C. H.
D. D.,
To the Most W01'shipful Grand Lodg(! of Missouri A. F. and A. M.:
The Annual Report on 路Correspondence is herewith presented. It contains a review of the Proceedings of all the Grand Lodges
of the United States, except Georgia whose Proceedings have not reached the writer, and reviews the Proceedings of many foreign Grand Lodges. The oneness of English speaking Freemasonry the world over is very evident to him who scans these reports from our Brethren beyond the S8as. A healthy growth is noted almost everywhere. Fraternally submitted, CORONA H. BRIGGS, Correspondent.
Alabama 1927........ Arizona..... 1928.. Arkansas 1927 California 1927... . Oolorado....... . 1.927.... Connecticut.. 1928 :.............. Delaware 1927.. District of Columbia __ .. 1927 __ Florida 1927 Id路aho __ __ . __ .__ __ 1927 Illinois 1927 Indiana __ .. __ 1928 __ .. __ Iowa __ __ __ __ 1927 __ Ireland 1927.................................... Kansas __ __. __ : 1928. __ Kentucky....... __ 1927 Louisiana 1928............ . Maine __ __ 1927.. __ Manitoba 1927................... __ Maryland __ .. 1927 __ Massachusetts __ __ 1.927 __ __ Michigan 1927................. . Minnesota __ 1928 __ 路路. MississipDi.. 1928 __ Montana __ __ __ .__ 1927 __ __ Nebraska 1927....... Nevada __ .__ . 1927.. __ __ New Brunswick.................... 1927 __ New Hampshire..................... .. 1 9 2 7 . . __ New Jersey __ 1927....... .. New Mexico __ .__ .. . 1928. __ __ New york 1928............................. New Zealand........... __ .. 1927.. __ __ .. North Carolina 1927 North Dakota........ __ 1927.. __ Nova Scotia __ 1927 __ . Ohio __ .. __ .__ """ 1927..................... . __ Oklahoma, ~ 1928... . Oregon __ .1927.................................... Pennsylvania 1927 __ Philippine Islands __ .. __ 1928.................................. Prince Edward Island 1927 __ __ __ Quebec __ ,.. __ 1928 Queensland 1927... ... __ Rhode Island.......... .. __ 1927 __ __ .. Salskatchewan 1927................. Scotland __ : 1928.... . South Australia 1927 ~........... .__ South Carolina __ __ 1927 __
7 9 11 13 15 18 19 20 22 25 26 29 30 33 34 37 39 41 44 46 48 49 51 54 55 58 61 63 64 66 68 69 71 71 73 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 95
Yeal' Sou til Dalwta... Tasmania......................... Tennessee Texas , Utah. Vermont.......... . Victoria....... Vil路ginia.......... . Washington.................. West Australia.... West Virginia...
. .
1927 1 nt . 1928 1927. 1~):!8 ..
1927 1927 . 1!)27 . 1927.. . ... 1 !l27 .
lJ27. 192L
Wyoming......... . York Grand Lodge of Mexico
!l7 ........ 99 .............. 99 . 101 .................................... 105 . __ 107 . . 109 . 110 ........... 112 . ........................ 114 ................ . 117 . 119
1!)27 ..
........................ 121
1928 MASONIC STATISTICS. Compiled from the latest reports which have been received. From the Grand Lodges in the United States. Year's Jurisdiction No, Lodges Membership Gain 1. Alabama .... . .__ .__ .__ . .. . 582 54,226 272* 2. Arizona _: _ .. 36 6,264 181 3. Arkansas .. .. _ 553 36,264 264 4. California 561 129,309 6,897 5. Colorado .... 147 32,729 603 4fi,241 411 6. Connecticut 120 7. Delaware 22 6,010 48 23,264 271 43 8. District of ColumbiC'.___ .. . 254 9. Florida 30,404 3,006 10. Georgia _ .. 663 71~8:~9 1,572 11. Idaho .. __ 80 ] 0,118 110 ] 2. Illinois .. _ .. . 1,006 290,642 4,902 13. Indiana .. .____________________ 558 129,071 1,156 14. Iowa .. .____________ 5fi8 86,140 433 15. Kansas .____________________ 448 83,401 1,236 16. Kentucky __ .. 596 65,235 1,951* 17. Louisiana _ __ .. 269 35,] 91 40 18. Maine . .. .__ 206 43,749 264 19. M.aryland .. .. .. 122 33,235 603 20. Massachusetts . 364 123,661 99* 21. Michigan .. 4,913 149,128 2,783 22, Minnesota .... 307 61,496 727 23. Mississippi .. .. .. 382 36,554 152 24. Missouri 660 113,705 85* 25. Montana I:l3 20,469 98 26. Nebraska . . .... 2H 41,586 649 27. Nevada 23 2,890 169 28. New Hampshire .. 80 15,440 165 29. New Jersey .. __ .... . 258 89,597 3,367 30. New Mexico .. .. 50 6.692 115 31. New York .___________________ __ 1,000 337,558 8,263 32. North Carolina 442 41,643 381 33. North Dakota 129 ] 5,407 153 34. Ohio ... .. __ .. __ . 608 202,125 3,860 35. Oklahoma . . . 457 72,687 1,685 36. Oregon ... 169 29,783 814 37. Pennsylvania __ 561 207,368 3,320 38. Philippine Islands .______________ 101 6,683 159* 39. Rhode Island 40 ] 8,291 232 40. S'outh Carolina ,. 290 29,847 93 41. South Dakota .. 176 19,683 51 42. Tennessee .___ _ .. 468 50,674 652 34. Texas .___________________ 990 136,740 940 44. Utah .. .. __ .__________ _ .. 25 5,107 170 45. Vermont ... _ 103 19,263 322 46. Virginia . • .. 353 47.659 659 47,818 1,409 47. "Washington 264 48. W'est Virginia .. 167 34,048 542 49. 'Wisconsin _. .... 307 58,826 1,839 50. \-Vyoming 46 7,925 202 Total
________ 16,572
From the Grand Lodges Outside of the United States. Jurisdiction 1. Ireland 2. Scotland
. .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Manitoba . New Brunswick . Nova Scotia """""""""" Prince Edward IsI,u1d Quebec . Saskatchewan .
New South Wales """"""'" New Zealand , Queensland , South Australia . Tasmania '''''''''''''''' Victoria . \Vest Australia . York Grand Lodge of Mexico ...
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Shows Loss.
No. Lodges Membership 673 769 103 11.747 40 6.012 81 9,820 ]6 1,197 15,158 88 189 13,606
Year's Gain
724* 22 176 20 469 516
326 128 42 420 111
25,579 21,000 13,093 3,744 44.793 7,667
756 93 2.703 397
1928. ]
Grand Master, Oliver Day Street. Gran'(} Master, Elected, James M. Pearson, Alexander City. Grand Secretary, George A. Beauchamp, Montgomery. Correspondent, Francis Marion Stillwell, Selma. Lodges, 582. Members, 54,22,6. Loss, 272. Lodges Represented, 423. ONE HUNDRED SEVENTH ANNUAL. MontgomelY, December 6-7, 192'7. Present.
13 Grand Officers; 6. Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Grand Secretary; 740 Representatives of Lodges. 51 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present; Missouri was represented by Hesariah G. Earnest. Distinguished Visitors.
Nelson Williams, who had presided over all the Bodies of the York Rite in Ohio, who represents the Grand Lodge of Alabama near the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and who is now General Grand Conductor of the General Grand Council of the United States, Royal and Select Masters, and David W. Crossland, Past Imperial Potentate of the Mystic Shrine, were introduced. Later the Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment and the Grand Matron of the Eastern Star and other Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers were introduced. We quote from the address of M. W. Bro. Williams: "Freemasonry maybe said to be like some grand old cathedral that has withstood the storms of ages, but notwithstanding the flight of years, stands as a monument to man's skill and ingenuity and an evidence of God's sparing hand. If we lool( at it from the outside, at its moss-covered walls, its weather stained spire, at its stained glass windows and roof, we may be impressed with the thought that it is simply a musty old pile, standing in a deserted place and surrounded by tombs. But once get within the cathedral and everything is changed. Instead of being dark and gloomy, it is bright, and cheerful. Its doors swing freely on their hinges, but sentinels are on guard to sec that none enter who would despoil the sacred place. The sanctuary is gilded with gold and dedicated to God. The walls are decorated with lessons from the Sermon on the Mount and the Ten Commandments, while here and there are truisms brought down from patriarchal days. The stained glass windOWS, so unattractive from the outside, now appear as a canopy of rainbows, and the light from heaven penetrating the different colored prisms, diffuses its myriad rays over all within, while the great
organ peals forth in thunderous tones and the choir and audience join in singing hosannahs to God. "And so, my Brethren, it is with Freemasonry. Those who are on the outside may concede that we are an ancient institution; that in on.e form or another, eithel' as an operative system, or a speculative science, we date back many centuries, but they say 'What a dreary, somber onler you are. Your doors swing outward and your Tiler stands with threatening- sword to see that none enter, but such as are qualified and have permission. The voice of woman and the prattle of children are not heard within your walls. Your forms and ceremonies are meaning-less; your symbolisms are but momentious of a superstitious !Jast; you are anti-Bible, anti-religion, anti-Christ.' "How little, my Bretlnen dl) they know of our Fraternity. They do not know that the Holy Bible is given as the rule and guide of our faith, and that it is the great light of Masonry. Thcy do not know that it is ever present in our Lodge rooms and that without it all is dark. Freemasonry is 'not a religion, but the handmaiden路 of religion and the two, walking hand in hand, point out to man the means of acquiring the sum of human happiness on earth below and eternal happiness in the world to come. No man was ever less a Christian by haVing been a. worthy Mason. They do not know that we read the same lessons. sing the same songs, and offer the same prayers that are read, sung and offered in the foremost churches 0f the land. It is true that we carefully guard the doors of our Lodge to sce that none enter, but such as are qualified and ha ve permission. This is done to prevent -the introduction among the workmen of the vulgar and profane; of the idlers and the mischief makers, whose presence would bring the Order into disrepute. There is very little secrecy in Freemasonry, although it is one of the pillars of the Order. We have our secret modes of recognition by which \ve are enabled to ourselves known to Brethren of the Order \vhercver we may meet them, but the gTeat central idea of our institution is that iVTasonic Charity, which is as boundless as the world; as open as the revelations of God and as free as the air of the heaven."
Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master reported the laying of eight cornerstones. In one instance, a Brother whom he had authorized to lay a corner-
stone for him, declined to proceed with the ceremony when he discovered that it was not a cornerstone, but only a thin slab with no date thereupon and no cavity in which a deposit could be made. The Grand Master approved this refusal and recommended the adoption of the followin.g edict, which might be considered in other Grand Jurisdictions: "No cprnerstone shall be laid with Masonic ceremonies after the ('rection of the building has proceeded so far that it cannot 1>e
1928. ]
lowered perpendicularly into prescribed by our ritual."
Dancing in Masonic Halls.
This question has disturbed our Grand Master, as it has annoyed others. He said: "There is no law of Grand Lodge against a subordinate Lodge leasing any part of its temple for the purpose of holding dances. It is a matter which addresses itself to the wise judgment and discretion of the Lodge. ] f there is serious objection to it on the part of any substantial portion of the Lodge, I do not think even a majority should force the matter on the objecting minority. It is also my further Ol)inion. that the Master, if he deems it derogatory to the welfare of the Lodge, would have the right to forbid the use of the Lodge for that or any other non-Masonic purpose,"
The Missouri Grand Lodge has forbidden the use of Masonic Halls for dancing. vVe find no Report on Correspondence. ARIZONA. Grand Master, George Emet McMillan, Grand Master, Elected, Lloyd C. Henning, Holbrook. Grand Secretary, George .T. Roskruge, Tucson. Lodges, 36. Members, 6,264. Gain, 181. FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL. Tucson, February 14-16, 1928. Present.
20 Past Officers, 12 Past Grand Masters, 121 Past Masters, Masters and \Vardens. 41 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri's Representative did not appear. Distinguished Visitor:
.John 'Vesley Turner, Past Grand Master of New Mexico, was introduced. Visitations.
The Grand Master reported that he had visited every Lodge during the y.ear. Oration.
James Raymond Malott, Grand Orator, delivered an oration on "Masonry and Government", from which we quote: "The purpose of g'overnment or politkal science, as defined by Albert Pike. is to seek to detennine ho"" political and personal free~ dom may be secured and perpetuated----freedom of thought and opin-
ion, freedom from despotism of €overy kind. And to this extent political science and Masonry have a mutual aim. "My personal in terest in the aspect of Masonry towards govel'nment was ::Ll'oused by two co-incidences. The first was the fact that the development of speculative l\lasonry which in 1723 crystalized in the organization of the Grano Lodge of England coincided with the movement which had for it.!" object human freedom from desputism. The second coincidence was that the American Declaration of Indep€ndence, the American Revolution, and the American Constitution were so largely the work of individual Masons. "At the time speculative Masonry first began to grow and develop, England was passing through a series of political experiences, as the result of which a certain measure of liberty, both political and re:ligious, would be acquired only to be lost time after time through the despotism of the King and the Church :-either Catholic or Prote8tant: Individual liberty was not established as a right but depended upon the will of the ruler and his ability and power to enforce that will. Moreovel', ChUl'ch and State were supposed to be indissolubly united, to such an extent that every Mason was obliged, by our ancient charges, to be of the religion of his own country or nation. From the time of our adoption of the Constitution of 1723, however,Masons were ohligated to 'that religion in which all men agree' leaving their particular opinions to themselves. "The importance of this step by Freemasollry cannot be overemphasized, for al though it a!)pears to apply to rel igious fre(~dom, in that age it was a startling p01itic,~J expression to the effect that liherty of conscience was of greater importance than the union of Church and State. "In another respect, also, that expression was of gl'(~at import; The political theory of the day which had been im!)ressed upon the peoples of the world by such monarchs as could enforce their views, was that Kings ruled as God'~.; representatives on earth: hence the King could do no wrong. He who opposed the arbitrary ,viII of any King or his officers not only subjected himself to the penalties inflicted by the Government, but came into conflict with the religion of his country, Which usually dominated or was dominated by the Crown: and ",,'hleh controlled his rigl.t to think. This theory that governments were divinely made and were not subject to the will of the people was known as that of the 'divine rights of Kings.' "Opposed to this doctrine was one gradually developing and growing among the liberty-loving people of the wOl'lll side by side with the growth and development of speculative 1\1asonry. .Just as one of the objectives of spesilla tive l\lasonry was to proeure and Sl~cure justice to all men, that the brotherhood of man might become a fact instead of an ideal, so d'id this politic;).1 doctrine seek to secure justice to all men in a practical way by developing support for the theory that governments were instituted to protect 'individual rights' and that such subjects were entitled to maintain
those rights by force, if necessary, when a despot attempted to disregard them. "The extent to which Maso.ns supported this new theory of political science becam~ strikingly noticeable when the two political theories came inlO conflict prior to the war between the American Colonists and England. The underlying cause of the American Revolution was not a desire of t.he Colonists to separate from England. That Revolution was the result of the attempt of King George the Third to re-establish the power of the Crown at the expense of the rights of t.he people. In England a large body of the people bitterly opposed this attempt, but in America, three thousand miles away, the King's purpose was frustrated by war. "Trained to believe in the br'otherhood of man, in freedom of conscience, in equality and liberty, the Masons of America were faced with the option of fighting for the establishment of their :Masonic principles or of abandoning them. How they responded is a matter with which you all are familiar."
There is no report on Correspondence. ARKANSAS.
Grand Master, William M. Kent. Grand Master, Elected, Hunter D. Bowers, Eldorado. Grand Secretary, Fay Hempstead, Little Rock. Lodges, 553. Members, 36,264. Gain, 264. Lodges Represented, 402. EIGHTY-SIXTH ANNUAL. _ Little Rock, November 15-16, 192'7. Present. 12 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 16 District Deputy Grand Masters; 454 Representatives of Lodges; 55 Grand Representativesof Lodges were present, including M. W. Greeson, who represents Missouri. Distingu[shed Visitors.
L. A. Pace, Grand Commander of Arkansas; Shem E. Hollabaugh, Grand High Priest of Arkansas; James H. Johnson, Grand Master of Mississippi; Edwin F. Gale, Grand Master, John A. Davilla, Grand Secretary; .J. A. Ayers, Grand Pursuivant, of Louisiana, were introduced. Appreciation. "On motion of Brother Fay Hempstead, Grand Secretary, it was resolved that the Grand Lodge express admiration and appreciation
for Mrs. W. M. Kent, wife of our Grand' Master, for the manner in which she aided him in the performance of his duties as Grand Master during his administration."
We have no information concerning the nature of the work which she performed. Honorary Members.
2,342 Honorary Members are reported, or a total of 38,606 members including Honorary members. In his address the Grand Master called attention to the fact tha't the increasing number of Honorary members was making serious to the income of the Masonic Home and School, and recommended that hereafter Lodges be required to pay dues for such members. We failed to find a report of any action on this recommendation. Physical Qualification.
The Grand Master seemed to favor greater liberality in the matter of physical qualifications, and the Grand Lodge adopted a resolution which says.: "So-called physical defects shall not be a bar or inhibition for membership in our Fraternity, merely because an applicant cannot by reason of some physical defect give all the signs, steps and grips."
We fear that some of our Grand Lodges are getting too broad on this subject. Someone has described the Platte as a river "One mile wide and one inch deep." At Refreshment.
At 8 P. M., November 15, the members of the Grand Lodge, with members of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star assembled in the auditorium of the Scottish B.ite Cathedral. 'The Grand Orator A. B. Arbaugh, delivered an address that was well worth hearing, and Mrs. Betty .Jean Sparks, Grand Matron of the Eastern Star, "was introduced and delivered a most thoughtful and beautiful address, reflecting the principles of the Eastern Star, as a co-worl{er with the Order of Masonry. Her remarks were received with the utmost enthusiasm." Western Star Lodge No.2 gave an invitation to all members of the Grand Lodge to attend a Birthday Party to be given November 28, 1927, to Fay Hempstead, who would be eighty years young on that day. We find no Report on Correspondence.
1928. J
Grand Master, George Louis Jones. Grand Master, Elected, Will J. Fischer, Los Angeles. Grand Secretary, John Whicher, San Francisco. Correspondent, Jesse M. Whited, San Francisco. Lodges, 561. Members, 129,309. Gain, 6,897. Lodges Represented, 5'57. ~~EVU~TY-EIGIITH ANNUAL San Francisco, October 1]-14, 1927. Present.
20 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand lVI·asters; 1,.306 Officers and Representativ€s of Lodges. Distinguished Visitors.
M. W. Bro. A. A. Hankerson, Past Grand Master of Washington, was introduced. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master laid eight cornerstones and reported seventeen lai-d by others. A Word of Warning. "I have constantly during the year urged UIlon the Brethren the necessity of not permitting the presentation by Lodges of programs which would tend in the slightest degree to bring reproach upon the Institution and I have, without hesitation, condemned the character of entertainment which is too frequently given in gatherings made up of Mal:;ons. I cannot but feel that the high standards of Masonry are being lowered when g-roups, composed of Masons and meeting at weekly luncheons, will permit the form of entertainment which is heralded through the columns of the newspapers or by circulars, and then presented under circumstances which nullify any contention that such numbers are but artistic efforts. There is grave danger that unless checked, the bad example set will be followed by Lodges, and I, therefore, recommend that all expression of disapproval of these questionable entertainments be given by this Grand Lodge, with the warning that unless discontinued, further action will be taken against those responsible therefor."
The Grand Lodge approved this "timely warning." We quote the conclusion of the Address.
He says:
"That Masonry stands committed
enforcement of and
obedience to the law, that it stands for tolerance and for charity, both of purse and mind. The temple of Masonry has been building for centuries; it is a splendid structure which has attracted the attention of men in every walk of life and they have eagerly sought to enter its enclosures and participate in its mission. "That temple has withstood the savage attacks which envy, malice and intolerance have made upon it for ages past, and we know today that no outward power can destroy it. But what of the attacks by those who are within the sacred Precends? '.rhe assaults of enemies may leave no marks upon the edifice, but the mud east upon it by th~ughtless, heedless Brethren may produce sta.ins which only time can eradicate. "This, then has been my admonition to the Brethren-to so act, wherever you may be, that no discredit shall be brought upon the Fraternity, an.d my Brethren, if, as the years go by, your minds Rhould revert for even a mement to him who now addresses you, think of him as one who valued your friendship, appreciated your favors, and who admonished you to KEEP MASONRY CLEAN."
United States Flag.
The Committee on Ritual reported that a ceremony for the reception and retirement of the flag 路would be prepared. by the Grand Lecturer and presented to the Lodges. In Missouri we say to each entered apprentice: "In the States you a,e to be a quiet and peaceful citizen, true to YOUl" government and just to your country; you are not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but patiently submit to legal author'ity; and conform with cheerfulness to the government of the country in which you live."
To add anything to this looks like a work of supererogation. Oration.
We quote a paragraph from the eloquent oration delivered by Brother Fletcher A. Cutler, Grand Orator: "The philosophy of Masonic work is to prepare, educate and train its membership for the higher relations of life. It has faith in mankind. It invites his confidence. It begets his trust. It invokes his loyalty. 'It believes that the humblest life launched upon the widened sea of humanity, has within it the slumbering forces of the constituent elements of a noble manhood, awaiting but the touch of a sympathetic soul to arouse and stimulate the inherent qualities of the mind. And this is the purest glory which virtuouR ambition can purpose. The power of awakening, enlightening, elevating our fellow creatures, may, with peculiar fitness be called divine, for there is no agency so beneficent and sublime as that which exerts an exalted sway over human souls. It is the surest test of greatness. We admire, indeed, the energy which subdues the mate~
rial creation, or develops the physical resources of a State. But it is a nobler might which calls forth the intellectual and moral resources of a people, communicates new impulses to society, throws into circulation new and striving thoug;hts, gives the mind a new consciousness of its faculties and arouses and fortifies the will tQ a resolut.e purpose of well doing. Blessed, indeed, is he who speaks with a life-giving enel'g;y to other minds, breathing intc them the love of truth and virtue, strengthening them to suffer in a good cause, lifting; t.hem to high and lofty ideals."
The Report of Brother .Jesse M. Whited differs from the usual form. Our reviewer does not take up the Grand Jurisdictions in alphabetical order, but presents various topics and refers in his own peculiar way to the Reports which have reached him. He refers to the dedication of our Masonic Temple in St. Louis in lfJ26. But wanders far afield when he gives us this ,bit of news: "Missouri. The Correspondence Committee report is the work of a Commitee of which Brother James L. Mathews is chairman. The relJOrt follows the old style, and is well written and full of interesting items."
Rev. Arthur Mather, D. D., has written our reports for some years. How his name could have been transmogrified into James L. Mathews is more than the writer can understand. COLORADO.
Grand Master, Frank J. Reinhard. Grand Master, Elected,John Andrew, Longmont. Grand Secretary, William W. Cooper, Denver. Correspondent, Stanley C. Warner, Denver. Lodges, 147. Members, 32,729. Gain, .603,. Lodges Represented, 139. SIXTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. Denver, September 20-21, 192'7. Present.
15 Grand Officâ‚Źrs; 19 Past Grand Masters; 37 Members of Standing Committees; 283 Representatives of Lodges. Frank G. Mirich, who represents Missouri, was one of the 53 Representatives of Grand Lodges present. Distinguished Visitor.
William W. Galt, Past Grand Master of Virginia, was introduced.
Deceased Grand Masters.
The names of thirty-one Past Grand Masters, who have joined t.he Silent majority, were called and, after a response by the Grand Master, a prayer was offered by the Grand Chaplain and "Face to Face" was sung by Brother Llewelyn Jones. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master held: "That it is not in the province of a Lodge, as SUCll, to sponsor the organization of a Boy Scout TI路oop."
Concerning Sunday Picnics, he says: "Masonic Sunday picnics given under the auspices of any Masonic organization serve no good purpose, shocl, the sensibilities and offend the conscience of some members of the very organization sponsoring the outings and ought noOt to be l)ermitted."
The Grand Lodge approved his stand on both items. Colorado, like Missouri, forbids Lodge meetings on Sunday except for funeral purposes. The Grand Master reports 30 official visits in which, by grouping,60 Lodges were reached. Cornerstones.
He laid twelve cornerstones, and another was laid by Missouri's Grand Representative, Brother Frank G. Mirick. "Use of Unauthorized Halls."
On this subject the Grand Master says: "In compliance with the request of the worshipful Master of a Denver Lodge, on January 25, 1927, I granted my special permission for the holding of a special Communication of that Lodge in the Auditorium of the Number One Scottish Rite Bodies of Denver on the a.fternoon and evening of February 24, 1927. Invitations had been extended to the officers and members of another Lodge to confer the Third Degree at that time; the regular Lodge hall was not sufficiently large to accommodate the anticipated attendance and none of the duly authorized Masonic Halls of' Denver were available for use at the time. I made an official visit to the Denver Lodge at this Communication and became convinced that a mistake had been made in authorizing the use of t.he auditorium for t.he purpose and under thc circumst.anccs prevailing. "There was an undignified rush for admission to the hall, which made efficient. tiling very difficult.; and an unseemly general exodus at the closc of t.he Second Section, which was mortifying t.o behold. "Over
dramatization of the
Masonic Degrees,
1928. J
is contrary to t.he spirit of t.he Instit.ution. Seemingl~r, the tendency to over dramatize is difficult, if not impossible, to control in the presence of a large crowd assembled in the unfamiliar surroundings, The atmoSt)here smacks of the theatre or circus and the reverent attention to which we are accustomed in our Masonic halls is con-' ~picuous by its absence. "On MaTch 4, 1927, I directed the Grand Secretary to notify all of the Denver Lodges that, in my opinion, the interests of the Craft would be best served by my refusing all requests for permission to hold Lodge Communications in halls other than those duly approved and regularly used for such purposes, and instructed him to notify the Denver Lodges that the Auditoriums of the two Scotth;h Rite Cathedl'als in Denver are not so approved and their use wouls not be nermitted."
In what the Grand Master says there is food for thought. The Committee on Jurisprudence, to which the matter was referred reported recommending that the matter be left to the descretion of the Grand Master, and 'this report was adopted. The week following the Annual Com.munication of the Grand Lodge the General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters and the General Grand 'Chapter of Royal Arch Masons held their Triennial Convocations in the auditorium of one of the two Scottish Rite Cathedrals of Denver. Twenty four years ago the present Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri was raised at a Lodge meeting held in a side room of the church of which he was pastor and the three principal stations were filled by three Methodist Preachers who were Past Grand Masters of Missouri. The only survivor of the three is the writer of this Report. Correspondence:
Bro. Stanley C. Warner gives half the space devoted to Missouri to an account of the dedication of the Four Million Dollar Masonic Temple by our Grand Lodge at its annual Communication in 1926. With evident approval of the work he says: "The Special Committee on 'Fatherless Children of France' reported that it felt justified in saying the Grand Lodge had never spent any sum of money which carried with it more genuine sunshine and happiness into the lives of its recipients than did that sent to the little one~ in our Sister RepUblic."
[ Sept.
Grand Master, Theodore Foster. Grand Master, Elected, Robert S. Walker, Waterbury. Grand Secretary, George A. Kies, Hartford. Correspondent, George A. Kies, Hartford. Lodges, 120. Members, 45,241. Gain, 411. Lodges Represented, 118. ONE HUNDRED FORTIETH ANNUAL. Hartford, February 1-2, 1928. Present.
15 Grand Officers; 15 Past. Grand Officers; 8 District Deputies; 17 Past District Deputies; 375 'Members of Committees and Represent.atives; 34 Grand Lodge Representatives. Missouri was not represented. Visitations.
The Grand reports many visits to Lodges. He visited the Grand Lodge's of New Jersey, New York and Vermont. He also attended the laying of the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple ir: Providence, Rhode Island and was the guest of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts at the Annual Feast of St. John, December 27. when the Grand Officers were installed. He reports one decision he had to make which he calls unjust. 'We quote his report of the case: "i\. brother joined a Connecticut Lodge in 1904, dimitted in 1921, as he was living- in Virginia as he supposed, permanently, affiliat.ed with a Virginia Lodge. He returns to Connecticut and wished t.o be reinstated in his home Lodge. "Q. Will he have to pay the $20.00 tax on affiliates? "A. Yes. "This is according to our law, in the Drescnt ca~e I deem this law _unjust.. The primary object of t.his $20.00 and all such assessments is to aid in the support of our Masonic Home. This brother who had been contributing to that object for J 7 years, now wishes to return 'home and continue such support, and he is taxed for his loyalty. This law should' be amended so as to cover such cases."
The Grand Lodge declined to correct this so-called injustice. Correspondence.
M. W. Bro. George A. Kies, Grand Secretary, reviews, fraternally, our Proceedings for 1926. He speaks. of 路"two wonderful
orations" 'delivered by our Grand Orator. Noting that $10,000 was appropriated to fit up the Grand Lodge offices in the new St. Louis Temple, his comment is, "Nothing small about those Missourians". Speaking of the support we have been giving to "Fatherless Children of France", he says: "Missouri's records in this line must prove a continual source of satisfaction."
Grand Master, Harry Galbraith. Grand Master, Elected, Weldon C. Waples. Milton. Grand Secretary, John F. Robinson, Wilmington. Correspondent, Thomas J. Day, Wilmington. Lodges, 22. Members, 6,010. Gain, 48. Lodges Represented, 21. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SECONlD ANNUAL. Wilmington, October 5-6, 1927. Present.
14 Grand Officers; 18 Past Grand Masters; 24 Other Past Grand Officers; 110 Past Masters; 42 Representatives of Lodges. ,50 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present. One of whom, George C. Maull. represents Missouri. Distinguished Visitors.
Howard R. Cruse, Gra,nd Master, Benjamin F. Havens, Senior Grand Warden, Donald J. Sargent, Junior Grand Warden and Frank C. Sayes, Past Grand Master. all of New Jersey, and Gratz E. Dunkum, Grand 'Master of the District of Columbia, and Charles H. Callahan, Past Grand Master of Virginia were introduced. M. W. Bro. Charles H. Callahan was by a unanimous vote elected Past Grand Master, Honorarius of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, being the fourth to be accorded that honor. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master report.ed that, accompanied by Associate Grand Officers, he had visited each Masonic Lodge in his Grand Jurisdiction. On April 20, 1927, accompanied by nine Grand Officers he attended the 140th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. He also made a number of other fraternal
visits and "was cordially received and delightfully entertained on each occasion." Finances.
The income for the year was $27,198.45. Disbursements did not quite reach that figure, and the small surplus added to the balance on ;hand at the beginning of the year gives the Grand Lodge a balance of $7,474.80 to begin the new year. This balance of more than one doUar per capita, is in proportion nearly double the balance carried over by the Grand, Lodge 路of Missouri. Masonic Home.
The Home had twenty-four guests and the expenses for the year were $19,842. Correspondence.
Past Grand Master Thomas J. Day accords Miss~)Uri courteous treatment in his Report on Correspondence. He crowds into one closely printed page many interesting items. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.
Grand Master, Gratz B. Dunkum. Grand Master, Elected, James T. Gibbs, Washington. Grand Secretary, J. Claude Keiper, Washington. Correspondent, George W. Baird, Washington. Lodges, 43. Members, 23,264. Lodges Represented, 42. Gain, 2'71. ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEETH ANNUAL. Wa.shington, December 21, 1927. Present.
16 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 249 Past Masters and Representatives of Lodges. Distinguished Visitors.
The Grand Master extended a fraternal welcome to the following visiting brethren from other Jurisdictions: M. W. Brother Warren S.Seipp, Grand Master of Masons in Maryland. M. VV. Brother Weldon C. Waples, Grand Master and R. W. Brother David D. Poffenberger, Junior Grand Warden of Delaware; Past' Grand Master Robert A. Cooper of South Carolina; and R. W. Brother Georges Boncesco, Senior Grand Secretary of
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the Grand Lodge of Roumania, and Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia near that Grand Lodge. Grand Master's Address. We quote from the Address: "Reports of the activities of our Sister Jurisdictions, which have reached us from time to time during the year, show that our Fraternity everywhere is actively engaged in its splendid work for the betterment of mankind. In the last decade Freemasonry has not only increased in numbers far beyond our expectations, but it has multiplied wonderfully its humanitarian activities and has enlarged the field of its endeavors. At no time in its history, perhaps, has its universality been more in evidence, nor has a closer union existed between our Grand Jurisdictions. Appeals for assistance from our stricken Brethren in different parts of our country have met with a generous and widespread response, and it is not too much to say that the vision of united Masonry, working for the common good, along 1)1'Oper and approved lines is nearer realization than ever before. "If I might be allowed the realization of my fondest Masonic wish, it would be that the future would hold for Our great Fraternity such wise leadership and such unselfish guidance and direction as would implant in the heart of every true citizen of our country an appreciation of the privileges which he enjoys under our free and enlightened government, an unshaken loyalty to its teachings and principles and the application in his daily life of those rules of conduct toward his fellowmen which Freemasonry strives to inculcate."
Cornel'stone Ceremonial.
In reporting the laying of the Cornerstone of the Fourth Presbyterian Ohurch, the Grand Master has this to say which we commend to the thoughtful consideration of our Brethren who think we ought not to lay the cornerstones of churches with Masonic Ceremonies: "One of the gratifying things in connection with our work in laying cornerstones is the very marked appreciation which is at ways evidenced by those for whom the service is performed, and especially so in the case of church congregations. It is natural that this should be so, because of the character of our service and the frequent and reverent references made therein to the Great Architect of the Universe. The common aims of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity, make it especially appropriate for us to lay cornerstones of a new church building, a.nd I was glad to have the opportunity which this occasion furnished to publicly proclaim our attitude toward religious organizations."
The Grand Lodge expressed its approval of what he said.
Grand Visitations.
As is customary in the District of Columbia he visited all the Lodges during the year. That can be done in a small Grand Jurisdiction but our Missouri Grand 'Master who had visited more than a hundred Lodges in, seven or eight months can reach only a small fraction of our Lodges. We have 11.3,790 members'in 662 Lodges and have sixty District Deputy Grand Masters who are expected to visit all their Lodges every year. United Masonic Temple.-
Nearly a million and a half has been subscribed for this great and important undertaking. St. John's Day Communication.
This comn;lUnication held December 27, 1927, was the regular time for the election of Grand Officers. There were present 15 Grand Officers; 15 Past Grand Masters and 233 Past Masters and Representatives of Lodges. 36 Grand Representatives are recorded as present, but Missouri's Representative was not among them. Correspondence.
The Report of nearly one hundred pages reviews the Proceedings of more than sixty Grand Jurisdictions but Missouri is not thus honored. FLORIDA.
Grand Master, Carey B. Fish. Grand Master, Electe-d, Benjamin E. Dyson, Jacksonville. Grand Secretary, Wilbur P. Webster, Jacksonville. Correspondent, Ely P. Hubbell, Tampa. Lodges, 254. Members, 30,404. G~in, 3,006. Lodges Represented, 2,015.' NINETY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. .Jacksonville, April 19-21, 1927. Present.
17 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters ;2'5 District Deputy Grand Masters; 26-4 Representatives of Lodges.
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Representatives of 32 Grand Lodges were present, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.
F. William Schultz, Grand Commander, and C. S. Hammatt, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, were introduced. Annual Address.
The Grand Master had visited the Grand Chapter Grand Council, Grand Commandery, and Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. He visited many Lodges' and eleven of the twelve schools of instruction. He says dancing ,is prohibited in Lodge rooms, but not in the banquet halls or other rooms of the building. Cornerstones.
16 cornerstones were laid. Three of them were for churches of three denominations. So Flori-da, unlike Illinois, recognizes churches as public ,buildings in a Masonic sense. The more of Church cornerstones we can lay the better for the Fraternity and for the churches. Hurricane Relief.
The total received from all Masonic sources was $114,236.97. Many thousands were given by members of the Craft in Florida. The Masonic Committees aS3isted 527 families besides refugees of whom no record was made. Six of these families were from Missouri; 228 Freemasons whose membersh'ip was in Florida were helpe-d and 299 with their families, who we~e not affiliated with any Florida Lodge. Not Recognized.
The Grand Lodge of Egypt,and the United Mexican Grand Lodge of Vera Cruz asked recognition but no action was taken 011 their request. Oration.
Major Augustus E. Barnett's oration is worth giving in full. We cannot refrain from giving a few extracts. He says: "You have not reached the last link in the chain of thought when you come to law. energy or evolution. You do not reach the terminus of thinldng until you come to absolute power, infinite wisdom, goodness higher than the Heavens, deeper than the sea
and love boundless as the universe; in other words, to the ]!;ternal Being whose most familiar name is God."
He has this to say of men who opposed the Bible: "Thomas Paine said, 'I have gone through the Bible as a woodsman goes through the forest with his axe. I have cut the law givers, )wophets, evangelists and a!)ostles down. The priest may stick them in the ground again; they can never mal,e them grow.' "Voltaire said in 1742, 'a hundred years fl'om now there will be no such thing as Christianity. Crush the wretch.' "I heard Charles Bradlaugh, when J was a boy, boasting that he had proved God did not exist. "I heard Robert Ingersoll lecture for $300 per night on 'The Mistakes of Moses'. Perha!)s he has been dead long enough to have discovered the mistakes of Ingersoll. "So it has ever been and so it will be to the end. Errors and errorists will rise, flourish and pass away. But 'he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, the LO:'d shall hold them in del路ision'."
He is optimistic and answers those who are ta!king abollt the "good old times:" "Those 'good old times' meant the stage coach instead of the Orange Blossom Special; plunging the bleeding stump into boiling pitch, instead of modern surgel'y and anesthetics; six-year-old boys naked in cold mines, twelve or fourteen hours a day, instead of Boy Scout movements, high schools and colleges; deat.h, if you offered your own prayer instead of one in a prayer book; the rack, thumbscrew, exile, burning, hanging, if you chose your own religion instead of one foisted on you by a priest or !)Qpe; persecution so bitter that our Masonic fathers were stoned, drawn asunder, held their communications in dens and caves of the earth, destitute, afflicted, tormen ted, of whom the world was not worthy."
Again we quote: "No man, unless he has become callous to the finest, most delicate, sacred things of life, can pass through successive steps of Masonic initiative and be quite the 'same man that he was before. J have seen quite a little flippancy and gay frivolity in the candidate. I have heard him crack jokes and say funny things about 'riding the goat', climbing greased poles, and branding with hot irons. That was in the ante-room. But when he enters the Lodge room, and the gloomy stillness is broken by the solemn strains of 'Nearer, My God, to Thee', 'Lead, Kindly Light' or 'Solemn Strikes the Funeral Chime', and he is reminded that no one should enter upon any great 01' important undertaking without first invoking the aid of Deity, and that, though at other stages he had others to pray for him, now he must pray for himself, by this time all Oippancy has vanished, all pride humbled, and the angel of seriousness, long denied an en-
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trance to the soul, is permitted to enter, and in many cases abides there forever."
He closes with these words: "Glorious Masonry! Beautiful as the angel that sat in the shadows of Joseph of Arimathea's empty tomb, strong as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, eternal as the river that flows from the throne of God, and as the tree whose leaves are fOl' the heal ing of the nations."
Nearly four pages are given to a discriminating and fraternal review of our Proceeding of 1926. The Reviewer quotes a tribute paiid to our late Brother C. C. 'Voods, Grand Corre-spondent Emeritus who "for more than two generations has held a unique place in our Brotherhood, and the popularity which he attained nearly fifty years ago, when he 'ruled and governed' the Craft in Missouri, has never diminished nor lost its lustre."
Grand Master. Henry P. Glindeman. Grand Master, Elected, Richard F. Cartis, Sandpoint. Grand Secretary, Curtis F. Pike, Boise. Correspondent, Percy Jones, Blackfoot. Lodges, 80. Members, 10,118. Gain, 110 Lodges Represented. 75. SIXTIETH ANNUAL. Caul' D' Alene, September 13路15, 1927. Present.
17 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 7 District Deputies; 2fi Past Masters; 89 Representatives of Lodges. 29 Grand Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.
Dr. William Marshall, Grand Master of Montana, and Grand Master Robert A. Wilson; Past GrandMaster H. L. Kennan and Grand Chaplain Harry M. Painter of 'Washington, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master says:
"Masonic conditions throughout the Jurisdiction are most favorable. While our increase in point of membership was not large, the Lodges, as a whole, have been fairly active in the many areas of Masonic endeavor. No friction or discord wOrthy of mention among the Lodges or members has come to my attention. The yea.r has been exceptional in its spirit of peace and harmony .• The spirit of Truth passes through our Masonic experiences and \Joe come into possession _of the significance of life."
Official Visits.
On his visit to the Grand Lodge of Montana at Helena on Augus t 17 and 18 he says: "It was an inspiration to me to learn of the many Masonic activities engaged in, and results achieved. A signal honor was paid your Grand Master in being elected an honorary member of the Gt'and Lodge of Montana."
Brother Percy Jones gives a courteous review of Missouri's Proceedings for 1926. Like most reviewers he notes the formal dedication of our four million dollar Masonic Temple at St. Louis.
Grand Master, David D. King. Grand Master, Elected, Louis L. Emmerson, Springfield. Grand Secretary, Owen Scott, Decatur. Correspondent, Delmar D. Darrah, Bloomington. Lodges, 1,006; 940 Lodges Represented.
Members, 290,642.
Gain, 4,902. EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Chicago, October 11, 12, 13, 1927. Present.
21 Grand Officers; 10 Past Grand Masters; 100 District Deputies; 62 Members of Committees; 1,301 Representatives of Lodges. 51 Grand Lodges were represented. There would have been 52 had Missouri's Representative reported. Distinguish~d
Dr. John Pickard, Grand Master, and Judge A. F. Ittner, Deputy Grand Master of Missouri, and Luther T. Hauberg, Grand Secretary of Montana, were introduced.
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The Grand Master refers to the early history of the Grand Lodge in these words: "In response to the first call for an annual meeting of this Grand Lodge, there assembled in the City of Jacksonville on Monday, October 20, 1840, twenty-three members of the Masonic Fraternity of whom eleven were Grand Lodge Officers, seven representatives of Lodges and five visitors. Apparently there were four Lodges represented at this meeting, the total membership of which amounted to less than one hundred Master Masons. "Contrasted with these figures, we have the fact that there are gathered here this morning, the representatives of more than a thousand Lodges, and almost three hundl'ed thousand members of the Fraternity."
How our child has outgrown its Mother Grand Lodge! The Grand Master declined to lay the cornerstone of a church and quoted a predecessor who held "that a church is not a public building as contemplated in the regulations of Freemasons." The Grand Lodge approved his action. In Missouri, a church is a public building and we never decline to lay the cornerstone of one ~ith Masonic ceremonies whenever we are invited. This writer can name about thirty-five churches in all parts of Missouri whose cornerstones he laid with Masonic ceremonies and in no instance could he learn that either the church or Freemasonry was discredited in any sense by our solemn ceremonies. On the other hand, he always took advantage of such occasions to set forth clearly the principles underlying both institutions, showing their harmony and their points of difference, in a way that he believed was helpful to our Fraternity and to the churches he served. We commend our example to the Craft in Illinois. Possibly a closer relationship with the churches might help. to correct the radicalism to which the Grand Master refers in his address. We approve his stand for law and order and quote: "It is the privilege and duty of all American Masons, in the full discharge of their duties as citizens, to resent and repress in every lawful manner any attack upon those fundamentals which we hold sacred and basic as citizens of this country and which have been our g-reat contribution to the science of government during the past one hundred forty years. Masons in common with their patri0tic fellow citizens will never cease a clear and courageous thinking on the vital things of our social order.
"Our government will either endure upon the rock of respect for laws, our courts, and our principles of government. or it will perish in the quicksands of lawlessness and anarchy."
He reports more than fifty thousand dollars raised for the Mississippi flood sufferers. From Bro. Preston Bradley, Grand Orator, we quote, suggesting the substitution of "different" for "antagonistic": "No man is big enough to tell another man what God is. You have to experience what God is in your own soul. That matter gives you certain qualities, certain specifications. It means that you come with a character. It is not the business of Masonry to make Character. It if.; the business of IVlasonry to preserve Character. We are not a reform school.' And no man ever, in my judgment, ought to be admitted to Masonry to make him a better man. Masonry isn't in that business. If you want moral reformation you will find it in a great agency in human society that is in the business of reformation-the Church. The Church says, 'Whosoever will may come'. Masonry says-if you can get by the ballot box. "Consequently, these two institutions are antagonistic to each other, and becam;e of that truth, and because we are selected, we ought tO l keep our work upon a secret basis in order to preserve that selection, that we might be worthy custodians of a great ideal. "Do you know that if you were to open your ranks to the worlrl, Masonry wouldn't survive a hundred years? If you were to throw open the Lodge doors to the public, you wouldn't live ten years, and the ideals you are fighting to preserve would perish. That's what Masonry means to me. I have had only one ambition, for God's sake, for humanity's sake, let's dedicate ourselves at the altar of our Craft, that we may have a renaissance in our hearts of what Masonry is, and that in the presence of all disorder, and all decay, and all dissolution, and all tragedy of temporary life, there shall be one star in the world's horizon that shall never fade, because of our loyalty and devotion to the sacred and fundamental law, which if obeyed, will guarantee peace and prosperity, not only to every man, but to the entire world."
M. W. Bro. Elmer E. Beach gives three pages to a courteous review of the Proceedings of our Grand Lodge路 in 1926. The Mississippi River is not wide enough or deep enough to keep the Freemas'ons of Illinois and Missouri from mingling together on many Masonic occasions. Occasionally, our Grand Lodge is honored with fraternal visits from official Brethren who are separated from US by the Father of Waters. We are always glad to see them. Next Annual Communication, Chicago, October 9, 1928.
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Appendix. INDIANA.
Grand Master, Obie .J. Smith. Grand Master, elected, Charles C. LaFollette, Thorntown. Grand Secretary, WilliamH. Swintz, Indianapolis. Correspondent, Elmer F. Gay, Indianapolis. Lodges, 558. Members, 129,071. Gain, 1,156. . Lodges Represented, 549. ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH ANNUAL. Indianapolis, May 22-23, 1928. Present.
12 Grand Officers; 18 Past Grand Masters; 549 Representatives of Lodges. 42 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not one of that number. Distinguished Visitor.
Robert A. Woods, Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter, Grand Recorder of the Grand Council and General Grand Captain of the Guard of the General Grand Council of the United States, was introduced. Grand Master's Address.
He reports as, perhaps, the most spectacular event in Masonry for the past few years in Indiana the laying of the cornerstone of the Scottish Rite Cathedral, November 29, 1927, and says: "F,very Grand Lodge Officer, was the work was done admirably."
his proper
He reports t.he following question and his answer. was approved by tl1e Grand Lodge:
His ruling
"I was asked as to the propriety of having a permanent Eastern Star Emblem displayed in the Lodge Room. "I ruled tllat the Lodge was a Blue Lodge Room and it was not proper to have any emblems or paraphernalia of any other Body at Order displayed or stored in said room, excepting when that Body or Order was holding a meeting therein."
Last week the writer went to the county seat of an adjoining county to lay the cornerstone of a Masonic Temple. In the Lodge room he saw hanging on the wall the charter .of an Eastern Star Chapter, but was unable to discover that it was doing any. harm.
Masonic Home.
The Home reported 425 inmates; 130 men, 69 women, 128 boys and 98 girls. The expense of operating the Home for the past year was $120,509.34-a little more Hian $283 per capita. Fraternal Relations With Kentucky Broken.
In March, 1922, the petition of a candidate was rejected by an Indiana Lodge. In October, 192'5, the candidate petitioned a Kentucky Lodge 'and stated he had never been rejected by any Lodge. Monday, November 2, 1925, he voted at a city election held in the town in which his petition was rejected in March, 1922. Alleging that the Grand Lodge of Kentucky has not properly dealt with the offense, Indiana withdraws fraternal relations. Correspondence.
Past Grand Master Elmer 1<". Gay, gives Missouri courteous n .' cognition in his Report.
Grand Master, Harry M. Bell. Grand Master, Elected, David R. Tripp, Colfax. Grand Secretary, Charles C. Hunt, Cedar Rapids. Correspondent, Louis Block, Davenport. Lodges, 558; 439 Lo.dges Represented. Members, 86,541. Gain, 401. J<JIGHTY-FOURTH ANNUAL. Council Bluffs, June 14, 1927. Present.
14 Grand Officers; 11 Past Grand Masters; 5 Past Senior Grand Wardens; 11 Past Junior Grand Wardens; 1 Custodian of t路ile Work; 8 Past Grand Treasurers; 115 District Lecturers; 383 Masters and Wardens; 268 Proxies for Masters and Wardens. Distinguished Visitors. Frederic B. Parker, Grand Commander, Knights Templa'r of
Iowa; John Pickard, Grand Master of Missouri; Owen Scott, Grand Secretary of Illinois, and A. R. Davis, Grand Master, Lewis E. Smith, Grand Secretary, and Lute M. Savage, Grand Custodian of Nebraska, were introduced.
The Grand Master laid ten cornerstones and dedicated six Masonic temples. In the laying of cornerstones, he fell one behind the record made by Dr. John Pickard, Grand Master of Missouri. He also attended many Lodges and conferred Degrees when invited to do so. He visited the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. He visited the Grand Lodge of Illinois and attended the meeting of the Masonic Service Association at Chicago in November and the meeting of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association in February. In pursuance of the three months' notice, which he had given, the Grand Lodge withdrew from the Masonic Service Association. February 23, with the Grand Secretary, he attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington City. in July he visited the Grand Commandery of Iowa at 'remplar Park. He reported that the Masonic Sanitarium at Bettendorf was completed and in operation. Iowa contributed one thousand dollars to the Florida Hurricane helief Fund and more than ten times that amount for the relief of the sufferers from the Mississippi flood. A Master of a Lodge, who was a banker, disappeared, and was accused of having embezzled about $27,000. He was tried by the Grand Lodge and found guilty by a vote of 913 to 10. Eight hundred and twenty-one voted for his expulsion and 30 against it. The amazing thing in this vote is that 30 members of the Grand Lodge of Iowa should wish to protect the membership of an embezzler. M. W. Bro. Louis Block opens his report of nearly three hundred pages on Fraternal Correspondence with this heading: "FOREWORD "The Noblest Charity of all Helping a Brother to help IIimself."
He makes his case by telling of the noble work being done' by Masonic employment bureaus-Pennsylvania in one year found work for a thousand needy Brethren at an average salary of $1,800 per year. In New York work was found for 5,000 men. Our St. Louis Bureau found employment for 2,155 applicants-Oregon
found work for 2,615 Brethren and California found jobs for over 10,000 applicants in a single year and eighty per cent of the:3e were Masons coming from other states. Bro. Block says: "A distinguished surgeon said to me one day, 'They need not tell me there is no such thing as a 'personal devil'. I I, now thei'e is and his last name is Insomnia'. Now if all that is true, all we have to say is that Mr. P. D. Insomnia has a twin brotller 'and his name is 'Enforced Idleness' (or if there is a pitiable tragedy on earth, it is a human being who is willing to work, want.s work, needs work and ('un'i A'et it."
Unemployment is one of the appalling problems disturbing England 路today. We trust Bro. Block's wise words will bring forth fruit all over our land:He gives nearly six pages to Missouri and quotes freely from the address of Grand Master Martin, from Dr. Holt's speech at the dedication of the St. Louis Masonic Temple and from the ora.tion of Dr. David Janes Evans. He says: "We are glad to see that our old friend, Brot.her John Picl,ard, one of the wisest. and best. beloved Professors of Missouri's State liniversity has been finally elevated to the chair of Grand Master. \Ve have (or many years watched Brother Pickard'S Masonic career and have prophesied great things for him since he delivet'ed one of the best Masonic orations it has ever been our !H'jvilege to hear." Speaking of the actio~ of our Grand Lodge in declining to make saluting the flag a part of our opening ceremony he says: 'There is such a thing as maldng this flag flaunting business a.ll too cheap by making it too common'."
His "Afterword" on "The Menace of Modern Atheism" is well worthy of consideration, but we have not space to quote it in full, but must give a few lines: "We have not lost faith in our YOIlt.h; we cannot feel that tlle t.hing路' is as set'ious, as some would have llS think. Youth likes to be impudent, at times even insolent. Always venturesome and (laring. It likes to make faces at its elders, to see if they will resent it just as it likes to poke the dog to see if he will really bite. But it will all come out right. Years of discretion, savored and seasoned with suffering, will show these kids that they hadn't thought tht' tiling throng'h. that theil' science had been but. superficia.l, failing to penetrate to the heart of the thing, that while they may I,now all about protons, electrons, ions, and the Ein:stein theory, yet they don't know it all after all. That back and behind the mathematical regularity of the :oparkling snowflake, the mechanical precision of the stars in their courses on high, are the undying and everlasting
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arms of our Father, who is in Heaven. Soon or late, with riper years they will discover that 'the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth forth his handiwork'."
Tyndall thought he found in matter "the promise and potency of every form of terrestrial life". Hurley once thought the origin of life might be found in "Eathybius" and Edison's guess was that "Life 'came as a spark from some other world". To these original thinkers let us add the unknown philosopher who thought that "the moon was made of green cheese". Next Annual Communication at Cedar Rapids, June 12, 1928.
Grand Master, The Earl of Donoughmore. Grand Secretary, Henry C. ShelIard, Dublin. Lodges, 673.
Income, 9,216 pounds sterling. No report of Membership. 1927.
While most of these Lodges are in the Emerald Isle, others are ill various parts' of the British Dominions where the sons of Erin have found prosperity. The Grand Master who was in Ceylon sent his ,greetings arid the Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Colonel Claude Cane presided over the Grand Lodge. There is an optimistic note in his Address. He says: "Our beloved country is slowly emerging from the dark chaos ",hich threatened to overwhelm it not very long ago. It is a slow process, and we cannot say that everything is exactly as we should wish it to be yet; but we have here, and the Grand Secretary will bear me' o:ut, a government which has been sympathetic to us, and has recognized that we are a' force of law and order if we are anything at all, and we can see that the spirit of intolerance and unfairness, and all that which per:vaded all ranks in Ireland, is considerably softened and mitigated at the present day."
The Proceedings gives a report of a sermon by the Senior Grand Chaplain, the Lord Primate of all Ireland, from which we quote: "Sometimes ignorant attacks are made
upon Masonry.
A PpcndLr.
said, that Masons are anti-ClHistian; that they cultivate and keep alive ancient fOI'ms of paganism: that they arc anti-social; that they use their organization for !)articular aims as distinguished fl'om the common good. Let one who has been a M.ason for forty yeal's give the assurance that, with am!)le means for judging, he has never seen any signs of these evils. In my experience you will find among the Masons a very large proportion of those whose lives and doings are for the benefit of the whole community-men who do not limit their good works to any select circle,but devote themselves with all theil' hearts to the public good, and to the Masons here assembled, I say, the pl"incillles of your gl'eat Brotherhood, founded on faith in God, and working out in deeds of charity; lay upon you the noble and splendid duty of proving to the world the excellence of of the Order to which you belong." I
The Grand Lodge conducts two Orphan Schools and the Committee on Charity dispensed more than a thousand pounds for Masonic relief. Missouri was represented by R. VV. Ero. William Hamilfon.
Grand Master, Charles Newton Fowler. Grand Master, Elected, Ferris M. Hill, Emporia. Grand Secretary, Albert K. Wilson, Topeka. Correspondent, Albert Lodges, 448. Gain, 1,23路6.
Members, 83,401. Lodges Represented, 354.
SEVENTY-SECOND ANNUAL. Topeka, February 22-23, 1928. Present.
15 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 50 District Deputy Grand Masters; 259 Past Masters; 519 Representative~ of Lodges. There were 51 Representatives of Grand Lodges present, among them Perry M. Hoisington, Senior Past Grand Master, who represents Missouri. Grand Master's Address.
From this address we begin to quote not knowing where to stop: "It is not my pUl'pose to speak of the origin or the gTeat antiquity of this age-old institution. The fact that it has existed fOI:
~o many centuries does not interest us so much as do the reasons for its existence. 'Vhat eoncerns us most of all is its future and how long will it continue. \Vhat a vision those patriarchs and philosophers of old must have had when the institution of Freemasonry was born! Founded, as it is, upon a solid rock, protected by landmarks unchanging and unchangeable, Masonry is an in~titution in which men of every country, sect and opinion may meet togethel' in a common cause and walk hand in hand as true Brethren. Masonry has no creed. As an organization it is not concerned in the political, religious, philosophical, social, educational or scientific beliefs of its members. Masonry gives to every man the right to think on these things as his conscience may dictate. It not only gives him the right to think for himself, but tries to impress upon him that it is his duty to do so. It does, however, require a belief in the one God, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, the brotherhood of man and the immortality of the soul. Masonry is not a religion, but it is distinctly relig'ious. It teaches its initiates in the most impressiv~ manner in its power by symbols, ceremonies and lectures, that he owes a duty to God and his fellowman; that his soul is immortal. If these teachings are accepted in the proper spirit, men will thinl, and investigate for themselves, and whe'n men think earnestly, they are led to seek for truth and, by the aid of that Great Light in Masonry come to know their full dut.y to God, their du ties and obligations to their fellowmen in this life, and what pl'epar'ation is necessary for life eter路nal.
"Freemasonry has, during all the centuries, been content to build upon the solid rock foundation laid by our fOl'efathers and continue to impart its noble and sublime principles of Faith, Hope and Charit~路, taught by the theological laddel' which Jacob in his vision saw ascending from eal'th to heaven; the tenets of our profession, brot herly love, relief and tl'uth; the cardinal Virtues, temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice and the erection of that gl'eat temple in which we live, and which, upon its completion, becomes a spiritua'l building in which we shall forever dwel!. By and through the teachings of the institution and its mighty and silent influences Masons always and everywhere have been the foe of tyranny and ,usurpation of power, the defenders of justice, right and truth, find the enemies of intolerance, bigotry, fanaticism and all the other evil influences that oppress and crush humanity. "Our great Order has never, in all its history, cast a shadow upon a home, never wounded a human heart and never wronged a human soul. It is never deaf to the cry of the needy, never blind to the wants of the deserving, and its broad and noble heart pl"omptly reSl)onds to the call of the erring 0\' a cry fOl' help from an~' human soul. It is one of the mighty forces today, working fOl' the upbu ilding' of the race of men. It stands for the brothel'hood of man in its highest and noblest sense, and' for the home around which clusters the tenderest and best sentiments of the liUman heart.. It is lil.;:e the sl1irit of liberty enlightening the
",,'-orId; the fountains in the desert watering a favored spot of earth and irJ;1parting fertility; like the temple of truth standing foursquare to every wind that blows, its every act and principle all in harmony with the highest plans of human thought; aspiration and life. Through all its history it has; pursued the even tenor of its way with charity to all Rnd malice toward nonc. It has left a record of nothing but benefits and . blessings wherever it has touched a life, a community, a state or a nation. "Why then this cry for so-called modernism? Are 'we not. with the glorious history of the past? Is it not enough that we continue to build upon the original foundation so carefully and wisely laid? The safety va.}ve, the bulwark of this g"J'eat institution during all the ages has been that we have adhered strictly to the beaten path and turned neither to the right nor left; always of one mind and one purpose whatever mig-ht be I)ur belief or creed; always adhering strictly to the Landmarks, usages' and customs of the Fraternity upon which all men ,of every country. sect and opinion agree. The fall of nations, religious, political parties and organizations can be summed up in three words 'differences in Opinion'. The breakers are just ahead. The trend of Masonry is toward these things that do not concern Masonry; the turning aside from the orig-inal plan of Masonry, the sponsoring of outside organizations which presume to build upon the Masonic institution; the approval or disapproval of things that do not concern' us as an organization; the tendency to drift into political or religious questions, and numerous other matters upon Which men differ in opinion. These things are incompatible with the pUI:poses of our institution, and are the rocks upon which we will become shipwrecked if we continue to drift with the tide and the general tendency of the present day which seems to be a desire for something different; for a change from the old to so-called modern in every activity of life; in government, religion, education and society. ~atisfied
"It is almost astounding to note in some Jurisdictions the trend away from the original plan of Masonry. Let us, my Brethren, in this Jurisdiction, never stray from the straight and narrow path which leads straight down the annals of time from the org-anization of our beloved institution to a never-ending eternity. If we do this, Masonry will still survive when all other organizations now In existence before which questions' come upon which men differ in opinion, have faded from the memory of men."
Here at least, is food for thought. Cornerstones.
Nine cornerstones were laid by the Fraternity during the year. One church, two Masonic temples, two hospitals, two school buildings; and two court-houses.
Kansas' Oldest Freemason. Dr. Valentine V. Adamson ninety-five yea'rs old, who has been a Freemason nearly seventy-three years, was introduced to the Grand Lodge. Charters. Three pages are given to a list of Lodges whose charters have been placed on file -in the archives of the Grand Lodge, and 'a long list is given of Lodges that are asked to forward their Charters. In our Missouri installation ceremony, the installing officer says to the Master he is installing, "You will now receive in charge the Charter, by the authority of which this lodge is held. You are carefully to preserve it, and duly transmit it to your successor." Customs differ. C~rrespondence.
The Report by the Grand Secretary reviews our Proceedings for 1926. More than two pages are given to Missouri. Of course, it is a well written report although a little belated in announcing our next Annual Communi~ation for October 25, 1927. That was nearly four months before the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kansas whose Proceedings are before us.
KENTUCKY. Grand Master, Charles S. Rankins; Master, Elected, Hanson Peterson, Cynthiana. Grand Secretary, Fred ,W. Hardwick, Louisville. Correspondent, W. W. Clarke, Owensboro. Lodges, 596. Members, 65,235. Free-Members, 1,003. Lodges Represented, 566.
ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. Louisville, October 18-20, 1927. Present. 14 Grand Officers; 23 ~ast Grand Masters; 139 Past Masters; 569 Representatives of Lodges. Distinguished Visitors. H. Lee Fox, Grand Master of Tennessee; O. J. Smith, Grand Master of Indiana ; David D. King, Past Grand Master of Illinois;
A. E, McCulloch, Past Grand Master of Tennessee; C. H. Byne, Past Grand Master of Tennessee; Stith M. Cain, Grand Secretary of Tennessee; Dr. A. M. Showalter, Grand Senior De,acon of Virginia, and William P. Chandler, Past Grand Commander of Tennessee, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master reports an edict which he issued against smoking in the Lodge room during a business session or while degrees are being conferred, which the Grand Lodge approved. He n~ade a number of decisions, and numerous dispensations were granted and others were refused. Generally speaking, his administration was approved. One decision was over-ruled, and we think properly.. Two memhers of. an investigating committee itivestigatEd the wrong man and reported adversely. F.ollowing this report the candidate was rejected. The mistake was discovered but the Grand Master ruled that nothing could be done until the time had expired that must elapse before he could again petition for the degrees. The committee on Jurisprudence held, that on the discovery of the mistake the Master should have declared the report and ba)lot void. This report was approved by the Grand Lodge. Dedication of Masonic Home.
The afternoon of. the first day was given to the Dedication of the New Masonic Home which cost over $1,500,000. Our Kentucky Brethren are to be congratulated on the completion of this great enterprise. They will soon pay the remaining debt. A full report from the Superintendent of the Home appears in the Proceedings. He reports a daily average attendance of 468.9 and that the per capita cost for the year was $209.37. Correspondence.
Past Grand Master. \V. \V. Clarke gives two and .one-half pages to Missouri and half of this space is filled with quotat:ons from qrand Master, Martin. He says: Our Grand Master "spoke in high terms of the Masonic Service Association. He thinks it is doing good work fer Freemasonry." This true and yet lVI. W. Bro. Martin c~osed that porCon of his addres~ hy saying: "In view of all the facts, it is. my judgment that it would be best for the Grand Lodge of Missouri to seek other opportunities of service and remain out of the Masonic Serv;ce Association of the United States, and I so rc路commend." This recommendation was adopted by the Grand
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Lodge. We believe the Grand Lodge of Kentucky has never been a member of the Association. We agree with him when 'he says: "The Report of Fraternal Correspondence is by the Grand Chaplain, The Rev. Arthur Mather, D. D. In every respect, we think, it measures UP to a standard of high excellence." He closes his tribute to Dr. Mather by saying: "His review of Kentucky, 192:i, is heartily sympathetic. He a(;mil'es the volume of Proceedings of Kentucky, mainly, we t11ink because the 'work is done by the boys of the Masonic Home."
Dr. Mather is no longer Grand Chaplain and Correspondent. He is rendering more important service t.o the Craft as our Grand Secretary.
Grand Master, Edwin F. Gayle. Grand Master,
James H. Rowland, Shrevesport.
Grand Secretary, John A. Davilla, New Orleans. Correspondent, John A. Davilla. -Lodges, 269. Members, 35,191. Gain, 40. Lodges Represent.ed, 219. ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH ANI\;UAL. New Orleans, February 6-8, 1928. Present.
25 Grand Officers; 13 Past. Grand Masters; 978 Represent.atives of Lodges. 49 Grand Lodges were represent.ed-Missouri among them. Distinguished Visitors.
James H. Johnson, Grand Master of Mis::;issippi, H. D. Bowers, Grand Master of Arkansas and Thomas Q. Ellis, Past Grand Master of Mississippi, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master I eports the laying of fifteen cornerstones, but does not say how many were laid by himself. Five of these cornerstones were for houses of 'worship-a Synagogue-a Lutheran Church-Preshyterian, and t.wo Methodist Churches. If our trad:路
l Sept.
tions lead us back to the building of King Solomon's Temple we can see no good reason why we should decline to lay the corner¡ stone of churches with Masonic ceremonies, and we respectfully commend the example of Louisiana to our Brethren in Illinois. The ~~riter has laid with Masonic' ceremonies the cornerstones of four churches in Springfield-his home city and has never heard of any harm resulting therefrom to either the Fraternity or to thâ&#x201A;Ź churches he served. The Grand Master says: "There seems to have been a popular demand throughout the State for .the performance of the Masonic ceremony of the laying of cornerstones. These exercises were attended by impressive ceremoni'es and eloquent addresses. The Fraternity is deeply indebted to Brother R. H. Harper, ,Grand Chaplain, for his services at the laying of cornerstOnes and other ceremonials during the year; for the magnificent orations delivered by him, each of which was, in itself, a masterpiece of eloquence and oratory and was an erudite exposition of the histOl'~', philosophy and tenets of the Masonic Fraternity."
The Grand Master dedicated six Masonic Temples during the year. Flood Relief.
We quote from the Address: "No event in my life has sO impressed me as has the magnificent response that has been made to the appeals of our committee by the Masons of our great country. More than the relief given, more than the amount of money contributed, more than the magnificent result achieved, is the wonderful sentiment of love, interest and affection displayed by OUI' brother Masons from all parts of this great country-Maine and California, \Vashington and Oregon, Texas and [<'lorida, the remote Brethren as well as those near at home, each of them responding to tile call with an open hand and a generous heart, convinced me that, insofar as our great Fraternity is concerned, there is no North, no South, no East, no West. The message that this brings to me and the lesson that it teaches is that we have in our Fraternity more than four millions of generous hearted,patriotic and upstanding men who have the same generous impulses, the same standards of living, the same ideals, the same hopes, the same aspirations, the same love of humanity, the same devotion to the :~velfare of the nation, the same consecration to the preservation of our institutions and the preservation of our constitution and the maintenance of the laws of our great country."
Visitations. ,
The Grand Master reported visits to the Grand Lodges of Arkansas and Texas. The George Washington National Memorial
41 '
Association, the Conference of Grand Master, and the Masonic Relief Association of the United States. He also reports having attended a banquet in New Orleans where it was his pleasant duty to present a well-known Missouri Freemason, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh a gold and' platinum case for him to carry his membership cards in. It was a gift from the Masonic Lodges of New Orleans to one who "Exalted in Purpose, Fearless in 'Execution and Modest in Accomplishment has in every detail of his well-ordered life Exemplified Masonic Ideals." Correspondence. The Grand Secretary John A. Davilla in a report of less than a hundred closely printed pages gives more than two pages to Missouri. He speaks in high terms of the work of Grand Master John Pickard, quotes from his address and from the oration of Judge Merrill E. Otis, Grand Orator, and has a kind word- for Dr. Arthur Mather who is no longer Correspondent for Missouri, as the work of the office of Grand Secretary to which he has been 'elected will ~eep ,him busy. Missouri has more than three times as many Master Masons as Louisiana.
Grand Master, David L. Wilson, Bath. Grand Secretary, Charles B. Davis, Portland. Correspondent, Rev. Ashley A. Smith, D. D., Bangor. Lodges, 206. Members, 43,749. Lodges Represented, 189. Gain, 264. ONE HUNDRED-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Portland, May 3-5, 1927. Present. 22 Grand Officers; 6 Past Grand Masters; 15 Past Grand Senior \Vardens; 17 Past Junior Grand Wardens; 254 Representatives of Lodges and 3 Representatives of a Lodge under dispensation. 45 Grand Representatives were reported as present. Among them was the Grand Secretary Charles B. Davis, who represents Missouri. - GrandMaster's Address. From it we quote a question and his a.nswer:
"Q,lws<ion: Can our Masonic halls be u~ed for card parties undel' the aUfi!lices of the Eastern Star? "Answer: While it is true that thCloe is no law in regard to this, yet I am of the opinion that the wisest course for us to pursue is to l,eep our Masonic halls for Masonic purpo~es, and not use them for any othel' jJurposeo"
This proper answer was approved by the Grand Lodge. Official Visits.
He says: "I was present at the A.nn ual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Hhode Island at Providence, where it was also a privilege to meet \vith most of the Grand Masters of New England and the Grand Master of New YOloko The session of the Grand Lodge was full of interest, the address of the Grano Master containing suggestions that weloe provocative of much thought."
Of another visit he says: "By invitation of l\1nst Illustrious Commander-in-Chief Hany Virgin, I was present at the annual convocation of Maine Council of Deliberaticn, Ancient Accepted Scottish !lite of Freemasonry, which was helo at A ugoustao Here I was received with courtesy ann was privileged to present the greetings of this Groand Lodgoe to the Broethren assembled there o"
He also reports many official visits made to Lodgeso We quote his conclusion: "1 call eonceive of no gTeater cont.ribution that Freemasonry can make to the life of (he modern world than that which it seeks t.v make in rnoulding and sha!)ing of cllaracter in its individual memberso It is for this cause that it exists; and when it has succeeded in instilling in its individual members the great cardinal virtues of friendship, morality and brotherly love, supported by an unfalteringofaith ill that Supreme Being before whom all l\lasons most humbly bow, and send forth its members to live after this manner before their fellowmen, it has a.ccomplished its work, and made its superlative contribution t.o the life of the worldo He who learns aright these lessons, °will not. only wall, hurnQly before his God, he wiH also eXlH"eSos· his °Masonic character- °in--an unswerving fidelity to his country's idealsaricl°la\vs, for FrecmasoOnry is rooted deeply in the sterling vil'tue of patriotism, and he will give himself in a ready and helpful service .to his fellowmen, givingo of himself, >;0 far as he can, without injury to tho"e having llioior claims upon him, flllo the welfareancl uplift uf lJi~ brother man everywhen~o The glory of the ancient Landmarl;s can lWVCl' be pres('rvel] bettclo, or more enhnnccd, than when we, as individuals, 31'e giving; oun;elves in hunlble obeisanc;e (0o our God: in pat\Oiotic devotion to our countroy, and in deeds of sen'ice t6 our fellowmeno Let us never forOg:et that
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the crowning" glory of Freemasonry is not in its forms and ceremonies, but in the sterling charactel' it seeks to implant in the lives of its members, Therefore, may we give ourselves ::Ine",,' to the efforts to express that ctiaracter, that we may thus honor the God of our f2 thel's and our God, "that we may be of I'eal service to our day and generation, and that we may develop within that quality which, \\" ,11 fit us eventually to abide in that 'Tabernacle not made with hands, eternal in the heavens',"
A Distinguished Visitor.
In the record of the afternoon session of the Second Day find this item:
"Grand Mastel' 'Vilson then, \vith well-chosen words, introdu2ed Brother l<J'edericli: VV, Hamilton, D. D" the n, 'V, GJ'and Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, who spoke to the nearly four hundred Brethren assembled for about an hour upon the subject, 'Heal Masonl-Y', commanding the closest attention. of evel'yone present for the entire time~ At his conclusion, he was given that tremendous applause which showed the Brethren appreciated to the fullest extent the I'are opportunity for Masonic improvement that had been afforded them."
Following this address the Third Degree was conferred upon a candidate by the Officers of Saco Lodge No. 9 "In a manner so nearly perfect in both ritual rendition and floor movement as to call for merited applause by the brethren and the approbation of the Grand Lecturer. Correspondence.
An able and discriminating- review of Missouri's Proceedings for 1926 is given by Rev. Ashley A .. Smith, D. D., the Senior Past Grand Master of those who were present at the Grand Lodge. He regrets that Maine's Proceedings failed to reach our reviewer in 1~26. Our Report for 1927 gives Maine all'due notice. Concerning Grand Master Martin's decisions Brother Smith has this to say: "His 'Decisions' are well within the conservative practiee of cur own .Jurisd:ction. He says of the display of the Square and Compass on" the front of an automobile that it is permissible if not used for commercial purposes, It's a I'ather showy distinction to be sure, but", !)erhaps, permissible, although in this reviewer's opinion in execl-ably bad taste and a litqe too suggestive of the kind of Mason that owns the ear. In this sense, it is a rather poor advertisement of the driver's type of Craftmanship."
"[ Sept.
Grand Master, J. C. Walker Reid. Grand Master, Elected, Jabez Miller, WInnipeg. Grand Secretary, James A. Ovas, Winnipeg. Correspondent, James S. MacEwing, Treherne. Lodges, 103; 97 Lodges Represented. Members, 11,747. Loss, 724. FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL. Re,ston, September 7, 1927. Present.
28 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 287 Past Masters, and 143 Masters and Wardens. 49 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri's name is not in the list. The Grand Master laid one cornerstone. He attended the annual meetings of the twelve Masonic District's and visited nineteen Lodges. The names of the District Deputies appear in the list of Grand Officers, and their reports are printed in the Proceedings. Each District Deputy visited all the Lodges in his District during the year. The Grand Chaplain, Rev. Andrew T. Norquay, delivered an address from which we quote: "We are too apt to think that God is transCendent, 'and forget that He is imminent, near at hand.' We worship Him in His glory. seated on the sapphire throne beyond the azure of the skies and beyond the stars. "But to the hearing ear and the understanding heart there is a voice that is speaking through the worlds. We find this truth realized in all things around us. We walk amid the varied scenes of nature, and unceasingly we seem to hear that great voice speaking to us and in us. We have heard it on the wind swept prairies, ill the pillared pine forests of the North, amidst the mountain fastnesses and the storm of tumbling waters. The cataract can not drown it, the rush of the storm cannot lessen it; the music of the lake's gently heaving waters is not sweeter. "Everywhere through nature that great voice attests the presence of God, and bids us, before the shrubs of the desert, take the shoes from off our feet. " 'The Heavens declare the glory of God And the firmament showeth His handiwork.'
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"This is also true of the great movements of human history. Here also there are traces of the Divine Companionship. How is it to be accounted for that the progress of the race is steadily upward, through the natural tendency of each one of us is to selfish gratification? "Why are the old brutal sports and questionable pastimes and practices being left behind? Is it not, because God is marching in the van of the world, leading its progress and fulfilling his own vast ideals?"
Past Grand Master James S. MacEwing presents a report on Correspondence covering about one hundred and forty pages. He seemed favorably impressed by Grand Master' Martin, quotes our action in decling to maKe a salute to the Flag a part of the opening ceremony of a Lodge and pays his respects to <?'ur Correspondent in these words: "The interesting and well written Review for Missouri came from the pen of Rev. Arthur Mather, D. D., Grand Chaplain of that jurisdiction."
Dr. Mather is no longer Grand Chaplain. Grand Secretary.
He is now our
Our Reviewer appears to have heard something of the presentation of a Bible to each newly-raised candidate. He says: "The idea is doubtless good in itself, but non-sectarianism is the link which binds Jew and Gentile, BUddhist and Mohammedan, the followers of Zoroaster and Confucius in our IJodges. Free-Masonry and the Lord's Prayer form a point of contact for all races and creeds-let us keep it that way. Some Chaplains both in Grand Lodge and Constituent Lodges offend when offering up invocations, but neither their example nor membership makes it necessary or adVisable to deviate from general craft principles."
. We raise no objection to his criticism on some prayers. From what he路 says about the Lord's Prayer, we infer that he has no more' respect than this writer has for the intelligence of the Attorney General of California who ruled that the Lord's Prayer is sectarian. That official evidently did not know that at the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893 in the World's Congress of Religion, all joined in the Lord's Pray~r. But we fear his. Masonry is broader than is ours in Missouri. We have no Buddhists or Zoroastians or Confucianists among us, and the writer is not acquainted with any Mohammedan Masons in Missouri.
In 1898 a Missouri Mason, who r~pudiated the Bible, was ex[Jelled from his Lodge and the Grand Lodge, in sustaining the action of the Lodge by a unanimous Yote, declared the Bible to be a~ necessary a part of the furniture of a Missouri Lodge as the Charter, or the Square and Compasses. We do not accept the Koran or the Vedas as a substitute. The Bible is the only "Book of the Law" we recognize, and the man who objects to it has no place among us. Jews and Gentiles in Missouri are obligated on the Holy Bible and are left free to interpret it as they will. Next Annual Communication at Winnipeg, June 13, 1928.
Grand Master, Warren S. Seipp, Baltimore. Grand Secretary, George Cook, Baltimore. Correspondent, Rev. Henry Branch, D. D., Baltimore. Lodges, 122. Members, 33,235. Gain, 603. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Baltimore, Noveml)er 15-16, 192'7. Present.
21 Grand Officers; 1 Past Deputy Gran'Cl Master; 10 Past Senior Grand 'Wardens; 14 Past Junior Grand Wardens; 21 Grand Inspeetors; 23 District Grand Inspectors; 355 Representatives of Lodges.
. We do not find the name of Missouri's Representative in the list of 22 Grand Representatives who were present. Grand Master's Address.
The address is very brief. As a Semi-annual Communication was held May 10, the address deals only with the work since that date. The Grand Master calle'Cl attention to the subject of non-payment of dues and the Grand Lodge made two orders. One automatically suspends a member two years in arrears,' if he fails to pay after one month's notice. The other is as follows: "Resolved, that all members, and visitors seeking admission to a Lodge shall be required to pI'esent a dues I'f~ceipt card fOl' the current year, except by permission of the \Vorshipful Ma~ter."
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Should the Grand Master wish to visit a Lodge and forget his "dues receipt card" we presume the \Vorshipful Master would permit him to enter. Whose business is it to see that the Worshipful Master has his "dues receipt card" with him? In the presence of John Randolph of Roanoke, two men offered to make a bet. A bystander cried out: "I'll hoM the stakes." "Yes," said Randolph, "but who will hold you?" Maryland has a way of continuing a Grand Master in office many years. This explains the long list of Past Senior Grand Wardens. 1871 was the last year that Missouri elected a Grand Master for a secon-d term. Once only has the writer seen a Brother who had been elected Grand Junior Warden defeated for - the office of Grand Senior Warden and that was forty years ago. Corresponde nee. The Report is by Rev. Henry Branch, D. D. He gives two and one-half pages to a fraternal Review of our Proceedings for 1926. He quotes with evident approval a paragraph from Grand Master Martin's Address which Wisconsin's Correspondent condeIIlhed. As we approve it most heartily we reproduce it: "When this monument to Washington, the man and Mason, is completed it will be one of the greatest monuments in the world. It will not only be a titting tribute to \Vashington, the man and Mason, but also an advertisemen,t to the centuries of strength and solidarity of the great American Masonic Fraternity."
He quotes our Grand Master as saying of our Masonic Home that it is "the greatest single reason for our existence." He speaks of the dedication of the four million dollar Masonic Temple in St. Louis, "which has a front of 150 feet on Lindell Boulevard by a depth of 300 feet and rises to an approximate height of 175 feet." Thli Governor of Missouri and Admiral R. E. Countz of the U. S. Navy attended the exercises, the Governor giving one of the ad-dres~es.
quotes briefly from two great orations given to the Grand Lodge, one by Dr. Stratton D. Brooks. President -of the University of Missouri, and the other by Dr. David Jones Evans, Pastor of a great Baptist 'Church in Kansas City. He notes our action in deciding to remain out of the Masonic Service Association of the United States and in decUning to make saluting the flaK apart of the Lodg!=l opening ceremony.
[ Sept,
Grand Master, Frank L. Simpson, Swampscott. Grand Secretary, Frederick W. Hamilton, Boston. Members, 123,661. Loss, 99 Lodges Represented at Quarterly Communication December 14, 364. ONE HUNDRED NINETY FOURTH ANNUAL. Boston, December 27, 1927. An ample volume of 624 pages. gives a record of Four Quarterly Communications, 'sixteen special Communications and the Stated Annual Communication. The Grand Master gave addresses at the Quarterly Communications where the business of the Grand Lodge was transacted. When the Grand Officers were elected, December 14, there were present 68 Grand Officers, 30 .Permanent Members and 79'2' Representatives of 364 Lodges. Distinguished Visitors.
Oliver D. Everhard. Grand Mas~er of the Grand qouncil of Ohio, Winthrop J. Cushing, Grand High Priest of Massachusetts, and Norris G. Ahbott, Grand Commander of Massachusetts ana Rbode I3land, were introduced. The Grand Master called attention to the presence, as members of the Grand Lodge of Olin D. Dickerman, Grand Master of the Grand Council of Massachusetts, Frederick W. Hamilton, Deputy for Massachusetts of the Supreme Council and Leon M. Abbott, Grand Commander of the Northern' Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. Cornerstone Laying on Sunday.
We note that. a Special 'Communication was held on Sunday, September 11, 1927, for the purpose of laying the cornerstone of . the Federated Church at ,Blackstone. Missouri law forbids ,the holding of any, Lo~ge ,~eeting on Sunday except for 'funeral, purposes. Ancient Craft-Masonry is cast in an Old Testament mold. So long as we c,ontinue to teach Fellow-Crafts that our ancient brethren "worked six days in the week, and rested upon the seventh, for in six days God created the heaven and the earth, and rested Upon
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the seventh day" it seems. inconsistent for a Grand' Lodge to work upon the day of rest. Stated Communication.
The Stated Communication was held on December 27, 1927, for the purpose of installing the Grand Officers and observing the Feast of St. John the Eyangelist. Distinguished Visitors.
Hon. Frank G. Allen, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts; David L. Wilson, Grand Master of Maine; Winfield Scott Solomon, Grand Master of Rhode Island; Theodore Foster, Grand Master of Connecticut; Ed win A. Chase, Deputy Grand Master of Rhode Island; Aaron H. Grout, Senior Grand Warden and .charles B. Adams, Junior Grand Warden of Vermont, and Arthur N. Nash, Past Grand Master of Connecticut, were introduced. Nearly fifty pages are given to reports of speeches made at, the Feast. They make good reading but we have not ,pace for them. We find no Report on Correspondence.
Grand Master, Charles A. lJonaldson. Grand Master, Elected, George W. Graves, Detroit. Grand Secretary, Lon B. Winsor, Grand Rapids. Correspondent and Grand Chaplain, Rev. William H. Gallagher, Allegan. Lodges, 498; 476 Lodges Represented. Members, 149,128. 'Gain, 2,783. EIGHTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Grand Rapids, May 24, 1927. Present:
14 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 16 Members of Committees; 476 Representatives of Lodges;, 376 visitors registered. 54 Grand Jurisdictions were represented, but not路 Missouri. Oistinguished\ Visitors.
D. H. Mooney, Grand Master; Bro. Fred L. Wright, Herbert
Vl. Dixon, Deputy Grand Master;
Fred J. Marien, Past Grand Master, and Charles F. Lamb, Past Grand Master, all of Wisconsin, were introduced:
The Grand Master laid seven cornerstones and dedicated eleven Masonic Temples. He warned against the use of Masonic emblems by the "True Kindred", condemned the use of printed ballots, or ballots written out beforehand, in Lodge elections and warned against the use of Masonry for political ends. For Mississipp,i flood relief, he ordered $1,000 sent to Grand Secretary ~avilla of Louisiana. In closing his address, he says: "Masonry must stand by those established institutions which have made for the 'Christian civilization Which we enjoy; it must stand by OUI" National traditions and fortify law and ol"del". There is a growing disrespect for much that is !';ound and right in our society. There is a of reverence among old and young and a tâ&#x201A;Źndency to shift responsibility. Masonry, more than any other 01'g'anization on earth, is founded on the principles of right as 'against wrong. \Ve cannot take our Masonic vows without a consciousness that if we live up to those vows we are making a contribution to our society. We' should not take our Masonic vows before the altar without taking them into our daily lives. Our civilization is merely an expression of our thoughts. our ideals and our aims. 1'\0 matter how high and noble these may be, they avail us nothing' unless we strive to attain them. 'Knowledge means little unless we avail ourselves of it. Masonry is an education of the individual. It is a training ground where we may become better men, better citizens. Let us look well to our O."del'. It is one of the most priceless possessions of our society."
Rev. William H. Gallagher had served the Grand Lodge as Grand Chaplain for twenty years. The Grand Lodge showed its appreciation of his services in ordering, by a unanimous vote, an appropriation of $300 "for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Grand Chaplain and-his good wife to Boston, Mass., next Sept em bel' and the fee for the said thirty-third Degree". The aforesaid Grand Chaplain, thus honored, is Correspondent He says: "The Review of Michigan is incomplete. A t01'11 and tatlen:(l copy of the Proceedings reached St. Louis. There is a long quotation of over a page from the report of the Commission on Education; a quotation concerning the-Outside Cha'l'ity Fund; a: few \~'ords about
Winsor, his years of service, his sickness, his humo\'OUS address at the .Jewel presentation to Brothel' 'Bob' Anderson, and a few othe\' items. It is not bad, considering that the Correspondent had little to go on. We in Michig'an would trust him and admire his rpport; if he had to mal,e it up out of his imagination, or to speak figuratively. out of his own bowels lil,e the spider."
\Vhen .these words. were written Dr. Mather was still Grand Chaplain and Correspondent of Missouri. These clerical Grand Chaplains and Correspondents are as friendly to each other as the Governors of North and South Carolina on an historic occasion. Next Annual Communication at Detroit, May 22, 1928.
Grand Master, William R. Smith. Grand Master, Elected, Sam A. Erickson, Crookston. Grand Secretary, John Fishel, St. Paul. Correspondent, Edmond A. Montgomery, Minneapolis. Lodges, 307. lvIembers, 61,496. Gain, 727. Lodges Represented, 2'71. SEVE~TY-FIFTH
St. Paul, January 18-19, 19,28. Present. 17 Grand Officers; i6 Past Grand Masters; 376 RepresentativeH of Lodges; 38 Grand Lodges were represented. Past Grand â&#x20AC;˘ Master, Albert F. Pray, represented Missouri. Distinguished Visitors.
Six from Wis~onsin were introduced. They were Herbert W. Dixon, Grand Master; Fred L. \Vright, Deputy Grand Master; Wil¡ liam F. Weiler, Grand Secretary, and John E. Langdon, D. H. Mooney and Charles F. Lamb, Past Grand Masters. On the second day, Chas. P. Montgomery, Grand Patron of the Eastern Star, was introduced. Masonic Home.
Minnesota has a Home with accomodations for 116 residents. It is located on a farm of 316 acres. The question of an adequate' support for this Home was an important issue before the Grand Lodge. A measure assessing each member of the Fraternity $12.50.
payable in five annual installments, was carried on the second day after having been defeated the previous day. Oration.
Rt. Rev. Frank A. McElwain, Gran'Cl Orator, delivered an address from which we quote some things he said, touching the attitude of Free-masonry toward the duties of citizenship: "In this presence I do not need to recall the places of honor which Masons have held in the history and work of our country from the days of George Washington to the present time. WheneVE:r problems were to be solved, whenever sacrificial service for the state were to be performed, there were Masons found ready to give to ,the uttermost for the land of their love. "\Ve call the days in which we are living an 'age of transition', This may be a commonplace and a platitude. But never in the memory of any of us .here have such tremendous changes taken place in both the material and intellectual life of the world. It is 'doubly difficul t under such circumstances, to be certain of one's standing ground or the direction of one's path in life. The duties of a citizen form no exception. "Within the last few yeal'S in several of the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea changes have taken' place Which fill one with apprehension. In Italy and Spain especially, all semblance of constitutional representative government has disappeared and in its place there has been established personal dictatorship. But w~y speak of this to American Masons? Surely it is a far cry from Rome to St. Paul. Surely the Anglo-Saxon temperament will not yield. That is what one is apt to think at first. But when we hear men, prominent in the business and industrial life of America, return to us praising Mussolini because of his mechanical efficiency; when we realize that such a dictatorship could only become a fact after a supine failure on the part of citizens to live up to their responsibilities, then we realize that it is not a matter of racial temperament or of local environment, but of loyalty to ideals and a willingness to sacrifice rather than to allow those ideals to perish. "We, who. have taken our solemn obligations, remember that these obligations, like those of our ci tizenship, are based upon the fundamental. principle of liberty under, law. Every struggle that has marked our growth as a nation,. every appeal which we have made to the world beyond our borders, has had liberty as its goal or subject. Now, doubtless, if one is seeking efficiency in government and nothing more, a benevolent, absolute monarchy would be the ideal government. But surely the Masonic fraternity would never be guilty of trading liberty for material efficiency. Not because Mussolini's hands are stained with the blood of our Brothers in Italy (although that would bc sufficient to condemn his purpose in our eyes), but because he is guilty of murdering liberty in the name of national prosperity, do we reject his methods.
1928. ]
"But remember what leads up to this and the like dictatorship. A selfish forgetting of the duties and the ideals of citizenship on the part of the !'ank' and file of the nation. We may not listen to the siren voice of material prosperity, but we are so apt to grow careless. Every successive national election of these last years has been marked by the outstanding fact that \fUlly one-half of our electorate has failed to go to the polls. When one has made every allowance for absentees and illness, etc., there still路 stares us in the face the unpleasan t truth that a tremendously large proportion of our fellow citizens fail to do the simplest duty. Beyond that there is the unwillingness to serve the, community or state on the part of the abler section of our people and the consequent handing uver of much of our country's business to the mediocre or worse. People who d'o not care even that much for their country pretty nearly deserve slavery to a grinding tyr.anny. "I am no pessimist. I am' confident that the United States will ultimately awake to the da.nger that lies ahead. We must not trust to ideals, or talk, or Anglo-Saxon heritage. We must be willing to pay the price of unfaltering devotion and constant watchfulness. In the relation of this wondrous inheritance, I crave the foremost place for the Masonic Brotherhood. Let us see to it that as long as we live and work in this our beloved country, we give her the full measure of our devotion so that she may never falter in the fulfillment of her glorious mission to mankind."
Correspondence. Past Grand Master Edmund A. Montgomery, gives a long and able Report on Correspondence. Of his 183 pages, eight and one half are given to a very kind review of the Proceedings of Missouri for 1926 and 1927. He quotes from the address of Grand Master . Martin, and naming the three Grand Orators who were heard in 1926, says: "Missouri Masons were rarely favored in the privilege of listening to these wonderful addresses."
He says: "Grand Master Pickard gave a very fine address. In order that he might give himself without reserve to the duties of Grand Master, he took a long vacation from his work in the State University. He was instant; in season and out of season, in fruitful labors for the Fraternity, laid more cornerstones, visited more Lodges and attended more Masonic functions of various kinds than any of his predecessors."
With evident approval he quotes his ruling: "That it was not permissible for any card or pool games to be, played on Sunday in a Masonic club room as conduct tending to
impair the good name and
of Masol1l'y and degrading
it in the public estimation,"
He gives a page and half to a qnotation from' Judge MerrU E. Otis' address on "America" and says : ~
"Brother Dr, Arthur Mather, the new Grand splendid report on Foreign Correspondence,"
Grand Master, James H. Johnson. Grand Master, Elected, Thomas E. Pegram, Ripley, Grand Secretary, lildward L. Fancette, Meridian. Correspondent, Henry C. Yawn, Lumberton, Lodges, 382. Members, 36,554. Gain, 152. Lodges Represented, 357. ONE HUNDRJ!jD TENTH ANNUAL, Jackson, February 14-15, 192-8. Present.
15 Gra~d Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 26 District Deputy Grand Lecturers; 149 Past Masters; 357 Representatives of Lodges; 52 Wardens not representing Lodges. 45 Representatives of other Grand Lodges were present, and among them was .J. F'oggo Dixon, who represents Missouri, Distinguished Visitors.
Howard R. Cruse, Grand Master of New Jersey; Hunter 'D. Bowers, Grand Master of Arkansas, and Edward F. Gale, Grand i\Iaster, Earnest Sykes, Junior Grand 'Varden, and John A. Davilla, Grand Secr~tary, of Louisiana, were introduced. Grand Master's
Much of the Grand Master's address is given to the Flood of 1927. \Ve quote from the Address: "On April 21, 1927. at 7 o'cloc], in the morning, the levee at Stapp's Landing in vVashington County, Mississippi, g'ave way, precipitating the greatest flood in the history of our country and decidedly the greatest disastel' that has ever befallen our beloved State. Within less than forty-eight hours, more than 861,000 acres of the richest farming land in Mississippi wel'e inundated from ten to twenty feet deep. The City of Greenville, Leland, Hollanddale, Rolling Fork and numerous other towns were in the wal,e of this flc,od, which carried death before its ol1l'aging torrent. Hundred~ of lives were lost and thousands of livestock, to say nothing of the millions of dollars worth of property destroyed."
1928. ]
Like the Grand Master of Louisiana, he, expresses due appreciation of the ge,nerOlls help .,afforded to that stricken region in its time of need. Correspondence.
The Senior Past Grand Master, Henry Clay Yawn, gives nearly two pages to a review of our Proceedings for 1927. Of our Grand Master he says:. "Brother Pickard's picture adorns one of the initial pages of the Pl'oceedings, and is followed by a biographical sketch, which stamps him not only as a great scholar, but also as a distinguished author. His Masonic: career has been equally noted, he having filled practically all of the Grand Offices in both the York and Scottish Rite Bodies."
Dr. Pickard has served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, Grand High Priest and Grand Master of the Grand Council and is Grand Chamberlain in the Imperial Council of the Red Cross of Constantine. Our reviewer calls attention to the fact that the Masonic Bodies of Missouri sent more than thirty thousand dollars for the relief of flood sufferers. He tells us that: I
"Arthur Mather presents a voluminous and sI)lendid Correspondence Report."
Grand Master, James IVÂŁ. Charteris. Grand Master, Elected, 'William J. Marshall, Missoula. Grand Secretary, Luther T. Hauberg, Helena. CorresI!ondent, H. S. Hepner. Lodges, 133. Members, 20',469. Gain, 98. Lodges Represented, 126. SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Helena, August 17-18,1927. Present.
16 Grand Officers; 20 Past Grand Masters; 117 Past Masters;
219 Representatives of Lodges; 43 Grand Representatives were present, and among them was Past. Grand Master W. M. Mont-. gomel'Y, who represents Missouri. The Governor of Montana, Brother JohllErickson, ..gave an
a.ddress of' welcome; and was followed by Brother J. R. Wine, City Commissioner of Helena. Distinguished Visit,ors:
Walter H. Nunfin, Grand Master of North Dakota, Henry P. Glindeman, Grand Master of Idaho, and W. J. Smith, Past Grand Master of Saskatchewan, were introduced. The following brethren, heads of Montana Masonic Bodies, were presented and welcomed by the Grand Lodge: M. W. Bro. Edward W. Spottswood, Grand High Priest Royal Arch Masons; W. Bro. Edwin Fredlund, Deputy Grand Master, Royal and Select Masters; R. W. Bro. Daniel J. Muri, Grand Junior Warden, KnIghts Templar, and M. W. Bro. Edward C. Day, 33d Degree Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Scottish Rite. Grand Master's Address.
We quote two items: "Moral excellence must be one of our watchwords at all times. Every Mason should feel and act as if the reputation of our Order rested upon his shoulders. Sages of old contended that no sin was ever committed, the consequences of which fell on the head of the sinner alone, and rio man could do ill and his fellows not suffer."
He says: "The question has often been asked, Who is the most important person in a Masonic Lodge? My answer is, the Brother on the Investigating Committee. If he will always do his duty, the future ot our Fraternity is secure."
He tells us' of the sending of a thousand pounds of cement from Trident, Montana, for use in the Masonic Peace Memorial Temple, now being erected in London by the Mother Grand Lodge. The cement reached its destination in time to be used at the laying of the cornerstone July 14, 1927. Visitations.
He reports forty visits to ~..odges. Oration.
From an Address by Bishop Fox we quote some- wise words: "In an¡ age whose tendency is to cast aside, to discount and to discard the products of the, we ne'ed to be reminded that the
t928. ]
moral codes and: most of the conventions that the past has left to us ha~e resulted from the needs of mankind. They are protecting walls thrown up to keep away the gross and vulgar and the unclean. Decency in literature and art and in manners has given way to excesses and extremes of, all kinds. Behaviorism in philosophy claims the right of self-expression under all conditions and circumstances. It ignores codes and conventions. It ignores other's comfort and convenience, and right. It is utterly selfish in its attitude towards life. Restraint and reserve are cast to the winds. Realism in art and literature grossly pictures the vulgar and the ugly ,on the plea of the right to full expression. They forget that true mastery in art and literature, as in every other walk of life demands suppression, as well as expression. Restraint is the key to mastery in . everything human. Law is restraint. There can be no true liberty without wholesome re,straint. True liberty does not involve the right of doing and saying anything we wish. True liberty says of the gross and common, 'I can do this or that thing, I can make a beast of myself, but I will not!' This is liberty. That is'true freedom. The keystone of character is found in that 'phrase, 'I can do, but I will not.' "Iluman ~rogress and civilization have built upon restraints rather than upon license. Take away the restraints of life, the conventions and the codes and even the 'Thou shalt nots', and deterioration will result. "My Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Montana, our speculative and symbolic Masonry-set to build character, to preserve morals and right living, to foster reliance upon a higher power that we call God-our speculative and symbolic Order fails if it ceases to build on the foundations upon which our civilization has been reared."
Past Grand Master H. S. Hepner, gives Missouri kind treatment in the three and one-half pages he devotes to our Proceedings for 1926. He quotes with warm approval what Grand Master Martin said: "The right of an institution to live is not measured by numbers, but by the good it does."
He refers to the dedication of the St. Louis Masonic Temple, commends our Grand Orators, and quotes the poem with Which Dr. Ivan Lee Holt closed his Dedicatory Address, 'The Land of , Beginning Again."
Grand Master, Edwin D. Crites. Grand Master, Elected, Albert R. Davis, Wayne. Grand Secretary, Lewis E. Smith, Omaha. Correspondent, Lewis E. Smith, Omaha. Lodges, 291; 277 Lodges Represented. Members, 41,586. Net Gain, 649. SEVENTIETH ANNUAL. Omaha, June 7, 8, 9, 1927. Present. 12 Grand Officers; 13 Past Grand Masters; 424 Representatives of Lodges. Missouri was one of the 34 Grand Lodges represented. Distinguished visitors introduced were: John Pickard, Grand Master, and E. E. Morris, Grand Treasurer, of Missouri; C. C. \ . Hunt, Grand Secretary of Iowa; B. S. Royster, Past- Grand Mas~er of North Carolina; George T. Sprecher, Grand. Commander, A. Shennan Pinto, Grand High Priest of Nebraska; Frank Cargill Palten, Inspector General, A. & A. S. R.; J. M. Robertson, President of the Masonic Home, and Edwin C. Gont, Pres~dent of the Masonic Eastern Star Home for Children. Fraternal Visits. The Grand Master visited the Grand Lodges of Wyoming and Missouri and the Grand Commandery of Nebraska. He attended the eighth meeting of the Masonic Service Association and recommended that Nebraska remain outside the Association, which recommendation was approved. He attended the Seventeenth Annual Convention of the George \Vashington Masonic National Memorial Association, approves this great enterprise and "urgently requests the co-ope;-ation of the officers of the s.ubordinate Lodges in bringing up the present Nebraska percentage of quota from 20.1 per cent, where it now is, to 100 per cent". He reports ten decisions. One that "the loss of a right thumb, the loss of one leg, the loss of one arm, the loss of both one arm und one leg, the loss of a foot, and the stiffening of one leg so that the knee was rigid at the joint" rendered a candidate ineligible,
A Ppc'ndL'I:.
"-3,8 approved. He ruled against the appropriation of Lodge funds for De Molay Chapters, but held that "individual members of the Fraternity may properly sponsor and contribute to the support of such a Chapter of the Order of De Molay". Have not "the individual members of the Fraternity" a right to spend their money for any good cause without asking permission from the Grand Master?
He recommended that the Grand Lodge decline to become a member of the National Masonic Tuberculosis Sanitoria Association and the Grand Lodge approved his recommendations. Nebraska gave $3,016.50 for Florida relief and $G,323.85 for the Mississippi flood sufferers. Bro. C. Petrus Peterson, Grand Orator, delivered an oration on "The Spirit of Adventure", which we would like to reproduce in full had we the space. He tells of "a great and learned physician who announced that he had carefully: dissected and analyzed every part of man, but had not found a soul". That physician was as great a fool as the astronomer who told Napoleon that he had searched the heavens carefully with the telescope, but could not find God. Vie are reminded of the visitin~ preacher, who, in his sermon, spoke of drawing an inference. The pastor asked a hearer if he could draw an inference. The answer was: "I can if anyone around here can, for I have the best yoke of cattle in the settlement."
You cannot hitch a log chain to an inference. We quote as follows: "It was my privilege not long :since to make an in teresting contact with a grou!) of these young people. This gTOUp of students from the Uni"en;ity of Nebraska had organized what they called a ~unday Evening Club with a purpose of affording an opportunity for disCUl>sion on subjects of eurrent interest. Among othel' topics they l'!ected to discu!'<s evolution and they secured one of the very learned f;cholars of the State University to pl'esent by lecture and by stereopt icon slides the story of the evolution of man and the evidence supporting the hypothesis of his descent from lower orders of animal 1ifc. The young' people found ,;ome difficulty in finding a spokesman to pl'el>Cnt another side and at length, for lack of an~路thing better . requested that T ])re!'<cnt such eriticism of the theory of evolution as I might find available. In ::l!)!)l'oaching' my subjlOct I stated a desire to find the attitude of those who were in m~' audience and asked tl~em to answer fOUl' questions. l<'il'st-'How many of you believe in Evolution?' And every hand went up, full arm's length, withont
hesitation. I said my second question is: 'How many of you believe that you have descended from a lower order of animals? And every hand went up-some full arm's length, some half way and some with hesitation, but all hands were up. I said 'You seem to constitute rather a one-sided audience, but I have two more questions: 'How many of you believe that you have a soul?' All hands went up full arm's length save one. I asked him if he did not believe he had a soul'and his answer was 'I don't know.' "I said, now for the fourth question. 'How many of you believe that the soul you say you believe you have descended from a lower order of animals?' And no hand went up. "All credit to the scientist in l;is laboratory for his past achievements. We wish him well in his further search for truth. May his days be long and his spirit of adventure unrestrained. But we claim for the boys and girls of today and for their children the joys of life's sweetest experiences and the soul's' supreme adventure, a conscious relationship with a Supreme intelligence,"
To many of our half-baked educators, who are trying to find in evolution a release from the grip of conscience, we commend
these words which Dr. T. H. Morgan of Columbia University uttered a. few years ago: "We are tea.ching too much on the s,ubject of Evolution and comparative anatomy. The result has been that the young student loses his faith in God and theology. This tendency is very prevalen t in Western Universities. It is time to call a halt in our emphasis upon the theory of evolution. We must remember that it's sale foundation is comparative anatomy and that the data which forms its basis is questionable."
Bro. Frank L. Haycock, Foreign Correspondent, died April 6, 1927. His incomplete. report fills sixty-five pages in the Proceed, iugs. He gave more than two pages to Missouri. He agrees with Grand Master Martin when he says: "The needs of a National Organization that could function quickl:y in time of war or any goreat National calamity are fully met in the George Washington Masonic National Association."
Concerning W. W. Martin's rulings, he says: "He has the usual number of trivial queries to decide. He decides that it is not a violation of their law to exhibit the square and compass on the radiator of an automobile unless it is used for commercial or other business enterprises. Our English Brethren would not considp.r it good law, and there are many others who would deem it bad taste."
Next Annual ,Communication at Omaha, June 5, 1928.
Grand Master, Wendell H. Churchyard. Grand Master, Elected, V. M. Henderson, Reno. Grand Secretary, Frank D. King, Reno. Lodges, 23; 22 Lodges Represented. Members, 2,890. Gain, 169. SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Reno, June 9, 1927. Present. 18 Grand Officers; 15 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Deputy Grand Master; 1 Past Senior Grand Warden; 1 Past Junior Grand Warden; 76 Past Masters and Representatives of Lodges. 33 Gr~nd Lodges were represented. Missouri was not represented.
The Grand Master visited all the Lodges. On his visit to his own Lodge, Hope Lodge No. 22, he was presented with a Past Grand Master's Jewel and later Mrs. Churchyard was presented with a percolator set. He sent $250 to Florida {or relief. $282 was sent for relief of Mississippi flood sufferers.. Bro. Charles Haseman,Grand Orator, delivered an oration which is printed in full. His subject was, "The Mind, a Working Tool."
We quote as follows: "There are many things of vital significance to man we do not understand today; many things we will never understand while on the earth. We, of this present day civilization have no cleaner ultimate conception of life, of a hereafter, of God Himself, than had the sages of old; and it is probably intended that human beings shall not'understand such matters. It is quite possible that the mind of ml;tn could not grasp their meaning even if revealed to him. No doubt words could not express it all, and naturally what man's words can not expr~ss, his mind can not encompass. "However, this is no reason why we should avoid glvmg thought to these incomprehensibles. If the mind is kept active along such lines, however vain, the hopes of understanding, at least the power of imagination may be strengthened. Farther, with the mind thus occupied, man becomes more capable of feeling the finer virtues that God intends him to experience. He is thereby better enabled to und0.rstand a true philosophy of life and to revere the manifesta- ,
Uons of his Creator a real source of satifaction and benefit to himself."
We have read in an "Ancient Book" this challenge: "Canst thou by searching, find out God '?" Man never discovered God. He is known only as revealed. Out of that "Ancient Book", which i!' one of the Great Lights, has come the only conception of the Divine character worth anything to humanity. On its revelation of the Fatherhood of God we build Our doctrine of the Brotherhood of man. Bro. Frank D. King gives a hundred pages to a review of ,the Proceedings of seventy Grand Lodges. He gives more than a page to quotations from Grand Master Martin's address, speaks o'f the dedication 'Of the St. Louis Masonic Temple, and quotes in full the invocation offered by Rev. Arthur Mather, D. D., Grand Chaplain. We quote his foreword: "The fil"st and pal"amount aim of religion is not to prepare for another world, but to make the best of this one; or, in other words, to make this world better, wiser, and happier. "The temple, made of wood and stone may crumble and decay, But there's a viewless fabric which shall never fade away; Age after age the Masons strive to consummate the Plan, But still the work's unfinished which the immortal Three began; Kone but imortal eyes may view, complete in all its parts, The temple formed of LIVING STONES-the structure made of hearts. "'Neath every form of Govel'nment, in 'every age and clime; Amid the world's convulsions and the ghastly wrecks of timeWhile Empires rise in splendor, and are conquered and o'erthl'own, 'And cities crumble into dust, their very sites unlulOwn-Beneath the sunny smiles of peace, the threatening foam of strife, Freemasonry has stood unmoved, ,vith age renewed her life. "Although our past achievements we wit.h honest pride review, As long' as there's rough Ashlars, there is work for us to do; We still must shape the LIVING STONES with instruments of love, For that eternal mansion in the Paradise above; Toil as vVe've toiled in ages past to carry out the plan'Tis this-the Fatherhoqd of God. the Brotherhood of Man."
Next Annual Communication at Reno . .June 14. 1928.
1928. ]
Grand Master, James Vroom, Saint Stephen. Grand Secretary, J. T~'ining Hartt, Saint Johns. Lodges, 40.
Members, 6,012.
Gain, 22.
SIXTIETH ANNUAL. Saint Johns, August 2fi-26, 1927. Present.
2~ Grand Officers; 5 Past Grand lVIasters; 3 Past Deputy Grand Masters; 123 Representatives of Lodges. 23 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present, among them R. W. J. Twining Hartt, who represents Missouri. Distinguished Visitor.
R. ""V. Bro. Reginald V. Harris, K. C, D, ,C. L., Grand Historian of .the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, was present, Grand Master's Address.
\Ve quote his closing paragraph: "An English dreamer sings to us of the triumphs of the l'~nglish tongue, foretelling a time when all the world shall have learned the meaning of those English words, Faith, Freedom, Heaven, and Home. Alas for England and her scattered brood, and alas for the civilization of the world. if upon the l)age of the ftlture the wOl'd Freedom be writ so large as to leave no room for the other three. There is no freedom in Freemasonry other than freedom within the st.rict lines of the Master's Square: no lihcl'ty but in obedience to Him whose service is perfect free10m. ]n nature 'Life and Light and Law are inseparable. In our material building and in our moral and spiritual edifice o.S well, the lines that are to give strength and beauty must be true. Can it be otherwise in our social and political rE'lations? There, as everywhel'e, hatred is death and destruction, w!lether it he race hatred, class hatred or any other. Freemasonry cannot fulfill its mission hy proclaiming lofty pl'inciples and evading t1lem in practice. .The law, rules and regulations established of old are not to be set aside. The bond of union and the greatest of Masonic virtues is Love to all mankind,"
There is no Report on Correspondence.
Grand Master, Bela Kingman. Grand Master, Elected, .J. Melvin .Dresser, Berlin. Grand Secretary, Harry M. Cheney, Concord. Correspondent, Harry M. Cheney. Lodges, 80; 77 Lodges Represented. Members, 15,440. Gain, 165. ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Concord, May 18, 1927. Present. 31 Pa~t Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 31 D. D. Past Grand Masters; 4 Permanent Members by election; 204 Representatives of Lodges. 36 Grand Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not heard from. The Grand Master's address shows careful superVISIon of the work of the' Craft. He laid one cornerstone and dedicated one Masonic Hall. He sent $500 to Florida and the same amount to the Mississippi flood sufferers. To the latter cause, seventy-four Lodges contributed $1,567'.55. He rejoices in the fact that New Hampshire' leads in contrIbutions for the Washington Memorial, having paid 184 per cent of its pledge. He attended the Grand Masters' Conference at Washington City and favors the action taken by our Grand Lodge, on, the recommendation of M: W. Bro. John Pickard, that we will not confer the E~tered Apprentice Degree by courtesy. He has this to say of his efficient Grand Secretary, who is known and appreciated by many Missouri. Freemasons: "He is loved and appreciated outside this jurisdiction of ours as much, ff not more, than he is here at home. "His whiskers may be furiated above a tie of vivid hue, but his cranium's filled with gray matter, and his heart is truly blue. Now with aerated whiskers and a brilliant old grey head, and that true blue heart a beating, it may be truly said, this symphony of color needs a tie of lively red."
He passes a well deserved criticism upon levity in connection with Masonic ceremonies. He closes with a reference to his visit to the tomb of Washington: "You will remember my speaking to you last year. of the wonderful inspiration which was mine when it became my privilege and
duty to place the wreath upon the sarcophagus of Washington at Mount Vernon. I will never forget the solemnity of that occasion. The thousands of people assembled about the tomb seemed inspired with the same solemn silence. Wast.ington had passed to his reward some one hundred twenty-five years previous. Yet his influence still lived. There never was a time when the world needs men who live their Masonry more than now. Let us prove to the world the sincerity of the business in which we are engaged, and with the help of the Great Architect of the Universe, mayo we continue our work of building character, of building a better manhood, of building a better nation, of building a better world."
After these thoughtful words, we think William Watson's sonnet will make good reading: "I think the immortal servants of mankind, Who from their graves, watch how by slow degrees The world soul greatens with the centuries Mourn most man's barren levity of mind, The ear to no great harmonies inclined. The witless thirst for false wits worthless lees, The laugh mistimed in tragic presences, The eye to all majestic meanings blind. o Prophets, martyrs, Saviors, ye were great, All truth being great to you. Ye deemed man more Than a dull jest; God's ennui to amuse; The world for you held purpose; life ye wore Proudly, as Kings their solemn robes of state; And humbly, as the mightiest monarchs use."
M. W. Bro. Harry M. Cheney gives us his twenty-first report on Correspondence. It makes good reading. He gives Missouri two pages. Of Grand Master Martin, he says: "For him the year has been both a busy and happy one. We read just about two pages of the address when we reach the conclusion that Missouri has had a real Grand Master. As to the Washington Memoria.l he is an enthusiast, just as we are. But he is a large bit more of an optimist than we are as to the time of its dedication. He seems to expect that event will come along in two years. If it arrives in ten it will be perfectly satisfactory to ourself. It is a stupendous undertaking. The money is coming slowly, but it is coming."
He has this to say of Dr. Arthur Mather, who has served us so well as Correspondent, but who has given up that work because of his duties as our new Grand Secretary: "We like the Correspondence immeOnsely. It carries much of information. It also exhibits very much of the personality of its writer. That is a wonderfully attractive combination."
Next Annual Communication at Concord, May 16, 1928.
Grand Master, William B. Mackey. Grand Master, Elected, Howard R. Cruse, Trenton. Grand Secretary, Isaac Cherry, Trenton. 'Correspondent, Ernest A. Reed. Lodges, 2!>8. Members, 89,597. Gain, 3,367. Lodges Repre~nted, 257. ONE HUNDRED FORTIETH ANNUAL. Trenton, April 20-21, 1927. Present.
26 Grand Officers; 16' Past Grand Masters; 1 Past. Senior Grand Warden; 1 Past Deputy Grand Secretary; 24 District Deputies; 34 Past District Deputies; 615 Repre,sentatives of Lodges; 850 Past Masters; 53 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present, among them R. W: Bro. Charles C. Scott, who represents Missouri. Distinguished Visitors.
Fank L. Simpson, Grand Master and Dudley H. Ferrell, Past Grand Master of Massachusetts; Harry Galbraith, Grand Master, Weldon C. Waples, Deputy Grand Master, James E. Thomson, Senior Grand W,arden, William O. Wingate, Junior Grand Warden, D. Raymond Keefer, Grand Treasurer, Charles F. Schell, Senior Grand Deacon, and David D. Poffenberger, Junior Grand Steward, of Delaware; Theodore Foster, Grand Master, Robert S. Walker, Deputy Grand Master and An-drew J. Hallock, Walter T. Arnold and Arthur N. Nash, Past Grand Masters of .connecUcut; Winfield S. Solomon, Deputy Grand Master of Rhode Island, and Andrew L. Randell, Past Grand Master of Texas, and Executive Secretary of the Masonic Service Association, were introduced. Annual Address.
The Grand Master reported about thirty vis路its to Lodges. Dispensations were granted fOl'five new Lodges, and all were granted Charters by the Grand Lodge. Florida Relief.
New Jersey contributed $10,215.78 to this cause. Games of Cha路nce and Gambling Devi-ces. ~'our violations of the Masonic law were called to the attention of the Grand Master. We quote him as follows:
"Conducting a lottery is gambling, and is forbidden by the penal laws of our State, and, of course, is opposed to the laws of Masonry. I, therefore, recommend that charges 'of 'un-Masonic conduct should be preferred against any Master Mason who conducts a lottery in the name of Masonry, o·r for any Masonic purpose, or who sells tickets or chances having any Masonic emblems printed or engraved thereon. If the Grand Lodge concurs in this, I further recommend that it shall be the duty of Worshipful Masters t'o see that printed notices of this action is sent to every member."
The Grand Lodge con·curred. the address:
We give the closing words of
"The enduring fame of the Masonic Fraternity depends lar·gely upon the p.xtent to which its members, as individuals, earnestly strive to faithfully practice in their daily lives those true principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and ·Truth. Not its accumulated wealth, th€ splendor 'of luxuriousness of its entertainments, nor magnitude of members, will save it from the effacement of time, or give it a place in the glorious galleries of history. "Its ~ontribution to the development of thought and culture and those finer, nobler and more enduring. principles based upon the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man-these alone will keep its name luminous with the light of immortality, and justify its place in the affairs of men."
Correspondence. The Report of M. W. Bro. Reed devotes nearly two pages to Missouri. He notes the Dedication of our Masonic Temple at St. Louis and quotes 'Some -wise words from the address of Grand Master MarMn. He refers to the honor paid Bro. McLachlan, our Grand Lecturer on the completion of twenty years of "service involving great personal sacrifice and labor." Concerning our Report on Correspondence he says: "The Report on Foreign Correspondence by the Rev. Arthur Mather, D. D., Grand Chaplain of Missouri, is admirably arranged, betokening an appalling amount of study on his part. A fine feature is ·a group of Masonic statistics, occupying two pages, in which are set forth the salient facts of Grand Jurisdictions in this ·country .and elsewhere." _
This writer is not preparing such statistics. Bro. J. Edward Allen of North Carolina is doing that work so well that we shall .not try to win his crown. But Dr. Mather has lost both his jobs as Grand Chaplain and Correspondent. At Kansas City in 6ctober last, we elected him Grand Secretary of our Grand Lodge. That is a man's job. and he is content to leave the work of 'Correspondent to less skillful hands.
Appendix. NEW MEXICO.
Grand Master, John S. Mactavish. Grand Master, Elected, Samuel E. Wood, Gallup. Grand Secretary, Alphens A. Keen, Albuquerque. Correspondent, John Milne, Albuquerque. Lodges, 56. Members, 6,692. Gain, 115. L9uges Represented, 35. FIFTIETH ANNUAL. Magdalena, February 20-22, 1928. Present.
14 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Deputy Grand Master; 1 Past Senior Grand Warden; 3 Past Grand Treasurers; 15 District Deputy Grand Masters; 65 Representatives of .Lodge~. Grand Master's Address.
He reports two cornerstones laid. Churches.
Both were for Methodist
No Card Playing in Masonic Halls.
He reports the follOWing query and answer: "Query: Is there a law entertainments, such as card parties, in the Masonic Lodge rooms? "Held: A Lodge ca.nnot permit anyone to use the consecrated and dedicated Lodge room for purposes outside of its legitimate uses, nor can a Grand Master grant this by dispensations."
Why do not these card playing Freemasons invade their Churches with their card parties? Visitations:
The Grand Master reported 33 official visits in which, through joint sessions, he reached 53 Lodges. Washington Memorial. 6,692 Master Masons New Mexico has already sent $7,路 737.00 to Washington for the Washington Memorial. Of this amount the Grand Chapter gave $869 and the Grand 'Commandery $400.00~
Masonic Home Fund.
The Masonic Home Fund invested in Registerw U. S. Bonds is $94,500.00. Correspondence.
There is a good Report on Correspondence by John Milne, which does not include Missouri. Probably our Proceedings failed to reach him.
Grand Master, Harold J. Richardson. Grand Master, elected, John A. Dutton, New York City. Grand Secretary, Robert Judson Kenworthy, New York City. Correspondent, S. Nelson Sawyer. Lodges, 1,000. Members, 337,558. Gain, 8,263. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. New York City, May 1-3, 1928. Present.
56 'Grand Officers; 7 Past Grand Masters; 5 Past Grand Treasurers; 58 District Deputy Grand Masters; 988 Representatives of Lodges. 74 Representatives of ,Grand Lodges were present. George Engel represented Missouri. Grand Master's Address.
The Addres's is long, but the Grand Master had much to say. His careful supervision of the Craft commanded thJe approval of his Brethren. He spent some weeks abroad in the summer of 1927, visiting Masonic Lodges' in various lands and set a Lodge to work in the City of Damascus. We quote his concluding paragraph: "This Mason or that may fail, but l\Iasonry itself,-how can it fail! Who can believe that after it has served and inspired so many generations of Craftsmen it can wax old or permit its altar fires to wane! Nay, it will triumph always, triumph, if need's be, over the failures and weaknesses of Ma80ns themselves. "The record of its centuries gives every man a just warrant for' trusting it to the fUllest. It asks for nothing but a chance in a man's life to prove itself worthy of any man's time and energy and self-sacrifice. Its lair is within the hearts of men: its roots lie deep in our natures; its truths are the ancient and universal verities that sustain human life in this world. Trust in the Sovereign Great Architect, the assured triumph of the Soul over death, the joys of brotherly associations, the inspirations of the helping hand, the tolerance that lives and lets live; this is Masonry, it is also manhood. God grant that all of us may be spared many years to come to bear witness to this and to help make it prevail in the world."
Distinguished Vis,itors.
Robert Walker, Grand Master of Connecticut, William F. VaunderIipp, Grand Master of New Jersey, and Morton Gregory, Past Grand Master of Washington, were introduced.
l'he Overseas Mission.
With an annual income of more than a half a million, the Grand Lodge could afford to spend more than eighteen thousand dollars on this mission which is reported at length hy the Grand Master in his address: The Grand Secretary and two other Brethren accompanied the Grand Master on this fraternal mission.
More than three hundr!3d and fifty thousand dollars of the income of the Grand Lodge was turned over to the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund. New York Freemasonry knows how to dispense Masonic charity. Correspondence.
Bro. S. Nelson Sawyer gives six pages to a very fraternal review of our Proceedings in 1927. He recognizes the scholarship and ability of Grand Master Pickard and quotes freely from his address. He quotes in full the nine basic standards for recognition reported by Most Worshipful J. S. McIntyre and adopted by our Grand Lodge and quotes from the oration of Judge Merrill E. Otis, Grand Orator. We give one quotation: "American institutions are end'angered by every man who violates any law. It matters not how im!)ortant the law may be, it matters not whether one believes it is wise or unwise. ,VllOever violat€s any law, endangers that law, endangers the fundamentals of our Government, endangers the perpetuIty of America,"
A local daily recently reported that Judge Otis is crowding the jails of Northwest Missouri with bootleggers. Commenting on the Report of Dr. Mather, on Correspondence, he says: "The reviews include quotations of significant statement in Grand Master's addresses and oth€r official report. There is little comment, but what there is rings true, and is always kindly and fraternal."
Grand Master, Charles Fergusson. Grand Secretary, -Colonel George Barclay, Wellington. Members, 25,579. Gain, 756. THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Christ Church, November 30, 1927. Present.
100 Grand Officers and Past: Grand Officers; 413 Masters, Wardens and Representatives. Official Visits.
The Grand Master visited 4& Lodges during the year. Owing to illness, he was unable to attend the Grand Lodge. In his absence, he was unanimously re-elected. More than fifteen thousand pounds sterling were added to the Widows' and Orphans' and Aged Masons' Fund. At a special Grand Communication held at Christ Church, February 8\, 1928, His Excellency General Sir Charles Fergusson, Bart., Governor General and Commander in Chief, was installed for the third time as Grand Master. There is no Report on Correspondence, but a Review of Proceedings of other Grand Bodies will appear in the "New Zealand Craftsman" each month.
Grand Master, Acting, John H. Anderson. Grand Master, Elected, John H. Anderson, Fayetteville. Grand Secretary, William W. Wilson, Raleigh. Correspondent, J. Edward Allen, Warrenton. Lodges, 442. Members, 41,643. Gain, 381. Lodges Represented, 238. ONE HUNDRED FORTIETH ANNUAL. Raleigh, January 18路19, 1927. Present.
20 Grand Officers; 15 Past Grand Masters; 10 Assistant Grand Lecturers; 29 District Deputy Grand Masters; 695 Representatives of Lodges. 31 Grano Lodges were represented, but Missouri was not one of the number.
Distinguished Visitors.
Benjamin W. Beach, Grand Mastel:' and Bro. Cliff, Grand Lecturer of Virginia, and Cary E. Fish, Grand Master of Florida, were introduced. Acting Grand Master.
John E. Cameron, who was electeQ Grand Master in January, 1H26, died March 28, and R. \V. Bro. John H. Anderson, Deputy Grand Master, became Acting Grand Master and presided over the Grand Lodge. He renQered 18 decisions which were generally approved. In one case he ruled that a dimit granted by a L,odge took effect the minute it was granted, but the Grand Lodge decided that it did not take effect until the close of the communication which granted it. We think the Grand Lodge was right. He declareQ the Grand Lodge room in the Masonic Temple utterly inadequate and recommended that the Masonic Temple Committee take action looldng toward a sale of the property. By a unanimous vote his brethren elected him Grand Master for 1927. We quote from the closing words of his address: "The spirit of Masonry should be the controlling factor in all the affairs of life. It is not a question as to whether it can be made so, but a question as to whether you and I will make it so. God grant that we may go back home filled with that determination, stimulated with the desire and energy to keep everlastingly at it until we arouse all the Brethren of our Lodge to a sense of our responsi bi! ities."
North Carolina gave over two thousanQ dollars' for Florida relief. Correspondence.
The -Correspondent is J. Edward Allen, who served the Grand Chapter and Grand Commandery in the same capacity. His report is published in a separate volume of 340 pages, 40 of which are given to statistics. He tells us we have nearly as many Shriners as Royal Arch Masons, anQ that nearly 65 per cent of Royal Arch Masons are Knights Templar. More than six pages are given to Missouri. He quotes at length from the oraCions of two Grand Orators, Rev. Harold L.
Reader, a Baptist, and Rev. John F. Caskey, a Methodist. Baptist and Methodist preachers are pretty numerous in Missouri Freemasonry and some other churches are well represented. Several years ago the writer laid the cornerstone of a Baptist Church at Ash Grove, 18 miles from Springneld. In his address he told the audience that a few months earlier, he, accompanied by several other preachers, went to Ash Grove to confer the Third Degree upon their pastor and the pastor of the Disciples Church. He said he was always glad to see a preacher become a Freemason for he knew no intelligent Freemason could be a religious bigot. Last year that Baptist preacher served his Lodge as Worshipful Master and thereby hangs a tale-a Brother, who is a Presbyterian preacher told me he was one of the nine Judicial Commissioners of his Church. One was an elder, and e,ight were ministers. On one occasion when they were together one of their number passed a criticism upon Freemasonry. To his amazement he soon learned that he was the only one of the nine who was not a member of that Fraternity. The writer once heard an Episcopal rector say that 90' per cent of the Clergy of his Church were Freemasons. When as Grand Master in 190'0, this scribe laid the cornerstone of a Methodist Church at Troy, Missouri, he learned from old records, that when the cornerstone of the old Church was laid years before the Civil War, the Grand Chaplain was E. M. Marvin, afterwards a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the greatest man Missouri has ever given to the world. NORTH DAKOTA.
Grand Master,路 Frank C. Falkenstein. Grand Master, Elected, Walter H. Murfin, Fargo. Grand Secretary, Walter L. Stockwell, Fargo. Correspondent, George H. Phelps, Bowbells. Lodges, 1'2'9; all but 5 Represented. Members, 15,407. Gain, 153. THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Minot, June 211-23, 1927. Present. 19 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Grand Senior Warden; 1 Past Grand Treasurer; 20 District Deputies; 70 Past Masters; 182 Representatives of Lodges. 52 Representatives of
Grand Lodges were present. sents Missouri.
Among them, Harry Lord, who repre路
Distinguished Visitors.
M. E. Compo Forrest P. Vaughan, Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Dakota, was introduced. Reception-Fifty Year Masons.
Nine Brethren who had been Freemasons from 52 to 63 years were presented and warmly welcomed. Grand Master's Address.
The Address of the Grand Master is long and shows careful supervision of the Craft. His' recommendation that a fee of $5.001 be charged for affiliation was not approved. We charge no such fee in Missouri. Visitations.
The Grand Master visited the Grand Lodges of Canada, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, and Saskatchewan. He also attended the Grand Master's Conference at Chicago and the meeting of the Washington Memorial Association at Alexandria. He made many Masonic visits in his own Grand Jurisdiction. "A Word of Caution."
We quote from his address, under the above caption, as follows:, "Brethren. I have, in the past year attended many assemblies. public and quasi-public, Masonic and mixed, and it was left to members of our Frater'nity in this state to make the only spectacle of intoxication that I remember seeing at such assemblies all year. Lest we forget: May I remind you that the purchase of liquor is commonly considered as flagrant a crime as the sale-and in most sections the vendor is known by the unsavol'y term of bootlegger. In judicial and in most all right-thinking circles, booze is considered a menace to society. If Masons must get drunk, why not do it at home w,here their families can take care of them and enjoy the fun. I think most of you will agree with me that a drunken spectacle in public or private parties is no longer considered good form. True Masonic fellowship and brotherhood are animated by a higher type of spirit(s)."
May we add a rousing Methodist "Amen!" But we do not agree with his ruling permitting dancing in Masonic halls even though that ruling was appr~ved by the Grand Lodg.e. Missouri has gone on record in declaring that 'a Masonic
Hall solemnly dedicated "In the name of the Supreme and Eternal God, the Grand Architect of Heaven and Earth to whom we all honor and glory" must not be used for dancing. As well might your churches be so used. Oration.
Grand Orator Richard E. Wenzel delivered a searching address on "The Crime Problem" which ought to be widely circulated and read. He tells us that the cost of Crime in this country is Sixteen Billion Dollars a year. It is said that 98 out of every 100 Criminals escape justice. Governor Hadley of Missouri, who died recently, was a Freemason. Of him Bro. Wenzel says: "Ex-Governor Hadley of Missouri and Arthur V. Lashley, prominent in the St. Louis Bar, tell us that the Missouri Crime Survey disclosed the following disposition of 13,444 cases-one year's record of murder, manslaughter, burglary, robbery, larceny, embezzlement, fraud, forgery and auto theft-to-wit: 664 cases held for trial, 530 actually tried, 420 convicted and sentenced, and 374 actually serving time, a record of 2.7%."
The wisdom Governor Hadley may have learned from these facts was a little belated. A few weeks ago we passed by a house that recalled a tragedy. An elderly couple living there were shot down in cold blood by a young man provoked by the damage done by a cow that broke through a fence. The murderer was duly sentenced td be hung but Governor Hadley commuted the sentence, and Governor Gardner, another Freemason, paroled the criminal and he is now at large. It appears that North Dakota does not punish murder capitally.
Our Orator suggests: "First, that capital punishment be restored. "Second, that the power to pardon or pa.role be thoroughly circumscribed, etc. "Third, that we recognize the necessity and seek to provide for state-wide co-ordination of the agencies for detecting and supressing crime and criminals, in order to catch up with the 98 out of every 100 who are now said to escape."
On every Masonic Altar in our land lies a copy of the Book of the Law which we are taught to receive as the rule and guide of our faith, and practice. It gives the Divine warrant for Capital Punishment for murder. Speaking to Noah, God proclaimed the sacredness of human life. "Who so sheddeth man's blood by man
shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man." This is no part of that Hebrew Code which expired by limitation when the Hebrew people ceased to be a nation, but was given to all humanity to safe-guard human life. Because we as a people are getting too weak to enforce the Divine Decree we have 12,0'00 or more homicides a year in this Country. Corresponde nee. Bro. George H. Phelps gives Missouri courteous treatment. He ventures one well-founded criticism: . "We wonder if they really did what this says they did, 'R. W. and Rev. Dr. Arthur Mather, Chairman, presented his report on Fraternal Correspondence, which was adopted and ordered printed in the Proceedings'. Our Grand Lodge does not adopt anything the Fraternal Correspondent says. On the contrary, the by-laws creating this job expressly limit this report so it is nothing but the personal opinion of the Correspondent, for which he alone is responsible."
We agree with our reviewer and do not ask that the Grand Lodge of Missouri shall be held responsible for this Scribe's work. He tells us that Dr. Mather made a most favorable impression when he visited the Grand Lodge of North Dakota. That is what we expect of him.
Grand Master, Arthur James Davis Grand Master, Elected, John C. Mackay, Sidney. Grand Secretary, James Clarence Jones, Halifax. Correspondent, James Clarence Jones. Lodges, 81; 54 Lodges Represented.
Members, 9,820.
Gain, 76. SIXTY-SECOND ANNUAL. Halifax, .June 8, 1927. Present. 13 Grand Officers; 2 Past Grand Masters; 24 other Past Grand Officers; 183 Representatives of Lodges. There were present 23 Representatives of other Grand Lodges, but Missouri was not reprflsented.
A part of the opening ceremony was a sermon by the Grand Chaplain, Rev. -Brice D. Knoth, to which four closely printed pages were given. We quote a few lines: "The first and supreme teaching of Masonry is a realization of God in our midst. All ages of moral and spiritual progress have been marked by a sense of God. The .Jewish people. having no brilliancy of aims, philosophy or art, a little nation in a tiny land, was raised to a dignity and influence unique among. the nations, by their consciousness of God. At the heart and center of Israel's worship and witness was the thought of the Temple on the hill, with its silent chamber, lighted only as on the golden cherubim and blood besprinkled mercy seat fell the radiance of the Shekinah of God, and when the .Jew realized in his history the unfolding of a divine purpose and felt in it the heart beat of an everlasting love, he arose to a new stature and had a message to the whole world. But the glory faded from Judah's hills and to a later generation, busied with tradition and detail, God seemed afar off and a new beginning was necessary, that man might once more realize his imminence,"
Speaking of our "Duty to our Neighbor," he says: "Masonry is not a religion, it is a system of ethics. It does not seek to usurp tlie place of the churCh. It aims rather to aid and support all the ethical teachings of the church. A man should n'ot be less, but more religious by his association with the Institution. It instills and enforces the sacred duties of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. It inculcates all mutual duties and obligations of man to man in all the relations of life,"
Grand Master's Address.
In answer to a' question, "Is it permissible to use a Lodge Room for card playing and dancing?" he says: "The Constitution, on that question, is silent. I am of the opinion that a Lodge room, having been dedicated to Freemasonry. should not be rented for the purpose of card playing or dancing,"
We commend this ruling to the thoughtful consideration of our brethren in a few Grand Jurisdictions in this country. His ruling was approved by the Grand Lodge. We presume the Constitution is equally silent concerning forgery and counterfeiting and yet no Grand Master would approve the use of a Lodge room for such purposes. Lesser Lights.
Ire ruled. "The Lights should be placed at the station of the Officer in the East, West and South. At the right hand in the
East and South and at路 the left in the West." This accord,s with the answer this writer gave a colored man who asked him that question. He said, "Customs differ." Official Visitations.
49 are reported and 10 District Deputy Grand Masters submit written reports which appear in the Proceedings. The Grand Master also reported many Dispensations and other Official acts. Correspondence.
The Grand Secretary is Correspondent. He gives Missouri nearly two of the 140 pages of his Report. He quotes a decision by Grand Master "Is a man eligible for the Degrees who has but the thumb of his right hand? Ans. Yes, provided he can, by the aid of artificial appliances conform to the necessary ceremonies. Said appliance must be submitted to the District Deputy Grand Master for his inspection. Upon a favorable report from the District Deputy, I hold he was eligible,"
Our reviewer's comment is "Kind of strikes us that in this case the District Deputy was to give the decision, not the Grand Master." OHIO.
Grand Master, Charles L. Minor. Grand Master, Elected, 13. ~'rank Thomas, Youngstown. Grand Secretary, Harry S. Johnson, Cincinnati. Correspondent, O. P. Sperra, Ravenna. Lodges, 608. Members, 202,125. Ga.-in, 3,860. Lodges Represented, 596. ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL. Springfield, October 19-20, 1927. Present.
12 Grand Officers; 22 Past Grand Masters; 25 District Lecturers; 497 Worshipful Masters; 45 Senior Wardens; 18 Junior Wardens; 522 Proxies. Distinguished Visitors.
W. T. S. O'Hara, Grand Recorder Grand Council or Ohio, and General Grand King of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, Joseph Wortman, Grand 'Commander of Ohio, Oliver D,
Everhard, Grand Master of the Grand Council of Ohio, Mont C. Hambright, Grand High Priest of Ohio, and Brother Edgar Faha Smith, 33 0 oJ the Grand .Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania and Charles E. Heald, active 33 0 of Dayton, Ohio, were introduced the first day. On the second day H. Lee Fox, Grand Master, C. H. Byru, Past Gr.and Master and Past Grand High Priest; A. E. M~tCunoch, Past Grand Master, and Stith M. Cain, 'Grand Secretary, all of Tennessee., were introduced to the Grand 路Lodg路e. Annual Address.
The Grand Master reported that forty-six Temples and Lodge rooms had been dedicated during the year and twenty-two corner路 st.ones had been laid. Seven of these cornerstones were of churches. We think Ohio can join Missouri in assuring the Craft in Illinois that it is entirely safe for a Grand Lodge to lay the cornerstone of a 'Church. The address fills 60 pages and shows careful oversight of the Craft. The Grand Master visited the Grand 'Chapters of the Eastern Star and a number of Lodges._ We q,uote the clos路ing words -of the address. "In conclusion, I would be decidedly rem'iss if I did not attempt to express my sincere appreciation for the privilege of having served you during the past year. I can only wish for the incoming Grand Master that he will be gr.anted the same cheerful support and kind consideration that has been extended to me during the year by the members of this Grand Jurisdiction."
Ohio gave $6,000 for Mississippi Flood Relief. Recognition of Foreigln Grand <Lodges.
Requests for recognition came from the Grand Lodges of Belgium, Valle de Mexico, The United Grand Lodge -of Mexico, Egypt, Grand Lodge of France, a.nd -of Chili, and were denied. Years ago Ohio recognized the York Grand Lodge of Mexico,
a child of the Grand Lodge of Missouri,and since that time, M. W. Bro. Levi C. Goodale, Senior Past GrandMaster of Ohio, has represented the York Grand Lodge near the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and that Grand Jurisdiction has no desire to make a change. The writer visited three subordinate Lodges under the care of the Y-ork Grand Lodge in 19 2'2' and -can .assure our -Ohio br.ethren that they :are makang no mistake in' standing by the York .Grand Lodge of ~exko. 1
Correspondence. M. W. Bro. O. P. Sperra giyes a Report which fills more than two hunored pages. Four and a half are given to Missouri. He refers at some length to the addre路ss of Grand Master Martin, quotes from Dr. Ivan Lee Holt's address at the dedication of the St. Louis Masonic Temple, and says that the Orations before the Grand Lodge of Stratton D. Brooks, President of the Missouri University, and Dr. David Jones Evans, Pastor of a great Baptist Church in Kansas City, were "both able and interesting." He notes o~r action in declining to make saluting the Flag a part of the opening ceremony of Masonic Lodges. He tells us that the Report on Correspondence of Dr. Arthur Mather "is an able review of the other Grand Jurisdictions whose Proceedings reached him for analysis and report." From his report we copy a. few lines from Pope's Essay on Man with which the Grand Master of the York Grand Lodge of Mexico closed his address in April, 192'7: "Slave to no sect; who takes no private road, But looks through Nature up to Nature's God; Pursues that chail; which links the immense design, Joins heaven and earth, and mortal and Divine; Sees that no being any bliss can know, But touches some above. and some below. Learns from the union of the rising whole, The first, last purpose of the human soul, And knows where faith, law, morals, all began, All end in love to God and love to Man."
Grand Master, Earl C. Flesher. Grand Master,' Electeo, Wm. Mark Sexson, McAlester. Grand Secretary, W. M. Anderson, Gp,thrie. . - - Correspondent, ..Tbomas, Chauncy Humphry, Hugo. Lodges, ~57. Members, 7'2,687. .QaiIi, 1,685. Lodges Repr.esented, 360. THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL. Oklahoma City, February 14-16, 192'8. present.18 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 46 Grand Representatives were reported present, among them Past Grand Master W. P. Freeman, who represents his native state - Missouri. We
fail to find any list of delegates. The Committee on Credentials reported that 360 Lodges were represented. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master sounds a note of warning.
He says:
"There are many corrective agencies at work in the world today. To these we bid 'God Speed!' Other agencies there are, however, that strike at the very roots of society, our religion and our highly prized democracy. One has only to read the daily press and current magazines to know that these activities, unless checked, will sound the death knell to our ciVilization. Decreasin'g respect for the marriage vows is everywhere apparent, proved by even a casual examination of the divorce records. The recent innovation known as pompanionate marriage is directly contrary to our family life. "It is alarming to realize that atheism has actually penetrated our colleges and universities. Many students in these schools have banded themselves together and openly路 expressed their disbelief in that Holy Book that rests upon the altar of every lawful assembly of Free and Accepted Masons. "To counteract these forces, we need, as never before, an awakening conscience, expressing itself through the stabilizing and sobering influences of Masonry, and deeper realization of the tremendous value of the Great Light of Freemasonry which is the foundation of civilization."
The Grand Master and Grand Secretary were welcome visitors at our Grand Lodge in October, 1927. Come again! Many of you were made Master Masons in Missouri. Corne rstones. The Grand Master laid twenty4hree cornerstones during the year and others laid 'eleven for him. 'Ve believe he holds the record. Nine of these cornerstones were for churches, which fact we commend to the careful consideration of such of our Brethren as think a Church is not a public building in the Masonic sense of that term. Oration.
Judge James I. Phelps, Grand Orator delivered a strong address on "Practical Masonry Applied to a Proper Discharge of the Duties We Owe to Our Country and to OUf God." There is much of it we would like to quote, but have not the space.' It ought to bring forth fruit in the lives of all who heard him.
Correspondence. Past Grand Master T. C. Humphrey gives a page and a half to our Proceedings for 1927. He is disappointed because no review of Oklahoma' appears in our Correspondence Report. Well, you are not overlooked this time. We are sure Dr. Mather d'id not intend to skip you last year. He did not get your Proceedings. This writer has visited the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Oklahoma and found Missouri made Masons on every hand among them. Past Grand Masters he knew in Missouri before the "Indian T.eritory" was thrown open to the "Pale Faces." He was listened to very patiently in addresses he gave, not only to the Grand, Bodies he visited, but also in Woodward and Muskogee. We are v~ry much interested in our neighbor to the Southwest. Thousands of y.ou got your .start in Missouri.
Grand Master, Edgar H. Sensenich. Grand Master, Elected, Robert S. Eakin, La Grande. Grand Secretary, D. Rufus Cheney, Portland. Correspondent, David P. Mason, Albany. Lodges, 169. Members, 29,783. Gain, 814. Lodges Represented, 1'5'8. SEVENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. Portland, June 15-17, 1927. Present. 17 Grand Offkers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 18 District Deputy Grand Masters; 37 Members O'f 'Committees; Representatives of 158 Lodges, making 5fi5 votes. 48 Representatives of other Grand 'Were present, but Missouri's Representative was not among them. Grand Master's Address. The Grand Master reported more than thirty official visitations, the most notable of which was mad~ to a joint meeting 'of the Lodges of Southwestern Oregon at Marshfield, January 2:2. Two special trains were run and 700 brethren attended the meeting. He commends the work of the Masonic Service and Employment Bureau which in a year had received '2,,32'3 applications for
employment and had succeeded in finding positions for 2',294. 49 per cent of the brethren thus given positions were from foreign jurisdictions. The yearly cost of this Bureau is $5,70(}. Of this amount $3,000 is given by the Grand Lodge'. He claims that the Oregon Bureau ranks fifth in' the United States in the amount of work accomplished. Oration. Wallace McCamant, Grand Orator, delivered an oratory on the "Historical Background of Masonry" which we would like to quote in full. We quote a few paragraphs: "The Reformation brought home to the thoughtful people of "'-estern Europe, and especially of the British Isles, a sense of personal responsibility which had not been felt before. v\Then men no longer believed in the infallibility of the Church, they were less dis'posed to lean upon the Church and more ready to face their individual responsibility to make others wiser, happier and better. Without such a point of view generally entertained, such an institution ali modern Masonry could not ha ve come into being. "Masonry could not have existed in the ages when the Bible was a closed book. The Bible is the first great light of Masonry. The open Bible stands upon the altar of every Lodge. Our ritual is proof that its authors were familiar with the King .Tames version of the Scriptures. Our. pass-words are all taken from the Bible. The story of the building of King Solomon's Temple as it is found in the Scriptures, is reflected throughout our Masonic work. We may then say with entire assurance that the men who translated the Bible at the behest of King James, and those who brought the King James version of the Bible to the attention of the masses in England and Scotland l)erformed a work useful and essential in the foundation of Masonry."
We must find space for his closing paragraph: "Masonry is stronger in the United States than anywhere else in the world. Soon after the organization of the Grand Lodge of England, Masonry became established in this country. There is an unsettled dispute as to whether the first Lodge was located in Massachusetts or in Pennsylvania. It is certain that Masonry made its appeal to colonial America and that the response was immediate and genc'ral. Morality, comradeship, democracy, charity, usefulness, constructiveness-these Masonic principles were in accord with the spirit and the purpose of the early settlers of our country. Masonry became a vital forcc in American life. It predisposed our forefathers to adopt the principles of the American Revolution. It was not an accident that so many of the great men of our revolutionary p<'riod were Masons."
Correspondence. \Ve find no reference to Missouri in the Report on Correspondence.
Grand Master, William M. Hamilton. Grand Master, Elected, J. Willisen Smith, Philadelphia. Grand Secretary, John A. Perry, Philadelphia. Correspondent, Herbert Russell Laird, WHliamsport. Lodges, 561. Members, 207,368. Gain, 3,32'0. ANNUAL COMMUNICATION. Philadelphia, December 27, 1927. Like Massachusetts, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania transacted most of its business in its Quarterly 'Communications. 253 Lodges were represented in the one held March 2; 138 June 1; 182 September 7, and 470' December 7, when the Grand Officers were elected for the ensuing year. The satistics given above are for December 31, 1926. Clandestine Masonry.
Our Pennsylvania brethren have proceedings in the courts dealing with what they call "a clandestine organization" which calls itself "The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania." We await with interest the outcome of these proceedings. We are not troubled with such disturbances here in Missouri. The Bi-Centenary of American Masonry.
The Grand Master calls attention to the fact that the two hundredth anniversary of the formal establishment of Masonry on the American continent will occur two years hence. We might add that two years later will be the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of our greatest Freemason, George Washington. F:inances.
The Report of the Committee on Finance shows receipts for the year ending November 15, 1927, amounting to $1,719,600.40. Its estimate of receipts for the next year is $798,000'. Pennsylvania gave to the Mississippi Flood Fund $5'2,286.55. Its charitable institutions are well sustained. Correspondence.
Herbert Russell Laird, in his Report, gives three. pages to
Missouri, reviewing the Proceedings of 1926 in a very friendly way. From his review of New York we quote Douglas Malloch's: "ECHOES"
"Five men have walked this way before me, Wha tever Lodge your Lodge may be: Whoever stands before the door, The sacred arch of Masonry, Stands where the wise, the great, the good, In their own time and place have stood. "You are not Brother just with these, Your friends and neighbors, you, are kin With Masons down the centuries; This room that now you enter i~ Has felt the tread of many feet; For here all Masonry you meet." "You walk the path the great have trod, The great in heart, the great in mind, Who looked through Masonry to God, And looked through God to all mankind, Learned more than word or sign or grip, Learned' man's and God's relationship. "To him who sees, who understands, How mighty Masonry appears! A Brotherhood of many lands, A Fellowship of many years, A Brotherhood so great, so vast; Of all the Craft of all the oast. "And God says a sacred trust Is yours to share, is yours to keep; I hear the voice of men of dust; I hear the step of men asleep; And down the endless future, too, Your own shall echo after you."
Grand Master, Joseph H. Schmidt. Grand Master, Elected, Teodoro M. Kalaw, Manila. Grand Secretary, Newton C. 'Comfort, Manila. Lodges, 101. Members, 6,683. Loss, 159. LQ-dges Represented, 68. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL. Manila, January 24-27, 1928. Present.
21 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Grand Treas路 urer; 1 Past Grand Lecturer; 245 Past Masters and Representatives of Lodges. 7"2' Grand Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented. Grand Master's Address.
Master has this to say for the Fraternity:
"Composed of the best elements of the population, the 7,000 regular Masons of the Philippines are doing splendid work. Funds for a Masonic :aome, School and Dormitory are accumulating and have already reached a respectable figure, and the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Children is also raising a large building fund and is in the meantime operating a five-bed ward for little cripples in the Mary J. Johnston Memorial Hospital in Tondo. Masonic Lodges have free clinics for children, and other local charities in several places in the Island. Many of the most prominent citizens in our city and provincial life, as well as the leaders in commerce, industry, philanthropy, education and statesmanship are Masons. Thanks to this, the old-time prejudice against the Order is fast disappearing. As evidence of the activity and prosperity of Masonry, we can also cite the Masonic Te~ples and cemeteries in many towns of these Islands and the existence of two widely-read Masonic reviews, 'The Cableton' and 'The Far Eastern Freemason', published monthly in this city; also a number of Lodge papers or bulletins, published every month."
He pays this tribute to one whose memory American Freemasons honor: "One of those who passed On thIS year was our beloved Brother, Major General Leonard Wood, Governor General of the Philippine I~lands. The world lost one of thc outstanding figures of modern times when he passed on, the United States one of her most valiant soldiers, patriots, and citizens, the Philippines a wise, efficient and conscientious Governor, and the Craft a Brother who possessed to a high degree all the qualities that make a man a real Mason."
Mississippi Flood Relief.
He reports contributions from his Grand Jurisdictions amounting to .$2,236.65, and add-s this comment: "I may state here that the generosity with which our Brethren have always responded to appeals for charity and beneficence, will be one of the brig-htest and most inspiring recollections of my term as Grand Master of Masons of the Philippine Islands."
He visited Lodges from the northern most city Aparri, to the southern most, Jolo, and regretted that he could not reach all Lo'dges. Yet he reports 85 visitations and 14 other visits were made in his name. Oration.
The Grand Orator was Teodoro M. Kalaw, New Grand Master. From it we quote as recital of facts familiar to American Free-路 masons: "The owner of that famous tavern which occupies a characteristic place in the history of American liberty was a Freemason, and Freemasons were members of the organization Which met in that tavern at night to prepare for victory. One o{ their first Presidents and leaders was Joseph "\-Varren, Past Grand Maste-r of the Grand Lodge' of Massachusetts, and the great Paul Revere, another Mason and Past Grand Master, found in that organizatIOn the determined men who accompanied him to Boston Harbor. One night the Lodge was closed. Its members, disguised as Indians, went to Boston Harbor, took the cargoes of tea out of the English ships and threw them into the sea. This was the beginning of the war. And who were the chief actors in that drama which looms so bfg in the history of liberty? Who were the outstanding figures, not only in that revolutionary period, but also during the period of the formation and constitutional development of the country. The first signer of the Declaration 'of Independence in 1776 was John Hancock of St. Andrews Lodge, who subsequently became Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. The loftiest, the noblest, the most beloved figure from every point of view was George Washington, a Virginia Mason. The most prudent and experienced' intellectual and moral leader iuthose critical days was Benjamin Franklin, a Pennsylvania Mason. The most skillful statesman in the fie~d of finance, famous for his constructive genius, was Alexander Hamilton, also a Mason from Pennsylvania. And the greatest interpreter of the Constitution, whose luminous decisions have contributed the most to the unity and stability of the great republic was John Marshall, another ViI'ginia Mason." "Now, dear Brethren, let us leave the United States and see what happened in the Philippines a century later. Rizal, Del ~ilar, Lopez
Jaena and others founded in Europe a Masonic organization in order to maintain unity among the Filipinos, and thus united, call the attention of the world to the oppression of which their country was a victim, and demand urgent reforms. In order to maintain closer and secret relations with the patriots in the Philippines, the local Masonry was organized, subject to that of Madrid. The idea was that Freemasonry must be the brain to direct the Filipinos and think for them. There being no liberty to assemble and speak freely, the Lod'ges served as a place of assembly and a tribune. Soon they became the gathering places of the most progressive Filipinos, who, being members of the heroic middle class, fostered the movement at the risk of their lives and property."
"When a general of the American army wrote to a prominent Filipino, asking where Mabini got his ideas, seeing he had never heen out of the Islands, the Filipino replied in a document which is still preserved at Washington. . 'General Mabini got them from Freemasonry and nowhere else.'''
Missouri receives courteous treatment and the reviewer quotes with evident approval a paragraph in which Grand Master Martin commended the work of the George Washington National Memorial Association. The Report gives as its conclusion Dr. C. C. Woods poem, "Musings at Eventide."
Grand Master, John N. Nicholson. Grand Ma·ster, Elected, William J. Drake, Charlottetown. Grand Secretary, Ernest Kemp, Charlottetown. Lodges, 16; 15 Lodges Represented. Members, 1,197. Gain, 20. FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL. Kensington, June 22, 1927. Present. 17 Grand Officers; 9 Past Gra,nd Masters; 6 other Past Grand Officers; 105 Past Masters and Representatives of Lodges. 32 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present, but Missouri was not represented. There are duplicates in the list of members, but at least one-tenth of the membership of the Fraternity in the Island attended the Communication.
Customs Differ.
Looking over the record given in the Proceedings of a Special Communication held for a cornerstone laying, we find that the Grand Lodge was opened with 15 Gra.nd Officers and '20 other members of the Grand Lodge present, after which 36 Master Masons were admitted. In Missouri all Master Masons are permitted to attend the opening ceremony of the Grand Lodge on any occasion. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master's Address covers 13 pages, and indicates a careful supervision of the affairs of the Craft. He was not called upon to make any decisions, laid a cornerstone of a Masonic Temple at Montague on Labor Day and was called upon to conduct 'the funeral services of several Brethren. He congratulates the Craft that as Canada was celebrating her "Diamond Jubilee" the Freemasons of Prince Edwa.rd Island rejoiced in the fact that two members of Victoria Lodge, Brothers Pope and Haviland, were among the "Fathers of Confederation" sixty years ago. While the Grand Master does not give a list of official visitations, the Committee on his Address says in their Report: "We commend the zeal of the Grand Master in the extensive round of official visits he has made, and join with him in rejoicing that peace and harmony everywhere abound."
There is no Report on Correspondence. QUEBEC.
Grand Master, Walter Charles Hagar, died June 25, 1927. Grand Master, Elected, Henry Willis, Quebec. Grand Secretary, W. W. Williamson, Montreal. 'Correspondent, E. T. D. Chambers. Lodges, 88. Members, 15,15-8. Gain, 469. FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. Montreal, February 8, 1928. Present.
25 Grand Officers; 81 Past Grand Officers; 593 Representatives of Lodges. 38 Grand Representatives were present, but Missouri was not represented. Grand Chaplain's Address.
From that Address we quote:
"A beautiful superstructure is a -menace to life and a waste of wealth if its foundation is not secure, but being secure it is both useful and attractive. So with Masonry, if we build upon its foundations there will be no need to apologize for the Order, and it will take the highest possible place of influence among men and in the nation. To do this Masonry occupies a most unique position. It Is quite outside of all confusion and strife of creed, or sect or parties. It is not allied in any respect to a man made organization of any kind. It formulates no creed, no doctrines, neither does ittake sides against any creed or doctrine or sect or party. They don't enter into its consideration in the least, they are not even mentioned, but it does bring together men who believe in God and enables them to concentrate on the practice of every 'moral and social Virtue' to which no one, with the welfare of mankind at heart could possibly take exception. If we are to learn the lessons of the past and realize that great nations and peoples endowed with wonderful gifts and power failed because they were wanting in those things that make for continuance 'social and moral virtue.' Should we not be wise in our generation and concentrate on these essentials? This is exactly what Masonry is doing by binding men of all shades of thought and' learning in ties of the strongest brotherly Love and unitedly puts them to work to carry out 'every moral and social virtue'."
Past Grand Master E. T. D. Chambers, in his forty-first Annual Report, gives Missouri fraternal recognition in reviewing the Proceedings of 1926. QUEENSLAND.
1927. The Proceedings before us are for the year that ended June, 1927. Yet the only statistics we can find _tell, us that the memo bership in December, 1925, was "over 21,000." "The Lodges in active working now number 326." Dr. Mather in his report one year ago; had路 found 22,000 members and 331 Lodges. We have made strict search for later figures but no tidings of them can be had. Charles Stumm is Grand Master and C. H. Harley is Grand Secretary. In the Reports of Quarterly Communications we find the names of Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers, after which appears the statement "and the Masters, Past Masters and Wardens of a number of Daughter Lodges." At the top of the title page of the Proceedings is this line: "For Private Circulation only."
1928.] .
Grand Master, William Luther Sweet. Grand Master, Elected, Winfield S. Solomon, Providence. Grand Secretary, Harold L. lVlcAuslan, Providence. Lodges, 40; 38 'Lodges Represented. Gain,232.
Members, 18,29l.
ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIDVENTH ANNUAL. Providence, May 16, 1927. Present.
24 Grand Officers; 8 Past Grand Masters; 143 Past Masters; 31 Masters; 4 Proxies for Masters; 23 Senior Wardens; 4 Proxies for Senior Wardens; 24 Junior Wardens; 2 Proxies for Junior Wardens. Distinguished Visitors.
Frank L. 'Simpson, Grand Master of Massachusetts; Arthur N. Nash, Past Grand Master of Connecticut, and William T. Vanderslip, Deputy Grand Master; Benjamin A. Harins, Senior Grand Warden and Donald J. Sargent, Junior Warden, of New Jersey, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master reported the death of Sylvester Penrose Williams, Grand Secretary, December 18, 1926. He was seventyseven years old. He had rendered faithful and efficient service as Grand Secretary for more than a quarter of a century. He appointed Harold L. McAuslan to the vacancy and the Grand Lodge approved his selection by electing the Brother to that office. He made a number of visits to subordinate 'Lodges and was courteously received in his visits to the Grand Chapter and Grand Council of Rhode Island and the Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Cornerstone Laying.
More than twenty pages in the Proceedings are given to a
[ Sept.
report of the laying of the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple in Providence on Sunday, April 24, 1927: "After the ceremony the procession was reformed and attended Divine Service at several of the downtown .churches: The First Division attending the First Baptist Church, the Second Division attending Grace Church, the Third Division attending the First Universalist Church, the Fourth Division attending the Mathewson Street Church, the Fifth Division attending the Beneficent Congregational Church and the Sixth Division attending All Saints Memorial Church."
路Sec. 20 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri reads: "Sunday. A Lodge meeting shall not be held on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, except to perform funeral services."
We do not lay cornerstones on Sunday. Our ceremonies and traditions take us back to the building of King Solomon's Temple. We teach that our ancient Brethren worked six days in a week and rested on the seventh day. The seventh, therefore, our ancient Brethren consecrated as a day of rest from their labors, thereby enjoying frequent opportunities to contemplate the glorious works of creation, and to adore their great Creator. We are not here raIsmg any questions about the proper observance of Sunday, but so long as we continue to teach candidates the great lessons drawn from Jewish life and require Lodges to observe one day in seven as a day of rest, it seems to us that it is inconsistent for a Grand Lodge to labor in laying a Cornerstone on a day when a subordinate Lo'llge is required to refrain from labor on that day. There is no report on Correspondence.
1928. ]
Grand Master, W. J. Sruth. Grand Master, Elected, W. M. Martin, Regina. Grand Secretary, W. B. Tate, Regina. Lodges, 189; 139 Lodges Represented. Members, 13,6'06. Gain, 516. TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL. Moose Jaw, June 15\..16, 1927. Present.
17 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 14 District Deputy Grand Masters; 343 Past Masters and Representatives of Lodges. 38 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present, but Missouri was not represented. Distinguished Visitors.
R. W. Bro. W. R. French, Personal Representative of the Grand Master of British Columbia, and Frank C. Falkenstein, Grand Master of North Dakota were introduced. Both visitors were made Honorary Members of the Grand Lodge. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master reported that he had visited the Grand Lodges of Montana and Alberta, and that he had attended all of the District meetings in company with the Grand Secretary. Card Playing and Dancing.
He ruled: "Where any number of Brethren feel that the holding of any form of entertainment would be inconsistent with the purpose for which the Lodge room was dedicated, such meeting cannot be held."
The Committee on Jurisprudence reported on this ruling and the report was approved by the Grand Lodge: "Your Committee feels that this is a matter which should be left to the good sense of the members of the Lodge."
We fail to find in the Proceedings any record of a motion providing that the question of solemnly dedicating Lodge Halls "In the Name of the Supreme and Eternal God, the Grand Archi路 teet of Heaven and Earth," be left to the good sense of the memo bel'S of the Lodge. The question might arise, how much g'ood sense have members who want to play cards and dance in 3 Masonic Lodge room? Why don't they go to their' churches for such amusements?
Grand Chaplain's Address.
From the address of Rev. Bert Howard, Grand Chaplain, we quote: "Masonry in her signs and symbols teaches us that behind the life of ma路n in the great pageantry of Nature there is a supreme will and mind. That ruling all is a Righteous Will, the Intelligence of the Most High. It teaches that man is not a clod of articulate clay, placed here by chance, but that he is a Son of the Most High, a Citizen of eternity, and that God has laid upon man the obligation of living befitting this great 'dignity'. Masonry, because it believes this, teaches that man must be free-free in body and soul and mind. From time immemorial Masonry has dared to teach this. It has dared to assert the Divine right of man to life, to liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and because of this our Brethren in Italy have visited their Gethsemane and are splendidly treading the path of Golgotha. "And some day when the clouds of prejudice and misrepresentation have been dispelled by the searchligh t of truth, the world will honor Masonry for its heroic service to the human race."
There is no Report on Correspondence.
Grand Master, The Lord Blythswood, K. C. V. 0., D. L. J. P. Grand Secretary, .T. G. Winning, Edinburgh. 769 Lodges, with no report of Members. QUART'ERLY COMMUNICATION. Edinburgh, February 3, 1928. There are 74 Lodges in In'(}ia, 44 in Transvaal, 19 in Egypt, Palestine and Syria, and about 117 Lodges scattered over the face of the earth, even in lands that are not under the British flag. Missouri was represented by W. Munso Denholm of Glasgow. The roll of members of the Grand Lodge contains more than two thousand names. Our Scottish brethren practice charity and dispense over four thousan'(} pound-s a year to widows and orphans of deceased brethren. The Gand Lodge holds Quarterly .Communications in February, May, August and November, and will meet for installation of Grand Office bearers at four P. M. Friday, November 30, and at five P. M. the same day for the celebration -of the Festival of St. Andrew.
Grand Master, Thomas Slaney Poole. (Died May 2, 192'7). Deputy Grand Master, Herman Koepven Wendt. (Acting Grand Master). Grand Secretary, Charles R. J. Glover, Adelaide. Lodges, 128. Members, 13,093. Gain, 655. FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL. Adelaide, April 20, 19207. Present. About 240 Members were present; 70 Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers were present and 170 Past Masters, Masters and Wardens. W. J. Host, Missouri's representative was present. The Grand Master. The Honorable Thomas Slaney Poole, M. A. L. L. B., who was one of His Majesty's JUdges of the Supreme Court of South Australia, and who had served as Grand Master since 1924, passed away May 2, 1927, in less than two weeks after the Annual Communication.
"The King is dead.
Long live the King."
Freemasonry knows no vacancies. The Deputy Grand Master H. K. Wendt ,became at once the acting Grand Master and is now supervising the business of the Craft in South Australia. Missouri received fraternal recognition in the Report on Correspondence. SOUTH CAROLINA.
. Grand路 Master, Cha'rlton DuRant. Grand Master, Elected, William A. Giles, Graniteville. Grand Secretary, O. Frank Hart, Columbia. Correspondent, J. L. Michie, Darlington. Lodges, 290. Members, 29,847. Lodges Represented, 264. Gain, 93. ONE HUNDRIDD NINETY-FIRST ANNUAL. Charleston, March 14-15, 1928. Present. 12 Grand Officers; 7 Past Grand Masters; 19 District Deputy Grand Masters; 2'81 Representatives of Lodges. There were 45
Grand Representatives present, among them Past Grand Master George T. Bryan, who represents Missouri. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master reported that he laid two cornerstones, but says: "I have been forced to refuse to lay the cornerstones of various other structures upon the ground that they were too near completion."
There is a difference between a cornerstone and a Cope Stone. Masonry and Masked Mobs.
A telegram from the Charleston News and Courier called forth this answer from the Grand Master: "At one time here masks were used by brave men as an expedient weapon to avoid terrible bloodshed and to save the finest civilization on earth. The emergency was temporary and has passed long since and such acts tend to undermine and destroy all the sacred things for which our forefathers struggled. Masonry in all its teachings and principles stands for obedience to law and especially condemns the lawlessness of the angry mob led by evil men attaining its ends in cowardly disguise."
A few months ago therâ&#x201A;Ź was a lynching in Missouri that was an unusual proceeding. A negro who was popular with his own race, was st,abbed by another negro at a card game. As the officers were taking the murderer to jail a mob composed of negroes took him away from them and lynched him. Educational Director.
South Carolina appears to have no Grand Lecturer in the field but has an Educational Director who is giving his whole timâ&#x201A;Ź to the work. From the reports of District Deputies concerning his work, we infer it is as its name implies, Educational and not instruction in the ritual of the Order. Correspondence.
Past Grand Master James L. Michie, gives his Eighteenth Report. His report fills more than two hundred pages and reyiews the Proceedings of 67 -Grand Jurisdictions. He gives two p,ages to fraternal comment on Missouri.
Grand Master, Leonard M. Simons. Grand Master, Elected, George O. Goodman, Milbank. Grand Secretary, Geo. A. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls. Correspondent, Dr. Arthur H. Tufts, Sioux Falls. Lodges, 176. Members, 19,683. Gain, 51. Lodges Represented, 119. FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Aberdeen, June 14-15, 1927. Present.
16 Grand Officers; 12 Past Grand Masters; 19 Members of Standing Committees ; 199 Representatives of Lodges. 2!8 Representatives of Grand Lodges-among them J. H. Kutnewsky, who represents Missouri, were present. Distinguished Visitors.
. Dr. John Pickard, Grand Master of Missouri, Frank C. Falkenstein, Grand Master, and Walter L. Stockwell, Grand Secretary, and Past Grand Master of North Dakota, were introduced. Annual Address.
The Grand Master reported that four new Lodges had been constituted during the year. Two cornerstones for Masonic Temples were laid. Relief.
South Dakota gave $769.50 for relief in Florida and $2,876.30 for the Miss'issippi Flood Sufferers. Veterans-Twenty-Seventh Annual.
Forty-five Masonic veterans attended the meeting of the Association and nine others were admitted to membership. Past Grand Masters.
The climate of South Dakota must be healthy for the Proceedings contain a list of twâ&#x201A;Źnty~five Past Grand Masters still living. Missouri has only fourteen of whom the writer i-s the Senior in office. Thirteen of his successors have passed away, but he thinks his health is reasonably good.
Dr. Arthur Tufts in his report of nearly two hundred pages gives three pages to affairs in Missouri. He tells us: "A picture of the fine face of Grand Master William W. Martin adorns the first page. Druggist, bank president, active church worker and Mason."
That reminds us that several years ago we changed the time of the meeting of our Grand Lodge, so that Brother Martin and other zealous Baptists could attend the Grand Lodge and the Baptist State Association. Our reviewer tells us that on August 31, 192'6, George Washington Lodge No.9, of' St. Louis, chartered a bus and drove 208 miles to visit the Grand Master in his home Lodge. "It was a great and beautiful surprise. They left with him a beautiful piece of silver as a remembrance."
He speaks of the fine dedicatory address of Dr. Ivan Lee Holt, and of the two fine orations of Bro. Stratton D. Brooks, President of the University of Missouri, and Rev. David Jones Evans, D. D., of Kansas City. He says: "The Masonic Employment Bureau of St. Louis had placed 1,580 applicants at an average cost of $4.15. Good work."
Missouri's Correspondent. "The Correspondence Report of Brother Arthur Mather is interesting and informative. South Dakota receives careful attention. He closes with observations on the phenomenal growth of the Fraternity, educational work, Temple building, foreign rel~tions and necrology, the G. W. N. M. A., the Masonic Service Association of the U. S., the Masonic Relief Association of the U. S. and Canada, and the Tuberculosis Association. Topics that have come to the front in recent years and are attracting the attention of us all."
This s'cribe will not try to surpass or equal Dr. Mather's work. But he has a right to take pride in Dr. Mather's good work, as he is one of the three Past Grand Masters, and Methodist Preachers. who made Rev. Arthur Mather a Master Mason in a side room of the Church of which he was pastor in 1904. We might add that the church had offered the use of this room for a time to the Lodge whose hall had burned. John D. Vincil, 'C. ,C. Woods, and C. H. Briggs filled the three principal stations in conferring on him the First and Third Degrees.
. Appendix.
Grand Master,Claude E. W. James. Grand Secretary, W. H. Strutt, Hobart. Lodges, 42. Members, 3,744. Gain, 93 in Six Months. HALF-YEARLY OOMMUNICATION. Hobart, August 27, 1'927. Present.
24 Grand Officers; "and the Worshipful Masters, Past Masters, and Wardens of the numerous Lodges." The "Proceedings" is a pamphlet of 24 pages. The Grand Master's Address cover.s 2% pages. Evidently Freemasonry is prospering in that far off land. We hope for a fuller report of its Annual Communication.
Grand Master, H. Lee Cox. Grand Master, Elected, Stanley W. McDowell, Memphis. Grand Secretary, Steith M. Cain, Nashville. Correspondent Appointed, John T. Peeler, Huntington. Lodges, 468; 448 Lodges Represented. Members, 5'0,674. Gain, 652. ONE HUNDRED FOURTEENTH ANNUAL. Nashville, January 25-26, 1928. Present.
14 Grand Officers; 13 Past Grand Masters; 138 Past Masters; 483 Representatives of Lodges.
The Representatives of 41 Grand Lodges were present, but Missouri's Representative was not among them. Distinguished Visitors.
Hanson Peterson, Grand Master; James Garnett, Past Grand l\tlaster and Grand Treasurer; T. J. Adams, Past Grand Master and Superintendent of the Widows' and Orphans' Home, and Fred W.
Hardwick, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary, all. of Kentucky, were introduced. The Grand Master reported about 50 visits to Lodges and the Deputy Grand Master visited 46 Lodges. The Masonic Home with property valued at more than half a million dollars ranks fourth lowest in per capita cost among the 23 Homes in the United States. The Grand Lodge appropriated $90,000 for the support of the Home for one year. Rulings.
The Grand Master reported many rulings. In one he "regretted the fact that any Lodge should want to keep a bootlegger within their midst and membership." From one ruling we learn that Tennessee charges a fee of Missouri makes no such charge.
$2.50 for affiliation.
Six or eight years ago a Lodge initiated a candidate who lived within the jurisdiction of another Lodge. In 1926 this entered Apprentice petitioned the home Lodge for advancement to the Second Degree. On its own authority, without consulting the Grand Master, this Lodge decided that the initiation by the other Lodge was illegal, initiated the candidate, and later made him a Fellow Craft, charging him for both Degrees. The Lodge which had first initiated hini claimed him still. The Grand Master required this Lodge to pay over the fee for initiation and strike the name from its records. He also required the Lodge which claimed the Brother to refund the Second initiation fee and reprimanded it for its illegal action in the case, and cautioned it "partiCUlarly to- refrain from such Masonic violations in the future." Flood Relief.
Tennessee reports $4,437.91 raised for Flood Relief. Correspondence. The report of Wor. Bro. C. H. Smart, of 102, closely printed pages, gives about one and a half pages to Missouri. He does not like one decision made by our Grand Master and approved by the Grand Lodge. This is the case: "A Brother has received the 'Entered Apprentice Degree and objections have been made to
his advancement or charges preferred against him, which are sustained, and he is stopped from receiving the other Degrees, should the Lodge refund him any of the $60.00 which accompanied the petition; $10.0iO of the same having been forwarded by the Grand Secretary for Masonic Home Fee?" The Grand Master's decision was: "The contract between the Lodge and a petitioner for the Degrees is subject to the implied condition that his advancement may be delayed or prevented by objection or charges and the fee is paid by him with no provision for the return of any part of it if his advancement be so delayed or prevented."
Bro. Smart's comment is: "It may be in accordance with the Masonic Law of Missouri, but we do not believe it is in accordance with the teachings of the Book of the Law."
This criticism is an easy one to make: yet the law of the Grand Lodge provides' that all the money for the Degrees must accompany the petition. We do not see how under the law the Grand Master could have rendered a different decision. Missouri Freemasonry does not offer the Degrees on the installment plan. Granting that the candidate lost a little money in his adventure, may not Freemasonry have lost more than money in conferring a Degree. upon one who could not be advanced?
Grand Master, M. A. Childers. Grand Master, Elected, G. R. M. Montgomery, Fort Worth. Grand Secretary, W. B. Pearson, Waco. Correspondent, W. M. Fly, Gonzales. Lodges, 990.
Members, 136,740. Gain, 940.
ANNUAL. Waco, December 7-8, 1927.
Present: 14 Grand Officers; 14 Past Grand Masters; 38 District Deputy Grand Masters; 36 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present; one of whom, Dan S. McMillin, represents Missouri. The total at-
tendance numbered 1,212. ahead of Missouri.
It looks as though Texas is forging
Distinguished Visitors.
There were seven of them: Edward F. Gale, Grand Master, and John A. Davilla, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana; J. H. Johnson, Grand Master of Mississippi; O. Frank Hart, General Grand Master of the General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters; Charles Clark Davis, General Grand High Priest, and Charles A. Conover, General Grand Secretary of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and our own and only Walter Williams, Past Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. His eloquent words of greetings to our Texas Brethren are w<?rth quoting: "It is the greatest privilege you have given me this morning through the kindly courtesy to this crowd of Brethren of ours who do not believe in race suicide, apparently, from what we hear about South Carolina and Louisiana. We in Missouri have many ties of kinship and affectionate regard to the Brethren in Texas. We are close akin to them through history and frie"ndly relations, and I trust through brotherly kindness, and I hope that these ties of affection and regard will not have been lessened in any degree by my brief presence here with you this morning. "The power and beauty and glory of your ancient ceremonials are significant as tying us onto the past in many interesting and momentous ways, but the beauty and glory of the past are not enough, I think, for the strength and service of Freemasonry in the days that are here and now. Where yesterday it unshackled the spirits of man and unshuttered the spiritual eyes of man, and gave him a freedom and glory and an individual strength. Today we need men who can, in this new present day, emphasize the service that Freemasonry can render to those who have knelt at its altar and those who have come within its influence. And I am happy to note in the suggestions of the work done by the Most Worshipful Grand Master here, that he, in his administration, has laid emphasis upon that which is so important in Free-masonry today. "You know, in a one-time master city of the world there stood a great and golden vase. It stood in the very cen ter of the city; just as this great Temple stands in the very cen ter of Waco, and as evening came in that one-time master city of the world, the dwellers in that city came by that great and golden vase, and took out from that which they had won that day by arduous toil and efforts, a goodly portion-no meanly stinted part-and placed it in that great and golden vase. And when morning came, and ran its roseate
streaks along the eastern sky, the high priest of that ancient city came and took from out of the great and g"olden vase the offerings of the peoole and distributed them unto the city's health and beauty, and to the common good, and the blessings of the Gods were upon that city from the altar even down to the great and gloomy walls, and yet beyond unto the fair路 and fertile fields on which that city stood, as all great cities stand upon the fair and fertile fields without the city gates, and the blessings came and never went until one day the cus tom failed. "Each man toiled as hard a;:; yesterday, most WQrshipful, each man toiled as hard as yesterday, but all that he won he l1eld it unto his heart, and kept it for his very own, and it shriveled in his soul, as he kept it, for his own, and now, on this beautiful December morning, if you go to that one-time master city of the world, you will find the bats rearing their noisome brood in the place. '.rhe altar has fallen, the great and gloomy walls are there no more, and there is not a single soul left in that one-time master city of the world today. " "We have no great and golden vase, and each man unto God is his own high priest, but the lesson and the legend are the same f.or Freemasonry of Texas, for Missouri, for South Carolina, for Louisiana, for America, for Freemasonry everywhere. The lesson is the same, and this is what the high priest read on that great and golden vase on yesterday, 'From each according" to his ability, unto each according to his need!' "From each according to his ability, 'unto each according to his need, and that is why the blessings came and never went until the legend and the lesson and the service were forgotten, and that is why the one-time master city of the world is there no more. "That lesson, Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren, is the same to you and to me today. 'From each according to his ability; to each according to his need.' "My appreciation, my grateful thanks, my affectionate regard to you, and to you my Brethren."
Grand Master's Address. The address fills more than sixty pages. The Grand Master had much to do and much to report. We find 34 decisions recorded and 41 cornerstones were laid-most of them by others. Four of these cornerstones were for churches. (Will Illinois please take notice?) Law Suit Threatened. " When an oil boom struck a Texas town the Lodge overdId itself building a new Temple. A man who holds a mortgage and is not willing to take the property for the debt due him has sued the J;.,odge and the Grand Lodge. The case had not been tried
when the Grand Lodge met, but Freemasons, generally, will watch the case to see whether the Grand Lodge can be held responsible for the debt of a Lodge. York Grand Lodge of Mexico.
Some years ago Texas withdrew recognition from the York Grand Lodge. The Grand Master recommended that fraternal relations be restored. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence reported adversely, but the Grand Lodge adopted the recom.mendation of the Grand Master. We congratulate our Texas Brethrell on their manliness in correcting the mistake they made a few years ago. The Masonry of the York Grand Lodge is as worthy of recognition as that of Texas, or Missouri, for it is the same kind. In 1922 the writer set the Commandery of Knights Templar at Tampico, Mexico, at work under its Charter. During his visit he gave a Masonic address and preached on Sunday morning in the Masonic Temple in which services were held regularly by the Episcopal Church. He spent four days at Mexico City, gave a Masonic addres~ to Anhuac Lodge and witnessed the conferring of the Third Degree by Toltec Lodge. By invitation, he gave the lecture, and charge. He once witnessed the conferring of the Third Degree in Dallas, Texas. It was good work, but not as near the work in Missouri as the work of the York Grand Lodge. On his return to this country, through "The Builder", he commended the York Grand Lodge as worthy of recognition by American Grand Lodges. He has never known any good. reason why any of' our Grand Lodges should ever have withdrawn recognition of the York Grand Lodge of Mexico. The long and able Report on Correspondence is by Judge Fly, Past Grand Master, who gives four pages to Missouri. He gives_ extracts from Grand Master Martin's address, quotes about a page from. Dr. Ivan Lee Holt's oration at the dedication of the St. Louis Masonic Temple, approves the action of our Grand Lodge" in declining to make saluting the Flag a part of the opening ceremony of the Lodge路 and says that Dr. Arthur Mather's report on Correspondence is "a splendidly written review of 71 Grand Jurisdictions"-a commendation that this writer does not expect. We are wide apart in our views of the York Grand Lodge of Mexico. Texas is a great state, and its Masonic -membership
is more than twenty thousand ahead of Missouri. This is no surprise to anyone who, like the writer, has noted the tide of emigration pouring from Missouri into the Lone Star State for fifty years. His only daughter lives in San Antonio. UTAH.
Grand Master, Dana Tyrrell Smith. Grand Master, Elected, Alexander Eberhardt, Salt Lake City. Grand Secretary, Sam Henr.y Goodwin, Salt Lake Oity. Correspondent, Sam Henry Goodwin. Lodges, 25. Members, 5,107. Gain, 170. FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. Salt Lake City, January 17-18, 1928. Present.
17 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand Masters; 1 Past Junior Grand Warden; 29 Past Masters# The Corirmittee on 'Credentials reported the Masters and Wardens of the 2:5 Lodges as entitled to seats, but did not state how many of the 75 Representatives were present. 3()i Grand Repreqentatives were reported present but the name of Missouri's Representative does not appear in the list. Grand Master's Address.
'The Grand Master reports 16 official visits to Lodges. Dedication of Masonic Temples.
He says: "Perhaps the most important event of the year was the dedication of the new Masonic Temple at Salt Lake City on Sunday evening, November 20, 1927, at 8 p. m. The building was erected and is owned by the following groups of organizations at Salt Lake City: "Group I-The Six Symbolic Lodge!5. "Group 2-The Chapters R. A. M., Council and Commanderies. "Group 3-The four Co-ordinate Bodies, A. & A. S. Rite. "Group 4-El Kalah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. "It will be occupied by all the foregoing and also by the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, and the Grand Lodge Library and the Grand Lodge will hold its annual Communications there.' The Chapters of the Eastern Star, Daughters of the Nile, Daughters of
Job, and Salt Lake Chapter of De Molay will be permitted to meet in the building, so that it will be the center of all Masonic and allied activities of the city."
Higher Degrees.
In 192'2 the Grand Lodge adopted a resolution prohibiting any Master Mason from receiving any of the "higher degrees" until one year had elapsed from the taking of the Master's Degree. A case in which this reso1ution had been disregarded called out a rebuke from the Grand Master. We believe some other Grand Jurisdictions have a similar regulation. We doubt the wisdom of any such rule. Correspondence.
Sam H. Goodwin, Grand Secretary and Past Grand Master is Correspondent. He devotes four and one half pages to Missouri1927. We quote his opening words: "A picture of the Grand Master, Dr. John Pickard, and a biographical sketch tell us somewhat of the characteristics and outstanding features of this scholarly and distinguished Craftsman. He is a native of New Hampshire-born in Penacock, a typical New England village, with which the present writer was familiar nearly forty years ago. "Early in his address the Grand Master reported that the 'priceless records of the Grand Lodge are contained in a fireproof building'. Missouri, it will be remembered, chartered the first Masonic Lodge in Utah, at Camp Floyd, back in the days when Albert Sidney Johnston-later killed at Shiloh, was in command. At the present time the site of the camp is rna rked by numerous low moundS, each of which indicates the former position of One of the adobe huts occupied by Johnston's troopers as quarters, and these mounds are covered with sage brush."
Some points raised by M. W. Bro. Goodwin on Missouri's report on Foreign Grand Bodies we will pass over the :Chairman of our Special Committee M. W. Bro. Joseph S. McIntyre but we may be permitted to say that Missouri require~ every petitioner to declare in his petition that "he is a firm believer in the one Living and True God." A general statement that he believes in Deity is not sufficient.
Grand Master, Frederick H. Babbitt. Grand Master, Elected, Frederick H. Babbitt, Bellows Falls. Grand Secretary, Henry H. Ross, Burlington. Correspondent, Archie S. Harriman, Middleburg. Lodges, 103; 85 Lodges Represented. Members, 19,263. Gain, 322. ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL. Burlington, June 15-16, 1927. Present. 17 Grand Officers; 7 Past Grand Masters; 16 other Past Grand Officers; 224 Representatives of Lodges. Missouri was not repre" sented; 3,5 Grand Lodges were represented. Grand Master's Addre~s. In his Address the Grand Master says: "I attended all of the thirteen District meetings held under the direction of the Grand Lecturer. They were largely attended, in most cases taxing to the utmost the capacity of the rooms in which they were held."
He calls attention to the fact that while the population of the State is about what it was in H112, the Masonic membership has increased more than fifty per cent. We quote the conclusion of the Address: "My Brothers, the TRUE Mason is not made AT SIGHT; not in the fullest sense, neither can this great Fraternity which, with the wisdom of the ages assumes to teach man's DUTY to God, his neighbor and himself, dismiss the Neophyte of a few hours or days as a proficient and qualified Freemason. Much patience, study, reflection, experience and desire are necessary if he is to play his part in the work of the world. The Ritual itself is but the shadow of that great and cohesive mass of fundamental truths embraced in Masonry's teachings, and to say that a Mason is proficient and qualified merely because he had mentally mastered the language of the Ritual, is to substitute the shadow for the substance, and the forms and ceremonies for the great and fundamental truths of our Fraternity. The traditions, the truths, the inspirations of the ages, the pl路omises by our Fathers made and kept, the stabilizing an.d uplifting influence of Masonry in the life of this nation from its earliest days, pointing with unerring flnger the true path of freedom and enlight-
enment; the God-given desire to be of service to God and Country must become a part of every true Mason's life. He must know these things if he would be indeed proficient; he must live them if he would be qualified. No wind serves him who has no destined port. The destiny of Masonry today, as I conceive it, is not only to make its votaries nobler and more unselfish, but to so earnestly strive to exemplify these virtues, in their contact with men, as to make tne world a saner and sweeter place in which to live, this dear America of ours the best governed and the kindliest land on earth, and the Stars and Stripes, throughout the years to come, that which it was ever intended to be-the 'Banner of the Free.' 'Toiling centuries have struggled, upward in a stony way; Just to set the torch of freedom where it flames aloft today. Shall the children of the ages, fail them in this mighty trust; Let their beacon pale and dwindle, quench its beauty in the dust? Rather, we shall hold it higher, shake its splendor through the sky, Searching out each nook and corner, 'till the things of darkness die'."
York Grand Lodge of Mexico.
We were glad to note the adoption of the following. "Be it resolved: That the Grand Lodge of. Vermont fraternally recognizes the York Grand Lodge of Mexico as the only legitimate Grand Lodge working in its territory and authorizes the incoming Grand Master to bring about an exchange of Representatives therewith and that such exchange of Representatives be effected upon agreement by the respective Grand Lodges."
We assure our Vermont Brethren that they made no mistake in taking this action. In 192i2 this writer set the Commandery at Tampico to work under its Charter. After spending several days -with the Brethren at Tampico he went to Mexico City where he spent four days and visited the two Lodges working under the York Grand Lodge. They are our kind of Freemasons. He wit路 nessed in one of these Lodges the conferring of the Third Degree, and, by request, gave the Lecture and Charge. Correspondence.
M. W. Bro. Archie S. Harriman, treatment in his Report. He notes of Missouri, M. W. Bro. Marcus A. York Grand Lodge of Mexico. We him. He was "raised" in St. Louis.
gives Missouri very fraternal the visit to our Grand Lodge Loevy, Grand Master of the are always glad to welcome
At the General 路Grand Chapter at Ashville, North Carolina, in 192J1, he was rash enough to accompany this writer tq an .African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and the appeal for the
cause of Missions cost him six dollars. A year later this scribe brought back from Mexico Bro. Loevy's check for $5'0'0 - his gift to our Grand Lodge for a Library Fund in Honor of Dr. W. F. Kuhn, then General Grand High Priest; Royal Arch Masons. Commenting on the address by the two Grand Orators, Dr. Brooks, President of the University of Missouri, and Dr. Evans, Pastor of a great Baptist Church in Kansas City, the reviewer says: "During the. evening of the first day, the Grand Lodge listened to two eloquent and inspiring addresses."
He quotes from the address of Grand Master Martin and refers kindly to Dr. Mather's Report on Correspondence.
Grand Master, W. P. Bice. Grand Master, Elee.ted, His Excellency Lord Somers. Grand Secretary, Wm. Stewart. Correspondent, Wm. Stewart. Lodges, 420. Members, 44,793. Gain, 2,703. FIRST QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION. St. Kilda, March 16, 19217. Present.. 34 Grand Officers; 122' Past Grand Officers; 1,444 Masters, Past Masters and Wardens. 57 Representatives of other Grand Lodges, among them V. W. Bro. B.Marks, who represents Missouri.
Visitors. 21 visitors from other Grand Jurisdictions were present.
A. Second Quarterly Communication was held in Melbourne, June 15. The Third Quarterly at Melbourne, September 21, and the fourth at M-elbourne, December 21. Correspondence. The Report reviews our Proceedings of 19'27 in a Fraternal spirit.
Grand Master, Ben W. Beach. Grand Master, Elected, James Bowman, Roanoke. Grand Secretary, Chas. A. Nesbitt. Grand Secretary, Elected, James M. Clift, Richmond. Correspondent, James W. Eggleston, Richmond. Lodges, 353. Members, 47,659. Gain, 659. ONE HUNDRED FORTY·NINTH ANNUAL. Richmond, February 8-10, 1927. Present.
15 Grand Officers; 9 Past Grand Masters; 30 District Deputy Grand Masters;' 348 Past Masters; 480 Representatives of Lodges. 22 Grand Lodges were represented, but Mis·souri was not. Distinguished Visitors.
Gratz E. Dunkum, Grand Master of the District of Columbia, Leon Gash, Past Grand Master of North Carolina, and John W. DeVebre, Junior Grand Deacon of W-est Virginia, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master reported the laying of the cornerstone of the Geo. W. Wright, Memorial Tubercular Pavilion at Blue Ridge Sanatorium, Charlottesville. The building is 2·28 by 60 feet, is of fireproof construction, and will 'be large enough for 60 patients and ten nurses. His decision that a Lodge had a right to levy assessments to replenish its treasury was overruled. The Grand Lodge held that this could only be done by' a legal change of by-laws. Another decision overruled was that a man who had lost the index finger at the ·second joint, and the thumb at the first joint could not be advanced. 'fwo decisions approved were: "That a subordinate Lodge could not enact a resolution amending the laws of the Grand Lodge of Virginia."
and "That it is not permissible for a uniformed Degree team of the Scottish Rite Masons to confer the Master Mason's Degree in a York Rite Lodge."
He held that a member still owing a pledge to a Grand Lodge Char£ty was not indebted to his Lodge for that amount, and was
entitled to a dimit if clear of the Lodge books. This was approved. Proceedings. The Proceedings is a bulky volume of more than eight hundred pages, more than half of which gives a complete roster of the membership of the Lodges. Correspondence. The Report fills 1112 pages but owing to the illness of M. W. Bro. Joseph W. Eggleston it was not completed. He was continued as .'Correspondent but has since passed to his reward. He was about the age of our Dr. C. C. Woods, and in his report on Missouri quotes from Dr. Wood's greeting to our Grand Lodge in 1'925, prefacing the quotation with these words: "Our dear friend, M. W. C. C. Woods, now Emeritus Foreign Correspondent, and like this writer in his eighties, wrote a word which we gladly quote for all to read."
He gives four pages to Missouri, quotes from the address of Grand Master Mitchell. and discusses at some "length his decisions. We quote: "No. 7 is a statement of vital importance. Some Masons carry their prejudices entirely too far. There is no subject on which men and, of course, Masons, think along so many varying lines as on the details of their religion. All efforts to force, or even to induce men to agree upon the fine points of religion have utterly failed for ages. No creed can be formulated upon which all men can bring themselves to agree, except ours, viz: The Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man. The Grand Master was correct in holding as hE- did. Many Masons are not broad enough to agree with him, but they are wrong. We have some Catholics in our Virginia Masonry and, so far as we have ever known, they are good Masons. Just how they reason in order to reconcile the two we do not know, nor have we ever inquired. We agree with the words we once heard from a Past Master, who was a Baptist preacher and have often quoted, that he would greatly prefer to vote for an honest Catholic than for a hickory Baptist. We once heard a Catholic Bishop, a lovable man, say that he. was convinced there was nothing . in Masonry he would not heartily endorse."
In his review of Montana he quotes from the speech of the Inspector General of the Scottish Rite these words: "The Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, as also the Northern Jurisdiction of' the United States has entrusted to your keeping the teachings of the first three Degrees of Masonry."
This is his comment: "They need a new Inspector who knows some Masonry.
and where did the Scottish Rite ever get the right 'to entrust' the 'first three Degrees' or anything else to anybody? In the first place, they are not simply the first three Degrees, but are the Degrees of Masonry. They. together with the Holy Royal Arch, were declared to be Masonry by the United Grand Lodge of England more than one hundred years ago,"
With sadness we realize that we have before us his last report. . He served well his generation by the will of God, fell asleep and was gathered to his Fathers.
Grand Master, Walter F. Meier. Grand Master, Elected, Robert A. Wilson, Spokane. Grand Secretary, Horace W. Tyler, Tacoma. Correspondent, Edwin H. Van Patten. Lodges, 264; 252 Lodges Represented. Members, 47,818. Gain, 1,409. SEVENTIETH ANNUAL. Seattle, June 21-23, 11927. Present.
17. Grand Officers; 20 Past Grand Masters; 320 Past Masters;' 4'97 Representatives of Lodges. There were present 57 Representatives of Grand Lodges, one of .whom, Louis F. Hart, represents Missouri. Distinguished. Visitors.
Thomas J. Baker, Grand Lecturer, and Leo Bruck, member of the Finance Committee of the Grand Lodge of California, were introduced. Grand Master's Address.
The Address is long - 69 pages, but while full it is no sense trivial. He was a busy Grand Master, and to follow up his activities would require too much space. He gave a month to Alaska, and visited ten of the eleven Lodges in the Territory, dedicated a Masonic Temple and laid the cornerstone of a Presbyterian Church. He traveled more than 20,000 miles in the performance of his duties. An unusual proceeding on his part was a visit to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he grew to manhood, July 26, 192'6, he, assisted
by six brothers, conferred the Third Degree for Lincoln Lodge No. 19. Some months路 ago in Springfield, Missouri, Past Grand Master Bert S. Lee, initiated his youngest son with the help of three sons, a son-in-law and two nephews. The only one, not a relative of the candidate, who had a part in the ceremony, was the writer who officiated as Chaplain. Decisi路ons.
His 15 decisions fill more than eight pages and makes good reading. Washington, like Missouri, requires a ten dollar fee for the Masonic Home to accompany each petition for initiation. In one case, when the candidate failed to present himself for initiation, the Lodge voted to return the fee, but he held, and rightly, as we think, that the ten dollars which had already gone into the Home Fund would not be returned. He held that when a 'Candidate had presented himself for initiation, but after being prepared refused to proceed, the fee should not be returned. Ife also decided: "The use of a key or cipher purporting to be tlle Masonic work of this Jurisdiction is n.ot only improper, but unlawful."
The Grand Orator Stephen F. Chadwick, reminded the Grand Lodge of the admission required of every Master of a Lodge at his installation. "You admit that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to make innovations in the body of Masonry." He says: "In general we agree that it is the purpose of mankind to improve those things with which he comes in contact. The history of the human race is one of progress, discovery and invention; one of civilization. Yet in Freemasonry we have that which is singularly successful in its appeal to the human family and yet one that stands alone in permitting no deviation from its established customs."
The explanation is not difficult. Forms and method路s may change, but principles are eternal. Truth does not change. The Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid is the same now that it was in the days of Pytha~ras. They used to cut wheat with a sickle. Now a harvester strikes the standing grain and leaves behind the wheat in sacks, or delivers it to wagons that haul it to the路 elevator. This does not mean any change in the wheat. 'Freemasonry is a progressive science; the candidate progresses in his knowledge of its truths. It is many years since this writer learned the Multiplication Table, but it is the same table his youngest grandchild has learned.
Our Orator concludes: "Let no man make innovations in the body of Masonry! The charge is as wise today as it ever was. Masonry needs no new program, no new purpose. It has its program and its purpose as big and as all-embracing as the human heart and conscience."
The Report by Past Grand Master Edwin H. Van Patten covers 195 pages. Three and one-half are given to Missouri, and half of this space is given to quotations from the address of Governor Baker at the dedication of the Masonic Temple at St. Louis. In closing his review of Missouri, he has this to say of the man who lost his job as Correspondent because we elected him Grand Secretary: "The Review of other Grand Lodge Proceedings is in the hands of Brother Arthur Mather, and he gives a very readable report, in which the Grand Lodge of Washington for 1925 receives its share of quotations .and comment. We wish to thank Brother Mather for his kind words of welcome to the Round Table of the present Correspondent. Kind words do much more than please; they encourage and stimUlate, and stimulation is what we most need."
It is not hard to commend the kind of work Brother Van Patten is doing. WESTERN AUSTRALIA.
Grand Master, The Most Rev. C. O. L. Riley, D. D., L. L. D., O. B. E., V. D., (Archbishop of Perth). Grand Secretary, J. D. Stevenson, Perth. Lodges, 111. Members, 7,667. Gain, 397. ANNUAL COMMUNICATION. Perth, May 26, 1927. Present. 25 Grand Officers; 70 Past Grand Officers; 78 Past Masters; 43 Worshipful Masters; 35 Senior Wardens; 36 Junior Wardens. Official Visitations. The Grand Master reports 105 Official Visitations to Lodges. He does not tell us how many of thes'e were made by himself. Correspondence. Much more than half the space in the Proceedings is given to the Report on Correspondence by James W. E. Archdeacon. He notes a marked decrease in the net gains in membership. But he
takes this as "a happy indication of greater attention paid to the personal qualifications of candidates." He also believes that "a greater regard for Masonic education and research is being manifested." He says: "Both inside and outside of the Empire, the Craft seems prosperous. The membership is greater. The funds have increased. Masonic Homes and other philanthropic institutions mark Freemasonry's sedulous practice of 'the greatest thing in the world'Charity. In every Grand Jurisdiction in the world, Masons are now doing for the Craft what our ancient operative Brethren did for: religion-they are erecting temples of their own and of a character that will add to the architectural beauty of cities and towns, and form a monument to the 'system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated with symbols' as the operative built churches are monuments of faith and devotion to God. Clandestinism seems to be growing less, but on the other hand, too many quasi-Masonic organizations predicate their membership more or less upon association with Masonry. I fear that indirectly may be traced to some of these, the prevalence in certain quarters to a commercialization of Masonry, against which Grand Lodges protest without having, apparently, detected it source."
A number of Gra~d Lodges in America are making the violating of the E,ighteenth Amendent to the Constitution of the Union (Prohibition) a Masonic offense. American Lodges are conducting a movement toward purging themselves of moral undesirables. In the closing paragraph of his "Foreword" he says: "Mention should not be omitted concerning those two great memorials Masonry is erecting in the Old and New Worlds. The first is the King Edward the Seventh Peace Memorial, designed to commemorate the life and noble efforts of 'Edward the Peacemaker', the father of our present Sovereign, and for so many years the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England. This noble testimonial of the Craft, which Will eventually cost more than a million sterling-the greatest part of which has already been subscribed by Masons, is to be the future principal home of the Craft in England, a landmark for every Daughter Grand Jurisdiction in the Empire, an addition to the stately and superb edifices of England, and will occupy the site of the present Freemason's Hall and annexes in the City of London. Curiously enough, the other memorial is being erected to one who, 150 years ago, lead the armies which fought against the Mother Country, in order to obtain peace for daughter lands in America-George Washington, the Father of His Country. Characteristic of the United States, this memorial, which will路 cost upwards of 拢1,100,000 prOVided by American Masonry, has less of the utilitarian and more of the idealistic in it than the British memorial, but the fact that the erecting of these two magnificent structures is proceeding simultaneously, and the ideal of peace
which they represent, should serve to cement the ties of friendship which unites the Empire and Republic, Masonically and generally."
Printed Rituals.
He criticises our condemnation of printed Rituals and says: "In our Empire we usc them, including our Grand Jurisdiction. In Australia we follow the lead of the 'Mother of Grand Lodges' which sees no infraction of the E. A. obligation in doing so."
'In the United States printed Rituals, largely cipher - are permitted under careful restrictions, in Royal Arch Masonry, in the world of Royal and Select Masters and in the Order of Knights Templar. We have our official monitors which give much of the work of all three Degrees of Ancient 'Craft Masanry. But there are important portions of our work including aU the obligations which are transmitted by tradition only and the- writer in more than forty years attendance up.on the Grand Lodge of Missouri has never seen the slightest indication of a desire for a change in this particular. When a Check Is Not Legal Tender.
We think our Revie-wer would not have called Grand Master Martin's ruling on this subject "curious" if he has fully understood it, In all our 'Masonic Lodges, fees and dues are generally paid by check for the sake of convenience. But a check returned by a bank is no more a legal payment than a counterfeit coin would 'be even though the Secretary may have accepted it in good faith. He quotes from Grand Master Martin's address, and notes the laying of eighteen cornerstones, and the dedication ,of five Masonic Halls. He says: "America has many orators and Missouri Masonry its share. Two orations were delivered during the Communication; one being by R. W. Bro. S. D. Brooks, who spoke on the relation of Masonry to mankind, and the other by R. W. Bro. the Rev. D . .T. Evans, who chose for his subject, 'Making Masonry More Masonic.' A subject which reminds this writer of a series of articles which he once published, entitled, 'Are We As Masons Ma.sonic?' Both the orations were, in the words of Sir Andrew Aguecheeck 'excellent good, infaith' and did space permit one, would gladly excerpt many of the more striking passages."
He does venture to give half a page to an extract from Dr. Evan's oration, He said: "The Report on Correspondence is from the pen of Bro. A. Mather, who deals in excellent style with the Proceedings of 71 Sister Jurisdictions. His Review of Western Australia is thoroughly fraternal."
Grand Master, William Taylor Workman (Died October 17, 1927). Grand Master, Elected, Frank W. Van Horn, Martinsburg. Grand Secretary, George S. Laidley, Charleston. Correspondent, Lewis N. Tavenner, Parkersburg. Lodges, 167; 162 Lodges Represented. Members, 34,048. Gain, 542. SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Huntington, November 16-17, 1927. Present.
12 Grand Officers; 16 Past Grand Masters; 10' District Deputy Grand Masters; 15 Deputy Grand Lecturers;, 34 Past Masters; 185 Representatives of Lodges. 43 Representatives of Grand Lodges were present, among them P. P. Lester, who represents Missouri. Distinguished Visitors.
William L. Andrews, Past Grand Master, James M. Clift, Grand Secretary' and Past Grand Lecturer, of Virginia, were introduced. G."and Master's Address.
Acting Grand Master Frank W. Van Horn, who had served only one month, read a brief address, and Past Grand Master William K.Cowden read the Annual Address, which he had made up from records and papers which Grand Master Workman left when he died October 17. The opening paragraph and the conclusion were given just as written by him the day before he died. From the opening paragraph we quote a few lines: "What of the future, dim and unknown in the years that lie ahead of us? One thing is certain, no matter what chances and changes the coming years may bring, the Temple of Freemasonry will stand for the reality of the love of God, for the dignity and worth of man, and for the old-time tried tenets which were true ages ago, and will be true in ages yet to come."
In his conclusion he reminds the Grand Lodge that he first attended its sessions forty years before and had never missed an annual Communication. Cornerstone Layings.
Grand Master Workman laid the cornerstone of sjx churches. We commend his example in this particular to our Brethren in
Illinois. He declined several invitations to lay cornerstones on Sunday. In such cases he usually succeeded in getting a change of dates. This good example we commend to the careful consideration of our Rhode Island Brethren. Decisions. "A man whose left leg is 'off just below the knee and who wears a cork leg cannot comply with the requirements of our Ritual."
A similar decision was given in the case of a man who had only the thumb and index finger of his right hand. A Brother who was tried in a Subordinate Lodge and acquitted, brought in the Civil Courts an action for damages against his accuser. He obtained, and used in the trial, letters that were used in the Lodge trial and all the charges and specifications used in Lodge trial. The Grand Master held that such use of the records of the Lodge trial was a ,violation of Masonic law. "And directed that said offending Brother be given a trial according to Masonic law." We hope he was convicted and duly punished. Mississippi Flood.
The Grand Master ordered $1,路500 sent for Flood Relief and sent a letter to each subordinate Lodge inviting contributions, in response to which $4,000 more was given. Correspondence.
The Report of 141 pages by Past Grand Master Lewis N. Tavenner, gives Missouri three pages. He quotes approvingly from Grand Master Martin's address, from the address given by Dr. Ivan 'Lee Holt at the dedica.tion of the St. Louis Masonic Temple, and from the orations of Dr. Stratton D. Brooks, President of the University of Missouri, and Dr. David Jones Evans, Pastor of a Kansas City Baptist Church. These two orations were given at an evening session of the Grand Lodge. Of
predecessor he writes:
"The Revie:w of Proceedings of other Grand Lodges is by Rev. Bro. Arthur Mather, D. D., and is real good. His good taste in excerpts from Proceedings indicates the love that must prompt such diligent examination, as well as good judgment looking to the weal of the Fraternity. We thank him for his review of West Virginia and assure him that we shall endeavor to attain his apllroval in the future, when we have had more experience, if so be."
'Twenty-five years ago this scribe was Dr. Mather's Presiding Elder. In 19,04 he was one of the three Methodist preachers, Past Grand Masters of Missouri, who initiated Arthur Mather and later raised him. to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Dr. John D. Vinci! died October 12, that year, at the age of 74, but Dr. C. C. Woods lingered with us until May 12, 1927, when he was almost 89. At his request Dr. Mather and the writer were together in the funeral services in Marshall :Church and at the Masonic burial service at Arrow Rock, where some of his dead were sleeping. WISCONSIN.
Grand Master, D. H. Mooney. Grand Master, Elected, Herbert W. Dixon, Menominie. Grand 'Secretary, William W. Perry, Milwaukee. Correspondent, Aldro .Jenks, Dodgeville. Lodges, 307. Members, 58,826. Gain, 1,839. Lodges Represented, 2'94. EIGHTY-THIRD ANNUAL. Milwaukee, June 14-15, 1927. Present. 19 Grand Officers; 17 Past Grand Masters; 6 Past Senior Grand '\Vardens; 5: Past Junior Grand Wardens; 458 Representatives of Lodges. 43 Representatives of other Grand Lodges were present. We are pleased to note that Charles E. George, of Weyauwega, who represents Missouri, was one of the number. Annual Address. The Grand Master reported that $4,8;34.70 had been sent to Florida for relief and that $1,324.70 of this aIlli1unt had been returned because the relief fund had been closed. $3,000 had been sent for the relief of the Mississippi Flood Sufferers. This included the amount returned from Florida. During the year the Grand Lodge laid the cornerstones of three Masonic Temples and 'Cledicated nine. The Grand Master's expenses for the year were $149'.16 Evidently he was not expected to visit many lodges. Correspondence. M. W. Bro. Aldro Jenks has decided opinions which he does not fear to express. We agree with him that the Report on Correspondence should not be approved by the Grand Lodge. Few, if
any, members have read it, and it may contain some things which the Grand Lodge will not approve. We tr~st his {)wn Grand Lodge will not approve all he says ill criticising what our Grand Master William W. Martin said about the Washington Memorial: "It will not only be a fitting tribute to the 'Man and Mason', but also an advertisement to the centuries of the strength and solidarity of the great American Masonic Fraternity."
In this quotation the word advertisement is not used in a commercial sense, -but in its secondary meaning of giving notice or information. Bro. Jenks comment is: "Is not the advertising feature somewhat foreign to the teachings and traditions of the Craft? In most Masonic Jurisdictions the Lodges are forbidden to ~ppear in Masonic clothing, because it is felt that it would be an indirect advertisement of Freemasonry. In some they may not even appear so clothed at a Masonic funeral, except by special dispensation. In some their members are forbidden to wcar a Masonic pin or other Masonic insignia for similar reasons. As an advertisement it 'has Bull Durham and Camel Cigarettes backed off the boards. It is probably one of the most stupendous and expensive advertisements ever conceived by the mind of man. As advertising Freemasonry is contrary to our teachings, why emphasize that feature of the projects?"
We hope the building of the Washington Memorial will have one good effect; that it will close the mouths of our Roman Catholic friends who have been denying that Washington was a Freemason. If advertising Freemasonry by calling public attention to its principles is a sin, the writer has been a transgressor for more than forty years. He has delivered more than a hundred addresses at cornerstone layings and has always taken advantage of such occasions to set forth the principles of Freemasonry in a way that he hoped would incline good men, who were not Masons, to think favorably of our Order. June 24, 1894, was Sunday. In a Missouri town of only a few thousand inhabitants he preached two sermons on Freemasonry to large audiences. In October, following, he was informed that the Lodge had received twenty petitions since June 24. Nor is he ashamed to wear Masonic emblems. Thirty years ago a small Commandery in which he had knighted their candidates for some years, presented him with a Maltese Cross which hangs on his watch chain. Later a friend gave him a Shriner's button which
adorns his coat. More recently a Scottish Rite Mason, whose father and mother he married more than forty-six years ago (later he conducted their funerals), presented him with a 32째 ring which he is not ashamed to wear. .He is often called on to conduct Masonic funerals and does not hesitate to wear, on such occasions, the expensive Jewel of a Past Grand Master presented t(l hini by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. He has never asked any man to become a Freemason, but h(> believes that in the course of the years his influence in the public way, that our Reviewer calls advertising, has influenced some good men to petition for the mysteries of Freemasonry. In concluding his Report he says: "It was proposed to make it obligatory for a Lodge to salute
the flag of our country whenever a Lodge is opened. The Grand Lodge refused to adopt this, and very properly so, as the ceremony has no place in our ritual." ,
Well Said. "Brother Arthur Mather again presents the Correspondence Report, which is a good one, Wisconsin receives a little over two pages of courteous review and comment. We thank him for the complimen t of pronouncing the writer as 'one of the best in the world'. We like to receive our flowers while we are living and can appreciate them."
Grand Master, Oscar O. Natwick. Grand Master, Elected, Marion A. Kline, Cheyenne. Grand Secretary, Joseph M. Lowndes,Casper. Correspondent, Joseph M. Lowndes. Lodges, 46. Members, 7,925. Lodges Represented, 45. Gain, 2'02. FlB'TY-THIRD ANNUAL. Thermopolis, August 24-25, 1927. Present.
18 Grand Officers; 19 Past Grand Masters; 97 Past Masters; 215 Representatives of Lodges. Annual Address.
The Grand Master reported that one new Lodge had been organized. $154.46 was sent to Florida for relief and $l!,385 to the Grand
Secretary of Louisiana for Flood relief. Of this amount $610.70 was contributed by the Grand Chapter, Grand Commandery and Consistory No.1, A. A. S. R. The Grand Master ruled that a youth who was not of age when be filled out his petition but was 21 when initiated could lawfully be made a Freemason. Another Grand Master, toward the rising sun, ruled that a candidate must be twenty-one when he signs his petition. George Washington was not twenty-one when he was initiated, yet he made a fairly good Freemason, notwithstanding what was written not long ago by a fiction writer who tried to spit in the face of the Father of his Country. The strong wind of public indignation blew the slime back in his own face. Dr. Cadman in comment said,路 quoting the proverb that "a pup can look at a King." That "one has only to look on the two faces to see that the pup looked at the King, but did not look like the King." When some one mentioned the matter to President 'Coolidge he looked out the window and then remarked, "The Monument is still there." Closing.
The Grand Master's closing words are: "In conclusion, I wish to state that it has been a great disappointment to me that I was unable to visit more Lodges. I willed otherwise, but with our weak human vision, there are many things we cannot see or understand. I do not know who is the author of the following lines. They were presented to me by my mother. 'God's plans like flowers pure and white unfold, We must not tear the close-shut leaves apart; Time will reveal the calyxes of gold; And when through patient toil we reach the land Where tired feet, with sandals loosed, may restWhen we shall know and understand, I think that we shall say: 'God knew the best'."
The Grand Secretary is correspondent. He refers briefly in a fraternal way to our communication of 192:6. Speaks of the Dedication of our Masonic Temple at St. Louis in the. presence of 2'5,000 spectators and notes our action in declining to make a salute to the Flag a part of our opening ceremony. He quotes these words of greeting from Rev. ,C. C. Woods, D. D., Past Grand Master and Grand Correspondent Emeritus:
"I have been a Freemason for nearly three score years. I am now in my eighty-ninth year and looking back over the past, my observation and experience impress me more and more with the fact that Freemasonry is the most complete system of moral philos路 ophy known to man-needing only to make it divinely perfectthat of accepting the Gallilean-the Man of the Garden and of the Cross as the Son of God, Our Redeemer and Friend! Peace be with you!"
This was his last message. On Monday, May 12, he peacefully fell. asleep at his winter home at Sarasota, Florida. His remains were nr.ought to Marshall, Missouri, where he began his ministry in 1860. At his request the funeral service at Marshall and the burial service at Arrow Rock, where some of his loved ones sleep, were conducted by Rev. Arthur Mather, D. D., Grand Chaplain, and Rev. C. H. Briggs, D. D., Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. Had he live~ till July 1, he would have been eighty-nine. "Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?"
Grand Master, C. IC. James. Grand Master, Elected, James F. Berry, Pachuca, IIgo, Mexico. Grand Secretary, A. P. Hughes, Mexico City. Correspondent, M. A. Loery, Mexico City. Lodges. 14. Members, 893. Gain, 5. All Lodges Represented. SIXTY-SEVENTH ANrNUAL. Pachuca, Hidalgo, April 14, 1!927. Present.
8 Grand Officers; 5 Past Grand Masters; including these the total number of votes cast was 63. 18 Grand Representatives were present, among them Missouri's Representative, our own Mark A. Loevy, Past Grand Master, who was made a Freemason in St. Louis, and who is an occasional and welcome visitor to our Grand Lodge. The writer of this review in 1922 brought back from Mexico City M. W. Bro. Loevy's check for $500 for a Library Fund in honor of Dr. W. F. Kuhn. Grand Master's Address.
The Grand Master reported the recognition of the York Grand Lodge by Florida, North Carolina, Delaware, Nova Scotia, Canada,
'l'ennessee. Saskatchewan, and Kentucky. Since his address was written Texas has recognized the York Grand Lodge, thus making amends for its mistaken action in withdrawing recognition seven or eight years ago. In 1922 the writer spent four days in Tampico, set its commandery to work under its charter, preached one Sunday morning in the Masonic Temple, and gave a public Masonic address. From Tampico he went to Mexico City where he visited Anahuac Lodge No.3 and he gave a Masonic address and Teltec Lodge No.1 where he witnessed the conferring of the Third Degree. By invitation 路of the Master he gave the Lecture and Charge. On, Sunday he preached in Christ Church Cathedral. There is no good reason why any American -Grand Lodge should withhold recognition of the York Grand Lodge of Mexico. Those brethren are our kind of Freemasons. Visitations.
The Grand Master reported eieven visitations. were for the purpose of dedicating Masonic Halls.
Two of them
New Masonic Hall in Mexico City.
In addition to the above named dedications he had the pleasure on March 12, 1927, of dedicating the new Masonic Hall in Mexico City which will serve Toltec Lodge No.1, Anahuge Lodge No.3. Mexico City Chapter No. 1 and Ivanhoe Commandery U. D. The York Grand Lodge has its office in this building. In 1922 Tampico Lodge No. 10 which now has 381 members, owned a Temple worth at least $100.000. Need of a German Speaking Lodge.
The Lodges work in the English Language but the Grand Master said there was a growing need for a German speaking Lodge. Mexican Masonry.
We quote from the address, on this subject: "We regret that as yet we cannot see our way to extend recognition to Mexican Grand Lodges. With no antagonism whatever existing between us, we feel that we cannot associate with them because their conception of Freemasonry is entirely different to ours. Should the Mexican Grand Lodges comply with the fundamental principles as known in England and the United States. we would be the first to offer them the hand of friendship. We need
as requisites, belief in the one Living and True God, the presence of the Holy Bible on the altar at all communications, a strict adherence to the Landmarks, no discussion of religion or politics in the Lodge and absence of treaties with so-called higher Bodies. We find that most of the British and American Grand Lodges refuse recognition to the Grand Lodges of France, Italy, Spain and others On account of their inability to meet the above requirements. Our stand is not an arbitrary one. It is simply the effort on our part to uphold undefiled Freemasonry and to associate with Brethren who have adopted a similar interpretation as ourselves of the principles of the Order."
The Report is by Missouri's Grand Representative, Past Grand Ma,ster, Mark A. Loevy. He gives full and fraternal recognition to Missouti. He has this to say of our New Temple in St. Louis which the Grand Lodge dedicated in 1926: "This was a real Grand Communication because the magnificent new temple erected by the members of this Grand Jurisdiction was consecrated and dedicated to the Fraternity. There may be more stately and magnificent structures elsewhere, but this building will be considered as the peak of excellence for Masonic meetings and communications. Even the most simple and inconsiderable details an~ conveniences have been provided for, and genius consists in looking after trifles."
He regrets that no review of their Proceedings appears in our report. "We desire always to hear what Missouri thinl{s about one of the Grand Lodges it has sponsored so many years."
He is right in thinking this omission was on account of failure to receive their Proceedings.
The following Foreign Grand Lodges are recognized as regular by the Grand Lodge of Missouri: Grand Loqge.
Grand Secretary.
Alberta ........•..... S. Y. Taylor.•....•.....Calgary. British Columbia W. A. DeWolf Smith New Westminster. Canada Wm. M. Logan Hamilton, Onto Chili (at Santiago) Augustin I. Palma Santiago. Felix V. Proval Perez .. ~ ~;::::"~o 72. Cuba (Island of) Denmark ..........••Rasmus O. Nielsen ~openhagen. Eclectic Union Philipp Hertz Frankfort-on-Maln. England ••......••.... Sir P. Colville Smith London. France (National ~ 108 Boulevard and Independent Douglas Warne...... Sebastopol Grand Lodge of) . . . . . Paris. Germany (National)... m. Wald Berlin. Ireland Henry C. Shellard Dublin. Manitoba ........•....James A. Ovas .•....... Winnipeg. Netherlands ...•......H. P. Van Niewenbur~.. The Hague. St. John. New Brunswick ....•..John Twining Hartt New South' Wales ....• David Cunningham Sydney. New Zealand George Barclay Dunedin Norway .........••.•• R. Rosenquist ........•• Christiana. Nova Scotia James C. Jones Halifax. . Panama City. Panama ..••.••.•.••• Victor J esurun ••..... ~ Rep. of Panama. Box 350. Manila, Box 990. Philippine Islands ...•. Newton C. Comfort Porto . Rico Jose G. Torres San Juan. Prince Edward Island.Ernest Kemp Charlottetown. Quebec W. W. Williamson ...•..Montreal. Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) .... Chas. H. Harley ....•...Brisbane. Royal York of Prussia.G. MitzlafL Berlin. ~ San Salvador, San Salvador Tomas Soley........ 1 Cent. Am. Saskatchewan .......• W. B. Tate ..........••. Regina. Saxony Rudolph Gottschall Dresden. Scotland ........••... Thomas G. Winning ,Edinburgh. South Australia Chas. R. J. Glover •...•• Adelaide.
1928.] Grand Lodge.
Grand Secretary.
Sweden ......••...... Nils Flensburg.•....... Stockholm. Tasmania' W. H. Strutt ......••••• Hobart. Three Globes Erich Meyssner.....•... Berlin. United. Gra.nd Lodge ~ William Stewart Melbourne. of VIctorIa........ f Western Australia ,J. D. Stevenson Perth. York Grand Lodge of ~ A. Percival Hughes t Mexico City. .Mexico, F. & A. M.. 5 P. O. Box 1986 f Zur Eintracht K. Kahlert ..••....•.••.• Darmstadt. Zur Sonne ......•.•...• Herman Blumel ...•.... Bayreuth.
Alabama George A. Beauchamp Montgomery. Arizona Harry A. Bachman Tucson. Arkansas Fay Hempstead Little Rock. California John Whicher.....••.... San Francisco. Colorado ....•.••..•••Wm. W. Cooper Denver. Connecticut ....•.....George A. Kies Hartford. Delaware .•...••.••••• John F. Robinson ••.••• Wilmington. District of Columbia ..• J. Claude Keiper Washington, D. C. J.i""'lorida Wilbur P. Webster Jacksonville. Georgia ............•• Frank F. Baker .....•.. Macon. Idaho Curtis F. Pike Boise. Owen Scott ..•....••.•• Decatur Illinois Indiana Wm. H. Swintz •••• ~ ••• Indianapolis Iowa Charles C. Hunt. Cedar Rapids. Kansas ............•••Elmer F. Strain.: Topeka. Kentucky Fred W. Hardwick Louisville. Louisiana Jno. A. Davilla New Orleans. Maine Charles B. Davis Portland. Maryland George Cook .....•.•... Baltimore. Massachusetts Frederick W. Hamilton Boston. Michigan Lou B. Winsor Grand Rapids. Minnesota John FisheL St. Paul. Missouri ...........•. Arthur Mather , St. Louis. Meridian. Mississippi ..........• Edward L. Faucette Montana ~ .•. Luther T. Hauberg Helena. Nebraska ..........•• Lewis E. Smith Omaha. "Nevada Frank D. King Reno. New Hampshire Harry M. Cheney Concord. Isaac ChQrry Trentoo. New Jersey New Mexico Alpheus A. Keen ..••... Albuquerque. New york Robt. J. Kenworthy New York. North Carolina .......• J. H. Anderson Raleigh. North Dakota Walter L. Stockwell Fargo. 5Harry S. Johnson, 224 Ohio '1 Central" Office Bldg .. Cincinnati. Oklahoma Wm. M. Anderson Guthrie. Oregon D. R. Cheney Portland. Pennsylvania John A. Perry Philadelphia.
Rhode Island Harold L. McAuslan Providence. South Carolina 0. Frank Hart Columbia. South Dakota George A. Pettigrew Sioux Falls. Tennessee Stith M. Cain Nashville. Texas .........•...... W. B.. Pearson Waco. Utah Sam H. Goodwin Salt Lake City. Vermont H. H. Ross Burlington. Virginia ...........•.. James M. Clift Richmond. Washington Horace W. Tyler Tacoma. West Virginia George S. Laidley Charleston. Wisconsin Wm. F. Weiler Milwaukee. Wyoming J. M. Lowndes Casper. Alberta S. Y. Taylor .........•..Calgary. British Columbia W. A. De Wolf Smith New Westminster. Canada Wm. M. Logan .....•••. Hamilton, Onto Chili (at Santiago) Augustin 1. Palma.•... :Santiago. Cuba Felix V. Proval Perez ..Havana. Denmark Rasmus 0.' Nielsen Copenhagen. Eclectic Union Phillip Hertz Frankfort-on-Main. England Sir P. Colville Smith London. France (National and Independent Douglas Warne Paris. Grand Lodge of).. 108 Boulevard Sebastopol Germany (National) Wm. Wald Berlin. Ireland Henry C. Shellard Dublin. Manitoba James A. Ovas Winnipeg. Netherlands A. F. L. Faubel The Hague. New Brunswick John Twining Hartt St. John. New South Wales David Cunningham Sydney. New Zealand George Barclay Dunedin Norway R. Rosenquist Christiana. Nova Scotia James C. Jones Halifax. Panama City, Panama .........•....Victor J esurun { Rep. of Panama . : Box 350. Philippine Islands Newton C. Comfort Manila. Box 990. Porto Rico Jose G. Torres San Juan.
Appendix. State.
[Sept. Addreslt.
Prince Edward Island .• Ernest Kemp Charlottetown. Quebec W. W. Williamson Montreal. Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Chas. H. Harley Brisbane. Royal York of Prussla.G. Mitzlatr Berlin. San Salvador.•.....••. Tomas Soley San Salvador, C. A. Saskatchewan W. B. Tate Regina. Saxony Rudolph Gottschall Dresden. Scotland Thomas G. Winning Edinburgh. South Australia Chas. R. J. Glover Adelaide. Sweden ....•.•..••...• Nils Flensburg Stockholm. Tasmania ...........•W. H. Strutt Hobart. Three Globes Erich Meyssner Berlin. United G. L. of Victoria. William Stewart Melbourne. Western Australia J. D. Stevenson Perth. York Grand Lodge of A. Percival Hughes ~ . Mexico, F. & A. M.) P. O. Box 1986 ) Mexico CIty. Zur Eintracht .....•..K. Kahlert .•....•.....Darmstadt. Zur Sonne Herman .Blumel Bayreuth.
Appointed near Other Grand Lodges by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Grand Lodga. Name. I Address. Alabama H. G. Earnest Annlston. CIlfton. Arizona •••••••...••••Jas.. S. Cromb Arkansas ••.....•.....M. W. Greeson Prescott. British Columbia William Astley Vancouver. California Wm. T. Lucas ..•....... Santa Marla. Canada Donald Sutherland Princeton. Cuba •....•......•....Cal1xto Fajardo Havana. Frank G. Mirick ••...•... Pueblo. Colorado Connecticut .........•.Leonard J. Nickerson West Cornwall. Lewes. Delaware George C. Maull District of Columbia Alexander McKenzie Washington. England Braxton Baker London. Florida Richard B. Lovett Tampa. Georgia ..........••.•Wm. Bordley Clarke Savannah. Idaho ....•..•........ Lester G. Taylor Paul. Illinois George A. Stadler Decatur. Indiana Herbert A. Graham Indianapolis. [reland ........••..•••Wm. Hamilton Dublin. Kansas •.••..••.••••••Perry M. Hoisington Newton. Louisiana ..........•. Lee E. Thomas Shreveport. Maine Chas. B. Davis Portland. Michigan Neil W. Murray Detroit. Minnesota ...........• Albert T. Pray ...•.... Minneapolis. Mississippi .•....••••.John Foggo Dixon Natchez. Manitoba ........•.•••Alex. B. Callin Russell. Maryland R F. Lucas Baltimore. Montana W. M. Montgomery ..••.Anaconda. Nebraska Samuel S. Whiting Lincoln. Nevada Nealy H. Chapin Ely. John Twining Hartt St. John. New Brunswick Oscar Earle Jewell Warner. . New Hampshire New Jersey Ch'as. C. Scott Paterson. New South Wales James T. Smiles Sydney. George Engel Springville. New york Wm. Waring De Castro. Wellington. New Zealand Walter E. Moore Webster. North Carolina North Dakota Harry Lord Cando.
132 Grand Lodge.
[Sept. Address.
Nova Scotia Israel Edw. Sanford Halifax. Ohio ........••..••... James W. Morgan Jackson. Oklahoma ••..•....... Wm. P. Freeman McAlester. Oregon •.............• H. Beckwith Portland. Panama Julio Icaza Panama City. Philippine Islands...•.. Amos G. Bellis Manila. Porto Rico Chas. O. Lord San Juan. Prince Edward Island.. C. C. Carlton .........•. Souris. Quebec .....•.........T. A. Howard Aylmer. Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) ... Samuel James Cossart ..Brisbane. Rhode Island ........•. Henry S. See .Providence. Scotland .•.......•..••W. Munro Denholm Glasgow. South Australia ..•.••. Wm. James· Host. Adelaide. South Carolina .•......Geo. T. Bryan Greenville. South Dakota Jno. K. Kutnewsky Redfield. Tasmania •....•...•.. Herbert Hays Hobart. Tennessee .........••.Frank E. Bartley White Pine. Texas ...............•Dan S. McMillin Whitewright. Utah .............•... Sidney Watson Badcon..Ogden. Vermont ...........••• Seymour C. Hard Arlington. Victoria .....•..••..••Baron Marks Melbourne. Virginia ...•.....•••••George W. Wright Marion. Washington ......•••. Louis F. Hart ......•... Tacoma. Western Australia A. C. Munro Perth. West Virginia ....••...P. P. Lester Fort Gay. WiBconsin ••••..••••••Chas. E. George Weyauwega. York Grand Lodge of l Mexico, F. & A. M. f Marcus A. Loevy Mexico City.
Appointed by Other Grand Lodges Near the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Grand Lodge.
Alabama Wm. A. Clark Jefferson City. Arizona .....•....••.• Byrne E. Bigger Hannibal. Arkansas James A. Boone .....•..Charleston. British Columbia Gib. W. Carson St. Louis. Canada Wm. S.Carnpbell St. Louis. Colorado ••••••••••••• Sol E. Waggoner St. Louis. Connecticut Reuben Barney Chillicothe. Cuba James H. Scarborough Warrensburg. Delaware ........••... H. R. Mason Marceline. District of Columbia John K. Dulaney Slater. England Ray V. Denslow .st. Louis. Florida ..............• Julius C. Garrell St. Louis. Georgia ........•...•. W. W. Martin .Doniphan. Idaho " Carl A. Swenson ......•. Mountain Grove. Illinois Du Val Smith St. Joseph. Indiana John H. Barr Kansas City. Ireland J ohn P. Austin St. Louis. Kansas Chas. L. Woods ..•......Rolla. Kentucky '" .F. C. Barnhill Marshall. Louisiana John Pickard Collimbia. Maine ....•........... James A. Kinder Cape Girardeau Manitoba ........••••. Charles H. Pope St. Louis. . Marylanci James W. Skelly ......• St. Louis. Michigan •...........• Orestes Mitchell St. Joseph. Minnesota Arch A. Johnson Springfield. Mississippi .........•• W. W. Wigginton Moberly. Montana Curtis J. NeaL Cape Girardeau. Nebraska ••.••......••.................................. Nevada Seymour Hoyt .........• Kansas City. New Brunswick.....••• Guy C. Million Boonville.' New Hampshire Henry C. Chiles Lexington. New 'Jersey.•.......... William C. Rese St. Louis. New South Wales B. C. Hunt Columbia. New york ............• Fred B. Howarth St. Louis. New Zealand .•........ E. W. Tayler Marceline. North Carolina Geo. W. Walker ....••.. Cape Girardeau. North Dakota F. L. Magoon St. Louis. Nova Scotia ....•••..•. Wm. R. Gentr.y, Sr St. Louis.
134 Grand Lodge.
Appendix. Name.
[Sept. Address.
Ohio ....••...•••.•... Fred O. Wood Kansas City. Oklahoma .••••••.••.. Samuel R. Freet Kansas City. Kansas City. Oregon ....••....•.... Thad B. Landon Panama •..•....••.••. R. H. Woods ••.••.••.•• Versailles Philippine Islands Anthony F. Ittner St. Louis. Prince Edward Island.. W. B. Massey Bonne Terre. Quebec Geo. C. Marquis Independence. Queensland (United Grand Lodge of) Forrest C. Donnell St. Louis. T. W. Cotton ..........• Van Buren. Rhode Island Scotland Andrew J. O'Reilly St. Louis. South Australia Theo. C. Teel St. Louis. South Carolina Wm. B. Wood Rosendale. South Dakota..•..••..•James B. Wright ;Trenton. Tasmania ......•••••• S. P. Cunningham Mexico. Tennessee C. H. Briggs ..••........ Springfield. Texas .........••••••• Thos. H. Reynolds Kansas City. Utah ............. .••• A. B. Frey St. Louis. Vermont ..•..••...•••• J. R. McLachlan Kahoka. Victoria ............•• R. R. Kreeger .........•Kansas City. Virginia ............•. Thos. F. Hurd ...•....•• Paris. Washington V. F. Boor.....•......• Kansas City. West Virginia ........• C. Lew Gallant St. Louis. Western Australia ..... Edward Higbee ......•.. Kirksville. Wisconsin •........... Joseph S. McIntyre .•...St. Louis. York Grand Lodge of ~ Wm. T. Jamison Kansas City. Mexico, F. & A. M.
DEATHS. No. of Lodge
Name of Party
Ole Petersen Gustave J. Nieman Wm. M. Courson Wm. A. Meyer Lockridge Green Columbus S. Jones Fredk. 路W. Harstick Thomas H. Oldham Samuel E. Bamber George T. Eckhardt John C. Higdon George P. Root J. George Heid 2. Herman F. Simon Charles M. Hei! Theo..J. Von Debski Adolph Troll Benj. E. Burton Wm. B. Levy Louis C. Rixmann Fredk. E. Thieme Fred C. Hahn Geo. C. Coombs 3. Andrew F. Gahn William H. Niebling Fredk. W. Grundmann John J. Borgstede Oliver Carter Charles R. Eddens John Olive George W. Davison Fedder Lucas H. Adam Schweitzer William C. Pelster Erwin Schott John H. Hesse Andrew L. Rockwell Edward D. Thorne John F. Voss meyer Wm. J. Sederberg Oscar L. Blatter Lloyd Woods Herman L. Vinkemeyer 5. William E. McWade Ernest Emerton Richard C. Parks Mathias Hauber Job Newton
No. of Lodge
6. 7. 9.
10. 11. 13. 14. 16.
19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24.
Name of J:>arty
Chester H. Cartwright Joseph E. Walton Sam Hessinger Moses Levy Samuel D. Boler Wm. O. Beiderlinden Wm. T. Zink John R. White Wm. J. McPheeters James M. Ledgerwood John W. Fresh L. W. Newland J. C. T. Wood F. A. Chauncey Kaiser W. Kimpel John T. Slaughter William F. Kier Edward S. Horn Bernard H. Otto Arthur F. Gronemeyer James W. Nelson Robert Craig Harry J. Paul Wentworth Terry David A. Fletcher Lewis D. Putnam Henry T. Owsley Thomas L. Hill Kemp M. Hufford J. P. Jett Geo. H. Lawton N. M. Pettingill Lee R. Briggs Elisha Russell Thomas J. Noonan John M. McGee Max Eiseman Wm. H. Goldman Peter Schaffnit Hubert R. Estes Emanuel Heller Joseph Moller Max Jacobs Fred. Suessdorf Emil C. Bleish Albert Derge Elbert E. Hickman Ben F. Blackwood
No. of Lodge
24. 25. 26. 28.
29. 30. 31.
32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 43.
Name of Party
J. T. Muir Chas H. Watkins Henry Klineline Charles A. Parks George M. Long John A. Bishop Thomas N. Crump John H. Vark J. W. McIntire J. H. McKee John W. Walker C. C; Courtney R. L. Crockett J. L. Dougherty Jacob S. Hooper Hiram A. Allen Theodore W. Clark Stuart L. Penn Edgar Meek C. J. Mullinax Geo. R. Thompson P. C. Nuckols Wm. Grimes Carlos C. Byler Sterling S. Stevenson Hugh Weissenborn Frank R. Mestemacher Harry Fred Marx Edw. Sicher Edw. A. Zott Alfred C. Krome Edw. Otto Schlosser Fred Bollhorst John L. Koenig Wm. F. Bentzen Wm. B. Mason Henry W. Bewig Henry H. Kienemann Fred L. Steiner Fred Julius Brunk Arnold P. Clement Daniel Stewart John Henry Pahlmann Fred C. Wangelin Jacob Finkel Charles J. Riley C. V. Coxey A. D. Smith Wm. N. Phillips M. E. Pinkerton
No. of Lodge
43. 45. 46.
47. 48. 49. 50.
51. 52.
53. 54. 55. 57.
59. 61. 62. 63. 64. 66. 67.
Name of Party
J. W. Shepherd John T. Short Louis Hiram Stevens George W. Sappington Fred M. Justus Wm. H. McCormick Charles T. Richards John W. Nichols John M. Reynolds J. Sam Watson Joseph D. Eberts Roy P. Landon Henry M. Ross C. A. Hawkins Ed. R. Brown Chas. H. Fariss French W. Gibson Reuben M. Glaze Ben S. Heins WaIter E. Rucker Wm. M. Weaver Samuel M. Cecil John A. Dale John Thorn George R. Richards J. P. Biggs T. B. Morris W. H. Eades James M. Buchanan Derwood B. Brady Louie T. Child Green N. McCaistion Joseph E. Sanderson Luke W. Seward John M. Marshall Yancy Jones Thomas B. Wade T. R. Landrum Hy. Larkin Russell E. Cater Roy Neff W. George Sloan E. A. Leisure Vol. P. Young J. A. Teter J. A. Gallaher E. G. Walker Wm. W. Adams Sam Simmons C. T. Hopper
1928.] No. of Lodge
68. 69. 70. 71.
72. 73. 74. 75. 76.
77. 78.
80. 82. 83. 84.
Appendix.. Name of Party
W. A. Post Geo. T. Dunmire Joseph Sappington ' Jas. E. Simmons Lewis W. Woodson Edwin L. Hawkinson Geo. D. Crowley Wm. K. James Geo. F. Wilson J. Porter Cooper Jack A. McLean A. W. Hicks H. J. Sieweke J. C. T. Kubo John H. Walter, Sr. William M.路 Aylor John S. Curry John K. Hoover B. Manley Houchins Richard L. Manahan George W. Smith Alonzo A.Bass Chas. Russell Antone Sietzen F. C. Weaver Chas. F. Wurtzler Peter M. Milbourne ;Carl R. Ellis Clifford L. Grant Theola Wachtel Fred Paradise Clyde Gary Robert Young John B. French Hiram C. Russell Charles E. Hale Solomon Batavia Frank B. Arrow Sidney Shepherd Chas. W. Reighard H. F. Carter Jasper P. Fell Cary Reed Andrew O. Mayfield Thomas A. Vernon E. Adolph Braun Henry Jackson Joseph W. Kerr Robert C. Nelson Greorge L. Burruss'
No. of Lodge'
85. 86. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92.
94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.
100. 103. 104.
Name of Party
Henry W. Mertens Richard N. Bowden William J. Dunscomb James W. Tippe Austin M. Rhoder, William W. Warner William George Wm. F. Alexander J. M. Jordan J. W. Kemery C. L. Meriwether George Parker Clifford Smith Jas. A. Thomason. Stephen B. Fraser Lem Hill Henry A. Leher David 'Looney James C. Murdock William W. Norman Warren C. Patton Moses Wllybark John S. Cooper Charles H. Calley Charles F. Eggerding Arthur R. Maness Robert J. Ebrecht John W. Frye H. M. Baker Joseph Farber Bruce Wm. McCoy Jeff B. James G. C. Stabley James D. Whaley Frank B. Tarter Loren Hill Thos. J. Killingsworth John W. Nickel Wm. M. Land George W. Bast Ed. H. Breward Sol Weinberg Frank Woodington James E. Cb.ristos Rocco Sarli Wm. Block Jos. Levey Angelo Carpora M. G. Samuel Morris J. Zack
No. of Lodge
104. 105. 107.
109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114.
. 115. 118. 119. 120.
123. 124.
Name of Party
Max Finkelstein Wm. S. Hicks Sherman Stookey Frank Mock Wm. J. Milster Merit M. Sheets Elija J. Dalton Henry H. Clinton John J. Cain Isaac N. O'Neale Fred Bonsor Samuel C. Hanna Nicholas Robertson Louis Woldridge Wm. H. Smock Thos. V. Morrow Wm. S. Pugsley Robinson Cook David Klass James Nunley Chandler D. Davis George H. Baehr L. W. McCay H. E.Christrup Joshua Lane G. L. Glenn Orner R. Couch Ollie Hubbard John T. Brink John A. Beller B. Frank Higgins Chas. Jamison Joel G. Brink August Mende Henry Kassing Fred. W. Abeken Charles E. Hesse Albert J. Banta John A. Meisel Albert H. Haeseler Jean Reutlinger Theodore Lange Charles H. Kicker August Voigt Otto Ritter Joseph C. Kuelker Frederick A. Koch W. A. Cooper Wm. H. Tainter William H. Fuson
No. of Lodge
125. 126.
128. 129.
130. 131. 132.
133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 142. 144. 145. 146.
147. 148. 149.
Name of Party
John F. Williams Erasmus M. Capp Chas. C. Jones Frank S. Leach James Morris Dennis Sullivan James Z. Bishop Lorin W. Price Jay A. Tipton George B. Daugherty John W. Baty Frank Clendenning Daniel Guinney Ora H. Hudson Joseph L. Lane Sigmund Solomon ",.,.. C.. Foster J. P. Trussell DeForest P. Fuller Abijah B. Sparks Simpson B. Allison J. Hugh Long Philip S. Cole James E. Beard Carl Gaebe Jas. E. Brewer William W. Reese William Innis Sterling P. Stayton Chas. B. Rear Gomer E. Jones Roy J. Nunn Cash Wenkle C. Johnson Benjamin F. Petree Bryant E. Matlock Daniel C. Parks James H. Rennison Jas. R. Burford T. J. Head C. N. Hahn John W. Click Robert W. Marr Wm. C. Teter Chas. J. Wright Manson M. Anthony W. A. Boucher Albert S. Loomis Ray Thompson Samuel W. Williams
No. of Lodge
150. 152. 154. 155. 156. 158. 159. 160. 161. 163.
165. 166. 169. 172.
174. 177. 178. 179.
184. 186. 187. 188.
1928.] Name of Party
Samuel J. Harper John S. Wier Samuel Mays Whitley Bryant Philip. S. Bates Wm. Kiewett Lank White T. E. Whitfield Geo. Wm. Waters OrvilI E. Hamilton Newton C. Stevens William T. Bailey L. N. Cox William W. Jones Ferris M. Stamper William Haas Allen F. McCord James Wark Moses H. Alexander Frank O. Nichols Walter W. Candy George B. Mulholland Julian A. Briggs Aaron J. Carnahan Sytch L. Perrin Charles F. Bishop Edw. I. Hagan Alfred B. Miller Andrew O. Sandberg Otha Gibson Henry H. Smallwood Guilford A. Leavitt Hugh P. Wells Edward H. Higbee Jas. W. Murray Woolford G. Carmer WIn. Joseph Routh. Edwin P. Seaton Gustav A. Springrneyer John A. Krone David Reeder Chas. C. Bridwell Marshall Brodi Wm. H. Bugg John H. Goodin W. W. Adams George E. Swetnam L. R. Bowman W. A. Martin R. E. Richart
-No. of Lodge
190. 191. 194. 195.
196. 197.
198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 207.
Name of Party
F. E. Hollingshead C. J. Raymond M. S. Martin H. S. Dudding H. E. Gleason J. W. Daulton George B. Arnold August F. Braun Harry S.Craig Willard S. Dillon Gustaf W. Holman Samuel A. Lewin Nathan K. Nelson Thos J. Payne Maurice W. Steiner Phillip J. Weckerlin George E. Winter Robert D. Robinson D. Ed. Scheniman William Bidelman Horace Doughty William J. Cox Eddy R. Dawson Thomas Greer L. G. Robertson Nicholas Palmerton Ruben J. Claflin Chas. E. Huber路 Ernest B. Jacobs Chas. W. Rackliff Edward Tilton James T. Walker Thomas G. Ellis Lafe Morgan Wm. A. Frampton Ira A. Wells Wrn. F. McLaughlin Willis J. Smith George Ketchum Willard Bear Joseph McWilliams R. W. McKissock Jas. Wilders John Polk Corder Joseph P. Bisbee Kirtley T. Bryant Calvin Hauser John H. Pfeiffer Gordon A. Rardin Benj. F. Mason
140 No. of Lodge
208. 209. 210. 212. 213.
215. 216. 217. 218.
219. 220.
Appendix. Name of Party
Fred Lamb J. D. Brummall Chas. W. Aldridge Arthur W. Moore F. Holt Richards Arch S. Glendenning James R. Richey D. W. Comstock John 路W. Menefee Jas. M. Connis John W. Harris Sam F. Arthur Jno. V. Yewell H. H. Hohenschild Chas. E. Martin J. M. Shumate Wesley J. Lunsford Joseph P. Adams Edward Wilkes W. F. Brooks George D. Williams Baker Wilhelm Jasper E. Todd F. W. McNeil F. S. Edwards Edward H. Christie Henry T. Metz Richard' G. Shore Alex. Marshall, Sr. Frank A.Ternetz Frank A. Stephan Albert P. Klein Herman J. Hinsman August C. Reisert Nielsen M. Petersen A. D. L. Hamilton Orvin E. Loose John R. Loosen Joseph H. Brady Aaron L. Schmehl Charles R. Freeman Patrick H. Horton John H. Robbie Wm. W. Gregory Edwin F. Jewell James R. Welsh Robert J. Johnston Roy S. Moulden Samuel M. Beggs Thomas G. Butler
'No. of Lodge
220. 222.
224. 225.
226. 228.
229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 236.
237. 238. 241. 243.
Name of Party
Holly H. Hensley Archibald A. Pearson D. L. Brooking Wm. Brooking D. H. Wilson J. C. McReynolds Archie A. Dustin John A. Neal Geo. R. Kenamore Jno. M. Chumley Jeptha Perry Jno. M. Stephens Lemuel Pidcock David C. DeHority Robert J. Boas Ulysis Simon Dean Leon Lhote Mort D. Ayers Thomas R. Parker W. R. Smock Newton E. Williams W. F. Hackett A. D. Loper S. J. Rozell Robt. McC. Brown Robert E. Kennedy Joseph E. Thomas Samuel W. Grant John W. Rouse Wm. B. Scott Lewis J. Sturgess Svan P. Alquist H. Rives Camp Harry E. Carpenter John Devlin Emil Dorn Earl Samuel Gold John' W. Goodwin Thomas M. Jones DeWitt 'C. McDougall Joel E. Roark Wm. H. Simmons T. J. Scott J. W. Estes S. B. Wells Ernst A. Schnedler John L. Bankson Ernest F. Neuman Aug. C. Rohman Clark S. Green
No. of Lodge
245. 246. 247.
248. 249. 252. 253. 254. 256. 257. 259. 260. 261. 263. 264. 265.
266. 267.
1928.] Name of Party
Harold G. Vierheller Edw. B. Wicks Theo. G. Hoffman Wm. E. Fish Harry W. Schowatter Abram G. Bradt Herman F. Binder E. N. Pendleton Aaron Hubbard Jas. P. Benny Paul C. Stader J ohp. H. Smith Joseph S. Rowe F. J. Begham Chas. E. Prettyman, Sr. J. M. Waltrip John C. Brown Jas. 'ltV. Evans Preston Millsapps Ben F. Wood Joseph E. Little William P. 8evier Silas W. Moxey Wm. Egginton Lee Horton Andrew Bone Edward S. Terry John H. White Thos. Livergood B. S. Baker D. D. Baker T. D. Powell E. L. Zellars C. J. Tucker C. L. Mann Jesse J. rCulp James M. Taylor Harry A. Reid Oscar D. Warnick Isaac W. Rogers Robert T. Fryer Wm. E. Hale Andrew J. Douglass Otto W. Arndt Theo. W. Remmers Warren B. Foskett Eug. Grandjean James Brown Louis Schlewing Louis Wollbrinck
No. of Lodge
268. 269. 270.
274. 276. 278. 279. 281. 282.
283. 284. 285. 286.
2,87. 288.
Name of Party
Charles M. Henry J. Frank Miller Martin E. Brown D. T. Killian W. Alexander Frank Elston M. A. Argent W. V. Bra~eal M. A. Muratta G. W. Thompson G. M. Sebree R. L. Toombs O. A. Winton Ch:as. H. Zoll David B. Cunningham Chas. E. Brown John E. Ahern Wm. H. Holcroft Henry' C. Wood Chas. I. Wilson John W. Brooks Frank Elwell John D. Brooks Joel W. Dowdy Levi R. Breshears, Sr. John H. Theiss John B. Pachall Gotleib Sievers Fredk. Wm. Rietdorf Leo Kory Chas. A. Huffman Wilfred A. Yackey, Jr. Joseph J. Angelly Abbey Strausse John Hanna Brown Samuel Edgar Parks Meyer Jacob Lippe Charles Vogt, Jr. E. N. Ballenger ,C. E. Brown J. H. Bradley W. B. White B. F. Gregory A. J. Hall, Sr. L. W. Pfast W. E. Shelton Chas. C. Clark Chas. H. Miller Harry F. Ward Wm. J. Turner
142 No. of Lodge
289. 290. 292.
293. 295. .296. 299.
300. 302. 303.
Name of Party
E. W. Geyer J. Elzie Deck J. L. McComb Geo. W. Stapleton Pinkney Weaver Ralph W. Martin E. H. Hitchcock Geo. W. WoOd George W. Longan J. R. McGuire J. W. Farmer Gustave A. Ackermann Frank Ballew James W. Beeler Walter A. Bunker Galen B. Conway Charles B. Craver George N. Doan 'William H. Farney Irwin C. Franklin Charles E. Grant Alexander Hutcheson Edward C. Johnston Fred Kopseker Edward H. Kundegraber Frank C. McCarahan Walter G. Makepeace Gilbert D. Marks George H. Martling Carl Murphy Charles P. Nellist Allen Lowery Porter Paul A. Rathbun George H. Scithers James Simmons George H. Smith William A. Swan Herbert G. Tureman Reynier Van Evera Ira C. VanNoy Robert H. Wagner James A. Whitehead Horace D. Wilson James H. Jones Virgil Langley A. H.Martin Wm. T. Elliott Chas. E. Gilbert Geo. R. Godfrey Jas. L. Horner Robt. L. Hays
No. of Lodge
304. 305. 306. 308. 310. 311. 313. 314. 316.
317. 318. 319. 321. 322.
324. 327.
[Sept. Name of Party
John E. King Herbert W. Leland Theo. Lacoff Jas. W. Ruppell C. C. Martin John M. Stanford Wm. Bell Richard B. Estep Aretus C. Johnson Oscar E. Kendall George W. 'Chrisman James M. Soper Adolph Niehoff Wm. A. Withrow Thos. B. Swindle Charles D. Parker James F. Wood Verne G. Cuthbert Kimber L. Barton John Forbes David L. McLean SidneY T. Stout Hugo Eyssell Albert Utt Ray P. McConnell William J. Bound A. L. Newton John W. Wright Jobe Rainier W. H. Stephenson W. N. Robertson Chas. D. Cole Riley V. Seward Josiah Beery Oliver K. Swinney Howard B. Morrison James St. J. Lambe Alexander Loeb Benj. Saenger George A. Slatery Andrew B. Koenig' Edw. H. Horschmann Henry Mindlin Mahlon W. Eckert Nigel Sykes Paul H. C. Kieser Lewis Belshe W. W. McLelland E. T. Fisher Eli Thornburgh
1928.] No. of Lodge
Appendix. Name of Party
H. T. Smith R. G. Martin L. T. Reed Robt. Mullins 328. 1. B. Woodward 331. John E. Dolman Bernard Newberger Robert E. Faucett Horace G. Regan Marvin G. Howard Harold Pepper James H. Tetherow Richard路 Fulks Benjamin P. Waters William Peterson John A. Heath 333. Charles N. Mathews Isaac Millard Timbrook 334. Geo. C. Blackwell, Sr. Robt. J. Ga.unt 335. Claude Records John B. Dyer Byrd L. McKinney Francis M. Foster 340. Wm. T. Bancroft ClaUd T. Beedle Robert M. Burns La wrence 1. Champe Jesse M. Cloud George E. Collins Marcus F. Gibbs Edwin Hume Douglas Lawson Henry G. McCullough Alex B. McMillan Basil 1. Richardson Charles E. Rider Frank H. Settlemore William A. Spencer Richard B. Storm Henry C. Tackett Jesse H. Womack T. Dennis Yowell 344. Jno. W. Fassler L. A. Chamier G. G. Levick E. F. Moses W. R. Wood A. R. Fickas L. F. Breusch
No. of Lodge
346. 347. 348. 349.
353. 354. 355. 357. 358. 359. 360.
Name of Party
Wm. H. Hilyard James C. Phillips Chester G. Powell Chas. W. Patterson John E. Moats Vincent L. Vawter Edwin O. Barr John M. Evans Paul E. Harney Henry W. Bruner Harrison E. Rollins Wm. H. Grate Peter W. Fastnet Gustave W. Grosche Wm. H. Masonbrink Jacob S. Combs Thos. M. Dormer Green B. McNabb Isaac H. Schnelle Charles T. Myers Lloyd L. Copeland Wash L. Fowles Chas. M. Null Hebert E. Tucker J. Wes Sherwood H. M. Pack AI. Hatcher John H. 'Capp A. Curfman Howard A. Thompson J. A. Farmer Geo. S. McKee Abner H. Duncan Rufus L. Taylor Chas. E. Bradley Geo. F. Bergfeld Sidney T. Bixby Crawford H. Duncan F. W. Risque Wm. C. Breckenridge Henry J. Jurgens Paul Y. Tupper John H. Rabe Geo. S. Hutton Geo. W. Hertel C. C. Hall Wm. A. C. Halwe C. P. Waite Alex. G. Cochran J. W. Sanford
No. of Lodge
363. 364. 365. 366.
368. 369. 372. 373. 375. 376.
377. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383.
384. 385. 387. 389. 390. 391. 398. 400. 401. 402. 403.
Name of Party
John F. Napier Jas. F. Lyons C. T. Brown C. D. Berry L. M. Swartz J. H. Stone H. E. Jones Thomas Logan A. W. Parrish W. V. Van de Sand A. M. Felts Jas. A. McLay William B. Kerr James A. Lawson Wm. E. Johnson James W. Hicks Wm. H. Leach Ceo. M. Burbank Wm. H. Roach Edwin G. Brown J. A. Hadley L. T. Moulton Geo. D. Kastendieck Alonzo Turner Wm. Riley Stampfer Joseph L. Lurton Cordell C. Simmons Jacob M. Stephens Henry W. Shannon W. T. Bailey J. Bruster Hanes Harry Parriman W. P. Searcy Julius M. Falkoff Charles H. Davis Chas. Summers J. H. Harryman W. B. Hilton J. T. Richardson Frank W. Foreman Harrison Sibley Andrew F. Graham J. H. Deardorff Daniel W. Turner Dr. M. Wiley Moses Leon Ashton D. Fulton Frank C. Blackburn Chris C. Slusher Edgar A. Lacy
No. of Lodge
403. 404. 406. 407. 410. 411. 412. 414. 416.
417. 418. 420.
425. 426.
l路":路cpt. Name of Party
Jas. A. King Jno. C. McClain . Jno. C. Brannon J. C. Porterfield Rolla T. Clayton Uriah H. Johnson Joseph R. Bush Jno. C. Russell Erastus G. Stewart Roy Allen Jas. G. Broyles Emil O. Dierfield Sol Donaldson C. A. Gibbs R. Longfield Henry Winterberg John Baumunk Geo. A. Wahlig Henry J. Donaldson George D. Scifres Stephan Knapp Bradford O. Harrison Charles H. Deppe Adam F. Bermene Wm. O. 路Weltey G. H. Barks Marion Dillon Buford Hill Albert J. Harig Wm. F. Bessler Thos. F. 'Conroy Fred Schillinger Albin H. Turley Albert W. Hayslip Wm. E. Burroughs George W. Tunnell Obediah C. Mitchell A. W. Lincoln David C. Welch John B. Trump Harvey Church Henry D. Robinson . John H. Duemler James Appleberry Chas. E. Johnson John P. Matkin George A. N ees Andrew Habecker Frank M. Wade Thomas W. Morris
No. of Lodge
429. 430. 431. 432. 434. 435. 437. 438. , 439. 440.
442. 443.
444. 445.
1928.J Name of Party
John Hombs O. Thompson M. B. Hounsom Wm. Logan C. L. V. Jones A. J. Jammison J. B. Bridges J. E. Mapes Noah Hough John H. Tharp John J. Singleton Benj. F. Lake Chas. Sherman Nathan Corder William Wilson L. F. Adams Geo. T. Ecton Geo. D. Johnson David Goss A. H. Dameron F. M. Wells John C. Dale John I. West Eli Lutes Robert Lee Yount F. C. Bienlein Charles J. Graef Robert T. Henderson Joseph Headricks Robert W. Russell Wm. Switzer A. F. Stitt J. O. Dragoo W. E. Nicholas, Sr. Edward L. Young Fred Vincent Cherry Geo. J. Flichmann Thomas Howell Herman W. Fay Elwin I. Nixon Ben F. Tucker Frank Marion Slater Henry Kaiser Robert Crawford Kelly Willard Edwin Cook Kelly Ragland Chandler Irving Wesly Chisholm Robert Paulus Monroe Rinehart G. A. Greenwald
No. or Lodge
445. 446.
447. 448. 450. 451. 453. 454. 457. 459. 460.
Name of Party
William Henry Primm Clifton Arthur ChishOlm W. DeCoursey Uhlemeyer Madison J. Benson Arthur C. Cowan Armin G. Widmer Thos. E. Rawlings Frank Donald Bridger Walter P. Krause Edwin L. Becker Robert C. Young Roy Roach Geo. O. Agee, Jr. Edw. E. Sommerfield Jno. D. Christiansen Chas. H. Boob Chas. E. Forgy Herbert Blain McKeown Mervil O. Smith Thos. L. Healy Alfred M. Gustin Chas. D. Woodward George A. Malkmus Leonard F. Adams Wm. Fred Akers Fred Simpson Inman Edward Chas. Brokamp A. L. Woolis Ollie B. Hillier T. T. Garnett Thos. R. Hughes D. W. Castle B. S. Hanna A. J. Craig A. C. Smith W. J. Hughes E. F. Miller Dave Woods H. T. Crocker T. H. Gaskin Tavner Hailey Edw. M. Eisen Wm.C. Burns John May Wm. I. Thomson Pearl A. Austin Aug. J. Hahn Gus. W. Hogan Roy M. Thomson W. S. Pritchard
No. of Lodge
146 Name of Party
Frank R. Hogan Conrad Hagmaier 461. James J. Long Clyde H. Farrow Edward L. Davis W. D. Secoy Walton Collins, Jr. 462. Wm. M. Bishop 463. Chas. H. Burrell Clark HalI Jno. W. Sweaney J. H. Thorn 466. Ed. Baker Stephen J. Day Johnson C. Parks 469. Joe S. Gladden Wm. T. Hodges 470. Joseph Everhart Harold G. Ebert James W. Wiles Lewis E. White 471. Henry Stults 472. Henry T. Pistola 473. F. N. Duvel Jacob Whiteside 474. Mathew M. Pollard John Q. Beggs James W. Core 476. J. F. Blackwell 478. M.C. Murdock A. R. Moore 479. Jos. E. Reardin John S. Davis Frank E. Kellogg Leo Hirsch 480. George Osborne William Hornbeck Arthur Collings 481. Stephen V. Montrose 482. James L. Milligan Wm. 路E. Dawson Jas. F. Rhodes John T. Kerr 483. Earl Beck T. oJ. Puckett 484. Charles F. Harwood Charles F. Tacke 485. George McNalI Reuben C. Bryant 486. Harry R. Bennett
No. of Lodge
487. 489. 491. 493. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 503. 504. 505. 508. 509. 511. 512.
515. 520.
Name of Party
J. A. Little A. P. Franse Hugh B. Ward J. J. Smith B. S. Hesser J. A. B. Keith Chas. Kirk R. M. Doores J. R. Young C. K. Young John K. Dunnegan Harry Colvin Eli M. Barnum E. B. Welch A. W. Walter David E. FurnalI Thos. E. Foster H. W. Maloney William H. Byler Alex F. Nixon Benjamin F. Murdock Francis L. Hughes Elihu Park Paul Thurman L. F. Jeffries W. D. Pyne Josiah F. Morrison William A. House Theo. W. Franklin Wm. W. Grigsby Robert E. Troup Homer C. Stone George W. Ball Jacob W. Ferree Thomas C. Terry Horace G. Gaston James J. Hodges Emory Estes Lafe Borden John A. Robertson Robert R. Hendrix Chas. J. Henninger Nathan H. Holbert Solomon Cluett John Wilson Thomas W. Martin George Booth Oliver J. HulI Henry M. Greive George R. Becker
1928.] No. of Lodge
524. 525. 527. 528. 529. 531. 532. 533. 534. 536.
537. 539. 542. 543. 544.
Name of Party
G. Norton Beebe John Benson Otis G. Braun Rufus. G. Brown W. O. Chilton Charles H. Cook George W. Dodge Robert W. Drury Ethelbert J. Frey Charles F. Grazier Robert Green Frank L. Harlan William C. Jeffery William F. Mason Victor M. Murphy U. S. A. Parker Benj. J. Purington John D. Rheem Charles J. Schafer Charles D. Stark Wm. F. Thero Arthur G. Wiedmann Lawrence P. Cornwell Perry Schooler Arthur Severance Jas. A. Loyd Eli Eaton Ernest Fowkes M. H. Forkner Edward A. Horstmeyer George W. Crum James Landes Jno. A. Ford George E. Gillman Caswell L. Brinley James M. Endicott Fred Zeigler Rufus Q. Hankins J. H. Sutherland Carl Rauh A. G. Cain John Brink Fred C. Bindbeutel Walter D. Condie Jesse B. Roote E. C. Henson T. F. Lenhart Dell Cletus Mack George J. Gast Frank R. Jesse
No. of Lodge
147 Name of Party
544. Max Honderup 545. R. A. Bell J. L. Harris A. M. Barrett 546. Paul Bell Mark E. Bogart William E. Johnston 547. Sylvester Moore Joseph L. Hanly William W. Newby Joseph A. Stevenson Ashley T. Ackerman William Lenthy Earl T. Richey Richard Butler Philip Koerper William Clough Alvin S. McFarland 548. W. P. Lingle Herbert Russell Levi A. Spangler 550. G. L. Wheeler John W. Hopson James E. Burns Chas. C. Sausele Chas. Jos. Owen Eugene W. Lew~s John F. Michaels Christopher A. Garvey Wm. H. Carruthers John M. Johnson John S. Gibert Walter P. Hubbard 553. David H. Hamlin John M. Born 554. John Q. A. Cope Burling McBride 555. Wm. McClellan Dye Jacob Lewis 556. Bonifant R. Harmon George A. Richardson 557.' J. W. Gallihugh 558. J. W. Hill 559. Jas. M. Pulley Jacob Shepherd Elijah M. Groom 560. Milton Cramer 561. Jno. M. Michael L. D. Kavanaugh 563. Lawrence Lovell
148 No. of Lodge
564. 566.
567. 570. 571. 572. 574. 575. 576.
578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 593. 594.
Appendix. Name of Party
Jacob D. Kusler John B. Sisk Peter White Bernard James L. pye Frank Warren Force James Henry Wark Charles M. Rand Joseph A. Hess R. E. Stotts H. A. Schweer Charles F. Ballard Major O. Martin Robert G. Gustafson James O. Coleman George H. Woodworth B. F. Brown Eli Glasscock Chas. E. Pearce Benj. F. Allen William R. Smith Geo. W. Wagner D. E. Buegleb Felix Martin Howard E. Lindsay Chas. H. Vet Bert Vennersitz Karl Ramstein Daniel W. Cole C. A. R. Ringhoff Samuel Williams Henry Clay Lewis Ezekiel Skelly Lon R. Ridgeway Barney August Oscar L. Meek Jas. T. McCormick Earl Skelton Ben A. Taylor James Franklin Robison L. P. Cone S. C. Cline J. W. McMillen Frank J. Young Howard E. Spurgeon E. T. Perryman B. F. Hudson C. T. Strange John G. Lechten J. W. Simms Jas. W. Sherer
No. of Lodge
596. 597. 598. 599.
601. 602. 604. 605. 607. 608. 611. 612. 613. 614. 617. 618. 619. 620. 1
621. 622. 625.
Name of Party
J. T. Autry T. A. Orr G. R. Manson John C. Thomas Thos. D. Harrison Philip S. Bates W. Louis Layne John L. Spears R. Berryman Andrew J. Norwine Albert Heege Daniel Schierbaum' Leopold Grossberg Joseph E. Thornton William Miles William D. Morris John Paul Warner James A.Roush Kelander. Dean Wm. T. Ramsey Wm. P. Camp B. W. Lansdown A. C. Benne D. B. Strickland W. R. Wilkerson John C. Dains Jacob C. Schwartz Peter H. Larson Clarence M. French James L. Peek Robert Crossley I. N. Pavey George W. Mc'Carty H. Lair Harper Daniel M. Evans Holmes L. Fallen S. A. Jones J. Ed ward Elliff H. G. Spears James Williams, Sr. John Tincher Thos. H. Condon, Sr. Melvin L. Davis Wm. F. Jones Abraham L. Kight Wm. J. Peach Frank H. Dorsey Clinton A. Ten Eick Edw. H. Diemunsch Benj. F. Lane
1928.] No. of Lodge
Name of Party
A. T. W. Pritchett Wm. H. Woods 630. Solon B. Crooks Peter J. Harms Overton O. Ison Jos. B. Juett Thos. W. L. McGuire Jas. H. Turner Claude L. Smith Roy R. Spreng Frank WalIer 631. John D. Westendorff Geo. Kossling Daniel G. Hazenstab Arthur L. Martin Julius F. Hofmann 634. George Goff 638. Harvey E. Burch John Edwin Gaffney 639. Henry P. Kerr . Gustav H. Becker Carl A. Glore Fred O. Franke 640.' Bernard J. Buss 641. Howard E. Grucknell Simon Leal's Wm. F. Owsley
No. of Lodge
642. 643. 645. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 654. 656. 659. 661. 662.
Name of Party
Barney L. Schwartz Albert Emil Schaeffer Edward T. Bennett John H. Dinsmore William O. Henry C. M. Deaner E. E. Frazer James B. Stauber Omar B. Lile John F. Elliott Alfred E. Walters John F. Willmann Wm. Thomas Murphy W. E. Jones Dee Saffron W. H. Biesterfeldt Irvin E. Schutte A. H. Pattmeyer Chas. B. Wolf Albert Knebel F. E. McIlvain W. J. Newell T. J. Higgs Thomas C. Stean Edgar Hobart William Kemper
2. 3.
6. 7. 8. 9.
No. of Name of Party
Louis Clark John Holland Edw. W. Johnson Chas. H. McIntyre Lucius F. McKee Dell L. Park William E. Patch Joseph A. Burack Charles E. Erwin Henry F. Beintker William G. Cheswick Harry A. Hasselbusch William A. Short Raymond C. Cashon Robert R. Crawforo Harry E. Fretz Neal O. Garner James Harper Charles D. Higganbotham Clem P. Horat William Jack, Jr. john A. James Roy A. Johnston Emil F. Kromer Ralph W. Langston Roscoe S. Linton John A. Love Alexander H. Osborn Roy J. Paschal Archie H. Pickens Harold W. Porter Prentice B. Rogers John Snarr Louis N. Spalding Herbert A. Speake Frank C. Wiley Charles C. Young Mont. Curbin J. G. Lear G. C. Watson Luther B. Tarrant Frank Brown George W. Herring R. G. Woodson Hy. Badelesmeyer John M. Dykes Harry E. Frantz Richard C. Gentry
11. 13. 15. 20. 22.
24. 25.
Name of Party
Harry P. Hickman Chas. R. Kirkpatrick J:ack McClanahan Horace W. Mifflin Herman B. Miller August A. Polland Claude O. Roberts Walter E. Ruffing C. Schnarrenberg Fred'k W. Stockmar James R. Strong Ralph D. Woodley Marion T. Arnold Edward Bales Benjamin H. Dowell 'Vannie D. Lynch Ethelbert McCall Roscoe McCray Oran Naylor Hiram K. Thomson Mike H. Wright William Livesay Azle C. Williams Wilbur Gorden Clem C. Gould Oscar A. Bartlett Sol. Kreisman Solomon Siegel J. V. Riley J. W. McAdow Francis Brown H. R. Hall Cecil E. Guilfoil Vernon S. Behymer W. H. Cain Benj. Fixman Myron Goldberg Paul Gold Geo. Rimmler Alvin L. Ols-ehansky Bernard Ritter Jake Bragg Audrey C. Bradley Everett Davis William E. Fent Samuel W. Hunt Ralph W. McClenden John H. Orr
1928.] No. of Lodge
26. 28. 29. 30. 31.
33. 35.
38. 40.
Appendix. Name of Party
Lynn K. Stewart Orlando M. Friend, Jr. Wm. A. Rosser W. E. Marshall Fernly W. Taylor W. C. Thompson Joe V. Bennett John C. McCrary Kyle Baler Wm. J. Ellington O. A. Hutchings H .. L. Keeter Webster Withers John R. Cleary William M. Frazer William T. Havey Millard Cates Ora D. Collins Peter Cate C. E. Christopher H. W. Moss O. J. Pittman Earl Roberts C. C. Sires Robert W. Stanley, Jr. C. M. Woods Geo. F. Boyce M. H.' Brewster Hy. E. Brown G. G. Cowell E. M. Crigler A. E. Diggs G. R. Moore R. L. Moore C. N. Sherman John H. Turly C. F. Daniels Earl Daniels Victor Everett C. H. Lincoln George Lisle Daniel W. Snell Albert L. Cahill Fred F. Eckert Eben W. Erikson Wm. O. Hardin Wm. Geo. Margua Albert B. Platt Edw. B. Rapley Geo. L. Shulte
No. of Lodge
40. 41. 43.
44. 47. 49. 50. 52.
53. 55. 56.
60. 61.
Name of Party
Edw. J. Zimmermann George W. Reichert D. S. Painter C. L. Pettit Jno. E. Rupert W. R. Stone Leroy W. Valliant James L. Cope Edw. M. Bridges Cloyd H. Karnes R. V. Cutler A. M. Odor W. H. Smith Earl D. York Fox Huddleston Benj. S. Reiley Lewis W. Ruggles Paul H. Rude Benj. J. Cooper Joseph A. Mas'on T. J. Burton J. E. Crawford James, Huff D. C. Lingle H. W. McCully G. H. Routszong B. H. Weston Charles A. Bernard Harry A. Flemming Cecil M. Farris William R. Hurst Charles B. Hedrick Albert Jones George N. Robertson James A. Smith William P. Thompson Jesse M. Shirley William M. Reid Chas. W. Austene Chas. M. Hall Stanley E. Harley David M. Jennings Geo. B. Kessler Jas. M. Larkin R. R. Dunn E. L. Finley T. E. Guenther Ed. Jordan L. C. Slusher H. B. Steele
152 No. of Lodge
Appendix. Name of Party
G. B. Williamson H. G. White Chester Hollis S. V. Dean H. Elmwood P. H. Larkin Richard C. Anderson E. A. Elliott J. Harry Hulsizer Winslow Porter Chas. E. Rutledge Roy R. Smithers Kenneth J. Simmons Leslie A. Wilson James C. Woner C. Allen Burris Oval F. Barham John L. Batton Hugh Cawthon W. P. Chatham Lee Cook Sid Cromeenes J. J. Douglas E. L. Elkins W. B. Finney Ernest Finney A. A. Gruggett W. L. Gossage J. L. Griffin Walter A. Hawkins George Gordon Hardy Emmett E. Jones W. Sid Jones Frank Jones J. Warren Karsten Felix Kraft Gus Lasswell Wm. Lasswell T. H. Masterson Edward B. Miller Wm. Henry Mayberry Virgil McKay John L. Orr Leo. F. Petterson C. B. Ruff Asa B. Robertson George Smith David Stroud Beckham Southern Robert L. Sanders
No. of Lodge
70. 71.
77. 78.
Name of Party
Bernie H. Tatum W. E. Tallent Drew Vardell J. Roscoe Walls Harry R.White Wm. A. Brown John S. Feilding Byron C. Maddox L. Earl Norman Arthur F. Reidinger Jas. E. Walkup John B. Hurt Norman B. Green John L. Vincent Ernest E. Graff Clarence Barr Sam W. Crowley Chas. T. White James A. Bittle Allan .c. Boling William H. Chandler Earl B. Conger Hugo H. Duebbert George E. Fletcher Warren C. Kay Charles W. Latimer Charles C. Lee Oscar E. Moor Carl L. Shead John D. Cook Roy E. Dyche U. G. Walker R. C. Arnold J. M. Barton Theo. E. Bateman Fred S. Beckett J. W. Brown Wm. F. Chaves J os. W. Dohrer W. D. Ladd L. H. McClintock Walter Purkett Chas. T. Russell F. O. Specht H. A. Stover J. H. Weller Clarence Anderson Geo. E. Brashear Edward S. Deleplane Max T. Frelich
1928.] No. of Lodge
Appendix. Name of Party
Frank B. Reeves Jos. G. Wilson Samuel Wolff 80. A. B. Christopher John S. Mills Geo. M. Muschamp Lloyd S. McGee 82. Truman T. Peck 84. Wm. C. Catlin John B. Jones D. Hayes McLaughlin Francis F. Marseilles Walter V. Salveter Edward H. Wall John H. Watson Solon S. Overall 86.. A. W. Baker Harold L. Butterfield Geo. R. Bumgarner Howard A. Cowan Frank T. Chesher Elmer W. Dougherty Hans P. Dryer Henry P. Hurley H. M. Hyre Edward M. Lomax Sidney H. Margrave Percy W. Markham William H. Pratt Wiley O. Selby R. E. Shumaker Osee Turpin Lawrence F. Thiehoff John L. Watts Ralph J. Wheeler 87. Jas. F. Finley Frank L. Finley Karl C. Bowles Sam'l W. Jopes Albert Lucas John B. McLemore Chas. Duffy Chris C. McLemore Chas. B. Newton Newell Cates John P. McCammon, Jr. Lynville D. Higgins Clyde L. Morris G. Clint Marsh Paul N. Matthews
No. of Lodge
88. 90.
Name of Party
Marvin M. Pigg H. W. Leslie R. R. Norfleet 91. Willis H. Murphy Wm. S. Armstrong C. L. Smock Orville Lunchford 92. Wm. S. Forgey Heenan Irby Wm. C. Reed Fred A. Taylor Louis H. Zirkle 93. Eva Maurice Abernathy Wm. Curtis Ballard August Bohnsack Herbert Lloyd Bowman Keith A. Brumback James Oliver Cox Glenn Eaker Oliver Geo. Edwards Harry Erickson Ernest G. Fisher Gustav J. Freidrich Alexander Handmacher Lee Martin Johns Charles Edw. Kage Seth Green McKee Samuel Hy. Sandbach Shelby Owen Smith 95. Karl W. Jacobi George Schmidt 96. C. S. Springer J. W. Goe 97. Homer Bert Ashford Jas. W. Barlow Clifford Hix Andrew J. Moore Walter J. Newman. 102. Harry Piles Mathew Gray, Jr. J. F. Richards 104. H. D. Bergman E. J. Cocalis Garden F. Greenley Chas. Haggard Ben Jacobson A. D. Kammer Alex H. Lehman Frank B. LeMoind Chas. Levine
154 No. of Lodge
Appendix. Name of Party
Chas. Mackay Court W. Berner Frank Davidson George A. DeHaven Raymond Elgin Morris Goldberg Samuel Naster Chas. J. Pfeffer Earl W. Russell Louis Henner Wm. Kotzias Frank Leftwich 105. Chauncy M. Bush W. E. Bledsoe Arthur G. Chappell Samuel H. Ellison W. A. Fowler Clarence E. Gross Guy Brenton Hall J. F. O. Howell M. R. James Horrace W. Leecing E. S. Linehart Ambrose Miller Fred W. Maurer A. L. McGowan Bert E. Newman E. K. Orrison Audrey D. Risdon R. D. Stelle 107. David M. Evans Oscar Ing M. L. Rhodes James路 Stroup Sheridan Freer Thos. J. Bryar Geo. W. Creath Ira M. Rubottom Roy C. Haynie George Hastings John S. Marsh Thos. T. Murray W. Lat. Wilkinson Francis M. Shipton . Ira L. Rhodes Carl S. Chilton Henry T. Eaves 109. Fred J. Hinkley John H. Miller Theodore F. Morris
No. of Lodge
109. t10.
115. 116.
119. 12G. 121. 123. 124. 125.
Name of Party
Frank A. Parker George M. Walters Lyman D. Farrer Arthur P. Gray Paul Griffith David F. Pickart Harry H. Boylan Augustus Barbour James F. Bowzer Floyd W. Callan Ray Carter Geo. W. Davis Wm. V. Davenport Allen C. Gwinn George N. Huckins Chas. W. Herrin Oliver E. Martin John P. Orris James W. Parker Dale H. Parker John Rose James T. Riggs Columbus D. Thompson Paul A. Weller Wm. M. Ashworth Thos. E. Bundy Richard B. Bridgeman Arthur A. Chapman Emil C. Groves Harry W. Robison Harold C. Medley Thomas J. Parks S. Allen Scearce Gilbert R. Watson John P. Field Levi Gorman B. F. Coombs John Skyles E. A. Dubois E. R. Manes Walter Detmer Marion A. Shields Herman Koch Otto Lapert Walter H. Luttmer George Andrews Hy. C. SattIer Cam J. Att Chisley Wyatt Frank Wooderson
1928.] No. of Lodge
125. 127. 128.
13(}. 131. 134. 135.
136. 137.
138. 143.
Appendix. Name of Party
Thomas L. Sharp G. R. Peery Charles L. Lane Boston F. Liggett Chas. D. Dayhoff Dr. Ota W. Kirby Hamlin R. Tull Dr. O. R. Wilson Nath. C. Bunch Floyd C. Callaway August Cole Russell A. Cole Monroe Decker August W. Gilker Elisha L. Haglar Elmon Haglar Warren P. Hoover William S. Lester Charles Marshall William A. Miller Jerry V. Nelson Orient L. Polson Edgar M. Price Thomas J. Shepherd Joseph H. Smeldy William P. Smith Harry B. Warren Herbert J. Wrightsman W. T. Sparks Neighton T. Baker Jay K. Browne R. L. Jordan Leslie R. Kautz Chas. Layton Thos. McKnightWayne Harrell Walter M. Ganes Gray C. Barnes Dean Thomas Dimitt W. O'Bryen Ray P. Sanderson A. F. Buffington T. W. Buffington E. T. Buffington M. E. Hargroves A. A. Kerby L. N. Searcy Thomas R. Wilkes Walter Smaltz Dan Elledge
No. of Lodge
143. 144.
147. 148.
15(}. 152. 154. 155.
156. 157.
Name of Party
John Mallow Roy Hughes James D. Akins William Coleman Stanley Goodson John A. Ham Orval Taylor Fred Ward Geo. W. Waldron James P. Stipp J. A. Bowen Calvin Hassell Harve Carter James G. Leonard - Chester Parker Ray Hilton Harry G. Stewart Ernest J. Hornberger Ora L. Koontz Arthur J. Miller U. S. Lane Carl Lane E. B. Lineborger Abe Leonard F. M. Reed George C. Dirckx George D. Lundberg . Joseph T. Wiley Paul E. Turner Ben . Radeck Frank R. Williams Alfred G. Anderson Clyde A. Robertson Clyton D. Toler John H. Harty Everett Allen Wm. Allen W. C. Mountjoy F. D. Rice J. G. Lester J. W. Templeton C. S. Million E. M. Hopkins James Hall R. A. Davis H. C. Cox J. D. Boettner E. A. Lewis Rudolphus E. Cooley Peter J. England
156 No. of Lodge
158. 161. 163. 164.
167. 169. 170. 172.
Appendix. Name of Party
Wm. L. Miller Luther E. Peacock Floyd C. Reberry R. E. Brockman E. F. Sippel .Tohn H. Cookson Jacob E. LaBonde Francis J. Rush Geo. Aders Edw. A. Bruns A. Paul Davis Herman McCullough Ross Pielen Syl. Williams Dexter Williams Clayton Williams J. Fred Williams Henry Cook A. J. Cox Roy Hanna O. O. Howard Cartwright Hildreth Oscar K. Herndon Harry Leamer J. D. M. Montgomery Roy McKenzie Joseph E. Price Harry Potts David K. Seckington Harry N. Snyder路 W. A. Swinford Paul Westfall W. H. Buck W. H. Carter John M. Downing Chas. H. Smith E. R. Stone George Terrett Jesse E. Young Philip Nye Ray D. Goodwin N. O. Wallingford Robt. L. Wilson Robert M. Montgomery James A. Bell Lafayette Coulter Frank Dowell Walter D. Erwin John C. Etz A. Frank Gibson
No. of Lodge
173. 176.
182. 185. 189.
Name of Party
Forest W. McCullough Cody S. Reagan Thomas R. Steding Forest C. Sutton James L. Tibbs Ralph W. Wyrick Arch L. Cummings John W. Kirnes Arthur Hodge W. O. Winson Norval Worth Claude McRaven Dolph Deck R. M. Smyres Luther Stradley E. M. Kinser William F. Carty Addison Altis William C. White Lance Miles William T. Bridges W. T. Shepard John C. White Arthur H. Crump Ralph S. Duke Edwin Hyke Clarence E. Mariner John A. Miller Orval C. Moore Chas. Hy. Zeis Geo. H. Hill Adolph LaBonde Edward L. McBride Ing. Chamberlain Chas. K. Fogerty H. M. Hoffman Alexander Knowles W. E. Whitaker John H. Bridges B. B. Harris Carra Poe Fred W. Yrampp Luke V. Bailey James H. Balderson Arthur W. Bumpas Leroy T. Burnham Emery J. DeLong Elvin C. DeVorss Guilford B. Howard Rolla Mowry
No. of Lodge
189. 193. 194. 197.
198. 202. 203. 204.
206. 211. 212.
1928.] Name of Party
William H. Stevens Robert N. Wilson Ronald M. T. Worman Seth H. Fleming Rudolph R. Palmer James Porter Joseph Bruce Glenn L. Chamberlain Ralph E. Covert H. S. Daniels Carrol S. Day Fred H. Fitch Chas. P. Hagler Chas. Huffer Wm. Ralph Mahan .Iohn L. Morton Scott McKinzey Joseph M. McMillian George W. Pollard Glenn S. Ross James H. Selsor L. R. Smith Edgar Thomas Martin J. Wood Jonas Payton .J. C. Roberts L. A. Kinney Ola Wilson X. E. Hall James Popplewell G. B. Anderson Christ Brown Geo. R. Louis Harry Pennington Hiram E. Stewart Dorsey Bail Leonard W. Field J. W. Keys, Jr. Herman Tegtmeyer J. Shelton Thomas Jacob A. Garriot Wm. A. Garner Andrew S. Wilson G. F. Plummer Rufus F. Adams Clarence A. Bradshaw Chas. A. Crow Clarence A. Crow Homer Crow Chas. A. Clayton
No. of Lodge
217. 218.
Name of Party
Jewell J. Ellis Thos. J. Grills Wm. A. Harris N. M. Jones Carl McNeeley Robert J. McCutchen Joseph C. Mills Russell S. Medley Claud Porter J. Henry Slankard Luther Stephens Van W. Taylor Geo. I. Bradford Chas. W. Elliott Ragan Ford Chas. G. Kicaddon Chas. J. Millar .Ina. A. Parry, Jr. Robert E. Zink S. K. Ruffin R. H. Tirnin W. R. McLerkin J. F. Dickson Ed Ridings T. A. Kennett Wm. S. Deardorff Roy Fink Alva Goodell Webb H. Lilly Chester K. Strong J. C. Emmons J. B. Riley Hugo H. Pinkepank Frank T. Adler Athanas Gogas Walter Keiser Emil H. Langkopf George A. Tanner Henry F. Wilker Charles E. Watters Joseph Black Leslie G. Bowen Ralph W. Bretemarkle Everett N. Gaulding Harry B. Houf Fitzhugh H. Lee Howard G. Mathews Dow C. Phelps Baaron B. Pittinger Albert F. Robertson
158 No. of Lodge
Name of Party
Roscoe R .. Savage Otto M. Slaughter Harry L. Vantrees 220. Harry F. Anderson Frank W. Aton Hiram A. Burriss Jack Greenwood George D. Halsell Walter Hambright Charles H. Hisle Paul A. Hutchens Bergie A. Irish Albert Jacobson Daniel T. Johnson Ralph J. King Ernest W. Lambert George Maegly Phil. R. Manning Walter L. Richards Jules H. Rosenbaum Junius R. Stinson Jack M. Vile Loos E. Wiley 221. Ray B. Duncan. 224. Willis E. Atherton Dorman E. Adams Tinsley Brown Walter E. Bryant Leslie C. Cox Chas. C. Cramer Ray C. Coffee Frank Cozad Ezra C. Cope Vader Cox Geo. W. DeVaul Edw. W. Foley Fred Harr Eugene Houghton Paul D. Howell Frank V. Haynie T. Russell Hill Delbert W. Jameson Roe Parker Herbert F. Rogers James S. Shotwell Joe Thompson Leonard J. Thompson Henry B. Streeter Floyd E. Williams James H. McAdoo
No. of Lodge
[Sept. Name of Party
John K. Russell Henry W. Buckner John R. Morgan Albert D. McAfee Homer C. Teachenor John Clarence Finney Murrell C. Blackburn Wallace T. Dickerson 229. Lewis C. Smith Bryan Parks Thos. Alley Samuel D. Birdwell Hugh Copelin Andy Cutbirth Chas. A. Gann Wm. A. James Roll Kissee Jesse R. Nelson John T. Marler Tom Simmons Wm. H. Shaffer R. D. Wells C. B. Wood R. C. Austin 230. Chas. A. Halbach Thos. A. Lenox Robt. A. Wortham 232. John Ballard Hugh E. Robison 235. Leslie Bromley 236. Harry Garrison Charles O. Howe Paul R. Huskey Daniel Wade Jared Harry M. Lingle John M. Messerly Ernest L. S~bert 237. C. E. Baity Elbert I. Brammer Y. P. Chambers W. J. Tucker 238. Chas. Conard E. L. Gardner Forest W. Gore Byron Redman Chas. M. Elliott 240. F. O. Edwards Elbert Rayborn Donald Evans Steve Woolard
226. 228.
No. of Lodge
1928.] Name of Party
240. Jas. C. Rumfelt 243. Oscar Clark Albert W. Cornish A. Charles Hartman Von L. Horn Abram T. Marple Frank H. Moss Lewis P. Robinson John A. Baumer Frank E. Jones Robt. P. Graham L. Grant Warren Clarence O. Winters Charles路 L. Clymer Walter S. Hermansen Jno. F. D. Howell Eugene B. Lessing Forest L. Nelson Lewis P. Robinson Robt. G. Rutherford Earl C. Schewe Herbert R. Smith Lloyd H. Vick 244. E. E. Slavin J. W. Moore V. N. Lewis 247. Sam T. Rathell 248. E. L. Mosher C. C. Drace S. C. Sharp E. S. Godsey H. B. Johnston H. L. Findley C. J. Elkins W. O. Hunter S. C. Godsey C. B. Andrews H. H, Gardner A. J. Hutchinson Evans Smith J. W. Taylor W. H. Martin R. D. Dunscomb H. R. Hay 250. R. E. DeRocha 路John Combs S. C. Lyles 253. C. M. Bryant Henry E. Hall Wm. R. Ishmael
No. of Lodge
254. 255. 2'56.
262. 263.
264. 267.
Name of Party
Joseph F. Kemp Delbert Kelso Jefferson F. Molloy Geo. W. McKay Granville G. Owens John B. Pew W. T. Schoonover Eugene Welty Commodore E. Wendleton Percy Huff Oren Simpson A. M. Johnson W. R. Groce F. A. Moore W. S. Sidney A. Thomas L. A. Warne James W. Brooks Leland G. Grinstead John W. Holloway, Newton L. Holloway Charles D. Justice George Lasswell Charles L. Osmon Ralph F. Scott Ralph L. Thompson Roy Gannon T. A. McIntosh Elbert Scott Glen McCloud Harry Rockhold Wm. Haggard R. E. Atteberry Lee Atteberrv T. A. 路Couch Thos. B. Hale Harold Lasley Lee H. Quintal Wm. F. Shepherd Fay Starrett Robert M. Boone John Brizendine A. S. Browning Geo. Owen Geo. Roff G. B. Winburn Chas. L. Wright M. 'F. Sewell Bert W. Jackson Leroy A. Davies
160 No. of Lodge
270. 271.
Appendix. Name of Party
Robert Pougher Harry Smiley Otto J. Miller E. J. Roebl Wm. J. Dutton W. A. Kennedy Chas. W. Miller Dr. J. Reel Don Lindly L. V. Delmore W. T. Avery O. O. Ash C. W. Brigham E. G. Baker I. N. Bass A. W. Chandler R. N. Crosby L. D. Eslinger H. P. Fowler C. I. Groblebee J. L. Hine J. M. Hurwitz O. A. Jackson E. W. Krofft C. H. Lloyd J. E. Miller J. H. Millspaugh F. W. Pauley Robert Runge E. C. Roseberry G. E. Skidmore E. W. Smith Elton Sperry W. A. Steele G. G. Schofield E. C. Smith Robt. Sebree O. H. Williams C. F. Wright G. E. Ward Raiford Archibald Harry Alcorn Hearst B. Blount Albert A. Bluemke Ora E. Brown Clyde C. Bail' Harvey Brimmer .los. L. Cartwright Leland I. Coontz Robert R. Dameron
No. of Lodge
274. 27&.
Name of Party
Sam R. Dameron George M. Fries' Allan W. Fleming Millard D. Hale Homer R. Hancock Fred H. Hamrick James Humphreys Arthur L. Hume Alvin H. Janes Don W. Jones Homer D Janes Glenn M. Kell William I. Kell Herbert .J. Lotz John A. Love Pet,er Lee Earl A. Mackey Wm. A. Millard Wm. F. McElroy Marshall E. Murphy John D. Murphy Glenn E. Miller Chas. A. Nelson Maurice M. Norton Lisle C. Owens Leroy C. Duckett Fred G. Rose Roy L. Robinson Fred K. Shaffer Clarenoe E. Scott Louis T. Townsend Amos H. Vinyard Flavius C. Wilhite Mark P. Weer Fred W. Welling Wm. L. Wagoner Paul Henry Willey Woodson O. Bennett Edgar N. Drake Henry E. Inman Cyrus E. Lindsey ;LeRoy Van Meeter Marshall R. Myers R. C. Anderson S. L. Bourland W. D. Duvall B. Z. Weathers .Jno. L. Brown W. J. Crutcher Onie Hooks
1928.] No. of Lodge
282. 284.
288. 290. 292.
294. 297.
Appendix. Name of Party
O. M. Hux Ernest Springs S. S. Shobe C. L. Hinman James' A. Clark Wm. P. Crutsinger Harvey Cox ' W. M. Henderson, Doty D. McCulloh James- W. Thomas Wm. Arnold Green G. R. Tooker N. V. H.Walker E. H. Bauman Hugh Harleston R. C. Cowdsey T. E. Sham Fred W. Voupel J. F. Voupe( C. F. Craig W. P. Hudson Lord Harleston W. E. Underwood T. F. Adams C. H. Miller John W. Pitts Raymond B, Shook G. A. Boggus Homer Clough D. W. Wi,nkler L. E. Brous Wm. McCullough Carl Collison Harry Morris .J. T. Hod~es Jackson Leach Jacob Leach Samuel R. Wingo James H. Anderson Charles W. Arnold William J. Atkinson Benjamin O. Avery Archie R. Aylsworth Ernest A. Baer Ben P. Bagby Maurice W. Baldwin Grover J. Books Roy L. Boutilier Carl W. Boxwell William O. Brackett
No. o f , ' ' Lodge Name of Party
Holley V. Brockett Franklin A. Brown Henry E. Brown Moreland Brown James T. Byars John M. Calvin William L. Carney Ira Cashner Louis Chernikoff Henry Chick, Jr. Otis L.Christopher Thomas A. Clark ' Claude H. Clauser Robert H. Colvin Charles' L., Cresap Wallac,e H; Cundiff Wilson, C. Currier Charles E-, ,Cyrene. William J. Dart Ralph M. Dartt Forrest W.Davidson' Edward J. Davies John R., Drayton Leslie E. Eaton Benjamin S. Eicher ClydeO. Eschbaugh. George Lee Evans Fred Fletcher Harry E. Fortune Samuel Fraser Jesse B. Frenkel Clarence T. Graham James William Graham Dabney Grant Nathalliel Grant Philip G. Hale" Paul 'Hamilton Orrin V. Hayward Leonard M. Hicks Henry R. Hoffman John R. Hollingsworth R. Lester Hutton. Alfred E. Hyde Charles G.' Jarrard -Arthur. W. Jenkins Jesse R..J ones Rushin LeRoy Jones Gustav F. Keller Orvil E. D. Koonse Philip E. Kopp .
No. of Lodge
162 Name of Party
Henry A. Lamborne William B. Lathrop Robert Laykin Kenneth R. Lewis Clarence Elmer Light H. Eugene Loeser Edward A. Logan Levi A. McDermott John W. McKecknie Richard McMenamin Edward Manuel James A. Martin Benjamin F. Matenlee Robert L. Maurice Warren Edward Maxey Roy J. Maybee George G. Moffett Herbert C. Monks Carl W. Moore Wm. A. Morrison Emery L. Neal Emerson C. Norton Charles H. Patters路on Watt G. Randall James M. Robertson Roland E. Rulle Cleon G. Russell Wm. H. Schaub J. Harold Seymour Marion B. Sharp . Ralph W. Sharp Daniel H. Sheets Edward B. Shelton Robert C. Snell William M. Sparrow George W. Stockwell Charley R. Strickler Oscar A. Sundeen James W. Talbott Frank C. Thurmond Amos Townsend Herbert H. Tuller Everett D. Voorhis Grover O. Wagner Albert B. Walter William H. Whitehead George P. Williams Powell H. Williams Clarence E. Zemmer. 301. Edward W. Patton
No. of Lodge
301. 303.
Name of Party
J. F. Everhart W. E. Thompson A. Ambrose Max Beagles Thos. C. Briggs A. L. Chatman O. H. Mitchell Daniel O'Bryan Thos. E. Os'burn Thos. G. Penfold L. R. Turner, Jr. R. E. Waddell Jno. N. Wilson D. Ed. Crain John C. Davis C. H. Frogue Robt. McClaskey Frank Podpeckan E. E. Rolison Thos. Sargeant W. A. Sharp Joseph Vetter Nicholson James Lloyd Anderson Clell C. Gray Ben F. Meek Wm. S. Trout Sam B. Goss J. Frank Kincaid George Hill Robert Henry Roscoe Estes Noah R. Teegarden Dan McVeigh Jewel Kincaid John H. Galeener Charles L. Prow Ivan W. Cuthbertson Harold R. Starrett Chas. N. Harmon Oral Yates Oliver Barnes John B. King B. F. Reeves John Jenkins Gus Johnson Justin W. Smith John Van Cleave Wm. T. Street J. M. Denning
1928.] No. of Lodge
314. 316.
Appendix. Name of Party
Sam Webb J. B. Dodd Walter R. Baker Thomas W. Cave Archie S. Coen Fred H. Crites A. Milton Goldman Leon R. Jenkins Fred A. Lamberton William Lotta Thomas W. McNear Charles Reiter Fred A. Ryan George A. Sanderson Harry E. Stege James W. Stout Joseph K. Young E. W. Guenther Jno. R. Gunn W. E. Hulett H. B. Hart M. H. Morris C. H. Marriott E. B. Sparks Archie White Warren T. Morris H. A. Craven Sam Hess R. A. Haskell T. B. Miller Henry Murray E. L. Parman Garland Pendleton Homer Pigg G. C. Poe Joe G. Bryan J. W. Cunningham Thomas R. Foster Hale W. Lentz Ora E. Myers Harry Kimbrough DeWitt McQueen Russell Esrey Hays W. Blackman Herman Kronsbein George H. Lindsey Chas. R. Lunnenschloss . Edwin G. Newman Chas. Pittman Wallace E. Zelle
No. of Lodge
333. 334. 335.
Name of Party
Frank Brixey Frank M. Ginger Fred F. McCluer J esse Alfred Seay Anthony B. Sterrett French R. White Elmer Andrews Wm. D. Copeland Earl G. Chalfont Joseph E. Johnson Samuel M. Kelley Manley F. Littrell Patrick M. Litton Clayton C. Newberry Frank M. Rogers H. A. Wellwood A. B. Shutter J. T. Gilmour R. R. Reed W. S. Bragg L. V. Cole Joseph H. Kilpatrick Oscar E. Pourcely Lewis J. Stilwell Walter P. Woods Joseph H. Allen Thomas B. Allen Dolman R. Atchison Orrin B. Boyer Elmer E. Daly Louis B. Dewey Charles A. Fleming William R. Floyd Carl Gist John E. Hayward Wm. H. Spiller Nova N. Warnick Lawrence O. Weakley Roy C. Hendren Sydney B. Painter James B. Tanner R. C. Bowen D. L. Gross T. C. Petre John A. Burford Walter V. Buxton Horace L. Clark Reginald Dickinson Samuel Landauer Jay' E. Lantz
164 No. of Lodge
337. a40.
Name路 of Party
John R. Ridgway Burton V. Rose Edward W. Rudolph Erie. C. Tuttle John H. Boothe Marvin T. -Caldwell James W. Elkins Alfred W. Hayes "\Vm. Morganthaler W. J. Ridgway John W. Tucker Grover C. Tucker Moody J. Cole Delbert Camp-ben Whitfield M. Abbott Harry B. Alley Paul Anderson Col. C. Andrews Richard A. Apperson Daniel R. Ashe Harold E. Beard Robert E. Bennett Gustav S. Blum Gilbert Bornstein Lon M. Boyer Myron D. Brown Houston G. Buchanan William G. Bucher Ferdinand J; Buschow Fred P ..Carson Charles B. Catlett Gilbert L. Clevidence Robert B. Collins Chauncey W. Cook Fred -C. Dieterich Claud A.路Durham Howard D. Edwards Coslett Elliott Gilbert H. Emmick Adam E. Ericsson Mark T. Fulton Jacob R. Ganger Earl R. Garrett Audrey M. Gleason Adrian E .. Hammond Edward M. Humphrey Albert Johnson George A. King Curtis D. Kleinschmidt Adolph Kluender .
No. of Lodge
[Sept. Name of Party
Roy C. Koger W. Louis Kvasnicka James H. Lapham John C. Lawrence Clarence Levitt Ray S. Lindsey Fred V. B. Lloyd James McKillop Martin P. Meredith Frank Moots Grover F. Morgan Henry H. Murphy John W. Murray Lewis A. Newman Lester H; Pendergrass Taylor D. Ramsey Forrest D. Ratcliffe Homer E. Reeves Howard E. Schulze George Selders Frank J. Shinnick He.nry J. Troger Oliver B. Wallace Charles E. Wilcox Walter. G. Winegar Raymond O. Wing John P. Zimmerman 341. R. H. Dunham O. L. Judy L. E. Meyer J. E. Konword Geo. W. Sunderwith F. A. Strichlarrd R. N. Montgomery W. G. Thomas Ben C. Bellamy Allen Star Geo. Boehm Geo. Star Edward Picket James R. Heyle S. W. Laughlin 344. Less D. Bradley Jas. H. Capelle Chas. L. Dodson Milton M. Grugin Logan Kribbs Millard M. Leach Ed. L. Munsell Louis F. Ratliff
19~8.] No. of Lodge
348. 350. 351.
Appendix. Name of Party
Malcolm S. Reber Homer L. Riley Clay Roberts Chas. E路. Runyon J. Oscar Smith Archie Thompson Edgar P. Towles Jas. R. Victor W. R. Welda W. F. Barnett Ralph L. Burke Ross E. Burns W. H. Cumley Geo. C. Dawson C. W. Day Leo B. Elliott Fred C. Gardner H. Tom James Glen T. Jamison Leonard J. Lewis Alfred E. McClaren Chas. L. Perry Carl H. Plumb C. L. Snodgras1s Chas. R. Wadlow H. D. Waterhouse Wm. A. Wessel J. D. Wintermute Chester A. Crawford Chester M. Morlan L. S. Wright James E. York Myrton C. Shellinger Mones 1. Herrell Jesse Harbinson Wm. King Geo. W. Duren H. F. He,nning Wm. Kasel Wm. Noah Minches E. G. ZusnaJ Jasper Turnbaugh Ben Wiseman Sam B. Dickerson Chas. L. Myers James E. Martin Wm. S. Rixey Lorin G. Sanford Richard H. Waters Ray P. Wood
No. of Lodge
362. 363. 364. 368. 371. 372. 374. 375.
. Name of Party
Dave Breeding C. K. Higgins H. M. Kitsmiller G. C. -Mitchell Will Price L. E. Willett H. A. Martin Y. O. Mitchell R. M. Drace Leon E. Fuller Geo. W. Haverstick E. D. Hinton M. A. Kansteiner Roy C. Kern R. C. LaMar T. R. McCully E. J. Neville L. M. Parrott G. H. Quentin G. A. Shadwick J. L. Shifflette A. LeF. Sullivan E. L. Wellhausen C. E. J. Wiegman P. F. Willis W. W. Patton R. T. Andrews Ray Booth Roy Fiscus Lundy Hoover H. C. McPheeters Bertram Meyers J. W. Owensby Bert E. Routh L. E. Unroe G. E. Wing T. J. Daggs Harvey M. Pearl Ernest T. Cox Jesse Corder W. S. Lyons Oren K. Howe Clinton J路ones E. R. McKay Howard E. Cassady Ambrose F. Gray John Shipman Neily B. Ballard Chas. R. Breeden Harly M. Dye
No. of Lodge
384. 389. 390.
. [Sept.
166 Name of Party
John B. Hogan Cyrus Mallett Orson D. Ragsdale Jesse M. Shelton Wm. R. Wingo Edw. L. Attrill Alexander Beattie Wm. E. Bowen Joseph L. Choun Louis W. Cramer Isaac C. Dennis James L. Dennis Alfred H. Hicks Thos. B. Jackson Oscar H. Kirschner Albert C. Kronenberger Clare M. Linscott Percy G. Mabie Wm. E. Martin Max Messenger Ray C. Morris Oscar L. Sack Harvey G. Sparks Wm. E. Thompson Geo. A. Tietz Claude G. Tilbury Wm. L. Wright Audrey Fountain Ernest J. Hollowell S. Osie Meridith Robert Lee Phillips James E. Rice Arthur J. Ralston .Tas. H. Whiteside Sever W. Frost Roger L. Graves Hank Porter Chas. Witt Arthur Grindol Lavan Kaser George W. Moore H. B. Eng'land Homer C. Carroll Wm. A. HoIdes Daniel D. Howard Chas. E. Johnson E. Loren Logan Claude E. Logan Ulysses G. McCall Willis A. McCullah
No. of Lodge
Name路 of Party
Herschel L. Sanders Loyd E. Sullivan Ira O. Wise 391. Lon B. Clark W. B. Dunham Marcus Pendleton Edw. F. Thompson Geo. L. Wilson Ben W. Brown 393. M. M. Alder W. Y. Griffith D. C. Smith 400. John F. Lucas William O. Merrill 401. George G. Bayliss Fred M. Burde Wm. T. Sutton Andrew J. Harrington Earle M. Graff James A. Jackson Erris E. Bland .I ohn M. Moore WaIter C. Hulin 402. Grover Reynolds 404. F. W. Barnes W. A. Genther Irvin V. Graff Jacob Baum 405. Will Carlock J. C. Snoddy Geo. Barker Wm. Raubinger T. L. Hankins M. B. Colver E. D. Watson Justin Carlock Oda Adamson Walter Raubinger Loda W. Rogers J. R. Hudspeth 406. Willis Ballard S. G. Downing R. J. Newport A. Paintor F. M. Rutledge R. M. Stephens M. S. Tomerlin Dewey Davis Stark Broadhead Geo. M. Dalton, Jr.
1928.] No. of Lodge
413. 414. 416. 419. 421. 422.
Appendix. Name of Party
T. J. Brown H. L. Bond W. H. Collier O. T. Dalton E. D. DeField H. H. Faris L. N. Gunther Wilson G. Harris W. W. Hendricks J. A. Howlett H. M. Hoffman J. E. Meneffee J. F. NunneHee W. C. Russell J. G. Russell W. I. Sidwell C. F. Sterrett Noel E. Swank J. P. Smith A. B. Wilkinson F. J. Wilkinson, Sr. F. J. Wilkinson, Jr. R. L. Shelby John J. Summers Harry Hart F. J. Pribil Edgar F. Hirni Geo. N. Russell Logan C. Kidd Grover C. Shanholtzer Oscar B. Hanson Geo. Medcap O. S. Dos'S Wm. T. Kelling' Howard P. Titus Robert S. Williams Roy' Bowman Milton Heath N. W. Harvey A. T. Bruner Geo. H. Simmons Wm. H. Hodges B. S. Adams R. Walter Andrews Geo. F. Bigelow Oren W. Bricker James E. Baker Herschel A. T. Brown Jesse R. Burks Guy A. Bradshaw
No. of Lodge
423. 42'8. i29.
430. 435.
436. 437. 440'.
Name of Party路
Frank P. Carroll James Case Frank E. Cramer James Porter Downs Lawrence W. Eaton Edmond O. Fors'burg Robt. G. Fahrenhorst Gordon W. Fletcher Harry Gibson Maxey G. Hall Ed ward Harvey Hearl J. Kidd Harry F. Kirkpatrick Wm. A. Lincoln Frances T. Lee Wm. Leath Ernest路 Lind Roy Martin Oscar C. Mitchell Roy McKee Charles H. Nelms Max F. Pachl J. Edwin Russell Abraham Sappington Virgil B. Smith Wm. E. Steele Clarence D. Stough Benjamin F. Tipton Fred C. Walters Geo. A. Winkleblack Jacob Wolf Albert A. Wood H. E. Bowers B. E. Western R. A. Peery Geo. H. Bowman J. M.Hill S. P. Landrem J. W. Stultz Leon F. Swartz James W. Brady Jasper Anson Ollie Browning Parrot Gardner Ambrose McKay Herman P. Riggs Samuel E. Poisel William W. Winn E. M. Caldwell D. H. Ricard
16$ No. of Lodge
,Appendix. Name of Party
No. of Lodge
Clyde Baugh 446. Geo. B. Gerhardt Clinton Goyert Chas. B. Jaeger Wm. J. Macke L. G. Hartness Hurschel H{)Uston Edgar C. Johnson Howard Kaufman Clarence Miller Miles M. Nicholas Hubert E. Oehler Lorn E. Wallace Wm. H. Walker Jess H.Walker Qeo. A. Williams Ralph E. Wray Lee G. Yaple George 路M. Blair Homer C. Diehl William S. Johnson Roger Don Snow Max Davidson Albert John Ehrengart Isaac Graham Walter Shaw Wm.. Griever Tinker Conner Horton Tucker Joseph Sterling Waldman Edwin 路Charles Freegard Floyd Hibbins' Lewis Joseph' Shapper Amon A.. Baker Jay D. Ball Richard B. Bell Cary B. .Couch Albert W. Dann Fred C. Detjan Warren E. Dickinson Samuel T. Dowell Dr. Wm. E. Green Gilbert A. Helzberg Edward G. Huston Harry King, Jr. Earl Marksbury Chas. E. McCarthy Thos.路 McDermott Wade H. Miller Harry W. Mitchell Floyd C. Ralston
Na,me of Party
Orin R. Six Julian R. Ringo Wm. R. Ritchey Louis W. Rolle Wellington P. Scyster Edwin J. Seifrit Geo. W. Thompson Harry H. Trenton Frank W .. Williams John M. WHkerson Neal Woodruff Leon O. Wortman Paul B. Clayton Jesse L. Shabram James Wm. Block Chas. A. Canfield Merrill I. Come Virgil Conkling Chas. H. Cons Arlo Butler Corpenny Willard Pearson Creech Gordon L. Dudgeon Martin Luther Gann John W. Gunn Guy Magers Hamm Stewart T. Hanks Terry Hansen Ferre A. Hathaway Baxter Preston Hill Edgar Freeman Hoard Jno. M. Kimber Otto A. Kueger Daniel George MacKenzie Chant A. Miller Harry Anthony Miller Chester A. Milton Cecil A. Paynter Claude C. Saighman Roscoe Edward Stovall Frank McKee Sutton Albert S. Welch Arthur J. Yorker Gerald D. Doyle Henry L. Claiborne Hartley B. Enochs Chas. W. Cremer Chauncey A. Alexander Claude M. Beaver Winfred Bryant Wm. A.' Cabell
1928.] No. of Lodge
448. - 450. 452.
454. 455. 456. 457.
459. 460.
463. 464.
465. 468.
Appendix. ' Name of Party
Leslie F. Canter Walter J. Graham John Mousley Chas. A. Peppers Alfred R. Skinner Frank E. Zimmer Fred Earl Keeney D. C. Idol John H. Engledorf J. Wesley Hei'bert Albert J. Rudig Vinton C. Young' 'James B. Breckenridge William H. Horning C. A. Jones Andy Phillips 1. J. Kehr Ralph C. Hogue Wm. 11. Friday J. W. Hunter C. P. Smith Harry .H. Williams Robert M. Miller Abe L. Sherman W. H. Sherman Ernest B. Tanner Frank A. Freiburg E. J. DeMoulin Arthur C: Cole Marcus B. Ridgway Lafayette Hickart Paul Dickert, -Samuel T. Hall Irwin H. Meyer Russ,el A. Corder Wm. Els'ea John H. -Bohlman George F. Floyd H. W. Curry Elmer Etter John Gasperson G. I. Lambreth J. R. McNeil L. A. Maxwell R. O. Maxwell J. n. Prater William West S. L. Wilson Alvin J. Cockrum 'Jeff. W.- Crismon
No. of Lodge
472. 475.
476. 479.
484. 486. 487.
Name of Party
Wilson M. Murray Obediah D. ,Pinkston Joe C. Stites Lewis R. Burris Avery W. Baer Harry H. Kerr Orlo H. QUiilll C. M. Shelton James W. Talbott Asa Porterfield John H. Harvey Edward Joy Benj. Davis Richard Hostings C. B. Greenfield S. B. McNeely Thos. G. Pitchford Jas. S. Bell Albert J. Erhart Harry H. Ferry' , H. Wilke Grimm Troy Ludiker Rex A. Smith Clarence M. Wilson Oris D. Hedges Ernest Roy West Lewis A. Abell Thomas G. 'Barnes Donald E. Bent Harry L. Brannon J. S. Cruse Ghas. R. Dodd John .r. Reible Francis M. Smith Chas. L. Stillwell J. Edgar Waller Percy W. Kingdon George E. Lehman Claire W. Shands Robert L. 'Campbell Chas. Ned Hutton Cornelius S. Turner George W. Eppright H. P. Gray R. D. Hussey Lewis Hussey E. H. Haire L. O. Groseclose R. A. Kinney Homer Rudolph
No. of Lodge
491. 495.
499. 500. 501.
502. 506.
509. 510. 513.
Name of Party
Geo. Sitz August Wood W. H. Collier John Mobley T. S. Matthews R. H. Williams Charles M. Auer C. E. Cox W. J. Harrington E. J. Koontz J. M. Newland C. L. Pratz M. E. Stenart R. Dickerson R. F. Yeates J. L. Foro D. Henderson E. J. McKittrick Roy Neff Elmer Powell V. H. Welch John Welch E. B. Jones Pettis Horton Given L. Moore Fred C. Rautenstrauch John L. Wyrick Lee E. Dunkin Luther RYaJn C. J. Mann W. W. Ewing Chester Bowling Dudley Hutchison Dick Forest Bennett W. C. Rice Frederick O. Littlefield Clyde S. Stevens Edgar S. Douring Harve Bush W. L. Dillon Ervin E. Hughes W. D. Watson J. Thompson J. O. Adams H. J. Cawley Robert P. Lawther ClydeC. Wilson D. C. Andrews L. D. Anderson H. J. Briggance
No. of Lodge
515. 517.
Name of Party
Chas. O. Bray A. L." 'Blankenship RobertC. Bruce Clinton A. Davis John M. Dalton Frank O. Gwyn W. E". Holmes E. W. Hathcock Wm. Elmer Hall J. Lon Hale Oscar A. Kern Joseph W. Karnes L. B. Motsinger George D. Miles Virgil O'Connor C. C. Redman R. L. Robinson L. Walker Rose W. T. Ray T. W. Reed Ernest Shepherd Thos. J. Stovall Wiley Surber Daniel M. Thornberry Joseph B. Miller Herbert E. Parsons Bert Hammers Wayne Gladden Hiram C. Still Burl P. Mitchell J. W. Beal Claude R. Short Gerald E. Akers Zenith E. Blakey John R. Borland Joe Bren Willie E. Brewster Thomas Brooks Frank Clampitt Lee Cohn Walker E. Crowl Guy O. Dana Roy H. Edmiston Walter R. Ehrnman F. Eitemiller John E. Winton Ellis Millard L. Gillespie Harry B. Grider Charles C. Hartman Duane T. Hauser
No. of Lodge
524. 528.
529. 532.
5,33. 534. 336.
1928.] Name of Party
Charles P. Hinson Granville J. Kelly Robert D. Kercheval Jerome J. Knapp Claude R. LaRochelle Errol D. Leniton James F. Looney William H. Lumley Maurice H. Lyons Lloyd McCollum John J. Magee Russell R. Martin Joseph R. Miller George H. Mulford Howard Muma William A. Oberkrom Elisha T. Patterson Charles P. Peppard James F. Sage Harry O. Smith William ,C. Smith Samuel B. Stoll Harry V. Summers Emerson B. Van Bibber Odd Wernes Eugene J. Willett Clayton C. Wilson Eldon Brittan Taylor Fitzpatrick Burl Hough T. H. Hough H. P. Layne B. L. Roberts Preutt Roberts Isaac Shantz Otto Shantz F. M. Anderson John Schocklin Albert B. Showman Claude Allen W. W. Hamner Claude E .. Johnson Jeff D. Kimbell C. C. Miller L. H. Nea,l Jas. V. Stroud J. M. Williams J. C. Kimbrough John G. Dickerson W. G. Cook
No. of Lodge
539. 541. 542. 544.
Name of Party
B. J. D.yn:an W. P. Fisher !4'. E. Fleming H. M. Shipley L. H. Koewing M. C. Bottom Joseph H. Dusenberry John Peyton Bryan J. W. Walker F. G. Morris Louis Maull Paul Blackwell Lee J. Duncan Charles H. Georges James M. Klepper Alexander Smith Vernon I. Adams Harry E. Blauw Fred M. Burton Grover D. Cox "'Talter S. Frazier Oscar W. Houchins Arthur J. Lacey Lee H. Maybee Clyde O. Morgan Homer L. Neff Leslie M. Pice Clayburn Pritchett Glenn A. Richards Walter Solt Walter O. S'waney Leonard A. Tallman Herbert B. Teeple Benjamin E. West .Alfred E. Danow James E. F. Beck Milford T. Brandberg David L. Burtnett C. Fred Fischer Harold Hardy Albert R. Miller Frank E. Murrill Charles A. McCoy Francis O. O'Connor William R. Parvin Donald F. Rankin Gerald F. Rhodes Robin R. Tenney William R. Vance Lacey E. Wolfskill
172 No. of Lodge
547. 548.
553. 555.
Name of Party
Roy C. Zimmerman Chas. E. Robinson George M. Graham Robert Hill R. B. Summers W. D. Goss \V. H. Faust W. O. Hill J. Myron Gray James Peelor Alfred Woolcott George E. Ames Artie C. Allen Lorenzo Dolph Hargis Elmer Hays Warren E. Lofton Glenn Calvin Moore Hayes W. Shields James Hilliard Smith Albert A. Aegertes Harry E. Binks Roy J. Buehrle Wm. W. Burden James B. Dodge Harry G. Haake' Crary P. Johnson Orville W. MacGregor Chas. Ray Miller Leroy E,. Miller Preston E. Montgomery Haron Skelton Lloyd. J. Speed Norman J. Sutton Frank J. Schlup' Ivor E. Edwards W. M. Breeden J. R. Day George Kirkman A. Koller Geo. W. Shed W. L. Smith M. Talbot Jas. Wilson C. L. Shineman J. N. Cox John Ireland Irl. A. Rhodes Robt. C. Meador Earl Baskett Oliver M. Anthony
No. of I ..odge
Name of Party
Isidore Bernstein George W.路 Carter li"red M. Crumley Burling A. Campbell Dorland Wiles DeShong Harry Friedman Elmore L. Goodloe Eugene F. Hall Chas. H. Henderson George M. Highfill Herman V. Holcomb Cbas. Burt Howe Dewey Hershel Jones Frank Kennison Ivan H. Kerr Floyd Kritzer Clarence P. Lockwood H. G. McLaughlin Arthur R. Mathers Otis E. O'Conner Ed. C. Pollitt Herbert Jno. Powell Walter E. Reed Joel E. Rhoads Harry Riekel Troy Allen Ryan Harry Lee Stearns Harry Sesler Allen C.' Smith Carlin P. Smith Max Gerald Garrison War.d Webb 564. T. P. Drummond Neal O~ McCollum George Watson R. R. Landrum G. D. Harfis William T. Brown Marvin Gant 565. George Dunn J. R. Ferguson Walter Hughs L. R. Hord F. B. Roots W. Rauchelbach 566. Carlos J. Hecox Jay S. Hostetter Russell E. Hughs Everett B. Mullins
-19.28.] No. of Lodge
566. 570.
575. 576. 578. 581.
582. 583. 589:
Appendix... Name of Party
George H. Patterson Clarence J. Snodgrass Clyde Gamble J. K. Woodfill A. F. Shipley Tol }i'. Plumlee Leroy R. Tomb J. C. Park Chas. S. Harris R. V. Morris Jay I( Bond Harry' Curtner Francis M. Murphy Jay H. O'Connor Wrn. E. Robertson David M. Ray William Kinder Nathan Wilson George R. Lott David O. Parker Chas. F. Kincaid H .. L. Angerer Jacob Blumberg A. E. Lewis Stacy K. Devany William A. Minges William T. Trowbridge Harry C. Clark' Chas. L. Portis Robert W. ChurcIi Wm.B. Halbert Wm. L. Perce . Geo.C. Stevens' W.' Thos. Terry C. D. Peterson Edgar Newson George L. Vanlannigham Emmitt Pearson H. 路P. Henderson W. W. Cantrell W. A. Dorton, Matt Jeemes Earl Simpson Harvey Bell L. H. Bryant H. A. Crites A. B. Jenkins, W. A. Sheil J. W. Wampler
No. of Lodge
Name of Party
E. L; Smith M. C. Smith J. 1". -Smith Arnold Hill 591. Aaron W. Burkhart Clarence E. Cox . 593. Monte -R, Murray Chas. :F'. Gehlert路 Joseph H. Dormeyer 596. Fred Duncan' O. L. Ji'ulkerson John A. Glisspie L. H. Lucas F. H.-Wright'597. H. W. ,Metcalf 598. Wm. Belmer . A. C. Bradley James Cash J esse French Chas. Roux .J ohn Sanders 599. H. L., Adams Lem Bowers C. A.Colson James Oozian J. H. Layne Grant Rickard H. R. Sloan Aden Skaggs Ed. Turner J. M:' Webb 601. Peter A.Gordon Rolla Muskat James, G. Pavyer, 'Jr.' '\Vm. Fraser. Stewart,Jr~ . Erwin Van D., Wallace 602. Prewitt F. Anderson' Clifford W. Byres Otis Dale Vlal ter O. Essman Albert R. Evans John W. George William E. Grubb George H. Jackson Charles R. Johnston Russell F. Lewis Clark Robinson Roy G. Spurling Roy B. Swartley
No. of Lodge
603. 607. 608. 611.
612. 613.
615. 617.
619. 620. 621.
Name of Party
William H. Tandy NelsonH. Trimble Stuart T. Vickers Ray W. Wright George T. Hudson Ruben Faughn John W. Craegar Harry 'Tate Roy E. Waller Frank Delp Emmet Inglish W. E. Miller Chas. P. Philips Eugene E. Smith Carl Lammert Chas. P. Vogel Flem Wallen Chas. W. Ames, Jr. Chas. E. Brown Wm. McE. Haines Irl R. Hicks, Jr. Otis S. Norton Walter F. Strayhorn Wm. L., Waymeyer Robert T. Barnes Walt Bartholomew W. E. Bullock J as. I. Burch Theo. Herring Howard Harper ElmerW. Jones A. S. Rogers John C. Steele Jos. J. Moser Harry C. Ryder N. C. Baker M. E.Bryant S. B. Buck A. Kyle Buck William E. Boyer Dennis Burns Benj. H. EUitt O. L. Eppard W. S. Esther James T. Fulkerson Meade Hickman W. W. Kaempfer W. G. Kellogg H. W. Manning J. D. Mears
No. of Lodge
627. 630. 631.
632. 638.
Name of Party
H. Richardson F. H. Streb L. L. Tracy L. N. Tye O. T. Wilson L. A. Stinson L.L. Wood ' Noah Adams Francis Baker Anderson Carey Walter B. Franklin Jno. C. Gordon Geo. D. Guymon Floyd A. Lute Wm. O. Maupin Albert M. Poslick Alex. G. Quick ClarenceC. Rich J. B. Gore Lester J. Naar Geo. S. Phillips George Bender Howard F. Dobeck Belmont Gernhardt Henry A. Hass Chas. F. Lueck Grover E. MCKee Daniel S. McNeil Sterling J .. Pumphrey Homer Maxwell Wilds S. DuBose Edwin G. Grunlund Lore,nz J. Haessel Walter E. Niehaus Wm. C. Phelps Robert G. Rankin David B. Rush Edward H. Springmeier Jack F. Vetter, Jr. Charles W. Pilsing Milton A. Strong Jacob W. Gansert Garnett E. Reynolds Erwin A. COWdery Elmer A. Dempsey Max J. Kopman Harold N. Slupsky Chas. G. Weinbrenner W. D.. Nichols M. Y. True
No. of Lodge
1928.] Name of Party
Joseph Raskas Owen I. Bird Edw. Horn 643. Roy R. Alexander Jewell S. Blackburn George R. Brandow Charles L. Dickey Conrad L. Euler Lemuel S. Fischell Watson D. Fletcher Harry Gorham Arthur G. Hahn Sidney W. Lefkovits William E. Lindsey William E. Minnick Guy A. North Cliford W. Phillips William H. Reed Fred J. Schulze George W. Scott Harry H. Sharp William L. Shoaf William B. Spanier William T. We'bb Arthur A. Yaple 646. Fred C. Beisman 649. Walter E. Diggs Richard S. Jannopouli Alfred E. LechmQeller Chas. D. Piper
No. of Lodge
650. 652. 653. 654. 656.
657. 658. 659. 663.
Name of Party
Wm. B. Puckett John W. Huber Albert L. Waller Albert Cunningham Julius C. Larsen. Geo. C. McPheeters Andrew T. Main A. B. :fIendry A. T. Bagley J. P. DeWolfe L. Fletcher C. C. Huber J. L. Kirkpatrick R. A. Kneeland R. H. Masters O. L. Miller F. A. Theis W. R. Ferris L. Hughes D. E. McGaughey G. B. Weaver Orville ,Po Baum Alfred R. Bergmann George Wolf Ralph H.Cook Samson Mandel Gustave Mandel Wm. Albert Berrier G. C. Daly
REINSTATED. No. of Lodge
Name of Party
1. Alfred Gfeller Chester -J. Watts Wm. J. Fairback Charles R. Oehler L. W. Fitzpatrick Fred W. Boyd. Geo. H. Ogletree Harry A. Mansfield Warren M. Murphy 2. Leo. Biedermann 3. Edw. A. StaufferHarry' J. Gestring William Rieman Henry E. Davidson Johnathan Holliday Elmer A. Haumueller 4. C. J. Halstenburg 5,. Dwight E. Newton 9. Chas'.' A. McDonnell Robt. H. Sihnhold Paul V. Hastings Percy H. Hearle lOo. J. Houston Dowell Francis' L. Skaith 13. Carl L. Millsap Clint M. Lindsay 16. J. ,D. Skidmore Culvin Bourn' 20. William Goldman A. S. Harris 24. James F. Roach 25. Arthur H. Schweer James Marr August Weber . 28. Thomas A. Briscoe Charles W. Fulmer 29. Carl F. Yunker 30. O. C. Head F. Roscoe Gipson 31. S. B. Campbell M. A. Sandusky C. W. Woolfolk 35. Chas. Edw. Kauffman A.B. George 36. S. H. Birch A. E. Horn back G. O. Strutz W. W. Oak
No. of Lodge
37. 40. 43.
Name of Party
Reuben E. Kerns Christian E. Lilholt W. B. Hampton J; E. Jose 45. Henry Roeder Elza Egbert Huitt 47. Loren T. Brockman Lin L. Marshall Harry: G. Dale49. Lee George Shanks 50. John W. Lindsay 51. W. R. Dewitt 52. Roy John Jarvis 53. George Weigman, Jr. 59. Fred Shelledy C. A. Stites 60. Herbert L. Self Robert G. Hall Enoch Adkinson Chas. Emmet Pearra 67. W. N, Martin H.C. Spillman 68. Lemuel H. Johnson John C'. McHaney, Sr. 69. Julius E. Banta Wm. H. McAdoo 74. - E. A. Chapman J. F. Stowers 77. .John L. Bass Leslie W. Barnes Samuel -C. Veach 78. 'Chas. F. Byrd R. A. Rochambeau O. F. Rohwedder 79. Henry Gerber Cyril B. Hancock George J. Koenig Clay M. Brannon William Str<>h 80. Leon Priwer Elston A. Lotz 82. Roy E. Prather 8'3. Joseph Malcolm 86.. Wm. J. Dunsoomb GUY Fletcher Lee S. McElhiney N. G. Ransom Charles L. Stevens
1928.] No. of Lodge
87. 89. 92. 93.
97. 101. 104.
108. 109.
110. 111. 112.
Appendix. Name of Party
Wm. N. Holman W. L. Chandler Robert S. Carr Henry S. Adams Wm. P. Stark Lee Bagby Denver S. Bollinger John Harttman E. H. Orear R.obert G. Philipson Wm. F. Loyd Whittaker Wm. Erickson White Montgomery W. Berry George Angus Miller W. R. Virts Ed. Virts John F. Parks Paul KatoloV' Andrew D. McMahan J. R. Shannon Fred Naccarato Wm. P. Slepian Grant W. Berry L. L. Poland Hosea A~ Wright .Toe W. Gooch Hugh Beaton John Rieger Blaine B.Steel James T. Norman Jesse Miller W. C. Evans Louis' Wilkerson Milton V. Thompson Chas. M. Childers Geo. W. Miller Charles W. Allen Walter Ballenger John P. Bell T. E. 'Conley E. Nelson Crank Hugh J. Evans Hollis Edwards Riley White Garey John C. Hasty Dr. J. E. Jordan A. A. Berger . C. W. Lumas Walter McNab Miller A. O. McAllister
No. of Lodge
115. 116.
118. 120. 121. 122. 1'27.
131. 133. 136. 137. 144. 145. 150. 154. 158.
Name of Party
Fred L. Nickerson W. I. Oliver Benjamin B. Putter Chas. A. Robertson Y. P. Rothwell 1. A. Serkes Warren R. Toalson A. J. Winn Nelson Walden VirgilA. Wood Fred H. Sandifur H. P. Waite Carl Renner C. P. Patton C. C. Hampton S. W. Keyes John Bloeser E-. L. Edwards Volney Brown Marsh Mahoney Wesley H. Bradford Alva A. Britain Francis A. Caldwell . Floyd M. Huffman .Tames E. Huffman Geo. F. Hulse James F. King Oscar L. Louis Paul F. Musick Hillery C. Russum Merritt路L. Smith Ralph R. Turpin Barney C. Taylor Chas. W. Copeland Jonathan C. Smith Grover W. Sprinkle Homer E. Green L. Earl Peck James K;White Alex. Campbell James L. Hicks R. 路L. Whittenburg Irwin Sliger M. M. Critchfield F. E. McCreary Lynn W. Garrett Melv'in N. Washburn Alfred C. Spuehler. C. Emmett Wallace Bis:hop:W.. Shemwell
178 No. of Lodge
161. 164. 166. 169. 170. 172. 176. 179.
184. 188.
190. 193. 197.
199. 200.路 202.
Appendix. Name of Party
Chas. H. Harlan Nathan H. Hurt Louis A. Green George. L. Black Ed Knight T. E. Baker George Barnes Marion Yargus William R. Owens J. Everett Howard John B. Metts J. W. Rhodes Harold M. Van Horn Thos. H. Steward Edward Kolb Lester M. Finley Sidney I. Asher Wm. Black Julius G. Kluge Jas. H. Joyce J. Fred Meyer Chas. Algers Wm. J. Carson Geo. A. Hornback Murry P. Leonard R. M. Wilkins E. F. McDaniel Harry J. Millard Geo. R. D. Kramer N. J. Givan Jay R. Lawyer Fonce M. Ford J. B. Featherstone Wm. H. Youse Ellis P. King Delaware Parker Sylvester B. Stokes Walton E. Taylor William Scudder Orlando C. Corbin Jas. A. McClanahan J. Glen Markel James A. Crabtree Walter E. Bailey John W. Hilderth Geo. W. Miller George A. Snyder S. B. Bailey Bernie Stepp Henry C. Phillips
No. of Lodge N arne of Party 204. Jas. E. Maget
205. 206.
207. 20&.
211. 212. 2'13. 214. 215.
218. 220.
222. 225. 22'7.
229. 232. 233. 2'34. 236.
237. 238.
Earl J. Hendrix Wm. A. Pollock John H. Craven Lee A. Busby Orton Chinn Wm; O. Walker David A. McKinney Ed. C. Morrison Harry R. Fritz E. C. Kingery Hugo Arnhold D. C. Hale Luther A. Geer Chas. B. Winston Robert L. Marston Chas. B. Neil Benj. S. Cornwall Charles .L. Mills S. B. Brannum J. W. Ellis E. A. Fulbright J. O. Mathews J. S. Krapf M. J. Lovell J. T. Self Willard F. Smith William H. Pierce Edwin R. Kellogg Ira G. Kinney John S. Carlton Walter Gable Wells R. Darby Fred Z. Layton Jesse W. Shoup Ferd Tice George W. Yount B. F. Ayres Geo. Groy . George C. Swarts James N. Moffett Grover E. Lathrop Jno. H. Zollman John G. Alspaugh John Ii. Dalby Samuel L. Grother路 Louis R. Montgomery Walter Warren Herbert I. Sears O. E. Wh{tlen
1928.] No. of Lodge
239. 240. 241. 243.
247. 248. 250. 2'55. 256..
264. 2'65.
267. 271.
274. 276. 277.
Appendix. Name of Party
John R. Goff John G. Joff Elmer O. Bennett Luther P. Johnson Elmer L. Werner Arthur Cooper Wm. L. Gooding Custer A. Prendergast Henry Likes Chas. R. Cannafax, Jr. Aug. H. Kirchner Geo. W. Rich Jas. S. Cuming Rayburn Jones Wm. A. Blair Percy .A. Doyle T. M. Doellner Fred'k E. Brown Adolph Bilzing C. K. Stewart Harry C. Stewart C. E. Trevathan C. E. Crockman Loyd Phillips Wm. Newman Luther C. Johnson H. M. Jeffry A. D. Sanders D. B. Palmer Chas. L. Conner Fred LeVee Grover C. Butler E. A. Reed C. V. Mattocks C. M. Fredericks G. G. Morrow Robert Cummings N. C. Lusk G. R. Kearney J. W. Widmeir W. T. Aton Ira Smith Peyton R. Harris Samuel C. Reed Thos. C. Bundy H. Harrison Simpson Robert J. Robertson Jacob R. Bird R. Marvin Henderson Oliver P. Weaver
No. of Lodge
282. 284. 287. 289. 2'92-.
293. 297. 299.
,301. 3(}4.
307. 309. 310. 313. 314. 315. 316.
319. 320.
Name of Party
John B. Pachall Louis B. Kunkel Calvin Wile Hill T. T. Cates Otto Shanks Jas. W. Decker Harry Bushman True Gardner Fred Williams Frank Lee Chas. E. Jones Paul McLaughlin Harold ChrisUan Ottman Elbert Danison Henry S. Campbell George E. Chesney J. William Colley Odie D. Emberton Wm. T. Hart Mason Kittess Ralph E. McKelvy Jean J. Mignolet Eugene O. Saighman Albert W. Shroeder Addison Shackelford Alva C. Terrell Otto H. Wederman Hariry Thompson A. LeRoy Davis Chas. S. Taylor L. H. Freeman Millard F. Cox P. Hunt Wilber J. Birch Moll Herman C. Henry William J. Mdlem Edgar T. Snyder Henry Lee Drane Elzie Arnold Roland D. Perkins . Delmar M. Pinckney A. Horace Cubberly Horace Love Lloyd A. Walker Fred A. Leishman Edward C. Price Harry E. Pein John E. Sleeth I. E. Young Albert Hill
180 No. of Lodge
Appendix. Name of Party
Donald Wachenheim Arthur King .Lester E. Warnky Leopold Gerson Everett Dunn David S. Schwartz Maurice L. Roos .Leon D. Marks 324. Homer P. Allen Lawrence D. Jones Allen C. Southern 327.路 James W. Bingham Jack A. Harper James D. Newton Martin E. Morgan Warren E. Peake Walter D. Storms Monroe Williams 330. John F. W. Wilmsmeier Henry Morgenthaler 331. Russell G. Munn Burl H. Henly William K Fellows Robt. E. Moore 334. A. H. Bothwell J. Edwin Cochran V. C. Holmes Clyde E. Roberts Frank E. Roberts Herman C. Silvey 335. Earl A. Hazen Harry J. Mead Raymond Axel Taylor Miller Clyde E. Pickens Charles E. Hardesty Jack Abrams 340. Lewis Aines Byron A. Anderson Charles C. Booher; Jr. 路Richard Canterbury Alcrede E, .Charpie Wm. L. Davidson John P. Hammi! Ray C. Hickman Francis D. Jobe Henry N. LaMar Isaac L. Leavitt Samuel R. Levenson John S. Marley
No. of Lodge
340. 341.
342. 344. 345.
347. 353. 354. 356. 360.
367. 368. 370. 371. 376. 377.
Name of Party
Lawrence P. Norton Alf. J. Shilling Roy W. Tolman Preston L. Judy T. Lee Hall Wm. Sharpless H. H. Dickbrader H. Frank Hough A. E.. Babcock W. C. Dickbrader Berla Evans J. W. Kincaid C. C. Harvey Floyd A. Hale Melvin M. Moritz I-Iarry W. Ros'S Haskell O. Trusty James B. Williams Orin L. E-icholz Schuyler C. Wyman Lionel L. Latour John S. Thornton Wm. J. Bell Edwin W. Hurst J. Robert Treganza Stanley C. Flawn Francis D. W. Farrell Arnold C. Stedingk Frank B. Hargrove James W. Buffington Ora Hombs Wm. C. Flynn Horace S. Rumsey R. L. Taylor Dick C. Miller Jay L. Bowman Geo. S. Marshall F. Douglas Hills R. D. Grant J. A. Medlin John T. Burns J. M. Davidson Don Marcum Jas. N. Duke Grover C. Smith W. Ervin Kabler Carl R. Haas Wm. Sterling Ward Michael E!. Dittemore Roy Case
1928.] No. of Lodge
378. 384. 390. 391. 392. 395. 398. 400. 401. 405. 406.
413. 416.
417. 418. 420. 421. 422.
423. 432. 440. 444.
Name of Party
Glenn Jolly E. G. Jolly Ezekiel Ferguson Arthur Heltsley Byford M. Holmes Fred Munson S. J. Hutchinson Gilbert E. Wyatt Jesse B. Alley Earl E. Baker William A. Raupp J. Howard Gray Ernest W. Liles Clement E. Ault E. W. Traller Thos. J. Bailey Robt. A. Cox Harry Miller E. L. Frazell Chester R. Peck O. J. Tomerlin Chas. H. Workman J. H. Collier E. L. Brown H. L. O'Reilley C. H. Balding Jas. L. Lee Raymond L. Townsend Albert C. Karcher Frank L. Butz John C. Ecoff G. Allison Smithett I. Roy Chrysler Rev. A. N. Walker Mason Snider A. E. Poinsett M. M. Hill Otto Koch Alex. W. McClean Gus Hindes Edw. R. Sanderson . N. B. .Mitchell W. Lee Brown Merl Christian Walter -Finley Anthony A. Bollinger David C. Clippard Herbert J. Bruns Lewis F. Pigg Clarence Bogard
No. of Lodge
445. 446. 449.
455. 456. 458. 460. 461.
469. 471. 475.
477. 478. 48(}. 481. 482. 489. 497. 499.
50(}. 501. 509. 510. 511. 513.
Name of Party
John Jacob Eichenberger Harvey C. Montgomery Francis N. Robert Ivan C. Kuhns R. L. Hoyal James E. Barnes George T. Gibbons James M. Stone G. W. Shannon Otto R. Lee Clifford E. Landers John A. Guest路 James W. Carmean W. A. Crockett Chas. B. Farris Arthur L. Oliver Henry W. Rives Joseph Latshaw James McFall W. F. Wells Eddie V. Juden Fred Gossom E. E. Watson James Murray J. E. KOontze Wm. R. Crouther Dan Dowell Wm. S. Davis Michael D. Miller Chas. K. Street Edwin R. Boswell Henry T. Overton Nova R. Simpson Sam R. Price Chas. Aslin George Baker George H. Slawson Hugh P. Burks Walter B. Clayton George D. EUis Everett L. Burton Albert Anthony D. C. Auld Lewis Webb R. T. Hutchison Earl C. Abrams John T. Perry R. G. Sewell Paul Audra Berry James Doherty
No. of Lodge
516. 517. 52'2.
523. 532.
537. 538. 544. 546.
182 Name of Party
N"orvel J. Waid Wm. Brown Carl F. Burnett Norman B. Bailey Fred L. Bedell Finis E.Cobb Olie R. Cole W,alter H. Cunningham Leslie C. Denton Roy Elsea Roy L. Fisher Samuel W. Henderson Joseph J. Hofacre Albert H. Marvin Oliver L. Meier Guy W. Ostrander George Rally Roy O. Rinehart Herman P. Schliebs .I ohn S-chwartz Thomas A. Streeper Arch Hill Herman Davis .I ohn A. Gressom J. Otto Hahn Fred Camden J. P. Smythe G. P. Hill R. P: Grayham B. F. Thomas R. J. Myers Pearl Grayham David J. Kiser P. H. Wilks Samuel Frazer William E. Benson Nelson R. Boice Charles E. Dorsch John L. Keeler Leon E. Werntz James O. Yowell Henry J. Thompson Wm. H. Crowder Boaz C. Gelder Robert A. Tandy Otis E. Pearson Guy N. Whitton Ernest M. Ryan O. L. Alberty Galen D. Chitwood
No. of Lodge
549. 550. 555. 5路63.
570. 573. 576.
578. 583. 586. 587. 590. 596. 599.
Name of Party
Wm. J. Chadwell Sullivan Richard Landers John W. Rule Emmons S. Free George Phillips G. A. McCaskill Archibald Morrison, Jr. Ralph V. Crumly Clifton D. Simmons Clifford H. Robinson Arthur D. Closson Edward D. McGinnis Harry E. Inman J. D. Sheets Pearl M. Smith A. D. Orendorff David M. Miller Samuel Bricker Harry F. Smith SamuelE.Trube Walter F. Bruechner Aug. H. Pfiffner Chas. L. Swann Wm. E. Hugo J. C. Fleischman Edw. H. Clay Jules F. Silberberg John W. Stock . Herbert E. Clark O. C. Bradfield V. E. Stevens A. T. Kinder J. A. Eason J. King J. M. Page Dan C. Edsell Roy A. Sands Thos. A. Mathews T. D. Harrison Thos. W. Rubottom Emil Klein .Tames H. Hamblin John M. Delsour Clyde F. Edmonds H. A. Miller L. G. Eckert Chas. L. Absher W. J. McAnally Earl J. Weimer Geo. H. Langdon
1928.] No. of Lodge
599. 60'1. 602.
606. 610. 613.
615. 618.
619. 620. 621. 622.
626. 627. 630.
Appendix. Name of Party
D. C. Goff Harry T. Randle Harry M. Stone Arthur Rhodes Walter Wobus Hayden Nichols William Ford, Jr. Charles W. Green Louis A. Young J. E. Whittle L. L. Griffith E. K. Griffith Wm. B. Fray John R. Foster Alvin T. Menafee Edmond L. Forgus Ural J. King Jos. R. Ray Harris Warner C. V. Hdgbee Maynard F. Francis Loren F. Francis William A. Cullers W. C. Garrett Jack Beal JO'seph Fallen Joseph H. McElhaney William Kenney Frank Boardner James B. Henson Tip Hall Wm. D. Lacy Chas. T. Hchoonover Walter H. Smith Flem J. Thompson Wm. F. Admire Herbert E. Howard Mark Michael Jas. B. Moore John路 R. Stillwell Campbell Cummings E. J. Bass John Roberts Minor C. Battles Frank McF. Bell, Jr. H. L. Christenson C. I. Cres'swell
No. of Lodge
634. 635. 637. 639. 641.
Name of Party
L. E. Cunningham Thos. C. Davis Floyd E. Estep Edw. L. Faibian B. G. Hamilton Jas. A. Hays R. R. Hodgkinson Elmer J. Howe Sam M. Isenson Edw. J. Kaelin Edgar D. Lattiner Henry J. Nie Wm. J. Oylear Herbert L. Parsons Wm. A. Penrod Ira M. Reed John F. Rivers Geo. R. Robinson J. L. Thacker David I. Traver Chas. A. Votaw John W. Wade P. M. Waldron Karl H. Winter Chas. J. Zimmerman Louis Ple.ssner Robert H. Meier Wm. Lennartz Chas. C. Brown George T. Crawshaw Alvin Stivers M. J. McCormick J. P. Swain Arthur G. Swedberg John S. Berry Chas. F. Knight E. E. Glans H. G. Clark E. E. Haller H. J. Knapp O. T. Winkle M. N. Grossman Noel R. Johnson Mark A. Kerst Charles P. Scully Lee V. Williams C. N. Robinson
20. 25. 206. 323.
No. of Lodge
Name of Party
Louis Greengard Oscar Eiswirth James A.. Long Jean Knott
445. 652. 659.
Name of Party
Conrad Paeben Earnest C. Diethelm Clarence T. Corbin
EXPELLED. No. of Lodge
Name of Party
3. Frank R. Potter 9. Charles A. Bell 39. Francis W. Audsley, Jr. 78. Louis P. Chodos 105. John D. McDowell 176. John Russel Holland 179. Wm. O. Schuerman 2,05. Thomas Rumans 2-2'6. John Henry Kiesler 254. Ira L. Suttqn 259. Olin U. Mur,fin 265. Edgar Wm. Holland
No. of Lodge
277. 303. 312. 4016. 427. 470. 515. 546. 612. 613. 626. 629. 645.
Name of Party
E. E. Chapman Alexander B. Wilson Chas. E. Steurnagl~ Henry Stocks B. E. Martin Wiiliam M. Moody John Barnes McKinley King Wm. Pat Cronan Roy Schooley Frank Templin Richard T. Collins Benj. F. Dean
Name of Lodge
A 602 Acacia: Columbia Boone 444 Ada Orrick Ray 366 Adair KirksvilIe Adair 355 Adelphi.. Edgerton Platte ; .Advance Stoddard 590 Advance 10 Agency Agency Buchanan 343 Agricola Petersburg .Henry 252 . Alanthus .Alanthus Grove Gentry Kansas City Jackson 219 Albert Pike 664 Aldrich Aldrich · Polk 544 Algabil. St. .Louis 198 AlIensville Allendale Worth 659 Alpha N. Kansas City Clay 108 Altamont.. Altamont. Daviess 255·· Alton Alton Oregon 347' America St. Louis 141 . Amsterdam Amsterdam Bates 443 Anchor St. Louis 377 Ancient Craft King City Gentry 356 Ancient Landmark. ..Harrisburg Boone 621 Anderson Anderson ,..McDonald 193 Angerona _Missouri City :Clay 529 Apollo St. Louis 412 Appleton City Appleton City St. Clair 389 Arcana Harris Sullivan 633 Archie Archie Cass 6 Ark Newark Knox 346 Arlington Dixon Pulaski 70 Armstrong Armstrong Howard 55 Arrow Rock Arrow Rock Saline 100 Ash Grove Ash Grove Greene 156 Ashland Ashland Boone 306 Ashlar Commerce Scott 127 Athens Albany Gentry 267 Aurora St. Louis 357 Aux Vasse Aux Vasse CalIaway 26 Ava Ava , Douglas
: ,
26 20 2 21 50 9 37 6 22 41 33-B 6 22 10 53 33-B 35 33-B 6 26 56 11 33-B 37 3 34 :. 2 39 25 24 .45 26 50 6 33-A 27 46
217 591 116 353 367 365
Barbee Barnett Barn€s Barnesville Barry : Bayou
Sweet Springs Barnett Cabool. Ellington Washburn Bakersfield
Saline Morgan Texas Reynolds Barry Ozark ,
24 58 46 .47 55 53
186 No.
3 393 632 373 450 170 642 378 573 97 537 379 150 41 535 557 594 153 102 337 101 449 195 45 597 587 135 334 80 86 269 203 233 501 275 442 254
Appendix. Name of Lodge
Beacon . Beehive Belgrade Belle Belton Benevolence Benjamin Franklin Berlin Bernie Bethany Bethel.. Billings Birming Bismarck Blackwell. Blairstown Blodgett.. Bloomfield Bloomington Blue Springs Bogard Bois D'Arc Bolivar Bonliomme Bosworth Branson Braymer Breckenridge Bridgeton Brookfield Brotherhood Brumley Bucklin Buckner Bunker Burlington Butler
416 Cache 328 Cainesville 486 Cairo 552 Calhoun 183 California 38 Callao 63 Cambridge 169 Camden Point.. 284 Canopy 231 Cardwell 549 Carl Junction 249Carroll...
St. Louis Lawson Ray Belgrade Washington Belle : Maries Belton Cass Utica Livingston St. Louis Berlin Gentry Bernie ; Stoddard Bethany Harrison Bethel.. Shelby Billings Christian Faucett Buchanan Bismarck. St. Francois Blackwell St. Francois Blairstown Henry Blodgett .scott Bloomfield Stoddard Bevier Macon Blue Springs :Jackson Bogard Carroll Bois D'Arc Greene Bolivar Polk Ballwin St. Louis Bosworth Carroll Branson Taney Braymer Caldwell Breckenridge Caldwell St. John's Station St. Louis Brookfield Linn St. Joseph Buchanan Brumley Miller Bucklin Linn Buckner Jackson Bunker Reynolds Burlington Jct.. Nodaway Butler Bates C St. Louis Cainesville Harrison Cairo Randolph Calhoun Henry .california Moniteau Callao Macon Slater Saline Camden Pt.. Platte Aurora Lawrence Cardwell Dunklin Carl Junction Jasper Norborne Carroll
33-A 20 40 58 34 12 33-B 6 51 5 14 54 9 48 40 37 50 50 14 59路 20 .45 4;1 57 20 54 12 12 57 13 9 38 13 59 .47 7 35 33-B 5 18 37 31 14 24 21 55 51 .44 20
. Appendix.
1928.] No.
Name of Lodge
401 197 461 147 305 431 172 611 81 59 615 185 331 407 487 333 392 388 342 229 662 610 553 559 17 248 207 601 418 507 651 645 463 520 161 548 482 2'74 485 595 168 534 533 654 120 432 369 464 454 528 36
Carterville Carthage Caruthersville Cass Cecile-Daylight.. Cement Censer Centertown Central. Centralia Chaffee Chamois Charity Charleston Chilhowee Chillicothe Christian Chula Circle Clafiin Clarence Clark Clarksburg Clarksdale Clarksville Clarkton Clay Clayton Clear Creek Clearmont Cleveland Clever Clifton Clifton Heights Clifton Hill... Clinton Clintonville Cold Spring Cold Water Cole Camp Colony Columbia Comfort Commonwealth Compass Competition . Composite Concordia Continental... Conway ·Cooper
187 County
Carterville Jasper Carthage Jasper Caruthersville Pemiscot Harrisonville Cass Kansas City Jackson Half Way Polk Macon Macon Centertown Cole Molino Audrain Centralia ; .noone Chaffee Scott Chamois Osage St. Joseph Buchanan Charleston Mississippi Chilhowee Johnson Chillicothe Livingston Oak Grove Jackson Chula Livingston Roscoe St. Clair Protem Taney Clarence Shelby Clark. Randolph .clarksburg Moniteau Clarksdale De Kalb Clarksville Pike Clarkton Dunklin Excelsior Springs.Clay Clayton St. Louis Lincoln Benton Clearmont Nodaway Cleveland Cass Clever Christian Thayer Oregon .st. Louis Clifton HiII.. Randolph Clinton Henry El Dorado SpringsC€dar Leeton Johnson Drexel. Cass Cole Camp Benton Colony Knox Pacific Franklin Wh€aton Barry : St. Louis ParkvilIe Platte Competition Laclede Doniphan Ripley Concordia Lafayette Stewartsville De Kalb .conway Laclede : Boonville Cooper
.44 44 51 34 22 41 14 31 27 26 50 31 9 50 36 12 59 12 37 54 14 18 31 10 16 51 11 57 37 7 34 54 53 33-A 18 37 42 36 34 36 2 32 55 33-A 21 38 52 23 10 38 25
188 No.
Appendix. . Name of Lodge
265 323 600 282 656 561 287 606 519 368 586 312 525 227
Corinthian Cornerstone Cosby Cosmos Country Clu路b Cowgill Craft Craig Crane Crescent Hill.. Criterion Cuba Cunningham : Cypress
492 539 386 400 562 88 137 119 39 532 325 300
Daggett Dawn Dayton Decatur Deepwater Defiance Delphian De Soto DeWitt Dexter Dockery Doric
285 630 384 575 291 318 648 599 607 14 497 121 278 505 73 27 405 577 332 441
Earl. East Gate East Prairie Easter Edina Eldorado Elmer Elvins Eminence..J Eolia Equality Erwin Essex Euclid Eureka Evergreen Everton Ewing Exccllo Excelsior
Warrensburg St. Louis Cosby St. Louis Kansas City Cowgill Canton Craig Crane Adrian Alba Cuba Sumner Laclede
[Sept. County
36 33-B 9 33-B 221 12 15 8 54 35 44 39 19 13
Andrew Jackson Caldwell Lewis Holt Stone Bates Jasper Crawford Chariton Linn
McKittrick. 路 Ludlow Dayton PeirceCity Deepwater Sheridan Birch Tree ne Soto DeWitt Dexter Meadville Elkland
Montgomery Livingston Cass Lawrence Henry Worth Shannon Jefferson Carroll Stoddard Linn Webster
: 28 12 34 55 3;' 6 47 .40 20 50 13 45
Coffey Kansas City East Prairie St. Clair Edina Luray .Elmer Flat River Eminence Eolia Newburg St. Louis Essex.: St. Louis Brunswick New Haven Everton Ewing Excello Jackson
Daviess Jackson Mississippi Franklin Knox Clark Macon St. Francois Shannon Pike Phelps Stoddard Chariton Franklin Dade Lewis Macon Gape Girardeau
10 22 50 32 2 1 14 48 47 16 39 :.. 33-A 50 33路A 19 , 32 42 15 14 .49
1928.] Name of Lodge
F 483 290 44 619 132 47 345. 281 542 339 261 23 214 578 453 554 212 192 363 352 89 48
Fairfax Fairmount.. Fair Play Fairview Farmington Fayette : Fellowship Fenton Ferguson Fidelity Florence Florida Forest City Forest Park Forsyth Foster Four Mile Frankford Fraternal... Friend Friendship ~ulton
Fairfax Wyaconda Fair Play Fairview Farmington Fayette .Joplin Fenton Ferguson Farley New Florence Florida Forest City St. Louis Forsyth Foster Campbell... Frankford Robertsville Ozark : Chillicothe Fulton
Atchison Clark Polk Newton St. Francois Howard Jasper St. Louis St. Louis Platte Montgomery Monroe Holt ,Taney Bates Dunklin Pike Franklin Christian Livingston Callaway
8 1 .41 56 48 25 44 57 57 21 28 17 8 33-B 54 35 51 16 32 54 12 27
515 Galena Galena : 106 Gallatin Gallatin 423 Galt Galt 655 Gardenville Gardenville 359 路Garrett Arcola 52路2 Gate City Kansas City 422 Gate of the Temple.Springfield . 465 Gaynor City Parnell 125 Gentryville Gentryville 9 George Washington.St. Louis 250 Glensted Glensted 427G1enwood G1enwood 475 Golden Golden City 218 Good Hope St. Louis 72 Gorin Gorin 436 Gothic Alexandria 397 Gower Gower 289 Graham Graham 644 Grain Valley ,Grain Valley 514 Granby Granby 579 Grandin Grandin 276 Grand River Freeman 618 Grandview Grandview 272 Granite Sedalia 66 Grant City Grant City 173 Gray Summit Gray Summit..
Stone Daviess Grundy St. Louis Dade Jackson Greene Nodaway Gentry Morgan Schuyler Barton Scotland Clark Clinton Nodaway Jackson Newton Carter Cass Jackson Pettis Worth Franklin
54 10 4 57 42 22 45 7 6 33-B 58 1 43 33-B 1 1 11 7 59 56 47 34 59 36 6 32
190 Name of Lodge.
159 425 414 635 107 178 589 474
Green City Green Ridge Greensburg Greentop Greenville Griswold Grovespring Guilford
216 336 224 188 322 499 171 395 21 571 459 354 117 37 477 338 123 288 187 104 211 52;7 364 455 362 279 262 660 49 251 239 215 580 4 130 32 415 30
Hale City Hallsville Hamiiton Hannibal. Hardin Harmony Hartford Hatfield Havana Hayti Hazelwood Hebron Helena Hemple Henderson Herculaneum Hermann Hermitage Hermon Heroine Hickory Hill. Higbee HigginsvilIe Hinton Hiram , Hogle's Creek Holden Holliday Holt Hope Hopewell HornersviIle Houston Howard Hume Humphreys Hunnewell.. Huntsville
Green City Green Ridge Greensburg Greentop Greenville Bellftower Grovespring Guilford H Hale Hallsville Hamilton Hannibal. Hardin St. Louis Hartford Hatfield McFall Hayti. : 路 Seymour Mexico Helena Hemple 路 Rogersville Herculaneum .Hermann Hermitage Liberal Kansas City Eugene Higbee HigginsvilIe Hinton Kahoka Wheatland Holden .HoIliday Holt Washington Lesterville Hornersville Gant New Franklin Hume Humphreys Hunnewell.. Huntsville
410 581
Tberia Illmo
lberia .IlImo
Sullivan Pettis Knox Schuyler Wayne Montgomery Wright Nodaway
3 36 2 1 52 28 46 7
Carroll Boone Caldwell Marion Ray
20 26 12 15 20 33-B 3 5 6 51 45 27 9 11 .45 .40 32 41 43 22 31 18 23 26 1 .41 36 17 11 32 47 51 27 25 35 3 14 18
Putnam .Harrison Gentry Pemiscot Webster Audrain Andrew Clinton Webster Jefferson Gasconade Hickory Barton Jackson Cole Randolph Lafayette Boone Clark Hickory Johnson Monroe Clay Franklin Reynolds Dunklin Audrain Howard Bates SuIlivan Shelby Randolph
Miller Scott
38 50
Name of Lodge
76 54 536 381 154 143 420 446
Independence Index Ingomar ~ ionia Ionic Irondale Itaska Ivanhoe
lndependence Garden City Willow Springs Eldon Desloge lrondale St. Louis Kansas City
Jackson Cass Howell Miller St. Francois Washington
59 34 53 58 48 .40 33路A 22
Linn Randolph Gentry Daviess Daviess Jasper Cole St. Louis Cedar Cass Jefferson Worth Montgomery Jasper Wright
13 18 6 10 10 44 31 57 .42 34 .40 6 28 44 .46
Jackson Clay Nodaway Dunklin
22 11 7 51 33-A 9 20 12 54 2 57 36 53
J 82 541 447 500 564 398 43 640 315 480 164 321 457 335 411
Jackson Jacksonville Jacoby Jameson Jamesport.. Jasper Jefferson Jennings Jerusalem Jewel.. Joachim Jonathan Jonesburg Joplin Joppa
Kansas City Kearney Kennedy Kennett Keystone King Hill... King Hiram Kingston Kirbyville Kirksville.., Kirkwood Knob Noster Koshkonong
311 329 68 243 376 309 118 264 105 484 245 582
Linneus Jacksonville Darlington Jameson Jamesport Jasper Jefferson City Jennings Jerico Springs Pleasant Hill Hillsboro Denver Jonesburg Joplin Hartville K Kansas City Kearney Elmo Kennett St. Louis St. Joseph Knoxville Kingston Hollister Kirksville Kirkwood Knob Noster Koshkonong
Buchanan Ray Caldwell Taney Adair St. -Louis Johnson Oregon
222 83 115 437 489 292 460 574 531 237
La Belle Laclede Laddonia Lafayette L~keville
Lamar Lambskin La Monte Lane's Prairie La Plata
La Belle Lebanon Laddonia Corder Bell City Lamar .st. Louis L.a Monte Vichy La Plata
Lewis Laclede Audrain .Lafayette Stoddard Barton Pettis Maries Macon
15 38 27 23 50 43 33-A 36 39 14
Name of Lodge
253 592 506 145 598 77 494 149 31 302 138 326 152 51 521 488 257 259 268 128 409 403 394
Laredo La Russell.. Lathrop Latimer Leadwood Lebanon Lewistown Lexington Liberty Lick Creek Lincoln Linn IAnn Creek Livingston Lockwood Lock Spring Lodge of Light.. Lodge of Love Lodge of Truth Lorraine Louisville Lowry City Lucerne
Laredo La Russell Lathrop Licking Leadwood Steelville Lewistowll Lexington Liberty.: Perry Fillmore Linn Linn Creek Glasgow Lockwood Lock Spring Eagleville Lancaster .Atlanta Ridgeway LoUisville Lowry City Lucerne
433 91 626 112 406 402 240 543 623 566 481 110 616 390 569 165 324路 146 260 458 16 628 313 35 2 85
Mack's Creek Madison Magnolia Maitland Malden Malta Manes : MansfieId : Maple Maplewood Marceline Marcus Marion Marionville Marlborough Maryville McDonald McGee Mechanicsville Melville Memphis Mendon Meramec Mercer Meridian Miami.
Mack'sCreek Camden Madison Monroe St. Louis Maitland HoIt Malden Dunklin ,Malta Bend Saline Manes Wright Mansfield Wright .~ Neelyville Butler Maplewood St. Louis Marceline Linn Fredericktown Madison Mercer Mercer Marionville Lawrence Marlborough Jackson Maryville Nodaway lndependence Jackson : College Mound Macon ,Howell St. CharIes Dadeville Dade Memphis Scotland : Mendon ~hariton Eureka St. Louis Princeton , Mercer St. Louts .lVIiami. Saline
Grundy Jasper Clinton Texas St. Francois Crawford Lewis Lafayette CIay Ralls Andrew Osage Camden Howard Dade Daviess Harrison Schuyler Macon Harrison LincoIn St. Clair Putnam
4 44 11 39 .48 39 15 23 11 15 9 31 38 25 42 10 5 1 14 5 29 3路7 3
38 17 33-B 8 51 24 46 .46 52 57 13 .48 4 55 59 7 59 14 30 42 1 19 57 4 33,-B 24
244 42 516 567 151 471 1 639 344 144 612 129 295 64 490 246 58 408 186 603 184 351 558 294 614 158 637 382 476 439 40 99 327 221 25 568 560 247 60 510 199 307 429 270 473 470 647 372 643
Name of Lodge
193 County
Middle Fabius Downing Schuyler Middle Grove Middle Grove Monroe Milford Milford Darton路 Miller Miller ;Lawrence Milton Milton Randolph Mineral. Oronogo ,Jasper Missouri. St. Louis Mizpah St. Louis Moberly Moberly Randolph Modern Humansville Polk : Mokane ,Mokane Callaway Monett Monett Barry Moniteau : Jamestown Moniteau Monroe Monroe City Monroe Montevallo Montevallo Vernon Montgomery Montgomery City.Montgomery Monticello Monticello Lewis Montrose Montrose .llenry Morality Renick Randolph Morehouse Morehouse New Madrid Morley Morley Scott Mosaic Belleview Iron Moscow Moscow Mills Lincoln Mound City Mound City ,Holt Mount Washington.Mt. Washington Jackson Mountain Grove Mountain Grove Wright Mountain View Mountain View Howell . Mt. Ararat Topaz Douglas Mt. Hope Odessa Lafayette Mt. Olive RogersviUe Webster Mt. Moriah St. lA>uis Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Lawrence Mt.Zion West Plains Howell Mystic Tie Oak Ridge Cape Girardeau Naphtali. Naylor Nelson Neosho New Bloomfield New Hampton 'New Hope New London New Madrid New Salem Nineveh Nodaway Noel.. Nonpareil.. Northeast..
N St. Louis Naylor Nelson ,Neosho New Bloomfield New Hampton Elsberry New London ,New Madrid ,'Vinfield Olney Maryville Noel.. East Lynne Kansas City
Ripley Saline Newton Callaway Harrison Lincoln Ralls New Madrid Lincoln Lincoln Nodaway McDonald Cass Jackson
1 17 43 55 18 .44 33-A 33-B 18 41 27 55 31 17 .43 28 15 37 18 50 50 48 29 8 59 : 46 53 .46 23 .45 33-B 55 53 .49 33-B 52 24 56 27 5 29 15 51 29 29 7 56 34 22
194 Name of Lodge
157 358 622 181 583
North Star Northwest.. Norwood Novelty Novinger
Rockport Tarkio Norwood Novelty Novinger
163 134 576 139 546 518 303 317 7 624 297
Occidental. Olean Olive Branch Oregon , Orient.. Oriental. Osage Osborn O'Sullivan Owensville Ozark
St. Louis Olean St. Louis Oregon Kansas City Blackburn Nevada Osborn Walnut Grove Owensville Fair Grove
241 18 19 650 308 65 11 330 319 530 498 551 92 502 136 472 399 652 182 314 428 469 504 113 160 142 467 176 79 349 232
Palestine Palmyra Paris Union Parma Parrott.. Pattonsburg Pauldingville Paul Revere Paulville Peculiar Pee Dee Pendleton Perseverance Philadelphia Phoenix Pickering Pike Pilgrim Pilot Knob Pine Pittsville Plato Platte City Plattsburg Pleasant Pleasant .Grove Pleasant Hope Point Pleasant.. Polar Star Pollock Polo
P St. Charles Palmyra Paris Parma Maysville Pattonsburg Wright City St. Louis Brashear Peculiar Musselfork Doe Run Louisiana Philadelphia Bowling Green Pickering Curryville St. Louis Richville Bardley Pittsville Plato Platte City Plattsburg Morrisville Otterville Pleasant Hope Conran St. Louis Pollock Polo
Atchison Atchison Wright Knox Adair
8 8 46 2 2
o 33-A 58 33-A 8 22
Miller HoIt Jackson .saline Vernon De Kalb Greene Gasconade Greene 路 St. Charles Marion Monroe New Madrid De Kalb Daviess Warren Adair Cass Chariton St. Francois Pike Marion Pike Nodaway Pike : Douglas Ripley Johnson Texas Platte Clinton Polk Cooper Polk .New Madrid Sullivan Caldwell
2'4 43 10 .45 32 45
30 15 17 51 10 10 30 33-A 2 34 19 48 16 15 16 7 16 33-A 46 52 36 46 21 11 41 25 .41 51 33-B 3 12
95 209 166 242 131 556 503 179 657 148 658 190 596 180 383
1928.] Name of Lodge
Pomegranate St. 'Louis Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff Portageville Portageville Portland Readsville Potosi.. Potosi. Prairie Gilman City Prairie Home Prairie Home Pride of the WesLSt. Louis Progress St. Louis Purdy Purdy Purity .st. Louis Putnam Newtown Puxico Puxico Pyramid ,St. Louis Pythagoras Cassville
33-A 52 51 27 40 5 25 33-B 33-A 55 33-B 3 50 33-A :..55
Butler New Madrid CallawaY Washington Harrison Cooper Barry 路 Sullivan ,Stoddard Barry
380 196 478 33 258 201 223 451 391 584 468 280 570 167 479 385 57 361 13 496 67 . 435 663 341 213 550 404 426 204 316 238 90 572
Queen City Quitman Racine Ralls Ravanna Ravenwood Ray Raymore Raytown Red Bird Red Oak. Reeds Spring Republic Revere Rich HilL Richland Richmond ~ Riddick Rising Sun Robert Burns Rocheport.. Rockbridge ~ RockhilL Rockville Rolla Rose Hill. Rosendale Rothville Rowley RuraL Rushville Russellville Rutledge
Queen City Quitman : R Seneca Center Ravanna Ravenwood Camden Raymore Raytown Red Bird Red Oak Reeds Spring Republic Revere Rich Hill.. Richland Richmond Buffalo Barry Gainesville RocheporL Rockbridge Kansas City Rockville Rolla St. Louis Rosendale Rothville Dearborn Kansas City Rushville Russellville Rutledge
Schuyler Nodaway Newton Ralls Mercer Nodaway Ray Cass Jackson Gasconade Lawrence Stone Greene Clark Bates Pulaski Ray Dallas Platte Ozark Boone Ozark Jackson Bates Phelps
1 7
56 15 4 7 20 34 59 32 55 54 .45 1 35 38 20 41 21 53 26 53 22 35 39 33~A
Andrew Chariton Platte Jackson Buchanan Cole Scotland
9 19 21 22 9 31 1
196 No.
Appendi:r. Name of Lodge
S 225 Salem : Salem 226 Saline St. Mary's 208 Salisbury Salisbury 424 Samaritan Bonne Terre 298 Sampson Lutie 462 Santa Fe Santa Fe 293 Sarcoxie Sarcoxie 71. Savannah Savannah 508 Saxton Saxton 448 Schell City Schell City 126 . Seaman Milan 236 Sedalia Sedalia .517 Seligman Seligman 513 Senath Senath 585 Shamrock Shamrock 646 Shaveh St. Louis 653 Shawnee Warsaw 625 Sheffield Kansas City 256 Shekinah Festus 228 Shelbina Shelbina 371 Sheldon Sheldon 304 Signal. Mindenmines 310 Sikeston Sikeston 75 Silex Silex 511 Skidmore Skidmore 266 SociaL.. Martinsburg 271 Solomon Springfield 206 Somerset.. : Powersville 200 Sonora Watson 547 South Gate Kansas City 466. Southwest.. Southwest City 296 Sparta Sparta 524 .Spickardsville Spickard 155 Spring HilL Spring Hill 96 St. Andrews Shelbyville 273 St. Clair Osceola 588 St. Francisville Wayland 234 St: Francois Libertyville 230 . St. James St. James 28 St. John's HannibaL 78 St. Joseph St. Joseph 20 St. Louis St. Louis 93 St. Marks Cape Girardeau 109 Stanberry Stanberry .419 Star Taberville 133 Star of the WesLIronton 634 Steele Steele : 538 Stella Stella 523 Stinson Stinson
Dent Ste. Genevieve Chariton St. Francois Ozark Monroe Jasper Andrew Buchanan Vernon Sullivan Pettis Barry : Dunklin Callaway Benton Jackson Jefferson Shelby Vernon Barton Scott Lincoln Nodaway Audrain Greene Putnam Atchison Jackson McDonald Christian Grundy Livingston Shelby St. Clair Clark St. Ii'rancois Phelps Marion .Buchanan Cape Girardeau Gentry St. Clair Iron Pemiscot Newton Lawrence
39 .48 19 .48 53 17 44 9 9 .43 3 36 55 51 27 33-A 36 22 40 14 43 .43 50 29 7 27 .45 3 8 22 56 54 4 12 14 37 1 .48 39 15 9路 33-B .49 6 37 .48 51 56 55
1928.] Ko.
Name of Lodge
283 608 604 174 69 555 2,63 617
Stockton Strafford Strasburg Sturgeon Sullivan Summersville Summit.. Swope Park
565 438 299 177 661 56 631 111 638 205 641 122 440 34 360 114 350 12
Stockton :Strafford Strasburg Sturgeon Sullivan Summersville Lee's Summit.. Kansas City T Tebbetts Tebbetts Temperance Smithville Temple :.Kansas City Texas Houston Theodore RoosevelLSt. Louis Tipton Tipton Tower Grove St. Louis Trenton ~ Trenton Triangle St. Louis Trilumina Marshall.. Trinity St. Louis Triplett.. Triplett Trowel... Marble Hill... Troy Troy Tuscan St. Louis Twilight Columbia Tyrian Johnstown Tyro Caledonia..路
593 124 210 5 495 649 421 286
Union Union Star Unionville United Unity , University Urbana Urich
Cedar Greene Cass Boone Franklin Texas Jackson Jackson:
: :
Callaway Clay Jackson Texas
.42 .45 34 26 32 .46 ;59 22 27 11 22 46 33-A 31
Boone Bates ,Washington
4 33-A 24 33-A 19 49 29 33-A 26 35 40
Franklin De Kalb Putnam ,Greene Vernon St. Louis: Dallas Henry
32 10 3 45 .43 57 41 37
Andrew St. Louis Carter Audrain Vernon Lawrence Morgan' Maries Clinton
9 57 47 27 43 55 58 58 11
Cass Carroll
34 20
Saline Chariton Bollinger Lincoln
413 Valley 629 Valley Park 509 Van Buren 491 Vandalia 493 Vernon 452 Verona 320 Versailles 94 Vienna 62 Vincil 348 52
Wadesburg Wakanda
Union Union Star Unionville Springfield Richards University City Urbana Urich V Bolckow Valley Park Van Buren Vandalia Bronaugh Verona Versailles Vienna Cameron W Creighton Carrollton
605 456 627 74 609 87 61 526 375 235 512 98 84 22 613 194 46 445 103 396 15 53 340 202 434 301 417 16路2 374 620 8 370 191 29 540 430 277 387 24
198 Name of Lodge
Walker Wallace Wallace Park Warren Warrenton Washington Waverly Wayne Waynesville Weatherby Webb City Webster Webster Groves WeIlington Wellston Wellsville Wentzville West Gate West View Western Light.. Western Star Weston 路Westport. Westville Wheeling White Hall Whitewater : Whitesville Wilderness Willard Williamsburg Williamstown Wilson Windsor Winigan Winona Wm. D. Muir Woodside ; Wyaconda
Walker Bunceton Wallace Keytesville Warrentori Greenfield Waverly Piedmont Waynesville Weatherby Webb City Marshfield Webster Groves De Kalb Wellston Wellsville Wentzville St. Louis Millersville Louisburg Winston Weston Kansas City Westville Wheeling BarIiard Whitewater Whitesville Wilderness Willard Williamsburg Williamstown Pocahontas Windsor Winigan Winona Pilot Grove Thomasville La Grange
Vernon Cooper Buchanan Chariton Warren Dade Lafayette Wayne , ;Pulaski De Kalb Jasper Webster St. Louis Buchanan St. Louis Montgomery St. Charles Cape Girardeau Dallas Daviess Platte Jackson Chariton Livingston Nodaway Cape Girardeau Andrew Oregon Greene Callaway Lewis Cape Girardeau Henr-y Sullivan Shannon Cooper Oregon Lewis
43 25 9 19 30 42 23 52 38 10 44 .45 57 9 57 28 30 33-B .49 .41 10 21 22 19 12 7 49 9 53 .45 27 15 49 37 3 47 25 53 15
Bollinger lluchanan
49 9
Kansas City Z
545 189
Zalma Zeredatha
Zalma St. Joseph
County District .....•..•.........••••. 2 Andrew ...•...•.. ~ .....•••• 9 Atchison ..............••.••• 8 Audrain .................••• 27 Barton .."..........•...••.•. 43 Barry •...••.........•....•• 66 Bates ....................••. 35 Benton ................••.•. 36 Benton (Lodge 418) .•........ 37 Bollinger ; ..••...••.•.• 49 Boone .........•........••.. 2"6 Buchanan ............••..••. 9 Butler ............••......•. 62 Caldwell .•................•. 12 Callaway .............•..••. 27 Camden .................•.. 38 Cape Girardeau 49 Carroll .........•.........•. 20 Carter ....................•. 47 Cass .........•..•......•..•• 34 Cedar ...................•.• 42 Chariton ................••.• 19 Christian .........•.......•. 64 Clark •....•.......•......•"•. 1 Clay .•..••..............••.. 11 Clay (Lodge 659) 22 Clinton ...•................• 11 Cole .......•..•.........•... 31 Cooper ........••...•...•••• 25 Crawford 39 Dade ........•.............• 42 Dallas ....••...........••... 41 Daviess .................•... 10 DeKalb .....•...........•.•• 1Q Dent ........••........•.•••• 39 Douglas ............•........ 46 Dunklin •...............••.• 61 Franklin ...•••••..•••••••••. 32 Gasconade ••........••.••••. 32 Gentry •...••..........•..•. 6 Greene ••••••........••••••. 45 Grundy .....•.....•..••..••• 4 Harrison •.••............•••• 6 Henry .•......•..•...•.••••• 37 Hickory .......•....•••••••. 41 Holt ...........•..••..•.•••• 8 Howard ...•...•...••.••••.•. 25 Howell ...............•.. ".. 63 Iron 48
County District Jackson (County) ...•.••..•• 69 Jackson (Kansas City) •••.•• 22 Jasper .........•...•...••••. 44 Jefferson •........•...•..... 40 Johnson ......•....•.••..••• 36 Knox ....•.......•..•......• 2 Laclede ......••.•..•....••. 38 Lafayette .•.. ".........••••• 23 Lawrence .....•..••.•.•••••• 55 Lewis ............•.•...••.• 15 Lincoln •..............•..••. 29 Linn ..........•........•.•• 13 Livingston ..•........•..•..•12 Macon •...............••.•. 14 Madison .....•..........•••• 48 Marion ............••..••.•. 15 Maries .................•..•• 58 Maries (Lodge 631) 39 McDonald ......••.•.•...••• 56 Mercer ••..••.•••...••..•••• 4 Miller ............••...•..•. 58 Miller (Lodges 203 and 410) .. 38 Mississippi ••.......•....••• 50 Morgan ........•...••.•••••• 58 Moniteau ...••........•..••• 31 Monroe ...•....•.......••••• 17 Montgomery ..........••..•• 28 New Madrid ..........•••.•. 61 New Madrid (Lodge 603) ..... 50 Newton .......•.•...•.•••.•. 5~ Nodaway .....•..........•••• 7 Oregon ........•....•...•••• 53 Osage .............•..•.•••• 31 Ozark .•..••..........•.•••• 63 Pemiscot ....•....••....••.. 51 Perry ••..•....•...••..•••••• 49 Pettis .....•..•••••••.•••••• 36 Phelps ........••....••.••... 39 Pike ........••..••.•••.••••• 16 Platte ••......•....•..•••••• 21 Polk ...•••.•••..........•.•• 41 Pulaski .....•.•..........••• 38 Pulaski (Lodge 346) ••••.•••• 39 Putnam .......•.•...•..••••. 3 Ralls 15 Randolph ................••. 18 Ray ....••....•.....••••••.• 20 Reynolds ••...•..•.••.•..••. 47 Ripley ...................•.. 62
County District St. Charles ..............•••. 30 St. Clair .................••. 37 St. Francois .............••. 48 St. Francois (Lodge 535) ••.. 40 S t. Genevieve ........••..••. 48 St. Louis (City) 33 St. Louis (County) ......•..• 57 Saline 24 Scott 50 Schuyler ...................• 1 Scotland ...................• 1 . Shannon .............•....• 47 Shelby ..................•.. 14
County District Stoddard ..............•••.. 60 Stoddard (Lodge 573) 51 Stone ..................•.... 64 Sullivan .•.....•.•.......••. 3 Taney ....••..•............. 64 Texas .....•.......•........ 46 Texas (Lodge 145) 39 Vernon ..................•.. 43 Warren ........••........... 30 Washington .....•........•.. 40 Wayne .........•..•...•...•• 62 Webster .....•...........•.. 45 Worth .....•..•..........•.• 6 Wright .......•......... : .. . 46
No·1 1 2 3 4 6 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 I
Town and P.O.Addresa
. County
Missouri •••••••••• St. Louis ••••••••••.•...•••..•••• o. Earl W. Hitz Meridian ••••••••• St. Louis August E. Dellert. Beacon ••••••••••• St. Loula ••••••••••..•••• Charles Barth Howard •••••••••• New Franklln •••••• Howard •..•••• J. L. Rochus United ••••••••••• :Jprlngfteld •••••••••• Greene ••••••••.Jewell E. Windle Ark .••••••••••••• Sewark ••••••••••••• Knox •••••••••• Albert H. Marquette .. O'Sulllvan •••••••• Walnut Grove •••••• Greene •••••••• J. Frank Hobbs Williamsburg Wllllamsburg Callaway ••••• Cecil A. Crump Geo. Washington ••• St. Louis •••••••••••..•.•• l'rarrcls W. Palmer, Jr Agency ••••••••••• Agency Buchanan Robt. H. Adams Pauldlngv111e •••••• Wright City •••••.•• Warren •••••••• Wm. Lange Tyro Caledonia Washington E. E. Drew Rising SUD .....• No. Kansas City R. 4 Platte ••. Glover P. Alton Eolia...... " Eolia Pike J. J. Graham Western Star Winston •••••••••••• Daviess •••••••• John Caldwell Memphis •..• Memphis •••• Scotland •••••• John D. Newman Clarksvllle ••• Clarksville ••••••••••• Pike ••••••••••• H. C. Colbert Palmyra ••••• Palmyra Marion ••••••• F. E. Robison Paris Union Paris ••••••••••••••• Monroe •••••••• Charles L. Dry St. Louis St. Loula • Jacob Chasnoft' Havana •..•• McFall Gemry Omar R. HWlt Wellington •••••••• DeKalb ••••• Buchanan ••••• HaIlie V. Redmon Florida .•••••••••• Florida ••••••••••••• Monroe Thomas Utterback '.. Wyaconda •••••••• LaGrange ••••••••••• Lewis ••••••••• W. J. Schaft'er Naphtall St. Louis •••••.•••••.....• Eugene A. Gerber... Ava .••••••••••••• Ava ..••• o • • • • • • • • • Douglas • Oden C. ReYnolds .... Evergreen New Haven Franklin August S. Rlecher:; .. St. .John's Elannlbal Marlon Othello G. Sargent Windsor •••••••••• Windsor •••••••••••• Henry ••••••••• James S. Carter, Jr.. Huntsvllle •••••••• Eluntsvllle ••.••••••• Randolph •••••• Nick D. Minor...... Liberty •••••• Liberty .••••.••••••• Clay ••••••••••• .T. Eugene Tarrants. Humphreys .•••••• Elumphreys ••••••••• SUlllvan ••••••• R. B. Seamau Ralls .•••••••••••• Center Ralls .••••••••• Wm. E. Flowl'rree... Troy rroy Lincoln Philip A. Kuhne Mercer Princeton Mercer M. A. Needles Cooper o' Boonville Cooper .•.••••• Edwlrr A. Williams .. 0
0 ••• 0
0.0 ••••
0 •••• 0 ••••
0 •••••••••••
.0 ••••
•••• 0
Time of Meeting
J. Wobradsky, Jr... 1st and 3d Thursdays A. V. Schopp .•••.••• id and 4th Thursdays F. L. Magoon •••••. 2d and 4th Thursdays W. B. Martin 1st and 3d Thursdays M. F. Smith •••••••• 3d Monday R. Go Hayden •••••• 1st Sat. OIl' or after full moon Juo. S. McLemore •. Tuesday before full moon O. Garrett 2d Sat. (afternoon) each month Wm. L. Reynolds ••. 2d and 4th TuesdaYs O. H. Smith 1st and 3d Saturdays Herman Koopmann .. 2d and 4th Saturdays W. J. Dent .. Saturday on or before full moon J. M. Blevins ••••••. Saturday on or before full moon Wharton Schooler 1st Friday Carl Dunlap Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. R. I. Ladd Friday on or before full moon O. S. Edwards ••.••. 1st and 3d Thursdays R. E. Redman 2d and 4th Thursdays Thos. F. Hurd •••••. 2d and 4th l\londays H. A. Steiner 2d arrd 4th Wednesdays H. C. Jolly ..• 1st and 3d Wednesdays Otto D. Davis 1st Saturday D. P. Violette Saturday on or before full moon Leslie Edwards ••.•. 1st and 3d Thursdays Paul E. Eckardt .•.• 2d and 4th Thursdays L. E. Reynolds. 1st and 3d \Vednesdays J. G. Roark 2d and 4th Thursdays Wm. H. Blackshaw .. 1st and 3d Mondays O. F. \Velss 1st and 3d TuesdaYs David S. Eubank .. o, 1st and 3d Tuesdays E. Archer 2d and 4th Mondays W. E. Cook 2d and 4th Tuesdays G. C. Layne 2d and 4th Saturdays H. E. Cockrell ?d llnd 4th Mondays W. A. Mabe Tues. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. M. E. Schmidt..... 2d and 4th Fridays 0
~ ~ ~
• • • • 0'
.0 •••••
r.n (l)
37 Hemple ..•••••.••• 38 Callao ••••••••••• 39. DeWitt 40 Mt. Moriah ••••••• 41 Bismarck •• 42 Middle Grove •••• 43 Jefferson 44 Fair Play ••••••• 45 Bonhomme •••••••• 46 WentzvlIIe •••••••• 47 Fayette ••••••••••• 48 Fulton 49 Holt ••••••••••••• 50 Xenia •.•••••••••• 51 Liviugston •••••••• 52 Wakanda ••••••••• 53 Weston ••••••••••• 54 Index 55 Arrow Rock 56 Tipton 57 I Richmond 58 Monticello •••••••• 59 Centralia 60 New Bloomfield ••• 61 Waverly 62 Vincil 63 Cambridge 64 Monroe •..•••••••• 65 Pattonsburg •••••• 66 Grant City •••••••• 67 Rocheport •••••••• 68 Kennett •••••••••• 69 Sullivan •••••••••• 70 Armstrong •••••••• 71 Savannah 72 Gorin 73 Eureka ••••'••••••• 74 Warren 75 I Sllex ""; 76 Independence ••••• 17 Lebanon •••••••.•• 78 St. Joseph •••••:; •• 79 Polar Star ••••••• 80 Bridgeton ••••••••• 81 Central 0 ••••••
00 • • • • • • 0 0
.00000 •• ; .
Hemple ••••••••••••• Callao •••••••••••••• DeWitt ••••••••••••• St. Louis ••••••••• ~. Bismarck ••• Madison R. R. 5 Jefferson City •• o. Fair Play • Ballwin •••••••.•••• WentzvlIIe Fayette ••••••••••••• Fulton .•• Holt .•••••••••••••. Hopkins •••••••••••• Glasgow •••••••••••• Carrollton •••••••••• Weston .•••••••••••• Garden City Arrow Rock ripton Richmond Monticello •••••••••• Centralia New Bloomft'eld ••••• Waverly Cameron Slater Monroe City •••••••• Pattonsburg •••••••. Grant City ••••••••• Rocheport ••••••••••• Kennett •••••••••••• Sullivan •••••••••••• Armstrong •••••••••• Savannah Gorin Brunswick •••••••••• Keytesville Silex Independence ••••••• Steelville ••••••••••• St. Joseph •••••••••• St. Louis •••••••••• ~ St. .John's Station Molino 0 ••• 0 0 ••
0. 0
0 ••••••••
Clinton .......• B. A. Boyer .....•.. Macon •••••••• J. W. Brown Carroll ••••••••.J. J. McKinny . .•.•••••••••••• Albert E. Schaefer St. Francois A. Trauernicht ...•. Monroe ••• G. L. Ownby Cole ••••••••••• H. I. Taylor Polk •••• John H. Price .....•. St. Louis ••.••• Norman G. Finlay St. Charles •••• D. ){. Simmons Howard •••• Ralph !\-1. Whitsett Callaway J. Frank Hensley Clay ••••••••••.John Burris Nodaway •••••• Earl R. Alexander Howard ••• Rice M. Maupin Carroll •••••••• Charles E. Preston.. Platte ••••• Earl W. Foley Cass K. V. .lohnson Saline A. B. Hogge Moniteau E. N. Pizer. Jr Ray Andrew Blair Lewis ••••••••• E. C. Thale Boone M. J. McDonald Callaway •••••• Churchil M. Holt Lafayette J. W. Motte Cllnton Charles H. Hunter .. Sallne B. A. :Marble Monroe •••••••• C. L. Fitzgerald Davless •••••••• Carl E. Morris Worth ••••••••• TTla S. Drummins.... Boone ••••••••• R. F. Baldwin Dunklin ••••••• Guy M. Smith Franklin ••••••• Hugh Peterson Howard •••••••• A. M. Green Andrew .T. Harry Latham Scotland O. B. Reed Chariton •••••• ; Joseph D. Bast. Charlton 'Blair Mlller Lincoln O. Z. Lovell. Jackson ••••••• Chas. K. Ehrenhardt. CraWford •••••• Charles J.. Stough ... Buchanan ••••• Herbert A. Johnson .. •••••••••••••••• Leroy A. \Veidle St. Louis ••••••. Wm. Harvey Cook Audrain W. B. Dowell 0 ••
0 ••••
••• 0 ••
0 0
0 •••
0 •••
Guy Slaybaugh 1st and 3d Thursdays J. T. Holman 1st and 3d Fridays J. A. Williams .•••... 1st and 3d 'l'hursdays H. A. Borgmann ••. 1st and 3d Saturdays M. W. Baker .•••...• 1st and 3d Saturdays F. H. Newman 1st and 3d Fridays R. L. Gwinn........ 1st and 3d )1ondays H. !\. Paymer ..... 'l'hursday on or before full moon H. F. Woerther .•.... 1st and 3d Saturdays W.. R. Dalton •••••. Saturday on or bet. full moon J. D. Settle ...•• 1st and 3d Tuesdays Wm. L. Meng 1st and 3d }'ridays D. Thompson •...... 3d Friday F. J. yeomans 1st and 3d Thursdays R. W. Raines ••••••. Each Friday L. H. Thomas .•... :!d and 4th Thursdays M. M. Ohlhausen 1st and 3d Thursdays G. B. Anderson 1st and 3d Tuesdays B. C. Bradshaw Thursday on or before full moon Jay A. l:onn 2d and 4th Thursdays A. B. Conrow..... .Ith ]{riday J. L. Brightwell... Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. J. C. Hunt 1st and 3d Thursdays W. F. Enloe Lst and 3d . Fridays J. A. Allison...... Thursday on .or bef. tull moon Lyle C. Allen· 1st and 3d Mondays A. H. Pledge ...•.... 1st Tuesday Jas. V. Proctor ...•. 2d and 4th Mondays Lloyd :\larshall ..... tst and 3d Tuesdays K R. Campbell.... Lst and 3.d Mondays B. Houregan ••••••• Thur. on or bf. f.m.& 2 wks. aft. E. Y. Baldwin 1st and 3d Fridays C. S. Betz Saturday bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. Levi Markland....... 1st and 3d Thursdays W. W. Hall. 1st and 3d Thursdays J. W. Pulliam..... Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. S. P. Sorensen •... 1st and 3d Tuesdays H. N.· Elliott 2d and 4th Fridays D. W. Scheeley Friday on or before 1st full m. Thos. S. Cole ••.•• , 2d and 4th Mondays W. L. Wingo ••••••. Saturday on· or before full moon O. J. Murphy 1st and 3d Tuesdays Jos. L. Kohner 1st and 3d Fridays Wm. J. Goddard •••. 1st and 3d Thursdays Frank L. McGee 2d Saturday 0
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ToWn and P. O. Addreu
82 Jackson • ; ; ••••••. LinneuS Linn .: ~. O. Home : ~ :.' R.. C. Perkins.·...... 83 Laclede •••••••••. Lebanon ••••••••••• Laclede •.••••• : S. A. Casey C. E ..Lingsweiler. " .84 Webster Groves ••. Webster Groves' ••• : St. Louis •..... Fay G. Fulkerson ..•. Geo. A. Shepardson. 85 Miami ..••••••••• Miami ••• •.••••••••• SaUne •••••.•...John M. Hanna ...•. F. M. Burrus'S....... 86 Brookfleld •••••••. Brookfield Linn •••••••.•. John N. Barnhouse .. Lee Bond .....••.•. 81 Washington Greenfield Dade Arthur C. GritTith Geo. T. Hulston •.... 88 Defiance •••••••••. Sheridan Worth •••••••••.James W. Evans " V. L. Ambrose •.•••.. 89 Friendship ; •••••• Chillicothe Livingston .••••• Louis H. Stein Roy R. Jackson .•.... 90 Russellville Russellville Cole J. H. Hunter W. B. Thompson 91 Madison ••••••••• Madison ••••••••• :. Monroe •••••••• G. M. Grimes C. H. Eubank; 92 Perseverance Louisiana Pike Wm. F. Goodman Wm. H. yager 93 St. Marks Cape Glrardeau : Cape Girardeau. Curtis .1. Neal. '" W. G. McCaw 94 Vienna •••••••••• Vienna ••••••••••••. Maries •••••••• Paul Creech ,. Everett M. King 95 Pomegranate..... St. Louis ••••••••••...•.••••••••••.• Wm. LoetTelman E. E. Vetter ••• .. 96 St. Andrews Shelbyville :. ShelbY ~ H. H. Forman J. M. Miller 97 Bethany Bethany ~ Harrison J. O. McQuary..... Chas. T. Bridges 98 Webster Marshfield ,' Webster Clarence Hyde C. C. King...... 99 Mt. Vernon •••••• Mt. Vernon '••••••• Lawrence •••••. M. R. Maxwell M. B. Phillips .•.... 100 Ash Grove Ash Grove Greene • ~ Carl F. Short L. C. Snodds... ...... 101 . Bogard Bogard Canoll Roy Key E. A. Dickerson... 102 Bloomington ••••• Bevier •••••••••••••. Macon Thomas Hill ....•.. Chris R. Kealey 103 West View ...... Millersville ........ Cape Glrard~au. John F. Miller G. W. Mlller 104 Heroine .• ~ ••••••• Kansas City •••••••• Jackson Frank WoodrutT Leo Adler .••••••••. 105 Kirksville........ Kirksville ~ ••••••••• Adair Holland I. Griggs G. C. Chambers .•..... 106 Gallatin ••••••••• Gallatin ••••••••••• Daviess •••••••. Glenn Havrrer Wm. O. Tague 107 GreenvUle ••••••• GreenvUle •••••••••• Wayne •.•••••. Harold L. Marsh Paul Saunders 108 Altamont Altamont Daviess Wm. Lester Ben H. Kuhns 109 Stanberry Stanberry Gentry .; Earl W. Lawson J. A. Moore. . . . . 110 Marcus Fredericktown ••••• Madison ••••••• W. ill. Hunter Louis Schwaner •••. III Trenton ••••••••• Trenton ••••••••••• Grundy •••••••. Walter A. Mason A. O. Ginn .••••••. 112 Maitiand Maitland Holt ... ~~ Martin V. Snyder L. L. Arterburn ...... 113 Plattsburg· Plattsburg Clinton • ~ W. A. WalteN. C, W. Chastain...... 114 Twillght Columbia Boone Grover S. Owen.,., Robt. N. Hall. 115 Laddonia ••••••••. Laddonia •••••••••• Audrain ••••••• L. T. Doss A. R. Hancock ••••..•. 116 Barnes Cabool Texas " M. Lowther Jesse Lareau Hi Helena :. Helena.............. Andrew : J{)hn A. Hampton E. W. TrachseL 118 I Kingston Kingston Caldwell Reuben K. Hartley .. ~ J. P. Jones 119 I De Soto De Soto Jefferson Edward Lee BelL D. L. Rouggly '.
Time of Meetlnl 1st and 3d Fridays 1st Wednesday 2d and 4th 'l'uesdays Friday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 4th Tuesday Man; on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d FrIdays Friday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or bef. full moon 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Friday on or after full moon 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st .and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays First Thursday 2d and 4th Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Saturdays Zd Monday and 4th Saturday 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays
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120 Compass· •••••••••". Parkville Platte ••••••••• 121 Erwin •••••••••••. St. Louts •• "••••••••..•.••••••••••••• 122 Triplett Triplett •••.•.••••••••• Chariton .: ••• ••• 123 Bermann :. Bermann .•.•••••••••. Gasconade· •••.• 124 Union Star Union Star· ••••••••. DeKalb . : ••••••• 125 Gentryville ••••••. Gentryville ••••••••. Gentry ••• ; ~. ; • 126 Seaman •••••••••.. Milan ••••'•••••••••. Sullivan ••••••• 127 Athens Albany Gentry ; .. ~ • 128 Lorraine •••••••••. Ridgeway ••••••••••. Harrison ••• ; •• 129 Monett ••••••••••• Monett ••••••••••••. Barry . 130 Hume •••••••••••. Hume •••••••••••••. Bates ••••••••• 131 Potosi .••••••••••. Potosi ••••••.••••••. Washington •••• 132 Farmington •.••••. Farmington .••••••••. St. Francois .•• 133 Star of the West •. Ironton Iron . 134 Olean •.•••••••••. Olean .••••••••••••. Miller :. 135 Braymer •••••••••. Braymer ....: ••••••••. Caldwell'.·:." ••• 136 Phoenix •••••••••. Bowling Green ••.•. Pike . 137 Delphian ••••••••. Birch Tree ••••••••. Shannon· ' ••' : . :• 138 I Lincoln •••••••••. Fillmore •••••••••••. Andrew .: 139 Oregon· ••••••••••. Oregon ••••••••••••. Holt , . 141 Amsterdam ••••••• Amsterdam ••••••••. Bates ••••••••• 142 Pleasant Grove ••. Otterville Cooper •••••••• 143 Irondale •••••••••. Irondale ••.•••••••••. Washington •.•. 144 Modern ••••••••••. Humansville •••••••. Polk .• : •••••.•• 145 Latimer ••••.•••••. Licking Texas ••••••••• 146 McGee •••••••••••. Ardmore .•.•••••.• Macon •••••.••• 147 Cass Harrisonville Cass .. 148 Purdy •••••••••••. Purdy ••••••••••••.. Barry .•••••••• 149 Lexington •••••••. Lexington •••••.•.•. Lafayette 150 Birming :: •••••••. Faucett ••••••••••••. Buchanan ••••• 151 Milton •.••••••••. Moberlv. R. 3 ..••..• Randolph ••.••• 152 Linn Creek LinD' Creek' Camden . 1531 Bloomfield •••••••. Bloomfield ~ ••••••••. Stoddard •••••• 154 Ionic •..•••••••••. Desloge ..••••••••••. St, Francois ••• 155 Spring Bill ••••••. Chillicothe, R. R. 3 ... Livingston •••.• 156 Ashland •••••••••. Ashland ..•••••••••. Boone ..•••••.• 157 North Star ••••••. Rockport ••••••••••. Atchison . 158 Mountain Grove ••. Mountain Grove •••.. Wright •••••••• 159 Green City ••••••. Green City Sullivan . 160 Pleasant .••••••••. Morrisville •••.••••••. Polk •••••••.•• 161 Clifton Bill ••••••. Clifton Bill ••••••••. Randolph •••••. 162 Whitesville ••.•••. Whltesvllle •••••••••. Andrew •••••••. 163 Occidental •••••••• St. Louis ••••••••••...•.••••••••••.• 164 Joachim •••••••••. Hillsboro ••••••••••. Jefferson •••••••
R. W. Hauetter . John W. HilL., . David N. Gann.: ••.. Hugo T. Bock ...•... Willis E. Trotter .. : .. W. A. Patton . Clayton Warren: . W. H. Hanner . C. S. Bush .....•.. Harold B. Gleaves . J. C. Watson . Theo. F. Lockridge . Frank H. Comfort . Roy W. Starling . J. M. Massey . Barney McManus .. C. L. Fry . W. H. Hardin . R. O. Kreek . John W. Fritts.· . Harry S. Ramseyer . : . .roe Ash Jr. A. Fields . Rav A. Huss . R. F. Palmer . Ernest W. Chewning Bertram E. Williams. Preston B. Smith . .T. O. Baltezor . L. E. Patton . Russell :I<'oster . K. W. Blomeyer . Frank E. Wells . Charley Hughes . Joe Pace . Carl Hunter .. : . Benj. A. Britain . . .John D. Bohrer C. L. Hamilton . E. A. Eubank . Fisher PotU, . Duncan G. Mellier . Louis Dierks .
M. L. Goodin W. A. Kleinschmidt•• R. P. Price J. C.. Woest........ W. E. Robison •••••. A. W. Bowman •••• Chas. E. Smith ••••• J. G. Whiteley..... J. A. Dale ••..••... F. M. ~hriver J. D. Adams .•...... Wilson Bell ...•.... O. W. Bleeck •••••• Edw. L. Barnhouse. W. H. Crum ......•.. D. Irving Farrar •••• H. M. Strother ••••• C. O. Lemons ..•••• ;. Fred N. Foster..... .J. E. Cummins ..•.... B. C. White....... J. H. GUIlD J. B. Robinson :. R. R. Bean Berry Crow ••••••.• Francis W. Dooley ... H. J. Moody .... :.... C. E. Wllliams ••••• W. R. Eckle John L. Warren.... Arthur Haak Jas. E. Foster F. A. Brannock... .T.. L. Blunt::..... E. O. Long .... :... E,' P. Crenshaw .. ;.. H. P. Savage .. :: .. .f. H. Hicks......... Robt. H. McClanahan B. W. Mitchell •••• J. E. Crutchfield... J. F. Roberts C. L. Alexander •••• E. M. Williams .. ~ •..
2d Saturday 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d l'hursdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th ]'ridays Sat on: or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays Mon. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays Friday on or bef. each full moon 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Fridays 3d Saturday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 3d Saturday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st Monday and 3d Saturday 1st and 2cl Tuesdays . 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 2d Saturdays Frl. on or, bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 3d 'l'uesday 4th Saturday 1st and 3d Saturdays Sat. on or bef. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th FrIdays 1st and 3d Thursdays Friday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Thur. aft. 1st and 3d Mondays 1st Saturday
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Town and P. O. Address
Time of Meeting
Fred H. French 1st and 3d Wednesdays Maryville ••••••••• Maryville ••••••••••. Nodaway •••••• Harry H. Lyle A. L. Carnahan 1st and 3d Thursdays PortagevUle ••••••• Portagevllle •••••••• , New Madrid ••• H. C. Sutherland O. W.· Harlan •••••... 1st and 3d Thursdays Revere ••• • • • • • • •• Revere ••••••••••••. Clark ••••••••• R. B. Smith Colony ••••••••••. Knox City........... Knox •••••••••• Robt. E. Moffett.... H. N. Killen. . . . . . .. Saturday on or before fUll moon Camden Point •••• Camden Point ••••••. Platte ••••••••• John Pinckard ..... W. K. Bywaters ..... 1st and 3d Tuesdays Benevolence ••••••• Utica ••••••••••••••. Livingston ••••• Harry H. Walz..... J. H. Roloff......... Saturday on or before full moon H. L. Dickerson •... Saturday on or before full moon Hartford •••••••••• Livonia • • • • • • • • • • •• Putnam ••••••• Mont E. Smith L. E. Wilhoit 1st and 3d Mondays Censer •••••••••••• Macon •••••••••••••. Macon •••••••• Frank J. Pimpell. A. J. Holthaus 1st and 3d Thursdays Gray Summit ••••• Gray Summit •••••• , Franklin ••••••• John F. Disharoon Friday on or before full moon Sturgeon ••••••••. Sturgeon •••••••••• Boone ••••••••• .1. R. Harper....... E. N. Gentry Geo. Neumann Sat. on or be. f,m., 2d Thur. aft. Point Pleasant ••• Marston ••••••••••• New Madrid ••• •1. K. Robbins J. W. Holbrook W.H. Farris ••••.• Saturday on or after full moon Texas .••••••••••• Houston •••••••••••. Texas ••••••••• Jno. B. Moseley Monday on or after full moon Griswold ••••••••. Bellflower ••••••••• Montgomery •••• .Tohn W. Dyke .Floyd S. Green Louis Tisch 2d and 4th Wednesdays Pride of the West. St. Louis Edw. H. Voepel. 2d and 4th Fridays Pyramid •••••••••• St. Louis •••••••••• . ..••••••••••••• Geo. H. Hartwein 1st Monday on or bef. full moon Novelty •••••••••• Novelty ••••••••••• Knox •••••••••• Z. E. Howerton .. ; .. V. Irminger Pilot Knob Richvllle Douglas .. Hue E. Reid Ira Woodward ....• Saturday on or before full moon R. L. Fulks 2d and 4th Fridays CaUfornia. •••••••• California. • • • • • • • •• Moniteau •••••• W. C. Carter Morley ••••••••••• Morley •••••••••••• Scott •••••••••• Harris Foster R. H. Leslle ••••.• ' 2d and 4th Fridays Chamois •••••••••• Chamois •••••••••••. Osage ••••••••• Daniel Schowengerdt .. O. F. Siebern ........ 4th Friday MoraUty •••••••••• Renick • • • • • • • • • • •• Randolph •••••• Arthur G. Davis M. M. Brooks ••••. 1st and 3d Thursdays Hermon •••••••••• Liberal • • • • • • • • • • •• Barton •••••••• A. ~. Wimmer E. H. Roselle 1st and 3d Thursdays Hannibal ••••••••. Hannibal • • • • • • • • •• Marion •••••••• Harry M. Greene Theo. A. Ross .••••. 2d and 4th Mondays Zeredatha. •••••••. St. Josepb ••••••••• Buchanan •••••• A. D. Tilson Geo. L, Markley..... 2d and 4th Tuesdays Putnam •••••••••. Newtown •••••••••• Sulllvan ••••••• Wm. J. Brantley J. James Vinson ... " Saturday on or before fUll moon Wilson ••••••••••. Pocahontas •••••••• Cape Girardeau. Zeno D. Drum D. C. Thompson •••• 1st and 3d Saturdays Frankford •••••••• Frankford .••••••••• Pike •••••••••• R. N. Foutes ;.. H. C. Steele •••••.• 2d and 4th Mondays Angerona ••••••••. Missouri City •••••• Clay •••••••••• .Tohn F. Wheeler Robt. E. Hicklin ..... 1st and 3d Tuesdays WellsvUle ••••••••. WellsvUle •••••••••• Montgomery ••• D. W. Wheeling.... C. A. Heckart ••••• 2d and 4th Tuesdays Bollvar ••••••••• ·Bollvar ••••••••• Polk ••••• o • • • Wm. M. Marsh ..... Joe W. Gravely ••••• Wednesday on or bef. full moon Quitman •••••••••. Quitman •••• Nodaway •••••• H. D. McDonald..... Fred Wright ••••••. 1st and 3d Saturdays Carthage • • • • • • •• Carthage • • • • • • • • •• Jasper •••••••• C. H. Knlmmel E. Davis ..•..••..... 2d and 4th Thursdays Allensville •••••••. Allendale •••••••••• Worth •••• Homer Brewlt C. O. Brewit Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. New Hope •• Elsberry Lincoln ••••• Wm. J. Palmer Frank L. Dawson .••• Saturday on or before full moon Sonora •••••••••• ' Watson •••••• Atchison ••••• •T. D. Hay!'; ,Tune J. HalL 1st and 3d Thursdays Ravenwood ••••••. Ravenwood ••••••••• Nodaway •••••• Harley Nelson J.' J~ Smith ••••••••. 2d and 4th Thursdays Westville .......•. Marceline •• Linn . Loyd Colyer V. Jackson.· ........• 3d Saturday 0
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2031 Brumley •••••••••. 204 Rowley ••••••••••. 205 TrUumina ••••••• 206 Somerset •••••••• 207 Clay •••••••••••• 2081 Salisbury ..•.••••• 209 Poplar Bluff •••••. 210 Unionville .••••••. 211 Hickory Hill •••••. 212 Four MUe 213 'Rolla ••••• 214 Forest City •••••• 215 Hornersville .. 0" 216 Hale City 217 Barbee .•••••••••. 218 Good Hope 219 Albert Pike ••••• 220 Kansas City •••••. 221 Mystic Tie ••••••• 222 La Belle .••••••• 223 Ray 224 Hamilton •••••••• 225 Salem •.• 226 Saline ••• 227 Cypress •••••••••. 228 Shelbina. 229 Claflin 230 S1. James • 231 Cardwell ••••••• 232 Polo 233 Bucklin •. o' 234 St. Francois •..• 235 Weatherby ••••••• 236 Sedalia o' 237 La Plata •••••••• 238 Rushv1lle •••••••• 239 Hopewell •••••••• 240 Manes 241 Palestine •••••••• 242 Portland •••••••• 243 Keystone •••••••• 244 Middle Fabius 0" 245 Knob NOBter ••••• U.6 ,Montgomery ••••• 241 Neosho . o' 0
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Brumley ••.•••••••• Dearborn ••••••••••. Marshall ••••••••••. Powersville • • • • • • •• Excelsior Springs ••• Salisbury ••••••••••. Poplar Bluff •••••••. Unionville •••••••••. Eugene Campbell ••••••••••. Rolla Forest City Hornersville •••••••. Hale ..••••••••••••. Sweet Springs •••• St. Louis Kansas City •••••••. Kansas City Oak Ridge ••••••••• La Belle ••••••••••. Camden Hamnton ••••••••••. Salem ••• St. Mary's •••••.••• Laclede o' Shelbina •••••••••••. Protem St. James • Cardwell ••••••••••. Polo Bucklin •••••••••••. Farmington R.I. ••• Weatherby SedalIa •••••••••••• La Plata Rushville • Lestervllle ••••••••• Manes St. Charles' Portland ••••••••••• St. Louis •••••••••• Downing ••••••••••• Knob Noster ••••••• Montgomery City •••• NeoSho •••••••••••• 0
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Miller •••.•••••• Platte ••••••••• Saline ••••••••• Putnam • • • • • •• Clay •••••• Chariton •••••• Butler •••••••• Putnam ••• Cole .••••••••• Dunklin ••••••• Phelps •••••••. Holt .•••••••••• Dunklin ••••••• Carroll •• • • • Saline •••••
O.tto J. Wall Geo. C. Stafford..... W. l\-L Westbrook ..• Lester J. Fordyce Forrest L. Kimber W. B. James, Jr Robt. L. Reed...... Earl L. Fox Ernest L. Glover.... Hyland D. Whiteaker. Lawrence W. Hawkins Harold :\'Iarkt u. P. Parks D. E. Parish W. Edw. Wylie ....• Louis J. MotteI. Jackson ••••••• Logan Rowrrd Jackson Verne Cole Cape Girardeau. D. M.. Wllls Lewis ••••••••• ,J. M. Campbell Ray .John Bailey Caldwell ••••••• M. J. Bernauer Dent .• Chas. B. Jeffries Ste. Genevieve .• .T. Bert Haselbud Linn •••••••••. F. W. Burke Shelby • • • • • • •. Everette Hayes Taney Tobe Nave Phelps ••••••• .Tohn C. Davis Dunklin • • .. • •• C. A. Summitt. Caldwell Byron Zimmerman .. Linn Prince E. Rouse.... St. Francois ••• H. N. Thomas DeKalb •••••••• Floyd Bromley Pettis •• • • •• • •• Ralph Boles Macon oJ. L. McKinf>try..... Buchanan ••••• D. C. Black Reynolds •••••• Robert Reed Wright ••••••• E. E. Rhoades St. Charles • Edward A. Ringe Callaway J. C. Garrett • James M. Bradford.. Schuyler •••••• Dee R. Rife Johnson •••••••.T. E. Porter Montgomery ••• George Earle Moss. " Newton •••••••• G. B. Williams ..... 0
0 •••
0 •••
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0 •
0 ••••••••••••••
J. B. Wall. ••••••••• Geo. W. Kirby ••••• Geo. H. Fuller•••••• Wm. B. Chapman ... W. A. Craven •••..... J. Mode ....•........ F. I,. Mueller A. A. Williams .J. M. Logrbrinck.... Bland Rice B. W. Humphrey N. H. Cook J. W. Miller Robt. L. Bartlett W. C. Pelot .•••••.... R. L. Dixon L. V. Knapp Jos. W. Schlaegel. J. R. .Tf'nkins...... Arthur L. Boone .•••. P. Evans J. G. King ••.•••.. Joseph J. Norton ..... J. F. Bartels .•••••. T. C. Langhorst •••• R. L. Thomas •••••• V. Rozell W. J. Moreland • J. F. Miller. Chas.N. Jones ••••.. Elbert Lamkin o' P. A. Cashion ••• C. R. McClure ..... o' W. Jo Kennedy ••.•.. Jo D. Huston D. H. DeBerry 1. C. McHenry M. H. Blackwell. E. H. Barklage • o' F. C. Welden Chas. W. Speirs •••• J. B. BrIdges •••••• J. H. Rothwell •••••. Hugh N. Cason ••••. F. A. Burt ..... 0
•• 0
Saturday on or before full moon 2d Wednesday 1st Thursday 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st Saturday 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d )fondays 1st and 3d Mondays Last Friday in each month 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th' Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Fr!. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Fridays Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1st Thursday 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st Friday 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Mondays Saturday on or after full moon 1st Saturday 1st arrd 3d Tuesdays Saturday before full moon 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2nd and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th )fondays 1st and 3d Thursdays
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Town and P. O. Address
Time of Meetlng
Clarkton ••••••••• Clarkton ••••••••••• Dunklin ••••••• J. P. Longgrear L. J. Dunn ...•..... 1st and 3d Mondays Carroll •••••••••• Norborne •••••••.•• Carroll •••••••• John D. Callaway R. Eo. Parrish 2d and 4th Mondays Saturday on or before full moon 1 Glensted •••••••••. Versailles •••••••••• Morgan ••••••• Geo. T. Scott ..••....r. N. Hanby Hope Washington Franklln Albert R. Meyers... W. A. Pfautsch 1st and 3d Fridays Alanthua •••••••••. Stanberry, R. 4 •••.•. Gentry •••••••• John F. Boatwright .. Frank Minshall ••••. 2d and 4th Saturdays Laredo ••••••••••. Laredo •••••••••••• Grundy •••••••• Leslie V. Hastings Emmett M. Wilson 2d and 4th Tuesdays Butler Butler Bates Howard A. Ellis H. M. Cannon 1st and 3d Saturdays Alton •••••••••••. Alton ••••••••••••.•. Oregon •••••••• C. S. Gohn A. Rice Saturday on or before full moon Shekinah ••••••••. Festus •••••••••••••. Jefferson •••••• J. L. Moore .T. E. Jennings 2d and 4th Tuesdays Lodge of Light ••. Eaglevllle •••••••••. Harrison ••••••• Lawrence J. Caster .. Geo. R. Miller 1st arrd 3d Tuesdays Ravanna ••••••••. Ravanna •••••••••••. Mercer •••••••• C. F. Foster Clate Cox Wednesday before full moon Lodge of Love .•. Lancaster ••••••••••. Schuyler •••••• George F. Tallman, Jr. H. C. Burkland ••••. 2d and 4th Fridays Mechanicsville •... Hamburg, R. F. D.••. St. Charles •••• Marvin .r. Howell H. H. Seib .....•.•... Sat. on or bf. fm. & 2 wks. aft. Florence ••••••••. New Florence •••.•• Montgomery ••• W. H. Branstetter Howard Ems ••.••. 2d and 4th Saturdays Holden ••••••••••. Holden ••••••••••••. Johnson ••••••• Merl Paul James T. Glass, Jr .. 1st and 3d Thursdays Summit ••••• • • • •• Lee's Summit •••.• , Jackson • • • • • •• L. .T. Hartzell...... D. L. Miller........ 1st and 3d Fridays Kirbyville • •••••• HolUster •••••••.••• Taney ••••••••• C. E. Jennings T. L. Toon 1st and 3d Thursdays Corinthian ••.••.. Warrensburg ••••••• Johnson ••••••• Noel B. Grinstead H. E. Allee 1st and 3d Mondays Social Martinsburg AUdrain W. P. Moser R. W. Moser 2d }'riday Aurora • . • . •. . . .. St. Louis •••••••••• • •.••••••••••••• Harry B. Wandell R. A. Tubbesing..... 1st and 3d Tuesdays Lodge of Truth Atlanta •••••.•••••• Macon ••••••••.Joseph H. Ayres P. L. Jones 1st and 3d :Mondays Brotherhood St. Joseph ••.•....... Buchanan...... J. R. Montgomery... Thos. ShatTer •.•.•.•. 2d and 4th Fridays New Salem •••.•. Winfield •••••••••••. Lincoln ••••••• Fred W. r,angford H. H. Arnhold .••.•. 1st and 3d Saturdays SOlomon .•••••••. Springfield •••••••••. Greene •••••••• C. E. Harris G. W. Nonemacher •. 2d Monday Granite ••.••••.•. Sedalia ••.•••••••••• Pettis •••••• : •• Srtm Shirley S. B. Kennon •••.•. 3d Friday St. Clair ••••..•. Osceola •••••••••••• St. Clair •••••• Bernard R. . Lewi5. " G. W. Davies..... 4th FridaY Cold Spring •••... Leeton ••••••••••••. Johnson ••••••• Porter W. Baker C. P. Helphrey Thursday on or ber. full moon Bunker .••.••••••. Bunker •••••••••••• Reynolds •••••• I. A. Hulsey C. C. Wilkins 1st and last Thursdays Grand River ••••• Freeman ••••••••••• Cass •••••••••• Chas. M. Majors D. S. Wilson....... Saturday orr or before full moon Wm. D. Muir •••• Pilot Grove •••••••• Cooper ••.••••• 'Rdw. L. Oerly Wm. H. Deck 2d and 4th Fridays Essex ••••••••••• Essex ••••••••••••• Stoddard •••••• Albert Taroley R. A. Prater 2d and 4th Tuesdays Hogle's Creek •••. Wheatland ••••••••• Hickory ••••••• H. W. Wente .T. M. Murphy Saturday on' or before full moon Reeds Spring •.•. Reeds Spring •••••• Stone ••••••••• Frank W. Bush A. A. Gracey ~d and. 4th l\'Iondays Fenton .•.••••••• Fenton .••••••••••• St. Louis •••••• George Pl~kles ,. Chas. A. Lawrence .. 2d and 4th Saturdays Cosmos •••••••••• St. Louis ••••••• ..•• . •..•••••••••••• Edw. O. Herget Samuel Broadbent. 2d and 4th' Mondays Stockton Stockton Cedar Parks Bacon E. G. Hoff }<'ri. on or bef. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Canopy ••••••••••. Aurora ••..••••••••• Lawrence ••.••• W. L. Howard E. B. Samuel ••••••. 2d and 4th Tuesdays Earl Coft'ey Daviess Harper Butler C. W. Githens 1st and 3d We~esdays
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286 I 287' I 288 1 289 290 291 292 I 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 . 306 307 308 309 310 311 I 312 I 313 \ 314 'U5 :i16 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
Urich............. Urich • • • • • . • • • • . •. Craft ••••••• • • • •• Canton ••••••••••••. Hermitage •••••••. Hermitage •••••••••. Graham .••••••••. Graham •••••••••••• FaIrmount •• •• • •• Wyaconda •••••••••. Edina • • • • • • • • • •• Edina • • • • • • • • • • .... Lamar • • • • • • • • •• Lamar ••••••••••••. SarcoxIe .•••••••• SarcoxIe •••••••••••. Mound City Mound City Moniteau •••••••. Jamestown ••••••••• Sparta • • • • • • • • •• Sparta .•••••••••••• Ozark .• • • • • • • • •• Fall' Grove ••••••••. Sampson. • Lutie Temple •• • • • • • • •• Kansas City ••••••• Doric. .•. •••••••• Elkland • ••• •• ••• •• White Hall .•••••• Barnard .••••••••••• LIck Creek •••••• Perry • • •• • • • • • • • •• Osage Nevada •••••••••••• SIgnal .•••••••••• Mindenmines Cecile-Daylight .... Kansas City .••...... Ashlar • • • • • • • • •• Commerce • • • • • • • •• New London ••••• New London •.•.•••• Parrott •••• • • • • •• MaysvIlle ••• • • • .• KIng HIram Rayvllle, R. L . SIkeston •• • • • • • •• SIkeston •••• • • • • • •• Kearney ••••••••• Kearney ••••••••••• Cuba ~. Cuba Meramec .....•.... Eureka .•••••••••..••. PIne ., • • • • • • • • •• Bardley • • • • • • • • • •• Jerusalem ••••••• JerIco Springs ••••• Rural ••••••••••• Kansas City ••••••• Osborn .; •••••••• Osborn •.••••••• ~ •• Eldorado • • • • • • •• Luray •• • • • • • • • • • •• Paulvllie •••••••• Brashear ••• ••. • . •• Versailles .••.••••.. Versallles •••••••••• Jonathan •••••••• Denver • ••• ..... ••• HardIn • • • • • • • • •• HardIn . . • • • • • • • • •• Cornerstone. • • • •• St. Louts •••.•••••• McDonald • • • • • •• Independence ••••.... Dockery • • • • • • • •• Meadvllie ••••••••• '. Linn • • • • • • • • • • •• LInn • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Mt. ZIon •••••••• West Plains Calnesyll1e ••••••. Calnesvllle ••••••••• Kennedy ••••••••• Elmo •.•••••••••••• Paul Revere St. LouIs............
Henry ••••••••• LewIs ••••••••• HiCkOry. • ...... Nodaway •••••• Clark •••••••••• Knox •••••••••• Barton •.•••••• Jasper ••••••••• Holt . Moniteau •••••• Christian •••••• Greene •••••••• Ozark . Jackson •••••• • \Vebster ••••••• Nodaway •••••• Ralls •••••••••• Vernon .••••••• Barton •••••••• Jackson ..•..•••. Scott •••••••••• Ralls .••••••••• DeKalb •••••••• Ray . Scott •••••••••• Clay •••••••••• Crawford . St. Louis .•.•••. Ripley •••••••• Cedar ••••••••• Jackson ••••••• DeKalb .••••••• Clark ••••••••• AdaIr ••••••••• Morgan •••••••• \Vorth ••••••••• Ray ••••••••••• . •...•..•••••••• .Tackson ••••••• LInn •.•••••••• Osage ••••••••• Howell .. HarrIson ••••••• Nodaway . . .
Alpha Redford ..... R. E. McDonald ••••• Burrel M. Bradshaw. A. Clyde Stork Isaac W. Clark Geo. E. Wllson R. H. Swank F. E. McNeal ••••••. grnest L. Robertson . .T. C. Bowman ...... Irwin Xander C. )1. Smith........ John A. Jones .T. W. Hagny ......••. Paul V. ""lartin Henry Sahert. W. R. Swope Thos. J. Bridgmon Hugh A. :\leyers S. R. Johnson P. S. Ladd T. W. Shipman Rolland L. Fawcett.. Fred E. Bass El J. Schofield W. D. Hampton Alfred H. Goult..... A. D. Ludlow .•.•... Lawrence L. Price.. L. M. Hoover John Moberly C. A. Perkins S. J. Hart , O. R. Jackson Geo. Braham ..••.. Geo. A. Kaupp .••••. Ray A. Goff ..•••••• J. C. Nelson Harry Ponder S. C. Ho~'t H. M. Zaricor Fred L. 1\1111s .•••••.. J. W. Elllott G. D. HarrIs ••••••. W. L. Smith O. E. Heins..... Carl McCullough A. T. Moffitt ••••••. T. C. Dye A. A. Harrison Roy C. Eddins T. N. Shouse ••••••. Wm. F. Mitchell. . . .. Wm. Reckiein ••••. Tames B. Key ......• R. C. Carpenter •••••• S. W. Hilton C. F. Franken ..•.•.. .1. A. Cunninl!:ham W. T. Neale .••.... LouIs L. Bradbury M. F. Smit.h...... Lewis E. Doak...... Raymond Brand ••. Abe H. Carter A. M. DavIdson W. G. Humston , R. P .. Propst ••••••. H. L. Palmer D. Gabriel ..•••••.• J. B. Seat, .11'.••••.•• L. Ruckeman ••••••. Arthur O. Kresse O. C. Grimes Percy F. Wilson Wm. R. Schmitt....•. W. Lee Whitmire , C. Roy Layland .Tames H. McIntosh Roscoe K. Sturges Gus Huckstep W. F. McDaniel. ..•.. L. R. Dudley •...... C. F. Funkhouser .... Carl Eo Glaze....... E. F. Harrold..... L. Shonesy ....•••• Doy H. Carr Ha1'1'Y F.Pleuger , C. R. ~iccum
1st and 3d FrIdays 1st and 3d Mondays Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays Friday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Sa,t. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Tues. aft. Friday on or before full moon Saturday before first full moon Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d arrd 4th Thursdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d Friday 2d Tuesday 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Saturdays Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays Saturday on or after full moon 1st and 3d Thursdays Saturday after full moon 1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Monday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st Tuesd~y and 3d Saturday 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays Each Tuesday Saturday on or before full moon 1st and 3d FrIdays . 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays
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Town and P. O. Address
331 Charity 0000. 00•••• St. Joseph •• 0000 000o' Buchanan 00' 0• John C. Cutler .••... 332 . Excello • 0• 000000•. Excello •• 000• 000o. o' Macon • 0000000 Geo. G. l\IllIer...... 333 ChlIllcothe. 00 0.000 Chillicothe .00000.00. Livingston .0000 John R. Blackman ..• 334 I Breckenridge....... Breckenridge •••• o. o' Caldwell 0000000 Jesse IJ. Walker ..... 335 Joplin • o. 0.0 •••• 0. Joplin .0.00. 0.0 ••• 0. Jasper 00.0 •• 0•• Cloyd B. Jean~ ....• 336 Hallsville 00• 000•• 0 Hallsvllie • 000••• 00o. Boone 00•• 000•• S. B. Toalson ..••..• 337 Blue Springs ••• 00 Blue Springs .•..•..• Jackson 00. 00000 Lester R. Williams .. 338 Herculaneum .....•. Herculaneum ••••••••• Jetrersono. 00•••. Roht. W. Evens 339 Fidelity 000000. 00o. Farley •••• 0•• 000" •. Platte 000000••• W. I. Portor Alex T. Philips..... 340 Westport 000000• 0o. Kansas City • 0•••••• Jackson 341 Rockvllie ••• 00•• 0• Rockville .0.0. 0•• 00. Bates •• 0000•• 0 Eo I,. Midi{il! 342 Circle •• 0••• 0• 0• o. Roscoe •• 00• 0•• 000o. St. Clair 00• 0000 Calvin Holloway 343 Agricola o. 0• 00• 0o. Chilhowee, R. R. 22 .. Henry •• 000000• E. Lee Schroft' ..•... 344 Moberly 0•• 000• 00• l.\Iloberly •• 00••• 00••. Randolph 0•• 0.0 H. :\1. Voth ..•...... 345 Fellowship .0.0 •• 0. Joptln ••• 0000 ••• 000. Jasper .00.00 •• DavId Ray Grayston .. 346 Arlington ••• 0• 0o. Dixon .• 0•• 00•••• 00. PUlaski ., 0••••• Chas. W. Du.wc 347 America •• 0o. o. 0o. St. Louis ••• 0.0.000. 00 •• 00 •• 000 •••.. Chas. M. Harrison 348 Wadesburg 000••• o. Creighton ••••• 0•• 0•. Cass •••• 0•••••• R. H. Ross 349 Pollock • 0••••••• o. Pollock ••• 000. 0• 000. Suillvan • o. 00• 0 Creston D. Olinger... 350 Tyrlan 0000000. 00. :3Iontrose, R. R. 350. Bates ••• 0• 00•• Charlie Hendrickson . 351 Mosaic 0000.00. 00' Belleview • 000• 0000o. Iron ••• 0•• 0•••• R. S. McCleary 352 Friend 0000••• 000•. Ozark ••• 000000000•• Christian " 000• Oliver L. Wilson 353 Barnesvllle 0000• o. Ellington 0000• 000•• 0 Reynolds • 0• 0•• John B. Wadluw 354 Hebron 0000.00. 00. l\lexlco •• 0.00 00. 00o. Audraln 00• 0•. 0 Roy L. Harris 355 Adelphi .......... Edgerton ........ 0.. Platte ......... Cozine Boydston 356 And,ent Landmark. Harrisburg 0•• 000.00. Boone •• 00 ••• 0• Dr. H. Gullett 357 Aux Vasse 0.00.0. Aux Vasse .000 ••• 0. Callaway • 0•.• 0 .T. A. Harrison 358 Northwest ..•..... Tarklo 0 00" Atchison 00 Lester F. Carson 359 Garrett 00• 0000•• 0. Arcola ..•• 0•••••• 0•. Dade 000 0• 0• 0• 0 W. D. Yat~ 360 Tuscan 00•• 0•• 00o. 81. Louis 000• 0••• 00 .1 • • • • • • • 0••• 0•••• Ray S. Thomson 361 Riddick 00• 000••••. Butralo •• 000•• 0000o. Dallas ••• 0000•• Leonard Perryman .. 362 Hiram • 0•• 0• 0••• 0• Kahoka • 0• 0•• 000• 0. Clark ••• 0000• 0 Perry S. Borton..... 363 Fraternal • 0• o. 000' Robertsville .0000 •• 0. Franklin o. 00• 00 Harry W. Rector 364 HIgglnsvllle 000•••. Higginsville 0000000 •• Lafayette •• 000. Ralston Young 365 Bayou 0000•• 00•• 0. Bakersfield • 0• 00• 0• o. Ozark .T. R. Price 366 Adair 0 Kirksville Adair L. F. Poehlman..... 367 I Barry Washburn ••• 0•• 0•• 0. Barry •• 00.00 •• ' Sam Vanderpool 368 I Crescent Hill Adrian ••••••••••• 0. Bates ......... R. G. Adams
N I-'
o Secretary
Time of Meetlnr
Wm. A. Piner C. S. King... Geo. A. Smith ••• 0.. W. B. Englall'd ...•. .1no. E. Henson ...•. W. V. Ewens....... W. A. Hire. 0.0 •••• 00 J. V. Cassiedy S. Ray.............. Henry C. Elberg..... S. H. Bothwell...... C. A. Welnllg ••• 0.00 G. G. Cates ••• 0•• 0. Jno. W. Tate o. 0•••. F. G. Ade •••••••. F. T. Burton ........• F. Wm. Kuehl ••••. F. C. Blossom .•••.•• Otis Reinhard 000 00.. W, H. Dudley .•...•• 1. C. Stewart ..••... G. T. Breazeale Jerry B. Rusgell •••• Thos. J. Kelso ••••. W. H. l\Iizener....... J. W. Hord •• 0.0 •• 0. G. P. Batterton. 00•. J. Lee ·Cralgmlle .••• T. R. Owens .......• W. C. Hilmer........ Donovall' A. Walling. C. E. Townsend..... .T. W. Shannon ..... Norman C. Haston... J. F. Singer ...•...• C. F. Link ••••••• 0 T. H. Hickey........ G. C. Blow •.......
2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st Friday 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays Wednesday on or ber. full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays Thursday on or bef. full moon Sat. on or bf. f.m., 2d Wed. aft. 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays Sat. all' or bf. r.m. & 2 wks. af. Saturday on or after full moon Saturday on or before full moon 4th Saturday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Saturdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th 2\10ndays 2d and 4th Thursdays Thursday on or before full moon 1s1' and 3d Tuesdays Friday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Fridays Saturday on or after full moon 2d and 4th :\Iondays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Mondays
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369 310 311 312 373
315 316 371 318 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 381 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 391 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 401 408 409 410 411
Composite ••••••••• WUBamstown Sheldon ••••••••••• Nonpareil Belle •.••••••••••• Wilderness WayneBvllle •••••• King Hill Ancient Craft ••••• BerBn •.•••••••••• Billings Queen City ••••••• Ionia Mt. Ararat ••••••• Pythagoras ••••••• East Prairie Richland ••••••••• Dayton ••••••••••• Woodside Chula •••••••••••• Arcana ••••••••••• Marionvllle Raytown Christian • • •• • • • •• Bee Hive Lucerne •••••••••• Hatfield Western Light •••• Gower Jasper Pike ••••••••••••• Decatur •••••••••• Carterv1l1e •••••••• Malta.· •••••••••••• Lowry City ••••••• Rosendale •••••••• Everton •••••••.•• Malden •••••••.••• Charleston •••••••• Montrose ••••••••• Louisv1I1e ••••••••• Iberia Joppa •••••••••••• Appleton City Valley •••••••••••
Doniphan Wllliamstown ••••••• Sheldon •••••••••••• East Lynne Belle .•••••••••••••• Wilderness .~"""'" Waynesvllle ••••• • •• St. Joseph King City •••••••••• King City. R. R. 6 Billings Queen City ••••• ~ ••• Eldon Topaz •••••••••••••• Cassville •••••••••••. East Prairie Richland ••••••••••• Garden City ••...•.. ThomasvUle Chula •••••••••••••. Harris ••••••••••••. Marionvllle Raytown Oak Grove ••••••••• Lawson Lucerne •••••••••••• Hatfield Louisburg •••••••••• Gower Jasper .. • • •• Curryville •••••••••• Pierce City ••••••••• Carterv1l1e •••••••••• Malta Bend •••••••• Lowry City ••••••••• Rosendale •••••••••• Everton .•••••••••••• Malden ••••••••••••• Charleston •••••••••. Montrose ••••••••••• Ashley ..••.•.•..••... Iberia HartvUle •••••••••••• Appleton City •• Bolckow •••••••••••• o'
Ripley Lewis Vernon •••••••• Cass Maries •••••••• Oregon Pulaski .••••••• Buchanan •••••• Gentry •••••••• Gentry •••••••• Christian •••••• Schuyler ••.••• Miller Douglas ••••••• Barry ..••••••• Mississippi •••• Pulaski •••••••• Cass •••••••••• Oregon Livingston ••••• Sullivan ••••••• Lawrence •••••• Jackson Jackson •••••••• Ray Putnam ••••••• Harrison Dallas •••••••• Clinton Jasper .. .. • • •• Pike •••••••••• Lawrence •••••• Jasper ••••••••• Saline .•••••••• St: Clair •••••• Andrew ••••••• Dade .••••••••• Dunklin ••••••• Mississippi •••• Henry ••••••••• Lincoln ••••••• Miller Wright •••••••• St. Clair Andrew •••••••
James K. Cunningham J. M. Bruner, Jr Goo. B. BeeIIY M. E. Kelly ......•. Geo. E. Slinkman .Tames P. Simpson Harry H. Christeson. J. Streckenflnger, Jr.. Wade Sylvester S. F. Sweat. Joseph T. Yoochum. Perle A. Sloop E. H. Au~tin C. J. Sutherland E. G. Bugg........ W. Robt. Hollick W. B. Walker Henry R. Wagner V. L. Floyd Archie H. Gale Lee Watson Arley Brown E. G. O'Flaherty '" C. J. Robinson...... J. S. Smith David F. Studebaker. .Tohn N. Suedeker I. N. Smith ~[yrle L. Hawkins Roy R. Carter...... R. K. Hose O. H. Thiele Merl T. Klever C. H. Burne D. A. Dawson...... L. R. Porterfield ,V. H. Grace Chas. W. Copeland C. C. Courtway A. B. Conrad Robt. S. Moss Robert Marsh Jerry E. Newton " Louis C. Pratt Wm. F. Dodds......
Aubrey C. Jones 2d and 4th Tuesdays John S. Smith 1st arrd 3d Thursdays ,V. G. Jones 1st and 3d Thursdays W. H. Schader Wednesday on or ber. full moon T. J. Tynes..••••••. 2d and 4th Saturdays Richard N. Simpson .. Saturday on or before full moon J. L. Mitchell ••••• 2d Saturday Jesse Moore 1st and 3d Thursdays J. A. Ringold 1st and 3d Thursdays G. Nicholas ..•...••.. 2d and 4th Saturdays Albert G. Garbee 2d and 4th Thursdays Ira C. Huggans 2d and 4th Tuesdays A. P. 'Veaver 2d and 4th Saturdays Earnest Barnes .; Saturday after each full moon W. T. Priest ••••••. 2d and 4th Saturdays J. H. Nelson Each 'Thursday H. B. Warren 2d Wednesday Sargent W. Wagner .. Sat.urday on or after full moon J. C. Woodside Saturday on or before full moon Ross D. Adkins 1st and 3d Thursdays Tolbert Stinson 1st and 3d Wednesdays V. W. Anderson 1st and 3d Fridays G. W. Cassell. 1st and 3d Fridays L. W. Peeples Friday bef. 2d and 4th Sundays T. E. ~Innso · 1st and 3d Fridays A. F. Lowry· ••••••. Thursday on or before full moon O. D. Nelson 1st WednesdaY R. S. Lindsey Saturday on: or before full moon H. T. Bowlin 1st and 3d Wednesday C. E. Brown........ 1st and 3d Tuesday J. Henry Sisson •••. Thursday on or before full moon E. T. Ecroyd 1st and 3d Thursdays H. M. Close 1st and 3d Fridays John G. Nye ...•..•• Tuesday on or before full moon E. C. Cherrington • 1st and 3d Fridays C. .T. Watts 2d arrd 4th Thursdays D. O. Adamson 2d and 4th Tuesdays Geo. L. Eppihimer .. 2d and 4th Thursdays Jas. A. Boone ••.•.. 1st and 3d Thursdays E. M. Fenimore .•... 1st and 3d :\<Jondays H. H. Higginbotham. Friday orr or before full moon F. C. Ferguson.... 1st Friday J. J. Hunter ..•..•.•. Frl. on or bf. f. m. & 2d 1'1'1. aft. Harry C. Schl1chtman. Saturday on or before full moon R. P. Carter..... 1st and 3d Thursdays
~ ~ I';)
tv 1--06 1--06
No·1 U4! 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425. 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 ~ 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449
Greensburg' .••••••. Hunnewell ••••••• Cache •.; •••••••••. Whitewater. : ... :. Clear Creek' • : • • •• Star. •••••••••••• Uaska •••• • • • • • • • Urbana. ; • • • • • • •• Gate of. tQ~Temple Galt. • .. .. • • • • • •• Samaritan • • • • ••• Green Ridge RothvUle •••••••• Glenwood........ PittsvUle •••• •••• New Madrld Winona : •••••••• Cement. • • • • • • • •• Competition. • • • • •. Mack's Creek •••• Wheeling .. • .. • •• Rockbridge • • • . • •. Gothic -: Lafayette. • • • • • •• Temperance • • • •• Mt. Olive ........ Trowel • • • • • • • • •• Excelsior •••••••• Burlington ••••••• Anchor.. • • Ada •••••••••••••. \Vest Gate· Ivanhoe •••••••••. Jacoby •••••••••• Schell City •••••• Bois D'Are .. Belton . • • • • • • • •• Raymore •••••••.
N 1-0
Town and P. O. Address
Greensburg' •• : ...... Knox ••••••••• Hunnewell ••• ••• ••• Shelby • ~; ~ ... St. Louis ••••. •.•.•.••• • •.••••••••• ; •• Whitewater ..... : Cape Girardeau: Lincoln, R. 1.;;. ~ Benton . 'l'abervl11e .•••••••••. St. Clair ••••• St. Louis ••••• ~ • • •• • •.••••••••••••• Urbana Dallas •••••••• Springfield •••• • • ••• Greene • ; •••••. Galt ..........'.' ••.•.• Grundy .... ~ ... Bonne Terre •.•••••• St. Francois .•• Green Ridge '.' •• Pettis .. RothvUle •••••••••• Chariton Glenwood ... Schuyler ...... Pittsville • •• John30n : •••••• New Madrid New Madrid ••. Winona .••••••••••• Shannon •••••• Halfway •••••••••• ·•. Polk .••••••••. Competition • •.•• • • •• Laclede ••• Mack's Creek ••••••. Camden ••••••• Wheeling •••••• ...... Livingston ...... Rockbridge ..•••.••.•. Ozark ••••••••. Alexandria •••• •.•.• •• Clark •••••••• Corder . . • • • • •• • • •• Lafayette •••••• Smithville ••••.•.•.• '.' Clay •••••••••• Rogersville, R. R.3 •• Webster ....... Marble Hill ••••••••. Bollinger· ••••.. Jackson •••••••••••. Cape Girardeau. Burlington June. • •• Nodaway •••••. St. Louis . . Orrick " . Ray . St. Louis . Kansas City ••••••• Jackson ••••••• Darlington ••••••••• Gentry ••••••••• Schell City ••••••••• Vernon . Bois D'Are •••••• :;. Greene . Belton .••••••••••• ; Cass •••• ~ ••••• Raymore .••••••.••. Can .•.••••••• 0
Reed Pearce ..•...• Richard Lyell Gustav Helnichen '" J. M. Slagle .......• Theo. McClain ..... John L. Webster;... Geo. F. Black .••..• Eo P. Goodnight Ralph W. Elsenmayero E. :i\'I. Evans Paul Paulsen C. H. Ewart. James So Grubbs J. Lo Houston R. P. Shafer Scott M. Julian V. O. Ballew O. P. Hollinl!sworth. Arthur' Schneider .. D. B. Carmichael. Alvin Powers ~. oJ. A. Miller :. John P. Foley T,. F. Slusher E. E. Reid H. H. McDowell. .T. A. McGlothlin .... Frank V. Caldwell .. Wm. E. Nicholas. Charles W. Gabler. o. Arthur Gryder Harry Theis Lester I,. Dooley Henry Minkner C. E. Xorton M. O. TAkins Ray L. Johnst.on A. Emer. Kintigh. o' 0
Time of Meeting
J. E. Witte, Jr.•..... Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. A. P. Calvert........ 1st and 3d Fridays oJ. W. Schuette 2d and 4th Saturdays Thos. O. Morgan. Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. H. M. Fraley .... ; ... Monday following 4th Saturday T. M. Sandage.... Saturday on or before full moon Geo. E. Black ••••. 1st and 3d Mondays G. F. Hayes 4th Saturday Edw. W. Clark •••.. 3d ~['hursday A. R. McKay .••...•. 2d and 4th Fridays Ernest :\1a80n....... 1st and 3d Saturdays Lo Eo Nicholson..... 1st and 3d Thursdays L. Clair 2d and 4th Wednesdays C:. Ker h •· Sat. on or aft. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. J. i\1. Rice Friday on or before full moon W. Buesching 2d and 4th Mondays oJ. T. Loyd ••.•.••.. Thursday on or bef. full moon W. B. Russell...... Saturday on or before full moon A. J. Mayberry ..... Saturday on or after full moon E. R. Creach....... 1st Saturday Chas. Hawker 2d and 4th Thursdays O. P. Murph)' Saturday on or before full moon J. D. Reba ••.•.•.•. Friday on or before full moon S. M. Reynolds 3d Saturday Ao 00 Lowman .•. ;. 1st and 3d Wednesday Otto Brooks .•••.•• Friday before full moon R. A. DeWitt .•..• 2d and 4th Fridays Henry :M. James .. 2d and 4th Thursdays E. S. Harrison 1st and 3d Fridays R. H. Caft'all •••.•• 2d and 4th Wednesdays So D. Brady ... 1st and 3d Tuesdays Edw.· McGuigan .•• ; 1st and 3d Tuesdays Geo. S. McLanahan. 2d and 4th Thursdays Fred MlnImer .;. 1st and 3d Fridays Chas. P. Finks .••• Thursday on or before full moon W. T. Jennings ·.· 1st and 3d Tuesdays Co G. Ryden 1st and 3d Tuesdays Robt. R. Clendenen .. : 2d and 4th Tuesdays 0
~ ~ ~
w ~
45% , Verona .•••••.•••••• 653 I Forsyth •••••••••• ';54 I Continental •••••• '. 455 Hinton •••••••'••• ~ 456 Wallace ••••••••.•• 451 Jonesburg ••••••••. 458 MelvUle •••••••••• 459 Hazelwood •••••••• 460 Lambskin 461 Caruthersvllle. • • •• 462 Santa Fe ••••••••• 463 CUfton 464 Concordia •••••••• 465 Gaynor City .•••••• 466 Southwest 461 Pleasant Hope ••• 468 Red Oak ••••••••• 469 Plato •••••••••••• 410 Nodaway ••••••••• 411 Mineral •••••••••• 412 Pickering ••••••••• 413 Nineveh..... ••• •• 414 Guilford 415 Golden ••••••••••• 416 Mt. Hope ••••••••• 411 Henderson •••••••• 418 Racine 419 Rich Hlll •••••.••• 480 Jewel ••••••••••.•• 481 Marceline •••••••• 482 CUntonvllle ....... 483 I Fairfax •••••••••• 484 Kirkwood ••••••••• 485 Cold Water •••••• 486 Cairo ••..•••••'••.•• 487 Chilhowee •••••••• 488 Lock Spring •••••• 489 LakevUle ••••••••• 490 Montevallo ••••••• 491 Vandalia ••••••••• ( 92 1 Daggett •••••••••• 493 Vernon •••••••••• 494 Lewistown •••••••• 495 Unity •••••••••••• 496 Robert Bunw .••.•
Verona •••••••••••• Forsyth ••••••••••• Stewartavllle •••••• • Brown Station. . . . . . Bunceton Jonesburg •••••••••• Dadeville ••••••••••• Seymour •••••••••••• St. Loub Caruthersvllle ••••••• Santa Fe .•.....•... Thayer Concordia •••••••••• Parnell ••••••••••••• Southwest City Pleasant Hope Bower's Mlll Plato ••••••••••••••• Maryville Oronogo •••••••••••• Pickering ~. Olney •••••••••••••• Guilford Golden City •••••••• Odessa ••••••••••••• Rogersville •••••••••• Seneca Rich HUl ••••••••••• Pleasant Hill ••••••'. Marceline ••••••••••• EI Dorado Springs ... Fairfax ••••••••••••• Kirkwood ••••••••••• Drexel •••••••••••••• Cairo •••••••••••••• Chilhowee •••,••••••• Lock Spring •••••••• Bell City Montevallo ••••••.••• Vandalia ••••••••••• McKittrick Bronaugh Lewistown •••••••••• Richards ••••••••••• Gaioosvllle ••••••••••
Lawrence •••••• Taney ••••••••• De Kalb .•••••• Boone. • • • • • • •• Cooper •••••••• Montgomery ••• Dade •••••••••• Webster
John W. Young.. H. M. Blunk .•.•...• Aria Fidler Stanley Botner James M. GrooIIlll .'.. M. C. Snarr .•••..•. M. E. Morris •..••.• Walter McAnally ....• Hugo H. KleybQecker. Pemlscot ••••••• Samuel Castleberry •. M.onroe •••••••• P. H. Stuart .....••. Oregon •••••••• O. H. Wadley Lafayette •••••• Arthur J. Kwencke .. Nodaway •••••• Hiram Day ..• ", .•'. McDonald ••••• Gerald E. Fox ...••• Polk Roma Kerr .. '.' Lawrence •••••• L. Greer Pickens Texas .••••••••• Arthur E. Hartzog .. Nodaway R. C. Person Jasper •••••••• ·Wm. H. Stark Nodaway Faye Florea Lincoln •••••••• Rolla H. Porter ;. Nodaway Geo. C. Weatherman. Barton •••••••• Fred Blakesley Lafayette •••••• Chas. T. Deisher..... Webster ••••••• E. H. Leming Newton ; ••••••• C. F. Oliver Bates •••••••••.Tames D. Pearson Cass •••••••••. Francis M. Moore Linn •••••••••• Edw. W. Tayler Cedar ••••••••• J. Ralph' Owens Atchison •••••• Ernest D. Thomson .. St. Louis •••••• Harold E. Sneed Cass C. M. Groves Randolph •••••.•J. A.. Towles ......• Johnson ••••••. Elmo Witcher •..... Davless ••••••• R. M. Hicks Stoddard •••••• C. K. Greer Vernon J. W. Steward Audrain ••••••• Otis S. Williams Montgomery ••. Loren Ellis Vernon •••••••• T. S. Funk Lewis ••••••••• Lawrence W. McAfee. Vernon T. J. Woodring Ozark ••••••••• M. T. Harlin
Ernest Young A. H. Blunk ;. R. W. Kibbey Tilfo.,rd ~oslln .•.•. M. K. Gentry · G. L. Wilson ••••••. Alvin C. Blakemore•. A. L. WllliullIs F. G. Fuessel G. Cleveland M.offitt. C. O. Powers.. A. A. Taber...... Geo. Duensing, Jr J. S. Mattesun W. F. Stevenson R. E. Fullertop J. V. Pattoll .•..... E. E. Moffatt Luke P. Colvin C. ~l. Olmstead J. F. Hanna Donald G. Hazzard.'. A. H. Wilson C. R. Boone C. D. Newhard.. Edw. R. ~lcCormack. Logan Smith Dell C. Douglass .••. Geo. W. Smith .•••••. Wm. E. Parks Mark D. Gwinn C. A. Templeton .• :. Herman Schroeder C. E. Land Cel L. Dameron .. , R. .l. Cowden ....••.. J. Ray Ramsbottom .. W. G. Pyle W. S. Kokendoffer W. C. Ra.lston •••••. T. E. Lavender .. " S. P. Linn J. M. Bagby B. C. Armstrong E. W. Ebrlte ••••••• ,
1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Saturday on o,r before full moon 1st and 3d Fridays Saturday on or before full moon Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wk.!. aft. l'hur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Wednesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Thursday on or before full moon Thursday every two weeks Saturday before full mOOll 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st Saturday 2d and 4th Thursdays Zd and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Fridays 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th ~Iondays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 3d Wednesday 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Fridays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st· and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Wednesdays Saturday on or before full moon
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GRAND SECRETARY'S TABULAR STATEMENT, Etc.-Continued No. , 491 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 501 508 509 510 51i 512 513 514 515 516 511 518 519 520 521 522 523 524
521 528 529 530 531 532 533 534
Equality ••••••••• Newburg .•••••••••. Phelps Pee Dee •••••••••• Musselfork Chariton Harmony •••• St. Louis •••••••••• , .••••••• Jameson Jameson ••••••••••• Daviess Buckner ••• o. Buckner •••••••• Jackson ••••••• Philadelphia •••••. Philadelphia .••• Marion Prairie Home ••• o. Prairie Home •••• Cooper Platte City .. o . . . . Platte City ... o. Platte ...... Euclid ••••• o. St. Louis •••••••• Lathrop •••••••••• Lathrop ••.•••••• Clinton •••• Clearmont •••••• o. Clearmont .••••••• Nodaway •••• Saxton •••••• Saxton.............. Buchanan ••••• Van Buren •.••••• Van Buren ••••••••. Carter ••••••••. New Hampton New Hampton Harrison ...•.. Skidmore Skidmore Nodaway .. Webb City Webb City Jasper . Senath •••• Senath •••••••••••. ,Dunklin ••..••• Granby ••• o. Granby Newton . Galena •••• Galena .•••••••••••. Stone ••••••••. Milford •• Milford .••••.•••••• ' Barton •• Seligman. Seligman •••••• Barry ••••••••. Oriental •••••••••. Blackburn •• Saline • Crane •.•••••• Crane ..••••••• Stone •••••• Clifton Heights ••. St. Louis • Lockwood •••••••• Lockwood ••• Dade .••••••••. Gate City •••• Kansas City •••••••. Jackson Stinson ..••• Miller, R.I. Lawrence •••••• Spickardsvllle ••••. Spickard ••••••••••. ' Grundy •• Cunningham •••••. Sumner ••••••••••• Chariton Wayne ••••••••••. Piedmont '0' •••••• o. Wa)'ne • '0' •••• Higbee •••• Higbee •••• ,Randolph •• Conway •• ,Conway •••• Laclede ••••••• Apollo •• St. Louis ••••••••. Peculiar •••• • • • •• Peculiar •••••••••• Cass ••• Lane's Prairie ••••. Vichy .......•..•.•. Maries • Dexter ••••••• o. Dexter •••• o. Stoddard •••••. Comfort Wheaton. . . . . . . . . .. Barry . Columbia •••••••• , Pacl1lc ••••••••••• Franklin 0
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••••••• O'
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Town and P. O. Address
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Time of Meetlnl
Ivan E. Fuller A. E. Lain......... Chas. L. Holbert Frank L. Scott .Tas. Thos. Bell. . . . .. P. M. Bailey....... L. L. Williamson Herman Klein Charles W. Young .. R. M. Harrington ... , Wilford M. Simpson .. M. A. Edwards Wm. Z. Gossett H. E. Campbell F. M. Coston .James W. Lane ....• D. W. Roland .T. 81. Harris Wm. A. Peters ....•. Joseph S. Wark Wm. J. Osborne Willis Vanderlinden .. Boon P. Norton ..... .las. E. Winterton, Jr. H. M. Hunt Ralph C. Fleming Thos. Prater ....•.• Herbert Eads Irvin Williams S. G. McColl Edwin B. Hawkins .. ()tis B. Miller Louis T. Schultz.... Claude E. Lofland .. W. J. Little C. A. PowelL...... R. W. Planchon Dr. J. W. Pletcher
A. B. Cottle ....••... Paul Buchanan •••• J. W. Kessinger .. Jno. E. Robison . John Ahrens ••••• E. A. Fagan . Fred L. Schilb (act.). Arthur Ham . M. E. Campbell . E. H. Walker . W. T. Humphrey . W. L. Dyer ........•• Wm. H. Snider . J. E. Scott. ......•. E. D. French ....... Lee O. Walker •••••. H. L. Fleetwood . W. H. Williams . Troy Stone . Chris L. Dale . L. E. Fawvbr . B. W. Solomon ....•• D. A. Holderman ..... Wm. H. Haley •••.. C. S. Crow . F. H. Knight . A. R. Richesin . G. E. Shaw .....•... Alex. Stobaugh •••• .I. A. Banks ...•.... f:. A. IJambier . Dr. J. C. Smith . Geo. Ruths .•.••••• , L. D. Lalfoon . R. M. Copeland . T. J. Ross .......•.. Robt. O. Overton . Louis M. Roemer . 00.
3d and 4th Tuesdays Zd Wednesday 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st Thursday 1st and 3d Saturday 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays Saturday on or after full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th 'l'hursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Frld'ays 1st and 3d Thursdays 3d Saturday 2d and 4th Thursdays Tuesday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays Sat. on or aft. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Wednesdays Sat. on or bef. first full moon 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays Saturday bef. each full moon 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Ra.turdays 2d and 4th Thursdays
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535 I 536 I 537l 538 539 540 541 542 I 543 544 545 546 1i47 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 ! 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 1i66 567 I 568 I 569 I 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579
Blackwell •.••••••• Ingomar •••••••••• Bethel ••••••••••• Stella •••••••••••• Dawn •••••••••••• Winigan ••••• • • • •• Jacksonville •••••• Ferguson ••••••••• Mansfield ••••••••• Algabll ••••••••••• Zalma .••••••••••• Orient............ South Gate ••••••• Clinton ••••••••••• Carl Junction Rose H1ll Pendleton •••••• •• Calhoun •••••••••• Clarksburg ••••••• Foster ••••••• , •••• Summersville Prairie .•••••••••• Blairstown •••••••• Moscow •••••••••• Clarksdale •••••••• Nelson CowglU ..••••••••• Deepwater •••••••• York Jamesport •••••••• Tebbetts •••••••••• Maplewood ••••••• Mlller " Naylor ~(arlborough. . . . .. Republ~::
Hayti Rutledge •••••••••• Bernie . • • • • . • • • •• La Monte ••••••••• Easter Olive Branch ••••• Ewing •••••••••••• Forest Park Grandin . . . . . ..
Blackwell • • • • • • • • •• St. Francoll ••• W1ll0w Springs ••••• Howell •••••••• Bethel •••••••••••••• Shelby •••••••• Stella •••••••••••••• Newton •••••••• Ludlow ••••••••••••• Livingston ••••• Winigan •••••••••••• Sulllvan ••••••• Jacksonville ••••••••• Randolph •••••• Ferguson ••••••••••. St. Louis •••••• Mansfteld ••••••••••• Wright •••••••• St. Louis Zalma .•.••••••••••• Bolllnger •••••• Kansas City ••••••••• .Jackson ••••••• Kansas City •••••••• Jackson ••••••• Cllnton ...••••.••••• Henry ••••••••• Carl Junction Jasper ••••••••• St. Louis Doe. Run. . . . . . . . . .• St. Francola ••• Calhoun Henry ••••••••• Clarksburg •••••••••. Moniteau ••••••. Foster •••••••••••••• Bates ••••••••• Summersville .......•. Texas ••••••••• Gilman City •••••••• Harrison ••••••• Blairstown •••••••••• Henry ••••••••• Moscow M1lls ••••••• Lincoln •••••••• ClarkSdale •••••••••• De Kalb ••••••• Nelson Saline Cowg1ll ••••••••••••• Caldwell ••••••• Deepwater •••••.•••. Henry ••••••••• Kansas City Jackson Jamesport ••.••••••• Daviess •••••••• Tebbetts Callaway •••••• Maplewood •••••••••• St. Louis •••••• Mlller .••••••••••••• Lawrence Naylor Ripley Kansas City........ .Jackson... Republic Greene Hayti .•••••••••••••• Pemiscot •••••• Rutledge •••••••••••• Scotland •..••• Bernie •. • • • • • • • • • •• Stoddard •..••. La Monte Pettis St. Clair ••••••••••• Franklin St. Loula •••••••••••.••••••••••••••• Ewing •••••••••••••• Lewla ••••••••• St. Loula Grandin •••••••.•••• Carter •••••••••
Roy T. Brown T. E. Austin, Jr David J. Schnaufer .. David M. Weems James Baxter Thos. M. Crowder. . .. Wrn.. Taylor Claude E. Rouse M. E. Gorman F. Wm. Koikhorst O. C. Kerfoot Wm. P. Osgood Kirk Thompson A. N. Lindsey...... Wm. A. Barr Chas. C. Miles Blondy R. Hunt S. S. Stone Earl Donley Theo. C. Culllson.... Lee Bell Geo. S. Gusewelle J. W. Stansberry S. L. McCoy John O. Thornton N. P. Thornton J. F. Pember L. B. McKee John L. King Homer Walker E. E. Hord David O. Row E. G. Webb C. C. Helgoth Floyd R. Smith H. M. CriswelL A. O. Allen Dan C. Mauck Max Winer ......• J. M. Baldwin,. Jr B. F. Lageman Raymond R. Roehrig. .John W. M'Gee 1. A. Weidknecht Herman A. McKinney
B. E. Brown ..••••. W. E. Armstrong ....• Sam Ziegler .•.••.•• N. C. Jessee..... R. C. Stewart ••••.... S. M. Romine E. H. Dennis Barry A. Magoon ••• C. A. Stephens .••••. Wm. J. H. Perkins .. Wm. Allison ••••.•..• }'. M. Huffman.... Thos. M. Pratt .... C. C. Canan ••••.•• Joseph E. Herd Chas. C. Jackson W. Rosenstengel W. C. Maupin Hy. B. Sappington Otis D. Jennings •..• T. C. Greig ••..••..•• Ira L. Noble 1,. B. McKean Fred Karrenbrock ••• Tohn H. Mann R. B. Finley Robt. R. Rone .•..••• 1. H. Dunnin~ 1. F. Strycker O. .J. Somerville .•.... S. O. Sneathen 1. W. Menaugh Walter Ruark C. E. Smith G. W. Beal, Jr 1. .J. Bain J. B. Buckley James A. Bailey ....• D. B. Abernathy O. G. .Agee Frank Wayne E. V. Corte .•••••••• August Huseman Wm. C. Rese J. M. McGhee •••••.
1st Saturday 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Tuesdays '2d and 4th Fridays Saturday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays Wednesday on or ber. full moon 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and ;{d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Thursdays ist and 3d Mondays Each Friday 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3d Thursdays Sat. on or br. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Fridavs 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d Thursday 1st and 3d Thursday Frl. on or bf. r.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Fridays . 2d Friday 2d Wednesday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d Saturday
90 .........
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No·1 ,
Town and P. O. Address
580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 6041 605 606 607 608 I 609 I 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617
BoustOD ••••••••• Illmo ..•••••••••• Koshkonong •••••• Novinger Red Bird Shamrock Criterion Branson St.' Franclsvllle • ' Grovespring . Advance •••••••.• Barnett •••••••••. La Russell. . Union ...••••••••. Blodgett . Cole Camp ......• ' Puxico •••••••••• Bosworth •••••••• Leadwood ••••••• Elvlns ••••••••••• Cosby ••••••••••• ' Clayton .. Acacia .••••••••• Morehouse' ••••••• Strasburg ••••••• Walker .. Craig .. Eminence •••••••• Strafford . WarrentoD ••••••• Clark ••••••••••• ' Centertown •••••• Mokane Wellston Mt. Washington Chaffee ••••••••• Marlon .•.••••••• Swope' Park ......•
Thompson ....•..••. Illmo •••••••••••••• Koshkonong . Novinger . Red Bird •••••••••• Shamrock •••••••••• Alba ..•••.•.•••••• Branson •••••.••••• \Vayland •••••••••• Grovespring ......•. Advance ••••••••••• Barnett .•••••••••• La Russell . Union .••••.••••••• Blodgett . Cole Camp ..••..•• Puxico •.•••••••••• Bosworth •••.•••••• Leadwood .•••••••• Flat River .•••••••• Cosby •••••••..•••. Clayton ••.••.•••••• Columbia •••.•••••• Morehouse '• •••••••• Strasburg •••••••••• Walker •••••••••••• Craig ••••••••••••• Eminence •••••••••• Strafford '• •••••••••• Warrenton ••••••••• Clark .••••••••••••• Centertown Mokane ••••••••••• Wellston . Mt. Washington •••• Chaffee •••••••••••• Mercer •••••••••••• Kansas City •••••••
Audraln •• • • • •• C. S. Brown... . . . .. H. W. Groves ......• Scott •••••••••• Ben Bill .........• W. L. Bolden . .T. E. Old . Oregon •••••••• Chas. \V. Pease Adair Fred P. Kob C. R. Truitt . Gasconade ••••• Sam'l C. Bayless.... C. G. Sewell .••••••. Callaway •••••• W. S. Armstrong ...• J. S. Lail ... ;; ..... .Jasper •••••••. H. R. Warren ......• D. A. Carlyle ••••••. Taney J. Paul Patterson S. P. Winch .. Clark ••••••••• O. '1'. Brown ......• E. Henshaw . , Wright •••••••.• R. C. Webb .......• .T. L. Hudson Stoddard •••••• John B. Revelle ..... C. C. O'Xeal ......• Morgan •••••••• O. C. Weaver ..•...• J. D. Bradshaw . J. G. Meador . .Jasper Robt. N. Patton Franklin F. R. Belnke ; P. W. Vltt . Scott •••••...•• Fred L. Ogelvie Geo. W. Pearman . Benton L. A. Demand ..•... E. H. Prewitt . Stoddard •••••• Elmer E. Merett .... C. A. Wilkerson . Carroll •••••••• C. J. Haar ...•••. ; .. L. B. Willis . M. G. Mason ' . St. Francois ••. Marvin Link E. A. Counts . St. Francois •.. J. E. Freeman Andrew Toseph T. Arnold W. B. Durant .. St. Louis •••••• Fred H. Hoefelmanrr. R. W. McElhinney . .T. M. Long . Boone N. A. Llndsey \~ T. Wofford . New Madrid ••• Calvin Farris B. A. Roush . Cass • •••• ••••• . Vernon •••••••• C. D. Haynes :. Harold A. Walker . C. M. Randall . Holt Lloyd A. Dankers Shannon ••••••• Wm. El Hyde R. H. Long .. Greene •••••••• R. H. Focht. D. C. yarbrough . Warren •••••••• Wm. B. Drunert 'L. ::\or. Hutcherson . Randolph ••• '••• A. Eo Hubbard R. L. Bradley . . Cole .••••••'•••.T. H. Son.......... H. Miller Callaway •••••• Edw. W. Knox T. F. Bafner .•••••. St. Louis •••••• W. Raymond Young .. C. A. Tolin .. Jackson ••••••• Fred .1. Tudor G. B. Christy Scott ••••• '..... Luther J. King...... M. H. Stubblefield Mercer •••••••• Clar. W. Cunnlrrgham; Leonard L. Alley ••. Jackson ••.•••• Geo. W. Porter T. W. Ferguson .
Time of Meeting 3d Friday 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d Wednesday Every Friday Saturday on or before full moon Thursday on or before full moon 1st and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d Saturday 1st and 3d Thursdays Saturday orr or before full moon 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Saturdays Every Tuesday 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st Tuesday 3d Saturday and 2 weeks after 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st Saturday 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st arrd 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays
~ ~ <':l ~ ~
618\ Grandview •••••••. Grandview ••••••••• Jackllon ••••••• L. E. McPherron ...• M. V. Long 2d and 4th Fridays 619 FairvIew ••••••••• Fairview •••••••••••. Newton •••••••• H. Clinton Harper L. N. Pannell .•..... Thursday on or before full moon 620 Willard •••••••••• Willard •••••••••••. Greene •••••••• Douglas Tooker H. L. Fox 1st 'l'hur. Apr. to Sel}t.; 1st and I . 3d Thurs. Oct. to Apr. 621 I Anderson •..•.... Anderson ••••••••••. McDonald ••••• J. C. WhItaker ..•... Henry Eppard •••••• 2d and 4th Wednesdays 622 I Norwood Norwood •••••••••••. Wright •••••••• Fred McMillian •... H. J. Schofield Thur. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 623 I Maple NeelyvlIle B!1tler ••••••••• W. B. Davis W. M. Reynolds 1st and 3d Saturdays .6241 Owensville •••••••. Owensville •••••••••. Gasconade ••••• Wm. A. Mur.p,hy .•... A. Holt and 3d Thursdays 625 SheffIeld ••••••••. Kansas City •••••••. Jackllon ••••••• Edw. D. Bassford .•.. L. F. Owens.•.•.... 2d and 4th Thursdays 826 Magnolia ••••••••• St. Louis Erwin L. Ocker J. H. Leathers : 2d and 4th Wednesdays 621 Wallace Park ••••. Wallace •••••••••••. ~uchanan ••••. Lee Jarboe ..•••.•. W. H. Shapter 2d Saturday 628 I Mendon ...•••.•.. Mendon ...••••••••. Chariton .•...•. O. C. :\!aynard Wm. Larsoll' 2d and 4th ~londays 629 Valley Park Valley Park St. Louis Raymond W. Wood .. Geo. W. Booth 2d and 4th Wednesdays 630 East Gate ••••••••• Kansas City •••••••. Jackllon • • • • • •• Richard B. Kirkman. Ernest W. Berry .•. ; 1st and 3d Tuesdays 631 Tower Grove ••••. St. Louis •••••••••...•.••••••••••••• Ernest Dunford ••.. A. M. Bischoff ••... 2d and 4th Thursdays 632 Belgrade ••••••••. Belgrade ••••••:: •••. Washington •••• J. F. Hanson ....•.. H. W. Dickey••••.•• 3d Saturday 633 Archie ••••••••••. ArchIe ••••••••••••.. Cass •••••••••• E. ~I. Goodrich .••.. Thomas M. York, Jr.. 2d and 4th Tuesdays 634 Steele ••••••••••. Steele .••••••••••••. Pemlscot •••••• George Lyon ...•.••. C. P. Howard 2d and 4th 'l'hursdays 635 Greentop ••.•.•••.. Greentop ••••••••••• Schuyler •••.•.. Bryan F. Arnold •... D. D. Newlin .•••.. ; 2d and 4th Mondays 63'1 I MountaIn View .. Mountain View ••.•. Howell •••••••. Ji'rank Todd ....••. R. Penninger 2d and 4th Tuesdays 638 I Triangle •...... St. Louis ••••••••••. .••••••••••••••• Orrin E. Brigham .. J. R. Spencer ••.... 1st and 3d Saturdays 639 I Mizpah St. Louis Tesse B. Holland W. H. Voss 2d arrd 4th Tuesdays 640 I JennIngs Jennings St. Louis •••••• Oliver G. Kohlmeyer. Geo. E. Kohlmeyer .. 1st and 3d Tuesdays 641 I TrInIty St. Louis .. Chas. F. Attebery W. P. Morgan , 2d and 4th Thursdays 642 I BenjamIn Franklin. St. Louis ••••••••••....••••••••••••. Jos. Geo. Schreiner .. Morris Popper •••.••. 1st and 3d Thursdays 643l Northeast Kansas City Jackson Frank I. Knight Geo. R. Hodge 1st and 3d Thursdays 644 Grain Valley Grain V;llley Jackson Curtis N. Houston Earl F. Pentecost 2d and 4th Saturdays 645 Clever •••••••••••. Clever ChrIstian C. M. Kerr Geo. W. Estes Friday on or before full moon 646 Shaveh St. Louis • Elbert B. GaskilL H. W. Williams 2d and 4th Tuesdays 641 Noel Noel McDonald G. C. Kline ....•... W. Bryson 1st and 3d Wednesdays 648 I Elmer ...•...... Elmer Macon J. O. Attebery ..•... C. I. Murry .......•. 2d and 4th Mondays 649 I University University City St. Louis Jesse A. Bleakney .. Alfred A. NaIl 1st and 3d Mondays 650 Parma. Parma New Madrid Floyd B. Gale "V. B. Morgan 1st and 3d Tuesdays 651 Cleveland Cleveland Cass G. K. Kerr Geo. W. Coble 2d and 4th Tuesdays 6521 Pilgrim ••••••••••• St. Louis G. A. Tumelson T. C. Teel. 2d and 4th Wednesdays 653 Shawnee Warsaw Benton ••.• ; Paul M. Blanchard.. W. L. McClung 2ct and' 4th Fridays 654 Commonwealth. • •• St. LouIs ••••••••••. .•••.••••••••••• Otto E. Scheske..... J<'red A. Menke 1st and 3d Thursdays 655 Gardenville ••••••• R. R. ~o. 7. Affton.. St. Louis ....•• Wm. Walter ...•... MelvIn C. W. Linders. 1st and 3d Saturdays 656 Coumry Club •••• Kansas City ••••.• Jackson •.•..•• Ray KleIn M. H. De Vault..... 1st and 3d ·Tuesdays 657l Progress ••••••••• St. Louis ,. "'Vm. F . Kuergeleis : Fred J. Mahner 1st and 3d Thursdays 658 Purity •••••••••• St. Louis E. H. Bartelsmeyer J. HeInes 1st and 3d Tuesdays 659 Alpha North Kansas City.. ClaY HarrIs A. MaupIn W. Hansen Zd and 4th Mondays 660 I HollIday Holllday Monroe Josiah D. Harrell T. E. Sparks 1st and 3d Tuesdays 661 , Theodore Roosevelt St. Louis............ . Harry F. C. Meyer I[ H. Spencer....... 2d and 4th Mondays 662 I Clarence.......... Clarence ...•..•.•.••. Shelby 'Frank W. BorIng J. Leonard McCoy 1st and 3d Tuesdays GR3 I Roc)dll1l Kamas CIty Jackson Wm. H. Tint J. Weinsaft 2d and 4th Wednesdays 664 I AldrIch Aldrich Polk Rev. M. Wright T. J. Wright Tuesday on or bef. first f. m.
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1965 220 100 109 ::45 100 174 466 203 298 291 1346 67 151 52 195 1058 279 138 1001 245 411
§.~ QS ",cl>
gj~ 0-<
75 35 70 lS04 1350 30 I 801 10 50 3471 301 2 101 277 90 27 30 18S1 201 ................ 1 214 00/................ 168 00 2 101 39 601 14 70, 1950 220 501. ............... 1 801................ 1 100 201 4 20' 105 4 20 241 701 4 20 sol 96 30 I....... ,........ 174 20/ 14 10 451 70 2 10 201 201 10 50 287 901 10 50 281 10 1 8 40 1331 20 _............... 1 67 201 8 40\ 142 501 6 30 46 301................ 195 401 21 001 1037 301................ 1 279 601 2 101 136 4 201 997 701 70 4 201 241 6 301 405 601
05 ............ 30 ............ 30 ............ 20\ .......... 60 ........... 20 ............
90 ............ 90 ............ 501. ........... 801 ............ 001. ........... 501 ............ 601. ........... 30 I............
"-::l~ (';)
~ ~
'l.. . . 'l.. . .
60 ............ 70 ............ 40 ............
20 ............ 80 ............ 20 ............ 301............ 401 ............ 301 ............ 501 ............ 501 ............ 50 I........... 30 I............
-en ('l)
I Liberty..................................
1 41
Ii IIg:~;,.'~~J~~.~:·~~···.~·~.~l..IIJI'il l:ll~:;;1111 ll~' 31
11'1 49
_ .._.
~ t~!,~il~:i:-i: I;!~
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~ ~I• ,!I••·......l! .1 · :~il· · il· ll ••
~~ I £:v~~~sto~~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:~:::::::·.::::::::::: ~I ~I ~! i tl······lc:::::I ~::1 1, ~c::: 52 I Wakanda............................... 53 I Weston................................... 54 I Index......................................
55 I Arrow Rock..........................
81 41
91 41 11
91 41 21
31 21
11 1\
1......... 2.......
41. 2\
4 2
I. .
i I~lJlf~~:JL>.:. ··tl '!I:ll ;!••:•• •lll~.I;I;ll' if IfE~:~~~].]·.:];·.:.·:::::::=: . . iljlJil;J•• •:•.• tJ:I:H:1 61 I Waverly................................. 62 I Vincil.....................................
11. 11
21.. 3
\........ 2........
68 I Kerrnett................................. 69 I Sullivan................................. 70 I Armstrong.............................
11 31 21 2 11........
2 1 1
11 1 31
72 'Gorin...................................... 13 I Eureka...................................
t Credit $4.20
1\... 521..\.
2 2
J....... 3 1
10 9
1 21. .1.. . .. 1 3/ 11. .
40 .... \ 21 5.. 21 3 1 21 1 5 1 51 1 11 / 11 1
21 21 2 j 21·· ..
31. . 1. ..
265 . 556 50 6 301............ 562 801 2 101 t564 901 63 . 132 30 _....... 132 301 2 10 130 201 . 124 260 40 260 401 6 30 254 10 . 279 30 279 301 2 101 277 201 133 .. 206 432 60............ 432 601 18 901 413 701 . 210 436 80\ 8 40 . 77 701 37 235 201 . 237 30! 2 10 113 237 30 136 501 . 65 136 50 136 50, .. . 1823 3828 30 2 10 3830 40 18 901 3811 501 . , . 237 301 113 237 30 14 701 222 601 109 201 . 56 117 60 . 117 601 8 40 812 701. . 825 301 12 60 393 1 96 601 .. 46 1 96 601 237 301 .. 112 235 201 4 20 . 239 40/ 2 10/ 75 601 .. 77 70 1 ; 77 70 2 10 37 .. 10 501 304 051 145 304 50110 05\ . 314 551 .. 14 701 422 101. 208 436 80 . 436 801 130 201 .. 2 1<J. . 132 30[ 621 130 20 2 101 279 30 .. 4 20 135 283 501 1 . 2'l3 501 121 80[ . 4 20 59 123 90 2 101 . 126 001 592 20! . 10 50 4 20 . 602 701 285 1 598 50 266 701 . 264 60 2 10 . 266 701 1 126\ 138 . 138 60 1 138 601 66 52 501 . 54 601 . 26 54 601 2 101 149 101 . 151 201 2 10 72 274 562 801 .. 109 20 . 52 .... .. 109 20, 1 .. 291 90 . 12 60 304 50 . 304 50/ 145 218 401 .. 220 501 2 10 101 212 101 8 40 .. \ 142 80 .. 142 801 68 164 344 40 .. 344 401 2 101 501 90 . 506 10 4 20 241 168 00 . 172 201 4 20 1 161 701 . 165 90 . 170 101 . 170 10 . 81 92 401 . 42 88 20 4 20 .. 228 901 4 20 233 101 4 20 .' . 1111 317 10 _ . 151 153 30 . 75 157 501 4 20 424 201 .. 432 60 8 40 432 60 . 206 130 20 .. 123 901 . 62 264 60 . .. 126 1 264 601
4~i ~g ~ .. ~~ :::::::::::: 4~~
\C' N
igl........ ~ . ~~I'
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~ . ~~I
~U i~I·······f~~1
I~I~I~I~I~ ~~.;
74 I Warren.................................. 3\ 75 'SHex........•....•.................•....•.. ' ! 76 Independence " II 77 I Lebanon , 101 78 I St. Joseph............................. 79 Polar Star............................ 19 80 Bridgeton..............................: 81
8 7 131 18\ 9
3 3 6
8 13 28 8
~ ::l
~ ::l
3 3 6 3
==Co) ''OJ 0.
~ ~en 1"0 ~cP ~ ~
11 ~ 6 ,.... 11 11 51 11 , 2 1
'·"'1 ·1··...... "" 11 ,.... .1
31 ····1 8
14 7 4
;) 4 31 6
Webster Groves...................
Defiance................................ 31 Friendship............................. 61 Russellvll1e........................... ,21 Madison 1 Perseverance........................ 21 St. Marks.............................. 9
21 51 11
2 4 1
11 81
3 8
St. Andrews..........................
7 · ··.. 1
·"···1' 8 7
11 3
1 .
2 8
3 1
1 8
1.........1 2 1
1 2
4 5 18
3 6
61 8
71 3
1 1
11 11
. .
~~ ',~~~~:~~~ate:::::::. . :.. ::::.. . . .:::: 2~1 2~11 1~ """41:::::::: ······21::::::::11······~::::11 ~ ~\····9 96
~~~l~f~;;:~~;;;;;ff:;:.!' . !.!;11 t-il ·~.~I:)III!I:I
104 I Heroine.................................. t Credit $10.50
1 11
OIl Q)
88 89 90 91 92 93
""0o Cl
nIf~ Ht: : : : .: : :.: : : : .: : : : : : ::::::i!::::::il ;:;·l:lli:I~11 ;II .i~ ~~~h~\~~:::::::::::::::::·:::·:::·:::: il ::::::~I-·····; ~ ~ """i ::::::::I····f~ ·"'~II gl:::::: 10
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"O;§ 1::--
:.-. QI ::l QI ;.1ClCl~
~.~ -< ~
811 45 453 219 609 1 1020 224 1 361 127 179 781 75 253
1~~1 244 70 39 218 377 66 507 91 113 12~
158 176 125 11
57 1056
170 94 951 459 1278 2142 470 75 266 375 1640 157 531 336 176 512 147 81 457 791 138 1064 191 237 252 331 369 262 149 119 2217
~~~ -OJ'" 0:1"'''' CoQlo:l
CIlQl Q) J-t
t:;il<>< .-::
....... QI
101 4 20............ 50 30............ 901 6 30 901 00 12 60 40 6 30 .__ 60 :.... 7~1 2 101 __.. 90 2 10 ._......... 10 1............ 50/ 1........... 30 25 201........... 001 2 10 40 1............ 401 6 30', _.... 00 _.... 901 11............ 80 2 10 :......... 70 14 70 _..... 601............ 70\ 1............ 10 1............ 30 1............ OO ..•••••••.
8(} 10 65 _._... 6(} _........... 50 4 20 10 2 10 _...... 70............ ........•... 601 12 60
::l 0
","0 Q)QI
174 94 951 466 1278 2154 476 75 268 378 1640 157 556 338 176 518 147 81 459 806 138 1064 191 2:37 252 342 369 266 151 119 2230
Cl Q)
301 10 501163 501 2 10 92 301 10 50 940 201 8 40 457 901 6 301 1272 601 12 60 2142 701 6 30 470 601 1 75 801. _. 266 001 4 20 371 101 18 9011621 50/ 6 30 151 501 12 601 543 101 4 .20 333 401 2 101 174 701 6 301 512 001 2 101 144 901 2 101 79 901 14 70 445 401 6 301 800 601 8 401 130 701 10 50ltl064 101 6 301 184 301 4 201 233 001................ 252 451................ 342 6(}1 2 101 367 701 2 10/ 264 201 6 30 144 701 2 101 117 201 10 501 2219
80! 401 801 80\ 60
. . . . .
401 ....•....... 601 . 701 2 10 701 2 10 201. . 201. . 901 . 901 . 301. _ 401 . 901. . 801. . 201 . 101 . 201. . 701. . 801. . 101 _. 001 . 451 . 50 . 601. . 901 .. 601. . 701 .
~ ~ ~
~ I;:l....
w (b "d
105 1Q6,
161 tI Klrl{sville.............................. qallat~f································· 5 }~~: ~f~:~o~~~~·.~·.·._.~·.·._.~~~~~·.·.~~~·.·.·.·.·.·.~· · . II
109.1 Stanberry : 1.10. I lVIarcus................................... 111 I Trenton.................................. 112 I Maitland................................ 113 Plattsburg............................. 114 I Twillght................................. 115 Laddonla ~...................... 116 BullO'................................... 117 I Helena.................................... 118 I Kingston................................ 119 I DeSoto................................... 120 I Compass................................. 121 I En'·ln..................................... 122 I Trlplett.................................. 123 I Hermann................................ 124 1 '(;nlon Star............................ 125 I Gentryville............................ 126 Seaman.................................. 127 Athens.................................... 128 f Lorraine................................ 129 Monett................................... 130 I Hume...................................... ·131 I Potosl..................................... 132 I Farmington :.................. 133 Star of the West.................
il · · .
161 41
161 4
1 2 21 _ 41 ~I 10 I 41 4 2 41 6 6
.211 •21
71 61 61 161 4
61 81 6', 16 41 91 111 71 7\ 31 1 21 3 101 71 11 11 181 19 21 2 41 5 41 3 21........
8 7 2........
7 2
1 ······1
1 2 1........ 3 51 4\ 1 4 11 3 4 4........ 26 51 11 1 '1 11 1 51 11. 41 1 111 101 4........ 61 1 1 16 1 1 4 1 1 13 1........ 101........ 1........ 61 , 71 1 2 11 ·1 ..··· 15........ 14 3...... 6 2 2 3 2 . 11 2
11 31' ,....
51 21 4......
468 1 982 80 13 20 1"""""" 163 342 30 _.......
996 00\ ~4~ 30/
10 501 8 40
985 50\. 333 90
. .
~ :::::::':II ~:· :::: ... ~ ~I:::::: 1~~ i~g ~~ ····2··101:::::::::::: l~~ ~~I : ~~I i~~ ~~ ~ . ~~ 6 .,. 2 3 1 162 340 20 2 10 342 301 6 30 336 00 . 4 1 11 · """.' 391 1701 357.00 6 30............ 363 301.·.. ········.···1 363 30 . 17.. 3 6, 1, 821 10 2 10 ,........ 8~3 201 12 60 810 60 .
4 :. 4
\C N
7.1 5.1
1\ 2 41 3
2 """"'1 1 2.... 1........ • 1 \. 1 . •/ 2 1 21 1........ 2.. 5 2........ 3. 114 1 1 2 . j 2, 2........ 2.. 11 3 I 11 .1 41 2........ 2.1 4 1'''1 4 I 1 2........ 20... 61 2,1 4 4.1 31 1 _. . 5 , 21
g~'1 ~~~~~e·~·.-.· . .-.~·.-.-.-.·.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- . .·..-.~·.~·.-.-.-.-.-.-..:::::: ····..1····..1:::::::: :::::::: ····..2::::::::
1 1 4 1.•.... 6...... 1
78 103 2141 66
11 3.... 41 1 1 ""1 1 5 3....
331 127 272 107 678 68 961 83 56 193 146 73 402 75 92 186 73
51 .1...... .. ,
2... 1 21..... 11... 2.. 51 4 1 , 1 1 2...... 1......
~I ll,::::::
163 216 449 138 216 69 266 571 224 1423 142 201 174 117 405 306 153 844 157 193 390 153
8016 301............ 30............ 40 52 50........... 60 36 2 1.1............ 30 /.......... 70............ 20............ 70............ 80 2 10 80 2 10 60............ 30............ 60............ 30 /........... 61) 4 20........... 30 ·..· ·1............ 20 29 40........... 50 1............ 20 4 201............ 60 , 30 4 20 _......
l~~i ~~~ ~~ ::::::::::::1
I/O 101 2 101 168 216 301 8 401 207 501 901 12 601 489 138 601 2 10 136 218 "I 2 16 69 30.1................ 69 266 70/ 6 30 260 571 201 ,8 40 1 562 224 70 1 2 10 222 142590 2 101 1423 144 901 6 30 138 201 60i ·..·.. 1 20r 174 301................ 174 117 601 .4 20 111 405 30/ 4 201 401 310 801 2 101 308 153 301 4 20 1 149 873 601 10 50, 863 157 501 J 157 197 40 1 1 197 390 601 4 20 386 157 501. 1 153
001 901 301 50
. . . . . . .
~~~ ~~I
~ ~~l
301 401 80 1 . 60 t . 801 · 601 .. 601 . 30 . 30\ 2 10 101 . 701 . 10\ . 101 .. 501 . 40\ 401. . 301 4 20
~ ~ <':)
~ ~
gi ~~l:::::::::::: 4 20
~::::;~;;:·;;;;;;:;;::;:·d,1 J~......../I::':I<llI.::,II.~:J::;~I·II·.::: . : ·: ·~ :.I::~I:~~':II··Jt:::i • • ;;; II......
136/ Phoenix................................. 137 Delphian................................
18 ;.
51 1
5 1
2 1
1 1
1 2 1........
2.... 2 6 1 1
8 1 3......
141 iO
296 10 147 00
2 10............ 2 10...........
298 201 149 101
16 80-1 6 30
277 20 142 80
142, 143, 144.1 145 I 146 I 147 I
Pleasant Grove ~ Irondale................................. Modern................................... Latimer.................................. McGee..................................... Cass........................................
Credit $6.30.
t Credit $0.15.,
31 4\ 51 6 11 21
1 2 2\ 5 1 1/
1 1........ 1 4 5 1 2........ 31 4\.
2. 1 1
2........ 3 1 1 1\. 1
/ 21 4.... 9 .... 1 21 6... 2 1
1...... 11 21 2 1
21............. 11
77 86 105 1 132 54 137
161 180 220 277 113 287
101............ 60............ 501 6 75!........... 20 2 251............ 401. \............ 701· ····..
161 ~Ol 1~0 01 227 251 279 451 113 401. 287 701
2 10 2 10 2 101 4 20 1 2 101
159 ,184 22~ 27<> 113 285
601 801. 1~; 2:)1 401. 601.
. .
. . ..
~ I I I~
~ <
~ ;:l
~ ~
3\ 6
21 5
,51 41 6 1 11 9 10 2
21 4 5
21········\········ 4 5 5 / 2
11 8 7 2
. . . .
3 5 2
2 4 :I
1i········j········ 8 2........ 6 3 2........ 1........ 11 3 3 4 :I
. . . . . .
11 21 2 111 41 31
11 21 1 10 4 3
-- 1
}~~ I ro~fc~.~.~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
155 1 156 I 157 I 158 I 1591 160 161 162 I 163 I 164 I 165 I
Spring Hill Ashland North Star Mountain Grove Green City Pleasant _ Clifton Hill Whitesville OccidentaL Joachim Maryville
. . . . . .
I Colony
I Camden Point I Benevolence I Hartford I Censer
I Gray Summit I Sturgeon I I Point Pleasant
I Texa~ I Griswold
• Credit $2.10
.......1 1 1
~~~ ~~~ 0
71/ 167
1 149 101 350 70
1 111 11······1 1........ ..J..... 2 4 .. / 21 41 3/ 1 2 1 11 1 3 .. 1 21 3...... 1 8 .. 1..... 31...... 4 """" 5 \ 2 1...... 1 """" 1 61...... 4 1 111..... 1........ 2 1 2 ..........1...... 2 3.1 6 3......
76) 106 148 35 87 133 187 143 47 58 76 358
159 222 310 73 182 279 392 300 98 121 159 751
93 147
19'5 308 30 70'\--.......... """"""
195 70 30/ 308
42 661 59 59 192 62 1 166
88 138 123 123 403 13 () 348
88 140 126 123 407 130 348
1861 631
390 60 132 30
5 .. } 3 .. --/
111 3i
1 91 / 4 21
2>~ .......
1......21 W4
149 101 350 701
18 90 1 130 201 8 40 342 301
. .
~;I 1~~ ~~I ~. ~~I:::::::::::: 1~~ t~i"""'~~"~~1 U~~ ~~I::::::::::::
1............ 1 ·...
60)············1············ 60 80 50............ 701 30 1........... 701 6 30\............ 30............ 701 ······,········ 801 6 30........ 60 4 20.......... 801 """"""
1~~ 2L 310 73 182 279 399 300 98 128 163 751
601 24 10 601 20 801 8 401 501 2 10 70/ 6 30 301 6 30 001................ 301 12 60 70! 2 10 1(}1 2 10 801 4 201 801 6 301 40 218 00
157 .. 218 50\ 40 302 401 . 71 40 . 176 401············ 270 901 2 10 399 OOl··· ··· 287 70 . 96 601 . 126.001············ 159 60 . 745 501 . 186 701 901. 287
~ ~ <:I)
;;S ~
~i'1 i \ ~ \ _.~,\ . ----g.1:::::::: I.....r .:::1 ~1:::::: 1:.'::::1 ~t n~ 201~g ~.. ~~1............ :::::::::::: i~i ~~I:::::::::::::::: i~~ ~~I ~ .. ~~ . ........
i~~ I i~~;~~~~~~.~~:::·.~~~~~~~·.::::·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.::
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
'0:2 .:::E-<
~~ .. ~~~ ~~~
~I rlll~ t~) , Q~ .... ..c::
Hi I~:~~:.~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::: ~I ~I ~ : : : : ~ ~ : : : : ~ .::.I.. j ~~~ I rl~~O~~·e~k~·.~·.~·.·.·.·.·.~~·.·.·.·.·.~~~~·.·.~::: ········1········ 51 5
. . .
t Credit $8.40.
21 2 ............
1 21' __" __ '1 1........ 6 3 41........ 4........
1 1 2
1........ I....... 1 6
3 1
1.•.... 1 II...... 12.1 4 6 1 1. ..1 11 11......
11-- 11 3 :::::::: :::::::: ····..5 ··i 3 1
1/ 1
l ':
1 21 6\ 1 II......
60 2 101............ 90 2 101............ 901. .1........... 20 4 20 20············1··········· 60............
201. 701 001 901 401 201 601
\ 10' 10\ 101 601 1 2 101
2 2 2 12
88 *140 123 121 394 130 346
201 701 901 801 801. 201 501
. . . .
""""531 ····iii·· 30 "--4 '201:..' . ~:: "'115"501"""'"2""101."'107"101""6"30 1............ 1............
390 601 132 301
12 601 ·······
378 ooi 132 301
li9 I Pride of the West
mIif.~i:~ff~·~···· . . ~~1 . . ~~1 . . ~~ ~:~:::~ : : : : ~~~ \ tl~~~~i;~::::::::::::::::~~:~:::::~~~.·. ~.
186 187
I Hermon Morality
H~ I ~~~~~~~:.:.::.::::~.:::::::.::.:.:::::::.::::
191 192
\Vilson Frankford
~~~.I ~:ey~srv~fl~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ·.· ·.·.·.·.:· ·
~~~ 18~1~?:~~~::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::.:
201 202
I Westville Ravenwood
~~~ I ~~;or~.~~.~:.·.·.·.·..::.: ·.· ·:::: ·.·~::::~:
, . . Brumley . Rowley . Trilumina ...............•.............
2.04 205
~~! II ~~rr::::>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· 209 210
Poplar Bluff Unionville Hickory HilL
. . .
lil iir~E~;I~i .• .· .· .• .• i.·.·· 1
2161 217 218 219 220 221 I 222 I
Hale City Barbee Good Hope Albert Pike Kansas City Mystic Tie La Belle
• Credit $2.10
. . . . . .
:I: Credit $8.40.
111 121 211
2 1
1 1
~I ::~I1...... . . ~I ....!.I:::::ll
3 ...
"""" . 3 2 ""'"
:1 1······;1:::::::: ~ : : : : .I: : : :~ 1
111 22
7 19
6 4
14 5
1 4
., ,
91 3\
3 3
:::\·..·21 ~I:::::: ...1
. ... 1
j!I:·•• .·~;:I; 391 31 51
2 7
2/ ...... 2.11
.. ,1 111 5/ 4('
... \ ....
11 1
" 21 4 1
311········ 3........ 51 5 5
11········1 1 3
~I::::::::II ......i: ....,
. 18
. 11
~1 :::::-12 ..
:1~1:ljj........' J LJ'I ~II
5 2,' 8 21 11
5 1
1\ 6
6 1 5 3 8
1 ····..1
.... / ...
1 1 31
1 1 1 1
2 4
3 3 2 2 1 1
1 ,
~! . . . ~ ...... ~ :::::::: ······4 ...... ~ :::::::: 2 165 2\9 23 35 14
3\ 13 3 41 11 91 4'i1 151 181 11 31
3 41 3 12 37 12 22\ 1 6,
3 4 10 43 12 18
1 4
11 41 1 3
2 1
1 8 2
1 3
3........ 3 , 6
5 1 2
1 1 ..,
2 .... 5 ... 5 3 . ... 1 . .. "'1
1/ 3
1 . . . 1
21 21 2
1 2 3
j .... ~ ~::::::
1 19 1 .. 6 1 1 7 13 20 1
::: .... ~ .... ~
.... 1
4 41
.... j 3 .... . 4 5 ...... .... 1 ...... 1 2 .... 1 3 1 ...... . 1 21 41 2 . 1 101 31 29 . \ 31 41 1
::::I··~~l··~~ ~. 4 5/
.... 1
4711 347 51 48 1 1791
1~:11 34
85 399 815 138 11 1 62 39 172 154 40 306 59 73 391 107 69 61 128 280 59 224 221 336 168 36 127 445
80 151
943/ 521 1134
989 10
10 501
991 201 .. F224°1 ·· .. 107 10 .. 98 70 . 375 901 .. 180 60\ .. 80 4 20 285 601 ; .. 401 2 10 .. 69 301 501 4 20 114 301 .. .. 301 4 2°1 *865 201 751 10 50 001 : 1 101 . 149 10\ . 201 .. 130 20 . 901 2 10! . 79 801 301 4 20 359 101. . 401 2 10 321 301. . 001 . 81 901 2 10 101 8 40 644 70/ .. 901 .. 123 90\ .. 401 . 155 40 . 001 2 10 *84 001 .. .. 701 4 20 220 501 10 6 30 136 501 6 30 140 701 . ~~1· ·6..30 264 601 .. 583 80\ . 101 18 90 45 6 30 126 15 . 40 6 301 4"20 301 6 30 001 6 30 707 701 . 346 50 .. 84 001 . 249 901.·· .. 932 401. .. 80\ 8 40 189 001 . 114 301.·· . ...... .. 168 001. .. 101 2 10 .. 101 8 40/ 308 701 . 401 6 30 1976 101 8 401 10 Q5 701 101' .. . 051 52 50\ 2338 55 134 40 .. 401 .. . 801 10 501 258 30
999 601
8 401
i~~ i~ ::::::::::::1:::::::::::: I~~ I~i ...... ~~ . ~~ 100 801 2 10 ~~g ~~ ::::::::::::1:::::::::::: ~~~ ~~1 2..10 176 40 6 301 .
289 71 178 837 1711
80 40 50 90 29 40 50 11 251
130 81 361 323 84 642 123 153 81 224 144 140 268 588 123 470 464 705 352 75 266 934 199 157 168 317 1980 1094 2381 134 264
20 1. 1 90 · 20 2 101 40 001. 60 10 50 901... 301 2 101 90 2 101 70 90 4 201 70 : 80 2 10 00 14 701 90 8 55 40 10 4 20 60 8 401 80 60 8 40 70 2 10 50 6 30 50 .··..···.... 1 50 16 80 00 2 10 10 30 2 101 10 40'1 9 65 1 40 60 4 201
. 289 . 71 .. 178 . 867 . 1722 294 149 . 130 . 81 363 .. .. 323 .. 84 .. 653 . 1~3 . 155 84 .. . 224 . 149 . .. ~i~ . 602 .. 132 .. 470 . 468 . 714 .. . .. . 940
i~~ ~~ ~ . ~~ . ~~ . ~~
1~~~ ~~I..
:H ~~I· . ·.l:. :~
f~~ ~~I
. . 170 .. 317 . 1982 .. 1094 . 2391 .. 134 . ::68
~ ~ ~
:~~ ~~1
~~ ~~I
223 224 225 226 221 228 2291 230
Ray Hamilton Salem Saline Cypress Shelbina Claflin St. James
. .
~~~ ~~rg.~.~.l.~:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 233 I Bucklin 2341 St. Francois
. .
~~~ il~~I::.~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:: ~~~ I ~~~~~;~~L:::::.·.·.·.·::::::::::::.·::::: 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 24; 248 249 250 251 252 253
I Manes............. .
I Palestine I Portland I Keystone I Middle Fabius ,. Knob Noster , Montgomery . Neosho Clarkton . CarrolL 1 Glensted I Hope . 1 Alanthus . I Laredo . * Credit $2.10
.. . . . . . . ''''
.......1.·· ·1 11 2
. . . . .
I I~ I]
~ ~
2 14
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16 11 21
II··..· ·
15 1 1
11 2
5 1 1
41........ 4 1
1 1. 1 7 "".1101 4 2 5 1 21
1 "''''. 6 4 1 . 1 .
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98 101 308 701 384 301 260.401 184 801 281 401
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4~§1 ~~~ ~~, . ~~ . ~~I ~ . ~~
149 80 168 001 81 33 1 203 34 109 1488 90 102 214 201 109 20 52 111 233 101 241 518 701 11 10 3;1 180 60 86 60 126 00 127\ 266 10 67 140 70 821 li2 20
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270 271 272 273 214 215 216 277 218 279
New Salem........................... Solomon................................. Granite................................... St. Clair................................ Cold Spring.......................... Bunker Grand River......................... Wm. D. Muir....................... Essex...................................... Hogle's Creek.......................
2 12 14 11 2
3 13 15 9 1
2 15
1 4 2 3 1
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1 2 1 1
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26 2
28 2
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320 321
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1 1
3 2
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~~~ j ~~:.~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. '''3 ......4......2:::::::: :::::::: 327 I Mt. Zion............................... 328 I Caln.,.m............................. t Credit $0.10.
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I 90 301 . . . t90 40 . 46 20 4067 50 119 70 .. 4 20 . .. 115 501 .. 2 10 279 301. .. 4 20 571 201. . . 132 301. .. . 300 301, 2 10 144 901 .. . ·•.. ·1 163 80 6 30 273 001 . . 111 30 .. . 1 325 501 .. 182 70 6 30 1 270 901' .. _ .. 1 102 90 .. 6 30\ 120 15 .. .. 174 301. 1717 801 + .. 18 901 96 601. . 2 10 119 701 2 10 4 20 .. 1 144 901. 14 70 224 70/ .. .. 178 50 ~ . 4 20 264 601 . ~ .. 18 90 1390 20 2 10 623 701 . 151 20 . 4 20 342 30 . 4 20 .. 4 20 522 90 ' .. .. 109 20 .
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3291 Kennedy
~~~~it~.~~~~~.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ·.~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·
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332 I Excello 333 Chillicothe 334 Breckenridge
I ifiA~r;iile·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·
3371 338 339 340 341 I 342 I 343 I 344 I 3451 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 1
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Bayou Adalr Barry Crescent Hill Composite Williamstown Sheldon
Credit $4.20.
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21~~ ~~
~ ~~. :::::::: ~~ ::::::II.. ~~ ~ ~_. ,
Blue Springs _ _ . Herculaneum . :::::::: ···..·1 :::::::: :::::::: Fidelity : ······ 29 27 29 2 16 14 63 WestvorL. . Rockville . Circle ·············· Agricola ············· 7 6 6 6 2 5 17 Moberly · Fellowship - . Arlington -._- . America -. 251 20118 1 2 ....•... Wadesburg ---:::::::: :::::::: '1 :::::::: Pollock.. -..- -.-- - ..---.. -. ....... Tyrian -..· Mosalc -- . Friend -_ · Barnesville . :::::::: Hebron ··· Adelphi ...............•................... ...."" , 1 1 Arrcient Landmark . ...•.. ·· 1:::::::: Aux Vasse · ....."3 """2 """2 Northwest .
ill·1 ~J~~~.:.;~..~ 365 366 367' 368 369 370 371
50 901. 001 35 401 001 501 60] 20 20/ 20 901 50 30! 00\
88 20 __ 2629 20\
6 301
1............ 216 30 1............ 266 70 1............ 1............
8 401............ 2 101............
\........... 2 101............ 1
184 304 71 829 105 287 247 115 193
80\ 50 40 501 0070 80 50 201
001 .. 001. . 301 . 70 . 20 . 40 . 10 . 20 2 10 30 . 50 . 20 .. 90 . 10 .
8 40 . 8 40 . 29 40 1202 95 ·· . 8 40 1491 001 .. .. 210 00 .. 6 30 424 20 69 30 .. 6 30 . 6 30 144 90 . 4 20 t88 20 79 80 . 8 40 . 4 20 245 70 _ . 193 20 6 30 .. 16 80 640 50 2 10 144 90\ . _. 98 70 . 58 80 4 20 _. 191 101 4 20 .. 44 10 . 6 30 210 00 60 .. 264 2 10 . . 184 80 2 10 300 30 2 10 69 30 .. 2 10 . 4 20 825 30 . 2 10 102 90 283 50 . 4 20 . 6 30 241 50 .. 2 10 113 40 193 20 .. .
~~ ~~ ::::::::::::1:::=::::::: ~~ ~~I:::::::::::::::: 1 · 195 30
195 30 88 20 42 1249 2622 90 103 216 30 121 266 70 184 80 88 145 304 50 71 40 34 391 821 10 102 90 . 49 137 287 70 247 80 118 54\ 113 40 92 193 20
84 336 2101 77 382 281 1199 67 195 136 172 2979 170
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II 312 313 314 315 376 371
:s Nonpareil Belle ~ Wilderness Waynesville King Hill... Ancient Craft
. . . . . .
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400 401 402
: .-.-.-.- .- :::..:::::::.'
Decatur................................ 5 Carterville............................ 10 Malta ,...... § Credit $20.00.
····1 :::::: ~ ····3 ::::::
:::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::
5 9
6 10
1 6
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2 9 1
1 1 1
2 1 31
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50 118 37 87 282
111 51 49 80 253 45 169 83 142 27 32 52
1111~!t l~f~!r .:.:.~ :.:~:.:.~ ~:.:.:.:.~ ~:.: .~:.:.:.:.~ :.~· ::::::~ ~ ~ ::::::~ ::::::i J::::::::I::::::: ::::::1':::::: :::::: :::::: ~~¥ ~oe;~~~~ ~~~~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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385 386 387
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85 51 20 351 80 90 26 99 139 81
105 247 17 182 592 233 101 102 168 531 94 354 114 298 56 67 109 233 283 189 172 118 107 42 13 168 189 54 207 291 170
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102 168 531 94 354 176 298 56 67 109 233 287 191
90 00 301 50 90 40 20 70 20 20/ 10 701 101.
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90 . 80 _ . 20 . 70 . 90 . 00 2 10 40 . 90 . 90 . 10 2 10 30 ...•........ .. 50 20 . 80 _ 50 . 901 . 00 . 70 . 50 . 10 . 10 . 50 . 10 .. 10 . 50
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4061 Malden................................... 407 Charleston............................. 408 Montrose................................
21 1 2
2 3 2
2 3 4
1 1
Appleton City ~...... Valley·.....................................
4 3
7 2
6 1
1 1
3 10
1 4
10 23
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9/ 4 1
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1111 233 101............ 233 101 14 71) 218 40 ...•........ 51 107 101............. 107 101 _....... 105 00 2 1.0 67 140 701 2 10 142 80 140 70 2 10 235 20\ 18 90 216 30 .. 105 220 50114 70 201 422.10 21 00............ 443 10 8 40 434 70 . 74 155 40 4 20 159 60 2 10 157 50 . . 54 113 40 113 40/................ 113 40 53 111 30 111 30 2 10 109 20 . 50 105 00 105 001 4 20 100 80 . 122 256 20 256 20' 4' 20 252 00 .. 67 140 70 140 70 8 40 132 30 . 76 159 60 159 60 4 20 155 40 .. 49 102 90 102 901................ 102 90 .. 745 1561 50 10 50 1575 00/ 10 50 1564 50 . 44 92 40 6 30 98 70 2 10 96 60 .. 51 107 10 12 90............ 120 001 2 10 117 90 . 39 81 90 81' 90 / 81' 90 . 4 20 1089 55\ . 520 1092 00 1 75 1093 15 .. 63 132 30 132 30 2 10 130 20 921 1934 10 6 30 1940 40 18 90 1921 50 ..
iH II ti~r!.·~~~.::::::::.~:::::::·:·:::::::::::::: ~ ~ ::::::i ::::::i :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: '::::: i . . ~ :::~~ 412 413
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424 I Samaritan.............................
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1 1'li{l{·kli1j)1 !1; l;·~;·!:_· l ;!}I; i~I_;!I ;! :;I : i 440
445 446
West Gate............................. 10 111 9 Ivanhoe.................................. 101 99 101 UCredit $0.40. • Credit $2.10
3 2
13 42
10 75
12 3 24 56
21 4
~~i ~~I::::::::::::
63 132 30 132 301................ .134 401 . 105 00 105 00 . 50 105 00 94 191 40 197 40 197 401 .. 43 90 30 90 30 2 10 84 101 4 10 6 30 111 60 _ .. 59 123 90............ 123 90 55 115 50............ 115 501 1 115 50 . 31 65 10............ 65 101 2 10 63 001 . 95 199 50 199 50 21 00 ·180 60 .. 79 165 90 165 90 165 90 . 4 20 191 10 .. 93 195 30 195 301 46 96 60 96 601 2 10 83 60110 90 36 75 60 75 601 10 50 65 10 .. 61 128 10 128 101 2 10 126 00 . 266 70 18 90 247 80 .. 127 266 70 :........... 39 81 90 81 901............... 81.90 : .. 141 308 70 4 20 4 20 308 701 2 10 306 601 .. 133 279 30............ 219 301 6 30 273 00 .. 65 136 50 136 501 2 10. 130 20 4 20 1264 201 12 60 : 1251 601 .. 602 : 1264 20 111 233 10 6 301:........... 239 401 8 40 231 00 .. 867 1820 70 6 30!. 1827 001 6 30 1820 70 .. 4044 8492 40 4 20/ 8496 601 117 60 U8379 40 .
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455 I Hinton
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:~~ II ~;l~ t~ ~·:·:~ ~·:·:·:·:·:·:·: ·:~·:·:~ ~ ~ ·:~ ~ ·:·:· I
Hazelwood Lambskin Caruthersville Santa Fe
. . . .
I ~~~ I g~~~~~di·~·.·.·.·.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·~::·.·.-.-.·.·.·.'.''-'-'465 I Gaynor City . 466 I Southwest 4671 Pleasant Hope
. .
471 ;\-lineral... 472 Pickering 4731 Nineveh
. . .
1\ 11 11........
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17 161 701................ 161 701 ............ 47 161 98 70 ............1............ 98 701 ............... 98 70 ............ 79 801 ............ 16 80 45 94 50 2 101 ........... 96 601 101 212 10 ........... .1............ 212 101 2 10 210 001............ 38 79 801 ....•........... 1 79 801 ............ 59 123 901. .......... ,.... 123 90 ............ 64 134 40 ............1............ 134 401 10 50 *126 00 ............ 75 60 ..........·. . 1.... ·....... 36 73 501............ 75 601 2 10 65 10 4 20 60 901 ............ 28 58 80 6 301............ 78 163 80 165 90\............ 72 151 20 151 201 ............ 571 119 70 123 88 184 80 ........................ 184 801 4 20 180 60 ............ 833 1749 30 .• ____ ••. _._ .•.. 0.-,.- •• 1749 30 14 70 1734 60 ............ 163 342 30 23 10 ............ 365. 40/ 4 20 361 201. ........... 58 121 80 ........................ 121 801 10 50 111 301............ 151 317 10 ............ ............ 317 101 4 201 312 901 ............ 80 ............ 163 ...... .. -.78 8 40/ 155 401 ............ 163 801 45 94 50 -........... ............ 94 501............ 50 105 00 ....······.·1 ............ 102 901 ............ 65 136 50 136 501 ...........•... 136 501 ............ 42 00\. ........... 42 001 ................ 20 42 00 77 161 70 2 10 ............ 163 801 2 101 161 701............ 262 550 20 .. -.-_ ...... ... -........ 550 201 2' 101 548 101 ............ 66 138 60 5 00 ..... --..... 143 601 6 30 137 30\ ...........: 57 119 70 .............. ............ 119 701 ................ \ 119 70 ........... 46 96 60 6 45 ............ 103 051................ 54 113 40 ............ ......... -_. 113 401... •........... 69 144 90 6 30 ............ 151 201 4 201 147 00 ............ 12 60 312 90 ............ 155 325 50 ............ ............ 325 501
1~~ ~g ::::::::::::1::::::::::::
1 11
~ ;:l
i~g I ~r~~::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ':;1:::;1 t l ii'
447 Jacoby 448 I Schell City 449 I Bois D·Arc 450 I Belton 451 I Raymore _ 452 I Verona
459 460 461 462'
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484 Kirkwood............................... 4851 Cold 'Vater...........................
:~~ g~n~~~~~e.·.·.·.·:::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~.·.........
I Lock .Spring.........................
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~:::~II ~I""~ ::::::1
~1 ..·.. ·11
~ ::::::1 :, il··..1
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Skidmore............................... Webb City..........................
61 9
6 10
5 11
1 3........
93 76 114 91 43 38
1~~1 28 60
110 44 288
1~~1' 39
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····il1 2~~'1 120 284
~ :::::::: :::::::: ······1 ::::::::
491 I Vandalia .. 492 I Daggett . 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 I Euclid....................................
511 512
3 1 2 1 ........•............. / 2
80\ -81 1~0
121 2
121 2
101........ 5 2........
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239 191 94 79 226 130 60 126 168
401 101. 501 801 801 201. 901 001. 001
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760 180 123 86 241 96 170 653 201 222 153 98 142 119 348
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138 601 1 138 60 1 .. 66 1 96 601 96 60 1. . 46 201 4 201 151 68 142 80 8 401 . 136 501 4 201 65 281 401 2 101 134 2 101 . 401 101 175 367 50 33 601 132 301 2 10( 132 30 1. .. 63 6 30 665 701 665 70 1 . 317 913 501 10 50 422 109 201 1 52 105 001 2 101 105 00 1. .. 50 153 30 -1. .. 153 301 10 501 73 1 197 40 4 201 .. 201 601. 94 1 88 184 80 13 301 . 198 101. 94 501. 1 45 147 001 1 :::::::::::: :::::::::::: 70 ISO 601 12 601 180 60 1 .. 86 6 301 65 136 501 1 .. 136 501 172 201 4 20[ 82 172 20 1 .. 1243 201 6 301 8 40 . 588 1234 80 2 101 .. 772 801 772 80 368 287 70 2 101 . 289 801................ 137 98 701................ 98 70 1. .. 47 831 601 6 301 396 1 .. 831 60 2 10 256 20 4 20 .. 260 40 122 60 901 4 20/ 54 60 6 301. .. 26 128 101 6 301 121 80 6 301 . 58 279 301 12 60 275 101 4 201. . 131 li6 401 2 101 . 77 161 101 14 701 · 1 84 001... 401 203 70! 4 20 971
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625 I Sheft'iel?............................... 626 'Magnoha.............................. 621 I Wallace Park...................... 628 l'-Iendon.................................. 629 Valley par.k.......................... 630 I Eastgate................................. 631 I Tower Grove.........................
491 13
441 19
40 14
35 16
40 15
44 16
10/ 111 211 26 1~ll~ 2;> 2/ 41 40 34 38 91 9\
12 26 17 18 39 29 9
I II I.....
51 1
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51 131 3 6 4 3 1 , 1 1..... /
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···'9 ······j..·..· 10 1 5 13
2 31 4...... 1 21 3 4\ 2 3 3 2
610/1281 996 2091 34/ 11 45 94 59 123 1354 2843 482 1012
00 , 60 2 10 40 4 201............ 50............ 90 .'............ 40 60 90 20
1281 ~Ol 27 30 1253 101 . 2093 /01 8 40 2085 301 . 75 601 2 10 11 401 2 10 94 501................ 94 50 _ . 123·901................ 123 90 ........•... 2904 301 21 001 2883 30 . 1012 201 21 301 984 901 .
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638 639 640 641 642 643 644
Triangle................................. Mizpah.................................. .Te~n.ings................................ TrlDlty.................................. Benj. Franklin.................... Northeast............................ Grain Valley........................
2 I 2 2 3........ 9........ 1........ 3 6........ 5 3 3 4 6 2........ 3
~:~ I ~~~~ve:h:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::·· 121..··:d..··ii
/::::::: ······1 ····
~~~ I ~~l;~~S·i·tY:::::::::::::::·.::::::::::::: 2~1 1~1 2~1 3~
650 Parma.................................... 651 I Cleveland.............................. 652 I Pilgrim.............................. 653 Shawnee................................ 6'54 Commonwealth..................... 655 Gardenville........................... 656 Country Club................... 657 Progress.............................. 658 I Purity ,....
~~~ I ~~n~~y·.·.·.·.·
· ·.·.·.·.·
661 I Theodore Roosevelt............ 662 I Clarence................................. 663 I Rockhill................................. 664 I Aldrich..................................
11 21
1 21 13 5
8 11 101 15/ 8 111
11 11 14
18 1/ 15 1 7,
14 11 13 10 /
8 91
9 4
9 5 22
2:::::::: ..·..·1
1 3 1 2 1
121 88 455 144 256 170 659 384 325
80............ 20/ 2 10 70............ 1 90 6 301............ 20 10 40 /............ 30 2 101............ 50
11 2
107 60 80 39
224 126 168 81
70 00 .1............ 00 ·..···..·.. ·1 2 60 90 "...........
18 3 1 · .. ··1······ 2
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1 201 401 30 20
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602 1113 .315 661 848 1262
10 901. 901 801 40 10
.. .. . .. .. .
81 90-/.:
~i~ ~~l:::::::::::~::: g~ ~~I:::::::::::: 121 90 455 151 256
801 1 301. 1 701 2 10 201................. 201 2 10 101 2 10 6;>9 401 6 301 386 401 2 10 325 501 2 101
80 301 601 20 10 001 6;>3 10 _ 384 301 323 401..
224 126. 165 81
222 601 126001 161 201 81 9~1
1............ 1~0
:!H!I,•• ~•••
..1............ 105 301................ 195 3.1.. . 2~~ 5~~ ~~ ::::::::::::1:::::::::::: 5~~ ~~I ~ ~~ !Y~~ ~~l:::::::::::: 58 42 217 69 122 81 314 183 155
12 1 1 31:::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ····.. 1 11··.... 4 1 4..... 21 41···..
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: 1 :::.:::: 1/ 2 1 3........ 2/ 2 2 16 3 1
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~I ~ ~ ··.. 21
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2 ::::::::
288 604 80 4 201............ 609 00 551 1169 10 4 20 1173 901 181 380 10............ 3~0 101 319 669 901 6 301............ 6/6 201 401 854 70 854 70/ 599 1251 90 8 40 1266 301 93
\0 N
121 90 453 151 254
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701 001. 401 9~1.
2 10
4 20i ·· 11
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Chartered Lodges on the Rolls, October, 1927.................... Charter Papinsville Lodge 140 consolidated with Rockville Lodge 341, March 2, 1928 . Charter Newton Lodge 175 consolidated with, Granby Lodge 514, December, 1927 ~......................
2 661
Vacant-Nos. 140, 175, 636. Actual Number of Lodges, 1928......................................
MEMBERSHIP RETURNS. Initi_Rted : Passed Raised Affiliated Reinstated
3,392 3,392 949
850 5,191
Dimitted 1,077 Suspended for un-Masonic conduct........................................ 7 Suspended for non-payment of dues 2,611 Ex路pelled 25 Died 1,454 5,174
Loss in Chartered Lodges Rejected, 462.
Note-The membership obtained from reporting Lodges is 113,705. Net loss, 85.
Grand Master.
D. Grand Master
Grand S. Warden.
Grand J. Warden.
APRIL 23, 1821. Grand Treasurer.
April. 1821. .... Thos. F. RiddiCk .• ' .•.•....••......••.. James Kennerly ....• 'Wllliam Bates..••.• • Archibald Gamble .. • Oct., 1821. •••. Nath'l B. Tucker.· Thompson Douglass. Edward Bates.....•• William Bates...... • Archibald Gamble .. • Oct., 1822 ••••. Nath'l B. Tucker.· Thompson Douglass. Edward Bates..•..•• Wm. G. Pettus .•••• • Archibald Gamble .. • Oct.• 1823 ••••• Nath'l B. Tucker.· Geo. H. C. Melody.· Edward Bates.....•• Wm. G. Pettus ..••. • Archibald Gamble .. • Oct.• 1824 Nath'l B. Tucker •• Geo. H. C. Melody .• Wm. G. Pettus •...•• Thornt. Grimsley ..• • Archibald Gamble .. • Oct., 1825 Edward Bates • Geo. H. C. Melody .• Wm. G. Pettus * Thornt. Grimsley * Archibald Gamble .. • Oct., 1826 Edward Bates Hardage Lane Martin Ruggles John F. Ryland • Rich. T. McKinney.· Oct., 1827 .•••. Edward Bate!! ..••• Hardage Lane • Martin Ruggles H. R. Gamble .•..•. • Thornton Grimsley.· Oct., 1828 .•••• Hardage Lane ...• • Geo. H. C. Melody .• H. R. Gamble • Adam L. Mllls ...•. • Thornton Grimsley.· Oct.. 1829 .•••. Hardage Lane .••• • Fred L. Blllon ....•• H. R. Gamble ......• Adam L. Mills • Bernard Pratte..... • OCt.. 1830 .•••. Hardage Lane ...• • Geo. H. C. Melody.· Sinclair Kirtley.....• Adam L. Mllls • Thomas Andrews ...• Dec.. 1831. •••• Edward Bates .... • Geo. H. C. Melody •• Oliver Parker ......• Au;;:ustus Jones • Thomas Andrews * Oct.• 1832 .•••• H. R. Gamble .•.. * Geo. H. C. Melody .• M. J. Noyes .•••....• Augustus Jones * Thomas Andrews " Dec., 1833 ••••. Sinclair Kirtley • A. B. Chambers ....• John Wllson * G. A. Tuttle • Geo. H. C. Melody .• • Nov., 1834 •••• § A. B. Chambers • Sinclair Kirtley •••.• Oliver Parker .•.... * S. W. B. Carnegy .. * Geo. H. C. Melody .. * Oct., 1835tt ••• A. B. Chambers • Sinclair Kirtley .••• • Oliver Parker ......• S. W. B. Carnegy .. • Geo. H. C. Melody .. • Oct., 1836 ••••• S. W. B. Carnegy.· John D. Daggett •••• Edward Searcey ..•.• Granvl1le Snell * Geo. H. C. Melody .. • Oct.. 1837 .•••• S. W. B. Carnegy.· John D. Daggett. ••• A. B.Chambers ...•• Thomas Andrews • Geo. H. C. Melody .. * Oct., 1838 ..... S. W. B. Carnegy.· John D. Daggett. ••• A. B. Chambers .... * Alex. T. Douglass Geo. H. C. Melody .. * Oct.. 1839 ••••• P. H. McBride .•• • A. B. Chambers ..••• Alex. T. Douglass .. * Wm. C. Vance • Geo. H. C. Melody ..• Oct.. 1840 ••••• P. H. McBride .•• • Joseph Foster ......• Alex. T. Douglass .. * John Orrick ,. * Geo. H. C. Melody ..• Oct.• 1841 P. H. McBride ..• • Joab Bernard.......• Joseph Foster * C. H. Bowers Geo. H. C. Melody .. • Oct., 1842 .•••• P. H. McBride ..• • Joab Bernard * Joseph Foster * C. H. Bowers John Simonds ......• Oct.• 1843 .•••• P. H. McBride ..• * Joseph Foster • J. W. S. Mltchell * E. S. Ruggles * Fred L. Billon * Oct.. 1844 .••.• J. W. S. Mitchell.· Fred L. Blllon * E. S. Ruggles * J. L. F. Jacoby • John S. Watson * Oct.. 1845 ••••• J. W. S. MitchelL· John D. Taylor * E. S. Ruggles * J. L. F. Jacoby * John S. Watson * Oct.. 1846 John Ralls • John D. Taylor * E. S. Ruggles • J. L. F. Jacoby • John S. Watson * Oct., 1847 Joseph Foster • E. S. Ruggles • J. L .. F. Jacoby • Cyrus Osborn * John S. Watson • May. 1848 ..••• Joseph Foster....•• E. S. Ruggles ......• Cyrus Osborn * Joseph Megguire • John S. Watson • May, 1849 John F. Ryland .. • E. S. Ruggles Joseph Megguire * P. Draper • John M. Reed • May. 1850 John F. Ryland .. • B. W. Grover * P. Draper * S. F. Currie • .J. T. Johnson * May. 1851 B. W. Grover ..... * E. S. Rugg-les • S. F. Currie - J. H. Turner • J. T. Johnson * May. 1852 ••••• B. W. Grover ..••. * S. F. Currie - J. H. Turner * S. H. Saunders • J. T. Johnson • June. 1853 .•••• Wllson Brown ••••• L. S. Cornwell - J. W. Chenoweth .. * R. C. HilL ...•..... • Joseph Foster • May, 1854 ••••• L. S. Cornwell • D. P. Wallingford .. - James H. Britton .. Joseph Foster * May. 1855 ..... L. S. Cornwell • ....•.............. -. J. W. Chenoweth .. • H. E. Van Orsdell.· John D. Daggett • May. 1856 .•••• Benjamin Sharp.•• W. A. Cunningham .. S. H. Saunders • Marcus Boyd * John D. Daggett. .. * May. 1857 ••••• S. H. Saunders • P. Draper - Marcus Boyd - John F. Houston * John D. Daggett • § Was not Installed.
Grand Secretary. Wllliam. Renshaw.· Wllliam Renshaw.· William Renshaw.· T. Douglas.· T. Douglas.· John D. Daggett.· John D. Daggett.· John D. Daggett.* John D. Daggett.· John D. Daggett.· Fred L. Billon.* Fred L. Billon.· Fred L. Blllon.* John Garnett.· Thos. W. Conyers.* Thos. W. Conyers.· Richard B. Dallam.· Richard B. Dallam.* Richard B. Dallam.· Richard B. Dallam.· Richard B. Dallam.· Richard B. Dallam.· Richard B. Dallam.* Richard B. Dallam.* Richard B. Dallam.* Fred L. Blllon.* Fred L. Billon.* J. W. S. Mitchell.J. W. S. Mitchell.* C. D. W. Johnson.C. D. W. Johnson.* C. D. W. Johnson.A. O'Sullivan.· A. O'Sulllvan.* A. O·Sulllvan.A. O'Sulllvan.A. O·Sulllvan.* A. O'Sulllvan. *
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1868 ••••• S. H. Saunders ' Marcus Boyd .....•. ' John F. Houston •.. * John Decker ..•.... * John D. Daggett. .. • A. O'Sullivan.' 1859 Marcus Boyd ' M.. H .. McFarla.nd .. ' W. R. PenIck ' John DeCker ..••... ' John D. Daggett * A. O·Sulllvan.' 1860 M. H. McFarland.' W. R. Penick ...... ' John Decker ' Samuel M. Hayes .. ' John D. Daggett. .. ' A. O'Sullivan.' 1861. •••• Wm. R. Penick ..• ' John Decker ..•••.. • Geo. Whitcomb ' A. L. McGregor ..•. ' John D. Daggett ... ' A. O'Sullivan.' 1862 ..... Geo. Whitcomb ... • John H. Turner ' Wm. N. Loker ' Samuel Russell ..... * John D. Daggett. .. ' A. O'Sullivan.' 1863 ••••• John H. Turner .. ' Wm. N. Loker ' John D. Vlncll ' A. L. McGregor •••. ' John D. Daggett. .. ' A. O'Sullivan.' 1864 ••••• John F. Houston.' John D. Vlncll .•••. ' A. L. McGregor ' Martin Collins...... ' Wm. N. Loker * A. O'Sullivan.' 1866 ••••• John F. Houston.' John D. Vlncll ...•. ' Martin Collins ' R. E. Anderson..••. ' Wm. N. Loker * A. O·Sulllvan.' 1866 ...... John D. Vlncll.... ' W. E. Dunscomb ... ' R. E. Anderson ' A. L. McGregor ••.. * Wm. N. Loker * A. O'Sulllvan.·t 1867 .•••• W. E. Dunscomb.· C. A. Rowley....••• ' T. E. Garrett ' Wm. D. Mulr..•.... * Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley.': John D. Vlncll.... ' R. E. Anderson ' Wm. D. MuIr ' Alex. M. Dockery .. * Wm. N. Loker * G. Frank Gouley* Oct.. 186S William D. Muir.' T. E. Garrett • A. M. Dockery * Sam H. Owens ••••• ' Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley' Oct.• 1869 Oct., 1870 ••••• Thos. E. Garrett.' R. E. Anderson •••• • Sam H. Owens ..•• • John E. Ryland •••• • Wm. N. Loker ••••• • G. Frank Gouley' Oct., 1871. .... Thos. E. Garrett.' R. E. Anderson .... ' Sam H. Owens .... • John E. Ryland .... • Wm. N. Loker ..... • G. Frank Gouley' Oct., 1872 ••••• Sam'l H. Owens .• ' J. E. Ryland •••••. • John W. Luke .•..• • Jas. E. Cadle .•..•• ' Wm. N. Loker •..•. • G. Frank Gouley' R. E. Anderson .. ' John W. Luke ..... • Jas. E. Cadle • Xenophon Ryland .. ' Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley' Oct., 1873 John W. Luke .... ' Xenophon Ryland .. ' Jas. E. Cadle • Thos. C. Ready ' Wm. N. Loker ' G. Frank Gouley' Oct., 1874 James E. Cadle .. ' Xen6phon Ryland .. ' Thos. C. Ready ' Noah M. Givan ' Wm. N. Loker • G. Frank Gouley' Oct., 1876 Oct., 1876 ••••• Xen. Ryland ••.. • Thos. C. Ready •••• • Noah M. GIvan •... • M. G. Hubble ••.•••. Wm. N. Loker ••••• * G. Frank Gouley"a T. C. Ready ...... ' Noah M. GIvan .... • Jos. S. Browne ..... ' W. R. Stubblefield.' Wm. N. Loker • John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1877 Noah M. GIvan .. ' Joseph S. Browne.' W. R. Stubblefield.' Jas. E. Carter..... • John W. Luke ' JohnD. Vlncll' Oct., 1878 1879 ••••• Jos. S. Browne .. ' W. R. Stubblefield.' Jas. E. Carter •••• 1' Alex. M. Dockery .. John W. Luke •••.• • John D. Vlncll' Oct., W. R. Stubblefield' Alex M. Dockery .. ' Chas. C. Woods * Lee A. Hall .Tohn W. Luke *11 John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1880 1881. •••• Alex. M. DockerY .. ·Chas·. C. Woods .•.. • Lee A. Hall····· •• ··Robt. F. Stevenson." John W. Luke .••.. ·John D. Vlncll' Oct., Chas. C. Woods • Lee A. Hall • Robt. F. Stevenson. * James W. Boyd Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncn' Oct., 1882 1883 ••••• Lee A. Hall .••••• • Robt. F. Stevenson.' James W. Boyd •••• • Geo. R. Hunt • Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., Oct., 1884 ..... Robt. F. Stevenson.' James W. Boyd .... • George R. Hunt .... • Wm. M. Williams .. ' Samuel M Kennard' John D. Vincll' 1886 ••••• James W. Boyd.•• • George R. Hunt •••• • Wm. M. W1llIams .. • James P. Wood ..•. • Samuel M: Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., Geo. R. Hunt • W. M. Williams • James P. Wood • " Samuel M Kennard" John D. Vincll' Oct., 1886 • Theodore Brace • Geo. E. Walker ' Samuel M: Kennard' John D. Vlnc!l' Oct., 1887 ••••• Wm. M. WillIams' James P. Wood .Tames P. Wood IT Theodore Brace •••• • Geo. E. Walker •••• • B. H. Ingram .•••.. ' Samuel M. Kennard' Johq D. Vlnc!l* Oct.• 1888 Theodore Brace .. ' Geo. E. Walker ' B. H. Ingram ...... ' John R. Parson .... * Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlnc!l* Oct., 1889 • .John R. Parson .••• • Harry Keene ...•.• • Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1890 ••••• Geo. E. Walker •• * B. H. Ingram 1891. •••• B. H. Ingram • John R. Parson Harry Keene J. B. Thomas • Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., John R. Parson Harry Keene J. B. Thomas • A. M. Hough • Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlnc!l* Oct.• 1892 Harry Keene J. B. Thomas • A. M. Hough • D. A. Jamison Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlnc!l* Oct., 1893 * A.' M. Hough ..•••• * D. A. Jamison ...•.. F. J. Tygard .••••• • Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1894 ••••• J. B. Thomas A. M. Hough • D. A. Jamison F. J. Tygard • E. F. Allen • Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Ylncll' Oct.. 1895 D. A. Jamison F. J. Tygard • E. F. Allen ' C. H. Briggs Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncn' Oct., 1896 ;. F. J. Tygard * E. F. Allen • C. H. Briggs Campbell Wells Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1897 E. F. Allen * C. H. BrIggs Campbell Wells • Joseph C. Finagin Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1898 C. H. Briggs Campbell Wells Joseph C. Flnagin • John C. yocum • Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1899 Campbell Wells .. ' ,Joseph C. Finagin • John C. Yocum ·Wm. F. Kuhn Samuel M. Kennard'John D. Vincll' Oct., 1900 Oct., 1901 Joseph C. Finagln.' John C. Yocum * Wm. F. Kuhn • Leroy B. Valliant .. ' Samuel M. Kennard- John D. Vlncll' Oct., 1902 ••••• John C. Yocum .• ·Wm. F. Kuhn Leroy B. Valliant .. ' A. S. Houston .•... Samuel M. Kennard' John D. Vincll· Oct., 1903 ••••• Wm. F. Kuhn •••• ',Lero y B. Valliant •• • A. S. Houston ..••••• D. M. Wilson John R. Parson .••••• John D. Vlncll· Sept.• 1904; .... Leroy B. Valliant·A. S. Houston ....••• D. M. Wilson ••..•• award Watson ·John R. Parson ..... ' John D. Vincil*nn
May, May. May. May, May. May. May, May, May. Oct.•
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FROM ITS ORGANIZATION APRIL 23, 1821 Date Election Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept.,
Oct., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Sept., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct., Sept..
19(}5 19(}6 19(}i.. 19(}8 19(}9 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917.. 1918 1919 192(} 1921.. 1922 1923 1924.. 1925 1926 192i...; 1928
Grand Master A. S. Houston........• D. M. Wilson John T. Short R. R. Kreeger Wm. A. Hall Clay C. Bigger.. __.. Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert Vau Fremont Boor.. Tolman W. Cotton.. Frank R. .Jesse Edward Higbee 'Ym. A. Clark John W. Bingham Julius C. GarrelL Wm. F. Johnson O. A. Lucas__ • Bert S. Lee Joseph S. :McIntyre.. Orestes MitchelL W. W. Martin John Pickard Anthony F. Ittuer.... Byrne E. Bigger..
D. Grand Master
G. Sernor Warden
Grand J. Warden
D. M. Wilson. John T. Short.. R. R. Kreeger.. William A. Hall • ClaY C. Bigger Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert • Van Fremont Boor Chesley A. Mosman..• Frank R. Jesse • Edward Higbee Wm. A. Clark. _ John W. Bingham • Jullus C. GarrelL Wm. F. Johnson • O. A. Lucas • Bert S. Lee Joseph S. McIntyre Orestes Mitchell W. W. Martin __ John Pickard A. F. Ittner.. __ B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet
John T. Short R. R. Kreeger.. William A. HalL. Clay C. Bigger Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor Chesley A. Mosman..• Tolman W. Cotton Edward Higbee Wm. A. Clark John W. Bingham JuUus C. GarrelL Wm. F. Johnson O. A. Lucas Bert S. Lee Jos. S. McIntyre Orestes MitchelL W. W. Martlu John Pickard A. F. Ittner __ B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet... ~ Wm. R. Gentry, Sr
R. R. Kreeger William A. Hall Clay C. Bigger Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor Chesley A. Mosman • Tolman W. Cotton Frank R. Jesse _ • Wm. A. Clark John W. Bingham • Julius C. GarrelL Wm. F. Johnson O. A. Lucas • Bert S. Lee Jos. S. Mclrrtyre Orestes :Mitchell W. W. Martin John Pickard A. F. Ittner B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet _ Wm. R. Gentry, Sr Ray V. Denslow
·Deceased. ·tDied August 11th, 1866, while in olTice. • tAppointed August 13th, 1866, by John D. Vlncil, G. M. "II Died April 11th, 1871, while in olTice. • nnDied October 12, 19(}4, while in office. u*Died Anril 22, 1916. while in office. • IIJohn W. Luke served, by appoirrtment, as Grand Secretary, from April 11th, 1877. to October 11th, 1877, and died October, 1888. nDied within one week after his installation.
Grand Treasurer
Grand Secretary
Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. ParsonH· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· .John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· John R. Parson· Alph. C. Stewart..·.. John R. Parson· Wm. A. Hall • ~John R. Parson· Wm. A. Hall • .John R. Parson· Wm. A. HalL • John R. Parson· Wm. A. HaIL __ __ • .John R. Parson· Wm. A. HalL. • John R. Parsontt· Wm. A. HalL • Frank R. Jesse· Wm. A. Hall • Frank R. Jesse· Wm. A. Hall..__ __ • Frank R. Jesse· Wm. A. HalL. *ttt Frank R. Jesse· E. E. Morris..__ __ Frank R. Jesse· E. E. Morris Frank R. Jesse**tt E. E. Morris Arthur Matherttt E. E. Morris ..__ . Arthur Mather
ttThere was no Communication in 1835, owing to the anti-Masonic [excitement. "Withdrawn from Masonry. tt* Appointed October 22, 1904, by Leroy B. Valllant, Grand )1: aster, tt*Resigned May 20, 1921, a.ccount ill health . ·tttDied Xovember 7, 1924, while in office. ***Appointed October 22. 1904. by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand Master. UttDied August 29, 1927, while in office. ttt Appointed Sept. 1, 1927, by John Pickard, Grand Master.
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EDWARD BATES. Worshipful Master. JOSEPH V. GARXIER, Treasurer.
Senior Warden.
WILLIAM BATES, Junior Warden. ABRAM BECK, Secretary.
Name or Lodge.
Date of Charter.
3 4 5 6 6 7 ': 8 9 10 10 10 11 13 14 14 16 15 16 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 26
Hiram .............•.... Harmony.............. Taylor Olive Branch. . . . . • . . . .. Unity ..•...••........... Franklin Union .•..•.... Grover VandaIla .•.....•....... Sangamon Union •••••.•...•....... Shawnee ......•..•...•.. Chapel .•.••.......•.... Eden .••••.••..•.••••... Tucker ••.•............. BoonvlIre ••............. Auburn Central. Perseverance Columbia •••••••••••••••• New London .....•...•.. Greencastle Franklin Hiram ...........•...... Harmony .•............. Wyaconda Joachlm-............... Springfield ..••.......... Ava .•.•••..•.•..•...... Mexico ...•.............
St. Charles Louisiana ....•. Springfield .•.•. Alton ....•..•.. Jackson .••.••.. Franklin .••.•.. Calhoun Vandalia ....•.. Springfield Jonesboro New Santa Fe .. Chapel HilI. .. , Covington Ste. Genevieve .. Boonvllle .••... Auburn ...••... Smlthvllle .•... Louisiana ...••. Columbia New London Greencastle Alton .....•.... St. Charles ...•. JacksonvlIle La Grange ••.•.. Herculaneum .. Springfield ••... Ava ...•.••.••.. Mexico ...••.•..
St. Charles ••... IMo Pike Mo .•.•.. , Greene ..•••.... Mo Madison .•..... , Ill , Cape Girardeau. Mo Howard ••••... Mo •...... Henry Mo Fayette .•••. '" 111. ••••.. , Sangamon IlL ..••.•. Union .••••..... Ill...••... Jackson ••..•... Mo ..•.... Lafayette Mo .•..... Washington Ill..•...... Ste. Genevieve .. Mo .•..... Cooper ..••..... Mo .•..... Lincoln .••.•... Mo ••..•.. Clay •..••...... Mo •...••. Pike •..••.••... Mo •....... Boone •••••.... ,Mo ......• Ralls ...•••.... jMO , Sullivan Mo •.•.... Madison Ill St. Charles IMO Morgan III Lewis .•.•... " . Mo .....•. Jefferson ....•.. Mo ••.... , Sangamon Ill Douglas •....... Mo Audraln .....•. Mo .••.••
1820, by G. L. of Tenn .•••. Surrendered April 4. 1826. Oct. 11, 1821. .•..••..••.•. Surrendered April. 1825. May 6.1852 ....•..•••••••. United with "United No.5'" April 3. 1822 •...••.•.•••.. United with 1st G. L. or Illinois. 1824. Nov. 25, 1821.dlsp. G.L.lnd. Surrendered January 7, 1823. April 3,1822 ......•••••... Arrested December 20, 1831. May, 1852 Died 1860. October 8.1822 ....•.•.... United with 1st G. L. ot IIIInols, 1824. October 25,1822 Arrested April 11, 1826. October 25.1822 .•.••••••• United with 1st G. L. ot IIIlnols. 1824. May. 1858 ....•..•..•..... Surrendered 1863. May 6. 1852 ...•........... Surrendered 1855. October 9.1822 .•....•.... United with 1st G. L. or Illinois, 1824. October 10.1826 Surrendered April 6, 1831. April 3. 1827 ••.......•.... Arrested October 3, 1838. May 8.1852 .•............ Arrested Oct., 1884, by Lee A. Hall, G. M. May 6.1852 ....•......... Went down on account of war, 1861. AprlI 8. 1828 ........•..... Arrested AprlI 3, 1838. October 5.1830 ...•..••... Arrested October 3. 1838. October 5. 1837 ......••... Surrendered 1862, on account of war. June 2.1866 ...•......••.. Arrested AprlI, 1879. October 5.1837 United with G. L. or Illinois, 1843. October 5.1837 .•..•...... Arrested October 16. 1846. October 2.1838 ..•......•. United with G. L. ot Illinois. 1840. June 10. 1853 ..•...•....•. Surrendered 1876. • Oct., 1820. by G. L. of Tenn. Arrested AprlI 8, 1825. Octoher 8.1839 United with G. L. of IIIlnols. 1840. October 13.1887 Arrested June, 1892. by B. H. Ingram, G. M. May 6. 1852 Consolidated 1887 with Hebron No. 354.
~~ ~~~;~;~;..~~::::::::::::.C:~dda~fa~~~~~·.: ~~:~i:::::: :::: ~t:::::: ~:io;~;~~i839·.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.·.· ~~~~:~e~I~:YG.1t~5~t 27
Temple................ MellvllIe .•••••. Dade • Chan~ed to Joachim No.2;
Mo ..•.... May, 1858 .....•.......... Surrendered 1863.
Illinois, 1842.
~ ~ (':)
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~ ......
ROLL OF uDEAD LODGES," ETC.-Continued. No. 29 29 32 32 32 33 35 37 37 38 39 39 39 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 44 H 46 46 49 50 60 60 51 54 56 58 59 59 60 61 62 62 63 63 64 65 66 66
Name of Lodge.
Date of Charter.
Far West ............••. Galena Jo Davless 111.. October 11. 1839 .••..• , ••• Osage Little Osage Vernon Mo May 6, 1852 Lafayette .••............ Lexington Lafayette Mo .•••••• October 8, 1840 ....••••.•• Lafayette Lexington Lafayette Mo October 19, 1867 .••...•••• Triangle Perryv11le Perry Mo October 12. 1882 ....••..•• Hillsboro alias Mt.Morlah HlIlsboro Montgomery Mo October 8.1840 •..•..••••• Independence ••......•.. Independence .. Jackson Mo October 8, 1841. •.•.•...•. Dawson ....•.•.••..••... Wellington Lafayette Mo .•..... May 28, 1858 .••....•..••• Cedar....•.•........... Owensville Gasconade Mo October 15. 1868 .•••.•.••• Graham Pleasant Hlll. .. Cass Mo June 12. 1853 Tully Tully Lewis Mo June 9, 1853 Clinton Carlyle Clinton Ill October 8. 1841. Modena ....•....•....... :\Iodena Mercer ..•...... Mo , June 2. 1866..•••.•...•••• Coleman .....•...•...... St. Louis Mo ......• October 8. 1841. •.•.••..•• Des Moines .........•... Burlington ..............•..... Ia. Ty ..... October 20. 1841. •.....•.• Bolivar ...••..........•. BOlivar '" Polk ..•........ Mo ...••.•. June 9, 1853........•...•. Aetna Aetna Scotland Mo , June 2, 1866 Houston ..••.........•.. Breckenridge .. , Caldwell ....••. ,Mo June 2. 1866 ..•••.•.•.•••• Iowa Bloomington... Ia. Ty October 20. 1841 Middle Grove ........•.. Middle Grove Monroe Mo ...••.. June 9. 1853 Jacksonv1lle ...•...•.••. Jacksonvllle .••. Randolph .••••. Mo June 2, 1866.•••••.••••••• Rochester Rochester Andrew Mo June 10, 1853 <;parta. for'ly "Kabzeett". Sparta. " •..•. , Buchanan ..•... Mo . •.•••. October 8. 1841 ..•• , •••••• Martha Washington Washington Franklin •...... Mo June 10. 1853 .•..•...•.•.• Mineral Point Mineral Point Wis. Ty October 11, 1842 Middletown •..•......... Middletown Montgomery Mo May 25. 1854 .........•.•• Ozark ....•..•.•........ Springfield Greene ......••. Mo October 17,1842 ..••.••••• Anderson ..••••••.•..... Chapel Hlll Lafayette ..••.. Mo May. 1858 .. '......••...••. Livingston , Glasgow Howard Mo October 11. 1842 ........•. Douglas Marthasvllle Warren Mo October 11.1842 Platte .•..•..•.......... Platte City Platte ....•••.• , Mo October 14, 1842 .•...•..•• Monticello ..•........... Monticello ....• Lewis .......•.. Mo , October 12. IH2 .....••..• Lancaster Lancaster.•..•. Schuyler ...••.. Mo ....••.. May 25, 185,(. ..•.•••••••• Marlon .......•.•....... Salem ..•.•..•.. Marlon IlL ••.... , October 11. 1842 ••••.••••• St. Clair Belleville St. Clair•.•..•. Ill October 11, 1842 .•.•.••••• Osceola Osceola ..•...•. St. Clair .•..•.. Mo ..•.... October 15. 1842 •••••••••• Maysville Maysville DeKalb Mo , May 25. 1854 .•..•...••••. Dubuque .•••.•..•...... , Dubuque .............•........ Ia. Ty October 10. 1843 ..•••••••• St. Marys ....•..•....... Perryville Perry •....•.... Mo May 25. 1854 .•.••..•••••• Iowa City .•.•....•.. : .•. Marshall ............•......... la. Ty October 10. 1843 ...•••.•.• Landmark ....••........ Platteville BentoD , Mo ' October 12, 1843 ........•• Melody ...•......•.•.... Warsaw ...................••• Wis. Ty , October 12, 1843 .•.....••. Marshall Iowa City Saline Mo , October 12. 1843 Linn •........•.......' Linn Osage Mo May 28. 1856 ...•........•
Remarks. Surrendered 18411 Destroyed 1861. by war. Arrested December 1, 1866. Conso!. 1882 with Lexington No. 149. Conso!. 1887 with Triple Tie No. 457. Arrested October 16, 1846. Surrendered October, 1846. Surrendered 1864. Arrested January, 1900. Destroyed 1862, by war. Surrendered May, 1863. Arrested October 19. 1846. Arrested October, 1876. Changed to "Mt. Moriah No. 40," 1844. United with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Surrendered 1863. Conso!. with Memphis No. 16. 1890, Arrested Aprl1 22, 1869. United with Go' L. of Iowa. 1844. Arrested February 29, l!l64. Surrendered October, 1899. Surrendered 1865. Arrested October 19. 1846. Arrested May, 1863. United with G. L. of Wisconsin, 1844. Arrested May 18. 1858. Arrested October 18. 1847. Destroyed 1861. by war. Surrendered September. 1876. Surrendered November 15. 1883. Surrendered 1864. Arrested by Ja8. W. Boyd. G. M.• Oct.. 1886. Arrested 1866. United with G. L. of Il1Inols. 1844. United with G. L. ot Illinois. 1843. Destroyed 1861, by war. DE-stroyed 1862, by war. United with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Surrendered January, 1864. United with G. L. ot Iowa., 1844. Destroyed 1861, by war. United with G. L. of WlscoDsln, ISH. Arrested 1851. Arrested 1894. by Harry Keene. G. M.
~ ~ t';)
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w C1l
68 69 70 70 72 75 75 75 81 83 84 84 85 86 86
88 88 88 90 90 94 94 95 95 95 95 99 100 101 101 103 105 106 106 106 107 108 108 108 108 109 109 111 112
Tebo ......••........••. Alexandria .••••...•.... College ..•.•.•..••••.... Dickerson .•..••••...•.. Danvllle .•••••.•........ Ashley .....•..••....... Bowling Green .•.•...... Neosho ........•........ Hickory Grove Dana Multanomah ..••..•.... , Potter ....•.••..••...... Johnson MitchelL ....•.......... Mo. MIL 3d Reg't Mo. Vol
Clinton Her.:-y Mo October 23. 1844 •••••••••• Alexandria Clark ......•••. Mo October 16, 1844 •••••••••• Marlon College. Marion ••...•... Mo October 16, 1844 •••••••••• Warren ..•..•.. Marlon Mo .•........•..••••••••••••••••••• Danv1l1e ....•.. Montgomery ..• Mo October 16, 1844 •••••••••• Ashley Pike ....•....•. Mo October 19. 1846 Bowling Green. Pike Mo .•..... October 14, 1846 •••••••••• Neosho Newton .....•.• Mo •...... October 14. 1846 ••••..•••• Hickory Grove. Callaway Mo June 2, 1866 Calhoun Henry Mo October 17,1846 Oregon City .........•..•.•..•. Oregon October 19, 1846 .•••...••• Longwood , Pettis ......•... Mo .•..... May 25, 1854. ..••••...... Warrensburg Johnson Mo March 19, 1847 Columbus ..•... Johnson Mo , May 9. 1850 ....••••..•••• .••.....••..........•...........•....•.. October 14: 1847 •.•••.••••
Santa Fe
Bates ........•••.•..... Olive Branch •..••...... Dresden ..•.•..•........ Prairie ......••......... King Solomon Boone Evening Star .•......... Acacia ...•...•••....... Pleasant Hill .••........ Chapman Meramec Mt. Vernon Canton .•••••••••••••••• Greene ..•.•.•.......... Easton ...•..•.......... Carthage .•............. Relief .•..•.••••.• ; •••.. Macon Laporte ••••••.••....•.. Mlaml. ..•.•.•....••.•.. Golden Square .........• New Madrid •.•....•.... Aztec .....•............. Gothic ..•............... Pineville Montezuma .•........... Loulslana~ ....•........ St. Louis ..•............ Ezell
Mexic October 9, 1847 •••••••••••
Butler Bates ...•....•. Mo , Union ...•...... Franklin Mo Dresden Pettis ..•.•..•.. Mo Harrisonvllle Cass •••.••.•... Mo St. Catharine Linn .•......•.. Mo Columbia Boone Mo Cuba ......•... , Crawford.·...•. Mo Jackson .....•.. Cape Girardeau. Mo Pleasant Hill Cass ....•.•.••. Mo Las Vegas Ter. of N. Mex Eureka St. Louis Mo Mt. Vernon Lawrence Mo Canton Lewis ..••.•.... Mo Springfield Greene Mo Easton Buchanan •..... Mo Carthage ..•.•.. Jasper .•.•..... Mo Georgetown .••. Pettis ..•....... Mo •...... Macon Macon Mo Macon .•••..•.• Macon ....•.... Mo MiamI. ....•... Saline Mo Westport. ...•. Jackson Mo New Madrid New Madrid ..•. Mo Las Cruces Ter. of N. Mex.•.......... Moberly ...•.•. Randolph ..••.. Mo Pineville..... McDonald Mo Santa Fe Ter. of N. Mex.•.......... Ste. Genevieve .. Ste. Genevieve .. Mo St. Louis St. Louis ..•.•.. Mo St. Francisville. Clark Mo
May 28. 1858 ...••....••.. October 14.1847 ••••••.•.• October 19, 1867 .•.•....•• October 12. 1847 •••••••••• June 2. 1866....•.••..•••. May 8, 1848 May 29. 1855 .••.•••.••••• May 5. 1848 .•••••.•...... May 8.1848 .•••••....•••• June 2, 1866 October 17. 1878 May 11, 1848 .•••••••••••• May 11, 1848 .•••••••••••• May 12. 1848 •••••••••.••• May 28. 1858 ••••••••••••• May 12. 1849 May 10, 1849 .••••••••• ; •• May 28. 1858 May 28. 1858 ••••••••••••• May 10. 1849 ••••••••••••• May 10. 1849 .•..••••....• May 10. 1849 .•.•••••.•..• October 19, 1867 .•••••.... October 17. 1878 .••.••.••• October 22, 1896 May 8. 1851. ••••••••••... 1807, by G. L. of Pa .•... 1809. by G. L. of Pa •••••• May 9. 1850
Arrested 1889. by J. P. Wood. G. M. Arrested 1864. Changed to "Dickerson," 1847. Formed from "College No. 70." Consol. with Florence Lodge No. 261. 1892. Surrendered October 18. 1897. Changed to "Ashley No. 75 .. Surrendered 1863: restored as 247. in 1867. Surrendered March, 1893. Arrested October 28. 1852. 1st Lodge on Pac. Coast. United G. L. Ore. Surrendered December 2, 1896. Destroyed 1861, by war. Destroyed 1861. by war. Closed with Mexican war. No recSlrd except dispensation. Destroyed 1861, by war. Arrested about 1855. Arrested July, 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. Destroyed 1861, by war. Consol. with Brookfield No. 86. Jan., 1888. Surrendered May 25. 1858. Surrendered June 12. 1875. Went down during the war. Arrested 1853. United with G. L. of New Mexico, 1877. Arrested Sept .• 1916. by F. R. Jesse, G. M. Surrendered December 27, 1862. Consol. with Craft Lodge No. 287. Dec., 1898. United with "United No.5." 1857. Arrested October. 1886, by J. W. Boyd. G. M. Burned out 1861. Went down 1860. Surrendered 1873. Changed to "Macon No. 106." Surrendered February 10, 1857. Arrested October. 1886. by J. W. BoYd. G. M. Destroyed during the war. United with G. L. of New Mexico, 1877. Consol. with Moberly Ll'1ge No. 344. 1896. Arrested by G. L .• 1919. United with G. L. of New Mexico. 1877. Arrested bv G. L. of Pennsylvania, 1824. Arrested, Surrendered 1860.
\0 N
~ ~ (':)
~ ~
ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETC.-Continued. tv
No. 114 115 115 116
117 U8 119 122 124 124 128 128 129 129 130 130 134 135 135 137
138 140
110 141 141 141 143 144
145 145 147
148 150 152 153 154 156
158 158 159 159 160
Name of Lodge.
Date of Charter.
Waverly ...•..•.•......... Waverly .•..... Lafayette Mo ••..... May 9, 1850 •.•••••••••••• Sibley ..........•....... Sibley•.•..••.. , Jackson .•..... , Mo .•..... May 10. 1850 ••••••••••••• Border .•............... South-West Cit~ McDonald Mo , October 15, 1814 •••••••••• Davless , Gallatin .••.•.. Daviess ..•..... Mo .•..... May 10. 1850 •••••••.•••• ; Versa1l1es, ••••••.••..... Versailles ...•... Morgan •••.••.. : Mo May 10, '1850 ••........... Hiram St. Charles St. Charles Mo May 10. 1850 ••••••••••••• Foster ..•••••.•••••••••• Boston .•..•.... Scott .....•.•.. , Mo May 10, 1850 ••••••••••••• Dover.•••••.....•...... Dover ...•..... Lafayette .•.... Mo May 20. 1850 ••••.•••••••• Cedar ,. Fremont .••.... Cedar ••......•. Mo .•..... May ·10. 1851 .•.•..•••••.. Dardenne .••............ O'Fallon ..•.... St. Charles Mo October 19, 1867 •.•....... Kirksville .•............ Kirksville Adair .••.••..•. Mo .•..... May 8, 1851. •••.••.•..•.. Live Oak ..•............ Pleasant Hill Cass ..••....... Mo .•.... , October 19,: 1867.... .,. Constantine ......••..... Charleston ••... Mlsslssippi. Mo May 8, 18:>1. •••••••••.••• Charleston Charleston •••.. Mississippi Mo October 12, 1876 ..••••.... Barry; ....•............ CassvlIle .•..... Barry ...••..... Mo .•..... May, 1852.•.••••.•......• West Prairie .....•...... Clarkton ...•... Dunklin ......• , Mo May 28, 1858 •••..•....... Sarcoxie Sarcoxie ..••... Jasper .••...... Mo .•. ','" May. 1851. ••••••• , ••• , ••• Ridgley , Ridgley , Platte .•••..... Mo May 7, 1851. .•••••••••••• Warrensburg ....•..... , Warrensburg Johnson .•.... , ,Mo .•..... October 19, 1867 .•••••••.• Warrenton ..•..•..•.... , Warrenton ••••. Warren .••..... Mo .•..... June, 1851. ...•••..••••••. Prairieville.' ...•.•...... Prairieville .... Pike., •••...... Mo ....•.. May 28. 1859 .••..•••••••• Round Prairie Newark ..••••.. Andrew ••...... Mo •...... May 31, 1855 ••••••••••••. Smithton ..••.•......... Smithfield ..••• , .•.•..••....... Kan. Ty.. ; May, 1855....•••••••••.•. Papinsville..•..........•. Papinsville ..•... Bates ..•........ Mo May' 28, 1858 Middlebury Middlebury Mercer Mo May 31,1855 OrientaL ..•.•••....•... Trenton ..•.•... Grundy •.•.•... Mo October 17.1873 ..••..•.•. Chain of'Rocks ' Owen ....•.••.. Lincoln •....... Mo .•..... October 14.1880 .•.•..••• ; Flint HilL •..•......... : Flint HilL ••••. St. Charles Mo May 31, 1855 ••........... John Dade ..•••.••.... ;. Cassville .•..•.. Barry ..••..... Mo .•..... June 1, 1855 .•••.•......•. Windsor City Windsor City Carroll Mo June I, 1855 Rising Star ••••.....•... Ebenezer ..••... Greene Mo .•..... May, 1858 ••.•••.•.•.•..•. Buffalo .....••.......... Buffalo ..•..•.. Dallas •........ Mo May, 1855 ..••••.•..••...• yancy ..•.•.••••........ Pineville .•••••. McDonald Mo June I, 1855 Leavenworth .••..•..•.. Leavenworth ......•...•••...•• Kan. Ty June 2. 1855.•••.•••..•••• Linn Creek .....•....... Linn Creek ..•.. Camden .•...... Mo .•.... , May 26. 1855 Kansas ..••••.•••••••••• Wyandotte .•.......•.........• Kan. Ty May, 1855•••••••••••••••• Concord ...•...•.•..•... Concord .•..... Callaway ..•..•. Mo June I, 1855.•••.••,••••••• Giddings Nebraska City .. Otoe Neb. Ty May 29, 1856 Cornwell. RoseHIlI. .•... Johnson ...••.• , Mo May 28,1856 •...•..••.••• Johnson .. , ...•.•• , Greenville ••.... Wayne .•.....•. Mo •..... , October 19. 1867 .••••••••• Pacific ...•.•.•••.•..... Pacific.,•.••.... Franklin Mo ' May 28. 1856 •••.••••••••• Mendota Protem Taney Mo October 11, 1879 Edina ........•......... Edina .•••..... Knox.......... Mo May 29, 1856 ••..•••••••••
Remarks. Surrendered January 28. 1860. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered October. 1882. Arrested 1876. Cons. with Morgan 320 under 320 as Versallles Surrendered May, 1862. Surrendered 1866. Consol. with Lafayette No. 437, Feb., 1893. Surrendered 1863. Arr. Jan. 15, 1885, by R. F. Stevenson, G. M. Arrested 1863. New Charter 1864 to No. 105. Arrested by G. L. of Missouri, 1877. Surrendered July 28. 1874. Surrendered December, 1889. Arrested 1852. Arrested October, 1886. by J. W. Boyd, G. M. Arrested May, 1858. Destroyed 1861, by war. Con sol. with Corinthian Lodge No. 265, 1889. Surrendered 1856. Arrested 1895, by J. B. Thomas, G. M. Arrested 1865. United to form G. L. of Kansas. Conso!. with Rockville 341, March, 1928. Arrested 1872. Consolidated with Trenton Lodge No. 111. Cons. with Moscow MlUs No. 558, Oct., 1905 Surrendered 1863. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered 1855. Arrested by E. F. Allen, G. Moo 1898. Arrested 1861. Arrested Jan. 19, 1884. by L. A. Hall. G. M. United to form G. L. of Kansas. Destroyed 1861. by war. United to form G. L. of Kansas. Surrendered AprlI, 1901. Made no returns. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered April 25, 1885. Arrested Jan.• 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. Arrested June 12, 1884. by L. A. Hall, G. M. Arrested May, 1866.
...j:::.. ~
~ ~
r.n. (D
161 166 167 167 167 168 169 172 173 173 173 175 177 180 180 182 183 184 184 184 184 186 187 187 191 195 197 200 201 203 203 204 205 208
211 212 216 216 217 219 219 219 222 223 223 224 229 %29
Robert Morris ••••.•.... , Savannah. ~ Andrew....... Mo Mirabile ..••.•••••...... Mirabile .••.•.. CaldwelL ..••.. Mo .....•. Eldorado .••.••••••..... Luray ..•..•.•.. Clark .....•.... Mo Orient Francais ••....... St. Louis City Mo Puxico ..•.•.•.••••.. , .. Puxico ...••.... Stoddard., •.... Mo Fairmount .•••••.••..... Fairmount. •. .. Clark .•••...... Mo., Tuscumbia ...•••••.•.... Tuscumbia •.•.. Miller ..••...•.. Mo Wolf Island ..••••••••••. Wolf Island •.. '. Mississippi ••... Mo Union,form'ly"Bolllnger" Wolford's Store. Bollinger Mo Union .•.•.••••••••• , •.. Union .•..•..... Franklin Mo Powt;lll •.••..••.••.•.... PowelL .•.•.... McDonald •..... Mo Newton , •••....•••.... Stark City ..•... Newton •........ NIo Winchester ••.•••...•... Winchester Clark ...•...... Mo Kenner Athens Clark Mo Des Moines ...•.....•... Athens ....•.... Clark ...•...... Mo Stewartsvllle ••••••••... Stewartsvllle DeKalb ~o Cal1fornia California Moniteau Mo Modern ...•.•....•..... , Humansville , Polk ..•.•...... Mo Calhoun ..•.•••••....... Calhoun ..••.... Henry Mo Hale .....•.•••••.•••... Hale City CarrolL Mo Fairfield ....•.•••....... Fairfield ..•.... Benton Mo Dayton ...•.....••••.... Dayton ....•... , Cass •.•........ Mo "Henry Clay Millersburg •.... Callaway Mo Carter ......••.......... Jefferson City Cole ...•.•..... Mo Zerubbabel. ..•.....•... Platt City .....• Platte ..•...... , Mo Wet Au Glalze .•........ Wet Auglalsc Camden Mo .. , Camden ..•.•..•........ Camden ..••.... Ray ....••...... Mo Washburn ...•.•........ Washburn .••... Barry Mo Jamesport Jamesport Daviess Mo Pleasant Ridge ...•..... Pleasant Ridge. Harrison Mo ..•.... Green Ridge .•.......... Windsor •••..... Henry .•.•..... , Mo Bent ...•.. ,...•.. , ....•. Taos ................•......... N. Mex Rocky Mount •.•........ Camp Floyd ...........•••..... Utah Ty.. Alto Vista.•••.......... Alto Vista •..... Daviess •.•.•... Mo Orion ....••••.......•... St. Joseph Buchanan Mo Austin ......•...•...... Austin Cass ..•.•...... Mo West Plains , West Plains HowelL Mo Granby .•.......•....... Granby •.•..... Newton '" Mo Quincy ..•.••...•....... Quincy Hickory Mo Emerson ..••........... Emerson Marion Mo Everett Everett Cass ...••...... Mo New Boston ..•......... New Boston Macon........ Mo Farmers Labelle Lewis Mo Jasper .. ~ ,.. ' Sarcoxie .••.... Jasper .•....... Mo Woodlawn ..•...•......• Woodlawn ..... Monroe .•....•. , Mo ,. Lamar. ~.... • •• , ••..•. Lamar ••••..... Barton ••.••.... Mo .•..... Nevada •••••.••..•••..•• Nevada. .•...... Grundy ••••..... Mo .•..... Mitchell .......••.. , Columbus Johnson •....... Mo
May 28. 1856 .•••••••••..• May 30, 1857 •••.••••...•. May 18, 1857 •.••••••••.•• October 19. 1867 .••..... ;. October 11. 1888 •••.•... :. May 18, 1857 ••••••.•..... May 18, 1857 •••••••...... May 30, 1857 ••••••••••... May, 1857 October 19. 1867 •••....... October 13, 1892 ••••.•••.. May 30, 1851 ••.•••••.•.•. May, 1857..•••••••....... May. 1858 October 19, 1867 .••..••.•. May 29, 1859 ••••••...•.•. May 28. 1859 ••••••••.•.•. May. 1859.••••.•••...•... October 19,1867 •••••••••• October 15, 1886 •••. , •••.. Octo~er.
1892 1859 •••••.•••.......
May, 1859.•••.••••••••.•. Octob~r
13, 1881 ...•. ,
May 28. 1859 ..••••..••••• May, 1860...•••••....••.• May, 1859..•••.•......... May, 1860.•.•••••........ May 30, 1860 ..••••.•.•••• May, 1860 October 19, 1867 .....•.•.• Tune I, 1860.••••.••.•.... June 1, ·1860..••••• '..••... May, 1861. .••••••••.•.... May, 1861 May, 1861. .••••••••.••••. May, 1861. •••••.•.•.••••. October 17,1867 ••........ May, 1861. ....••........ , May. 1861. October 15, 1868 .••..•.... October 12. 1869 .•..•..... May 30. 1861. May, 1861 October 19, 1867 •••••••••• May. 1861 .••••••••••••••• May 29, 1861 ••••••••••••• October 13. 1871 ••••••••••
Surrendered 1857. . . Consol. with Polo Lodge No. 232. in 1889. ' Surrendered 1861. Surrendered January, 1888. Surrendered June, 1892. Surrendered June 12, 1863. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered August 22. 1874. No records. Surrendered May, 1892. Surrendered September - , 1903. Consol. with Granby Lodge No. 514. Dec. 1921. Destroyed 1861. by war. Destroyed 1862, by war. Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1916. Arrested 1894, by Harry Keene, G. M. Surrendered June, 1898. Destroyed 1861, by war. Arrested by J. W. Boyd, Grand Master, 1886. Arrested September, 1892. Arr. b~' E. F. Allen, G. M., Jan. 18. 1899. Destroyed 1861,' by war. Arr. June, 1881. by W. R. Stubblefield, G. M. ('onsol. with Jefferson Lodge No. 43, 1889. Arrested June, 1879, by N. M. Givan, G. M. Surrendered 1862. Went down 1861, by war. Destroyed 1861, by war. Arr. January, 1892, by B. H. Ingram. G. M. Arrested 1863. Surrendered 1873. Surrendered 1865. Surrendered 1862. Arrested 1865. Surrendered 1863. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered 1861. Surrendered December, 1892. Destroyed by war. Destroyed 1861. by war. Cons. with Coldwater Lodge No. 485, 1894. Surrendered 1871. Surrendered 1881. Destroyed 1863, by war. Consol. ,Aug.• 1920, with Madison Lodge 91. Destroyed 1861, by war. No returns. Surrendered October. 1888.
\0 N
~ ~ (':)
;::!l ~
. (Jl
ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES." ETC.-Continued. ~o.
231 232 232 235 239 240 246 248 250 264
269 274 275 271 278 280 284 284 286 289 296 296 298 304
305 312 313
314 314 316 320 320 320
320 326 326 330 330
332 332
336 337
S38 340
Name of Lodge.
Date of Charter.
Warrenton ...•...••..... Warrenton ....• Warren '." Mo May, 1863 •••.•.•••••••••• Surrendered 1899. DeWitt ..........•...... DeWltt. , CarrolL Mo October 27. 1863 •••••••••• Surrendered 1865. No returns. Lone Jack •.•.•.••... '" Lone Jack Jackson Mo October 19. 1861 •••••••••• Surrendered 1877. Ionic Rensselaer Ralls Mo May 26. 1864 Arrested In 1889, by J. P. Wood, G. M. Spencersburg Spencersburg Pike Mo .•••.••. May, 1865 •••••••••.•..••• Surrendered September, 1881. Granville Granville Monroe Mo May 25, 1865 Cons. with Woodlawn :-lo. 223, Sept., 1911. Montgomery City•••..... Montgomery Cy. Montgomery Mo May 26. 1865 ....•••....•. Surrendered May 12, 1919. Rochester .•..........•.. Helena Andrew ,. Mo October 17.1867 .•.•.•••.• Arrested July, 1917, by Edw. Higbee, G. M. High Hill High HilL Montgomery Mo Dctober. 1867 ..••.••.••.•• Con. with Jonesburg Lodge No••57, Feb., 1899 Fayetteville Fayetteville Johnson ..•.•... Mo October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Arrested January, 1900. Rock Prairie •••••••..•• Halltown ..•••. Lawrence ••••• Mo ...•... October 15. 1868 .••.••.... Cons. with Ash Grove Lodge 100, Feb. 11, '22. New Market. New Market Platte•••.•.•••. Mo October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Surrendered October, 1!l71l. Tranquillity Orearvllle Saline •••.•...•. Mo October 15, 1868 ••.••.••.• Cons. with Cambridge No. 63, Jan'y 6, 1916. Index Index Cass Mo October 15. 1868 ••••.•.••• Arrested 1877. Avilla ...........•...... Bower's Mills Lawrence Mo October 15, 1868 .•••••.••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. Lodge of Peace Chilhowee Johnson , Mo October 15, 1868 Cons. with Chilhowee No. 487. Oct., 1908. Lilly Grant City ...•. Worth 'Mo ...•... October. 1868.•••••••••••• Arr. Dec., 1880, by W. R. Stubblefield, G. M. ~ New Boston New Boston Linn .•.•....... Mo ...•... October 13, 1881. ••••••••• Arrested 1889. by J. P. Wood, G. M. ~ Hesperlan Virgil City Cedar Mo October 15. 1868 ••••••••.• Surrendered September. 1888. Acacia Paradise Clay Mo October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Cons. with Temperance No. 438, Sept., 1899. ~ ~ Grove ...•••............ Webster Groves. St. Louis Mo ...•.•.. October 15. 1868 Surrendered 1874. ~ ~ Cameron Cameron Clinton Mo October 10. 1876 •••••••••• Conso!. with VlnclI Lodge No. 62, 1888. Marble Hm Marble Hill Bollinger Mo October 15. 1868 ••••.••••• Conso!. with Trowel No. 440, Dec.• 1899. ~' FaithfuL Fair Dealing Ripley Mo October 12, 1869 ••••.••••• Surrendered June, 1903. Clarence............... Clarence ••••••• Shelby ••••..... Mo....... October 12, 1866 ••.•••••• Arr. Aug. 26. 1921, by Wm. F. Johnson, G. !rI. Mt. Pleasant. Ellington Gentry Mo .....•• October 12, 1869 •••.••.••• Consolidated with Stanberry No. 109. Kingsvllle ••••....••.•.•• Kingsvllle .•.•• Johnson • •... Mo. . . . . .. October 12, 1869 .••. , •..•• Surrendered September 2, 1922. • St. Aubert. St. Aubert. Callaway Mo , October 12, 1869 ••..•...•• Surrendered December 14, 1882. Rome Rome Douglas ..•..... 11-10 October 11. 1883 •••••••••• Consol. with Ava No. 26. March, 1888. Altona Altona Bates Mo Dctober 12. 1869 Arr. March. 1896. by A. M. Hough, G. M. Chapel HIlI .•.........•. Chapel HilI. Lafayette ' Mo ..•..•. October 12. 1869 •••••••••• Surrendered September U, 1889. Amazonia ............•.. Amazonia Andrew Mo October 15,1890 •••••••••• Con. with Savannah Lodge No. 71. Apr•• nOT. Many Springs , '" Many Springs Oregon .•...... , Mo •.... ,. September 26, 1907 ••••••• Consol. Sept.. 1917. with Alton No. 255. Morgan Versailles Morgan Mo September 19, 1917 Cons. with Versallles 111 Oct. 18, 1923 as 320 New Home '" Sprague : Bates Mo October 16, 1879 Consolidated with Foster Lodge No. 554. Kit Carson Elizabethtown Mo October 12. 1869 Arrested 1878, by T. C. Ready. G. M. Bertrand .•... " ., '" Bertrand •...... , MississippI ••.... Mo.••••••• October 16. 1879 Arrested March 12, 1923, by B. S. Lee, G. M. Lathrop Lathrop CIlnton Mo October 13. 1870 Arrested May. 1879, by N. M. Givan. G. M. Clark City Clark City Clark ...•...... Mo October 12. 1870 Surrendered 1875. (J). Ryland Berlin Gentry Mo October 14. 1876 Arr. Sep. 10, 1904. by W. F. Kuhn. G. M. C'll Oak Grove , ....•.. Pink Hill Jackson 'Mo. . .. October 12, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered October 3. 1873. '"C Malta Malta Bend Saline .•..•..... Mo October 12. 1871 Arrested Jan .• 1887, by G. R. Hunt. G. M. r-'" Myrtle Mlllvllle Ray Mo October 13, 1810 Conso!. wIth RIchmond Lodge 57 Sept, 23, 19%1. Amity .•................ Smithton Pettis Mo October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered January, 18R4. Jericho Jericho Cedar Mo ,October 16, 1884 Arrested Oct., 1894, by Harry Keene. G. M.
341 347 347 348 348 ~49
353 353 357 357 358 364 365 366 371 373 . 373 374 375 378 378 379 382 384 384 385 385 394 395 401 402 404 405 406 407 407 409 409 417 421 423 425 426 426 428 432 432 433
Relief •................. Republic Landmark Kennett Spring Creek .•••• ; •••••• Lecoma .....••. Ash Grove Ash Grove Cimarron Cimarron Lone Star Lone Star Ben Franklin .......•... Savannah Benton ......•.......... St. Louis Phelps .......••.•.••••. Phelps City Young's Creek Rowena Comfort ....•.•.•....... Rocky Comfort. King David ......•...... Kansas City Warsaw .....•...•...... ViTarsaw Unanimity •.•..•........ Weston Craig Craig Mandeville Mandeville ..•.. Amity ..........•....... Filley Golden Rule .•........... Jonesburg Plumb .....••........... Middletown ...• ' Kllwinning, •..•......... Downing Warsaw Warsaw ..•..... Coatesville ...•...•...... Coatesville .. , .. Richland Richland Harmony ...•........... Vibbard •....... Boone Columbia Reynolds Centerville Alexander ...•.......... Bedford ......•. Dagan ,. Mindon , Latimer Licking ......•. Centre ....•.•..... , Lebanon , Gavel. ......•........... New Cambria Alexandria ..••......••.. Alexandria Meridian Sun .. , Austin ,. Ituraea Hannlbal. , Houston , Wellington Royal. , Mooresville ...•. Unity .................•. Richmond Civil Bend Civil Bend Covenant .....•.......... Carrollton Euclid .....•.•.......... Versailles Newburg Competition Cedar City Cedar City Leesville ......••••...•.. Leesville Sedgwlckville Sedgwlckville .. Louisvllle .•••••......•.. Loulsvllle ....•. Dauphine ...•••.•..•.•.. Dauphine , .. Black Oak Preston Silent Temple Macon
Greene .. , Dunklin Dent .•......•.. Greene .. , ••.. " Colfax Gentry Andrew Atchison Audrain •....... McDonald Jackson ..•..... Benton Platte ...••..... Holt Carroll ...•..... Cedar .......•.. Montgomery Montgomery Schuyler, Benton ..•...... Schuyler Pulaskl. Ray ...•........ Boone Reynolds Livingston Charlton .•..... Texas ...•...... Laclede .••..... Macon " Clark ...•..•... Cass , ,. Marlon , •.... Lafayette Livingston Ray ..•••••..... Davless Carroll .••.•.••. Morgan ••••.•.. Laclede Callaway Henry .•.•...... Boll1nger ••..... Lincoln ••..... ,. Osage •.•.....•. Hickory Macon
Mo ....•. , Mo Mo. . .. ••• Mo ..••.•. N. Mex Mo .•..... Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo ...•... Mo Mo Mo ...•.•. Mo Mo Mo Mo .....•. Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo , •. Mo ......• Mo Mo Mo Mo ....•.• Mo .....• , Mo Mo .....•. Mo ......• Mo Mo Mo ....••• Mo ...••.• Mo •.••••. Mo Mo Mo
October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered May. 1899. October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Arrested March, 1879. by N. M. Givan, G. lid. October 16. 1884 •........ Surrendered October 19, 1918. October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Arrested 1872. October 14. 1875 •..•.•...• Surrendered 1879. October 13. 1870 .••••••••• Arrested Jan. 25. 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 13,1870 ••••.••••• Conso!. with Savannah Lodge No. 71. October 14, 1886 •••••••••• Arrested 1905. by L. B. Valliant, G. M. October, 1870 Surrendered 18&1. October 13, 1881. ...•.•.•. Conso!. with Hebron No. 354, July, 1891. October 13, 1870 ......•.•. Art. Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. Ball,' G. M. October 13, 1870 .•.•.•••.• Surrendered 1879. October 13, 1870 .........• Arr. Sept., 1888, by W. l\I. Williams. G. M. October 13, 1870 Surrendered 1879. October 13, 1870 Arr. Jan. 10, 1883, by C. C. Woods, G. M. October 13, 1871. ..•....•• Arr. Jan. 14, 1896, by A. M. Hough, G. M . October 22, 1896 .•...•.•.. Cons. with Cllntonville No. 482, Feb., 1906 October 16. 1872 ....•..••• Surrendered June. 1892. October 13, 1871 .........• Arr. Sept., 1888, by W. M. Williams, G. M. October 13. 1871. •.•••...• Cons. with Middle Fabius No. 244, Oct., 1894. October 10. 1894 .•• , •••••• Arr. by Grand Master Houston, Feb., 1906. October, 1871 Conso!. 1881 with Glenwood No. 427. October 13, 1871 Arr. by Grand Master Tygard, Feb., 1898. October. 1871 Conso!. with Clay No. 207, June, 1899. October 17, 1901. ••..••••• Conso!. with Twilight No. 114, May 12, 1904. October 13,1887 Conso!. with Hopewell No. 239, May, 1899. October 13, 1870 ••••...••• Conso!. with Hale Lodge No. 184, Oct., 1887. October 13, 1871. ••••••••• Surrendered December, 1902. October 13, 1871. •••••.••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, Oct. 21, 1897. October 13, 1871 .....•..•• Consolidated with Laclede No. 83, 1893. October 13, 1871. ..•.•.••• Surrendered October, 1900. October 13, 1871. ..•....•• Arrested Oct. 22, 1896, by Grand' Lodge. October 13, 1871. •• , ••••••· Arr. Aug.• 1885, by R. F. Stevenson, G. M. October 13, 1871. .•.•••.•• Conso!. with Hannibal Lodge No. 188. October 13, 1871 •••••••••• Destroyed by fire December 19, 1873. October 17, 1878 .•••.••••• Arr. Aug., 1893, by John R. Parson, G. M. October 13, 1871 .•.•.•.••• Surrendered 1876. October 17,1878 Arrested Oct., 1899, by E. F. Allen. G. M. October 12,1872 •••••••••• Conso!. with Wakanda Lodge No. 52, 1880. October 12,1872 Consol. with Versailles Lodge No. 117. October 16, 1872 ••••••••• oj Arrested March 29, 1890, by T. Brace, G. M. October 17, 1873 Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. October 16, 1872 ••••••.•• _ Arrested Oct., 1886, by the Grand Lodge. October 14. 1886 •••••••••• Arr. March, 1897, by D: A. Jamison, G. M. October 16, 1872 .••••••••• Arr. December. 1896, by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 17, 11173 .•••••.•• Surrendered 1879. October 13, 1881. Consolo with Urbana No. 421, Dec.• 1890 October 16. 1872 Surrendered October. 1877.
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ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETC.-Continued. Name of Lodge.
435 St. Nicholas ••••.•••.••• Cave Spring Greene .•.•..... Mo '" 436 Lamonte Lamonte Pettis Mo 436 Ash Grove Ash Grove Greene Mo 437 Tuscumbia ••••.•••••••••• Tuscumbia Miller ......•.. Mo 442 Mt. Lebanon .•••.•••...• Mt. Moriah Harrison ..•.... Mo 445 West Gate .••.••••...•.• St. Louis St. Louis City Mo 446 Greenfield .•.•........... Greenfield Dade .....•..... Mo 447 Fairview .••••••••...•..• Browning .•.... Sullivan Mo. . .. . .. 449 Piedmont •••••..••.•..... Piedmont. Wayne Mo 451 Argyle .••••••••••••••..• :'\evada Vernon .•....... Mo 454 Benton .••••••••..••.••• , Lincoln Benton Mo .. " 454 Cecil. Cottonwood Pt.. Pemiscot Mo.. 455 Barnesville Ellington Reynolds Mo 457 'l'riple Tie ••••••••.••••.• Brazeau Perry .• : .•.•... Mo 463 Lake Cunnlngham Chariton Mo 465 SlIver City ••••....•.••. SlIver City , Grant. .......•. N. Mex 466 Centre View .•.........• Centre View Johnson Mo 479 Triangle Butler Bates ......•... Mo 480 Union La Junta N. Mex 481 I Clinton CHnton Henry Mo 485 Paragon ..•.•....•...... Green Ridge Pettis .•........ Mo 487 Herndon Herndon .•..... Saline .•.•...... Mo 491 I Pittsville .....•.•...•.... PittsvlIIe Johnson Mo 495 I Globe ...........•....... Louisiana Pike Mo 495 I West Prairie •.•.•••.•••. Clarkton DunkHn ..•..... Mo 497 ! Strafford .........•....•. Strafford Greene ..•...... Mo 498 Kaseyville .............•. KaseyvlIIe Macon Mo 499 Paynesville ............• Paynesville Pike , Mo 505 Avalon .......•.......... Bedford Livingston .•... Mo 510 Biswell Browning Linn Mo 513 Chariton ..•.•........•.• Guthridge Mills. Chariton Mo....... 514 Exeter .................• Exeter. Barry Mo 519 Turney •................ Turney Clinton Mo 520 Toltec ••.....•.......... Mexico Republic of Mex 523 Kidder •................. Kidder Calhoun Mo 529 Niangua .•...•.•........ Niangua Webster Mo 530 Ritchey Ritchey Newton Mo 533 Walker ..•.•••••••.••.••. Walker Vernon Mo 541 Franklin .•.•............ St. Clair Franklin Mo 5431 Fides ..•..•.•.•......... Kansas City Jackson Mo 544 Mexico Mexico Audraln Mo 546 Prairie Hill Prairie Hlll •••.. Charlton ••••• O ' Mo•••••••• 569 I Tiff City ..••••••••••••• Tiff City ..•.•. McDonald ••... Mo 589 Duncan ...•.••••........ Duncan Webster Mo.......• 592 Stoutsville ••••••.•....•.. Stoutsvllle •••••. Monroe ••••••• o· Mo.••••••• 595 Cecil Cottonwood Pt.. Pemiscot Mo Bado Texas Mo 595 EmmanueL Howell .•....... Mo 609 Victory ....••........... Pomona 628 Moundville .....•........ Moundville ...••• Vernon ••••••••• Mo 635 Tuscumbia •.•..•.•.••••• Tuscumbia Miller ••••..••.. Mo .••••.•. 636 I Weaubleau Weaubleau Hickory •.•..•.. Mo
Date of Charter.
October 16, 1872 ..••••••• Arrested 1897, by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 16. 1872 Arrested Oct.• 1878. by T. C. Ready. G. M. October 13. 1881. Arrested 1897. by D. A. Jamison. G. M. October 16. 1872 Arrested Oct.. 1886. by J. W. Boyd, G. M. October 16, 1872 ..•.•.••• Surrendered 1879. October 16, 1872 ....•..•• Arrested 1887. by Geo. R. Hunt. G. M. October, 1873 Conso!. with Washington No. 87. Dec., 1898. October, 1873 ...........•• Surrendered August. 1899. October 16. 1872 ........• Arrested Jan. 19, 1884. by L. A. Hall, G. M. October 16. 1872 ........• Surrendered March. 1892. October 16, 1872 .....•••• Arrested May 21, 1884. by L. A. Hall. G. M. October 16. 1884 Conso!. with CaruthersvlIIe No. 461. 1903. October 16, 1872 Arrested Jan .• 1904. by W. F. Kuhn, G. M. October 17. 1873 ...•..... Surrendered April. 1893. October 17. 1873 Arrested November 7. 1876. October 17. 1873 .......•. Sur. char. and unit. with G. L. otN. M.,1882. October 17. 1873 ..••.•••• Arrested by Grand Master Brace. Nov., 1889. October 15. 1874 ..•...••. Surrendered October. 1877. October 15. 1874 United with G. L. of New Mexico. 1871. October 15, 1874 Arrested 1889. bY' J. P. Wood, G. M. October 15. 1874 Surrendered 1879. October 15. 1874 Arr. March. 1!l06. by Grand Master Houston. October 15. 1874 .......•• Arrested 1875. October 12. 1870 .......•• Conso!. with Perseverance No. 92. 1890. October 15. 1890 .....•••• Arrested Dec.• 1894. by J. B. Thomas, G. M. October 11. 1877 ......••• Arr. Sept.. 1906.' by Grand Master Houston. October 11. 1877 .......•• Surrendered January. 1898. October 11, 1877 •.••.•••• Conso!. with Clarksville No. 17. May. 5. 1917. October 12. 1882 ......••• Conso!. with \Vheeling No. 434. Mch. 8. 1917. October 12. 1882 Surrendered June 20, 1925. October. 1882..........•.• Surrendered March, 1899. October 12. 1882 ..•...••• Arr. March. 1901, by Grand Master Wells. October 11, 1883 ..•...••• Surrendered November 18, 1895. October 11. 1883 ..•...•• Surrendered January 31. 1894. October 16. 1884 ..•..•.•• Conso!. with Hamilton No. 224. 1902. October 15, 1885 : •••• Arrested 1918. by W. A. Clark, G. M. October 15. 1885 ....•.•• Arrested by F. R. Jesse. G. M. October 12. 1887 ..•.••••• Surrendered February 19. 1898. October 16. 1889 ..•.••••• Arrested July. 1904. by W. F. Kuhn. G. M. October 15. 1890 ••••••••• Conso!. with Heroine No. 104. Dec.• 1890. October 15. 1890 Consol.- with Hebron No. 354. Dec. 25. 1916. Oct. 15. 1890 •.••.•...•.• Consolo with Salisbury No. 208, Nov. 18, 1919 Sept. 29, 1904.••....•.•.. Cons. with Anderson No. 621, Oct. 1, 1926. September 26. 1907 Xame changed to "Grove Spring". 1913. Sept. 26, 1907 ••....••.•• Arrested Sept., 1920, by J. C. Garrell, G. M. September 30.1908 Arrested Sept.. 1915, by T. W. Cotton, G. M. October 2. 1913 Canso!. with Texas Lodge 177, Sept. 5th. 1925. September 28.1910 Conso!. With Mt. Zion Ko. 327. Apr. 16, 1917. October 2, 1913 Surrendered :May 2, 1925. October I, 1914 •.......... Conso!. with Ionia 381. Aug. 21, 1923. October I, 1914 .•......... Surrendered Sept. 17. 1921.
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r.n (b "0 ;+-
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI, LOCATED AT ST. LOUIS OFFICERS Sol. E. Waggoner, President Robt. R. Kreeger, 1st Vice-President.. Joseph S. McIntyre, 2nd Vice-President. W. S. Campbell, Treasurer Clarence L. Alexander, Secretary , ; Crockett Harrison, Superintendent.. Dr. D. F. Rice, Physician Mrs. W. Waller, Matron of ,Children Mrs. Luella McCue, Matron of Old People
St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis,
Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.
St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis,
Mo. Mo. MO. Mo.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS. W. S. Campbell Chas. T. Kornbrodt.. Orestes Mitchell F. H. Wielandy Sol. E. Waggoner
St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, St. Louis,
MO.} Mo. Mo. Term expires, 1928. Mo. Mo.
Arch A. Johnson R. R. Kreeger W. W. Martin Jas. R. McLachlan
Springfield, Kansas City, Doniphan, Kahoka,
MO.} Mo. 1929 Mo. Term expires, . Mo.
Van B~ren, Jefferson City, . St. LOUlS, Kansas City,
T. W. Cotton W. A. Clark J os. S. McIntyre Thos. H. Reynolds
MO.} Mo. Mo. Term expires, 1930. Mo.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Anthony F. Ittner, Grand Master Byrne E. Bigger, Deputy Grand Master Samuel R. Freet, Grand Senior Warden Wm. R. Gentry, Grand Junior Warden
St. Louis, Hannibal, Kansas City, Bridgeton,
Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.
ADVISORY MEMBERS Mrs. Ella Jean Flanders Mrs. Edith V. Bader Mrs. Josephine S. Fisher
Excelsior Springs, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Kansas City, Mo.
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURl 1927 PRESIDENT'S LETTER To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri:
Brethren: I hand you a report in detail of the officers of the Masonic Home of Missouri. At the Annual Session of the Most "\Vorshipful Grand Lodge or Missouri during the month of October, 1927, held in the Shrine Temple, Kansas City, Missouri, the following directors were elected for three years: Bro. T. W. Cotton, Bro. W. A. Clark, Bro. Jos. S. l\1 cIntyre, Bro. Thos. H. Reynolds. Bro. James R. McLachlan for two years term to expire 1929. At this meeting you are to elect five directors for three years. The terms of the following directors expire: Bro. W. S. Campbell, Bro. Chas. T. Kornbrodt, Bro. Orestes Mitchell, Bro. F. H. Wielandy, Bro. Sol E. Waggoner. At the meeting held in t.he Shrine Temple at Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 26, 1927, and at a meeting held at the Home Jan. 2, J92S, the following officers were elected: Sol E. Waggoner, President.. , Robt. R. Kreeger, First Vice~President.. Joseph S. McIntyre, Second Vice路President.. W. S. Campbell, Treasurer Clarence L. Alexander, Secretary Dr. D. F.Rice, Physician Mrs. W. Waller, Matron of Children Mrs. L. McCue, Matron of Old People
St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Louis,
Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo. Mo.
The Standing Committees for the past year have been as follows: Trustees of the Endowment Fund-Sol. B. Waggoner, R. R. Kreeger, W. W. Martin. Executive Committee-R. R. Kreeger, Chairman; A. A. Johnson, Vice"Chairman; T. W. Cotton, Joseph S. McIntyre, W. S. Campbell, W. A. Clark, W. W. Martin. Finance 'Committee-To W. Cotton, 'Chairman; W. W. Martin, Chas. T. Kornbrodt. House Committee-Jos. S. McIntyre, Chairman; W. S. Campbell, Vice-Chairman; Frank H. Wielandy, Mrs. Edith V. Bader. Legal Committee-A. A. Johnson, Chairman; Jos. S. McIntyre, Orestes Mitchell, Thos. H. Reynolds. Administration 'Committee-Orestes Mitchell, Chairman; Frank H. Wielandy, W. W. Martin.
Medical Staff:
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Francis Reader W. W. Graves J. B. \Vright.. A. H. Conrad
St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. Trenton, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Louis H. Behrens M. A. Bliss D. F. Rice W.A. Clark
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Rudolph Buhman Frank Morse Tholllas A. Hopkins D. L. Harris
St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Jefferson City, Mo. St. St. St. St.
Term expires 1928.
' Term expires 192!).
Louis, Louis, Mo. Louis, Mo. Louis, Mo.
Term ,expires 1930.
OFFICIAL BONDS Sol. E. Waggoner, President, $5,000'.0'0; W. S.Campbell, Treasurer, $135,000.00; Clarence L. Alexander, Secretary, $2,,50,(l.00 ; Mrs. V\T. Waller, Acting Matron, $2,500.00; Trustees of the Endowment Fund: Sol. E. Waggoner, $5,000.00; R. R. Kreeger, $5,0'OQ.00; W. W. Martin, $5.O'OQ.OO.
Fire Tornado On all Buildings and contents $713,800.00 $434,000.00 Steam Boiler Insurance...................................... 10,000.00 Contingent Liability-Compensation 20,000.00 to 40,000.00 General Liability-Compensation 25,000.00 to 50,000.00 ESTIMATED VALUE OF ASSETS Endowmen t Fund cash securities $723,906.19 Estimated value of Woodson property _ _._ _.... 5,000.00 Home grounds _ _ _._, _ _._ _ _ _._ _ 240,000.00 Improvements _ __ _._ 775,000.00 Furnishings _ _ _ _ _.. _._ 165,000.00 $1,908,906.19 COST OF MAINTENANCE Groceries. meats, produce, fruits. etc _ __ _._.$ 94,549.90 7,964.16 Dry gooods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc _._ _ _ .. 20,562.94 Fuel. water, ice, lights, etc _ _.. _ _ _._. __ Laundry and repairs and new machines_._ _ _.. _ _,_ .. 11,483.90 1,497.24 Hospital and Dental supplies _ _ _ _ _ . 1,905.10 Directors for attending meetings _ _ .. Salaries _._ _ """" ",,_,_,,,, __ , 13.065.00 Wages :._ _ __ _ _ . 32,!I03.48 Miscellaneous. investigating applications, daily papers, 8,367.42 disinfecting, phones. petty expense, etc .. $192,299.14
Main tenance of property and general repairs.... $ 6,959.15 Interest paid to donors of bonds from a friend of the Home _ 2,780.75 2,113.81 Insurance . Accrued int. and premium on bonds purchased .. 3,211,25 Taxes on Woodson property and sprinkling tax 194.25 Tuition to Business College .. 219.55 Pu blic Accou n tan t _ .. 100.00 Funeral expense 52.00 Returned to members of the Home family . 384.00 Legal expense .. _._ _ __ . 1,067.29 Transferred from General Fund to Improvement Fund _. __ .. 24,000.00 Transferred from General .Fund to Endowment Fund _.. 10,000.00 Street car fare for members of the Home family 1.32fi.OO Head stones in cemetery _ .. 350.00 0 .. _
52,757.05 $245,056.19
Members of the Home Aug. 31, 1927 Admitted during the past year
127 43
51 8
71 19
170 Discharged during the past year.............. 9 Died during the past year 24
143路 4J
59 3
90 10
Members in the Home Aug. 31, 1928 Average in the Home the past year
5'6 431
ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR The Advisory Board has been most active in the past year in supplying the furnishings throughout the Home where needed. Their great work is in placing a permanent monument in honor of their great Or'll'er of the Eastern Star, in building and completing a most beautiful Chapel at a cost of about $85,000.00 which their Order has financed and expected to be dedicated during this session of the Grand Lodge and I hope no representative will go home without viewing an'll inspecting the handsome Chapel, and in doing so will appreciate the great work being done for the Home by the noble band of women of the Order of the E'astern Star, and the special thanks of the members of the Masonic Order and especially from the Board of Directors is hereby extended to the untiring work of the members of the Advisory Boar'll for the benefit of the Masonic Home at all times. JOHN T. SHORT
Bro. John T. Short, in the discharge of his duties as Superintendent, sUddenly died while dictating a letter Nov. 28, 1927. CROCKETT HARRISON
At a Full Board Meeting April 9, 1928, Bro. Crockett Harrison was elected to the position as Superinten'llent to assume his duties May 1st, 1928. IN CONCLUSION.
In the past year 102 came into the Home with eight applications approved yet to enter, the Board having approved 110 applications. The Home has care'll for 1,723 since it was opened 39 years ago. At the present ratio of applications it will be but a few years when additional buildings must be built to accommDdate the rapid increase, having added to our permanent members 35 in the past year. The dedication of the beautiful Chapel having taken place every member of this Grand Lo'llge was privileged to see the great work of the Order of the Eastern Star in building, financing and presenting it to the Masonic Home. You, also, were on the ground and I hope you thoroughly inspected the Grand monument you have built to the honor of the Masonic Fraternity. And may the blessing of our Supreme architect rest upon each member is my hope and prayer. Fraternally submitted, SOL E. WAGGONER, President.
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI. FROM SEPTEMBER I, 1927. TO AUGUST 31, 1928, INCLUSIVE GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS Sept. 1, 1927. balance on hand _._ Grand Secretary per Capita dues_ _._ $169,922.00 Grand Chapter O. E: S. per capita dues_ _. 19,256.75 Trustees Interest 33,486.58 Treasurer, Interest on Deposits _........................ 4,996.88 Miscellaneous 10,811.60
238,473.81 $434,544.87
DISBURSEMENTS Groceries, meats, produce, fruits. etc _ $ Dry gooods, clothing-, boots, shoes, etc _ _.. _ . Fuel, water. ice, lights. etc _ _ _._ 路 .. I~aundry and repairs and new machines _ __ ._ _ _ . Hospital and dental supplies __ -.. Salaries _ _ _ . Wag-es _ __ _.._._ _ _ _ . Miscellaneous, investigating applications, daily papers, disinfectants, phones, petty expenses, etc _ .
94.549.90 7,964.16 20,562.94 11.483.90 1,905.10 13,065.00 32,903.48 8,367.42
Maintenance of prOl)erty and general repairs.... $ 6,959.15 Interest paid to donors of Bonds from a friend of the Home . 2,780.75 Insurance _ __ __ . 2,113.81 Accrued interest and premium on Bond purchased _ _ __ .. 3.211.25 194.25 Taxes on Woodson property and sprinkling tax Tuition to Business College__ . 219.55 Public A_ccountanL . 100.00 Funeral expenses _ _ _ ""'" 52.00 Returned to members of the Home family . 384.00 Legal expenses _ __ _. 1,067.29 Transferred from General Fund to Improvement Fund _ _ _ _ _ __ .. 24,00q.OO Transferred from General Fund to Endowment Fund _ _ _ __ .",., 10,000.00 Street car fare for members of the Home family 1,325.00 Head stone in Cemetery _ . 350.00 Total
52,757.05 $245,056.19
~;~:~~;e::~g-~:fa;~~._~~.~.~:::::路::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::$189;502:73 .. 路路$189,488.68 Less outstanding checks-
~~: ~~5t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::_::::$::g~ No. 7241.
Available balance Aug. 31, 1928
,._,_., 6.25
14.05 $189,488.68
St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1928. Examined and found correct. H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor.
INITIATION FUND Balance on hand Sept. 1, 1927-. Received from Grand Secretary __ .. __ $ 32,740.00 Treasurer's Interest on Bank Deposits............. 56.41 Masonic Home Endowment Fund Check refunded __ .__ Balance Aug. 31, 1928
__ __
__ __
__ .$ 32,500.00 __ 10,00
176.87 32,796.44
St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1928. Examined and found correct. H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor. IMPROVEMENT FUND Sept. I, 1927, balance on hand.. -__ __ __ l<'rom General J:< und.. __ .. __ .$ 24,000.00 Treasurer. Interest on Deposits __ 85.24
$ 15,630.41
Dis路bursemen ts
$ 39,715.65 <::2,776.65
Balance Aug. 31, 1928
__ __ .. __ .__
__ ,
$ 16,939.00
St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1928.. Examined and found correct. H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor. Fraternally submitted, CLARENCE L. ALEXANDER, Secretary. REPORT OF TREASURER OF MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI. QENERAL FUND Balance on hand Aug. 31, 1927 __ __ Received from Secretary __ Interest on Bank Deposits __ . .__
__ ..
Total Warrants
__ paid __
$196,140.86 233,476.93 4,996.88
__ __ .. __ __ .__
Balance on hand Sept. 1, 1928 : __ .. __ __ Aug. 28-balance in General Fund, Which balance consists ofCash in Telegraphers' National Bank Time certificates of deposit subject to payment on notice as follows: Telegraphe-rs' Bank 4,904 Oct. Franklin-Am. Tr. Co _ _..... 101 July Franklin-Am. Tr. Co __ __ 102 July United States Bank .__ __ . 121,235 July United States Bank __ 121,236 July Miss. Val. 'rrust Co __ __ 7,158 Aug. Security Nat'l Bank __ 710 Aug. Security Nat'l Bank __ 711 Aug. Security Nat'l Bank.................................. 712 Aug. Boatmen's Bank __ __ 255,753 Aug. United States Bank _ 121,272 Aug.
__ .. $434,614.67 245.111.94 $189.502.73 $ 44,502.73
31 days' 31, 25. 25, 25, 25, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1, 1,
1927 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928
10,000.00 10,000.00 5.000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00
Un ited States Bank 121,273 State Nat'l Bank 29,683 l<'ranklin-Am. '1'1'. Co __ 112 Miss. Val. Tr. Co ... __ . .__ .__ 7,159 Securi ty Nat'l Bank .. .. .__ 717 Boatmen's Bank .__ . .. ... __ __ . 255,881 Miss. Val. Trust Co __ .. 7,160 Miss. Val. Trust Co __ 7,161
~~~~~g ~~g~ :::::::::::::::::::::::----路路路路.:::::::::::::U~:g~
Aug. 1. Aug. 4, Aug-. 4, Aug. 4. Aug. 11. Aug. '14, Aug. 14, Aug. 14, Aug. 19. Aug. 19.
1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 ) 928 1928 1928
5,000.00. 5,000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 $189,502.73
TELEGRAPHERS' NATIONAL BANK Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri. Attention Mr. S. E. Waggoner, President. Gentlemen: This is to certify that there was on deposit to the credit of the Masonic Home of Missouri at the close of business Aug. 31, 1928, on the General Fund a balance of Forty-four Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-siX Dollars and Twenty Cents, ($4-4,5'86.20) which includes $83.47 interest credited on August 29th. Very truly yours, H. B. OFFENBACHER, Vice-President. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1928. Examined and found correct. H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor. IMPROVEMENT FUND Balance on hand SC!)t. 1. U27,.. __ . Received from Secretary . .. __ .. Interest on Deposits__ . .. .__ .____ 'Varrants paid
__ .__ .
.. __ __.. __.. __ $ 15,630.41 .. __ .__ __ ._ 24,000.00 .. ... _ 85.24
$ 39,715.65
On hand Aug. 31, 1928
22,776.65 ....
... __ .... __ .. $ 16,939.00
BREMEN BANK St. Louis, Mo., August 31, 1928. Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sirs: The balance to the .credit of the Masonic Home of Missouri, Improvement Fund, as it appears on our books at the close of
business August 30th, including the interest, $7.38, for August, amounts to $16,946.38. Very respectfully, A. H. RELLER, President. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1928. Examined and found correct. H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor. INITIATION FUND Balance on hand August 31, 1927.. _ __ Received from Secretary In terest on Deposi ts __ _
$ _
. .
$32,983.31 32,520.00
Warrants paid On hand Aug. 31, 1928
186.87 32.740.00 56.44
._. __ .. ._._._
.__ .. __ .
TELEGRAPHERS' NATIONAL BANK St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1928. Masonic Home of Missouri. St. Louis, Mo. Attention: Mr. S. E. Waggoner, President. Gentlemen: This is to certify that there was on deposit with this Bank to the credit of the Masonic Home of Missouri, at the close of business August 31, 1928, 6n the Initiation Fund, a balance of Four Hundred Sixty-nine Dollars and Three Cents ($469'.03) which amount includes interest in the amount of $5.72 credited on August 29th. Very truly yours, H. B. OFFENBACHER, Vice-President. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5, 1928. Examined and found correct. H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor. Fraternally submitted, W. S. CAMPBELL, Treasurer.
1928.] MASONIC
List of securities and assets belonging to the Masonic Home Endowment Fund: No. Amount 44 __ $ 4,600.00 47 __ 10,000.00 55 _ _....................................... 9,500.00 65 _.................. 1,500.00 66..................................................................... 3,600.00 67 _........................................ 3,000.00 70..................................................................... 3,000.00 76 _ _ _.... 12,500.00 77 _.. _ 4,000.00 81. __ _ _........... 1,400.00 88 _ __ _ _.......... 15,00 O. 0 0 90 : _.................. 1,500.00 100 _.......................... 3,000.00 105 __ __ .. 6,600.00 路110 _ __ 15,000.00 111.. _. __ _ __ _ _......... 7,500.00 112 _ _ _ __ _ _.. _....... 12,000.00 113._ __ _ __ 5,000.00 115 10,000.00 117 _ _ _ __ .. 3,000.00 118........ 2,500.00 120 _ _ .. 4,000.00 121.. _ _.. _.. 3,000.00 122_ __ __ 3,500.00 125_ __ 2,400.00 128 __ :.. _ __ _............ 3.200.00 129._................... .. __ __ .. __ 1,200.00 130 _ _ __ _ __ __ .__ 700.00 131...... _ _ _.. __ 800.00 132 _ ,_ _............ .. __ __ .. 1,500.00 133 __ .. _ __ __ ._.. 2,500.00 134,. __ __ 1,200.00 135 _............ 8,500.00 136_ __ .___ 300.00 137..._............... __ .. _ _ 2,400.00 138 _ 4,000.00 139...................... _._... 4,000.00 140 __ _ _................. 1,200.00 141.... . .. 1,500.00 142_ _ __ 4,000.00 143_ _.. _........................... 5,00-0.00 145 _ _.......................... 4,000.00 147 __ _............................ 2,150.00 148 _ __ __ _.. _ _ _... 7 400.00 151.. _ _._ 2,500.00 155 __ _ _... 6.000.00 156 __ _.. 2,000.00 159 __ _ __ _ __ 2,500.00 160_ .. _ _ 14,000.00 161. .. _....................... __ _ __ 2,000.00 163 __ 3,000.00 165 _ _ _ _..................... 3,750.00 166 __ .. _ __ _ 3,500.00 167.. _ __ _.............. 2,000.00 169 _. __ _........... 4,000.00 170...... . _ 2,750.00 171.. _ 1,200.00 173 __ _ __ __ _... 2,400.00 174 _ _ 9,000.00 175 _................................................................ 2,000.00 0
Interest paid to Mar. 3, 1928 Mar. 2, 1928 Apr. 20, 1928 July 3, 1928 June I, 1928 Aug. 6, 1928 Jan. 18, 1928 Feb. 23, 1928 Apr. 3, 1928 Apr. 12, 1928 July 30, 1928 Dec. I, 1927 April 28, 1928 March I, 1928 Aug. 16, 1928 June 1, 1928 Feb. 12, 1928 Mar. 9, 1928 Mar. 28, 1928 May 7, 1928 June 18, 1928 June 18, 1928 May 25, 1928
Oct. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Dec. Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov. Feb. Feb. Mar. June Sept. Sept. Dec. Dec. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Apr. May
15, 22, 1, 13, 31, 17, 4, 4, 18. 30, I, 31, 22, 2, 6, 11, 11, 11, 17, 11, 27, 3. 20, 2, 18, 7, 19, 21, 18, 20, 11, 18, 24,
1928 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1928 1928 19'<18 1928 1927 1927 1927 1927 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928
176 _............... _ _ _ . 177 _................. _ __ _ _ _.. _.. _._. __ __ .._.. _ _ __ 178_ _....... 179 _ _ _ _._._. 180 _....... . _._ . 181. _ _ . 182 _ _ .__ . 183 . _. __ _._ . 184_ 185 _ _ . 186 _ 187 __ __ 188 __ ._ __ . 189 _ . 190 ._. _ . 192 _ __ _ ___ . 19:{_ _. _ _. . . 194 __ _._ ._._._.__ _ _ . 195 _ .. _._ _._ _ 196 _.. _.. _ ___ _ _.. 198 __ .. _._ _.. _ _. 199 _ __ .. _ _ . 200 _ __ .. 201. __ _ . 202 . 203 . 204 .. _. ._ _ . 205 __ _._ _ _ _ 206_ . 207._ _ 208 .. .__ _ .. _ _.. 209 . 210 . 211.. .. . 212 . 213_ . 214_ __ _ __ _ . 215 . 211'. 217 . 218_ 219 220 ..
500.00 2,200.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 4.250.00 3,250.00 1,000.00 2.500.00 2,000.00 800.00 2,200.00 3,500.00 1,100,00 1,200,00 2,682.40 6,500.00 400.00 6,000.00 1,200.00 2.500.00 2,500.00 7,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 4.000.00 1,500.00 800.00 750.00 1,000.00 2.800.00 3,200.00 2.400.00 1.600.00 5.. 000.00 4.000.00 3,000.00 1,400.00 4,000.00 6,500.00 1.500.00 1,600.00 2.000.00 2,500.00
$383,782.40 313,000.00 5,168.00 6,000.00 500.00 15,455.79
Estimated 'value Woodson property...
$723.906.19 5,000.00
lJ. S. and Land Bank Bonds _ Rice Estate.. _ __ Rife Securities , Erdhaus Estate_ _........ In Bank._.. _.._._....
Aug. July Dec. Feb.
17, 9, 17, 5,
Mar. Apr.
15, 1928 15, 1928
June March Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec. Oct. March Apr. Apr. May March March Apr. ,July .July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Mal'. Jan. Jan. Feb. March May June .July July Aug.
1928 1928 1927 1928
1, 1928
1. 1928 I, 1927 I, 1927
8, 2, 1, 1, 20, 30, I, 1, 28, 7, 15, 15, 15, 20, 10, 1, 1, 1, I,
1, 1, 1, 1. 1. 24, I,
15, 9, 9, I, I,
1927 1927 1927 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 192, 1928 In/:! 1!l28 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928
$728,906.19 CLASSIFIED FUNDS. 5% First Mortgage Real Estate Notes __ _ _ $ 15,000.00 6 % First Mortgage Real Estate Notes_..... 356.782.40 6 % % First Mortgage Real Estate Notes............. 12,000.00 U. S. Liberty and Land Bank Bonds, 414 to 5 % __ ............._ .... 313,000.00 Rice Estate __ ._ _ _. _............... 5,168.00 Rife Securities 6,000.00
Erdhaus Estate Cash in Ban k
. .
$723,906.19 5,000.00
Estimated value Woodson Property..... Total CIJASSIFICATION OF THE
500.00 15,455.79
. .. $ 728,906.19 FUND,
Knights Templar Fund.. James L. KirkendalL.... . . W. S. Smith Fund . T. W. Higgins l ..' und........ . . James W. Harris Fund . Masonic Home Certificate Fund . Ferdinand Herrold Fund . John B. Croshaw Fund . Jacob F. Gemlich Fund . Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Fund . Grand Chapter Hoyal and Select Masters Fund T. W. Cottoil Fund Orville A. and Maria Haynes Fund..... . A. M. Hough Fund . Jacob Lampert Fund . Mrs. E. Wurz Fund . Adolph Gluck Fund . Parralle Masseng-ale' Fund . Mrs. Lillie L. Fletcher Fund . Frederick A. Logan Fund . Robert Elliott Black Fund . . Nathan SchlosR Fund . A. P. Christianson Fund . Rice Estate . Hugh HartRhorn Fund ~ . Wm. Pamprin Fund . Morgena;;;on Fund . Otto E. and Mrs. Grant Howard I<'und. General Fund . Julius C. Garrell Fund . \Var Relief Loyal Service Fund . James W. Boyd Fund . Ararat Temple. Kansas City. Fund . Mrs. Willie A. Woods Fund . Grotto and Shrine Fund . Morris and Ella Leftwich Fund . Mrs. May Lynch Fund . A. P. Fletcher J<'und........ . . Frank Beecher Fund . A. M. Dockery Fund . Edward H. Meier Fund Wm. H. Potter Estate Fund. J. C. Jacquith ERtate Fund . Initiation Fund . . Nicholas R. Wall Fund..... . . A braham Palan Fund.............. . . Bonds from a Friend of the Home. sold for . Maggie NicholRon F u n d . . . . . .. IJouisa Yott Fund.................... . . Gustav Bischoff Fund............ . . W. L. Tamme Fund............... . . Erdhaus Estate-secured and unsecured . Henry T. Kilpatrick Fund ... Wm. A. Hall Fund . Henry Siegfried . Edward Meyer .
$ 35.114.00 13,150.00 11,730.00 5,000.00 1,665.74 1,117.60 500.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 3.000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 . 1,000.00 . 5,000.00 30,000.00 500.00 500.00 806.60 1.000.00 500.00 1.000.00 932.83 2.067.91 fil.096.35 1,850.00 1,000.00 500.00 1.000.00 128,749.03 1,000.00 7,107.50 50000 500.00 3,000.00 17.0fi6.9fi 1.800.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,442.48 1.000.00 fiOO.OO 13.30fi.50 19.122.111 241.500.00 500.00 584.70 fi2.218.75 550.36 500.00 500.00 550.00 7.665.32 2,000.00 500.00 1.000.00 500.00
Chas. V. B. Slade .. _.. __ _.. .. Robert F. Stevenson Glen Marquis __ ._. ... . . . Frank L. Schofield_ ... _ __ ._ .. __ ._ ..... . ... ... .. __ n. M. Wilson __._ __ .. _ Mary E. Clapp __ _ Samuel Rife _ E. C. Robinson __ B. S. Schwarz_ Brocket A. Dickeson .. . . Geo. F. Bergfeld__________ _ . _ Cash in Bank ... _ Estimated value Woodscn Property.
. .. ..
9,548.i5 13,992.13 1,105.1 4 1,000.00 528.00 3,405.09 7,500.00 2,500.00 692.83 1,000.00 500.00 15,455.79 $723,906.19 5,000.00
August 31, 1928. CERTIF-ICAT'E OF BALANCE. This is to certify that at the close of business August 30, 1928, the balance standing to the credit of Masonic Home (Endowment Fund), S. E. Waggoner, President, according to our records was FIFTEEN THOUS'AND ji"'OUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY-NINF.J C'ENTS ($15,478.99), subject to check. P. S.-$23.20 interest for the months of July and August is included in above figures. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ST. LOUIS, C. W. Allison, Assistant Auditor. F 226 10 Env. St. Louis, Mo., August 31, 1.928. . Brother Sol E. Waggoner, President of the Masonic Home of Missouri, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees; C. L. Alexander, Secretary of the Masonic Home; Dr. Tolman W. Cotton, Chairman of the Finance Committee;' W. W. Martin, member of the Finance Committee; and myself, as Auditor, met this day by appointment, examined and checked the secur'ities of the Endowment Fund in the Safe Deposit Vaults of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of St. Louis, Missouri, and found them to be correct as presented in the foregoing statement. The following summary proves the totals to be correct: Endowment Fund as per report August 31, 1927._ .. Received during past year as per Trustees' Report____ Total Cash Securi ties
._ ..
.. __
$679,216.60 49,689.59
$7 28, 906.19
(Signed) H. CLAY PERKINS, Auditor.
To the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home: Your Committee on Finance begs leave to make the following report: Assisted ,by the President and Secretary of the Board and B.other Henry C. Perkins, Public Accountant, a careful check of all the securities was made. We find the endowment fund invested as follows: 5% First Mortgage Real Estate Notes $ 15,000.00 6% First Mortgage Real Estate Notes __ . 356,782.40 ~state Notes .. __ __ . __ 12,00.0.00 1 U. S. Liberty and Land Bank Honds (4 / 2 % to 5 % ) .__ .__ .. 313,000.00 Rice Estate .. __ .. __ . . __.____________ 5,168.00 Rife Securities .. __ __ __ __ __ . 6,000.00 Erdhaus ~state . . __ ..__ __ __. .. 500.00 Cash in Bank __ .. __ .. .. __ __ __ . 15,455.79
6 Vz % First Mortgage Real
F:stimated Value, Woodson Property. __ .. TotaL
$723,906.19 5,000.00
$ 728, 906.19
The increase in the Endowment Fund for the year was $49,689.59. The interest return from the endowment was $33,486.58, an increase in interest of. $4,349.99. Our audit gives every evidence of the care and skill used in the investment of our funds. Interest payments are made promptly. Every loan was in splendid condition, and the Masonic Fraternity can well be prOUd of the fact that in the history of the Home not one cent of endowment money has ever been lost, a record equalled by very few loaning agencies and excelled by none. T. W. COTTON, W. W. MARTIN. All of the above securities are kept by the Trustees of the Endowment Fund in the safe deposit box in St. Louis, Mo., rented by the Masonic Home, access to which can be had only by the presence of two or more of the Trustees of the Endowment Fund, or one of said Trustees accompanied by the President of the Masonic Home, Or by one of said Trustees accompanied by one or more members of the Finance Committee of the Masonic Home, or by one of the said Trustees accompanied by the Secretary of tbe Board or the Grand Secretary of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri. At a Full Board Meeting beld January 1, 1926, the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, that the publication of special memorial gifts be limited to amounts of $500.00 or more, and that all smaller donations to the Endowment Fund be placed in the General Endowment Fund, provided that each contribution to the Endowment Fund is to be acknowledged in the Annual Report of the Home in the year which it is received. The Endowment Fund has increased in the past year $49,689.59 from the following: Initiation Fund $32,500.00, General Fund, $10,000.00, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrington $400.00, Premium on Bonds $100.00, Erdhaus E~state $1,685.32, M. A. Lovey $25.0'0, Rybolt Property $198.94, Bro. E. C. Ro'binson $2,500.0'0, R. F. Stevenson Estate $37.50, Wm. T. Tumme $50.00, B. S. Schwarz $692.83, Brocket A. Dickson $1,000.00, Geo. T. Bergfield $500.00. All of the above placed in the hands of the Trustees. The cash on hand is deposited in the First National Bank in St. Louis, Mo., to the credit of the "Masonic Home Endowment };'und," drawing two per cent interest on daily balances. The total interest received on loans, bonds and daily balances amounted to $33.486.58, which was paid to the Secretary of the Masonic Home. Fraternally submitted, SOL. E. WAGGONER, R. R. KREEGER, W. W. MARTIN, ,Trustees. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Kansas City, Mo., August 15, 1928.
Ah. Sol E. Waggoner, President, Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Brother Waggoner: On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Masonic Home Board, we submit the following report for the, Masonic Year now drawing to a close. As in the past, this has been a busy year; requiring the most careful and best thought of the Committee, and those charged with the duty of looking after the welfare of the Home family. The questions presented change a little with each year and each proposition must have, and is given, sincere and charitable consideration,
and an effort made to reach a conclusion in harmony with the tenets of Freemasonry. The members of the Committee, as well as those of the Board of Directors, and its Advisory members, are, in the main, men and women who have made the subject of Masonic charity the study of their lives, and are well grounded in its fundamentals. They are .improving the opportunity to serve their less fortunate Brothers and Sisters, and their dependents. The Grand Lodge and Order of the Eastern Star have generously provided sufficient funds to care for the comfort of both the old and the young members of the family. To jUdicially manage, and economically expend the money furnished for such purpose has been our never-ceasin'g aim. . As the Home grows older and its family increases in membership, many serious and trying question's are presented for solution. Among these is the one as to what shall be done with some dear, old Brother or Sister who has been a cheerful and happy member of the family for possibly many years, but whose mental condition has become such, as a result of the ravages of time, that they become a menace to the others. The Committee, as well as the full Board, when considering such cases, has uniformly determined that the peace of mind, or possibly the life of any member must not be put in jeopardy on account of their failure to take the necessary action to insure the safety of the others, and has ~ad this class of unfortunates taken back to the Lodges whence they came. We are very thankful that only a few such cases require any action on our part. The net in.crease of thirty-nine in the Home family during the last year, suggests the thought that it will require only a few more years to reach the capacity of our comfortable housing facilities, and it behooves us to soon begin to make arrangements to satisfactorily meet such a condition. Our faith in the loyalty and generosity of the Fraternity and the O. E. S. is such that we believe the necessary funds with which to meet this additional expense will be supplied when needed. The general conditions at the Home are satisfactory and the family seems to be happy and contented, from the babes of only a very few years of age to those with approximately a century behind them. Every need is being looked after, not only tempo..aI, but spiritual, and the thanks of the Management, as
well as the beneficiaries are due the Frat~rnity and O. E. S. for their thoughtfulness and generosity. The wonderful devotitm and loyalty to the home family and the helpful ministrations of the Advisory Members of the Board, and the generosity of the Order of the Eastern Star still challenge our most sincere admiration. During the year they have been more active, if possible, in their efforts in the best interests of old and young than in any previous year. In addition to supplying much furniture and many other articles for the happiness and convenience of the Home family's temporal needs, they have had constructed, and paid for out of funds contributed by the Order, and actually made' the Home a present of, a beautiful and magnificent Chapel, at a cost of approximately $90,000.00, in which are to be conducted religious and other services intended to contribute to the happiness and spiritual uplift of humanity. As future generations look on this splendid monument to the kindly consideration of this organization someone possibly may exclaim, "Somebody made a loving gift, Somebody tried a load to lift." Fraternally, R. R. KREEGER, Chairman. SUPERINTENDENT'S RE?ORT.
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 30, 1928. Sol E. vVaggol1er, President, Masonic Home Board, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir and Brother: I came to the Home May 1st last, as Superintendent. The Home had been without a Superintendent for some months, the work having been cared for yourself and your assistants. I found the Home wonderfully organized and managed. I have as best I could picked up the work from day to day, and tried to do the work of a Superintendent just as fast as my experience would allow me. I have had all the good help, assistance and information that you and your assistants could give me from your years of experience, which I very much appreciate. I only hope the members of the Home family both old and young, and the management are as willing to accept my assistance as I feel that I am to give it, and hope that I may be a real help to the Home.
From all indications the membership is going to increase rapidly, and the work of the Home and the good it may do will be increased as time goes on. On behalf of the Management and members of the Home family, I wish to express our appreciation and thanks for all the entertainment and good times given the Home family by the Christmas Committee, and others, who have given so freely of their time in various ways to make it pleasant for us. Fraternally submitted, CROCKETT HARRISON, Superintendent. REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE.
July 31, 1928.
Mr. Sol E. Waggoner, President, Masonic Home of Mi.ssouri. Dear Sir and Brother: The past year has been a very pleasing one to your committee, because of the activities of all departments of the Home in carrying on the work {)f the Home in a beautiful spirit of co-operation. The Board has had the enthusiastic support of everyone in carrying on the great work in which we are engaged.
As in the past, we have had throughout the year the fullest cooperation and support by members of the Advis{)ry Board of the Order of the Eastern Star, for which' we desire to express OUi" hearty appreciation. The Order which they represent has nearing completion on the Home grounds, a beautiful chapel, which will ~ong constitute a monument to their helpfulness and zeal for the right. P..espectfully submitted, ORESTES MITCHELL, W. W. MARTIN, FRANK H. WIELANDY, Committee.
Aug. 31, 1928.
Mr. Sol E. Waggoner, President, !Y/ asonic Home, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir and Brother: Please find herewith the re[o1't of your House Committee for the Masonic year ending August 31st, 1928. . Our family has been both large and happy this year. We have admitted into the Home during this year children and adults, giving us in the aggregate 396 members as of this 'date. We now have in our Nursery 6 tiny tots of the following ages co-wit: eighteen months to 36 months. We wish every Freemason in the State of Missouri could visit our "Nursery" and, for that matter, all the departments of our Home, where they are always most welcome to the Management, and see for themselves the wonderful M,asonic work, which through their generosity we are carrying on in the Home. The Christmas Committee selected by and from the various Masonic Lodges and Bodies in St. Louis has far outgrown its name, and by its generous gifts and manifold activities throughout the year, has br.ought much cheer and comfort to the members of our Home. Likewise, certain Lodges, a number of Chapters and many individuals have given generously of their time and money to bring' added sunshine to both our children and old people. The Advisory Board of the Eastern Star, like Tennysou's Brook, goes on forever with its countless contributions to the Home family, of which the outstanding event is always the dinner on New Year's Day, when there is not only the dinner, but various gifts, including a certain amount of money for each one. The two outstanding events of the year are the change in our Superintendent, and, the completion of our Chapel. On the 28th day of November, 1927, our Superintendent M. W. Brother John T. Short was suddenly called to the Celestial Lodge above. His great work for the Home was his superintendency of the remodeling of the Jewish Hospital Building into what we now call the Master's Lodge, which is occupied by aged men. In due coursâ&#x201A;Ź Bro. Crockett Harrison of Fulton, Mo., was chosen on the 8th day of April, this year, to take up the work where Bro. Short had left off. During the interim Sister W¡aller carried much of the work
"hich properly belongs to the Superintendent, and splendidly she did it too-as she does all things which are entrusted to her. The other item of unusual significance, the Chapel, recently completed and will be dedicated by the Grand Lodge the day before the annual session of the Grand Lodge next month. The ·Chapel is a gift from the Easter Star Sisters of Missouri and is a splendiu building which rounds out beautifully our large group of buildings constituting the Home. Our sincere thanks are always extended to the various Lodges, Chapters, Bodies, and persons who have given of their time and subst.ance for the cheer and comfort of the members of our Masonic Home during the year. The affairs of the Home are in every way in a condition satisfactory to your Committee. Fraternally submitted, JOS. S. McINTYRE, Chairman. HOSPITAL REPORT.
Aug. 30, 1928. Mr. Sol E. UT aggoner, P"esident, Masonic Home of M i'ssouri, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir and Brother:
I herewith submit the following tabular report of the cases treated in the Masonic Home during the last y€ar ending September 1, 1928. During the year covered by this report we have had about the same number of chronic eases among the older members of the Home family. We have had about the usual number of deaths, mostly due to their advanced years. As yet \ve have not had a death among the children. This is to be considered a 'great deal more as we are now admitting them at a younger age than during the past, a few joining us at the age of two.or a little past. We have not had any contagious case this year. This is due to having the children all vaccinated and immunized against this type of disease. I wish to thank Mrs. Waller, Matron of bhe children, and Mrs. McCue, Matron of the old people, for all the assistance they have given me, also the members of the Medical Staff for the kind and prompt assistance rendered by them. The unusual smooth fun-
ning of the Hospital this year has been greatly due to the kind and loving care of Mrs. In€z Miller, our Head Nurse. Total average cases treated this year Total average cases treated last year
264 255 9
Increase Cases Treated
AdultsM·ales . Females GhildrenBoys Girls Helpl\Iales !f'emales
79·4 1,239
343 496 170 128
Yours fraternally, DR. D. F. RICE, Home Physician. REPORT OF LEGAL COMMITTEE.
Sol E. Waggoner, Esq., President Masonic II owe of M issou.ri. Dear Sir and Brother: The plan adopted two years ago, whereby your Legal Commit· tee have handled the routine matters calling for the services of an Attorney, we believe has worked very satisfactorily. By pursuing this course we have avoided the expense of a regular paid attorney for the Home and have only been required to employ counsel in two instances to represent the Home in matters pending in court. We believe that the Icga1 affairs of the Home are in excellent condition. WILL.
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRffiSENTS that I, . of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, publish and declare this as and for my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills and testaments by me heretofore made.
FIRST: It is my will and desire, and I hereby direct that all my just debts, including the expense of my last illness and funeral be paid in full. SECOND: I give and bequeath unto the Masonic Home of Missouri, a corporation organized and existing under and in pursuance of the laws of the State of Missouri, the sum of . Dollars. (Testator may also insert such other provisions in his will as he sees fit.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal.this day of / : , 19 . Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named ................................................Testator, in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto on this ~ day of .. ............................................................................, 19 At the time of the signing of same the said . Testator was of sound and disposing mind.
According to the law of our State, it is absolutely necessary that the signature of the testator be witnessed by two witnesses. Respectfully, ARCH A. JOHNSON, ORESTES MI'l'CHELL, JOS. S. McINTYRE, Legal Committee. LETTER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM THE MATRON OF THE CHILDREN.
As Matron or Mother of the children of our Masonic Home, it is a great pleasure to give you a short report of our past year. n has been an unusually busy year and I am grateful to my co-workers for their assistance and loyal support. Many of our children enjoyed a summer vacation with relatives and those remaining at. Home have faithfully carried on the work of the Home and found time to enjoy the swimming pool and many pleasant outings. June 2nd was "Home Coming Day" and ninety-eight who had once been children in the Masonic Home, registered. It was a
great pleasure to see them meet and recognize each other after many years of separation, and ,hear them recall pleasant days spent in the Home. The different Bodies of St. Louis have done so much during the last year for the entertainment of the children that we have not the space to mention same in detail. However, in behalf of the children, I want to thank each one for the joy and pleasure they have brought to the Home. The Christmas Committee followed their usual custom and generously remembered us each holiday with appropriate gifts. Between holidays they furnished entertainment in the way of picnics, boat excursion, shows and watermelon feast. They also furnished the children with balls, bats, tennis balls and rackets. In fact, the Christmas 90mmittee is a REAL SANTA CLAUS each month in the year. The O. E. 'S. Gift Giving Day was well attended by the O. E. S. Grand Officers. After the distribution of the presents, the remainder of the day was spent visiting with members of the Home family. The O. E. S. Advisory Board has kept us well supplied with linens, rugs, beddings, etc. They have furnished new beds in the children's ward of the hospital. The Advisory Board is so willing and ready at all times to do their part that it makes my part of the work much easier. They have been sisters, indeed, to us in our work. In regard to the health of our children, too much praise can路 not be given Dr. Rice, who answers our call at any hour-day or night-and gives our children every attention. Next to Dr. 路Rice comes Mrs. Miller, head nurse, who at all times sees to our children receiving proper care. To the President, Board of Directors, House Committee and Advisory Board, I wish to express my appreciatiop. and especially to the P~esident, Bro. Waggoner, for the good advice given me for the past eight years. I am truly grateful for every kindness shown me and I have tried to give you my best service. Fraternally, WILMOTH WALLER, Matron. LETTER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM THE MATRON OF THE OLD PEOPLE.
Another year has passed.
Our old people number 2140, men
137, women 103. Some have passed away and many others have come. The general health of our old people has been good due to the close attention of Dr. Rice and Mrs. Miller, head nurse. 75 members are patients in the hospital. Quite a number have had vacations and the remainder have enjoyed the summer at Home. '1'here have been many entertainments throughout the year. We wish to thank the C~ristmas 'Committee for Christmas gifts, 'boat excursion, watermelon feast, shows and chicken dinner. Also the Eastern Star for the gifts on January 1st. Pilgrim Lodge, Tower Grove Lodge, Past Matron and Past Patrons Club, the Masters and Wardens Club, Job's Daughters and the DeMolays. I desire to thank the President, Board of Directors and the Superintendent for kindly advice and I will at all times work for the comfort of the Old People and the good of the Home. Fraternally, LUELLA McCUE, Matron. REPORT OF ADViSORY COMMITTEE.
Aug. 30, 1928. Mr. Sol E. Waggoner, President, Masonic Home of lvf issouri,
St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir and Brother: Last year's report of the work of 1Jhe O. E. S. Advisory Board, brought to a close the furnishing of the additional rooms of the greater Masonic Home, and we rejoiced in the aC'hievement. In this report we 'bring tidings of great joy because of the completion of the new and handsome Chapel, erected on the Masonic Home grounds by permission of the Board, and through the contributions from the Chapters and O. E. S. Clubs interested in the welfare of t:tte Home, and in Our work. The building of this Chapel has been no small responsibility, and but for your wise council and ai~, together with the encouragement of the members of the Home Board, we would sometimes have felt burdened. But having had the hearty co-operation of all concerned, we feel rewarded, and confident of the approval of those whom we serve. The sudden death of Bro..John Short, robbed us of a valuable
advisor, one in whose judgment we felt safe, and we have missed him greatly. We truly appreciate the faith manifested in our efforts, the ad vice so' kindly and graciously given, and the friendship which exists between your Board and ours. ~hile our thoughts and la'bors have been somewhat centered ill one great object, (tohe completion of the Chapel), we have nevertheless kept up our end of the job of meeting all requisitions for linens, and other supplies as heretofore. Our New Year's party was, as we hoped, a more joyous event than the one of the previous year, and it shall be our aim to make each succeeding year enter with increased pleasure for our beloved family. Contributions received for the furtherance of our work, have been generous as usual, amounting to approximately $10,000.00. With the Chapel finished, the rooms furnished, and supply rooms filled, we will be looking for some other big thing to do, so do not hesitate to let us know wherein we may be helpful. Our very best wishes are. with Bro. Harrison in his work as Superintendent and we hope th8.,t he too will call upon us if in any way we can be of service in this wonderful Home. Yours fraternally, ELLA JEAN FLANDERS, President, EDITH V. BADER, Secretary, JOSEPHINE S. FISHER, Treasurer.
Agel Admitted
Amanda M. Roush .••... ~mma P. Smith .••••••. Mary P. Dudgeon .••••.• Louis A. Wagner ••••.• Mrs. Robt. E. Arthur .•• Wm. H. Maxwell .••••.. Nancy E. WaddelL ••... Hester A. Maxwell .•••. Minnie A. Henley .••... Catherine Ellis .••••••. Mrs. Frances Roebuck .. ~dgar C. Bilyeu Mrs. Fannie Stulce ••••. Chas. A. Morrison ..•••• Alex. Hazen ..•..•••••• Harriett McArthur ••••. Mrs. Mary R. Boyd •••.• Miss Eliza B. !V1arvin ••• Mrs. E. Hat1iaid ..••.•.. Susan Adams .•••.•.•. Sylvester ~. l:)mith ..•.. Chas. T. Arthur ..••.•.. John W. McCanne ..••.. David T. Martin ..••.••. Elmer E. Brown ..•.••. Mrs. Ann Jane Hogan .. Mrs. Ruth WUlhunson .. Thomas B. Moss ..•••••. Charles Gantz .•••••••• Sanford H. Spence ••••. Briggs P. Sims ••••••.. Louisa Smith' ..•••••••. George W. Moore .••••. Thos. Isaac Barnes ••••. W. P. Davis .•••••..•••. Nancy D. Spradling .... Martha Ann Craft •••••. DaVid T. Morris .•••.•.. Chas. Amos Reed ••••..• Chas. Goldstein .•••.••. Davie Smith Leslie •••• James H. Tillman .••••. Lillian Rivers •.•.••••. Norman Paul Chambers Lola Marie Chambers .. Sarah E. Schofield Edw. L. Loef ..••••••••• Eliza P. Kirkham ....•. Luc1l1e F. Carney .••••. Eliza J. Jones ..••••.••• Paul M. Masters ..•.•••. James W. Crail ..•.•... Laura Venable •••••••. Albert M. SmUie ...••••. Irene Z. Smilie .•..••••. Mildred Clifton Margarite Masters •••.. Mrs. G. E. BelL •..•••.• Mrs. Anna R. Fodrea ... Evaline Clifton ..•.•••.
I IDee.. IMay. IJan .. INov .. ISeot .. IFeb .. IOct.. ISept.. IMay. ISept.. IDee.. IJan.. IApril. IOct.. INov.. IDee.. IApril, IJuly. IJuly. INov .. IDee.. IJan .. IJan... IJune. INov.. INov .. IJan .. 1M arch. IJune. ISept., INov.. INov... IMarch. IJune. IAug.. ISept., JOct.. IOct.. IDee.. IDee.. IOct.. IFeb.. IMarch. IMarch. IMarch. IJune, IAug .. IDee.. IFeb.. IMarch. IMay. IMay. IJuly. ISept.. ISent.. ISept.. INov .. ISept.. IDee., IDee.. I I
No. \
88 81 76 93 84 95 83 88 71 73 83 48 73 81 75 81 82 83 73 79 83 69 82 80 67 78 85 87 72 81 82 69 93 83 81 76 90 80 81 70 79 78 20 14 12 81 79 75 14 74 11
82 67 12 11
13 16 59 63 14
1890 Wilson •....•...• 1906 Cosmos •.••..•.. 1909 Fayette •........ 190~ Missouri •••..•... 191(\ Hannibal . 1911 Linn .••..•...... 1911 Keystone .•...... 1911 Linn . 1912 Polar Star •.•..•• 1912 Beacon •••.••..•• 1912 Carthage •.•.••.. 1913 Iberia ••••••..... 1913 Sull1van Ch . 1913 Lexington •....• 1913 Trenton •••••.•. 1913 Keystone •••••••• 1914 I<'erguson Ch. • ••. 1914 C11nton •••••••••. 1914 Barbee Ch••••••• 1914 Good Hope •••••• 1914 Mt. Moriah •••••• 19Hi Rowley ••••••••. 1915 Jacksonv1lle ••••. 1915 Hamilton •••••••• 1915 Mt. M.oriah ••••.. 1915 Anchor .•••.••••• 1916 Uccidental ••••••• 191b Joachim ••••••••• 1916 Heacon •••••••••• 1916 Uaark ••••••••••• 1916 Hois D'Arc •••••• 1916 diram ••••••••••. 1917 Ada ••••••••••••• 1917 Sullivan ••••••••• 1917 Vienna •••••••••• 1917 Mystio Tie •••••• 1917 Craft •••••••••••• 1917 Cyrena •••••••••• 1917 urand Lodge •••. 191/ St. Louis •••••••. 1917 b'alrmount •••••• 1918 United •.•••••••• 1.918 Elvlns •••••••••• 1918 Adair •••••••..•. 1918 Adair •••••••.... 1918 Craft •••••••••.•• 1918 Golden ••••••.... 1,918 Linn Creek ••••.• 1919 Crane ••••••••... 1919 Ava •..••••.••... 1919 Golden .. 1919 Agricola ••••••••• 1919 Rose H1l1, O. E. S. 1919 Daggett •••..•••• 1919 Daggett •••....•. 1919 St. John . 1919 Golden .. 1919 Fulton ..••••.•.. 1919 Tuscan O. E. S•••. 1919 St. Johns
I 191 IPocahontas 282 ,'St. Louts 47 Fayette 1 St. Louis 188 IHannibal 326 ILlnn 243 St. Louis 326 ILinn 79 1St. Louis 3 81. Louis 197 ICarthage 410 lIberia 105 ISullivan 149 ILexington 111 ITrenton 243 1St. Louis 188 IFayette 548 IClInton 31 1St. LouIs 218 St. Louis 40 1St. Louis 204 Dearborn 541 Jacksonville 224 Hamilton 40 1St. Louis 443 1St. Louis 163 1St. Louis 164 \HIllSboro 3 St. Louis 297 IFair Grove 449 Bois D'Arc 362 \KahOka 444 Orrick 69 Sullivan 94 IVienna 221 (Oak Ridge 287 ICanton 14 IEolia St. Joseph 20 St. Louis 290 Wyaconda 5 1Springfield 599 IFlat River 366 IKirksvllle 366 IKirksville 287 ICanton 4751GOIden City 152 Linn Creek 519 Crane 26 Ava 475 Golden City 343 IPetersbur g 120 St. Louis 492 IMcKitrick 492 IMcKitrick 28 IHannibal 475 Golden City 48 Fulton 68 St. Louis 28 Hannibal
NAME Ernst Schlissinger . Roper F. Gregory . John R. VechU . Robert D. VechIl , Walter P. VechIl. . Juliet T. Trigg , Mrs. Anna F. Stevens., Albert A. NIcol ..•...... Jas. M. Sanders ..•..... Leonard L. Carney . M.ary J. Donnell. . Alma G. Stapleton , Earle E. Smilie , Alfred D. Day . Hazel M. Branson . Katherine L. James . Mrs. Mary A. Abbott. .. CatherIne J. Key . Marie Edna Boyle . Doroty Elsie Boyle . Ruth E. Boyle ..•..••.. James Boyle ..•....... Geo. H. Paschall . Fannie W. Hall .....•... Juanita W. Rogers . Chas. E. Rogers . Josephine M. Stone . Jesse F. Stone . DelorIs E. Stone . Halane A. Stone . James W. Moore . Amy A. King.•......... Doris King ...•..•..... J oseiJh P. LIvesay . Robel·ta r. Stark . Mary Helen Stark , David Wayne Stark . IVlargaret Moil' Charles P. Grissom.,., I~dna Gl'1ssom . Walter Scott Grissom Ruth W. Grissom . Earl Herbert Ryan , Alvin Drummond . NellIe P. MItchelL . l~awrence Victor McFaJ! ChristIna C. McFall . Geo. W. ChIttenden . Mrs. FloI'. L. McIntyre .. Mrs. R. A. Pethebridge Robt. W. Saunders . John W. Medley .. Bertha Taylor .. Margaret May Smith . Robt. Ross Smith . Cynthia J. Reynolds . Mrs. Amanda W. Vest.. Jos. S. Swiers . Henrv D. Barto . Mrs. 'Nellie GillespIe .
Agel AdmItted 73 90 14 12 11 89 85 68 81 11 75 12 13 85 14 75 89 91 16 14 11 10 81 67 17 15 21 19 13 11 82 16 14 76 14 12 11 76 11 14 17 18 12 77 76 10 15 75 75 65 73 72 12 12 9 83 83 80 70 70
1920 Napthalia 1920 Lees SummIt ••.. 1920 Trenton . 1920 Trenton •..•••... 1920 Trenton . 1920 Regina O. E. S . 1920 West Gate ..•.... 1920 Temple ....••... 1920 Van Buren ••.... 1920 Crane .. 1920 Jefferson ....•... 1920 Forest Park ..... 1920 Daggett •.•..•... 1920 Lebanon ..••.... 1920 Lebanon ..•..•.. 1920 BellefontaIne OES 1920 LoraIne .•••••••• 1921 Lebanon ••••••••. lli'eb.. IApril. 1921 MeridIan ••••••.. 1921 Meridian •.•..•.. IAoril. 1921 MerIdian ..•..•.. IApril. 1921 M.eridian ..•..•.. IAprii. 1921 Gate City ..•.•.• IApril, 1921 Oriental O.E.S . IJuly. 1921 Gate City .. IJuly. 1921 Gate City IJuly. 1921 Pine , IAug.. 1921 Pine , IAug.• !Aug.. 1921 Pine ' , IAug.. 1921 Pine . IJuly. 1921 RIsing Sun •••.•. ISept.. 1921 Beacon •••.••.... ISeot.. 1921 Beacon ••.•••.... IOct.. 1,921 ParIs Union ••.•.. IOct.. 1921 Grand River ..•.. JOct.: 1921 Grand RIver ..... IOct.. 1921 Grand River ..•.. IDee.. 1921 Star of West. .... IFeb .. 1922 W~st Gate .••.... IFeb .. 1922 West Gate .•..... IFeb .. 1922 We"t Gate .•..... IFeb,. 1922 West Gate ••..... IFeb.. 1922 .. IMay. 1922 Neosho .••.••.... IFeb.. 1922 Fayette ....•••.. IJuly. 1922 Hickory Hill •••.. IJuly. 1922 Hickory HilL .•.. !Aug.. 1922 Gate City .....•.. IAug.. 1922 Tuscan ....•.••..•. ISeot.. 1922 Westgate .. IOct.. 1922 MemphIs ••••..•. IOct.. 1922 .Jochim .. 1922 Sampson ...•••.•.. IDee.. IJan.. 1923 East Gate . l.Jan .. 1923 East Gate . I.Jan .. 1923 Missouri .. IFeb.. 1923 BellefontaIne . 1923 Friend . IFeb .. .. IMarch. 1923 Tuscan .. IMarch. 1923 Mt. Moriah
IJan .. IJan.. IMay. IMay. IMay. IMay. IJune. IAug.. ISept.. !Seot.. IOct.. INov .. ISent.. INov .. INov .. IDee.. IDee..
I 25 1St. Louis 263 ILees Summit 111 Trenton 111 Trenton 111 Trenton 41 Hardin 445 St. Louis 299 Kansas City 509 Van Buren 519 ICrane 43 IJefferson City 578 1St. Louis 492 IMCKiltl'lClt 77 Steelville 77 ISteelVIllE': 69 St. LouIs 128 IRidgeway 77 ISteelVlllE> 2 St. Louis 21St. Louis 2 St. Louis 2 St. Louis 522 IKansas City 228 St. Louis 522 Kansas City 522 IKansas City 314 IBardley 314 IBardley 314 IEardley 314 IBardley 13 IBarry 31St. LouIs 31St. Louis 19 IParis 276 IFreeman 276 IFreeman 276 IFreeman 133 IIronton 445 1St. LouIs 445 1St. Louis 445 1St. Louis 445 1St. Lou is 85 1l\liami 247 INeflsho 47 IFayette 211 Eugene 211 Eugene fi22 ,Kansas Cil.y a60 1St. Louis 445 1St. Louis 16 IMemphis, 1\10. 164 [Hillsboro 298 ILutie li30 IKansas City (i30 IKansas City liSt. Louis r,9 1St. Louis 352 IOzark 31;0 1St. Louis 40 1St. Louis
Agel Admitted
I Elizabeth West. •.•...•.. 70 lMarch. Miss Belle Huntington .. 78 IApril. Wm. H. Remsen ...•.••. Alpha G. Reynolda .. 1<'lorence E. R.eyn.llds . Alvert F. Reynolds . Katie Whitwell.. • . Bernice Whitwell ••.•.. Leila Whitwell ...•.••... Georgia Whitwell..•..... Andrew J. Journey . Raymond E. White . Albert F. Morris . Josle McCallister .....•.. Wm. R. White •..•.•.•.. Wm. B. Townsend .•.•.. lone Townsend •••••••••• John W. Duncan .•...••• James A. McFarland . Robert Stone .. Altony N. Corbin .•.•.•.. Zada N. Crowell ........ Arthur F. Crowell .•.•.. James F. Crowell ....... Edwin Lee Ryan .•••••.. Philip Henry Ryan .••.. Mary Ann Giles ...•••••. John H. Matthews .•..•. Mary Broomfield ••••.••. Thomas J. Wilson .•••.. Mary A. Kidder .. John M. Johnston . Rose M. Jenkins .•.•••.. Myrtle H. Riley ••.•••••. E. Gertrude James .•••.. Martha B. Quayle ....... Mary E. Kelso .••••••••• Mary E. McCoy .......... Frederick Henry Curtis. Teddie Miller Curtis ..... Drusilla E. Jones ....•... Hugh Berlin ......•.•.•. Mercedes Berlin . Ada Berlin . Lon R. Ridgeway ..•••. Edw. Philip Koehler .... James R. Clark ....•.... Silas B. Ballard . Alexander Campbell . Mrs. Rose Laumand . Clara Lou Smith •....... Sterling Price Hill . Wm. Henry Jones . Harriet W. Symonds . John Hoover . Owen B. Hudson . Effie M. Holmes .. , . James K. P. Ragland .
72 IApril.
16 IJune. 15 IJune. 13 l.Tune. 19 IApril. 15 IApril. 14 IApril. 10 IApril. 82 IJuly. 11 IAug-.. 70 IAug-.. 68 ISept.. 58 IOct.. 76 IOct.. 70 IOct.. 75 ISept.. 69 INov .. 7 IDec.. 14 IJan .. 12 IJan .. 10 IJan.. S IJan .. 10 IFeb.. 8 IFeb.. 77 IFeb .. 76 IMarch. n IApril. n IMay. 83 IMay. 66 IJune. 69 IJune. 14 !May. 57 IMarch. I 85 IMarch. 89 IJuly. 75 IJuly. 12 iAug-.. 8 IAug .. 78 ISept.. 55 ISept.. 11 ISept.. 63 ISept.. 68 ISept.. 8 IOct.. 72 ISept .. 76 !Nov.. 67 IDec.. 75 INov., 6 IJan .. 66 IJan .. 76 IJan .. 70 IJan.. 79 I.Tan .. 79 IJan .. 53 IJan .. 82 IFeb..
No. )
Appendix. ROSTER OF THE HOME FAMILY-·Continued.
Ruth Holmes . May Holmes . Vernon Ford' . Hertial Ford . Edna Ford . Burnett Ford ......•.•.. Mildred Vern ice Ford •... Charles J. Hogan . Mary F. Sandidge . Henry M. Gregory ..•.... John P. Kelso ........•.. Edwin H. Pease ....•.... Sallie K. Bowen ....•.... McDaniel Cottrill . Hattie Cottrill ..•....... Virginia Cottrill ..•.. " . Malindah Stephens •..... Margaret S. Kipp .•..... Robt. H. Smith .•........ Frances R. Smith •••.... Alexander J. Dehart .•... Ulive E. Teed .••......
I 18 !Feb., 15 IFeb .. 15 IApriL 12 IApriL 10 IApriL 6 lApriL 6 IApril. 74.IApril. 70 IMarch. 77 IApril. 75 IMay. 74 IMay. 66 IMay. 14 IJune. 12 IJune. 10 IJune. 72 IJune. 93 IJuly. 81 IJune. 71 IJune. 80 I Aug-.. 76 IAug-..
Belle H. Dean
77 IAug- ..
Ruth DeJarnett. . Jos. V. T. DeJarnett. .. Rachel DeJarnett. ..... Catherine A. Van Dover . Jos. H. VaIIDuver . Helen Van Dover . Doris J. VanDover . Elizabeth Kirkpatrick. Geo. W. Bramhall . Francis M. Johnson . Ray A. Bonnot. Jr . James T. Craighead . Lillie Miller .
14 12 9 14
Herman O. Stevens John T. Trabue Addie Woodson
72 74 69
. . .
11 9
7 80 70 61 8 78 56
James W. Tate . Ella C. Tate . Abram Trigg . Lawrence J. Brumm . Lewis W. Siler . John Wm. Settle . Mary A. Cruce .
72 66 78 50 85 73 75
Homer Nestor Duvall .. Wm. Chester Duvall ... Mary Frances Duvall .. Julius Haas . John C. Bowman . Virginia May White . Edward T. White . Irene I. Heimberger .
16 12 8 73 78 12 10 73
IScpt.. ISept.. ISept.. ISept.. ISept.. ISept .. ISept .. ISept.. ISept .. IOct., IOct.. INov .. IDee.. I ISeot .. IJan .. IDee.. I IJan .. IJan .. IFeb .. IFeb .. IJan .. IFeb .. !Feb.. I I:F'eb..
IFeb .. IFeb .. IFeb .. IApriL IAoril. IApriL IApri!, I
1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1,925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925
Vienna . Vienna . Cardwell. . CardwelL . Cardwell . Cardwell. . Cardwell .•...... , Tuscan •••.•...... Hayti. ••......... l!'our Mile .•.. , .... Kirkwood ....•... Kennedy ..•.....• Orient Ch. O. E. Soo Clarkton .•....... Clarkton . Clarkton . Golden . Butler ••..••...... Trilumina ••••.... Trilumina ••..•... Grant City •••••... Golden Gate Chapter O. E. S. 1925 Barnes Chapter, O. E. S. 1925 Point Pleasant. .. 1925 Point Pleasant. .. 1925 Point Pleasant . 19215 Fenton . 1925 Fenton •••....... 1920 Fenton •.••...... 1925 Fenton •......... 1925 Dexter . 1925 Hartford •....•.. 1925 Seaman . 1925 Gate City •...... 1925 La Monte ••••••. 1925 Polar Star Chapter O. E. S. 1925 Sheffield ..••..•. 1926 St. Johns 1925 New Madrid Chapter O. E. S. 1926 Ravenwood •.... . 1926 Ravenwood . 1926 Nelson . 1926 Charity Weston . 1926 1926 Hannibal 1926 Crescen t Chapter O. E. S . 1926 Bertrand . 1926 Bertrand . 1926 Bertrand 1926 Perseverance . 1926 Polar Star . 1926 Clifton;hts. 1926 Clifton Heights .. 1926 Occidental •..•..
94 IVienna 94 Vienna 231 ICardwell ~31 ICardwell ~31 \Cardwell 231 Cardwell 231 ICardwell 360 \St. Louis 571 Hayti 212 ICampbell 484 \KirkWOod 329 Elmo 491 \KanSas City 248 Clarkton 248 Clarkton 248 Clarkton 475 Golden City 254 Butler 205 Marshall 205 Marshall 66 IGrant City
58 IKansas City 2521cabool 176 Marston 176 IMarston 176 IMarston 281 IFenton 281 IFenton 281 IFenton 281 IFenton 532 !Dexter 171 IHartford 126 IMilan 522 IKansas City 574 ILa Monte 134 1St. Louis 625 IKansas City 28 IHannibal 2!l3 201 201 560 331 53 188 21 330 3.30 330 92 79 520 520 163
INew Madrid IRavenwood IRavenwood INelson 1St. Joseph iWeston IHannibal
ISpringfield IBertrand IBertrand IBertrand ILouisiana 1St. Louis 1St. Louis 1St. Louis 1St. Louis "
Appendix. ROSTER OF THE HOME FAMILY-Continued.
NAME Geo. R. Swiggett . Wm. L. Starr . Martha A. Starr . Wm. J. Hill ........•... Chas. A. Simmonds . Edith Poston . Bertha Poston Roy Walter Poston Robert Earnest Poston. Helen Ruth Poston . Lucius P. Nolan . Wallace M. Rucker . Eugene Hackett June Marie White ..•... Alfred M. Fisher •••.•. Rhoda A. McComb . Wm. Rigdon .•••..••..•. Mrs. Anna Pickett . Nancy E. Parks Sarah E. Howard . Eno. E. Powell . James I. Stark . Thomas N. NoeL . Frank T. Salamo . Wm. Taylor Botts ....•. Dorothy M. Hartman .. Joel D. McAlister . Emma B. McAlister . Robert C. Veach ....•• Ida M. Johnson . Donnis Mae Bricker . Margaret A. Craig . Narsisa C. Crowley . Jessie B. Taylor .•...... Lalla- C. Winningham .. Alice Winningham .... Wm. T. Winningham Lucy A. Keller . Martha A. Johnson . Richard L. Holmes . Victoria E. Bryan . Rinaldo B. Thompson .. Mary E. Carty . Janet Carty . Alphonso Carty . Wm. J. Carty . Geo. K. Harris . Kathleen M. Harris . Ruth L. Harri's .•••••.. Lida· E. Lewis . Wm. L. King ......•••. .I ohn F. Baker ..••.••. Wm. L. Baker . John R. Webber . Mary C. Webber .....•.. Bettie Batts . James C. Calloway . Annie Henkel .
II Admitted
73 'Feb.. 64 IMarch. 64 IMarch. 59 IMay. 80 IMay. 15 IMay, 12 IMay. 10 IMay. 8 IMay. 4lMay. 70 lJuly. 72 IJuly. 71 l.July. 8 IJune. 49 IAug'.. 79 IJune. 76 IJune. 70 IAug'.. 71 ISept., I 78 IJune. 54 ISept.• 61 IAug'.. 76 !Sept.. 77 IOct.. 79 IOct.. 10 IOct.. 70 IOct.. 69 JOct.. 75 IOct.. 62 IOct.. 14 INov.. 84 INov.. 85 IOct.. 80 INov.. 14 IDee.. 11 IDee.. 9 IDee., 87 INov.. 76 IJan .. 63 l.Jan.. 73 !Jan.. 64 l.Jan .. 14 IJan .. 12 IJan .. 11 !.Jan.. 8 Jan .. 11 IJan.. 9 IJan.. 7 IJan .. 69 IFeb.. 11 IFeb.. 13 IFeb.. 7 IFeb.• 81 IJan.. 71 IJan .. 79 IDee.. 70 IMarch. 74 IMarch. II
1926 1926 1926 1926 1.925 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1927
Lodge Bosworth .. Mercer . Mercer •......... Caruthersville '" FaIrmont . Whitewater . Whitewater . Whitewater . Whitewater . Whitewater . Tuscan •......... Moberly . Carterville Clifton Heights .. Arcana ......•... Kennett .....•.... Lowry City . Sturgeon . Lesterville Chapter O.E.S .. Aurora ...•.••... Perseverance ••.. Clay •..•••.•••.. Middle Grove ••.. Meridian ••...... Moberly ...•.. ,. Beacon ....•..... Perseverance . Perseverance . Rowley •••••••••• St. Johns . Zeredatha .••••. Bridgeton •••... Van Buren ••.... Chillicothe •••••• Joppa .••...••.• Joppa ....•.•••. Joppa . Montrose ••..•... Maple .. Vienna . ParIs UnIon .••.•• Solomon ••..•••. Greenville . Greenville .•.•.••. Greenville •.•..... GreenvIlle ..•••... Webster Groves .. Webster Groves .. Webster Groves .. Itaska . Beacon .....•..•. Sullivan . Sullivan . Mt. Moriah . Mt. Moriah . Hale . Howard ••••..••. Beacon Chapter O.E.S.••••..
597 IBosworth 35 IPrinceton 35 IPrinceton 461 ICaruthersville 290 IWyaconda 4171Laflin 417 Laflin 417 Laflin 417 Laflin 417 Laflin 360 \St. LouIs 344 IMoberly 401 ICarterville 520 /St. LouIs 389 IHarris 68 IKennett 403 Lowry City 174 (Sturgeon 273 267 92 207 42 2 344 3 92 92 204 28 189 80 509 3'33 411 411 411 408 623 94 19
Lesterville St. LouIs LouIsIana Excelsior Springs Madison St. Louis Moberly St. Louis Louisiana Louisiana Dearborn Hannibal St. Joseph Bridgeton Van Buren Chlllicothe Hartville Hartville Hartville Montrose NeelyVille Vienna Paris 2n Springfleld 107 Greenville 107 Greenville 107 Greenville 107 IGreenvllle 841webster Groves 84 Webster Groves 84 Webster Groves 420 St. LouIs 3 St. Louis 69 Sullivan 69 Sullivan 40 St. Louis 40 St. Louis 216 Hale 4 New Franklin 256 St. Louis I
NAME Agel Admitted _ _ _ _ I_~I_ _ Julius L. Martin........ 72 IJan.. Willa Massena ......•. 73 IAnril, I Mary W. Tinker 73 IApril, I Elmer E. Boling 67 IApril. Ellen V. McCormick 75 IAuri!. Louise A. Hull 66 IMay. Frederick H. Harrington 83 IMay. James J. Bolton ...•.... 96 IJune. Sarah Bolton 74 IJunc. Robt. C. MitchelL ...•. 78 IMay. Wm. R. Thomas........ 73 IJunc, Charles Ehrengart, Sr., 82 IJuly. Helen M. Vape........ 10 IJuly, Homer H. Valle........ 9 IJuly Melvin L. Vaile........ 6 IJuI~< Harold E. Vaile .•....•. 22/31July Robt. A. SmocJ.t ..••.•.. 67 IJuI,': James M. Flemlpg 88 IJuly. James M. T. SmIth ...•.. 78 'July. Margaret Turley 77 IJuly. I Lewis Lait .......•.... 71 !July, Bertha M. Spaethe 68 IJuly, Alois L. Bergmann .•.. 69 IJuIY. Eliza W. Nicholson ••.. 80 IJulY, Samuel Rife . 81 I !\uo- . • ,..,.. Frank S. Trimble . 12 IA ug.. Marie E. Trimble . 11 I AUg .. Marjory Trimble 7 Aug., Willis W. Trimble . 3lhlAug., Frank G. Shocklee •..... 77 IAug., Mary Ann Shocklee .... 73 IAug., Cora B. Madlll 61 I,AUg.. Chas. W. Norwood 8 2 Aug.. Mary Alice Porteous . 1:~ !Aug.. Almina Frederick . 77 IJuly, Hen ry C. Shelton . 76 IAug.. Mrs. Lester O'Neal . 73 IJuly, .Tames A. Rucker . 70 ISept Hemry O'Sullivan . 73 ISept" Jno. Wm. Combs . 85 ISept" Mary Noland . 12 \sept..., Everett Noland . Paul Noland . 1~ l~eP~.. Floyd T. Smith . 10 IS~Pnt" Claude H. W. Smith . 7 ISept.... Je~sie May Smith . 4 ISept.. Ernest H. Kramer . 13 ISept., Jeannette M. Kramer . 11 Iisept" Jevita A. Kramer . 10 Sept.. Charles E. Lamb . 54 ISent.. Miss Nellie Bauer . 65 IJulY, Leverett N. Barker . 93 10ct., Robert J. Bell . 71 10ct., William McCammon . 68 10ct.. vVilliam A. Campbell . 79 10ct.. Nels P. Hansen . 74 Il0ct.,
1927 Saxton •...•..... 1927 Golden Gate Chapter O.E.S... 1927 Occidental 1927 RCosheaPHtielrl .O..•E...S...... 1927 Anchor ..•.••.•.. 1927 Tuscan 1927 Aurora ....••.... 1927 Williamsburg 1927 Williamsburg 1927 La Plata •....... 1,927 Charity ........•. 1927 West Gate 1927 Lockwood........ 1927 Lockwood 1927 Lockwood .•...... 1927 Lockwood .•...... 1927 Puxico ...••..... 1927 St. James 1927 Poplar Bluff 1927 Vincil Chapter 0. E. S......... 1927 Rural 1927 Tuscan •......... 1927 Beacon •...•••••• 1927 Osborn .......•.. 1927 Naphtali 1927\1agnolia 1927 Magnolia 1927 Magnolia 1927 Magnolia 1927 Silex 1927 Silex 1927 Lambskin 1927 Southwest 1927 Occidental. . . . . . .. 1927 Bevier 0. E. S.. . .. 1927 Pollock 1927 Irondale. . . . . . . . .. 1927 Huntsville. . . . . . . . 1927 ~ardwell. . . . . . . . . 1927 Ralls. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1927 Barnett. . . . . . . . ..
g~~ ~~~~~n:
1927 1.927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927
No. \
1 ----1--:-
:: :::::::
Four Mile........ Four Mile........ Four Mile........ St. John's........ St. John's........ St. John's........ Craft . Anchor O. E. S.. . . Chillicothe. . . . . . . Cornerstone. . . . .. United. . . . . . . . . . . Magnolia..... .. .. Ga~~~~l~~~ ,
- -
508 Isaxton I 58 IKansas City I S t. Louis 185 550 1St. Louis 443 \St. Louis 360 St. Louis 267 St. Louis' 81williamSbUrg 8 Williamsburg 237 La Plata 331 St. Joseph 445 St. Louis 521 Lockwood 521 Lockwood 521 Lockwood 521 Lockwood 596 Puxico 230 St. James 209 Poplar Bluff I 431Bonne Terre n~ ~~n~;~isCity 3 317 25 626 626 626 626 75 75 460 466 163 289 349 143 30 231 33 591 591 591 212 212 212 28 28 28 287
St. Louis Osborn 1St. Louis 1St. Louis 1St. Louis 1St. Louis 1St. Louis ISilex \Silex 1St. Louis ISouthwest City I St. Louis IBevier IPollock IIrondale IHuntsville ICardwell ICenter IBarnett IBarnett IBarnett ICampbell ICamnbell ICampbell IHannibal IHannibal IHannibal ICanton
54 1St. Louis 333'Ichillicothe 323 1St. Louis 5 ISpringfield 626 1St. Louis 422 ISpringfield
_ _ _ _ _----.:....---:..'----...L------~----.:.I----_
Appendix. ROSTER OF THE HOME FAMILi:-Continued. I
I Elizabeth Luenebrink Richard D. Fallis John Y. Stone Geo. E. Stucky Wimfield Colvin Hel1l'y Wm. Koehler Edward J. Galloway Eleanor A. Brundage MI·s. Hallie·J. Lee
. . . . . . . · .
INov .. INov .. INov.. INov .. IOct.. INov .. ]0 INov .. 72 INov .. 64 INov ..
82 81 72 66 2
Aaron F. "Vard 78 INov .. Agnes D. Grant. . . . . . . .. 57 IOct.. I Anna J. Eldred......... 78 INov .. lviI's. Lucy Presson...... Mrs. Sophie E. Phillips. Mrs. Caroline G. Hansen. Lycurgus F. Lindsey .... Mrs. Ada J. Douglas.... Mrs. Ella McCoy....... Mrs. Sallie A. Lee...... Alice A. Baker......... Rosa Lee BaIH~r....... Sa rah Bell Baker Mrs. Mattie A. Yost , Jacob Wybrow......... Landon C. Loftin....... Mrs. Frances Hamil ton .. Mrs. Ann E. Ramsey... Mary Hequembourg. " .. Mrs. Kate R. Skaggs... Locke B. Osborne. . . . . .. Theodore F. Tcrnetz... Ethel T. Ternetz....... Elijah L. Tredway , John W. Dennis Mrs. Sarah D. Dennis... l\liss Ella 11. \Velsh M. Price Willis.· , Wm. A. Gordon , Ruby Brooks....... Elzora Brooks. . . . . . . . . . Fay Brooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Lottie M. Edgar... Lemuel Bird ............ Mrs. Mary E. McDougall. Augustine Rohning..... Mrs. Amanda P. Stout. " .Tames T. Archambeau. " Mrs. Mary K Castle... Mrs. Kate B. Snyder. . .. JJodiedell H. Scobey .... , George .J. Ruppertt..... Edg-ar M. Dingle.......
70 IDec.. 63 IDee.• 71 IJan .• I 60 IJan .. 68 IJan.. 73 tOct.. 67 l.Tan .. 9 IFeb .. 4 IFeb .. 12/3IFcb.• 82 IFeb .. 75 IFeb .. 46 IFeb .. 74 IDee .. 83 IFeb .. 74 IFeb .. 75 69 5 3 87 67 65 58 64 70 7 5 3 71 •·n 72 79 90 8fi 78 (;4 72 48 73
IFeb .. !Feb.. IMarch. IMarch. IFeb .. IMarch. IMarch. IApril, IMarch. IMay. IMay. IMay. IMay. IMay. IMay. IMay. !.Tune. IMay. l.Tune. !.Tune. IJune. IJuly. IJuly. IApril. I I
I 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927
Friendship O. Eo S. Joplin . Pine . Maplewood . United . Sullivan . Temple . Kansas City . Maplewood a.E. S . 1927 Lick Creek . 1927 Geo. Washing'ton O. E. S . 1927 Eminence O. E. S . 1927 Bertrand . 1927 ~H. Moriah . 1928 Ga te of the Temple . 1928 Urbana . 1928 Barbee O. E. S . 1927 Rural . 1928 East Gate O. E. S .. 1928 Sulllvan . 1928 Sullivan . 1928 Sullivan . 1928 Tus.can . 1928 Friendship . 1928 Pleasant Hope . 1927 Granby . 1928 Tyro O. E. S . 1928 Maplewood O.E. S . 1928 Clayton O. E.S . 1928 Cleveland . 1928 Good Hope . 1928 Good Hope . 1928 Chula . 1928 Higbee . 1928Higbee . 1928 Rose Croix O. E. S .. 1928 Cambridge . 1928 Moberly . 1928 Hornersville . 1928 Hornersville . 1928 Hornersville . 1928 Perseverance . 1928 Hog-Ies Creek . 1928 East Gate O. E. S . 1928 Corinthian . 1928 Temple . 1928 Lick Creek . 1928 Missouri. . 1928 Venus O. E. S . 1928 Malden . 1928 Independence . 1928 Moberly .
214 335 314 566 5 69 299 220
1St. Louis IJoplin IBardley IMaplewood ISpring-field [Sullivan IKansas City IKansas City I 264 IMaplewood 302 \Perry I 1St. Louis 1 93 ICarthage 330 [Bertrand 40 1St. Louis I 422 ISDring-field 421 IUrbana 31 1St. Louis 316 IKansas City 367 IKansas City 69 ISullivan 69 ISullivan 69 ISullivan 360 1St. Louis 89 IChillicothe 467 IPleasant Hope 514 IGranbY 321 ICaledonia I 264 IMaplewood 304 IClayton 651 ICleveland 218 1St. Louis 218 1St. Louis 388 IChula 527 IHig-bee 527 IHig-bee 372 1St. Louis 63 ISlater 344 IMoberly 215 IHornersville 215 IHornersville 215 IHornersville 92 ILouisiana 279 IWheatland 367 !Kansas City 265 I\Varrensburg299 IKansas City 302 IPerry liSt. Louis 15!! 1St. Louis 406 IMalden 76 IIndenendence 344 !Moberly I I
ROSTER OF THE HOME FAMILY-Continued. NAME Margaret A. Derfier. " . David B. Lowenstein ... Edwin S. Teal ......... Mrs. Flora J. Prigmore Anna M. Baty .......... John D. Baty .......... Thomas M. Tudder ..... Mildred Brooks ........ Ruth Tumbleson·....... Aaron J. Cole ... ·. ...... Mrs. Emmer M. Cole .... John F. Lasswell....... Mrs. Marg. J. Rodgers.. Earl B. Kellogg ....... Frances May Ruppert .. Anna E. Scott. . ~ ....... Delpha 1. Scott ........
Agel Admitted LODGE I I 1928 Novinger ......... 11 !July, 1928 Rural ....•....... 72 IJulY, 1928 Cen tertown ....... 72 IJuly. 1928 United ............ 75 IJuly: 1928 Monett ........... 10 IAug., 1928 Monett ..•........ 7 IAug., 1928 Kennedy ......... 90 IAug., 1928 Hornersville ...... 9 IAug., 1928 Sabylla O. E. S.... 61 IAug., 1928 Geo. Washington. 81 IAug., 1928 Geo. Washington. 73 IAug., 1928 .F'our Mile ........ 76 IAug., 1928 Rose Hill ........ 64 !Aug., 1928 Warren .......... 71 IAug., 1928 Independence ..... 14 !Aug., 1928 Composite ... , .... 13 IAug" Composite ... , .... 1928 11 !Aug" I
No. I Residence I I 583 [Novinger 316 IKansas City 611 ICentertown 5 ISpring-field 129 IMonett 129 IMonett 329 IElmo 215 IHornersville 276 IBismarck 9 1St. Louis 9 1St. Louis 212 ICampbell 550 1St. Louis 74 IKeytesville 76 IIndependence 369 IDoniphan 369 IDoniphan I
ADMITTED SINCE LAST ANNUAL REPORT. NAME :Mary Alice Porteous . Almina Frederick . Henry C. Shelton . Mrs. Lester O'Neal . Joseph P. Adams . James A. Rucker . Henry O'Sullivan . Jno. Wm. Combs . Mary Noland . Everett Noland . Paul Noland . Floyd T. Smith . Claude H. W. Smith . Jessie May Smith . Ernest H. Kramer . Jeannette M. Kramer . Jevita A. Kramer . Milton H. Chenault. . Charles E. Lamb . Mrs. Helen F. Jones . Miss Nellie Bauer . Leverett N. Barker . Robert J. BelL . V..-Illiam McCammon . 'William A. Campbell . Mrs. Harriet E. Campbell Nels P. Hansen . Adam F. Bermene . Minnie Bermene . Elizabeth Luenebrink . Richard D. Fallis . John Y. Stone . Geo. E. Stucky . Wimfield Colvin " . HE'nry Wm. Koehler . vVm. J. Sederberg . Edward J. Galloway . Eleanor A. Brundage . Mrs. Hallie J. Lee . Aaron F. Ward, Ag-nes D. Grant. . . . . . . .. Anna J. Eldred..... .. ..
1%IAug.. 77 IJuly. 76 !Aug.. 73 IJuly, 85 IAug-..• 70 ISept.. 73 ISept.. 85 ISept.. 12 ISept.. 11 ISept.. 7 ISept.. 10 ISept.. 7 ISept.. 4 ISept.. 13 ISept.. 11 ISept.. 10 ISept.. 57 IScpt.. 54 ISept.. 71 ISept.. 65 IJuly. 93 IOct.. 71 IOct.. 68 IOct.. 79 IOct.. 73 IOct.. 74 IOct.. I 73 IOct.. 65 IOct.. 78 INov .. 82 INov.. 81 INov.. 72 INov.. 66 IOct.. 2 INov.. 81 INov .. 10 INov .. 72 INov.. 64 INov.. I 78 INov.. 57 IOct.. I 78 INov..
Charles Kirk........... 61 IDee.. Mrs. Lucy Presson.... .. 70 IDee.. Mrs. Sophie E. Phillips. 63 IDee.. Mrs. Caroline G. Hansen. 71 IJan.. I Lyeurgus F. Lindsey.. .. 60 IJan .. Mrs. Ada J. Douglas .... 68 lJan .. Mrs. Ella McCoy....... 73 IOet.. Mrs. Sallie A. Lee:..... 67 IJan.. Alice A. Baker......... 9 IFeb.. Rosa Lee Baker........ 4 IFeb.. Sarah Bell Baker 12/3IFeb.. Mrs. Mattie A. Yost. . . .. 82 IFeb .. Jacob Wybrow......... 75 IFeb..
1927 Occidental . 1927 Bevier O. E. S . 1927 Pullock . 1927 Irondale . 1927 Forest City . 1927 Huntsville . 1927 Cardwell. . 1927 Ralls . 1927 Barnett. . 1927 Barnett. " , 1-927. Barnett . 1927 Four Mile . 1927 Four Mile : . 1927 Four Mile . 1927 St. John's . 1927 St. John's . 1927 St. John's . 1927 Memphis . 1927 Craft. . 1927 Tuscan . 1927 Anchor O. E. S, . 1927 Chillicothe . 1927 Cornerstone . 1927 United . 1927 Magnolia . 1927 Mag-nolia , 1927 Gate of the Temple . 1927 Cache . 1927 Cache . 1927 Friendship O. E. S. 1927 Joplin ......•..... 1927 Pine : . 1927 Maplewood . 1927 United . 1927 Sullivan . 1927 Beacon . 1927 Temple . 1927 Kansas City . 1927 Maplewood O.E.S . 1927 Lick Creek . 1927 Geo. Washington O.E.S . 1927 Eminence O.E. S . 1927 Vandalia . 1927 Bertrand . 1927 Mt. Moriah · . 1928 Ga te of the Temple ...••.... 1928 Urbana . 1928 Barbee O. E. S . 1927 Rural . 1928 East Gate O. E. s. .. 1928 Sullivan ......•... 1928 Sullivan . 1928 Sullivan " . 1.928 Tuscan ......•.... 1928 Friendship .
I Residence No. I I I 163 1st. Louis 289 IBevier 349 IPollock 143 IIrondale 214 IForest City 30 IHuntsville 231 ICard well 33 lCenter 591 IBarnett 591 IBarnett 591 IBarnett 212 .ICampbell 212 ICampbell 212 ICampbell 28 IHannibal 28 IHannibal 28 IHannibal 16 IMemphis 287 ICanton 360 1St. Louis 54 1St. Louis 333 IChillicothe 323 1st. Louis 5 ISoring-field 626 1St. Louis 626 1St. Louis I 422 ISpringfield 416 1St. Louis 416 1St. Louis 214 1St. Louis 335 IJoplin 314 IBardley 566 IMaplewood 5 ISpring-field 69 ISullivan 31St. Louis 299 IKansas City 220 \Kansas City I 264 IMaplewood 302 \Perry
1St. Louis
93 491 330 40
!Carthage IVandalia IBertrand 1St. Louis
422 421 31 316 367 69 69 69 360 89
ISoring-field IUrbana 1St. Louis IKansas City IKansas City ISullivan ISullivan ISullivan 1St. Louis !Chillicothe
I Agel Admitted I
Landon C. Loftin....... Mrs. Frances Ham il ton.. Mrs. Ann E. Ramsey... Mary Hequembourg .... , Mrs. Kate R. Skaggs ... Locke B. Osborne. . . . . .. Theodore F. Ternetz... Bthel T. Ternetz....... Elijah L. Tredway. . . . .. .John VI. Dennis Mrs. Sarah D. Dennis... Miss Ella B. Welsh ..... M. Price Willis..... . . .. Burrel P. Rowland..... 'Vm. A. Gordon. . . . . . . .. Ruby Brooks. . . . . . . . . . . Elzora Brooks... . . . . . . . Fay Brooks. . . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas J. Hord. . . . . . .. Mrs. Lottie M. Edgar... Lemuel Bird. . . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. Mary F:. McDo·ugall. Augustine Rohning ..... Mrs. Amanda P. Stout. .. .Tames T. Archambeau ... Mrs. Mary E. Castle... Mrs. Kate B. Snyder. . .. Lodiedell H. Scobey... .. George J. Ruppertt..... Edgar M. Dingle....... Margaret A. Derfler.... David B. Lowenstein. '... Edwin S. TeaL........ Mrs. Flora J. Prigmore Anna M. Baty.......... John D. Daty.......... Thomas M. Tudder..... Mildred Brooks........ Ruth Tumbleson....... Aaron J. Cole.......... Mrs. Bmmer M. Cole... John F. l~asswell...... Mrs. Marg. J. Rodgers.. Earl B. Kellogg........ Frances May Ruppert.. Anna E. Scott......... Delpha 1. Scott........
46 IFeb.. 1928 Pleasant Hope . 74 1Dec.. 1927 Granby . 83 IFeb .. 1928 Tyro O. E. S . 74 IFeb.. 1928 Maplewood O.E. S . I 75 IFeb.. 1928 Clayton O. E. S . 69 IFeb .. 1928 Cleveland . 5 IMarch. 1928 Good ·Hope . 3 IMarch. 1928 Good Hope . 87 IFeb.. 1928 Chula . 67 IMarch. 1928 Higbee . 65 IMarch. 1928 Higbee . 58 ·IApril, 1928 Rose Croix O. E. S.. 64 IMarch. 1928 Cambridge . 87 IFeb .. 1928 Sullivan . 70 IMay. 1928 Moberly . 7 IMay. 1928 Hornersville . 5 llVlay. 1928 Hornersville . 3 IMay. 1928 Hornersville . 66 IMay. 1928 Gate City . 71 IMay. 1928 Perseverance . 77 IMay. 1928 Hog'les Creek . 72 IMay. 1928 gast GateO. E. Soo 79 IJune. 1928 Corinthian . 90 IMay. 1928 Temple . 86 IJune. 1928 Lick Creek . 78 IJune. 1928 Missouri. . 64 IJune. 1928 Venus O. E. S . 72 IJuly, 1928 Malden . 48 IJuly. 1928 Independence . 73 IApril, 1928 Moberly . 11 IJuly. 1928 Novinger . 72 IJuly, 1928 Rural. . 72 IJuly, 1928 Centertown . 75 IJuly, 1928 United . 10 !Aug., 1928 Monett . 7 IAug.. 1928 Monett . 90 !Aug., 1928 Kennedy . 9 IAug.. 1928 Hornersville . 61 IAug., 1928 Sabylla O. E. S . 81 IAug., 1928 Geo. 'Vashington. 73 IAug., 1928 Geo. 'Vashington. 76 IAug.• 1928 Four Mile . 64 !Aug.. 1928 Rose Hill . 71 IAug., 1928 Warren . 14 !Aug.. 1928 Independence . 13 IAug., 1928 Composi tc . 11 IAug.• 1928 Composite . I
467 IPleasant Hope 514 IGranby 321 ICaledonia
264 !Maplewood 304 IClayton 651 ICleveland 218 1St. I~uis 218 1st. Louis 388 IChula 527 IHigbee 527 IHig-bee 372 1St. Louis 63 ISlater 69 ISullivan 314 IMoberly 215 IHornersville 215 IHornersville 215 IHornersville 522 IKansas City 92 ILouisiana 279 IWheatland 367 IKansas City 265 IWarrensburg 299 IKansas City 302 IPerry liSt. Louis 153'ISt. Louis 406 IMalden 76 !Independence 344 IMoberly 583 INovinger 316 IKansas Citv 611 ICen tertown . 5 ISpringfield 129 IMonett 129 IMonett 329 IElmo 215 IHornersville 276 IBismarck 9 1St. Louis 9 1St. Louis 212 ICampbell 550 1St. Louis 74 IKeytesville 76 lIn dependence 369 IDoniphan' 369 IDoniphan I
DISCHARGED SINCE LAST ANNUAL REPORT. NAME Herbert T. Stapleton .. Mrs. Nellie Grundon ... Joseph Joles .......... Mrs. Emily Leaf ...... Jp..o. H. Harrelson ..... Arline Barnes ......... Clara B. Lamb ........ 'rhos. B. McCutchen ... Sarah C. Burke ....... James A. Riley ....... Ethel Weller .......... \Vm. C. Arnold ........ Milton H. Chenault ... John A. Williams ..... Maria J. Mills ........ Edward Ward ......... Doris Graupner ....... Edna Moore ........... Nellie Lamb ........... B. P. Rowland ........ Jessie Somers ......... Melba Storm .......... Norma Storm ......... Thos. J. Hord ........ Loidell Clifton ........ Alfred D. Day .......
Agel Admitted
10 61 79 69 76 18 17 13 83 15 18 70 58 74 73 67 18 14
15 87 15 14 11
66 17 86
INov.• 1920 Forest Park ...... IMarch. 1927 Magnolia ..... " .. IMarch. 1927 "Vest Gate ........ IAug.• 1918 Golden ............ IJune. 1926 Alton ............. IJune. 1917 Sullivan .......... IOct.• 1919 Linn .............. IJan .• 1922 Magnolia .. , ...... IAug.. 1925 Hermon ........... IMay, 1924 Daggett. ......... IFeb. 1921 Kansas City ...... IAug.. 1920 Temple ........... ISept.. 1.927 ME'mphis .......... IAug., 1925 Canopy ........... ISept.• 1925 york ............. IApril. 1927 Keystone ......... ISept.. 1914 Keystone ......... IAug.. 1916 Summerville ...... IOct.. 1919 Linn .............. IFeb.. 1928 Sullivan .......... ISept., 1925 Ingomar .......... IDee., 1921 pyramid .......... IDee.. 1921 Pyramid .......... IMay. .1928 Gate City ......... ISept.. 1919 St. John's ......... INov., 1920 Lebanon ..........
No. /Date of Discharge
578 626 445 475 255 69 326 626 187 492 220 299 16 284 563 243 243 555 326 69 536 180 180 522 28
iOct.. IOct.. jOct.. INov.. INov .. INov .. INoy .• IDee .. IDee.. IDee.. IFeb.. IFeb.. IFeb.. IFeb.. IApril IApril, IAnril, IApril, IMay. IMay. IMay. IJune. IJune. IJune. IJuly. 77 IAug..
1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928
Hiram A. Allen ......... Solomon Cluett ......... Flora B. Bramhall ..... Martha Bauerle ...... , .
78 IOct., 76 IMay. 65 ISept.• 73 /NOV.,
1925 1927 1925 1925
Anna W. Suever ....... , John W. Estes ......... Chas. C. Jones ViTm. D. Secoy .......... James I. West. ........ Robert Craig ........... Josiah T. Morrison ..... Helen F. Jones ......... Loraine Eddy ........... Minnie Bermene ........ Mary J. Pyle ........ ,. .. Henrietta B. Strong .... John H. Brown ......... Harriet E. Campbell .... JIIO. P. Trussell ........ Rubinson Cook ......... Wm. J. Sederberg ....... Ophelia A. Hilgendorf .. Jos. P. Adams .......... Eliza Pommer .......... Amelfa Evans ........... D. A. Fletcher .......... H. A. Thompson ....... Sarah L. Metcalf. ...... Adam F. Bermene ...... Augusta Garvin ........ C. H. Burrell ......... " Clias. Kirk ............. Henry C. Shelton ....... Landon C. Loftin ...... Jessie B. Taylor ....... James R. Clark ....... Emma P. Smith ....... Rinaldo B. Thompson .. Samuel Rife ...........
53 82 84 89 75 75 81 71 83 66 91
1925 1915 1915 1923 1923 1923 1923 1927 1924 1927 1926 1924 1927 1927 1923 1925 1927 1921 1927 1927 1927 1926 1920 1924 1927 1923 1914 1927 1927 1928 1926 1924 1906 1927 1927
76 74 82 78 82 89 86 83 74 58 52 73 74 88 71
46 81 73
80 64 81
IDee., IDee., ISept., INov.• IMarch. IDee.. IJan .. ISept.. IJuly. IOct.. IFeb., INov.. IAug'.. lOct.. IFeb.. IFeb.. !Nov., Sept., IAug.. IApril, IJan .. INov.. IMarch, IMarch. IOct.. IDee.. IMarch. IDee., IAug., IFeb.. INov.. ISept.. IMarch. IJan.. /Au g .,
No. I
Humphreys ....... Clifton Heights ... Hartford ......... , Golden Gate O. E. S.......... \Vest Gate ........ Rushville ......... Seaman ........... Caruthersville .... Trowel .......... , Geo. Washington .. Van Buren ........ Tuscan ........... Solomon .......... Cache ............. De Soto .......... Rose Hill O. E. S... Cosmos ........... Mp.gnolia. " ...... Hume ............ Twllig'ht. ........ Beacon ........... Geo. Washington. Forest City ....... Occiden tal. ....... Rose Hill O.E.S.. GeO. ·Washington. Northwest. ....... Bolivar ........... Cache ............ Missouri .......... Clifton ............ Vandalia ......... Pollock ........... Pleasant Hope ... Chillicothe ........ Zeredatha, ....... Cosmos ........... Solomon .......... Naphtali .. : .......
Date of Death
32 ISept.• 520 ISept., 171 IOct..
1927 1927 1927
58 445 238 126 461 440 9 509 360 271 416 119 120 282 626 130 114 3 9 214 163 120 9 358 195 416
1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928
463 491 349 467 333 189 282 271 25
IOct.. IOct., IOct., INov .• INov.. INov.• IDee., IDee.. IDee.. IDee.. IDee.. IDee., IJan., IJan .. IFeb.. IMarch. IMarch. IMarch. lApril. IApril. IApril. IApril. IApril. IMay. IMay. IMay. IJune. I.June, IJune. IJuly, IJuly. IJuly. IJuly. IAug.. IAug.. IAug.,
Lodges According to Districts and Time of Meeting FIRST DISTRICT. George V. Calvert, D. D. G. 1\1.. Kahoka. County Clark........ do do do do do Scotland do do Schuyler do do do do
...167 290 .318 362 -436 .588 _ 16 72 .572 .244 259 .380 _._427 635
Name of Lodge Location Revere .Revere Falrmount Wyaconda Eldorado Luray Hiram Kahoka Gothic ..Alexarrdrla St. Franclsvllle Wayland l\femphis Memphis Gorin Gorln Rutlcdge Rutiedge Middle Fabius Downing J.odge of Love Lancaster Queen City Queen City Glenwood Glenwood Greentop Greentop
Time of Meeting 1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Fridays Frlday on or bet. r. m. 1st and 3d Thursdays Friday on or bef. f. m. Thurs. on or b. r.m. & 2 wks. aft. Frl. on or ~et. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Sat. on or aft. r.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Mondays
SECOND DISTRICT. Chas. F. Link, D. D. G. M., I{irksville. Adalr 105 do 319 do' ................•166 do 583 Kn.ox................... 6 do 168 do 181 do ................•291 do , .414
Kirksville Paulville Adair Novinger
Kirksville Brashear Kirksville Novinger Ark. Newark Colony..........•........Colony Novclty Novelty Edina .Edina Greensburg Greensburg
1st and 3d TUesdays Monday on or before full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays Every Friday .1st Saturday on or aft. full moon Saturday on or before full moon .1st Monday on or ber. full moon .Friday on or before full moon Sat. on or ber. f.m. & 2 wks. aft.
Appendix. THIRD DISTRICT. Joseph Moore, D. D. G. M., Newtown.
Putnam do do do Sullivan do do do , do do do
171 206 ;lI0 394 32. .126 .159 .190 319 J8() 540
Name of Lodge
Timc of l\'leeting
IIartford Hartford Saturday on or bef. full Somersct rowersville lst and 3d Mondays Unionville Unionvillc 2d and 4th Mondays J,ucerne Luccrne __ Thursday orr or bef. full Humphreys __.. Hulllphreys .2d and 4th Tuesdays Seaman.. .. !\Iilan lst and 3d Mondays Green Clty Green City 1st and 3d Thursdays Putnam.. .. Ncwtown ,Saturday on or bef. full Pollock Pollock .1st and 3d Tuesdays Arcana __ Harris.. ...lst and 3d Wednesdays Winigan .\Vinigan Saturday on or bef. full
FOURTH DISTInCT. E. M. Wilson, D. D. G. 1\1., Laredo. Grundy do do do Mercer do do
III .. .':~53 ..423 .524 35 258 616
l'renton. ... Trentorr... . Larcdo Laredo.. . Galt __ Galt.. .. Spickardsville Spickard Mercer......... .Princeton Ramnna . __.Ravanna Marion Mercer..
lst and 3d Thursdays and 4th Tucsdays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Wedncsdays Tues. on or uf. Lm. & 2 wks. aft. Wcdnesday bcfore full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays ~d
FU'TH DISTRIC"'1'. Hcndrix Newman. D. D. G. M., New Hampton. Harrison do do do do do do
97 128 257 328 3()5 .J; 10 ;;56
Betbany Bethany 2d and 4th Tuesdays Lorraine Ridgcway l\1on. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Lodge of Light...Eaglevllle lst and 3d Tuesdays Cainesvllle Cainesvillc Jst and 3d Thursdays Hatfield .HatfieId :l<'irst \"'ednesday New Hampton New Hampton .. lst and 3d Tuesdays Prairic Gilman City 2d and 4th Wednesdays SIXTH DISTRICT. D. D. Snapp, D. D. G. M., King City.
Gentry do do do do do do do Worth do do do
ZI 109 125 127 252 __..377 __ ~78 ..__ 447 G6 88 1()8 321
JIavana Mcl<'all __ Jst and 3d Wcdnesdays Stanberry. .. Stanbcrry 2d and 4th Fridays Gentryville Gentryville Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Athens Albany 2d and 4th Fridays Alanthus __.Al:tnthus Grv 2d and 1th Saturdays Ancient Craft King City .1st and 3d Thursdays Berlln.. .. Berlin :;d and 4th Saturdays Jacoby Darlington.Jst and 3d Fridays Grant City Grant City lst and 3d l\londays Defiance Sheridan Mon. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Allensville Allcndale.. . Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. .1onathan Denvcr.. . 2d and 4th Wednesdays.
,Appendix. SEVENTH DISTRICT. A. L. Nash, D. D. G. M., Maryville.
Name of Lodge
Nodaway , 50 Xenia do .165 Maryville do 196 Quitman do. . 201 Ravenwood do .289 Graham do 301 White Hall... do : 329 Kennedy do 442 Burlington do 465 Gaynor City do 路 470 Nodaway do 472 Pickering do .474 Gullford do .507 Clearmont do .511 Skidmore
Time of Meeting'
Hopkins Jst ami 3d Thursdays Maryville lst and 3d Wednesdays Quitman lst and 3d Saturdays Ravenwood 2d and 4th Thursdays Graham 1st and 3d Thursdays Barnard 2d 'and 4th Thursdays Elmo 1st and 3d Mondays Burlington .Tet.1st and 3d Fridays Parrrell 1st and 3d Wednesdays .Maryvllle 2d and 4th Thursdays Pickerlng 2d and 4th Tuesdays Gullford 2d and 4th Thursdays Clearmont... .1st and 3d Thursdays ..8kidmore 2d and 4th Mondays
EIGHTH DISTRICT. Frank Elton, D. D. G. M.,. Tarkio. Atchison do do do Holt... do do do do
157 200 358 .483 U2 139 .214 .294 606
North Star Sonora North-West Fairfax.. Maitiand Oregon Forest City Mound City Craig
Rockport Watson Tarkio Fairfax l\Iaitland Orcgon .Forest City .Mound Clty Craig NI~TH
2d and 4th Thursdays .1st and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d ami 4th Tuesdays .1st Monday and 3d Saturday lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays .1st and 3d Tuesdays
John Minter, D. D. G. M., St. Joseph. Andrew do do do do do do Buchanan do do do do do do do do do do
71 Savannah Savannah 117 Helena Helena .138 Lincoln FiIlmore 162 Whitesville Whltesvllle 404 Roscndale ,.. Rosendale 413 Valley Bolckow 600 Cosby Cosby 10 Agency .Agency 22 Wellington .De Kalb 78 St. Joseph St. Joseph 150 Birming .Faucett... 189 Zeredatha St. Joseph 238 Rushvllle Rushvllle 381 Charity St. Joseph 376 King Hill... St. Joscph 508 Saxton , Saxton , 627 Wallace Park Wallacc 269 Brotherhood St. Joseph
1st and 3d Thursdays 2d Monday and 4th Saturday 1st and 3d Tuesdays Sat. on or b. f.m. & 2d Thur. aft. 2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays lst Saturday 1st and 3d Tuesdays 4th Saturday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays 1st and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Saturdays 2d Saturday 2d and 4th Fridays
I Sept.
Appendix. TENTH DlSTRIC'l'. Chas. A. Harvey, D. D. G. M., Maysville.
County De Kalb do do do do do Daviess do do do do do do do
No. 124 235 308 311 454 5'59 15 65 106 108 _285 488 .500 .564
Name of Lodge Union Star Weatherby Parrott.. Osborn ContinentaL. Clarksdale Western Star Pattonsburg Gallatin Altamont EarI _ Lock Spring Jameson Jamesport
Time of Meeting
Union Star Weatherby MaysviIle Osborn .stewartsville Clarksdale Winston Pattonsburg Gallatin .Altamont... Coft'cy Lock Sprlng .Jameson .Ja.mesport
2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Saturdays lst and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Saturdays lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Thursdays Sat. on or路 bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. lst and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3d Wednesdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Mondays
ELEVENTH DISTRICT. D. M. Foster, D. D. G. M., Cameron. . Clay do do do do do Clinton do do do do
31 49 193 .207 311 438 37 62 113 391 506
Liberty Holt Angerona CIay Kearney Temperance Hemple Vincil PIattsburg Gower Lathrop
Liberty 2d and 4th Mondays HoIt 3d Friday Missouri City lst and 3d Tuesdays .ExceIsior Springs.lst and 3d Mondays Kearney lst and 3d Thursdays Smithvillc lst and 3d Wednesdays HempIe lst and 3d Thursdays Cameron .1st and 3d Mondays .PIattsburg lst Thursday . Gower lst and 3d Wednesdays Lathrop lst and 3d Mondays TWELFTH DlS1'RICT.
E. E. Divinia, D. D. G. M., Breckenridge. CaIdweIL. do do do do do Livingston do 'do do do do do
118 .135 224 232 .334 561 89 155 110 333 388 .434 539
1{ingston Kingston Braymer .Braymer Hamilton Hamilton Polo .PoIo Breckenridge: .Breckenridge CowgiIl CowgilL. Friendship ChiIlicothe Spring HilL. Spring HilI BenevoIence Utica ChiIlicothe ChiIlicothe Chula Chula WheeIing _..WheeIing Dawn Ludlow
lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays lst and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays .2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Saturdays Saturday on or ber. full moon .2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursda~'s 2d and 4th Fridays
Appendix. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. Forrest L. Madden, D. D. G. M., Meadville.
County Linn do do do do do
路No. 82 86 227 233 325 .481
Name of Lodge Jackson Brookfield Cypress Bucklln Dockery Marcellne
Time of Meeting
Location Llnneus Brooktleld Laclede .Bucklin Mcadvllle..: Marcellne
lst and 3d Fridays _2d and 4th Tuesdays .1st and 3d Wednesdays .1st and 3d Tuesdays Every Tuesday 2d and 4th Tuesdays
FOURTE])NTH DISTRICT. Luther E. Wilhoit. D. D. G. M., Macon. Macon do do do do do do do Shelby do do do do
38 C'allao Callao HI2 Bloomlngton Bevler 146 McGee College Mound 172 Censer .Mll.con : 237 La Plata La Plata 路 268 Lodge of Truth...Atlanta 332 Excello .Excello 648 Elmer Elmer 96 St. Andrews Shelbyvillc 228 Shelblna Shelbina 415 Hunnewell .Hunnewell... .537 BetheL BetheL. 662 Clarence Clarence
lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Saturdays lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Thur~days lst and 3d Mondays .1st and 3d Wednesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Fridays. lst and 3d Mondays lst and 3d Tuesdays
FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. Donald H. Sosey, D. D. G. M., Palmyra. Lewis do do do do do do Marlon do do do aalls do do
24 58 .222 287 370 494 ..577 18 28 188 502 33 302 .307
Wyaconda Montlcello La Belle C'raft.. Wllllamstown Lewlstown Ewing Palmyra St. John ~ HannibaL. Philadelphla Ralls Lick Crcek New London
Montlcello La Belle Canton Willlamstown Lewistown Ewing Palmyra HannlbaL. HannlbaL. Philadelphia Center Perry New London
lst and 3d Thursdays Thurs. on or b. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Fri. aft. .lst and 3d Mondays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays .1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays .lst Thursday 2d and 4th Saturdays Saturday on or ber. full moon lst and 3d Frid'ays
SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. Warren H. May, D. D. G. M., Louisiana. County Pike do do do do do
Name of Lodge
Time of Meeting
14 ·17 92 136
Eolia..... . Eolia __ .. lst Friday Clarksville C1arksville lst and 3d Thursdays Perseverance Louisiana lst and 3d Tuesdays Phoenix: Bowling Green lst and 3d Tuesdays ~192 Frankford Frankford 2d and 4th Mondays ; 399 Pike Curryville~ Thursdays' on or' bef. full moon
SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT. Thos. F. Hurd, D. D. G. M., Paris. Monroe do do do do do do
19 ·23 42· 64· : 91 _462 _.660
Paris Union Paris Florida Florida Middle Grove Middle Grove: Monroe..; : :Monroe City ; Madison Madison Santa Fe , Santa Fe Holliday , .Holliday
2d and 4th Mondays Saturday on or bef. full moon lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Tuesdays Saturday on or ber. full moon lst and 3d Tuesqays
EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT. Wm. F. Wigginton, D.. D. G. M., Moberly. Randolph 30 Huntsville do ~151 Milton..: : do 161 Clifton ·HilL. do 186 Morality do 344 Moberly do .486 Cairo do 527 .Higbee : do 541 Jacksonville do ..: 610 Clark
Huntsville lst and 3d Tuesdays Milton .1st and '3d Saturdays Clifton HilL..: lst and 3d Thursdays Renick lst and 3d Thursdays Moberly 2d and 4th Mondays Cairo 2d and 4th Thursdays .Higbee lst and 3d Wednesdays Jacksonvllle 2d and 4th Saturdays Clark lst and 3d Thursdays
NINETEENTH DISTRICT. Horace L. Mann, D. D. G. M., Brunswick. Chariton do do do do do do do do
;.. 73 Eureka.: 74 Warren , 122 TripletL 202 Westville 208 Salisbury .4.26 Rothvill~ 498 Pee Dee 525 CUnningliani 628 Mendon:
Brunswick..· Keytesville Triplett... Westville .8alisbury : Rothville 1I-1usselfork Sumner.. Mendon
lst and 3d Tuesdays 2d and .4th Fridays .lst and 3d Thur.sdays 3d Saturday . .1st and 3d Tuesdays :..2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d Wednesday 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Mondays
Appendix. TWENTIETH DISTRICT. P. E. Wait, D. D. G. M., Bosworth.
Count)'· Carroll do do do do do Ray do do do do do
No. 39 52 .1 01 216 249 597 57 223 309 322 393 ,.444
Name of Lodge DeWitt Wakanda Bogard Hale City Carroll Bosworth Richmond Ray King Hiram Hardin Bee Hive Ada ·
Time of MeeUng
Location DeWitt......... Carrollton Bogard .Hale Norborne..... Bosworth Richmond Camden Knoxville Hardin Lawson Orrick
_..lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Tues~ays lst and 3d Mondays . 2d and 4th Mondays .2d and Thursdays 4th :Friday lst and 3d Fridays Saturday on or before full moon lst Tuesday and 3d Saturday lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Tuesdays
J. P. Tuc1\er, D. D.G.'M., Parkville. Platte do do do do do do do
·. 13 53 120 169 204 339 35!'i 504
Rising Sun Weston Compass Camden Point Rowley lfidelity ; AdelphL. Platte City
Barry o Weston , Parkvllle Camden Point Dearborn Farley Edgerton Platte Clty
Saturday on or bef. full moon lst and 3d Thursdays 2d Saturday lst and 3d Tuesdays 2d Wednesday Wednesday on or bef. full moon lst and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Monda)'s
TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT. Thos. H. Reynolds, D. D. G. M., Kansas City. JaC'kson do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ..: Clay
.l04 219 ~ 220 :.299 305 316 340 446 522 546 .547 563 :617 625 630 643 65·6 663 659
Heroine Albert Pike Kansas City Temple Cecile-Daylight Rural... Westport Ivanhoe Gate Clty Orient.. South Gate York Swope Park.: ShetTleld · East Gate Northeast Country Club RockhUl... AIpha
Kansas City Kansas City: Kansas City Kwsas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas Clty Kansas Cit); Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City : ;.Kansas City N. KansasCity
2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Mondays 2d and 4th Mondays lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Wednesdays lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and' 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays' 2d and 4th Mondays
Appendix. TWENTY -THIRD DISTRICT. C. B. Waddell, D. D. G. M., Lexington.
Lafayette do do do do do
61 149 364 .437 .464 476
Name of Lodge Waverly Lexington Hilminsville LafayeUe COITcordia Mount Hope
Location Waverly Lexington Higginsville Corder Concordia Odessa
Time of Meeting Thursday on or bef. full mOOD 3d Tuesday 2d and 4th Mondays 3d Saturday lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays
TWENTY -FOURTH DISTRICT. Thomas W. Hoskins, D. D. G. M.• Slater. Saline do do do do do do do
55 Arrow Rock 63 Cambridge 85 MiamL. .205 Trilumina .217 Barbee 402 Malta 518 Oriental.. .560 Nelson
Arrow Rock. _ Slater MiamL. Marshall... Sweet Spriilgs Malta Bend Blackburn Nelson
Thursday on or bei. full moon lst Tuesday Friday on or bef. full moon lst Thursday Last Friday iIT each month Tuesday on or bef. full moon Tuesday on or bef. full moon 2d and 4th Tuesdays
TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT. Guy C. Million. D. D. G. M., Boonville. Cooper 36 Cooper do .: 142 Pleasant Grove do 211 Wm. D. Muir do .456 Wallace do .503 Prairie Home Howard........... 4 Howard do 41 Fayette do 51 Liviugston do 70 Armstrong
Boonvllle Ottervllle Pilot Grove Bunceton Prairie Home New Franklin Fayette Glasgow Armstrong
2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Saturdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Tuesdays F}very Friday .1st aml 3d Thursdays
TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT. Roy R. Wright, D. ·D. G. M., Columbia. Boone do do do do do do do do
59 Centralia Centralia 67 Rocheport... .Rocheport 114 Twilight... Columbia 156 Ashland Ashland 174 Sturgeon Sturgeon 336 Hallsville Hallsville 356 Ancient L·dmark..Harrisburg .455 Hinton..; .Hinton 602 Acacia Columbia
lst and 3d Thursday Thurs. on or b. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. .2d and 4th Tuesdays. lst and 3d Fridays Friday on or before full moon lst Friday Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Saturd'ay on Qr. ber. full moon lst and 3d Tuesdays
TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT. Louis J. Graue, D. D. G. M., Mexico. County
Audrain 81 do 115 do 266 do .~ 354 .491 do do 580 Callaway........ 8 do 48 do 60 do 242 357 do do. . 565 do 585 do .......•612
Name of I,odge Cerrtral... Laddonia SociaL....... . Hebron Vandalia Houston Williamsburg Fulton New Bloomtleld Portland _ Aux Vasse Tebbetts Shamrock Mokane
Time of Meeting
Molino 2d Saturday Laddonia Frlday· on or before full moon Martlnsburg 2d FrIday Mexico lst and 3d TuesdaYs Vandalia 2d and 4th Fridays Gant 3d Friday .williamsburg 2d Sat. (afternoon) each month Fulton lst and 3d :I!'ridays .New Bioomtleld,.lst and 3d Fridays ReadsviUe : Saturday before full moon Aux Vasse 2d and 4th Mondays Tebbetts 2d and 4th Saturdays Shamrock. 'fhursday on or ber. full moon Mokane lst and 3d Saturdays
TWENTY -EIGHTH DISTRICT. S. S. Cox, D. D. G. M., Montgomery.. 178 do 194 do 246 do 261 do 457 do 492
GriswoIQ Wellsville Momgomery Florence Jonesburg Daggett...
Belltlower Monday on or after full moon Wellsville 2d and 4th Tuesdays Montgomery City.2d and 4th Mondays Kew Florence 2d and 4th Saturdays :Jonesburg Saturday on or bef. full moon McKittrick. Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft.
TWENTY·NINTH DISTRICT. L. T. Baskett, D. D. G. M., Elsberry. Lincoln 34 do 75 do' .........•199 do 270 do -409 do .473 do 558
Troy Silex New Hope New Salem I,ollisville Nineveh Moscow
Troy Silex Elsberry Wlntleld Louisville Olney Moscow Mills
2d and 4th Mondays Friday on or ber. 1st full moon Saturday on or ber. full moon lst and 3d Saturdays Friday on or before full moon lst Saturday Sat. on or bf. Lm. & 2 wks. aft.
THIRTIETH DISTRICT. Edwin H. Barklage, D. D. G. M.• St. Charles. St. Charles 46 do 241 do 260 Warren 11 do 609
Wentzville Wcntzvllle Palestine St. Charles MechanicsviUe ..:..Howell... Pauldingville Wrlght City Warrenton Warrenton
Saturday on or ber. full moon lst and 3d Tuesdays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Saturdays .2d and 4th Fridays
County Cole do do do Moniteau do do do Osage do
Franklin do do do do do do do Gasconade do do
THIRTY -FIRST DISTRICT. W. D. Rogers, D. D. G. M., Jefferson City. Name of Lodge Location Time of Meeting N? 43 J!lfferson Jeft'erson Clty lst and 3d Mondays 90 Russellvllle Russellvllle Friday on or before full moon 211 Hickory HIlI.. Eugene 1st Saturday 611 Centertown~ Centertown 1st and 3d Mondays 56 Tlpton Tipton 2d and 4th Thursdays : Callfornla 2d and 4th Fridays 183 California Jamestown Sat. on or b. f.m. & 2d Tues. aft. 295 Moniteau 553 Clarksburg Ciarksburg 1st and 3d Mondays 185 Chamois Chamois 4th }'rlday 326 Linn Linn Saturday on or before full moon THIRTY -SECOND DISTRICT. R. A. Breuer, D. D. G. M., Hermann. New Haven 2d and 4th Thursdays 27 Evergreen : Sullivan Sat. bef. f. m. and 2 weeks aft. 69 Sullivan , 1st and 3d Thursdays 173 Gray Summit.. Gray Summlt Washington 1st and 3d Fridays 251 Hope Robertsvllle Saturday on or after full moon 363 Fraternal.. Paciftc 2d and 4th Thursdays 534 Columbla St.Clair....... .'2d Wednesday 575 Easter Unlon 2d and 4th Fridays 593 Union Hermann : lst and 3d Mondays 123 Hermann Red Bird Saturday on or bef. full moon 584 Red Blrd...' OWensville 1st and 3d Thursdays 624 Owensville
St. Louis City.. 1 3 do 95 do 121 do 163 do 1~0 do 243 do 267 do 330 do 360 do 420 do 460 do 505 do 520 do 550 do 576 do 638 do 641 do 646 do . 652 do 654 do 65 i do 661 do
THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT- (A). Solon Cameron, D. D. G. M., St. Louis. Mlssourl... St. .Louls 1st and 3d Thursdays Beacon St. Louls 2d and 4th Thursdays Pomegranate St. J.louis 1st and 3d Saturdays Erwlh St. Louls 2d and 4th Fridays Occidental... St. Louls 1st and 3d Mondays Pyramid St. Louis 2d and 4th Fridays Keystone St. Louis 1st and 3d Wednesdays Aurora..: St. Louis 1st and 3d Tuesdays Paul Revere St. Louis 2d and 4th Fridays Tuscan....... . St. Louls 1st and 3d Tuesdays' ltasl\a... St. Louis 1st and 3d Mondays Lambskin St. Louls 2d and 4th Wednesdays Euclid St. Louis 1st and 3d Mondays Clifton Heights St. Louls 2d and 4th Tuesdays Rose HIll St. Louis 2d and 4th Tuesdays Olive Branch St. Louis 2d and 4th Tuesdays Triangle St. Louis 1st and 3d Saturdays . Trinity St. Louis 2d and 4th Thursdays St. Louls 2d and 4th Tuesdays Pilgrim St. Louis 2d and 4th Wednesdays Commonweaah St. Louis 1st and 3d Thursdays I'rogress St. Louis 1st and 3d Thursdays Theo. RoosevelLSt. Louis 2d and 4th Mondays
297 '
Appendix. THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT-(B). Richard O. Rumer, D. D. G. M., S1. Louis.
St. Louis City. 2 do 9 do 20 do 25 do 40 do 79 179 do· do 218 do 282 323 do 347 do 416 do 443 do 445 do 499 do 529 do 544 do 'do 578 626 do do 631 do 639 642 do do 658
Name of Lodge
Meridian S1. Geo. Washington. St. St. Louis St. NaphtalL. St. Mount Moriah St. Polar Star St. Pride of the Good Hope St. Cosmos .8t. Corner Stone St. America S1. Cache St. Anchor St. West Gate St. HarmoIl'Y St. Apollo St. .AIgabil... St: Forest Park St. Magnolia S1. Tower Grove St. Mlzpah.: .st. Benj. Franklin .st. Purity St.
Time of Meeting
Louis 2d and 4th Thursdays Louis 2d and 4th Tuesdays' Louis :.. 2d and 4th Wednesdays Louis 2d and 4th Thursdays' Louis lst and '3d Saturdays Louis lst and 3d Fridays' Louls 2d and 4th Wednesdays Louis lst and 3d Saturdays Louis 2d and 4th Mondays Louls .. : lst and 3d Mondays Louls 2d and 4th Tuesdays Louis 2d and 4th Saturdays Louis 2d and 4th Wednesdays Louis lst and 3d Tuesdays Louis lst and 3d Mondays Louis 2d· and 4th Wednesdays Louls 2d and 4th Fridays Louis 2d and 4th Mondays Louls 2d and 4th Wednesdays Louls 2d and 4th Thursdays Louis 2d and 4th Tuesdays Louis lst and 3d Thursdays Louls , lst and 3d Tuesdays
.THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRICT. Ernest W. Chewning, D. D. G. M., Harrisonville. ··Cass : 54 do :..147 do :276 'do · .348 do :..372 do .386 do : 450 do : 451 do , :480 do ..485 do : :530 do :604 do 633 do : 651
Index : Cass Grand River Wadesburg... NonparelL. Dayton: Belton Raymore JeweL Coldwater Peculiar Strasburg Archle Clev~land __
Garden City Harrlsonville Freeman .. Creighton East Lynne Dayton BeltoD' Baymore Pleasant HilL. Drexel.. Peculial' , .8trasburg : Archle Cleveland
lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Fridays Saturday on or ber. full moon Friday on or before full moon Wednesday on or ber. full moon Saturday on or· after full moon lst and 3d Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th ThursdaYs lst Tuesday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2d and 4th Tuesdays
THIRTY -FIFTH DISTRICT. R. B. Campbell, D. D. G. M., Butler, R. F. D. Count)'
Bates __130 do ........•_141 do _254 do .........•_341 do _350 do _368 do _479 do _ .•554
Name of Lodge Huple Amsterdam Butler RockviUe Tyrian Crescent HilI Rich Hill Foster
..Hume Amsterdam .Butler .Rockville Johnstown ..A.drian Rich Hill Foster
Time of Meeting Jst and 3d Thursdays 1st and 2d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays Sat. on or bf. r.m. & 2 wks. aft 2d and 4th Mondays 2d arid 4th Mondays Every Friday
THIRTY -SIXTH DISTRICT. S. B. Kennon, D. D. G. M., Sedalia. Benton do Johnson do do do do do Pettls do do do
595 653 ~.245
262 265 214 .428 .487 236 _272 _425 574
Cole Camp Shawnee Knob Noster Holden Corinthian Cold Spring Pittsville Chilhowcc Scdalla Granite Grcen Ridge La Monte
Cole Camp Wa-rsaw Knob Noster Holden Warrensburg Leeton Pittsvlllc Chilhowcc .sedalla .sedalla Green Ridge La Monte
1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays Jst and 3d Mondays Tbursday on or be!. full moon Frlday on or bcfore full moon Jst and 3d Fridays First Friday 3d Friday lst and 3d Thursdays 2d Friday
THIRTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT. Thornton Jennings, D. D. G. M., Clinton. Benton 418 Henry 29 do 286 do .343 do 408 do 548 do .552 do 551 do 562 St. Clair.......•.273 do 342 do 403 do .412 do .419
Clear Creck ~ Windsor Urich _ Agrlcola Montrose ClIIrton Calhoun Blairstown Deepwater St. Clair Clrcle Lowry City Appleton City Star
Lincoln Wlndsor Urich Petersburg Montrose Clinton , Calhoun Blairstown Deepwater Osceola Roscoe Lowry City Appleton City Taberville
Monday follOWing 4th Saturday 1st and 3d 'Tuesdays lst and 3d Fridays Sat. on or b. f.m. & 2d Wed. aft. lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays :st and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Fridays .4th Friday Thursday on or before full moon lst and 3d Fridays Saturday on or bef. full moon Saturday on or bef. full moon
THIRTY -EIGHTH DISTRICT. W. C. Cowan, D. D. G. M., Richland. County No. .C amden _152 do :•..433 Laclede..........• 83 do 432 do 528 Pulaski. 315 do 385 Miller .203 do AI0
Name of Lodge Location Linn Creek Linn Creek Mack's Creek Mack's Creek Laclede Lebanon Competition Competition Conway Conway Waynesville WayrresviIle Richland Richland Brumley .Brumley Iberla lberia
Crawford do Dent Maries Phelps do do Pulaskl... Texas
THIRTY-NINTH DISTRICT. Chas. L. Woods, D. D. G. M., Rolla. Lebanon .steelvilIe Saturday on or before full moon Saturday on or after full moon Cuba Cuba Salem Salem .Frlday on or before full moorr Lane's Prairie Vichy Saturday before each full moon Rolla .RoUa lst and 3d Saturdays St. James St. James .' lst and 3d Fridays Equality Newburg 3d and 4th Tuesdays Arlington Dixon lst and 3d ThursdaYs Latimer Licking Sat. on or !Jf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft.
312 225 531 213 .230 491 346 145
Time of Meeting Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. lst Saturday 1st WednesdaY Saturday on or after full moon Sat. Oil! or bef. 1st full moon 2d Saturday .2d WednesdaY Saturday on or before full moon lst Friday
FORTIETH DISTRICT. Chas. E. Pyle, D. D. G. M., De Soto. Jefferson 119 De Soto De Soto 2d and 4th Thursdays do 164 Joachlm Hillsboro lst Saturday Festus 2d and 4th Tuesdays do 256 Shekinah Herculaneum 2d and 4th Thursdays do 338 Herculaneum Caledonia Satlirday on or before full moon Washingtorr 12 Tyro do ..131 Potosi.. Potosi... Friday on or bef. each full moon do .. 143 Irondale Irondale lst and 2d Saturdays Belgrade :..3d Saturday do .. 632 Belgrade St. Francols.535 Blackwell... Blackwell ;.. lst Saturday
Dallas do do Hickory do Polk do do do do do do
361 396 A21
219 288 44 144 160 195 431 _461 664
FORTY -FIRST DISTRICT. M. E. Ewing, D. D. G. M., Morrisville. : Bufl.'alo Friday on or before full moon Riddick Western Light Louisburg Saturday on or before full moon Urbana Urbarra 4th Saturday Hogle's Creek Wheatland Saturday on or before full moon Hermltage lIermitage Saturday on or before full moon Fair Play Falr Play Thursday on' or bef. full moon Fri. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Modern HumansviIle Pleasant.. Morrlsville Friday on or before full moon Wednesday on or bef. full moon BoUvar : Half Way Saturday on or before full mor)D Cement Pleasant' Hope Plcasant Hope Thursday on or bef. full moon Aldrlch ,Aldrich Tuesday on or bef. 1st full moon
Appendix. FORTY-SECOND DISTRICT. H. H. Finley, D. D. G. M., Greenfield.
County Cedar do do Dade do do do do
No. ~83
315 .t82 87 359 405 458 521
Name of Lodge Stockton Jerusalem Clintonville Washington Garrett.. Everton Melville Lockwood
Time of Meeting .
Stockton .}'ri. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. J erico Springs lst and 3d Wednesda~'s Eldorado Springs ..2d and 4th Thursdays Greenfield 4th Tuesday Arcola Thursday on or before full moon Everton 2d and 4th Tuesdays' Dadeville Thurs. on or b. f.m. &, 2 wks. aft. l..ockwood 2d and 4th Thursdays
I<'ORTY -THIRD DISTlllCT. D. V. Morris, D. D. G. M., Nevada. \'ernon do do do do do do Barton . do do do do
303 371 .448 .490 .493 .495 605 187 I 292 304 475 516
Osage Sheldon Schell City Montevallo Vernon Uhity Walker Hermon Lamar Signal... Golden l\lilford
Nevada .sheldon Schell City J\lontevallo Bronaugh Richards Walker Liberal.. Lamar l\-lindenmines Golden City .Milford
2d Friday lst and 3d Thursdays Thursday, on or before full moon lst and 3d Fridays Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 1st and 3d Wednesdays 3d Saturday and 2 weeks after Jst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d Tuesday 2d and 4th Tuesdays 3d Saturday
FORTY -FOURTH DISTRICT. Ernest Davis, D. D. G. M., Carthage. Jasper 197 do 293 do "335 do : 345 do _398 do : 401 do :..471 do _512 do 549 do ..: , .586 do ~ _.592
Carthage : Sarcoxie Joplin Fellowshlp Jasper Carterville Mlneral... Webb City Carl Junction Crlterlon La Russell...
Carthage Sarcoxie Joplin .Joplin .Ja~per..
Carterville Oronogo Webb City Carl Junction Alba La Russell...
2d and 4th Thursdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Jst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Fridays lst and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays 2d and 4th Wednesdays 1st and 3d Mondays. 1st and 3d Wednesdays
FORTY-FIFTH· DISTRICT. J. Emmet Mitchell. D. D. G. M .•
Greene......... 5 do : : 1 do 100 do 271· do 291 do .422 do .449 do 510 do ........•608 do 620 webster do do do do
:.. 98 300 139 459 .471
Time of Meeting
Name of Lodge Location
United Springfteld 3d Monday O'Stillivan Walnut Grove ::.Tuesday before full' moon Ash Grove AshGrove 2d and 4th Thursdays Solomon Springfteld.: 2d Monday Ozark .Fair Grove :..Saturday· before 1st· full moon Gate of the Temple.Springfleld : 3d Thursday Bois· D·Arc ;..Bois D·Arc lst and 3d Tuesdays Republic Republic 2d Thursday Straft'ord .8traft'ord Jst and 3d Saturdays Willard Wlllard lst Thurs., April to ·Sept.• 1st and 3d Thursdays thereatt. . Webster Marsh1leld Friday on or after full· moon . Dorlc........................•.Elkland Saturday on or before full moon Mount Olive :Mt. Olive .Friday before full moon Hazelwood Seymour Thurs. on or b. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Henderson .Rogersvllle 3d Thursday FORTY -SIXTH DISTRICT. Carl A. Swenson. D. D. G. M., Mountain Grote.
Douglas do do Texas do do do Wright... do do do do do
26 182 382 116 171· _469 .555 158 240 .411 543 Ji89 __1)22
Ava Ava lst and 3d Wednesdays PlIot Knob.. ~ Rlchville Saturday on or before full mOOD Mt. Ararat Topaz Saturday after each full moon ·Barnes · Cabool Jst 'and 3d Saturdays Texas Houston Saturday on' or after full moon Plato Plato Saturday before full moon Summersvllle .summersville 2d and 4th Saturdays Mountain Grove.Mountain Grove.2d and 4th Fridays Manes Manes lst Saturday Joppa Hartville Fri. on or bf. f.m. & 2d Frl. aft. Manstleld Manstleld , ..Wednesday on or be!. full moon Grovespring Grovespring :.2d Saturday Norwood Norwood.: : Thurs. on or b. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. FORTY -SEVENTH DISTRICT. C. M. Seaman. D. D. G. M.• Eminence.
Carter do Reynolds do do Shannon do do
509 579 ,.239 275 .353 137 430 607
Van Buren Grandin Hopewell Bunker Barnesville Delphlan Winona Emln!lnce~
Van Buren Grandin Lestervillc .Bunker EIlington Rirch Trec Winona Eminence
Saturday on or after full moon 2d Saturday Saturday on or after full moon lst and last Thursdays .4th Saturday 3d Saturday Thursday on or before tull moon lst Saturday
[Sept. :
FORTY -EIGHTH DISTRICT. John.J. Bowman, D.. D. G. M., Bonne Terre. County
lron 133 do 351 Madison 110 St. Francois.. 41 do 132 do 154 do 234 do 424 do 551 do 598 do 599 Ste. Genevieve.226
Time of Meeting
Name of Lodge Location Star of the West Mosaic : Marcus : Bismarck Farmington Ionic St. Francois Samaritan Pendleton Leadwood Elvins Saline
Ironton .Belleview Fredericktown Bismarck Farmington Desloge Libertyville, Bonne Terre Doe Run Leadwood Jflat River .st. Mary's
2d and 4th Fridays 8aturday on or after full moon lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Saturdays .lst and 3d l!'ridays lst and 3d Wednesdays .lst Thursday lst and 3d SaturdaYs 2d and 4th Saturdlj.ys .2d and 4th Saturdays Every 'ruesday Saturday on or before full moon
FORTY -NINTH DISTRICT. James A. Kinder, D. D. G'. M., Cape Girardeau. Bollinger _440 do _545 Cape Girard'u... 93 do 103 do 191 do 221 417 do do 441 Perry 路
Trowel... Zalma St. Marks West View Wilson Mystic Tie Whitewater Excelsior
Marble Hill... 2d and 4th Fridays Zalma lst and 3d Saturdays Cape Girardeau..2d and 4th Tuesdays Millersville Saturday on or before fUll moon Pocahontas lst and 3d Saturdays Oak Ridge Sat. on or bf. r.m. & 2 wks. aft. Whitewater Sat. on or bf. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. Jackson 2d and 4th Thursdays
IflFTIETH DISTRICT. Jas. A. Boone, D. D. G. M., Charleston. MississippL...384 do -407 Scott..路 .l84 do _306 do _310 do 581 do _594 do _615 Stoddard 153 do .278 do 489 do 532 do 590 do ,..596 New Madrid...603
East Prairie Charleston: Morley Ashlar Sikeston Illmo Blodgett Cha1l'ee Bloomfle~d
Essex L.akeville Dexter Advance Puxico Morehouse
East Prai.rie Charleston Morley Commerce Sikeston lllmo Blodgett : Cha1l'ee Bloom1leld .Essex Bell City Dexter .Advance ,Puxico Morehouse
Every Thursday lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays .2d and 4th Tuesdays .lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays Ist and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 3d Wednesday lst and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4tl} Tuesdays
FIFTY-FIRST DISTRICT. G. C. Bishop. D. D. G. M., Caruthersville. County
Dunklin 68 do 212 do 215 do 231 do : _248 do _406 do 513 New Madrld..166 do ..176 do ..429 do ..650 Ppmiscot... 461 do .571 do 634 St.oddard .573
Time of Meeting
Name of Lodge. Location ~(ennctt
Four Mile Hornersville Cardwell... Clarkton Malden Senath
Campbell HotnersviUe Cardwell... Clarkton Malden Senath Porta~eville Portageville Point PleasanL..Conran New Madrid New Madrid Parma Parma Caruthersville Caruthersville Hayti... Hayti... Steele Steele Bernie Bernle
lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Thursdays lst and 3d Mondays 1st and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3<1 Thursdays 1st an~ 3d Thursdays Sat. or or b. f.m. & 2d Thur. aft. 2d and 4th Morrdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Thursdays lst and 3d Fridays
FIFTY-SECOND DISTRICT. K. C. Johnson. D. D. G. M., Poplar BlutT.
Butler............•209 do 623 Ripley _314 do 369 do 568 Wayne .107· do 526
Poplar BlutT ·Maplc : Plne Composite Naylor · Gre·envllle Wayne
Poplar BlutT.: Neelyvllle Bardley Doniphan · Naylor Greenvllle Pledmorrt
2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d SatUrdays Saturday after ftIll mOOD 2d and 4th Tuesdays lst and 3d Thursdays .1st and 3d Thursdays .2d and 4th Saturdays
FIFT?-, -THIRD DISTRICT. C. E. Armstrong, D. D. G. M., West Plains. Howell... do do
327 536 637 Ore~on 255 do ..374 do ...........•.387 do 463 do fl82 Ozark 298 do 365 do 435 do .496
Mt. Zion \Vest Plains 1st and 3d Fridays Ingomar Willow Springs .1st and 3d Thursdays Mountain Vlew..Mountaln View 2d and 4th Tuesdays Alton Alton Saturday on or before Wllderness Wilderness Saturday on or before Woodslde Thomasville Saturday on or before CIifton Thayer 2d and 4th Tuesdays Koshkonong Koshkonong 2d Wednesday Sampson Lutie Saturday on or before Bayou Bakerstleld Saturday on or before Rockbrldgc Rockbridge. . Saturday on or before Robert Burns Galnesville .. Saturday on or before
full moon full moon full moon
full full full full
moon moon moon moon
Appendix. FIFTY-FOURTH DISTRICT. G. J. Vaughan, D. D. D. M.• Ozark.
County Christian do do do Taney do do do ~tone
do do
Time of Meeting
Name of Lodge Location
296 Sparta 352 Friend _379 Billirrgs ,.645 Clever .229 Clafiin 264 Kirbyvllle .453 Forsyth 587 Branson .280 Reeds Spring 515 Galena 519 Crane
Sparta ~ Ozark. Billings Clever Protem Holllster Forsyth Branson Reeds Spring Galena.., Crane
.Frlday on or before full Saturday on or before full 2d ami 4th Thursdays Friday on or before full Saturdayon or before full 1st and 3d Thursdays .1st and 3d Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Mondays lst and 3d Thursdays 2d and 4th Saturdays
moon moon moon moon
FIFTY-FIFTH DISTRICT. W. N. Marbut, D. D. G. M., Mount Vernon. Barry 129 Monett... do _148 Purdy do 367 Barry do 383 Pythag()ras do 517 Sellgman do 533 Comfort Lawrence 99 Mt. Vernon.: do .284 Canbpy do 390 Marionville do ..: 400 Decatur do .452 Verona do 468 Red Oak do 523 Stlnson do .567 Miller
Monett Purdy Washburn Cassville Sellgman Wheaton Mt. Vernon .Aurora.; Marionvllle .Peirce City Verona Red Oak Stlnson Miller
1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Saturdays 2d and 4th Saturdays 2d and 4th Thursdays .2d and 4th Saturdays 1st and 3d Fridays 2d and 4th Tuesdays 1st and 3d Fridays 1st and 3d Thursdays 1st and 3d Tuesdays Thursday. every two weeks Sat. on or aft. f.m. & 2 wks. aft. 2d and 4th Fridays
FIFTY·SIXTH DISTRICT. W.· A. Phipps, D. D. G. M., Neosho.
McDoI,lald do do Newton do do do do
466 _621 647 247 .478 514 _.538 619
Southwest... Southwest CitY 1st and 3d Tuesdays Anderson : Anderson 2d and 4th Wednesdays NoeL. :......•.Noel... .1st and 3d Wednesdays Neosho Neosho 1st and 3d Thursdays Racine Seneca 2d and 4th Mondays Granby Granby 1st and 3d Fridays SteIla Stella 1st and 3d Tuesdays Fairview Fairview Thursday on or beforE' full moon
Appelldix. FIFTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT. H. H. Strait, D. D. G. M., Overland. ~o.
County St. Louis Co do do do do do do do do do do do do do
Name of Lodge Location
Time of Meeting
15 Bonhomme BalIwln lst and 3d Saturdays 80 Bridgeton St. John's Station. 1st and 3d Thursdays 84 Webster Groves.Webster Groves 2d and 4th Tuesdays 281 Fenton Fenton 2d and 4th Saturdays 313 Meramec ..Eureka~ ; lst and 3d Thursdays 484 Klrkwood Klrkwood : 2d and 4th Mondays 542 Ferguson Ferguson lst and 3d Fridays 566· Maplewood l\faplewood lst and' 3d Fridays 601 Clayton _ Clayton : lst and 3d Thursdays 613 Wellston Wellston : 2d and 4th Thursdays 629 Valley Park .Yalley Park 2d and 4th Wednesdays .640 Jennings Jennings lst and 3d Tuesdays 649 Universlty : :.University City lst and 3d Mondays 655 Gardenvllle Gardenville lst and 3d Saturdays FIFTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT. Kleber C. Jones, D. D. G. M., Versailles.
Morgan 250 do _320 do _"91 Miller _.134 do 381 Maries 94 do ..........•313
Glensted Vcrsallles Barnett Olean ; Iorna Vlenna Belle
Glensted Versailles Barnett OIean .Eldon _Vienna Bclle
:Saturday on or before rUll moon 2d and 4th Mondays Saturday on or before full moon :3d Saturday 2d and 4th Saturdays .saturday on or before full moon _.2d and 4th Saturdays
FIFTY-NINTH DISTRICT. Harry S. Truman, D. D. G. M., Independence. 76 .J ackson. . do :.•263 do 324 do ..........•337 do 391 do .:..•392 do ....•501 do :..•569 do 614 do 618 do 644
Independence Summit McDonald Blue Springs Raytown Christian Buckner ; Marlborough Mt. Washington Grandview Grain Valley
Independence Lee·s SummiL .. IndepeIidence Blue Springs ..Raytown Oak Grove Buckner _Marlborough Mt. Washington Grandview Graln Valley
2d and 4th Mondays lst and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Mondays .1st and 3d Fridays lst and 3d Fridays Friday ber. 2d and 4th Sundays lst and 3d Thursdays. .1st and 3d Mondays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Fridays 2d and 4th Saturdays
St. Louis, Mo., September 27, 1928.
To the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri: Your Committee on Credentials submits the following report: At the present session of the Most Worshipful Orand Lodge, there are represented 492 Subordinate Lodges and there are present: 26 Grand Lod~e Officers; 13 Past Gran-d Masters; 11 Grand Representatives; 47 District Deputy Grand Masters; 26 District Lecturers; 625 Past Masters; 450 Worshipful Masters; 108 Senior Wardens; 84 Junior Wardens; 17 Chairmen of Committees; 10 Distinguished Visitors; Actual attendance 1,267. Those Marked with an asterisk (*) are proxies.
Lodge. MISSOURI ••••••••••••••••••••
HOWARD ••••••••••••••••••••• UNITED ••••••••••••••••••••••
4 5
O'SULLIVAN ••••••••••••••••• WILUAMSBURG •••••••••••••• GEORGE WASHINGTON ••••••.•
7 8 9
AGENCY ••••••••••..••••••.•• PAULDINGVILLE ••••..••••••••• TYRO ........•.•............• RISING SUN ••••••••••••••••• MEMPHIS ••••••••••••••••••.•
10 11 12 13 _14 16
PALMyRA ••••.••••••••••••••• PARIS UNIOJl; ••• " •• ,I• • • • • • • •
18 19
ST. LOUIS ••.•••.••••••••••••.
WyACONDA .••.....••....•.•••
Representative. Earl W. Ritz, W. M. Edward R. Loffhagen, S. W. M. Kline, Jr., J. W. August E. Dellert, W. M. C. R. Stock, S. W. R. J. Zagrabsky, J. W. Charles Barth, W. M. EdwardM. Layton, S. W. Michael Schnider, J. W. *J. R. Middleton, W. M. Jewell E. Windle, W. M. Sidney M. Payne, S. W. J. T. Robbs, W. M. *Ackerman Garrett, W. M. F. W. Palmer, Jr., W. M. Clarence D. Henry, IS. W. Robert H. Adams,W. M. Wm. E. Lange, W. M. Ed. Drew, W. M. G. P. Alton, W. M. *H. G. Lewis, W. M. John D. Newman,· W. M. Neal Payne, S. W. *James W. Christian, W. M. Charles L. Dry, W. M. J. L. Akers, S. W. Jacob Chasnoff, W. M. Sam Pasternak, J. W. Hallie Redmon, W. M. *0. A. Davis, S. W. W. J. Schaffer, W. M.
AVA •••••.•.....•.•••••..••• EVERGREEN •. ·• ..••••.......... ST. JOHN ••.••.••••••••••••••
26 27 28
WINDSOR ••••••.•.•••••••• ~ •• HUNTSVILLE ••.•••...••••••••
29 30
LIBERTy •••••.•••••••. -•••••••• RALLS •.•.••...••..••.••••... MERCER •••••..••••••••••••••• IIEMPLE •••••••.••....••..••• ;
31 33 35 37
CALLAO ••••••••••••••••••••• DEWITT •••••.••••••••••••••• MT. MORIAH .•.••••••••••••••
38 39 40
41 43
FAYETTE •••••••.•.•••••.•••. FULTON ••••••••••••••••••••• HOLT •••• : ••••••••••••••••••• XENIA ••••••••••••••••••••••• WAKANDA ••••••••••••••••••• WESTON -. ARROW ROCK •••••••.••••.•.. RICHMOND •••••••••••.••••••• MONTICELLO ••••.•••.....•••••. CENTRALIA ••••••••••••••••••• NEW BLOOMFIELD ••••......... VINCIL •••••..••••.•...•...... CAMBRIDGE ••••••.••••••••••• MONROE •..•••.•....••......... PATTONSBURG •••••••..•..••.. . GRANT CITY .........••••.•• SULLIVAN •••.•••••••.••....••. ARMSTRONG .••••••••.••••••••. SAVANNAH ••.•••••••••.•••• ;. GORIN ••••••••••••.•••••••••• WARREN ...•....•••••••...•. SILEX ••••.•.............••.• INDEPENDENCE ••••••••••••••• LEBANON ••••••••••••••••••••
47 48 49 50 52 53 55 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 69 70 71 72 74 75 76 77
Eugene A. Gerber, W. M. Elmer W. Schoenlau, S.W. *H. S. Wilson, W. M. August S. Riechers, W. M. *R. Haeussermann, W. M. *W. H. Blackshaw, S. W. Fred L. Stafford, J. W. *Dan Mandry, W. M. James R. Leathers, S. W. J. m. Tarrants, W. M. *G. C. Layne, W. M. M. A. Needels, W. M. B. A. Beyer, W. M. Albert Krofft, J. W. J. W. Brown, W. M. J. J. McKinney, W. M. Albert E. Shaefer, W. M. R. W. SergeI, S. W. J. W. Jones, J. W. *C. C. Kerlagon, W. M. *Caesar Wollman, W. M. J. L. Tate, S. W. F. H. Young, J. W. Norman G. Finlay, W. M. Alvin R. Campbell, J. W. Ralph M. Whitsett, W. M. J. F. Hensley, W. M. Harry Reece, J. W. Earl R. Alexander, W. M. C. E. Preston, W. M. Earl W. Foley, W. M. *B. C. Bradshaw, W. M. Andrew Blair, W. M. N. J. Wagner, S. W. M. J. McDonald, W. M. *Wade T. Enloe, W. M. Charles H. Hunter, W. M. B. A. Marble, W. M. *Geo. E. Chipman, S. W. *Chas. Gorsuch, W. M. Ula Drummins, W. M. Hugh M. Peterson, W. M.. *Levi Marklund, W. M. J. Harry Latham, W. M. O. B. Reed, W. M. W. D. Dotson, W. M. O. Z. Lovell, W. M. Chas. K. Ehrenhardt, W. M. Charles L. Stough, W. OM.
Appendix. Lodge.
Representative. 78
CENTRAL ••..••••••.•••••••••• JACKSON ••.••..........•.•.• LACLEDE .•....•..•.••...•.••. WEBSTER GROVES ••••••••••••• BROOKFIELD •••••••••••••••••• DEFIANCE •••.••••••••••••••• FRIENDS HIP •••.•••••••••••••• RUSSELLVILLE .•••.••••••••••• PERSEVERANCE •..•••••••.•••• ST. MARKS ••••••••••••••••••• VIENNA • ~ ••.•••.•••••••••••• POMEGRANATE ••••••••••••••••
BETHANY' ..•••• ; .•••••••••••• WEBSTER ...• '. .•......•. , •••• MT. VERNON ••••••••• ~ •••••• BOGARD •••••••••••••••••••••• BLOOMINGTON ..... ; ........• \VEST V~EW .•••••••.•.•••.•. HEROINE ••••••••••••••••••••• KIRKSVILLE •••••••••••••••••• GALLATIN •••••••••••••••••••• STANBERRY ••••••••••••••.••• MARCUS .•••••.•••••••••••••••• TRENTON ...•...•••..•.••••.. MAITLAND •.•.•..••••.•.•.•.•• TWILIGHT ••••.••••••••••••••. BARNES •••••••••••••••••••••• HELENA .•..••••..... : ..••••• KINGSTON •••••••••••••••••••• DESOTO .'•••••••••••••••••••• COMPASS ••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• ERWIN
H. A. Johnson, W. M. Paul Priestley, S. W. *W. L. Mulvania, J. W. 79 Leroy A. Weidle, W. M. Wm. Zavadil, S. W. Fred Koenig, J. W. 80 Wm. H. Cook, W. M. Joseph C. Miller, S. W. 81 W. B. Dowell, W. M. 82 *R. G. Dray, W. M. 83 *Arthur F. Billings, W. M. 84 F. G. Fulkerson, W. M. Chas. Kell, S. W. 86 John N. Barnhouse, W. M. 88 *V. L. Ambrose, W. M. 89 Louis H. Stein, W. M. 90 J. H. Hunter, W. M. 92 William F. Goodman, W. M. *E. .E. Angle, J. W. 93 Curtis J. Neal, W. M. Maple S. Martin, J. W. 94 J. B. Palmer, S. W. 95 William Loeffelman, W. M. Emil A. Neutzling, S. W. , John J. Groff, J. W. 97 J. O. McQueary, W. M. 98 D. R. Swing, S. W. 99 M. R. Maxwell, W. M. 101 W. B. Henderson, J. W. 102 *Edward Hart, W. M. 103 John F. Miller, W. M. 104 :B"rank Woodruff, W. M. Harry P. Sagand, J. W. 105' Holland I. Griggs, W. M. James M. DeWitt, S. W. 106 Glenn Harner, W. M. 109 Earl W. Lawson, W. M. 110 W. M. Hunter, W. M. 111 *Marvin W. Ewing, W. M. 112 M. V. Snyder, W. M. 114 Grover S. Owen, W. M. 116 Moses Lowther, W. M. 117 *H. A. Holt, W. M. 118 Reuben K. Hartley, W. M. 119 *Daniel L. Rouggly, W. M. 120 *J. W. Fleming, W. M. 121 John W. Hill, W .. M. Raymond W. Poertner, S. W. Wm. G. Mueller, Jr., J. W.
• Lodge.
HERMANN : .• '•••.••••• '; UNION STAR . GENTRYVI1.LE ••••••••••••••••• SEAMAN : ATHENS •••••••••••••••••••. LORRAINE .MONETT .•••.•..••...•.•••.' .. ;
123 124 125 126 127 128 129
HUME •••.••••••••••••••••••• STAR OF THE WEST ••••••••••• OLEAN •...•••••••••••••••• '. •. PHOENIX ••••••••••• ;. ~ .. DELPHIAN ...•...•..••.•.•••. LINCOLN .•••••••••••••••••••• IRONDALE •.. : •••..••••••.••.. MODERN ••••••••••••••••••••. LATIMER ••.•' ••• : ••••••••....• CASS •••••••••••••••••••••••• PURI>Y •.••••.•••••••••.•••.• LEXINGTON ••••••••••••••••• BIRMING ••••••••••' ••••••••••• MILTON ••••...•. : •••••••••.• LINN CREEK ••••••••••••••.•• BLOOMFIELD •.•.•..••.••.•••• £ONIC ••••••••••••.••••••••••• SPRING HILL '• ••.•.••••••••.. NORTH STAR •••••• '••••••••••• MOUNTAIN GROVE ••.••••••••• GREEN CITy ••••••••••••••••• PLEASANT ••••••••..•...••.... CLIFTON HILL •.....••••.•... WHITESVILLE •••••..•.••••••.• OCCIDENTAL ••••••• ',' •••••••••
130 133 134 136 137 138 143 144 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
JOACHIM ••••••••••• '••••••,•••• MARyVILLE •••••••••••••••••• COLONY ••••••••••...••••••.. CAMDEN POINT '• •..••••••••.• CENSER ••••••••••••••••••••• GRAY SUMMIT ~ .. POINT PLEASANT ••••••.•.. ,. TEXAS •••••••••••••••••••••• GRISWOLD ••• ~ ••••••• '•••••••••
164 165 168 '169 172 173 176 177 178 179
180 183
*William Nasse, W. M. Willis E. Trotter, W. M. Alexander Patton, W. M *U. A. House, \\-T. M. *J. B. Hardin, W. M. H. F. McGill, S. W. *F. M. Shriver, W. M. A. R. ,Long, S. W. W. F. Davis, J. W Joe C. Watson, W. M. T. E. Bell, S. W. Roy W. Starling, W. M. B. McManus, W. M. C. L. Fry, W. M. W. H. Hardin, W. M. W. H. Martin, S. W. Monroe A. Fields, W. M. P. V. Ramsey, W. M. E. W. Chewning, W. M. *C. E. Williams, W. M. P. B. Smith, W. M. J. A. Baltezar,W. M. L. E. Patton, W; M; , Russell Foster, W. M. K. W. Blomeyer, W. M. F. E. Wells, W.M. *Ben Young, W. M.' *A. McMichael, W. M. ' Ben A. Britain, W. M. *John Sautee, W. M. Chas. L. Hamilton, W. M. J. T. Knox, W. M. Fisher Potts, W. M. , Duncan G. Mellier,' W. M. Elmer G. Widdicombe, J~ W: LOUis H. Dierks, W. M. H. H. Lyle, W. M. R. E. Moffett, W. M. John Pinckard, W. M. Frank J. Pimpell, W. M. *B. A. Thornhill, W. M. J. K. Robbins, W. M. James W. Holbrook, W. M. John W. Dyke, W. M. • Floyd S. Green, W. M. O. T. Hassemer, J. W. G. H. Hartwein, W. M. Alphonso Lee Rymer, J. W. W. C. Carter, W. M. o'
• [Sept.
310 Lodge.
MORLEy ••••..•••..•.•..••••.• MORALITY ••.....•••.•••••••• HERMON ••• : •.••••••.••••••••. HANNIBAL ••••••••••••••••••• ZEREDATHA •••.••••••••••••••
PUTNAM ••••..••••••••••••••• WILSON •••••••••••••••••••. FRANKFORD •••••••••••••••••• WELLSVILLE •.••••••••••••.•. CARTHAGE •••••• ~ •••••••••••• ALLEN SV ILLE ••...•...•.••••• NEW HOPE ••••••••••••••••••• RAVENWOOD ••..•••...••..•• '..• WESTVILLE ••••••••••••••• : • '. BRUMLEy •••••••••••••••••••• ROWLEY •••.•••.••••••••••••• SOMERSET ••••••••••••••••••• CLAy •.•••••.•••••••••.•••.•••• POPLAR . BLUFlo' •.••••••••••••
UNIONVILLE •••••••••••••••••• HICKORY HILL •••••.•.•.•...
FOUR MILE ••••••.••••••••.. ROLLA •••••••••••••••••••••••• HORNERSVILLE ....••••••••••. HALE CIT~ .••••••• ; ....•••.• BARBEE •••••••••••••••••••• '••• GOOD HOPE •••••• ~ .•••••••••••
ALBERT PIKE ••..•••••••••••. KANSAS CITY •••••••••••••••• MYSTIC TIE . RAY : .. SALEM ••••••.••.•.••....•••••. SALINE •••.••.•.. : ...•••••••• CYPRESS •.•••..••••••••••••••' •• SHELBINA ••••••••••••••••••• ST. JAMES ••••••••••••••••••• CARDWELL .••.•..•.•••••.....•
RepresentatlVe. 184 *R. H. Leslie, W. M. 186 *Warreri Surber,W. M. 187 *·C. H. Hatten, W. M. 188 Harry M. Greene, W. M. 18~ A. D. Tilson, W. M. Charles B. Pace, S. W. Wayne T. Dennis, J. W. 190 William J. Brantley, W. M. 191 Zeno D. Drum, W. M. 192 R. N. Foutes, W. M. 194 D. W. Whe'eliilg, W.M. 197 Clyde H. Krummel, W. M. Artie M. Wood, J. W. 198 Homer Brewit, W. M. 199 W. J. Palmer, W. M. 201 Harley Nelson, W. M. 202 Loyd J. Colger, W. M. 203 *D. G. Wall, W. M. 204 George' C. Stafford, W. M. Charles W. Stafford, S. W. 206 F. A. Cozad, W. M. 207 F. L. Kimber, W. M. 209 Robert' L. Reed, W. M. Ciyde H. Hendrickson, S. W. *F. L. Mueller, J. W. 210 Earl L. Fox, W.· M. 211 Earnest L. Glover, W. M. Ollie E. Norfleet, S. W. Benj. E. Henderson, J. W. 212 R. D. Whiteaker, W. M. 213 *Wm. J. Kilg-ore, W. M. 215 Buell P. Parks, W. M. L. A. Chailland, S. W. 21,6 D. E. Parish, W. M. 217 W. E. Wylie, W. M. 218 Louis J. Mottel, W. M. Edw. E. Griggs, S. W .. Ernest O. Suhm, J. W. 219 L-ogan Rownd, W. M. 220 Verne Cole, W: M. 221 James W. Smith, S. '\T. 223 William T. Brinkley, S. W. 225 Chas. B. Jeffries, W. M. 226 J. Bert Haselbud', W. M. 227 Foster W. Burke, W. M. 228 Evertt Hayes, W. M. 230 *Peter Vetter, W. M. 231 C. A. Summitt, W. M. W. H. L-ockard, S. W.
Lodge. POLO •.••••..•.•••••••••••.• BUCKLIN' •••••••••••••••••••• ST. FRANCOIS .•..••••••.••••• WEATHERBy .•..••••..••..••... SEDALL\ •••••••••••••••••••••
232 233 234 235 236
.•••••••••••••••••• ••••.••••••••••••.. •••.••••••••••••••• ••••••••.•••••••••. '.••••••••••••••••••
237 239 241 ,242 243
1VIIDDLE FABIUS •••••••••••••• MONTGOMERY ••••••••.•••••••. NEOSHO ..••.•••••••••••••••• CARROLL ••••••••••••••••••••• GLENSTED .••••••••••••••.•••• : HOPE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALANTHUS ..••..•.•••.•••.••.. LAREDO .....•••..•.••••••.•.. ALTON ..••••••••••••••••••••• SHEKINAH . LODGE OF LICHT ..••.•..•••..• RAVANNA •.•••••••••.•••••••• LODGE OF LOVE .••••••••••••••• FLORENCE ••..•.....••••••••••• HOLDEN ••••••••••••••••••••• CORINTHIAN • '.' ••••••...•••. SOCIAL ..•••••.••••••••••..•• AURORA •••••••••••••••••••••
244 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 255 256 257 258 259 261 262 265 266 267
LODGE OF TRUTH .•..••..•••••. BROTHERHOOD ....•.•.....•....
268 269
NE\V SALEM •••••••••.•••••••• SOLOMON ••••••••••••••••••••
270 271
GRANITE ••.••••••••••••••••••
ST. CLAIR .......•..••.•••••• GRAND RIVER ~ .. ESSEX ...•.....•...••••.••••• FENTON ••.•••••••••••••••••• COSMOS ••.••.•.••••••••••••••
273 276 278 281 282
F. B. Hendren, S. W. Earl S. Green, J. W. H. N. Thomas, W. M. Floyd Bromley, W. M. Ralph F. Boies, W. M. Wm. H. Carl, S. W. G. W. Morgan, W. M. R. Reed, W. M. Edward A. Ringel W. M. J. d. Garrett, W. M. J. M. Bradford, W. M. Ralph W. Myers, S. W. Julius J. Buehlman, J. W. Dee R. Rife, W. M. George Earle Moss, W. M. G. B Williams. W. M. *Ed R. Cox, W. M. Geo. T. Scott, W. M. A. R. Meyers, W. M. John F. Boatwright, W. M. L. V. Hastings, W. M. Ted R. Rice, S. W. Jas. L. Moore, W. M. Lawrence J. Caster, W. M. Cyrus F. Foster, W. ,M. G. F. Tallman, W. M. *J. E. Blackmore, W. M. MeiI O. Paul, W. M. N. B. Grinstead, W. M. Wm. P. Moser, W. M. H. B. Wandell, W. M. Wm. L. Tamme, J. W. Joe H. Ayers, W. M. J. Robt. Montgomery, W. M. H. K. Hopkins, S. W. E. E. Cadwell, J. W. Fred W. Langford, W. M. C. E. Harris, W. M. O. E. Clarke, S. W. Sam Shirley, W. M. *Walter E. Staley, S. W. J. B. Hancock, J. W. B. R. Lewis, W. M. C. M. Majors, W. M. Albert Tarpley, W. M. *Arthur N. Brock, W. M. Edw. O. Herget, W. M. A. S. Dexheimer, J. W. W. L. Howard, W. M.
Appendix. Representative.
Lodge. EARL •••••••••••••••••••••••• CRAFT; ..•..••....••.•...•.•. HERMITAGE ••• : •••....•...••. FAIRMOUNT •••.••••...••••••• LAMAR ; •• SARCOXIE .'...•.•.••..•••..••. MOUND CITy •••••• '••••••••••• MONITEAU •• ,• •••••••••••••••• TEMPLE •••••••••••.•••••••••
DORIC : . W,HITE HALL ..••....••.•..... LICK CREEK' •••••••.••••••••• OSAGE
CECILE:..DAYLI.:;RT ••••.........
ASHLAR ••••••••••••••••••••• NEW LONDON • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PARROTT ••••••••••••••••••••• KiNG' HIRAM •.....•......... SIKESTON •••.••..••......•.. KEARNEY •.•..•...•...••••... CUBA .: ••.•................. MERAMEC .••••.••..•••••.••••. PINE ••••••••••.•••••••••••.• RURAL': ••••• '• ••••••••.••••• ~. OSBORN ••...•..••..••. : ••..•.. ELDORADO •••••••••••••••••••• PAULVILLE.·.•••••••••••••••••• VERSAILLES . JONATHAN .••••••••••••••••••• HARDIN ••.•..•............... CORNER STONE ••••••••••••••
McDONALD ••................ DOCKERY •••.••••••••••••••••• LINN ..•..•...•....•......... MT. ZION .. : . CAINESV'ILLE . PAUL'REVERE: •••••••••.•.....
285 287 288 290 292 293 294 295 299
Harper Butler, W. M. *A. Clyde Stork, W. M. Isaac W. Clark, W. M. *J. C. Bowman, W. M. *Geo.. E. Ward, W. M. Paul V. Martin, W. M. *Frank E. 'Cottier, W. M. Harry M. Meyer, J. W. Alfred H. Goult, W. M. *Alfred D. Ludlow, S. W. *Wm. Lade, J. W. 300 L. L. Price, W. M. 301 *Clyde A. Perkins, W. M. 302 S. J. Hart, W. M. J. E .. Moore,. S.. W. 303 George J. Braham, W. M. John C. Howard,J. W. 305 Harry Pouder, W. M. *Chas.· E. Maukin, S. W. Arthur D. Nordberg, J. W. 306 Cecil. C. Reed, S. W. 307 J. W. Elliott, W. M. 308 Wm. L. Smith, W. M. 309 Carl McCollOUgh, W. M. 310 *Frank E. Mount, W. M. 311 . Roy C. Eddins, W. M. 312W. F. Mitchell, W. M. 313 Jas. B.· Key, W. M. 314 *H. A. Swindel, S. W. 316 Louis L.Bradbury, W. M. 317 *Raymond Brand, W. 'M. 318 *A. M. Davidson, W. M. 319 W. G. Humston, W. M. 320 H. L. Palmer, W. M. L. E. DeVinna, J. W. 321 J. B. Seat, Jr., W. M. 322 A. O. Kresse, W. M. 323 Percy F. Wilson, W. M. Walter Bloch, S. W. Edward S. Warner, J. W. 324 W. Lee Whitmire, W. M. 325 *R. B. Smiley, W. M. 326 *E. T. Jewicki, W. M. 327 L. R. Dudley, W. M. 328 Fred Harrison, S. W .. 330 Harry F. Pleuger, W. M. L. C. A. Wilmsmeier, S. W. Elmer A. Thomas, J. W.
HALLSVILLE ..••..•..•.••••••••
332 333 334 335 . 336
BLUE SPRINGS •.•.••••••••.•. HERCULANEUM .••••..•..•.••. ,
337 338
FIDELITy •••.••••.•..••••••••• WESTPORT ••••••••••••••••.••• AGRICOLA .••.••.•.•..••••••.• MOBERLY •••••••••••••••••••• FELLOWSHIP •••••••••••••••••
339 340 343 344 345
AMERICA •••••••••••••••••••• WADESBURG •••••.••••••..••••• POLLOCK •.•..•.••.•••••••••• TYRIAN •.••...............••• FRIEND •.•••••••••••••••••••• BARNESVILLE ...•••.•••...... HEBRON •••.•.••••••••••••••••
347 348 349 350 352 353 354
ADELPHI .•••••••.•••••.••..•. ANCIENT LAND MARK' ••.••••• TUSCAN .•••••••••••••••••••••
355 356 360
HIRAM ••••••••••••••••••••• FRATER~AL . HIGGINSVILLE •• ~ ••••••••••••• BAYOU •..••.•••••.••.••••••• ADAIR ••••••••••••••••••••••• CRESCENT HILL •••••••••••••• COMPOSITE ••••••••••••••••••• WILLIAMSTOWN •••••••••••••• SHELDON . BELLE ••..••.••.••.••..•..•..
362 363 364 365 366 368 369 370 371 373
374 375 376
EXCELLO' •.••••••••••••••••••• CHILLICOTHE •••••••••••••••• BRECKENRIDGE ••••• ;'••• '••••••• JOPLIN •••••••••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••• .
John C. Cutler, W. M. John H. Hoopes, J. W. Geo.G. Miller, W. M. John R. Blackman, W. M. Paul G. Benson, S. W. . Cloyd B. Jeans, W. M. Harry W. Bauer, S. W. S. B. Toalson, W. M. O. C. Caldwell, J. W. Roger J. McGuire, J. W. Robt. W. Evens, W. M. GeorgeC. Evens, J. W. \Vm. 1. Porter, W. M. A. T. Philips, W. M. Lee Schroff, W. M. Harry M. Voth,W. M. David Ray Grayston, W. M.· Claude B. Kenney, S. W. L. B. Howard, S. W. John A. Palmer, J. W. Charles M. Harrison, W. M. *Horace D. Coe, W. M. Creston D. Olinger, W. M. *w. H. Dudley, W. M. *W. L. Hixson, W. M. *Henry T, Chitwood,W. M. R. L. Harris, W. M. E. M. Kent; S. W. Coyine Boydston, W. M. *J. N. Farris, W. M. Ray S. Thomson, W. M. A. P. Stewart, S. W. Andrew T. Smith., J. W. *Harry H. Lewis, W. M. *J. Wm.· Shamion, W. M. *Alfred H. Hoefer, W. M. *Frank Swain, W. M. LeRoy L. Pennock, W. - M. R. G. Adams, W. M. Jas. K. Cunningham, W. M. J. M. Bruner, Jr., W. M. Earl Gamble, S. W. G. E. Slinkman, W. M. Jesse A. Cook, S. W. Jas. P. Simpson, W. M. Roy C. Wilson, S. W. J. Stuckenfinger, Jr., W. M. Clyde Miles, S. W. Wade Sylvester, W. M.
I Sept.
Appendix. Lodge.
BERLIN ••••.•••••••••••••••• QUEEN CITy.: ••••••••••••••.. iONIA' ••••••••••••••••••••••• PYTHAGORAS ••••••••••••••••• RICHLAND ••••••••••••••••••• WOODSIDE ••...•...•••••••••• CHULA. ••.....•.....•.......• ARCANA ••••••••••••••••••.• MARIONVILLE •••••••••••••••• RAYTOWN ••••.••••..•.••.••. CHRISTIAN •••.•••••. ~ •••.•.. BEE HIVE •....•..••.•..••••• LUCERNE ...••••••••••••••••• DECATUR ~ .. CARTERVILLE ••••••••.••••••••• MALTA ••••••••.•••.......... LOWRY CITy ••.•••..••..•.••. ROSENDALE •••••••••.•.••••••• EVERTON .......••••••.•••••• MALDEN •••••••••••••••••••. CHARLESTON •••••••••••••••• MONTROSE ••••••••••••••••••• IBERIA ••.•••••..••••..••••••. VALLEY ••.•••.••••••••••••••.. GREENSBURG ••.•••••..••.•.•. CACHE ••.•••••••••••••••.•••
CLEAR CREEK .••.•••••••••••• ITASKA •••••••••••••••••••••• URBANA . GATE OF THE TEMPLE •••••••. GALT ..•••.••••..•••••••••••• SAMARITAN •....••.•••••••••
GREEN RIDGE •.•••..•.••.••••• PITTSVILLE .••••••.•••••••••••• NEW MADRID ••.••••••••••••• WINONA •.•••••••••••••••••• CEMENT ......•••..........•. COMPETITION . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . MACK'S CREEK • . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEMPERANCE •.•••••••••••••• TROWEL .......•.•......•..•.
Representative. 378 *J. R. McMillen, S. W. 380 W. Marcus' Coons, S. W. 381 E. H. Austin,W. M. O. D. Taylor,J.W. 383 E. G:Bugg, W. M. 385 *w. B. Walker, W. M. 387 V. L. Floyd, W. M. 388 Archie H. Gale, W. M. 389 Lee Watson, W. M. 390 "'V. W. Anderson, W. M. Horace J. Anderson, S. W. 391 *E. J. Mantle, W. M. 392 *L. W. Peeples, W. M. 393 *Guy W .. Moore, W. M. 394 David F. Studabaker, W. M. 400 Otto H. Thiele, W. M. 401 Merl T. Klever, W. M. 402 ClYde H. Blosser, J. W. 403 D. A. Dawson, W. M. 404 *F. M. Gamelich, W. M. 405 *Don. O. Adamson, W. M. 406 *Arthur S. Metzger, W. M. *L. C. Stevenson, S. W. ' 407 -e. C. Courtway,W. M. 408 Arnold B. Conrad, W. M. 410 Robert Marsh, W. M. Walter F. Grady, S. W. 413 *Robt. P. Carter, W. M. 414 *Chas. E. Rice, W. M. 416 Gustav Heinichen, W. M. Claude Parkhurst, S. W. Harry J. Heideman, J.' W. 41~ 'J. T. McLain, W. M. 420 Geo. F. Black, W. M. 421 *B. W. Vaughan, W. M. 422 W. R. Eisenmayer, W. M.· 423 !l'rank George, S. W. 424 Paul Paulsen,W. M. "'Omar Hendrix, S~W. C. P. Hill, Jr., J. W. 425 C. H. Ewart, W. M. 428 R. P. Shafer, W. M. 429 *Chas. M. Barnes, W. M. 430 Vernon O. Ballew, W. M: 431 O. P. Hollingsworth, W. M. 432 A. J. Schneider, W. M. Clarence L. Hough, J. W. 433 D. B. Carmichael, W. M. 438 Roger S. Clements, S. W. 440 J. A. McGlothlin, W. M.
EXCELSIOR •••••••••••••••••• BURLINGTON •••••••••••••••••• ANCHOR ••••••••••••••••••••
441 442 443
JACOBy ••••••••••••••••••••• : • BOIS D'ARc ••........•.•••••• FORSyTH ..••..•••••..••.•••... CONTINENTAL .•.•••••.•••.•• '. HINTON ••••••••••••••••••••• JONESBURG •••••••••••••••••• MELVILLE •••••..•••.•' ..•••.. HAZELWOOD •••••••••••••••••• LAMBSKIN ••••••••••.•••••••
447 449 453 454 455 457 458 459 460
CARUTHERSVILLE ••.••...•.•.. CLIFTON •••••••••••••••••••• CONCORDIA .•••.•.•••••.••...• RED OAK . • . . . . . . . . • • . . • • . . . PLATO ••••••••••••••••••••••• NODAWAY ••••••••••••••••••• NINEVEH' •.••.•••.•..••.••••• MT. HoPE •••••••...••.....•. HENDERSON •.........•.... i • • RACINE , •••• RICH HILL" .. '. ••. '. .•.•.....• JEWEL •....••.•.••.•••••••••... MARCELINE •••••••••••.•••••• CLINTONViLLE ••...•••.•••••. FAIRFAX •••••••••••••••••••• KIRKWOOD ••••••••••••••••••
461 463 464 468 4619 470 473 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484
CAIRO •••••••••••••••••••••• CHILHOWEE ••••••••••••••••• !A>CK SPRING •• • ••••••••••••• MONTEVALLO •••••••••..•..•. VANDALIA ••••••••••••••••••• LEWISTOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . , EQUALITy ••••.•••••••.••••••• PEE DEE •....•.•••......•..•
486 487 488 490 491 49:4 497 498 500 502 503 504
JAMESON •.••••••.•.••••••• ',' PHILADELPHIA ..•••••.••••.•. PRAIRIE HOME . PLATIE CITy' ••••••••••••••••
Frank V. Caldwell, W. M~ Will E. Nicholas, W. M. Chas. W. Gabler, W. M. Boyd E. Carter, J. W. *Edward McGuigan, W. M. CalvinT. Gripps, S. W. Chas. F. J. Dietrich, J. W.·,Lester L. Dooley, W. M. Edgar F. Smith, S. W. Gentry S. North, J. W. Henry Minker, W. M. *W. T. Jennings, W. M. *J. B. Hicks, W. M. ' ArIa Fidler, W. M. W. E. Fenton, S. W. Geo. M. Snarr, J. W. M. E. Morris, W. M. Walter McAnally, "W. M. , Hugo H. Kley;baecker, W. M. W. J. Waters, S. W. James F. Neeley, J. W. *Albert A. Tabor, W. M. Everett Pape, S. W. *J. V. Patton, W. M. *Otto McLaughlin, W. M. *'r. E. Tulloch, W. M. ,R. H. Porter, W. M. C. T. Deisher, W. M. "'II. O. Pickel, W. M. *Wm. R. Dutton, W. M. James 'D. Pe'arson, W. M. F. M. Moore, W. M. C. S. Lieberson, S. W. J .. Ralph Owen, W. M. Ernest D. Thomson, W. M. Harold E. Sneed, W. M. Geo. V. Signor, J. W. "'Ray Haynes, W. M. Elmo Witcher, W. M. R. M. Hicks; W. M. "'C. C. Dial, W. M. O. S. Williams, W.' M. , Lawrence W. McAfee, W. M~ "'A. B. Cottle, W. M. A. E. Lain, W. M. Frank L. Scott, W. M. P. M. Bailey, W. M. *S. Alvin Carpenter, W. M. Herman Klein, W. M.
Appendix. Representative.
Lodge. EUCLID •••••••• • •••
CLEARMONT ••••••••••••.•••• SAXTON •••••••••••••••....••
507 508
VAN BUREN • ~ ••••' •••••••••. NEW HAMPTON •••••••••••••• SKIDMORE •••••••••••••••••••• WEBB CITy ••••••••••••••••••
5io 511 512
SENATH •.•.••••••••••••••••• GRANBY •..•••••••••••••••••• MILFORD •.•...•.••••••.•••.•. SELIGMAN ••••••••••••••••••• ORIENTAL ••••••.••••••••••••• CRANE ••••••• : ••••••••••••• CUF,TON HEIGHTS •••••••••••
513 514 516 517 518 519 520
STINSON •••••••••••••••••••• SPICKARDSVILLE ••..•••.•••••. WAYNE ••••••••••••••••••••• CONWAy •••••••.••••••••••••
523 524 526 528 529
••••••••••••••••••••• PRAIRIE
DEXTER ••••.••••••••••••..•• INGOMAR ••.••••••• ; ••••••••• STELLA - .•..•••••••••••••••••• DAWN ••••••••••••• ~ •••••••• JACKSONVILLE ••••••••••••••• FERGUSON •••••••••••••••••• '
531 532 536 538 539 541 542
MANSFIELD •••••••••••••••••• ALGABIL -•••••••••••••••••••••
543 544
ZALMA •.••••••••..••••••••••. ORIENT .••"•.••• ~ ~ •••••••••••••
545 546
.SOUTH GATE •••••••••••••••••
••• : ••••••••••••••••
548 549
Charles Young, W. M. Nicholas Meletio, S~ W. Josiah Dillingham, J. W. W. M. Simpson, W. M. Milton A. Edwards, W. M. *W. L. Dyer, S. W. William Z. Gossett, W. M. Harry E. Campbell, W.· M. "'E. D. French, S. W. J. W. Lane, W. M. TQ.omas A. Harbaugh,S. W. D. W. Roland, W.· M. J. S. Harris, W. M. John A. Medlin,' J. W. W. J. Osborne,W. M. >leB. W. Solomon, W. M. Boon P. Norton, W. M. Jas. E. Winterton, Jr., W. M Lee O. Shannon, S. W. Ralph Fleming, W. M. H. P. Hovey, S.W. F. L. Weakley, J. W. Thomas Trater, W. M. Rerbert Eads, W. M. S. G. McCall, W. M. Otis B. Miller, W. M. Walter E. Reynolds, S.W. Wm. H. Dann, J. W. *JohnJ. Woodruff, W. M. C. A. Powell, W. M. Tom E. Austin, W. M. *E. J. Dyer, W. M. Orville D. Jamison, W. M. William Taylor, W. M. - . ClaUde E. Rouse, W. M. Henry C. Grimm, J. W. Marvin E. Gorman, W. M. F. Wm. Kolkhorst, W. M. Edward F. Appel, S..W. O. C. Kerfoot, W. M. "'Frank M. Huffman, W. 'M. *Herbert W. Ryan, S. W. Frederick A. Baldwin, J. W . Kirk Thompson, W. M. Marven B. Jenkins, J. W.· A. N. Lindsey, W. M. Geo. Osborne, S. W. "'Joseph E. Herd, W. M.
CLARKSBURG •.....•.•.....••.• FOSTER .•.••••••••••••.•••..••..
553 554
Moscow ................•.•.•
556 558
CLARKSDALE ••••••••••••••••• NELSON .•..... '. .•..•••.•...•• COWGILL : ...•••••• YORK •••••.••••••••••••••.•••
559 560 561 563
JAMESPORT •••••••••••.•••••••• MAPLEV.'OOD •••••••••••••••.••
564 566
MILLER •.•...••••••••••••••• NAYLOR ••••....•.••..•...••• MARLBOROUGH .....•••••••••• REPUBLIC •.•••••••.•••••••••• HAYTI ••••.•....•.••.••••••• RUTLEDGE ; •••••.•••••••••••• OLIVE BRAN·CH •••••••••••••••
567 568 569 570 571 572 576
EWING ; ••• FORESTPARK •••••••• " .••••• GRAND'l••.••••••••••••••• '•• '•• HOUSTON •• ' ••.•.•••••••. ~ .••• ILLMO •• ,• ••••••••,•••••••••••• KOSHKONONG ....••••••••••••• NOVINGER ••••••...•.•••.•••••• SHAMROCK ••• ; ••••.••••••••.• GROVE SPRING .•• ; ••••.•• , ..••• BARNETT ..•.••...•..•.••....•. LA RUSSELL •••..•....••••..• UNION: ••••••.•••••••••••••• COLE CAMP . PUXICO •••••. '• ....•••...••.. BOSWORTH ••••••..•••....... LEADWOOD •..•.•..•...••••••• ELVINS ..••......•.•..•.•••••
577 578 579 580 581 582 583 585 589 591 592 593 595 596 597 5'98 599
COSBy ••••••••••••••••••••••• CLAYTON ••••••••••••••••••••
6'00 601
ACACIA •••••••••••••••••••••• CRAIG' ...••.•.•••••••••••••••
602 606
O. C. Miles, W. M. H. G. McKim, S. W. S. C. Nifong, J. W. Earl Donley, W. M., T. C. Cullison, W. M. N. W. Arbogast, S. W. (Jeo. S. Gusewelle, W. M. S. L. McCoy, W. M. Walker Powelson, S. W. O. Thornton, J. W. N. P. Thornton, W. M. *Robt. R. Rone, W. M. *Chas. W. Drinkard, W. M. Frank Woolbridge, J. W. Homer Walker, W.M. David O. Row, W. M. J. W. McKee, S. W. David E. Weiss, J. W. . P. W. Stockton, J. W: Chas.C. Hilgoth, W. M. Floyd R. Smith, W. M. H. M. Criswell, W. M. A. O. Allen, W. M. D. C. Mauck, W. M. Raymond R. Roehrig, W. M. Spero A. Kortes, S. W ... John W. McGee, W. M. J. A. Weidknecht, W. M. *G. W. McGhee, W. M. *H.'W: ·Shiith. W. M. Benj. Hill,' W. M. Chas. W. Pean,W. M. *J. S. Gashwiler, W. M. *H. J. Robis,on, W. M. *John L. Hudson, W. M·. Oscar C. Weaver, W. M. Robert N. Patton, W. M. F. R. Beinke, W. M. L. A. Demand, W. M. Elmer E. Merett, W. M. Carl J. Raar, W. M. J. Marvin Link, W. M. T. J. Buckner, S. W. Arthur L. Freeman, J. W. J. T. Arnold, W. M. Fred H. Hoefelmann, W. !vI Gustav T. Lehmberg, S. ·W. N. A. Lindsey, W. M. Lloyd A. Dankers, W. M.
Appendix. Lodge.
EMINENCE ••••.••••••••••••. CLARK •• : ••••••••••••••••••••. CENTERTOWN ••••••.•••••••••• MOKANE •••.•...••••••••• '" WELLSTON· •••••••••••••••••• CHAFFEE ••••..•....•••••• : •• MARION ••••••..•••••••.••.•. SWOPE PARK ..•••..•••••••••. GRANDVIEW •••••••••••••••••• WILLARD .•.••••••••••••••••••• ANDERSON.; .••••••••••••••••• NORWOOD •.•.••••..••••.••... MAPLE •.••.•.•••••••••••••.•• OWEN SVILLE •.•.••...••.••••.. SHEFFIELD •••••••••••••
607 610 611 612 613 615 616 617 618 620 621 622 623 6/24 6215
MENDON •..•.•••............ V ALLEY PARK .••••..•.....•. EAST GATE •••••••••••••••••••
628 629 630
0 ••••••
ARCHIE ••.•.••••.••••..••.•• STEELE ....•..••••.••••..••. GREENTOP ••••..•••••••••••...
633 634 635
MOUNTAIN VIEW ••••••• ; ••••• TRIANGLE •••••••••••••••••••
637 638
639 •••••••••••••••••••
~ENJ. FRANKLIN •••••••••••••
NORTHEAST· ••••••.•••••••••••• GRAIN ·VALLEY •••••••••••••••
643 644
Anvil A. Lewis, W. M. *W. E. Rice, W. M. J. H. Son, W. M. *Emil Schmid, W. M. W. Raymond Young, W. M. W. J. Ferguson, S. W. C. W. Cunningham, W. M. *'George G. Baiers, W. M. *M. V. Long, W. M. *W. F. Blackwell, W. M. J. C. Whittaker, W. M. Fred McMillian,W. M. *W. B. Davis, W. M. W. A. Murphy, W. M. Edward D. Bassford, W. M. J. W. Townsend, S. W. J. C. Henderson, J. W. Erwin L. Ocker, W. M. E. P. Walsh, S. W. Otto B. Klein, J. W. O. C. Maynard, W. M. *B. A. Feldmann, W. M. Richard B. Kirkman, W. M.· *Ernest W. Berry, S. W. J08. J. McKeever, J. W. Ernest Dunford, W. M. John ·Y. Horn; S; W. . Ernest L. May, J. W. *E. W. Longwell, W. M. Geo. Lyon, W. M. B. F. Arnold, W. M. J. E. Pearce, S. W. *E. L. Provon, W. M. Orrin E. Brigham, W. M. Joseph H. Beasley, S. W. Frank H. Anger, J. W. Jesse B. Holland, W. M. John A. Witthaus, S. W. Ralph C. Becker, J. W. Oliver G. Kohlmeyer, W. M. Herman J. Hart, S. W. Chas. F. Attebery, W.M . Percy W.· Shull, S. W. Philip E. Greitzer, J. W. Jos. Geo. Schreiner, W. M. Wm. B. Barry, J. W. Frank J. Knight, W. M. Curtis N. Houston, W. M.
SHAVEH •••••••••••••••••••••
ELMER ..•...•••.••••••..•••• ,. UNIVERSITY •••..••••••••••••
648 649
PARMA .••.•••.......•.....•• PILGRIM ••.•••••••..••••••••.
650 652
• SHA\VNEE ....••••.•••.•••..•• COMM0NWEALTH ••••••.•••••• GARDENVILLE •••..••••••••••••
653 654 655
COUNTRY CtUB •••••••••••••• PROGRESS •••••••..•••••••••••
656 657
E. B. Gaskill; W. M. Albert Fults, S. W. J. O. Attebery, W. M~ J. A.. Bleakney, W. M. Frank W. Swann, S. W. Alden·B. Park, J. W. *E. J. Hoke, W. M. G. A. Tumelson, W. M. August G. W. Meyer, .:s. W. Paul M. Blanchard, W. M.. Otto E. Scheske, W. M. . WIn. Walter, W. M. Harry Everning, S. W. Henry B. Kettler, J. W. Ray Klein, W. M. Wm. F. Kuergeleis, W. M. Fred E. Ruehl, S. W.· F. J. Niemann, J. W. E. H. Bartelsmeyer, W. M. Andrew H. Barnicle, S. W. Whitten B. Smith, J. W. Harris A. Maupin, W. M. J. D. Harrell, W. M. E. E. Curtright, S. oW. HarryF. C. Meyer, W. M. Harry B. Givens, J. W. *Alva A. Joliff, W. M. James Landon Cowan, J. W. 0
ALPHA ••..•••...••..•••.... HOLLIDAy .••••.••••••••••..••.
659 660
ROCKHILL •.•.•....•..•...... ALDRICH •.••...•...•......••.
663 664
Anthony F. Ittner, Grand Master. Byrne E. Bigger, Deputy Grand Master. Samuel R. Freet, Grand Senior Warden. "Vm. R. Gentry. Sr., Grand Junior Warden. Edmund E. Morris, Grand Treasurer. Arthur Mather, Grand Secretary. James R. McLachlan. Grand LectureI'. Samuel Thurman. Grand Chaplain. E. L. Robison, Grand Chaplain. W. C. Atwood, Grand Chaplain. Z. M. Williams, Grand Chaplain. Robt. Scott Calder. Grand Chaplain. Ray V. Denslow. Grand Senior Deacon.
Thad. B. Landon, Granu Junior Deacon. Jas. W. Skelly. Grand Marshal. Geo. W. Walker. Grand Marshal. Harold L. Reader, Grand Sword Bearer. Fred C. Barnhill, Grand Senior Steward. Duval Smith. Grand Junior Stewu~
Henry C. Chiles, Grand Pursuivant. Louis V. Stigall, Grand Orator. John Rush Powell, Grand Orator. Robt. li'isher, Grand Tiler. Louis A. Waggoner. Assistant Tiler. H. M. Guitar, Assistant Tiler. Alfred S. Kirby, Assistant Tiler. - . Harry H. 'Vatson, Assistant Tiler.
PAST GRAND MASTERS. Corona H. Briggs Van Fremont Boor W. A. Clark Arch A. Johnson R. R. Kreeger T. W. Cotton Bert S. Lee
Olaf A. Lucas Julius C. Garrell Jos. S. ~cIntyre Orestes. Mitchell W. W. Martin路 John Pickard
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. ByrneE. Bigger, Arizona. Carl A. Swenson, Idaho. John P. Austin, Ireland. JaS. W. Skelly,
Grand Lodge of Grand Lodge of Grand Lodge of Grand Lodge of
Henry C. Chiles, Grand Lodge of New Hampshire.
B. Howarth, Grand Lodge of New York. Anthony F. Ittner. Grand Lodge of Philippine Islands. Andrew J. O'Reilly. Grand Lodge of Scotland. C. H. Briggs, Grand Lodge of Tennessee. Thos. F. Hurd, Grand Lodge of Virginia.
DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Name Dist. 1 Geo. V. Calvert 3 J. W. Moore 4 E. M. Wilson 6 Allen T. Bare 7 A. L. Nash 8 Carlisle Randall 10 Chas. A. Harvey 11 D. ~. Foster 12 E. E. Divinia 13 E. W. Tayler 16 J. E. Thompson 17 Thos. F. Hurd 19 Horace L. Mann 20 Otto Hale 21 J. P. Tucker 22 Thos. H. Reynolds 23 C. B. Waddell 25 ~. E. Schmidt 27 S. P. Cunningham 28 Samuel S. Cox 30 Edwin H. Barklage 31 W. D. Rogers 32 R. A. Brewer 33 C. Lew Gallant
Dist. Name 33 Theo. C. Teel 35 R. B. Campbell 36 Sid B. Kennon 37 Thornton Jennings 38 W. C. Cowan 39 Chas. L. Woods 40 Chas. E. Pyle 41 M. E. Ewing 42 H. H. Finley 43 D. V. Morris 44 Ernest Davis 45 E. S. Woods 46 Carl A. Swenson 48 John J. Bowman 49 Jas. A. Kinder 50 J as. A. Boone 52 Kipp C. Johnson 54 G. J. Vaughan 55 W. N. Marbut 56 W. A. Phipps 57 Geo. S. Land 58 K. C. Jones 59 Harry S. Truman
DISTRICT LECTURERS. Dist. Name 1 H.~. Jayne 2 L. W. Osborne 7 Jonathan Stark 9 Frank A. Miller 20 P. E. Waite 21 Henry C. Noland 25 Guy C. Million
Dist. Name 26 J. E. Hawkins 33 Richard O. Rumer 43 John C. Senate 44 Harry S. Hightower 45 E. F. Hannah 50 G. A. Sample 57 H. H. Strait
DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. Amos A. Betz, Senior Grand Warden of Arizona. Bion L. Waldon, Grand High Priest of Missouri. Thos. H. Reynolds, Grand Master Grand Council of Missouri. 'Walter E. Eshelman, Grand Commander of Missouri. C. G. Wright, Grand Master of Iowa.
CREDENTIALS F. B. Howarth, Chairman 'Walter A. Webb Louis H. Abrams
C. Hunt, Grand Secretary of Iowa. . Lewis E. Smith, Grand Secretary of Nebraska. Frank H. Woodland, Grand Master of Nebraska. Chas. C. Davis, of Ills., G. G. H. P. of G. G. Chapter R. A. M. Frank Hart. of S. C., G. G. Master G. G. Council R. A. M. of U. S.
Henry F. Woerther Thos. S. Evilsizer W. F. Jungbluth
JURISPRUDENCE COMMITTEE. Henri L. Warren M. E. Boisseau Chas. E. Cullen
Forrest C. Donnell, Chairman '\Vm. S. Campbell Gustave A. Stamm James F. Green
APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES COMMITTEE. Karl M. Vetsburg, Chairman Chas. L. Ferguson G. C. Marquis Guy C. Million Orson H. Swearingen R. E. Kavanaugh
Paul C. Anthes Chas. F. Ballak W. F. Woodruff . Gaetane D' Amato W. C. Gordon
~~~c~~\s ~o~~Ptte~' ~ ~.~
~~~. ~. ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .
Masonk Boards of Relief.. : Grand Master's Address Correspondence Auditing Committee __ Chartered Lodges _ __.. __ Pay Roll _ Survey of Lodges __ Lodges Under Dispensation Unfinished Business Masonic Home (Visiting Committee) Ways and Means
Name Anthony F. Ittner James A. Harris Fred Surridge Mat. H. Hodgson Henry A. Boye Taylor Wyrick
PAST MASTERS. Lodge Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri
1'. 'f:>~it~iTI~
Andrew J. O'Reilly C. H. Briggs __..C. H. Briggs H. Clay Perkins Clarence L. Alexander '\Valtcr R. Shrodes Byrne E. Bigger Byron Chaphe M. Goodman Solon Cameron W. W. Martin
Number ..........................................
.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................
.......................................... ..........................................
Arthur H. Carriere
Missouri ..........................................
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
322 Name Geo. H. Coulson E. II. Clucas Fred W. Fcnor R. P. Block Jas. w. Zykanl _ A. J. Can1mann Leo A. Jandes Arthur V. Schopp Harry F. Becker Fred Boehming John L. Ziegenhein Frank L. Magoon Ilenry Kleberger Jesse G. Westerman I,. F'. Kirby Otto W. Vossmeyer Byron Chaphe Herman IoCroepel I-Ienry R. Pfifer Arthur D. lYIiller Alfred .J. Kirby .T. H.. l\1iddleton E. S. Wood Geo. M. I-Iunter E. F. Hannah Ockermann Garrett Samuel R. Stevenson Eugene McQuillin J. L. Bishop '''-. S. Campbell "Vm. L. Reynolds Robt. Fisher Walter H. Niestrath Carl Eo Dudley
Lodge Missouri Missouri Meridian Meridian
__ ._. : ._._ _ Meridian .--. __ -. __ l\1eridian Meridian Meridian l\1eridian l\1eridian Meridian Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Beacon Howard United 1rnited United Williamsburg··············Geo. Washington · ··..····Geo. Washington Geo. Washington · Geo. ·Washing·ton Geo. "Vashington ·· ··..····Geo. Washington ··..····Geo. ~Tashing:ton ·· ··· ··Geo. "Vashington
~v~""I~~o~c;::::s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::g:~: ~~~~:~~~~~
Robt. C. Duffin Dryden H. G. Lewis Ralph I. Ladd .Tas. W. Christian Thad R. Slnith Thos. F. Hurd Phil Isaacson Rudy Kohn Harry E. Thiele Jos. Spiro Abraham Romansky Jos. M. Sklower Irwin Sale Sam A. Meyer A. B. Frey Henry A. Steiner Geo. S. Fleishman O. D. Davis Chas. Gietner John N. Stewart Frank J. Hoffman F. C. S. Lane Frank D. Weinert H. L. Crown O. B. Mueller Harry E. Evers Fred Reinhardt H. S. Wilson
Eo R.
Number 1 ,. 1 2 2 _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
Geo. "Vashington 9 Geo. Washington 9 Eolia 14 Memphis 16 Palmyra 18 Palmyra 18 Paris Union ' 19 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. I"ouis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 St. Louis 20 __ .Wellington 22 Naphtali 25 Naphtali _.............................. 25 Naphtali 25 Naphtali 25 Naphtali _................................ 25 Naphtali 25 Naphtali 2G Naphtali 25 Naphtali 25 Ava 26
Name Lodge Number "V. H. Blackshaw...................................•St. John's 28 Reinhold Haeussermann St. John's 28 Dan l\1"andry Huntsville _ _................. 30 G. C. Layne Ralls _........................ 33 Guy C. Million Cooper _............ 36 Cooper 36 M. E. Schmidt Walter A. Webb Mt. Moriah _................... 40 Chas. F. Blomberg Mt. Moriah _.............. 40 John C. Robertson Mt. Moriah _................... 40 F. ,V. Heuermann Mt. Moriah _................... 40 W. C. Heim Mt. Moriah _..................... 40 E. F. Konering Mt. l\foriah _ _ _. 40 W. L. Bowcott _ Mt. Moriah _ _ ,... 40 Chas. F. Drehmann Mt. Moriah _................ 40 H. Clay Perkins Mt. Moriah _ _ _......... 40 Edwin O. Miller Mt. Moriah _. 40 S. E. Smith 1VIt. Moriah _............. 40 H. A. Borgmann _ _ Mt. Moriah 40 C. C. Kerlagon Bismarck _........ 41 ,V. A. Clark _.. _ Jefferson _............... 43 .J. L. Tate _ lefferson 43 A. Linxwiler Jefferson _ _.......... 43 W. D. Rogers _ Jefferson _.......... 43 Caesu Wollman -1efferson _................... 43 Henry F. "Voerther _ Bonhomme _.. 45 FAlwin J. Bedford _ _ Fayette _................... 47 Otto Hale vVakanda _.......... 52 L. II. Thomas _ \Vakanda 52 B. C. Bradshaw Arrow Rock 55 .Julius R. Edwards Centralia 59 'Vade F. Enloe _ Ne"l'{ Bloomfield 60 D. M. Foster Vincil 62 John K. Delaney Cambridge _................ 63 Geo. E. Chipman _ l\1"onroe 64 H. l\L Jayne iHonroe _............... 64
Z~~rM~~~f:~g ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~S~~~g
..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::: 73~ g
lIorace L. Mann Eureka _ _............... Geo. W. Reeves .T.. ebanon W. L. Mulvania 8t. Joseph """' ,................ Frank A Miller .·····..···· ···.·····.···..··.·-St. Joseph _ _....... Perry W. Peck St. Joseph __ Jos. L. Kohner _ Polar Star Edward W. Gore Polar Star Raymond C. Grass _ Polar Star E. F. Von Gunden _ Polar Star H. J. Heinburger Polar Star _........... Herma.n H. Teuteberg Polar Star Alex n. Geth _ Polar Star Henry M. Eckermann _Polar Star Wm. C. Mitchell _ _Polar Star Chas. Wolf _ Polar Star """" , W. 1. Crawford Polar Star Benj. A. Stege Polar Star B. L. Gregory _ Bridgeton H. H. Strait Bridgeton Wm. R. Gentry : Bridgeton W. J. Goddard Bridgcton R. G. Dray _ _ __ .-Tackson Arthur F. Billings l-'aclede -.......................... Eo F. Chapman WebstE::r Groves """""""""""""" W. C. At\vood Brookfield H. H. Finley \Vashington V. R. Ambrose _ Defiance Roy R Jackson ; Friendship
77 78 78 78
79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 82 83 84 86 87 88
324 Name John K. Hunter Warren H. May E. E. "Angle W. F. Campbell Wm. H. Yager James A. Kinder Geo. W. Walker Louis G. Stovall W. Glenn McCain J. B. Palmer R. L. Holmes J. C. Sedevic W. N. Marbut J. E. Hart L. W. Osborne S. G. McLane W. M. Hunter Marvin W. Ewing R. E. Kavanaugh Ray V. Denslow L. L. Arterburn Robt. N. Hall J. E. Hawkins John H. Doyle H. A. Holt D. L. Rauggly Chas. E. Pyle J. W. Fleming Henry C. Noland J. P. Tucker G. Osterhaus · · Chas. F. Ballak O. E. Friedrich W. A. Kleinschmidt. Wnl. Masse H. K. vVyatt. F. W. Johnson U. A.House J. B. IIardin A. T. Bare F. M. Shriver J. E. Thompson
Russellville Pcrseverance Pcrseverance Perscverance Pcrseverance St. Marks St. Marks St. Marks St. Marks Vienna Vienna Pomegranate Nlt. Vernon Bloomington Kirksville Greenville Marcus Trenton Trenton Trenton Maitland Twilight Twilight Laddonia Helena DcSoto : DcSoto · · Compass """"""""""""""""""""" Compass · · ··Colnpass ·..········· ···..···Erwin _ Erwin ·.·.·..··.··..·.· ·Erwin : Erwin ·····.···..··.···.···Hermann · · ···Union Star · · ···..·· ·Seaman ·.··..····· ·· Seaman ··..··Athens ··..· · ·.···Athens ·.··..·..·..·..···..·Monett ·..· ·· ·Phoenix
90 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 94 94 95 99 102 105 107 110 111 111 111 112 114 114 115 117 119 119 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 123 124 126 126 127 127 12 9 136
ii.G. C.~; Marquis '6~n:~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~r:gt~~''':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::i: ~ ·· · · ·.Lexington _ 149 C. B. Waddell · · · Lcxington Ben Young · · Spring HilL Austin McMichaeL _ · North Star Carl A. Swenson Mountain Grove E. S. Pheffer · ········· ··Grecn City__ R. H. McClanahan. __ Green City , John Santee ·.Green City Jno. C. Edwards __ Pleasant .__ M. E. Ewing__ __.__ Pleasant __ Louis H. Abrams __ · ·..· Occidental _ Henry O·Hara Occidental W. R. Gilbert Occidental Edw. L. Dillon Occidental C. L. Alexander Occidental F. H. Littlefield Occidental __ Edw. J. Ravold Occidental Sol E. Waggoner Occidcntal Julius C. GarreIL Occidental Jas. F. Green Toachim J. Stark Marysville
__ __ __ __ __
149 155 157 158 159 __ 159 159 160 160 163 163 163 __.__ 163 163 163 163 163 163 164 165
1928.] Name
Lodge Number Gray Summit c•••••••••••••• 173 Aug. J. Holthous __ ._ Gray Summit 173 J B. Moseley Griswold _ _ _._.178 D;" W. Carson _ Pride of the West _ _ _ 179 L. L. Tisch _._ Pride of the West _ _ _ __ 179 N. Griffith _ _ _ Pride of the WesL _ 179 E. F. Fitzwater _ Pride of the West _ _.. 179 Louis Straub _.. _ Pride of the West _ _ 179 Louis Tisch.. ~_ _ :_ _ _ Pride of the WesL 179 W. H. Bredenkoetter _ _.._ Pride of the West _ 179 R. S. LoriI11er _ _ Pyramid _ _ _ 180 E. H. Voepel _ Pyramid _ _ 180 J. ?1'1. W estmer _ _ Pyramid _ 180 C. G. Herzberg _ _ Pyramid 180 H. L. Jlulburd _., __ Pyramid _ _.. _ _._ 180 R. H. JJeslie Morley _ _._ _ _ 184 Warren Surbcr _ Morality _ __ . _ 186 C. H. Hatton Hermon _ _ _._ .. __ _ 187 Byrne E. Bigger Hannibal _ __ __ _.. _ _ 188 T. A. Ross .. _, _ _ _ _ __ Hannibal __.. _ _ _.188 W. M. CampbelL _ Zcredatha _ _ _. __ _.189 DuVal Smith _ __ .. ..· Zcredatha __ 189 S. S. Cox __ _ Wellsville _ _ 194 E. Davis ._., __ Carthage __._ ·._ _ 197 D. G. Wall.. _ _ Brumley _ _ 203 F. C. BarnhiIL Trilumina _ _. __ .__ 205 W. B. Chapman Somerset _ 206 F. L. Mueller _ _ Poplar Bluff _ _ 209 K. C. Johnson _.. _ Poplar Bluff _ _ _ 209 J. M. Logrbrinck. _ Hickory Hill _ _ _._ .. _ __ 211 Jno. L. Brown _ Four Mile _ _:.. _ _ 212 w. J. Kilgorc _ _ _ _ Rolla : _ _ 213 C. L. Woods Rolla : _ _.._.._._ 213 Earl Pope .:. _ _ Hornersville _. .. -._ _._ 215 L. T. Wehde _ Good Hope _._. __._ __._ 218 E. T. Woodson _._ .. _ Good Hope _ __ 218 C. J. Hug _ Good Hope _ _ __ .. 218 C. C. Keck .. _ _ _ _._ _._ _ Good Hope _ _._ .. _ _ 218 A. P. Fletcher _ __ _.._ Good Hope _.. _ _.._._ _ 218 w. C. ChoiseL _._ _ Good Hope _ _ 218 Victor Seifert __ Good Hope __._ _._ 218 Henry A. Chapin _ Good Hope _ _ _._ _ _ 218 A. C. Groening Good Hope _ ..__._ _.._ _.218 R. L. DixonGood Hope _ __ .. _. __ .. 218 E. A. Rowarth _ _ _ Good Hope _ __ ._._ _._ 218 J. L. Hardie _ _ Good Hope _ .. _ _ __ 218 Ray R. Stauffer _ _ _ Albert Pike __ __ _ _ 219 L. N. Knapp _.. _ _ Albert Pike __ __ .. __ ._ _ 219 W. H. Duncan _ Kansas City _ _ _._._ __ 220 O. A. Lucas _ _ _ _ Kansas City _ _ _._ .. _.. _.. _ 220 H. H. Vogts _c ••••.•.•••••••• Kansas City _ _ _ _ 220 J. W. SchlaegeL _ _ Kansas City __ _ _ .. _._ _.220 E. L. Robison Cypress .. _ __ 227 Peter Vetter __ __ .. _ St. J ames c•• __ ••••• _•••••••••••• _••••• 2 30 Henry O·Sullivan _._ CardweU· _ _ _ _ _231 H. L. Caton Bucklin _.. __ _ _.233 W. J. Kennedy _ Scdalia _.. _._ _.. _. __ 236 D. C. Moore _ __ Sedalia _._ _ __ _ 236 R. S. Calder __ _ Palestine _ _._ __ _ 241 E. H. Barklage _ _.. __ _ Palestine _ _.._ 241 L. C. HehL..__ _ __ _ Keystone _ _ _ _ __ 243 E. W. Wambaugh Keystone __ _ __ 243 A. E. Boeschenstein _ Keystone _._ _ _. __ _ 243 J. H. Cranftll Keystone _.. _ __ _ 243 L. A. Sommerich _._ Keystone _ _ _ _ _ _ 243 B. A. ThornhilL
Name Geo. J. Page -H. P. Lynch _ _ W. F. Thomas _ _ : WIn. Pressler _ _ 1<'. A. Raithel._ C. W. Speirs Robt. W. Hanna._ _ R. A. O路NieL _ _ Taylor R. Young.__ W. A. Phipps _ E. R. Cox _._ _ _ E. M. Wilson __ __ R. B. CampbelL F. "V. Graves_ _ L. F. Pollock _ _ C. H. Knapp _ 'Vm. Sessinghaus H. J. Vogle1'._ _ _ R. A. Tubbesing _ __ _ Chas. V. Ehrmann_ H. V. Hutchison _ _ Wm. Myrer F. P. Alloway _ _ A. W. Rennicks._ _ _ _. __ W. E. Staley _ L. B. Kennon _ A. N. Brock , _ C. L. Gallett _ V. H. :F'alkenhainer A. F. Deitsch.. _ _ _ Ramsey Skinner _ _ R. C. Sutton _ _ Sam Broad bcnt.
Lodge Keystone _ _ Keystone _._ _ _ l<::eystone .. _ l<::eystone _._ _ Keystone _ _ Keystone .. _ _ Keystone _ l<::eystone .. _ l<::eystone __ Neosho , _ _ Ca1'roll _ J,aredo _ Butler _ Lodge of Love_ _ Corinthian _ _ Aurora _ Aurora Au1'o1'a Au1'ora _ Aurora _ _ _ A urora .. _ _ _.. _ Au1'ora _ _..:_._.. _ N ew Salem _ _.G1'anitc _ _ Granite _ _ G1'anite Fenton _ Cosmos _ Cosmos Cosmos Cosmos Cosmos __ Cosm os :
Number 243 243 243 _ _.243 _.. 243 _ 243 _ 243 243
_ _
2 43
_ _.. _ _
247 249 253 254 259 _265
267 _.267
_ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _
267 267 _.;267 267 267 270 272 272 272 281
_ _
282 282
_ _ _
__ _
282 282 282 282
~~~k Hrii~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::g~~~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ R. A. J. G.
G. C. C. E. .J. C. F. E. A. D.
Sendke..__ Stark Bowman Ward Senate Cottier Ludlow
_ _
Cosmos Craft _.l<'ai1'mount _ Lamar Lan1ar __ .lVlound City _.TempIe
_ _
_ _
282 287 290 292
294 299
R. R. Krecger .Thos. H. Reynolds
_ Temple Temple
:2 99 299
~. B R. ~~l~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ Thad. B. Landon
1>. A. Budd
_..Temple Temple
g: I路 ~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~rl~:l:i::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~
J). V. l\forris C. E. Mankin C. A. Harvey F. E. Mount _ T. L. Roques .._ J. W. Schee Van F. Boor . Raymond Brand A. IV[. Davidson K. C. Jones _._ E. L. Divinia J. H. Schweich.._
_ _
Osage _ _ 303 Cecilc Daylight _ 305 Par1'ott 308 Sikeston _ 310 Me1'amec _ _ _ _ 313 Meramec 313 Rural _ _ _.._ 316 Osbo1'ne __ : 317 Eldo1'ad0 _.. 318 Versailles _ 320 Versailles _ _ 320 Cornerstone _ __ .. __ .. _._323
]928.) Name Wm. Conrad _ vV. E. Seewoster _ Wm. Watson _.._ _ Sarn Stampfer _ __ H. D. Schilling..-..Karl M. Vetsburg Wm. E. Grein _ Alex S. Dawson _._ Emanuel Wei! _._ 'Vm. F. Lambe _ _ Fred Hach _ ,;yo R. Schmitt..
Lodge Cornerstone _ _Cornerstone _ _ _..Cornerstone _ _ _ __._..Cornerstone , -..- - -.Cornerstone .._._ _. __ _ _.._.._.Cornerstone _ __ __.Cornerstone .: _ __ ._ _._.Cornerstone _._._ _ _"_.Cornerstone _ ._..Cornerstone _ _ _ __.Cornerstone _ _ _.._.._._._.Cornerstone _
ii: i:: ~~~l~k~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::fi~c:e~~
_ _._
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ __ _ _ _
323 323 323 _ _.323 _ 323 __ _ 323 _ _ __ __ 323 _ 323 _.. _ _323 _._ 323 _ _ _ _.. 323 __ _ __ _ __ .. 323
.... 'V. C. Hayes _._ _.._.. __._.Paul Revere ._ _._._ _ 330 .J. A. Ayers _ _.. _ _.. _ Pau1 Revere ._ _ _._ 330 W. J. Vannix .. _ _ _ Charity _ _ 331 F. E. Daley._ .. _ _ __.Charity __ __ ._ _ _ _ _.331 Chas. Gurley _ _ _.._ _. __..Charity .. _ _ _ _'" _.. , _ 3 31 K 路8. Divinia. _ .._._.Breckenridge _ _ _ __ 344 J. E. Henson _ Joplin .._ _ _ _.. _ _._ _.. 345 II. L. 'Varren _ _ _ \Vp.stport _ _.. _ ,. _ _.. 340 O. H. Swearingen.. _ __ We'Stport _ _ _._ _.. _._ .. _ _~40 F. A. MarshaIL .. _ _ _ _._ _.\Vestport - - _ _ _ _ 340 M. F. Baker.._ _ _.. _.._.. _ _. ._._ Westport _ _ .. _ _ 340 H. C. EI berg _ _ _.. __ ._.._. Westport _ _ ,"'" 340 A. J. Hochland _ _. __ Westport -.. -_ _._ .. _ 340 Frank HaswelI..._ _.. _ _ _ _.._. __.Westport _.. _ _ _._ _340 S. H. Both weIL _ _.. _..,.,.."._ Rockville _ _ _ _.. 341 J. H. Ba.rnes _.. _ _ Moberly _ _.. _ _ _ _ 344 H. S. Hightower _ _ _ Fellowship _ _._ 345 F. W. Kuehl _ _ __ _ America _.. _ _ _ _ _..347 J. E. Furniss _ _ __ .An1erica _ _ 347 J. Vokurka _ __.America _ _ _ _ _ -.347 H. D. Coe __ ._ _ _ _ _.._.._ Wadesburg :._ _ 348 'V. H. Dudley _ _ _ _.._ Tyrian _ _ _ _ _. __ _3 50 'V. L. Hixon._ _ __ ._ _ __ Friend _ _._ _ _ _ 352 G. J. Vaug路hn _ _ _ Friend _ _ _ _.. _ 352 H. T. Chitwood.._ _._ _ _..Barnesville _ _ 353 J. N. Farriss_. __ _ _ _.. Ancient Landmark __ _ 356 J. ,;y. Skelly _ _ _ _ _ _. __ .. Tuscan _ _ _ _ _.3 6 0 J os. S. Mcln t~Te---- --.--.------ --- -- .. -- Tuscan ._ .__ .. 360 F. C. Donnell .. . ._ .. __ . ....._..Tuscan .. _. __ ... _._ .... _... _. __ .. __ .. .. .360 G. A. Stamm. . ._ _. __ .. __ ._. __Tuscan .. .__ .. .. _. .__ __ __ .360 Geo. Coslow __ . .. ._. __ _ __ .. Tuscan __ _ __ ..360 J. J. Gra.vely__ . _ ..__.Tuscan . __ _. .__ .. _.. __ . 360 ._ ._ _Tuscan .. .. __ _ __ __ _ 360 C. S. Moffett.. __ . .__ .. _. Jackson J. Hagen __ .__.. ._ .__ ..Tuscan .__ .. __ . _. ._ 360 H. H. Lewis __ __ ._.. __ ._._ __ Hiram .. ..__ _ 362 G. V. Calvert ._. __ _ _lliram _. . ._ _. __ .. __ . . ._ __ 362 J. R. McI,achlan __ . . __ ._ __ .Hiram __. __ ._ ..... __. 362 J. V\T. Shannon._ ...__ ... .__ : __ _.._Fraternal __ ._ __. __.. __.. _ ..__.363 Louis Bauer .__ . . . ._. _....Fraternal . .. __ .. __ .. _ __ .. _ _.. __ .__ 363 A. H. Hacffer__.__ ._. .__ ._. __._..__.Higginsvi!le __ ... _._ _ .. .. 364 Frank Swain _. __ .__....._ _ __..... __ ._. __ .__.__.Bayou ...._... ._ _ __ ... _. __ ._.365 D. A. Leslie__._.._.. .. .__ .. __ __ _'Villiamstown . __ _.. _370 J. R. McMillan ._.__ ... _.. .__ Berlin . ........ . _... .. 378 .._. .. Pythagoras .. __ .__ .. . .383 S. A. Newrnan W. C. Cowan __.. __ _.. __ .__ . .. __ .__.. __ _._.Richland . .. .. _ __ __ .__.385 Geo. Griffith ..__ .__._.. . . ._ ._ Woodside _ _ __ __ .. __ ._ 387 V. W. Anderson .. __ _.._.. ..__.__ _.Marionville _ __ ._ .. __ .__. .. __ . ..390 v.,T. A. McCullah .. . . _Marionvi!le ._ __ ...... __ _. __ .. . 390 E. J. Mantle _ _. __ _.. ..__..Raytown __. .. _ _ 391 L. W. Peeples _.._..__.. .. __ _....__ ..Christian __ __ __ 392 G. W. Moore.._. __..__ __ ._ __ . __ ._Bee Hive ._ __.. ._ _ __ __ 393
Appendix. Name
F. M. Gaenlich._ _.. ._._._ _.._.._ Rosendale ._ _ __ _ __ .__ _. __ .. 404 Don Q. Adamson ._._.__ ._.._ Everton ~ ._.. _._. _. .._. .. 405 L. C. Stevenson .. __.__ ._ .._. __ Mal den .._..__ __ __ _406 A. S. lHetzger._ __._._. ._._. _ _ l\lalden _ __.. _. __ __ .._._ _..__ 406 J. A. Boone. _ __ . ._._. .. ._ Charleston _ __ _._. ._ _ _.. 407 R. P. Carter_._ _._ __ _ -Valley _ _._ _._ 413 Chas. E. Rice_ _ _. _. ._.__.__.. Greensburg _.._ _. __._ _.. 414 W. H. Murdock_._ _ _. .._ _. __ Cache _..__ ._._ 416 Jno. H. Kuemerle ._. ._._._._. .__._..__ Cache __ _._._._ 416 .I. E. Gaskill_..__._.. __ ._. .__. Cache _._ _. __ .__ _. .__ _.416 F. C. I-Iacker _._. .._. __ __ _ _ Cache _._ __.. _ _ __ . _ _ 416 .__ _. _._._ Cache _._ . _.. .__ _._ 416 C. L. McDonald_ E. F. Meyer._._._ _ _. ._.__ Cache __._ _.. _ _. __ _ 416 H. A. Frank _ _. _ _ Cache -.--.__ _._._.416 W. E. EbrechL.._. __ _. __._. __.._..__.Cache _._. __ _. __.. .._._ __.._416 A. P. Watkins.__ ._.. __ _ Cache __.__ __ ._ __ .._.416 G. N. French_._ _._ ._._._. _._._ Cache _._. __.._.. .. _ 416 .I. W. Schuette_._ ._._. Cache __ _._ _ _.. .__. . .. __.__ 416 W. P. French.._ _ _.. __. .__. _ ltaska -._._ . ._..__.. __ 420 Bill Ortman .._ .. __ .__..__.. _Itaska _ _ __ . ._._ _ _.420 L. G. Bessler_._ _ __ _ __.__ ._.. Itaska _ _. __ 420 G. E. Black _._ .. _.._. Itaska _._ ._ _ _.. _420 W. Mandelcorn . ._.. ._._._ ._. __ . .. Itaska .._ ._._. __ 420 J as. 1YI. .Iones ._ __._.._. __ _ _.. Itaska _. _.. _.420 B. W. Vaughan __ _. __.._. ._ Urbana _..__ ._._.._ _ __ 421 Omar Hendricks __.._ _.. Samaritan __.._ _ _._ _424 .Ino. J. Bowman. . .. _. .. Samaritan .. __._ __ _. .. _._._.424 W. B. Massey__.__._ _ _. _._:_._._ Samaritan . .._. __ ._.. __ __ 424 E. A. Bennctt__._.._ __ . . .. _. Greellridge ..- --- ._. .._ _.._ 425 Luther McGoldrick .._._ _ _.. Glenwood ._._. .. _._._._.. _._. __.__ 427 Chas. M. Barnes. .__ . ._. _ New Madrid_ __.__._._.. . .. _._._ 429 W. A. Humphreys .. . ._.__.. New Madrid._ __ _.. _......_ _._ .. 429 Wm. Lewerenz ._ _. ._._._._._..__ A nchor ._.__._ _ .. _ _ _443 "V. T. Eddins __ _. __._ ~ .... __ .. ._. Anchor .--.--..-. .. _.443 J. N. Skinner_ _.. __._. ._.. __ _ Anchor .---.._ _._ __ _ _ 443 Andrew .I. O'Rielly.. __.__ .._. __ __ _ Anchor -.__ ..__ _._ _. __. 443 W. 'r. Gould __ .__ .. ..__.Anchor .- _ 443 W. G. Meniel __ ._ _..__ .. _ Anchor ..__ _ _ . ._._._ __.. 443 C. .T. "'-endling_ _. .. __ . ._._ Anchor .._ _ _. .__._._.. .._ 443 IJouis F. Greve _ _. ._.. .. __ . ._.. Anchor .-.--.. _. __._ _. .. ._. 443 M. R. Conking ._ _ __ .. .. _ West Gate ._ __ . __ . 445 H. J. Jones ._._._ _ _.. . .. __.Wcst Gate .._ _. _. __.. 445 Edw. McGuigan _ _._. _ _. __ West Gate .._..__.. ._ _._._._. __ .__.__ _.445 M. D. Strait_._ _._. __. ._ ._._.. West Gate .._._._._. __ __ . .. .. _._ .. 445 A. C. Sears._ .__ _.. __.. .. . ._.West Gate ---_ _._._. ._._.. 445 A. G. Bittncr. ._ .. .West Gate -.-. .. ~. ._.. 445 Louis Moller .. _ _.__ _. _. __ ._.... _. __ ..._...'Vest Gate ..-_._. .. _._ _.. _...__.. .445 G. S. McLanahan _._._ ._._...Ivanhoe ~ __ __ _._ . ._ _.446 Sam!. R. Freet_ _..__.. .. . .. __ lvanhoe .._._.__ .. __.__ .. _446 W. Ii'. Woodruff._.._. ._ _~ .. _._. . _.Ivanhoe _ _ _.._.. __.. __ ... .. __.. ._.. 446 A. H. l'vlann _... .. . ._.lvanhoe ._ _ _..__..__ ... .__ .. 446 W. T. .Iennings._ __ _ _.. .... __. ..... Bois D'Arc _. _. .._.. _... _449 .I. B. Hicks. ._ _ .. .. _._._._. ._.Forsyth .._.._ _.. __.. 453 J. H. Cook .._ _ _._._ _. __ _ Lambskin _. __.. _.. 460 . ._. __ Lam bskin __.__ _ __ 460 M. Foerstel _. Fred G. Fuessel._ ._ ._. Lambskin _ __.__ .. _._ __ 460 C. W. Seagrave __ __ _.. ._ Lambskin ._.. ._.. _ __.._ _.460 Jno. E. Clippard_.. _.. _.. __ ._ .. . .._.JJambskin .._ ..__ _ __ 460 Jno. E. Winter_._._ ..._.... _ __ .. __ ..... __ .. __ Lambskin __.._..__ _._ .. __ _.. ._ 460 A. A. Taber_ __ ._. . .. __.._._._ .. _ Clifton _ __ __ _ __ _ 463 J. v. Patton .... __..... .__... .. __.. _._ Red Oak _._._..__ _ . _ _.468
?tt~. ~~c~f~cft~_l.~~ __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-_~~~~~~~~~J~w~y"~:~:::::::::::::: ::::::::: :~::~::~::::~~:::~:~~
A. L. Nash .__.. _ __..__ _._.. .. .._ H. D. PickeL__.._._. .. . . ._.__ ._
Nodaway Henderson
__ _ _._
.._. __
._._._ _.470 _477
1928.] Name Wm. R. Dutton E. W. Tayler Bernal H. Tatman John E. Godbey Wm. P. Mason Ray Haynes C. C. Dial A. B. Cottle n. N. Lowry C. H. Spencer 'Vm. Gerscht F. J. Becker ""V. 1,. Dyer T. W. Cotton Dore Price J~. D. French B. W. Solomon Jesse Branch · A. S. Henry Jno. Silver : Wm. H. Haley F. M. Held Jas. A. Kellam Frank M. Blair Fred H. KnighL Robt. Y. Goggin W. E. Ruark ..: H. G. Meyer G. F. O'Brien
Appendix. Lodge
Racine Marceline Kirkwood Kirkwood Kirkwood Cairo lVrontevallo Equality llarmony Harmony Euclid F.uclid Saxton Van Buren Van Buren Skidmore ·.Oriental ·Clifton Heights Clifton Heights Clifton Heights Clifton Heights Clifton Heights Gate City Gate City Gate City Gate City Stinson Apollo Apollo
478 481 484 484 484 486 490 497 499 499 505 505 508 509 509 511 518 520 520 520 520 520 522 522 522 522 523 529 529
fr°J. Dy':r~~~.~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~te~f: .~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~.~
J Harry A. Magoon H. M. Sibley A. H. Kelley Robt. B. Durham Geo. S. Land W. A. Wilkinson
I<'erguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Fcrguson Algabil
542 542 542 542 542 544
Algabil AIgabil AIgabil Zalma Orient Orient South Gate South Gate South Gate Clinton Carl .Junction Rose Hill __ Rose Hill __ Rose Hill Rose Hill __ Rose Hill Rose Hill Cowgill York __ __ Maplewood Maplewood Maplewood __ Maplewood __..__ Olive Branch __ Olive Branch., __ Olive Branch.
544 544 544 545 546 546 547 547 547 548 549 550 550 550 550 550 550 561 563 566 566 566 566 576 576 576
~~~h~·~~~~..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~~~~n ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~ l c. E. Cullen Chas. H. AppeL Jas. E. IIarding Wm. Allison Herbert W. Ryan Frank M. Huffman Ed. Ebenhack C. T. KornbrodL Albert L. McBride Thornton Jennings J. }<j. Hurd ..__ T. R. Ayars __ C. C. Jackson : G. ·B. Leitch __ J. H. Brod, Jr M. E. Boisseau Edw. E. Christopher Robt. R. Rone C. W. Dunhard Jno. W. Menaugh B. J. Dietrich E. n. Kitchell Henry Gray W. G. Orr W. J. Sparhawk Albert M. SiefferL
__ __ __
__ __ __
[ Sept.
Name Lodge Number F. L. Oatman .. . ._. __ Olive Branch _. .. .. _.57 6 Jno. Brandenberg . __ .. .. .Olive Braneh _ __ _.. .. 57 6 Frank Gilbert ._ .__ .._..Olive Branch __.. _.._ _ _.. _.. _ 576 Wm. C. Rese .. .__ . .__ .__ Forest Park _:. . _ __..578 Arthur Mather . . .__ ..__ .__ .__ Forest Park .. __ . .__ .__ 578 Jno. P. Austin . . .. .__ . .__._ _Forest Park _. .__ . . 578 M. C. Lowenstein_. ._.. . .__ . _.Forest Park .. . . 578 R. B. Twecdy_._ .._ _. .. .._ Forest Park . . .__ .. 578 1. A. PowelL..__. __.__ .. .. _ .._ Forest Park . . . .. 578 . .. Forest Park .__ .. _ . 578 S. B. vVorthington. .. J. IVr. 1\1:cGhee .__. .... __.. .. Grandin ..__ . __ ._.. __ 579 D. A. Johnston ._... _... _. .....Grandin ..- - .. _.. ._ 579 S. P. Cunningham . . .__ .. .. __ .Houston ..--- __.__ __ .. .. ._. 580 H. W. Smith __ . . ._. .__ Houston ..--- __.__ __ . . .. 580 J. S. Gashwiler__ ._ . ._ _Novinger .-. . 583 H. J. no bison ._ . __.Shamrock __. .. . _585 Jno. Hoover . __ .__. . .Criterion .__..__. ... .._ _586 Jno. L. Hudson .__ . .. ..__ .. __ .Grove Spring ._.. _589 P. E. Waite. .._.. __._ . . .. .. .Bosworth .. _..._. .. __ . .. _... _597 J. E. Ross .__ ... ..._.Clayton -.--.. . ._601 Harry R. Cotton __ .__ .._.Clayton .__ . .. . 601 Rasmus Hansen . ._ Clayton - .. . . .. . 601 Arthur A. Benjamin_. .. _.. ..__ Clayton .. .. __.. _. .. .__._601 Edward P. Clark .__ .. ._ Clayton .. . .. 601 Carlisle Randall .. _.. Craig .. -- ... ..__ .606 D. C. Yarbrough .. . .strafford . ._. ._. .._.608 "V. E. Rice _. Clark _. __ _._. __ . . . 610 Emil Schmid . ._ _ _ Mokane ._.. . . . . . 612 'V. M. Collins ._. __ .. . ._ _ Wellston _.. .. .. . . .. _.613 H. L. Liebig .. _ . ._.__ _.Wellston __ . . .. .. __ 613 H. L. Reader .__ __ . ._. ..__ .__ .__. _.Wellston _.. .. ._ . .__..__ 613 John C. Ury. __ ... _._._ .. _. .... __ . .. WeIIston . .. .. _. _. ._.. 613 W. H. Pryor .. ._.. __ _ Chaffee __ .. ._. .._.. 615 M. H. Stubblefield .. .. Chaffee _ __ .. _ _. . . .. . 615 .. .... __ .. .. .Chaffee _. . .__ ... _. .__ .615 G. A. Sample__ . George G. Beaiern .. .. .__ .__..__ ...Swope Park __ .... . . .617 M. V. Long .. _. .. __ . ... Grandview .. .. _618 W. F. BlackweIL __ .__ .. __WiIlard .. __ . .. __ 620 W. B. Davis __ __ __ ..Maple _ _.. __ . .. .. 623 V. Lippert . .__ __..Magnolia .__ __ .. __ 626 Oliver W. Kortjohn __ . .__ .. .. __ .__Magnolia __ . .... .. . __ 626 James H. Leathers... .. Magnolia _.. .. .. .. 626 James L. Flaven ..__ Magnolia _ _ _.. .. . __ .. _626 Chas. H. Edler__..... . Magnolia .._.. .. ... .626 Benjamin Wolf __.. . .. __ Magnolia _ . .. .. __. 626 'V. T. Pausch __ . __ . __ Magnolia .. __ .. 626 Jas. J. Ritterskamp __.__ . _ __ ..Magnolia .. 626 Henry J. Lucksinger . __ ..Valley Park .. __ . __ .. 629 B. A. Feldmann ... .. Valley Park . __ ..__ .. 629 Ernest ~T. Berry . . . .. _East Gate .. .__ __ .... __ . ..630 A. M. Jacobs _._.. _ .. _ __Tower Grove . 631 Richard O. Rumer .. _ _ _Tower Grove __ . _.. 631 L. W. Garrett _...__ .. __ .. __. .__ ..Belgrade ._ .. 632 E. W. Longwell ....------------:-__..Archie __ .. .. .. _.. .. _ .. __ 633 E. L. Provon .. __ Mountain View _637 'V. E. Jungbluth .. . .. _ ..__.. Triangle ..__ __ .. _ . 638 A. E. Dutton .. _.. Triangle .__ .._ .. _. 638 F. B. Howarth _. Mizpah .__ .. .. ..__ .639 Wm. F. Niehaus .. _ _ _.Mizpah .. __.. __ .__ .. .. _._ . 639 Ernest R. Claus . __. Mizpah .. __ __ _ _639 F. VV. Evers __.__ .__ Mizpah .__ __ __ . . 639 Walter H. Voss __ .._ _._ _.. __ ._Mizpah __ .__ __ __ .__ .. __ 639 Archie F. Dougherty ..__ .. _.. __ .. .Mizpah __.. _._. __ .._ 639 Percy B. Eversden .. __ ... _. ._.. .. _.. Mizpah _.. __ .. 639 Gaetano D' Amato __ ._ .. Jennings _ __ . 640
Name R. E. Cox Geo. L. Walters
Lodge Jennings Jennings
ii~~rr;.e F~ol\~~~e~~~.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~,~rxtit~gs John F. vVelsh _ C. F. Schneider Manuel Goodman C. W. Tacke R. H. Wadlow J. E. Gorman Frederick Borggraefe Melville B. Hall F. M. Weddell Alfred A. Noll __ E. J. Hoke __ A. L. Bartsch Thea. C. Teel O. L. Luft Ben Weidle Duval O'Neal O. A. Menke James H. Smith John D. Sloat F. Wolz Paul C. Anthes Fred J. Mahner : P. G. Fix _ Frank G. Baebler Alva A. Jolliff._ _
_ _
_ __
_ .__ -.-
Number 640 640
路 -.- .Trinity Trinity Benjamin Franklin __ Shaveh __ Shaveh __ __ __ Shaveh _ _ Shaveh _ _ __ University _ _ University _ __ _ _ Uriiversity __ .l'anna _ _ _._ Pilgrim _ _ _ Pilgrim _ _ _ : PiIgrim .. _ _ _.. __ Pilgrim _ _ _ Commonwealth _.. __ _ _ Commonwealth _ Commonwealth _ __ Commonwealth __ Gardenville ._ _ Gardenville _ Progress _ _.. __ Progress _ Purity __ __ _ _ _ Rockhill Fraternally submitted, F. B. HOWARTH, W. A. WEBB. W. F. JUNGBLUTH. THOS. S. EVILSIZER, HENRY WOERTHER. L. H. ABRAMS.
641 641 642 646 646 646 646 649 649 649 650 652 _652 652 652 654 654 654 654 65 5 655 657 657 658 663
INDEX Page Address of Grand Master 7 Address of Grand Master, Report of Committee on 37 Alphabetical List of Lodges, Locations, DistrictsAppendix 185-198 Amendments to By-laws Adopted 192-194 Amendment to By-laws Proposed 194 Amendments to By-Iaws---,-Consideration of.. 154-171 Amendment to Constitution Proposed 155, 183 Annual Communication, 1929 189 Annual Meeting-Opening 4 .A nnual Meeting-Closing 189 Appeals and Grievances, Committee on (1929) 187 Appeals and Grievances, Committee on-Report of.. 141-148 Appointments of Chairmen of Standing Committees (1929) 186 Appointments of District Deputy Grand Masters 190 Appointments of District Lecturers 191 Appointments 'of Grand Officers 185路186 Appointments of Representatives to Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis : 187 Appointments of Special Committees, 1929 187路188 Approved Decisions 165, 194 Attendance 154 Auditor, 1928 Report of 84路86 Ballot for Grand Lodge Officers (Digest in 1919 Proceedings, 170) Bigger, Byrne E 1~8 Biographical Sketch of Anthony F. Ittner, Grand Master .i, ii, iii Blackmer, Rollin C 30 Boards of Relief, Committee on, R-eport of.. 111-116 Bonds, Government 34, 85 Bonds of Grand Lodge Officers, and Depository 9 Broadcasting ~ 24. Burial Lot of Grand Lodge (Digest in 1919 Proceedings, 169). By-laws, Amendment, Propos-ed 194 Chairmen Standing Committees, 1929, Appointed 186-187 Chapel 28, 89
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Charity, Committee on (1929) 187 Charity, Committee on, Report of.. : 148-150 Charter Arrested 53, 124 Charters Consolidated 124 Charters, Duplicate 51, 124 Charters Granted 51 Charter Restored 124 College Property (Lexington) 28 Commissions 51 Committee, Auditing, Report of 84-86 Committee on Appeals and Grievances, Report of.. 141-148 Committee on Appeals and Grievances (1929) 187 Committee on Boards of Relief, Report of.. 111-116 Committee on 'Charity, Report of.. 148-150 Committee on Chartered Lodges, Report of.. 124-130 Committee on Credentials, Report of.. 5, 154; Appendix 306-331 Committee on Credentials (1929) 187 Committee on D. D. G. Masters' Reports, Report of.. 118 Committee on Fraternal Correspondence, Report of..38; App 1-125 Committee on Jurisprudence, Report of.. 154-171 Committee on Jurisprudence (1929) 187 Committee on 路Manuals 175 Committee on Obituaries, Report of.. 38-49 Committee on Pay Roll, Report of.. 172-183 Comlnittee on Ritual 187 Committee on Transportation and Hotels 187 Committee on Ways and Means, Report of.. 184 Committees, Standing and Special (1928) .49-50 Condition of the Craft.. 124-130, 130-138 Constitution, Proposed Amendment. to l~5 Cornerstones, Laying of 21, 54 Correspondence, 'Committee on, Report of.. 38; Appendix 1-125 Cosmos Lodge No. 282 185 Counties, According to Districts Appendix 199, 287 Courtesy Degrees, Received and Granted 29, 55, 163 Credentials; Committee on 187 Credentials, Committee on, Report of.. ..5, 154; Appendix 306-331 Dead 'Lodges, Roll of Appendix 241-248 Deaths, List of.. Appendix 135-149 Decisions of Grand Master 31-34, 165, 194
335 Page
Dedications 21, 54 Degrees, Conferred by Request.. 29, 55, 163 Depository Bonds 34 Dispensations Granted, Special.. 54 Distinguished Visitors 5路6, 91 Districts, District Deputy Grand Masters, Lodges, Time of Meeting Appendix 287路305 District Deputy Grand Masters, Conference of. 12 District Deputy Grand Masters, List of.. 190 District Deputy Grand Masters, Reports of, Report of Com. on 1l8 District Lecturers, List of : 191 Districts, Masonic, State of Missouri... Appendix 199-200 Dues, Suspension for Non路payment of Appendix 150-175 Elected Officers in Past, List of : Appendix 238-240 Election of Directors of Masonic Home 123 Election of Grand Officers 91 Employment Bureau : 116 Endowment Fund, Masonic Home Appendix 259-262 Entertainment v. Exemplification of W'ork 19, 90, 151 Expulsions Reported Appendix 184 Financial Tables Appendix 218-235 Flood Sufferers 150-151 Foreign Grand Lodges, Report of Committee on 130 Fraternal Relations 21 French Children 139 George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association 13, 64-71, 92, 93-101 Government Bonds 85 Grand Lodge, Closing or. 189 Grand Lodge, Financial Statement of 71-74 Grand Lodge, Opening of 4' Grand Lodge, Property of 85 Grand Lodge Statistics 52, 125 Grand Lodges, List of Foreign, Recognized Appendix 126 Grand Lecturer, Report of 102-111 Grand Lodge, Property of. 85 Grand Master's Address 7 Grand Master's Address, Report of Committee on 37 Grand Master's Jewel, Presented to Byrne E. Bigger 188
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Grand Secretary, Recapitulation of Appendix 236 Grand Secretary's Report Presented : 51 Grand Secretary's Tabular Statements Appendix 202-235 Grand Secretaries, List of.. Appendix 128-130 Grand 'Treasurer, Report of 75-83 Higginsville Lodge No. 364 26, 53, 164 Home, Masonic, Sum Contributed to, During Year 55·63 Honor Roll 129 Hoyt, Allan McDowell. 39, 201 Hurricane Relief 35 Initiation Fee (SP€cial) 57-63 Installation of Grand Officers 186 Instruction, Lodges of 102-111 Invitation 117 Invocations 4, 189 Ittner, Anthony F .i, ii, iii, 188 Jewel, Grand Master's, Presented to Grand Master·elect.. 188' Jewel, Past Grand Master's, Presented to the P G. Master 188 Jewels, Presented to Grand Officers 12, 88 Jurisprudence, Committee on (1929) 187 Jurisprudence, Report of Committee on 154-171 Kuhn. Dr. Wm. F., Library Fund 56 Lexington Property (College) 28 Library, Grand Lodge 30, 117 List of Foreign Grand Lodges recognized as regular Appendix 126 List of Grand Lodges, with names of G. Secretaries App. 128·130 List of Living Past Grand Masters 188 Lodges, According to District, Location and Time of Meeting Appendix 287-305 Lodges, Alphabetical List of, Locations, Districts..Appendix 185-198 Lodges, Dead, List of Appendix 241-248 Lodges of Instruction 12, 102-111 Lucas, O. A., Death of 171 Masonic Employment Bureau 116 Masonic Home, Yearly Amount Paid to 55-63 Masonic Home, Directors Elected 123 Masonic Home, Endowment Fund Appendix 259-262 27, 55 IVlasonic Home, Mention of Masonic Home, Report of. 117; Appendix 249-286 Masonic Home, Report of Visiting Committee 120
337 Page
Masonic Service Association of Missouri... 121 Masonic Temple Association of St. Louis ~ 87 l\lather, Arthur 10 l\IcLachlan. J. 路R 11-12 Meeting of Grand Lodge (1929) 189 Meetings of D. D. G. M.'s : 12 Memorial Service-Record 87 Memorial Tablets to Deceased Brethren 203-205 Mileage and Per Diem, Report of Committee on 172-183 l\<linutes Approved 189 Motions : 102 Necrology 38-49 Newton Lodge No. 175 : 53 No~inger wdge No. 583 26. 53 Obituaries 38-49 Officers. Grand. Appointed 185 Officers; Grand. Elected 91 Officers. Grand, Installed 186 Officers, Past Grand, in the Past, List of.. Appendix 238路240 Opening of Grand Lodge 4 Orations : 91 PapinsviIIe Lodge No. 140 53 PMt Grand Masters. List of Living 188 Past Grand Master's Jewel. Presented to Retiring Grand Master Ittner 188 Past Masters Present, List of Appendix 321.331 Pay Roll. Committee on, Report of.. 172-183 Per Capita Tax, 1928 52-53 Prayer 4. 189 Printing Proceedings Authorized ;..188 Reballot on Petitions 55 Recapitulation of Grand Secretary's Report.. Appendix ~6 Redistricting the State 153 Regional Conferences , 12 Reinstatements, List of.. Appendix 176路183 Report of Committee on Address of Grand Master 37 Report of Committee on Appeals and G~ievances 141-148 Report of Com~ittee on Boards of ReIief.. 1l1-1l6 Heport of Committee on Charity 148-150 Report of Committee on Chartered Lodges 124.130
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Report of Committee on Credentials.;....5, 154; Appendix.. .....306-331' Report of Committee on District Deputy Grand Masters' Reports 118 Report of Committee on Fraternal Correspohdence App. 1·125 Report of Committee on Jurisprudence 154·171 Report of Committee on Masonic Flood Relief Fund 150·151 Report of Committee on Mileage and Per Diem 172·183 Report of Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand L~dges ~ 130 Report of Committee on Unfinished Business 185 Report of Committee on Ways and Means 184 Report of Grand Lecturer 102-111 R~port of Grand Secretary 51 , Report of Grand Treasurer ; 75-83 Report of 'Officers of Masonic Home 117; Appendix 249·286' Representatives of Lodges in Grand LOdge Al'pendix 306-321 Representatives of other Grand Lodges near this Grand Lodge ~ Appendix 133·134 Representatives of this Grand Lodge near other Grand Lodges Appendix 131·132 Representatives Recommended for Appointment.. 52 Second Day 91 Secretaries, Grand, List of Appendix 128-130 Short, John T : ,.8, 196·198, 199 Service Record Memorial. 87 Special Committees, 1929, Appointed 187 ' Special Dispensation 54 Spe~ial Initiation Fee : 57·63 Specific Grand Lodges 23 Standing and Special Committees, 1928 49·50 Standing and Special Committees, 1~29 186-188 Statistics 1 52, 125' Survey of lJodges : 9, 130-138 Suspensions for Non-payment of Dues Appendix 150-175 Suspensions for un-Masonic Conduct.. Appendix 184 Tabular Statements Appendix 202~235 Teleg-rams 88-89 Thanks 185 Third .Day : 153 Transportation and Hotels; Report of Committee 153
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. Unfinished Business, Report of 'Committee Un-Masonic Conduct, Suspension for Visitors, Distinguished Visitations Ways and Means,' Committee on, Report of \Vill, Form of, for Masonic Home Bequest.. Work in the Degrees
185 Appendix 184 5-6, 91 14-19 184 Appendix 270-271 19, 90, 151