GRAND LODGE Ancient, Free and Accepted
Masons of the State of Missouri
• Official Proceedings One Hundred Sixty-Eighth Annual Communication
• September 25 and 26, 1989, AL. 5989
Grand Master
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, R.W. Brother Robert Dean Jenkins of Kansas City, assumed his duties as of September 27,1988. R.W Brother Jenkins was bom at Chanute, Kansas, March 12, 1929, the son of Winnie and Gerald Jenkins, the first of three children. The family lived in Humboldt and EI Dorado befor~ moving to Kansas City in 1943, where Bob attended Central High School. While in high school, he was very active in sports and student affairs. He was captain of the basketball team, awarded a first team All-Star berth, was a member of the track team and played baseball for Katz with the Van Johnson League as an All-Star third baseman. Our Grand Master attended the University of Oklahoma for two years, then transferred to the University of Missouri-Rolla, where he earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1953. He is a registered engineer with membership in the National Society of Professional Engineers and Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. While at UMR he lettered in basketball and track, completed ROTC training, and received a commission of second lieutenant. He was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon, a social fraternity, and Theta Tau, a national engineering fraternity. Upon graduation from the University, Bob was employed by the State Highway Department of Illinois, until called to active duty in the United States Army during the Korean conflict. He spent two years with the Army Corps of Engineers, one of which was served in Korea as a Company commander of a Combat Engineer Unit. During this period of active duty he was promoted to the grade of first lieutenant. He remained active in the Army Reserve, retiring as a lieutenant colonel after 20 years of service. Leaving active duty in 1955, he was employed by the Army Corps of Engineers in Kansas City, as a civilian, in the Design and Construction Branch. During three years of employment with the Corps, he became interested in the construction industry and left to accept a position with a local contracting firm. In 1961 he formed his own compan~ "Jenkins &: Association, Inc., General Contractor and Engineers" of which he has been President for the past 26 years. Our Grand Master is married to Lady Betty. They are the parents of four children: two daughters, two sons and have four grandchildren. M.W. Brother Jenkins was raised in Country Club Lodge No. 656, Kansas City, Missouri in 1961, and was Worshipful Master in 1969. He joined Westport Chapter No. 134, R.A.M., in 1972, lllustrious Master of Westport Council No. 38, R. &: S.M., in 1972, Commander of Westport Commandery No. 68, K.T. in 1973, and served as Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar, of the State of Missouri in 1983.
He is a member of the Scottish Rite bodies, Ararat Shrine, Red Cross of Honour Priory No. 17, Order of High Priesthood, Order of the Silver Trowel, Missouri Lodge of Research, Missouri Association of Past Commanders, Knights Templar Eye Foundation, and Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076. He has served as President of National Sojourners No. 63, and Heros of '76. M.W. Brother Jenkins served as President of the Masonic Home Board of Directors in 1987-1988 and found this duty to be a most enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
GRAND LODGE Ancient, Free and Accepted
Masons of the State of Missouri
• Official Proceedings One Hundred Sixty-Eighth Annual Communication
• September 25 and 26, 1989, A.L. 5989
Grand Lodge of Missouri 1988-1989 ROBERT D. JENKIN'S
7741 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 84131 TlIOMAS C. WARDEN .IJeputy Grand MC18t4!r P.O. Box 540, Owensville, MO 65066 DANIEL F. COLE Senior Grand Warden 6023 Southern Dr., Affton, MO 63123 D. ROB ERT OOWNEY Junior Grand Warden 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146 W. MARION LUNA Grond 7reosurer 125 South Main St., Piedmont, MO 63967 TERRY C. ALEXANDER GraIId S«relory
800 Hiahway, 63 North. Columbia. MO 65201 STANTON T. BROWN Grond 1Jecturer Rt. 1, Box 225, Buckner, MO 64106 FRANK AMES ARNOLD .8enior Grand lJeocon 733 Main St., Boonville, MO 65233 DALE C. MOTTER Junior Grond lJeadon P.O. Box 252, Kirksville, MO 63501 GORDON E. HOPKINS .Senior Grand SteWCJTd 2212 Chambers Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64606 JAMES H. COBBAN Junior Grand Steward 2611 W. Grand, Springfield, MO 65802 DONALD E. SCOTT .Senior Grand Marshal 14909 E. 39th St., Independence, MO 64066 E. ALLEN KOHLER Junior Grand Marshal Box 170, Huntsville, MO 66259 GEORGE A. MORGAN Grand Sroord Bearer 846 Sunset, Liberty, MO 64068 WIL~ W. CORBIN' Grand Pursuivant 1601 E. 89th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64131 TIlE RE~ CARL L. RADFORD Grand Chaplain 2334 S. Dollison Ave., Springfield, MO 65807 TIlE REV. ELMER E. REVELLE Grand Chaplain 810 S. Grant St., Desloge, MO 63601 THE RE~ RONALD R. BOLLINGER Grand Chaplain 104 Firwood Dr., Webster Groves, MO 63119 TIlE REV. RONALD E. WOOD, JR Grand Chaplain ~O. Box 474, Clinton, MO 64736 TIlE REV. ALLEN L. VANCIL Grand Chaplain 206 Duff Street, Macon, MO 63662 THE REV. GARY K. BROWN .Grand Chaplain P.O. Box 186, Urbana, MO 66767 TIlE RE~ DR. W. TRmBY NICKERSON Grand Chaplain Deceased - October 6, 1988 M. ROBERT BERGER Grand Chaplain 2200 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63141 ROBERT lEE CAMPBELL Grand Orator 1010 N. Berry Rd., Glendale, MO 63122 DONALD B. GORDON Grand 7Uer 406 S. Troy Ave., Springfield, MO 66802
One Hundred Sixty-Eighth Annual COID.m.unication ORGAN SELECTIONS, JACK STOTTLEMYRE The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri convened in the One Hundred Sixty-Eighth Annual Communication on Monday and Tuesday, September 25 and 26, 1989 at the Holiday Inn-Executive Center, Columbia, Missouri. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master William J. Hill called the Grand Lodge to order for the entrance and presentation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master and other Grand Lodge Officers. M.W. Brother Hill introduced the following Grand Lodge Officers, who entered the Auditorium and proceeded to their respective stations: Grand Tiler -- Donald B. Gordon, Springfield Grand Orator -- Robert Lee Campbell, Glendale Grand Chaplain -- M. Robert Berger, St. Louis Grand Chaplain -- The Rev. Gary K. Brown, Urbana Grand Chaplain -- The Rev. Allen L. Vancil, Macon Grand Chaplain -- The Rev. Ronald E. Wood, Jr., Clinton Grand Chaplain - The Rev. Ronald R. Bollinger, Webster Groves Grand Chaplain -- The Rev. Elmer E. Revelle, Desloge Grand Pursuivant -- William W. Corbin, Kansas City Grand Sword Bearer -- George A. Morgan, Liberty Junior Grand Marshal -- E. Allen Kohler, Huntsville Senior Grand Marshal -- Donald E. Scott, Independence Junior Grand Steward -- James H. Cobban, Springfield Senior Grand Steward -- Gordon E. Hopkins, St. Joseph Junior Grand Deacon -- Dale C. Motter, Kirksville Senior Grand Deacon -- Frank Ames Arnold, Boonville Grand Lecturer - R.W. Brother Stanton T. Brown, Buckner Grand Secretary -- R.W. Brother Thrry C. Alexander, Milan Grand 'Ireasurer -- R.W. Brother W. Marian Luna, Piedmont Junior Grand Warden -- D. Robert Downey, St. Louis Senior Grand Warden -- Daniel F. Cole, Aftlon Deputy Grand Master -- Thomas C. Warden, Owensville Unable to be at this introduction but present later at this annual communication: Grand Chaplain - R.W. Brother Carl L. Radford M.W. Brother Hill called up the Grand Lodge for the reception of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri -- Most Worshipful Brother 5
Robert D. Jenkins of Kansas City, Kansas. The Grand Lodge welcomed Most Worshipful Brother Jenkins as he entered the Auditorium and proceeded to his station in the East. The Senior Grand Marshal led the Grand Lodge in according the Grand Master with the Grand Honors. M.W. Brother Hill greeted Most Worshipful Grand Master Jenkins, who with a rap of the gavel, seated the Grand Lodge. PLEOOE OF ALLEGIANCE M.W. Robert D. Jenkins, Grand Master, led the delegates in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. M.W. Jenkins offered words of welcome to the Grand Lodge members to Columbia. OPENING M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins, with the assistance of the Grand Officers, opened the One Hundred Sixty-Eighth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge on the Degree of Master Mason in accordance with Missouri Ritual. R.W. Grand Chaplain Ronald A Bollinger offered prayer. INTERIM REPORT OF THE COMMIITEE ON CREDENTIALS R.W. Brother Ray Hilton, Chairman, presented the interim report of the Committee on Credentials. To The Grand Lodge ofAncient, Free and Accepted Masons ofthe State ofMissouri: BRETHREN: Your Committee on Credentials is pleased to report that a constitutional number of subordinate lodges is present.
Respectfully submitted, RAy HILTON, Chairman INTRODUCTION OF MOST WORSlDPFUL PAST GRAND MASTERS OF MISSOURI R.W. Senior Grand Deacon Frank Ames Arnold presented and introduced the Past Grand Masters in attendance: M.W. Brother Harold o. Grauel (1959-1960), Cape Girardeau M.W. Brother Bruce H. Hunt (1960-1961), Kirksville M.W. Brother Elvis A Mooney (1968-1969), Bloomfield M.W. Brother J. Morgan Donnel80n (1969-1970), Princeton M.W. Brother William H. Chapman (1970-1971), Webster Groves M.W. Brother Walter L. Walker (1973-1974), Neosho M.W. Brother Lewis C. Wes Cook (1975-1976), North Kansas City
M.W. Brother Fielding A. Poe (1976-1977), Florissant M.W. Brother James A. Noland, Jr. (1977-1978), Osage Beach M.W. Brother J.C. Montgomery, Jr. (1978-1979), St. Louis M.W. Brother Gus Nations (1979-1980), St. Louis M.W. Brother J. Edward Blinn (1980-1981), Marshfield M.W. Brother William J. Hill (1981-1982), Kansas City M.W. Brother Earl K. Dille (1982-1983), St. Louis M.W. Brother Robert J. Crede (1983-1984), Jefferson City M.W. Brother Vern H. Schneider (1984-1985), St. Louis M.W. Brother Charles E. Scheurich (1985-1986), Columbia M.W. Brother P. Vincent Kinkead (1986-1987), Farmington M.W. Brother Thomas K. McGuire, Jr. (1987-1988), Rpgersville M.W. Grand Master Jenkins expressed his appreciation for the attendance of these past Grand Masters at the One Hundred and Sixty-Eighth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Led by the Senior Grand Marshal, the Grand Lodge saluted the Past Grand Masters with the Grand Honors. The Senior Grand Deacon escorted the Past Grand Masters to their seats by way of the East where the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master extended their personal greetings. M.W. Brother Bruce H. Hunt responded to the welcome for the Missouri Past Grand Masters. INTRODUCTION OF GRAND MASTERS AND PAST GRAND MASTERS OF OTHER GRAND LODGES R.~ Junior Grand Deacon Dale C. Motter presented and introduced the Grand Masters and Past Grand Masters of other Grand Jurisdictions:
M.W. Brother Charles I. Gregg, Grand Master ofAlaska M.W. Brother Hayden ~ Joe Davis, Grand Master of Arkansas M.W. Brother L. Ray Chamberlain, Grand Master of Iowa M.W. Brother Robert M. Nease, Grand Master of Kansas M.W. Brother Dalvin L. Hollaway, Grand Master of Oregon M.W. Brother Richard E. Fletcher, Past Grand Master of Vermont The Grand Lodge accorded the Grand Masters and the Past Grand Masters of other Grand Jurisdictions the Grand Honors, after which they were conducted to the East for the personal greetings of the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master. INTRODUCTION OF GRAND OFFICERS OFOTDERGRANDLODGES R.W. Senior Grand Steward Gordon E. Hopkins presented and introduced the Grand Officers of other Grand Jurisdictions: R.W. Brother 1bm Eggleston, Grand Secretary of Iowa R.~ Brother Albert O. Arnold, Grand Secretary of Kansas
R.W R.W. R.W. R.W.
Brother Jerry L. Rittenburg, Grand Custodian of Nebraska Brother Donald L. Pohlman, Grand Senior Deacon of Nebraska Brother J.D. Tisdale, Deputy Grand Master of Tennessee Brother Vernon R. Parks, Past Ground Orator of Washington
After the welcome of M.W. Grand Master Jenkins, the Grand Officers of other Grand Lodges were conducted to the East for the personal greetings of the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master.
INTRODUCTION OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF TIlE BODIES OF THE MASONIC FAMILY OF MISSOURI R.W. Junior Grand Steward James H. Cobban presented and introduced the Representatives of the Appendant and Adoptive Organizations affiliated with the Masonic Family of Missouri: Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Missouri - Ervin A. Drewm. Most Illustrious Grand Master, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the State of Missouri - Frank ~ Hazelrigg, Jr. Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Missouri - Kenneth L Buck President, Missouri Association of High Twelve Clubs - Charles M. White Executive Officer in Missouri, DeMolay - Ron Zumalt Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of MiBBouri, Order of the Eastern Star - Melvin E. Barnes Right Eminent Grand GeneraliBBimo, Grand Encampment of Knights 'Thmplar of the United States of America - Blair C. Mayford Grand Royal Patron, Order of the Amaranth - Francis E. Brown Associate Grand Guardian, Grand Guardian Council of MiBBouri, International Order of Job's Daughters - James D. Snavel)'Secretary, Missouri Association of High Twelve Clubs - Ellis H. Havard
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins greeted the Representatives of the Affiliated Organizations of Missouri, after which they were conducted to the East for the personal greetings of the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master.
INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS R.W. Senior Grand Marshal Donald F. Scott presented the District Deputy Grand Masters, who stood at their seats in the auditorium to receive the words of appreciation of M.W. Grand Master Jenkins and recognitionirom those in attendance at the Grand Lodge Session.
INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND LECTURERS R.W. Grand Lecturer Stanton T. Brown presented the District Deputy Grand Lecturers, who stood at their seats in the auditorium to receive
words of appreciation from the Grand Lecturer, personal greetings ofthe Grand Master and the applause of welcome of the Grand Lodge. INTRODUCTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE STAFF OF THE MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI R.W. Deputy Grand Master and President of the Masonic Home Board of Directors, Thomas C. Warden, presented and introduced: R.W. Brother Daniel F. Cole, Member R.W. Brother D. Robert Downey, Member R.W. Brother Frank A. Arnold, Member Wor. Brother Richard Goff, Member R.W. Brother Thomas M. Hodges, Member Wor. Brother D. Thomas Cronk, Member R.W. Brother Donald E. Scott, Member Wor. Brother Herman A. Morris, Jr., Member M.W. Brother Fielding A. Poe, Co-ordinator of Fratemal Relations R.W. Brother Stephen B. Givens, Secretary to the Board of DirectoTs Wor. Brother Paul B. Tobias, Controller R.W. Brother Lloyd L. Schainker, Member R.W. Brother Robert C. Kellstrom, Member R.W. Brother W.W. Beckett, Sr., Member R.W. Brother Warden brought to the attention of the Grand Lodge that the terms on the Masonic Home Board of Brothers Thomas M. Hodges and D. Thomas Crunk would expire with this Grand Lodge session. NOMINATION OF THE MASONIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS M.W. Brother Robert J. Crede nominated Brother Warren R. Betts of St. Louis, Missouri M.W. Brother Elvis A. Mooney nominated Brother James ~ Hackworth of Ellington, Missouri M.W. Brother J. Edward Blinn nominated Brother Roy E. Willey of Columbia, Missouri There being th~ee nominations to fill two positions on the Masonic Home Board, the Grand Master announced that the election would take place Monday aftemoon at the same time of election of the 1989-1990 Grand Lodge Officers.
Address of the Grand Master To the Grand Lodge ofAncient, Free and Accepted Masons DEAR BRETHREN:
It is with sincere wannth and gratitude that I welcome each of you, and especially all of our out of state visitors, to the 168th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri. Your presence here in Columbia, Missouri, the site of our Grand Lodge Office, is greatly appreciated, and I hope that some of the new ideas and thoughts that win be presented and discussed during this session will carry into every constituent lodge throughout the -state. It is my sincere belief that those who attend these communications are without a doubt, the leaders that we must retain and strive to keep involved, if this Fraternity is to continue to be the giant it is in the world today. 'Ib our Past Grand Masters who are an so deeply concerned with the happenings of this Fraternity, it is a pleasure and an honor to have you in attendance. Your guidance these past months has been appreciated and I ask your forgiveness of any errors or omissions that may have occurred during this Masonic year. A special welcome to all of the District Deputy Grand Masters and District Deputy Grand Lecturers. This year I have been blessed with an outstanding corp, who have worked together, and for each other, in the true spirit of Masonic Brotherhood. The accomplishments they have achieved have definitely put this Grand Master in their debt. I would also like to welcome the heads of all the appendant bodies here this year. Although all are Master Masons first, their involvement in another of our Masonic Family branches has served to bring this state closer together. The support of all these groups has always been available on request. STATE OF THE CRAFT
"There is good and bad in everything, I guess," and such a quotation holds very true in this Fraternity. There is definitely a glimmer of light and high hopes for the future, but the present is still struggling to hold the problems of today's world from overcoming our constituent lodges. On the discouraging side is the number of small membership lodges that cannot get the attendance necessary to accomplish their monthly business, and therefore have to keep striving to maintain their active status. In contrast to that is the larger number of extremely active lodges that are involved in programs and activities that makes their membership proud and eager to claim that they belong to the best in their respective district. Although I have tried to visit those lodges throughout the state this
year that expressed a need for an official visit, I felt totally inadequate in solving the one question that needed to be answered, and that is "What can we do to get our members beck to the lodge hallT' While many of our Brethren are making that extra effort and visiting other lodges, and District No. 21 showed an outstanding accomplishment of this, there is still a lacking of that indefinable "something" that will bring out those that are now just willing to be dues paying members. The main problem that exists in our lodges today is the involvement needed from a larger percentage of the existing membership. The willingness and effort being put forth by the officers of our constituent lodges is highly commendable, but in too many incidences is meeting with very little success. Although the concern is there, the ability to achieve the goals and programs required by the Grand Lodge and the lodge Master is failing due to the small number of Brethren willing to be involved.
AREA MEETINGS We held eight (8) Area Meetings last fall. All were well organized by your Grand Secretary, R.W. Brother Terry C. Alexander, and gave your various Grand Lodge officers the chance to meet with the constituent lodge officers to present the program that we strived to complete this year. The attendance varied from a low of 126 in Cape Girardeau to a high of 170 in St. Louis. The attendance at the meetings totaled, without duplication, 1,469. This calculates to approximately 75% of the total number of Brethren that could have attended. However, I'm happy to report that 96% of the lodges had someone to represent them. At these meetings the following opinion poll was distributed, voted on by only those lodge officers and District Deputies who were inclined to let us know their opinion, and gave these results:
AREA MEETING OPINION POLL Question No. 1: ~ Should Missouri have a legal cipher to assist candidates in learning the ritual? 854
Question No.2: Should an explanatory phrase be inserted into Missouri ritual to indicate that the Ancient Penalties in our obligation are "symbolic" in nature and do not 733 constitute a literal interpretation?
Question No.3: This question concerning solicitation was academic due to the proposal to amend Section 13.050 which was passed at the 1988 Grand Lodge Session, howe1,047 ver, brought these results.
Question No.4: Should Missouri change its present method for voting on a petition, providing for a tw~thirds affirmative vote rather than the single ''black cube" that rejects 338 a candidate?
Question No.5: Should the Masonic Home continue the use of greeting card distribution as a means to solicit funds via the annual Grand Master's Appeal? 792
Question No.6: Are you satisfied with a central Missouri location as the site for the Grand Lodge annual communication? Traditionally, the sessions are held in St. Louis, Kansas City or Springfield.
Question No.7: Should the Grand Master, actively and with greater authority, force lodge consolidations?
This information is being used by not only the Long-Range Planning Committee, but also by your Grand Lodge line officers for planning during the next few years. While the lodge Secretaries met with the Grand Secretary for approximately thirty minutes, this does not seem to be enough time to discuss and solve their problems. One of the more vocal complaints generated by these Brethren, especially the newly elected Secretaries, was not being able to have more instruction in lodge matters and coordination of activities through the Grand Secretary's office. If we are going to expect success from our constituent lodges, then we must meet their needs and requests at these Area Meetings. The format used by this Grand Master needs to be revised to better enable accomplishment of these requirements.
APPENDANT BODIES I was fortunate this past year to attend the Scottish Rite Symposium in Branson, and the York Rite Conference in Jefferson City. Also, due to the generosity of the Shrine Temples in Missouri, and especially Ararat Temple in Kansas City, I was privileged to be present at the Imperial Session of the Shrine of North America, held in 'Ibronto, Canada. It was very encouraging at all of these functions to hear from those in attendance just how concerned they are with the problems of the Blue Lodge. Without a doubt all of these Brethren are involved with the idea of how to keep the Masonic Fraternity as a strong base and to function within the parameters set by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. However, I must say that most of these Brethren attending were also our active Masons who are involved at all levels of Freemasonry, and thankfully still find time to do more.
NECROLOGY The saddest part of any year is when we remember those who have departed this life during the preceding year. We would all like to believe that life eternal could be taken literally, and that our time here on earth would never end. However, we also know that what is to be, will be, for it is God's way. One of the greatest losses we experienced this year was the death of a valued Brother and close friend, R.W. Brother W. Tribbey Nickerson. Brother 1iibbey was active not only in Blue Lodge, but all the appendant bodies as well. He was an appointed Grand Lodge Chaplain for the current Masonic year, and his death left a vacancy which I felt no one else should fill. His robust zest for life and love for his fellow man will be sadly missed by his congregation and Brother Master Masons. To all of our departed Brethren's families we express our deepest sympathy, but rejoice in the pride of having enjoyed their fellowship and brotherhood, within our Fraternity, for however short a time. I will call on Dr. and M.W. Brother J.C. Montgomery, Jr., for a memorial service. GRAND MASTER'S BREAKFASTS
The several breakfast events were some of the more pleasant experiences in which I participated this year. On October 9th the greater Kansas City area held the 5th Annual Grand Master's Breakfast at Ararat Temple in Kansas City. Although relatively new, it was well organized and entertaining, with a good attendance by Brethren and their ladies. On October 15th I visited Perseverance Lodge No. 92 in Louisiana, for their traditional 4:00 a.m. breakfast. In spite of the early hour, the attendance and fellowship was exceptional. On October 30th Freedom Lodge No. 636 held their annual breakfast honoring the Grand Master, and on April 30th the Eastern side of the state held the Grand Master's Breakfast at the Scottish Rite 'Thmple in St. Louis. There seems to be growing support for these functions, and the Brethren willingly start their day with a program planned to honor路-the GrandMaster. Of course the Grand-daddy is the St. Louis meeting and an outstanding crowd attended the non-denominational services, with the breakfast following. At this 37th annual affair, the organization and effort of the Breakfast Committee and the support from the Brethren of the greater St. Louis area made one and all proud to be in attendance.
LONG-RANGE PLANNING SESSION In January all of the Grand Lodge officers and the three members of the Long-Range Planning Committee met for a two day session in Columbia, under the direction of the Lawrence-Leiter Company. The idea was to conduct a planning workshop that hopefully would lead to a continuity program within the Grand Lodge officer's agenda.
These Brethren started by analyzing the existing situation and purpose of the Grand Lodge, discussed member segments and their needs, and considered the services offered by the Grand Lodge to the constituent lodges. A proposed organizational chart was drawn and spheres of influences noted, which would affect such a chart. Strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and problems were discussed with a goal of developing suggested actions to accomplish proposed Grand Lodge programs. I firmly believe we have taken a necessary first step. One of the strengths which has also created the number one problem of the Missouri Blue Lodge as seen by this group was explored. A discussion of our required ritual and how to limit its "gate keeping" function was debated. Brethren, our ritual is something we need, and should be proud to have and use. It sets us apart from other organizations, fraternal, or otherwise, and establishes the precedent that many have tried to use to build a very selective body. However, at the same time it has become necessary to eliminate the mis-conception that everyone must be a ritualist, in order to be a productive and useful member of this Fraternity. We have members now that are hesitant to go to lodge meetings because they may have to work on the floor or take part in degree work. For many of our Brethren the fear of embarrassment before their peers is enough to prevent them from being involved with their own Blue Lodge. How to dispel this feeling, while keeping a quality ritual in place - one that we all can still be proud of - is of utmost importance to this Fraternity today. The solution to that problem will be a real challenge for future Grand Lodge officers as well as our constituent lodge officers. Your Deputy Grand Master has reacted to this planning session and is incorporating some of the most important objectives into his plans for the 1989-90 Masonic year. Your Senior Grand Warden has also incorporated some of the ideas into his goals, as incoming President of the Masonic Home Board. If the remaining advancing line officers will apply these planning ideas and institute the necessary action, that they themselves agreed upon, then we have started a long range plan that will indeed bring about some necessary changes in our Fraternity. Hopefully they will succeed.
MASONIC SERVICE MONTH One of my goals this year was to encourage more community service by our lodges, however I was only partially successful. Approximately 20% of the Blue Lodges sent in reports of a service they performed for someone, or some organization, within their community. I know of a few lodges that didn't consider the success of their task worthy of the competition that was being held. Others couldn't accomplish it within the month of May as designated, therefore didn't submit a report. All of the projects were impressive, but the percent of involvement by our Blue Lodges was far short of our intended goal. The encouraging part of this program was reviewing some of the services that were performed by approximately one hundred lodges with reports submitted. Many good ideas were used and I narrowed the competi-
tion down to the following seven lodges listed here according to lodge number, not necessarily as to how they were rated. Mercer Lodge No. 35 - Princeton - Landscaped Bandstand Park for city. Jefferson Lodge No. 43 - Jefferson City - Weatherized nine homes in area and conducted a successful blood drive. Savannah Lodge No. 71 - Savannah - Set up two separate projects, 1) Landscaped and planted shrubbery with Main Street Committee 2) Mowed and did general clean up work with the Parks and Recreation Board. If this award were to be judged on the basis of presentation only, Savannah would be tops. The pictures, newspaper coverage, and member participation was truly commendable. Compass Lodge No. 120 - Parkville - Set up and manned a courtesy booth at Dearborn rest stop serving the traveling public on Memorial Day. Corinthian Lodge No. 265 - Warrensburg - Held three projects, 1) Answered telephone for a public service television station. 2) Helped conduct door to door fund drive for Cancer Society. 3) Organized picnic at the site of the Masonic College Memorial in Lexington. Meramec Lodge No. 313 - Eureka - Accomplished two projects, 1) Assisted in preparation and distribution of food baskets for the needy. 2) Sponsored a local boys baseball team. Marceline Lodge No. 481 - Marceline - Provided the use of their building to high school students after their Prom. There was entertainment, games, prizes during the evening and a breakfast served in the morning to some 91 students. If this award was to be based on a unique endeavor, then surely Marceline would win. Fantastic idea! Buckner Lodge No. 501 - Buckner - Worked for the Senior Citizens complex and painted all of the wooden trash pick-Up points located therein. The entry forms of these seven finalists were then presented to your Grand Lodge Officers and rated on a point basis. The totals were very close, and the winner will be announced at the Grand Lodge Session. Needless to say all that participated are winners, both in community and lodge involvement. Thanks to each and every Brother who took part in these worthwhile endeavors.
DECISIONS Having received a request to rule on property of Florida Lodge No. 23 after they consolidated with Lick Creek Lodge No. 302, I advised Lick
Creek Lodge to prepare a Quit Claim Deed from the Grand Lodge to Lick Creek Lodge, which would release all claim of the Grand Lodge on such property. Said deed was then approved. Ruled that a solicitation notice as outlined by Hope Lodge No. 251 violated Section 25.090 of our Constitution and By-Laws, even though the project seemed to be very worthwhile. Questioned about the transfer of a non-proficient Entered Apprentice from Breckenridge Lodge No. 334 to Alpha Lodge No. 657. Found that Section 20.080 of the Constitution and By-Laws prevailed and that a certificate of good standing could be issued if the Brother was no longer a resident of the original jurisdiction.
DISPENSATIONS Included in the Grand Secretary's Report.
CONSENTS OR PERMISSION Included in the Grand Secretary's Report
HEALINGS Included in the Grand Secretary's Report.
RECOMMENDATIONS One of the main concerns expressed to me this year from the Brethren of this Fraternity, was how to encourage involvement of their members in lodge activities. With that in mind I request the Education Committee consider this recommendation. That Masonic Service Month become a requirement of the Achievement Award Program. This step is needed to promote more lodge involvement in community events and hopefully to interest more Brethren in public projects. All lodges should be able to accomplish at least one service project during the month of May. Since there is still much confusion regarding the liability insurance program and other reports required from lodge secretaries, I believe more instructional opportunities should be offered. The Grand Secretary should be charged with the task of scheduling a lodge secretarial training session in at least four areas of the state. This would allow all constituent lodge secretaries to present their concerns for discussion. The problems and questions that need to be addressed are numerous and cannot be handled individually by telephone.
The following suggestion was proposed regarding our Senior Brethren. Rosendale Lodge No. 404 in St. Joseph contacted me with an idea which I think needs serious consideration. When a Brother receives his 50 year pin he would also be entitled to a special membership card. This permanent card need not be re-issued each year. As there are approximately 4,000 such members in this Fraternity, this would be a cost saving program, as well as a status symbol. I also found confusion among the craft as to when certain Grand Lodge programs were scheduled. Therefore a calendar of events of the Grand Lodge year should be prepared and mailed to each constituent lodge. This calendar should be issued as early as possible to help newly installed Masters avoid scheduling conflicts. Communication is a key to being successful. The last recommendation concerns the Long-Range Planning report. A copy of the report as prepared by the Lawrence-Leiter Company should be presented to each new advancing Grand Lodge Officer for his information. This practice should be continued until a new study is conducted. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank all the Brethren throughout the state for the many courtesies and hospitality afforded me this past year. Friendships made will long be remembered, and the memorabilia collected will also serve as a constant reminder of functions attended and the special people within this Fraternity. The Grand Lodge Officers were especially cooperative, and through their willingness to accept several difficult tasks and challenges, I feel we made real progress. With their help and advice they have made the road much smoother these past twelve months, and my gratitude is hereby acknowledged. The District Deputy Grand Masters were very supportive. There is not a proper way to thank so many that worked so hard to build a Grand Master's image. The devotion to our Fraternity by these Brethren is evident by their interest and involvement, and I can only say 'thank you' for your contribution this past year. I must also say the District Deputy Grand Lecturers worked right alongside their counterparts and added a great deal to the overall performance. One of my committee chairmen felt it necessary to resign during the year, and I wish to convey a special thanks to R.W. Brother Linton W. Kneemiller for his ideas and his efforts to improve Freemasonry through
Public Relations. Some of his committee sponsored projects will be remembered by this Fraternity for many years to come, as will his slogan "I'M PROUD TO BE A MISSOURI MASON". A truly great effort has been put forth by this worthy Brother. To all the various committees and especially their chairmen, I also express my appreciation for continued involvement. Without your records and reports there would be little documentation of the inner workings of the Grand Lodge year. Without the assistance of our Grand Lodge Secretary, R.W. Brother Terry C. Alexander, it would have been impossible for this Grand Master to accomplish all his duties. I thank him for his help and guidance, and the ability to adjust to any problem we encountered. A note of thanks also to R.W. Brother Frank Ames.Arnold, for willingly accepting special assignments throughout the year, and for representing the Grand Master at the l00th Annual Grand Lodge Communication of North Dakota. His experience and knowledge of Masonic matters is unlimited and invaluable. Finally, a special acknowledgment to my wife, Betty. Without her assistance and constant support, this year would not have been- as pleasant. She has worked with me through many years of involvement in Freemasonry, without regret or complaint, and for this I am grateful.
CONCLUSION Brethren, it is because of the involvement of your lodges that this year will always be remembered and cherished by me. The future of Freemasonry is, as always, in the hands of the constituent lodges and their leadership. If we as your Grand Lodge Officers can only provide you with ideas and the proper interpretation of the Law and Regulations of this Fraternity, then there is no doubt you will carry on toward continued success. The leadership of this Fraternity, both on the state level and the constituent lodge level, must continue to advocate that Freemasonry is not a year to year commitment, but a lifelong membership. While it is obvious that there will always be problems within our society, and although we cannot be directly involved in all situations, our association with Freemasonry will provide us the tools to better influence others. With all of our Masonic leaders emphasizing change, ideas must be analyzed and considered to bring our Fraternity to modern day standards. Let us all adjust our thinking so other generations of Freemasons will always be proud to belong to our Fraternity. The ideas and acts that are the foundation of this organization must continue to shine for all to see. It is very difficult to find the correct words to adequately thank all the Brethren for the courtesies, help and guidance provided me this year. I just want to again sincerely express my gratitude to all of the members of this Fraternity - the Fraternity for Life. Thank you, Brethren. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. JENKINS, Grand Moster
ITINERARY FOR 1988-89 1988
September 27 Installed as Grand Master. Meeting with D.D.G.M.S. and D.D.G.L.S. October 3 Official Visit, Country Club Lodge No. 656, Kansas City. 4 Met with Thomas H. McCully, Education Committee, Kansas City. 5 Met with John W. Siscel, Chairman-Education Committee, Kansas City. 7 Met with Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge Office, Columbia. Attended Legion of Honor Investiture of the Order of DeMolay, St. Louis. 8 Met with Masonic Education Committee, Jefferson City. Grand Lodge Officer's Meeting, Jefferson City. 9 Grand Master's Breakfast, Ararat Temple, Kansas City. Banquet Speaker, Grand Chapter-Order of Eastern Star, Springfield. 14 Dinner, Perseverance Lodge No. 92, Louisiana. 15 Grand Master's Breakfast, Perseverance Lodge No. 92, Louisiana. Masonic Home Board Meeting, St. Louis. 17 Visited Country Club Lodge No. 656, Kansas City. 21 Area Meeting No.1, Rolla. 22 Area Meeting No.2, Springfield. 28 Area Meeting No.3, Cape Girardeau. 29 Area Meeting No.4, St. Louis. 30 Master's Breakfast, Freedom Lodge No. 636, St. Louis. Reunion Grandview Lodge No. 618, Grandview. November 2 Past Master's Banquet, Kirksville Lodge No. 105 and Adair Lodge No. 366, Kirksville. 4 Area Meeting No.5, Maryville 5 York Rite Degrees, Masonic Unity Class of 1988, Kansas City. Area Meeting No.6, Independence. 11 Area Meeting No.7, Kirksville. 12 Area Meeting No.8, Boonville. 13-16 Attended Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, Guthrie. 18 Met with Committee for Preservation of Masonic Temple, St. Louis. 19 Masonic Home Board Meeting. December 5 Installed Officers, Country Club Lodge No. 656, Kansas City. 6 Spoke at Past Master's Dinner, Richmond Lodge No. 57, and
presented 50 year pin to Brother John Frederick Wyss, Richmond. 8 Met with Grand Master of Kansas to visit Veterans' Administration Medical Center, Leavenworth, Kansas. 9 Annual Assembly-Mary Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, Kansas City. 10 Round Table Session, Columbia. 12 Meeting for Adopt-A-Resident program, Masonic Home-Western Unit, Kansas City 14 Ararat Shrine Temple meeting - Presentation of Grand Master's Fez, Kansas City. 17 Masonic Home Board Meeting, Kansas City. 20 Official Visit, Summit Lodge No. 263, Lee's Summit. 25 Christmas Observance, Masonic Home, St. Louis. 30 Visited Cleveland Lodge No. 651, Installation of Officers, Cleveland. 1989
January 5 Official Visit, Raytown Lodge No. 391, Raytown. 8 Attended "Family-Friends" dinner, hosted by Ruth C. and Frank A. Arnold, Columbia. 9 Visited Alpha Lodge No. 659 with Grand Lecturer, North Kansas City. 12 Accompanied Grand Lecturer to School of Instruction, Marceline. 13-14 Conference of Grand Lodge Officers; Long Range Planning Seminar, Columbia. 15 Meeting with Committee for Entertainment of Distinguished Guests for Grand Lodge 1989, Columbia. 16 Accompanied Grand Lecturer to School of Instruction, Moberly. 19 Guest Speaker, Six Lodges of Rose Hill Temple, hosted by Saveh Lodge No. 646, St. Louis. 20 Guest Speaker, Meramec Lodge No. 313, Eureka. 21 Masonic Home Board Meeting, St. Louis. 27 Annual Communication, 34th Masonic District, Jewel Lodge No. 480, Pleasant Hill. 30 Guest Speaker, Boone County Masonic Association, Twilight Lodge No. 114, Columbia. 31 Attended Membership Meeting, Moila Shrine Temple, St. Joseph. February 1 Visited Grandview Lodge No. 618, Lodge of Instruction, Grandview 7 Guest Speaker, Forty-Eighth Annual February Dinner, Masonic Bodies and Eastern Star Chapter of Boonville. 8 Official Visit with D.D.G.M., Rowley Lodge No. 240, Dearborn. 9 Official Visit with D.D.G.M., Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446, Kansas City. 10 Lodge of Instruction, Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446, Kansas City.
13 Official Visit with D.D.G.M., Platte City Lodge No. 504, Platte City. 17 Attended dinner meeting regarding Masonic Home investments, Clayton. 18 Masonic Home Board Meeting, St. Louis. 18-22 Attended Grand Master's Conference, Washington, D.C. 23 Official Visit, with Grand Lecturer, Clayton Lodge No. 601, Clayton. March 2 Official Visit, Blue Springs Lodge No. 337, Blue Springs. 4 Executive Session, Board of Directors, Masonic Home, Columbia. 6 Attended Director's Meeting and Temple Meeting, Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City. Gave report on Grand Master's Conference. 7 Visited Summit Lodge No. 263, Lee's Summit. 8 Attended Ararat Temple Meeting, Ararat Shrine, Kansas City. 18 Masonic Home Board Meeting, Kansas City. 20 Official Visit, 10th Masonic District, Jamesport Lodge No. 564, Jamesport. Catfish Fry. 21-23 Attended Grand Lodge of Thnnessee, Nashville. 28 Official Visit, Rockhill Lodge No. 663, Kansas City. April 6 Attended Grand Court of Missouri, Order of Amaranth, Kansas City. 8 Special Communication held at Masonic Home - Western Unit, by Buckner Lodge No. 501, Kansas City. 9 Attended Public Relations Committee Meeting, Columbia. Meeting with Committee for Entertainment of Distinguished Guests for Grand Lodge 1989, Columbia. 12 Ladies Appreciation Night, McDonald Lodge No. 324, Independence. 13 Visited Gate City Lodge No. 522, Kansas City. Presented 50 year pin to Brother Woodson O. Bennett. Addressed Opening Session - International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay and the International DeMolay Congress, Kansas City. 17 Attended Past Master's Night, Country Club Lodge No. 656, honoring the Grand Master, Kansas City. 18 Guest Speaker, High Twelve Club, Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City. Guest Speaker, Past Master's Night, Weston Lodge No. 53, Weston. 22 Attended the dedication of the James E. Farris Memorial, Blue Springs Lodge No. 337, Blue Springs. Masters and Wardens Dinner, honoring the Grand Lecturer and the Grand Master, Ivanhoe Masonic Temple, Kansas City. 24 Visited Independence Lodge No. 76, Independence. 25-28 Attended Grand York Rite Annual Meeting, Jefferson City.
Official Visit, Milton Lodge No. 151, Milton. 29 Masonic Home Board Meeting; Grand Lodge Officers Meeting; Dinner to meet speaker for Grand Master's Breakfast, M.W. Brother Thomas R. Dougherty, PGM, (Masonic Service Association), St. Louis. 30 Grand Master's Breakfast, Scottish Rite Temple, St. Louis. May 1 Met at Franklin School, Liberty, to open time capsule (50 years), with Liberty Lodge No. 31. He-enactment of corner stone laying ceremony. 5 Attended Harry S Truman Birthday Observance, State Capitol, Jefferson City. 5-6 Speaker, Scottish Rite Symposium, Branson. 8 Official Visit, Past Master's Night, Liberty Lodge No. 31, Liberty. 12 Scottish Rite Spring Reunion "America's Class," Kansas City. 13 Attended Ways & Means Committee Meeting, Columbia. 15 Official Visit, Marlborough Lodge No. 569, Grandview. 18 Visit Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 - 2nd Degree - Kansas City. 20 Official Visit, Mount Moriah Lodge No. 40, Clayton. 22 Official Visit, Independence Lodge No. 76, Independence. 25 Official Visit, Swope Park Lodge No. 617, Kansas City. Ancient Form Lodge No. 34, Shawnee, Kansas conferred 3rd Degree. Official Visit, Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Kansas City. 26 Masonic Home Board Budget Meeting, St. Louis. 27 Masonic Home Board Meeting, St. Louis. 30 Grandview Lodge No. 618, Grandview. Makeup Class - Third Part - "Working '!boIs of Freemasonry". June 1 Official Visit, Kearney Lodge No. 311, Kearney. 2-3 Attended Spring Ceremonial Class, Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple, Springfield. 6 Official Visit, Buckner Lodge No. 501, Buckner. 9 Meeting with Grand Secretary, Columbia. Round Table Session, hosted by The Grand Chapter of Missouri, Order of the Eastern Star, Columbia. 10 Meeting with Committee for Entertainment of Distinguished Guests for Grand Lodge 1989, Columbia. 14 Official Visit, Cecile Daylight Lodge No. 305, North Kansas City. Attended planning session for 100th Anniversary Celebration for Masonic Home, Ararat Temple, Kansas City. 15 Official Visit, Southgate Lodge No. 547, Kansas City. 16 Home Board Budget Meeting, St. Louis. 17 Masonic Home Board Meeting, St. Louis. 18 Outdoor Third Degree held in Black Forest, St. Mark's Lodge No. 93, Cape Girardeau. 19 Visit Country Club Lodge No. 656, Kansas City.
20 Official Visit, Lexington Lodge No. 149, Lexington. 21 Official Visit, Northeast Lodge No. 643, Kansas City. 22 Official Visit, Hemple Lodge No. 37, Hemple. Presented 60 year pin to Loren Koch. 25 Speaker, 100th Anniversary Celebration, Masonic Home-Western Unit, Kansas City. 26 Visit Kansas City Lodge No. 220, Kansas City. 28 Visit, Gardenville Lodge No. 655, St. Louis. July 1 2-8 10 13 14-16
Official Visit, Rising Sun Lodge No. 13, Kansas City. Attended Imperial Shrine Session, Toronto, Canada. Speaker, Albert Pike Lodge No. 219, Kansas City. Visited Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446, Kansas City - Third Degree. Hosted Family Weekend for Grand Lodge Officers and Masonic Home Board of Directors; Home Board Meeting, Westin Crown Center, Kansas City. 17 Speaker, Marlborough Lodge No. 569, Grandview. 21 Meeting with Walter L. Walker, P.G.M., Chaimlan, Jurisprudence Committee, Neosho. Attended Third Degree, Solomon Lodge No. 217, Springfield. 28-29 Summer Ararat Shrine Ceremonial, Grand Master Class, Sedalia. August 3 Met with James L. Pepper, Field Agent, M.S.A., to tour Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Poplar Bluff. Official Visit, St. Francois Lodge No. 234, Libertyville. 14 Met with the officers of Grand Chapter - Order of Eastern Star, Columbia. 19 Masonic Home Board Meeting, St. Louis. 26 Meeting with Committee for Entertainment of Distinguished Guests for Grand Lodge 1989, Columbia. 27 Attended Joint Assembly - Red Cross of Constantine, St. Louis. September 6 Official Visit, Fidelity Lodge No. 339, Farley. 11 Past Master's Night, Alpha Lodge No. 659, North Kansas City. 23 Masonic Home Board Meeting, Columbia.
CORNERSTONES AND DEDICATIONS During this year I had the opportunity to participate in several cornerstone laying ceremonies and dedications. I congratulate the members of those lodges who completed new Temples, and also those who generated new interest in their lodges by re-enacting prior ceremonies. I wish all of them a successful future. October 1
As my presence was required elsewhere, I was pleased to is-
sue a dispensation to R.W. Brother Frank Ames Arnold to preside at the Re-enactment of the Ceremonial Laying of the Cornerstone of the Howard County Courthouse, with Fayette Lodge No. 47, Fayette. October 16
Dedication of the New Masonic Temple, Knob Noster Lodge No. 245, Knob Noster.
April 16
Re-Dedication of the Masonic Temple of Ferguson Lodge No. 542, Ferguson.
June 4
Laying of the Cornerstone Ceremony, New Masonic Temple, Knob Noster Lodge No. 245, Knob Noster.
August 12
Laying of the Cornerstone Ceremony, New Masonic Temple, Ava Lodge No. 26, Ava. At the request of the lodge, which has maintained close ties with M.W. Brother J. Edward Blinn, I was pleased to issue a dispensation to Brother Blinn to preside at this Cornerstone Ceremony.
August 20
Dedication and Laying of the Cornerstone Ceremony, New Masonic Temple, Hannibal Lodge No. 188 and St. John's Lodge No. 28, Hannibal.
August 27
Laying of the Cornerstone Ceremony, New High School at Brookfield, with Brookfield Lodge No. 86, Brookfield.
REPORT OF THE NECROLOGY COMMITrEE To the Grand Lodge AR & AM. ofMissouri: "Who have gone this way before" us?
It is a sad duty but also an agreeable custom as well as law of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Missouri that "prop. er memorials of deceased brethren" should be prepared. Not only do we acknowledge their lives, public service, and fraternal leadership: but we also give thanks to the Great Architect of the universe that He has raised up such Craftsmen to be our Brethren and friends. In His infinite wisdom, strength and beauty, the Supreme Grand Master has used such workmen to build His Temple. In that especial funeral service which is one of Missouri Masonry's unique gifts to the Masonic world, Most Worshipful Brother Thomas E. Garrett wrote these lines to speak of a departed Brother:
"We knew him so well in our Brotherhood, feel that in his de路 parture from among the living something has gone out of our own lives that can never be again."
How many times this would have been uttered in the year that is past! Our Grand Secretary tells us that in the reports submitted by the constituent lodges to the Grand Lodge, 2,385 have laid down the working tools of this mortal existence to be translated to the Grand Lodge on high. In that number were those who served the Grand Lodge in varied capacities, and a host of others whose lives nourished Freemasonry at her grass roots, the local Blue Lodges. Freemasonry is the richer for their lives and labors, diminished in their loss. We do not shake off the sorrow quickly. The poet was right: It singeth low in every heart, We hear it, each and all, A song of those who answer not, However we may call. They throng the silence of the breast, We see them as of yore, The kind, the true, the brave, the sweet, Who walk with us no more. The beautiful system of morals which constitutes Freemasonry is indeed veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. As it teaches how to live - and how to die - it makes use of the noble metaphors oflife. There is the "way;" life is seen as "a rough and rugged road"; there are steps which lead to human knowledge and happiness. But Freemasonry also teaches us that life is a struggle, a rising as well as a raising, a climbing to better things. The vivid picture of Jacob's ladder, extending from earth to heaven, enabling us to climb by faith, hope and charity, portrays how life should go and grow. The map for this lifelong ascent is written first in our hearts, then in our spirits, and then indelibly and eternally in our actions toward our loved ones, our neighbors, and our brethren. We cannot see where such Masonic devotion leads, but we are assured that it "extends beyond the grave, through boundless realms of eternity." Take courage then. Brethren. There are those who "have gone this way before us." As we have tender memories of our loved and lost companions, so we must pledge ourselves to be faithful to the ties of our Brotherhood, and true to the practice of the principles of Freemasonry. Some of that host of departed Brethren had been asked to serve your Grand Lodge and you in special capacities. They were: R.W. Bro. W. Tribbey Nickerson, a Chaplain of the Grand Lodge, passed away October 5, 1988, at the age of 66. At the time of his death, he was pastor of First United Methodist Church, North Kansas City, where a building memorial to him is in progreBB. He had served forty years in the ministry. Active in many Masonic-related bodies, chaplain of Ararat Shrine and also of the North Kansas City Police Department, he was known for his ability to relate to lay people and for the beauty of his public and private prayers. R.W. Bro. O. Wesley Konering, a former Grand Lodge Tiler (1984-85) and 1967 District Deputy Grand Master of the 33rd District, Division A,
also served the Grand Lodge as a member of the Committee on Masonic Education and the Committee on Youth. In the latter connection, he was particularly active in work with DeMolay and the Order of Rainbow for Girls, receiving honors and statewide recognition from both. He was a member of almost every Masonic body, being an officer in most of them as well as a Past Master of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 40. One of his great loves was seamanship, and he was a member of numerous naval organizations and an officer of the Moolah Yacht Club. He died October 9, 1988. R.W. Bro. Alfred E. Spencer, a Past Master of Wellston Lodge No. 613, had served the Grand Lodge in an honorary appointment as Grand Tiler, 1973-74, but his finest service extended over many years of Masonic research and assistance to Grand Masters. In addition, he was recognized throughout the length and breadth of American Freemasonry for his knowledge of the Craft. As M.W. Bro. Vern H. Schneider said in presenting R.W. Bro. Spencer with the Grand Master's Service Award: "He has gone far beyond the normal bounds to help so many people, particularly these Past Grand Masters.... and Grand Lodge Officers. He has given us the benefit for these many years of his richest service in the field of Masonic history, symbolism.... He is truly a fountain of Masonic Knowledge." He departed this life September 22, 1988. R.W. Bro. Forrest Everett had been a Master Mason for 27 years when he passed away August 7, 1989. He had successively belonged to the former Portageville Lodge No. 166, where he served as Master in 1970 and also in 1975, and Hayti Lodge No. 571. He was District Deputy Grand Master of the 51st District from 1982-1983 through 1986-1987. R.W. Bro. William Raymond Usher, who died October 13, 1988, had been a Master Mason for 56 years. He served St. John's Lodge No. 28, Hannibal as Worshipful Master in 1933 and in 1951-1952 and 1952-1953 he was District Deputy Grand Master of the 15th District. R.W. Bro. Theodore Leslie Graue, who had served as District Deputy Grand Master of District 16 in 1955-56 and 1956-57, passed away November 3, 1988. He had been a Master Mason for 42 years, having also been Master of Eolia Lodge No. 14 in 1952 and 1974. R.W. Bro. Leonard Pounds, District Deputy Grand Master of District 16 from 1971-1972 through 1975-1976, had been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in 1925 in Perseverance Lodge No. 92, Louisiana, where he also served as Master in 1929. He p81!sed away December 5, 1988. R.W. Bro. Loren S. Kirkpatrick, served two terms as Worshipful Master of Mountain Grove Lodge No. 158, in 1949 and 1957. He had earlier demitted from Alton Lodge No. 255, where he had been raised in 1938. He was District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 46 for four years, beginning in 1962-1963. His date of death was December 17, 1988. R.W. Bro. William Keith Kidd, a Brother lodge member of your chairman, served as Master of Elvins-Ionic Lodge No. 154, Desloge, in 1966. He was raised February 17, 1958, and leveled January 4, 1989. He served the
Grand Lodge as Grand Tiler in 1978-79. R.W Bro. Virgil Leo Abbett, Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No. 78 in 1952, served District 9 as District Deputy Grand Master in 1977-78. He also served a four year term on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home from 1973-75 through 1977-78. He passed away January 9, 1989. R.W. Bro. Jesse Clyde Butler, District Deputy Grand Master of District 14 from 1955-56 through 1957-68, passed away January 29, 1989. He had been a Master Mason for almost 42 years and had served as Master of Censer Lodge No. 172, Macon, in 1952. R.W. Bro. Butler had also served on the Masonic Home Board. R.W. Bro. John S. Stillwell of Putnam Lodge No. 190, Newtown, gave double service to the Grand Lodge as District Deputy Grand Master, District 3, from 1955-56 through 1958-59, and again as District Deputy Grand Lecturer of District 3 from 1961-62 through 1971-72. He was Master of his home Lodge in 1953 and passed away March 3, 1989. R.W. Bro. William E. Hull of Sparta Lodge No. 286 was District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 54 for three years, 1971-71 through 1973-74. He had been Master of his lodge three terms, 1969, 1961, and 1967. At the time of his death April 1, 1989, he had been a Master Mason more than 39 years. R.W Bro. David C. Morrow, District Deputy Grand Master of District 28 for three years, 1964-65 through 1966-67, had been Worshipful Master of Montgomery Lodge No. 246, Montgomery City, in 1956, where he had also served as Lodge Secretary for several years. His date of death was April 10, 1989. R.W. Bro. Robert L. Hughes of Cleveland Lodge No. 651, Cleveland, Missouri, had been District Deputy Grand Master of District 34 for five terms, from 1960-61 through 1964-65. He was Master of Cleveland Lodge in 1957 and had been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in 1950. He passed away April 18, 1989. R.W Bro. CarlO. Brown had received his degrees in 1951 in Latimer Lodge No. 145, Licking, Missouri. In 1971 he demitted to Arnold Lodge No. 673, Arnold, where he served as Master in 1975. From 1979-80 through 1981-82, he served as District Deputy Grand Master of the 40th District. R.W. Bro. Emil o. Bayerl, District Deputy Grand Master of District 22B in 1969-1970 and 1970-1971, passed away on Sept. 27, 1989. He received the degrees in Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 and served as Master in 1967. The poet wrote: More homelike seems the vast unknown Since they have entered there; 1b follow them were not so hard, Wherever they may fare. They cannot be where God is not, On any sea or shore; Whate'er betides, Thy love abides, Our God forevermore.
These whom we have named and those whom we have named in our hearts 'bave gone this way before" us.
Our Heavenly Father, in the solemn stillness of this hour, we raise our hearts unto Thee and acknowledge Thee as the Sovereign Lord of life and death. In our hearts we would lift before thee the names and precious memories- of these our Brethren whose lives and labors have meant 80 much to us and their fellow men. Help us now to consecrate our lives more fully to Thee and to the sacred principles which bind us to Thee and to one another. So may we live more bravely, follow Thee more closely, and love Thee and Thy children more faithfully. Amen. Fraternally, The Committee on Necrology WILIJAM H. CHAPMAN, P.G.M. C. WEB COOK, P.G.M. FRANK P. BRIGGS, P.G.M. J.C. MONTGOMERY, JR., P.G.M., Chairman LEWIS
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins requested remarks from Distinguished Guests from other Grand Jurisdictions: Remarks of the Grand Master of Alaska - M.W. Brother Charles I. Gregg Remarks of the Grand Master of Arkansas - M.~ Brother Hayden ~ Joe Davis Remarks of the Grand Master of Iowa - M.W. Brother L. Ray Chamberlin. M.W. Chamberlin presented Grand Master Jenkins with a Masonic Lapel pin from Iowa. Remarks of the Grand Master of Kansas - M.W. Brother Robert M. Nease. Remarks of the Grand Master of Oregon - M.W. Brother Dalvin L. Hollaway. M.W. Hollaway presented to M.W. Jenkins a lapel pin and a booklet which detailed the role of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in the formation of Masonry in Oregon. Remarks of the Grand Custodian of Nebraska - R.W. Brother Jerry L. Rittenburg. R.W. Rittenburg presented M.W. Jenkins with a certificate which appointed him as an admiral in the Navy of Nebraska. CALL FROM LABOR The Grand Lodge was called from labor until 1:30 P.M. on Monday Mternoon, September 25, R.W Grand Chaplain Ronald E. Wood, Jr. offered prayer.
MONDAY AFTERNOON 1:00 P.M. ORGAN SELEcrION8, JACK J. STO'ITLEMYRE M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins called the Grand Lodge to order for the purpoee of receiving the Worthy Grand Matron and the State Presiding Officer rA the Youth Organizations. . R.Vl. Senior Grand Deacon Frank A Arnold preeented and introduced: Worthy Grand Matron, Grand Chapter of Missouri, Order of the Eastern Star • Charlotte Acton Grand Secretary, Grand Chapter of Missouri, Order of the Eastern Star - Louise Meffert Worthy Grand Commander, Grand Conciave of Missouri, Order of True Kindred - Elinor Lilliech Worthy Grand Advisor, Grand Assembly of Mi880uri, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls - Sarah Freeman . Grand Bethel Honored Queen, Grand Bethel of MillSOUri, International Order ofJob's Daughters - Raema Kraus Grand Guardian, Grand Guardian Council of Missouri, International Order ofJob's Daughters - Mmjory Callmeyer Grand Secretary, Grand Guardian Council of Missouri, International Order of Job~s Daughters - Virginia Goede State Master Councilor, Grand Conclave of Missouri, International Or.der of DeMolay - Nick Hennen After remarks from the State Leaders, M.Vl. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins expressed his appreciation for their attendance and inspiring messages. The honored guests were esoorted from the Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge was ~led to labor at 1;30 PM. on Mon4yaftemoon, September 25, 1989, by M.W~ Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins. R.W: Grand Chaplain Gary K. Brown offered Prayer.
Report of the Masonic HOme
StapdiPi -- left to right: . Fran1e Ames Anwld, Assiskmt
Secretmy Fielding A. Pqe, RG.M., Coordinator of FraJ.ernlll Relatio1l8 w:w: ~BilZ- Becltett,Sr. Herman ~Leg8路 A. "Morris. Jr., VICe President Judith E. Anders, F01"1Mr Administrutor, EastemUnit Robert C. Kellstrom Uoyd L. Sc1aoinier Paul B. 7bbias, Controller M. Susan Brown, Admw.~tor, Western
Unit 7bmCrunJt
D.Robert,'fJowney Daniel F. Cole Richard Ooff. 7nGsurer Donald E. Scott " Stephen B. -Givens, Secretmy
Absent on day picture was taken were Dr. Thomas M. Hodges; Richard D. Jacobs, Sr., Financial Advisor; and \!em H. SchMider (P.G.M.), Legal Counsel. On April 24, 1989 Mr. Harold "Petl!" S. Pascal assumed the position as Eucutiue Director.
OFFICERS Thomas C. Warden, President Herman "Legs" A. Morris, Jr., Vice President Richard Goff, Treasurer Stephen B. Givens, Secretary
Frank Ames Arnold, Assistant Secretary Robert D. Jenkins, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert D. Jenkins, Grand Master, Kansas City Thomas C. Warden, Deputy Grand Master, Owensville Daniel F. Cole, Senior Grand Warden, Affton D. Robert Downey, Junior Grand Warden, St. Louis Frank Ames Arnold, Senior Grand Deacon, Boonville
W.W. "Bill" Beckett, Sr., Cameron Thm Crunk, Kennett Richard Goff, St. Louis Dr. Thomas M. Hodges, Mexico Robert C. Kellstrom, Raytown Herman "Legs" A. Morris, Jr., Springfield Lloyd L. Schainker, St. Louis Donald E. Scott, Independence
ADVISORY BOARD路 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Mrs. Lonnie Stalder, President, Sunrise Beach Mrs. Georgia Beason, Secretary, Marshfield
Mrs. Betty Lee Egner, 'Ireasurer Independence
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Harold "Pete" S. Pascal, Executive Director Pamela J. Bianchi, Executive Secretary Christine Stoehr, Administrative Assistant Allen Abernathy, Payroll Clerk Terri J. Aiken, ReceptionistlCBX Operator Lisa A. Barr, Secretary Kathy Gender-Stewart, Director, Dietary Leonardine Herrington, Assistant, Dietary Service Vickie Jordan, Assistant, Dietary Service
Nora McKeown, Assistant, Resident Records and Admissions Jo Lynn David, Director, Social Services Thm Pfeiffer, EngineerlDirector, Maintenance Service Curt Cardwell, Director, Recreation Service Mary Beth Kaup, Assistant, Recreation Tina Ogle, Assistant, Recreation Barb Myers, Director, Resident Service
Shirley Grady, Assistant, Dietary Service Cora Dioneda, Director, Housekeeping Maxine Douglas, Director, Laundry Doris O'Neal, Medicare Clerk 'funi Staples, Director, Nursing Service Maria Maldonado, Director, Resident Records and Admissions Tammy Schaefer, Central Supply Clerk
Rose Goodman, Assistant, Resident Service Richard Thompson, Director, Materials Mgmt. Service Rosemary Meyer, Special Service Coordinator Lorraine Blalock, Secretary Diane Lanemann, Medical Records Coordinator Gwendolyn White, Medical Records Clerk
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF路 WESTERN UNIT M. Susan Brown, Administrator Wilma Bundridge, Administrative Assistant/Director, Admissions Lynne Cook, Director, Nursing Service Cathlene Linscott, Director, Resident Service
Esther Jones, Director of Environmental Service Darrel Herdliska, Director, Building and Grounds 1bni Earle, Director, Food Service
FRATERNAL RELATIONS Fielding A. Poe, Jr., P.G.M., Coordinator LEGAL COUNSEL Vern H. Schneider, P.G.M. CONTROLLER Paul B. 1bbias, C.RA. FINANCIAL ADVISOR Richard D. Jacobs, Sr. MEDICAL STAFF路 EASTERN UNIT Arnold S. Tepper, M.D., Medical DirectorlWorkmen's Compensation Physician Linda G.Stanton, M.D., Beverly A. Logan-Morrison, M.D., Staff Physician Staff Physician Charles A. Crecelius, M.D./P.H.D., R.A. Chiponigian, M.D., Staff Physician Ophthalmologist Kenneth Lane, D.P.M. Richard Bernstein, D.D.S.
MEDICAL STAFF • WESTERN UNIT Blue Valley Medical Group To the Grand Lodge ofAncient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri:
BRETHREN: The annual report of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri is submitted in compliance with Grand Lodge requirements.
EXECUTIVE ORGANIZATION The Board of Directors consists of five Grand Lodge officers who serve ex-officio and eight Brethren who are elected by the Grand Lodge, two being elected each year to serve four year terms. The Grand Master is Honorary Chairman and the Deputy Grand Master serves as President. Upon the conclusion of the 1988 Grand Lodge Annual Communication, an organizational meeting was held for the purpose of electing officers. The following committees served during the past year:
Executive Committee: Thomas C. Warden, Chairman, and all members of the Board. of Directors Admissions and Discipline Committee: Dr. Thomas M. Hodges, Chairman, and all members of the Board of Directors Administration Committee: Donald E. Scott, Chairman, D. Robert Downey, Vice Chairman, Frank Ames Arnold, W.W. "Bill" Beckett, Sr., Tom Crunk, Dr. Thomas M. Hodges Centennial Committee: Paul B. Tobias, Chairman, Daniel F. Cole, Torn Crunk, CarHs E. Dawson, D. Robert Downey, Dr. Thomas M. Hodges, H. Ivis Johnston, Fielding A. Poe, Jr., Donald E. Scott, Thomas C. Warden Legal Committee: Lloyd L. Schainker, Chairman Finance Committee: Richard Goff, Chairman, Daniel F. Cole, Robert C. Kellstrom, Herman "Legs" A. Morris, Jr., Lloyd L. Schainker Grand Lodge Committee •• Relief and Charity: D. Robert Downey, Chairman, Frank Ames Arnold, Dr. ThomasM. Hodges, Stephen B. Givens, Secretary-Treasurer
APPLICATIONS Carried over from previous year 0 32 Received during year Admitted to Home during year 32 Rejected because of ineligibility 0 Died before application passed by Board 3 Withdrawn by Lodge/Chapter before action by Board 12 Withdrawn by Lodge/Chapter after action by Board 3 Pending June 30, 1989........................................................................ 2
Members in Home July 1, 1988 Arrived during year Died during year Discharged during year Members in Home June 30,1989
Women 230 22 44 __ 0 208
Men 54 10 10 1 53
'lbtal 284 32 54 1
MASONIC HOME HOSPITAL July 1, 1988 - June 30, 1989 Thtal number of patients in nursing July 1, 1988........................ Thtal number of patients admitted during year Thtal number of patients discharged during year Average number of patients in nursing per day during year Thtal number of deaths during year Thtal number of patients in other hospitals during year Thtal number of surgeries in other hospitals during year Thtal number of patients in nursing June 30, 1989.....................
209 118 89 194 53 174 23 190
MASONIC HOME HOSPITAL CLINIC July 1, 1988 - June 30, 1989 Thtal number of residents treated in Clinic.................................. 1,600 Thtal number of residents seen by Doctor..................................... 900 Thtal number of treatments and hypos......................................... 1,100 Thtal number of baths assisted per month in residence 5 Thtal number of oral surgeries 4 6 Thtal number of foot surgeries....................................................... Thtal number of eye surgeries 8 GIFTS FORM ORDER OF EASTERN STAR July 1, 1988 - June 30, 1989 Oriental Chapter No. 228, O.E.S. - Very nice yam Maplewood Chapter No. 264, O.E.S. - Clothing Mehlville Chapter No. 187, O.E.S. - Men's Clothing University Chapter No. 231, O.E.S. - Clothing University Chapter No. 231, O.E.S. - Clothing Maplewood Chapter No. 264, O.E.S. - Clothing Arnold Chapter No. 70, O.E.S. - Lap Blankets Jackson Chapter No. 91, O.E.S. - Christmas Gifts Russell Chapter No. 109, O.E.S. - Shoes & Clothing Mehlville Chapter No. 187, O.E.S. - Men's Clothing Piedmont Chapter No. 348, O.E.S. - Quilt & Lap Robes
Hope Chapter No. 265, O.E.S. - Bibs & Slippers Meridian Chapter No. 442,O.E.S. - Flag Day Favors Pomegranate Chapter No. 387, O.E.S. - 4th of July Favors
Board of Directors Masonic Home of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri We have audited the balance sheets of Masonic Home of Missouri as of June 30, 1989 and 1988, and the related statements of income, expenses and changes in fund balances for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of Masonic Home of Missouri's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Masonic Home of Missouri as of June 30, 1989 and 1988, and the results of its operations and changes in fund balances for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
August 8, 1989
Current Unrestricted ~
ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents InvestmentB (Note 2) Inventories Receivables Prepaids and other assets Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $2,959,378 (Note 3) Thtalassets
Restricted Endowments
.. .. .. .. ..
$166,550 445,179 25,939 16,585 7,280
.. ..
.. .. ..
$300,697 75,540 376,237
$ 12,735
.. .. .. ..
BlWslW.i $37,570 813,337 40,938
Im.Il $204,120 42,870,064 25,939 57,523 7,280
5,740,692 $6,632,537
5,740,692 $48,905,618
$ 24,698
$346,765 75,540 422,305
LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued payroll and other Thtalliabilities Fund balances: Unrestricted Unrestricted - Board designated Restricted Thtal fund balances Thtalliabilities and fund balances
18,576,105 18,576,105
6,607,839 6,607,839
285,296 23,014,073 25,183,944 48,483,313
See notes to financial statements.
Current Unrestricted
ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments (Note 2) Inventories Receivable Prepaids and other assets Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $2,681,132 (Note 3) Thtal assets LIABIIJTIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Acrounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued payroll and other Thtalliabilities Fund balances: Unrestricted Unrestricted - Board designated Restricted Thtal fund balances
Thtalliabilities and fund balances
.. .. .. .. ..
$166,998 439,279 21,371 13,145 10,335
. ..
.. .. ..
$370,003 186,219 556,222
.. .. .. ..
Restricted Endowments ~
$56,308 434,495
$223,306 42,333,061 21,371 13,145 10,335
5,877,793 $6,368,596
5,877,793 $48,479,011
$370,003 186,219 556,222
$18,528,866 18,528,866
$6,368,596 6,368,596
94,906 22,930,421 24,897,462 47,922,789
See notes to financial statements.
Restricted Endowments
Income Grand Lodge/Chapter Investment incorne Gain 0(88) on security transactions Gifts and bequests HQme Family income: A.s8ets relinquished Pensions Miscellaneous Expen~~:
. Adminlstratlve Board and promotion Fraternal relations Dietary Employment costs Housekeeping and laundry Nursing Personnel and records Plant operations Recreation Resident and social service Transportation and purchases Agency fees and other Depreciation (Note 3) Total expenses
Excess (deficiency) of income over expenses before income tnlnsfers
. . .. .
$230,836 57,188
. . .
745,059 1,864,330 126,466 3,461,343
.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$22,420 1,682,260 203,322 731,522
$1..423,358 ( 36,076) 83,981
$253,256 3,227,872 167,246 1,645,010
745,059 1,864,330 156,466
8,059,239 432,572 252,160 89,489 495,089 3,761,040 119,275 731,906 42,602 932,856 9,069 230,219 12,223 112,070 278,246 7,498,716
$ 660,524.
432,572 252,160 89,489 495,089 3,761,040 119,275 731,905 42,502 932,856 9,069 230,219 12,223
5,943 278,246 284,189
Excess (deficiency) of income over expenses before income transfers Income transfers Excess (deficiency) of income over expenses after income transfers Fund balances - beginning of year Board approved transfers.~ Capital transfers Fund balances - end of year
Restricted Endowments
($3,647,056) 2,973,769
$2,572,759 0,589,107)
$1,431,901 0,384,662)
(673,287) 94,906 900,000 (36,323) $285,296
983,652 22,930,421 (900,000)
47,239 18,528,866
202,920 6,368,596
560,524 47,922,789
36,323 $6,607,839
.. . .. . .
See notes to financial statements.
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1988 Current Unrestricted Restricted Endowmepts Income ~ Grand Lodge/Chapter $236,987 Investment income. 96,867 . Gain on security transactions GiflA and bequests .. 275,738 Home Family income: .. Assets relinquished 456,825 Pensions .. 1,754,696 Miscellaneous . 92,177 Thtal income , . 2,913,290 Expenses: Administrative . 377,408 . Board and promotion 39,860 Fraternal relations . 116,209 Dietary . 473,646 .. 3,617,086 Employment costs Housekeeping and laundry .. 158,600 Nursing .. 671,398 Personnel and records . 34,782 Plant operations .. 786,798 Recreation .. 7,566 Resident and social service .. 212,372 'I'ransportation and purchases .. 11,747 Agency fees and other . Depreciation (Note 3) . Thtal expenses.................................................................................... 6,507,472 Exce81 (deficiency) of income over expenlles before income transfers ($3,594,182) (Contin~d)
&wn $24,120 1,363,205 1,427,023 679,688
$1,381,977 922,195 7,518
$261,107 2,919,625 2,349,218 1,135,133
456,825 1,754,696 92,177 8,968,781 377,408 39,860 116,209 473,646 3,617,086 158,600 671,398 34,782 786,798 7,566 212,372 11,747 104,089 270,361 6,881,922 $2,086,859
572 270,361 270,933
Exceu (deficiency) of income over expenses before income tl'ansfers Income tl'ansfen Exce88 (deficiency) of income over expenses after income transfers Fund balances· beginning of year - as previously reported......... Adjustment resulting from correction of accumulated depreciation (Note 3) Funds balances - beginning of year • as a(ljusted Board approved tl'ansfers Capital tl'ansfers Other addition to fund balance Fund balances - end of year
Restricted Endowmepts
($3,594,182) 2,581,697
$3,444,461 (1,265,618)
$2,257,748 (1,262,146)
($21,168) (53,933)
(1,012,485) 130,569
2,178,843 21,501,578
995,602 17,533,264
(75,101) 6,185,675
2,086,859 45,351,086
21,501,578 (750,000)
136,362 6,322,037
136,362 45,487,448
.. .. .. .. ..
130,569 750,000 (121,660) 348,482 $94,906
121,660 $22,930,421
See notes to financial statements.
348,482 $47,922,789
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1989 AND 1988 1. Organization and summary of significant accounting policies:
Description of funds: Current fund: Unrestricted - general: General Fund unrestricted income includes all income from residents of the Masonic Home of Missouri' ("the Home"), dividends and interest from the reserve and endowment funds, per capita taxes from the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star and other general fund contributions. This income is used to fund the operations of the Home. Unrestricted - reserve: Unrestricted revenue fund income includes undesignated gifts and bequests and Grand Lodge initiation fees which, according to Board policy, are transferable to the general fund and expendable for operations only upon approval of the Board of Directors. Dividend and interest income from reserve fund investments is transferred to the general fund except for funds to pay agency management fees. Realized gains and losses from reserve fund security transactions are recorded in the Reserve Fund. Endowments: Certain gifts and bequests to the Home are in the form of en-dowments which contain legal restrictions as to the use of such funds. Generally, the restrictions provide that the income from the investment of the gifts and bequests be available for operations of the general fund while the principal amounts are to remain invested and are not available for current operations. &cordingly, interest and dividend income from the investment of endowment funds is recorded as transfers to the general fund except for funds to pay agen~y management fees. Realized gains and losses from endowment fund security transactions are recognized in the Endowment Funds. Building fund: Contributions for the improvement of buildings and grounds and future construction and the related expenses have been recorded in the Building Fund.
Contributions for the design and construction of the Masonic Home of Missouri Western Unit have been recorded in the Building Fund. Interest income from these monies and expenditures for design and construction of the Western Unit have also been recorded in the Building Fund. Investments in marketable securities: Marketable securities donated to the Home are recorded at their fair market value as of the date the gift is received; securities purchased by the Home are recorded at cost. Interest and dividend income from these investments is recognized as income when received. Gains and losses from the sale of securities are recognized at the time of sale, and represent the difference between the proceeds received and the carrying value of the securities determined on an average basis. Property, plant and equipment: Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost or estimated cost. Depreciation is computed by the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets, with one-half year's depreciation taken in the years of acquisition and disposal. Home family, pension income and C&A fund: Upon admission to the Home, residents are required to assign and transfer all personal assets to the Home. Nonmonetary assets transferred to the Home are sold as soon as practicable, and the proceeds are recorded at the time of sale. Monetary assets, except fully-funded insurance policies, are recorded at fair market value at the date of receipt. It is the Home's policy to not recognize the cash surrender value of fully-funded life insurance policies at the time of entrance in the Home but to recognize the proceeds upon death of the resident. Pension and social security retirement income funds available to residents are assets of the Home. The Home provides each resident a monthly allowance of $35 plus additional amounts for birthdays and holidays. The unexpended portion of these allowances ($143,597 and $136,317 at .June 30, 1989 and 1988, respectively) is held in custody by the Home in accounts segregated from Home assets. Remaining balances at the time of the death of the resident revert to the General Fund. The following is a summary of the assets and liabilities (unaudited) of the C&A fund as of June 30, 1989 and 1988:
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 Certain reclassifications have been made to the 1988 financial statements in order for them to conform to the 1989 classifications. 2.
Cost or Value When Acquired
General Fund: Money market funds Certificates of deposit and savings accounts Investment in real estate mortgages and other
Reserve Fund: Money market funds Certificates of deposit and savings accounts U.S. Government bonds and notes Corporate bonds Corporate stocks and mutual funds Investments in real estate mortgages and other
Endowment Fund: Money market funds Certificates of deposit and 88vings accounts U.S. Government bonds and notes Corporate bonds Corporate stocks and mutual funds
34,616 $445,179
39,624 $439,279
34,616 $445,179
39,624 $439,279
$1,728,785 $2,726,176
$1,728,785 $2,726,176
7,223,598 7,204,541
6,211,866 5,792,700
7,249,624 6,182,159 6,942,205 5,421,317
7,048,129 7,177,369
11,169 11,169 $23,026,808 $22,930,421 $22,968,743$21,996,460
$911,191 $1,924,864
$911,191 $1,924,864 943
4,246,294 4,809,754
8,048,303 2,914,788
4,313,721 8,052,528 4,690,584 2,720,801
8,108,388 4,369,392 ~
Thtal assets (investments including cash)
$146,108 $149,462
Unexpended allowances Payable to General Fund Thtalliabilities Income taxes:
$143,597 $136,317 2,511 13,145 $146 lOB $149462
The Home is exempt from Federal income taxes under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(cX3). Reclassifications:
Investment in real estate mortgages and other
Building Fund: Money market funds . Certificates or deposit and savings accounts U.S. Government bonds and notes . 1btal investments
19,141 27,810 19,141 27,810 $18,584,740$18,528,866 $18,043,968$17,834,414
3,455 --:-------$813,337 $434,495
3,455 $813,337 $434,112 $42,870,064 $42,333,061 $42,271,227$40,704,265
3. Property, plant and equipment: Prior to July 1, 1987, expenditures for property, plant and equipment were expensed as incurred. During the year ended June 30, 1988, the Home retroactively capitalized these assets to comply with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 93, "Recognition of Depreciation by Not-For-Profit Organizations" ("SFAS 93"). In 1989, it was determined that accumulated depreciation recognized as of June 30, 1987 as a result of the application of SFAS 93 was overstated in the 1988 financial statements. Accordingly, the Building Fund balance as of June 30, 1987 has been increased by $136,362. A summary of the property, plant and equipment and the related accumulated depreciation follows:
Land Land improvements Buildings Furniture and equipment Autos Less accumulated depreciation
1989 $65,000 91,200 7,389,808 1,033,959 120,103 8,700,070 2,959,378 $5,740,692
1988 $65,000 91,200 7,389,808 892,814 120,103 8,558,925 2,681,132 $5,877,793
4. Endowment and Gussie Grenner funds: The endowment funds consist of general endowments and two special endowments which, in accordance with the bequests, are required to be segregated. The balances of the William Knollman endowment fund at June 30, 1989 and 1988 were $1,046,820 and $1,046,245, respectively. The balances of the Jacob and Sallie Simon endowment fund at June 30, 1989 and 1988 were $1,237,514 and $1,250,214, respectively.
Assets and the related fund balance of the Gussie Grenner fund have not been included as part of the assets and fund balance of the Home. These assets and the related fund balance are maintained by the Trustee as required by the donor's bequest. Income from the trust is paid directly to the Home. At June 30, 1989 and 1988, the fund belances (unaudited) of the Gussie Grenner fund were $824,754 and $774,707, respectively. Income accrued and paid to the Home was $54,852 and $39,229 for the years ended June 30, 1989 and 1988, respectively. 5. Pension plan: The Board of Directors of the Home voted to adopt a defined-contribution employee pension plan ("the Plan") which went into effect on July 1, 1984. The Plan benefits all non-union employees who were eligible and employed as of the effective date of the Plan or each July 1 thereafter. Employees who have completed six months of service by each July 1 are eligible to participate in the Plan. Employees who met length of service requirements as of July 1, 1984, as defined in the Plan, were eligible for contributions for past service prior to July 1, 1984. These past service costs are being funded over the five years which eommenced July 1, 1984. The plan requires the Home to make annual contributions equal to 5 percent of each eligible employee's compensation. Pension expense under the Plan was $19,256 and $26,338 for the years ended June 30, 1989 and 1988, respectively. In accordance with the union contract, all eligible union employees are covered by a union defined contribution pension plan. Pension expense under this plan was $29,016 and $29,474 for the years ended June 30, 1989 and 1988, respectively.
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION Board of Directors Masonic Home of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri Our audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements. The information on pages 16 and 17 is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. This information, except for those portions marked "unaudited," on which we express no opinion, has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, the information is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the basic financial statements. LAVENTHOL
August 8, 1989
YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1989 AND 1988 1989
Grand ~dgelChapterper capita tax Investment income Gifts and bequests Home Family - assets relinquished Home Family - pensions Miscellaneous
Budget (unaudited)
Variance from budget over (under)
Budget (unaudited)
Variance from budget over (under)
$230,836 57,188 437,464 745,059 1,864,330 126,466
$234,000 40,812 292,004 472,500 2,092,800 39,072
($3,164) 16,376 145,460 272,559 (228,470) 87,394
$236,987 96,867 275,738 456,825 1,754,696 92,177
$244,000 38,550 185,000 1,198,620 1,883,066 95,115
($ 7,013) 58,317 90,738 (741,795) (128,370) ( 2,938)
Budget (unaudited)
Variance from budget over (under)
432,572 252,160 89,489 495,089 3,761,040 119,275 731,905 42,502 932,856 9,069 230,219 12,223
$ 418,766
($ 13,806)
278,052 147,998 484,824 4,182,048 125,520 708,444 30,792 824,976 8,940 310,692 9,972
Actual Administrative Board and promotion Fraternal relations Dietary Employment costs Housekeeping and laundry Nursing Personnel and records Plant operations Recreation Resident and social service Transportation and purchases
Variance from budget over (under)
Budget (unaudited)
377,408 39,860 116,209 473,646 3,617,086 158,600 671,398 34,782 786,798 7,566 212,372 11,747
$ 356,949 39,080 195,000 472,500 3,669,459 114,350 514,950 8,600 727,550 5,950 248,900 5,850
($ 20,459)
25,892 58,509 10,265) 421,008 6,245 23,461) ( 11,710) ( 107,880) ( 129) 80,473 2,251) $422,625
780) 78,791 1,146) 52,373 44,250) 156,448) 26,182) 59,248) 1,616) 36,528 5,897)
MASONIC HOME CHEER COMMITrEE Thomas C. Warden, President Board of Directors Masonic Home of Missouri 5351 Delmar Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63112 Dear R.W. Brother Warden: The Masonic Home Cheer Committee submits the following Report for 1988-89 for your approval. The Annual election of Officers was held September 11, 1988, with the following Officers being elected by acclamation: Paul W. Jarnagin Leona Baerman Richard Teubner
President Vice President Secretary-'Ireasurer
Saturday, September 17, 1988 we attended Bridgeton's Bar-B-Q. A delicious meal served in the dining room, was enjoyed by the residents. The Thanksgiving Distribution was held November 19, 1988. Members of the Cheer Committee visited with each resident of the Home, either in the dining room or in the hospital. Each received a lovely Thanksgiving Card, with those in the dining room receiving a monetary gift. On all occasions when there is a distribution, money is deposited at the Office for those confined to the hospital. A Christmas Party was held in the dining room December 16, 1988. All enjoyed the entertainment for the evening - Moolah Band, the Ballroom Dancers and the Square Dancers. Ice cream and homemade cookies were served by members of the Cheer Committee. Our Christmas Distribution was held on December 17, 1988. Sunday, April 9, 1989 - Our Spring meeting was held, at which time our Spring and Summer Activities were planned. May 13, 1989 - Mother's Day Distribution. Appropriate cards were given to all residents, those in the dining room receiving a monetary gift. May 21, 1989 - We played Bingo, due to the cancellation of the scheduled program. Angel food cake and punch were served. June 14, 1989 - We played Bingo again due to another cancellation. The residents at the Home enjoy playing Bingo so this pleased them very much. Punch was served after the Bingo. June 17, 1989 - Father's Day Distribution. July 18, 1989 - We had a concert by the Letter Carrier's Band. Due to bad weather the concert was held in Delmar Lounge. Punch was served during intermission. Saturday, July 29, 1989 we again journeyed to Kirkwood Temple for their annual Chicken and Fish Dinner. The residents enjoyed the delicious meal that was served family style in the dining room. They always enjoy shopping in the Bazaar booths. Before leaving each received a bag of fruit
to take home with them. The Committee owes Kirkwood Lodge a big thank you for their wonderful hospitality. This year one of the drivers at the home donated his time and the bus was used along with six cars to transport 34 residents and two nurses to the dinner. A big thank you to Ralph, the driver, and Mr. Pascal for allowing us the use of the bus. All of our activities are made possible by the generous donations of the Lodges, Eastern Star Chapters, other Masonic bodies and many individuals. We thank each of you for your support. We also thank the staff for all their support throughout the year. The Secretary-Treasurer's report of receipts and disbursements are made part of this report. Fraternally submitted, Paul W. Jarnagin, President Following is our Financial and Activities Report from August 1, 1988 through July 31, 1989: Balance in Savings & Loan July 31,1988........... $3,349.21 28.87 Cash on hand $3,378.08 Receipts per list following Interest on account
. .
3,707.95 247.59 $7,333.62
Disbursements per listing following
2,708.82 $4,624.80
Recapitulation: Balance in Savings & Loan.. Cash on hand
$4,536.58 88.22 $4,624.80
ACTIVITIES AND DISBURSEMENTS OF TIlE MASONIC HOME CHEER COMMlTrEE August 1, 1988 - July 31, 1989 1988 September 10 Bridgeton Lodge Bar-B-Que November 19 Thanksgiving cash distribution December 17 Christmas cash distribution December 22 Christmas Party (Ice Cream)
. . .
244.00 510.00 514.00 14.00
1989 May 13
Mother's Day distribution
1989 May 21 June 14 June 17 July 18 July 29
Bingo (Cakes -' Drinks) Bingo Father's Day distribution Letter Carriers Band (Drinks) Kirkwood Chicken -' Fish Dinner
Printing, Postage, Cards for Distribution Days, Office Supplies -' Miscellaneous 'I'otal Disbursements
51 . . . . ..
53.42 10.00 468.00 68.00 129.00 $2,490.00
218.40 $2,708.82
The above is in balance with the bank statement, checkbook, and cash journal as of July 31, 1989. Respectfully submitted, O. TEUBNER Secretary路 7reasIU'U RICHARD
RECEIPfS A DEPOSITS Meredian No.2 ................... 100.00 Beacon No.3 ....................... 50.00 George Washington No.9 .. 50.00 Mount Moriah No. 40 ......... 50.00 Polar Star No. 79................ 150.00 Bridgeton No. 80 ................ 200.00 Webster Groves No. 84 ....... 50.00 Pomegranate No. 95 ........... 25.00 Pride of the West No. 179 .. 100.00 Good Hope No. 218 ............. 100.00 St. Francois No. 234 ........... 25.00 Keystone No. 243................ 50.00 Aurora-Theodore Roosevelt No. 267 ........... 100.00 Fenton No. 281 ................... 25.00 Cosmo No. 282 .................... 50.00 America No. 347 ................. 25.00 'ruscan No. 360 ................... 250.00 Westgate No. 445................ 50.00 Lambskin No. 460 .............. 100.00 Kirkwood No. 484 ............... 50.00 Euclid No. 505 .................... 25.00 Clifton Heights No. 520 ..... 100.00 Maplewood No. 566 ............ 200.00 Olive Branch No. 576 ......... 25.00 Forest Park No. 578 ........... 50.00 Wellston No. 613 ................ 100.00 Overland No. 623 ............... 25.00 Magnolia No. 626 ............... 100.00 Valley Park No. 629............ 25.00 Freedom No. 636 ................ 25.00 Shaveh No. 646................... 20.00 Progress no. 657 ................. 25.00 Purity No. 658 .................... 25.00 Berkley No. 667 .................. 40.00 Crestwood No. 669 ............. 25.00 $2,410.00 Alhambra Grotto MOVPER 100.00 Ivanhoe Commandery No.8K.T.......................... 30.00 Square Club ........................ 50.00 St. lAuis Lodge of Perfection Scottish Rite ................... 100.00 280.00
EASTERN STAB CHAPTERS Barbee No. 31 ..................... 15.00 Arlchor No. 54 ..................... 40.00 Webster Groves No. 64....... 30.00 Crestwood No. 82 ............... 30.00 Venus No. 153 ..................... 75.00 Occidental No. 185 ............. 25.00 Mehlville No. 187 ............... 30.40 Friendship No. 214............. 25.00 Martharae No. 221 ............. 50.00 University No. 231 ............. 40.00 Alexander No. 242 .............. 25.00 Maplewood No. 264 ............ 50.00 Bridgeton No. 266 .............. 100.00 Rob Morris No. 328 ............ 25.00 Kirkwood No. 358 ............... 25.00 Pomegranate No. 397 ......... 10.00 Euclid No. 425 .................... 10.00 Trinity No. 443 ................... 10.00 America No. 484 ................. 100.00 Harmony 'Thmple No. 499 .. 50.00 Berkeley No. 503 ................ 10.00 lAyal No. 511 ...................... 25.00 785.40
INDIVIDUALS Bro.Wm. F. Nolker, 'IUscan Lodge No. 360 ................. 100.00 Edward Haub, Brentwood Lodge No. 616 ................. 15.00 Members of Maplewood Lodge No. 566 ................. 37.55 Alma Paulich ...................... 25.00 Melba Krehmeyer, Anchor. 10.00 lAuise 'I'umer ..................... 20.00 Donations to Dinner at Bridgeton ........................ 25.00 232.55
President's Report of the Masonic Home "There is a tide in the affairs of men," wrote William Shakespeare long ago, "which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." These words describe the preeminent preoccupation of the Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors during the past year in dealing with the rising tide of problems and challenges specifically in regard to the Eastern Unit in St. Louis... problems that did not suddenly materialize but which have been festering for decades, and challenges that have been met with all the compassion and expertise the Board could muster, always keeping foremost in mind the health and welfare of the residents. Early on, the Board realized that this was to be the year the tide was at its flood and that the very future of the Masonic Home of MiSBOUri rested precariously in the balance. This was to be a year of frustration, of agonizing, of soul searching, of difficult decisions, and - I hasten to say of the members of the Board - of courage. In all my life, I have never stood among a group of men whom I more admire and whom I delight to call "brothers". Recognizing the need for expert guidance in dealing with the mounting barrage of problems at the Eastern Unit, the Board in August 1988 retained Gerontological Services Inc. (GSI), a firm involved with analyzing health care delivery systems for the aged, to perform a management audit. Results of that audit, delivered in December 1988, were no surprise, giving expert substance to what the Board had suspected. The audit's findings, basically, can be sorted into three areas: 1) The Home is facing decreased revenues at a time when costs of providing care are increasing dramatically. One source of revenue, per capita contributions from members, is negatively impacted by a membership in MisBOuri that has declined from 124,000 in 1956, to 100,000 in 1977, to an estimated 72,000 this year. And tlte trend, by all competent estimates, is expected to continue. This played a part in a shortfall in income over expenses by some $1,012,485 in fiscal 1988. A $673,287 shortfall is anticipated for fiscal 1989. These are certainly not the first such shortfalls. For instance, there were deficits of $338,779 in 1987, $84,667 in 1986, and $968,938 in 1985. 2) The Home is facing increased costs, declining revenues and decreased dema."1d for services at a time when its need for capital improvements - exacerbated by decades of deferred maintenance - is at the greatest. The overriding question for the Masonic Home is if it can continue to be a vi~le operation and improve the quality of care it provides within the Eastern Unit in St Louis. Inherent in the question is whether or not the Masonic Home should renovate the existing outmoded facility at substantial capital outlay, relocate the facility, or discontinue providing housing facilities and long-term care services. 3) The Eastern Unit is woefully inadequate, structurally, to provide for an efficient operation. It is old, difficult to maintain, and inefficient for the
performance of nursing functions. The structure makes it difficult to accommodate the needs of today's nursing home residents in compliance with governmental standards and expectations. In November 1987 the Home was cited by the Missouri Division of Aging with numerous deficiencies at the Eastern Unit. While the cited deficiencies were promptly corrected, the Board was still faced with many critical components of the structure that were failing: the boiler, the roof, and at least two elevators. Additionally, the unit was having difficulty attracting a skilled staff, while experiencing a high turn-over in employees. These indeed are monumental problems which not only strain the Home's financial capabilities, but directly affect the health and well-being of the residents. For example, the fire alarm system did not function properly and had to be replaced. Elevators in both the residential wing and the nursing wing routinely malfunction. Some were so old that repair parts were not available. Replacing an elevator car was estimated to cost $125,000. Building a completely new elevator shaft and unit for the residential wing would cost upwards of $700,000. The elevators in the nursing wing are now under a maintenance contract. Each floor in the residential wing has 15 rooms and only two toilets. How ~any of our brethren would be here this weekend if their hotel or motel had only two restrooms to a floor and elevators that didn't work! Sadly, I think, we have to wonder if this is a nursing home or ifit has become a warehouse for the elderly. The Eastern Unit is located in an area that suffers from socio-economic factors not unique to St. Louis. The Home property must be protected, night and day 365 days a year, by armed guards and police dogs. And the security service has had to be increased. Still, cars have been stolen from the parking lot, tires have been slashed, cars have been scratched and marred; on one occasion a rifle bullet was fired into the guard shack at the parking lot entrance. Drug use is rampant in the vicinity. It is a highcrime area. It is, my brethren, a war zone. And it is little wonder that the Home has had difficulty attracting and retaining competent staff and employees. Anticipating the path that lay ahead, the Board in January of this year voted to stop taking applications to the Eastern Unit as recommended by the GSI audit, renovated two floors of the nursing wing for residential use, and closed the residential building. After considering numerous options, fiscal matters, legal implications and primarily the welfare of the residents, the Board began exploring the feasibility of providing for the care of residents at a private facility until such time as another Eastern Unit could be made available or some other course of action implemented. Following a lengthy process involving a blue ribbon search committee composed of experienced leaders in the health care field, Harold S. "Pete" Pascal was named executive director of the Masonic Home from among almost 100 applicants, and his assistance has been invaluable as the Board wrestles with the task at hand. After careful consideration of its options, the Board entered into an agreement with Bethesda General Hospital & Homes, Inc., of St. Louis, for the transfer of our residents to a new facility under construction,
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI 55 Bethesda-West in Ellisville, contingent upon its completion. Our residents will occupy the new facility almost in its entirety. These residents will still be under the caring eye of the Masonic Home of Missouri, while the staff will be provided by Bethesda. The Cheer Committee will still function, and all the care and attention from the fraterni ty and the Order of Eastern Star can be provided at the new facility. Bethesda, incidentally, is a highly-reputable health care firm and this year observed its centennial, having been founded on June 8, 1889. It is widely recognized for its high standards and superior quality of care. Most emphatically, it is to be stated that the Masonic Home has not ceased to function. The Eastern Unit is being temporarily relocated. Residents of the Eastern Unit will continue to be properly cared for by the Masonic Home of Missouri. Applications will be accepted on a space-available basis. The Western Unit - now almost at capacity with residents - also continues in operation. This decision sets into motion even more challenges of great consequence to the Masons of Missouri. We have a two-year contract with Bethesda, and therefore the Masonic Home must determine the best means of providing long-term care for needy and indigent Master Masons, their wives and widows, and for needy and indigent members of the Order of Eastern Star. While we have a responsibility for the current residents of the Home, the Board of Directors also has an obligation to residents 20 years and more in the future. I have therefore named a planning committee within the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri to chart a course that can be proposed to the Masons of Missouri, that we may faithfully acquit those responsibilities set forth in our by-laws and to which we, as Master Masons, have promised and sworn. The committee will have the prerogative to enlist the assistance of experienced people in the health care industry during its deliberations. Brethren, more than ever before, the Masonic Home of Missouri needs your understanding and your support, your involvement and your prayers. A century from now - when Missouri Masons of a new age celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Masonic Home - let it be said that the Masons of our time took the tide of challenge at its flood and led the Masonic Home on to fortune. Failure to meet the challenge now is to condemn those who depend on us to a lifetime "bound in shallows and in miseries".
CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION The Masonic Home of Missouri observed its Centennial with special celebration ceremonies at both the Eastern and Western units on Sunday, June 25.... appropriately marking 100 years of caring for the needy and indigent by the Masons of Missouri. The occasion was highlighted by presentation of the "Take Time to Care" award to four deserving individuals and organizations who have emulated Masonry's dedication to caring for the elderly. Lt. Gov. Mel Carnahan was guest speaker at the Eastern Unit, and Grand Master Robert Jenkins was guest speaker at the Western Unit. The official slogan for the celebration, appropriately, was "Take Time to Care - We Have for 100 Years". It is with enthusiasm and a renewed dedi-
1989 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 56 cation that the Masonic Home of Missouri begins its second century of caring for needy and indigent Master Masons, their wives and widows, and needy and indigent members of the Order of Eastern Star. A special word of appreciation is extended to the Centennial Committee and to its chairman, Bro. Paul 'Ibbias, who were instrumental in making the celebration a success.
ORDER OF EASTERN STAR The Masons of Missouri are extremely grateful to the Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star and its Home Advisory Boord for their continuing financial and moral support of the Masonic Home. They are a significant part of the Home's ability to deliver care and caring to our residents, and their many projects enhance the quality of life at the Home. Without their assistance, our goals indeed would be difficult to attain. The Adviso.ry Board, especially, is involved with the day-to-day concerns of providing quality of life for all our residents.
MISCELLANEA The efforts of our Coordinator of Fraternal Relations, M.W. Fielding A. Poe, P.G.M., have figured markedly in gaining bequests to the Masonic Home and in our various appeals for donations. Additionally, Bro. Poe assisted in the Centennial Celebration planning, and maintains close ties with the constituent lodges. His programs spread the Masonic Home's message across the state, and he is an integral part of our overall commitment to maintain a Home for the needy. Last year's greeting card program, directed by Bro. Poe, realized $83,840 for the Home. Words of appreciation also go to Bro. Paul 'Ibbias, controller, to Bro. Steve Givens, secretary to the Board, to M.W. Bro. Vern Schneider, legal counsel, and to Bro. Richard Jacobs, financial advisor, who have given of their time and talents above and beyond the expectations of the Board. Their involvement and counsel has been essential to the Home's efforts. With changes at the Eastern Unit's residential wing, the Western Unit is now near its census capability, and enjoys the competent administration of Mrs. Susan Brown. Her efforts continue to make the unit a pleasing and quality home for residents. Efforts are currently underway, with leadership of the OES Advisory Board, to provide the Western Unit with an elevator... a much-needed convenience. We urge support of this vital project. We also want to express appreciation to all who have assisted with their donations and gifts. It is their generosity that enables the Masonic Fraternity to fulfill its charitable aspirations.
PROPOSED BY路LAW CHANGES Consistent with recommendations contained in the GSI report and upon careful consideration by the Board, several changes in the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws are being proposed to this Grand Lodge for its approval. Proposed changes in these constitutional documents are
57 GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI being recommended so the Board might be better enabled to administer the affairs of the Home in light of rapidly changing conditions in the health care industry. 1989
1) Changes to update the Article. of Incorporation and the ByLaws to ret1ect current requirements.
AGREEMENT OF INCORPORATION First: NAME. There is hereby organized a corporation named MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI. Second: MEMBERSHIP. The membership of said corporation shall consist solely of the following officers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, namely the Grand Master, or acting Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, or acting Deputy Grand Master, who shall be President, the Senior Grand Warden and the Junior Grand Warden, together with eight Master Masons, members in good standing in Missouri Lodges, chosen by said Grand Lodge in such manner and for such terms as said Grand Lodge may from time to time determine. No elected member shall be eligible to succeed himself. None of the Grand Lodge Officers, serving as such, shall be eligible to election as an elected member until the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge next after his term as such officer expires. Vacancies among the eight elected members may be temporarily filled by the Board of Directors of the Home, until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, when such vacancy shall be filled by the Grand Lodge. The eight elected members, or any of them, may be removed by resolution of the Grand Lodge. . Proposed Changes;
Second: MEMBERSHIP: The membership of said Corporation shall consist solely of the following officers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, namely the Grand Master, or acting Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, or Acting Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden, the Junior Grand Warden, and the Senior Grand Deacon, together with eight Master Masons, members in good standing in Missouri Lodges, chosen by said Grand Lodge in such manner and for such terms as said Grand Lodge may from time to time determine. Elected members shall be eligible to succeed themselves for one term. None of the Grand Lodge Officers, serving as such, shall be eligible to election as an elected member until the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge next after his term as such officer expires. ,Vacancies among the eight elected members may be temporarily filled by the Board of Directors of the Home, until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, when such vacancy shall be filled by the Grand Lodge. The eight elected members, or
1989 PROCEEDINGS OF THE any of them, may be removed by re801 ution of the Grand Lodge. [Subject to approval of Grand Lodge By-Law Revisions in 1990.]
Third: BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall be constituted ex-officio of the members of the corporation. The Board of Directors shall make, amend or repeal the By-Laws and the Home rules, with the approval of the Grand Lodge; fill vacancies among the members until the following Annual Communication of said Grand Lodge; elect, and, for cause, remove the officers (other than the President); and fill official vacancies and conduct the business affairs of the corporation.
Fourth: OFFICERS. The officers shall consist of a President, a VicePresident, a Treasurer, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, and such other officers as may be provided from time to time by the Board of Directors. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer, respectively, shall be members of the Board of Directors. The terms of office shall be for one year, unless a shorter time is specified at the time of election. Proposed Changes;
Fourth: OFFICERS. The officers shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, an Assistant SecretaJ':y, and such other officers as may be provided from time to time by the Board of Directors. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer, respectively, shall be members of the Board of Directors. The terms of office shall be for one year, unless a shorter time is specified at the time of election. Elected officers may serve for no more than three consecutive terms. [Subject to approval of Grand Lodge By-Law Revisions in 1990.] Fifth; PURPOSES AND OBJECTS.1b enact, adopt, amend路 and modify such By-Laws, rules and regulations as its Board of Directors may think necessary to carry out the purposes and objects of the corporation; To establish, maintain, control and conduct a Masonic Home or Homes for needy and indigent Master Masons who are members of Masonic Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and &cepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and needy and indigent wives, widows and minor children of such Master Masons; and for needy and indigent female members of Chapters of the Order of Eastern Star of Missouri, and needy and indigent minor children of such members of the Order of Eastern Star, or any other appropriate person, upon such terms and conditions as may be established from time to time by the By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Board of Directors;
Ib toregoine
paragraph mwld btl changed isl Dad .. tOJJOWl;
To establish, maintain, control and conduct a Masonic Home or Homes for needy Master Masons who are members of Masonic Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free
and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, needy wives or widows of such Master Masons; and for needy female members of Chapters of the Order of Eastern Star of Missouri, or any other appropriate person, upon such terms and conditions as may be established from time to time by the By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Board of Directors; To extend relief and assistance, upon such terms and conditions as may be established from time to time by the Board of Directors, to person or persons who may not reside at any Home so established, who come within the terms above described for admission to said Home; To act as legal guardian and curator and custodian under appointment by any court in the State of Missouri, or any minor child or any Master Mason, or of any minor child of any member of the Order of Eastern Star, as above described and referred to;
IU foregoing paragraph JmlI1d ~ deleted ill ita entirety路 Beginning with the words "To act..." and ending with "and referred to;" And to effectuate the objects and purposes heretofore described, to purchase or otherwise acquire, to have, hold, lease, mortgage or otherwise create liens on, to sell, convey, exchange, transfer, assign, let or lease, or in any other manner whatsoever to acquire and dispose of, real and personal property, whether within or without the State of Missouri, necessary in carrying out any of the purposes and objects of this Corporation; To construct, maintain and operate such Masonic Home, Hospital, Schools or other Agencies necessary or proper for carrying out the objects and purpose of this Corporation; and
IU forgoing paragraph JmlI1d ~ changed isl EiWl U
To construct, maintain and operate such Masonic Home or Homes or other agencies necessary or proper for carrying out the 0bjects and purpose of this Corporation; and To grant annuities for real or personal property transferred to this Corporation and to accept and receive gifts, devises, bequests, donations, annuities and endowments of real or personal property within or without the State of Missouri, and to use, hold and enjoy the same, both as to principal and income, and to sell and convey, and to invest and re-invest the same or any part thereof for the furtherance of any of the objects, uses or purposes of this Corporation; and with full power to use and exercise all the powers, rights and privileges incidental to fraternal and benevolent, corporations organized for purposes other than pecuniary profit.
BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Membership Section 1. The Masonic Home of Missouri shall be governed by the Board of Directors prescribed by the Agreement of Incorporation. Section 2. In the event of any vacancy among elected members between Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the Board of Directors (that is, the then remaining members, whether or not sufficient in number to constitute a quorum) may fill such vacancy temporarily until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. ( Section 3. No member of the Board shall reside at the Home.
ARTICLEll Meetings (*) Section 1. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the day of, or on the day following the adjournment, of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Missouri and days in January, April and July each year which are determined by Resolutions of the Board. The meeting following the adjournment of the Communication of Grand Lodge shall be held in the City where the Communication is held; all other meetings shall be held in the City of St. Louis. (*) If no Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge is held in any year; the President of the Board of Directors, or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President shall fix a date in September of su路ch year for a regular meeting; also in case of epidemic, calamity, or other good cause, the President, or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President, may order a regular meeting to be held in some other city in the state.
1U foIlQwing lmJWl replace tb kn between denoted in tb foregoing SectioD .L
asterisks AI
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the day of, or on the day following the adjournment of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Missouri and each month thereafter on a day, or days, which are determined by the President of the Board of Directors or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President. The meeting following the adjournment of the Communications of Grand Lc)dge shall be held in the City where the Communication is held. All other meetings shall be held at a place designated by the President of the Board of Directors; or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time upon call of the President, or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President. If three or more Directors request it, the President shall call a special meeting designating the time and place thereof. Section 3. Notice to all Directors of any regular or special meeting of the Board shall be given by United States mail, five days prior to said meeting. Section 4. The meeting following the adjournment of Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Missouri, or the meeting held on the date in September fixed by
the President of the Board in the event there is no Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, shall be the Annual Meeting for the election of such officers as are to be elected and for the selection and appointment of all committees. Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Directors for the purpose of any meeting except to fill a vacancy, shall consist of not less than a majority of the members of the Board.
ARTICLE ill Officers, Staff, and Their Duties Section 1. (a) The Officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Except the President, the officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting each year; and, subject to the provisions of the Agreement of Incorporation (as amended) their terms of office shall be one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors. The Vice-President and Treasurer must be members of the Board. The Secretary may, but need not, be a member of the Board. The Secretary and Treasurer shall receive such compensation as may be provided by the Board of-Directors. ~
forgoing paragraph lmJWllH: changed isl mad AI fonows;
Section 1. (a) The Officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting each year; and, subject to the provisions of the Agreement of Incorporation (as amended) their terms of office shall be one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Officers may serve for three terms. Any elected or ex-officio member of the Board, upon serving for three terms in any office, ,is ineligible to again serve in that office. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors. The Vice-President and Treasurer must be members of the Board. The Secretary may, but need not, be a member of the Board. The Secretary and Treasurer shall receive such compensation as may be provided by the Board of Directors. [Subject to approval of Grand Lodge By-Law Revisions in 1990.]
(b) The Board may employ a Superintendent of the Home, and such other agents and employees as may, in their judgement, be necessary. The duties, terms of office and salaries shall be fixed by the Board. ~
foregoing paragraph l!SUI1d B changed 121DJl U follows;
(b) The Board may employ an Executive Director of the Home, and such other agents and employees as may, in their judgement, be necessary. The duties, terms of office and salaries shall be fixed by the Board. (c) The establishment of a Medical Staff for the hospital of the Masonic Home is authorized, to consist of the Medical Director (who shall, under the general supervision of the Superintendent, be the physician in charge of and responsible for the medical care of all patients treated at the Masonic Home Hospital, and the maintenance of medical standards) and such other staff members as may be appointed from time to time, pursuant hereto, as Acting Staff physicians, or Honorary Staff physicians, or Consulting Staff physicians, or Honorary Staff physicians, or Consulting Staff physicians. Staff appointment shall be made by the Board of Directors upon the nomination therefore of the Medical Director or the Masonic Home Staff Association. The members of the Medical Staff may be organized as an association, with by-laws and such other directives and regulatory functions as the association may adopt, in furtherance of the purpose of providing competent and adequate medical service for all patients admitted to the Masonic Home Hospital or treated in its out-patient department, as well as to initiate and maintain self government, and to provide and maintain educational and medical standards.
IU foregoing paragraph l!SUI1d B
cbanged isl EUSl AI (onQWS;
(c) The establishment of a Medical Staff for the Masonic Home is authorized, to consist of the Medical Director (who shall, under the general supervision of the Executive Director, be the physician in charge of and responsible for the medical care of all patients treated at the Masonic Home and the maintenance of medical standards) and such other staff members as may be appointed from time to time, pursuant hereto, as acting staff physicians, or consulting staff physicians. Staff appointments shall be made by the Board of Directors upon the nomination therefore of the Medical Director. The Medical Director will be appointed by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Executive Director. The members of the Medical Staff may be organized as an association, with by-laws and such other directives and regulatory functions as the association may adopt, in furtherance of the purpose of providing competent and adequate medical service for all residents admitted to the Masonic Home, as well as to initiate and maintain self government, and to provide and maintain educational and medical standards.
Section 2. The President shall be chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee. He shall perform such other duties usually appertaining to the office of President of a corporation as are not otherwise provided for by the Board of Directors, and shall execute all deeds, contracts and other documents ordered by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. He shall have general supervision of the Horne when neither the Board nor the Executive Committee is in session. He shall have power to suspend any Officers of the Home, except the VicePresident, and shall report such suspension to a regular or called meeting of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee not later than five weeks thereafter. He shall make the annual report of the Home to the Grand Lodge, AF. & AM., of Missouri. He shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may authorize or direct. Section 3. The Vice-President shall, in the absence from the State of Missouri of the President, or in case of his death or disability, or upon his request, perform the duties of that office. Section 4. The Secretary shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, and also the Executive Committee, and record the proceedings thereof as approved in a book provided for that purpose. He shall keep the seal of the Home and protect it against improper use. The Secretary shall also keep the following record books; First, a record book in which shall be listed by suitable description each piece of real estate, and its location, owned by the corporation, or which it may hereafter in any manner acquire; Second, a record book in which shall be listed all securities and all other personal property of the corporation; Third, a record book in which shall be listed all the insurance policies upon property of the corporation, showing name of the company, its character, date and property covered by each policy, and also date of its expiration. The Secretary shall have custody of all money and other property belonging to or due to the corporation, for which the Board of Directors has not directed other custody. All moneys received shall be promptly deposited to the credit of the appropriate account or fund of the Home. If no determination has been made otherwise, deposit shall be made to the General Fund pending such determination by the Board or Executive Committee. ~
foregoing paragraph lmlI1d ~ cbanged 12 mwlu (OJ)OWSi
Section 4. The Secretary shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and record the proceedings thereof as approved in a book provided for that purpose. He shall keep the seal of the Home and protect it against improper use. The Secretary shall also keep the following record books; First, a record in which shall be listed by suitaBle description each piece of real estate, and its location, owned by the Corporation, or which it may hereafter acquire; Second, a record in which shall be listed all securities and all other personal property of the Corporation; Third, a record in which shall be listed all the insurance JU>1icies upon property of the Corporation, showing
name of the company, its character, date and property covered by each policy, and the date of its expiration. He shall examine all applications for admission to the Home promptly upon receipt and take such action as may be necessary to enable their proper consideration by the Board. Section 5. The Treasurer shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.
IU. fOregoing paragraph lmJI1d 1m changed i2 EUd AI follgws; Section 5. The Controller and/or the treasurer shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors. The Controller shall have custody of all money and other property belonging to or due to the Corporation, for which the Board of Directors has not directed other custody. All moneys received shall be promptly deposited to the credit of the appropriate account or fund of the Home. If no determination has been made otherwise, deposit shall be made to the General Fund pending such determination by the Board.
ARTICLE IV Superintendent of the Home The Superintendent shall have general supervision of the Home and the details of its management. He shall have authority to sign all payroll checks. He shall examine all applications for admission to the Home promptly on receipt and take such action as may be necessary to enable their proper consideration by the Board or Executive Committee. ~ foregoing article (ARTICLE lYllESWlsllHl deleted placed mth iU following ARTICI.E
awl m:
ARTICLE IV Executive Director The Executive Director's responsibility is that of carrying out the management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling the operations of the Masonic Home of Missouri for the governing body. Other responsibilities delegated to the Executive Director include operating the Home, preparing budgets and proper budget controls, maintaining a sound financial structure, maintaining the physical plant, developing standards, securing and training per30nnel, serving as liaison with the Medical Staff and auxiliaries, preparing reports of activities to the Boord, as well as developing public relations.
ARTICLE V Indemnity Bond. The Board of Directors shall arrange for and continuously keep in force and effect a surety bond or bonds in BUch penal BUm as the Board may fix, conditional upon the faithful performance of their duties and a full accounting by all persons who may have custody or control of any moneys, securities or other property of the Home. Premiums for said bonds, if any, shall be paid out of the general funds of the corporation.
ARTICLE VI Committee. And Their Duties Section 1. The President shall appoint from the Board of Directors the following committees; Executive Committee; Finance Committee; Admission and Discipline Committee; Legal Committee; Administration Committee; Fraternal Relations Committee, .and such other committees as may be deemed necessary from time to time.
:rhil foregoing paragraph .JmlI1d ~ changed isl DWl AI follows; Section 1. The President shall appoint from the Board of Directors the following committees; Finance Committee; Admission and Discipline Committee; Legal Committee; Administration Committee; and such other committees as may be deemed necessary from time to time. Section 2. The Executive Committee shall, when the Board of Directors is not in session, exercise all the powers and duties of the Board, all of its acts being subject to the approval of the Board. This Committee shall hold monthly meetings at the Home, except during the months as the Full Board shall meet.
nw foreeoing.: section 2.: lmlIld ~ deleted in ita entirety; Section 3. The Finance Committee shall supervise the investment, management, and disposition of all the assets of the Home, except those used in the actual operation of the Home, and shall supervise all the fiscal affairs of the Horne. It may obtain such consul~tion and advice as to investments as it sees fit, but shall not incur any expense without the approval of the Board or Executive Committee. It shall arrange for an annual audit of the funds and financial affairs of the Home, and shall review the reports thereof.
IU foregoing paragraph .JmlI1d B
changed 12 IWUl U follows;
Section 2. The Finance Committee shall review and recommend adoption of the annual budget. The Finance Committee shall supervise the investment. management, and disposition of all the assets of the Horne, except those used in the actual operation of the
Home, and shall supervise all the fiscal affairs of the Home. It may obtain such consultation and advice as to investments as it sees fit, but shall not incur any expense without the approval of the Board or Executive Committee. It shall arrange for an annual audit of the funds and financial affairs of the Home, and shall review the reports thereof. Section 4. The Admission and Discipline Committee shall consider each application for admission and make its recommendation thereon to the Board or Executive Committee and, through the Superintendent, superintend the members of the Home Family. ~
foregoing paragraph mmld JIA cbanged isl mulaa follon;
Section 3. The Admission and Discipline Committee 8hall consider each application for admi88ion and make its recommendation thereon to the Board and, through the Executive Director, 8uperintend the residents of the Home. Section 5. The Legal Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on legal matters. (The foregoing Section would be renumbered Section 4.) Section 6. The Administration Committee shall supervise the general management of the Home. (The foregoing Section would be renumbered Section 5.) Section 7. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Missouri and the President, or each respectively, as the case may be, shall be ex-officio entitled to participate in the deliberations of every committee provided for in those By-Laws, and when present at any such committee meeting shall have a vote as a member of the committee then in session. (The foregoing Section would be renumbered Section 6.) Section 8. An Advisory Board consisting of three members, elected by the Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star of Missouri, shall be welcomed to make visitations to the Home, study its need and report to the Board of Directors at its meetings such suggestions and recommendations as may seem proper. (The foregoing Section would be renumbered Section 7.)
ARTICLEVU Fiscal Operations Section 1. The Funds of the Home are: 1. The General Fund 2. The Reserve Fund 3. The Building Fund 4. The Endowment Fund 5. The Christmas and Entertainment Fund 6. The Children's and Adults' Account 7. Special Funds
IU foregoing liIi gf fImda JmJWlbA changed ~ l:USlu follows Section 1. The Funds of the Home are: 1. The General Fund 2. The Reserve Fund 3. The Building Fund 4. The Endowment Fund 5. The Resident's Account 6. Special Funds Section 2. The General Fund i8 the operating fund of the Home. All receipts not otherwise designated are to be deposited in it. Transfers shall be made from it to the other funds, or to the causes for which collected, as ordered by the Board of Executive Committee. All disbursements not in execution of the purposes of the other funds shall be made from it.
IU foregoing paragraph JmJWlbA changed ~ l:USlu followli Section 2. The General Fund i8 the operating fund of the Home. All receipts not otherwise designated are to be deposited in it. Transfers shall be made from it to the other funds, or to the causes for which collected, as ordered by the Board. All disbursements not in execution of the purposes of the other funds shall be made from it. Section 3. The Reserve Fund consists of the assets of the Johnston Fund and 8uch other assets as may be added to it by order of the Board or Executive Commit~. The purpose of the Reserve Fund is to assure the financial stability of the Home regardless of changing business conditions. It'!J use is unrestricted, but no part of its principal may be extended except on orders of the Board of Directors by resolution presented and adopted at a regular meeting, and ratified at the succeeding regular meeting. The income of the Reserve Fund accrues to the General Fund.
IU foregoing paragraph JmJWl ~ cbanged 12 awl AI followli Section 3. The Reserve Fund consists of the assets of the Johnston Fund and such other assets as may be added to it by order of the Board. The purpose of the Reserve Fund is to assure the financial stability of the Home regardless of changing business conditions. Its use is unrestricted, but no part of its principal may be expended except on orders of the Board of Directors by resolution presented and adopted at a regular meeting, and ratified at the succeeding regular meeting. The income of the Reserve Fund accrues to the General Fund. Section 4. The Building Fund consists of all the assets received or designated for building purposes from time to time. Both principal and income may be used only for the acquisition and improvement of land build-
ings, and permanent equipment and furnishings for the operation of a Masonic Home or homes, hospitals, schools, and other agencies, contemplated under Article Fifth of the Agreements of Incorporation.
1lul fomroigg paraq'pb JmJI1d _ ghaDged iSl aasl.. followa; Section 4. The Building Fund consists of all the assets received or designated for building purposes from time to time. Both principal and income may be used only for the acquisition and improvement of land buildings, and permanent equipment and furnishings for the operation of a Masonic Home or homes, and other agencies, contemplated under Article Fifth of the Agreements of Incorporation. Section 5. The E~dowment Fund and all additions to it are a permanent fund. Its principal may not be used for any purpose. The income from the Endowment Fund accrues to the General Fund. Section 6. The Christmas and Entertainment Fund consists of all amounts given to the Home under these designations, or for the purposes of providing gifts, either in kind or in cash, entertainment, and minor comforts not otherwise provided for to the members of the Home Family. Each is to be expended for such purposes under the direction of the Superintendent. ~
foregoing paragraph (Sectiog
fU JmJI1d U deleted ill ita 0.:
Section 7. The Children's and Adults' Account consists of moneys earned or received as incidental gifts by minor members of the Home Family, all of which shall be turned over to the Home for safekeeping, and moneys received by adult members of the Home Family as incidental gifts for personal use, or as allowances made by the Home out of pension or S0cial Security benefits which they deposit with the Home safekeeping. These trust funds are administered under Article IX of these By-Laws.
1b fomroigg paraq'ph JmJI1d ~ gh,gged iSl masl AI follows; Section 6. The Resident's Account consists of moneys received by residents of the Home as incidental gifts for personal use, or as allowances made by the Home out of pension or Social Security benefits which they deposit with the Home for safekeeping. These trust funds are administered under Article IX of these By-Laws. Section 8. Special Funds are those held by the Home on terms or conditions differing from such governing the other funds. Separate book accounts are kept of each item. Unless otherwise required by the instrument establishing the fund, its assets may be commingled with those of the General Fund or the Reserve Fund. No gift or bequest for any restricted or
special purpose, other than the general purPoses of the Building fund, the Christmas and Entertainment Funds, and the Endowment Fund is to be received or accepted until approved by the Board or Executive Committee. Disbursements from the accounts of the Special Funds shall be made according to the terms and conditions applicable thereto.
I:b foregoing paragraph lmlI1d _ changed iSl awl.. follows: Section 7. Special Funds are those held by the Home on terms or conditions differing from such governing the other funds. Separate book accounts are kept of each item~ Unless otherwise required by the instrument establishing the fund, its assets may be commingled with those of the General Fund or the Reserve Fund. No gift or bequest for any restricted or special purpose, other than the general purposes of the Building Fund and the Endowment Fund is to be received or accepted until approved by the Board. Disbursements from the accounts of the Special Funds shall be made according to the terms and conditions applicable thereto. Section 9. Contracts shall be made with banks or trust companies for the custody of the assets of the Reserve Fund, the Building Fund, the Endowment Fund, and the Special Funds, and such assets shall be held under such contracts subject to the order of the Board or Executive Committee, and subject to termination of such contracts in whole or in part at any time. Such contracts may provide for such further investment counsel and other services as the Board may determine from time to time in each instance. ~
fOregoing paragraph lmllld lHl changed i2 awl JlI follows;
Section 8. Contracts shall be made with banks or trust companies for the custody of the assets of the Reserve Fund, the Building Fund, the Endowment Fund, and the Special Funds, and such assets shall be held under such contracts subject to the order of the Board, and subject to termination of such contracts in whole or in part at any time. Such contracts may provide for such further investment counsel and other services as the Board may determine from time to time in each instance. Section 10. Investments and re-investments of the assets of the funds held under Section 9 shall be supervised by the Finance Committee, with the advice of the Treasurer and of the bank or trust company which has custody of the particular assets, and in conformity with policies adopted by the Board or Executive Committee from time to time. No investments or re-investments shall be made without the approval of the Board or Executive Committee and unless such investments are recommended by the bank or trust company concerned.
I:b foregoing paragraph lmlI1d Z changed iSl awl .. follows:
Section 9. Investments and re-investments of the assets of the funds held under Section 8 shall be supervised by the Finance Committee, and in conformity with policies adopted by the Board from time to time. No investments or re-investments shall be made without the approval of the Board, except that the Board (1) may give the financial agency having custody of any such funds, standing authority to make temporary investments and re-investments of uninvested funds in U.S. 'Ireasury Bills or other obligations of the U.S. Government or any agency thereof, or in commercial paper carrying the highest rating of any widely recognized rating service and (2) may give the Finance Committee, or the Chairman thereof, or his designee, with the approval of such financial agency, authority to effectuate investments and re-investments deemed by it, or them, to be in the best interest of the Fund and require action prior to the next meeting of the Board. Section 11. The fiscal year of the Home shall begin July 1 of each year and end June 30 of the following year. The books of the Home shall be kept and maintained in such manner as shall in the opinion of the Board accurately reflect the current operation and financial condition of the Home, including inventories and accrual items of material consequence. The Secretary shall submit to the Board or Executive Committee each month a condensed report showing the current operation and financial condition of the Home.
IU foregoing paragraph lmlIld _ changed i2 uwl AI follows; Section 10. The fiscal year of the Home shall begin July 1 of each year and end June 30 of the following year. The books of the Home shall be kept and maintained in such manner as shall in the opinion of the Board accurately reflect the current operation and financial condition of the Home, including inventories and accrual items of material consequence. The Controller or resp~>nsible financial department head shall submit to the Board eacli month a condensed report showing the current operation and financial condition of the Home. Section 12. The Superintendent annually shall prepare a budget for the current operation of the Home. The anticipated income or receipts of the General Fund and the balance on hand available for current operations shall be stated in detail. The proposed expenditures shall be stated in detail under classifications and subheads consistent with those in effect on the books of the Home and shall be allocated on a monthly basis. This detailed budget shall be reviewed and may be revised by the Administration Committee. The Superintendent shall submit a summary of the budget, with comparative figures for the proceeding year with such comments as he shall deem pertinent, to each member of the Board of Directors at least ten days preceding the June meeting of the Executive Committee, at which time the budget shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for
1989 GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI 71 its approval and modification. Approval of the budget shall authorize the expenditures therein contemplated during the fiscal year, but said budget shall be subject to revision at any time by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee as to funds not yet expended.
Ib foregoing paragraph mwld Z
cbanged ig, UJUlaa follows;
Section 11. The Executive Director annually shall prepare a budget for the current operation of the Home. The anticipated income or receipts of the General Fund and the balance on hand available for current operations shall be stated in detail. The proposed expenditures shall be stated in detail under classifications and suhheads consistent with those in effect on the books of the Home and shall be allocated on a monthly basis. This detailed budget shall be reviewed and may be revised by the Finance Committee. The Executive Director shall submit a summary of the budget, with comparative figures for the proceeding year, with such comments as he shall deem pertinent, to each member of the Board of Directors at least ten days preceding the May meeting of the Board of Directors for its review and modification. Approval of the budget shall authorize the expenditures therein contemplated during the fiscal year, but said budget shall be subject to revision at any time by the Board of Directors as to funds not yet expended.
ARTICLE VIII Admission to the Home Section 1. Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, or when it is not in session, the approval of the Executive Committee, and the requirements hereinafter specified, the following designated persons shall be eligible to be admitted to the Home: (a) Destitute Master Masons, who are in good standing in Missouri Lodges, and the wives of such Master Masons. (b) Destitute widows of deceased Master Masons, who were in good standing in Missouri Lodges at the date of their death. (c) Destitute women who are members in good standing in Missouri Chapters, Order of Eastern Star. (d) Orphans of deceased Master Masons or deceased members of the Order of Eastern Star which orphans are under the age offourteen years. (e) Needy children of such Master Masons and members of the Order of Eastern Star, which children are under the age of fourteen years. (0 When there is room available and the Board of Directors or Executive Committee deem it wise and proper, children under fourteen years of age may be admitted without any direct connection with the Masonic Fraternity or Order of Eastern Star. ~
foregoing paragraph mwld ~ changed i2 EmU! AI follows;
Section 1. Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and the requirements hereinafter specified, the following designated persons shall be eligible to be admitted to the Home: (a) Needy Mas-
ter Masons, who are in good standing in Missouri Lodges, and the wives of such Master Masons: (b) Needy widows of deceased Master Masons, who were in good standing in Missouri Lodges at the dates of their deaths: (c) Needy women who are members in good standing in Missouri Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Section 2. (a) No Master Mason, member of the Order of Eastern Star or widow of a Master Mason shall be admitted unless his or her membership or the membership of the deceased husband of the widow complies with the following requirements: (A) One who becomes a member prior to the age of Forty years must have been in continuous good standing for at least five years. (B) One who becomes a member between the ages of Forty and Forty-nine years, inclusive, must have been in continuous good standing for at least ten years. (C) One who becomes a member between the ages of Fifty and Fifty-nine years, inclusive, must have been in continuous good standing for at least fifteen years. (D) One who becomes a member at the age of Sixty years or over must have been in continuous good standing for at least twenty years. (b) When the death of a Master Mason occurs prior to the expiration of the limitation provided in the Clauses A, B, C, or D, his widow may be admitted by the Board of Directors, provided she shall have reached the age of seventy years or shall have reached the age of sixty years and be suffering from some physical infirmity that would prevent her caring for herself. Section 3. In the foregoing Clauses A, B, C, and D "continuous good standing" refers to membership in a Missouri Lodge or Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star and shall be construed as meaning immediately before death, immediately before application to the Home is made. Section 4. The foregoing rules shall be subject to such modifications as to age and as to length of prerequisite membership, as the Board of Direc:tors may determine to be for the best interests of the Masonic Fraternity or Order of Eastern Star of Missouri.
ARTICLE IX Children's and Adult's Account Section 1. A record for the Children's and Adults' Account shall be maintained showing separately for each member of the Home Family who may deposit funds in this account, or for whom funds are deposited in this account, the amount received for or from him or her and all withdrawals therefrom. ~
foregoing paragraph l'mlWl ~ changed isl. ~ &I follows;
Residents' Account
Section 1. A record for the Residents' Account shall be maintained showing separately for each member of the Home who may deposit funds in this account, or for whom funds are deposited in this account, the amount received for or from him or her and all withdrawals therefrom. Section 2. Adult members of the Home Family shall have the right to make withdrawals against amounts to their credit at any time. !fan adult member ceases to be one of the Home Family by voluntary withdrawal or discharge, any balance to the credit of such person shall be paid to him or her. If an adult member dies, any balance to his or her credit shall be transferred to the General Fund and become the property of the Home. ~
foregoing paragraph lmlIld ~ changed isl a:wl AI follows:
Section 2. Residents of the Home shall have the right to make withdrawals against amounts to their credit at any time. If a resident ceases to be one of the residents of the Home by voluntary withdrawal or discharge, any balance to the credit of such person shall be paid to him or her. If a resident dies, any balance to his or her credit shall be transferred to the General Fund and become the property of the Home. Section 3. Moneys given to or for the benefit of minors shall, subject to approval by the Superintendent, be used according to the donor's direction. Moneys earned by minors or received without specific direction as to use may, if a minor beyond the age of fourteen years so requests and the Superintendent approves, be used for the minor outside of usual Home provisions. If a minor dies while a member of the Home Family, any amount of his or her credit shall be transferred to the General Fund of the H~me. If a minor ceases to be a member of the Home Family by reasons other than death, any amount to his or her credit shall immediately be made available to him or her as deemed by the Directors to the best for the interests of such minor.
IWl foregoing paragraph (Section Jllmllld Z deleted ill ill u: ~
ARTICLE X Expenses
The actual and necessary expenses shall be paid out of the General Fund of the Home to each member of the Board, each member of the Advisory Board,~O.E.S. of Missouri and Worthy Grand Matron, Worthy Grand Patron and Associate Grand Matron, O.E.S. of Missouri for attendance at any meeting of the Board, or the meeting of any Committee of which he or she may be a member, provided such expenses are not paid by the organization that he or she represents.
ARTICLE XI Amendments
These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority of all the members of the Board, provided such proposed alteration or amendment shall be proposed at a regular meeting and cannot be voted on until the next regular meeting of the Board.
1lul foregoing paragraph lmlI1d hil changed ~ auul AI foUowl: These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority of all the members of the Board, provided such proposed alteration or amendment shall be proposed at a regular meeting and cannot be voted on until the next regular meeting of the Board, subject to the ratification by Grand Lodge. THE PURPOSE OF THE CHANGES ARE TO UPDATE THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND THE BY-LAWS, TO REFLECT CURRENT REQUffiEMENTS. 2) Proposed Amendments to the Grand Lodge By-Laws, altering the length of term of elected Board members and who may serve as Masonic Home Board president, which require Grand Lodge action, will be presented on the floor at this Communication of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Missouri, to layover until next year's Communication. Appreciation
Finally, I want to thank members of the Board for their extraordinary dedication to the Home. They have been called upon this year to attend extra meetings and to make difficult decisions which required.. tenacity and courage. Their devotion to the Fraternity and the Home is quite remarkable. While the year has been challenging and at times difficult, it has been at the same time fulfilling and rewarding because of the support and counsel of such outstanding men. Respectfully Submitted, Thomas C. Warden, President The Masonic Home of Missouri
R.W. Brother Warden moved that the Report of the Masonic Home as pre-printed in the Booklet be accepted and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. By vote of the Grand Lodge the Report of the Masonic Home was ACCEPrED.
Remarks by R.W. Brother Daniel F. Cole concerning a Long Range Planning Committee for the Masonic Home. Also, R.W. Cole presented a slide presentation of the Bethesda-West construction in Ellisville, Missouri.
REPORT OF THE INSURANCE COMMITrEE Brother Steven I. '!bybes, Chairman, presented the report of the Insurance Committee. Brother '!bybes stated that the committee recommends to this Grand Lodge that the liability coverage with Thompkins & Company with Chapman-Sanders, Inc. as the local agent be continued. Brother '!bybes so moved. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge APPROVED.
Grand Lodge, A.R and A.M of Missouri:
The Committee on the Grand Master's address submits the following report. The Committee recommends that the Grand Master's decisions, dispensations, consents or permissions, and healings be referred to the Jurisprudence Committee for that Committee's appropriate action and report. M.W. Brother Jenkins has made excellent recommendations for the future of this fraternity. It is our recommendation that they be referred to the appropriate Grand Lodge Committees for their considemtion and action. The Grand Lodge has benefitted by the service of a very dedicated Mason and Grand Master. His programs for the Area Meetings; his continued coopemtion with Missouri's Masonic Family; his encouragement of more community service through the Masonic Service Month; and his support of long-range planning deserve our highest commendation. Such programs, and our Grand Master's sincere efforts and support, can only result in a stronger and improved fraternity. Most Worshipful Brother Jenkins and his wife, Betty, deserve our special thank you for their representation of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in their many travels and our best wishes for the future. It will be the honor of the Past Grand Masters to welcome you, Most Worshipful, to our ranks. Fraternally submitted, THOMAS K. McGUIRE, JR., BRUCE H. HUNT JAMES A. NOLAND, JR. FIELDING A. PoE
Remarks of the Right Eminent Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America - Blair C. Mayford PRESENTATION OF PROPOSALS OF AMENDMENTS OF GRAND LODGE BY-LAWS AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ACTION ON THE SECOND DAY OF THE 168TH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION By Grand Secretary 'Thrry C. Alexander These proposals came under Section 35.010 of the By-Laws. They were read on Monday and referred to the Jurisprudence Committee to be read on 'fuesday and required a two-thirds vote by the Grand Lodge for adoption. (These proposals and the decisions of the Grand Lodge are found in the Jurisprudence Report.) REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MASONIC EDUCATION Th The Grand Lodge, AR & AM. ofMissouri: BRETHREN,
The activities of the Committee on Masonic Education for the year 1989-90, have followed successfully the achievements of the Grand Lodge Program on Masonic Education over the past decade and a half of service to our constituent lodges throughout this jurisdiction. Specifically, however, we have concentrated our efforts in three major areas, to wit, Leadership Training, Officer Development and Marketing Development. The following information reflects the specifics as described above. The first m~or area of intensified effort has been in Leadership Training. Here, in the Committee's opinion, we have provided both our greatest service and received our greatest benefit through the District Education Officers Conference. This conference, to become an annual function of your Grand Lodge, is the "Brain Child" of Committee Member Dick Nelms. W.B. Nelms, whose professional background is in Human Resources, has been and ia an invaluable member and contributor to this committee. This facet of our program, however, like all others is a "community" project! All members participated and contributed to this most
successful of endeavors. It was and ia successful because of several things. First it is the appropriate setting to highlight the video presentation of the committee - "1'.bA Working 1bWa mLeaderabip". Second, it is the vehicle to train one of the most important parts of our Masonic Education 'Tham - the DEO! Third, it in a IUl sense, provides training to the district level officer for the first time in this mode. The Committee on Masonic Education salutes you, the voting members of Grand Lodge, for supporting the development, creation and adoption of the DEO program. We thank also, MW Brother Robert D. Jenkins who gave not only "the green light" to the project, but more importantly, gave it its soul, its spirit through his personal style of leadership. The second area of major effort is officer development. It is here that the second part of our "triad" of programs - "~ Working ~ LeaderahiR" - has come to the fore. W.B. Tom McCully, together with the Ad Hoc group that works with him, has done an outstanding (and thankless) task in the development of year Three and Four of this living (and hence changing) program. Year Three covered planning for progress, communication and leadership styles. Year four will cover the sensitive areas of "The Next Man" and the Lodge and the Community. 1bm McCully et a1 have the respect and admiration of this committee and it's chairman (and indeed Bl1 of us) for a first rate presentation of such needed subject matr ter. It almost goes without saying that we also salute Wl DEO's for not only carrying the ball to the LEO's in their districts, but also for going above and beyond the call of duty as "technical difficulties" reared their ugly heads! Thanks Brethren-you showed the meaning of team work! The third area of the triad - Lodge Education Officer Program and the Lodge Officer Manual are both in the capable hands of Dick Nelms. These two progr&msliterally work hand in hand with each other and, more importantly, with each of us as individual Masons. The LEO, in concert Eili and throue-b the DEO will (without question) be "the Bread and Butter" of Masonic Education in Missouri. The glue that holds this all together is, of course, the Grand Lodge Achievement Award. R.W. Brother Dick Smith, Committee Secretary and Director of the Program continually brings in marketing techniques from his professional background (Sales) to personalize and intensify the Pr0gram. There is no reason why (at the Banquet) we should not have 500 plus lodges recognized as ''Honor Lodges". As a result of Dick's Leadership, your Committee and its Chairman kwm we're going to make it! Brethren in this, as in all things, the decision is yours! Our booth at Grand Lodge has two essential ingredients to your Lodge's success-Zel Eaton and Scott Granthem. Make every effort to visit (not only these capable interesting and dedicated Masons), but the excitr ing and WIdiIl information we have to offer. Try it - you1110ve it!! The Freemason magazine is, as you know, one of the Committee's "legal" responsibilities. How sweet that responsibility is. Our editor, M.W. Brother J.C. Montgomery, Jr., is without a doubt, a man needed and Mason without parallel or peer. Given the myriad of tasks attendant with his important duty (together with his magnificent return to good health) the Committee and its Chairman run out of superlatives, but for this one -
Thanks Jack - there's no one like you! 1b those entities and ~t and good individuals who have made the work of this Committee go smoothly we say a sincere and heartfelt thanks. This especially goes to R.W. Brother 'Thrry C. Alexander and his staff, the Committee on Ways and Means, our Grand Lodge Advancing Line and to our Grand Master. We offer our most sincere and meaningful thanks to you - the voting members of Grand Lodge and to those you represent from your Home Lodge - for it is those Brethren all of us seek to serve. Only time will tell how well we have discharged the stewardship of our duties. This Committee and its Chairman leave that verdict to you and history. Fraternally submitted, THOMAS H. MCCULLY C. ScoTT GRANTHEM Ja. RICHARD
R.W. Brother John W. Siscel, Chairman, moved that the Report on Masonic Education be accepted and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the report was ACCEPrED. ELECTION OF GRAND LODGE OFFICERS AND MASONIC HOME BOARD MEMBERS M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins appointed R.W. Brother W. John Weight, District Deputy Grand Master of the 59th District Chairman of the Election and designated District Deputy Grand Masters of the odd numbered Masonic Districts as 'Thllers. The ballots were dispersed, voted and collected, after which the Grand Master declared the voting closed. REPORT ON ELECTION OF GRAND LODGE OFFICERS AND MASONIC HOME BOARD MEMBERS R. W. Brother Weight presented the Report of the Election of Masonic Home Board Members: Warren R. Betts James ~ Hackworth Roy E. Willey Scattered
583 votes 760 votes 584 votes 3 votes
M.W. Grand Master Robert N. Jenkins declared that Brother James ~ Hackworth and Brother Roy E. Willey were elected to four-year terms on the Masonic Home Board. R.W. Brother Weight presented the Report on the Election of Grand
Lodge Officers for the year 1989-1990. For the Office of Grand Master: Thomas c. Warden Scattered
913 votes 100 votes
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins announced the election of R.W. Brother Thomas C. Warden to the Office of Grand Master. R.W. Brother Warden expressed appreciation of the confidence of the brethren. He accepted the election and pledged to perform the duties of the station'to the best of his knowledge and ability. For the Office of Deputy Grand Master Daniel F. Cole Scattered
910 votes 100 votes
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins announced the election of R.W. Brother Daniel F. Cole to the Office of Deputy Grand Master. R.W. Brother Cole accepted the election. For the Office of Senior Grand Warden: D. Robert I)owney 913 votes Scattered........................•.....................................100 votes M.W. Grand Master Jenkins announced the election of R.W. Brother D. Robert Downey to the Office of Senior Grand Warden. R.W. Brother I)owney accepted the election. For the Office of Junior Grand Warden: Frank Ames Arnold Scattered
860 votes 200 votes
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins announced the election of R.W. Brother Frank Ames Arnold to the Office of Junior Grand Warden. R.W Brother Arnold accepted the election. For the Office of Grand Treasurer: W. Marion Luna Scattered
877 votes 200 votes
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins announced the re-election of R.W. Brother W. Marion Luna to the Office of Grand Treasurer. R.W. Brother Luna accepted the election. For the Office of Grand Secretary: 1erry C. Alexander Scattered
880 votes 50 votes
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins announced the re-election ofR.VI. Brother
Terry C. Alexander of the Office of Grand Secretary. R.W. Brother Alexander accepted the election. R.W. Brother Thomas C. Warden announced that the 169th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri will be held in Jefferson City, Missouri on September 24 and 25, 1989 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel. Remarks of the President of the Grand Secretaries Conference - R.W. Albert O. Arnold, Jr., Grand Secretary of Kansas
Your Committee on Jurisprudence respectfully reports as follows: (Monday, September 25, 1989) Dispensations: We have examined the dispensations issued by order of the Grand Master as set forth in the report of the Grand Secretary and we approve the same as within the discretion of the Grand Master. Consents and Permissions: We have examined the consents and permissions pertaining to the activities and operations of subordinate lodges granted by the Grand Master as set forth in the Report of the Grand Secretary and we approve the same as within the discretion of the Grand Master. Decisions: Having received a request to rule on property of FlorIda Lodge No. 23 after they consolidated with Lick Creek Lodge No. 302, I advised Lick Creek Lodge to prepare a Quit Claim Deed from the Grand Lodge to Lick Creek Lodge, which would release all claim of the Grand Lodge on such property. Said deed was then approved. The Jurisprudence Committee approves this Decision. Ruled that a solicitation notice as outlined by Hope Lodge No. 251 violated Section 25.090 of our Constitution and By-Laws, even though the project seemed to be very worthwhile. Questioned about the transfer of a non-proficient Entered Apprentice from Breckenridge Lodge No. 334 to Alpha Lodge No. 657. Found that Section 20.080 of the Constitution and By-Laws prevailed and that a certificate of good standing could be issued if the Brother was no longer a resident of the original jurisdiction. The Jurisprudence Committee approves these Decisions. M.W. Brother Walker moved that this portion of the Committee's Re-
port be approved and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge this portion of the Report was APPROVED.
Continued Report of Jurisprudence Committee: M.W. Brother Walker reported to the Grand Lodge the Committee's action on the following proposed changes to the Grand Lodge By-Laws which were submitted to the 167th Annual Communication for action at this Annual Communication.
1. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 10.040 OF THE BY-LAWS It is proposed that the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of The State of Missouri be amended by changing Section 10.040 to provide as follows: "Section 10.040 GRAND LODGE DUES Each Lodge pays eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50) to the Grand Lodge for each Master Mason (except those whose dues have been remitted and those exempted under Section (a) of Section 18.050, reported in the annual return, which dues include a subscription to The Freemason Magazine. The Grand Lodge, promptly as collected, pays two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each Master Mason to the Masonic Home of Missouri." Statement ofPurpose The purpose is to increase the Grand Lodge dues by 50 cents to provide additional funds for the increased costs of operating the Grand Lodge. The Jurisprudence Committee recommended and M.W. Brother Walker moved that this amendment be tabled for possible action at the 169th Annual Communication. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was TABLED.
n. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 1.080 OF THE BY-LAWS Add the words Public Relations between the wording "Mileage and Per Diem" and "of the Building Supervisory Board:' That portion of the sentence would now read "Mileage and Per Diem, Public Relations and of the Building Supervisory Board". In all other respects the existing language of Section 1.080 would remain unchanged. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the Amendment was ADOPTED.
Ill. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 5.010 OF THE BY路LAWS Add to the first sentence the words "Public Relations". In all other respects the existing language of Section 5.010 would remain unchanged. (V) Public Relations. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was ADOPrED. IV: PROPOSAL TO ADD A NEW SECTION 5.193 TO THE BY路LAWS The Jurisprudence Committee withdrew the original proposal and offered the following: Section 5.193. Public Relations. The Committee on Public Relations consists of six members, appointed for terms of three years each, with the terms of two members expiring each year. As each term expires, the Grand Master appoints a successor, and fills any vacancies on the Committee. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens are ex-officio members of the committee. Only appointed members shall be counted in constituting a quorum. The Committee formulates and develops public relations programs, assists the Grand Master in projects pertaining to public relations, and cooperates with the Long Range Planning Committee to implement programs impacting upon the future of the Masonic Fraternity. Appropriations for use of the committee are determined by the Ways and Means Committee. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this substitute amendment as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed substitute amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the substitute amendment was ADOPTED.
V. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 13.020 OF THE BY路LAWS The first sections of the first and second degrees, and the first and second sections of the third degree cannot be conferred on more than one candidate at the same time. In conferring the third degree on any candidate, the first and second sections of the degree must be without any break in their continuity. Each degree must be conferred in its entirety at the same communication. The master shall be responsible for causing inquiry to be made of the candidate whether he has any physical condition requiring any caution or care in conferring the degrees. (Amended 1977-75) The Second Section of the Third Degree constitutes a most solemn and impressive portion of our ritualistic work. In it we are taught the ultimate lessons of Masonic philosophy - victory over death and the immortality of
the soul. Nothing must be allowed to impair the deep impression which should be made upon the mind of the candidate. The Grand Lodge forbids any levity, roughness, horseplay, talking, audible laughter, or any other noise which could distract the attention of the candidate. Failure to comply with this resolution, or any action by any officer or member in violation or inconsistent with this resolution, shall constitute grounds for Masonic discipline. (Res. 1976-146) M.W. Brother Walker reported that the Ritual Committee opposed the adoption of this amendment. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form and in order to bring this matter to a vote M.W. Brother Walker moved for its adoption. The motion was secpnded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was DEFEATED.
VI. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 15.050 OF THE BY-LAWS "Suitable proficiency" means ability to satisfactorily repeat the obligation of the degree. It is determined after examination in open lodge, by majority vote of the lodge by show of hands. M.W. Brother Walker reported that the Ritual Committee opposed the adoption of this amendment. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form and in order to bring this matter to a vote M.W. Brother Walker moved for its adoption. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was DEFEATED.
vu. PROPOSAL TO ADD A NEW ARTICLE (Article 22). PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP TO TIlE BY路LAWS The Jurisprudence Committee withdrew the original proposal and offered the following: Proposed substitute to proposed (new article) Article 22. Perpetual Membership. ARTICLE 22. ENDOWED MEMBERSHIP 22.010. ENDOWED MEMBERSHffi Any Master Mason in good standing in a Lodge of this Grand Jurisdiction whose dues are paid for the current year may purchase an endowed membership for the benefit of his Lodge (hereinafter referred to as the "endowed Lodge"), and be thereby relieved from the further payment of dues in the endowed Lodge effective in the 2nd calendar year after the fee is deposited with the Grand Secretary. 22.020. PURCHASE IN HONOR OR IN MEMORY. Any individual, group, organization or lodge may purchase an endowed membership in honor of or in memory of any Master Mason, living or deceased, who is or was at the time of his death, a member in good standing of a Missouri Lodge or a member in good standing of a lodge in any Grand Jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. A lodge may make such pur-
chases only in honor or memory of one of its members and only after a favorable vote of the lodge. 22.030. PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price for an endowed membership shall be four hundred ($400.00) dollars, and shall be paid to the Grand Lodge. 22.040. FORWARDING FEE TO THE GRAND SECRETARY. The fee of four hundred ($400.00) dollars collected by a lodge for endowed membership shall be forwarded to the Grand Secretary no later than December 31 in order to qualify for distribution in the second calendar year. 22.050. DUTIES OF THE GRAND SECRETARY. The Grand Secretary shall place all monies so received in the Endowment Membership Fund. Such funds shall be invested and reinvested from time to time under the supervision of the Grand Lodge Investment Committee as constituted in Section 3.060. 22.060. DISTRmUTION. The income from such funds shall be distributed annually to the endowed lodges by the tenth day of January. The per capita due Grand Lodge as set forth in Section 10.040 per endowed membership holder shall be deducted from the income before payment is made to the lodge; provided that no income shall be distributed on any endowed membership until January 1 of the 2nd calendar year after such fee is deposited with the Grand Secretary. 22.070. CERTIFICATE AND DUES CARD. The Grand Secretary shall issue to the member paying the required fee an endowed membership certificate under the seal of the Grand Lodge, signed by the Grand Master and attested by the Grand Secretary. The secretary of the endowed lodge shall issue annually a regular dues card to the living members holding endowed membership at the same time other dues cards are issued. 22.080. TRANSFER OF ENDOWED MEMBERSHIP PROHIBITED. Endowed memberships are not transferable with lodge membership, and remain to benefit the endowed lodge where such memberships are purchased; provided however, when two or more lodges consolidate, any endowed memberships held by either of such lodges shall become the property of the surviving lodge. Upon the dissolution or demise of an endowed lodge, the holder of an endowed lodge membership if living, may transfer the endowed membership to the Missouri lodge with which he affiliates. If the endowed member is deceased and his lodge ceases to exist, the membership fee shall revert to the Grand Lodge Endowment Fund per Section 3.010. 22.090. SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION. Holders of endowed membership certificates are subject to all the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and loss of membership due to suspension or expulsion shall automatically terminate such endowed membership certificate, such certificate in itself is not an avouchment of Good Standing in a Missouri Lodge. The lodge which held the endowed membership at the time of suspension or expulsion, as provided herein,
shall continue to receive the revenues earned from such endowed membership less such amount equal to Grand Lodge per capita requirements. 22.100. CONTINUED INCOME. Upon the death of an endowed member, the endowed lodge and Grand Lodge of Missouri shall continue to receive the income from the endowed membership as herein provided. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this Substitute Article as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed Substitute Article be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the Substitute Article was ADOPTED.
VII. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 1.010 OF THE BY-LAWS Section 1.010. Time and Place. Except when the time or place of meeting is changed by majority vote of the Grand Lodge, the Annual Communications thereof are held commencing at 9 o'clock a.m. on the last Friday in September in each year at a site within the State of Missouri designated by the Grand Master who is expected to preside at the forthcoming annual communication; provided, however, that if such date shall fallon a major religious holiday, said Grand Master may direct that the next Annual Communication shall commence either on the Friday preceding or succeeding said date. The designation of the site, as well as any change of date, authorized herein, shall be announced to the Grand Lodge by said Grand Master subsequent to his election as Grand Master and prior to his installation in said office. If said Grand Master shall fail to designate the site as aforesaid, the Annual Communication shall be held in St. Louis, Missouri. (Amended 1986-103). M.W. Brother Walker reported that if this amendment passed it would not be effective until 1991. The Jurisprudence Committee approved the amendment as to fonn and in order to bring the matter to a vote M.W. Brother Walker moved for its adoption. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was adopted. M.W. Brother William H. Chapman, who had voted in the affirmative, motioned for reconsideration of this amendment. The motion for reconsideration was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge DEFEATED. (On Thesday, September 28, 1989, M.W. Brother Walker, who had voted in the affirmative, moved for reconsideration of the amendment. The motion for reconsideration was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge APPROVED. The Jurisprudence Committee recommended that the proposal to amend section 1.010 be rejected and M.W. Brother Walker so moved. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the proposed amendment was REJECTED.)
IX. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 3.095 OF THE BY-LAWS Section 3.095 Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Grand Lodge begins October 15 and ends October
14. The budget year begins October 15 and ends October 14. Preceding the close of the Annual Communication, a budget is prepared under Section 3.100 for the budget year next thereafter. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was AOOPrED. X. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 4.020 OF THE BY-LAWS Section 4.020. District Deputy Grand Ma....
The Jurisprudence Committee withdrew the original amendment and offered the following: Substitute: The Grand Master appoints and commissions for each District a District Deputy Grand Master who must be a past or present Master of a Missouri Lodge, and a member of a lodge in the district. At the discretion of the Grand Master, districts containing more than twenty lodges may have one additional District Deputy Grand Master for every ten additional lodges in said District, but no district may have more than four District Deputy Grand Masters. Each of said District Deputy Grand Masters will be of equal rank with jurisdiction over separate divisions of the district. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this substitute amendment as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that
the proposed, substitute amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the substitute amendment was ADOPrED.
XI. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 4.040 OF THE BY-LAWS Section 4.040 District Deputy Grand Lecturers The Grand Lecturer appoints and commissions for each district a' District Deputy Grand Lecturer, who must be a past or present Master of a Missouri Lodge, who is competent to teach Missouri work, and who holds a current certificate of proficiency issued by the Grand Lodge. He holds office until the next annual communication following his appointment unless removed by the Grand Lecturer. A District Deputy Grand Master may hold the office of District Deputy Grand Lecturer. At the discretion of the Grand Lecturer, districts containing more than twenty lodges may have one additional District Deputy Grand Lecturer for each additional ten lodges in said district, but no district may have more than four District Deputy Grand Lecturers. Each District Deputy Grand Lecturer will be equal rank with jurisdiction over separate divisions of the district. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to fonn and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that tHe proposed amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was ADOPrED.
The Grand Lodge was called from Labor at 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, September 26, 1989. R.W. Grand Chaplain M. Robert Berger offered prayer. GRAND LODGE DINNER FOR ALL MASTER MASONS AND THEIR WIVES MONDAY EVENING, SEPrEMBER 25, 1988 7:00 P.M.
M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins welcomed all those in attendance and then introduced the Grand Lodge Officers and their ladies (each Grand Lodge Officer and his lady entered the banquet room as introduced). R.~ Brother Ronald R. Bollinger provided the table grace. After the meal M.W. Grand Master Jenkins asked Mrs. Paula Alexander (Mrs. Terry C. Alexander) to introduce the Columbia Mother Singers, who provided the banquet entertainment. Following the entertainment M.W. Grand Master Jenkins made the presentation of the "Thn Year Achievement Award" certificates to representatives of the following lodges: Zeredath Lodge '189, Brotherhood Lodge '269, Granite Lodge 1272, Meramac Lodge '313, Versailles Lodge '320, McDonald Lodge '324, King Hill Lodge '376, Raytown Lodge '391, Belton Lodge '450, Country Club Lodge '656, Harold O. Grauel Lodge '672. Grand Lodge Achievement Award Medallions to representatives of Honor Lodges were presented by M.W. Jenkins and the Education Committee. M.W. Grand Master Jenkins announced that Jefferson L6cige No. 43 at Jefferson City, Missouri had won the trophy for Masonic Service Month 1989. R.~ Thomas C. Warden introduced R.~ Brother Jeffery O. Nations as the latest appointment to the advancing line of Grand Lodge Officers. M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins made the presentation of the Truman Medal. The 1989 recipient was R.W. Brother John E. Wetzel, a member of Perseverance Lodge No. 92, located at Louisiana, Missouri, who has given many years of service to the Masonic Fraternity. The benediction closing the Grand Lodge Banquet was given by R.W. Grand Chaplain Ronald R. Bollinger.
Tuesday Morning ORGAN SELECTIONS, JACK STOTrLEMYRE CALL TO LABOR The Grand Lodge was called to Labor at 9:00 a.m. on 'fuesday moming, September 26, 1989. R.W. Grand Chaplain Carl L. Radford offered prayer. Continued Report of the Jurisprudence Committee
M.W. Brother Walter L. Walker, Chairman, continued the report of the Jurisprudence Committee as follows: XII. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 4.060 OF THE BY-LAWS The Jurisprudence Committee withdrew the original proposal and recommended that Section 4.060 be repealed. M.W. Brother Walker moved that Section 4.060 be repealed. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge Section 4.060 was REPEALED. XIn. PROPOSAL TO AMEND BY ADDING TO SECTION 10.040 OF THE BY-LAWS Section 10.040. Grand Lodge Dues Each lodge pays six dollars a year for each Master Mason eligible to pay dues for a period of ten years. These monies to be placed in the Grand Lodge Endowment Fund. The Jurisprudence Committee recommended that this amendment be rejected. M.W. Brother Walker 80 moved. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was REJECTED. XN PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 1S.130 OF THE BY-LAWS Section IS.ISO. Failure to Advance An Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft who fails to present himself for advancement within five years after having received the degrees, must regularly petition for advancement, but is not required to make a second payment of any fee already paid. The petition takes the usual course except that a two-thirds vote by paper ballot is required for election. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form. In order to bring this amendment to a vote, M.W. Brother Walker moved that this amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was ADOPrED.
xv. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 15.010 OF THE BY-LAWS)' Section 15.010 Conferring Degree.
The Entered Apprentice Degree cannot be conferred on any candidate until the elected candidate and his family have had an opportunity to receive Masonic Education as prescribed by the Grand Lodge. A candidate may not receive more than one degree at the same communication, nor may he be advanced in less than four weeks after the preceding degree is conferred. M.W. Brother Walker reported to the Grand Lodge that this proposal had been withdrawn by the Jurisprudence Committee.
XVI. PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 6.180 OF THE B~LAWS Section 6.160. Masonic Education The Committee on Masonic Education consists of six members appointed for terms of three years each, with the terms of two members expiring each year. As each term expires the Grand Master appoints a successor and he fills any vacancies occurring on the committee. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens are ex-officio members of the committee when in attendance, but their presence is not required to constitute a quorum. The Committee formulates and develops education programs, superintends the dissemination of Masonic information, and provides for and supervises the issuance of a Grand Lodge publication to be published at least quarterly. It has no concern with the ritual or any matters coming within the duties of the Committee on Ritual. The committee shall, subject to ratification by any three of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens, have authority to appoint an editor and assistant editor of the Grand Lodge publication and may select the Grand Secretary or another Master Mason as editor or assistant editor, for such period of time as the committee by majority vote shall designate, and may provide compensation for the editor or assistant editor, if other than the Grand Secretary, out of the annual appropriation for the use of the committee, as determined by the Ways and Means Committee. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to fonn and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was ADOPrED.
XVll. To the Grand Lodge AF. & A.M. of Missouri The report of the Masonic Home shall include a report by the Comptroller of the Masonic Home showing in detail receipts and expenditures of all funds including Special Projects and Board and Promotions. This report shall also list the individual salaries and any additional remunerations of the Executive Director, Administrators, Secretary of the
Board of Directors, Comptroller, Coordinator of Fratemal Relations, Legal Counsel and Financial Advisor. State1Mnt ofPurpose:
1b better inform the members of this Grand Lodge jurisdiction of the financial operation of the Masonic Home. Resolution
xvm. Be it resolved that the position of comptroller at the Masonic Home of Mi880uri be deleted and that the duties of said Office be returned to the Secretary to the Board of Director.. State1Mnt ofPurpose:
Since the Masonic Home of Missouri is running over budget and using money from reserves then this should result in a savings of over $39,000.00 per year. M.W. Brother Walker reported to the Grand Lodge that the Jurisprudence Committee had rules that these resolutions were improper and would not be submitted for action but should be submitted to the Masonic Home Board. M.W. Brother Walker moved that this portion of the Committee's Report be approved and adopted and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge this portion of the Report of the Jurisprudence Committee was APPROVED and ADOPTED.
XIX. PROPOSAL TO ADD SECTION 2.040 OF THE BY路LAWS To add (+) to Section 2.040. Grand Secretary (+) The Grand Secretary shall prepare a calendar of events of the Grand Lodge year and mail a copy as early as possible to the constituent lodges. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this addition as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed addition be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the addition was DEFEATED.
xx. PROPOSAL TO ADD NEW SECTION 1.081 OF THE BY路LAWS To add new Section 1.081. Instructive Meeting..
Section 1.081. Instructive Meetings. The Grand Secretary shall hold four (4) instructive meetings per year at various locations about the State with the subordinate lodge secretaries in that area. Ail local secretaries in that area shall pay their expenses to and from said meeting. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this new section as to form
and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed new section be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the addition was ADOPrED. PROPOSED STANDING RESOLUTION
XXI. Reeolution to Amend, atanding l'eeolution on page lUi of the Con8titution and By-Law&:
SQUARE Ie COMPASSES: EMBLEM OF FREEMASONR~ The Square " Compasses is the emblem of Freemasonry and may be worn only by a Master Mason in Good Standing, his wife, widow, mother, sister or daughter. 1922 -162 Be it resolved that the Square and Compasses with the letter "G" in the center be adopted. So that the Standing Resolution would read: The Square and Compasses with the letter "G" in the center is the emblem of Freemasonry and may be worn only by a Master Mason in Good Standing, his wife, widow, mother, sister or daughter. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this resolution as to form and in order to bring this matter to a vote M.Vl Brother Walker moved for its adoption. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the resolution was ADOPrED. XXII. PROPOSAL TO ADD NEW SECTION 5.125 TO THE GRAND LODGE BY-LAWS Section &.1.25. Ritual Manual.
The Committee on Ritual shall cause a coded manual, covering the work and lectures of the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, to be prepared for printing. The Grand Secretary will order the manual printed, and will furnish it for purchase on request, to the subordinate lodge secretaries for distribution to interested members and Degree candidates. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge was DEFEATED. XXIll. PROPOSAL TO ADD SECTION Ui.045 TO THE GRAND tODGE BY-LAWS Section 15.045. Proficiency Manual (S). The Committee on Ritual shall cause a coded manual (set of manuals), covering the proficiency lecture of the first section of each Degree, to be prepared for printing.
The Grand Secretary will order the manual(s) printed, and will furnish it (them) for purchase on request, to the Subordinate Lodge Secretaries for distribution to interested members and Degree candidates. The Jurisprudence Committee approved this amendment as to form and recommended its adoption. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the proposed amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the amendment was ADOPrED. M.W. Brother Walker informed the Grand Lodge of a settlement with Ovid Bell Press in order to avoid a lawsuit concerned with sales tax on The FREEMASON Magazine. The settlement involves the paYment to Ovid Bell PreBB a sum of $5,000.00; half to be paid by the Grand Lodge of Missouri and half by the Masonic Home of Missouri. M.W. Brother Walker moved that this settlement be approved. The motion was seconded and by vote of the grand Lodge the settlement was ACCEPrED. M.W. Brother Walker moved that the Report of the Jurisprudence Committee, as amended by the Grand Lodge, be adopted and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the Report was ADOPrED. M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins stated that Booklets containing the pre-printed reports of the Standing and Special Committees had been distributed on Monday, September 24, 1989. M.W. Jenkins asked that Committee Chairmen present any supplemental reports at that time.
Report of Com.m.ittees REPORT OF THE APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES COMMITTEE 7b the Grand Lodge AI': & AM. ofMissouri:
Your Committee on Appeals and Grievances reports that no matters were referred to them during the past year. Fraternally submitted, HARRy GERSHENSON, Chairman LLOYD L. SCHAINKER JAMES E. BROWN DANIEL W. IMHOFF
The' Building Supervisory Board submits herewith the decisions and
actions taken by it this past year. Each member of the Board wants to take this opportunity to thank Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins for his confidence in our ability to serve the Grand Lodge in this capacity. I would like to stress to the constituent lodges Section 4.030, paragraph F of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, where reference is made that the proper channels of communication to the Building Supervisory Board is through their DOOM. This will expedite communications greatly. Listed below are decisions made, or pending, by this Board for the year of 1988-89. Polo Lodge No. 232: Approved Polo Lodge Building Association and purchase of new building for Polo Lodge No. 232. Waynesville Lodge No. 375: Letter to Waynesville Lodge No. 375 regarding floor plans - no further correspondence. Westport Lodge No. 340: Answered question about selling old building and relocating. Rosendale Lodge No. 404: Rosendale Lodge No. 404 answered questions as to size and formation of new building. Saline Lodge No. 226: Acknowledged receipt of letter from Dwight Smith, Sec., to RW James E. Graham, DOOM of 48th District, concerning desire to building new building. No further correspondence. Dexter Lodge No. 532: Correspondence answered regarding replacement of roof. Masonic 'Thmple Association of Lexington. Acknowledged their letter to Grand Secretary with reference to purchase of building. Henderson Building Association. Acknowledged copy of Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of Association. Fraternally submitted, K. ROGER PENNEL BRUCE L. SMITH DAVID A WATSON, Chairman
Supplement to Buildinc Supervisory Board Report: Schell City Lodge '448 Received information from R.W. Brother Lawrence M. Cripps to finalize approval for new building. Fraternally submitted, K. ROGER PENNEL BRUCE SMITH DAVID A WATSON,
REPORT OF THE CHARTERED LODGES COMMITTEE To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge AR & AM ofMissouri: Most Worshipful Grand Master, your committee on Chartered Lodges met in the office of the Grand Secretary on August 24, 1989 and wishes to submit the following report after careful consideration of the 473 annual returns which were in the office at that time. Right Worshipful Brother Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., a m~mber of the committee, had to be out of the country on this date. Brother Elmer D. Copeland, Worshipful Master Elect of Freedom Lodge No. 636, was called on at the very last minute to fill this vacancy, which he performed with utmost efficiency. The chairman of this committee is most grateful for his assistance. ~ RETURNS: Once again, the Grand Secretary is waiting for delinquent -returns. The Amendment to Section 10.050 of our by-laws, which took place in 1987, has had some good results. We now have only about 50% as many lodges who cannot get their returns in on time. The twenty-three delinquent lodges were: 100, 127, 135, 143, 204, 205, 239, 262, 284, 311, 356, 358, 396, 398, 411, 430, 433, 485, 491, 533, 590, 593, and 638. ~ LODGES' No new lodges have been formed since the Report on Chartered Lodges was filed last year. CONSOLIDATIONS: Seven lodges have consolidated since the report last year. They are: Helena Lodge .117 at Helena, Missouri, consolidated with Union Star Lodge '124, Union Star, Missouri, on October 3, 1988; Senath Lodge .513 at Senath, Missouri, consolidated with Hornersville Lodge .215 at Hornersville, Missouri on January 2, 1989; Lock Springs Lodge .488 at Lock Springs, Missouri, consolidated with Jamesport Lodge .564 at Jamesport, Missouri on January 2, 1989; Cunningham Lodge 1525 at Sumner, Missouri, consolidated with Mendon Lodge .628 at Mendon, Missouri on February 14, 1989; Craig Lodge #606 at Craig, Missouri, consolidated with Mound City Lodge .294 at Mound City, Missouri on February 28,1989; Moniteau Lodge .295 at Jamestown, Missouri, consolidated with California Lodge .183 at California, Missouri on June 13, 1989; Pilot Knob Lodge 1182 at Richville, Missouri, consolidated with Ingomar Lodge .536 at Willow Springs, Missouri on May 9, 1989. MEMBERSHIP: The 473 lodges reported a membership of 71,181 Master Masons. Seventy-three lodges showed a net increase of 376 in membership. Three hundred sixty-five lodges showed a net loss of 2695 members. Thirty five lodges did not indicate either a gain or loss in membership during the past year. The pathway from the lodge room to the grave yard is well traveled. During the past year 2016 of our brethren have left us to dwell in the Grand Lodge on high. Qur membership in the lodges is getting older. The 473 lodges report 3713 "50 Year Members". SUSPENSIONS: S.N.P.D.: Three hundred fifty two lodges suspended 1801 members for non-payment of dues. Four hundred seventy four Dis-
trict Deputy Grand Master reports indicated there were 187 lodges that did not have a "Delinquent Dues Committee". The committee strongly recommends that the District Deputy Grand Masters discuss this suspension problem with the lodges. This is one area where a concentrated effort should be put by every lodge in order to curb as many suspensions as possible. ~ The 473 lodges report an average dues of $22.48. The smallest amount of dues collected is still $7.50 and the highest is still $60.00. The 474 District Deputy Grand Master reports show that 118 lodges had ex- . penses in excess of their income. Some of these higher costs could be brought about by temple repairs, etc. There were 28 lodges which did not report income or expenses. Two additional lodges did not report their income, and twenty additional lodges did not repor.t their expenses. fEESi All the lodges are conforming to Section 10.010 of Grand Lodge By-Laws by collecting the specified amount of $45.00 and over. ATTENDANCE: Four hundred sixty three lodges report an average attendance of 14.5, one hundred seventy one lodges report 10 or less in attendance. One hundred three lodges report 20 or over in attendance. BY-LAWS; One of the most important items in a lodge is the 1977 edition of The Grand Lodge Constitution and By-Laws with the current upto-date cumulative annual pocket part. The District Deputy Grand Master reports indicated there were 9 lodges which were not in possession of such. Twenty four lodges reported not having a working set of By-Laws for the lodge. Last year the committee recommended that a file be set up in the office of the Grand Secretary and that each lodge furnish a copy of its by-laws to be kept on file. These could be reviewed and if there were any inconsistencies with Grand Lodge Law, they could be amended. During the past year there has been an occasion for the by-laws of a temple ass0ciation to be reviewed. This may be something that should be filed in the office of the Grand Secretary. Each temple association has a copy on file. Any amendments to any of these by-laws would have to be approved, and filed in this file. In case any lodge or temple association by-laws should be destroyed, there would be a copy on file for reference and a sample to construct a new set. ERRORS QN ANNUAL REPORTS: This is a problem that plagues the Grand Secretary and his staff to no end. Rt. Wor. Bro. Alexander, our Grand Secretary, sends complete instructions along with the forms for the Annual Report. The instructions are very simple to follow, and if the secretaries would just take the time, many errors could be eliminated. Many reports have to be sent back to the lodge secretary for corrections to be made. This causes much delay in processing the reports in the office as well as it is an added expense. PleaSe be more careful in the future. SUMMARY: It is regrettable that the report of the Committee on Chartered Lodges cannot be more good news. We, as members of the fraternity, are aware of the many problems that confront us in our lodges. Freemasonry has not changed in the last 200 years, it is we the members who have changed and drifted away from the standards and teachings of our beloved fraternity. The only one factor we cannot govern is the passing of our brethren to the celestial lodge above. There are 80 many things that
96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 we can do as individuals and enjoy the brotherhood of Freemasonry as it should be. As you路read this report, resolve that you are going to do all in your power to help correct some of our problems and once again our fraternity willshine as a beacon light to the world. Most Worshipful Grand Master, your committee appreciates the opportunity of serving you and this Grand Lodge. We also want to extend sincere thanks to Rt. Wor. Bro. Terry C. Alexander, our moat competent Grand Secretary. He is doing an excellent job as Grand Secretary. We also want to thank the fine office staff that work in that office. Those ladies are most efficient, and their assistance to this committee is appreciated so very much. All of this together makes the duties of this committee most pleasant. Fraternally Submitted, WILFRED G. SoUTIEA, Ja. WILBUR M. DAUGHTREY DoNALD W. BRIDEGAN NEAL J. DoNALDSON GERALD W. BURNWORTH, Chairman
1b the Grand Lodge AR & AM. ofMissouri: Section 5.150 Correspondence. The Committee on Correspondence makes a concise report on the general condition ofFreemasonry.
In all jurisdictions within the United States any discussion concerning the State of the Craft begins with membership. Every year the Masonic Service Association col1ects membership data from various jurisdictions. The result of the 1987 compilation is as follows: (1988 membership totals were not available from the Masonic Service Association at the date of this printing.)
MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION 8120 Fenton Street Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-4785 MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS路 UNITED STATES GRAND LODGES路 1987 1985 1986 Net Gain Or Loss Members Members 1,290 59,752 58,462 Alabama 26 1,980 Alaska 2,006 255 Arizona 15,672 15,417 1,448 41,517 40,069 Arkansas 5,059 169,735 164,676 California (Inc. HI) 475 29,508 29,033 Colorado 755 29,489 28,734 Connecticut 175 8,142 7,967 Delaware
1989 GRAND LOOOE OF MISSOURI District of Columbia 8,535 8,120 Florida 80,209 78,223 Georgia 84,765 83,428 Idaho 9,738 9,410 TIlinois 132,105 127,659 Indiana 131,065 127,618 Iowa 51,820 49,882 Kansas 59,156 56,959 Kentucky 87,599 84,000 Louisiana 39,781 38,681 Maine 35,394 34,642 Maryland 35,077 34,549 Massachusetts 78,850 76,472 Michigan 96,611 92,920 Minnesota 39,391 37,958 Mississippi 42,144 40,838 Missouri 80,457 78,163 Montana 13,579 13,149 Nebraska 26,471 25,645 Nevada 7,449 7,317 New Hampshire 12,518 12,318 New Jersey 58,343 56,980 New Mexico 10,620 10,268 New York 130,015 124,737 North Carolina 71,120 70,224 North Dakota 7,213 7,202 Ohio 205,586 200,782 Oklahoma 53,108 51,239 Oregon 25,043 24,167 Pennsylvania 190,361 187,369 Puerto Rico *4,200 4,200 Rhode Island **9,818 9.,818 South Carolina 70,104 69,060 South Dakota 11,337 10,943 Tennessee 90,346 88,659 Texas 196,373 191,694 Utah 4,037 3,883 Vermont 11,633 11,358 Virginia 62,615 61,356 Washington 38,454 37,143 West Virginia 38,405 37,482 Wisconsin 32,935 31,721 Wyoming 9,517 9,228
*1986 Figure **1986 Figure should have been 10,071
97 415 1,986 1,337 328 4,446 3,447 1,938 2,197 3,599 1,100 752 528 2,378 3,691 1,433 1,306 2,294 430 1,096 132 200 1,363 352 5,278 896 11 4,804 1,869 876 2,992
253 1,004 394 1,687 4,679 154 275 1,259 1,311 923 1,214 289 26
The Masonic Service Association has compiled the following table of totals of Master Masons in the United States Grand Lodges for the fiscal years indicated. These figures are based upon M.S.A. records and do not necessarily correspond exactly with those published by other sources.
YEAR.. 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941* 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955
U.S. TOTAL 3,077,161 3,157,566 3,218,375 3,267,241 3,295,872 3,295,125 3,279,778 3,216,307 3,069,645 2,901,758 2,760,451 2,659,218 2,591,309 2,549,772 2,514,595 2,482,291 2,457,263 2,451,301 2,478,892 2,561,844 2,719,607 2,896,343 3,097,713 3,281,371 3,426,155 3,545,757 3,644,634 3,726,744 3,808,364 3,893,530 3,964,118 4,009,925
1955 1956 1957 1958 **1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
U.S. TOTAL 4,009,925 4,053,323 4,085,676 4,099,928 4,103,161 4,099,219 4,086,499 4,063,563 4,034,020 4,005,605 3,987,690 3,948,193 3.910.509 3,868,854 3,817,846 3,763,213 3,718,718 3,661,507 3,611,448 3,561,767 3,512,628 3,470,980 3,418,844 3,360,409 3,304,334 3,251,528 3,188,175 3,121,746 3,060,242 2,992,389 2,914,421 2,839,962
NOTES: * Indicates lowest point ** Indicates highest point As indicated above, Masonic membership in the United States is quickly approaching the lowest point since 1941. M.~ Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins of Missouri, realizing that loss of membership is an important concern, began an ambitious project. Each Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft who had not completed their Mason-
1989 GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI 99 ic education during the last ten years was contacted by letter. They were told of the charitable work of Freemasonry and invited to complete their education. They were asked to return an enclosed response to the Grand Secretary's office. Grand Lodge records contained approximately 4,500 Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts over the past ten years that had not advanced. A list of names was sent to lodge secretaries in order to obtain current addresses. Not all lodges responded, but eventually approximately 2,500 letters were mailed. . Two weeks after the initial mailing, 47 were returned because of incorrect addresses, 64 positive responses and 24 negative responses were received. The comments received were mostly apologetic from those wishing to continue. Most expressed an eager anticipation to renew their Masonic education. One positive response came from Brother Phillip D. Johnson of Pacific, Missouri. He stated, "My problem is working night shift and having a person to study with." Brother Stephen C. Yocom of Pleasant Hope, Missouri, stated, "My occupation is such that I am gone from home a great deal of the time. It would be possible for me to meet with a coach a night or two and then it may be two months before I can get back. I am not good on rote memory." Brother Arlie E. Watson of Fordland, Missouri responded, "Having to study (memorize) material is my reason for not continuing. I was befriended by a Mason in 1.blsa, Oklahoma. I wanted to become a Mason to repay or befriend someone else is my reason for wanting to belong to this fine organization. I will be 69 years old next month and my memory does not allow me to memorize" and remember as is necessary to complete the required Masonic education!!!" Brother Daniel S. Gallion of High Ridge, Mo. wrote, ''When inquiring about where I might receive teaching, I didn't get a lot of cooperation." Many of the negative responses indicated other activities were more important at this time but that they would consider continuing their Masonic education in the future. Brother Marion J. Kellogg of Webb City, Missouri wrote, "My church does not allow its members to be Masons. So, I do not wish to continue." Brother Stephen Hensly of Seymour, Missouri states, "My work schedule does not allow me to attend meetings. Thanks for your concern." Brother Halsey Tichenor of St. Charles, Missouri responded, "The ritual was not to my liking. The "Brothers" were most unhelpful." Brother Clifford Dillon of Warrenton, Missouri stated, "I wanted to be involved in an organization that was active in the preservation of a strong separation of church and state. I was told that the Masonic Order is not active in that direction." Brother Gene B. Bierschwal of Cape Girardeau, Mo. wrote, "I think you have an outstanding organization. I was very disappointed in the attendance at the meetings; sometimes barely enough to meet. Everyone seemed to go through the steps required and then pay their dues and attend occasional meetings. For me there is more to life than just giving sums of money to disasters. Fellowship is also very important and I don't
100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 see that in the Masonic organization. I do not see how the Masonic organization can survive if the present attendance trend continues 'and programs instituted that cause people to want to attend." ' I believe the general condition of Freemasonry may be discerned from these responses. First, I see a problem with the decline of Fellowship in our Lodges. Many lodges that I have attended have members eagerly awaiting for an opportune time to leave. The meetings are very boring with little to interest the members except the opening and closing ritual. Where is the fellowship? In order to develop fellowship, the Grand Master of Mississippi has encouraged the lodges of his jurisdiction to become involved in community affairs. He has stated that the sponsorship of a Boy Scout Troop is a laudable project and has promoted this type of project in numerous speeches before Masonic organization. "Building a Scout hut on lodge property reveals to the community the interest and dedication of the fraternity." Projects such as this would develop the fellowship that many members are seeking. In a June 14, 1989 publication for the Grand Lodge of England it is written, "Once a candidate becomes a Mason we want to keep him, so he must be encouraged. This applies to candidates of any age, but particularly to the young, who may be distracted by work or families and find it difficult to give enough time to their lodge. If they can see a clear path to office and eventually the chair (if they want it), and a learning curve which is not too dauntingly steep, then they are more likely to become enthusiastic Masons and to contribute to their lodge and to the Craft generally." From the above statement one may assume that the Grand Lodge of England believes that stringent requirement to memorize the ritual would be a steep learning curve. Many use the excuse for not completing the Degrees or becoming inactive on the requirements to memorize the ritual. It is no doubt the Ritual is an important element which contributes to the condition of this Fraternity. Religion i. certainly a factor which affects the condition of Freemasonry. The Grand Lodge of Western Australia has sought to counter the negative attacks in the press, radio and television, with a pamphlet entitled "Freemasonry and Religion". This subject was a part of the address of the Grand Master of Western Australia. FREEMASONRY AND RELIGION "As members of Grand Lodge are aware we have again experienced in
recent time, criticism of our Craft by some religious leaders who have alleged that Freemasonry and the Christian faith are incompatible. I was grateful that the opportunity was afforded to me to attempt to rebut these allegations in the press and on radio. These continued attacks on our craft demonstrate the need for every Freemason to clearly recognize and as opportunity arises, to make clear to others that Freemasonry is neither a religion nor a substitute for religion. Every member should have in his possession a copy of the pamphlet "Freemasonry and Religion" which was commissioned by my predecessor M.W. Bro. GA. Shea and copies which are available from the Grand Sec-
1989 GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI 101 retary's office. I commend to you all, the following extracts from that publication: "Freemasonry exhorts its members to worship their creator in the proper place, namely the church or temple of their own particular faith. Those Freemasons who excuse their own shortcomings with respect to the neglect of their own church or place of worship by claiming they have no need of them because they attend their lodge are doing a grievous amount of harm to the Institution they profess to support." I appeal to all my brethren to do all they can to ensure that their words and actions do not give cause for legitimate complaint by religious leaders. On the positive side I have been encouraged by the support given by brethren to Services of Thanksgiving organized both by this Grand Lodge and by local lodges. I commend the suggestion that all lodges consider in association with their local clergy organizing an annual service and would be pleased to attend such services whenever possible. This is one practical way in which we can build good will between the Church and Freemasonry. Should any of our members or their families wish to discuss with me the relationship of Freemasonry and Religion, this can be arranged by contacting the Grand Secretary." Many of the religious objectives to our Fraternity have centered around the penalties contained in the obligations of the Degrees. The Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia proposed to remove the ancient penalties. ''Explanatory Note: To remove and replace the ancient penalties in the obligation and adjust other portions of the ritual to agree. The motion was seconded by Br. R.H. Finnie. Bro. MacLellan moved an amendment to his main motion as follows: "That after 'so help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same the W.M. Says, "In former times the ancient and traditional penalty was that of having the t~-a- etc. (in the first degree, or the I-b-tetc. in the second degree, or the b-s-i-t-etc. in the third degree) should the Brother ever violate the obligation which you have just taken.' "The W.M. then says, 'In testimony of your sincerity....' and continues." Paragraphs 6 and 7 remain, then add paragraph 8: "That on page 61, lecture EA. referring to the obligation and lecturer says, 'that binding myself under no less a penalty than that of being branded as a willfully perjured individual.''' The motion to amend was seconded by Bro. J. Moody. Several of the brethren present spoke on the main motion and the amendment which was considered in conjunction with Notice of Motion No. IX. The motion to amend was defeated. On a call for the question by the Grand Master the main motion was defeated." The question continually is asked by members and non-members alike - "What is Freemasonry?" The Grand Master of Saskatchewan in his address sought to define Freemasonry.
102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 "As we enter the next decade in a changing world, I think it is fundamental that Freemasons everywhere have a sound appreciation of the principles of Freemasonry. Let it be said that Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values, that its members are taught its precepts by a series of ritual dramas which follow ancient forms and use Stone Masons' customs and tools as allegorical guides. Let us be very clear in pointing out that Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Its essential qualifications open it to men of many religions and it expects them to continue to follow their own faith. It does not allow religion to be discussed at its meetings and that the essential qualification for admission and continual is the belief in a Supreme Being, and membership is open to men of any race or religion who can fulfill these essential qualifications and are of good repute.
TIlE THREE GREAT PRINCIPLES I think the world at large should know that from time immemorial Masons have followed three great principles: Brotherly Love - Every true Mason will show tolerance and respect 'for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures. Relief - Freemasons are taught to practice Charity and to care, not only for their own but for the community as a whole, both by charitable giving and voluntary works and works as individuals. Truth - Masons strive for truth, requiring high moral standards and aiming to achieve them in their own life, charities from time immemorial, Freemasonry has always extended a helping hand to care for orphans, the sick and the aged, and this work continues today. SECRECY
Let us be clear and concise in explaining the secrets of Freemasonry. Let us explain with clarity that the secrets of Freemasonry are concerned with its traditional modes of recognition, that it is not a secret society. Since all members are free to acknowledge their membership and will do so in response to inquiries, that its constitution and rules are available to the public and there is no secret about its aims and principles. CONCLUSION 'Ib the Masons of this jurisdiction I extend a warm and grateful thank you for allowing me to serve in the capacity of Grand Master. Ours is a gentle craft. Its principles and good deeds have been a force for good throughout the free world, and it will meet the challenges of the next decade and the 21st century if we are seen carrying out its principles and precepts in the respective communities in which we live. Some years ago I was Intrigued by the words inscribed on the cornerstone--on the Masonic 'Thmple in 'Regina. The words are: "Who dreams shall live." I thought it would be interesting to research and try to find where the
1989 GRAND LOOOE OF MISSOURI 103 words came from and one day, quite accidentally, I came upon the poem written by Da.~a Burnet. The poem exemplifies a Masonic dream."
The Grand Lodge of Ireland has circulated and reviewed replies from the following resolution:
RESOLUTION OF THE METROPOLITAN BOARD In December, 1987 Grand Lodge approves a Resolution coming forward from the Metropolitan Board of General Purposes and recommended by the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes, that the Grand Lodge: 1. take steps to reach out to the community and shed the Order's label of "secret", "Sectarian" and "inward looking"; 2. review the mechanics of recruitment, taking a more practical approach, but without compromising suitability; 3. develop a more participative style aimed at the involvement of more younger Brethren with a view to their being placed, if suitable, into some of the leadership positions; 4. review some aspects of ritual with a view to fostering a wider appeal, and dispelling fears, but without abandoning any of the fundamental principles of Freemasonry; 5. encourage development of the social and cultural side of the Order to include families and invited non-members; should maintain an on-going review and debate at each December 6. Grand Lodge Meeting. The Grand Master directed that the Resolution be circulated to the Provinces for their consideration and comments, an analysis of which would be submitted to Grand Lodge at a later date. The following analysis was presented by the Grand Secretary at the December 1, 1988, Communication of Grand Lodge. Seventeen replies were received, two of which were in vague and general terms so that no analysis of the response could be determined. Of the fifteen more detailed responses, the following summarizes the situation: For Section 1, 13 for, 2 against For Section 2, 12 for, 3 against For Section 3, 13 for, 2 against For Section 4,5 for, 10 against For Section 5, 13 for, 2 against. In other words, there is overwhelming support for Items 1, 2, 3, and 5, whereas Item 4 concerning the ritual has a substantial m~ority in favor of little or no change. It may be added that this would also be the view of the Grand Lodge of Instruction. It may be pointed out that, in fact, many of the ideas incorporated in this Resolution are being, or have already been, implemented. In the case of Section I, the recently inaugurated Grand Master's Festival is a m~or response towards fulfilling this aspiration. Other initiatives in this direction have been the Museum Exhibition in Freemasons' Hall which was opened to the public for the months of June, July, August and September 1988, and which it is intended to open to the public again next year.
104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 There has also been a recent revision of pamphlets for "Candidates" and "Master Masons" which should help to dispel the secrecy myth. In connection with Item 2, several of the respondents indicated that this suggestion had already been adopted and here again, the pamphlet for Candidates is available for issue to suitable persons.路It may be of interest to note that the Grand Secretary has been asked to read a paper at the International Masonic Conference in conjunction with the Centenary of the Grand Lodge of Victoria in Melbourne in March 1989, the title being "The Encouragement of Suitable Men to become Members of the Craft". Concerning Section 3, it is felt that the Grand Master's decision to restrict the tenure of Office of Provincial Grand Masters to ten years and the subsequent Grand Lodge decision to do the same in respect of Grand Representatives; along with a Resolution coming forward from the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes, to the same effect, for all Offices and appointments to Committees etc. in the Craft, must inevitably involve more younger Brethren in leadership positions in the near future. In connection with Section 4, it is unlikely that acceptance would be forthcoming for any major changes in our ritual. In connection with Section 5, it is felt that here again, the Grand Master's Festival goes a long way toward meeting the aspirations in this case and also the initiatives of various Lodges in inviting ladies and even nonMasonic friends to Installation Dinners instead of holding same in the more traditional way. Grand Lodge Law No. 34 was specifically amended in order to cater for such circumstances, to allow for all the usual toasts to be proposed and responded to, though no salutes being given were ladies and non-Masons are present; and no regalia being worn if the Festive Board is being held in public facilities such as hotels, etc.
The Grand Lodge of Louisiana has clarified the "Ancient Landmark'" on which their jurisdiction is established. RESOLUTION NO. 1989-2 WHEREAS, A Landmark is a custom or rule of action that has existed from time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. It's antiquity is its essential element. Some Grand Lodges and Masonic researchers have used 200 years as a required length of time to be classified as a landmark.
WHEREAS, The Landmarks of Freemasonry are unrepealable. The Grand Lodge does not have the authority to enact a Landmark; neither would it have the prerogative to abolish one. WHEREAS, The Landmarks of Masonry are the Lighthouses that have guided the thoughts, actions, and unity of purpose in the Masonic Fraternity from time immemorial. They have been guidelines that helped develop the Masonic philosophy and objectives. They have been a source of knowledge, wisdom, and strength. They have served as a bonding material to bind Lodges and Grand Lodges together in common purpose and in fraterna.llove. WHEREAS, The Landmarks have preserved the uniformity of character and design which constitutes the universality of Grand Lodges throughout the world.
WHEREAS, Masons must preserve the Ancient Customs of the fraternity, their virtue, their standards of life and action, and the teaching by symbols and example. WHEREAS, Landmarks serve as bulwarks, against innov&tion. The fundamentals of Freemasonry must be preserved. THEREFORE, The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. &; A.M., recognizes the following as Landmarks: 1.
Government of Ma80nry The Grand Lodge is the supreme governing body within its territorial jurisdiction. The powers of the Grand Lodge are derived from the Ancient Landmarks, usages and customs of Ma80nry, it has original and exclusive jurisdiction to enact and enforce all laws and regulations for the government of the Craft.
That it is the prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every alJ8embly of the Craft in his jurisdiction, whether grand or subordinate, and to exercise the executive functions of the Grand Lodge during its recess. .
The Necessity of Mason to congregate in Lodges, to have a Master and two Wardens.
No one can be elected Master of a chartered Lodge but a Master Mason who shall have served as a Warden.
That no appeal can be taken to the Lodge from the decision of the Master or Warden occupying the chair in his absence. A Lodge cannot try its Master.
No Lodge can interfere with the busine88 of another Lodge.
The equality of all Masons.
The right of every Mason to appeal to the Grand Lodge, from any decision affecting his status as a Mason.
Membership on the Fraternity: The Grand Lodge recognizes the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual qualifications of a candidate for membership in the Masonic Fraternity, as derived from the Ancient Landmerks. The candidate must receive a clear ballot to qualify for membership.
Reference General Regulations of 1721 "No man can be entered a brother in any particular Lodge, or admitted a member thereof, without the unanimous consent of all the members of the Lodge then present when the candidate is proposed, and their consent is formally asked by the Master." Anderson's Constitutions This Landmark applies to candidates applying for membership in the fraternity and those asking to be "accepted" from other Masonic Lodges.
106 10.
The MaBOnic Insignia During the latter part of the eighteenth century, the Square and Compasses, were united in a certain manner to fonn the recognized insignia of MaBOnry. The Grand Lodge of Louisiana recogniZes this as a Landmark in Masonry. The Square and Compasses, as they appear in the Master Mason Degree, shall be the official insignia of Louisiana Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge recognizes that the letter "C" has been added to the insignia in recent years, not by official action, but by individuals as an expression of love for the Diety. The Grand Lodge would permit this addition to continue, but will not permit other innovations, deletions, or ~!dditions without permission of the Grand L<>dge with the exception of present officers jewels.
11. 12.
"The Book of the Law," square and compasses, are the Great Lights in Freema80nry, and their presence in an open L<>dge is indispensable. . The white lambskin apron is the badge of a MaBOn.
The legend of the Third Degree.
The convenants of a Mason do not conflict with his duty to God, his country, his family, his neighbor, or himself, but are binding upon his conscience and actions.
Penalties described in Masonry are Ancient Symbolic Penalties.
Masons must obey the moral law and government of the country in which they reside.
Secrecy applies to the modes of recognition, certain symbols, the ballot, obligations, signs, pass words, and the forms of initiation. .
A belief in the existence of God, in the immortality of the Soul and a resurrection thereof to future life.
The volume of the Sacred Law, open upon the altar, is an indispensable furnishing of every Lodge while at labor.
The symbolism of the Operative Art.
The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for conferring degrees at irregular times and for opening and holding Lodges (Lodge under dispensation).
That no visitor, unknown to the Brethren present, or to BOrne one of them as a FreemaBOn, can enter a Lodge without r1l'8t passing an examination according to ancient usage. .
Every Master, before closing his L<>dge, must give, or cause to be given, a lecture on Masonry, or a part thereof.
From the Jurisdictions of Saskatchewan, Ireland, and L<>uisiana we have seen attempts to define our Fraternity.
CONCLUSION We have been informed that Fellowship (or lack of it), Religion and Rit-
1989 GRAND LOOCE OF MISSOURI 107 ual are major influences affecting the condition of Freemasonry. I touched on programs from other jurisdictions concerned with these topics. The over-riding influence that affects our Fraternity is "free" time. Most of the negative and the positive responses to the survey of M.W. Jenkins mentioned problems with their work schedule or the time necessary to devote to the memorization of the ritual. What we ask men to do in spending their valuable "free" time has become the gatekeeper to our Fraternity. Some are saying that they are finding the gate closed. Many are walking to the gate and after discovering the requirements, closing the gate themselves and walking away. In 1988 the lodges within our jurisdiction initiated 1,125 but raised only 755. The 1,125 initiated were men that passed through an investigating committee and vote of the lodge. Those that did not continue (350) are responding with comments which express concerns with fellowship, religion, ritual and free time. The general condition of Freemasonry, as I see it, may be summed up with the following: The membership is in a state of severe decline. Those that remain are struggling with the changes necessary for the Fraternity to survive into the 21st Century. There are some notable exceptions to this general condition of the Craft, but this committee is not charged with the discussion of exceptions. Fraternally submitted, C. ALExANDER, Grand Secretary
There were no items of business brought to the Committee this past year. (1988-1990) Fraternally submitted, E. A1..LEN KOHLER, Chairman FREDERICK A. TROXEL, JR. RALPH O. KOLB EDWIN L. SMITH FRANK ~ WILFLEY, JR. STANTON T. BROWN (Ex-OmCIO)
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is not only a national Masonic monument to Brother George Washington, but also serves as an outstanding national showcase of the best that Freemasonry represents. The care and maintenance of a structure such as this requires con-
108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 stant attention. Necessary work that is delayed because of lack of funds only increases in scope and costs. Because of steadily increasing costs, and because the income of the Memorial Association has been reduced due to declining membership (less fees from Initiations) the Association has found it necessary to ask for the support of the Fraternity at large. We have all made our small contribution to the upkeep of the Memorial at the time we came into the Fraternity, and for many years that was adequate. But at this time more is needed. The Fraternity simply cannot afford to let this national symbol deteriorate or disappear. The Association has this year launched a project called "The Cornerstone Campaign". The Cornerstone Campaign is a coordinated effort to increase the Memorial's permanent endowment fund to the level at which the Memorial can be perpetually self-sustaining, and to allow much needed capital improvements. The principal features of the campaign include three distinct on-going phases, which will be introduced over a five-year period, and will culminate on the 200th Anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of our United States Capitol Building by Brother George Washington. It is a large task and will take the concerted effort of the entire membership. Phase One is an effort to solicit a one-time direct contribution of at least five dollars to the Memorial Endowment Fund from every Master Mason. This appeal is directed toward our total membership, and not to Initiates only. This does not replace the Initiates contribution program, but is a one-time appeal to the total membership to bolster the EndowmentFund. Other phases will include a designated gifts program in which those persons who are able may make large gifts either to the endowment fund or to specific improvements, and an inaurance and bequests program. A number of Missouri Lodges, and individual Brethren have already made contributions to this very necessary and worthwhile Cornerstone Campaign, but it needs the support of the entire Fraternity. Your Committee urges each member to participate in this one-time effort by making, at least, a $5.00 contribution. It may be sent to: The Cornerstone Campaign Michael J. McLaughlin, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer 101 Callahan Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22301 Respectfully submitted, FIELDING A. POE, P.G.M. ELVIS A. MOONEY, P.G.M.' J. EDWARD BLINN, ~G.M., Chairman REPORT OF THE GRAND LODGE CHARITY COMMITrEE To the Grand Lodge AR & AM. ofMissouri:
During the Grand Lodge year 1988-1989 two requests were received for assistance from the Grand Lodge Disaster Relief Fund. R.W. Brother Paul Gregory, District Deputy Grand Master of the 55th
1989 GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI 109 Masonic District, reported to the Grand Lodge the devastation of a tornado at Butterfield, Missouri. 1\venty families were severely affected and most had little or no insurance. The Committee approved $2,000.00 and forwarded a check to R.W. Brother Gregory. 1\venty complete sets of pots, pans, plates, glasses and silverware were purchased and distributed to these families. R.W. Brother Gregory reported that all nine lodges in the 55th District made cash contributions in order to aid those in need. R.W. Brother William Brooks, District Deputy Grand Master of the 30th Masonic District, reported to the Grand Lodge that a tornado had struck in St. Charles County. The Committee approved $2,000.00 and a check was forwarded to R.W. Brother Brooks. The funds were used to purchase blankets, pillow cases, towels, sheets and food. These items were distributed to the victims of the tornado. . The Committee recommends continuing support of this fund 80 that in the event of disaster, we shall be in a position to respond quickly and effectively as needs arise. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. JENKINS, Chairman ofCommittee
at Missouri:
Your Committee on the Grand Lodge Office Building, charged with the upkeep and maintenance of the building and grounds, met as needed during this year. AgreementCi were continued for snow removal, and lawn and tree care. Outlets were drilled in order to install the computers. The heating and cooling systems were serviced as needed with minor repairs and adjustments authorized throughout the year. Bids were received on a security and fire alann system. Existing fire extinguishers were updated and serviced. A fluorescent light was installed in the ceiling of the Grand Master's room. The Committee ordered three flag poles in order to display the American, State and Masonic Flags near the Grand Lodge Office. The display should be installed by the time of the 168th Annual Communication. It is the opinion of the Committee that the Grand Lodge Office Building is in good condition with no anticipated problems. BRETHREN:
Respectfully submitted, E. SCHEURICH, Chairman TERRY C. ALEXANDER H. RAy McKENZIE CHARLES
At the One Hundred Sixty-Sixth Annual Communication (September 28 and 29, 1987), your Life Membership Committee submitted a resolution to add Article 22, Perpetual Membership, to the Constitution and ByLaws. This resolution was referred to the Jurisprudence Committee, which indicated a Statement of purpose would need to be added to the resolution Accordingly, the following Statement of Purpose was added to the resolution. State of Purp08e: The purpose of the resolution is to provide a mechanism which would allow any member in good standing to provide for future dues by using interest income from a lump sum payment. The Jurisprudence Committee, at the One Hundred Sixty-Seventh Annual Communication, referred the resolution to the Ways and Means Committee for review. I am pleased to announce the resolution will be ready for your action at this the One Hundred Sixty-Eight Annual Communication. MEMBERSH CHANGES OVER LAST 5 YEARS MEMBERS DEATHS NPD YEAR 1984 85773 2547 1926 '1874 2571 1985 82994 1986 80457 2441 1915 1872 2320 1987 78163 1988 75924 1825 2385路 AVERAGE 2453 1882 AVERAGE LOSS 3429.6 EFFECT OF 4% INFLATION ON DUES 5YRS 1989 DUES
REIN-NPD 1008 946 864
895 815 906
22.20 37.01 51.81
32.87 64.78 76.69
15 25 35
10 20
18.25 30.42 42.58
8.03 16.05 40.14 80.27
6.44 12.89 '32.22 64.43
4.15 8.30 . 20.76 41.52
EXAMPLE - LODGE HAS 100 MEMBERS WITH $25/YEAR DUES 1. DUES INCOME THIS YEAR IS $25 x 100 = $2500 IF 20 LIFE MEMBERS, THEN HAVE $7500 @ 6.67% ======$500.25 ($25 DUES x 15 =$375; $375 x 20 =$75(0) 80 REGULAR MEMBERS @ $25 -------------------------------------$2000.00 2. IN 10 YEARS 80 REGULAR MEMBERS @ $37.01 -------------------------------,--$2960.80
%LOSS 0.040 0.042 0.043 0.042 0.045 0.043 4.30%
20 LIFE MEMBERS (13 LIVING) - - - - - .-----$500.00 SO, 500/13 IS - - -••••••_••_•• ----$38.46 PER LIVING MEMBER
Fraternally submitted, DoNALD TREESE RoNALD BIELBY
GENE M. ZINN, CluJirman
REPORT OF THE LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION COMMl'rfEE 7b the Grand Lodge AR & AM. ofMissouri: BRETHREN: No requests for the organizing of a Lodge Under Dispensation have been received by this Committee since the last Annual Communication of our Grand Lodge. At this time no Lodge is meeting Under Dispensation. The members of the Committee express their appreciation of the honor of being of service to our Grand Lodge.
REPORT OF THE LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMI1uI'EE To the Grand Lodge AR & A.M. ofMissouri: BRETHREN: The Long Range Planning Committee met on Friday, January 13 and Saturday, January 14, 1989 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri. M.W. Grand Master invited the appointed Grand Lodge Officers to attend' this meeting. Seven appointed Officers chose to attend. The purpose of the meeting was to attend a two-day seminar conducted by Lawrence-Leiter and Company, a management consultant firm from Kansas City, Missouri. The results of this seminar are detail~d in the Grand Master's Address (1989).
Fraternally submitted, ROBERT D. JENKINS, GRAND MASTER
Chairman ofthe Committee
REPORT OF THE MASONIC BOARDS OF RELIEF To the Grand Lodge AR & AM. ofMissouri: BRETHREN: The committee has been informed that the Boards of Relief in Joplin and St. Joseph have been disbanded. The following is the report of the St. Louis and St. Louis County Boards of Relief.:
To the Grand Lodge ofAncient Free and kcepted MasonB ofMissouri:
The St. Louis and St. Louis County Masonic Board of Relief held only the Annual and Semi~Annual meetings during the year. At the Meeting held on May 10, 1989 it was regularly moved, seconded and passed that we would have four meetings in the future. One each being held in Jan~ uary, April, July and October. The October meeting would be the Annual Meeting at which time new officers would be elected. During the past year the Board made two monetary donations in cases of distress. A donation was made to the Masonic Home of Missouri and to the Masonic Temple in St. Louis. The Board was called on for six courtesy Masonic Services which were handled in the proper manner. Masonic Funeral Services are becoming a thing of the past. It is noted in our own 61st Masonic District that a number of the members of the Fraternity passed away, yet no Masonic Service Service is held. Why? The requests for wheel chairs, crutches, canes, etc. has not been as many during the past year. We have been able to handle all requests very well with no problem. We herewith submit a complete financial report: ST. WUIS & ST. LOUIS COUNTY MASONIC BOARD OF RELIEF
Statement of Receipts and Disbursements from June 30, 1988 to June 30, 1989 Balance June 30, 1988 Interest Deposit
. . .
$109.24 796.50 905.74 $3257.28
CD Deposits: Commerce Bank 1017-119123 Community Federal '2585 718 Oommunity Federal '2949200 Community Federal '2604649 Savings Bond Series H
. .. .. . .
$5587.22 1264.54 9000.00 1000.00 1000.00 17851.76 $21109.04
DISBURSEMENTS: Aug. 6 .109 Oct. 6 *110 Feb. 6 *111 Feb. 6 *112 Apr. 6 .113 May 13 .114 May 13 .116 May 18 .116 May 18 .117 May 18 .118 May 18 .119 June 22 '120 June 22 '121 June 22 '122
George Wood . G. Burnworth . Grimm & Gorly . G. Burnworth . Mercantile Bank . St. Louis Post. Disp ••••...••• G. Burnworth . Elmer Rohrbach . Katie Wood Fund ...•••••...... Masonic Home . Masonic Temple ......•.......•• Print Shack . VOID . . G. Burnworth
$600.00 16.60 26.43
26.00 10.00 11.20
Safe Deposit
6.00 100.00 600.00 600.00 27.06 26.88 1760.44 $19,368.60
June 30, 1989 Checking account $1606.84
Fraternally submitted, GERALD W. BURNWORTII, Pres. Freedom Lodge No. 636
C. EASTON, VICe-Pres. Forest Park Lodge No. 578
H. MILLER, 7reas. Gardenville Lodge No. 655
The members of the Committee of Masonic Boards of Relief express their appreciation of being allowed to serve on such an important committee. Fraternally submitted, FLOYD WARD, Chairman LoNG. ORR KENNETII
The Committee on Public Relations is pleased to report that in keeping with our main objective of "PUBLIC AWARENESS AND FAVORABLE VISIBILITY WITHIN THE COMMUNITY", sever81 projects were continued during the past year to enhance the public perception of our fraternity, However, due to lack of funding and direction of the Grand Lodge, no new projects were started. The following projects were continued and the summary of each is itemized below: DECALS: A decal, along with an order blank, was made available to every Master Mason registering at the Grand Lodge Session in September 1987, at no charge. Over 1,000 decals were given out in this promotional endeavor.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 At this time: Ilecals sold 5,000 Ilecal inventory 5,OOO The decals remaining in stock are for future sales. However the entire project has been paid in full and the inventory of 5,000 decals will therefore show a profit, from our present "break even" point. The DECAL says it all I'M PROUD TO BE A MISSOURI MASON It is the recommendation of this Committee that this project be continued. LAPEL PINS路 This project surpassed its projection. Over 10,000 pins have been sold, leaving an inventory of approximately 2,000. Therefore it is the recommendation of this Committee that this project be continued. Remember Brethren: "BUY ONE FOR YOURSELF AND ANOTHER ONE FOR A BROTHER". This project turned a profit of over $9,000.00 COMMUNITY ROAD SIGNS: After a slow start, demand for the signs exceeded our supply. The original order of 250 signs was depleted. At that time we changed manufacturers and now all orders are sent to the Grand Lodge in Columbia, Missouri, and shipped direct to the lodge, from the manufacturer. We now have 283 rood signs scattered throughout the State of Missouri. MASONIC INFORMATION TELEPHONE LINE: A Masonic Information Telephone Line was installed in the New Masonic Thmple in St. Louis, Missouri. A Mason can now dial 533-LQGE and receive a message that will inform him which Lodges are meeting on that particular day. The start-up cost of this project was borne by the Lodge of Instructions of the 61st Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. This Committee agreed to pay for the newspaper advertisement for the telephone line over a three month trial period at a cost of $51.00 per month. Due to the large response the Committee voted to cover this cost for an additional year. Since this is a pilot project, the Committee recommends the project be evaluated at the end of the one year period and consideration given to extendin~ it and possibly having identical projects in other areas of the state. SNOWFLAKE: The purpose of this project was to have a mobile unit designed for use in various locations throughout the State of Missouri, such as community affairs, County and State Fairs, etc., to properly present all facets of Masonry and thereby educate the general public as to what Masonry really stands for. With 354 Lodges making contributions, plus an undetermined amount of interest, the total donations fell short of our goal. Several Lodges indicated that they would increase their donations. However, when the Grand Lodge Officers were asked to use Grand Lodge funds to supplement the project, they declined. All donations have been returned to the donors and the project was cancelled. ORGAN DONOR PROJECT: This is a long term project and requires a great deal of patience and "selling" to the membership and should be continued. Also various avenues have been opened to us since the project started and we feel working with the Medical Centers should be pursued. Now that the University of Missouri Medical Center has made headlines with a "heart transplant" they will be even more receptive to working with
1989 GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI 115 us. Research requires addi tional organs regardless of the donors age and the Medical Center is deeply involved in all types of medical research. Presentations have been made by various members of the Committee throughout the State, not only to Masonic Groups, but to Civic Groups and Service Clubs, information distributed, etc. We have made approximately 200 presentations. However, such a program requires steady and consistent follow up. We must impress upon our membership that all parts of the body are needed. When we are dealing with the expiration of a human being, it is a very sobering thought and it requires very careful consideration in each and every presentation. ADOPI-A-HIGHWAY PROORAM= Permission was given by the Grand Master for each individual Lodge to participate in the Adopt-A-Highway Program if they 80 desired. Information on this project was sent to all Lodges. This Committee encourages each Lodge to consider participation in this project. Brethren, let's do a service for our community and blanket the State with signs, informing the public that Missouri Masons are active and interested in their community. 1989 MIDWEST MASONIC PUBLIC RELATIONS CONFERENCE: This report was Written by the Chairman of the Missouri delegation, Most Worshipful Brother P. Vincent Kinkead. The Iowa Grand Lodge Public Relations Committee hosted the second Midwest Masonic Public Relations Conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa July 28, 29 and 30, 1989. Representing Missouri was the Junior Grand Warden, D. Robert Downey and Committee Members: Clay M. Banks, Chairman, Paul M. Elliott, P. Vincent Kinkead, John K. Smith, and James M. Williams. Many new and fresh ideas were presented to inform the non-Mason about the activities and merits of Masonry. These efforts are designed to attract more good men into the Fraternity. A new term is emerging "Internal as well as external Masonic Public Relations". Internal Public Relations goal is to inspire the brother who has not been reached by the ritual or Masonic education efforts to find a place of service in the lodge. Many jurisdictions are making progress in attracting new members. The Wisconsin "Shawno Experiment" seems to be having the most success. In Wisconsin a committee of lodge officers plus four other brothers select those men in the community to be actively solicited. After each degree in lieu of any memorization, the candidate is given a series of three lectures. These lectures include some history, the organization of the lodge and the Grand Lodge, the symbolism of each degree, the affiliated bodies, and the pass, grip and sign along with the review of the obligation. Some time after the third degree each candidate is examined in open lodge: (1) Each must demonstrate the signs and grips.. (2) Each must letter and syllable the pass. (3) Each must reaffirm his acceptance of each tie of the degree's obligation as it is reviewed by the examiner. Enthusiasm was abundant in Cedar Rapids throughout the Confer-
116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 ence. All left the meeting inspired. The 1990 meeting will be in Madison, Wisconsin, July 26, 27 and 28, 1990. It was a revelation to attend the Masonic Midwest Public Relations Conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and discover the giant strides that the Public Relations Committees of our neighboring jurisdictions are making, and the funding and cooperation being given by their Grand Lodges. The Missouri Grand Lodge must decide the extent to which they wish to promote Free Masonry and provide a budget necessary to achieve this goal. The promotion of Free Masonry cannot be measured in dollars and cents. It is the recommendation of this Committee that the Committee on Public Relations, which is a Special Committee, be made a Standing Committee, and after this has been accomplished, pursue the idea of establishing a funding program. In the final analysis by the Chairman, the following is submitted. Although .our current projects may seem to some as of little consequence, each .and every one served a purpose. The Lapel Pins established a suggested visitation program by our Brothers. REMEMBER! "BUY ONE FOR YOURSELF AND ANOTHER FOR A BROTHER". The Community Road Signs made the general public aware (as well as travelling brothers) that we were there and, hopefully, encouraged some to ask what the organization is all about. And, of course, the decals say it all - "I'M PROUD TO BE A MISSOURI MASON" and again our members become more visible within their community. A final suggestion from the present members of this Committee, we deem it very appropriate and request the Grand Lodge to honor R.W. Brother Linton W. Kneemiller, former Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, for the long hours and hard work he performed for the benefit of this Committee and the Grand Lodge in general. Respectfully submitted, CLAY BANKS, Chairman MEMBERS
REPORT OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS COMMITrEE 'Ib the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Missouri: While the concerns and comments of our brotherhood regarding public education remain unchanged from year to year, there are now two distinct threats to our brotherhood which are a cause for alarm.
(1) Our rule and guide of our faith and practice has admonished
us to beware of false prophets. There is at present a television commercial that, for probably mercenary reasons, allows us to buy for $100 tapes which argue that one cannot be both a practicing Judeo Christian and a Mason. The commercial goes so far as to accuse the Masons of using a word apparently related to Paganism. (2) There has been a marked decrease in the membership of our Masonic lodges in Missouri. It is clear that the future success of Masonry in Missouri rests on the shoulders of our youth attending public schools. Last year Hugh Wamble and Wal ter Ploeser eloquently reminded us that a 1963 Supreme Court hearing ruled that public schools cannot teach religion but may teach abmll religion. Robert Hannon, 33째, Grand Master of DeMolay International, wrote an article for ~ ~ ~ entitled "Gardening and DeMolay". Among his observations was this discernment: "....If you are concerned about membership in your Lodge and if you are concerned about the leadership of your community and our Country, then start paying attention to the young men in your community. Let us start teaching them the values that we care so much about. Let us teach them by our example the meaning. of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. Let us snow them what we mean when we say that our word is as good as our bond. It is important arid it is not being done." Sir Knight Oliver Montgomery penned these words in the February 1989 ~ Templar article "Invest in the Future." "....We must invest now in young people for they will be the ones to carry forth our working tools after we have gone to our final reward. By reaching out to this nation's young people and giving them the guiding hand they need, we give to them important principles upon which they can base their lives and build for the future." The aforementioned declining membership in lodges should not only cause grave concern, but should also strengthen our resolve to foster youth organizations affiliated with our Masonic family thereby reinforcing the brotherhood of humankind through the Fatherhood of God. Religion can indeed play a role in public schools. Madalyn Murry (O'Hair) had a Pyrrhic victory in the school prayer case; government-sponsored, government-directed or government-supervised prayer may not be conducted in public schools, but this is a decision which does not prohibit personal, individual prayers; conversely, one cannot be forced to pray. One still has that right in this great nation that is indivisible under God.
118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 One of the early lessons we learned as entered apprentices on the checkered floor was that if Freemasonry can be called religion it is an unfeigned belief in one true and living God. Our Masonic family has been blessed with active youth organizations (DeMolay, Job's Daughters, and the Order of Rainbow) who carry on their Masonic interest in adulthood as senior members of these groups and/or as brothers in the lodge or members of Eastern Star. One such group, the Masonic Collegians, was founded on the campus of Northeast Missouri State University this past fall. This organization shows promise ofbecoming national in scope. Chapters are being planned in Kansas and lllinois because of contacts DeMolay members of the Northeast Chapter have with Missouri students attending colleges in these bordering states. Expansion of such fl group should be vertical also. Rotary and Kiwanis have had immense success through Progressive and Builders Clubs, respectively, in junior high schools as well as Ro and Key Clubs, respectively, in senior highs, these being compatible with the equal access principle defined by Congress. 1 What better, tribute to the vision of Brothers Hannon, Montgomery, Ploeser, and Wamble than to spread the cement that unites us into one common mass by vigorously and diligently working for the establishment of such groups in secondary public schools. These groups could not only teach our principles to our youth but enable them to recognize false prophets (along with their unmasonic myths and misconceptions) while becoming active members of our craft when they reach adulthood. As our late brother Senator Everett M. Dirksen, 33째, observed, quoting Victor Hugo, "No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come."
ADDENDUM A lawsuit filed in Federal court in Kansas City, Missouri, on July 14, 1989, seeks tuition grants (vouchers) and transportation costs so children in the public school district can attend private, church-related schools in order to remove the vestiges of segregated public education (Riyarde v. ~ Missouri). This committee will monitor this case.
1 An Equal Access Law Congress adopted provides Public high schools with an open forum which may not exclude student groups on the basis of emphasis or practice of religion.
1b the Grand Lodge AF. & AM. of Missouri: BRETHREN:
The Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges has endeavored to maintain contact with the happenings of Freemasonry around the world. We have reviewed the annual report of the Commission on Information for Recognition for the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. With the valuable assistance ofR.W. Brother 'Thrry C. Alexander, Grand Secretary, we have reviewed various types of correspondence between the Grand Lodge of Missouri and other Grand Lodges. Our Grand Secretary has devoted a great deal of time and effort to updating the exchange of Grand Representatives with other jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions beyond the borders of Missouri are quite slow in answering correspondence, and as a result we do not have representatives in some of the smaller foreign jurisdictions. Some Grand Lodges do not exchange or recognize Grand Representatives. At the present time the office of Grand Representative is purely honorary and symbolic to the brother receiving the appointment.
HAWAll For many years we have been privileged to know and work with a number of brethren in the Hawaiian Islands. Through this relationship we have learned to admire and respect their Masonic integrity. Several years ago we were made aware of a desire on the part of several brethren for their own Grand Lodge. However, there was an element among them that felt more secure under the mantle of protection of the Grand Lodge of California to which they were subordinate. It has been said that, "Freemasonry makes haste slowly:' Such was the case in Hawaii. After many years of preparation, the twelve Lodges there decided to form the Grand Lodge of Hawaii. We have reviewed all of the documents prepared to show that they were qualified to become a regular Grand Lodge. These documents revealed that all of the standards of Recognition required, plus a few more have been adopted. The decision to form a Grand Lodge was made on April 8, 1989, and the fonnal convention to organize the Grand Lodge, and to elect the first corps of Grand Officers was held on May 20, 1989. The Grand Lodge of California installed the Grand Officers on July 1, 1989, and was the first Grand Lodge to accord recognition to the Grand Lodge of Hawaii, F. & AM. The first Grand Master is Most Worshipful Brother William Kamalalawalu McKee, Jr., whom we have known and respected for many years. It is, therefore, without reservation that we recommend the Grand Lodge of Hawaii, F. & AM. be accorded full recognition by the Grand Lodge of Missouri.
In broad general terms the following are generally accepted as the basic standards of recognition: 1. Legitimacy of origin. 2. Exclusive Territorial Sovereignty. 3. Adherence to the Ancient Landmarks. a. Monotheism - an unalterable and continuing belief in God. b. Volume of the Sacred Law as an essential part of the furniture ofa Lodge. c. Prohibition of the discussion of Religion and Politics within the Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Hawaii meets all of the above standards for recognition. (M.W. Brother Bruce H. Hunt motioned that the Grand Lodge of Hawaii be recognized and that the Grand Master of Missouri be authorized to appoint a Grand Representative near Missouri. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge recognition of the Grand Lodge of Hawaii was APPROVED.) NATIONAL GRAND LODGE OF GREECE, A.F. & A.M..
The committee received, through the office of the Grand Secretary, a two page letter and a brochure from the President of the Board of General Purposes, of the National Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. & A.M., Brother C. Sariyanidis, requesting "intervisitation only." He states that the National Grand Lodge of Greece now has some thirty-six Lodges with some 2,500 members. Since the National Grand Lodge of Greece was formed following a schism in 1986 with the Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. & A.M., which is generally recognized by the Grand Lodges in Europe and the United States, including Missouri, we were forced to take a careful look at its credentials. It is the opinion of the committee that since the Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. & A.M. is now recognized by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and has exclusive sovereign jurisdiction in the country of Greece, that we cannot recommend recognition of the National Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. & A.M. It does not have "exclusive territorial sovereignty" over the same jurisdiction, as required in the standards of recognition listed above. ITALY
Last year we reported that the Commission for Information for Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America continued to have certain reservations about the eligibility of the Grand Orient of Italy for recognition. We stated then that we believed this to be a "judgmental finding." On February 21, 1989 the Commission reversed its former findings, and made this report:
"As a result of continued review and concern, we are now of the unanimous opinion that the Grand Orient of Italy meets the standards of this Commission that are required for recognition." We report this action to confirm our previous position that the Gmnd Orient of Italy would work out its problems. Missouri will continue to enjoy good fraternal relations with this Grand Lodge.
Fraternally submitted, BRUCE H. HUNT, Chairman
The Committee on Relief and Charity is composed of three members of the Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors. The committee is appointed under Section 5.090 of the By Laws of the Grand Lodge by the Grand Master and meets monthly at the same location as that of the Masonic Home Board or at the call of the Chairman to consider requests properly submitted to it by a subordinate Lodge for financial assistance and relief to worthy eligible cases. The Gmnd Lodge at its last Annual Communication in Jefferson City, Missouri on September 26 and 27, 1988 budgeted $10,000.00 for the work of the committee and $10,000.00 was appropriated and forwarded to the committee during the year. Following is the report of the financial activities of the Committee from July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989, inclusive. St. Louis Lodge No. 20, A.F. & A.M Cooper Lodge No. 36, A.F. & A.M St. Mark's Lodge No. 93, A.F. & AM Farmington Lodge No. 132, A.F. & A.M Phoenix Lodge No. 136, AF. & A.M Granby Lodge No. 514, A.F. & A.M Gate City Lodge No. 522, A.F. & A.M Harold O. Grauel Lodge No. 672. A.F. & AM Virburnum Lodge No. 676, AF. & AM Total Disbursements Balance in the Bank July 1, 1988 Received from Gmnd Lodge Interested received on account Thtal Checks issued for relief Balance in bank June 30, 1989
400.00 2,400.00 1,600.00 .400.00 750.00 1,200.00 2.000.00 2,000.00 528.00 $11,278.00
$ 6,335.47 10,000.00 163.54 $16,499.01 11,278.00 5,221.01
The report of the auditor verifies the facts of this report.
Respectfully submi tted, , STEPHEN B. GIVENS, Secretary- Treasurer D. ROBERT DoWNEY, Chairman DR. THOMAS H. HODGES
FRANK AMES ARNOLD August 8, 1989 Laventhol & Horwath Ten Broadway, Suite 1000 St. Louis, Missouri 63102 GENTLEMEN: In connection with your audit of the financial statements (cash basis) of Relief and Charity Committee of the Grand Lodge, AF. & AM., as of June 30, 1989 and for the year then ended for the purpose of expressing that, in your opinion, the financial statemen ts present fairly, in all material respects, the amounts and fund balance arising from cash transactions and the revenue collected and expenses paid and changes in cash balance of Relief and Charity Committee of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. in conformity with the cash basis of accounting, which is a comprehensive basis other than generally accepted accounting principles, we confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the following representations made to you during your audit. 1. We are responsible for the fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with the basis of accounting described above.
2. We have made available to you all: a. Financial records and related data. b. Minutes of stockholders, directors, and committees of directors meetings, or summaries of actions at recent meetings for which minutes have not yet been prepared. 3. There have been no irregularities involving management or employees who have significant roles in the system or internal accounting control or irregularities involving other employees that could have a material effect on the financial statements. 4. We have no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets and liabilities. 5. There are no oral agreements or guarantees. 6. The following have been properly recorded or disclosed in the financial statements: a. Related party transactions and related amounts receivable or payable. b. Arrangements, either written or oral, with financial institutions involving compensating balances or other arrangements involving restrictions on cash balances and line-of-credit, guar-
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI antees or similar arrangements.
7. There have been no: a. Violations or possible violations of law or regulations whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements or as a basis for recording a loss contingency. b. Other material liabilities or gain or l08S contingencies that are required to be accrued or disclosed by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.5. c. Communications from regulatory agencies concerning noncompliance with, or deficiencies in, financial reporting practices that could have a material effect on the financial statements. 8. There are no unasserted claims or assessments that our lawyer has advised us are probable of assertion and must be disclosed in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.5. 9. There are no material transactions that have not been properly the accounting records underlying the financial statements.
r~c路:>rded in
10. We have satisfactory title to all owned assets; there are no liens or encumbrances on these assets,' nor has any asset been pledged. 11. No events have occurred subsequent to the balance sheet date that would require adjustment to, or disclosure in, the financial statements. Very truly yours, B. GIVENS Secretary / 'J}-easurer
REPORT OF THE RITUAL COMMI'I*I'EE To the Grand Lodge A.R & A.M. ofMissouri: BRETHREN
Herewith we submit our annual report as your Committee on RituaL Your Committee met at the Grand Lodge office in Columbia on May 6, 1989 with all members present. The Committee recommends that the proposal to amend Section 15.050 of the By-Laws be disapproved; and that the proficiency requirement remain as it js now, with the lodge determining after examination in open lodge, by majority vote of the lodge by show of hands. Your Committee recommends that the proposal to amend Section 15.020 be disapproved but recommends that the Statement be read just prior to the beginning of the Second Section of the third degree; with the exception that the first paragraph be deleted, since the last sentence states the penalty.
124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1989 A written request was received asking for a statement for the introduction of a D.D.G.M. and D.D.G.L. of the 61st Masonic District. The statement is as follows: "It gives me pleasure to present R.W. Bro. D.D.G.M., Division 'A' of the 61st Masonic District of Missouri."
Several points of ritual were discussed and agreed upon. After the close of the Committee meeting, the Committee members served as judges for the statewide finals in the Round Robin Contest. The Committee members have been kept busy handling the matters dealing with the Certificate plans. We wish to express our appreciation to R.~ Bro. 'Thrry C. Alexander and his office staff for their valuable assistance in handling the detailed work which goes through the Grand Lodge Office with regard to the Certificate plans. The list of names of the brethren who have received Certificates this past year in Subdivisions I, II, and III will be listed in the proceedings as a part of this report. Fraternally submitted, RONNIE L. HOUSE DALE A. LUDWIG DR.J. EDWARD BUNN, P.G.M. MARVIN G. SHULL DENNIS L. HAMMACK STANTON T. BROWN, Chairman CERTIFICATES AND CARDS FOR RITUAL PROFICIENCY Subdivision I - Originals 6219 Jeffrey D. Esely, Savannah Lodge
No. 71
6220 Ray H. Werner, Weston Lodge No. 53 6221 Paul Magnin, Mansfield Lodge No. 543 6222 Steven A. Lawrence, East Gate Lodge No. 630 6223 William C. Brady, Weston Lodge No. 53 6224 Kenneth R. Rogers, Jefferson Lodge No. 43 6225 Kirk J. Cummins, Liberty Lodge No. 31 6226 Kenneth M. Williams, Summit Lodge No. 263 6227 Walter D. Gilbert, Freedom Lodge No. 636 6228 Neal J. Donaldson, Freedom Lodge No. 636 6229 John A. Coles, Friend Lodge No. 352
6230 William L. Poush, Lodge of Light No. 257 6231 Dennis R. Owens, Monticello Lodge No. 58 6232 Emmit Williams, Trilumina Lodge No. 205 6233 Erman C. Jay, Joplin Lodge No. 335 6234 Ira L. Harris, Bridgeton Lodge No. 80 6235 Columbus P. Duncan, Lambskin Lodge No. 460 6236 Morris F. Coburn, Grandview Lodge No. 618 6237 Theron L. Caldwell, Galena Lodge No. 515 6238 Brent S. Mattox, Twilight Lodge No. 114 6239 Theodore D. McGrath, Valley Park Lodge No. 629 6240 Vernon W. Kemper, Meramec Lodge No. 313 6241 Charles Truelove, Twilight Lodge No. 114
6242 Joseph B. Corbin, Raytown Lodge No. 391 * 6243 Ronald L. Crites, Lambskin Lodge No. 460 6244 Robert L. Bertoncin, Rising Sun Lodge No. 13 6245 Jim Blankenship, Twilight Lodge No. 114 6246 Marcus A. Hirsch, lIT, Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 642 6247 Vincent J. Sciara, Raytown Lodge No. 391 6248 Jessie J. Kyees, Raytown Lodge No. 391 6249 Louis D. Cash, Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209 6250 Tony L. Gordon, Fraternal Lodge No. 363 6251 Mark Schulzinger, United Lodge No.5 6262 William J. Sherman, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 6253 Vernon C. Chalfant, Cass Lodge No. 147 6254 Larry R. Moss, Alpha Lodge No. 659 Subdivision I • First Renewals A2962 John D. Zion, Swope Park Lodge No. 617 A2963 Dan E. Ream, Mansfield Lodge No. 543 A2964 John L. House, Mansfield Lodge No. 543 A2965 Elmer D. Copeland, Freedom Lodge No. 636 A2966 Elliott W. Harris, Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 A2967 Herbert Cooper, Jr., Ingomar Lodge No. 536 A2968 Donald C. Treece, Hiram Lodge No. 362 A2969 Donald J. Kerner, Hiram Lodge No. 362 A2970 James C. Rodger, Belton Lodge No. 450 A2971 P. Monroe Bartley, Mokane Lodge No. 612 A2972 Doyle Edwards, Rolla Lodge No. 213 A2973 Robert L. Sargent, Mt. Zion Lodge No. 327 A2974 GlennW. Groves, Ingomar Lodge No. 536 A2975 Pete Elliott, Twilight Lodge No. 114
A2976 Marion W. Dey, Twilight Lodge No. 114 A2977 Gene D. Williams, Grandview Lodge No. 618 A2978 Danny D. Nestleroad, Grandview Lodge No. 618 A2979 Charles R. Davis, Galena Lodge No. 515 A2980 Edward M. Delaney, Ferguson Lodge No. 542 A2981 Carles C. Smith, Jr., East Gate Lodge No. 630 A2982 Floyd T. Frommel, Mt. Zion Lodge No. 422 A2984 Billy R. French, Ray Lodge No. 223 A2985 Robert M. Lockmiller, Solomon Lodge No. 271 A2986 Launce B. Mustoe, Edina Lodge No.' 291 A2987 Randy Jennings, Bernie Lodge No. 573 A2988 Larry Letterman, Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 A2989 Jack B. Castor, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 A2990 Kenneth Brundege, Hebron Lodge No. 354 Subdivision I • Second Renewals B1704 Robert O. Smith, East Gate Lodge No. 630 B1705 Ralph L. Johnson, Webster Groves Lodge No. 84 B1706 Daniel F. Cole, Jefferson Lodge No. 43 B1707 Virgil E. Bradley, Clinton Lodge No. 548 B1708 William Hollingsworth, Ingomar Lodge No. 536 B1709 James W. McBath, Alpha Lodge No. 659 Bl710 Albert Lave~barg, Grllndview Lodge No. 618 B1711 Robert L. Hudson, Jefferson Lodge No. 43 Bl712 Edward Dworkin, Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 B1713 Robert J. Richardson, Galena Lodge No. 515 BI714 Thomas P. Baker, Branson Lodge No. 587 BI715 James R. Brown, Skidmore Lodge No. 511 B1716 Rodger Shuster, Brotherhood Lodge No. 269
B1717 Dallas L. Davis, Kennett Lodge No. 68 Bl718 J08eph C. Kirksey, Valley Park Lodge No. 629 Bl719 Ben C. Moore, Jr.,Trenton Lodge No. 111 B1720 John H. Curry, Raytown Lodge No. 391 B1721 Donald D. Tapley, New Hope Lodge No. 199 Subdivision I. Third Renewal C1076 Carl J. Harshaw, Hope Lodge CIon
C1078 C1079 C10BO C1081 C1082 C1083 C1084 C1085 C1086 C1087 ClO88
No. 251 James H. Doran, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 William R. Evans, Richland Lodge No. 385 Jared A. Price, Hebron Lodge No. 354 Harvey J. Wells, Grandview Lodge No. 618 Lewis W. Cowell, Sikeston Lodge No. 310 Lawrence R. Albright, II, Neosho Lodge No. 247 Bill A. Humble, Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209 Victor Chavez,Waynesville Lodge No. 375 Fred A. McMillan, Waynesville Lodge No. 375 Elmer E. Wilson, Dexter Lodge No. 532 George J. Seil, Missouri-Commonwealth Lodge No.1 William E. Gilstrap, Joplin Lodge No. 335 Joe Wilhite, Joplin Lodge No. 335
C1090 Charles E. Tharpe, Richland Lodge No. 385 C1091 William L. Roe, Joplin Lodge No. 335 C1092 William E. Broggi, Blue Springs Lodge No. 337 C1093 Karl R. Brown, Wentzville Lodge No. 46 Subdivision I . Fourth Renewals D719 Gordon E. Hopkins, Charity Lodge No. 331 D720 Robert L. Fry, Weston Lodge No. 53 D721 Elton W. Coulter, Hope Lodge No. 251
D722 D723 D724 D725 D726 D727 D728 D729 D730 D731 D732 D733 D734 D735 D736 D737 D738 D739 D740 D741 D742
Charles E. Harris, Wayne Lodge No. 526 Robert G. Pflug, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 Robert D. Weikal, Sedalia Lodge No. 236 Anthony Redfearn, Freedom Lodge No. 636 Warren E. Carr, Mineral Lodge No. 471 J08eph E. Stevens, St. Francois Lodge No. 234 Howard R. Childress, Branson Lodge No. 587 Jene Kirby, Bloomfield Lodge No. 153 Dorrel L. Plemmons, Iberia Lodge No. 410 James G. Wade, Twilight Lodge No. 114 John H. McVay, Adair Lodge No. 366 James A. Baker, Adair Lodge No. 366 Bobby Ray O'Dell, Friendship Lodge No. 89 Robert M. Barrett, Adair Lodge No. 366 John A. Pace, Carthage Lodge No. 197 James L. Shelton, Bee Hive Lodge No. 393 Robert L. Wright, Columbia Lodge No. 534 Frederick A. Troxel, Jr., Blue Springs Lodge No. 337 Vernon L. Nichols, United Lodge No. 5 Nolen H. Rinne, Linn Lodge No. 326 Herald E. Schaper, Moscow Lodge No. 558
Subdivision I . Fifth Renewals E523 Melvin J. Sanders, Marlborough Lodge No. 569 E524 Marion D. Dummerfield, Waynesville Lodge No. 375 E525 Edgar L. Kneip, Clinton l.<>dge No. 548 E526 Gerald V. Noble, Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 E527 Charles R. Eye, East Gate l.<>dge No. 630 E528 William F. Roszell, Buckner l.<>dge No. 501
1989 E529 E530 E531 E532 E533 E534 E535 E536 E537 E538 E539 E540 E541 E542
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Donald R. Jett, Wentzville Lodge No. 46 Carl B. Rose, St. Joseph Lodge No. 78 Danny E. Rhodes, Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209 Dale C. Motter, Adair Lodge No. 366 Charles M. Benedict, Wellston Lodge No. 613 Lewis Hollingsworth, Fenton Lodge No. 281 Hardee H. Richey, Cowgill Lodge No. 561 John E. Chipman, Fenton Lodge No. 281 Walter E. Nichols, Valley Park Lodge No. 629 Laymon A. Allgood, Harold O. Grauel Lodge No. 672 Lester Workman, Lane's Prairie Lodge No. 531 Burnice L. Johnston, Buckner Lodge No. 501 John E. Reece, Seaman Lodge No. 126 Thomas F. Satterly, Ferguson Lodge No. 542
Subdivision I . Sixth Renewals F355 Edwin L. Smith, Marceline Lodge No. 481 F356 Charles W. Leach, Forest Park Lodge No. 587 F357 Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., Freedom Lodge No. 636 F358 Hubert C. Bollinger, Mystic Tie Lodge No. 221 F359 Gayle D. Bedell, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 F360 Paul K. Kawakami, Heroine Lodge No. 104 F361 John B. Moss, Jefferson Lodge No. 43 Subdivision I • Seventh Renewals G249 Don V. Gunset, St. James Lodge No. 230 G250 Virden L. Daugherty, Alpha Lodge No. 659 G251 Vernon R. Rogers, Rising Sun Lodge No. 13 G252 Denzel L. Kaiser, Alpha Lodge No. 659 G253 Carnell E. Cutbirth, Galena Lodge No. 515
G254 G255 G256 G257 G258 G259 G260 G261
Gerald W. Compton, Brotherhood Lodge No. 269 James R. Floyd, Blue Springs Lodge No. 337 Paul Turner, Solomon Lodge No. 271 James S. West, Gate of the TempIe Lodge No. 422 J. Edward Blinn, Webster Lodge No. 98 Ronald E. Smith, Hartford Lodge No. 171 Norman K. James, Herculaneum Lodge No. 338 Harry D. McPherson, Independence Lodge No. 76
Subdivision I . Eighth Renewals H163 Herbert D. Deweese, Eureka Lodge No. 73 Hl64 Raymond E. Lee, Acacia Lodge No. 602 H165 Harris Maupin, Jr., Hebron Lodge No. 354 H166 George R. Johnson, Liberty Lodge No. 31 H167 Jimmie L. Moreland, Neosho Lodge No. 247 H168 Thomas E. Thurmon, Troy Lodge No. 34 H169 George O. Scobee, Galena Lodge No. 515 H170 Paul W. Kittle, Rolla Lodge No. 213 H171 SamuelM. Morris, Somerset Lodge No. 206 H172 Willard B. McFarland, Hornesville Lodge No. 215 Subdivision I • Ninth Renewals 1113 Claude F. Stephens, Advance Lodge No. 590 1114 Arvid E. Critchfield, Northeast Lodge No. 643 1115 Daniel C. Ray, Howard Lodge No.4 1116 Christopher C. McLemore, Washington Lodge No. 87 Subdivision I . Tenth Renewals J69 Clarence E. Sadler, Sikeston Lodge No. 310 J70 Robert W. Jones, Montgomery Lodge No. 246 J71 Franklin D. Whiting, Galena Lodge No. 515
128 J72 J73
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Roy H. Rude, Howard Lodge No.4 Arthur R. Zellmer, Crescent Hill Lodge No. 368
Subdivision I . Eleventh Renewals A373 K39 Willie R. Koelling, Howard wdge No.4 A374 K40 Eugene E. "Pat" McFarland, A375 Hermon wdge No. 187 Lacey Stapp, Washington Lodge K41 A376 No. 87 Subdivision I . Twelfth Renewals L19 William W. Forrester, Eastgate Lodge No. 630 L20 Stanford M. Burge, Lincoln wdge No. 138
M6 M7
Subdivision I . Thirteenth Renewals Everett L. Ogle, Richland Lodge No. 385 Jesse S. Cass, Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 Subdivision I . Fourteenth Renewals Charles Goodman, Polar Star Lodge No. 79
Subdivision I . Fifteenth Renewals Broce H. Hunt, Adair Lodge No. 01 366
541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549
A377 A378 A379 A380
Lawrence R. Albright Neosho wdge No. 247
Subdivision IT· Part One· First Renewal Melvin L. Hall, Pollock Lodge No. 349 Gregory L. Pyron, Branson Lodge No. 587 John R. Cook, Twilight Lodge No. 114 Robert E. Yorke, Arnold Lodge No. 673 Donald G. Ferrell, Blackwell Lodge No. 535 Richard M. Blowers, Freedom Lodge No. 636 Gregory A. Setser, Fellowship wdge No. 345 Billy R. French, Ray Lodge No. 223
Subdivision IT • Part One • Second Renewals B256 Gary K. Garoutte, Sedalia Lodge No. 235 B257 Forest W. Dugan, Angerona Lodge No. 193 B258 William F. Roszell, Buckner Lodge No. 501 B259 Arthur R. Zellmer, Crescent Hill Lodge No. 368 B260 Richard R. Ferrell, Blackwell wdge No. 535 B261 Clarence M. Wommack, Solomon Lodge No. 271 B262 Albert E. Lavenbarg, Grandview Lodge No. 618 B263 Vernon L. Nichols, United Lodge No. 5
Subdivision n . Part One • Originals Michael F. Armstrong, Rising Sun lodge No. 13 Michael D. Runyon, Samaritan Lodge No. 424 Subdivision n . Charles R. Eye, East Gate Part One • Third renewals wdge No. 630 Ronald L. Crites, Lambskin C187 Anthony A. Redfearn, Freedom Lodge No. 636 Lodge No. 460 Robert E. Plummer, Missouri- Cl88 Kenneth L. Goad, Cecile Daylight Lodge No. 350 Commonwealth Lodge No. 1 William C. Brady, Weston Lodge C189 John B. Sloan, Branson Lodge No. 587 No. 53 Charles C. Smith Jr., East Gate CI90 Duane Eiserman, Branson Lodge No. 587 Lodge No. 630 Marcus A. Hirsch, III, Ben· CI9I Joe I. Willhite, Joplin Lodge No. jamin Franklin Lodge No. 642 335 Vernon W. Kemper, Meramec CI92 Wayne H. Branson, Overland Lodge No. 313 Lodge No. 623
1989 C193
Edgar Kneip, Clinton Lodge No.
Frederick A. Troxel, Jr., Blue Springs Lodge No. 337 Cleo E. Tapscott, East Gate Lodge No. 630
Subdivision II • Part One . Fourth Renewals D141 D142 D143
Donald R. Jett, Wentzville Lodge No. 46 Raymond E. Lee, Acacia Lodge No. 602 Clarence W. Wieland, Rolla Lodge No. 213
Subdivision IT • Part One· Fifth Renewals EllO Victor L. Ford, Raytown Lodge No. 391 E1l1 Gayle D. Bedell, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 E1l2 Arvid Critchfield, Northwest Lodge No. 643
494 495 496
497 Subdivision IT • Part One· Sixth Renewals 498 F70 Don V. Gunset, St. James Lodge No. 230 499 F71 Paul Kawakami, Heroine Lodge No. 104 500
045 046 047 048 049
Subdivision II . Part One· Seventh Renewals Robert H. Stewart, Cuba Lodge No. 312 Stanley E. Massey, Mount Hope Lodge No. 476 Ronald E. Smith, Hartford Lodge No. 171 William V. McCollum, Solomon Lodge No. 271 Clarence Alumbaugh, Buckner Lodge No. 501 John D. Atkins, Rolla Lodge No. 213
Subdivision n . Part One· Eighth Renewals H23 Leo H. Pitts, Hermitage Lodge No. 288 H24 Claude F. Stephens, Advance Lodge No. 590
Subdivision IT • Part One· Ninth Renewals William W. Forrester, East Gate 113 Lodge No. 630
501 502 503 504 505 506
Subdivision IT • Part One· Eleventh Renewals Nathan W. Glazer, Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 642 James W. Dougan, Rosendale Lodge No. 404 (*Should have been reported in 1988 Proceedings) Subdivision IT • Part One • Twelfth Renewals Charles Goodman, Polar Star Lodge No. 79 Subdivision n . Part Two . Originals Rusty M. Ludlam, Corinthian Lodge No. 265 Norman R. Morris, Olive Branch Lodge No. 576 Joseph A. Schenck, Saline Lodge No. 226 Rocky Weaver, Liberty Lodge No. 31 Robert T. Stankey, Lewis & Clark Lodge No. 677 Michael F. Armstrong, Rising Sun Lodge No. 13 Dennis R. Adams, Belton Lodge No. 450 William R. Hale, Meridian Lodge No. 2 Gary L. Benskin, Solomon Lodge No. 271 Jerry R. Rindom, United Lodge No.5 William C. Brady, Weston Lodge No. 53 Ira L. Harris, Bridgeton Lodge No. SO Robert M. Lockmiller, Solomon Lodge No. 271 John E. Chipman, Fenton Lodge No. 281
Subdivision n . Part Two • Firat Renewals A338 Elmer D. Copeland, Freedom Lodge No. 636 A339 Merrain M. Batey, Joachim Lodge No. 164
130 A340 A341 A342
John Cook, Twilight Lodge No. 114 Guy D. Wheelock, Twilight Lodge No. 114 Donald Warfield, Joplin Lodge No. 335
Subdivieion U - Part Two Second Renewala B237 William F. Roszell, Buckner Lodge No. 501 B238 Raymond E. Lee, Acacia Lodge No. 602 B239 Frank L. Lennaman, Lane's Prairie Lodge No. 531 B240 Benny L. Roach, Joplin Lodge No. 335 B241 Albert Lavenbarg, Grandview Lodge No. 618 Subdivision U - Part Two Third Renewal. C178 Anthony A. Redfearn, Freedom Lodge No. 636 C179 Wayne H. Branson, Overland Lodge No. 623 Cl80 William D. Harvey, Gardenville Lodge No. 655 Cl8l James G. Wade, Twilight Lodge No. 114 C182 Edgar Kneip, Clinton Lodge No. 548
Walter Specie, Palestine Lodge No. 241
Subdivision U - Part Two Fourth Renewals DI28 Robert D. Weikal, Sedalia Lodge No. 236 Dl29 James G. Spencer, Grandview Lodge No. 618 DI30 Theodore R. Brown, Freedom Lodge No. 636 Dl31 John E. Reece, Seaman Lodge No. 126 D132 Clarence W. Wieland, Rolla Lodge No. 213 Subdivision U - Part Two â&#x20AC;˘ Fifth Renewala E103 James E. Brown, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 E104 Dale A. Ludwig, Algabil Lodge No. 544 EI05 Don V. Gunset, St.James Lodge No. 230
Melvin J. Sanders, Marlborough Lodge No. 569
Subdiviaion U - Part Two Sixth Renewal8 F68 John D. Atkins, Rolla Lodge No. 213 F69 Paul Kawakami, Heroine Lodge No. 104
G42 G43
G44 G45 G46 G47
Subdivieion U - Part Two Seventh Renewal. Robert H. Stewart, Cuba Lodge No. 312 Stanley E. Massey, Mount Hope Lodge No.476 Leo H. Pitta, Hermitage Lodge No. 288 Ronald E. Smith, Hartford Lodge No. 171 Charles M. Benedict, Wellston Lodge No. 613 Stanton T. Brown, Buckner Lodge No. 501
Subdivision U - Part Two Eighth Renewal. William V. McCollum, Solomon H26 Lodge No. 271 Claude F. Stephens, Advance H27 Lodge No. 590 Subdivision U - Part Two Tenth Renewal. Arthur R. Cullor, Unionville Jll Lodge No. ~10 William W. Forrester, East Gate Jl2 Lodge No. 630
K5 K6
490 491 492 493
Subdivision U - Part Two . Eleventh Renewal. Charles Goodman, Polar Star Lodge No. 79 Nathan Glazer, Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 642 Subdivision U - Part Three Originals John E. Chipman, Valley Park Lodge No. 629 William C. Mauk, Bonhomme Lodge No. 45 Joseph A. Schenck, Saline Lodge No. 226 Michael Armstrong, Rising Sun Lodge No. 13
Daniel R. Quesenberry, Ray- Cl86 Kenneth L. Goad, Cecile Daylight 1.<>dge No. 305 town Lodge No. 391 Jerry P. Knowles, Rolla Lodge C187 James G. Wade, Twilight 1.<>dge 495 No. 213 No. 114 Charles C. Smith. Jr., East Gate Cl88 William L. Lane, Elvins-Ionic 496 1.<>dge No. 630 1.<>dge No. 154 Subdivision D. Part Three. C189 Edgar L. Kneip, Clinton 1.<>dge Fint Renewala No. 548 A338 Francis D. Jett, Fenton 1.<>dge CI90 Walter S. Specie, Palestine No. 281 Lodge No. 241 A339 Albert Lavenbarg, Grandview C191 Randall J. Jones, Mt. Olive Lodge No. 618 Lodge No. 439 A340 Lloyd E. Michaelsen, Morley C192 BennyL. Roach, Joplin Lodge Lodge No. 184 No. 335 A341 John R. Cook, Twilight Lodge Subdivision D • Part Three • No. 114 Fourth Renewals A342 Donald G. Ferrell, Blackwell D139 Raymond E. Lee, Acacia 1.<>dge Lodge No. 535 No. 602 A343 David G. Cotter, Gate of the D140 John E. Reece, Seaman Lodge Temple Lodge No. 422 No. 126 A344 Gerard J. Giammanco, Clifton D141 Clarence W. Wieland, Rolla Heights Lodge No. 520 1.<>dge No. 213 A345 Robert O. Smith, East Gate Lodge No. 630 Subdivision II . Part Three • A346 Vernon L. Nichols, United Fifth Renewals Lodge No. 5 A347 Robert Hardester, Freedom El00 Don V. Gunset, St. James Lodge No. 230 Lodge No. 636 EI01 James E. Brown, Fellowship SubdivisionD· Part Three· Lodge No. 345 Second Renewals EI02 Jo Maurice Fisher, Raytown B246 Donald L. Warfield, Joplin Lodge No. 391 Lodge No. 335 B247 Douglas A. Linville, Compass Subdivision II . Part Three • Lodge No. 120 Sixth Renewals B248 Arthur R. Zellmer, Crescent F67 Clarence L. Alumbaugh, Buckn· Hill 1.<>dge No. 368 er Lodge No. 501 B249 James E. Green, Leadwood Lodge No. 598 Subdivision II • Part Three· B250 Jene D. Kirby, Bloomfield 1.<>dge Seventh Renewals No. 153 Stanton T. Brown, Buckner B251 William F. Roszell, Buckner G62 Lodge No. 501 Lodge No. 501 Robert H. Stewart, Cuba 1.<>dge B252 Robert D. Weikal, Sedalia 043 No. 312 Lodge No. 236 Ronald E. Smith, Hartford B253 James L. Shelton, Bee Hive 044 Lodge No. 171 1.<>dge No. 393 Stanley E. Massey, Mount Hope 045 Lodge No.476 Subdivision D • Part Three • John D. Atkins, Rolla Lodge No. 046 Third Renewals 213 C183 Anthony A. Redfearn, Freedom Lodge No. 636 Subdivision II . Part Three· CI84 James E. Spencer, Grandview Eighth Renewals Lodge No. 618 Claude F. Stephens, Advance C185 Wayne H. Branson, Overland H25 Lodge No. 590 Lodge No. 623 494
Subdivision n . Part Three • Tenth Renewals William W. Forrester, East Gate 446 J9 Lodge No. 630 Morrill S. Sheeks, Progress 447 JI0 Lod~No.657
Ralph O. Kolb, Anchor Lodge No. 443
Subdiviaion n . Part Three • Eleventh Renewals Charles Goodman, Polar Star K5 Lodge No. 79 Nathan W. Glazer, Benjamin K6 Franklin Lodge No. 642 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444
Subdivi.eion m . Originals Victor Chavez, Waynesville Lodge No. 375 J ameli H. Cockerham, Clayton Lodge No. 601 Charles L. Darson, AuroraTheodore Roosevelt Lodge No. 267 James J. Hayes, Bunker Lodge No. 675 Walter D. Gilbert, Freedom Lodge No. 636 William J. Hollingsworth, Ingomor Lodge No. 536 Herbert Cooper, Jr., Ingomar Lodge No. 536 John E. Chipman, Valley Park Lodge No. 629 William McCollum, Solomon Lodge No. 271 Robert M. Barrett, Adair Lodge No. 366 Vernon W. Kemper, Meramec Lodge No. 313 Billy R. French, Ray Lodge No. 223 William R. Feltner, Lewis & Clark Lodge No. 677 David C. Tinsley, Rising Sun Lodge No. 13 Lyle K. Croisant, Eastgate Lodge No. 630 Rusty M. Ludlam, Corinthian Lodge No. 265 Charles C. Smith, Jr., Eastgate Lodge No. 630 -Marvin W. Frost, Carthage Lodge No. 197 Kenneth R. Bundege, Hebron Lodge No. 354
448 449 450 451 452
Richard E. Kenkel, Grandview Lodge No. 618 Larry C. Reynolds, Henderson Lodge No.477 Obid A. Kilgore, Angerona Lodge No. 193 Robert M. Lockmiller, Solomon Lodge No. 271 Gary A. Phillips, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 Gene D. Williams, Grandview Lodge No. 618 Charles D. Truelove, Twilight Lodge No. 114 Robert L. Fry, Weston Lodge No. 53
Subdivision ill . First Renewals AI94 Richard W. Steele, Webb City Lodge No. 512 A195 ponald L. Warfield, Joplin Lodge No. 335 Al96 Merrian M. Batey, Joachim Lodge No. 164 A197 Doyle R. EdwardB, Rolla Lodge No. 213 A198 George Barrios, Cleveland Lodge No. 651 A199 Clarence L. Brown, Belton Lodge No. 450 A200 James W. Stigall, Richmond Lodge No. 57 A201 Gary E. McLallen, Christian Lodge No. 392 A202 Elmer E. Wilson, Dexter Lodge No. 532 A203 Elmer D. Copeland, Freedom Lodge No. 636 A204 David G. Cotter, Gate of the Temple Lodge No. 422 A205 Richard L. Edwards, Westport Lodge No. 340 A206 Elton D. Mathews, Angerona Lodge No. 193 A207 Wayne H. Branson, Overland Lodge No. 623 A208 Michael F. Armstrong, Rising Sun Lodge No. 13 Subdivision m - Second Renewals B100 Frank L. Lennaman, Lane's Prairie Lodge No. 531 BIOI Billie Pollard, Moberly Lodge No. 344 B102 L. Richard PaTton, Edina Lodge No. 291
1989 BI03 B104 B105 B106 B107 B108 B109
Carlton E. Wyatt, Saline wdge No. 226 Gerald D. Shelton, Saline wdge 226 William D. Harvey, Gardenville Lodge No. 655 Walter S. Specie, Palestine Lodge No. 241 William E. Broggi, Blue Springs wdge No. 337 Albert E. Lavenbarg, Grandview wdge No. 618 Jack Amos, Webb City wdge No. 512
C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38
Subdivision ill . Third Renewals Cll Paul K. Kawakami, Heroine Lodge No. 104 C12 W.L. Roe, Joplin Lodge No. 335 C13 Randall J. Jones, Mt. Olive Lodge No. 439 C14 Charles H. Daume, Jr., Excelsior wdge No. 441 C15 Anthony A. Redfearn, Freedom Lodge No. 636 C16 Donald E. Campbell, Compass Lodge No. 120 C17 James E. Brown, Fellowship Lodge No. 345 C18 John D. Atkins, Anchor Lodge No. 443 C19 J. John Shipman, Kennett Lodge No. 68 C20 Jimmie L. Moreland, Neosho Lodge No. 247 C21 Joe D. Masterson, Excelsior Lodge No. 441 C22 Claude Stephens, Advance Lodge No. 590 C23 Delbert Dailey, Moberly wdge No. 344 C24 Dale C. Motter, Adair Lodge No. 366
C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 COO
Charles Goodman, Polar Star Lodge No. 79 Arthur R. Cullor, Unionville Lodge No. 210 Melvin L. Hall, Pollock wdge No. 349 John S. Stillwell, Putnam wdge No. 190 Jene Kirby, Bloomfield Lodge No. 153 Robert C. Foster, Cencer wdge No. 172
C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45
C46 C47 C48
C49 CliO
Benny LeRoy Rf)ach, Joplin wdge No. 335 Clifford N. Talley, Irondale wdge No. 143 Harold J. Richardson, Samaritan Lodge No. 424 James E. Green, Leadwood wdge No. 598 Laymond A. Allgood, Harold O. Grauel Lodge No. 672 Nathan W. Glazer, Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 642 Darrell Kirby, Bloomfield wdge No. 153 Hardee H. Richey, Cowgill wdgeNo.561 William L. Lane, Elvins-Ionic wdge No. 154 Charles M. Benedict, Wellston wdge No. 613 Robert E. Hammond, Webb City Lodge No. 512 Howard L. Atkins, Country Club Lodge No. 656 William A. Gamblian, Vandalia Lodge No. 491 Edgar L. Kneip, Clinton wdge No. 548 Ronald E. Smith, Hartford Lodge No. 171 Duane Eiserman, Branson Lodge No. 587 James E. Spencer, Grandview Lodge No. 618 Robert D. Weikal, Sedalia Lodge No. 236 Arthur R. Zellmer, Crescent Hill Lodge No. 368 Kenneth Goad, East Gate wdge No. 630
REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS R.W. Brother John Wetzel, Chairman, presented an amended report: 1b The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, AR & AM. ofMissouri: BRETHREN:
The Ways and Means Committee met on the following dates: May 13, August 19, and September 25, 1989. The expenditures of all of the accounts were examined and they were found to be in order and were charged to the proper fund. The disbursements for the present budget year were reviewed and we found the following accounts that had been exceeded were: Account '10 The Freemason Magazine '24 Conferences ofD.D.G.M. & D.D.G.L. '26 Auditing '28 Expenses of Grand Lodge '49 Printing the Proceedings '51 Committee on Masonic Education Approval for the excess funds expenditures was obtained as provided by the by-laws. The following budget for the budget year from October 15, 1989 to October 14, 1990 is as follows: BY DffiECT APPROPRIATION OF THE GRAND LODGE Account 'I 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11
Salary - Grand Secretary $29,000.00 Salary - Grand Lecturer 26,000.00 Salary - Grand Treasurer 1,500.00 Retirement Expense 19,000.00 Masonic Service Association - Per Capita 3,600.00 Masonic Service Association Hospital Visitation...................................... 5,000.00 Operating Expenses - Grand Lodge Office Building 8,000.00 Open Account.................................................. -0Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand I..odges.............................................. 100.00 The Freemason Magazine 38,000.00 Grand Lodge Office Building Fund -0-
Expenses - Grand Master Expenses - Grand Lecturer
12,000.00 9,000.00
Expenses. Grand Lodge Officers and Committees 6,000.00 22A Expenses. Deputy Grand Master................. 3,000.00 6,500.00 23 Conferences of Grand Lodge Officers 1,000.00 24 Conference of D.D.G.M. & D.D.G.L. 25 Conferences of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries....................................... 7,000.00 26 Auditing.......................................................... 2,500.00 27 Grand Master's Contingency Fund............... 4,000.00 22,000.00 28 Expense of Grand Lodge 29 Speakers Bureau............................................ 1,500.00 _....................... 11,000.00 30 Area Meetings 22
44 45 46 47 48 49
Salaries· Grand Lodge Office Staff $54,000.00 Employee Tax Expense.................................. 8,000.00 Insurance........................................................ 7,000.00 Operation of Grand Lodge Office: A Printing, Postage, and Stationery 24,000.00 B Thlephone and Thlegraph 6,500.00 16,200.00 C Office Equipment D Office Supplies 3,750.00 E Incidental Office Expense....................... 2,000.00 F Office Improvement................................. 5,000.00 -0G Electronic Data Processing Incidental and Travel Expense • Grand Secretary.......................................... 2,000.00 Grand Master's Regalia................................. 6,000.00 Open .A«ount.................................................. -0. Open .A«ount.................................................. -0Fifty Year Buttons 2;000.00 Printing - Proceedings 13,000.00 REQUISITION BY COMMITrEES
50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57
Committee on Correspondence -0. Committee on Masonic Education Conference 12,000.00 A Midwest Masonic Education Conference -0. B Midwest Public Relations Conference ... -0Ritual.............................................................. 600.00 Relief and Charity 15,000.00 By-1Mlws.......................................................... 4,500.00 75,000.00 Mileage and Per Diem Public Relations 12,000.00 7,000.00 Long Range Planning Expense
136 TCYl'AL
1989 492,650.00
Section 3.100 of the By-Laws 'requires that this report shall include the itemized balance of the General Fund, if any, and the source and amount of income received in the preceding fiscal year which was available for the operation of the Grand Lodge. Those figures are in the Annual Auditor's Report, which is available from the Grand Secretary or members of this committee. The sources of income available for the operation of the Grand Lodge are the interest from investments and a portion of the per capital tax. The estimated revenue for the ensuing year, from those sources, is approximately $537,215.00. Respectfully Submitted; RICHARD W. GoFF WIILIAM J. HILL Ray Hilton Marion W. Luna Paul B. 'Ibbias John Wetzel, Chairman
REPORT OF THE COMMITI'EE ON YOUTH To the Grand Lodge AR and AM. ofMissouri: The Committee on Youth has continued to actively support and promote advancement of Masonry in Missouri through the support of our youth organizations. Again this year the Grand Master's Masonic Youth Award has been one of our primary projects. Numerous young men and women were recommended by their local chapters, bethels, and assemblies, placing our Grand Master in the difficult and unenviable position of narrowing the selections to one from each of the youth organizations. This task was accomplished by the selection of Michelle Rae Smith of Pacific, Missouri from the Order of Rainbow for Girls and the selection of Susan Kay Snavely of Fannington, Missouri from the Order of Job's Daughters. However, our Grand Master surely must have been seeing double when he selected Kenneth and Michael Wilson of Blue Springs Chapter Order of DeMolay as the co-recipients of this honor. (Kenneth and Michael are twin brothers.) Each of the young people recommended to the Grand Master carried impeccable credentials and qualifications. These four young people who received the award are truly representative of the teachings of their respective organizations. Special thanks to R.W. Brother Daniel F. Cole, R. W. Brother Frank A. Arnold, and R.W. Brother Terry C. Alexander for their time and assistance in making the presentations. Additionally this last year has seen the completion of the slide program on Masonry for presentation to DeMolay chapters. The slide program has been presented in several areas around the State and is available upon request. A unique feature to this slide program is that it can be adapted to
specific locations by the change of a few slides. The program is outstanding and this committee heartily recommends that it be seen by as many Lodges and DeMolay chapters as possible. Your Committee considers the opportunity to work with these youth groups and the Grand Lodge a privilege and a joy. For this opportunity we are extremely grateful. These young people are our lifeblood and the chance to impress and to encourage them should never be allowed to go by the wayside. Respectfully submitted, RONZUMALT ROBERT W. COCKERHAM ALBERT L. HOWE RICHARD ~ HOLMES LIONEL J. GoLDE DAVID E. WII~ON, Chairman
M.W. Grand Master Jenkins moved that the pre-printed, amended and supplemental reports of committees be accepted and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. By vote of the Grand Lodge the Reports were ACCEPTED. M.W. Grand Master Jenkins stated that the Reports of the Grand Auditor, Grand Treasurer, Grand Lecturer and Grand Secretary appear in the pre-printed Booklet distributed on Monday, September 25, 1989. M.W. Jenkins asked for presentation of supplemental reports at that time.
Reports of Officers REPORT OF THE AUDITOR 7b the Grand Lodge AR & A.M. ofMissouri:
We have audited the accompanying Balance Sheet of the Grand Lodge at June 30, 1989 and the related statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Grand Lodge officers. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these statements based upon our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards required that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material mistatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As discussed in Note 1, to the financial statements, a provision of depreciation is not provided in the accounts of the Grand Lodge. Purchases of capital equipment including the Grand Lodge building has been charged to expense when acquired.
1989 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 138 In our opinion, except for the effects of unrecorded depreciation as dis路 cussed in the preceding paragraph, the financial statements referred to in the first paragraph present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Grand Lodge at June 30, 1989, and the results of its opera路 tions for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. GRAND LODGE A.F. & A.M. OF MISSOURI BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1989 Current Funds Restricted Assets Unrestricted Total Cash $69,047. $30,092. 99,949. Per Capita Receivable 716. 716. Investments (Market Value ($1,075.498.) 1,071,052. 1,071,052. Land, Buildings & Equipment Note 1) $1,010,954. $1,171,717. $69,763. Liabilities & Fund BalancesAccounts Payable 11,631. 11,631. Fund Balances 58,132. 1,101,954. 1,160,086. $69,763. $1,101,954. $1,171,717. GRAND LODGE A.F. " A.M. OF MISSOURI STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1989 Revenues路 Per Capita Insurance-Net Interest Transfer-Interest -Other Gain on Sale of Assets Contributions Expenses Program Services Management" General Other Excess Revenue or (Expense) Refund Operation Snowflake Beginning Fund Balances Ending Fund Balances
Funds Unrestricted Restricted $624,044. 2,105. 99,091. 7,274 (19,996.) 19,996. (1,0000.) 1,000. 527. 37,719. 652,419. 118,341. 250,976. 415,422. 666,398. (13,979.) (32,906.) 105,017. $58,132.
4,000. 4,849. 8,849. 109,492 992,462. $1,101,954
'lbtal $624,044. 2,105. 106,365.
527. 37,719. 770,760. 254,976. 415,422. 4,849. 675,247. 95,513 (32,906.) 1,097,479. $1,160,086.
GRAND LODGE A.F. & A.M. OF MIs.sOURI STATE OF EXPENSES UNRESTRICTED FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1989 Program ServicesMasonic Home Per Capi ta 1'ax.....•...•...•.•............................•... Masonic Home Initiation Fee .. George Washington Memorial Association .. . D.D.G.M. & D.D.G.L. 'Visits Masonic Service Association . Relief and Charity .. Masonic Education . Management & General Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits & Payroll Taxes Conferences & Meetings Printing & Publications 'rravel - Mileage & Per Diem Postage & Shipping Supplies Equipment & Maintenance wng Range Planning Public Relations Telephone Data Processing Dues Cards Accounting Fees Occupancy Other
. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .
$178,175. 22,420. 5,605. 10,000. 8,563. 10,000. 16,213. 250,976. 110,931. 22,584. 72,552. 41,628. 73,187. 24,070. 11,411. 11,434. 5,000. 4,817. 6,356. 4,940. 6,980. 2,524. 12,823. 4,185. $415,422.
GRAND LODGE A.F. & A.M. OF MISSOURI STATE OF REVENUES & EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1989 General Revenues Contributions $67,500. Interest Gain on Sale of Assets 1,000. Net-Grand Lodge 'rransfer 68,500. Expenses Custodian Fees Amortization O'Fallon Relief
3,306. 44.
Permanent $20,685. 363. (18,800.) 2,248. 880.
Disaster & Relief $32,641. 9,710. 164. 42,515. 619. 2,000.
2,000. 4,619.
Excess Revenue Over 65,150. Expenses Beginning Fund Balances 631,609. $696,759 Ending Fund Balances
1,368. 239,091. $240,459.
37,896. 106,683. $144,579
Butterfield Relief
Endowment $5,078. 1,196. (1,196.) 5,078.
Expenses Custodian Fees Amortization O'Fallon Relief Butterfield Relief
Excess Revenue over Expenses Beginning Fund Balances Ending Fund Balance
Thtal $37,791. 99,091. 527. (18,996.) 118,341.
44. 2,000. 2,000. 8,849. 5,078. 15,079.
109,492. 992,462.
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The financial statements have been prepared on the basis fund accounting. Unrestricted or current funds are assets and revenue available for current operations. Restricted funds are assets to be used for designated purposes. Currently income from the permanent and endowment funds is transferred to the unrestricted funds. Conversely transfers are made to the general fund of excess cash in the unrestricted fund and then transferred back when needed. This net transfer may increase or decrease the general fund. During the current year the general fund received a favorable net transfer of $1,000. The Grand Lodge accounts do not provide for depreciation, and land, building and equipment are expensed as acquired.
1989 2.
Investments are summarized as follows Cost $746,453. 324,599. $1,071,052.
U.S. Government & Agencies Temporary Cash Investments
Market Value $750,899. 324,599. $1,075,498.
The Grand Lodge qualifies as a not for profit corporation under section 501 (C) (10) of the Intemal Revenue Code and is not subject to income tax. Fraternally submitted, RoBERT H. AsBURY
REPORT OF THE GRAND LECTURER To the Grand Lodge AR & AM. ofMissouri: BRETHREN: Herewith is submitted my seventeenth annual report as your Grand Lecturer as required by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. One of the duties of the Grand Lecturer is to make a written report to the Grand Lodge regarding the general condition of the ritualistic work and other matters of interest connected with his office. As a matter of record this report is important for, by it and those presented in the past, we are able to follow the progress of our ritual from year to year. I have held schools of instruction in every district of the state at least once, and in many districts where I felt my services were needed, a second time. The attendance at these meetings, with a few exceptions, has been less than last year, perhaps due to the fact that attendance at these meetings is no longer one of the requirements for receiving the Achievement Award. The condition of the ritualistic work statewide is excellent. Most of the lodges are able to conduct their opening and closing in a good ritualistic manner; there are only a few who can do all of their degree work without outside help. Quite a number can do a very good job with the conferral of the 1st section of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, but are unable to confer the lectures -- and the 2nd section of the 3rd degree without outside help. I know how busy many of us are with activities with our children of school age, with church and community work, but when you apply yourself to the work of learning a lecture or charge you are setting in motion good learning habits, enlarging your vocabulary, expanding horizons of contemplation and thought, adapting concepts set forth in these beautiful lectures to situations which are thrust upon you in the profane world. Not only ar.e you improving the level of proficiency in your lodge, or making a favorable impression upon a candidate or a new brother, but that which is committed to memory becomes a part of you. I would challenge every Worshipful Master who at this time has to go outside of his own lodge to find someone to perform any of the degree work or lectures to challenge someone in his own Lodge to memorize that work needed and thereby improve
the standard of performance of his lodge. "Working Masons" stimulate interest of men outside the lodge and renews enthusiasm of those within. Once again I have been blessed with good health and have been able to make all of my visits as scheduled and have found in all places willing men and deputies who extend themselves beyond the normal to assist in seeing the work perfected in their lodges or districts. My thanks go to all of these brethren for their able assistance; most especially to my corps of deputies who are giving far beyond expectation. Some of the deputies have expressed the desire to be replaced this year and we will be honoring their requests. One who has asked to be replaced as a deputy is R.W. Bro. Ronnie L. House, a member of the Committee on Ritual, and has served as District Deputy Grand Lecturer for 28 years in the 46th Masonic District. I shall certainly miss his presence in that responsible office, as will his brethren in that district and will still call upon him for service and advice as his health permits. Once again I have had the opportunity to attend and take part in the area meetings last October and November. A partial closing on the 2nd and 3rd degrees of Freemasonry was demonstrated with the assistance of the D.D.G.L's. We suggested that this method be used to confer degree work on their regular meeting nights. The demonstration was well received and was evident as I made my visits in the Spring. I want to thank Most Worshipful Bro. Robert D. Jenkins for giving us the time to exemplify this part of our work. The Round Robin competition was held again this Spring, although the numbers have not increased over last year. A total of seven Round Robins were held; in Monroe City, St. Louis, Kansas City, Jefferson City, Chillicothe, Springfield and Sikeston. The winners were Charles Benedict, Elmer Copeland, Frank Roszell, Jim Blankenship, Donald Campbell, David Cotter and John Shipman. These dedicated brethren came to Columbia at the Grand Lodge office on May 6, 1989 and competed again, R.W. Bro. Donald Campbell being declared the state winner. Congratulations to R.W. Bro. Don. The March meeting held at Washington, Missouri for the D.D.G.L.'s was well attended for the 10th consecutive year with an attendance of nearly 100 brethren; by far the most to attend one of the schools this past year. We very much appreciate the use of those lodges who allow us to hold our Sunday meetings therein; those lodges so used are Cameron, Poplar Bluff, Sedalia, Springfield (Gate of the Temple), Monroe City, Chillicothe, St. Joseph (Brotherhood), Washington, Springfield (Masonic York Rite Temple), Wentzville, Sikeston, Rising Sun, and Mexico. For the last seventeen years, I have held the Deputy meetings on Sunday, following the schedule established by my predecessor, R.W. Bro. Freelon K.Hadley, although this meant being absent from my church home for more than half the Sundays of the year. This next year, my plan is to schedule the meetings for Saturday and hope this will be favorable to the majority of those who attend. I appreciate the many invitations extended to me and regret that I was unable to accept a number of them; however, I do feel that my responsibility to the Grand Lodge and the subordinate lodges is in teaching of the rit-
ual and I do not feel I should cancel a school in order to attend those special occasions when my schedule is made more than three months in advance. Thanks for those invitations and perhaps I will be able to attend some of those in the future. lowe a debt of gratitude to the Grand Lodge officers for their support of me and my office, especially to our Grand Master M.W. Bro. Robert D. Jenkins for his support and confidence in appointmenting me as your Grand Lecturer. I have appreciated the warm and close relationship we have had for some eighteen years. 'Ib Bob and Betty, Johnnie and I thank you for your friendship. Thanks to our Grand Secretary, R. W. Bro. Terry Alexander, for his support of me and my office this past year. Things would not go nearly so well without him and his staff in doing the work of our Grand Lodge. It is my wish to give to my brethren, as flawlessly as possible, the wisdom and beauty found within the ritual of our order, and hope and pray that by precept and example, we may continue to give life and meaning to the body of Freemasonry. May the Great Creator of the Universe continue to bless and prosper our efforts to give more light and knowledge to our world. Fraternally submitted, STANTON T. BROWN
Grand Lecturer
REPORT OF GRAND SECRETARY TERRY C. ALEXANDER To the Grand Lodge AR and AM. ofthe State ofMissouri: BRETHREN: In accordance with the law and practices of the Grand Lodge, A.F. and A.M. of Missouri, I submit for the consideration of the members of our Grand Lodge the report of my official acts as Grand Secretary and the work of the Grand Lodge Office Staff for the year 1988 - 1989.
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES: M.W Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins, accepted the recommendations of the respective Grand Masters and Grand Lodges and appointed Grand Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Missouri near other Grand Lodges. The Certificates of Commission were prepared and mailed for presentation to: Grand Lodge of Rio Grande Do Norte (Brazil), Waldisar Queiroga e Silva Grand Lodge of Massachusetts - William Hyson Grand Lodge of New York - Albert Frohlich, Jr. Grand Lodge of Nevada - John R. Brizendine
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES: M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins, honored Master Masons of Missouri Lodges with the recommendation that they be commissioned Grand Representatives of the Grand Lodges near the Grand Lodge of Missouri as follows:
Grand Lodge of Rhode Island路 Marvin Shull (Rising Sun Lodge No. 13) Grand Lodge ofVennont - Jimmie Moreland (Neosho Lodge No. 247) Grand Lodge of Michigan - Edwin Smith (Marceline Lodge No. 481) Grand Lodge of Israel - Martin Thybes (Benjamin Franklin Lodge No~ 642)
CONSOLIDATION AND MERGER OF LODGES East Prairie No. 384 consolidated and merged into Charleston No. 407 at Charleston on July 14, 1988. Helena No. 117 consolidated and merged into Union Star No. 124 at Union Star on October 3, 1988. Senath No. 513 consolidated and merged into Hornersville No. 215 at Hornersville on January 2, 1989. Lock Springs No. 488 consolidated and merged into Jamesport No. 584 at Jamesport on January 2, 1989. Cunningham No. 525 consolidated and merged into Mendon No. 628 at Mendon on February 14,1989. Craig No. 606 consolidated and merged into Mound City No. 294 at Mound City on February 28, 1989. Moniteau No. 295 consolidated and merged into California No. 183 at California on June 13, 1989. DISPENSATIONS 1988 - 1989 September 27, 1988 to D. Pat Faulkner, Worshipful Master of Wellston wdge No. 613, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Installation of Officers on November 6, 1988. September 27, 1988 to Frank Ames Arnold, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Deacon, for opening a Specific Communication at Fayette Lodge No. 47 for the purpose of re-enacting the cornerstone ceremony at the Howard County Courthouse on October 1, 1988. September 28, 1988 to Robert W. Cockerham, Worshipful Master of Clayton Lodge No. 601, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of installation of Officers on October 30,1988. October 4, 1988 to Ron Trent, Worshipful Master of Occidental Lodge No. 163, for holding a Special Communication at the Eastern Star Chapel of the Masonic Home, St. wuis, Missouri. The purpose of the meeting is to confer the Degree of Fellow Craft on a profecient Entered Apprentice of Occidental Lodge. October 5, 1988 to William L. Pauley, Worshipful Master of Jefferson wdge No. 43, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Installation of Officers on October 9, 1988. October 18, 1988 to Lewis D. Cash, Worshipful Master of Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209, for the conferral of the Degrees of Masomy on Delbert D. Davis whose petition was approved by vote of the wdge. The conferral of the Degrees is to be appropriate in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate. and under the personal direction of the Grand lecturer or an appointed Brother Master Mason. Advance notice of the date is to be provided. October 18, 1988 to Rodney F. Alms, Worshipful Master of Forsyth wdge No. 453, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Open Installatic'll of Officers on November 13, 1988. October 19, 1988 to Jeffrey ~ Gault, Worshipful Master of Tuscan Lodge No. 360, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of open Installation of Officers on October 23, 1988.
October 27, 1988 to Clarence L. Alumbaugh, Worshipful Master of Buckner Lodge No. 501, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Installation of Officers on November 27, 1988. November 8, 1988 to Michael Lundeen, Worshipful Master of Grandview Lodge No. 618, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Installation of Officers on December 4, 1988. November 8, 1988 to Bill J. Crawford, Worshipful Master of Grain Valley Lodge No. 644, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose oflnstallation of Officers on December 11, 1988. November 14, 1988 To Dr. J. Edward Blinn, M.W. Past Grand Master, for opening a Specific Communication in the Masonic Temple of Doric Lodge No. 300 for the purpose of presiding over the Ceremony of Dedication for Masonic use of the Lion's Hall of Elkland, Missouri. The site is to be used for Open Installation ofOffioers on November 19, 1988. November 14, 1988 to Leon Nimmo, Worshipful Master of Doric Lodge No. 30, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Open Installation of Officers on November 19, 1988. The ceremony is not to take place until Dedication is conducted by M.W. Past G.M. J. Edward Blinn. November 16, 1988 to James A. Clark, Worshipful Master of Hickory Hill Lodge No. 211, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Open Installation of Officers on December 11, 1988. November 16, 1988 to D. Ray Edwards, Worshipful Master of Rolla Lodge No. 213, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Open Installation of Officers on December 11, 1988. December 1, 1988 to Donald H. VandegrifT, Worshipful Master of Lanes Prairie Lodge No. 531, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Open Installation of Officers on December 18, 1988. December 5, 1988 to Kenneth L. Farmer, Worshipful Master of Sarcoxie Lodge No. 293, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Open Installation of Officers on December 18, 1988. December 16, 1988 to Louis D. Cash, Worshipful Master of Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Installation of Officers on January 8, 1989. January 18,1989 to William L. McClure, Worshipful Master of Beacon Lodge No. 3, for Holding Special Communication in the Eastern Star Chapel of the Masonic Home, St. Louis, Missouri on April 13, 1989. January 20, 1989 to Gerard J. Giammance, Worshipful Master of Clifton Heights Lodge No. 520, for Holding a Special Communication in the Masonic Temple of American Lodge No. 347, St. Louis, Missouri, for the purpose of Installation ofOfficers on June 29, 1989. January 20,1989 to Roy H. Rude, Worshipful Master of Howard Lodge No.4, for Conferral of the Degrees of Masonry on William Grover Cleeton whose petition was approved by vote of the Lodge. The Conferral is to be appropriate in consideration of the physical conditional of the candidate and under the personal direction of the Grand Lecturer or an appointed Brother Master Mason. Advance notice of the dates are to be provided. January 24, 1989 to Wilbur E. Lair, R.W. District Deputy Grand Master - 15, for Opening a Specific Communication at the present meeting place of Hannibal Lodge No. 188 and St. John's Lodge No. 28. The purpose is for presiding over the Grand Lodge Ceremony of Dedication of the new Hall of Hannibal and St. John's Lodge. The Dedication date is February 11, 1989. February 10, 1989 to Ronald F. Milans, Worshipful Mater of Pendleton Lodge No. 551, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose oflnstallation of Officers on April 2, 1989.
March 1. 1989 to Bill A. Dykers. Worshipful Master of Buckner Lodge No. 501, for Holding a Special Communication at the Western Unit of the Ma80nic Home of Missouri on April 8. 1989. March 10. 1989 to William E. Gilstrap, Worshipful Master of Joplin Lodge No. 335, for Conferral of the Degrees of Masonry on Charles Edwin Reid whose petition was approved by vote of the Lodge. The Conferral is to be appropriate in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate, and under the peraonal direction of the Grand Lecturer or an appointed Brother Master Mason. Advance notice of the dates are to be provided. March 13, 1989 to Billy J. Vaughn, Worshipful Master of Henderaon Lodge No. 477, for Holding a Stated and Special Communications in the Hall of Sparta Lodge No. 296 at Sparta, Mi88OUri, until such time &II may be necessary while repairs are made to the Hall ofHendel"8On Lodge. March 14, 1989 to Jerry Aarant, Worshipful Master of Joachim Lodge No. 164. for the Conferral of the 2nd & 3rd Degrees of Masonry on Clarence Russell, an Entered Apprentice ofJoachim Lodge. The Conferral is to be appropriate in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate, and under the peraonal direction of the Grand Lecturer or an appointed Brother Master Mason. Advance notice of the dates are to be provided. April 7, 1989 to Gerard J. Giammanco, Worshipful Master of Clifton Heights wdge No. 520, for Holding a Special Communication in the Hall of Clayton Lodge No. 801, Clayton,Mi880uri on May 23, 1989. The purpose of this Communication is for consideration of the consolidation of the two Lodges. Notice to resident members must be given (Section 7.070). April 14, 1989 to E. Eugene Crandall, Worshipful Master of Independence wdge No. 76, for Holding a Special Communication in the outdoor site of the rock quarry owned by Brother Joseph Crowder located at Independence, Missouri. The purpose of the Communication is for the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft of Independence wdge, on May 13, 1989. May 9, 1989 to John Comstock, Worshipful Master of Strafford wdge No. 608, for Holding a Special Communication at the outdoor site on the farm of Brother Thm Comstock. The purpose of the Communication is for the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason June 17, 1989, oil a proficient Fellow Craft of Strafford Lodge. May 15, 1989 to David L. Seiferd, Worshipful Master of Blackwell welge No. 535, for Holding a Special Communication for the Purpose of the Installation of Officers on May 21, 1989. May 15, 1989 to Carl B. Sundermeyer, Worshipful Master of New Bloomfield wdge No. 60, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Open Installation of Officers on June 4, 1989. May 17, 1989 to Laymon B. Walker, Worshipful Master of Nodaway Lodge No. 470, for Holding a Special Communication at the outdoor site on the farm of Brother James W. Holt. The purpose of the Communication is for the Conferral of the Degree of Master Mason June 16, 1989, on a proficient Fellow Craft of Nodaway Lodge. May 18, 1989 to John A. Murphy, Worshipful Master of Occidental wdge No. 163, for Holding a Stated Communication on September 18, 1989 in the Eastern Star Chapel of the Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri. May 30, 1989 to Richard S. Gallaher, Worshipful Master of Tyro Lodge No. 12, for Holding a Special Communication for the purpose of Open Installation of Officers on June 18, 1989. May 30, 1989 to Terrence Kelley, Worshipful Master of St. Mark's wdge No. 93, for Holding a Special Communication at the outdoor site known as the "Black Forest" owned by Brother Jerry Ford. The purpose of the communication is to confer the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft of St. Mark's Lodge, John
Franklin Harper. June 7, 1989 to Thomas K. McGuire, Most Worshipful Past Grand Master, for Opening a Specific Communication in the basement of the new Masonic Temple of Phythagoras wdge No. 383. The purpose of the Communication is for conducting the Grand wdge Ceremony of Dedication for Masonic use of the new temple on June 11, 1989. June 12, 1989 to Lewis C. Wes Cook, Most Worshipful Past Grand Master, for Opening a Specific Communication in Charity wdge No. 331 on June 17, 1989. The purpose of the Communication is for re-enactment of the cornerstone ceremony commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Moila Temple, St. Joseph, Missouri. June 20, 1989 to John W. Bowzer, Worshipful Master of Southwest Lodge No. 466, for Holding a Special Communication on August 16, 1989 at the outdoor site of Spout Springs. The purpose of the Communication is to confer the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft of Southwest wdge. July 7, 1989 to William E. Gilstrap, Worshipful Master of Joplin Lodge No. 335, for the purpose of conferral of the Degrees of Masonry on Gale R. Gilstrap whose petition was approved by the wdge. The conferral is to be appropriate in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate and under the personal direction of the Grand Lecturer or an appointed Brother Master Mason. Advance notice of the dates to be provided. July 18, 1989 to Richard Barrus, Worshipful Master of Greensburg wdge No. 414, for Holding a Special Communication on August 19, 1989 at the outdoor site in Kaser Quarry. The purpose of the Communication shall be for the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft of Greensburg wdge. July 20, 1989 to Jackson J. Tiefenaner, Sr., Worshipful Master of Tyro Lodge No. 12, for Holding a Special Communication on August 19, 1989 at the outdoor site on the "Bay" farm. The purpose of the Communication is to confer the Degree of Master Mason on a prortcient Fellow Craft of Arnold Lodge No. 673. (A courtesy request to confer the Master Mason Degree from Arnold Lodge to Tyro wdge will be necessary.) July 25, 1989 to Wayne Shimet, District Deputy Grand Master '21, for conducting the Grand wdge Ceremony of Dedication for Masonic use at the outdoor site of the farm owned by Brother Stephen P. Folck. Weston Lodge No. 53 will confer the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft on September 6, 1989 at this site. July 25, 1989 to Ray H. Werner, Worshipful Master of Weston wdge No. 53, for Holding a Special Communication September 16, 1989 at the outdoor site on the Folck Farm. The purpose of the Communication is to confer the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft. The site must be dedicated for Masonic use prior to this Special Communication.
CONSENTS & PERMISSIONS M.W. Worshipful Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins granted consent and expressed permission on various propositions and requests pertaining to the activities and operations of Constituent Lodges of Missouri in accordance with the requirements of Grand Lodge Law (Section 15.070, Section 21.100, etc.), as follows: In accordance with Section 7.050, (pocket part) of the Grand Lodge ByLaws, the following Lodges were granted permission to shorten the term of the present year's officers by a change in the Lodge By-Laws: Adair Lodge No. 366 Willard wdge No. 620
Joachim Lodge No. 164 East Gate wdge No. 630
Granite Lodge No. 272 Norwood Lodge No. 622 Albert Pike Lodge No. 219 Richland Lodge No. 386 Tebbetts Lodge No. 666 Robert Bums Lodge No. 496 Pauldingville Lodge No. 11 Alpha Lodge No. 669 Grandview Lodge No. 618 King Hill Lodge No. 376 Bunker Lodge No. 676 Wallace Lodge No. 466 Hermitage Lodge No. 288 Freedom Lodge No. 636 Solomon Lodge No. 271 Mt. Zion Lodge No. 327 Equality Lodge No. 497
Clintonville Lodge No. 482 Cold Spring Lodge No. 274 Arnold Lodge No. 673 LaMonte Lodge No. 674 Sampson Lodge No. 298 Cuba Lodge No. 312 Ashland Lodge No. 166 Holden Lodge No. 262 Buckner Lodge No. 601 Alton Lodge No. 266 Ferguson Lodge No. 642 Lick Creek Lodge No. 302 Phoenix Lodge No. 136 Paris Union Lodge No. 19 Phythagoras Lodge No. 383 Ingomar Lodge No. 636 Henderson Lodge No.477
September 28, 1988 to William Reeds, Worshipful Master of Troy Lodge No. 34, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instroction on September 30, 1988 at Troy Masonic Temple. October 3, 1988 to D. Ray Edwards, Worshipful Master of Rolla Lodge No. 213, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instroction on October 26, 1988 at Rolla Masonic Temple. September 27, 1988 to Dr. J. Edward Blinn, Past Grand Master, for the Clown Degree Team of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple to make a fraternal visit to Pittsburg Lodge No. 187 at Pittsburg, Kansas. The Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft. of Pittsburg Lodge will be conferred using Missouri Ritual. December 14, 1988 to Brother Clay M. Banks for the Lodges of the 61st Masonic District to participate in the Balloon Days project with the St. Louis Association for Retarded Citizens. December 14, 1988 to Cheryl A. Lauker and Mitchell B. CroBS, for permiBSion to use the name ''Masonic Collegians" for a new youth organization being formed at Missouri State University. December 27, 1988 to Dennis C. Schwandt, Worshipful Master of '!\18can Lodge No. 360, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One' of Instroction on December 29, 1988. Febroary 7, 1989 to Norman E. McLaughlin, Worshipful Master of Blue Springs Lodge No. 337, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instroction on May 20,1989. Febroary 16,1989 to Terry C. Alexander, Grand Secretary, to distribute tax information to all Lodge Secretaries. Febroary 17, 1989 to William L. Pauley, Worshipful Master of JefTenon Lodge No. 43, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instroction on March 16, 1989. March 20, 1989 to Terry C. Alexander, Grand Secretary, for approval to proceed with the mailing of the membership list to Barton-Cotton for the purpose of the Greeting Card Program for the Masonic Home of Mi88OUri. March 29, 1989 to Juan A. White, Worshipful Master of Kirkwood Lodge No. 484, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instroction on March 30, 1989. April 7, 1989 to James R. Fiete, Chairman, Scottish Rite Speakers Bureau, to mail to each Lodge Education Officer in the Eastern section of the iltate, information concerned with the Scottish Rite Speaker's Bureau. April 11, 1989 to Arthur F. Romeiser, Worshipful Master of Friendship Lodge No.
89, for Friendship Lodge No. 89 located at Chillicothe, Missouri, to host a fraternal visit from Wyandotte Lodge No.3 located at Kansas City, Kansas on April 22, 1989. Wyandotte Lodge will confer the Degree of Master Mason on their own Fellow Craft, using Kansas Ritual. April 11, 1989 to Donald D. Hurlbert, Sr., Worshipful Master of Swope Park Lodge No. 617, for Swope Park Lodge No. 617 to make a fraternal visit to Ancient Form Lodge No. 34 located at Shawnee, Kansas. Swope Park Lodge will confer the Degree of Master Mason on their own Fellow Craft in the Hall of Ancient Form Lodge, using Missouri Ritual. April 14, 1989 to Paul L. Burkhart, Grand SecretaI)' of North Dakota, to advise the Grand Lodge of North Dakota that Deputy Grand Master Thomas C. Warden and his wife will represent the Grand Lodge of Missouri at the 1989 "Centennial" Communication of the Grand Lodge o'rNorth Dakota. May 3, 1989 to Glen L. Knapp, Chairman of Operation ''Kan", Grand Lodge of Kansas, to authorize distribution of a directol)' of Missouri Lodges for this program's use. May 6, 1989 to Wayne Branson, District Deputy Grand Lecturer 6Ist District, to approve solicitation of all 58 Lodges within the 6Ist Masonic District for donations to the ''Katie Whitaker" fund. June 8, 1989 to Wilbur E. Lair, District Deputy Grand Master, District 15, for members of the 15th Masonic District of Missouri to make a fraternal visit to Warsaw Lodge No. 275 at Warsaw, Illinois on June 17, 1989. The Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft of Craft Lodge No. 287 located at Canton, Missouri will be conferred using Missouri Ritual. June 2, 1989 to James H. Cockerham, Worshipful Master of Clayton Lodge No. 601, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instruction on June 29, 1989.
RECIPIENTS OF THE FIFTY-YEAR BU'ITON OF THE GRAND LOOOE OF MISSOURI July 1, 1988 - June 30, 1989 Adair No. 366: Frank H. McIntyre, Willard L. Playle Albert Pike No. 219: William C. Westfall, Benjamin C. Anderson Algabil No. 544: HeDJY W. Berger, Herman J. Hoelzel America No. 347: Elmer M. Klund, Lester F. Wildberger Arrow Rock No. 55: William H. Miller Beacon No.3: John A. Fenner, Herbert F. Mahne Benjamin Franklin No. 642: Melvin H. Klein, Irvin Radloff Bethany No. 97: George M. Frame Bismarck No. 41: James R. La Plante, John L. Ragsdale Bloomfu!ld No. 153: Melton C. Patterson, Norman L. Coburn Bolivar No. 195: Eugene B. Burnam Bonhomme No. 45: Edward E. Kricensky Branson No. 587: Collis A. Bingham Buckner No. 501: James T. Miles Cache No. 416: Russell C. Scherrer Canopy No. 284: Eugene T. McCullough Carl Junction No. 549: Lee Roy E. Wright Carthage No. 197: Lawrence M. Ray Censer No. 172: Carl L. Moore, Lester Hutton Centralia No. 59: Forest G. Lane, Reginald E. Ausmus, Wilmer B. Haney Chaffee No. 615: Leamon L. Chronister Charity No. 331: Pat H. Whitaker, August H. Fenner Clay No. 207: George N. Bailey
Clifton Heights No. 520: Edward G. Klimpel Clinton No. 548: Ralph N. Edison. Roy Bushman Clintonville No. 482: Roy Pope Cold Spring No. 274: Roy E. McAllister Cooper No. 36: Robert W. Mills Cosmos No. 282: Domenick Violetta, Nat Malt DeSoto No. 119: Howard E. Hawkins, Leslie J. Jones Decatur No. 400: Claude A. Edwards Dexter No. 532: Terrell Evans, Loren E. Langston Earl No. 285: Dean B. Kinkade East Gate No. 630: Homer Hemmer, Clarence L. Lisle, Elmer H. Selby, Ronald G. Hamilton Edina No. 291: Donald W. Martin. Harold W. McKay Eldorado No. 318: Carl E. Sisson. Virgil A. Kearns Elvins-Ionic No. 154: Shelton C. Thomasson Eolia No. 14: Andy C. Anderson Eureka No. 73: Oswald C. Stroemer Ewing No. 577: John R. Stokely Excelsior No. 441: Joe Champ Lewis Farmington No. 132: Willis S. Harrington, Howard C. Tetley Fayette No. 47: Ralph M. Borders, John R. Moberly Fellowship No. 345: William N. Vandiver, Louis G. Holland Ferguson No. 542: Ernest R. Vanhise Freedom No. 636: George R. Reichel Friendship No. 89: Claude Walker, Ralph D. Ward Galena No. 519: Neil Wilson Gate City No. 522: Woodson D. Bennett, Sr. Gate ofthe Temple No. 422: George F. Demore Good Hope No. 218: Roy L. Tarter, Albert F.W. Marcus, Edmond A. Koma Gower No. 397: James L. Bowlin, Thomas R. Beery Grain Valley No. 644: Roland E. Frantz Grandin No. 577: John G. Johnson Grandview No. 618: Edgar N. Peterson Greensburg No. 414: Roy Witte, Eddie L. Priebe Hamilton No. 224: Leo Lavelock Hartford No. 171: Richard Furgason Herculaneum No. 338: Thomas B. Barrett, James O. McLellan Hermann No. 123: Willie V. Flanders Hermitage No. 288: Leland Cothern Hermon No. 187: Ralph H. Yoos, Frank Harvey, Joy T. Funk Heroine No. 104: Harry Yukon, William Schanker, Bertram G. Weber, William Saltz, William L. Hill Higginsville No. 364: Gilbert W. Tagtmeyer Hope No. 251: Thomas E. Gist Illmo No. 581: Jesse O. Coats, wander H. Shipman, Allan W. Hanks Independence No. 76: Olen B. Curtis Ionia No. 381: Allen E. Cox, Jack B. Ulrey, William C. Proctor, Ivan Duckworth. William D. Coulter Ivanhoe No. 446: Loyal Juengling. Howard W. Geiss, Jesse D. Eggers, Stephen D. Slaughter, Jr., Frederick R. Turner Jasper No. 398: James E. Buchko Jefferson No. 43: Herman E. Schmidt, Edward B. Johnson, Orval ~ Hudson, Thomas W. Griffm, Charles W. Bolton Jennings No. 640: David O. Metz Joachim No. 164: John J. Kling
Joplin No. 335: William L. Roe Kansas City Mo. 220: Arthur H. Bowen, Jr. KetJTney No. 311: Clay F. Walker Keystone No. 243: Frank R. Horn KirluJuilk No. 106: Richard E. Howerton, Howard J. Riley Kirkwood No. 484: Newton H. Funk. Ruuell G. M.eyerand La Belle No. 222: Clyde D. Myen La Pla.t4 No. 237: Olen R. Hall Laclede No. 83: Harry S. Hatten Lalteuilk No. 489: Walter M. Bollinger Lamar No. 292: Carl C. Castle, Heber C. King Lambskin No. 460: Vernon R. Arms Lebanon No. 77: Charles Smith Lick Creek No. 302: Samuel C. Gill Linn No. 326: Robert W. Campbell Lodge of Light No. 257: Vern G. Elliott, 1.&'le F. McCoy Lowry City No. 403: Paul J. Crawford Magnolia No. 626: Elmer W. Cordes, Eugene R. Stephens Mansfield No. 543: R. Edward Parker Maplewood No. 566: RiBdan D. Kasper, Charles P. Collins Marceline No. 481: George D. Green Marcus No. 110: Jessie F. Pritchett Mencum No. 628: Carl T. Hott Meridian No.2: Harrison L. Zearfoss, William J. Kempf: Charles E. Trautwein Mineral No. 471: Ted W. Breeden Missouri-Commonwealth No.1: Archie M. Andenon, Shennan F. Knorr Mizpah No. 639: Lloyd W. Kypta, George Gilleard Moberly No. 344: James W. Carr Monett No. 129: Burl H. Roller Moniteau No. 295: Charles C. Miller Morehouse No. 603: Charles A. Chapman, Ode Henning. William S. Dillon MOBCow No. 558: Ralph A. Williams, Charles F. Humphrey Mount Hope No. 476: Fred Meats Mt. Moriah No. 40: Raymond A. Osher, Walter E. Hom, Ralph Roediger Mt. Washirwtoll No. 614: Burdette Roberds, George D. Boon, Buell E. Nelson Naphtali No. 25: Erwin D. Crecelius New Bloomfudd No. 60: Harry I. Johnson New Hampton No. 510: Wilford C. Hill New Madrid No. 429: Harold A. Slo88 New Salem No. 270: Thomas E. Darter, Nathan Ricks Nineveh No. 473: Earl J. Steele Nodaway No. 470: Edward M. Myen North Star No. 157: Duane Minter Northeast No. 643: Amos R. Gipson, Charles O. Lewis, Lloyd O. Barnes, John H. Hogan Orient No. 546: Arthur R. Barnes, Winfield C. Bray Oriental No. 518: Walter L. White Osage No. 303: Ezra J. Rowland Parish Union No. 19: Ernest L. Davis Pauluille No. 319: Vugil L. Erwin Perryuille No. 670: Thomas B. Sanden Perseroerance No. 92: Charles E. Owings, John E. Patrick Philodelphia No. 502: Virgil O. Graves Phoenix No. 136: Alfred L. Betts Pilot Knob No. 182: John N. Dickison
Plato No. 469: Leland B. Bell Pleasant Ho~ No. 467: Almond A. Prater PleCJ84nt Point No. 176: Ernest H. Clark Pollock No. 349: Vemon A. Babbitt, Charles L. Judd, Forrest L. WatTen Pomegranate No. 95: Robert C.R. Czemy, Claude J. Malacame, Earl O. Vornberg Poplar BluffNo. 209: Alfred L. Cummins Potosi No. 131: Carter V. Walton Prairie No. 556: Buell D. Oliphant PrUk of the West No. 179: Joseph Swam Progress No. 657: Emest A. Siemsen Purity No. 658: Virgil Walton, Tony Lasater, Joseph Schneidler Puxico No. 596: Hallan Fann PyramidNo. 180: Richard C. Ehlers Richland No. 385: James P. Kreitzer, George W. Payne Richmond No. 57: John F. Wyss, Myrl L. Tarr Riddick No. 361: Charles E. Croslin Rising Sun No. 13: John F. Whan Rockbridge No. 435: Joe Murphey, Everett Conrad Rockhill No 663: Isadore G. Kaplan Rolla No. 213: George L. Christopher, Horace J. Sprague, Robert G. Livingston, Colin G. Rose, Lawrence W. Meyer Rose Hill No. 550: William C. Sism, Norman H. Windsor, Champ C. Stonebraker Rushville No. 238: James E. Bunten Russellville No. 90: Francis M. Helms Salem No. 225: Wayne Robnett Samaritan No. 424: Otis C. Watts Shaveh No. 646: Blaine Barr Sheffield No. 625: Merle E. Thomas Shekinah No. 256: Robert H. Donnell Solomon No. 271: Russell B. Olsen, Irvin G. Selsor Sparta No. 296: James I. Jenkins St. John's No. 28: Edgar L. Glascock St. Louis No. 20: Sidney Kramer St. Mark's No. 93: Hugo A. Lane Star No. 419: Walter Fox Stockton No. 283: F. Reed Granger, Vrrgie HeavenhiIL John H. Hembree, Clarence Cavender Strafford No. 608: George Dillard Sullivan No. 69: Elmer R. Bowenkamp Summersville No. 555: Phil S. Chew Summit No. 263: Edwin Wood, Anderson G. Long, Virgil C. Oster Swope Park No. 617: James C. Anderson 7bas No. 177 : Glen H. Romines 7rilumina No. 205: Lewis F. Nohl 7'Uscan No. 360: Harry Haas 'lYro No. 12: Edward McClary Van Buren No. 509: Lawrence Dildine Vienna No. 94: Leonard J. Bassett, Sr. Wakonda No. 52: Ernest W. Knapheide, Charles E. Embicl, John W. Freeman, Martin Godley , Waverly No. 61: F. Larkin Slusher Wayne No. 526: David F. Barwig, John W. Daniel Waynesville No. 375: Douglas E. Long, Sr. Webster Groves No. 84: Melvin G. Hal~ Vernon H. Agee
Westport No. 340: Marion E. Jenks, Charles C. Penson. Lester M. Gates, Edward E. Williams Whitesville No. 162: Kenneth B. Colborn WulardNo. 620: Joseph B. Watson Williamstown No. 370: Charles Allen, G.V. Baskett Windsor No. 29: Clifford E. Oechsli Zeredatha No. 189: William J. Bird, Joseph G. Uplinger
CERTIFICATES AND CARDS FOR RITUAL PROFICIENCY The Grand Secretary wrote the certificates and the cards for the authorized instructors in the Proficiency or Candidates Lectures. (Subdivision I), the cards for the authorized instructors (Subdivision II - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3), and the cards for the authorized instructors (Subdivision III). The certificates and cards were issued in accordance with the Certificate Plan of the Grand Lodge Committee on Ritual, as submitted through the Reports of the Examining Committees. The names of the Master Masons whose applications were approved and for whom certificates and cards were writ~n and mailed direct, personally addressed correspondence are included in the Report of the Committee on Ritual. The Grand Secretary wrote 193 certificates and cards for Subdivision I, 160 cards for Subdivision II, and 92 cards for Subdivision III. July 1, 1988 - June 30, 1989 Subdivision I Originals First Renewals (A) Second Renewals (B).......................... Third Rewals (C) Fourth Renewals (D) Fifth Renewals (E) Gold Sixth Renewals (F) Gold.................... Seventh Renewals ÂŤG) Gold Eighth Renewals (H) Gold................. Ninth Renewals (I) Gold.................... Tenth Renewals (J) Gold Eleventh Renewals (K) Gold Twelfth Renewals (L) Gold Thirteenth Renewals (M) Gold.......... Fourteenth Renewals (N) Gold Fifteenth Renewals (0) Gold............. Subdivision n - PART 1 Originals............................................. First Renewals (A) ;..... Second Renewals (B).......................... Third Renewals (C)............................ Fourth Renewals (D) .. Fifth Renewals (E) Gold Sixth Renewals (F) Gold.................... Seventh Renewals (G) Gold............... Eighth Renewals (H) Gold................. Ninth Renewals (I) Gold. Eleventh Renewal (K) Gold Twelfth Renewals (L) Gold
Subdivision n - PART 2 36 Originals 29 First Renewals (A) 18 Second Renewals (B).......................... 18 Third Renewals (C)............................ 24 . Fourth Renewals (D) 20 Fifth Renewals (E) Gold 7 Sixth Renewals (F) Gold 13 Seventh Renewals (G) Gold............... 10 Eighth Renewals (H) Gold................. 4 Tenth Renewals (J) Gold 5 Eleventh Renewals (K) Gold 3 2 Subdivision IT - PART 3 2 Originals. 1 First Renewals (A) 1 Second Renewals (B).......................... Third Renewals (C) Fourth Renewals (D) 10 Fifth Renewals (E) Gold 8 Sixth Renewals (F) Gold.................... 8 Seventh Renewals (G) Gold............... 9 Eighth Renewals (H) Gold................. 3 Tenth Renewals (J) Gold 3 Eleventh Renewals (K) Gold 2 6 Subdivision 2 Originals. 1 First Renewals (A) 1 Second Renewals (B).......................... 1 Third Renewals (C)
14 5 5 6 5 4 2
6 2 2 2 7 10 8 10 3 3
1 5 1 3 2
27 15 10 40
AREA MEETINGS: FALL 1989 M.W: Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins conducted eight (8) Area Meetings of Lodge Officers and Masonic Home Information Representatives during the months of October and November, 1988. AREA 1 - ROLLA - OCTOBER 21, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representative Present Lodge Education Officers Present District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Deputy Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Thtal Attendance
93 11 10 5 5 15 139
AREA 2 - SPRINGFIELD - OCTOBER 22, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representative Present Lodge Education Officers Present. District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Deputy Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Thtal Attendance
150 12 11 8 8 11 200
AREA 3 - CAPE GIRARDEAU - OCTOBER 28, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representative Present Lodge Education Officers Present District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Deputy Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Thtal Attendance
89 8 4 .4
7 14 126
AREA 4 - ST. WUIS • OCTOBER 29, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representative present Lodge Education Officers Present District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Deputy Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Thtal Attendance
AREA 5 - MARYVILLE· NOVEMBER 4, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representative Present.. Lodge Education Officers Present District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Deputy Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Total Attendance
117 14 9 8 5 7 160
AREA 6 • INDEPENDENCE - NOVEMBER 5, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representatives Present
182 16
197 14 14 .4
7 34
Lodge Education Officers Present District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Deputy Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Thtal Attendance
155 24 9 6 26 263
AREA 7 - KIRKSVILLE - NOVEMBER 11, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representatives Present Lodge Education Officers Present District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Deputy Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Thtal Attendance
127 11 12 8 7 9 174
AREA 8 - BOONVILLE - NOVEMBER 12, 1988 Lodge Officers Present Masonic Home Information Representative present Lodge Education Officers Present District Deputy Grand Masters Present District Grand Lecturers Present Grand Lodge Officers and Others Present Thtal Attendance
87 11 12 9 8 10 137
Thtal Attendance Without Duplication
GRAND LODGE MONEY GENERAL FUND - BOATMEN'S FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KANSAS CITY: Approved Depository DEPOSITS: The Payments of Constituent Lodges of the "AMOUNT DUE GRAND LODGE" per the Annual Returns. Interest income on investments. Receipts from sales of the publications of the Committee on Masonic Education by transfer from the Revolving Account Miscellaneous receipts. WITHDRAWALS: The payments to the Masonic Home of Missouri and the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association of initiation fees, to the Masonic Home of Missouri on per capita, and to the Masonic Service Association of the United States on the two (2) direct appropriations of the Grand Lodge The payments on the costs of printing and distribution of the quarterly issues of THE FREEMASON Magazine. The transfer of funds to the Imprest Account as the Reimbursement for authorized disbursements. The payment of other expenditures on budget and by special authorization. DISASTER AND RELIEF FUND - BOATMEN'S FIRST NATIONAL BANK
KANSAS CITY: Approved Depository DEPOSITS: The contributions received from Lodges for the Grand Lodge Disaster-Relief Charity Program. WITHDRAWALS: Donations to Charity, on direction of the Grand Lodge Commi ttee on Charity. IMPREST ACCOUNT - THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF JEFFERSON CITY: Approved Depository DEPOSITS: Reimbursements by transfer of fund from the General Fund for the authorized disbursements previously made. WITHDRAWALS: The payments of the costs relative to the operation of the Grand Lodge as allocated by the approved budget. REVOLVING ACCOUNT - THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF JEFFERSON CITY: Approved Depository DEPOSITS: Receipts from the sale of books, publications, forms, supplies of the Grand Lodge; District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer Aprons; Past District Deputy Grand Master and Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer Silver Lapel Pins; Grand Lodge Officer Lapel Pins; Road Signs, Decals; Masonic Flags and Operation Snowflake Receipts. WITHDRAWALS: Payments on the costs of items sold to Lodges and to individuals through the Grand Lodge Office, and on such transactions as have been and are authorized and approved. THE FREEMASON ACCOUNT - THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF JEFFERSON CITY: Approved Depository. DEPOSITS: The remittances on the subscriptions of interested persons at the rate of $2.20 per year. WITHDRAWALS: The Payments to the General Fund for each issue of the magazine at the rate of $0.50 per subscription. MILEAGE AND PER DIEM ACCOUNT - THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF JEFFERSON CITY: Approved Depository DEPOSITS: Transfer of funds from the General Fund as provided by the approved budget and in accordance with the Report of the Committee on Mileage and Per Diem. WITHDRAWALS: The payments of mileage and per diem expenses on atten-
dance at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge as prescribed by Grand Lodge Law. The records of the receipts and disbursements have been submitted to the Auditor for examination. The report of the Auditor verifies the accounts and the records. The following report contains information obtained directly from the District Deputy Grand Masters Reports for the 1988路1989 year. If a lodge is not listed, the infonnation from the District Deputy Grand Master had not been received at the time this report was prepared for printing. District 4# Lodge Narne 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 2
2 2
2 2 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7
Eldorado Greentop St. Francisville Rutledge Glenwood Queen City Hiram Lodge of Love Middle Fabius Memphis Greensburg Adair Paulville Kirksville Edina Colony Seaman Hartford Putnam Somerset Unionville Pollock Winigan Prairie New Hampton welge of Light Bethany Mercer Cainsville Ancient Craft Jonathan Defiance McFall-Gentryville Jacoby Athens GnmtCity Allensville Xenia Burlington
Lodge 4# 318 635 588
572 427 380 362 259 244 16 414 366 319 105
291 168 126 171 190 206 210
Membership 41 50 60 43 51 61 86 78 26 105 97 438 64
392 98 43 83 76 57 40
133 83
556 510
24 56 69
257 97 35 328 377 321 88 125 447 127 66 198 50 442
108 87 63 72 29 36 48 30 117 71 34
140 45
Charity Amount $.00 $167.00 $300.00 $40.00 $100.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $2.02 $.00 $.00 $927.28 $174.90 $1,145.95 $189.80 $132.77 $25.00 $.00 $.00 $75.00 $.00 $700.00 $.00 $.00 $50.00 $.00 $100.00 $550.00 $.00 $.00 $60.00 $.00 $10.00 $.00 $.00 $50.00 $14.00 $250.00 $50.00
158 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nodaway Skidmore North West Fairfax: Mound City North Star Oregon Agency Wellington Savannah Cosby Saxton Rosendale King Hill Charity Brotherhood Rushville Zeredatha Whitesville Lincoln St. Joseph Union Star Gallatin Western Star Earl Parrot Continental Clarksdale Jamesport Lathrop Temperance Gower BeeHive Kearney Clay Angerona Plattsburg Vincile Hemple Liberty Braymer Tr-enton Friendship Benevolence Hamilton Polo Breckenridge Dawn Cowgill Jackson Clarence Hunnewell LaPlata Shelbina
470 511
65 125 110 118 105 61 86 212 101 175 96 494 743 522 72
483 294 157 139 10 22 71 600
508 404
376 331 269 238 189 162 138 78 124 106 15 285 308 454 559 564
506 438 397 393 311 207 193 113 62 37 31 135 111 89 170 224 232 334 539 561 82 662 415 237 228
78 40 463 59 115 61 18 102 56 44 98 59 92 77 107 54 198 90 74 99
60 335 90 254 266 25 74 63 43 29 53 80 62 28 173 163
$864.12 $35.00 $125.00 $150.00 $.00 $50.00 $1,200.00 $200.00 $.00 $100.00 $54.20 $125.00 $.00 $100.00 $630.00 $150.00 $250.00 $5,500.00 $50.00 $.00 $700.00 $.00 $222.00 $25.00 $20.00 $426.00 $175.00 $20.00 $25.00 $250.00 $50.00 $.00 $15.00 $248.20 $1,140.00 $685.00 $100.00 $.00 $208.00 $200.00 $250.00 $1,650.00 $250.00 $.00 $350.00 $.00 $35.00 $.00 $35.00 $.00 $472.41 $.00 $533.70 $250.00
1989 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22-A 22-A 22-A 22-A 22-A 22-A 22-A 22-A 22-A 22-B 22-B 22-B 22-B 22-B 22-B
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Censer Callao Ewing Philadelphia Williamstown Craft La Belle Hannibal Monticello St. John's Palmyra Perseverance Phoenix Clarksville Pike Eolia Holiday Santa Fe New London Lick Creek Monroe Ralls Paris Union Moberly Milton Higbee Huntsville Cairo J ack80nville Hale City Wakanda Warren Mendon Rising Sun Weston Compass Camden Point Fidelity Adelphi Platte City South Gate Sheffield Northeast Alpha Orient Gate City Cecile Daylight Temple Kansas City Swope Park East Gate Country Club Rockhill Heroine Albert Pike
172 38 577 502 370 287 222 188 58
28 18 92 136 17 399 14 660 462 307 302 64
33 19 344 151 527 30 486
541 216 52 74 628 13 53 120 169 339 355 504
547 625 643 659 546 522 305 299 220 617 630 656 663 104 219
153 64 25 16 74 109 126 134 65 200 80 125 75 37 26 42 16 17 72 123 56 48 89
292 62 47 146 42 38 54
337 49 125 451 131 148 70 61 38 103 157 300 329 585 384 256 110 320 186 341 1,096 196 137 590 180
$346.50 $208.25 $140.05 $110.00 $350.00 $1,795.15 $418.22 $269.83 $200.00 $705.00 $.00 $480.82 $210.00 $.00 $500.00 $50.00 $.00 $.00 $275.68 $400.00 $130.00 $50.00 $100.00 $848.00 $50.00 $328.60 $548.14 $.00 $.00 $75.00 $200.00 $50.00 $258.40 $2,396.30 $.00 $500.00 $75.00 $50.00 $114.15 $25.00 $477.20 $375.00 $1,062.00 $1,213.25 $390.00 $200.00 $538.20 $.00 $125.00 $1,517.00 $2,424.50 $1,045.85 $.00 $540.00 $506.35
160 22-B 22-B 22-B 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26
26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 29 29 29
29 29
29 30 30 30 30
30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Westport Ivanhoe York Ada Higginsville Richmond Ray Arrow Rock Cambridge Trilumina Barbee Oriental Prairie Home Wallace Pleasant Grove Fayette Cooper Howard Acacia Ancient Landmark Hallsville Sturgeon Ashland Twilight Centralia Tebbetts Vandalia Herbron Montgomery Ladonnia New Bloomfield Fulton Mokane Moscow Nineveh New Salem NewHope Silex Troy Daggett Warrenton Jonesburg Mechanicsville Palestine Wentzville Pauldingville Linn Moniteau Hickory Hill Chamois California Russellville Tipton Jefferson Columbia
340 446 563 444 364 57 223 55 63 205 217 518 503 456 142 47 36 4 602 356 336 174 156 114 59 565 491 354 246 115 60 48 612 558 473 270 199 75 34 492 609 457 250 241 46 11 326 295 211 185 183 90 56
43 534
282 749 113 95 84
283 61 48 60 158 73 43 43 44 43 125 132 77
281 52 50 43 121 450 103 49 91 287 192 29 59 111 89 46
36 59 84
47 145 43 95 63 78 475 185 90 141 25 34 62 131 72 47 489 145
$900.00 $400.00 $4,767.76 $395.25 $226.30 $355.00 $200.00 $220.45 $54.75 $15.00 $.00 $265.00 $10.00 $142.50 $350.00 $608.80 $3,119.78 $399.40 $440.00 $100.00 $196.11 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $796.00 $.00 $280.40 $676.65 $2,020.88 $.00 $150.00 $302.10 $40.00 $267.10 $50.00 $.00 $717.00 $262.00 $300.00 $.00 $806.00 $200.00 $870.00 $250.00 $300.00 $756.00 $568.00 $60.00 $105.00 $175.00 $.00 $.00 $25.00 $1,135.00 $565.00
1989 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 34 34
34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Fraternal Hope Gray Summit Hermann Sullivan Evergreen Owensville Union Easter Cleveland Archie Coldwater Jewel Belton Grand River Ca88 Index Foster Crescent Hill Butler Amsterdam Shawnee Cole Camp La Mount Cold Spring Corinthian Holden Granite Knob Noster Sedalia Calhoun Star Appleton City Lowry City Windsor St. Clair Circle Laclede Linn Creek Waynesville Richland Iberia Macks Creek Conway Lebanon Vienna Cuba Arlington Belle Equality St. James Lane's Prairie Salem Rolla Latimer
363 251 173 123 69 27 624 593 575 651 633 485 480 450 276 147 54 554 368 254 141 653 595 574 274 265 262 272 254 236 552 419 412 403 29 273 342 83 162 376 386 410 433 628 77 94 312 346 373 497 230 531 225 213 145
102 155 71 95 191 37 184 174 172 38 46 57 208 229 42 242 74 50 99
162 50 157 51 53 66 238 118 354 91 425 33 35 75 40 88 46 43 260 190 411 168 153 112 55 172 38 148 130 130 139 134 112 251 413 104
$500.00 $1,541.00 $.00 $450.15 $100.00 $224.00 $1,111.50 $500.00 $.00 $25.00 $200.00 $23.00 $362.72 $879.30 $.00 $.00 $115.00 $100.00 $325.60 $835.00 $.00 $271.00 $25.00 $75.00 $.00 $300.00 $593.00 $125.00 $100.00 $200.00 $17.30 $200.00 $100.00 $275.00 $159.85 $.00 $333.55 $260.00 $350.00 $847.88 $700.00 $36.00 $150.00 $200.00 $.00 $120.00 $100.00 $245.00 $400.00 $653.67 $.00 $.00 $.00 $2,700.00 $668.95
162 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Tyro Irondale Joachim Shekinah Herculaneum Blackwell Belgrade Arnold Potosi DeSoto FairPlay Modern Hermitage Riddick Bolivar Urbana Hogles Creek Washington Jerusalem Stockton Walker Unity Montevallo Clintonville Schelle City Sheldon Osage Lamar Herman Joplin Fellowship Jasper Carterville Mineral Webb City Carl Junction Criterion Sarcoxie Carthage Mt. Olive Gate of the Temple Doric Solomon Ash Grove O'Sullivan United Henderson Republic Strafford Webster Willard Daylight Ava Summerville Norwood
12 143 164 256
338 535 632 673 131 119 44 144 288 361 195 421 279 87 315 283 605 495 490 482 448 371 303 292 187 335 345 398 401 471 512 549 586
293 197 439 422 300 271 100 7 5 477 570 608 98 620 678 26 555 622
141 60 187 219 163 81 35
126 136 198 47 50 148 94 127 31 79 246
41 114 26 50 43 126 49 65 166 163 111 406 517 71 67 60 118 110 76 98 285 98 1,401 48 816 107 91 595 210 150 102 138 119 42 106 84 57
$180.00 $.00 $500.00 $.00 $350.00 $964.00 $50.00 $.00 $200.00 $150.00 $57.85 $100.00 $306.28 $105.00 $300.00 $.00 $102.80 $100.00 $.00 $50.00 $20.00 $75.00 $76.65 $616.00 $188.85 $.00 $63.84 $959.96 $50.00 $350.00 $15,000.00 $500.00 $25.00 $425.00 $150.00 $400.00 $774.00 $397.05 $538.00 $400.00 $4,772.00 $98.87 $1,162.65 $100.00 $332.75 $175.15 $200.00 $360.42 $108.00 $352.60 $300.00 $50.00 $25.00 $300.00 $85.00
1989 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Mansfield Pilot Knob Mtn. Grove Barnes Bunker Eminence Gardin Van Buren Winona Barnesville Hopewell Delphine Star of the West Elvins-Ionic Saline St. Francois Mosaic Samaritan Pendleton Leadwood Viburnum Farmington Marcus Bismarck St. Mark's Mystic Tie Perryville Chaffee Trowel Excelsior Harold 0 Grauel Zalma Westview Bloomfield Morley Sikeston Advance Charleston Lakeville Dexter Puxico Morehouse Hayti Point Pleasant Caruthersville Odom New Madrid Poplar Bluff Greenville Naylor Wayne Composite Bayou Alton Mountain View
643 182
158 116 675 607 579 509 430 353 239 137 133 164 226 234
351 424 651 598 676 132 110 41 93 221 670 615 440 441 672 464 103 153 184 310 590 407 489 532 596 603 571 176 461 671 429 209 107 568
526 369 365 255 637
33 107 68 66 85
68 80 31 111 151 50 88
350 138 80 69 152 103 83
64 161 200 92 291 50 71 103 102 222 164 132 61 190 99 306 89 200 88 196 133 79 63 65 97 115 173 417 97 67 157 81 50 98 47
$882.00 $.00 $119.90 $300.00 $250.00 $.00 $110.00 $57.00 $.00 $350.00 $350.00 $25.00 $342.00 $1,168.45 $646.00 $575.00 $105.00 $.00 $164.75 $50.00 $489.00 $531.00 $1,691.85 $442.59 $3,668.45 $2,169.00 $250.00 $380.10 $281.65 $260.00 $25.00 $50.00 $101.25 $437.00 $525.00 $786.00 $.00 $425.00 $.00 $100.00 $100.00 $.00 $.00 $181.35 $5.00 $300.00 $10.00 $250.00 $260.00 $416.50 $150.00 $.00 $65.00 $45.00 $147.20
164 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 68 68
59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61-A 61-A 61-A 61-A 61-A 61-A 61路A
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Koshkonong Ingomar Clifton Rockbridge Woodside Mt. Zion Sampson Billings Friend Sparta Forsyth Galena Crane Branson Mt. Vernon Monett Canopy Bany Pythagoras Decatur Comfort Miller Central Crossing Anderson Stella Granby Southwest Neosho Ionia Versailles Grandview Grain Valley Marlborough Mt. Washington Christian Raytown Blue Springs Buckner McDonald Summit Independence Cardwell Kennett Clarkton FourMile Hornersville Bernie Malden Lewis &. Clark Florissant Berkeley Progress Shaveh Jennings Mizpah
582 536 463 435 387 327 298 379 352 296 453 515 519 587 99
129 284
367 383 400 533 567 674 621 538 514 466 247 381 320 618 644 569 614 392 391 337 501 324 263 76 231 68 645 212 215 573 406
677 668
667 657 646 640 639
39 108 88 44
38 164 65 86 186 82 162 131 86 323 85 0 214 36 92 68
50 49 109 125 57 68
57 221 150 156 618 78 172 475 87 720 315 146 363 270 1,470 53 196 54 130 94 83
123 53 387 188 152 178 287 385
$.00 $.00 $150.00 $.00 $41.85 $634.05 $200.00 $180.30 $200.00 $200.00 $660.13 $451.00 $149.05 $4,403.65 $150.00 $1,400.00 $100.00 $50.00 $150.00 $300.00 $.00 $450.00 $700.00 $100.00 $540.00 $350.00 $80.00 $803.00 $.00 $200.00 $2,085.57 $.00 . $.00 $1,034.00 $.00 $1,500.00 $350.00 $484.80 $600.00 $2,437.48 $7,807.94 $200.00 $313.50 $.00 $250.00 $858.00 $125.00 $.00 $450.00 $2,060.30 $700.00 $250.00 $792.90 $337.50 $2,000.00
1989 61·A 6l·A 61-A 61·A 61-A 61·A 61-A 61·A 61-B 61·B 61-B 61-B 61·B 61·B 61-B 61-B 61-B 61-C 61-e 6l-C 61-C 61-C 61-C 6l·C 6l·C 6l-C 6l-C 6l-C 6l-C 6l-C 61-C 61-C 6l-D 6l-D 6l-D . 61-D 6l-D 6l-D 6l-D 6l-D 6l-D 6l-D 6l-D 6l-D
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Overland Wellston Ferguson Apollo Paul Revere Occidental Bridgeton Beacon Benjamin Franklin Brentwood Olive Branch Rose Hill Tuscan Cosmo8 Polar Star Mt.Moriah St. Louis Missouri Commonwealth Bohomme Webster Groves Crestwood Freedom Valley Park Forest Park Maplewood Euclid Kirkwood West Gate Anchor Meramec Fenton Keystone-Trinity Gardenville Magnolia Lambskin Pyramid Clifton Heights Meridian Harmony Cache George Washington Pomegranate Good Hope Aurora Theodore Roosevelt
623 613 542 529 330 163 80 3 642 616 576
349 280
415 95 268 129 396 489 445 174 197
360 282 79 40 20
1 45 84 669 636 629 578 566 505 484
445 443 313 281 243 655 626 460 180 520 2 499 416 9 95 218 267
153 116 290 250 195 267 499 207 389 130 107 282 211 445 193 240
115 372 302 250 259 379 206 238 546 190 230 117 235 289 150
$450.00 $1,730.00 $128.00 $377.00 $500.00 $466.85 $3,403.61 $2,092.00 $125.00 $267.25 $200.00 $834.00 $6,000.00 $1,600.00 $5,173.65 $1,953.00 $910.00 $100.00 $3,750.00 $275.00 $452.07 $1,758.60 $647.60 $1,168.00 $375.00 $800.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $7,500.00 $535.00 $1,500.00 $2,780.17 $2.623.95 $3,000.00 $3,811.68 $70.00 $1,699.68 $4,908.50 $593.20 $575.00 $525.00 $878.00 $3,200.00 $.00
STATISTICS - JUNE 30, 1988 ADDITIONS; AFFILIATED ..................................................................................... 705 AFFILIATED AS MULTIPLE MEMBERS ...................................... 157 INITIATED AS ENTERED APPRENTICES ..........................1,121 PASSED TO DEGREE OF FELLOW CRAFT ...........................772 RAISED TO DEGREE OF MASTER MASON ................................. 795 REINSTATED AFTER SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF
4,737 76,082 Fraternally Submitted, TERRY
Grand Secretary
Matters of the Grand Lodge Office that occurred after the deadline for printing of the Booklet "Report of Officers and Committees". CONSOLIDATION AND MERGER OF LODGES: Euclid No. 505 consolidated and merged into Magnolia No. 626 at St. Louis on August 24, 1989. Shaveh No. 646 consolidated and merged into Rose Hill No. 550 at Creve Coeur on August 22, 1989. DISPENSATIONS 1988 - 1989: August 21, 1989 to John A. Parks, DDGM of the 30th District, for Opening a Specific Communication in the present meeting place of
Windsor Lodge No. 29, for the purpose of presiding over the Grand Lodge Ceremony of Dedication of the New Hall of Windsor Lodge located at 107109 N. Commercial, Windsor, Missouri. Septe'mber 11, 1989 to Mark Cleveland, Worshipful Master of Brookfield Lodge No. 86, for Holding Stated and Special Communications of Brookfield Lodge No. 86 in the hall of Marceline Lodge No. 481 for such a period of time as may be necessary until the Officers and Members of Brookfield Lodge make the decision regarding their future, permanent meeting place. This dispensation is to be in effect and in force on the date Brookfield Lodge holds its first Stated Communication in the hall of Marceline Lodge. September 12, 1989 to David L. Seiferd, Worshipful Master of Blackwell Lodge No. 535, for Holding Stated and Special Communications of Blackwell Lodge in the hall of DeSoto Lodge No. 119 for such a period of time as may be necessary until the Officers and Members of Blackwell' Lodge make the decision regarding the future, permanent meeting place. This dispensation is to be in effect and in force on the date Blackwell Lodge holds its first Stated Communication in the hall of DeSoto Lodge. CONSENTS AND PERMISsloN: July 5, 1989 to Charles E. Van Ormer, Worshipful MaSter of Cecile Daylight Lodge No. 305, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the terms of their 1989 Officers. July 27, 1989 to David S. Lillard, Worshipful Master of La Belle Lodge No. 222, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers. August 2, 1989 to Byron Wolfe, Worshipful Master of Osage Lodge No. 303, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers. August 7, 1989 to Leon Waggoner, Worshipful Master of Jasper Lodge No. 398, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) 'the Lodge ,was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers. August 10, 1989 to Roy Hicks, Worshipful Master of Mansfield Lodge No. 543, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers. August 14, 1989 to Lyle E. Davis, Worshipful Master of Mountain, Grove Lodge No. 158, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers. August 16, 1989 to Edward Orr, II, Worshipful Master of Gardenville Lodge No. 655, to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instruction on August 31, 1989. September 11, 1989 to Wallace Trosen, Worshipful Master of Kirksville Lodge No. 105, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers.
September 20, 1989 to F.O. Benjamin Allen, II, Worshipful Master of Country Club Lodge No. 656, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers. September 25, 1989 to Roger D. Kepple, Worshipful Master of Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446, in accordance with Section 7.050 (Pocket Part) the Lodge was granted permission to shorten the term of their 1989 Officers. Fraternally submitted, C. ALEXANDER, Grand Secretary
REPORT OF GRAND TREASURER To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. ofMissouri: The Grand Treasurer oversees the investments of the Grand Lodge, currently being held by the Trust Division of Boatmen's First National Bank of Kansas City, MO. As of June 30, 1989, they are as follows:
SECURITIES路 General Fund Interest Rate
Par Value
Cost Value
U.S. Treasury Notes: 6-30-90 8.00% 11-15-90 8.00% 5-15-91 8.125% 6-30-91 7.875% 6-30-92 8.250% 11-15-92 8.375% 2-15-93 8.250%
$50,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
$49,992.19 24,980.25 49,862.50 50,046.87 48,921.88 48,984.38 49,789.06
$49,875.00 24,929.75 49,984.50 49,828.00 50,189.50 50,406.00 50,250.00
Federal Home Loan Banks: 6-25-90 7.75% 3-25-91 7.75% 8-25-93 9.375%
50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
50,000.00 49,375.00 49,937.50
49,625.00 49,187.50 51,250.00
Federal National Mortgage Association Debenture: 7-10-89 8.00% 50,000.00 50,000.00 11-12-90 7.00% 50,000.00 50,000.00
49,992.00 49,109.50
Institutional Liquid Assets Prime Obligations Portfolio
115 683.78
'lbtal Investments - General Fund
Market Value June 30, 1989
SECURITIES. Permanent Fund U.S. Treasury Notes: 11-15-90 8.00% 5-15-91 8.125%
35,000.00 50,000.00
34,831.81 49,862.50
34,901.65 49',984.50
Federal Home Loan Banks: 8-25-93 9.375%
105 826.70
Institutional Liquid Assets Prime Obligation Portfolio Total Investments - Permanent Fund
SECURITIES路 Endowment Fund Maturity
Interest Rate
U.S. Treasury Note: 8-31-90 8.625%
Market Value June 30, 1989
Par Value
Cost Value
Institutional Liquid Assets Prime Obligations Portfolio Total Investments - Endowment Fund
SECURITIES路 DisaSter &: Relief Fund U.S. Treasury Note: 8-31-90 8.25%
Institutional Liquid Assets Prime Obligations Portfolio Total Investments - Disaster & Relief Fund
Respectively submitted, W.M.LUNA Grand Treasurer M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins moved that the Reports of the Auditor, Grand Lecturer, Grand Secretary (with supplement) and the Grand Treasurer be accepted and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the Reports were ACCEPTED. M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins stated that the Reports of the Masonic Scholarship Fund of Missouri and the Lodge of Research were
contained in the pre-printed booklet "Report of Officers and Committees." M.W. Jenkins moved that these reports be accepted and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the Reports were ACCEPTED.
To the Grand Lodge AR & A.M. ofMissouri: The 1989 Annual Registration Report was completed and forwarded to the Office of Secretary of State on June 12, 1989. The Corporation received eleven inquiries concerned with the availability of scholarships. Due to lack of funding, these requests were referred to other organizations. Funds donated to the Corporation during the year totaled $326.00 with $24.58 earned in interest. The balance. of the account, as of August 15, 1989 is $674.19. Fraternally submitted, ROBERT D. JENKINS,
President ofthe Board
REPORT OF THE LODGE OF RESEARCH To the Grand Lodge A.R & A.M. ofMissouri:
W.M. Ray Hilton - 2929 South Barnes, Springfield 65804 S.W. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., 950 Forestlac, St. Louis 63141 J.W. Marvin Shull - 2304 Shady Lane, Gladstone 64118 SeclI'reas. Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr., P.O. Box 605, Fulton 65251 S.D. P. Vincent Kinkead, Rt. lt2, Box 243, Farmington 63640 J.D. Charles W. Ohrvall, 10516 East 35th Terr, Independence 64052 S.S. Martin B. '!bybes, 1116 Chantel Lane, St. Louis 63132 J.S. Daniel F. Cole, 6023 Southern Dr., Affton 63123 S. Mar. Richard L. Smith, 459 Wilcox, Kirkwood 63122 'J. Mar. Frank P. Wilfley, Jr., Rt. lt2, Box 84, Laddonia 63352 S. Dir ofCerrn. John W. Siscel, 4804 Marchwood Dr., St. Louis 63128 J. Dir. ofCerrn. Richard A. Nelms, 3066 East Sunset, Springfield 65804 Chap. Albert Van Gels, 24 Spring Dr., Florissant 63031 Tiler Jim H. Cobban, 921 W. Crestview, Springfield 65807
REPORT OF AUDITING COMMITrEE To: The Master, Wardens and Brethren of Missouri Lodge of Research; We have on this date examined the report of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Missouri Lodge of Research for the period of July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989. We have found the report in good order, correct and complete. Harry R. Schmid Sterling T. Campbell
To the Officers and members of The Missouri Lodge of Research. This year there were 163 new members, but lost 29 by death and 70 resigned (non-payment of dues) this made a net gain of 64. Our membership as of July 1, 1989 is 1610. Worshipful Brother Ray Hilton put together a group of topics in a book called "Masonic Literary Harvest." This book was mailed to the membership this year. I have received many favorable comments about the book. It is a pleasure to sec an increase in membership in The Missouri Lodge of Research when many of the Masonic bodies are having decreases. We should all remember to support our blue lodges. I wish to thank all Officers and members for their support during this past year. Fraternally Submitted; FRANK W. HAZELRIGG, Secretary / Treasurer BRETHREN: As Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research, I am pleased to report a very productive year for the Lodge, and also some very encouraging prospects for its future. During the year, we experienced a substantial increase in membership; we printed and distributed a new book, Mic sonic Literarv Harvest, to our members; we received some papers in response to our challenge to the membership to submit materials for possible publication in a new book in for 1990; and we initiated some ongoing plans for the future. Our breakfast meetings this year have been well attended, and we were fortunate to obtain some excellent guest speakers. At the Grand Lodge breakfast meeting September 27, 1988, 240 of our members were present to hear our speaker, Bro. Albert L. Rendlen, Judge of the Missouri Supreme Court. The mid-year breakfast was held in conjunction with the Grand Chapter/Grand Council communications in Jefferson City. 100 members gathered on April 27, 1989, to hear M.W Bro. Royce E. Curlis, Past Grand Master of Michigan. At our breakfast scheduled for September 26, 1989, M.W. Bro. Walter L. "Bud" Walker, Past Grand Master of Missouri, will be our speaker. In R.W. Bro. Thomas C. Warden's report last year as Master of the Re-
search Lodge he brought into focus the need for the Lodge to attract more local authors by reminding us of the passing of several prolific Masonic writers who have provided us with manuscripts in past years. It was his suggestion that we consider publishing in a single volume a collection of several papers and short essays, such as other research lodges are currently doing. We have attempted to promote that idea this year. Unfortunately no new manuscripts on Masonic subjects have been received: but we have endeavored, with some success, to inspire our members to engage in some research and writing on various Masonic subjects of their choosing. Several papers have been received which are being considered for possible use in a book of short articles scheduled for publication next year. This response is encouraging, and we hope that more of our members will accept the challenge to submit their works for this project. Our effort to develop a successful program of participation by our members is handicapped by our inability to communicate well within the organization. Our officers reside all over the state, and our membership is not only in Missouri but allover the world. While we have one business meeting and two breakfast meetings each year, these are all in conjunction with other activities and are literally squeezed into the programs of those other organizations. For most of the year, there is no contact among the officers and no communication with the members. Likewise our dues structure is not sufficient to fund any independent gathering of our members. Our $10.00 annual dues is sufficient only for the printing and distribution of a book and our normal administrative expenses. I believe, however, that it would be advantageous to schedule one officers' meeting, early in each administration, in order to get the officers involved in current programs of the Lodge, and also to effect some continuity in plans and operations for the future. I believe sufficient funds could be set aside for this purpose. As a first step in this direction, I scheduled a meeting with the Senior Warden, the Secretary/l'reasurer, and the Editor for July 14, 1989, at the Grand Lodge office. We reviewed the current operatiofts of the Lodge of Research and exchanged ideas on projects for the future. The manuscripts submitted to date for possible publication were reviewed and referred to the Editor, and plans were made for soliciting additional materials from our members. M.W. Bro. J.e. Montgomery, who will be Master of the Lodge next year, outlined a very ambitious program for 1990. He proposed three main objectives for special attention during his administration: (1) 1b publish a book of articles and essays submitted by our own members; (2) 1b obtain an oral history from each of our living Past Grand Masters reflecting on the highlights of their respective administrations; and (3) 1b assist in cataloging the books of the Lodge of Research Library presently stored in the basement of the Grand Lodge office building in Columbia. It is my recommendation that these officers' meetings be continued in the future, with more of the officers being invited to attend and participate in the planning. Once again we express our appreciation to our Secretary!I'reasurer, R.W. Bro. Frank W. Hazelrigg, for his devoted service and invaluable 88r
sistance in the administration of the Missouri Lodge of Research. Respectfully submitted, RAvHILTON,
Worshipful Master
M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins introduced to the Grand Lodge the 1989 winner of the Truman Award - R.W. John E. Wetzel, a member of Perseverance Lodge No. 92 at Louisiana, Missouri. R.W. Stanton T. Brown, Grand Lecturer, introduced to the Grand Lodge the winner of the 1989 Round Robin Competition - R.W. Brother Donald c. Campbell of Compass Lodge No. 120 at Parkville, Missouri.
REPORT OF COMMITrEE ON ENTERTAINMENT OF DISTINGUISHED GUESTS R. W. Brother Frank Ames Arnold, Chairman, presented the Report of the Committee on Entertainment of Distinguished Guests. 7b the Grand Lodge Ali: & AM. ofMissouri: BRETHREN:
The Committee on Entertainment of Distinguished Guests has enjoyed the real pleasure of serving with the Host and the Hostess of this One Hundred Sixty-Eighth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri: Most Worshipful Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins and Mrs. Jenkins (Betty Jenkins). "Distinguished Guests" as used in this connection refers to the representatives of other Grand Jurisdictions, the presiding officers of the appendant and adoptive and youth organizations of The Missouri Masonic Family, the Past Grand Masters and Grand Officers of our Grand Lodge, with the "good companions" of the respective Brothers and Sisters. Fraternal courtesies were extended to: 12 Representatives ofother Grand Jurisdictions. 20 Officials of The Missouri Masonic Family Organizations. 19 Missouri .Past Grand Masters. 1 Lady of a Late Past Grand Master. 24 Grand Lodge Officers. 9 Special Missouri Guests. Our ladies - Ruth C. Arnold, Mary Warden, Paula L. Alexander, Carla White, Judy Parsons - joined with us in the arrangements for the entertainment, housing, and reception of the distinguished members. We owe a debt of sincere gratitude to the ''Ladies Committee" for their tireless efforts in behalf of the Grand Lodge. An interesting plus value of service on the Distinguished Guest
Committee is the opportunity of meeting and greeting and becoming friends with the members of sister jurisdictions and the leadership of the affiliated bodies of The Missouri Masonic Family, as well as of renewing the close associations with Past Grand Masters and Grand Officers and their wives. We gratefully acknowledge the Eastern Star Chapters of the TwentySixth District who provided the goodies and the hostesses for the General Membership Hospitality Room and of Boonville Chapter No. 419 who prepared and served refreshments in the Grand Master's Suite. We hope that the activities of the committee in the performance of our duties have made the 168th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri successful and enjoyable to the very highest degree for Our Distinguished Members. We thank Most Worshipful Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins and his First Lady of Missouri Masonry Betty Jenkins for their guidance of the two committees toward the accomplishment of their assigned duties entertainment, housing, and reception of distinguished members. Fraternally submitted,
R.W Brother Arnold moved that the report be received and printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge the report was RECEIVED.
FINAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS Sepiember28, 1989 Th The Grand Lodge AR & AM: ofMissouri: BRETHREN:
Your Committee on Credentials submits the following report: At the present session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, there are represented 453 Subordinate Lodges, and no Lodges U.D., and there are present: Grand 1Jodge Officers Assistant Grand 1'ilers Past Grand Masters and Past Grand Officers District Deputy Grand Masters.............................................. District Deputy Grand Lecturers Past Masters Worshipful Masters Senior Wardens
25 4 19 55 48 338 373 215
Junior Wardens 135 Chainnen and members of Grand Lodge Committees 40 11 Distinguished 'Visitors............................................................. 'Thtal 1263 1A>dges without representation............................................... Non-voting Master Masons.....................................................
43 91
Fraternally submitted, CECIL O. BLAYLOCK
DALE A. LUDWIG REV. CHARLES MILLER ALBERT H. SoLARI RAy HILTON, Chairman R.W. Brother Hilton moved that the report be received and subject to corrections printed in the PROCE~DINGS.The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge Report was RECEIVED.
REPORT OF COMMI1TEE ON MILEAGE AND PER DIEM R.W. Brother Jack R. Clark, Chainnan, presented the Report of the Committee on Mileage and Per Diem. . 7b the Grand Lodge, AR & AM. ofMissouri: BRETHREN:
Your Committee on Mileage and Per Diem reports amounts paid for attendance at this, the 168th Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, held in the city of Columbia, Mo., September 25th and 26th, 1989. Grand Imge Officers . Past Grand Masters" Other Past grand Officers . ~ . District Deputy Grand Masters . District Deputy Grand Lecturers Sub-totals GRAND LODGE OFFICERS COMMITrEES: Appeals and Grievances Building Supervisory Bd Credentials Jurisprudence Masonic Education Mileage" Per Diem ~ Ways &: Means
. . . . . . .
$383.10 152.00 828.60 384.70 736.50 698.50 464.40
$ 2,810.80 2,377.90 6,750.50 5,773.60 $17,712.80
Chairman of Other Standing Committees
Sub-totals of Committees 1.btal of Grand Lodge Officers & Committees Assistant Gra.nd 'filers Representatives of Charter Lodges Representatives of Lodges under Dispensation GRAND T<YI'AL
. . . .
$ 4,117.80 21,830.60 323.30 51,222.50
Fraternally submitted, CLARK, SR., Chairman
HARRY R. BECKER WILLIAM H. WELLS CECIL H. HURT EUGENE E. WILSON GEORGE A. JURSCH R.W. Brother Clark moved that the Report be received and subject to corrections printed in the PROCEEDINGS. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Gra.nd Lodge the Report was RECEIVED. M.W. Gra.nd Master Jenkins announced that Belton Lodge No. 450 at Belton, Missouri had presented him with a gavel for use at this Grand Lodge Communication. M.W. Grand Master Jenkins recognized the performance of Brother Jack Stottlemyre in providing the organ selections for this Grand Lodge Communication.
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Special contributions were presented as follows: 1. The Lodges of the 35th Masonic District donated the proceeds from a pancake and sausage breakfast to the Masonic Home West. The amount of the donation was $326.50. 2. Compass Lodge No. 120 of Parkville, Missouri donated $4000.00 to the Masonic Home West. 3. Lewis & Clark Lodge No. 677 of St. John, Missouri donated $118.00 to the Masonic Home of Missouri. 4. The Lodges of the 55th Masonic District contributed $1775.00 to the Grand Lodge Disaster Relief Fund. 5. The 11th Masonic District donated the proceeds of their annual pig roast to the Masonic Home of Missouri. The amount of the donation was $1650.00.
6. Hornersville Lodge No. 215 at Hornersville, Missouri donated $500.00 to the Masonic Home of Mi88OUri. M.W. Brother Dr. J. Edward Blinn requested that the Brothers, consider making donations for the renovation of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. R.W. Brother Stanton Brown, Grand Lecturer, brought to the attention of the Grand Lodge that R.W. Brother Ronnie L. House, D.D.G.M. of the 46th District and member of the Ritual Committee, would be retiring from those duties because of failing health. R.W. Brother House was introduced to a standing ovation of Grand Lodge. I
R.W. Brother Walter Specie of Palestine Lodge No. 241 motioned that Worshipful Brother Phillip O. Key, a Past Master, who was elected and presided as Worshipful Master of Hamilton Lodge No. 664 located at Bettendorf, Iowa during the year 1987 as a multiple member and who maintains his original membership in Palestine Lodge No. 241 at St. Charles, Missouri be granted membership in this Grand Lodge. R.W. Specie made this motion in accordance with Article II~ Section 1 of the Constitution. The motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge Worshipful Brother Phillip O. Key was granted membership in this Grand Lodge.
MeW. Brother Robert D. Jenkins, at the appropriate time, requested and received remarks from the following distinguished guests: Deputy of the Supreme Council, 33" Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Orient of Missouri - M.W. Brother Earl K. Dille Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Missouri - Most Excellent Companion - Ervin A. Drewing Most Illustrious Grand Master of Cryptic Masons - Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr. Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery - Brother Kenneth L. Buck The Director of Hospital visitation of the Masonic Service Association M.W. Brother Richard E. Fletcher President, Missouri Association of High Twelve - Brother Charles M. White Executive Officer of Missouri International Order of DeMolay Brother Ronald L. Zumalt.
PRESENTATION OF CONTIUBUTIONS TO TIlE DISASTER RELIEF FUND M.W. Grand Master Jenkins and Grand Treasurer Luna received contributions from representatives of the constituent lodges.
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION AND GRAND LODGE BY-LAWS Presented to lie over for Action at the 169th Annual Communication to be held in Jefferson City during September 1990. R.W. Brother 'Jerry C. Alexander, Grand Secretary, read the following proposed amendments:
1b the Grand Lodge, AR & AM ofMissouri: PROPOSAL TO ADD SECTION 5.125 . TO THE GRAND LODGE BY-LAWS Section 5.125. RITUAL MANUAL. "The Committee on Ritual shall cause a coded manual, covering the work and lectures of the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, to be prepared for printing. The Grand Secretary will order the manual printed, and will furnish it for purchase on request, to the Subordinate Lodge Secretaries for distribution to interested members and Degree candidates.
Statement ofPurpose: Although the assistance of a proficient instructor-coach will continue to be necessary, a coded manual will allow an interested Mason to study and learn at times when it is not convenient, or possible, to be with his instructor." Fraternally submitted, THOMAS C. WARDEN, P.M. Owensville Lodge No. 624 DANIEL F. COLE, ~M. Jefferson Lodge No. 43 DoNALD E. SCOTT, P.M. Independence Lodge No. 76 GoRDON E. HOPKINS, ~M. Charity Lodge No. 331 PROPOSAL TO AMMEND SECTION 7.060. STATED COMMUNICATIONS. The amended Section to read as follows: "Section 7.060. STATED COMMUNICATIONS. Stated Communications are held at the times fixed by the by-laws, not less frequently than once in each calendar month. Provision for Stated Communications in July and August is not required. ALL business may be transacted at Stated Communications. ALL business not permitted to be transacted at special communications is transacted at Stated Communications, and while the Lodge is at labor on the FIRST DEGREE after opening and closing on the Second and Third Degree."
Statement ofPurpose: 1b allow Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts to participate in the
transaction of business of the Lodge. Fraternally submitted, TED E. GRIMMINGER, P.M. Lewis & Clark Lodge No. 677 L. WAYNE HILL, P.M. Twilight Lodge No. 114 RICHARD M. BLOWERS, ~M. Freedom Lodge No. 636 ROGER M. HUFFMASTER, ~M. Ferguson Lodge No. 542 PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 7.140 OF THE BY-LAWS: It is proposed that Section 7.140 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and A拢cepted Masons be changed to read as follows: . "Section 7.140. NOTICE TO MEMBERS. In all cases where notice to members is required and is not otherwise provided for, the Secretary IhB1l no.tifx.L ill verbally: mheI in ~ m: ~. telephone路 !2l ~ ~ in Jl ~ newspaper- m: !.al at least one week before the date on which action may be taken, b.x sendjni each member, at his address according to the Secretary's records, by prepaid United States mail, a notice stating the proposition and when it is to be considered. The minutes shall recite that proper notice was given." (parts underlined are the changes) Statement ofPurpose:
The purpose of this amendment is to allow for notifying some (or all) resident members, either il') person, by phone, or newspaper notice rather than requiring that ALL resident members be notified by the expensive process of the U.S. mail. Fraternally submitted, TRUMAN LEWIS, P.M. Travel Lodge No. 440 JOHN L. HOUSE, P.M. Mansfield Lodge No. 543 JACOB BAIRD, ~M. Mt. Grove Lodge No. 158 CLAUDE F. STEPHENS, P.M. Advance Lodge No. 590 KENNETH B. SMITH, ~M. Ava Lodge No. 26 VERNON E. FREY, ~M. Ava Lodge No. 26 A PROPOSED ADDITION TO ARTICLE 22 Proposal to Add Section 22.110 "An Endowment fund member may transfer his endowment to another constituent Lodge of this Grand Lodge Jurisdiction in the manor provided in the Constitution and By-Laws, upon such transfer of membership,the Lodge to which the member路 has transferred. Also, when two or more Lodges consolidate any endowed memberships held by either of such Lodges shall become the property of the surviving Lodge. Upon the dissolution or demise of an endowed Lodge, the holder of an endowed Lodge. membership, if living, may transfer the endowed membership to
the Missouri Lodge with which he affiliates. PROPOSAL TO ADD SECTION 22.120 Any demit or Certificate of Good Standing issued to a member shall have been endorsed to the fact that the member is an endowment fund member and the amount of the fund may be transferred to any constituent Lodge with which he affiliates" Statement ofPurpose:
None submitted Fraternally submitted, RusTY M. LUDLAM, ~M. Knob Noster Lodge No. 245 CHARLES R. EYE, P.M. Cold Spring Lodge No. 274 DoNALDG. RoACH, ~M. Corinthian Lodge No. 265 PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 23.040 OF THE BY-LAWS Section 23.040. MASONIC HOME BOARD "The Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri consists of the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden, the Junior Grand Warden, and the Senior Grand Deacon, together with eight Master Masons, members in good standing of Missouri lodges who are elected by the Grand Lodge for terms of four years, with the terms of two members expiring each year. The Grand Master is honorary chairman of the Board. Elective directors may succeed themselves for one term. No ex officio director may be elected to the Board until the annual communication following expiration of his term. Any elected or ex officio member of the Board may serve as President. In the event no member of the Board is elected President, the Senior Grand Warden shall be elected President. (Rest would remain unchanged.) to
Statement ofPurpose: 1. The duties of the President of the Masonic Home Board have grown to a point that it is difficult for the Deputy Grand Master to adequately serve in that capacity and devote the significant time required to plan for
his year as Grand Master. 2. With the increasing changes and regulations in the health-field, it is becoming increasingly important for the Board to have the most qualified and able Master Masons serving in a leadership capacity. These changes above will: a. Allow for additional continuity and provide an opportunity for elected members with significant experience on the Masonic Home Board by allowing for an additional four year term. b. Allow for any member of the Board to serve as President, thereby providing an opportunity for the most qualified to fill that office..
GRAND LOOOE OF MISSOURI Fratemally submitted, THoMAS C. WARDEN, ~M. Owensville Lodge No. 624 DANIEL F. CoLE, ~M. Jefferson Lodge No. 43
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS (Tabled in 1989 for Action in 1990) Section 10.040. GRAND LODGE DUES. "Each lodge pays eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50) to the Grand Lodge for each Master Mason (except those whose dues have been remitted and those exempted under Section (a) of Section 18.050) reported in the annual return, which dues include a subscription to The Freemason magazine. The Grand Lodge, promptly as collected, pays two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each Master Mason to the Masonic Home of Missouri." S pec18 • 1 P reeentation M.W. Brother Richard E. Fletcher, the Director of Hospital visitation of the Masonic Service Association, made a presentation to Brother L.Wayne Hill of Twilight Lodge No. 114. A plaque was presented for Brother Hill's many years of service. ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENTS FOR GRAND LODGE YEAR 1989-1990 The Grand Secretary, Terry C. Alexander, read the appointments made by Grand Master-Elect Thomas C. Warden for the year 1989-1990. Appointive Grand Officers District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Lecturers Chairmen and Members of Standing Committees Chairmen and Members of Special Committees The Auditor Liaison Officers to the Youth Organizations Grand Master-Elect Thomas C. Warden announced the appointment of the Grand Lecturer for the year 1989-1990. The appointee was R.W. Stanton T. Brown of Buckner Lodge No. 501. R.W. Brother Stanton T. Brown, Grand Lecturer, read his appointments of District Deputy Grand lectures for the year 1989-1990. CLOSED INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS
InstaUing Officer.........•.................... M.W. Past Grand Master, Earl K. Dille InstaUing Chaplain.......•.... M.W. Past Grand Master, Dr. J.C. Montgomery InstaUing Marshal.....•.•..... M.W. Past Grand Master, William H. Chapman THE GRAND OFFICERS FOR TIlE YEAR 1989-1990
Grand Ma8ter
Thomas C. Warden
Deputy Grand Master Daniel F. Cole Senior Grand Warden D. Rol>ert I)owney Junior Grand. Warden Frank Ames Arnold Grand 7l-mBurer....................•............................................... W. Marion Luna Grand Secretary 'I'erry C. Alexander Grand.1Jecturer Stanton T. Brown Senior Grand Deacon Dale C. Motter Junior Grand. Deacon......................•................................ Gordon E. Hopkins Senior Grand Steward James H. Cobban Junior Grand. SteUJCJ1'd I)onald E. Scott Senior Grand Jeffrey o. Nations Junior Grand. J. Thomas Crunk Grand SUJOrcl BetJrer Wayne H. Branson Grand. Pursuivant R. Woodrow Caldwell Grand. Ch.aplain The Rev. Ronald R. Bollinger Grand. Ch.aplain The Rev. Carl L. Radford Grand. Ch.aplain The Rev. Ronald F. Wood, Jr. Grand. Ch.aplain The Rev. Elmer E. Revelle Grand. Ch.aplain The Rev. Allen L. Vancil Grand. Ch.aplain M. Robert Berger Grand. Ch.aplain The Rev. Kevin E. Weaver Grand. Orator•........................................................................... Paul B.1bbias Grand. Orator Thomas H. McCully Grand 7iler K. Roger Pennel
M.W. Brother Earl K. Dille M.W. Brother Gus O. Nations R.W. Brother 'I'erry C. Alexander M.W. Brother ~ Vincent Kinkead
The Worshipful Master of Owensville Lodge No. 624 and Grand Chaplain Kevin E. Weaver made in behalf of his Lodge a ceremonial presentation of an apron case.
REMARKS OF MoW. GRAND MASTER THOMAS C. WARDEN M.W. Brother Thomas C. Warden addressed the Grand Lodge and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve as Grand Master, his gratitude to the installing Officers, and his appreciation for the special courtesies extended him, and for the gifts presented him. Grand Master Warden asked all the brethren to join him in a spirit of cooperation in order to ensure the success of the Grand Lodge in its 169th year. M.W. Brother Warden made several announcements as follows: District Deputy Grand Masters and District Deputy Grand Lecturers for the year 1989-1990 would meet with the 1989-1990 Grand Lodge
Officers following the close of this Grand Lodge Session. There would be eight (8) area meetings held in October and early November 1989. The "Penny A Day" and "Disaster Relief' programs would be continued. May would be Masonic Service Month with the winning Lodge name placed on a trophy to be displayed in the Grand Lodge Office in Columbia. A Speakers Bureau will be created under the direction of the Grand Orators, Brother Paul 'Ibbias and R.W. Brother Thomas McCully.
PRESENTATIONS TO MOST WORSHIPFUL BROTHER ROBERT D. JENKINS Brother Frank Ames Arnold presented Past Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins the Patent that certified service to the Grand Lodge of Missouri as Grand Master from September 27, 1988 to September 26, .
Also,R.W. Arnold stated that on completion a booklet containing the 168th Session Program, A.ddress of the Grand Master, the Masonic Home Board Report and the four (4) issues of the FreemasoD Magazine would be presented to M.W. Past Grand Master Jenkins. A symbolic presentation was made by R.W. Brother Amol~
CLOSING The 168th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri was closed until the next Annual Communication - the 169th -- on Monday, September 24, 1990 at Jefferson City. R.W. Brother Kevin Weaver, Grand Chaplain, pronounced the Benediction. (Sig - Robert D. Jenkins) (Seal)
Grand Master路 (Sig. - 'Thrry C. AleXander
Grand Secretary
Grand Lodge of Missouri 1989-1990 THOMAS C. WARDEN GraINl MlUkr 106 E. Waahington Ave., Bo~ 640, Owenmlle, MO 66066 DANIEL F. COLE D~puty Grand Master 6023 Southern Dr., AtRon, MO 63123 D. ROBERT OOWNEY Senior Grand Warden 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146 FRANK AMES ARNOLD J unior Grand Warden 733 Main St., Boonville, MO 65233 W. MARION LUNA Grand 7'reasurer 125 S. Main St., Piedmont, MO 63957 TERRY C. ALEXANDER.-._.. • .._ ...._ .._ .....Grond Secretory 800 Highway 83 North, Columbia, MO 85201~7 STAN'I'ON T. BROWN Grand Lecturer Rt. 1, Box 225, Buckner, MO 64016 DALE C. MO'ITER Senior Grand Deacon P.O. Box 252, Kirksville, MO 63501 C.rOROON E. HOPKINS ~unior Grand Deacon 2212 Chambers Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64506 JAMES H. COBBAN Senior Grand Steward 2611 W. Grand, Springfield, MO 65802 ~unior Grand Steward OONALD E. SC<YrT 14909 E. 39th St., Independence, MO 64055 JEFJ4'REY O. NATIONS Senior Grand Marshal 10101 Jeffieigh Lane, St. Louis, MO 63123 J. THOMAS CRUNK Junior Grand Marshal 1409 South Linden Ct., Kennett, MO 63857 WAYNE H. BRANSON Grand Sword B«Jr~r 2517 Midland Ridge Dr., Overland, MO 63114 R. WOODROW CALDWELL Grand fursuivant 1310 East 6th, Washington, MO 63090 REV. CARL L. RADFORD : Grand Chaplain 2334 South Dollison Ave., Springfield, MO 65807 REV. ELMER E. REVELLE Grand Chaplain 810 S. Grant St., Desloge, MO 63601 REV. RONALD R. OOLImGER Grand Chaplain 104 Firwood Dr., Webster Groves, MO 63119 REV. RONALD E. WOOD, JR Grand Chaplain P.O. Box 474, Clinton, MO 64735 REV. ALLEN L. VANCIL Grand Chaplain 205 Duff Street, Macon, MO 63552 M. ROBERT BERGER Grand Chaplain 2200 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63141 REV. KEVIN E. WEAVER Grand Chaplain 3705 Meadow Dr., House Springs, MO 63051 PAUL B. roBIAS Grand OraJ.or 72 Tempest Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Grand Orator THOMAS H. McCUlLY 1521 N.&. Parvin Road, N. Kan8&.8 City, MO 64116 K. ROGER PENNEL Grand 7lkr 410 Sly Street, Fairfax, MO 64446 I
APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES: Harry Gershenson, Sr. - Chairman, Pierre Laclede Center, Suite 1144, 7733 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63105; James E. Brown, 305 N. Moffett Ave., Joplin, MO 64801; Lloyd L. Schainker, 7333 Baison Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63130; Daniel W. Imhof, 1515 East Vincent, Springfield, MO 65807 BUILDING SUPERVISORY BOARD: David A. Watson (1) - Chairman, 108 E. Hickory St., Neosho, MO 64850; Bruce L. Smith (2), P.O. Box 1013, Warsaw, MO 65355; Melvin Burnett (3), Bourbon, MO 65441 BY-LAWS: Harry Gershen80n, Jr. - Chairman, Pierre Laclede Center, Suite 1144, 7733 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63105; Judge J. Morgan Donelson, P.G.M., P.O. Box 211, Princeton, MO 64673; Judge Ronald M. Belt, 1015 N. Jackson, Macon, MO 63552; William H. Chapman, P.G.M., 20 W. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119 CHARTERED LODGES: Neal J. Donaldson - Chairman, 5537 Valleyside Lane, St. Louis, MO 63128; Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., 149 E.Bertrand, St. Louis, MO 63129; Wilbur M. Daughtrey, 9152 Pardee Spur, St. Louis, MO.63126; Bobby Holland, 3110 Shackleford, Florissant, MO 63031; Donald W. Bridegan, 714 Atlanta Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119 CORRESPONDENCE: Terry C. Alexander, Grand Secretary, 800 Highway 63 North, Columbia, MO 65201-6697 CREDENTIALS: Ray Hilton - Chairman, P.O. Box 9805, 2929 S. Barnes, Springfield, MO 65804; Cecil o. Blaylock, 217 S. Louisiana Ave., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701; Dale A. Ludwig, 8226 Marvale Lane, St. Louis, MO 63123; Rev. Charles W. Miller, 13036 Geranium Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146; Albert Solari, 2555 Yorkshire Dr., Florissant, MO 63033 ENTERTAINMENT OF DISTINGUISHED GUESTS: Hugh Hutinger Chairman, 2135 Oakridge Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109; George "Paul" White, 2910 Sue Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109; Daniel F. Cole (Ex-Officio), 6023 Southern Drive, Affton, MO 63123; Terry C. Alexander, 800 Highway 63 North, Columbia, MO 65201-6697; Robert Crede, P.G.M., 3826, Route E, Jefferson City, MO 65101 FORMS AND CEREMONIES: E. Allen Kohler - Chairman; P.O. Box 170, Huntsville, MO 65259; Frederick A. Troxel, Jr., 1005 S. 19th St., Blue Springs, MO 64015; Ralph O. Kolb, 8825 Anchorage Ln., St. Louis,' MO 63126; Edwin L. Smith, 210 S. Kansas, Marceline, MO 64658; Frank P. Wilfley, Jr., Rt. 2, Laddonia, MO 63352; Stanton T. Brown (Ex-Officio), Rt. 1, Box 225, Buckner, MO 64016 GRAND LODGE OFFICE BUILDING: Charles E. Scheurich, P.G.M. Chairman, 124 Meadow Lane, Columbia, MO 65203; Art E.Schneider, R.R. 3, Columbia, MO 65203; H. Ray McKenzie, Rt. II, Box 564, Hallsville, MO 65255; Terry C. Alexander, 800 Highway 63 North, Columbia, MO 65201-6697; Thomas C. Warden (Ex-Officio), 106 E. Washington Ave., Box 540, Owensville, MO 65066
GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS: Robert D. Jenkins, P.G.M. - Chairman, 2609 W. 70th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 AND ALL PAST GRAND MASTERS IN ATTENDANCE JURISPRUDENCE: Walter L. Walker, P.G.M. - Chairman, P.O. Box 487, Neosho, MO 64850; Charles E. Becraft, 1209 Midyett Dr., St. Joseph, MO 64506; 'furner Jones, 11 North 7th Street, Columbia, MO 65201; Edwin B. Brzezinski, 9148 Pardee Spur, Crestwood, MO 63126; Lawrence N. Weenick, 506 Kingdel Ave., St. Louis, MO 63124 LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION: Larry Barriner - Chairman, 4215 'fupelo, St. Louis, MO 63125; Robert Harper, 1421 N. Henderson, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701; Anthony Redfearn (Emeritus), 4448 Morganford Rd., Apt. H, St. Louis, MO 63116; D. Ray Edwards, ~O. Box 1187, Rolla, MO 65401; Charles H. '!Urley, Rt. 5, Box 238, DeSoto, MO 63020; Earl Orr, 7 Sharon Drive, Shelbina, MO 63468 LONG RANGE PLANNING: Grand Master, Advancing Grand Lodge Line and: John W. Siscel, 4804 Marchwood Dr., St. Louis, MO 63128; Roger M. Heard, 3322 Scott Street, St. Joseph, MO 64507-1956; Maurice Brasch, 900 Fernview Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141 MASONIC BOARDS OF RELIEF: Lon G. Orr - Chairman, 1117 E. 13th, Carthage, MO 64836; Miller J. Grimes, 333 Norwich Court, Ballwin, MO 63011; Richard G. Thornton, 627 N. 25th, Apt. 304, St. Joseph, MO 64506 MASONIC EDUCATION: John W. Siscel (3) - Chairman, 4804 Marchwood Dr., St. Louis, MO 63128; Thomas H. McCully (2), 1330 Linwood Blvd., N. Kansas City, MO 64109; Richard L. Nelms (3), 3066 F. Sunset, Springfield, MO 65804; Thomas C. Warden (Ex-Officio) 106 E. Washington Ave., Box 540, Owensville, MO 65066; Richard L. Smith (1), 4a9 Wilcox Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122; Zelwin B. Eaton (2), 904 E. Wall St., Kirksville, MO 63501; C. Scott Grantham, Jr. (1), 1803 Huntington Dr., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701; Daniel F. Cole (Ex-Officio), 6023 Southern Dr., Affton, MO 63123; R. Robert Downey (Ex-Officio), 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146; Frank Ames Arnold (Ex-Officio), 733 Main Street, Boonville, MO 65233 MILEAGE AND PER DIEM: Jack R. Clark, Sr. - Chairman, 9931 McGee, Kansas City, MO 64114; William H. Wells, Edgerton, MO 64444; Eugene E. Wilson, 111 Loch Lane, Columbia, MO 65203; Harry R. Becker, 6943 Mardel Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109; Rev. Cecil H. Hurt, 3557 ~wy. 61 at "AA", Festus, MO 63028; George A. Jursch, 311 Catron Ave., Belton, M064012 NECROLOGY: Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., P.G.M. - Chairman, 950 Forestlac Court, St. Louis, MO 63141; William H. Chapman, P.G.M., 20 W. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119; Robert D.Jenkins, P.G.M., 2609 W. 70th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66208; Frank P. Briggs, P.G.M., 1132 N. Jackson St., Macon, MO 63552 PUBLIC RELATIONS: Gary A. Labranche - Chairman (3), 877 South Shore Dr., Lake Waukomis, MO 64151; ~ Vincent Kinkead, ~G.M. (3), Rt. 2, Box 2435, Farmington, MO 63640; James M. Williams (2), 3502 Bel Nor
Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64506; Jeff Kitsmiller (2), 1951 Donnel Drive, Barnhart, MO 63012; Charles Hedberg (1), P.O. Box 7, Centralia, MO 65240; Thomas C. Warden (Ex-Officio), 106 E. Washington Ave., Box 540, Owensville, MO 65066; Daniel F. Cole (Ex-Officio), 6023 Southern Dr., Affton, MO 63123; D. Robert Downey (Ex-Officio), 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146; Frank Ames Arnold (Ex-Officio), 733 Main St., Boonville, MO 65233; L. Wayne Hill (Emeritus) (1), 3800 Faurot Dr., Columbia, MO 65203 RELIEF AND CHARITY: D. Robert Downey - Chairman, 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146; Frank Ames Arnold (Ex-Officio), 733 Main St., Boonville, MO 65233; W.W. ''Bill" Beckett, Rt. 1, Box 7, Cameron, MO 64429; Stephen B. Givens (Ex-Officio), 124 Oak Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376 RITUAL: Stanton T. Brown - Chairman, Rt. 1, Box 225, Buckner, MO 64016; Ronnie L. House, RO. Box 335, Mansfield, MO 65704; Dennis L. Hammack, Rt. 2, Box 216, Elsberry, MO 63343; Dale A. Ludwig, 8226 Marvale Ln., St. Louis, MO 63123; Dr. J. Edward Blinn, P.G.M., RO. Box 14, Marshfield, MO 65706; Marvin G. Shull, 2304 Shady Lane Dr., Kansas City, MO 64118 WAYS AND MEANS: John E. Wetzel (3) - Chairman, 1410 S. Carolina St., Louisiana, MO 63353; Ray Hilton (1), 2929 S. Barnes, Springfield, MO 65804; William J. Hill (2), P.G.M., Suite 250, The Palace Bldg., 1150 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106; Richard Weber (1), 4084 Les Cherbourg, Florissant, MO 63034; Paul B. tobias (3), 72 1empest Dr., Chesterfield, MO 63017; W. Marion Luna, Grand Treasurer, 1101 North Main Street, Piedmont, MO 63957 YOUTH: David E. Wilson - Chairman, 11212 Gravois No. 203, St. Louis, MO 63126; Ronald Zumalt, 3520 Birchbark Dr., Florissant, MO 63033; Lionel J. Goede (Emeritus), 715 Murray Hill Dr., Fenton, MO 63026; James Snavely, 506 Smith St., Farmington, MO 63640; Chester Hazen, 2609 Westport Rd., Independence, MO 64052; Dr. Albert L. Howe (Emeritus), 31 York Dr., St. Louis, MO 63144 SPECIAL COMMITTEES DDGM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Jeff Nations - Chairman, 10101 Jeffieigh Lane, St. Louis, MO 63123; John W. Siscel, 4804 Marchwood Dr., St. Louis, MO 63128; Craig Bennett, 3520 Birchbark Dr., Florissant, MO 63033; Roger Heard, 3322 Scott Street, St. Joseph, MO 645071956; Robert L. Hudson, 720 Kevin Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109; Daniel F. Cole (Ex-Officio), 6023 Southern Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123 GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL ASSOC~ION: Dr. J. Edward Blinn, P.G.M.- Chairman, RO. Box 14, Marshfield, MO 65706; Fielding A. Poe, RG.M., 501 N. Lafayette St., Florissant, MO 63031; Elvin A. Mooney, RG.M., Route 3, Bloomfield, MO 63825 GRAND LODGE CHARITY: Thomas C. Warden - Chairman, 106 E.
Washington Ave., Box 540, Owensville, MO 65066; D. Robert Downey (ExOfficio), 13006 Musket Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146; Daniel F. Cole (Ex-Officio), 6023 Southern Dr., Affton, MO 36123; Terry C. Alexander, 800 Highway 63 North, Columbia, MO 65201-6697 INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Steven I. Thybes - Chairman, 12774 Hazen More Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146; Robert L. Grob, 126 W. South, Gerald, MO 63037; David Sweeney, 3633 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108 LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Dr. Gene M. Zinn - Chairman, Rt. 1, Box 257, Simpson, IL 62985; Donald C. Treece, Rt. 3, Box 3, Kahoka, MO 63445 PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Dr. Charles J. McClain - Chairman; N.E. MO State University, Kirksville, MO 63501; Walter C. Ploese~ (Emeritus), 3633 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108; Albert J. Elfrank, Rt. 2, Advance, MO 63730; Walter H. Baird, 234 E. Parkway Dr., Columbia, MO 65203; Dr. G. Hugh Wamble, 4840 N.E. Chouteau Dr., Kansas City, MO 64119; Dr. M. Graham Clark, School of the Ozarks, Box 5, Point Lookout, MO 65726; Elvis A. Mooney, P.G.M., Route 3, Bloomfield, MO 63825; Leslie F. Denney, 9211 Queenston Dr., Crestwood, MO 63126 RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES: Bruce H. Hunt, P.G.M. - Chairman, P.O. Box 188, Kirksville, MO 63501; Herman A. Orlick, P.G.M., 12 Cambridge Ct., Glendale, MO 63122; Martin 1bybes, 1116 Chantal Lane, St. Louis, MO 63132 SPEAKERS BUREAU: Paul B. Tobias - Chairman, 72 'Thmpest Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017; Leslie F. Denney, 9211 Queenston Dr., Crestwood, MO 63126; Phillip O. Key, 4251 Greensboro Dr., St. Charles, MO 63303; Thomas H. McCully, Vice-Chairman, 1300 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64109; Earl K. Dille, P.G.M., 27 Dunleith Dr., St. Louis, MO 63131; William J. Hill, P.G.M., Suite 250, The Palace Bldg., 1150 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 OTHER APPOINTMENTS AUDITOR: Robert H. Asbury, C.P.A., 4175 Crestant Dr., Suite C, St. Louis, MO 63129-1004, Ph.: 3141892-2556 LIAISON OFFICERS TO YOUTH ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF THE RAINBOW FOR GIRLS: Daniel F. Cole (Ex-Officio), 6023 Southern Drive, Affton, MO 63123 INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF DEMOLAY: D.Robert Downey (Ex-Officio), 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis, MO 63146 INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF JOB'S DAUGHTERS: Frank Ames Arnold (Ex-Officio), 733 Main St., Boonville, MO 65233
PAST GRAND MASTERS EMERITUS GRAND OFFICERS GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Col. James M. Sellers, Sunset View, Lexington, MO 64067 1953-1954 Frank P. Briggs, 1132 N. Jackson St., Macon, MO 63552 1957-1958 Dr. Harold O. Grauel, P.O. Box 389, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 1959-1960 Bruce H. Hunt, P.O. Box 188, Kirksville, MO 63501. 1960-1961 A. Basey Vanlandingham, 4930 Gillespie Bridge, Road, Columbia, MO 65203 1965-1966 William R. Denslow, P.O. Box 569, Trenton, MO 64683 1967-1968 Elvis A. Mooney, Route 3, Bloomfield, MO 63825 1968-1969 JudgeJ. Morgan Donelson, P.O. Box 211, Princeton, MO 64673 1969-1970 William H. Chapman, 20 West Lockwood Avenue, Webster Groves, MO 63119 1970-1971 Walter L. Walker, P.O. Box 487, Neosho, MO 64850 1973-1974 Herman A Orlick, 12 Cambridge Court, Glendale, MO 63122 1974-1975 Lewis C. Wes Cook, P.O. Box 12444, N. Kansas City, MO 64116 1975-1976 Fielding A Poe, 501 N. Lafayette St., Florissant, MO 63031. 1976-1977 Dr. James A. Noland, Jr., P.O. Box 692, Camdenton, MO 65020 1977-1978 Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., 950 Forestlac Court, St. Louis, MO 63141 .1978-1979 1979-1980 Gus O. Nations, 2440 Copper Beach Drive, St. Louis, MO 63131 1980-1981 Dr. J. Edward Blinn, P.O. Box 14, Marshfield, MO 65706 William J. Hill, Palace Building, Suite 250 1981-1982 1150 Grand, Kansas City, MO 64106 Earl K. Dille, Z1 Dunleith Drive, St. Louis, MO 63131. 1982-1983 Robert J. Crede, 3826 Route E, Jefferson City, MO 65101. 1983-1984 Vern H. Schneider, 4 Exmoor Drive, St. Louis, mO 63124 1984-1985 Charles E. Scheurich, 124 Meadow Lane, Columbia, MO 65203 1985-1986 P. Vincent Kinkead, Rt. 2, Box 2435, Farmington, MO 63640 1986-1987 Thomas K. McGuire, Jr., Rt. 5, Box 255, Rogersville, MO 65742 1987-1988 Robert D. Jenkins, 2609 W. 70th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 1988.1989
PAST GRAND TREASURER William H. Utz, Jr., Grand Treasurer Emeritus, Frederick 'lbwers, Suite 500, 2400 Frederick Boulevard, St. Joseph, MO 64506
PAST GRAND SECRETARY Frank Ames Arnold,路733 Main Street, Boonville, MO 65233
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI Offtcel'8 1989-1990 Honorary Chairman: Thomas C. Warden, Box 540, Owensville 65066 President: Daniel F. Cole, 6023 Southern Dr., Affton 63123 Vice-President: D. Robert Downey, 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis 63146
Secretary: Stephen B. Givens, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 63112 Assistant Sec.: Frank Ames Arnold, 733 Main Street, Boonville 65233 Treasurer: Richard Goff, 9315 Warrior Dr., St. Louis 63123
DIRECTORS Thomas C. Warden, ~O. Box MO, Owensville 65066 Daniel F. Cole, 6023 Southern Dr., Affton 63123 D. Robert Downey, 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis 63146 Frank Ames Arnold, 733 Main Street, Boonville 65233 Dale C. Motter, Box 252, Kirksville 63501 Donald E. Scott (1990), 14909 East 39th, Independence 64055 Richard Goff (1990), 9315 Warrior Dr., St. Louis 63123 Herman A Morris, Jr. (1991), 2315 East Edgewood., Springfield 65804 Lloyd L. Schainker (1991),7333 Balson Ave., St. Louis 63130 Robert C. Kellstrom (1992), 8516 Maywood., Raytown 64138 W.W. Beckett, Sr. (1992), P.O. Box 268, Cameron 64429 James Hackworth (1993), Rt. 2, Box 228, Ellington 63638 Roy E. Willey (1993), 224 East Parkway, Columbia 65203 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Harold ''Pete'' S. Pascal, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 63112 Administrator路 Weatern Unit M. Susan Brown, 12101 East Bannister Rd., Kansas City 64138-4913 Secretary to the Board of Directo... Stephen B.Givens, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 63112 Co-Ordinator of Fraternal Relations Fielding A Poe (P.G.M.), 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 63112 Controller of the Ma80nie Home Paul B. Tobias, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 63112 MISSOURI LODGE OF RESEARCH Worshipful Master: Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., 950 Forestlac, St. Louis 63141 Secretary-Treasurer: Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr., 505 Highway Z, Fulton 65251
MASTERS 1989-1990 Robert L. St. Clair (318), P.O. Box 246, Luray, Mo. 63453 Carroll L. Rogers (291), Rt. 1, Box 241, Novelty, MO 63460 William C. Bruce, Jr. (210), Route 2, Box 47, Lucerne, MO 64655 James W. Snead (97), 1006 Hendren St., Bethany, MO 64424
Donald J. Kerner (362), 847 W. Thompson St., Kahoka, MO
Robert M. Barrett (366), Rt. 1, Box 87, Kirksville, MO 63501 Melvin L. Hall (349), Rt. 3, Box 173, Unionville, MO 63565 Lynn Poush (257), 804 S. 18th St., Bethany, MO 64424
3. 5.
1989 6. ~.
8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
James W. Curram (109),912 E. 5th Street, Maryville, MO 64468 M. James Evans (470), Rt. 4, Box 246-A, Maryville, MO 64468 Delmer Mayfield (157), 207 Chestnut, Tarkio, MO 64491 Larry L. Lambing (189), 2016 Eugene Field Ave., St. Joseph, M064505 Davey L.Fisher (15), P.O. Box 88, Winston, MO 64689 David L. Maag (397), Rt. 1, Box 495, Gower, MO 64454 Lawrence N. Allen (224), 311 E. Arthur, Hamilton, MO 64644 Albert L. Yocum (481), 222 W. Howell, Marceline, MO 64658 Steve E. Raymond (228), 304 E. First St., Shelbyville, MO 63469 Wilbur E. Lair (577), Rt. 2, Box T117, Lewistown, MO 63452 Rupert H. Shepard (136),505 W. Locust, Bowling Green, MO 63334
17. Cloyd G. Jackson (33), 1913 Stuart Street, Hannibal, MO 63401 18. Oliver Nichols (30), Rt. 1, Box 138, Higbee, MO 65257 19. Lee A. Fisher (216), Rt. 2, Box ISO, Hale, MO 64643 21. David C. Harlan (169), Rt. I, Box ISO, Camden Point, IdO 64018 22A Sammie J. Rhoades (220), 201 Claremont, Lee's Summit, MO 64063-3324 22B. Marshall C. Rimann (617),8311 Mullen, Lenexa, KS 66215 23. Dale E. Stansbury (57), 125 Tribble Street, Richmond, MO 64085 24. Ralph W. Malan (205), 1214 E. Rea, Marshall, MO 65340 25. Billie R. Sullivan (36), 810 11th St., Boonville, IdO 65233 26. Robert J. Brockman (59), 1515 St. Christopher, Columbia, MO 65203 27. Charles Armstrong (565), Rt. I,
6. 7.
James H. Hunter (470), Rt.1, Box 98K, Maryville, MO 64468 Marlin F. Slagle (470), 1260 W. Crestview Dr., Maryville, MO 64468
Lloyd N. Brown (483), 808 N. Third St., Tarkio, MO 64491 9. James R. Brown (269), 2407 Park Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64503 10. Doyle C. Kime (564), Rt. 2, Box 168, Jamesport, MO 64648 11. Gary M. Hinderks (506), 113 Valley St., Lathrop, MO 64465 12. Hardee H. Richey (561), P.O. Box 102, Braymer, MO 64624 13. Edwin L. Smith (481), 210 S. Kansas, Marceline, MO 64658 14. R. Clyde Foster (172), 921 E. McKinsey, Moberly, MO 65270 15. Willard D. Hetzler (58), Rt. 2, Box 86, Lewistown, MO 63452 16. Tommy M. Lewis (17), Paynesville, MO 63371 17. WJ.1liam H. Harris (33), P.O. Box 72, Center, MO 63436 18. Billie Pollard (344), 715 S. Morley St., Moberly, MO 65270 19. H. Dale De Weese (73), Rt. 1, Box 14M, Brunswick, MO 65236 21. Marvin G. Shull (13), 2304 Shady Lane, Kansas City, MO 64118 22A. Dennis R. Speak (643), Rt. 2, Box 330, Liberty, MO 64068 22B. Carl H. Terry (630), 7601 E. SniA-Bar 'Thrrace, Kansas City, MO 64129 23. Billy Ray French (223), 519 S. Westview Dr., Richmond, MO 64085
24. August L. Bottom (63), Rt. 2, Box 95, Slater, MO 65349 25. Tom T. Perkina (47), Rt. 1, Box 66, Rocheport, MO 65279 26. Raymond E. Lee (602), 509 Texas Ave., Columbia, MO 65202 27. Noland L. Bartley (612), Rt. 3, Box 2MB, Fulton, MO 65251 29. Dennis L. Hammack (199), Rt. 2,
Box 1797, Holts Summit, MO 65043
29. R. Bruce Hubbard (558), 1220 South 3rd Street, Troy, MO 63379 30. William F. Brooks (260), 1537 Highway F., Defiance, MO 63341 31. Robert L. Hudson (43), 720 Kevin Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109 32. Louis W. Witte (624), Rt. 1, Box 375, Leslie, MO 63056 34. Jerry E. Miller (147), 2994 Continental Ave., Harrisonville, M064701 35. Wilbur L. Taylor (2M), Rt. 2, Box 47, Butler, MO 64730 36. Wahlee C. Brown (262), Rt. I, Box 272, Kingaville, MO 64061 37. John A Parks (342), Rt. 1, Box 544, Flemington, MO 65650 38. Fred A. McMillan (375), 501 Broadway Street, Waynesville, M065583 39. John C. Craig (77), P.O. Box 83, Steelville, MO 65565 40. Herbert J. Eaves (338), 7860 Hwy. 61-67, Barnhart, MO 63012 41. Robert E. Crowell (467), Rt. 1, Box 4, Pleasant Hope, MO 65725 42. Eldon E. Beach (283), Rt. 4, Box 77, StDckton, MO 65785 43. John Young (371), Rt. 1, Sheldon, M064784 «. Marvin W. Frost (197), Rt. 2, Box 141, Carthage, MO 64836 45. Larry Reynolds (477), Rt. 1, Box 99-A, Rogersville, MO 65742 46. Russell S. Brazeal (543), Rt. 3, Box 339, Mansfield, MO 65704 47. Calvin O. Sartin (430), Rt. 3, Box 2021, Mountain View, MO 65548 48. James E. Graham (110), 304 Lee Street, Fredericktown, MO 63645 49. Truman R. Lewis (440), 1333 Hiway 72 West, Jackson, MO 63755 50. Rudy W. Williams (596), Route 3,
Box 216, Elsberry, MO 63343 30. Walter S. Specie (241), 3211 Sun Lake Dr., St. Charles, MO 63301 31. Paul A. Delozier (43), 3623 S. Rock Beacon Rd., Jefferson City, M065109 32. William F. Hinson (575), 1533 Hinson Ln., St. Clair, MO 63077 34. Clarence Leroy Brown (450), 172D8 South Benton, Belton, MO 64012 35. Arthur R. Zellmer (368), 700 E. Ft. Scott Rd., Butler, MO 64730 36. Robert D. Weikal (236), 420 S. Grand Ave., Sedalia, MO 65301 37. Edgar L. Kneip (548),418 Peyton St., Clinton, MO 64735 38. William E. Brennamen (83), 541 So. Adams Street, Lebanon, MO 65536
39. Frank L. Lennaman (351), Rt. 1, Box 88, Vichy, MO 65580 40. Merrain M. Batey (164), 5644 Hwy. B., Hillsboro, MO 63050 41. Leo H. Pitts (288), P.O. Box 22, Hermitage, MO 65668 42. Lacey Stapp (87), P.O. Box 12, Greenfield, MO 65661 43. Eugene E. "Pat" McFarland (187), P.O. Box 146, Liberal, MO 64762 «. Donald L. Warfield (335), 3715 Silvercreek Dr., Joplin, MO 64804 45. Randall J. Jones (439), Rt. 3, Box 159, Rogersville, MO 65742 46. Dan E. Ream (543), Rt. 3, Box 117, Mansfield, MO 65704 47. James J. Hayes (675), General Delivery, Bunker, MO 63629 48. James M. Sitze (41), Rt. 1, Box 469, Elvins, MO 63639 49. Laymon A. Allgood (672), 1735 Ridgeway Dr., Cape Girardeau, M063701 50. Claude F. Stephens (590), P.O.. Box 42, Advance, MO 63730 51. Theodore T. Martin (571), 102 E.Washington St., Hayti, MO
Box 9, Puxico, MO 63960 51. Clyde Pruiett (461), 3300 S. Ward, P.O. Box 226, Caruthersville, MO 63830 52. A. Bryan Thornburg (209), 732 North Main Street, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 53. Leonard D. Staley (582), Box 33, Route 1, Koshkonong, MO 65692 54. Donald O. Dean (519), P.O. Box 327, Hurley, MO 65675 55. Paul G. Gregory (284), 806 E. Walnut Street, Aurora, MO 65605 56. Ralph E. Williams (466), Rt. 1, Box 130, Southwest City, MO 64863 58. Kevin D. McDonald (591), Rt. 2, Box 63, Barnett, MO 65011 59. W. Frank Roszell (501), 19306 East 18th St. North, Independence, MO 64058 60. Royce L.Ellsworth (573), Rt. 1, Box 100, Bernie, MO 62322 61A. Donald J. Hutson (646), 1214 Summit Meadows, Fenton, MO 63026 61B. Howard J. Self (79), 1206 Crested View Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146 61C. Floyd G. Ward (243), 4647 Thwer Grove Pl., St. Louis, MO 63110 61D. Clay M. Banks (460), 101 Willette Terrace, St. Louis, MO 63125
63851 52. Charles E. Harris (526), P.O. Box 202, Piedmont, MO 63957 53. William J. Hollingsworth (536), Rt. 1, Box 37, Willow Springs, MO 65793 54. Robert S. Alexander (587), 601 W. College St., Branson, MO 65616 55. Charles H. Moore (129), Rt. 3, Box 3485, Cassville, MO 65625 56. Lawrence R. Albright, II (247), Rt. 1, Box 365, Neosho, MO 64850 58. J. Dwight McDonald (591), Rt. 2, Box 63, Barnett, MO 65011 59. James E. Spencer (618), 6620 E. 134th Terr., Grandview, MO 64030 60. Randy E. Jennings (573), P.O. Box 474, Bernie, MO 63822 61A. Wayne H. Branson (623), 2617 Midland Ridge, St. Louis, MO 63114 61B. Norman R. Morris (576), 15108 Still House Creek Rd., Chesterfield, MO 63017 61C. Carl E. Herbert (497), 2604 Circle Dr., Maplewood, MO 63143 61D. Gerard J. Giammanco (520), 5202 Itaska, St. Louis, MO 63109
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS FIRST DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County Clark................. Clark................. Clark Scotland........... Scotland........... Schuyler Schuyler ilchuyler Schuyler Schuyler
Lodge Eldorado Hiram St. Francisville Memphis Rutledge Middle Fabius Lodge of Love Queen City Glenwood Greentop
No. . .. . . .. . .. . . ..
318 362 588 16 572 244 259 380 427 635
Location Luray Kahoka Wayland Memphis Rutledge Downing Lancaster Queen City Glenwood Greentop
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
Mike Schantz..................... Steven M. Brammer.......... Arthur Barry..................... John Ed Luther!................ Hillis McCabe.................... Vernon L. Stice.................. James Conner.................... William R. Johns............... David M. McGoldrick....... Joe M. March.....................
James E. Frazier. Rt. 1. Box 49. Arbela. MO 63432 Donald C. Treece. Rt. 3. Box 3. Kahoka. MO 63445 Russell Murphy. Rt. 2. Bax 1~ Revere. MO 63456 Harold Childress. 539 N. Main.~~Memphis. MO 63555 Carl R. Berges. Rt. 1, Box 186. Rutledge. MO 63563 Paul T. McCune. Rt. 2. Downing. MO 63536 Larry L. Reynolds. P.O. Box 415. Lancaster. MO 63548. Ward Jones. Rt. 2. Queen..City. MO 63561.. Melvin Lancaster. Rt. 3. Box 60. Lancaster. MO 63548 Charles R. McBee. P.O. Box 172. Greentop. MO 63546
1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Fri. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd Thurs. 2nd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Mon.
SECOND DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Adair """"""'''' Adair Knox Knox Knox................. Knox
Kirksville Adair Colony Edina Paulville Greensburg
.. .. . .. . ..
105 366 168 291 319 414
Kirksville Kirksville Colony Edina Hurdland Greensburg
Wallace Trosen Charles R. Noyes Gary Gooch : Mike R. Peters Steve Magruder Richard B\lrrus
. . . . .. ..
John W. Winslow. 303 Suburban Dr.. Kirksville. MO 63501. .. Robert C. Wade. 206 E. Illinois St.. Kirksville. MO 63501... Martin Guinn. Rt. 1. Rutledge. MO 63563 L. Richard Parton. Box 142. Edina. MO 63537 Jacky D. Kite. Box 24. Brashear. MO 63533 John Witte. III. 905 E. Marion. Edina. MO 63537
1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon.
THIRD DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Putnam Putnam Putnam "'''''''''' . Sullivan Sullivan............ Sullivan............ Sullivan
Hartford Somerset Unionville Seaman Putnam Pollock Winigan
.. .. . .. . . ..
171 206 210 126 190 349 540
Hartford Powersville Unionville Milan Newtown Pollock Winigan
William Eugene Swiger.... Bill Morris.......................... David Tribble..................... Larry Z. Trumbo............... Charles C. Riggs................ John Bushnell.................... Donald Tatum....................
Edward L. Tietsort. Rt. 5. Box lI5C. Unionville. MO 63565 Kenneth O. Ferguson. Rt. 2. Box 130. Corydon. IA 50060 Mike Davis. Box 71. Unionville. MO 63565 Edward Kennedy. Rt. 1, Box I-B. Milan. MO 63556 Earl J. Thompson. Rt. 1-197. Newtown. MO 64667 Billy Camp. Box 364. Pollock. MO 63560 Dr. Wayne D. Smith. P.O. Box 5. Winigan. MO 63566
1st Fri. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st Tues. 2nd Tues.
FIFTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 County
Mercer Mercer Harrison........... Bethany
. .
Harrison:.......... Harrison........... Harrison Harrison...........
. . . .
Lodge of Light.. Cainsville New Hampton Prairie
35 Princeton 97 Bethany 257 328 510 556
Eagleville Cainsville New Hampton Gilman City
Master's Name Gerald D. Goodin. Sr........ Jimmie James.................... Richard Jones.................... Douglas Whisler................ Garland E. Hendren.......... Bill M. Ward......................
Secretary's Name and Address Jack S. Goodin. Rt. 3, Princeton, MO 64673 Harold L. Henden. 906 S. 9th St., Bethany, MO 64424 Buel Arkle, Box 203. Eagleville, MO 64442 Larry D. Peugh, Mount Moriah, MO 64665 Randall Williams. Rt. 1, Box 119A, Martinsville, MO 64467 Gary M. McPike, P.O" Box 66, Gilman City, MO 64642
Time of Meeting 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd Thurs.
SIXTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Gentry Gentry. Gentry.............. Gentry Gentry........ Worth Worth Worth Worth
Stanberry . McFall路Gentryville .. Athens . Ancient Craft.. . Jacoby .. Grant City: . Defiance . Allensville .. Jonathan .
109 125 127 377 447 66 88 198 321
Stanberry McFall Albany King City Darlington Grant City Sheridan Allendale Denver
Lawrence M. Guthrie........ Jerome E. Palmer.............. Bryon Palley...................... Glen V. Bulla ;.. James King........................ Dennis Downing................ Larry L. Walker................ Mike Cook.......................... Wilmer Stevens.................
James Curram, 912 E. 5th St., Maryville, MO 64468 Clair J. Clevenger, P.O. Box 176, McFall. MO 64657.. James F. Mercer, 403 S. Burch St., Albany, MO 64402 Jackson C. Spiking, 501 S. Third St., King City, MO 64463 John G. Swan, Rt. 1, Box 78. Darlington, MO 64438 Robert D. Hull, Rt. 1, Box 118, Grant City, MO 64456 Gary E. James, Box 72, Sheridan, MO 64486 Wilbur T. Osborne, P.O. Box 98, Grant City, MO 64456 Robert E. Rineman, Rt. 1, Box 17, Denver, MO 64441..
1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 2nd Fri. 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 4th Mon. 4th Wed.
SEVENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 Nodaway Nodaway.......... Nodaway Nodaway
Xenia Burlington Nodaway Skidmore
.. . .. ..
50 442 470 511
Hopkins Burlington Jct.. Maryville Skidmore
James R. Cline................... Ralph Trueblood................ Layman B. Walker............ Rick A. Carter...................
Eldon D. Williams. Rt. 2, Box 266, Hopkins, MO 64461.. Kenneth L. Bears, P.O. Box 32, Burlington Jet., MO 64428 Marlin F. Slagle, 1260 W. Crestview Dr., Maryville, MO 64468 Earl W. Sharp, Skidmore, MO 64487
1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon.
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS· Continued EIGHTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County
Atchison........... Atchison Atchison........... Holt HoIL................
North Star Northwest FairfaJ!. Oregon Mound City
No. . .. . . ..
157 358 483 139 294
Location Rock Port Tarkio FairfaJ!. Forest City Mound City
Master's Name Rocky Evans Lee Turner Earl David William M. Kee Mike Elton
Secretary's Name and Address .. . . . ..
Scott Lee Ray. Rt. 2. Box 197. FairfaJ!.. MO 64446
Time of Meeting 2nd & 4th Mon.
~:l ~:~~: ¥it~ rif~~' !a~~~r~ ~~9~4446::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~ t :~~ i~:::
William S. Richards. P.O. Box 226. Oregon. MO 64473 2nd & 4th Wed. Carson McCormack, III. 811 Savannah St., Mound City, MO 64470 2nd & 4th Tues.
NINTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan
. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ..
Savannah Lincoln Whitesville Rosendale Cosby Agency Wellington St. Joseph Zeredatha Ru5hville Brotherhood
. . . . .. .. . .. .. . ..
~~a;itkili'.·.·.· ·· ·:.·::..::.
71 138 162 404 600 10 22 78 189 238 269 331 376 508
Savannah Fillmore Whitesville R05endale
Michael W. Hale Billy Dockery William H. Coats. Sr Martin W. Hartman
.. . . .
St. J05eph St. Joseph Rushville St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph
William E. Erdrich John L. Collins John D. Parsons Alan Quackenbush Woodrow W. Taylor William Baltezor Owen N. Eich5tadt..
.. .. . . . .. .
~~i~i::::::::::::::::::: g:Z:~~o~:~::::::::::::::::
Mac Hogue. 1005 Hall Ave., Apt. 18, Savannah, MO 64485 Larry E. Carr. Rt. 1. Box 119A. Savannah. MO 64485 David Lancey. Rt. 1. Box 32A. Helena. MO 64459 Harold D. Brunner. 3302 Mueller Ln.. St. J05eph. MO 64506. Nelson Kapp. Rt. 1. C05by, MO 64436 Harold Y. Smith. P.O. Box 118. Agency. MO 64401... Farrell L. Kelley. Rt. 8. St. Joseph. MO 64504 Carl B. Rose. 2213 Agency Rd.. St. Joseph, MO 64503
~~=~DH~E~:.·Jt.O~. ~~:y:J~eR~~h~lie~~cr~4~~.. ~~~~~:: Edgar E. Martin, 3110 N. 9th St., St. Joseph. MO 64505 ........ Raymond D. Parker. 1316 N. 26th St.. St. Joseph. MO 64506 Michael D. Caddell. 1501 Gooding Ave., St. Joseph. MO 64504 Roger M. Heard. 3322 Scott St.. St. Joseph. MO 64507
lst & 3rd Thur5. lst & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st Sat. 1st & 3rd Tues.
~~~ 'l3~~h ~~~~.
2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed.
TENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 Daviess............. Daviess............. Daviess Davies5............. Daviess DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb
Western Star Pattonsburg Gallatin Earl. Jamesport Union Star Parrott Continental Clarksdale
. . . . . .. . . ..
15 65 106 285 564 124 308 454 559
Winston Patton5burg Gallatin Coffey Jamesport Union Star May5ville Stewartsville Clarksdale
Glenn Everman.................. Monte Hoover.................... Nickie Walker.................... James E. Read................... Harry Boyles..................... Dennis Thompson.............. Thomas Mix....................... Harold J. Creamer............. Earl yarnelL.......................
Gene Caldwell. Rt. 1. Box 10. Winston. MO 64689 Steve Pittsenbarger. Patton5burl{, MO 64670 Jerry Frost. 607 E. S. St.. Gallatm. MO 64640 Bob G. Sutton. Rt. 3, Patto05burg. MO 64670 Doyle C. Kime. Rt. 2. Box 168. Jamesport. MO 64648 Carol E. Simerly. Box 176. Union Star. MO 64494 Louis S. Goodwin. Ri. 2. Box 3B, Maysville. MO 64469 Verlyn D. Webb, Ri. 1. Box 264. Stewart5ville. MO 64490 Daryl L. Price. Rt. 1. Amity. MO 64422
1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Tues. l!lt & 3rd Tues.
ELEVENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County
Master's Name
Clay Clay........... Clay
Liberty Angerona Clay
. . .
31 Liberty Jerry F. Ward.................... 193 Missouri City John M. McAfee................ 207 Excelsior Springs. Darrell E. Mullikin............
Clay... Clay.................. Clinton Clinton.............. Clinton.............. Clinton...... Clinton.............. Ray...................
Kearney Temperance Hemple vincil' Plattsburg Gower Lathrop Bee Hive
. .. . . .. . . .
311 438 37 62 113 397 506 393
Kearney Smithville Hemple Cameron Plattsburg Gower Lathrop Lawson
Burton Sloan...................... Wilbur Davidson............... Lowell Kerns...................... Kent Thompson................. Lewis Frost........................ Lee Elvins.......................... James D. Fox..................... Lloyd Carlson.....................
Secretary's Name and Address Merritt G. Damrell. P.O. Box 182. Liberty. MO 64068 F. Wayne Dugan. Box 233, Orrick. MO 64077 Jimmie L. Offield. 1806 Wornall Rd.. Excelsior Springs. MO 64024 Francis Eggleston. Rt. 2. Box 351, Holt. MO 64048 Thomas L. Osborn. 11123 N. Charlotte. Kan/lasCity. MO 64155 Norman W. Conner. P.O. Box 28. Ea·ston. MO 64443 Roy G. Newsom. 515 N. Walnut St.. Cameron. MO 64429 Jack D. Smith. Rt. 3. Box 38. Cameron. MO 64429 Ray Rogers. 3108 Jules St. St. Joseph. MO 64501... Gary M. Hinderks. 113 Valley St.• Lathrop. MO 64465 R. Wayne Briant. Rt. 2. Box 380. Lawson. MO 64062
Time of Meeting 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon.
TWELFTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 CaldwelL... Caldwell... Caldwell... Caldwell............ CaldwelL Grundy Livingston........ Livingston........ Livingston.
Braymer Hamilton Polo Breckenridge Cowgill. Trenton Friendship Benevolence Dawn
.. . . . . . . .. .
135 224 232 334 561 111 89 170 539
Braymer Hamilton Polo Breckenridge Cowgill Trenton Chillicothe Utica Dawn
Billy Lon Bisbee................ Lawrence Allen.................. John D. Patton.................. Wells Bothwell................... Bob Bums. Jr.................... Delbert Gentry.................. Daniel R. Dedrick.............. Richard C. Sidden............. Carl James.........................
Maurice S. Owen. P.O. Box 7. Braymer. MO 64624 Billy C. Short. Rt. 2. Box 230. Hamilton. MO 64644 Gerald D. Sprouse. Rt. I.Box 38. Polo. MO 64671.. Jim McClain. Rt. 1. Box 58. Breckenridge. MO 64625 David K. Hatfield. Rt. I, Box 221, Cowgill, MO 64637 Ben C. Moore. Jr.• 1411 E. 7th St.. Trenton. MO 64683 David E. Anderson. 709 Cherry St.• Chillicothe. MO 64601..... Edgar L. Kohl. P.O. Box 116. Utica, MO 64686 W. Dale Wood. P.O. Box 124. Dawn. MO 64638
2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st Thursday 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd Mon.
THIRTEENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 19898 Linn......... Linn Linn........... Linn..................
Jackson Brookfield Dockery M.arceline
. .. .. .
82 86 325 481
Linneus Brookfield Meadville Marceline
James N. Rinehart............ Mark Cleveland.................. Ben Jackson....................... James Bruner.....................
Gail S. Turner. P.O. Box 129. Purdin. MO 64674 Gerald A. Main. 505 N. Caldwell St.. Brookfield. MO 64628 Berl William. Rt. 2. Box 146. Meadville. MO 64659 Earl Hays. Rt. 1. Box 53, Bucklin. MO 64631..
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
Macon Macon Macon Shelby.............. Shelby .Shelby
Callao Censer I"a Plata Shelbina Hunnewell Clarence
No. . . . .. .. .
38 172 237 228 415 662
Location Callao Macon La Plata
Secretary's Name and Address
Master's Name William J. Davis Oren B. Whitener. 11.. Russell D. Jones
.. .. ..
Richard Garner
~~e~~~~~iC:·.:::·.:::·.· ~~~~~ ~~~~l::~~~::::::::::
Gerald E. Thomas. Rt. 2. Box 8. New Cambria. MO 63558 Russell D. Kohl. Rt. 4. Box 123. Macon. MO 63552 Leland Collins. Rt. 2. La Plata, MO 63549 Harley L. Kropf. Box 528. Shelbina. MO 63468 Kenneth P. Shride. Emden. MO 63439 Franklin L. Forman, Rt. 2. Clarence. MO 63437
Time of Meeting 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4 th Mon. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 0
FIFTEENTH - As of November 14,1989 Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Marion Marion Marion Marion
.. . . . .. .. . ..
La Belle Craft Williamstown
.. . .
St. JOM·S Hannibal Philadelphia
.. . ..
Milton E. Games
222 La Belle................. David S. Lillard Marvin L. Hinkle 287 Canton Larry Robertson 370 Williamstown
58 Monticello
.. . .
~:I~~~.~::::: . :::::::::::. j !s~p~~~ay:;~~b~:::::::::::::::
18 28 Hannibal 188 Hannibal 502 Philadelphia
Raymond V. Wells. Jr John B. Douglas Russell Plunkett..
. . ..
Emery O. Geisendorfer. Rt. 2. Box 105A. Lewistown. MO 63452 Elmo L. Davis. P.O. Box 56, La Belle, MO 63447-0056
2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
.. William E. Shults. P.O. Box 368. Ewing. MO 63440 Howard J. Gardhouse, 220 W. Ross. Palmyra. MO 63461... Amos O. Asmussen. 3 Fairway Dr.• Hannibal. MO 63401. Lee B. Turner. 4907 Prospect Ave.. Hannibal. MO 63401.. James W. Janes. Rt. 1. Box 145. Philadelphia. MO 63463
2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st Thurs.
~·ar~l~rf~e~~ft~·J~~ti~el~.3~OCrnt~;: ~?~~~~~::::::::::::::::: ~:~ : ~~~ ~h~~s.
SIXTEENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Pike Pike.. Pike.... Pike
Eolia Clarksville Perseverance Phoenix
. . .. .
14 17 92 136
399 Curryville
Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Ralls................. Ralls Ralls
Paris Union Monroe Santa Fe Holliday Ralls Lick Creek New London
.. . . .. .. . .
19 64 462 660 33 302 307
Eolia Clarksville Louisiana Bowling Green
Glen Smith James Robert Lee Ernest Alexander Murr Bruce E. Atkinson
. .. .. ..
Dave Willis
Jim Hunter. 747 Sommerset Dr.• Troy. MO 63379 Tommy M. Lewis. Paynesville. MO 63371.. Leonard C. Waite. 2808 Georgia St., Louisiana. MO 63353 Norman K. Atkinson. 616 S. Court St.• Bowling Green. MO 63334 Richard A. Edmond. Rt. I. Box 169A. Curryville. MO 63339..
2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 3rd Mon.
SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 Paris Monroe City Santa Fe Holliday Center Perry New London
Riley Barton....................... Bill Porter.......................... JOM H. Rudasill............... Robert B. Crain................. William H. Harris............. Ronnie Rouse..................... Leslie G. Taylor.................
JOM T. Lutz, Rt. 1. Paris. MO 65275 Albert L. Ely. Rt. 1. Box 24. Monroe City. MO 63456 Jerry L. Crigler. Rt. 1. Box 172. Paris. MO 65275 Paul K. Callison. 418 W. Locust. Paris. MO 65275 Mervin W. Peirce. Rt. I. Box 222. New London, MO 63459 Ronald S. McLaughlin. Rt. 2. Box 2113. Perry. MO 63462 Stanley W. Walkley. Rt. 1. Box 7. New London, MO 63459
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Wed. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County Randolph.......... Randolph.......... Randolph.......... Randolph Randolph. Randolph Randolph
Lodge Huntsville Milton Moberly Cairo Higbee Jacksonville Clark
. . .. .. . . .
30 151 344 486 527 541 610
Location Huntsville Milton Moberly Cairo Higbee
Master's Name Edward W. Miller Bud Prewitt.. Thomas E. Eravi Howard Ridgeway Lee HalL
.. . .. . .
~i~k~.~.~.i.~~~ :::::::::: ~~~~kH:edd;~g:::::::::::::::::::
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
E. Allen Kohler. P.O. Box 170. Huntsville. MO 65259 Thomas J. Marshall. P.O. Box 627. Moberly. MO 65270 Fred F. Stuecken, 1028 Sinnock Ave.• -1, Moberly. MO 65270 Charles W. Cox. Rt. 1, Box 92 A-I, Cairo, MO 65239 Ernie Hayes. Box 72. Higbee, MO 65257 Frederick Walters. Box 40. Jacksonville. MO 65260 James H. Patton. Rt. 2. Box 3. Clark. MO 65243
1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
NINETEENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 Carroll.............. Carroll Carroll Chariton........... Chariton Chariton
Wakanda Hale City Bosworth Eureka Mendon Warren
. . .. .. . .
52 216 597 73 628 74
Carrollton Hale Bosworth Brunswick Mendon Keytesville
James M. Miller................ A. Merlin Armstrong Gary Grace......................... Cecil Langford................... Francis Kerner................... Rodney Blackwell..............
A.J. West, 311 W. 10th St.. Carrollton. MO 64633 Lee A. Fisher, Rt. 2. Box 180. Hale. MO 64643 Reigge L. Crose. Rt. 1. Box 80, Bosworth. MO 64623 Raymond A. Scott. 707 Harrison St., Brunswick. MO 65236.. Cleo V. Kincaid. Box 103. Mendon, MO 64660 William E. Blackwell. Rt. 1. Box 23, Keytesville, MO 65261. ..
2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues.
TWENTY·FIRST DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Platte................ Platte. Platte Platte................ Platte Platte................ Platte Platte
Rising Sun Weston Compass Camden Point.. Rowley Fidelity Adelphi Platte City
. .. . .. . . .. ..
13 53 120 169 204 339 355 504
King City Weston Parkville Camden Point.. Dearborn Farley Edgerton Platte City
David C. Tinsley Ray H. Werner Bunnell Raye Ronald T. Duncan Marion Boydston Michael L. Shelton Orville L. Livingston Larry Kindred
.. .. .. .. .. .. . .
Eldon J. Cusic. 3001 N.E. 56th St.• Kansas City, MO 64119 Richard C. Winburn. Rt. 2. Box 10. Weston. MO 64098 George Esler. 9903 Hampton Wood Dr., Parkville, MO 64152 George P. Skinner, -2. E. Wood Dr., St. Joseph. MO 64506 Robert D. Wolfe. Rt. 1. Box 258. Dearborn. MO 64439 Edward "Bud" Reavis. Rt. 27. Box 340B. Parkville, MO 64153 Marion L. Shafer. Rt. 1. Box 107. Edgerton. MO 64444 Gerald Kindred. P.O. Box 1075. Platte City. MO 64079
1st Sat. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st Mon. 1st Tues. 2nd Wed. 1st Wed. 2nd Tues. 2nd Mon.
Alpha ........................ Kansas City.............. Temtele ...................... Cec' e Daylight......... Gate City.................. Orient........................ South Gate............... Sheffield.................... Northeast..................
659 220 299 305 522 546 547 625 643
Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson.............
Master's Name
North Kansas Cit) Wayne E. Jenkins.............. KanSll8 City Stephen J. Hagerty............ KanSll8 City Harold L. Clark.................. North Kansas Cit) Charles E. VanOrmer......... Kansas City Charles E. Mercer, Jr......... James D. Anderson............ Kansas City Kaneas City Glen B. Woodral................ Kansas City Ronald T. Shadwick........... Kansas City Michael C. WhetseL.........
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
James W. Brewer. 1006 E. 22nd Ave., N. Kansas City. MO 64116 Eugene H. Peak, 2550 S. 45th Terr.• Kansas City. KS 66106 Henry W. Fox, Rt. 22, Box A·1, Kansas City, MO 64152 John K. Smith, 2705 Sterling, Independence, MO 64052.; August M. Ott,Jr. 903 Harrison St., Kansas City. MO 64106 Richard P. Flaigle, 903 Harrison St.• Kansas City, MO 64106 Kenneth B. Morris, 3030 Kendall Ave., Independence, MO 64055 Robert B. Elden, 916 East 34th St.• Kansas City, MO 64109 Arthur M. Latta. 142 S. Belmont. Kansas City. MO 64123
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed.
TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT (B) - As of November 14, 1989 Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson.............
Heroine ..................... Albert Pike............... Westport................... Ivanhoe.....................
Jackson............. york .......................... Jackson............. Swope Park.............. Jackson............. East Gate................. Jackson............. Jackson.............
~kmI . ~~~~::::::::::::
104 KanSll8 City Dennie D. Adsit................. 219 KK~ CC1l:ttyy·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. LoKesnlsenFl'eMlds'.Kim ...·....e................................... ~~ 340 446 KanSll8 City.......... Roger D. Kepple................. 563 KansaB City 617 Kansas City 630 KansaB City 656 Kansas City 663 KansaB City
Clarence W. McCalister..... Don D. Hurlbert.................
Paul Kawakami. 820 E.• 31st St., Kansas City, MO 64109 Alan D. Wendleton, 4821 Dowing St., Blue Springs, MO 64055 Gustava R. Egner, 3845 Broadway, KanSll8 City, MO 64011..... David M. Leininger. II, 8640 Holmes St., Kansas City, MO 64131... Jack R. Clark, Sr., 9931 McGee, Kansas City. MO 64114 Marshall C. Rimann, Box 35313. KansaB City, MO 64134
John C. McBee................... F.O. Benjamin Allen, II.... Edwin Dumstorff...............
1st & 3rd Tues. William W. Corbin, 1601 E. 89th Terr., Kansas City, MO 64131 1st & 3rd Mon. Richard A. Mansfield, 1216 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, MO 64127 4th Tues.
. .
. . .
~ff:f ~: ~~~~~ ~.~.~.~ ~~~~ ~~.~~~: ~~~.~~~~: ~.~
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
TWENTY·THIRD DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Lafayette .......... Waverly .................... Lafayette .......... Lafayette .......... Lafayette .......... Ray ................... Ray ................... Ray............................ Ray ................... Ada ...........................
~~Zill~::::::::::::::: ~~h~o~~~:::::::::::::
61 149 364 476 57 223 444
Waverly Lexington Higginsville Odessa Richmond Camden Orrick
John F. Him...................... James R. McCrary............. Jack Beale.......................... Clinton E. Perry................. Harold E. Williams............ John M. Long..................... George K. Gowing.............
Charles W. Zumalt, Rt. 1. Box 130H, Waverl>" MO 64096 Herbert W. Wipperman, 722 Buford St., Wellington, MO 64097 Florus E~, Rt. 1 Box 129, Concordia, MO 64020 Thomas A. Christopher, Rt. 4, Box 1460, Odessa, MO 64076 Eugene Parks. Box 316. Richmond,.MO 64085 Robert E. Stonner. Rt. I, Box 113A, Camden, MO 64017 Maurice Hall, Rt. I, Box 157, Orrick, MO 64077
2nd Sat. 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
TWENTY·FOURTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 Saline
Arrow Rock
~~::::::::::::::::: ~~~.::::::::::::::::
Saline................ Barbee Saline Oriental
.. ..
~~ ~~~.. ~::: . :: :: ~iche:rdH~~:tft~:::::::::::: 205 Marshall Daniel D. Meads................ 217 Sweet Springs George E. Fleetwood.......... 518 Blackburn Dean Borchers....................
~~I.T.J~~, ~P.·l~Sia~/MOw 6~: ..~~.~~~~~:::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~. Robert H. Potter. Box 561, MO 65340 1st Thurs. E.O. Rippley, 404 Main St., Sweet Springs, MO 65351... Last Fri. Kenneth VicklJry, Box 161, Blackburn. MO 65321... 3rd Tues.
TWENTY·FIFTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Lodge
County Cooper Cooper CoopE'r Cooper ; Howard Howard
. . . .. . .
Boone , Hoone Hoone Hoone Hoone Hoone Hoone
. . . . . . .
Boonville Otterville Bunceton Prairie Home 4 New Franklin 47 Fayette
Cooper Pleasant Grove Wallace Prairie Home Howard Fayette
. .. . . .. .
36 142 456 503
Centralia Twilight Ashland Sturgeon HallsviUe Ancient Landmark Acacia
. . . . . . .
59 114 156 174 336 356 602
Master's Name Richard J. BeU, 111............ William H. McKnight, Sr.. William E. VoUrath............ Jim SeUs............................. Roy H. Rude...................... Lewis C. Odneal.................
Secretary's Name and Address Frank Ames Arnold. 733 Main St., Boonville, MO 65233 Forest E. Lewis. Rt. 1, Box 21, Otterville, MO 65348 Albert A. Eichhorn, Rt. 1, Box 192, Pilot Grove, MO 65276 Jerry D. Sells, P.O. -Box 65. Prairie Home. MO 65068 Tom D. Markland. P.O. Box 234. New Franklin, MO 65274 Robert H. Bray, P.O. Box 290, Fayette, MO 65248
Time of Meeting 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Wed. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues.
TWENTY-8IXTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Centralia Columbia Ashland Sturgeon Hallsville
Theodore Fox:..................... David Wheelock................. Terry Zumwalt................... Robert L. Gordon............... Robert Cook........................
Melvin B. Goe, Sr.. 450 S. Allen St., Centralia, MO 65240 John Cook, Rt. 6, Box 108A, Columbia, MO 65201... Jimmy G. Pauley, P.O. Box 138, Ashland, MO 65010 William S. Spears, Rt. 1, Box 73A. Sturgeon, MO 65284 James W. Bradley, Rt. 1. Box 423, Hallsville, MO 65255
rt'~~~. :~~~~~::::::::::::: g~~eR~·C~~~~: fl3~ ~n:~~~·l~~~·5~OCr~~8t~~: .. Columbia, MO 65202
1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st Tues. 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues.
TWENTY-8EVENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Audrain . Laddonia Audrain . Hebron Audrain . Vandalia Callaway . Fulton Callaway .. New Bloomfield Callaway . Tebbetts Callaway . Mokane Montgomery . Montgomery
. . . . . . . '"
115 354 491 48 60 565 612 246
Laddonia Mexico Vandalia Fulton New Bloomfield Tebbetts Mokane Montgomery City.
Herman P. Thompson........ Noel R. Scott...................... James A. Norton................ Gary L. Sparks................... Joseph A. Morrow............. Gary Holzhauser................ Thomas Howard................. James Bush........................
Phillip J. Christopher, Rt. 1, Box 239, Laddonia, MO 63352 Jarred Price, 909 Concordia, Mexico, MO 65265 Wm. A. Gamblian, 112 South Main St.• Vandalia, MO 63382 William R. Scott, 304 Sunset Dr., Fulton, MO 65251... Gary L. Riddle, P.O. Box 282. Holts Summit, MO 65043 Ralph M. Davis, Rt. 1. Tebbetts, MO 65080 Erwin H. Witthaus, 2100 B. Louis Circle. Jefferson City, MO 65101 Verle T. Naughton, Rt. 2, Box 254, Montgomery City, MO 63361·9969
2nd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st Thurs. 2nd & 4th Mon.
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS· Contin.ued TWENTY·NINTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln
Troy Silex New Hope New Salem Nineveh Moscow
Master's Name
34 Troy 75 Silex 199 Elsberry 270 Winfield 473 ..Mill;; 558
Victor R. Henrikson John Baker J. Larry Carter Gerald A. Ashwill, Jr
.. .. . . .. ..
.. .. .. .
. .
Secretary's Name and Address . .. . .
~=r l·~~::::::::::::::
Floyd E. Dodson. 653. Second St., Troy. MO 63379.................... Warren W. Wommack, Rt. 2, Box 261, Troy, MO 63379 James A. Vaughn, 212-214 Broadway, Elsberry, MO 63343 Neal Dunlap Robertson, Rt. I, Box 496, Winfield, MO 63389.... William W. Haines, P.O. Box 67, Olney, MO 63370 R. Bruce Hubbard, 1220 S. 3rd St., Troy, MO 63379
Time of Meeting 2nd & 4th Mon. 4th Fri. 2nd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Sat. 1st Fri. 2nd Sat.
THIRTIETH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Montgomery Montgomery St. Charles St. Charles St. Charles Warren Warren
. . .. .. .. .. .
Jonesburg Daggett
. .
f~~~~::::::::::::::::: Mechanicsville Pauldingville Warrenton
. .. .
457 492
~~~tri~:::::::::::::· ~:r J. ~:::::::::::::::::::
46 Wentzville
Harold Vannier Earl E. Sage
St. Charles...
W'~::ecitY:::::::::·.:· ~~mt~~~~~::::::::::::
Claude L. Cooksey
609 Warrenton
Emil L. Meyer. Rt. I, Box 156-B, Jonesburg, MO 63351.. Sidney E. Muehl, P.O. Box 413. Rhineland, MO 65069 Frank H. Davis, 706 Love Dr., O'Fallon, MO 63366 Fred H. Courtney. 3273 Janton, St. Charles, MO 63301... William F. Brooks, 1537 HiRhway F. Defiance, MO 63341.. Hobart E. Bodenhamer, 1920 Spruce St., St. Charles, MO 63303 John W. Helm, 314 Roanoke Dr., Warrenton. MO 63383
3rd Mon. 2nd Tues. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
THIRTY·FIRST DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Cole .-\ Cole
Jefferson :............. Russellville................
Cole................... Hickory Hill
~~~~:~:::::::::: ~:sffu~i~::::::::::::::::::
Osage................ Chamois Osage
~ Jefferson City
William L. Pauley Gene R. Selvidge
.. ..
211 Eugene
:. John P. Dinkins
185 Chamois
Allen Wiseman
Johnnie Fowler
l~g 6:sffu':iri~·
326 Linn
W~~l':: ~~~~r~.~::::::::::
~tor;e\1 M~S:itZ.2?, ~~~~;;ith~R:~~~~.M~06~~gh:: ~ ~ofth
Jan.-Mar.; 2nd Fri. Apr.-Dec. G. Everett Hall. P.O. Box 43, Iberia, MO 65486 2nd Tues. Sam H. Blades. Jr., Rt. 1. Box 203. Tipton, MO 65081.. 2nd & 4th Thurs. Norman D. Potter. 104 Prairie. California, MO 65018 2nd & 4th Tues. N. Lee Shearer, P.O. Box 192, Chamois, MO 65024 4th Fri. except 3rd Fri. Nov. & Dec. Nolen H. Rinne, Rt. 2, Box 2516, Holts Summit. MO 65043... 2nd & 4th Mon.
THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT - As of November 4, 1987 Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Gasconade Gasconade
.. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .
27 69 173 251 363 534 575 593 123 624
New Haven Sullivan Gray Summit........ Washington Robertsville...
James Wilkinson Norman E. Strauser Clifford L. Smith James G. Brune Ronald Brown
~:.cgi~·;::::::::::::::::: ~~~~
.. ,Elmer A. Allersmeyer, P.O. Box 308, New Haven, MO 63068. . Thomas A. Burnett, Rt. 1. Box 344, Bourbon. MO 65441.. .. Arendt N. Kuelper, 204 Terry Ln.• Washington, MO 63090 .. R. Woodrow Caldwell, 1310 E. 6th St.• WasJiington, MO 63090 .. Sam J. Smothers, Rt. I, Box 80A. Robertsville. MO 63072 Ronald J. Huff, 1207 Arbor Lane, Pacific. MO 63069 ~~~~::::::::::::::: Donald R. Hinson. Rt. 2, Box 387, Union. MO 63084 Donald Schmitt. 11 Flat Creek Manon. Union, MO 63084....... Arthur C. Gaebler. Rt. 2. Box 151, Hermann, MO 65041.. Howard E. Brandt. Box 271, Rosebud. MO 63091..
~:E~~:::::::::::::· g£?:/k~We::~:~:::::::::::::::
2nd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Fri. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Sat. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
THIRTY路FOURTH PISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
Roger E. Orr, Rt. 1, Box 52, Garden City, MO 64747 Arthur L. Reece. Rt. 1, Box 265, Harrisonville, MO 64701.. John C. Waldron, P.O. Box 156, Freeman, MO 64746 William W. McDermet, 1302 W. Jenkins Blvd., Raymore, MO 64083 Milton B. Carnes, Rt. 2, Box 313, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 Dale Mohr, Box 56, Amsterdam, MO 64723 Jack Redinger, 1701 S. Main, Harrisonville, MO 64701.. Edwin S. Craycraft, 500 Molt Dr., Apt. 211B, Raymore. MO 64083
1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 3rd Mon.
Cass.................. Cass Cass.................. Cass..................
Index Cass Grand River Belton
. . . .
54 147 276 450
Garden City Harrisonville Freeman Belton
Robert W. Kagarice.......... David Atkinson................. Wayne G. Ritter................ Clarence D. Landrum........
Cass Cass Cass Cass..................
Jewel. Coldwater Archie Cleveland
.. . .. .
480 485 633 651
Pleasant Hill DrexeL. Archie Cleveland
Hobert R. Milican, Sr....... William K. Corbin............. Gareld L. Phillips.............. George Borris.....................
1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd Tues. 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd Tues.
THIRTY路FIFTH DISTRICT - Aa of November 14, 1989 Bates Bates.. Bates................ Bates
Amsterdam Butler Crescent Hill Foster
. . .. .
141 254 368 554
Amsterdam Butler.. Adrain Foster
Lee Cummings...................
Jack Baker......................... Carl W. Frazier.................. Hadd Botkin......................
Carl F. Stanfill, Rt. 1, Amoret, MO 64722 Richard L. Swehla, 815 W. Ohio St., Butler, MO 64730 Joseph A. Frazier, 244 W. 7th St., Adrain, MO 64720 W. Carl Trogdon, Rt. 3, Box 174, Butler, MO 64730
2nd Tues. 1st & 3rd Fri. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon.
THIRTY-8IXTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 Benton.............. Benton.............. Johnson............ Johnson Johnson :..... Johnson Pettis................ Pettis Pettis................
Cole Camp Shawnee Knob Noster Holden Corinthian Cold Spring Sedalia Granite La Monte
. . .. .. .. .. . . ..
595 653 245 262 265 274 236 272 574
Cole Camp Warsaw Knob Noster Holden Warrensburg Leeton Sedalia Sedalia La Monte
Dennis E. Brandt.............. Boyd young....................... Rusty Ludiam.................... Eamah R. Jones................ Mark Pearce....................... Charles R. Eye................... K. Quenton Bird................ Billy E. Coffelt.................. Danny Ferguson................
John D. Friedly. Jr.. P.O. Box 14, Ionia. MO 65335 John Owen. P.O. Box 275, Warsaw, MO 65355 Paul T. McCune. Rt. 2. Downing, MO 63536 w.e. Brown. Rt. 1. Box 272, Kingsville. MO 64061.. Howard C. Martin, Rt. 5, Warrensburg, MO 64093 Richard H. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 102, Leeton, MO 64761.. Jack Chambers. 2801 Wing Ave.. Sedalia. MO 65301... Ray F. Hendricks, 1614 W. 20th St., Sedalia. MO 65301. Ivan Harrison, 601 Westside Dr., Knob Noster, MO 65336
19t & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 2nd Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 3rd Thurs. 1st Fri. 3rd Fri. 2nd Wed.
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS - Continued THIRTY路SEVENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14,1989 County Henry Henry Henry St. Clair............ St. Clair St. Clair............ St. Clair St. Clair
Lodge Windsor Clinton Calhoun St. Clair Circle Lowry City Appleton City Star
. . . . . . . .
29 548 552 273 342 403 412 419
Windsor Clinton Calhoun Osceola Roscoe Lowry City Appleton City Taberville
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
Larry Kreisel...................... Donald Varner................... Ronald G. Kreisel.............. Danny C. Hoppers............. Nelson Hostetter............... Bryan W. Herron.............. Andrew Dines.................... Marcellis Alexander..........
Eugene R. Schell, P.O Box 283, Windsor, MO 65360 Harry L. Jerome, 316 North 5th St., Clinton, MO 64735 Murrell V. Zollicker, P.O. Box 215. Calhoun, MO 65323路0215.. Danny Hoppers, Box 139, Osceola, MO 64776 Robert Keeton, Rt. 3, Box 80, Stockton, MO 65785 E. Patrick Wixted, 809 E. 2nd St., Lowry City. MO 64763 John B. Browning, Rt. 3, Montrose. MO 64770 Willard L. Dains, Rt. 2. Box 41, Rockville, MO 64780
1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 3rd Tues. 2nd Wed. 1st Fri. 3rd Mon. 4th Fri.
THIRTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Camden Camden Laclede Laclede Miller................ Pulaski............. Pulaski..
Linn Creek Macks Creek Laclede Conway Iberia Waynesville Richland
. .. .. . . . ..
152 433 83 528 410 375 385
Camdenton Macks Creek Lebanon Conway Iberia Waynesville Richland
Duane E. Viele................... Clovis Admire.................... Owen H. Simpson.............. Frank Wotring................... Michael Moore................... Roy L. Gilkey.................... Radolph Mullins................
Jack E. Scheurich, Box 582, Camdenton, MO 65020 Wayne Noland, Rt. 2, Box 178A. Buffalo. MO 65622 Edward K. Brann. Box 185, Lebanon, MO 65536 Jerry Johnson. 3021 E. Catalpa. Springfield. MO 65804 John T. Grady. P.O. Box 65, Iberia. MO 65486 Fred A. McMillan. 501 Broadway St.. Waynesville. MO 65583 Don Hicks, Rt. 2. Box 470. Richland. MO 65556
2nd Thurs. 1st Sat. 1st Thurs. 1st Sat. 1st Thurs. 2nd Tues. 2nd Wed.
THIRTY路NINTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Crawford Crawford Dent.................. Maries Maries Maries.............. Phelps............... Phelps Phelps............... Pulaski Texas
Lebanon Cuba Salem Vienna Belle Lanes Prairie Rolla St. James Equality Arlington Latimer
. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
77 312 225 94 373 531 213 230 497 346 145
Steelville Cuba Salem Vienna Belle Vichy Rolla St. James Newburg Dixon Licking
Milton yeary...................... James Shockly................... Leroy C. William............... Vernon Feeler..................... Rodger Janes..................... Robert A. Bullock............. Frank L. Tucker................ Sid Pearson........................ Larry G. Forester.............. Donald Warnol................... Danny Joe Wilson.............
Robert C. Webster. H.C. 88, Box 8078. Steelville. MO 65565.. Sam C. Orr, P.O. Box 11. Cuba. MO 65453 Gary Leonard. Box 482. Salem. MO 65560 Albert A. Bray. Rt. 1. Box 1. Vienna. MO 65582 Roger Thompson. Rt. 1. Box 22, Belle. MO 65013 G.L. White, P.O. Box 474. Vichy. MO 65580 Norman E. Ragan. Rt. 5. Box 692, Rolla. MO 65401... Borden Neidert, Rt. 3. Box 3419. St. James, MO 65559 Loarn W. Daniels. Rt. 1. Box 208, Duke. MO 65461.. Paul E. Beydler. P.O. Box 327. Dixon, MO 65459 Delbert G. Mugford. Rt. 1. Box 812. Licking. MO 65542 ,
1st Sat. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Fri. 1st Sat. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd Sat. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
FORTIETH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County
Master's Name
Jefferson.......... DeSoto Jefferson.......... Joachim
. ..
119 DeSoto 164 Hillsboro
Clarence M. Jones Jerry D. Aarant..
.. ..
Jefferson Jefferson
. .
256 Crystal City 338 Herculaneum
Launie Wellman Ralph Dean
.. .
Jefferson Arnold St. Francois..... Blackwell Washington..... Tyro
.. .. .
Raymond J. Lammert.. .. 673 Arnold 535 Blackwell............... James Ketcherside . 12 Caledonia Jackson J. Tiefenauer, Sr.
Washington..... Potosi.. Washington Irondale Washington..... Belgrade
.. . .
131 Potosi 143 Irondale 632 Belgrade
Shekinah Herculaneum
Ronald L. Britton Jerry B. Dunlap Raymond King
.. .. ..
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
C. Homer Turley, Rt. 5. Box 238, DeSoto, MO 63020 Ralph L. Samples. Jr., 6080 N. Lakeshore Dr., Hillsboro, MO 63050 John H. Santschi, 1397 McNutt Rd.. Festus, MO 63028 Franklin A. Ravellette. 4909 Diamond Dr.. Lot 39, High Ridge, MO 63049 Robert C. Eden. 1007 South Crest. Arnold. MO 63010 Charles Rigdon. Rt. 2. Box 415A. DeSoto. MO 63020 Gracin E. Akers, 22 Beth Ann Dr.. Belleville. IL 62221.
2nd & 4th Thurs 2nd Fri. 2nd & 4th Tues.
1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st Sat. Sat. on or before full moon & 2 wks. thereafter Clarence Alfred Johns. Rt. 2. Box 85. Potosi. MO 63664 ......... 2nd Mon. Harry Lee Woods, Rt. 1. Box 654. Mineral Point. MO 63660.. 1st & 3rd Sat. Ronald W. Pierce. Rt. I. Box 69. Caledonia. MO 63631.. .......... 3rd Sat.
FORTY路FIRST DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Dallas.. Dallas Dallas Hickory Hickory Polk Polk Polk Polk
Riddick Western Light Urbana Hogle's Creek Hermitage Fair Play Modern Bolivar Pleasant Hope
.. . .. .. . .. .. . .
361 396 421 279 288 44 144 195 467
Buffalo Louisburg.. Urbana Wheatland Hermitage Fair Play Humansville Bolivar Pleasant Hope
W.T. Brown Jack L. Sneed Dallas Erickson Gary Jackson Dick Walter Bobby L. Copeland James J. Brogdon James Whitman James R. Slagle
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ; ..
Jerry P. Smith. Rt. I, Box 471路A. Buffalo, MO 65622 Deryle Potter, Box 13, Louisburg. MO 65685 Joel D. Monteith, Rt. I. Box 20. Preston. MO 65765 Ethelbert T. Chaney, Box 294. Wheatland. MO 65779 James C. Munden. Rt. I. Box 204, Hermitage, MO 65665 John H. Price, Rt. 2, Box 182. Fair Play, MO 65649 James W. Allison, Rt. I. Box 62, Flemington, MO 65650 Bernard K. Swingle. 519 N. Springfield St., Bolivar, MO 65613 Robert E. Crowell, Rt. I. Box 4, Pleasant Hope; MO 65725....
4th Fri. 1st Thurs. 4th Sat. 1st Thurs. 3rd Tues. 1st Mon. 2nd Mon. 2nd Tues. 2nd Thurs.
FORTY路SECOND DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Cedar Cedar Dade
Stockton Jerusalem Washington
. . .
283 Stockton 315 Jerico Springs 87 Greenfield
J ames Kilburn .. Joe L. Levi. .. Raymond E. McDowell .
William H. Lyons, Jr.. Rt. I. Box 182, Stockton. MO 65785 Teddy L. Sell. Rt. I. Box 365. Jerico Springs. MO 64756 Lacey Stapp, P.O. Box 12, Greenfield. MO 65661..
1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 4th Tues.
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS - Continued FORTY-THIRD DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County BartOn Barton Cedar Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon
. .. . . . .. . . .
LodKe Hermo!\ Lamar Clintonville
. . .
~h:Fci~~::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~;~fo'::::::::::::::: Unity Walker
. .
No. 187 292 482 303 371 448 490 495 605
Location Liberal Lamar Eldorado Springs. Nevada Sheldon Schell City
Master's Name Art Barkey John Wagaman, Jr James Leonard Byron Wolfe J.D. Lathrop Everett Prough
. .. .. . . .
~i~h:d~~~::::::::::::: ~~~t~~t·~{;~·t;;~:::::::::::::
Jerry Burch........................
Secretary's Name and Address Joy T. Funk. Rt. I, Box 11. Liberal. MO 64762 Ray M. Quackenbush, P.O. Box 281. Lamar. MO 64759 Jim Welton. P.O. Box 175, Roscoe, MO 64781. Melvin F. Westerhold. Rt. 4, Box 151, Nevada. MO 64772 H.T. Pyeatte, Rt. 2, Box 72. Sheldon, MO 64784 Billy D. Dickbreder. P.O. Box 47, Schell City. MO 64783 H. Gene Lasley, Rt. 2. Box 153, Sheldon. MO 64784 Earl L. Rogers, Rt. 1. Box 4. Richards, MO 64778 John P. Bloesser. BOll: 426, Nevada, MO 64772
Time of Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd Thurs. 2nd Fri. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd Wed. 1st & 3rd Sat. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
FORTY-FOURTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper
. . . . . .. . . . ..
~:~~=re~::::::::::::::::::: ~~B~~~hip:::::::::::::::: ~:k;~;iii~:::::::::::::::: Mineral Webb City Carl Junction Criterion
.. .. .. .
197 293 335 345 398 401 471 512 549 586
~:~~:r::::::::::::::::: g:~~e'iiot~~:~i:::::::::::::::: ~~e~ ~. ~=~::: ~~~. ?s~~ ~~~o~i:.t~~e6~~2~~~~~::: ~~t 3~~h~~~s. W. Larrance Roe, 1815 Michigan. Joplin, MO 64804 1st & 3rd Mon. 1~&~::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~~ EJ\. G~~~~~~~::::::::::: James H. Doran, BOll: 1235. Joplin, MO 64801... 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Tues. Robert W. Davis, 411 E. Morrison, Jasper. MO 64755 ~:k:~iii~:::::::::::::: ~~I1'\f~~~~~~.~:::::::::::: William H. Munday. 2814 McConnell St., Joplin. MO 64804 1st & 3rd Tues. Oronogo................. Webb City Carl Junction Alba
Bobby Lee Weaver Robert Whitelock Claude Sawyer Glen Clifton
. .. .. ..
Howard L. Floyd. Rt. 1. Box 520. Asbury. MO 64832 Jack Amos, 3410 E. 13th St.. Joplin, MO 64801... Ralph Martin. Box 165. Carl Junction, MO 64834 Russell J. Schell. Sr., P.O. Box 357. Alba, MO 64830
1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Wed. 2nd & 4th Tues.
FORTY·FIFTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Greene.............. United
Greene.............. O·Sullivan Greene.............. Ash Grove Greene Solomon
. .. ..
Gerald R. Rindom
7 Walnut Grove Donald H. McCorkendale. .. 100 Ash Grove............ Robert Fries 271 Springfield William O. Lockmiller ..
Greene.............. Gate of the Temple. Greene Republic ..
422 Springfield 570 Republic
Richard L. Nelms Tommy L. Thompson
.. .
Greene Greene Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Greene
608 Strafford 620 Willard 98 Marshfield... 300 Elkland.................. 439 Rogersville 459 477 ~~;r~~iii~::::::::::::: 678 Springfield
John Comstock Bobbie D. Hurd Garry Mason Gary D. Price Arthur L. Wolfe
. . .. . .
Strafford Willard Webster Doric Mount Olive Hazelwood Henderson Daylight
. .. . .. . .. . ..
~rllrJ.t~;u~~.~:::::::::::::::: Leslie D. Wiest..
Almon A. Atkins. P.O. Box 10301 G.S.S.•
C.W.~~~~~.~? ~~~:~0~~~:·wili~~d: ..MO·65781:::::::::::::::::::: ~~~ ~~~.
S. Christopher Wilson, Rt. 2, Everton,. MO 65646 2nd Thurs. Raymond·R. Sanders. Jr., 510 S. Scemc Ave., Springfield, MO 65802 2nd Mon. Dick Nelms. 3066 E. Sunset, Springfield. MO 65801.. 3rd Thurs. Ernest L. Fanning. 4052 W. Sunshine, Lot 109. Springfield, MO 65807........ 2nd Thurs. Gary Yarbrough, Rt. 3, Box 259. Strafford. MO 65757 1st Thurs. Marshall Buffington. 407 Beam St., Willard, MO 65781.. 1st Thurs. J. Edward Blinn. P.O. Box 14, Marshfield. MO 65706 2nd Fri. James Jacobs. P.O. Box 69, Elkland. MO 65644 2nd Sat. Randall J. Jones, Rt. 3, Box 159, Rogersville, MO 65742 3rd Mon. 1st Fri. Dean Rowe, Box 115, Seymour. MO 65746 Jeffrey D. Lee, 2140 Claiborne, Springfield, MO 65804 3rd Thurs. 1st Mon. Paul Turner, 1100 W. Division, Springfield, MO 65803
FORTY-SIXTH DISTRICT - As of November.14. 1989 County Douglas Texas Texas Texas Texas Wright Wright
. . ~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::: . . ~i:t~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: . Summersville........... . Mountain Grove...... . . .
Secretary's Name and Address
Master's N:ame
1~~ ~:~~i":::::::::::::::::::: ~fuia~?f··R~by:::::::::::::::: ~~~ ~l~~~~~.::::::::::::::::: be~ l~~::If.~::::::::::::::::
555 Summersville 158 Mountain Grove
Ricky D. Briggs Lyle E. Davis
y~~~:::::::::::::::::: qw Mr£~~~::::::::::.:.:.:::. ~~as~~~:~~~~~:~:::::::::::::::
. .
Time of Meeting
Kenneth B. Smith. Rt. 2. Box 741, Ava, MO 65608 Hugh D. Lower, P.O. Box 215. Cabool, MO 65689 Larry K. Ward. P.O. Box 457. Success, MO 65570 Milton P. Youmans. Rt. 6, Box 765. Roby, MO 65557 Stanley Norin. Star Rt., Box 97, Summersville, MO 65571.. Jacob C. Baird, Rt. 2, Box 58, Norwood, MO 65717
1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st Thurs. 1st Mon. 2nd Sat. 2nd Fri.
Bill Davault. 611 Short St., Monroe, MO 65711..
1st Thros.
WRIi~ ~.oD~~Js~xp~6: ~:t6~~~'~a~s~rey~:MO"'65704:::::::::: ~~~ ~~~.
FORTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT - As of November 14. 1989 Carter
Van Buren
509 Van Buren
Randy Warren...................
James E. Newton. Box 135. Van Buren. MO 63965
Graridin Lesterville Ellington Bunker Birch Tree Winona Eminence
R.D. Wallace...................... :...... Walter Parker Clyde Johnson................... Dean Lanham, Jr............... John Price.......................... Loren Putman.................... David OiL.........................
Tony E. Cates. Rt. 1. Box 291, Ellsinore. MO 63937 James M. Johnson, Rt. 1. Box 182, Black, MO 63625 Barnard L. Morrison, Rt. 3, Box 237. Redford. MO 63665 Mel Ritter, Rt. 1, Box 224, Bunker, MO 63629 David E. Reed, Rt. 2. Box 260, Mountain View. MO 65548 Gordon Buckner. P.O. Box 84. Winona, MO 65588 Allen L. Akers. Box 218, Eminence, MO 65466
Ironton Belleview Viburnum Fredericktown... Bismarck
Reynolds Shannon Shannon Shannon
Bunker Delphian Winona Eminence
. . . .
579 239 353 675 137 430 607
Iron Iron Iron Madison St. Francois St. Francois St. Francois..... St. Francois St. Francois St. Francois St. Francois..... St. Genevieve..
Star of the West Mosaic Viburnum Mlll'cus Bismarck Farmington St. Francois Samaritan Pendleton Leadwood Elvins·Ionic Saline
. . . . . . . . . . . .
133 351 676 110 41 132 234 424 551 598 154 226
~:~~~~~::::::::::: ~~~~~ii~·:::::::::::::::
Sat. on or after full moon 2nd Mon. 4th Sat. 2nd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
FORTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT - As of November 14. 1989 Ralph H. Riden Kenny Rhoades Daniel E. McNall J ames Hinkle Hal Brett Jones
. Ralph L. Rother, Box 354. Arcadia, MO 63621... . Ralph A. Trask. H.C. 63. Box 36A. Belleview, MO 63623 . Cletus H. Faircloth. P.O. Box 302, Viburnum. MO 65566 . Elza M. Rehkop, Rt. 3, Box 255, Fredericktown, MO 63645.... . Garry L. Dalton, 1434 St. Joe Dr.• Flat River. MO 63601.. Dennis C. McGuire, P.O. Box 384, Farmington, MO 63640 r=~~:::::::::::: f~~nE.~o~~~~::::::::::::::::: P. Vincent Kinkead, Rt. 1, Box 243. Farmington. MO 63640.. Bonne Terre.......... Bernard C. Roderick . Frank J. Dreier. Box 477, Bonne Terre. MO 63628 . Oliver Kassabaum. Doe Run. MO 63637 Doe Run................ Rodger C. Francis . Kevin L. Fitzwater. 1000 West St., Leadwood, MO 63653 Leadwood Craig Lee Baker Desloge.................. Elmer E. Revelle . C. Wilburn Hom. P.O. Box 1546. Desloge, MO 63601·1546 St. Mary·s Fred Steckman . D"Iight Smith, 439 N. West St., Perryville. MO 63775
2nd & 4th Fri. 1st Sat. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Tluirs. 1st & 3rd Sat. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Sat. 1st & 3rd Tues. 4th Sat.
FORTY·NINTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
Fred L. Thomas. P.O. Box 54. Marble Hill. MO 63764 Lee Dalton, Rt. 1. Box 6, Sturdivant. MO 63782-9702 Robert W. Harper. 211 Sandford St.. Jackson. MO 63755 Rusby D. Niswonger. Rt. 1. Millersville. MO 63766 Delos Sebaugh. P.O. Box 24. Daisy. MO 63743 James R. Haynes. Box 366. Whitewater. MO 63785 Joe D. Masterson. Rt. 3. Box 236. Jackson. MO 63755 Cecil O. Blaylock. 217 S. Louisiana Ave. Cape Girardeau. MO 63701.. Kenneth E. Corse. Rt. 6. Box lA, Perryville. MO 63775 Charles H. Spradlin. Rt. 1, Box 1402. Scott City. MO 63780.. Norman A. Proffer, Rt. 1. Box 223. Whitewater. MO 63785....
2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Sat. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
Bollinger .. Bollinger . Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau
Trowel. Zalma St. Mark·s West View
Excelsior . Harold O. Grauel... ..
440 545 93 103 221 417 441 672
Perry Scott Scott
Perryville lllmo Chaffee
.. .. .
670 Perryville 581 Scott City 615 Chaffee
Charleston Morehouse Morley Sikeston Bloomfield Lakeville Dexter Advance Puxico
.. . .. . .. . . . .
407 Charleston
Gary Morris.......................
Harry Sutherland. 1300 E. Marshall. Charleston. MO 63834
1st & 3rd Thurs.
310 153 489 532 590 596
Frederick H. Nea!.............. Calvin D. Crenshaw.......... Michael J. Todt................. Neal Garner........................ Claude Stephens................ Leo Temples.......................
L. ~ayne Cowell. 804 Allen. Sikeston. MO 63801.. Johnny M. Robey. Sr.. P.O. Box 417. Bloomfield. MO 63825.. W. Max Bollinger. P.O. Box 156. Bell City, MO 63735 Don Kapelski. 213 S. Locust. Dexter. MO 63841.. George V. Green. Rt. 1. Box 149. Advance. MO 63730 Leo H. Lowery. Rt. 2, Puxico. MO 63960
1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon.
. . .. ..
Marble Hill Zalma Cape Girardeau Millersville
John E. Lewis Leeman Shirrell Terrence L. Kelley Jimmy Proffer
.. .. .. ..
~te~~'l:~·:::::::::::. ~~'Bw~U~J~h:::::::::::::::
Jackson Cape Girardeau
Ronald Clark Marshall G. Shain, Jr
James Shemwell Clay E. Hunter James Chronister
.. ..
: .. .. .
1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
FIFTIETH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Scott Scott Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard
. .. . .. . . .
~g~ ~~~i:y~~~.~.·.·.:·.·.:·.·.·.:·.·.·.~:~H~n~~va~~~:::::::::::::::: t1~r~nE~·J~~~f:~.B~.O~t~x~~~~hO~~:~g ~~~~L:::::::::::::: ~~~ ~ :~~ ~~e~: Sikeston Bloomfield Bell City Dexter Advance Puxico
FIFTY·FIRST DISTRICT· As of November 14, 1989 New Madrid New Madrid New Madrid Pemiscot Pemiscot
Point Pleasant.. New Madrid Odom Carutherrsville Hayti
.. .. . .. ..
176 Conran James F. Alexander 429 New Madrid.......... Lyman A. Brooks
:~~ ~~~~:;~~?ii~:::::::. ~~~eBu~h.~.~.~~::::::::::::::: 571
E.O. West
.. .. .
Robert J. McAlister. Box 393. Portageville. MO 63873 Glenn E. Dyke, 1301 Mill Ste, New Madrid. MO 63869-0203 L.C. Keith. 500 W. 9th St.. Portageville. MO 63873 William M. Orr. Box 175. Steele. :\10 63877 Theodore T. Martin. 102 E. Washington St.. Hayti, MO 63851
2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
CO 00 CO
FIFTY·SECOND DISTRICT - As of November 4,1989 Lodge
Poplar Bluff............. Composite................. Naylor Greenville................. Wayne.......................
209 369 568 107 526
Poplar Bluff... Doniphan Naylor Greenville Piedmont...
County Butler Ripley Ripley Wayne Wayne
Master's Name J. Joseph Shirley............... Odas Isaacs........................ Jerry L. Smith Dale M. Margrave............. O.D. Mitchell.....................
Secretary's Name and Address Charles E': Divine, P.O. Box 475, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901.. Verneal A. Pigg, Rt. I, Box 216 BR, Doniphan, MO 63935 John A. Drennan:HC I, Box 126, Fairdealing, MO 63939 Virgil M. Clubb, P.O. Box 36. Greenville. MO 63944 William N. Burch, 414 N. Main St., Piedmont, MO 63957
Time of Meeting 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Sat.
FIFTY·THIRD DISTRICT - As of November 4, 1989 Howell HowelL Howell Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Ozark................ Ozark Ozark Ozark
Mt. Zion................... Ingomar.................... Mountain View........ Alton......................... Woodside.................. Clifton....................... Koshkonong Sampson................... Bayou....................... Rockbridge............... Robert Bums...........
327 536 637 255 387 463 582 298 365 435 496
West Plains Willow Springs Mountain View Alton Thomasville Thayer Koshkonong Theodosia.............. Bakersfield Almartha Gainesville
Aaron M. Thomas............. Ray Birdsong :. Wilburn P. Lawton............ Wayne B. Wright.. : Max W. Cowens................. O.M. Ragan........................ Duane Staley...................... Kevin Moran...................... Troy Scott.......................... Joe Turner.......................... Jim M.MCConnaughy........
Johnnie R. Duggins, Rt. I, Box 205, West Plains, MO 65775. Don E. Traver, Rt. 3, Box 217. Willow Springs, MO 65793 Robert L. Butler, Rt. 3, 638 E. Third, Mountain View, MO 65548 Charles J. Clemen, Rt. 2, Box 2347, Alton, MO 65606 George Vehawn, Rt. 3, Box 148, Birch Tree, MO 65438 Bill D. Williams, P.O. Box 95, Thayer, MO 65791.. Eugene S. Frealy, Rt. 2, Bo 2261, Thayer, MO 65791.. Dwayne Hunter, Rt. 2, Box 242. Protem, MO 65733 Mack G. Davis, HCR 80. Box 71·B, Caulfield, MO 65626 Cage Hogan, SRA, Box 135, Nottinghill, MO 65718 Barney Douglas. HCR-l, Box 63, Gainesville. MO 65655
1st Thurs. 2nd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 3rd Mon. 3rd Sat. 2nd Tues. 2nd Thurs. 3rd Tues. 4th Sat. 2nd Sat. 3rd Thurs.
FIFTY·FOURTH DISTRICT· As of November 4, 1989 Christian
296 Sparta
Charles HufL.....................
Donald H. Roller, P.O. Box 47, Sparta. MO 65753
Christian Christian Stone Slone Taney............... Taney
Friend Billings Galena Crane Forsyth Branson
.. .. .. .. .. .
352 379 515 519 453 587
Kelly L. Shipman.............. Gerald Glangy................... Robert J. Richardson........ James Hudgins.................. Michael Klarecki................ Robert D. Hindbaugh.......
Farris Shipman, Box 218. Chadwidk, MO 65629 Stan Laney, Rt. 2, Box 281. Billings. MO 65610 Carnell E. Cutbirth, Rt. 1. Box 292B, Galena, MO 65656 Clyde L. Robinson, Box 426. Crane. MO 65633 ; Robert E. Housman, Box 1386, Forsyth, MO 65653 Alvin H. Jones, P.O. Box 111, Powersite, MO 65731..
Ozark Billings Galena Crane Forsyth Branson
Fri. night on or before full moon 1st Tues. 1st Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon.
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Barry Barry
Monett Barry
.. .
129 367
Monett Washburn
Paul E. Norvell Donald D. Elderton
. .
Barry................ Barry Barry Lawrence Lawrence. Lawrence.......... Lawrence
Pythagoras Comfort Central Crossing Mount Vernon Canopy Decatur Miller
. . . . . . .
383 533 674 99 284 400 567
Cassville Wheaton Shell Knob. Mount Vernon Aurora
Lowell Nance David Stanley Virgil Barton Roy A. Howell Chris Stecker
. . . . .
McDonald......... McDonald......... Newton........... .. Newton Newton
Southwest Anderson Neosho Granby Stella
.. .. . . .
466 621 247 514 538
Southwest City Anderson Neosho Granby 8tella
~ill~~.~~~~:::::::::::::. ~':: ~a=~::::::::::::::::::::
Dr. Danny Nestleroad. 507 E. Cleveland. Monett. MO 65708.... Michael L. Shafer. 1733 Garrison. Carthage. MO 64836-3046 Ken Lingle. Sherwood Forest, Cassville. MO 65625 Frank W. Kennedy. Rt. I, Box 280, Purdy, MO 65734 Travis Wyatt, Rt. 5. Box 645, Berryville. AK 72616 Vincen W. Baldwin. Rt. 3. B05 161, Mt. Vernon. MO 65712 Joe D. Bean. Box 4. Aurora. MO 65605 Linn Houck. Rt. I, Box 265. Pierce City. MO 65723 Ron Myers. P.O. Box 75. Halltown. MO 65664
Time of Meeting 1st Thurs. 3rd Sat. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st Tues. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd Mon.
FIFTY-SIXTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 John W. Bowzer................. Perry Allison...................... Michael L. Compton........... Jim Webb........................... Larry Myers.......................
James Cantrell. Box 485. Noel, MO 64854 Roy H. Eppard. Rt. 1, Box 513. Goodman, MO 64843 Henry A. Friend, 307 E. Main. Neosho. MO 64850 Joseph D. McBride. P.O. Box 126. Newtonia, MO 64853 Fay Granger, Jr.. Box 2236. Stella, MO 64867
1st & 3rd 'rues. 2nd Mon. 1st Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st Tues.
FIFTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT - As. of November 14, 1989 Miller Ionia Morgan............. Versailles Morgan Barnett
. . .
381 Eldon 320 Versailles 591 Barnett
Winston L. Wright............. Bob Gordon........................ Tom Banner........................
Rodger L. Fults. Rt. 2. Box 751, Eldon. MO 65026 Vernon L. Whittle. Rt. 3. Box 281. Versailles. MO 65084 J. Dwight McDonald, Rt. 2. Box 63. Barnett. MO 65011..
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 3rd Mon.
FIFTY·NINTH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 Jackson. Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson...... Jackson............. Jackson..... Jackson Jackson Jackson............. Jackson............. Jackson
Independence Summit McDonald Blue Springs Raytown Christian Buckner Marlborough Mt. Washington Grandview Grain Valley
. . . . .. . . . . . .
76 263 324 337 391 392 501 569 614 618 644
Independence Lee's Summit Independence Blue Springs Raytown Oak Grove Buckner Grandview Independence Grandview Grain Valley
E. Eugene Crandall . Gary J. Montgomery . Charles E. Alexander . Norman E. McLaughlin .. Charles E. Pickett... . Jimmy Jones . Bill A. Dykes . Don A. Baker . James B. Wilson . Albert L. Lavenburg . Harlan Crawford .
Robert R. Crick. 329 E. Kansas. Indep;ndence. MO 64050 John Weight, 703 Charleston Ave.. Lee s Summit. MO 64081·2470 Kenneth M. Fiugerrel. 1403 Parker. Independence. MO 64050.. William E. Broggi. Sr.. 401 S. 21st St.. Blue Springs, MO 64015 Chriss L. Green. Jr.• 3104 Claremont, Independence, MO 64052 James K. Dennis, 15604 E. 44th St.. Independence. MO 64055. Clarence L. Alumbaugh. Box 498. Buckner, MO 64016 James C. Lane, 10216 Tracy Ave.. Kansas City, MO 64131.. C. Keith Wilkinson. Sr.. 215 So. Hunter, Independence. MO 64050 Joseph G. Wehner. 6007 E. 86th St.. Kansas City, MO 64138.. John P. Bybee. 1004 R.D. Mize, Blue Springs, MO 64015
2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues.
SIXTIETH DISTRICT - As of November 14, 1989 County
Dunkin, .. ,..,..,.... Dunkin Dunkin""""""" Dunkin.".", .. "". Dunkin.. , Dunkin,."" ",., Stoddard
Kennett. .. Four Mile .. Hornersville " ", .. Cardwell", """, ", Malden , Clarkton .. """" "",. Bernie, .
68 212 215 231 406 645 573
Location Kennett Campbell Hornersville Cardwell Malden Clarkton Bernie
Master's Name Edward Earl Smith............ Mike Gray.......................... Lester Lee Tulley............... , Jim Burgess " "..... , Terry Karlish...................... W.K. Windham................... Robert C. Crow..................
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
Herbert Knotts, Rt. 1, Box 206, Kennett, MO 63857.. Joe W, Cumins. Rt, 2. Box 373, Campbell. MO 63933 , James T, Moore, P,O, Box 244. Hornersville. MO 63855 Herman L. Clark, Rt. 1. Arbyrd. MO 63821.., Thomas Chidister. 1209 Charlotte Dr" Malden. MO 63863.0136 Gary 0, Burchell. Rt. 1. Box 62. Clarkton, MO 63837.. Randy E. Jennings. Box 474. Bernie. MO 63822
2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs, 1st & 3rd Mon, 1st & 3rd Thurs, 2nd Tues, 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
DISTRICT 61A - As of November 14, 1989 St. Louis........... Beacon St. Louis........... Bridgeton
.. ..
St, St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St.
. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis........... Louis , Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis........... Louis...........
Occidental Paul Revere Apollo Ferguson Wellston Overland Mizpah Jennings Progress Berkeley Florissant Lewis & Clark
3 Hazelwood 80 St, Johns 163 330 529 542 613 623 639 640 657 667 668 677
Overland St. Louis Creve Coeur Ferguson Hazelwood St. Louis Florissant Jennings Florissant.. Berkeley Florissant.. St. Johns
William L. McClure............ Charles O·Dell..................... John A. Murphy................ Mark Wilson....................... Robert L. Griffith............... Edward M. Delaney........... Harold 1. Walton............... Michael Rohman................. Darrel E. Morris................. , William J. Crowley............. Billy J, Thaxton................. James H. Wilson................ David P. Keefe................... Robert T. Stankey..............
Charles H. Miller, 10216 Baltimore Ave., St. Ann. MO 63074.. , Earl A. Sandroff, 777 S, New Ballas Rd.. -315E, Creve Coeur. MO 63141. Lawrence A. Strecker. 4524 Tomahawk Dr.. St, Louis. MO 63123 John B. Berger, 11526 Rockhampton Dr,. St. Louis. MO 63138 William M. Kazban. 7613 Cheshire Ln.• Affton. MO 63123 James A. Carter, Jr.• 229 So. Hartnett. Ferguson. MO 63135 Edward T. Neely. Jr,. 10191 Cloverdale Dr.. St. Louis. MO 63136 Spencer R. Straubmuller. 3476 Charlck. St. Louis. MO 63114 G, Glenn Wilson. 11161 Estrada Dr,. Apt. 5, St. Louis, MO 63138 Alfred Schricker, Jr.. 38 Flamingo Dr,. Hazelwood. MO 63042.. Paul C, Neuenkirk. 9252 Edna Ave,. St. Louis. MO 63137 Charles J. Couchman, 34 Westdell Dr" Dellwood. MO 63136 G. Glenn Wilson. 11161 Estrada Dr.. Apt. 5. St. Louis, MO 63138 William R. Feltner. 418 Chambers Rd.. St. Louis. MO 63137
2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon, 2nd & 4th Wed, 2nd & 4th Wed, 1st & 3rd Fri. 2nd & 4th Tues, 2nd & 4th Thurs, 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Fri, 2nd & 4th Mon.
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS - Continued DISTRICT 61B - As of November 14, 1989 County
St. Louis........... St. Louis City of St. Louis Naphtali
No. .. ..
Master's Name
20 St. Louis Lee G. WaiL 25 St. Louis................ Eugene G. Barken
. ..
St. Louis........... St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis
Mt. Moriah .. Polar Star .. Pride of the West.. .. Cosmos ..
40 79 179 282
St. Louis Clayton St. Louis St. Louis
James E. Jameson Ralph E. Simpson Hubert D. Vaughan J. Russell Wever
City of St. Louis St. Louis.. City of St. Louis St. Louis........... St. Louis City of St. Louis St. Louis...........
Tuscan .. Rose Hill .. Olive Branch . Clayton .. Brentwood .. Triangle . Benjamin Franklin .
360 550 576 601 616 638 642
St. Louis... Creve Coeur........... St. Louis Clayton Brentwood St. Louis................ Creve Coeur...........
Dennis C. SChwandt... .. Orville C. Anderson, Jr .. Gerald Hurtgen .. James H. Cockerham .. Ronald W. Schook .. William P. Thompson .. Steven I. Toybes ..
St. Louis..
658 Creve Coeur
Richard L. Walton
.. .. .. ..
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
Max Stein, 17 Bon Hills Dr., Olivette, MO 63132 Warren R. Knackstedt, 7424 Gravois Rd., Dittmer, MO 63023-9602 Robert J. Peplaw, 1300 Wickstead Rd.• Manchester, MO 63011 Fred O. Hahn. 780 Jerome Ln., Cahokia. IL 62206 Harold F. Simmons, 242 Turf Ct.. Webster Groves, MO 63119. Raymond B. Williams, 4521 Whitfield Ln., St. Louis, MO 63134·3821... John W. Hillemeyer. 50 Magnolia Dr.. St. Louis, MO 63124 Thomas O. Gooch. 12000 Orchard View. Creve Coeur, MO 63146 Melvin S. Acord, 1349 Graham Ave., St. Louis. MO 63139....... Earl E. Sampson. 1808 Kenilworth Dr., Brentwood, MO 63144. Emmett Broombaugh, 14805 Woodford Way. Bridgeton, MO 63044 Kevin J. KaegeI. 4696 Kelly Kris, St. Charles, MO 63303 Ben Lamberg, 1434 Willowbrook Cove, Apt. 3, St. Louis, MO 63146 Ronald D. Winchell. 127 Double Eagle Dr., St. Charles, MO 63303
2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Sat. 1st & 3rd Fri. 2nd &'4th Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd Thurs. 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Mon.
DISTRICT 61C - As of November 14, 1989 City of St. Louis Missouri· Commonwealth St. Louis........... Bonhomme St. Louis........... Webster Groves St. Louis Keystone-Trinity St. Louis........... Fenton St. Louis Meramec St. Louis Anchor St. Louis West Gate St. Louis Kirkwood St. Louis........... Maplewood St. Louis Forest Park St. Louis Valley Park St. Louis Freedom St. Louis Crestwood
. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .
45 84 243 281 313 443 445 484 566 578 629 636 669
Webster Groves.... Norman R. Morris..............
John W. Spickler, 9437 W. Milton, St. Louis 64114
3rd Thurs.
Ballwin Webster Groves Webster Groves Fenton Eureka Crestwood Kirkwood Kirkwood St. Louis Mehlville Valley Park Mehlville Crestwood
Merton I. Adreon, 1153 Great Falls Ct.• Manchester, MO 63021 Ralph L. Johnson, 7422 Gravois, Apt. loC, St. Louis, MO 63123 Floyd G. Ward, 4647 Tower Grove PI., St. Louis. MO 63110 Wayne A. Goede, 715 Murray Hill Dr., Fenton, MO 63026 Richard V. Dickerman. 21 E. 3rd St., Eureka, MO 63025 John R. Fomera, 5 Twilight, St. Peters, MO 63376 Lyle E. Wade, 9522 Holtwood Rd.• St. Louis, MO 63114 Harry O. Heines. 605 W. Adams Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122 Pinkney E. Rhodes, 3008 Bertold Ave. St. Louis, MO 63143 Oliver Diers, 8427 Mathilda Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 Walter E. Nichols. 58 Boyd St., Valley Park. MO 63088 Gerald W. Burnworth, 700 Karlsruhe PI., St. Louis, MO 63125. Alex G. Aaron. 10225 Dovercrest Dr., St. Louis, MO 63128
1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Wed. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Fri. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Fri. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
Michael L. Apple................ Gerald P. Senkerik............. Edward E. Grosser............ Francis D. Jett................... Vernon W. Kemper............ Daniel L. Granger.............. Oscar F. Hillebrand............ Fred Veinfurt, Jr................ Donald W. Bridgegan........ Robert G. Wilson, Jr......... Joseph C. Kirksey.............. Richard M. Blowers........... William B. Stogsdill...........
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS - Continued DISTRICT 61D - As of November 14, 1989 County
City of St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis
Meridian . George Washington. Pomegranate . Pyramid . Good Hope . Aurora Theo. Roosevelt.... America . Cache . Lambskin . Harmony . Clifton Heights . Algabil .
2 9 95 180 218 267
St. St. St. St. St. St.
Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis
347 416 460 499 520 544
St. St. St. St. St. St.
City of St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. LOllis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis
City of St. Louis Magnolia路Euclid City of St. Louis Gardenville
. .
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
William R. Hale.................. James K. Barnett............... Harding W. Nosser, Jr...... George C. Wettring............ Jerry E. Coughlin, Jr......... Kenneth R. Clements.........
Fredric O. W. Beckmann, 5418 Delor St., St. Louis, MO 63109 Dennis Fuller, 7365 Colgate, St. Louis 63130 Edward J. Reinhardt, 4519 Candleglow Dr., St. Louis, MO 63129 Ward W. Kelly. 7085 Deerpath Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123 Harold G. Westbrock, 4741 Nebraska Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111 Aaron Fair, 1044 Hanson Dr., St. Louis, MO 63137
2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Sat. 2nd & 4th Fri. 1st & 3rd Sat. 1st & 3rd Tues.
Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis
Robert Anderson................ Harold E. Gerheauser........ Marshall M. Gaddy............ Ralph W. Schmitt.............. Albert A. Boelldeni............ Gene Dorris........................
John Johnson, 638 Washington, Arnold, MO 63010 James O. Coatney, 7215 Arsenal, St. Louis, MO 63143 Edwin C. Hawkins, 9487 Rosebay Dr;, Crestwood, MO 63126 William F. Schmidt, 9509 Yaffbury Ln., St. Louis, MO 63123 Gerald J. Giamanco, 5202 ltaska, St. Louis, MO 63109 Gene Dorris, 11109 Pasty Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123 :
626 St. Louis 655 St. Louis
Gregory Stone.................... Edward Orr, II...................
Harry R. Becker, 6943 Mardel Ave., St. Louis, M063109 Annen G. Kayarian, 5244 Delor St., St. Louis, MO 63109
2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Sat. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd Fri. each mo. except Nov. & Jan. 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Wed. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES TO AND FROM THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI TO MISSOURI Grand Representative Fielding A. Poe Thomas K. McGuire, Jr Edward E. Nixon.Robert J. Crede William H. Chapman John W. Adams ; Gus O. Nations
. .. .. .. . . .
~h~~~M:;::::::::::::::::::::::::: Dale C. Motter
FRoranknaldP.R·W.Bilfll.el~'.J.. r............... (by
Poet Office Florissant Springfield Gallatin Jefferson City Webster Groves Marshall. St. Louis Fairfax Cassville Kirksville
GRAND LODGE . . . .. . . .. .. . ..
Alvin J. Lauener William F. Jackson
J;;;;··G~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Claud F. Stephens .. Anthony A. Redfearn . O. Wesley Konering . W. Marion Luna. .. Dennis C. McGuire .. Lloyd E. Poore .. Joseph E. Manson ..
St. Louis
Joplin St. Louis
spri~iii~ci:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Advance . St. Louis . St. Louis . Piedmont . Farmington . Macon . Keytesville .
E·~i'·K ·Dili~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ki~k;~· ::..:. :. : James A. Noland, Jr .. John E. WetzeL .. Parkville ~d~~.F~il;;;;~:::::::::::::::::::::::: St. Joseph Belton Cape Girardeau Harry Gershensen, Jr . St. Louis Thomas B. Mather .. Kansas City Walter H. Baird .. Columbia. George E. Winslow .. Wimberley, Thxas
.................... Brazil·Algoas
Post Office Fairfield Southwest City, Missouri Onoway Villa Dominico Thcson Winslow Wien, I, Dorotheergasse 12 . Brussels
. . . . ..
Isaac Samuel De Carval Ho Nascimento.................................. Maceio .. ..........Renan Correa Peixoto.......... Manaus·AM .. Joao Antonio "de Souza Filmo...... Itapetininga . . GU;;~·D~·C~t~·M~~i~·. .::·.. ·.:·.:· :
::::::::::::~.~~IB·~~~t;oas~~~: ..::::::::::
. .·.·.·. .·.·.·.::·.·.·.·. .: ::
.. ..............Brazil-Mato Grosso
.. ..
....................................................... Robert L. Harder . Kirkwood Joseph W. Nickle .. Mountain Grove
. ................. Brazil·Amazonas .. ..................Brazil - Bahia .. Brazil . Brasilia. . Brazil-eeara
Laddonia Bethany
R~b~rt··~i'.··F~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: Larry F. Barriner
........................Alabama ......................... Alaska ......................... Alberta . Argentina . Arizona ....................... Arkansas .........................Austria
Grand ReDresentative . J.B. Robinson . John W. Patterson . Gordon Robert Wilson .. Santiago Killian . Samuel Anthony Scalzo .. . Bernard Clarinval
. ..
. Bartholomeu Augusto de Vasconcellos Dias . ......Brazil - Mato Grosso do Sul... . Walter Rossi.. . ...........Brazil - Rio de Janeiro .. Ulysses U. Bittencourt .. ........Brazil· Rio Grand do norte .. Waldisar Queiroga e Silva .. .......Brazil - Rio Grande do Sul... .. Valnyr Goulart Jacques .. .............Brazil • Minas Gerais .. Brazil. - Maranhao .. .. .. Brazil - Para .. .................Brazil - Parana .. Arnaldo Mazza, Jr .. . Brazil·Paraiba . .. Brazil - Pernambuco .. .. Brazil - Piaui.. .. .. Bnizil . Rondonia. . .................Brazil . Roraima. . .. BraZil Santa Cataru.I1 .. Dj~;··Chiriq~;::· . .·.·.·.·.:·. .::·.. . . ·.·.·.·.:·. . . .·.·. .. Bl'liZil - Sao Paulo .. Fernando Montenegro....................
: :..:. : . ::::::::::::::::::~~ 'C~~l:i~::::::::::::::::
.........................Canada ........................... Chile . .......................... China . ........................COlorado . . Columbia·Barranquilla .. .................Columbia·Bogata .. .............. Columbia-eartagena .. ..................... Connecticut . .. Costa Rica .. ........................... Cuba
. . .. . .. . . . . .
D~~;dd··M:·Ch;;n~~~:· John V. Lawer Luis Sanchez·Puelma. J.H. Moore, III Clyde Elton Smith V·i~~~··ROj·~~··Aguii~:·
Carlos Steer Luna
:· :·.::· ::·.
·.:· ·.·.·.:·.·.·.· ·.·.·.·.:
Emilio Soto George
.. . .. .
Natal Rio Grande do SuI Belo Horizonte Para
Sao Paulo
Islington, Ontario Valparaiso Taiwan Denver
.. Magangue (Bolivar) East Hampton San Jose' . Havanna
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES TO AND FROM THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI - (Continued) TO MISSOURI Grand Representative Walter L. Walker Eric Sonnich J .M. Sellers Edwin W. Parker Lawrence N. Weenick P. Vincent Kinkead Bruce H. Hunt Lester E. Schultz John H. Rich Harold O. GraueL Eugene E. "Pat" McFarland D. Robert Downey Harold C. Smith James D. Sutton
. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .
l:~ii~·F.··D~~~~y::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Carl F. Gast , Roscoe Rooffener: . Walter C. Ploeser ..
~w~ SF~~i~;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Daniel F. Cole Ronald P. Krueger Martin B. Thybes Frederich M. Woodruff.. Paul B. Thbias J. Morgan Donelson William J. Hill Frank A. Arnold Vern H. Schneider Frank P. Briggs Robert H. Arnold Thomas C. Warden Robert R. Bradshaw Hoyt young Robert F. Burian Ralph P. Bunnell Donald E. Baker
.. .. .. .. .. . , .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .
~~~h~A\/C~:~~::::::::::::::::::::: Carl I Stein A.H. Van Gels
.. ..
Post Office
Grand Representative
. . ........................Delaware Denmark .. . . .. .. ..............District of Columbia . .. ..............Dominican Republic Ecuador . .. .. . EI Salvador . ~fr:i~i~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........................ England . St. Louis . ......................... Finland . Florida . Jefferson City .. . . France INatl.) . ti6eera?~.~~~~::::::::::::::::::::: ..........................Gabon . . St. Louis . ............•............Georgia Affton . . Greece . Guatemala . Piedmont . . .. . Haiti (Grand Orient) .. St. Louis . ....................... Honduras St. Louis . ......................... Iceland . .. Macks Creek . .......................... Idaho . St. Louis . ......................... Illinois Webster Groves . ........................... India .. Mexico . ............................ Iran . St. Louis . . Indiana . St. Louis . ......................... Ireland . St. Louis . ........................... lsraeI. . St. Louis . .. ltaly {Grand Orient) .. Japan . Chesterfield . . .. ......................... Kansas . Princeton Kansas City .. Boonville . :::::::::::::::::::::::~~~f~:~::::::::::::::::::::::: St. Louis . .....................Luxembourg . Macon . . Maine .. Manitoba . Kansas City .. . Owensville . ....................... Maryland .. Massachusetts .. Boonville . . .. ..........Mexico - Benito Juarez .. Macks Creek St. Louis . .. Meiico - Cosmos .. Mexico - EI Potosi .. Kansas City . .. .. ............Mexico - Nueva Leon .. Branson Los Angeles .. .....Mexico - Occidental Mexicana .. APO New york .. St. Louis . :::::::::M'~e:~c~ V~~u~:i~~::::::::: Florissant . . Mexico - york ..
Neosho Trenton Lexington Neosho St. Louis
Edwin L. Smith........................... Marceline
~~~~~CA.B()~k:::::::::::::::::::::::._ ~y~~~l~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
....................... Michigan ...................... Minnesota ...................... Missis~inni
Post Office
~~doM~i~r~.~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::: C~~~·h~g;;;.·· ....···..·....··..··..···..·
Charles B. Gilley, Sr....................... Aroda, Virginia . Hector B. Penson........................
Francisco Javier Moreno............... Santa Ana The Earl of Eglinton and Winton London Olli Miettinen................................. Thrku W.H. Robinson................................ Dover Albert Chavihot............... Libreville Sam B. Owens................................ Blackshear
~~:f:l(;a:~:;~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~:~ala City P~~~ .. F~h~~d~~::·
·.:· · ·.·.·
Richrd C. Thistle Robert S. Eakin Zeev Cohen Giorgio La Malfa Masato Imamura Clifford D. Knauss Alva Miller Thomas T. Elkins
.. .. .. . .. . . .
~ili'= lc=~~::::::::::::::::::::::::
Thomas Sidebottom Walter W. Conway William Hyson Thmas Guera Antonio Hernandez
. .. .. . ..
Jose Carlos Flores Amado Abrego V Lie. Valention Rincon George Sandor
. George W. Campbell . Henry R. Van Geest _ Van Aubrey Evans
. ..·.. ··......·..···..·..
s~··p~d~ s~i~
.. Rey Kjavik .. Nezperce . Chicago Bombay
Ami Kr. Thorsteinsson Clarence D. Parkhiser Lester B. Ohlsen
.. .. . . .. . ..
Huntington Carrickmacross lei-Aviv Ferrara
Louisville Natchitoches Bonnevoice Machias Winnipeg Baltimore Boston Thrreon, Coahuila Chihuahua, Mexico San ~uis Potosi, Mexico Monterrey Guadalajara Jal, Mexico Reynosa Tamaulipas Artes Num. 53, Mexico. D.F. Paseo de la Reforma 545, Mexico. D.F. Oswosso Brainerd Clinton
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES TO AND FROM THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI - (Continued) TO MISSOURI Grand Representative Robert D. Jenkins William R. Robbins Virgil R. Bradsher Robert Gene Embry Lewis C. Cook Roy H. Rude A.B. Vanlandingham Charles E. Scheurich Richard H. Bennett... Elvis A. Mooney Jack K. Matthews Eldon D. ThrnbuIL Blair C. Mayford Harold Thorne Herbert C. Hoffman Harry Gershenson D. Eugene Wisner Robert B. Armour Stanton T. Brown Albert J. Elfrank A. Duane Eiserman William H. Wisbrock Elmer L. Fowler
Post Office . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .
Marvin G. ShulL Richard L. Thompson J. Edward Blinn H. Ray McKenzie Argyl E. Kistler
. .. . .. ..
Kansas City 'frenton Sunrise Beach Rocky Comfort Kansas City New Franklin Columbia Columbia St. Louis Bloomfield Jefferson City Troy St. Louis Purdin Kansas City St. Louis Blue Springs Kansas City Buckner Advance Branson Webster Groves St. Louis St. Peters St. Charles Kansas City Dearborn Marshfield Hallsville Stella
Joseph S. VanDolah Glenn F. Betz Gordon E. Hopkins W.H. Utz, Jr Lloyd C. Seaman John C. Boller Alfred M. Frager Frederick A. Thoxel. Jr Terry C. Alexander Harold J. Richardson Gus O. Nations Victor L. Ford W. Raymond Usher John L. Petty
. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. ..
Kansas City Ballwin St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph Hermitage St. Louis Blue Springs Milan Bonne 'Thrre St. Louis Raytown Hannibal Lake Ozark
........................Montana ....................... Nebraska ......................... Nevada .. New Brunswick
Grand Representative
Post Office
.. Donald W. Schenck........................ . Robert A. Metcalf.......................... . John R. Brizendine........................ .
. .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .
..................... New Mexico ................New South Wales ....................... New york .................... New Zealand . Nicaragua ................... North Carolina . North Dakota .....................Nova Scotia ......................... Norway . Ohio .......................Oklahoma ......................... Oregon . Panama ........................... Peru . Philippine Islands ..................... Puerto Rico ............. Prince Edward Island ......................... Quebec.: ......................Queensland .................... Rhode Island ................... Saskatchewan .. Scotland . Spain ..................South Australia
.. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . ..
...................SOuth Carolina . ...................South Dakota .. ....................South Africa . ....................: Sweden . .. Swiss Alpina .. .. Tasmania .. ....................... 'Thnnessee . .. Thxas : . .. The Netherlands . .. Thrkey . ... United Grand Lodge of Germany .. W~ifg~·g·v~~i:::·.:::::·.·.·.·.:·.·.::::::::·.:::::: ........................ Uruguay .. ........................... Utah .. E·d~·i;·Ch~i~··R~d;;ji·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·~· . . .·.. . .·. . Vene~uela , ..
::::::::::::::::::~~e~j~~:~~:::::::::::::::::: r:~dT.GK~:~~~h~::::::::::::::::::::::: . .. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .
Hanry M. Rowley Reginald Sydney Littlejohn Albert Frohlich. J r Adam Smith
.. . .. ..
Helena Lincoln Reno Hudson Thaneck Stanley Chatswood New York Wellington R;J~ig·h·····································
Oscar E. Giles M.D. Olar Guilli Orner D. Barkalow Robert L. Taylor John W. Wood
Sarles .. Port Williams . Sandvika . .. Skiatook . Heppner
Javier Lavado Diaz Raymundo N. Beltran Jose D. Martinez Albert Edward Lavers G .W. Warren Brian Desmond Campbell Norman P. Jehan John L. Green Ian L. MacKean Fernando Robaina Gonzalez J.W. Johns ;
. . .. . . . .. . .. .. .
Lima Manila
C'h~i~tU;~~;;""'''''''''''''''''''''''' Candiac Mt. Gravatt North Sciutate Regina
63 Windsor Ave.. Woodville Pk., S. Aus. Bobby R. Faulkner . Summerville Gary Saunders . Sioux Falls Stanley Frederick Mitchell .. Greytown T.G. Bergentz. Jr . Solna Jean Huguet . Frederick John Burrows .. Hobart J.D. Tisdale . Memphis 1Yler SJi~~nH~ff~e~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Amsterdam F~kf~;t··~·M~i~·· ..·..··..···· oi¢~;····
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES TO AND FROM THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI - (Continued) TO MISSOURI Grand Representative Jimmie Lee Moreland William R. Denslow James H. Cobban L.C. Robertson
. . . ..
Post Office
Seneca Trenton Springfield Kirkwood Shelbina Macon Saint Louis
GRAND LODGE .. . Vermont . .. . . . Washington . . ................Western Australia .. . .. ::::::::::::::::::::~~fs~~~~::::::::::::::::::::
FROM MISSOURI Grand Representative Post Office G. Harvey Blackmer...................... Bethel·
:::::::::::::::::::::::::~*~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~i~~I~:..A·.. D~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ai~~~dri~· ..·····..·····..····..·....···· Milton R. Benson........................... Seattle
John E. Hall................................... Peterstown Eugene G. Williams....................... Oshkosh
WILLIAM BATES, Junior Warden ABRAM BECK, Secretary
FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, APRIL 23, 1821 Date Election April, 1821......... Oct., 1821.. Oct., 1822 Oct., 1823 Oct., 1824 Oct., 1825........... Oct., 1826........... Oct., 1827........... Oct., 1828........... Oct., 1829........... Oct., 1830........... Dec., 1831........... Oct., 1832........... Dec., 1833........... Nov., 1834;t......... Oct., 1835;ti....... Oct., 1836 Oct., 1837 Oct., 1838 Oct., 1839........... Oct., 1840 Oct., 1841.. Oct., 1842...........
Grand Master Thos. F. Riddick· Nath'l B. Thcker· Nath'l B. Thcker· Nath'l B. Thcker· Nath'l B. Thcker· Edward Bates· Edward Bates· Edward Bat..s· Hardage Lane· Hardage Lane Hardage Lane· Edward Bates· H.R. Gamble· Sinclair Kirtley· A.B. Chambers· A.B. Chambers· S.W.B. Carnegy· S.W.B. Carnegy· S.W.B. Carnegy· P.H. McBride· P.H. McBride· P.H. McBride· P.H. McBride·
D. Grand Master
Thompson Douglas· Thompson Douglas· Goo. H. C. Melody· Goo. H.C. Melody· Goo. H.C. Melody· Hardage Lane· Hardage Lane· Goo. H. C. Melody· Fred L. Billon· Goo. H.C. Melody· Goo. RC. Melody· Goo. H.C. Melody· A.B. Chambers· Sinclair Kirtley· Sinclair Kirtley· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· A.B. Chambers· Joseph Foster· Joab Bernard· Joab Bernard·
.. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. ..
g~~:: ~~:L:::::::: r:~:S~~~~~:~.::::::::::::::: ~~t. ~ill~~:::::::::::::::::
Oct., Oct., Oct., May, May, May, May, May, June, May,
1845 1846 1847 1848 1849........... 1850........... 1851.. 1852 1853.......... 1854...........
J.W.S. Mitchell· John Ralls· Joseph Foster· Joseph Foster· John F. Ryland· John F. Ryland· B.W. Grover· B.W. Grover· Wilson Brown· L.S. Cornwell·
• Deceased
;t Was not installed.
•• Withdrawn from Masonry.
John D. Thylor· John D. Thylor· E.S. Ruggles· E.S. Ruggles· E.S. Ruggles· B.W. Grover· E.S. Ruggles· S.F. Currie· L.S. Cornwell· D.P. Wallingford·
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Senior G. Warden
Junior G. Warden
James Kennerly· Edward Bates·................. Edward Bates·................. Edward Bates·................. Wm. G. Pettus· Wm. G. Pettus· Martin Ruggles·
William Bates· William Bates·................. Wm. G. Pettus·................ Wm. G. Pettus·................ Thornt.. Grimsley· Thornt. Grimsley· John F. Rayland·
Grand 'freasurer Archibald Gamble· Archibald Gamble· Archibald Gamble· Archibald Gamble· Archibald Gamble* Archibald Gamble* Rich. T. McKinney·
Grand Secretary . . . . . . ..
~.R~iG~b':!~~:::::::::::::: ~d~G~~ili~.:::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~ g~~:r:::::::::: H.R. Gamble·................... Adam L. Mills·................ Bernard Pratte·
M.J. Noyes· Augustus Jones· Thomas Andrews· John Wilson· G.A. Thttle* Goo. H.C. Melody· Oliver Parker·.................. S.W.B. Carnegy·............... Goo. H.C. Melody·
.. .. ..
~ili~~~rp~;~~~::::::::::::::: ~~:st~·s ~~~.::::::::::::: ~~~~:: ~~~:::::::::::::: ~~;~s::;~y.::::::::::::: ~~a:~nfeS:N.~:::::::::::::::
A.B. Chambers·............... A.B. Chambers·............... Alex 1'. Douglass·............ Alex T. Douglass· Joseph Foster·
Thomas Andrews·........... Alex 1'. Douglass·............ Wm. C. Vance·................. John Orrick· C.H. Bowers·
E.S. Ruggles· E.S. Ruggles· E.S. Ruggles· J.L.F. Jacoby· Cyrus Osborn· Joseph Megguire·............ J.H. Thrner· J.W. Chenoweth· James H. Britton·
g: ~:g: ~~:~:::::::::::: Goo. H.C. Melody· .. Geo. Goo. Geo. Geo.
H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C.
Melody· Melody· Melody· Melody·
J.L.F. Jacoby· J.L.F. Jacoby· J.L.F. Jacoby· Cyrus Osborn· Joseph Megguire· P. Draper·.........................
John John John John John John
S. Watson· S. Watson· S. Watson· S. Watson· S. Watson· M. Reed·
S.H. Saunders· R.C. Hill·
J.T. Johnson· Joseph Foster· Joseph Foster·
.. . .. ..
~W~h~~~l~.:::::::::::::::: ~'.~. ::;I:s••::::::::::::::::::: ~~ ~~ill~~::::::::::::::::::
~.fc~rri:.::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~. C~:;.:::::::::::::::::::::
.. .. .. .. .. ..
N: ~~l::~~:::::::::::::::::::::.. .. ..
William Renshaw· William Renshaw· William Renshaw· T. Douglas· T. Douglas· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· Fred L. Billon· Fred L. Billon· Fred L. Billon· John Garnett· Thos. W. Conyers· Thos. W. Conyers· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Richard B. Dallam· Fred L. Billon· Fred L. Billon· J.W.S. Mitchell· J.W.S. Mitchell· C.D.W. Johnson· C.D.W. Johnson· C.D.W. Johnson· A. O'Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O'Sullivan·
, Died within week after his installation. t1There was no Communication in 1835 owing to the anti-Masonic excitement.
Date Election May. May. May. May. May. May. May. May. May. May. May. May. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct.. Oct..
1855 1856 1857 1858........... 1859 1860 1861.. 1862 1863........... 1864 1865 1866........... 1867 1868 1869........... 1870 1871.. 1812
1873........... 1874 1875 1876 1877........... 1878........... 1879 1880........... 1881........... 1882........... 1883 1884 1885 1886........... 1887 1888 1889...........
Grand Master
g~~:: t~~?::::::::::: g.H. ~~:a~:.~~:::::::::::::: g~~:: tg~L:::::::: tOa~~/K~~~~~::::::::::::::
Oct.. 1894 Oct.. 1895
D. Grand Master
L.s. Cornwell·.................••...................................... Benjamin Sharp· WA. Cunningham· . S.H. Saunders· P. Draper· . S.H. Saunders· Marcus Boyd· . Marcus Boyd· M.H. McFarland· . M.H. McFarland· WR. Penick· . Wm. R. Penick· John Decker· . Geo. Whitcomb· John H. Thrner· . John H. Thrner· Wm. N. Loker· . John F. Houston· John D. Vincil· . John F. Houston·..: John D. Vincil· . John D. Vincil· WE. Dunscomb· . WE. Dunscomb· C.A. Rowley· : . John D. Vincil· R.E. Anderson· . William D. Muir· T.E. Garrett· . Thos. E. Garrett· R.E. Anderson· . Thos. E. Garrett· R.E. Anderson· . Samuel H. Owens· J.E. Ryland· . R.E. Anderson· John W Luke· . John W Luke· Xenophon Ryland· . James E. Cadle· Xenophon Ryland· . Xen. Ryland· Thos. C. Ready· . T.C. Ready· Noah M. Givan· . Noah M. Givan· Joseph S. Browne· . Jos. S. Browne· WR. Stubblefield· . W.R. Stubblefield· Alex M. Docke7· . Alex. M. Dockery· Chas. C. Woods . Chas. C. Woods· Lee A. HaU· . Lee A. Hall· Robt. F. Stevenson· . Robert F. Stevenson· James W Boyd· . James W Boyd· George R. Hunt· . Geo. R. Hunt· WM. Williams· . Wm. M. Williams· James P. Wood· . James P. Wood· Theodore Brace· . Theodore Brace· Geo. E. Walker· .
J.B. Thomas· A.M. Hough·
Senior G. Warden
J W. Chenoweth S.H. Saunders· Marcus Boyd· John F. Houston· W.R. Penick· John Decker· Geo. Whitcomb· Wm. N. Loker· John D. Vincil· A.L. McGregor· Martin. Collins· R.E. Anderson· T.E. Garrett· Wm. D. Muir· A.M. Dockery· Sam H. Owens· Sam H. Owens· John W Luke· Jas. E. Cadle· Jas. E. Cadle· Thos. C. Ready· Noah M. Givan· Jos. S. Browne· W.R. Stubblefield· Ja9. E. Carter· Chas. C. Woods· Lee A. Hall· Robt. F. Stevenson· James W Boyd· George R. Hunt· Wm. M. Williams· James P. Wood· Theodore Brace· Geo. E. Walker· B.H. Ingram· John R. Parson· ~~~~ ~gp:s.~~.::::::::::::: Harry Keene· J.B. Thomas· 7.a~~:~=::::::::::::::::::: A.M. Hough· A.M. Hough· . D.A. Jamison· D.A. Jamison· . F.J. '!Ygard·
Junior G. Warden .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H.E. Van Orsdell· Marcus Boyd· John F. Houston· John Decker· John Decker· Samuel M. Hayes· A.L. McGregor· Samuel Russell· A.L. McGregor· Martin Collins· R.E. Anderson· A.L. McGregor· Wm. D. Muir· Alex M. Dockery· Sam H. Owens·.~ John E. Ryland· John E. Ryland· Jas. E. Cadle· Xenophon Ryland· Thos. C. Ready· Noah M. Givan· M.G. Hubble· W.R. Stubblefield· Jas. E. Carter· Alex. M. Dockery· Lee A. Hall· ~ Robt. F. Stevenson· James W Boyd· Geo. R. Hunt· Wm. M. Williams· James P. Wood·
Grand Secretary
Grand Treasurer . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .
G~~~g~·E:"\V~~~··.:::::::::: B.H. Ingram· . John R. Parson· . Harry Kenne· . . J .B. Thomas· .. A.M. Hough· D.A. Jamison· .
John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· John ·D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· Wm. N. Loker· John W Luke· John W Luke· John W. Luke· John W Luke· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard·
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .
A. O·Sullivan· A.O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· A. O·Sullivan· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gouley· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gauley· G. Frank Gauley· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. VinciI· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vinci!· John D. Vincil·
Grand Master
D. Grand Master
g~L tiiL:::::::: ~t'iS~~~::::::::::::::::: ~~.~!f~:~:::::::::::::::::::
Oct., 1899........... C.H. Briggs· Oct., 1900 Campbell Wells·
Campbell Wells· Joseph C. Finigin·
.. ..
g~~:: ~~gL:::::::: 1~h~~.CY~~~~>:::::: tv~~~· J'~~~~::::::::::::::
Oct., 1903 Sept., 1904 Sept., 1905......... Sept., 1906 Sept., 1907 Sept., 1908 Sept.. 1909 Sept.. 1910 Sept.. 1911.. Sept., 1912 Oct., 1913 Sept., 1914 Sept., 1915 Sept., 1916 Sept., 1917 Sept., 1918 Sept., 1919 Sept., 1920 Sept., 1921 Oct., 1922........... Oct., 1923 Oct., 1924 Oct., 1925 Oct., 1926........... Oct., 1927 Sept.. 1928......... Sept.• 1929 Oct., 1930........... Sept.• 1931......... Sept.. 1932......... Sept.• 1933......... Sept., 1934......... • ,~ ••• :\::\:. tt·
Wm. F. Kuhn· Leroy R. Valliant· A.S. Houston· D.M. Wilson· John T. Short· R.R. Kreeger· Wm. A. Hall· Clay C. Bigger· Arch A Johnson· Jacob Lampert· Van Fremont Boor· Thlman W. Cotton· Frank R. Jesse· Edward Higbee· Wm. A Clark· John W. Bingham· Julius C. Garrell· Wm. F. Johnson· O.A. Lucas· Bert S. Lee· Joseph S. McIntyre· Orestes Mitchell· WW. Martin· John Pickard· Anthony F. Ittner· Byrne E. Bigger· S.R. Freet· Wm. R. Gentry· Ray V. Denslow· Thad B. Landon· F.C. Barnhill· Du Val Smith·
Leroy B. Valliant· A.S. Houston· D.M. Wilson· John T. Short· R.R. Kreeger· William A. Hall· Clay C. Bigger· Arch A. Johnson· Jacob Lampert· Van Fremont Boor· Chesley A. Mosman· Frank R. Jesse· Edward Higbee· Wm. A. Clark· John W. Bingham· Julius C. Garrell· Wm. F. Johnson· O.A. Lucas· Bert S. Lee· Joseph S. McIntrye· Orestes Mitchell· WW Martin· John Pickard· A.F. Ittner· B.E. Bigger· S.R. Freet· Wm. R. Gentry· Ray V. Denslow· Thad B. Landon· Frank C. Barnhill· Du Val Smith· J as. W Skelly·
.. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Senior G. Warden E.F. Allen· CC.amH.pBberiggs·e.ll..s.•....· 11 W, Joseph C. Finafin John C. Yocum Wm. F. Kuhn· Leroy B. Valliant· AS. Houston· D.M. Wilson· John T. Short· R.R. Kreeger·................... William A Hall·.............. Clay C. Bigger·................ Arch A. Johnson· Jacob Lampert· Van Fremont Boor·......... Chesley A. Mosman·....... Thlman W Cotton·.......... Edward Higbee·.............. Wm. A. Clark·................. John W Bingham·.......... Julius C. Garrell· Wm. F. Johnson·............. O.A. Lucas·
Junior G. Warden C.H. Briggs· Campbell Wells· Joseph C. Finagin· John C. yocum· Wm. F. Kuhn· Leroy B. Valliant· AS. Houston· D.M. Wilson· Howard Watson· R.R. Kreeger· William A. Hall·.............. Clay C. Bigger·................ Arch A. Johnson·............ Jacob Lampert ::": Van Fremont Boor· Chesley A Mosman·....... Thlman W. Cotton·.......... Frank R. Jesse· Wm. A. Clark·................. John W Bingham· Julius C. Garrell·............. Wm. F. Johnson· O.A. Lucas·...................... Bert S. .Lee·
Grand Treasurer Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· Samuel M. Kennard· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alphonso C. Stewart· Alph. C. Stewart··· Wm. A. Hall· Wm. A. Hall· Wm. A. Hall· Wm. A.Hall·
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
~:;p~' ~e~~·i~·ty;:.;.::::::: ~~:k~ ~i~h~llt~~~::::.::: ~~ ~: ~:H::::::::::::::::::::
Orestes Mitchell·............. Ww. Martin· John Pickard· A.F. Ittner·...................... B.E. Bigger·..................... S.R. Freet·........................ Wm. R. Gentry. Sr.·......... Ray V. Denslow· Thad B. Landon·............. Frank C. Barnhill·........... Du Val Smith· J as. W. Skelly· Geo. W Walker·...............
Died October 12, 1904, while in office. Died April 22, 1916, while in office. Appointed October 22, ·1904. by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand Master. Resigned May 20, 1921, account of ill health.
Ww. Martin..................... John Pickard· A.F. Ittner· B.E. Bigger· S.R. Freet·........................ Wm. R. Gentry. Sr.·......... Ray V. Denslow·.............. Thad B. Landon·............. Frank C. Barnhill·........... Du Val Smith· Jas. W Skelly· Geo. W Walker·............... H.L. Reader·....................
Wm. Wm. Wm. E.E. E.E. E.E. E.E. E.E. E.E. E.E. E.E. E.E. E.E.
A. Hall· A. Hall· A. Hall·ttt Morris· Morris· Morris· Morris· Morris· Morris· Morris· Morris· Morris· Morris·
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Grand Secretary John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil· John D. Vincil·" John R. Parson:\::\:· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parson· John R. Parsontt· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse· Frank R. Jesse··tt Arthur Matherttt Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather·
·ttt Died November 7, 1924, while in office.
::;;~~~ D~e~~e[9~~: ~9~~~ in office. ttt Appoin~eptemberI, 1927. by John Pickard, Grand Master.
00 CO
Date Election Sept., 1935 Sept., 1936 Sept., 1937 Sept., 1938 Sept., 1939 Sept., 1940 Sept., 1941.. Sept., 1942 Sept., 1943 Sept., 1944 Sept., 1945 Sept., 1946 Sept., 1947 Sept.. 1948 Sept., 1949 Sept., 1950 Sept., 1951. Oct., 1952 Sept., 1953 Sept., 1954 Sept., 1955 Sept., 1956 Sept.. 1957 Sept., 1958 Sept., 1959 Sept., 1960......... Sept., 1961.. Sept., 1962 Sept., 1963 Sept., 1964 Sept., 1965 Sept., 1966 Sept., 1967.........
Grand Master D. Grand Master .. . James W. Skelly· Geo. W. Walker· Geo. W. Walker· H.L. Reader· H.L~ Reader· Henry C. Chiles· Henry C. Chiles· Elwyn S. Woods· Karl M. Vetsbur~ Harry S Truman· Harry S Truman Hams C. Johnston· Harris C. Johnston· Forrest C. Donnell· Forrest C. Donnell· Grover C. Sparkstt W.F. Woodruff Willis J. Bray· Willis J. Bray· Solon Cameron· Solon Cameron· Willis J. Bray· Solon Cameron· Morris E. Ewing· Harry F. Sunderland· Morris E. Ewing· Harry F. Sunderland· James M. Bradford· James M. Bradford· Ray Bond· Ray Bond· Homer L. Ferguson Homer L. Ferguson· .-. Richard O. Rumer· Richard O. Rumer· James McB. Sellers James MeB. Sellers Orestes Mitchell, Jr.· Orestes Mitchell, Jr.· William J. Craig· William J. Craig· Harold M. Jayne· Harold M. Jayne· Frank P. Briggs Frank P. Briggs Robert L. Aronson· Harold O. GraueL Robert L. Aronson· Harold O. GraueL Bruce H. Hunt.. Robert H. Mann· Bruce H. Hunt Robert H. Mann· R. Jasper Smith···' Martin B. Dickinson· A.U. Goodman, Jr.· A.U. Goodman, Jr.· George F. Morrison· A.B. Vanlandingham George F. Morrison· A.B. Vanlandingham Russell E. Murray· W.R. Denslow R.E. Murray· W.R. Denslow E.A. Mooney
~:~L ~~~t::::::: ~.~i.S t~n~~~~~::::::::::::::: tv~H. DCh:~~~:::::::::::::::
Sept., 1970......... W.H. Chapman Sept., 1971.. T.J. Davis, Jr.·
T.J. Davis, Jr.· W.H. McLaughlin·
Senior G. Warden H.L. Reader·.................... Henry C. Chiles· Elwyn S. Woodst Karl M. Vetsburg· Harris C. Johnston· Forrest C. Donnell·......... Grover C. Sparkstt W.F. Woodruff·............... Solon Cameron·............... Morris E. Ewing·............ Morris E. Ewing·............ Harry F. Sunderland·..... James M. Bradford·....... Ray Bond·........................ Homer L. Ferguson......... Richard O. Rumer· James McB. Sellers Orestes Mitchell, Jr.· William J. Craig· Harold M. Jayne· Frank P. Briggs Robert L. Aronson·........ Harold O. GraueL.......... Bruce H. Hunt................. Robert H. Mann· R. Jasper Smith···" Martin B. Dickinson George F. Morrison· A.B. Vanlandingham Russell E. Murray·......... William B. Denslow......... E.A. Mooney.................... J.M. Donelson W.H. Chapman T.J. Davis, Jr.·................ . W.H. McLaughlin·.......... . W.L. Walker.....................
.. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . ..
t Resigned. tt Died December 28, 1942, while in office. ttt Died May 8, 1943, while in office. tttt Died April 22, 1944, while in office. ·t Appointed May I, 1944 by W.F. Woodruff, Grand Master. " Died September 16, 1956.
Junior G. Warden Henry C. Chiles· Elwyn S. Woodst Karl M. Vetsbur~· Harry S Truman Forrest C. Donnell· Grover C. Sparkstt W.F. Woodruff· James A. Kinderttt Morris E. Ewing· Harry F. Sunderland· Harry F. Sunderland· James M. Bradford· Ray Bond· Homer L. Ferguson Richard O. Rumer· James McB. Sellers Orestes Mitchell, Jr.· William J. Craig· Harold M. Jayne· Frank P. Briggs Robert L. Aronson· Harold O. GraueL Bruce H. Hunt Robert H. Mann· J. Renick Jones:j: Martin B. Dickinson· A.U. Goodman, Jr.· A.B. Vanlandingham Russell E. Murray· William R. Denslow Elvis A. Mooney J.M. Donelson W.H. Chapman T.J. Davis, Jr.·..: W.H. McLaughlin· W.L. Walker Herman A. Orlick
. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .
Grand Treasurer E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris· E.E. Mortis· E.E. Morris· E.E. Morris···· James M. DeWitt James M. DeWitt" W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz. Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr
., Appointed May I, 1960. .., Resigned May I, 1960. :j: Resigned September 28, 1960. • •• , Died while in office January 8, 1962. :j:; Resigned June 30, 1970. :U:j: Appointed and Installed July I, 1970.
.. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. ..
.Grand Secretary Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mather· Arthur Mathertttt Harold L. Reader·t Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader· Harold L. Reader··' Elmer W. Wagner·' Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner· Elmer W. Wagner;;· Frank A. Arnold;;; Frank A. Arnold
Date Election Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept., Sept., Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept.. Sept., Sept.. Sept., Sept..
1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977.. 1978 1979 1980 1981... 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
. .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. ..
WH. McLaughlin· Walter L. Walker Herman A. Orlick Lewis C. Wes Cook......... Fielding A. Poe James A. Noland. Jr J.C. Montgomery. Jr Gus O. Nations J. Edward Blinn William J. Hill Earl K. Dille Robert J. Crede Vern H. Schneider Charles E. Scheurich P. Vincent Kinkead Thomas K. McGuire, Jr.. Robert D. Jenkins Thomas C. Warden
D. Grand Master Walter L. Walker Herman A. Orlick Lewis e. Wes Cook Fielding A. Poe James A. Noland, Jr J.e. Montgomery. Jr Gus O. Nations J. Edward Blinn William J. Hill Earl K. Dille Robert J. Crede Vern H. Schneider Charles E. Scheurich P. Vincent Kinkead Thomas K. McGuire. Robert D. Jenkins Thomas e. Warden David F. Cole
Senior G. Warden .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . Jr. . . ..
Herman A. Orlick Lewis e. Wes Cook Fielding A. Poe James A. Noland. Jr J.C. Montgomery. Jr Gus O. Nations J. Edward Blinn William J. Hill Earl K. Dille Robert J. Crede Vern H. Schneider Charles E. Scheurich P. Vincent Kinkead William H. Wisbrock Robert D. Jenkins Thomas C. Warden Daniel F. Cole D. Robert Downey
**** Not a candidate for reelection, per announcement: September 24. 1979. U*U Retirement effective: June 30. 1986. • " Appointed and Installed July 16, 1986. 1 Not elected to advance: September 29, 1986
.. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. 1 .. . . .
Junior G. Warden
Grand Treasurer
.. Lewis C. Wes Cook Fielding A. Poe .. James A. Noland. Jr .. J.e. Montgomery. Jr .. Gus O. Nations .. J. Edward Blinn . William J. Hill .. Earl K. Dille .. Robert J. Crede . Vern H. Schneider .. Charles E. Scheurich . P. Vincent Kinkead .. William H. Wisbrock . Thomas K. McGuire, Jr . . Thomas C. Warden . Daniel F. Cole D. Robert Downey .. Frank A. Arnold ..
WH. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz. Jr W.H. Utz. Jr WH. Utz. Jr W.H. Utz. Jr WH. Utz, Jr WH. Utz, Jr.U** W Marion Luna............... W Marion Luna............... W Marion Luna............... W Marion Luna............... W Marion Luna............... W Marion Luna............... W. Marion Luna............... W Marion Luna W. Marion Luna............... W. Marion Luna............... D. Marion Luna...............
Grand Secretary Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold **U Thrry e. Alexander·" Thrry C. Alexander Thrry e. Alexander Thrry C. Alexander
1989 GRAND LODGE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNERS Lodge Master 1 Missouri-Commonwealth Norman Morris 2 Meridian 'Willimn R. Hale '3 Beacon 'Willimn L. McClure 4 Howard Roy H. Rude 5 United .Jerry R. Rindom "¥'11 Pauldingville COnley E. DePriest 13 Rising Sun David C. Tinsley 20 St. ~uis •...........•••.•.....•.••.....•.•.•....•.•.•.•..~ G. Wall 30 Huntsville Edward W. Miller 31 Liberty .Jerry F. Ward Victor R. Henrikson 34 '!'roy 40 Mt. Moriall ; .James E. Jameson 43 Jefferson 'William L. Pauley 45 Bonhomme Michael L. Apple 47 Fayette Lewis C. Odneal 53 Weston Ray H. Werner 58 Monticello Milton E. Garner 59 Centralia Th.eodore P. Fox 71 Savann8.h Michael W. Hale 74 Warren' Rod Blackwell 76 Independence E. Eugene Crandall 78 St. Joseph WilliamErdrich 80 Bridgeton Charles E. O'Dell I.,arry Walker 88 Defiance Terrence L. Kelley 93 Saint Mark's ~ Dennis D. Adsit 104 Heroine 110 Marcus .James Hinkle 113 Plattsburg Lewis F. F'rost 120 Compass Bernell C. Raye 129 Monett Danny Nestleroad 133 Star of the West Ralph L. Rother 141 Amsterdam .John Bricker 142 Pleasant Grove Paul E. Stahl 145 Latimer ..................•...............................Danny J. 'Wilson 147 Cass David R. Atkinson Bud Prewitt 151 Milton 157 North Star Rocky Evans 158 Mountain Grove ; Lyle E. Davis 162 Whitesville 'William H. Coats, Sr. 172 Censer Oren B. Whitener III 177 Texas .Jerry Postlewait ~ Wesley Schneider 183 California 188 Hannibal .John B. I>ouglas
224 189 Zeredatha 193 Angerona 197 Carthage 199 New Hope 205 Trilumina 207 Clay 209 Poplar Bluff 213 Rolla 219 Albert Pike 220 Kansas City 228 Shelbina 236 Sedalia 237 La Plata 238 Rushville 239 Hopewell 241 Palestine 245 Knob Noster 251 Hope 254 Butler 255 Alton 260 Mechanicsville 262 Holden 263 Summit 265 Corinthian 269 BrotherhOOd 271 Solomon 272 Granite 279 Hogles Creek 281 Fenton 284 Canopy 288 Hermitage 292 Lamar 296 Sparta 2991'emple 303 Osage 305 Cecile Daylight 313 Meramec 320 Versailles 324 McDonald 326 Linn 327 Mt. Zion 331 Charity 335 Joplin 337 Blue Springs 339 Fidelity 340 Westport
PROCEEDINGS OF THE David E. King .John M. McAfee David Wayne Jones .J. 1Alrry Carter Daniel D. Meads Darrell E. Millikin .Joe Shirley ~Roy Thcker Kenlen M. Kime Stephen J. Hagerty Robert Shoemyer K.. Quenton Bird Russell D. Jones .John D. Parsons Walter L. Parker Earl E. Sage Rusty M. Ludlam .James G. Brune .Jack Baker Wayne B. Wright Richard Chapple Ray Jones Gary J. Montgomery Mark A. Pearce .Alan R. Quackenbush William O. Lockmiller Billy E. Coffelt Gary Jackson Francis David Jett Christopher A Stecker Richard R. Walter .John Wagaman, Jr. Charles R. Huff Harold L. Clark Byron Wolfe Charles E. Van Ormer Vemon W. Kemper Bob Gordon Charles E. Alexander .Johnnie R. Fowler Mitts Thomas Woodrow W. 1'aylor William E. Gilstrap Norman E. McLaughlin L. Michael Shelton wss Fields
342 Circle Nelson Hostetter 345 Fellowship Gregory A. Setser 346 Arlington · Donald Wamol 352 Friend Kelly L. Shipman 354 Hebron Noel R. Scott 361 Riddick W.J. Brown 363 Fraternal Ronald Brown 366 Adair Charles R. Noyes 368 Crescent Hill Carl W. Frazier 375 Waynesville Roy L. Gilkey 376 King Hill William K. Ba.ltezor !Jowell D. Nance 383 ~hagoras 385 Richland Rodolph Mullins 387 Woodside Max Cowens 391 Raytown Charles E. Pickett, Jr. 397 Gower 1.Jee Elvins 422 Gate of the Temple Richard L. Nelms, Sr. 438 Temperance Wilber Davidson .Arthur L. Wolfe 439 Mount Olive 441 Excelsior Ronald W. Clark 445 West Gate Donald G. MacChesney 446 Ivanhoe Roger D. Kepple 450 Belton Clarence Daniel1.duldrum 460 Lambskin Marshall M. Gaddy Gary L. Powell 469 Plato 470 Nodaway I£ymon B. Walker 481 Marceline .James Bruner 483 Fair Fax ; Kent A. Fisher 484 Kirkwood Fred G. Vienfurt, Jr. 496 Robert Burns .Jim H. McConnaughy 497 Equality ...•............................................ .Larry G. Forester 501 Buckner Bill A. Dykes 505 Euclid ~ Wilber H. Brown 508 Saxton Owen N. Eichstadt 511 Skidmore Rick Carter 512 We1:X> City Bob Whitelock 520 Clifton Heights Gerard J. Giammanco 526 Wayne .James F. Conrad 534 Columbia Gregory Alan Myers 536 Ingomar Ray Birdsong Edward M. Delaney 542 Ferguson 543 Mansfield Roy Hicks 544 Algabil Gene Dorris 546 Orient .................•...................................James D. Anderson Glen B. Woodral 547 South Gate 548 Clinton Donald L. Verner
226 550 Rose Hill 563 York 566 Maplewood 569 Marlborough 570 Republic 578 Forest Park 582 Koshkonong 586 Criterion 587 Branson 593 Union 598 Leadwood 601 Clayton 609 Warrenton 612 Mokane 617 Swope Park 618 Grandview 622 Norwood 624 Owensville 625 Sheffield 626 Magnolia 630 East Gate 636 Freedom 639 Mizpah 640 Jennings 642 Benjamin Franklin 643 Northeast 646 Shaveh 651 Cleveland 653 Shawnee 655 Gardenville 656 Country Club 657 Progress 659 Alpha 663 Rockhill 667 Berkeley 668 Florissant 672 Harold o. Grauel 673 Arnold 674 Central Crossing 675 Bunker 677 Lewis & Clark 678 Daylight
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Frank Greco, Sr. and Orville C. Anderson, Jr. Clarence Wm. McCalister Donald W. Bridegan Donald A. Baker 'Ibmmy L. Thompson Robert G. Wilson Duane Staley Glen Clifton Robert Hindbaugh Gary 'Iburville Craig L. Baker .J'ames H. Cockerham Claude L. Cooksey Bryan Rogers Donald D. Hurlbert, Sr. .Albert E. Lavenbarg Sam Shafer Kevin E. Weaver Ronald T. Shadwick Gregory L. Stone, Jr. .J'ohn C. McBee Richard M. Blowers Darrel E. Morris WiIIiam J. Crowley Steven I. 'Ibybes Michael C. Whetsel Oran Bill Hatch George Barrios Boyd A. Young, Sr. Edward Orr, II F. O. Benjamin Allen II Billy J. Thaxton Wayne E. Jenkins Edwin J. Dumstorff .J'ames H. Wilson David Keefe Marshall G. Shain, Jr. Raymond J. Lammert Virgil Barton I>ean Lanham, Jr. William R. Feltner Leslie D. Wiest
The following Committee Rej)Ort was presented with the other Grand Lodge Comniittee Reports on 'fuesday Morning, September 26, 1989. REPORT 011' THE BY·LAWS COMMIt"fEE
7b 1M Grand Lodge AF. & AM ofMillaoun: Your committee prepared and distributed, as required by law, the cumulative annual Pocket Part for use in 1988·1989, with the Constitution and By-Laws • 1958, as published in 1977. We respectfully urge the Brethren to carefully examine and review the material. printed therein, and to make use mit, and each annual update c:L it, in order to keep current with developments in Masonic Law. The directors, biographical sketches of the Grand Master and Deputy Grand· Master, summary of actions taken by the Grand Lodge last, and proposed amendments for action in this Grand Lodge communication should be helpful to each Lodge and its members. Always refer to the Pocket Part . when ~ng the bound volume, in order to find the latest actions under the appropriate section. We of the committee express our appreciation for the opportunity to serve the Grand Lodge, and we cordially invite the Brethren to bring to our attention any errors noted, 80 that they may be promptly corrected. Fraternally submitted, RoNAID M. BELT
J. MORGAN DoNELSON, P.G.M. WlWAM H. CHAPMAN, P.G.M. HARRY GERSHENSON, JR., Chai17Jl(Jn A motion was made to accept this Report and was seconded. By vote of the Grand Lodge the Report of the Committee on By-Laws was ACCEPTED.
The following By-Laws have been submitted by the Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors in order to inform the Brethren as to their content if all proposed changes are adopted at the 169th Annual Communication to be held in Jefferson City on September 24-25, 1990. PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE SEPI'EMBER 25, 1990 AGREEMENT OF INCORPORATION
First: NAME. There is hereby organized a corporation named MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI. Second: MEMBERSIUP: The membership of said Corporation shall consist solely of the following officers of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, namely the Grand Master, or acting Grand Master, the Deputy. Grand Master, or Acting Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden, the Junior Grand Warden, and the Senior Grand Deacon, together with eight Master Masons, members in good standing in Missouri Lodges, chosen by said Grand Lodge in such manner and for such terms as said Grand Lodge may from time to time determine. Elected members shall be eligible to succeed themselves for one term. None of the Grand Lodge Officers, serving as such, shall be eligible to election as an elected member until the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge next after his term as such officer expires. Vacancies among the eight elected members may be temporarily filled by the Board of Directors of'the Home, until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, when such vacancy shall be filled by the Grand Lodge. The eight elected members, or any of them, may be removed by resolution of the Grand Lodge. (Subject to approval of Grand Lodge By-Laws Revision in 1990) Third: BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall be constituted ex-officio members of the corporation. The Board of Directors shall make, amend or repeal the By-Laws with the approval of the Grand Lodge; fill vacancies among the members until the following Annual Communication of said Grand Lodge; elect, and, for cause, remove the officers (other than the President); and fill official vacancies and conduct the business affairs of the corporation.
Fourth: OFFICERS. The officers shall consist of a President, a VicePresident, a Treasurer, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, and such other officers as may be provided from time to time by the Board of Directors. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer, respectively, shall be members of the Board of Directors. The terms of office shall be for one year, unless a shorter time is specified at the time of election. Elected officers may serve for no more than three consecutive terms. (Subject to approval of Grand Lodge By-Laws Revision in 1990)
Fifth: PURPOSES AND OBJECTS. To enact, adopt, amend and modify such By-Laws, rules and regulations as its Board of Directors may think necessary to carry out the purposes and objects of the corporation;
To establish, maintain, control and conduct a Masonic Home or Homes for needy Master Masons who are members of Masonic Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, needy wives or widows of such Master Masons; and for needy female members of Chapters of the Order of Eastern Star of Missouri, or any other appropriate person, upon such terms and conditions as may be established from time to time by the By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Board of Directors; To extend relief and assistance, upon such terms and conditions as may be established from time to time by the Board of Directors, to person or persons who may not reside at any Home so established, who come within the terms above described for admission to said Home; And to effectuate the objects and purposes heretofore described, to purchase or otherwise acquire, to have, hold, lease, mortgage or otherwise create liens on, to sell, convey, exchange, transfer, assign, let or lease, or in any other manner whatsoever to acquire and dispose of, real and personal property, whether within or without the State of Missouri, necessary in carrying out any of the purposes and objects of this Corporation;
To construct, maintain and operate such Masonic Home or Homes or other agencies necessary or proper for carrying out the objects and purpose of this Corporation; and To grant annuities for real or personal property transferred to this Corporation and to accept and receive gifts, devises, bequests, donations, annuities and endowments of real or personal property within or without the State of Missouri, and to use, hold and enjoy the same, both as to principal and income, and to sell and convey, and to invest and re-invest the same or any part thereof for the furtherance of any of the objects, uses or purposes of this Corporation; and with full power to use and exercise all the powers, rights and privileges incidental to fraternal and benevolent, corporations organized for purposes other than pecuniary profit.
ARTICLE I Membel'8hip Section 1. The Masonic Home of Missouri shall be governed by the Board of Directors prescribed by the Agreement ofIncorporation. Section 2. In the event of any vacancy among elected memben between Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the Board of Directon (that is, the then remaining members, whether or not sufficient in number to constitute a quorum) may fill such vacancy temporarily until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. Section 3. No member of the Board shall reside at the Home.
ARTICLEll Meetings Section 1. Regular meetings of the Board of Directon shall be held on the day of, or on the day following the adjournment of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Missouri and each month thereafter on a day, or days, which are determined by the President of the Board of Directors or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President. The meeting following the adjournment of the Communications of Grand Lodge shall be held in the City where the Communication is held. All other meetings shall be held at a place designated by the President of the Board of Directors; or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President. If no Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge is held in any year; the President of the Board of Directors, or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President shall fix a date in September of such year for a regular meeting; also in case of epidemic, calamity, or other good cause, the President, or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President, may order a regular meeting to be held in some other city in the State. Section 2. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time upon call of the President, or in his absence from the State or in case of his inability, the Vice-President. If three or more Directors request it, the President shall call a special meeting designating the time and place thereof. Section 8. Notice to all Directors of any regular or special meeting of the Board shall be given by United States mail, five days prior to said meeting.
Section 4. The meeting following the adjournment of Grand Lodge, AF. & AM., of Missouri, or the meeting held on the date in September fixed by
the President of the Board in the event there is no Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, shall be the Annual Meeting for the election of such officers as are to be elected and for the selection and appointment of all committees. ' Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Directors for the purpose of any meeting except to fill a vacancy, shall consist of not less than a majority of the members of the Board.
ARTICLEm Officers, Staff, and Their Duties Section 1. (a) The Officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting each year; and, subject to the provisions of the Agreement of Incorporation their terms of office shall be one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Officers may serve for three terms. Any elected or ex-officio member of the Board, upon serving for three terms in any office, is ineligible to again serve in that office. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors. The Vice-President and Treasurer must be members of the Board. The Secretary may, but need not, be a member of the Board. The Secretary and Treasurer shall receive such compensation as may be provided by the Board of Directors. (Subject to approval of Grand Lodge By-Laws Revision in 1990) (b) The Board may employ an Executive Director of the Home, and such other agents and employees as may, in their judgement, be necessary. The duties, terms of office and salaries shall be fixed by the Board. (c) The establishment of a Medical Staff for the Masonic Home is authorized, to consist of the Medical Director (who shall, under the general supervision of the Executive Director, be the physician in charge of and responsible for the medical care of all patients treated at the Masonic Home and the maintenance of medical standards) and such other staff members as may be appointed from time to time, pursuant hereto, as acting staff physicians, or consulting staff physicians. Staff appointments shall be made by the Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the Medical Director. The Medical Director will be appointed by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Executive Director. The members of the Medical Staff may be organized as an association, with by-laws and such other directives and regulatory functions as the association may adopt, in furtherance of the purpose of providing competent and adequate medical service for all residents admitted to the Masonic Horne, as well as to initiate and maintain self government, and to provide and maintain
educational and medical standards. Section 2. The President shall be chainnan of the Board of Directors. He shall perfonn such other duties usually appertaining to the office of President of a corporation as are not otherwise provided for by the Board of Directors, and shall execute all deeds, contracts and other documents ordered by the Board of Directors. He shall have general supervision of the Horne when the Board is not in session. He shall have power to suspend any Officers of the Home, except the Vice-President, and shall report such suspension to a regular or called meeting of the Board of Directors not later than five weeks thereafter. He shall make the annual report of the Horne to the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Missouri. He shall perfonn such other duties as the Board of Directors may authorize or direct. Section 3. The Vice-President shall, in the absence from the State of Missouri of the President, or in case of his death or disability, or upon his request, perform the duties of that office. Section 4. The Secretary shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and record the proceedings thereof as approved in a book provided for that purpose. He shall keep the seal of the Home and protect it against improper use. The Secretary shall also keep the following record books; First, a record in which shall be listed by suitable description each piece of real estate, and its location, owned by the Corporation, or which it may hereafter acquire; Second, a record in which shall be listed all securities and all other personal property of the Corporation; Third, a record in which shall be listed all the insurance policies upon property of the Corporation, showing name of the company, its character, date and property covered by each policy, and the date of its expiration. He shall examine all applications for admission to the Horne promptly upon receipt and take such action as may be necessary to enable their proper consideration by the Board. Section 5. The Controller and/or the Treasurer shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors. The Controller.shall have custody of all money and other property belonging to or due to the Corporation, for which the Board of Directors has not directed other custody. All moneys received shall be promptly deposited to the credit of the appropriate account or fund of the Home. If no determination has been made otherwise, deposit shall be. made to the General Fund pending such determination by the Board. ARTICLE IV Executive Director The Executive Director's responsibility is that of carrying out the management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and control-
ling the operations of ,the MasOnic Home of Missouri for the governing body. Other responsibilities delegated to the Executive Director include operating the Home, preparing budgets and proper budget controls, maintaining a sound financial structure, maintaining the physical plant, developing standards, securing and training personnel, serving as liaison with the Medical Staff and auxiliaries, preparing reports of activities to the Board, as well as developing public relations.
ARTICLE V Indemnity Bonds The Board of Directors shall arrange for and continuously keep in force and effect a surety bond or bonds in such penal sum as the Board may fix, conditional upon the faithful performance of their duties and a full \ accounting by all persons who may have custody or control of any moneys, securities or other property of the Home. Premiums for said bonds, if any, shall be paid out of the general funds of the corporation.
ARTICLE VI Committees And Their Duties Section 1. The President shall appoint from the Board of Directors the following committees; Finance Committee; Admission and Discipline Committee; Legal Committee; Administration Committee; and such other committees as may be deemed necessary from time to time. ' Section 2. The Finance Committee shall review and recommend adoption of the annual budget. The Finance Committee shall supervise the investment, management, and disposition of all the assets of the Home, except those used in the actual operation of the Home, and shall supervise all the fiscal affairs of the Home. It may obtain such consultation and advice as to investments as it sees fit, but shall not incur any expense without the approval of the Board. It shall arrange for an annual audit of the funds and financial affairs of the Home, and shall review the reports thereof. Section 3. The Admission and Discipline Committee shall consider each application for admission and make its recommendation thereon to the Board and, through the Executive Director, superintend the residents of the Home. Section 4. The Legal Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on legal matters. Section 5. The Administration Committee shall supervise the general management of the Home.
Section 6. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A.F. " A.M., of Missouri and the President, or each respectively, as the case may be, shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of every committee provided for in these By-Laws, and when present at any such committee meeting shall have a vote as a member of the committee then in session. Section 7. An Advisory Board consisting of three members, elected by the Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star of Missouri, shall be welcome to make visitations to the Home, study its need and report to the Board of Directors at its meetings such suggestions and recommendations as may seem proper.
ARTICLEVD Fiecal Operations Section 1. The Funds of the Home are: 1. The General Fund 2. The Reserve Fund 3. The Building Fund 4. The Endowment Fund 5. The Residents' Account 6. Special Funds Section 2. The General Fund is the operating fund of the Home. All receipts not otherwise designated are to be deposited in it. Transfers shall be made from it to the other funds, or to the causes for which collected, as ordered by the Board. All disbursements not in execution of the purposes of the other funds shall be made from'it. Section 3. The Reserve路 Fund consists of the assets of the Johnston Fund and such other assets as may be added to it by order of the Board. The purpose of the Reserve Fund is to assure the financial stability of the Home regardless of changing business conditions. 'Its use is unrestricted, but no part of its principal may be expended except on orders of the Board of Directors by resolution presented and adopted at a regular meeting, and ratified at the succeeding regular meeting. The income of the Reserve Fund accrues to the General Fund. Section 4. The Building Fund consists of all the assets received or designated for building purposes from time to time. Both principal and income may be used only for the acquisition and improvement of land,
buildings, and pennanent equipment and furnishings for the operation of a Masonic Home or homes, and other agencies, contemplated under Article Fifth of the Agreement of Incorporation. Section 5. The Endowment Fund and all additions to it are a pennanent fund. Its principal may not be used for any purpose. The income from the Endowment Fund accrues to the General Fund. Section 6. The Residents' Account consists of moneys received by residents of the Home as incidental gifts for personal use, or as allowances made by the Home out of pension or Social Security benefits which they deposit with the Home for safekeeping. These trust funds are administered under Article IX of these By-Laws. Section.7. Special Funds are those held by the Home on terms or conditions differing from such governing .the other funds. Separate book accounts are kept of each item. Unless otherwise required by the instrument establishing the fund, its assets may be commingled with those of the General Fund or the Reserve Fund. No gift or bequest for any restricted or special purpose, other than the_ general purposes of the Building Fund and the Endowment Fund is to be received or accepted until approved by the Board. Disbursements from the accounts of the Special Funds shall be made according to the terms and conditions applicable thereto. Section 8. Contracts shall be made with banks or trust companies qualified to do business in the state of Missouri for the custody of the assets of the Reserve Fund, the Building Fund, the Endowment Fund, and the Special Funds, and such assets shall be held under such contracts subject to the order of the Board, and subject to termination of such contracts in whole or in part at any time. Such contracts may provide for such further investment counsel and other services as the Board may determine from time to time in each instance. Section 9. Investments and re-investments of the assets of the funds held under Section 7 shall be supervised by the Finance Committee, and in conformity with policies adopted by the Board from time to time. No investments or re-investments shall be made without the approval of the Board, except that the Board (1) may give the financial agency having custody of any such funds, standing authority to make temporary investments and re-investmentsof uninvested funds in U.S. Treasury Bills or other obligations of the U.S. Government or any agency thereof, or in commercial paper carrying the highest rating of any widely recognized rating service and (2) may give the Finance Committee, or the Chairman thereof, or his designee, with the approval of such financial agency, authority to effectuate investments and re-investments deemed by it, or them, to be in the best interest of the Fund and require action prior to the next meeting of the Board.
Section 10. The fiscal year of the Home shall begin July 1 of each year and end June 30 of the following year. The books of the Home shall be kept and maintained in such manner as shall in the opinion of the Board accurately reflect the current operation and financial condition of the Home, including inventories and accrual items of material consequence. The Controller or responsible financial department head shall submit to the Board each month a condensed report showing the current operation and financial condition of the Home. "
Section 11. The Executive Director annually shall prepare a budget for the current operation of the Home. The anticipated income or receipts of the General Fund and the balance on hand available for current operations shall be stated in detail. The proposed expenditures shall be stated in detail under classifications and subheads consistent with those in effect on the books of the Home and shall be allocated on a monthly basis. This detailed budget shall be reviewed and may be revised by the Finance Committee. The Executive Director shall submit a summary of the budget, with comparative figures for the proceeding year, with such comments as he shall deem pertinent, to each member of the Board of Directors at least ten days preceding the May meeting of the Board of Directors for its review路 and modification. Approval of the budget shall authorize the expenditures therein contemplated during the fiscal year, but said budget shall be subject to revision at any time by the Board of Directors as to funds not yet expended.
ARTICLE VIII Admission to the Home Section 1. Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and the requirements hereinafter specified, the following designated persons shall be eligible to be admitted to the Home: (a) Needy Master Masons, who are in good standing in Missouri Lodges, and the wives of such Master Masons: (b) Needy widows of deceased Master Masons, who were in good standing in Missouri Lodges at the dates of their deaths: (c) Needy w()men who are members in good standing in Missouri Chapters, Order of Eastern Star. Section 2. (a) No Master Mason, member of the Order of Eastern Star or widow of a Master Mason shall be admitted unless his路 or her membership or the membership of the deceased husband of the widow complies with the following requirements: (A) One who becomes a member prior to the age of Forty years must have been in continuous good standing for at least five years. (B) One who becomes a member between the ages of Forty and Forty-nine years, inclusive, must have been in continuous good standing for at least ten years. (C) One who becomes a member between the ages of Fifty and Fifty-nine years, inclusive, must have been in continuous good standing for at least fifteen years. (D) One who becomes a member at
the age of Sixty years or over must have been in continuous good standing for at least twenty years. (b) When the death of a Master Mason occurs prior to the expiration of the limitation provided in the Clauses A, B, C, or D, his widow may be admitted by the Board of Directors, provided she shall have reached the age of seventy years or shall have reached the age of sixty years and be suffering from some physical infirmity that would prevent her caring for herself. Section 3. In the foregoing Clauses A, B, C, and D "continuous good standing" refers to membership in a Missouri Lodge or Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star and shall be construed as meaning immediately before death, immediately before application to the Home is made. Section 4. The foregoing rules shall be subject to such modifications as to age and as to length of prerequisite membership, as the Board of Directors may determine to be for the best interest of the Masonic Fraternity or Order of Eastern Star of Missouri.
ARTICLE IX Residents' Account
Section 1. A record for the Residents' Account shall be maintained showing separately for each resident of the Home who may deposit funds in this account, or for whom funds are deposited in this account, the amount received for or from him or her and all withdrawals therefrom. Section 2. Residents of the Home shall have the right to make withdrawals against amounts to their credit at any time. If a resident ceases to be one of the residents of the Home by voluntary withdrawal or discharge, any balance to the credit of such person shall be paid to him or her. If a resident dies, any balance to his or her credit shall be transferred to the General Fund and become the property of the Home.
ARTICLE X Expenses
The actual and necessary expenses shall be paid out of the General Fund of the Home to each member of the Board, each member of the Advisory Board, O.E.S. of Missouri and Worthy Grand Matron, Worthy Grand Patron and Associate Grand Matron, O.E.S. of Missouri for attendance at any meeting of the Board, or the meeting of any Committee of which he or she may be a member, provided such expenses are not paid by the organi-
zation that he or she represents.
ARTICLED Amendments These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority of all the members of the Board, provided such proposed alteration or amendment shall be proposed at a regular meeting and cannot be voted on until the next regular meeting of the Board, subject to the ratification by Grand Lodge.
INDEX FOR 1989 PROCEEDINGS ADDRESS OF GRAND MASTER .. Acknowledgements . Area Meetings ~ . Conclusion . Consents and Permissions . Ilecisions . Dispensations . Grand Master's Breakfast . Grand Master's Itinerary 1988-1989 . Healings . wng Range Planning . The Masonic Family . Masonic Service Month . Necrology . Recommendations . State of the Craft . Amendments of By-Laws ADOPrED by the Grand Lodge at the 1989 Annual Communications: In re: Section 1,080. Mileage and Per Diem . In re: Section 5,010. Appointment . In re: Section 5.193. Public Relations . In re: Article 22. Endowed Membership . In re: Section 3.095. Fiscal Year . In re: Section 4.020. District Deputy Grand Masters . In re: Section 4.040. District Deputy Grand Lecturers .. In re: Section 13.130. Failure to Advance . In re: Section 5.160. Masonic Education . In re: Section 1.081. Instructive Meetings . In re: Section 15.045. Proficiency ManuaI(s) . Amendments to the By-Laws PROPOSED at the 1989 Annual Communication to lie over for action at the 1990 Annual Communication: In re: Section 5.125. Ritual Manual .. In re: Section 7.060. Stated Communications . In re: Section 7.140. Notice to Members .. In re: Section 22.110 .. In re: Section 22.120 . In re: Section 23.040. Masonic Home Board . Amendments of By-Laws REJECTED by the Grand Lodge at the 1989 Annual Communication: In re: Section 15.020. Same . In re: Section 15.050. Suitable Proficiency . In re: Section 1.010. Time and Place . In re: Section 10.040. Grand Lodge Dues . In re: Section 2.040. Grand Secret8ry(+) . In re: Section 5.125. Ritual Manual .
10 17 11,154 18 16 15 16 13 19 16 13 12 14 13 16 10 81 82 82 83 85 86 86
88 89 90
178 178 179 179
180 180 82 83 85
88 90 91
Amendment to the By-Laws REPEALED by the Grand Lodge at the 1989 Annual Communication: 88 In re: Section 4.060. Lodges of Instruction . Amendment of the By-Laws TABLED by the Grand Lodge at the 1989 Annual Communication for action at the 1990 Annual Communication: In re: Section 10.040. Grand Lodge Dues . 81 Amendment to the By-Laws WITHDRAWN by the Jurisprudence Committee at the 1989 Annual Communication: 88 . In re: Section 15.010. Conferring Degrees Announcements ofM.'W. Grand Master-Elect Thomas C. Warden, TIME and PLACE of 169th Annual Communication (September 1990) . 80 . 182 Announcements of M.W. Thomas C. Warden Appointments (1989-1990) . 181,185 Biographical Sketch of M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins i 30 Board of Directors of Masonic Home of Missouri (1988-1989) Board of Directors of Masonic Home of Missouri (1989-1990) 190 56 thru 74, 229 thru 239 By-Law Changes - Masonic Home Call From Labor 28,87 Call to Labor 30,88 Call to Order 5,29 CEREMONIAL PRESENTATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE GRAND LODGE DISASTER RELIEF FUND . 177 183 Closing . 147 . Consents and Permissions (1988-1989) Consolidation and Mergers . 144 Dispensations (1988-1989) . 144 . District Deputy Grand Lecturers (1989-1990) 190 190 . District Deputy Grand Masters (1989-1990) ~lection of Grand Lodge Officers and Masonic Home Board Members 78 Fifty-Year Button Recipients During Year 1988-1989.......... 149 Grand lAxige Dinner............................. 87 Grand Lodge Officers ÂŤ1988-1989)........................................ 5a Grand Lodge Officers (1989-1990) 184, Back Cover Grand Representatives Appointed and Recommended 143 Grand Representatives 1b and From Missouri 214 223 Honor Lodges - GRAND LODGE ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Honor Lodges - TEN YEAR GRAND LODGE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD . 87 Installation Installing Officers . 181 Grand Lodge Officers for 1989-1990 . 181 Introductions
9 Board of Directors and Staff of Masonic Home of Missouri 8 District Deputy Grand ~turers . District Deputy Grand Masters 8 .. 5 Gmnd 1Jodge Officers . Gmnd Masters and Past Gmnd Masters of Other Grand lAxlges . 7 7 Gmnd Officers of Other Grand Lodges . 6 Past Grand Masters of Missouri . Representatives of Organizations of THE MASONIC 8 FAMILY of Missouri .. Jurisprudence Committee Report 80 On Consents and Permissions . On Ilecisions . 80 On Dispensations . 80 List of Elected Officers of the Gmnd 1Jodge, A.F. and A.M. 218 of Missouri From Its Organization: April 23, 1821. . lAdge Directory In Districts . 194 Presentation of Awards: 223 Gmnd Wdge .Achievement Awards . 87 'l\m Year .Achievement Award Certificates . 87 The '!'ruman Medal . 176,183 Presentations to M.W. Brother Robert D. Jenkins . Masonic Home of Missouri By-Law Changes 56 thru 74, 229 thru 239 Contributions at Grand Lodge 176 Officers, Directors, Staff (1988-1989) 31 Officers, Directors, Staff(1989-1990).............................. 189 165 Membership Statistics: June 30, 1989 Masonic Service Month 87 Missouri Lodge of Research 190 Officers (1989-1990) . Report .................â&#x20AC;˘.............................................................. 170 Nominations for Masonic Home Board of Directors . 9 Opening â&#x20AC;˘.................................................................................. 6 Other Appointments The Auditor . 188 188 Liaison Officers to Youth Organizations . Past Gmnd Masters of Missouri -- Living . 189 Past Grand Secretary . 189 Past Gmnd 'I'reasurer . 189 Photographs Gmnd Master Robert D. Jenkins (1988-1989)................ Frontispiece Gmnd Master Thomas C. Warden (1989-1990) 228 Gmnd lAxlge Officers (1988-1989)................................... 4a Masonic Home Board of Directors and Eastern Star 30 Grand Chapter Advisory Board .
6 Pledge of Allegiance . Presentations to: 176 Masonic Home of Missouri . 183 M.W. Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins (1988·1989) . 182 M.W. Grand Master Thomas C. Warden (1989-1990) . 9 Retiring Members of Masonic Home Board of Directors 124,153 Proficiency Cards and Certificates . Remarks 182 M.W. Grand Master Thomas C. Warden . 137 Report of Auditor . 141 Report of the Grand IAM:turer . 177 .. Announcement Report of the Grand Secretary 143 Thrry C. Alexander ................................•.......................... 149 Fifty-Year Button Recipients During Year 1988-1989.... Supplemental Report of Grand Secretary 'ferry C. Alexander . 166 Report of the Grand 1reasurer .. 168 Report of the Masonic Home of Missouri . 30 170 Report of the Missouri Lodge of Research . Report of the Masonic Scholarship Fund . 170 Report of Committees Appeals and Grievances 92 . 92 Building Supervisory Board . 227 By-lAlws ...................................................•.•...................... Chartered lA>dges . 94 6,174 Credentials . Correspondence . 96 173 Entertainment of Distinguished Guests . 107 Fonn & Ceremonies . George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association 107,177 Grand ~e Charity........................................................ 108 Grand 1Jodge Office Building 109 Grand Master's Address................................................... 75 Insurance 75 Jurisprudence ~ 80 thru 87, 88 thru 92 Life Membership............................................................... 110 wng Range Planning 111 Lodges Under Dispensation ~........................ 111 Masonic Boards of Relief............................................... 112 Masonic Education 76 Honor Lodges (1988-1989) 223 'fen Year Certificates 87 Mileage and Per Diem 175 Necrology........................................................................... 24
Public Relations . Public Schools . Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges . Relief and Charity . Ritual . Proficiency Cards and Certificates . . Ways and Means Budget for Year October 15,1989 - October 14, 1990 .. Youth . Resolutions and Amendments read by Grand Secretary . Resolution ADOPrED by the Grand Lodge at the 1989 Annual Communication: In re: Square" Compasses: Emblem OF FREEMASONRY . Resolutions WITHDRAWN by the Jurisprudence Committee at the 1989 Annual Communication: In re: Masonic Home - Receipts and Expenditures . In re: Masonic Home - Secretary of the Board . Round Robin Competition . Special Cotnmittees (1989-1990) . Standing Committees (1989-1990) .
113 116 119 121
123 124,153
134 134 136 76,179
91 89 90 173 187
185 87