollars in addition to what has been raised. It expects to erect a Teluple on an adluirable and suitable lot secured by it, to cost approxinlately one million dol~ lars. We confidently believe that it would be to the best interest of the Grand Lodge to join with the Masonic Temple Association in the erection of this structure. It is proposed that this build~ ing shall be fire-proof and of modern structure, sufficient toaccomlllodate the Grand Lodge and the subordinate bodies which will Ineet therein, for at least fifty years to come. The l\tIasonic Temple Association, therefore, invites and requests that the Grand Lodge of Missouri join with it in the erec~ tion of this Temple and beconle an active menlber therein, and to that end, Inakes the follo\ving proposition to the Grand Lodge, to~wit:
PROPOSITION The Masonic Tenlple Association of St. Louis will build an adequate and路 up-to-date auditoriunl or hall for all C0111.ll1Unications of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of the State of IVIissouri; also construct and erect up-to-date and路 adequate fire-proof and burglar-proof vault or vaults for the keeping and preserving of the books, records, papers and archives of the Grand Lodge; erect and construct suitable and proper offices for the executive officers of the Grand Lodge; proper and suitable room for the library of the Grand Lodge; proper and suitable space for the hanging of the portraits of the Past Grand Masters of ,the Grand Lodge; for all of vvhich, the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Missouri shall pay to The l\1asonic Tenlple Association of St. Louis, its proportionate share toward the up-keep of the Temple Building. The above proposition is made upon the proviso and condition that the Grand Lodge, in addition to the paYluent of the alnounts above specified for hall or auditorium for its Communications, offices for its executive officers, etc., shall pay to the Masonic Telnple Association each year, the sum of $10,000.00, for the period of 15 years-the first paYlnent to COlll111enCe in the year 1919. Should the a,bove proposition .be accepted by the Grand Lodge, it shall thereupon becolne an active melllber of said Association and shall annually select or appoint and have, three (3) representa-
Proceedings of the
tives to the Annual IVleeting of said As,sociation and fro,m said representatives so selected or appointed, the Association or the Board of Directors thereof, shall annually select one Director. The above proposition was adopted, ratified and approved of by the Board of Directors of the Masonic Temple Association of
St. Louis, at the lueeting of the Directors thereof, held on September 12th, 1919. THE l\fASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION OF ST. LOUIS, By DORSEY A. JAMISON, President.
Attest: EDW. F. NOLTE, Secretary.
COMMUNICATIONS FROM TWO PAS,T GRA,ND MAS,TERS. R. \V. and Rev. Bro.. Arthur ~lather presented and read
the follo\ving C0l1l111Unications froul 1\1. \\.T. Bros. A. ]\,1. Dockery and Xenophon Ryland; and on 1110tion the Grand Secretary \vas directed to \vrite to these t\V'Q distinguished brethren, expressing the \:varnl and profound appreciation in \vhich they are both held in the hearts of the ll1etl1bers of this Grand
I...-odge" both letters to be printed in full in the proceedings of this Grand Lodge: POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GE'NERAL WASHINGTON September 11" 1919. M. W. John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, St. Louis, Missouri. My Dear Brother Parson: It is \vith profound regret I note the conflict in dates betw"een the coming session of the Grand Lodge and the parade at the National Capital on the 17th. instant, of the surviving soldiers of the First Division of the Regular _4..rlny, which left the mortal relnains of so great a nunlber of its immortal heroes in the soil
Missouri's Son GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING and His COlllmand On their triunlphal march through Washington Septelllber 17, 1919
Grand Lodge of lJ1issollri of France and Flanders to a\vait the SUUlmons, of the last day. I cannot, of course, be present on both occasions, and therefore regret the necessity of being compelled to choose bet'ween the two events. For many ,Inonths I have anticipated joyfully the patriotic pleasure of witnessing the return of these heroes \vho were first overseas and last to come h0111e. It was these invincible American soldiers and the Marines ,vho first arrested the triumphant march of the Gernlan ArnlY on its way to Paris and then aided in pushing it back, back until final victory canle. I confess to an irresistible desire to be present at the grand review of these faillous soldiers led by their famous cOll11uander,' a great Missourian, Gen. John J. Pershing, as they parade for the last tiIne up historic Pennsylvania Avenue.
Please renlen1ber 111e to the brethren, and with love and best wishes for the continued prosperity of our great Order and 'our beloved HOUle, I relnain, Fraternally yours, A. M. DOCKERY.
GRAND LODGE ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS STATE OF MISSOURI St. Louis, Septe,mber, 16, 1919. Hon. A. NI. Dockery, Assistant Postlnaster General, Washington, D. C. M. W. Sir and Dear Brother Dockery: By vote of the Grand Lodge, I anl instructed to say to you that the 111enlbers of this Grand Body very lnnch regret your absence from the sessions of this Grand Lodge; but they feel that your reason for relnaining in "''''ashington to nleetMissouri's son, General John J. Pershing, and to witness the triulllphal entry into Washington of his con11nand is sufficient, and laudably patriotic.
[ Sept.
Proceedings of the They also wish to express their esteenl for and confidence in yourself as \vell as appreciation of your longcontinued and valuable services to this Grand Body. With cordial \vishes for your continued success and prosperity, and \vith Fraternal greetings, JOHN R. PARSON,
Grand Secretary.
XENOPHON RYLA,ND Grand l\'.Iaster
Higginsville, Sept. 12, 1919. John R. Parson, Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. IVI. of Missouri, St. Louis. Thank you, lny Brother, for the copy of the Grand Master's Address. . I hardly have strength enough to w'alk frOln the Marquette to the Temple, so I am fearful that it would be un\vise for lne to attend the Grand Lodge. I have not strength to report on the Address. What a deprivation to me that I can not be \vith you! My heart was set on it. Thank the Grand Lodge for its kind greeting last fall, at the instance of dear Brother Charles C. Woods. I ",,"as present at the Semi-Centennial, June 1st, 1919, of the Foundation of the Central College for ", at LeXington, Mo., to \vhom the Grand Lodge gave the old Masonic College prop'erty. It. \vas at my instance, in part, that the Methodists 'were relieved fronl' the obligations in the grant of the property to raise in ten years, $50,000, believing they \vould do it in time. They have radsed since then
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Grand Lodge of It.1isso1A,ri
nearly $100,00'0, and have nobly redeemed their promises. Central College for Women is one of the foremost colleges for women in the state of Missouri, and possesses the prettiest college site in the state. June 1, 1919, was my seventy-sixth birthday also, and our Methodist brethren were very anxious for me to address the~ll; I declined at first togo, but gro\ving stronger for the time, finally concluded I was able to' go and be with them. Central College for W0111en was first known as Marvin Fern,ale Institute; then Central Female College; and now, Central College for Women. As a boy, I attended the Masonic College and, unfortunately for me, it closed. Lt was- there, as a soldier, under Col. Mulligan, I \vas captured 'in 1861, when seventeen years of age. I send you a poenl which expresses .l11y sentiments, and in it I say ('Goodbye" to my Brethren, one and all. lVlay the God of our Fathers continue to bless and prosper the Masonic Fraternity, and prosper our Brethren in every noble work. Yours fraternally, XENOPHON RYLAND. GOOD BYE There's a kind of chilly feeling in the And a sense of sadness stealing through But its not the drear September that It is but that I remember I have come
blowing of the breeze, the' t'resse's of the trees; is slowly i:1raw{ng 'nigh, to say "Gb'od ByeY
"Good Bye," the winds are짜.railing; "GoodBye" the tre"es complain, Be'nding- lo\v to "whisper \vith their green leaves wet with' rain; And the heavy roses murmur, and the drooping. lilies sigh, . L. \.s if they all felt sorry I had come to say "Good Bye." Its a thing that you and I a': many times have said, soft And easy-like ,vitll eyes east down, that dare not lOQk aloft For the tears that trembled in them, and the lips that breathed a sigh That somehow took hold of the heart and made it say "Good Bye." I think it hard to say, but standing here alone, "\Vith the pleasant Past behind me, and the Future dim, unknownBut a spark seen in the gloan1ing, and I can't keep back the sighAnd, I'm \veeping like a "roman as I bid you all "Good Bye."
Proceedings of the
The work I've done is with you, maybe some things went wrong; Like a note that marS the music in the s'weet flow, of a s01l:g; But friends, when you think of me I only wish you would Say, as the IVraster said of one, "He hath done what he could." And, 'when you sit together in the Future that's to be, Around your cheerful firesides in this pleasant land we see, Let the sweet Past come before you, and with something like a sighSay, "Dear friend, \v'e'll not forget him, since the day he said 'Good Bye.' "
St. Louis, September 16, 1919. Rev. Xenophon Ryland, Past Grand Master, Higginsville, Mo. My Dear Brother Ryland: I am instructed by unanimous vote. of this Grand Lodge to write you for the purpose of conveying to you an expression of their cordial appreciation of your letter and poem; your' absence from our sessions this year will be much regretted as we shall miss your wise counsel and genial presence which we have enjoyed for so many, many years. We trust and hope that your health may be restored to you, my路 dear Brother, and that you may again be able to meet with us路 and greet us at our sessions for many years to come before we are all called to meet in that Celestial Lodge above. With kind and fraternal greetings, JOHN 'R. PARSON, Grand Secretar)"
Grand Lodge of lJ,:Iissouri
STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES FOR 1919. Grand l\faster Binghan1 announced the following Standing and Special Committees for 1919: JURISPRUDENCE-B. E. Bigger, Chairman; Julius R. Edwards, John C. Robertson, R. R. Kreeger, A. B. Frey, Thos. F. Hurd, J. M. Carnahan. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES-Nelson A. Franklin, Chairman; W. L. Hamrick, Robert A. IVIay, Judge W. D. Moore, W. A. Higbee. WAYS AND MEANS-Frank R. Jesse, Chairman; John T. Short, Dorsey A. Jamison, J. S. Taylor, Harry B. Stevenson, Chas. F. Kehl, O. F. Landers. CREDENTIALS-Wm. A. Sommers, Chairman; William Ortmann, Arthur ~1:orey, JYI. .<\.. Peery, R. E. Ash, Grover C. Bishop, H. N. Martin. PAY ROLL-Walter R. Shrodes, Chairman; George L. Markley, J. E. Millsap, J. R. Webb, Frank l\icAtee, W. B. Massey. CHARTERED LODGES-Clarence L. Alexander, Chairman; Chas. F. Stiff, John P., Austin, H. S. Wilson, W. R. Roark, D. M. Wilson, Jr., W. D. R.og~rs. . . LODGES, U. D.-James A. Boone, Chairman; T. W. Ball, R. W. Ely, Clyde A. Madison, H. A. Rosskopf, Arthur H. Cole, J. C. Staple. CH.ARITY-James P. Tucker, Chairman; H. C. Chiles, L. R. Went.. zel, John A. Hubbard, J. R. Davidson, E. L. Roth, M. R. Mount. REPORTS OF D. D. G. MASTERS-Geo. S. McLanahan, Chairman; Geo. S. To\vnsend, H. L. Hardy, Claude H. Knapp, Geo. Arni, L. M. lVlegginson, J. W. Moore. MASONIC BO.ARDS OF RELIEF-Andrew _T. O'Reilly, Chairman; Charles E. Overly, Ayers H. Blocher, J. E. Cavin, E. W. Buskett, L. T. Caster, F. B. Howarth, E. V. l\1:adden. RITUAL-D. M. Wilson, Chairman; R. R. Kreeger, Jno. T. Short, J. R.l\1cLachlan, Frank R. Jesse, Karl M. Vetsburg. MASONIC HOME-J. L. Heckenlively, Chairman; Irwin Sale, J. H. Bamburg, .A. C. Haley, L. R. Wentzel, J. E. Jordan, R. G. Nelson, R. W. Steckman. CORRESPONDENCE-Charles C. Woods, Chairman. OBITUARIES-Corona H. Briggs, Chairman; B. C. Hunt, E. E. Huffman, A. E. Carleton, E. J. Vroman, C. L. Hurt, P. G. Cook, E. M. Wilson. AUDITING-H. Clay Perkins, Chairman. GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS-Xenophon Ryland, Chairman; and all Past Grand IVlasters present.
[ Sept.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS-Ed\vin Nelson, Chairman; L. H. Hicks, 'J. 1\1:. Chandler, James Dalgleisch, W. P. Stearns, A. G. Ten1pleton,
Geo. F. "\Vilson. TRANSPORTATION AND HOTELS-Frank L. Magoon, Chairman.
SPECIAL COMMIT'TEES. RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES-Wm. F. Kuhn, J. 'V. Boyd, C. C. "Voods, C. H. Briggs, A. S. Houston, Tolman W. Cotton. lVIANUALS-John R. Parson, Geo. 'Vro. C. Heck.
IV[ayhall, J:ohn H. Gundlach,
RITUAL-D. lVL 'Vilson, R. R. Kreeger, John T. Short, J. R. McLaehlan, F. R. Jesse, Wm. A. Hall. MASONIC "VAR RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE-Geo. S. McLanahan, C. H. Briggs,R. R. Kreeger, C. C. Bigger, Jacob Lampert. REVISION OF TRIAL CODE-Dorsey A. Jamison, Edw. Higbee, Arch A. Johnson, Karl M. Vetsburg, Thad. B. Landon.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON F'RATERNAL CORRESPONDENCE. 1\'1. \V路. Bro. C. C. YAloods, Chairnlan, presented the report of C0111111ittee on Fraternal Correspondence, which ,vas adopted and ordered printed in the Proceedings. (See Appendix.)
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of ~1issour'i
REPORT OF THE GRAND SECRETARY. 1\1. vV. Bro. John R. Parson presented the annual report of the Grand Secretary, shovving. that he had secured reports and collected Grand Lodge dues from every Lodge in the state execept one, Pineville Lodge, No. 108. Adopted. To the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of IVIissouri: Dear Brethren: According to custom and the Grand Lodge la\v, the following report of official work in the office of Grand Secretary is presented for 'your consideration covering the period bet\veen September 12, 1918, and September 10, 1919. NEW LODGES. Two new lodges, chartered at the last session of the Grand Lodge, were set at \vork according to law, and are named and located as follows: Chartered September 18, 1918. Apollo Lodge No. 529, at St. Louis. 33d District. Clever Lodge No. 645 at Clever, Christian County, 54th District. PROCEEDINGS DISTRIBUTED. The Proceedings of 1918 were printed and distributed 45 days after the session. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. By order of M. vV. Bro. John W. Bingham, Grand Master, comnlissions were sent to the fifty-nine District Deputy Grand Masters by him appointed.
COTh1MISSION RECEI\TED. Grand Master Bing'ham recommended for appointment as Grand Representative of a sister Grand Lodge near the Grand Lodge of MissouriRt. W. Bro. Thos. F. Hurd, Paris, for the Grand Lodge of Georgia. COlVIMISSION TO GRAND REPRESENT..I \.TIVE. Grand Master Bingham appointed the following-named Brother as Grand Representative of Missouri near the Grand Lodge of Idaho Rt. W. Bro ~rch Cunningham, Boise DUPLIC.ATE CHARTERS. By order of Grand IV(aster Bingham duplicate charters were sent to the following lodges: December 19, 1918, l\Iaryville Lodge 165, second duplicate Charter. JYIay 19, 1919, Everton Lodge 405; total destruction of hall and records by fire. SURRENDERED CHARTERS. On July 27, 1918, the day after making full report to the Grand Lodge for the year ending June 30, 1918, Spring Creek Lodge No. 347, suffered a total loss by fire of its hall and contents thereof including charter and records. The secretary, ho"\vever, was able to make a
Proceedings of the
very good supplen1entary report from data in his personal possession. The Charter was surrendered, by vote, October 19, 1918, and $61.00 in the lodge treasury \vas turned over to the Grand Lodge, October 23, 1918. On lYray 12, 1919, Rt. "V. Bro. John E. Reeds, D. D. G. l\iaster of the 28th District, informe'd me that IVIontgomery City Lodge No. 246, had surrendered charter on that date, according to la Vi, and that he a\vaited further instructions. Accordingly he was directed to take charge of the IJroperty of the Lodge including its books and papers, and hold same until the Grand Lodge should take action in the matter. LODGES UNDER DISPENS.A.TION. Grand l\faster Bingham granted dispensations for two new lodges as fo11o\\'s: April 17, 1919, ,Altamont Lodge, Altamont, Daviess County, 24 petitioners; Tenth District. J'une 2, ID19, ...o \.merica Lodge, St. Louis, 36 petitioners; Thirtythird District. BLANI(S FOR ANNU..A.L RETURNS. T\vo copies \vere mailed June 1st to each lodge, together with circular giving full information as to time and manner of making returns; and on July 5th a sealed circular \vas sent to all nonreporting lodges, calling attention to the la\\' governing making of returns and payment of per capita tax. Notwithstanding these full and explicit directions there 'were 37 delinquents on ,A.. ugust 1st. rrhirty-six of these delinquents have now reported and' paid Grand Lodge dues. LODGE RETURNS. Returns from all but one of our 643 lodges sho\v increased prosperity \vith a net gain of 5,248 members. DELINQUENT LODGE. The follo\ving lodg'e has not complied with the la\v of the Grand Lodge as to making returns or paying Grand Lodge dues. No. 108 Pineville, Pineville, lVlcDonald County, reported 1918, 30 members. ST.A..TISTICAL. Number of chartered lodges in the jurisdiction............... . 643 Number of lodges making returns............................ 642 Number of members in lodges making returns 79,209 Number of members (1918) in one non-reporting lodge........ 30 Number of members in lodges U. D. (2)...................... 60 Number of members in Spring Creek Lodge 347 (surrendered) 55 Nu:rnber of members in 1\1ontgomery City Lodge, 246 ( " ) 95 Total number of J\tIaster l\lasons in the jurisdiction, June 30, 1919 ' 79 449 Net gain in membership for the year 5:248 BLANKS FOR REPORTS OF DISTRICT DEPUTY GR.A.ND JYIASTERS. Blanks for these reports were sent July 1st to the District Deputy Grand Masters of the several Masonic Districts. SPECIi\.L DISPENSATIONS To Lay Cornerstones C. H. Briggs, P. G. l\L-New High School Bldg. at El Dorado Springs.
Gra1z,d Lodge of lvfissouri
ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Anchor No. 443. Raymore No. 45l. I{ingston No. 118. Bloonlfield No. 153. St. Marks No. 93. Cosmos No. 282. Mt. IVloriah No. 40. Novinger No. 583. Friend No. 352. Lakeville No. 489. Clear Creek No. 418. Stockton No. 283. Lockwood No. 52l. California No. 183. Dexter No. 532. Clarence No. 305. Saline No. 226. Ava No. 26. Forest Park No. 578. Hatfield No. 395. Xenia No. 50. Russellville No. 90. Cass No. 147. Buckner ~o. 501. Craft No. 287. Carroll No. 249. Evergreen No. 27. Sheldon No. 37l. LalVIonte No. 574. Tuscumbia No. 635. 'VVashington No. 87. Essex No. 278. Braymer No. 135. Philadelphia No. 502. DeWitt No. 39. vVeaubleau No. 636. l\filford No. 516. Rocl\: Prairie No. 269. Garrett No. 359. ElDorado No. 318. 'Vienna No. 94. Manes No. 240. Cypress No. 227. Da\vn No. 539.
Phoenix No. 136. IVlonett No. 129. lVItn. Grove No. -158. Potosi No. 13l. Bogard No. 10l. Good Hope No. 218. Clay No. 207. Kirksville No. 105. â&#x20AC;˘.:\.dair No. 366. l\tIineral No. 47l. Galt No. 423. 'Union No. 593. Grant City No. 66. George Washington No.9. Triangle No. 638. Jerusalem No. 315. Love No. 259. Cold Spring No. 274. Tower Grove No. 63l. Carthage No. 197. Pomegranate No. 95. Je\vel No. 480. Bertrand No. 330. \Vallace No. 456. Cache No. 416. Erwin No. 12l. Algabil No. 544. \Vilson No.19l. Pleasant No. 160. Vienna No. 452. Pine No. 314. Polar Star No. 79. Magnolia No. 63l. Pride of the "Vest No. 179. Missouri No. l. Henderson No. 477. Red Bird No. 584. Clifton Heights No. 520. Centralia No. 59. :BJquality No. 497. St. Louis No. 20. Morgan No. 320. Trinity No. 64l. Lanlbskin No. 460.,
REBALLOTS. M1ssouri No. 1 (3). Ashland No. 156. Heroine No. 104 (2). Solomon No. 27l. Beacon No. 3 (4). Webster Groves No. 84 (3). Mansfield No. 543. Wellston No. 613 (2). Shekinah No. 256 (2). Gate City No. 522. . Gate of the Temple No. 422. Hannibal No. 188. Olive Branch No. 576 (2). l\10ntgomery City No. 246. Seligman No. 517.
IVIagnolia No. 626. Marionville No. 390. Temperance No. 438. Bridgeton No. 80 (2). Pomegranate No. 95. Callao No. 38. Chaffee No. 615. Keystone No. 243. .4..pollo No. 529 (2). 'Vandalia No. 491. l\ft. Vernon No. 99. .Te\vel No. 480. North East No. 643. Greensburg No. 414. Modern No. 144.
R. A. Breuer, D. D. G. M.; dedicate Hall of Evergreen Lodge No. 27.
Proceedings of the
Charles Banks, D. D. G. M.; dedicate Hall of Novinger Lodge No. 583. Hope Lodge No. 251; "\楼. M:., dedicate Hall at Washington. l\;fISCELLANEOUS. To borrow $1,500 to rebuild-Greensburg Lodge No. 414-November 2, 1918. . To appear in public; lVIt. "Zion Lodge No. 327-Chrlstmas Service \vith Knights Templar, December 29, 1918. To appear in JYIasonic procession; Savannah Lodge No. 71; on its Seventy-fifth Anniversary. . Public Installation; Canopy Lodge No. 284, December 27, 1918. Public Installation; Rlchland Lodge No. 385. COURTESIES RECEIVED ..<\.ND GRANTED. By direction of Grand Master Bingham, 333 requests have been sent to sister Grand Jurisdictions to confer degrees for Missouri lodges; and 18D requests have been received by lodges in Missouri to confer degrees for sister Grand Jurisdictions. TRANSPORTATION AND HOTELS. No reduction in railroad fares. Circulars giving hotel rates, etc., \vere mailed to the lodges August 15th, and copies of it may be found in the Grand Lodge. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. All petitions sent to this office have been delivered to Chairman of the Com.mittee, W. Bro. Nelson A. Franklin.
GRAND LODGE PROPERTY. Liberty Loan Bonds. The Grand Lodge has made another investment of $5,000 in the Victory Liberty Loan bonds; these bonds together with $5,000 in Liberty Loan Bonds, bought in November, 1917, are deposited in the name of the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri, in safe deposit box in the IVIississippi Valley Trust Company, St. Louis. Interest amounting to $212.50 has been received on this account since my last report. REAL ESTATE. Lot 50x142 in Block 12, Town of Eureka, Mo., formerly belonging to l\feramec Lodge No. 95 (defunct), and fUlly described in 1917 Proceedings, ",vas sold November 4, H)18,. to Mrs. Carrie ~I. Huey for $175, and the transaction recorded at Clayton. l\JIASONIC H01\IE. Donation of $3,500 to the Masonic Home \vas paid by Warrant No.3, issued September 20, 1918; also $265 to cover five-sevenths of back dues collected up to June 30, 1919, by Warrant No. 144, aggregating $3,765. The per capita tax for 1919 to and including September 10, together with arrears received since July 1, 1919, amounts to $138,761.75, five-sevenths of \vhich $99,115.54, has been turned over, at 路weekly intervals, to the l\lasonic Home. RECAPITULATION. Donation $3,500.00 Five-sevenths of back dues to June 30, 1919.... 265.00 $3,765.00 $ 3,765.00 Five-seveIlths of per capita tax 1919 to Sept. 10th...... 99,115.54 Grand total paid to the Home since Sept. 12, 1918 .... $102,880.54
Grand Lodge of M-isSOtiri
GRAND LODGE FINANCES. Receipts. Cash balance, September 12, 1918 . Back dues, 1918, collected $ 372.00 Prom defunct lodges............................ 41.00 From Spring Creek No. 347 (surrendered)...... 61.00 From Manuals (Docket) 2,694.50 From J\:Ianuals (library)........................ 65.00 From Books Constitutions...................... 58.50 From Dues Receipts............................ 597.70 Sale of Grand Lodge Proceedings.............. 9.00 Sale of copy G. 1\1.'s Conference (Iowa)....... 1.50 Interest on Liberty Bonds...................... 212.50 Dispensation fees, Lodges U. D. (2)............ 60.00 Charter fees, Lodges U. D. (2).................. 40.00 Refund on 1917 Pay Roll, St. Louis Union Bank 2.30 Refund on 1918 Pay Roll, St. Louis Union Bank 51. 75 St. Louis Board Relief, 1 grave Bellefontaine.. 10.00 Sale lot~ Block 12, Eureka, Mo., to Carrie M. Huey 175.00 Interest 2% on daily balances, 12 months...... 593.03
$ 45,050.36
$ 50,095.14 138,761. 75
Total receipts from Sept. 12, 1918 to Sept. 11, 1919 ..
Per capita tax up to and including Sept. 11, 1919
Disbursements. Pay Roll, 1918, Warrant No.1 $ 7,800.86 Balance on 1918 Mileage and Per Diem, J. E. Reeds omitted 10.20 Geo. S. McLanahan account lost Pay Roll Check, 1918' . 22.62 Kellogg Smith account lost Pay Roll Check 1918 22.62 J. R. IVIott, Lodge 589, account lost Pay Roll Check, 1918 . 10.15 Masonic Home of l\Iissouri, donation to (1918) .. 3,500.00 Masonic Home of Missouri, 5/7 of back dues .. 265.00 Masonic Home of Missouri, 5/7 of 1919 l)er capita 99,115.54 1:Iasonic War Relief Fund, donation to . 5,000.00 Charity, according to report of committee on charity . 225.00 Expenses of Grand Master . 1,000.00 Expe.;:se~ ?f Grand Master; trip to Alexandria, vIrgInIa . 113.19 Salary of Grand Secretary, John R. Parson . 3,000.00 Salary of Grand Lecturer, J. R. McLachlan . 2,500.00 Expenses of Grand Lecturer, J. R. Machlan . 700.00 Extra expense, Grand Lecturer, J. R. l\1cLachlan 300.00 Expense, Grand Lecturer, J. R. ]yIcLachlan, trip to Alexandria, 'Virginia . 94.55 Salary of Grand Treasurer, Wm. A. Hall . 200.00 Rent of Grand Lodge offices, Board of Education 1,500.00 Salary, assistant to Grand Secretary . 1,200.00 Salary, assistant to Grand Secretary . 960.00 Printing, postage, stationery and inc. . . 425.00 Spalding Stationery Co., printing and supplies .. 664.83 Chairman, Comnlittee on Chartered Lodges, C. L. Alexander . 50.00 Chairman, Committee on Pay Roll, B. F. Wilson 100.00 Southwestern Telephone Co. (Bell) . 52.04 Kinloch Telephone Co. . . 78.00 Rev. C. C. Woods, Fraternal Correspondent . 400.00 Fire Insurance Grand Lodge furnishings, Delafield &. Snow . 9.50 IVIendle Printing Co., printing Proceedings, Manuals, Index cards, etc. 2,341.37 City tax, Grand Lodge furnishings............. 14.10
Proceedings of the
Delafield & Suo'W, pren1ium on bonds of Grand Secretar:r and Grand Treasurer . Expenses, 1918 session of the Grand Lodge . E. I-I. Carpenter, nurse, Rochester Lodge 248 (defunct) ~ . H. Clay Perkins, Auditor . Barr Jewelry Co., P. G. IVr. je\vel, W. A. Clark H. A. Krueger, Grand Tiler . Painting portrait Grand l\1aster Clark . Lee 1\1:. Edgar, reporting 1918 Proceedings, transcril)t ., . Baldwin Regalia Co., service flag . Steiner Engraving Co., U. S. flag 4x6 . •J. L. Heckenlively, expenses, Committee on l\iasonic Temple ~ . Thad B. Landon, expenses, Committee on Masonic Temple . l\:fississippi Valley Trust Co., safe deposit box :Merehants Ice Co., ice . Grand J.\;lasters' Conf. 72 copies' Pro. (Iowa) .. U. S. De1\loulin, Greenville, Ill., "50 Fatherless French Children" . Five $1,000 Victory Liberty Loan Bonds . . Ivrasonic Relief Ass'n U. S. & Canada Becktold Prtg. & Book l\tlfg. Co., binding lVIanuals . J. I{ennard & Son Carpet Co., renovating rugs E. C. Kerwin, repairing electric fans . F. R .•Tesse, expo as Spec. Deputy, for G. M . E. L. vVindhorst, clerical \vork, 1919 Proceedings Sol E. "\;V""aggoner, expo delegates to Board of Relief, TJ. S. and Canada . A. R. Timerman, St. Jos. to cover Pay Roll Check No. 877 (1918) ~ enS]l
100.00 358.01 10.60 50.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 60.00 25.00 7.50 25.00 36.06 5.00 11.31 108.00 1,825.00 5,000.00 360.00 816.00 25.75 5.00 40.35 50.00 53.19 6.00
Book l>alnnce, September 11, 1919................
$ 47,854.46
Uncleared '\Varrant No. lS6to lUnsonic for balance 1919, per capita tax
Cash Book balance
427.50 47,854.46
Bank Book balance
MASONIC WAR RELIEF FUND. During the year I have receIved the sum of $9,028.60 from 94 lodges for the use and benefit of the War Relief Fund. Individuals and the Grand Lodge contributed an additional sum of $5,501, as sho\vn below'. The entire alnount, $14,529.60, has been turned over to the Missouri Freemasons' Overseas Committee, and I hold receipts for same. No. 2. 9.
17. 20. 25. 31. 41. 47. 61. 63. 72.
80. 102. 113. 119.
LODGE M':eridian George "\Vashington· Clarksville ~ St. Louis Naphtali
Bismarck Fa:rette ,\Vaverly' Cambridge Gorin Bridg'eton Bloomington Plattsburg DeSoto
Paid $ 280.00 . 300.00 . 8.00 . 231.50 . 332.00 . 44.00 . 42.00 . 10.00 . 35.00 . 100.00 . 1.00 . 32.00 . 30.00 . 4.00 . 153.00
Grand Lodge of
1919.] 125. .149. 150. 151. 153. 164. 172. 173. 179. 180. 186. 194. 208. 211. 215. 218. 219. 220. 230. 243. 265. 267. 27,t 276. 282. 299. 314. 315. 322. 323. 329. 340. 344. 346. 355. 362. 364. 373. 374. 389. 393. 397. 422. 429. 441. 443. 444. 445. 446. 450. 460. 461. 462. 474. 475. 501. 505. 526. 529. 531. 542. 563. 564. 566. 570. 584. 586. 590. 591.
Gentryville . 4.00 Lexing"ton . 35.00 Birming , . 8.00 IVlilton . 10.00 Bloomfield . 32.00 .Joachinl . 75.00 Censer . 50.00 Gray Summit . 45.00 Pride of the 'Vest ..........•.. 73.00 P~,rramid . 19.00 IVrorality . 36.00 Wellsville . 20.00 Salisbury . 36.00 Hickory Hill . 15.00 Hornersville . 5.00 Good Hope . 135.00 Albert Pike . 79.00 Kansas City .......•......... 151.00 St. .James . 41.00 Keystone . ~ . 603.00 19.00 Corinthian . 148.50 Aurora . 18.00 Cold Spring . 11.00 Grand River . 141.00 Cosnlos . 389.00 Temple .; . 6.50 Pine . 26.00 .J erusalem . 10.00 Harclill . Cornerstone . 123.00 Kennedy . 41.00 208.00 Westport . 343.00 ~foberly . 32.00 Arlington . 4.00 Adelplli . 31.00 Hiram . 80.00 Higginsville 25.00 Belle 0. 7.00 Wilderness . 95.00 ...I\.rcana . 17.00 Bee Hive . 69.00 Gower . 136.00 Gate of the Temple . 29.00 Ne\v Madrid . 37.00 Excelsior . 97.00 Anchor . 70.00 Ada . 173.50 West Gate .................•.. Ivanlloe . 1,633.00 2.00 Belton . 165.00 Lambskin . 65.00 Caruthersville . 35.00 Santa Fe . 30.00 Gllilford . 49.00 Golden . 58.00 Buckner . 64.00 Euclid . 49~00 Wayne 24.00 .A,pollo . 12.10 Lane's Prairie . 102.00 Fergllson . 289.00 Yorlc . 17.00 .JameSI)Ort . 90.00 Maplewood . 74.00 Republic . 5.00 Red Bird . 18.00 Criterion .. 65.00 Advanc"e 1.00 Barnett 0
Proceedings of the 600. 612. 613. 614. 624. 6:31. 638. 640. 641. 643.
l\1okane ""ellston l\:rt. 'Vashington Owensville TO'wer Grove Triang'le Jennings Trinit~路
. . . . . . . . . .
41.00 63.00 109.00 62.00 31.00 170.50 59.00 41.00 92.00 52.00
$9,028.60 Jacob Lampert, P. G. IVr. $ 500.00 R. E. Parsons, Kansas City........ 1.00 Grand Lodge A. F. & A. IVL of Mo 5,000.00
Grand 'fotal to Sept. 10, 1919
Fraternally submitted,
Grand Secretary.
Grand Lodge of
REPORT OF THE GRAND TREASURER. lVI. \lV. Bro. VVn1. A. Hall, Grand Treasurer, presented his report, vvhich was adopted as follows, together with report of Auditor. To the M. W. Grand Lodge ...L\... F. & A. M. of Missouri: Dear Brethren: Herewith I submit my report as Grand Treasurer together \vith my books and vouchers: The following is a list of my receipts and disbursements in detail since my last report: Receipts Balance on hand Sept. 12th $ 45,067.01 1918 121.90 Sept. 23 Received from Grand Secretary................. " " " ". .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . 334.25 26 " · .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .• 86.80 9 Oct. 148.20 ·.. ...... ........ 23 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.95 Nov. 20 127.95 · .. .. .... .... ...• 4 Dec. ·.. .............• 225.65 11 " 1919 126.95 Jan. 2 97.45 9 " 108.55 15 86.55 22 124.85 28 137.35 7 Feb. 230.85 12 " 99.10 20 137.85 28 67.05 IVIch. 10 59.35 18 " 115.40 25 79.25 31 108.10 Al~ril 8 100.90 15 87.55 19 " 113.70 28 ~.' " 7 100.55 M~l 16 120.25 " 26 193.75 June 4 106.90 10 99.10 " 19 134.00 30 101.85 1 1,692.25 JU,~y 2 1,970.50 3 2,782.50 7 2,550.75 7 2,311.75 8 3,620.75 9 72.80 9 2,034.50 10 6,008.00 11 5,412.75 12 2,109.25 14 4,032.00 15 6,958.25 · .\ 16 3,420.50 17 7,670.75 18 3,849.00 19 3,854.75 21 61.00
.'" .
Proceedings of the
40 21
22 23 23 25 26
28 28 29 30 31 1 2
4 5 6 6 7 8
9 11 13 15 18 18 19 21 25 28 30 2 2
5 6 8 10
In te~,est on Der>~~its..........•...............
[Sept. 9,090.25 4,003.25 7,375.75 5,392.50 4,452.25 4,173.00 104.05 12,275.50 4,428.75 7,583.75 9,188.50 5,391.00 690.50 380.75 232.75 98.75 78.95 204.00 425.75 430.50 321.00 222.75 80.75 101.45 162.75 168.50 154.25 510.50 321.00 126.00 106.60 364.00 151.25 97.50 41.00 25.75 82.84 53.20 52.99 43.84 42.82 41.18 35.72 37.08 32.5024.55 37.65 108.66
Total Receipts .•......................... $188,856.89 DISBURSEMENTS
1918 Sept. 18 Ie 20
1 B. F. Wilson, Chairman Pay Roll Com .... $ 2 E. H. Carpenter, (nurse) defunct Lodge 248 3 Masonic Home of Missouri (donation) ...• 4 A. J. O'ReillY, expo for 1918 session of G. L. 5 B. F. Wilson, chairman Pay Roll Com •.•• 6 C. L. Alexander, chairman Committee Chartered Lodges ........•..•.......•.• 7', H. Clay Perkins, Auditor . 8 H. A. I{,rueger, Grand Tiler .•........ " . 9 Barr Jewelry Co., P. G. M. jewel (Wm. A. Clark) .....•.•.........•..•.•.•..•..•.• 10 Delafield & Snow, premium on bonds G. S. -G. T .
7,800.86 10.60 3,500.00 358.01 100.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 100.00
Gra'ltd Lodge of 1I路1issouri
1919.] Sept.
11 12 13 14 15 16
25 28 30 Oct.
3 11
27 28
28 30 Nov.
31 1 4
5 6 9
14 20 21 26
27 29 Dec.
9 14
24 26 28 30 1919 Jan. 4
11 27
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Albert Meyer, portrait of Grand Master Clark . ' . Lee M. Edgar, reporting Pro. and transcript Baldwin Regalia Co., service flag G. L ..... J. L. Heckenlively, Exp. Com. on Masonic Temple . T. D. Landon, Exp. Com. on l\lasonic Temple Monticello Lodge No. 58, for Mrs. V. An ... derson . Craft Lodge 287, for Wm. H. Beach . A. S. Houston, for Mrs. K. M. Deane . Bd. Education, rent of G. L. offices (Sept.) Spalding Sta. Co., printing, etc . J. R. McLachlan, G. Lec., salary for Sept . John R. Parson, G. Sec., salary for Sept . Assistant to G. Sec . .A.. ssistant to G. Sec . Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (Sept.) . U. S. DeMoulin, "50 Fatherless French Children" . l\1:erchants Ice Co., ice . John R. Parson, G. Sec., printing, postage, etc. . . John E. Reeds, mileage and per diem . B. of Ed., rent G. L. offices for October.: .. J. R. McLachlan, G. Lee., salary for October J. R. l\1cLachlan, expenses as G. Lee . John R. Parson, salary for October . Assistant to G. Sec ~ . Assistant to G. Sec . . G. L. Donation to War Relief Fund Spalding Sta. Co., printing, etc . John W. Binghanl, expenses of G. M . Southwestern Bell Tel. Co . J. R. McLachlan, expo G. Lee., October . Delafield' & Snow, Ins., G. L. furniture . John R. Parson, G. Sec., printing, postage, etc. . . Edmond Koeln, City Col., taxes for 1918 .. John R. Parson, G. Sec., prtg., postage, etc. Bd. of Ed., rent G. L. offices, November .. Mendle Printing Co., 20M record cards .... J. R. McLachlan, G. Lee., salary November J. R. McLachlan, G. Lee., exp . Spalding' Sta. Co., printing, etc . John R. Parson, salary G. Sec., November Assistant to G. Sec . A.ssistant to G. Sec . Mendle Printing Co., Pro. and Supplements J. R. l\tIcLachlan, expo G. Lee., November .. John R. Parson, G. Sec., prtg., postage, etc. Southwestern Bell Tel. Co . . C. C. Woods, Fraternal Correspondent Mendle Printing Co., printing, etc . Kinloch Tel. Co . B. of Education, rent G. L. offices . .J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lee . Spalding Sta. Co., printing, postage, etc . John R. Parson, salary, G. Sec., December Assistant to G. Sec . Assistant to G. Sec . John W. Bingham, expo Grand Master . J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lee . Mississippi Valley Trust Co., safe deposit box ' . Southwestern Bell Tel. Co . J. R. McLachlan, extra expense G. Lee . J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lec., .January
41 50.00 60.00 25.00 25.00 36.06 75.00 50.00 100.00 125.00 54.40 208.33 250.00 100.00
6.30 456.25 3.05 50.00 10.20 125.00 208.33 25.0(, ra50.00 100.00 80,00 5,000.00 20.85 250.00 3.80 69.40 9.50 50.00 14.10 50.00 125.00 41.50 208.33 25.00 53.60 250.00 100.00 80.00 1,867.05 73.20 50.00 3.75 100.00 24.32 19.50 125.00 208.33 43.90 250.00 100.00 80.00 250.00 36.37 5.00 3.90 25.00 208.33
Proceedings of the
42 Jan.
27 28 30 31
4 5 18 25
72 Bd., of Ed., rent G. L. offices, January .... 73 .John R. Parson, salary, G. Sec., January .. 74 Assistant to G. Sec ·.··· . 75 -Assistant to G. Sec .. 76 J. R. 1:1eI.Jachlan, extra expense, G. Lee . 77 John R. Parson, G. Sec., prtg., postage, etc. 78 Spalding Sta. Co., printing, postage, etc ... 79 U. S. DelVloulin, "50 Fatherless French 80 81 82 83 84
26 27 28
3 4 7 11 17 19 25 29 31
April 10
18 19 25
15 24 31 31
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 .122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134
C11ildren" . Southvtestern Bell Tel. Co . J. R. IV[eLachlan, exp., G. Lee., January . John R. Parson, G. Sec., salary, February John VV. Bingham, expo G. M. meeting at _~lexandria . J. R. J\rlcLachlan, expo meeting at Alexandria, Va . Bd. o.f Ed., rent G. L. offices, February . A.ssistant to G. Sec . Assistant to G. Sec : . J. R. M:eLachlan, salary, G. Lee., February J. R. lV[eLaehlan, extra exp., G. Lec . Spalding Sta. Co., printing, postage, .etc . J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lee., February .. Merchant's lee Co., iee . South\vestern Bell TeL Co . I{inloeh Tel. Co., to Meh. 31, 1919 . C. C. Woods, Fraternal Correspondent . John W. Bingham, G. 1\.1., exp . Spalding Sta. Co., printing, etc . Wm. A. Hall, G. Treas . John R. Parson, printing, postage, sta., etc. Bd· of Ed., rent G. L.' offices, March '" J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lee., March . J. R. l\:fcLachlan, extra exp., G. Lec . John R. Parson, salarj"", G. Sec., March . Assistant to G. Sec . Assistant to G. Sec . :Mendle Printing Co., prtg. 101Vr Manuals . J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lee., April. . Spalding Sta. Co., printing, postage, ete . South\vestern Bell Tel. Co . John R. Parson, printing, postage, etc . Geo. S. 1\.:IcLanahan, Duplicate Pay Roll 'VvTarrant . Kellogg-Smith, dup. lost Pay Roll Warrant J. R. l\lott, Lodge 589, lost Pay Roll War . Spalding Sta. Co., printing sta., etc . l\:Iasonic Service Ass'n, Pro. G. ~l's Conf. (Io\va) . Steiner Eng. Co., United States Flag ; . Bd. of Ed., rent G. L. offices, ApriL . J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lee., A.pril . War Loan Organization, Victory Loan Bds John R. Parson, salary, G. Sec., -\.pril . Assistant to G. Sec . Assistant to G. Sec . J. R.' ]\;!cLachlan, expo G. Lee., April . J. R. IVleLachlan, extra exp., G. Lee . C. C. Woods, Fraternal Correspondent . South\vestern Bell Tel. Co . John R. Parson, printing, postage, etc' . Bd. of Ed., rent G. L. offices, May . J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lee., May . John R. Parson, salary, G. Sec., May ·.. _J\ssistant to G~ Sec ~ . .Assistant to G. See . Kinloch Tel. Co., 2 qrs. service . U. S. DelVloulin, "50 Fatherless French C11ildren" .
[Sept. 125.00 250.00 100.00 80.00 25.00 50.00 96.05 456.25 3.75 95.35 250.00 113.19 94.55 125.00 100.00 80.00 208.33 25.00 36.10 74.05 2.70 3.75 19.50 100.00 2'50.00 50.47 100.00 50.00 125.00 208.33 25.00 250.00 100.00 80.00 408.50 112.82 13.00 3.75 25.00 22.62 22.62 10.15 29.51 108.00 7.50 125.00 208.33 5,000.00 250.00 100.00 80.00 76.64 25.'00 100.00 5.49 50.00 125.00 208.33 250.00 100.00 80.00 39.00 456.25
Grand I-todge of .1Vlissouri
vVillis D. Engle, Mas. Relief I.\.ss'n, U. S. and Canada . 360.0~ Soutll'\vestern Bell TeL Co . 3.50 Spalding Sta. Co., printing, etc . 50.50' J. R. JYIeLachlan, exp., G. Lee., May . 109.24 J. R. McLachlan, extra exp., G. Lee . 25.00 Bd. of Ed., rent G. L. offices, June . 125.00 Becktold P'tg & Book Mfg. Co., binding IVIanuals . 816.09 142 J. Kennard & Son Carpet Co., renovating rugs . 25.75 143 E. C. I-(erwin, repairing electric fans . 5.00 144 IVlasonic Home of IVIo., 5/7 per cap., back dues . 265.00 145 John R. Parson, salary, G. Sec., June . 250.00 146 J. R. l\1cLachlan, salary, G. Lee., June . 208.33 147 J. R. lVlcLachlan, extra exp., G. Lec . 25.00 148 ...J .\.ssistant to G. Sec . 100.00 149 Assistant to G. Sec . 80.00 150 Spalding Sta. Co., printing, etc . 73.13 151 J. R. McLachlan, exp., G. Lee., June . 52.93 152 Masonic Home of Missouri, 5/7 per cap. tax 6,425.71 . 5.56 153 l\1erchant's Ice & Coal Co., ice . 5.65 154 Soutln:vestern Bell Tel. Co., June . 25.00 155 John R. Parson, printing, postage, etc 156 l\1asonic H01l1e of Missouri, 5/7 per cap. tax 15,355.00 157 Masonic Home of Missouri, 5/7 per cap. tax 21,275.18 158 l\lasonic Home of Missouri; 5/7 per cap. tax 24,633.57 . 125.00 159 Bd. of Ed., rent G. L. offices, July . 250.00 160 John R. Parson, salary, G. Sec., July . 208.33 161 J. R. l\lcLachlan, salary, G. Lec., July . 25.00 162 J. R. lVicLachlan, extra exp., G. Lec . 100.00 163 ,Assistant to G. Sec . 80.00 164 . A ,ssistan t to G. Sec 165 lVIasonic H01l1e of Missouri, 5/7 per cap. tax 28,255.71 . 166 Spalding Sta. Co., printing, etc 28.55 . 4.40 167 South\vestern Bell Tel. Co . 40.35 168 F. R. Jesse, SpI. Deputy, trip to Lamar . 125.00 169 Ed. of Ed., rent G. L. offices, .August . 250.00 170 John R. Parson, salary, G. Sec., August . 208.37 171 J. R. McLachlan, salary, G. Lec . 50.00 172 J. R. McLachlan, extra exp., G. Lec . 173 .Assistant to G. Sec 100.00 . 80.00 174 Assistant to G. Sec 175 U. S. D'eMoulin, "50 Fatherless French Cllildren" . 456.25 . 176 '\Tm. .A. Hall, alc salary, G. Treas 100.00 250.00 177 John 'V. Bingham, expenses Grand Master . 100.00 178 C. C. '\Voods, Fraternal Correspondent . 114.77 17H Spalding Sta. Co., IJrihting, etc Masonic Home of Missouri, 5/7 per cap. tax 2,742.87 180 181 Sol E. Waggoner, del. to Int. Ed. Relief U. S. and Ca"nada . 53.19 50.00 182 E. L. Windhorst, clerical Vi-'rork 1919 Pro .. . 4.00 183 South\vestern Bell Tel. Co 25.00 184 John R. Parson, G. Sec., prtg., postage, etc 185 A. R. Timernlan, to cover Pay Roll Ck. 877 (1918) . 6.00
136 137 138 139 140 141
28 29
30 3 5 9
12 19 26 30
2 4 22 29
30 1 2
Total Disbursements
Proceedings of the
Total Receipts Total Disbursements
$188,856.89 140,574.93
Balance September 11, 1919, in Bank $ 48,281.96 vVarrants issued by Grand Secretary but not cleared...... *427.50 Actual Balance
$ 47,854.46
'Varrant not cleared: *No. 186 for $427.50 to IVIasonic Home of Mo. Fraternally submitted, WM. A. HALL, Grand Treasurer. FIRST N.A.TIONAL BANI{: in Saint Louis
September 11,1919. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and ",~ccepted Masons of Missouri, Board of Education Bldg., St. Louis, 1\10. Dear Sirs: This is to certify that at the close of business, September 10, 1919, your balance as shown by our books, '\-vas $48,281.96. Yours very truly, F. L. DENBY, .A.ssistant Cashier. O. I{.-9-11-19. H. CL.AY PERKINS. REPORT OF AUDITOR
September 11, 1919. To the M. W. Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of ,Missouri: Gentlemen: Having been appointed auditor of the Grand Lodge of Missouri'. for the year 1918-1B, T have examined the book records and accounts of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer of Missouri for the year ending September 11, 1919, and found them correct. The follo\ving statement sho'ws the result of my findings: RECEIPTS Sept. 12, 1918, Balance deposited St. Louis Union Bank $ 45,067.01 Received for lodge dues and other sources 143,196.85 Received for interest, September to August (inclusive).... 593.03 Total received and on hand
'Varrants issued cover Nos. 1 to 186 (inclusive)
Sept. 11, 1919, Cash Book Balance $ 47,854.46 Cheque' No. 186 to l\1:asonic Home, outstanding............. 427.50 Sept. 11, 1919, verified deposit in First Nat'l Bk., St. Louis .. $ 48,281.96
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
In company vvith the Grand. Treasurer, Brother WIn. A. Hall, I have verified the following papers of the Grand Lodge of. Missouri as deposited in a Safe Deposit Box of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of St. Louis, in the name of the Grand Lodge, viz: Five $1,000.00 414 % u. S. Government Liberty Loan Bonds $5,000.00 Five $1,000.00 4%,% U. S. Government Liberty Loan Bonds 5,000.00 Coupons for $21.25 and $27.14 on above bonds falling due November 15, 1919 and December 15, 1919, respectively. Fidelity Bonds covering the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer to September 25, 1919, in amounts of $25,000.00, each. Deed dated July 3, 1906, to Lot 374, Block 2, Mount Washington Cemetery, Kansas City, Mo., purchased by Brothers Kreeger, Boor and ..:\.llen, and given to the Grand Lodge by Brother E. F. Allen as evidenced by letter dated October 9, 1906. Fraternally yours, H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor.
Proceedings of the
[ Sept.
CALL路ED FROM LABOR. ,At 12 :40 P. 1\1. the Grand Lodge vvas CALLED FROM Lf\BOI<. until 2 :00 P. J\1. this afternoon. FII~srr
The Grand Lodge \vas CALLED TO LABOR at 2 :00
P. 1\1. by IVlost \;Vorshipful Grand lVIaster John vV. Binghanl, the other Grand Officers occupying their respective stations. Prayer by R. \V. and Rev. Bro. Fred V. Laos, Grand Chaplain.
VISIT TO MASONIC HOM'E. \\'. Bro. Sol E. VV路aggoner gave details as to reaching the IVIasonic HOIne this afternoon, and earnestly urged each nleIllber to visit the Honle to see what it is,vvhat is being done, and especially urging thenl to visit \vith the old people.
REPORT OF COM'MIT'TEE ON GRAND MAS,TER'S ADDltESS. 1\1. \\7". Bro. C. H. Briggs, Chairman, presented and read the follo\ving report of Conlillittee on Grand 1;laster's Address, \vhich \vas adopted: To the l\1:ost "\Vorshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & A. M.: Your Committee to "'whom was referred the Grand Master's Address, beg leave to report: We congratulate our Grand l\tIaster that he has had the honor of presiding over the Craft during the most prosperous year in the history of this Grand Lodge. While we regret that his health has prevented more frequent visits to Subordinate Lodges, yet we assure him that he has (lone even more than we expected of him under the circumstances, and has borne well the heavy responsibilities of his high office. vVe approve his appointnlents made and dispensations granted. We approve his suspension of the Master of Pollock Lodge and recommend that the case be referred to a Special Committee for trial. We recommend that his first and second recommendations be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence.
Grand Lodge of Missour'i
We approve his recommendation that the Grand Lodge pay for the postage used by the Grand Master in his correspondence anq. l:ecommend the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for their eonsideration. \Ve recommend that the matter of celebrating the Centenary of this Grand Lodge be referred to a Special Committee to be appointed by the incoming Grand Master, and ask the Ways and Means Committee to appropriate for the expenses of that celebration such a sum as may be needed, not to exceed three thousand dollars. Your Committee asks that the celebration be held in 1920, one year before we complete our Centenary as a Grand Lodge. \Ve approve the arrangements for the holding of this Annual Communication. \Ve approve the compliment paid to those who have so faithfully managed the affairs of the Masonic Home. We approve the purchase of $5,000 in Victory Loan Bonds by the Grand Secretary under the advice of the Grand Master. We desire to refer the matter of the Missouri Freemasons' Overseas Committee to the Committee appointed by the Grand Master one year ago to deal with that important work. \Ve approve his recommendation that we continue for another year the support of fifty fatherless children in France, and ask the Ways and Means Committee to add three hundred dollars, to be used at the discretion of M. W. Bro. R. R. Kreeger in caring for these helpless orphans. vVe refer the Grand Master's decisions, and the matter touching transfer of membership, to the Jurisprudence Committee. We are grateful to God for sparing our Grand Master's life during the year and pray that he may be restored to health and strength, that he may live long to enjoy the confidence of the Craft for his life-long dev?tion and faithful路 service. Fraternally SUbmitted, CORONA H. BRIGGS, EDWARD HIGBEE, JOHN R. PARSON, JOHN T. SHORT, V. F. BOOR, J.A.COB LAMPERT, R. R. KREEGER, D. A. JAlVIISON, C. C. WOODS, R. F. STEVENSON, .A.. M. HOUGH, D.M. WILSON, WM. A.路HALL, C. C. BIGGER, ARCH A. .JOHNSON, TOLMAN W. COTTON.
P'roceedin,gs of the
EXEMPLIFICATION OF' WORK,. Rt. \V. Bro. J. R. l\IcLachlan, Grand Lecturer, announced the progranl for Exel11plification of VVork at 7 :30 o'clock tonight.
CALL,ED, FROM LABOR. At 2 :30 P. 1\11. the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROlVI until 7 :30 o'clock tonight, in order that the hrethren ll1ight 11lake their annual visit 路to the 1Iasonic Home. LABOI~
FIRST DAY-EVENING SESSION The Grand Lodge ,vas CALLED TO LABOR at 7 :30 P. 1VI. by Rt. \i'l. Bro. Julius C. Garrell, Deputy Grand Master, other Grand Officers being in their respective stations. Devotional exercises led by Rt. W. and Rev. Bro. John H. l\:1i1ler, Grand Chaplain.
EXEMPLIFliCATION OF WORK. The Rt. \V. Deputy Grand l\1aster Garrell then placed the Grand Lodge in charge of Grand Lecturer, Rt. \V. Bro. J. R. l\tlcLachlan, who, with the assistance of the Grand Officers and other brethren, exemplified the entire ceren10nies of the First Degree and the Second Section of the Second Degree, Rt. W.. Bro. B. E. Bigger presiding in the East..
CALLED FROM LABOR. At 9 :35 P. M. the Grand Lodge was CALLED FROM LABOR until 9 :00 o'clock tomorrow morning. Prayer by Rt. \V. and Rev. Bro. Fred V. Laos, Grand Chaplain.
Grand Lodge of J1拢SSOltri
SECOND DAY-l\10RNING SESSION St. Louis, \Vednesday, Septenlber 17, 1919. The l\lost \\T orshipful Grand Lodge vvas CALLED TO
Li\BOR at 9 :00 A. 1\1. by 1\1. W. Grand IVIaster John VV. 13inghaln, with other Grand Officers occupying their respective stations. Opening ode sung by the brethren. \~.
Divine blessing invoked by Rt. VV. and Rev. Bro. Fred Loos, Grand Chaplain.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NECROLOGY. 1\1. \\T. Bro. C. H. Briggs, Chairn1an, presented and read the report of the C.o111n1ittee on Necrology, which was ~dopted as follows: To the Grand Lodge of Missouri: Your Committee on Obituaries I)resent the following as their report: One year ago the ,vorld \vas in the throes of the bloodiest conflict in human history and thousands of our 'Brethren were engaged in that struggle, many of \VhOln made the Supreme Sacrince. They did not die in vain, and ",re are not surprised that the great criminal who brought such needless woes upon humanity should blame American Freemasonry for having n1uch to do in bringing about his defeat. There is no institution that tyrants in Church or State, so hate and fear as Freemasonry. This 'world is not large enough for militarism .and Freen1asonry to prosper in it at the same time. Our l)art in the "VVorld 'Val' has sOlneho\v so emphasized the principles for \vhich we stand that good men all over our land are no'w seeking Masonic light in greater nUlnbers than ever before. l\'Iissouri Freemasonry has had its honorable part路 in this 'work of the \varld's deliverance and her sons have. died on many a bloody field that humanity might be free. Their virtues are on perpetual record in the hearts of their brethren and a Memorial Page in our Proceedings \vill testify our appreciation of their heroism and devotion. The Officers of this Grand Lodge have' been spared during the year that has gone. Our Past Grand Master, Geo. E. Walker, who was elected Grand l\laster of this Grand Lodg'e, 1890, 'Nas 'called to the Great Beyond
Proceedings of the
.July 10, 1919, and ne"ws of his death \vas not received until today, Sept. 17th, too late to make full mention of his services to the Craft. From other Grand Jurisdictions we glean the following list of distinguished dead:
ALABAM..A. George Albertus Joiner, Past Grand Secretary, \vas born in Talladega, Alabama, October 23, 1843, and died at his home in that city, December 8, 1918, aged seventy-five years. He ,vas appointed Assistant Grand Secretary of both Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, October 25, 1888, serving until the annual meeting of those bodies in December. June 30, 1892, he was appointed Grand Secretary of both bodies and served until the annual meeting in Decenlber of the same year. He served' in the Confederat.e Navy the last year of the Civil War. He served his City as Aldernlan and City Clerk, and represented his County in the Legislature several terms. He was Secretary and Treasurer of the Talladega Cotton Factory and President of the .Joiner Drug Company. He was senior deacon of the First Baptist Church of Talladega. CONNECTICUT Randolph B. Chapman, Past Grand rvlaster, \:vas born in Ellington, Connecticut, November 16, 1848, and died in New Haven, Connecticut, July 13, 191!), aged seventy-one years. He ,vas elected Grand Master in 1911. He resided in Omaha several years but was for many years connected ,vith the Ralph N. Blakeslee Trucking Business of \Vaterbury, Connecticut. FLORID...<\. James W. Boyd. Past Grand Master, was born in Bath County, Kentucky, July 6, 1844, and died in IVI:iami, Florida, May 29, 1919, aged seventy-five years. He \vas elected Grand High Priest in 1890, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in 1895 and 1896, Grand Conlma.llder in 1897, and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council in 1904-05. 'For a number of years he \vas County Clerk of Bath County, Kentucky, and for four years Tax Collector for Polk County, Florida. He served in the Confederate army during the Civil War. IDAHO William Carroll "Vhitwell, Past Grand Master, was born at Linden, Tennessee, December 13, 1850, and died at his honle in Salmon City, Idaho, December 29, 1918, aged sixty-eight years. He was elected Grand Master in 1907. He ,vas engaged in the practice of medicine at Salmon City about thirty years.
Grand Lodge of Misso'uri
He served three terms in the State Senate and creditably filled other offices of public trust. ~~ndre\v Lounsburg", Grand l\laster, was born in Bangor, Maine, November 1, 1845, and died at Twin Falls, Idaho, June 16, 1919, in his sixty-fourth year.
He \vas Junior Grand Warden in 1916 and regularly advanced to the office of Grand IVraster. He sp.ent nearly four years in the United States .A..rmy during the Civil War. Joshua 1\11. Cowen, Past Grand l\Taster,was born in Massachusetts, March 23, 1851, and died in Boise, Idaho, August 6, 1919, aged sixtyeight years. He was elected Grand l\tIaster in 1903. Idaho, in 1876, and engaged in mining.
He went to Atlanta,
From 1893 until his death he was closely identified with the business interests of Mountain Home, Idaho. ILLINOIS 1\I.[on1'oe Carroll Crawford, Past Grand Master, was born in Franklin County, Illinois, l\'1ay 26, 1835, and died at his home in Jonesboro, Illinois, IVIarch 9, 1919, aged eighty-four years. He \vas elected Grand IVlaster in 1891, and 1892, and Grand High Priest in 1907. In 1856 he was elected States Attorney for a district including ten counties in Southern Illinois, and re-elected in 1860. In the Civil War he was Lieutenant-Colonel of the 110th Illinois Infantry. In 1867 he was elected Circuit Judge and reelected in 1873. In 1886 he \vas elected County Judge of Union County and served eight terms. He was Mayor of Jonesboro four terms and President of the Board of Education several years. He was a menlber of the l\rlethodist Episcopal Church and served as Superintendent of the Sunday School for many years. Austin H. Scrogin, Grand l\laster, ,vas born May 12, 1855. April 26, 1919, \vhile conducting the funeral of a member of his Lodge at Lexington, Illinois, he was stricken and died in the performance of duty wearing his Jewel of Office as Grand Master, aged sixtyfour years. He \vas¡ elected Grand Master in 1917 and re-elected in 1918. â&#x20AC;˘ INDIANA Lincoln "\1". Cravens, Past Grand Master, was born at Vienna, . Indiana, April 4, 1864, and died in Ottawa, Illinois, .A.ugust 4, 1919, aged fifty-five years. He was elected Grand Master in 1906. He \vas admitted to the bar in Madison, Indiana, in 1885. 'He went to Scott City, Kansas, and for tVlO years \vas County Attorney for Scott County, Kansas. H.e returned to l\tladison and was elected City _-\ttorney in 1896 and served six years.
Proceedings of the
He \vas largely instrumental in organizing a Chautauqua at l\Iadison and \vas its first l\:Ianager. He \vas n1any years Secretary of the :Madison Comn1ercial Club. In his later years he practiced his profession at Hammond, Indiana. He \vas a member of the Indiana Masonic Home Board from its lorganization until his death. IOvV...L\. John VV. Barry, Past Grand Master, was born in Belvidere, Illinois, October 2, 1857, and died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, December 1, 1918, aged sixty-one years. He 'was in teaching, traveling a Company at his death.
elected Grand Master in 1917. After some years spent he engaged in the lumber business in 1884, and after fe\v years established the Hawkeye Lumber and Coal Cedar Rapids of \v'hich he 'was President at the time of â&#x20AC;˘
He '\vas for a time Editor of the "Northwestern Lumberman." He prepared and pUblished the "Lumberman's Telecode," 'which is the cipher code used in telegraphing by lumbermen, Inanufacturers and \vholesalers in all English-speaking countries. He served t\vo terms as President of the Northwestern Lumbermen's Association, nohvithstanding the un\vritten la",v of the body that no President shall. be re-elected. Philo J. l\Iartin, Past Grand l\rlaster, died at \Vaterloo, IoV\ra, February 15, 1919, ~ged fifty-eight years. He 'vas elected Grand J\:Iaster in 1908. He had filled every office, elective and appointive, in the Blue Lodge and nearly every office in the Chapter and Commandery. At the Trustees of Trustees of seven years l\lasoris and
tinle of his death he 1-vas a member of the Board of the Grand Commandery and Treasurer of the Board of the Grand Charity Fund of the Qrand Lodge. In the he was Master of ~"'aterloo Lodge he raised 262 Master affiliated 189. KANSAS
Matthew l\lurray Miller, Past Grand Master, was born at Galena, Illinois, November 28, 1840, and died at Topeka, Kansas, November 29, 1918, aged seventy-eight years. He was elected Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Commandery in 1883, Grand Master in 1885, and Grand High Priest in 1891. On his tVlenty-first birthday he left Gale College to enter the Federal Army and served to the close of the Civil 'Val'. In 1866 he was adn1itted to the bar at Galena, where for six years he was Master in Chancery in the Circuit Court. In 1872' he removed to Clay Center, Kansas, \vhere he practiced his profession until 1894, when he removed to Topeka, \vhich ,vas his honle until his death. For years he was Chainnan of the Committee on Correspondence in all the Kansas Grand Bodies.
Grand Lodge of 1vlissouri
Jan1es Snedden, Past Grand Junior Deacon, was born in Edinburgh. Scotland, September 19, 1843, and died at his home near ]~exington, l\lississippi, June 16, 1919, aged seventy-six years. He gave fifty years of distinguished service to the. craft. He ""vas Grand Royal Arch Captain of the Grand Chapter in 1873 and 1879, Grand Junior Deacon of the Grand Lodge in 1874, and in 1888 was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council of Kansas. For many ~rears he was the efficient Superintendent of the Kansas l\fasonic Home, which position he resigned several years ago on account of ill health. In the Civil vVar he served in the Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania. Congress awarded him a medal of Honor for bravery at the battle of Piedmont. MAINE路 Henry Robert Taylor, Past Grand l\1:aster, was born at Newland, Vermont, l\fay 31, 1830, and died in Bangor, Maine, October 6, 1918, aged eighty-eight years. He was elected Grand l\laster in 1892 and again in 1893. He was a Civil Engineer and at one time held a position in the Chilian Government Coast Survey. He "vas a "Forty-niner" being. one of a party of fifteen that fitted out the brig .A.. rcadian 'which sailed for California in January, 1849. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was in the Government Survey in Nebraska. He then went to Mechias, Maine, "where he engaged in Civil Engineering and Surveying, being for two years in the Coast Survey of the United States Government in l\fechias Bay and vicinity. In 1886 he \vas electecl Register of Deeds of Washington County and for many years \vas the To\vn Clerk. Stephen Berry, Grand Secretary Emeritus, was born in . l. \.ug.usta, Maine, December 21, 1833, and died at Portland, Maine, February 1, 1919, aged eighty-five. years. From 1891 to 1917, he "was Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council and Grand Commandery, and for thirty-five ~rears prior to 1891, had assisted his father路 \vho filled those offices. He was Recorder of the Maine Council of High Priesthood from 1864 to 1917. For forty-_ two years he 'wrote the Report on Correspondence for the Grand Commandery of l\'Iaine, and was the founder of the Christmas ob;' servance so largely fo~lo'wed by the Commanderies. As a boy he learned telegraphy and was probably 'the oldest telegraph .operator in the United States. He \vas engaged in the printing business, and for many years was the Portland Agent of the Associated Press. M.ARYLAND Charles Beatty Finley, Past Grand Senior vVarden, was born at South Bend, Indiana, April 20, 1846, and died at his home in Elkton, Maryland, June 16, 1918, aged seventy-two years.
Proceedings of the
He 'was elected Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1894, and Grand High Priest in 1911He removed to Elkton, Maryland, in 1871 and entered the National Bank of Elkton, beconling its Cashier in 1877 and later VicePresident and then President. He vvas a member of the Ell\:ton Presbyterian Church and was ordained Elder in December, 1873. "i"illiam Henry Martin,. Past Grand Junior Warden, was born in Baltilnore, September 25, 1840, and died in that city, February 19, 1919, aged seventy-eight years. He ,vas elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1885 and 1886, Grand Commander in 1895, and Grand High Priest in 1898. For many years he was in charge of the Baltimore office of the Thistle Cotton Mills, of Olchester, Baltimore County, Maryland. In his later years he \vas Private Secretary to Mr. George R. 'Vebb of Baltimore. He served as Quartermaster in the Civil War and 'was in the engagements at Gettysburg. James Franklin Allen, Past Grand Junior Warden, was born in Hopkinton, Ne\v Hampshire, August 13, 1841., and died in Rockville, Maryland, lVlarch 12, 1919, aged seventy-eight years. He was elected Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1897, Granel Master of the Grand Council in 1903 and 1904, Grand High Priest in 1905, and Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Commandery in 1918. He \vas admitted to the bar in 1866. From 1863 to 1875 he was a clerk in the office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury. He resigned in 1875 to engage in the practice of his profession but again entered the Government Service in 1881, in which he remained until his death. MINNESOTA ,V. Hayes Laird, Past Grand Master, was born at Winona, Minnesota, April 1, 1859, and died at his home in that city, October 3, 1918, in his sixtieth ~l'ear. He was elected Grand Commander in 1907, and Grand lVIaster in 1913. In his youth he entered the employ of the I,.Jaird-Norton Lunlbel' Company and ,vas widely kno,vn as an expert Lumberman. For the past two years o\vner and manager of the Winona "Republican and Herald." He served Winona as a menlber of the School Board and Park Board and during the first year of the war with Germany he was a member of the Local Draft Board and its Secretar:y.
Grand Lodge of l\lissouri
. .. \lonzo Brandenburg, Past Grand l\'[aster, ,vas killed by the starrn that \vrecked the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, June 22, 1919. He was made a Master l\,lason' in 1872. He was elected Grand High Priest in 1890, Grand l\1:aster of the Grand Council in 1895 and Grand l\laster of the Gra.nd Lodge in 1900. He \vas prominent in the business, social and political affairs of his home city, and was a COIDlTIUnicant in the .Episcopal Church. MONTANA
Alexander D. l\lcDonald, Past Grand Master, was born in Wickham, New Bruns\vick, October 17, 1861, and died at Galen, Montana, April 5, 191ÂŁ1, aged fifty-seven years. He was elected Grand High Priest in 1903, Grand Master in 1906 and Grand Comlnander in 1907.
He spent two years in California in early life. After a year in general hospital work he practiced surgery and medicine twentyfour years at Kalispell, IVIontana. From 1915 until his death he was Superintendent of the State Tuberculosis Sanitarium at Galen, Montana. Four tilnes he represented Flathead County in the State Legislature and in IHI3 he ",'"as Speaker of the House. NEBRASKA James Pierce . I. \.lcorn Black, Past Grand l\faster, V,tas born in Butler County, Pennsylvania, Octo.ber 11, 1854, and died in Stockton, California, Novenlber 12, 1918, aged sixty-four years. :He ,vas elected Grand l\'faster in 1893. When a boy of six, his father ""vent to Nebraska as a Missionary among the On1aha Indians. He \vas admitted to the bar in 1877, and .,vent to Bloomington, Nebraska, where he practiced law and engaged in banking until 1904, 'when he moved to Hastings, having purchased an interest in the Nebraska National Bank of that city. He was greatly interested in civil and political affairs and ""vas called upon to fill many official positions. Thomas Milburn Davis, Past Grand l\:1aste,r, was born in Highland County, Ohio, May 18, 1854, and died at Rochester, Minnesota, .A.ugust 12, 1919, aged sixty-five years. He "\vas elected Grand Master in 1914. He lived on a farm until he ,vas twenty-eight years old, when he engaged in the real estate and banking business at Burchard, Nebrasl<:a. He spent t,vo years \vith a bank at Long Island, I{ansas, but from 1887 until his death ,vas in the First National Bank of Beaver City, Nebraska, as Cashier until 1890, when he became President. 1-1e was active in Church work, being a Sunday School SUl)erintendent more than forty years.
Proceedings of the
NEVAD.A.. Enoch Strother, Past Grand l\iaster, was born in West Virginia, September 15, 1835, and died in Cresco, Iowa, July 17, 1918, aged eighty-three years. He ",vas elected Grand High Priest in 1888 and Grand Master in 1896.
He ,vas ,admitted to the bar in 1868. He served one term in the Nevada Legislature and was United States Register in Bankruptcy ten :years. He represented Nevada in several Republican National Conventions, at \iV'orld's Fairs 'and at many National Commercial Congresses. He ,vas the nominee of his party for Governor of Nevada in 1882.
James Garfield Gault, Grand Sword Bearer, was born at Somerset, Kentucky, January 17, 1881, and died at his home in Fallon, Nevada, November 20, 1918, aged thirty-eight years. He 'was Grand 1\farshal in 1916, Grand Pursuivant in 1917, and Grand Sword Bearer in 1918. In 1904 he began work in Nevada as a men1ber of a surveying party in the United States Reclamation Service and has been identified since then '\vith the Truckee-Carson project. He ,vas Superintendent of Irrigation at the tinle of his death. W. Adolph Jacobs, Grand Tiler, was born December 19, 1836, and died in Carson City, Nevada, December 23, 1918, aged eighty-two years. In 1898 he ,vas appointed Grand Tiler of the Grand Lodge and Grand Guard of the Grand Commandery and served faithfully in both positions until his death. Alfred Warren Holmes, Past Grand lVfaster, was bo'rn in Nova Scotia, January 1, 1864, and died in Reno, Nevada, l\iarch 15, 1919, aged fifty-five years. He ,vas elected Grand Master in 1916. He was active in business affairs and ~ served the City of Reno, and Washoe County in the State Legislature, as Assemblyman and Senator ten :\-rears. George Warren Keith, Past Junior Grand Warden, was born in Boston, July 30, 1833, and died in Carson City, Nevada, May 5, 1919, in his eighty-sixth year. He was elected Junior Grand Warden in 1888. He was Clerk of L"yon County, Nevada, from 1869 to 1873. then served a~ District Attorney for twelve years.
In 1890 he removed to Carson City. Here he was City Tr.ustee four years and Justice of the Peace two years. Matthe\v Kyle, Past Grand Master, was born in Ireland, April 20, 1848, and died in Reno, Nevada, June 17, 1919, aged seventy-one years.
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Grand Lodge of J.11issou,ri
He "vas elected Grand High Priest in 1897, and Grand Master in 1898. He was elected Sheriff of Eureka served two terms. In 1882 and 1883 States Marshal of Nevada. In 1898 he Surveyor-General and filled that office
County, Nevada, in 1878, and he served as Deputy United was appointed United States sixteen years.
Frank R. La,vrence, Past Grand Master, died in New York City, October 26, 1918. He was the Senior Past Grand Master of New York. When chosen for that office, a heavy debt burdened the Fraternity. He served four years during 'which time the debt was lifted and the lVlasonic Home at Utica placed upon an enduring foundation. ,In New York City he held for many years a position of unique and conlmanding influence. NORTH CAROLINA. Hezekiah A. Gudger, Past Grand Master, was born May 20, 1850, and died at his home in the City of .A.sheville, North Carolina, September 22, '1917, aged sixty-seven years. He was elected Grand Master in 189l. He ,vas a la,vyer and a Methodist. In 1876 he was appointed by Governor Zebulen B. Vance, Superintendent of the Institution for Deaf, Dumb and Blind of North Carolina and held the office six years. 'He was elected to the State Senate in 1885, 'vas a McKinley Elector in 1896, appointed CouncilorGeneral of Pananla in 1897, in 1894 appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone and in 1908 was promoted Chief .Justice of the Court which position he held until the completion of the Canal, '\vhen the Court Term, expired by limitation. .. John Nichols, Past Grand Master, was born November 30, 1834, and died in Raleigh, North Carolina, September 27, 1917, aged eightythree years. He was Grand l\1:aster and Grand High Priest in 1872 and 1873. ...0\.5 Grand Master he broke a tie vote by voting for the estab-
lishment of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. He was Principal of the Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind five years, was Postmaster of Raleigh, under President Arthur, ,vas elected to Congress in 1886, four years an officer of the Treasury Department at Washington and at the time of his death "vas "United States Commissioner, which office he had held for twenty years. Charles H. Robinson, Past Grand Master, was born August 31, 1831, and died in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, November 6, 1917, aged eighty-six years.
Proceedings of the
He ,vas elected Grand lVIaster in 1887. He ,vas Quartermaster Sergeant of the 31st North Carolina in the Civil 'Val'. At one time he V\Tas Collector of Customs of the Port of "\Vilming'ton. Leo D. Heartt, Grand Treasurer, \vas born September 6, 1850, and died at his home" in the City of Raleigh, December 13, 1917, aged sixty-seven years. He 'was elected Grand Treasurer in 1905 and held the office until his death. His business w'as that of a banker. He was Elder and Clerk of the Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Raleigh. For forty years he 'was a melnber of his Church Choir. At the time of his death he ,"vas Clerk of the United States District Court. Robert IIenry Bradley, Grand Tiler, ,vas born .A.ugust 23, 1848, and died May 17, 1~18, aged seventy years. He served the Grand Lodge as Tiler thirty-two years. He ,vas anpointed 1Tarshal of the Supreme Court in 1879 and filled that office until his death. He was a Baptist and a Deacon in the Raleigh Tabernacle Church. Samuel H. Smith, Past Grand lVTaster, "vas born in 1846, and died October 27, 1918, aged seventy-two years. He was elected Grand Master in 1889 and again in 1890.
He served the City of vVinston, North Carolina, two terms as IVlayor and was Postnlaster four years. At the age of fifteen 'he entered the Confederate .A.. rmy in March, 1861, and served through the Civil War, and ,vas in Johnston's Army \vhen it surrendered at Greensboro. He ,vas an officer in the North Carolina State Guards many years. Francis 11. Winchester, Past Grand l\iIaster, was born October 28, 1857, and died in Charlotte, North Carolina, November 11, 1918, aged sixty-one years. He was elected Grand Master in 1913. It is said that he, more than any other Freemason, deserves the credit of being called the Father. of the 11asonic and Eastern Star Home of North Carolina. NORTH DAKOT.A.. Sylvester J. Hill, Past Grand Master, was born at Caton, New York, l\lay 3, 1846, and died at Fargo, North Dakota, l\Iarch 1, 1919, aged seventy-three years. He \vas elected Grand High Priest in 1894, Grand Master in 1908 and Grand Commander in 1912. He practiced medicine in his, early life and then took up dentistry, and ,vas President of the First Territorial Board of Dental lTIxaminers of North Dakota. He \vas a member of the City Council
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e'ra'nd Lodge
six years, a member of the Board of Education three years and City Assessor t",ro ancl one-half years. He served under General Sherman in the closing years of the Civil War. He was a resident of Fargo about forty years and was an official menlber of the First l\lethodist Episcopal Church. NOVA SCOTIA Thomas Barnard Flint, Past Grand Master, 路was born at Garmouth, Nova Scotia, April 28, 1847, and died there . A.pril 7, 1919, aged seventy-one years. He "Vvas elected Grand Master in 1897 and again in 1898 and 189B.
He practiced law seven years and filled the office of High Sheriff and Assistant Clerk of the House of' ...L \.ssembly. He was elected several times to the House of C0111mons. In 1902 he became Clerk of the House of COlnmons. On his retirement in 1917, on account of failing eyesight the membe~s of the House presented him \vith a handsome 400-day electric clock. He \vas a life-long advocate of Total Abstinence and was VicePresident of the Donlinion Prohibitory Alliance. OHIO Ralph Reamer Riekly, Grand Treasurer, ","as born at Tarlton, Ohio, January 20, 1851, and died in Columbus, Ohio~ January 16, 1919, aged sixty-aight years. He ,vas made Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 1894 and Treasurer of the Grand Chapter in 1908, and held both offices until his death. In- 1908 he ,vas elected Grand Commander.
After graduating fronl Yale College at the age of twenty-one he engaged in the banking business 路with路 his father and at the time of his death was President and Cashier of the Capital City Bank of Columbus. He "was also the founder and President of the Bank of Corning, Ohio, and the Bank of Basil, 'Ohio: He gave the l\1asonie :F-Iome of Ohio nlore than forty thousand dollars during his life and in his ,vill provided that more than a half million shall go to the Home on the death of his wife. OREGON Frank A. 1\Ioore, Past Grand Master, Vv"as born at Ells'worth, l\faine, November 5, 1844, and died at his h0111e in Salenl, -Oregon, September 25, 1918, aged seventy-four years. He was elected Grand Master in 1892, and Grand Commander in 1900.
Proceedings of the
He was elected Superintendent of Schools in Hardin County, Iowa in 1871 and served four years. He was admitted to the bar in 1874. In 1884 he Vlas elected County Judge of Colum!bia County, Oregon, and served four years. In 1888 he was elected to the Oregon Senate for a term of four years and in 1892 elected a Justice of the Supreme Court of Oregon and regularly re-elected every six years as ,lon,g as he lived. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Thomas McClelland Baldwin, Past Grand Master, was born in Cedar Rapids,' Iowa, October 27, 1854, and died in Portland, OregOll, January 14, 1919, aged sixty-four years. He 'was elected Grand J\.1aster in 1911 and Deputy Grand High Priest in 1918. He organized the First National Bank of Prineville in 1880, of which he was President at the time of his death. He became a Charter member of Prineville Lodge No. 76, in 1880 and for thirteen consecutive years served as its Master. For thirty-one years he raised every candidate who was made a Master ~rason in that Lodge. PENNSYLVANIA William B. Hackenburg, Grand Treasurer, a Master Mason fiftyseven years, died in Philadelphia, June 27, 1918, aged eighty-one years. He was elected Grand Treasurer in 1907. More than forty years ago he became President of the Je'\vish Hospital and the Home for the Aged and Infirm. Under his leadership it became the great Charity it is today. Many other Jewish and non-Jewish philanthropies owed much to him. He was for many years one of the Board of Inspectors of the County Prison and one of the managers of the Baron de Hirsch Fund. ' William Luther Gorgas, Past Grand Master, was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1848, and died in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, January 31, 1919, aged seventy-one years. He was elected Grand Master in 1912. He taught school a short time but at the age of twenty-one engaged in the banking business and was connected with the Harrisburg National Bank more than forty-five years, haVing been its Cashier since 1892. He 'was Treasurer of the Harrisb1,lrg City Passenger Railwa:Y' Company, and. of the Harrisburg Hospital, and was cOl1.nected with many other enterprises of that City. He was a member of the George Washington Masonic National Association, and for years a member of the Masonic Home Committee of his Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge of lvlissouri
He ,vas a n1ember of the Board of Public Works four years, Finance Commissioner four years and twice Acting Mayor through the death of the incumbent. SOUTH CAROLINA vValter lVL vVhitehead, Past Grand lVraster, was born at Savannah, Georg'ia, May 10, 1860, and died in Charleston, South Carolina, April 10, 1919, aged fifty-nine years. He \-vas elected Grand Master in 1901 and again in 1902~ He was a successful educator and wa,s at the head of the Charleston High School at the time of his death. SOUTH DAKOTA Frederick Alexander FO'wler, Grand Tiler, 'fas born in Suffolk, England, April 18, 1865, and died in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, January 25, 1919, aged fifty-four years. From 1917 until his death he was Grand Tiler of the Grand Lodge and Grand Sentinel of the Grand Chapter and Grand Commandery. In 1918 he was appointed Grand Sentinel of the Grand Commandery. At the age of sixteen he joined an opera Company and toured the British Isles in "Pinafore." For ten years he was a jewelry engraver in Chicago. In 1906 he was appointed Custodian of the Sioux Falls Masonic Temple, and held that position at the time of his death. TENNESSEE Thomas J. Brandon, Grand Master, was born at Dover, Tennessee, February 7, 1857, and died in Nashville, February 21, 1919, aged sixty-two :years. He ,vas elected Junior Grand Warden in 1916 and regularly advanced until he was elected Grand 1\1:aster. He was appointed Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Stewart County in 1881. He resigned in 1886 to become Circuit Court Clerk from which position he retired in 1902. He org"anized the Dover Bank and Trust Company in 1903 and was Cashier until his death. He was a member of the Christian Church and an active worker in the Church and Sunday School. UT.A.H
Louis Leroy Baker, Deputy Grand Master, "vas born. at Greeley, Iov.ra, November 18, 1871, and died ~t his home in T'ooele, Utah, October 5, 1918, aged forty-seven years. He was elected Deputy Grand Master in January, 1918.
Proceedings of the
He graduated fronl the La 'v Department of the Michigan University in 1893. In 1896 he moved to Tooele, where he engaged in the practice of his profession. Arvis Scott Chapman, Past Grand l\faster, was born at Seville, Ohio, .t\.ugust 17, 1839, and died at his home in Salt Lake City, May 12, 1919, aged eighty 'years. He \vas elected Grand l\'laster in 1894. He ',vas called to vVashington City in 1861 to fill an important position in the vVar Department but resigned the next year to serve his country on the battlefield. ' He removed to Salt Lake City in 1878 \vhere he practiced dentistry for many years. WASHINGTON Jose1)h A. I{uhn, Past Grand Master, was born near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Septen1ber 1, 1841, and died at Port Townsend, "'VVashington, October 4, 1918, aged seventy-seven years. fIe \vas elected Grand l\1aster in 1882. In June, 1860, he \vent to Omaha and engaged in freighting over the Plains. He served in the Federal Army in the Civil War. After the V\/'ar he ,vent to Stockton, California, and later to Port Townsend, Washington. Here he \vas admitted to the bar in 1870. He V\ras one of the incorporators of the Comnlerclal Bank and its President t\VO years. I-Ie also helped to organize the l\1erchants Bank. He "Nas President of the Port Townsend Southern Railway Conlpany. In 1872 he was elected to the 'Territorial Legislature and served seven terms in that body, and 'was also a member o,f the first Legislature after the admission of Washington as a State. For, twelve years he ,vas a member of the Port Townsend School Board. He was for路 manJl' years Justice of the Peace, was Probate Judge several years, served two terms as Mayor of Port Townsend and three terms as Commissioner of Immigration. Robert Lee Sebastian, Past Grand ,Master, was born in Fairfax County, Virginia, December 5, 1861, and died at Aberdeen, Washington, December 14, 1918, aged fi~ty-seven years, He ,vas elect~d Grand Master in 1915. In 1882 he enlisted in the, United States Signal Service and in 1883 took charge of a Station on Tatoosh Island Washington. 1
Later he ,vas connected with the Indian Service of the Government 'as an instructor of Indian children. He became a telegraph operator attached to the Weather Bureau and was stationed for a time at Dayton, vVashington and in San Francisco. .At the time of his death he was Deputy United States Collector of Customs at ~-'\berdeen. He was an ardent student of Botany and kne\v the name and species of nearly every wild plant in the Puget Sound Country.
Grand I-Iodge oflJfissouri
"VEST VIRGINI.A. Thomas Perry Jacobs, Past Grand Master, was born January 27, 1852, and died in New Martinsville, West Virginia, October 30, 1918, aged sixty-seven years. He was elected Grand l\1:aster in 1883. He was admitted to the bar in 1875. the Fourth Judicial Circuit in 1888.
I-:Ie was elected Judge of
In 1890 he conducted the Summer Law School at the vVest Virginia University and later declined the position of Dean of the Law School of that lJniversity. He was at one time President of the West Virginia Bar Association. He served five terms as l\1ayor of New l\1:artinsville. He "was an official member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and ""vas a lay delegate to the General Conference of his Church. The average age of these honored brethren was about seventy years. One ,vas only thirty-eight, one was eighty-eight and onefourth of the number had attained to the age of fourscore. In addition to their eminence as Freemasons they filled important places in professional, comlnercial and political life for the past half century. We doubt not their usefulness as citizens in the busy age in ,vhich they lived \vas in no small measure due to the influence of Freemasonry in developing and broadening their characters as men. Fraternally submitted, CORONA H. BRIGGS, E. CARLTON, IVr. WILSON, L. H1JRT, C. HUNT,
A. E. C. B.
P. G. COOI{, E. J. ,,\TROMAN, Committee.
Proceedings of the
MINUTES READ AND APPROVED. 'rhe Ininutes of the several sessions of yesterday \vere read by the Grand S~cretary and approved by the Grand Lodge.
Bro. S. E. \\l aggoner presented and read follovving report of ()fficers of l\Iasonic Horne Board; \vhich was adopted and ordered printed in Proceedings- (See ..l\ppen-
REPORT OF TREASURER OF MAS路ONIC HOME. lvl. \\T. Bro. l\. 1\1. I-Iough presented and read report of 'freasurer of 1Iasonic HOlne vvhich vvas adopted and ordered printed in Proceedings-( See Appendix).
REPORT OF CO,MMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS INCREASING MIL:EAGE AND PER DIEM. 1\1. \V. Bro. F. R. Jesse, Chairman, 111ade a partial report of COll1111ittee on \\t.. ays and JYleans, reco111111ending the adoption of resolution offered yesterday by 1\..1. \V. Bro. Thos. :F. Hurd, to increase l11i1eage by one cent for every n1ile trav-
eled and adding $2.00 to the per dienl. 路UN.A.NIl\10USLY~ adopted.
The resolution was
Grand Lodge of Missouri
ELECTION OF GRAND L,ODGE OFFICERS. 1"'he hour having arrived for Election of Grand Lodge (}fficers, the Grand l\·faster appointed as tellers: Rt. vV. Bro. John Pickard,. Chairn1an of Tellers, and Brothers: O. H. Swearingen, E. "\V. Tayler, Geo.E. Black, G. W. Walker, fI. B. Stevenson, J. E. lVIoats, T. H. Reynolds.
The Election proceeded and resulted as fOllO\iVs: JlJLIUS C. GARRT~LL, Grand l\1aster. "\VILLIAl\f F. JOHNSON, Deputy Grand l\1:aster. O. A. LUCAS, Grand Senior Warden. BI!JH,T S. LI!JE, Grand Junior "\Varden. vVl\L ~L\ • . HALI;, Grand Treasurer. JOHN R. P ..A.RSON, Grand Secretary.
FL,OWERS AND CONGRATULATIONS. On the announcel11ent of Election of Rt. vV. Bro. Julius C. Garrell as Grand l\·laster, there \vas presented to hin1 a l11agnificent floral piece fron1 his 0\\7n Lodge, Occidental No. 163 and he "vas over\vhel111ed vvith congratulations. .l\.t noon-recess the flo\vers \vere taken' by ~ Grand l\/Iaster-Elect Garrell to his 111other's honle in order that she Inight see then1 in all their fresh and fragrant beauty.
TELEGRA'M FROM GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN. The Grand Secretary read, the follo'Vving telegram fro111 Rt. \V$ Bro. O. A. Lucas explaining his absence fro111 this Session of the Grand Lodge:' Kansas City, lVfissouri, September Fifteenth. John W. Bingham, Grand Th1:aster, St. Louis, JVIissouri. I regret I the first that 'with sciatica. for the Grand
cannot be present at this session of the Grand Lodge, I have luissecl in t'wenty years. I am on my back Congratulations on your successful year. Best wishes I...,oc1ge, and fraternal greetings.
Proceedings of the
[ Sept.
l\Ioved and seconded that a telegram be sent by the Grand Secretary to Rt. \\7. Bro. O. A. Lucas notifying him of his election as Grand Senior 'v\r arden, congratulating, hin1 on, saIne and expressing best v'lishes for his speedy restoration to perfect health. The Grand Secretary announced he had already sent such a' telegran1 on his o\vn volition.
ELECTION OF D'IREC'T'ORiS, OF MAS,ONIO H'OME BOAR.D. 1\1. V\T. Bro. C. C. '.-'Toods placed in 110111ination Sol. E. v\Taggoner, Jacob Lampert, J. H. Gundlach, Dorsey A. Jan1ison, . .~.:rvI. I-Iough and 1110ved their election as members of NIasonic HOlne Board. Seconded and unamiously carried.
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of A,fissouri
REPORT OF GRAND LECTURER. Rt. \V. Bro. J. R. IVlcLachlan presented and read his report as Grand Lecturer which \vas adopted, as follows: Kahoka, Mo., September 16, 1919. To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted lVIasons of the State of Missouri: Every year has its difficulties and obstacles to overcome and the work planned or marked out is not always accomplished. Early last Fall, our '\"vork was seriously interfered with by the epidemic of Inft.uenza and much time was lost. By reason of which, my schedule of work was frequently changed and some places that I had planned to visit were of necessity left for future visitations. Not\vithstanding. the difficulties the past year's work has been a strenuous one. I visited and held Lodges of Instruction at the follo\ving places: Louisiana, Frankford, Clark, Brookfield, Wayland, Salisbury, Kahoka, Pleasant Hill, Smithville, Plattsburg, Fairfax, Mound City, l\1:ontgomery, l\'Iexico, Carrollton, Orrick, I-cansas City, Independence, Sedalia, Jefferson City, St. LouiS, Wellston, vVinfield, Elsberry, De So to, Leadwood, Bonne Terre, Frederickto","'n, Marble Hill, Cape Girardeau, Downing, St. Louis, Butler, Nevada, Lamar, Greenfield, Marshfield, Aurora, Purdy, Crane, Granby, Neosha, Bolivar, l\1:ontrose, Clinton, Madison, Warrensburg, Slater, Cameron, l\Ie!1?-phis, Centralia, Boonville, Trenton, Keytesville, Kirksville, Chaffee, Bloomfield, Charteston, E. Prairie, Poplar Bluff, Piedmont, Van Buren, Mt. 'View, Houston, Seymour, Springfield, Webb City, Carl J'unction, Sarcoxie, Rolla, Hannibal. My visits at St. Louis and I-cansas City were timed and arranged for their regular nights of instruction, consequently there was a very good attendance. While there ,,,,ere few, if any corrections to be made, questions of a general character were asked, answers were given and suggestions ,vere offered, which I am told were followed and resulted in a general awakening of interest among the craft. The brethren ,vho are in charge of the ritualistic work in the various Districts are generally so thoroughly conversant with our work, that there is never a doubt as to a word. This is partiCUlarly true in St. Louis and Kansas City ,vhere the continued Lodges of Instruction have perfected so many ritualists. l\fuch of the force and beauty of the lessons intended to be taught is by the mechanical or parrot-like manner in '\vhich i~ is too frequently given. In all my instruction, I have endeavored to impress upon the brethren, the necessity of a proper understanding of the work in hand that they may give the correct expression to convey the lessons to their initiates. From personal observation and the testimony路 of the District Lecturers to me, I am persuaded that the teaching has not been in vain and that progress is being made in that direction. I find the brethren everywhere conforming to the requirements of the Grand Lodge in the manner of conducting their work. Reports occasionally reach me that some Lodges are guilty of certain
Proceedings of the
irregularities, but on inquiry, I have been unable to verify them. hO'wever, that in some instances where the brethren are over\vorked, the degrees are conferred rather loosely. It is doubtless true,
The Lodges ';vere generally very active and notvvithstanding the loss of time vvhile the "Flu" was prevalent and 'while the Ban vvaS in force on all Public meetings, we have been able to chronicle a record breaking year. \Ve have reason to be thankful for the nurnbers gained. This activity \vas not confined to any particular seetion but \vas found in all parts of the State. Here and there ,\'ere found路 Districts that did not enjoy this season of prosperity and strange to say the reasons given for the lack of work were almost the saIne as those given for abundance. I am inclined to think that the brethren had been so zealous in war activities, in "\vhich so many of them \vere constantly engaged, even to the neglect of their personal affairs, that \vhen the strain was over they considered then1selves entitled to a rest, consequently their interest in Lodg'e 'work ceased. It is to be hoped they have not lost their golden opportunity. In February, I had the honor as \vell as pleasure of accon1panying 1\1"ost Worshipful Brother John \V. Binghalll, our Grand Master, to Alexandria and 1.fount Vernon, V"a., in attendance at a meeting of the \Vashington IVlemorial Association. The occasion was both instructive and entertaining. The Grand Master Will, doubtless, give a full account of the pilgrimage and meeting. It is unnecessary to give it further lnention. I am of the opinion, ho\vever, that if this Grand Lodge is in accord \vith the purpose of that Association it 'w'ould be better to have a perlllanent representative, ,vho 'with the Grand IVIaster, \vould attend regularly and could luore intelligently represent the jurisdiction, as he' \vould be better informed as to the conditions.. A very pleasant visit \vas made at Kirksville in the early part of l\:1ay \vhen all of the degrees in the York Rite \vere conferred during the lneeting, lasting four days. Some of the officers of each Grand Body \vere in attendance and the good "\vork done, together with the association of the brethren" and distinguished Visitors, made the occasion a V'ery enjoyable one. It is \vith sadness I report the death of one of my District Lecturers, Brother Virgil P . .A.c1am.s, of the Fifty-first District. He \vas the oldest of n1Y Deputies, had lived in the conlmunity for so 111any years and was among the best kno\vn and respected men in that section. He had been an active Freemason the greater part of his life and \vill be missed by the Cra-ft as \vell as by the entire comInunity. "His life is ended; the book of his deeds is closed and sealed; fulsome eulogy \vill not add to and detraction cannot take from it. His peOI)le knew' him best of all and his epitaph is \vritten in their hearts." I ackno\vledged my gratitude to the District Lecturers for their continued support and for the 111any courtesies shown n1e. Their loy~dty to the Craft and their devotion to duty are\vorthy of emulation by the brethren.
Grand Lodge of J.11isso'uri
Brother Sansberry, of the First District, visited extensively among the Lodges under his care, rendered assistance in degree '\lark and gave considerable individual instruction. Other \vork ,vas planned but the prevalence of influenza caused a postponement of \vork contenlplated, after 'which he had no opportunity for further ''lark. He reports a thorough l\'Iasonic spirit prevailing throughout the District. Brother Charles C. Gardner, of the Second District, held Schools of Instruction at Edina, Colony, and with Adair and Kirksville Lodges at Kirksville. For various good reasons, no instructions could be given else1,vhere early in the Fall and Winter and later in the Spring it was deemed best to defer further activities until Fall.. He reports that lVIasonic \vork in his District has exceeded all forlner years, both in Cluantity and quality and notwithstanding \vhat he considers the poor sho'\ving of his report, he has given of his time for the good of Freenlasonry, n10re than any years since he 'was Master of his Lodge. Brother John Santee, of the Third District, held six Lodges of Instruction \vith the follo\ving Lodges: Pollock, Winagin, Lucerne, Harris, Newto\vl1 and Green City, and had local \yell qualified brethren to look after the interest of the brethren at lVlilan, Unionville and Powersville. He reports very good attendance at these meeting:s and that "with but t,vo exceptions the Lodg'es were doing· considerable ·work. I
Brother B. F. Watson, of the Ninth District, visited a number of I-Iodges in his District. Held a Lodge of Instruction for the benefit of the four city lodges in St. Joseph through the months of January, February and IVlarch. He reports all the Lodges in good condition and doing more 'work than in any previous year. Brother H, "'\V. Saunders, of the Tenth District, reports that the Lodges of his District are doing ·well. An increase in membership of 46 is noted, and. greater proiiciency in the work of conferring Degrees is readily perceived among the Lodges as a ·whole. lIe held no regular Lodges of Instructi·on, but assisted in conferring' degrees, and instructed officers and members vv"henever opportunity presented itself. Brother Emsley C. James, of the Eleventh District, visited and gave instruction \~lith the following Lodges: Plattsburg, Hemple, Lathrop, Vincil, Liberty and Go\ver, and \vas \vith the Grand Lecturer at a Lodge of Instruction held in Plattsburg. He reports that \vi th one exception, the Lodges are working in a, highly creditable and satisfactory manner. The lectures are being given by more than one member of the Lodge and a greater degree of accuracy is observed. Brother R . .A... Tharp, of the T,velfth District, visited six Lodges attd held four Lodges of Instruction \vith a fairly good attendance and good interest. He reports a nice gain in membership and that most all the Lodges are in better working condition than they were a year ago.
Proceed'ings of the
Brother E. W. Tayler, of the Thirteenth District, visited four of the Lodges and held a Lodge of Instruction at Browning \vhere he had good attendance, and improvenlent over previous visits was very pronounced. Seyeral of the Lodges are very active but some have done nothing. .....\.11 Lodges were more or less handicapped by the absence of so many of ,their workers, but as most of them have returned, the prospects for the future are most encourag-ing. Brother vVilliamL. Hamrick, of the Fourteenth District, reports that SOUle advancement has been made, notwithstanding the increase in menlbership is small. Lodges of Instruction were held at Shelbina and Atlanta, and assistance was rendered to several other Lodges in conferring degrees. By inquiring of the brethren and from personal observation, he believes the'District to be in as good condition or better than it y\ras last year, and that it offers splendid opportunities for efficient \vork during the coming year. Brother Byrne E. Bigger, of the Fifteenth District, visited Hannibal Lodges many tinles, as \vell as Craft Lodge at Canton. He has been in communication 'with practicallY all of them and knows they are doing very 'well. He had two Lodges of Instructions appointed at LaBelle and Lewisto\vn, but for business reasons was compelled to recall thenl. He reports the Lodges at Canton, Ewing and' LaGrange as doing excellent work. Brother A. C. Behringer, of the Sixteenth District, visited six of the nine Lodges in his charge, assisted in conferring degrees and otherwise making hinlself of use to the brethren. He gives a detailed account of \vhat each Lodge has accomplished and while S0111e of them have not come up to expectations, the outlook for the future is encouraging. Regular practice meetings have been instituted each Monday night in the Temple at Louisiana, and the manner in which the officers are taking advanta'ge of these means of instruction augurs 'well for a most successful administration. In these meetings he gratefully ackno\vledges the assistance of Brother R. A. IVIay, a former District 'Lecturer. I
Brother Thomas F. Hurd, of the Seventeenth District, visited the Lodges at IV[adison, Stoutsville, Monroe City and Paris, assisted in degree \york and gave instruction to officers. Lodge of Instruction was held during the Spring with the ne\v officers of Paris Union Lodg路e. Paris, Santa Fe, Monroe City and Middle Grove Lodges are having a great rush of work. In fact all but \Voodlawn are doing work no)v. He says that during the past year much of his time 'vas necessarily devoted to the Grand Chapter and consequently he did not devote as much time as he had hoped to give to the Blue Lodge work. He notes that Freemasonry is on the boom and that the spirit of Freemasonry pervades the air. Brother T. H. Walton, of the Eighteenth District, visited but two of the Lodges this year, Clark and IVIoberly. These two Lodges are doing good vlork. From reports of other Lodges, they are aU in good working order and meeting regularly. .He has engagenlents to meet vvith two or three of the Lodges before the meeting of the Grand Lodge.
1919. ]
G1"and Lodge of J.l;fissouri
Brother II. L. IVlann, of the Nineteenth District, visited all of the LodgeH ex.eept }:tothville, Prairie Hill and 'Vestville, and t,vo of these ..vere visited by competent brethren at his request. In all the Lodges he found a higher degree of proficiency in the 'York and the general conditions good. The Masonic n10rale throughout the entire District is excellent. A School of Instruction was held at Sumner and at all places visited, he assisted in the "''"ork. The report sho\vs a substantial gain in the District and ple~ty of "work yet to do. Brother William Baker, of the T\ventieth District, held Lodges of Instruction at Hale, Bogard, Norborne, Hardin, Orrick, RichmQnd, Lawson, and assisted the Grand Lecturer at Carrollton and Orrick. The attendance was not as good as usual, but as good as could be expected under existing conditions. Th'e interest ,vas good and quite an improvement was noted over preceding visits. .. Brother Henry C. Noland, of the Twenty-first District, reports only one I.Jodge of Instruction, that held at Farley. Numerous visitations were made and such instruction as possible to give in this manner; 'vas always given. All Lodges appear to be dOfllg very active 'work and doing it fairly 'well. Brother Charles T. Kornbrodt, of the T'wenty-second District, reports that the Lodge of Instruction conducted weekly during the first nine ,veeks of the year, was a splendid success. The brethren sho'W'"ed their appreciation of his efforts in their behalf by a good attendance. In his official visits to the Lodges, it ",,"'as understood that either the first or third degree ,vas to be conferred by the regular officers. .A.. s a result some excellent work \vas done and it \vas an easy' nlatter to discuss "who had taken advantage of the Lodge of Instruction. He is convinced that they are capable" of doing good work although the 'York in some of the Lodges is very much "butchered up" on account of the. volume of work done and partly the incompetency of some of· the:,:,workers. I commend him for his zeal and activity during the past year. . Brother W. T. "\Vern\vag, of the Twenty-third District, visited all the Lodges save that at Corder; assisted in conferring degrees and gave instruction. T\vo District Association nleetings \vere. held at Higginsville and Concordia. A.s usual, degrees were conferred by a picked team from the lnenlbers in attendance. He reports that the year's ,york has been fairly 'prosperous, notwithstanding the ab~ence of so many of our boys who were called in the defense of our country. With their return, he looks for still greater activity. The several Lodges visited showed an 'interest in the work a'nd their proficiency is very satisfactory. Brother J. S.· vVilson, of the Twenty-fourth District, visited·· .all of the Lodges' and some of them several times. On such ,occasions he rendered assistance in degree work and gave instruction. All of these occasions \vere enjoyable and profitable. l\10stof the· Lodges have the work in fairly good shape. For the District, in a,.. general way, Freemasonry is running on "high" and the outlook for the future is very promising.
Proceedings of the
Brother S. L. Stites, of the Twent~l-fifth District, reports as follows: "Last year I felt that my report nlust, of necessity, be very brief, as I had done but little work, due largely, as I thought, to war conditions. For many months past those conditions have not existed and yet the Lodges have manifested little or no desire for improvement." From this he concludes that the Lodges are moving along as usual but giving little attention to proficiency. Whether this is merely indifference on their part or because of lack of confidence in the District Lecturer, he is unable to say. I am of the opinion, my brother, that it is pure indifference. He visited the Lodges at Bunceton, and his home Lodge, and speaks very favorably of their activity. Brother J. A. Oliver, of the Twenty-sixth District, visited all the Lodges except Sturgeon. ...;\11 are doing good work except Hinton. All the other Lodges are conferring degrees without outside assistance. There is considerable work being done in all of the Lodges and it appears as if this will be a record breaking year for the Twenty-sixth District. Brother J. E. Reeds, of the Twenty-eighth District, visited all the Lodges with one or two exceptions, and found them in very good condition. He gave considerable instruction to new officers, assisted in conferring degrees and tried to be as useful to the Craft as circumstances 'would permit. A Lodge of Instruction "was held at Montgomery by the Grand Lecturer but as he was just recovering from the "Flu," he "ras unable to attend. He regrets very much that, since his last report, the Lodge at Montgomery City surrendered its charter. This is a surprise to me, and I, too, regret the necessity of such an act. Brother E. A. Fluesmeier, of the Thirtieth District, visited four of the Lodges, gave instruction. and assisted in conferring degrees. Many visitations were made. All the Lodges appear to be in a thriving condition and the true Masonic spirit seems to prevail. Brother R. A. Breuer, of the Thirty-second District, was unable to visit all the Lodges but from his observation and from information otherwise obtained, he found the Lodges doing better and more efficient work than heretofore. There is a marked tendency on the part of the brethren to put more Sl)irit and life into the work which not only leaves a better impression on the candidate but is' an inspiration to the Lodge. On several occasions he gave instruction at his home to inquiring brethren. The addition to membership shows a healthy, substantial growth, and with the increased desire for Masonic light that seems to prevail, the future for this 'District 100ks bright. 1
Brother J. H. Cranfill, of the Thirty-third District, reports as follows: "By reason of the ban upon public meetings, growing out of the epidemic of Influenza, we were unable to have our six meetings prior to January 1st, last, whereas we should and otherwise would have held at least twelve communications. ''Notwithstanding this unfortunate condition, we '\vere able to hold 31 meetings, some of which (during the "Flu ban"),were upon very short notice,' which materially reduced the general" aver.age at-
Grand Lodge of Missouri
tendance. The average attendance exceeded 113 as shown by the }1.egister, although the average attendance was considrably above this figure, occasioned by the neglect of many to register. Of these, 9.4% \vere Worshipful l\1asters, 30.9掳.10 were Line Officers other than vVorshipful l\1:asters; 16.7% were Past Masters 1 and the Craft at large 43 %. These are the figures sho\vn by the Register 1 but many officers who registere'd neglected to indicate their title when registering, and from what information I have it would appear reasonably certain that of the 43% registering without indicating their title, at least 25% \vere, in fact, in Line in their respective Lodges. "Feeling that one of the purposes of the Lodge of Instruction is to assist the Officers, to confer the degrees accurately and with credit to the Fraternity, I made it a point to encourage them to do the 'work under the supervision of proficient teachers. This proved successful, since more than half of the Lodges took advantage of this opportunity by having their respective Officers so work on the fioor, and only the untimely termination of work prevented many nlore Lodges from taking advantage of the opportunity. "Being in hearty accord \vith the Grand Lecturer, that accuracy is very essential, but that enunciation and expression is equally necessary, I established a ne\v class, and appointed Most \iVorshipful Brother Frank R. Jesse as the Chairman of the Class of Enunciation and Expression. It has been the means of a great mental awakening to the Craft here, and I trust the class' will be continued. "In nly work I the ,veIl informed for the assistance Jesse, Worshipful N. Stewart. l\1:any will not permit.
received the hearty co-operation of practically all brethren, but feel that too much cannot be said received from l\1ost Worshipful Brother Frank R. Brothers Thomas Moyser, A.. H. Cole and John other nalnes should also be mentioned, but space
"During the year, in spite of the ban, I succeeded in visiting all the Lodges in my District, some of, these many times, including one U. D. (America), and I am glad to report that the average work, both in enunciation and expression, as 'well as letter perfection, is ran idly improving. "We had the pleasure of two visits from the Grand" Lecturer, IUght \Vorshipful Brother J. R. ~1cLachlan, January 24th and February 25th, 1919. He imparted useful knowledge to the many brethren present. It is always a pleasure to have him with us." Brother James F. Blair, of the Thirty-fourth District, visited several of the Lodges and held Schools for Instruction which were 路\\,e11 attended. He found. much better work being done thap. formerly. Inte,rchange of ,york among the Lodges has been quite a factor in arousing interest and also creates a more friendly or brotherly feeling among the members. He says the Lodges exercise caution in admitting members. Most of them show gain and all are closely follovving ~[asonic requirements. Brother R. B. Camp1)ell, of the Thirty-fifth District, visited all the Lodges in his jurisdiction, some of them three or four times. He held Lodges, of Instruction at Butler, Rich Hill, Burne, and Foster,
Proceedil1gs of the
and assisted others in conferring degrees. lIe reports a prosperous veal' not\vithstanding the "Flu" epidemic and the war. The Lodges ~re 'doing nicely, except Foster and Tyrian, where he has thus far been unable to arouse any interest. Brother A. l\L Harlan, of the Thirty-sixth District, reports the Lodges under his care progressing nicely. A Lodge of Instruction was held at Sedalia by the Grand Lecturer, having a very good attendance. Several other Lodges in the District represented. Other visitations ,vere nlade on 'which occasions degree work occupied the tiIl1e. The Lodges at Sedalia have been very active. A change of \vork V\'ill give him better opportunity to serve the Craft in the future, Brother H. T. 'Vright, of the Thirty-eighth District, reports that he ,vas unable to do much visiting on account of the conditions at home. Laclede Lodge has been unusually busy and his assistance 'vas given them at all times. Richland Lodge was also visited and degrees conferred. From members of the Lodges at Linn Creek and 'Vaynesville he is informed they are doing very well. The others, he is unable to give any information as to their condition. Brother Charles E. Pyle, of the Fortieth District, held three Lodges of Instruction and madf1 frequent visits to assist in the "\vork. All the Lodges have been quite active, except Black\vell, and: reports sho\v a total increase of 52. He says there has not been much improvelnent in the \vork as this year has been one of great activity in the various vocations of life, and Lodge work has been neglected. Harmony prevails among the brethren. Brother H. H. Finley, of the Forty-second District, visited all the Lodges except Everton and Clintonville. Everton Lodge ,vas desh'oyed by fire early in the year and as yet has ne place in which to 111eet. Lodges of Instruction "were held at Greenfield and Dadeville, besides ,private instruction and ass'isting in the 'York generally. He reports the \vorking forces in his Lodges in fairly good condition. 'Brother Sam B. Vickers of the Forty-third District, held but one Lodge of Instruction and on account of conditions was unable to make any visitations. 1
Brother 路VY. D. Richardson of the Forty-fourth District visited every Lodge tw~o or more times, gave such instruction as necessary, and assisted in degree \vork. The Lodges are all working in harmony and during the 'year many 'fine \vorkers, able to give the -lectures, have ,been developed, and to them he acknowledges his indebtedness for their assistance. Lodges of Instruction were held at Webb City, Carl Juncti'on and SarCOXie, by the Grand I.Jecturer, with good results. .A.11 the Lodges are gTo\ving and, prospering. Bro,ther G.\V. Custer, of the Forty-fifth District, held a Lodge of Instruction at Republic and reports fair attendance, good interest, and' all the officers proficient in their \vork. ...~ Lodge of Instruction "vas held at Springfield during February, and on account of the amount of work in the different Lodges, it ,vas deemed best to discontinue. and only four nleetings 'were held. He visited 12 of the 15
Grand Lodge of J.1/fisso1.tri
Lodges and found thenl doing creditable ,V"ork. The best of fraternal feeling exists and the increase in 111embership. is groater than iI). any previous year. Brother Carl A. SV\Tenson, of the Forty-sixth District, visited 11 of the 15 Lodges and assisted in conferring many degrees. tit. Ararat No. 382, \vhich has been dormant for years, has at last a"wakened, and doing- fair \vork. .Ava Lodge does not sho\v any inlproveDlent and lVlanes Lodge needs a "jolt." With these exceptions, the District is in good shape. . Brother J. IVr. Carnahan, of the Forty-seventh District, gave considerable individual instruction but held no general schools. He visited" five of the Lodges and says that since the close of the war, the members are taking a luore active interest, and putting forth efforts to become proficient in .all their duties. All have done work and the Lodges are prospering. Brother "\V. B. Massey, of the Forty-eig"hth District, reports that Lodges of Instruction 'vere held at Bonne Terre, Lead\vood, Farmington and Frederickto\vn. He reports the Lodges in a 1)rOSperous condition, doing very good \vork and gradually imlJroving. He \vas handicapped during the year by having sickness in his fanli1y, attending to his business and Director of "Val' vVork in his county, else more \楼ould have been done. ,\Vith health to family restored and \var ,vork eliminated, the coming year 'will give hinl g-reater opportunity. Brother J. J. Posey, of the Fifty-second District, held Lodges of Instruction ,vith the follo,ving Lodges: Pine No. 314, Composite No. 369, 1rVayne No. 526, and Greenville No. 107. At each place he had good attendance and the brethren manifested considerable interest. He visited J\1aple Lodge No. 623, seven times and assisted in degree work, and vIas at Poplar Bluff in a Lodge of Instruction \vith the Grand Lecturer. He had a pleasant year and is confident that much good was accon1plished. Brother H. A. Stearns, of the Fift~路-third District, ans\vered all calls, held two Lodges of Instruction and g'ave much time in individual instruction. ...4... series of meetings was held at 'Vest Plains during the early year, \V"hich 'were very profitable. Brother G. .J. ,,\Ta ughan, of the Fifty-fourth District, visited all the Lodges in the three counties, except Sparta and ~lever, and held Lodges of Instruction from one to three days at each point. The Lodges visited are as follo\vs: Friend, Claflin, Forsyth,Billings, Galena, KirbYVille, Branson and Crane. He reports that the Craftsmen from a general vie\v are doing exceedingly good \vork. Brother \V. N. JHarbut, of the Fifty-fifth District, reports that owing to the scarcity of help he \vas unable to do as much as he expected. He hopes to visit several before the meeting of the Grand Lodg~. He, ho\vever, visited eight Lodges and reports that all but one Lodge is in good condition. Brother 路VV. A. Phipps, of the Fifty-sixth District, held several Lodges of Instruction and others \vere in prospect when the "Flu" prevented further activities. ...~ series of meetings was held at dif-
Proceedings of the
ferent places in \vhich degree vtork occupied the time. This created a friendly rivalry alnong the brethren and has resulted in greater nroficiency and thoroughness in the ·work. vVith the excepti.on of two Lodges all have made progress. The returning soldier brethren, in relating the courtesies and benefits to them fronl their relation to Freen1asonry, have inspired all \vith a hig'her appreciation of the Order and a greater zeal for its tenets. They are looking forward to the next year for still greater activity. Brother Bd .T. Torrence, of the Fift3":-seventh District, visited each of the 11 LQdges officially and several, at other times, assisting in the \vork and instructing in floor vYork, lectures, etc. On account of the "ban" on meeting, he was unable to hold Lodge of Instruction until February, and continuing through March and ...-\..pril, meeting::, were held at \Vellston and IZirk\vood Halls. The meetings were well attended and the interest taken was all that could be desired. 'Twas gratifying to see the young brethren so eager to learn the several lectures as ,veIl as the floor \vork. The Lodges are all in good condition. Brother B. F. Bo\vline, of the Fifty-eighth District, visited Versailles Lodge No. 117, on several occasions and held Lodges of Instruction with the follo\ving Lodges: Belle, Tuscumbia and Glenstead. He has been in close touch with the Lodges at Eldon, Barnett and Olean. He reports six of the Lodges are in active, good condition and the others, with a little encouragement, can be rejuvenated. Some of the Lodges 'were very active and the final returns f1'on1 the entire District shows a slight gain. Brother Allan 1IcDo\,,'ell Hoyt, of the Fifty-ninth District, reports an unusually busy time the past j.·ear, and much work carried over and in prospect for next year. The·· usual Lodge of Instruction was held at Independence for the benefit of the two Lodges in that City and the Lodge at IVIt. \Vashington. The attendance \vas good and interest \vas manifested by their determined efforts to perfect themselves in the '\vork. He· notes, however, that but fe\v of the officers devote any tiIne to learning the lectures, being content to leave that part of their \vork to some other brother. He nlade 26 visitations in all, and held several other Lodges of Instruction for the benefit of the country Lodges, vvhich \vere well attended and were profitable to the brethren. He made himself useful to the brethren at all times, dedicating ne\v halls at tvvo different places and assisting and directing in the \,"ork generally, and he talks very hopefully of the prospects and possibilities of all the I..Jodges and commends sonle for their present· proficiency and skill in the perfornlance Of their duties. Fraternally subrnitted,
Grand Lodge of M'£SSOlt1"i
ORATION. Rt. '7'/. Bro. \\lillian1 F. \\T oodruff, Grand Orator, \vas introduced and delivered the following Oration on PATRIOTISM AND PEACE
l\10st "Vorshipful Grand IV[aster and Brethren: As \ve meet here in this our Annual Communication, all of our proceedings, and the dominant spirit of the meeting, inevitably recall to our nlinds the contrast betv.reen the outlook confronting us at our last Annual Communication, and that which confronts us now. Then we \vere at "war. No\v \ve are at peace. Then our country \vas aflame with the spirit of devotion to the COlnmon enterprise, aflame with the spirit of patriotism. Now the crisis is past, and the white heat of that patriotisln that characterized us a year ago has begun to cool. \V'hile vv'e are not no\v compelled actually to offer our sons on the altar of Democracy, yet there exists in our social and national life, conditions \vhich denland of our people the continued practice of that patriotism \vhich so glorified them during the period of strife. It has therefore, seemed to us appropriate to offer some comparisons between \vhat 'was then and what could and ought to be now. In furtherance of this purpose, let us recall some of the more outstanding manifestations of patriotism during the 'war period. Far out in front stands that \vonderful response to the Government's Selective Service Act. That ""las a drastic measure. Other nations dared not adop't it at the beginnin'g. Our people, ho\vever, 'were qUick to compreh€;?nd the necessity and wisdom of it and they not only accepted it, but accepted it \vith enthusiasm. We all recall "with, pride how on June 5th, 1917, and how later on September 12th, 1918, the ~~ounger nlen of the country, 20,000,000 strong, \vent to the registration booths and placed their lives at the disposal of the Governnlent, to be assigned to the military, agricultural or industrial ranks of the nation, 'wherever their experience and training could best be made to serve the national ·welfare. On those glorious da'ys, it was demonstrated to the· world that, though our people are gathered from all the races of the earth, yet under ...~merican Democracy, they have become one people, a great nation. No finer demonstration of patriotism can be found in the pages of history. Next let us call to mind ho\v the older men were not to be out(lone by the young, how the lllen of unusual attainnlents, high positions and great incomes, absolutely abandoned their own personal affairs, that the Government might have the benefit of their talents and experience. If it ,vas not the Government itself that received their services, it was ...~merica's cause through their acti\;ities in the H.ed Cross, the Y. 11. C. A., and other organizations performing similar \vork.
P'roceedi'Jzgs of the
Again, \ve remen1ber ho,,,, a year ago the feeling of patriotism had so permeated our lives that s\vorn enemies, like Capital and Labor, forgot their bitterness and strife in a large measure to the end that production of all kinds might attain the maximum. We renlember ho\\' capital surrendered its great industrial plants, its shipyards, its railroads, to the service of the Government, and how in trade and commerce, all private interests zealously gave way to the needs of our military and naval operations. And then, too, how well \ve remember that "throughout innumerable factories, upon innumerable farms, in the depths of coal mines and iron mines and copper nlines, \vherever the stuffs of industry were to be obtained and prepared, in the shipyards, on the railroads, at the docks, on the seas, in every labor that \vas needed to sustain the battle lines, men who conlpose the laboring class vied with each other to do their part, and do it \vell."
In this recounting of patriotic manifestations during the war, \ve must not forget that enthusiasln and devotion with which the nlil1ions of savings of our people were turned into the Government Treasury through the purchase of Government securities and ho\v every man, ,\voman and child in the land was found ever ready to nleet the constant demands for donations to finance the Red Cross and like organizations engaged in war \vork. There was the field in 'which all could and in "\vhich all did, do a full measure of service. That generosity is so clear in our Inemories that further comment is unnecessary. True it is that SOUle traitors and some derelicts were in our midst, but ho\v fe"v, ho\v very few there were, and when \ve view as a \vhole, the attitude of our people during the trying period just past, even at this short distance of a single year the vision that stands before us is a vision of a great people united ","ith unselfishness, 'with patriotic devotion to a great common enterprise for the ultimate g'ood of all mankind. No\v, the immediate objects for which we were striVing, Victory and Peace, are here. But \vhere is our patriotism of a year ago? That great virtue vvhich guided us safely through the dangerous days, I fear finds itself in the situation of our illustrious Brother !{ipling's "Tommie Adkins :"
"I ,vent into a theatre," says Tommie, "as sober as could be, They give a drunk civilian room, but 'ad'nt none for me, They sent me to the gallery or round the music 'aIls, But \'then it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls,
For its Tomn1ie this an' Tommie that, an' Tomnlie fall behind But it's please to \valk in front, sir, where there's trouble in the \vind, There's trouble in the vvind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind, 0, its please to \valk in front, sir, \vhen there's trouble in the wind." Of course, the great volume of patriotic endeavor that characterized our people during the war is not necessary or even desirable
Grand Lodge of
no\V. The necessity for rigid sacrifices in time and resources has passed, but the necessity that our lives and actions be governed by the spirit of patriotism, is just as urgent as at the darkest period of our late conflict, and to Freemasons, at least, argument is unneeessary to convince that, if 1Ne would emulate only in a measure, the examples of unselfisp. devotion set by ourselves during the war, the evils that are no\v threatening the security and equalities of our soeiety 'would disappear of themselves. Now, let us draw some comparisons between what ",'"as then, and 'what could and ought to be no\v. In the first place, can we not see in the patriotism shown in the Selective Service Draft, in the patriotisnl not only of those who so 'willingly signed the registers, but as well, of the great army of civilians \vho so gladly gave their time to the effective administration of the laV\r, a great object lesson for us in times of peace, in the exercise of the right of franchise and even more in the just and fearless administration of our election laws. Through the war, a ne\v word caIne to us-the \vord "slacker." That word just fits the fello\v \vho carelessly, deliberately or indifferently stays away fron1 the polls on voting day. Of course, no Freemason was ever such a "slacker," and now the ladie~ ""rill be at the polls, a cabletov\r around their necks ",,'Von't keep them away. So my admonition is but of academic significance to you, but none of us will deny that this particular type is entirely too abundant in our midst, and none of us will deny that his presence among us gives to that piratethe desigI,!ing, selfish politician-much of the advantage necessary for him to control elections. None \vill deny that here is a very real evil which ,ve must combat as well as avoid. Hand in hand \vith it goes fraud and dishonesty in our elections which have their root in careless and dishonest administration of our election laws. Here certainly is a very practical field for the exercise of patriotism in times of peace. If all our citizens w"ould but apply themselves earnestly, and intelligently to the exercise of the franchise as an essential and patriotic duty; and if the same class of citizens who devoted themselves so loyally and ardently to the administration of the Selective Service Act would seek membership on our election boards, our elections would be infinitely cleaner and the results would be a good deal nearer the w'"ill of the majority. The President, in his recent speech in Kansas City, said the fundamental trouble in Russia today is that a vicious minority elel11ent has someho\v got into control of the majority, and he observed that that was a condition not unknown in America in certain fields. He said further that minority government wherever it ex.isted must be destroyed if Democracy is to survive. (I trust Most vVorshipful Grand Master, that 'we may all agree with the President in that statement, at least.) Let us attack these tV\TO evils of our political life with that aggressive patriotism which characterized us in our response to and adnlinistration of the Selective Service ...~ct, and we will very soon be enjoying some nluch needed victories of peace, for as Milton told Lord Crom\vell, "Peace hath her victories,. No less reno\vned than war."
Proceedings of the
Coming no\v to the inspiring example of the fine men 'who "turned aside fronl ever;y private interest of their own and devoted the ,vhole of their trained capacity to the tasks of our great undertaking," and ,vhat lesson do \ve find there for times of peace. Can it be only in times of \var that the best brains and finest talent among us are needed to solve our country's problems, and direct its enterprises? In our Legislative bodies and administrative offices, high and lo\v, are too 111any nlen whose only qualifications lie in their ability to play the ganle of politics \vell enough to get their jobs, and when once they get a seat at the pie counter their only purpose in life is to 111ake their stay there perpetual~ Among our citizens are great numbers of men possessed of independent incomes, \vho can well afford to devote the great talents \vhich are theirs, to strengthening and unifying our society, and to stamping out those inequalities and injustices in our national life \\~hich breed strife and discontent and threaten the security of our (nstitutions. The need, more urgent than ever before, is here. When conditions exist that cause a. strike of the Police Force in such a city as Boston, and la\vlessness running riot openly outrages defenseless' \vomen, and property to the value of $300,000, is pillaged and destroyed in a single night, it is indeed time that nlen of high training and intellect should display some of that patriotism which distinguished them during the \var by seeking places of power and authority in our government, that these great problems may be attacked by the most cal)able, the most unselfish citizens of our country. "\Ve have seen ho\v during the \var, both capital and labor in a large measure, devoted themselves unselfishly and patriotically to the necessities for increased production and with but the single purpose in mind of sustaining our arnlies and our people during the great conflict for the suprenlacy of our {deals and our freedom. No\'l, ho'wever, as the external enemy has' been subdued, these contending elen1ents seem to be girding themselves for a conflict vVhich, if路 not prevented, nuty shatter the foundations of that national life \vhich they, \vith all their fellow countrymen, sacrificed so greatly, and strove so valiantly to sustain, and that national life vVhlch has been so lately consecrated anew by the blood of 50,000 sons of An1erica. tVlO
How' deplorable it is that in their dealings with each other, neither the capitalist nor the. laborer ever seemed to comprehend that they are not enemies, but Anlericans-brothers, if you please, and further that they are but members of a great brotherhood composed of all their fello\v countrymen. . "\Voulcl that the force of the great example of \vhat was accomplished during the \val' might impel labor and capital to bring to their 'councn tables, some n1easure of that spirit of patriotism which then characterized their activities. Then and not until then "vill a common ground be reacned and bitterness and strife be supplanted by friendly co-operation and understanding.
Grand Lodge of IVliSSOltyi
Let us carry the analogies \ve have been dra-\ving one step Ho\v shall vve continue to reap the benefits of that patriotic spirit of thrift \vhich characterized us during the \val' and found its expression in the practice of rigid econom:y, that savings might be inyested in governlnent securities and donated to the Red Cross and sinlilar organizations? The very obvious anS'i,ver is that \ve continue in those habits of thrift. The tragedy of our present attitude, ho\vever, is that everyone seems to have lost all respect for this virtue. \Ve seem to have suffered a sharp rebound after vv路ar-time economy, and as has been suggested, the United States is "on an extravagant drunk." fartlH~r.
A current issue of the Literary Digest gives most prominent SI)aCe to the idea that careless buying on the part of 90nsumers is quite as responsible for the "High Cost of Living" as the greed of the profiteer, and it is insisted that the root of our trouble is that "The .'-\nlerican spirit apparently finds it difficult to differentiate bet\veen being a good fellovv and being a good thing; bet"ween easy going and an easy mark." No less an authority than \Vnl. G. IV[cAdoo in a recent article entitled H\\Tar-Time Thrift and Peace-Time Saving," finds in us this peculiarity. V\T"e are "villing to save for the Governrnent in times of stress but in ordinary times, \ve regard thrift as a sort of stinginess. Ife points out that a rigid practice of frugality in times of peace is absolutely essential to the future security of our institutions and n1akes the follo'wing very pertinent sug'gestions for popularizing habits of thrift. He says: "I believe issue, OI)Ce Vle ourselves, but and Cantigny, darker days. vision."
that \ve shall not fail, once ,ve understand the real realize that thrift, or frugality, or savings are not for for the same cause for \vhich men died at bt. Milliel for the same cause for \vhich we struggled through It is not a petty personal ideal, but a great national
Here endeth the comparisons 'which I shall offer between ,vhat \vas in time of Viral' and \vhat could and ought to be in time of peace. You luay have \vondered that there has been no recognition of the supreme sacrifice of those 50,000 .Arn..ericans \vho today sleep in Flanders Fields, in the Argonne Hills, and on the banks of the l\:Iarne. No con1parison has been attenlpted here because a just comparison is impossil)le. No sacrifice, no devotion to country ho\vever great in times of peace can approach the sacrifice of those who die for their country in times of ,val', and no ,vords are sufficient to bring home to us the lesson of the sacrifice, but those of Lincoln at Gettysburg.: "It is for us, the living, to be dedicated ane,\r to the unfinished \vork which they who fought have thus far so nobly advanced. It means for us that ,ve must be dedicated anevv to the great task remaining before us-that from those honored dead, \ve take increased deyotion to that cause for \vhich they gave the last full mes-sure of devotion. That \ve highly resolve that those dead shall have not died in vain; that this Nation under Qod,shall have a new birth of Freedo1l1, and that governn1ent of the people, by the peOl)le~ for the people, shall not perish fron1 the earth."
Proceedings of the
This further observation remains to be made. What has. been said nlay be all true enough but wherein is' its appropriateness to this occasion-this Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Missouri. Its appropriateness lies in the absolute identity bet,veen the spirit of patriotism and the principles upon ~~hich our Brotherhood is founded. Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth; Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice. vVe need go no farther that these to find that, beacon light ,"vhich ,\~ill guide us from the rocks of inequalities, discord and destruction, into the deep, placid waters of equality, unity and strength.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. The report of COll1111ittee on Appeals and Grievances was read, section by section, by the several nlenlbers of the Comll1ittee, and on n1otion, separately in each case, the reC0l1l11lendations of the Cornn1ittee vvere approved and adopted in Cases 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7,.8 and 10. No.1. i-\dopted.
Osage Lodge No. 303, vs. Fred O. \Volfling.
No.2. Adopted.
Petition of Geo. R. Pohlnlan for
No.3. Adopted.
No.5. Adopted.
Petition of路 \\Talter R. l\lorris for restoration.
No.6. Adopted.
.i\pplication of Jan1es B. Gordon' for restoration.
No.7. Adopted.
Petition of Daniel \"A.l. Cloud for restoration.
No.8. Adopted.
restoration. Harrison.
No. 10. Carl Junction Lodge No. 549 vs. Janles Jenkins. Adopted.
Grand Lodge of llfissouri
In Case No.4, petition of Joseph H. Robinson for restoration. l\lotiol1 to adopt reco111mendation 0 f the Committee "vas lost and the Committee reversed. In Case No.9, L. F. Farris vs. Wnl. T. Powers, it was nl0ved by lYI. \tV. Bro. C. C. Bigger that the recommendation of the COll1111ittee be adopted and the Grand Lodge retain ab'solute jurisdiction, and that the record be sent back to the Subordinate Lodge and that Lodge directed to send up their record in proper fornl for the action of the Comlnittee on Appeals and Grievances next year, and that the accused be notified of the further hearing so that he may be present if he so \vishes. Sanle duly seconded' and adopted. 1\'Ioved, seconded and carried that the repo'rt of the' Comll1ittee as a vvhole be adopted as anlended and reversed as to Case No.4, and as added to in Case No.9 or decided; the question having been put up to Grand Lodge for decision. To the :WIost VVorshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of the State 0 f路 1\1issouri :
\\1 e, your Conl111ittee on i\.ppeals and Grievances, respectfully subn1it the following report:
Osage Lodge No. 303 vs. Fred O. vVolfling. Adopted.
2. In the ll1atter of the petition of George R. Pohhnan for restoration. Adopted. 3.
Chas. Han1el vS. Edward H. Harrison.
*4. In the matt;~路 of the petition of Joseph H. Robinson for restoration. 5. In the nlatter of the petition of vValter R. 1\/lorris for restoration. Adopted. 6. In the ll1atter of the applicatiqn of James B. Gordon for restoration. Adopted.
7. In the n1atter of the application of Daniel W. Cloud for restoration. Adopted.
Proceedings of the
8. In the nlatter of the application of Joseph Ottmar for l)itnit. Adopted.
t9. L. F.
Farris vs. \i\rm. T. Po\vers.
10. Carl J ullctionLodge No. 549 vs. Janles Jenkins. i\dopted. *l\Iotion to adopt lost, and Conl111ittee reversed. tease continued to next year; record to be sent back to Subordinate Lodge. No.!. Osage Lodge No. 303 vs. Fred O. "VoHling
On the 13th day of December, 1918, at the direction of the vVorshipful lVfaster of Osage Lodge No. 303, A. F. & A. 1\1., the Junior "Varden of that Lodge charged one of its members, Brother Fred O. ,\VoHling, 'Vvith un-1Vlasonic conduct in four specifications. By the first it is charged that Brother Fred O. WoHling was a deserter from the Regular United States .A.rmy, and that in 1903, 'Vvhen he applied to the Lodge to take the degrees, he fraudulently \vithheld inforn1ation of this fact from the Lodge.
The second specification alleges that in the year 1918 the accused \vas an alien enemy and failed to register, as requested by law, and "was interned. The third specification charges that Brother Fred O. Wolfling associated vi7'ith le\vd \vomen, contracted a disease and communicated it to his \vife. ' The fourth specification charges that in the year 1912 said brother promised in "\vriting to support his wife, allo\ving at least $60.00 per rnonth for her support and that of their children. That he has violated this agreement. The cause ,:vas tried in due course, which resulted in a finding of guilty on each of the specifications, and the accused \vas expelled from the Lodge and denied all the rights and benefits of Freemasonry~ and in due time a Brother appealed the case to the Grand Lodge. The vie\v your Comnlittee takes of the case it is not necessary to burden the record with' length~~ extr:;;tcts from the evidence. .At the time of the trial the accused was interned at Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia. "Ve fear that this fact greatly prejudiced the case. The evidence of the. cause for his internn1ent is almost \vholly lacking, consisting of letters, ex parte affidavits, "written and procured long' before the charges "were preferred against the defendant. and \vhich he had no opportunity to examine.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
The charge that he had deserted from the Army proved to be \vhen F!~ed O. \Volfling vv'as a mere boy nineteen years old. It seems that the officers of the Governn1ent never made any effort to apprehend hin1. He \vas born in Germany in 1872; he came to this country \\'ith his uncle, .A..1bert Wolfting, in 1887. He enlisted in the Regul?-r Army in March of 1889; he deserted from the Army at Oklah()ma City in 1892, and came to Nevada, Missour~, and has resided at that place and at Joplin, Missouri, ever since. He voted in the United States since reaching his majority and was informed that a child under the age of seventeen years 'was not required to take out naturalization papers in order to become a citizen. It is shovvn that he did not register as an alien enemy, as required by law, but there is strong proof that he offered himself for registration but was informed by the officers that it \vas unnecessary and that this advice constitutes his reason for not registering. The records fail to show that all the available evidence on this point \vas produced at the trial. The evidence of non-support of his vvife and children consists wholly of the record of an ex parte divorce proceeding-and respect-
able evidence ,vas offered that Wolfiing failed to appear at that hearing on advice of friends. vVe are not satisfied \\Tith the conduct of the defendant in this regard, but in view of facts presently to be referred to, are inclined to recommend that the accused be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense on retrial. He nlay be able to clear up those things on ,vhich ',rour committee is in doubt.
Prior to the preferred charges, Wolfiing has resided for a number of years at Joplin, IVfissouri. ...I \t the tinle he vvas actually interned at Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia, the notice, containing copy of charges, ",vas duly posted to the defendant at Joplin, 1\rissouri, his last knovvn address. But it was' sho\vn by positive evidence on hearing that this notice ,v'as .intercepted and never reached the accused, so that in truth he had no actual l\:no,vledge of it.
The notice is 路what is termed "Constructive Notice," but in fact imparted no notice to the accused. In view of the former good reputation of lVIr. Wolfling sho\.\"I"u by Freemasons of undoubted integrity and standing, and in view of the unsatisfactory state of the eVidence, we are of the opinion that the case should be renlanc1ed to Osage Lodge No. 303, for a new trial, ,vhen all the facts may' be gone into fully and the accused be given an opportunity to be heard in Lodge. No.2. In the matter of the petition of George R. Pohlman for restoration to good l\[asonic standing: On 1\fay 1, 1916, the Junior \~Varden of Itaska Lodge No. 420, ...4... F. & A. M., filed charges in that Lodge against the petitioner,charging him with un-Masonic conduct. For some reason the case was not brought to trial until Septenlber 18, 1916, the evening before the nleeting of the Grand Lodge, and notwithstanding a plea of guilty
Proceedings of the
to the charge by the accused, who was then on parole after serving a little more than six months of an indeterminate sentence to the penitentiary pronounced by the Court of General Sessions of the Peace of the County of Ne\v York, the judgment of the Lodge ,vas conviction and suspension for a period of one year. An appeal was immediately taken to the Grand Lodge, then in session, whichresulted in a judgment expelling the accused from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry. See Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1916. The only evidence before your Committee in support of the petition is a communication froln Itaska Lodge No. 420 recommending that the petitioner be restored to good Masonic standing, which reconlmenda.tion ,vas made in the belief that the petitioner has seen the error of his ","'ays and has promised to live a straight and upright life in the future. The record is silent as to where and ho,v the petitioner has been living since his expulsion by the Grand Lodge, and particularly whether he has been discharged from his parole and been granted a full pardon for the offense constituting the basis of all the charges, or whether he is yet held on probation by the State of Ne\v York. Your CODlmittee feels that it has not been furnished with sufficient evidence to warrant favorable action on the petition and therefore that the request of the petitioner be denied. No.3. Charles Hammel, Accuser, vs. Ed\vard H. Harrison, Accused.
Appeal from Magnolia Lodge No. 626, A. F. & ...~. IVI:.
ST.A.TEMENT On September 11, 1918, Brother Charles Hammel, a member of George vVashington Lodge No.9, ...4.... F. & ....:\. IVL, filed charges in J\:Iagnolia Lodge No. 626, ...i\.. F. & A. l\L, charging that Brother Edward H. Harrison, a member of Magnolia Lodge, with un-l\:Iasonic conduct. The charge contained four specifications. The first specification charged the accused with deserting and abandoning his wife without provocation~or justification. The second chargecl him ,vith inducing his wife to sign certain negotiable papers under the pretext of adjusting their joint holdings and appropriating the proceeds of the papers to his own use to the neglect of his \vife. ThE'- third charged him ,,,itll continuously and flagrantly associating ,vith and spending his money on women for the period of three years immediately preceding February 19, 1918, to the neglect and humiliation of his "rife. The fourth with having associated \vith one or more women other than his \"ife, ,vhile living 路with his wife, and the contracting of a disease as a result of such association.
of lvlisso'uri
Trial ,vas held in l\1:agnolia Lodge No. 626 on January 15, 191B, and resulted in the accused being found guilty as to the charge~
contained in specifications Nos. 1 and 3, and acquitted as to the. charges in specifications Nos. 2 and 4. The vote on punishment was in favor of expulsion from all the rights and privileges of FreenlaSonry and judgment was rendered in accordance therewith. The accused took an appeal to the Grand Lodge and in due time the appeal \vas perfected and reached your Committee in regular form. DECISION The record is voluminous and contains much matter that is irrelevant and imnlaterial, and many objections and exceptions to the ruling of the trial master, but on the whole we find nothing in the conduct of the trial sho,ving that the rights of the accused 'were not properly safeguarded or tl;1at he had other than a fair and inlpartial trial. The case turns on a question of fact and the sufficiency of tho evidence to sustain the conviction. Eliminating all the irrelevant and irnmaterial matter and considering only that evidence which \Vas pertinent and material "ve find sufficient evidence to go to the triers of fact on the question of guilt or innocence. The evidence was conflicting and the Brethren \vho sat in the Lodge had first to determine the credibility of the \vitnesses and fUlly weigh the accepted testimony before being able to reach a verdict. They had some of the material "witnesses before them, particularly the accuser and accused; \vere able to judge 'of their demeanor \vhile giving testimony; to determine their credibility by the frankness, candor and straightfor'wardness 'with ,vhich their statenlents were made, or whether testimony \vhich was untrue 'Viras being given or some material fact damaging in its nature was being ,vithheld. With the opportunity given the accused to 'inlpress upon his Brethren the honesty of his statements and to convince them of his innocence their finding \vas against him, and ,ve do not feel that, under the circumstances, we have right or warrant to disturb their decision on a question of fact and therefore recommend that the finding and judgment of the Lodge be affirmed. No.4. In the matter of Joseph H. Robinson, formerly an Entered . A.pprentice of Park Lodge No. 617, for Restoration: The record of the case sho",,"s that on May 8th, 1916, a petition foi路 initiation was presented to Park Lodge No. 617, signed by Joseph I-I. Robinson, and on June 12th, 1916, the degree of Entered Apprentice was conferTed. On the 26th of June, 1916, the Junior 'Varden of Park Lodge preferred charges of un-Masonic conduct, charging said JosephH. Robinson of making false and misleading statements in his petition for degTees, ...~ trial was held and the defendant acquitted. The officers of Park Lodge took an appeal, and ,vhile the appeal 'vas pending before the Appeals and Grievance Committee of the Grand Lodge, 1916, the Junior Warden of said Lodge appeared before the Committee, immediately before the convening of the Grand Lodge, and requested a dismissal of the appeal, which request the Committee granted. (See Proceedings of 1916, page 130.)
Proceedings of the
The action of the COlnmittee \vas afEirmed by the Grand Lodge, but a resolution \\ras adopted setting aside the dismissal, reinstating the case, and referring the entire matter to Grand Master Higbee for further action. The report of Grand l\laster f-Iigbee, after a very exhaustive investigation, 'was referred to the .li.ppeals and Grievance Committee (see Proceedings, lH17, page 191). The C01l1mittee n1ade a report, recomnlending the expulsion of said Joseph H. Robinson, "which rerJort tIl eo Grand Lodge Adopted. The petitioner is no'w asking the Grand Lodge to revoke the order of expulsion and restore him to good standing as an Entered Apprentice. The evidence submitted to your Committee shows that the petitioner is novv and has, from the time of his expulsion, been leading an upright, moral life. The members of Park Lodge, the Past Grand lVIaster, and all \vho have investigated the facts, interpose no objections but are recommending that he be restored. It is our conclusion, that he has been punished sufficiently by his tVlO years expulsion, ar~d if permitted to receive the balance of the degrees, \vill make a good Freemason. In view of these facts, your Conlnlittee recommends that the petition be granted and that Joseph H. Robinson be restored to good standing as an Entered Apprentice, and that a certificate as such be issued. * *Not adopted; Committee reversed. No.5. In 1'e application of 'Valter R. 1\lo1'ris for re-instatement to l\[aso.1ie standing: Brother ",Valter R.:Morris of Cornerstone Lodge No. 323, St. Louis, was charged by indictment in 1914, for violation of an Act of Congress pertaining to the sale and stamping of oleomargarine; on his plea of guilty thereto he received a penal sentence, a portion of vvhich he served. Later he was pardoned by the President. Tried by his Lodge for un-Masonic conduct, he was acquitted, which decision, on appeal to the Grand Lodge, was reversed and the Brother expelled. (See Proceedings of Grand Lodge for 1915, page 107, Case XIII.) He novv seeks restoration of his Masonic privileges. The application is accon1panied by sufficient proof that he is worthy, and your Cornmittee therefore recornmends that his application be granted, and that he be restored to good Masonic standing, and that the Grand Secretary issue a certificate acc,ordingly. No.6. In re application of James B. Gordon for restoration to Masonic standing: Charged with un-}\fasonic conduct, Brother James B. Gordon of I{irksville Lodge No. 105, was suspended for six months by his Lodge;
of l'vlisso'llri
on appeal to the Grand Lodge he was expelled. Grand Lodge, 1915, page 108, Case No. ,XIV.)
89 (See Proceedings of
He noyv seeks restoration. His petition is recommended by the formal resolution of his Lodge and of the Brethren \vho perfected the appeal. Fronl the proof submitted, your Committee finds that he has been sufficiently punished, and that for four years he has led an upright life. vv'l"e therefore recommend that his aDPlication be granted and that he be restored to good Masonic standing and that the Grand Secretary issue his certificate accordingly. No.7 In re application of Daniel standing:
Cloud for restoration to Masonic
In 1893 Bro. Daniel W. Cloud \vas suspended by i\.ltona Lodge No. 315 for non-paY111ent of dues. The Charter of the Lodge was arrested in 1896. The Brother now seeks restoration to good Masonic standing and tenders the Grand Lodge $3.00, being" the alTIOunt of dues o\ved by hinl on date of his suspension, and Crescent Hill Lodge No. 368, in \vhose jurisdiction he no\V' resides, recommends it. Your Conlnlittee therefore recomnlends that he be restored to good l\1:asonic standing and that the Grand Secretar'y issue his certificate accordingly. No.8. In the matter of the application of Brother Joseph Ottmar, a member of Livingston Lodge No. 51, .A.. F. & ...J\. M., for a Demit: ST...4 .-TEMENT Brother Joseph Ottmar, a member in good standing of Livingston Lodge No. 51, .A. F. & A. M., filed with the Secretary of his Lodg"e December 28, 1918, his application for a Demit, eight days after the last stated meeting in the year. His dues 'were paid up to the end of the year 1918. The application was presented to the Lodg"e for action on the first stated meeting in January, 1919. The Lodge refused to grant the Demtt because the brother's dues for the year 1919 were not paid. DECISION Section 146 of the Grand Lodge By-La\vs requires dues to be paid annually in advance. Section 156 provides for the issuing of Demits \vhen all conditions specified therein have been complied \vith; the first being "'when a member v,"hose dues are fully paid shall apply in \vriting at a stated meeting, etc." It follows, therefore, that the application must be made at a stated meeting at which time the dues for the current year must have been fully paid.
Proceedings of the
The Brother not having made his application until after the last meeting in the year .1918, it could not have been presented at a stated meeting before the beginning of another year, at which t\me he o\ved another year's dues. . st~ted
The la\v requires the application to be made at a stated meeting. The filing of the application with the Secretary does not suffice to prevent accumulation of dues. (See approved decisions, Supplement, 1918.) ,Ve therefore hold that the Lodge followed the law in refusing to issue the Demit without the payment of the current year's dues, and recomnlend that the Lodge be directed to issue the Demit to the Brother upon payment of his dues for 1919.
No.9 L. F. Farris, Accuser, vs. "Vm. T. Powers. Accused.
Appeal from Wayne Lodge No. 526.
STATEl\1:ENT The accused, a married man, ,vas charged in two specifications. FIRST, * * * and sending her to a hospital and paying her expenses therefor. SECOND, \yith inlproper conduct with other \vomen, in violation of his obligation as a l\tfaster l\1:ason, and to the scandal and disgrace of the 1vlasonic Fraternity. Trial \vas held on October 25, 1918. The ballot on each specification was: guilty, 15, not guilty, 10, \vhereupon the accused was declared not guilty. On November 25, 1918, one day after the 30-day limit provided in Section 241. an appeal \vas filed 'with the Secftetary of the Local Lodge by tv;ro members thereof. No notice of appeal to the opposite party was filed "dth the Secretary, as required by 'Section 242. vVhat purports to be a transcript containing a true copy of all the testimony in the case appears among the papers on file in the office of the Grand Secretary, though it is not certified to, and no filing mark of the Secretary of the Lodge appears thereon, and no notice to the opposite party of such filing as required in Section 2 13-B appears. 1
DECISION The appeal not having been filed within the thirty day period as required by Section 241, no notice having been given to the opposite party as required by Section 242, and the provisions of Section 243-B, relating to the filing of the transeript and notice thereof to the opposite party, not having been complied with, your Comlnittee is without jurisdiction to pass upon the merits of the case; but we deem it pertinent in the interest of our beloved Fraternity, to call the at-
Grand Lodge of ]Jfissouri
tention of the Grand Lodge to some of the earmarks on the proceedings in the trial Lodge as they appear' on the documents before us; and to nlake a few observations on the surrounding facts and circumstances. In the first place, Wayne Lodge No. -526, had a membership in 1918 of 103. The record shows only 27 members present at the trial, two of whom cast路 blank ballots, though Section 235 of the Grand
Lodge By-Laws provides that "Each member shall deposit a paper ballot on which is written 'guilty' or 'not guilty,' as he may decide." The accused was charged with a heinous offense. The testimony tended strongly to prove that he committed the offense at his office. That he furnished ber money to pay the hospital expenses is admitted by him, claiming that he was blackmailed into paying the money. ,\Vhile we do not want to be understood as pre-judging the case on its merits, yet we are constrained to believe that the influence of the accused in the community, he being a man路 of affairs-an -undertaker, and in the lumber business, and having a hardware store, and being represented by an able lawyer, on the other hand the girl being an orphan, poor and practically 'without a home and influence, might have contributed to the small attendance at the trial, and caused the lax method of taking the appeal. We are not affirming that such Vlas the case-it might have been. But wOe do say that it ,vas the duty of the lVIaster to have been faithful to his Lodge, in that he should have seen that a fair and impartial trial was had; and in view of. the importance of this case, that the appeal was properly taken. vVe refer this case to the Grand Lodge to take such action thereon as it may see proper. t tCase continued to next year. No. 10. Carl Junction Lodge No. 549 vs. James Jenkins
STATEMENT Charges were preferredagai~st Brother James Jenkins, a member of Carl Junction Lodge No. 549, for un-Masonic conduct in that while an inmate of the Masonic Home he married a wife, another inmate of the Home, in violation of the" rules of that institution, and to the scandal and disgrace of Freemasonry. Trial was held, resulting in his expulsion. In due time an appeal was taken and the case is now before for disposition.
It seems from what we gather that after Brother Jenkins hied himself with his fair fiancee to Clayton where the Hymeneal knot was tied, he returned to the Home and imparted to the constituted authorities what he had done". When 10, and behold, he was confronted witli the startling information that he and his bride could
Proceedings of the
no longer remain in the Home, and 'would have to seek quarters elsewhere. A good Brother assisted in procuring employment for the Brother, and things vtent along apparently well, until his home Lodge found out what he had done, when the charges were preferred as above set forthwith the disastrous result indicated. Does this interesting narrative end here?
vVe trow not.
Shortly after the Brother's expulsion hig wife inherited $300,000! DECISION It is true the Brother violated one of the rules of the Masonic Home in getting married, whether he knew at the time he was violating it, we are not advised. But al':e we to. say that in doing so he ",~as guilty of such un-Masonic condu'ct as "would '-'tarrant the action taken by his Lodge? We think not, for hath not marriage ever been regarded as an honorable institution? Our first most excellent Grand Master, Solomon, King of Israel, hath said: . "Whoso findeth a "\vife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord." This prophecy seems to have been abundantly realized in the of Brother Jel)kins. Again, we cannot see ho"\v the brother's offense could have operated to the detriment of the Home. After his marriage the Honle "\vas relieved of caring and providing for himself and wife. Cupid is no respector of persons. His piercing arrows strike betimes where least suspected. Can "\ve blame our brother? "Who travels alone without love on the height, May laugh through the daytime But oft weeps through the night His courage goes down with the set of the sun, When the toils of life's journey Are all borne by one." We are informed that both Brother Jenkins and his wife are ex':" cellent people, though 'when the charges were preferred, they were in humble '\valks of life.
"I..Jet not ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys and destiny obscure Nor grandeur hear with disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor." "Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear, Full many a flower is 'born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air." Not so '\vith our Brother. For, while adversity marked the lengthening shadows athwart life's rugged pathway in former time, in the sunset of his life fickle
1919. ]
fortune at last smiled upon him, an<\ \ve feel assured that he may be able \vith the kindly offices of his helpmate, to travel the remaining portion of his earthly pilgrimage, in lolling luxur;y, and un\vonted uselessness. "Ill fares the land to hastening ills a prey
"There \vealth accunlulates and men decay." Let us not mar his coveted happiness by withholding our fraternal felicitations. We therefore recommend that the decision of the Lodge be reversed, and that Brother Jenkins be restored to membership in his Lodge., ...I\.nd may his tribe increase! Respectfully submitted, N. A. FR.t\.NKLIN, W. L. HAMRICK, ROBERT A. MAY, WILLIAM D. lVIOORE, W. A.- HIGBEE.
CENS,ORING OF REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPEAL,S AND GRIEVANCES,. l\fovedby IVI. \\,T. Bro. C. C. v\Toods that the Grand Secretary be authorized and directed to edit and censor the report of the Con1mittee on Appeals and Grievances before printing in order to elin1inate everything therein that might cause criticism or be offensive to the finer sensibilities.
CALLED, FROM LABOR. At 12 :45 P. 1\1. the Grand Lodg~ was CALLED FROl\1 Li\BOR until 2 :00 o'clock this afternoon.
CALLED TO' LABOR. SECONDDAY-AFTERNOON.SESSION \i\T ednesday, September 17, 1919.
The Grand Lodge ,vas CALLED TO LABOR at 2:00 P. 1V1. by Past Grand l\laster D. lVi. Wilson, the other Grand (Jfficers occupying their respective stations. Prayer by Rt. W. and Rev. Bro. Fred V. Laos, Gral1d Chaplain.
Proceedings of the
REPOiRT OF MIS路S,QURI F'RE,EMASONS' FRATERNAL AND SIOCIAL S,ER,VICE OVER,S,EAS COMMITTEE.路 1\1. \\r. Bro. R. R. IZreeger presented and read the report of above COlnn1ittee \vhich \vas discnssed at length and adopted as 拢ol1o\\7s: the lVIost \Vorshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & _.\.ccepted l\Iasons of the State of l\1issouri: As your l\iissouri Freemasons' Fraternal and Social Service Overseas Committee, vve respectively submit the follo'\v'ing report: The Committee held its first meeting at Kansas City on October 18, 1918, and formed a IJermanent organization by electing W. Bro. Geo. S. McLanahan, Chairman; 1\1. W. Bro. R. R. Kreeger, Secretary, and ,\Y. Bro. vY. S. Lane, .A.. ssistant Secretary. At this meeting the 11. 'V. Grand lVlaster, John \V. Bingham was represented by M. '\V. Bro. D. IVr. "Vilson. Past Grand lVIasters' William F. Kuhn and . V. F. Boor ,vere also present. The second meeting \-vas held at Kansas City also, on November 26, 1918. At this meeting' letters which had just been received by the Chairman in "reply to his requests mailed immediately after the adjournment of'" the Grand Lodge 'in September, 1918, to Rt. W. Edmund Heisch, Grand Junior vVarden of the National Independent Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of France and her Colonies; and W. Bro. John P. Griebel, Base Censors office, American Expeditionary Force, .Paris, France. A.fter a thorough discussion of eonditions, as presented by these brethren, and taking into consideration the difficulties encountered in an effort to transact the business by correspondence, at such a great distance, it was unanimously decided that it ,vould be unw"ise to undertake to establish General Masonic Headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in the war zone, or any other place, until a personal investigation had been made, and report of conditions "vas befor'e us. Regarding it as our Masonic duty to do all things necessary to carry into effect the spirit and purpose of the resolution authorizing our appointment, it was also unanimously decided that it was necessary to immediately despatch personal representatives of the committee and this Gr?-nd Lodge, to France; else, o'\ving to the disturbed conditions of the times, we ,vould be compelled to report to you that to accomplish your purpose '\vould cost a very great effort and some money, consequently neither have been done. Believing that it was your firnl conviction that something substantial be accomplished the committee accordingly appointed vV. Bro, Geo. S. ])fcLanahan and Bro. \Villiam P. Borland as representatives to go to France and investig'ate the situation with the object of carrying oU,t the resolution passed by the Grand Lodge on September 17, 1918. Bro. Borland being in vVashington, immediately took the matter of securing the necessary passports up '\vith the War Department, urging the necessity for issuing the same as soon as possible in order to make the necessary
Grand Lodge of j1l1isso'ltr'i
investigation. After practically a month's delay all difficulties incident to ob~aining the passports at that tinle were overcome, and these representatives finally landed at Brest, January 11, 1919, and arrived at Paris, France, on the 13th day of that month. They 'were the first representatives from any of the American Grand Jurisdictions to arrive in the field. Owing to the cong-ested condition in France they found it very difficult to travel, but through the kind efforts of Bro. Borland they were finally granted the privilege of travel through the Military channels to the places \vhere our troops and brethren "were billeted. They visited many places in the ,val' zone and by request of Gene'ral John J. Pershing, Bro. Borland nlade a trip to Tours. By invitation they also visited the headquarters of General Pershing at Chaumont. The General had been called away on business, but his staff sho\ved them every courtesy and issued to them. further passes. On January 28th, Bro. Borland joined the party in the army of occUI)ation at Coblenz, Germany, while Bro. 11:cLanahan went to Commercy to investigate conditions in the 35th Division which was made up largely of Missouri and Kansas troops. They were to join again at Commercy on February 24th, at which place they were to be the guests at a Masonic banquet to be given by the l\!asons of the 35th Division; but Bro. Borland took sick on his way back from Coblenz and the "banquet was not given. On February 20th, a telegram \vas received at Paris stating that Bro. Borland was critically ill at Hospital No. 310, Cochem, Germany. Bro. McLanahan imnlediately asked permission of the \VarDepartment at Paris to visit him at Cachero, and on his arrival there on the 21st, found that Bro. Borland had died at five o'clock on the evening of the 20th. His remains \vere laid to rest temporarily, in a cemetery at Cochem on February 26, 1919. Thus a noblenlan of God, and a Freemason, passed away at the very hour of his greatest effort in the best interests of humanity. \Vith a heart full of love for his country and brethren, he vol untarily laid his life on the altar of service. Let us enshrine his n1emory in our hearts. Bro. McLanahan went to Coblenz and from there investigated the conditions of our brethren in the . A .rroy of Occupation after \vhich he returned to Paris, and through the kindness of Brig. General l:t...,. Le J. Parker, was accorded an interview with General John J. Pershing. He. found him much interested in their mission. During the investigation of the situation the fact was ascertained that our troops ,vere scheduled for a speedy return home. The 35th Division, in ,vhich the most of l\1:issouri Freemasons 'were enlisted, received orders to return early in February, so that it ,vas impracticable to establish headquarters. at any of the outlying districts. Owing to the few troops \\rhich \vere allowed to go to Pari's, as well as the short time they were permitted to remain there, as found on close investig"ation, made the situation, so far as establishing General Headquarters there, as impracticable as the other points.
Proceedings of the
Arrangements ho'wever, ,vere made with Bro. Edn1und Reisch, Junior Grand vVarden of the National Independent Grand Lodge of :B'rance, and-"\:'\'or. Bro. John P. Griebel, from Independence, Mis~ouri, Lieutenant in the Base Censors office in Paris, to keep in touch ,vith the situation and should the occasion arise to establish, through the National Independent Grand Lodge of France, Masonic Rea.dq uarters of this Grand Jurisdiction. Bro. McLanahan reports that from his investigation the National Independent Grand Lodge of France vtas, in his opinion, the only Masonic body in France 'which adheres to the principles of Freemasonry, and is recognized by the State of :Missouri. Also, that he found in the . .\ merican Expeditionary Forces many :Masonic Clubs ,vhich provided the Craft with an opportunity of social and Fraternal meetings. These clubs ,vere officered by noncomn1issioned officers and privates of the army, and were attended by officers of higher rank; giving probably the only opportunity of holding Ineetings ,vhere it "vas not necessary to adhere to military discipline. Here,vith is submitted a statement sho,ving the source from whieh the funds, aggregating路 $14,636.83, came into our possession. From this it 'will be noted that ninety-four Lodges have responded to the call. Of this nun1ber three paid n10re than one dollar per member, according to the Grand Lodge report of 1918; seven contributed one dollar for each member, and the remainder various sunlS. Also that one substantial individual contribution amounting to five hundred dollars was paid. An ite1nized statement of the expense of the committee, including the cost of sending our representatives to France, as well as One I-Iundred Dollars, contributed by such representatives to the Charity Fund of St. George Lodge at Paris, is also- submitted, and an10unts to $1,731.55, leaving in our hands 'a balance of $12,905.28. Of this amount $10,905.28 is on deposit with the Commerce Trust Co., at I{ansas City, ]\;10., and $2,000.00 is on deposit ,vith the Guarantee Trust Co., at Paris, France. This fund of $2,000.00 was left on deposit in Paris to meet any urgent demands for assistance to our brethren there 'who might be found destitute or in need, by brothers Heiseh and Griebel. These brethren in comn1unications recen tly received, reported that there had been no delnand, and consequently no portion of the funds used. O'wing to the present rate of exchange the committee has not deemed it advisable to have this fund transferred to its credit in the United States. In vie\v of the fact that this Grand Lodge has again appropriated $1,825.00 to,vards the support of fifty fatherless children in France for the coming year, 'we recommend that the funds on deposit. \vith the Guarantee Trust Company at Paris, France, to the credit of this Committee, be transferred to the credit of the Fatherless Children of France at such times as Most WorshipfUl Brother R. R. !{reeger may direct. It is believed that this will simplify the matter of exchange and remove the necessity of tranferring further funds of this Grand Lodge to France for use in connection with the support of our fifty ,vards.
Gira'nd Lodge of
In vie'w of the fact that contingencies may arise in the near future "\vhich '\vill require the attention of this, or a similar committee, in "\vhich it may b'e necessary to use the funds of this Grand Lodg'e, son1etime during the near future, it is the opinion of your COlnmittee that it ,"vould be to the best interest of the members of the Fraternity no\v in the 'United States, Service, either in the Army or Navy, to continue the present Committee for another year. '\Ve 'wish to express our most sincere thanks to the Masonic Board of Relief at Kansas City for the courtesies it extended and assistance rendered in placing at our disposal its office facilities, together ,vith the services of its Secretary. To W. Bro. W. S. Lane, Secretary of this Board of Relief, is due the profound gratitude, not only of this Committee but the entire membership of the State, for his faithful, efficient and valuable service in keeping a detailed and accurate record of receipts and disbursements, as well as the committee meetings. Believing that the best interests of the Craft have been served in the effort to put into effect the resolution passed by you at your last Annual Communication; and that closer Fraternal connections bet\veen this Grand Jurisdiction and that of France have been established and that the best interest of the J\1:asonic Fraternity have been guarded in every particular, \ve are, Fraternally, GEO. S. l\[cLANAHAN, CLA.Y C. BIGGER, R. R. I{REEGER, J.A.COB LAMPERT, CORONA H. BRIGGS.
\V·. Bro. Geo. S. l\IcLanahan ll1ade a long but interesting statenlentof his experiences in \"tV ashington and France in connection \iVith this 111ission. Also read a letter fron1 General Pershing as to \vhere he \VOUld hereafter hold his l\1asonic 111enlbership. STA.TEM:ENT OF CASH RECEIPTS ..: \.ND DISBURSEMENTS OF THE MISSOURI , FREElVIASONS' OVERSEAS COIVIMITTEE. RECEIPTS. Amount Lodge Paid Name of Lodge No. IVIeridian $ 280.00 2 300.00 George Washin~ton ... 9 8.00 Clarksville ~ 17 231.50 St. Louis . 20 Naphtali " ., '.' . 332.00 25 44.00 Liberty 31 42.00 Bismarcl:c ~ 41 10.00 Fa:yette 47 35.00 Waverly .. ~ 61 .0
98 63 72 80 102 113 119 125 149 150 151 153 164 172 173 179 180 186 19,1
208 211 215 218 219 220 230 243 265 267 274 276 282 299 314 , 315 322 323 329 340 344 346 355 362 364 373 374 389 393 397 422 429 441 443 --144
Proceedillgs of the Can1 bridge
Hill Horners 1lille Good ,HOl)e Albert Pike Kansas City St. James Keystone
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .~urora Cold Spring Grand Ri\Ter
. . .
Gorin Bridgeton Be'vier Plattsburg ' De Soto Gen trJi'''ville Lexington Birming lVlilton Bloomfield Joachim Censer Gra~.r Summit Pride of the West Pj.!ramid Morality' "\Vellsville
: ,
Salisbur~' Hickor~r
Pine Jerusalem Hardin Cornerstone I{ennedy vVest!)ort Moberly Arling¡ton
. '
. . . . . . . . . . . .
' '
Hiram Higginsville Belle Wilderness
Arcana ...............................â&#x20AC;˘............. Bee Hive Go\ver Gate of Tem!)le New 1\1adrid Excels,ior ..: \nchor " Ada
' ,
. . . . . . .
100.00 1.00 32.00 30.00 4.00 153.00 4.00 35.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 75.00 50.00 45.00 73.00 19.00 36.00 20.00 36.00 15.00 5.00 135.00 79.00 151.00 41.00 603.00 19.00 148.50 18.00 11.00 141.00 389.00 6.50 26.00 10.00 123.00 41.00 208.00 343.00 32.00 4.00 31.00 80.00 25.00 7.00 95.00 17.00 69.00 136.00 29.00 37.00 97.00 70.00
1919. ] 445 446
450 460 ÂŁ161 462 474 475 501 505 526 529 531 542 563 564
566 570 584 586 590 591 600 612 613 614 624
631 638 640 641 643
Grand Lodge' of M-issour'i
Westgate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 173.50 Ivanhoe 1,633.00 Belton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Lambskin. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 165.00 Caruthersville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 Santa Fe 35.00 Guilford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 Golden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.00 Buckner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58.00 Euclid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.00 "\Vayne '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.00 A!)ollo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 Lane's Prairie 12.00 Ferguson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 102.00 York , 289.00 Jamesport ,.......................................... 17.00 Maplevvood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 Republic '. . . . 74.00 Red Bird 5.00 Criterion... . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 18.00 Advance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 Barnett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 CosbJ-.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.00 l\1okane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.00 Wellston. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 109.00 !vito "'\Vashington 62.00 Owensville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.00 Tower Grove 170.50 Triangle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.00 Je11nings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.00 Trinity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.00 North East 52.00 Donation, Lodge Unknown (R. E. Parsons)........... 1.00 Exchange .10 Total receiv.ed through Lodges Received from Grand Lodge Received from Jacob Lampert Interest on deposit Total Receipts to September 13, 1919
$9,029.60 5,000.00 500.00 107.23 $14,636.83
Proceed1:ngs of the
DISBURSE1VIENTS Bxpenses of Committee l\feetings $ 287.18 Bxpense Cablegrams and Telegrams 44.37 Expense of Geo. S. lVIcLanahan and Congressman ,\Villiam P. Borland to France and return 1,300.00 Donation, Charity Fund St. George Lodge, Paris .. 100.00 Total Disbursements....................... Balance
1,731.55 $12,905.28
On Deposit 'with Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo..... $10,905.28 On Deposit 'with the Guarantee Trust Co., Paris, France 2,000.00
Respectfully sUbmitted, R. R. KREEGER, Secretary, Missouri Freemasons' Overseas Committee.
Dated at Kansas City, :Mo., September 13, 1919.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARTERED LODGES. \\i. Bro. C. L ..i\.lexander, Chairn1an, presented and read the report of Con1111ittee On Chartered Lodges, which "vas adopted as follo\tvs: To the }\,Iost路 '\Vorshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and _-\.ccepted IV(asons of the State of l\1:issouri: Your Committee On Chartered Lodges submits the Following report: There are 643 Chartered I.~odges in this jurisdiction, the san1e Tvvo nei;V lodge~ \vere chartered at the close of the 1918 session of the Grand Lodge, but since that time t\VO lodges have surrendered their charters, IVIontgomery City No. 246, and Spring Creek No. 347. Returns and remittances have been received . from all chartered lodges \vitll the exception of Pineville No. 108. '?ir e recommend that the charter of this lodge be arrested forfail ure to send returns and remittance in accordance \vith the la\v~f the Grand Lodge.
as last year.
Grand Lodge of 1J1issouri
1919. ]
The follo'wing lodges failed to send their reports and remittances to the Grand Secretary prior to .A.. ugust 1st, as the law requires: No. 18 34 37 108 132 181 182 200 240 252 264 269 278 280 292 301 321 333 338 353 359 387 395 405 449 456 467 500 515 532 552 571 583 587 588 603 628
Date Received District Lodge August 7 . ............. 15th Palmyra August 8 '" "''II • • • • • • • • • • • 29th Troy August 21 '" "''II. 11th Hemple 56th Pineville ................... No Report .A.. ugust 25 48th Farmington August 15 '" '" ........... 2nd Novelty August 13 . ........... '" 46th Pilot !{nob August 11 8th Sonora August 21 46th Manes September 2 "''II. 6th AJanthus September 6 ........... 54th Kirbyville '" "''II'' '" • • • • • • • • • • Rock Prairie ................ August 13 ............. " 55th Essex ....................... August 19 ............ " 50th Reeds Spring ................ September 5 . .......... 54th Lamar ........... ........... ...- \.ugust 25 ............. 43rd 7th White Hall ............ ...... August 6 ... "' .......... 6th Jonathan ......... .......... August 8 ................ 12th Chillicothe ... " .............. August 28 Myrtle ......... .... ........ ,. .August 11 ... " ......... 20th 47th Barnesville ..... ... .......... ...- \.ugust 18 42nd Garrett ... .......... .......... August 11 'vVoodside .................. August 19 . ......... - .. 53rd 5th I-Iatfield .......... . . .......... August 8 .. ............... Everton .................... ...- \.ugust 5 . ............. 42nd Bois D'Arc ................. ...- \.ugust 9 "' ............ - 45th Wallace ..................... August 5 . "' ............ 25th Pleasant Hope ................ i\.Ugust 11 41st Jamison "' ..... '" ............. August 9 . .............. 10th Galena ... '" "' ................ September 2 . ......... '" 54th Dexter ..................... September 2 . ........... 50th Calhoun August 13 . ............ 37th I-Iayti ...................... i\.ugust 30 . ............ 51st Novinger .................... August 9 .. .............. '" 2nd Branson "' ........... ..... ..... August 9 . ............. 54th St. Francisville .............. August 9 . .............. 1st l\Iorehouse "' ................. August 25 .. ............ 51st Moundville ................. August 11 . ............. 43rd •••••
"''II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'II
"''II • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'II
It will be noted that five of these returns were not received until after September 1st. It will also be noted that four of the delinquent lodges are in the same district, the 54th. We are informed that the District Deputy Grand Master for the 46th District drove 25 miles over bad roads to get returns from one of the delinquent .lodges~ IIEleven of these delinquent lodges were also delinquent last year: Nos. 37, 132, 200, 252, 278, 387, 500, 515, 552 and 628. Pilot Knob Lodge No. 182 has been delinquent seven times in the· last eight years. This lodge is in the 46th District. The ByLa\vs of the Grand Lodge provide that the representatives of delinquent lodges shall not be entitled to mileage and per diem, but as
Proceedings of the
fe,v delinquent lodges are ever represented this penalty fails to have any effect. In 1918 there 'were 25 delinquent lodges and only t\VO of these ,vere represented at the 1918 sessions of the Grand Lodge. Some of the secretaries attempt to excuse their delinquency by offering trivial excuses. One says he was away on his vacation and hopes he has not inconvenienced the Grand Secretary. For. the benefit of him and every other delinquent secretary we say that they do seriously inconvenience the Grand Secretary and cause much unnecessary work and delay in his office. Another secretary 路whose report was received in September said he was late because he could not find last year's report. The Grand Secretary's office would have been' glad to give him any necessary information about his last year's report if he had only asked for it. The report of No. 500 was made out by a member of the lodge with the statement that the secretary goes south in winter and to Montana in summer and is only in to,vn two months of the year. The lodge has 43 members but the acting secretary reported only 39, and cnlitted the names and dates of all ,vork done by the lodge: 6 initiated, 7 passed and 8 raised. This is only a sample of the reports of delinquent lodges as errors and. omissions are found in reports of nearly all delinquents. Of course, we cannot very well blame the brother 'who made up the report of No. 500 as he did the best he could under the circumstances, but we do criticise any lodge who ,vill ele.ct a s~cretary \vho is a non-resident for ten months of the year. One secretary says he was just elected in June and supposed the retiring secretary would make the report and did not know until Aug-ust 3 that he was required to make the report. . He immediately made out the report and turned it over to the treasurer of the lodge. Then thoroughly satisfied that he had done. all that \vas required of him he \vent back to sleep. He was rudely awakened \vhen the District Deputy Grand Master called on him the last week in August to. lcnow 'why the returns of his lodge had not been sent to the Grand Secretary. Search "vas made and the report found safely deposited in the desk of the treasurer of the lodge. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but this secretary cannot even make this plea, as the records show that he is not only a Past Master, but also a former District Deputy Grand Master and that he has attended the sessions of this Grand Lodge. Furthermore having made the report it "vas his duty to see that the report was transmitted to the Grand Secretary and not depend on the treasurer of the lodge to do his work for him. There is one thing to be said in his favor and that is that his report was found correct, \V'hich can be said of fe路w delinquents. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS. Your committee has carefully examined the rettirns of the 642 lodges, and ,ve regret to report that there is no improvement over last year. In fact the reports of many lodges seenl in worse condition than ever before. Errors and omissions of important data \vere found in the returns of 290 lodges, and even the reports of some of the lodges that were passed as correct were illegibly writ-
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of.Ll1isso'zf.ri
ten and lacking in less important data. You cannot get anywhere Jnless you start right, and yet 4H secretaries .did not know the nUIllber of members reported by their lodges last year, as they started their re<Jlapitulation \vith the wrong number. These lodges are Nos. 10, 14, 19, 26, 27, 38, 65, 81, 90, 97, 107, 117, 125, 135, 160, 165, 168, 170, 172, 203, 205, 22Q, 227, 237, 240, 255, 275, 309, 320, 321, 381, 388, 391, 398, 404, 410, 428, 435, 462, 473, 489, 500, 514, 548, 551, 552, 583, 589, and 623. The reports of Nos. 10 and 424 were written with a lead pencil.
The list of ll1embers in Nos. 170, 314, 355, 362, 403, 419, 618, 627, and 634 \vere not arranged alphabetically. The signature of the Worshipful Master is lacking in the reports of Nos. 171, 196, 361, 415, 419, 455, and 633, indicating that the reports were not submitted to him. The reports of Nos. 137 and 296 \vere not signed by either the Worshipful Master or Secretary. The reports of Nos. 31, 153, 383, and 417, were not signed by the Secretary. The recapitulation of No. 231 shows 14 initiated, 12 passed and 12 raised and not one named or date of a single candidate is furnished in the report. Such a report is a complete failure as far as furnishing data for the historical record 9f .the Grand Secretary. The report was received in July and no answer has been received, to the Grand Secretary's letters asking for. this important information. The report of No. 327 shows 215 in recapitulation and 219 in list of members. Omitted names and dates of 2 initiated, 3 passed, and 3 raised. The secretaries of Nos. 60 and 269 omitted their own names from their rosters. There \v"as no reco'rd in the Grand Lodge office of the name of the acting secretary of No. 454, as to ho'\v he became a member of that lodge. No. 363 olnitted the names of 13 ]Y1:aster Masons from roster, but included name of 1 deceased member; omitted names and dates of 3 initiated, 4 passed, 2 reinstated, 1 demitted and 1 dead., Began recapitulation with 48 members reported last year when 'the correct number was 6l. Space will not permit us to mention all of the errors in the returns, b1,1t in addition to the lodges already mentioned, errors or omissions \vere found in the follo\vi,ng lodges: Nos. 4, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 60, 65, 68, 82, 90, 97, 103, 107, 114, 181, 236, 297, 381, 436, 500, 552, 618,
116, 182, 238, 309, 382, 441, 514,
119, 124, 135, 140, 153, 189, 190, 192, 200, 203, 205, 24 0, 244, 248, 251, 252, 25 7, 317, 320, 32~ 325, 330, 337, 385 388, 391, 398, 399, 400, 451, 453, 462, 467, 470, 473, 518, 519, 522, 524, 528,532, 55~ 555, 561~ 575, 588, 592, 593, 623, 625, 627, 628, 641.
155, 161, 1?5, 170, 173, 209, 211, 214r 219, 220, 229, 260, 261, 27 Oij, 273, 275, 28 0, 341, 351, 35~, 360, 36~ 36~ 403, 404, 406, 409, 412, 424, 47~ 485, 489, 492, 493, 49~ 534, 536, 537, 543, 546, 549, 598, 600, 603, 605, 60~ 61~
177, 232, 296",;' 368, 428, 498, 551, 617,
Proceedings of the
In one case the name of a ne'\v secretary appeared on the returns. The name of this new secretary appears on the Grand Lodge record as suspended for non-payment of dues several years ago and no report of his reinstatement. Probably he- was reinstated by his lodge shortly after his suspension, but only the fact that he has been elected secretary furnishes. the information to the Grand Secretary. There are many such cases, the brother's suspension is reported, but the secretary fails to report the reinstatement unless discovered accidently. We note from the stationery used by our secretaries that many of them hold important positions in the commercial and professional ,,"arId, such as presidents and casHiers of banks, proprietors of stores and in one case the Superintendent of Schools. It cannot be that men occupying such positions are lacking either in the ability or intelligence to make out the simple reports required by the Grand Lodge. The only conclusion therefore is that they are not sufficiently interested in the position of secretary or the welfare of their lodge to give the proper attention to the work. In some cases the reports show that the secretaries are either incompetent or lazy, or both. In fact both adjectives would fail to describe some of them. No one will question the necessity of a card index in the Grand Secretary's office showing the Masonic history of every Master Mason in this Jurisdiction. But what use is such a systeln unless it is accurate and how can the Grand Secretary keep it accurate unless the information is furnished him by the" lodges? We do not expect infallibility from anyone and even the most careful secretary may make an occasional error, but we do say that there is no excuse for the glaring errors and omissions found in many returns. If your lodge records are destroyed by fire, . the right of your widow or orphan to enter the Masonic Home may be jeopardized through the failure of your secretary to furnish accurate information as to JTour Masonic standing to the Grand Secretary. We know of one case where a brother demitted from one lodge and affiliated with another lodge in this Jurisdiction. FORTY YEARS after his death his widow was admitted to the l\1:asonic Home. Suppose that the first lodge had reported his demissionand the second lodge had failed to report his affiliation and that the records of the second lodge had been destroyed by fire. In that case reference would have been had to the files in the Grand Secretary's office which would have showed him demitted and that old lady would have been deprived of her right to enter the Masonic Home. All the records, furniture and jewels of Everton Lodge No. 405 were destroyed by fire last year. The report was made by the secretary from memory and appears to be accurate withe the exception that he could not furnish the dates of initiations, passings and raisings. This secretary makes a better report from memory than some others do from their records. REINSTATEMENTS. Section 67, Grand Lodge By-Laws, provides that if any lodge shall collect from a suspended member dues, ~or non-payment of which he has been suspended, such lodge shall pay the per capita tax to the Grand Lodge, if not previously accounted for. Some
Grand Lodge of -Missouri
lodges fail to comply with this la"v. This committee wrote several letters on this subject and succeeded in haVing a considerable an10unt of such arrears paid to the Grand Secretary. REFER TO GRAND MASTER. We respectfully suggest that the following lodges be referred to the incoming Grand Master: Woodla"'\vn No. 223. No \vork since 1914 when one initiation \vas reported. Has only 14 members, the onl~ lodge in this Jurisdiction ~.. ith less than 20 members. ...- \va No. 26. Held only thre~ lodge meetings last year. No work reported. Has 74 members. Secretary says very little interest tal\: en. lj: ~'j,~ Clarkton Lodge No. 248. Chartered 1917. Reports susp~nsion for non-payment of dues of two charter members. ....L\ccording to Grand Lodge records one of these members has held continuous membership in Malden Lodge No. 406, and the other continuous Inembership in Columbia Lodge No. 534. Probably a case of "Loaning" their names to enable Clarkton Lodge to get its charter, with the result -Chat they have jeopardized their own good standing as Master Masons. Novinger I..Jodg路e No. 583. Another case of "dual membership." Reports member suspended for non-payment of dues that according to Grand Lodge records affiliated with Bucklin Lodge No. 233 prior to t.he reported suspension. Oriental Lodge No. 518. Reports suspension of one member for non-payment of dues. Calhoun Lodge No. 552 reports affiliation of this brother on a demit from Oriental Lodge. Oriental Lodge says no demit has been issued. Hayti Lodge No. 571. Report not received until August 27. Secretary says he is the third secretary in a year's time, and that the records are in such bad condition it took him until last of August to make report. According to Grand Lodge records this 路lodge should have 83 members, but the new secretary reports only 71, and does not account for the 12 "lost" members. Ada Lodge No. 444. Letter from the secretary indicate's that the records of this lodge have not been kept up. SURRENDE~
By vote of its members, Mongomery City Lodge No. 246, has surrendered its charter and its property is in possession of the District Deputy Grand l\laster for the 28th District. We recommend that the lodge records and cash on hand be forwarded to the Grand Secretary in accordance "'\vith Section 66, Grand Lodge By-Laws. REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF ROCKBRIDGE LODGE NO. 435.
A. letter from the secretary of Rockbridge Lodge No. 435 requesting that the name of the lodge be changed to Byron Morris Lodge No. 435 has been submitted to this conlmittee. The letter
Proceedings of the
does not state \vhether the lodge has voted on the question of 'changing the name. In 1900, (see Proceedings, page 58), a lodge named for the to\vn in ""hich it \vas located, moved to another town and was pernlitted to change its name to correspond to the new location. There was good reason for that change, but \ve can see no good reason for the present request. Rockbridge Lodge is named for the town in 'which it is located, and "re think it would be a bad precedent to permit a lodge to change name merely to honor a deceased member. 'Ve 'would have too nlany such requests. Such a change disturbs the historical continuity of a lodge and disturbs records in the Grand Secretary's office. The Masonic Relief A.ssociation of the United States and Canada publishes a "List of Regular Lodges" for the use of Lodges and ReI ief Boards. It might take a year, two years or even longer before all Lodges and Relief Boards were furnished with a ne"w list sho\ving this change of name. A member of Rockbridge Lodge desiring to visit or, applying for relief might be regarded as an impostor or clandestine Mason. We recommend tha.t the Grand Lodge decline to authorize the change in name. Aullville Lodge No. 464 received permission to remove from Aullville to Concordia, (Proceedings 1918, page 44), and now asks pernlission to change name to Concordia Lodge No. 464 to correspond "with its ne\v location. There is good reason for this change and \ve recommend that the lodge petition the Grand l\tlaster and that he authorize the proposed change if it meets vvith his approval. OUTSTANDING DUES. Total amount of outstanding dues reported in 1919 Total amount of outstanding dues reported in 1918 Increase The dues in No. No.
No. No. No. No.
$45,029.00 43,690.00 $ 1,339.00
follo,ving lodges report the largest amount of outstanding proportion to membership: 68, 134 members, $413.00 outstanding. 97, 109 members, $350.00 outstanding. 244, 110 members, $500.00 outstanding. 358, 55 members, $262.00 outstanding. 401, 112 members, $608.00 outstanding. 561, 71 members, $302.00 outstandihg.
l\1EMBERSHIP. Membership in Chartered Lodges 79,239 Lodge No. 246. Charter surrendered 95 Lodge No. 347 Chartered surrendered 55 1\1elnbership in two lodges Under Dispensation .. -. . . .. .. . 60 Total rnembership, 1919 Total membership, 1918 Net Gain The ~et gain in 1918 \vas 4,057.
74,201 5,248 路
1919.] Initiated Passed }taised ...t \.ffiliated Reinstated Demitted
Grand Lodge of Misso'uri
RECAPITtJL...o.\TION OF WORK.. 8,463 Suspended, N. P. D. 610 " .. 7,053 Suspended, U. M. C. 1 6,759 Expelled .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1,008 Died 1,356 541 Rejected. ~ 1,268 1,117
In the year 1900, the total number of Master Masons in Missouri 33,146, and the largest lodge in the State had 463 members. Today our total membership is almost 80,000, and there are fifteen lodges in St. Louis, eight in Kansas City, one in St. Joseph, two in Springfield and one in Moberly that have a larger number of members than the largest lodge 19 years ago. Five lodges have a membership over 1,000 as follows:
Ivanhoe, No. 44~Kansas City, 2,018 members. Ten1ple, No. 299, Kansas City, 1,522 members. J\lount Moriah No. 40, St. Louis, 1,380 members. Gate City, No. 522, Kansas City, 1,256 members. Beacon, No.3, St. Louis, 1,107 members. The largest lodges outside of St. Louis and Kansas City are: Gate of the Temple, No. 422, Springfield, 614 members. Charity, No. 331, St. Joseph, 565 nlembers. United, No.5, Springfield, 552 members. Moberly No. 344, 1\10berly, 468 members. Seven lodges have raised over 100 candidates: Ivanhoe, No. 446 359 Mount Moriah, No. 40 161 Telnple, No. 299 191 Westport, No. 340 120 Gate City, No. 522 186 Gate of the Temple, No. 422 .. 101 Beacon, No.3 175~1Ib~路:t~~"'1-;' All of the above lodges are in !{ansas City and St. Louis except Gate of the Temple, ~o. 422, which is at Springfield. The following lodges not located in' either St. Louis or Kansas City have raised over 35 members: Charity, No. 331, St. Joseph 62 St. Joseph, No. 78, St. Joseph 50 Wellston, No. 613, St. Louis County 46 Granite, No. 272, Sedalia 45 United, No.5, Springfield 44 Solomon, No. 271, Springfield 43 ...~dair, No. 366, Kirksville 39 Zeredatha, No. 189, St. Joseph 36 Monett, No. 129, Monett 35 Only 19 lodges in this Jurisdiction report no 路work. l\tIEl\1:BERSHIP IN THE LARGEST CITIES. Dues Net Total l\Iembers Raised Gain Outstanding $2,043.00 1,366 St. Louis, 39 lodges 17,213 1,645 (Including one lodge U. D.) 3,059.00 1,334 1,473 Kansas City, 14 lodges 9,904 310.00 171 169 St. Joseph, 4 lodges 1,533 NONE 213 188 Springfield, 3 lodges路 1,568
Proceedl:ngs of the
108 Joplin, 2 lodges Hannibal, 2 lodges Sedalia, 2 lodges
716 630 574
[Sept. ' 47 60 64
21 49 61
360.00 170.00 400.00
"Ve take this opportunity to thank the Grand Secretary and his efficient assistants for information and help extended to this committee v/hile in his o:ffice compiling this report.
I.Jast year at this time we ",""ere proud of the large number of stars in our Ii'Service Flag." Today in many lodges we find notations: "Killed at Chateau Thierry," "Died in the Argonne Forest," I'Three I{illed in France," "One died at Training Camp," etc. They did all they 'were asked to do, they did their best, they died for God and for Country, and sometimes 'we older men almost envy them their privilege. In time the pages set aside to their memory by their lodges, 'will fade; in tiIne even the records in the Grand Secretary's office \\Till fade; but the glorious record will never fade from the records 'of the Grand Lodge above where the Supreme Grand :Master of the Universe presides. Respectfully submitted, C. L. ALEX.A.. NDER, JOHN P. A1JSTIN, CHAS. F. STIFF, W. M. NEWTON, H. S. vVILSON, D. l\L vVILSON, Jr.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE. Rt. '\T. Bro. B. E. Bigger, Chairn1an, read the following report of Con1n1ittee on Jurisprudence, each section of report being read and voted on separately and in each case the report of the Con1n1ittee \vas adopted: Case No. l .Ll\dopted Case No. 2 ~ __ ~ i\dopted Case N o. 3 .. .__ ~t\dopted Case No. 4 . i\dopted Case No. 5 ...A.dopted Case No. 6 Pl..dopted Case No. 7 .t\dopted Case No. 8---._i\dopted Case No. 9----..LL\.dopted Case No. lO.-.,A.dopted Case Case Case Case
No. No. No. No.
11 --------------i\dopted 12--- . ..A.dopted 13---__. Adopted 14--_._._ .. i\dopted
Grand Lodge of lvfiss0 1i1t>i.
l\1oved, Seconded and Carried, the report of Co ll1111i ttee as a 'Nhole be adopted as read. To the M. "\-V. Grand Lodge, A. F. & ...~. M. of the State of lVlissouri: I)ear Brethren: Your Committee on Jurisprudence begs leave to subnlit the follo\ving as its report:
1. The proposition to amend Sec. 93, of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, requiring the payment of a fee of $5.00, to the Grand Lodge, for granting of a I)ispensation to hold an election of Lodge Officers, found on page 140, :Proceedings 1918, having been referred to your COlnmittee, your Committee feels that such proposed amendluent would nlerely work a hardship on small and \veak lodges, and \ve therefore recommend that the amendment be not adopted. 2.
The proposition to amend the Grand Lodge By-Lavv's by adding a ne\v section to be known as Sec. 165-A, found on Page 140, Proceedings 1918, having been referred to your Committee, we find that such proposed By-Law is 111erely a declaration of the present custom, and 'we therefore offer the following as a sUbstitute for such proposed amendment, towit: Section 165-.A.. -Requests froll1 One Grand Jurisdiction to Anotller. All requests, froll1 or to lodges in tllis Grand Jurisdiction, fron1 or to lodges of another Grand Jurisdiction, to confer a degree or deg-rees, shall be made through the Grand l\1:aster. We therefore recommend the adoption of the substitute.
3. The proposition to amend Section 176, of the Grand Lodge ByLa\vs, said proposed amendment being found on page 141, Proceedings 1918, your Committee offers the following as a substitute for the proposed amendment. Section 176.-Waiyer of Concurrent Jurisdiction. A Lodge outside of such city or town shall not receive a petition for the degrees from a person residing in the territory of such concurrent Jurisdiction, until .three-fourths of the Lodges in such city or town shall have waived jurisdiction. We recommend the adoption of the substitute. 4.
The proposition to amend Sec. 182 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, said proposed amendment being found on Page 141, Proceedings 1918, having been referred to your Committee, and your Committee being- of the opinion that said pror)osed amendment is broader in scope than really intended, or than it should be, and without retracting from the position heretofore taken by the Grand Lodge, 'we offer the following as a substitute for the proposed amendment.
. Proceedings of the
Section 182. SUllIe. No Lodge in this jurisdiction shall receive a petition for the degrees or for affiliation froIn any person 'who is engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, either as a distiller, bre,ver, bre,very agent, wholesale or retail liquor dealer or a salesman or agent for the sal'e of intoxicating liquors, superintendent or foreman for such manufacturer or dealer, a saloon-keeper, bartender or one who serves intoxicating liquors as a vocation, or of anyone who is engaged in any capacity in the handling, manufacturing, or selling of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, or of one ,vho signs a petition for a dramshop license. Nor shall any Freemason recommend or sign any petition or application for a dramshop license. Any Freemason who may, hereafter, begin such business, or do or perform, or be engaged in any of the acts forbidden in this section, shall be expelled; (and any Lodge receiving a petition of or retaining in membership a person so barred, and ,vhich shall fail to expel such person when informed of his inf~ligibility, shall have its charter suspended or arrested by the Grand l\laster). vv"'e therefore recommend the adoption of the substitute. 5.
The proposition to anlend Section 250 of the Grand Lodge ByLa"ws having been referred to your Committee, said proposed amendment being found on Page 141, Proceedings 1918, we recommend that the proviso at the end of said section be eliminated, and the Committee offers the following as a substitute for the pending amendment, as follo'ws, to-'wit: Sectton 250.-Restoratioll EXI}elled 1l'Iason. An expelled Mason, \vishing to be restored, must petition the Lodge \vhich expelled him. His petition must be presented at a Stated IVleeting and lie over to the next Stated l\Ieeting, and shall be referred to a Committee of three, "which committee shall make a report at the meeting set. The members of the Lodge shall be notified that said petition has been presented and \vill be acted on at the next Stated Meeting. The vote shall be by ballot, and, if it be unanimous, he shall be restored to his original Lodge meu1bership and standing. If he fails to receive' an unanimous vote, but receives a two-thirds vote, he shall be restored to Good l\fasonic Standing, but not to Lodge membership. If he receives less than a two-thirds vote for restoration, he may then petition the Grand Lodge to be restored to Good Nlasonic Standing, setting out in his petition the fact that he had applied to and been rejected by the Lodge. An expelled l\1:ason, restored to good IVrasonic standing, shall be given a Certificate, sho\ving his good standing. 'Ve therefore recommend the adoption of the substitute. 6. The First reconlmendation of the Grand' Master, having been referred to your Comrnittee and after careful consideration, your Committee feels that a Digest of Decisions is not all that is neces- .. sary. 1Vith the many changes that have been made in our By-Laws, \ve are lost in a maze of statutory alterations.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
vYe therefore propose the following Resolution: RESOL'VED, that the Grand Lodge deems it necessary to revise the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge and that the incoming Grand l\ appoint a Committee of three for the purpose of revising our B'y-La\vs to report at the next Annual Communication. And, that such Committee shall, upon the adoption of . such By-Laws, prepare an annotation or Digest of Decisions, as the Conlmittee shall deem best, and submit the same to the Grand Lodge for its further action. Be it further RESOLVED, that the Committee recommend an appropriation of Five Hundred Dollars to defray the expenses of such Committee and that this recommendation on the appropr-iation be referred to the Committee on 'Vays and Means. 7.
Concerning the Second recommendation of the Grand Master, it having also been recommended to your committee. Your committee feels that if Dispensations to reb allot have become a burden,' po~rer already lies with the Grand Master to check the g'ro\vth of the evil. l\'leritorious cases should not be made to suffer by reason of the abuse of the goodness of the Grand Masters. \Ve therefore recommend that the Recommendation of the Grand l\laster be not approved.
8. Your Committee has carefully examined each of the decisions of the Grand Master and find that Decisions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 are in accordance with lVIasonic Law, and we therefore recommend that said decisions be approved. 9.
In relation to Decision No.1, ,\ve approve the decision, except that part of the ans\ver after the word "No," and desire to call the attention of the Grand Lodge. that Section 250 does not cover the case stated nor is there any other section of the By路La ws that does cover the case. '10. Decision No. 13 is in conflict with prior decisions approved by the Grand Lodge. An expelled Mason, upon restoration to Good lUasolli(~ Standing by the Grand I.Jodge or the local Lodge which expelled him, cannot visit ft lodge. His only privilege is to petition for membership. We therefore recommend that this decision be disapproved.
Proceedings of the
In relation路 to Decision No. that a man whose index and right hand can conform to our mend that Decision No. 16 be
16, your Committee is of the opInIon middle finger are missing from his ceremonies, and 'we therefore recomdisapproved. 12.
vv"'e approve the action of the Grand Master in following the former action of the Grand Lodge relative to Transfer of l\1:embership as reported in his Address. But Section 157 of our By-Laws plainly states that it is the Dimit \vhich terminates that membershill and that the brother shall pay dues to the Lodge from which he is transferred to the elate of said Dimit. His menlbership cannot be in one Lodge and at the same time owe dues to another Lodge. '\Ve therefore recommend that the Kurtz case (Proceedings 1913, pps. 110 and 163) be, and the same hereby is, overruled. 13. The proposition 'to amend Section 111 of the Gra:nd Lodge ByLa\vs, said proposed Amendluent being as follows: HAny one of the three degrees may be conferred upon not more than five candidates at one and the sanle time. at any Special or Stated Comnlunication; l)ro,rided, that such candidates shall be received separately in the First, Second and Third Degrees,. and shall pass separately through the Second Section of the Third Degree; pro,"'ided furtber, that before degrees shall be conferred on more than one candidate a Dispensation fronl the Grand IVIaster shall be obtained." Amendment having been referred to your Committee, and the proponents of the Amendment having requested that the Amenclnlent be referred to the Comluittee on Revision of Grand Lodge ByLavls, your Conlmittee feels that thi's is a proper solution of this question on account of th,e fact that time for study as to how best to relieve the situation in large lodges is necessary and on account of other methods suggested路 to grant them relief. We therefore recommend that the i\.nlendment be referred to such Revision Committee. 14. The Grand Lodge referred to your Committee the following Resolution: "RESOLVED, That the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & ...<\.. M., in 99th Annual Cornmunication assembled, hereby
endorses and approves the Constitution "of the l\iasonic Service Association of the United States, adopted at the Conference of Grand l\fasters held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Novernber 27, 28 and 29, 1918, and associates itself as a member thereof, assuming the privileges and responsibilities of such nlembership."
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Your Committee has carefully considered the Constitution of the Jlasonh"- Ser"\"iee Associntion of the "United States, as printed in the Proceedings, Cedar Rapids lVlasonic Conference, 1918, on pages 234, 235, 236 and 237, a copy of which is as follows:
V\rhereas, The several IVlasonic Jurisdictions in the United States of ~~merica have been invited to attend a Conference of Grand Masters at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of November, 1918, for the purpose of considering and taking action in respect of the present '\val' emergency and the opportunity for l':Iasonic service in connection there,\vith; and vVhereas, T"wenty-tVlo Jurisdictions have responded to said call, and fourteen Jurisdictions have expressed their approval, in general terms, of the purposes of said Conference, and have given assurance in 'writing of their support through their respective Grand IV1asters; and \Vhereas, It has been nlade clear to said Conference that the IVrasonic Fraternity will be enabled to render more efficient service to mankind and to fulfill its mission among men by bringing about a more perfect co-operation among the several Masonic Grand Jurisdictions of the United States; and Whereas, It is apparent that there is a pressing need of IVrasonic service among the men "with the United States forces ov~rseas during the period follOWing the signing of the arn1istice and peace and reconstruction, at home and abroad, the duration of \vhich is. '\,,"holly problenlatical; and "\Vhereas, The assembled representatives of Grand Lo'dges have by their unanimous expression agreed that the need for service is real; that the opportunity is ,present and compelling and that they unanimously desire to participate in and render a mor.e satisfying service, ~nd that to fail to take some affirmative action in this rn,.atter at this time will lead to irretrievable injury and inlpairment of the Fraternity's future usefUlness; and vVhereas, It is the sense of this Conference that plans be no\v tentatively fornlulated for effective service '\vherever and '\vhenever the opportunity and need to render the same shall be present; said plans to be submitted to the several Grand Jurisdictions for consideration and action thereon; no\v, therefore, be it RESOL\TED, That there be organized the IVrASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIA.TION OF TH:B"J lJNITED STATES, a voluntary association of IV(asonic Granel Jurisdictions of the United States of .America, for Service to Mankind.
Proceedings of the
All l\fasonic Jurisdictions of the United States of America shall be entitled to membership therein on equal footing on expressing their approval of this Constitution and acceptance of the responsibility and privileges outlined therein. Any member shall be entitled to withdraw at any time on ninety days' notice provided it shall have complied vlith all of its assumed obligations. Such notice shall be delivered by registered mail to the Secretary at his Post Office address. OBJECT The object of the Association shall be the Service of Mankind through education,enlightenment, financial relief and Masonic Visitation, particularly in times of disaster and distress, "rhether caused by war, pestilence, famine, fire, flood, earthquake or other calamity; and presently and immediately nlinistering to, cherishing, comforting and relieving the members of the Fraternity, their dependents and others engaged in the United States forces, in the present great war, wherever they may be stationed and upon "whatever duties engaged in the service. A.Dl\iIINISTRATION For the purpose of Administration the United States is divided into Departments as follows: The Central Division: The New England Division: Arkansas Connecticut Kansas Massachusetts !{.entucky Maine Missouri New Hampshire Oklahoma Rhode Island Tennessee Vermont The North Atlantic Division: The Corn Belt Division: New Jersey Iowa New York Minnesota Pennsylvania Nebraska The South Atlantic Division: North Dakota Dela\vare South Dakota District of. Columbia The North Pacific Division: Maryland Idaho North Carolina l\1:ontana South Carolina Oregon Virgina Washington West Virginia Wyoming The Gulf Division: The South Pacific Division: Alabama California Florida Colorado Georgia Nevada Louisiana Utah Mississippi The Southwestern Division: The Great Lakes Division: -Arizona Ohio New l\JIexico Illinois Texas Indiana J\1ichigan Wisconsin
GTand Lodge of Missouri
Upon the occurrence of a disaster of greater Inagnitude than a local calamity, the Grand Masters of the several Grand Jurisdictions within the department in which the said disaster shall occur, shall appoint 'a committee to survey the need, appraise it and report forth\Nith its findings to the Department. The department shall thereupon take action on the report of the Committee to the end that the funds necessary shall be provided and properly disbursed. The Association may enter into correspondence and affiliation with similar agencies in other lands or under other governn1ents, the better to teach the Fatherhood of God, and to promote the Brotherhood of Man. The powers and duties of the Association may be enlarged or curtailed from time to time; but no member jurisdiction shall be bound thereby '\vithout its express assent. Each department shall meet annually on a date and at a place to be fixed by it; or oftener if it shall so determine. A meeting may be called at any time on the request of three Grarid Jurisdictio路ns. A general meeting of all departments, shall be held triennially, on the eleventh day of November, or oftener on the call of ten Grand Jurisdictions. Notices of the time, place and object of the meetings shall be issued by the Secretaries. At each meeting, departmental or general, a presiding officer shall be elected by ballot, for the purposes of the meeting. Each department shall select a Secretary whose duties shall be to keep the records and attend to the correspondence of the department. The sole officer of the . ~. ssociation shall be the Secretary "l"ho shall be selected at the General Meeting, and shall hold office until the next General Meeting, or during the pleasure of the .Association, and his functions shall be purely clerical. Your Committee finds that the Constitution does not violate any of the principles of Freemasonry and has been so drawn as to enable each member to protect his own interests. Your Committee further believes Masonry is living in a new day and that by the united efforts of the thirty-two.. Grand Jurisdictions which have adopted the Constitution, we may better be enabled to discharge our full duty as Masons. Your Conlmittee does not feel that this Grand Jurisdiction should assume any part of the expense or indebtedness incurred by the Overseas Committee of the Association as set forth in the Resolution on pages 245 and 246 of the Proceedings of such Conference, which is not a part of the Constitution, as our Grand Lodge has its own Overseas Committee. We therefore recommend the adoption of the Resal ution referred to the Committee, and o'ffer the following Resolution:
Proceedtngs路 of the
"Resolved, That the incoming Grand l\faster, and three other members of the Grand Lodge, to be selected by him, attend the next n1eeting of the Masonic Service Association of the United States, as the official representatives of this Grand Jurisdiction. and that the sum of Three Hundred Dollars be appropriated by the Grand Lodge for the expense of such representatives. Respectfully submitted,
REPORT OF COMMITTEE 'ON LODGES U. D. }<'t. \~t. Bro. Jalnes .AI... Boone, Chairl11an, presented and read the folIo\ving report of the Comn1ittee on Lodges U 11cler Dispensation vvhich ,vas adopted: St. Louis, September 17, 1919. To the l\1ost vV"orshipful Grand Lodge of lVIissouri, A. F. & A. J\,L: Your Comlnittee on Lodges Under Dispensation begs leave to su bmit the follo",Ning report:
\rYe have duly considered the matters submitted to us. Tv;to Dispensations '\vere granted during the year. ...~merica, dated June 2nd, 1919, located at St. Louis. Altamont, dated A.pril 17th, 1919, located at ...~ltamont, in Daviess County. Work ,vas done by these Lodges as. follow~s: Initiated, 14; passed, 11; raised, 10; affiliated, 3. They have an aggregate Inenlbership of 7l. They o\vn property valued at $267.55. Cash on hand $617.30. "\V'e have examined the books and returns of these Lodges and find them in good condition, the bool{s well and neatly kept, especially those of America. There are a few errors' of forln in the records of Altamont 'which '\ve have noted on the margin for the future guidance of the Secretary. "\Ve think it a cause for congratulation that only t'woDispensations w'ere granted; in I%dges, as in membership, it is quality not quantity that counts.
Grand Lodge of l11issouri
The location of these Lodges and the work done by them justifies the belief that they can and will be useful factors in the ad'vancement of the cause of Freemasonry and '\\re therefore recommend that each of them be granted a charter. Fraternally -submitted, J AS. A. BOONE, .A.RTHUR H. COLE, H. A. ROSSKOPF, CLYDE E. MADISON, R. W. ELY, J. C. STAPEL, T. VV. Bl\LL,
MASONICSER,VIC:E AS,SO'CIATION OF THE UNITED S:TAT'ES. 1VI. \f\T. Bro. Geo. L. Schoonover, P. G. 1\1. of Io\va, favored the Grand Lodge vvith sonle interesting, and forceful ren1arks in connection vvith the "J\:1asonic Service Association of the United States," covered by Itenl No. 14, in report of Comnlittee on Jurisprttdence.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARITY. R. \\T. Bro. J. P. Tucker, \Chairn1an, presented the fo1lo\ving report of C01l1111ittee on Charity, '\vhich \vas adopted: To the lVIost Worshipful Grand Lodge, .A... F. & .A... M., of the State of l\1:issouri: The \vork of your Committee on Charity has been very light indeed, only one case having- come before it. After due consideration of this case the Committee \vould recommend' that the follo'wing appropriation be n1ade: To Monticello Lodge No. 58, the sum of $100.00 for the use and benefit of 1\'1:rs. y"'irgie Anderson and five children. Fraternally submitted, J. P. TUCKER, H. C. CHILES, E. L. ROTH, 1\;f. R. lVIOUNT, L. R. vVENTZEL, JOHN .-\.. HUBBARD, J. R. D ...L\. VIDSON;
Proceedings of the
PRO,POSED' AMEND,MENTS TO BY-L:AWS. \\T. Bros. Del C. l\Ioore and \\,Talter A. Harn1an presented fol1ovving proposed An1endment to Section 187 of By-La\vs, as to use of nalne "l\lasonic." San1e to be printed in the proceedings and lie over until next.. year: Strike out Section 187 and enact the following in lieu thereof: Section No. 187.-lUasonic Elublelns and the ''''ord "lUasouic"-use of l)robibited. "That no :Mason shall use or be a party to the use either as principal or employee of the word 'MASONIC' as a part of the style or title of designation, of any business, firm, concern, company, corporation, association or enterprise Whatsoever; unless such business shall be for the authorized printing or pUblication of lVIasonic books, papers or periodicals; or for the manufacture and sale of Masonic supplies; or unless it be a cemetery, burial association, temple association, hospital, employment bureau, or relief association, controlled and conducted 'w"holly by lVlasons or Masonry. It is strictly prohibitive for any Master Mason to solicit business in violation of the above." DEL C. MOORE, Sedalia Lodge No. 236. vV ALTER A. HARM.A.N, Granite Lodge No. 272.
The follovving ne\v By-La\v as to voting collectively on petitions "vas proposed. SaI11e ordered printed in proceedings and under the la\v goes over to next year: PROPOSED NEvV BY-LA'\V Collective Bulloting on Petitions.-If there is no objection, the Lodge may vote on any number of petitions for degrees, or for affiliation, collectively. If on collective ballot a negative vote appears, a separate ballot shall be had on each petition, and the previous collective ballot shall not be considered.
W. H. SHEPHERD, Carthage Lodge No. 197. JIM BRADFORD, Western Star Lodge No. 15.
l\1. \AI. Bro. C. H. Briggs offered the following \vritten Al11endn1ent to Art. I, Sec. 1 of the By-La\vs, to change time of holding Grand Lodge Sessions. Ordered printed in the proceedings and lies over until next year. Resolved, That Art. It Section 1, of the By-Laws be amended by striking out the words "Third Tuesday of September," and substituting therefor the words, "Second Tuesday of October," so that sai,d section as amended shall read as follows: .
1919. ]
Gra¡nd Lodge of
"Section 1. Tiline and I.)Iaee of .A.nnual Communication of this Grand Lodge shall be held in the City of St Louis, on the second Tuesday of October, in each year, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.; l)rovid(~d that the place of meeting for the next .Annual Comnlunication may he changed when a majority of the Grand Lodge shall deem it expedient." C. H. BRIGGS, B. E. BIGGER.
IVL v\.T. Bro....~rch A. Johnson offered the follo\ving Proposition to an1end Section 69 of the Grand Lodge By-La\vs to increase per dien1 and !11ileage payn1ents, vvhich under the lavv 111tlst be published in the proceedings and lie over until the next session: To amend Section 69, By-Laws, by substituting the words, "Five Dollars" for the words~ "Three Dollars," in the 6th line of said section, and by substituting the '\vords, "Four cents per mile," for the 'words, "Three cents per mile," in the 8th line of said section. So that said section '\vhen amended shall read as follo'\vs: Sec. 69. '1l'lileage and Per Dieluâ&#x20AC;˘ . The Past Grand Masters, Grand Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Lecturers, and one Representative from each Lodge, and the Chairmen of Standing Conlmittees who do not draw nlileage and per diem in any other capacity, shall be paid the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each day they Inay be in actual attendance upon the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and four cents per nlile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning therefro~; provided, that no Representative shall receive either mileage or per diem unless all dues from his Lodge to the Grand Lodge have been paid by August first, and that no Representative shall receive more than one-fifth of the sum paid as dues by his Lodge for that year, and no one shall receive mileage or per diem in a dou hIe capacity. .ARCH A. JOHNSON, A. M. HOUGH.
GRAND LODGE TO MEET IN KANSAS, CITY IN 1920. J\loved by M. VV. Bro. C. C. Woods and unanimously carried that this Grand Lodge shall n1eet in I{ansas City,1Yf issouri, in 1920. This was in response to the earnest request of the Kansas City delegation now in attendance.
Proceedl:ngs of the
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MASONIC BOARDS OF RELIEF'. Rt. \\:r. Bro. A. ].O'Reilly, \ Chairlnan, presented and read the follo\ving report of Comn1ittee on Boards of Relief, \vhich \vas adopted: St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 17, 1919. To the ~:rost 1\Iissouri:
Grand Lodge, A. F. &
A. M., State of
Your Comn1ittee on Boards of Relief fraternally report, that reports have been presented by Boards of Relief as follows: Colu.mbia, Hannibal, Independence, Springfield, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis, and the Employment Bureau of St.Louis, a letter from Brother "V. FJ. Bro1;vn. Secretary of Sedalia Lodge No. 236, of Sedalia, 1\1:0., in 'which he makes excuse for the Board of Relief not n1aking a report on the ground that the Secretary of the Joint Board 'was out of the city and 1;vould not return until October 1, next. Your Committee notes that the reports received \vith the exception of the report from St. Lo'Uis, convey no information other than a staternent of their financial status, including tl1eir balances, receipts and expenditures. Your Committee is of the opinion that each Board of Relief should shovv'" something of its working and efficiency. Hovvever, the blank form used is misleading and therefore recommend that a ne\v blank form be prepared in which' space will be nro\ylded for figures designating the number of applicants, worthy applicants, applicants that 1vere found to be unworthy, and the degree or class of unvYorthiness and such other infornlation as may be deemed of value in deternlining their efficiency as a Board. The Grand Lodge at its Communication in 1909 (See pag'e 99 of Proceedings) adopted a recommendation of this Conlmittee calling for some detailed information. This appears to be overlooked. The expenditures of each Board as reported is as follows: Columbia, nothing; Hannibal, $192.22; Independence, $41.90; Springfield, $139.90; St. Joseph, $489.10; Kansas City, $5,480.97; St. Louis, $2,385.35; The Employment Bureau of St. Louis, $3,962.13, or a total of $11,691.57. The reports submitted, with the exception of the St.Louis report, do not indicate h01v this money was expended. Your Committee further recommends in the new fornl of report that space be allotted for the important items of expens.e that each Board makes. The Grand Lodge should be furnished with the expenditures made by each Lodge for relief, \vhere there is no Board of Relief, on persons ha,,"ing 路lVIasonic claim other than on the Lodge. itself which undoubtedly is considerable. In other 'words, a report should be路 made' of expenditure on transients or sojourners, and a statement whether the transient or sojourner \vas worthJ''" or not. The Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction should become more thoroughly acquainted with facts relating to relief of distress and in securing employment.
Grand Lodge of
The :M:asonic Relief .Association of the United States and Canada. it is reported. 'will in the future call attention to thepracUcal side
of Freelnasonry as well as issue the Warning Circular against Frauds and The officers of Lodges should read these circulars carefully and have their members read them also. Your Committee recommends that it be a part of the duty of the Master and 'Varden of each Lodge to see that the Warning Circulars are received. and if not delivered within a reasonable time after the first of each month, that the Secretary of the Association be notified as the Grand r~odge pays for the service and service must be rendered. *Your Committee further reports that one or t\yO Boards of Relief have failed to make any report. We recommend that the District Deputy Grand l\/Iaster be directed to investigate the cause of such failure and that they see that reports be made in the future. We recommend that in cities and to\vns \vere there is no regularly organized Masonic Employment Bureau. that the Board of Relief in such places appoint an Enlployment Committee that will see that the needs of the fraternity be attended to in this particular. Your Committee 'wishes to commend the good and efficient V\;o'ork of the St. Louis lVIasonic Enlploynlent Bureau and trusts that its efficiency be looked to as a standard that should be attained at other places. Fraternally submitted, 1\.. J. O'REILLY, CHAS. E. OBERLY, E. W. BUSKETT, L. T. C.ASTOR, E. V. M ...< \DDEN,
*Joplin report received too late to appear.
REPOR'T OF MASONIC EMPLOY:OO:ENT BUREAU OF ST. LOUIS. The follo\ving report of l\1asonic Employment Bureau \vas presented by the Grand Secretary: To the lVIost Worshipful Grand Lodge of .A.ncient Free and . .~ccepted Masons of lVIissouri: The fol1o'\ving report of the operation of the Masonic Employment Bureau of St. Louis for the fiscal year terminating June 3"0, 1919, is submitted for your consideration:
Proceedings of the
RECEIPTS Balance on hand, July 1st, 1918 Receipts
$ 511.79 3,922.89
Salaries. . $2,412.00 Office rent 420.00 Telephones ............. .......... .. . 142.00 Printing, stationery, supplies..................... 80.59 Postage and general expense..... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . 171.00 Office furniture and equipment................... 736.54 Total
Balance on hand, July 1st, 1919
July, 1918 August, 1918 September, 1918 October,. 1918 November, 1918 December, 1918 January, 1919 February, 1919 March, 1919 April, 1919 JYIay, 1919 June, 1919
Positions Filled 83 82 64 83 ~ 53 65 57 61 70 75 56 136
Number of applicants sent to positions Number of applicants
$4.47 :
2,990 2.152
Following the turbulent year in the industrial world, brought about by the v\torld war, epidemics and other causes, we find our organization prepared to meet almost any emergency, and well supported by the Masonic employ.ers of this jurisdiction. The future is bright and very promising of good results in this splendid work of helping our brother to help himself. This noble organization of applied Masonry, without charge to employer or employee secures high grade employment for not only a brother Master Mason but also for all deserving members of his household.
Grand Lodge of 111'isS02tri
By this Bureau remunerative positions have been created for the aged and decrepit, at the same time it has created high grad'e positions for the bettern1ent of those less favorably employed, and is today listing applicants cQmmanding salaries ranging upward to $5,000 per annum, which fact in turn encourages the employer of such talent to list with us his 'wants regardless of their character. In other \ivords, we have today a better field of operation and a stronger market than ever before on 'which to offer our unemployed l\:tasonic brain and brawn.
Fraternally sUbmitted, Approved: F. E. SCHUTZE, ED\V. N. KAERCHER, Secretary. President.
CALLED FROM LABOR. At 4 :35 P. IVI. the Grand Lodge vvas CALLEDFROl\1 LABOR until 7 :30 P. M. this evening. SECOND DAY-EVENING SESSION V\T ednesday, September 17, 1919.
The Grand Lodge \vas CALLED TO LABOR at 7 :30 P. :1\1. by 1\11. W. Grand 1\laster John \\7. Bingham, the other Grand Officers being in their respective stations. Divine blessing invoked by Rt. W. and Rev. Bro. John H. l\liller, Grand Chaplain.
EXEMPLIFICATION OF WORK. The Grand IVlaster placed the Grand Lodge in charge of the Grand Lecturer, Rt. \\T. Bro. J. R. IVIcLachlan, who with 1\1. vV. Bro. Frank R. Jesse in the East and vvith the assistance of other Grand Officers and brethren proceeded to exen1plify the ceren10nies of the Third Degree. The Lecture vvas delivered by the Grand 1\1aster Elect, Julins C" Garrell.
CALLED FROM LABOR. At 9 :35 P. 1\;1. the Grand Lodge was C.l\LLED FROM Li\BOR until tonlorrow morning at 9 :,00 o'clock.
Proceedings of the
THIRD DAY~lVI0RNING SESSION St. Louis, Thursday, September 18, 1919. The Grand Lodge \vas CALLED TO LABOR at 9 :00 A. 1\1. by 1\1. \V. Grand lVlaster John W. Binghan1, \vith the other Grand Officers in their respective stations. Prayer by R. V\T. and Rev. Bro. Fred V. Laos, Grand Chaplain.
MINUT'ES READ, AND,AP'PROVED. The lVlinutes of the several Sessions were read by the Grand Secretary and approved by the Grand Lodge.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE' ON REC'OGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES. 1\1. 'vV. Bro. C. H. Briggs read the following report which was adopted:, ' To the Grand Lodge of l\1issouri: Your Committee on the -recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges, begs to submit the following report: Inasmuch as numerous representations have been made to individual members of this Committee, (in the absence of the Chairman), concerning the action' of the Grand Lodge at its last Annual Session, at which time, by the adoption of the Report of the Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges, recognition of the Grand Orient of France, and the Grand Lodge of France was withheld, your Comnlittee is of the opinion that facts and information have since then been brought to light upon the matter which ,varrants a full and exhaustive re-examination of the whole subject, and it therefore recommends that the Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges take up this matter during the coming year, and that a report of its findings be presented at the next session of the Grand Lodge. We further recommend that this Committee also examine the cases of the following German Grand Lodges, with ,vhom ,ve are now in fraternal relations, to the end that this Grand Body may know whether those relations are fully justified: Eclectic. Union; National; Royal York of Prussia; Saxony; Three Globes; Zur Eintracht, and Zur Sonne. C. C. WOODS, C. H. BRIGGS, T. W. COTTON,
Grand Lodge of Missouri
REPORT OF: C'OMMIT'TEE ON "REVISION OF TRIAL eODIE." 1\1. \.V. Bro. D. A. Jamison, Chairman, presented the fo1lo\ving report, \v hich was adopted: To the l\fost vV'orshil)ful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted l\:Iasons of the State of Missouri: Brethren: Your Committee on "Revision of Trial Code," appointed at the last session of the Grand Lodge, respectfully reports that the duties devolving upon the Committee are of such an important character that it has not teen able to complete its work and make its report to this Session of the Grand Lodge. "\Ve, therefore, respectfully request that this Committee be granted time un til the 1920 Comm unication of the Grand Lodge, to make its report. Fraternally submitted, DORSEY A. JAMISON, Chairman, EDW.A.RD HIGBEE, ARCH A. JOHNSON, KARL M. VETSBURG, THAD B. LANDON,
REPOR,T OF' DEL,EGATES TO MAS,ONIO' RELIEF ASS,OCIATION OF UNITED, STIATES, AND CIANADA. The following report of Delegates to Masonic Relief Association of United States and Canada was adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: St. Louis, Missouri, September 17, 1919. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of the State of Missouri: Your Delegates to the Masonic Relief Association of the United States and Canada, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 27. 28 and 29, 1919, beg leave to report. Owing to the unavoidable absence of A. J. O'Reilly from attendance at the meeting, Right Worshipful Brother Sol E. Waggoner makes report as follows: Pursuant to your appointment as representative of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, to the 13th Biennial Meeting of the Masonic Relief _4..ssociation of the United States and Canada, held in Minneapolis, August 27, 28 and 29, 1919.
Proceedings of the
I attended this Convention and was most amply repaid for the information gained of the great work the Masonic Relief ...!~ssociations of the United States are doing. The number of worthy Masons who are temporarily relieved from the various reports from the Relief Association over the United States and Canada, a great many of ,vhom reimburse the Association for the assistance given. It was entirely ne\v to n1e, and while I knew the great work that was being done here in St. Louis by the Relief Association of "which Bro. O'Reilly is President, I had no conception of the far-reaching effect this Association had over the United States and Canada. While this Association gives reports of the vast number that make application, that are not worthy-the record is sent by each local . A .ssociation to the Secretary of the Association, and he compiles a list of these frauds and sends it out to all the Associations throughout the' United States and Canada. In doing so, thousands of dollars are saved by this strict way of keeping in touch with the . .~ssociation and we are benefited by having a knowledge of these dishonest applicants. Unless you were to read the report, it would hardly seem that such a number of frauds could exist. I came a,vay from the ...4 ...ssociation firmly convinced that this is one of the best 'works that the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri has entered into, next in importance to the Masonic Home, \vhich is such a pride to all the Masons of the State of Missouri.
There 'was not a paper read or statistics given from the tin1e I entered the Hall until adjournment, that was not interesting and full of valuable information. Regrettingexceed1ngly that it was not so that you could be present personally, and with my best wishes, I am, Frate'rnallY ~"ours, S. E. VVAGGONER. Your delegates further report, although absent, the undersigned 'was elected as Secretary of the Association. Fraternally submitted, A. J. O'REILLY.
ORAT'ORY AN'D ENTERTAINMEN'T. The Grand 1vIaster called upon R. V\T. and Rev. Bro. Arthur )\1 ather, Grand Chaplain, to "entertain and enlighten the brethren." The Reverend Brother responded v7ith one of his scintillatingly brilliant orations which have beC0111e such an apprecia~ed feature of the Grand Lodge proceedings from year to year. He was heartily applauded by the men1bers.
Grand Lodge of M路issouri
REPORT OF' COMlVI~TTEE ON FATHERL,ESS CHILD'REN OF FRANCE. nI. \IV. Bro. R. R.''}{reeger presented and read the follo\-ving report on activities and expenditures in connection \vith the adopting for one year by this Grand Lodge of fifty Fatherless Children of France, as per resolution adopted at fhe last session. (See page 59 proceedings of 1918.) . A.dopted. To the :I\:Iost \i\Torshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted IVIasons in Missouri: Brethren: Having been appointed, for reasons stated in his address, by l\lost Worshipful Grand Master John 'V. Bingham, as a Committee of One, to attend the" details incident to the matter of the appropriation, by this Grand Body at its last Annual Communication, of $1,825.00 as a contribution toward the support of fifty fatherless children of France, for a period of one year, the following is respectfully submitted: It "\vill be noticed \from the resolution authorizing this expenditure, that the Grand Secretary "was to issue 'warrants in the amounts and on the dates specified therein, in favor of the party to be designated by n1e. In order that" there might be no failure in accomplishing the purposes of the resolution, nor question about the funds reaching the objects for "\vhich intend~d, the J\ilost Worshipful Grand lVIaster ,vas requested to have such 'warrants dra"\vn in favor of "The Fatherless Children of France," and mailed to U. S. Del\1oulin at Greenville, Illinois, he being one of the Treasurers of the corporation organized in the spring of 1916 for the relief of needy French children, whose fathers had been Idlled in the war. On October 22, 1918, in an effort to comply with the M. W. Grand :Master's "\vishes and instructions, a communication "\vas directed to the Treasurer above mentioned, in "\vhich he was asked to advise each child, assigned to this Grand Lodge, or its mother or guardian, that the assistance it "\vould receive w~s from' the Ancient Free and Accepted l\:1asons of J\1jssouri, U. S. A., and that he also request then1 to direct their letters acknowledging receipt of the money to my 110111e address, Kansas City. In a very short time the list submitted here\vith, \vas received. fro1l1 him, giving the number, name, postoffice address and date of birth of each child. There was then nothing further to do but "\vait. None of the children appear to have received any portion of the funds until the last \veek in December, 1918. It is assumed that this long delay in the first payments reaching our ,Yards, was due in part at least if not entirely, to the disturbed condition of the times and the unusually heavy demands of the war on transportation facilities. Those of you who undertook to conduct correspondence \vith person~ in France, at that tin1e, will fully appreciate the situation.
Proceedings of the
About the first \veel( of Februa~y, 1919, or nearly five n10nths after this Grand Lodge had Dlade its offering and adjourned, the first letters, containing expressions of gratitude and thankfulness, indicating that a ray of hope had entered into life, ,vere received. Since that tinle they have been arriving about every three nlonths. The last lot state that the third payment was made in the first ",reek of July. From this it is probable that the final instalment ,vill reach its destination during the first half of October. It \vould Inake this report entirely too long to give even a sentence from each of the letters, but in order to indicate the spirit of the objects of our care, ,vill say that the mother of one dear little girl, nearing her sixth birthday \vrote, in a letter dated January 4, Hl1!), that our gift had been received a fe\v days previous, and that: ":My little Christiane is happy to know that Noel has sent her an Anlerican godfather-a prayer or wish granted since she \\rished for an American in the chimney! But \vhat worried her ""vas that she ,,"ould have been so happy to have seen him; so I had to make her understand that a great distance separate~ her from her godfather." Another one, in a letter of July 5th, said: "Forgive me if I am a little late. I receivecl your draft on Wednesday, July 2nd, and on the 4th of July \ve had the pleasure of going to the celebration of the return of your brothers-a 'sig-ht very beautiful to see. '\Ve were all happy to think that all those poor young men \vould see their fathers again, as '\vell as their mothers. Ho\v mama and I \vished to see also the return of my father." It is a remarkable coincidence that the first payment should reach, and carry so much happiness to the hearts of the objects of our tenderest care, during the very ,veek when practically all civilization 'was shouting: 路 "Ring, ye bells of Christmas, once again, Bear glad tidings over hill and plain." A.ncl that the third should he delivered just previous to the very day,
the fourth, \vhen the veople, not only of the United States, but England 路and France as ,veIl, \vith w'ild and unrestrained enthusiasnl w'ere celebrating the birth of our freedom. It is left to you to determine hov.r this happened. Jul~l
The work of accomplishing your purpose involved much careful thought and c:nse attention to detail. While it ,vas arduous and some,vhat exacting at times, still, as it ,vas purely a labor of, it has been a pleasure; and the good accomplished, and happiness resulting- from the effort is sufficient compensation for the many days of toil devoted to it. 'Vhen ,ve consider ho\v many braVe but sad and aching hearts, in \vhich the light of hope ,vas nearing the extinguishing point of despair, ,"vhose burdens seeDled greater than humanity can bear, have been made ha})p~y by this timely generosity, we get a better and clearer conception of our n~ission on earth. This is a work that looms so 1a.rge on our horizon, and appeals to the various sides of our better nature in so many \vays, that we should never fail to respond to its call.
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Ho\v softly and s\veetly acts of love and kindness CaIne back to us! A.nd "ve hear the unfortunate little ones say from across the deep: "There are'loyal hearts, there are spirits brave. There are souls that are pure and true: Then give to the 'world the best you have. And the best "vill come back to you. Give love, and love to your life "vill fio"v. A strength in your utmost need; Jlave faith arlcl a score of hearts "will sho"v Their faith in your word and deed." R.R.
.f\ short talk, expressing appreciation of this vvork and of I.(rance and her people, her sufferings, her "gl00111 and glory," vvas ll1ade by I<-ev. Bro. Fred V. Loos, Grand Chaplain, \\Those grandfather carried the flag under Napoleon.
FIF'T:Y F'ATHERLES,S CHILDREN OF F'RANCE AD'OPTED FOR SECOND YEAR. A,ge and Date Orphan of Birth Sex Name and Address No. 35304 IVIarie Salles, Maison Loubade, Came Basses Pyrenees Fern June 20, 1914 Gabriel Salliet, chez IV[me. Kerbark Grand 35:~05 '1\'1ere, Rue' du Malbert, Baud (Morbihan) : ~lasc Oct. 3,1912 Masc July 30, 1914 35306 Louis Salliet, same as above 35307 Lazare Sallignac, Bel Bourbon Lancy~~ (Saone et Loire) ':. Masc Dec. 27,1912 35308 Jean Salomon$ Romenay (Saone et Loire) .~1asc April 13,1912 Fern Jan. 3,1911 35309 Marie Salomon, same as above J\.fasc Feb. 19,1914 35310 Paul Salomon, same as above 35311 A.nne Sanceau Scaer, Grande Rue (Finistere) ...............................â&#x20AC;˘..-Fern ... Sept. 21,1912' 35312 .Joseph Sangiardi 1 Rue Ottavi, .1..jaccio (Corse) l\tIasc. ~ .June 22,1912 35313 Francoise Sangiardi, same as above Fen1. .. Aug. 30, 1908 .,t:l314 Rene Sapena 2 rue Broussais (Alger) Masc ... Jan. 14,1910 35315 Pierre Sarlandi de la Ro bertie La Gelie Par Rouffignac (Dordogne) ~1asc Nov. 18,1911 35316 Jacques Sarlandie de la Robertie La Gelie Par Rouffignac (Dordl/gne) Masc July 29,1908 35317 Germaine Sal' Landie de la Robertie La , Gelie Par Rouffignac (Dordogne) Fern .. Mch. 1, 1910 35318 Yvonne Sauron rue Etienne Marcel, Romainville (Seine) ~ .. Fem o\pril 10,1908 35319 Henriette Saussol Chemin du Mas d'Audabre, 110ntellier (Hereault) ....â&#x20AC;˘...... Fern ... Aug. 30, 190~
130 35320 35321 35322 35323 35324
35328 35329
35330 35331
35332 35334 35335 35336 35337 35338
35340 35341 35342 35:343
35345 35346 35347
35348 35349 35350 35351
35352 35353 35354 35355 35356 35357
35358 35359
Proceedings of the
1vrarcelle Saussol, same as above Fern April 10,1911 iVlarc Pilleaud Ste Radegonde (Charente Inf.) ',' Mase Oet. 8,1911 "Victoria Savoyen rue IVlilitaire, Petit Port Philippe, Graveline (Nord) Fern July 29, 1915 :Marcelle Schaller 48 rue de N euilly (Paris 12) Fern 1\([ch. 30, 1905 Jeanne Schlegel Rozieres (Hte Ivlarne) Fern 14, 1914 ~L\.lbert Sch\valm a Bart (Daubs) 11asc 1\I1eh. 12, 1909 Henri Seh ,valm, same as above IVlase A.pril 7, 1912 :Mathilde'Schwalnl, sarne as above Fern Jan. 15, 1908 Georges Sebaoun 31 Rampe Vallee(Alger) .Mase Dec. 29, 1907 IVIarie R~poche 28 rue St. 1\1ichel, Angers (lVlaine et Loire) Fern Nov. 18,1906 Georges Sechet 74 Grand rue, Chaville (Seine et Gise) ooMasc .. June 29,1913 Alice Segain 38 rue d'Espag"ne, Biarritz (Basses-P;)-T.) Fern Nov.' 3,1909 :rYlarie Segain, same as above Fern Oct. 2,1908 Albert Leignel 406 Bd de Graville Graville St. Honorine (Seine lnf) l\1asc Feb. 19, 1911 Andre Leignel 406 Bd de Graville Graville St. Honorine (Seine luf) Masc Mch. 30,1914 Christaine Sertin 41 rue de Chateaudun Ivry (Seine) Fenl Jan. 31,1913 Pierre Serres St. Frezal d'Albuges par Chasserades (Lozere) 1\1asc Dec. 9,1911 Catherine Seru, au Bois Chate, Eymou-L.'.t"~路路i:~ lj; lJ tiers (Hte 'Vienne) Fern Juu'-. 8, 1912 Leonard Seru, same as above Masc Jan. 14,1910 Octave Servaire Picherande (P. de D.) Masc Nov. 25,1910 Jean Sescousse Catin Quartier de Pinsalle, Soustons, (Landes) 1V[ase Aug'. 28,1910 Paul Sescousse, same as above Mase .. April 1,1913 So lange Seurre Champ du Moulin, Montceau les lVIines (S. et L.) Fern July 12,1913 Ferl1and Sevestre 4 plaee du Louvre, (Paris 1) ~ Mase Feb. 24,1906 Louisette Sevestre, same as above '.Fern ~-\ug. 25,1910 Agnes Sicard 26 rue Sery, Belle de Mai, lVlarseille (B. du R.) Fern Jan. 21, 1906 Joseph Sicard, same as above, Mase May 27, 1912 Therese Sicard, same as above Fern Sept. 24, 1907 A.nne SignaI'd Plouvorn (~inistere) Fenl July 26, 1910 :B'rancois SignaI'd, same as above 1VIasc Feb. 6, 1912 l\1arie O. SignaI'd, same as above Fern May 7, 1909 Marie J. SignaI'd, same as above Fern June 12, 1913 Yvon Signoret Faugeres (Herault) 1Vlasc Feb. 25, 1912 Maurice Signoret, same as above l\fasc .. April 9, 1914
In corresponding 'with children be sure "France" after all of the above addresses.
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of Misso'uri
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS' REPORTS. \\l. Bro. Geo. S. lVlcLanahan, Chairman, presented and read the report of the Comn1ittee on District Deputy Grand 1Iasters' Reports, which was adopted as follo'vvs: To the Most "\Vorshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & ...~. M., in the State of lVtissouri: The Committee appointed to exalnine the reports of District Deputy Grand Masters begs leave to submit the following report: There have been received reports from 36 of the 59 'Districts in the State of l\1issouri. "VVe note particularly the absence of the reports from the fol10'wing Districts: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 25, 28, 29, 31, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 51. This number is 9 in excess of the number missing from the report of 1918. Of the reports t'wo are made informally, or by letter. Sixteen cOlnmunications inform us that all the Lodges in the Districts have sent in reports to the District Deputy Grand Master. Tv.renty sho\v, however, that one or more of the Lodges in the District have failed to subnlit reports. In some instances, the number not reporting is given as 6 or 7. This failure to rel)Ort, your Comnlittee deems as negligence, and recommends that the District Deputy Grand Masters exert further efforts to obtain the necessary data. The District Deputy Grand l\iast~rs in Districts 11, 17, 27, 32 and 54 have made conspicuously incomplete reports. In the instances of Districts 11 and 54, the communication has been informal, by letter. The Deputy in District No. 54 reports little more than the number of Lodges he has visited, o"\.ving to the fact, as stated, that only two of the Lodges in the district have submitted their reports. The blank returned from District 32 contains no information except that the District Deputy considers the Lodges under his jurisdiction to be in fair condition. It is \vorthy of note that quite a number of the Deputies have made comments on the activity and condition of the Lodges in their Districts, and many report efforts they have made to improve the ritualistic knowledge through Lodges of Instruction. This enthusiasm your Comnlittee considers admirable, and recommends its adoption throughout this Grand Jurisdiction. Particular attention is directed to the report fr;Qm Right Worshipful Brother l\1ax A. "\Vittnlann, District Deputy Grand Master of the 33rd District, the largest in the state. He reports that he has made 3B official visits, or one to each Lodge in the District, and further that he has made over 150 other visits. In addition to these visits, he has also 'presided at 31 nleetings of the Lodge of Instruction notvvithstanding the interruption of the work by the enforced abandonment during the epidemic of Spanish Influenza. The Committee considers this report the most complete, and highly commendable.
Proceedings of the
[ Sept.
It is the opinion of your Corumittee that the District Deputy Grand ~:rasters should mal{e increased efforts to visit all the Lodges in the Districts, as in many cases, this duty has apparently been sadly neglected, and that \vithout doubt these visits materially assist the Deputies in obtaining full and complete reports. The Comnlittee desires also to compliment the Deputies \Xlho have been conducting Lodges of Instruction for the members in the Districts and recoDIDlenc1s that this practice be greatly encouraged, as it is only by practice and proper delivery that the desired impression and result may be accomplished. Having exan1ined carefully the reports on file, your Committee is - of the opinion that in most instances the District Deputy Grand Masters have discharged their duties with proper zeal and truly l\lasonic spirit. Ftespectfully subnlitted, G. S. IV[cLANAHAN, CL.A.. UDE H. RNA.. PP.
C)n 1\{otion, duly carried, one representative fro111 each Lodges U. D., \vas placed on the Pay Roll.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FAY ROLL. \\T. 13ro. \\,; alter R. Shrodes,Chairn1an, ll1ade the follo\viug report of COll1111ittee on Pay 1<'011, \vhich ,"vas adopted: St. Louis,
Sept. 18, 1919.
To the Grand Lodge, A. :ÂŁ1"'. & A. 1\1'., of J.\ifissouri: Your Committee on Pay Roll at this session of the Grand Lodge, begs to report that the ailo'\vances paid for mileage and per diem have been distribu ted as f6110\\'s: Grand Lodge Officers $ '495.70 Past Grand 1\1asters ~ . 403.15 District Deputy Grand l\'1asters . 1,126.15 District I .. ecturers . 254.25 Appeals and Grievance Con1n1ittee . 233.45 Jurisprudence Committee . 174.7.5 Chairmen of Standing Con1nlittees . 209.75 Lodg'es Under Dispensation . 52.30 Representatives of Chartered Lodges . 9,270.60 Total
$12,220.10 Fraternally submitted, V\'ALTJiJR R. SHRODES, G. L. MA,RI<:LEY, VV. B. MASS.EY, F!iANK MeA.TEE.
Grand Lodge of l11issouri
GRAND OFFICERS John vV. Bingham $34.35 . .~ustin L. l\fcRae $23.90 .Julius C. Garrell........... 15.00 vV. W. l\fartin ' 31.30 \Vro. F. Johnson 28.60 Charles C. Gardner 31.40 vVm. A. HalL 15.00 John Pickard 26.70 John R. Parson 15.00 Wn1. F. Woodruff 37.15 John H. l\Iiller 37.15 A. F. Ittner 15.00 Arthur l\([ather i5.00 H. A. Krueger............. 15.00 Bert S. Lee................ 34.10 Fred V. Laos 36.35 Joseph S. McIntyre 15.00 J. R. McLachlan 30.05 Orestes l\fitchell 39.65 P..:-\.ST Chas. C. Woods R. F. Stevenson............ A. IVL Hough... . . . . . . . . . . .. D. A. Jamison C. H .• Briggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C. C. Bigger A. A. Johnson Van F. Boor
GRAND M . ~ . STERS 34.75 Jacob Lampert 15.00 T. VV. Cotton.............. 25.00 Frank R. Jesse............ 15.00 Eclw. Higbee 34.05 W. A.. Clark............... 31.80 John T. Short. 34.05 D. M. Wilson 37.15
DISTRICT DEPUTY 30.05 31.30 33.00 31.05 \V. .A. Piner 39.65 H. vV. Saunders 37.00 E. C. James 38.05 R . ...4..• Tharp 33.70 E. \V. Tayler 31.50 A. C. Behringer............ 22.50 T. H. \VaUon 26.70 \Vm. Baker 33.55 J. P. Tucker 37.95 S. 1\11. Daniels 37.15 .J. S. vVilson 30.10 S. P. Cunning-hanl. 23.80 J. E. Reeds 20.60 E. A. Fluesmeier 19.30 R. A. Breuer 21.50
GRAND lVLA.. STERS J. F. Blair 1\.1:. i\.. vVittmann R. B. Campbell G. T. Jennings............ C. E. Pyle................. J. 1\11. Chamberlain J. lVI. IVloore............... C. A. S·wenson \V. B. l\tfassey J. A. Kinder J. i\.. Boone J. J. Posey G. J. Vaughn W. 1\L Marbut \V. H. Phipps E. J. Torrence............. B. F. Bowline............. .i\.llan McDowell Hoyt. .....
37.10 15.00 35.00 33.25 18.70 37.55 35.50 36.50 19.90 25.50 29.25 31.30 35.55 37.50 39.90 15.00 29.15 36.05
DISTRICT LECTURERS Sansberry............ 31.00 J. A. Oliver vVatson.: 39.65 J. H. Cranfill. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kornbrodt 37.15 .'V. D. Richardson.......... Stites 29.50 G. "V. Custer
26.70 15.00 41.15 34.10
H. N. l\1:artin Chas. Banks John Santee D. F. \Varren
P. B. C. S.
O. F. T. L.
15.00 29.80 15.80 31.40 25.00 25.00 34.35
CHAIR1VfEN OF STANDING COl\flVrITTEES vVnl. A. Sommers.......... 15.00 J. L. Heckenlively......... v'laIter R. Shrodes : .. 34.35 H. Clay Perkins C. L. Alexander 15.00 Edwin Nelson G. S. IVfcLanahan.......... 37.15 F. L. 1\lagoon.............. A. J. O'Reilly.............. 15.00
34.10 15.00 29.15 15.00
Proceedings of the
COl\Il\:IITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES N. A. Franklin 61.05 vv D. Moore "\V. L. Hamrick 53.70 W. A. Higbee Hobert A. 1Iay. . . . . . . . . . . .. 40.00
Byrne E. Bigger R. R. Kreeger .J. C. Robertson
C0111\iITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE 29.60 Julius Edwards 42.15 Thomas F. Hurd 20.00 .A.• B. Frey
LODGES, U. D. J. L. Reich (Altan1ont) ..... 37.30 F. V\7". I{uehl No. lo 2. 3.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 20.
2l. 25. 26. 28. 29. 31. 35. 36. 38. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. 52. 53. 55. 57.
40.00 38.70
29.90 33.10 20.00
(_~merica) ....
REPRESENTATIVE PAID l\1issouri 1\:1. H. Hodgson $15.00 Meridian A. J. Cam mann 15.00 Beacon Charles Barth '15.00 United. . F <\.. 1\1c >\tee . 34.10 i\rl\:. . "\\T. R. Glover ' . 29.40 O'Sullivan G. T. Leeper . 21.00 \Villiamsburg O. Garrett . 9.45 Geo. '\Vashington J. A. Hubbard . 15.00 Agency 0. H. Smitll '•... 26.60 Pauldingville J. H. Steger . 12.95 TJrro R. R. Bean . 17.50 Rising Sun J. 1\'1. Evans . 38.30 Cyrene ............• J. P. Jett . 14.00 "Vestern Star J. IL Bradford . 23.80 JVIemphis ...........• W. C. Ladd . 32.05 Clarksville ........• O. H. McLeod ....................• 21.90 St. Louis .........•.. Irvvi:n Sale . 15.00 Havana ..........•.. J. R. Tull . 10.85 Naphtali H. B. Stevenson . 15.00 Ava J. S. Wilson ' . 25.90 St. John .....•. R. Haeussermann . 24.60 vVindsor ......•••••• J. Clem Roberts ..................• 21.80 Liberty ..• J. H. Tarrant . 36.35 l\1ercer ..........• oR. W. Stecknlan 37.90 Cooper ....••.. J. H. \Vindsor . 28.60 Callao .....• .P. G. Cook 17.85 Mt. Moriah ...•... J. F ~hlers 15.00 Bismarck Robert Ward . 21.30 Middle Grove C. C. Fleming . 17.15 Jefferson Caeser vVollman : . 25.00 Bonhomme ........• J. 1\1. Brewer . 16.85 Fayette ...•.....•.. E. '\V. Rucker . 27.80 Fulton ....•...••••. Tonl Ball . 25.70 :Holt '\Vm. 1\1:. Carrell ..................• 20.30 Xenia .....•.... C. R. Melvin . 31.85 Wakanda H. \,i\r. Brand : . 31.90 Weston \V. B. Calvert . 28.35 Arrow Rock T. B. Morris ~ ~ ................• 11.20 Richmond J. F. Baber .•...................•. 24.30 LODGE
No. 58. 59. 60. 62. 63. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 83. 84. 87. 89. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 98. 99. 100. 10l. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 109. Ill. 112. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 12l. 122. 126. 129. 13l. 133. 136. 142.
Grand Lodge of lvlissouri
1919. ]
Monticello J. W. Hawkins Centralia W. H. Carpenter New Bloomfield C. J. Howerton ,.Tincil W. W. UhI Cambridge J. T. Bell Sullivan ...........• H. G. Landon .A.. rmstrong Levi lVIarkland Savannah ......•••.• J. I{:. White Gorin ..............• G. B. Baskett Eureka .....•..•••.. 0. G. Lynd Independence •.•.••• C. G. Frisbey Lebanon ...........• A. H. Harrison St. Joseph C. A. 1'Iadison Polar Star Raymond Gross Bridgeton G. B. Gist .. : Central C. B. Slonaker· Laclede " . J. E. 11:illsap Webster Groves L. M. Migginson Washington 0. J. Wilson Friendship A. M. Meek Perseverance A. C. Haley St. Marks M. S. Graves Vienna B. F. Branson Pomegranate ......• E. G. Gotsch St. Andrews W. C. Hewitt vVebster oJ. W. ~:Ioore Mt. Vernon E. C. Brown Ash Grove Robert Walker' Bogard C. G. Kuhn West View 'V. P ..Stearns Heroine Leo 'Adler Kirksville J. H. Bamburg Gallatin E~ G. Yoell Greenville A. G. Templeton Stanberry E. C. Lockwood Trenton R. V. Denslo·w Maitland J. B. Bridgman Twilight E. J. Jordan Laddonia E. C. Kenner Barnes ......•.. , •..'B. F. Fielden .. " Versailles T. R. Brown Kingston ..•......•• 0. J. Adams De Soto I{irkwood Jones Compass ...........• T. A. Brown Erwin G. F. Lindhart Triplett -\. O. Green Seaman D. M. Wilson, Jr. . Monett Sig. Solomon Potosi G. F. Carr Star of the West B. F. Burnham Phoenix H. M. Stroether Pleasant Grove W. S. Poage 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. '. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .
13.30 24.90 26.30 36.30 29.25 20.45 21. 70 40.50 22.05 26.95 36.05 22.60 39.65 15.00 16.30 14.35 29.50 15.80 37.15 33.00 22.50 25.50 17.85 15.00 22.50 30.45 35.35 35.50 32.50 19.60 37.15 31.40 35.10 27.90 38.50 36.05 32.20 26.70 21.00 29.40 15.75 35.90 13.60 26.60 15.00 18.90 34.35 37.55 20.45 22.30 17.60 25.90
Proceedings of the
136 No. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 152. 154. 156. 157. 158. 159. 163. 164. 16n. 17l. 172. 174. 177. 178. 179. 180. 183. 184. 188. 189. 192 194. 195. 197. 199. 202. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 224. 225. 231. 234.
l\1odern C. F. Green Latimer J. N. Chambers McGee R. L. Leathers Cass W. S. Br}~an ' Purdy ............•. C. E. Williams Lexington H. C. Chiles Birming J. B. Grable Linn Creek J. lVI:. Vincent Ionic J. L. Blunt Ashland A. F. Martin North Star J. C. Staple Mountain Grove W. L. Botten Green City R. E. al\sh Occidental ........•. F. H. Littlefield Joa~him S. M. McKay Maryville , ••....• Fred Smith Hartford ..........• P. J. Dickerson Censer .........•.•.. G. W. Butler Sturgeon J. W. 'Hulett Texas G. H. Scott ., Griswold H. R. Barnam Pride of the West .. C. F. Schuerrmeyer Pyramid G. 1\1. Hart California E. L. Roth Morley T...I. C. Leslie Hannibal W. R. l\:fount Zeredatha .........• G. L. IVIarkley Ffrankford H. C. Steele Wellsville S. S. Cox Bolivar T. H. Douglas Carthage ",,,.. H. Sheppard New Hope J. J. Shawe Westville E. B. Colyer Somerset .......•... F. A,. Cozad Clay C. McKinney Salisbury T. H. Edwards Poplar Bluff J. S. O'Neal Unionville J. F. Comstock Hickory Hill W. L. Scrovner Four Mile L. N. Pollock Rolla J. N. Ellis Hal~ City C. W. Pultz Barbee C. 1...1. Rea ,,~is Good Hope C. A. Meier Albert Pike O. E. Lander Kansas City Nat Neusteter Mystic Tie W. J. Roberts La Belle E. W. Roberts Hamilton E. J. Decker Salem L. L. McSpadden Cardwell N. H. Summitt St. Francois G. B. Perkins
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
28.00 26.75 19.60 35.30 30.10 34.50 23.80 22.40 20.30 26.50 3:3.60 36.50 33.30 15.00 18.75 40.45 15.05 28.70 25.55 37.00 13.30 15.00 15.00 27.00 23.20 24.60 39.65 12.95 22.35 37.15 40.05 20.45 23.10 20.65 35.95 23.50 28.50 36.05 17.15 31.95 23.80 30.10 27.30 15.00 37.15 37.15 16.10 28.45 35.10 25.15 24.50 12.95
Grand Lodge of Missouri
1919. ] No. 236. 237. 238. 23!). 241. 242. 243. 244. 247.
250. 253 254. 255. 256. 258. 259. 262. 263. 265.
266. 267. 268. 270. 271.
272. 273. 276. 277. 279. 28l. . 282. 284. 286. 287. 2nO. 291. 293. 2n5. 299. 303.
305. 306. 307.
308. 31l. 316. 317.
318. 319. 320. 322. 323.
Sedalia ..........•.• D. C. Moore La Plata E. C. ,\Villiams Rushville E. E. Anderson Hope'well Robert Reed Palestine E. H. Barklage Portland W. M. Davis I-{eystone L. A. Sommerich Middle Fabius R. G. Smiley Neosho ............• J. S. Rowe Glensted F. Hawks Loredo ............•• E. M. Wilson Butler ' L. R. Twyman ....~lton C. S. Gohn Shekinah Tohn Vinyard Ravanna L. W. Hoover Lodge of Love W. L. Pagett ~ . . . . . . . . . .. Holden R. C. Brownlee Summit vV. W. Browning Corinthian G. F. Wilson Social S. O. Coil Aurora C. H. Knapp Lodge of Truth r. B. Wright New Salem B. Wise Solomon E. G. Rathbone : Granite 'VV. A. Harman St. Clair Oliver Brown Grand River E. W. Gillespie '\Vm. D. Muir ......• R. S. Hamman Hogle's Creek C. P. Scrivens Fenton Fred Wolz Cosmos c. S. W. Gallant ..................• Canopy 'VVm. Newton Urich T. B. Littlejohn Craft 0. A. Marks ..' Fairmount J. O. Woo~small Edina E. B. Brown Sarcoxie :G. W. Wood ' Moniteau J. P. Seitz Temple A. H. Cole Osage Henry Kraft, Jr Clarence J. M. Wines ' ...~shlar D. Heigh Ne\Vt London G. E. Mayhall Parrott F. McClure Kearney W. S. Riley Rural A. E. Carlton Osborn V. C. Dowing Eldorado J. .~. Evans Paulville R. P. Propst Morgan R. A. Padgett Hardin "\1. G. Kennedy Corner Stone "fvV. P. Mobley
137 P_~ID
30.05 30.30 20.65 15.40 16.90 12.60 15.00 32.90 39.80 15.05 29.40 32.55 28.00 17.90 24.85 33.70 29.75 35.15 32.45 22.75 15.00 25.90 19.50 34.00 30.05 30.25 38.05 20,65 37.fiE) 16.75 15.0 1) 36.50 19.25 ~7.50
24.15 24.8'5 32.90 24.85
37.15 37.25 28.70 22.75 22.40 3'7:00
32.55 37.15 13.65 14.0.0
15.75 19.95 33.30 15.00
Proceedings of the
138 No. 324. 327. 331. 334. 335. 336. 337. 339. 340. 341. 343. 344. 345. 346. 349. 351. 352. 354. 356. 360. 362. 363. 364. 366. 368. 369. 370. 371. 373. 315. 376. 378. 380. 381. 383. 384. 389. 890. 392. 397. 400. 401. 402. 403. 406. 407. 408. 411. 412. 416. 420. 422.
[Sept. PA.ID
McDonald l\L ",,,.. Stewart Mt. Zion E. L. Ross Charity L. T. Caster Breckenridge Cary Reed Joplin .............• W • .,A.• Skelton ....................• Hallsville W. B. Elkins Blue Springs E . •A..... Ford Fidelity ......•....• Sam'l Ray Westport .........•• A. H. Blocher Rockville ~ ...• H. L. Hall Agricola .....•.••..• E. R. Marksberry ' Moberly ...........• W. A. Howell Fellowship .......•• E. W. Buskett Arlington ..•....••• J. A. Parsons '.' .. Pollock ..........•• .J\L J. 'VVilliam Mosaic O. E. lVloore Friend .........•..• C. Shellenberger Hebron C. F. Kehl Ancient Landmark .E. A. Morgan Tuscan ......•.•...• E. E. Huffman Hiram G. Harkness Fraternal ........••• R. G. Rucker Higginsville F. H. Krupmeyer Adair C. F. Link Crescent Hill ....••• J. E. Dowell Composite .......••• R. Bell '\Villiamstown ....•• C. O. I ee Shelton ...........•• 'vV. H. Fowler Belle ..............• T. J. TJones Waynesville .......• T. J. Christeson King Hill ..........• E. V. Madden Berlin .............• J. R. McMillen Queen City T. W. Lauer Ionia ...........•.•• J. S. Laffer Pythagoras ........• J. C. Ault East Prairie C. D. l\([itchell Arcana ............• 'Vm. Thomas Marionville ........• J. R. Webb Christian E. E. Storms G,Ower .............• Eldon Walkup Decatur ...........• 0. H. Thiele Carterville ........• H. M. Close Malta ........•....• W. J. Baker Lov,rry City ........• J. R. Lightfoot Malden ............• L. C. Stevenson Charleston .........• C. L. Joslyn Montrose ......•.•.•B. B. Fewell Joppa B. E. Latimer Appieton City ......• T. F. Brown Cache .........•..•• W. H. Ebrecht Itaska ........•....• G. E. Black Gate of the Temple .. J. E. Cavin .........••............
36.05 36.30 39.65 34.30 41.50 18.90 22.75 20.65 37.15 19.25 22.40 26.85 41.50 25.80 19.60 12.25 35.70 23.80 11'.90 15.00 30.05 18.30 28.70 31.40 30.10 31.30 19.95 28.00 21.35 24.50 39.65 17.85 32.20 27.80 39.50 29.00 36.05 35.00 18.:1f)
24.15 29.05 3~)'20 ~~.90
23.80 31.40 ~9.25
17.85 15.75 29.75 15.00 15.00 34.05
Grand Lorjge of Missouri
REPRESENT..t \.TIVE LODGE PAID No. /124. Samaritan L. A. Delano 19.95 425. Green Ridge J ~. Calvert 19.95 427. Glenwood .••.....•• W. B. McGoldrick 26.95 430. Winona I ..•.•••••••• J. S. Loyd 17.85 432. Competiti'on .......• Omer Vermillion 26.25 433. Mack's Creek ......• J. W. Drenan 22.40 434. Wheeling .........• J. O. Brigmon 32.75 436. Gothic H. R. Carver 10.50 438. Temperance L. M. Morton 35.35 440. Trowel J. E. Estes 26.20 441. Excelsior F. .A·. Schneider 24.90 442. Burlington O. A. Lincoln 21.35 4:13. .A.. nchor C. A. Marschel 15.00 445. West Gate ....•..... A. G. Bittner 15.00 446. Ivanhoe .....•.•.•.• L. H. Henschel 37.15 448. Schell City J. M. Darrow 14.00 450. Belton T. C. Brammer 31.50 453. Forsyth Axter Kissel 19.25 454. Continental Robt. Shackelford 15.75 457. Jonesburg H. D. Carter 20.60 460. Lambskin C. W. Seagraves 15.00 461. Carutherville G. C. Bishop 32.60 462. Santa Fe H. T. Worley 23.60 463. Clifton ............• H. S. Hackett 38.05 464. A.ullville J. S. Klingenberg 16.10 4G8. Red Oak ...........• D. "\V. Williams 16.45 469. Plato R. B. Tilley 27.30 470. Nodaway M. A. Perry 40.45 471. Mineral J. E. Ferrier 19.60 475. Golden J. J. Inman 25.55 476. Mt. Hope Jas. Kuehls 33.65 479. Rich Hill G. B. Pearson..................... 35.00 480. Jewel A. B. Brannock 34.90 481. Marceline H. R. Mason 31.00 482. Clintonville O. E. Swearingen 34.30 483. Fairfax T. B. Cunningham 32.55 484. Kirkwood C. B. Still 16.10 486. Cairo H. Reynolds 21.35 487. Chilhowee C. R. Stephens 33.80 488. Lock Spring Geo. B. Black"w'ell 23.10 489. Lakeville E. A. Tucker 23.10 491. Vandalia J. A. B. Keith 18.90 497. Equality ...........• W. J. Gottschall 24.50 499. Harmony C. H. Spencer 15.00 501. Buckner r. W. Phillips 34.65 504. Platte City ........• W. IVI. Griffee 30.35 505. Euclid E. G. Peters 15.00 509. Van Buren J. M. Haynes 30.~0 512. Webb City .. _ T. R. Hutchison "; 40.85 513. Senath 0. H. Storey 34.20 514. Granby G. L. Scott " 23.10 518. Oriental C. J. Blackburn 17.15
P·yoceedings of the
140 No. 519. 520. 522. 525. 526. 527. 529. 531. 533. 536. 537. 539. 540. 542. 544. 545. 547. 548. 549. 550. 553. 555. 558. 559. 561. 563. 564. 566. 567. 568. 570. 575. 577. 578. 579. 582. 584. 585. 589. 591. 593. 596. 597. 59;). 600. 60l. 602. 606. 609. 610. 61l. 613.
LODGE Crane Clifton Heights Ga te City Cunningham
REPRESENTATIVE 1\.. I..J. Stuckey H. E. Mortland
PA.ID . . . . . . . . .
F. Stiff E. Bennett "\i'la~,.rne L. Powers Higbee W. Burton _1\.1)0110 ~. H. Cole '.' Lane's Prairie .....• W. J. Little Comfort C. T. Ford Ingomar v\T. L. Forester . Betl1el VV. H. FOK • • . . • • • . • • • . . • . • . • • • • • • • Dawn .............• C. vV. Fleming . "Vinigan ............• J. A. Moffitt . Ferguso11 . . . . . . • . . • Edw. Tiffin . Algabil W. A. Wilkinson . Zalma .............• 'V. E. Loyd ' . South Gate J. L. Yeagle . Clinton D. R. Sayles . Carl Junction D. H. Sno\v . Rose Hill 'Valter Diehm . Clarksburg G. Watkins . Summerville .......• R. W. Day . Mosco'w ...........• H. H. Carter . Clarksdale J. H. ~Iann . Co\vgill .........•.• C. E. IVIcNew . York C. E. Overly . Jamesport C. R. l\:Iay . ~Iaplewood 'V. J. Robinson . l\!iller E. G. Webb . Naylor C. E. Smith . Republic F. E. Owen ' . Easter H. P. Jenning's . E'\"'ing J. '\T. M·cGee . Forest Park J. P. Austin . Grandin Alex Johnston . Koshkonong U. G. Davis . Red Bird Chas. Brewer . Shamrock E. B. McKibben . Grove Spring J. R. Mott . Barnett W. L. Hatler ' . Union ~. H. Steinbeck . Puxico -.;. F. Montgomery . Bosworth H. E. Fretz . Elvins J. C. Westov'"er . Cosb;y'" ';. L. ...4...1len . Clayton VV. F. R. Hardy . ,..'\cacia E. R. Childress . Craig ~. W. Anibal . '\Varrenton J. C. Eisenberg . Clar}\: (Jtis Fountain . Centerto\vn K. 1. Mahan . Wellston C. D. Potts . C. R. -\.. ~ J.
36.90 15.00 37.15 18.20 25.40 26.60 15.00 22.75 16.80 34.60 18.20 24.15 18.55 15.95 15.00 ~G.20
37.15 33.25 27.20 15.00 18.20 25.20 19.'10 22..10 ~1:.85
37.15 35.90 15.00 22.05 13.65 35.25 18.90 18.20 15.00 15.40 17.15 16.80 10.15 10.50 24 50 11.55 26.10 20.30 20.50 16.70 15.65 26.70 29.75 12.95 22.05 15.40 15.00
Grand Lodge of Misso'L£ri
1919.] No.
614. l'rlt. Washington 615. Chaffee 61H Marion 617. Park 620.
623. 624. 625. 626. 630.
631. 632.
633. 637~
638. 639. 640. 641. 642.
643. 644. 645.
A. E. Hicks (:t. A. Sample C. W. Cunningham Jas. Dalg'leisch Willard J. "V\T. Calvin l\ilaple W. B. Davis O\vensville J ~. Holt Sheffield J. S. Rich Magnolia I-I. A. Rosskopf East Gate J: E. Boas To\ver Grove Arthur Kahn Belgrade A. P. Robinson Arc11ie E. W. Long'well Mountain View FJ. M. Anderson Triangle J. M. Chandlee l'riizpah .........•..• F. B. Howarth .Jennings R. E. Cox Trinity "Valter Beard Benj. Franklin oR. E. ...t\.dams North East C. H. Carnlan Grain 'Valley R. W. Kershaw Clever L. T. IVlelton 0
. . . . '.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
37.15 26.50 17.50 32.20 18.55 12.95 19.25 37.15 15.00 37.15 15".00 14.35 10.15 11.55 15.00 15.00 15.80 15.00 i5.00 37.15 19.25 11.55
VOT'E OF T:HANKSI TO MAS,ONIC ORCHESTRA. 1\1. \tV. Bro. Arch A. Johnson offered the follo\ving resolution 0 f thanks \v hich was carried by unanin10us rising vote: Be it resolved by the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of 1\110., that we extend to Bro. :Henry J. Falkenhainer, and the members of his splendid orchestra, our appreciation and sincere thanks for the magnificent program rendered at the Opening of this the. 99th ..Annual Communication' of this' Grand Body. ARCH _~. JOHNSON, C. H. BRIGGS.
Proceedings of the
REPORT OF COMMIT'TEE ON CREDENTIALS. Rt. \AI. Bro. VVn1. A. Sommers, Chairman, presented the follo\ving report of Con1n1ittee on Credentials, which "vas ~dopted : St. Louis, Missouri, September 18, 1919. To the Grand Lodge, .A•.• F. & A. M. of the State of Missouri: Your Committee on Credentials submits the following report: At the present session of the M. W. Grand Lodge there are represented 377 subordinate lodges, and there were present: 19 17 29 18 40 40 321 87 59
1 . 1008
Grand Lodge Officers. Past Grand Masters. Grand Representatives. Chairmen of Committees. D. D. G. M. D. L. IVrasters. S. \Vardens. J. \i\7 ardens. Distinguished Visitor. Total. Fraternally submitted, W. A. SOMIVfERS, E. C. W. ORTMANN, ARTHUR S. MOREY, HIRAM N. ThfARTIN, GROVER C. BISHOP, M. A. PEERY, R. E. ASH.
w. Bro. J. S. Heckenlive1y presented and read the fo1lovving lYlajority Report of Committee andn10ved its adoption; san1e adopted as read after lengthy discussion: St. Louis, Missouri, September 18, 1919. To the l\1:ost vv"'orshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri: Your Special Comnlittee appointed three years ago, called the 1Iasonic Temple Comnlittee, and duties of which are fully explained in prior proceedings, offer the following report in answer to the following proposition:
Grand Lodge of Missouri
PROPOSITION. The Masonic Temple ...I \.ssociation of St. Louis 'will build an adequate and up-to-date auditorium or hall for allConlmunications of the Grand Lodge of ...4.... F. & A. 1\1:. of the State of Missouri, also construct and erect up-to-date and adequate fire-proof and burglarproof vault or vaults for the keeping and preserving of the books, records, papers and archives of the Grand Lodge, erect and construct suitable proper offices for the executive officers of the Grand LO.dge, proper and suitable room for the Library of the Grand Lodge, proper and suitable space for the hanging of the portraits of the Past Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge-for all of which the Grand Lodg'e A. F. & A. 1\1. of l\fissouri shall pay the Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis its proportionate share toward the upkeep, ",'hich proportionate share shall not exceed eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00) annually, of the Temple Building. The above proposition is made upon the proviso and condition that the Grand Lodge, in addition to the payments of the amounts ~bove specified for hall or auditorium for its communications, offices for its executive officers, etc., shall l)ay to the Masonic Temple Association each year the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), for the period of fifteen (15) years, the first payment to commence hl the year of 1919. Should the above proposition be ac'cepted by the Grand Lodge, it shall thereupon become an active member of said Association and shall annually select or appoint and have three (3) representatives to the meeting of said Association from said representatives so selected or appointed, the Association or the Board of Directors thereof shall annually select one (1) director. The Grand Lodge shall, if it sees fit, have the right to select a consulting architect, 'whose duties it shall be to see that the quarters of the Grand Lodge shall be adequate and suitable. The above proposit'ion was adopted, ratified and approved of by the Board of Directors of the Masonic Temple Association of St.
Louis at the meeting of the directors thereof held on September 12, 1919.
l\IAJORITY REPORT IVI:ASONIC TE:rvIPLE COMMITTEE. St. Louis, Missouri, September 18, 1919. Your Committee makes the following recommendations in answer to the above proposition: We recommend that the Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Missouri, shall pay to the l\lasonic Temple Association each year the
Proceedings of th.e
sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00), for the period of fifteen (15) years, in lieu of the Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), as asked for in the l\fasonic Tenlple Association's proposition, the first payment to con1n1ence, as previously mentioned, in the year of 1919. It is understood, ho\vever, that the quarters for the home of the Grand Lodge are to be fully adequate for all the requirements and intents as heretofore mentioned. Your Comnlittee being cognizant of the fact that at some near future date it \vill be necessary to vacate the present meeting place, as the Scottish Rite Masons have purchased a site and will soon erect a handsome building and 'will sell their present quarters. This being the case and the present quarters of the executive offices being unfit and unsuitable and not comnlensurate with the dignity of the Masons of the good old State of Missouri, your Committee is agreed that to secure suitable quarters at a rental prjce it will cost the Grand Lodge at least Forty-five Hundred Dollars to Five Thousand Dollars per annum, which, at the end of fifteen years, we \vould have spent Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00), and have nothing to sho",? for it but rent receipts. On the other hand,with the payment of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) a year, at the end of fifteen years 'we 'will have paid out act,ually One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000.00) and have to show for it full value of ,vhat \ve have paid. In other words, our quarters in said Temple Association \vill have actually cost us only Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00), figuring that our rent in the meantime 'would have been Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) per year. \Ve believe this to be a good, sound business proposition, as the l\lasonic Hon1e is in excellent condition and not likely to need any funds soon and we have never hesitated to spend any reasonable amount \vhen called upon and even voluntarily to this worthy institution. NO\\T, Brethren, is it not time that we own a dignified home and some of our good old brethren that have labored a lifetime may see before they leave us, a monument in the vIray of a Masonic Temple that "rill be pleasing, gratifying, and an edifice that all may be proud
Fraternally submitted,
R. \V. Bro. Thad B. Landon presented and read the following n1inority report, reco111111ending that the Grand Lodge do not join \vith the J\lasonic Te111ple Association in St. Louis, and n10ved the adoption of this ll1inority report in lien of the n1ajority report. J\Iotion to substitute n1inority for the majority report being reached, a call for the Lodge vote ',vas presented.
Grand Lodge of jl,1issouri
'fo the IVlost "\Vorshipful Grand Lodge of the State of l\1:issouri: Your Con1mittee on l\Iasonic Temple respectfully submits the fo1lo\ving report:
"\Ve recommend that the Grand Lodge do not join \vith The lVlasonic Ten1ple Association of St. Louis, in the erection of a Temple in the City of St. Louis, nor become a member of such Masonic Temple . .\ .ssociation. Respectfully submitted, THAD B. LANDON, Chairman of Committee. St. LOUis, l\1:issouri, Sept. 18, 1919. To the Most Vvorshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri: vVe, the undersigned Lodges, most respectfully request that a vote on the proposition to appropriate money to join 'with the St. Louis Lodges to build a Ten1ple, be taken by Lodges. LEOPOLD H. HENSCHEL, No. 446, C. 'V. ANIBAL, No. 606, .T. B. BRIDGENOW, No. 112, JAlVIES E. BO.AS, No. 630, C. J. HOvVERTON, No. 60, J. A. B. I<:EITH, No. 491, A. H. COLE; No. 299, I-1:ENRY C. CHILES, No. 149, .A. E. CARLTON, No. 316, A. H. BLOCHER, No. 340, 1. S. RICH, No. 625.
Paper ballots being necessary, the IV1. \V. Grand l\laster appointed the san1e tellers' acting in election of. Grand Lodge officers yesterday, with R. vV. Bro. John Pickard as Chairtl1an. Ballot proceeded and resulted as follovvs' : For substitution of n1inority for majority report: Ayes, 780 ; Noes, 1168. Therefore the motion to substitute minority report for ll1ajority report vvas declared lost. lVIoved by R. W. Bro. Thad B. Landon that the call for Lodge vote be recalled and that the Grand Lodge adopt by . unanin10us rising vote the ll1ajority report of the COll1!l1ittee, "that all ll1ay ,vork together in this enterprise." Seconded and unanin10usly carried by rising vote.
Proceedings of the
REPORT OF COl\iMITTEE ON MASONIC HOME. \iV. Bro. J. L. Heckenlively, Chair~an, presented the fo1lo\ving report of Con1mittee on lVlasonic Hon1e, which was adopted: To the Most \Vorshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & ..A... 1\1:., State of l\Iissouri: Your Committee on the lVIasonic Home reports, that, through its Chairman, it visited the Home, 1\1onday of this '\veek and had the pleasure' of attending a meeting of the Board of Directors of this ,vorthy institution and had an opportunity to become familiar with the present conditions. The By-Law providing for the appointnlent of this Committee specifies only two subjects for its report. First, the condition of the Home, and second, its needs. We found the condition of the property most excellent in all respects. It is attractive to look at, clean, sanitary, "well-kept and thoroughly comfortable. The Board of Directors, Committees, Superintendent, Matrons and enlployees, have manifested great intelligence, diligence, skill, ability, care and faithfulness in its management, and it manifests numerous evidences of the most painstaking thoughtfulness and thoroughness of attention. The aged members are treated with every consideration and are taught to realize that this is their home, not by 'way of charity, but of right. The treatment accorded them and the kindness they receive often no doubt soften the sting of dependence on many sensitive natures on \vhom the hand of misfortune has fallen. '\Ve were much elated at the general appearance of the children and their manner, and system-especially at meal time-which have been taught by their untiring and faithful matron, Mrs. Engel, \vho is very deserving of any compliments for the franling of the young mind for the beginning of their journey through life. The children receive the best educational advantages the City of St. Louis affords, and are as closely guarded and protected as if reared by their o\vn fireside and amid home surroundings. The available space in the building at present, in the hospital, men's \:yard, 18; "vomen's \:Yard, 9; boys' 'ward, 6; and girls' ,Yard, 4. In t1le Old Peoples' Building one room for men and one for wonlen, and no one gets a room unless physically able to clean and care for it, and in securing same, the practice is used, first come, first served. The Grand Lodge Proceedings '\vill go into detail as to the Home family and \ve\vill not consume the space in this report. Evidence throughout the Home can be seen of the results of the splendid vvork done by the noble v..r omen of the Eastern Star. ~1an IJ 1 0vides the house, but to 'woman only is given that rare faculty of , IT' ::tking it a Home, a place dear and attractive to the hearts of Masons, and a haven of rest for the young and old. Brethren, the Order of the Eastern Star is 'worthy of our best assistance and encourage-
Gra'nd Lodge of Missouri
not only because it is conlposed of our nearest and dearest, but for the great \vork it is doing and will continue to do for our lIoDle. llrvVeco:;'gratulaiefhe -'i~uinagementu on"- the:Jl+ex~ellent -condition of the Home Building, and nlore especially for the harmonious famB:,/, rBla tions therein. TI1ent.
Brethren, the IVfasonic Honle is a crowning glory of Masonry in l\fissouri. Its blessings have been and are no,v being felt in every community in the state. Eternity alone \vill reveal the good it is doing and ,vill continue to do. Give it your support and thereby increase its capacity and usefulness. The report of the Board of Managers will give you the details of its ITlanagement and government. We cannot too highly commend their \vork. Fraternally submitted, J. L. HECKENLIVELY, J. H. BAMBERG, A. C. HALEY, L. K. WENTZEL, R. W. STECKMAN, J. E. JORDAN, IRWIN SALE, R. G. MELSON.
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. 1\1. vV. Bro. Frank R. Jesse, Chairn1an, presented the following report of COll11nittee on Ways and IVleans, \vhich \vas adopted: St. Louis, Sept. 18, 1919. To the IVfdst "Vorthy Grand Lodge, A.. F. & .A.â&#x20AC;˘ M" of l\:lissouri: Your Committee on "Vays and Means begs leave to submit the follo\'iring report. Cash in Trea~ury available at this time for current expenses for the ensuing year amounts to $47,854.46, and we recommend the follo\ving appropriations: Pa~y
Roll, 1919 ~ Additional sum for nlileage and per diem Printing Proceedings for 1919 Expenses of Grand Master Rent of Grand Lodge Offices Salary, Grand Secretary Printing, postage, stationery and incidentals Salary, Grand Lecturer Expenses, Grand Lecturer (to be audited) Additional expenses of Grand Lecturer . ',' Assistant to Grand Secretary A ssistant to Grand Secretary
. . . . . . . . . . .
$ 9,461.33 2,626.12 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 700.00 500.00 1,500.00 1~200.00
Proceedings of the
400.00 200.00 150.00 65.00 100.00 157.50 75.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 2,000.00 , 20.00
Salary, COlnmittee on Fraternal Correspondence . Salary, Grand Treasurer . S::llar:r, Grand Tiler . Portrait of Grand l\:I:aster Bingham . Premium on bonds, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer .. Past Grand ~laster's Jevirel, John 'V. Bingham . L. M. Edgar, reporting Proceedings and transcript . 'V"alter R. Shrodes, Chairnlan Pay Roll Committee . C. L. Alexander, Chairnutn Conlmittee Chartered Lodges . Telephones, Grand Lodge Offices . Charity, as per report Committee on Charity . Reprinting and distributing l\:lasonic lYIanuals . J. L. Heckenlively, expense on M:asonic Temple Conlmittee .. Thad B. Landon, expense on lViasonic Temple Committee . H. Clay Perkins, auditing accounts . ~Iax \Vittmann, expense this session of Grand Lodge . Rellairs and furnishings Grand Lodge Office . 50 "Fatherless Children of France" (R. R. Kreeger) ~ International Boa,rd of Relief, U. S. and Canada . R. R. I<:reeger, postage and inc., "Com. on French Children" Expense of delegates to Masonic Service Association . Clinton Rich, due for services Tiler of Rochester Lodge No. 248 (clefullct) " . l\:lasonic Telnple Association of St. Louis .
50.00 470.80 1,000.00 2,125.00 400.00 10.00 300.00 2.00 8,000.00 $44,954.15
Fraternally submitted,
"l\Iissouri Freel11ason" subn1itted the follo\ving report, thus carrying out instructions fron1 the Grand Lodge, in the 191i Proceedings, regarding the tabulating of nan1es of brethren and their sons from the Grand Jurisdiction of l\lissQnri, vvho served their country in the laie "var. Adopted: St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1919. To the IVI. VV. Grand I.Jodge, A. F. & A. M., of Missouri: Brethren: The "lVnSSOURI FREElVIASON" begs to report that it has striven to carry out the instruetions given by the Grand Lodge at its session in September, 1917, regarding: the tabulating of the names and data of the Brethren, also their sons, who from the Grand Jurisdiction of 1V[iss0uri, served their country in the late great war. "
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Of the Lodges reporting "re have listed 3,643 brethren, and 1,350 sons of brethren-that this is very incomplete is readily soen "when we inform you that 185 Lodges have failed to acknowledge any desire to comply with the instructions sent them, not1vithstanding that these instructions \vere sent as coming from the Grand Secretary and as by direction of the Grand Lodge. vVe venture to say that a great number of the Secretaries who have reported, have not rendered a complete report. \Ve have expended $70.20 in printing and postage, not considering the cost of composition and space allo\ved in our publication. \Ve regret that we cannot submit ,a complete list as \vas contemplat6d, but such as it is can be had' at 'the direction of the Grand Lodge.
Attached 'we give you the numbers of those Lodges \vho have singularly failed to interest themselves in this matter. Fraternally, "MISSOURI FREElVLL\SON,"
By C. R. Snider.
Lodges \vhich have failed to render report of their ll1enlbers and sons of ll1embers \vho \vere engaged in the late "var: No.
6, 26, 60, 106, 147, 196, 221, 250, 283, 326, 357, 384, 403, 422, 447, 473, 513, 535, 553, 589, 621,
7, 32, 62, 108, 150, 198, 223, 253, 284, 329, 359, 385, 404, 424, 450, 478, 515, 536, 554, 590, 627,
Total, 185.
8, 35, 65, 117, 155, 203, 229, 255, 285, 330, 363, 386, 406, 425, 453, 479, 519, 541, 555, 597, 632~
10, 37, 67, 128, 162, 205, 232, 258, 288, 334, 368, 390, 410, 427, 458, 495, 521, 543, 5"68, 601, 633,
14, 44, 76, 132, 167, 209, 235, 264, 291, 335, 372, 391" 412, 431, 462, 496, 523, 546, 569, 605, 639.
15, 46,
78, 137, 168, 211, 237, 269, 308, 341, 376, 394, 413, 434, 465, 498, 528, 547, 573, 606,
18, 48, 82, 141, 170, 213, 242, 278, 319, 342, 378, 397, 414, 435, 466, 502, 530, 548, 577, 607,
19, 53, 94, 145. 173, 214, 244, 279. 320, 3'44, 382, 398, 419, 436, 471,
22, 59, 102, 146, 189, 216, 248, 281, 325, 347, 383, 401, 421, 438,
508, 532, 552, 588, 617,
531, 549, 587, 614,
Proceedings of the
REPORT OF C'OMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS AND ENTERTAINMEN'T. Rt. \Al. Bro. l\fax A. \\Tittn1ann presented report, as Chairman, and san1e \vas adopted, as follo\vs: To the l\1:ost 'Vorshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Missouri: Your Committee on Arrangements and Entertainment submits the follo\ving report: Stenographers for Committee rooms (2) Type\vriters and supplies ~ P. B. Eversden, organist Piano (cartage and services) 1500 Badges Program,s Assistant Tiler Assistant for Credentials Committee Three days' rent Scottish Rite Cathedral Care and janitor service 11iss ,ran Sickle Cars for Home Children Floral decorations, bouquets H. J. Falkenhainer, for expense
$ 24.00 . 8.25 . 25.00 . 18.00 . 80.00 . 9.00 . 15.00 . 15.00 . 150.00 . 46.55 . 5.00 . 52.00 . 61.00 . 12.00 $470.80
Fraternally submitted, 1\IAX A. vVITTM.A.NN, D. D. G. M., Thirty-third District.
APPOINTMENTS. The Grand 11aster-Elect, 1\:1. \V. Bro. Julius C. Garrell, announced the follo\ving appointments: GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRA.ND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GR;A.ND GRAND GRAND
Grand Lodge of Missouri
INSTA,LLATION. lVI. \\T . Bro. Dorsey A. Jamison, as Grand ]\,1 aster, and 11. \V. Bro. Jacob Lan1pert, as Grand 11arshal, proceeded to install the follo\ving Grand Officers for the ensuing year: .JULIUS c. G 4..RRELL, St. Louis GRAND MASTER "\VIIJLIAM F. JOHNSON, Boonville *0. A. LUCAS, Kansas City BEHT S. LEE, Springfield "\VILLIAl\f A. H ...'\.LL, St. Louis JOHN R. P.ARSON, St. Louis *Absent from session-Installed at
of the
COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE. "\Vnl. H.. Gentry, Chairman; John C. Robertson, Charles E. Dickey, 'l'had B. Landon, A. B. Frey, John H. Windsor, R. "\V. Steckman.
COMMITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. Thonlas F. Hurd, Chairman; \V. L. :Hamrick, James F. Fulbright, Henry C. Chiles, Robert A. ~Iay, vVm. D. Moore, George Imbrie.
SPECIAL C'OMMITTEES. RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES-"\Vm. F. Kuhn, J. VV. Boyd, C. C. Woods, C. H. Briggs, .A.. S. Houston, Tolman "\V. Cotton. l\fANUAI..lS-John R. Parson, Geo. i~. . lVIayhall, John H. Gundlach. RITUAL-D. 1\1:. Wilson, R. R. Kreeger, John T. Short, J. R. Frank R. Jesse, 'Vm. A. Hall.
WAR RELIEF FUND-Geo. S. McLanahan,' C. H. Briggs, R. R. Kreeger, C. C. Big'gel', Jacob Lampert. REVISION OF TRIA.L CODE-Dorsey a.:\.. Jamison,Edw. Higbee, Arch A. Johnson, Karl M. 'Vetsburg, Thad B. Landon. REVISION B .. E. Bigg路er.
BY -LA"'路S-D.
l\IASONIC SERVICE ASSOCI.ATION OF THE UNITED STATESC. H. Briggs, Geo. S. JYl:cLanahan, Jacob Lampert. ao\RRANGE1\1ENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT-Fred O. Wood, L. L. Hoopes, Herman C. Henrici. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION-W. F. Kuhn, D. M. Wilson, Arch A. Johnson. M.ASONIC TE1IPLE ASSOCIATION-Jacob Lampert, C. H. Briggs, F. R. Jesse; co路nsulting architect~ John I.J. Heckenlivel"y.
Grand Lodge of A1issou,ri
FL!OWER,S F'OR GR,AND' MASTER FROM WEBSTER GROVES LO,D'GE NO. 84. Imnlediately on 1\11. \\1. Bro. Jnlins C. Garrell being installed, there \vas brought in a splendid florai piece fr0111 'lll ebster Groves Lodge No. 84, for presentation to the ne~Tly installed Grand :l\laster. The presentation \:vas made by 1\1. \V. Bro. Frank R. Jesse, Past Grand l\faster, \vho spoke as folIovvs: IVfost \Vorshipful Grand Master Garrell, on behalf of Webster Groves Lodge No. 84, of v~rhich you and I are both knife-and-fork Inembers, I \vish to present to you this elegant bouquet, not only as a token of their devotion to you, but as an intimation that \vhen you go to their meetings you should spend some of your time in devotion to Nature, rather than in being there merely to eat. (Applause).
To which lVI.
vV. Bro. Garrell responded:
Most Worshipful Brother Jesse, and the Brethren of Webster Groves Lodge: I accept this beautiful gift with a heart full of love for the Brethren of the Lodge in the city where I reside. The fragrance of these beautiful flowers is emblematic of the love and affection ",~hich the brethren there have always shown to me. I hope that no act of mine will ever make them. have cause to regret the confidence they now repose in me. (Applause).
Proceedings of the
TRANSMISSION OF GRAND MASTER'S JEWEL. 11. V\T. Bro. John \V. Bingham, the retiring Grand l\laster, approached the Grand East, and pinning the Official Grand l\laster's Je\vel on the breast of Grand l\laster Garrell, said: "I present you \'lith the Grand l\Iaster's Jewel. Brother Briggs \vill speak for TIle."
Most Worshipful
lVI. \"f\f. Bro. C. H. Briggs spoke as follo\iVs: l\fost \Vorshipful Brother Garrell, your zeal for our' institution, the progress you have made in demonstrating its virtues and your untiring fidelity to the Craft and devotion to its tenets are no\v re\varded by the affection and warmth of confidence we have shown you today. It is an evidence of our profound approval. You have ,von it by your conscientious and devoted service to the Craft, therefore it is \vith great pleasure that we have besto\\red upon you on behalf of this body this jewel as an evidence of the high position you now hold, and as a mark of our confidence that the affairs of the Craft in your hands 路will be successfully conducted during the coming year. (..- \.pplause).
Supplen1ental to the ren1arks of )\11. \V. Bro. Briggs, )\1.
vV. Bro. Dorsey A. Jan1ison spoke as follovvs: l\!ost Worshipful Grand l\!aster Garrell, I feel that I could not let this opportunity pass \vithout expressing a few of the sentiments which I feel on this occasion, as supplemental to what Dr. Briggs has said. I '''ish to state, first, that I have known you intimately ever since vou became a Master ~l[ason. I have seen you start at the POSitiO~ of Junior Ste'ward, and I have seen 'you personally progressing year after year until you reached the position of \Vorshipful Master of your Lodge. I have seen you hold many official positions in this Grand Lodge since then. I have seen you appointed and elected in line to the highest position that could be conferred upon a Freemason; and I have seen you ,gradually, from year to year climbing the ladder of fame, until today you have reached the pinnacle. As I have said, the greatest honor that could possibly be bestowed upon a Freemason is the title of Grand Master of .a Grand Jurisdiction, and especially of this great State of l\:Iissouri. It is a gratifying day for me, and I C011sider it an honor, one that I appreciate, to have had the privilege today of installing you, my intimate friend, associate and Masonic colaborer, for twenty-odd years; and I know that you will discharge the duties of this office acceptably, to your Lodge, of which I have the honor "also of being a member, and the brethren of this State and of the Grand Lodge of l\1issouri. I kno\v that you will never tarnish that beautiful Jewel which has just been given by your predecessor, and I know that you will hand it over to your successor brighter than \vhen you received it. (A,pplause).
Gra1z,d Lodge of lYlissouri
l\Iost Worshipful Brother' Garrell responded as follo\vs: lV10st vVorshipful Brother Briggs, 1V1ost Worshipful Brother .Jamison, and Brethren: I am at a loss for ,vords in which to describe the feelings \vhich surge through my being at this moment. I am deeply sensible that today, by the suffrages of my brethren, I am standing al the threshold of a responsibility ,vhich has been accumulating for nearly a century, and \vhich is today measured by the eighty-thousand Craftsmen ,vho comDose this Grand Jurisdiction. I shall al\vays be mindful of the many virtues of the distinguished brethren who have gone this \vay before me; and while I cannot exvect to attain to that high degree of efficiency \vhich has characterized their administrations, ;yet I sincerely hope that I shall so discharge the duties of this important trust that I ,may be able to transmit to my successor this precious Je\vel ,,,,ith its lustre undimmed and its glory unalloyed as it now is on receiving it from Most Worshipful Brother Bingham. l\1y Brethren, I thank you. (Great applause.)
PRESENTATION OF PAST GRAND MASTER'S JEWEL. Iv1. V\r. Bro. R. R. IZreeger, Past Grand 1\laster, on behalf of the Grand Lodge, then presented to retiring Grand l\rlaster Binghanl a Past Grand lVIaster's Je\vel, saying: IVlost \Vorshipful Grand :Master and Most "\Vorshipful Brother Bingham: On retiring from the exalted position of Most Worshipful Grand lVIaster of the Grand Lodge of the great State of lVIissouri, you enter into a new field of service, and as the humblest representative' of the Past Grand J\iasters of this State, I \velcome you in to our ranks, kno\ving that you \vill find opportunity there to continue that service, not only in the best interests of the Fr?ternity, but in the best interests of Humanity. It is \vith great pleasure that v{e ,,"'elcome you to our ranks; and \vhile your administration has been to some extent less active than some of the other Past Grand Masters, still there never "vas a Grand Master that left the chair \ViOl more of the love and affection in the hearts of his brethren than you. (Applause). The brethren throughout this State have had the greatest sympathy for you during the entire year, and while they have expressed on many occasions their great regret because of your inability to be \vith them in body, still they realized that you were there in spirit. No\" they have chosen your successor and relieved you from the responsibilities of the office, and in no\v presenting you \vith this Past Grand Master's Jewel, I \vant again to say that I welcom~ you on coming into our ranks and assure you that you conle into the rank of Past Grand Masters follo"ved by the best 'wishes and loving appreciation of the membership of this entire Fraternity. (Applause).
P11'0ceedings of the
l\iost \\70rshipful Brother Bingham responded as follo\vs: Most vVorshipful I accept this heart too full of knowledgn1ent of
Brother ICreeger and Brethren: honorable token from my good friends with a appreciation to find voice to express grateful acthe honor conferred. I thank you. (Applause)
ROLL. By 1\1. \V. Bro. Frank R. Jesse: lVlost vVorshipful Grand Master, I have been informed by the Chairman of the Committee on Pay Roll that there were certain accredited delegates here from Lodges that, because of some confusion, did not get their names on the pay roll. They are all accredited delegates, and I think should have their names placed on the 1Jay roll; and I move you that 'where this is shown to he the fact-that the records and credentials themselves are here and that they an"' jn attendance personally-and that it is so sho路wn by the records of this Grand Lodge, that the names he entered on the pay roll as if it had been entered originally. There are only a fe路w of them, some four or five, I think.
l\lotion duly seconded and unanimously carried and so ordered.
INSTALLATION OF GR,AND LODiGE OFiFICERS NOT PRES,ENT AT THIS INSTALLATION. By 11. \"A/. Bro. Robert F. Stevenson: Most vVorshipful Grand l\1aster, I want to call attention to the fact that certain of the Grand Officers have not been installed. I think there should be some provision made before we adjourn "\\?hereby they m~y be installed into office ,vithout another session of the Grand Officers for that purpose" and I move that the Grand Officers or Grand 1'Iaster make arrangements that they" may be installed in their local Lodges and that fact be certified to the Grand Secretary.
J\lotion unaniln0l1s1y carried and so ordered.
LOUIS. By NI. vV. Bro., Dorsey A. Jamison: Most "\Vorshipful Grand Master, I desire to call the attention
of the Grand Lodge to the fact that by your adoption of the majority report in regard to the lVIasonic Temple Association, this
Grand Lodge of lvfissotlri
Grand Lodge is entitled to three representatives, and also to a consult路ing architect, and as we have our annual meeting of that Association tonight and vve vvant to have these representatives present from the Grand Lodge to participate in the transaction of the business and in the election of the officers for the ensuing' year, I therefore move that the Grand lVlaster, before the adjournment of the Grand Lodge, appoint these three renresentatives of this Grand Lodge to the Masonic Tenlple Association, as well as a consulting architect, as we would like to have them all present this evening to go over the business for the past year and enter upon the discharge of their duties at once.
l\lotion seconded and duly carried. The Grand l\/laster then appointed as such representatives of this Grand Lodge to said J\lasonic 1"'enlple Association, IVI. \\T. Brothers Jacob Lalupert, C. H. Briggs and Frank 1~. Jesse, and as the consulting architect, vVbr. Brother John L. Heckenlively.
PLEASING INC'ID'ENT. PRESENTATION OF GOLD WATCH TO GRAND MASTER GARRELL BY WARDENS' OLUB OF 33d AND 57th MASONIO DISTRIOTS. By 'vVor. Brother Roy C. Sutton: l\fost vVorshipful Brother Garrell, we have in the Thirty-third and Fifty-seventh Districts of the Sovereign Jurisdiction of this great State of lVTissouri, an organization 'which is perhaps peculiar in Freemasonry and so far as I know there is no other organization. of a similar character. We have in this District what is known as the Wardens' Club of the Thirty-third and Fifty-seventh Districts, vvhich is composed of 50 Lodges and 100 vVardens.路 But a fortunate thing for us was that the Most Worshipful Brother, novv the IVlost ,Vorshipful Grand Master, two or three years ago, \vhen he \vas a Grand \Varden in the Grand Lodge, became a ~em颅 bel' of the vVardens' Club and vvas later made an honorary member of that organization. Most Worshipful Brother Garrell has been indeed a valuable menlber of that great organization from that day to this. Our IVlost 'Vorshipful Brother-until this 'week when his duties here made it necessary for him to remain away-has been one hundred per cent. in attendance at the meetings of the Wardens' Club since he becan1e a member and at every meeting at the various Lodges where the Wardens have been entertained. .As President of that ClUb, l\1:ost Worshipful sir, I desire now to address you for a mOlnent: The Wardens of this Club feel that in vie,v of your personal ability and devotion, and the various services YOU have rendered them .in conference, and scientific aid in guid-
Proceedings of the
jug us into the right paths-that they desire to 11lake an expression to you, on behalf of this Club, of their heartfelt love for you and their interest in your welfare and hearty "\vishes for your success in this coming year as Grand l\'laster; in order that you Inay have sonlething as you journey over the State to remind you of the affeetion and interest of the Club, it is a "\vonderful and highly appreciated privilege to me to present ~rou this token from them. This beautiful watch, l\JIost vVorshipful Brother, represents not only the love of the Club itself, but the love of each individual member. (Presents gold ''latch to Grand lVfaster Garrell). (Hearty applause). If you desire I \vill read the inscription on it. First is the date upon 'whieh it is presented-the present Inoment. It reads: "lVIost \Vorshipful B1.'0ther Julius C. Garrell, Grand Master of the State of l\:fissouri, A. F. & A. l\L, 1919-1920, from the Wardens' Club of the 331'd and 57th Districts."
1\11. \V. Bro. Garrell responded in acknowledgnlent as follovvs: Brother Sutton and ll1y Dear Brethren of the Wardens' Club: I anl over\vhelmed. You do me honor overmuch. During the twentyone years in \vhich I have been holding office, I have enjoyed 11lyself at every ITleeting of a l\'Iasonic body "\vhich I have attended, but I can truly say that I never enjoyed myself more than when I met \vith the ';Vardens' Club. There 'we have been laboring, consulting \'lith each other, that ,ve nlig-ht perfect ourselves, to sonle extent at least, in the duties of l\fasters of路 our respective Lodges. You have been a great help to nle, my brethren, because you have convinced me that in order to be a good l\[aster, one ill us't be a good servant; and during nlY year as Grand ]\traster of this State, I am going to endeavor to the best of Illy ability to be a good servant, a humble servant of the Craft. . I can not express to you ho,v deeply grateful I am for this beautiful gift. Every' time that I look at it, I shall be reminded of my dear brethren of the 'Vardens' Club. 'Ve can not all be Grandl\lasters, but \ve can all be true and faithful Craftsmen. (Cheers). This beautiful watch is going to record many s\veet nlom~nts spent in recollection of the meetings that I have enjoyed in l\iIasonic cODlmUniol1 v.rith nlY brethren of the Wardens' Club. I thank you. (Applause).
PRINTING OF PROCEEDINGS. On tnotion duly carried, the Grand Secretary was directed to print for distribution the usual nUll1ber of copies of the Proceedings of this Session of the Grand Lodge and distribute then1 as heretofore.
MINUTES READ AND, APPROVEDI. 1"he l11inutes of today's session \vere read by the Grand Secretary and approved by the Grand Lodge.
Gra'nd Lodge of .l'vfisso'uri
CLOSING. No further business appearing, at 2 :00 P. 1\1., the lVl. VV. l\iIaster, Julius C. Garrell, closed the Ninety-ninth i\nnual Cornn1unication of the 1\Iost\Vorshipful Grand Lodge of ..:\ncient Free and Accepted 11asons of the State of Ivlissouri C~rand
IN l\l\IPLE FORJ\1. "An1erica," sung by the brethren as a closing ode. Prayer by R. \V. and Rev. Bro. Arthur l\.father, Grand Chaplain.
Grand Secretary.
Proceedings of the
DIS,TRICT DEPUTY GRAND MA,SITERS. 1st District-H. N. NIARTIN, Kahoka. 2d " CHARLliJS BANI{S, Kirksville. 3d JOHN SANTEB, Green City. 4th RAY V. DENSLOvV, Trenton. 5th E. 'V. PRENrrISS, Bethany. 6th J. A. IVIAHSH, Albany; 7th JONATH.A.N ST...~RK, Maryville. 8th H. S. TEAR.:EJ, Oreg-on. 9th \Vl\1:. . A.. PINER, St. Joseph. 10th H. \V'. SAUNDERS, IVtaysville. 11th El\ISLEY C. JAMES, Gower. 12th HICHARD A. THARP, Wheeling. 13th E. \V. T}~.YLER, Marceline. 14th \VlvL L. HAl\IRICK, Clarence. 15th B. E. BIGGER, Hannibal. 16th A. C. BEHRINGER, Louisiana. 17th THOS. F. HURD, Paris. 18th rI'o H. vVA.LTON, Higbee. 19th HORACE L. :MANN,' Brunswick. 20th 'VM. BAKER, Hale. 21st J. P. TUCKER, Parkville. 22c1 \VM. 11. SAl\;IS, Kansas City. 23d JOSEPH KUEHLS, Odessa. 24th J. S. \VILSON, l\1arshall. 25th IvL E. SCH1\IIDT, Boonville. 26th H. L. 'VILSON, Columbia. 27th S. P. CUNNINGHAl\I, IVrexico. 28th JNO. E. REEDS, Jonesburg. 29th \V. P. Sl\1ITH, Troy. 30th E. A. FLUESlVfEIER, 'Vrig-ht City. 31st VV. D. ROGERS, Jefferson City. 32d R ..A. BREUER, Hermann. :~ 3d 'V~1. A. SOlVIMERS, St. Louis. 34th JAJ.\;IES F. BLAIR, Belton. 35th R. B. CA1\IfPBgLL~ Spruce. 3Gth DlTIL C. 1100RE, Sedalia. 37t.h THORNTON JENNING8, Clinton. 38th H. rr. \VRIGHT, Lebanon. 3~)th ED1\;fUND J. KOCH, Rolla. 40th CHAS. E. PYLE, DeSoto. 41st JNO. 11. CHAIVfBERLIN, Bolivar. 42cl H. H. FINLEY, Greenfield. 4:3d ELr~ibTT: 'C~~th~g:e: 44th 45th ERNIDST G. RATHBONE, Spring-field. 46th CARL A. S"\iVENSON, Mountain GrOVE. 47th FRED E. 11cGHEE, Van Buren. 48th ,V. B. MASSEY, Bonne Terre. 49th . GEO. 'V. \\TALKER, Cape Girardeau. 50th JAJ\:IES A. BOONE, Charleston. 51st G. C. BISHOP, Caruthersville. 52d K. C. JOHNSON, Poplar Bluff. 53d H. A. STEA.RNS, 'Vest Plains. 5路1th G. J. V AUGl-IAN, Ozark. 55th VV. N. IVIARB路UT, Mount Vernon. 56th vY. A. PHIPPS, Neosho. 57th A. S'.rRATFORD FULLER, ~rIaplewood. 58th :H. A. YOUNG, Versailles. 59th ALLAN IVIcDOWELL HOYT, Independence.
:8: .n.: .
Grand Lodge of MissoU,1"i
1st District-IRVING O'BRLA.. NT, Lancaster. 2d " PAUL HIGBEE, Kirksville. 3d JOHN SANTEE, Green City. 4th RAY -Y"T". DENSJ...OW, Trenton. 5th E. \V. PRENTISS, Bethany. 6th J'..A... MARSH, Albany. 7th JONATH.A.N STARK, 1\tlaryvi11e. 8th H. S. TEARE, Oreg·on. 9th B. F'. \VATSON, St. Joseph. 10th H. 'V. SAUNDERS, lVIaysville. 11th g~1SLEY C. JAMES,' Gower. 12th RICHARD A. T'HARP, vVheeling. 13th E. "\V. TA,YLER, IVrarceline. 14th vVlVL L. HAMRICK, Clarence. 15th B. E. BIGGER, Hannibal. 16th A. C. BEHRINGER, Louisiana. 17th THOS. F. HURD, Paris. 18th T. H. WALTON, Higbee. 1Hth HORACE L. l\L.~,NN, Bruns'\vick. 20th \VlVL B . A KER, Hale. 21st H. C. NOLAND, Parkville. 22d CR.lX-,S. T. KORNBRODT, Kansas City. 23d JOSEPH KUEHLS, Odessa. 24th J. S. '\TILSON, Marshall. 25th S. L. STITES, Pilot Grove. 26th J', .A. OLIVER, Colulnbia. 27th S. P. CUNNINGHA11:. lVIexico. 28th JOHN E. REEDS, Jonesburg. 29th vV-. P. SlVIITI-I, Troy. 30th E, ..L\. FLUESlVIEIER. vVrigh t Ci ty. 31st vV. D. ROGERS, Jefferson City. 32d R. A. BREUER, Hermann. 33d THOS, l'vIOYSER, St. Louis. 34th JAIVrmS F. BLAIR. Belton. 35th R. B. CAMPBELL, Spruce. 36th DEL C. IVrOORE, Sedalia. 37th THORNTON JENNINGS, Clinton. 38th H. T. vVRIGHT, Lel1anon. 39th ED11UND J. KOCH, Rolla. 40th 'CH..~ . S.E. PYLE, DeSoto. 41st JNO. 11:. CHAl\tIBERLIN. Bolivar. 42d H. H. FINLEY, Greenfield,
45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th 51st 52d 53c1 54th 55th 56th 57th 58th 59th
j: ·R·.· HUTciiINso:K< '~Vebb' ·cit·s:················
GEO. 'rV. CUSTER, Springfield. CARL A. SvVENSON, Mountain Grove. FRED E. J\1cGHEE, Van Buren. 'VV. B. MASSEY, Bonne Terre. GEO. \V. \VALKER, Cape Girardeau. :FI • E. MOUNT, Sikeston. G. C. BISHOP, Caruthersville. K. C. JOHNSON, Poplar Bluff. H. A, STEARNS, 'Vest Plains. G. J. VAUGHAN, Ozark. \V. N. MARBUT, J\1ount Vernon. vV. A.. PHIPPS, Neosho. A. STRATFORD FULLER, Maplewood. H .....<\. YOUNG, Versaill(~s. ALLAN IVIcDOWELL HOYT, Independence.
Proceedings of the
NEW LODGES. CHARTERED SEPTEMBER 17, 1919 Lodge. America Altamont
No. 347 108
Location St. Louis Altamont
County Daviess
District 33d 10th
ANNUAL, CO,MMUNICA,TION! 1920. The One I-lundredth .i\nnual Communication of the Grand Lodge \\Till be held in !{ansasCity, commencing at 10 o'clock on the n10rning of the t.hird Tuesday, viz." the t\venty-first day of Septetnber, 1920.
Grand Lodge of NTissourÂŁ
AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS AD'OPTED. The following amendnlents to the Grand Lodge By-Laws \vere adopted during the session, 1919: The proposition to amend the Grand Lodge By-Laws by adding a ne\v section to be kno\vn as Sec. 165-A, found on Page 140, Proceedings, 1918, having been referred to your Committee on Jurisprudence, \ve find that such proposed by-law is merely a declaration of the present cus~om, and we therefore offer the following as a substitute for such proposed amendment, to-wit: Sec. 165-A. Requests frolll one Grand JUX'isdiction to ...<ill requests, frOln or to Lodges in tbis Grand Jurisdiction, frOlll or to Lodges of anotller Grand Jurisdiction, to confer a degree or degrees, shall be made through the Grand Master. lUlotJul>r.
The proposition to amend Section 176 of the Grand Lodgoe ByLaws, said proposed amendment being found on page 141, Proceedings, 1918, your Committee offers the following as a substitute for the proposed amendment: Section 176. W~aiver of Concurrent Jurisdiction. A Lodge outside of such city or town shall not receive a petition for the degrees from a person residing in the territory of such concurrent jurisdiction, until three-fourths of the Lodges in such city or town shall have waived jurisdiction. The proposition to amend Sec. 182 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, said proposed amendment being found on page 141, Proceedings, 1918, having been referred to your committee, and your Committee being of the opinion that said proposed amendment is broader in scone than really intended, or than it should be, and without retracting from the position heretofore taken by the Grand Lodge, we offer the follo\ving,as a substitute for the proposed amendment: Section 182. SallIe. No Lodge in this j.urisdiction shall rece-ive a petition for the degrees or for affiliation from any person who is engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, either as a distiller, brewer, brewery agent, wholesale or retail liquor dealer or a salesman or agent for the sale of intoxicating liquors, superintendent or foreman fotr such manufacturer or dealer, a saloon-keeper, bartender or one who serves intoxicating liquors as a vocation, or of anyone who is engaged in any capacity in the handling, manufacturing, or selling of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, or of one \vho signs a petition for a dramshop license. Nor, shall any Freemason recomnlend or sign any petition or application for a dralTIshop license. ...L\.ny Freemason ,v-ho may, hereafter, begin such business, or do or perform, or be engaged in any of the acts forbidden in this section, shall be expelled; (and any Lodge receiving a petition of or retaining in membership a person
P'roceedings of the
so barred, a1lld vvhich shall fail to expel such person 'when informed of his ineligibility, shall have its charter suspended or arrested by the Grand IVIaster). The proposition to amend Section 250 of the Grand Lodge ByLa\vs having been referred to your committee, said proposed amendment being found on page 141, Proceedings, 1918, \ve recommend that the proviso at the end of said section be eliminated, and the Comnlittee offers the following as a substitute for the pending amendment, as follo\vs, to-\vit: Section 250. Restoration eXIJelled lliason. An expelled lVlason, 'wishing to be restored, must petition the Lodge which eXJ)elled him. His petition must be presented at a Stated IVleeting, and lie over to the next Stated l\i:eeting, and shall be referred to a conlmittee of three, which committee shall mal{e a report at the meeting set. The members of the Lodge shall be notified that said petition has been presented and \vill be acted 011 at the next Stated l\leeting. The vote shall be by ballot, and, if it be unanimous, he shall be restored to his original Lodge nlembership and standing. If he fails to receive a unanilnous vote, but receives a t\VOthirds vote, he shall be restored to Good lVlasonic Standing, but not to Lodge membership. If he receives less than t\VOthirds vote for restoration, he may then petition the Grand Lodge to be restored to Good IVIasonic Standing, setting' out in his petition the fact that he had applied to and been rejected by the Lodge. An expelled Mason, restored to Good l\lasonic Standing, shall be given a Certificate, sho\ving his good standing.
RES,OLUTIONS AD'OPTED. The Grand Lodge referred to your Committee the folloWing Resolution:
. "RESOLVED, That the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & A. l\:L, in 99th ..: \.nnual c.olnmunication assembled, hereby
endorses and approves the Constitution of the l\1.asonic Service Association of the United States, adopted at the Conference of Grand l'rIasters, held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Noveluber 27, 28 and 29, 1918, and associates itself as a member thereof, assuming the and responsibilities of such membership." Your Committee does not feel that this Grand Jurisdiction should assume any part of the expense or indebtedness incurred by the Overseas Committee of the Association as set forth in the H.esolution on pages 245 and 246 of the Proceeding-sof such Conference, which is not a part of the Constitution, as our Grand Lodge had its own Overseas Committee.
1919. ]
Grant:! Lodge of Missouri
1,Ve therefore recommend the adoption of the above Resolution referred to the Committee, and offer the follo'wing Resolution: RESOLVED, That the incoming Grand Master, and three other members of the Grand Lodge, to be selected by him, attend the next meeting of the Masonic Service .A.. ssociation of the United States, as the official representatives of this Grand Jurisdiction, and that the sum of Three Hundred Dollars be appropriated by the Grand Lodge for the ex... pense of such representatives. The First recommendation of the Grand J\1aster, having been referred to your Committee and after careful consideration your Committe feels that a Digest of Decisions is not all that is necessary. vVith the many changes that have been made in our By-Laws, we are lost in a maze of statutory alterations. "\Ve therefore propose the follo'wing Resolution: RESOLVED, That the Grand Lodge deems it necessary to revise the By-La'\vs of the Grand Lodge and that the incoming Grand Master appoint a Committee of three for the purpose of revising our By-Laws, to report at the next Annual Communication. And, that such Committee shall, upon the adoption of such By-La\vs, prepare an annotation or Digest of Decisions, as the Committee shall'deenl best, and submit the same to the Grand Lodge for its ,further action. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Committee recommend an appropriation of Five Hundred Dollars to defray the expenses of such Committee and that this recom ... mendation on the appropriation be referred to the Committee on vVays and Means.
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO BY..LAWS. .The proposition to anlend Section III of the Grand Lodge By... La'ws, (1918), said proposed amendment being as follows: "Anyone of the three degrees may be conferred upon not more than five candidates at one and the same time, at any Special or Stated Communication; l)roYided, that such candidates shall be received separately in the First, Second and Third Degrees, and shall pass separately through the Second Section of the Third Degree; l)ro,rided furtller, that before degrees shall be conferred on more than one candidate a Dispensation from the Grand Master shall be obtained." PERCY A. BUDD,
Proceedings of the
Having been referred to your Committee on Jurisprudence, and the proponents of the amendment having requested that the amendnlent be referred to the Committee on Revision of Grand Lodge ByLa,vs, your Committee feels that this is a proper solution of this question on account of the fact that time for study as to how best to relieve the situation in large Lodges is necessary and on account of other methods suggested to grant them relief. \Ve therefore recommend that the amendment be referred to such Revision Conlmittee. The following proposed amendments were submitted during the session, and under the la\v lie over to the next Annual Communication: Strike out Section 187 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws and enact the following in lieu thereof: Sec. 187.
ltlnsonic Eln'blelns and the Word
Use of Prohibited.
That no Mason shall use or be a party to the use, either as principal or employee, of the word "Masonic," as a part of the style or title of designation of any business, firm, concern, company, corporation, association or enterprise whatsoever, unless such business shall be for the authorized printing or pUblication of Masonic books, papers or periodicals; or for the manufacture and sale of ,Masonic supplies; or unless it be a cemetery, burial association, Temple association, hospital, employment bureau, or relief association, controlled and conducted ""'"holly by Masons or l\rIasonry.. It is strictly prohibitive for any Master Mason to solicit business in violation of the above. DEL路 C. MOORE, Sedalia Lodge 236.. WALTER A. HARMAN, Granite Lodge 272. (Proposed Amendment to By-Laws-Balloting on Petitions): .............. Colleetlve Bulloting. If there is no 0 bj ection, the Lodge may vote on any number of petitions for degrees, or for affiliation, collectively. If on a collective ballot a negative vote appears, a separate ballot shall be had on each petition, and the previous collective ballot shall not be considered. W. H. SHEPHERD, Carthage Lodge 197.
JIM BRADFORD, Western Star Lodge 15. M. J. WILLIAMS, Pollock Lodge No. 349..
'Grand Lodge of Nlissouri
To amend Art. I, Sec. 1, of the Grand Lodge By-Law路s, by striking out the \vords "third Tuesday of September," and substituting
therefor the \vords, "second Tuesday of October," so that said section, as amended, shall read as follo'ws: Sec. 1. ~riJIle and I)lace of. An Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge shall be held in the City of St. Louis, on the second Tuesday of October, .in each year, commencing at 10 o'clock A. IVL; l)rovided, that the place of meeting for the next i\..nnual Comnlunication may be changed 'when a majority of the Grand Lodge shall deem it expedient. C. H. BRIGGS, B. E. BIGGER. To amend Sec. 69, Grand Lodge By-Laws, by substituting the \vords "Five Dollars" for the words "Three Dollars" in the sixth line of said section, and by substituting the ''lords "four cents per mile" for the \楼ords "three cents per mile" in the eighth line of said section. So that said section, \vhen amended, shall read as follows, to-\vit : Section 69. IUiIe:l~e and Per DieUl. The Past Grand Masters, Grand Officers, District Deputy Grand IVIasters, District Lecturers, and one Representative from each Lodge, and the Chairmen of Standing CODlmittees, \vho do not dra \v mileage and per diem in any other capacity, shall be l)aid the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each clay they may be in actual attendance upon the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and four cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning therefrom. Pro,-ided, That no Representative shall receive either mileage or per diem unless all dues from his Lodge to the Grand Lodge have been paid by August first, and that no Representative shall receive more than one-fifth of the sum paid as dues by his Lodge' for that year, and no one shall receive mileage or per diem in a double capacity.
of the
Standing Resolutions, Amendlnents to Grand Lodge ByLa\vs and .Approved Decisions, adopted since the publication of Book of Constitutions (1908). ~.f.A.SONIC
By R. W. Brother D. B. Farnsworth: BOARDS OF RELIEF-REPORTS OF.
'Ve respectfully recommend that the reports of these Boards, in the future, include a detailed statement of their dusbursen1ents, that tho Craft Inay more fully understand and kno,\v their 'work, and be encouragoed to emulate them; also that all of their receipts be given in more detail. [Proceedings 1909, page 99.] lVIASONIC HOJYIE
Resolved, That the special contribution called for in the report of the Committee on the rVlasonic Home for the ilnproven1ent of the Honle and grounds of fifty cents per annum for four years from each menlber of the Fraternity under the Jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge: except those whose regular annual dues are remitted, and \vhich \vas levied upon our members by the Grand Lodge by the adoption of the recommendations of said Comluitee, be collected from the memhers by the Secretaries of the respective Lodges and remitted to the Grand Secretary at the sanle time and in the sanle manner as the regular annual dues; but that a separate statenlent of the saIne be n1ade in the A.nnual Report of the Lodges in a column provided for that purpose, setting out the amount collected and remitted and the :l1nount delinquent, if any. vVl\~. M. \VILLIAMS, XENOPHON RYL.A.ND,
\Vl\IL F. KUHN, A. C. STEvVART. [Proceedings 1912, page 72.]
Sl\IIOKING PROHIBITED. "Resolved, That smoking in the Lodge room of each and every subordinate Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction is hereby strictly prohibited, not only during the time of conferring of Degrees, but at all times while the Lodge is in session for any purpose." It shall be the duty of the l\'l:aster of every Lodge to see to the enforceluent of this prohibition. [Proceedings 1913, page 162.]
By M. W. Brothers Kuhn and Wells:
Grand l(odge of A1issouri
FUNEH.ALS OF GRAND OFFICEHS. Hesolved, r.rhat in the event of the death of one or 1110re of the first six officers of the Grand Lodge or of a Past GrandlVlaster the obsequies shall be conducted by the Grand Lodge, and the expenses of the renlainiI~g first six Grand Officers, one Grand Chaplain and the Past Grand l\:Iasters in attendance shall be paid by the Grand Lodge. [Proceedings 1913, page 87.]
By M. W. Brother A. M. Hough: DIGEST OF LA \VS. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary shall arrange and append to each pUblication of the Grand Lodge Proceedings, on pages by themselves, all Lunendec1 By-Laws and the standing resolutions that arc in force, and approved decision~ under the head of "Standing Resolutions," and annually add thereto such as may thereafter be adoptE'd, and omit such as 111ay be repealed. [Proceedings 1913, page 86.] BOARDS OF I-tELIEF-BURIAL LOT. Resolved, That \vhereas an en1ergency exists in St. Louis in the Iud-tter of lacl< of space in the present burial lot. rrlH~refore, Be It Resolved, That the St. Louis lVfasonic Board of H.elief is hereby authorized to purchase a suitable burial lot in St. Louis, in the nan1e. of the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. 1L, and pay for the saIne out of the contributions from the various Lodges in the City of St. Louis as prescribed by Section 59 of the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. [Proceedings 1913, page 137.] Resolved, That the burial lots located in. Valhalla Cemetery, St. Louis County, purchased and paid for by the Lodges in the City of St. Louis, in the nan1e of the Grand Lodge, A. Ii"'. & A. 1\11:. of l\1issouri, be, and the salne are hereby, placed in charg'e of the St. Louis l\fasonic Board of Relief, in the san1e manner as the lots so o\vned in Bellefontaine Cemetery, and that said Board of Relief shall direct who 111ay be buried therein. A. J. O'REILLY, LOUIS IVIOLLER, ,iVl\L SESSINGHAUS. [Proceedings 1914, page 195.] BORDER LEGISLATION. 'rhut n L(ulg'c in
:l bor(ler State (}esirillg to receive })etitions from confer Degrees lI})on resitlents of lUissonri shall first obtain ''''uivers frODt the Lo(lge in tllis State haVing jurisdiction and from
the Grand
of lUissouri. [ProceeclJngs 1913, page 142.]
Proceedings of the
APPLICATIONS FOR CHARITY. Hesolved, That all applications for the consideration of the COIUlnittee on Charity be Inade in writing by the officers of the Lodge Ul)on \\those ll1embership the applicant bases his or. her clain1, and that all such applications be filed with the Grand Secretary at least twenty clays before the 111eeting of the Grand Lodge at which the Inatter is to be considered. A. J. O'REILLY, D. 'V. GOSNELL, ROY E. STEPHENS. lProceedings 1914, page 157.]
By M. VV. Brother Van F. Boor: GR..:\.ND IHASTEHS' CONFERr~NCE-REPRESENTATIVES. llesolved, That the Grand l\'laster, and one of the Grand Lodge ()fficcl's selected by the Grand l\Taster, be and are hereby designated as the authorized representatives of this Grand Lodge to attend all future conferences of Grand l\'lasters, or other sinlilar conventions or meeting's having for their object the betterment of the laws, rules and regulations governing the Craft, especially having in' vie"vlnore unifornl rituals and lectures, both \vritten and ul1\vritten, and the cultivation of closer fraternal relations bet\veen the Grand Jurisdictions of the \vorld. [Proceedings 1914, page 173.]
By IVL VV. Brother A. M. Hough: BALLOT-FOR GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. Resolved, That in the election of Grand Lodge Officers, that the
vote shall be taken by' ballot, and that each officer and menlber of the Grand Lodg'e present shall cast one vote and no 11101'0; provided, that the vote may be taken by Lodges, if deIl1anded, by the repre-
sentatives of ten Lodges. [Proceedings 1914, page 192.] RFJPORTS OF COl\Il\1IT'I'E.ES-'VHEN PRESENTED. Resolved, That the Reports of the Conlnlittees on Jurisprudence, .Appeals and Grievances, and \Vays and IVleans shall be presented to the Grand Lodge for consideration not later than the second day . of the session of the Grand Lodge. [Proceedings 1914, page 192.] Resolved, 'rhat all reports to the Grand Lodge, except the address of the l\IIost\Vorshipful Grand l\1aster, which have been printed prior to the session of the Grand Lodge, shall be presented and not read, and ordered printed in the Annual Proceedings. [Proceedings 1914, page 192.]
Grand Lodge of 1l1issouY,i
Il\iPOSTORS-LIST OF. Resolved, That all Masonic Lodges in ]\!issouri not under control of a Board of Relief be furnished with an alphabetical list of names of impostors, with identification means, regular reports, together \vith a letter suggesting plans and ways of handling applications for relief. D. B. F.A.RNSvVORTH, R. "V. J\!IILLER, A. \V.,. BA.I{ER, G. "V. EARLY. [Proceedings 1914, pag'e 156.] GEO. \VASHINGTON MASONIC NAT'L l\iE1\tfORIAL ASS'N. Resolved, First, That this Grand. Lodge approves and endorses the George \\Tashington Masonic National IVlemorial .A.. ssociation and the proposition to erect a lVlaso'nic Temple as a Menlorial to \짜ashingtoll, the Freemason, in the City of Alexandria, Virginia, and hereby enrolls itself as a member of said Association; Second, That the SUln of One Hundred ($100) Dollars is hereby appropriated and directed to be paid to the Treasurer of said Association in order to place this Grand Lodge upon the Charter Roll of Honor; Third, That it recolnmends to such individual Freelnasons and IHasonic Bodies in its Jurisdiction as are willing to do so, to becon1e Charter Roll of Honor n1elnbers of said Association by lnaking lilre contributions; Fourth, That it hereby authorizes the Grand ]\1:aster of this Grand Lodge to attend the meeting of said Association in the capacity of Representatives of this Grand Lodge at and to represent it at such Ineetings, and when he shall be unable to be present t or for other cause shall deem it best to do so, from time to timet to appoint an appropriate representative to attend the lneetings of said Association for this Grand Lodge, and to represent it at such u1eetings in his place and stead. Fraternally submitted, A. C. STEWART, JACOB LAl\1:P]jJRT, ~Vl\rI. F. KUHN, ORESTES IHITCHJ3JLL. [Proceedings 1914, page 129.]
By M. W. Brother A. M. Hough: A1:IENDMENTS-TIlVIE FOR. Resolved, That all propositions to amend or change the Consti~ tution, By-Laws or Proceedings of this Grand Lodge shall be set for consideration on the morning of the second day of the session, at an hour to be fixed at the session of the .first day of the Grand Lodge. [Proceedings 1912, page 36.]
By M. W. Brother Wm. F. Kuhn:
Proceedings of the
pH.INrrING n.EPORT ON CORRIDSPONDENCE. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be authorized to print a sufficient l1UnlUer of ad vance copies of the report of the COlunlittee on Correspondence to supply each menlber in attendance at the Grand Lodge \vith one copy. [Proceedings 1912, page ~10.]
By M.
Brother vv"'nl. F. Kuhn:
Resolved, That the "Infirn1ary Building" be now and forever known as the "IIospital" of the J\fasonic Home of l\:Iissouri, and that vvherever the \vord "Infirluary" appears in these reports it be strickerl ou t and the word "Hospital" be inserted in lieu thereof. [Proceedings 1912, page 62.] APPEALS .A.ND GHIEVANCES COlVIl\'1ITTEE-APPEARANCE
BEFORE. vVhereas, It is necessary for the Conunittee on Appeals and Grievances to prepare and subn1it to the Grand Lodge written opinions in causes conling- before thon1, and in order to do this, each Inelnber of said C0111111ittee nlust of necessity familiarize himself 'with the records and testilnony in each case; rrherefore, Be It ResolvE~d, That all argun1ents before said C0111Inittee on any Inatter before it shall be n1ade on l\Ionday preceding the opening of the Grand Lodge, and no one shall be heard after that date. CA1VfPBELL 'VELLS, CLAY C. BIGGER, JOHN T. SHORT, R. R. KREEGER, \Vl\L F. KUHN. [Proceeding's 1.915, page 65.] :MASONIC
Hesolvecl, rrhat the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer be hereby directed to turn over路 to the Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the l\lasonic HOlne vveel<ly, as collected, all moneys due the lIome. . [Proceedings 1915, page 147.] LEGISLATION--..;PROPOSED BY" MEIVTBERS ONLY. Resolved, That no inatter be received in writing, such as An1end111ents to the By-La,\\rs, new By-Laws, Resolutions, l\i!otions, or any sinlilar matters demanding- the action of the Grand Lodge, except it be signed by two (2) 11lembers of this Gran'd Lodge who give their Rank and l1ulnber of the Lodge to which they belong. [Proceedings 1915, page 152.]
Grand. Lodge. of 1111issouri
Hesolved, That the Grand Lodge does hereby forbid any Lodge to confer luore than one of the degrees or sections of a degree at one and the same time, in the san1e Lodge. The Grand lVlaster is hereby enUHHvered to enforce this edict. \iV~1:. F. KUHN. [Proceedings 1916, page 95.] EXElVIPLIFICATION OF vVORK-.A.T GRAND LODGE.
Resolved, That, at the annual sessions of the Grand Lodge the \vork shall be 8X8luplified under the direction of the R. 'V. Grand Lecturer, and for such purposes he shall select officers from active .Mast.ers and District Lecturers present. Provided, that officers of the Grand Lodge may officiate in their respective stations if they so df~sire.
O. A. LUCAS, ,\VM:. F. KUHN, BERT S. LEE, VV~{. F. JOHNSON, JNO. W. BINGHAM. [Proc~dings 1916, page 58.]
QUESTIONS REFERRED TO D. D. G. lVi.'s. V\Thereas, Questions arise from thue to time on which the official decision of the Grand lVIaster is desired, in the consideration of 'which the Craft and the Grand l\'Iaster are entitled to the benefit of the advice and experience of the D. D. G. l\L of the District in '\vhich the question may arise; therefore, be it Itesolved, That such questions shall first be submitted to the D. D. G. 1\L of the District, who shall forward it to the Grand Master, together \vith his opinion and suggestions thereon in writing. ED'\VARD HIGBEE, JACOB LAMPERT. [Proceedings 1916, page fin.]
LEGISLATION PROPOSED-IVÂŁUST BE DEB.ATED BY LODGES. E,e It Resolved, That the Grand Secretary instruct the L<?dges that all n1atter con1ing before the Grand Lodg"e for action be read and debated at some meeting of the Lodge at least one month before the .Annual l\feeting of the Grand Lodge at '\vhich the subject is to be takc>.n up for action. * . This order to be sent each Lodge with a copy of the Grand Lodge ProCf~cdings.
vVIVI. SESSINGH.A.US, P. M., No. 267, JAMES '\V~ BOYD, P. G. Nr., LOUIS l\fOLLER, P. M., No. 445. [Proceedings 1916, page 80.]
in printed proceedings following Third Day.-J. R. P.
Proceedings of the
lVIANUAL-LIBRARY FORlYI. Be It Resolved, By the Grand' Lodge, A. F. and A. M. of Missouri, That the Grand Secretary be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to have printed sufficient copies of the IVfanual in library form to be sold at the price of one dollar ($1.00) per volume to supply the deInand of the Craft. ARCH A. JOHNSON, No. 271. [Proceedings 1916, page 80.]
DISTRICTS-CHANGE OF. Be It Resolved, By the Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M. of Missouri, That Crane Lodge No. 519 located at Crane, 1\110.; Galena Lodge No. 515, located at Galena, lYl0., and Reeds Spring Lodge No. 280, located at Reeds Spring, 1\10., be taken from the Fifty-fifth IVrasonic District and placed in the Fifty-fourth Masonic District on account of the geographical location of said Lodg'es, and to more equally apportion the 'work of the District Lecturers of said Districts; there being at the present time seventeen Lodges in the Fifty-fifth District and but seven in the Fifty-fourtj;l District. ARCH A. JOHNSON, No, 271, JOHN R. PARSON, No. 267. [Proceedings 1916, page 80.]
Resolved, That the Grand l\faster, prior to the opening of the Grand Lodge, shall appoint a Committee consisting of three, to be known as the "Committee on Visitors". It shall be the duty of this Comn1ittee to receive, introduce, accommodate and look after the entertainment of visiting Grand and Past Grand Officers of Sister Grand Jurisdictions. All expenses incurred by this Committee shall be presented to the Committee on vVays and l\1eans
vVM. F. KUHN, DORSEY A. JAMISON, 'VlYL A. HALL. [Proceedings 1917, page 269.]
Resolved, That Lane's Prairie Lodge No. 531, A. F. & A. 1\1:., located at Lois, l\lfaries County, be transferred from the Fifty-eighth to the Thirty-ninth District.
J. A. COOK. [Proceedings 1918, page 148]
Grand Lodge of Afissour'i RESOLUTIONS-CANNOT Al\1:END BY-LA\VS.
Your Con1mittee is of the opinion that our
should not, and
Ie.gally cannot, be altered, an1enc1ed or repealed by resolu tion, and
reconllnends that all resolutions that seek or tend to change the Grand Lodge By-La"ws should be ruled out of order, and the prac-
tice discontinued. COl\lMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE (1918). [Proceedings, 1918, page 140.]
AMENDMENTS, TO BY -LAWSI ADOPTE路D. By R. "\tV. Brother Jos. S. McIntyre: LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Additional section to Article III. Article III, Section 27. Lodges of Instruction. "In each IV[asonic District having a city vvith ten or n101'e Lodges, the District Deputy Grand lVIaster and District Lecturer, together 'with three other members to be selected from three separate Lodges in such District by thE~ District Lecturer, shall constitute a Comn1i ttee on IVrasonic Instruction. Such c0111mittee ll1ay adopt rules for its government, and shall, for a period of at least four months each year, hold a Lodge of Instruction once a 'week and appoint such assistant instructors as may be necessary, subject to the approval of the 路District Lecturer, '\vho shall be the authority in the '\vork and have sale charge of teaching it, as provided in Sec. 23 of this article, and the Grand Lecturer may, upon the recolnnlendation of the District Lecturer, appoint SOlne one, or more, suitable Brothers to be present and superintend the instruction on such occasions as, for any reasons, the District Lecturer may be unable to be present himself; and, in support of such Lodge of Instruction, I the Lodges voluntarily participating in such l\1asonic instruction may contribute annually to the support thereof such sums as may be necessary to pay the actual expenses of such Lodges of Instruction." [Proceedings 1910, pages 52, 89 and 105.]
By M. W. Brothers Wm. F. Kuhn and Campbell Wells: S.A.LARY OF GRAND SECRET.A.RY AND GR.. A.ND LECTURER. Section 12 (paragraph p) and Section 13 (paragraph d). Strike out the 'words "Twenty-seven Hundred and Fifty" ($2750.00) in Section 12, paragraph (p) and insert in lieu thereof the 'words "Three Thousand ($3,000.00) ", so that the section 'when amended, shall read: Sec. 12 (p). The salary of the Grand Secretary shall be Three rrhousand Dollars ($3,000.00) per annUln, payable monthly. Strike out the words "T'\venty-seven Hundred and Fifty" ($2750.00) in Section 13 (paragraph d) and insert in lieu thereof the '\v'ords "Twenty-five Hundred" ($2500.00), and add .thereto after the '\vo1'ds "per annun1" the '\vords "and trRveliug eXI)enSes not excee(liug S(~,"ell Hlllulred Dollnrs ($700.00) I)Cr UUllum, :uuUte(l nIHl," so that the section, 'when amended, shall read:
Proceedings of the
176 Sec. 13 T\venty-five penses not audited and
Cd). The compensation of the Grand Lecturer shall be Hundred Dollars ($2500.00) per annum and traveling exexceeding Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) per annum, payable monthly. [Proceedings 1911, pages 92-93 and 149.]
By R. W. Brother J. E. Thompson: DEBTS. Section 50. Contract Debts. A Lodge shall not be permitted to contract debts for any purpose until sufficient available' assets are on hand to lTIeet the payn1ent thereof. Provided, a Lodge may be permitted to contract dc~bts for the purpose of building a hall or purchasing a cemetery, with the consent and approval of the Grand Master. Lodg'es obtaining pern1ission to contract debts for building a hall or purchasing a cemetery shall at once notify the Grand Secretary of the an10unt of the debt incurred, the security given, and 'when the debt l11atures. When any debt contracted, as herein provided, shall have been paid, the Lodge shall 110tif3'~ the Grand Secretary of such payment. A record of such debts and the payment thereof shall be kept in the office of the Grand Secretary. [Proceedings 1917, page 267.]
By M.
vV. Brothers
D. A. Jamison and Wm. A. Hall: TRIALS.
To amend Sec. 200 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws by the insertion of the ,vord "the" in lieu and in place of the letter "a" bet"ween the ,vords "for the violation of" and the word "moral" in the third line of said section, and by the insertion of the word "or" in lieu of the word "and" bet\veen the words f'moral" and "Masonic law" in the third line of said section, so that said section when so amended shall read as follows: Sec. 200. Offenses. A IVIason may be proceeded against by trial, as hereinafter provided, for the violation of the l\foral or JM:asonic la'\v. [Proceedings 1913, page 143.]
By R. W. Brothers Jos. S. McIntyre and Thos. F. Hurd: To amend Sec. 211, Art. XVIII, of the Grand Lodge By-Laws. Be it enacted that Art. XVIII and Sec. 211 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted D,.1asons of the State of Missouri be altered by striking out in the fourth and fifth lines thereof the language "residing in the Jurisdiction," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Sec. 211. 'l'ime ant} Notic(-'~ of Trial. 'Vhen a charge is preferred the Master shall appoint the time of trial and shall cause the accused to be notified as hereinafter provided; he shall also cause all members of the Lodge to be notified of the time of the trial. [Proceedings 1913, page 143.]
By M. W. Brother A. M. Hough:
Grand Lodge of Missouri
To anlcnd Section 12 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws by striking out clause (0) of said section and inserting the following in lieu thfJl"cof: (0) He shall prepare a uniforlu Receipt for Dues, of thin econonlY ledger paper, not more than two and one-half inches by four inches, with stub, to contain the printed autograph of the Grand Secretary and a facsimile of the Seal of the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. 1\L of l\'!issouri, "\vhich shall be used by all the Lodges in this Jurisdiction. Each receipt shall bear an impression of the Seal of the Lodge. The receipts shall be furnished to the Lodges at actual cost, including postage. The receipt shall be substantially in the following form: No
No $ Date Hec'd of
Lodge No A. F. & A. IVI. ............... , l\{o., , 19 .. Received of Bro. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dollars, for 路路路路 19 . . dues to Secretar~l . . 19 .. .. .. (Signature of IVIember.) , . .. . .. This is to certify that Lodge, No , A. F. & A. 1\1:., is a legally chartered Lodge under . the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge A. }l"'1. & A. :M:. of l\!fissouri. . (Seal) Grand Secretary. [Proceedings 1914, pages 107-205.] PETITION-CANNOT BE 'VITHDRA.'VN.
rro amend Section No. 102 by striking out the last line of this section, which reads: "and may be withdrawn at any tinle before it is reported on," and inserting the words: "and cannot be 'withdrawn after the petition has been referred to the Committee." So that the section, when alnended, shall read: Section 102. Same. ...i.\. petition for the degrees or membership n1ust be presented at a stated meeting of the Lodge and cannot be withdrawn after the petition has been referred to the Conl111ittee. \\11\1. F. KUHN, R. F. STEVENSON. [Proceedings 1914, pag'e 157.] EIVTPLOY11mNT BUREAU.
\Ve respectfully submit the following as an u{lditiou:tI section to the Grand Lodge By-La"\vs to be kno"\vnas Section 59a: Sec. 59a, Art. V. I"-cml)l()Yllu~nt Bureau. In cities where there are t\venty or n101'e Lodges, each Lodge shall appoint or elect one of its Inelnbers, who shall constitute a General Employn1ent Bureau, ,vhose duty shall be to aid unemployed n1embers to secure elTIployment. Such Bureau shall adopt rules for its governluent; and each Lodge in such city shall contribute the sum of (25c) twenty-five cents pel' capita per annUlTI to the l~nlployment Bureau, such contribution to be calculated on, and payable with, the annual Grand Lodge returns. Provided, '.rhat no contributions shall be called for
P'roceedings of the
\vhe'n the amount on hand exceeds the sum of ($3,000.00) three thousand dollars. Such Bureau shall employ a Secretary and nlaintain a pernlanent office, 'where applicants Inay apply for eniployment. ED. N. K~~ERCHER, V. H: F ALKIDNILA.INgR, JOHN HERZOG, F. E. SCHUTZE. [Proceedings 1914, pages 68-205.]
Section 67. Annunl Dues. Every Chartered Lodge shall pay annually to the Grand Lodge the SUITI of one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) for each l\'Iaster l\lason reported in the annual ret.urns. One dollar and tvventy-five cents ($1.25) of this SUITI shall be used for the support of the l\lasonic Honle, unless other\vise ordered by the' Grand Lodge. If any Lodge shall collect f1'on1 a suspended member dues, for the non-paymen t of \vhich he shall have been suspended, sueh Lodge shall pay to the Grand Lodge the sum of one dollar and seventy-fIve cents ($1.75) for each year's dues so collected, if not previously accounted for. "\V. F. KUI-IN. [Proceedings 1915, page 122.] l\IILEAGE AND PER DIElVL Section 69. lUileu;~;e nnd Per Di('~ln. The Past Grand lVTasters, Grand Officers, District Deputy Grand l\Iasters, District Lecturers and one Hepresentative fron1 each Lodge, and the Chairman of each Standing Conlmittee, \vho do not draw Inileage and per diem in any other capacity, shall be paid the SUITI of three dollars ($3.0f)) for each day they luay be in actual attendance upon the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and three cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning therefrom; l)ro"'ided, that no Representative shall receive either mileage or per diem unless all dues' frorn his Lodge to the Grand Lodge have been paid by Aug'ust 1st, and no Representative shall receive more than one-fifth of the sum l:>aid by his Lodge for that year as dues, and no one shall receive nlileage and per dieITI in a double capacity. [Proceedings 1917, page 267.] GRAND LODGE l\IEETING-TIlVIE AND. PLACE OF. Section 1. 'I'ime ulul I'Iuce Of. An Annual Conlmunication of this Grand Lodge shall b(:l held in the City of St. Louis on the third Tuesday of September,in each year, commencing at 10 o'clock A. lV1.; provided, that the place of rneeting for the next Annual C0111111unication rnay be changed when a ll1ajority of the Grand Lodge shall deenl it expedient. [Proceedings 1915, page 128.] BY -LA \VS-ADDING SECTION.
*Section 2(j3. D)" AÂŤhUng Section. Any additional section not eonf1icting \vah th(:~ provisions of these By-Laws, \vhich may be desired,
Gra71d 1-4odge of Missouri
1919. :I
shall be proposed in \vriting, and on being read on t\VO several days, if concurred in by t\vo-thirds of the votes present, shall becon18 a part of tht:"se By-La:-v"s. [Proceedings 1915, pag'e 128.]
*Subject to Sec. 27 (1918). BY -LA\VS-ALTERA1.'1ON OR REPEAL.
Section 264.
.L''\Iterntioll or Re})ea).
Any alteration or proposi-
tion to amend or repeal any of the foregoing By-La'ws shall be re-
duced to \vriting- and read on one day of the session and be published in the Proceedings of this Grand Lodge and lie over until the next Annual Communication, and shall be again read; and, if approved by the n1ajority of the members present, shall become a part of the By-La\vs of this Grand Lodge. [Proceedings 1915, page 129.] *Subject to Sec. 27 (1918). V1S1TORS-DOCUIVIENTARY EVIDENCE. Section 197. Visitors. .A. Lodg-e shall not admit a visitor \vho shall be unable to establish by documentary evidence and examination, or by personal voucher, as provided in Section 196, that he hails from some Lodge in this Jurisdiction or within the Jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of JYlissouri. DocuInentary evidence shall be receipts for dues for the current year~ or a certificate of good standing~ either of \vhich shall bear the seal of the Lodg'f~ and the signltture of the Secretary of the Lodge, together wi t11 the signature of the Grand Secretary of the Granel Jurisdiction from 'which a visitor luay hail; or a diploma~ duly authenticated by the signature of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Jurisdiction~ together 1vith the seal thereof. All of which desig-nates a Lodge under the jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of 1\1issouri. And such "DoCulnentary Evidence" shall bear date not more than t"w'elve months last past. [Proceedings 1915, page 129.] BALLOT-ALL lHUST VOTE. Section 123. All lllust 路Vote. \Vhen a ballot is taken~ all members of the Lodge present must vote, except as provided in Section 121. [Proceedings 1915, page 129.] ENDOvVJYIENT FUND. Section 2621;2, Article XX. Endowment Fun(l. The Endowment Fund, now under the control and managen1ent of the Board of Directors of the IVfasonic Home, and all additions thereto hereafter nlade, sha-ll continue to be a perlnanent fund to help support and maintain said Home, and that only the earnings and income therefrom can be used for that purpose. [Proceedings 1915, page 130.]
Proceedings of the
DUES-FAILURE TO PAY. Section 152. NOD-Pn}'nl("'nt of Dues. 'Vhen a luember shall fail to pay his dues 'within three months after the same become due, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify hin1 of such delinquency by delivering to hilu, in person, a bill for such indebtedness, or by n1ailing' the san1e to hin1 at his last known pla,ce of residence. Should the delinquent refuse or fail to pay his dues on or before the next stated con1munication of the Lodge, after the issuance of such notice, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the 1\1aster of such failure, \vho shall, in open Lodge, order a notice to be given the delinquent by the Secretary, requiring him to appear at a specified subsequent stated con1munication to sho'w cause why he should not be suspended for non-pa~nnent of dues. [Proceedings 1916, page 95.]
REVISION OF BY-LAWS, GOVER,NING APPEA,LS. Section 221. 'restimony. The testimony of all resident l\1:asons who can attend the Lodge shall be given orally in open Lodge at the trial. All such oral testin10ny shall be taken in shorthand, v"then practicable, and when not practicable, the l\/faster shall appoint a Brother who shall reduce said oral testilnony to writing at the time it is given. Section 231. Trials. All lVIasonic trials shall be in the Lodg"e of th'e highest degree to vv'"hich the accused has attained, and both the accuser and the accused, eVE~n though the accused may not be in good standing, may be present in person during the hearing of the evidence and the argument, and may be represented by counsel in good l\;Iasol1ic standing. · [Proceedings 1917, page 268.] Section 240. AI)peals, HOlV Taken. and may be in the following form:
Appeals must be in writing,
............ , Mo., To' the Worshipful l\faster, \Vardens and Brethren of.« Lodge, No «., ..4.... F. & A. 1\1.:
. .
Brethren, I, .. « « , a Master Mason and member of .................... Lodge, No , do declare upon my honor as a l\fason that I feel aggrieved by your judgment in the case of ................................ and, to the end that justice may be done in the matter,' do take an appeal to the Grand Lodge for the following reasons: First, Second, Appellant. Section 241. Time for Apl)eal. All appeals shall be filed with theSecretary of the Lodge within thirty (30) days after' the trial and jUdgment, and not afterwards.
1919. ]
Gra,nd Lodge of Miss02,tri
Section 242. Notice of AI)Ilcal. The appellant shall, at the tiu1e he liles said appeal "'tvith the Secretary, also file with hiIn a notice in \vriting- to the opposite party that he has appealed to the Grand Lodge, \vhich notice shall be served on the opposite party by the Secretary or 80n1e one designated by him within five (5) days, and the notice ,.vith the luanner of service endorsed thereon shaH be made a part of record of appeal. Service, except as to time, shall be as provided in Sections 213 and 214, Grand Lodge By-Laws. Section 243. Perfecting and r.rransmltting Record. vVhen an appeal and notice shall be filed with the Secretary, he shall endorse thereon the date of filing and immediately send the same to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, together V\rith a certified copy of the charges, notice to the路 accused, his answer or plea, date of the trial, the result of the ballot on the questions of guilt and punishluent. \Vithin sixty (60) days after the trial, the appellant shall file with the Secretary of the Lodge a statement of the substantive facts proven at the trial, together ","ith notice to the opposite party of such filing. Said statement shall not set out the testimony of witnesses by questions and answers .except Vv"here a review is sought on a ruling of the 'Trial 1'1aster on a particular question or answer objected to or moved to be stricken out during the trial or except as hereinafter provided, but shall include a brief recital in narrative fornl of the substance of the evidence offered or introduced in the trial. \Vithin ten (10) days after the filing of such statement and notice with the Secretary, the opposite party may file objections to such statement. Such objections shall only point路 out: First, the omission from such statenlent of any ultimate fact or of SOlue document or the substance thereof proven or offered at such trial; and, second, that there has been included in such staten1.ent a substantive fact, document or the substance thereof \vhich was not proven or offered at such trial. If no objections are filed to such statement within ten (10) days, or 路within such further time, not exceeding sixty (60) days after the trial, as the Trial l\1aster may, for good cause shown, permit, then the statenlent filed by the appellant shall be taken as a true and correct statement of the facts proven at said trial. Section 243a. In any case where an appeal is sought to be perfected by filing the statement provided for in Section 243, in lieu of the transcript of the evidence, to which statement objection is filed by the opposite party in which it is alleged that said stateluent does not contain a fair statement of the facts proven in said case, the Trial l\Jfaster shall, if in his opinion justice demands, order a transcript of that portion of the testimony in controversy to be made at the expense of the trial Lodge, which said transcript, together with the statenlent and objections thereto, shall be nlade a part of the record in said case. Section 243b. Nothing contained in Section 243 hereof shall be deemed to prohibit the appellant in any case from perfecting such appeal by filing with the Secretary of the Lodge, in lieu of such stateInent provided in Section 243, a transcript which shall contain a true copy of all the testimony in the case, together with notice to the opposite party of such filing; provided, that the opposite party in such case shall have the privilege of examining and noting objections to such transcript within ten (10) days after its filing and before the
Proceed'ings of the
saIne is sent to the said Grand Secretary; and provided, further, that \vhere an appellant filed a transcript of the testimony in the case, tn lieu of the statement provided for in Section 243, the cost of such transcript shall be paid by the party ordering san1e. Section 24:1. Objections to Tr:ulscrillt. \'Vhere a full transcript, in lieu of st::~telnent: is filed ,"vith the Secretary, together with notice to the opposite party, objections thereto may be n1ade by the opposite party \vithin the tinle and in the manner provided in Section 243 for filing objections to the statement of facts proven at the trial. St3ction 244a. Cost of AIll)Cal. '1'he cost of the first appeal shall be charged to the subordinate Lodge; the cost of subsequent appeals shall be paid as directed by the Grand Lodge at the session at which such appeals are heard and may be charged against the appellant, the local Lodge, or, if circumstances justify, paid by the Grand Lodge. [Proceedings路 1,916, page 91.] Section 24G. AI)lle:al ill Grnnd Lo(lge. On receipt of the transcript, as provided in Section 243, by the Grand Se.cretary, the Grand Lodge shall be possessed of the case, and shall determine the same on the record so transrnitted. The appellant, in the absence of fraUd, rnay disnliss his appeal at any tilne ..before the meeting of the Grand Lodge. [Proceedings 1917, page 268.] PETITION FOR 1fE1VIBERSHIP. Section 132. Petition for lUembershil) Dimit l\.Iust ,A.(~COml):llll3'r. A Lodge shall not entertain a petition for Inen1bership, unless the saIne is acconlpanied by a Dimit or sonle other docu111ental'Y evidence of good standing of the applicant, as prOVided in Sections 157 and 157b. [Proceedings 1917, pag'e 267.] TRANSFER OF IVIEl\'IBERSHIP. Amend the Grand Lodge By-Laws by adding two new sections to be known as Sections 157a and 157b, 'which said sections are as follows: Section 157a. Snme. Any brother of this Grand Jurisdiction, free from charges, desiring to transfer his men1bership to a Lodge of any "recognized" Grand Jurisdiction, which has a law substantially the saIne, shall have the right to petition such Lodge for Inenlbership, ,"vhich petition shall be acconlpanied by a Certificate of Good Standing from his, showing hinl to be not delinquent in the payment of dues to the Lodge in vlhich he holds membership, ,vhich Certificate shall be substantially in form set forth in Section 157 of the Grand Lod'ge By-La,vs. Should the Lodge so receiving his petition elect hin1 to 111en1hership, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Lodge so electing him to notify under seal of the Lodge, his fornler Lodge of such election and request said Lodge to for,"vard his Dimit to the Lodge so electing him. Upon
G1~and Lodge of Afissou,ri
the receipt of such notice his former Lodge shall grant him a Dilnit and for"vard the sanle to the Secretary of the Lodge electing him. In case of his rejection by the Lodge to which he applied, his membership shall remain in his former Lodge granting the certificate. If the Certificate of Good Standing herein provided for is not used within Three lVionths from the date thereof, it shall becolne null and void and of no effect. Provided, however, that this section shall in no'wise be construed so as to impair the right of voluntary and absolute dimission. Section 157b. Same. Any brother of any other "recog"nized" Grand Jurisdiction, free from charges, desiring to transfer his membership to any Lodg"e in this Grand Jurisdiction shall have the rig"ht to petition such Lodge for membership, which petition shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Good Standing from his Lodge, showing hinl to be not delinquent in the payment of dues to the Lodge in which he holds membership. Should the Lodge so receiving his petition elect him to membership, it shall be the duty of the Secretaryof the Lodge. so electing him .to notify under seal of the Lodge his former Lodge of such election and request said Lodge to forward his DimH to the Lodge so electing him. The Dimit shall be filed 'with the Secretary of the Lodge so electing him and his ll1embership therein shall date from the time his former Lodge granted his Dimit. It shall be the duty of the petitioner to pay his former Lodge such dues as he nlay be indebted to such Lodge. [Proceedings 1917, page 267.' To anlend Section 27, subdivision (f) of the Grand Lodge ByLa'ws, by striking out said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: (f) Jurls!lrudence. A Committee on Jurisprudence, to \VhOnl shall be referred the decisions of the Grand Master, all propositions to an1end the Constitution and By-Laws of the Gra,nd Lodge, and no such amendnlent shall be voted upon by the Grand Lodge until such anlendments have b'een so referred and reported upon by said Conlnlittee, and other questions of law as directed by the Grand Lodge. Said Committee shall lueet on 1\10nday preceding the opening of the Grand Lodge in the city where the same is to be held, and the members of said Committee shall be paid the usual mileage and per diem for their services while in attendance upon said Committee. It shall be the duty of the Grand l\JIaster to transInit to said Comnlittee, on or before the first day of the meeting of said 'Committee, the dec-isions to be reported by him in his annual address. [Proceedings, 1918, page 139.] Sec. 165-A. Requests fro III one Grand .Jurisdiction to another. All requests, from or to Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction, from or to Lodges of another Grand Jurisdiction, to confer a degree or degrees, shall be made through the Grand Master. COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE (1919). Section 176. "7'ahr er of Concurrent Jurisdiction. A Lodge outside of such city or town shall not receive a petition for the degrees from a person residing in the territory of such concurrent jurisdic-
Proceedings of the
tion, until three-fourths of the Lodges in such city or town shall have 'waived jurisdiction. COl\HVIITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE (1919). To an1end Section .182 of the By-La \VS of this Grand Lodge by striking out Section 182, and adopting the following in lieu thereof: Section 182. Salue. No Lodge in this jurisdiction shall receive a petition for the degrees or for affiliation from any person Who is engaged in the n1anufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, either as a distiller, bre'wer, bre"wery agent, "\vholesale or retail liquor dealer or a salesman or agent for the sale of intoxicating liquors, superintendent or foreman for such manufacturer or dealer, a saloon-keeper, bartender or one who serves intoxicating liquors as a vocation, or of anyone 'who is engaged in any capacity in the handling, manufacturing, or selling of intoxicating" liquors as a beverage, or of one who signs a petition for a dran1shop license. Nor shall any Freemason recommend or sign any petition or application for a dramshop license. Any Freemason who may, hereafter, begin such business, or do or perform, or be engaged in any of the acts forbidden in this section, shall be expelled; (and any Lodge receiving a petition of or retaining in membership a person so barred, and \vhich shall fail to expel such person \\;~hen informed of his inelig"ibility, shall, have its charter suspended or arrested by the Grand ~faster).
COIVIlVIITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE (1919). To amend Section 250 of the Grand Lodge By-La"vs by repealing the sanle,and enacting in lieu thereof the following: Section 250. Re-storntion EXllelled lUason. ,A.. n expelled Mason, \vishing to be restored, must petition the Lodge \vhich expelled him. His petition must be presented at a stated nleeting, and lie over to the next stated meeting", and shall be referred to a committee of three, \vhich cornmittee shall make a report at the meeting set. The members of the Lodge shall be notified that said petition has been presented and will be acted on at the next stated meeting. The vote shall be by ballot, and if it be unanimous, he shall be restored to his original Lodge menlbership and standing. If he fails to receive a unanimous vote, but receives a two-thirds vote, he shall be restored to good Masonic standing, but not to Lodge membership. If he receives less than a two-thirds vote for restoration, he may then petition the Grand Lodge to be restored to good Masonic standing', setting out in his petition ,. the fact that he had applied to and been rejected by the Lodge. ...4â&#x20AC;˘. n eX!jelled Mason, restored to good l\fasonic standing, shall be. given a certificate, showing his. good standing. COl\fMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE (1919).
APPROVE,D: DECISIONS,. STATUS OF CANDIDATE. ~Iroberly Lodge, No. 34¡1. On l\larch 23, 1903, Vle gave a Brother the E . .i\... Degree, he haVing been previutlsly elected and paid the fee for the three degTees" He was in the grocery business at that time, but sold ou t and went to traveling fo!' a grocery firnl. At present he travels for a whisky house
Grand Lodge of ~,1issolIr-i
and no,V \vishes to take the tv:,ro other degrees. lIe commenced to travel for the 'Vvhisky house three or four ll10nths before the last session of the Grand Lodge. Question. Can ,ve give the degrees to him? Ans,ver. In llly opinion the Brother is not barred from advancenH'>nt and your Lodge can confer the renlaining degTees upon him. Section 182 forbids a Lodge to receive the petition of a person engaged in the business of sales111an for a \vholesale liquor house, after the enactn1ent of the section. As your Lodge, long before the enactll1ent of the section, received his petition and conferred the "Entered Apprentice Degree upon hiln, your Lodge does not in this case conle within the prohibition of the section. The second part of Section 182 states that any lVlason \vho shall thereafter engage in this business shall be expelled. As the Brother ,vas in the business before the enactment of the section, he does not COIne w"ithin its provisions. His status is fixed and determined by the la\v in force at the time he was elected to receive the degTees. Section 182, so far as he is concerned, prohibits him from engaging in the business thereafter; but as he vvas already in the business Vi/hen the section "vas enacted, and a rvlason, he is not barred thereby. [Proceedings 1909, pages 20 and 151.] 2. Clifton Heights Lodge, No. 520. The stable foreman for a bre,very cempany has petitioned this Lodge for tne degrees. Question. Is it possible for him to become a member? Ansvver. Section lS20f the By-La'\vs, adopted by the Grand Lodge at its last session, relating to intoxicating liquors, contains no language that prohibits a Lodge from receiving a petition from a stable forelnan for a bre,very company. :rvIy judgment is that it ,vould not be safe for the Grand l\1aster to add any other occupations than those specified therein. .A. strict interpretation of this section, 'which is in derogation of the previous laws and practice of the Grand Lodge, in nlY opinion,. does not .prohibit the reception of the petition; it should take the usual course. [Proceedings 1909, pages 20 and 151.] 3. vVeston Lodge, No. 53. Question. Under the law' as passed by the Grand路 Lodge of l\.fissouri, can a Inan vvho is superintendent or foreman of a bre\very becolne a J\1ason? ..:\ns'\ver: Section 182 of our Grand Lodge By-Laws contains this language: "No Lodge shall receive the petition for the degrees or affiliation from any person who is engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, either as distiller, brewer,'~ etc. Not being able to determine how a person can be "superintendent or forelnan of a bre'\very" and not be engaged in the 111anufactura of intoxicating liquor as a beverage, it is my opinion that a person occupying such a position cannot legally be made a :M:ason. [Proceedings 1909, pages 21.and 151.]
]:Jroceedings of the
[ Sept.
4. Robert Burns Lodge, No. 496. Two Brethren residing' in the jurisdiction of this Lodge, both of "whom are in good l\{asonic standing, are thinking of investing in what they call a joint stock company for the purpose of manufacturing "whisky. They are to receive their part of the dividends in "Whisky manufactured by their company. They do not want to violate the IVlasonic la"ws, and contend that this would not make them dealers. Question. 'Voulc1 they be permitted to engage in this class of business? Ans"wer. Section 182, so far as it relates to the question YOU ask, contains this language: "No Lodge shall receive a petition for the degrees or for affiliation from any person who is engaged in the manufacture of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, either as a distiller, \vholesale liquor dealer or salesn1an for such dealer. Any Mason 'who nlay hereafter begin such business shall be expelled." This section, in my opinion, deprives Master Masons of the privilege of retaining' membership in any Lodge in this State if they engage in the sale or manufacture of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, after the date of its final adoption, October 1, 1908. Therefore, they must be expelled if they engage in this business under the conditions stated. [proceedings 1909, pages 21-22 and 151.] S'J..'ATUS OF CANDIDATE.
5. l\'Iount Zion Lodge, No. 327. Question. Does Section 182 apply to a man employed in the State Beer Inspection Department? A'nsvler. It does not, provided he is not financially interested in the manufacture or sale of intoxicants in any other way than as a State official. [Proceedings 1909, pages 22 and 151.] 16. From a member of vVhitewater Lodge, No. 417, we have the following seven questions: (a) Is running a distillery sufficient grounds for expulsion? Answer. It is not, if started before路 October 1st, 1908. It is, if started since September 30th, 1908. (b) Is selling liquor in one to five-gallon lots grounds for expulsion? Answer. Yes. (c) Is selling liquor illegally (say under a gallon and down to a half-pint, vlhen not licensed to sell less than a gallon, and also to minors), sufficient" groun'(1s for expulsion? Answer. Yes. (d) Is lying to a brother Master Mason sufficient grounds for pxpulsion? Answer. Yes; and he is equally guilty if he lies to a profane. (e) If a certified copy of the testimony of a Master Mason in a court of record can be produced, and the fact proven by a number
Grand Lodge of lvlissour-i
of good citizens that that testilnony \vas false, is that sufficient g,-rounds for expulsion? Ans\ver. Yes. (f) Is it un-lVlasonic to report a brotherlVIaster l\'Iason to the grand jury, or proper authorities, for violations of the civil law? Answer. No. (g) If one din1its and engages in the saloon business, has the lodge granting the dimit the authority to proceed ag"ainst such person? Answer~ Yes. â&#x20AC;˘ 17. Inquiry from Elvins Lodge, No. 599: "A.bout three yeaTs ago three melnbers of this lodge endorsed the notes for a party who 'was in business as an agent for a bre\very. In this way they becalnc responsihle and have had to pay quite a sun1 of lnoney, and the paTty having no other assets but this bre\v(--\ry agency, these three brethren took over the agency. and have been conducting¡ it since that tilnp; that is, they have hired son1eone to run it for them, and one of then1 is looking after the business details of the concern." Qut~stion. Can a lodge give then1 six months or a year in ,vhich to get out of the business? In case the brethren refuse to quit, VI/hat proceedings \vould you advise?
Answer. A lodge cannot give its melnbers any length of tilne in \vhich to \vind up such a business, no matter hovv they happened to get into it. Prefer charges against them instanter, establish the facts as stated, and then expel thenl from the lodge. [Proceedings 1914, pages 22, 23, 170.1
STATUS OF CANDIDATE. 7. Osborn Lodge, No. 317. A candidate Il1ade applicatiol1, was elected, and received the Entered Apprentice Degree about five yearfi; since; but for good reasons did not present himself for the Felhnv-Craft Degree until about a rnonth ago. "Ve asked hin1 to make new application, ,vhieh he did, and in the ballot was rejected. Several Brethren clain1ecl this \vas not the !)roper way to handle the case.
Question. How should this case have been handled? Answer. Your Lodge should not have required the Brothl::~r ,vho r(~ceived the First Degree long' before our present Grand Lodg"(~ lavv's were adopted to petition for advancement. He has a right to receive the Second and Third Degrees on standing an exanlination satisfactory to the Brethren. The law of 1892, under which he was elected, gives hinl this right and demands nothing further from hin1 than to stand such examination. No further balloting is necessary. 'Vhen he sho\vs suitable proficiency in the First Degree, he should be g'iven the Second, provided, of course, that no objt~ction is luade, in \\'"hich case charges \vould have to be preferred as provided by Grand Lodge la\ys.
" 1909, pages 23 and 151.] [Proceedings
Proceedings of the
LIST OF CANDIDATES. 9. Ar;,thony F. Ittner, Secretary IVIissouri Lodge, No. 1. "Under a resolution of the Lodge, I have as Secretary for the past six months pUblished lists of candidates for the 11ysteries and for路 affiliation, to be balloted on at the several stated meetings, for the inforn1ation of the members. Some of our men1bers have contended that this practice is in路 violation of Section 183, of the Grand Lodge la\vs, which says that a Lodge shall not publish the fact that it has conferred or \vill confer any 11asonic Degree upon anyone." (a) Question. Is this in violation of Section 183? *Ans\ver. You should not give the names of the petitioners~ in the monthly Lodge circulars. [Proceedings 1909, page 151.] (b) Question. Does Section 158 only refer to dimits issued by Lodges in the State of 11issouri? In other \vords, is a Mason from another jurisdiction 路who presents a dimit less than a year old and by virtue of \vhich it \vas intended that he should enjoy 1\1asonic privileges for a certain period after its issue, entitled to visit a Lodge in this jurisdiction,' or does he cease to enjoy all 1\1asonic. privileges in this jurisdiction, except the right to petition, the saIne as if the dimit had been issued in this State? Answer. Sections 158 and 197, when considered together, deny the privilege of visiting to all "vho are not members of some Lodge in this State or of a Lodge within the jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. [Proceedings 1909, page 24.]
* Disapproved; see Report of Jurisprudence Committee on Question a, as follows: \Ve are also of the opinion that the publication of lists of candidates to be balloted upon for membership, for the information of the members, by 1Iissouri Lodge, No.1, is not in violation of Section 183. of the By-Laws, and ,\ve disapprove of the decision of the Grand Master in Subdivision a, Division No.9.
10. Grand Secretary John R. Parson. A Lodge 'whose returns were received toclay, August 11th, deducts $8.75 for seven Inen1bers whose dues were remitted July 31, 1909.
Question. Is this permissible under Sections 67 and 68? Answer. Lodges must pay on the basis路 of their membership on the 30th day of June, as that is the day fixed by Section 68; and no other day can be SUbstituted. Consequently, they owe the Grand Lodge $1.25 for each melnber whose dues were remitted July 31st. [Prc{ceedings 1909, pag"es 25 and 151.]
Grand Lodge of AIJissoillri
7. Salen1 Lodge, No. 225, asked if a Lodge could ren1it the 'whole or any part of a menlber's dues except for inability to pay, and does the ag'e or occupation of the men1ber make any difference'? Answer. No, to both interrogatories. [Proceedings 1914, pages 20, 170.]
RESTOR...~TION AFTER CONSOLIDA.TION. 11. Barnett Lodge, No. 591. A former member of Euclid Lodge, A. F. & A. 1\1., of Versailles, l\forgan County, lVIissouri, being suspended by that Lodge for nonpayn1ent of dues, and that Lodge later being absorbed by Versailles Lodge No. 117, is now ready and willing to pay all back dues, and desires to be reinstated and affiliate with some Lodge and, since he noW resides in the jurisdiction of Barnett Lodge, No. 591, states that it is his desire to affiliate with this Lodge.
Question. What路 would be the prqper course for him to pursue in order that he might again become a 1\lason in good standing'? Answer. He will have to make application to Versailles Lodg"e, No. 117, for reinstatement. That Lodge, under Section 85, of the Grand Loclg"e la"\vs of 1892, by union of the two Lodges, acquired all of the members, property and debts due by, or to Euclid Lodge. Versailles Lodge has jurisdiction oyer him, no matter where he resides, and no other Lodge can restore hiln to good Masonic standing or accept the dues for the non-payment of which he was suspended. [Proceedings 1909, pages 25 and 151.]
NON-A.FFILIATE MAY NOT PREFER CHARGES. 12. Southwest Lodge, No. 466. An applicant for affiliation was balloted on and rejected. He then preferred charges against S.., the Brc;>ther who objected to the receiving of his petition. It is my desire and also that of Brother S. . that you send someone from a different Lodge to preside during the trial, which will be held at our next regular COlnmunication, September 25, 1909. Answer. There does not appear, under the conditions stated by you, to be any necessity for sending anyone to preside at the contemplated trial in your Lodge, as the charges, if preferred by a non-affiliated Mason, should not be entertained. The Master should decline to permit the Lodge to act on them in any way. Section 205, of our Grand Lodge By-La"\vs, provides that any Master lVlason in g"ood standing may prefer charges; and Section 158 states that the holder of a dimit is not entitled to any IVIasonic privileges except to petition for affiliation; also that Hhe ceases to be a
Proceedings of the
l\I:ason in good standing frOTIl the date of his diluit.".
A dilnitted
:Mason, not being in good standing', is not entitled to the privileges of SCletion 205. You ~lust therefore, as above stated, refuse to entertain the charges.
[Proceedings 190H, pages 25
13. Four l\Iile Lodge, No. 212.
Since the annual dues are no\v payable in advance, if a Brother asks for a dilnit in January, or any other Inonth of the first six of the year, w路ithout having yet paid his dues for that current year, should the Lodge require that Brother to pay his full year's dues before granting hiln the dinlit, or charge him for only the pro rata, or, if he has paid his du~~s for the current year and asks for a dilnit before the year is out, should the Lodge return him the pro rata '? This question is now up to this Lodge to decide. A.l1s\ver. Section 146 requires dues to be paid annually in advance. Section 156 provides fOi' the issuing of dimits when all the conditions specified therein shall have been complied with; the first being "\vhen a menlber \vhose dues are fully paid, etc." It, therefore, follo'W~s that a Brother desiring to dinlit must not be in arrears for any portion of the current year's dues before a dinli t can be granted hhn; whether he makes application in the first or tenth nlonth of the year is of no consequence. The Lodge is under no legal obligation to return to him any portion of the amount paid in order to obtain a dinlit, except as provided by Section 157. [Proceedings 1909, pages 26 and 151.J 14. Social Lodge, No. 266. \Ve have a nlt:~n1ber 'who "\;yishes to transfer his nlenlbership to the Lodge at New Florence, 1\1(0. His dues amounting to $4.00 have not been paid. T,vo dollars of this amount is back clues; that is, due to .Tune 1, 1909; and the other $2.00 is for dues in advance to June
Question. Ho'w llluch shall we collect from the Brother before granting' him a dimit't Ans\ver. He nlust pa;y the full amount no\v due, $4.00, before he Is entitled to a dinlit or certificate o.f good standing. When this indebtedness has been paid he can proceed as provided by Section 157; and, if elected to luenlbership in the Lodge he selects for affiliation, Social Lodge should retain only the portion of dues paid for t.he fiscal year 1910 to the date of issuing the dimit, as provided by this section, and return the balance to him. [Proceedings 1909, pages 26 and 151.]
Granel Lodge of A1issou/r,i FAILURE
191 .:\..DV.A.. NCE.
1. :Held, tl'lhat an E. A. or F. C. who fails to apply for advancemunt '\vithin t'tvelve months 11luSt, after that time, petition 111 regular forrn and the sanle course must be followed as for the .l\,!ysteries of F'reelllasonry. If rejected he cannot apply again for t\velve months.
[Proceedings 191.0, page 23.] RElVIISSION OF DUES. 2. rIeld, That since Lodge dues are payable January 1st, they are to be considered as having accrued and nlay therefore be I:elnitted at any tinle during the year. [Proceedings 1910, page 23.]
CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING-REFUND OF DUI1JS. ':rhat a certificate of good l\T.asonic standing cannot be given unless dl1<:~S are paid in full for the year, since it may possibly not be presented vvithin three months; and if received by another Lodge during that tinlo, on notification, the .Lodge granting certificate must refund to the Lodge receiving, the balance of dues to the end of the year. [Proceedings 1910, page 23.] SECRETARY l\IUST NOTIFY. 8. Held, That on suspension for non-paYlnent of dues or any other cause, or on expulsion, the Secretary should at once notify the party, if he is not present at the time of sentence, [Proceedings 1910, pages 23 and 102.]
Sectio,n 58 of i\.rticle V reads: "In any city or town ,"{here two
or Inore lodges al:e situated, the Secretary of each lodge shall notify every lodg'c in said city or to\vn of all petitions for initiation or mel11bership, and'~of all rejections," etc.
As there was a difference of opinion as to \VHEN "the Secretary of f路ttch Lodge shall notify every other Lodge," I decided, for the benefit of several !{ansas City Lodges, that the limit of Unle for so doing should not exceed seventy-two hours after each meeting. [Proceedings 1914, pag'es 20, 170.] FUNERAL OF A
5. Held, That the "\Vorshipful )\/Iaster, as such, has no authority to appoint a con1mittee to attend the funeral of a woman-as repI esentatives of Freenlasonry. [Proceedings 1910, page 23.]
Proceedings of the
ELECTION VOID. Gâ&#x20AC;˘.Held, rrhat a Brother elected to membership in a Lodge withon t a certificate of good standing, renlains a member of the former
Lodge, the election being null and void.
[Proceedings 1910, ,page 23.] POLITIC..<\.L ISSUE. 7. Held (in a local option contest), That a Lodge, as such, has no right to take part in a question which may become a political issue. [Proc~edings 1910, page 23.]
STATUS OF CANDID.t\TE. 8. Held, That a clerk in the railway traffic department of a bre"wery may petition for the l\iysteries of Freemasonry according to the la\v, as no\v recognized. [Proceedings 1910, page 23.]
LACI-\: OF SEAL. 9. Held, That the absence of the Lodge seal does not invalidate a Lodg'e dinlit, the form being regular in other respects. [Proceedings 1910, page 23.]
DIlVIIT IN OLD FORl\L 10. Held, That the action of a "Lodge in granting' a dimit, with privileges, in the old fornl, is illegal, null and void, and the dimit should be recalled. Nevertheless, if' received already by another Lodg'e, the status should not be disturbed. [Proceedings ~910, page 23~.]
LODGE l\iEETING PROHIBITED. 11. I-Ield, That a Subordinate Lodge cannot hold a meeting during the session of the Grand Lodge, since, while any Past Master Inay open the Lodg'e in the absence of the l\1aster arid "VVardens, yet as every Past 1Iaster is a member of the Grand Lodge, they are supP9sed to be in attendance as well as the Master and Wardens. [Proceedings 1910, pages 23 and 102.]
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
DtMIT "VHEN NO CHARGES. 1. Hazlewood Lodge, No. 459.-A charge of gross unmasonic conduct on the part of a Brother was in general circulation in the community, and seemed to be so well founded that a committee was appointed by. the Lodge to investigate. This committee called on the Brother for his statement and any explanation he desired to make in regard to his reported misconduct. He refused to affirm or deny the tr~ th of the report and was evasive in his answers. From his de-' meanor and from other facts ascertained by the committee, they became convinced of his guilt. The Brother offered to take his dimit fronl the Lodge. He was square on the books and no formal' charge had yet been preferred. The question asked, was whether, under the facts stated, the Brother was entitled to a dimit. I answered that on the face of the record, he was. But if the Lodge was satisfied of the Brother's g'uilt, charges should be preferred at once, the dimit withheld, the Brother tried, and, if found guilty, adequate punishment inflicted. [Proceedings 1911, page 18.]
RESIDENCE. 2. Higbee Lodge, No. 527.-A young man was born and reared at Higbee, where his parents still reside; he is employed in the United States Railway Postal Se,rvice, running between St. Louis and Kansas City; he works three and is off duty four days of each week; 'while off duty he is usually at the home of his parents, which he has at all times called his home; he al\vays votes at Higbee and has never t:~xercised the right of citizenship elsewhere. Do the facts constitute the young man a resident within the jurisdiction of Higbee Lodgf~, and would the Lodge be justified in receiving his petition for the Mysteries of Freen1asonry? Answer. Yes. [Proceedings 1911, page 18.]
3. The by-law requiring all neV\11y-made Master Masons to pass n, satisfactory proficiency examination in open lodge before being permitted to vote, hold office in the Lodge, or dimit, is more bewildering', and causes more questions to be asked than perhaps any other la '\v on our records. 'Section 123 says "all must vote" when a ballot is taken. Section 121, which says )'OU shall not be pernlitted to vote until you have passed a satisfactory examination, and we have answered all inquirers that this section prohibiting voting, holding office and dimlting', applies only to Master IVIasons who have received their third. degree since September, 1908. [Proceedings 1914, pages 19, 170.]
Proceed'ings of the
NON-AFFILIATITI lVIAY PETITION. 4. A Brother states that he dimitted froln a Lodge and petitioned another Lodge in this State for affiliation. His petition was rejected and he remains unaffiliated. I-Ie desires to know, first, if he can petition a Lodge for affiliation, other than the Lodge nearest his place of residence, and, second, can he visit J\'Iasonic Lodges ,yhile unaffiliated'! Ans'wer: :B"'irst, an unaffiliated l).1aster Mason may petition any Lodge in the State for n1embership, and he is not confine'] to the Lodge nearest his place of residence; second, under the Grand Lodge By-La\vs, as they now exist, there is no such thing as "a dilnit with privileg'es." A non-affiliated lVIastel" IVIason is not (~n titlc'd to any l\Iasonic privileges except the right to l)cjtition for affil iation. [Proceedings 1911, page 18.]
. LODGE rvIAY NOT l\'IEET. 5. A District Deputy Grand IVraster stated that a Lodge in his District ÂĽlas f~xpecting a large attendance of Brethren at a meeting to confer ::I, number of degrees, and requested a Dispensation permitting the Lodge to ll1eet in an opera house for -the occasion, as the Loc1g'e roon1 'would be inadequate to acco111n1odate the cro\vd. T deelined to issue the Dispensation and held that a ChartE~red Lodge' could not leg'ally 111eet and \\tork in a building that had not been dedica.ted and consecrated to l\Iasonic purposes. [Proceedings 1911, page 19.]
SUSPENSION IVrORE THAN ONE YEAR. 6. Plato Lodge, No. 469.-A Brother had been suspended for nonpaYlnent of (lues for more than a year. FIe paid the dues hE~ o\ved and pE~titi()ned the Lodge for rE.~instatement. 'Vas a cOl1unittee of investigation required? Answer: Yes. [Proceedings 1911, page 19.]
FAILURE TO INSTALL. 7. Blackwell Lodge, No. 53,5.-A.t a meeting of the Lodge for the election of officers, the Senior vVarden was elected lVrast~r and theroafter ,,,"'as duly instaUed. The Senior, vVarden-elect was not present to be installed. \Vas the installation of the Master illegal, he having been the Senior ,Varden during the preceding year and his successor in that office not having been installed? A.nswer: No. His installation as l\{astez: vacated the pffice of Senior "Varden, and that office 'will relnain vacant until the, election and installation ,~.f some Brother therein. [Proceedings 1911, page 19.]
Grand Lodge of 1.11issouri
Dl:tUG sr.rORE SELLING LIQ,UOH. 8. Adelphi Lodge, No. 355.-A luember of the Lodge路 owns an inin a drug' store in which intoxicating liquors are sold as a iJC\'(~rag'e illegally. 'l'lhis Brother does not have the Inanagelnent of the store and does not 111ake the sales himself. He knows of the illegal sales of intoxicating' liquor at the store and receives his share of the profits from the business. In so doing, does this Brothr)!, violate the l\'lasonic law? Ans\ver: Yes. \Vhen he, as part o\vner of the store, knowing of the illegal sales of intoxicating liquo:,s therein, and so knowing, receives his share of the profits of che business, he violates the letter and spirit of Section J81 of the Grand Lodgo By-La\vs. [Proceedings 1911, page 19.] tCl'C'~1t
LIQUOR SELLING-\VAITER. 9. D. D. G. l\'Iaster Honler N. Lloyd of Clayton asks: "Is a Inan ernployecl in a slllall hotel dining coom and rathskeller, both of which aro conveniently arranged in connection \'lith a large saloon (\'lhich is the chief attraction and support of the 'whole works'), and \vhose duties are to serve ll1eals at the usual tilnes, and intoxicating liquors at any tinle \vhen so requested by patrons, eligible '?" Ans\ver. No. rIe is barred by Section 182 of .A.rticle XVII. 11. Fron1 United Lodge, No.5, the following question CaInes: Is a Brother "\-'vho is filling the position of "vvaiter to the ste\vard at tho glks' Club" violating the lVIasonic la\v? Ans"\-ver. He is. rrpere is no difference in serving behind an :Elks' bar \\there in toxicating drinks Inay be gotten and in serving behind the bar of a regular saloon. You are warranted in having chargl~s preferred and in giving him a trial. [Proceedings 191,,1, l~ages 20, 21, 170."1 NON-PROFICIENT IVIASTER IVIASON. .:,. Rose I~ill, No. 550.-Question: Isa nc\vly nlac1e Master 1\la8011, \v110 has not passed the exanlination on the first section of the Degree of IVlaster l\;Tasol1, he having just received sai'd degree and havIng
ha.d no opportunity for such eXfuuination, eligible to vote on the petition of an applicant for degrees? Answer: No. [Proceedings 1911, page 18.] DUES-INCREASE OF. 1. Urich Lodge, No. 286, increased its dues by an an1endment of its By-La"ws from $3 to $3.50 a ~/ea:r for a period of four years to (~over the assessment levied by the 'Grand Lodge of 50 cents a year for four years 011 the lnelnbers for a .fund to mal\:e 'bettern1ents and iInprovernents at the HOI11e, and asked if that was lawful. \Ve answered that their dues could be leg'ally increased in that nlanner and for that purpose and that at the end of the fourth year,
Proceed'ings of the
and without further legislation, their dues would automatically drop fronl $3.50 to $3 a year. [Proceedings 1914, pages 19, 170.] CANDIDATE-!vLA..Y SOLICIT. 2. Is it unlawful for a profane to invite other profanes to petition for the mysteries at the same time he does, which results in getting together a class of candidates'? Ans\ver. The Lodge has no control over a petitioner in a case like this until he has been elected. The most natural thing for n man to do, after hE.~ has decided to petition a Lodge for the degrees, and even after he does so, is to tell his most intimate friends about it and invite them to do likewise, and at the same time he does, and if the result is the formation of a class of candidates there is nothing' improper about it. The by-law which says it is un-Masonic to solicit luembership from profanes applies, of course, only to members of the Lodges. A Lodge that would censure or criticise or black ball a class of petitioners because they knocked at its door at the same tin1e, having no other reason, should not be permitted to retain its charter. [Proceedings 1914, pages 19, 170.]
18. From Gate City Lodge, No. 522: Is the establishment of an ernploynlent bureau in connectioil ,vith the Board of Relief, which increases the expense of the board more than dOUble, legal '? .Answer. ':rhe establishluent of such a bureau by a Board of Relief is la"Yvful and "wholly \vithin the bounds of what a Relief Board is expected to do. 'There is no lilnit as to the number of departll1ents, divisions, subdivisions or bureaus that a Relief Board may establish and maintain for the purpose of aiding the worthy distressed Free 11ason in good standing. [Proceedings 1914, pages 23, 170.] POOL TABLE-LODGE lMAY BUY.
19. Question from John C. Senate, D. D. G. M., at Milan: Can a Masonic Lodge buy a pool table and put it in either its reception room or dining roonl to be used by :I\1asons only? And, can a club cOlnposed of :I\1asons only buy a pool table and with the consent or'the Lodge put it in either its reception or dining room? Answer. Yes, to both interrogatories. [Proceedings 1914, pages 23, 170.] PETITION MUST LAYOVER. t
9. Carthage Lodge, No. 197.-Can a petition for affiliation be legally voted on two \veeks after it is received, and the committee of investigation appointed? Answer: No, it must have lain over four \veeks. [Proceedings 1911, page 19.]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
20. A member of Gate City, No. 1522, filed his petition for affiliation.\vith Ivanhoe, No. 446, at th(~ir regular communication July 9th. On July 18th he requested from his Lodge a certificate of good standing under the provisions of Section 157, and it was issued that date and received by the Secretary of 446 t,vo days later. He was elected August 13th. The first regular communication of Ivanhoe following the date the certificate of good standing ,vas issued was July 23rd. We held (September 16th) that the ballot had been spread two ,veeks too soon; that the Brother~s election to membership was premature and consequently null and void, and that the ballot should again be spread on the application September 24th-the next regular comlnunication. [Proceedings 1914, pages 23, 170.] DIMITTED AND RE1fOVED-CA.NNOT .A.FFILIATE. 10. Lodge of Love, No. 259.-A member of the Lodge removed to the State of Colorado. 'Vhile living there he wrote the Lodge, as it understood fron1 his letter, that he desired a dimit. The dimi twas granted and forwarded to the Brother. He immediately returned it to the Lodge with a letter stating it was a n1istake, as he did not want to terminate his membership in the Lodge; that what he desired was a certificate showing his good Masonic standing in the Lodge. Thereupon the Lodge had the Brother regularly petition for affiliation, and proceeded to elect him to membership. Was the action of the Lodge regular? . o. \.nswer. No. What the Lodge should have done, upon learning that the dimit had been granted. through a mistake, was to rescind its action granting the san1e. If granting the din1it under the circumstances terminated his men1bership, the Lodge could not lawfully receive his petition for affiliation, as he at that time was a resident of another State. [Proceedings 1911, page 20.] PER CAPITA TAX NOT DEDUCTED. 11. Marceline Lodge, No. 481.-In 1906, a member of the Lodge left 11arceline, and sorne tin1e afterwards information came to th'e Lodge of the death of the Brother, and in its annual returns to the Grand Secretary, this member was so reported. Recently the Lodge learned that the report of the death of this member was a mistake; that he was living in an adjoining State. The question arose, did the Lodge owe Grand Lodge dues for the year 1906 and thereafter? Answer: Yes. [Proceedings 1911, page 20.] LODGE MUST ELECT ACCORDING TO BY-LAWS. 13. Camden Point Lodge, No. 169.;...-Can a Lodge call a meeting for the election of officers of the Lodge on a date different from. that fixed by its By-Laws? Answer: No. [Proceedings 1911, page 20.]
of the
JURISDICTION OF ST. LOUIS LODGES. 14. r:I:'he question 'was asked by a District Deputy Grand IVIas'ter ho\v far the Jurisdiction of the Lodges in the City of St. Louis (-~x颅 tended? A ns\ve1': :Half \vay by air line froln the City LiInits to all adjacent Lodgqs outside the City. [Proceedings 1911, pag'e 20.]
PETITION OF NON -RESIDENT. 15. New lVIadrid Lodge, No. 429.-Can a Lodge in this State la\vfully receive the petition and elect and confer the degTtfes on a candidatt~ \vho, at the tinle, resides in another State, and if not, can the (]rand l\Iaster la\vfuUy authorize the Lodge to do so? Ansvver: No. The G-rand Lodge By-La,,'s forbid the Lodges of this State to receive the IJetltion, either for the degrees or for affiliation, of a non-rpsident of the State, and the Grand 1Jlaster has no po\ver to suspend the opE-ration of this la;w of the Grand Lodg'e. [Proceedings 1911, page 21.]
FAILURE TO ADVANCE. 16. Clinton Lodge, No. 548.-If an Entered Apprentice or Fello\v Craft fails to present hiJnself for advancement for a year, and then petitions for advancement, is a con1mittee of investigation required on his petition, even though the Brethren of the Lodge kno,,, hirn \vell and could readily vouch for his moral character? Ans\ver: Yes, the cOlnn1itte"e should never be dispensed \vUh. The Lodge has no legal right to ignore a plain provision路 of the By-La\v"s. [Proceedings 1911, page 21.]
17. Charleston Lodge, No. 407.-Charges of unmasonic conduct were preferred against a n1ember of CharleA3ton Lodg路e, No. 407, in East Prairie Lodge, No. 384, the accused residing within the jurisdiction of East Prairie "Lodge at the time. Due notice of the pendel1cy of the charges \vas given to Charleston Lodge, and that Lodg(~ requested East Prairie to proceed "\vith the trial. 'l"his was done, the accused found guilty, and his punishment fixed at suspension for t,vo and one-half years. Before the expiration of the period for which he had been suspended, the accused petitioned Charleston bodge for reinstatement, and that Lodge granted his petition and reinstated him. Did Charleston Lodge, under the law, have the right to reinstate the Brother? A.ns\ver: No. As the accused ,vas tried, found guilty, and his punishn1ent fixed by East Prairie Lodge, that Lodgc~ alone had the right to reinstate the suspended Brother. The Lodge pronouncing the final judgnlent has the right, alone, to modify its action. [Proceedings 1911, page 21.] 10. Fellowship Lodge, No. 345, has this kind of a case: A melnbel' of this Lodge asked for and received a dimi t. Then he ,"vent into
Grand Lodge of l11issouri
the saloon business. The Junior 'Varden preferred charges and he was pxpelled. He has now quit the saloon business and "wants to be restored to good lYrasonic standing. Ans\ver. He would have to petition the Lodge which first din1itted hiln, and afterwards expelled him, under Section 250, for restoration, and, if succeSSful, he would then be at liberty to peti tion for a.ffiliation in the usual way. [Pr.Jceedings 1914, pages 21, 170.]
18. Vandalia Lodge, No. 491.-\Vhen balloting on a petition for the IHysteriE~s of Freemasonry, a member took a blacl{ ball froln the ballot box, and holding it up so all present could see it, then cast it. After\vards, he publicly boasted that he had come all the ,yay frc)1n Chicago to cast a black ball against the petitioner. Question asked, wa~ the nlember guilty of unmasonic conduct, and if so, \vhat action should be taken by the Lodge'? Ans\ver: The Brother \vas guilty of most reprehensible and unmasonic conduct, and charp;es should be preferred against hinI and he should be punished as the Lodge shall determine. [Proceedings 1911, page 21.] DOCUlVIENTARY EVIDENCE-VISITORS.
19. Keystone Lodge, No. 243.-l-Ias the Grand l\1:aster po,\ver to relieve the Lodges of the State from enforcing' the provision of Section 197, requiring visitors to produce doculnentary evidence that they come from a regular Lodge in this, or some other Grand Jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge of IVIissouri? Ans'\ver. No. That provision of the By-Laws vvas enacted by the Grand Lodge, as a safeguard against in1postors, and like all la"ws of the Grand Lodge, n1ust be upheld and enforced by the Grand IVlaster. [Proceedings 1911, page 21.] CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STA.NDING AFTER EXPULSION.
20. l\1issouri Lodge, No. I-A member '\v"as expelled for unmasonic conduct. No appeal was tal\:en to the Grand Lodge. In time the expelled member petitioned lVIissouri Lodge for reinstatelnent. The ballot on his petition for reinstatement was not unanimous, but n101'e than two-thirds were favorable. He thereupon was restored to good l\1:asonic standing, but not to Lodge men1bership, and was entitled toa certificate to that effect. The question was asked, should the certificate of good Masonic standing路 be issued by l\Iissouri Lodge, or should it COlne from the Grand Lodge through the G-rand Secretary? .A.nswer: The certificate of good l\{asonic standing should be issued by Missouri Lodge, because it was the Lodge that pronounced the judglnent and also reinstated the Brother, and the Grand Lodge had never acquired jurisdiction over him. [Proceeding's 1911, page 22.]
Proceedings of the
DIl\IIT IN OLD FORM ILLEGAL. 1. Brother Livingston Culbertson, a member of Papinsville Lodge, No. 140, ~'Tote to the Secretary of the Lodge that he desired to change his nlembership to Hume Lodge, No. 130, and asked his Lodge to grant hinI a dimit for that purpose. Papinsville Lodge, No. 140, issued hinl a dinlit on the old form in use under the Grand Lodge By-Laws of 1870, as amended by the By-Laws of 1880. The Brother at onee petitioned Hume Lodge for affiliation, attaching the diInit to his petition. His petition disclosed the fact that he lived across the State line in the State of Kansas. Rume Lodge rightfully refused to receive his petition. He thereupon returned his dimit to Papinsville Lodge, together with his dues in said Lodge for a year, and requested he be retained as a member of the Lodge. Papinsville Lodge, No. 140, asks what they should do in the pren1ises. Decision: In his application for thedimit, Brother Culbertson complied with the requirements of Sec. 157, which provides for the gTanting of a certificate of good standing to a member wYio desires to nJfiliate with another Lodge in this State. The Lodge was at fault in not issuing hinl a certificate as provided by Sec. 157 in place of the dinlit actually issued; and that, notwithstanding the Lodge issued a dimit, he had the right to treat it as a certificate of good standing~ and that his membership was not terminated in Papinsville Lodge, that by his immediate return of the dimit issued, together with his dues, he retained his membership in Papinsville Lodge. . [Proceedings 1912, pages 12-13 a.nd 103.] DI~IIT-CANNOT BE
2. Troy Lodge, No. 3"4, on February 11, 1911, on application of Brother Thos. H. 1\100re, who prior to said date had lnoved to the State of California, granted him a dimit. In January, 1912, he returned the dimit, stating that he did not want to join a Lodge in California, and" would like to have a certificate of good standing such as would enable him to visit a Lodge in California. '. Question: Could the Lodge take back the dimit and issue him a certificate of good standing? Decisions: The Lodge having regularly issued him a dimit, he ceased to be a member and the Lodge had no authority to tal{e back the dinlit and issue him a certificate such as he desired. The difference between this and the case from Papi nsville !,.odge, No. 140, is that, in the present case the Brother got what he called for when dimit was issued him, while in the former case a certificate of good standing should have been issued in the first instance rather than the dimit. [Proceedings 1912, pages 12-1.3 and 103.] C...L \.NDIDATES-LIST OF.
3. R. W. Brother Frazer P. Gibbs, D. D. G. M., Thirty-third District," asks if Sec. 183, of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, prohibits the send! ng in sealed envelopes, of a list of names of candidates to be balloted on for the <legrees to members of the Lodge. Answer. No. (Proceedings 1912, pages 12-13 and 103.]
Grand Lodge of Missouri,
TIME AND NorrICE OF TRIAL. ;1. r.ruscan Lodg'e, No. 360, asks where charges of unmasonic conduct are preferred against a member, is it mandatory that the IvI:astel' appoint a time for trial, or may the 1\1aster exercise his discretiun as to whether he "will cause the trial to be had, taking intf) cOILsider'atiaH the facts known to him as to the difficulty of makingproof of the charge '? Answer: Sec. 211, By-Laws, makes it imperative that the Master should proceed with the trial. [Proceedings 1912, pages 13 and 103.]
STA,TUS OF CANDID..~TE. 5. Rockville Lodge, No. 341, received a petition for the degTees fron1 a man who forty years prior thereto had petitioned and was elected to receive the degrees in a Lodge in Henry County, but who failed to present hin1self for initiation. Question: Has the Lodge the right to receive his petition, or does the Lodge in I-Ienry County retain jurisdiction, notwithstanding the fact that he now resides in the jurisdiction of Rockville Lodge'? Decision: Sec, 167, of the By-Laws, was not intended to retain perpetual jurisdiction in a case like this. Sec. 113 would prevent tlL~ Lodge in Henry County from receiving this petition as the candidate did not reside in the jurisdiction of the Lodge. Rockville Lodge had the right to receive the petition. [Proceedings 1912, pages 13 and 103.] LODGES CANNOT TAI<:E PART IN POLITICS. 6. Hannibal Lodge, No. 188, asks 'whether members of the l\rfasonic Fraternity should sign their naines to such a document as th(;~ following: "TO vVHOlVI IT l\1.AY CONCERN: "vVe, the undersigned citizens of Hannibal, Mo., and members of the lVlasonic Fraternity, have known for a number of years, and have always known hiIn to be a broad-minded man in his religious and political views." Answer:
No. [Proceedings 1912, pages 13 and 103.] STA.TUS OF CANDIDATE.
7. Heroine Lodge, No. 104, asks whether' an advertising manag(~r for a wholesale liquor house, whos~ duties are to send out advertising matter for his employer, is eligible under the By-Laws for membership in the IVlasonic Lodge. Decision: He is not eligible under Sec. 182, Grand Lodge Byl ... aws.
[Proceedings 1912, pages 13 and 103.]
Proceedings of the EXPELLED-l\:IAY PETr£ION FOR RESTORAr£rON.
S. l\lcDonalc1 Lodge, No. 324, expellecl a Inelnber on charg'es preferred against hinl, charging hirn with Inisrepresenting the facts con-
cerning his residence and eligibility in his petition for the degrees. FIe aftervlards petitioned the Lodge for reinstaten1ent, as provided by Sec. 250 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws.
Question: Has the Lodge jurisdicti<1n to entertain his petition for reinsta telnent '? .Answer: Yes. Sec. 250 n1akes no distinction in case of expelled 111tnnbers as to the cause or charges upon which judgment "vas rendered. [Proceedings 1912, pages 13-14 and 103.] l\IAY NC)'r CONFER DEGREES OUT OF
Cache Lodge, No. 416, at a regular Communication passed sevcandidates to the Degree of Fellow-Craft. The next regular C0I11111Unieation of the Lodge as fixed by its By-Laws would convene at 7::JO P. lVI., Dec. 9. Question: Could the Tvr. 1\'1. degree be conferred on these Brethren at a special meeting convened at 11 o'clock A. l\1., Dec. 9, which IneetLng "vould continue through the day into the regular Ineeting in the evening- as fixed by the By-La'ws? Decision: Under Sec. 110, Grand Lodg'e By-La\vs, the Lodge could not confer thE~ degrees prior to the tirne fixed by the By-La"vs for the next regular n1ceting'. The Grand l\'Iaster has no authority to suspend this By-Law of the Grand Lodge by issuing' a Dispensation. [Proceedings 1912, pages 14 and 103.] 9.
TRIAL-ON ALL SPECIFICATIONS NOT REQUIRED. 10. Tuscan Lodge, No. :360, received charges of unmasonic conduct agoa iust one of its TI1enlbers. r£he specifications were nurnerous, and a trial v.rould necessarily require the tal\:ing of a great nlass of testirnony.
Question: Could the Lodge require the accusing Brother to stand the expense of taking the testin10ny as a condition precedent to the trial '? Ans\ver: No. Question 2: Vlas it cOlnpulsory on the part of the Lodge that they proceed to trial on all of the specifications, or could. the l\'1aster or :Prosecuting' officer of the Lodge require the accuser to elect one or 1n01'e specifications upon 'which the trial should be had and for the purpose of s~ving expense? Decision: A Lodge has the rigl~t to protect itself against unnecessary expense and 111ay require the accusing party to elect which of several specifications he desires to have the trial proceed upon; the remainder of the specifications contained in the charge to stand continued until trial is had. [Proceedings 1912, pages 14 and 103.]
Grand Lodge of lv1issouri
11, I was notified that a 111ember of Cardwell Lodge, No. 231, was eng-aged in the saloon business. I instructed H. \V. Brother v"'irgil P. Adams, D. D. G. 1\1., in whose district the Lodge is located, to investigate the charge, and if it was ,veIl founded, t(l order the Lodge to proceed to file charges and expel the delinquent melnber. [Proceedings 1912, pages 15 ancl103.] CANNOT BE INSTALLED WHILE UNDER CHARGES. 13. Charges of unmasonic conduct were preferred in Itaska Lodg-e, No. 420, against the Secretary-elect of that Lodge after his (~lection and prior to the date of installation. The question was asked as to whether he could be installed ""hile the charges were pending against him? Ans"ver: No, the general welfare of the Lodge requires that an officer should not be installed against whom charges of unmasonic conduct are pending. [Proceedings 1912, pages 15-16 and 103.] CANDIDA.TES FOR POLITICAL OFFICE. 1,L !vIy attention has been called to a recent issue of a l\fasonic Journal published in Kansas City, nlade up largely of ad vertiselnents of candidates for political offices, g'iving their Lodg'e membership' and l\Iasonic history. Such publications in a l\ifasonic Journal are in violation of l\!Iasonic law. (Sec. 187 of the Grand Lodge By-I.... aws.) In a subsequent issue of the same Journal the editor apologizes for the political issue of the paper, saying- that he \-vas not informed as to the law on the subject. [Proceedings 1912, pages 16 and 103.]
SPECIAL PER CAPITA TAX. 1. "'l'hat a Lodge may pay the entire special per capita tax on its present membership for the four years out of its treasury and be thereby exenlpt fron1 further: payments' by reason of increase in Inenlbership. 2. That it was optional "vith the Lodge whether said special per capita tax was paid out of its treasury or collected fronl the ITlembe,rs. 3. That the law passed at the 1fJ12 session with reference to said .special per capita tax was compulsory, not voluntary, and any n1en1bel' failing to pay same, upon proper notice and demand, was subject to IVlasonic discipline. [Proceedings 1913, page 15.]
*That the incoming Grand l\1':aster and his successors in office be, and he and they are hereby requested and directed to take such steps as nlay be necessary and proper under the laws of this Grand Lodge to enforce the collection of the special per capita tax for the Improveluent Fund of the Masonic Home of Missouri, adopted at and
Proceedings of the
passed at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, held 8epten1ber, 1912. *See report of Committee on Jurisprudence. [Proceedings 1913, pages 15 and 161.] REJECTION NOT TO BE ENDORSED ON DIIvl1T. .1. That the Secretary of a Lodg'e in whIch a petition for affiliation has been rejected has no right to state this fact on the face or back of the dimit. [Proceedings 1913, page 15.] .
PHYSIC...~L QUALIFICATIONS. 5. That a TI1an who has lost the left leg below the l~nee and wears a cork leg is elig'ible if able to conform to the ceremonies. A cork leg' discounts a cork head. 6. That a Ulan having lost his second, third and fourth fingers of the right hand is ineligi ble. . [Proceedings 1913, page 15.]
That the possession of a DraIn Shop License in his o\ovn name to sell liquor is sufficient ground on 짜lhich to prefer charges against a mClnber. [Proceedings 1913, page 15.] 8.
9. rrhat the \V. IVr. should wear his hat while officiating as such, whether in Lodg'e or else\vhere. [Proceedings 1913, page 15.]
1\1. under suspension fro111 office has a right to visit
JProceedings 1913, pag'e 15.] SOLDIER INELIGIBLE. 11. That in the case of a soldier, ~vho owns property in a certain town and calls it his home, but has been in the U. S. Army for fifteell years, and expects to re-enlist, and who has not been in the State for t\ovelve months nor within the jurisdiction of the Lodge six n10nths, r held that he was ineligible, being' unable to comply with Sec. 113. [Proceedi ngs 1913. page 15.!
1919. ]
Gra'nd Lodge of }V1issouri
DROPPING FROl\rJ: t1:EIVrBERSHIP ILLEGAL. That in the case of a member who was "dropped" from the roll of lIlelubership without suspension, I held that it is illegal to "drop" a member without notifying him to appear at a stated time and sho'w cause why he should not be suspended, and then proceed to vote by paper ballot whether he shall be suspended or not. (Sec. 152.) Not having acted in accordance with said section, I further held that said 13rother is a member in good standing, and instructed the Secreta.ry of the Lodge to make demand upon him for all dues accruing since the time he was "dropped." And, if said member should pay the acct'u(~d dues, the Secretary was further instructed to remit to the Grand Secretary the amount of Grand Lodge dues o\ving on said men1ber from the year he was "dropped" to 1913, inclusive. [Proceedings 1913, pag'e 15.] 12,
EASTER SUNDAY NOT A MASONIC OCCASION. 1.3. That in the case of a Lodge requesting a Dispensation to attend divine service in a body on Easter Sunday, I held that it is evidently the spirit of the IVlasonic Law and the previous practice of the Grand Lodge and Grand Masters to discourage public processions of Subordinate Lodges except upon Masonic occasions, as defined in Sec. 47.
Sec. 48 also reads: "A Subordinate Lodge shall not appear in public procession without a Dispensation for that purpose from the Grand IVI:aster, except on lVIasonic occasions." In view of the law and the precedents above referred to, it is my opinion that this power of the Grand l\1a.ster to grant Dispensation should not be exercised except in cases \vhere the occasion carries with it some peculiar 1Iasonic significance No re'asonable construction of this rule gives authority to the Grand l\rJ:aster to exercise his judgment in creating other occasions wherein a Lodge Inay appear, otherVwl'ise the intention would have been made clearly manifest. It is laudable to attend divine service, and the individual Freemason may exercise his right of conscience without either interference or direction, and in no, way has he surrendered'this right by his voluntary connection \vith this institution, whose aim and object is to establish the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. The spirit of toleration in Freemasonry is so broadly defined and so universally protecb~cl bj.'" the institution, that I feel I would be derelict to my duty in lending official sanction to the violation of a fundamental principle. I therefore refused to grant the Dispensation. [Proceedings 1913, page 16.] SALOONKEEPER FROM ANOTHER JURISDICTION. 14. That no. Lodge in this Juris(liction has the right to entertain charg'es ag'ainst a Brother belonging to an Illinois Lodge for engaging ,in the saloon business in this State. Illinois does not bar saloonkeepers nor eluployes thereof from m'embership. *"Columittee approves, but are of the opinion that a Freemason holding nlelnbership in another State, and residing in this State, who
Proceedings of the
violates the la'w of this Grand Lodge, is not entitled to the rights and privileges of a Freemason in this State." *See report of Cdmrnittee on Jurisprudence. [Proceedings 1913, pages 16 and 161.] SECRETARY MUST ISSUE RECEIPT. That the Secretary of a Lodge must issue receipt for Lodge dues to a mt~nlber, notwithstanding said menlber has refused to pay thp special per capita tax for the Masonic Home Improvement :B'und. [Proceedi ngs 1913, page 16.] 15.
CANNOT HOLD ELECTION. That a Lodge could not hold Election of Officers prior to date set in their By-La'ws, although the Lodg"e had a provision in their By-La\vs to that effect. [Proceedings 1913, page 16.] 16.
ENTERED .A.PPRENTICE IVIAY DIMIT. 17. That an E. A. living outside of the Jurisdiction of the Lodge in \vhich he received his degree is entitled to a dimit without standing examination. [Proceedings 1913, page 16.]
l\IElVIORIAL DAY NOT A MASONIC OCCASION. 18. That lVlemorial Day is not a Masonic occasion.
[Proceedings 1913, page 17.]
NAl\1E OF 1\1ElVIBER-CANNOT CHA.NGE. lB. That the name of a member on the Grand Lodge records could not bE~ changeel until said change had been made according to la\v. [Proceedings 1913, page 17.]
PETITIONER NOT QUALIFIED U. D. 20. That Brethren not being qualified petitioners for the formation of a Lodge U. D. could not be elected to membership or office. [Proceedings 1913, page 17.] SECRETARY NOT ENT1TLED TO INTEREST. 21. That the Secretary of a Lodge is not entitled to interest on the Lodg'e funds. [Proceedings 1913, page 17.]
Gralzd Lodge of lttl'isso'uri
...\ .LIENS ELIGIBLE. 2~. 'rhat one "Vvho has not acquired citizenship is eligi ble for the degrees. [Proceedings 1913, page 17.]
That a Lodge could receive petition from one whose feet were
of uI1f:!qual size.
[Proceedings 1913, pa,gc' 17.] SUICIDE.
That a I'lL :LVI. in good standing \vho had committed suicide ,"vas eI:tti tled to IVfasonic burial. [Proceedings 1913, page 17.] 2,-1.
4. Fron1 Butler ,ve received a request for a ruling upon the propriety of a Lodge giving the ren1ains of a Brother lvlasonic burial \-vho had ht~en guilty of both hOlnicide and suicide. Also "\vhether or not the Lodge could lawfully refuse to bury him. A,ns\ver: As the Brother Vilas doubtless not responsi ble for his acts at the 1110111ent the terrible deeds were comn1itted, his reason surely having been dethroned, it is perfectly proper and :lour duty to give his ren1ains burial ,vith l\11asonic rites. [Proceedings 1914, pages 20,170.]
BELIEF IN DErry. 25. That petition for clegrE~es Dlllst state that the applicant is a [i1'n1 believer in thc~ One living- and true God. (Sec. 116, page 27 1 Book of Constitution, 1BOS.) [Proceedings 1913, page 17.]
IVfEl\iBERSHIP IN OTHER SOCIETY. 26. That charges could not be entertained against a n1enlber bf::,cause of his holding membership in the 'Order of Knights of ColU111bus. [Proceedings 1913, page 17.]
27. That it is irregular to suspend delinquents on a collective ballot. Each must be voted on separately. [Proceedings 1913, Dage 17.] HALL DESTROYED-LODGE l\1:AY l\:fEET.
28. That a Lodge, having lost its hall by fire, could hold meetin fl, hall duly dedicated and consecrated regardless of a pro-
Proceedings of the
vision in their By-Laws that place of meeting could only be changed by an amendment regularly presented and lying over two regular communications. [Proceedings 1913, page 17.] ~
22. Brother Davis \ivas tried by New IVIadrid Lodge, convicted and expelled for calling another member of the Lodge a rascal and scoundrel, by a vote of nineteen "guilty" and nine Hnot guilty." Three of the nineteen who voted "guilty" were not entitled to vote because they had ,not passed the proficiency examination required by S(~c. 121, on page 28 of the By-Laws, their degrees having been received since September 30th, 1908. If the presiding officer had allowed only those to vote who were legally qualified to do so the Brother would have been acquitted. At the tinle of the trial and for several years prior thereto the accused Brother was very sick. He ,vas a victim of locomotor ataxia, was still suffering from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy upon both his mind and body, was old and feeble and in his dotage and not responsible for what he said. Believing that a Lodge has no right to place a Brother of unsound mind on trial. we ruled that he had been unlawfully expelled and directed the Lodge to restore him. to good Masonic standing. After reaching this co.nclusion and writing the decision, but before mailing it, we were advised by wire of the death of the Brother. We sen t the follov.~ing telegram to the Secretary of the Lodge: "Having decided that O. L. Davis -was illegally expelled and having reinstated him to good Masonic standing before his death, you are directed to bury his remains with Masonic honors if his widow requests it." '\Ve have been advised that the remains were given Masonic burial by the officers and members of the Lodge. The papers in the case have been turned over to the Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee. [Proceedings 1914, page 24.] ASSESSMENT-Il'vfPROVEMENT FUND. 24. GriSWOld, No. 178, of Bellfluwer, asks: "vVhere the Lodge is ccHlecting the assessment for the building fund of the l'vfasonic Home from the individual melnbers, how much should we collect from nlembers who ~l"ere raised in May, 1914?" Answer: $1.50. M:embers joining between June 30th, 1913, and July 1st, 1914, will each be liable for $1.00. The four-year period for which this assessm~nt of 50 cents per member per year was levied is divided, as we understand it, as follows: 1st 2d 3d 4th
year-from year-froln year-from year-from
June June June June
30, 30, 30, 30,
1912, 1913, 1914, 1915,
to to to to
July July July July
1, 1, 1, 1,
1913. 1914. 1915. 1916.
1919. ] 27.
Grand Lodge of Misso'uri
An officer from Lathrop Lodge asks if a Brother refuses to
pay the assessment of 50 cents for the Masonic Home Inlprovement
Fund, has the Lodge a right to prefer charges against him?
Answer: Yes, but before doing so thoroughly explain to hinl that the money is for the purpose of making needed betterments and improvenlents at the Home; that the Home belongs to him as much as to any other Brother in the State, and that the sum total asked for is but $2.00, and that owing to the uncertainties of commercial life his own application for adlnission to the Home or Hospital may be the very next one sent in by his Lodge. [Proceedings 1914, page 27.] DUES, ACCRUE FROM DATE OF INSTIr.rUTION. 26. J.\tlanes Lodge was instituted under Dispensation in March, 1913, and organized under Charter in October, 1913, and asked from which date it should charge dues. Answer: Fronl date of institution under Dispensation. [Proceedings 1914, page 27.]
RESTORATION. 28. -,\.n expelled Brother of Independence petitioned his Lodge for restoration and failed. He ,vants to file his petition again. Can \Vo entertain it or must he apply to the Grand Lodge? Answer: Having made one application to your Lodge and failed, he, of course, now has the right to petition the Grand Lodge for restoration, but it is my opinion that he now has the option of petitioning either body any reasonable number of times. [Proceedings 1914, page 27.]
STATUS OF CANDIDATE. 29. One of the professors of our Normal School at Maryville is desirous of petitioning for the degrees. About twenty years ago he received the Entered Apprentice degree in San Francisco. He has forgotten absolutely everything about the work and cannot even remem ber the name of the Lodge, and the records of the Lodges in San Francisco were destroyed by the conflagration which followed the earthquake. vVhat would you advise? Answer: VV" e wrote to the Grand Master and Grand Secretary of California. They replied that the pr~fessor's name did not appear on the lists of members of California since August 1st, 1912; that they had no record back of that, and that they claimed no jurisdiction. \\T,e then authorized Nodaway Lodge, No. 470, to entertain his petition for the three degrees. [Proceedings 1914, page 27.]
FUNERAL OF SOJOURNER. 30. In cities where ther~ are two or more Lodges the Board of Relief shall keep a record of the dates and the names of the Lodges conducting funerals of the remains of sojourning Ii'reemasons. anâ&#x201A;Ź1
}Jroceedings of the
each I..Jolige in its regular turn shall conduct such funerals when requested to do so by the Board of H.elief. [Proceedings 1914, pages 27-28.] F路tELIGION OR POLITICS. NO.2. Question: "Does the fact that a 111an is a ROlnan Catholic justify a IHasonic Lodg'8 in refusing hin1 a courtesy that "would bE' sho'wn anyone else, such as thanking hiln for a favor'?" Answer: .A l\'1asonic Lodge, as such, does not in any sense participate in rnatters of religion or politics. It is wholly improper for a Lodge to tal(e any action that could be construed :1S favoring' or antag'onizing' religious or political 1110ve8. FreenlC1,sonry kno\vs no Dernocrats, l\Iethodists; Prohibitionists or Catholics, but deals with the "whole hurnan species as one fanlily." [Proceedings 1914, page 27.]
In Decision No.3 the question \V'~lS:
"Is a traveling actor \\-rho, \vith his fanliJy, spends about nine months of each ~year on the road, going from State to State, and even to foreign countries, but clailning' a l\Tissouri to\vn in \yhich he 1'8nlains during his vacation as "his thol11e, eligible for the Degrees of Freen1asonry?" rl'he Grand 1\'1aster ans\vered as follows: "The provisions of Section 113, Grand Lodge By""Laws, appear to pl'ecluc1e this class of applicants, and, we believe, \visely so; ho"\'tever, in view of the decision rendered by the Grand Lodge in 191;1, the conditions being very sinlilar, Vle decided he can." 'Under similar facts, your COlumittee on Jurisprudence, in 1 Dlt, reported that in its opinion, such a traveling actor was not eligible to n1'embership under Section 113 (Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1914, page 170), therebY disapproving the decision of Grand 1\'laster Boor (page 20), but the Grand Lodge upheld the decision of the Grand IVlastel' and disapproved the decision of your Committee, and it is upon this decision that the present Grand l\Iaster Inade his ruling. Granr1 l\'1aster Lampert, in an analogous case; held that a soldier who O\VIH~d property in thIs State and called it his hon1e, but路 had been in the United States .ArnlY for fifteen years and expected to re-enIist, and w'ho had not been in the State for tw~elve 1110nths, nor vtithin the jurisdiction of the Lodge six lTIonths, "was ineligible (Proceeding"s of 1913, page 15), and this decision ,vas approved by the COlnn1ittee on Jurisprudence and adopted by the Grand Lodge (page 162). It thus appears that the Grand Lodge has, upon analogous circumstances, made inconsistent rulings. "Ye believe that the Grand l\'1aster, in view of the decision of the Grand Lodge in 1914, ,vas correct in his ruling, but we disapprove of the decision of the 'Grand Lodg'e of 1D1,!, because it clearly contravenes Section lli~ of the Grand Lodge ByLavls, and we reconlmend that the decision of路 the present Grancll\'fastel', for the reasons above expressed, be disapproved. [Proceedi'ngs 1915, page 28.]
Grand Lodge of .Llfissouri
191(). ]
FEIDS IN CAST!] OF \Vl\.IVER. No. 4-. Decided that "",vhen one Lodge requests of another 'waiver of jurisdiction over a candidate for the Degrees of Freen1asonry, that the L()(lge granting the request has a legal right to demand a part or all the fc路es as a condition on \vhich the "",valver is g-ranted. [Proceedings ID15, page 28.]
"A. Inemher of the fraternity \vho is fron1 an-
lIther jurisdiction, one not requiring payment of dues in advance, p1'e:-;ents in IUay, IBI5, receipt for dues in said jurisdiction for the ~year l!IIL \Voulc1 the Grand Loc1g'p regulations admit hiln to a IVIissou1'i Lrldg'e't'
",\..ns\ver: A Brother from a Grand Jurisdiction recognized by l\lissouri, bearing documentary evidence (rece{pt for dues) dated "not 11101'e than t\vE~l ve 111 on ths last pas t, such Grand Jurisdiction not 1'0illliring payment of annual dues in advance, can legally be adluitted to :? lV1issou1'i Lodge." [Proceedings 1915, page 30.]
No.7. The question in Decision No. 7 of the Grand l\1:aster is as follo\vs: "\Vhen a Pa~t l\'1aster, holding the proxy of the \Vorshipful l\1:astel', and the present Senior \Varden, both from the saIne Lodge, attend the Grand Lodgt~, "",vhich should represent his Lodge and c1ra,v mileage and per elien1?" The Grand l\faster desires the opinion of the Jurisprudence Committee on this subject. .Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, provides, an10ng other thing's, as follows: "The proxy so deputed shall be entitled to the same privileges and pel'fornl the duties of him or thelU deputing him." Section 69 of the Grand' Lodge By-Law-s provides that the nlileage and per dien1 shall be paid, alnong other things, to "one representative from each Lodge," etc. It is our opinion that the l\laster, b~ing the senior in office, is entitled to dra"r this mileage and per dieln. In vie'w of the fact that the above-quoted portion of Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, provides that "The l1l'oxy so deputed shall be entitled to the saIne privileges and perform the same duties of hin1 or then1 deputing him," we are of the opinion that the party holding the proxy should stand in the sho(~s of the \'Vorshipful l\!faster and, in the vVorshipful l\1:aster's abst:::nce, hI? \voulc1 be entit1t:c1 to the 111ileage and per c11em, in~tead of the Senior 01" .Junior \Varden. [Proceedings 1HI5, page 30.]
Proceedings of the
No. 1. Question: An expelled Mason petitions for reinstatement, receives a two-thirds vote and is granted a certificate of good standing. Does this entitle him to any other Masonic privilege than to petition for membership? If so, what? Also, may he petition any lodge in the State for membership, or can he petition only the lodge '\v'hich expelled him and which also issued the certificate of good standing? Ans'wer: Upon the case stated the party is not entitled to any privilege other than to petition for membership. He may petition any lodge in this State. He is not required to petition only the lodge which expelled him. [Proceedings 1916, page 14.] DEAD-CANNOT BE REINST.A..TED.
No.2. Question: For the sixth time it has been asked. A Brother is suspended for non-payment of dues and afterward dies. Can he be reinstated if his relatives or friends pay what he owed at the date of his suspension so that he can be given a Masonic burial? Ans'wer: No. [Proceedings 1916, page 14.] FAILURE TO ADVANCE.
No.3. Question: Can a '\Vorshipful l\1:aster legally proceed to confer the second or third degree on an Entered .A.pprentice or Fellow Craft who has not presented himself within one year for advancement (although he has good cause for not having presented himself sooner and there is no objection offered to his advancement) withou: first having hhn petition in regular form? .Ans'-\"'er: No. [Proceedings 1916, page 15.] CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING-E. A. ORF. C.
No.4. Question: ~Iay a lodge issue a certificate of good standing to an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft for the purpose of joining another lodge? . Answer: No. Certificates of good standing can only be issued to Master M:asons. [Proceedings 1916, page 15.] CERTIFICATE FROM ANOTHER JURISDICTION.
No.5. Question: Maya petition be received for affiliation of a Master l\1ason from another State on a certificate of good standing? Answer: No. A petition from a foreig'n jurisdiction should be acconlpanied by a dimit. [Proceedings 1916, page 15.]
Gra'nd Lodge of :Jt1issouri
FAILURE TO ADV...~NCE. No.6. Question: .A. Fellow Craft fails to appear for his third degree in one year. Is he in good standing as a Fellow Craft? Ans""ver: Yes. l\fay he still continue to sit in a lodge of Fellow Crafts? Answer: Yes. He has not passed his proficiency examination; may he attend lodge and pass this examination? Answer: Yes. ~1ay a Fellow Craft or Master l\1:ason lawfully teach him the, proficiency lecture before he is elected to be raised? Answer: Yes. [Proceedings 1916, page 15.] E. A. MAY DIMIT. No.7. Question: Six years 'ago a brother was made an Entered Apprentice in Lexington, Mo., examined as to his proficiency and on presenting himself for advancement an objection was made, but charges not filed. He moved to St. Louis, where he now lives. lIe wants to take the other degrees in St. Louis. "Vill he have to petition to take the remainder of the degrees, and, if so, what lodgethe lodge at Lexington or the lodge at St. Louis, which he wishes to join? Answer: He may apply to Lexington Lodge for a certificate of dirnission under Section 163 of Grand Lodge By-La'ws, petition the St. Louis Lodge for affiliation, accompanying such petition with the certifIcate of dimission from Lexington Lodge, and upon his election to membership in the St. Louis Lodge would be entitled to receive the degrees ipso/acto withput petitioning for such degrees to any lodge. [Proceedings 19.16, page 15.] FAILURE TO ADVANCE. No.8. Question: An Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft fails to present himself for advancement within a year, but has a good路 and sufficient excuse for not doing so. Should he be required to petition for advancement? Ans,,"er: Yes. The good and sufficient excuse clause in section 107 refers to repayment of the fee. [Proceedings 1916, page 16.] EXAMINATION AS TO PROFICIENCY. No.9. Question: A. brother is made a Master Mason in a lodge in Illinois which does not require an examination as to his proficiency in the third deg-ree. On dimit from his lodge in Illinois he is elected to membership in a lodge in Missouri and is .elected an officer
Proceedings of the
therein. v\till he have to stand an. examination as to his proficiency in the third degree before he can be installed? .c\.ns\ver: No. The IVlasonic st.atus of a brother is fixed by the of the jurisdiction \\Therein hp "vas 111ade a l\Iason. Our law requiring an exan1ination as to proficiency in the third degTce, and ilnposing penalties for failure to do ~o, only applies to lVlaster IVlasons raised in this jurisdiction. [Proceedings 1916, page 16.J
EXAIVrINATION AS TO PROFICIENCY. No. 12. Question: Can a lodge in this jurisdiction request another lodge, also in this jurisdiction, to examine and vote on the' proficiency of a Brother in the lecture of the third degree? Ans\>ver: Yes. Authority to confer the third clegree necessarily carries \vith it authority to examine and vote on his proficiency. , [Proceedings 1916, page 16.] RANI{-ENTITLED TO. No. 13. Question: Our "\Vorshipful l\'Iaster has moved out of the State to reside and \ve have elected the Senior "Varden as'\Vorshipful IV(aster. Is the \Vorshipfu! lvlaster who moved away entitled to the rank of Past 1'!aster? Ans'wer:
He 'will be at the conclusion of the tern1 for \vhich
he was elected.
Question: \Vill the Senior "rarden who was elected vVorshipful l\Iaster be entitled to the rank of Past :&tfaster? Answer: elected.
Yes, at the conclusion of the term for which he was [Proceedings 1916, page 16.}
. PHYSICAL QUALIFICATIONS. No. 14. The Grand :&Taster of Texas asked for ruling on the following question: Ivanhoe Lodge, No. ~146, having asked Pentagon Lodge, No. 1080, of the Grand Jurisdiction of Texas, to confer the degrees on a candidate who had been elected to receive the degrees in Ivanhoe Lodge, but had 1110ved to Texas; it was discovered by the master of cerelTIonies of Pentag'onLodg'e, while the candidate vvas being prepared, that one joint of the路 middle toe of the left foot \vas missing', which n1ade hin1 ineligible to receive the degrees under the la\vs of Texas, and the candidate was excused, and inasmuch as the Brother \vould be a luember of a lodge in J\nssouri, should the degrees be conferred on hiln? I was asked if, according to our laws governing physical qualifications, he ,vas qualified to receive the degrees \.vhic11 Ivanhoe No. 446 had requested Pentagon Lodge No. 1080 to confer. Answer: In our jurisdiction it has never been held that a lnissing joint fronl the 111iddle toe of the left foot would hinder a person
Grand Lodge of JIIfi-$sOU1"i
otherwise qualified from becoming a Freemason, and in order that there might be no dispute in such matters, Grand ]\Ilaster Kuhn, several years ago, introduced and secured the passage of an an1endment to Physical Disqualification, Section 106 of our By-La"vs, which provided, "Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to render anyone ineligible to the pr'ivileges of 1\lasonry who can by the aid or artificial appliances conforln to the necessary ceremonies." Under which by-law it was decided by Grand Master Lanlpert and approved by the Grand Lodge, "that a man who has lost the left leg below the knee and wears a cork leg is eligible if able to conform to the ceremonies; a cork leg discounts a cork head." [Proceedings 1916, page 17.] DUES-BACK-LODGE MAY H.ETAIN. No. 15. Question: A Brother suspended for non-payment of dues tendered the amount he owed at the tinle of his suspension and petitioned to be reinstated, but was on vote of the lodge rejected. What shall we do with the money? Ans,ver: Keep it.
He owed it to you; and you have it. [Proceedings 1916, page 17.]
LIQUOR-1\1:ANUFACTURE OF. No. 16. Question: Is one who is engaged in the manufacture of Weiss beer containing 2 per cent alcohol eligible to petition for the degrees? 'Veiss beer is not considered an intoxicating liquor. A.. nswer: No. Ten drinks of beer containing 2 per. cent of alcohol is just as intoxicating as one drink of whisky' containing 20 per cent of alcohol, and makes you feel a great deal worse. [Proceedings 1916, page 17.] ELECTION NULL AND VOID. No. 17. Question: A member of a lodge in this jurisdiction petitions another lodge in this jurisdiction for membership by affiliation, a-nd was elected and regularly pays his dues. No certificate of good standing or dimit was ever issued to hirrl by the lodge of which he first was a member. After some years the lodge of which he was first a. menlber suspended him for non-payment of dues. What is his l\:l:asonic standing? Answer: He stands a suspended lnelnber of the lodge of which he was first a member. [Proceedings 1916, page 18.] TRIAL-NE\N, CANNOT GRANT. No. 18. Question: A Brother is tried and convicted in his lodge for unmasonic conduct. Has the vVorshipful Master povver to grant the accused a new trial? .A.nswer: No. [Proceedings 1916, page 18.]
of the
",Ve have an application for nlembership fronl
a Brother lately dimitted fronl an Oklahoma Lodge who livtjs just across the line in Oklahoma and just a luile fron1 our lodge in l\Iis-
souri. Can we elect hinl to menlbership, provided we get the consent of the lodge in Oklahon1a in 'whose jurisdiction he resides? Answer: No. Under Section 113, By-Laws, we have no extra territorial jurisdiction. [Proceedings 1916, page 18.] PETITION FOR DEGREES. 1. The C'oInmittee on the petition of a candidate for the degrees
having reported unfavorably, a ballot must be taken.
may be nlade to receive a petition or to initiation or advancement, but not to balloting' on the petition. Sections 103, 123, 141, Grand
Lodge By-Laws. [Proceedings 1917, page 35.] PETITION FOR DEGREES. 2. The committee on a petition for the degrees being all absent at the meeting at which the report was due, the \Vorshipful ~11aster appointed a new con1mittee, who reported unfavorablY,but not on the ground of physical disqualification. The Secretary returned the fee to a friend of the candidate, a Inember of the Lodge, who inquired hov/ to proceed. An8'\"er: A ballot should have been taken. Return the fee to the Secretary that a ballot 111ay be taken on the petition as provided by Section 126, Grand Lodge By-La路ws. [Proceedings 1917, page 35.]
PETITION FOR REINSTATEMENT. 3. A member of a Lodge was suspended for $9 delinquent dues. After more than one year he petitioned for reinstatement, accompanying his "petition with a draft for $15 to apply on dues. Question: If his petition should be rejected, should the Lodge retain the $9 and return the other $6? Answer: The brother o'\v'~d the Lodge $9 for dues when suspended, which should be retained, and if his petition for .reinstatement should be rejected the $6 should be returned to the suspended brother. [Proceedings 1917, page 36.]
A Secretary of a Lodge viTites as follows: "Our Lodge has a petition for the degrees from a man \vho is 67 years of age and white headed, but seems to be in possession of all his faculties, but sonle of our menlbers consider him in his dotage. Is he eligible?
Grand Lodge of M'issouri
Answer: If the candidate is in the possession of his mental faculties, then he is not in his dotage, and his age is no objection. Dutage is feebleness or imbecility of understanding or mind, childishness of old age; senility. . [Proceedings 1917, page 36.]
.ACQUITTAL---lWILL NOT BAR CHARGE. 5..A. member of Lowry City Lodge \vas acquitted on the follo\ving charge and specifications:
"That said Brother on or about June 20, and on other dates and times, did take my wife away hon1e and remain away most of the night, and callE~d her in my absence in my home, and did continue to do things until my home has been broken up." I
from upon. these
'Vould such acquittal bar a charge for adultery with the '\vife of the accuser?
Ans\ver: The charge on\vhich the accused was tried did not specifieally involve adulte1'y. He was not tried on a charge for that offense. I am of the opinion that the acquittal on the charge will not bar a charge for adultery. [Proceedings 1917, page 36.] RECOlVIlVIENDJ-\.TION-BY lVIAJORITY VOTE. 6. The question:
of Versailles
"Twenty or more of the members of Versailles Lodge No. 117 have presented a petition to the Lodge asking a recommendation of Versailles Lodge that said petitioners be granted a charter for the forlnation of a new Lodge in Versailles. By what vote of the Lodge numerically can . the recommendation be legally given? And are the petitioners who are Inetnbers of Versailles Lodge entitled to vote on the question of granting the prayer of their petition?" Ans'\ver: In my opinion a nlajority vote will carry the recomnlendation. The petitioners who are members of Versailles Lodge are entitled to vote on the question. Section 72, Grand Lodge ByLa楼ts does not disqualify them. [Proceedings 1917, page 36.] ,V. M. OF NE'VV LODGE.
7. Is a brother who has served as vVarden in a Lodge U. D. and w路ho has not previously served as Master or vVarden in a Lodge eligible to the office of IVlaster at an election held subsequent to the e.onstitution of the Lodge uncleI' its charter? A.l1s\,rer: No. Any Master l\1:ason may be elected and installed as a l\Taster of a new Lodge at its organization under its charter l
Pl"oceed£ngs of the
but not at a subsequent election, unless he has previously served as l\laster or 'Varden in a chartered Lodge. See Sections 78 and 91, Grand Lodge By-La ¥lS. [Proceedings 1917, page 37.] BJXAl\fINATION-AS TO PROFICIENCY-BEFORE DIlYIIT. 8. The Secretary of \,\Tillard Lodge No. 620 writes that 'Villard Lodge granted a member a certificate of good standing for the purpose of transferring his nlembership to another Lodge, and that he has been elected a member thereof without having passed his exarnination on his proficiency on the first section of the degree of 1\1.". M. as required by Section 121, and that he is withholding his Dimit until infonned 'what to do. Ans\ver: The Dinlit should not be granted until the mernber has passed a satisfactory exanlination on his proficiency. Section 121, Grand Lodge By-Laws [Proceedings 1917, page 37.]
9. Question: A gentleman of good repute, exemplary character, and possessed of all the necessary qualifications, desires to apply for nlembership and receive the degrees in Freemasonry. I-Ie is employed as superintendent of in the mechanical department of a brewery. He is not in any way connected with the manufacture or sale of the product. vVould his present occupation mal\:e him ineligible? I . Ans","e1': His occupation'does not render him ineligible to petition a Lodge for the degrees under Section 182, Grand Lodge ByLa\vs. See Decision No.2, Grand Lodge Proceedings 1915, page 194. • [Proceedings 1917, page 37.]
FUNERAL SERVICE-AT TIME OF BURIAL. 10. R. \V. Brother J. 1\'1. Carnahan, D. D. G. 1\1. Forty-seventh District, submitted the foll~)'\ving question: "Last fall a Brother lVfaster 1\r1ason died and the. Lodge was unable to conduct his funeral His \vido\v no\v desires us to hold 1vlasonic services at his grave." R '\V. Brother Carnahan ruled that he knew of no lVfasonic la'w that would authorize 'the Lodge to hold funeral services as -requested. That it "was his understanding that the funeral services of a M:asonic brother must be conducted at the time of the interment. I approved this ruling. Section 257, Grand Lodge By-I.Ja,-vs, authorizes a l\{asonic funeral service in connection with the burial of a deceased l\1:aster Mason in good standing. I find nothing in the la\y which \l{ollld authorize the holding of funeral services over the grave ofa deceased brother after his burial, nor any service adapted to such an occasion. [Proceedings 1917, page 38.]
1919. ]
Grand ,Lodge of
PHYSICAL QUALIFICATIONS. 11. Is a petitioner for the degree who has a wooden leg vlith a flexible knee joint, and vvho is able to conform to the ceremonies,
eligible? This question was submitted to R. \V. Bro. En1s1ey C. Jal'nes, D. D. G. M., who ruled that the petitioner ,vas eligible. This ruling is approved. [Proceedings 1917, page 38.] ROMAN CATHOLIC-ELIGIBLE TO PETITION. 12. Is a Roman Catholic eligible to petition for the degrees in Freemasonry? Answer: Freemasonry l1takes no religious test except the p;~tl颅 tioner must be an unfeigned believer in the one living antI tl ue God. [Proceedings 1917, page 3S.]
LODGE MAY NOT J\fEET. 13. Zalma Lodge No. 545, having a small hall, re<1nf:stt~d t1. dispensation to hold a session of the Lodge in the I. O. O,~~. hall for the !Jurpose of conferring degrees and serving a basket dinner, at which it was expected there would be a large nUlnber in :',l,ttendance from other Lodges.
A dispensation "'las refused, it having been ruled that a Lodge cannot legally meet and work in a building ihat has not be~~n' dedicated and consecrated to IVIasonic purposes. See Pr,)ct-:e<1ings 1916, page 216. This seems to be the construction heretofore placed on Section 82 of the Grand Lodge 路By-La v\~s. [Proceedings 1917, page 38.] DEBT-LODGE MAY CONTRACT. 14. Jacksonville Lodge No. 541 requested my consent and approval to incur indebtedness for the purchase of ten acres of land. adjoining the town of Jacksonville for a IV[asonic cemetery. T'he land would cost $1,500, and to survey and improve the sarrle \v路).lld cost an additional $300. Havfng full confidence in the business ability of the officers a.nd members of Jacksonville, Lodge, I my consent and approval as requested. [Proceedings 1917, page 38.] 15. I gave my consent and approval to Portageville Lod%"6 166 to borrow $250 for the . . . olTIpletion of a hall occupie(i by
1"0. ~aid
Lodge and Odd Fellows conjointly. Also to Hiram Lodge No. 5.62 to borrow $5,500 to purchase and improve a hall. [Proceedings 1917, page 39.]
Proceedi'ngs of (he
ALIENS ELIGIBLE FOR DEGREES-vVHEN. 16. Question: Is a petitioner for the degrees rendered ineligible from the fact that he is not a naturalizF.d citizen of the United States? Ans"''"er: The qualifications of a candidate are prescribed by Sections 113, 115 and 116, Grand Lodge By-La'ws. If the candidate is a resident and has the other qualifications it does not seenl necessary that he should be a naturalized citizen. [Proceedings 1917~ page 39.J TRIALS-TESTI110NY FILED "\VITH SECRET.A.RY, 17. The testimony of profanes "vas taken by a conlmittee appointed by the Worshipful IvIaster pending charges preferred against a Inerober of the Lodge. 'rhe conlmittee did not file the testimony so taken 'with the Secretary, but permitted one of the counsel in the case to retain it, who declined to allow counsel On the other side to examine it. Complaint having been made to me, I ruled that as soon as the committee had comp10ted taking the testinlony they should have filed it \vith the Secretary of the Lodge, so that either party could have an opportunity to examine it, and that counsel in refusing to permit opposing counsel to examine it were guilty of unmasonic conduct, and, unless he apologized in open Lodge for his conduct, I directed that charges be preferred against him. \Ve have no place for shysters in a 1\1asonic Lodge, [Proceedings 1917, page 39.]
18. A member of a Lodge 'Yho, on a plea of guilty to an indictment for forgery and embezzlement, was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years and received a pardon at the end of eighteen months, petitioned for restoration. I was asked what is the procedure. Answer: I think it 'would be an exceptional case if the Lodge could afford to restore hhn, but the Lodge can judge the propriety of this action. Section 250 of the Book of Constitutions provides the procedure. [Proceedings 1917, page 39.] NAMES OF PETITIONERS l\1:UST BE RE ...t\.D ALOUD. 19. Complaint was made to R. VV. Bro. A. J. O'Reilly, D. D. G. 1\'L, that the Worshipful 1faster of Itaska Lodge No. 420, A. F. & A. M., refused to permit the reading of the names appended to a petition of a proposed new Lodge, submitted to Itaska Lodge for its approval, ,,"hen one of the members of the Lodge requested that it be read. R. W. Bro. O'Reilly ruled that the "\Vorshipful Master was in error; the names must be' read. I approved the ruling'. [Proceeding's 1917, page 40.]
e'rand Lodge of :A1issouri
22. The Prayer Chain Letter: R. ",V. Brother \V. C. Heck wrote as follows: "March 23, 1917. "You are doubtless falniliar with the 'Ancient Prayer Chain Letter', which has been going the rounds for some years. I have been getting them occasionally, but lately have received several signed by Freemasons, stating that the sending was a l\lasonic request."
In my opinion this prayer chain letter savors of rank superstition and should meet with the condemnation of all intelligent people. [Proceedings 1917, page 41.] RESIDENCE-ESTi\.BLISHED BY VOTING. 23. A question of residence. The petitioner for degrees has been in New Haven since September 1, 1916, employed as school teacher, and has been in the jurisdiction of Evergreen Lodge for the past six months and lived in this county all of his life. He was born in Harrison County and his parents reside at Ridgeway. At the. general election held last November he voted at New Haven. Should he not be re-e1ected as teacher in our schools he路 will no doubt leave here. Question: Is he in the jurisdiction of New Haven Lodge, or in that of the Lodge at Ridegway? Answer: The question of residence as defined in Section 113, Grand Lodge By-Laws, is one of fact, in which the intention largely controls. If the petitioner was entitled to vote at New Haven at your last general election, I would say he is eligible to petition your Lodge for the degrees. [Proceedings 1917, page 42.] NO PENAL JURISDICTION OUTSIDE OF lVIISSOURI. 24. A melnber of Center Lodge No. 147 of Marion, Kansas, requfsted Ingomar Lodge No. 536 of 'VVillow Springs, Mo., to prefer charges against a Inenlber of Center Lodge for a l\1:asonic offense comnlitted \-vhile in the jurisdiction of Ingomar Lodge, and. to prosecute the case to its finality. I was asked if Ingonlar Lodge has authority to exercise penal jurisdiction in the case. .Answer: I am of the opinion that Ingomar Lpdge has no juristion in the case, although the offense may have been com :-ni +: :Bd within its jurisdiction. See Sec. 201 (1908). The fact that Center Lodge requests Ingomar Lodge to exercis~ penal jurisdiction in the case does not alter the law, because c路")n .. sent cannot confer jurisdiction. Authority to try the case must be found in our own law. [Proceedings 1917, page 43.]
Proceedings of the
DEGREES lVIAY BE CONFERRED-BY \VHOl\L 25. The question of difference of opinion among the brethron of lVIercer Lodge No. 35, almost ~unounting to friction, arose over the question of "rho is eligible to confer degrees, some contending that any brother who kno'ws the work \vas the proper person to preside in conferring' degrees, while others contend that only the l\laster, "\Vardens or SOlne Past l\'Iaster is eligible. . .A.ns\ver: Section 87, Grand Lodge By-La\ys, authorizes the presiding officer to request the assistance of any duly qualified brother in conducting the business or in conferring the deg-rees. I think the clear meaning of this section is that the \Vorshipful 1\tfaster lllay call any brother to the chair, or to any other station in the lodge, \\Thile a degree is being conferred, whether such brother be a 'Varden or Past Master, provided only he is competent to perfonn the 路work. I think this practice encourageS' the younger nlembel'S to make tbenlselves proficient in the work. I further think that it is good policy for the J\laster to encourage proficient luembel'S to participate in the \york of conferring degrees. [Proceedings 1917, page 44.]
DEBT l\IAY BE INCURRED BY J\tfAJORITY VOTE. 26. Sarcoxie Lodge No. 293 o\ved a debt of $4,000. A. resolution \vas offered setting aside the rent fron1 the lower story, which an10unts to $60 per nl0nth, for the purpose of paying' the debt and interest. The resolution ",vas read and laid over for thirty days, 'when it \-vas carried by a n1ajority of t\VO votes. Question: Did the resolution require a majority of a twothirds vote for its adoption, or was it an amendment to the ByLa\ys? Ansvter: This \vas a business proposition and required only a nlajority vote for its adoption. It \,,~as in no sense an amendment to the By-La路ws. [Proceedings 1917, page 44.]
27. IVI. J. 'VVillianls renl0ved fronl Kansas to Pollock, l\Iissouri. He petitioned Pollock Lodge No. 349 for affiliation, acconlpanying his petition "'lith a receipt for dues in Liberty Lodge No. 123, Kansas, on which \vas endorsed a certificate of good 1\'fasonic standing, and ,\-vas elected to membership in Pollock IJodge. Liberty Lodge complained of this action on the part of Pollock Lodge, and claimed that Brother vVilliams was' still a 111ember of Liberty Lodge. r ruled the petition of Brother vVilliams for affiliation should have been accompanied with a dilnit from Liberty Lodge, without which the action of Pollock Lodge in electing him a member thereof was unauthorized and void. Section 157 of our Grand Lodge By-Law's does not authorize a member of a lodge in another Grand Jurisdiction to transfer his membership to a lodge in this state '\-vithout a dimit. I therefore ordered that the action of Pollock Lodge be set aside. [Proceedings 1917, page 45.]
Grand Lodge of M'issouri
DOT.A.GE-NO C.A.USE FOR DIIVIIT. 28. A member of a lodge who is in his dotage applied for a din1it for the mer.e purpose of withdrawing from the Order. He is a Past l\laster and had been active in the Lodge for many years. He assigned as his reason that he is old and IVfasonry is not what it used to be ,and he can be as good a Mason out of the Lodge as in it. Question: Should the Lodge grant a dhnit as requested? Ans\ver: For an old brother in such circumstances to sever the bonds of fraternal fellowship is a tragedy. If he is in his dotage the dimit should not be granted. [Proceedings 1917, page 45.] SECRETARY-1\1:UST PAY FEES TO TRE.:\SURER. 29. Should the Secretary of a Lodge turn over to the Treasurer
the fee accompanying a petition for the degrees, or should he hold it until the ballot is tal{en upon the petition? Answer: It is the duty of the Secretary to receive all n10neys due the Lodge and pay them over to the Treasurer. The fee ac-. con1panying a petition for the degrees is due the Lodge and should be regularly paid over to the Treasurer. [Proceedings 1917, page 46.] STATUS OF CANDIDATE. The following inquiry was submitted to R. ",V. Bro. A.â&#x20AC;˘r. O'Reilly, D. D. G. 1\L: 30.
Brother VV. \vas initiated in Herrin's Prairie Lodge, No. 639, of Herrin, Illinois, in 1909, and removed to St. Louis in 1910 without having been advanced. Desiring advancement he was advised by the VV. l\L of Trinity Lodge No. 641, St. Louis, that he should regularly petition for the degrees. His petition was accordingly presented. resulting in his rejection. What is his status? After corresponding with Herrin Prairie Lodge and learning the facts, R. \V. Brother O'Reilly ruled that the candidate was a menlber of that Lodge, but not in good standing; that Trinity Lodge had no jurisdiction; that its action in receiving his petition and balloting thereon was unauthorized. The ruling of VV: Brother O'Reilly is approved. Undoubtedly the action taken by Trinity Lodge was due to a lnisconstruction of Section 107 of the Grand Lqdge By-Laws. [Proceedings 1917, page 46.] PHYSICAL QUALIFIC.A.TIONS. 31. 1\1:ountain Grove Lodge No. 158 requested Tucumcari Lodge No. 27, N. 1\1., to confer the degrees on' a candidate who had been elected by Mountain Grove Lodge to receive the degrees. I forwarded this request to the lVL ",V. Grand l\1:aster of New J\tIexico, vlho later wrote me, inclosing a letter from the Secretary of Tu-
Proceedings of the
cumcari Lodge, stating that "in the preparation of the candidate \ve discovered that his left leg had been taken off at or just belo\v the thigh, and that he had a cork leg. vVe were somewhat at a loss just ~"hat to do, but being satisfied he could conform to all the requirements of an E. A., we conferred that degree upon him. However, \ve are not so satisfied that he can conforIll to all requirements in the renlaining degrees. In this connection will call your attention to case No'. 14, page 236, Grand Lodge路 Proceed1ngs 1916. This case, however, differs from our case, in that the candidate had lost his left leg below the knee, but you will note the decision states 'that a man who has lost the left leg' below the knee and 'wears a cork leg is eligible if able to conform to the ceremonies'.H Referring this letter to l\1:ountain Grove Lodge, the Secretary wrote me that the Investigation Committee reported that the candidate used a cork leg jointed in the knee. I then "V\'Tote the JH. \Y. Grand l\Iaster of New Mexico, quoting Section 106 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, and stated that if the candidate \vere not able to conforn1 to the ceremonies then he should not have received the first degree. That if the examining committee of l\lountain Grove Lodge overlooked his physical disqualification, it \vas their fault, and not that of the candidate, and that if the candidate was not provided with a cork leg vvith a flexible knee joint he will not be entitled to advancement until he provides himself with such artificial limb. [Proceedings 1917, page 46.J PETITION F'OR
32. R. "Y. "V. I. Stuart, D. G. M., of the Grand Lodge of Kansas, complained to me of the action of Lo\\rry City Lodge No. 403 in electing Brother .John P. Earhart, a member of \i\Tetmore Lodge No. 530, vVetlnore, Kansas, to membership in LO'wry' City Lodg-e, w'ithout having tal(en a dimit from \Vetmore Lodge, in violation of the laws of the Grand Lodge of Kansas. I corresponded ,vith the Secretary of Low路ry City Lodge and learned that Brother Earhart petitioned' Lowry City Lodge for affiliation, and accon1panied his petition with a certificate of good l\Iasonic standing in \Vetmore Lodge,which ",ras not addressed to any Lodge. I ordered LO'wry City Lodge to set aside its action in electing Brother Earhart to membership therein, which was promptly done, and comn1unicated my action to R. '\V. Brother stuart, D. G. 1\1:. of Kansas. The action of Lowry City Lodge w'ould have been unauthorized under Section 157 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, even if Brother Earhart's membership had been in a 路l\:1issouri Lodge. . [Proceedings 1917, page 147.]
INVASION OF JURISDICTION. 34. J. S. Gossom, an attorney at law, had been a resident of Caruthersville, in Pelniscot County, lVrissouri, for ten or twelve years. He removed with his family: to St.LouiS, IVrissouri, April 6, 1915, where he engaged in the practice of his profession.
Grand Lodge of A1issouri
On February 3, 1916, he petitioned Th1]ssouri Lodge No.1, A. F. & A. IV!., for the degrees. He was elected and received the degrees of E. A. and F. C. Afterwards, on .A.. ugust 14, 1916, Caruthersville Lodge No. 461, A. F. & ...A..... lV1., complained to l\1:issouri Lodg'e No. 1 that Brother Gossom was a resident of Caruthersville at the time he petitioned for the degrees, and that IVIissouri Lodge had invaded its jurisdiction. By mutual consent the two Lodges referred the matter to IV!. 'V. Brother Frank R. Jesse, then Grand l'/Iaster of Missouri, for decision, who, on his retirement from office, referred the luattel' to nle as unfinished business. I have subnlitted the ll1atter to R. VV. Bro. A. J. O'Reilly, D. D. G. IVr. of the Thirty-third District, and to R. ViT. Bro. Virgil P. .Adams, D. D. G. 1\1:. of the Fifty-first District, for investigation, who have each submitted reports. R. "\V. Brother O'Reilly has made a very thorough investigation of the facts and sublnitted much evidence in support of his conclusion. There .are many facts and' circumstances .in evidence in the report submitted by R. \V. Bro. O'Reilly to support his conclusion that Brother Gossom was a bona fide resident of the City of St. Louis at the time he petitioned 1\!J.issouri Lodge No. 1 for the degrees, and I concur in his judglnent. I therefore hold that Brother GOSSOln "vas within the jurisdiction of 11issouri Lodge No. 1 on :r;."ebruary 3, 1916, when it received his petition, and that it did not invade the ~urisdiction of Caruthersville Lodge No. 461. [Proceedings 1917, page 48.] LODGE WAIVING JURISDICTION-SHOULD REQUEST ]'EES, 35. Four candidates, residing '\vithin the jurisdiction of 'Vest Vie'w Lodge No. 103, petitioned Trowel Lodge No. 440 for the degrees. ,Vest View Lodge waived jurisdiction on condition that Trowel Lodge pay the fees for the degTees to vVest View Lodge. Question: Should Trowel Lodge pay the fees to 'Vest 'View Lodge or can the latter Lodge require that the fees for the degrees be paid to it as a condition of waiving jurisdiction? Answer: The fees should be paid to vVest View Lodge. That Lodge could make this requiren1ent as a condition of waiving jurisdiction. [Proceedings 1917, page 49.] E. A.-ENTITLED TO CERTIFICATE OF DIIVIISSION. 36. An entered apprentice having removed out of the jurisdiction of his Lodge, makes application for n1embership on certificate of good standing as f?uch. This was done under Section 163. 80n1e brothers claim an entered apprentice cannot dimit, claiming' an alnendment to this effect. How about it? Answer: I find no amendment to Section 163, Grand Lodge ByLa~rs. An entered apprentice is not entitled to a certificate of good standing, but if he has ren10ved out of the jurisdiction of his Lodge he is entitled to a certificate of dinlission. See Section 109. By Section 157, a member who desires to transfer his membership to
Proceedings of the
another Lodge in this jurisdiction lnay do so upon a certificate of good standing as provided in said section. This has no application to an E. A. or F. C. It only applies to lVlaster lVlasons. [Proceedings 1 ~ 17, page 49.] PETITION-CANNOT BE WITHDRA"\VN. 37. A nlan makes application for the degrees, two of the committee report on it the night it is presented, reporting favorably. I satisfy nlyself that the nla,n will not pass the ballot, and to save the man's father, who put in the petition for his boy, humiliation (the father is a good man, a good lVfason and a K. T.), I advised hiIn to withdraw it, and advised the boy to fornl better associates than those he had. The father thanked me, saying that I had acted as a lVlason should; he appreciated me warning hiIn and not allowing it to reach the ballot. He withdrew the petition. I allowed him to do this under Section 102, Art. VIII. The l\.faster. and others say I had no right to do this and that the petition is' not withdrawn. Ho~" about it? Ans"\ver: The petition cannot be withdrawn after it has been referred to the comlnittee. Section 102, Grand Lodge By-Laws, ;.:LS anlended, 1914, p. 157 .. [Proceedings 1917, page 50.J
PROPER FEE FOR LIFE lVIEIVIBERSHIP. 38. Cambridge Lodge No. 63 writes: "Several of our brethren expr-ess a desire to pay a life Inembership fee in the Lodge. Our By-Laws mal\:e no provision for such a payment, although in the Constitution we find there is such a section permitting Lodges to make such a provision. 'Ve would like to have some idea as to grade same, whether tliere should be a fixed amount regulated according to age. Our annual dues are $5.00." Ansvver: Section 151, Grand Lodge By-La'ws, needs no construction. So far as nlY information goes, all Lodges charge annual dues. Some exenlpt members fronl dues after the Dlember attains a certain age, or, after one has been a nlember of the Lodge for so many years and attains a certain age. But in all these cases the Lodge will have to pay the Grand Lodge dues. I think Section 1.51 authorizes a Lodg'e to fix n definite sum, which, when paid, would be in full for all dues in the future. For instance, if a nlember is 50 years of age, and dues路 are $1.00 per year, according to the mortality tables found in R. S. Mo. 1909, Section 8499, based upon the member's expectancy, the net value of the income for the remainder of his life would be $10,631. Your dues being $5.00 per year, he could pay your Lodge five times that sum and be acquit for the rest of his life. [Proceedings 1917, page 50.] CERTIFICATE OF GOOD ST...~NDING-REFUND
39. Forsythe Lodge No. 453 issued a certificate of good standing to a nlelnber on IVlay 18 whose dues were paid to July loRe petitioned Pleasant Hope Lodge 467 for affiliation and ,vas elected a
Grand Lodge of Nl-isso'uri
nlenlber June 28, and Forsythe Lodge was notified. At its next meeting, July 7, Forsythe Lodge issued a dimit, but claimed clues for the 1110nth of July. Answer: According to Section 157, Grand Lodge By-Laws, the petitioner became a Inember of Pleasant Hope Lodge '''hen Forsythe Lodge issued his dimit. He should pay Forsythe Lodge for dues for July. A fraction of a month is taken as a whole month. Sec. 146.
[Proceedings 1917, page 51.] CA.NDID..- \.TE-STATUS OF. 路10. A.
candidate was initiated, passed and raised in Cosmos Lodge No. 282, and removed to Champaign, Illinois, before he was lectured. Can Cosmos Lodge request the Lodge at Champaign, Illinois, to lecture and examine him in open lodge as to his proficiency on the first section of the third degree? .A.. nd if the Lodge at Chalnpaign shall report to Cosmos Lodge that he has passed a satisfactory examination, will the brother be entitled to a din1it from Coslnos Lodge? Answer: Yes. [Proceeding's 1917, page 51.] PETITION FOR 1iEIVI:BERSHIP-DIJ\iIIT MUSrr A.CCOMPANY. 41. Myrtle Lodge No. 338 vs. Cowgill Lodge No. 561. Brother H. K. Thompson, a member of l\1:yrtle Lodge, petitioned Co"rgill Lodge for affiliation and was elected a member thereof September 1, 1906. His petition was not accompanied by a dimit or certificate of good standing. The records of l\1yrtle Lodge failed to sho\'\~ that either -","as ever issued. CoV"Vrgill Lodge paid the Grand Lodge dues on Brother Thompson for the years 1907 to 1916, inclusive, $12.50. IV[yrtle ~odge suspended Brother Thompson for $18.75 delinquent dues. Myrtle Lodg-e claims that Brother Thompson is still a member of :路hat Lodge. Decision: On this state of facts the action of Cowgill Lodge in electing Brother Thompson a 'member by affiliation was null and void. I ordered CoV"V~gill Lodge to pay over to J\'Iyrtle Lodg'e ~ all dues paid by Brother Thompson, and, as Cowgill Lodge had paid Grand Lodge dues to the amount of $12.50 on Brother Thompson ,vhen he was not a member of that Lodge, I ordered a Grand Lodge 'warrant drawn in favor of Cowgill Lodge for that sum. [Proceedings 1917, page 52.] RENTING PROPERTY TO LIQUOR DEALER. 42. Section 182, Grand Lodge By-Laws, does not prohibit a l\cIaster Mason from renting property to a liquor dealer. [Proceedings 1917, page 52.]
Proceedings of the
CERTIFICATE OF GOOD ST..I.\.NDING E. A.. OR F. C. 43. lVIarceline Lodge No. 481 granted the follo"ring certificate to an Entered Apprentice who relnoved to Ne 1N lVfexico: "To "Vhom It 1\lay Concern: '~This is to certify that Jesse F. 1Vlathis' "vas initiated in this Lodge and is in good standing. At his request and at a Stated Comlnunication of 1\'Iarceline Lodge No. 481, A. F. & A. l\JI., held DecemiJer 27, 1910, by unaniInous consent he is granted this ,Vaiver of Jurisdiction (or certificate of dimission), whereby he may apply to any Lodge in the Jurisdiction he may reside." By order of the Lodge, (Lodge Seal) L. E. Pancost, Sec'y.
Brother l\fathis applied to Telnple Lodge No. 6 of New l\1exico, submitting the foregoing certificate ,vith his application. The M. '\V. Grand l\'Iaster of Ne\v l\!Iexico inquires as to the status of the Brother in IVIissouri, he being of the opinion that an Entered Apprentice cannot sever his membership except by a dimit, and that a dimit cannot be granted except to a lVlaster lVIason. That therefore the proper procedure is for the Entered Apprentice to request his O\\ln Lodge for advancelnent, and, if g-ranted, his Lodge, through the proper Grand Officers, should request the Lodge 'where he is located to confer the degrees. That when he becomes a l\iIaster !\lason he is entitled to a din1it and not until then. I replied to the 1\1. ,V. Grand Master that the certificate issued to Brother lVIathis by Marceline Lodge No. 481 is a Certificate of Dimission under our law~and authorized by Section 163 of the Book of Constitution (1908), and entitles hin1 to petition a Lodge in any Grand Jur'iscliction for affiliation. [Proceedings 1917, pag'e 52.] *CERTIF"ICATE OF DIl\iISSION. To ,\Vhon1 It 1\fay Concern: Tllis is to certif)1" that Brother . ,vas" initiated an Entered Apprentice on the day of ........ , , 19 (and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on the day" of , , 19 ) in this L"c1ge and is in good standing as such, on the date hereof. At his request and at a Stated Con1munication of Lod;:2:e No , A. F. & A. M., located at , JYfissoud held on the day" of , 19 , he is granted this vVaiver of Jurisdiction (or certificate of dimission), ,,,,,hereby he may apply to any Lodge in the Jurisdiction in which he may reside. ' By order of the Lodge, (Lodge Seal) ...................... , SecretarJr. *Form for Certificate of Din1ission recommended by Committee 0n Jurisprudence and adopted by the Grand Lodge. [Proceeding's 1917, page 269.]
Grand Lodge of Missottr-i
46. Cosmos Lodge No. 282 conferred the degree of Master IVIason on a proficient Fellow Craft of Keystone Lodge and, insisting that it was an act of courtesy and that it felt honored in being able to serve her sister Lodge, declined to accept a, check for $5 from Keystone Lodge for conferring the degree as provided in Section 166, Grand Lodge By-Laws. Cosn1os Lodge asks: 1. Is Section 166, Grand Lodge By-Laws, mandatory? 2. If yes, will you kindly so instruct Cosmos Lodge? Ans'wer: I do not think it ever was intended that a Lodge conferring degrees at the request of another Lodge might not do so as an act of courtesy. Section 166 requires the requesting Lodge to pay the Lodge conferring the degree $5 ,for each degree conferred, but it does not require that the Lodge conferring the degrees at the request of another shall accept the fees. [Proceedings 1917, page 55.] RESIDENCE OF SOLDIERS.
A large number of young men from the different Lodges in !vrissouri " ...ere taken during the year to serve their country, and rnobilized in the cantonments in various parts of the United St.ates. lVIany of them desired to receive their degrees before being transferred overseas. I decided that these young n1en should have the privilege of petitioning their home lodges in cases where they had no intention of permanently removing from the state, and were only absent temporarily serving their country. [Proceedings, 1918, pages 15-103.] EXPELLED-M.A.Y PETITION 1. In 1913 charges of un-1VIasonic conduct were preferred against a member of Keystone Lodge. On trial had in the Lodge he was acquitted. ...~n appeal \vas taken to the Grand Lodge; the judgment of the lodge was reversed and he ,vas expelled. In 1918 he petitioned the Grand Lodge for restoration and his application was granted. Question: Does the act of the Grand Lodge restore brother to membership in his Lodge? Answer: No. [Proceedings, 1919, page ]
2. A candidate for initiation and membership 'residing in the .Jurisdiction of Hickory :Hill Lodge No. 211, petitions Ionia Lodge No. 381. Although requested Hickory Lodge .refused a waiver of Jurisdiction. The Secretary of Ionia Lodge 'w'l'ites to know what, if anything, they can do in the matter. Ansv;rer : Nothing. [Proceedings, 1919, page J
Proceedings of the
RESTORATION-SUSPENDED 路l\IEl\IBER 3. Fayette Lodge No. 47 suspended a member for non-payment of dues January 15, 1915. He no路w desires to be reinstated. Question: vVhat amount of dues will reinstate him? Answer: He has only to pay the amount of dues accrued against him at the tinle he \vas suspended. In addition to this, however, he must petition for reinstatenlent. See . J. .\.rticle 13 of By-Laws. [Proceedings, 1919, page J ADVANCE-FAILURE TO 4. Solomon Lodge No. 271. July 3, 1915, Eli Smith took his Entered Apprentice Degree. He novv desires to finish. Question: How shall he proceed? Ans\ver: See and follo\v Section 107 of the By-Laws. It covers the case. [Proceedings, 1919, page ]
PETITION-CANNOT WITHDRAVV 5. Rose Hill Lodge No. 550, asks a dispensation to ~rithdraw the petition for affiliation of one Allen. I replied that I had no po\ver to grant such a dispensation. See Section 102 of By-Laws as amended in 1914. Page 157, Pro. 1914. [Proceedings, 1919, page J PETITIONER-NOT ELIGIBLE 6. Fairfax Lodge No. 483. Question: Can one who has only been in the state eight months be made a Freemason? Ans\ver: No. [Proceedings, 1919, pag路e ]
PETITIONER-ELIGIBLE 7. Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209. (a) Question: Is a man \vho is a government gauger at a distillery eligible to membership in a Masonic Lodge? Answer: Yes. [Proceedings, 1919, page ] SOLDIER, TO PETITION, vVHEN (b) Question: Can young men who are in the army petition their home lodges for the degrees 'where they do not intend to permanently remove from the state and are only temporarily absent in serving their country? Answer: Yes. The matter was so decided by Grand Master Clark and his decision \vas approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence and the Grand Lodge. See paragraph 6, Report of Committee, page 103, Pro. 1918. [Proceedings, 1919, page ]
Gra'nd Lodge of MissOHri
PROFICIENCY 8. Continental Lodge No. 454. Question: Can one who has not passed his proficiency in the Third Degree hold an appointive office in the lodge? Answer:
He cannot vote nor hold any office. [Proceeding's, 1919, page
CH.A.RTERS REFUSED FOR MILIT.A.RY LODGES 9. Brother Blount F. Davidson, Chaplain 347th Infantry, A. E. F., France. Question: Will the Grand Lodge of IVIissouri issue charters for army lodges \vorking under its jurisdiction? Answer:
No. [Proceedings, 1919, page
PETITIONER-NOT ELIGIBLE 10. Cairo Lodge No. 486. Question: membership in the ~1asonic Lodge? Ans'\ver:
Is a blind man eligible to
No. [Proceedings, 1919, page
PETITIONER-NOT ELIGIBLE 11. Gate City Lodge No. 522. Question: Is a man whose. thumb on his right hand has been amputated to the wrist, elig'ible to membership in the Masonic Lodge? Answer:
No. [Proceedings, 1919, page
PETITIONER-NOT ELIGIBLE 12. Friendship Lodge No. 89. Question: Is a man whose right leg is stiff and bent at the knee so that it does not touch the ground eligible for membership in the Masonic Lodge? ..A .nswer:
No. [Proceedings, 1919, page
PETITION FOR DEGREES-WHO MAYOR MAY NOT 14. A. M. Harlan, D. D. G. lVf., 36th District. Question: Can a Special Dispensation be issued to accept a candidate who has lost his right arm belo'\v the elbo'\v and is using' an artificial hand? Answer: No special dispensation can be issued nor is it necessary. If the petitioner is able to conform to the ceremonies, he is eligible; if he cannot, he is not. [Proceedings, 1919, page J
Proceedings of the
CONCURRENT JURISDICTION 15. Robert Elliott, D. D. G. 1\1., 44th District. Joplin has ty~ro lodges, both meeting in the same hall. The city limits of Joplin are closer to Duenweg than is the hall in \vhich the lodge at Carterville meets, but that hall is closer to Duenv,reg than the hall in Joplin \vhere those lodges meet. ' Question: Ans,ver:
vVhich Section of the By-La\vs applies, 175 or 177? Section 175. [Proceedings, 1919, page
USE OF DESK CONJOINTLY, PERMITTED 17. Evergreen Lodge No. 27. This lodge has leased the use of its hall on certain nights to the Modern 'Voodmen of the "v\rorld; having no desk of their o'\vn for the secretary, they are allowed the privilege of using the desk oVlned by the \Voodmen. To this some of the brethren object, claiming that under Section 83 of the By-Laws, a JM:asonic Lodge is compelled to own its own desk. The matter \vas referred to me.
I see no objection to your lodge using the desk.
[Proceedings, 1919, page
PETITIONER, NOT ELIGIBLE 18. Papinville Lodge No. 140. Question: Is one whose left leg belo\v, the knee is paralyzed and \vithered, extending directly back'wards and at a right angle to the thig'h, eligible to receive the degrees?
No. [Proceedings, 1919, page,
FAILURE TO ADV.A.. NCE 19. Fayette Lodge No. 47. A candidate received the First Degree in 1901. Shortly after'wards he moved to Texas. Later he returned to Missouri but then moved to Oklahoma. Recently he has returned to Fayette. He no\v desires to finish up. Question: How shall he proceed? Answer: This is governed b:y Section 107, By-Laws. The candidate should regularly petition for advancement. . [Proceedings, 1919, page ]
DISPENSATION-CANNOT GRANT Criterion Lodge No. 586. Question: Can a dispensation be issued to attend memorial services in full regalia in recognition of a brother killed in France? Ans,ver: No. [Proceedings, 1919, page ] 20.
Grand Lodge of l\!Jissouri
ALIENS, ELIGIBLE FOR DEGREES, WHEN 21. Corinthfan Lodge No. 265. Question: Is a Greek who is not a naturalized citizen of the United States eligible for the degrees? Ans'\ver: Yes. [Proceedings, 1919, page ] ELECTION, NULL AND VOID 22. St. James Lodge No. 230. At the last annual election for officers the vote for l\:Iaster stood: For B., 12 votes; for J., 11 votes. In addition to these 23 ballots there was another ballot which had on it a name for each office to be filled at the election including that of J. for Master. In other vv'ords, if the last Qallot was counted, B. had received 12 votes and J. 12 votes. The ballot with J.'s name on it for l\'Iaster and names on it for the other offices was thrown out by the l\laster as illegal, and it was not counted. Thereupon B. was declared elected lVIaster. The matter was referred to me. Decision: I held that there was no election, neither B. nor J. having received a majority of the votes cast; that it makes no practical difference whether the ballot with J's and the other names on it \vas counted or not. If counted for him the vote "vas a tie, 12 to 12; if not counted for him, it must be counted as a blank ballot and should be counted as one of the total number of votes cast. In either event, B. \vould fail of an election. 1, therefore, ordered a new election for l\laster. [Proceedings, 1919, page ] TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP In the IVfatter of the Transfer of Membership of Brother W. D. Collins: l\farch 7, 1918, Brother "\..,.,. D. Collins was elected to membership in Adair Lodge No. 366 on a Certificate of Good Standing issued by St. John's Lodge No. 28. The Secretary of Adair Lodge neglected to inform St. John's Lodge of Brother Collins' election to membership. As a consequence Brother Collins was reported by both lodges as being on the roll of membership as and of June 30, 1918, and both lodges paid the per capita tax. The following November I received a letter from the Secretary of Adair Lodge stating that he had received a letter fron1 the Secretary of St. John's Lodge asking what disposition had been made of Brother Collins' Certificate of Good Standing, and that in reply he had written that Brother Collins had been elected a member of Adair Lodge in the preceding March, and asked for a dimit. St. John's Lodge replied to this letter that they could not issue the dim it until. the dues of Brother Collins had been paid up to June 24, 1919. I thereupon wrote a letter instructing St. John's Lodge to路 issue a' dimit in favor of Brother Collins, basing lUy decision on the action of the Grand Lodge in the Kurtz case. (See Proceedings 1913, pp. 110 and 163.) Having some doubts as to whether the Kurtz case was correctly' decided, I wrote to St. John's Lodge that I \vould again refer the question to the Grand Lodge for its determination, which I no\'\.'" do. * *Committee on Jurisprudence overrules the Kurtz. case; see Report of ComnJ.ittee (1919) page .
Proceedings of the
INDEX. Page Acquittal-vVill not bar charge 217 Ad vance, failure to . ........... 191,198,212,213,230,232 Aliens, eligible for the degrees, ,vhen 207, 220, 233 Amendments, time for consideration 171 Amendment to By-Laws, alteration or repeal 179 Anlendnlents to B:'l-Laws, adding section 178 Appeals to Grand Lodge 182 Appeals to Grand I odge, ho\v taken 180 Appeals to Grand Lodge, testimony 180 Appeals to Grand Lodge, time for. 180 Appeals to Grand Lodge, notice of.1S1 Appeals to Grand Lodge; record .. 181 Appeals to Grand Lodge, cost of .. 182 Appeals to Grand Lodge, obj ection to transcript 182 Appeals and Grievance Committee, appearance before 172 Assessnlent, Improvement Fund . ............................ 168, 208 Ballot, all must vote 179 Ballot, collective, '\vhen prohibited ~ 207 Ballot, may not be disclosed 199 Ballot, for Grand Lodge Officers .170 Blind, not eligible 231 Boards of Relief 168 Border Legislation 169 Brother, unsound mind-cannot bring charges against 208 Burial lot 169 By-La\Ys, adding section 178 By-La\ys, alteration or repeal 179 By-Laws, Lodge must elect according to 197 By-La\vs, not amended by resolution 175 Candidate, may solicit. 196 Candidate, status of . 184-187, 191, 201, 209, 223, 227, 230-232 Candidate for political office 203 Candidates, list of 188, 200 Certificate of Good Standing and Refund of Dues 191,226 Certificate of Good Standing, after expulsion 199 Certificate of Good Standing, from another Jurisdiction 212 Certificate of Good Standing, E. A. or F. C 212, 228 Charges, cannot be preferred by non-affiliate 189 Charity, application for 170 Chartel's for Military Lodges, refused 231 Collectiy€ ballot on suspensions prohibited 207 Concurrent Jurisdiction 183, 232 Conferences of Grand }'1:asters, '\\'ho may attend 170 Conferring degrees, forbidden 173 Consideration of amendments time for 171 Correspondence, printing reports on 172 Dead, cannot be reinstated .. ~ 212 Debts, Lodge shall not con tract. .176 Debt, Lodge may contract. . ....................... 176,219,222 Degrees, conferred on solidiers.22H, 230 Degree, failure to receive . ........................ 184. 1S7, 191 Degrees, may be conferred by \vhom 222 Degrees. luay not confer out of time 202 Degrees, l11ay not confer mOl'e than
Page one 173 Deity, belief in, requisite 207 Desk, use of conjointly 232 Digest of Laws 169 Dimit, cannot be returned to Lodge 200 Dimission, E. A., form for 228 Dimit, Entered Apprentice may .. · 206, 213, 225 Dimit, in absence of charges 193 Dimit, in old form, illegal 192, 200 Dimit, rejection not endorsed on .. 204 Dimit, to procure 190 Dimitted and renl0ved, cannot affiliate 197 Districts 54-55 and 58-39, change in 174 Documentary evidence, visitors . · 179, 199, 211 Dotage, no cause for dimit 223 Dotage, \"hen not in 216 Dram-shop license 204 Dropping from menlbership illegal 205 Drug store selling liquor 195 Dues, failure to pay 180 Dues, increase of 195 Dues, receipts, form of 177 Dues, accrue from date of institution 209 Dues (back), Lodge may retain .. 215 Dues, Refund of and Certificate of Good Standing 191 Dues, remission of 188. 191 E. A.-form for certificate of dimission 228 E. A.-may dimit 206. 213, 225 E. A.-record lost may re-petition.209 Easter Sunday, not a l\1asonic occasion 205 Election, cannot hold 206 Election, null and void .. 192, 215,'233 Employment Bureau 177,196 Endo\Vnlent Fund 179 Examination as to proficiency . · 213, 214. 218, 231 Exemplification of '\.Vork, at Grand Lodge 173 Expelled, may petition . ................... 184, 202, 209, 229 Expulsion. Secretary must notify. 191 Failure to advance . ........... 191,198,212,213,230,232 Failure to insta.ll. 194 Failure to receive degree .187, 191, 198 Fee for conferring degree, not obligatory 229 Fees, in case of waiver 211, 225 Fees, in case of life membership. 226 Funeral of a woman, may not attend ....................•...... 191 Funerals of Grand Officers 169 Funeral of Sojourner 209 Funeral service, at time of buria1.218 Geo. -VVashington Masonic Nat'l Memorial Ass'n. .. ............•. 171 Good Standing, certificate of ..... . . 191, 199, 212. 228 Grand Lecturer, salary of 175 Grand Lodge dues, increase of 178 Grand Lodge meeting, time and place 178 Grand Lodge Officers, ballot for. 170 Grand Lodge Reception Committee 174 Granel Masters, conference of 170 Grand Secretary, salary of 175 Hall destroyed, Lodge nlay meet.207 Hospital 172 Imposters, lists of 171 Infirmar:y 172 Install, cannot, under charges 203 Install, failure to 194
1919. ]
Grand Lodge of Missouri
Page Instruction, Lodge of 175 Invasion of Jurisdiction 224 Jurisdiction, concurrent 183, 232 Jurisdiction, invasion of 224 Jurisdiction, St. Louis Lodges 198 Jurisdiction, territorial 216 Jurisprudence Committee 183 Legislation, by members only 172 Legislation (proposed) must be debated by lodges 173 Life membership, proper fee for. 226 Liquor, advertising 199 Liquor, manufacture of 186, 215 Liquor selling 185, 186 Liquor selling (waiter) 195 Lodge, may not confer degrees out of time 202 Lodge, may meet when hall destroJred 207 Lodge, may not meet, where.194, 219 Lodge meeting prohibited, when .. 192 I.;odge, must. elect according to By-Laws 197 Lodge seal, lack of 192 Lodge, shall not contract debts 176 Lodge, waiving jurisdiction, should request fees 211, 225 Lodges of Instruction 175 Lodges U. D. dues accrue 209 Manual, library form 174 Manufacture of liquor 186, 215 Masonic Home Improvement Fund ................. , 168, 208 Masonic Home Fund, payment of .172 Masonic offense 176 Master Mason, non-proficient . ................... 193, 195, 213, 218 Meeting of Lodge prohibited, \vhen 192 :Membership, in other societies 207 Membership, restoration of . ................... 189, 202, 209, 212 Membership, transfer of .. 182,183,233 I\.femorial Day, not a Masonic occasion 206, 232 Mileage and per diem, who may draw 178, 211 Name of member, cannot change. 206 Non-affiliate ma'Y not visit. 194 Non-affiliate may not prefer charges 189 Non-affiliate may petition any . Lodge ..............•.......... 194 Non-proficient M. M. may not ballot '" '," 195 Non-resident, petition of 198 Offense, Masonic, ; 176 Penal Jurisdiction in Missouri only 221 Per capita tax, not d.educted 197 Per capita tax, speciaL 203 Petition for affiliation, must lie over 196 Petition of non-resident 198 Petition, cannot withdraw.177, 226, 230 Petition for membership, dimit must accompany .. 182, 222, 224, 227 Petition for degrees or affiliation, who mayor may not.'. 218, 231 Petition for degrees, must ballot on .............•.............. 216 Petition for reinstatement, amount owed 216 Petitioners' names, must be read aloud 220 Petitioner, not eligible 2'30 Petitioners, U. D., not qualified, when 206 Physical qualifications . ., ...•......... 204, 207, 214, 219, 223 Political issue, Lodge cannot take' part in ...........•........ 192, 201 Politics or religion 210 Pool table, Lodge may buy 196 Prayer chain-letter •............. 221
Page Proficiency 193, 195, 213, 218 Proxy, entitled to mileage and per diem 211 PUblication, candidates for political office 203 PUblication, candidates' names . ...., 188, 200 PUblication, Digest of Law 169 Questions, referred to D. D. G. M's 173 Rank, entitled to 214 Receipt must be issued by Secretary 206 Receipt for dues, form of 177 Reception Committee of Grand Lodge ' , 174 Recommendation, by majority vote 217 Record lost, E. A. may re-petition.209 Rejection not endorsed on dimit .. 204 Religion or politics 210 Remission of dues 188, 191 Renting property to liquor-dealer. 227 Reports of Committees, when presented 170 Reports of Grand Officers 170 Requests 183 Residence, soldier's 229 Residence, voting 193, 221 Resolutions, cannot amend ByLaws 175 Restoration, after consolidation of Lodge 189 Restoration, expelled member may petition for 184, 202, 209, 212 Restoration, in trial Lodge only .. .., ., 198,220 Revision of By-Laws governing appeals 180-182 Roman Catholic, eligible to petition 2.19 Salary, G. S. and G. L 175 Saloon keeper from another jurisdiction 205 Saloon keeper, Lodge must try 203 Seal of Lodge, lack of ~ 192 Secretary must issue receipt. 206 Secretary must notify 191 Secretary must pay to Treasurer. 223 Section 182 184 Secretary not entitled to interest on Lodge funds 206 'Smoking, prohibited 168 Soldier, to petition. 'vhen 204, 230 Status of candidate .. 184-187, 192, 201, 209, 223, 227, 230-232 Suicide, entitled to Masonic buria1.207 Suspension more than one year ... ............................. 194, 230 Suspension or expulsion,' :must notify 191 Testimony, how taken 180 Transfer of membership .. 182, 183, 233 Traveling actor ineligible 210 Trial, new, cannot grant 215 Trial, on all specifications not required 202 Trial, time and notice of 176, 201 Trial, in Lodge of highest degree.1S0 Trials, testimony filed '\vith Secretary 220 Unsound mind cannot bring charges against Bro, of 208 Visitors, documentary evidence of ....................... 179, 199, 211 Vote, may not be disclosed 199 Vot~, Who may 193,195 VotIng for Grand Lodge Officers .. 170 Vote, all must 179 ",raiver of Jurisdiction 183, 225 229 Washington Memorial Associatio~.171 W. M. of new Lodge, who may be.217 Worshipful Master, should w'ear hat 204 Worshipful Master, suspended from office may visit 204
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