GRAND LODGE Ancient, Free and Accepted
Masons ofthe State ofMissouri
Official Proceedings One Hundred Seventy-Sixth Annual Communication
• Jefferson City Sept. 29, 30, A. D. 1997, A. 1. 5997
BIOGRAPHICAL Grand Master DONALD E. SCOTT Grand Master 1996-1997 For most new Grand Masters the year as Deputy Grand Master is a year of apprenticeship, making plans for the new year, and being President of the Masonic Home Board. For (then) the RW. Bro. Donald E. Scott it turned out to be a year of double duty. When M.W. Bro. James H. Cobban passed away suddenly after a scarce half-year at the helm of the Grand Lodge, it meant that double duty descended upon the shoulders of the Deputy Grand Master. Because the law of the Missouri Grand Lodge specifies that a new Grand Master must be elected and installed, RW. Bro. Scott filled in the unexpired year as Acting Grand Master but also carried out his stated duties as Deputy Grand Master. At the recent Grand Lodge session in Springfield, he was officially elected and installed as Most Worshipful Grand Master; but, with this running start on the duties of the Grand East, his new year has already been filled with Area and other meetings as well as the multiple office routines. Our new Grand Master is both a native and present resident of Independence, Missouri, being born February 12, 1940. He is a graduate of Central High School in Kansas City and later attended the Truman Campus of Central Missouri State University for his college work. Our new Grand Master has been married for 37 years to Ann, who is often with him on his Grand Master's travels. The Scotts are blessed with two children, Bradley and Clarissa, and also have two grandchildren. The Scotts are members of Blue Ridge Boulevard United Methodist Church. M.W. Bro. Scott has been active in Freemasonry all of his adult life, being initiated, passed and raised in Independence Lodge No. 76 in 1971. He served as Worshipful Master in 1979 and 1986, and 1987 he served as Lodge Treasurer. He was a member ofthe Temple Association Board for six years, and from 1982 to 1984 he was District Deputy Grand Lecturer ofthe 59th District. Our new Grand Master has given strong leadership in the Scottish Rite, Valley of Kansas City, being Venerable Master in the Lodge of Perfection in 1990. He was honored with the K.C.C.H. in 1987 and the 33rd degree Inspector General Honorary in 1993. Presently he is Executive Secretary of Scottish Rite, Valley of Kansas City. Other Masonic memberships include: Independence Chapter No. 12, RA.M.; Independence Council No. 49, Cryptic Masons, and Palestine Commandery No. 17, Knights Templar. He is a Noble of Ararat Shrine. M.W. Bro. Scott is a member and Past Patron of Independence Chapter No. 329, Order of Eastern Star. Other memberships included being on the Grand Lodge Speakers Bureau, and he does belong to the Missouri Lodge of Research and the Kansas City Past Masters Club. He is a member of Mary Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine, and also a member of Harry S Truman York Rite College. 3
In 1988 he was appointed to the advancing line as Senior Grand Marshal by M.W. Bro. Robert D. Jenkins. Grand Master Scott has been particularly active with the Masonic Home beginning in 1987 when he was appointed to an unexpired term and served two more years as Chairman of the Administrative Committee. He returned to the Board of the Home to fill an unexpired one-year term in 1991, serving as Chair of the Finance Committee from that time until 1995, when he was elevated to the Presidency of the Board. Among his achievements as a member of the Board was the initiation of the "Adopt a Resident" program at the Western Unit of the Home. In his professional life, M.W. Bro. Scott has worked in the construction industry, beginning in his father's mechanical contracting company. For ten years he was a Construction Manager with the Foley Company, a mechanical and general contracting firm, having responsibility for multiple projects across the country. He was the Vice-President of that firm for the last three years, resigning to assume the Scottish Rite position. Bro. Scott is licensed in the Kansas City area and the state of Kansas as a Master Plumber. He has been active in work with children and youth, having coached and managed in the Queen City Baseball League for children. He also coached flag football and basketball for children at the local YMCA. He served on the Coaches Commission for the YMCA and helped establish their basketball program. We salute our new Grand Master and pledge our support to his ambitious program for the new year.
Grand Lodge of Missouri 1996-1997 DONALD E. SCOTT ...............................• Grand Master 14909 E. 39th St., Independence 64055 JEFFREY O. NATIONS Deputy Grand Master 1024-B Provence Dr., St. Louis 63125 STEVEN 1. TOYBES Grand Warden 7711 Carondelet, Suite 400, St. Louis 63105 WILFRED G. SOUTIEA, JR Grand Warden 2948 Finestown Rd., St. Louis 63129-5826 W. MARION LUNA Grand Treasurer 1101 N. Main St., Piedmont 63957 RONALD D. MILLER Acting Grand Secretary 800 Hwy. 63 North, Columbia 65201 F. WAYNE DUGAN Grand Lecturer Rt. 1, Box 44C, Camden 64017-9711 FREDDIE D. ADAMS Grand Deacon 32 East Mission St., Marshall 65340 GLENN E. MEANS Grand Deacon 2913 Castle Dr., Blue Springs 64015 JIMMIE D. LEE Grand Steward 7765 E. U.S. 60 Hwy., Rogersville 65742 STANLEY M. THOMPSON Grand Steward 1005 Lisa Ln., Richmond 64085-1163 ELMER E. REVELLE Grand Marshal 16436 Green Pines Dr., Ellisville 63011 Grand Marshal DANNY G. HASKELL 2300 NW 4th St., Blue Springs 64014 ROBERT R. CRICK Grand Sword Bearer 4304 S. Bryant Crt. #2, Independence 64055-7625 Grand Pursuivant RALPH S. CANTRELL, JR 10111 S. Milton Thompson Rd., Lee's Summit 64086 REV RONALD R. BOLLINGER Grand Chaplain 2761 Telegraph Rd., St. Louis 63125-4027 REV MARVIN R. DAVIS Grand Chaplain 220 S. Elm, Marshal 65706 REV DONALD E. MCGUIRE Grand Chaplain 412 Allen St., Farmington 63640-1850 REV BILLY R. POTTER Grand Chaplain Rt. 1, Box 1283, California 65018 SHELDON H. SNITZ Grand Chaplain 9852 Connell Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212 REV RONALD E. WOOD, JR. Grand Chaplain 1904 N. 36th St., St. Joseph 64506 DAVID INGRAM (Deceased) Grand Orator 14609 E. Berkshire, Independence 64055 LARRY C. REYNOLDS Grand Orator 443 Wildwood Dr., Rogersville 65742-9801 R.L. TICHENOR Grand Tiler 4508 NE Carolane, Kansas City 64116
One Hundred Seventy Sixth Annual Communication
Monday Morning ORGAN SELECTIONS PRESENTED BY JACK STOTTLEMEYER The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and accepted masons of the State of Missouri convened in the One Hundred Seventy Sixth Annual Communication on Monday and Tuesday, September 29 & 30, 1997 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Robert D. Jenkins called the Grand Lodge to order for the entrance and presentation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the other Grand Lodge Officers. M.W. Brother Jenkins introduced the following officers. Who entered the assemble area and proceeded to their respective stations: Grand Tiler - RL. Tichenor Grand Orator - Larry C. Reynolds Grand Chaplain - Ronald E. Wood Grand Chaplain - Sheldon H. Snitz Grand Chaplain - Billy R Potter Grand Chaplain - Donald E. McGuire Grand Chaplain - Marvin R Davis Grand Chaplain - Ronald R Bollinger Grand Pursuivant - Ralph S. Cantrell, Jr. Grand Sword Bearer - Robert R Crick Junior Grand Marshal - Danny G. Haskell Junior Grand Marshal- Elmer E. Revelle Junior Grand Steward - Stanley M. Thompson Junior Grand Steward - Jimmie D. Lee Junior Grand Deacon - Glenn E. Means Senior Grand Deacon - Freddie D. Adams Grand Lecturer - James E. Spencer Acting Grand Secretary - Ronald D. Miller Grand Treasure - W. Marion Luna Junior Grand Warden - Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr. Senior Grand Warden - Steven 1. Toybes Deputy Grand Master - Jeffrey O. Nations M. W. Brother Jenkins Called up the Grand Lodge for the reception of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri - Most Worshipful Brother Donald E. Scott of Independence, Missouri. The Grand Lodge welcomed Most Worshipful Scott as he entered the assemble area and proceeded to his station in the east. The Senior Grand Marshal led the Grand Lodge in according the Grand Master with the Grand Honors. 7
M.W. Brother Jenkins greeted Most Worshipful Grand Master Scott, who with a rap of the gavel, seated the Grand Lodge. Before consideration of the business and formal opening of the Grand Lodge Most Worshipful Scott introduced Ms. Kathy Lou Tuller, Executive Director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Jefferson City. Ms Tuller welcomed this Grand Lodge to Jefferson City and success in our meeting. Senior Grand Deacon Freddie D. Adams presented and introduced Brother Roger Wilson, Lieutenant Governor of the State of Missouri, and a member of Acacia Lodge No. 602, Columbia, Missouri. Brother Wilson addressed those assembled express the need of the tenants of masonry more now than ever in our State and Nations history. He felt a sense of pleasure to be a Mason in this State. Brother Wilson offered to be of assistance on our stay in Jefferson City and welcome to your State Capitol.
OPENING The singing of the Star Spangled Banner and Pledge of Allegiance were led by M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott. Grand Master Scott, with the assistance of the Grand Officers, opened the One Hundred Seventy Sixth annual Communication of the Grand Lodge on the Degree of Master Mason in accordance with Missouri Ritual.
INTRODUCTION OF MOST WORSHIPFUL PAST GRAND MASTERS OF MISSOURI R.W. Senior Grand Deacon Freddie D. Adams presented and introduced the Past Grand Masters in attendance: M.W. Brother Elvis A. Mooney (1968-1969), Bloomfield M.W. Brother J. Morgan Donelson (1969-1970), Princeton M.W. Brother William H. Chapman (1970-1971), St. Louis M.W. Brother Walter L. Walker (1973-1974), Neosho M.W. Brother Lewis C. Wes Cook (1975-1976), N. Kansas City M.W. Brother James A. Noland, Jr. (1977-1978), Osage Beach M.W. Brother J.C. Montgomery, Jr. (1978-1979), St. Louis M.W. Brother Gus O. Nations (1979-1980), St. Louis M.W. Brother J. Edward Blinn (1980-1981), Marshfield M.W. Brother William J. Hill (1981-1982), Kansas City M.W. Brother Earl K. Dille (1982-1983), St. Louis M.W. Brother Vern H. Schneider (1984-1985), St. Louis M.W. Brother P. Vincent Kinkead (1986-1987), Farmington M.W. Brother Thomas K. McGuire (1987-1988), Rogersville M.W. Brother Robert D. Jenkins (1988-1989), Shawnee Mission, Ks. M.W. Brother Thomas C. Warden (1989-1990), Owensville M.W. Brother D. Robert Downey (1991-1992), St. Louis M.W. Brother Frank Ames Arnold (1992-1993), Boonville M.W. Brother Dale C. Motter (1993-1994), Kirksville M.W. Brother Gordon E. Hopkins (1994-1995), St. Joseph Led by the Senior Grand Marshal, the Grand Lodge saluted the past Grand Masters with Grand Honors. M.W. Grand Master Scott expressed his
appreciation for the attendance of the Past Grand Masters at the One Hundred Seventy Sixth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The Senior Grand Deacon escorted the Past Grand Masters to their seat where the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master extended their personal greetings. M.W. Brother Elvis A. Mooney responded to the welcome for the Missouri Past Masters, (Bro. Mooney) "Most Worshipful Grand Master, members of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, Visitors, especially Brethren, we appreciate your generous welcome. Thank you for your many kindnesses."
INTRODUCTION OF GRAND MASTER AND PAST GRAND MASTER OF OTHER GRAND LODGES RW. Junior Grand Deacon Glenn E. Means presented and introduced the Grand Masters and Past Grand Masters of other Grand Jurisdictions: M.W. Brother Ralph Livermore, Grand Master - Iowa M.W. Brother John Palmer, Grand Master - Tennessee M.W. Brother Max Carpenter, Grand Secretary, Past Grand Master Indiana M.W. Brother Denny Grisham, Grand Master - Illinois M.W. Brother Stanley R. Falk, Grand Master - Alaska The Grand Lodge accorded the Grand Masters and the Past Grand Masters of other Jurisdictions the Grand Honors. After which they were greeted personally by the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master. M.W. Brother John Palmer of Tennessee responded to the welcome form the visiting Grand Masters and Past Grand Masters.
INTRODUCTION OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE BODIES OF THE MASONIC FAMILY R.W. Junior Grand Steward, Stanley M. Thompson, presented and introduced the Representatives of the Appendant Organizations affiliated with the Masonic Family of Missouri: Earl K. Dille, Sovereign Grand Inspector General of Missouri of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Jimmy Davis, Past Grand Monarch, Grottos of North American Sheldon H. Snitz, Executive Officers of the Demolay Richard Fletcher, Executive Secretary of the Masonic Service Association of the United States, Also Past Grand Master Blair Mayford, Past Imminent Grand Master of the Grand Commandary of Knights Templar Frederick H. Neal, Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council Cryptic Masons of the State of Missouri Harold J. Richardson, Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandary of Knights Templar of the State of Missouri Calvin D. Schroff, Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Missouri Stanton T. Brown, Past Grand Sovereign of the United Grand Imperial Council Of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine of the United States of America, Mexico and the Philippines
INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS R.W. Senior Grand Marshel Elmer E. Revell presented the District Deputy Grand Masters, who stood at their chairs in the auditorium to receive words of appreciation from M.W. Grand Master Scott.
INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND LECTURERS R.W. Grand Lecturer James E. Spencer presented the District Deputy Grand Lecturers, who stood at their seats to receive words of appreciation from M.W. Grand Master Scott. Right Worshipful Brother Stanton T. Brown, Grand Lecturer Emeritus was conducted to the Alter where Grand Master Scott personally thanked Brother Brown for being present at this Grand Lodge.
INTRODUCTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE STAFF OF THE MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI M.W. Grand Master Scott presented the following as members of the Board of Director of the Masonic Home of Missouri. Each were requested to assume a place on the raised platform so that the brothers may see and honor their service to the Masonic Home of Missouri in Alphabetical Order. R.W. Brother Freddie D. Adams, Marshall, Member RW. Brother Robert M. Barrett, Kirksville, Member RW. Brother John W. Mayo, St. Joseph, Member R.W. Brother Patrick A. McGuire, Kearney, Member RW. Brother Jeffrey O. Nations, St. Louis, Presidents RW. Brother Larry D. Ross, Carthage, Member R.W. Brother Wilfred G. Soutiea, St. Louis, Member R.W. Brother Steven 1. Toybes, St. Louis, Vice President RW. Brother Robert D. Whitney, Leawood, KS, Member Board Members not able to attend: RW. Brother Richard W. Allgood, Cape Girardeau, Treasure R.W. Brother Julius H. Berg, Olivette, Chairman of Legal Committee RW. Brother Cutis R Doyle, St. Louis, Chairman of Admissions Committee Also introduced were the Masonic Home Office staff: Brother Robert C. Kellstrom, Executive Director R.W. Brother Stephen B. Givens, Secretary of the Board of Directors Brother B. Todd Sanders, Director of Development RW. Brother Paul B. Tobias, Controller R.W. Brother Jeffrey O. Nations asked RW. Brother Robert M. Barrett please come forward to be recognized by the Masonic Home Board for his years of faithful service. "Brother Barrett has labored long and diligently over matters that concern us." These statements by RW. Nations were all received.
NOMINATIONS FOR THE MASONIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS M.W. Brother Dale C. Motter nominated R.W. Brother Gail S. Turner of Purdin,MO
M.W. Brother P. Vincent Kinkead nominated Brother Richard H. Montgomery of Sikeston, MO Brother Lance Revas nominated R.L. of Tichenor of Liberty, MO There being more than two nominations for the two open positions on the Masonic Home Board (four year terms), the Grand Master announced that the election would occur at the same time as the election of the 1997-1998 Grand Lodge Officers. This would be Monday afternoon, September 29,1997. Results of those elections were as follows: Gail S. Turner and Richard H. Montgomery were elected from the ballots cast.
Address of the Grand Master BRETHREN:
It is my sincere pleasure to have this opportunity to extend to you, the members of this Grand Lodge and the leaders of our great Fraternity, my warmest welcome to the 176th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri. Each of you is an honored guest and I am pleased that you would choose to be with us today. In a day and time when so many choices are placed before us, your commitment to the Craft as demonstrated by your attendance here is noteworthy and appreciated. To our out of Jurisdiction guests, I hope that as our session progresses, you may share some thoughts reflecting your perspective concerning the future of our Fraternity with the Brethren here assembled. I hope that when our work has been completed tomorrow, you may depart this Annual Communication with a fond remembrance of your visit to Missouri and of the Fraternal welcome extended to you, not only by our Grand Lodge in session, but also by the individual Brothers and members of this Grand Jurisdiction. You are Brothers of our adoption and companions of our choice. I have been received and treated so kindly by the representatives and leaders of the appendant and concordant bodies in Missouri that it is a genuine pleasure to have the opportunity to reciprocate and to thank you for your attendance here as members of our Gentle Craft. Past Grand Masters, as I have advanced through the line of officers of this Grand Lodge, my appreciation of your service to our Fraternity has grown. Now, as I stand in the office that each of you have held with distinction, I recognize that without having served the term in this office a more complete understanding of your service cannot be achieved. I thank you for your legacy for the Craft. That legacy is one of honor and of enduring programs that have sought to unify our membership toward goals in keeping with the tenets and professions of Freemasonry. Thank you for service as Grand Master and for your continuing service to our Grand Lodge and welcome to this Annual Communication. Earlier this morning, I addressed the District Deputy Grand Masters and Lecturers and thanked them for their service this year, but to simply say thank you privately does not seem adequate in recognition of their contribution to this Grand Lodge and to this Grand Master. Over the last several years, even during the time that I have been serving in the Advancing Line, the responsibilities of the District Masters have changed and have been expanded. Those Brethren have stood ready to provide direct and meaningful assistance to the Lodges under their care and in some cases they have been a part of a dramatic change for the better in their Districts. I am sure that those Brethren would also credit the District Deputy Grand Lecturers for their success, for by a due regard for each other and for each other's responsibilities, they have worked together as teams in bringing the good news of Masonry to the fore. Brethren, thank you. Those words may not seem enough, but they are the best that I can offer to you.
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 2.010(1) of our Grand Lodge By-Laws, I herewith submit, for your consideration, this accounting of official acts during the past Grand Lodge year and a general report concerning the state of Freemasonry within our Jurisdiction.
AREA MEETINGS There were 11 Area Meetings held this Grand Lodge year, commencing on October 7, 1996, in Springfield and finishing on November 2, 1996, at Independence. An effort was made to have the meetings in locations that would tend to minimize travel for the participants. The Grand Lodge committees on Membership, Public Relations and Masonic Education presented information to the members present concerning their plans for this year. The recognition program for Lodges that are successful in achieving a membership gain was presented. The Public Relations Committee reported on the new Public Relations Manual designed to be used by our Lodges. That Manual has been completed and has been distributed to the Lodges. The Education Committee discussed the publications and self help programs that they have developed to assist Lodge Officers in planning successful programs. Grand Lecturer Dugan addressed Endowed Membership and the importance of our Ritual, properly presented. The Missouri Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Substance Abuse Among Children was represented at each meeting and a report of their activities was provided. A report on the Missouri Masonic automobile license plate was given. (That program is now in place and the license plates can be obtained.) Information concerning the continued decline in membership was presented as was statistical data and calculation regarding projected Masonic Membership in Missouri based upon the professional actuarial study that was performed last Fall. There was a presentation on trying to make Lodge meetings more interesting and regarding ways to be more accommodating to attendees concerning special programs such as 50 year service recognition evenings. It was suggested that as Lodges are required to adopt a budget for their expenses, it is not necessary for the Secretary or Treasurer to read the "bills" at every meeting, unless they were for unbudgeted expenses. It was suggested that the Minutes of the preceding meeting could be distributed to the members in writing or could be posted rather than read in an effort to make more time available for educational programs. It was even suggested that such educational programs would not have to be concerned with Masonic topics every time, i.e., programs of general interest to our members could be planned. Perhaps the most important component of the Area Meetings was an invitation extended to the membership for their suggestions concerning the lot of Masonry in Missouri. Not many were made known at the meetings but later we receivGed a number of written suggestions and requests for legislation. There was good attendance at each of the meetings and the reports and presentations were well received. This year, due to financial constraints, we did not have meals in conjunction with our Area Meetings, save in the singular instance of the Boonville Meeting where some good Brother (who sought not recognition but only to serve) provided grits and other edibles. At the other meetings, the host Lodge was kind and provided pie or cake and coffee.
Brethren, Masters and Officers of the host Lodges (and your ladies) thank you for your assistance, generosity and consideration. A special thank you to Right Worshipful Brothers Freddie Adams and Wayne Dugan who attended each of the Area Meetings and made outstanding presentations. I may sound like a broken record, but there has been much to be thankful for this year, and many to remember. MASONIC SERVICE MONTH In January, I proclaimed the month of May to be Masonic Service Month in accordance with established practice. The Notice did, however, make it known that projects performed necessarily in other months would be recognized in consideration of the annual award. A number of Lodges participated in community service programs this year and several submitted entries for consideration in the Masonic Service Month Award. There was a breakfast to raise funds for a public library. Christmas food baskets were prepared for those in the community that are in need. One Lodge supported the community youth sports organization. There was a benefit auction and sale to benefit a youth home with over $12,000.00 collected and contributed. A benefit dinner was held in support of Children's Miracle Network and a children's home. Lodges have collected food for community pantries. Several Lodges provided equipment or services for community parks. A program of visitation at a home for the elderly, a fund raiser for furnishing a community center and a fund raiser for a program that provides assistance to homeless and/or abused young ladies. The programs submitted were well thought out and executed, and have reflected well on our Fraternity and on the participating Lodges. The Grand Lodge Officers have participated in the selection of the Lodge that will receive the award at the Grand Lodge banquet. My congratulations to all who participated. You have performed a service for Masonry as well as for those that you sought to assist. You have demonstrated to the public that the charity that we espouse is real and I thank you.
MASONIC YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS It was my pleasure to present the Grand Master's Youth Award to the selected recipients at the Order of DeMolay State Conclave (Brother Rick Hamel, also a member of Palestine Lodge in St. Charles), and at the Grand Bethel Meeting of the International Order of Job's Daughters (Ms. Ivie D. Wills). Also, I was pleased to present both of those organizations with a check for $1,000.00, designated to be used for the purpose of membership recruitment. Because of a scheduling conflict, I could not be present at the Grand Assembly of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. Right Worshipful Brother Larry Reynolds, Grand Orator, served as my representative and made the presentation to the Grand Master's Assembly of the $1,000.00 to be used for membership recruitment and he presented the Grand Youth Award to Ms. Tanya Rogers. The selection of the recipients of the Grand Master's Youth Award is the responsibility of the Masonic Youth Committee, and I appreciate their work. A review of the applications filed on behalf of each of those nominated for the award reveals the difficulty of the selection process. There are so many well qualified members nominated. It is, however, great to know that there are hard working, talented and community minded young people in the youth organizations.
This summer marked a very special event. The Grand Bethel of Job's Daughters determined to have (for the first time) a Grand Master's Initiation Class in Jefferson City. The event was well attended and six young ladies became members of that Order. The work was performed by Grand Bethel Officers and was very well done. I am particularly proud of Ms. Lori Hainen, Grand Bethel Honored Queen at that time. Lori is a member of Bethel 29 of the Order. Bethel 29 meets at the Independence Masonic Temple and it seems only a few years ago that my daughter was an active member of that Bethel. To be present at such gatherings of the youth of our State and to observe them in the performance of their work has made me very proud of them. These are some of the very finest young people that our State has to offer. I thank each organization for their provision of an opportunity to be with them and for the many courtesies extended to Anna and to me and I encourage each of you to support those youth organizations with your presence at their meetings and annual sessions. I believe that such participation will produce a treasured memory for you as it has for me. To the adult leaders that labor in those organizations, my thanks and my congratulations for your job well done.
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI My service on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home has provided many of the best and brightest moments of my Masonic career. My service on that Board has been over a period of ten years and in that time some of the most significant changes in the history of the Masonic Home program have been instituted. I have found the men who have been elected to serve on that Board and those Grand Lodge Officers who have served by virtue of their office, to be always attentive to the needs of those who have relied on the services provided by the Home. I believe that the Home serves our members better now, than it has at any time in its storied history. I have served on those Boards with some of the very best men that our Fraternity can claim as members. They are men who have lived the tenets of our profession, good men and true, and I offer my thanks to the members of this Grand Lodge for permitting me to become acquainted with and to serve with such men. To use a term that is perhaps overused these days, there is a bonding between men that occurs when they must deal with important issues and must work together closely to resolution of those issues. I feel a very close affinity toward those Brethren. And, of course, I thank those men for their service for the benefit of our members, their widows and for the members of the Order of the Eastern Star who have received or will receive assistance from the Home. Thanks to you, my Brethren, the future of the Masonic Home lies in good hands. I also want to recognize the service of the members of the Eastern Star's Masonic Home Advisory Board. Those ladies have represented the Members of that Order with distinction and they have brought a perspective to the Boards deliberations that needs to be heard. Ladies, Sisters, thank you.
MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION I had the opportunity to visit the Veteran's Hospital in Kansas City this year and was able to meet and thank several of the Masonic Service Association
volunteers for their work in support of the veterans that are in and use that hospital. I was also permitted to visit the several Masons that were in the hospital on the day of my visit. Those Brethren are among the most committed and active volunteers at that Hospital. It was my pleasure to meet with the Hospital Director, Mr. Hugh Doran. Mr. Doran was quite profuse in his praise for the MSA program. This year the Kansas City program lost our Worshipful Brother Charles Warren Ohrvall, who had served for some time as the MSA Representative. The new Representative in Kansas City is Brother Adus Dorsey and I am sure that Brother Dorsey will bring the same good will and enthusiasm to that responsible position as did Charles. I also visited the State funded Veteran's Home in Cape Girardeau this summer and was able to greet both the Masonic volunteers and our members that are residents in that Home. The Administrator of that Home informed me that the Masonic Service Volunteers are the most active volunteer group at the Home. The Masonic Service Association volunteers, who work at the several Veteran's Administration Hospitals in our State, do an outstanding service for Masonry, and for mankind and I thank them for it. At the annual Conference of Grand Masters, this year held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Annual Meeting of the Masonic Service Association was held. It was my pleasure, at that meeting, to nominate our Past Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother P. Vincent Kinkead, to serve another term as one of the five elected Commissioners of that Association. That nomination was made on behalf of the Grand Masters of the Mid-West Region. Each of those Grand Masters agreed to and supported that nomination and our good Brother was elected to continue service on that Board. We are proud of the servide that Most Worshipful Brother Kinkead has rendered. I congratulate him for that service and I know that his future service will be such as to merit the continued esteem and applause of our Brethren.
CORNERSTONE, DEDICATION AND CONSTITUTING CEREMONIES On October 8, 1996, Table Rock Lodge at Kimberling City was Consecrated and Constituted as a regular Lodge according to the ancient customs and usages of the Fraternity. The officers of that Lodge were then installed. All was in accordance with the ceremonies as set forth in the Book of Constitutions dated 1921. It was a great event, well attended by members of the Lodge and members of the community. The officers and members of Table Rock Lodge are a hard working and forward looking group. I wish them well and every success. Right Worshipful Brother Zelwin Eaton, District Deputy Grand Master in District 2 sought dispensation to open Grand Lodge and to dedicate the new Hall of Paulville Lodge Number 319 in Brashear, Missouri. The requested dispensation was granted and the Hall was dedicated on March 26, 1997, in full Masonic form and ceremony. My thanks to Right Worshipful Brother Eaton for a job well done. On August 10, 1997, the cornerstone of Highland Elementary School in Ewing, Missouri was symbolically laid in full form. There was a large crowd including parents and teachers and the ceremony was well received. (As an aside, following the ceremony a young lady introduced herself to me and thanked the Masons of Missouri for our program for the prevention of substance abuse. She is currently a trainer in that program and believes that
the program is successful and sorely needed.) On August 30, 1997, the new hall of Waynesville Lodge at Waynesville was dedicated in full and ancient form. There was good representation at the ceremony by members of the Lodge and of the Order of the Eastern Star. Following the ceremony, the Master presented Certificates of Meritorious Service to Brothers of the Lodge. It was evident that several of the members of the Lodge had worked long and hard on the building and had contributed labor, materials and funding. The Brethren of Waynesville Lodge can look forward to using a beautiful building constructed by Masons whose affection for the Lodge is readily apparent. A number of Grand Lodge Officers took part in those ceremonies and I thank them for their participation. rappreCiatethe work of the District Deputy Grand Masters, District Deputy Grand Lecturers and Brethren in promoting and providing the opportunity for our participation as a Grand Lodge and in preparing for and taking part in those ceremonies. Cornerstone ceremonies can be a wonderful opportunity to present our positive image to the public. I know that in the case of the Highland School ceremony, had it not been for the efforts of our District Deputy Grand Lecturer, Right Worshipful Brother Hetzler, the opportunity for our participation would not have been there.
GRAND LODGE OFFICE It is my responsibility to inform you that in the period from the fall of 1993 through 1996, a female employee in the Grand Lodge Office, who had been delegated responsibility (by the Grand Secretary) for all bookkeeping functions, failed to follow appropriate accounting procedures resulting in a loss of Grand Lodge funds in an audit identified amount of $32,647.52. That employee wrote checks, on our Imprest Account (that account is established by our By-Law Section 3.130), directly to herself and wrote other checks in payment of her indebtedness to credit card companies, utilities and for personal purchases. Facsimile signature stamps were used on the checks in lieu of the only required authorized signature (the Grand Secretary's) on that account. In order to determine the extent of the loss, it was necessary to have a special audit performed. That audit was performed by Charles Harrison, C.P.A., at a cost to the Grand Lodge of $13,397.26. Financial records were reviewed through 1989. In addition, Exchange National Bank (the Bank wherein the Imprest Account is established) invoiced Grand Lodge for search time and the provision of a number of certified copies of checks in the amount of $83.50. Thus, the readily identifiable cumulative cost to our Grand Lodge was $46,128.28. Other undefined costs were incurred for Grand Lodge Office labor, and for copies, binders and protective sleeves used to prepare the loss documentation that was provided to two insurance companies, the Columbia Police Department and the Boone County Prosecutor's Office. In addition, hundreds of hours of uncompensated labor were expended in the review of financial records, in the preparation of loss documentation and other related activities. Reliance Insurance Company reimbursed the covered portion of our loss in the amount of $32,397.52. We have asked for restitution through the Prosecutor's Office on behalf of the insurance company and for that portion of the identified cost incurred by the Grand Lodge, that was not reimbursed by
the insurance company. In February the Grand Lodge's IBM System 36, mini mainframe computer's hard drive system failed causing the loss of our membership files. Those files had not been backed up on a regular and frequent basis. The local Columbia firm that had serviced our computer system and software informed us that we had discontinued maintenance service on that computer system some time (perhaps two or more years) prior to the system failure. A technician from that local firm worked on the system for approximately two weeks, trying to retrieve the membership records, but without success. A price for replacement of the hard drive (a proprietary system with approximately 105 megabytes capacity) was quoted at $5,000.00. The system failure had also affected other computer functions. At that juncture, a Brother suggested that I contact Worshipful Brother David Leininger of Kansas City to see if he might have experience on the System 36. Worshipful Brother Leininger did visit the Grand Lodge Office one evening and after several hours work was able to restore and backup most of the membership files. Such a loss of data would have had a very serious impact on our office performance. Worshipful Brother Leininger donated his service. We were, however, informed that the hard drive was failing and that the next failure could render the data not accessible. That Brother, and others consulted, recommended that the obsolete System 36 be replaced. In discussion, it was suggested that replacement costs for the current model in replacement of the System 36 would be at least $15,000.00 and perhaps in excess of that sum and the operating system and programs would continue to be proprietary. It was felt that there would be significant benefits in having a more common (PC) system and "off the shelf" programs. Further, it was our feeling that improved programs would provide improved service for our members. The Committee on Ways and Means met and approved the purchase of a new computer system of PC's networked together. The cost for the computers (only) was $16,122.63. They have been purchased and are in place. Worshipful Brother Kevin Sample of Columbia has done the networking and setup of the new hardware without any labor cost to the Grand Lodge. As the programs on the System 36 were proprietary, as was the operating system, it has been necessary to buy and install new programs. the new accounting and word processing programs are in place and are in daily use. Worshipful Brother Jon Broyles has been developing a new membership data base program in Microsoft Access. Again, a Brother comes to our aid and performs countless hours of work for our benefit and without charge to our Grand Lodge. As I speak of such unselfish and selfless aid, I need to inform you that several Brethren have made monetary contributions to help us in the costs associated with the computer system. I would like to take just a moment to acknowledge their gifts. Worshipful Brothers Sammie J. Rhoades, Jim S. Noel, James Cummins, Jim S. Duzan, Robert D. Whitney, Most Worshipful Brother William J. Hill, Summit Lodge Number 263, Cold Springs Lodge Number 274, Clinton Chapter Number 73 Royal Arch Masons, Warrensburg Council Number 77, Boanerges Commandery Number 34, the Bates County Scottish Rite Club, Shawnee Lodge Number 653 (Warsaw, Missouri), Sedalia Council Number 42, Lee's Summit Scottish Rite Club, St. Clair Lodge Number 273, the Scottish Rite Club of Benton County and the 33째 Club of the Kansas City Valley of
Scottish Rite. Some have made more than one contribution toward that fund. At the writing of this Address, $3,470.00 in contributions has been received. I will, of course, provide a personal acknowledgement and thank you for those kind and generous contributions. My sincere thanks to each of you who have worked on the computer systems and to those that have chosen to assist our Grand Lodge with financial contributions toward this much needed improvement in our ability to serve you.
CONSENTS, DISPENSATIONS AND PERMISSIONS In response to requests received, I granted permission for Brothers Henry Andrew Kern, Albert Eugene Schaefer, Frank Mason, Clinton Lieneke, Newton R. Bradley, Joseph Brewer, William M. Myers, Gilbert Schumacher, Lee Watts, and Samuel James Quinn to receive their Fifty Year jewels from approximately one day to less than one month early. Permission was granted Palestine Lodge to present the Fifty Year jewel to Brother William Mulock two months early as the Brother was moving out of our Jurisdiction. Permission was requested by Right Worshipful Brother Glenn E. Means, President of the Missouri Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Substance Abuse Among Children, also known as Masonic Children's Foundation, to use the Square and Compasses in the logo of that Foundation. Permission was granted for that use. Permission was granted to the Committee on Masonic Education to establish a Grand Lodge web page on the Internet. Permission was granted to Most Illustrious Companion Clarence Wieland, then Grand Master of the Grand Council, to form a Council of Knight Masons in Columbia to be called the Tipperary Council of Knight Masons. Permission was granted to Right Worshipful Brother Stanton T. Brown, Grand Lecturer Emeritus, to form a Missouri College of Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis. Permission was granted Right Worshipful Brother Ronald E. Wood, Jr. for the establishment of a York Rite College in St. Joseph. Other Consents, Dispensations and Permissions are set forth in the Report of the Grand Secretary. GRAND LECTURER It was with great regret that I accepted the resignation of the Grand
Lecturer, Right Worshipful Brother F. Wayne Dugan, effective February 28, 1997. I held, and now hold, that Right Worshipful Brother in high regard and appreciate his efforts on behalf of our Fraternity. I offer to Brother Dugan my best thoughts and wishes as a friend and as a Brother. After interviewing several very well qualified candidates for that office, Right Worshipful Brother James E. Spencer of Grandview was selected and appointed Grand Lecturer. That Brother brings years of experience as a District Deputy Grand Lecturer (having served in that capacity in two Districts) to the office. Brother Spencer has been an untiring worker in the Ritual, always ready to provide assistance to Lodges needing a lecturer, charge, or a worker in the Degrees. I know that Jim will, as always, do his best for the betterment of our Fraternity. Jim, Right Worshipful Sir, I wish you well in all that you do.
DECISION On October 20, 1996, Worshipful Brother Morris Coburn, Secretary of Grandview Lodge No. 618, wrote requesting information concerning the status of Brother Woodrow W. Bennett, who had entered a plea of nolo contendere to an indictment brought against him for conspiracy to commit mail fraud. I requested a copy of the file from the Grand Lodge Office which was provided to them by Worshipful Brother Coburn. On receipt of that file, I found a letter contained therein from the children of Brother Bennett which raised the issue of Brother Bennett's competence to assist in his legal defense in regard to the indictment. I sought and received additional information concerning Brother Bennett's medical condition in the pretrial time period (two physicians) and also received and reviewed the results of the Presentence Investigation Report (which included a mental and emotional health evaluation performed by the Court's order at the Kansas University Medical Center). Those several reports were consistent with the family's contention that Brother Bennett could not "effectively assist his counsel in defense of his case." Having considered the purpose of the amendment to the By-Laws that instituted Section 28.025, requiring Automatic Expulsion, which was "to relieve a lodge the expense and responsibility of a Masonic trial when a Freemason has been convicted of a felony," I was prepared to order a Masonic trial of Brother Bennett to provide a simple measure of fairness not existent in the automatic expulsion provision of Section 28.025. On reflection, however, I determined that if Brother Bennett was not considered by qualified members of the medical profession to be competent (or of sound mind) to stand trial or to assist in the conduct of his own defense and as he continues to exhibit symptomatic behavior as described in those medical evaluations (based upon my interviews of members acquainted with Brother Bennett), such a trial would not be appropriate. I determined that, given our long standing tradition of not permitting the suspension of a member of unsound mind (per Section 19.010 of the By-Laws, decisions 1931-18 and 193320 as appended thereto), Brother Bennett should not be expelled and that he should be invested with the 50 year jewel and certificate of a fifty year Mason. That decision is necessarily limited by and to the unique facts of this specific case. Brother Coburn was informed of my decision on February 5,1997. On October 31, 1996, the Grand Lodge Office Manager in Kansas wrote inquiring as to the status of Brothers Jack R. Perry and Harry J. Gurin, who enjoyed status as Master Masons in Shawnee Lodge Number 54 in Kansas and were desirous of transferring their membership as Master Masons to Summit Lodge in Missouri. Their transfer of membership was stopped when it was determined that each was still on the rolls of our Grand Lodge as an Entered Apprentice in a Missouri Lodge. No Certificate of Good Standing had been sought by those Brethren. Neither had Waivers of Jurisdiction been requested by the Grand Lodge of Kansas. On inquiry by the Grand Lodge of Kansas, both of the Brethren asserted that they had not intended to circumvent the Laws of the Grand Lodges of Missouri or Kansas. I asked the Secretary of Shawnee Lodge, the Office Manager of the Grand Lodge of Kansas and the Grand Master of Kansas if the explanations provided by those Brothers had been accepted. I was informed that they were accepted and that there was no contemplation of complaints or charges being brought against
those Brethren. The Secretary of Summit Lodge had written inquiring as to whether or not Summit Lodge could receive the petitions for affiliation from those Brethren prior to the issuance of the October 31, 1996, letter. Based on the information derived from the referenced investigation, I directed that Summit Lodge could receive the petitions and treat them in normal Masonic fashion (in conformance with our By-Laws). I was later informed that the Brothers had determined not to submit their petitions for affiliation to Summit Lodge. In November 1996, the Grand Secretary requested direction concerning the use of revenues received from the Masonic Missouri license plate program. Consistent with the recommendation of the Long Range Planning Committee and in conformance with the representation made that the contributions would be for the benefit of a tax exempt program, I directed that the revenues received are to be used for the benefit of the Missouri Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Substance Abuse Among Children. That determination was made with the concurrence of the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden and the Junior Grand Warden. On March 3, 1997, Mrs. Lawrence William King wrote asserting that although Brother King's dues had been timely paid in 1995, her husband had been suspended by Naphtali Lodge for the period June 2,1995 through May 1, 1996. Further, she asserted that she had paid the Brother's 1996 dues timely but that she had been informed that the Lodge Secretary had not received the check. She issued a second check for the 1996 dues on April 25, 1997. Brother King and Mrs. King currently reside in Florida. Brother King is, and has been for over two years, in ill health. At the request of the Secretary of Naphtali Lodge, and without further investigation, I granted permission for Brother King to be presented with his Fifty Year jewel by means of courtesy work from the Grand Lodge of Florida, approximately 6 months early. On June 12, 1997, I responded to a request from Right Worshipful Brother Gracin Akers regarding Section 22.040 and specifically concerning Paragraph A of that Section wherein it is stated that "Installments in multiples of$100.00 may be made to the Grand Lodge." Right Worshipful Brother Akers' question was whether the Grand Lodge Office should provide a receipt to the Brother making that payment. Several of our Brethren have interpreted that Section to provide that individual members may make incremental payments directly to the Grand Lodge toward their endowed membership. It is my interpretation that all endowed membership funds, including incremental or partial payments are to be collected by the Subordinate Lodge and paid over, or forwarded, by that Lodge to the Grand Lodge Office. The Subordinate Lodge receiving the funds or payments should provide a receipt to the member making the payment. Further, it is my interpretation that Subordinate Lodges may receive periodic payments toward the endowed membership in amounts less than $100.00, and may hold those payments until a minimum $100.00 has been received, at which time the Lodge is to forward the payment (of $100.00, or in multiples of$100.00) to the Grand Lodge Office, thereby permitting those who would not otherwise be able to participate in endowed membership to do so. In December 1996, Brother Mitch Weinsting asked if a payment was made on an endowed membership prior to the 1997 Annual Communication (and
assuming that the proposal to increase the cost of said endowed membership was adopted) would that partial payment serve to hold the cost for that member at the $400.00 preamendment cost? I informed that Brother that unless the proposed legislation is amended to provided a "grace" period or to address those who have made partial payments, the legislation would become effective at the close of the Annual Communication (Section 35.040) and the cost would then be $500.00 to all, including those having made partial payment. On August 23, 1997, I responded to information provided concerning the conferral by Monticello Lodge of the Degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason on Brother John Proffit on March 30, 1996. The conferral of the Master Mason Degree was in violation of the provision of Section 15.010 wherein it is stated that a candidate may not receive more than one degree at the same communication of the Lodge. I reprimanded Monticello Lodge and, finding no fault on the part of Brother Proffit in the irregular conferral of the Master Mason Degree, I caused that Brother to be healed in conformance with the provisions of Section 13.140 of the By-Laws. The Grand Secretary informed me that Arrow Rock Lodge Number 55, O'Sullivan Lodge Number 7 and Cardwell Lodge Number 231 did not have a representative at our Annual Grand Lodge Communication for the second year in a row. I received responses from those Lodges, providing their reasons for the failure to have representation at the two Annual Communications. After consultation with the District Deputy Grand Masters, I accepted the explanations and received a commitment from each Lodge that they would be properly represented at the 1997 Communication. On that basis, the suspension of function as provided for in Section 7.230 did not occur. Winona Lodge Number 430, also, was not in attendance at the last two annual communications of our Grand Lodge. In discussions with the District Deputy Grand Master Bernard Morrison, I was informed that Winona Lodge wanted to consolidate with Eminence Lodge. There was no suspension of function of Winona Lodge and the consolidation was accomplished. I was further informed that Mosaic Lodge Number 351 was not represented at Grand Lodge in 1995 and 1996. On inquiry of the District Deputy Grand Master for District 48, James Snavely, I was told that, to the best of his knowledge, Mosaic Lodge had met one time in the last year, and then only at his insistence. It was suggested that they may not have met in Stated Communication in the year previous (1995). The Grand Secretary notified said Lodge of the impending suspension of their Charter, and informed them that they might offer an explanation to the Grand Master who could then accept that explanation and not cause the suspension of the Charter. I received no explanation from Mosaic Lodge. I inquired of the Grand Secretary to obtain the name and address of the Master of the Lodge. I was informed that the man listed as Master was also listed as suspended for non-payment of dues. I sought and received the Lodge Secretary's address and I called him asking for a commitment that the Lodge would follow our By-Law requirements for Stated Meetings and would commit to attendance at the 176th Annual Communication. I received no such assurance and was told that the Lodge was inactive. I was informed by the District Deputy that the Lodge had sold or was about to auction Lodge property. In order to provide compliance with the
provisions of Section 7.260 "Property of Extinct Lodges" wherein if a lodge surrenders its Charter or if its Charter is forfeited or revoked, the Grand Lodge becomes entitled to all its property, I arrested the Charter of Mosaic Lodge. On doing so, I wrote to the Lodge Secretary and told him of my disappointment that I had received no response from the Lodge indicating that the members wanted to continue its existence and informed him of the arrest of the Charter. The District Deputy contacted me and asked if the Grand Lodge could issue certificates of good standing so that some of the members could transfer membership to another Lodge. Such certificates may not be issued by our ByLaws until the matter of the arrest of the Charter has been considered at Grand Lodge. I asked Grand Lodge Officers to look into the matter and to determine if they were granted permission to hold a special meeting, the members of that Lodge might consider consolidation or a promise of future compliance with the Law. I was informed that there was no interest in such a meeting. On the 15th of September, I received a call from the Master of Ironton Lodge, who inquired about the possibility of consolidation with Mosaic Lodge. At that late date, it was not possible to meet all of the requirements necessary to accommodate that potential prior to Grand Lodge. Having reviewed the By-Laws and finding no provision for the appointment or election of Trustees for the Pension Funds administered by the Grand Lodge, I determined to appoint Right Worshipful Brothers Jeffrey O. Nations, Steven 1. Toybes and Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr. to serve as Interim Trustees until other Trustees may be appointed. In a matter concerning the provisions of Section 28.025 wherein the Grand Master is to file a court certified copy of a Conviction, Plea of Guilty or Suspended Imposition of Sentence with the Grand Secretary causing the issuance of a notice of expulsion to the member, I determined to accept an Attested True Copy of the Sentence and Judgement Report in lieu of said copy of Conviction, Plea of Guilty or Suspended Imposition of Sentence and directed that the member in question be expelled. Brethren, this year I have granted 285 Waivers of Jurisdiction for Missouri residents to become Masons in Kansas. Further, 43 Waivers were granted for Missouri Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts to transfer their membership to Kansas Lodges and another 32 Waivers for courtesy work in Kansas on Missouri petitioners, Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts were issued. Our Law permits the issuance of Waivers of Jurisdiction for the purpose of permitting Missouri residents to become Masons in other Jurisdictions (Section 21.110). That Section does not set forth criteria, or conditions, under which such Waivers should be issued, or denied. I determined, in conformance with past practice and in consideration of Masonic courtesy between Grand Jurisdictions, to grant such Waivers on the condition of an affirmative statement from the Grand Lodge of Kansas that the petitioner sought membership in that Kansas Lodge because he has a friend or close business associate or personal relationship with a member of that Kansas Lodge. Of course, the Grand Master of Kansas, or other Jurisdiction, must also grant a Waiver for a non-resident to become a member of a Lodge in their Jurisdiction. This Spring, by way of letters and telephone inquiries from several District Deputy Grand Masters, I became aware that two of the Shrine Temples in Missouri (Ararat and Moolah) were employing a membership program that
involved the active solicitation of Missouri residents to become Masons and members of Lodges that operate under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Kansas. There were "flyers" distributed by those Temples to their membership and to some Lodges seeking petitioners for an "all the way in one day" class that included Blue Lodge Degrees, Scottish Rite Degree work and the Shrine ceremonial. That program extended to the solicitation of Missouri Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts to transfer their Masonic membership to Shawnee Lodge Number 54, or other Kansas Masonic Lodges. There was even an instance wherein a Missouri petitioner who had been elected to membership but had not yet received the Entered Apprentice Degree was solicited to submit a petition to Shawnee Lodge. That solicitation program apparently sprang forth from a meeting that I attended last Fall with members of the Divan of Ararat Temple in Kansas City. At that meeting, I addressed petitions, circulated by the Shrine, that I had received which were seeking the issuance of an edict causing one day Blue Lodge degree conferrals in Missouri. I explained that petitions without specific proposed legislation could not be acted upon. I explained briefly the Law of our Grand Lodge, and specifically the manner of presentation of legislation. Further, I noted that my interpretation of Section 2.010(k) is that the Grand Master may not issue any edict contrary to existing Law. I was then asked about a friend of a Divan member who wanted to become a member of a Kansas Lodge because his friends and work companions belong to that Lodge. The friend was identified as a Missouri resident. I explained the procedure and requirements for the issuance of Waivers of Jurisdiction. At no time did I sanction or endorse the active solicitation of Missouri residents to become members of Kansas Lodges. Some petitioners seeking Waivers were reportedly told that they could "automatically" transfer their membership to a Missouri Lodge, following the performance of the Degree work in Kansas. Of course, we have law that addresses the process of affiliation or transfer of Masonic membership from another jurisdiction. Applicants must be investigated and must be voted upon by the Lodge that receives their petition. The determination as to whether or not to accept those Brothers as members rests with the Lodge, as it should. Having heard of that membership program, I had occasion to meet with the Imperial Potentate, Imperial Sir and Worshipful Brother John VerMass at the Conference of Grand Masters and inquired if that program was endorsed by the Imperial Shrine. I was informed that such activity was not a part of the Imperial membership plan. I sought Brother VerMass' assistance in discouraging what I considered to be an improper process. That Brother assigned the task of resolving the problem to Imperial Recorder, Brother Jack Jones (Chairman of the Imperial Shrine's Fraternal Relations Committee). Brother Jones called and informed me that he had established and participated in a conference call with the several Potentates in Missouri. He told me that during that call, agreement had been reached with the Potentates to cease that solicitation activity. Again, I remind you that only Ararat and Moolah Temples had been involved in that program of soliciting Missouri residents for Kansas Masonry. At Brother Jones' request, I met with the several Potentates or their representatives and they confirmed to me that the
solicitation program had ceased and that they would work for the changes that they desired in Missouri Masonry by and through our Grand Lodge's legislative process. In late June, I was informed that Ararat Temple had resumed the solicitation program and was seeking petitioners for a one day Blue Lodge Degree class at Shawnee Lodge in Kansas. I was also told that some members of Moolah Temple had solicited petitions for Missouri Lodges with the caveat that the Lodges must agree to ask for courtesy work in Kansas for the petitions to be presented. By coincidence, Brother Jones called shortly after I had been informed of the resumption of the solicitation program. I reported to him the information that I had received. He asked that he be given time to look into it and later called to ask me to attend a meeting on Sunday at the Imperial Shrine session in St. Louis. At that meeting the Potentate of Ararat informed me that he had determined to "do what was best for his Temple" and that they would continue the solicitation program. The agreement had been broke. The Potentate of Moolah told me that they were not engaged in such solicitation as a Temple program and I accept that. That same day, I met with the Grand Master of Kansas, Most Worshipful Brother Jeffrey Sowder. Mter discussion, we agreed that the best course of action to stop the unprecedented solicitation program, would be to effectively close the borders between our Jurisdictions. On July 7, 1997, I issued a direction to our Acting Grand Secretary to deny the issuance of Waivers of Jurisdiction for the purposes of Missouri residents becoming members of Mason's Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Kansas. Also, no Waivers were to be granted for transfers of membership by Missouri Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts or for courtesy work on Missouri petitioners or members. Conversely, no Waivers were to be issued permitting Kansas residents to become Masons in Missouri Lodges. Only July 14, 1997, Grand Master Sowder issued a like directive to the Grand Lodge Office in Kansas. Why did I take an action to stop that program? There have been many incidents that have been causative factors in that decision. Following the first "all the way in one day" class in Topeka, I was informed that the First and Third Degree Lecturers were not conferred as a part of the day's Degree work and that some Kansas Lodges had not provided dues cards to their new members and would not, until they had attended Lodge and had received those lectures. It was reported to me that one or more of the new Masons from that class had sought admission into Missouri Lodge meetings and were turned away because they did not have current dues cards. In subsequent classes, I understand that the Second Sections of those two lectures were not conferred. As I said earlier, some of those new Masons had been told that they could automatically transfer to Missouri Lodges. Most Worshipful Brother Sowder had previously issued a decision that no demits would be issued to anyone from outside the Jurisdiction of Kansas that became a Kansas Mason during his term as Grand Master. Some thought that they were going to belong to appendant bodies in Missouri, only to find that their petitions (as provided to them by some members of the Shrine) were for Kansas appendant bodies and that they were members in those Kansas bodies and not in Missouri. At least one petitioner may have violated Masonic law by signing a blank petition that did not reflect his current status as an Entered Apprentice in a Missouri
Lodge, ifhe did not retrieve it and correct it after we talked. There was at least one instance where a petitioner who was to receive courtesy work in Kansas was not able to attend the day's Degree work, but his Missouri Lodge was informed that the Degrees were conferred. I have been cussed and discussed by members on both sides of this issue, at one time during the height of the solicitation process, receiving as many as twenty calls a day. Brethren, some of the men who became Masons or were advanced in Masonry as a result of that solicitation program have been injured as a result of that process. Some were provided with incorrect information that may jeopardize their status as Masons. Some men traveled to Topeka from Springfield to receive the Degrees, only to find that no Waiver of Jurisdiction had been granted and although they had properly or lawfully petitioned Golden Rule Lodge in that city they were not able to receive the work. A number of petitioners were told that the Grand Lodge of Missouri was withholding Waivers when, in fact, Waivers had not been requested. The decision to cease the issuance of the Waivers was an unprecedented and significant action, taken only after careful and thoughtful consideration and after consultation with the Grand Master of Kansas. Please be assured, I do not "blame" the Grand Lodge of Kansas for this problem. Their actions have been consistent with the provisions of their Grand Lodge Law. Most Worshipful Brother Sowder has made every effort to cause there to be peace and harmony between our Grand Lodges. We have worked together to cause the cessation of an inappropriate practice on the part of certain members or Temples of the Shrine. I sincerely regret that there are some who for good reason have sought membership in a Kansas Lodge (or Missouri Lodge by a Kansas resident) and are denied that ability by this action. I am not without feeling for the membership needs of the Shrine, for the needs of any appendant body and most certainly for the needs of our Grand Lodge. I am sure that many who solicited petitions for membership in Masonic Lodges in Kansas did so only with the best intentions to assist the petitioner in meeting his time constraints. I also believe that there was abuse of lawful process. On February 19, 1997, I responded to a request from Right Worshipful Brother Willard Warford for a determination regarding the effective date of a Lodge's enactment of a dues increase. Section 18.040 of the By-Law provides that dues must be set by Lodge By-Law and that they may not be increased for the current year. The question was what constitutes the "current year". It was my determination that the current year applies to the Subordinate Lodge's year which is, for the purpose of dues, January 1 through December 31. As the vote in question was taken in December the increase would be effective January 1, unless the Lodge's By-Laws addressed it to the contrary, but still in conformance with Section 18.040. On September 24, Right Worshipful Brother Ronald Jones, District Deputy Grand Master of the 23rd Masonic District, called concerning an Entered Apprentice in Ray Lodge. A request was made of our Grand Lodge for a Waiver of Jurisdiction to permit courtesy work in Kansas for that Entered Apprentice to be advanced through the degree of Master Mason in a Kansas Lodge. The Waiver was granted and the courtesy degree work was conferred. Right Worshipful Brother Jones informed me that Ray Lodge had not voted or
granted its unanimous consent to the making of that request for courtesy work. In conformance with Section 13.140 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, and finding no fault on the part of the Entered Apprentice upon whom that work was conferred, I cause that Brother to be healed and I reprimanded Ray Lodge for their failure to conform to our Law concerning the consent of the Lodge prior to the making of the request. As Section 15.080 of our By-Laws provides that degrees conferred under requests for courtesy work in other jurisdictions may be according to the rules of that Grand Lodge under which jurisdiction the conferring Lodge is held and as the request included courtesy proficiency instruction and examination, that Brother is to be considered a Master Mason in good standing, entitled to all of the rights and privileges thereof and is eligible to vote or hold office in that Lodge.
GRIEVANCE AND TRIAL RELATED MATI'ERS Last year I reported that I had received a complaint against Worshipful Brother Frank A. Craig, Jr., Master of Union Lodge Number 593, and that I believed the complaint to be well founded. In accordance with the provisions of Section 29.200 of the Trial Code, and believing that the interests of Freemasonry would be better served, I suspended Worshipful Brother Craig from office and appointed a Trial Commission. On April 19, 1997, the Trial Commission tried the case and found Worshipful Brother Craig guilty on three of the charges brought against him. I received a request from Gate of the Temple Lodge for the appointment of a Trial Commission. A Commission, consisting of Right Worshipful Brothers Paul Gregory and Larry Reynolds and Worshipful Brother Fred Livingston, was appointed and the trial was held. Our thanks to those Brethren for serving. A request was received from Bethany Lodge for the appointment of two Trial Commissions. The Commissions were appointed. In the first case, Worshipful Brother Newton Bradley and Right Worshipful Brothers Robert A. Gage, Jr. and R.L. Tichenor were appointed to serve as Commissioners. In both cases, Brother James Worthington was appointed to serve as Junior Warden in the proceedings. In the second case Right Worshipful Brother Matthew Quisenberry, Worshipful Brother Foster Crawford and Brother Christopher Harris were appointed Commissioners. A request was received from Shawnee Lodge at Warsaw for a Trial Commission. I appointed Right Worshipful Brothers Ralph Malan, Kenneth Swaidner and John Parks to serve as the Commissioners in that case. My thanks to Right Worshipful Brothers Jimmy Lee and Glenn Means for suggestions of members for appointment to these Commissions.
GRAND SECRETARY On February 7, 1997, in the presence of Right Worshipful Brother Steven Toybes, Senior Grand Warden, and Most Worshipful Brother William J. Hill, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Jurisprudence Committee, I suspended, for good cause, Right Worshipful Brother Terry C. Alexander from the Office of Grand Secretary, effective that date. By that action Right Worshipful Brother
Alexander was relieved of all rights, benefits, responsibilities, duties and obligations of that office. Prior to the taking of that action, the Jurisprudence Committee was asked to determine that such a suspension was permitted by the By-Laws of our Grand Lodge. The Committee determined that the action was authorized under the provisions of Section 2.010(e) of the By-Laws, conditioned upon the written concurrence of the Officers named in that Section, the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden and the Junior Grand Warden, or any two of them. That action was taken only after thoughtful and careful deliberation with those Officers. In this instance, all three of the named officers concurred with the decision. There was strict conformance with Grand Lodge law. Many have asked the "why" of that decision and a few have written requesting an answer. In my letter of February 25,1997, written in response to Right Worshipful Brother Alexander's letter of February 15, 1997, (and which letter was distributed to those identified as having been issued copies of Right Worshipful Brother Alexander's letter) I noted that the Right Worshipful Brother had repeatedly threatened legal action against the Grand Lodge at the time of his suspension from office. In response to his request, I did provide a copy of the written concurrence of the officers, concerning the suspension. My Brethren, he has followed through on that threat and has sued our Grand Lodge. While we do carry insurance for such an eventuality, there is a $5,000.00 deductible on our policy in regard to this type of coverage. Please let me be clear, our Grand Lodge has been sued and our Grand Lodge is the defendant in this suit. Based upon legal advice, it has been determined that the suit is without merit, and that it should and will be vigorously defended. With the concurrence of the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden and the Junior Grand Warden, I sought the opinion of outside counsel in this matter. From the time of the suspension from office of Brother Alexander, the consistent legal advice rendered to me has been that I may not respond to such requests for the specifics of the "why" of the decision because of the repeated threat and, of course, now the fact of litigation. I will, however, say that the action was taken in the good faith belief that the standard of "good cause" both in the context of our Grand Lodge By-Laws and by common sense was met. I considered the action necessary for the efficient and proper operation of the Grand Lodge Office. Do not assume that silence specific to cause implies that good cause is lacking. Brethren, perhaps it is appropriate to review briefly the provisions of our ByLaws. Section 2.010(e) provides that the Grand Master "may, for good cause, and with the written concurrence of the Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden and Junior Grand Warden, or any two of them, suspend from office any officer of the Grand Lodge until the next annual communication." Our By-Laws offer no definition as to what may constitute "good cause." I believe that omission was consciously made and was not the result of some error in the construction of the Law. I believe that those who drafted that language placed their confidence in the man elected to the office of Grand Master to make the determination of what would constitute good cause, knowing that he was also charged to do "all things necessary for the welfare of the Fraternity" (Paragraph (k) of Section 2.010). However, through the wisdom of the crafters of that By-Law, a protection was provided to insure against an arbitrary action
of suspension taken by a Grand Master who might have some personal grievance against an officer. No such personal grievance was an issue in this suspension. That protection was to require, by and in the same By-Law paragraph, that two of the three top elected officers of our Grand Lodge would have to provide written agreement for the action to suspend an officer to be set in motion. The reason for the selection of those officers (the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden and the Junior Grand Warden) for confirmation of the judgment to suspend an officer seems evident. Having been elected to those high offices in our Fraternity, after having served in appointed offices for several years, those men have demonstrated that they have the good of our Fraternity in their hearts and are capable of exercising the judgment necessary for consideration for eventual election to the highest office that a member of our Fraternity can hold. Each one of those officers must make his own determination concerning what constitutes "good cause" and whether or not the standard of good cause has been met concerning a decision to suspend an officer. In the case of the Grand Secretary, each of the three officers (not just two of them as required by our By-Laws) determined that there was "good, just and reasonable cause" to effect the suspension of Right Worshipful Brother Alexander. Further, each not only concurred with the suspension, but earnestly solicited it. Brethren, the protective provisions of our By-Laws were complied with in all respects. It is important to note that there is not a provision in our By-Laws for an appeal of a suspension from office. Again, the Craft has placed its trust and reliance on the several elected officers to act in the best interests of our Fraternity. I am sure that each of us recognizes that it would not be prudent, and it certainly would not be consistent with the advice that I have received from outside counsel, to permit discussion on the floor of this Grand Lodge regarding the details of what constituted "good cause." Our Grand Lodge is the defendant in Right Worshipful Brother Alexander's law suit and I am sworn to protect our interests. Further, we must recognize the need for consideration of our Brother's privacy and reputation. Rumor, gossip and speculation have no place in our Fraternity. It is human nature to want to discuss these issues, but I believe that you will understand and agree, for the sake of all concerned, that there is no alternative but for all to exercise self restraint until this litigation is concluded. I asked Right Worshipful Brother Frank Hazelrigg to serve as Interim Grand Secretary until such time as a Search Committee could be established (in conformance with Section 2.010.1) and an Acting Grand Secretary was chosen and was able to assume that role. I just cannot say enough in appreciation for Right Worshipful Brother Hazelrigg's service as Interim Grand Secretary. He was in a very difficult position already and then the computer failed. Frank, thank you. The Search committee was appointed (Right Worshipful Brothers Robert Barrett, Bruce Austin and Robert Bird and the four elected advancing line officers) and notice was provided seeking applications from those with an interest in serving our Grand Lodge in that capacity. Several applications were received. Each of those Brothers applying for consideration came well qualified. Interviews were conducted (at the
interviews I permitted the participation of all of the Advancing Line Officers) and from that process Right Worshipful Brother Ronald D. Miller was selected and appointed to serve as Acting Grand Secretary. I have been well pleased with his performance.
SPECIAL EVENTS There have been a number of national meetings of appendant bodies in our Jurisdiction this year. It was my pleasure to act as your representative in welcoming the members attending those meetings to Missouri. Ms. Edna Walraven of Independence was the presiding officer of the Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America and held the Annual Communication of that organization in Kansas City. I spoke at the Banquet. Ms. Walraven's father (Bobby) has been a friend and a member of Independence Lodge for a number of years. Although Walraven is not a name heard every day, I did not connect Ms. Walraven with the Brother that I had known for years. This year has contained many of those "isn't it a small world" moments. The annual convention of the national Legion of Honor of the Shrine met in Kansas City. It was my pleasure to greet those Brethren in their opening ceremony. The Annual Meeting of the Grottoes of North America was held in Columbia. Our Brother Jimmie Davis, of Aleppo Grotto in Columbia, presided as Grand Monarch. I was privileged to speak at the formal opening and again at the Banquet. Several Grand Masters from other Jurisdictions were present. The Imperial Shrine Session was held in St. Louis and I offered our Fraternal welcome at their opening ceremony. As a part of that ceremony, members of Moolah Temple (host Temple for the Session) presented a series of vignettes regarding the founding of the children's hospital program. Past Grand Master D. Robert Downey was outstanding in his portrayal of a naysayer who was finally converted to support of that program. During that opening, a child who had received treatment(s) through the auspices of the Shrine, and her family were presented. Her mother spoke to the members assembled concerning the trials that her daughter had endured and of the change in her life that had resulted from the care that she had received without cost to the family at the Shrine's Hospital in St. Louis. It was very touching and served as the best reminder of the central charitable purpose of the Shrine, that of relief to children in the most dramatic and dire need of medical care and attention. Right Worshipful Brother Stanton T. Brown, Grand Lecturer Emeritus of this Grand Lodge and Grand Sovereign of the United Grand Imperial Council of the Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine held the Grand Imperial Council Session of the Red Cross in Kansas City. I was introduced and received and provided words of welcome to the session. My reception caused a demonstration of the several forms of"Grand Honors" some of which were very interesting. The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar held their Triennial Session in St. Louis. Our Worshipful Brother Blair Mayford was Grand Master of the Grand Encampment. Past Grand Master Vern Schneider was Chairman of the Committee for the Session. I offered greetings at the formal opening and then
addressed the membership at the Banquet. In my remarks, I reminded those present of the special and unique relationship between the Grand Lodge of Missouri and the Grand Encampment. On September 21,1886, approximately a week before our Grand Lodges Session that year, as a part of the Grand Encampment Triennial Session (also held in St. Louis) there was held a "Charity Day" during which Commanderies from across the country drilled and concert bands performed. The event was well attended and the proceeds from that Charity Day were placed at the disposal of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to aid in establishing and maintaining the Masonic Home of Missouri. Over $20,000.00 (remember that this was 1886) was transferred to our care. In 1888, there was a final accounting of monies received, including contributions made after the event and after the closing of that 1886 Triennial Session. The Grand Lodge of Missouri, and ultimately the Masonic Home of Missouri received a grand total of $35,114.00. Our Grand Lodge reported that to be "the grandest work ever accomplished by the Knights Templar, in one day, in the history of that Noble Order of Christian Knighthood". Without that contribution, can we be sure that the establishment of the Masonic Home program in Missouri would have been accomplished? We have a special tie, indeed, to the Grand Encampment. The National Camping Travelers, a Masonic camping association held their annual meeting in Sedalia on the State Fair Grounds. I was not able to be present at the opening of their meeting, but was permitted to speak on behalf of our Brethren before the installation of the new officers of that organization on the second day of the session. Again, members of the Fraternity from all over the country were present. I enjoyed the opportunity to visit the Grand Lodge Communications in both Kansas and Oklahoma. Their meetings were well attended and very informative. I was received with other visiting Grand Masters and was warmly welcomed. Such visitation does help promote our fraternal relations. It was my pleasure to attend the Annual Sessions of the Grand Chapter, the Grand Council, the Grand Commandery, the Order of the Eastern Star, and the Order of the Amaranth, in addition to the previously reported on meetings of Job's Daughters and DeMolay in our own Jurisdiction. I also attended the Scottish Rite Symposium, and the Grand Master's Class in the Kansas City Valley of the Rite. In every instance, we were afforded the most kind attentions and courtesies and granted an opportunity to address the members assembled. Perhaps the most interesting part of the sessions was the reporting on the charitable work performed. Each organization has charitable programs that provide benefit to those that are, in many instances, unknown and unnamed. I believe that, as Middleton wrote, "Charity is never lost, it may meet with ingratitude, or be of no service to those on whom it was bestowed, yet it ever does a work of beauty and grace upon the heart of the giver." In the case of these charities and that of the Masonic Home of Missouri, the charity is not met with ingratitude and it is of service to those who receive it. Nonetheless, the greatest gift of charity is bestowed upon the heart of the giver. According to my understanding, the charitable works of Freemasonry and its many appendant and concordant bodies are now calculated to be close to $2,000,000.00 per calendar day. Finally, in regard to those several meetings, it is a continuing source of
amazement to me to observe that you tend to see many of the same Brethren at each of the meetings. Their commitment to the Craft is a source of wonder, or wonderment. I want to take another moment to offer my congratulations to the Brethren who worked to raise over $39,000.00 for Children's Miracle Network in the Southwest Missouri area. Although that program was not a Grand Lodge charitable program for this year, those funds raised met the obligation or commitment that those Brethren had made for the mural at Cox hospital in the children's wing. That mural is in honor of our friend and Most Worshipful Brother James Cabane. Also, this year 88 Brethren from 17 Districts and 37 Lodges work the Grand Lodge's booth at the State Fair. Brethren, thank you.
STATUS OF THE SAMUEL SMITH STEWART TRUST In reference to the resolution adopted at Grand Lodge last year, concerning the testamentary trust under the will of Samuel Smith Stewart, wherein authority was granted to enter into negotiations with Boatmen's Trust Company in order to achieve the early termination of the Trust subject to arrangements for the protection of the income beneficiaries, Most Worshipful Brother Vern H. Schneider has been retained as counsel to assist in those negotiations. A petition has been drafted that would provide for the purchase of a commercial annuity for the benefit of each of the income beneficiaries. Also, it has been suggested that the Grand Lodge offer to guarantee the continuing payments of $1,200.00 per year to each of those beneficiaries in the unlikely event that the issuer of the commercial annuity would be unable to continue the payments. Negotiations continue and progress has been made toward that early termination, however, the matter has not been resolved.
STATE OF THE CRAFI' My predecessors in this office have said it before. Grand Masters, in their visitations, see the best our Fraternity has to offer, in part because the Lodges that have invited their attendance are among the more active Lodges. Their ritualistic work is well performed and you can see the fellowship and genuine interest in each other during the course of the meeting. I have seen much of the good that is at the very heart of our Brotherhood. Visitation at those Lodges is one of the true joys of having served as Grand Master. Unfortunately, not all that we see or have to deal with as Grand Master is good. There are Lodges that are not meeting, even one time a year - contrary to our law. Based upon the reports of the District Deputy Grand Masters, a significant number of Lodges have taken no charitable action, for either their community or for their Brother in the last year. Many of the reports state that the problem is faltering attendance or the lack of activity in the Lodge. It is clear that attendance at meetings remains at 10% or less of our membership. A number of Lodges are having difficulty in finding Brethren willing to serve as officers. I have received several requests this year to permit the early presentation of 50 Year service jewels to Brothers that have been suspended for nonpayment of dues at some time during the term of their membership. In one instance, a
Lodge suspended a Brother for not paying his dues several years ago, only to receive a significant bequest from the Brother following his death. That Brother was suspended at the time of his death. He had been in a nursing home for several years and had not been able to manage his financial affairs. Except for the bequest to the Lodge, that was not a unique event. I am concerned that there are significant numbers of our Brethren that have been suspended for non-payment of dues, when their Lodges should have remitted those dues because the Brother was in the nursing home or otherwise not able to see that his dues were paid. Sometimes the family of the Brother will determine not to pay his dues because "he can't attend the meetings anymore." Should that true and faithful Brother be suspended as a result of a decision made by someone that did not understand the importance of membership to our Brother? Some of our Brethren are having to choose between paying their dues or paying a bill that is essential to life (being lived at a standard that many would consider well below the poverty level). Although there has been a By-Law requirement for a Committee on Delinquent Dues since 1979, many Lodges do not have a Committee that actively checks on the members that have not paid their dues. Is it charity to extend the hand of fellowship to a Brother at a time of his need, or is it a responsibility? There are members who are prime candidates for assistance from the Masonic Home. The Home's program can now reach into your community and provide relief to your Brethren and their widows that could continue to live at home if they just had a little help. That help is available, if the need is made known to the Home. My Brethren, in this Fraternity we are our Brothers keepers. We bear responsibility to care for him and we have a responsibility to demonstrate that caring in a meaningful way. I fear that we are becoming more like the society that we live in, uncaring and turning away from need. We pronounce ourselves better than that society as a whole. It is time to return to the active living of the principles that we talk about. As our membership ages, their needs may increase. Please, let us reflect on that. This last year, I have received several letters asking if convicted felons can submit petitions for membership. The decisions annotated (1923-26 and 196121) to Section 13.090 confirm that one convicted of a felony can be made a Freemason, but that it should be done only after full investigation and only if the Lodge is convinced that he is a good man and that the Fraternity will not suffer in public estimation. In regard to onle inquiry, the petitioner was on parole having been convicted of a felony within the last two years. Has the Lodge considered public estimation of our Fraternity in that instance, and are they convinced that the petitioner is a good man? Perhaps, but some Lodges have performed their investigation of petitioners by having those men come to the Lodge a few minutes before the start of the meeting where ballot is to be cast on their membership so that they may be questioned. I do not see how such investigations can comply with the provisions of Section 13.090, where the Committee of Investigation is to "inquire thoroughly into the eligibility, character and fitness of the applicant." Again, I recognize the need for membership, but the gate keeper and protector of our Fraternity has to be the Committee of Investigation and they have to do their job. We have all heard that Freemasonry makes good men better. I have not heard an assertion that we can take any man and make a good man of him. If a man does not have the
heart and character of a Mason when he is investigated, he should not be our Brother. My Brethren, these are fundamental issues. Caring enough about our Brotherhood that we want to be sure that only the very best men become one with us, and then following them through their membership to be sure that they understand our values and live our principles and finally that if they need our assistance, we provide it. Not just as a duty or responsibility. But because such caring is a part of what we are as men and as Masons. It is time for a return to the basics to insure the continuation of our Fraternity as a vital part of these times.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am sure that every Grand Master believes that the Line of Officers that he has served with is the best ever. I also hold that view. The Grand Masters that I have followed have, in every instance, acted in what they believed to be the best interests of our Fraternity. Not for personal aggrandizement, but because they held dear our Grand Lodge. The officers of your advancing line this year have demonstrated those same qualities. They have participated in the selection of the Acting Grand Secretary and the Grand Lecturer. They have stood up to be counted in difficult times. As you serve through this Grand Line your admiration for those who serve with you grows. You see their decision making process and listen as they articulate their concerns and their suggestions for resolution of our problems. Brethren, this Grand Lodge will be in good hands and hearts for years to come. The appointed officers have been there to respond to any need. I honor all of those Brethren. This year, there has been placed an extraordinary burden on the Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee. Most Worshipful Brother William Hill has expended hundreds and hundreds of hours on the business of this Grand Lodge. His counsel has always been on the mark and to the point. I believe that this has been as difficult a year for that Chairman and that Committee as one could imagine. Bill, and members of the Committee, thanks are not enough but they are offered to you most humbly in recognition of your service to our Grand Lodge and this Grand Master. The Officers and members of "my" Lodge, Independence Lodge Number 76 have supported me in every way. Had it not been for Bob Crick, who asked me to return to coaching after some ten years absence, I would not have served in the line of that Lodge. Had it not been for Stanton Brown's support and encouragement, I would not have been his Deputy for three years. Had it not been for Most Worshipful Brother William Hill, I would not have been considered for election to the Board of the Masonic Home. If it had not been for Most Worshipful Brother Robert Jenkins, I would not have been in the Grand Line and, of course, if it had not been for your election I would not have served this year. There are many more to acknowledge, and I have already committed a fatal error by mentioning a few. Forgive me for not thanking all, but we do have some business to conduct. Before I move to the closing, however, I must say that were it not for my Anna, nothing would have been possible for me. We have all heard the old saw about a better half, in our case the truth of that saying is evident, she is the better half.
CLOSING May I impose one more time and ask that, through the power of imagination, we return to a time several hundred years ago to a meeting of a Lodge. If we listen closely we may hear the Master lamenting about the decline in membership. There is a fear that soon we will be unable to provide the charity to the widow and orphan of our fallen Brother, that is central to our being. As the numbers fall, the good works that we have been known for, will falter and eventually fail. Our name and works will be lost to antiquity and we may be just a footnote on a page of history. From the sideline comes the call, Master we must change and adapt. I have a suggestion, let us consider opening our membership to some Brothers of adoption - companions of choice. Men who have not labored long in our quarries, who have not squared and made true the stone for placement. Men who do not share our experience with tempered mortar, but men of good will and reputation. Men who will agree to maintain and preserve our secrets, who will honor our commitment to the widow and orphan. Men with whom we can share our work and the secrets of the Craft, but on whom we will make no demand of labor, save the labor of understanding. Then came, of course, the voice. We cannot share our secrets with men that have not shared our hardship. I had to serve a long and hard apprenticeship without the reward that accrues to the Master of the work. I will suffer no sharing of the secrets of Masonry with one who has not served as I have served and has not done the work that I have done. After long and careful deliberation, Freemasonry was born. Dissent and distrust at first, of course. How could those Brethren have known that by changing and adapting to the needs of their organization and to the ever changing society they would have created the worlds greatest Fraternity. That charitable works would be done, not just for the Brother, his widow, or orphans, but for the thousands and hundreds of thousands in need. My Brethren, the time for recognition of the need for change is upon us as it was those hundreds ofyears ago for our forebears. Unite and work together for the survival of our Gentle Craft. Let harmony be your byword and let success be your goal. Let us bend to the will of the winds of change and let us not permit ourselves to be broken asunder. GRAND MASTER'S ITINERARY OCTOBER 5 Long Range Planning - Jefferson City 5 District Deputies Information Session - Jefferson City 6 Grand Master's Breakfast - Ararat Past Master's - Kansas City 6 Install Independence #76 - Independence 7 Area Meeting - Springfield 8 Consecrate & Institute Kimberling City Lodge - Kimberling City 9 Area Meeting - West Plains 10 Area Meeting - Rolla 11 Area Meeting - Sikeston 12 Area Meeting - St. Louis 12 Install Branson Lodge Officers - Branson 14 Eastern Star Grand Chapter - Kansas City
36 15 17 18 19 19 21
Eastern Star Grand Chapter - Kansas City Independence Past Master's Dinner - Independence Area Meeting - Louisiana Grand Master's Breakfast - Louisiana Install Officers Grandview Lodge - Grandview Area Meeting - Kirksville 25 Area Meeting - Boonville 29 Area Meeting - Clinton 30 Grand Master's Breakfast - Algabil Freedom Lodge - St. Louis NOVEMBER 1 Area Meeting - St. Joseph 2 Area Meeting - Independence 2 Independence Lodge's Reception - Independence 8 Grand Lodge of Oklahoma 9 Grand Lodge of Oklahoma 14 Meridian Lodge - St. Louis 16 Elected Grand Lodge Officers Meeting - St. Louis 25 Meramac Lodge - Eureka 30 Install Officers Mount Washington Lodge - Independence DECEMBER 1 Distinguished Guests Committee Meeting - Jefferson City 4 Buckner Lodge - Buckner 6 Visit Veteran's Hospital - Kansas City 16 Meeting - Vern Schneider - St. Louis 21 Masonic Home Board - Kansas City JANUARY 6 Grand Lodge Office 9 Grand Lodge Office - Columbia 11 Long Range Planning Committee - Columbia 20 Interviews - Jefferson City, Missouri 25 Annual Coon Dinner - Pleasant Hill 29 Acacia Temple Dinner - Columbia FEBRUARY 4 Masonic Dinner - Booneville 5 Benjamin Franklin Lodge - St. Louis 8 By Law Review - Grand Lodge - Columbia 15 Masonic Temple Speak - St. Joseph 16 Conference of Grand Masters - Tulsa, Oklahoma 17 Conference of Grand Masters - Tulsa, Oklahoma 18 Conference of Grand Masters - Tulsa, Oklahoma 22 Home Board Meeting - Columbia 23 Distinguished Guests Meeting - Jefferson City MARCH 4 Eastgate Lodge - 50 Year Pin - Kansas City 8 Washington Lodge - Greenfield 15 Masonic Home - Education Committee - Kansas City
16 18 20 21 22 25 27 29
Liberty Table Lodge - Liberty Ferguson Lodge North County Grand Master's Breakfast - St. Louis Fayette Lodge - 50 Year Pin - Fayette Kansas Grand Lodge - Salina, Kansas Kansas Grand Lodge - Salina, Kansas Kirksville Table Lodge - Kirksville Jewel Lodge, Table Lodge - Pleasant Hill Meeting with Potentates - Ararat Temple - Kansas City Interviews - Grand Lodge Office - Columbia
APRIL 4 York Rite Festival - Independence 5 Ways & Means Committee Meeting - St. Louis 6 Lori Hainen Reception - Independence 10 Legion of Honor - Hyatt Regency - Kansas City Scottish Rite Symposium - St. Louis Order of the Amaranth Annual Session - St. Louis 11 Scottish Rite Symposium - St. Louis 12 Scottish Rite Symposium - St. Louis 18 Visit Veterans Hospital - Cape Girardeau 19 Masonic Education Seminar - Cape Girardeau 26 Home Board - Scholarship Corp. - St. Louis 27 Grand Master's Breakfast - St. Louis
MAY 1 Install Jim Spencer - Grand Lecturer 2 Grand Council - St. Joseph
Webster Groves Lodge - St. Joseph 3 Grand Chapter York Rite - St. Louis 8 Ivanhoe Lodge - 50 Year Pin Presentation - Kansas City 16 Grand Commandery - Jefferson City 17 Education Committee - Grand Lodge Office - Columbia Mizpah Mt. Moriah Lodge - St. Louis 18 Grand Lodge Planning Committee - Jefferson City 24 50 Year Pin Presentation - California Lodge - California 29 Ladies Oriental Shrine - Kansas City 31 Job's Daughters Grand Master's Initiation Class - Jefferson City JUNE 11 13 18 19 20 24 26
27 29 30 30
Blue Springs Secretaries Meeting - Blue Springs Milton Lodge, 70 Year Pin - Old Milton Grottes of North America - Columbia Grottes of North America - Columbia Grottes of North America - Columbia Ararat - DeMolay Knights Meeting - Kansas City Job's Grand Bethel - Jefferson City Job's Grand Bethel - Jefferson City Imperial Shrine - St. Louis Imperial Shrine - St. Louis Grand Assembly Rainbow for Girls - Springfield
38 JULY 12 15 18 19 20 23 26 26 27
Rising Sun Lodge Osceola Lodge Family Weekend - Kansas City Family Weekend - Kansas City Grand Lodge Officers - Long Range Planning Committee Family Weekend National Camping Travelers - Sedalia Ways & Means Committee Meeting - Columbia 50 Year Pin Presentation - Chillicothe Ground Breaking - Summit Lodge - Lee's Summit
AUGUST 9 Grand Encampment - St. Louis 10 Open Grand Lodge - LaBelle, Missouri Cornerstone - Ewing, Missouri Grand Encampment - St. Louis 11 Grand Encampment - St. Louis 50 Year Pin Presentation - Independence 12 Grand Encampment - St. Louis 13 Grand Encampment - St. Louis 16 Home Board - St. Louis 24 Distinguished Guests - Jefferson City 30 Open Grand Lodge - Waynesville Lodge Hall Dedication - Waynesville #375 SEPTEMBER 6 Jurisprudence Committee Meeting - Columbia 9 60 Year Pin Presentation - Palestine Lodge - St. Charles 13 Install Cass Lodge - Harrisonville 16 Summit Lodge - Lee's Summit 17 Lodge of Instruction - Blue Springs 19 41st District Installation - Lake Pomme De Terre 29 Grand Lodge - Jefferson City 30 Grand Lodge - Jefferson City Respectfully Submitted: DONALD SCaTI'
Grand Master
CALLED FROM LABOR The Grand Lodge was called from Labor at 11:45 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. on Monday afternoon, September 29, 1997. RW. Brother Billy R Potter Grand Chaplin, offered prayer.
Monday Mternoon, 1:30 P.M. Organ selections, Jack Stottlemeyer M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott called the Grand Lodge to order for the purpose of the reception and introduction of representatives of adoptive and youth organizations of the Masonic Family of Missouri.
INTRODUCTIONS GLENN E. MEANS, SENIOR GRAND DEACON Dr. Susan Albers, Supreme Deputy in Missouri, Grand Assembly, International order of the Rainbow for Girls Samantha Schoonover, Grand Worthy Advisor, Grand Assembly, International order of the Rainbow for Girls Renee Ballard, State Dean, Grand Assembly, International order of the Rainbow for Girls Dorothy Frost, Grand Royal Matron, Grand Court of Missouri, Order of Armaranth, Grand Patriot, Loyal Patriot Grand Court of Missouri, Order of Amaranth Ed Cole, State Master Councilor, Grand Conclave of Missouri, International Order of Demolay Tina Sanzottera, Grand Bethel Honor Queen, Grand Council of Missouri, International Order of Jobs Daughter Linda Mosby, Grand Guardian, Grand Council of Missouri, International Order of Jobs Daughters Virginia Goede, Grand Secretary, Grand Council of Missouri, International Order of Jobs Daughters Bill Dinkmeyer, Vice-Associate Supreme Guardian of the International Order of Jobs Daughters Joe Jelinek, Worthy Grand Patron, Grand Chapter of Missouri, Order of the Eastern Star Bessie Mae Kirkpatrick, Worthy Grand Matron, Grand Chapter of Missouri, Order of the Eastern Star, was recognized because she was unable to attend because of illness. After remarks from the State leaders, Grand Master Scott expressed his appreciation for their attendance and inspiring messages. The honored guests were escorted from the assembly room.
CALLED TO LABOR The Grand Lodge was called to labor at 1:30 p.m. on Monday afternoon September 29, 1997, by M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott. RW. Grand Chaplain, Donald E. McGuire, offered payer. The members present were as to
mark their ballots for election of officers, ballots were collected and the election committee retired to count the ballots.
At last year's Annual Session a resolution was introduced for action this year to adopt a general revision of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, pursuant to Section 35.030. The Revisions Committee has prepared this general revision. While the vast majority of the proposed revisions are editorial in nature, designed to make the By-Laws more readable and simpler to use, the number of changes is immense. The Committee does not feel it would be appropriate to ask the brethren to act on the proposals without adequate time to review these changes. It is therefore the recommendation of the Committee that action on the resolution be tabled until the 1998 Annual Session. We also recommend that copies of the proposed revisions be distributed to the subordinate lodges for review. In addition, a resolution was introduced at last year's Annual Session to amend the Constitution to parallel several revisions under consideration by this Committee. The Committee recommends that action on this resolution also be tabled for action in 1998. Finally, while the Committee has essentially completed its work, another year will give us time to study a few areas where additional changes could enhance the value of the final product. Any further changes will also be distributed via mail to the lodges for review. Respectfully submitted, DANIEL F. COLE, Chairman DR. J. EDWARD BLINN WILLIAM H CHAPMAN D. ROBERT DOWNEY EARL K. DILLE HARRY GERSHENSON, JR.
Every man needs friendship and all that friendship implies. How fortunate we are that Freemasonry gives an opportunity to cement the bonds of real brotherhood - asking nothing and willing to give everything.
As time passes by, we realize the golden links which sustain our interests in life are the friends - our brothers - who have remained sincere and true through the years. Freemasonry constantly toils to improve the climate which will, in time, create stronger and better friendships. Our Fraternity emphasizes our common heritage, our common goal, our common hope: The Brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God. At our altars, without vanity and pretense, we assemble for work and fellowship to learn to love and cherish one another. And, by so doing, we bring light out of darkness, beauty out of drabness, exaltation out of despair - to the end that every Brother's life may become more radiant and meaningful. One of the most beautiful definitions of FREEMASONRY is that it is a "Society of Friends and Brothers." Never are we more aware of that truth than when death thins the ranks and our ears strain "for the sounds of voices that are still" and our hands grope "for the touch of hands that are gone." The friendship and fraternal brotherhood of 1,938 Master Masons of Missouri Lodges, including eighteen Right Worshful Brothers. We're like a chain binding our society together. We share a mingled sadness and gladness at their parting from us. Right Worshful Brother JACK L. AKIN: Rising Sun Lodge No. 13 at Kansas City; Raised - July 3, 1948; Master - 1958; D.D.G.L. District 21 - 1960-1962; Died November 18, 1996. Right Worshipful Brother GERHARD HORST ALT: Primary Lodge Rose Hill No. 550 at Creve Coeur; Raised - June 28, 1969; Master - 1974, Multiple Lodge Clarksville No. 17; D.D.G.L. District 16 1996-1997; Died January 13, 1997. Right Worshipful Brother VIRGIL R. BRADSHER: Linn Creek Lodge No. 152; Raised - April 13, 1967; Master - 1974; D.D.G.L. Distrist 38 1992-1996; Died November 15, 1996. Right Worshipful Brother GLEN V. BULLA: Ancient Craft Lodge No. 377 at King City; Raised April 19, 1945; Master 1949; D.D.G.L. District 6 1951-1984 (34 Terms); D.D.G.M. District 61991-1992,1994-1996; Died October 2,1996. Right Worshipful Brother VIRGIL E. DONALDSON: Saxton Lodge No. 508 at Saint Joseph; Raised - August 3, 1946; Master - 1958; D.D.G.M. District 9 1982-1983; Died July 15, 1996. Right Worshipful Brother HERBERT J. EAVES: Herculaneum No. 338; Raised - March 23,1960; Master - 1962; D.D.G.M. District 40 1989-1991; Died May 12, 1997. Right Worshipful Brother RICHARD HARVEY FOX: St. John's Lodge No. 28 at Hannibal; Raised - June 30, 1960; Master - 1967; D.D.G.M. District 15 1983-1985; Died May 14, 1997. Right Worshipful Brother BOYD X. HARVEY: Mokane Lodge No. 612; Raised - June 20,1949; Master - 1956; D.D.G.M. District 27 - 1963-1967; Died August 16,1996. Right Worshipful Brother FOREST DAVID INGRAM: Mount Washington Lodge No. 614 at Independence; Raised - August 6, 1982; Master - 1991; Grand Orator of Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of Missouri - 1996-1997; Died - February 19,1997. Right Worshipful Brother GEORGE JENKINS, JR.: Mystic Tie Lodge No. 221 at Oak Ridge; Raised - March 21, 1942; Dimitted - May 2, 1959; St. Mark's Lodge No. 93 at Cape Girardeau Affiliated April 28, 1959; Master - 1992;
D.D.G.M. District 49 - 1995-1997; Died June 27, 1997. Right Worshipful Brother FRANK V. JONES: Moniteau Lodge No. 295 at Jamestown: Raised - July 10, 1940; Dimitted - May 1, 1948; California Lodge No. 183 - Affiliated May 1, 1948; Master - 1952; D.D.G.L. District 31 - 19521963; Died May 11, 1997. Right Worship Brother CLOYCE G. MENEFEE: Holiday Lodge No. 660; Raised - September 7,1965; Master -1968,1969,1973,1974; D.D.G.M. District 17 - 1992-1993; Died October 23, 1996. Right Worshipful Brother CECIL EUGENE MULLIKIN: Liberty Lodge No. 31; Raised - January 8, 1949; Master - 1957; D.D.G.M. District 11 - 1958-1961; Died January 7, 1997. Right Worshipful Brother H. EUGENE PARKS: Richmond Lodge No. 57; Raised - October 7,1958; Master - 1968; D.D.G.L. District 23 - 1969-1976; Died May 9,1997. Right Worshipful Brother JOHN HADLEY RICH: Jefferson Lodge No. 43; Raised - October 10, 1935; Master - 1949; D.D.G.M. District 31 - 1951-1956; Grand Commander Knights Templar of Missouri 1960-1961; Died January 13, 1997. Right Worshipful Brother VIRGIL B. SAVILLE: Acacia Lodge No. 602 at Columbia; Raised - March 15, 1923; Dimitted - May 6, 1930; Affiliated Jefferson Lodge NO. 43 - April 7, 1930; Master - 1944; D.D.G.M. Administrative District No. 29 - 1947-1949; D.D.G.M. District 31 - 1949-1951; M. E. Grand High Priest Grand Chapter R. A. M. of Missouri 1951-1953; Died October 28, 1996. Right Worshipful Brother JOHN T. SUESENS: Zeredatha Lodge No. 189 at St. Joseph; Raised - March 15, 1949; Master - 1955; D.D.G.M. District 9 - 19571958; Died June 27, 1997. Right Worshipful Brother Marvin E. Witthaus: Chamois Lodge No. 185; Raised - January 6,1967; Master 1973; D.D.G.M. District 31- 1992-1995; Died May 7,1997. M. W. Grand Master Scott, will you please call the Grand Lodge up for prayer. God of Grace and God of Glory, before the heavens were created or ever the earth was brought forth, from everlasting unto everlasting thou art God! Thou has called us out of the darkness and chaos of nothingness into Thy marvelous light, and Holy is Thy name. Thou has created us for Thy purpose and have crowned us with glory and honor, giving us life and light and love. We worship Thee in spirit and truth for in Thee we live, and move, and love. We worship Thee in spirit and truth for in Thee we live and move, and have our being. We humbly pray that our lives may be a constant Chorus of "How Great Thou Art." It has pleased Thee, 0 God, to give us these blessed Brothers for a time, and it pleased Thee to draw them unto Thyself for further Glory and use. May their memories and examples be to us a proof of motality and the rightness of the good life, a becking beacon to Masonic duty and opportunity, and a denial of the base, the ugly, the profane. Most of all, our Father, we pray for Thy Divine Presence and Mercy for those loved ones whose pain is greatest. Give them understanding, patience, and assurance. Awake in us who remain the desire to help where possible and be as brothers unto them. Finally, our Father we pay Thou would make crooked paths straight and darkness light before us; create in us clean hearts, and renew a right spirit within us. Continue to bless all
flesh with Thy peace and save us with Thy everlasting salvation, for we truly ask it in Thy precious and overwhelming Name. Amen. Respectfully Submitted,
FRANK AMES ARNOLD, P.G.M. and Chairman
Report of the Masonic Home
Standing - left to right:
Back Row: B. Todd Sanders, Director of Development Richard W. Allgood, Treasurer Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr. Steven I. Toybes, Vice President Robert M. Barrett Julius H. Berg Front Row: JohnW.Mayo Patrick A. McGuire Freddie D. Adams Paul B. Tobias, Controller Robert C. Kellstrom, Executive Director Stephen B. Givens, Secretary to the Board Seated - left to right Donald E. Scott, Grand Master Helen L. Erwin, President, O.E.S. Advisory Board Mary L. Sisemore, Secretary, O.E.S. Advisory Board Pat Stubblefield, Treasurer, O.E.S. Advisory Board Kathryn J. Elcock, Administrator, Western Unit Jeffrey O. Nations, President Absent on the day the picture was taken were Curtis R. Doyle, Larry D. Ross and Robert D. Whitney.
OFFICERS Jeffrey O. Nations, President Steven I. Toybes, Vice President Richard W. Allgood, Treasurer Stephen B. Givens, Secretary
Curtis R. Doyle, Assistant Secretary Donald E. Scott, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Donald E. Scott, Grand Master, Independence Jeffrey O. Nations, Deputy Grand Master, St. Louis Steven 1. Toybes, Senior Grand Warden, St. Louis Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., Junior Grand Warden, St. Louis Freddie D. Adams, Senior Grand Deacon, Marshall
Richard W. Allgood, Cape Girardeau Robert M. Barrett, Kirksville Julius H. Berg, St. Louis Curtis R. Doyle, St. Louis John W. Mayo, St. Joseph Patrick A. McGuire, Kearney Larry D. Ross, Carthage Robert D. Whitney, Leawood, KS
ADVISORY BOARD - ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Helen L. Erwin, President, St. Louis Mary L. Sisemore, Secretary, Lexington
Pat Stubblefield, Treasurer, Cuba
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Robert C. Kellstrom, Executive Director B. Todd Sanders, Director of Development Christy L. Mann, Secretary Francine Campbell, Licensed Practical Nurse
Steven Oberman, Director of Social Services Paul B. Tobias, Controller Allen Abernathy, Accounting Janet Russell, Bookkeeper Barbara Myers, Director, Resident Services
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF - WESTERN UNIT Kathryn J. Elcock, Administrator Marjorie Anderson, Director of Nursing Services Robin Glenn, Director of Activities! Social Services Darrel Herdliska, Director of Building and Grounds
Marjorie Brown, Director of Food Services Jim Martes, Director of Environmental Services
LEGAL COUNSEL Vern H. Schneider, P.G.M. MEDICAL STAFF路 EASTERN UNIT Arnold S. Tepper, M.D., Medical Director MEDICAL STAFF - WESTERN UNIT Frederick Short, D.O. REPORT OF THE MASONIC HOME To the Grand Lodge A.R & A.M. of Missouri: BRETHREN:
The annual report of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri is submitted in compliance with Grand Lodge requirements.
EXECUTIVE ORGANIZATION The Board of Directors consists of five Grand Lodge officers who serve exofficio and eight Brethren who are elected by the Grand Lodge, two being elected each year to serve four year terms. The Grand Master is Honorary Chairman and the Deputy Grand Master serves as President. Upon the conclusion of the 1996 Grand Lodge Annual Communication, an organizational meeting was held for the purpose of electing officers. The following committees served during the past year: Admissions and Discipline Committee; Curtis R. Doyle, Chairman; Robert M. Barrett; Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr.; and Stephen B. Givens (ex-officio). Administration Committee: Steven I. Toybes, Chairman; Freddie D. Adams; Julius H. Berg; Robert D. Whitney; and Robert C. Kellstrom (exofficio). Finance Committee; Richard W. Allgood, Chairman; John W. Mayo; Patrick A. McGuire; Larry D. Ross; Paul B. Tobias (ex-officio); and Vern H. Schneider (ex-officio). Lelal Committee; Julius H. Berg, Chairman; Jeffrey O. Nations and Steven 1. Toybes. Lonl Ranle Planninl Committee; Jeffrey O. Nations, Chairman; All Members of the Board of Directors and the O.E.S. Advisory Board Members as ex-officio. Relief and Charity; Robert D. Whitney, Chairman; Curtis R. Doyle; Robert M. Barrett; and Stephen B. Givens, Secretary-Treasurer (ex-offico). APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE New Applications received during year St. Louis Area (40.0%) Kansas City Area 00.5%) Other parts of Missouri (36.9%) Outside of Missouri (12.6%) Needs Assessments performed during the year Needs Assessments presented to the Board for consideration
95 38 10 35 12 48 43
Reassessments presented to the Board for consideration 111 Assistance requests approved during the year 139 Approved for Admission to Home during year " 7 Rejected because of ineligibility " 4 Died before assessment made/application passed by Board " 4 Withdrawn before action by Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44 Withdrawn after action by Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Pending June 30, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 Persons helped without the need of Board Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15
RESIDENT STATISTICS Members in Home July 1, 1996 . . Arrived during year. . . . . . . . . . . Died during year. . . . . . . . . . . . . Discharged during year. . . . . . . . Members in Home June 30, 1997 .
. . . . .
. . . . .
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
. . . . .
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
. . . . .
.. .. .. .. ..
Women .. 88 .. 6 .. 18 .. ---.4 .. 72
Men 10 2 2
Total 98 8 22
This resolution was prepared by the Legal Counsel of the Masonic Home of Missouri and unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors which gave the Grand Lodge of Missouri authority to collect and keep those per capita taxes normally earmarked for the Masonic Home for the Grand Lodge Year 19971998. The following is the resolution:
RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the needy Master Masons of the constituent lodges of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, past, present and future, and their wives and widows are the principal parties for whose benefit the Masonic Home of Missouri was organized and has been operated for more than one hundred years, and WHEREAS, the said Grand Lodge of Missouri has experienced severe financial strain as a result of a continuing decrease in the membership of its constituent lodges over a period of years, and WHEREAS, the financial welfare of the Masonic Home of Missouri is ultimately dependent upon the welfare of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and WHEREAS, the financial condition of the Grand Lodge of Missouri directly affects its ability to provide for the continuing promotion of the Masonic Home of Missouri among the constituent lodges and their members, and WHEREAS, the By-Laws of the said Grand Lodge of Missouri currently provide for the annual payment of $8.50 per Master Mason belonging to its constitutuent lodges, subject to the exceptions described in section 10.040 of the said By-Laws and $2.50 of said amount is payable to the Masonic Home of Missouri, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri is of the opinion that by reason of the current financial condition of the said Grand Lodge of Missouri it would be in the best interest of the Masonic fraternity and the Masonic Home of Missouri if the said $2.50 per Master Mason otherwise payable to the Masonic Home of Missouri out of dues payable to the Grand Lodge of Missouri by the constituent lodges on the basic of their annual
returns to the said Grand Lodge as of June 30, 1997 was retained by the said Grand Lodge in its General Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri acting on behalf of the Masonic Home of Missouri hereby agrees to forego and waive the receipt of the sum of $2.50 per Master Mason otherwise payable to the Masonic Home of Missouri as to dues received by the Grand Lodge of Missouri from its constituents lodges on the basis of the annual returns required to be filed with the said Grand Lodge of Missouri as of June 30, 1997, subject, however, to the adoption of a resolution by the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri meeting in the City of Springfield, Missouri, on September 30, and October 1, 1996, providing for the retention of the said $2.50 per Master Mason by the said Grand Lodge of Missouri and allocation of the said amount to the General Fund of said Grand Lodge of Missouri on the condition that the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri shall have consented to forego and waive the receipt of the said amount for the above described period of one year. Fraternally yours, STEPHEN
Secretary to the Board of Directors
Stone Carlie & Company, L.L.C. Certified Public Accountant!! and Managf'menl. Consultants
Board of Directors Masonic Home of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri
Vve have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Masonic Home of Missouri (the Home) as of June 30, 1997 and 1996, and the related statements of activities, functional expenses, and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Home's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Masonic Home of Missouri as of June 30, 1997 and 1996, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
cf~~ I~, ~~·C. July 30, 1997
7710 C..rondolet Avenue. Suite 200 • Sr.. Louie. MiellOuri 6:J10S-3391 • Phone' :l14·721·G800. FAX: 3J.1·72J~20/I
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
Page 2
UDr..trloHcl OperaUnll Fund
Re..rve FUDd
132,399 157,4:111 34.267 119.H8
PermaDeDtJ,. Ree&rlo&ad EDdowment and Bulldinll Fund ElimiDadoD.
$147,926 29,813,874 160.891 34.267
4116 $89,478
24,1>80,125 3606637 $534,724
$60.428 35,334 7,700
3606637 $89,478
69,265 7,765
$89,478 12,765 169,~21
35.334 7,700 20,213 5.000
33 217 214
22,763,666 33 217 214
Page 3
Unreatrioted Reaerve Operatin, Fund Fund Support PrivatI' pay revonue. net Residllnt pension inoome Advance flNtlJ reoognized InvelJtment inoome, net Inoome tranllfen Relterve Fund. net Endowmont Fund. not (',ontributionlJ OrlJnd LodlfelElllltorn Star per Cftpita and initiation foos Rental innome Othor Total Support Expenllell Adminilltrative Dietary lIoulICkflflpinlf and laundry Medical c"re Managlld carll Plant operations Resident care Depreciation Rental expenlteR Other Total Expenae. aain (Loaa) From Operationa, before decrea. in obligation to provide future .rviOla to lifecare relridents, in exoe.. of deferred revenue
$40.414 455,644 199,257 16,376
1,165.342 1,486.064 255.602
1997 Permanently Reatricted Endowment Buildln, Fund Fund
$40,414 455,644 199.257 2.874.329
186,499 89.108 113.618
175.770 95.032 233,394
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
4,215.671 567.993 117.676 44.775 338.151 2.656.372 135,185 229.341 175,770 95,032 233,394
567.993 117.676 44.775 338,151 2,656,372 135,185 229.341
Page 4
Unre.trloted OperaUn, Re.erve Fund Fund SI70,326 5814.459 17.140 12.507 1,194,664 1,35J.456 397,794 171l,2M
$170,326 588.41';9 17,140 2,543,166
(1.351.456) 820
194,985 2,120
122,068 (103,326)
4,063.919 ~,089
585.089 113,362 41,972 362.817 4.232.559 J32.090 226,113 175,355
113.362 41.972 362.817 4,232,559 132.090 226,113 175,355
119,948 4,027,579
19lH1 Perman_tly Restrloted Bulldln, Endowment Fund Fund
Years Ended June 30, 1997 and 1996
UDrutriated OperatlDI a..erve FUDd FUDd Oala (Lon) From Operation.. before rlncrea... in obli,ation t~ pmvide future IM'rvicea to lif_re re.idlonta. in u,,", of doIfarnod ",venue
PermaD_Uy ReatrlCl&ecl EDdowmeDt Bulldlar FUDd Fund
o..c,..".. In obligation to provide ruture ..rviOlla
UfllCllre "",idente, in
8llcen 0( deterred revenuea
GalD (Lo.) From Operatlona NODoperatlnl Oalaa (Loee..) Gifla lind bfwtuaeta lUollliaed gain. (\oe.I) on eecurity tranuction•• net Unrealized Illin. (1.-.) on IllCUriti.., net Loae. on di.posal of property, plant and equipment Total HonoperatiD' Galaa Cban.a In Net "-eta Tran.ran Het Aa..ta, Boginnin. ofyaar Net Aaaeta, End of year
47246 @79,904)
(379.904) 150,000
(6465) 209,950
(6466) 8,111,969
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
Page 6
I'" UnNatrieted Opeutln. Rea.rv. FUlld Fund
Perm.neaU" Rntrlcted Bulldln. Endowment Fund Fund
4449046 2,619.312
(5823) 189,694
(5823) 6,68;483
(! I, 790,655)
Page 7
Pro,ram Services Nursin. Assisted Home Ltvin,
And General
Administrative Salari(18 and W8R(l~ Payroll 'fUElS Employoo Iw.ncfits Prof~~ional Fees IWnt ~xpenses Inlluronee • General Ot,har
$134,862 10,246 21i,993
$104,916 7,798 19,528
24,846 900 29,319 28,066 264,232
7,167 139,409
$99,712 7.609 19,366 24.846 900 3,876 18,143 174,362
$339,490 25,563 64,887 49,692 1,800 33.195 53,376 667,993
DIetary SSllllrip.~ lind WBgo~
Food Other
57,168 35,727 24,781 117,676
57.168 35,727 24,781 117,676
27,880 16,896 44,776
27,880 16,895 44,775
171,281 38.290 21,606 61,567 30,641 14,767 338,151
171,281 38,290 21,605 61,567 30,641 14,767 338,151
Housekeepln, and Laundry Salaries and Wages Other
Medical Care Salaries and Wages Employee Benefits Professional Mediad Serviccs Ml'diCliI Insurance· Residents Medical and Pharmaceutical Supplies Other
The accompanying notea are an integral part of these financial statements.
Page 8
Prolram Services Nursiul Assisted Home Livinl $13R,23G 10,346 24,324 19,163 16,331 33,621 27,713 268.733
$99,176 7.619 16.978
6.708 129,480
1996 Manalement And General $104,736 7,736 18,631 19,164 16,332 4,220 17,058 186,876
Total $342,146 26,701 69,933 38,327 30,663 37.841 50,479 686.089
67,601 34,784 21,077 113,362
67.601 34,784 21,077 113,362
27,417 14,666 41,1)72
27,417 14,666 41,972
171.678 30,493 39,348 67,144 39,282, 14,872 362,817
171,678 30,493 39,348 67,144 39,282 14,872 362,817
Page 9
Years Ended June SO, 1997 and 1996
ProlJ'am Service. Nurlln, As.I.ted Home Livlnl Mana,ed Care Room and Board Rnd Pharmaceutical Supplies narher and Beauty Other Plant Operations Utilitir.s Salaries and WaRt!ll Other Resident Cart! Salaries and Wages Burial &llident Allowancell Vehicle Expensea Employee Benefits Clothing and Perlll)Dal Supplies Other Depreciation Expense
$2,454.747 148.972 23.822 28.831 2.666.372
$2.454.747 148.972 23.822 28.831 2.656.372
83.457 29.419 22,309 135.185
83.457 29,419 22.309 135.185
93,088 37.751 14.413 26.066 25.491 9.973 22,669 229.341
93.088 37,751 14.413 26.056 25.491 9.973 22,669 229,341
Rental expense. Other Directors. OffICers and Board Expenses Publishing Development Total Expense.
1997 Manalement And General
74.426 33,481 125.487 233.394
74,426 33,481 126,487 233,394
The accompanying note8 are an integral part of these finaneialatatementa.
Page 10
Pr0ll'am Services Assisted NuninB Livin, Home
1998 ManaBement And General
$3,957,287 220,629 22,6...... 31,mm 4,232,559
$3,957.287 220,629 22,6-14 31,999 4,232,669
78,!)67 27.619 25,50'" 132,090
78,967 27,619 25,504 132,090
91.766 36,889 16,135 24,539 21,937 13,658 22,189 226,113
16,135 24,539 21,937 13,658 22,189 226,113 156,142
47,948 31,746 83,618 163,311
47,948 31,745 83,618 163,311
Page 11
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended June 30. 1997 1998 Operatlnl Activities: Loss from operations before decrease in obligation to provide future lICrvioes to lifecare residents, in excess of deferred revenue f>ecrf'.ase in obligation to provide future services to Iifecare residents, in eJlOOM of deferred revenues Gain (lose) from operations Nonoperating gaine (Jo8868): Gin. and bequests Reali7.ed gaine on security tranllllctio08. net Unreali7.ed gains on security transactions LoMee on Illlle of property. plant and equipment Total Nonoperating Gains Change in net a88ets
47,246 (330,772)
4,449.046 2.480,297
2.728.356 862.808 4,627,261 (6.466) 8,111,969
1.936,296 2,8"6,863 906.167 (6.823) 6,682,483
Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net C8Rh provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization Amortization of deferred revenue from lifecare contracte Decrease in obligation to provide future serviOll8 to Iifacare residents Realized gains on securities, net Unrealized gains on securities, net Los8 on dispoeal of property, plant and equipment Changes in a88ets and liabilities that used cash, net Total adjustments Net Cash Provided by Operatlnl Activities
176,770 (76,467)
176.366 (64,493)
14.607 (862.808) (4.627.261) 6,466 (13.422) (6,283.116) 2.498,071
(4.394,013) (2.846,863) (906.167) 6.823 (28.073) (8.067,411) 106.369
InveBtin, Activities: Prooeeds from lillIe of property, plant aod equipment Additions to property, plant and equipment Net (increue) decreall8 in aseets limited ae to use by the Board Net (ina'ea8e) decrease in inveetments Net Cash Used by InveBtln. Activities
335 (1,762) (1,996,890) (467,384) <2,466,701)
(817,374) 483,323 191,271 (142.780)
Net Incre. .e (Decre. .e) In Cash Cash. Beginning of year
Cash, End of year
The accompanying notea are an integral part of theae financia1.tatementB.
Page 12
NOTE 1 - ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Organization Masonic Home of Missouri (the Home) is a not-for-profit corporation e&tablished to provide care for eligible Missouri Masons, their wive&, widows, and members of the Order of the Eastern Star. The Home operates a residential care facility in Kansas City, Missouri through its Western Unit and contracts managed residential care services through the St. Louis Eastern Unit (see Note 8). The Home is a not-for-profit corporation as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is exempt from federal income taxes pursuant to Section 50 l(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Llrecare Contracts Assets contributed by residents that entered into lifecare contracts (lifecare residents) were recorded as deferred revenue (see Note 4). Such assets are amortized to income using the straight-line method over the estimated remaining lives of the lifecare residents. Estimated Obligation to Provide Future Services to Llrecare Residents The estimated obligation to provide future services to lifecare residents (the estimated obligation) represents the present value of the estimated future costs to serve lifecare residents, net of revenues associated with those residents. including the portion of investment income on restricted assets, Grand LodgeIEutern Star per capita and resident income applicable to lifecare residents. The estimated future net costs are approximately $3,300,000 and $3,500,000 at June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively, which discounted to present values using an interest rate of 5.75 percent per annum results in estimated obligations of $2,160,057 and $2,221,917 at June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively.
Page 18
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI NOTE 1 - ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) The estimated obligation is actuarially determined, based on estimates and assumptions, including future costs and revenues and the life expectancies of the lifecare residents. Because of the inherent uncertainties in the estimates and assumptions used in the calculation, it is at least reasonably possible that differences between actual experience and the estimates and assumptions used to calculate the estimated obligation will result in near term changes in the amount of the estimated obligation.
Bequests A bequest is recorded as nonoperating income when the Home can reasonably estimate the amount of the bequest. Property. Plant and Equipment Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost, estimated cost or, in the case of donated assets, at fair market value at the date of the gift. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets, with one-half year's depreciation taken in years of acquisition and disposal. Investments Investments are carried at fair market value. Cash Flows For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the organization considers all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. No cash equivalents were owned at June 30, 1997 and 1996.
Functional Allocation of Expenses The costs of providing the various programs and other activities have been summarized on a functional basis in a schedule supporting the statement of activities. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among the programs and supporting services. Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptioll8 that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates.
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Operating Fund The Home'll rellidential care activities are conducted through the Operating Fund. The Operating Fund receives transfers of cash from the Reserve and Endowment Funds, as described below.
Reserve Fund The Reserve Fund is comprised of assets available for operations, but which have been restricted by the Board of Directors. Interest and dividend income on these investments, net of investment management fees, is transferred to the Operating Fund for use in operations. Reserve Fund income includes unrestricted bequests and Grand Lodge initiation fees which, according to Board policy, are transferable to the Operating Fund and expendable for operations only upon approval of the Board of Directors.
Building Fund Contributions and bequests restricted by donors for capital expenditurell of the Home are recorded in the Building Fund. The proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment are restricted as to future use.
Endowment Funds Bequests in the form of endowments containing legal restrictions are recorded in the Endowment Funds. The restrictions provide that investment income is available for Home operations, while the principal amounts remain invested and are not available for current operations. Accordingly, Endowment Fund interest and dividend income, net of investment management fees, is transferred to the Operating Fund for use in operations. The Endowment Funds consist of general endowments and three special endowments which, in accordance with the bequests, are required to be segregated. The market value of the William Knollman Fund was $1,065,567 and $1,063,825 at June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively. The market value of the Jacob and Sallie Simon Fund was $3,665,093 and $2,854,545 at June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively. The Edwin H. & Sylvia G. Lee Endowment Fund had a market value of $253,055 and $250,595 at June 30. 1997 and 1996, respectively.
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The Home is the beneficiary of the Grenner Trust. Because the assets of the Trust are not controlled by the Home, they are not included in the Home's financial statements. On June 30, 1997 and 1996, the market value of the aasets totaled approximately $1,268,342 and $1,USO,251, respectively. Income distributed to the Home by the trust, recorded in the Operating Fund, totaled $50,117 and $40,527 for the years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively. NOTE 4 - MANAGED CARE
Residential Care In October 1990, the Home discontinued accepting applications for lifecare contracts. Services since that time are provided on a fee-far-services basis for residential care. The fee-far-services charged to these residents is intended to cover all expenses of the residents for services provided by the Home. In the event that residents are unable to pay the fee-for-services, the Home may elect, but is not required, to provide financial assistance to the needy residents. Each resident agreement is reviewed on a cue-by-case basis every six months to assess need. As of June 30, 1997 and 1996, the Home has 38 and 41 fee-far-service agreements with residents, respectively. These agreements provided financial assistance during 1997 and 1996 totaling $740,087 and $700,955, respectively, based on standard charges.
Assisted Living Program This program provides assistance to eligible individuals in three ways: assistance with living expenses to provide the individuals the ability to remain in their own home environment, assistance with medical expenses while living in their own homes, and assistance with expenses while staying in sJrilled nursing facilities under contract with the Home. The amount of assistance for this program is at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Home and is in addition to the managed care provided to residents in the Eastern and Western Units. The amount of assistance granted is reviewed on a case-by-case basis every six months to redetermine need. The Home provided assistance to 67 individuals in 1997 and 38 in 1996. The assistance totaled $351,691 and $205,614 in 1997 and 1996, respectively.
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MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI NOTE Ii - INVESTMENTS June 10,1997 Fair Value and Carryln, Cost Amount Operatln, Fund: Common 8tock Face amount of rellidenta' life in8urance and other
June 10,1997 Fair Value and Carryln, Amount Cost Reserve Fund: Money market fund8 U.S. Government bonda and notes Corporate bond8 Corporate 8tocke and mutual fund8 Inve8tment in real e8tate Total
June 10, 1998 Fair Value and Carryln. Amount Cost
9,124.068 8,990,973
9,166,916 7,078,267
8,878,620 7,301,783
8,912,218 7,883,884
June 80, 1997 F.lrValue and Cal'ryln. Cost Amount Endowment Fund: Money market funds U.S. Government bond. and note8 Corporate bond. Corporate 8tDClte and mutual fund.
June 10,1998 Fair Value and Carryln. Cost Amount
June 80, 1998 Fair Value and Cal'ryin, Cost Amount
12,118,049 7,820,108
12.120.338 7,797,602
9.498.196 8,358,187
9,543.483 8,498,781
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MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI NOTE 6 - INVESTMENTS (ContinuP.d) June 30, 1998 Fair Value and CarryinÂŤ Coat Amount
June SO, 1997 Fair Value and Carryin(( Coat Amount BuildinÂŤ Fund: Money market funds C'..ertificates of deposit U.S. Government bonds and notes Corporate lltoclte aDd mutual funds Total
$212,311 96,931
$212,311 96,931
$120,540 88,062
$120,540 88,062
The fair values of investment securities are based on quoted market prices for those investments. The carrying amount of the real estate in the Reserve Fund is equal to the fair market value of the property at the date of acquisition, which is also its recorded cost. Fair market value at acquisition date is the best estimate of the current fair value, pending the resolution of matters related to zoning. NOTE 6 - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
Property, plant and equipment consist of the following: June 30,
1997 Land Land improvements Buildings Furniture and equipment Automobiles Less accumulated depreciation
$233,218 72,593 3,999,194 464,946 150,700 4,920,651 1,494,822 $3,425,829
1996 $233,218 83,316 3,999,194 494,029 150,700 4,960,457 1,353,820 $3,606,637
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The Home provides a defined-contribution pension plan (the Plan) for all eligible employees. The Plan requires the Home to make annual contributions equal to five percent of each eligible employee's compensation. Required contributions have been fully funded. Pension expense under the Plan was $31,234 and $30,M7 for the years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively. NOTE 8 - COMMITMENTS
In June 1996, the Home entered into a five year agreement with an outside party for the provision of resident care services at the facility known as the Eastern Unit. The Home will pay monthly fees based on the number of residents residing at the facility at rates of $89 to $111 per patient day depending on the level of care. Rates may be adjusted annually, but the adjustments may not exceed the average adjustments levied by specified competitive institutions. There is no minimum commitment as to the number of residents. The agreement can be terminated by either party upon 180 days written notice.
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Stone Carlie & Company, L.L.C. Gertifir.d Public An:ountRnbl and Manllltlment ConllultanlJl
Board of Directors Masonic Home of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri Our report on our audit of the basic financial statements of Masonic Home of Missouri for the years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996 appears on page 1. That audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental information is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and. in our opinion. is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.
&uit t
July 30. 1997
,(. ~ e..
~ I
7110 C.ronclel.t A _ • Suite 100 • 8t. LouIe. ~rl 831011-3381 • Phone: 314·721-UOO. FAX: 314·711~2OII
SCHEDULE OF FINANCIAL POSITION OF PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Years Ended June 30, 1997 and 1996 Building Fund ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable Prepaids and other a88ets Due from general fund Property. plant and equipment. net ofaocumulated depreciation TOTAL ASSETS
$23.001 2.412.370
1997 Endowment Fund
523.001 32.755,717
3,269 25
3.425,829 $36.207.841
3.425.829 55.864.469
Building Fund
$26,781 2. ]()6.042 456
1996 Endowment Fund
.. 527,575.433
526.781 29,681.475 456
=:tl 0
3,606,637 55,739.916
3.606.637 $33.315,349
(1 t.::tj t.::tj
t::l ~
LIABIUTIES Accounts payable Due to general fund Deposits TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Permanently restricted TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
6.110 15.366
6.110 20,077
7.765 24.844
$21,105 69.265 7,765 98,135
$4.026 69,265
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Z 0
rn 0
::0 t.::tj
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It is the mission of the Masonic Home of Missouri to recognize and fulfill, in the best possible environment, the needs of those eligible individuals - Master Masons, their wives, widows, and members of the Order of the Eastern Star who request our assistance. I am pleased to tell you that the Masonic Home has enjoyed good results this year in nearly every aspect of our operation. The Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri met seven times during the past year. This included a special long range planning session, which is explained below. By adoption of the President's report last year, ARTICLE II, Section I. of the By-laws of the Home were changed, reducing the number of required meetings from ten (10) to six (6). Over the course of the last several years, the Board has become more effective in its' operation. The effective use of committees and staff has reduced the time required at the board level. The committees operate with more autonomy and authority than before. Further, conference calls, faxes, and telephone polls are used to vote on time-sensitive issues. The result is a more responsive system and reduced costs. This system in place today is also a tribute to the efforts of our predecessors.
LONG-RANGE PLANNING As part of our continuing long-range planning effort, and in conjunction with past decisions and directives, we engaged the services of The Health Services Group to assist the Board in an assessment of our alternatives at the Western Unit. As you know from previous years, The Masonic Home has placed an emphasis on our Assisted Living Program. The consequence for The Masonic Home is that we have been admitting fewer people as residents, and particularly so at the Western Unit. The facility will accommodate forty residents at capacity. Over this past year, the average census at the Western Unit was twenty three. On August 31,1997, our census at the Western Unit was twenty two. The input provided by The Health Services group was very helpful and informative. In January, The Health Services Group met with the Board at an executive session. Following that meeting a feasibility study was performed by HSG to develop a full range of recommendations and alternatives. As part of that study, The Health Services Group prepared a questionnaire that was mailed to a sample of masons in the greater Kansas City area. The questionnaire was intended to determine the opinions of the respondents on a wide range of issues facing older adults today. I want to sincerely thank you if you were one of those who responded to the survey. After the recommendations were provided by The Health Services Group (March), subcommittees were formed to investigate each reasonable alternative, and to recommend a course of action. After careful evaluation at
a special planning session in August, the Board decided to pursue the following courses of action: 1.
Light renovations and improvements in the appearance of the Western Unit. This will include the addition of a fireplace in the main lobby, wallpaper and carpet in the main entrance, and other minor improvements. This will help soften the look of the unit, and produce a warmer, less institutional appearance.
Increase the awareness of the Home's services among the ladies of the Eastern Star, and of the wives of our brothers. Research indicates that a large portion of the time, females have a significant role in decisions regarding care and lifestyle. We can help more people by making sure that all members of our Masonic Family are well informed about our facilities, the services that we provide, and the application procedures. The effort to better inform our potential "customers" is two-fold. First, the staff of the Home, and particularly the Director of Development, needs to remain active at local lodges. Second, the network of Masonic Home Representatives at the local lodge level must be active in the establishment of informative programs, and in the identification and recommendation of potential residents. To this end, I recommend that the Masonic Home Representative should be a member of the advancing lodge line. Perhaps the most appropriate officer would be the Senior Warden. Similar to the Grand Lodge law, which provides that the Deputy Grand Master shall be the president of The Masonic Home, it would allow that individual, while at the peak of his activity and influence, would be the voice of the Home. It would also ensure that the Master of each lodge is conversant with the needs and services of the Home.
Investigate Adult Day Care Services. The Masonic Home is evaluating the implementation of an adult day care program. Socio-economic and demographic changes have caused the needs of our older adults to change. As a result, there is a growing need for adult daycare in today's society. Today's adults who care for their aging parents, and adults caring for their spouse both need and desire assistance. Perhaps it is just a few hours a day, or a week. Because of the quality of the staff, services, and facilities, the Masonic Home is in a position to provide assistance of this type. We are continuing our efforts to define and develop an appropriate service that meets the needs of all of the Masonic Family. The Board agrees with the recommendation of The Health Services Group in its' feeling that the injection of additional people at the Western Unit will energize the facility somewhat. The higher the general level of activity, the warmer and more energetic the entire facility feels. The effort to begin to provide this type of a service cannot and will not be done hastily. In implementing such a program, we will be most mindful of the responsibility we have to our current residents. We will not make changes that in any way negatively affect the quality of their lives.
We are optimistic that we will be able to get the Adult Daycare off the ground, and will keep you informed as the effort progresses.
FINANCIAL RESULTS I hope that, when you have a few minutes, you take the time to review the financial results included herein. You will note significant improvements over the past few years. I wanted to take a moment to point out some of the more noteworthy items. Because of the re-negotiation in 1996 of the contract with Larus Corp., who provides the professional services at the Eastern Unit, we have now completed our first full year under the new contract. The result is a significant decrease in the operating expenses, simply because we are not paying for beds that we are not using. Larus now markets available beds at the Eastern Unit under the name of Gardenview Care Center. Consolidated operating expenses decreased $1,438,979 versus 1996. Our total cost per patient day also decreased by $25.00 to $130.54. Our performance against the budget was excellent as well. Nearly every category of income was about budget, and nearly every expense category was under budget. The net result was an actual operating deficit of $378,018 versus a budgeted deficit of $1,066,334. Brethren, these results show a diligent attention to the details by the staff of the Masonic Home under the direction of our Executive Director, Robert C. Kellstrom. The Masonic Home has also benefited significantly from the remarkable results in the stock market. During the past year the Home's net assets have grown by $7,781,187 to $63,762,056.
FUND RAISING & DEVELOPMENT Gifts and bequests increased this year by $792,059, to a total of $2,728,355; the highest level in recent history! Brethren, the success in this area is a tribute to the charity in the hearts of many of our brethren. And while these results are indeed outstanding, our work in fundraising and development is never finished. We must never rest. We also recognize that bequests can have a very long maturity. Certainly, the benefit that we have enjoyed this year is to some degree attributable to those who have preceded us on this Board and on the staff of the Masonic Home. In 1996 The Masonic Home hired Brother B. Todd Sanders as Director of Development. Todd has been a welcomed addition to the staff, and as many of you know has Hit the ground running. We commend Todd for his enthusiasm, and the results that he has already been able to generate. He also has our full confidence and support as he travels throughout the state. In the coming year, Todd Sanders will work more closely at the lodge level, to increase the awareness of the Home and its services.
STAFF AND ADMINISTRATION The staff deserves credit for the excellent execution of their duties. The Assessment Team serves this board well, and also contributes heavily to the Admissions and Discipline Committee. The Western Unit continues to run smoothly under the watchful care of our Administrator, Ms. Kathryn Elcock. I would note that all state agency inspections have gone very well. Perhaps most important of her many talents in her ability to befriend every person with whose care she is entrusted. Any organization is only as good as it's leadership. The Home is fortunate to have Bob Kellstrom. He is a talented executive that attends to every detail. While the Board sets policy, and makes important decisions, Mr. Kellstrom has the primary responsibility for the execution of our plan. The progress that you see is a direct reflection of his keen abilities.
ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Each year you have the opportunity to hear kind words about the efforts of the members of the Eastern Star. To the uninformed, these accolades might appear as simply routine and obligatory expressions of appreciation. Such is not the case here. We owe a debt of gratitude to these brothers and sisters, for they clearly improve the quality of life of our residents. The Eastern Star is an integral part of our system of care. On a consistent basis the Eastern Star goes beyond what we would term the 'normal call of duty' to provide assistance and relief to the residents of both the Eastern and Western Unit, and they do these things in a very modest and unassuming way. In the past year, the Eastern Star has provided financial assistance in the form of donations, and continues to fund a variety of improvement projects at both the Eastern and the Western Units. Contributions and funded projects totaled more than $15,000 this year. More importantly, they provide companionship to the residents. The Masonic Home and this Board is blessed to have several sisters serving as the Advisory Board. Sisters Helen Irwin, Mary Sizemore, and Pat Stubblefield bring a special warmth and charm to our efforts at the Home and to our board meetings. I cannot adequately express my gratitude to these ladies and the members they represent. SUMMARY & RECOMMENDATIONS
I have been surprised by the number of brethren and friends of the order who still do not understand the basic services that the Home provides. At nearly every meeting I attend to promote and explain the Home, I will find a brother who did not know that we no longer enter into life-care arrangements, or that we have an Assisted Living Program (let alone how that program works,) The point is that educating our members should remain a top priority. I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to express my gratitude to our retiring Grand Master. With the sound of the closing gavel at this
communication, Most Worshipful Brother Donald E. Scott will conclude faithful service to this Board spanning ten years. A great man, with a pure heart, and an incredible amount of talent, vision, and commitment. Don brought the proper perspective of our history, origin, and important changes made along the way, as a backdrop for the duties and decisions of the day. This is an important lesson for new board members, and we must ensure that it is transmitted to our successors, pure and unimpaired. This Board, and the people it serves, owe Most Worshipful Brother Scott a debt of gratitude, and will miss his warmth and presence. On a personal level, Don has been my mentor, my companion, my friend, and my brother. Brethren, I am grateful for the opportunity to have served this great institution. It is the most rewarding thing that I have ever done. To sit shoulder-toshoulder with the quality and character of men who comprise this Board, and to witness those men, who labor with a pure heart and perfect motives over each detail, and who, in the end, render decisions that improve the quality of another human being's life, is gratifying beyond words. These are years that I will always cherish, and friendships I will always treasure. In spite of all of the progress we have made, we still have a big challenge ahead. As with most of our modern lives, change is the universal law. Those who do not change cannot succeed, because there is always someone out there doing it better today than it was done yesterday. And yet, with all the change, our commitment to our mission should never change; we should remain ever mindful of the needs of those we serve, and of that from whence we came. I am confident that as the gavel of authority passes, the succeeding administration will carry forward these principles with the quality in which it has been vested. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I remain Fraternally, O. NATIONS President
PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES FOR 5% LODGES 5% Membership Achievement 1. Irondale Lodge No. 143 2. Bernie Lodge No. 573 3. Compas Lodge No. 120 4. Columbia Lodge No. 534 5. Daggett Lodge No. 492 6. Sparta Lodge No. 296 7. Moscow No. 558 8. Trilumina No. 205 9. Mansfield No. 543 10. Cairo No. 486 11. Granite No. 272 12. Weston No. 53 13. Neosho No. 247 14. Table Rock No. 680 15. Valley Park No. 629 16. Vienna Lodge No. 94 17. Hallsville Lodge No. 336 18. Washington Lodge No. 87 19. Joplin Lodge No. 335 20. Richland Lodge No. 385 21. Pleasant Hope Lodge No. 467 22. Solomon Lodge No. 271 for 96 and 97 23. Easter Lodge No. 575 24. Weston Lodge No. 53 25. Composite Lodge No. 369 26. Monett Lodge No. 129 27. Dexter Lodge No. 532 28. Mt. Olive Lodge No. 439 29. Hazelwood Lodge No. 459 30. Wentzville Lodge No. 46 31. Riddick Lodge No. 361 32. Samaritan Lodge No. 424 33. Fulton Lodge No. 48 34. St. Clair Lodge No. 273 35. Bernie Lodge No. 573 36. Laclede Lodge No. 83 37. Lowry City No. 403
1997 ROUND ROBIN WINNER R.W. James E. Spencer, Grand Lecturer introduced the 1997 Round Robin winner Brother Michael F. Jones member of Pyramid No. 180 and Rose Hill 550. Finals were held in Columbia at the Grand Lodge Office.
SPECIAL AWARD PRESENTATION Past Imminent Grand Master of the Grand Commandary of Knights Templar, Blair Mayford, ask for the presents ofM.W. D. Robert Downy, Deputy
Grand Governor of the York Right Sovereign College of North America in Missouri. At this time Our Grand Master Donald E. Scott was presented the Highest Service Award of the York Right Sovereign College. M.W. Downy read the following "The York Right Sovereign College of North American which is composed of members of Blue Lodges, Chapters, Counsels and Commanders, hereby present to Donald E. Scott on the 2 nd day August, Nineteen hundred and ninety-seven this service award in recognition of outstanding service to his York Right body. Signed by Henry Montague, The Secretary General and Donald A. King, the Governor General of the York Right Sovereign College of North American. My heartiest congratulations."
INTRODUCTION OF THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASON RW. Brother Zelwin (ZeD Eaton was introduced to the Grand Lodge as the new editor of the Freemason magazine.
MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION M.W. Brother Richard E. Fletcher, Executive Secretary of the Masonic Service Association of the United States, gave some remarks concerning the activities of the organization. The Short Talk Bulletin continues to be published each month. Also, expressed his thanks for our support of the disaster relief which was used through the Grand Lodges of South Dakota and Minnesota that has suffered from the devastating floods. Our Grand Master was presented a certificate of appreciation for his interest and generous support of MSA's National Hospital Visitation program.
REPORT OF THE JURISPRUDENCE COMMITTEE To the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri: Your committee on Jurisprudence respectfully submits the following report:
DISPENSATIONS We have caused the dispensations issued by the Grand Master as set forth in the report of the Acting Grand Secretary and we have approved each as having been made within the authority granted by the By-laws and the discretion of the Grand Master.
CONSENTS, PERMISSION, REVISIONS AND HEALING ORDERS We have examined the consents, permissions, revisions and healing orders pertaining to the activities and operations of subordinate lodges granted by the Grand Master as set forth in both his address and the report of the Acting Grand Secretary. We have approved each as having been made within the authority granted by the By-laws and the discretion of the Grand Master. M.W. Brother William J. Hill Chairman, moved that this portion of the Committee's Report be approved, received and printed in the proceedings. Motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge, this portion of the report was approved.
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS BY-LAWS (For Action in 1997) It is proposed that the first sentence of section 1.010 of the By-laws of the Grand Lodge ofMissouri,A.F.&A.M., be deleted, and the following substituted, to read as follows: SECTION 1.010. TIME and PLACE. Except when the time or place of the meeting is changed by majority vote of the Grand Lodge, The Annual Communications therefore are held commencing at 9 o'clock AM on the last Monday in September each year at a site within the State of Missouri which the Grand Master who is expected to preside at the forthcoming Annual Communication is required to designate. If such date shall fall on a major religious holiday, said Grand Master may direct that the next Annual Communication shall commence either on the Monday preceding or succeeding said date.
Statement of Purpose: By tying the Grand Lodge to Jefferson City or Columbia, we lose the chance for publicity and public relations in others cities in Missouri. M.W. Brother Hill stated that the committee approves this as to form only and only for the purpose of placing it before the membership for vote. Worshipful Master, Ronald Weinsaft, Cecile Daylight Lodge No. 305"1 proposed this last year, after reading the by-laws closer, I find this is a redundant and unnecessary change. My correction was that we were tying ourselves to one place each year to have our Grand Lodge meeting and this is not true. The Worshipful Master does have a choice of where he would have the Grand Lodge meeting, this is an unnecessary item and I withdrew this change." The second was also withdrawn.
SECTION 7.060 STATED COMMUNICATION. Stated Communications are held at times fixed by the by-laws, not less frequently than once in each calendar month. Provision for Stated Communication in July and August is not required. All business may be transacted as Stated Communication. All business not permitted to be transacted at Special communications is transacted at State Communications. All business may be transacted while the lodge is at Labor on any degree. Statement of Purpose: To reduce the amount of time necessary to get the lodge to the degree in which activity is planned. W.M. Brother Hill stated that the committee approves the amendment as to form and only for the purpose of giving the Grand Lodge the opportunity for a vote. He moved that the amendment be adopted, the motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge. ADOPTED
SECTION 10.040 GRAND LODGE DUES. Each lodge pays eleven dollars and fifty cents ($11.50) to the Grand Lodge for each Master Mason (except
those whose dues have been remitted and those exempted under Section 18.050(a) reported in the annual return, which dues include a subscription to The Freemason magazine. The Grand Lodge, promptly as collected, pays two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each Master Mason to the Masonic Home of Missouri.
Statement ofPurpose: To finance the operations of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. M.W. Brother Hill stated that the committee approves the amendment as to the form and only for the purpose of placing it before the Grand Lodge for a vote. He moved that the amendment be adopted, the motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge REJECTED.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT BY-LAW It is proposed that Section 13.010 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be amended to read as follows: SECTION 13.010. PETITIONS. Petitions must be according to the official forms prescribed by the Grand Secretary. Each question must be answered by the petitioner. The petition must be signed by the petitioner. If it is for the degrees or for affiliation, it must be endorsed with the recommendation of either two members of the lodge or one member of the lodge and one other Master Mason who shall be a member on good standing of another lodge of this jurisdiction. Statement ofPurpose: In recognition of the mobility of our population and the unity of purpose of all the lodges of this jurisdiction, amendment of the last sentence of this Section is intended to facilitate the submission of petitions by persons who may know two Master Masons who may not be members of the same lodge. Nothing herein would limit the duty of investigation by the lodge to which a petition might be submitted although only one of the recommending parties shall be required to be a member of that lodge. M.W. Brother Hill stated that the committee approves the amendment as to the form and only for the purpose of placing it before the Grand Lodge for a vote. He moved that the amendment be adopted, the motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge was PASSED.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT BY-LAW It is proposed that subpart (1) of Section 16.140 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge ofMissouri,A.F. &A.M., be amended to read as follows: .,. (1) he may hold office as a Master or Warden in more than one Missouri lodge at the same time, except that he may not serve as Master in more than one Missouri lodge at the same time ... Statement ofPurpose: If some of the smaller lodges hope to continue to exist with six or seven brothers hoping to hold them together, it would be appropriate to amend this
section to allow a multiple membership brother be enabled to hold elective office in more than one Missouri lodge at the same time, except for the office of VVorshipnalMaste~
M.VV. Brother Hill stated that the committee approves the amendment as to the form and only for the purpose of placing it before the Grand Lodge for a vote. He moved that the amendment be adopted, the motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge was PASSED.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT BY-LAW It is proposed that Section 22.030 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted, and the following substituted, to read as follows: The purchase price for an endowed membership shall be five hundred ($500.00) dollars, and shall be paid to the Grand Lodge.
Statement ofPurpose: The interest rates during the past several years have not provided an adequate return on the existing purchase price of an endowed membership ($400.00) to cover the typical local lodge dues and the amount of per capita payments due the Grand Lodge. It is proposed that the first paragraph of Section 22.040 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted, and the following substituted, to read as follows: The fee of five hundred ($500.00) dollars collected by a lodge for endowed membership shall be forwarded to the Grand Secretary no later than December 31 in order to qualify for distribution in the second calendar year. Statement ofPurpose: The proposed amendment is based upon the request for amendment of Section 22.030 to increase the purchase price of an endowed membership to $500.00. See the rationale in support of that proposed amendment. M.VV. Brother Hill explained that the two sections would be taken up at the same time. Section 22.030 and Section 22.040 were dealing with the same issue, which is simply substituting the number $500.00 as the price for endowed membership from the present law which is $400.00. He stated that the committee approves the amendment as to form and only for the purpose of placing it before the Grand Lodge for a vote. M.VV. Brother Hill moved that the amendment be adopted; the motion was seconded. R. VV. Brother Robert Bray, Past Master of Fayette Lodge #47 offered the following amendment and moved its adoption that an additional sentence be added, "All members of the fraternity who have started endowed membership at the $400.00 level and not completed payment for same shall be exempt from the increase to $500.00." Motion seconded. Vote was taken on the amendment ADOPTED. R.VV. Brother Marion Dey, Past Master, Acacia Lodge 602 offered an amendment to make the effective date of the implementation of the $500.00 endowed membership January 1, 1998. Statement of purpose is that some lodges have already received some payments and this would then make the $500.00 perpetual membership fee concurrent with our current membership
year as opposed to the close of Grand Lodge, motion seconded, Motion APPROVED. A vote was taken on the main motion as twice amended. ADOPTED.
SECTION 23.020. GENERAL BOARDS OF RELIEF. In cities and towns with two or more and less than thirty lodges and an adjoining county or counties in each of which there are fifteen or more lodges, unless refused to participate for a specified year or years in evidenced in advance by affirmative vote of the majority of the lodges in the area affected, the master of each lodge appoints a member of a General Board of Relief for the city, town, or area. The boards provide relief for either transient or non-transient applicants found worthy. (In all other respects this section would be unchanged).
Statement ofPurpose: This change will provide relief for local worthy applicants, both Masonic and non-Masonic. M.W. Brother Hill stated the committee approves this amendment as to form and only for the purpose of putting it before the Grand Lodge for a vote on its adoption, seconded. ADOPTED.
It is proposed that the last sentence of SECTION 25.010 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted, and the following substituted, to read as follows: Entered Apprentices may be admitted as visitors to a lodge of Entered Apprentices upon a showing of documentary evidence of good standing as a Entered Apprentice required under Section 25.020, or by lawful information. Fellow Crafts may be admitted as visitors to a lodge of Entered Apprentices or to a lodge of Fellow Crafts upon a showing of documentary evidence of good standing as a Fellow Craft required under Section 25.020, or by lawful information. Statement ofpurpose: To allow Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft the opportunity to visit other lodges by themselves and begin to enjoy the fellowship of such lodges at an earlier date than presently able. This is a companion proposal to a proposed amendment to section 25.020 of the By-Laws. W. M. Brother Hill stated that the committee approves the amendment as to form and only for the purpose of giving the Grand Lodge the opportunity for a vote. He moved that the amendment be adopted, motion seconded. ADOPTED.
It is proposed that the first sentence of Section 25.020 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted, and the following substituted, to read as following:
No lodge of Master Masons may admit a visitor until he has shown documentary evidence that he is a Master Mason in good standing of some Missouri lodge, or of some lodge chartered by a Grand Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge. No lodge of Fellow Crafts may admit a visitor until he has shown documentary evidence that he is a Master Mason or Fellow Craft in good standing of some Missouri lodge, or of some lodge chartered by a Grand Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge. No lodge of Entered Apprentices may admit a visitor until he has shown documentary evidence that he is a Master Mason, Fellow Craft or Entered Apprentice in good standing of some Missouri lodge, or of some lodge chartered by a Grand Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge.
Statement ofpurpose: To allow Entered Apprentices and Fellow Craft the opportunity to visit other lodges by themselves and begin to enjoy the fellowship of such lodges at an earlier date than presently able. This is a companion proposed amendment to Section 25.010 of the By-Laws. M. W. Brother Hill stated that the committee approves the amendment as to form and only for the purpose of giving the Grand Lodge the opportunity for a vote. He moved that the amendment be adopted, motion seconded. ADOPTED.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT (Tabled for action in 1997) BY-LAW Proposal to Amend Section 5.070. Jurisprudence The Committee on Jurisprudence has referred to it the decision of the Grand Master, all proposition to amend the Constitution and By-Laws, and other legal questions as directed by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge. No amendment may be voted on by the Grand Lodge until it is referred to and reported on by the committee as to form and advisability. Any changes to shape or structure or make reasonable or proper must be referred back to the brother who proposed the amendment to concur the change before reading it for vote. The committee does not recommend or disapprove the amendments' passage. The committee only brings the proposal presented by the brother with the brother's name and lodge # and a statement of purpose. It meets preceding the Annual Communication in the city where the sessions are held and at other times as directed by the Grand Master. The meetings must have a time and place posted prior to Grand Lodge communication to concur with the brother proposing the amendments. Each member is entitled to the usual mileage and per diem for his services while in attendance. Statement ofpurpose: To keep the proposals in proper form as intended. A simple vote no or yes without a no meaning yes and a yes meaning no. It is not the Jurisprudence Committee's job to approve or disapprove of an amendment. They may speak as any other brother has the right. M. W. Brother Hill stated that the committee can not fairly say that they can approve this as to form. However, in order to get it before the members to vote and only for that purpose, he moved for adoption. Motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge was REJECTED.
REPORT OF TIlE ELECTION OF GRAND LODGE OFFICERS RW. RobertA. Gage, Jr. presented the Report on the Election of Grand Lodge Officers for 1996-1997. R W. Brother Gage announced that the Grand Lodge had an official and legal ballot stating that 945 ballots were casted. For the Office of Grand Master: Jeffrey O. Nations
695 votes
M.W. Grand Master Scott announced the election ofRW. Brother Jeffrey O. Nations to the Office of Grand Master. R.W. Brother Nation accepted the election and expressed appreciation of thanks to the members of the Grand Lodge. For the Office of Deputy Grand Master Steven I. Toybes
735 votes
M.W. Grand Master Scott announced the election of RW. Brother Steven I. Toybes to the Office of Deputy Grand Master. R W. Brother Toybes accepted the election and thanked the brethren. For the Office of Senior Grand Warden Wilfred G. Soutiea
732 votes
M.W. Grand Master Scott announced the election of RW. Brother Wilfred G. Soutiea to the Office of Senior Grand Warden. RW. Brother Soutiea accepted the election to this office. For the Office of Junior Grand Warden Freddie D. Adams
683 votes
M.W. Grand Master Scott announced the election ofRW. Brother Freddie D. Adams to the Office of Junior Grand Warden. RW. Brother Adams accepted the election to this office. For the Office of Grand Treasure W. Marion Luna
755 votes
M.W. Grand Master Scott announced the election of RW. Brother W. Marion Luna to the Office of Grand Treasure. RW. Brother Luna accepted the election to this office. For the Office of Grand Secretary Ronald D. Miller
678 votes
M.W. Grand Master Scott announced the election ofRW. Brother Ronald D. Miller to the Office of Grand Secretary. R W. Brother Miller accepted the election to this office.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF TIME AND PLACE RW. Brother Jeffrey O. Nations announced that the 177th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge would be held in Columbia, Missouri on September 28th and 29th, 1998, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center.
INTRODUCTION OF GRAND LINE APPOINTEE R.W. Brother Jeffrey O. Nations introduced R.W. Brother John M. Nations as his appointment to the Advancing Line of Grand Lodge Officers. Most Worshipful Grand Master Called upon the Grand Secretary to read the proposal that has been presented for vote on Tuesday. The Grand Secretary read the following:
AMENDMENT PROPOSAL Proposal to add to Section to the Grand Lodge By-Laws resolved that a new Section, Section 2.010Q Powers and Duties of the Grand Master is added as follows: Section 2.010Q Notwithstanding the provisions of any Bylaw to the contrary, on written request to the Worshipful Master of one or more lodges, the Grand Master may, from time to time, grant written authorization to the requesting Lodge or Lodges to conduct a one day class for Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts of the requesting Lodge or Lodges who have not made suitable proficiency in those degrees or advancement to the degree of Master Mason. Any such one day class shall be under the supervision of the Grand Lodge Committee on Ritual and will require conferral of the entire degree, including the lecture and charge. No person participating in a one day class will be required to become proficient in the preceding degree as a prerequisite to advancement, nor will any such person be required to become proficient in the Master Mason degree. A simple majority vote of the members present of the requesting lodge is necessary for the lodge to participate in a one day class and any Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft of any such or lodge who request inclusion must be allowed to participate.
Statement ofPurpose: Many good men who have been initiated Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts have not advanced because of the lack of time or the inability to become proficient in those degrees are being lost to the fraternity. Adding this Section would be the inducement to these men to become Master Masons and, hopefully, to become active members of their lodge and therefore become more knowledgeable of the precepts and fundamentals of Free Masonry. AMENDMENT TO THE PROPOSAL JUST READ Amendment to Section 2.010Q. Powers and Duties of the Grand Master be amended as follows: Section 2.010Q Paragraph 3, no person participating in a one day class will be required to become proficient in the preceding degree as a prerequisite to advancement, nor will any such person be required to become proficient in the Master Mason degree, except any member of a one day class will be required to pass a satisfactory proficiency in the Master Mason degree to service as an appointed or elected officer of his lodge.
Statement of Purpose: We believe this additional language will provide a minimum requirements that will offer proof of the member's desire and commitment to serve his lodge as an officer.
CALL FROM LABOR The Grand Lodge was called from Labor at 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, September 30th, 1997. R.W. Brother Grand Chaplain Sheldon H. Snitz offered prayer. ANNUAL COMMUNICATION OF THE MISSOURI LODGE OF RESEARCH Lincoln Room 4:15 p.m. GRAND LODGE BANQUET Grand Ball Room - Capital Plaza Hotel 7:00 p.m. M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott, welcomed all those in attendance and then introduced the Grand Lodge Officers and their ladies. (Each Grand Lodge Officer and his lady entered the banquet room as introduced.) The evening blessing was given by R. W. Brother Marvin R. Davis, Grand Chaplain. M.W. Grand Master Scott introduced Mrs. Ester Lewis, who provided piano selections during dinner. Grand Master Scott presented the Ten Year Achievement Award to those lodges who met the requirements of ten consecutive years. He also recognized those lodges that achieved the Twenty year achievement award status. The Grand Lodge Achievement Award medallions were presented to representatives of Honor Lodges by M.W. Scott and the Education committee. R.W. Brother Jeffrey O. Nations, Deputy Grand Master, introduced R.W. Brother John M. Nations as his appointment to the Advancing Line of Grand Lodge Officers. M.W. Scott made the presentation of the Truman Award for 1997 to R.W. Brother Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr. of Fulton Lodge No. 48, Fulton, Missouri. M.W. Scott announced that Sedalia Lodge No. 236 of the 36 Masonic District had been selected to receive the trophy for thier project for Masonic service Month in 1997. The benediction, closing the Grand Lodge dinner for the evening was given by R.W. Brother Ronald E. Wood, Grand Chaplain.
RIGHT WORSHIPFUL BROTHER FRANK W. HAZELRIGG, JR. TRUMAN AWARD WINNER At the One Hundred Seventy-Sixth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri held in Jefferson City on September 29 and 30, 1997, Right Worshipful Brother Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr. was awarded the Harry S. Truman Medal for distinguished Masonic service and leadership. Most Worshipful Brother Donald E. Scott awarded the medal, named in honor of Past Grand Master and former President of the United States Harry S Truman. The medal is awarded yearly, Brother Hazelrigg being the fifteenth recipient. Right Worshipful Brother Hazelrigg has served many Masonic offices with distinction. His most recent contribution to the Craft was to serve as Acting Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri while a replacement for the
position was identified. Right Worshipful Brother Hazelrigg became a member of Fulton Lodge No. 48 more than 48 years ago. He was Worshipful Master of Fulton Lodge No. 48 in 1957 and again in 1962. He is currently Secretary/ Treasurer of the Missouri Lodge of Research, assuming this position in 1987. Right Worshipful Brother Frank served as High Priest of Orion Chapter No. 49 in 1955, Illustrious Master of Centralia Council No. 34, in 1964, Recorder, Centralia Council from 1970 to the present, Eminent Commander, Calvary Commandery No. 28, in 1958, and Eminent Prior, Knights of York Cross of Honor in 1980. Right Worshipful Brother Hazelrigg's service also includes serving as Grand Master of Cryptic Masons of Missouri, 1989, District Deputy Grand Master, 27th Masonic District, 1967-1972, District Deputy Grand High Priest, 19561963, District Deputy Grand Lecturer ofThe Grand Chapter, 1965-1966, Grand Royal Arch Captain, 1973-1974, and President of the Order of High Priesthood, 1974. He is commissioned as a representative of the Grand Chapter of Connecticut, Grand Council of Rhode Island, and Grand Commandery of Tennessee. Right Worshipful Brother Hazelrigg is also a member of Moolah Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. Right Worshipful Brother Frank resides with Francis, his wife of 44 years, in Fulton. In addition to his Masonic activities, he is a member of the First Christian Church, Past President of the Kiwanis Club and member of IOOF, Lodge No. 105. Congratulations to Right Worshipful Brother Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr., a Mason who leads by example.
TRUMAN AWARD WINNERS 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983
Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr., Fulton (048) Earl S. Eoff, Solomon (271) Jack R. Clark, Sr., York (563) Ray Hilton, Gate of the Temple (422) A. Duane Eiserman, Branson (587) Gerald W. Burnworth, Algabil-Freedom (636) Ronald M. Compton, Leadwood (598) Martin B. Toybes, Benjamin Franklin (642) John E. Wetzel, Perseverance (092) Eugene E. "Pat" McFarland, Hermon (187) Walter H. Baird, Acacia (602) Albert J. Elfrank, Advance (590) Charles Goodman, Polar Star (079) Alfred Whitfield "Whit" Griffith, Fulton (048) John Black Vrooman, Equality (497)
Tuesday Morning ORGAN SELECTIONS BY GRAND ORGANIST, JACK STOTTLEMEYER The Grand Lodge was called to Labor at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, September 30th, 1997, prayer was offered by R.W. Marvin R. Davis, Grand Chaplain. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS
To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. ofMissouri: Brethren: As required by Section 5.030, the Committee on Grand Master's Address, consisting of all Past Grand Masters present at the 176th Annual Communication, submits the following report: We recommend all dispensations, decisions, healings, consents and permissions be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence for that Committee's action and report. Most Worshipful Brother Scott has made appropriate and timely recommendations regarding our masonic fraternity. We ask those recommendations be referred to an appropriate Grand Lodge Committee for its consideration and action. The Grand Lodge of Missouri has benefitted from the dedication and ability of Most Worshipful Brother Donald E. Scott. He has an enviable record of service, but especially from March 13, 1996 through the completion of this 176th Annual Communication, he has given unselfishly of his time and talents for the best interests of our Masonic Fraternity. Most Worshipful Brother Don, and his wife Anna, have spent countless hours, have traveled thousands of miles representing Missouri Freemasonry, and have been a credit to our fraternity, in and out of our Grand Jurisdiction. We thank them for all they have done for the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The Past Grand Masters of Missouri welcome you - Most Worshipful Brother Don - to our ranks. It will be an honor for us to have you join our group. Fraternally submitted, E. HOPKINS, Chairman
I move the report of the Committee on Grand Master's Address be accepted and printed in the "PROCEEDINGS".
Report of CODlDlittees M.W. Grand Master Scott stated that the booklets containing the reprinted reports of the Standing and Special Committees had been distributed on Monday, September 29th, 1997. Grand Master Scott asked that committee
chairmen come forth with any supplemental reports. No chairmen offered any additions. The reprinted reports are as follows:
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. ofMissouri: No report is given.
Your Building Supervisory Board submits herewith a report of its activities and decisions of the past Masonic year. It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve the Grand Lodge on this committee and we thank our Grand Master, M. W. Donald E. Scott for the confidence he displayed in our appointments and for the advice and assistance he gave in the past year. We endeavored to respond to all applications from Missouri Lodges for approval of plans to form building corporations, erect, purchase, finance and occupy Lodge halls as promptly and favorably as possible, but also kept in mind that the actions must meet the requirements of our Grand Lodge bylaws, be financially sound, and serve the best interests of the Lodge and the Grand Lodge. We are pleased to report that all applications submitted have been in good order and most were approved as submitted, the remainder being approved after minor changes were made, or are still under consideration. Following are the applications received and actions taken by the Board for the year 1996/97: Paulville Lodge No. 319 November 29,1996: Response to letter from DDGM, 2nd Masonic District regarding Board requirements for information to be submitted with application to build or rent new Lodge Hall. February 12, 1997: Approved rental new Lodge Hall (rented) for Paulville Lodge No. 319. Bonhomme Lodge No. 45: March 21, 1997: Response to letter from Bonhomme Lodge requesting information on what approval is required to sell Lodge hall. (Board approval is not required for a sale of Lodge property.) Cairo Lodge No. 486: February 13, 1997: Approved plans to remodel a donated building for use as a Lodge hall. Grand River Lodge No. 276: May 31, 1997: Approved formation of Building Association, approved plans
for construction of building to be used as Lodge hall and acquisition of debt up to the amount of $11,833.33. May 31, 1997: Sent Lodge a letter outlining changes required to be made to by-laws of Building Association before approval may be granted. August 11, 1997: Approved revised version of by-laws for Building Association. Scottish Rite of Columbia, MO: Reviewed plans for new Scottish Rite Temple regarding possible inclusion of a Lodge hall in the building. Table Rock Lodge No. 680: April 3, 1997: Sent letter outlining changes required to be made to proposed by-laws for Building Association. Fraternally submitted, BRUCE L. SMITH MARLIN F. SLAGLE ROBERT R. CRICK, Chairman
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BY-LAWS To the Grand Lodge A.R & A.M. of Missouri: BRETHREN: The following is the report of the Committee on By-Laws: Your Committee prepared and distributed, as required by our law, the cumulative annual Pocket Part for use in 1996-1997, with the Constitution and By-Laws - 1958, as published in 1977. The general revision of the Constitution and By-Laws has been completed and will be distributed in the near future. Your Chairman and the members of the Committee thank the Grand Lodge for the opportunity of serving. Fraternally submitted, RONALD M. BELT J MORGAN DONELSON, P.G.M. WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN, P.G.M. HARRY GERSHENSON, JR., Chairman
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CHARTERED LODGES To the Grand Lodge A.R & A.M. ofMissouri: BRETHREN: The Committee of Chartered Lodges, consisting of Richard Mansfield, Verle Naughton, Dean Rowe, Robert Hardester, and Chairman Thomas Gooch
submit the following report. Brothers Mansfield, Hardester and Gooch met at the Grand Lodge office on May 9,1997 and reviewed the summary of the most recent annual reports submitted by Lodge secretaries. Brothers Naughton and Rowe were unable to meet with us but have reviewed and concur in these findings. From this evaluation, we concluded that the trend in loss of membership has not made any significant change in direction or speed. The ending net membership of June 30, 1995 was 59,903 and the ending net of 1996 is 58,007 for a loss of 1,986. It appears that there may be a slight bend in the trend that we have been experiencing. It is not a major change but, never the less, it could be a glimmer of light at the far end of the tunnel. It would appear that we have improved as we suffered a loss of 2356 in 1993 compared to 1896 for the year ending June 1996. The first figure represents a 3.5% loss and the second reflects a 3.2% reduction in membership. While we can be thankful that there are another 200 Masons in Missouri than we would have had at the 3.5 percent, we still have a long way to go in turning the trend around. This is not an unreasonable expectation or an unattainable goal. The question now is what worked over these past four years that has slowed our losses and what can we do to magnify this factor. Death continues to claim 3.2% of the members each year and this figure is likely to grow considering the average age of our brethren. We raised 241 less brethren in 1996 than in 1993 so neither of these can be credited for improvement. The one sole category that stands out is reinstatement of brethren who had been suspended for nonpayment of dues. There was a net loss of 1027 in 1993 and only a net of 648 in 1996. There are presently 448 lodges in the state which means that if each lodge had retained one more member than they lost to suspension for nonpayment of dues, these figures would be much improved. To take it a step further, if each lodge had retained five more than they lost in that manner, we would have finished the year on the plus side. It appears that Most Worshipful Brother Cobban's edict to allow amnesty to brothers who had drifted from the fraternity and wished to return was a wise decision and this committee would encourage future grand masters to continue or adopt similar plans. From the total suspended, it appears that it was not current members who were reinstated which prompts this committee to further stress to worshipful masters to form committees to contact former members who have been away from the craft for a period of years. The Grand Lodge has the names of these people and will make them available to the lodge upon request. Brethren have left the fraternity for a variety of reasons and many have regretted the decision and would like to return. However, they are embarrassed or fear that they would not be accepted if they tried to return. The committee feels that we, as free masons have an obligation to extend the hand of fellowship to these brothers and invite them to return. The offer can do no harm and the worst response is a "no." Each lodge should have a committee to call on these brothers in person. If the former brother still refuses to renew his membership, at least he may give the committee a reason for his decision which could give the lodge a clue for improvement. As we stated earlier, Missouri lodges have not done well in developing new Master Masons in past years and this flaw needs to be addressed. We do not advocate mass induction of members in one day classes or any other drastic departure from the traditional ritual established by the earlier masons. In fact,
that is one line of thought that could be leading to the deterioration of our fraternity. As each of us recall, our first introduction to masonry was a very emotional and personal thing that has made a lasting impression on us. By comparison, those of us who have advanced to high degrees, did not find the class room style of degree conferral to be that impressive. By way of disclaimer, at least the chairman of this committee has not been active in Scottish Rite degrees and therefore should not be judgmental. However, if the conferral of these degrees had been on an individual basis, who knows how active we might have become. In order to induct masons who will be good working members, it is important that each brother occupying a chair should be proficient in that position. It is of further importance that all officers be attired in such a manner as to gain respect. This could very well be the most momentous occasion that the brother will ever experience as it should be. If we do not appear respectful or demonstrate that we know what we are doing, the brother is left with the impression that Masonry is not very important and will not have an interest in advancing. An observation was made that poor or bad ritual conveys the message that there is no commitment. Some of the subjects the committee discussed are closely related to the subjects from prior years but we have taken the liberty of speaking out on some others that may be controversial. In prior reports, we have encouraged brothers to become more color blind. We would like to take one step further and encourage the Grand Lodge to investigate a relationship with the Prince Hall Masons. At this point we would make no specific recommendation on this subject but we feel that there are good men in the Prince Hall Lodge that could contribute much to our fraternity. We would reiterate our observation of recycling masters. There are times when the practice is necessary because the line is advancing too fast for a brother to learn ritual but if the lodge continues to do so as a convenience or because of decreasing membership, it would be better that they merge with another lodge. One innovation that was suggested, especially for those who are too busy to learn the ritual, is that a new category of master masons be established. For the mason who desires to proceed through the chairs, a designation of "Senior Master Mason" be established. To attain this status, the brother would be required to demonstrate proficiency in all three degrees. A second classification for one who would be required to demonstrate a limited amount of knowledge of Masonry which may not include any ritual other than pass words, would be designated as "affiliate Master Mason." This brother would not be entitled to hold office but could vote. To avoid unnecessary difficulties for foreign born brothers, an effort should be made for them to be examined for proficiency in their native tongue. Dues for both classifications would be the same. The structure of meetings was investigated and several observations were made. First, to hold interest, the meeting should be interesting. People will not sit through boring sermons or lectures. Why should masons be any different. Worth repeating, the lodge should demonstrate commitment with good ritual. Keep the business portion of the meeting formal and civil. No one, especially visitors, wants to hear bickering or disrespect for the master. In those instances when ritual is not up to standards, those sitting on the sidelines should refrain from criticizing or making offensive remarks.
To keep from losing track of those brothers who receive the first or second degree and never advance, there should be more training for the Senior Deacon to help him keep track of their work. It was suggested that he be provided with a form giving the brother's name, date of degree, phone number, instructor, his phone number, and that it be an item on the business meeting for the Senior Deacon to give a report of each advancing brother's progress and expected date of examination. Families should be involved in the lodge. Each master's agenda should include at least one picnic or party where the entire family can become involved. These activities should be in addition to ladies night at lodge and can include a wide variety of occasions, such as a Halloween party, Christmas party or St. Patrick's day event. The obvious implication is that the family is important to the individual brother and the individual brother is important to the lodge. Taking this subject a step further; the lodge should form a committee of visitation for brothers who have missed a certain number of meetings. This is not a sickness and welfare committee but that committee could be given the duty as there could well be a physical reason that the brother has not been attending. The committee should make the brother aware that he is appreciated. They should also let the family know that the brother is valued. Whenever possible, a personal visit should follow a phone call. The committee feels that the Grand Secretary's meetings with secretaries of subordinate lodges results in the sharing of a wealth of information and should be expanded to include other officers of the Grand Lodge by establishing a policy of each of them meeting with counterparts in subordinate lodges. For example, the Grand Master would meet periodically with lodge masters, Senior Grand Warden would meet with senior wardens, Junior Grand Warden with junior wardens, etc. Each would share information of their respective office and assist with problems that might surface before they become too involved to be resolved. As we are moving into the electronic age, perhaps a page on the Internet could eliminate the need for physical travel where the same issues could be discussed. A final observation, the committee feels that we need to improve the image of the fraternity by doing things Masonic. Not to detract from what we are doing in the Miracle Network, Scholarship programs, Drug Awareness, and others, it was suggested that group outings at a ball game where we are identified as Masons would be helpful. Most Worshipful Grand Master, the committee thanks you for allowing us to continue in researching causes of member loss and offering recommendations for improvement. We stand ready to assist individual lodges if needed and asked. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS O. GoOCH, Chairman RICHARD MANSFIELD VERLE NAUGHTON DEAN ROWE ROBERT HARDESTER
It was the pleasure of your Committee on Entertainment of Distinguished Guests along with the excellent assistance of the wives to plan for the reception and activities of distinguished guests who would be attending the 176th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in Jefferson City. The Capitol Plaza Hotel served as headquarters for this annual session. The Committee had the privilege of welcoming visitors from the Grand Jurisdictions of Iowa, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Hawaii and Alaska and many representatives of our Masonic Family. The following is a recap of Grand Lodge activities held under the auspices of the Committee: The Grand Master's Banquet was held on Sunday evening, September 28th at the Capital Plaza Hotel. The Grand Master hosted an Appreciation Breakfast for the District Deputy Grand Masters and District Deputy Grand Lecturers on September 29th in the Lincoln Room of the Hotel. On Monday morning, September 29th a Continental Breakfast was held for the Ladies followed by a tour of the Marmaduke House and the Runge Conservation Center. At noon there was tour of Jefferson's Landing and the Capitol Building and Museum followed by a tour and a tea at the Governor's Mansion. This was followed by a tour of the Historical Society and a second tour of the Capitol Building. At noon on Monday the Grand Master hosted a Luncheon for Distinguished Members in the Lincoln Room of the Hotel. The annual Grand Lodge Banquet was held on Monday evening in the ballroom of the Capitol Plaza Hotel. On Tuesday morning, September 30th another Continental Breakfast was held for the Ladies followed by a tour of the Missouri Highway Patrol Exhibit. This Committee expresses its appreciation to all Brethren who assisted in making this Annual Communication a success and to Jefferson Lodge No. 43 who furnished the paraphernalia for the annual session. Also the Committee appreciated the help and cooperation from the staff and management of the Capitol Plaza Hotel and especially the assistance of Matthew Carroll Director of Sales. Thanks to all the Committee members and their wives for all their efforts in making this Grand Lodge Session enjoyable for all. A special thanks to Shirley Hutinger for serving as Chairperson of the Ladies Committee. This Committee appreciates the opportunity we have had to assist Most Worshipful Grand Master Donald E. Scott and his wife Anna in the planning and coordination of events for the 176th Annual Communication.
Fraternally Submitted, HAROLD DONALD HUGH
F. L.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FORMS AND CEREMONIES To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Missouri: No report is given because of no business presented to Committee. Respectfully submitted, FRANK P. WILFLEY, JR.,
Your Committee on the Grand Lodge Office Building charged with the upkeep and maintenance of the building and grounds, met as needed during the year. The Contract for mowing grass and removing snow was extended. The Cleaning Contractor was not doing satisfactory work, so his contract was terminated within the year. Another firm has contracted to continue the service. Proper bids were received to install carpet in the Grand Secretary's Office. Paint was purchased for the same area. Various minor repairs were authorized throughout the year. There will need to be some repairs done to the parking lot East of the building in the near future, otherwise the building is in good condition. Respectfully submitted, H. RAy MCKENZIE, Chairman JAMES P. VESSELL BRENT S. MATTOX RONALD D. MILLER
No requests for the organizing of a Lodge Under Dispensation have been received by this Committee since the last Annual Communication of our Grand Lodge. At this time no Loge is meeting under dispensation.
Fraternally submitted, LARRY F. BARRINER, ROBERT W. HARPER
Your Long Range Planning Committee met several times this year. We determined to solicit input from the membership regarding the changes that the members might feel appropriate to help to prepare our Fraternity for the future. The Committee prepared a survey that was provided to the membership in the Freemason publication. On receiving the responses from that survey, the Committee did the follow-up work in reporting the results, again, via the Freemason. Also, the Committee received written suggestions from the membership regarding legislation to be considered by the Grand Lodge. Those suggestions were referred to members of the Committee for preparation of specific proposals which were then returned to the member proposing the change for his consideration. If that member approved of the legislation as crafted, it was to be signed and sent to the Grand Lodge office. If the legislation as drawn was not what the proposer had in mind, it was there for him to use as a reference in drafting the proposal as he desired it. Several pieces of legislation to be presented this year and to lie over for vote until next year resulted from that activity. The Committee determined that legislation for one day Blue Lodge Degree conferrals should be presented this Monday at our session and that it should be voted upon Tuesday. The Committee believes that the passage of that legislation is essential to the accomplishment of the Long Range Plan. The Committee also confirmed the Mission Statement of our Grand Lodge as first adopted by this body in session in 1991. Our mission is to: Be a quality organization that provides its members opportunities to develop their spiritual, character, and leadership potential; Be serviceable to our members and their families by providing support and assistance in a variety of forms; Provide members and their families with opportunities for fellowship and friendship with other like-minded individuals; Be serviceable to the community at large by lodge participation in civic and charitable activities; and through the honest, fair, and courteous actions of individual members.
The Mission Statement provides a goal or standard to be sought and met. Fraternally Submitted, DONALD E. SCOTI', Grand Master, Chairman
This is to inform the Grand Lodge Office that the 61st District Board of Relief has been reactivated and election of new officers was held. Those new officers are listed below: Rt. Wor. Bro. Elmer D. Copeland (Algabil/Freedom Lodge #636) President. Wor. Bro. Lyle Wade, (West Gate Lodge #445), Vice President Wor. Bro. Sam Huffmaster, (Mizpah Mt. Moriah Lodge #40), Treasurer Rt. Wor. Bro. Eugene D. Cook, (Fenton Lodge #281), Secretary Your assistance in directing all requests for courtesy funerals, either in state or out of state to Dr. Elmer D. Copeland, St. Louis, MO, (314) 296-5091 or Bus. Ph. (314) 776-3382 will be greatly appreciated. These requests would pertain to the 61st Masonic District only. Fraternally submitted, EUGENE D. COOK, Secretary MASONIC BOARD OF RELIEF OF ST. LOUIS STATEMENT OF Reliance Bank # 015600706207 Balance ACCOUNTS As of Aug. 24, 1997 Nations Bank # 171881604100 Balance Nations Bank C.D. # 4617060 Nations Bank C.D. #4617061 Total Reliance Bank from 1-1-97 Starting Balance Check #127 Jerry Burnworth $24.23 1-24-97 1-24-97 Interest $11.47 2-24-97 Interest 11.47 Interest 10.36 3-24-97 11.48 4-24-97 Interest 11.13 5-24-97 Interest 6-24-97 Interest 11.52 7-24-97 Interest 11.17 Nations Bank Check #128 C.D. #46170661 5,000.00 8-19-97 Nations Bank Check #129 8-19-97 Transfer 1,000.00 805.31 8-24-97 Interest 10.25 Balance
$ 815.56 $ 3.186.83 $ 4,002.39 10,000.00 $ 5.000.00 $19,002.39 $ 6,750.94 6,726.71 6,738.18 6,749.65 6,760.01 6,771.49 6,782.62 6,794.14 6,805.512 1,805.31 $
1997 Nations Bank from 1-1-97 1-1-97 2-1-97 3-1-97 4-1-97 5-1-97 6-1-97 6-30-97 7-2-97 7-16-97 7-31-97 Check #100 8-19-97 8-19-97
Starting Balance Interest $16.49 Interest 16.80 14.55 Interest Interest 16.97 16.31 Interest Interest 17.00 Interest 35.36 Bank charge, book of checks Bank charge, book of checks Interest 30.47
C.D. #4617060 Deposit (A)
5.75 14.00 10,000.00 Balance
$ 12,042.63 12,059.12 12,075.92 12,090.47 12,107.44 12,123.75 12,140.75 12,176.11 12,170.36 12,156.36 12,186.83 2,186.83 $ 3.186.83
Fraternally submitted, SAM HUFFMASTER, Treasurer
It has been another busy and active year for this committee. Of very high importance to the entire Missouri Fraternity is the position of Editor of the Missouri Freemason Magazine. Because of personal family matters, the extremely capable and longtime Editor MWB John C. Montgomery, Jr. asked the Education Committee to find a replacement for him. After a wide search and numerous interviews, RWB Zelwin B. Eaton of Kirksville was named Editor. He has very impressive credentials and presently serves as Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence. We have great confidence that he will serve the Grand Lodge in a very capable and creditable manor. A most ambItious project undertaken by RWB Brent S. Mattox was the revision of the Lodge Officer's Manual. The Manual has been reviewed from front page to back page, updated and improved. RWB Larry C. Reynolds is now the Director of the Grand Lodge Achievement Award Program. RWB Ronald D. Miller has served with distinction in that position for several years. Brother Miller has been selected to serve the Grand Lodge as Acting Grand Secretary. The Mid-West Conference on Masonic Education is a gathering of 13 masonic jurisdictions (including Manitoba, Canada) that meets annually to exchange information and ideas. We borrow successful programs or projects from each other. For many years Missouri has been a strong contributor to this conference. RWB Richard L. Smith was elected President for 1997-98. Missouri will host the conference on April 24-26, 1998. We are using Independence as a host site to take advantage of the legacy and fraternal presence ofMWB Harry S Truman. WB Jon B. Broyles is Chairman of the event and will coordinate the
conference. All interested brothers are invited to attend. You need not be a member of the Education Committee to attend. Contact the Grand Lodge Office for information. At the Grand Lodge Communication on September 30,1996 in Springfield a special room was set up with monitors that were "On-Line." Demonstrations were held throughout the Session about what being "on-line" means and how easy it is to get there. With thanks to WB Jon B. Broyles, RWB Bill Mauk and WB Richard W. Lodge, and others, Missouri now has a presence on the InterNet. Also present at that Grand Lodge Communication was Mr. Jackson H. Polk, the Executive Producer of Capstone Productions, Inc, creator of the MASONIC TELEVISION FORUM. This is a series of half-hour magazine style programs that helps Masons keep informed about Masonic activities around the world while providing a way to inform the public about Masonry. At the Grand Lodge Communication there was also a Senior Warden Training Session. It was a program taken from a presentation seen the previous year at the Mid-West Conference. It is a "hands-on" program specifically for Senior Wardens. The interesting program was very well attended. WB Jon B. Broyles will again conduct the program at the upcoming Grand Lodge Session in Jefferson City. Another successful one day education seminar was presented by the brethren in the Cape Girardeau area. It was very well attended and was led by WB Jess Hopple, WB Otha Wingo, WB C. Scott Grantham with assistance from many others. A "Family of Freemasonry" booth was again set up for 10 days in August at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. Many lodges and districts assisted by staffing the booth along with Job's Daughters, Shriners, Scottish Rite and York Rite Brethren. The coordinator for this event was WB Jess Hopple. Much masonic information was handed out to the general public. This Committee is looking forward to joint meetings with the Public Relations and Membership Committees a short time after completion of this 176th Grand Lodge Session. It is with sincere reluctance that the Committee accepted the resignations of Brothers Bill Mauk and David Keckler. Career time restraints have caused the need for their resignations. They are both highly respected brethren. We thank them for their efforts and hope to use their talents in the future. Also a sincere Thank You is due RWB Richard F. Hays who is completing several years of serving the Education Committee as an Associate Member. He has been a consistant and helpful member. We very much appreciate his service to the fraternity and to the committee. WB C. Scott Grantham, Jr. is welcomed back to the Education Committee while at the same time we wish WB Jess D. Hopple every success as a member of the Public Relations Committee. Also welcomed to the Education Committee are the following brethren: Jake Jacobs, St. Charles Steven C. Monrotus, Farmington Lonny W. Morrow, Novinger Daniel Quesenberry, Raytown E. Otha Wingo, Cape Girardeau
The Committee on Masonic Education wishes to express it's appreciation to all who have helped to make this a successful year. Respectfully Submitted, RICHARD L. SMITH, Chairman JON B. BROYES DAVID A. KEEKLER BRENT S. MATI'OX WILLIAM C. MAUK LARRY C. REYNOLDS JOHN
The Committee on Relief and Charity is composed of three members of the Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors. The committee is appointed under Section 5.090 of the By Laws of the Grand Lodge by the Grand Master and meets with the same regularity and at the same location as that of the Masonic Home Board or at the call of the Chairman to consider requests properly submitted to it by a subordinate Lodge for financial assistance and relief to worthy eligible cases. The Grand Lodge at its last Annual Communication in Springfield, Missouri, on September 30, and October 1, 1996 budgeted $5,000.00 for the work of the committee and $5,000.00 was appropriated and forwarded to the committee during the year. Following is the report of the financial activities of the Committee from July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997, inclusive. Granite NO. 272, A.F. & A.M. (NC repairs for E. Martin) Macks Creek NO. 433, A.F. & A.M. (Relief- C. Green) Overland Occidental No. 623, A.F. & A.M. (New Roof-P. Middleton) Palestine No. 241, A.F. & A.M. (personal care expense-C. Haake) Total Disbursements
$2,125.00 1,000.00 2,837.00 1.000.00 $6,962.00
Balance in the Bank July 1, 1996 $5,282.02 5,000.00 Received from Grand Lodge Interest received on account 39.96 Total Income .................•......•.•. $10,321.98 $6,962.00 Checks issued for relief Balance in bank June 30, 1997 , ..................•.... $3,359.98 Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN B. GIVENS, Secretary-Treasurer ROBERT D. WHITNEY, Chairman CURTIS R DOYLE ROBERT M. BARRETT
The Ritual Committee met at the Grand Lodge Office on May 31,1997. The meeting was called to order by R.W.B. James E. Spencer, Grand Lecturer, at 9:00 A.M. with the following members of the Ritual Committee present: RW.B. Willard D. Hetzler Dale C. Motter, P.G.M. R W.B. Randall J. Jones RW.B. David R Vogler Several items pertaining to the ritual were discussed but no formal action was taken. The Ritual Committee unanimously agreed to support the decisions made by the advancing line of the Grand Lodge as to what direction our fraternity was to take. At 1:00 P.M. the Round Robin State Finals were held with the following brethren participating: W.B. David C. Tinsley, Rising Sun Lodge #13 W.B. Roy L. Shifflett, Rising Sun Lodge #13 RW.B. Charles M. Benedict, Wellston Lodge #613 Bro. Michael F. Jones, Pyramid Lodge #180 Bro. Glen F. Cron, Mount Olive #439 The quality of the participants was outstanding with the state trophy going to Bro. Michael F. Jones for his keeping for one year. Fraternally submitted, WILLARD D. HETZLER RANDALL J. JONES DAVID R VOGLER DALE C MOTTER, P.G.M. JAMES E. SPENCER, Chairman
CERTIFICATES AND CARD FOR RITUAL PROFICIENCY Subdivision I . Originals 6491 Roy L. Scarborough 6492 Matthew A. Newton 6493 Melvin A. Ash 6494 Phillip R. Miller 6495 Charles O. Pittman 6496 Stephen S. Hodge 6497 Ronald D. Jones 6498 Royal Bronson 6499 Robert E. Bradford 6500 Robert D. Stoker 6501 Harl G. Morris 6502 Johnny K. Moore 6503 Stephen T. Thompson 6504 Dwaine C. Hurt 6505 Ronald G. Skopec 6506 GlenF.Cron 6507 Gary R. Turner 6508 Kevin M. Sligar 6509 James R. IDm 6510 Brian M. George 6511 Johnny L. Blankenship, Jr. 6512 Christopher A. Woods 6513 Douglas G. Clifford 6514 Richard D. Ellis 6515 Jimmy L. Willis 6516 Richard J. Moore 6517 Michael F. Jones 6518 George E. Ornsbey 6519 Nicholas L. Breedlove 6520 Shelby C. Chism 6521 Donald G. Ellis Subdivision I . First Renewal: A3131 Joe W. Johnson A3132 Teddie E. Harrison A3133 Gerald R. Rindom A3134 James D. Hardy A3135 VOID A3136 Alvin H. Jones A3137 Thomas A. Berger A3138 Henry K. Essick A3139 Shane A. McCray A3140 Johnny M. Robey, Sr. A3141 Darrell C. Dunn A3142 Alvin Monroe A3143 Roy L. Pete Shifflett A3144 William E. Cooper A3145 Gary G. Page A3146 R. Miguel White A3147 William C. Woolsey A3149 Donald A. Raymer Subdivision 1 . Second Renewal B1845 James Greco, Sr. B1846 Obid A. Kilgore B1847 Richard A. Lawrey B1848 David C. Riek
B1849 B1850 B1851 B1852 B1853 B1854 B1855
George N. Cooper David C. Tinsley Charles R. Davis Timothy V. Coy Dennis R. Owens Vernon C. Chalfant Paul A. Nosser
Subdivision 1 . Third Renewal C1197 Randy Berscheid C1198 Billie R. Dockery C1199 Robert E. Plummer C1200 Irving G. Walmann C1201 John E. Russow C1202 Robert G. Huffmaster C1203 Charles A. Donica C1204 Danny Nestlebroad C1205 Michael F. Armstrong C1206 Willard D. Hetzler C1207 Davey L. Fisher Subdivision 1 - Fourth Renewal D840 William W. Edwards D841 George Barrios D842 Elton D. Mathews D843 Charles A. Huddleston D844 David G. Cotter D845 Francis D. Jett D846 Lawrence N. Allen D847 Harold L. Davis D848 Randy L. Balentine D849 Elmer D. Copeland D850 Dan E. Ream D851 John L. House D852 Merrian M. Batey Subdivision 1 - Fifth Renewal E641 Robert W. Kline E642 Felix Budzinski E643 Archie J. McCoy E644 Forest W. Dugan E645 RobertH.Bray E646 William E. Broggi E647 Gregory L. Pyron E648 Billy J. Waugh E649 Gerald D. Shelton Subdivision 1 - Sixth Renewal F454 Leo E. Endicott F455 Lee O. King F456 Frederick R. Patten F457 Arthur Reece F458 Everett L. King, Jr. F459 Robert L. Wright F460 Melvin L. Hall F461 William R. Evans F462 ErwinA. Drewing F463 George A. Morgan F464 Lewis W. Cowell
Subdivision 1 - Seventh Renewal G319 John T. Beavers G320 Paul A. Delozier G321 Frank V. Jones G322 Wilburn C. Sanders G323 Randall J. Jones G324 Roy R. Rowland G325 Edgar L. Kneip Subdivision 1 - Eighth Renewal H215 David A. Watson H216 Roger R. Adams H217 Hubert C. Bollinger H218 Alvin M. Armstrong H219 Melvin J. Sanders Subdivision 1 - Ninth Renewal 1155 Leo H. Pitts Subdivision 1 - Tenth Renewal J96 Robert H. Stewart Subdivision 1 - Eleventh Renewal K69 George D. Sheppard K70 Harris Maupin, Jr. Subdivision 1 - Twelth Renewal L43 John W. Larkins Subdivision 1 - Thirteenth Renewal M21 Walter L. Shelton M22 Ralph O. Kolb Subdivision 1 - Fourteenth Renewal N12 Farron Atkins Subdivision II - Part One Originals 617 Herbert A. Bruns 618 Stephen T. Thompson Gerald D. Shelton 619 620 James D. Hardy 621 Joe W. Johnson 622 Michael F. Jones 623 Robert D. Stoker Subdivision II - Part One - First Renewal A419 Theodore J. Picraux A420 Howard V. Jacobs A421 Austin S. Hodge A422 Gary A. Phillips A423 Floyd N. Andrews A424 Frank A. Craig, Jr. A425 John C. Caraker A426 Gary G. Page Subdivision 2 - Part One Second Renewal
B300 B301 B302
Bill D. Spiva Gary L. Benskin David C. Riek
Subdivision II - Part One Third Renewal C230 Roger G. Huffmaster C231 Michael F. Armstrong C232 William E. Broggi C233 Gregory L. Pyron Subdivision II - Part One Fourth Renewal D184 Robert M. Lockmiller D185 John L. Shafer Subdivision II - Part One - Fifth Renewal E 142 Frank Lennaman Subdivision II - Part One - Sixth Renewal F92 Robert D. Weikal F94 John E. Reece, Jr. F95 James E. Spencer F96 Walter S. Specie F97 Randall J. Jones F98 Ervin A. Drewing Subdivision II - Part One Seventh Renewal G62 Conley E. DePriest Subdivision II - Part One Tenth Renewal J14 Marvin G. Shull JI5 Eugene McFarland JI6 Leo H. Pitts J17 Robert H. Stewart Subdivision II - Part One Thirteenth Renewal M2 Dale C. Motter Subdivision II - Part Two Originals 561 Jerry F. Moore 562 Robert E. Bradford 563 Columbus Craft 564 Stephen T. Thompson 565 Mark E. Seago 566 Michael F. Jones 567 Austin S. Hodge Subdivision II路 Part TwoFirst Renewal A386 Carl E. Carter A387 Harold D. McFarland A388 Jerry R. Rindom A389 Theodore J. Picraux A390 Frank A. Craig Jr.
Subdivision II . Part Two . Second Renewal B279 Bill D. Spiva B280 Unused B281 Roger Huffmaster B282 Robert E. L. Kirkland Subdivision II • Part Two . Third Renewal C213 Arthur R. Zellmer C214 Billy J. Waugh C215 William E. Broggi C216 Michael F. Armstrong Subdivision II . Part Two . Fourth Renewal D164 Duane Eiserman D165 Billy R. Abbott D166 Elmer D. Copeland Subdivision II· Part Two· Sixth Renewal F93 Erwin A. Drewing F94 Robert D. Weikal
Subdivision II . Part Three· Second Renewal B287 Bill D. Spiva B288 Duane Eiserman Subdivision II . Part Three· Third Renewal C219 Roger G. Huffmaster C220 Billy J. Waugh C221 William E. Broggi C222 Elmer D. Copeland C223 Gerald D. Shelton Subdivision II . Part Three· Fourth Renewal D178 Francis D. Jett Subdivision II . Part Three· Fifth Renewal E137 Frank L. Lennaman Subdivision II . Part Three· Sixth Renwal F90 James E. Spencer
Subdivision II· Part Two· Seventh Renewal G63 Arvid E. Critchfield G64 James E. Spencer
Subdivision II . Part Three· Eighth Renewal H40 Eugene E. McFarland H41 Charles M. Benedict
Subdivision II . Part Two· Eighth Renewal H41 Calarence L. Alembaugh H42 Eugene E. McFarland
Subdivision II . Part Three· Ninth Renewal 1-25 Leo H. Pitts
Subdivision II . Part Two . Tenth Renewal J16 Marvin G. Shull J17 Robert H. Stewart
Subdivision II . Part Three· Tenth Renewal J16 Stanton T. Brown J17 Robert H. Stewart
Subdivision II· Part Two· Thirteenth Renewal M2 Dale C. Motter
Subdivision III . Originals 581 Junior G. Walsh 582 William B. VanMeter 583 Theodore J. Picraux 584 Orville W. Newberry 585 Damon C. Schroter 586 James M. Wilcher 587 David C. Koyn 588 Melvin A. Ash 589 Abraham Lanham, Jr. 590 James C. Paul 591 James W. Harter 592 Michael C. Glawson 593 Everett L. Botts 594 Philip R. Miller 595 Robert C. Crow 596 Stephen T. Shompson 597 Charles O. Pittman 598 Robert E. Green 599 Harl G. Morris 600 James R. IDm 601 Michael A. Jones
Subdivision II . Part Three· Original 559 R. L. Tichenor 560 F. Wayne Dugan 561 James C. Paul 562 Stephen T. Thompson 563 Herbert A. Bruns 564 Columbus Craft 565 Joe W. Johnson 566 Michael F. Jones Subdivision II . Part Three· First Renewal A383 Carl E. Carter A384 Melvin A. Ash A385 Hiram Riek A386 David C. Riek A387 Kenneth R. Clements
1997 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Charles F. Ernst, Jr. Columbus Craft Thomas D. Gable Charles R. Kelly William C. Woolsey Terry L. Dobson Gary L. Davis Jerry F. Moore
B174 B175 B176 B177
Glenn W. Groves Leonard D. Staley Davey L. Fisher Bill D. Spiva
Subdivision III - Third Renewal Cl07 RobertH.Bray Cl08 Harold L. Davis Cl09 Billy J. Waugh ClIO Dan E. Ream Clll John L. House Cl12 Herbert Cooper, Jr.
Subdivision III - First Renewal A298 Christopher S. Houge A299 Gerald R. Rindom A300 Gary A. Phillips A30l Francis D. Jett A302 Thomas H. McCrackin, III A303 James A. Medley A304 Vernon C. Chalfant A305 Randy Berscheid A306 David C. Rick A307 Thomas A. Berger A308 Willis D. Segraves A309 Bobbie H. Cook A310 Gary G. Page A311 Billy J. Beatty
Subdivision III - Fourth Renweal D74 Robert H. Stewart D75 William Broggi D76 Gerald D. Shelton D77 Clarence W. Wieland
Subdivision III - Second Renewal B166 Gary L. Benskin B167 Gary G. Gooch B168 Francis Kunkler B169 Willard Hetzler B170 James W. Stigall B171 Thomas F. Satterly B172 R. L. Tichenor B173 Joseph B. Corben
Subdivision III - Sixth Renewal Fl Stanton T. Brown F2 Clarence L. Alembaugh Stanton T. Brown, II F3 Marvin G. Shull F4 F5 Eugene E. McFarland F6 Paul K. Kawakami John D. Atkins F7 F8 Randall J. Jones
Subdivision III - Fifth Renewal E34 William E. Brenneman E35 Robert S. Alexander Hugh E. Shubert E36 E37 Ervin A. Drewing
REPORT OF THE COMMITIEE ON YOUTH To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Missouri: BRETHREN:
The continuation of the Grand Master's Masonic Youth Award has been the primary activity of the Grand Lodge's Committee on Youth during this past year. The recipients again this year were all outstanding members of their respective youth organizations. The Grand Master, M.W.B. Donald E. Scott, presented the awards at the DeMolay State Conclave in Jefferson City and the Grand Bethel of the Job's Daughters, which was also held in Jefferson City. The Grand Orator, R.W.B. Larry Reynolds, presented the award to the outstanding Rainbow Girl at the Grand Assembly in Springfield. The three winners were Rick Hamel from St. Charles Chapter, Order of DeMolay; Ivie Diane Wills from Bethel No. 65, Jefferson City, Order of Job's Daughters; and Tanya Rogers, from Columbia Assembly No. 18, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. Your Grand Lodge Youth Committee urges all members of our Missouri Grand Lodge to increase their efforts to support all of our Masonic Youth. It will only be through these endeavors that Masonry in the State of Missouri, and throughout the United States, will continue to survive in the forseeable future. Respectfully submitted, JAMES E. SNAVELY LIONEL J. GoEDE MELVIN MUELLER LEROY D. UNRUH CRAIG M. BENNETT DR. JAMES J. GIBBONS,
For the year 1996-1997, your Grand Lodge Committee on Public Relations offers this report. This committee was represented at each of the area meetings and participated in the Masonic Education Seminar in Cape Girardeau in April. It also produced the Public Relations Manual that was distributed to each lodge in June. This manual has been in development for several years, and we encourage each lodge to have its own public relations committee and make active use of this manual. A future plan for the Public Relations committee includes state-wide
involvement in regional fairs similar to our Education Committee's activities at the Missouri State Fair. We also hope to work in cooperation with the education and membership committees in an effort to amplify the separate efforts of each individual committee. Respectfully submitted, WEBB EDWARDS, Chairman
JEFFREY O. NATIONS (Ex-officio) WILFRED G. SOUTIEA (Ex-officio) STEVEN 1. TOYBES (Ex-officio)
To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. ofMissouri: BRETHREN:
From the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Newsletter we learn: "How The Memorial Came To Be" Masons across the country were saddened in 1871 when many George Washington relics were destroyed in a fire in the building where AlexandriaWashington Lodge No. 22 housed them. Many Brethren resolved to take steps to protect remaining priceless relics. Some Masons wanted to do even more. They planned not only to preserve the Washington relics, but also to build a monument that would inspire Masons, educate the public, and memorialize George Washington for centuries to come. In 1899, most of the Grand Masters came to Mount Vernon to pay homage to George Washington on the 100th anniversary of his death on December 14th. The Grand Masters toured the Alexandria-Washington Lodge Museum and saw the valuable collection of Washington memorabilia on display in a room above City Hall. Many expressed concern about the safety of these irreplaceable relics of our Illustrious Brother Washington. It took a while, but in 1908 the Grand Master ofVirginia invited other Grand Masters to meet and plan a Masonic memorial for George Washington and provide a safe place for the Washington relics to be displayed. Several met in Alexandria in 1910, and in 1911, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association was established by the Grand Lodges. Since then, the Association has met every year on or near Washington's birthday. Building the George Washington Masonic National Memorial has been the only effort with the unanimous active support of every Grand Lodge in the United States. Along the way there were many problems; but there also were
heroic efforts to overcome them. The result is the Memorial building we have today, which, if properly maintained, will last forever and inspire Washington's countryman and Masons." The Memorial Association has reported that the permanent Endowment Fund continues to grow due to the excellent condition of the investment market and management of the account by Smith-Barney Company. The contribution of the Grand Lodge of Missouri is the Maintenance Operating Fund was $18,836.75 in 1996. Capital improvement projects completed in 1996 were: Installation of air conditioning in the main auditorium Main electrical switchgear Completion of the energy management system We congratulate the following for their generous donations: Brother Frank J. Doss, Jr. for becoming a Life Member America Good Hope Lodge No. 218 Fraternally submitted, ELVIS A. MOONEY, PGM FIELDING A. POE, PGM D. ROBERT DOWNEY, PGM,
During the Grand Lodge year 1996-1997, the Special Committee on Grand Lodge Charity approved a disbursement from the Disaster Relief Fund in the amount of $5,000.00 to the Masonic Service Association. That contribution was to be divided with $2,500.00 to be disbursed to the Grand Lodge of Minnesota and $2,500.00 to be disbursed to the Grand Lodge of North Dakota to be used for flood relief purposes in the jurisdiction of those Grand Lodges. That disbursement was made in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.110 of the By-Laws. Fraternally Submitted, DONALD
E. SCOTI, Chairman
Several years ago this Committee was formed when a new wave of antiMasonic sentiment threatened to engulf a major denomination. Thankfully
perhaps some of that has subsided but like recurring diseases breaks out again and again. The Committee Chairman has written about this recently in a national Masonic publication: One of the tasks of the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Information is that of examining and sometimes responding to anti-Masonic material which appears in print, is heard on the air waves, and occasionally clutters up cyber space on the Internet. Likewise we point out Masonic resources which in a proper, dignified, and truthful manner respond to these allegations. Anti-Masonic diatribes share several characteristics in common. They quote from notorious anti-Masonic authors. They quote, misquote, and take out of context passages from Masonic sources such as Albert Pike, Mackey, and others. Sadly, they proof text, and take out of context passages from the Bible which have no relevance whatsoever in themselves to Freemasonry. Most anti-Masons have a bottom line: to sell books and audio-visual items, to seek support for their church and/or ministry, or to achieve position or note through attacking others even at the expense of truth. Beware of anti-Masonic publications or programs. They practice some or all of the above falsehoods. They ignore or reject the Masonic tenants of brotherly love, relief, and truth. They seldom or never acknowledge the good which Freemasons and their related organizations do: homes for children and aged; work with youth; the foundations for the prevention of substance abuse; the children's hospitals; the other healing charities and research; the scholarship assistance; and many others. And in their misguided zeal the anti-Masonic forces studiously omit the truth from the Bible they profess to honor.: "By their fruits ye shall know them (Matthew 7:20)." Among some of the questions posed for the Committee: clarification that a video sold by a popular mail order house did not disclose Masonic secrets (actually it was a remake of a film issued by the Grand Lodge of Illinois several years ago); answering questions about some radio broadcasts of an antiMasonic nature; some programs on Freemasonry and religion for "prospect nights" at local lodges. It is regrettable that some new misunderstandings or outright distortions of Masonic truth have emerged. One is the appearance in some Catholic diocesan newspapers of a story charging Masons with being a part of a conspiracy to infiltrate and subvert Roman Catholicism. Another was an unfortunate incident in the popular TV show "Newsradio" which implied that the judicial system could be corrupted by a Masonic connection. As always the best weapons are at hand from Masonic resources, particularly from the Masonic Information Center, 8120 Fenton St., Silver Spring, MD 20910 (Telephone 301-588-4010, Fax 301-608-3457.) Helpful brochures and booklets are: A Response to Critics of Freemasonry Facts about Freemasonry There Is No Sin In Symbols What's a Mason?
The new book, Is It True What They Say about Freemasonry? advertised in your Summer Missouri Freemason magazine explodes many anti-Masonic myths and charges. It is a valuable addition to your Lodge or personal Masonic library. Your Committee desires to be of help to you. Call upon them. Respectfully submitted,
The Committee On Public Schools respectfully reports as follows: The proper training of the girls and boys of Missouri is necessary preparation for their future lives; and a properly trained citizenry is essential to the happiness and well being of any society. The Public School System in Missouri is designed to promote and accomplish these ends. Public education should be subject to the will of the people, within the limits of the Laws of the State of Missouri. This control is, and should be, shared with the patrons of each school unit. Our taxes, collected for educational purposes, should be used to support our Public Schools. None of our taxes should be used to promote or to support private or church schools. The line dividing church and state must be clearly defined and scrupulously observed. Your Committee believes that the Members of the Masonic Fraternity should demonstrate an active interest in and concern for the programs and activities pursued within their communities. We need to recognize and support good teachers; we need to reward students who do well with our expressed approval; and we should support, even demand, that the standards of learning be maintained on a level that will afford our students in Missouri educational preparation equal, or superior, to that afforded to students in other areas of the Nation and the world. Every activity or occurrence, which affects children favorably or adversely, impacts the work of the Public School System. Many activities of groups within the Masonic Fraternity in Missouri are very beneficial to Missouri students. We especially commend the work of the Missouri Foundation For The Prevention of Substance Abuse, The Children's Miracle Network, The Committee On Youth and the Masonic Scholarship Fund Of Missouri. The wonderful work of these groups should be made known to the general public. The problems faced by our Public School System are real and enormous; but good people, in every community, are working together to solve these problems and educate their children. Much is being accomplished, despite detractions and a lack of funds. The efforts of these parents, teachers, Community leaders and the Public School System accomplished results which deserve our recognition and approval. The young people of our state, with few exceptions,
are well behaved, disciplined, sober minded and drug free. Far more people are involved in Public Education in Missouri than in any other activity; and the beneficial results, while enormous, are accepted without adequate recognition. Constructive criticism identifies areas where we could do better; however, the better side of constructive criticism is that of documenting the numerous areas where Public Education is accomplishing its goals. From Head Start through our Public School System to the Graduate Schools in our Universities, thousands of well trained dedicated people are serving us well. Respectfully submitted, DANNY SMOTHERS DR. M. GRAHAM CLARK ELVIS A. MOONEY, Co-Chairman ALBERT J. ELFRANK, Co-Chairman
The Insurance Committee, pursuant to Section 25.170 of the Constitution and By-laws of the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, recommends renewal of all present insurance policies in force and effect for the Grand Lodge. The overall approximate cost for these policies is $66,177.00. This is a significant reduction from last year. After a lot of effort, due diligence and negotiations on the part of our agentJbroker this year, we were able to keep the premiums as low as they are. With the continued decreasing membership of our fraternity, two significant claims this past year, and the inherent increased cost of doing business, we may be looking at some kind of increase in these premiums next year. Fraternally submitted,
REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMIITEE ON SPEAKERS BUREAU M.W. Brother Scott entertained a motion that the pre-printed reports of the Standing and Stated Committees be received, accepted, and printed in the proceedings. The motion was made, seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge they were received, accepted and adopted. Grand Master Scott ask for a Special Report Committee be given by Chairman M.W. Brother Frank Ames Arnold on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges. Motion was made and seconded to accept and approved, motion passed.
Your Speaker's Committee is charged with providing support to Subordinate Lodges by providing programs and speakers when requested. We have recruited speakers from across the State whose goal is to provide a strong program where requested by knowledgeable, dynamic speakers. During the year we have fulfilled many engagements to Lodges, Masonic Clubs, and non-Masonic organizations. Our plan for the future is to support the Grand Master's programs, assist appropriate Grand Lodge committees such as Masonic Education and Public Relations, and continue programs for lodges and other organizations when invited. Fraternally submitted, ROBERT M. BARRETT ALVIN F. COLE BOBBIE HOLLAND SAMMIE J. RHOADES LARRY D. Ross PAUL
B. TOBIAS, Chairman
This committee continues to rely on the information it receives from the ANNUAL REPORT of the Commission on Information for Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters in North America. This report covers, primarily, the Foreign Grand Lodges in e 1997 Report of the Commission. COMMISSION STANDARDS FOR RECOGNITION: 1. LEGITIMACY OF ORIGIN 2. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 3. ADHERENCE TO THE ANCIENT LANDMARKS - SPECIFICALLY A BELIEF IN GOD, THE VOLUME OF THE SACRED LAW AS AN INDISPENSABLE PART OF THE FURNITURE OF THE LODGE, AND THE PROHIBITION OF POLITICS AND RELIGION. In this report the word "Commission" will represent the lengthly title Commission on Information for Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges and the word "Committee" will stand for the full name of the Committee. The Commission neither advises nor recommends that recognition be given to any Foreign Grand Lodge, but merely indicates whether or not it considers that a Grand Lodge in question satisfies the conditions of regularity.
ANDORRA Andorra is a state in the pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain. Three languages, Catalan, Spanish and French, are spoken. The Grand Master of the "Gran Logia Regular Del Principat D'Andorra" informed the Commission that this Grand Lodge was constituted with seven Lodges and that the Grand Lodge had adopted the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of California. The Commission advised the Grand Maste rof Andorra that it required, under the Standards of Recognition, legitimacy of origin for the Lodges on which the Grand Lodge was founded. The Grand Logia Nationale Francais has two constituent Lodges in Andorra and the Grand Lodge of Spain has one Lodge in Andorra. None of these three Lodges are involved with this Grand Lodge. The Commission is sympathetic to the desire of forming a Grand Lodge in Andorra. However, the Commission is of the opinion that the "Gran Logia Del Principat D'Andorra" does not meet the standards of the Commission, in that the Commission has concerns: 1 - The legitimacy of origin and 2 - that it does not "share territorial jurisdiction by mutual consent or treaty." This Committee recommends that no recognition be given to the Grand Lodge of Andorra until the Commission expresses a favorable opinion on the matter. BENIN The Commission has no question as to the legitimacy of origin of the Grande Loge du Benin which has furnished the Commission with full information about its Lodges and its Constitution and Laws. The Commission is of the jopinion that this Grand Lodge is entitled to recognition as a regular Grand Lodge. This Committee recommends that the Grand Lodge of Missouri recognize the Grand Lodge of Benin and that the Grand Lodge of Missouri and the Grand Lodge of Benin exchange Grand Representatives. MADAGASCAR The Grand Lodge of Madagascard has furnished the Commission full information with reference to its regularity, showing that it meets the Standards of Recognition. This Committee recommends that the Grand Lodge of Missouri recognize the Lodge of Malgache (Madagascar) and that the Grand Lodge of Missouri and the Lodge of Madagascar exchange Grand Representatives. PORTUGAL The Commission has received information that the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal continues its regularity with Brother Nandin de Carvalho as Grand Master. ROMANIA The Commission has considered the National Grand Lodge of Romania,
headed by Grand Master Frentiu, as the Regular Grand Lodge. There had existed for some time another Grand Lodge with the same name, headed by Grand Master Vladimir Boacta. On May 26, 1996, these two Grand Lodges were merged in Bucharest, naming Sever Frentiu as Grand Master and Vladimir Boanta as Honor Grand Master - Ad Vitam. The Commission is also aware of a "United Grand Lodge of Romania" organized on March 9, 1996 in Alba Ivlia, Romania with Dr. Titus Nicoara said to be Grand Master. The Commission considers this to be an irregular Grand Lodge. RUSSIA The Commission informs that the Grand Lodge of Russia has made excellent progress in spite of the still chaotic political and economic situation in Russia. This Grand Lodge has been recognized by four Grand Lodges in the United States, five in Canada, six in Europe and a number of regular Grand Lodges elsewhere in the world. The Commission encourages further recognition by other Grand Lodges of the Conference of Grand Lodges in North America. This Committee recommends that the Grand Lodge of Missouri recognize the Grand Lodge of Russia and that the Grand Lodge of Missouri and the Grand Lodge of Russia exchange Grand Representatives. SPAIN The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain, Luis Salat, died in 1996 and Deputy Grand Master Thomas Sarobe was elected and installed Grand Master on June 8, 1996. The District Grand Master of the Canary Islands, a defeated candidate for the Grand Mastership, withdrew from the Grand Lodge of Spain, accusing Sarobe of improper conduct and organized a "Federal Grand Lodge of Spain." The Commission has questions on the legitimacy of origin of the Federal Grand Lodge of Spain in that it was formed by withdrawal and transfer of charters from the Grand Lodge of Spain to the Federal Grand Lodge of Spain, an organization formed by the schismatic Lodges. Further, the Commission notes that they do not "share territorial jurisdiction by mutual consent or treaty" as required by the Standards of Recognition. Fraternally submitted,
Chairman and P. a.M.
Reports of Officers M.W. Grand Master stated that Reports of the Auditor, Grand Treasurer, Grand Lecturer, Grand Secretary, the Missouri Lodge of Research, the President of the Masonic Scholarship Fund of Missouri, Inc., Grand Secretary were preprinted in the booklets distributed on Monday, September 29th, 1997. He asked for any supplements to be presented seeing no movement on supplements were given. Grand Master Scott entertained a motion to accept these reports, second was given to accept and have these printed in the proceedings, motion passed. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR
To the Grand Lodge A.Ii: & A.M. ofMissouri: BRETHREN:
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the Grand Lodge, AF & AM of Missouri (a non-profit organization) as of October 14, 1996, and the related statements of activity and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. This report supercedes the report dated January 27, 1997 and is explained in Notes to Financial Statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Grand Lodge, AF & AM of Missouri, as of October 14, 1996, and the results of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. CHARLES
Cash and Cash Equivalents 285,187.09
Short Term Investments (A) 1,390,019.68 Due from Insurance Company 32,234.18 Inventory 41972.88 Total Current Assets 1.749.413.83
$ 280.925.22
$ 617.029.43
32,234.18 41972.88 $ 851.459.18
FIXED ASSETS路 AT COST Land 25,000.00 Building 273,646.00 Equipment 83092.00 Total 381,738.00 Less Accumulated Depreciation 183925.00 Net Book Value 197.813.00
25,000.00 273,646.00 83092.00
$ 381,738.00
183925.00 $ 197.813.00
$ 280.925.22
LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Due Missouri Masonic Home
77,531.41 102,070.00
77,531.41 102,070.00
EQUITY Membership Equity
869 670.77 $
280925.22 $ 280.925.22
617029.43 $ 617.029.43
1767625.42 $ 1.947,226.83
(A) Market Value $1,490,077.78. See accompanying notes.
STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 14, 1996 Unrestricted REVENUES Dues Interest Masonic Home Reimbursement Other Income Sales of Rituals Video, Etc. Contributions Masonic Scholarship Fund George Washington Memorial Fund Masonic Home P/Capita Insurance Accrual Masonic Home Entered Apprentices
Total Revenue
346,331.97 32,911.83 75,285.01 52,202.20 20,641.02
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ 38.979.01
13,911.75 4,925.00 139,117.00 62,325.00 N1QMQ
$ 767.350.78
Consolidating Total 346,331.97 84,002.27 75,285.01 52,899.61 20,641.02 55,300.00 13,911.75 4,925.00 139,117.00 62,325.00 19700.00 $ 874.438.63
EXPENSES Masonic Scholarship Fund 13,911.75 George Washington Memorial Fund 4,925.00 Masonic Home P/Capita 241,187.00 Insurance Accrual 62,325.00 Masonic Home Entered Apprentices 19,700.00 Masonic Service Association 2,972.72 Relief and Charity 10,000.00 Masonic Education 3,154.34 By Laws and Ritual 5,579.50 Youth Group Associations 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 6,499.80 Salaries 139,484.12 Employee Benefits & Payroll Taxes 19,615.14 Conference & Meetings 79,539.73 Freemason Magazine & Publications 88,634.88 Travel & Mileage - Per Diem 71,016.64 Postage & Printing 29,424.97 Supplies 3,552.04 Equipment Maintenance 11,788.84 Retirement Expense 3,650.52 Public Relations 3,961.67 Telephone & Utilities 4,372.64 Accounting 5,500.00 Occupancy 16,932.39 Other 23,047.47 Insurance 13,058.15 Depreciation 16 128.00 Total Expenses $ 902,962,31 Net Income (Loss) $ (135,611,53) Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 908,629.19 Cash Transfers to (from) 96,653.11 Fund Balance End of Year
$ 869,670.77
13,911.75 4,925.00 241,187.00 62,325.00 19,700.00 2,972.72 10,000.00 3,154.34 5,579.50 3,000.00 6,499.80 139,484.12 19,615.14 79,539.73 88,634.88 71,016.64 29,424.97 3,552.04 11,788.84 3,650.52 3,961.67 4,372.64 5,500.00 16,932.39 24,813.80 13,058.15
$ 38.256.68 313,522.24 (70.853.70)
$1,044.00 $ 67.064.84 575,764.00 (25.799.41)
$ 904,728.64 $ (30,290.01) 1,797,915.43
$ 280,925.22
$ 617.029.43
$ 1.767.625.42
See accompanying notes.
Net Income or Loss for Year Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation Due from Insurance Company Inventory Due Missouri Masonic Home Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ (135,611.53)
$ 38,256.68
$ 67,064.84
16,128.00 (32,234.18) (41,972.88) 102070.00
Cash Transferred Between Funds
Increase (Decrease) in Cash
$ (30,290.01)
16,128.00 (32,234.18) (41,972.88) 102070.00
$ 38,256.68
$ 5,032.52
$ (32,597.02)
$ (91,620.59)
Consolidating Total
$ 41,265.43
$ 13,700.93
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short Term Investments Beginning ofYear End ofYear
772 219.60
313 522.24
$ 777 252.12
$ 280 925 22
$ 617 029.43
$ 1675206.77
See accompanying notes.
NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OCTOBER 14, 1996 Financial Statement Presentation In 1996, the Organization elected to adopt State of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 117, the Organization is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets. In addition, the Organization is required to present a statement of cash flows. As permitted by this new statement, the Organization has discontinued its use of fund accounting and has, accordingly, reclassified its financial statements to present the three classes of net assets required. This reclassification had no effect on the change in net assets for 1996. Contributions The Organization also elected to adopt SFAS No. 116, "Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made," in 1996. In accordance with SFAS No. 116, contributions received are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted support depending on the existence or nature of any donor restrictions. Income Taxes The Organization is a not-for-profit organization that is exempt from income taxes under Section 50l(c) (10) of the Internal Revenue Code. Cash and Cash Eguivalents For purposes of the statements of cash flows, the Organization considers all highly liquid investments available for current use with an initial maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Illelal Acts by Employee During the fiscal year ended October 14, 1996, certain acts performed by an employee were illegal. The employee was discharged in December 1996. These acts were reported to the Columbia, Missouri police department and bonding company. Management expects recovery from the bonding company for losses discovered. Due to Masonic Home Donations by the Grand Lodge AF & AM of Missouri to the Missouri Masonic Home are required by the By Laws of the Lodge. A timing difference occurred in prior years which never matched collections from the membership to payments due to the Missouri Masonic Home. This accrual corrects prior discrepancy.
ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Short Term Investments (A) Due from Insurance Company Inventory Total Current Assets
Operating Fund
Unrestricted Revolving Fund
$ 141,151.30
$ 47,203.01
$ 2,365.37 586,532.44
$ 190,719.68 586,532.44 32,234.18
$ 47,203,01
$ 588.897,81
$ 851.459,18
$ 588,897,81
$25,000.00 273,646.00 83092.00 $ 381,738,00 183925.00 $ 197.813.00 $ 1.049,272,18
General Fund
32,234.18 ~
$ 215,358.36
FIXED ASSETS Land Building Equipment Total Less Accumulated Depreciation Net Book Value LIABllJTIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Due Missouri Masonic Home EQUITY Membership Equity
$25,000.00 273,646.00 ~
$ 381,738,00 183925.00 $197,813,00 $ 413,171.36
$ 47,203,01
$ 77,531.41
Total Unrestricted Fund
77,531.41 102,070.00
102,070.00 233569.95
$ 413,171.36
$ 47.203.01
$ 588,897,81
$ 1.049,272,18
(A) Market Value $590,120.79.
Unrestricted Revolving
General Fund
REVENUES Dues $ 346,331.97 Interest 3,524.74 Masonic Home Reimbursement 75,285.01 Other Income 52,115.92 Sales of Rituals Videos, Etc. Masonic Scholarship Fund 13,911.75 George Washington Memorial Fund 4,925.00 Masonic Home P/Capita 139,117.00 Insurance Accrual 62,325.00 Masonic Home Entered Apprentices ~ Total Revenues $ 717,236,39 EXPENSES Masonic Scholarship Fund George Washington Memorial Fund Masonic Home P/Capita
$13,911.75 4,925.00 241,187.00
86.28 20,641.02
$ 21.744.88
$ 28,369,51
Total Unrestricted Fund $ 346,331.97 32,911.83 75,285.01 52,202.20 20,641.02 13,911.75 4,925.00 139,117.00 62,325.00 19700.00 $ 767.350,78 $13,911.75 4,925.00 241,187.00
Insurance Accrual 62,325.00 Masonic Home Entered Apprentices 19,700.00 Masonic Service Association 2,972.72 Relief and Charity 10,000.00 Masonic Education 3,154.34 By Laws and Ritual 5,579.50 Youth Group Associations 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 6,499.80 139,484.12 Salaries Employee Benefits & Payroll Taxes 19,615.14 Conference & Meetings 79,539.73 Freemason Magazine & Publications 88,634.88 Travel & Mileage - Per Diem 71,016.64 Postage & Printing 23,661.46 Supplies 3,552.04 Equipment & Maintenance 11,788.84 Retirement Expense 3,650.52 3,961.67 Public Relations Telephone & Utilities 4,372.64 Accounting 5,500.00 Occupancy 16,932.39 Other 22,612.33 Insurance 13,058.15 Depreciation .l.fiJ.2MQ $ 896,763,66 Total Expenses
62,325.00 19,700.00 2,972.72 10,000.00 3,154.34 5,579.50 3,000.00 6,499.80 139,484.12 19,615.14 79,539.73 88,634.88 71,016.64 29,424.97 3,552.04 11,788.84 3,650.52 3,961.67 4,372.64 5,500.00 16,932.39 23,047.47 13,058.15
$ 5,763.51
$ 902,962,31
Net Income (Loss) $ (179,527.27) Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 250,650.00 Cash Transfers to (from) 162,447.22
$15,981.37 31,221.64
$ 27,934,37
$(135,611.53) 908,629.19 96,653,11
$ 233,569.95
$ 47,203.01
$ 588,897.81
Fund Balance End of Year
626,757,55 (65,794,11)
$ 869,670,77
Unrestricted Revolving
Total Unrestricted
$ 27,934.37
$ (135,611.53)
$ (179,527.27) Net Income or Loss for Year Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities 16,128.00 Depreciation (32,234.18) Due from Insurance Company (41,972.88) Inventory Due Missouri Masonic Home 102070.00
16,128.00 (32,234.18) (41,972.88) 102070.00
Net Cash Provided By $ (135,536.33) Operating Activities Cash Transferred Between Funds 162,447,22
$ 26,910,89
Increase (Decrease) in Cash Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short Term Investments
$ 27,934,37
$ (91,620,59)
$ (37,859,74)
$ 5,032,52
120 Beginning of Year End of Year
$ 47,203.01
$ 588.897.81
$ 777,252.12
BALANCE SHEET OCTOBER 14, 1996 Permanent
ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Short Term Investments (A) Due from Insurance Company Inventory Total Current Assets
Total Temporarily Restricted
$ 4,351.69 276,573.53
$ 4,351.69 276,573.53
$ 280.925.22
$ 280.925.22
$ 280.925.22
FIXED ASSETS Land Building Equipment Total
Less Accumulated Depreciation Bet Book Value
(A) Market Value $283,139.43.
REVENUES Dues Interest Masonic Home Reimbursement Other Income Sales of Rituals Video, Etc. Contributions Total Revenues
EXPENSES Masonic Service Association Relief and Charity
Total Temporarily Restricted
20000.00 $ 38.979.01
20000.00 $ 38.979.01
Masonic Education By Laws and Ritual Youth Group Associations Other Salaries Employee Benefits and Payroll Taxes Conference and Meetings Freemason Magazine and Publications Travel and Mileage - Per Diem Postage and Printing Supplies Equipment Maintenance Retirement Expense Public Relations Telephone and Utilities Accounting Occupancy Other Insurance Depreciation Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Fund Balance路 Beginning of Year Cash Transfers to (from) Fund Balance End of Year
313,522.24 (70,853.70)
722.33 $ 38,256.68 313,522.24 (70,853.70)
$ 280.925.22
$ 280.925.22
$ 38,256.68
Net Income or Loss for Year Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation Due from Insurance Company Inventory Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Cash Transferred Between Funds Increase (Decrease) in Cash
Total Temporarily Restricted
$ 38,256.68
$ 38,256.68
$ (32,597.02)
$ (32,597.02)
$ 280.925.22
$ 280.925.22
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short Term Investments Beginning of Year End of Year
BALANCE SHEET OCTOBER 14, 1996 Restricted McIntyre Library Fund
Total Permanently Restricted
$ 6,759.36 185,055.00
$ 4,024.77
$ 90,115.72 526,913.71
$ 58.940.43 $ 191.814.36
$ 4.024.77
$ 617.029.43
$ 362.249.87
$ 58.940.43
$ 191.814.36
$ 617.029.43
$ 58.940.43 $191.814.36
$ 4.024.77
$ 617.029.43
Disaster & Relief
CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 78,462.36 Short Term Investments (A) 283,787.51 Due from Insurance Company Inventory Total Current Assets $362.249.87
$ 869.23 58,071.20
FIXED ASSETS Land Building Equipment Total Less Accumulated Depreciation Net Book Value
$ 362.249.87
(A) Market Value $616,817.56.
Endowment Fund
Membership Fund
McIntyre Library Fund
Total Permanently Restricted
Dues Interest 18,729.46 Masonic Home Reimbursement Other Income 483.25 Sales of Rituals Video, Etc. Contributions Total Revenues $ 19,212.71 EXPENSES Masonic Service Association Relief & Charity Masonic Education By Laws & Ritual
$ 3.675.47
35300.00 $ 45.131.76
35300.00 $ 68.108.84
Youth Group Associations Other Salaries Employee Benefits & Payroll Taxes Conference & Meetings Freemason Magazine & Publications Travel & Mileage-Per Diem Postage and Printing Supplies Equipment Maintenance Retirement Expense Public Relations Telephone & Utilities Accounting Occupancy Other 661.94 Insurance Depreciation Total Expenses U6lJM Net Income (Loss) Fund Balance路 Beginning of Year Cash Transfers to (from)
$ 3,550.07 $ 44,875.10
68,642.55 (13,252.19)
Fund Balance End of Year $ 362.249.87
$ 88.90
$ 67,064.84
575,764.00 (25.799.41)
$ 4.024.77
$ 617.029.43
156,486.48 ~
$ 58.940.43 $ 191.814.36
STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 14, 1996 Disaster &Relief Fund Net Income or Loss for Year $ 18,550.77 Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation Due from Insurance Company Inventory Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities Cash Transferred Between Funds
End of Year
Endowment ~
Membership Fund
McIntyre Library
Total Permanently
$ 3,550.07
$ 44,875.10
$ 67,064.84
$ 3,550.07
$ 88.90
$ 67,064.84
Increase (Decrease) in Cash $15,550.77 Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short Term Investments Beginning of Year
346.699.10 $ 362.249.87
$ (9,702.12) $ 35,327.88
$ 88.90
$ 41,265.43
$ 58.940.43 $ 191.814.36
$ 617.029.43
REPORT OF THE GRAND LECTURER To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Missouri: BRETHREN:
Herewith is submitted my first report as your Grand Lecturer as required by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. The purpose of this report is so that you will know the condition of Craft in general, the level of proficiency of the ritual, and other matters pertaining to my office which I consider to be of interest and importance to you. On April 26, 1997, I was asked by our Grand Master M. W. Bro. Donald Earl Scott, with the consent of the advancing line officers of the Grand Lodge, to fill the unexpired term of R. W. Bro. F. Wayne Dugan who had to resign this office as Grand Lecturer due to personal problems. I accepted this position with a great deal of humility and it is my intention to carry out the duties of this office to the best of my ability. I am pleased to report that in the areas and districts which I have visited, I have found that in most of these sections of the state, the ritual is very good and being performed in the prescribed manner. In others the proficiency of the ritual is less than desired. I can only attribute this to the fact that some of our brethren are just relying on our Missouri Cipher, and are satisfied with just learning the words of our ritual and are not giving consideration to learning the floor work. The Cipher is a valuable tool when used properly with a knowledgeable coach who is qualified to interpret the signs and symbols correctly but never in a tiled lodge. Brethren, I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the only way you can learn the floor work is to attend a study club and/or my schools of instruction on a regular basis. It is my intention to have my schools of instruction published in the Freemason Magazine. Every master mason is urged to attend and participate. It is of great concern to me that there are not more requests for sub-division proficiency cards. Some of our brethren have let theirs expire while others who know the work have not chosen to be examined or there are not any brethren in that district who are certified examiners. Brethren, this should never happen. I want to urge each and every Worshipful Master in the state of Missouri to select members of his lodge and encourage them to become certified in any or all of the proficiency cards that are available. I instituted a program three years ago in the 59th district which I thought was very important. It is our "Card Party." We select a lodge in our district to host this party on a Saturday for the purpose of renewing or obtaining ritual proficiency certificates. The first year we were able to obtain 7 renewal and 6 original certificates. It is my belief that every district in the state should have such a program. I cannot express my appreciation strongly enough for the tireless effort put forth by the deputies in seeing work perfected in their lodges or districts. To these brethren I say "thanks" for a job well done. Some of these deputies have expressed a desire to be replaced this year and we will be honoring those requests. However, it is of great concern to me that in five districts no brother has answered my call to serve or there is no one qualified to serve by virtue of the fact that he has no proficiency card as required by the Grand Lodge
Constitution and By-laws. I am saddened to report the loss of two deputies this past year. R.W.B. Gerhard H. Alt, District Deputy Grand Lecturer for the 16th district and R.W.B. Virgil R. Bradsher, District Deputy Grand Lecturer for the 38th District; who were summoned to the Grand Lodge on High. They have given many years of service to the cause of freemasonry and will be greatly missed. Fraternally submitted, E. SPENCER Grand Lecturer
REPORT OF THE GRAND TREASURER To the Grand Lodge A ..F. & A.M. of Missouri: BRETHREN:
The Grand Treasurer oversees the investments of the Grand Lodge, which are held by Nations Bank in their Kansas City, Mo. Trust Department. On June 30,1997, they were as follows:
SECURITIES - General Fund Maturity
Interest Rate
Par Value
Purchase Price
Market Value June 30, 1997
4.750% 6.000 6.250 6.250 6.375
$ 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 60,000.00
$ 50,054.68 49,796.88 49,960.94 49,820.31 59,857.81
$ 49,359.50 49,875.00 50,023.50 49,859.50 59,981.40
49,562.50 30,037.50
50,781.00 30,581.10
1,891.96 45.520.29-
1,891.96 45520.29-
U.S. Treasury Notes: 8-31-98 8-15-99 5-31-00 4-30-01 8-15-02
Federal National Mortgage Ass'n Debentures: 5-11-98 11-12-02
8.150 7.050
50,000.00 30,000.00
Temporary Investments: Income Cash Balance Principal Cash Balance Total Investments - General Fund
SECURITIES - Permanent Fund
u. S. Treasury Notes: 10-15-98 12-31-98 1-15-00 4-30-01 8-15-02 2-15-03
7.125% 5.125 6.375 6.250 6.375 6.250
$ 35,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 30,000.00
$ 34,475.00 29,901.56 48,257.81 49,820.31 49,578.13 29,868.75
$ 35,514.15 29,643.60 50,265.50 49,859.50 49,984.50 29,765.70
Nations Prime Fund Primary A
Total Investments - Permanent Fund
Temporary Investments:
SECURITIES - Disaster & Relief Fund U. S. Treasury Notes:
Maturity 7-31-97 12-31-98 10-15-99 9-30-00 4-30-01 8-15-02
Interest Rate 5.500% 5.125 6.000 6.125 6.250 6.375
Par Value $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 35,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
Purchase Price $ 50,179.69 49,835.94 34,584.38 49,726.56 49,859.38 49,601.56
Market Value June 30, 1997 $ 50,000.00 49,406.00 34,928.95 49,781.00 49,859.50 49,984.50
Temporary Investments: Nations Prime Fund Primary A Total Investments - Disaster & Relief Fund
SECURITIES - Endowment Fund U. S. Treasury Notes:
7-31-97 10-15-98 4-30-01
5.500% 7.125 6.250
$ 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00
$ 30,107.81 9,850.00 14,946.09
$ 30,000.00 10,146.90 14,957.85
Nations Prime Fund Primary A
Total Investments - Endowment Fund
Temporary Investments:
SECURITIES - Endowed Membership Fund
u. S. Treasury Notes: 7-31-97 10-15-98 12-31-98 1-15-00 4-30-01 8-15-02 2-15-03
5.500% 7.125 5.125 6.375 6.250 6.375 6.250
$ 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
$ 30,159.38 29,981.25 29,901.56 28,954.69 29,892.19 49,875.00 49,781.25
$ 30,000.00 30,440.70 29,643.60 30,159.30 29,915.70 49,984.50 49,609.50
Temporary Investments: Nations Prime Fund Primary A Total Investments - Endowed Membership Fund Respectively submitted, W.M.LuNA Grand Treasurer
The Annual Communication of the Missouri Lodge of Research was held in the Holiday Inn, Springfield, Missouri at 4:15 PM Monday, September 30,1996. Worshipful Brother, Richard Smith, Worshipful Master welcomed the Brethren and hoped for them a pleasant Grand Lodge meeting. The minutes of October 2, 1995 were read and approved as were the Secretary and Treasurer report. Right Worshipful Brother Ronald E. Wood, Jr. reported on Volume IV History of Royal Arch Masonry. He expected this book would be mailed to the membership before the end of the year. The editor also reported he was working on a book for mailing the fall of"97." (Things Masonic III). Worshipful Brother Richard Smith presented a bill for $305.25 to the membership to reimburse him for expenses to attend the Mid-Year of the Lodge of Research in Springfield, Missouri. It was moved by Most Worshipful Brother J. C. Montgomery, Jr. and seconded by Most Worshipful Brother Earl Dille, to reimburse Brother Smith. Motion passed. The Worshipful Master ask all to stand for a moment of silent prayer for those Brethren who have passed to their reward the past year. Most Worshipful Brother William Chapman moved and Worshipful Brother David Jacobi seconded, that the Secretary Treasurer honorarium be raised to $1200.00 per year. Motion passed.
Most Worshipful Brother J. C. Montgomery, Jr. was presented a Fellow Metal and Certificate by Worshipful Master Richard Smith and the Senior Warden. Most Worshipful Brother J. C. Montgomery thanked the Missouri Lodge of Research for this honor, which he deeply appreciates. The nominating Committee made the following report, which was received and voted unanimously to except the list of Officers for 1997-1998 year. Frank P. Wilfley, JR., W.M. John W. Siscel, S.W. Zelwin B. Eaton, J.W. Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr., Sec/l'rea. Albert J. Elfrank, S.D. James M. Williams, J.D. D. Robert Downey, S.S.
Donald E. Scott, J.S. Brent Mattox, S. Mar. Jack S. Clark, J. Mar. Jimmie D. Lee, Sr. Dir. ofCer. Harold Richardson, Jr., Dir. of Cer. Bob L. Detherow, Tiler J. C. Montgomery, Jr., Chaplain
The Worshipful Master elect announced the following Installing Officers. Most Worshipful Brother, J. C. Montgomery, Jr. Installing Master; Most Worshipful Brother Robert Jenkins, Installing Marshall; and Most Worshipful Brother P. Vincent Kinkead, Installing Chaplain. The Installing Master asked the Officers to assemble at the front of the room, after prayer by the Chaplain the Officers were duly and truly installed in their respective stations. The newly installed Master, Frank P. Wilfley, Jr. thanked the Installing Officers, and the brethren for electing him to serve the Missouri Lodge of Research as Master. With the help of you brethren and Officers he pledged to do his best for the betterment of the Lodge. The Worshipful Master made the following appointments, for the year 19961997: TRUSTEES: Martin B. Toybes Elvis Mooney Robert D. Jenkins Frank Ames Arnold William H. Chapman ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Earl K. Dille William R. Robbins PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE: John W. Siscel Zelwin B. Eaton J. C. Montgomery, Jr. Howard Yingling AUDIT COMMITTEE: Sterling T. Campbell
Harry Gershenson Robert D. Jenkins
Brent Mattox Ray Hilton Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr.
William R. Scott, Jr.
EDITOR: Ronald E. Wood, Jr. No further business the Lodge was closed with prayer by Most Worshipful Brother J. C. Montgomery.
Tuesday morning, October 1, 1996, (160) members and visitors attended the Missouri Lodge of Research breakfast. Brother William Mauk presented a computer program and the research that could be found on the inter-net. Fraternally submitted, FRANK W. HAzELRIGG, JR.
The Publications Committee met at the Grand Lodge Office, March 10, 1997 with the following present. M. W. Bro. J. C. Montgomery, Jr., Frank R. Wilfiey, Jr., John Siscel, Zelwin Eaton and Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr. The board discussed many different subjects, including material for books, dues and fees for life membership.
My report to you may seem brief and not filled with exciting happenings, but I assure you it has been an experience of cooperation and straightforwardness. Your Secretarytrreasurer, Bro. Frank Hazelrigg, has guided me on several occasions which could have become embarrassing, but with his dedication to the craft these moments were avoided. Thanks, Frank, for all of your help. Your Editor, Bro. Ron Wood, has been but a phone all away and has fulfilled his duty in getting another volume to the presses, which is "Things Masonic III," and I look forward to the like quality of the first two volumes of the series. The volume for 1996, "History of Royal Arch Masonry IV" was distributed on schedule. Suggested material for printing by the Missouri Lodge of Research has been received and was given consideration, none being acceptable at this time. The Board of Publication met March 10, 1997 with Bros. John Siscel SW, Zel Eaton JW, MW Bro. J.C. Montgomery, Frank Hazelrigg Sec.trreas., and Frank Wilfiey WM attending. General discussion included the matter of planning and control by the Board of Publications, suggesting not more than two members of the Board be replaced each year so that continuity might be preserved. The Wardens, Secretary and Editor, are members by virtue of their office, the WM Ex-Offico. The appointed members to the Board of Publications should be no less than three in number. The Board agreed to work on a five year plan with regard to making available the Nets, Wide World, etc. The Board made tenative plans for Bros. Siscel and Eaton to pursue the writing of a volume "Giants of Masonry in Missouri for the Past Hundred Years." They were to secure authors and were to determine if and when the material would be acceptable for publication. The mid-year meeting, held in conjunction with the Grand Sessions of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, and the Grand Council Cryptic Masons, they being in St. Joseph, was well attended. Most excellent companion Tom Dean, Past Grand High Priest of Iowa and editor of "The Advance," quarterly
publication of the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International, was the guest speaker. His speech was later carried in the Royal Arch Mason magazine. Brethren, while the past year may not have brought forth exciting presentations, the future looks bright for this lodge. Things will be happening, for it is impossible for such a fraternity as this to remain on par. New ideas connected with new methods are in the offing and I wish for the officers and membership success with the challenges with which they will of necessity deal. I thank you for providing me the opportunity to serve this body and I shall ever be grateful for your confidence and support. Fraternally, FRANK
To the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. ofMissouri: BRETHREN:
This past year the Board of Directors unanimously approved and directed a filing with the Secretary of State's Office to authorize the Foundation to be known as the "Masonic Children's Foundation." Additionally, a request was made to the Grand Master for permission to use the Square and Compasses with the letter "G" in the letterhead for the Foundation's correspondence. The Grand Master approved the use of the Square and Compasses with the letter "G" and a letterhead was designed and approved by the Board of Directors. It was felt that the references to the Foundation as "Drug Abuse Foundation" or "Substance Abuse Foundation" was too narrow in scope and presented a concept that the Foundation was engaged in helping children break a habit of using drugs, alcohol, or other chemical dependencies. The Foundation's program is a prevention and assistance program for students in public, private, and parochial schools in Missouri that are at risk. What began in 1991 as a drug awareness workshop sponsored by Missouri Freemasons has evolved into a highly professional award winning program. The workshops and seminars for teachers and school counselors train them to organize and initiate Student Assistance Teams in their school and districts helping all children who are in danger of becoming at risk for drug and alcohol abuse, violent behaviors, academic failure, dropping out of school and becoming unable to contribute to the work force. The workshops, hosted Masonic Lodges, for 1997 were held in Cape Girardeau, Wentzville, Joplin, Springfield, Blue Springs, and Kirksville. The hospitality of the host Lodges has been outstanding. Their efforts in providing training sites, refreshments and lunches for the participants has resulted in constant complimentary comments about our Fraternity. At each session participants received an explanation about Freemasonry and were given an opportunity to ask questions about who we are and what we are.
A few of the comments received from participants: "I have a new appreciation for the work of our host, the Masons." "Thanks for the informative days. Please continue the good work of opening the eyes of all of us to the problems of children and for empowering us to alleviate some of these problems." "I feel the workshop taught me what I need to know." "I was on a team (Student Assistance Team) last year. I feel I will be able to be a more valuable contributor to our team this year because of the knowledge I received here," "Thank the Masons for supporting this program. It will help our students." Our thanks and appreciation go to Mrs. Martha Eddlemon who has served so well as the Program Coordinator. Adequate funding continues to be a major concern and a very time consuming effort of the Board of Directors. I am very pleased to report the Foundation has been named by the Grand Guardian, Linda Mosby, and Associate Grand Guardian, Jeff Kitsmiller, as the charity for the Grand Guardian Council of Missouri, International Order of Job's Daughters for the 1997-1998 year. We are also very appreciative of being named as one of the charities of the Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star for this year. The response to the mailing of the commemorative lapel pin was less than hoped for, but did allow funding for the 1997 program year. We hope your response to future fundraising efforts will be such that we can continue this worthwhile program. This and the Masonic Home are our two major charities - both deserve and desperately need your generous support. I attach hereto and incorporate herein the most recent audited statement from the accountant for this Foundation. Fraternally submitted, GLENN
To the Grand Lodge A.R & A.M. of Missouri: BRETHREN:
The Board of Directors for the Grand Lodge year 1996-1997 met as required by the By-Laws. That Board considered the recommendations for the award of scholarships as presented by Right Worshipful Brother Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., who Chaired the Scholarship Selection Committee consisting of Freddie Adams, M. Robert Berger, Marilyn Dimond, Martin B. Toybes and Stanley M. Thompson. That Committee met on May 3, 1997. The new Masonic Merit Scholarship recipients are Kevin T.C. Geffe (St. Peters) St. Louis University; Jennifer K. Inman (Braggadocio) Mississippi County Community College; Tina A. Sippely (Louisiana) Truman State University; Elizabeth D. McCarty (Edina) Truman State University and John P. Peter (Liberty) Kansas State University. Scholarships were also renewed for Stephanie Becker (Florissant) St. Louis University; Stacey E. Collins (Louisiana) Hannibal- LaGrange College; Connie S. (Smith) Decker (St. Joseph) Missouri Western State College; Megan M. Dwyer (St. Joseph) Missouri Western State College; Beth Hambelton
(Gainesville) Rockhurst College; Mark Henrikson (St. Peters) University of Missouri - Columbia; Laura Meyer (Fenton) Truman State University; Christopher D. Mobley (Doniphan) Truman State University; Rinnah Miller (St. Louis) Washington University; Shannon Ostermueller (St. Louis) Webster University; Melissa A. Sennert (Catawissa) University of Missouri - Rolla; Michelle Shafer (Edgerton) Truman State University; Aimee K. Silence (Neosho) Southwest Missouri State University; Julie K. Stine (Union) Lincoln Christian College; and Melody J. Truman (Springfield) Evangel College. Selected alternates were Jennifer L. Kostedt of Kirksville; Carrie B. Berkbigler of Wellsville; Katie A. Grantham of Caruthersville and lvie Wills of New Bloomfield. Our Board of Directors was privileged to recommend the award of new Ruth Lutes Bachmann Estate Scholarships to Lynn Marie Otto (Richmond) University of Missouri - Kansas City; Jamie Raynee Stallard (Hawk Point) Truman State University and Tammy Marie Espowe (Pacific) University of Missouri - Columbia. Also, the Board recommended the renewal of Ruth Lutes Bachmann Scholarships to Judy M. Braun (St. Genevieve) Mineral Area College; Joseph Chernich (Fenton) Truman State University; Jamie Clark (Philadelphia) Culver Stockton; Amie R. Haberberger (Villa Ridge) Maryville University; Joseph B. Hill (St. Louis) William Jewell College; Kim Holmes (Springfield) Drury College; Carla Hollandsworth (Montgomery City) Mid America Nazarene College; Sara Troy (Kansas City) Central Missouri State University; and Miranda B. Weisz (Hardin) William Jewell College. Selected alternates were Beverly Morris of Aurora; Tanya N. Efken of St. Louis and Mary Frank of Maryland Heights. There were more than 200 applications for the 16 Masonic Scholarship Fund of Missouri scholarships and approximately 100 applications for the 11 Ruth Lutes Bachmann scholarships. The selection of the scholarship recipients is very difficult every year. Each of the applicants is well qualified. Our thanks to the Selection Committee for their service this year. Where possible, the scholarships were presented at awards ceremonies by Grand Lodge Officers and were well received. Fraternally submitted, DONALD
President, Masonic Scholarship Fund REPORT OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE
Dear Right Worshipful Sir: Thank you for the revised list of the members of each of the Grand Lodge Committees which was included in the packet with the lists of the Masonic Family of Missouri and the Masonic Home personnel. I note that the list of the members of the Ways and Means Committee shows three members with terms of two years; to-wit: John Nations, Bill Chapman, and Larry Moss. The By-Laws provide that no more than two terms will expire in any given year. My guess is that a previous member resigned prior to the expiration of his term and that the replacement was inadvertently recorded as
having a three year term from the time of the appointment. Although I hate to place additional demands on your time, would you review the matter and determine the appropriate expirations on the terms of the Ways and Means Committee and communicate to me the results of your review. I appreciate your attention to this matter. Yours very truly, M. NATIONS
8600 WARD PARKWAY KANSAS CIlY. MISSOURl64114 TELEPHONE (816) 333-3357 FAX (816) 333-5280
Mombcr American InstilUte <Ii
<At..Aod Public Ac<DUt\lU\"
M_Socletyoi Ccrtiflod Public
KaNao Socioly <Ii Cmif..dPublic ACCOUl\tanb
Grand Lodge AF&AM of Missouri
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Missouri (a non-profit organization) as of October 14, 1997, and the related statements of activity and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. We believe that our audit prOVides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Missouri as of October 14, 1997, and the results of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles .
.~{}J)~ Charles R. Harrison
Kansas City, Missouri January 29, 1998
October 14, 1997
ASSETS CURREHT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Short Term Investments at Fair Value Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets FIXED ASSETS - AT COST Land Building Equipment Total Less Accumulated Depreciation Net Book Value
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ 38.193.27
408.386.55 9.841. 77 43.330.92 843,768.14
1.196.431.00 9.841. 77 43.330.92 $1.959,834.11
$ $
24.939.05 273.646.00 99.617.65 398,202.70 200.053.00 198,149.70
Consolidating Total
24.939.05 273.646.00 99.617.65 398,202.70 200.053.00 198,149.70
LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Due Missouri Masonic Home George Washington Memorial Total Current Liabilities EQUITY Membership Equity
See accompanying notes.
Charles R. Harrison, CPA
5.569.06 17.540.00 4.385.00 $
5.569.06 17.540.00 4.385.00 $
Year Ended October 14. 1997
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Consolidating Total
Dues Interest Masonic Home Reimbursement Other Income Sales of Rituals Video, Etc. Contributions Masonic Scholarship Fund Insurance Accrual Masonic Home Entered Apprentices Unrealized Gain on Securities Total Revenue $
523,866.90 36,245.04 55,424.66 1,644.77 22,200.30 3,620.00
523,866.90 97,657.03 55,424.66 161.297.03 22.200.30 5,662.12
159.617.37 2,042.12
62,950.73 5,547.48 711.499.88
62,950.73 6.775.99 $ 23.592.30
9.506.74 $215,796.80
21,830.21 950.888.98
Insurance Accrual Masonic Service Association Masonic Education By Laws and Ritual Youth Group Associations Jurisprudence Salaries Employee Benefits and Payroll Taxes Conference and Meetings Freemason Magazine and Publications Travel and Mileage - Per Diem Postage and Printing Supplies Equipment Maintenance Retirement Expense Public Relations Telephone ~nd Utilities Accounting Occupancy Other Insurance Depreciation Total EEpenaes Ret Inc~ (Loss) Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Cash Tranafers to (frma) Fund Balance End of Year See accompanying notes. Charles R. Harrison. CPA
62,950.73 5,620.28 6,981.48 4,851.15 3,000.00 5,004.53 125,200.58
62,950.73 5,620.28 6,981.48 4,851.15 3,000.00 5,004.53 125,200.58
10,277.39 81,929.42
10,277. 39 81.929.42
65,411.65 70,488.97 40,222.99 10,849.92 13,840.34 1,707.43 9.732.22 4,154.54 16,535.26 12,487.36 5,545.16 10,986.12 16,128.00 583.905.52
65,411.65 70,488.97 40,222.99 10,849.92 13,840.34 1,707.43 9,732.22 4,154.54 16.535.26 12,487.36 9,664.29 10,986.12 16.128.00 588.024.65
127.594.36 869.670.77 17.158.65
$ 22.497.53 $212.772.44 $ 362.864.33 280.925.22 1.161,625.42 617.029.43 (16.551.93) (606.72)
1,094.77 1.094.71
3.024.36 $
Net Inca.e or Loss for Year Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation Decrease in Accounts Receivable Increase in Inventory Decrease in Accounts Payable Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities
Temporarily Restricted
Per1llllDently Restricted
$ 127.594.36
$ 22.497.53
22,392.41 0,358.04) (l52,l07.35)
22,392.41 0,358.04) (l52,107.35) $
$ 22.497.53
(16.464.70) 17 .158.65 $
Purchase of eo.puter. Etc. Cash Transferred Between Funds Increase (Decrease) in Cash
247.919.35 (16.464.70)
(606.72) 231.454.65
777 .252.12
$ 790.595.45
$1.906.661. 42
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short Tera Investments Beginning of Year End of Year
See accompanying notes. Charles R. Harrison. CPA
October 14. 1997 FiDanc1al Stateaent Presentation In 1996, the Organization elected to adopt Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 117, "Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations," early. Under SFAS No. 117, the Organization is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets. In addition, the Organization is required to present a statement of cash flows. As permitted by this new statement, the Organization has discontinued its use of fund accounting and has, accordingly, reclassified its financial statements to present the three classes of net assets required. This reclassification had no effect on the change in net assets for 1996. Contributiona The Organization also elected to adopt SFAS No. 116, "Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made," in 1996. In accordance with SFAS No. 116, contributions received are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted support depending on the existence or nature of any donor restrictions. IncOlle Taxes
The Organization is a not-for-profit organization that is exempt from income taxes under Section 501(c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Cash and Cash Equivalents For purposes of the statements of cash flows, the Organization considers all highly liquid investments available for current use with an initial maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. AccoUDting Considerations under SFAS Ro. 124 The Grand Lopge adopted SFAS No. 124 during 1997 which requires organizations to report investments in equity securities with readily determinable fair values in the statement of financial position at fair value and realized and unrealized gains and losses in the statement of activities.
Charles K. Harrison. CPA
8600 WARD PARKWAY KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 64114 TELEPHONE (816) 333路3357 FAX (816) 333路5280
M.mber Amorican 1nJciNre 01 CeniI\od Pllbhc: Ac:coun.......
MWouri Socloty 01 Cetttf\edPllbI", Accountants
To The Board of Directors Missouri Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, Inc.
Disbursements presents the recorded transactions of the Missouri Masonic Foundation for
the Prevention of Substance Abuse.
ended December 31. 1997.
~J))~ Charles R. Harrison
Kansas City. Missouri January 29. 1998
for the year
INCOME Contributions Interest
$66.437.48 1.457.99 $67.895.47
Total Income EXPENSES
Stipends Meals. Lodging and Travel Supplies Postage Other
$31.200.00 10.381.23 2.387.35 371. 63 761.89
Total Expenses
Excess Income over Expenses
Balance December 31. 1996
Balance December 31. 1997
Checking Account Certificate of Deposit
$ 7.901.09
37.957.99 $45.859.08
Charles ll. Harrison. CPA
KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 64114 TELEPHONE (816) 333-3357 FAX (816) 333-5280
M...,ber American IriMirute
C.rnf,ed Pubhc Acc.ountants Mwouri Soci.ty of
Certified Public Accountanu
Kansaa Society of
C.rtifled Public Accountants
To The Board of Directors Masonic Scholarship Fund of Missouri, Inc.
opinion, presents
the the
accompanying recorded
of of
Receipts the
Scholarship Fund of Missouri, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 1997.
--fJ2;JJ)~ Charles R. Harrison
Kansas City, Missouri January 29, 1998
Contributions Received Interest
2,636.06 1,101.87
Total IncOIae
Scholarships Taxes
Total Expenses Excess Expenses over IncOlle
$23,000.00 15.00 23,015.00 $(19,277.07)
Balance Dece.ber 31, 1996
Balance December 31, 1997
$ 11,192.69
Checking Account
$ 11,192.69
Charles R. Harrison, CPA
It is with pleasure that I present my report as Acting Grand Secretary and the work of the Grand Lodge Office Staff to this One Hundred Seventy Sixth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of the State of Missouri. We hope you have found the Grand Lodge Office efficient and friendly in attending to whatever assistance you may need.
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES: M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott accepted the recommendations of the respective Grand Masters and Grand Lodges and appointed Grand Representatives of the Grand Lodge of Missouri near other Grand Lodges. The Certificate of Commission were prepared and mailed for presentation to: Grand Lodge of Alabama - Horace Hampton Grand Lodge of Colorado - Charles B. McCulloh Grand Lodge of Illinois - Charles Dewayne Bond Grand Lodge of New Jersey - William James Brierley Grand Lodge of North Carolina - Ray M. Comer Grand Lodge of Oklahoma - J. Fred Lowry Grand Lodge of Argentia - Henry Burkhead Grand Lodge of Israel - Daniel Doron Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia - Roy Allister Rideout Grand Lodge of Queensland, Australia - R. E. McNaught Grand Lodge of Roraima, Brazil - Ivonisio Damasceno Lacerda M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott honored Master Masons from Missouri Lodge with the recommendation that they be commissioned Grand Representatives of other Grand Lodges near the Grand Lodge of Missouri as follows: Grand Lodge of Florida - John M. Nations Grand Lodge of Nevada - James E. Spencer Grand Lodge of Brazil (Sergipe) - Morris L. Phillips Grand Lodge of Czech Republic - Richard W. Allgood Grand Lodge of France - Stanley M. Thompson Grand Lodge of Iran (in exile) - Danny L. Ferguson Grand Lodge of Portugal - Ronald D. Miller Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island (Canada) - Robert R. Crick Grand Lodge of Uruguary - Lewis L. Krehmeyer Grand Lodge of Venezuela - Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr. Grand Lodge of Westem Australia - Rev. Donald E. McGuire
DISPENSATIONS 1996-1997 October 1, 1996 to Don Allen Taylor, Worshipful Master of Independence
Lodge No. 76, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Installation of Officers on October 6, 1996. October 1, 1996 to Harold F. Coots, Worshipful Master ofJefferson Lodge No. 43, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on October 6, 1996. October 1, 1996 to Breck Eugene Summerford, Worshipful Master of California Lodge No. 183, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on October 6, 1996. October 1, 1996 to Charles David Taylor, Worshipful Master of Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Installation of Officers on October 6, 1996. October 4, 1996 to Frank Ames Arnold, Past Grand Master, for opening a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Hale City Lodge No. 216 for the Masonic Occasion of conducting the Grand Lodge Ceremony of Laying the Cornerstone for the new addition of the Hale R-V High School on October 5, 1996. October 8, 1996 to Alan W. Lyttle, Worshipful Master of Blue Springs Lodge No. 337, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officerrs on October 27, 1996. October 8,1996 to Norman Wayne Calk, Worshipful Master of Laclede Lodge No. 83, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Installation of Officerrs on october 20, 1996. October 21,1996 to James W. Clardy, Worshipful Master of Censer Lodge No. 172, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on October 27, 1996. October 23, 1996 to William Edward Sidwell, Worshipful Master of Valley Park Lodge No. 629, for conferral of the Degrees of Masonry on Tony Alexander Roe. The Degrees are to be conferred in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate and under the personal direction of the Grand Lecturer, or a Brother Master Mason appointed by the Grand Lecturer. The Grand Lecturer is to have ample notice in advance of the dates of conferral. October 29, 1996 to Walter S. Sawicki, Worshipful Master of Olive Branch Lodge No. 576, for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on November 3, 1996. November 15,1996 to Daniel A. Triska, Worshipful Master of Clifton Heights Lodge No. 520, for the purpose of meeting in Stated Communication at the Hall of Meridian Lodge No.2 on November 26, 1996. This Dispensation granted in accordance with the Grand Master Ruling in 1934 on Section 7.060 of the By-Laws. December 9, 1996 to Carroll N. Elliott, Worshipful Master of Canopy Lodge No. 284, for the purpose of meeting temporarily in a Church building in Aurora, Missouri until plans are finalized for a new lodge hall. The meeting place is to be dedicated by Daniel D. Nestleroad, DDGM of District 55. December 9, 1996 to Daniel D. Nestleroad, District Deputy Grand Master of the 55th Masonic District for the purpose of Dedicating a Church Building for Canopy Lodge No. 284 to meet in temporarily until plans are finalized for a new lodge hall. December 16, 1996 to Loren D. Lloyd, Worshipful Master of Hartford Lodge No. 171 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on Sunday, December 29, 1996.
January 7, 1997 to Anthony J. Scoma, Worshipful Master of Richmond Lodge No. 57 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Installation of Officers on Sunday, January 12, 1997. February 19, 1997 to Jay Otis Traxel, Worshipful Master of Lambskin Lodge No. 460 for holding a Special Communication of May 3,1997 for the purpose of conferring the 3rd Degree at the outdoor site of the farm of Senior Warden Billy Gander, which place has been previously dedicated. February 24,1997 to Richard Mills, Worshipful Master of Hebron Lodge No. 354 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of presenting 50-yr Button(s) on Sunday, March 2, 1997. February 24, 1997 to Zelwin B. Eaton, District Deputy Grand Master of the 2nd District for conducting the Grand Lodge Ceremony of Dedication for Masonic Use of the new hall of Paulville Lodge No. 319 at Brashear, Missouri. March 10, 1997 to Monty Stillwell, Worshipful Master of Brotherhood Lodge No. 269 for conferring the Degrees of Masonry on Harold Lovell Chilcoat. The Degrees are to be conferred in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate and under the personal direction of the Grand Lecturer. Ample notice is to be given in advance of the degree conferral. March 17, 1997 to Rev. Earl G. Statler, Worshipful Master of Morley Lodge No. 184 for Morley Lodge No. 184 to meet in Stated Communication on Monday, June 9, 1997 in the Veteran's Memorial Home at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, which place has been previously dedicated for Masonic Use. March 17, 1997 to Harold A. Cantrell, Worshipful Master of Hazelwood Lodge No. 459 for holding a Special Communication on Saturday, May 3, 1997 for the purpose of the conferral of the First Degree at the outdoor site of the Glenn Cardwell farm, which place has been previously dedicated for Masonic Use. April 2, 1997 to Jay Otis Travel, Worshipful Master of Lambskin Lodge No. 460 for conferring the Degrees on Alvin A. Beeman, on whose Petition the Officers and Members voted favorably. The Degrees are to be conferred in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate and under the personal direction of the Grand Lecturer or Brother Master Mason specially deputed by the Grand Lecturer. Ample time is to be given in advance of the degree conferral. April 3, 1997 to John E. Rice, Worshipful Master of Mechanicsville Lodge No. 260 for holding a Special Communication on August 16, 1997 for the purpose of conferral of the 3rd Degree on a proficient Fellow Craft at the outdoor site of Mechanicsville Lodge, the Brooks Hill Farm, which place has been previously dedicated for Masonic Use. April 21, 1997 to Francis E. Hobbs, Worshipful Master of Barnett Lodge No. 591 for holding a Special Communication on April 21, 1997 for the purpose of election of officers. June 2, 1997 to William I. Bormann, Worshipful Master of Pauldingville Lodge No. 11 for the purpose of holding a Special Communication for the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on Saturday, June 21, 1997 at the Fast & Co. Restaurant's private dining hall, which place has been previously dedicated. June 3,1997 to John Cerny, Worshipful Master of Bridgeton Lodge No. 80 for holding a Special Communication on Saturday, June 7, 1997 for the purpose of conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the
outdoor site of Worshipful Brother Francis Scydick, which place has been previously dedicated for Masonic Use. June 13, 1997 to William Alfaro, Worshipful Master of Perryville Lodge No. 670 for holding a Special Communication on June 21, 1997 for the purpose of conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the outdoor site of the Plunkett farm, which has been previously dedicated. June 16, 1997 to Danny D. Searcy, District Deputy Grand Master of the 20th District for conducting an appropriate Ceremony of Dedication of the outdoor site located on the farm of Brother Frank Von Geyso, Junior Deacon of Alpha Lodge No. 659; at which site Alpha Lodge will hold a Special Communication for conferral for the Master Mason Degree on a proficient Fellow Craft. June 16, 1997 to Glenn H. Burrows, Jr., Worshipful Master of Alpha Lodge No. 659 for holding a Special Communication sometime this summer for the purpose of conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the oudoor site of Brother Frank Von Geyso's farm, which place is to be dedicated for Masonic Use by District Deputy Grand Master, Danny Searcy of the 20th Masonic District. June 16, 1997 to Timothy P. Osburn, District Deputy Grand Master of the 27th District for conducting an appropriate Ceremony of Dedication of the outdoor site on the farm of Barry Romake of Fulton, Missouri at which site Fulton Lodge No. 48 will hold a Special Communication for the purpose of the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on seven candidates of their lodge on June 28, 1997. June 16, 1997 to Michael Charles Glawson, Worshipful Master of Fulton Lodge No. 48 for holding a Special Communication on Saturday, June 28,1997 for the purpose of the conferral for the Degree of Master Mason on seven proficient Fellow Crafts at the outdoor site of the farm of Barry Romaker of Fulton, Missouri which place is to be dedicated for Masonic Use by Timothy Osburn, District Deputy Grand Master of the 27th District. June 19, 1997 to Daniel M. Miller, Worshipful Master of Saxton Lodge No. 508 for conferring the Degree of Master Mason on Brother Harold Mark Harshman. The Degree is to be conferred in consideration of the physical condition of the candidate and under the personal direction of the Grand Lecturer, or a Brother Master Mason specially deptued by the Grand Lecturer. The Grand Lecturer is to have ample notice in advance of the date when the Degree is to be conferred. June 30, 1997 to Dale H. Heise, Worshipful Master of Florissant Lodge No. 668 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Installation of Officerrs on Sunday, August 24, 1997 at Beacon Masonic Temple, Hazelwood, Missouri. July 3, 1997 to Michael L. Wallis, Worshipful Master of Hallsville Lodge No. 336 for holding a Special Communication on July 16, 1997 for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason Degree on two proficient Fellow Crafts at the Hallsville Community Center, which place has been previously dedicated. July 3, 1997 to William L. Tucker, Jr., Worshipful Master of St. Mark's Lodge No. 93 for holding a Special Communication on July 22, 1997 for the purpose of the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the Missouri Veterans Home at Cape Girardeau, Missouri which place has been previously dedicated for Masonic Use. July 10, 1997 to John Lester Canny, Worshipful Master of Adair Lodge No.
366 for holding a Special Communication on Saturday, August 9, 1997 for the purpose of the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the outdoor site of Dr. James Gardner's Farm, which place has been previously dedicated for Masonic Use. July 24, 1997 to James A. Heitman, Worshipful Master of Gate of the Temple Lodge No. 422 for holding a Special Communication on Saturday, July 26, 1997 for the purpose of the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the outdoor site of Rice Camp in Reeds Springs, Missouri, which place was previously dedicated for Masonic Use by M.W. Brother J. Edward Blinn in 1986. August 12, 1997 to Charles B. Evans, Worshipful Master of St. James Lodge No. 230 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on Sunday, August 17, 1997. August 18, 1997 to Robert L. Mantle, Worshipful Master of Linn Lodge No. 326 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on Sunday, August 31, 1997. August 26, 1997 to Ralph E. Williams, Worshipful Master ofAnderson Lodge No. 621 for holding a Special Communication on Saturday, September 6,1997 for the purpose of the conferral of the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the outdoor site of Spout Springs, Southwest City, Missouri which place has been previously dedicated. August 26, 1997 to Weston Bradley Bembry, Worshipful Master of Laclede Lodge No. 82 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on Sunday afternoon, September 21, 1997. August 26, 1997 to Daniel Theodore Robinson, Worshipful Master of Tyro Lodge No. 12 for holding a Special Communication on Saturday, September 6, 1997 for the purpose of the conferral of the degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft at the outdoor site of the Bay Farm, west of Potosi, Missouri, which place was dedicated for Masonic Use by R.W. C. Nolan Miller in 1978. September 4, 1997 to William F. Whittom, Worshipful Master of Tuscan Lodge No. 360 for holding a Special Communication for the purpose of the Masonic Occasion of Open Installation of Officers on Sunday, September 21, 1997.
CONSOLIDATION AND MERGER OF LODGES: Jacoby Lodge No. 447 consolidated and merged into Mcfall-Gentryville Lodge No. 125 on October 7, 1996. Doric Lodge No. 300 consolidated and merged into Webster Lodge No. 98 on May 16, 1997. Winona Lodge No. 430 consolidated and merged into Eminence Lodge No. 607 on January 2,1997. Clifton Heights Lodge No. 520 consolidated and merged into Meridian Lodge No.2 on January 23,1997. Harmony Lodge No. 499 and American Good Hope Lodge No. 218 consolidated to form Craftsmen Lodge #717 on March 15, 1997. Cleveland Lodge No. 651 consolidated and merged into Grand River Lodge No. 276 on July 21, 1997. Oriental Lodge No. 518 consolidated and merged into Barbee Lodge No. 217
on November 21,1996. Mosaic Lodge No. 351 charter arrested on December 30,1996 to be presented at GL per 7.220.
CONSENTS & PERMISSION M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott granted consent and expressed permission on various propositions and requests pertaining to the activities and operations of Constituent Lodges of Missouri in accordance with the requirements of Grand Lodge Law (Section 15.070, Section 21.100, etc.) as follows: In accordance with Section 7.050, (pocket part) of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, the following Lodges were grandted permission to shorten the term of the present year's officers by a change in the Lodge By-Laws: Laclede Lodge No. 83 (1/97) Olive Branch Lodge No 576 (6/97) Trowel Lodge No. 440 (8/97) Riddick Lodge No. 36 1 (9/97) In accordance with Section 15.070, 21.00, etc.) as follows: October 8, 1996 to David A. Bowers, Worshipful Master of Hermitage Lodge No. 288, granting consent and permission for Hermitage Lodge No. 288 to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and On eof Instruction on October 29, 1996. January 23,1997 to Donald E. Lake, Worshipful Master of Liberty Lodge No. 31, granting consent and permission for Liberty Lodge No. 31 to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instruction on March 15, 1997. February 19, 1997 to Jack E. Timmons, Worshipful Master of Jewel Lodge No. 480, granting consent and permission for Jewel Lodge No. 480 to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instruction on March 25,1997. March 12, 1997 to Donald L. Casey, Worshipful Master of Rolla Lodge No. 213, granting consent and permission for Rolla Lodge No. 213 to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instruction on March 22, 1997. March 14, 1997 to John Lester Canny, Worshipful Master ofAdair Lodge No. 366, granting consent and permission for Adair Lodge No. 366 to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instruction on March 15, 1997. May 6, 1997 to Clifton E. beavers, Worshipful Master of Blue Springs Lodge No. 337, granting consent and permission for Blue Springs Lodge No. 337 to sponsor a Table Lodge of Entered Apprentices and One of Instruction on May 17,1997. June 13, 1997 to John R. Rice, Worshipful Master of Mechanicsville Lodge No. 260 granting consent for Charlie's Angels Degree Team and Mechanicsville Lodge No. 260 to those Degree Teams from the Grand Jurisdictions of Georgia, Kansas and Pennsylvania on August 16 and 17, 1997 for the Multi-State Outdoor Third Degree Festival. June 16, 1997 to Roger L. McGregor, District Deputy Grand Master of the 15th Masonic District granting consent and Permission for a Degree Team from the 15th Masonic District to make a fraternal visit to Cass Lodge No. 23 at Beardstown, Illinois on July 26, 1997. The Degree of Master Mason on a
proficient Fellow Craft of a Missouri Lodge using Missouri Ritual will be conferred. August 1, 1997 to Billy K. Turner, Worshipful Master of Ewing Lodge No. 577, granting consent and permission for Ewing Lodge No. 577 to make a fraternal visit to Mt. Pleasant Lodge No.8 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa on August 27, 1997 when Ewing Lodge will confer the Degree of Master Mason on their own proficient Fellow Craft using Missouri Ritual. August 5, 1997 to Willard D. Hetzler, District Deputy Grand Master of the 15th Masonic District, granting consent and permission for a Degree Team from the 15th District of Missouri to make a fraternal visit to Mt. Pleasant Lodge No.8 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa on August 27, 1997 for the purpose of exemplifying the First Degree on a Missouri candidate. August 26, 1997 to Douglas G. Miller, Worshipful Master of Ferguson Lodge No. 542 granting consent and permission for Ferguson Lodge No. 542 to make a fraternal visit to Franklin Lodge No. 25 at Alton, Illinois on September 9, 1997. The Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft of Ferguson Lodge No. 542 using Missouri Ritual will be conferred. August 26, 1997 to Ralph E. Williams, Worshipful Master ofAnderson Lodge No. 621, granting consent for Anderson Lodge No. 621 to host Bethel Lodge No. 232 of Gravette, Arkansas on September 6, 1997 at the outdoor site of Spout Springs, Southwest City, Missouri, which they will confer the Degree of Master Mason on a proficient Fellow Craft using Arkansas Ritual.
Dear Brother Grand Secretary: This will acknowledge a contribution from the Grand Lodge of Missouri, in the amount of $5,000.00, to the M.S.A. Disaster Relief Fund. The flooding in Minnesota and North Dakota caused such extensive damage that even now it is hard to comprehend. Our Brothers and their families in both Minnesota and North Dakota have suffered great loss. On their behalf, we thank you for your generous gift. Please know you have the thanks and the appreciation of the M.S.A. and all of its member Grand Lodges for your support. A complete accounting of the funds collected and distributed will be made at the end of 1997. The concern of the Masonic family for those in distress, continues to be one of the great strengths of the Fraternity. Most Sincerely and Fraternally, RICHARD E. FLETCHER, PGM Executive Secretary
FIFrY YEAR RECIPIENTS 2/3197 - 8/15/97
St. Louis Missouri, No.1: William S. Bishop Alex Peper, II Raymond Nehmen Louis Nehmen Seymour S. Feinstein Meyer Kopolow William Wolff Meridian, No.2: G. M. Teeter Clair A. Weis Oliver E. Willmann Harold W. Deems Richard A. Herzig James M. Dewing Austin T. Vest Beaurett A. Sorrels, Jr. Thomas E. Nichols Robert L. Wilson Robert R. Rapp Beacon, No.3: Virgil W. Nottbusch Joseph Berger Theron R. Peterson Vernon E. Schaefering Emil S. Schloessman Frederick H. Just Frank F. Hoerig, Jr. Lowell L. Jones Eugene J. Spitzer United, No.5: William H. Jones Ralph E. Davidson George E. Bareford George A. Kent John W. Terrill Homer R. Murphy William O. Roberts Leland R. Graven Hurley F. Bass Louis M. Bruton Orville R. Holbert Willbur C. Willis Theodore R. Mace George Washington No.9: William B. White Tyro, No. 12: Dewey A. Dickey Naphtali, No. 25: Lawrence W. King St. Johns, No. 28: Walter G. Sloan Jay S. Lock Huntsville, No. 30: William R. Harris
Liberty, No. 31: William T. Williams Robert C. Long Lester G. Stalcup Cooper, No. 36: Clyde Walker, Jr. Mizpah Mt. Moriah, No. 40: Lawrence H. Apel Carl 1. Stein Donald W. Domermuth Richard E. Briggs Daniel M. Walker Charles A. Beard Robert H. Nichols Edward P. Potter Kenneth A. Wild Henry A. Kern Albert E. Schaefer Forrest L. Habegger Edwin F. Kaiser Jefferson, No. 43: Clifford E. Perkins Frank Blankenship W. Eugene Langkop Fayette, No. 47: Kenneth M. Dougherty Fulton, No. 48: George D. Meinhardt Wakanda, No. 52: Eugene W. Pattie Joseph E. Freeman Thomas 1. Tweedie Richmond, No. 57: Kenneth F. Cates Centralia, No. 59: Harry O. Donnohue O. D. Pichard Curtis R. Fay Jewell G. Hendrix Ben M. Edwards Vincil, No. 62: Uriah E. Ritchey Cambridge, No. 63: Bill Q. Officer Kennett, No. 68: Eugene V. Radaford Russell D. Bragg Chalmers Lorance Herrick T. Wilburn James W. Jackson Donald J. Parker RoyH.Bush Norman P. Bartmess Chalmers Lorance Herrick T. Wilburn
152 Sullivan, No. 69: Richard J. Guthrie, Jr. Savannah, No. 71: Harold R. Largen P. M. Fallis Silex, No. 75: Alvin F. Adams Independence, No. 76: Robert C. Doctor Kenneth L. Charles James H. Copeland Cleo Elliott Manson S. Cross Hale Dexter Richard E. Givens, Jr. Melvin F. Jenkins Lloyd E. Long Edmond C. Kepley Richard L. Davis Emory C. Parks Kenneth L. Jones Don R. Barham David C. Vance, Jr. St. Joseph, No. 78: Carl L. Carter Gerald G. Lieppman Roy E. Warley Vernon W. Pennington Bridgeton, No. 80: Lemoyne J. Watts Wilson W. Cross Jackson, No. 82: Joseph E. Turner Byron D. Cross Laclede, No. 83: E. E. Willard Webster Groves, No. 84: William H. Chapman Selwyn Barber Brookfield, No. 86: Howard C. Graff Gene C. McCoy Washington, No. 87: Ward K. Pattison Friendship, No. 89: Donald F. Gordon Russellville, No. 90: Paul V. Bond St. Mark's, No. 93: Albert M. Spradling William H. Strain Eugene E. Miller Pomegranate, No. 95: Robert E. Neu Perry L. Love Oliver A. Eckert Asa F. Simpson Joseph R. Muskopf
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Emil M. Jecmen, Jr. Bethany No. 97: Charles M. Eberhart Warren Ledgerwood Paul W. Sims Benjamin F. Irvin Heroine, No. 104: Mortimer W. Rosenthal, DDS David Schifman Irving H. Baker Kirksville, No. 105: Harold W. Elder Marcus, No. 110: Wilber W. Shetley William L. Womack Clifford C. Shaw Lindell W. Ward Claude W. Minor Trenton No. 111: Gerald L. Stiles William R. Runk Twilight, No. 114: Willard F. Thomas William K. McJilton Andrew D. Kelly Eugene M. Wilson Arthur W. Stanley Vernon D. Dawson Lawrence L. Leroux DeSoto, No. 119: Jesse E. Frye James M. Calhoun Compass, No. 120: Seibert E. Lay Carrol E. Noland Kenneth W. Mable Robert B. Lebow James L. Downing Wilburn M. King McFall-Gentryville, No. 125: Leo M. Boulting Donald A. Gray Dorsie E. Weatherd Monett, No. 129: G. E. Bounous C. E. Atwell Potosi, No. 131: Emmett H. Sappington Lee F. Rowe Floyd L. Rowe Robert W. Foster Farmington, No. 132: John M. Hufford Cecil M. Hulsey Alvin Hulsey Edward O. Klein Star oftke West, No. 133: Eugene E. Palmer
Walter E. Manning Phoenix, No. 136: Billy W. Flood John M. McIlroy Bonham G. Freeman Lincoln, No. 138: Arnold J. Ueligger Francis E. Turner Max K. Rayhill Oregon, No. 139: Milo Blazer Teddy R. Laukemper Amsterdam, No. 141: John C. Crawford Lexington, No. 149: Carl L. Payne Frank. H. Mason Clinton O. Lieneke Newton R. Bradley Linn Creek, No. 152: Floyd W. Taber Bloomfield, No. 153: Jene D. Kirby Elvins-Ionic, No. 154: William O. Pope, Jr. Ward G. Hood William H. Rigsbee Jesse R. Creagh North Star, No. 157: John H. Cox Loren Demott Mountain Grove, No. 158: Estel H. Sanders Herman E. Sneiderman Camden Point, No. 169: Robert J. Asher Joseph W. Lamar Benevolence, No. 170: William N. Stamper Jack J. Stottlemyer Censer, No. 172: William R. Tabor Romet C. Bradshaw Pyramid, No. 180: Casey W. Cothran Clarence K. Meyers Raymond A. Neupert California, No. 183: Richard D. Meyer Hermon, No. 187: Albert D. White Hannibal, No. 188: Richard W. Jackson Arthur W. Clarkson William J. Medaris Lee B. Turner Zeredatha, No. 189: William R. Euler
Herbert W. Fuller Amos L. Roberts Bolivar, No. 195: Jewell W. Shelton Johnny M. Pursley Clifton Pippin Melvin B. Mittan W. G. Miller Robert R. Newland Carthage, No. 197: Raymond W. Grace Karl M. Wickstrom New Hope, No. 199: Henry Horton Edward Damron Trilumina, No. 205: Edgar J. Strader Van S. Reid Raymond C. Ritchey New Salem, No. 207: M.D. Montgomery Poplar Bluff, No. 209: Paul H. Hoddinott Paul J. Miller Roy G. Browne Four Mile, No. 212: Carroll W. Clifford Ryland D. Whiteaker, Jr. Lloyd F. Miller Rolla, No. 213: John W. B. Hill Glen N. Hackmann Thomas M. Swinfard June A. Corben Virgil C. Benson Kenneth W. Derryberry Hornersville, No. 215: Lewis E. Aukes Hale City, No. 216: Audsley M. Ballew Teddy Couch David A. Martin Barbee, No. 217: Sam G. Tuck Albert Pike, No. 219: Charles W. Brawner James F. Brown Harry B. Ball Kansas City, No. 220: Raymond M. Timbrook Thomas D. Williamson LaBelle, No. 222: Shelton D. Wilson Ernest H. Thomas Hamilton, No. 224: Roger K. Waters Charles A. Rouse Salem, No. 225:
William G. Strader Shelbina, No. 228: John V. Culler St. James, No. 230: William A. Morrison Douglas McCreight Cardwell, No. 231: Ernest F. Barrett George H. Allison William C. Clark Polo, No. 232: John D. Patton Herman G. Odell Sedalia, No. 236: Harry L. Burford Ward I. Finnell Alvin G. Cline LaPlata, No. 237: Homer L. Burch Leslie R. Mikel Harold M. Biggs Paul D. Robinson Dean A. Rosebery Palestine, No. 241: Howard B. Keeney Keystone- Trinity, No. 243: William M. Stover Ralph E. Kincaid Joseph C. Garvy Montgomery, No. 246: F. P. Vanderpool William H. Murphy Price M. Rhoads William L. Worley Donny K. Elmore Charles J. Cardwell Neosho, No. 247: Jack E. Tiede Hope, No. 251: Max J. Lindauer Beauford M. White Shekinah, No. 256: Henry Bryant, Sr. Lodge ofLight, No. 257: Thomas Harvey Holden, No. 262: William L. Golladay Summit, No. 263: Noel V. Richardson Arnold L. Wealand Lester R. Muckey Bernard C. Campbell Brotherhood, No. 269: Albert G. Chambers Solomon, No. 271: W. L. Jennings William H. Salts George W. Bush
Robert R. Donahoo Eugene T. Hunt Ross W. Price Chester G. Wells William V. McCollum Eugene C. Robertson William S. Hamm Granite, No. 272: Kenneth C. Hinken Grand River, No. 276: Joe R. Brewster, Jr. Hogles Creek, No. 279: Clarence Staten Hogles Creek, No. 279: Grover A. Wisdom Fenton, No. 281: Raymond E. Hults Stockton, No. 283: Marvin H. Hembree Canopy, No. 284: Eugene W. Sullivan Arthur A. Fogle Charles L. Matthews, Jr. J. W. Fogle, Jr. Craft, No. 287: James R. Ellis, Jr. Kenneth R. Barkley Hermitage, No. 288: Joe H. Taylor David R. Fritz Clay L. Carson Lamar, No. 292: Robert L. Potter Ralph T. Davis Temple, No. 299: Harry C. Feingold John E. Pease Marvin H. Thomas Edwin L. Easley PaulE. Bell Henry I. Pierce Cecile Daylight, No. 305: John J. Parks Sikeston, No. 310: Joseph H. McCord Robert O. Minner Meramec, No. 313: Willard A. Reed Jerusalem, No. 315: James L. Lewallen W. E. Albrecht Versailles, No. 320: Paul A. Barnes McDonald, No. 324: Wayne C. Taylor James R. Root Earl E. Bray M. Vernon Bendet, Jr.
Vernon L. Bloomer Riley R. Quick Mount Zion, No. 327: Dade T. Johnson Jessie J. Garnett Bill Massie Charity, No. 331: Donald O. Kuehn Ralph W. Smith Raymond N. Ammon Donald E. White Harold B. O'Neal Calvin L. Shaw, Jr. Frank E. Riley Robert O. Burnett Theodore Zebelean Willis H. McCann Willis H. Sherwood Byron P. Woodbury Donald E. White Breckenridge, No. 334: Charles N. Greenwood Joplin, No. 335: Gale A. Graham William L. Pelot Elvin F. Culton Mearl R. Blake Donald L. Crockett Louis H. Christiansen Blue Springs, No. 337: Donald Q. Snyder Jesse E. Ehlers Fidelity, No. 339: John R. Pierce Westport, No. 340: Robert O. Schurke Gustave R. Egner Carl O. Yates Moberly, No. 344: Roy T. Hannah Orville L. Vance Walter D. Stice Lawrence D. Solomon Fellowship, No. 345: Herbert S. Hoyt Robert E. Finley Joe A. Bennett George M. Stratton Robert N. Lane Arlington, No. 346: Frank Winter, Jr. William Kaut Hebron, No. 354: Dorsey M. Shouse Clare F. McCord Tuscan, No. 360: Harvey C. Earl Ralph W. Debuhr
Charles F. Cook Grover E. Couch John F. Fuhrer David H. Griffen Noble L. Gordon Riddick, No. 361: Lovis N. Brown Adair, No. 366: Kenneth H. Moody Lando E. Scott Charles W. Cannaday Sheldon, No. 371: Howard K. Fosberg Dean P. Alumbaugh Waynesville, No. 375: Donald F. Davenport Cecil S. Givens James R. Dodds King Hill, No. 376: Frank E. Payne Vernon L. Beck Richard H. Couldry Virgil O. Davis Howard D. Jordan Raymond C. Norton Lowrence C. Ehlert Clarence R. Miller Ancient Craft, No. 377: Carroll B. Simmons Queen City, No. 380: James R. Noe Pythagoras, No. 383: Harry M. Eaton Richard W. Miller Emery L. Melton Raytown, No. 391: Lemuel R. Cunningham Bee Hive, No. 393: George C. Setzer John D. Briant Charleston, No. 407: Harry R. Swank David K. Smith, Jr. William H. Thompson Appleton City, No. 412: John D. Smith Greensburg, No. 414: Stanley R. Pettit Cache, No. 416: James E. Patterson Frank H. Wagner John P. Hellberg Clyde Smith Lewis F. Carna Jack M. Schiller Whitewater, No. 417: John W. Kuehle
Gate of the Temple No. 422: Howard M. Williams Manford C. McCroskey Sherman Salvog Floyd O. Noblitt Joseph M. Coon Chester R. Conrad Frank P. Eaton Samaritan, No. 424: Robert J. Sykes Francis F. Counts Glenwood, No. 427: Donald R. Griffith Temperance, No. 438: Joe Edwards Trowel, No. 440: L. L. Bridges, Jr. Fred H. Elfrank, Jr. Excelsior, No. 441: Dale E. Smith Paul J. Bishop Dalls Estes Troy E. Hartle Crestwood-Anchor, No. 443: Robert G. VanHouten Earle J. Gates Howard N. McCoy Paul D. Crone, Sr. Lunsford E. Love Robert S. Stephenson James C. Creech Reed A. Schmidt John D. Atkins David A. Mangrum Warren S. Goddard George M. Cannon Wilbert W. Begeman West Gate, No. 445: Oscar F. Hillebrand Ivanhoe, No. 446: JohnA. Ross Robert L. Blodgett E. R. Miller Harold H. Morgan Lewis E. Murphy Robert C. Schlesselman Clifford O. Bratten, Jr. John H. Mansker Robert K. Lundahl Virgil W. Walburg Dan C. Faron William C. Riedel Kenneth E. Garrett W. Wilson Sprout Lambskin, No. 460: Richard G. Gruver Caruthersville, No. 461: Caleb L. Davis, Jr.
James V. Cullum James D. Bingham Clifton, No. 463: J. A. Cargill Golden C. Wheeler Nodaway, No. 470: Fred E. Davidson Homer J. Lemar Mount Hope, No. 476: Robert K. Stephens Jack K. Zander V. D. Laughlin John B. McDowell Marceline, No. 481: Joyce E. Deweese Robert L. Barnes Clintonville, No. 482: Clarence C. Luther A. A. Medearis Paul A. Hargrove Kirkwood, No. 484: Joseph R. Cason Calvin H. Smith Wilfred D. Fales Lester W. Saenger John H. Miner Paul D. Ward Leslie R. Yocum Norman G. Theurer Richard H. Hoffman Lakeville, No. 489: L. R. Hargrave Thomas Smith Salvador Champion H. M. Gilles John C. Engram Montevallo, No. 490: Murray T. Haynes Robert Burns, No. 496: James T. Shaw Harmony, No. 499: Marcus J. Butts Prairie Home, No. 503: George H. Wears, Jr. Saxton, No. 508: Norman F. Clark, Sr. Jackson D. Clark Vernon J. Carter William O. Hazelwood Wilbert N. Boyer Webb City, No. 512: Jon D. Berrian Home B. Huddleston Jack Frizzell Wayne, No. 526: Donald E. Hahn Dexter, No. 532: Orin C. Stuart
Joe Hunter, Sr. Ernest F. Asberry, Jr. Edward R. Vaughn Columbia, No. 534: Oscar T. Fitzwater Everett L. Winrod Raymond W. Schuenemeyer Winigan, No. 540: Walter A. McCollum Ferguson, No. 542: Robert J. McLean LeRoy Ottwell Zalma, No. 545: Carl C. Corbin Orient, No. 546: Vernon D. Cox Freal M. Cox Ralph L. Shores Buford M. Strader Hayward A. Barlow Charles E. Schadel Vance E. Davis Lloyd R. Chance Rhey J. Ferguson Elmer E. Butts Lee A. Willimetz Curtis F. Wilson Clinton, No. 548: Garold O. Croft Rose Hil, No. 550: Edward R. Kleine Warren M. Taylor Moscow, No. 558: Marion Bockhorst Clarksdale, No. 559: Loren C. Riggs York, No. 563: Charles L. Chittenden Jacob D. Jenkins Albert L. Bougher Maplewood, No. 566: Herbert W. Ninker Marlborough, No. 569: William F. Putz Republic, No. 570: Woodrow W. Young Rutledge, No. 572: Francis Parrish Easter, No. 575: Kenneth L. Johnson Forest Park, No. 578: William A. Roberts Koshkonong, No. 582: Andrew J. Boles Branson, No. 587: Harold I. Epps Robert W. Shauffer
St. Francisville, No. 588: Stuart Hagerman Advance, No. 590: William H. Morgan Barnett, No. 591: Emmit W. Dunstan Union, No. 593: David S. Macy Leadwood, No. 598: Philip Sherman Francis W. Wortham Cosby, No. 600: Loren D. Jackson Acacia, No. 602: Raymond K. Leavitt Chester A. Evans Charles A. Leech Walker, No. 605: Charles L. Golden Warrenton, No. 609: Alfred T. Graue Wellston, No. 613: Arthur F. D. Evans, Jr. William C. Winslow Clarence F. Kroenlein August L. Niebuhr George W. Jones Mount Washington, No. 614: Ralph M. Hancock Louis E. LaHue Earl K. Cavanah Edward G. Gilespie James R. Bowling Rex B. Lawler Harry F. Griffitts Edward B. Levens Jack H. Dudley Chaffee, No. 615: John W. Groseclose Swope Park, No. 617: Gerald E. Krautblatt, Sr. Maynard E. Brassfield Evald L. Lofgren Grandview, No. 618: Woodrow W. Bennett Paul W. Jones Norwood, No. 622: Thomas M. Carter Overland-Occidental, No. 623: James O. Sickler, Sr. Overland-Occidental, No. 623: James D. Wilcox Orville G. Hughes Sheffield, No. 625: John H. Getz John E. Morrow Lloyd H. Russell Jack E. Norvell
Leonard Warren Henry Penniston Alfred J. Gull, Jr. Clyde L. Nickells, Jr. Mendon, No. 628: AldonP.Stephenson Neilan Hart Ralph E. Allen Ralph E. Slater Warren E. Brewer Valley Park, No. 629: Albert Nesselbush East Gate, No. 630: Winfred R. Black Willard M. Covey Clarence D. Marshall Lee R. Deford Jay Manley Merle C. Rider William H. Bell Archie, No. 633: George F. Wesemann Algabil-Freedom, No. 636: John R. Detwiler Lester B. Detwiler Harold J. Meffert Emmet H. Schmelig Marlin J. Hess Harvey T. Rea Oscar E. Wenk, Sr. Chris W. Harrs Jennings, No. 640: Earl J. Weber James C. O'Brien Rayburn E. Mathews Benjamin Franklin, No. 642: Charles S. Polsky Maurice S. Brasch Isadore, Weiss Louis Altshuler Nathan Friedman David E. Becker Leon L. Hack Seymour Kusmer Harry B. Bearman Maurice Schechter Jay Rovak
Robert W. Morgan David R. Larsen Cleveland, No. 651: Harold E. Flaigle Gardenville, No. 655: Robert W. Berkley Country Club, No. 656: Oscar W. Thomas, Jr. Paul G. Murphy William B. White James H. Lundsted William S. Ready Paul Revere-Progress, No. 657: William C. Esterblad Charles W. Kuergeleis Carl A. Grahn Ralph F. Schultheiss Arthur W. Raithel Alpha, No. 659: Ralph B. Crain Robert C. Brown Stephen R. Pratt Clarence, No. 662: Robert L. Shoush Rockhill, No. 663: Harry S. Weiner Florissant, No. 668: Herman W. Buchholz Odom, No. 671: Henry K. Fisher Harold 0. Grauel, No. 672: Alton T. Bray William T. Church Paul A. Davidson Harold B. Wright James W. Griffy, Jr. Central Crossing, No. 674: Richard H. Linge Ralph A. Carr Scott T. Lutz Leonard R. Cox Milton L. Bournonville Craftsmen, No. 717: Raymond G. Eichenlaub Craftsmen, No. 717: George F. Beckley
STATISTICS JUNE 30, 1997 NET MEMBERSHIP JUNE 30,1996 .•............•••.•.. 56,733 ADDITIONS: Affiliated by Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 602 Affiliated as Multiple Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 159 Initiated as Entered Apprentices - 898 Raised to Degree of Master Mason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 488 Reinstated after Suspension for Non-Payment of Dues . . . . . . . . .. 748 Reinstated after Suspension - Third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 _ _1 Restored after Susp. or Expul. For Unmasonic Conduct TOTAL ADDITIONS 2,004 DEDUCTIONS: Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues 1,354 Suspended for Failure to Show Proficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dimited Without Privileges 56 Dimited to Complete Transfer of Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 208 22 Dimited from Lodge of Original Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Withdrawal of Multiple Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Deaths 1,919 Suspended for Unmasonic Conduct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 __ 4 Expelled for Unmasonic Conduct TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 3,617 NET MEMBERSIDP JUNE 30, 1997 .....•............... 55,120 Less Fifty-Year Members 4,071 Less Remissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 800 Less Endowed Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 489 Net Member Per Capita 49,760
MASONIC SERVICE MONTH M.W Grand Master Scott announced that Sedalia Lodge No. 236 of the 36 Masonic District won the trophy for their project for Masonic Service Month in 1997.
TRUMAN MEDAL AWARD M.W. Brother Donald E. Scott announced that the Truman Medal for 1997 has been awarded to R.W. Brother Frank W. Hazelriggs Jr. of Fulton Lodge No. 48 in Fulton, Missouri.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT BY-LAW It is proposed that the last sentence of Section 25.010 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted, and the following substituted, to read as follows: Entered Apprentices may be permitted as visitors to a lodge of Entered Apprentices upon a showing of documentary evidence of good standing as an Entered Apprentice required under Section 25.020, or by lawful information. Fellow Crafts may be admitted as visitors to a Lodge of Entered Apprentices or to a Lodge of Fellow Crafts upon a showing of documentary evidence of good standing as a Fellow Craft required under Section 25.020, or by lawful information.
Statement ofPurpose: To allow Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft the opportunity to visit other lodges by themselves and begin to enjoy the fellowship of such lodges at an earlier date than presently able. This is a companion proposal to a proposed amendment to Section 25.020 of the By-Laws.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT BY-LAW It is proposed that the first sentence of Section 25.020 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted, and the following substituted, to read as follows: No lodge of Master Masons may admit a visitor until he has shown documentary evidence that he is a Master Mason in good standing of some Missouri lodge, or of some lodge chartered by a Grand Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge. No lodge of Fellow Crafts may admit a visitor until he has shown documentary evidence that he is a Master Mason or Fellow Craft in good standing of some Missouri lodge, or of some lodge chartered by a Grand Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge. No lodge of Entered Apprentice may admit a visitor until he has shown documentary evidence that he is a Master Mason, Fellow Craft or Entered Apprentice in good standing of some Missouri lodge, or of some lodge chartered by a Grand Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge.
Statement ofPurpose: To allow Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft the opportunity to visit other
lodges by themselves and begin to enjoy the fellowship of such lodges at an earlier date than presently able. This is companion proposal to a proposed amendment to Section 25.010 of the By-Laws. M.W. Brother William J. Hill, Chairman, explained that these two amendments were companion provision. One could not be adopted without the other. He stated that the committee approves this as to form of both sections and stated it would be appropriate to vote on both of them at the same time. Therefore, for the purpose of putting it before the craft, moved the adoption of both amendments. M.W. Grand Master Scott received a second and asked for discussion, there being no movements he asked for a show of hands as to favor of the motion. Both Sections was ADOPTED.
TABLED AMENDMENT (TABLED IN 1996 FOR ACTION IN 1997) Proposal to amend section 5.070. JURISPRUDENCE. The Committee on Jurisprudence has referred to it the decision of the Grand Master, all propositions to amend the Constitution and By-Laws, and other legal questions as directed by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge. No amendment may be voted on by the Grand Lodge until it is referred to and reported on by the committee as to form and advisability. Any changes to shape or structure or make reasonable or proper must be referred back to the brother who proposed the amendment to concur the changes before reading it for vote. The committee does not recommend or disapprove the amendments' passage. The committee only brings the proposal presented by the brother with the brother's name and Lodge # and a statement of purpose. It meets preceding the Annual Communication in the city where the sessions are held and at other times as directed by the Grand Master. The meetings must have a time and place posted prior to Grand Lodge communication to concur with the brother proposing the amendments. Each member is entitled to the usual mileage and per diem for his services while attendance. Statement ofPurpose: To keep the proposals in proper form as intended. A simple vote no or yes without a no meaning yes and a yes meaning no. It is not the Jurisprudence Committee's job to approve or disapprove of an amendment. they may speak as any brother has the right. M.W. Brother Hill, stated that the committee cannot fairly say that they could approve this as to form, But, in order to get it before the Grand Lodge to vote and for that purpose, he moved to adopt it, a second was given, discussion was given. By vote of the Grand Lodge the proposition was DEFEATED. The next order of business was the amendment read for the first time on Monday, Section 2.010 Q. Paragraph 3, M.W. Brother Hill read the proposal and the amendment, he stated that a request from one of those who presented the amendment asked to speak. M.W. Brother Wes Cook, "1 respectfully ask permission to withdraw this amendment. 1 have discussed with the other two that signed this petition and respectfully asked to withdraw this amendment." Grand Master Scott permitted the amendment to be withdrawn. A motion was made and seconded that Section 2.010 Q if passed be adopted
for a provisionary period of three years. Statement of Purpose: To enable us to accurately assess its merits and its effect on the fraternity and at the end of that time to be voted on for permanent inclusion in the By-Laws, second was given, after discussion a vote was taken and it was approved. The next order of business was to vote on the main motion, Proposal2.010Q Powers and Duties of the Grand Master. Each member were asked to vote on a card found in their enrollment packet. At this point a request to vote by lodge was called for by 10 lodges as stated in the by-laws. Grand Master Scott explained the process of a vote by lodge, and distributed ballots for that purpose, discussion was held and the vote was taken. Vote by individual 568 - yes, 348 - no Vote by Lodge 930 - yes, 710 - no The vote needed 2/3 vote for passage, DEFEATED.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION AND GRAND LODGE BY-LAWS Presented to lie over for Action at the 177th Annual Communication to be held in Columbia, September 28 and 29,1998. RW. Brother Ronald D. Miller, Acting Grand Secretary, read the following proposed amendments.
PROPOSAL TO DELETE SECTION 23.010 It is proposed that Section 23.010 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted.
Statement ofPurpose: Lodges have other methods of providing relief which are not limited to transient Masons, as present Section 23.010 currently states. Russell S. Hanson, Worshipful Master, Twilight Lodge No. 114 R Scott Gardner, Past Master, Granite Lodge No. 272
PROPOSAL TO DELETE SECTION 23.020 It is proposed that Section 23.020 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted.
Statement ofPurpose: The by-law and its predecessors have not been observed for some time expect in the City and County of St Louis. That board of relief is capable of operating under its own internal by-laws. Walter Walker, Past Master, Stella Lodge No. 538 R Scott Gardner, Past Master, Granite Lodge No. 272
PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW 1.050 It is proposed that Section 1.050 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be amended to read as follows: Section 1.050. VOTING. Elective officers are chosen by ballot. All other voting in the Grand Lodge is by show of hands or paper ballot as deemed appropriate by the Grand Master.
Statement ofPurpose: Voting by lodges is a highly technical procedure which takes an inordinant amount of time and which is against the democratic principal of "one Man, one vote." Walter Walker, Past Master, Stella Lodge No. 538 W.H. Chapman, Past Master, Webster Groves Lodge No. 84 PROPOSED TO DELETE SECTION 5.100 It is proposed that Section 5.100 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted.
Statement ofPurpose: If the Grand Lodge votes to delete Section 23.020, governing boards of relief, this section is superfluous. Russell S. Hanson, Worshipful Master, Twilight Lodge No. 114 R. Scott Gardner, Past Master, Granite Lodge No. 272 PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS SECTION 5.010(i) It is proposed that Section 5.010(i) of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be deleted and the remaining subsections be re-Iettered accordingly.
Statement ofPurpose: If the Grand Lodge voters to delete Section 23.020, governing boards of relief, this subsection of Section 5.010 is superfluous. Russell S. Hanson, Worshipful Master, Twilight Lodge No. 114 R. Scott Gardner, Past Master, Granite Lodge No. 272 PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF BY-LAW SECTION 10.040 It is proposed that Section 10.040 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be amended, to read as follows:
SECTION 10.040. GRAND LODGE DUES. Each lodge pays twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) to the Grand Lodge for each Master Mason (except those whose dues have been remitted and those exempted under Section 18.050(a) reported in the annual return, which dues include a subscription to the Freemason magazine. The Grand Lodge, promptly as collected, pays two dollars and fifty ($2.50) for each Master Mason to the Masonic Home of Missouri.
Statement ofPurpose: To finance the operations of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Walter Walker, Past Master, Stella Lodge No. 538 R. Scott Gardner, Past Master, Granite Lodge No. 272 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS OF THE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE III, SECTION 4 It is proposed that Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be amended to read as follows:
Section 4. APPOINTED GRAND OFFICERS-TERM OF, RESTRICTIONS ON APPOINTMENTS All Grand Officers, whose election or appointment is not otherwise provided for, shall be appointed annually by the Grand Master, and, when duly installed, shall hold their offices until their successors shall be duly appointed and installed. No Grand Master may appoint a person who is related to himself within the fourth degree of consanguinity. Statement ofPurpose: A person's qualifications to hold office, not his family relation to the Grand Master, should be the basis for appointment to a Grand Lodge office. Benny L. Roach, Past Master, Joplin Lodge No. 335 Royal Bronson, Worshipful Master, Joplin Lodge No. 335
PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE II, SECTION 3 It is proposed that Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M., be amended to read as follows: Section 3. VOTING-MEMBERS. On every question which may come before the Grand Lodge for decision each officer and member of the Grand Lodge present shall be entitled to cast one vote, but no one in his own right shall give more than one vote.
Statement of Purpose: Voting by lodges is a highly technical procedure which takes an inordinant amount of time and which is against the democratic principal of "one Man, one vote." Walter Walker, Past Master, Stella Lodge No. 538 W.H. Chapman, Past Master, Webster Groves Lodge No. 84 Resolved, That a new section, Section 2.010(q) (Powers and Duties of the Grand Master) Be added, as follows: Section 2.010(q) - Notwithstanding the provisions of any by-law to the contrary, upon written request of the Worshipful Master of one or more Lodges, the Grand Master may, from time to time, grant written authorization to the requesting Lodge or Lodges to conduct a one day class for Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts of the requesting lodge or lodges who have not made suitable proficiency in those degrees, for advancement to the degree of Master Mason. Any such one day class shall be under the Supervision of the Grand Lodge Committee on Ritual and will require the conferral of the entire degree, including the lecture and charge. No person participating in a one day class will be required to become proficient in the preceding degree as a prerequisite to advancement, nor will any such person be required to become proficient in the Master Mason degree. A simple majority vote of the members present of a requesting Lodge is necessary for the Lodge to participate in a one day class, and any Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft of such Lodge or Lodges who requests inclusion must be allowed to participate.
Statement ofPurpose: Many good men have been initialed Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts who have not advanced because of the lack of time or the inability to become proficient in those degrees are being lost to the fraternity. Adding this section will be an inducement to those men to become Master Masons and, hopefully, become active members of their Lodges, and thereby become knowledgeable of the precepts and fundamentals of Freemasonry. Lawrence N. Weenick, Past Master, Clayton Lodge No. 601 D. Robert Downey, Past Master, Webster Groves No. 84 Gordon E. Hopkins, Charity Lodge No. 331
FINAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS To the Grand Lodge ofAncient Free and Accepted Masons ofMissouri: Brethren: Your Committee on Credentials submits the following report at the present session of the Most Worship Grand Lodge, there are represented 394 Subordinate. There are no Lodges under dispensation. Grand Lodge Officers Assistant Grand Tilers Past Grand Masters and Past Grand Officers District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Lecturers Past Masters Worshipful Masters and Proxies Senior Wardens and Proxies Junior Wardens and Proxies Chairmen and Members of Grand Lodge Committees Distinguished Visitors Total Lodges without representation Non-voting Master Masons
21 9 22 43 38 391 343 162 123 36 6 1,194 43 60
Fraternally submitted, Ray Hilton, Chairman William A. Moore Cecil O. Blaylock Ronald M. Hickey Harvey J. Wells R.W. Brother Ray Hilton, Chairman moved that this report be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. The Motion was seconded and by vote of the Grand Lodge. ACCEPTED
Your Committee on Mileage and Per Diem reports amounts paid for attendance at this Grand Lodge, held in Jefferson City, Missouri, September 29 and 30th, 1997. Grand Lodge Officers Past Gr. Officers & Other Gr. Officers District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Lecturers Sub Total Grand Lodge Officers Committees: Appeals & Grievances Building Supervisory Board Credentials Jurisprudence Masonic Education Mileage & Per Diem Public Relations Ways and Means Chairman other Standing Committees Sub total of Committees Total of Grand Lodge Officers and Committees Assistant Tilers Representatives of Charter Lodges Representatives of Lodges under Dispensation Grand Total
$2,641.20 2,808.90 5,605.50 $4,660.10 $15,715.70
$140.60 107.00 821.70 295.90 710.10 647.60 394.80 241.00 339.30 $3,698.00 $19,413.70 1,013.20 44,543.60 $64,970.50
Fraternally Submitted: R. CLARK, Sr., Chairman ERIC R. PETERSON, JR., Member GEORGE A. JURSCH, Member WILLIAM H. WELLS, Member RICHARD H. WEBB, Member
MID YEAR MEETING The mid-year meeting of the Missouri Lodge of Research was held in the Ramada Inn, St. Joseph, Missouri, April 3, 1997. There were one hundred (100) members and visitors present. Tom Dean gave a very interesting talk, that started with the Morgan affair and ended some 50 years later with a murder in Iowa some 1000 miles West from where the Morgan affair began. His talk was enjoyed by all. Fraternally submitted, FRANK W. HAzELRIGG, JR.
Secretary / Treasurer
SECRETARrSREPORT 1996路1997 To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of the Missouri Lodge of Research. We had eighty (80) Brethren and Lodges to join the Lodge of Research this year, loss by death twenty-nine (29), resigned one hundred seventeen (17). Therefore we had a net loss of seventy- one (71). This gives us a net membership of one thousand four hundred eighty-one 0,481) members as of June 30,1997. I would like to thank Worshipful Master Frank P. WiIfley, Jr., and the Officers and Brethren of the Missouri Lodge of Research for their help this past year. Hopefully we will have an increase in membership next year. Fraternally submitted, FRANK W. HAzELRIGG, JR. Secretary-Treasurer
DEPOSITS 7-1-96 - 6-30-97 June 30, 1996 July 31 August 5 August 30 September 14 September 27 September 30 October 3 October 3 October 3 October 28 October 31 November 30 November 30 November 30 December 28 December 30 January 6, 1997 January 27 January 31 February 1 February 5 February 14 February 28 March 3 March 7 March 15 March 31
- Deposit # I - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit # II - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit # III - Deposit # IV - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit #V - Deposit # VI - Deposit # VII - Deposit # VIII - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit # IX - Deposit # X - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit # XI - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit # XII - Deposit # XIII - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit # XIV - Deposit # XV - Deposit # XVI - Interest on Now Ace. - Deposit # XVII - Deposit # XVIII - Deposit # XIX - Deposit # XX
593.50 22.38 418.00 21.09 362.56 99.50 22.08 2,100.00 1,680.00 437.50 371.38 29.16 195.00 20.00 24.07 450.94 26.80 9,000.00 606.44 39.31 1,856.94 1,139.50 1,474.94 10.17 1,708.00 2,079.00 1,099.00 715.00
168 March 31 April 28 April 30 May 5 May 31 May 31 June 11 June 30
Interest on Now Ace. Deposit # XXI Interest on Now Ace. Deposit # XXII Deposit # XXIII Interest on Now Ace. Deposit # XXIV Interest on Now Ace.
1997 21.94 664.93 25.92 313.00 472.50 27.47 600.00 $ 29.47 $ 28,757.49
CHECKS ISSUED 1996 - 1997 July 1, 1996 July 15 July 19 July 23 Aug. 8 Aug. 30 Sept. 7 Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Sept. 18 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Nov. 12 Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 14 Dec. 27 Jan. 2, 1997 Jan. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 20 Jan. 24 Jan. 29 Feb. 1 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 13
5.46 - 2142 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) - 2143 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 17.97 - 2144 - Richard Prettyman (Tax-Return) 75.00 - 2145 - Fulton Graphics (Printing Bfks. Tk.) 34.52 - 2146 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books & Stamps) 43.06 - 2147 - Wal-Mart (Ribbons) 8.36 - 2148 - Mail Books Labels (Selby) G.G.C. 4.10 - 2149 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 5.48 - 2150 - Wal-Mart (desk & supplies) 65.45 - 2151 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 5.48 Callaway Bank Debit Ace. (Bad Check) 20.00 - 2152 - Richard Smith (Exp. O.K. by Lodge) 305.25 - 2153 - University Plaza (G.L. Exp.) 150.08 - 2154 - Addressing Mach. & Supply (ribbon) 16.84 - 2155 - Frank Hazelrigg (Honorarium) 1,200.00 1,628.40 - 2156 - Grand Lodge ofMO 160 Bkfs. tickets - 2157 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 3.16 - 2158 - Pantagraph Printing (List of Lodges) 7.00 - 2159 - Frank Hazelrigg (Postage & Supplies) 28.88 - 2160 - Wal Mart (W.P. Ribbon) 8.40 - 2161 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 6.87 - 2162 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 8.96 - 2163 - Fulton Post Office (Return Postage on Books) 29.54 16.08 - 2164 - Fulton Post Office (Return Postage on Books) - 2165 - Fulton Post Office (Return Postage on Books) 8.94 32.00 - 2166 - Fulton Post Office (Roll Stamps) - 2167 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 3.98 Callaway Bank (Debit 300 Ck. Order) 44.33 - 2168 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 3.58 - 2169 - General Grand Chapter (1700 Books) 18,819.65 - 2170 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 6.40 - 2171 - Personalized Envelopes (2000) 702.80 - 2172 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 5.78 - 2173 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 7.92 - 2174 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 11.97 - 2175 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books & Stamps) 83.33 - 2176 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 3.88 Debit (Canada Ck. Discount) 4.99 - 2177 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) 10.79
1997 Feb. 15 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 March 1 March 3 March 7 March 8 March 10 March 18 April 21 May 3 May 3 May 28 June 4 June 11
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI - 2178 - Frank Hazelrigg (Postage & Supplies) - 2179 - Wal-Mart (Ribbon & Add. paper) - 2180 - Fulton Graphics (Print Tickets) - 2181- Hay Mart (Lunch for Publications Com.) - 2182 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) - 2183 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) - 2184 - Fulton Post Office (Stamps) - 2185 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) - 2186 - The Callaway Bank (S.D. Box) - 2187 - Fulton Post Office (Mail Books) - 2188 - Ramada Inn (St. Joe) - 2189 - Ronald Wood, Jr. (Breakfast Tickets) - 2190 - Wal-Mart (Ribbons) - 2191 - The Printing Centre, Inc. (Brochures) - 2192 - Fulton Post Office (P.O. Box Rent)
169 24.90 15.67 34.69 35.94 3.48 8.20 49.00 9.56 12.00 3.24 121.52 263.00 19.01 250.10 $ 58.00 $ 24,352.99
MISSOURI LODGE OF RESEARCH RECAP SHEET 1996 - 1997 75.00 1,154.79 319.31 1,891.40 271.60 185.06 305.25 18,819.65 1,200.00 58.00 12.00 $ 60.93 $ 24,352.99
Richard Prettyman Postage Printing Breakfast (Grand Lodge & Grand York) Expenses (Grand Lodge & Grand York) Supplies Richard Smith - Expenses Grand York O.K. by Lodge General Grand Chapter (1700 R.A.M. Vol. 4) Frank Hazelrigg (Honorarium) P.O. Box Rent Callaway Bank S.D. Box Rent Misc.
SECRETARY I TREASURER COMBINED REPORT 1996 - 1997 BALANCE: Callaway Bank Checking Ace. 6-30-96 Deposits: 7-1-96 thru 6-30-97 Balance + Deposits Disbursements: Cks. # 2142 thru 2192
8,649.81 $28757.49 37,407.30 $24352.99
Balance: Callaway Bank 6-30-97 OTHER ASSETS: Callaway Bank C.D. #18417 Callaway Bank C.D. # 24396 Callaway Bank C.D. # 41668 Callaway Bank C.D. # 41669
500.00 400.00 8,434.51 $ 8434.51 17,769.02
Balance: 6-30-97 FIRST BANK SAVINGS & LOAN: Balance: C.D. 828660001175 (7-1-96) Interest (7-1-96 to 6-30-97)
47,456.45 $ 2,571.70
Balance: 6-30-97
SAVINGS ACCOUNT # 3828301140 Balance: 7-1-96 Interest (7-1-96 thru 6-30-97) Total Transferred to checking (1-6-97) Balance: 6-30-97 TOTAL ASSETS June 30, 1997
18,200.92 317,87 18,518.79 $ 9000.00
$ 9,518.79 $90,370.27
REPORT OF THE AUDITING COMMITTEE The Masters, Wardens and Brethern of the Missouri Lodge ofResearch: BRETHREN:
We have on this date examined the report of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Missouri Lodge of Research, for the period of July 1, 1996 to June 30,1997. We have found the report in good order, correct and complete. Fraternally submitted, STERLING T. CAMPBELL WILLIAM R. SCOTT, JR.
NEW MEMBERS 1996 - 1997 Allen, Douglas P. Atteberry, Joe Austin, Bruce R. Barriner, Larry F. Beatty, Bill J. Branson, Donald L. Bryan, Dale M. Clark, Horace L. Crick, Robert R. Dix, RexA. Foddrill, William I. Gentry, Delbert B. Hamilton, Michael D. Hamilton, Richard L. Harrison, Charles R. Heins, Louis H. Heiser, Daniel L. Hess, John W. Holcomb, William C. Houge, C. Scott Jones, Albert C. Krumme, Richard E. Mathis, William J. B. Mattson, Eric R. Mattson, Jerry L. Maylee, K. Darryl
McCrackin, Thomas H. III McCray, Shane A. Miller, Charles K., Jr. Monken, Louis L. Moore, Benjamin C. Patrick, David R. Paul, J. Clayton Raymer, Dale A., Jr. Rechlin, Norman L. Redin, Will Reiner, James E. Remelius, Richard G. Revelle, Elmer E. Roller, Kevin L. Schroff, Calvin D. Seevers, J. B. Sherrell, Jim Shurtz, Gregory D. Simpson, Melvin E. Smith, Darrell L. Steidel, George C. Stepp, Gary D. Street, Perry L. Thone, Robert T. Triska, John A. Van Meter, William B.
CORRESPONDING Arnold, Jimmie E. Brooks, Alvin R, Jr. Busby, Michael L. Cook, Frederick D. Detmers, Frederick H. Edwards, Robert D. Eversole, William F. Harz, Thomas A. Isaacs, Mark D. Kerlin, Philip L. Nicholas, John R Sr. Polis, Michael Rose, Daniel J. Schaefer, Robert W., Jr. Schuck, William Shehorn, Bobby L. Shoaf, Ronald L. Shurtz, William L. Vizante, Samuel S. Williams, Jow A. Wolkey, William O. Yoder, James A.
SUBSCRIBING Holland Lodge #1 AF & AM
DEATHS 1996 - 1997 ACTIVE Bryson, James R, 2-23-96 Carter, Charles D., no date Carter, Garrard E., 12-4-95 Flanders, Donald L., 3-26-97 Gamblian, William A., 1-20-97 Gordon, Donald B., 4-6-96 Ingram, F. David, 2-19-97 Moore, Charles H., 1997 Painter, Harold N., 1996 Poore, Lloyd E., 3-5-97 Robinson, Harry D., 4-6-96 Weeks, Doyle E., 10-95
CORRESPONDING Banks, Nathaniel, no date Bates, Wayne C., 11-31-96 Bresee, Wilmer E., 1-16-97 Briggs, Ax L., 1-14-97 Carlson, Stan W., no date Carter, Charles H., no date Chabot, Richard C., no date DeCouraey, Henry, no date Dockstader, Alton F., 6-7-97 Draper, Edward M., no date Ince, T. Wallace E., no date Lewis, Joe S., 5-18-96 McCracken, Walter W., no date Moore, Charles W, 10-1-96 Roberts, Allen E., 3-97 Selby, William R, Sr., 1996 Yaeger, Harold, 12-2-96
ACTIVE Alexander, Terry C. Allen, J. Eric Berkhurst, Oscar R Baron, Michael Jon Boyd, Edward M. Brinley, Cody D. Cameron, Lawrence S. Carroll, Richard D. Cobra, Bernie C. Cooper, James R, Jr. Craig, Frank A., Jr. Curtis, Harold R Daniel, Charlie R Derryberry, Kenneth W. Dickson, John E. Dugger, Richard A. Duke, Curry L. Eldridge, James A. Eoff, Earl S. Flanery, Dennis Frost, Marvin W. Gilbert, Walter D. Graddy, Jerry L. Helms, William A. Hoffman, Robert H. Holtzman, Harry Inukai, James L. Jump, Richard E. Key, Kimber W. Kindred, Gerald D. Kinkead, David V. Kitsmiller, Jeffrey C. Knoor, Charles A., Sr.
ACTIVE Kyle, Raymond A. Leach, Charles W. Lecompte, James W. II Lindgens, Dale L. Long, Jonnie D. Mardis, Jefferson R Massey, Stanley E. Miller, Edward W. Morton, Roy W. Muir, Larry L. Myers, Curtis L Neal, Thomas P. Nixon, Edward E. RaIl, Christle L. Raymer, Dale A. Rea, Lislie P. Reindel, George F. Reynolds, James H. Robertson, Davis Rodriquez, Maber K. Rosene, Alfred Schlange, Eugene Shores, Marion R Smith, Jon C. Smith, Joseph C. Sondker, Milton W. Stringer, Larry D. Suter, Arthur Lee Weber, Charles A. Wetzel, John E. Wilson, Thomas D. Yingling, Vincent S. Rodgers, Albert L. RESIGNED 1996 - 1997
CORRESPONDING Autiero, Vincent E. Bartow, Jeff Beck, John J. Boratynec, William T. Burnett, Loren L. Carter, James E. Case, Thomas B. Cary,H.B.
SUBSCRIBING California Masonic Mem. Temple Christian Lodge #392 Cincinnati Masonic Library Gate City Lodge #522 Library Committee Holland Lodge Nevada Lodge of Research New Hope Lodge #199 Temple Lodge #299
Troy Lodge #34
Cooke, Morrison L. Cooper, Richard R. Cowean, Samuel E. Double, John H. Duerr, Robert F. Duncan, Ralph B. Falls, Floyd A. Gann, Larry Haggard, Forrest D. Jacobs, Charles W. Jockell, Kirk S. Kelsey, Richard D. Knight, William R. Larsen, Kenneth L. Laun, George F. Lesser, Richard J. Lisy, Edward W. Mansfield, Robin McInturff, Raymond C. Meldorf, John R. Nicholson, L. Willard Rebcook, Eugene C. Riddell, Sidney J. Roberts, Richard L. Sacks, Edwin L. Spigelman, Auri Stotler, Jerry E. Paloso, Joseph A. Tisher, Harold L. Tolen, George R. Van Kirk, Donald J. Wardrop, Desmond E. Wallinger, George A. York, John M.
STATISTICAL 1996 - 1997 Membership 6-30-96 New Members
To life member Deaths Resigned
-12 -66
-17 -42
TOTAL 1552 80
1632 -5
-29 -117
Membership Total 6-30-97 15 867 485 105 9 OFFICERS OF MISSOURI LODGE OF RESEARCH 1996 - 1997
175 1481
W.M. Frank P. Wilfley, Jr. S.W. John W. Siscel J.W. Zelwin B. Eaton SECtrRE. Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr. S.D. Albert J. Elfrank J.D. James M. Williams S.S. D. Robert Downey J.S. Donald E. Scott Sr. Mar. Brent S. Mattox Jr. Mar. Jack S. Clark Sr. Dir. of Cer. Jimmie Dee Lee Jr. Dir. of Cer. Harold J. Richardson Tiler Bob L. Detherow Chaplin J. C. Montgomery
REPORT OF THE NATIONAL CAMPING TRAVELERS On July 24, 1997, the National Camping Travelers held National Camping meetings in Sedalia, Missouri. This group received our Grand Master, Donald E. Scott, with enthusiasm. The following information is taken from their "fact sheet" Contrary to what a lot of people say and think, we are not a Masonic Camping Group; we are a camping group composed of Master Masons, their families, and the widows of our deceased Brethren who died while they were active NCT members. There are approximately 160 active Chapters in the United States and 3 active Chapters in Canada. The basic unit of NCT is the Chapter. Each Chapter is led by a Master of Travel, assisted by a Wagon Master, Secretary-Treasurer, Chaplain, Safety Director and the Chapter Trustees. Between the Chapter Officers and the National Officers we have in many cases a StatelProvincial Director and a District Director. A District is usually composed of about four States. There are two categories of regular members - those belonging to a Chapter and the member-at-large. If there is a Chapter to which a member can belong, he is, in all probability going to derive more from his membership by belonging to and participating in the activities of that Chapter. A member may have associate membership in as many Chapters as he desires. He is only required to pay his National dues one time annually; the Chapter through which he pays his National dues is considered his HOME Chapter. Our fiscal year is from July 1 through June 30. Dues and fees are: Initiation fee $5.00, Annual National dues $12.00, Annual member-at-large fee $5.00. (The annual National dues have been pro-rated to $6.00 for those new members joining between January I-June 30.) In accordance with the By-Laws, each Chapter establishes its own dues. The member-at-large fee is charged in lieu of Chapter dues to help defray the costs of mailing those items which are normally sent in bulk to the Chapter Secretary for insurance. We do not use a billing system. Members belonging to a Chapter pay their National and Chapter dues to the Chapter. The National dues are in turn sent by the
Chapter Secretary to the National Secretary-Treasurer. Members-at-Iarge send their annual National dues and annual member-at-Iarge fee direct to the National Secretary-Treasurer. We have no jurisdictional boundaries or Chapters exclusive to a particular class such as all owners of the same make or type of recreational vehicle, all grandparents, all retirees, etc. The choice of Chapter affiliation is limited only "by the number of Chapters in being and forming. Any member desiring to form a Chapter in his area should contact the StatelProvincial, District or National Director who will be most happy to assist. We have an annual National Rally in July and for the past several years have had a mid-winter meeting in February. Our official publication, NEWS TO CAMPERS, is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Through this we try to keep the membership apprised of what is going on in NCT, planned functions at the District and State/Provincial level and special activities planned by the Chapters. Many of the District and State/Provincial Directors publish newsletters and each is encouraged to have a District and StatelProvincial Rally annually. Most Chapters also publish a newsletter for the members of their Chapter. For members with minor children, we have an added attraction - our Youth Organization called YNCT. They have their own elected officers and have a big time at the National Rallies under the direction of the National Youth Director(s).
ANNOUNCEMENTSOFAPPOThITMENTSFORTHE GRAND LODGE YEAR 1997-1998 R.W. Brother Ronald D. Miller, Acting Grand Secretary, read the appointments made by Grand Master-Elect Jeffrey O. Nations for the year 1997-1998. Appointive Grand Officers District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Lecturers Chairmen and Members of Standing Committees Chairmen and Members of Special Committees The Auditor
OPEN INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Installing Officer Installing Chaplain Installing Marshal
M.W. Past Grand Master Gus O. Nations M.W. Past Grand Master D. Robert Downey M.W. Past Master William H. Chapman
THE GRAND LODGE OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1997-1998 Grand Master Deputy Grand Master Senior Grand Warden Junior Grand Warden Grand Treasurer Grand Secretary Grand Lecturer Senior Grand Deacon Junior Grand Deacon
Jeffrey O. Nations Steven I. Toybes Wilfred G. Soutiea Freddie D. Adams W. Marion Luna Ronald D. Miller James E. Spencer Glenn E. Means Jimmie D. Lee
Senior Grand Steward Junior Grand Steward Senior Grand Marshal Junior Grand Marshal Grand Sword Bearer Grand Pursuviant Grand Chaplain Grand Chaplain Grand Chaplain Grand Chaplain Grand Chaplain Grand Chaplain Grand Orator Grand Tiler
Stanley M. Thompson Elmer B. Revelle John M. Nations Michael Howard Teddie Harrison H. V. (Jake) Jacobs The Rev. Ronald R. Bollinger The Rev. Marvin R. Davis The Rev. Donald E. McGuire The Rev. Billy R. Potter Sheldon H. Snitz The Rev. Ronald E. Wood, Jr. Larry C. Reynolds R. L. Tichenor
PRESENTATIONS TO MOST WORSHIPFUL JEFFREY O. NATIONS GRAND MASTER, 1997-1998 Apron M.W. Brother Gus O. Nations Jewel M.W. Brother Gus O. Nations Lapel Pin R.W. Brother Ronald D. Miller Nancy, Jeffrey, and Steven Nations Top Hat Gavel of Authority Jenny Nations (Mother) Virgie L. Meroney (Grand Mother) Special Pin (Pin belonged to M.W. Nations Great-Grandfather)
PRESENTATION TO MOST WORSIDPFUL BROTHER DONALD E. SCOTT M.W Brother Frand Ames Arnold presented M.W. Past Grand Master Donald E. Scott a patent that certified his service to the Grand Lodge of Missouri as Grand Master. Also stated that on completion a booklet containing the 176th Session program, Address of the Grand Master, the Masonic Home Report and four (4) issues of the Freemason Magazine would be presented to M.W. Brother Scott. A symbolic presentation was made by M.W. Brother Arnold.
REMARKS OF M.W. GRAND MASTER JEFFREY O. NATIONS M.W. Brother Jeffrey O. Nations addressed the Grand Lodge and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve as Grand Master. He expressed his gratitude to the Installing Officers and gave his appreciation for the gifts presented him. He felt inspired by the feeling of concern toward membership. Stating that we all must address the issues of change.
CLOSING The 176th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri was closed until the next Annual Communication - the 177th - on Monday September 28, 1998 at Columbia, Missouri.
Grand Lodge of Missouri 1997-1998 Jeffrey O. Nations Grand Master (Nancy) (84) 3663 Forestdale Dr., Mehlville 63125, Home Phone: 314-845-8040 Steven I. Toybes Deputy Grand Master (Sharlene) (642) 7711 Carondelet, Suite 400, St. Louis 63105 Home Phone: 314-878-1796 Bus. Phone: 314-725-6980 Fax: 314-725-5190 Sr. Grand Warden (Carol) (636) Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr 2948 Finestown Rd., St. Louis 63129-5826, Home Phone: 314-846-0015 Freddie D. Adams Jr. Grand Warden (Lauretta) (205) 32 East Mission St., Marshall 65340, Home Phone: 816-886-5363 W. Marion Luna Grand Treasurer (Freida) (526) 1101 N. Main St., Piedmont 63957, Home Phone: 573-223-7291 Ronald D. Miller Grand Secretary (Lenora) (366) 605 Adens Woods Court, Columbia 65201 Home Phone: 573-886-0288 Bus. Phone: 573-474-8561 James E. Spencer Grand Lecturer (Joyce) (618) 6620 E. 134th Terrace, Grandview 64030, Home Phone: 816-763-3697 Glenn E. Means Sr. Grand Deacon (Mary Jane) (337) 2019 N.E. Avanti Court, Grain Valley 6402?, Home Phone: 816-847-7249 Jimmie D. Lee Jr. Grand Deacon (Jeri) (477) 7765 E. U.S. 60 HWY, Rogersville 65742, Home Phone: 417-753-2636 Stanley M. Thompson Sr. Grand Steward (Jennifer) (57) 311 N. Main, Richmond 64085-1163 Home Phone: 816-776-6853 Bus. Phone: 816-776-8787 Elmer E. Revelle Jr. Grand Steward (Diana) (154) 16436 Green Pines Dr., Ellisville 63011 Home Phone: 314-458-9186 Bus. Phone: 314-776-8787 John M. Nations Sr. Grand Marshal (84) 7733 Forsyth, Suite 1150, St Louis 63116 Home Phone: 314-530-9433 Bus. Phone: 314-725-4803 Fax: 314-725-0742 Michael Howard Jr. Grand Marshal (626) 4136 McDonald, St. Louis 63116-3807, Home Phone:314-664-1008 Grand Sword Bearer (76) Teddie Harrison 16421 Crackerneck Rd., Independence 64055, Home Phone: 816-373-2165 ......................................................... Grand Pursuivant Rev. Ronald R Bollinger Grand Chaplain (Gerry Ann) (133) 6919 Trainor Ct., St. Louis 63116-3020, Home Phone: 314-353-8221 Rev. Marvin R Davis Grand Chaplain (Debra Ann) (570) 220 S. Elm, Marshfield 65706, Home Phone: 417-859-2230 Bus. Phone: 417-859-2472 Rev. Donald E. McGuire Grand Chaplain (Beverly) (132) 412 Allen St. Farmington 63640-185?, Home Phone: 573-756-4822 Rev. Billy R Potter Grand Chaplain (Rose) (183) Rt. 1, Box 1283, California 65018 Home Phone: 573-796-2958 Sheldon H. Snitz Grand Chaplain (Eunice) (104) 9852 Connell Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212, Home Phone: 913-492-1446 Rev. Ronald E. Wood, Jr Grand Chaplain (Marie) (331) 1904 N. 36th St., St. Joseph 64506 Home Phone: 816-364-4881 Bus. Phone: 816-279-9597 Larry C. Reynolds Grand Orator (Bettie) (477) 443 Wildwood Dr., Rogersville 65742-9801 Home Phone: 417-753-3356 Bus. Phone: 417-862-6017 RL. Tichenor Grand Tiler (Gloria) (13) 4508 NE Carolane, Kansas City 641? Home Phone: 816-454-2623 Bus. Phone: 816-454-9898 178
APPOINTMENTS OF GRAND MASTER STANDING COMMITTEES 1997-1998 APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES: Harry Gershenson, Sr.-Chairman, Pierre Laclede Center, Suite 860, 7733 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis 63105; James E. Brown, Robert W. Cockerham, David E. Wilson, Daniel W. Imhof BUILDING SUPERVISORY BOARD: Robert R. Crick-Chairman (1 Yr. Term), 4304 Bryant Crt. #2, Independence 64055; Marlin F. Slagle (1), Bruce L. Smith (2) BY-LAWS: Harry Gershenson, Jr.-Chairman, Pierre Laclede Center, Suite 860, 7733 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis 63105; Judge J. Morgan Donelson, P.G.M., Judge Ronald M. Belt, William H. Chapman, P.G.M. CHARTERED LODGES: Thomas O. Gooch-Chairman, 32 Weldon Springs Heights, St. Charles 63304-5623; Robert E. Hardester, Richard A. Mansfield, Verle T. Naughton, Dean Rowe, Zelwin B. Eaton CORRESPONDENCE: Zelwin B. Eaton, 904 E. Wall Street, Kirksville 635014571 CREDENTIALS: Ray Hilton-Chairman, 2929 S. Barnes, Springfield, MO 65804; Cecil O. Blaylock, Maxie C. Barbee, Jr., Ronald M. Hickey, Harvey J. Wells, William A. Moore ENTERTAINMENT OF DISTINGUISHED GUESTS: Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr.Chairman, 2948 Finestown Rd., St. Louis, MO 63129-5826; Jeffrey O. Nations Grand Master, Steven I. Toybes, Ronald D. Miller (Grand Secretary) FORMS AND CEREMONIES: Frank P. WilHey, Jr.-Chairman, Rt. 2, Box 84, Laddonia, MO 63352-9802; John L. House, Edwin L. Smith, Richard L. Thompson, Kenneth L. Goad, James E. Spencer (Ex-Officio) PUBLIC RELATIONS: Webb Edwards (2 Yr. term)-Chairman, 101 State Dr. Suite E, Hollister 65672; Danny D. Smothers (3), P. Vincent Kinkead, P.G.M. (2), Ronald P. Krueger (1), Jess Hopple (3), Dale Bryan (1) RELIEF AND CHARITY: Robert D. Whitney-Chairman, 12005 Reinhardt Drive, Leawood, KS 66209-1020; Stephen B. Givens (Ex-Officio), Larry D. Ross, Curtis R. Doyle RITUAL: James E. Spencer-Chairman, 6620 E. 134 Terrace, Grandview 64030; Dale C. Motter, P.G.M., Willard D. Hetzler, Randall J. Jones, David R. Vogler WAYS AND MEANS: John M. Nations-Chairman (2 Yr. Term), #8 Baxter Lane, Chesterfield 63017; William H. Chapman, P.G.M. (2), Paul B. Tobias (3), Larry R. Moss (2), Richard W.Allgood (1), W. Marion Luna (Grand Treasurer) YOUTH: Jeffrey C. Kitsmiller-Chairman, 921 Windsor Harbor, Imperial, MO; Lionel J. Goede, James Snavely, Craig M. Bennett, Melvin Mueller, Leroy Unruh GRAND LODGE OFFICE BUILDING: Marion W. Dey-Chairman, 4211 Rice Rd., Columbia, MO 65202-1114; James P. Vessell, Ronald D. Miller (Grand Secretary), Brent S. Mattox GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS: Donald E. Scott-Chairman, 14909 East 39th, Independence, MO 64055; And All Past Grand Masters In Attendance JURISPRUDENCE: Douglas Ritterskamp-Chairman, c/o Bryan Cave McPheeters & McRoberts, One Metropolitan Square, 36th Floor, St. Louis, MO 63102; Scott Gardner, Vern H. Schneider, P.G.M., Robert W. Cockerham, David E. Wilson
LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION COMMITTEE: Larry F. BarrinerChairman, 4215 Tupelo, St. Louis, MO 63125-3051; Earl Wayne Orr, Richard G. Thornton, Franklin D. Duckett, Robert W. Harper LONG RANGE PLANNING: Grand Master, Advancing Line and David L. Jacobi, Robert R. Crick, Jeffrey C. Kitsmiller MASONIC BOARDS OF RELIEF: James H. Doran-Chairman, P.O. Box 1235, Joplin 64802-1235; Jim Garrison, Dale Bryan MASONIC EDUCATION: Richard L. Smith-Chairman (2), 459 Wilcox Ave., Kirkwood 63122-3836; Brent S. Mattox (3), Larry C. Reynolds (3), Jon B. Broyles (2), Richard W. Lodge (1), Daniel Quesenberry (1), Associate Members-H. Vayne "Jake" Jacobs (1), Steven C. Monrotus (1), Lonny W. Morrow (1), E. Otha Wingo (1), Jeffrey O. Nations, Grand Master (Ex-Officio), Steven I. Toybes (Ex-Officio), Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr. (Ex-Officio), Freddie D. Adams (Ex-Officio) MILEAGE AND PER DIEM: Jack R. Clark, Sr.-Chairman, 9931 McGee St., Kansas City 64114-4138; Eric R. Peterson, Jr., William H. Wells, Jr., George A. Jursch, Richard H. Webb NECROLOGY: Frank Ames Arnold, P.G.M.-Chairman, 733 Main Street, Boonville 65233-1655; Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., P.G.M., P. Vincent Kinkead, P.G.M.
GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION: D. Robert Downey, P.G.M.-Chairman, 13006 Musket Court, St. Louis 63146-4352; Elvis A. Mooney, P.G.M., Fielding A. Poe, P.G.M. GRAND LODGE CHARITY: Jeffrey O. Nations-Chairman, 3663 Forestdale Dr., Mehlville, MO 63125; Steven I. Toybes, Wilfred G. Soutiea, Ronald D. Miller (Grand Secretary) INSURANCE COMMITTEE: J. Steve Dodson-Chairman, 6240 Beyes Lane, St. Louis 63129-5001; Thomas G. Hennenhoefer, Thomas D. White PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Elvis A. Mooney, P.G.M. (Co-Chairman), P.O. Box 170, Bloomfield 63825-0170; Albert J. Elfrank (Co-Chairman), Rt. 2, Box 2278, Advance 63730-9509; Dr. M. Graham Clark RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN GRAND LODGES: Frank Ames Arnold, P.G.M.-Chairman, 733 Main Street, Boonville 65233-1655; P. Vincent Kinkead, P.G.M. MASONIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., P.G.M.Chairman, 940 Mansion Hill Dr., Ballwin 63011-2848; William J. Hill, P.G.M., Dr. J. Edward Blinn, P.G.M. SPEAKERS BUREAU: Paul B. Tobias-Chairman, 1722 N. Capri Dr., Bonne Terre, 63628-8949; Robert M. Barrett, E. Otha Wingo, Alvin F. Cole, Robert Hutchinson, Sammie J. Rhoades, Larry D. Ross, Elmer Copeland, Fred Troxel, James E. Snavely, Dale Bryan, Arnold Bruns AUDITOR: Charles R. Harrison, CPA, 8600 Ward Parkway, Kansas City 64114 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE MISSOURI MASONIC FOUNDATION FOR THE PREVENTION SUBSTANCE ABUSE AMONG CHILDREN: Jimmie D. Lee-Chairman, Stanley M. Thompson, Elmer E. Revelle, John M. Nations, Ronald D. Miller (Grand Secretary) REVISION OF CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, TRIAL CODE: Daniel F. Cole,
P.G.M.-Chairman, 6023 Southern Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123; Harry Gershenson, Jr., Dr. J. Edward Blinn, P.G.M., William H. Chapman, P.G.M., D. Robert Downey, P.G.M., Earl K. Dille, P.G.M. MEMBERSHIP: Freddie D. Adams-Chairman, 32 East Mission St., Marshall 65340; Glenn E. Means, James M. Williams SAMUEL SMITH STEWART TRUST: Steven 1. Toybes-Chairman, 7711 Carondelet Suite 400, St. Louis, MO 63105-3313; Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., Freddie D. Adams, Jeffrey O. Nations (Ex-Officio) EDITOR OF "THE FREEMASON": Zelwin Eaton, P.O. Box 44, Kirksville, MO 63501-0044 MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI: Robert C. Kellstrom-Executive Director, 13990 Olive Street Rd., Suite 100, Chesterfield 63017 LODGE OF RESEARCH: Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr., 505 State Rt. Z, Fulton, MO 65251-2337
PAST GRAND MASTERS EMERITUS GRAND OFFICERS GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI Elvis A. Mooney, P.O. Box 170, Bloomfield 63825-0170 (1968-1969) Judge J. Morgan Donelson, P.O. Box 211, Princeton 64673-0211 .. (1969-1970) William H. Chapman, 9200 Watson Rd., Suite 110, P.O. Box 270010, St. Louis 63126-0010 (1970-1971) Walter L. Walker, P.O. Box 487, Neosha 64850-0487 (1973-1974) Lewis C. Wes Cook, 3233 NE Chippewa Dr., Kansas City 64116 .. (1975-1976) (1976-1977) Fielding A. Poe, 501 N. Lafayette St., Florrisant 63031-4913 (1977-1978) Dr. James A. Noland, Jr., Rt. 3, Box 7450, Osage Beach 65065 Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., 940 Mansion Hill Dr., Ballwin 63011-2848 (1978-1979) Gus O. Nations, 2440 Copper Beach Dr., St. Louis 63131-1110 (1979-1980) (1980-1981) Dr. J. Edward Blinn, P.O. Box 14, Marshfield 65706-0014 William J. Hill, Palace Building, Suite 250, 1150 Grand, Kansas City 64106 (1981-1982) Earl K. Dille, 27 Dunleith Dr., St. Louis 63131-4800 (1982-1983) (1983-1984) Robert J. Crede, 3826 Route E, Jefferson City 65101-9676 Vern H. Schneider, 4 Exmoor Dr., St. Louis 63124 (1984-1985) P. Vincent Kinkead, 5804 Hillsboro Rd., Farmington 63640-9138 .. (1986-1987) Thomas K McGuire, Jr., 4410 S. State Hwy J, Rogersville 65742 .. (1987-1988) Robert D. Jenkins, 2609 W. 70th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66208-2728 (1988-1989) Thomas C. Warden, P.O. Box 540, Owensville 65066-0540 (1989-1990) Daniel F. Cole, 6023 Southern Dr., St. Louis 63123-1669 (1990-1991) D. Robert Downey, 13006 Musket Ct., St. Louis 63146-4352 (1991-1992) Frank Ames Arnold, 733 Main St., Boonville 65233-1655 (1992-1993) (1993-1994) Dale C. Motter, P.O. Box 252, Kirksville 63501-0252 Gordon E. Hopkins, 2212 Chambers Ave., St. Joseph 64506-1926 .. (1994-1995) (1996-1997) Donald E. Scott, 14909 E. 39th St., Independence 64055 Stanton T. Brown, Box 230, Buckner 64016 Grand Lecturer Emeritus Elmer D. Copeland, 2284 Louie Dr., Arnold Grand Lecturer Emeritus 63010-1850
MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Robert C. Kellstrom, 13990 Olive St. Rd., Suite 100, Chesterfield, MO 63017, Ph: 314-434-6400 Fax: 314-434-5927 ADMINISTRATOR - WESTERN UNIT Kathryn J. Elcock, 12101 East Bannister Rd., Kansas City, MO 64138-4913, Ph: 816-763-6667 SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stephen B. Givens, 13990 Olive St. Rd., Suite 100, Chesterfield, MO 63017, Ph: 314-434-6400 Fax: 314-434-5927 CONTROLLER OF THE MASONIC HOME Willard E. Wood, 13990 Olive St. Rd., Suite 100, Chesterfield, MO 63017, Ph: 314-434-6400 Fax: 314-434-5927 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT B. Todd Sanders, 13990 Olive St. Rd., Suite 100, Chesterfield, MO 63017, Ph: 314-434-6400 Fax: 314-434-5927 MASONIC HOME OF MISSOURI OFFICERS 1997-1998 Honorary Chairman: Jeffrey O. Nations President: Steven I. Toybes Vice President: Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr. Secretary: Stephen B. Givens Assistant Secretary: Curtis R. Doyle Treasurer: ? BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jeffrey O. Nations, 3663 Forestdale Dr., Mehlville 63125 Steven I. Toybes, 7711 Carondelet, Suite 400, St. Louis 63105 Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., 2948 Finestown Rd., St. Louis 63129-5826 Freddie Adams, 32 East Mission St., Marshal 65340-3343 Glenn E. Means, 2019 Avanti Ct, Grain Valley 64029-9368 Curtis R. Doyle (1998), 6169 Westminister Pl., St. Louis 63112-1209 Robert D. Whitney (1998),12005 Reinhardt Dr., Leawood, KS 66209-1020 Julius H. Berg (1999),83 Stoneyside Ln., Olivette 63132-4121 Larry D. Ross (1999), P.O. Box 376, Carthage 64836-0376 Patrick A. McGuire (2000), P.O. Box 495, Kearney 64060-0495 John W. Mayo (2000), 4001 East Haverill, St. Joseph 64506-1372 Gail S. Turner (2001), P.O. Box 104, Purdin 64674-0129 Richard H. Montgomery (2001), P.O. Box 1046, Sikeston 63801-1046
1. Billy E. March (635) Rt. 2, Box 219, Greentop, MO 63546 2. Zelwin B. Eaton (366) 904 E. Wall Street, Kirksville, MO 63501 3. Loren Lloyd (171) Rt. 5, Box 116D, Unionville, MO 63565 5. Ned Sutherland (97) 1002 S. 17th St., Bethany, MO 64424 6. James W. Curram (109) 912 E. 5th St., Maryville, MO 644681833 7. Laymon B. Walker (470) Rt. 4, Box 221, Maryville, MO 64468 8. JackA. Vernon (480) P.O. Box 19, Fairfax, MO 64446 9. Dennis A. Bonjour (269) 3909 Patee Street, St. Joseph, MO 64507 10. Davey L. Fisher (15) P.O. Box 82D, 2nd & Croft, Winston, MO 64689 11. Michael D. New (113) 1940 S.W. Smith/Halferty Rd., Gower, MO 64454 12. Larry D. Griffith (89) 1200 Brian Street, Chillicothe, MO 64601 13. Dennis Fletcher (86) 147 Hunt St., Brookfield, MO 64628 14. Robert Shoemyer (228) 307 East Spruce, Shelbina, MO 63468 15. Roger L. McGregor (28) 41 Sherwood Estates, Hannibal, MO 63401 16. Tom Serandos (92) 918 Georgia St., P.O. Box 205, Louisiana, MO 63353-0205 17. Louis J. Botts (33) 81 Meadows Drive, Hannibal, MO 63401 18. Raymond T. Kirgan (344) Rt. 4, Box 10, Moberly, MO 65270 19. Carl W Walby (216) RR I, Box 225, Hale, MO 646439549
1. John M. Courtney (16) 217 N. Clay, Memphis 63555 2. Robert M. Barrett (366) Rt 4, Box 87, Kirksville 63501-9426 3. Melvin L. Hall (349) Rt. 3, Box 173, Unionville 63565 5. 6. Guy L. Allee (88) Rt. 2, Box 63, Sheridan 64486 7. Vern W. Summa (470) 806 Walnut St., Tarkio 64491 8. Lloyd N. Brown (483) 808 N. Third St., Tarkio 64491 9. Merle L. Ivey (376) 2614 Belle St., St. Joseph 64503 10. Davey L. Fisher (15) P.O. Box 82D 2nd and Croft, Winston 64689 11. Patrick A. McGuire (438) Box 495, Kearney 64060 12. Hardee H. Richey (232) 512 Petree, P.O. Box 102, Braymer 64624 13. Bobby R O'Dell (89) 627 N. Main, Brookfield 64628 14. Roger D. Rutledge (172) 111 St. Francis, Macon 63552 15. Willard D. Hetzler (58) Rt. 2, Box 375, Lewistown 634529632 16. Donald St. Clair (136) 318 N. Maincross St., Bowling Green 63334 17. James W. Van Hoose (64) 1009 Sierra, Hannibal 63401 18. Robert H. Bray (47) (48,92&151) P.O. Box 290, Fayette 65241-0290 19. A. Merlin Annstrong (216) 712 West Sixth St., Carrollton 64633
DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS, 1997-1998 20. Larry R. Moss (659) 221 Lowell, Claycomo, MO 64119 21. Joseph Collison (53) 545 Washington Street, Weston, MO 64098-1149 22. John Kosman 7412 Campbell, Kansas City, MO 64131 23. Ronald D. Jones (476) 418 East Chestnut, Odessa, MO 64076-1293 24. Ralph W. Malan (205) 1214 E. Rea Street, Marshall, MO 65340 25. Willard A. Warford (47) 601 Randolph St., Glasgow, MO 65254 26. Marion W. Dey (602) 4211 Rice Road, Columbia, MO 65202-1114 27. Timothy Osburn (48) 3833 State Rd. H, Fulton, MO 65251 29. Clyde Glenn (558) 2725 Essex Street, St. Charles, MO 63301 30. Clarence R. Czeschin (241) 1204 Parkside Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301-2443 31. Owen J. Lunsford, Jr. (43) 1212 E. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO 65101-4019 32. James G. Haddox (624) 212 East Lincoln, Owensville, MO 65066 34. Jack Timmons 200 Walnut Street, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 35. Kenneth E. Swaidner (254) 409 S. Broadway St., Butler, MO 64730 36. Don Roach 77 N.E. "E" Highway, Warrensburg, MO 64093 37. Billy Joe Bailey (407) Route 1, Box 146E, Osceola, MO 64776
DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND LECTURERS, 1997-1998 20. Glenn H. Burrows (659) 4806 NW 57th Ct., Kansas City 64151-4631 21. Michael F. Armstrong (13) 505 NW Englewood Rd., Apt. 1, Kansas City 64118 22. Carl H. Terry (630,104) 7601 E. Sni A Bar Terr., Kansas City 64129 23. Stanley E. Massey (476) RR 2, Box 40 F, Odessa 64076 24. August L. Bottom (63) Rt. 1, Slater 65349 25. Morris L. Phillips (569,679&47) 205 S. Cleveland St., Fayette 652481047 26. John R. Cook (114) 1466 County Rd. 274, Columbia 65202-5100 27. Kenneth R. Brundege (354) 218 E. Vine St., Mexico 65265-3260 29. Andrew Becker (558) 96 Chalet Ct., Lake St. Louis 63367 30. H. Vayne "Jake" Jacobs (260) 1323 Drummond Ct., St. Charles 63303-6309 31. Paul A. Delozier (183) 3623 S. Rock Beacon Dr., Jefferson City 65109 32. Robert L. Wright (534) 1810 Opeechee Beach Rd., Pacific 63069-4214 34. Harold L. Davis (276) 29100 S. Wolf Rd., Freeman 64746 35. Arthur R. Zellmer (368) 700 E. Ft. Scott, Butler 64730-1723 36. Robert D. Weikal (236) 420 South Grand Ave., Sedalia 65301 37. John A. Parks (342) Rt. 1, Box 544, Flemington 65650
DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS, 1997-1998 38. Fred A. McMillan (375) 501 Broadway St., Waynesville, MO 65583 39. James W. Heavin (225) P.O. Box 388, Salem, MO 65560 40. Gracin E. Akers 22 Beth Ann Drive, Belleville, IL 62221-6202 41. Bill J. Beatty (467) 5629 Hwy 13, Brighton, MO 65617 42. Richard L. Hibbs Route 4, Box 213, Stockton, MO 65785 43. John R Young (371) Rt. 1, Box 74, Sheldon, MO 64784 44. Roger Adams Route 6, Box 112, Carthage, MO 64836 45. Donald L. Branson (422) 532 N. Lone Pine, Springfield, MO 65802-2356 46. Stanley R Norin (555) Box 97, Summersville, MO 65571 47. Bernard L. Morrison (353) RR. 3, Box 237, Redford, MO 636659708 48. James E. Snavely 567 Oak Terrace, Farmington, MO 63640 49. Chester L. Herrington (545) Route 2, Box 1820, Marble Hill, MO 63764 50. Bruce R Austin (407) 603 North Main Road, Charleston, MO 63834-9621 51. Arblean McHugh (671) Rt. 1, Box 218, Wardell, MO 63879 52. Perry W. Jenks (369) HC 1, Box 693, Fairdealing, MO 63939 53. David N. Frealy (582) Rt. 2, Box 2255, Thayer, MO 65791 54. Richard F. Hays (477/29) 5027 S. Farm Road 253, Rogersville, MO 65742
DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND LECTURERS, 1997-1998 38. William E. Brenneman 541 S. Adams St., Lebanon 655363254 39. Gary L. Davis (213) P.O. Box 2062, Rolla, MO 65402 40. Billy B. Briscoe (164) 7814 Zimmerman Rd., Robertsville 63072 41. Gary Page (195) P.O. Box 54, Bolivar 65613-0054 42. Jim Kilburn (283) P.O. Box 544, Stockton 65785 43. James R Leonard (482) RR 2, Box 361, EI Dorado Springs 64744-9228 44. Damon C. Schroter (345) 3114 Kodiak R, Joplin 64804 45. Gary L. Benskin (271) 241 E. Hines, Republic 65738 46. Randall J. Jones (439) Rt. 3, Box 159, Rogersville 65742 47.
48. Jerry D. Shelton (226) 5249 Hunning Rd., High Ridge 63049-3005 49. Dr. E. Otha Wingo (672) 126 Camellia Dr., Cape Girardeau 63703-5722 50. Claude F. Stephens (590) P.O. Box 46, Advance 63730 51. 52. Charles E. "Bud" Divine (209) 2616 Sherry Lane, Popular Bluff 63901-2121 53. Leonard D. Staley (582) Rt. 1, Box 33, Koshkonong 65692 54. Robert S. Alexander (587) 601 W. College St., Branson 65616
55. Danny D. Nestleroad (129) 507 E. Cleveland, Monett, MO 65708 56. DaveA. Watson 108 Hickory Street, Neosho, MO 64850
59. Harold E. Holliger (569) 11611 East 77th Street, Raytown, MO 64138 60. Everett L. Botts (573) 2562 County Rd 609, Bernie, MO 63822 61. Tom G. Hennenhoefer (80) P.O. Box 38, St. Louis, MO 630420038 61. Jon B. Broyles (550) 1427 Carraige Trail, Ballwin, MO 63021 61. Dave L. Jacobi (2) 3025 Silver Bow Ct., St. Louis, MO 63129 61. John C. Caraker (626) 1333 Green Elm Drive, Fenton, MO 63026
DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND LECTUREItS, 1997-1998 55. Paul J. Camp (674) 440 Bridle Ln., Monett 65708 56. George Cooper (247) 11188 E. Hwy. 86, Neosho 64850 58. Edward W. Dolstein (320) 28181 Lark Rd., Gravois Mills 65037 59. James W. Harter (324,679) 1105 S.W. Breckenridge Ct., Blue Springs 64015 60. Robert C. Crow Sr. (573) 6709 County Rd. #731, Dexter 63841 61A. Kenneth R. Clements (623) 1422 Collins Ave., Richmond Heights 63117-2128 61B. David C. Koyn (601) 50 Meditation Way, St. Louis 63031 61C. David Riek (281) 2316 Esquline Dr., Fenton 630262263 62D. Ashley H. Underwood (95) 5214 Grace Ave., St. Louis 63116
Grand Master
D. Grand Master
Senior G. Warden
Junior G. Warden
Grand Treasurer
Grand Secretary
April 1821 Oct. 1821 , Oct. 1822 , Oct. 1823 , Oct. 1824 , Oct. 1825 , Oct. 1826 Oct. 1827 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1828 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1829 , Oct. 1830 , , Oct. 1831 Oct. 1832 Oct. 1833 Oct. 1834~ , Oct. 1835~~ , Oct. 1836 , Oct. 1837 , Oct. 1838 , Oct. 1839 Oct. 1840 , Oct. 1841 Oct. 1842 Oct. 1843 Oct. 1844 , Oct. 1845 , Oct. 1846 Oct. 1847 , May 1848 , May 1849 May 1850 . . . . . . . .. , May 1851 May 1852 , June 1853 , May 1854
Thos. F. Riddick* Nath1 B. Tucker* Nath1 B. Tucker* Nath1 B. Tucker Nath'l B. Tucker Edward Bates* Edward Bates* Edward Bates* Hardage Lane* Hardage Lane* Hardage Lane* Edward Bates* H.R. Gamble* Sinclair Kirtley* A.B. Chambers* A.B. Chambers* S.W.B. Carnegy* S.W.B. Carnegy* S.W.B. Carnegy* P.H. McBride* P.H. McBride* P.H. McBride* P.H. McBride* P.H. McBride* J.W.S. Mitchell* J.W.S. Mitchell* John Ralls* Joseph Foster* Joseph Foster* John F. Ryland* John F. Ryland* B.W. Grover* B.W. Grover· Wilson Brown* L.S. Cornwell*
Thompson Douglas* Thompson Douglas* Geo. H.C. Melody* Geo. H.C. Melody* Geo. H.C. Melody* Hardage Lane* Hardage Lane* Geo. H.C. Melody* Fred L. Billion* Geo. H.C. Melody* Geo. H.C. Melody* ., Geo. H.C. Melody* ., A.B. Chambers* Sinclair Kirtley· Sinclair Kirtley* John D. Daggett* John D. Daggett* John D. Daggett* A.B. Chambers* Joseph Foster* Joab Bernard* Joab Bernard* Joseph Foster* Fred L. Billion* John D. Taylor* John D. Taylor* E.S. Ruggles* E.S. Ruggles* E.S. Ruggles* B.W. Grover* E.S. Ruggles* S.F. Currie* L.S. Cornwell* D.P. Wallingford*
James Kennerly" Edward Bates* Edward Bates* Edward Bates* Wm. G. Pettus* Wm. G. Pettus* Martin Ruggles* Martin Ruggles* H.R. Gamble* H.R. Gamble* Sinclair Kirtley* Oliver Parker* M.J. Noyes* John Wilson· Oliver Parker* ., Oliver Parker* Edward Searcey* A.B. Chambers* A.B. Chambers* Alex T. Douglass* Alex T. Douglass· Joseph Foster* Joseph Foster* ., J.W.S. Mitchell* E.S. Ruggles* E.S. Ruggles* E.S. Ruggles* J.L.F. Jacoby* Cyrus Osborn* Joseph Megguire* P. Draper* S.F. Currie* J.H. Turner* J.w. Chenoweth* James H. Britton*
William Bates* William Bates* Wm. G. Pettus* Wm. G. Pettus* Thornt. Grimsley* Thornt. Grimsley* John F. Rayland* H.R. Gamble* Adam L Mills* Adam L Mills* Adam L Mills* Augustus Jones* Augustus Jones* G.A. Tuttle· ., S.W.B. Carnegy* S.W.B. Carnegy* Granville Snell· Thomas Andrews* Alex T. Douglass· Wm. C. Vance· John Orrick* C.H. Bowers* C.H. Bowers* E.S. Ruggles* J.L.F. Jacoby* J.L.F. Jacoby* J.L.F. Jacoby* Cyrus Osborn* Joseph Megguire* P. Draper* S.F. Currie* J.H. Turner* S.H. Saunders* R.C. Hill* **
Archibald Gamble* Archibald Gamble* Archibald Gamble*. . . . . . .. Archibald Gamble* Archibald Gamble* Archibald Gamble* Rich. T. McKinney*. . . . . . .. Thornton Grimsley* . . . . . .. Thornton Grimsley* . . . . . .. Bernard Pratte* . . . . . . . . .. Thomas Andrews* . . . . . . .. Thomas Andrews* Thomas Andrews* Geo. H.C. Melody· . . . . . . .. Geo. H.C. Melody* . . . . . . .. Geo. H.C. Melody* Geo. H.C. Melody* Geo. H.C. Melody* . . . . . . .. Geo. H.C. Melody· . . . . . . .. Geo. H.C. Melody* . . . . . . .. Geo. H.C. Melody* . . . . . . .. Geo. H.C. Melody* . . . . . . .. John Simonds* . . . . . . . . . .. Fred L. Billion* .. . . . . . . .. John S. Watson* John S. Watson* . . . . . . . . .. John S. Watson* . . . . . . . . .. John S. Watson* John S. Watson* John M. Reed· . . . . . . . . . .. J.T. Johnson· .. . . . . . . . . .. J.T. Johnson* J.T. Johnson· .. . . . . . . . . .. Joseph Foster* Joseph Foster* . . . . . . . . . ..
William Renshaw* William Renshaw* William Renshaw* T. Douglas* T. Douglas* John D. Daggett* John D. Daggett* John D. Daggett* John D. Daggett· John D. Daggett· Fred L. Billion* Fred L. Billion* Fred L. Billion* John Garnett· Thos. W. Conyers* Thos. W. Conyers* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* Richard B. Dallam* J.W.S. Mitchell* J.W.S. Mitchell* C.D.W. Johnson· C.D.W. Johnson* C.D.W. Johnson· A. O'Sullivan* A.O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan*
* Deceased Was not installed ** Withdrawn from Masonry ~
, Died within week after his installation H There was no Communication in 1836 owing to the anti-Masonic excitement
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LIST OF ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE GRAND LODGE A.F. & A.M. MISSOURI FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, APRIL 23, 1821 (Continued) Date Election May 1855 May 1856 May 1857 May 1858 May 1859 May 1860 May 1861 May 1862 May 1863 May 1864 May 1865 May 1866 Oct. 1867 Oct. 1868 Oct. 1869 Oct. 1870 Oct. 1871 Oct. 1872 Oct. 1873 Oct. 1874 Oct. 1875 Oct. 1876 Oct. 1877 Oct. 1878 Oct. 1879 Oct. 1880 Oct. 1881 Oct. 1882 Oct. 1883 Oct. 1884 Oct. 1885 Oct. 1886 Oct. 1887 Oct. 1888 Oct. 1889 Oct. 1890 Oct. 1891 Oct. 1892 Oct. 1893 Oct. 1894 Oct. 1895
. . . . . . . . . . . . " . " . '" .. . . " . . . . . " . . . " . . '" .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grand Master
D. Grand Master
Senior G. Warden
L.S. Cornwell* Benjamin Sharp* S.H. Saunders* S.H. Saunders* Marcus Boyd* M.H. McFarland* Wm. R Penick* Geo. Whitcomb* John H. Turner* John F. Houston* John F. Houston* John D. Vincil* WE. Dunscomb* John D. Vincil* William D. Muir* Thos. E. Garrett* Thos. E. Garrett* Samuel H. Owens* RE. Anderson* John W Luke* James E. Cadle* Xen. Ryland* T.C. Ready* Noah M. Givan* Joseph S. Browne* WR Stubblefield* Alex M. Dockery* Chas. C. Woods* Lee A. Hall* Robt. F. Stevenson* James W Boyd* George R Hunt* Wm. M. Williams* James P. Wood* Theodore Brace* George E. Walker* B.H. Ingram* John R. Parson* Harry Keene* J.B. Thomas* A.M. Hough*
** WA. Cunningham* P. Draper* Marcus Boyd* M.H. McFarland* WR Penick* John Decker* John H. Turner* Wm. N. Loker* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* WE. Dunscomb* C.A. Rowley* RE. Anderson* T.E. Garrett* RE. Anderson* RE. Anderson* J.E. Ryland* John W. Luke* Xenophon Ryland* Xenophon Ryland* Thos. C. Ready* Noah M. Givan* Joseph S. Browne* WR. Stubblefield* Alex M. Dockery* Chas. C. Woods* Lee A. Hall* Robt. F. Stevenson* James W Boyd* George R Hunt* Wm. M. Williams* James P. Wood* Theodore Brace* George E. Walker* RH. Ingram* John R Parson* Harry Keene* J.B. Thomas* A.M. Hough* D.A. Jamison*
J.W Chenoweth S.H. Saunders* Marcus Boyd* John F. Houston* WR Penick* John Decker* Geo. Whitcomb* Wm. N. Loker* John D. Vincil* A.L. McGregor* Martin Collins* RE. Anderson* T.E. Garrett* Wm. D. Muir* A.M. Dockery* Sam H. Owens* Sam H. Owens* John W Luke* Jas. E. Cadle* Jas. E. Cadle* Thos. C. Ready* Noah M. Givan* Jos. S. Browne* WR Stubblefield* Jas. E. Carter* Chas. C. Woods* Lee A. Hall* Robt. F. Stevenson* James W. Boyd* George R. Hunt* Wm. M. Williams* James P. Wood* Theodore Brace* George E. Walker* B.H. Ingram* John R Parson* Harry Keene* J.B. Thomas* A.M. Hough* D.A. Jamison* F.J. Tygard*
. '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Junior G. Warden
Grand Treasurer
Grand Secretary
H.E. Van Orsdell* Marcus Boyd* John F. Houston* John Decker* John Decker* Samuel M. Hayes* A.L. McGregor* " Samuel Russell* A.L. McGregor* Martin Collins* R.E. Anderson* A.L. McGregor* Wm. D. Muir* Alex M. Dockery* Sam H. Owens* John E. Ryland* John E. Ryland* Jas. E. Cadle* Xenophon Ryland* Thos. C. Ready* Noah M. Givan* M.G. Hubble* WR Stubblefield* Jas. E. Carter* Alex M. Dockery* Lee A. Hall* Robt. F. Stevenson* James W Boyd* Geo. R Hunt* Wm. M. Williams* James P. Wood* ** George E. Walker* B.H. Ingram* John R Parson* Harry Keene* J.B. Thomas* A.M. Hough* D.A. Jamison* F.J. Tygard* E.F. A1len*
John D. Daggett* . . . . . . . .. John D. Daggett* . . . . . . . .. John D. Daggett* . . . . . . . .. John D. Daggett* John D. Daggett* John D. Daggett* . . . . . . . .. John D. Daggett* . . . . . . . .. John D. Daggett* . . . . . . . .. John D. Daggett* . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. N. Loker* . . . . . . . . . .. John W Luke* . . . . . . . . . .. John W Luke* . . . . . . . . . .. John W Luke* . . . .. John W Luke* . . . . . . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard*. . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . ..
A. O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan* A.O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan* A.O'Sullivan* A.O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan* A.O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan* A. O'Sullivan* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* G. Frank Gouley* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vinci!* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil*
*t Died August 11,1866, while in office **1 Died April 11,1877, while in Office. *:1: Appointed August 13, 1866, by John D. Vincil, Grand Master. . .. *1 John W. Luke served, by appointment, as Grand Secretary, from April 11, 1877 to October 11, 1877, and died October, 1888.
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FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, APRIL 23, 1821 (Continued) Date Election
Grand Master
Oct. 1896 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1897 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1898 .. . . . . . .. Oct. 1899 .. . . . . . .. Oct. 1900 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1901 Oct. 1902 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1903 Sept. 1904 Sept. 1905. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1906. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1907. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1908. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1909. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1910. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1911. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1912 Oct. 1913 .. , Sept. 1914. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1915. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1916. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1917. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1918 Sept. 1919. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1920. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1921. . . . . . . .. Oct. 1922 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1923 Oct. 1924 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1925 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1926 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1927 Sept. 1928. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1929. . . . . . . .. Oct. 1930 . . . . . . . .. Sept. 1931. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1932. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1933 Sept. 1934 "
D.A. Jamison* F.J. Tygard* E.F. Allen* C.H. Briggs* Campbell Wells" Joseph C. Finagin" John C. Yocum* Wm. F. Kuhn" Leroy R. Valliant* A.S. Houston* D.M. Wilson* John T. Short* RR Kreger" William A. Hall" Clay C. Bigger" Arch A Johnson" Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor" Tolman W. Cotton* Frank R Jesse* Edward Higbee* Wm. A. Clark* John W Bingham* Julius C. Garrell* Wm. F. Johnson* O.A. Lucas* Bert S. Lee* Joseph S. McIntyre* Orestes Mitchell* WW Martin* John Pickard* Anthony F. Ittner* Byrne E. Bigger" S.R. Freet" Wm. R Gentry" Ray V. Denslow* Thad B. Landon* F.C. Barnhill* Du Val Smith*
D. Grand Master F.J. Tygard* E.F. Allen* C.H. Briggs* Campbell Wells* Joseph C. Finagin* , .. John C. Yocum* Wm. F. Kuhn" Leroy B. Valliant" AS. Houston* D.M. Wilson* John T. Short* RR Kreeger* William A. Hall" Clay C. Bigger" Arch A. Johnson* Jacob Lampert* Van Fremont Boor* Chesley A. Mosman* Frank R Jesse* Edward Higbee* Wm. A. Clark* John W Bingham* Julius C. Garrell* Wm. F. Johnson* O.A. Lucas* Bert S. Lee* Joseph S. McIntyre* Orestes Mitchell* W.W Martin* John Pickard* A.F. Ittner* B.E. Bigger" S.R. Freet* Wm. R Gentry" Ray V. Denslow" Thad B. Landon" Frank C. Barnhill* Du Val Smith* ., Jas. W Skelly*
*'1'1 Died October 12, 1904, while in office *** Died april 22, 1916, while in office H* Appointed October 22, 1904, by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand Master tt* Resigned May 20,1921, account of ill health
Senior G. Warden
Junior G. Warden
Grand Treasurer
Grand Secretary
E.F. Allen*. . . . . . . . . . . .. C.H. Briggs* . . . . . . . . . .. Campbell Wells* . . . . . . .. Joseph C. Finagin* . . . . .. John C. Yocum". . . . . . . .. Wm. F. Kuhn" Leroy B. Valliant* A.S. Houston* D.M. Wilson* John T. Short* . . . . . . . . .. R.R Kreeger* . . . . . . . . .. William A Hall* Clay C. Bigger" Arch A Johnson" Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor" Chesley A. Mosman* Tolman W Cotton" Edward Higbee* Wm. A. Clark* John W Bingham* Julius C. Garrell* Wm. F. Johnson* O.A. Lucas* Bert S. Lee* Joseph S. McIntyre* . . . .. Orestes Mitchell* . . . . . .. WW. Martin* John Pickard*. . . . . . . . .. A.F. Ittner* B.E. Bigger* S.R Freet" Wm. R. Gentry, Sr.* .. . .. Ray V. Denslow" . . . . . . .. Thad B. Landon" Frank C. Barnhill* Du Val Smith* Jas. W Skelly* Geo. W Walker*
C.H. Briggs* Campbell Wells* Joseph C. Finagin* John C. Yocum* Wm. F. Kuhn" Leroy B. Valliant* AS. Houston" D.M. Wilson" Howard Watson* RR Kreeger* William A. Hall* Clay C. Bigger* Arch A Johnson" Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor* Chesley A Mosman* Tolman W Cotton* Frank R Jesse" Wm. A. Clark* John W. Bingham* Julius C. Garrell* Wm. F. Johnson* O.A Lucas* Bert S. Lee* Joseph s. McIntyre* Orestes Mitchell" WW Martin* John Pickard* A.F. Ittner* B.E. Bigger* S.R. Freet* Wm. R Gentry, Sr." Ray V. Denslow" Thad B. Landon" Frank C. Barnhill* Du Val Smith* Jas. W Skelly* Geo. W Walker* *H.L. Reader*
Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard* " Samuel M. Kennard* . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard" . . . . .. Samuel M. Kennard" Samuel M. Kennard" . . . . .. John R. Parson" John R Parson* Alphonso C. Stewart*. . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart*. . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart*. . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart". . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart". . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart". . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart*. . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart" Alphonso C. Stewart" Alphonso C. Stewart" . . . . .. Alphonso C. Stewart*. . . . .. Wm. A Hall* Wm. A Hall* . . . . .. Wm. A. Hall* Wm. A. Hall* . . . . . . . . . . .. Wm. A. Hall* Wm. A Hall* Wm. A. Hall* Wm. A. Hall* Wm. A Hall*ttt. . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris" E.E. Morris" . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris" . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . ..
John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil* John D. Vinci!* John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil" John D. Vinci!" John D. Vinci!" John D. Vincil* John D. Vincil*" John R Parson*:j:* John R Parson* John R Parson* John R Parson" John R Parson* John R Parson" John R Parson" John R Parson" John R. Parson" John R Parson* John R. Parson* John R. Parson* John R Parson* John R. Parson* John R. Parson* John R Parsontt* Frank R Jesse" Frank R. Jesse* Frank R. Jesse* Frank R. Jesse* Frank R. Jesse* Frank R Jesse..*tt Arthur Matherttt Arthur Mather" Arthur Mather" Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather*
*ttt Died November 7, 1924, while in office. **** Resigned December 14, 1953. **tt Died August 29, 1927, while in office. ttt Appointed September 1, 1927, by John Pickard, Grand Master.
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Grand Master
D. Grand Master
Senior G. Warden
Junior G. Warden
Grand Treasurer
Grand Secretary
Sept. 1935 Sept. 1936 Sept. 1937 Sept. 1938. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1939. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1940. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1941. Sept. 1942. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1943 Sept. 1944. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1945. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1946. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1947 Sept. 1948. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1949. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1950 Sept. 1951. Oct. 1952 . . . . . . . .. Sept. 1953. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1954. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1955. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1956 Sept. 1957. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1958. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1959. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1960. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1961. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1962 Sept. 1963 Sept. 1964. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1965. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1966. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1967. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1968 Sept. 1969. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1970. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1971. . . . . . . ..
James W. Skelly* Geo. W Walker* H.L. Reader* Henry C. Chiles* Karl M. Vetaburg* Harry S Truman Harris C. Johnston* Forrest C. Donnell* WF. Woodruff'" Willis J. Bray* Willis J. Bray* Solon Cameron* Morris E. Ewing* Harry F. Sunderland* James M. Bradford* Ray Bond* Homer L. Ferguson* Richard O. Rumer* James McB. Sellers Orestes Mitchell, Jr.* William J. Craig* Harold M. Jayne路 Frank P. Briggs Robert L. Aronson* Harold O. Grauel* Bruce H. Hunt* Robert H. Mann* Martin B. Dickinson* A.V. Goodman, Jr.* George F. Morrison* A.B. Vanlandingham R.E. Murray* WR. Denslow Elvis A. Mooney J.M. Donelson WH. Chapman T.J. Davis, Jr. *
Geo. W Walker* H.L. Reader* Henry C. Chiles* Elwyn S. Woods* Harry S Truman Harris C. Johnston* Forrest C. Donnell* Grover C. Sparkstt Willis J. Bray* Solon Cameron* Solon Cameron* Morris E. Ewing* Harry F. Sunderland* James M. Bradford* Ray Bond* Homer L. Ferguson Richard O. Rumer* James McB. Sellers Orestes Mitchell, Jr.* William J. Craig* Harold M. Jayne路 Frank P. Briggs Robert L. Aronson* Harold O. Grauel Bruce H. Hunt Robert H. Mann* R. Jasper Smith***'I AU. Goodman, Jr. * George F. Morrison* A.B. Vanlandingham Russell E. Murray* WR. Denslow E.A. Mooney J.M. Donelson WH. Chapman T.J. Davis, Jr.* WH. McLaughlin*
H.L. Reader* Henry C. Chiles* Elwyn S. Woodst Karl M. Vetsburg*. . . . . .. Harris C. Johnston* . . . .. Forrest C. Donnell*. . . . .. Grover C. Sparkstt WF. Woodruff'" Solon Cameron* Morris E. Ewing* Morris E. Ewing* Harry F. Sunderland*. . .. James M. Bradford* Ray Bond*. . . . . . . . . . . .. Homer L. Ferguson. . . . .. Richard O. rumer* James McB. Sellers Orestes Mithcell, Jr.* . . .. William J. Craig* Harold M. Jayne* . . . . . .. Frank P. Briggs Robert L. Aronson* Harold O. Grauel Bruce H. Hunt. . . . . . . .. Robert H. Mann* R. Jasper Smith***'I Martin B. Dickinson* George F. Morrison* A.B. Vanlandingham Russell E. Murry*. . . . . .. William R. Denslow . . . .. E.A. Mooney J.M. Donelson WH. Chapman T.J. Davis, Jr.*. . . . . . . . .. WH. McLaughlin* . . . . .. W.L. Walker
Henry C. Chiles* Elwyn S. Woodst Karl M. Vetaburg* Harry S Truman Forrest C. Donnell* Grover C. Sparkstt WF. Woodruff'" James A Kindert* Morris E. Ewing* Harry F. Sunderland* Harry F. Sunderland* James M. Bradford Ray Bond* Homer L. Ferguson Richard O. Rumer* James McB. Seller Orestes Mitchell, Jr.* William J. Craig* Harold M. Jayne* Frank P. Briggs Robert L. Aronson* Harold O. Grauel Bruce H. Hunt Robert H. Mann* J. Renick Jones* Martin B. Dickinson* A.U. Goodman, Jr. * A.B. Vanlandingham Russell E. Murray* William R. Denslow Elvis A. Mooney J.M. Donelson W.H. Chapman T.J. Davis, Jr.* WH. McLaughlin* WL. Walker Herman A Orlick
E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris* E.E. Morris路 E.E. Morris* . . . . . . . . . . . .. E.E. Morris*** . . . . . . . . . .. James M. DeWitt. . . . . . . .. James M. DeWitttt . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr WH. Utz, Jr WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Utz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mather* Arthur Mathertttt Harold L. Reader*t Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader* Harold L. Reader**'1 Elmer W Wagner*'I Elmer W Wagner* Elmer W Wagner* Elmer W. Wagner* Elmer W Wagner* Elmer W Wagner* Elmer W Wagner* Elmer W Wagner* Elmer W Wagner* Elmer W WagnerH* Frank A Arnold*H Frank A Arnold*
t Resigned tt Died December 28, 1942, while in office ttt Died May 8, 1943, while in office tttt Died April 22, 1944, while in office *t Appointed May 1, 1944 by WF. Woodruff, Grand Master n Died September 16, 1956
*, Appointed May 1, 1960. **'1 Resigned May 1, 1960. * Resigned September 28, 1960. ***'1 Died while in office January 8, 1962. *** Resigned June 30, 1970. *** Appointed and Installed July 1, 1970.
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Grand Master
D. Grand Master
Senior G. Warden
Sept. 1972. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1973. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1974. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1975. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1976. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1977 Sept. 1978. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1979. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1980 Sept. 1981. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1982. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1983. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1984 Sept. 1985. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1986. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1987. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1988. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1989. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1990. . . . . . . .. Sept. 1991. . . . . . . .. Oct. 1992 . . . . . . . .. Sept. 1993 Sept. 1994. . . . . . . .. Oct. 1995 Oct. 1996 . . . . . . . .. Oct. 1997 . . . . . . . ..
W.H. McLaughlin* .. Walter L. Walker , Herman A. Orlick* , Lewis C. Wes Cook , Fielding A. Poe , James A. Noland, Jr , J.C. Montgomery, Jr. . . .. Gus O. Nations , J. Edward Blinn , William J. Hill. . . . . . . .. Earl K. Dille , Robert J. Crede , Vern H. Schneider , Charles E. Scheurich*.. , P. Vincent Kinkead , Thomas K. McGuire, Jr.. Robert D. Jenkins , Thomas C. Warden , Daniel F. Cole , D. Robert Downey , Frank A. Arnold , , Dale C. Motter Gordon E. Hopkins , James H. Cobban*1 Donald E. Scott , Jeffrey O. Nations ,
Walter L. Walker Herman A. Orlick Lewis C. Wes Cook Fielding A. Poe James A. Noland, Jr J.C. Montgomery, Jr Gus O. Nations J. Edward Blinn William J. Hill , Earl K. Dille Robert J. Crede Vern H. Schneider Charles E. Scheurich P. Vincent Kinkead Thomas K. McGuire, Jr Robert D. Jenkins Thomas C. Warden Daniel F. Cole D. Robert Downey Frank A. Arnold Dale C. Motter Gordon E. Hopkins James H. Cobban Donald E. Scott Jeffrey O. Nations Steven I. Toybes
Herman A. Orlick Lewis C. Wes Cook Fielding A. Poe James A. Noland, Jr J.C. Montgomery, Jr Gus O. Nations J. Edward Blinn William J. Hill , Earl K. Dille robert J. Crede Vern H. Schneider Charles E. Scheurich P. Vincent Kinkead William H. Wisbrockยง Robert D. Jenkins Thomas C. Warden Daniel F. Cole D. Robert Downey Frank A. Arnold Dale C. Motter ., Gordon E. Hopkins James H. Cobban Donald E. Scott Jeffrey O. Nations Steven I. Toybes Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr.
Junior G. Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lewis C. Wes Cook Fielding A. Poe James A. Noland, Jr J.C. Montgomery, Jr Gus O. Nations J. Edward Blinn WilliamJ.Hill Earl K. Dille Robert J. Crede Vern H. Schneider Charles E. Scheurich P. Vincent Kinkead William H. Wisbrock Thomas K. McGuire, Jr Thomas C. Warden Daniel F. Cole D. Robert Downey Frank A. Arnold Dale C. Motter Gordon E. Hopkins James H. Cobban Donald E. Scott Jeffrey O. Nations Steven I. Toybes Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr Freddie D. Adams
Grand Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grand Secretary
W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr W.H. Utz, Jr.HH W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna
. . . . . . . . . . .
Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold Frank A. Arnold
W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna W. Marion Luna
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frank A. Arnold Frank A. ArnoldH*** Terry C. Alexander*'1'1 Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Terry C. Alexander Ronald D. Millert Ronald D. Miller
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HH Not a candidfate for reelection, per announcement: September 24, 1979. :l:*tH Retirement effective: June 30, 1986. *'1'1 Appointed and Installed July 16, 1986. ยง Not elected to advance September 29, 1986. *1 Died in Office, March 13, 1996. *tAppointed Acting, April 14, 1997
Meridian No.2 Albert Pike No. 219 Clayton No. 601 Sheffield No. 625 Grandview No. 618 Liberty No. 31 St. Louis Missouri No.1 Beacon No.3 United No.5 George Washington No.9 Pauldingville No. 11 Rising Sun No. 13 Windsor No. 29 Huntsville No. 30 Troy No. 34 Mizpah Mount Moriah No. 40 Jefferson No. 43 Bonhomme No. 45 Wentzville No. 46 Fayette No. 47 Fulton No. 48 Weston No. 53 Centralia No. 59 Monroe No. 64 Kennett No. 68 Sullivan No. 69 Savannah No. 71. Warren No. 74 Independence No. 76 St. Joseph No. 78 Bridgeton No. 80 Laclede No. 83 Webster Groves No. 84 Washington No. 87 Perseverance No. 92 St. Marks No. 93 Pomegranate No. 95 Westview No. 103 Heroine No. 104 Marcus No. 110 Twilight No. 114 Compass No. 120 Monett No. 129 Potosi No. 131 Farmington No. 132 Lincoln No. 138 Amsterdam No. 141 Cass No. 147
Ervin J. GeImer Donald J. Pemberton David C. Koyn Donald L. Campbell Albert D. McDowell Donald E. Lake Robert Wheeler Armando Valdespino J. Charles Mason Dennis Fuller William I. Bormann Randy L. Balentine Kevin Williams Roy J. Osbourn Dan B. Dildine Myron O. Rhodes Ralph L. Coshow Raymond H. Vollmar William F. Stone, Jr. Robert J. Warford Michael C. Glawson Earl M. Manley David A. Rowland Thomas B. Fitzgerald Dennis W. Pelts Donald F. Torreyson Jim M. Millsap Larry R. Peters Teddie E. Harrison Steve G. Sanders John Cerny W. Bradley Bembry Raymond E. Ronecker Larry A. Decker Tom P. Serandos William L. Tucker, Jr. Charles H. Boehme John E. Crites Carl H. Terry Ford W. Stevens Douglas E. Kostal David C. Tinsley Chris Davis Albert G. Tindall Jack Cade Mel White Virgil Hughes Robert E. Cameron, Jr.
Kirksville No. 105 Plattsburg No. 113 Milton No. 151 Linn Creek No. 152 Ashland No. 156 Mountain Grove No. 158 Hartford No. 171 Censer No. 172 California No. 183 Zeredatha No. 189 Angerona No. 193 Bolivar No. 195 New Hope No. 199 Clay No. 207 Poplar Bluff No. 209 Rolla No. 213 America Good Hope No. 218 LaBelle No. 222 Saline No. 226 Salem No. 225 Shelbina No. 228 Polo No. 232 St. Francois No. 234 Sedalia No. 236 LaPlata No. 237 Rushville No. 238 Palestine No. 241 Keystone-Trinity No. 243 Neosho No. 247 Butler No. 254 Alton No. 255 Shekinah No. 256 Mechanicsville No. 260 Summit No. 263 Corinthian No. 265 Brotherhood No. 269 Solomon No. 271 St. Clair No. 273 Grand River No. 276 Hogles Creek No. 279 Fenton No. 281 Stockton No. 283 Hermitage No. 288 Sparta No. 296 Temple No. 299 Osage No. 303 Cecile Daylight No. 305 Cuba No. 312 Versailles No. 320 McDonald No. 324 Charity No. 331
Dale C. West Michael D. New R. Clyde Foster Roy D. Wiloughby Eldridge D. Welch, III Timothy C. Hancock David A. Lloyd Thomas E. Linhardt Stephen Derendinger Sanford A. Clayton John E. Turner Robert F. Neal Michael E. Parker Robert W. Berrey, III William L. Walker Donald L. Casey Michael A. Morgan John W. Geisendorfer Gerald F. Stortz Charles E. Butler Timothy J. Dunaway James R. mm James P. Womack Ronald Cisco Thomas F. Peterson Ralph G. Wright William G. Langendoerfer Charles L. Fenton, Sr. William J. Ralston Steven H. Brotherton Joe Lindley William A. Rutledge John R. Rice Thomas L. Krahenbuhl David A. Carter Monty Stilwell Scott Houge James L. Dill Samuel D. Manthei, Jr. Kenneth R. Wilcox Alan R. Randle R. "Dick" L. Hibbs David A. Bowers Kenneth E. Roller Jack W. Comer Chuck Owings Duane O. Steele Walter "Woody" E. Aytes Earl A. Webb, Sr. Charles E. Alexander M. Richard Kline
Joplin No. 335 Hallsville No. 336 Blue Springs No. 337 Circle No. 342 Moberly No. 344 Fellowship No. 345 Friend No. 352 Ancient Landmark No. 356 Riddick No. 361. Fraternal No. 363 Adair No. 366 Crescent Hill No. 368 Waynesville No. 375 King Hill No. 376 Richland No. 385 Raytown No. 391. Christian No. 392 Whitewater No. 417 Gate of the Temple No. 422 Samaritan No. 424 Temperance No. 438 Mount Olive No. 439 Excelsior No. 441 Crestwood-Anchor No. 443 West Gate No. 445 Ivanhoe No. 446 Belton No. 450 Forsyth No. 453 Jonesburg No. 457 Hazelwood No. 459 Lambskin No. 460 Pleasant Hope No. 467 Plato No. 469 Nineveh No.473 Mount Hope No. 476 Jewell No. 480 Merceline No. 481 Fairfax No. 483 Kirkwood No. 484 Daggett No. 492 Robert Bums No. 496 Equality No. 497 Hermony No. 499 Buckner No. 501. Saxton No. 508 Galena No. 515 Gate City No. 522 Columbia No. 534 Ingomar No. 536 Ferguson No. 542 Mansfield No. 543
Walter O. Webster Michael L. Wallis Clifton Beavers William G. Smith Harold D. Beck Richard A. Lowrey Phillip E. Shroder Kevin Wooden Cloyd Sharp Steven Vaughn John L. Canny Joseph A. Frazier Donald E. Ripley Kenneth Miller Steven M. Beattie Vincent J. Sciara Harold K. Gray Elwood E. firich Jim Heitman Dallem R. Pettus Dallas W. Sellars Ronald W. Cron Harold Makins Jeffrey L. Campbell Oliver E. Wade, Sr. Charles R. Harrison Gregory B. Cushing William V. Cox Stewart Sinclair Howard W. Cantrell Jay O. Traxel Darren J. Vaughn Buford W. Parnell Mitchell R. Kerns James Hall Jack E. Timmons Robert W. King Vern W. Summa R. Scott Link William Rauschelbach Wilton C. Triplet Luther H. Fryer Jack M. Ira John W. Hess Daniel M. Miller Bill Crabb William B. Appleby Jeffrey L. Myers John T. Bailey Douglas G. Miller Charles (Roddie) Clark
Zalma No. 545 Orient No. 546 Clinton No. 548 Rose Hill No. 550 Moscow No. 558 York No. 563 Maplewood No. 566 Maplewood No. 566 Marlborough No. 569 Republic No. 570 Bernie No. 573 Easter No. 575 Olive Branch No. 576 Forest Park No. 578 Koshkonong No. 582 Criterion No. 586 Branson No. 587 Union Masonic Temple No. 593 Leadwood No. 598 Cosby No. 600 Acacia No. 602 Warrenton No. 609 Mokane No. 612 Wellston No. 613 Wellston No. 613 Mt. Washington No. 614 Willard No. 620 Anderson No. 621 Norwood No. 622 Overland-Occidental No. 623 Owensville No. 624 Magnolia-Euclid No. 626 Valley Park No. 629 East Gate No. 630 Algabil-Freedom No. 636 Jennings No. 640 Benjamin Franklin No. 642 Grain Valley No. 644 Shawnee No. 653 Gardenville No. 655 Paul Revere Progress No. 657 Alpha No. 659 Berkeley No. 667 Florissant No. 668 Harold O. Grauel No. 672 Arnold No. 673 Central Crossing No. 674 Daylight No. 678 Harry S Truman No. 679 Table Rock No. 680
Raymond F. Fish Phillip Willoughby David Hathcock Jon B. Broyles Andrew W. Becker Wilbur D. Zahnter Gerard Galibert Mitchell S. Jordan Jerry C. Jones Greg Keeling Robert C. Crow Frank Lesinski, Sr. Ronald R. Angel J. Wayne Price, Sr. Terry W. Mustion Thomas A. Berger J. David Settles Kirby L. Moreland James E. Green Norman G. Wilkins Sam W. Bornhauser Richard C. Davis Terry L. Howard Raymond L. Hensley Kenneth G. Kaimann Scott Crawford Larry J. Webb Ralph E. Williams Richard L. Forrest Jack W. McCrady G. Brian Epstein John C. Caraker William E. Sidwell Gary E. Crippen Raymond E. Keeler Robert A. Neuls Andrew S. Oberman Gregory A. Woods Brad C. Allen Walter Kidd Robert E. Staples Glenn H. Burrows, Jr. Mark C. Snead Dale H. Heise Robert L. McLemore Alan W. Kendall Vernon A. Elliott Francis M. Kunkler Mel A. Whight Leland A. Saalfeld
Grand Representative
I Post Office
Fielding A. Poe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Florissant Thomas K. McGuire, Jr Springfield........ Edward E. Nixon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chillicothe....... Robert J. Crede. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jefferson City. . . .. William H. Chapman. . . . . . . . . . . .. Webster Groves . .. John W. Adams Marshal1......... Gus O. Nations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Louis. . . . . . . .. K. Roger Pennel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fairfax Charles H. Moore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cassvil1e Dale C. Motter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kirksvi1le Frank P. Wilfley, Jr Laddonia......... Ronald R. Bielby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Joseph. . . . . . .. Bob L. Detherow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Springfield....... Robert M. Fenlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mexico.......... C.arnell Cutbirth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Galena Arlie Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pinevil1e......... Larry F. Barriner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Louis. . . . . . . .. Alvin J. Lauener. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Joplin Teddie E. Harrison. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Independence 路 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Claud F. Stephens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Advance......... Gary K. Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rich Hi1l . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . W. Marion Luna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Piedmont Dennis C. McGuire. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Farmington....... 路 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Joseph E. Manson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Keytesville....... Matthew W. Cobban Springfield Gary J. Barron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kansas City. . . . .. Robert L. Harder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Louis. . . . . . . .. Joseph W. Nickle Mountain Grove. .. Morris Phillips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fayette.......... 路 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Earl K. Dille. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kirkwood........ James A. Noland, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . .. Osage Beach. . . . .. John W. Wetzel Louisiana........ Kirksvil1e Robert M. Barrett Edward E. Wilson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Joseph George A. Jursch Belton Laymon A. Allgood. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cape Girardeau. .. Harry Gershensen, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Louis
GRAND LODGE . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alabama. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Alaska Alberta . . . . . . . . . . .. Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Arkansas Austria .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Acre Brazil-Algoss . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Amazonas Brazil-Bahia. . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Brasilia . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Ceara. . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Espirito Santo Brazil-Goias . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Mato Grosso. . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Mato Grosso do Sui. . . . . . .. Brazil-Rio de Janeiro. . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Rio Grand do Norte Brazil-Rio Grande do Sui Brazil-Minas Gerais. . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Maranhao . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Para. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Parana. . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Paraiba Brazil-Pernambuco. . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Piaui Brazil-Rondonia Brazil-Roraima . . . . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Santa Catarina . . . . . . . .. Brazil-Sao Paulo Brazil-Sergipe Brazil-Tocantions British Columbia . . . . . . . . . .. Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chile China Colorado. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Columbia-Barranguilla Columbia-Bogata . . . . . . . . . .. Columbia-Cartagena. . . . . . . . ..
I Grand Representative
I Post Office
Horace Hampton I Fairfield Stanley R. Foulke . Douglas A. Sherns . Henry Burkhead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Villa Dominico Jack P. Turner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chandler Jack Stockburger Winslow Dr. Leo Kandel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wien, 1, Dorotheergasse 12 Bernard Clarinval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brussels . Isaac Samuel De Carval Ho Nacimento. . . . . .. Maceio Renan Correa Peixoto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mansus-AM Joso Antonio de Souza Filmo .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Itapetininga Jesus Navaez DaSilva. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brasilia Jose Aroujo DeVasconcelos . . Osman Furtado. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Goiania Bartholomeu Augusto de Vasconcellos Dias. . .. Cuiaba Walter Rossi . Ulysses U. Bittencourt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rio de Janeiro Waldisar Queiroga e Silva Natal Valnyr Goulart Jacques Rio Grande do Sui Ronaldo Braga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Belo Horizonte Joaquim Elids Fiho . Jorge H.S. DeMatos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Para Arnaldo Mazza, Jr . . Fernando Pinto de Araujo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Recife, Pernambuco . Cyrillo Lepoldo Carva Lhode Silva Neves Porta Velho Ivonisio Damasceno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lacerda Djalma Ouriques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Santa Catarina Fernando Montenegro Sao Paulo . . H. Nordan John V. Lawer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Islington, Ontario Alfredo E. Bawden . J.H. Morre, III Taiwan Charles B. McCulloh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Craig . Victor Rojas Aguilar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bogata Carloe Steer Luna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Magangue <Bolivar)
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TO MISSOURI Grand Representative
Post Office
Freddie Adams John House George E. Winslow Richard W Allgood Walker L. Walker
. . . . .
Stanton T. Brown Edwin W Parker Lawrence N. Weenick P. Vincent Kinkead Ronald D. Miller Elmer E. Revelle John Nations Stanley Thompson Eugene E. "Pat" McFarland D. Robert Downey William Webb Edwards James D. Sutton Barney Douglas Jeffrey O. Nations Leslie F. Denney
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Carl F. Gast Roscoe Rooffener Frank P. Lesinski, Sr David Kinkead Danny Ferguson Daniel F. Cole Ronald P. Krueger Martin B. Toybes Frederich M. Woodruff Paul B. Tobias J. Morgan Donelson WilliamJ.Hill Frank A. Arnold Vern H. Schneider Ronald Bollinger Richard Smith Thomas C. Warden Robert R. Bradshaw Hoyt Young Bob C. Gowin Ralph P. Bunnell Donald E. Baker
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FROM MISSOURI Grand Representative
Marshall. . . . . . . .. . Connecticut Mansfield Costa Rica Cuba Capitola, CA. . . . .. . Czech Republic Cape Girardeau. .. . Neosho. . . . . . . . .. . Delaware ........................... Denmark Buckner. . . . . . . .. . District of Columbia Dominican Republic Neosho. . . . . . . . .. . St. Louis Ecuador El Salvador Farmington. . . . . .. . Columbia England Finland Ellisville. . . . . . . .. . Florida St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . France (Nat!.) Richmond. . . . . . .. . Liberal. Gabon Georgia St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . Greece Branson. . . . . . . . .. . Piedmont Guatemala Gainesville Haiti (Grand Orient) Hawaii St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . Honduras . St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . ............................ Hungary Iceland St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . Idaho Macks Creek . . . .. . Union. . . . . . . . . .. . Illinois India Farmington . . . . .. . Iran Calhoun . Indiana St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . Ireland St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . St. Louis Israel St. Louis Italy (Grand Orient) Japan Chesterfield Kansas Princeton . . . . . . .. . Kentucky Kansas City. . . . .. . Louisiana Boonville. . . . . . . .. . Luxembourg St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . St. Louis Maine Manitoba St. Louis. . . . . . . .. . Maryland Owensville . . . . . .. . Massachusetts Boonville. . . . . . . .. . Roach Mexico-Benito Juarez Mexico-Cosmos Independence. . . .. . Mexico-El Potosi Kansas City. . . . .. . Branson. . . . . . . .. . Mexico-Nueva Leon
Post Office
, East Hampton . Wm. E. Piercey . Frank Alvardo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. San Jose . Emilio Soto George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Havanna . . . .
James E. Turner Soren Nielson '1 Copenhagan Charles B. Gilley, Sr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Aroda, Virginia Hector B. Penson
. . . . . . . . .
Francisco Javier Moreno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Earl of Eglinton and Winton. . . . . . . . . . .. Olli Miettinen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas Earl Embree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. WH. Robinson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Albert Chavihot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sam B. Owens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. P. Argyropoulos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas V. Contreras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Peter Frohmader
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arni Kr. Thorsteinsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Clarence D. Parkhiser Charles Bond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jamshed BuIjor Aga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mohammed Gholi Ghavan Richard C. Thistle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rev. John A. Fulton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Daniel Doran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Giorgio La Malfa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Masato Imamura Clifford D. Knauss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Louie L. Bulla Murray C. House Prosper Schroeder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wayne T. Adams Thomas Sidebottom " .,. Walter W. Conway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. William Hyson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tomas Guera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Antonio Hernandez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mauricio Lopez Rives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Benito M. Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Santa Ana London Turku Casselberry Dover Libreville Blackshear Athens Guatemala City
I San Pedro Sula Rey Kjavik Nezperce Rushville Bombay Huntington Carrickmacross Tel-Aviv Ferrara
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en en
Halstead Bonnevoice Winnipeg Baltimore Boston Torreon, Coahuila Chihuahua, Mexico San Luis Potosi, Mexico Monterrey
CO -:J
TO MISSOURI Grand Representative
.............................. , Mexico-Occidental Mexicana C.O. Husing Rock Port .. . . . . . .. . Mexico-Tamaulipas. . . . . . . . . .. .............................. , Mexico-Valle de Mexico Mexico-York . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sheldon H. Snitz Overland Park, KS .. . Marceline . . . . . . . .. . Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Edwin L. Smith Charles C. Bybee Springfield. . . . . . .. . Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Marchfield Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Marvin R. Davis Kansas City Montana Robert D. Jenkins Trenton. . . . . . . . . .. . Nebraska William R. Robbins James Spencer Grandview. . . . . . .. . Nevada ........................................................ New Brunswick Lewis C. Wes Cook Kansas City New Hampshire. . . . . . . . . . .. Elmer Copeland Arnold New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . . . .. New Mexico *1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Rev. Billy R Potter California. . . . . . . .. . New South Wales . . . . . . . . . .. James E. Dearing St. Louis. . . . . . . . .. . New York Bloomfield . . . . . . .. . New Zealand. . . . . . . . . . . .. Elvis A. Mooney Jack N. Matthews Jefferson City. . . . .. . Nicaragua North Carolina David Eldon Turnbull Troy . . . . . . . . . . . .. . St. Peters North Dakota. . . . . . . . . . . .. Blair C. Mayford Donald E. Scott Independence Nova Scotia St. Louis. . . . . . . . .. . Norway Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr Harry Gershenson. Sr St. Louis . . . . . . . . .. . Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D. Eugene Wisner Blue Springs. . . . . .. . Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Odessa. . . . . . . . . . .. . Oregon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas L. Osborn Stanton T. Brown Buckner. . . . . . . . .. . Panama Albert J. Elfrank Advance. . . . . . . . .. . Peru A. Duane Eiserman Branson Philippine Islands. . . . . . . . . .. William H. Wisbrock St. Louis Puerto Rico. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Columbia Portugal Ronald D. Miller Independence. . . . .. . Prince Edward Island . Robert R. Crick St. Peters . . . . . . . .. . Quebec . Stephen B. Givens St. Charles. . . . . . .. . Queensland . Lawrence E. Dudeck Kansas city . . . . . .. . Rhode Island . Marvin G. Shull ........................................................... Romania Dearborn. . . . . . . . .. . Saskatchewan Richard L. Thompson .............................. , Senegal J. Edward Blinn Marshfield Scotland . H. Ray McKenzie Hallsville. . . . . . . .. . Spain . St. Louis South Australia . Steven I. Toybes Lee's Summit. . . . .. . South Carolina . Joseph S. VanDolah Ballwin South Dakota . Glenn F. Betz South Africa . Gordon E. Hopkins St. Joseph. . . . . . . .. . *1 Does Not participate in the Grand Representative exchange.
Grand Representative
Post Office
Jose Carlos Flores . Amado Abrego V . Lic Valention Rincon . Fred W Von Son . W Don Baugher Henry R Van Geest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Van Aubrey Evans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Donald W Schenck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jerry L. Rittenburg John R Brizendine Earl I. Murrary David G. Thompson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. William J. Brierley .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Guadalajara Jal. Mexico Reynosa Tamaulipas Artes Num. 53, Mexico, D.F. Mexico, D.F. Brainerd Clinton Helena Reno Hudson Burlington
Reginald Sydney Littlejohn Chatswood Alton G. Dunn, Sr. Adam Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wellington Ray M. Comer . R Gail Hodgins . Roy Allister . Erik-John Schelbred . Orner D. Barkalow Fred Lowry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. John W. Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
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Raleigh Sarles Rideout Sandefjord
Tulsa Heppner
Javier Lavado Diaz Lima Raymundo N. Beltran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Manila Jose D. Martinez
::I: t.:z:j
Albert Edward Lavers Charlottown Fred Gilman RE. McNaught Toogootawah Norman P. Jehan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. North Sciutate 1
j Regina
John L. Green Ian L. MacKean Fernando Robaina Gonzalez J.W Johns Bobby R Faulkner Joe A. Minyard WH.Ahrens
. . . . .
Paisley Barcelona 63 Windsor Ave., Woodville Pk, S. Aus. Summerville Sioux Falls
c.o c.o
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TO MISSOURI Grand Representative
Post Office
St. Joseph. . . . .. . Sweden Gordon E. Hopkins, Jr Swiss Alpina . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Tasmania . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Elvis Winchester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Union......... . Tennessee. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Glenn E. Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Blue Springs. . .. . Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Frederick A. Troxel, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . .. Blue Springs . .. . Terry C. Alexander Milan.......... . The Netherlands ........................................................ Tojo-WestAfrica Turkey Harold J. Richardson. . . . . . . . . . . .. Bonne Terre . . .. . " St. Louis United Grand Lodge of Germany Gus O. Nations Uruguay Lewis L. Krehmeyer. . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Louis Herman A. Morris, Jr. Springfield..... . Utah . . . . . . . . . .. Frank W. Hazelrigg, Jr. Fulton......... . Venezuela . . . . . . . .. Seneca........ . Vermont. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jimmie Lee Moreland Victoria (Australia>. . . . . . . . . .. Ronald E. Wood, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Joseph. . . . .. .
Grand Representative
Post Office
T.G. Bergentz, Jr Solna Jean Huguet RC. Kearney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hobart Roy C. Murdock Robert Walker , Port Arthur A. Th. ten Houten
o Wolfgang Vogel John R Pendleton Donald P. Hyde E. Holst
1 Frankfurt
am Main
, Ogden
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Donald E. McGuire Farmington.... . Walter E. Aytes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cuba J.C. Montgomery, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Saint Louis. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Western Australia West Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . .. John E. Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Peterstown Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Harold R McDonough Yugoslavia-Regular
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LODGE DmECTORY BY DISTRICTS FIR8T DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 County Clark Clark Scotland Scotland Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler
Lodge Hiram St. Francisville Memphis Rutledge Middle Fabius Lodge of Love Queen City Glenwood Greentop
No. .. .. .. . .. .. . . ..
Kahoka Wayland Memphis..................... Rutledge Downing Lancaster 380 Queen City 427 Glenwood.................... 635 Greentop..................... 362 588 16 572 244 259
Master's Name Keith CanDon Michael G. Murphy IGerald B. Johnston Don D. Tague Stanley Vaughn Fogle Donald E. Hilliard Larry Myera J. Eldon McGoldrick Audrey E. Drummond
Secretary's Name and Address Donald C. Treece, Rt. 3, Box 3, Kahoka, MO 63445 .. Russell 'Jack' Murphy, Rt. 2, Box 12, Revere, Mo. 63456.. . Keith Dunn, at. I, Box 109, Baring, MO............................ . Hillis McCabe, Box 4, Rutledge, MO 68563 .. Robert F. Seamster, Rt. I, Box 183, Queen City, MO 68561 . Larrv L. Revnolds, P.O. Box 415, Lancaster. MO 68548 .. W. RaDdy Johns, at. I, Box 49, Queen City, MO 63561 .. Melvin Lancaster, Rt. 2, Box l-C, Lancaster, MO 68548... .. Joe March, RR2, Greentop, MO 63546.................................
Time of Meeting 1st &: 3rd Fri. lit Thurs. 1st Thurs. 1st &: 3rd Tues. 2nd Thurs. 2nd Thurs. 2nd &: 4th Tues. 1st &: 3rd Wed. 2nd &: 4th Mon.
Kirksville Adair Colony Edina Paulville Greensburg
.. . .. . . ..
Putnam Putnam Sullivan................. Sullivan................. Sullivan.................
Hartford Unionville Seaman Pollock Winigan
.. .. .. . .
105 366 168 291 319 414
Kirksville.................... Kirksville.................... Colony Edina Hurdland Greensbutl.................
Dale C. West..................... John Lester Canny........... Harold Shaw..................... Harry L. Oldfather Charles Baker................... Thomas E. Glass...............
Dennis L. Shultz, 703 E. Dear, Kirksville, MO 68501....... Robert C. Wade, 615 N. Marion, Kirksville, MO 68501..... Gary Gooch, RR 1, Box 17, Rutledge, MO 68563 Brian L. Banks, 505 N. Fulton St., Edina, MO 63537....... Leonard McCarty, RR 2, Box 117, Hurdland, MO 63457... John Witte, m, 2203 Crestline Dr., Kirbville, MO 63501
o(1 tz:j tz:j
SECOND DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Adair Adair Knox Knox
1st &: 3rd Thes. 2nd &: 4th Tues. 1st &: 3rd Thurs. 1st &: 3rd Thurs. 1st Tues. 2nd &: 4th Mon.
::r: tz:j
THIRD DISTRICT .â&#x20AC;˘ As of May 20, 1997 171 210 126 349 540
Hartford Unionville................... Milan Pollock........................ Winigan
David A. Lloyd.................. Wllliam C. Bruce, Jr. ........ Gerald R. yardley............. W. Lee McCollum............. Donald Tatum...................
Edward L. Tietsort, 33245 US Hwy. 63, Macon, MO 63552 1st Fri. Emery Welsh, 525 S. 19th, Unionville 63565..................... 2nd &: 4th Mon, John E. Reece, Jr., Rt. 3, Box 74, Milan, MO 63556 1st &: 3rd Mon. Allen F. Tucker, 218 So. Market St., Milan 68556 1st Tues. Dr. Wayne D. Smith, P.O. Box 5, Winigan. MO 63566....... 2nd Tues.
~ ~
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Mercer .. Mercer Hamson................ Bethany;-:.":":: Ha~son Lodge of Light
. .. .
35 Princeton.. 97 Bethany............ 257 Eagleville
Secretary's Name and Address
Master's Name John Collins John E. Thrailkill William C. Selby
. . .
Time of Meeting
Ron Hunt, 700 Brown St., Princeton, MO 64673............... Gary McPike, PO Box 66, Gilman City, MO 64642............ Robert Brenizer, Rt. 2, Box 243, Ridgeway, MO 64481 .....
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Wed.
1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 4th Mon. 4th Wed.
SIXTH DISTRICT - As of Mav 20. 1997 Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Worth Worth Worth Worth
. ; .. .. . .. . . .
Stanberry . McFall-Gentryville .. Athens . Ancient Craft. . Grant City . Defiance .. Allensville .. Jonathan ..
109 125 127 377 66 88 198 321
Stanberry McFall Albany........................ King City.................... Grant City.................. Sheridan Allendale Denver
Lon W. Guthrie Robert M. Rainey............. David R. Brown Randy Hodge James Hunter Christopher T. Allee Mike Cook......................... Lester Malson...................
James Curram, 912 E. 5th St., Maryville, MO 64468 William E. Crawford, RFD 3, Box 85, Albany, MO 64402. James F. Mercer, 403 S. Burch, Albany, MO 64402........... Jackson C. Spiking, 501 S. Third St., King City, MO 64463 Harold Downing, Rt. 4, Box 1lA, Grand City, MO 64456.. C. Sterling Hopkins, RR 11, Box 186, Sheridan, MO 64486 Wilbur T. Osborne, P.O. Box 98, Grand City, MO 64456 Robert E. Rineman, Rt. 1, Box 29, Denver, MO 64441......
Nodaway................ Skidmore
.. .. .
50 Hopkins 470 Maryville 511 Skidmore
Willard H. Dowden........... David Eaton Colt.............. C. Romaine Henry
James R. Cline, Rt. 2, Box 221, Hopkins, MO 64461......... Martin F. Slagle, 1260 W. Crestview Dr., Maryville, MO 64468 Rick Carter, 732 W. Thrrance, Maryville, MO 64468
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SEVENTH DISTRICT路 As of May 20, 1997 Nodaway............... Xenia Nodaway............... Nodaway
1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon.
o """"
EIGHTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 County Atchison Atchison Atchison Holt Holt
Lodge North Star Northwest Fairfax Oregon Mound City
. .. . .. ..
157 358 483 139 294
Location Rock Port.................... Tarkio Fairfax........................ Forest City Mound City................
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Time of Meeting
David Scott Melvin........... Luther W. Hudson, PO Box 156, Rockport, MO 64482..... Rodney L. Hall.................. Richard Halliday, PO Box 275, Tarkio MO 64491-0275 Vern W. Summa................ W. Eugene Bradfield, Rt. 2, Box 215, Fairfax, MO 64446. Calvin D. Rogers, Jr. William D. Richards, PO Box 197, Oregon, MO 64473-0197. • Consolidated with Lodge 1139
2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd Mon.
NINTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Andrew.................. Savannah Andrew.................. Lincoln
.. ..
71 Savannah James M. Milsap 138 Fillmore...................... Douglas A. Kammerer
.. .
Andrew.................. Andrew.................. Buchanan Buchanan.............. Buchanan.............. Buchanan Buchanan Buchanan.............. Buchanan..............
Whitesville Cosby Agency St. Joseph Zeredatha Rushville Brotherhood Charity King Hill
. .. .. .. . . .. .. .
162 600 10 78 189 238 269 331 376
Steven Oliver Norman Wilkins Dale Kline Steven G. Sanders Sanford A. Clayton William L. Emery Monty Stillwell Marion R. Kline Kenneth H. Miller
. .. .. . .. . .. .. ..
508 St. Joseph
Daniel M. Miller
Whitesville Cosby.......................... Agency St. Joseph St. Joseph Rushville St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph
Ralph Farmer, 601 N. 3rd St., Savannah, MO 64485........ Billie R. Dockery, 7631 Country Rd. 67, Savannah, MO 64485 Gene R. Johnson, Box 7696 State Rd. D, Rea, MO 64480. Nelson Kapp, 16638 County Rd. 283, Cosby, MO 64436 ... Harold Y. Smith, P.O. Box 118, Agency, MO 64401............ Carl B. Rose, 2213 Agency Rd., St. Joseph, MO 64503 ..... Robert D. Wrehe, 2406 Lafayette St., St. Joseph, MO 64507 John D. Parsons, 101 Main St., Weston, MO 64098 Edgar E. Martin, 3110 N. 9th St., St. Joseph, MO 64506 . Ronald E. Wood, 1904 N. 86th St., St. Joseph, MO 64506 Michael Caddell, 1501 Gooding Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64604 Albert L. Smith, 2922 Jules St., St. Joseph, MO 64501....
2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Tues. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed.
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TENTH DISTRICT· As of May 20, 1997 Daviess
Western Star
. 15 Winston
Leonard E. Barr
Daviess.................. Daviess.................. Daviess.................. DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb
Gallatin Earl Jamesport Union Star Parrott Clarksdale Continental
. . . .. .. .. .
106 285 564 124 308 559 37
William Huntaucker Ralph F. Ray Otis Scholl Mike Simerly O.W. Moorman Robert Sipes David Heinrichs
. .. .. .. . .. ..
Gallatin Coffey Jamesport Union Star.................. Maysville.................... Clarksdale Stewartsville
Davey Fisher, Sr., Box 82-D, 2nd & Croft, . Winston, MO 64689 Arland E. Haynes, 601 Brown St., Gallatin, MO 64640 .. Bob G. Sutton, Rt. 3, Pattonsburg, MO 64636 .. Doyle C. Kime, Rt. 2, Box 168, Jamesport, MO 64648 .. Mel Simerly, Box 63, Union Star, MO 64494 .. . Thomas Mix, 616 E. Sheridan, Maysville, MO 64469 Daryl L. Price, 2163 S.W. State Rt. N, Amity, MO 64422.. Billy W. Kelim, Jr., 3301 N.W. Y Hwy., . Stewartsville, MO 64490
1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. Tuesdays
....c.o c.o -.:]
Lodge Liberty
No. .
31 Liberty
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Donald Eugene Lake
Georp A. Morpn, 846 SUDJet Ave., Liberty, MO F. Wayne Dugan, at. I, Box 44C, Camden, MO 64017...... Georp T. Williams, 27004 Hwy. 92, Ezcelsior Springs,
64068-2012...................................................................... Clay....................... Angerona Clay Clay
. .
193 Missouri City............. John Tumer 207 Ezcelsior Sprinp ....... Robert W. Berrey, 1lI
.. ..
Clay....................... Temperance Clinton Vmcil Clinton Plattsburg
. .. ..
438 Smithville................... Dallas W. Sellan
62 Cameron 113 PlattsburK
.. ..
Clinton Clinton
Gower Lathrop Bee Hive
. .. .
KurtJ. Thompson Michael D. New
397 Gower Bruce Andrews 606 Lathrop....................... Doug Wyckoff 393 Lawson Dennis L. Lindsay
. .. .
MO 64024 Patrick A. McGuire, Box 496, Kearney, MO 64060............ Vem C. Smith, 722 N. West St., Cameron, MO 64429 ...... James E. Lenzini, 113 W. Grogan St., PlattsbUl1t, MO 64477...................................................... Francis Adams, Rt. I, Bos 70, Gower, MO 64454 Robert Norvell, Box 447, Lathrop, MO 64465.................... R. Wayne Briant, Rt. 2, Box 380, Lawson, MO 64062.......
Time of Meeting 2nd lit 4th Mon. 1st lit 3rd 'lUes. 1st &; 3rd Mon. 1st &; 3rd Wed. lit lit 3rd Mon. 1st Thurs. 1st &; 3rd Thurs. 3rd Mon. 2nd &; 4th Mon.
. .. ..
Caldwell Grundy Livingston............. Livinpton LiviDllton
Breckenridge 1'l'enton. Friendlhip Benevolence Dawn
. .. . . ..
Albert Smi~..................... Maurice Owen, 117 North Main, Braymer, MO 64624 Doyle M. Giesler.. Billy C. Short, at. 2, Box 230, Hamilton, MO 64644 James R. Ulm Gerald D. Sprouse, 106 E. Meadowbrook Ct., Polo, MO 64671- 9766 S34 Breckenridp.............. Joseph Reed...................... Francis Reed, at. I, Bos 58, Breckenridge, MO 64626...... 111 'Ihmton Ronald W. Whitney........... Leo Whitaker, 1926 Fiaherman Rd.,1'l'enton, MO 64688.. 89 Chillicothe Darrell Eupoe Skipper... Melvin L Gna, RR 6, Box 2OOA, Chillicothe, MO 64601. 170 Utica Richard C. Sidden Edpr L Kohl, P.O. Box 116, Utica, MO 64686.................. 539 Dawn 'I\ldcly lpn 'lUck............. W. Dale Wood. P.O. Box 124, Dawn, MO 64688
Linn Linn Linn
Jack80n Brookfield Marceline
.. .. ..
Mike Brown 86 Brookfield................... DeoniI Fletcher................ 481 Marceline Raymond Oldham
135 Braymer 224 Hamilton 232 Polo
tj ~
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TWELFrII DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Caldwell................ Braymer Caldwell................ Hamilton Caldwell................ Polo
2nd lit 4th 'lUes. 1st &; 3rd Tues. 2nd &; 4th Wed. 2nd &; 4th Thurs.
lit Thurs. 2nd &; 4th 'lUei. 2nd &; 4th Mon. 2nd &; 4th Mon.
U1 U1
THIRTEENTH DISTRICT路 As of May 20, 1997 82
Gail S.1Urnw, P.O. Box 129, Purdin, MO 64674............... 2nd &; 4th Mon. Gerald A. Main, 1506 N. Caldwell St., BrooJdield, MO 64628 2nd &; 4th'lUei. Earl H8.Ys, Rt. I, Boz 53, Bucklin, MO 64631.................... lit &; 3rd Thurs.
FOURTEENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 County Macon Macon Macon Shelby Shelby Shelby
Lodge .. .. . . . ..
Callao Censer LaPlata Shelbina Hunnewell Clarence
No. . . . .. .. ..
38 172 237 228 415 662
Master's Name
Location Callao Macon LaPlata Shelbina Hunnewell Clarence
.. .. .. .. .. .
Time of Meeting
Secretary's Name and Address
. David T. James, Jr Thomas E. Linhardt.. . Thomas F. Petersen .. Timothy James Dunaway William E. M088 . Thm A. Mooneyham .
Gerald E. Thomas, Rt. 2, Box 8, New Cambria, MO 63558 RUBBeIl D. Kohl, 29677 Southwest Blvd., Macon, MO 63552 L.E. Pyle, 401 E. Bartlett St., LaPlata, MO 63549 . Harley L. Kropf, Box 528, Shelbina, MO 63468 .. Kenneth P. Shride, Box 74, Emden, MO 63439 .. Franklin L. Forman, Rt. 2. Clarence, MO 63437 ..
1st & 3rd Fri. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thes.
FIFTEENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Lewis....... .............. Monticello ................ Lewis .... ................. LaBelle ..................... Lewis ..................... Craft ......................... Lewis ..................... Williamstown ........... Lewis............. ........ Marion........ ........... Marion................... Marion... ..... ........... Marion...................
Ewing ....................... Palmyra ................... St. John·s.................. Hannibal .................. Philadelphia ............
58 Monticello................... Billy D. Hinkle.................. 222 LaBelle ....................... 287 Canton..... ...... ............. 370 Williamstown ............. 577 18 28 188 502
Ewing ......................... Palmyra...................... Hannibal.................... Hannibal.................... Philadelphia ...............
Emery Geisendorfer, Jr., Rt. I, Box 16, Monticello M063457 .......................................................................... John W. Geisendorfer ....... Elmo L. Davis, PO Box 56, LaBelle, MO 63447-0056 ........ Glenn A. Miller................. C. Stan Willis, 612 Bland St., Canton, MO 63435 ............. Larry K Robertson........... Norman E. Briscoe, Rt. 1, Box 158, Williamstown, MO 63473 .......................................................................... Bill K Turner ................. William E.Shults, PO Box 368, Ewing, MO 63440 ............ Jac ie Kolthoff ................. Ben F. Smith, 4309 Co. Rd. 241, Palmyra, MO 63461 ....... James Alan Roberts ......... Amos O. Asmussen, 3 Fairway Dr., Hannibal, MO 63401 Jimmie L. Tatman ............ David N. Ward. 432 Head Ln., Hannibal. MO 63401 ........ • Consolidated with Ewing Lodge No. 577
2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon.
Clarksville Perseverance Phoenix
. .. .
17 Clarksville 92 Louisiana..... 136 Bowling Green
Gerhard H. AIL Thomas P. Serand08 John J. White
. . ..
399 Curryville
Ronnie Colbert
t:lj t:lj
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SIXTEENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Pike Pike Pike
Robert C. Frank, 35 Clifford 'Thrr., Clarksville, MO 63336 Gene R. Miller, 305 Peacock Dr., Louisiana, MO 63353.... Norman K Atkinson, 616 S. Court St., Bowling Green, MO 63334 Marvin Colbert, PO Box 0, Curryville, MO 63339............
3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thes.
::r: t:lj
2nd & 4th Tues. 3rd Mon.
SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Ralls Ralls Ralls
.. .. .. . .. .. ..
Paris Union Monroe Santa Fe Holliday Ralls Lick Creek New London
. .. . .. .. . ..
19 64 462 660 33 302 307
Paris Monroe City Santa Fe Holliday Center Perry New London
. . .. . . .. ..
James R. Primm Thomas Fitzgerald James M. Kerr Howard D. Bramblet Mervin Wayne Peirce Ralph Omer David Dean Nutt
.. .. .. .. . .. .
James R. Primm, PO Box 115, Paris, MO 65275 Kent E. Cheek, 314 So. Oak, Monroe Cit)', MO 63456 Jerry L. Crigler, Rt. I, Box 172, Paris, MO 65275 Robert B. Crain, Rt. 1. Box 67A, Holliday, MO 65258 Louis J. Botts, 81 Meadows Rd., Hannibal, MO 63401 Ronald McLaughlin, Rt. 2, Box 2113, Perry, MO 63462 Raymond Virginia Dowell. RR 1 Box 124, New London. M063459
.. .. . . . .. .
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st & 2nd Tues. 2nd Wed. 2nd & 4th Thes. 2nd & 4th Thurs.
c.o """" c.o
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LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 199'7 County Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph
. .. . . . . .
Lodge Huntsville Milton Moberly Cairo Higbee Jacksonville Clark
.. . . . . . ..
No. 30 151 344 486 527 541 610
Location Huntsville Milton Moberly Cairo Higbee Jacksonville Clark
.. .. . .. . .. .
Master's Name Roy Jay Osbourn R. Clyde Foster Harold Dean Beck Lesty W. Prewitt.. Carl Wheeler Randy Rickey Frank Redding
.. . .. .. . . .
Secretary's Name and Address Edward W. Miller, PO Box 351, Moberly, MO 65270......... Thomas J. Marshall, 902 Gilman Rd., Moberly, MO 65270 Fred F. Stuecken, 1028 Sinnock 1t1, Moberly, MO 65270 .. Joel C. Ridgway, PO Box 49, Cairo, MO 65239.................. Mark E.Nichols, 625 Gilman St., Moberly, MO 65270 ...... Frederick Walters, PO Box 40, Jacksonville, MO 65260..... Jamea H. Patton, Rt. 2, Box 3, Clark, MO 65243
Time of Meeting 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs.. 2nd & 4th Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
Wakanda Hale City Mendon Warren
.. . .. ..
52 216 628 74
Carrollton Hale Mendon....................... Keytesville
Vern D. Martin Keith Alan Hartwig William Clemens Larry R. Peters
.. .. .. ..
Billy Martin, 103 E. 4th St., Carrollton, MO 64633-1750. Lee Allen Fisher, RR 2, Box 180, Hale, MO 64643 Emmett Kirtley, RR I, Sumner, MO 64681-9802............... Joseph E. Manson, Box 113, Keytesville, MO 65261.........
o 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues.
TWENTIETH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Clay....................... Alpha
659 North Kansas City..... Glenn H. Burrows
Kansas City
220 Kansas City..
Michael Alan Burk..
Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson
Temple Gate City Orient Westport
.. .. .. ..
299 522 546 340
Jack R. Comer, Sr William B. Appleby Milton HessefOrt David Keith Blaisdell
. . .. ..
Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City................ Kansas City
James W. Brewer, 1006 E. 22nd Ave., North Kansas City MO 64116.......................................................................... Kirk McDaniel, Jr., 3918 W. 73rd St., Prairie Village, KS 66208 Lyman I. Ridgeway, 708 Glendale Rd., Liberty, MO 64068 Lyman I. Ridgeway, 708 Glendale Rd., Liberty, MO 64068 Richard P. Flaigle, 903 Harrison, Kansas City, MO 64106 Gustave R. Egner, 14501 E. 37th St., Independence, MO 64055
NINETEENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Carroll...... Carroll............... Chariton Chariton
2nd & 4th Mon. 2nd Mon. 1st & 3rd Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Fri.
r:n r:n
2nd & 4th Thurs.
o m
TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICf - A. of May 20, 1997 Lodge
Platte..................... RiIine Sun Platte..................... Weston
. ..
Platte................. Platte Platte..................... Platte..................... Platte.....................
. .. .. .. ..
Compass Camden Point Fidelity Adelphi Platte City
Secretary's Name and Address
Master's Name
13 Kansas City............... Randy L. Balentin 53 Weston........................ Earl M. Manley 120 169 339 355 504
Parkville Camden Point Farley......................... Edgerton Platte City
.. ..
David Clark Tinsley Carl E. Riddle Charles R. White Mitchell Watkins Keith Boyer
. . . . ..
Time of Meeting
Eldon J. Cusic, 8001 N.E.56th St., Kansas City, MO 64119 Leonard "Larry" Cook, 927 S. Broadway, Leavenworth, KS 66048-3101 Marvin G. Shun. 2304 HE Shady lA, GIadatone, MO 64US Riehard Thompson, Box 67, Dearbom, MO 64489 Charles White, 419 Woods St., ExClebior SpriDp, MO 840M Manhall R. Welch, 603 Lewis, Edgerton, MO &U« ........ Orville Livingston, Box 2357, Platte City, MO 64079........
1st Sat. 1st &: 8rei Thurs. 1st Mon. 1st 'lUes. 1st Wed. 2nd 'lUes. 2nd Mon.
TWENTY-BECOND DISTRICT - A. of May 20, 1997 Jackson
104 Kansas City
Carl H. Terry
Albert Pike
219 Kansas City
None Submitted
446 Kan888 City
Charles R. Harrison
Jackson Jackson Jackson
york Swope Park East Gate
.. .. ..
563 Kansas City 617 Kansas City 630 Kan888 City
WIlbur Dean Zahnter Walter R. Campbell Gary Eueene Crippen
.. .. ..
Jackson Jackson Jackson
Sheffield Rockhill Country Club
.. .. ..
625 Kansas City................ Donald Campbell 663 Kansas City Edwin Dumstorff 656 KanI8l City Clayton A. Chittim
.. .. ..
Paul K. Kawakami, 820 E. 31st St., Kansas City, MO 64109 . 2nd &: 4th Mon. Teddie E. Harrison, 16421 Crackemeck Rd., Independence, MO M06l5 . 2nd &: '1th Fri. Riehard Graft', 17800 Bolger Rd. Unit 409-B, Independence, MO 64055 .. 2nd &: 4th Thurs. Jack R. Clark, Sr., 9931 MeGee, Kansas City, MO 64114 . 1st &: 3rei Wed. Walter R. CamPbell, Box 35818, Kansas City, MO 64184. 2nd &: 4th Thurs. Charles C. Smith, Jr., 3516 Blue Ridge Cut Off, Kansas City, MO 64133 . 1st &: 8rei 'lUes. Robert B. Elden, 916 E. 84th St., Kansas City, MO 64109 2nd &: 4th Thurs. Riehard A. Mansfield, 1216 Apes Ave., Kansas City, MO F.O. BerVamin Allen, n, 9714 Middleton, Lee's Summit, M064086 . 1st &: 8rei Wed.
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TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT· A. of May 20, 1997 Lafayette............... Waverly Lafay.tte Lenngton Ifiainsville Mount Hope Richmond
.. ..
Lafayette Lafayette Ray Ray
.. . ..
61 Waverly 149 Lexington 864 476 57 223 444
Higin.sville................ Odessa Richmond Camden Orrick
Robert L. Hayes................ William E. &rattan,
Michael R. Gray................ James D. Hall................... James D. McBrien............ David Bloom Herbert A. Bruns..............
Chari. W. Zumalt, Rt. I, Box 1SOH, Waverly, MO 64096 James R. McCrary, 604 Glenn Dr., Lenngton, MO 64067-1943 Jack Beale, Rt. 2, Box 101, HigenIville, MO 64087......... Robert M. K.eyaerlinl, 108 E. Con., Odessa, MO 64076 James W. Stipll, 815 WIlson Blvd., Richmond, MO 64085 Robert E. Stonner, Rt. I, Box 113A, Camden, MO 64017.. John M. Hall, Rt. 8, Box 79l5, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
2nd'lU•. 8rei'lU•. 2nd &: 4th Mon. 1st &: 3rei Thurs. 3rd Mon. 1st &: 3rei Thurs. 2nd &: 4th Thurs.
"""' c.o c.o -J
TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 County Saline
Lodge Arrow Rock
wcation Arrow Rock Slater Manhall
Master's Name
Saline Saline
Barbee OrientaL
. ..
Cooper Cooper
Cooper Wallace
. .
36 Boonville..................... Jerry lloyd Wehmeyer 456 Bunceton William E. Vollrath
Cooper Howard Howard
Prairie Home Howard Fayette
.. .. ..
503 Prairie Home.............. Lewis Odneal.................... 4 New Franklin............. Vernon L. Booker.............. 47 Fayette RobertJ. Warford.............
Sweet Springs Blackburn
Secretary's Name and Address
Time ofMeeting
.. Billy C. Lovin.................... William R. Stith, Rt. I, Box 69, NelJon, MO 65847 . Frederick A. McBurney.... John I. Akeman, Rt. I, Box 189, Slater, MO 65849 .. David P. Duft'er Earl D. Latimer, 674 W. EDilewood, Manhall. MO 66S40 .. Lester Eugene Carrender Francis Vaught, Jr. 906 So.1Acuat, Sweet Springs Mo 65351 .. 路Conaolidated with Sweet Springs No. 217
55 63 205 217 518
2nd 'lUes. lilt 'lUes. lilt Thurs. 3rd Thurs.
TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Frank Ames Arnold, 733 Main St., Boonville, MO 615283 . Albert A. Eichhorn, 10220 Georptown Dr., Pilot Grove, MO 615276.......................................................................... Jerry D. Sella, P.O. Box 65, Prairie Home, MO 65068....... Thm D. Markland, P.O. Box 284, New Franklin, MO 65275 Robert H. Bray, P.O. Box 290, Fayette, MO 65248
2nd I: 4th 'lUes. 2nd I: 4th Fri. lilt I: 8rd Thun. lilt I: 3rd Thun. lilt &; 3rd 'lUes.
59 Centralia
John P. Lorcmtzen.............
Boone .................... Twilight.................... Boone .................... Ashland .................... Boone .................... Hallsville..................
114 Columbia 156 Ashland 336 Hallsville
Douglas Earl Koltal......... Jim Pauley Michael L.WalliB...............
Boone .................... Ancient Landmark .. Boone .................... Acacia .......................
S56 Harrisburg 602 Columbia
Kevin R. Wooden Sam Winn Bornhauser.....
William S. Spean, 22001 N. Loven U:l., Sturgeon, MO 65284 James G. Wade, 2801 W. Heoley Dr., Columbia, MO 65202 Bnwe E. Martin, 2121 E. Rt. M., Hartsburg, MO 65089... H. Ray McKenzie, 6150 E. Low CrosIin8 Rd., Hallsvil1e, MO 65255 Carl Brenton, PO Box 57, HarriIburr, MO 65256-0067.... David R. Chrisman, Box 457, Columbia, MO 652015..........
lilt I: 8rd Thurs. 2nd I: 4th 'lUes. 1IIt I: 8rd Mon.
8rd Wed. 2nd I: 4th Thun. lilt I: 8rd 'lUes.
Hebron ..................... Vandalia ................... Fulton....................... New Bloomfield .......
3M 491 48 60
Mexico Vandalia Fulton......................... New Bloomfield..........
Richard A. MillJ Travis Shawn Cole Michael C. Glawson Anthony S. Purdy.............
Callaway ............... Tebbetts.................... Callaway............... Mokane ....................
565 Tebbetts 612 Mokane
John K. Kennedy.............. 'Thrry L. Howard...............
Montgomery.......... Montgomery.............
246 Montgomery City
David K. Duren
Jared Price, 909 Concordia, Maico, MO 65265................. Cbar1eI M. 8croIin. PO Box 85, Vandalia, MO 68882 William R. Scott, 80' SUDI8t Dr., Fulton, MO 65251........ Gary L. Riddle, 5817 Cobb1eltoDe Ct., Jefferson City, MO 65101 Ralph M. Davis, 5418 St., Hwy. IK, Tebbetta, MO 66080.. Erwin H. WitthaUl, 214-B Gordon, Jeff4nOD City, MO 65101 Verle T. Nauehton, Rt. 2, Box 254, Montgomely City, MO 63861-9969
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TWENTY-8EVENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Audrain................. Audrain ................. Callaway ............... Callaway...............
TWENTY-81XTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Boone .................... Centralia ..................
lilt I: 8rd 'lUes. Srd Mon. lilt I: Srd Wed. lilt I: 8rd 'lUeI. 3rd Mon. lilt Thurs.
2nd I: 4th MoD.
TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Lodp
Lincoln Lincoln
Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln
New Hope New Sa1eIn
Nineveh MOICOw
. .
Muter'. Name
Secretary'. Name and Addreu
S4 Troy Dan Berry Dildine............ 76 Silex............................ Warren Copworth 199 270 478 568
Elsberry...................... WInfield Olney MOICOw MillI.............. Jonesburg................... McKittrick Wentzville St. Charles
William Taylor John AdamI...................... Mitchell R. Kerna Andrew W. Becker
Warren D. Clark, 306 Everpoeen Ct., Troy, MO 68379...... Warren W. Wommack, 6160 Cuivre Ford, Co. Rd. 624, Troy, MO 63379 . James A Vaughn, 168 Hone Shoe lA, ElIbsTy, MO 6S343 Gerald Alhwill. RR 1 Boz 2891., Wmfield, MO 6S889 .. William W. Haines, P.O. Boz 67, Olney, MO 68370 . R. Bruce Hubbard, 1220 S. 3rd St., Troy, MO 68379 .
Time ofMeeting
2nd & 4th Mon. 4th Fri. 2ndThun. lit " 3rd Sat. lit Fri. 2nd Sat.
THIRTIETH DISTRICT - As of May 20. 1997 Montgomery Montgomery St. Charles St. Charles............ St. Charles............
Wentzville Pa1eItine Mechanicsville
.. .. ..
467 492 46 241 260
Warren Warren
Pauldingville Warrenton
.. .
11 Wrilht City 609 Warrenton
Stewart L. Sinclair William R. Rauschelbach. William F. Stone. William Langendoerfer John E. Rice......................
Keith L. Meyer, Rt. I, Boz 150, Montgomery City, MO 63361 Robert L. Schmidt, Rt. 1, Boz 474, New Floreoce, MO 6S363 Frank H. Davil, 706 Love Dr., O'Fallon. MO 6S366 Fred H. Courtney, 3273 Janton Ln. Charles. MO 68301... H. Vayne Jacobs, 1323 Drummond Ct., St. Charl_, MO
William L Bormann.......... Richard C. DaviI..............
Conley DePriest, 666 Dietrieh Rd., Foristell. MO 63348... Gerald Lee Parris, S04 McKinley, Warrenton, MO 63388.
3rd Mon. 2nd 'fuel. lit & 3rd Wed. lit & 3rd 'fuel. 2nd & 4th Mon. lit & 3rd Thun. 2nd & 4th Thun.
THIRTY-FIRST DISTRICT路 As of May 20, 1997 Cole Cole Cole Moniteau............... Osage
Ruaellville Hickory Hill California
.. . ..
90 211 183 186
326 Linn
43 JeffEl'lOn City
Ruuellville Eupne California Chamois
Ralph L. CoIbow Bruce B. Gibson................ C1areDce L. Thieclb......... Stephen C. Derendinpr .. Owen J. Lunsford, Jr........ Robert L. Mantle
Robert L. Hudson, 720 Kevin Dr., Jeft'erlIOn City, MO 661011st & 3rd Thursday Clifford C. Olsen, n, 103 West Cir., Jefferson City 66109. 3rd Thun. James Clark, Boz 16, 'IUIcumbia, MO 66082 2nd Tues. Billy R. Potter, Rt. I, Boz 1283, California, MO 615018 2nd & 4th Tues. Marvin WitthaUl, Boz 92, Chamois, MO 66024 4th Friday except 3rd Fri. Nov. & Dec. Frank Jolt, PO Box 169, Linn, MO 66061 .. 2nd & 4th Thun.
;g o
(l t.::r:j t.::r:j
t::l ~
p r:n.
o "'%j ~
::r: t.::r:j
THIRTY-8ECOND DISTRICT路 As of May 20, 1997
Franklin................ Franklin................ Franklin FranlcliD
Gray Summit
. ..
GaIconade............. Hermann GaIconade............. Owensville
.. ..
69 Sullivan 178 Gray Summit
261 Washington 368 Robertsville
David Andrew Rowland... Clifford L. Smith WtlIon K. Meyer
Steve D. Vauehn
6S4 Pac:ific Je8ioeIy L. M;yaw 676 St. Clair Frank LeIinaki, Sr 693 Union.......................... Kimy Lee Moreland 123 Hermann Alfred F. Lieoeke 624 OweDlVille.................. G. Brian Epetein.
.. ..
. .. . .. .. ..
DemUs A Wau, 1420 HuPes Ford Dr., Sullivan, lit & 3rd Fri. lit & 8rd Thun. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Sat. 2nd & 4th Thun. 2nd & 4th Tues. Charles J. Hill, 380 Daniell Ell, Union, MO 63084 ......... 2nd & 4th Fri. Arthur C. GeebIer. 901 Wubington St., Hsmann, MO 66041 4thThun. Kevin E. Weaver, 8706 Meadow Dr., HoUle Sprinp. M063Ol51 . lilt & 8rd Thurl. MO 63080-2626 . Norman W. Zweifel, 8766 Hwy. 150, Beaufort, MO 63018 ..
John L. Erfurdt, Jr.. 68M State Rd. A, W8IIbinItoo. MO 63(IJ() Sam Smothers, 6748 Hwy. N, Robertlville, MO 68072 .. Roy E. My8J'll, 1817 W. at. Louis St., Pacific, MO 6S069 . Rooald L. Sullivan, PO Boz 214. Gray Summit, MO 68OS9
t.O t.O -:J
~ ~ -:]
54 Garden City................ Leonard Salmon
Call Call C88I....................... Grand River
. .
1"7 Harriaonville.............. Robert E. Cameron........... 276 Freeman Samuel D. Manthei
Call Belton C88I....................... Jewel
.. .
~ Belton Grepry B. C11I11iq.......... .480 Pleuant Hill.............. Jack Timmons
Cau....................... Coldwater C..s....................... Archie C..s....................... Cleveland
485 Drexel......................... Frank E. Fink................... 688 Archie DenniI E. Boucher............ 651 Cleveland Richard C. Miller..............
.. ..
Secretary'. Name and Addrea
Ropr E. Orr, 28112 S. State Rt. Z.. Gard_ City, MO . 647"7 Gerald Roberta, 708 WeIlI_, Harriaonville, MO 64701... J. Scott Eddleman, 2608 Hillside Dr., HarriJonville, MO 64701.................................................................................. Brad Thomaon. 6Ol5 Valle Dr., Belton. MO 64012 James W. Williams, 18608 E. Hubach Hill ReI., P1e&aant Hill, MO 64080.................................................... Donald W. Emery, S20 N. SnI, Drexel, MO 64774.............. David E. Reiman, Rt. 2, Box 17S, Adrian, MO 64720........ John B. Kreeeer, Jr., 1900 Meadow Ct., Harriaonvi11e MO 64701...........................................................................
Time of Meetitle
lit & Src! 'IUea. lit & arc! Thun. ard Mon. lit & Srd 'lUes.
2nd Tuea. arc! Mon. 2nd & 4th Tuea. 2nd Tues.
THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Bates Bates Bates Bates
Butler Cresc:ent Hill Foster
.. ..
.. ..
2M Butler 868 Adrain SM Folter
Vqil D. Hughea............... Steve Brotherton Joseph A. Frazier Otis A. Watson..................
Carl F. Stanftll, Rt. I, Box 889, Amoret, MO 64722........... Charles K. Silvers, Rt. 4, Box 258 Butler, MO 647S0 Tracy M. Rua, Rt. 2, Box 273, Adrain, MO 64720............ James F. Bartlett, RR I, Box 211, Rich Hill. MO 64779....
2nd Tuea. 1st & Srd Fri. 2nd & "th Thora. lit & Src! Mon.
THIRTY-SIXTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Benton................... Johnson................. Johnson Johnson Johnson
Shawnee Knob Noster Holden Corinthian Cold Spring
.. .. .. . ..
M8 Waraaw....................... 24l) Knob Noster 262 Holden 26S Warrenaburg 27" Leeton.........................
Pettis Pettis
Sedalia Granite
.. .
286 272
Sedalia........................ Sedalia........................
Eddie Carron 'Thrry A. Clemons.............. Joaeph J. Jonea................. David A. Carter Michael D. Underwood..... Ron CiIco David E. Miller
Bruce L. Smith, Box lOIS, Waraaw, MO 6I58M John T. Cecelia, 932Ridge Dr., Warrensburg, MO 64093... R. Dwme WilliaJna, 1004 Rawlins Dr., Holden, YO 64040 Bill George, 164 N.E. lSI. Warrensburg, MO 64093-8201 Charles R. Eye, P.O. Box 196, 122 N. Lee, Leeton. MO 64761.................................................................................... Robert David Weikal, 420 S. Grand Ave., Sedalia, MO M801 Roy E. Talbott, 1808 S. Kentucky Ave., Sedalia. MO M801
lit & 2nd Tuea. 2nd & "th Thun. 1st Thun. lit & ard Mon.
t::l t"'4
~ o I'%j ~
r.n r.n
Srd Thurs. lit Fri. Srd Fri.
LODGE DmECTORY BY DISTRICTS THIRTY-8EVENT11 DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 County Henry Henry St. Clair St. Clair................. St. Clair................. St. Clair.................
Windsor Clinton St. Clair Circle Lowry City Appleton City
No. .. .. .. .. . ..
29 548 273 S4:i. 403 412
Master's Name
Kevin L. Williams Clinton........................ David Joe Hathcock Osceola James Dill Roscoe......................... William G. Smith. Lowry City Billy J. Bailey Appleton City Christopher B. Green
Secretary's Name and Address
. .. .
.. .. .
THIRTY~GHTH DISTRICT Camden................. Camden................. Laclede Laclede Miller Pulaski
Linn Creek Macks Creek Laclede Conway Iberia Waynesville
.. .. .. .. .. ..
152 Camdenton 488 MacbCreek 83 Lebanon 528 Conway Iberia 8715 Waynesville
3815 Richland
.. . .. .. .. ..
Steven D. Robinson Richard L. F08ter Welton B. Bembry Michael J. North. Randy G. Duncan Donald E. Ripley Steven M.
Dennis Brown, 313 Hillcrest Dr., Windsor, MO 615360 ...... Harry I. Jerome, 316 N.15th St., Clinton, MO 64735......... John W. Hill, RR 1, Box 120A., Collins, MO 64738-9801...... Robert Keeton, Rt. 8, Box BO, Stockton, MO 6157815 James C. Wucox. RR I, Box n路BB. Lowry City. MO 64763 John B.Browning, 1589 S.W. 1000, Montrose. MO 64770.
Time of Meeting
lit &: 3rd 'lUes. 2nd &: 4th 'lUes. 3rd'IUes. 2nd Wed. lit Fri. 8rd Mon. ~
As of May 20, 1997 ..
. .. ..
.. ..
John Grieve. Rt. I, Box 106 0..1, Climax SPIll., MO 615324 W. Wayne Noland, Rt. 2, Box 608, Buffalo, MO 6l5622路915215 Allen W. SimplOn, 23048 Ravine Ln., Lebanon, MO 6151586 James W. Fisher, Rt. I, Box 810, Phillipiburg, MO 65722 John T. Gfoady, P.O. Box 615, Iberia, MO 65486................... Fred A. McMillan, 501 Broadway St., Waynesville, MO 6151583 Richard A. York, P.O. Box 312, Laquey, MO 615l584............
o 2nd Thun. lit Sat. lit Thun. lit Sat. lit Thun. 2nd 'lUes. 2nd Wed.
THIRTY-NINTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 77 Steelville..................... Larry D. Branson
Crawford Dent MarieI MarieI................... MarieI................... Phelps Phelps Phelps Pulaski
Cube. Salem Vienna Bell, Lan. Prairie Rolla St. James Equality
. .. .. .. .. ..
878 1581 218 280 497
812 Cuba 2215 Salem 94 Vumna
Walter E. A,ytee.................
Charles E. Butler Edwin W. HOOle Belle............................ Larry K. Hicb.................. VIChy Fred D. McCormack......... Rolla Donald Lee Casey............. St. James.................... Charles B. Evans.............. Newburg luther H. Fryer................ Dixon Troy Porter........................ Licltinc........................ Stanley F. Ritz
William E. Richardson, 496 Lone Spring Rd.,Box B.J., Steelville, MO 6l5l56l5 lit Sat. Bob Stubblefield, 502 Pine St.. Cuba, MO 654153-1623 2nd Friday Harold E. Harston, 408 So. Hickory, Salem, MO 6151560.... lit &: 3rd Fri. Randy O. Wagner, HCR 64, Box 64. Linn MO 6150151 lit Sat. RuaeU J. Ridenhour, Rt. I, Box 92, Belle, MO 6l5018....... 2nd &: 4th Mon. Robert Bulloct, 18601 CR436, St. James, MO 6l56l59........ 2nd Sat. Norman E. Rapn, 119715 Co. Rd. BOlO, Rolla, MO 6l5401 lit &: 8rd Wed. CharI. C. Keuler, 20279 Hwy. 8, St. James, MO 6l56l59.. lit &: 3rd Tbun. Georp E. OrnJbey, 161563 State Rt. T, NewbUtK. MO 6151550 2nd &: 4th Fri. Paul E. Beydler, P.O. Box 327, Dixon, MO 6l54l59 lit &: 8rd 'lUes. Walter E. Ritz, 19809 Robertlon Dr., Lic:ltioa, MO 6151542. 2nd &: 4th Tbun.
t%j t%j
Z r:n
:I: t%j
"""' t.O" t.O
(0 (0
Maat.'. Name
Secretary'. Name and Addrea
Time of Meeting
119 DeSoto
Jeff8l'lOn Jefferson Jeff8l'lOn
Joachim Shekinah Herculaneum
St. Francou........... Blackwell
. .. .. ..
164 HillIboro..................... Douglu W. Botbmann ..... :........ w. Uoyd Naualey.............. Jamel W. Cannon............. 585 Blackwell.................... Clitrorel M. Hill.................
Leater Maxwell Fielder, 108 MartPeI Way, DeSoto, MO 68020 Robert J. DigJe, 9790 W. VISta, HillIboro, MO 63060 Jerry D. wn.on, 2826 N. Selma Dr., Festua, MO 83028 A. Elmo Blum, Box 1156, HercuJaneum. MO 63048............ David L. SeiCerd, 5&15 lpn View AI:rea, HillIboro, MO
Washington........... Tyro
Manhall F. Hayn8I..........
Gracin E. Alters, 22 Beth Ann Dr., Belleville, IL 62221.....
Sat. on or before full moon .
Washington Washington
832 BeIarade
Lee F. Rowe, at. 1, Box 2061, Potosi, MO 88664................ Jerry B. Dunlap, 358 Old Irondale Rd., Bimlark, MO 88624-9611 Ronald Pierce, at. 1, Box 69, Caledonia, MO 63831..........
2nd Mon.
181 Potoli.. W'111iam R. Crocker........... 143 Irondale...................... Kenneth L. Oodat.............
Marvin G. StinIon............
~ Crystal City 338 Herculaneum
12 Caledonia
Donnie 1Ierig....................
2nd I: 4th '!bun. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd Saturday lit I: 8re1 '!bun.
63050................................................................................... lit Sat.
lit I: 3re1 Sat. 3re1 Sat.
Hickory PoDt PoDt
Hermitage Bolivar Pleasant Hope
.. .. .
Cloyd Sharp 279 Wheatland.................. K. Robert W1lcox...............
381 Buft'alo
288 Hermitap David A. Bowers............... 195 Bolivar Robert F. NeaL................ 487 Pleuant Hope............ David J. Mizell.................
tj ~
o tj
o I-%j
FORTY·FIBST DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1897 Hickory.................. Hogle's Creek
Thomu Andy And8l'lOD, P.O. Box 1106, ButraIo, MO 86622 4th Tues. Robert E. Bulmer, at. 2, Box 2523, Wheatland, MO 65779.......................................................................... 1st Thun. J81D81 C. Munden, at. 1, Box 204, Hermitap, MO 85886 3re1 'fuel. Donald L. Spainhower, PO Box 55, Bolivar, MO 65613..... 2nd'1UeI. Meredith B. 'lUcker, Box 38, Pleuant Hope, MO 65725 .., 2nd Thun.
s:: ~
r:n r:n o
FORTY-SECOND DISTRIcr • As of May 20, 1997 Cedar Cedar Dade
Stockton J8I'I1I818ID Wasmn,ton
.. . ..
283 Stockton
Hubert Kelaay
815 Jerico Sprinll............ Richard E. Sprenkle.........
87 Greenfield................... Larry A. Decker................
John F. Rummel, RR 1. Box 818, HWD8DIViUe, MO 65674. Levi. at. 4, Box 119A, Stockton, MO 85785 Charlel Adams, at. 2, Box 332, Greenfield, MO 65681.....
Joe L.
lit" 3rd Thun. 1st" 3re1 Mon. 4th Tues.
t-::I ~ ~
FORTY-THIRD DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 County
187 292 482 303 371
Master's Name
490 495 605
Jasper.................... Carthage Jasper.................... Sarcoxie Jasper.................... Joplin
. .. ..
197 Carthage..................... Gary Wayne Hicks 293 Sarcoxie John K. Sehnert 335 Joplin.......................... Walter Webster
Jasper Jasper.................... Jasper.................... Jasper.................... Jasper....................
.. .. .. . .
345 398 401 471 512
.. .
549 Carl Junction 586 Alva
. . . .. . .. .. . ..
Hermon Lamar Clintonville Osage Sheldon Schell City Montevallo Unity Walker
No. . .. . . .. . .. .. .
Barton Barton Cedar Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon
Liberal Lamar Eldorado Springs Nevada Sheldon Schell City Montevallo Richards Walker
.. .. .. . . . . . .
Secretary's Name and Address
Victor R. Hinds Matt M. Miller.................. Jack T. Keeton Jerry A. Morris Harley D. Long Carl R. Luther Jimmy D. Boyd Johnnie J. Fritter Eugene E. Deming............
D. Frank Adams, Box 87, Liberal, MO 64762 .. Floyd G. Eaves, 51 N.W. 57th Ln., Lamar, MO 64759 . Jim Welton, P.O. Box 175, Roscoe, MO 64781.. .. Ernest Charles Morton, RR 3 Box 482A, Nevada, MO 64772 James Wisehart, Box 8, Sheldon, MO 64784 .. Warren Haddix, Box 107, Schell City, MO 64783 . H. Gene Luley, Rt. 2, Box 153, Sheldon, MO 64784 . Earl L. Rogers, Rt. 1, Box 4, Richards, MO 64778 . Roy Lee Foremen, Rt. I, Box 74A, Walker, MO 64790 .
Time of Meeting lat & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd Thurs. 2nd Tues. lat & 3rd Thurs. 2nd Wed. latSat. lat & 3rd Wed. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
FORTY-FOURTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997
Fellowship Jasper Carterville Mineral Webb City
Jasper Carl Junction Jasper.................... Criterion
Joplin.......................... Jasper Carterville Oronogo Webb City...................
.. . ..
Richard A. Lowrey Clinton Smith Willard G. Mahurin Michael Simon Robert W. Brock
.. .. .. .. ..
Randy C. Fletcher Thomas A. Berger
.. .
Carroll D. Hendrickson, P.O. Box 274, Carthage, MO 64836 2nd & 4th Thurs. Louis W. Kuhnel, RR2, Box 50-A, Sarcoxie, MO 64862..... lat & 3rd Tues. Wl1liam E. Gilstrap, 4195 S. Duquesne Rd., Joplin, MO 64804 . 1st" 3rd Mon. James H. Doran, PO 1235, Joplin, MO 64802 .. 2nd & 4th Fri. Don Johnson, PO Box 124, Jasper, MO 64755 . 1st" 3rd Tues. James D. Lloyd, Rt. 3, Box 82, Joplin, MO 64801 . 1st" 3rd Tues. David N. Behymer, 1129 Ivy Rd., Webb City 64870路9704 . lat & 3rd Thurs. Howard L. Peterson, 3416 S. Joplin Ave., Joplin, MO 64804-3735......................................................................... 2nd" 4th Thurs. Joe A. Beattie, P.O. Box 403, Carl Junction, MO 64834.... 2nd" 4th Wed. Wayne A. Lawson, 4500 E. 26th, Joplin, MO 64804 .......... 2nd Tues.
Springfield.................. James C. Mason
Greene................... Greene................... Greene................... 2nd Mon. Greene................... Greene...................
. .. .
7 Walnut Grove Randy R. Latimer 100 Ash Grove................... Michael O. Britain 271 Springfield C. Scott Houge
.. .. ..
Gate of the Temple .. Republic ..
422 Springfield.................. James A. Heitman 570 Republic...................... James G. Keeling
. . ..
O'Sullivan Ash Grove Solomon
Greene................... Strafford
608 Strafford
Greene................... Willard
620 Wl1lard........................ John L. Cook
Webster.. Webster Webster Webster Webster Greene
. .. . . .. ..
98 300 439 459 477 678
Webster Doric Mount Olive Hazelwood Henderson :... Daylight
Marshfield Elkland Rogersville
Lyle E. Matthews
.. Tony A,roatini . David A. Hornberger . Ronald W. Crow H. Wayne Cantrell Garry J. Davis . Francis M. Kunkler
. .. .. .. .. .
tz:j tz:j
t::l ~
o~ t-3
FORTY-FIFTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Greene................... United
James A. Nunn, 462 N. Farm Rd. 208, Strafford, MO 65757.......................................................................... 3rd Mon. Art DotaonJ..5676 Hwy. 123, Walnut Grove, MO 65770-9028 2nd Tues. Warren J . .lSuchanan, PO Box 48, Ash Grove, MO 65604.. 2nd Thurs. Marvin J. Pennell, 8242 W. Farm Rd. 124, Springfield, MO 65802 Richard L. Cox, Box 9805, Sllringfield, MO 65801-9805... Ernest L. Fanning, 4052 W. Sunshine, Lot 126, Springfield, MO 65807................................................ ...... Gary Yarbrough, 8104 N. St. Hwy 125. Strafford, MO 65767 Charles H. Cook, 2826 N. Farm Rd. 93, Springfield, MO 65802 J. Edward Blinn, P.O. Box 14, Marshfield, MO 65706 Joe Atteberry, Box 423, Strafford~MO65767 Randall J. Jones, Rt. 3, Box 169 rsville, MO 65742.. Dean Rowe, Box 116, Scmnour}.io 746......................... JeffreJ D. Lee, 3402 S. 'lalley VIew, Sprirudield, MO 65804 Oral D. Benskin, 241 E. Hines, Repulilic, 1\{0 65738........
3rd Thurs. 2nd Thurs. 1st Thurs. 1st Thurs. 2nd Fri. 2nd Sat. 3rd Mon. 1st Fri. 3rd Thus. 1st Mon.
to to
FORTY路SIXTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 County Douglas Texaa Texaa Texaa Wright Wright Wright
Ava Texaa Plato Summersville Mountain Grove Man.field Norwood
. . .. .. .. . ..
26 Ava 177 Houston 469 Plato 666 Summersville 158 Mountain Grove 543 Mansfield 622 Norwood
Master'. Name Allen R. Howe................... Franklin L. Miller Buford Wm. Parnell Frankie L. Shoults Timothy C. Hancock......... Charles Clark Richard L. Forrest............
Secretary'. Name and Address Kenneth B. Smith, PO Box 1417, Ava, MO 66608 . Thomas F. Chapman, PO Boll: 96, Houston, MO 6M83 . James F. Wewer, 907 Broadway St., Wayneaville, MO 66688 Marshall Welch, 603 Lewi. St., Edgerton, MO 64444-9181 E. Joe Slater, 1110 Hillc:re8t, Mt. Grove, MO 65711 . Charles Brazeal, Box 101 Grant St., Mansfield, MO 65704 Sam J. Shafer, 880 Hwy. PP, Norwood, MO 66717 .
Time of Meeting lit Tuea. 1.t Thurs. lit Mon. 2nd Sat. 2nd Fri. 2nd Tues. lit Thurs.
FORTY路SEVENTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Carter.................... Van Buren ......_........
609 Van Buren
Carter Reynolds Reynold Reynolds Shannon Shannon Shannon
579 239 353 675 137 430 607
Grandin Hopewell Barnesville Bunker Delphian Winona Eminence
.. .. .. . . .. ..
Grandin Lesterville Ellington Bunker........................ Birch Tree Winona Eminence....................
Joe Hoskins Jack N. Woods WIllard L. Roach............... Thomas Paul Ridenhower Ray L.Widger Kenneth Wisecarver......... Harold Weaver.................. Harley G. Conway............
James E. Newton, Box 135, Van Buren, MO 63965...........
Sat. on or after full moon Bill Beardsley, Box 216, Grandin, MO 63948..................... 2nd Mon. James M. Johnson, Rt. I, Boll: 182, Black, MO 63625 4th Sat. Bernard L. Morrison, Rt. 3, Boll: 237, Redford, MO 63665 2nd Thurs. James J. Hayea, P.O. Boll: 396, Bunker, MO 63629............ 2nd &: 4th Fri. David E. Reed, Rt. 2, Boll: 2942, Mountain View, MO 65548 lit &: 3rd Mon. Gordon Buckner, P.O. Boll: 84, Winona, MO 65588 2nd &: 4th Tues. David L. RatlitT, HCR 3, Boll: 2OF, Eminence, MO 65466.. 1st &: 3rd Thurs.
FORTY.EIG~DISTRICT路 As of May 20, 1997 Iron........................ Iron........................ Iron........................ Madison ................ St. Francois........... St. Francois........... St. Francois...........
Star of the West ....... Mosaic ...................... Viburnum ................. Marcus ..................... Bismarck .................. Farmington .............. St. Francois..............
133 351 676 110 41 132 234
Ironton........................ Belleview............ ........ Viburnum ................... Fredericktown ............ Bismarck .................... Farmington ................ Libertyville .................
&ymond F. White ............ Arrested their Charter Leater O. Maize, Jr........... Ford Wayne Stevens......... LeJan L. Cowan................ David Raymer................... James P. Womack .............
St. Francoi............ Samaritan ................ St. Francois........... Pendleton ................. St. Francoi. ........... Leadwood .................
424 Bonne Terre....... ......... Dallam Ray Pettus ........... 551 Doe Run...................... Thester Barton ................. 598 Leadwood ................... James E. Green ................
St. Francoi............ Elvin.路Ionic.............. St. Genevieve ........ Saline .......................
154 De.loge ......... .............. WIlliam A. Helm.............. 226 St. Mary's ................... Gerald F. Stortz ................
t:l t'"'l
~ o~
Edward M. Boyd, 101 E. Polk, Ironton, MO 63660............
2nd &: 4th Tues.
rn rn
Cletus H. Faircloth, P.O. Boll: 302, Viburnum, MO 65566. Leroy Braawell, 211 William., Fredericktown, MO 63645 James M. Sitze, 909 Cochrane Rd., Elvins, MO 63601... ... Donald E. McGuire, P.O. Boll: 384, Farmington, MO 63640 David E. Womack, 9043 State Rte. AA, Farmington, MO 63640 ................................................................................. Marvin Floyd Beaa, 7557 Clay, Bonne Terre, MO 63628 .. Glen Watkins, 3773 Hwy. W, Doe Run, MO 63637 ............ Harold E. WIlliams, 602 Champs Elysees Dr., Bonne Terre, MO 63628.................................................... C. Wilburn Hom, PO Boll: 1546, Desloge, MO 63601 ......... R. Dwight Smith, 439 N. West St., Perryville, MO 63775.
2nd &: 4th Tues. lit &: 34d Thurs. 1st &: 3rd Tues. 2nd &: 4th Thurs.
lit Thurs. lit &: 3rd ThJlI1l. 2nd &: 4th Fri. 2nd &: 4th Sat. 1st &: 3rd Mon. 4th Sat. I:..:l ~
Master's Name
Bollinger .. Bollinger Cape Girardeau
Trowel Zalma St. Mark's
. . ..
440 Marble Hill ................. Garry E. Lincoln............... 545 Zalma.......................... Raymond F. Fish.............. 93 Cape Girardeau ......... William L. 'lUcker.............
Cape Girardeau
West View
103 Millersville ................. John E. Crites...................
Cape Girardeau
Mystic Tie
221 Oak Ridge................... Everett J. SharonOOrg......
Cape Girardeau.... Whitewater . Cape Girardeau.... Excelsior . Cape Girardeau.... Harold O. Grauel... ..
417 Whitewater ................ Elwood E. Ulrich .............. 441 Jackson ....................... Harold E. Makins ............. 672 Cape Girardeau ......... Robert L. McLemore.........
Perry Scott
Perryville Chaffee
.. .
670 Perryville.................... William Alfaro .................. 615 Chaffee ....................... Tony L. Smee ....................
Secretary's Name and Address Floyd N. Lincoln, HC 64 Box 777, Grassy MO 63753 .. Cletes O. Cato, HC 01, Box 525, Zalma, MO 63787 . George Jenkins, Jr., 646 Whitelaw, Cape Girardeau, M063701 . Rusby D. Niswonger, 950 County Rd. 352, Millersville, M063766 . Lonnie P. Seabaugh, 7543 St. Hwy. B, Oak Ridge, MO 63769 . James R. Haynes, Box 366, Whitewater, MO 63785 . Joe D. Masterson, 1802 Co. Rd. 614, Jackson, MO 63755. Cecil O. Blaylock, 1993 Longview Dr., Cape Girardeau MO 63701 . Kenneth E. Corse, Rt. 6, Box lA, Perryville, MO 63775 .. Norman A. Proffer, 1824 Co. Rd. 379, Whitewater, MO 63785 .
Time of Meeting 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Sat. 2nd & 4th 'lUes. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd 'lUes. 2nd & 4th Fri. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th ThUTS. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
FIFTIETH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Mississippi
407 Charleston
Scott Scott Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard
Morley Sikeston Bloomfield Lakeville Dexter Advance Puxico
. . . . . . .
184 310 153 489 532 590 596
Morley Sikeston...................... Bloomfield Bell City Dexter Advance...................... Puxico
New Madrid New Madrid New Madrid: Pemiscot................
Point Pleasant New Madrid Odom Caruthersville
.. .. . .
176 429 671 461
Conran........................ New Madrid Portageville Caruthersville............
Johnny L. Shoffner........... VerOOn McPherson Dale Alden Raymer Robert E. Bye.................... H. Joe Rampley................ Richard A. Holland........... Denver L. Robinett........... Randall W. Stephens........
Homer D. Oliver, 404 E. Commercial St., Charleston, M063834 . Uoyd E. Michelsen, P.O. Box 171, Oran, MO 63771.. .. Richard D. Edwards, 107 Spring Dr., Sikeston, MO 63801 Johnny M. Robey, Sr., P.O. Box 548~moomfield, MO 63825 W. Max Bollinger, 27926 School St., Bell City, MO 63735. James D. Smith, 11098 Co. Rd. 717, Dexter, MO 63841 .. James J. Hames, Box 522 Advance, MO 63730 .. Leo H. Lowery, 20046 County Rd. 283, Puxico, MO 63960
1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thes. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon.
;g o
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FIFTY-FIRST DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Jerry Lee SeOOurn............ Herbert Mays.................... Edsel C. Allen, Sr. Bobby George....................
Robert J. McAlister, Box 393, Portageville, MO 63873..... Charles C. Hatley, Box 203, New Madrid, MO 63869 L.C. Keith, 500 W. 9th St., Portageville, MO 63873 Howard Fike, 808 Ward Ave., PO Box 216, Caruthersville, MO 63830..........................................................................
2nd & 4th Thurs. 2nd & 4th Mon. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Tues. I--"
~ ~
CO CO -..:J
FIFTY-SECOND DISTRICT -A. of May 20, 1997 County
Master's Name
Secretary's Name and Address
Poplar Bluff
209 Poplar Bluff................ William Lee Walker
Ripley.................... Ripley.................... Wayne.... Wayne
Composite Naylor Greenville Wayne
.. .. . ..
369 568 107 526
. .. . ..
Howell................... Mt. Zion
327 West Plains
Roy Mitchell
Howell................... Ingomar
536 Willow Springs
John T. Bailey
Howell................... Mountain View ........
637 Mountain View
Ted J. Green
Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Ozark Ozark Ozark
255 387 463 582 298 365 435
Joe W. Lindley Ernest E. Miller Hubert L. Langley Terry W. Mustion Daniel M. Marah Frank Evans Royce E. Wheeler
. .. . .. .. .. ..
Doniphan.................... Naylor Greenville................... Piedmont
La Veral C. Cowger Daniel Wertenburger Junior E. Wilson Orville Mitchell
Time of Meeting
C.E. (Bud) Divine, 2616 Sherrylane, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 Perry W. Jew, HC 1, Box 693, Fairdealing, MO 63939..... John A Drennan, HC 73, Box 2740, Fairdealing, MO 63939 Junior E. Wilson, P.O. Box 563, Greenville, M063944 Charles Harris, P.O. Box 202, Piedmont; MO 63957..........
2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Tues. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Sat.
1st Thurs.
2nd Tues.
2nd & 4th Tues. 3rd Mon. 3rd Sat. 2nd Tues. 2nd Fri. 3rd Tues. 1st Mon.
ga o"'%j
FIFTY-THIRD DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997
.. .. .. . . . .
Alton Woodside Clifton Koshkonong Sampson Bayou Rockbridge
. .. .. .. . .. .
Robert Burns
Alton Thomasville Thayer Koshkonong Theodosia Bakersfield Almartha
496 Gainesville
Wilton C. Triplet
Johnnie R.l>uggins, 1300 Seminole St., Apt. 26, West Plains, MO 65775........................................................ Wayne A Stephenson, 1022 Holloway Dr., Willow Springs, MO 65793.......................................................................... Ray C. Wells, Sr., P.O. Box 1193, Mountain View, MO 65548 Charles J. Clemen, Jr., Rt. 2, Box 2347, Alton, MO 65606 Claude H. Malone, HC 3, Box 95, Birch Tree, MO 65438.. Bill D. Williams, 304 Cardine, Thayer, MO 65791 David N. Frealy, Rt. 2, Box 2255, Thayer, MO 65791........ Jimmy Crane, HCR 5, Box 5640,Theodosia, MO 65761.... Mack G. Davis, 12042 Co. Rd. 7690, Caulfield, MO 65626 William W. Clements, 214 N. Lincoln Ave., Mansfield, MO 65704 Barney Douglas, HCR路1, Box 63, Gainesvil1e, MO 65655.
2nd Sat. 3rd Thurs.
FIFTY-FOURTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 Christian
296 Sparta......................... Kenneth E. Roller.............
Claude Yocum, P.O. Box 135, Sparta, MO 65753-0135.....
352 Ozark.......................... Phillip E. Schroeder .........
Christian Stone Stone Taney Taney..................... Stone
Billings Galena Crane Forsyth Branson Table Rock
. . .. . .. ..
379 515 519 453 587 680
Brett A Jeffryes, 5664 E. State Hwy. C, Springfield, MO 65803 Dale W. Ebert, 1743 St. Hwy. 13, Billings, MO 65610....... Carnell E. Cutbirth, Rt. 1, Box 293B, Galena, MO 65656. Allen Berkstresser, P.O. Box 349-B, Crane, MO 65633..... Norman Price, P.O. Box 1413, Forsyth, MO 65653-1413... Alvin H. Jones, Box 111, Powersite, MO 65731 Daniel C. Smith, Rt. 3, Box 680, Kimberling City, MO 65686
Billings Galena Crane Forsyth Branson Kimberling City.........
Leo L. Nelson Bill J. Crabb Charles Warren William V. Cox Jon David Settles Leland A. Saalfeld
.. .. .. . .. ..
~ ~
00 00
Fri. night on or before full moon 1st Tues. 1st Thurs. 1st & 3rd Thurs. 2nd & 4th Tues. 2nd & 4th Thurs. 1st & 3rd Mon. 2nd & 4th Tues.
l.-.:l ~
LODGE DIRECTORY BY DISTRICTS FIFTY-FIFTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 199'7 County Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Lawrence Lawrence.
Lodge '"
Lawrence Lawrence
Secretary's Name and Address
Master's Name
Monett Barry Pythagoras
. . .
129 Monett 367 Washburn 383 Cassville
Chris D. Davis James A Lee Gail A Purves
.. .. ..
Comfort Central Crossing Mount Vernon Canopy
. . . .
533 674 99 284
Clell L. England Richard Gerleve George Ramsey George McCormick
.. .. . .
Decatur Miller
. .
400 Pierce City.................. Larry D. Garrett 567 Miller James E. Renard
Wheaton Shell Knob Mount Vernon Aurora
. .
Time of Meeting
Kevin Sligar, 360 Farm Road 1100, Monett, MO 65708-8314 1st Thurs. Michael L. Shafer, 1733 S. Ganison, Carthage, M064836-3046 3rd Sat. Kenneth L. Robbins, III Rosedale St., Cassville, MO 65625-1837 1st &: 3rd Thurs. Raymond C. Licklider, Rt. I, Box 944, Exeter, MO 65647. 2nd &: 4th Thurs. Travis D. Wyatt, Rt. 5, Box 645, Berryville, AR 72616...... 1st Tues. Dan T. Ditzler, RR 2, Box 43B, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712-96781st &: 3rd Tues. Joe Comer, 10 Wesley Ct., Methodist Manor, Marionville MO 65705 2nd Tues. Johnny C. Mackey, 107 Ash, Monett, MO 65708 1st &: 3rd Thurs. Ron D. Myers, Box 75, Halltown, MO 65664 2nd Mon.
I.\J ~
FIFTY-SIXTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 1997 McDonald McDonald Newton Newton Newton
. . . .. .
Southwest Anderson Neosho Granby Stella
.. . .. . ..
466 621 247 514 538
Southwest City.......... Anderson Neosho........................ Granby........................ Stella
• Consolidated with Anderson No. 621 Ralph E. Williams Gerald B. Robertson, RR 2, Box 137R, Noel, MO 64854 William J. Ralston............ Henry A Freund, 307 E. Main, Neosho, MO 64850.......... Ralph A. Walker JOlIeph D. McBride, Box 126, Newtonia, MO 64853 Hershel W. Jones.............. Robert L. Hart, Box 134, Stella, MO 64867
2nd Mon. 1st Thurs. 1st Mon. 1st Tues.
FIFTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT - As of May 20, 199'7 Miller.. ............ ...... Ionia ......................... Morgan..... ....... ...... Versailles ................. Morgan .................. Barnett.....................
381 Eldon 320 Versailles 591 Barnett
Lane S. Rangel. Earl Andrew Webb Francis E. Hobbs
M. Paul Plank, RR 4, Box 82, Eldon, MO 65026-9316....... Gary Richmond, Rt. 2, Box 330-5, Gravois Mills, MO 65037 Randy Eppeneaur, 204 East Green, Veraailles, MO 65084 .
2nd &: 4th Mon. 2nd &: 4th Mon. 3rd Mon.
FIFTY-NINTH DISTRICT- As of May 20, 199'7 Jackson ................. Independence ...........
76 Independence
Jackson ................. Summit ....................
263 Lee's Summit
Thomas Lee Krahenbuhl.
Teddie E. Harrison
Jackson ................. McDonald.................
324 Independence
Charles E. Alexander
Jackson ................. Blue Springs ............
337 Blue Springs............... Clifton E. Beavers
Jackson ................. Raytown ...................
391 Raytown
Vincent J. Sciara
Jackson ................. Christian .................. Jackson ................. Buckner....................
392 Oak Grove 501 Buckner
Harold It Gray................. John Wm. Hess.................
Jackson.............. ..... Cecile Daylight ........
Jackson ................. Marlborough ............ Jackson ................. Mt. Washington .......
Kansas City................ Duane O. Steele . . 569 Grandview.................. George R. Golitko 614 Independence Scott S. Crawford
Jackson ................. Grandview ...............
618 Grandview.................. Albert D. McDowelL.......
Jackson ................. Grain Valley............. Jackson ................. Harry S Truman ......
644 Grain Valley............... Gregory A Woods 679 Grandview Merrill A Wright..............
Robert R. Crick, 4304 Bryant Ct., Independence, MO 64065 . 2nd &: 4th Mon. Samuel Givens OWen, 8914 E. 83rd St., Raytown, MO 64138-3203 . 1st &: 3rd Tues. Kenneth M. Fitzgenjl, 1403 E. Parker, Independence, MO 64050 . 1st &: 3rd Mon. William E. Brogi, Sr., 401 S. 21st St., Blue Springs, MO 64015 . 1st &: 3rd Thurs. Chriu L. Green, Jr., 3104 Claremont, Independence, MO 64052 :...•; . 1st &: 3rd Thurs. Donald Dennis, Rt..&. Box 82, Bates City, MO 64011 . 2nd &: 4th Thurs. Stanton T, Brown, rv Box 230, Buckner, MO 64016 . 1st &: 3rd Tues. 'Thomas L: Coleman, 8229 NW Barrybiook Ct., 2nd & 4th Wed. Kansas City, MO 64151. .. 9:30a.m. Jam. E. Morris, 10811 Oak, Kanaaa City, MO 64114 .. 1st Ii 3n1 Mon. C. Keith WdkiD80n, Sr., 215 So. Hunter, Independence, M064050 . 2nd &: 4th Fri. Morris F. Coburn, 908 E. Pearl, Harrisonville, MO 64701 . 1st " 3rd Thurs. Jam. E. H-. 1215 RD Mize Rd., Grain Valley, MO 64029 2nd &: 4th Tuea. Roy N. Thom.., 1371110th Tar., Grandview, MO 64030 .. 2nd - 3rd Wed.
~ (:) tJ:j tJ:j
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~ ~
CO CO -..J
Master's Name
Dunklin Dunklin Dunklin Dunklin Dunklin
Kennett Four Mile Hornersville Cardwell Malden
.. .. .. .. .
68 212 215 231 406
Dunklin Stoddard
Clarkton Bernie
. ..
645 Clarkton 573 Bernie
Kennett Campbell Hornersville Cardwell Malden
.. .. .. .. .
Dennis Wayne Pelts Bryant Fry Stewart Robert M. Moffitt Jim Burgeu Terry Karlish
Robert G. Little Robert C. Crow
Secretary's Name and Addreaa . .. . ..
. .. ..
Time of Meeting
Billy J. Jones, PO Box 685, Kennett, MO 63857-0685 ...... 2nd &: 4th Thurs. C.W. Clifford, Box 116, Campbell, MO 63933..................... 1st&: 3rd Thurs. Don Pierce, Box 87, Hornersville, MO 63865..................... 1st&: 3rd Mon. James Scott, 9645 County Rd. 545, KenneU, MO 63857-9801 ard 'lUes. Thomas Chidister, 1209 Charlotte Dr., Malden, MO 63863-0136 2nd 'lUes. Lloyd E. Hankins, 306 E. Clark St., Clarkton, MO 63837 2nd&: 4th Mon. Everett L. Botts, 2662 Co. Rd. 609, Bernie, MO 63822..... 2nd&: 4th Thurs.
DISTRICT 81A - As of May 20, 1997 St. Louis ................ BeacoJh..................... St. St. St. St.
Louis ................ Louis................ Louis......... ....... Louis...... ..........
Bridgeton ................. Paul Revere-Progress Ferguson .................. Wellston ...................
Farrell Pbillip Johnson, 7226 Hazelcrest Dr., Hazelwood, M063042.............................................................................. John Cerny ....................... 'Ibm Hennenhoefer, PO Box 38, Hazelwood, MO 63042 .... Robert E. Staples.............. Paul C. Neuenkirk, 9252 Edna St., St. Louis, MO 63137 . Kenneth E. Smith............. Melvin A Pedersen, 20 St. Alice Ln., Floriuant, MO 63031 Charles M. Benedict......... Harold Walton, 8826 Heather Ln., Hazelwood, MO 63042 ................................................................................. Dwight Brown .................. Aaron L. Fain, 65 Woodland Dr., Foley, MO 63347-9765 .. Myron O. Rhodes .............. Charles R. Huddleston, 16790 Sinks Rd., FloriB88nt, MO 63034 ................................................................................. Robert A Neula ................ Roy S. Arnold, 3010 Valley Ridge Dr., St. Peters, MO 63376-7153 ........................................................................ Mark C. Snead.................. Derrell Gardner, 461 ChelaN, St. Charles, MO 63300&........... Dale H. Heise.................... Warren W. BerKman, 6666 Hyde Park Square, Floriuant, MO 63033-7909 ................................................................. โ ข Consolidated with Floriuant No. 668
St. Johns..................... St. Louis ..................... Ferguson .................... Hazelwood ..................
St. Louis...... .......... Overland-Occidental St. Louis................ Mizpah-Mt. Moriah.
623 St. Louis ..................... 40 Florissant ...................
St. Louis ................ Jennings...................
640 Jennings .....................
St. Louis ................ Berkeley ................... St. Louis................ FloriB88nt.................
667 Berkeley..................... 668 Hazelwood ..................
St. Louis ................ Lewis &: Clark .........
677 St. Johns.....................
o tj
3 Hazelwood .................. Armando Valdespino ........ 80 657 542 613
2nd &: 4th Thurs. 1st &: 3rd Thurs. 2nd &: 4th Thurs. 1st &: 3rd Thurs. 2nd&: 4th 'lUes. 2nd &: 4th Thurs. 1st Tues. & 3rd Sat.
r:n r:n
1st &: 3rd 'lUes. 2nd &: 4th Thurs. 1st &: 3rd Fri.
~ ~
~~~~~~'..~~~~:::: ~:.:tg~;.::::::::::::::::
City of St. Louis .... Pride of the West.....
Muter's Name Location No. 25 St. Louis ..................... Robert W. Tod ................... 79 Clat:n ....................... Gerald E. V1Bh~ ................ 179 St. uis ..................... William H. Dic ey ............
City of St. Louis .... Cosmos .....................
282 St. Louis ..................... Herman Heinrichs............
~~~~~~~. .~~~~:::: ~Hiii路::::::::::::::::::
360 St. Louis ........._.......... William F. Wbittom .......... 550 Creve Coeur ............... Jon B. Broyles...................
City of8t. Louis .... St. Louis ................ 8t. Louis ................ St. Louis ................ City of St. Louis ....
576 601 616 642 1
Olive Branch............ Clayton..................... Brentwood................ Be~in Franklin .. St. uis Missouri ...
St. Louis ..................... Clayton ....................... Clayton ....................... Creve Coeur ............... Webster Groves..........
Harold E. Homer.............. Michael E. Sykuta ............ Ronald W. Schook ............. Andrew S. Oberman......... Michael Baron ..................
Secretary's Name and Address Time of Meeting Walter McDaniel, 3681 Lindell Blvd., 8t. Louis, MO 63108 2nd &: 4th Thurs. Fred O. Hahn, 780 Jerome Ln., Cahokia, IL 62206........... 1st &: 3rd Fri. Harold F. Simmons, 242 ThrfCt., Webster Groves, MO 63119 2nd Wed. Raymond B. Williams, 4521 Whitfield Ln., St. Louis, MO 63134-3821........................................................................ 1st &: 3rd Thurs. John W. Hiltemeyer, 50 Magnolia Dr., St. Louis, MO 63124 1st &: 3rd Tues. Thomu O. Gooch, 32 Weldon Springs Heights, St. Charles, MO 63304-5623 2nd &: 4th Tues. Melvin S. Acord, 1349 Graham Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139 2nd &: 4th Tues. Emory J. Hampel, 465 Oak Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119.... 2nd &: 4th Thurs. James R. Fiete, 2201 Parkridge, Brentwood, MO 63144-1639 let &: Srd Thurs. Maurice S. Brasch, 900 Femview Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141 1st &: 3rd Wed. Wallace E. Beavers, P.O. Box 5810, St. Louis, MO 1st &: 3rd Thurs. 63134-0810 .
DISTRICT StC - As 01 May 20, 1997 8t. Louis
45 Ballwin
Raymond H. Vollmar
St. Louis................ Webster Groves
84 Webster Groves
Raymond E. Bonecker
St. Louis St. Louis
.. ..
243 Webster Groves 281 Fenton
Charles L. Fenton Allen R. Randle
.. .
Keystone-Trinity Fenton
St. Louis Meramec .. St. Louis................ Crestwood-Anchor .
313 Eureka Franklin Duckett 443 Crestwood................... Jeffery L. CampheiL
St. Louis................ West Gate
445 Kirkwood
St. Louis
484 Kirkwood 566 St. Louis
Robert R. Thouaand
.. .
St. Lo~s Valley' J)Ilfk St. .Lows................ Algabif-Freedom
Robert S. Link .. Gerard F.M. Galibert . 578 Mehlville James W. Price . 629 Valley Park................. William E. Sidwell . 636 Mehlville Raymond Eugene Keeler..
St. Louis................. Arnold
673 Arnold......................... Alan W. KendalL
~ ~:::::::::::::::: ~o~~~pc:tk::::::::::::::
Merton I. Adreon, 1163 Great Falls Ct., Manchester, MO 63021 1st &: 3rd Tues. David WIlliam Haywood, 1335 Greenmar Dr., Fenton, MO 63026 2nd &: 4th Tues. Floyd G. Ward, 4330 Sinnwell Dr., St. Louis,MO 63123-6829 1st &: 3rd Wed. George E. Fetters, 659 Green Forest Dr., Fenton, MO 63026 2nd &: 4th Fri. John Cerny, 2932 So. Hwy. FF, Eureka, MO 63025........... 1st &: 3rd Fri. Richard Lodge, 562 N. Woodlawn Ave., Kirkwood, MO 2nd &: 63122 4th Thurs. John W. Thousand, Jr., 9008 Crest Oak Ln., St. Louis, MO 63126-2430........................................................................ 1st &: 3rd Tues. Jack D. Heidbreder, 2200 Bredell, Maplewood, MO 63143 2nd &: 4th Mon. Donald W. Bridegan 714 Atalanta St. Louis MO 63119 . 1st &: 3rd Fri. Oliver Diers, 8427 ~thilda Ave., 8t. Louis, MO 63123 ... 1st &: 3rd Thurs. Bobbie G. Dillon, 61 Hillcrest Blvd. Wmchester, MO 63021 let &: 3rd Tues. WIlfred G. Soutiea, 2948 Finestown Rd., St. Louis, MO 1st &: 3rd Tues. 63129 William D. Jordan, 7121 Honey Ln., St. Louis, MO 63129-5631.......................................................................... 2nd & 4th Thurs.
o (1 t%j t%j
c.o c.o ...;J
City of St.Louis.... Meridian . City of St. Louis .... George Washington. City of St. Louis.... Pomegranate
City of St. Louis City of St. Louis City of St. Louis
Pyramid . America Good Hope. Cache .
City of St. Louis
City of St. Louis.... City of St. Louis.... City of St. Louis City of St. Louis.... City of St. Louis.... City of St. Louis
Harmony Clifton Heights Freedom Magnolia-Euclid GlU'denville C1'8ftaman
.. . . . . . ..
Muter's Name
SecretarY's Name and Adclreu
Henry E. Sneed, 4500 Donovan Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109 Ronald G. Fults, 7410 Alabama Ave., St. Louis, MO 68111.................................................................................. 95 St. Louis..................... Charles Holt Boehme....... EdwlU'd J. Reinhardt, 4519 Candleglow Dr., St. Louis, MO 68129 ISO St. Louis James C. Houenlopp WIU'd W. Kelly, 7085 Deerpath Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123.. * Consolidated with Harmony 499, now Craftsman No. 717 218 St. Louis William H. Koehler H8TOid E. Gerheauser, 225 E. Rips Ave., St. Louis, MO 416 St. Louis 63125......................................................... 460 St. Louis Jay O. Traxel James Daniel Fink, 1019 Savoy Ln., Manchester, MO 63011-4180..................................................................................... 499 St. Louis • Consolidated with American Good Hope No. 218, now CTBftaman No. 717 520 St. Louis • Consolidated with Meridian Lodge No.2 544 St. Louis • Consolidated with Alpbil No. 636 626 Crestwood Thomas L. Gooch.............. LatTy Barriner, 4215 Tupelo Dr., St. Louis, MO 63125 655 GlU'denville Walter Kidd EdwlU'd Orr, II, 3923 Bates St., St. Louis, MO 63116 717 St. Louis MichaelArthurMorpn... Thomas E. Kuhn, PO Box 515197, St. Louis,MO 63151... 2 St. Louis 9 St. Louis
Ervin J. Geimer Dennis Fuller....................
Time of Meeting 2nd &; 4th ThUTS. 2nd &; 4th Tues. 2nd &; 4th Wed. 2nd &; 4th Fri.
t:rj 2nd &; 4th Sat.
2nd &; 4th Tues.
r:n r:n
2nd &; 4th Wed. 2nd &; 4th ThUTS. 2nd &; 4th Thurs.
~ ~
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CORRESPONDENCE MASONIC REVIEW 1997 Welcome to the 1997 Masonic Review. For those of you who have read our reviews in the past, welcome back, for those who have not previously visited our work welcome aboard. We hope you find the following material interesting, informative, and perhaps from time to time a bit entertaining. Due to constraints of budget this year's review will not be as extensive as in the past. This makes the job more difficult for the reviewer as each bit of information gathered over the year has to be weighed carefully and a decision made as to importance and informational value. It is the reviewer's desire to provide the reader as much "bang for his buck" as possible. So, without further adieu shall we get started. M. W. Bro. R. C. Woods presented the report of the Committee on Fraternal Relations for the 1996 Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan. M. W. Brother Woods covered several areas of general interest, including Prince Hall Masonry. Judging from current literature on this subject, his brief comments seem to accurately portray the current situation. Brother Woods comments on attempts by several Grand Jurisdictions to meet together to discuss mutual Masonic interests and enjoy strength in numbers, while setting aside entrenched positions and ideas, seem to be all too accurate. We have lifted those parts of his presentation we felt would be of general interest. There has been an increasing acceptance of Prince Hall Masonry with some jurisdictions granting recognition, others that agree to intervisitation, being in amity, yet others that allow members to visit Lodges that admit Brethren that they themselves will not, then those who will have no Masonic interactivity. The Brethren are asked to be discreet when circumstances present them with the possibility of creating ill feeling. Apparently, there has been no fundamental change in the situation in Italy, Yugoslavia or India, although reports continue to be circulated which show there to be a great deal of controversy. There was a gathering of Grand Jurisdictions, billed as "the First World Congress," held in March of this year in Mexico. Thirty-seven Grand Lodges were represented. They issued a document agreeing to the gathering and promotion of information that would enhance the craft among the cooperating jurisdictions. Unfortunately, there was disagreement about the perceived objectives of this congress and also one slated for Australia, which was canceled when arguments arose over the participants. The Midwest Grand Masters' Conference, where Manitoba joins with eight American States in close proximity, is an annual gathering to discuss mutual concerns. It is interesting to note the different means used to promote Masonry and experimenting taking place on the Internet and with one day Degrees and multiple candidates.
A constituent Lodge in New Zealand has proposed a Co-Host, a Brother Program wherein Brethren from around the world would lend support to each other making possible national, as well as international, travel. We would suggest moral support and encouragement of any Brethren who is interested in such a venture. While we are visiting the 1996 Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan meeting, let us enjoy the presentation of the flags of Canada and the United States of America by Staff Sergeant Kenneth O'Brien, R. C. M. P. Staff Sergeant O'Brien used the following ceremony in his presentation. I now present our Flag, the symbol of Unity and Sovereignty. Between bars of Red and on a field of White it blazons forth, in all its autumnal glory, a Canadian Maple Leaf whose eleven points represent the ten Providences and other Territory, which comprise our Great Dominion. To Freemasons, the Red symbolizes the dauntless courage of our forefathers which we emulate; the White "that blameless Purity of life and conduct to which we aspire and the points, the eleven Knightly Virtues of which Patriotism is the greatest and to which we are dedicated. This Emblem forcefully reminds us that on those moral qualities our Confederation was founded and on their preservation its future greatness depends. Finally, it inspires in use Reverence for Him to whom we ever fervently pray: "God Save Our Queen and Heaven Bless, The Maple Leaf forever! Long may it wave!" So mote it be. The Maple Leaf. Sergeant Robert Gallup, R.C.M.P., presented the Stars and Stripes using the following Ceremony: "1 now present the Flag of the United States ofAmerica - the Stars and Stripes. As its stripes represent the original thirteen states and its stars represent the original thirteen and thirty-seven other states which have been added successively to the great Republic, so may it continue to grow in the respect of other nations and in its powerful support of freedom the wide world over.
The flag which I now present is a Ceremonial Flag, the gift of the brethren of the Grand Lodge of Montana, and expresses not only their patriotism, but also their regard and affection for the brethren of Saskatchewan. I join with my brother flag-bearer and borrow his words. When the Maple Leaf and the Stars and Stripes float may they with one voice, blazon forth a sure pledge of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for all people everywhere. In the unity of that pledge, long may they wave." So mote it be. God Bless America I found the address of Grand Orator R. W. Glenn Polk to the 1995 proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Texas to be both entertaining and
thought provoking. The following comments were lifted from his remarks. Although these remarks will be over two years old when you read them, the statements they make are not weakened by age. I think you will particularly enjoy his poem. Each Grand Orator wanted his oration to be special, to be remembered because he really had something to say. Well, I'm no different from all the rest in that regard. I want each of you to remember what Glenn Polk had to say. I suppose it's okay to admit that to you. You know, I am extremely proud to be a Mason. In light of some of the criticism of our gentle Fraternity of late and the way that criticism has been handled by Masons, it just makes me happier to be counted among our number. Like so many of you, I come from a line of Masonic Brothers. My father and both my grandfathers were Masons and I had the privilege of conferring all three Degrees and teaching the proficiencies to my son Jason. Some of you may have felt these same feelings. I wrote this for Jason after he became a Mason. It's entitled:
THE MAN I SAW IN LODGE THAT DAY As I pen these few short lines, A toast, I'm not proposing. As I set down words that tend to rhyme, No questions am I posing. Just recording a special time An event to share with others. Appreciated most, I guess By my Masonic Brothers. It took place about a year ago. I'd hoped the day would come. The man I saw in Lodge that day, Was hardly known by some. As I sat in Lodge that day I could feel his thoughts as he passed my way. I'd said the words I heard him say. This man I saw in Lodge that day. I know his mother very well I've addressed her as "Mother," too. Although, my mother she is not. Her father's, too, is also mine. At first glance, some confusion. But now, the picture, I'll enhance, And come to a conclusion. This Father that I've mentioned here, Is theirs and mine and yours. The Great Architect of the Universe Eternally endures.
The man I saw in Lodge that day Is the latest generation To kneel as those before him knelt To take an obligation. The same blood courses through our veins The man in Lodge that day Such a feeling of pride I almost cried Ai3 I watched him kneel and pray. At long last he's now my Brother. This young man's name is Jason. Yes, for this dad, it was a special day. When my son became a Mason. I am proud to be called a Mason. I am proud to be your Brother. At last year's One Hundred Fifty-Ninth Grand Annual Communication, I was walking by myself from the grass parking lot about two blocks away. Ai3 I was crossing the street, I met a young black man passing by in front of me. He asked me, "What kind of convention are you having over there?" I said, "It's a Masonic Lodge state convention." He replied, "Oh, the good guys," I said, "1 hope so." And he said, "Oh, yeah." We never slowed down as he was walking down the street and 1 was crossing it, but we found out something about each other. I found out that at some time in his life he had been favorably impressed with something or someone associated with the Masonic Lodge. He learned that I was one of the "good guys." Little did he know that his chance meeting and exchange of greetings would become a part of a message that would be related to Texas Masons across this Grand Jurisdiction. 1 want to be known as "One of the good guys." About twenty-five years ago, shortly after 1 had been made a Mason, 1 was in Sears in Lubbock, buying my dad a Father's Day present. After 1 wrote a check, the salesman asked to see my driver's license. 1 opened my billfold to retrieve my license and the man saw my Blue Lodge card. He said, "Never mind. I've seen all I need to see." I have never forgotten the feeling I had when that happened to me. I felt about ten feet tall as I left that store. Just from looking at that dues card, that man identified me with something extremely honorable and honest and worthy of his trust. I'm sure that many of you have had similar experiences and that says a great deal for this organization and for the integrity of its members. Unfortunately, that integrity has been questioned and the honesty and forthrightness of members of our fraternity isn't as well known as it once was. Those days of"If a Mason says it, you can bank on it" have gone by the wayside. I would like to have them back. I don't want to have to defend Masonry. We shouldn't have to do that. While we are hearing from Grand Orators we will spend a few minutes with Brother Sidney J. Leluan, Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Arizona. The following is lifted from his presentation to the 1996 Arizona Grand Lodge meeting. We have lifted that part of his presentation wherein he honors the woman who he says is, "the silent hero of our fraternity."
It is the woman who is the silent hero of our Fraternity. To love such a good woman is the epitome of life itself. We count on God for celestial guidance; we count on our partner for the terrestrial guidance essentially necessary to maintain our earthly sanity. To the ladies herein assembled today I want to tell you that I thank God for you and for the support you give your men. We are indeed fortunate to have partners - no - friends like you. In my search for a special and fitting ending, I thought that a poem to the strongest of all present would be a most fitting ending. I thank Worshipful Brother Paul Simpson for finding the following poem that I am sure you will all like. It is titled: "A MASTER MASON'S WIFE" Hers is the sacrificial life, Who is the Master Mason's wife. For all alone at home she stays, While he is teaching Masons ways. While she sits waiting for her mate, The hour, it keeps on getting late. And while the time goes dragging by, He helps someone to qualify. And while, for him, she burns the oil, He sees it's done "according to Hoyle." The Master Mason's wife must be, As wise in many arts as he. Must learn to stretch a meal for four, at times for eight, nine or maybe more. When brothers drop in from out of town; And never scold or even frown. At midnight when he brings them back, And asks for coffee and a snack. And never sighs, when on the phone, He says, "You'll have to go alone." The Master Mason's wife must be, as fond of Masonry as he. Although to be 'twill never be, A thing of wondrous mystery. But still she always seems to know, That with him, where she won't go. Are honest men, and clean and strong, And men too big to stoop to wrong. Or never she's content to be, The wife of such an absentee. The Grand Lodge of Minnesota during the 1995 meeting was treated to the following remarks made by the, then incoming Grand Master Most Worshipful Eric J. Neetenbaek. Most Worshipful Neetenbaek's remarks are both readable and thought provoking. We think you will enjoy them. I am honored by the confidence the Masons of Minnesota have expressed in me through my election as Grand Master. The position of Grand Master is of great antiquity and authority and I undertake my responsibilities with a clear understanding of my duty to the Craft. Masonry was invented to satisfy a need perceived by its founders for an organization which because of its moral and philosophical framework, could transcend the differences between men that prevent a harmonious society. Its usefulness is based upon the daily practice of its principles. Society is no less in need of the moral base provided by Masons today than it was when the Fraternity was founded centuries ago. Our mission has not changed over the centuries, but our likelihood of successfully achieving that mission may have been compromised by our failure
to understand that we must provide a quality fraternal experience to our members. Only satisfied and fulfilled Masons will be effective, vocal advocates of the Fraternity. To be satisfied, Masons require that their time be well spent in the pursuit of moral truth and relevant philosophy. If we destroy the enthusiasm of our initiates by bringing them to dull meetings at which the most interesting item is whether or not to pay the light bill, we have none to blame but ourselves. To be a force for good, Masonry must insure that we attract and excite talented, committed and enthusiastic men. If we can't demonstrate to a prospective member that we meet as Masons to effect positive actions for ourselves and our communities, we will simply fail to attract new Masons. The time is at hand to recognize our failings and take action. The Stated Communication must change. No longer will it be acceptable to meet for the sole purpose of reading the minutes and paying the bills. The Stated Communication shall become a time for Masons to meet and work on the purposes of Masonry. To facilitate that reformation the Area and District Representatives will be given the task of working with each Lodge to revamp its meetings where necessary to make qualitative improvements. The Representatives shall be assisted in this task by the Custodians, Regional Lodge Education Officers and the Grand Lodge Officers. The funds necessary to provide necessary training have been provided in the budget just passed by the Grand Lodge. The enthusiastic support of the Grand Lodge team is already promised. The only additional help we need is that which is important. The Masons of Minnesota must be the prime movers in the coming renaissance of Masonry. Only through the efforts of all Masons will we succeed in our task. Catchy phrases and slogans will not get us to where we want to go. We will only get there through our shared mission and our commitment to achieving it. We found the following account in the 1995 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. It seemed to this reviewer to be a good fund raising idea. In our opinion, any reasonable method of enhancing resources in order to support the work of the craft seems worthy of being spread about. Over the last few years one of the realities that each Grand Master has had to recognize is that with our declining membership comes declining revenue. However, the costs of operations continue to climb. In order to meet these obligations, we frequently look to increasing the per capita assessment. Over the last two years the Advisory Committee investigated thoroughly an option to increasing per capita assessment. That option was to consider getting involved with a Grand Lodge credit card. We acknowledged that we are a credit card society. We also acknowledged that the majority of the membership in Grand Lodge of Ohio or their family members probably are already carrying at least one of two credit cards in their wallets or purses. Most members of the Grand Lodge of Ohio probably charge their purchases to somebody's bank card on a regular basis. You can assume for the frequency with which you receive mailings at your home, trying to entice you to sign up for their credit card, that there must be money to be made by issuing a credit card. It occurred to your
Grand Lodge Officers and the Advisory Committee, that this might be an area of revenue that we should examine. After negotiations with First USA Bank, we found that potential income from a credit card program was very significant. The Advisory Committee then investigated to determine if we would be in violation of our Code by entering into this type of an agreement. Our first step was to search the code to determine if we could even consider such a project. Section 34.01c of our Code states:
The use of the name of Masonry, or of Masonic emblems or devices for any purpose not legitimately Masonic, is hereby declared to be contrary to the fundamental principles ofFreemasonry and is forbidden. After much discussion among Advisory Committee members and counsel from the Chairman ofJurisprudence, it was agreed by all that the motivation for the credit card program is for legitimate Masonic purpose and therefore not in violation of the Code. The following editorial by Leon Zeldis was lifted from the 1996 Israel Freemason. Brother Zeldis reflects on why our fraternity has survived and what might possibly be wrong when it falters. I think you will enjoy his comments. The one single factor, perhaps, which has distinguished Freemasonry and enabled it to persevere through the centuries, despite general lack of understanding, sometimes persecution, and frequent misrepresentation by those outside the Fraternity, is its spiritual underpinning, the search for meaning and the relentless striving towards self knowledge and perfection. Whenever this spiritual factor has been forgotten, or allowed to decay within the lodges, our Order has declined, both losing members and wasting its energies in internecine struggles. Charity, no doubt, is an important element of Masonic work. More than the good it brings to the recipients, we prize the salutary effect it has on the givers. Social functions, as well, while of great importance for the development of true bonds of friendship between the members of our Fraternity and their families, should not be regarded as an end in itself. Freemasonry started as a means of union for men of strong ethical beliefs, who sought something more in life than amassing wealth and raising a family. That's why it is so important for Masons to meet in Lodge. Within the circle of the initiates, we can lower our defenses, so to speak. We can discuss freely among ourselves all those crucially important questions of being, or purpose, of means and ends, that trouble us and for which we can find no answer while immersed in the maelstrom of daily cares. That, of course, is the reason why we must have an Opening Ritual to start the Lodge meeting. To give us time to relax, to concentrate, to subdue the turmoil of thoughts, feelings and impressions that we bring from the outside world, and dedicate ourselves to the Masonic labor of love, in peace and tranquility, sharpening our intellect and strengthening our positive sentiments.
Stressing the importance of our moral and spiritual quest, we shall attract many candidates to our Lodge, who are searching for meaningful inner development in an increasingly alienated society. The Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Brother Roger Dale Howe made the following presentation to his 1996 Grand Lodge session. Brother Howe makes some interesting observations and comparisons. Stay with him to the end. It will be worth your time. The aggregate good, including our most excellent tenets, existed, abinitio, with the Diety as endogenous unity. The rebellion of a powerfully magnificent freewilled being pierced that unity, and the aperture was isolated into a void gulf called the valley of the shadow. Since that time, the Great Architect of the Universe has been bridging the gulf and re-establishing unity. Unity is an absolute, and we do not have it unless it is one hundred percent. We may have a high degree or a large percentage of it, but only if it is total, can we truthfully possess unity. The proverbial balloon has unity, but when pierced, the effectiveness of the remaining ninety nine point ninety nine percent unity is drastically reduced. It, having lost it's essence, reverts basically to flaccid rubber. Brethren, we must have unity. Faith, as defined and used synonymously with belief, should be considered a misnomer, for faith, unlike belief, requires sustaining action. More accurately, faith is confidence based on belief and sustained by action, in defiance of circumstance. James the Disciple teaches, "Faith without works is dead, for even devils believe and tremble." Imagine while camped in a ravine, your life threatened by a tumultuous flash flood. As water rises with increasing rapids, you reconnoiter and discover an old shack, a huge boulder and in yet another direction, several small trees. You might believe all three would provide safety, but the moment you start running or swimming toward one with all your might, that's when you have faith. You and I have been instructed as to the rule and guide of our faith and wherein it is well founded. Individual faith, properly reposed and practiced, is counted unto righteousness. Faith enhanced and amplified by unity ascends in concert and is counted unto meritorious favor. Be assured however, our singular and several insidious thoughts, words and deeds rise cumulatively and collectively in crescendo and are counted unto infidelity. Man, though carnified, was created in the image of God, who provided a nexus of reciprocal dialogue. This new creature, minimally enjoined, was recipient of bountiful blessings including a free will. The original free-willed being cast down and no longer magnificent, was still very powerful. Using assimilatory powers, like unto but greater than the chameleon, he presents himself as an alluring but sophistic serpent. His modus operandi hasn't changed appreciably through the ages. His temptation is, "You can have this goody. It is not bad for you, and God lied." It is still amazingly effective. Our progenitors succumbed to his malevolent counsel and became responsible for a testate wall separating man from his Creator. Since that day, with notable exceptions, man must commune by faith and traverse that valley to facilitate reunion with God, who through his word, has provided our only hope of breaching the wall, bridging the gulf and restoring unity with our Supreme Grand Master, as He intended from the beginning. Until then Brethren, we must have faith.
We in this Grand Jurisdiction are justifiably proud of our Masonic unity and all Grand Bodies adjure in its favor. Ternary diversity conciliated in tripartite unity elevates the esprit de corps, en bloc, and provides monolithic trihedral equipoise in an increasingly iconoclastic environment. As a Speculative Craft, we labor to break walls of separation and build bridges of understanding while admonishing unity to a society with persistent propensity of pulling apart at the seams. Liberty and Fraternity are the right and reward of every Brother in good standing, and additional service, earnestly solicited and rightly expected, is not a requirement. Therefore, it behooves us to express, with respect, our gratitude to the minions of Masonry who expend time, effort and purse in behalf of the Craft, no matter wherein they choose to work. We, in our diversity, are one Speculative Craft, and only the pedant conjure anachronistic walls of division and perplexity. Brother Albert Pike stated, "Freemasonry has at its heart the welfare of this people, in this life for its own sake, and not merely as a preparation for another. It is the advocate and defender all the world over of liberty of conscience and free government, its mission the apostolate of truth, justice and toleration." All the world's democracies, a record one hundred sixteen, were quickened by Freemasonry. The Craft, inclusive, continues to maintain its posture as a primary benefactor of relief and medicine. Long ago King David hired Masons to build the Temple. When King Solomon organized them, they changed. The middle ages brought change as the operative market declined, and today we meet in ground level Temples and labor in speculative only. Some may say we never change, and certainly we do not like to, but we do what we must. It has been said that bad news and falsity travels faster than good news. Today the largest city in the world receives a multiplicity of information instantly, and television has no Masonic presence. A responsible well planned cornerstone should be laid on the multi-media communications network, without compromising our principles. The united effort of the entire Masonic world would be required. Opportunities exist as sponsor of high profile projects at institutions of higher learning. We must find a permanent answer to Fraternal diminution. Family, vocational and financial concerns severely restrict the time envelope of young aspirants. Grand Jurisdictions allowed by constitution might consider advancing by the Ancient Landmarks and general education then award proficiency in state ritual, as with our Third Degree. Throughout history, Freemasonry has not only survived dastardly assaults of the profane, but has proliferated in triumph. If today were the last day, the Craft, pleading mortality, could declare its duty well done. Freemasonry has been alone in surreptitiously rendering good for bad, while turning the other cheek in silence, and we shall not regress to primitive volleys, as misinformed and misguided ecclesiastics constantly do. Instead let us, through participation and by example, attempt to turn them, with God's help, away from their error. Never let the negative incantations deprive you of your victories. Be conversant with informed Brethren who can accurately acquaint you with our venerable history. The constitutional elect of this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge need your help. We do not have Brothers George Washington and the other patriotic Masons who established this country. You and I are the best team our leaders have. We must take down those walls and attack substantial
problems by; invoking the Blessing, establishing Unity, with Faith in Action and Confidence in God. This concludes our 1997 Masonic Review. We hope you have found the reading of this review to be a profitable exercise. We would like to remind you that comments are welcome. Our mailing address can be found elsewhere in the Proceedings. For those with electronic mail access the Reviewer may be reached at We traditionally close the review with a poem. This year we found a poem quoted by Wilber Howton, Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. Brother Howton indicated that the author was unknown to him and that he understood the poem was a favorite of President Warren Harding. The title of the poem is "The Small Blue Button." Fasten on the small blue button with Square and Compasses bright, A memento of the evening When I first beheld its light, With the pleasant recollections Of the comrades who were there, Who have pledged their fond affection On the Compasses and Square. I will wear the small blue button As I journey to and fro, Let the lessons that it teaches Fill my life where'er I go That the friends with whom I travel May behold the emblem there, And may gauge me by the button With the Compasses and Square. When my life has gone its circuit, And my moon no more shall rise, When no sunrise greets my morning, And no life beam lights my eyes, When they lay me in the cold ground, When my dust to dust they bear, Please be sure I wear the button With the Compasses and Square. When the lights all blaze in glory, And the Master in His Love Offers me His Hand in greeting To the Altars up above, I will search the Heavenly stations For my brothers over there, Who have worn on earth the button With the Compasses and Square. Respectfully submitted ZELWIN BEATON
Chairman and Committee
INDEX FOR 1997 PROCEEDINGS Address of Grand Master . Acknowledgements . Area Meetings . Consents, Dispensation and Permission . Cornerstones and Dedications . Decisions . Grand Lecturer . Grand Lodge Office . Grand Masters Itinerary . Grand Secretary . . Grievance and Trial Related Matters Masonic Home . Masonic Service Association . Masonic Service Month . Special Events . State of the Craft . Amendments of By-Laws ADOPTED by the Grand Lodge Annual Communication: In re: Section 7.060 Stated Communication . In re: Section 13.010 Petitions . In re: Section 16.140 Held Offices . In re: Section 22.030 Price for Endowed Membership . In re: Section 23.020 General Boards of Relief . In re: Section 25.010 E.A. & F.C. Visiting . In re: Section 25.020 Documentary . Amendments to the By-Laws Proposed In re: Section 5.100 Board of Relief . In re: Section 5.010(1) Board of Relief . In re: Section 1.050 Voting . In re: Section 10.040 Grand Lodge Dues . In re: Section 23.010 To Delete . In re: Section 23.020 To Delete . In re: Article II, Section 3, Voting-Members . In re: Article III, Section 4, Restrictions on Appointments .. In re: Section 2.010(q) Powers & Duties of the Grand Master . Amendments of By-Laws Rejected by the Grand Lodge In re: Section 10.040 Grand Lodge Dues . In re: Section 5.070 Jurisprudence . In re: Section 2.010(q) Powers & Duties of the Grand Master . Announcements . Announcements ofM.W. Grand Master-Elect Jeffrey O. Nations Appointee to Grand Line . Time and Place of the 1977th Annual Communication (September 1998) . Biographical Sketch ofM.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott . . Call From Labor
12 34 13 19 16 20 19 17 35 27 27 15 15 14 30 32
78 79 79 80 81 81 81 163 163 162 163 162 162 164 164 164 78 82 84 76 84,85 83 3 39,85
Call to Labor . Call to Order . Certificates and Cards for Proficiency . Closing . Committees 1997-1998 . Consents and Permission . Consolidation and Mergers . Decisions . Dispensations . District Deputy Grand Lecturers (1997-1998) . District Deputy Grand Masters (1997-1998) . Editor of "The Freemason" . Election of Grand Lodge Officers . Election of Members of the Masonic Home Board of Directors.. Emeritus Grand Lodge Officers . . Fifty-Year Recipients During 1996-1997 Five Percent Membership Achievement . Grand Lodge Dinner . Grand Lodge Financial Report . Grand Lodge Officers (1997-1998) . Grand Lodge Officers (1996-1997) . Grand Master's Itinerary (1996-1997) . Grand Representatives Appointed and Recommended . Grand Representatives To and From Missouri . Greetings and Messages . Healing Orders . Honor Lodges Grand Lodge Achievement Awards . Installation Installing Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Lodge Officers for 1997-1998 . Introductions Board of Directors and Staff of Masonic Home of Missouri .. District Deputy Grand Masters . District Deputy Grand Lecturers . Grand Line Appointee . Grand Lodge Officers 1996-1997 . Grand Master Donald E. Scott . Grand Masters and Past Grand Masters of Other Grand Lodges . Grand Officers of Other Grand Lodges . Past Grand Masters of Missouri . Representatives of Organizations of the Masonic Family of Missouri . Round Robin Competition Winner . Truman Award . Jurisprudence Committee Report . On Consents and Permissions . On Dispensation . On Healing Orders .
1997 39,87 7,87 101 177 179 77,149 148
20 19,77,144 183 183 77 83 10 181 151 76 85 134 176 6
35 144 196 39 77 85, 192 176 176 10 10 10 84,85 7
7 9 9 8
9 76 85,160 77,84 77
77 77
List of Elected Officers of the Grand Lodge, A.F. and A.M. of Missouri from its Organization: April 23, 1821 . . Lodge Directory in Districts Masonic Home of Missouri . Officers, Directors, Staff (1997-1998) Officers, Directors, Staff (1996-1997) . Masonic Service Association . . Masonic Service Month Trophy Membership Statistics - June 30, 1997 . Missouri Lodge of Research Annual Communication . Report . National Camping Travelers . Nominations for Masonic Home Board of Directors . Opening . Other Appointments The Auditor . Past Grand Masters of Missouri (Living) . Past Grand Lecturers . Photographs Grand Master Donald E. Scott (1996-1997) . Grand Lodge Officers (1996-1997) . Masonic Home Board of Directors and Eastern Star Grand Chapter Advisory Board . Grand master Elect Jeffrey O. Nations (1997-1998) . Presentation of Awards Grand Lodge Achievement Awards . The Truman Medal . Presentation to M.W. Grand Master Donald E. Scott . Proficiency Cards and Certificates . Proposed Amendments for Action in 1998 . Remarks of G.M. Jeffrey O. Nations . Report of Auditor . Report of the Election of Grand Lodge Officers . Report of the Election of Board Members of the Masonic Home. Report of the Grand Lecturer . Report of the Grand Secretary . Fifty-Year Recipients During 2/3/97-8/15/97 . Statistics - June 30, 1997 . Report of the Grand Treasurer . Report of the Masonic Home of Missouri . Report of the Lodge of Research . Report of the Prevention of Substance Abuse, Inc. . . Report of the Masonic Scholarship Fund . Report of Committees Appeals and Grievances . Building Supervisory Board . By-Laws . Chartered Lodges . Credentials .
187 200 182 44 77,150 160 159 127 167 175 10 8 180 181 181 2 5
44 230 192 85 77,177 101 78,84,162 177 114 83 11 124 144 151 159 125 44 129 130 131
88 88 89 89 165
Correspondence Entertainment of Distinguished Guests Forms and Ceremonies Geo. Washington Masonic Nat. Memorial Grand Lodge Charity Grand Lodge Office Building Grand Masters Address Insurance Jurisprudence Lodges Under Dispensation Long Range Planning Masonic Boards of Relief Masonic Education Honor Lodges (1996-1997) Masonic Information Mileage and Per Diem Necrology Public Schools Public Relations Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges Relief and Charity Revision of Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Proficiency Cards and Certificates Speaker's Bureau Tabular Statement Ways and Means Budget for Year October 15, 1996-0ctober 14, 1997 youth Round Robin Competition Winner Special Committees (1997-1998) Standing Committees (1997-1998) Truman Award Winners The Truman Medal Awarded
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
220 93 94 106 107 94 87 110 77,84 94 95 96 97
192 107 166 40 109 105 111 99
40 100 101 110 159
132 137 105 76 180 179 86 85,160
Grand Lodge of Missouri 1996-1997 DONALD E. SCOTT Grand Master 14909 E. 39th St., Independence 64055 JEFFREY O. NATIONS Deputy Grand Master 1024-B Provence Dr., St. Louis 63125 Grand Warden STEVEN 1. TOYBES 7711 Carondelet, Suite 400, St. Louis 63105 Grand Warden WILFRED G. SOUTIEA, JR. 2948 Finestown Rd., St. Louis 63129-5826 W. MARION LUNA Grand Treasurer 1101 N. Main St., Piedmont 63957 Acting Grand Secretary RONALD D. MILLER 800 Hwy. 63 North, Columbia 65201 F. WAYNE DUGAN Grand Lecturer Rt. 1, Box 44C, Camden 64017-9711 FREDDIE D. ADAMS Grand Deacon 32 East Mission St., Marshall 65340 Grand Deacon GLENN E. MEANS 2913 Castle Dr., Blue Springs 64015 JIMMIE D. LEE Grand Steward 7765 E. U.S. 60 Hwy., Rogersville 65742 STANLEY M. THOMPSON Grand Steward 1005 Lisa Ln., Richmond 64085-1163 ELMER E. REVELLE Grand Marshal 16436 Green Pines Dr., Ellisville 63011 Grand Marshal DANNY G. HASKELL 2300 NW 4th St., Blue Springs 64014 Grand Sword Bearer ROBERT R. CRICK 4304 S. Bryant Crt. #2, Independence 64055-7625 Gr-and Pursuivant RALPH S. CANTRELL, JR. 10111 S. Milton Thompson Rd., Lee's Summit 64086 Grand Chaplain REV RONALD R. BOLLINGER 2761 Telegraph Rd., St. Louis 63125-4027 REV. MARVIN R. DAVIS Grand Chaplain 220 S. Elm, Marsha165706 REV DONALD E. MCGUIRE Grand Chaplain 412 Allen St., Farmington 63640-1850 REV BILLY R. POTTER Grand Chaplain Rt. 1, Box 1283, California 65018 Grand Chaplain SHELDON H. SNITZ 9852 Connell Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212 REV RONALD E. WOOD, JR. Grand Chaplain 1904 N. 36th St., St. Joseph 64506 Grand Orator DAVID INGRAM (Deceased) 14609 E. Berkshire, Independence 64055 LARRY C. REYNOLDS Grand Orator 443 Wildwood Dr., Rogersville 65742-9801 Grand Tiler R.L. TICHENOR 4508 NE Carolane, Kansas City 64116