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St. Louisl\1ason ie Tenlple



I ssued by A uthority of the




@-,,路1932. RAY V. DENSLOW



Grand Chapter



Biographical Sketches: Past Grand High Priests Grand Officers

707 785

.t.!\.1)I)el1Clix ...........................•........•............................ 80;3 . ~\rticles of Incorporation; 1850 rules and regulations ~ l\Iasonic calendar; Grand Representative's COll1111ission ~ lVlasonic statistics, 1932; ll1inutes of first Convention; proceedings of first ..A nnual Convocation. .l\ppendix " ..~" (Lodge Section) 821 i\lphabetical list of I~oc1ges; roll of dead lodges; Grand Lodge Officers since organization; list of Grand Secretaries; list of living !)ast Grand l\Iasters; present C~ral1d Lodge Officers. .: \ppenclix HI3" (Chapter Section) 853 . AJphabetical list of Chapters ; extinct Ch:tpters; Grand Officers since organization; Chairl11en of C0111111ittees since organization; (~rand I<epresentatives since 1870; Officers, C~eneraI Grand Chapter; phtces of llleeting and presiding ()ffjcers, (~eneraI (;ra11<1 (;hapter; C~rand Chapter of l\Jissouri Convocations \vith presiding ()fficer; list of (;rand Secretaries; list of present C;'rand ()tTicers; list of present (}rand I~epreset1tatives; 1931 statistics of Chapters; statistics, Grand Chapter of 1Vl'issouri, 1851-1931 : list of living Past Grand I-ligh I>.riests.


.l-\ppendix He" (Order of High Priesthood) 89? Constitution: ()fficers since organization; list of ll:1elnbers since organization. l\ppendix "D" (Council Section) 941 i\lphabetical list of Councils; extinct Coun- . cils; Grand Officers since organization; list of present Grand Representatives; list of Grand Recorders; statistics of Inetnbership, 1931; General Grand CounciIO'fficers; list of living Past Grand l\fasters; list of present Grand Officers.

..i\ppenc1ix 4路I~" (Conunanclery Section) 951 i\Jphabetical list of(~onlnlanderies; extinct C0I11111anderies; C;rand Officers since organization; (-;rand Encanlplllent ()fficers: list of C~rand l~eC'orclers; statistics of 111enlbership, 1931 ; list of living })ast (~rand C01111'l1anders; list of present (~rand C0111nlandery Officers.


Sources and Development 0/ the Constitution and Laws 0/ the Grand Chapter, a Study in Capitular Jurisprudence. By HENRy" C. CHILES Chairntan of the Grand Chapter C011l1nittee on Jurisprudence, 1925-1932

Sovereignty of the Grand Chapter The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch 1Jasons of the State of 1Iissotlri is a sovereign po\ver in Royal .I.~rch l\Iasonry. Its present Constitution declares that it is "the highest source of authority in Royal A teh l\lasonry \vithin said state" and that "it clainls, and of right enjoys, the sale governluent and superintendence of all Chapters of Royal ..A.rch 1Iasons \vithin said jurisdiction", and that "it 111ay consider and do whatsoever it ll1ay regard as necessary or appropriate to the \vellbeing and perpetuity of Royal i\rch lVIasonry in the State of 1\1 issotlri".

Grand Chapter Once a Subordinate However, our Granel Chapter has not al\vays been a sovereign. For the first thirteen years of its life, it was subordinate to the General Grand Chapter of Royal f\rch l\lasons of the United States of Anlerica, '\ivhich \vas its sovereign. Since 1859, the General Grand Chapter has been a confederation of sovereign Grand Chapters, of \vhich our Grand Chapter is one. Early History of Gel1eral 路Crand Chapter Because of the early relationship of sovereign and subordinate, a clear exposition of this phase of our jurisprudence cannot be 1l1ade- \\dthout S0111e reference to the history, constitution and la\vs of the General Grand Chapter. In the year 1797, Royal j\rch l\lasons in New England and New York were officially inforll1ed of the establishnlent,




23 N ovenlber, 1795, of a Grand Chapter in Pennsylvania, by and under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.. Inspired by this action, delegates fr0111 three Chapters located in N e\vEngland and N e\v York, l11et in convention in the City of Boston, on 24 October, 1797, and issued a call, inviting delegates fron1 all the Chapters in N e\v England and N e\I\T y'" ark to l11eet in the City of Hartford, Connecticut, on 24 January, 1798, for the purpose of fornling and opening a Grand Chapter of Royal i\rch J\Iasons for the States of N e\v f-Ianlpshire, l\Tassachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, \1 ernlont and .0J e\v yT" ark. The reader \vill notice that the objective \vas the forlnation of a Grand Chapter for the states naulecl and not a General C;ranc1 Chapter. :\greeably to the call, a convention \vas duly assen1 bled, and the Grand Rovalf\rch Chal)ter of the Northern States of J;-\.lnerica, (the states luentioned in the call), \vas duly forlner} and a constitution adopted. '1'11is constitution provided that the Grand Chapter ShOlllcl consist of a Grand l-ligh I)riest, a Gran(l King, a Grand Scribe, a Grand C,haplain, a Grand 1'reasurer, a Grand 1\1a1"sha1, and like\vise of the Deputy C-;rand High I)riests, Kings and Scribes of the several I)epl1ty C;rand Chapters, anel of the I?ast Grand I-ligh :Priests, I(ings and Scribes of the said (;rand I{()yal:\rch Chapter. The constituticHl also provicled that there should be in each of the six states a Deputy C;rand I<oyal .'\ reh Chapter, \vhich 5hou1(1 consist of a Deputy Grand Jligh I'riest, J.~ing, Scribe, etc. oi




Origin of Of/ice of Deputy Grand High Priest ""fhe reader \vill note the origin of the office of I)eputy Grand FlighI>riest. 'I'he ne\vIy forlued C}rand Chapter had no such office. 'I'he I)eputy (}rand Chapters, \vhen forn1ed, \\~ereeach to have as a presiding ()fficer a Deputy Grand 11 igh F)riest, but no (}rand .Fligh I>riest. Eventually the Cjrand Chapter becalne the C;eneral (;1"an<1 Chapter and had a I)epllty C;eneral Grand FIigh I)riest, as \vell as a C;cneral (}rand II igh IJriest; and the I)eputy C;randChapters becalne State Grand Chapters, or (}ral1d Chapters, and each had a Grand IIigh l)riest as \vell as a .I)eputy (~rand l"Tigh ,Flriest.






Establishntent Of Gen,eral Gra,nd Chapter The (then) Grand Chapter held an ac1journed convocation in the City of Providence~ Rhode Island, in Jal1uary, 1799, at \vhich tinle a revised constitution \vas adopted, under \vhich the Grand Chapter becanle the General Grand Chapter. This constitution ordained that Hthere shall be a General Grand Chapter of Royal ..;~rch l\fasons for the six northern states of ~A.nlerica" (those l11entioned heretofore), and that "the several Deputy Grand Chapters of the states before 111entioned shall in future he styled State Grand Chapters, and that the State Grand Chapters shall severally consist of a Grand I-ligh Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest", etc., etc. To the State Grand Chapters \vas given the po\ver to constitute ne\v Chapters '"\vithin their respective jurisdictions'~. 'I'here \vas no hint or suggestion of a clainl to j t1 risdictic)Il beyond the geographical 1i111its of the six northern states. The first constitution had called for biennial convocations, but the ne\v constitution tnade the convocations septennial, hence the fol1c)\ving convocation took place in January, 1806, and \vas held in l\Jicldlet()\vn, Connecticut.

Enlargentent of Pou)ers In 1803, an application for a dispensation to for111 a Chapter had been 111ade to the Grand Chapter of 'Rhode Island by certainC01l1paniol1s in one of the southern states. X either the ljrand Ch,apter of l<.hode Island nor its officers had po\\'er to establish Chapters beyond the geographical lilnits of the state. 'lJnder the constitution of the General Grand Chapter, neither it, nor its officers, had pcnver to grant dispensations or establish Chapters any\\"here; furthernlore, that constitution, by its o\\~n ternlS, \vas applicahle only in the six states natlled. ])espite these legcll barriers" \vhich \vere realized, the Grand Chapter of l<hode Island aeted . .A~t its convocation in January, 1804, a resolution \vas adc)pted ~'investing" the General (~rand IIigh I)riest. I(l11g <111<1 Scribe, or any t\VO of theIn, \vith authority to grant dispensations for ne\v Chapters in any state \vhere there \vas not a (~rand Chapter already established. 'fhe other (;1"an<1 Chapters \vere circularized by the Grand


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Grand High Priest, 1848路49




Chapter of Rhode Island on the subject, which resulted in the resolution being adopted by other Grand Chapters. As a result, at the convocation of the General Grand Chapter in 1806, it was announced by the General Grand King and Scribe that: "by virtue of authority derived from a special decree of several of the Grand Chapters of the States, they had j oindy issued a warrant for instituting a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the town of Beaufort, in the State of South Carolina",



and another for a Chapter in Savannah, Georgia. Following this announcen1ent, a revised constitution \vas adopted, and the General Grand Chapter for the six northern states of Anlerica becanle the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch l\'1asons of the United States of Alllerica. lJnder this constitution, the General Grand Chapter asserted po\ver and authority to institute ne\v Chapters "in any state in \vhich there is not a Grand Chapter regularly established", and there \vas the further provision that "\vhenever there shall have been three or n10re Royal .:\rch Chapters instituted in any state by virtue of authority derived froll1 this constitution, a Grand Chapter nlay be forIned in such state". "fhis constitution also called for septennial convocations c1atingfro111 1805, and a resolution \vas adopted fixing the City of N' e\v 'y'" ork as the place and the second 1'uesday in Septen1ber~ 1812, as the thne for the next convocation. Because of the \var of 1812, ho\vever, the next convocation did not take place until June, 1816. It \vas held in the City of N e\v )7'ork and the Proceedings sho\v that delegates f1"oll1 the Grand Chapter of South Carolina ,vere seated as a tllatter of course. though ho\v or \Nhen that Grand Chapter \vas forn1ed and recognized does not appear of record.* 'rhis convocatioll atnended the constitution so as to provide for the office of Deputy (~eneral (;1"a11<1 11 igh I)riest in the General Grand Chapter line. I)elegates f rOIH the Granc1Chapter for the State of )'Iaryland and I)istrict of Cc)ltllnbia \vere also present. These (lelegatcs \vere required to sign an agreel11ent in \\rriting 路Cross' l\1asonic Chart, edition, Ne\v York, 1853. J>age 345, states that the Grand Chapter of South Carolina was forlned in 1812.




JOHN D. DAGGETT Grand fligh Priest, 184H路51




that the Grand Chapter represented by thenl \vould support the constitution of the General Grand Chapter, and that it \vould 110t grant \varrants of dispensation out of its district and that it \vonld discountenance all Chapters fornled contrary to said constitution, etc., etc. \\'hereupon the C0111111ittee \vhich had been appointed to confer \vith these delegates reCOll1ll1endec1 that their Grand Chapter be "adnlitted to an union \vith this General Grand Chapter". 1"\he Proceedings then recite that "it \~tas thereupon voted to receive the said Grand Chapter of the State of l\larylancl and District of COlUt11bia under the jurisdiction of the General Grand C,hapter"~ Fronl this brief account of the prlllcipal steps taken in the forn1ation and early stages of developlllent of the General Grand Chapter, it seenlS apparent that in 1816 all of the Grand Chapters included in its organization ,vere subordinate to it: not only the Grand Chapters \vhich had originally been Deputy C;rand Chapters, but also those Grand Chapters \vhich had been .,; received under its j nrisdiction". The General Grand Chapter \vas the sovereign and '\vhatever po\vers the C;rand Chapters had, they derived by delegation.

The General Grand Constitution in 1846 1"he constitution of the General Grand Chapter \vas revised again in 1829, and it \vas this constitution \vhich \vas in effect at the forn1atioll of the Grand C,hapter of 1Iissouri. rrhis constitution, in Section 2, of l\rticle I, contained \vhat \vas, beyond question, the declaration of a sovereign, viz: UThe General Grand Chapter shall have and l11a.intain jurisdiction over all State (;rand Chapters. * * * and shall have authority to suspend the proceedings of such State Grand Chapters, and such Chapters in States \vhere there is no (~rand Chapter, as Inay kno\vingly violate any of路 the provisions of this constitution; to settle all difficulties 'which n1ay arise, and to give such advice and instruction as rnay seelU nlost conducive to their peace and to the advancenlcnt of the great ca use of benevolence and virtue."

Ogranization of ~U~.'!'<oil'I\M!'~lrmt~~


Grand Chapter

1""he Grand Chapter of l\lissouri \vas organized "agreeably to the provisions" of this constitution, and of course \vas a sub-




GEORGE H. C. MELODY Grand High Priest, 1851-52 'd~

ordinate. 13esides, all of thel\l issou ri Chapters had been organized under dispensations granted by C;eneral Grand Chapter officers and existed by virtue of charters granted by the General Grand Chapter. They \vere purely creatures of the C~eneral Grand Chapter. Certainly, these creatures, or their representatives, could not legally set up an organization, a C~rand Chapter, \vhich \vould be anything 1110re than a suborditlate of the creator, the General Grand Chapter. f\nd the ,convention of representatives of l\lissonri Chapters \vhich resolved itself into the (';rancl Chapter of ~vlissouri did not assert sovereignty; as a Inatter of course, it \vas taken for granted that the ne\vly established (~ralldChapter of l\lissonri \vas a subordinate.

I rregularil,y of Missouri Organizatio1l, \\lhile it \yas asserted thC:tt the (~ral1d Chapter of l\lissouri \vas organized "agreeably to the provisions of the constitution" of the General Grand Chapter, such \vas not the case. One of the provisions of thatcollstitution had either been overlooked or \vas not understood and that \vas the requirell1ent




that as a condition precedent to the organization of a Grand Chapter the "'approbation of one of the first four officers" of the General Grand Chapter be obtained.. This constitutional requiretnent was waived by the General Granel Chapter, at its triennial convocation held in Colunlbus,Ohio, in Septenlber, 1847, and the Grand Chapter of Missouri was "fully recognized" and its representative, Dr. J. \V. S. l\litchell, seate:l, as an act of grace on the part of the General Grand Chapter.

Becomes ConJederation of Sovereign Powers The sovereignty of the General Grand Chapter continued until 1859, vvhen, by an1endn1ent of its constitution, it becan1e a confederation of sovereign Grand Chapters. Ho\v this change was brought about will be related hereafter.

Establishment of Missouri Grand Chapter Follovving the annual COn1111Unication of the Grand Lodge of IVl iS50uri, a convention of delegates representing l\lissouri Royal .A.rcb Chapters, assenlbled in the City of Saint Louis, on 16 October, 1846. '1'he first act of this convention; 'after the prelirninaries of organization were disposed of, vvas the adoption of a resolution presented by John D. Daggett, Past fligh F)riest of l\lissouri Chapter :r\ o. 1, declaring that "\ve do no\v establishanc1 constitute a Grand I~oyal .l\rch Chapter for the State of l\fissouri, agreeably to the provisions of the constitution of the General Grand Royal i\rch Chapter of the United States". f\fter the election of Grand Chapter officers, a conl11littee \vas appointed'路to draft a code of by-laws for the governn1ent of this C~randChaI)ter."N0 constitution for the ne\vly born Grand Chapter \vas necessary or in order, for, as\ve have seen, the General Grand Chapter was sovereign and its constitution the fllndanlental la~r. That constitution perlllitted Grand Chapters to "nlake such rules and regulations for their governnlent as rnay be necessary, not inconsistent \vith the regulations of the (}eneral Grand Chapter", and that "vas all our (~ranc1 Chapter actually did. The C01l11l1ittee consisted of Janles \'!V. S. l\Iitchell, Grand l-ligh I1riest, elect, vvho had just cOll1pletec1 his Grand l\lastership of t\\"o years, and who appeared in the convention as High I:>riest of l:{ayette Chapter No.6; Stanton Buckner,




JO'HN Ii". RYLAND Grand High Priest, 1852..53




proxy for the Kipg of Pal111yra Chapter No.2, and John D. Daggett, before 111entioned, ,vha was chairnlan of the COll1111ittee. ~4doptiOlt

of By-Lau_'s

.L~t eight o~clock in the 1110rning follo\ving its appointtnent, the COll11uittee reported, "reco111111encling the adoption of the by-Ia\vs of the Grand Chapter of South Carolina, \vith such alterations and anlendn1ents as ll1ight be necessary and expedient". The report of the con1111ittee vvas approved, and "the by-la \VS as subn1ittec1 by then1, being read, section by section, \vere severally adopted"'.

The "Ix.ules and Regulations for the Governnlent of the Grand Royal .r\rch Chapter of l\Iissouri", so adopted, consisted of t\venty sections, or rules, each being entitled "Rule" \vith its appropriate tlutllber.. 1~hese rules and regulations \vere sin1ple, as \vould be expected in a day ,vhen there ,vere only fe\v subordinate Chapters and a SI11al1 ll1ernhership. Let us exatl1ine theln. To begin \vith, the nanle of our Grand Chapter \vas declared to be the '~Grand Royal .-;-\ reh Chapter of I\lissouri" \vhich nall1e it retained until the adoption of the constitution of 1880. The (~rand Chapter \vas COll1posed of a Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand l1igh I)riest, Grand King, Grand Seribe, Grand Secretary, Grand 1"'reasnrer, Grand Chaplain and Grand I\Iarshal, and of the I-ligh Priests, Kings and Scribes of the subordinate Chapters, and also of the Past Grand lIigh l?riests, Deputy Grand fIigh路 I)riests, Kings and Scribes of the Grand Chapter, "and the saidenUlnerated officers or their. proxies shall be the only 111elnbers and voters in this Grand Chapter".. lJn(ler :this rule, presull1ably, a Grand I-ligh :Priest, for exa1l1ple, could send a proxy to Grand ,Chapter to vote for hin1. 1\' 0 instance of the exercise of this privilege has, ho\vever, cOlne to the \vriter's attention. It \vil1 be noted that l)ast lIigh I)riests of subordinate Chapters \vere not then 111enlbers of the Grand Chapter. It \vas not until 1870 that this ill1portant privilege \vas accorded then1.




THORNTON GRINrSLEY Grand High Priest, 1853-54

Annual Meetings 1'he seeond rule provided for one regular "l11eeting" of the Grand Chapter, to be held in the City of Saint Louis on the first \\Tednesday after the second l\Ioll(lay, in October, of each year. For the sake of clarity, it IllUSt be here Inentioned that the use of the ternl "convocation" first appeared in the revision of 1861. The revision of 1850 used the ternl "Coll1111unication'" instead of 'l111eeting".

Eligibility to Office Eligibility to office (except to the offices of (jrand Secretary, Grand Chaplain, GrandlVIarshaI and "Grand out-door Sentinel") \vas lin1ited to past or present installed High Ijriests of SOine Ivlissouri路 Chapter.




Standing Committees 'I'he only standing COll1111ittees of the Grand Chapter ll1elltioned ,vere four in nU111ber, being those on Unfinished Business, on Chapters and Lodges, on Secretary's and Treasurer's I100ks and on Grievances. The duties of these cOll1nlittees yrere not defined. The General Grand Chapter la\v ll1acle a COll1111ittee 011 correspondence necessary, and such a C0111nlittee \vas appointed for the first tinle at the convocation of our Grand Chapter, in October, 1848. It consisted of Frederick L. l1illon, Joseph Foster and George H. C. l\路'Ielody. .l\ COll1111ittee all c~entials was necessary, in the nature of things, and such a conlmittee was fronl the ant-set a part of the nlachinery of the Grand Chapter, although not provided for by la\v. t

Dllties of Grand High Priest

'I'he duties of the Grand High Priest \,rere sinlply stated to he to t4govern and preside over this Grand Chapter, \vhen present, and in his ahsence, the Deputy Grand High Priest, King or Scribe., taking precedence according to rank". No other duties for any of these officers were prescribed.

Payment of Jltlollies

I'he no\v tinle-honored l\Iasonic practice of reqtUrlng all tnonies to be paid to the Grand Secretary, he to pay thenl over to the C~rand Treasurer, and he to disburse thenl upon the order of the Grand Chapter, signed by the presiding officer and attested by the Grand Secretary, \vas \vritten into the code. The Grand Sentinel I~t11e

seven provided for the appointll1ent of a Grand Sentinel (previously referred to as (~(}rand out-door Sentinel") by the presiding officer, annually. 1:."r011'1 this it is aSSt1111ed that all other officers were elective officers, in the路 absence of any J:>rovision upon the subject. R(~venues路



The revenues of the Grand Chapter \vere: exaltation fees of tvvo dollars; dues fronl subordinate Chapters at the rate of




PRIESTLY H. McBRIDE Grand High Priest, 1854-55

one dollar for each 111en1ber, and fees of ninety dollars for vvarrant of constitution of a ne\v Chapter. l)iplo111as were to be obtained fr0111 the (;rand Secretary, at t\VO dollars each, if on parChtllent, and at one dollar each, if on paper-


Chapter Votes B:ach Chapter \vas entitled to three votes in Grand Chapter to be cast by its representative or representatives.




Rules of Order The rules of order of the Grand Chapter \iVere set forth in rule eleven, as follow: "1. Every officer of the Grand Chapter 111USt, previously to taking his seat as such, clothe hilnsel f with the badges appertaining to his station. "2. No person shall speak more than twice on any subj ect, unless to explain, \vithout pernlission from the Chair. "3. Every luember wishing to speak on a question must rise and address the Chair. "4. No member shall interrupt the presiding officer, or any member, ,~v hen speaking. uS. Every tnotion (except for adjournment) shaH be reduced to \vriting, if required; and the metnber offering the same shall read it in his place, and then present it to the presiding officer. 6. No Conlpanion shall be permitted to sit as a visitor in the Grand Chapter without the consent of three-fourths of the menlbers present. "7. No nlember or visitor shall retire, during the transaction of business~ \vithout permission ÂŁroln the Chair. "8. .All comtnittees shall be appointed by the Chair" 40

Rules t\velve to nineteen, both inclusive, were applicable to the subordinate Chapters, \vhich \vere required to hold annual elections and certify the nanles of the first three officers to the Grand Secretary. It was declared to be the dtlty of the High Priest, }:<ing and Scribe to attend Grand Chapter, but proxies were perll1itted for those who could not be present, "such proxy nlust be a tllenlber of S0111e I{oyal i\.rch Chapter under this jurisdiction and shall present to the Secretary of the (~ral1d Chapter, previous to taking his seat, a certificate of such appointnlenf'. Each Chapter \vas required to l11ake to the (~ral1d Secretary "an annual return of its Inenlhers, exaltations and dnes up to the first of October, and pay the anlount due thereon to the C;rand Secretary" on or before the annual convocation in that Inonth. rrhe penalties for failure to !)erfOrln these duties \vere severe. 'I'he Chapter\vas barred fronl representation and its rnenlhers disqualified fron1 holding office in C;rand Chapter*. Should the failure of a C.hapter to perfornl *It is possible that this prOYlS10n kept Deputy Grand High PrieRt Richard H,. l:tees frorn the offiee of Grand High Priest in Missouri. He aftel',vards became the first Grand HIgh Priest of the Grund ~hapter of Kansas.




TE路IOS. S. IVrII~I.JER Grand :tIigh Priest, 1855-56

.1. \



these duties continue until the succeeding October, "its warrant of constitution shall be recalled and its nalne be stricken off the list of Chapters, unless sonle satisfactory reason be assigned for the neglect". Chapters were required to 111eet at least once in every three Inonths, and failure to nleet for one year caused a Chapter to "forfeit its warrant of constitution, unless SOUle satisfactory cause is assigned to the Grand Chapterfor the fleglect."

Jurisdiction Over Petitioners Rule XVI covered the inlportant nlatter of jurisdiction over petitioners, and was as follows: "No candidate residing in any city or place \vhere a Royal Arch Chapter is held shall be exalted in any other Chapter, without a reCotnmendation from the Chapter nearest to his place of residence, or \\rithout some good and sufficient reason being given, by such applicant, to the Chapter where he applies for adnlission; nor shall any Chapter exalt a candidate whose application has been rejected in any other Chapter, after having received notice of such rejection, without the consent of the Grand Chapter ; and it is hereby Inade the duty of the Secretary of each and every Chapter under this jurisdiction, to give notice of the natTIe, residence, and occupation of every rej eeted applicant to the Grand Secretary who shall itntnediatelycommunicate the saIne' to the subordinate Chapters under this jurisdiction." l');(


Admission of"Visitors Rule X\TII provided that: UNo person shall be achnitted a nletnber or visitor of any Chapter under this jurisdiction unless he shall have regularly received the de-,",.

grees of Entered . A . pprentice, Fellow Craft, ~faster Mason, 1fark 'N';' Master, Past1'laster, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason, in a regularly constituted Chapter or Lodge; nor shall any person be adInitted w'ho is under sentence of suspension or expulsion."

1""his rule \:vill receive particular attention later on in this Chapter.. Chargesand .Trials I~ule X\lI II \vas what \ve \vould today call the "trial code", and \vhile it \vas lacking in the lllatter of detail, it certainly was adn1irable in that it recognized the rights of the accused and guaranteed to hill1 "due process of law". It is brief and '\vorthy of being quoted in f tIll :





Grand High Priest, 1856路57 "N 0 COlnpanion shall be expelled franl this. or any subordinate Chapter under its jurisdiction, at the satne I11ceting all '\vhich the COll1plaint is lodged, nor at any subsequent tneeting, unless by the votes of three-fourths of the tuembers present. .t\11 accusations shall be made in \vriting, a copy of \vhich shall be furnished the person accused, (if \vithin the jurisdiction of this, or any subordinate Chapter, as the case Inay be, \vhere the cotnplaint is lodged) \vho shall be all<nved sufficient tinlC to ll1ake his defence, and po'\ver to procure \vitnesses, if Conlpanions, or to exallline thenl by cotnmission if they are not".

By.. Laz/vs of Subordinate Chapters The sulJordinate Chapters ,vere pern1itted by the next rule to tnake such by-la\vs for their govert1111ent, 路'not inconsistent vvith these and the C~el1eral Grand Constitution", as they deeilled expedient. And the concluding rule (llU111ber t\venty) had to do \'lith alterations or alllendIl1ents of the (~rand (;hapter rules and required that proposals be reduced to \vriting, read on t,vo several clays at the regular I11cetingof ()ctober, and "agreed to by t\vo-thirds of the n1enlbers present". It ''lill l>e noted that these rules and regulations tnade no




n1ention of the itnportant 111atters of fees for the degrees and dinlits. rrhese t\'/o subjects \vere covered by provisions of the General Grand Chapter constitution, \vhich fixed the 111ini11111111 fees at t\venty dollars, and forbade affiliation except upon production by the applicant of "a certificate froll1 the Chapter or ~~g~ to \vhichhe last belonged, that he was in regular standing, and as such, at his o\\rn request, is dis111issed and reCOll1nlendec!. "



.L4nnual Conventions

Our Grand Chapter carried on under these rules and reguiations until l\Iay, 1850, without anlendn1ent, except that the tinle of annual convocation was changed fronl October to 1\Iay. . .\ 5 a consequence of this change, the ternl of office of the I~ev. 1~holl1asH. l;apers, Grand High I)riest, ,vas the shortest in the history of the C;rancl Chapter of 1Iissouri. He served frotl1 ()ctober, 1848, to ]\fay, 1849. ~4ppointnlent

of Grand Lecturer

f\Ithough there \vere no other anlendnlents to the code there \vere S0111e itnportant steps taken by 111eans of resolutions adopted by the Grand Chapter. In ()ctober, 1848, the Grand Chapter, by resolution, l11ade it the duty of its first fOUf officers "to appoint at each regular ll1eeting a Grand Lecturer, \vhose duty it shall he to deliver lectures to each Chapter under its jurisdiction, at least once each year; his services to be paid out of the funds of the Grand Chapter". l.~he appointt11ent \Vent to George II. C. l\Ielody, \vho served seven 1110nths and until l\Iay, 1849, \vhen the resolution \vas rescinded. Fle\vas allo\ved t\VO hundred dollars for his services. ']'he C;rand I~ectt1rership \vas not re-established until

:\Iay, 1854. ~lileage 1'.

and P(:>rDient J1llou7ed . . ••

13y a vote of Chapters (three votes each), ayes, ten; nays, eight; a resolution \vas adoI)ted in l\Iay, 1849, providing "I'hat one delegate frol11 each subordinate Chapter attending the Illeetings of the (;rand Chapter, be allo\ved his ~11~US~.s incurred in said attendance; provided, hov\l~ever, that the expense does not exceed one-half the dues paid in by the Chapters so represented in the Grand Chapter".




D.DE HAVEN Grand High Priest, 1857-58

This policy \vas continued until the practice of paying t11ileage and per dienl \vas introduced in the revision of l\Iay, 1880.. Ris(~

of Legislation by Rt?sollltio1t

'T'he adoption of the t\'Vo resc~lutions just Inentiolled lnarks the beginning of the practice in the (~rand (~har)ter ofl\Iissouri of t'Iegislating hy resolution", (l practice \vhich continued on dcnvn through the yefl.rS, hut \vhich has declined in popularity during the last decade. Such resolutions \vere kno\vn as Ustanding res(]luti()Ils" and \vere given the force and effect of la\v, not\vithstanding the fact that in their adopticlll the ways and nleans of ,unending the hl.\v, as prescrihed at the tilne,\Vere not follovvecL The point is 'vell illustrated in the facts surrounding the adoption of the resolution just路 tllentloned pro-




viding for the paynlent of representatives' expenses. This resolution received the sanction of a bare nlajority of the vote by Chapters, \vhereas the rules and regulations provided that an1endnlents n1ttst receive two-thirds of the votes of the nlemhers present. i\lthough objectionable fronl the technical legal standpoint, the practice of legislating by resolution proved to be useful and helpful. S011le of the wisest provisions of our formal vvritten law had their origin in "standing resolutions", and nlany practices in our Royal Craft today received their first sanction through the adoption of a resolution.

First Revision



Our Grand Chapter, at its convocation in lVfay, 1850, and on the evening of the first day, authorized the appointll1ent of a cOllunittee to revise the "by-laws" and report "at this C0111tllunication". rrhe conullittee appointed consisted of . A . rchibald }:)attersOll, lligh ~Priest of Lexington Chapter No. 10 (elected Deputy C;rand Hjgh Priest the follo\ving day), who had been prof essor of 111athenlatics in the 1J:asonic College of Missouri since its institution in 1844; Benjatl1in J. Van Court, }(ing of Saint I~ouis Chapter No.8. and the Reverend \JVillia111 ~vf. }<.ush, High Priest of Saint Joseph Chapter No. 14.. This cOll1nlittee did its \vork rapidly (perhaps, it had done sonle ,"vork prior to the record of its official appointt11ent) for on the afternoon of the day following its appointt11ent, it brought in its report \vhich \vas considered, anlended, and adopted as atllcndecI. 'T'his first revision (1850y""'tl1ade'few vital changes in the la\vs, \vhich \vere still styled hRules and I{egulations". In lieu of designating the several la\vs as r~t11e I, Rule II, etc., ~lS in the original code, the various sections vvere called hi\rticles" and there \vere nineteen articles in all.. As the C;eneral (~rand 'Chapter was still the sovereign, no fttnclat11ental la\v or constittttion was necessary for the Grand Chapter of 1\1 issouri.. 1'he sessions of the Grand Chapter \vere styled "Colll111unications" and the use of this ternl continued until tIle revision of 1861, \vhich sanctioned "convocations". The tinle of the an-




JOHN W.CRANE Grand I-ligh Priest t 1860-61 r

nual "COtll1111Ulication" \vas fixed for the first \V ednesday after the second l\Tonc1ay 1n l\Iay, and the place of ll1eeting (the seat of the Grand Chapter) \vas the City of Saint Louis. Eight C0111111ittees vvere nan1ed for the facilitation of Grand Chapter business, the four enulnerated in the original code, with the addition of C0111111ittees on Credentials, \\T ays and .1\Ieans, Finance, and Charity. No atten1pt \vas tl1ade to define the duties of these c01111nittees. In~portant

Chang(?s Noted

l\fore business-like 111ethods \vere required under the reIt \vas Inade the duty of the C;rand Secretary and the Grand l~reasurer to have their '4books and vouchers at all titnes in readiness for theinspecticlll of the standing COll1Il1ittee".'rhe titne \vhen noses \vere to be counted in the subordinate Chapters for the purpose of ascertaining the quota of annual dues to (;rand Chapter \vas fix{~d at the last "COll11l1t1nication" of the suhordinateChapter prior to C;rand Chapter. The standing resolution providing for the paynlent of representatives' expenses \vas incorporated in tIle hl\V.. rfhe





business of subordinate Chapters was required to be transacted in the Royal .J.-\rch Degree, five ll1enlbers of the Chapter constituting a quorunl, and the presence of nine Royal Arch l\Iasons being necessary for opening. The sources of revenue of the Grand Chapter were unchanged. The principle of lengthofE~~i,~~e~~ce, as affecting jurisdiction over ~t!~Q!l~ES fo~g~;~~~',"'"";as introduced at this tinle into the la\v, and because of the inlportance of the subject, the article is quoted in full: "No candidate residing in any city or place where a Royal ArcJt Chapter is held shall be exalted in any other Chapter \vithout a recomn1endation from the Chapter nearest to his place of residence, nor shall any Chapter confer any degree upon a candidate who has not had his residence \vithin the jurisdiction of said Chapter for at least one year preceding his application, \vithout special pernlission frotn the proper officer of the Grand Chapter." J(ttle relating to 111enlbers and visitors V路las elinlinated

no article touching upon the subject is to be found in the revision. 'rhe reason therefor vvill be related hereafter. 1""he other provisions of the original rules \vere carried for\vard into the revision.

Origin of COl1tnlitt<?l?



.t\lthotlgh the C0111111ittee on Correspondence was not yet one of the cOll11nittees rnentioned in the code, it was a very po\verful one, and all through the years this C01111nittee had an il11portant part in 11101ding the policies, practices, opinions and even the ht\vs of our Grand Chapter. 'I'he appointnlent of such C0111111ittees by the various Grand Chapters 111ay have been sitnply the adoption of the idea froll1 Revolutionary practices arnong the Colonies and Colonists, but it 1l1USt be said that it follo\ved as a natural consequence of the provisions of Secti<Jneight /\rticle t\VO, ()f the C;eneral Grand Chapter Constitlltic)t1 (adopted 1829), viz: "~rhe Se(~retaries of the State C;rand Chapters shall severally 111ake an ~ulnllal COIll1l1Unication tC) each other, and also to the Secretary of the General Grand Chapter, containing a Jist of Grand Officers, and all such other 1l1atters as nlay be deell1ed necessary for the mutual benefit and inforrnation of the said C;rancl Chapters. .A.nd the said Grand Se(~retaries shall also regularly transnlit to the Secretary of the C;eneral C;rand Chapter a copy of all their by-la\vs and regulati(HlS,




,,\rlVL R. PENICl\: Grand HIgh Priest, 1861-62

and also a copy of their Proceedings, annually, to each of the officers ef the C;eneral Grand Chapter ; and the State Grand Chapters shall see that their Secretaries faith fully and punctually perfornl this duty."

In l\Jissonri, in the early days, the Grand Secretary was usually a tllenlber of the C0t11111ittee on Correspondence and at tiInes chairtnan of the COtll111ittee. In connection with its report to the C;rand Chapter, \vhich was presented just after the revision had been adopted, the COtllnlittee 011 Correspondence subn1itted the foI1ovving resolution, vvhich \vas adopted and becatne a standing resolution of the Grand Chapter: "Resolved, That suspension or expulsion fron} a Lodge of l\faster Nfasons, for unIl1asonic conduct, operates to disqualify a Royal Arch Mason from his privileges as such."

The principle ordained by this resolution did not becollle a part of the code until long a fter\vard.




In,corporation of Grall,d Chapter The revised code \vas, of course, still not perfect and its adoption could not stop the process of evolution so necessary to the proper developnlent of a syste111 of laws, hence the work of addition and anlendnlent C01l1111enced at once. The Grand Officers had been overlooked in the ll1atter of expenses incurred by thenl in attending Grand Chapter; or, it ll1ay be, it had been thought that the 110nor of holding Grand Chapter office was sufficient in itself and that the inCll1l1bents should he ,villing to defray their own expenses. i\.t any rate, the Grand Chapter, in l\iay, 18S 1~ added the expenses to the honor and anlended the la\v by providing that the Grand Officers be "allowed the sanle conlpensation as the delegatesfroI11 their respective (:hapters, provided, they do not, at the sanle tilne, receiye cotllpensation as representatives". l\nother <-tlncndnlent adopted at the saBle tinle 1l1ade it irnpossibJe for a Chapter to surrender its charter so long as nine tnelllbers vvere willing for the Chapter to retain it. i\ conunittee previously appointed to attend to the t11atter of incorporating the Grand Chapter reported its work accolnplished by ,l\ct of the G~D路 eral i\ssetnbly of l\Iissouri, approved 24 Fel)fuary, 1851":'''''''''''The incorI)Qration of the Grand C.hapter \vas one of the pre1ilninary steps taken in connection with the erection of a Grand 1\Iasonic Ilall in the City of Saint I...Iouis. 1"'he act of incorporati()t1 \vas repealed by tl" "i\ct of the General }\ssetnbly, approved 12 February, 1853~ incorporating the l\Iasonic I-Iall i\ssociation, which erected the proposed building at the corner of Seventh and l\farket Streets. The cornerstone \vas laid 30 l\Iay, 1866, and the dedication took place 14.0ctober" 1868.

The First Grand High Priest's,44ddress "'fhe convocation of -rvfay, 1851, \\las notable for another reason, in that for the first tilne in the history of the (jrand Chapter, the (;rand l-ligh I:>riest (John I). Daggett) delivered an address (called a report in the IJroceedings). l\Ic)st l~xceI颅 lent Cot11panion J)aggett thereby estal>lished a precedent, \vhich beCall1e a CUSt0t11, and that. ellston1 \vas finally \vritten into the




JAMES CARR Grand High Priest, 1862-63




Grand Chapter la\v, \vhich requires the Grand High Priest to present an address, accounting for his ste\vardship.

Effect of Charter . 4 rrest \\7e find another resolution adopted by the Grand Chapter, in l\Iay, 1852, \vhich, years later, becan1e a part of the code, nan1el.y: 'lResolved: That an arrest of the charter of a subordinate Chapter for failure to make annual returns does not in any tnanner affect their moral or 1fasonic character.




()ne hears 111tlCh in these 1l1oclern tinles of candidates being rushed through the degrees \vithout taking tillle to absorb the lessons and teachings of the various rituals. Siluilar conditions rnust have existed as early as 1Tay, 1853, for the Grand Chapter at that tin1c adopted a resolution forbidding the reception of a l)etition unless the petitioner had been a 11aster l\Iason for at least t\velve 1110nths. 'fhis \vas rescinded 'the foll(}\ving year.

Change in . 4nllual


In I\Tay, 1853, the titne for the annual convocation was changed to the .'. first \Vednesday in f\ pril. Notwithstanding, the business of the (--;rand Chapter "vas 110t transacted in /\pril, 1854. ;rrue, the (}rand Chapter convened on the first \\rednesday in .:\pr11, 1854, hut at the suggestion, by letter, of Grand fligh I>riest ~rhornton (}rhnsley, the (~rand Chapter \vas called to refreshlllent until i\Iay 17, 1854, and the business transacted then. 1'his \vas done, said the (}rand lIigh l?riest, in his address, so as to l)ring the sessions of the t\VO (;rand 130dies in close prOXi111ity. His policy \vas confirtned by the Grand Chapter, \vhich changed the la\v again by setting the annual cOI1\'ocation for Hthe \\Tednesday preceding the llleeting of the Grand .Lodge, and at such place as the Grand Lodge shall 110ld its sessions".




JAl\1ES N. BlIRNES Grand High Priest, 1863~64






Grand High Priest's Address

i\t this convocatioll,~ for the first tinle~ the address of the Grand High J=>riest \vas referred to a COll1111ittee-of three, t\VO of \Vh0t11 \vere Past C-;'rand High Priests. '1'hi5 is the origin of the l)resent practice, no\v \vritten into the law, of referring the Grand High Priest's address to a C0111111ittee COll1posed of all the Past Grand High IJriests present. Re-establishment of Grand Lecturer's Position The Grand Lecturership \vas re-established hy resolution in 1854. This officer was to be elected by ballot for one year, at a salary of t\VO hundred dollars, and his duties were to visit each Chapter once eluring the year and give instruction, the Chapters to pay hill1 at the rate of three dollars per day. For additional visits" the Chapters \vere to pay hin1 the per dienl and his expenses. Past C;rand High J:>riest Joseph Ii'oster \vas elected. It \vas he, \\"ho, in ~lay, 1849" l)resentecl the resc)lntion rescin(ling the ()rig"inal resc)lution IJroviding f (Jr a ~lray,

(~rand I~ectt1rer.

First Invasion



At this sanle convocation, the COI111nittee on Grievances had before it the first case arising over the invasion of jurisdiction. l\Jenroe Chapter No.. 16,3.t Paris, c0111plained against Colulnbia Chapter I\ o. 17, because the latter had exalted a petitioner \vho resided at l\'Texico, on the ground that the petitioner's residence \vas five ll1iles nearer l")aris than COlul1lbia, and that I\Ionroe C'hapter ha(1 not been consulted. "fhe COll1111ittee disposed of the nlatter hy finding that \vhatever error there l11ay have been in the action of Coltllnbia Chapter "路lllust be attributed tel inadvertance, and not to any inlpr()lJer 1110tive".

QualijicatioJls ()f


l\S has already heen Inentioned, this convocation rescinded the resoluticHl requiring a petitioner to have been al\Iaster l\Iason for t\velve 111onths. In lien of this, the f()llr)\ving reso1utions \vere adopted:



"Resolved, that no Chapter within the j urisc1iction of this Grand Chapter shall receive the petition of any 1vfaster rviason for advance111ent in the Chapter degrees, until such petitioner shall be able to stand a satisfactory exanlination, either in open Lodge, on all the preceding degrees, or shall be vouched for by three COlllpanions, that he has tnade sufficient proficiency in all of the preceding degrees; and said Companions shall also state in their recoll1111endation, that he has been a lnan of charitable and hUIllall disposition, and has performed his 11asonic duties and obligations with fidelity. That his qualifications for advancenlent in each subsequent degree shall be tested in the same manner ; and a ballot shall be taken upon his petition for advancenlent in each and every subsequent degree. "Resolved further, that no Chapter \vithin this jurisdiction shall advance any 11aster 1tlason to the degrees conferred therein, unless such 1faster 1fason is, at the tin1e of ll1aking application for said degrees, a mell1ber of son1e Lodge of ~ilaster 1:fasons, in the active discharge of his duties and obligations as such."

These resolutions \vere carried as late as ()ctober, 1869, in official publications, as being standing resolutions of the Grand Chapter, not\vithstanding the Grand Chapter, in l\fay, 1856, had adopted the follo\ving: "H.esolved, that no Chapter within the j uriscliction of this C;rand Chapter shall receive the petition of any Nfaster 1-lason for aclvancetnent in the Chapter degrees, until such petitioner shall be votlched for has nutde sufficient proficiency in all of the preceding degrees, and by three Coo1panions, appointed by the 1L E. High Priest, that 111e said Coxnpanions shall also state in their recoml11enc1ation that he has been a tl1an of charitable and hUlllane disposition, and has perforn1ed his 1 fasonic duties and obligations \vith fidelity." ii

It is thent1derstanding of the \vriter that that portion of the resolution of 1854, providing for proficic!lCY lectures and exanlinations in the Chapter degrees, \vas never generally observed_ 1\S a lnatter of la\v, it seenlS to have been rescinded by the adoption of the resolution of 1856. i\t any rate, that resolution of 1854 'vas fOl"lnally rescinded l>y the C;rand Chap-

ter in ()ctoher, 1870.

First .,Appeal to Grand Cha]Jter 1"'he first case COIning up on apI)eal to the Grand Chapter was referred to theC0111111ittee on Grievances in 1\1 <:ty,. 1855. i\. COlnpanion residing at I~oonville, had been expelled by the Chapter in \vhich he held his n1el11bership, located at Spring-



JAMES A. H. LAMPTON Grand High Priestr 1864-65





field, and he appealed, by filing a "111el1lorial" in Grand Chapter. It appeared that the accused \vas not present at the trial, because he resided at a considerable distance fronl Springfield, and there \vere other reasons \vhich prevented his attendance and the presentation of his evidence. On reco111111endation of the COnl111ittee, the Grand Chapter granted hill1 are-hearing and referred the case to the Chapter at Boonville for that purpose. The case is interesting chiefly because th~~~"~,!l!",2L,,,,"~ÂŁ1~~,~!" to the Grand Chapter ,vas recognized, not\vithstanding the "trial code" in effect at the tinle 11lade no provision for appeals.

Character of Money Paynlents

. /\.11 insight i11to the financial ditIiculties of the tinles is gained fronl a resolution adopted at this convocation, instructing the Grand Secretary to receive only gold, silver or ~Iissot1ri paper, "for clues to this Grand Chapter~'" Lintitation



l-\t the con vocation of 1Iay, 1856, the by-la \VS \vere <1tuencled so as to confine the appointnlent of proxies to n1ell1hers of the Chapter represented. 1']te





l\t this tin1e, the Grand Chapter also confirllled a deeision announced by the GrandCoullcil, "that an election for High Priest to fill an unexpired ternl is not legal". 1'"'h15 decision confortned to ancient usage. i\n interesting thing about it is that it is a decision of la\v Blade by the Grand Council and not l:>y the (~rand I-:ligh l?riest alone. The po\ver to decide questions of la\v (subject to approval or disapproval hy the Grand (~hapter') \vas first declared to he vested in the C;rand l-1igh Priest by the Constitution of 1880. 13ut long before the adoption of that instrut11.ent, the (~rand I-ligh l?riests vvere exercising the po\ver.. f\nother interesting act of this convocation \vas the adoption of a resolution offered by Joh11 ]).. r)aggett~ requiring the Annual l)roceedings of the (}randChapter to be read in each




subordinate Chapter at least t\vice in each year. This requirell1ent never found its vvay into the by-laws and ,vas S0011 dropped fronl the list of standing resolutions. 'rhere \vere t\\lO anlendnlents to the by-laws proposed in

1856. One proposal contenlplated the setting up of a uniforn1 code of hy-la\vs for the governtnent of subordinate Chapters. 1"he other proposed to anlencl the section of the by-laws relating to eligibility to office in Grand Chapter. Both proposals \vere voted c1o\vn in l\Iay~ 1857. ..:\t that convocation the G~and Secretary \vas ordered to pt1blish~ ,vith the Proceedings, the rules and regulations and the standing resolutions then in force.

...4doption of _4/Jron J\t the convocation of l\Iay, 1858, a resolution presented by John F. I-Iotlston, (elected C;rand High Priest,October, 1869,) ,vas adopted, requiring the use of 路'the square apron, nlade of lanlbskin, trinlnlecl \vitll scarlet, \'lith a triangular flap, and the follo\ving de路vice thereon: a circle enclosing a triangle, and \vithin the triangle a triple tau".

"Calling Off" Prohibited Before considering the 1l10re il11portant events of the convocation of l\Iay, 1859, 111ention IlltlSt be nlade of a resolution adopted,\vhich 1l1arked a fOf\;\lard step" so far as the subordinate Chapters \vere concerned. 1\hat resolution prohibited Chapters fronl j,\'alling off frotll one tneeting to another, instead of closing the Chapter" and characterized the prohibited practice as "contrary to the ancient ellstonl and usages of l~oyaI .;-\rch l\Tasonry".

.4 ttelnpts to Dissolve General (;rand Chapter \\rhen the (~rand Chapter of Missouri convened in l\'!ay, 1859, a controyersy ,vas raging <llllong the people of the United States, \vhich \vas soon to develop into Civil \'lar. i\.ffairs in the (~eneral (~rand Chapter and anlong I{oyaI i\rch 1 Iasons \vere no less disturbed and these conditions \vere but a reflection of the general condition existing throl1ghout the Union. i




THOS.. E.. GARRETT Grand High Priest 1865-66




In1t11ediately after the installation of the newly elected officers in 1859, Charles Levy, proxy for the King of Saint Louis Chapter No.8, offered the follo\ving resolution, which 'Vv"as adopted: "Resolved, that the delegate or delegates to the General Grand Royal .Arch Chapter of the United States, use their best endeavors to bring about a that General Grand Body."

Yet, was not the first tinle that such a proposal had found favor in the Grand Chapter of Ivlissouri, for a similar resolution had been adopted at the convocation of May, 1853. N or was l\fissouri the first Grand Chapter to take the position that the General Grand Chapter should be dissolved. Long prior to the organization of ottf Grand Chapter, the Grand Chapter of IZenttlcky advocated such a course. That Grand Chapter, at its convocation in Septeulber, 1825, appointed a C0I11111ittee to correspond with other Grand Chapters relative to and toclraft a 111enlorial to the General Grand Chapter upon the propriety of dissolving that body. This l11enlorial was SUbl11itted to the convocation of the (~eneral Grand Chapter in Ne\v York City in Septenlber, 1826, and set out at length and arguI11entatively the reasons alleged for the suggested dissolution. The follo\ving points \vere nlade: First. The General Grand Chapter may have been useful at first as an authority for establishing new Chapters, but as Grand Chapters have been established in 1110st of the States, the General Grand Chapter is no longer necessary.. As its authority is not recognized by all Grand Chapters,it tends to produce discord. Second. The Grand Chapters should possess power to adapt their laws to the opinion and customs within their respective jurisdictions, without being controlled by a superior po\ver.. T'hird. The expense of sending delegates to distant convocations of the . General Grand Chapter is an unnecessary waste of funds. Fourth. Grand Chapter officers are, by virtue of the General Grand Chapter constitution, menlbers of their respective Grand Chapters for life, and may vote even by proxy. They are increasing in nunlber, that they will, in a few years, outnumber the representatives of the subordinate Chapters. Fifth. Even if they be allowed to retain voting power, the power to vote by路proxy* should be taken fronl thenl, as they cannot transfer *This ground of objection was removed by an amendment to the General Grand Chapter constitution adopted 1829.




their skill and ability to their proxies. Likewise, present (;rand Chapter officers should not be elnpowered to vote by proxy. Sixth. 1~he resources of the Order. instead of being devoted to costly entertainments, should be applied to charity. Seventh. T'he General Grand Chapter is not necessary to correct the errors of Chapters and maintain hartllony atl10ng Royal Arch 1'lasons; this is sufficently done by the Grand Chapters. Eighth. Subordinate Chapters have jurisdiction analogous to that of the States; Grand Chapters have jurisdiction analogous to that of the IJnited States; the General Grand Chapter purports to control both, and is an organization \vithout parallel in our o\vn or. any other form of government. Ninth. 'The only plausible pretext for the existence of the General Grand Chapter is to produce uni fornlity of work. No Chapter could deviate 111aterially from the ancient forn1 and usage without being excluded from the Fraternity. . . . . \Tariations in the \vork and language of IV[asons v.. ill necessarily be so slight as not to affect the general principles or practice of the Order; and if it were other\vise, it would be found intpracticable for the General Grand Chapter to correct their errors over so \vide a spread of territory.* Tenth. It is no defense of the General (:;rand C:haptcr that it is national. \\'hy should \ve have a national thing, \vhen there is no use for it? Eleventh. 'The argUt11ent concluded by stating that the General Grand .Chapter was vievved "only as an institution calculated to \\-aste the funds of the Order, engender anlbition, adtl1inister food to vanity, and in every ''lay incolnpatible with the pure and sublime principles of Masonry", a proposition \vhich had previously been stated in the following language:- (it) His really of little use but to increase our burthens and add an ut1tnasonic P01l1P and splendor to our hUlnble and lowly institution". 'rhe conclusion also stated that "elevation will be sought in it, tllOre to attain an exalted attitude in the eyes of the people than to pr01l10te true charity or the interests of the Craft."

Only North Carolina and Ohio sided \vith Kentucky in *In thiH e(Hlnectiol1, the folhnving paragx路aph fronl the report()f the General Grand Chapter Conlmittee on Work (September, 1850) isenligh ten i 11 go: "We have already said that 'we have regarded unifornlity a~ necessary and vitally hnportant, and \'VE~ "\..v ish to propose sueh a plan as shall not only promote, but maintain it. But, by uniformity, we do not 'wish to be understood as perfect sameness of expression; we have avoided vel'balcritieism, and fixed modes of expressIon, aiming only at unif()rmity of action, ~uld have only retained peculiar words and phrases where th(~y were necessary to eluei<late and give force to some principle."




Grand High Priest, 1866-67





favoring the dissolution; the other Grand Chapters \vere either against the proposal or had not acted upon it prior to the General Grand Chapter convocation. Six Grand Chapters were recorded as being opposed to dissolution. \Vhile the ll1elllorial of the Kentucky C0111paniol1s touched upon the illost vital question, sovereignty, it did not 111ention two other questions \vhich later becanle grave issues in the General Grand Chapter and which were closely related to the controversy over sovereignty. An understanding of these two issues is necessary as an introduction to the "life.~ death"; struggle \vhich ensued over the vital issue of sovereignty.

Control of the Cryptic Degrees The first of these questions \vas over the control of the Cryptic degrees, and the \vhole controversy relative to this n1atter arose through the failure of the General Grand Chapter and its officers to take a positive stand one \vay or the other. The Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, adopted in 1829, as \vell as the revision of 1850, contained the follo\ving in Section 9, of Article I: "N 0 Royal Arch lvfason ,vithin the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter shall be permitted to confer any degree in Masonry not recognized as a constitutional degree; nor to establish any society of Masons not recognized asa constitutional body. And the first four officers of the General Grand Chapter, or any three of them shan in all cases have authority to decide all constitutional questions under this section." f

In lieu of any action under this section inl1nediately after its adoption, the General (~rand Chapter, in Septen1ber, 1829, adopted the folto\ving resolutions: "Whereas, It is satisfactorily proved to this General Grand Chapter, that the constitution of Councils of Royal and Select ~.rfaster ~vlasons, in different parts of the United Statt$, by sundry persons, has been without any legitilnate authority: HAnd whereas, Those degrees are conferred in sonle Chapters, under the authority of the General Grand Chapter ; and \vhereas, it was proved that it was the only and sole intention of the Most Excellent Companions f rOIn '\\~hon1 those degrees emanated, that they should be conferred under the authority of Royal Arch Chapters; therefore,




hResolved, That this General Grand Chapter cordially recommend to the different Councils in the United States, to adopt measures to place those degrees under the authority of the state Grand Chapters. "Resolved, That authority be, and is hereby, granted to the several Grand Chapters under the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter, to make such arrangements as shall be found necessary for conferring the degrees of Royal and Select Masters in Royal Arch Chapters; provided always, that no Grand Chapter, within the limits of which is a Grand Council, shall authorize the Royal Arch Chapters under its jurisdiction to con fer such degrees without the consent of such路 Grand CounciL"

This question received the serious attention of the first COlnnlittee on Correspondence appointed in our Grand Chapter, and that part of its report, subn1itted IV[ay, 1849, having to do \vith the subject, is quoted, as it is believed to picture accurately the conditions existing at the tinle, and for the further reason that the conl111ittee consisted of th路ree very distinguished and learned ]\I.issouri Freenlasons'l Foster, Billon and Daggett. "The Royal and Select degrees seem to occupy the attention of all. The order in which they shan be conferred, and by what body, whether by Council or by Chapters, appears to perplex and annoy some of our sister Grand Chapters, as though the existence of the whole Masonic Fraternity was staked on that single issue. "In the opinion of your cotnn1ittec, these degrees occupy more attention, and elicit lnore disctlssion than their importance demands. "Neither of them develops any new principle, or adds a single ray of light which the inteIIigcnt Royal Arch l\1ason should not possess without them. And it would be far better for the Craft that these degrees should cease to exist as such, than to continue the present strife and contention about either their chronology or location.. "I f Royal Arch 11a50nry is incomplete without them, then they are a part and parcel of it, and should be 50 cOlunlunicated" and thus replace that which has been abstracted to feed the cumulative desires of the age. The expression that 'they are the link which connects those \vithout the veil with those who are within' is certainly very pretty, but when analyzed, on true 1JIasonic principles, it '\vil1 be found wanting in the other two great 1[asonic requisites, wisdom and strength. "It is Illt1ch to be regretted, that any of the Grand Chapters, State or General, should have permitted these degrees to be cumulated under their jurisdiction, and the authority to can fer thenl, separate and apart, is at least doubtful, if not positively restricted by Section 9,




l\1AR''rIN COLLINS Grand High Priest, 1867-68




Article 1,* of the General Grand Constitution. But the evil has been permitted; discord and confusion, the legitimate fruits of cumulation, are producing the sad work of alienation, and it now behooves us to apply the proper 1fasonic relnedy, and put this cause of discord forever frotn our n1idst. "Your conlmittee therefore suggests that the Royal and Select degrees shall not be conferred within this jurisdiction until the General Grand Chapter, or its proper officers, shall determine-not by suggestion, but by positive la\v or instruction, the order and manner in which they shall hereafter be conferred. And it is earnestly hoped that when the General Grand Chapter shall settle the question, (for settle it, it must) that all ,vho owe it allegiance will cheerfully submit-even though these degrees should be surrendered to that body which perhaps possesses higher clainlS."

At the Triennial of Septenlber, 1844, the nlatter of the Cryptic degrees vvas referred to a special con1!nittee. This CQtl1111ittee in its report, \vhich was adopted, approved and set forth the preanlble and resolutions of 1829, already quoted, and added the follo\ving: "Resolved, That it is the sense of this General Grand Chapter, that the conferring of the degrees of Royal and Select 1fasters should be subsequent to that of the Royal Arch Degree."

At the Triennial 'of 1847" the following anlenc1ment to the General Grand constitution was proposec1by a representative of the Grand Chapter of 1"'ennessee, and \vas r.ti~~!~d: '"Strikeout the ninth section of the first article, and substitute the follo\\'ing in its stead: No Royal Arch :Nlason, within the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter shall be pennitted"to confer any degree, as a Masonic degree, other than those recognized by the General Grand Chapter at constitutional degrees, to-wit: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, 11aster Mason, 11ark 11aster, Past Master,. Most Ex~ cellent 1faster, Royal Arch 1\1ason, and Royal and Select路 Master; nor to establish, or unite with, any society, asa Masonic society or body, not recognized as a constitutional lvIasonic body."

The re-adoption of the resolutions of 1829 by the Triennial of 1844, and the adoption of the further resolution quoted. did not settle the controversy. The agitation of the question continued and, in S0111e quarters, it was suggested that "the \vay ont" \vas to forn1 a General Grand Council \vhich should have jurisdiction over the degrees. l\t the Triennial of 1850, *Quoted supra, page 606.



however a C0111nlittee report was adopted which declared that it was inexpedient to take any action on the subject of fOfnling a General Grand Council of Royal and Select IVlasters; and at the salue thne action on a resolution \vas indefinitely postponed which declared the constitutional degrees to be those "conferred in regular Blue Lodges, Royal Arch Chapters, Encampnlents of Knights Tenlplars and the Appendant Orders, Councils of Royal and Select l\!lasters and Supreu1e Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Rite and their inferior jurisdictions" . Missouri's Conlnlittee on Correspondence (Foster and ]. D. Taylor) ll1acle caustic conl111ent in its report, l\/1av. 1851:

-'_路路'路-lssiied. All the olel charters purporbng to grant such po\vers were ordered returned to the Grand Secretary, vvho \lvas to provide new charters, in \vhich no such powers were to be included. The Triennial of Septen1ber, 1853, anlended the General Grand constitution and settled the controversy by declaring that: "The only degrees recognized by this General Grand Chapter, to be conferred in Chapters under its jurisdiction, arelvfark Master, Past 路1tfaster, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch lvIason."

The Grand Council of l\IIissollri, Royal and Select l\Iasters, was organized 21 l\Iay, 1864, and the General Grand Council





Grand l£igh


.J ft" 18f.8"Ei9





of the IT. S. :\. grevv out of a national convention \vhich convened in Detroit, l\:Iichigan, 23 :-\ugust, 1880, the day prior to the General Grand Chapter Convocation. l\Tissouri \vas not represented in the convention. Attempts to Elintinate Past lklaste';ll:,

The other question \vhich disturbed the harnlony of the General Grand Chapter, before the question of sovereignty arose in all its l11ight, \vas like\vise concerning a 1Jasonic degree-the degree of Past l\Iaster. .t\ncient practice in the Syn1bolic Lodge \vas to confer this degree upon a \\T orshipful ~Taster as a part of the cerenlony of his installation. Fr0t11 the earliest days in the Grand r~oc1ge of l\Iissollri, and as late as 1852~a Lodge of I)ast l\lasters \vauld be opened and the installation of the Grand l\Iaster \vollld take place therein and the Iofodge of })ast l\Iasters be then closed, after \vhich the other Grand Lodge officers \voulel be installed. l"he degree, by ancient l1sage~ \vas part and parcel of the SYlnbolic Lodge syste111, and \vas inseparably and intinlately connected \vith the 11l0st solenl11 of its rites-the induction into office of its \\Torshipful l\lasters and of its 1\10st \Vorshipful Grand l\l'asters. 1.'hose I~rethren \vho earned an(1 received the degree upon being elevated to the chair caIne to 11e ktlO\Vn as act ual l)ast l\lasters, to distinguish thel11 froll1 those Brethren \vho were ktl0\Vn as '{'irful'll I)ast l\Iasters-that is, those \vho re路ceived the degr'ee"G;~'+'ti;e course of their aclvancelnent through the Chapter Degrees, the degree being therein conferred, for the reason, the t1'10nitors say~ that '4he \vho \votdd attain to these honorable stations, 111USt, according to our ancient regulations, be a ruler of the Craft".

Of course, conflicts and confusion arose. .:-\ctual F)astl\lasters, \\"ho \vere not I\J ark I\Iasters, clailned the right to in Lodges ofF)ast l\Iasters, convened ul1cler Chapter charters, and \vere excluded. i-\ctual [last ~lasters on the \vay to the Royal ,\ reh protested that it-vvas unnecessary for thenl to be re-obligated in the :F)ast ?\Iaster's degree, after their advanceI11ent to the degree of l\Iark l\Jaster; SOBle even claitned that they should receive credit on the fees charged for the Capitular




Degrees, inasnluch as they had already received one of the fonr. i\ctual Past :l\'1asters \vere scandalized and incensed at the introduction of practices in the conferring of the degree, vV'hich l1lade it a travesty upon what was in the Lodges and the Grand Lodges a nl0st solenln cerenlony. \Tirtual Past IVlasters, in SOUle instances, clainled the right to sit and vote in Granel Lodge to the sa111e extent as actual Past l\1asters; and in sonle localities it Vlas clainled that the Chapter had exclusive jurisdiction over the degree and that the conferring of the sanle under any other auspices than of the Chapter \vas unnlasonic and clandestine. Such anonlalotls conditions as these could only bring about strife and discord.

The Grand Chapter of l\lissouri, at its convocation of ]\fay, 1853, adopted resolutions presented by the COlll11littee 011 Correspondence (Joseph Foster,. chairnlan), the first of \vhich stated the l11atter I1l0St logically, viz: hResolved, That the Past IVfaster's degree being essential to the existence of a Blue I.-odge, can be legitimately conferred upon a 1Iaster elect, \vithout the assent or intervention of a Chapter of Royal Arch }'tfasons; and that the jurisdiction assumed by the General Grand Chapter over this degree is an infringenlent upon the prerogatives of Grand Lodges."

'"fhe second resolution instructed the l\Iissouri delegates to advocate an alnendnlent to the General Grand constitution relinquishing the ~'assunled jurisdiction over this degree".

High Priest Not Required to Receive Priesthood 1"'he third resolution declared it unnecessary for a I-ligh F)riest elect to receive the Order of lIigh IJriesthood as a prerequisite to being installed and acting assttch. This resolution vvas calculated to prevent trouble froll1 arising over this ()rder silllilar to the difficulties then being experienced over the degree of F)ast l\laster, and a siIllilar resolution ,vas adopted at the Triennial of the Sall1e year. The 1'riennial did not, ho\vever, settle the controversy over the I)ast l\Iaster's degree; all that it did \vas to adopt a resolution asserting that: HT'his Body does not claitn jurisdiction over the degree of Past 1faster, when about to be conferred on a 11aster elect of a Symbolic Lodge."





JOHN F. HOUSTON Gralld .High Priest, 1869-70




Following the Triennial, our Grand Chapter, in May, 1854, by resolution declared that '\vhen a brother has taken the degree of Past Master, by virtue of his election as Master of a Lodge, it is not necessary to re-confer the same preparatory to his advancenlent in the Chapter".

This resolution \vas afterwards incorporated in the code and \vas the la\v in this jurisdiction until the revision of 1901 \vas adopted. Joseph Foster recorded his vote against the adoption of the resolution, which ,vas the logical thing for one to do. For, fraUla legal standpoint, it \\lQuIel. seenl that so long as the Past l\1aster's degree was part and parcel of the Capitular systen1, the candidate taking the degrees lllUst assunle all the obligations therein, notwithstanding he 111ay have previously taken one of those obligations else\vhere. In Septen1ber, 1856, the General Grand Chapter adopted a resolution recoJnnzcnding "to the Grand Chapters and the subordinate Chapters under this jurisdiction to abridge the cerenlonies now conferred in the Past Master's degree \vithin the narro\vest constitutional litnits, only retaining the inducting of the candidate into the oriental chair, and the comInunicating of the tneans of recognition."

By 1859, sentinlent in the Grand Chapter of 1fissourihad reversed itself, and a resolution wasadopte~I on the reC0111nlendation of Grand Secretary O'Sullivan in his report on correspondence, declaring "That this Grand Chapter is opposed to striking out the Past Master's degree from the list of Chapter degrees."

T\velve years later, in 1871, Grand Secretary Gouley, one of the representatives of ~Iissouri, lllacle a well sustained, able and exhaustive argl1111ent on the floor of the General Grand Chapter, in favor of the adoption of a constitutional anlendI1lent elilninating the Past J\faster's degree, but the anlendnlent failed of adoption, and so the controversy died a natural death, and the degree finally becanle the sole and exclusive property of the Capitular systenl by relinquishnlent on the part of the SynlbolicLodge. '-fhe end can1e in l\lissouri in 1895 \\Then Allen 1lcDo\vell offered an anlendn1ent in the Grand Lodge which路 ,vas adopted and vvhich declared the degree of Past l\Jaster \vas not a prerequisite to installation of a Worshipful J\iaster.




Arguments Over General Grand Chapter v\!hile these l11inor controversies over the Cryptic and Past I\Jaster's degrees \vere being \vaged, a nlajor controversy had arisen in the General Grand Chapter, \vhich finally becanle in Chapter circles, as vital and illlportant as the nation-\vide controversy over the nature of the Union. In political circles, the controversy \vas about the nature and extent of the respective povvers of the federal and state governnlents and the relationship bet\veen thenl. In capitular circles. the nature and extent of the respective po\:vers of the General Granel Chapter and the Grand Chapters and the relationship between thenl \vere fairly \vell understood; the controversy \vas as to \vhether they should so continue. It has already been noted that in 1826 our Kentucky COll1panions analyzed the relationship by cOll1paring the subordinate Chapters to the states, and the respective Grand Chapters to the United States, and by declaring tllat the (jeneral (jrand Chapter vvas a sort' of super-governnlent over all, unnecessary, and \vithollt parallel in the theory of governlnent. .I\Tasonic thinkers of the fifties, ho\vever, \vere cOll1paring the Granel Chapters to the states and the General Grand Chapter to the United States. SOl1le \:vere declaring that the General Grand Chapter should continue to be the sovereign po\ver. Others thought ~that the General Grand Chapter should be disbanded and the Grand Chapters allo\ved to enjoy sovereignty \;vithin their respective geographical linlits. \\Thile still others concluded that the best interests of the Craft \votdd be served by transfornling the General Grand Chapter into a confecleration of sovereign Grand Chapters. It has already been nlentioned that as early as l\.Iay, 1853, the Grand Chapter of l\Jissouri \vent on record as favoring a dissolutioil of the C~eneral Grand Chapter. 1'he reason assigned is revealed in the report of a special C0l11nlittee (Joseph Foster, chairtl1an), adopted at that convocation, fronl \vhich the fo1Iovving is quoted: "I'he fear of a great central power being concentrated in the General Grand Chapter, entertained by S0111e Cornpanions of this and other j ttrisdictioI1s, has no cffect on the 111i11<1S of your COlnmittee, nor can they participate in the playful mood of ourConlpanions of North



JOSEPH' M. FOX Grand High Priest, 1870路72





Carolina, or agree with them that it is quite a harmless body, possessing no po\ver eIther for good or evil, or that its mandates would not be obeyed if enacted. . . . The burden of our complaint is the want of straightforward and consistent action*-action and n1andates in accordance with the exalted position of that General Grand Body, which have been so long urged from every quarter, and for which we have looked, but looked in vain. ".i\nd now, if after an existence of luore than half a century, with almost exclusive j urisdictioll over these United States, in which every other branch of our beloved Order has greatly prospered, it has failed to accomplish even one object for which it was created, (and we think we may confidently challenge the production of one) nlay \\.Te not, with great sincerity of purpose, urge our Companions throughout the Union路 to let the nlandate go forth, 'Cut it dO\Vll, why cumbereth it the ground?' "

Doctrine of State Rights Although a llull1ber of constitutional anlendnlents \vere adopted at the rrriennial held in Lexington, Kentucky, Septenlber, 1853, none ll1ade any change in the relationship between the General Grand Chapter and the Grand Chapters. The advocates of H States Rights" succeeded in obtaining the adoption of a resolution, presented by a representative of the Grand Chapter of . t. \labalna, instructing the COll1111ittee on the constitution, "to take into consideration the subject of ernbodying in the sanle an article, \vhereby the jurisdiction of the State Grand Chapters 111ay be helel inviolable", but nothing Ca111e of it. The constitution ,vas anlended in one particular vvhich was calculated to ll1aintain the status quo for at least six years. Under the constitution then in effect, atllendn1ents could be proposed and adopted at the saIne convocation.. 13y an an1endnlent adopted at this tinle, such proposals \vere required to be subnlitted at one convocation and lie over until the sl1cceeding one. As no anlend1l1ents \vere filed following the adoption of this section, the result \vas that 1859 ,vas the earliest date at \vhich the constitution could be again changed . But, what could not be done directly, could be done in*The committee refers to the General GrRnd Chapter's f~l.ilure to act in the matter of controversy over the Cryptic and Past Master's Degrees.




directly. Resort \vas had to our old friend the "standing resolution". At Hartford, Connecticut, in Septen1ber, 1856, a resolution ,vas introduced by Albert Pike, proxy for the Grand King of the Grand Chapter of Louisiana, which was a111ended, considerably shortened and finally adopted in this fornl: "Resolved, That the General Grand Royal }\rch Chapter derives all its powers by grant and delegation fronl the respective Grand Royal Arch Chapters."

There \vere fifty-three votes for adoption and thirty against. The Grand Chapters of Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, l\.labanla, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana, l'vfissauri, l\lichigan, .Li\rkansas, Io,;va and California voted in the affirnlative. ()n the negative side \vere the Grand Chapters of l\laine, N e\v I-Iatnpshire, Connecticut, N e\v York, l\faryland, Georgia and 1"exas. I~oIIo\ving the adoption of this resolution, another was adopted recognizing the right of appeal fronl decisions of the General C-;rand I-ligh I)riest to the General Grand Chapter, "'\vhich alone can, in the last resort, by vote of t\vo-thirrls of the ll1enlbers present, dt~terl11ine 'vhat is the 1Jasonic la \V or CllSt0I11" but providing that the resolution should have no operation or effect in Grand or subordinate Chapters. On the concluding day of the convocation, Albert I?ike presented a series of constitutional anlendnlents \vhich, under the la \V, had to lie over until the next Triennia1. i\t its convocation inl'Jay, 1859, our Grand Chapter instructed its delegates "to vote not only for the anlcndments to the Cieneral Grand constitution, as published in our Proceedingsc>f 1857, but such others as Illay or have been proposed, as have for their object t~ prql~ction of the sovWignty of the se'leral State GrCl,ud Ch<\1lters."

The 1'riennial held at Chicago, Septen1ber, 1859, adopted the 路cotlstitutional alnendnlentspropose:.I by Albert l?ike in 1856, the quotation of a single paragraph frolll Section 2, i\rticle I, is sufficient to indicate their purport: H'The Ciencral Grand Chapter receives all its p()\vers, prerogatives; by grant and delegation, froul the seyeral Chapters; and it can have and possess no other po'wers are expressly granted and delegated to it by thern, or

faculties and State Grand than such as as are indis-




JAS. E. CARTER Grand High Priest, 1872-73




pensably necessary to the exercise of its general po\vers, and consistent ''lith the nature of the confederation between the State Grand Chapters. It can exercise no doubtful powers, nor any povvers by implication 111erely; and all 1-1asonic powers not hereby granted to it are reserved to the Grand and. Subordinate Chapters of the several states." 1

The adoption of the . A . .lbert Pike anlendn1ents preserved the life of the General Grand Chapter as a nation-wide body, but at the san1e til11e rnade a revolutionary change in the nature of that body and its po\vers. Just before the close of the Triennial, Albert Pike presented a resolution, \vhich ,vas unanimously adopted, inviting the Grand Chapters of . \ / irginia, Florida and Pennsylvania,2. "to unite with their peers now represented in this General Grand Chapter, under the present constitution" and also inviting the Grand Chapters of Kentucky and North Carolina,=~ '"to rescind their action by which they have endeavored to withdra\v froIl1 this union of Grand Chapters."

1\n<1 stilL the Grand Chapter of l\lissonri had not had its last say_ (~rand I-1igh ]?riest \\7illian1 R. Penick" in his annual address, :\,Jay, 1862, recoll1111ended "the passage of an ordinance at this convocation, severing our connection \vith the General Grand Chapter of the United States. Its triennial tneeting is ch)se at hand, and if \ve are represented, as usual, 1 'W""hen section t,vo was first voted on, it failed to receive the necessary two-thirds vote. On that roll-call the following Grand Chapters voted for adoption: Ohio, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Michigan, Arkansas, 'VViSC(H1Sin, Iowa, California and New Jersey. Those voting ag~l.inst adoption were: Massachusetts, "rermon.t, Connecticut, New York, Louisiana and Texas. Maine and Maryland, each cast onâ‚Ź' vote for and three against. On a reconsideration the following. day (16 Sept(~n1ber, 1859) ~ection two was adopted. On that roll-call thefollowing Grand Chapters voted for adoption: New Hampshire~ 1\fassachusetts, Ohi(), South. Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee. Indiana, Illinois, l\IiRsissil>l>i, Missouri, Michigan, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Iowa, California, New Jersey. Those voting" against adoption were: Vermont, Connecticut, Louisiana and Texas. The tol .. lo\\ring" Orand Ghar)ters split their votes, ea<:.~h voting two for and two against; l\-Iaine, N~:~w York; while Maryland voted one for and t","o against. 'l'he r(,~presenh'\.tive of Mjnnesot~l. Chapter, located at St. Paul, \;vhich held its charter under the General Grand Chapter~




"rIle Grand Chapter8 of \"'irginia and. Pennsylvania have never been nlenlbers of the General G'rand Chaptel¡. a The Grand Chapters of Kentueky and North Carolina had "withdrawn" fX-OIl1 tIle General Gr1l.nd Chapter following the Triennial of 185(). Thf'Y aft(~rwards reRumed their Il1embership in the General Grand ChaI)ter. 2




we \vill be giving encouragelnent to an institution that has divested itself of all po\ver to do good or harm, and is therefore useless. As the General Grand Chapter has decided that a State Grand Chapter cannot withdravl on its own act, I would advise the ordinance to be passed in the form of a request."

The con1111ittee to which the address \vas referred in its report urged "the Grand Chapter to instruct the delegation or representation, from this state, to use all lawful tneans for the vvithdrawal of the Grand Chapter of Missouri from the General Grand Chapter".

The report \vas adopted, but the Grand Chapter of l\lissotlri, destined to ,;vield a powerful and helpful influence in the General Grand Chapter, continued in full fellovJ'ship an10ng its peers. Six years later, (Septen1ber, 1868) the triennial convocation of the General Grand Chapter \vas held in the City of Saint Louis. 1"'he war was over: "There was good cheer and good fellowship, and the cohesive power of our brotherhood was beautifully illustrated by the p.erfect hartnony \vhich prevailed~'-

so reported Grand IIigh Priest lVIartin Collins, in his annual address to OUf Grand Chapter, the 1110nth follo\ving.

The Revision of 1861 The action of the General Grand Chapter in 1859, recognizing its constituents as sovereigns, ll1ade necessary for all of then1 certain changes in their la\vs. 1""\he next convocation of our Grand Chapter convened in Saint Louis in I\Jay, 1860, and a COll1111ittee of three "vas appointed "to revise the constitution and by-Ia\vs" and report the follo\ving year.. 1~hi5 cOlnll1ittee consisted of JOh11 W. Crane, Grand I-ligh Priest elect, chairnlan, Joseph l:i'oster. and l\nthony O'Sullivan, Grand Secretary, and the report of this COll1111ittee \"Vas the first important order of business, 22 J\..:Iay, 1861, when it was read by sections, aluended, and adopted as anlended.. Mention should be ll1acle of "Vvhat SOine \vould call "nlerely a technicality" in t.he procedure connected \vith the adoption of this revision, as \vell as the revision of 1850. 1'he rules and regulations in force at the tinle, required any alteration oranlencltnent to be read on two several days and then voted npon. Both the revisions caIl1e on the floor through C0t111nit-



XENOPHON RYLAND Grand High Priest, 1873-74





tee report, ,vere read, discussed, anlenc1ed and adopted, all on one clay. Beginning vvith the revision of 1885, our byla\vs have had路 special provisions respecting the adoption of revisions and legalizing the procedure sanctioned by long practice.

Our F'irst COl'tstitution Although the resolution of 1860 calleel for a revision of the constitution, our Grand Chapter had no constitution, as has been pointed out, but inasnluch as it had becon1e a sovereign, it \vas entitled to one, and the C0111111ittee provided a constitution, or, it l1light be said, they revised the lack of a constitution. This constitution consisted of only t\venty \:vords, and for brevity and sinlplicity probably excelled any other; it read: "The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of 1vIissouri is the SUprell1e head of Royal Arch }'1asonry within the State of 1Gssouri."

This silnple statelnent declared the sovereignty of the Grand Chapter of IVTissouri in 1861 and continued to be its constitutionul1til l\Jay, 1880.

General Regulations Follo\ving the constitution ,vel~e the hl\~'S of the Grand Chapter, \vhich \vere tern1ed H(1eneral I{egt11ations", and \vere divided into articles and sections. I n the first article \vere contained the regulations applicable to the Grand Chapter. 1'hese increased the elective officers of the Grand Chapter so as to include a C;rancI Captain of the ITost and a Grand Royal l\rch Captain. i\S a ll1atter of fact, the Grand Chapter line had included these 1.\\"0 offices since ~1ay, 1854, follo\ving the an1cndnlent in Septenlber, 185~, of the General Grand Chapter constitution \vhich added such offices to its o\vn line as \vell as to the Grand Chapter lines. 'Vhy the office of Grand I)rincipaI Sojourner \vas not created is an eniglna. 'I'he Grand Chapter ,vas declarec} to consist of the elective officers, the II igh I)riests, I(ings and Scribes or their proxies, and the I)ast (~randlTigh l)riests, Deputy Grand lligh "Priests, Kings and Scribes as theretofore. The Ctlstonl of having an annual address by the Grand 11igh



Priest \'laS 111ade the la \v. The standing C0111nlittees of the Grand Chapter \vere as before, except the C0111nlittee on Finance \vas elitninatec1, presu111ably because its functions overlapped those of the COll11nittees on 'V\l ays and l\Teans and on Secretary's and Treasurer'ls "Books. The duties of the conU11ittees ,vere still undefined, and the C0111tl1ittee on Correspondence had no recognition in the\vritten lavv. The Grand Secretary's salary \vas fixed at t\VO htlndrec1 and fifty dollars per anllunl, \vhich \vas the anl0unt custo111arily appropriated under the old la\v. The po\vers of the Grand High Priest \vere not defined, except that he and the Deputy Grand High Priest \vere given authority to grant dispensations for ne\v Chapters, in recess, on petition of nine regular Royal r\rch J\lasons, in good stan(ling in their 131ue I~odges, etc. 1"'he second article included all other regulations and \vas chiefly elevoted to the law relative to subordinate Chapters. 'rhe first section required proxies to be rnenlbers of the Chapter represented and the proxy of the High I)riest to be of equal rank.. The annual returns \vere required to sho\\7 detailed particulars about the Chapter and its activities,\vith the nanles of officers, rnen1bers, and COlllpaniol1s acltnitted, demitted, etc., during the year.. Presu111ably this section had its origin in a resolution adopted l\'lay, 1857, \vhich directed the C;rand Secretary to have a printed fornl prepared f()r the annual returns.. Chapters.. "LT. D., \vere required to send ttl' a transcript of their \'lark and a copy of the by-la\\ts.Chartered Chapters do not appear ever to have been required to suhtnit t~..~,拢I!J2i!"S, and in this respect the early practices of the (;rand Chapter differed ,videl)" f ronl those of the (~ral1d Liodge, \vh(~re the tran..S,,\.!:ipts \vere strictly required and \vere closely scrutinized by the C0111111ittec. 'I'he sources of revenue of the (~rand (:hapter \vere the saIne, \vith theac1dition of a charge of ten dollars for a charter to the already existing charge of ninety dollars for a dispensati()n. Secti()n tt~n required petitions fc)r the degrees tel lJe in \vriting, signed l)y the ar)plicant, presented to the C"har)ter at a stat{~d ll1CHlthly convocatl()n and lie over to the next stated 111()nthly COI1V()catioll, tlnd the petitioner ,vas required to l)e 路'at the tilne a nl{~l11ber ()f SOll1e I.,odge of :\Iaster l\lasons, and in the active discharge c)f all hisl\Ias()nic duties" Ie




RUFUS E.. ANDERSON Grand High Priest, 1874-75




One clear ballot entitled the petitioner to all the Chapter degrees, "provided, that, for good cause, the Chapter tuay at any stage stop his further progress".. The ll1inin1ull1 fee for the degrees "vas fixed at t\venty-fi ve dollars and Chapters \vere prohibited fron1 giving credit for the fees or any part thereof. Provision was ll1ade for diulits. Chapters \vere forbidden to confer the degree of Past 1faster t'on a l\laster l\Iason ll1erely for the purpose of qualifying hill1 to preside as l\-faster of a Syn1bolic Lodge" and it \vas further provided that no one "shall be present at the con ferring of the degree of Past Master in any Chapter under this jurisdiction \vhen opened on the degree of Past 1faster, \vho has not regularly received the 1Jark and Past Master's degrees".

i\nllual elections were required to be held at the first regular convocation in Decen1ber. In lieu of a "trial code" the regulations sinlply stated that: "The la \VS of the Grand l . odge ()f Ivfissouri, under the head of 'Trials and .A,ppeals' shall goYcrn, as near as the different structure of the two bodies \V~ll pennie'.

Section nineteen set forth: "That all the provisions of Article III of the General Grand constittltion, title, 'of the SuhordinateChapters' and not herein specifically set forth, shall he considered as part of these sections and ofeqt1al binding force .and effect".

1'he Illost hnportant of 511Ch provisions ,\vas: "It shall not be d(~ell1ed regular for any Cha!)ter to confer the degrees of the Chapter upon any person \"hosefixed place of abode is within any other state in \vhich there is a Chapter regularly established, except by the consent of the Chapter nearest the place of residence of said applicant".

'rhis ll1USt be read in connection vvith section sixteen, In order to arrive at an understanding of the la\v, relative to jurisdiction over petitioners: "IN0 candidate residing in any city or place where a Royal i\rch Chapter is held shall be exalted in any other Chapter without a recollullcndation f1"Oln the Chapter nearest to his place of residence; llor shall any Chapter confer any degree upon a candidate \vho has not had his re~~SiJt1:ce \vithin the jurisdiction of said (~hapter for at least one year preceding his application \vithout special pern1issiol1 frolu the Grand F-ligh Priest".


. A. ..





An ilnportant addition "vas ll1ade to the rules of order in Grand Chapter, nan1ely, "There shall be no appeal fron1 the decision of the Grand High IJriest". This rule, it is believed, conforu1ed to ancient usage and precedent. It continued as the law of our Grand Chapter until the revision of 1885. The rule, hovvever, was not consonant .\vith the sovereignty of the Grand Chapter, \vhich "vas probably the reason it v"as eventually discarded. It has already been noted that in 1856 the General Grand Chapter, by resolution, abrogated a sinlilar rule vvith reference to decisions of the General Grand High Priest. The Triennial of 1859 confirn1ed that resolution in the adoption of the follovving constitutional an1endn1ent: "An appeal shall in all cases lie to the General Grand Chapter, fro1l1 the decisions of the ~1.E. General Grand High Priest; but his opinion and decisions shall stand as the j udglnent of the General Grand Chapter' unless it is otherwise detertuined by the concurrent vote of t\VOthirds of all the Inetnbers present".

. .4ppointTtZeltt of Grand Lecturer lTnder the !)rovisiollS of Section 30 there \vas to he a Grand Lecturer appointed annually (by \VhOn1 appointed \vas not stated) , "who shall exen1plify the \vork and lectures of Royal . .t \rch 1\.fasonry before the Grand Chapter at each annual convocation. Subordinate Chapters requiring his services shall pay hhn such cotnpensatioll as may be l11utually agreed upon between theln".

..4 ntendntertts, H Ott' .1.4 dopted 'I'he concluding Section of the I<egulatiolls, provided that: "No alterations or anlenchllents shall be tnade to these regulations, exc~pt they be reduced to vvriting, read on two several days of the convocation, then printed \vith the proceedings, and SUbll1itted to the subordinate Chapters and, if approved, at the next annual COI1"c)cation they shall becarne la\v, not other\vise".

Petitions, Change in Tinle 1'he Civil \\r ar period brought but one change in the (-;rancl Chapter la\\,'. There l11ay have been reasons for the desire,




C. F.LE.:\V"ITT Grand High Priest 1875-7n

evidenced in the Hlnendrnent adc)pted, U) burry the petItlons throngh the tllill. . \ t all events, the C()l1y()cation of l\1 ay * 1863, changed the la\v SC) that T)ctitirll1S had to lie over only frOIl1 one stated conv()cation tf) atHOlther, and not for one


Kentucky l\lot t()Receit~(? the Petition~ In his annual address, 1\lay, 18(i4, (;nllHl IIigh F)riest Jcunes ~. JJl1rnes, staterl that "In cOnfOrIl1ity to a linc (Jf distinguished precedents, [ have, in S{~V足 era! instanceS,i granted p(~rlnissi()ll to Chapters .in l~{'ntt1cky to confer the degrees upon brethren in the stH.ltheastcrn l'H~rtic~n of th(~ stat(~ \vhere no Chapt(~rs are at \,vc)rk".

'rhe \vaivers ()f jurisdiction referrccl ic), pr()hably resl1lt(~d frolll the action ()f our (~rand (~IUlr)ter in :\Jay, 1854, in resolving: HT'hat this C;rand Chnpter does lH)t recognize the right (]f any Chapter out of this state to confer the degTecs on any I~rother 'l\[,lson living \\'ithin this jurisdiction, and that the Grnlld Chapter of !{en-




ttlcky be fraternally requested to direct the Chapters under her jurisdiction not to receive the petition of any J\.1aster 11ason resident in this State".

The issuance of a dispensation to Charleston Chapter, at Charleston, IV[issouri, 18 August, 1866, nlade it possible for the Brethren in that section to petition a Missouri Chapter for the degrees.

Military Chapters Not Recognized Janles A. H. Lanlpton as Grand High Priest in his annual address, J\;lay, 1865, voiced the opinion that persons ll1ade IZoyal Arch 1\1a50ns in Field or :I\lilitary Chapters had no l\lasonic standing as !{oyal ..~rch l\Iasons. He \vas sustained, and properly so, by the Grand Chapter.*

..:4dditiOltal Chang(?s



.Prior to l\Iay, 1866, the business of the annual convocations of the (~rand (~hapter could be entered upon as soon as representatives of three Chapters \vere present. i\S the C.hapter foIl had hecoine 1l1uch 1110re lengthy, the regulations \vere ~l1nended at that tillle and the nUlllber increased froll1 three to seven. T'he 111ininlu111 fee for the degrees \vas also raised fron1 t\ventyfive to thirty dollars. And, 1Âť)" resolution, the Grand lligh Priest \vas authorized to appoint three ])eputy Grand Lecturers, but no provision \vas Inade for their expenses. This action preceded by only a short period the death of Grand Lecturer and (~rand Secretary \vha departed this Ii fe 11Aii~lst, 1866. The resolution \vas offered by.g.~~~.~~~.g~~~o~ l\nderson, \vho later beC<1111e C;rand l-ligh F)riest and \vho \vas for 111:111Y years one of the great figures in l\lissonri Freel11asonry.



in Cha])ter Jurisdiction

1'he annual address of (jrandFligh I)riest 1lartin Collins, in October, 1868, contained phrases \vhich have a fcuniliar ring: *The interesting sul)ject of ArnlY Lodg'es and Arrny-nlade !vfa.sons is dealt with at length in I'Glvil vVar and l\hu;onry in l\;Hssouri" by Ray V. Denslow, published, IH30, l)y the Gra.nd I.Jodge of l\lissouri.




"Such questions, constantly occurring, could as easily be answered by the officers and Cotnpanions of the Chapter, if they were fan1iliar \vith our la \Vs and regulations, \vithout the delay \vhich 111Ust necessarily follow a reference to the Grand High Priest".

He reported only one decision: "That before a Chapter could receive and entertain such a petition (froln a brother ,vhose Lodge membership \vas in another jurisdiction), the Chapter under whose local jurisdiction the applicant holds InelUbership in the Lodge should be notified and requested to waive jurisdiction over hitn".

This decision \vas not tllentioned in the report of the COll1ll1ittee to \vhich the address was referred. Just before the close of the convocation, Rt1fllS-E..~....~nderson offered a resolution, ~"hich \vas adopted, declaring the la\v to be: "That I.. odge tnen1bership has nothing to do \vith Chapter j urisdic.tion, and jf an affili(tted~ifaster l\fason has resided one year \vithin the j nrisdictiol1 of any subordinate Chapter in this jurisdiction, said Chapter thereby acquires jurisdiction over hinl, and has the right to entertain his petition and act npon the sanle".

The Revision



,J;~t the convocation of Octol)er, 1869, a C0l11111ittee \vas app(linted"to revise and digest the regulations of the Grand Chapter" consisting of GeorgeP"rank (jouley, the C~rand Secretary, as chairnulll; Janles ,.,t\.. H. I."anlptOt1, Past, Grand High Priest, and I). N. 13urgoyne, lIigh I)riest of l\Iissouri Chapter No.1. i\t the sanle tinle another C01l1t11ittee ,vas appointed "to revise the Grand Lecture systenl" consisting of (~eorge Frank C;ouley, chair111~ltl; 'fhol11aS l~. C}arrett, the (~rat1d Lecturer, and also l?ast C;rand 'Fligh Priests, and Janles E. Carter, I(ing of Jefferson C~ity Chapter No. 34 (elected Grand Fligh I)riest, ()ctober, 1872).

l"he revision adopted in ()ctober, 1870, ,vas the cOll1bined 'vvork of these t,vo cOl111nittees. No change\\tas nHlde in the constitution. 'I'he C;eneral Regulations \vere divided into three articles.. 'I'he first article had to do vvith the Grand Chapter. Its ll1enlbership \vas I11aterially changed by conferring the privilege of 111en1bershi!) upon "Past ,High Priests \vho have served as l~igh Priests for at least




JOSEPH: S. BRO\'V"'NE Granel High Priest, 1876..77




tV\relve nl0nths over a regularly chartered Chapter in this jurisdiction, so long as they continue ll1clnbers of Chapters in this jurisdiction".

The only change \vith reference to the tinle and place of the annual convocation \vas to nlove the first day for\vard froll1 \\r ednesday to Thursday preceding the Grand Lodge con1111unication. '"fhis \vas done in order to give all of \\Tec1nesday to the Grand COll1111anc1ery. Prior to this revision no tinle was fixed for the annual election and the practice ,vas to fix the tinle by resolution or 111otion. The revision COnl111ittee inserted a provision fixing the second day as the tillle for tl1e election. Heretofore, each stlbordinate Chapter had three votes in Grand Chapter; on account of the voting privilege accorded the Past I-ligh I?riests and to 111aintain "the balance of power", the nunlber of votes per Chapter vvas increas~sl to five. The 111ethod of voting by ballot was by t\\'o r()ll-c~ji~'~"~the first a call of the (~hapters, and the second, a call of the individuals entitled to vote; the result \vas ascertained hy totaling the t\VO calls. The standing cotnnlittees ren1ained the saIne and their duties \vere not defined. Section 10 gave belated recognition in the \vritten 1a\v tC) the inlportant COl11111ittee on Correspondence; the 1a\v did not speci fy ho\v ll1any should constitute the COll1111ittee.N 0 itl1portant addition \vas 1l1acle to the defined po\vers of the Grand I-I igh I)riest. rrhe sources of Grand Chapter revenue \vere unchanged. '"fhe salary of the Grand Secretary \-vas again tl1ade to (lel)end upon the pleasure of the Grand Chapter in appropriating each year. /\ new section, \vith reference to the pay-roll, prol>ably reflects cc>nditions of the tinle, viz: "The Grand Secretary shall not dra\v a \varrant on the payroll foJ' any delegate \vho absents hiIl1sel f fron1 the C;rand Chapter before its close, except by pennission ()f the presiding officer or the Grand ChHpter."

i\rticle II had to do with the (jrand I~ecturer Hnd,vas the \vork, not of the revision con1t11itt;~:-1)tlt of the special Cotn.. l11ittee heretofore 111cntioned. It provided that the C~rand I~ectt1rer should IJe appointed annually by the (jrand I-ligh Priest, and that the (~rancl I.(ecturer should appoint such nunlbel" of Deputy or l)istrict Lecturers as necessary. The (;1"and Lecturer's cornpensatiol1 \vas l)y appropriation of the Grand

路 634



Chapter, and the Deputies were to be paid "such c01l1pensation as ll1ay be agreed upon betvveen thenl and the Chapters". The Grand Lecturer was not, by virtue of his office, a tnenlber of the Grand Chapter. The concluding article contained the law, relative to subordinate Chapters and 111iscellaneous matters. No change was made in the law, relative to jurisdiction over petitioners for the degrees, except that the principle of concurrent jurisdiction was recognized in those cOll1munities ,vhere more than one Chapter existed. One clear ballot entitled the petitioner to all the degrees, "provided that a ll1enlber of the Chapter nlay at any stage stop his further progress by objection". Definite rules governing ditnits vvere establ1shed for the first tinle, in requiring \vritten application, in HUlking the din1it date 拢ro111 the tillle of the Chapter record granting the sanle and in providing that a clirnitted 111enlber to be restored ll1t1st petition, etc. Another itnportant section; which "vas new to the \vritten regulations, was: "An elected and installed officer cannot resign or dinlit during the titne for which he ,vas elected, viz., until his stlccessor is duly elected and installed".

The "trial code" \vas still, by adoption, the Grand Lodge . law on the S11 b j ect, as in the previous revision. 1\;f nch di fficulty seeU1S to have been experienced in relation to the holding of Chapter elections. This revision required thenl to be held at the last regular convocation prior to the 27th day of Decenlber, and gave the Grand High Priest power to grant dispensation for special elections, "when in his judgn1ent the best interests of the Chapter detnand if'. In this connection it is interesting to note that the Grand Chapter, October, 1877, approved a decision of Grand High Priest Joseph S. 13rowne, in 'which. he held that . no regular business of a Chapter 111ight be transacted on the 24th day of June or the 27th day of .Decen1ber (the days of the Holy~aint~Iohn) unless the by-la \VS specify thenl as elates for regular convocations.. The reason underlying this decision apparently was that those days \vere then reserved for celebration in the SY1l1bolic Lodges. I t is a regrettable fact that the observation by l\Iasons of the days



WM. R.. STtJBBl,lEFIELD Grand High Priest, 1877..78





of the Holy Saints John is no longer the general CUSt0111 of

the Craft in IVlissouri. The 1110cle of an1encling the regulations \vas changed. 1""'he process of having proposals lie over one year \vas s\vept a\vay, and under this revision, the proposal had to be read on t\YQ several days and its adoption COnSl1111n1ated by t\vo-thirds of the votes of the Chapters present. "rhose \vho voted as individuals \\Jere given no voice. Article III of the General Grand constitution \vas Incorporated by reference as in the previous revision. 1"'1he rules of order vvere unchanged, but they \vere no longer an integral part of the General I<.egulations, ancI appeared as a separate body of la"v. 1""he standing resolutions, arranged chronologically, follo\ved the rules of order.

Use of Substitutes

l\t the revision convocatiC)11 (1870,),


IIig"h l)riest JOh11

li'letcher J-Iollston announced a decision \vhich has ever since been the la \v of this jurisdiction. IIe ans\vered in the afIirlnative the question, '"Is it la\vflll to use substitutes in conferring the l~oyal .路 \rch degree"? and added that "this practice has obtained in this jurisdiction for over t\venty years, to 111)" kno,vledge". ]"he C0I111l1ittee to \Vh01l1 the address \vas re.ferred, consisting of I>rofessor ()ren l{oot, J f., of the University of l\lissouri, a Past Grand I-ligh I)riest, and the I{ev. erend l.fansing 13urro\vs, D. I)., I-ligh f)ricst of I..exington Chapter, No. 10, and Elias r)arrott, Scribe of CaIne ron Chapter, 路U. D., approved the decision and subtnitted a resolution, adopted by the Grand Chapter, decl:lring that "substitution is not opposed to the Land:narks of Capitular wIasonry; that \vhile it is desirable to huye a full class; yet substitution is fully allo\vable" .

The Grand I-ligh Priest cited precedents to sustain his position, anl0ng others, the fact that substitution had been practiced in 1Iassachusetts since 1769. .f\ negative precedent, which he did not n1entiot1, but vvhich probably reflected the CtlStOll1 in ll1any jurisdictions, \vas the action of the General Grand Chapter, \vhich at its convocation of 1847, tabled a

resolution, ,vhich declared:



"That the charge given to the High Priest of a Chapter at his installation, in the follo\\'ing \vords, 'That you \vill never suffer either Inore or less than three brethren to be exalted in your Chapter at one and the same dIne' shall be literally construed".

N ot\vithstanc1ing the revision of 1870 contained the provision that a petition for the degrees nlust lie over {roln one stated convocation to the next, and the revision of 1861 had the provision that the petition n1ust lie over at least until the next stated 111011th1y convocation, there \vas printed in the revision of 1870, a standing resoluti.on \vhich had been adopted in 1851, declaring: "That the po\ver to grant dispensations to confer degrees under this jurisdiction, rests alone \vith the Grand High Priest, or the Grand Chapter \vhile in session".

The I)eputy (~ranc1 I-I igh I)rie~l, al:ting as Grand High I)riest during the al)sence of the latteI:,\Jronl the state, granted a dispensation relying on the resolution. 'I'he Inatter canle berare the C;'rand Chapter, in ()ctober, 1872, and \vas "ironed out" by a forlnalrescission~",pJ th~ ancient resolution. i\t the Seune convocatit~~ I' rand Eligh I)riest Joseph 1\1. C~eneral (:;'rand Chapter had requested ann un1f()reach l~oyal expenses. first to have been \vere one of fixed the titne for C~rand Chapter elections "after the transaction () f all other business" and the other changed the n1cthod of anlending the regulations by requiring the propos,l1 to be read tvvice-and not on t\VO several days.

""""""""""""",<"""""""""."","",,,i,,,,,i,+,,,~,,,,,,,,,, ,4,v""",

Sonte lnterestirtg . 4p/>eals ~r\VO

interesting cases canle before theConullittee on(~riev足 anres, I(lt[ll~,~:t~l\nclersont chairl11H.n, inC)ctol)er, 187.3. In one of'''tfi'ese cases, the con1111ittee on reading the charges, \vas inlpressed \vith the .fact that they \vere too vague, and announced, that '''\then it is sought to take a l11an's 1Iasonic life frC)t11 hint, the charges and specifications should be specific and full, so as to fully apprise hitn of\vhat he has to defend againsf'.

1"'1he case vvas sent ba.ck for a ne\v trial, and the subordinate




NOAH M. GIVAN Grand High Priest, 1878路80




Chapter, having ll1ade the charges 1110re definite and certain, held another trial and expelled the accused, who took another appeal to the Grand Chapter, which in the following year (1874) affir111ed the judgnlent.. The other case was one in which C0111panion C., the accused, was charged with disobeying a sUlllmolls-evidently a Sunl1110nS directed to him in connection with the l1on-paynlent of dues. The service of notice of the trial was ll1ade by delivering the notice to the wife of the accused. The trial was ex parte. The COll1111ittee held the attenlpted路 service of notice of the trial was 110 service at all, it not having been nlade according to law, and that the action of the Chapter was null and void as it had not acquired jurisdiction. No further action in the case \vas taken by the Chapter. 1'he sequel to the case is to be found in the Proceedings for 1874. C0111panion C. was a ll1enlber of路 Chapter X, which surrendered its charter during the Civil \Var. 'I'he charter vvas restored after the war and, evidently,Con1!)anion C. had been "counted" as one of its ll1ell1bers, although he never paid any dues after the restoration of the charter. Prior to his decease, Cornpanion C. had been a non-affiliated 1faster Mason for six or eight years. Besides, it seenlecl, that C0I11panion C. had openly and publicly renounced his allegiance to and denot1nced the institution of Freenlasonry. In February, 1874, COl1lpaniol1 C. was taken sick at another City in this state, where Chapter Y. was located, and shortly afterwards died tl1ere. COll1panion C. was cared for by Chapter Y. and that Chapter buried hinl with Ivfasonic honors, all without notice to or authority fronl ChapterX. Chapter X. declined to reinlburse Chapter y~ for the expenses it had incurred. Grand High Priest Xenophon Ryland in disposing of the I11atter first declared that tl1ere was no such thing as <:,:,!;.~,Et~I:"iJ)ur~al, and he then decided that COll1panion C. had no clain1s upon the Fraternity, and that ChapterY.. had 110 legal clain1 against Chapter X., as it had acted without any authority or consent, and, in fact, '\\rithout 1l1aking any enquiry as to the status of Conlpanio11 C.




Decisions of Judge Ryland Other decisions of Judge Ryland are notable. The first decision annoullcp.d in his annual. address (1874) vvas to the effect that a Conlpanion is eligible to the office of fligh Priest, \vithout first having served as IZing or Scribe. In this, it is to be noted, he did 110t follow the analogous rule of the Sytl1bolic Lodge, but rested his decision on ,\That he deenled to be the prevalent custom and the路 lack of necessity for any other rule. He also ruled that objection to advancel11ent need not include the reasons therefor and ll1ay be 111ade verbally or in \vriting and should be 111ac1e a 111atter of record in the nlinutes and renlain in force "so long as the objector refuses to\vithdra\v it and relnains a I11enlber of the Chapter". 'fhis decision clarified the \vritten la\v on the subject. l.. . or years the ht\v had been that "not less than five tnenlbers of the Chapter shall be nccesasry to ballot or transact other business; and no Chapter shall l~led unless there be present at least nine regular Royal .i\rch l\"fasol1s".

I-Ie decided that under this regulation a Chapter 11.1ight not retnain open for the transaction of business unless nine Con1. panions continued to be present, at least five of \\ThOn1 l11Ust be l11enlbers of the . Chapter. i\lthough the regulations enlpo\vered the Grand l-lighPriest to grant dispensations to Chapters to receive petitions of Brethren vvho had resided under the jurisdittion of the Chapter less than one year, Judge I{yland refused to grant such dispensations, thinking that one year's residence 'vas short enough, and at his suggestion the regulations \vere anlended and this povver \vas taken frorn the Grand I-ligh Priest. i\S a solution of the problenl arising over invasion of jurisdiction, he required the invading Chapter to apologize to and pay over the fees for the degrees to the Chapter \vhose jurisdiction it had invaded.






I~nfus E. t\nclerson, heretofore l1lentioned, presided as Grand }Tigh Priest at the convocation of ()ctober, 1875. i\n unique case had arisen during his adnlinistratiol1. C0111panion X. had been suspended by a Chapter Up011 being found guilty of 11lis-



,J AlV1 Ej3



Grand High Priest,






appropriating Chapter funds. The suspension was for two years and until C0111panion X. ll1ade refund and satisfactory apology to the Chapter. At a later convocation of the Chapter and before the ternlS of the sentence had been cOll1plied with, and \vithout notice, on nl0tion of a 11lel11ber and by ll1ajority vote, the Chapter voted to reinstate COll1panion X. Judge Anderson declared the action of the Chapter null and void, on the ground that as a prerequisite to reinstatenlent, C0111panioll X. should have petitioned the Chapter therefor, and. that such a petition ll1Ust lie over, the ll1enlbers be notified, and that a t\vo-thirds vote was necessary to grant the petition. Another very interesting question was dealt \vith in his address. "rhe doctrine of perlnanent jurisdiction had been approved in the General C~rand Chapter by the adoption of a resolution declaring that \vhen a petitioner for the degrees had been rejected by any Chapter, 110 other Chapter could confer the degrees upon hi111 without first obtaining the consent of the rejecting Chapter, if still in existence. Judge Anderson denounced this doctrine as "utterly at variance witll \vell settled principles of :rvlasonic Jurispruclence", declared that the Grand Chapter of 1fissouri was the suprenle head of Capitular l\lasonry in l\lissouri, and that its la\v prevailed in this jurisdiction, nan1ely : "any candidate rejected for the degrees 11lay rene\v his petition in the nearest Chapter to his residence, after the lapse of six n10nths".

./\s to the particular question \vhich had been presented to hinl, he, ho\vever, decided that the consent of the rejecting Chapter could be voted by show of hands, the Inajority ruling. Another question of jurisdiction had arisen.. A 1ifissouri Lodge had waived jurisdiction in favor of an Iowa Lodge. The Chapter in Io\va located at the seat of the Io\va I..,.odge, then set up the clainl that as Iowa was the l\lasonic hOlne of the brother in question, as to his I 0dge 1l1etnbership, that it had jurisdiction to receive his petition for the Chapter degrees without \vaiver froll1 the l\Iissouri Chapter in \vhose jurisdiction he resided. It \vas decided, of course~ that the Blue Lodge ~Naiver was not binding on the l\1:issouri Chal)ter and that its waiver \vot11d also be necessary in order to give the Iowa Chapter jurisdiction. 4




Change in Tinte of Annual Convocation At this convocation (1875), the first of a series of anlendll1ents to the regulations \vas proposed concerning the change of time of the annual convocation. After a long struggle, the law was changed and the annual sessions of the Grand Chapter and the Grand Lodge were divorced and held at different seasons of the year, the Grand Lodge in the fall and the Grand Chapter in the spring. As a result, the Grand Chapter held no convocation in the year 1879, and nineteen 1110nths elapsed bet"\veen the convocation of October, 1878, when the amendInent was finally adopted, and the next convocation which occurred in l\1ay, 1880. DecisiOlls and Changes in Law .l\nother controversy over jurisdiction \vas subnlitted to the Con1111ittee on Grievances, in October, 1876, Sanluel Ii. O\vens, chairn1an. l\. brother residing in 10''''''a had petitioned the 1o\va Chapter in whose jurisdiction he lived and at the place ,vhere he had received the SYIl1bolic degrees, and his petition was received by the Chapter. He then catne to 1Iissouri, tenlporarily as he thought, and in Ills absence ,vas duly elected to receive the degrees. His affairs then took such a turn that he decided to I11ake his houle in ]\ifissouri. He 111arried a J\lissouri girl and took up his residence in this state. He then went back to Io\~a and received the Chapter degrees and upon this becollling kno\vn, a ]\Iissouri Chapter c0111plained that its jurisdiction had been invaded. The C0111111ittee sustained the Grancl High Priest and held that the Iowa Chapter having had jurisdiction at the titne the petition was received" retained it. i\t this san1e convocation, the regulations were a111ended and Chapters forbidden to confer any degree upon a candidate \vho had not had his residence within the jurisdiction of the Chapter for at least six 1110nths preceding his petition, without a reconunendation froll1 the Chapter in whose jurisdiction such petitioner last resided. ~rhis changed the tinle fron1 one year to six 111011th5 and sul)stituted reC01111l1enclation of the Chapter in lieu of special pernlission fronl the Grand l-ligh Priest.





Grand High Priest,


. .t \






Joseph S. Bro\vne, in his annual address at the conclusion of his ternl as Granel High Priest, October, 18 77, reported two decisions, which ,vere of inlportance as governing ~~rs ~Ld~.t~il in subordinate Chapters: first, that in all cases where the la\v does not require a ballot to be take11, voting is by sho\v of hands; and, second, in balloting on petitions, the ballot box nlay be placed upon the altar, or handed to each 111enlber present, as the High Priest nlay deenl expedient

Decisions of W. R. Stubblefield '[he succeeding Grand High Priest, \Villianl R. Stubblefield,

also Blade decisions of like in11)ortance. In the l11atter of dinlits, he decided that they should be granted \vithout vote, if the COl11panion be clear on the books, and that no objection could be sustained unless it be of a nature \varranting charges of nn111<1sonic conduct., 1-{e also recognized the right of the rligh F>riest to SUlnnlon the Inelullcrs at any tin1e, but rel11arkec1 that "great care should be used in exercising the prerogative".. In the particular case in hane!. a Cornpanion had failed to appear in response to a sunl111ons. f'fhe I-I igh I>riest then SUll11110ned hinl agJ.in to sho\v cause \vhy he had failed to obey the previous 5U1111110ns.. He appeared and said that he forgot about it.. ,.1\ Cotllpanion Illoved that the excuse be received. The High I)riest refused to entertain the 1110tion, but the (~ralld High Priest decided that the Illotion should have been enter-

tainecL Change in Manl'ter of Su..'>pellsion i\t this convocation (18~8) I<ufusE. Anderson caused to be s\vept a \vay the ancient and cunlb~;~~;';;;;;-;;~';thodof handling the ornnipresent prol)lenl ofN. I). I). 'fhe old practice in the Synlbolic Lodge, as well as in the Chapter, \vas to file charges and specifications and otherwise observe the forIllalities ofa 1lasol1ic trial. {.Jnder the aUlencltllent presented by Judge i\I1derson, \vhich \vas duly adopted, the present l1lethod of having the Secretary send a notice requiring the Conlpanion to appear and sho\v cause, etc., \i\tas \vritten into the Grand Chapter law, one of the great for\vard steps in itnproving the 111ethods of conducting the business of 1Iasonic bodies.




The Revisiolt of 1880 The old order had been rapidly changing and still further great changes "vere S0011 to take plact. in the revision \vhich was called for at this convocation. rfhree Past Grand High Priests, Rufus E. Anderson, chairtnan, Joseph S. Bro\vne and Janles Carr, were nanled as the revision con1111ittee, and directed to report at the next regular convocation, May, 1880. The comnlittee had nineteen months in \vhich to do the work. The conl111ittee did nlore than l1lerely revise the regulations; it functioned as a constitutional convention, and its report covered the entire range of Capitular law in a logical !11anner. First canle the constitution, or body of fundanlental la\v; next the Grand Chapter by-laws and rules of order; then the "rules" for the governl11ent of subordinate Chapters, and, finally, the standing resolutions and approved decisions. This report, ,vith S01l1e al11endnlents, was adopted at the convocation of l\lay, 1880. The rnodern period of our Grand Chapter jurisprudence ll1ay be said to date fron1 this tilne. 1~he constitution of 1880 consisted of eight articles. The first article changed the nan1e of OUf Grand Chapter, \vhich had been "Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Missouri", since its establishnlent in 1846, to "Grand Chapter of Royal Arch l\lasons of the State of lv1issouri". 'rhe second article \vas in two sections, in \vhich \vere fully set forth the po\vers and prerogatives of the Grand Chapter as a constitutional l\Jasonic sovereign. 1'he declarations contained in this second article have been carried fOf\Vard in every revision since and are part and parcel of our present constitution \~lithot1t change in any il11portant particular. So in1portant are these declarations, that the entire article is quoted:

POlvers of the Grand Chapter "ARTICLE II. "Section 1. The Granel Chapter of Royal Arch '1,{asons of the State of Missouri is the highest source of authority in Royal Arch Masonry within said state. It clainls, and of right enjoys., the sole governn1ent and superintendence of all Chapters of Royal. Arch 1fasons, and Lodges of Mark, Past and Most }::xcellent Masters, within its jurisdiction.



ERWINELI.lIS Grand High Priest, 1882-83





"Section 2. It has the pO\\Ter"1. To grant dispensations and charters for holding Chapters of Royal Arch l\1asons, with the right to confer therein the several degrees of Masonry denotuinated 1Ylark l\1:aster, Past 1'1 aster, 1.1ost Excellent lvraster and Royal Arch 1fasons, and when cleelued expedient, and for good cause, ll1ay annul, revoke or amend such dispensation or charter or any dispensation or charter hertofore granted by it. "II.路 To assign the lituits of each Chapter under its jurisdiction, and settle all controversies that may arise bet\veen such Chapters; and has the final decision and determination of all 111atters of controversies and grievances that may be brought up by appeal or otherwise. "III. To reprimand, suspend or expel. from its o\vn body, any nlember for a violation of this constitution. or the by-la\Vs and regulations of the Grand Chapter, made in pursuance thereof. "IV. To assess and collect fronl the several Chapters under its jurisdiction such SUIns of nloney, annually. as rnay. fronl titne to titne, be found necessary for the reasonable sllPl)Ort and Inaintenance of the Grand Chapter. "V. 'To supervise the state and condition of its o\vn finances, and adopt such Ineasures in relation thereto as tnay be for the good of the Order. "VI. 'fo n1ake la'\vs and adopt regulations for the govenllnent of the Chapters under its jurisdiction, and at pleasure, alter, amend or repeal the san1e. "V [1. i\t each a11nual convocation to consider and review the reports and doings of the Grand Officers under its jurisdiction. "\'IIL And finally, to consider and do all whatsoever it tnay regard as necessary or appertaining to the well-being and perpetuation of H.oyal Arch ~lasonry in the State of Missouri."

The third article added. the appointive officers to the personnel of the Grand Chapter, excepting the Grand Lecturer, and the f ollo\ving article nanled as elective officers, the fi rst four and the Grand 'rreasurer and Grand Secretary. The other officers \vere to be appointed by the Grand Council and \vere nalned in the follo\ving order: Grand Chaplain. Grand Captain of the I-Iost,Grand l<oyal l\.rch Captain, ("';rand Principal Sojourner, Three Grand 1\1 asters of the \reils and Grand Guard. It is asstlll1ed that the 'Grand l~oyal .t\rch Captain \vas lllade to outrank the Grand I>rincipal Sojourner for the reason that the office of Grand I<.oyal i\rch Captain had been created S0l11e years previously. ,vhile this revision recognized the office of Grand Principal Sojourner for the first tinle. The office of (~rand Sentinel \\raS change(l to C;rand




Guard 111 order to confornl to nonlenclatnre in the General Grand Chapter. I t is of interest to nlention that \vhile this revision provided a full corps of line officers for the Grand Chapter, by creating the offices of Grand IJrincipal Sojourner and Grand l\Jasters of \7 eils, OUf Grand Chapter, had since the Convocation of l\JIay, 1860, al\vays used a full corps of line officers '~for the purpose of opening", as in the General Grand Chapter. The provisions of the revision of 1870 relative to the \yere incorporated in the ne\v constitution, it \vill be recalled, ell1po\verec1 the Gr?ncl High Priest to appcint the Grand Lecturer annually, and did not lllake that officer a lnel11ber of the Grand Chapter by virtue of his office. POlCl~rs

of tIte Gran(Z High })riest

Up to the tinle of the revision under consideration, the regulations had very little to say about the po\vers and duties of the C;rand ITigh IJriest. rrhe CJrancl Chapter seen1S to have proceeded on the theory that these \vere as \vell governed by general usage and cl1stcnn, and that the inCU111bent \vould kno\v the extent of the po\vers and the scope of the duties inherent in the office. 1'hefifth article of the con-. stitution of 1880 defined these po\vers and duties, and because of the irnportance of the subject, is quoted: HSectinn 1. 'I'heGrand I-ligh Priest, by virtue of his office, has a \vatch fu1 care and supervision over the subordinate Chapters in this jurisc1ictic111, and it is his duty to sec that the c(}l1stitutioll, la'ws, rules and edicts of this Grand Chapter are strictly and prornptly observed. "Sec. 2. He has aut.hority, during the recess of the Grand Chapter, to grant letters of dispensation to a cornpetent I1tunber of petitioners residing in this jurisdictioll t and possessing the constitutional qualificati()l1s, {~lnpo\vering' tbern to f()rtl1 and open ("':hapters of Royal Arch ~fasot1s. Such dispensations to be in fc)rce no longer than until the close (),f the next ~lnnual c<Jt1vclcation of the Gr<uld Chapter. "Sec. 3. No dispenstttionfor a ne\v Chapter shall be granted by him except upon the petition of at k~ast nine regular H.oyal Arch 1vlasons; and if such disf>ensation is applied for in the recess of the C;rand Chapter the petition therefc}f tllUst be accornpanied 'with a certificate fr0111 the Chapter nearest the place of the prof)<Jsecl location of the ne'w Chapter, VtHIChing for the 1l1tJral character and!\Iasonic abilities of the petition.. ers, and recol1uncndillg that the dispensation prayed for be granted.




ALEXANDERM.DOCKERY Grand I-Iigh Priest, 1883-84




"Sec. 4. I-Ie has the po\ver to assemble special convocations of the Grand Chapter, \vhenevcr, in his j udgnlent, the harmony and \velfare of the Order dCluand it. "Sec. S. fIe l11ay assenlble subordinate Chapters at pleasure, visit and preside therein, inspect their records and \vork, and give such instructions relative to the sanle as may be necessary to insure a perfect and uni forn1 systenl of the work in the several subordinate Chapters, and require a strict conforlnity to the constitution, rules and edicts of this Grand Chapter. "Sec. 6. He shall d~s;j~!~.""~It,q~~~~!~,~~~,~;",,,~~.}~~ or usage that may be submitted to hitn, subj ect,' .ho\vever, to be affirrned or reversed by the Grand Chapter.. ' "Sec. 7. lIe has the po\ver, with the advice and consent of the Grand Officers associated with hitn in the Grand Council, for good cause, to suspend the labors of a subordinate Chapter, and if necessary, arrest its Charter until the next convocation of the Grand Chapter. "Sec. 8. I-Ie has the pc)\vcr, for an alleged breach of the llloral code and upon proper charges, \vith sp(~cifications thereof, filed \vith him, signed by at least three 11lCtnbers of the (]lapter over \vhich said High Priest presides, to suspend the High Priest fr0I11 the exercise of the functions of his office until the \vill and pleasure of the Grand Chapter can be ascertained. In such case he shall require the High Priest so suspended to appear before the Grand Chapter, at its next annual 111ceting, to ans\ver said charges and specifications, \vhich he shall lay l,cfore the Grand Chapter for its action thereon. "Sec. 9. \Vhenever the office of High Priest, King and Scribe of a Chapter, for any cause, all beCOll1C vacant, the (-;rand High Priest has the p()\ver to appoint fron1 the n1ctnbers of such Chapter a High Priest, K.ing and Scribe to act as such until the next stated election of the Chapter. "Sec. 10. 1-Ie has the power tt) fill all vacancies that rnay occur in any of the offices of the Cirand (~hapter during the recess, and in person or by proxy~ duly constitute and consecrate newly chartered Chapters, and install the (Jfficers therc() f."

Bonds of Grand Tr(>asurerand Grand Secretary 1\n innovatic.JIl allel a [)r(>gressive step fr0111 a business standpoint \vas \vritten into those sections of this article having to do \vith the duties of the (~rand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary. 'T'he forn1cr \vas required to give bond in "double the an10tlnt on hand as sho\vn by the report of his predecessor"', and the latter's bond \vas fixed at two thousand





Revenues of t:heGrand Chapter The seventh article dealt \vith the revenues of the C~rand Chapter anel the til11e honored exaltation -fee of t\\'o dollars does not appear in the ofIiciaI printed copy of the constitution. This article included another useful and business-like innovation in establishing a fiscal year for the subordinate Chapters, ending \vith the last day of l\J arch. Chapters \vere required to nlake annual returns on or before the first day of l\iIay follo\ving the en:l of the fiscal year.

Subordinate Chapters The last article of the constitution \vas the l11()St lengthy of all and applie(l to the snl)ordinate Chapters. l\I nch that had been the ul1\vritten hnv \vas illCOrp()ratecl; for exall1ple, the officers of a subordinate Chapter \vere Sl)ccified. Incidentally, it is of interest 1:<.:> note that the ::\J asters of the \t eils \vere then called C;rand l\Iastersof the \~ eils. 'l'he right of <lppeal ÂŁro111 the dccisic)l1 of a subor(1inate (;hapter ()r its T-ligh I)riest, tC) the C;ralld Char)ter, \vas guaranteec1. It is a rnatter of surprise to note that in this article, 11() restriction as to length of residence \vas nnHle \vith reference to petitioners for the degrees. 1""he sections having to do \vith 111Cll1bership \vere: uS ec. 12. i\lI applications for the degrees or IlICl111Jcrship in a Chapter in this jurisdiction tl1USt be 111ade in \vriting, signed by the applicant, and reCOll1Il1encled by t\'/o l11etnbers (]f the Chapter to 'V"hich application is Inacle, and nHlst then be referred to a conunittee for investigation, and la.1' (sic) over for consideratir>ll for one 1l10nth. "Sec. 13. \:Vhcn a~lY Chapter under t.his jurisdicti(Jn SIUlll have reM jected a petitioner for the Chapter d(.~g;rces, no other Chapter shall receive and exalt such rejected petitioner, until twelve xl10nths shall haveexpin;~d, \vithout having obtained th(~ llnanltnous consent of the Chapter \vhere the petition \vas rejected. USee. 14. No Chapter und(~r this jurisdicthHl shall have the right h) confer any of the Chapter degrees UPC)Il (H1C \\'h()setixed place of residence is at or nearer to another Chapter, \vith()ut first obtaining the consent of such Chapt{;~r, except \vhere t:h(~re arc 1l10re Chapters than one in a city or to\Vl1, then the petitioner Inay have the right to tuake his own selection.

"Sec. 15.

Neither shall it be clCCIl1cd regular for a Chapter in this


CI-IARLIDS C . \VO()DS Grand Iligh !"lriest, 1884路85





jurisdiction to confer any of the Chapter degrees upon one \vhose place of residence is \vithin another state or territory, in which there is a Chapter regularly established; and in case any Chapter should transgress the foregoing provisions, such Chapter shall forfeit and pay over, on demand, to the Chapter nearest the candidate's place of residence, the full amount for such degrees. "Sec. 16. No Chapter under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter shall confer the degrees of l:vfark Master, Past 11aster, 110st Excellent Master, and Royal Arch 1fason, upon anyone \vho is not, at the time, a 1 Iaster 11ason and a men1ber of a Lodge in good and regular standing as such, nor for a less sunl than thirty dollars." 1

Amendment to Constitution The constitution could be altered or anlended by proposal in writing, seconded by a 111ajority of the l1lenlbers present; such proposal then had to lie over to the next annual convocation anel be then adopted by vote of a ll1ajority of all the Inenlbers present.

The By.. Lal,vs The by-la\vs, \vhich consisted of four articles, \vere for the governnlent of the Grand Chapter. The annual convocation, under the first article, \vas required to be opened on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in 11ay, at 10:00 o'clock a. 111., in the City of Saint Louis.. 1"\ quorU111 consisted of representatives of t\venty Chapters. Elections and voting \vere governed by the second article. In all ll1atters, save elections, each n1ell1ber of the Grand Chapter present \vas entitled to one vote. Elections of Grand Officers \vere to be held "at such hour as shall be agreed upon" and the nlethod of voting in elections, first by roll-call of Chapters, and then by roll-call of individuals entitled to vote, \vas preserved. Ho\vever, the nUll1ber of votes to \vhich a Chapter \vas entitled was""!'~4q~~d.,frQnl,fi.v:,e,JQ,,thr~,~. The next article defined the duties of Granel Officers in Grand Chapter. r\ll1ong the duties of' the Grand lIigh I)riest specified \vas the nanling of the standing C0111111ittees on Finance, \lisitors, Grievances, Returns,路 Jurisprudence, Foreign Correspondence,Chapters U. D., and Unfinished Business. 1"he duties and conlposition of these C0111111ittees \vere def1ned. 1"'he concluding article




fixed the Grand Secretary's salary at eight hundred dollars per annUll1, and that of the Grand Treasurer at one hundred and fifty dollars. In this revision, the no\v tinle-honored n"tiJeage and per (!ien1 \vere introduced into our Capitular la \!II. 1 his \vas fairer and 1110re business-like than the old systenl of "expenses". Under this article, each Grand Officer, each Past Granel High Priest and each representative \vas allovveJ l11ileage of four cents and per c1ienl of three dollars, with the proviso that 110 one could dra\v the Satlle in a double capacity and that the an10unt paid representatives of a Chapter should not exceed one-half the clues paid by the Chapter. ..A.nlenclnlents to the by-laws \vere required to be proposed and read to the Grand Chapter, regularly seconded~, and rell1ain one year for consideration and then be adopted by ll1ajority vote of all the tnenlbers present. _.~_.....",.--~w.

Rules GoV(;>,rnillg Subordinate Chapters 1"he rules of order \~l'ere not changed and retnained the satne as in the revision of 1870. 1"he fourth rJivision of the la\v consisted of the rules governing the subordinate Chapters. f\nl0ng the in1portant changes I11ade \vere: 1. Petitioners \\1ho had not taken dinlits for dispensation for a nc\v Chapter did not cease to be luenlbers of their old Chapters unless and until the charter was issued. 2. No Chapter could be opened unless nine of its nlernbers were \ present. Five could work as a Lodge of '1ifark 1fasters and seven as a Lodge of Past 1 fasters or Most Excellent Masters. 3. I f, in taking a ballot J . one negative appeared, a second ballot was to he taken. 4. .1\. conlplete "trial code" \vas incorporated in the rules, including provision for appeals. i

Eligibility of Petitioners The rules governing eligibility of petitioners


"No petition for the degrees in the Chapter can be received fr01n one \vho is not at the tillle an affiliated l\rlaster -:rvlasot1, and if, after having beconle a tl1enlber of the Chapter, he shall becoll1c a non... affiliated 1\fason, and voluntarily rCluain so for t\velve Iuonths, he shall forfeit his privileges as a tnenlher of said Chapter.

- .~~




LEE ...A... HALL Grand fligh Priest, 1885 86 w



"''\Then the physical disability of a candidate is not such as to pre-

Yent him fron1 complying literally with the ceremonies of the degree, his admission "vill not be considered as an infringement of the "Ancient I . .andn1arks"; btlt, on the contrary, will be perfectly consistent with the spirit and intent of the Institution."

The rules could be anlended at any annual convocation by the presentation of a proposal in \vriting and the adoption of the sanle I11ajority by vote of the ll1enlbers present. Follo\ving the rules \vere the standing resolutions and approved decisions, the 1110re inlportant of which have already been 111entioned.




Judge Noah 1\1. Givan, of Harrisonville, held the "long ternl" as Grand I-ligh I)riest, that is frOll1 October, 1878, to 1Jay, 1&'30. The first decision announced in his annual address, f ron1 a present-clay vie\vpoint, \vas an unusual one, an<l is quoted in full: ".A,. citizen of Colorado, who is a non-affiliated Royal Arch Mason, but \vho is an affiliated !vfaster路 1fason, Inay petition a Chapter in 1Jfissouri for affiliation and Inembership, and it 路is cOlnpet~nt for the Chapter to receive and act upon路. such petitic)n as though the petitioner was a resident of this state. ''[he law of the Grand Lodge of 1JIissonri is~ that a lvfason's residence has nothing to do with his ~Jasonic rights or privileges, or the location of his Masonic hotne, and the la\v of the Grand Chapter should he in harmony with it."

The present law upon this subject is enlbodied in Section 160, l\rticleX\lI, of the Grand Chapter by-la\vs, and residence in this state is no\v a prerequisite to affiliation. ./ \nother decision \\Tas to the effect that a C0111panion \楼ho had been notified to appear and shovv cause \vhy he should not be suspended forN. 1). D. cannot vote in Chapter until his case has been disposeclof favorably to hill1self. Judge Givan also held that subordinate Chapters nll1st hold their an:'" nual elections in cOll1pliance with the Grand Chapter law (at the last regular convocation prior to the 27th clay of Decenlber), even in cases where their 0\Vn by-laws fixe~l sonle subsequent date. (The constitution adopted l\Tay, 1880, required subordinate Chapters to hold election at the first regular convocation in DeCe111ber.) Atl unique situation had arisen in one of the Chapters




during his adnlinistration. A petition for the degrees had been presented and referred to a COll1111ittee, one of whonl was the secretary. r\t the next convocation the secretary was absent and the ll1inutes \vere not available. A favorable report was signed by the chairnlan of the conlnlittee and by two other Conlpaniolls, neither of \VhOll1 had been nanled on the COll1111ittee. The ballot proved "black in the East". At a subsequent convocation, it \vas discovered that thenlistake, as to personnel of the conl111ittee, had been ll1ade. Judge Givan decided that VY'hile the proceedings \vere irregular, that another ballot need not be taken, and the petitioner nll1st wait the required titne. Anotherclecision, \v hich \vas later \vritten into the by-la\vs, \vas to the effect that suspension for N. I:>. I). by the Blue Lodge, ipso facto suspends the COlnpanion in his Chapter.

.44n A'1'tUsin,g Case 1\ very anltlsing case \vas before the cOt1unittee on Grievances, at this convocation (1880): In 1874:*Cornpaniolls X. and Y., as representatives of Chapter A., attended the Grand Chapter. The law in force at the tinle allowed the expenses of one representative, but the custom \vas to divide the expense money among the several representatives of the Chapter. In this instance Companion X. drew the expense tnoney, atnounting to sixteen dollars. Conlpanion Y. deIl1anded one-half of it and ComCompanion X. declined to pay on the ground that Cotnpanion Y., after the first rnorning session. "vent out to the SJ'!iuLJd2J!i~.",,,Eairand did not attend any tnore sessions of the Grand Chapter. Companion X., however, offered to leave the decision of the matter to their Chapter. At the last of several intervie'ws, angry \\iords were spoken and COIllpanion X. then refused to pay the nloney unless the offensive language was withdra\vn by COtllpanion Y.. Companion Y. then preferred charges against CornpanionX. and the trial resulted in his suspension for five years. The cornnlittee sent the case back fora new trial with the adnlonition hI..et these Cotnpani()tls be encouraged to act as Masons shotdd, and settle their differences with that charity about \\1hich \ve talk so Illt1ch. Let all offensive words be \vithdrawn and proper atuends be Illade financially and otherwise, and if this advice is fol1o\ved by the Companions, the whole tuatter \vill end in a love feast instead of expulsion or severe judgments not warranted by the evidence". The writer is moved to point out that COtl1panion


jJ .-JI.{ (lA-'9


~ ~

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ROBERT F. STEVENSON Grand High Priest, 1886-87





seems to have been right in his contention, from a strictly legal standpoint, inasmuch as the regulations of the Grand Chapter provided that no representative should receive expense 1110ney 'who had not 'attended to the duties of the Grand Chapter, at least on the second and succeeding days of .the convocation.

Interference With Annual Convocations The Saint Louis f\gricultural and l\Iechanical Fair \vas an attraction vvhich lured ll1any of the COll1panions fron1 their duty. Grand High Priest Charles F. Leavitt in his annual address October, 1876, in urging change in the tinle for the annual convocation, said: "We are too anxious to get through \\,rith the business of the Grand Chapter in order to vie\v the magnificent exhibitions I11acle at the Fair, sonle things are oI11itted that ought 110t to be, one of the Ill0st inlportant of \vhich is the exetnplification of the \\lark and lectures".

No doubt, the long strnggle over changing the ti1l1e of the annual convocations ,vas occasioned, in part, by the reluctance of sanle of the COl11panions to forego the opportunity of attending the Grand Lodge, the Grand Chapter and the Fair, in one trip to J.\Iissouri's largest city.

Collection of Exaltation Fees Fine as it \vas, the report of the revision C0t111nittee ,vas not perfect. ~~\s previotlsly pointed out, the revenues of the Grand Chapter \ivere changed by the o111ission of the tinlehonored exaltation fee of t\VO dollars. .f\ccording to the address of Grand I-ligh r)riest J(;Ulles E. Cadle, at the succeeding convocation (1\J ay, 1881), the cl11ission \,路as not in the report of the COll1111ittee but in the publication, '4\vhich is unquestionably a l11istake, as the Grand Chapter could not have intended to dilninish its revenue. H~rhe Grand lligh f)riest directed the Grand Secretary to continue to .collect these fees as heretofore, \vhich he did. The l11atter \vas referred to the COl111nittee on Jurisprudence, Noah l\1. Givan, chairlnan, and it proposed an alnenc!tnent to the constitution supplying the \>111ission, \vhich anlendnlellt ,vas adopted in 1\Jay, 1882. In the Ineantinle, the exaltation fees \vere collected by the Grand




Secretary, under a resolution vvhich \vas proposed by the san1e conl111ittee and adopted by the Grand Chapter. Dr.. r\lexander 1\1. Dockery, then Grand Scribe, and soon to be Grand Fligh Priest, and later Governor of l\Iissouri, offered an anlencltnent to the rules governing subordinate Chapters, \vhich ,vas adopted: "N 0 Chapter shall receive the petition of a rej ected applicant for the degrees until six tnonths have elapsed from the date of his rejection. Rejected applicants for tnembership may petition at any succeeding stated Ineeting of any Chapter.. "

Another anlendnlent to the rules \vas adopted, \vhich \vas proposed by ..:\l1en IVlcDo\vell, Grand Lecturer: "For all purposes, except opening and closing the Chapter, and conferring the degrees, nine tnetnbers of the Chapter are necessary to constitute a (~

Incorporation, . .4 ct of 1881 Past Grand High Priest James Carr, who had pr~viot~sly been appointed for the purpose, reported at this convocation that he had procured the inc.orporation of the Grand Chapter by pro fartna decree in the Circuit Court for the City of Saint Louis, on 3 l\Iay, 1881, under the corporate nanle "Grand Chapter of Royal f\rch 1Iasons of the State of l\Iissouri.. ,,* r\t this convocation a resolution \vas adopted declaring that ,\'hen a charter is revoked, any ll1enlber of the Chapter in good standing at the tinle of revocation ll1ight obtain a dinlit fronI the (;ranc1 Secretary, \ivith the proviso that he 111ust subnlit with his application for clinlit a certificate fronl the secretary of his 13lue Lodge sho\ving his 111en1bership therein and pay any dues he o\iVcd his Chapter to the Grand Secretary. The C0111111ittee on (~rievances at the convocation of ]\fay, 1882, had before it a very interesting case. J.A.. brother \vho had proceeded through the degrees of l\Iarkand T)ast l\laster \vas charged \vith 'l1I1111aSonic conduct.. . ..:\ Lodge of Past l\Iasters \vas opened and the trial \vas begun in it" as \vas 路See Proceedings, 1881, nage 22, et seq.




REUBEN BARNEY, SR. Grand High Priest 1887-88




proper. Certain of the \vitnesses were J\Iaster lVfasons, but had progressed no further in Freen1asonry. To receive the testinlony of these \vitnesses, the Lodge of Past l\lasters was "called off" and the \vitnesses then canle in and testified. The C01l1t11ittee held this procedure to be illegal, as it undoubtedly \vas, pointing out that the testinlony of said witnesses should have been taken in the sall1e 111anner as that of profanes, that is by deposition. The case \vas relnanded for a ne\v trial. At the sanle convocation, the COll11nittee on Jurisprudence' settled a question relative to a l1latter of practice in subordinate Chapters~ in the follo\ving langnage: HA Chapter being open on the R. A. degree, tnay dispense with labor in that degree and open regularly on an inferior degree for labor or the transaction of other business proper to be transacted therein, and after doing the w()rk and transacting such business, close the satne \vith appropriate ceren10nies, and then reSUlne in the R. A. degree."

Printing of Correspondent's Report l\ t this convocation, the practice of causing the report on Foreign Correspondence to be printed in advance of the annual convocation "vas instituted at the instance of Judge Givan. 1.'he resolution presented by hinl provided for d~s颅 tribntion by 111ail ten days before the convocation and stated that the report should路 be snbj ect to anlendrnent by the Grand Chapter. In 1110re recent years, the distribntio~as been 111ade on the first day of the convocation, and the report is adopted "sight unseen" (so to speak) and ordered incorporated in the proceedings as a ll1atter of course. In the old days, the report of theC0111111ittee 011 Correspondence was read in Grand Chapter as other cOllllnittee reports. Its adoption \vas frequently the subject of debate on one or nlore points, and there were 1l1any occasions vvhen it had to be anlended and then adopted, and occasionally portions of the report \vould be o111itted entirely and the reulainder only adopted.

Decisions of Erwin Ellis as to ll1atters of la\v




Priest Er\vin Ellis, IVlay, 1883, did not include the decision of any knotty problen1s, as a brief revie\v \\Till sho\v: 1. 'rhe High Priest Il1USt deterlnine whether there is satisfactory evidence of suspension or expulsion in the Blue Lodge before authorizing the Chapter to n1ake a record tenninating the relations of the Companion vvith the Chapter. 2. An absolute dimit from the Blue Lodge makes the brother a voluntary non-affiliate and he loses his standing in the Chapter accordingly. 3. \Vhen a brother is suspended for N. P. D. by his Blue Lodge, ipso facto, he is suspended in his Chapter, notwithstanding his Chapter dues may have been paid a year in advance. 4. l\.. Chapter is set to work under charter and its officers Installed; they serve for one full year and until their successors are elected and installed. 5. In installing officers, a Chapter tl1ust first n1eet at its regular place of tneeting and open regularly; it may, then repair to another place and hold joint installation with the Blue Lodge.

The Revision of 1885 J\t the Convocation of IVlay, 1884, Grand FlighPriest Dockery in his annual address stated that he had no decision to report; that in no instance had any case arisen\vhich called for anything luore than the application of \vell-established principles. 'I'he Jurisprudence Conl111ittee reported that "nothing claitlled their consideration." Such a situation denlanded and received attention. A cOl1ltl1ittee \vas appointed to revise the constitution and by-Ia\\~s and report at the next convocation, consisting of I~ee 1\. I-I all, Deputy Grand High Priest elect, chairn1an; \\lillianl H. 1fayo, Grand Secretary, and Allen l\fcDo\velI, Grand Lecturer. Running true to prececl<:路nt, before 111entiolled, the report of the revision COlll1l1ittce \vas brought on the Hoor of the Grand Chapter on the first day of the next convocation, 7 l\Iay, 1885, and \vith SOUle alnendnlents \\rasadopted forth\vith, I1ot\vithstanding the provisions of the existing constitution and byla\vs requiring proposed alterations and all1elHltnents of thenl to lie over one year. The constitution of 1885 is ll1t1ch briefer than the one it supersede<L l\Iuch of the subject 111atter of the constitution


WM. B.. WILSON Grand High Priest, 1888-89





of 1880 \vas relegated to the by-la\vs of 1885. Taken as a \vhole, the tvvo bodies of la\\r \vere 110t \videly at variance. The ne\v constitution consisted of six articles. The Grand ~;1S~.拢t.~lrer under this constitution becanle for the first tinle a 111~nlber of the Grand Chapter by virtue of his office. The office of Grand Guard \vas changed to Grand Sentinel. The ll1ethocl of voting \vas \vritten into the constitution. In elections and in voting on constitutional anlenc1nlents and anlend111ents to by-la \VS, the voting \vas by separate roll-calls of Chapters and individuals, each five vptes. In other ll1atters, each 111enlber present \vas given one vote. }\11 appointive officers, including the Grand l~ectt1rer, \vere to be selected by the Grand Council. IJroposals to anlend or alter the constitution \vere required to be路 1l1ade in \vriting, to be seconded by not less than ten Chapters and to lie over to the next annual convocaticHl and then receive t\vo-thirds of all Chapter and individual votes present. 'I'he by-la\vs \vere in nineteen articles and includecl all the la\vs for both the Grand Chapter and the subordinate Chapters. There \vere but fe\v changes or innovations. One ne\v provision forbade an elective officer in Grand Chapter to "act as I-ligh I)riest, IZing or Scribe of'a subordinate Chapter." The tlscal year f()l- subordinate Chapters \vas changeJ to conforn1 to the calendar year and returns had to be Blade to the Grand Secretary on or before the first day of l\larch. 1'he standing conl111ittees of the C;rand Chapter \vere the saIne, except that the Conlnlittee on \:isitors \vas elil11inate.Cl, and the Cr;~de1Jtials,Conunittee\vasadded to tIle list-a C0111l11ittee \vhich had been an inlportant part of the lnachinery of the Grand Chapter since its flfst convocation, but one \vhich had never before achieved the sanction of being nanled in the \vritten hl\V. 1'he duties of the C0111111ittees \vere not detlned. 'I'he residence qualification for petitioners \vas reintroduced into the Ia\v by the requirelnent that the petitioner for the degrees ll1t1st have resided t\velve 111onth5 in this state, six of \vhich 111tlst have been \vithi11 the jurisdiction of the Chapter. .l-\ provision \vas incorporated \vhich recognized ~tJlal Past :\Iasters and did avvray \vith the necessity of conferring upon thenl the intercalary degree of I)ast l\faster.




The distinction bet\veen tenlporary and pern1anent objections to ac1vancenlent \vas introduced into the code, it being left to the I-ligh Priest to decide \vhich sort of an obj ection \\ras ll1acle. If the objection \vere per111anent, the petitioner \vas treated as though rejected and he could re-petition after six 111onths. This applied to obj ections ll1ac1e prior to the conferring of any of the degrees. If .objection \vere ll1acle after a degree had been conferred, it had to be follo\vecl by the preferring of charges \vithin ~,~x 1110nths, other\vise the Chapter had the right to disregard the objectiop. The fact that objection \vas 111acle had to be recorded in the ll1inutes \vith the nanle of the 111elllber of the Chapter ll1aking the objection. 1"'he Grand Secretary's salary\vas increased to one thousand dollars per anntUl1. The rnileage and per dien1 \vere not changed. Representatives of Chapters U. D., \vere placed upon the pay-roll, it having been custo111ary for sonle years to do this at each convocation by resolution. The one cent tax for the expenses of the (~eneral C~ral1d Chapter \vas \vritten into the la\v, although it had been paid The trial cocle \vas re-\vritten and in1proved in ll1any 'T'he concluding article Illade provision for the reVISIon, teration or all1enchl1ent of the by-Ia\vs, at any annual convocation by t\vo-thirds vote of all the Chapter and individual votes presenL The rules of order for the Grand Chapter \vere included a fter the by-la \Vs and there \vas Oll1itted tberef rcnD the rule declaring that no appeal lies frotn the decision of the Grand I-1igh f)riest. The follo\ving rules \vere added: Any tllCIllber n1ay call for a division of the question if the sense will adtnit of it. All questions shall be put in the order in \vhich they \vere l11oved; and, in filling blanks, the largest SUIl1 or quantity, and the longest time, shall be first put. When the question is put, every t11Clllber present shall vote, unless excused by the Grand High Priest.

The revision as printed did not include any collection of standing resolutions or approved decisions. Lee r\. Hall, chairnlan of the revision COll1111ittee, \vas elected Grand ITigh f>riest at the convocation (lVlay, 1885) at





Grand High Priest, 1889-90




which the revision \vas adopted. The 11l0St serious question \vhich arose in his aeJn1inistration \vas under a provision of the la\\' \vhich had been introduced into the code in the revision of 1880 and carried into the current revision~ viz: "'No petition for the degrees in the Chapter can be received fronl one who is not at the titne an affilated ~faster 1fasol1. ...A.nd if after having becotne a tnember of the Chapter, he shall beC0t11e a non-affiliated l\ifason, and voluntarily renlain so for t\vel ve tnonths he shall forfeit his privileges as a n1etnber of said Chapter."

Under this section, he held, first, that \vhen the dis:lbility as a non-affiliate ceased as to the SY111bolic Lodge, any disability in the Chapter as a consequence thereof \vas at once renloved; and, second, that Chapters should take notice both of the existence and terlnination of any disability in the Syn1-



and govern their o\vn records accordingly. "',c,'~'

!..re.. r(~uisit~ jor Chapter llIentbershi]) 1"he reader \vill recall that I{111e X\:II of the original Grand Chapter rules and regulations, relating to ll1etnbers and visitors, \vas 011litted in the first revision (1850)~nd:}hat an explanation of that 0111i5s10n \vas prc)1l1isedX;j'~~'Tl1fatf~tage of the

developnlent of the la\v in our (~randCh"~pter has 110\\1 been reached in this study \vhere the explanation can be fully I11ade. Such an explanation involves a general discussion of OUf Capitular la\v as it has related to requiring SY111bolic I~odge ll1etnbership as a prerequisite to Chapter n1en1bership. For clarity, this discl1ssiotl\vil1 be nlade in accordance vvith the follc)\ving division of the entire subject: 1. Nlen'lbership in a I .. odge ofl\laster l.fasons as a prerequisite to tnclnbership in a Chapter by initiation; II. I\fcIllbership in a Lodge of 1'faster 1fasolls as a prerequisite to %l1cn'lbership in a Chapter by affiliation; III. 11en'lbership in a Lodge of lVfaster 1.![asons as a prerequisite tocontiuuing nlclllbership in a Chapter after the latter has been attaitled by initiation or by affiliation.

In the original rules and regulations of the Grand Chapter of 1\.1 issotlri, there is not one \vord \vhich indicates that a petitioner for the Chapter degrees I11USt be one who had been




raised to the sllblinle degree of 1Taster l\Iason. The same is true of the revision of 1850 and of the General Grand Chapter constitutions then in effect. Of course, it rnust be conceded that as a ll1atter of the "COnl111011 la\v" of Royal Arch 1,fasonry no person \vas eligible to the Capitular degrees vvho had not regularly received the preceding degrees. Conceding that this \vas the uC0t111110n la\v," our question is ~7hether the petitioner for the Chapter degrees n1ust be a n1enlber in good standing of a Syt11bolic Lodge in order that the petition ll1ay be received bya 1\r issouri Chapter. The original rules and regulations, the revision of 1850, and the General ,Grand Chapter constitutions \vere all silent on that subject. It isunderstoorl that in S0111e parts of the l.Jnited States, at an early day, \vhen the theory H()nce . . ~ l\Jason, l\l\vays a l'v1asoll" \vas at its n1eridian height, a lVlaster IVIason "vas eligible to petition for and receive the Chapter degrees, notwithstanding he had (linlitted f ronl his 131ue l.,1odge. l\s the law was silent on the snbject, it is probahle that, even in l\lissouri, sOl11eCliapters had follo\lved that practice, fOf, other'Arise, there ,vould have been no occasion for the adoption, by OUf' Grand Chapter, in 1\Jay, 1854, of the follo\ving standing resolution: "Resolved further, That no Chapter \vithin this jurisdiction shan advance any~Jaster Mason to the degrees conferred herein, unless such IVfaster 1fason is, at the titne of rnaking application for said degrees, a metnber of SOIne Lodge of !\laster 'tvlasons, in the active discharge of his duties and obligations as such."

This standing resolution becall1e a part of the regulations in the revision of 1861, and has ever since been the la\v in 1\1 issotl rio

II. ;\:FFILlt\rrIC)N. Stated in the ÂŁorn1 offering the greatest difficulties, our question is \vhether a 1\1 issouriChapter Inay receive the petition of a C0111panion for affiliation <lccornpanied hy a din1it fron1 a regular Chapter in another jurisdiction without inquiring \vhether the C01l1panion be a Inetl1ber in good standing of a Synlbolic L,odge.



JAMES B.. AUSTIN Grand High Priest, 1890-91





The original rules and regulations of the Grand Chapter of l\Jlissouri contained this rule: "RULE XVII.


"No person shall be adn1itted a 111ember or visitor 0 f any Chapter under this jurisdiction unless he shall have regularly received the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, 1faster !vlason, 1clark Master, Past Master, 110st Excellent Master, and Royal Arch :NIason, in a regularly constituted Chapter or Lodge; nor shall any person be admitted who is under suspension or expulsion."

I t is to be noted that this rule only applied to Royal Arch lVlasons \vho desireel to affiliate vvith or visit a l\Iissouri Chapter and it had no application to petitioners for the degrees. As has been previously 111entionec1, this rule \vas olnitted in the revision of 1850 and no rule on the subject \vas included in that revision. One reason for the olnission \vas that there \vere regular l~oyal f\rch 1\la50ns in the \vorld \vho had not received the ~. ~~:S,~!~~,IY""".{Jegl~,ee1:* 1'he other reason \vas that the General (~rand Chapter constitution contained the follo\ving provision, which governed: "N~ person having been a IneInber of a Chapter or Lodge shall be adrnitted a Inenlber of any other Chapter or Lodge under this j urisdiction, until he shall have produced a certificate froIll the Chapter or Lodge to \vhich he last belonged that he 'was in regular standing, and as -~~i; at his own request is clis!l1issed and reconl1nended."

1"'he \vorc1 "Lodge" in this section does not refer to the Syn1bolic Lodge, but to certain I.. odges of l\Iark 1\Iasters chartered by the General Grand Chapter. The reason underlying this provision of the General Grand *The General Grand ChU1Jter constitution \vas a.nH~xHled, St:~ptenlb(~r, 1850, by the adoption of the foll()\ving: u'l~hat any \v()rth~w Corn .. panion f1'o01 without th(~ jurisdietion of the L"nit(~d States, who n1~:I.Y present himself as ,1, Royal Arch Mason and produce satisfaet(Jry evidenee of his h~l vin g received that degr(~e, thn. teaeh and ev<~r.Y' Chapter under the ju risdiction of this G(oneral Grand Chapter ha'V(~ liberty, and they are hereb)' auth()l-ized, to e(Hlft~l'" the degrees of Mark Master, Past IVIasteX' and Most


MastfH\ on such Corn .. tlH~ end that

panions ('\""ho have not he1'(J.tofore received them) to

they may be healed and thereby be<~ome regula.r H.o~路al Arch l\11a.sons, free of charge. H S(~ction 83 ()f the prt~sent by-lav-rs of the Grand ChaDter of Missouri is sinlilar in effect.




Chapter constitution \vas the lack of uniforn1ity in practice in requiring or not requiring 111enlbership in a Blue Lodge as a condi tion to continuing l11enlbership in good standing in a Chapter. In S0111e parts of the 路United States, for exarnple, a Conlpanion tnight continue to be in good standing in his Chapter l10tvvithstanding he had clinlitted fronl his Blue Lodge, or had been suspended or even expelled fronl it. The constitutional provision sinlply 111eant that \vhen a COl11panion applied for affiliation and presented his certificate (that is, his dinlit'), that the Chapter applied to 111t1st receive the petition for affiliation vvithout looking behind the certificate or ditnit to ascertain vvhether the C0111panion \vas still a l1lenlber in good standing of a SY111bolic Lodge. The last clause of the ivlissonri rule quoted \vas in conflict '\ivith this constitutional provision and, necessarily, \vas Oll1itted in the revision of 1850. The provisions of the revision of 1861 relating to dinlits \vere sinlilar to those of the General Grand Chapter constitution, viz: "No Con1panion having been a 111enlber of a Chapter shall be admitted a menlbcr of any Chapter under this j urisdictioll until he shall produce a dil11it frorn the Chapter to \vhich he last belonged, certifying that he was in regular standing, and, as such, at his own request, is disll1issed and recoInnlended; provided, that if such Chapter be no longer in existence, other evidence of such facts may be received."

The saIne \'lording \vas carriecl into the revision of 1870, \vith the exception that the concluding proviso was; "and, if such Chapter be no longer in existence, a dill1it ll1t1st be procured fronl the Grand Secretary of that jurisdiction.'" l"he constitution of 1880 covered the Illatter in Section 18: "No Companion shall hold rnenlbership in more than one Chapter at one and the same tinle; nor shall anyone be adtnitted to menlbcrshipin this jurisdiction until he shall have produced a certificate from the Chapter of 'which he was last a ll1enlber, that he was in good standing at the time, and as such, at his o\vn request, had been regularly diIl1itted therefronl."

The "rules" of 1880 contained this additional requiren1ent: HN 0 COIl1panion can legally

beCOll1e a men1ber of a Chapter in this jurisdiction until he has produced satisfactory evidence that he has p~id aU dues and dexnands against him in the Chapter of which he was previously a nlenlber."




IH.A 路V. MclVIILLAN Grand l-ligh Priest, 18Hl路92




Section ninety-t\vO of the by-la\vs of 1885 was the same as the constitutional provision of 1880 just quoted. In addition, the by-la\vs of 1885 provided: ('No Chapter in this jurisdiction shall entertain a petition for membership unless the same is accompanied by a din1it, or some other documentary evidence of the good standing of the applicant, and his release froln tnembership in his fornler Chapter. Provided, that no fee for affiliation shaH be charged \vhen the ditnit of the petitioner is not over twelve months old."

It was not until the revision of 1901, that the principle \vas introduced into our Capitular jurisprudence, that a IVlissouri Chapter nlight go behind the din1it and ascel-tain whether or no the petitioner hold ll1en1bership in a Blue Lodge. Section 176 of the 1901 by-laws required, for the first tinle, that the petitioner for affiliation state in his petition "the nanle, nUll1ber and location and jurisdiction of the Lodge with which he is affiliated." 'fhis is still the 1a\v in l\Jissouri.

III. CONTINU.A.TION OF SYl\'IBOLIC LODGE I\IEl\I11ERSIiIP. Granted that a l\Iaster l\Iason in good standing in his Blue Lodge had becolne a 1l1etl1ber of a Chapter in clue fornl either by initiation or affiliation, \vas he obliged to continue a 111etnber in good standing in a Syt11bolic Lodge it?路 order to 111aintain his good standing as a 111enlber of a Chapter of Royal r\rch l\'fasons? In these 1110dern days, the asking of such a question vvould rate the inquirer as anl0ng the leastwell-infornled ll1el11bers of the Craft. But there\~as a tinlewhen this question 111ight as well be ans\vered in the negative as in the affirn1ative, by the best infornled. For exanlple: In his report to the 'friennial of 1847 General Grand Secretary Charles (}ih11an said: UThe following are among the great nutnber of questions that have been submitted to me for opinions during the last vacation: . . . . . V\'hen a Royal Arch]vfasoll, who is a tnember of a Chapter, shall be expelled frOIl1 the rights and privileges of M,asonry by a Grand Lodge, in the same state, is he thereby expelled as a Royal Arch Mason? If so, and he shallafter\vards be restored by the sanle power, does such restoration necessarily reinstate hin1 as a tnemher of the Chapter? Or should he be路 balloted for as a ne\v applicant for tnelnbership ?"




The General Grand Secretary did not report \vhat ans,ver, if any, he made to the inquiry; and that subject nlatter of his report was not even ref erred to a COll1t11ittee and consequently the General Grand Chapter did not pass upon the questions.

For convenience, the discussion of this third and final phase of aUf subject will be developed with relation to the three ways in \vhich SYlllbolic Lodge ll1enlbership 111ight be discontinued, viz: A... By suspension or expulsion for unmasonic condtlct. B. By suspension for N. P. D. C.

By dimit.

A.-SUSPENSION OR EXPULSIC)N. The original rules ancI regulations of our Grand Chapter did not recognize suspension as anleans of discipline; as to expulsions, they provided: No COl11panion shall be expelIed fraul this, or any subordinate Chapter under its jurisdiction, . . . unless by the vote of three-fourths of the l11enlbers present.

The revision of 1850 \vas substantially the sanle. Evidently, suspension or expulsion by a SYll1bolic Lodge could not affect the st'anding of a COll1panion in his Chapter. The la\v guaranteed hinl against expulsion fron1 his Chapter I11enlbership, except by and under the processes of the Chapter. Archibald Patterson" \vas chairnlan of the revision C0t11111ittee of 1850; he \vas also a ll1clnber of the C0t11111ittee on Correspondence. After the revision ,vas adopted and safely. out of the \vay, the report of the COll1111ittee on Correspondence canle upon the路 floor of our Grand Chapter. 1"'he foIlovv-ing is quoted froll1 that report: The COlntnittee, with the view of ()btaining an expression of opinion of the Grand Chapter upon the effect of suspension orexpulsioI1 of a Royal Arch 11asotl, fronI a Blue Lodge, for tlnn1asonic conduct, pre.. sent the subj oined resolution as expressive of their own vic\vs, and ask its adoption. Resolved, that suspension or expulsion frolll a Lodge of Master Masons, for UlltllaSonicconduct, operates todisquali fy a Royal Arch Mason from his privileges as such.



JOHN R. PARSON Grand High Priest, 1892路93





The resolution was ac1opted.* But, had the proposition not been at least a debatable one, at that tinle, it \vould have been included in the revision. Or, had the c0111nlittee not thought that its resolution was revolutionary in character, it would not have been presented in so tinlid and apologetic a ll1anner. This resolution \vas not included anlong the standing resolutions in the reprint of 1869, and the revision of 1861 contained a provision, \vhich, it is assull1ecl, \vas thought to have rescinded the resolution, viz: "'N 0 Companion shall be suspended or expelled by any Chapter under this jurisdiction until after trial is had, due notice first having been given." Un~ler the revision of 1870, suspension or expulsion by the Blue Lodge \vas ll1ade, ipso facto, suspension or expulsion in the Chapter, \vithollt a trial, and restoration in the Lodge \vas nlac1e restoration in the Chapter, unless the accused had also been tried, found guilty and sentenced in the Chapter.

B.-SUSI::>ENSION I:iOI{ N.P. D. During his ternl of office, October, 1878, to 1fay, 1880, as has been 111entionec1, Judge Noah 1v1. Givan, C;rand 11igh Prjest, decided that under the provisions of the revision of 1870, suspension by the I~lt1e Lodge, inclurled suspension for N. P. D., and that therefore suspension by the l~lue Lodge for N.. P. D., ipso facto, resulted in suspension in the Chapter. Grand IIighPriest Er\vin Ellis rendered a sill1i1ar decision during his tern1, 1882-83. 1~hese decisions have since been vvritten into the by-la\vs. *At its Triennial, Septernber, 1850,\vhichfollowed the adoption of this resolution by the Grand ChaptE.~r of Missouri, the f(Jllowing resolution was adopted by the General Grand Chapt('r: t路H.esolvf~d, That in the opinion of this GtHH__ ral GrH.nd ChtllJt(~r, all p<:-.rsons who have been ex!>elled or StlSI)(~nded for unmasoni路(~ contI U('t bY~U1Y regular Lodge or Gra.nd I~odge of competent jurisdietion fronl all the righ ts and privileges of IVfusonry, shoUld be fc)rbidden to 'visIt or sit in any Grand or Subor(iinat(~ Chtlpter of lloyal Areh 1\!asoIls in this jurisdiction, ()I" in th(~ Gent~ral Orand Chapt(~r; and that it is the duty of Hoyal .Areh Masolls to a.bstain frorn all ~1'asonic conlm unication "rith persons so expelled or suspendE~d, until tlH'Y sh<tll be duly restored to those rights and priVileges."




C.-DI1\IIT. There \vas a tinle in l\lissotlri, as \vell as in other Grand Jurisdictions, \vhen a l\iaster l\Iason could take a dinlit from his Blue Loc1ge,be relieved of the responsibility of paying dnes and attending COll1111unications, and at the sanle tinle visit his o"vn and other Lodges, take part in the work, install officers and, \vhen he died, be given the honor of 1'1asonic burial. "Once ._g.. . J\J!1§QPL~~l~yCl.y§ a l\Iason." Diulitted lVIaster l\Iasons were knoVlorn as "non-affiliates"; vvhen the controversy abol1t thetl1 \\;l'as at its height, sonle called thenl "drones". \\,7 e cannot d"vell here upon the particulars of the controversy over the "drones" in the Grand Lodge of l\Iissouri; our concern is \vith their status in Capitular circles.Ouf particular problenl at this tinle is the question: i\Conlpanion is a nlen1ber in good standing in his Chapter and his 131ue Lodge; what effect does the procuring of a dinlit fron1 his l~lt1e I~odge have upon his Chapter 111elUbership? f\pparently, prior to the revision of 1880, it had no effect. Under the provisions included in that revision, as has been pointed out, if a C0l11panion becanle a non-affiliated }\Tason and voluntarily renlained so for t"velve tnonths he forfeited his privileges as a Illenlber of the Chapter. 1"'he sanle provision ,vas included in the revision of 1885, and that of 1901. The revisioI,!"",~2.,~ 19 \vas as silent upon the subject as v~Tas the law prior to 1880. ()ur present by-la\vs cover the subject succinctly, in Section 165: HIn order to I11aintain their standing, n1etnbers nlust be affiliated \vith and in good standing in a regular l ..odge of Master. Masons."

Opinion Respecting Higlt,er Degrees If the reader has followed this discussion of this intricate phase of Capitular law closely he nUlst have noticed that underlying its developtllent ran the gradually shifting course of opinion respecting the '~higher" degrees of I~reelnaSOI1ry. 1'\\'0 distinct concepts 111<lrk that course: l=«'irst, the old concept, that the (legrees lying "beyond~' the SYlllbolic degrees \vere 1110re itnportant and their con f erence gave the recipient Hrank" above those who had not attained




CORONA H. BRIGGS Grand I-ligh Priest, 1894-95




theIn, and that the bodies governing the "higher" degrees were 1110re potent and \vere, so to speak, a law unto tllen1selves and superior to anything "beneath" thenl. Second, the true and nl0dern concept that the Synlbolic degrees are the 1110St inlportant in all Freenlasonry and that the Syll1bolicLodges, Grand and Subordinate, are the 1110st inlportant governing bodies in our ancient Fraternity, and hold and of right enjoy the sanle fttndanlental po\vers as they did in the clays \vhen there \vere no other degrees or bodies in Freenlasonry.

Appointment of Standing Comnlittees \\le 110\V return to the proceedings of 11ay, 1886: The l110dern practice of announcing the appointI11ent of chairnlen of standing COlll111ittees for the ensuing year at the close of the Grand Chapter \vas instituted at this convocation by the adoption of a resolution introduced by I)ast Grand Fligh F)riest Joseph S. }3ro\vne and the prOl11pt action of Grand IIigh f)riest elect I{obert F. Stevenson iU1Jnediately follo\ving his installation.

High Pressure Methods 1"he obtaining of Chapter petitions by high-pressure 111ethoc1s had been receiving the attention and adverse COlllll1ent of the Grand IIigh IJriests in .these years. It renlained, h()\~ever, for Grand lIigh I)riest Stevenson to deal \vitha Illost unusual situation. In the case \vhich caIne to his attention, the solicitor \vas so anxious to get the petition that he advanced the fee out of his o\vn funds. The petitioner \vas elected, but, rnean\vhile, had suffered financial reverses and refused to proceed, as he could not see his way clear to repay the anl0unt of the fee. The solution proposed was to draw a warrant in favor of the fee-advancer and charge the aIllount to a ledger account to be opened under the petitioner's nanle. "Uncle r:~ob" (as so 111any of us called hinl) recognized the fact that under the lavv the fee of an elected petitioner is the property of the Chapter, but on account of the peculiar facts surrounding the case, ordered the Inoney paid over to the over-zealous C0111panion \vho advanced it and "the \vhole proceeding held




for naught." rrhe Jurisprudence Conl111ittee approved this decision on condition that it be not considered a precedent. Another decision, \vhich l11ust be nlentioned, on account of its ill1portance, \vas to the effect that in the 111atter of \vaiver of jurisdiction, full po\ver is vested in the subordinate Chapter, and the C;ranc1 lIigh I)riest has nothing to do \'lith it.

Chartge in ,,4nnual Cortvocatioll. At this convocation a proposal \vas tIled to anlencl the la\v and change the tin1e of annual convocation to the first Thursday after the second 1~uesday in ,i>\pril, \vhich \vas adopted at the convocation of l\lay, 1888.

Decisions of Reuben Barney f\ t that convocation Grand I-Jigh I'riestReuben 13arney announced t\VO decisions, \v hich \vere duly approved. The first \vas that a cOllunittee on a petition 111USt report \vithin one 1110nth, t1nlt~ss the tilne be extendc<l by the Chapter. 'rhe other had to do \vitb the troublesonle 111atter of the J)ast 1\Ja5ters and he reiterated the 1a\v on the subject in holding that a Chapter l11ay not conf er the degree of }>ast l\laster upon a rie\vly elected l\laster of a SYl11bolic Lorlge, \vho is 110t a l\Iark 11aster. lIe rccollunended increasing the salary of the Grand Secretary to t\velve hundrc(l dollars per year, on account of the increase in duties ancl burdens of the office, but the reC0111111endatiol1 did not receive any attention.

Decisions of Williant B. Wilson, The expressions used in the annual address of Grand I-ligh F>riest \Villianl 13. \\rilsOll (l\priI, 1889) are so terse that reference to the report of the COIUlllittee on Jurisprudence (Xenophon l"{ylal1cl, chairlnan) is necessary in order to corne to a full understanding of the facts invol ved in his decisions, all of \vhich \vere approved by the C01111uittee and the C1rand

Chapter. In the first case there \vas involved a nlost vital question as to Chapter records and l'uinutes. 1\ C01l1panion had petitioned


ALVIN HA YNI:BJ Grand 11igh Priest, 1895路96





a Chapter for affiliation and the petition \vas received and referred at the stated 1110nthly convocation. At the follo\ving stated nlonthly convocation, the petitioner ,vas duly elected to 111e111bership, but no l1linute record \vas l1lade of the fact that ballot \vas taken and the result thereof. The report of the C0111111ittee on Jurisprudence dealt \vith the ll1atter thoroughly and S0111e of the very language used later found its \vay into our by-laws and is today a part thereof (see Sectio11 74), the report is quoted: "The secretary having failed to observe and record this proceeding, the Chapter had and has full and ample authority to supply the onlission and correct the record by stating the facts as they occurred. The minutes of a Chapter are not adopted; they are approved as a true record of its proceedings. If they do not furnish a correct staten1ent of the business of the Chapter they ought to be revised and ll1ade to conform to the facts, and the Chapter is the body to do this."

The second decision \vas to announce the 110\V \vell-kno\vn principle of l\Iasonic la\v that \vhen a petition has been regularly received and referred~ it cannot be \vithdra\Vll but ll1Ust be disposed of by ballot. This decision \vas in acc()rdance \vith a ne\v section introduced into the revision of 1885. tInder the revision of 1880, the petition could have been \vithclra\vn \vith the consent of at least three-fourths of the rnenlbers present at the convocation. It \vas further pointed out by the C0111111ittee that: 路'It is cOlnpetcnt for a COlnpanion to object to the reception of a petition and the objection must be heeded, but no objection can be entertaiIle~ to prevent a ballot. If fronl any cause the objecting Illetnber be unable to attend and ballot on the application his \vritten obj ection will arrest the conferring of the degrees."

1"he third decision re-stated the la\v as it had previously been declared by Judge Ryland \vhenGrand I-ligh I)riest, viz: It is not necessary in order to arrest the conferring of the degrees that the obj ector Inust state the grounds of his obj ection. ()nIy the fact of objection, with the nall1C of the objector, tl1ust be duly recorded in the nlinutes to be valid, and\\'hen so 111ade the obj cction will retuain in force so long as the objector refuses to \vithdra\v it and relllains a Illenlber of the Chapter. But objections to advanCClllent after conferring a degree l11USt be follo\ved by charges and trial as provided in Section 91.

"rwo questions canle up too late for decision by the Grand



High Priest and \:vere referred to the COll1111ittee on prudence for its decision.



These t\VQ questions bore directly upon the state of the la\v at the til11e relative to Lodge affiliation as a prerequisite to Chapter l11enlbership, \vhich has just been discussed: Does Section 70 of the by-la \\7S, requiring an applicant for the degrees to be an affiliated Master lvfason, apply to petitioners for membership? Ans\ver: No. Can a Chapter receive a petition from a Companion \vhose application for affiliation has been presented to but not yet acted upon by a Blue Lodge? Answer: \1" es, provided, he is not a voluntary non-affiliate under the la\v.

To insure a correct understanding of these holdings, Section 70, is quoted again: No petition for the degrees in the Chapter can be r,eceived from OIle ",rho is not at the time an affiliated Master Mason1f and if, after having becorne a lnenlber of the Chapter, he shall becOIne a nonaffiliated 11ason, and voluntarily renlain so for t\velve 111onths, he shall forfeit his privilege as a Inenlber of said Chapter. ~4ttelldance at


"fhe succeeding Grand I-ligh Priest, Janles P. \Vood, in his address i\pril, 1890, called attention to the fact that the Grand Council (the first fOUT Grand Officers) \vere expected to attend the convocations of the General Granc1Chapter, yet there ,vas no provision 11lade for the paynlent of the expenses involved in such attendance, and suggested. that they be allowred per dienl of three dollars and 111ileage of t\VO cents. 'I'his proposal \vas certainly fair and just, but it canle at an inopportune titHe: Grand Chapter finances were not in a healthy condition and the surplus \vas growing less and less every year. 13ecause of this condition, the suggestion was not acted upon, and an anlend111ent was proposed seeking to change the by-laws so as to linlit the payn1ent of nlileage and per dienl to one representative ÂŁ1"0111 each Chapter and reduce the tnileage fronl four cents to three cents. This proposal \vas laid over to the next convocation.. The by-la\vs were, hovvever, an1ended so as to require charges to be filed ,vithin thirty days following objections to advancement, tstead of allo\ving six 1110nths for that pnrpose.


~ .,. .J . / p./

16', ~I It




ISAAC M. ABRAIIAM Grand lligh Priest, 1896..97




AdministratiOlt of Jantes B. Austin The atnendnlent \vhich had been laid over, \vas acted upon

at the convocation of i\pril, 1891, by reducing the 111ileage to three cents. 1'he proposal to linlit the paynlent to one representative ÂŁr01n each Chapter \vas voted do\vn. In his address at this convocation, Grand I-ligh Priest J atlles B. Austin gave special attention to the 111atter of non-affiliates: I have reliable infofl11ation \vhich leads nle to believe there are many Royal Arch 1tfasons who are not affiliated \vith any Lodge of Master Masons and who have become non-affiliates by neglect or not kno\ving the law of this Grand Chapter.

rIe then called attention to the provision of the by-Ia \VS previously referred to herein: "No petition for degrees in the Chapter can be received fronl one \vho is not at the titne an affiliated1.f aster 1;{ason and if a fter having becoIne a Illenlber of the Chapter he shall becolne a non-affiliated Mason and voluntarily renlain so for t\velve l110nths he shall forfeit his privileges as a nlcnlber of said Chapter."

lIe suggested that each, lIigh Priest take a census of his Chapter to ascertain the I.,oc1ge ll1enlbership of each COll1panion. FIe also called attention to Section 131, of the 1885 by-Ia\vs: "A suspension or expulsion for any cause by a Lodge of 1Iaster 11asons is effectually a suspension or expulsion from a Chapter of Royal' Arch M'asol1s."

I-Ie then referred to the rulings in the General Grand Chapter at its last Triennial.. l'\he C~elleral Grand ITigh I)riest had announced that there \vas 110 la\\' of the General Grand Chapter \vhich prohibited the conferring of the degrees upon a regularly dinlitted l\laster l\Tason. This prol1ouncenlent ,vas sustained by the (;eneral Gral1(ICha pter Conunittee 011 Jurisprudence \vhich suggested "that if affiliation 'was a condition prec.edent for receiving any de... grees in the Chclpter the sanle qualification ought to be essential for retainingme1l1bership \vhen accepted."

Follo\ving this, the f ollo\ving resolution had been adopted at the Triennial: "Resolved, that tl1cnlbership in a Chapter should be dependent upon alldco-existent \vith nlctubership in a Lodge of Freemasons.'"




Amendnlent of Returns Our Grand Chapter's C0111111ittee 011 Jurisprudence in its report recoll1111ended that the Grand Secretary be instructed to anlend the blank form for annual returns, so the returns \vould shovv the fact of the Lodge affiliation of the Chapter menlbers.

Chapter Burial The question of Chapter burial had arisen again and the COll1nlittee on Jurisprudence (Rev. Charles C. \\Toads, chairll1an) approved the decision of the Grand Iligh F)riest, "that there is at present 110 l\Iasonic la\v or usage authorizing such pernlission." In the particular case under consideration, the Grand rligh Priest had refused pern1ission to a subordinate Chapter to bury one of its rnetllbers. 'I'heChapter, ho\vever, buried its deceased COll1panion nevertheless and \vas not disciplined in any \val'.

Decisions of Ira McMillalt

1'he next Grand IIigh I)riest, Ira \T. l\fcl\Iillan, gave his attention to a lnatter not covered in the by-Ia\vs-the cg!lSQ1.j,~J짜~~9n of Chapters, and subnlitted ananlendnlent l\pril, 1892, 'covering this phase of adnlinistrative detail, \vhich ,vas adopted. tJnder this by-la\v, a t\vo-thirds vote in each Chapter of those present favorable to consolidation \vas required, and t\vel,;e 111Cll1bers of the Chapter proposed to be 111ergc(1 in the nallle and nU111ber of the other could block the proceedings. Unfler the PIeSCllt la\v, a three-fourths vote in each Chapter is required and there is no veto po\ver \vhereby the proceedings lllay be blocked. lIe (lecidcd that in the absence of the IJigh I)riest, I{ing and ScrilJc, the Junior I)ast IJigh I)riest present 111ay open the Chapter and preside. Ullcler the .present by-Ia \\;'s, any Ilast II igh I?riest 111ay do so, in such cirC1Ul1stances. lIe also decided that a l-ligh I)riest has 110 po\ver to declare a Chapter office vacant on account of absence or non-attendance of the installed il1CUtnbent. Under the present la \V, renl0val f rOln the state vacates the office, and the Grand lIigh E)riest, under the present constitution,



WILLIAM F. KUHN Grand High Priest, 1897-98





has the po\ver to suspend any Chapter officer, subject to the decision of the Grand Chapter at its follo'\"ving annual convocation.. In the case of a saloon-keeper ,vho \vas a ll1enlber of a Chapter but a Lodge non-affiliate (and it \vas legally inlpossible for hinl to affiliate \vith a Lodge so long as he continued in that occupation), he decided that he had forfeited all his rights as a Chapter nlelnber and should be dropped froll1 the Chapter roll. In another case, there ,vas a Chapter 111enlber, \vho had presented his dinlit to a Blue Lodge and petitioned for affiliation and had been rejected. He decided that the C0111panion \vas not a voluntary nonaffiliate and had t\velve nl0nths of good standing in the Chapter ÂŁ1"0111 the date of his rejection by the Lodge, as he ,vas not voluntarily a non-affiliated 1Iaster l\Iason. l\lostExcellent C0111panion l\Icl\J illan had been a Inenlber of the General Grand Chapter C01l1111ittee on NOlnenclature and presented the report of that conunitttee to ou r Grand Chapter, \ivhich adopted it, thereby establishing in l\Jissouri tbe titles for Grand Chapter and subordinate Chapter officers, ,vhich are still in nse.

Founda.tion of Triennial Fund i\t this convocation the COl1lIl1ittee 011 I~inance included in its report an appropriation covering the expenses of the Grand Council incur!"ecl in attending the Triennial the previous year

(l\linneapolis, .July" 1891). The action of the Grand Chapter in approving this appropriation lies at the foundation of the present Triennial Fund.

Decisions of John R . Parson 'fhe next nallle on the roll of Grand l-ligh Priests is that of John 1(. I)ars()I1, for 111any years Grand Secretary of the Grand Imtodge of l\lissouri. I)uring his adl11inistration, he en forced the 11e\V la \v requi ring charges to be brought \vithin thl!:!"lf,"~"~!'~Ys after objection to advancel11ent. Ile decided that \vhere ditnits had been taken for the purpose of forIlling a tIC'" Chapter and dispensation therefor ,vas refused, the (1il11itted C0111panions \\'ere obliged to petition for affiliation, be




elected, etc., j nst as other dinlitted ll1enlbers. The COll1panions failed to take advantage of the ne\v Section 50 of the revision of 1885, previously referred to. He also decided that proceedings against a COll1panion for N. P. D. need not await the lapse of t\velve 111011th8 after the end of the year for which the clues had accrued, but nlay be instituted any tinle after the end of such year. l~!~",,"~~t~l<:ll Past l\'1aster, at this l~t~~l,~Yt asked a dedt!£!iQl1l?J fees for theCapit111ar degrees, because he had already received that degree. The decision was that the full fee of not less than thirty dollars 111tlst be paid. A Chapter changed its by-la\vs lesseni!~g,theconlp~!1­ sation of the office of Sentinel. 1\10st Exceil~t1t Conlpa~ion Pa;~;n decided that the Sentinel in office at the tinle of the change \vas entitlec} to cOll1pensation at the rate in effect at the tinle of his installation and that his pay could not be legally decreased during the terlll for \vhich he \vas elected. Other decisions \vere nlerely re-iterations of the la \v. 1"he fact that SOBle Chapters had interpolated 111t1sic in the degrees rendered by 1l11tsicians \vho\vere not tllel11bers had the dr<lstic attention of (~ral1dJ-ligh I)riest Parsoll. I-Ie issued a circular upon the subject and referred to the 1llatter in his annual address, l\pril, 1893: "If nlusic constitutes a part of the ceretnollies, certainly none btlt the initiated have a right to take part. The nlere hanging of a curtain in the Lodge roon1 does not take the portion behind it out of the tiled precincts."

As a 1l1eanS of eCOn0I11Y, he suggested shortening the report of the COll11nittee on Correspondence: "11y idea is that a brief outline of the doings of the other Grand Chapters, noticing only in1portant events, is. all that is necessary."

Our present Grand Chapter by-la\vs~ Section 50, lill1it the report to not exceeding "one hundred pages of the proceedings. H

Proposals of Dr.. Ku.hn i\t this convocation, I)r. \V'illialn Ie'. Kuhn (elected Gener;;tl Grand 11igh :Priest~ 1921), \vas present as lIigh IJriest of Orient Chapter K o. 102, and offered an anlendn1ent to the constitution, adopted at the next convocation, \vhereby a Past I-ligh Priest of a Chapter of another jurisdiction, but affiliated





GLASPELL Grand Higll Priest t 1898-99




\vith a 11issouri Chapter, ll1ay be elected to ll1embership in the Grand Chapter of l\,fissouri. The by-la\vs. \vere anlended, at the suggestion of Allen 11cDowell, and the offices of Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Principal Sojourner and Grand Royal Arch Captain, were rnade elective offices. Follo\ving the adoption of this amendll1ent, Excellent Companion lZuhn \vas elected Grand Royal ..A.rch Captain. Dr. Kuhn ll1ac1e another proposal, the adoption of which ll1arked the abandonUlent of a practice which had continued from the very beginning of Royal Arch l\fasonry in Missouri. That proposal authorized the Grand Chapter by t\vo-thirds vote to decide to hold an annual convocation else\\rhere than in its ancient seat, the City of Saint Louis. * lJpon the proposed anlendn1ent having received 1110re than a two-thirds vote of Chapters and individuals, Dr. I<uhn invited the Grand Chapter to hold its next annual convocatiOI=1, April, 1894, in Kansas City, and the invitation \vas l1uanin1otlsly accepted.

Portraits and Sketches The printed Proceedings of the convocation held in Kansas City are unique in that for the first tinle in OUf Grand Chapter history they have as a frontispiece the portrait of the Grand High Priest. "fhis "vas no less a person than ..;\ll~li,,~lÂŁJ)Q,;w:,ell, forn1any, 111any years Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge. The portrait \vas included and a biographical sketch printed by virtue of the adoption of a resolution offered by Dr. Kuhn, and, in accordance \vith that resolution, it has ever since been the practice to publish the portrait and a biographical sketch of the out-going Grand 11 igh F)riest as an integral and in1portant part of the printed proceedings. The Grand Chapter, at this convocation, COtl1111itted itself to Chapter burials" for a resolution \vas adopted authorizing the preparation of a funeral service for the use of subordinate -E:xcel)ting the convoeation of May) 1856, ,vhieh was held at Lexington, the Grand Cha!lte~ had never met outside the City of Saint Louis. '




Chapters by a cOlnn1ittee consisting of i\l1en ~/IcDo\vell, Jan1es B. Austin and Noah 1\11. Givan. The Conl111ittee reported the follo\ving year, reC0t11111ending the use of '"the I~oclge service, \vith such changes and additions as ll1ay be necessary". An an1endn1ent to the by-Iavvs \vas adopted requiring the Grand I-lighPriest to divide the state into nine districts, each district 路to be uncler the supervision of the nine line officers of tbe Grand Chapter, beginning \vith the l)eputy Grand High Priest. Each officer \vas required to visit the Chapters in his district at least once each yeal-, investigate, report, etc. The Grand Lectnrer \vasauthorizecl to appoint a deputy lectnrer for each of the districts.

Revision Contnzittee of 1904 Grand I-1igh J?riest 1\1 cDo\vell stated in his address that he had "not been called npon to render an opinion that conlcl properly be called a decisicHl on any controverted point of la\v or usage". l"he C01l1111ittee on Jurisprudence, T. \7. :l\IclVlillin, chairnlcUl, rel)ortecl that '路the la\v is so plain and \\'ell understood that no decisions have been required during the past year:- therefore leaving nothing for this C01111l1ittee to do". These statell1ents evidently caused the good old l\Tasonic question to be asked, "In this extrenlity. \vhatdo you advise?" But the Grand Chapter, instead of calling on the C~randChap颅 lain, authorized the appointn1ent of a conunittee H to revise and codify the by-la\vs" and report the fc>l1c)\ving '\~rhis duty\vas itnposed upon the inccnning C;rand Council, Dr. Corona H. Briggs, Grand lligh r)riest; i\lvin llaynie, I. 1\1. l\brahan1 and \\7ilIian1 F. Kuhn. This revision cOllullittee recognized that there had not l)een 111any changes in the Ia\v and very \visely perforlned its task by asselnbling all the an1el1chllents. to the constitution <111c1 byla\vs \vhich had been adopted since the revision of 1885, in 1111111erical order. It also asselnbled in logil~al order, under appropriate topics, all of the approved decisions; these, it \vill be renlelnherecl, \\'ere not inclnded in the then current revision. 1\he C0111111ittee report \vas adoptccl and printed in pamphlet f01"m, which, when used in conj~ction with the ~:



ARTHUR M. HOUGH Grand High Priest, 190{)..Ol





revision of 1885, tnade easily and readily accessible the constitution and laws of the Gtanc1 Chapter.

Physical Qualifications Dr. Corona H. Briggs, novI Dean of JVlissouri's Past Grand High Priest~'< during his achninistration rendered a decision of outstanding interest and importance. rrhe case ,vas this: i\. brother, \vho had previously been advanced to the degree of Mark n,iaster and inf~9~ed into the Oriental Chair, had the 111isfortune to lose hi~ncl. Objection \vas 111ade, urging that the brother ,vas not physically qualified to be received and acknowledged a 1\1. E. 1\1., or to be exalted. It \vas the Granc1 High Priest's decision that the brother' \vas entitled to receive the ren1aining degrees. In approving this decision, the COlllnlittee on Jurisprt1dence helel that the brother had a "vested right" to those degrees, and that his ll1isfortune could not deprive hin1 of that right, although he \voulcl have been ineligible had the physical defect existed at the tinle he petitioned the Chapter. The report of the C0111nlittee ,vas adopted. This decision focused attention upon the ancient doctrine of "physical perfection", \vhich \vas held to be a Landnlark by nlany l11elnbers of the Craft, but which had been questioned by nlany other Freel11asons. The approval of the decision by the Grand Chapter placed it in an equivocal position.. Certainly, if it be said that a candidate had to be physically perfect to be exalted, how could that reql.lirelllent be legally \vaived in any case? On the other hand, if it be said that a nlainlecl candidate could be legally exalted, what logical reason was there for rejecting the l)etition of a 111ainled IVIaster l\i1ason (otherwise qualified) who petitioned for the Chapter degrees? The way was opened for a re-exan1ination of the entire subject, and the final outconle" after a hattIe royal, \-vas a trit1t11ph for the principle that internal and not external qualifications recoIllnlend a 111an to f . . l'"eelnasonry.. At the titne the decision canle before the Grand Chapter ( 1895) the by-law relating to physical qualifications, Section i2 of the 1885 revision, was: ~

"When the physical disability of a candidate is not such as to

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prevent him from complying literally with the ceremonies of the degree, his admission win not be considered as an infringement of the Ancient Landmarks but, on the contrary, will be perfectly consistent with the spirit and intent of the Institution."

In discussing the question, \Villian1 H. l\:fayo in his report on correspondence in 1892 had said, after quoting this section, "this law is construed as liberally as its plain n1eaning and evident intent will allow" . At the convocation of 1896, Dr. Kuhn proposed-as a substitute for Section 72, the brief statenlent that "Physical .perfection is not required in this Grand Jurisdiction". This proposal does not appear ever to have conle to a vote in the Grand Chapter. In 1898, Dr. I(uhn, in his address as Grand High Priest, again brought the question before the Grand Cl1apter by succinctly renlarking that "l\'1asonry should not dra\v the line so closely on wooden or cork legs and arnlS, but tllOre closely on wooden and cork heads"" A revision was called for at the convocation of 1899. The revision COIllt11ittee presented its report to the convocation of 1900 and the report was continued over for action to the following convocation. The report was published in fun in the Proceedings of 1900. The sections of this report bearing on the question of physical qualification were as follows: hSection 149. If a cOlnmittee of investigation finds a candidate totally disqualified owing to non-residence, physical disqualification, or other sufficient cause, the fact shall be reported by the committee, entered of record and the fee returned, and no further action shall be taken in the case. "Section 150. It is incompetent for any Chapter in this jurisdiction to confer either of the degrees of Royal Arch Masonry upon any person whose physical defects are stIch as to prevent him from conforming to the requirements of the several degrees."

Thecot1troversy upon this subject at the convocation of 1900 was the last tllajor engagenlent over a question of law fought upon the floor of the Grand Chapter.. It was a spirited contest. 130th sides 111tlstered their forces" and their argU1l1ents. The group \\rhich ll1ight he described as the 11asonic Fundamentalists, stood for the old tradition and what they held to be a Landnlark of the Fraternity. Those holding opposite views contended for what they conceived to be the nlost workable



THURSTON B. DUNCAN Grand High Priest, 1901-02




and fair rule applicable to 1110dern conditions in Speculative Freenlasonry, and they won the day. Out of the s1110ke and Cla1110r of battle enlerged the follo\ving section, which \vas adopted, and which is still the law in this Grand Junsdictioll, although slightly altered in phraseology:* ~'It is inCOl11petent for any Chapter in this jurisdiction to confer either of the degrees of Royal Arch lv[asonry upon any person whose physical defects are such as to prevent him from receiving and inlparting the ceremonies of the several degrees; Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be 'so construed as to render any.,*one ineligible to the privileges of Capitular Masonry, who can, by the aid of artificial appliances, conform to the necessary cerenlonies."! I~everting to the administration of Dr. Briggs; the reader will recall that the Grand Chapter had ordered the state divided into districts, each district to be under the supervision of one of the Grand Chapter line officers. In his annual address Dr. Briggs reported that the plan had been rendered inoperative, o\ving to the fact that 110 expense appropriation had been Blade 1))1" the (jrandChapter and renlarked that

the anlount of 1l10ney required to defray the expenses of such visits would go far toward paying the salary of a Grand Lecturer whose visits would be nlore helpful to the Chapters.

Nat 1'11any years later the Grand Lecturer was placed on a salary by the Grand Chapter, l1.Qdoubt, as suggestion..

Review of Changes 'fhe convocation of 1896 vvas held in Springfield and l11arked the senli-centennial of the (~rand Chapter.. Fifty years had passed since its organization. It had gro,\vn and prospered. Its constitution and laws had been fully developed and (except for the physical qualification problenl) irnportunt changes since the senli-centennial have been c0111paratively few. \\r e \vill 路The prt;>sent section (12~) reads: "It is incompetent for any Chapter in this jurisdietion tf) confer an y of the degrees of I~()yal Arch lVlasonry upon any person '\vhose physical defects are such as to prevent hinl from receiving and imparting" the ceremonies of the several degrees. Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to render anyone ineligible to the privileges of Capitular Masonry, who can by the aid of physical appliances, conform to the neCt~ssary





review these rapidly and bring to a close what has proven to be a longer task than the writer anticipated \vhen he accepted the invitation to prepare this chapter 011 the Jurisprudence of the Grand Chapter. By virtue of a resolution adopted at the convocation of 1897, the convocations of the Grand Chapter, which had been one-day affairs for SOIne years, were lengthened to two days and have since been of that duration. 1"'he first of these two-day C0l1;vocations was that of 1898, presided over by Dr. \\lillian1 F. Kuhn, Grand High Priest. 11ention n1t1st be made of three decisions announced in his annual address. He decided that suspension in the Blue Lodge, for whatever cause, resulted in suspension fron1 Chapter Il1enlbership, without action on the part of the Chapter, and that all necessary was for the Secretary to enter the COlnpaniol1 as suspended with a statenlent of the facts. Conversely, he decided that reinstaten1ent by the Blue Lodge (\vhere there had been no Chapter action) would work a reinstatenlent in the Chapter, and that all necessary "vas for the Secretary to enter the Con1panion as reinstated. In other words, the operation'\vas practically anto111atic.. 'I'his has ren1ained the law of OUf Grand Chapter. At the last convocation (1931), however, an anlendnlent~o the by-la\vs was pIG~~,iri路adopted~~ reqt1ir~"'''~'ppropriate entry on the minutes of a stated convocation of the subordinate Chapter and the ternlination of Chapter n1en'lbership will be reckoned fronl the date of such entry.. Another decision involved a situation ",rhere a subordinate Chapter had a by-Ia\v entitling 111en1bers of twenty-five years standing to a life-nlen1bership and exenlption frol11 dues. The Chapter, with the evident intention of placing its life-Illetubers back on the roll of dues-payers, inquired of the Grand High Priest whether it could repeal the by-law and then collect dues fr01l1 those \vho had been life-nlel11bers. Dr. I(uhn held that the by-la\v could be repealed but that the repeal would not affect those \vha had reached the life-rnenlbership class.* In a third decision Dr. Kuhn held that in a Chapter election a Illotion to elect a designated Con1panion to a certain office 路See Proc_ 19Q3, pp. 14, 15.47, 48 when this decision is ()verrule~)


JOHN T . RUFFIN Grand High Priest, 1902-03






by acclanlatiol1 by having the entire vote of the Chapter cast for hinl by one designated for that purpose s110ttld not be entertained by the High Priest, and pointed out that such a nl0tion was an attenlpt to evade the law requiring a ballot, and that it also practically infringed the rule against nonlinations. An inlportant anlenclnlent to the by-Ia\vs was made when, at the suggestion of Dr. Kuhn, the Grand Chapter 11lade all the Grand Chapter officers elective, except the Grand Lecturer, Grand Chaplain and Grand Sentinel. The revision comnlittee appointed at the convocation of 1899 consisted of .A.rthur l\{. Hough,Charles S. Glaspell, .l'\l1an l\lcDovvell, David 1\1. \\Tilson and Seynlour Hoyt. As has been previously stated in this Chapter, the report of this conl111ittee \vas printed in the IJroceedings of 1900 and \vas acted upon at the convocation of 1901. The next revision thereafter was the \vork of a C0111111ittee cOlnposecl of Dr. \\Tillianl }:t. Kuhn, }\rthur 11. l-Iough and Fred \\T. Segur, whose report '\\i~as adopted at the convocation of

1911. The Last Revision The revision under \vhich the Grand Chapter is nO\\7 \vorking was the result of the labors of a conlIllittee \Jvhich reported at the convocation of 1923. This C0t11t1.1ittee V\ras conlposed of the follo\ving distinguished I~"'reenlasolls, all of whonl are well kno\vn to the present generation of Craftsll1en, nanlely, Bert S. Lee, Tho111aS H. I~eynolds and l~ay v. Denslow. The provisions of these tllree revisions ( 1901, 1911 and 1923) do not differ greatly. I'he chief difIerences will be stated hut briefly. The constitution of 1901 and that of 1911 and that of 1923 are practically the saUle. The following changes are noted: 1. 'rhe constitution of 1923 added the office of (~rand Organist to the list of C;rand Chapter officers. 2. The 111ethod of voting as prescribed by the constitutions of 1901 and 1911 \vas: In all questions in the C;rand Chapter, each Inember has one vote and no n10re; Provided, that in the election of officers if a High




Priest, King or Scribe is not present in person or by proxy, his vote may be cast by the senior officer present, or if no actual officer is present, by the proxies of the senior officer present.

The 111ethod of voting prescribed by the present constitution is: On all questions in the Grand Chapter each nletnber shall have one vote and no lnore.

Changes Noted


Last Revision

The. by-la\vs of the three revisions are like\vise very sinlilar. Son1e of the 1110re inlportant changes are: 1. The revision of 1901 fixed the tinle for the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter as the fourth \Vednesday of April; that of 1911 and the present, name the fourth Tuesday. All fix the City of Saint Louis as the place, with provision for change of place by action of the Grand Chapter. 2. The fiscal year 0 f the Grand Chapter ended on the fi rst day of 11arch under the provisions of the 1901 and 1911 by-laws, while the thirty-first day of DeccInber is the date under the present code. 3. T'he present by-laws contain a provision Inaking possible a change of Grand Representatives whenever the appointee has failed to attend Grand Chapter for t\VO successive years. 1""'hi5 provision "vas not in the by-laws of 1901 or 1911. 4. The revision of 1901 authorized the Grand 'High Priest to fill by appointlnent a vacancy in the office of High Priest, King or Scribe of a subordinate Chapter, until the next annual election. The present law is that the appointIllcnt is tenlporary and holds until the vacancy is filled by special election. 5. llnder the by-laws of 1901 the Cirand Lecturer was still all a per <lienl of five dollars and expenses, all payable by the Chapter upon \\'hose invitation he perfornled his duties. In the revision of 1911 appears provision for salary payable by the Granc1 Chap-ter, and in the revision of 1923 is the additional provision for traveling expenses~ 6. 1'he revision of 1901 contained this by-law: "No (]lapter in this jurisdiction shan exalt a candidate to the 110st Sublin1c degree of Royal Arch 1fason until he shall have selected and recorded his ~.n l\o such provision is found in either of the subsequent revisions. 7. Under the by-laws of 1901 it was pertnissible for Chapter officers to resign, except the High Priest, King and Scribe. cepti?ll is not luade. in eit~ler of the subsequent revisions. No provisi~;'1:i""'f9~1?isi(ling' a (Ul'!'lit t9 an installed officer is to be found. in the pre;e"nr"~'hy-laws. The by-laws of 1901 and 1911 contained identical prohibiting <Btuits to installed officers. 8. The revision of 1923 Inade a sweeping change with reference




to balloting for the degrees. This change is well-known to the membership and need not be detailed here. 9. The present law as to jurisdiction is tuuch luore liberal than it ever ,vas before. At present a candidate tnay petition any Chapter in this state for the degrees, unless he resides in a locality where there is an established Chapter. Previously, he was under the jurisdiction of the Chapter nearest his place of residence, except in cases where j ttrisdiction was concurrent. 10. The amounts paid by the Grand Chapter for n1ileage and per diem are respectively five cents and five dollars under the provisions of the 1923 revision. Both the 1901 and the 1911 revision fix. these amounts as three cents and three dollars respectively.

11. The revision of 1901, in that article of the by-laws devoted to miscellaneous matters, had a section which described the \~e~of the various officers to be used in conferring the Royal Arch d~'gree and another section prescribing jewels for the various Chapter officers. T'hese sections do not appe~i1 the subsequent or in the current revision.

CONCLUSION. The C01111l1ittee on Jurisprudence of the Grand Chapter of Missouri canle into existence first by virtue of the provisions of the revision of 1880. Excepting the author of this Chapter, seventeen C01l1panions have served the Grand Chapter as chairnlen of that conlnli ttee. Anlong those are listed S0I11e of the 1110st distinguished of IVlissouri Freenlasons. Their work as chairmen of this iluportant c01111nittee is written in the Proceedings of the annual convocations fronl 1881 to 1924. It is good work, true \vork, square work. The writer reverently inscribes their nanles upon the roll of chairtnen of the COlnnlittee" with which he concludes this Chapter: Noah M.Givan, .1881, 1882, 1883. James E. Cadle, 1884. Alexander 11:. Dockery, 1885. Rl.1fusE. Anderson, 1886. James Carr, 1887, 1888. Xenopholl Ryland, 1889. Charles C. Woods, 1890, 1891~ 1892. Ira V.. 1{cNIillan, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1900, 1903. Robert F. Stevenson, 1896, 1897, 1899. Allan McDowell, 1898, 1901. Arthur lvI. Hough, 1902, 1914.



Olaf A. Lucas, 1904, 1905. Pembrook :R. Flitcraft, 1906, 1907. William F. Kuhn, 1908. Frank H. Haskins, 1909. David M. Wilson, 1910, 1911, 1912. Frank R. Jesse, 1913, 1915-24. Henry C. Chiles, 1925 to date.







ROBERT E. BAINBRIDGE Grand High Priest, 1903路04

Biograpltical Sketches The History \vould 110t be c0111plete without reference to those \\1'ho have presided as Grand High Priests, and those who today carryon the activities of the Grand Chapter. 11nch of the Inaterial used in the biographical sketches \vhich follo\v is taken froll1 the Senli-centel1nial Proceedings of 1896. It has heen sonle\vhat condensed in order to get it into the linlitsfixed for this vOltllne.N 0 attel11pt has been l11acle to add a fulsc>tue praise, hut it has been our \vish to give only salient facts and to perll1it the reader to judge as to the value of these lives in the \vork of l~oyal :\rch :0.Iasonry. tI'hese sketches are illustrated by l)llC)tographs of all but a fe\v of these distinguished C0111panions. In a fe\v instances it has been itnpossil>le to secure photographs.

Janl.es W. S. Afitchell-1846.. 1847 2,.."""

James W. S. Mitchell was born February 16, Kentucky. Although he was self-educated, he was K'entncky's Representative to Congress for several ternlS, and Senator to the State Legislature for olle tern1. He practiced medieine the greater part of his life, and in 18:~5 moved to Illinois expecting to farm a piece of Govern.. nlent land. Two years later he llloved to Clark County, Missouri. In 1840 he waselectec1 to the Missouri Legislature, later moving to :B'ayette. He began the puhlication of "The Masonic Signet and Mirror", hut his offi<~e and valuable library were destroyed by fire. He moved to New York City, but was forced to return to the South, due to the opening of the Civil War and his Southern synlpathies. He died in Georgia, 'N ovenlber 4, 1873, leaving a ''life and two daughters. Conlpallioll l\-1itchell was made a IVlason in Kentucky in 1820. He served the l\[issouri Grand Lodge as Grand Master and Grand Secretary. fIe re<~eived the Capitular degrees. in Lexington (Ky.) Chapter No.1.. In 1846, when the Grand Chapter of Missouri was organized, he was un.aninlously elected Grand High Priest and re-



elected in. 1847. During this same year, he became a Knight Templar. (See Chapter "Our First Grand High Priest", Vol. 1.)

Thomas H. Capers-1848 Thomas H. Capers was born in Charleston, S~路路" C., March 2,7, 1811. He graduated from the State University and practiced medicine, but later abandoned this for the Methodist nlinistry. He served as pastor in churches in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and in 1846. was transferred to St. Louis, Mo. He died October 15, 1866, in Florida. In the Chapter he served a,s High Priest, during 1847 and 1848, of St. Louis Chapter No.8, having affiliated in 1847. In 1848 he was Grand High Priest, during which year he dimitted from Chapter NO.8. In 1847 he served as Grand Comlnander of the Grand Com'~and~ry of Missouri; he was also prominent in Scottish Rite work. Because of his short residence in Missouri, but Httlp. information can be found concerning his business and professional life, even information as to his Masonic affiliations !s scarce. He was a menlber of a committee appointed in 1847 to present the work and lectures of the degrees, and was elected 'Grand High Priest, although not present and was installed at his residence by the Deputy Grand I-ligh Priest. He appears to have rendered little service to the Grand Chapter.

JOh1t D. Daggett-1849-1850 John D. Daggett was born October 4, 1793, in Attleborough, Mass. H路e served as an apprentice and master IDlachinist until the close of the War of 1812. He moved to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and, finally, to St. Louis. He married Sarah Sparks of Maine in 1821 and they had twelve children. He worked in the mercantile, steamship, gas and light businesses. In 1841 he was elected Mayor of St. Louis, and declined re-election. He died May 10, 1874. At the tinle of his death, Companion Daggett was a member of Missouri Lodge No. 12,whieh he had joined in 1818. During the y'ears 1825-63, he served the Grand Lodge as Gr,and Secretary, Deputy Grand Master, and Treasurer. For nine years he was High Priest of Missouri Chapter No. 1 of St. Louis, and for many years was Treasurer of St. LouIs Comnlandery No.1. He also served las Grand H"igh Priest in 1849 and 1850. His biography will be found listed in the chapter On Grand Treasurers.

George H. C. ltlelody-I851 George H. C. Melody was born March 7, 1793, on the Atlantic Ocean while his parents were crossing from England to America.



He came to St. Louis, but moved to Boone County --in 1843. October 15, 1860, he died in Rocheport, Mo. tCompanion Melody was made a Mason by Missouri Lodge No. 12, land served the Grand Lodge as Treasurer, Deputy Grand Master, and Lecturer. In 1851, he filled the office of Grand High Priest of Missouri. His IChapter membership at the time of his death was in Missouri Chapter No. 1. A biographical sketch of George H. C. Melody will be found in the chapter on Grand Lecturers, volume I, and the story "Missouri Frontier Lodge" contains a number of references which give us a clear insight into the char.acter and makeup of the man.

John; F. Ryland-1852 John Ferguson Ryland was born in Virginia, November 2 (or 3), 1797. When he was eleven years old, the family moved to Kentucky, where he attended the Forest I-lill AcadenlY. He married 1\1artha M. Barnett and they had six children. About 1820 he opened a law office in Old Franklin, l\Iissouri. For eighteen years he was Judge of the Fifth Judicial District and was on the Suprenle Court Bench for nine years.. lIe served in the J.\iIissouri House of Representatives in 18 66. On Septell1bel" 10, 1873, he died at his home in Lexington, Mo. Re was initiated in :B-'ranklin Union Lodge No.7, at Old Franklin, Mo., June 7, lR22, and was raised to the degree of Master IVlason during the same year.. He~ras ele(~ted Secretary in 1822 and Senior "rarden in 1823.. An interesting story of his MasonicY''' and civil life appears in the }!-'ebruary, 1929, issue of the Grand Lodge Bulletin. He served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge during 1849 and 1850; he helped organize DeMolay Conlmandery No.3 at Lexington, having been knighted in st. I.louis during the fifties. In l\'Iay, 1852, he was elected Grand 'High Priest. The re(~ords show that he"vith Governor Hardage Lane, petitioned IVIissOllri Chapter No.1, June 12, 1824, was elected 011 March 12, 1825, and received the Capitular degrees i.Il January, 1826. 1

Thornton Grimsley-1853 Thornton Grilnsley was born in Kentucky, August 20, 1798, and seven years later lost l)otb parents. He served as all apprentice in the saddle business, and his sole schooling consisted of nine nlonths.H e took charge of his St. Louis employer's business, and in 1822 opened his own store with William Stark, whose daughter, Susan, he married. In 1826 he was elected Alderman; two years later was sent to the State Legislature; in 1835 served again as Alderulan, and three years later went to the State Senate.



NATH'AN J. SWETLAND Grand High Priest, 1905-06 "';,


.. I

Missouri Lodge No. 1 made Companion Grinlsley a Mason, and he was Treasurer and Senior Warden in 1821 and 1822. In the former year he assisted in the orgallization of the Grand Lodge of Missouri and served in various capacities. l-Ie was High Priest. during 1826 and 1827 of Missouri Chapter under dispensation. St. Louis Commandery No. 1 knighted hint. lIe served the Grand Chapter as Grand High Priest in 1853, and eight years later, on December 22nd, he died.

Priestly H . McBrille-1854 Priestly H. McBride was a lawyer and served on the bench of the Supreme Court of Missouri for a number of years. He died at Columbia, Boone County, May 21, 1869. CODlpanion McBride served the Grand Lodge as Grand Master



fronl 1839~1842 inclusive, and the Grand 'Chapte'r as Grand High Priest in 1854, having been made a Royal Arch Mason in 1838. At the time of his death, his membership was in Twilight L,odge No. 114, and Colulnbia Chapter No. 17, of which he was a charter nlenlber. At the 1852 Convocation of the Grand Chapter he appeared as the !{illg of COhllllbia (Mo.) Chapter. He was the first initiate in the Order of High Priesthood after it became a State organization. Official records show his nlerllbership in Chapters Nos. 2, 13 and 17; in P,aris Union Lodge No. 19, Twilight No. 114, and Boone No. 94; the records of Missouri Chapter No.1 show his attendance on nunlerous occasions. He was knighted in 81. Louis Commandery No.1.

He is buried in Columbia, Mo., and an interesting story of his life appears in 13ay's "Bench and Bar H





I~ittle is known of the private life of Thonlas Story Miller except that he was born near Georgetown, }{eutucky, May 9, 1807, and nloved t.o J)aris t Missouri, in 1831. He died at I>alnlyra, August 16, 1859. •,1 nIle 1H, 1834, he was nlade a Master Masoll ill Paris lTnion Lodge No. 19 and 'was ~{aster itl 18B9. Palmyra Chapter No. 2 lunde hinl a l:toyal Ar(~b Mason on. SepteIllber6, 1842, and after assisting in tht~ organization of Hannibal Chapter No.7, he served as its II igh Priest in 1854. The follo\ving year he was elected Gl<tand }ligh Priest of Missouri.

John \V. Chen()w(:~th, M. I)., \vas born in Virginia on Christmas l)uj', 1807. He nUl.rriEHI lc"'\ranees H.andle of Illinois in 1831 and In()V~Hl to l\iih;8ouri in 1844 where he rcrnained until the opening of the Civil\Var. Th.en, he nloved to Grayson County. Texas, where hE~ dh~don Oetob(~r 51 1874, leaving one SOIl and two daughters..

TIlt' dates of his l\1aa{)ni(~ advancement are not known. Heserved lJOdge at Greenfield. MissourI, and later at SpringfiE~ld. lie W'iU~ (~l()et(~d (~randlligh Priest of the Grand Chapter in ~ls~tuRb,~rof u


1). De Ilav()rt--1857 I). l)ellaven'wlls born at \\t'f]!l<:hester, Virginia, SepteInber 4, J."'our YE~nrs later the falniIy nloved to BoonVille, Missouri, where his wire. Jennie GriInes of Ohio (whom he had nlarried




when he was twenty) died. Known as a great steamboatman, at th,e outbreak of the JCivil War he was made a Captain in the Confederate Navy. Mary Dobbyns of L,ouisiana became his wife in March, 1863. He died, August 27, 1876, ,at Boonville, leaving his wiLe and three children. As it is with the records of nlany other Companions at this time, Masonic information concerning Companion De Haven is scanty. The only facts are that he held various offices until his election in 1857, as Grand High Priest of the Missouri Grand Chapter.

Marcus Boyd-1858-1859 M.a.rcus Boyd, born in 'I.'ennessee in 1803, \vas twice married and ,vas the father of sixteen children. In 1842 he canle to Springfield, Missouri, to farIn, and represented Greene -County in the State Legislature. He was a staunch Union man during the Civil WIRr and at the close of the war he was appointed Postmaster at Springfield by President Andrew Johnson. He died in that city, November 30, 1866. He served as Master of his Lodge and High Priest of his Chapter. In 1858 he. was elected Grand High Priest, and re-elected the following year, during which year he was also Grand Master of the ,Grand .' Lodge. of Missouri. Masonic records show that he represented Greene Lodge No. 101 as Master in 1853 and later United Lodge No.5; he served , as District Deputy Grand Master and his election as Gr~n Master .,' of the 'G:ra,n,d Lodge is the first inst.ance of reg rJ\Promotion from the station of Junior Grand Warden. During the war he was Colonel of the 72nd Regiment of Enrolled Militia. The Grand Lodge recently erected a monument at his grave in I-Iazelwood Cenletery, Springfield, Mo.



John W. Crane was elected Grand High Priest in 1860; he had served in 1851 as Grand King and these were the only elective offices he filled. Little infornlation is to be obtained concerning his life and Masonic activities. He died August 18, 1866, and it was said of him at the tinle, "He was long an active and zealous nlenlber of the fraternity".. He appeared at Grand Lodge as Senior Warden of Naphtali Lodge No. 25 in 1847;. in 1855 he attended Grand Lodge as l\1aster of George Washington Lodge No.9, and served that year as Chairman of the COlnnlittee 011 Unfinished Business. He appeared at Grand Lodge again in 1856 as Master of his Lodge, serving



Grand High Priest, 1906路07




as Grand Senior Deacon pro tem; that same year he was Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, and in 1857 was Chairman of the Committee on Grievances. He represented his Lodge again in 1859. In 1861 he was a menlber of the Committee on Applications and Communications. His last attendance was in 1864, when he registered as Past Master. In the Chapter it appears he was a charter nlember of St.. Louis Chapter No. 8 in 1847; in 1849 he affiliated with Missouri Chapter No.1; returning to St. Louis Chapter No.8 in 1857. He was a member of Hiram Council No.1, R. & S. M., and of St. Louis Commandery No.1, K. T., receiving the Orders in March, 1851. He was Grand Generalissinlo in 1860 and Grand Captain General in 1861.

W nl,. R. Penick-1861 William Ridgeway Penick was born in Boone County, Mo., May 20th (or 21st), 1829, and died Decelnber 4th (or 5th), 1891. On March 1, 1856, he was made a Mason in St. Joseph Lodge No. 78, and two years later was made its Master. In 1861 he served as Grand Master of the Missouri Grand Lodge. He joined St. Joseph Chapter No. 14 and became High Priest in 1860, and Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter in 1861. In 18"77 he was Grand Master of the Grand Council, being a charter member of St. Joseph Council No.9. At the time he was Grand High Priest, he was also Grand COlnmander, having aided in the organization of St. Joseph Comnlandery No.4, in 1859. He was a 32 0 member of the Scottish Rite, and at the time of his death was the oldest Past Grand High Priest in point of service. He became Mayor of st. Joseph and for many years was one of its most pronlinent citizens. His parents, Joel J. and Sophia B. (Ridgeway) Penick, were natives of Virginia; he came, with his parents, to Missouri at the age of eight, settling in what was then kno\vn as the Platte Purchase. Most of his life was spent in the drug and book business. During the Civil War he was enthusiastic in the support of the Union cause and organized what was called the "Unconditional Union Club of Missouri". During the war he held five military commissions-Major on the staff of Brigadier General Loan, I.. . ieutenant Colonel, then Colonel of the 5th Reginlellt Cavalry M. S. M., later Colonel of a state Reghl1ent and, finally, Brigadier General of the Northwestern lVIissouri Militia. He served Buchanan County as Coroner and the City of St. Joseph as Councill11an and Mayor. He becarne President of the St. Joseph and Denver Railroad Company and it was largely through his influence that the work of cOIllpleting the line was resumed after the Civil War.



James Carr-1862 James Carr ,vas born March 22, 1825, in Pennsylvania and came to Monroe County, Missouri, in 1845. He taught school, studied law, and became General Attorney for the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railway Company. From Paris he moved to Hannibal, and then to St. Louis, where he died, Christmas Day, 1891. Companion Carr joined Union Lodge No. 19, Paris, Mo., in 1849, and served as Master in 1854. Monroe Chapter No. 16, Paris, made hinl a Royal Arch Mason in 1850, and eleven years later made him its High Priest. The Missouri Grand Chapter elected him Grand High Priest in 1862. Upon removing to St. Louis, he affiliated with Oriental Chapter No. 78 and at the time of his death was its High Priest. At Hannibal, in 1866, he joined Ex~ calibar Commandery N{). 5, was Comnlander in 1871, and Grand Generalissimo in 1869 and 1870.

]antes N. Burnes-1863 Janles Nelson Burnes was born in Indiana, August 22, 1827, He graduated at the Harvard Law Sehool in 185:~,practieed law for twenty years, 'was Circuit Attorney in 1856, and Judge of the Conlnlon PleasConrtfrom 1868 to 1872. He\vas a Presidential Elector in 1856 and ",'"as elected to the forty-eighth, forty-ninth, fiftieth and fifty-first Congresses, and held pronlinent positions on leading cOlnnlittees in the na-

came to M.issouri in 1837.

tional House of Representatives. He presided over the Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery in the City of "Teston, Mo., and, after his retnoval to 81. Joseph in 1875, was COlnmander of St. Joseph Comnlandery No.4, U. D.; he later became a charter member of Hugh de Payens Cornman.. dery No. 51. He was elected Grand High Priest in May, 18~3, Grand 1'v!aster of the Grand 'Council in 1877 and Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commandery in that same year. As a public citizen he was the main promoter of the Atchison bridge, the Rock Island-Leavenworth bridge, the At(~hison branch of the Chi.. cago Southwestern, the National Bank of St. Joseph and the St. Joseph Water Works. He had a national reputation because of his mental faculties, his indomitable will and charitable disposition. lils public life was one {)f strict integrity. His death occurred suddenly 路at Washington,D. C., January 24, 1889.

}antes .i4. H. Lanl.pton-1864 Jalnes A. H. Lanlpton was born in Cohlnlbia, Ky., February 21, 1824, and died in St. Louis, Mo., February 3, 1879. He came to Mi.ssouri as a boy and settled in Ralls County. By profession




Priest, 1907-08 ,"~,




he was a physician, but early in life abandoned this profession for vocations which were nlore congenial to his inclinations. He was a cultured gentlenlan of large experience, and the brethren of the Masonic Fraternity knew and appreciated his qualities. He was a perfect ritualist, a pleasing worker, and ready to do what might be assigned him. He was- nlade a Mason in New London Lodge No. 21 shortly after attaining his nlajority; he affiliated with George Washington Lodge No.9, June 23, 18'57, serving as Master in 1865, 1867 and 1871. He became a nlember of St. Louis Chapter No.8, St. Louis Commandery No.1 and Hiraln Council No.1, serving his Chapter as High Priest, and in 1863 began his career in the Grand Chapter as Grand Scribe. In the Grand Lodge he served on numerous committees '\vith zeal and fidelity and, in 1869-70 filled路 the position of Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge.

Thos. E. Garrett-1865 Thonlas Elwood Garrett was a native of Chester County, Pennsylvania. In 1851 at the age of twenty-three~ he came to St. Louis and entered newspaper work as a dranlatic critic. He died June 29, 1905. HIs Lodge 11leIUbership was in Pride of the West Lodge No. 179, which he joined in 1861; he served as Grand Master of Missouri in 1870 and 1871. He dinlitted froIll Missouri Chapter No.1, and affiliated with St. Louis 'Chapter No.8. He w.aselectedGrand High Priest in 1865, and three years later was President of the a路rand Convention of High Priests. For three ternls he was Master of Hiram 'Council No.1, and in 186.7 became Grand Master. He was also a menlber of St. Louis Conlmandery No.1, and a 33掳 Mason. Companion Garrett was a rare literary genius; his activity as a writer on the "Intelligencer", "Evening News", and "RepUblic" and as dramatic critic for the "St. Louis Republican" was only the forerunner for the distinguished service which he gave the fraternity in Missouri.. He was the organizer of the first Elk Lodge in Missouri and is said to have been largely responsible for the arrangement of the present funeral service used by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. For many years he was the oldest living Past Granel High Priest; he was a menlher of the Masonic Conservators,. an organization for the control of the Masonic ritual. His widow survived hinl almost a quarter of a century.

Santuel Russell-1866 Salnuel Russell was .born in the historic Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, in February, 1814. He \vas left an orphan at the age of



ten years and his early life was spent in Louisiana and Mississippi; he le.a,rned the tailor's trade. In 1849 he sailed for California on a sailing vessel and after a long and perilous voyage around 'Cape H'orn, he arrived in the land of gold. He returned and settled in Vicksburg, Miss., where he engaged in merchandising; in 1855, he came to St. Joseph, Mo., where he sold lumber; in 1861 we find him in Denver and later in Montana. He was President of the Constitutional Convention of Montana in 1868. He returned to his old home in St. J,oseph, engaged in the grain business and on December 7, 1874, died. He w路as the first Master of Zeredatha Lodge No. 189, and served the Grand Lodge as District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Or.and Lecturer until the time of his death. He was made Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1862; for several years he was High Priest of St. Joseph :Chapter No. 14, a position previously held in an Illinois Chapter while a resident of that state; he becanle Grand High Priest in 1866. He becanle a member of the Council in St. Joseph, affiliating later with a Montana Council. III 1862 he becanle Cornmander of Hugh de Payens Conlnlandery No.4, St. Joseph, Mo., holding the position for three years; in 1869 he bec,une Grand Captain General of the Grand Gomlnandery. He is buried in Mt. Mora Ceuletery in the City of St. Joseph.

Martin CQllills-1867 Martin Collins was a native of Lancaster County, Pa., born May 15, 1826. He resided for a time in WestChester County, N. Y.. , coming to St. Louis in 1844. In 1846 he journeyed to the Pacific Coast, visiting ,China, the Sandwich Islands and South America. He married, November 6, 1851, Miss Mary Alice Crabbe, daughter of Ca.ptain Crabbe of the D.. S. Marhle ICorps. He returned to st. Louis in 1852 and foOl" nlany years was General Manager of a fire insuranceconlpany. He was made a l\1:ason in Rising Sun Lodge No. 126 in Phna~ delphia, affiliating with Occidental Lodge 'No. 163, St. Louis, Mo., April 14, 1856. serving the latter lodge as Master in 1863, 1864 and 1870.. In the Grand Lodge he served as both Senior and Junior Grand Wardens.. He was exalted in st. Louis Chapter No. 8, September 18, 1860, was elected as its High Priest and, in 1865, w,a,s started in the Grand Chapter line by election as Grand Scribe. The Council degrees were conferred in st. Louis Council No.1, which later became Hiram Council No.. 1; he was made Grand Master of the Grand 'Council in 1869, and again in 1870.. He received the Orders of Knighthood ill St" Louis ,CoDlmandery No. 1, November 30, 1863; he hecanle Senior Grand Warden of the


ALFRED H. WHITE Grand High Priest, 1908-09




GrandCommandery in 1865 and 1866, and for SOllle reason dimitted December 7, 1868. The degrees of the Scottish Rite, including the honorary 33 0 , were conferred in 1865, and at a session of the Supreme Council in 1867 he was nOlninated by Albert Pike to fill the v.a,cancy caused by: the death of Anthony O'Sullivan and became the second Inspector General of the Rite in Missouri. He served for nlany years as a menl bel" of the Board of Relief, and most of these years as the presiding officer. He died May 2!5, 1908.

Oren, Root, Jr.-1868 Oren Root Vtras born at Syracuse, N. Y., May 18, 1828; his father was principal of Syracuse AcadenlY at the time, but in 1850 moved to Clinton, where he was elected professor of nlathematics in Hanlilton College; in this school, in 1852, Companion Root began his education; here he won nlathenlatical prizes, public speaking honors and ,vas valedictorian of his class. He took up the study of law and was adluitted to the bar in Wisconsin in 1858. From 1860 to 1862 he served as tutor in Hanlilton College resigning to become principal of Rome AcadenlY; he came West, accepted the chair of English in the lTniversity of Missouri, serving for five years and resigning in 1871 to become superintendent of the newly organized schools of Carrollton, Mo.; two years later he was made principal of Pritchett Institute of Glasgow, Mo. At this time he decided to enter the ministry in addition to carrying on his school duties. In 1880, he was summoned to assist his aged father, succeeding him as professor of nlathem.a.ties, a position he held until the time of his death. He was initiated at Monroe, Mich., May, 1860, but was passed and raised in Clinton Lodge No. 169 in New York; he was appointed Grand Chaplain of the Gr,and Lodge of Missouri in 1892 and 1893. The Capitular degrees were conferred in Fort Stanwix Chapter No. 153, RODle, N. Y., in 1863, and he became High Priest of the Chapter the following year. On his arrival in Missouri, in 1866, he was nlade HIgh Priest, under dispensation and charter, of Columbia Chapter No. 17; he was elected Grand High Priest in 1868. He served as Grand Commander of Knights Ternplar in 1872. His death is recorded in the 190B Proceedings.

John F. Houston-1869 John Fletcher Houston was initiated in Livingston Lodge .No. 51, March 7, 1846; he appeared .at the Annual Conlmunication held in Lexington the following year, representing Wakanda Lodge No. 52. The records show that he affiliated with ~'Q,gt"6'ftJ' Lodge



No. 1,4.,9'! on July 13, 1846; his nlelllbership was eventually trans~ ferred to Riehm-and Lodge No. 57 禄t Richmond, lVIo., which he served several years as Master. He served as Junior Grand Warden in 1857, Senior Grand Warden in 1858, and was elected Grand Master in 1864, and re-elected the following year; he became Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge in 1866. He doubtless received his capitular degrees in Lexington Chapter No. 10, affiliating with George Washington Chapter No. 24, and finally becoming a charter menlber of Cyrus Chapter No. 36, Richmond, Mo., and its first High Priest. He began his career in the Grand Chapter as Grand Scribe in 1857 and was elected Grand High Priest in 1869. His death occurred in St. Louis, December 5, 1870, and he was buried at Richm,ond, Mo., the funeral ceremonies being perforuled by Grand l\1aster Thonlas E. Garrett.

Joseph !l!t. Fox--1870.. 1871 Joseph M. Fox was born in !{entucky, March 12, 1832, and wa.s edueated in a private school at Frankfort, and Center College at Danville. After obtaining his M. D. degree he caDle to Missouri where opportunities for practicing his profession were hetter. H'e fought in the 路Confederate A'rmy during the Civil "rar. June 4, 1855,CompaIlion Fox was raised in Relief Lodge No. 1. 05, and after moving to Sedalia he assisted in fornling Granite Lodge No. 272, of which he becanle first Master. He 'was also the first High Priest of Sedalia Chapter No. 18, in 1867. Two years later, he was Master of Sedalia Council No.5, and the same year was eleeted to the Grand Council. February 2, 1869, he was knighted and was the first COlumander of St.Onler Commandery No. 11. Although he never filled any of the subordinate offices of the Grand Chapter, he was elected Grand High Priest in 1870. The record shows that he dinlitted froDl the Missouri Chapter to which he belonged in August, 1883. At the Annual Conelave of the GrandCommandery, October 4, 1870, he was elected Deputy Grand Conlmander. The 1909 Proceedings of the Grand Chapter record his death at Victor, Colo., Novemher 28, 1908.

In the year 1870 he nloved to St. Louis and a few years later to Portland, Ore., which became his hOIne for the remainder of his life. He died at the home of his daughter,. but the renlaillB ,vere taken to Portland for burial. An interesting feature of his election as Grand High Priest was the fact that he ,vas elected 'without having filled any subordinate office in the Grand Chapter.



VAN F. BOOR Grand High Priest, 1909-10



las. E. Carter-J872 Janles E. Carter served his apprenticeship to the printer's trade in Alton, Illinois, where he was born May 28, 1840. In 1858 he 1110ved to Jefferson City, Missouri, where three years later he nlarried Roxana Mathews. At the tinleof his death, October 23, 1879, he held the contract for the printing of the State of MissourL He ,,~as twice Mayor of Jefferson City. Brother Carter served as Master of Jefferson Lodge No. 43, in which he was raised on February 27, 1864. On December 13, 1868 he was elected High Priest of Jefferson City Chapter No.. 34, and in 1872 becanle Grand High Priest. At his death he was Commander of Prince of Peace ComnlanderyNo. 29, having been a chartermem bel'. He served the Grand Lodge as District Deputy Grand l\JIaster and District Deputy Grand Lecturer for a nUlnber of years, being noted for his proficiency in the ritual, as well as his kno\vledge of the la \VS and usage of the fraternity. He was eleeted Junior Grand,\\tardell of the Grand Lodge ill 1878, advanced the following year to Senior Grand 'Varden, but died ,vithin olleweek of his installation. Ife ,vas lllade a Royal Arch Mason February 12, 1867, in Jefferson City Chapter No. 34; he \vas a Deputy Grand Lecture!,; of th(~ .Grand Chapter in 1869. A splendid tribute to hinl as a nlall and a l\[asol1 appears in the 1880 Grand Lodge Proceedings.

Xenophon Ryland-lB~3 Xellophon Ryland was born near Lexington, Mo., 1, 1844. the Son of JohnF. Ryland, an ardent Freemason who had preeec1ed hiln in the office of Grand High Priest and Grand Master, a eircunlstance untlsual in the annals of Chapter Masonry in Missouri. He was raised in Lafayette Lodge No.. 32, Lexington, Mo., an~texalted a Royal Arch Mason in Lexington Chapter No.. 10, Mal..ch 22, 1868. He served the Grand Lodge as District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer for a nunllJer of years, as well as assistant Grand Lecturer of the Grand Chap-' tel'.. His career as an officer of the Grand Lodge began .in' 1873;' and hebecanle Gralld Master in 1876. He ,vas a Union soldier, entering the army as a youth and, as a private,hnder Colonel l\tiulligan~ surrendered to General Sterling Price at the Battle of Lexington; at eighteen years of age he was made First Lieutenant of the 718t Reginlent E. M. M. At the age of nineteen he was licensed to practice law in all the courts of the state; he served as a Denlocraticelector in 1880 and, in 1882, was appointed Judge of Probate for Lafayette County, afterwards elected.



He was a menlber of DeMolay Comulandery No.3, at Lexington, in which organization he took an active interest. Actively engaged in the work of the Southern Presbyterian Church, in 1890, at the earnest call of this denomination, he engaged in evangelistic work; he was ordained November 10, 1892, a,s State Evangelist and from this路 time devoted his entire attention to this work. He died October 1, 1920, revered by his brother Masons and fellow citizens.

Rufus E. A,tderson,-1874 Rufus E. Anderson was born in Palnlyra, Missouri, January 2:2, 1833. He practiced law and in 1877 he moved to Hannibal where he died July 2'7, 1909. He was made a Master Mason in Palnlyra Lodge No. 18 in 1859 and three years after was installed as Master. H'e served Palmyra Chapter No.2 as High Priest continuously from 1867 to 1877. Soon after moving to Hannibal, he was elected High Priest of Hannibal Chapter No.7. His 111eulbership at the time of his death was in Palmyra No.2 with which he had affiliated Decenlber 7, 1906. In 1874 after serving in subordinate offices, he was installed as Grand High Priest. He was a nlenlber of the Seottish Rite and of Excalibar ConlmanderyNo. 5. He was elected Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1865, and, having served through the several stations, was elected Grand Master in 1873. He became Grand I{ing of the Grand Cha"9ter in 1865, serving in several capacities, and finally that of Grand High Priest in 1874. In 1882 he ,vas elected Deputy Grand Conlmander of the Grand Comlllandery.


F. Leavitt--1875

Charles F. Leavitt was born in Alfred, Maine, Decenlber 4,1828. He practiced law in Independence, Iowa and in 1866 he nloved to. Springfield, Missouri, where he continued practicing his profession. A,fter a few hours' illness) he died at Silex, Missouri, November 24, 1887~ CODlpanion Leavitt served as Master of his Lodge in Iowa and later in Springfield. He was also High Priest of his Chapter and a member of E!llnlanuel 'Conl1uandery at Macon. He was elected Grand Scribe in 1871 and Grand High Priest in 1875~ Little inforxnation can be obtained as to his various Masonic ~onnectiOllS; the historical card in the Grand Secretary's office shows that he was a member of Springfield Chapter No. 15 as early as 1868, but there is no record as to ho\v or when he joined. He served as High Priest in 1869-70-71..72-74-75-78.. There is a


}i~RANCIS H. TRIMBLE Grand High Priest, 1910..11




record as to his dinlission on November 7, 1887. His Commandery record shows that he came to Emmanuel Commandery No. 7 at Macon, Mo., from Lebanon Conlmandery IT. D. He is said to have been an active, enthusiastic and zealous Mason, deeply imbued with the principles of the fraternity and well versed in its laws an'il 'usages..

Joseph S. Browne--1876 Joseph 路Sessford Browne was born in Washington, D.. C.. , August 23, 1836;. in that year his family came to Hillsborough, Ohio, and in 1857 to St. Joseph, Mo.. , where he spent the remaining part of his life.. H'e m,arried Miss Mary E. SUgers, April 7, 1863, and on his 'death, February 12, 1906, left one son and three daughters. He served as Deputy Postmaster of the City of St. Joseph under many adnlillistrations.. His Masonic record begins with his being raised in St. Joseph Lodge No. 78, Decenlber 11, 1858; he served his Lodge as Master in 1863, 1867 and 186.8; he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer in 1873, and in 1877 was elected Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge, being regularly advanced and becollling Grand Master in 1879. He was a melnber of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home from the time of its organization and took an inlportant part in its promotion. He was exalted in St. Joseph Chapter No. 14 in 1858, was High Priest ill 1872, 1873 and 1875; served as Deputy Grand Lecturer for a lluDlber of years and, in 1876, was elected G!lRnd High Priest.. The Cryptic degrees were conferred on him by St. Joseph Council No.. 9 at its organization on March 24, 1871. In 1873 he was made Master and that same year was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council. He was knighted in Weston Comnlandery No. 2 in 1859, afterwards joining Hugh de Payens Commandery No.4; he dimitted to become a charter member of St. Joseph Comm,andery No.4, JulY, 1875, serving as Commander in 1877, and in 1886, following several elections in subordinate positions, be,came Grand Conlnlander, serving during the Grand Encampment which met in St. Louis. He received the degrees of the Scottish Rite,. 4-18, in 1865, and was a member and officer of st. Joseph Lodge of Perfection and Council of Princes of Jerusalem; the reIXlaining degrees were conferred October 17, 1879, by Grand Conlmander Albert G. Mackey..

Wnl. R. Stubblefield-1877 William R . Stubblefield was born in Greenfield, Ill, May 8, 1835. He attended the public schools and Greenfield Senlinary. He cam,e to st.. Louis in 1856 and worked in a wholesale hat house. Mary



Gray of Flemington, N. J . , became his wife on December 6, 1859, and they had one daughter. His death occurred January 10, 1908. He was made a Master Mason March 13, 1859, in Occidental Lodge No. 163, St. Louis, Mo.; he was elected Master in 1873, Grand Junior Warden in 1877, and,finally, G-rand Master in 1880. In 1861, the firm with which he was connected having established a branch house in Chicago, he removed there and became a resident of that city. He was exalted in Lafayette Chapter No. 2, Chicago, in 1864, but, on his return to St.. Louis, affiliated with Kilwinning Chapter No. 50, which he served 'as High Priest in 1872, 1873, 1874 and 1891. He began his career in the Grand Chapter line in 1874 and became Grand High Priest in 1877; he was appointed Grand Lectu.rer of the Grand Chapter in 1890.. The Cryptic degrees were conferred in Chicago Council No.4 in 1864; he later affiliated with Tyrian Council No. 13, St. Louis, became its Master and, in 1876, was elected Grand Master of the Grand IOouncU of Missouri. It was in 1864 that the Orders of Knighthood were conferred on him by Apollo Commandery No.1 in Chicago; he affiliated with Ivanhoe Commandery No.8, st. Louis, in 1873, and the following year was elected its Commander.. The Consistory in 'Chicago, in 1866, conferred the degrees of the Scottish Rite; he dimitted therefrom and affiliated with the st. Louis organization.

NoahM. Givart-1878-1879 Noah M. Givan, born in Indiana, December 1, 1840, was educated in the public schools, Franklin College, and the State University. He worked as County Treasurer, editor of the county paper, and was Superintendent of Schools. In 1868 he moved to H路arrison.. ville, Mo., where he practiced law.. This was his home, with the exception of a few years spent in St. Louis. He died October 3, 1907. Companion Givan was made a Mason in Manchester, .Ind., in Burns Lodge No. 55 on April 12, 1862; later he affiliated with Lawrence Lodge No.5, and received his Capitular degrees in Indiana.. Palestine Commandery No. 17, Independence, Mo., knighted him; he dimitted to organize Bayard Commandery No. 36, at Harrisonville, in 1875, and was chosen its. first Commander. While a resident of St. Loui,s he assisted in the organization of Bernard de TremelayCommandery No. 49 and was its first Commander.. At the organization of Cass Lodge No. 147, in 1867, he was chosen Master; in 1868 he became District Deputy Grand Master of the ~~6th District; he was appointed Grand Senior Deacon in 1874 and was regularly advanced by election, serving as Grand Master in 1878. For fifteen years he served as Chairman of the Committee on Appe.als and Grievances of the Grand Lodge.. In the Grand



AUSTIN L. l\tcRAE Grand High Priest,


Chapter he was regularly advanced, until 1878 he becalne Grand High Priest; in 1883 he was elected Gral1d Treasurer. For I11any years he was also Treasurer of the Grand Convention of High Priesthood. In 1875 he was made Grand Master of the Grand Council, and, in 1891, became Grand Comnlander of the Grand Comnlandery. At the organization of the Masonic flolne, in 1889, he was chosen President of the Board of Directors.

]anz,es E.Cadle-1880 Janles Elvis Cadle was born January 20, 18:30, in ~Jacksol1 County, Mo. Early in life his fanlily moved to Gentry County, 1\1:0., where he was married to Miss Leutitia P. Thornton. By profession he was both p!lysicianand lawyer and as a result of the friendships fornled in these capacities, 'vas elected nnd served a term in the State Legislature from Livingston County. In 1886, in :King City, Mo., he was stricken with an attack of paralysis, from which he never recovered. He died July 8 1890. He was made a Master Mason Septenlber 1B, 1851, in Athens Lodge No. 127, Albany, Mo., affiliating with the Lodge at Spring



Hill (No. 155), and he served as Master in 1863-64; later affiliating \vith Friendship Lodge No. 89, he again served as Master in 18'69~ 72-73-78-79; he renlained a 111ember of this Lodge until the time of his death. He served, in 1870~71, as District Deputy Grand Master of the 10th District; was hOnOI"ed by the Grand Lodge by election as Grand Master in 1875. He received the Capitular degrees in St. Joseph, but in 1867 affiliated with Lone Star Chap~ ter No. 30, Chillicothe, lYlo., serving as High Priest in 1868 and 1877, and Grand High Priest in 1880. He was a nlember of Paschal Comnul.ndery No. 32 and was Conlnlander during several terms.

Samuel H. OUJens--1881 Salnel H. Owens was born May 8, 1885, in Springfield, Ill. The fanli1y came to Missouri, settling on a farm in Cole County. He was adnlitted to the bar in 1859 and practiced law in California, 1\10. In 1860 he nlarried :mlla M. Thorpe, his death occurring in St. Louis, February 22, 1882. IIe W<lS Inade a IVlaster Mason in 1859 ill Jefferson :City Lodge No. :{4; he affiliated 'w'itll California L.odge No. 183, February 25, 1860, serving as Master in 1863-66-67. rIe served several terms as District Deputy Grand Master, and, after holding positions in the Grand Lodge line, becanle Grand IVIaster in 1872. As Cl1airnlan of the Conlulittee on Grievances of the G'rand Lodge, for a number of y~ars, he 111ade for hinlself an enviable record. He was exalted in 1859 and served as the first High Priest of California Chapter U. D. at its inst.itution,Decenlber 23, 1869; he \vas re-elected con.. tinuol1sly up to and including 1878. in Vllhich year he began his labors ill the Grand Chapter, resulting in his election as Grand I-ligh Priest in 1881. He died while holding this position. He 'was knighted in St. Onler COIllnlauclery No. 11, Sedalia, Mo., April 5, 1870, and ,,路as active in the forrnation of Prince of Peace Conl" lluuldery No. 29 at Jefferson City, Mo., in 1877, serving as its first COlnmander.

Erurin Ellis-1882 Erwin Ellis was born Septelnber 24, 1841, in Bellevue, Mich., and \vas educated in the Marshall public schools and the :State Norxual at Ypsilanti. In 1866 he married Aristeen D. Fitzgerald, and three years later they came to Lebanon, Mo., where he engaged in the fire insuranee business. He died June 26, 1900. C0I11panion Ellis was raised at Marshall, Mich., in 1862; nlade a Iio:ral Arc:h Mason at Stanford, Ky.: in 1863; and greeted and knighted ill 1866 at Marshall. He Vlas a Past Master of Center Lodge No. 401, a Past High Priest of Lebanon Chapter N-o. 64,




and a Past Commander of Lehanon Commandery No. 33. In 1880 he was selected Grand King by the Missouri Grand Chapter, and, t,vo years later, Grand High Priest. In 1882, as Deputy Grand High" Priest, he presided over the Grand Chapter, delivering the annual address, because of the decease of Grand High Priest Owens.

.41exa.nder M" Dockery-1883 _.<\.lexander Monroe Dockery was born in Daviess a,ounty, Mo., February 11, 1845, receiving his education in the common schools of" that county,路路 Macon AcadenlY at lVlacon, Mo., and the St. Louis Medical College in St. Louis, in which latter institution he began the study ,of medicine.. He attended lectures at Bellevue College, New y,ork City, and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and began the practice of medicine at Chillicothe, Mo. In March, 1874, he abandoned the practice of Dledicine and rellloved to Gallatin, Mo., ,v'here he assisted in organizing the Farmers Exchange Bank. He served as curator of the University of Missouri froIn 1872 to 1882, and f<)r three years was president of the Board of Education of Chillicothe. He served the City of Gallatin as Councilman and lVlayor. He was chairman of the Democratie State Convention in 1886; served in the~9路50..51路52-53-54 Congresses, resigning to become Governor of "Missouri in 1901. During the Wilson administration he was appointed Third Assistant Post.. master General. He was Dlarried April 14, 1869, to Mary E . Bird. Eight children were born to this union; all died in infancy . His wife died at the Executive Mansion in 1903, while he w.as then Governor. In 1906 he again served as Chairnlan of the Democratic lState 'Convention.. His death occurred December 26, 1926. He was buried in the family lot in Chillicothe, Mo. lIe was raised in Jackson Lodge No.. 82 at Linneus, Mo., August 20, 1866; served as Master in 1869.. He affiliated with Friendship Lodge No. 89 and Jamesport Lodge No. 201., serving thenl in the capacity of Master.. In 1868,and again in 1879, he was elected Junior Grand Warden, and by gradual advancenlent he became Grand Master in :1881.. He was exalted in Lone Star Chapter No. 30, ChilUcothe, January 9, 1868, affiliating with Gallatin Chapter No. 11, and serving as High Priest in 1877; he was elected Grand High Priest in 1883. He was knighted in Kadosh Conlmandery No. 21, Cameron, in 1879, serving as COJnmander in 1882.. The Cryptic dee:rees were conferred in Solomon Council No. 26 in 1909, and the following year he was elected Master.. He was greatly interested in the Order of High Priesthood, of which he was a Dlember.


1,10U ISE.VOG ELSANG Granel High Priest. 1912路13




Charles C. W oods路-1884 Charles Carroll Woods was born in Rocky IVIount, Va., July 4, 1838, and died at Sarasota, Fla., May 12, 1927. He canle to Missouri in 1855 .and settled in Morgan County; he attended Trinity College in North Carolina and afterwards Central College at Fayette, Mo. Trinity College conferred upon him the degree of D. D. in 1878. He was President of Scar-ritt Collegiate Institute, N eosIlo, Mo., from 1888-96, when he resigned to return to the regular ruinistry, being a meluber of the SoutlPNest l\1:issouri Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. On IVray 10, 1860, he married Mary N. Nicolds, who died in 1863, leaving a son and daughter; three years later he married a sister of his deceased wife, Anna M. Nicolds, by WhOll1 he had six children. He served as Chaplain during the Civil War and for a tilne afterward was elllployed in a st. Louis wholesale house. He was initiated in Hickory Lodge No. 21.1, Cole County, Mo., in 1868, but the renlainder of his degrees were conferred in Corinthian Lodge No. 265, Warrensburg, Mo.; in 1877 he diulitted to assist in the fornling of W. D. Muir Lodge at Pilot Grove, serving as Master, and, in 1879, affiliated with Temple Lodge No. 299 in Kansas City; he was Master of Teluple Lodge in 1883. III 1875 he ,vas appointed Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge, and, after holding several other positions, ,vas, in 1882, chosen Grand Master. The Capitular degrees were received in DelVIolay Chapter No. 26 at Warrensburg in 1869. He dinlitted in 1872, affiliating with Boonville Chapter No. 60, serving it as High Priest, but in 1895 affiliating with Orient Chapter No. 102, !{ansas City. After filling the station of Grand Chaplain in the Grand Chapter, he was elected to the Grand Chapter line, serving as Grand High Priest in 1884. He was greeted in Arcana Council No. 16, R.& S. M., in 1871, and for nlany years served as Grand Chap ~ain of the Grand Council. The Orders of Knighthood were conferred in Bayard Conlmandery No. 26 at Harrisollville, Mo., in 1879, and he assisted in the organization of Oriental Conlnlandery No. 35 at Kansas City.. He later assisted in the fornling of the Cornmandery at Neosho, where he served as Comnlander. He declined advancement in the Grand Conul1andery, but accepted the position of Grand Prelate in 1884, serving thirteen years and declining fur.. ther elt?ction.. At the organization of the Masonic Honle, he \vas made a director and gave to that organization many years of conscientious service; in 1898 he was chosen as Superintendent of the Honle. In 1921, Dr. Wm. F. Kuhn, then General Grand High Priest, appointed hinl as Grand Chaplain of the General








of the

United States of

Anlerica. I-Je is buried in the old cenletery at Arro\v Rock, Mo.

Lee A. Hall \vas born Novenlber 26, 1832, in \Varren County, Ohio. He carne, w'ith his family, to St. Louis in 1840, where he resided during his lifetime, with the exception of a few years. He ,vas ,ldmitted to the baranc1 practiced law for a number of years, hut later engaged in business pursuits. He nlarried, October 28, 185,6, l\'Iiss Susan H. Watts of Pike County. ,He \\'a.s nlade a lVlason in George Washington Lodge No.9, April 25. 1854; he affiliated ''lith Staunton (Ill.) Lodge No. 177, in 1867, and \va.s elected l\路1aster that saIne evening; later he served as MastE~r of Clarksville (lVlo.) I.lodge No. 17 and of Perseverance I.odge No. 92 a.t Louisiana, Mo.; later he affiliated with his lllother Lodge in Sf.. LOUis, retnainiI1g a lllember UIl til his death, I)(;~e(;~nlber 1(), 18!Hl. After servil1gas District Deputy Grand Master of the old third district and various appointive offices in the Grand I...odge, he ,vas elected Junior Grand "Varden in 1880, and Grand l\Iaster in 1883. For Inany years he ,\\ras a lnember of the Conunittf:~eon

Chartered Lodges.



in St. Louis

Chapter No.8, NOV(Hnber 2(L 1854; he affiliated \vith Bond Chapter No. 23 at I.Jo'llisiana, :Yio., while residing there, but re-affiliated w'ith St. l..()uis Chapter on his return to St. LOUis. He was made Gr~\nd Ffigh Priest in 1885. He becRIlle a luelllber of tIle Order of I-ligh Prif.~sthood, ()(~tober 9, 1878. serving it for many years as Chaplain. Jwle ,v'as greeted in St.Louis Council No.1, October 17, 186:~, a nd a fter the (:ousolidation vlith I{iram Council No. 10, \\"as, in 188jtele(~ted l\1aster.He w'as knight.ed in St. Louis ComllUlIHlery N'o. 1, l\lareh 16, 18(,;8.

rrlH~ hiogrnphy of this distinguished CODlpanion appears on page.s 27ti-7 of y'l'o1ttnle I, he having served the Grand Cbapter for many

years as Grand


In addition to the information. there contained. we should add his


in IS!)l, to lVliss Io!Jva S. I{inne, \vll0 preceded hinl

in death. He l(~ft Hi eOIllfortahle estate~ "''l'hi(~h was distributed bet\\'e(~n the l\fasonie HOUle, the !{ansas City Masonic bodies 'with \vhi(~h ht~ \\"a8 eOIlnecte<l,

personal friends and relatives.

lIe \\路as buried ill l\It. Washington Cenletery in Kansas City, Mo.



WILLIAM F. JOHNSON Grand High Priest, 1913-14



ReZLbelt Barney, Sr.-1887

Reuben Barney was b{)rn April 30, 1844, at Arlington, Vt. He attended private schools and later graduated in medicine at the Albany (N. Y.) Medical College; during the Civil War he served in the lVledical Department of the army. He came to Missouri in 1868, locating at Chillicothe. He served as surgeon for three railway lines; was President of the Chillicothe Board of Education for nine years and was Senior Warden for twenty-five years of the Grace Episcopal Church. He was married in Manchester, Vt., in 1866, to Miss Mattie Prindle. His death occurred July 15, 1903. The degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry were~ received in Red Mountain Lodge No. 63 (Vt.) and St. George Lodge No.6 (N. Y.) in 1866. He affiliated with Chillicothe (Mo.) Lodge U. D. in 1869, serving as Master in 1875-76-78-79-90. He was exalted in Lone Star Chapter No. 30, June 1, 1873; was knighted in Coeur de Leon ComnlanderyNoO. 14, April 19, 18 74, dimitting from the latter in order to organize Paschal Coulmandery No. 32, which he served as Conlmander in 1879..80-86-89-90. The Cryptic degrees were received in Hiram Council No" 1 in 1885. The Scottish Rite degrees VtTere conferred in the same yearby the bodies of St. Louis. In 1887 he was elected Grand High Priest, and Grand Commander of the Grand Conlmandery in 1900. r

Wn:t. B. Wilson-18B8 Willianl B. Wilson was born at Appleton City, Mo., January 12, 1881. His early education was received at the hands of private tutors and, in 1850, he graduated in the Medical Department of the University of New York. He came to Missouri shortly thereafter and was married to Miss Ann Eliza Juden at Cape Girardeau in 1853; her death occurred in 1886, and four years later he was married to Louisa Giboney" His death occurred October 18', 1900. Re was raised in St. Marks Lodge No. 93 at Cape路 Girardeau, October 11 1853; became Master in 1859 and was re-elected every year until 1876, inclusive; he served again in 1879-80-81-87-88, a total of twenty-three years as Master of his Lodge. In 1865 he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer, serving continuously until 1891. The degrees of Royal Arch Masonry were conferred in Clarkton Chapter (now extinct), Dunklin County, Mo., in 1872. He assisted in the organization of Wilson Royal Arch Chapter No. 75, was its first High Priest and re-elected continuously thereafter for a period of fifteen years. In 188'8 he was elected Grand High Priest. He assisted ill the forlnation of Cape Council No. 20, was its first 1



Master and served in that capacity for several years. In 1882 he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council. The Orders of Knighthood were conferred in Cape Girardeau COlllnlandery No. 55.

James P. Wood---1889 Janles Perry vVood was born in Ralls County, June 15, 1854, was educated in the district schools of his native county, later attending Christian University at Canton and graduating in 1874. He n1ade law his profession and was admitted to the bar before the Supreme Court of the State in Septelnber, 1876. In that year he married Miss Mary F. Owsley of Canton, Mo. He located in New London, Ralls CountY,Mo., where he engaged in the practice of law, serving a number of years as Prosecuting Attorney and one term as State Senator. His death occurred at his honle in New L()udon, June 18, 1895. He was made a Master Mason in Monroe I",odge No. 64, Monroe City, Mo. In 1878 he affiliated with New London Lodge No. 307, which Lodge he served as Master for three ter018. I-Ie 'was also appointed District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer for a nUluber of years, and by gradual advanceDlent he becanle Grand Master of Masons in 1888. Ralls Chapter No. 55, at Center, Mo., conferred the Capitular degrees in 1880; he served this Chapter as High Priest for several terrlls and in 1889 became Grand High Priest. He was knighted in EJxcalibar Commandery NQ. 5 at Hannibal, but at the tinle of his death was a menlber of Cyrene COlnmandery No.. 12 at Bowling Green, Mo. He was a scholarly jurist and among the ablest attorneys in the State. Outside of his business hours Illost of his tinle 'was spent in his honle, in his Lodge, and in his church.

James B. AllStin.-1890 James Brewster Austin was born in Bellebrook, Green County, Ohio, May 9, 1836. Hecanle to St. Louis in 1857 and \vas for many years connected with a wholesale saddlery business. He

served as cashier in the St. Louis Post Office for路 tuany years. He was a. Dlenlber of Centenary Methodist .FJpiscopal Church, in which organization he took an active part as ste\vard, trustee, teacher and superintendent. IIisdeath occurred September 3, 1885. He was made a l\1ason in Occidental Lodge No. 16B of St. Louis in 1861 became Master of his Lodge in 1866 and again in 1867. He was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the St. Louis District for several years, and, in the Grand Lodge, served as Chairlnan of the COlumittee on Chartered Lodges. :rie was nlade 1


MARTIN T. BALSLEY Grand High Priest, 1914..15




a Royal Arch Mason in St. Louis Chapter No. 8 in 1864, was High Priest during 1874-75-76. He was elected Grand High Priest in 1890.

Ira V. McMillan-1891 Ira V. McMillan was a native of Ohio, born in Belnlont County, May 13, 1842. He attended the common schools, and later a college at Haysville, Ohio. He studied law in St. Clairsville, Ohio, where, in 1865, he was admitted to the bar. Shortly thereafter he came to Mexico, Mo., and in February, 1866, located in Maryville, where he resided until the time of his death, December 31, 1913. Reserved as County Attorney and Public Administrator of Nodaway County and City Attorney of MarYVille, and on numerous occasions was elected by the bar as special Judge of the Circuit Court. lIe was twice married, first in 1868 to Miss R. V. Howarter, by whom he had three children; she died in 1872. He was later married to Mattie L. Hasmer, by wholn he had three children. He received the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry in Belm<>nt Lodge No. 16, St. Clairsville, Ohio, in Novenlber, 1865. He later transferred his menlbership to Maryville Lodge No. 165, until 1871, when he assisted in the organization of Nodaway Lodge No. 470 and became its first Senior Warden. He served his Lodge as l\1aster, and for a nunlber of years was District Deputy Grand Master -and District Deputy Grand Lecturer of the old 13th district. At Savannah, Mo., in June, 1876, he received the Capitular degrees in Savannah Chapter No. 83 and six years later assisted in the forma.tion of Owens Chapter No. 96 at Maryville, being the first High Priest, and re-elected for nlany years thereafter. He served in nlany appointive offices of the Grand Chapter and, finally, was rewarded by election as Grand High Priest in 1891. The Orders of Knighthood were received in Maryville CODlnlandery No. 40, February 1, 1883, at the tinle of the organization of the Commandery. Reserved many years as Comnlander of this Commandery and, in April, 1896, was honored by selection as Grand Commander of the State.

John R. Parson-1892 John Rolph Parson was born in Buffalo, N. Y., February 24, 1839, and received his education in the public schools of that city_ He came to St. Louis in 1859 and for Inany years conducted a Masonic furnishing goods business. His death occurred April 8, 1924. He was initiated in Aurora Lodge No. 267, May 2, 1869, was Master in 1878 and Treasurer for fifteen years; in 1892 he was



elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. The degrees of the Chapter were conferred in Bellefontaine Chapter No. 25 in 1871. He ,vas High Priest in 1878-82-83-88 and served as Grand High Priest in 1892, the saIue year he was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. He passed the circle in H'iramCouncil No. 10, October 2'1, 1871; was 1\faster in 1878-79; he becalue ;Grand Master of the G路rand Council in 1881. He was knighted in St. Aldemar Cornmandery No. 18, August 15, 1871, attaining the position of Commander in 1874; in 1877 he became Grand Commander. rfhe degrees of the Scottish Rite were received from Albert G. Mackey in 1881, and in 1890 he was coroneted33 o. In 1885 he served as Chairman of the Triennial Comnlittee of the Grand Encampment held in St. Louis in 1886, and as a result of contributions secured at that time ($35,000.00) is often given credit for being one of the fathers of the Masonic Home. Following the death of John D. Vincil, he was appointed, October 22, 1904, by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge and served in this capacity until May 20, 1921, when he resigned because of ill health.

Allan J1.1cDou)ell-1893 Allan McDowell was born MarcIl 9, 1833, in Ran路 olph County, Ark.; shortly afterward the family came to Dade County, Mo., where he received his education in the COD1Dlon schools and where, in 1859, he was admitted to the bar. At the age of seventeen he entered the offices of Circuit and County Clerks as the Deputy of his father, who held those positions. He was Dlade a Mason in Washington Lodge No. 87, Greenfield, Mo., in 1855, serving as Master in 1859 and 1860. At the Annual Comnlunication of the Grand Lodge in 18t)7 he was appointed Grand Pursuivant; he also .rendered service as District Deputy Grand Master in 1860, 1867 and 1868. He was appointed Grand Lecturer in 1870 and served the Grand Lodge until the tixne of his death,. l\fay 6, 1906. He received the Capitular degrees in 'ISpringfield Chapter No. 15 in 1859, and at the institution of Greenfield Chapter No. 38 was elected High Priest. In the路 Chapter he was Deputy Grand Lecturer in 1869, and the f-oUowing year was made Grand I.lecturer.. He resigned this position in 1889 and began service in the line of the Grand Chapter, culminating in 1892~tt5Y his election as Grand High Priest. He received the Order of High Priesthood in 1870 and served it for many years as Vice-President. The Council degrees were received in Sedalia Council No.5, and in 1872 he became Grand Master; fro III 1875 to 1899 he served as Grand Lecturer of the Grand Council. In the Commandery of Knights Tenlplar we find he received the Orders in O'Sullivan Commandery No. 15, assisted in the organization of St. John's



OLAF A. LtJCAS Grand High !'riest, 1915..16




Conlmandery No. 20 and Constantine Conlnlandery No. 27.


his removal to Jefferson City, in 1877, he was instrulllental in organizing Prince of Peace Commandery No. 29 and becanle its Conlmander. In the Grand Comman<1ery, he served as Grand Drill Master and, in 1888, ,,~e find him as Grand Commander. The degrees of the Scottish Rite, 4-14, were conferred in 1872 by Albert Pike, the renlaining degrees by Inspector General Martin Collins.

Corona H. Briggs-1894 Corona Hibburd Briggs was born in Elkader, Iowa, July 27, 1849. In 1856 the family moved to Illinois, settling in Centerville, \vhere he attended school. In 1868 he came, with路 his family, to Barton County, Mo., and in 1870, at the age of twenty-one, entered the lninistry, where he has since remained, a hard-working, efficient and leading meIl1ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He was, for Inany years, Presiding Elder and perfornled valuahle service as agent of Central College, serving it as Curator and Trustee and receivingfronl it, in 1894, a degree of Doctor of I)ivinity. He wa~ nlade a Mason in Cooper Lodge No. 36, at Boonville, January 9, 1880; in 1881, he became Grand Chaplain of the Granel Lodge and was re-appointed annually until 1895 when he became Grand Senior Deacon; the folloWing year he was elected Junior Grand "Varden, and, finally, in 1899, was nlade Grand Master. He received the Capitular degrees, May 26, 1883, in路 Springfield Chapter No. 15. He dimitted in 1887, affiliating with the Chapter at Independence, serving as High Priest in 1891, in which year he received the Order of H'igh Priesthood; h~ later affiliated with his nlother Chapter. The Council degrees "were conferred by AI"" cana Council No. 16, March 30, 1888; he is now affiliated with Zabud Council No. 25. The Orders of Knighthood were conferred by St. John>s COlnmandery No. 20 in August, 1883. In 18 87 l1e affiliated with Palestine Comnlandery No. 17 at Independence, serving as Comnlander, but has again affiliated with his nlother Couln'landery. He '\vaselected Grand High Priest in 1894, became Fraternal Correspondent in 1927, in which capacity he also serves the Grand Lodge. He been Grand Prelate the Grand Com~ nlandery since "1923" I ~,t) ~,i 1


.:4lvin HaYll,ie-1895 Alvin Haynie 'was born at Winehester, Scott County IlL,March 3., 1847. He received his education in the public and State nornlal schools of Illinois, and haVing taken up law, was adulitted to the bar in that State. In 1881 he canle to Clinton, Mo., where he St1C~



cessfully practiced his profession until his death, October 21, 1899. Prior to his relnoval he had married Miss Olive Longnate in November, 1872, and they were the parents of two sons and one daughter. He was connected with tlle Presbyterian Church.

At the age of twenty~two he was initiated in Delta Lodge No. 568, Cairo, Ill.; in May, 1869, he was made a Master Mason in DeWitt Lodge No. 84, Clinton, Ill.; in 1871, he assisted in the formation of Farmer City (Ill.) Lodge No. 710, serving it as Senior Deacon and Senior Warden, affiliating, in 1881, with Clinton (Mo.) Lodge No. 548, serving as Master in 1892. He later was appointed and served as District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer. He was exalted in Goodbrake ,Chapter No. 59 and assisted in the formation of Farmer City (Ill.) Chapter No. 137, becoming its first High Priest. H'owever, in 1881, he affiliated with Clinton (Mo.) Chapter No. 73, serving as High Priest in 1886. He received the Cryptic degrees in Illinois in 1887, where he served as Master, later affiliating with Shekinah Council 'No. 24 at Kansas City, Mo. He was knighted ill DeMolay Conunandery No. 34, Bloomington, IlL, in 1878, affiliating, in 1881, with Boanerges Commandery No . 34, at .Clinton, Mo., serving as Comnlander. In 1895 he was advanced to the position or. Grand High Priest.

Isaac 1l:1...4brahant-1896 Isaac M. Abraham was born .June 28, 1827, in Pennsylvania. He graduated fronl Sterling Medical College and practieed medicine in Ohio until the Civil War, when he recruited a company and was commissioned as Captain in the Federal Army, assigned to the 114th Reginlent O. V.!.; after. the war, in the fall of 1865, he moved to Harrisonville, Mo.; here he was twice elected to the State Legislature fronl Cass County on the Democratic ticket. His death occurred March 26, 1902. Reentered Ancient Craft Masonry about 1870, becoming a member of Cass Lodge No. 147, which he served as Master. He was exalted a Royal Arch Mason January 8, 1875, in Signet Chapter No. 68, H'arrisonville, 1Vl0., and served two years as High Priest.. In 1896 he was ele<.~ted Grand High Priest. He was"X a member of the Christian Church and at his death left three children.

Williarrt F. Kuhn路--1897 Probably the nlost widely known of Missollri IVlasons was Dr. William Frederi.ck Kuhn, who filled all the stations in the Grand Ohapter, Grand Council,Grand Comnlandery alldGl"and Lodge, and who was honored nationally as General Grand High Priest of the


GICORGE T. BtTRNHAM Grand High Priest, 1916-17




General Grand Chapter of the United States of America. He was born at Lyons, N. Y., April 15, 1849, of Gernlan parentage. He graduated with honors in 1875 from Wittenberg College (Ohio); he was principal of schools at Belle Center and De Graff, Ohio, for a number of years; later he studied medicine and graduated from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia in 1884; he located at El Dorado, Kansas, for four years, then removed to !{ansas City, Mo., where he resided, with the exception of a short period when he served as superintendent of some of our state institutions. In !{ansas City he .served as professor of physiology and therapeutics in the old University College and the Western Dental College; he also served as President of the College of Pharmacy. He was married, in 1877, to Miss Elizabeth C. Willson, who died in 1887, leaving him with a son and daughter. In 1891 he nlarried the sister of his forlner wife, who preceded hinl in death. His death occurred in Kansas City, Septenlber 1, 1924, as he was making preparations to leave for Portland, Maine, where he expected to conclude his administration as General Grand High Priest. He was nlade a Master Mason, April 30, 1877, in Belle Center (Ohio) Lodge No. 347; he served as Master of Patnlos Lodge No. 97, EI Dorado,Kansas, in 1886-7-8; he was appointed Grand Orator of the Missouri Grand Lodge ill 1893 and rapidly secured a reputation as an eloquent and fluent Masonic speaker" He was exalted in Lafayette Chapter No. 60, Bellefontaine, Ohio, February 28, 1882; served as H'igh Priest of Orient Chapter No. 102, Kansas City, Mo., in 1891-92-93. He was nlade a Royal and Select Master in Hiram Council No.1, st. Louis, Mo., in Novenlber, 1891, and became the first Master of Sllekinah Council No. 24 at its fornlation in Kansas City in 1892. The Order of High Priesthood was conferred on hhn in April, 1892, and the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite were received in 1891. He was knighted in EI Dorado (!{ansas) Conlmaudery No. 19" was its Con1nlander in 1888 and, after his affiliation with Oriental Commandery No. 85 in Kansas City, Mo., served as Conlnlander in 1893. In October, 1903, he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge; in 1893, he had be,en elected as Grand Master of the Grand Counell; in 1897, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter; in 1910 he was elected Grand ,Commander of the Grand Coulmandery. In October, 1897, he began his official cOIlnection with the General Grand Chapter, and in 1921 attained the highest honors of Royal Areh Masonry.

Charles S. Glaspell-1898 Charles S. Glaspell was born in Davenport, Iowa, Septelnber 15, 1845; he attended the public schools, graduating ill the high school in the spring of 1863. He lived路 on his father'sfarlll until he was



eighteeen years o.f age and in 1867 conlnlenced work with the Union Pacific RailroaclConlpany at South Platte, Nebr., then a western ternlinus of the railroad; he ran a construction train until the conlpletion of the road. He was the conductor on the first train that ever ran on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas out of Sedalia (1870). He was with the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway COlllpany as a passenger conductor for a period of thirtyone years. He luarried, December 2'5, 1870, Paulina F. Fitzpatrick. His death occurred October 26, 190'1. H'e was nlade a Master Mason in December, 1872', in Rock Island (Ill.) Lodge No.. 658; March 18, 1880, he located at Trenton, Mo., affiliating with Trenton Lodge No. 111. He was elected Master in 1882, serving for three years; he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master in 1883 and held this position until his renloval to Kansas Ci1ty in 1892; during part of this period he served as District Deputy Grand Lecturer; he served the Grand Lodge as G,rand Sword Bearer (1885); Grand Marshal in 1893-94路95路96; Grand Junior Deaeoll, 18H7-98 ; Grand Senior Deacon in 1901.. He was exalted in "rreuton Chapter No. 56, February 18, 1878; ill 1886 was elected High Priest, serving four years; ill the Grand Chapter he held stlceessively all the offices frOlll Grand Master of the First '\teB to Grand High Priest (1898).. He becanle a nlenlber of the Order of High Priesthood in May, 1888. He was greeted in Hiranl Council No.1, St.. Louis, May 6, 1885, dimitting to assist in the organization of Shekinah Council No.. 24 at Kansas City, in 1891. He was knighted in Godfrey de Bouillon Comnlalldery No.. 24, 'rrentoIl,Mo., .July 29, 1878; was Comlnander ill 1884 and, in 1894, affiliated with Oriental Commandery No. 35 of Kansas City; he becalne Grand COlumander in 1893. He was a nlenlber of I{ansas City Consistory, receiving the degrees in ~~ebruary, 1892..

Henry L. BosuJorth-J899 flenry L. Bosworth was born in Brunswick, Mo., Novenlber 9. 1849; he 'was Inarried, Decenl bel' 26, 1876, to Miss I. E. Davis and they beea.me the parents of two girls and three boys.. By occupation he was a traveling salesnlan, connected with one of the htrgest tobacco manufacturers ill the lJnited States.

lIe began his Masonic career ill 1873, when he was raised a l\1aster Mason in路 Eureka Lodge No. 73, Brunswick, Mo.; after

serving his I.Jodge in rnany eapacities he was, in 1879, elected l\1astE.~1\ but because of business engagenlellts was forced to deeline the position. l-Iewas exalted in Houston Chapter No . 37, I~runs'Niek, l\;Iarch, 1873; in 1881 he was eleeted High Priest and in that sanle year be(~(l.l!le a nlelllber of the Order of liigh Priesthood. In 1893 he was appointed Grand Master of the Third Veil and,




ALBERT E. DIAMANT Grand High Priest, 1917..18



finally, April 27, 1899, was elected Grand High Priest. The Cryptic degrees were conferred by Shekinah Council No. 24, Kansas City, Mo., June 10, 1893; he dinlitted therefrom to assist in the forming of Zabud Council No. 25 at Springfield in 1894, and became its first Master.. He received the Orders of Knighthood in Tancred Comnlandery No. 25, Moberly, Mo., December 14, 1880; dimitting therefronl in November, 1886; he affiliated with St. John's Commandery No. 20 at Springfield, which he served in various capacities, including that of Commander. At the time of his death, March 27, 1919, he was a member of United Lodge No.5, Springfield Chapter No.. 15, Zabud Council No. 25 and st. John's Commandery No. 20, all of Springfield, Mo.

..4rthzLT M. Hough-1900 Arthur Middleton Hough was born January 9, 1848, at Jefferson City, Mo., tell years after his parents had removed from Virginia and settled at the State Capital. He began his eareer on a river steamboat., hut later aceepted a position in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Jael{SOIl County where he began the study of law under the direction of his brother, Judge Vtlarwick, and was admitted to practice in 18'72. He served 1lS Clerk to the 26th and 27th

General Assenl hUes of the State and beCa1l1e at t.hat tinle Chief Clerk to the Adjutant General. At ,the age of thirty he entered pernlant~lltly into the practice of his professioIl. He was a public 8pirited citizen and the establislllllent of the .Jefferson City public library was due largely to his untiring efforts. He began bis Masonic career in Jefferson Lodge No. 43, J effer~ son City, Mo., being raised August 5, 1881. He served his brethren as Master during 1885~86~88; was 'District I)eputyGrand Master of the 22nd district in 1888-89~90; ill 1888 and 1889 he was District Deputy Grand Lecturer of the 27th district. In 1890 he entered, by appointnlent, the Grand Lodge offieial line and, in October, 1895, was elected Grand Master. The CapitUlar degrees were reeeived in Jefferson City Chapter No. 34, being exalted March 24, 1882; in 1887 to 1890 and in 18'9~l he served as High Priest. He reeeived the Order of High Priesthood April 25, 1900. The Cryptic degrees were conferred l>y Shekinah Council No. 24, Kansas City, October 29, 1900. l)rince of Peace Comnlandery No. 29, ,Jefferson City, Mo., conferred the Orders of l{nighthood May 15, 1882. FIe was (~lected COlnnlander in 1887 and served six consecutive ternlS. In the Grand Conlnlandery he served as Grand Warder in 1889 and in 1896 was appointed Drill Master and In~ spector. He reached the sunuuit of Capitular l'Iasonry, April 26, 1900, ,~hen he was elected Grand High Priest. During all the



years of his life he served on ilnportant comnlittees in all the Masonic Grand Bodies. His death occurred July 3, 1920.

Thurston B. Duncan-1901 Thurston Baskett Duncan was born April 9, 1864, in Mexico, 1\10., his parents being native Missourians. When sixteen years of age he entered the drug business and successfully pursued this profession for twenty years. In December, 1897, he was lnarried to Miss ...£ \lma E. Crigler of Martinsburg, Mo., and they became the parents of three· daughters. His Masonic career began with his initiation in Hebron Lodge No. 354, Mexico, Mo., May 4, 1886; at the fornlation of Mexico Lodge No. 544, he dinlitted for the purpose of assisting in its organization and, in 1892, was selected as its l\1aster. He was exalted a Royal . £. \rch Mason March 14, 1887, in lVlexico Chapter No. 27, and was High Priest in 1893 and 1894; in the latter year he received the Order of High Priesthood and at this thl1e was appointed Grand Master of the Third Veil; by regular advancelnent he passed through the several stations until April, 1901, when he was elected Grand High Priest. TIle Orders of }{nighthood were received in Crusade CouullanderyNo. 23, Mexico, Mo., in 1890, and his services to this organization consisted of service as llecorder, Prelate and Conlmander. He has for ll1any years been a resident of California, ·where he is engaged in the insurance business.

John T. Rnffin-1902 Jehu T. Ruffin was born February 28, 1840" in I~obertson County, Tenn., and caDle to Missouri with his parents in 1853, locating in Springfield, where, at the age of nineteen, he entered the mercant.ile business which, in addition to the nlilling business, he follo"\ved the greater part of his life. In 1866, he llloved to CartIlage, "where he served several years as a member of the City Council and two ternlS as Mayor. He was l11ade a Masoll, March 25, 1865, in lJnited Lodge No.5, Springfield, Mo., franl which he dimitted to assist in the organization of Carthage Lodge No. 197, serVing the latter Lodge as Master in 1875 and 1876. fIe received the Capitular degrees in Meridian Sun Chapter No. (ll, Carthage, Mo., being exalted August 11, 1870; he served his Chapter as High Priest in 1874 and again in 1878. 'fIle Orders of I{nighthood were conferred by Jasper Conllllandery No. 31, Carthage, June 21, 1878, and was elected its Comnlander in 1881 and 1882. In 1884 he moved to Clinton, where he affiliated with the Masonic bodies of that CitY,serving Clinton



THOMAS F. HlJRD Grand High Priest, IH18-19




Lodge No. 548 as Master in 1890 and 1891, Clinton Chapter No. 73 as H'igh Priest in 1889-90, and Boanerges Conlnlandery No. 34 as Commander in 1888-89-9'0-91-92-93-94. He was appointed Grand Master. of the Third Veil in 1895 and was elected Grand High Priest, April 24, 1902. "Uncle John" has for many years been an active attendant at Grand Chapter; he was officially introduced at Boonville in 1931, at which tinle the following conversation occurred: G. H. P. Wood: "1 am sure we are always glad to see our good Companion Ruffin; he is getting quite along in years, but he is not a hundred; when he gets to be a hundred ,ve are going to give him a big party here at the Grand Chapter'" (Applause.) M. E. CODlp. Ruffin (leaving the rostrum): "I hope I will be there." Companion Ruffin is at present a resident of Joplin, Mo., where he resides with his daughter. His Masonic melnberships have been moved to the Carthage bodies.

Robert E. Bainbridge-1903 Robert Emulett BainbrIdge was born May 11, 1858, at 1<"'riedland, Va., the ancestral hOIne of his parents. He was a great grandson of the illustrious Virginian, George Mason of Gunstol1 Hill, Va., author of the fanlous Virginia bill of rights. For nlally years he was a merchant in Kansas City, proIllinently identified with its growth and business interests sin(~e 1878. He was married, in 1886, to Mary Love, of Irish parentage, who was educated at the Mary Baldwin School of Virginia. Conlpauioll Bainbridge died . June 30, 1922, and his \vife survived hinl only a few years. He is buried in Mt. Washington Celuetery, Kansas City, Mo. Re was made a Master Mason in St. Louis Lodge No. 20, September 5, 1877; later he affiUateed with Rural Lodge No. 316, Kansas City, serving it as Master in 1881. He was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Kansas City Chapter No. 28, March 15, 1883, and served as High Priest in 1889, and Secretary frolll 1891 to 1900. He was Knighted in Kansas City Commandery No. 10 in May, 1889, served as Recorder eleven years and was elected Conlnlallder in 19,02*03. Being appointed, in 1894, as Grand Master of the First Veil he filled each chair successfUlly until 1903 when he was elected Grand High Priest.

Leu)is F. McCoy-1904 Lewis Foulke McCoy is a native of Jackson County, Mo., born March 24, 1854. He received his education in the COlunlon schools and at Carson '8 Academy in Chillicothe, Ohio. Here he nlarried



Miss Lizzie M. Johnson and they are the parents of two girls and He was appointed Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, June 17, 1878, elected Clerk in 1883, re-elected in 1887, but resigned December 2, 1889, to 'accept the appointment of Clerk of the Kansas City Court of Appeals, which position he still holds with credit to himself and to the bench and bar. He was raised a Master Mason in McDonald Lodge No. 324, .J' ~ located at Independence, Mo., October 16, 1882; served his Lodge as ~ M'aster in 1889 and 1890. He was exalted a Royal Arch Mason'..1..8 d~ ',jJFebruary 9, 1883, in Independence Chapter No. 12, which he served ,,--...--. as High Priest in 1884. He started in the official line at the semi-centennial celebration in 1896, was regularly advanced and, in 1904, unanimously chosen Grand High Priest. The Orders of Knighthood were received in Palestine Commandery No. 17, Independence, Mo., on March 31, 1883, and he was elected Commander t\VO boys.

in 1888.

Companion McCoy, in recent years, has been missing at Our annual convocations because of his eourt duties; he is an amiable and gentle character and is most highly thought of by those who know hiln.

Nathan J. Stt'etland-1905 N:athan~J. Swetland was born at Saratoga, N. Y., June 29, 1859; he came, with his parents, to Chillicothe, Mo., at the age of ten;

attended the grade schools of that city and graduated at Central College, Fayette. He became a licensed pharmacist in 1884, and in that same year married Miss Ella Barker; they were the parents of a SOD. tCompaniOll Swetland died October 26, 1919. He was made a Master Mason in Chillicothe Lodge No. 333, which he served as Master. His exaltation occurred in Lone Star Chapter No. 30 on February 23, 1888, and in 1891 and 1892 he served as High Priest. The Cryptic degrees were conferred in Shiekinah Council No. 24, Kansas City, February 26, 1897, and at the timeo! the formation of Chillicothe Council he was one of t.he petitioners and became a charter member; in 1900 he was elected Master of Chillicothe Council; in 1902 he served as Grand Steward of the Grand Coun<:U and, in 1903, as Grand Conductor. The Orders of Knighthood were conferred by Paschal Commandery No.. 32', Chillicothe, April 16, 1890, which he served as Comnl'ander in 1893. In the Grand Chapter be was ftrstelected as Grand Scribe in 1902 and regUlarly advanced until 1905 when he l)eCalne Grand High Priest. The records show his suspension by Lodge on June 23, 1916, which severed his connection with the bodies of the York Rite. His death occurred in 1920.



HERBERT W.POWERS Grand High Priest, 1920-21



Tandy .14. Dunn-1906 Tandy Allison Dunn ,vas born on a farn1 near Hodgenville, Ky., February 1-1, 1853. His schooling was obtained in a cross roads school house and an acadenlic course of three years. He married, in 1874, Miss Grace Larue, and five years later they located at Meadville, Mo., where he engaged in the Inercantile business with his brother. Severing this connection in 1881, he renloved to Bethany, and, in 1900, we find him serving as cashier of the Harrison County Bank. He died July 25, 1912.. He becanle a l\laster Mason in 1883, receiving his degrees in Bethany Lodge No. 97. He was exalted in Bethany qhapter No. 80, R. A. M., and received the Orders of Knighthood in 1884 in Bethany Commandery No. 42. In 1891 he received the Cryptic degrees in H'iram Council No.1, st. Louis, but dimitted to St. Joseph Council No.9, where he retained his Inenlbership. In 1891 he was received as a nlenlber of the Order of High Priesthood. He was a nlelnber of the Mystic Shrine, the Red Cross of Constantine, Order of the :Jl.Jastern Star and the COllsistory~ serving as Master of his Lodge, High Priest of his Chapter and COlnmander of his Conlnlandery. He held a ntunber of Grand Lodge appointulents, was started in the Grand Chapter in 1898 and becanle Grand High Priest in April, 1906. He served from 1908 to 1912 as Orand Treasurer of the Grand COIl1mandery.

David lJl. Wilson-1907 David J\IcConaugh.y Wilson ,vas born at Gettysburg, Pa., Septenlber 261' 1853; his father was a Presbyterian nlinister and canle to Potosi, 1\10., in 1860. Our Companion graduated at the University of Missouri with the degrees of A. B.and A.. M.. in 1875 and 1878. He ,vas admitted to practice law in 1881, and pursued that profession until his death, October 27, 1926. He was nlarried, in 1885, to Miss Selena McClary and they becanle the parents of two sons and two daughters. He served his County as S(~hool COlnnlissioner in 1883 and Prosecuting Attorney in 18841886-88. His Masonic career began in SeanlanLodge No.. 126, at lViilan, Mo., in which he ,vas initiated in 1876. H~ was elected Master in 1887 and 1889. His exaltation occurred in 1883 in Milan Chapter No. 103 and he becalne its High Priest in 1880. The Cryptic degrees "rere received in Shekinah Council No. 24, !(ansas City, in 1894, and he was active in the forluation of Solo111011 Council No.. 26 at Milan, which was instituted in 1894. Knighted in Coeur de Leon Cornmandery No. 14, at Brookfield, in 1884, he assisted in the formation and organization of St. Bernard ConlDlandery No. 52 at Milan, in 1889,



and in tllat year became its 路Comluander. He became a member of the Order of High Priesthood in 1888, and a few years later was elected its President, serving in that capacity until the time of his death. In April, 1907, after regular advancement, he was elected Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Missouri. In 1899, he wa.s elected and served as Grand Master of the Grand Council. Having been elected Junior Gra.nd Warden of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, in 1903, he was regularly advanced, and, on September 26, 1906, on his fifty路third birthday, was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. He was an active figure in the management of the Masonic Home of Missouri and had attained considerable reputation a.s a Masonic ritualist.

.L4lfred H. White--1908 Alfred Henry White was born in Chicopee, Mass., October 11, 1846; he \vas a descendant of John White, who, t\velve years after the landing of the Pilgrinl fathers, settled in Cambridge. Com~ panion White was educated in the high schools of New England and early in life entered upon a business career, first in Boston, later in Springfield, Mass, and again in l\/fenlphis, rrenn.,where, on June 16, 1870, he married Mary Louise Simmons. In 1871, at the request of the receivers of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, he nloved to St. Louis, where he has since resided. In January, 1883, he becalne Deputy Circuit Clerk, holding that position for a period of twenty years. He has two sons and two daughters. In recent路 years he路 has retired from active business life. He was initiated ill De Soto Lodge No. 299, Mell1phis, Tenn., in. 1874, and served as Secretary in 1875 and 1876; he affiliated with Tuscan Lo'dge No. 360, SL Louis, in 1880; in 1881 he became Secretary of Tuscan Lodge and served until 1885, \vhen he was elected Junior vVarden; in 1886 he served as Senior Warden ;he again took up the duties of 8'ecretary in 1907 and served until infirmities prevented his continuing with the work. He was exalted in St. Louis Chapter No. 8 in 1882; was High Priest in 1900. He received the 'Cryptic degrees in Hiranl Council No.1, St. Louis, February 3., 1904. 1-Ie was knighted in Ascalon C01l1nlandery No. .16 in 1884 and beCaIl1e Commander in 1901. In the Grand Chapter he was elected Grand High Priest in 1908; he reeeived the Order of High Priesthood in 1900, and, after serving as Chaplain and Vice~President for a number of years, was, upon the death of David M. Wilson, elected President. He is a Scottish Rite l\1ason, receiving the degrees, 4~32, in st. Louis ill 1889; was nlade Knight Commander, Court of Honor, in 1903, and coroneted In~ spector General in 1905. He became a nlernber of the Royal Order of Scotland in 1907. For nlany years he was a Director


BERT S. LEE Grand High Priest, 1921-22




a.nd Secretary of the Scottish Rite Cathedral Association. In 1908 he accepted the position as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home, a position ,vhich he retained for a number of years. At the time of his retirenlent fronl active life he was Secretary of the Scottish Rite bodies of the Valley of St. Louis.

1/ an F. Boor-1909 Van Fremont Boor is a native of Illinois, born in Wayne County, June 26, 1861. His fanlily later moved to Northwestern Ohio, where he attended tIle public schools and cO!l1pleted a norlnal school course, qualifying him as a teacher, a profession which he followed for several years. Later he graduated at the Gem City Business College, Quincy, IlL, and subsequently attended the Uni~ versity of Kansas, where, in 1885, he received the degree of L. L. B. On his renloval to I{ansas City, Mo., he becanle interested in the real estate and loan business, fire insurance, and rnanagelnent of estates, a business "which he carried on with unlinlited suecess. He \vas initiated in Acacia Lodge at Lawrence, !(ans., \vhile a resident of that city; later he affiliated with Rural Lodge No. B1G, Kansas City, MOot being Master in 1892. For lllany years he represented Rural Lodge on the I{al1sas City Board of Relief, serving this organization in a lluluber of capacities. Serving fronl 18,93 to 1909 as District Deputy Grand Master, he waSt in that year, appointed Grand Senior Steward, advanced steadily until 1913, 'when he ,vas elected Grand Master. The Capitular degrees ,vere conferred in Lawrence (I<:ans.) Chapter No.4, but he later affiliated with Orient Chapter No. 102, Kansas City 1\/[0., 'serving it' in ~895 as High Priest and for thirteen years as Treasurer. In 1896"hebecanle a nlember of the Order ot'High Priesthood, and at tlie' present tinle is Treasurer of that organization. He entered the Grand Chapter liue in 1900 and, in 1909" attained the position oiGrand High Priest. The Cryptic degrees \vere received in Wyandotte (Kans.) Council No.6, but at the fOrIl1atioll of She~ Idnah Council No.. 24, Kansas City, Mo., he becanle a charter lllc~m~ bel" and in 1906 was elected its Treasurer. The Orders of Knighthood wsre conferred in Del\[olay (Kans.) COlllmandery No.. 4 in 1890, but he later affiliated with Oriental COlnmandery No. 35, I\:ansas City, Mo., ,vhere, in 1897, he was elected COlllInander. For nlore than forty years he has been a rnenl bel' of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Kansas City, in which organizatioll he has attained the 33째. He was active as a lllenlher of the COnlll1ittee which had charge of the erection of the Masonic 'I'emple at Ninth and Harrison in Kansas City, and served as 1.'reastlrer of the Telnple COnlpany.



Francis H. Trimble-.1910 Francis H. TriInble was born on a farnl in Clay County, Mo., December 21, 1867. At the age of thirteen he nloved, with his fanlily, near Plattsburg, Mo., where the father died leaving hiIn the eldest of three children. He attended the pu bUc schools at Plattsburg, Plattsburg College, and later WUl. Jewell College at Liberty, Mo. Being thrown upon his own resources from the time he was seventeen years of age, he is necessarily entitled to credit for having obtained his owned uca tion. He was admitted to the bar October 20, 1890, and soon after,,"ard fornled a partnership with the late Senator H. F. Simrall of LIberty, under the nanle of Sinlrall and Trinlble, a connection which lasted fifteen years. H'e served as City Attorney of Liberty, Prosecuting Attorney of Clay County, and a nlember of the 43rd General Asselnbly, and, on February 1, 1907, became Judge of the 7th Judicial Circuit of Missouri, resigning, in 1912,. to run for Associate Ju dge of the !{ansas City Court of Appeals; he was re~elected in 1924 for a ternl of twelve years and is now presiding Judge of this court. He is an earnest, devoted Masoll, having served in all stations of the three subordinate bodies of Lodge, Chapter and COIllIllalldery. As an instance of his enthusiasm it is related that he was raised a Master l\1ascll on Friday evening, appointed Senior Deacon of his Ledge the following Illorlling, and the next Monday evening acted as Senior Deacoll ill conferring the secoud degree upon a candidate. He received his degrees in Liberty Lodge No. 31, Liberty, 1\:10. The Capitular degrees were received ill Liberty Cha.pter No. 3 in 1894; he was High Priest in 1898. The Orders of Knighthood \vere conferred in Liberty Cornnlandery No.6, and he served his COlllll1andery as Commander in 1902-3~4~13-14~15-16-19.. In 1901 he began his career in the line of the Grand Chapter, was regularly advanced until April, 1910, when he ","as eleeted Grand High Priest. lie was received as a nlember of the Order of High Priesthood in 1911. ifllstin

L. McRae-1911

Austin Lee McRae was born October 25, 186.1, at MeRae, Ga. His father \vas a Confederate soldier and in the retreat fronl Riehnl0nd \-vas killed; the nlother died when Dr. McRae was only eleven years old, eOIllpelling hinl to nutke his honle with an uIlcle. At the age of fifteen he cut tinlber and floated it do\vn the Altanla~ haRiver; at the age of seventeen he entered the University of Georgia, graduating in 1881 with the degree of Bachelor of Science. He taught school and, in January, 1882, entered the GoverUlnent



EDIVIUND E. MORRIS Grand High Priest 1922-23



service, was attached to the U. S. Signal Corps, now the weather bureau, and was assigned to a school of instruction at Fort Myer, Va. So diligently did he apply hiulself that in the faU of that year he was sent to Harvard University to stUdy atmospheric electricity; there he received the degree of Doctor of Science in 1886; frODl here he was transferred to Columbus, Ohio, Terra Haute, Ind., and Columbia, Mo., where he went to establish the State weather service. H'e was asked to take charge of the phy'sicai laboratory of the State University and, pernlission being granted by the Chief of the Weather Bureau, he filled both positions. In 1891 he became Professor of Physics at the School of Mines, Rolla, Mo., and resigned from Government service. In 1894 he was called路 to the University of Texas for two years, returned, in 1896, to St. Louis, where 11e opened an office as Consulting Engineer. In 1899 he returned to the chair of Physics in the school of Mines at Rolla, filling that position until the time of his death, March 18, 1922. He was Inarried June 15, 1893 to Miss Minnie Wood of Rolla. He held nlembership in a number of societies-American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, National Council of the National Economic League, Missouri Mining Association, and Sons of the Revolution. As a citizen he served two terms as an Alderman of Rolla, during which time he placed its nlunicipal electric light plant on a permanent and paying basis; he was a Vestryman of the Episcopal Church of Rolla. He was the father of three daughters




He was made a Master Mason in Twilight Lodge No. 114, Colunlbia, Mo., in 1891; affiliated with Hill City Lodge in Austin, Texas, but 011 his rellloval to St. Louis affiliated with Rose Hill Lodge No. 550; he later affiliated with Rolla Lodge No. 2'13, or which he w'as a Past Master. He served the Grand Lodge as District Deputy Grand Master of the 39th district, was Grand Orator in 1909 and 1910, and was appointed in the Grand Lodge line, but his death oceurred before he had reached the station of Grand Master. He was exalted in Colunlbia Chapter No. 17 in 1891, affiliated with Lone Star Chapter No.6, Austin, Texas., St. Louis Chapter No. 8 at St. Louis, and, finally, with Rolla Chapter No. 32, serving as High Priest in 1903, and receiving the Order of High Pries thood the same year and was, for a nunlber of years, an officer in that organizatioll. In 1911 he was elected Grand H'igh Priest. The Cryptic degrees were conferred in Lone Star Chapter, Austin, Texas, in 1906, at a time when the degrees were appendant to the Chapter; he later affiliatecl with Shekinah Coun" eil No. 24, Kansas City, Mo. He was knighted in St. Graal Commandery No. 12, Columbia, Mo., in 1892, affiliated with Colorado Commandery No.4, Austin, Texas, Asealon Comnlandery No. 16



of St. Louis and, finally, became a charter member of Rolla Commandery No. 59, which he served as Commander. In 1896 he received the degrees of the Scottish Rite.

Louis E. Vogelsang-1912 Louis Edonard Vogelsang was a native of St. Louis, born April 29, 1870; he graduated fronl the public schoolso! that city, attended manual training school of Washington University, and completed his education at St. Louis University. 'He engaged in the real estate business, but his associate dying he embarked in the wholesale drug business, later he formed a wholesale hardware company and finally a brokerage and comnlission business. In 1907 he accepted appointment as Grand Lecturer for the Grand Chapter, a position which in that year was nlade a salaried one. He resigned in 1914, and shortly afterward nloved to New York City, where he died April 8, 1930; he was buried in St. Louis. At the age of twenty路two he was married to Miss Addie V. Shinl{]e; they were the parents of one daughter. He was initiated in Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 40, Noveluber 9, 1895; in 1902 he becanle Master of the Lodge. The Capitular degrees were conferred in Bellefontaine Chapter No. 25, St.. Louis, in June, 1896; he was elected High Priest in 1898. The Order of High Priesthood was received in 1905. Hiram Council No.1, St. Louis, conferred the Cryptic degrees in 1904. He was Knighted in St. Louis ,Commandery No.1 in 1897, and elected Conlnlander in 1903. In 1909 he received the degrees of the Scottish Rite. In 1912, while serving as Grand Lecturer, he was elected Grand High Priest. He was thoroughly conversant with the ritual, possessed of pleasing personality, courteous, affable and patient.

U7 illianl, F. Johlzson-1913 William Foreman Johnson was a native-born Missourian, born at Shelbyville, February 8, 1861; while yet an infant he ,vent with his parents to Kentucky, where he spent the early years of his life. He was educated in the private schools of Kentucky and l\1issouri, principally under the tutelage of his father, who was a teacher of mathenlatics. Companion Johnson taught one year in Brandenburg Seulinary, !(y., one year in Shelbina (Mo.) College, and, in 1880, became Assistant Principal of the Publie Schools of Shelbina; in 1882 he took charge of the Pilot Grove Collegiate Institute and, in 1887, acquired the Pilot Grove Leader, whi(~h he edited and published. In 1888 he was elected from Cooper County a menlber of the State Legislature, was admitted to the bar in 1889, and in 1894 renloved to Boonville,Mo., where he resided


JOHN PICKARD Grand High Priest, 1923-24




until his death, March 17, 1925. In 1906 he ,vas Prosecuting Attorney of Cooper County and served for six years; in 1912 he was a delegate to the National Denlocratic Convention at Baltinlore, served his city as a nlember of the Board of Education and President of the COlllnlercial Club. He nlarried, in 1882, Miss Maggie Harris of Pilot Grove, Mo. He was made a Mason in Wm. D. Muir Lodge No. 277, Pilot Grove, IVIo., in 188'2, and was Master in 1891; he later affiliated with Cooper Lodge No. 36 at Boonville, where he retained his membership; he was Master of Cooper Lodge in 1900. For eleven consecutive years, 1902-12, he served as District Deputy Grand Master; in 1905 he ,vas one of a conlmittee of three which revised the by-la \VS of the Grand Lodge. In 1920 he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. He was exalted in Boonville Ohapter No. 60 in 1883, and was High Priest in 1902-3-4. He was knighted in Olivet Comnlandery No. 53, Boonville, in 1889, was Comnlander in 1901 to 1904 and 1907 to 1912. The Cryptic degrees were received in Ezra Council No. 32, Jefferson City, Mo., in 1901, and the Order of High Priesthood in 1913. His election as Grand High Priest occurred in 1913.

Alartin. T. Balsley-1914 Martin Toner Balsley was the seventh son of Hiranl路 C. Balsley, and ,vas born l\lay 7, 1853, at Marshall, Ill. He received his education in the common schools of that State, was graduated from the lV[edical College of Indiana at Indianapolis. He began the practice of medicine at Marshall, but later nloved to Danville, Ill., "There he nlarried Miss Elsi J. Sandeson in 1882; they became the parents of four children, one son and three daughters. About 1885 he came to Joplin, Mo., \vhere he engaged in the practice of his profession; here, because of his interest ill the pUblic schools, he was elected a Inenlber of the School Board and became its President. His death occurred March 8, 1920. He was initiated in Fellovlship Lodge No. 345, Joplin, June 30, 1890, and was Master in 1898-1900. He was exalted in Joplin Chapter No. 91, Novenlber 9, 1891, and was High Priest in 1903 and 1904. He was greeted in Jasper COUI1(~il No. 30 ill 1899, serving as Master five years, 1900-05. The Orders of Knighthood were received in Ascension Commandery No :39 at Joplin, he being Commander in 1914 He reeeived tbeOrderof High Priesthood in 1902 and for 11lany years, beginning with 1909, served as Chaplain of that Order. In 1901 he became a menlber of the Red Cross of Constantine and took a very active part The degrees of the Scottish Rite were received in the bodies at Joplin and St.




Louis. He became Grand l\1:aster of the Grand Council ill 1906 and Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter ill 1914.

Olaf . 4. Lucas-1915 Olaf Addison Lucas ,vas born on a farnl near MOllI110uth, Ill., August 18, 1861. Here he spent his youth until his entrance to Knox College at Galesburg, fronl which institution he graduated in 1885.. Entering Union College of Law, now a branch of Northwestern University, .he graduated in 1887. He came to Kansas City to begin the practice of law and there, ill 1891, was married to Miss Daisy Wiles of Covington, Ky. In 1910 he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court of Jackson County and was filling that position at the tinle of his death, Septenlber 27, 1928. His death. was sudden and dranlatic, expiring SUddenly on the stage of the Scottish Rite Cathedral in St. Louis during the Annual Coolmunication of the Grand Lodge. He was initiated in Kansas City Lodge No 220, January 30, 1893; He was exalted in Kansas City Chapter No. 28 July 20, 1893, and was High Priest in 1899. He was greeted a Select Master, December 17, 1902, in Shekinah Couneil No. 24, Kansas City. The Orders of Knighthood were received ~n Kansas City Conlnlandery No. 10 in 1914. He became a nlenlber of the Order of High Priesthood in 1914. lIe was elected Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter in 1915, and in 1921 ,vas nlade Grand Master of Mas~ns in Missouri. He was a Inenlber of Linwood BOUlevard Christian Church in Kansas City, and at his death left a widow and one daughter, Mrs.. Virginia "~iles Rogers.. He. was buried in Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Kansas City.

,vas Master in 1897 and Treasurer at the time of his death.

George T. Bllrllharn-1916 George Tegard Burnham was born in Mason County, Ill., August 20, 1860. He ,vas educated in the public se-hoals, taught three years and subsequently began the practice of law in Illinois. CODling to Missouri in 1885, he lived at various times in Kansas City, Unionville and Milan; in recent years. he Inoved to Magnolia, La., where he died March 14, 1932. In 1882 he was lnarried to Miss Estella Virgin of Mason County, Ill., and they were the parents of three children, one son and one daughter still surviving. He was initiated in Unionville Lodge No. 210 in 1892; was Master for two years, 1894~95.. He was exalted in Milan Chapter No. 103 in 1898 and in 190a was elected High Priest. The Cryptic degrees were conferred in Solomon Council No. 26, IVUlan, Mo., in February, 1899, and in that same year he becanle Master. The



WILLIS A. McClJLL.AI-I Granel High Priest, 1924-25



Orders of Knighthood were conferred in St. Bernard Conlnlandery No. 52, Milan, Mo., in 1899, and he served as Conlmander in 1905 and 1915. He ,,'as anointed in the Order of High Priesthood in 1907. In the Grand Council he was elected Grand Master in 1907 and, in April, 1916, \-vas elected Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter. He wa.s buried in Baton Rouge,La. ~4lbert

E. Diamant-1917

Albert E. Diamant ,vas born in St. Louis, April 20, 1871, and educated in the public schools of that city. Three years were spent ill the office of the Board of Public Improvelnents, but in August, 1894, he removed to Malden, Mo., engaging in the mercantile business. In June, 1898, hellloved to Kennett, Mo.; in1902, he entered the employ of the Canlpbell Lunlber Company and becanle a resident of Campbell. In 1908, having beconle VicePresident and General Manager of the Company, he moved back to Kennett. where he went in business for hiInself, organizing the Brown Stave Conlpany. In 1913 he accepted the position of General Superintendent of the Ozark Cooperage and LUIl1ber Company, a position. he retained llntil the time of his death, May 4, 1922. At the age of twenty路six he was married to Miss Amy V. Hallam, of Washington, D. C., and they becanle the parents of nine children. He was initiated in Kennett Lodge No. 68, November 10, 1899, and was l\1aster in 1902. He was exalted in HeInl Chapter No. 117, Kennett, Mo., March 23, 1900, and becanle High Priest in 1.909. He was knighted, May 28, 1906 in Malden Comnlandery No., ,61. fIe received the Council degrees in Can1.pbell Council No. 33, April 12, 19&6. He, was anointed a menlber of the Order of High Priesthood in 1909 and received the degrees of the Scottish Rite in Missouri Consistory No.1, October 27, 1904. His election as Grand High Priest occurred in 1917 and his untimely death at an early age deprived the Grand Chapter of one of its ablest executives and'\visest counselors. 1

Thonlas F.


Thomas 'Franklin Hurd was born in Monroe County, Mo.~ January 15, 1863, and ,vas educated in the public schools of Monroe County. In 1885 he graduated frODl the law school of the State lJniversity at Columbia, and began his practice at Paris, lVI0., as a partner with James H. Whitecotton, who later becaille Speaker of the House of Representatives. In 18.91, when Companion Hurd had been elected as Judge of the Probate Court of Monroe County, the partnership was dissolved; he continued to hold the position of Probate Judge



ORSO'N H. SWEARINGEN Grand High Priest, 1925..26



for sixteen years and is still engaged in the practice of law in Paris. He married, in 1887, Miss Margaret Jane McCreery, and they were the parents of two sons. The Hurd family are all members of the Southern Presbyterian Church, he having served as Deacon in the church for a number of years.. He was initiated May 23, 1885, in Florida Lodge No. 23, Florida, Mo., and was Master in 1889, affiliating September 6, 1890, with Paris Union Lodge No. 19 and serving it as Secretary and Master. For many years he was District Lecturer and District Deputy Grand Master for the 17th District.. In 1895, he received the Capitular degrees in Monroe Chapter No. 16, served as High Priest in 1893, 1904 and 1906.. The 路Order of High Priesthood was conferred on him in 1909. He received the Cryptic degrees in Centralia Coun.cn No.. 34, June 18, 1917. He was elected Grand HIgh Priest in April, 1918. For Dlany years he served the Grand Lodge on the Comnlittee of Appeals and Grievances and later as a nlember of the Comnlittee on Jurisprudence. Companion Hurd is firm in his convictions, conservative in his thoughts and methods and has proven himself worthy of the confidence of his Brethren.

Ray V. Denslolo-.1919 Ray Vaughn Denslow was born at Spickard, Grundy County, Mo., March 6, 1885. He was eclucated in the public schools of Spickard, Macon High School, Blees Military Academy (Macon), and the Uni~~ty -'Missouri (A.B. 1907).. In 1909-11 he edited the Trenton ( daily} 路News; 1911-21 in the United States Postal service; 19'21-23 National Supervisor, Order of DeMolay; 1923-32, Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Missouri; Grand Recorder of the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Missouri, and Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of MissourL He was initiated in Censer Lodge No. 172, Macon, Mo.. , March 6, 1906, dimitted May 16, 1910, to Trenton Lodge No. 111; elected Master June 20, 1912; District Deputy Grand Master and District Deputy Grand Lecturer 1919 and 1920; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, 1931. Five years editor of the Missouri Grand Lodge Bulletin; author of "Territorial Masonry", "Missouri. Frontier Lodge", "Civil War and Masonry in Missouri", Masonic Conservators", and two volumes "History of Royal Arch Masonry in Missouri". He was exalted, August l:J, 1906, in Macon Chapter No. 22, Macon, Mo.; affiliated with. Trenton Chapter No. 6.6, Decenlber, 1909; elected High Priest 1909..10路11 ; Grand High Priest, April 23, 1919.. Elected General Granel Royal Arch Captain, U. S. A., 1930. H'e was knighted September 10, 1906, in Enlmanuel 路Comnlandery No.. 7, Macon, Mo.; Commander in 1908; District Comnlander, 3rd district, 1917.




EDW ARD W.TAYLER Grand High Priest, 19'26-27



Member of Red Cross of Constantine, March 19, 1917; Sovereign, December, 1920. He was greeted in Solonlon Council No. 26, Milan, Mo., April 2, 1914; Master in 1916; dinlitted in 1920 to assist in formation of Trenton 'Council No. 37. l\1ember of General Grand Council;Comnlittee 011 Cryptic History, 192'4-33. Member of Order of High Priesthood, April 20', 1910; Recorder, 19'23-32. He received the Scottish Rite degrees in February and May, 1919; !(. C.C. H" October, 1925. Charter member of National Masonic Rese路arch Society, Acacia College Fraternity, Sons of American Revolution, American Lodge of Research, New Jersey Society "Societas Rosicrucianae". He married, June 8, 1907, Clara Alice Merrifield of Macon, Mo., and they are the parents of one son, William Ray.

Herbert W. POlvers-1920 Herbert William Powers was born at Lyons, Iowa, Septenlber 24, 1859. In 1860 his father moved to Irving, Kans., and Conlpanion Po\vers attended the eonlmon schools of l\Ianhattan, Kans., and January 28, 1876, entered Kansas State College, but 'was compelled to abandon his schooling before graduation, taking up tlle practice of architecture under the tutelage of his father. He married, October 12, 1887, at Ashland, Mo., Miss Lenna Lee Christian, and they became the parents of one 8011 and one daughter, all of whom are now living in California. He w,as Major and .A.ssistant Inspector; General of the First Brigade, Co~orado National Gnard in 1885. He was initiated in Clay Center (Kans.) Lodge No. 134, December 4, 1886; in 1889 he transferred his lnenlbership to Kansas City Lodge No. 220, and in the follOWing year 'was exalted in Orient Chapter No. 102, Kansas City, Mo. Locating in St. Louis in 1893, he affiliated with Tuscan Lodge No. 360 and Missouri Chapter No.1, beconling l-ligh Priest of the latter organization in lSH7, in which year he received the Orders of High Priesthood. He was knighted in St. Aldemar COlnIllaIldery No. 18 in 1897 and ,vas Comnuulder in 1904. Dimitting fronl Tuscan Lodge in 1918, he ~lssisted in organizing Apollo [.lodge No. 529 and became its first Ma~ter. April 28, 1920, he was installed Grand Ifigh Priest of the Grand Chapter of Missouri. He also received the degrees of the Scottish Rite in the Valley o路f St. Louis and \vas greeted in Hirarn Couneil No.1, St. Louis, April 6, 1910; he was Master of the Council in IH16. }l""or nlany years he served as Secretary of the old Grand Avenue Masonic Telnple Association, and, until his <leparture from the State of Missouri, was the only Secretary that the Missouri Association of Past COllullanders ever had.




Grand High Priest, 1927.. 28



Bert S. Lee-1921 Bert Sidney Lee was born October 30, 1871, in l\JIarshfield, Mo.; in 1886 the family moved to Springfield, Mo., where Conlpanion I.. ee attended Drury College. At the age of nineteen, he engaged in the railroad tie l)usiness and spent most of his life in this business. He married, in December, 1893, Miss Mabelle Lingsweiler of Lebanon, Mo. For many years he has been prominent in civic, social and fraternal life of Springfield. As a member of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church, he served as Treasurer of the Board of Ste\vards; he was President of the Young Men's Christian Association, a member of the National Council ~oy Scouts of America, the Springfield Rotary Club, the State DeMolay Dornlitory Association, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of Drury College, former President of the Springfield Chapter, Sons of the Revolution, member of the Chamber o'f Conlmerce, County Club, and ~rreasurer of the Springfield Masonic Teulple Association. He is the father of four sons and one daughter. He was initiated in Sparta (Mo.) Lodge No. 296, March 31, 1893, transferred his Inembership to Gate of the Temple Lodge No. 422, Springfield, and served as Master in 1899 and 1907; he served as District Deputy Grand Lecturer 1901 12, in which latter year he Vlas appointed in the Grand Lodge line and advanced until his election as Grand Master in October, 1922. He ,vas exalted in Vincil Chapter No. 110, Springfield, September 24, 1897, and served as IIigh Priest in 1921. He received the Cryptic degrees in Zabud Council No. 25, Springfi eId, and was Master in 1905-6-7; in April, 1910, he was elected Grand Master of the Grand 'Council and, in 1924,. General Grand Master of the General Grand Council, U. S. A. He was knighted in st. John's CommanderyNo. 20, Springfield, November 4, 1897, Conlmander in 1902, and Deputy Inspector in 1904..5. He became Grand CODlmander in. 1911. As a member of the Red Cross of Constantine (St. Andrew's Conclave No. 11), Joplin, Mo., he was made Sovereign in 1918. He received the degrees of the Scottish Rite in October,. 1906, in Joplin Consistory No.3. He.is Vicewpresident of the George Washington Masonic National Menlorial Association and it was largely through his efforts that Missouri raised its full quota for its construction. ,He has the unusual distinction of being tIlL on]~ liying person "rho has presided over the fOUl路 Grand Bodies of the State w

of Missouri.



ElON L. WALDRON Grand HIgh Priest, 1928..29


Edntund E.




EdnHlud FJlmer IVforris was born January 18, 1872, at Salina, !{ans. His parents caIne to Kansas front "\Visconsin, November 14, 1871, in a prairie schooner, and C0111panion Morris was born just two months frOln the tinle of their departure fronl Wisconsin. The falnily living in several small to\vns, opportunity for an education ,vas confined to the cOllntry and ward schools, the opportunity of attending high school and college being denied him; his education canle in the hard school of experience and by self application. In 1888, he nloved to Topeka, Kans., "where he was enlployed as a bookkeeper in a general store and in the State House; he came to Kansas City, Mo., June 13, 1892, as a bookkeeper for the Arnls and T{jdder Flour Mills COlnpany; he worked in a sinlilar capacity for the lVlissouri National Bank and the R. W. Hodge Electric Company, and, while thus employed attended the I{ansas City School of La,,', graduating therefronl in 1905 \vith the honors and the degree of LL.B. He practiced la\v for a. number of years and in SepteInber, IB12, joined the staff of the Fidelity Savings Trust COlnpany; he beearne 'rreasurer in 1915 and \rice-President in 19:31. On l\larch 1? 1899, he nlarriecl Miss Mattie J. .Jones 01' Springfield, 1\10. He is active in civic and church duties; he served as Aldernlan in the City Council frOIn 1906 to 1910, is ex-President of the l{nife and Fork Cluh and the Rotary Club, a Illember of the Chanlber of COlllmer<:e, Bankers' Club, St. Andre\v's Society, and Swope ParI\: G{)lf Club. He is an active worker in the Independence Boulevard Christian Church and Superintendent of the Young People's Department of the Sunday School. He was n1ade a Master Mason in Te!llple Lodge No. 299, Kansas City, :VI 0 .. , July 14, 1893; eleeted l\7aster in 1911. He was exalted in Orient Chal)ter No. 102. NOVeIl1ber 4, 18B3, and was High Priest in 1908. He was greeted in Shekinah CO!lncil No. 24, Kangas Cit}\ lVIo., Decenlber 22. 18H:J. and \vas lVlaster in 1904. He was knighted in Oriental COn'unandery No. 35, !(ansas City, July 5, 1901, and beeanl<? COlllmander in 1!l11. He received the degrees of the S('ottish Rite ill the bodies at !{ansas City in 1922 and 1923. April 12, 1922, he \\raS elected Grand }Iigh Priest of the Grand Chaptt~r.On the death of '~lln. A. Elall,Novenlher 7, 1924, he was appointed Grand ".['reasurf\r of the Grand Lodge and has been continued in that (~apaeity by ele(~tioneaeh year thereafter. In ]930 he w'as appointed as a Inelnber of theF.Jducational Conlluittee of the General Grand ChaptE~r and in every position of trust and honor \vhich has been assigned hinl, he has given the sanle conscientious effort and active participation. FIe is a pleasing and forcible spea.ker and is popular among his associates..



EDW. F .. VON GUNDEN Grand High Priest, 1929-30



John Pickard-1923 John Pickard is a native of New Hampshire, born at Penacook, October 12, 1858. He graduated at Dartmouth, a famous New England college, with the degree of A. B., in 1883, followed by that of A. M. in 1886; he was principal of schools at Ludlow, Vt., and Portsnlouth, N. H., fronl 1885 to 1889; he attended the American schools in Ronle and Athens, as well as the University of Leipsic, Berlin and Munich, receiving from the latter, in 1892, the degree of Ph. D. In that sanle year he came to the University of Missouri, in Columbia, as Assistant Professor of Greek and Classical路 Archaeology and HIstory of Art. He was Dean of the Acade~mic Faculty in 1898-9 and Acting Dean in 1904-5. Since 1902 he has been professor of Classical Archaeology and History af Art.. Only a year or so ago, he was retired under the conditions fornlulated by the Carnegy Foundation. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Anlerican Philological Association and of theCOUllcil of Archaeological Institute of America. In 1914 he was elected President of the College Art Association of Anlerica, and served as President of the Missouri Society of the Arehaeological Institute.. He rendered a great service to the State as President of the Capitol Decoration ConlnlissioIl, charged with decorating the State Capitol at Jefferson City. He is the author of numerous articles which have appeared fronl tinle to time in archaeological and art periodicals. In 1889 he was married to Jeanie A. Gerrish, and they are the parents of a very accomplished daughter, Miss Caroline, who for a number of years has been a menlber of the Art Colony at Taos, New Mexico. Dr. Pickard was initiated in Acacia Lodge No. 602, February 8, 1909. He was exalted in Columbia Chapter No. 17, April 2, 1909, and knighted in St.Graal COlunlandery No.. 12 on May 25, 1909; became a men1ber of the Missouri Association of Past Commanders on May 23, 1911, and was its President ill 1918.. He was Master of his Lodge in 1911-12; High Priest of his Chapter in 1911; Comnlander of his COlnmandery ill 1911 and 1912. He was greeted in Centralia Couneil No. 34, March 20 t 1911 and served as Master in 1913, 1914 and 1915. The degrees of the Scottish Rite were received in the COIlsistory of Western Missouri at Kansas City, in November t 1909. He received the K. C. C. R'. in 1913 and caroneted 33掳 ,October lH, 1917. For five years he was District Deputy Grand Master t and in 1~)26 was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. He received the Order of High Priesthood in 1911 and has served that organization in several capacities, inclUding that of President. In Aprll, 1923 t he was elected Grand High Priest. In 1918 he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Council. For many years he t



Ii'RED (). WOOD Grand High Priest, 19:30..31



has been active in the affairs of St. Chrysostom Council of the Red Cross of Constantine and, in June, 1932, was elected Grand Sovereign of that Order.

Willis ..4 . McCullah-.1924 Willis A. McCullah was born January 16, 1874, at Marionville, Missouri. He is a graduate of Marionville Collegiate Institute, and studied nledicine at the University of Missouri in 1892-94. He realized this was not his vocation, and became a salesman for several wholesale hat houses, later having a general merchandise business in Marionville. In June, 1895, he married Willie Evelyn Lee. Companion McCullah was made a Master Mason in Marionville Lodge No. 390 in 1902, and served as Master. His menlbership is still in this Lodge. His Chapter is Marionville No. 97, of which he was High Priest in 1913. H"e is a member of the Order of High Priesthood. All Council Degrees were conferred on him by Zabud Council No. 25 at Springfield, 1910, and he was knighted by Aurora Conlmandery No. 54. In 1916, he was elected Grand Master of the First Veil, becomillg Grand High Priest in 1924, at the Convocation in Columbia.

Orson H.


OrBon Hansford Swearingen is a Kentuckian, born in Franklin, Simpson County, July 29, 1871. At the age of ten he moved, with his parent$, to Shelby County, Missouri, attending the public

Schools of Clarenee in tbat county, graduating in June, 1890, and the Macon l)istrict High School,. a Methodist College, at Clarence, in 1892. It was in that year that be moved to Kansas City, where he has since resided. He attended the la\v departnlent of the IJniversity of Missouri, graduating in June, 1897. 'Vhile there, he beCall1e a UH?Illber of Kappa Alpha, a Greek letter fraternity, and Phi Delta P'lll, a legalfr8teri'iTty.. He \vasprominent in athleti(~s and a nlenlber of the football and baseball. teams during the years 1896..7. He was ele(~ted Aldernlan fronl the fifth ward in Kansns (~ity in July, 1899; in ~ranuarYt 1903, he was appointed Assistant Prosecuting Attorney of Jacksoll County; in 1910 he "ras elected to the I.Jegislature and re..elected in 1912; he served the I... egislature as a Inenlber of the Comnlittee on Appropriations and was Chairnl3.Il of the COIXlnlittee in 1913. On October 2, 1899, he l11arried Miss Ruby GUY Pattoll of Clarksville, Mo. Both are nlembers of the Country Club Christian Church in Kansas City. They are the parents of OIle son, Clifford B. Swearingen~ who is

also a graduate of Missouri University.



He was initiated in Westport Lodge No. 340, !{ansas City, May 22, 1900, and was Master in 1904; he received the Capitular degrees in Kansas City Chapter No. 28 in 1903, and was Iiigh Priest of his Chapter in 1915. Shekinah Council No. 24 conferred UpOll him the Cryptic degrees, while Kansas City Conlmandery No. 10 knighted him in May, 1914. At the organization of Westport Gommandery No. 68, he became a charter meulber and, in 1922, wa.s its Commander. The Scottish Rite degrees were conferred in the Valley of Kansas City in 1903, the K. C. C. H.in 1909, and the 33 0 in 1911. At this time he received the Royal Order of Scotland. At Excelsior Springs, in 1925~ he was elected Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter. In the Grand Lodge he has served on various committees, where he has always proved a forceful, energetic and valuable member.

Ed'lvard W. Tayler-1926 Ed'ward vVilnlot Tayler was born in Knox County, 111., March 14, 1869. In 1869, when he ,vas but two lllonths old, the family came to Chariton County, Mo., locating near the City of l\iarceline; here he attended the public schools and, in 1888, was graduated fronl Avalon College. In 1895 he graduated from the National Illstitute of PharIl1acy in Chicago and becanle a registered pharmacist in partnership with his father. When the father died in 1.901, he becalue the sole o,vner of what is the oldest established drug store in Linn County. September 6, 1893, he was married to Jessie E. Null of Sunlner, Mo. They are the parents of two sons, one 'who died in 1921, the other, Willard Lee, an electrical

engineer and resident of Chicago. For two years Companion Tayler served as a Inenlber of the County Highway Conlmission, assisting in locating the highways in Linn County. He served several terms as a nlember of the Board of Education of the Marceline schools. One of his most valuable contributions to the IVlasollic Praternity was the part played by him in the erection of the Marceline Masonic Tern:ple. He was nlade a Master Mason in Marceline Lodge No. 481, April 25, 1905; in 1908-9 and 1918 he was Master of his Lodge. He was District Deputy Grand Master under the administration of Grand Master "'~i11ianl A. Hall, and several of his successors. He was exalted in Marceline Chapter No. 118, November 7, 1905, High Priest in 1910. and a melnber of the Order of High Priesthood in 1911. He was greeted in ~Solonlo11 Council No. 26, Milan, Mo., August 21, 1916; knighted in Havre de Grace Commandery No. 63, Marceline, in 1913, and during that year was enrolled as a nlember of the Missouri Association of Past Conlmanders. He accepted an invitation to becollle a Dlenlber of the St. Chrys-



ostomConclave, Red Cross of Constantine on February 21, 1925. He received the Scottish Rite degrees in 1908 and was invested with the honor of K. C. C. H. in October, 1921. On April 28, 1926, he \vas installed as Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter.

James A. Kinder-.1927 James Absaloln Kinder was born March 6, 1880, in Bollinger County, within a few miles of his present residence, Cape Girardeau. He was educated in the public schools of his native county and, in 1902, entered the state Normal College at Cape Girardeau. At the completion of his school work, he was em.ployed as an assistant pharmacist in a drug store at Cape 'Girardeau, and, in 1906, formed a partnership known as "Miller and Kinder"" The firm continued under this name until 1918, when he became sole owner. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the First National Bank and is regarded as a highly successful business man. He is a member of the Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce, the Board of Directors of Cape Girardeau Public Library, Past President of the Cape Girardeau Rotary Club, has served on the public school board, is a menlber of the Board of Governors of the Country Club, a Denlocrat, former Chairman of the Cape Girardeau Democratic County Committee, in 1926 was elected Presiding Judge of the 'County Court, in 193& he was elected by a substantial majority as Collector of Cape Girardeau County; he is a Presbyterian and a member of the Board of Elders of that Church. Conlpanion Kinder has been twice married, first, on November 16, 1904, to Ella M. Bohnsack, and on April 26, 1923, to Mrs. Martha Waters. By his first nlarriage he became the parent of two children, Mary Helen and James A., Jr.

He was made a Master Mason in st. Marks Lodge No. 93 in June, 1910, was Master in 1914, and for mallY years has held the position of District Deputy Grand Master and District Depnty Grand Lecturer of the 49th District. He was exalted in Wilson Chapter No. 75, March 22', 1912, was High Priest in 1914, in which year he received the Order of High Priesthood. The Cryptic degrees were conferred in Cape Council No.. 20, March 18, 1913; in 1917 he became Master of his Council. He was knighted in Cape Girardeau Commandery No. 55, April 27, 1912, and was its Com.. mander in 1917. He reeeived the Scottish Rite degrees in Missouri Consistory, St. LOUIs, Mo., in November, 1916; was made a K. C. C.. H. in October, 1919. He is a nlember of St. Louis Conclave No.. 42, Red Cros"s of Constantine and at the Annual Convooation of the Grand Chapter in 1'927 was elected Grand High Priest. His most recent .Masonic honor was his election to a



LEROI BECK Grand HIgh Priest,




position in the line of the Grand Conlmandery, Knights Templar, of Missouri.

BiOll' L. 11'1aldron.-1928 Bion Leland Waldron was born on a farnl in Strafford, New Hampshire, June 15, 1867. He secured his education in the public schools of that state andCoe'g Academy at Northwood, New Hampton Academy, and the New Halllpshire State College, which was connected with Dartmouth College. He graduated at the State College in 1887 with the degree of B. S. After teaching in the public schools of New Hampshire and Mass,achusetts, he entered the Signal Corps of the United States ArnlY, at that time under the control of the Weather Bureau; in July, 1891, he was transferred to the Weather Bureau service, which had been placed under the Department of Agriculture, and has served in that connection since that tinle. This service has called hinl to Boston, Chicago, Wichita, Kansas, Oswego, N. Y., Galveston and Corpus Christi, Texas, Louisville, Ky.. , Colunlbus and Sandusky, Ohio, and in March, 1904, to Hannibal, Mo., where he has been in charge of the Weather Bureau eontinuously for twenty-eight years. He marrIed Miss Alice A. Beekwith of Os\vego, N. Y., in August, 1893, ,and following her death in 1912, ,vas marriEd, on August 5, 1915, to Mrs.. Texie L.Davis. The degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry were received in Preston Lodge No. 281 at Louisville, !{y., in 1899, later affiliating with St. Johns Lodge No. 28 at Hannibal. He wa.s exalted in Hannibal Chapter No.7, ..J une 27, 1905, serving as High Priest in 1909 and 1910, and at the death of Companion A.. G.. lYTcDaniel was elected Secretary, a position which he still retains. The Order of H'igh Priesthood was conferred in April, 1909.. He was greeted in Centralia Council No. 34, August 23, 1918, and wRsknighted in ExcaIibar Comnlandery No. 5 at Hannibal, on March 3, 1910, serving as Ccmn1,ander in 1916. A distinctive service to the Fraternity was his election, in 1913, to the EtesJdency of the Masonic Tenlple Association of Hannibal, and the culnlination of his service to the Grand Chapter on April 25, 1928, when he was elected Grand Hi~h Priest of the Grand Chapter.

Edu.,ard F. Von Gunden-1929 Edward Frederick Von Gunden was born in Springfield, Mo., June 17, 1876. His education was received in the public schools of his native city. At the present time he is engaged as a salesman for the St. Louis territory for the路 Garlock Packing Company of Palmyra, N.. Y. In December, 1900, he was married to Miss Emily Frances Martino! Springfield, and they are the parents of



one daughter. He is a Republican, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a great lover of outdoor life. His Masonic activities began with his initiation in Polar Star Lodge No. 79, St. Louis, which he served as Master in 1910. He was exalted in St. Louis Chapter No. 8 and served it as High Priest in 1919. He was anointed, consecrated and set apart to the H'oly Order of High Priesthood at the Annual Convention in 1919, two years later he was started in the Grand Chapter official line and, in 192'9, became Grand High Priest. He was greeted ill Hiram Council No.1, St. Louis, in 1912. He was knighted in Ivanhoe Commandery No.8, St. Louis, in February, 1921, and accepted an invitation to become a menlber of the Red Cross of Constantine at the time of the organization of St. Louis Conclave No. 42. He served as Viceroy in 1930 and in 1931 became Sovereign.




Fred Oscar 'Vood was born January 16, 1883, near Hartville, in Wright County, 1\fo. He graduated froln the Norwood High School at the age of Beventeen. His first experience was as a cowboy in the Texas Panhandle; later he attended bnsinesscollege and was employed at various tilnes by the National Biscuit Company, Swift & COlllpany, and the Crane Company of Kansas City. Beginning Decenlber 1, 1921, he had charge of the business affairs of the Scottish Rite Tenlple Association. In 1925 he was employed as Secretary and Executive Director of the National Shrine lVIaga.. zine, but when the Shrine decided to disband the publication, he purchased an interest in the Anchor Toy Company of Springfield, Mo., in which business he is now engaged. He was married in March, 1905, to Miss Cora A. Chambers of Kansas City" and, following her death, was, on December 24, 1.921, nlarried to Miss Josephine Weiden of Kansas City, Kans. He was nlade a Master Mason in South Gate Lodge No.. 547, Kansas City, Mo., in 1911, and was l\Iaster in 1914; he served the 22nd :District as District Deputy Grand Master.. He received the 'Capitular degrees in Orient Chapter No. 10'2, Kansas City, in 1911, and was High Priest in 1918'. He received the Cryptic degrees in Shekinah Council No. 24, Kansas City, in 1911, and became Master of the Council in 1923. He was knighted in Oriental Commandery No. 35, Kansas City, in 1914, and served it as Commander in 1923. He has been active in the Scottish Rite in the Valley of Kansas City, where he received his degrees and was honored by being coroneted 8:3 He is a menl ber of Mary Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine, Kansas City, and in whatever he undertakes to do, he has proved to be dependable, enthusiastic and conscientious. He was elected Grand High Priest i.n 1930. Q..



Leroi Beck-1931 Leroie Beck spent his early life all a farm near Waverly, Iowa, ,,"here he was born November 16, 1873. He attended public schools and the Iiighland Park College of Des Moines from which he graduated in 1894. Five years later he came to St. Joseph, Mo., and worked in the Post Office. He received his M. D. degree from Ensworth Medical College in 1907~ and was Professor of Anatomy there until the college closed ill 1914. He has filled yarious offices in Buchanan County and nledical associations, and is practicing medicine at St. Joseph at present. Ethel Fairchild died two years after her marriage to Dr. Beck in 1901, and in 1907 he married Minnie Kathka. They have one son, Leroi, Jr., ",-ho is a student at Missouri University. Dr. Beck became a Mason in 1897 in Equity Lodge No. 131, Janesville, Iowa, from which he dimitted in 1ÂŁ'09 to affiliate with St.. Joseph Lodge No. 78; his present menlbership is in Brother.. hood Lodge No. 269, of which he is a charter nlenlber. He was made a lllenlber of Mitchell Chapter No. 14, in 1914, serving as High Priest five years later.. He ,vas nlade a member of the Order of High Priesthood in 1919. He received the Cryptic degrees in St. Joseph Council No. 9 and was Master in 1917. He was knighted in Hugh de Payens Comnlandery No. 4 in 1915 and served as Conlmander in .1926. He advanced in the Grand Chapter line, and becanle, in 1931, Grand High Priest of Missouri. 1



Grand High Priest's AprolJ..

Grand Chapter OfJicers--1932

I路Iarold L. Reader, Grand High Priest

Har()[(l I.;. Read('r,




lligh Priest

Ifarold 'Locke Reader isa native of l\iIarblehead, Mass. A few years after his birth, May 6th, 1885. the faluily moved to Iudependen(~e, Iowa, where his fatluu- was pastor of the Baptist Church. The son ",raa e(h.H~ated in Carrollton and East St. Louis, Ill., 'Vashingtoll 'University in St. Louis, ~tnd Shurtleff College. In 1907 he be(~anle pastor of Webster Groves (Mo.) Baptist Church, \vhich position he still fills. He nlarried Jennie Hallin 1911, who di~d three years later; in 1921 he married Inez Sly of Boonville. Mo.; four years later she died, leaving a baby daughter. In 1927.



Thos. A. Harbaugh, Deputy Grand High Priest. ~I-I f /1( J 3-) Y Blanche Estelle Taylor, of St. Louis, became his wife. Dr. Reader was Chaplain of the 5th Missouri Infantry in the World 'Val". Con~panioll Reader was made a Master Mason in \Vellston Lodge No. 613, serving it as Master in lH19. lie was exalted in Kilwin.. ning Chapter No. 50 in 1912, later affiliating with Rabboni Chap.. tel" No. 181 and serving as High Priest in 1!~25. He was anointed in the Order of High Priesthood the sanle year. lIe is a menl ber of Hiranl Council No.1, st. Louis, having received the degrees in 1916. lIe was knighted in .A.scalon COIlnnandery No. 16 in 1919. He \yas elected Grand Master of the Second Veil in 1925 and in 1932 became Grand High Priest.

Thomas A. Harbaugh, Deputy Grand High Priest Thomas Adrin Ha.rbaugh was born ill Hamilton County, Ind., Septenlber 8th, 1875; his father died when he was but two and a half years of age. Our COlupanion 'w'orked 011 a farm and attended



a country school; 'in 1892 the family nloved to Carthage, Mo., and during the next five years he worked on the farnl, in a bedspring factory, and ill a furniture store. On July 25, 1897, he entered the enlploJr of the Southwest Missouri Railroad Company as a conductor; in 1902 he \vas promoted to Chief Dispatcher and, on April 20, 1912, became Superintendent of Transportation. He reeently accepted elnployment with the FarIll and Home Saving", Association of Nevada, Mo. He \vas nlarried, April 12, 1898, to Miss Anna Lee Hardaway of Carthage, and they are the parents of one son, Leon E., and a daughter, Florence Louise. lIe is a menlber of the Chirstian Church and active in the affairs of that denonlination and the Webb City Chanlber of C;ommerce. He \vas raised a Master Mason in \~rebb City Lodge No. 512, Septenl bel' 27, 1913, \vhich Lodge he has sinee served as Master. He was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Webb City Chapter No. 119, January 27, 1919, and becalne High Priest in 1923, and in that year becanle a Inenlber of the Order of fligh Priesthood. He passed the Circle ill Jasper Council No. 30, January 28, 1919. He \vas knighted in ..~scension Conlmandery No. :39, Joplin, Mo., May 20, IH19, was COlllnlander in 1926, and that sallIe year nlade a nleulber of the .AsRociation of Past COllunanders. He received the degrees of the Scottish Rite in the Valley of Joplin, November 26, 1914. lIe accepted an invitation to become a lllemher of St. Andrew Conelave, Red Cross of Constantine, January 10, 1922, and in January, 1928, becanle its Sovereign. III the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons,. he .began his official career in 1925 and at the present tinle is Deputy Grand High Priest.


J.. Bray, Gran(l King

'Villis J. Bray \\ras born all a farnl Ilear Fredericktown, M,o., J'uly 21, 1884. He was educated in the rural and the high school of his hOlne to'wIl; following his graduation he entered the Cape Girardeau State Normal School in Septenlber, 1901, graduating in May, 1904. After teaching in the public schools of his home town for two ,ears, he entered the University of Missouri in September, 1906, graduating in May, l!~OH, with the degree of A. B.. and B. S. in education; in 1UlO he received the degree of A. M. from the sanle ITniversity. In IHa1 he received fronl the lTniversity of Missouri, the degree of Do(~t()r of Philosophy. For one year he was Superintendent of the consolidated schools in Hickluan Mills, Mo., (1907..8) and in ",rest Plains, Mo., in 1910..11, in this latter year he acc~~pted the professorship in chemistry in the State Teachers College at Kirksville, lVl0., which position he has since held. He is an active men1ber of the l\1issouri State Teachers' Association, the Anlerican Cheostru Society, and the National Educational As.. sociatioIl. He holds nlembership in two of the honorary frat ern-



Willis J. Bray, GI."an~ Kin~Jy,jr .J, .If .1'.. / 7

ities in the field of education-Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Delta !\:appa.. He married, August 29, 1906, Miss Virginia A. Grahaln of Fredericktown, and they had five children, three of wbonl are living. In June, 1918, heenterecl the United States Army as a First Lieutenant in the Ordnance Departluent, was honorably discharged in January, 1919, and has held reserve connnission since that date; he is now a Captain in the Chemical Warfare Reserves. H'e is an active member of the Baptist Church and a teacher cf the Men's Bible Class. His Masonic life began with his raising in Adair Lodge No. :~66 in March, 1916. He was exalted in Caldwell Chapter No. 53 in 1916, greeted inSolonlon Council No. 26 that sanle year and knighted in Ely Conlnlandery No. 22 in May, 1919. He was Master of his Lodge in 1920, High Priest of his Chapter during the saIlle year, Master. of his Council in 1919, and is an officer in his Conl" nlandery. He was nlade a member of the Order of High Priest..



Scribe~_ '" ~){P,J1J~-.s>

Guy C. Million, Grand

hood in 1~)20. He is at present Recorder of Kirksville Council No. 44, with 'w'hich he affiliated at tIle time of its fOflllation. He is at present (1932) King of the Grand ,Chapter.

Guy C. Million, Grall (I Scribe Guy C. IVIilIion was born July 22, 1878, on a farm near Mendon, in Chariton County, Mo. At the age of five, his famHymoved to Glasgow, Mo., where he reeeived his edueation in the grade schools, Lew'is College and the olel Pritchett Institute. Later the family moved to Salisbury, l\fo., where he a(~cepted enlploynlentin a drug store, but at the age of twen ty..oue he enlisted ill the United states Navy and was assigned to the Hospital Departrnent, being honorably discharged after service of four years, June 21, 1903, and went to Boonville, wherelle associated hinlself with his father, W.R. Million, ill the hotel business.. He was Inarried, September 28, 1903, to Miss PensaCola Dameron of Salisbury, Mo.. , and they have one SOD, Guy C., Jr..



George Coslo\v, Grand Treasurer. / '.,j-} "-r~~ 7 ~ .l4/:17 'Companion Million was raised in Cooper Lodge No. 36 at Boonville, A.pril 18, 1910, and, in 1915, served the Lodge as Master. He was exalted in Boonville Chapter No. 60, April 19, 1912, and was High Priest in 1914-15-16-17; he was made a Il1elnber of the Order of High Priesthood in 1924. He was knighted ill Olivet Commandery No. 53, November 12, 1914, and in 1919-20 was its Conlmander. He wa:s greeted in Centralia Council No. 34, and is at present one of the officers of this Council. 1-1e received the Scottish Rite degrees in the Consistory of Western Missouri in Kansas City and is an officer and active member of st. Chrysostom Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine. He is at present (19:32) Grand Scribe of the Grand Chapter.



(;rand Treasurer

George Coslow, Grand Treasurer, see Volulne I, biograpllical sketch, in chapter on Grand Treasurers.



Ray V. Denslow, Grand High Priest, 1919..20.. Grand Secretary, 1923-

Ra.y V. Denslol<7, Grand


SeeVolulue II, lliographieal sketch, Past Grand High Priest, 1919.

]"ranl,P. Briggs, (;rand Captain of Host l~rallk P. Briggs 'was horn at Arnlstrong, Mo., Feoruary 25, 1894. Soon after his birth, his parents moved to路 a farm where he reIllained until he ,vas thirteen years of age, having at that time finished the conlluon schools of his native city. On their removal to Fayette, he entered the high school, graduating therefrom in 1911; the next three years were spent in Central College and,ill 1915, he was graduated from the lJniversity of Missouri With the degree of Bachelor of Journalism. He returned to Fayette in June of that year and beeame editor of the "Democrat Leader"; he sold



Fran1! P. Briggs, Grand Captain Host.. ,~ .H () )'1 J t,. ... J 1 this publication, April, 1916, and \vent to Moberly, where he remained for almost a year; on January 1, 1917, he purchased a daily paper in Trenton, Mo. l-Iaving disposed of this publication, he went to Shawnee, Okla., where he spent four and a half years 011 a Shawnee daily paper. On January 1, 1924, he came to l\tlacon, where he purchased the leading daily paper of that city and where he has continued to live since. His Masonic career began ill 1915 when he petitioned Fayette Lodge No. 47; on his renloval to Trenton, he affiliated with Trenton Lodge No. 111, and while a resident of that city was exalted in Trenton Chapter No. 66 alld greeted in Solomon CotlllcilNo. 26, Milan, Mo. He reeeived the Orders of Knighthood in Godfrey de Bouillon COlnmandery No. 24, Trenton, Mo., and on his renloval to Macon transferred his Lodge t Chapter and Oomm.andery membership to the Macon bodies. He is a Past nlaster of Censer Lodge No.



Geo. C. l\Jiarquis, Grand Principal Sojourner. ,,,?;-f.(~



172, Past High Priest of M,acoll Chapt~r No. 22" Past C01l1nlander of Elnnlanuel Conlnlandery No.7, and a few years ago, having affiliated with Centralia Council No. 84, vras eleeted Masteraf that Council. Conlpanioll Briggs is active in business and political affairs of Macon and is present Mayor of that progressive city. He is now serving as Grand Captain Host of the Grand Chapter (1932). (;eorge (;.. .~fllrlJllis, (;ralld Principal Sojou.rner

George Claude 1\1arquis was born August 15, 1877, in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, a son of George Willianl and Mary Frances (Ball) M'arquis. He was educated at the old Odessa College in I..larayette COUIlty, he 'worked for a time in the printing office of the "Odessa DenlC)erat". At the opening of the Spanish..American War he enlisted as a private in Conlpany I, 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry of'the 7th Army Corps under General Fitzhugh Lee. He



went with the Army of Occupation into Cuba and was mustered out at Galveston in 1899. He spent a year in the Civil Service at \Vashington in the government printing office, but returned to Missouri to become joint editor and proprietor of the "Lexington News". He was elected in 1904 and again in 1908 county assessor of Lafayette County. H'e is a staunch nlember of the Baptist Church. He nlarried, April 14, 1899, at Odessa, M'iss Zillah A. May and now has two children, Martha May and George 'Claude, Jr. He was initiated iuLexington Lodge No. 149, October 22, 1903. He was Master in 1912, later D. D. G. IV1. and D. D. G. L. For sever-al years he served as chairnlan of the Ways and Means Committee of the 'Grand Lodge of Missouri. He was exalted a R·oyal Arch Mason in Lexington Chapter No. 10, April 2, 1906, and becanle· High Priest in 1913. In 1916, he was appointed Grand Lecturer and has served continuously since that date. He ,vas knighted in DeMolay Comm'andery No.3. April 12, 1910, and hecame Comnlander in 1917. Following regular advaneenlent. he he~ came Grand Conlmander in 1927. He is a Past. Master of Westport Council No. 38, R. & S. l\f. being a charter· lllember of that organiza.. tion, havin~ affiliated from Shekinah Council No. 24. in which he received the degrees April 22, 1913. He received the degrees of the S(:ottish Rite 4°-32. 0 in Kansas City in Novembe.., 1917. He is a Past Sovereign of St. Chrysostum Conclave, Reel Cross of Con.. stantine No. 36, and is the present Intendant..General for the state of Missouri.

E. Fount lIannah, Grand Royal .I1rch Ca.ptain E. Fount Hannah was born November 20. 1873. on a farll1 in the to\vn of Armstrong, Mo. He was educated in the public schools and the \Varrensburg State Nornlal School. He ,vas actively engaged in the schools of H'oward and Randolph Counties for fourteen years. He ,vas nlarried, Deeelllber 26, 1.893, to 1\JIiss Belle Do,vney, and they are the parents of three boys and one girl. In 1906 he nloved to Springfield, Mo., wl)(~re he has since been engaged in the public utilities business, being SU1)erintendent of the Springfield Gas & Electric Conlpanysince that date. His Masonic career shows his raising in United I...Iodge No.5,.

t~ ~.'"





~ ~ ~


'S ~ "

3· ~

Springfield, in 1916, his sel..Vice as Master i.l1..1.919, .District Deputy. Grand Lecturer of the 45th District for a number of years. He was exalted in Springfield Chapter N.o.. 15., AUg.ust 11, 1916, serving it as High Priest in 1919. He was greeted in Zabud Council No. 25. Springfield, April 17. 1917, and served as Master in 1924.. The Orders of Knighthood were conferred in St. John's Conlmandery



E. F. Hannah, Grand Royal Areh Captain. No. 20 in 1916, serving as COlunlander in 1928. He is a member of the T-ted Cross of Constantine and the Scottish Rite bodies of Joplil1, Mo., receiving the Ie(. C.. C. H. in that organization in October, 1928. He is at present (1932) Grand Royal Arch Captain.

Robert IJ. Barger, Gr,alld Ma.ster Third Veil Robert Lee Barger was born on a farnl in Iron County, Mo., October 20, 1883, and is a nlenlber of one of the pioneer families of that section of Missouri. rIe obtained his education in .the publie sehools and before reaching his nlajority had taught school for t\VO yeitrS; four years were spent in the service of the passellger department of the St. Louis and South,vest Railroad Com.. pany, after which he returned to Ironton, enlbarking on a busiIless career for himself ill 1910; he formed a co-partnership with



Robert Lee Barger, Grand Master Third \Teil. w't fI t> /1JB- 1 4tf D. Edgar Fletcher under the firlu nalne of F"letcher & Barger. This firm now operates several automobile sales agencies and has extensive real estate holdings in three counties. He Inarried, November 20~ 1913, Miss Laura Codding of Ironton. While he has always taken an active interest in things civic and political, he has never aspired to office and has never held office except that of Postmaster during the Vrorld War. The greater portion of his time, apart from that 'which his business requires, is principally given to various Masonic affairs. He was initiated in Star of the West Lodge No. laS, Ironton, Dec~mber 9, 1916, and was raised a Master ~[asoll in February, 1917.. He was exalted February 26, 1919, in Midian Chapter No. 71, Ironton. He received the degrees of the Council in Bonne Terre Council No. 43 in 1924. lie received the Scottish Rite degrees in Missouri Consistory, Novenlber 23, 1918, and in 1929



was honored by election as K. C. C. H. He received the Order of High Priesthood April 24, 1928. 'He served his Lodge as Master in 1925 and his Chapter as High Priest in 1928-29~30. He began his official ea.reer in the Grand Chapter in 1930, and at present (1932) is Grand Master of the Third VeiL

Carter W.... J:4tkills, Gran.d Master Second Veil Carter W. Atkins was born Decelnber 8, 1890, at Mexico, Mo., He ,vas educated in the public schools of . t hat city and in the University of Missouri.. He came to St.. Louis in 1914 to accept employment ,vith the Electric Company of Missouri. He was married in 1917 to IVIiss Lila M. Millar of St. Louis, and they have one SOIl, Preston M. Atkins. During the years 1915~19 he was connected with Curtis & COlnpany, Inanufacturers of army ordnance, and especially in the production of high explosive shells for use in the British and American arnlies. In 1919路22 he became C'onnected\vith the Busch-Sulzer-'Die路sel Engine COlnpany of St. Louis, manufacturers of Diesel engines for comnlercial use and for 'United States submarine vessels. In the latter year he accepted eluploYluent as a member of the research staff of the Bureau of i\Iunicipal Resear(~h, St. Louis, and in 1924 ",路as nlade Managoing Director of the Bureau and is still serving in that capacity. He ,vas a nlenlber of the Governnlental Research Association Conlmittee on Finan(~ial Statistics of Cities, 1928-29; Research con8ultant to Missouri State Survey Commission, 1929-30; nlenlber of Board of Directors of Governmental Research Association of United States and Canada, 1930-31; IIleDl bel'" of the Friday Clnb, Association l\ianagers' Council,and Anlerican Academy of Political and So(~ial Science. He ","as lnade a l\[aster Mason in Houston Lodge No. 580 in 1912, dinlitting to Centralia Lodge No.. 59 in 1913, and later affiliating vlithApollo Lodge No. 529 at St. Louis, in 1918, serv.. ing the latter Lodge as Master in 1924. He was exalted in COluDlbia Chapter No. 17 in 1913 and diIl1itted to becon1'e a char.. ter nlem bel" of Cabany Chapter No. 140 of St. Louis in 1925; he ''las High Priest in 1927 and in the sa.me year was admitted to the Order 01' High l)!riesthood. He received the degrees of the Council in Centralia Cotln(~il No. 34 in 1913 and ","as active in the conferring of these degrees. The Orders. of Knighthood Vlere eonferrecl in St. Aldemar Comluandery No. 18, st. Louis, in 1926; for a tinle he served as I.Jieutenant of their drill team,



Carter W. Atkins, Grand Master Second ~ H.~. /'9)




and is the present COlnmander of that COlurnandery. lIe is at present (1932) Grand Master of the Seeond Veil ot' the Grand Chapter



Bublitz, Gralld~laster First J/(:?il

Walter John Bublitz was born August 28, 1898, at Chieago, l1liuois, a son of Karl Ernst and Wilhehllina (Parten) Bublitz. On April 7, 1917, he was nlarried to Mary Louise Zinlnlershied and they ar,e the parents of four children, Dorothy Louise, Walter .John, Jr.. , Genevieve Marie and !{arl Ernst. He was nlade a Master Mason in l!esperht Lodge No. 411 of Chicago, Illinois, later dinlitting to Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446,!{ansas City. He was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in !{ansas City Chap.. tel" No~ 28, October 3, 1924; served his Chapter as Jligh Priest



'Valter J. Bublitz, Grand Master First VeiL ~H;7 /9!ff1-~J

in 11}:~2, in 'which sanle year he was elected Grand Master of the First Veil of the Grand Chapter of Missouri. He was anointed in the Order of ,High Priesthood April 26, 1932, and knighted in Kansas City Conuuandery No. 10, Knights Tenlplar, May 3, 1926. He is a member of the Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R. Valley of Kansas City.

He reeeived his education ill the engineering school in the University of Illinois, graduating in 1914 with a degree of Bachelor of Science. While in the University he becanle a member of Phi Kappa Signla and the Sca1bbard and Blade. He is President of the Bublitz Machinery Company, a concern manufacturing machinery

for road construction purposes.



August !{ron, Grand Sentinel

August Kroll., Grand Sentinel August I{rol1 \vas born in the City of st. I...ouis, 1\1arch 1, 1875. He was educated in the publie schools of St. Louis and in a private academy. He ,vas Inarried, June 20, 1900, to IVIiss Louise Jane Foster, a native of England, and they are the parents of three children, Marie Louise, Charles Henry and August, ,Jr. COlnpanion I{ron's father was for luany years engaged in the livery and undertaking business in St. Louis and at the death of his father, he, with his brother, assullled active nutnagenlent of this institution, which is one of the leading funeral c:oncerllS in St. Louis.. His Lodge rnembership is in Beacon Lodge No.3, St. Louis, of which he is a life lllenlber and in which he was raised February 13, 190'2; in 1928 he becanle Treasurer of his Lodge. He ~as exalted in Bellefontaine Chapter No. 25, March 14, 1904, and has



served as Treasurer since 1918. He was appointed Grand Sentinel " of the Grand Chapter in 1924 and is still serving in that' capacity. He was greeted in York Council No. 40, June 20, 1921, being the first petitioner to this Council; in 1924 he was honored with appointment as Grand Sentinel. He was knighted in Ivanhoe Commandery No. 8 in 1904, was COIDlnander in 1926 and for many years has been Treasurer of his Commandery. In 1924 he was appointed Grand Captain of the Guard, a position wl1ich he still fills. May 11, 192,6, he became a nlember of the Missouri Association of Past Commanders. The degrees of the Scottish Rite were conferred in Missouri Consistory No. 1 in November, 1924. He accepted membership in St. Louis Conclave No. 42, Red Cross of Constantine, in 1921, and in 1926. was elected Sovereign. ~ He is affiliated with many other fraternal and civic organizations.

Claude L.. Fichthorn, Grand Organist ,Claude L. Fichthorn was born in Reading, Pa., ill 1885. His musical career began at the age of eight, when he entered the choir of Christ Church Cathedral, serving as choir boy and assistantorganist for eight years. His professional career as church and concert organist began with his appointnlent, at the age of sixteen, as organist of Zion's Reforuled Church, Reading, Pa. In 1912 he transferred his activities to the West, accepting a position as Dean of Music at the Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo., and orgallist of Westport Avenue Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, Mo. His musical education was obtained in New York, Philadelphia and Paris, France, and he is regarded as an accomplished pianist. His general education includes an A. B. degree at Missouri Valley College and the degree of Master of Arts in the Graduate School of Columbia University. In 1908 he passed the exanlination for Associate of the American Guild of Organists with the highest percentage in the United States. He is the composer of a number of musical works. ,Conlpanion Fichthorn is a member of Trilumina Lodge No. 20'5, Marshall, Mo. He was exalted in Saline Chapter No. 74 in 1915, serving as High Priest in 1922. The Order of HIgh Priesthood was conferred in 1925. He was knighted in Missouri Commandery No. 36 ill 1916, and greeted in Centralia Council No. 34 in 1922. He served his Commandery as Conlnlander in 1920. He received appointnlellt a.s Grand Organist in the Grand Chapter in 1924 and has since served in that capacity.

APPENDIX Miscellaneous Historical Statistical




Chapter iVo. 139, Ka1'lsas Cit}!,.

J.~1 O.

Articles of Incorporation. (i\ct of incorporation enacted by the General Assen1bly, State of 11issollri, February 24, 1851, incorporating the Grand Chapter of Royal . A.rch l\1asons of the State of J\lissouri.)

AN ACT. TO INCORPOR.A.TE THE GRAND CH"A..PTER OF ROYAL ARCH 11ASONS OF THE ST.l\TEOF MISSOURI. Be it enacted by the General ASSCIUbly of the State of Missouri as follows: 1. 1~hat J Ohl1 D. Daggett, Grand High Priest; .A.rchibaldPatterson, Deputy Grand I-ligh Priest; Richard S. I.. . everidge, Grand King; Willianl 1L Rush, Grand Scribe; Joseph Foster, Grand Treasurer; John D. T'aylor, Grand Secretary; Benjaluin]. Vancourt, George Myers, John W. Crane, Olarles Levy, Thornton Grinlsley, Elihu H. Shepherd, John H. Turner, Richard R. Rees, Benjanlin Wood, John F.路 Ryland and Nathaniel B. Coates, present officers, and melnbers of said Grand Chapter, and their successors he, and they are hereby created a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of "The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of l\1:issouri", and by that name Inay contract and be contracted with sue and be sued, plead and be inlpleaded, answer and be ans\vered, defend and be defended, in all courts and places whatever; and to have and tise a COInmon seal, with power to alter and change the san1e at pleasure. 1

2. The said Grand Chapter shall have power and authority hereby to erect a 1fasonic Hall, in the City of Saint I.ouis, and also other Masonic Halls in any other place in this State. Said Grand Chapter of Royal Arch 1:fasons, also nlay purchase, receive and hold, in fee sitnple, or other\\rise, in their corporate naIne, an atTIount of real and personal estate, in value 110t nlore than two hundred thousand dollars; to sell, grant, convey, put on interest, or other\vise dispose of, the saIne in such manner as rnay be la,vful under the conditions of this charter ; and nothing shall be done by tneans of the said charter, which is unlaw'ftt1 or unconstitutional. This act to be in force fron1 and after its passage. ..A.pproved, February 24, 1851.

(1851 Gr. Chapter Proc., p. 29.)



"""~~~"j~tt\li~,,';::~"""'; Rules and Regulations.

(The first,," rules and regulations adopted for the governn1ent of the Grand Chapter of lVlissouri and its subordinates.) Article 1. Of Officers and AlcJJzbcrs: 1"'his Grand Chapter shall consist of a Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Chaplain and Grand Marshal; and of the High Priests, Kings and Scribes, for the time being, of the several Chapters under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter; and also of the Past Grand High Priests, Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings and Scribes of this Grand Chapter; and the said enunlerated officers, or their proxies, shall be the only members and voters in this Grand Chapter, which shall be known by the name, style and title of the "Grand Royal Arch Chapter of 1,fissouri". Article II. Of J.11ectings: There shall be one regular cOlnn1unication of this Grand Chapter in each year, w'hich shall he held at St. IJouis on the first \Vednesday after the second lV:fonday of 1fay, and such extra cOllununications as the presiding officer shall think proper and necessary. The business for \vhich the COllul1unications are called shall be entered 011 as soon as three Chapters are represented. Article III. Of 1l.lcctiOll of O.{ficln~s: At the regular conl1l1unicatiOll in May, the (;rand Chapter shall proceed to the election of its officers. No COtllpanion shall be eligible to any office in this C.;rand Chapter (except those of Grand Secretary, Grand Chaplain and Grand out-door Sentinel), unless he be a past or present installed I-ligh Priest of SaIne Chapter under this jurisdiction. 1~he candidate having a ll1ajority of votes shall be duly elected, and shall be installed on the satne evening, if convenient, or as soon after as possible. Sec. 2. At the satne C01l1111Unication the presiding appoint the follo\ving standing cOllunittees, to \vit: A A A A A

Comtnittee Committee Conlnlittee COInnlittee Conllnittee A Conunittee A Conl111ittee A Corntnittee

on on on on on on on on



Credentials. Chapters and Lodges. \\l ays and 11eans. Finance. Unfinished Business. Grievances. Charity, and the Secretary and "rreasurer's books.

..A.rticle IV. Dut), of the Grand liig/z l'ricst: T'he 1L E. C;rand High Priest shall govern and preside over this C;rand Chapter, \vhen present; and, in his absence, the Deputy Grand H'igh Priest, King or Scribe, taking precedence according to rank. i\rticle 'l.

IJuties of the GralHi l路rea"n~r,'tr:

1"h(~ Grand Treasurer



shall have charge of all the funds and inconle of this Grand Chapter, and render an account of the sanle at each annual communication. He shall pay all orders signed by the presiding officer, and attested by the Grand Secretary, predicated upon a previous order of the Grand Chapter. He shall give security for the faithful performance of his duty to such an anl0tlllt as the presiding officer shall think reasonable and proper; and shall have his books and vouchers at all titnes in readiness for the inspection of the standing cotnlnittee. Article VI. Duties of the Grand S ecreta'r:>': The Grand Secretary shall keep regular records of the proceedings of the Grand Chapter, make out all notices by order of the presiding officer, and deliver them to the Grand Sentinel. He shall receive all l1loneys due the Grand Chapter, and pay thenl over to the Grand Treasurer; and have his books and vouchers at all titnes in readiness for the inspection of the standing couuuittee. He shall fill up all warrants of constitution, and diplornas granted by the Grand Chapter; and shall receive such conlpensation for his services as the Grand Chapter ll1ay fronl time to titne allow. Article VII. Grand,S'cntinel, l-lis Dul:.': At each annual cOIllIuunication the presiding officer shall appoint a Grand Sentinel, whose duty it shall be to prepare the rootn for the cOllullunications of the Grand Chapter; to see that its je\vels and furniture are kept in safety and good order; to deliver all notices handed hitn by the C;rand Secretary, and to guard the door. For the faithful discharge of these duties he shall receive such c0I11pensation as the Grand Chapter nlay deem proper to allow. Article VIII. Of the P'll1zds: 'fhe revenue of the Grand Chapter shall consist of exaltation fees, dtles for 111enlhers of subordinate" Chapters, and fees for \\larrants of Constitution. Section 1. Every Chapter under this jurisdiction shall pay t\VO dollars for every Cotupanion exalted to the degree of Royal Arch ~1ason.

Sec. 2. Every Chapter under this jurisdiction shall pay to the Grand Chapter, one dollar per allI1urn, dues, for each Companion who shall be a 11lelnber of such Chapter at the last comtnunication preceding

the cotnnlunication of the Grand Chapter, at which said dues are to be paid; but no Chapter shall be required to pay dues for a COl1lpanion exalted at said last cotllll'lunication, nor for a Companion whose dues or fees havt..~ been renlitted, on account of pecuniary inability. Sec. 3. l~very Chapter \vhich shall be constituted by the Grand Chapter shall pay for its'Vvr arrant of (~onstitution the sunl of ninety dollars. Article IX. Of LJiplol1zas: A diplonm shall be furnished by the Grand Secretary to any Companion reC01l11Uended by a Chapter under



this jurisdiction; which diploll1a shall be signed by the four highest officers of the Grand Chapter, and certifi.ed by the Grand Secretary, who shall affix to it the seal of the Grand Chapter. The Companion applying for such diplo111a shall pay t\VO dollars for it if on parchn1ent, and one dollar if on paper. Article X. Of V otiJlg: On all questions to be decided by the Grand Chapter, each Chapter shall be entitled to three votes, by its representative or representatives; and no COlnpanion shall be allowed luore than one vote on any subject, unless the votes are equal, in 'which case the presiding officer shall give the casting vote. Article XI. Order in Grand Chapter: Section 1. Every officer of the Grand Chapter nlust, previously to taking his seat as such, clothe himself \vith the badges appertaining to his station. Sec. 2. No person shall speak 1110re than t\vice on any subject, unless to explain, \\'ithout pern1ission from the presiding officer. Sec. 3. E\Tery Inenlber \vishing to speak on a question 111ust rise and address the presiding officer. Sec. 4. No 111en1ber shall interrupt the presiding officer, or any ll1enlber, \vhen speaking. Sec. 5. Every Illation (except for adjourlunent) shall be reduced to writing, if required; and the l11elnber offering the sarne shall read it in his J.}lace, and then present it to the presiding officer. Sec. 6. No C0111panion shall be pern1itted to sit as a visitor in the Grand Chapter without the consent of three-fourths of the nlenlbers present. Sec. 7. No lucInber or visitor shall retire, during the transaction of business, without pennission fronl the presiding officer. Sec. 8. All com111ittees shall be appointed by the presiding officer. Article XILEh'ctioll ÂŁn Subordinate Chapter's: Section 1. Chapters under this jurisdiction shall annually elect such officers as are required by the General Grand Constitution, and shall install thenl as soon after the election as possible.

Sec. 2. Inlmediately after the installation, the Secretary of each Chapter shall forward to the Secretary of the Grand (~hapter a certificate in the follo\ving fornl: "I hereby certify, that ol1 day of. .1ast, A. B. \vas elected High Priest, C. D. King, and E. F. Scribe of Chapter No. . , and that they have been regularly installed as such. Dated at (Seal)

, this

day of

. G. H., Secretary."

.A•. rticle XIII. Of l?l~pr('scntati'l,cs, or }'roxies: Section 1. It shall be the duty of the High Priests, Kings and Scribes of Chapters to


attend all comnlunications of the Grand Chapter. ever, Il1ay be appointed by either of theIn, should po\ver to attend in person; but such proxy tnust SaIne Royal Arch Chapter under this jurisdiction, to the Secretary of the Grand Chapter, previous to certificate of such appointtnent.


A proxy, howit be out of his be a n1ember of and shall present taking his seat, a

Sec. 2. One delegate froll1 each subordinate Chapter, attending the COll1111unications of the Grand Chapter, shall be allowed his expenses incurred in such attendance; provided, that such compensation shall not exceed one-half the dues paid by the Chapter so represented. .A.rticle XIV. OJ .:4nnual I?('tlln~s: Section 1. . Every Royal Arch Chapter under this jurisdiction shall nlake an annual return of its tuembers, exaltations and dues up to the first of May, and pay the atuount due thereon to the Grand Secretary, on or before the annual cOtl1municatioll of the Grand Chapter in May. Sec. 2. Any Chapter neglecting this duty shall be debarred the privilege of being represented in the Grand Chapter, and its officers froln holding any office therein. And should such Chapter continue to neglect this duty until the succeeding 1"1ay, its Warrant of Constitutic)t1 shall be recalled, and its nalne be stricken fronl the list of Chapters, unless son1e satisfactory reason be assigned for the negle<.:t. A.rticle Xv'. Of the ..4 SSCHlblillg of Chapters: Section 1. Every Chapter under this jurisdiction shall assen1ble at least once in every three 111onths, if possible; and any Chapter neglecting to Ineet for one year shall forf cit its V\larrant of Constitution, unless SaIne satisfactory cause is assigned to the Grand Chapter for the neglect. Sec. 2. The business of every Chapter under this jurisdiction shall be transacted in the Royal Arch degree. Not less than five members of the Chapter shall be necessary to constitute a quorulu to ballot or transact other business, the constitutional nunlber of R. A. 1;fasons to open a Chapter being present. Article X\'I. Of Candidates: No candidate residing in any city or place \\'here a Royal Arch Chapter is held shall be exalted in any other Chapter, \vithout a recomIllendatioI1 fronl the Chapter nearest to his place of resident, nor shall any Chapter con fer any degree upon a candidate \\rho has not had his residence within the jurisdiction of said Chapter for at least one year preceding his application, vvithout special pennission frool the proper officer of the Grand Chapter. Article X\lII. ()f Expulsiolls:No COIl1panion shall be expelled froI11 this Ci. Chapter, or any subordinate Chapter under its jurisdiction, at the sanle COtl1I11unication on which the conlplaint is lodged, nor at any subsequent con1111unication unless by the vote of three-fourths of the meIllbers present. All accusations shall be lnade in \vritit1g, a copy of which shall be furnished the person accused (if within the juris-







diction of this, or any subordinate Chapter, as the case may be, where the cOlnplaint is lodged), ~who shall be allo\ved sufficient time to make his defense, and po\ver to procure witnesses, if Con1panions, or to exanline thenl by cOtnnlission if they are not. ,Article XVIII. Of 13},-La'lc's: Any subordinate Chapter under this jurisdiction may tuake such By-Laws, Rules and Regulations for its governnlent (not inconsistent with these By-Lav.rs and the General Grand Constitution), as they nlay severally deenl expedient. Article XIX. OJ .,;4lterations or .J4'111Cndl1zcnts: No alterations or amendtnents shall be made to these By-La\vs, except they be reduced to \vriting, and read on t\VO several days at the regular communication of 1\,1ay, and agreed to by two-thirds of the members present.

IVI asoll,ic C alâ‚Źlldar :\ NClb:Nrr (:I{:\li'1""' IV1 l\SON S COlllt11enCe their era \\Tith the creation of the vvorld, calling it i\nno Lucis (.L~. L.) "in the year of light." .:'\dd 4000 years to the C0t11t110n era. 'Thus: 1932 and 4000 -1\. I..,. 5932.

SC01"TISFI I~I1""1~ 1\1.:\80N8 C01l1111enCe their era the sanle as .:\ncient Craft \vith the exception that JevvishChronology is used, :\nno 1\1undi (1\. l\J.), "in the year of the world." Add 3760 to the COll1111on era. Thus: 1932 and 3760-A. rvf. 5692. If after Septenlher add another year. RO'\rAL l\RCH 1\"fi\S()NS date frolll the year the second ternple '\las C0I11Illenced by Zerubl)abel, .Lt\nno Inventionis (::-\. I.), "in the year of discovery." ~J\c1d 530 years to the C0I111l10n era. Thus: 1932 and 530i.~.

T. 2462.

RC)Yl\I.., ./\NDSEI~ECT l\Jl\STEI{S date fron1 the year of the c0111pletion of the Solo1110nic tenlple, r\.I1110 Depositionis (ol\.. Dept.), "in the year of the deposit." l\dd 1000 years to theC0I11tll0tl era. Thus: 1932 and 1000l\. Dept. 2932. KNI(~~TTS TEi\I]:>L,i\l<. date their era \vith the organization of their Order, i\nllo ()rdinis (.-\. 0.), "in the year of

the Order." Fr0t11 the Christian era subtract 1118.

1932-i\. O. 814.

Thus: 1118 from



ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD dates fron1 the year of the blessing of i\brahanl by the High Priest l\lelchisedek, i\nno Benefacio (A. B.), "in the year of blessing." 1"'0 the Christian era add 1913, the year of the blessing. Thus: 1932 and 1913-.l\. B. 3845. Grand Representative's Comntissioll, (Fornl of C0t11nlission in use by the Grand Chapter, Royal i\rch l\lasons of l\Iissouri, since the institution of the Grand Representative systenl.) GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF MISSOURI TO THE



GREETING WHEREAS, It is earnestly desired by our Grand Chapter to promote Fraternal Intercourse and strengthen the Bond of Union between us and other Grand Chapters: BE IT THEREFORE I{NOWN, That ,ve, reposing special confidence and trust in the Zeal, Fidelity and Discretion of our well.. beloved Companion ......................................................................................, do by tllese Presents constitute and appoint said Conlpaniol1 to be our Representative at and near your Grand Chapter, with full power and authority to act and appear for us in the said Grand Chapter, in all lauda hie endeavors to prol'note continue and increase the prosperity of Capitular Masonry. This Conunission to remain in force until otherwise ordered. J

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused the Seal of our Grand Chapter to be hereunto affixed, at the City of , State of Missouri, this D. 19 , A. Inv. 24


day of

.. Grand High Priest.

...L\.ttest: . . . . • • . . • • • • , · · .. • •



Grand Secretary.






Nlasonic Statistics-July 1, 19B2 Grand Lodge

Grand Chapter

Ala;bama........................................ 48,354 11,410 Arizona.......................................... 6,685 1,40'0 Arkansas....................................... 35,474 7,384 California....................................... 142,422 26,501 Colorado......................................;. 33,962 7,612 iConnecticut.................................. 46,351 16,463 Delaware....................................... 6,154 1,860 District of Columbia................. 23,161 6,041 2路9,892 Florida........................................... 6,862 Georgia.......................................... 6.1,859 13,984 Idaho.............................................. 2,469 10',396 Illinois ............................................ 83,781 289,359 Indiana........................................... 31,088 129,380 Iowa................................................ 20,551 85,395 Kansas........................................... 19,381 78,848 KeIltucky....................................... 15,128 60,760 LOtlisiana...................................... 31,174 7,754 Maille............................................. 17,057 43,885 9,602 Maryland....................................... 34,215 38,864 124,705 Massachusetts ............................. Massachusetts & Rhode Is1....... ................... .'................... 150,107 44,62B Michigan........................................ 16,464 Minnesota...................................... 61,378 Mississippi.................................... 6,683 33,804 Missouri......................................... 111,172 28,484 4,483 Montana......................................... 20,915 Nebraska....................................... 42,02'7 7,973 670 Nevada........................................... 3,105 5,393 New Hampshire.......................... 19,651 97,080 New Jersey.................................. 1,968 7,0-63 New Mexico................................. 69,087 345,986New york..................................... 6,734 39,466 North Carolina............................ 3,675 15,333 North Dako,ta............................... 78,558 Ohio................................................ 209,707 11,787 66,506 Oklalloma...................................... 6,761 30,623 OregoII........................................... 60,758 214,592 Pennsylvania................................ 10,130 19,060 Rhode Islalld............................... 4,526 28,092 South Carolin'a............................ 5,441 19,843 South Dakota............................... 10,020 Tennessee..................................... 49,655 39,299 Texas............................................... 137,740 lJtah................................................

Vermont......................................... Virginia......................................... West Virginia.............................. Washingtoll.................................. Wisconsin..................................... Wyoming....................................... Totals.........................................

5,196 19,.70'9 48,577 34,534 49,135 62,588 8,477

1,266 5,811 17,314 11,40'1 9,00'5 26,284 2,213


861 t 660


Grand Grand Council

3,468 563 1,236 9,574 2,285 10,539 227 1,399 1,676 5,107 22,494 18,815 6,301 5,269 4,240 1,464 8,067 4,827 14,109 13,820 2,900 3,770 8,525 885 3,113 148 3,322 3,737 12,025 1,894 838 42,860 4,320 2.033 14,757 5,499 3.160 1,104 2,405 34,671 477 1,831 2,855 9,787 302,396



6,378 761 2,299 14,694 4,411 6,470 3,099 4,449 5,893 1,482 33,994 12,320 10,695 13,427 7,293 2,618 9,0764,636 24,321 14,821 7,460 3,458 13,540 2,307 4,244 303 3,010 7,425 1,288 34,863 4,651 2,064 32,076 6,569 3,526 41,232 2,936 3,220 4,290 16,729 892 3,389 6.,948 6,484 4,897 11,287 1,535 413,760



General Grand Chapter Subordinates General Grand Council Subordinates Grand Encanlpment Subordinates

Grand ChaI)ter

Grand Council

Grand Commandel'S'


. .




United States Totals Foreign Totals.........................

3,253,901 1,120,701

864,067 167,591

303,942' 2,256

415,981 16,254

Grand Totals............................






Alberta........................................... British Columbia........................ Canada........................................... Canada (Eastern Jurisdiction)

Canada (Western Jurisdiction) Chile............................................... Colon1bia........................................ Costa Rica, C. A........................ Cuba............................................... Ecllador......................................... England......................................... EIlgland ane} Wales................... Gllatemala..................................... H'onduras....................................... Ireland........................................... Manito,ba....................................... Mexico (York Grand Lodge). New Brunswick........................... New South Wales....................... New Zealand................................ Nova Scotia.................................. Panama.......................................... Peru................................................ Philippine Islands...................... Prince Ed ward Island.............. Pllerto Rico.................................. Quel)ec........................................... Queensland...................................

14,226 15,577 116,998

2,813 2,841 25,904

. . 5.800

.. . .



343 13,178

. . . *82,000 . .

550 370.000 606


225 50,000

. *25,000 1,812

12,477 937 6.058 71.095 26,954 9,973


699 597



2,256 303,942

16,254 415,981

.. *1,597 3,725 4,188 2,473






. .. . 3,837


1,248 3.880 16,114 21,9.51 141 14,941 260,000 15,341 3,988

Victoria.......................................... Western Australia.....................

50,725 8,991

4,834 904


United States Totals...........

1,120,701 3,253,901

167,591 864,067

Grand Totals........................... luernbership.

4,374.602 1,(;31,6.58 306,198 432,235 t No record of nleu1bership kept.

Salva<lof, C. A............................ Saskatchewan.............................. Scotland........................................

South Australia.......................... Tasmania

* Approxinlate

3,000 . 2,663


. .



Minutes of Convention to Organize Grand Chapter In pursuance to an invitation, sent by Missouri Royal Arch Chapter No.1, to the several Chapters in this State, to appoint delegates to meet in Convention for the purpose of establishing a Grand Chapter in this StateDelegates fronl l\1issouri Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1~ Palmyra Royal Arch Chapter, No. 2~ Boonville Royal Arch Chapter, No.5, and Fayette Royal Arch Chapter, No.6, Met in Convention at the Masonic Hall, in the City of St. Louis, on Friday, the 16th day of October, 1846, A. L. 5846, Y. D. 2376; and, having produced their credentials of deputation, The Convention was duly organized by the appointluent of COlnp. E. H. Shepard, H. P. of No.1. as President, and Camp. S. Buckner, of No.2, as Secretary, pro ten1The following COlllpanions being present, viz.: l\L E. :BJlihu I-L Shepard, H. P., Missouri, No.1, M. E. Jno. D. Daggett,P. H. P'l' MissQuriNo. 1, M. E. Joseph Foster, P ... H. P., Missouri, No.1, M. E. Edw. H. Cressy, P. H. P., Missouri, No.1, COlnp.FTed L. Bioon, Seeretary, Missouri, No 1) M. E. Parker DUdley, H. P., Palnlyra, No.2, E. Stanton Buckner, proxy for K., Palmyra, No.2, E. Willianl Hurley, S., Palmyra, No.2, Conlp.. Janles M. ChorD, P. H. P.,Bool1ville, No.5, M. E. J. W. S. IVÂŁitehell. H. P., Fayette, No.6, M. IiJ. Sanluel A. Bowell, P. H. P., Hannibal, U. D., And visitors, Conlp. John Ralls, Hannibal, lJ. !)., Conlp. Richard R. Rees, Liberty, No.3, COlnp. Charles Levy, Palmyra, No.2, COUlp. J. J. Montgonlery, Palmyra, No.2, Con1p.GeOrge Wilson, Missouri, No.1, COl11p. Esrom Owens, Missouri, No.1. On lllotion, of COlnp. P.Dudley, it was Resolved, That each Chapter here represented he entitled to three votes in all the proceedings of this Convention. COUlp. Daggett sublnitted the following, whi{~h was unaniInously adopted, to..\vit: 'Vhereas, ,"-PIlere being now within the State of Missouri four regular Royal Arch Chapters, dulycOllstituted, with a large and rapidly increasing number of Royal Arch Masons, desirous of constituting other Chapters, therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the offieers and proxies of the Chapters aforesaid, deenling it expedient and necessary for the better gov..



ernnlent of the Craft, do no\v establish and constitute a Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the State of Missouri, agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution olf the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States. Resolved, That we now proceed to the election of Grand Officers, necessary to such organization, to serve for the ensuing year. Whereupon, the following Companions were severally elected to the respective office attached to his name, to-wit: M. E. Jas. W. S. Mitchell, Grand High Priest, M. E. William Hurley, Deputy Grand High Priest, M. E. Parker Dudley, Grand King, M. E. Joseph Megguier, Grand Scribe, E. Fred L. BHlon, Grand Secretary, E. Joh11 S. Watson, Grand Treasurer, E. Rev. E. C. Hutchinson, Grand Chaplain, E. John D. Daggett, Grand Marshal. On motion, it was Resolved, That a conlDlittee of three he appointed to draft a code of By-Laws for the government of this Grand Chapter. Comps. Daggett, Mitchell and Buckner were appointed said comluittee. The Grand Chapter was then called from labor until tODlorrow (Sautrday, 17th), at 8 o'clock a. nl. Saturday, October 17th, 8. A. M. The Grand Chapter convened, and was called to labor. Present, the sanle representatives and nlenlbers as on yesterday, with the addition of M. E. Camp. J_ Worthington Snlith. The committee appointed to draft a code of By-Laws for the governnlent of this Grand Chapter, presented their report, "recommending the adoption of the By-La,vs of tbe Grand Chapter of South Carolina, with such alterations and amendnlents as nlight be deenled necessary and expedient." Whereupon, the report of the cODlmittee was approved, and the By-Laws, as subnlitted by them, being read, section hy section, \vere severally adopted. On 11lotion, it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary-elect be instructed to transmit a copy of the proceedings of this Convention, together ",rith a copy of the rules and regulations now adopted for the goverllnlellt of this Grand Chapter, to the General Grand Chapter of the United states. Thereupon, the Grand Chapter "ras duly closed in ancient and solemn forlll.

Attest: Fred L. Billon, 'Grand Sec'y.

J. W. S. Mitchell,G. H. P.



Proceedings of the First Annual Convocation, Grand Chapter of Missouri The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Missouri, assembled pursuant to its By-Laws, at the City of St. Louis, on W'ednesday, the 13th day of October, A. D. 1847, A. L. 58'47, Y. D. 2377. Present, Grand Officers:

M. E. Jas. W. S. Mitchell, G. H. P., lY[. E. William Hurley, Dep. G. H. P., M. E. Parker Dudley, G. K., M. E. Joseph Megguier, G. S., E. Fred. L. Billon, G. Sec. E. _John D. Daggett, G. Mar. Compo Abraham Watters, G. Sentinel, pro tenl. Representatives and Proxies: Compo B. B. Brown, K., No.1, Compo J . Foster, P. H. P.,No.. 1, Gonlp. S. W. B. Carnegy, P. H. P, No.2, Conlp. 1. W. McDonald. H. P., No. 6~ Conlp. W. H. Hopson, proxy, I{. and S.. No.6, Compo Sanluel A. BOy\l'en, P. H. P., No.7,

And the following visitors, to-wit: CanIp. E. S.Ruggles, No.1, Compo J. F. L. Jacoby, No.1, Compo B. J. 'Vancourt, S., No.8. Compo Chas. Levy, No.8, Compo F. G. Watkins, No.8, ,Camp. A. T. Douglass, Compo O. W. Bell, H. P. of Brunswick, U. D., Conlp.N. A.Grubbs, Brunswick, U. D. Compo Jas. C. Mason, late Lexington. No.1, Ky. The Grand Chapter was duly opened in ancient and solenl11 form. Comps. Dudley and McDonald were appointed a conlmittee on credentials, who reported the following Chapters represented: Missouri, No.1, by Camp. B. B. Brown, K., Palmyra, No.2, by Compo Parker Dudley, H. P., Palnlyra~ No.2, by Conlp. S. W. B. Carnegy, Proxy, K. and S.. Boonville, No.5, by Compo Joseph Megguier, Proxy, H. P., K. and S., Fayette, No.6, by Compo I. W. McDonald, H. P., Fayette, No.6, by Compo W. H. Hopson, H. P., K. and S.



The proceedings of the last comnlunication ,vere read and approved. M. E. Compo Mitchell reported, verbally, that "as Grand High Priest, he had attended, in person, the triennial meeting of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, recently held at Columbus, Ohio; that this G-rand Chapter had been formally recognized as such, and that he had been adnlitted to his seat as the representative thereof in that body, as would, in due tinle, appear in the printed proceedings of that General Grand Body." The G. H. P. reported furtller, that "he had, in recess, upon proper application, and duly recomnlended. granted dispensations for two new Chapters, to-wit: To Brunswick Chapter, Chariton County, To Lexington ICha,pter, Lafayette County, and that he had received the fees for the saule." The follo\ving C0111111ittees were appointed: On Unfinished Business-Colllps.Billon, Vancourt and HOpSOll. On Chapters-ColllpS. Carllegy, Dudley and IVregguier. On Grievances-Conlps. Daggett, Bro,vn and McDonald. On motion of Compo Secretary, Resolved, That Hannibal and St. Louis Chapters, having but recently received their charters from the General Grand Chapter, be now recognized as I11enlbers of this Grand Chapter, and their officers ad111itted to seats, froln date. Conlp. Grand Secretary offered the folloWing, viz.: Resolved, As the sense of this Grand Chapter, that the COIUpS., Past High Priests of Chapters in this jurisdiction, who participated in the prilnary organization of this Grand Chapter, in October last, 1846, are considered as luenlbers thereof. After much discussion, the resolution was negatived. On nlotion, the Grand Chapter proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, which reSUlted as follows: 'M. E.Comp. J. W. S. Mitchell, G. H. P., IV!. E. Compo Wnl. Hurley, Dep. G. H. P., M. E. Compo Parker Dudley, G. K., M. E. Conlp...Joseph Megguier, G. S., E. COlllp. Fred L. Billon, G. See'y, E. COUlp. Joseph Foster, G. Treas., E. Conlp. Rev. T. H.Capers, .G. Chap. E. Compo John D. Daggett, G. Marshal. The M. E. G. H. P., 011 behal~ of St. Louis Chapter, extended an invitation to the Grand Chapter to be present at, and participate in, the public installation of the officers of said Chapter, and also that it was the desire of the said St. Louis Chapter, that the officers-elect of this Grand ,Chapter be installed on the same occasion.



Thereupon, the following resolutions were offered by Compo Grand Sec.: Resolved, first, That the installation of the officers elect of this Grand Chapter be in public. Resolved, second, That we accept the invitation of St. Louis Chapter to join in the procession as a body. The first resolution was negatived unaninlously, and the second adopted, nem.con. Compo Hopson proposed the following amendnlents to the ByLaws of this Grand Chapter, to-wit: Resolved, first, That the Regular Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Missouri, shall be held on the first Monday in May in each year. Resolved, second, That the Convocations of the Grand Chapter of Missouri shall be held at the City of Lexington. Read first time and laid on the table. The Grand Chapter was called frorn labor until tonlorro,," (Thursday) evening. Thursday Evening, October 14th.

The Grand Chapter was called to labor, and the proceedings of yesterday read. COIUp. Grand Sec. presented a cOlllmunicatioIl, just receiyed, froul Liberty Chapter, No.8, enclosing ~lleir returns,expressillg their regret that cirCUDlstances had prevented their participating in the forruatioll of this Grand Chapter, acknowledging its jurisdiction, and desiring a new charter in lieu of their old one from the General Grand Chapter.. The returns were referred to the Conlnlittee on Chapters, and the Grand Sec. instructed to correspond with said Chapter on the subject. A petition from a sufficient number of Compo R. A. Masons residing at or Ileal" Jefferson City, for a dispensation to open a new Chapter at said City, recolumended by Boonville Chapter~ No. 5, and acconlpanied by the regular feet was presented by COlnp. Sec., and read, and, on nlotion the prayer of the petitioners was granted, and a dispensation directed to be issued accordingly. On lllotion of Conlp. Hopson,. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to present at our next regula.r convocation, the work and lectures on the degrees appertaining to the Chapter. Con1ps. Hopson, Foster, Capers, Mitchell and Levy \vere appointed said conlmittee. The Committee on Returns fro,m Chapters report, That they have exanlined the returns froIll Chapters Nos. 1, 2, t



3, 5 and 6, enlbracing lists of their menlbers, exaltations, etc., as required by the By-laws, but not in all cases accompanied by the amount of dues. Your conlmittee recomnlend the following, viz.: Resolved, That eOnlp. G. Sec. make out accounts against the delinquent Chapters, and notify them to nlake immediate payment. Your committee have also exanlined the proceedings of Brunswick Chapter, U. D., together with their By-I~aws, which your cOlnnlittee approve, and recomnlend that a charter be granted to Brunswick Chapter, of even date herewith. The report approved, and a charter ordered to Brunswick Chapter No.9. The Grand Officers-elect for the ensuing year were duly installed by the M.. E. Grand High Priest. On illotion of COUlp. Foster, Resolved, That this Grand Chapter adopt Cross' Chart as the text book for the Chapters in this jurisdiction, and that the use of any others be interdicted. The Grand Chapter was called from labor until Saturday the 16th inst., at 8 o'clock a. In. Saturday, October 16th, 8 a. mol

The Grand Chapter resumed labor. eOnIp. Hopson, by leave, withdrew his amendlnents to the ByLaws, offered on Wednesday, and presented the following substitute: Resolved, That the Annual Convocations of the Grand Chapter of the State of l\iissouri be held at the sanle place with the meetings of the Grand Lodge, and that the Convocations of the Grand Chapter be on the Wednesday succeeding the first Monday of the session of the Grand Lodge. The resolution was rejected. On motion of COlUp. Daggett, Resolved, That an auditing comolittee be appointed, with power to settle all claims against this Grand Chapter, and to draw on the Grand Treasurer for the respective anlounts allowed.. Conlps. Daggett, Foster and Brown,. were appointed said conlmittee.. Comps. Billon, Carnegy and Dagg,ett, were appointed a conlnlittee to procure a seal, with appropriate devices, for the Grand Chapter. There appearing no further business, the Grand Chapter was duly closed, in SOleU111 and ancient fornl.. Attest: J. W. S. l\fiicheU,G. H. PO' Fred. L. Billon, Grand Sec'y.






602 444

Name of I.Jodge

Acacia Ada

Location of Lodge

OI·riclr Kirksville





Adair Platte

2 21 50 9 37 6 22 41 33-B 6 22 10 53 33-B 35 33-B 6 26 56 11 33·B 37

366 355 590 10 343 252 219 664 544 198 659 108


255 347 141

Alton America

Advance Agency Petersburg Alanthus Grove Kansas City Aldrich St. Louis Allendale N. Kansas City Altanl0nt Alton St. Louis

Amsterdanl Anchor

Amsterdam St. Louis,


.1{ing City Harrisburg., Anclerson Missouri City St. Louis Appleton City

Gentry Boone

193 529 412

Ancient Craft Ancient Landmark Anderson Angerona ApoIlo Appleton City




633 6

Archie Ark ArIington Armstrong Arrow Rock Ash Grove AshlaIld Ashlar Athens Aurora Aux Vasse Ava

Archie Newark Dixon Armstrong Arrow Rock Ash Grove Ashland Commerce Albany St. I...Iouis Aux Vasse Ava

443 377 356 621

346 70 55

100 156 306 127 267 357 26

Adelphi. Advance Agency Agricola Alanthus Albert Pike Aldrich Algabil Allensville Alpha


2'17 Barbee 591 Barnett 116 Barnes 353 BarnesviIle 367 Barry 365 Bayou 3 Beacon 393 Beehive 632 Belgrade 373 Belle 450 Belton 170 Benevolence




B Sweet Springs Barnett Cabool Ellington Washburn Bakersfield St. Louis Lawson Belgrade Belle Belton Utica



A Columbia

Stoddard Buchanan Henry Gentry Jackson Polk Worth Clay Daviess Oregon

McDonald Clay St. Clair Sullivan Cass !{nox Pulaski Howard

Saline Greene

3 34 2 39 25 24



Boone Scott Gentry CalIaway Douglas Saline Morgan

Texas Reynolds

Barry Ozark



50 6 33-A 27 46 24 58 46

47 55 53 33-A


,Washington Maries Cass Livingston

23 40 39 34 12

824 No.

642 378 573 97 537 379 150 41 535 557 594 153 102 337 101 449 195 45 597 587 135 334 80 86 269 203 233 501 275 442 254

MrscELLANEous-HrsToRlcAL-STAT'ISTICAL Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge


Benjamin Franklin Berlin Bernie Bethany Bethel. Billings Birming Bismarck Blackwell Blairsto'vn Blodgett Bloomfield Bloomington Blue Springs Bogard Bois D'Arc Bolivar Bonhomme Bosworth Branson Braymer Breckenridge Bridgeton Brookfield Brotherhood Brumley Bucklin Buekner Bunker Burlington Butler

St. Louis Berlin Gelltry Bernie Stoddard Bethany Harrison Bethel. Shelby Billings Christian Faucett Buchanan Bismarck -St. Francois Black路well St. Francois Blairsto路wn Henry Blodgett. Scott Bloomfield Stoddard Bevier Macon Blue Springs Jackson Bogard Carroll Bois D'Arc Greene Bolivar Polk Ballwin St. Louis Bosworth Carroll Branson Taney Braymer Caldwell Breckenridge Caldwell St. John's Station8t. Louis Brookfield Linn St. Joseph Buchanan BruIllley MilIer Bncklin Linn Buckner Jaekson Bunker Reynolds BurIington Jct Nodaway Butler Bates

Caclle Cainsville Cairo Calhonn California CaIlao Cambridge Camden Point. Canopy Cardwell Carl Junction Carroll Carterville Carthage Caruthersville Cass Cecile-Daylight Censer , Centertown Central Centralia Chaffee Chamois

St. Louis Cainsville Cairo Calhoun CaIifornia Callao Slater Camden Pt. Aurora Cardwell Carl Junction Norborne Carterville Carthage Caruthersville Harrisonville Kansas City Macon Centertown Molino Centralia Chaffee Chamois


33-D 6 51 5 14 54 9 48 40

37 50 50

14 59 20 45

41 57 20 54 12 12 57 13 9 38 13 59 47

7 35

C 416 328 486 552 183

38 63 169

284 231 549 249 401 197 461 147 305 172 611 81 59 615


Harrison Randolph Henry Moniteau Macon Saline Platte Lawrence Dunklin Tasper Carroll Jasper Jasper Penliscot Cass .Jackson Maeon Cole

Audrain Boone Scott Osage

33-B 5 18

37 31 14 24 21 55 51 44

20 44 44

51 34 22 14

31 27 26 50 31


Nume of I odge

331 Charity 407 Charleston 487 ChiIhowee 333 Chillicothe 392 Christian 388 Chula 342Circle 229 Claflin 662 Clarence 610 Clark 553 Clarksburg 559 Clarksdale 17 Clarksville 207 Clay 601 Clayton 418 Clear Creek 507 Clearnlont 651 Cleveland 645 Clever 463Clifton 520 Clifton Heights 161 Clifton Hill. 548 Clinton 482 ClintonviIle 274 Cold Spring 485 Cold Water 595 Cole Canlp 168 Colony 534 Colunlbia 533 Conlfort 654 COlnmonwealth 120 Compass 432 Conlpetition 369 Composite 464 Concordia 454 Continental. 528 Conway 36 Cooper 265 Corinthian 323 Cornerstone 600 Cosby 282 Cosmos 656 Country Club 561 CowgilL 287 Craft 606 Craig 519 Crane 368 Crescent HiIl 586 Criterion 312 Cllba 525 Cunningham 227 Cypress 492 539

Daggett Da \\"'ll

Location of Lodge


825 District

St. Joseph Buchanan 9 Charleston Mississippi 50 Chilhowee Johnson 36 Chillicothe Livingston 12 OakGrove Jackson 59 ,Chula L,ivingston 12 Roscoe St.. Clair 37 Protem Taney 54 Clarence SheIby 14 Clark ~ Randolph 18 Clarksburg ,Moniteau 31 Clarksdale De Kalb 10 Clarksville Pike 16 Excelsior Springs.Clay 11 Clayton St. Louis : 57 Lincoln, R. 1 Benton 37 Clearmont Nodaway 7 Cleveland Cass 34 Clever Christian 54 Thayer Oregon 53 St. Louis 33-A ,Clifton Hill Randolph 18 Clinton Henry 37 El Dorado Springs Cedar 42 Leeton Johnson 36 DrexeL Cass 34 Cole Camp Benton 36 Colony I{nox 2 Pacific Franklin 32 Wheaton Barry 55 St. Louis 33-A ParkviIle Platte 21 Conlpetition Laclede 38 Doniphan Ripley 52 Concordia Lafayette 23 Stewartsville De Kalb 10 Conway Laclede 38 Boonville Cooper 25 Warrensburg Johnson 36 St. Louis 33..D Cosby Andrew 9 St. Louis 33..D .I{ansas City Jackson ..............•....... 22 Cowgill Caldwell 12 Canton Lewis 15 Craig Holt 8 Cr,ane Stone 54 Adrian Bates 35 Alba Jasper .44 Cuba Crawford 39 Sumner Chariton ~ 19 Laclede Linn 13 u

D McKittrick LudIow

Montgonlery Livingston

28 12

826 No.


Loca.tion of Lodge

386 400

Dayton........................•Dayton Decatur Pierce City 562 Deepwater Deepwater .88 Defiance .sheridan 137 Delphian Birch Tree 119 De Soto De soto 39 DeWitt DeWitt 532 Dexter Dexter 325 Dockery Meadville 300 Doric Elkland 285 630 384 575 291 318 648 599 607 14 497 121 278 5,05 73 27 405 577 332 441

Earl East Gate East Prairie Easter Edina Eldorado Elmer Elvins Eminence...l Eolia Equality Erwin Essex Euclid Eureka Evergreen Everton Ewing Excello Excelsior

E Coffey Kansas City East Prairie St. Clair Edina ,Luray Elmer Flat River Emil1ence Eolia Newburg St. Louis Essex St. Louis Bruns\viclt. Ne\v Haven ,Everton Ewing Excello J ackson



Cass Lawrence Henry Worth Shannon Jefferson Carroll Stoddard Linn Webster

34 55

,Daviess Jackson Mississippi Franklin I{nox Clark l\iacon St. Francois Shannon Pike Phelps


Sto,ddard ,Chariton Franklin


6 47 40 20

50 13 45


50 32 2 1 14 48 47 16 39 33-A 50 33·A 19 32



Lewis Macon Cape Girardeau

15 14 49

AtchisOll Clark Polk Newton St. Francois Howar'd Jasper St. Louis St. Louis Platte Montgonlery Monroe Holt

8 1 41 56 48 25 44 57 57 21 28 17 8 33-B


483 290 44 619 132 47 345 281 542

Fairfax Fairmount Fair Play Fairview Farnlington Fayette FeIlowship Fenton Ferguson 339 Fidelity 261 Florence 23 Florida 214 F'orest City 578 Forest Park 453 Forsyth 554 Foster 212 Four Mile 192 Frankford 363 Fraternal. 352 Friend 89 Friendsllip 48 Fulton

Fairfax ,Wyaconda Fair Play Fairview Farnlington Fayette .Toplin Fenton Ferguson Farley New Florence Florida Forest City St. I.louis Forsyth Foster Campbell Frankford Robertsville Ozark Chillicothe Fulton

Taney Bates Dunklin Pike Franklin Christian Livingston Callaway


35 51 16 32 54 12 27


Name of Lodge

I,ocation of Lodge


827 District


515 106 423 655 359 522 422 465 125 9

250 427 475 218 72 436 397 289

644 514 579 276 618 272 66 173 159 425 414 635 107 178 589


216 336 224 188 322 499 171 21 571 459

354 117 37 477 338 123 288 187

Galella Gale11a Gallatin Gallatin G·alt Galt Gardenville Gardenville Garrett Al·cola Gate City Kansas City Gate of the Tenlple.Springfield Gaynor City Parnell Gentryville Gentryvil1e George Washington. St. Louis Glensted Glensted Glenwood Glen"V\rood Golden Golden City Goocl Hope St. Louis Gorin Gorin Gothic Alexandria Gower Gower Graham Graham G-rain VaIIey Grain Valley Gl·anby Granl)y Grandin Grandin Grand River Freelnan Grandview Grandview Granite Sedalia Grant City Grant City Gray Suulmit Gray Sumnlit Green City Green City Green Ridge Green Ridge Greensburg Greensburg Greentop Greentop Greenville GreenviIle Griswold Bellflower Grovespring Grovespring Guilford Guilfo1'd

Hale City Hallsville HanliltoIl Hannibal. Har<lin HarnlOny I-Iartfor(I. Havana Hayti IMlazelwood Hebron Helena Henlple Henderson Herculaneum Hermann Hernlitage Hermon

H Hale Hal1sville Hamilton Hannibal. Harclin St..Louis Hartford.. McFaII Hayti Seymour Mexico Helena Hemple Rogersville Herculaneunl Hermann Hermitage Liberal. u


Stone Da viess Grundy St. Louis Dade Jackson Greene Nodaway Gentry Morgan Schnyler Barton

54 10 4 57 42 22 .45 7 6 33-B 58

1 43 33-B 1


Scotland Clark Clinton Nodaway Jackson Newton Carter


11 7


Jackson Pettis Worth FrankIin Sullivan Pettis Knox Schuyler Wayne Montgomery Wright Nodaway

Ca1'1"011 Boone Caldwell Marion Ray

Putnam G'entry Pemiscot Webster Audrain Andrew Clinton Webster Jefferson Gasconade Hickory Barton



59 56 47 34 59 36 6 32 3 36 2 1 52 28



20 26 12 15 20 33-B 3 6 51 45 27 9 11 45

.40 32 41 43

828 No.



Heroine 211 Hickory Hill 527 Higbee 364 Higginsville 1!55 Hinton 362 Hiram 279 Hogle's Creek 262 Holden 660 Holliday 49 Holt 251 Hope 239 Hopewell. 215 Hornersville 580 Houston 4 Howard 130 Hume 32 Humphreys 415 Hunnewell 30 Huntsville

Location of Lodge

,Kansas City ~Eugene

Higbee Higginsville Hinton I{ahoka Wheatland Holden Holliday Holt :V\Tashington Lesterville Hornersville Gant New Franklin Hume Humphreys Hunnewell Huntsville


Jackson Cole Randolph Lafayette Boone Clark Hickory Johnson Monroe Clay Franklin Reynolds Dunklin Audrain Howard Bates Sullivan Shelby Randolph


22 31 18

23 26 1

41 36

17 11 32 47 51 27 25 35

3 14 18

I 410 581 76 54 536 381 154

143 420 446 82

541 447 500 564 398 43 640 315 480 164 321 457 335 411 220 311 329 68 243 376 309 118

Iberia Illmo Independence Index Ingomar Ionia Ionic Irondale Itaska Ivanhoe Jackson Jacksonville Jacoby Jameson Jamesport Jasper Jeffersoll Jennings Jerusalem JeweI. Joachim Jonathan, Jonesburg Joplin Joppa Kansas City I{earney Kennedy Kennett Keystone King HilL King Hiram


lberia .Illmo .Independence Garden City Willow Springs Eldon Desloge lrondale St. Louis Kansas City J Linneus Jacksonville Darlington Jameson Jamesport Tasper Jefferson City Jennings Jerico Springs Pleasant Hill Hillsboro Denver



Hartville K Kansas City I{earney Elmo I{ennett St. Louis St. Joseph Knoxville I{ingston

'Miller Scott Jackson Cass Howell ,Miller St. Francois Washington Jackson ,Linn Randolph Gentry Daviess Daviess Jasper Cole St. Louis Cedar Cass ~ Jefferson Worth Montgomery Tasper Wright Jackson Clay Nodaway Dunklin Buchanan Ray Caldwell

38 50 59 34 53

58 48 40

33-A 22 13

18 6 10 10 44 31 57 .42 34

40 6 28 44 46 22 11 7 51 33-A 9

23 12




264 105 484 245 582


Kirbyville Kirksville Kirkwood Knob Noster Koshkonong

Name of Lodge

Hollister Kirksville I{irkwood ICnob Noster Koshkonong

Taney Adair St. Louis Johnson Oregon


54 2 57 36 53

222 83 115 437 489 292 460 574 531 237 253 592 506 145 598 77 494 149 31 302 138 32,6 152 51 521 488 257

La Belle Laclede Laddonia

La Belle Lebanon Laddonia

Lewis Laclede Audrain

15 38 27



268 128 409 403 394 433 91 626 112 406 402 543 566

481 110 ·616 390 569







Bell City



Stoddard Barton

Lambskin La Monte Lane's Prairie La Plata Laredo I a Russell Lathrop Latimer Leadwood Lebanon

St. Louis La Monte Vichy La Plata Laredo La Russell Lathrop I icking Leadwood Steelville Lewistowll Lexington Liberty

50 43 33-B 36

LewistowIl Lexington Liberty Lick Creel{ Lincoln Linn Linn Creek Livingston Lockwood Lock Spring Lodge of Light Lodge of Love I odge of Trl1th

Lorraine Louisville Lowry City Lucerne Mack's Creek MadisoIl Magnolia Maitlalld Malden Malta Mansfield MaplewQod Marceline

: Pettis




Macon Grundy

14 4

Jasper Clinton Texas

.44 11 39 48 39 15 23 11 15

St.. Francois

Crawford Lewis Lafayette Clay ,RaIls

Perry Fillmore LinIl Camdenton Glasgow Lockwood Lock Spring Eagleville



Osag'e Camden Howard Dade Daviess


31 38 25 42 10 5

Lancaster Atlanta

8chuyler Macon


Ridgeway Louisville .I..towry City Lncerne

Lincoln St. Clair Putnam



5 29 37 3

M Mack's Cre,ek lYladison St. Louis Maitland


38 17 33-A 8

Malden Malta Bend




24 46 57 13 48 4 55 59 7


Maplewood Marceline



Marion Marionville Marlborough Maryville

Mercer Marionville..



(Jackson Co.) Maryville

Camden Monroe

Wright St. Louis Linn Madison Mercer Lawrence Jackson Nodaway



830 No.

324 146 260 458 16 628 313 35

2 85 244 42 516 567 151 471 1 639 344 144 612 129 295 64 490 246 5R 408 603 184 351 558 294 614 158 637

382 476 439 40 99 327 221 25 568 560 247 60 510

199 307 429 270 473 470


Location of Lodge


McDonald .Independence Jackson MeGee College Mound Macon Mechanicsville Howell. St. Charles Melville Dadeville Dade Memphis Memphis Scotland Mendon Mendon Chariton Meramec Eureka St. Louis Mercer Princeton Mercer Meridian St. Louis Miami l\1:iami Saline Middle Fabius Downing Schuyler Middle Grove Middle Grove Monroe Milford Milford Barton Miller Miller :Lawrence Milton Milton Randolph Mineral Oronogo ,Jasper Missouri St. Louis Mizpall St. Louis Moberly Moberly Randolph Moc1ern Humansville Polk Moltane lVIokane Callaway Monett Monett Barry Moniteau ..Janlestown Moniteau Monroe Monroe City Monroe Montevallo .lVlontevallo Vernoll Montgonlery l\~ontgomery CitY.Montgomery Monticello l\1onticeIlo Le\vis Montrose Montrose Henry Morehouse Morehollse New Madrid Morley Morley Scott Mosaic " Bellevie'v .Iron Moscovv MoscQW Mills Lincoln Mound City ~ Mound City Holt Mount Washington.Mt. Wasl1ington Jackson Mountain Grove Mountain Grove Wright Mountain Vie\v l\1:ountain View Howell Mt. Ararat Topaz Douglas Mt. Hope Odessa Lafayette Mt. Olive Rogersvi1le, R. 3..vVebster Mt. Moriah St. Louis Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon La\vrence West Plains Howell Mt. Zion Mystic Tie Oak Ridge Cape Girardeau N Naphtali St. LOllis Naylor Naylor Ripley Nelson ,N elson Saline Neosho Neosho Newton New Bloomfield New Bloomfield Callaway New Hampton New Haulpton Harrison New Hope Elsberry I.,incoIn Ne,v London New Lonclon Ralls New Madrid New lV!adricl New Madrid New Salenl \Vinfielcl IJincoln Nineveh Olney Lincoln Nodaway Maryville Nodaway


59 14 30 42 1 19 57 4

33-B 24 1 17 43 55 18 44 33-A 33-B 18 41 27 55 31 17 .43 28 15 37 50 50 48 29 8 59 46 53

.46 23 45 33-A 55 53 .49 33路B 52 24 56 27 5 29 15 51 29 29 7


647 372

Name of Lodge

Location of Lodge

157 358 622 181 583

Noel N onpareil. Northeast North Star Nortllwest. Norwood Novelty Novinger

Noel East Lynne Kansas City Rockport Tarkio Norwood Novelty Novinger

163 134 576 139 546 518 303 317 7 624 297

Occidental Olean Olive Branch Oregon Orient OrientaL Osage Osborn O'Sullivan Owensville Ozark

St. Louis Olean St. Louis Oregon Kansas City Blackburn Nevada Osborn Walnut Grove O\vensville Fair Grove

241 18 19 650 308 65 11 330 319 530 498 551 92 502 136 472 399 652 182 314 469 504 113 160 142 467 176 79 349 232 95 209

Palestine St. Charles Pallnyra Pallnyra Paris Union Paris Parll1a Parnla Parrott. Maysville Pattonsburg Pattonsburg Pauldillgville ,Wright City Paul Revere St. LOllis Paulville Brashear Peculiar Peculiar Pee Dee Musselfork Pendleton Doe Run Perseverance Louisiana Philadelphia Philadelphia Phoenix Bowling Green Pickering Pickering Pike Cnrryville Pilgrim..路 路 路..路 St. L.Otlis Pilot !{llob Richville Pine Bardley Plato Plato Platte CitY Platte City Plattsburg Plattsburg Pleasant Morrisville Pleasant Grove Otterville Pleasant I-iope ,Pleasant Hope Point Pleasant Conran Polar Star St. Louis Polloclr. PolIock Polo Polo Ponlegral1ate St. Louis Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff




McDonald Cass Jackson Atchison Atchison Wright Knox Adair



56 34 22 8 8 46 2 2

o Miller Holt ~ Jackson ,Saline Vernon De Kal b Greene Gasconade Greene

33-A 58 33-A 8 22 24 43 10 45 32 .45


St. Charles Marion .l\fonroe New IV[adrid De Kalb Daviess ~ Warren

Adair Cass Chariton St. Francois Pike Marion Pike Nodaway Pike ,Douglas Ripley TeXtlS


Clinton Polk Cooper Polk New Madrid

Sullivan Cald"rell Butler

30 15 17 51 10 10 30 33-A 2 34 19 .48 16 15 16 7 16 33-B .46 52 46 21 11 41 25 .41 51 33-B 3 12 33-A 52

832 No.


Location of IJodge


Portageville Portageville Portland Readsville Potosi........•..................Potosi. Prairie Gilman City Prairie Honle Prairie Home Pride of the West..St. Louis

657 148 658 190 596 180 383

Purity Putnam Puxico Pyramid Pythagoras

St. Louis Newtown Puxico St. Louis Cassville

380 196

Queen City Quitman

Q Queen City Quitman

166 242 131 556 503


New Madrid Callaway Washington llarrison Cooper


51 27 40

5 25 33-B

~~~~~.~.~::::::::::::::::::::::~~r~;.~~~::::::::::::::::.B~~~·;···::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~-B 33-A

Sullivan Stoddard Barry SchuyIer Noda\vay

3 50 3.3-A

55 1 7

R 478

33 258 201 223 451 391 584

468 570

167 479 385 57 361 13 496 67

435 663 341 213 550 404 426 204 316 238

90 572 225 226 208 424 2·98

Racine Ralls Ravanna Ravenwood Ray ". Raymore Raytown Red Bird Red Oak Republic Revere ~ Rich Hill Richland Richmond ~ Riddick Rising Sun Robert Burns Rocheport Rockbridge Rockhill Rockville Rolla Rose Hill Rosendale Rothville Rowley Rural. Rushville RusseIlville Rutledge ,' Salem Saline Salisbury

Samaritan Sampson

Sel1.eca Center Ravanna Ravenwood Camden Raymore Rayto\vn Red Bird Red Oak Repu blic Revere Rich Hill. Richland Richmond Buffalo Barry Gainesville Rocheport Rockbridge Kansas City Rockville Rolla St. Louis.. ~ Rosendale Rothvi1le Dearborn Kansas City Rushville Russellville Rutledge S Salenl St. Mary's ,Salisbufy Bonne Terre I.. utie

Newton Ralls Mercer Noda\vay Ray Cass .Tackson Gasconade Lawrence Greene Clark Bates Pulaski Ray Dalla s PIatte Ozark Boone Ozark Jackson Bates Phelps Andrew Chariton Platte Jackson Buchan an Cole Scotland D'ent

Ste. Genevieve Chariton Francois Ozark



15 4

7 23 34 59

32 55 .45 1 35 38 23 41 21 53 26 53 22 35 39 33-A 9 19 21 22 9

31 1 39 48 19 48 53



Name of Lodge


Santa Fe



71 508 448 126 236 517 513 585 646 653 625 256 228 371 304 310 75 511 266 271 206 200 547 466 296 524 155 96 273 588

Savannah Saxton ~ Schell City

234 230

Location of Lodge

Seaman Sedalia Seligman



Shamrock Shaveh Shawnee; Sheffield

Shekinah Shelbina Sheldon





Shamrock St. Louis Warsaw Kansas City Festus Shelbina Sheldon


Mindenmines Sikeston Martinsburg

Solomon Somerset




Silex Skidmore Springfield

South Gate

Kansas City


Southwest City Sparta Spickard Spring Hill. ShelbyvilIe

Spickardsville Spring Hill

St. Andrews St. Clair St. FrancisviIle St. Francois St. James


Jasper .. ~ Andrew Buchanan Vernon Sullivan Pettis Barry

Sikeston Silex Skidmore Social.




Santa Fe Sarcoxie Savannah Saxton Schell City Milan Sedalia Seligman

Osceola Wayland

Libertyville St. James Hannibal. St. Joseph

17 ~ •.............. 44

9 9

43 3 36 55 51 27 33-A 36 22 40 14 43 43 50 29 7 27 45



Jackson Jefferson Shelby Vernon Barton Scott Lincoln

Nodaway Audrain Greene Putnam


Atchison Tackson McDonald Christian Grundy

8 22 56 54 .:........4 12 14 37 1

LivingstOll Shelby ,St. Clair Clark

St. Francois


Phelps Marion

28 78 20 93 109 419 133 634 538

St. John's St. Joseph Bnchanan St. Louis St. Louis St. Marks Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Stanberry Stanberry Gentry Star Taberville St. Clair Star of the· West...Ironton ~ Iron-



283 608 604

Stockton Straftord Strasburg



Strasburg Sturgeon

69 555 263 617

Sullivan Summersville Summit Swope Park

Sullivan Summersville Lee's Summit Kansas City

Tebbetts Temperance

T Tebbetts Smithville

565 438


Steele SteIla

Steele Stella Stinson Stockton

Pemiscot Newton


·Greene Cass



Lawrence Cedar h

Boone Franklin

Texas Jackson Jackson Callaway


.: 39 15 9 33-B 49 6 37 48 51 55 42 45


34 26 32 46 59 22 27 11

834 No.

299 177 661

56 631 111 638 205 6.41 122 440 34


Location of Lodge

Temple Kansas City Texas Houston Theodore Roosevelt..St. Louis Tipton Tipton Tower Grove St. Louis Trentoll Trenton Triangle St. Louis Trilunlina MarshalI Trinity St. Louis Triplett Triplett T'rowel. Marble Hill Troy Troy Tuscan St. Louis

360 114 Twilight. 350 Tyrian 12 Tyro


Johnstown Caledonia



Jackson Texas



33-A 31 33-B

Grundy Saline Chariton Bollinger Lincoln



33-A 24 33-A 19 49


33-A Boone Bates Washington


35 40


593 Union 124 Union Star 210 Unionville 5 United 495 Unity 649 University 421 Urballa 286 Urich 413 629

VaIley Valley Park 509 Van Buren 491 Vandalia 493 Vernon 452 Verona 320 VersailIes 94 Vienna 62 Vincil

Union Union Star Unionville Springfield Richards University City Urbana Uricll V Bolcko'v Valley Park Van Buren Vandalia Bronaugh Verona Versailles Vienna Canleron



De Kalb


Putnanl Greene Vernon St. IJouis Dal1as Henry

3 45 43

Andrew St. Louis Carter Audrain Vernon Lawrence Morgan Maries Clinton

9 57

57 41 37

.47 27

43 55 58

39 11

W 348

52 605

456 627 74 609

87 61

526 375 235 512 98 84

22 613 194

Wadesburg Wakanda Walkel'路 Wallace Wallace Park Warren Warrenton Washington Waverly Wayne Waynesville Weatherby Webb City Webster Webster Groves WelIington Wellston Wellsville

Creighton Carrollton Walker Bunceton WalIace Keytesville Warrenton Greentield Waverly Piedmont Waynesville Weatherby Webb City Marshfielc1 Webster Groves De Kalb "Wellston Wellsville

Cass Carro11 Vernon Cooper Buchanan Chariton Warren Dade Lafayette Wayne Pulaski De Kalb Jasper Webster St. Louis Buchanan St. Louis Montgomery

34 20 43

25 9 19

30 .42 20

52 38 10 44 45

57 9 57 28


Name of Lodge

46 Wentzville 445 West Gate 103 West View 396 Western Light 15 Western Star 53 Westoll 340 Westport 202 Westville 434 Wheeling 301 White Hall 417 Whitewater 162 Whitesville 374 Wilderness 620 Willard 370 Williamsto\vn 191 Wilson 29 Windsor 540 Wlnigan 430 Winona 277 WIn. D. Muir 387 Woodside 24 Wyaconda

Location of Lodge

Wentzville St. Louis Millersville Louisburg Winston Weston Kansas City Westville Wheeling Barnard Whitewater Whitesville Wilderness Willard Williamstown Pocahontas Windsol路 Winigan ,Winona PilotGrove Thonlasville La Grange


St. Charles Cape Girardeau Dallas Daviess Platte Jackson Chariton Livingston Nodaway Cape Girardeau Andrew Oregon Greene Lewis ~ Cape Girardeau Henry Sullivan Shannon Cooper Oregon I~e'vis

835 District

30 33-B 49 41 10 21 22 19 12 7 49 9 53 ..45 15 49 37 3 47 25 53 15

X 50





y 563


.I{ansas City



Bollinger Buchanan

49 9


545 189

Zallna Zeredatha

,Zallna " St. Joseph

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3 4 5

HIram .••.••••.••.•••• Harmon)'.............. Ta>'lor ...••.••••••••••• Olive Branch ..••••••••• Unit)' ••••••.•.••••••••• Franklin Union .•.••.••. Grover .•••.•..•.••..•.. VandalIa 'Villiamsburg. Sangamon •.••.• Union•••••••••.•••••••• Shawnee ••••.•••••••••• ChapeL •••••••••••••••• Eden ••••••••..••..••••. Tucker ••••••••••••••••. BoonvIlle ••••••••• ,.... Auburn •••••••••••••.••. CentraL............... Perse\·erance.•..•..•. "' Columbia •••••••••••••••. New London .•••••..••.. Greencastle............ Franklin Hiram •• " .••••••.•.•.• Harmony ••• , ••• " •• , .•. W)'aconda. .• , •••••••••..

Mo ••.••.. 1820, hy G. L. of Tenn ..... Surrendered April 4, 1826. Mo ••••... Oct. 11, 1821 ••••••••.••.•. Surrendered April, 1825. Mo •••••••. May 6. 1852 .•••••.•••.•••. United with HUnited No.5." -5 Ill..•.•... April 3. 1822 .•.•.••....••. United with 1st G. L. of Illinois, 1824. ~ Mo ••••••. ~ov. 25, 1821,disp. G. L. [nd Surrendered January 7, 1823. 1 Mo •••.... April 3, 1822 •••.••••..•••. Arrested December 20. 183l. "; ~Io •••••.. May, 1852 ..... Died 1860. :8 IlL....... October 8. 1822 .. United with 1st G. L. of Illinois, 1824. 8 \VilUamsburg... Callaway....... 110.•••.••• 1\Iay 6, 1852. Surrendered Doc. 31, 1929. 9 SprIngfield .•... Sangamon .•... 111.1 •••••• October 25, 1822 .. , Arrested April 11, 1826. 10 Jonesboro ..•••. Union......... IlL •••.• "' October 25, 1822 ••••••• , •• United with 1st G. L. of Illinois, 1824. 10 New Santa Fe. Jackson .••. , •. Mo •••.••. May, 1858............. .. Surrendered 1863. ~O Chapel HUt. .,. La.fa~·ette•.•.•. Mo •••.... May 6.18.52 ......•••.. "" Surrendered 1855. 11 Covington .•.•.. WashIngton .••. Ill........ October 9. 1822 .•.•.• United with 1st G. L. ot Illinois. 1824. 13 8te. Genevle\'e. Ste. Genevieve .. Mo ••••... October 10.1826 .•••.••... Surrendered AprIl 6, 1831. 14 Boonville •••••. Cooper ..••••••. Mo ••••.• April 3,1827. .••• .• •••• •. Arrested October 3, 183&. Auburn .•.••••• Lincoln ••••••.. · Mo ••••... May 8,1852 •...••••••.•.. Arrested Oct., 1884, by Lee A. Hall, G. l\'1. 14 15 Smithville.... Clay ~Io....... May 6, 1852 I. Went down on account of war. 1861. 15 Louisiana.... Pike •••••.•••.. Mo....... AprIl 8. 1828. .. •... .••... Arrested April 3. 1838. 16 Columbia... .•• Boone ••••••••. 310 ••••••. October 5, 1830 .••••••.•.. Arrested October 3, 1838. 21 New London ••• Ralls .••....... Mo .•.•... October 5, 1837 .•..•.••... Surrendered 1862. on account of war. 21 Greencastle ..•. Sullivan....... Mo....... June 2, 18GG ..••......•... Arrested April, 1879. 22 Alton .•...••... Madison ..••... Ill October 5. 1837 United with G. L. ot Illinois. 1843. 23 St. Charles ..••. St. Charles .•••. ~fo •.•.••. October 5. 1837 •.. "' Arrested October 16. 1846. 24 Jacksonville ••• Morgan •••••••. Ill. ••••••• October 2. 1R3S •••.••..••. Uniten with G. L. ot Illinois, 1840. 24 La. Grange ••••• Lewis......... Mo ••••.•..Tune 10. 1853 ...••.••..... Surrendered 1876. 25 Joachim· •••••••••.••••• Herculaneum .. Jetterson ..••••. Mo ••••... Oct., 1820. by G. L. ot Tenn Arrested April 8, 1825. 26 Springfield ••.•.•••••. " . Springfield. . •. Sangamon.. • •. Ill........ OctoherS. 1839 ..•••••• United with G. L. of Illinois. 1840. 2G Ava •••••••.•.•.••..••.. Ava. Douglas....... Mo .....•. October 13. 1887 ....•..... Arrested June. 1892, by B. H. Ingram, G. M. 26 Mexico .•••••.•.• Mexico ••••••••• Audraln ..•• Mo •• "' •• Yay 6. 1852 ••••.••.•.•••. Consolidated 1887 with Hebron ~o. 354. 37 Ringgold. • •..•• " ...•• Camden Point •. Platte..... • • •. Yay G, 1852. •• • . • . • • • . • .. Arrested J.lay, 1855. I

I ' ••





St. Charles ..•.. Louisiana •.•... Springfield .•••• Alton •••••••••. Jackson ••••••• Franklin ••••••. Calhoun .....•• v·andalia I


St. Charles •••.. Pike ••••••••••. Greene .••••.••. Madison ••••.•• Cape Girardeau. Howard... •• .. Henry ...•••.•. Fayette •.••..




















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No. 27


29 29 32

32 32

33 35 37 37 38 39 39 39

40 41 41 41 42 42 42 44 44 46 46 49'

50 50


51 54 56 58 59 59 60 61 62

Name of Lodge.




Temperance .••..••..••• Vanda.lia ••.•••. Platte .••••..•. Temple................ Mellville ••••••• Dade ....•..... Far West ..•.........•.. Galena Jo Davless Osage ..•.•..•.......•.. Little Osage Vernon ....•... Lafa}'ette ••••••..•..••.. Lexington. .•.. Lafayette ••••.. Lafayette .••••.•••..•... Lexington •••••. Lafayette •••• o . Triangle .•...•.•........ Perryville •••.•. Perr~·•••.•.•.•. Hillsboro alias Mt.1vloriah Hillsboro... . .. Montgomery... Independence •••.••••••. Independence .. Jackson ..••.... Dawson~ ..•..•...•••••• Wellington ••.• , Lafayette •.•. ,. Cedar .•• "" Owensville Gasconade Graham •• Pleasant Hill. .. Casso .....••... Tully ••••••• Tully Lewis Clinton •••• Carlyle ..•..... Clinton •••••••• ~Iodena....••......•.... Modena Mercer Coleman ..•.•••.•••..•.. St. Louis .....•..••••.••.•••... Des Moines .•..•...•.... Burlington ..........•..••..... Bolivar .••••••••••••••.. Bolivar ••••.... Polk .•...•..... Aetna .....•............ Aetna ...•.•... Scotland .....•. Houston Breckenridge Caldwell .•.••.. Iowa •.••..••••..•..••.. Bloomington... .......•••.•••• Middle Grove .•.•••.•••. Middle Grove ... ~Ionroe ...•.... Jacksonville ••••••.••••• Jacksonville •••. Randolph •••••. Rochester •....•.•.••... Rochester ••.•.. Andrew .••••••. CJparta, tar'ly "Kabzeett". Sparta ••••••••• Buchanan •.••.. Martha WashIngton ..•.. Washington .•.. Franklin .•••••. Mineral Point .••.•...... Mineral Point. .....••...•••.•. MIddletown •••••••..•....Middletown .... Montgomery... Ozark ..•.••..••••..•... Springfield ••..• Greene Anderson ••..••••••••••• Chapel Hill •••• Lafayette •••••. Livingston .••.•••....... Glasgow Howa.rd .•••••.. Douglas ••.•••.•.•.•••.. Marthasville Warren .....••• Platte •••••••••••••...•. Platte City .•••• Platte .••••••• Monticello .•••••.••.•••. Monticello ••••• Lewis. Lancaster .•••••••.••.•• ' Lancaster •••••• Schuyler •••.••• ?tfarioD ...•.••.•..•..•.. Salem .....••.. ~Iarion.•••.••. St. Clair •••••••••••••••. Belleville ••••.• St. Clair •••.•• ' Osceola .•.• Osceola ..•..... St. Clatr •••.••• Maysville .•.•..•........ Maysville .•.... DeKalb .•...••. 0














Date of Charter.


111. •••.••. .\{o ....••. 111. •...... Mo •••.... Mo ••.....

October 9, 1839 ••••••••••• May, 1858 ..•..•.......... October 11. 1839 .•.••••••• May 6, 1852 •.•••••••••••• October g. 1840 ••••••••.•. Mo ••••••• October 19, 1867 .•••...••• Mo •...••• ' October 12. 1882 .•.. Mo ..•.... October 8, 1840 ••••••••••• :\£0•••••••• October 8, 1841. •••••••••• Mo :May 28, 1858 .•••••••••••• Mo October IS, 1868 ••• "'" ,Mo .•..••• June 12, 1853••••••••••••• Mo June 9, 185g ..•.•••••••••• Ill.•..•... October 8, 1841 •..•••••••. Mo June 2. 1866••.•••••.• Mo October 8. 1841 •••••••.•• fa. Ty. October 20, 1841. :\10 .••••••. June 9, 1853..••.•••• , ••.• Mo .•..••• June 2, 1866.• Alo ..•••.• June 2. 1866 .• la. Ty .•••. October 20. 1841 •••• ~Io .•...•. June 9, 185&.••.•••••••••• Mo .•....• June 2, 1866..•••••.••••• Mo ....••. June 10. 1853..•••.••••.•• Mo .....•• October 8, 1841. ••••• ,Mo. . . . . •• ,June 10, 1853...•••••••••• Wis. Ty.•• October 11, 1842 •.•••••••• ~ro....... Ma)" 25, 1854 .••.••.•••••• Mo .•....• October 17, 1842 •••••••••• ~io .•..... Maj", 1858 ...••••.••.••.•• ~1:o October 11. 1842 .•.•...... ~Io .••.••. October 11. 1842 ...•.•.... ~Io •••.•.• October 14, 1842 ••.••••••• Mo ..•••.. October 12, 1842 ••.••••••• :\ofo ...•••. Ma.y 25. 1854 •..•.•••••••• Il1. •••••••. October 11. 1842 •. "" IlL ••••••• · October 11, 1842 ••• "' ••••• Mo .••.••. October 15, 1842 ..•• Mo ....••.. May 25, 1854 .•.•...•. 0


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United with G. L. of Illinois, 1842. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered 184f». Destroyed 1861, by war. Arrested December 1. 1866. Consol. 1882 with Lexington No. 149, Consol. 1887 with Triple Tie No. 457. Arrested October 16, 1846. Surrendered October, 1846. Surrendered 1864. Arrested January. 1900. Destroyed 1862, by war. 3urrendered lYIay, 1863. Arrested October 19, 1846. Arrested October. 1876. Changed to "~It. l\{oriah No. 40:' 1844. United with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Surrendered 1363. Consol. with Memphis No. 16, 1890. Arrested April 22, 1869. United with G. L. of Iowa. 1844. Arrested February 29, 1864. Surrendered October, 1899. Surrendered 1865. Arrested October 19, 1846. Arrested :May. 1863. United with G. L. of Wisconsin, 1844. Arrested May 18, 1858. Arrested October 18. 1847. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered September, 1876. Surrendered November 1S t 1883. Surrendered 1864. Arrestedby Jas. 'V. Boyd, G. ~{., Oct., 1886. Arrested 1866. United with G. L. ot Illinois, 1844. United with G. L. of Illinois, 1843. Destroyed 1861, by war. DE'stroyed 1862, by war.





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62 Dubuque •....••..•...... Dubuque .•.•..•.•..•••••.•.... lao T)' .•... October 10, 18i3 •••••••••• 63 St. Marys ••••••••••••••. Perryville •..... Perry •...•.•••. Mo ....••• May 25. 1854 ••.•••••••••• 63 Iowa CIty •.••.••••••.••. Marshall .•......•••••••..•.••• lao Ty .•••. October 10, 1843 •••••.•••• 64 Landmark ....••......•. Platteville ..•.. Benton........ Mo October 12. 1843 •••••••••• 65 Melody •••••••••••.•.... Warsaw....... • ..••.•••••.••• \Vis. Ty..•. October 12. 1843 •••••••••• 6S Marshall ...........•..• Iowa City •..... Saline ...•..•.• Mo •...•... October 12. 1843 ••••••.••• 66 Linn ••••••••••.•..••..•. Linn Osage Mo May 28. 1856 ••••••.••..•• 18 Tebo •.•.••••...••...••• Clinton Heta:-y ..•.••..••\io .•..••• October 23. 1844 •••••••••• 69 Alexandria ..•...•.••.•• Alexandria Clark •.••...... M:o October 16, 1844 .••••••••• 70 College .•••.•...•••...•. Marion College. :\farlon ..•...... Mo .••.... October 16, 1844 .••••••••• 70 Dickerson.............. Warren .••.•... :\IarIon ....•... , 1tfo. . • . • •• . •••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 Danville .••..•..•....... Danville ~Iontgomer)·... M:o •.....• October 16, 1844 .•••.••••• 75 Ashley................. Ashley Pike ..••..•..•. ~{o • • • • • • • October 19, 1846 •• , •.••••• 75 Bowl1ng Green ......••.. Bowling Green. Pike .......•... Mo October 14, 1846 •••••••••• 81 Neosho ..••..........•• , .Xeosho ...••.••. XEnvton ..•..••. Aio ......• October 14,1846 ••••.••••• 81 Hickory Grove .•..•...•. Hickory Groye. Cal1awa~·.•.... Mo June 2, 1866.••.••..•.•.•• 83 Dana .••................ Calhoun Henry Mo October 17, 1846 ••.....••• 84 Multanomah .........•.. Oregon City ........••.•....... Oregoll October 19. 1846 ••......•. 84 Potter ••••.•••.•.•...... Longwood ...•. Pettis ....••.... 1.1:0 ••••••• May 25, 1854. •••.•...••.. 85 Johnson •••.••••••••..•. Warrensburg ... Johnson ..••... Mo ••• , .. , ~larch 19, 1847 ••.•...•.•. 86 MitchelL ••.•••••.•.•.•. Columbus ...•.. Johnson .•••... , Mo ••..... May 9, 1850 •••••••••••••• 86 ~Io. ~In. 3d Reg't Mo. Yo) .•••••..•••.....••.••.••..•.••..•.•.... , October 14, 1847 ..•.••••••

United with G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Surrendered January, 1864. United wIth G. L. of Iowa, 1844. Destroyed 1861, by war. United with G. L. of Wisconsin, 1844. Arrested 1851. Arrested 1894. by Harry Keene, G. M. Arrested 1889. by J. P. Wood. G. M.. Arrested 1864. Changed to "Dickerson," 1847. Formed from "College ~o. 70." Consol. with Florence Lodge No. 261, 1892. Surrendered October 18, 1897. Changed to "Ashley No. 75." Surrendered 1863; restored as 247, in 1867. Surrendered March. 1893. Arrested October 28. 1852. 1st Lodge on Pac. Coast. United G. L. Ore. Surrendered December 2, 1896. Destroyed 1861, by war. Destroyed 1861, by war. Closed with ~Iexican war.

87 Hardin •••••••••••••••••• Santa Fe•••••••.••••••••••••••. Newl\lexieo October 9, 1847 ••...•...•• No record except dispensation. 88 88 88 90 90 94 94 95 95

95 95 99 100 10] 101 103 105

106 106

106 107 108

Bates .•.....•...•.... , .. Olive Branch •••.•..•... Dresden ..••.•••.•...•.. PrairIe .••••...••.•....• King Solomon •..•....... Boone Evening Star Acacia Pleasant Hlll. •••.•.•... Chapman •••.•••.•.••.•. Meramec ..••.•••••••..• Aft. Vernon .••.......... Canton ••.••••••••••••• * Greene ••••..••.....•..• Easton .•.•.•••..•...••• Carthage .••...•...••..• Relief •• , ••••••••••••••• Afacon .••••.••••••••.••• Laporte ...........•..••. Miami. •••••.••••.••.••• Golden Square •..•••.••• New Madrid •••••.••••••

Butler ..•..•... Union .•.••..... Dresden Harrison\'ille St. Catharine Columbia...... Cuba .••••••.•• Jackson Pleasant Hill. •. Las Vegas •••••. Eureka .••.•••.. ~{t. Vernon Canton Springfield ••... Easton ..•••.••. Carthage •••.••. Georgetown .••• Macon .•.•...•• 1\facon ......••• MIami. •••••••• Westport. ...•• New ~!adrld ..•.

Bates, Mo ••..... May 28. 1858 ...•......•.• Franklin •...... Mo ••••••. October 14, 1847 •••••••••• Pettis ..•....•.. Mo .•..... October 19. 1867 ••••••.••• Casso ••••.••... Mo October 12. 1847 •••••••••• Linn ...•....... Mo June 2. 1866 Boone......... Mo....... ~fay 8. 1848 ..••••••.••••• Crawford .••... Mo ....•.• ~fay 29, 1855 ••••••••••••• Cape Girardeau Mo ~fay 6, 1848 Cass ..•.•.•.... Mo May 8. 1848 •••••••••••.•• Ter. ot~. Mex..•••••••••• June 2. 1866..•..•....•... St. Louts Mo October 17, 1878 •••••.•••• Lawrence ...•.. 1\10 ••••••• l\fay 11, 1848 •.••••••••••• Lewis .•....... Mo 1\fay 11, 1848 ••••••••••••• Greene Mo.••••••• May 12, 1848 ••••••••••••• Buchanan Mo •...... ~{ay 28. 1858 ••••••••••••• Jasper Mo May 12, 1849 ..••••••••••. Pettis .••••..... Mo •...... May 10, 1849 .•.•••••••••• Afacon...... .. Mo....... May 28, 1858 •••.••••••••• Macon .••.••..• M:o ~lay 28, 1858 ••••••••••••• Saline ••...•.... Mo .•....• ~ray 10, 1849 ••••••••••••• Jackson ••...••. Mo ..•••••. May 10, 1849 ...•.•••••.•. Xew Madrid .... Mo .•..... ~fay 10. 1849 ••.•.•••.•.••

Destroyed 1861. by war. Arrested about 1855. Arrested July, 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. Destroyed 1861, by war. Consol. with Brookfield No. 86. Jan .• 1888. Surrendered 1\lay 25. 1858. Surrendered June 12,1875. Went down during the war. Arrested 1853. United with G. L. of Xew Mexico. 1877. Arrested Sept., 1916, by F. R. Jesse. G. M. Surrendered December 27, 1862. Conso!. with Craft Lodge No. 287. Dec., 1898. United With IIUnited No. 5,ft 1857. Arrested October, 1886. by J. W. Boyd, G. 1tf Burned out 1861. Went down 1860. Surrendered 1 Ri3. Changed to "Macon No. 106." Surrendered February 10. 1~57. Arrested October, 1886, by J. W. Boyd, G. M Destroyed during the war.

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o No.

Name ot Lodge.




108 Aztec .••••••.••....•.•. Las Cruces .•... rer. of N. Mex.........••• 108 Gothic ...•....••..•..... Moberly .•••••• Randolph .••... Mo ....••. 108 PinevIlle ••••••••••••• ~ •• Pineville..... 'McDonald ••.. , Mo •...•.. 109 Montezuma ....•....••.. Santa Fe •••.••. Ter. of N. Mex.•..•.•••••. 109 Louisiana............... Ste. Genevieye .. Stet Genevieve. ' Mo ••••••• •. St. Louis St. Louis ..••... Mo .•..... 111 St. Louis. .•.. 112 EzelL .....••.•.•.••.... St. Francisville. Clark......... Mo 114 Waverly............... Waverly .•..•. '. Lafayette Mo .•.••.. 115 Sibley •••••••.••••••..•. Sibley ..••.••• ;. Jackson Mo 115 Border .••••••••.••...•. ,South-West Cit\ McDonald. • • •. Mo .•••••• 116 Daviess ••••.•••••...... Gallatin .••.•• : Daviess ..••••.. Mo .•...•. 117 Versai))es Versailles ~lorgan Uo 118 Hiram ...•...•.••.••... St. Charles ••••. St. Charles •.•.. Mo .•.•... 119 Foster •••••••••••••••••. Boston •.••••••. Scott ••.••.•••. Mo •..•..• 122 Dover ••..••.•••.••..... Dover .•..••... Lafayette ••.... Mo .....•. 124 Cedar.................. Fremont. •.••.. Cedar :\'10. • .. 124 Dardenne .•••••••••.•••. O·Fa))on ..•.•.. St. Charles .•....Uo 128 I<irksville.............. KirksvtIle Adair ••••••••.. Mo • .••••• 128 LIve Oak .•••••••••..••. Pleasant Hill .•. Casso ••.•.•.•.. ~Io 129 Constantine ••.•••••.•.•. Charleston ••... Mississippi. •••. Mo ...•..• 129 Charleston •••••••••••••. Charleston ••••. Mississippl. Mo 130 Bal'Tjt.................. Cassville •••..•. Barry......... ~10 ..•.... 130 West Prairie .••••.•••.•. Clarkton ••••... Dunklln ..••..• Mo .....•. 1:14 Sarcoxie ...•...••••...•. Sarcoxie ..•..•. Jasper ••••••.•. Mo ••••••• 135 Ridgley Ridgley Platte Mo 135 Warrensburg........... Warrensburg Johnson. .• .. .. Mo .••.••. 137 Warrenton............. Warrenton ••••• Warren Mo .•..... 137 Prairieville ••••••••••••. PralrlevUle •••• Pike ....••..... Mo 138 Round Prairie. •••• •••.. :-;ewark Andrew .••..•.. Mo 140 Smithton .••.••.•••••... Smithfield Kan. Ty.•. 1fO Pnpinsville Papinsville ..•.•. Bates. •• •••. . .. \lo .•..•.•. 141 MJddlehury ••••••••••••. Middlebury ..•. Mercer .••..... Mo .•..... 141 OrientaL............... Trenton •••.••.. Grundy. • • • • • .. ~fo 141 Chain of Rocks ••••••••.. Owen •..••••••. Lincoln •.•••... lIo .•..... 143 Flint Hltt. ...•.••.....•. Flint Hill. ••••• St. Charles .••.. ~Io .....•. 144 .John Dade .••••••••••••. Cassville ••••••• Barry. •••• •••. ~ro 145 Windsor City .•••••••••• Windsor City Carroll. • • • . . .. ~lo .•.•••. 145 Rising Star Ebenezer Greene Mo 147 Butralo ....•..•.•....... Buffalo........ Dallas •••.•.... Mo .....•.

Date ot Charter.


Jctouer 19, 1867 ••........ United with G. L.ofN'ew Mexico, 1877. October 17. 1878 .••.•.•••. Consol. with :Moberly Lodge·No. 344, ,1896. October 22, 1896 ••••••••. Arrested by G .. L.",,1919. May 8, 1851. ••••••••••••• UnIted wit.h G. L.'.of, New Me'xico, 1877. 1807, by G. L. of Pa ..••• Arrested by G. L~O.f Pennsylvania, 1824. 1809, by G. L. ot Pa .••••. Arrested. ' ' May 9. 1850 .•.••••••••••• $urrendered 1860. May 9, 1850 .•••.••••••••. :5urrenderedJanuary 28, 1860. May 10, 1850 ...•••••••••• Surrendered 1863. October 10, 187" •••••••••• Surrendered October. 1882. May 10,1850 •••••••.••••• Arrested··1876. May 10, 1850 Cons. with :Morgan,320 under 320 as Versailles May 10, 1850 ••••••••••••• Surrendered May. 186,2. May 10, 1850 .•••••••••••• Surrendered lRfl6. May 20. 1850 ••••••••••••• Conso!. with Lafayette No. 437, Feb., 1893. May 10. 1851. Surrendereu 1:>\;3. October 19, 1867 .•.•...•.. Arr. Jan. 15, 18K5.bY··R. F. Stevenson, G. 1\1 May 8. 1851 .....••..•.... Arrested 1863. New. Charter 1864 to No. 105. October 19. 18G7... • •. Arrested by G. L.of Missouri, 1877. Yay 8, 1851. •..•••.•••••. Surrendered July 28. 1874. October 12. 1876 ••••...•.. Surrendered December. 1889. May, 1852......••••••.... Arrested 1852. Alay 28, 1858 ••.•..•••••• Arrested October. 1886" by J. W. Boyd, G. M. May. 1851. .•••••••••••••• Arrested MaY,1858. May 7. 1851. Destroyed 1861, by war. October 19, 1867 ..•.••••.. Consol. with Corinthian Lodge No. 265, 1889. June, 1851. .•...•.•.•.•••. Surrendered 1856. May 28, 1859 .....•.•••.•. Arrested 1890, by J. B. Thomas, G. M. May 31. 1855 Arrested 1865. May, 1855.•.••••••••••••. United to form G. L. of Kansas. ~Iay 28, 1858 .••••••.•.•.. Consol. with Rockville 341, :alarch, 1928. Ma.y 31, 1855 .•.•••••.•.•• Arrested 1872. October 17, 1873 •••••••••• Consolidated with Trenton Lodge No. Ill. October 14, 1880 .••••••.•. Cons. with Moscow Mills No. 558, Oct.• 1905 May 31, 1855 .•...•.•..••. Surrendered 1863. June I, 1855.•••.••.•.••.. Destroyed 1861. by war. June 1. 1855.•••.••••.•.•. Surrendered 1855. May. 1858 Arrested by E. F. Allen, G. M •• 1898. May. 1855 ..••••••.•..••.. Arrested 1861.






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148 160 162 153 154 156 158 158 169 159 160 161 166 167 167 167 168 169 112 173 173

173 175 117 180 180 182 183 184 184 184 184 186


187 187 191 195 197 200

201 Z03

203 204 205

yancy ..•.. , ••• , •••..• o ' Pineville" .0" ••• McDonald ..••.. Mo •...••• June 1, 1855•••••••••••••• Leavenworth Leavenworth"•..•.••••.•• Kan. T~· June 2, 1855••••••• , •••••• Linn Creek ••.••••••••• , Linn Creek •• , •• Camden. , •• , ••. Mo, •...•• May 26, 1855 ••••• ,., ••• ,. Kansas •• , Wyandotte •••••••• , ••••••••••• Kan. 'l'y.•. May, 1855••••• , •••••••.•. Concord •• , ••••••••••••. Concord....... Callaway •••••• Mo ••...•. June 1, 1855 Giddings , •..••• Nebraska City,. Otoe ••••••••••. Neb. Ty •.. May -29, 1856 ••••••••••••• Cornwell •••••••••••••.• Rose HIlI. ••.•• Johf;l8on ••••••• Mo .•.•.•. May 28, 1856 ••••••••••••• Johnson •••• '" •. '" ••••..•. Greenvllle •••••. Wayne •• , •••••. Mo ••.•••• October 19, 1867 •••••••••• PacUic •••• Pacific •••••.•.. Franklin ..•.... ltio ••••••• May 28, 1856 ..•.•••..••.. Mendota .•••••.•••.••••. Protem Taney Mo ••..... October 11. 1879 •••••••••. Edina o. Edina......... Knox ...•..•... Mo •...•.. May 29, 1856 ••....••..... Robert Morris .•••..••... Savannah •..... Andre".' .. o.... Mo .•••••• May 2~. 1~5ti .•••••.•..••. Mirabile •••••••••••••.•. Mirabile .•••••• Caldwell ••••••. Mo ..•.••. May 30. 1857 •..•.•••..... Eldorado ••••••••••••••• Lura.y......... Clark........ . Mo •.••.•• May 18, 1857 ••••••••••••• Orient Francais ••.••.••. St. Louis Clt~r ••.•••••••.••••.•. Mo ••••••• October 19, 1867 •••••..••. Puxico ••••••••••••••••• Puxico •.••..••. Stoddard ••.••. Mo October 11,1888 ••••.••.•• Fairmount •.•••••••••••. Fairmount .•••. Clark •••••...•. Mo .•..... Ma,r 18, 1857 ••••......... Tuscumbia .•••••••••..• Tuscumbia ..... Miller.•••..... Mo .•..... May IS, 1857 •••••••..•••. Wolf Island ••••••••••••• Wolf Island ••.. MississIppi. •... Mo ...•... May 30. 1857 •••••.••.•••. Unlon,!orm'ly"Bollinger" Wolford's Store. Bollinger••..... Mo .••..•. MaJ'. 1857 Union ..•.•••••••••••••. union. Franklin .•••... Mo ......• October 19.1867 ••••••.••. PowelL................ PowelL •••••••• McDonald Mo October 13. 189:L.. . .• • .• Newton •••••••••••••••••• Stark City •••••. Newton ••••••••• Mo ..••.••. May 30, 185i' ••.....•.•... Winchester ••••••••••••• Winchester ..••. Clark •.••..••.. Mo ....•.. Ma~'. 1857....•••..•.....• Kenner ....•••.•..••...• Athens ••••••••. Clark ..••..••.. Mo ••...•. May. 1858•••...•••.•••••• Des Moines .••• Athens Clark .•••...... Mo October 19. 1867 .....•.... Stewartsville •••••••••••• Stewartsville ••. DeKalb........ Mo....... May 29, ,1859 ••••••••••••. California .••••••••••••. California Monlteau...... Mo ••..... May 28, 1859 ••••••••••••• Modern .••••••••••••••.. Humansyille Polk •••••••.... ~fo May. 1859.••••••••••••••• Calhoun •••••••••••••••• Calhoun ••...... Henry •••••.... Mo October 19. 1867 •••••••••. Hale .•••••••••••••••••• Hale City. • • . .. Carroll •........ Mo ...•... October 15, 1886 •••••••••• FaIrfield .••••••••••.•••. Fairtield •••••.. Benton .•...... hio...... Octol>er, 1892••••••••••••• Dayton ••••••••••••••••. Dayton •••••••• Cass •••.••..••. ~fo ••..•.. ~fa1. 1859 ••.••••••••.••. Morallty ••••••••••.•••••• Renick••••••.••. Randolph. . • • • •. ~Io.....•.. October 19, 1861 •..•...... "Henry Clay" ••••....••. Millersburg .•••. Callawa}· Mo ••••••• May. 1859.••••••••••••••• Carter .•....•••••••••.•. Jefferson City.. Cole........... Mo .•..... Octob~r 13. 1881 ••.••••••• ZerubbabeI. eo Platt City Platte Mo May 28.1859 Wet Au Glatze Wet Auglalse .•. Camden .•...... Mo May, 1860.••••••••••••••• Camden Camden Ray Mo .•••••. Ma}', 1859•••••••••••••••• Washburn Washburn ••••.. Barry .••••..... Mo May, 1860..••.••.•.•.•••• Jamesport Jamesport •••••. Daviess .••.•... Mo .••.... MaJ' 30. 1860 Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge. Harrison ..•••.. Mo ...••.. May, 1860 Green Ridge ••••••••.•.. Windsor....... Henry •••••.••. Alo ...•.•. October 19. 1867 Bent ••••••••••••••••••• Taos ••.•••••••.•••••••••••.••. X. Mex ... June 1, 1860.••••••••••••• Rocky Mount. •••••••••• Camp Floyd. . .. Utah Ty.. June 1, 1860...•.•..•...•. 0








Arrested Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. United to form G. L. of Kansas. Destroyed 1861, by war. United to form G. L. ot Kansas. Surrendered April, 1901. Made no returns. Destroyed 1861, by war. Surrendered April 25, 1885. Arrested Ja.n., 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. Arrested June 12. 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M.. Arrested l\lay, 1866. tiurrel1uered 1~57. Consol. with Polo Lodge 1':0. 232. in 188tl. Surrendered 1861. Surrendered January, 188S. Surrendered June, 1892. Surrendered June 12, 1863. Surrendered 1863. Surrendered August 22, 1874. So records. Surrendered ?\.fay, 1892. Surrendered Septenlbel' - , 1903. Consol. with Granby Lodge No. 514, Dec. 1927. Destroyed 1861, by war. Destroyed 1862. by war. Arrested by Grand Lodge. 1916. Arrested 1894, by HarJ'~? l{eene, G. 1\L Surrendered June. 1898. Destro~red

1861, b~r wal·. Arrested by J. W. Boyd, Grand 1\fagt.eJ·, 'IRRfi. Arrested September. 1892. Arr by E. F. Allen, G. l\L ••lan. 'IR. lRH9. Destroyed 1861. by wal'.

Conso!. with l\{oberly J"odge 344, Jan. 3, 1929. Arr. June, 1881. hy W .. It. S' IIhhll~lield. G. M ('')nso1. 'with Jefferson Lodge No. 43, 1889. Arrested J~ne. 1879. IJY N. ~1. Givan, G. l\{' Surrendered 1862. Went down 1861, by 'val'. Destroyed 1861, by wal'. Arr. January, 1892, by B. II. JngJ'am, G. M Arrested 1863. Surrendered 1873. Surrendered 1865. Surrendered lR62.






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00 ~ ~

ROLL OF "DEAD LODGES," ETC.-Continued. No. 208 211 212 216 216 217 -219 219 219 222 223 223 224

229 229 231 232 232 235 239 240

240 246

248 248 250 264


274 375 27; 278 280

280 284 284 286 289 296

Name of Lodge



Date of Charter.


Alto Vista •. 0•••• 0" 0••• Alto Vista. .•.... Daviess ...•.••. Mo .•..... Orion .•..•••.•.....•••• - St. Joseph .••.•. Buchanan Mo Austin................. Austin Cass .••• 0• 0•••• 1\10....... West Plains •••.•...••... West Plains HowelL Mo ...•... Granby .•.. 00 ••••••••••• Granby .•...... Newton Mo Quincy .•••••••......... Quincy ....•.... Hickor~'..•••... Mo. . • . . •. Emerson •••••••••..•... Emerson Marion •........ ~10 ••••••. Everett. Everett. ....•.. Cass ..••..•••.. ~io New Boston .•.........• ~ew Boston ..•. Macon .•.• Mo Farmers Labelle Lewis......... ~10 Jasper ........•......... Sarcoxie •.•••• , Jasper 1\10....... \Voodlawn .........•.... ~Voodlawn••..• Monroe .•....... Mo Lamar...... • ....•.... Lamar Barton ~10 •.••••. Nevada, •••.••••••.••.•• ~evada Grundr .1\10. • • • • .. MitchelL ......•••....•. Columbus Johnson Mo Warrenton ...•... a • • • • • • Warrenton ....• Warren... • . • .. Mo....... DeWitt. ••.............. DeWitt. Carroll ....•.... ~10 .•.•••• Lone Jack ,. ..••...... Lone Jack .• , a ' • Jackson ..•..... ?tl0 •••••.• Ionic Rensselaer Ralls M:o " Spencersburg ...•.....•. Spencersburg.,.. Pike ~10 •••••••• Granville Granville .•.. ,. .. Monroe.,. .••..•. Mo :Manes ....• a . a • • • • • • • • • • • :Manes 'Vright .•.....•. ~10 .••••••• 1t-Iontgomery City •...•... Afontgomery Cy. Montgomery .••. :\10. • . . • •• Clarkton ••••.••••...••.• , Clarkton ••.•••• - Dunklin Mo. . .. Rochester ...•........••. Helena •• , •..••• Andrew :Mo.. a • • a • • High Hill. •••••.•....... High Hill. .•... M:ontgomery Mo Fayetteville ••••••..•.••. Fayetteville •••• Johnson .•..•.•. ~10 ••••••• Rock Prairie •••••••.••• Halltown •••••• Lawrence ••••• Mo New ~!arket. •........... ~ew Market. Platte ..•.•.•.•. Mo ,. Tranquillity •....• _.•.... Orearville Saline ••..•...•. ~10 ••••••• Index ..•....••......... Index .•........ Cass .•••••••... 1\-10 ••••••• Avilla ••••••••••••••.... Bower's :Mills Lawrence ...•.. ~Io .•••••• Lodge of Peace Chilhowee Johnson 1\1:0 Reeds Spring Reeds Spring Stone 1\10 Li1I~·................... Grant City. .• •. Worth 'Mo....... New Boston •.••..•... , .. ~ew Boston ..•. Linn .•••••••••. Mo ...•... Hesperian.............. Virgil City. . . .. Cedar ••.•...... ~fo.. . . . .• Acacia................. Paradise ..•.•.. Clay ••....•.... ~fo....... Grove ••.•• a • • • • • • • • • • • • Webster Groves. St. Louis Uo .. ,. •••• 0

• • O'



it; Remarks.

May. 1861..0 •• 00 ••••••••• Arrested 1865. l\lay. 1861. .••••••• Surrendered- 1863. May. 1861. .. 0•••••••••••• Destroyed 1861. by war. May, 1861. •••• 0 0••• • ••• 0. Surrendered 1861. October 17, 1867 Surrendered December, 1892. :r..:f.ay, 1861. Destroyed by ·war. May, 1861. Destroyed 1861, by war. October 15. 1868 Cons. with Coldwater l .. odge No. 485. tSH4. October 1~, 1869 Surrendered 1871. ~Iay 30. lS61 Surrendered 1881. May, 1861 .••••• Destroyed 1863, by war. October 19, 1867 •. Consol. Aug., 1920, with AIadlsol1 Lodgo Ul. :Nlay, 1861 ...•..•••.••••.• Destroyed lS61, by war. ~fay 29. 1861 .•••••• o • • • • • ~o returns. October la. 1871. ••••• ,. ••• Surrendered October, 1888. :\lay, 1863 •.•.•••••••••••• Surrendered 1899. October 27. 1863 .••.•••••• Surrendered 1865. No returns. October 19. 1867 •••••••••• Surrendered 1877. May 26. 1864 Arrested in 1889, by J. P. Wood, G. M. ~lay, 1865 •••••• , ••••••••• Surrendered September, 1881. ~Iay 25, 1865 ...••. ,. ••• ,. •• Cons. with Woodlawn No. 223. Sept.. 1911. October 2, 1913 ••.••.••••. Cons. with l\Itn. Grove Lodge 158, Sept. 27, 1929. :May 26. 1865 •...••.....•. Surrendered May 12, 1919. Sept. 19, 1917 ..••••••.•.• Cons. with :Malden Lodge No. 406, Apr. I, 1930. October 17, 1867 .••...•••• Arrested July, 1917, by Edw. Higbee. G. M. )ctober. 1867 .....•..••.• ~ Con. with Jonesburg Lodge No. 451, Feb., 1899 October 15, 1868 •••• ,. ••••• Arrested January. 1900. October 15, 1868 .••••..••• Cons. with Ash Grove Lodge 100, Feb. II, '22. October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Surrendered. October, 1R7X October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Cons. with Cambridge No. 63, Jan'y 5, 1915 October 15, 1868 .•••..•••• Arrested 1877. October 15, 1868 •••••••••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Cons. with Chilhowee No. 487, Oct., 1908. Sept. 29, 1909 Surrendered April 8, 1931. October, 1868.•••••••••••• Arr. Dec., 1880, by W. R. Stubblefield, G. M. October 13. 1881 •••••••••• Arrested 1889. byJ. P. Wood. G. 1\L October 15, 1868 ....•••••• Surrendered September, 1888. October 15. 1868 •••••••••• Cons. with Temperance No. 438, Sept., 1899. October 15, 1868 ••• Surrendered 1874. 0



••••••••• 0


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Cameron .•••.........•.• Cameron .••••.. Clinton .•.•..••. Mo .••.... October 10, 1875 •••• 00' 0" Consol. with Vincil Lodge No. 62, 1888. Marble Hill ..••. Bollinger .•.••.. Mo .•.•.•. October 15, 1868 .••••••••• Conso!. with Trowel No. 440, Dec., 1899. Fair Dealing .. , Ripley ••••..••. Mo....... October 12, 1869 ••••••••• 0 Surrendered June, 1903. Clarence....... Shelby •••• Mo .•..•.. October 12, 1866 ••••••••• Arr. Aug. 26, 1921, by \Vm. F. Johnson, G. M. Ellington ..•.•.. Gentry •........ Mo .••.•.. October 12, 1869 •••••••••• Consolidated with Stanberry No. 109. Kin~syille........ . . . . • •. Kingsville ••••• Johnson • •..• Mo. • . • • .. October 12, 1869 ••••.•••• Surrendered September 2, 1922. ~10 .••••.•• October 12, 1869 ••••••.•.• Surrendered December 14. 1882. S1. Aubert. •••.•...••••.. St. Aubert. •.... Cal1awa~" Rome .•................. Rome Douglas :\10.• 0••••• October 11, 1883 .•.••••••• Consol. with Ava No. 26, 1vlarch, 1888. Altona ..•.•••.••.•..••.. Altona ..•.•.... Bates ....••.... Mo ...•.•. October 12, 1869.0 •••••••• Arr. March. 1896. by A. !\>I, Hough, G. M. Chapel HBI. •••••••••••. Chapel HIll. Lafayette. • . ... ~fo .••.••• October 12. 1869 •••••••••• Surrendered September 14. 1889. Amazonia .•••.••.••.••.. Amazonia ,. Andrew ..•..... Mo .•..... October 15, 1890 •••••••••• Con. with Savannah Lodge 1\0. 71. Apr., 1907. 1't{any Springs .. , ..•.•... Many Springs .. Oregon .••..•••. 1\10 .••.... September 26, 1907 ••••• Consol. Sept.• 1917, with Alton No. 255. :Morgan ••••••.••••••••••. Versailles ••••••. l\lorgan •••.••... Mo.. •. . .. September 19. 191........ Cons. with VersaUles 117 Oct. 18, 1923 as 320 New Home .•.......•.... Sprague Bates .••.•..•.. Mo •.••.•. October 16, 1879 •••••••••• Consolidated with Foster Lodge No. 564. !{:it Carson ........•.•... Elizabethtown ......•..•....... ~Io October 12, 1869 •••••••••• Arrested 1878. by T. C. Ready, G. AI. Bertrand Bertrand )Iisslsslppi. Mo October 16. 1879 ~rrested :March 12, 1923, by B. S. Lee, G.~I. Lathrop ........•....... Lathrop Clinton Mo October 13. 1870 •• 0 ••••••• Arrested ?vIay. 1879. by N. 1\1. Givan, G. M. Clark Citr •.•••••..•..•. Clark City .••••. Clark .•••••.... :Mo •....•• October 12, 1870 •.•••••••• Surrendered 1875. R)·land ...•..•..••..•... Berlin Gentry .•....... ~10 •...... October 14. 1875 •••••••••• Arr. Sep. 10, 1904. by W. F. Kuhn. G. M. Oak Grove ....•.....•••. Pink HilL Jackson ..•..... Mo •.....• October 12, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered October 3.1873. ~Ialta •...•.•......•.•.. Malta Bend Saline .•..••.... 1\10.. . . ... October 12, 1871 •••••••••• Arrested Jan., 1887. by G. R. Hunt, G. M:. ~I)7tle •• t • • • • • t • • }Iillville ••••••. Ray ••••••••••• ~Io. • ••••• October 13, 18iO •••••••••• Consol. with Richmond Lodge 57 Sept. 23, 1921. Amity .•.............•.. Smithton ••..... PetUs .•........ Mo ..••.•. October 13, 1870 .••••••••• Surrendered January, 1884. Jericho ..•.............. Jericho ,. Cedar •.••..••.. Mo ••..... October 16, 1884 •••••••••• Arrested Oct.. 1894. by Rarry Keene. G. M. Relief.................. Republic •...... Greene ...•..... ~o....... October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Surrendered May, 1899. Landmark ....••........ Kennett Dunklin ..•.•... ~fo •.•.••. October 13. 1870 ••••• Arrested l\farch. 1879. by N. M. Givan, G. M. Spring Creek .••••••••••. Lecoma .••••••. Dent .•.••.•..•. ~fo ....•.. October 16, 1884 ••....... Surrendered October 19, 1918. Ash Grove .•...•...•.•.. Ash Grove •.•••. Greene •. , ••.... }Io ....•.. October 13. 1870 •••••••••• Arrested 1872. Cimarron ••••........... CImarron Colfax N. Mex... October 14. 1875 •••••••••• Surrendered 1879. Lone Star ...•..•........ Lone Star .•.... Gentry .•....... ~ro October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Arrested Jan. 25, 1884. by L. A. Hall, G. M. Ben Franklin. . • . . . . . . .. Savannah •••.•. Andrew ....•... ~Io.... . .. October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Consol. with Savannah Lodge No. 71. Benton St. Louis M:o October 14. 1886 .••••••••• Arrested 1905, by L. B. Valliant, G. M. Phelps................. Phelps City. • •• Atchison Mo....... October, 1870 Surrendered 18Sl. Young's Creek. .• • . . . . •. Rowena .•...... Audrain. . . . . .. Mo....... October 13. 1881. ••••••••• Consol. with Hebron No. 354, July, 1891. Comfort ...•••.•........ Rocky Comfort. McDonald..... Mo ..•.... October 13, 1870 .••••••••• Arr. Ja~. 19, 1884, by L. A, Hall, G. lI. King David. • . • . • . . . . . .. Kansas City •••. Jackson .••.•.•. :Mo. . . • . .. October 13. 1870 .••••••••• Surrendered 1879. Warsaw ..•••...••....•. \Varsaw .••.••.. Benton ....••.. Mo October 13, 1870 •••••••.•• Arr. Sept., 1888, by W. M. Williams, G. M. UnanImity ••••••...•••.. Weston ••.••••• Platte •• Mo....... October 13, 1870 •••••.••.. Surrendered 1879. Craig ••• Craig •...•••••. lIolt •. Mo ••.••.• October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Arr. Ja.n. 10. 1883, by C. C. Woods, G. M. Mandeville ..•.•..•....•. Mandeville ..••. Carroll .•••..... Mo October 13, 1871 •••••••••• Arr. Jan~ 14, 1896, by A. M. Hough, G. M. Amity ••.•.•.•..••...•.. Filley ..•••••••. Cedar ..••...••. ?vIa •.•...• October 22, 1896 •••••••••• Cons. with Clintonville No. 482, Feb., 1906 Golden Rule ..•••........ Jonesburg Montgomery Mo October 16, 1872 ...•..•••. Surrendered June, 1892. Plumb •.•••••••...•.•••. Middletown Montgomery ••.. Mo .•..•.. October 13. 1871. Arr. Sept.• 1888. by W. M. Williams, G. M. Kllwlnnlng............. Downing •••.••• Schuyler ••.•... Mo....... October IS. 1871 ••••.••••• Cons. with Middle Fabius No. 244, Oct., 1894.

298 :Marble HilL 304 FaithfuL 305 Clarence .....•........... 312 ~It. I>leasant. •........... 313 314 314 315 320 320 320 320 326 326 330 330 332 332 336 331

338 340 340 341 347 347 348 348 :449 353 353 357 357 358 364 365 366

171 373 373 374: 376 378

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No·1 378 379 382 384 384

385 385 394 395

395 401 .{02 -104 .{05 406 .{07 407 -109 409 "17

421 423 425


426 428

428 431 {32 432 433

435 436 436 431

442 445 446


X arne of Lodge.




Warsaw.· •••••••••••...• Warsaw Benton Mo ..•..•• Coatesville •.••.•.•.•.••. Coatesville .•... Schuyler Mo Richland ••••••..•••..••. Richland .....•. Pulaski. ..•...• Mo •..•... Harmony ••••••.•..••••. Vibbard Ra)-· ....•....... Mo ....•.. Boone ..•.•.•........•.. Columbia ..••••. Boone ..••...•. Mo ...•..• Reynolds •...•.......... Centerville ••••. Reynolds .••.••. Mo .•...•• Alexander Bedford .....•.. Livingston ~fo .....•. Dagan ...........•...... Mindon .....•.. Chariton Mo ••.••.• Latimer ......•.......•. f.Jicking .••..... Texas M.o Hatfield Hat.field Harrison .•...... Mo.•.....• Centre ••••••••.......... Lebanon Laclede Mo GaveL ••••.•• , .•....... Xew Cambria Macon .•....... ~10 Alexandria ..••......••. Alexandria Clark ~10 .•••••• Meridian Sun •.......... Austin ...•..... Cass }Io Ituraea .•.....•..•...... Hannibal ...•... Marion ......•.. :\10. . . . . •. Houston ..••.•••.••....• Wellington ..... Lafa)'ette...... Mo....... Royal .•..•....•........ M:ooresville ..••. Livingston ••... ~10 ••••••• Unity ••••••••••••..•... Richmond Ra}' ..•.•.•••.• :\10 ...•... CIvil Bend •.•.•......... Civil Bend Daviess .•.••.•. :\10 ••••••• Covenant .•••••.•...•... Carrollton Carroll ~10 ••••••• Euclid ..•••.•..•...•••. Versailles Morgan .....•.. ~10 Newburg .•• , •....•••.•.. Competition Laclede Mo....... Cedar City ••• Cedar City •.••. Callaway .•.•.•. :\10 ...•.•. Leesyille .••..•.•..•••.•. Leesville Henry ........•. Mo ....••. Sedgwickville ..•••..•... Sedgwickville .• Rollinger .•.•... Mo .•...•. Louisville.............. Louisville •..•.. Lincoln ..•..••. Mo Pittsville ..•.•....•....•. Pittsville .......• Johnson ........• Mo Cement.. • • . . • • • • • • . • • • Halfway ..•••••. Polk •••••••••••. :Mo.. . • • • •• Dauphine ..•••..•.•..••. Dauphine Osage .....•••.. Mo Black Oak ...•.......... Preston •.•..... Hickory....... :\-10....... SJ1ent Temple Macon ...•...•. Macon .••.•••.. '\fo St. Nicholas Cave Spring Groene :\-:£0 Lamonte ...•.••....•..... Lamonte ..•.... Pettis ..•••..... l\{o Ash Grove .•••..••..•.... Ash Grove ••••.. Greene .••.•.••. ~Io. . .. Tuscumbia .•....••..•.... Tuscumbia.•••• Miller ••.••.••. ~Io .•.•... )It. Lebanon .••...•••.•.. Mt. Moriah ••.•. Harrison •••.••. Mo .••.•.. "'est Gate St. Louis ....••. St. Louis CIty ~10 Greenfield .....•.••.••... Greenfield .•••.. Dade ..•.••...•. Mo .•••.•. Fairview .............•.. Browning .•.... Sullivan ...•..•. ~1o ..•.... I


Da te of Charter.




October 10, 1894 •••••••••• Arr. by Grand Master .Houston, Feb., 1906. October, 1871. •••••••••••• Consol. 1881 with Glenwood No. 427. October 13. 1871. ••••••••• Arr. by. Grand Master T:.rgard, Feb., 1898 October. 1871. .••••••••••• Consol. with Clay No. 207, June. 1899. October 17, 1901 •••••••••• Consol. with Twilight No. 114, May 12, 1904. October 13. 1887 •••••••••• Consol. with Hopewell No. 239. May, 1899. October 13, 1870 •••••••••• Consol. with Hale Lodge No. 184, Oct., 1887. October 13, 1871 •••••••••• Surrendered December, 1902. October 13. 1871. ••••••••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, Oct. 21, 1897. October 19, 1898 Consol. with Lodge of Light 251, Feb. 17, 1931. October 13, 1871 •••••••••• Consolidated with Laclede No. 83. 1893. October 13. 1871. .••••• '" Surrendered October, 1900. October 13. 1871. ...••..•• Arrested Oct. 22. 1896, by Grand Lodge. October 13, 1871. Arr. Aug., 1885, by R. F. Stevenson, G. M. October 13, 1871 •••••••• " Con sol. with Hannibal Lodge No. 188. October 13, 1871. ••••••••• Destroyed by fire December 19, 1873. October 17, 1878 ••••••• '" A.rr. Aug., 1893, by John R. Parson, G. M. October 13, 1871. Surrendered 1876. October 17, 1878 .•.•.••••• Arrested Oct., 1899, by E. F. Allen, G. M. October 12. 1872 •••• Consol. with Wakanda Lodge No. 52, 1880. October 12, 1872. Consol. with Versailles Lodge No. 117. October 16, 1872 ••• "' ••••• Arrested :March 29, 1890, by T. Brace, G. M. October 17, 1873 •• '" ••••• Arrested by Grand Lodge, 1904. October 16,1872 ••••••••• ~ Arr~sted Oct., 1886, by the Grand Lodge. October 14. 1886 ••••••••••.-\.rr. March. 1897. by D. A. Jamison. G. M. October 16, 1872 ...• , ••.•• Arr. December. 1896. by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 19, 1898 Consol. with Holden 262, Feb. 21, 1931. October 16. 1812 ••••....•. Consol. with Bolivar Lodge 195, Feb. 20, 1929. October 17, 1873 ••••.•••• Surrendered 1879. October 13. 1881 •••• "' ••• Consol. with Urbana No. 421, Dec., 1890 October 16. 1872 .•••.•••• Surrendered October, 1817. October 16, 1872 Arrested 1897, by D. A. Jamison, G. M. October 16, 1872 ••••••••• Arrested Oct., 1878, by T. C. Ready, G. M. October 13, 1881 •.••••• "' Arrested 1897, by D. A. Jamison. G. M. October 16, 1872 .•••••••• Arrested Oct., 1886, by J. W. Bo)'d, G. M. October 16. 1872 ••••••••• Surrendered 1879. October 16. 1872 ••••••••• Arrested 1887. by Geo. R. Hunt. G. M. October, 1873.••••••••.••• Consol.with Washington 1'0. 87, Dec., 1898. October. 1873.••.••.••.••• Surrendered August, 1899. I


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449 I PIedmont •••••••••••••••. Piedmont. ...•. Wayne •••...... 1\10 ••••••• October 16, 1872 .•••••••• Arrested Jan. 19, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. 451 I Arg)'le •••••••••••••••••• Nevada .••..... Vernon........ Mo....... October 16, 1872 ..••••••• Surrendered March, 1892. 454 I Benton Lincoln Benton ~fo October 16. 1872 Arrested May 21, 1884, by L. A. Hall, G. M. 454 I CeciL Cottonwood Pt.. Pemlscot .•..... ~Io .....•. October 16, 1884 ••••••••• Consol. with Caruthersville No, 461, 1903. 455 I Barnesville •••••••••••••• Ellington •...•. Reynolds •••.•.. Mo .• •••.. October 16, 1872 ••••••••• Arrested Jan., 1904, by W. F. Kuhn, G. M. 45? 'l~iple Tie ••••••••••••••· Braz~au .•...•.. Perry .••••. • Mo.. .• October 17, 1873 ••••••••• Surrendere~d ~prn. 1893. 463 Lake Cunningham Charlton Mo October 17, 1873 Arrested No' ember 7, 1876. 465 Silver City, •••••••••••• Sliver Cit}· Grant. •••.... . S. Mex October 17, 1873 .•••••••• Sur. char. and unit. with G. L. of~. l.i., 1882. 460 Centre Yiew •••••••.•••. Centre View .••. Johnson •.••..• Mo •.•...• October 17. 1873 •••• , •••• Arrested by Grand Master Brace, Xov., 1889. 479 11.'rian g le •••.•••••••••••• Butler ••..•.••• Bates •••••••••. Mo •••.•.• October 16, 1874 ••••••••• Surrendered October, 1877. {80 Uniou La Junta , " ' N. Mex... October 15, 1874 United with G. L. of New l\Iexlco, 1811. 481 I Clintoll oo. Cllnton Henry Mo .•..... October 15, 1874 Arrested 18S9, by J. P. \Vood, G. 1\1. 4:85 11'aragoll ••••••••. Green Ridge .•. Pettis .•••..•.•. Mo October 15. 1874 ••••••••• Surrendered 1879. 481 Herndon .•••••••••••••.• Herndon .••.••. Saline ....•...•. Mo October 15. 187•••••••••• Arr. March, 1~06t by Grand Master Houston. 491 IrUtsville ••••••••••••••. Pittsville ..•..•. Johnson .••...•. Mo ..•.... October 15, 187' ••••••••• Arrested 1875. 495 I Globe ...•.•.•.•.•..•••.. Louisiana Pike ..••.••..•. Mo .•....• October 12. 1876., ••••••• Consol. with Perseverance No. 92, 1890. 495 I 'Vest l'ralrie ••••••.••••• Clarkton ..•.... Dunklin Mo October 15. 1890 ••••••••• Arrested Dec., 1894, by J. B. Thomas, G. M. 491 I Stratrord •••••••••••.•••. Strattord •••••• , Greene .•....... .Mo ••••••• October 11, 1877 .•••••••• Arr. Sept., 1906, by Grand :h-faster Houston. 498 I Kaseyville ••••••••..•••• Kaseyville..... Macon Mo....... October 11, 1877 ••••••••• Surrendered January, 1898. 4.99 ·II)alon.esville ••••••••.••. n p8. y n.. eS.\"1l1e.... Pike .......•.•. ,yl0....... October II, 1877 ••••••••• Consol. ith Clarksville XO. 17, May 5, 1917. 505 A\·alon., •••••••••.•.... Bedford .•.•..•. Livingston .••.. Mo....... October 12. 1882 ••••••••• Consol. with Wheeling Xo. 434, :Mch. 8, 1917. 510 Biswell Browning Linn )10 October 12. 1882 Surrendered June 20, 1925. 513 I Charlton •••••••••••••••. Guthridge Mills Chariton ••...•. Mo .•..... October, 1882..•••.••••••• Surrendered March, 1899. 514 I Exeter •••••••••••••••••. Exeter. • . • • . .. Barr)' •••••••••. ~Io. • • • • •• October la, 1882 ••••••••• Arr. March. 1901, by Grand Master Wells. 519 Turney ••..••••••••.•••• Turne)·........ Clinton........ 1\10....... October 11, 188~ .•••••••• Surrendered November 18. 1895. 520 'l'oltec ••••.•••••••••.•.• Mexico .••...... Republic of Mex ••••••.••• October II, 1883 ••••••••• Surrendered January 31, 1894. 523 I I{ldder ••••••••••••....•. Kidder Calhoun ..•.... ~lo October 16. 1884 .•••••••• Consol. with Hamilton No. 224, 1902. 529 I Niangua •••••••••••••••• ~jangua Webster .Mo....... October 15. 1886 .•••••••• Arrested 1918, by W. A. Clark, G. M. Ritchey. .. . . iewton Mo....... October 15, 1885. Arrested by F. R. Jesse. G. 1\1:. 530 J Ritchey 533 \Valker ••••••••••••.•••• Walker....... Vernon ....•... Mo .••. , •• October 12. 1887 .•••••••• Surrendered February 19, 1898. 541 I Frnuklin •••••••••••••••• St. Clair •.•...•. Franklin .•••... Mo.. . . . .. October 16. 1889 .•••••••• Arrested July. 1904, by W. F. I{uhn. G. M:. 543 I Fides ••••••••••.•....... Kansas City ..•. Jackson....... Mo October 15. 1890 ••••••••• Consol. with Heroine No. 104, Dec.• 1890. 544 I:Mexico ••.••••••••••••••. Mexico. .. .. .•. Audrain ...••.. Mo ••..... October 15, 1890 ••••••••• Consol. with Hebron No. 354. Dec. 25. 1916. 546 I Prairie HIlL •••••••••.•. Prairie HIll •••• Charlton ••••••• M.o•••••••• Oot. 15. 1890, ••••••••••• Consol. with Salisbury No. 208, Nov. 18, 1919 569 I Tiff City .•••••••••••••• Tift City ..•••. McDonald ••.•. Mo....... Sept. 29, 1904 ••••••••••.. Cons. with Anderson No. 621, Oct. 1, 1926. 589 I Duncan ••••••••••.•..••. Duncan Webster ..•.... ~Io.••..••• September 26. 1907 ••••••• ~ame changed to HGrove Spring", 1913. 5921 Stoutsville Stoutsville ••••• Monroe Mo Sept. 26. 1907 Arrested Sept., 1920, by J. C. Garrell, G. M. 595 Cecil Cottonwood Pt.. Pemlscot. ••.... Mo September 30.1908 Arrested Sept.. 1915. by T. W. Cotton. G. M. 595 EmmanueL... •• •• Bado Texas Mo October 2, 1913 Consolo. with Texa.s Lodge 177, Sept. 5th, 1925. 609 , ~~ictor)'''''''''''''''''' ~omon.a Howell ; Mo ~ep~ember 2:,1910 Consol. with Mt. Zion No. 327. Apr. 16. 1917 623 J l\:laple ..•..•••..••...... NeeIYYIlle Butler .•..•..•.• Mo....•••• }Iay 29, 19L Consol. with Poplar Bluff No. 209, Nov. II, 1930. 628 Aloundrille ••••••••.•..•. ~foundville.••••. Vernon....... .. ~Io October 2, 1913 Surrendered May 2, 1925. 635 I Tuscumbia .••••••••••••• Tuscumhiil 'filler ••••..••.• Mo •••••••. October I, 1914.......... Consol. with IonIa 381, Aug. 21, 1923. 136 I Weaubleau \Veaubleau .•.•.. Hlekorr ••....•• ~Io .•••.•.• October 1, 1914 Surrendered Sept. 17, 1921.






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Masonic Temple, Neosho, Mo.

LIST OF ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE GRAND LODGE A. F. & A. M. MISSOURI FRO}! ITS ORGANIZATION APRIL 23, 1821. Date Election. April, Oct., Oct., Oct., Oct.• Oct.. Oct., Oct..

Grand Master.

1821. •••• 1821. •• 1822 ••••• 1823 •• 1824 ••• " 1825 ••••• 1826 ••••• 1827 •• "" It



Thos. F. Riddick.· 'xath'l B. Tucker.· Xath'l B. Tucker.· :-\ath'l B. Tucker.· Sath'l B. Tucker Edward Bates •••• • gd ward Bates .••• * Ed ward Bate~ •••


••••••••.••..•.••••. Thompson Douglass· Thompson D • Ge . . :Ielody. eo. H. C. MelodY.* Geo. H. C. Melody. * Hardage Lane..•••• * Hardage Lane...•.• *

Grand S. "\Varden.

Grand J. Warden.

ames Kennerly ••.• ~ 'dward Bates...... * "'dward Bates. * dward Bates..•..• * \Vm. G. Pettus ..... * \Vm. G. Pettus .••.• * Martin Ruggles.. • • Martin Ruggles..... '*

William Bates.•••••• William Bates * Wm. G. J:'ettus '" \Vm. G. Pettus * Thornt. Grimsley .•• * Thornt. Grimsley ... * . ohn F, R~·land ...• * H. R. Gamble .••••• *

II •••

Grand Treasurer.

Grand Secretary.

Archibald Gamble •. * William Renshaw.* Archibald Gamble .. * \Villiam Renshaw.* Archibald Gamble .. * \Villiam Renshaw.* Archibald Gamble .. * T. Douglas.* Archibald Gamble .. * T. Douglas.* Archibald Gamble .. * John D. Daggett. * Rich. T. McKinney. * John D. Daggett. * Thornton Grimsley. * John D. Daggett. *

182· 8 ••••• Hardage Harda.ge Lane La.net•••• ••• ** G.eo. "......•_.·* H. :I.,.•.... R . . . . .,• Gambl., G .. am.~b .. le -'•... • ..• * A.dam A. dam L. Mills l\IillS.'...•. •••• * Thornton Grimsley. * John D. Daggett.* 1829 Et'red H L ... C.."• ..,1vle n ••••• R. Bernard Pratte..... 1830 ••••• Hardage Lane ..•• * G . C. Melodl': .. * ~lIlctla.iJ: Kir ey.•... * Adam L. Mills •..•. * Thomas Andrews ••• * Fred L. Billon.* 1831 ••••• Edward Bates.. eo. H. C~c.Metody.* Oliver Pa er .••.•. * AUb'ustus Jones..... '" fhomas Andrews .•• " Fred L. Billon.* 1832 H. R. Gambl *G.~p,.·-H.C~ l\Ielody.* M. J. N ~·es * Augustus Jones.•• .,· Thomas Andrews * Fred L. Billon.* ~ec., 1833 ••••• ~inc)air :Kirtle P, ' .. '~'. B.L Ch~1ibers ..•• * John ilson.. . .. * G. A. Tuttle ...•••. ,. Geo. H. C. :Melody .. * John Garnett. * Nov., 1834 .... § ~'. .. rs.. ,* SinclaIr K rtl . *.. r er •••... w. B. Carneg:r .• * Geo. H. C. MelodY .. * Thos. \V. Con)"ers.* Oct.• 1835tt ••• A.J~. ~bambers..• * 81. . . r ey .••• * Oli r Parker ••.••• * S. W. B. Carnegy •• ot Geo.H. C. Melody .. * Thos. W. Conyers.* Oct.. 1836 ••••• S~w:-: Carnegy. ohn D. Daggett .•. •. ward Searcey ••.. * Granville Snell .••.. ~ Geo. H. C. M:elodY .. * Richard B. Dallam. '" Oct.. 1831 ... S.' W. B. Carnegy.· John D. Daggett ... * ~~_.~ ~~a_mhers..... * Thomas Andrews ... ~ Geo. H. C. Melody .. * Richard B. Dallam.* Oct.. 1838 •• S. W. B" Carnegy.· John D. Daggett.. x:-B~~' Cambers•.•. * Alex. T. Douglass., ~ Geo. H. C. MelodY .. * Richard B. Dallam. * Oct. f 1839 ..... p, H. McBride ... • A.~.Ch!lmQentL .* ::t1ex.I.Douglass .• * \Vm. C. Vance ..... :t Geo. H. C. :M:elody .. * Richard B. Dallam.* Oct., 1840 ••••• P. H. ~McBrlde.•• * ·P11Fosrer-~· ...• Alex. T. Douglass .. * John Orrick ..••.••• 't Geo. H. C. Melody .. * Richard B. Dallam.* Oct.. 1841 ••••• P. H. McBrIde ... * .foab Bernard .•. oseph Foster ••.•.. * C. H. Bowers .•.•.. Geo. H. C. M:elody .. * Richard B. Dallam.* Oct.• 1842 •••• P. H. McBride .•. * Joab Berna ..• * Joseph Foster * C. H. Bowers John Simonds * Richard B. Dallam.* Oct.. 1843 ••••• P. H. McBride * Jo I. ,"V. S. ~Mitchell * E. S. Ruggles :1< Fred L. Billon .••.• * Richard B. Dallam. * Oct.• 1844 •••• J. W. S. 1t1itchell. red L llon * E. S. Ruggles * J. L. F. JacobY ..•. * John S. Watson ll: Richard B. Dallam.* Oct.. 1845 ••••• J. W. S. Mitchell. * Joh . Taylor .•.. * E. S. Ruggles f. L. F. Jacob~· >I: John S. Watson * Fred L. Billon. * Oct.• 1846 John Ralls • D. Taylor '" E. S. Ruggles * J. L. F. Jacoby * John S. Watson ..•. * Fred L. Billon.* Oct.. 1847 ••••• Joseph Foster.. ••• Ruggles .•.... * 1. L. F. Jacoby .•.. * Cyrus Oshorn ". *' John S. Watson ::: J. W. S. :Mitchell. * May, 1848. " " Joseph Foster *. Ruggles Cyrus Osborn * Joseph Megguire * J,ohn S. Watson * J. W. S. Mitchell.* :May. 184.9 •.•••.John F. R~~land .. * E. S. Ruggles * Joseph M:egguire * P. Draper * .Tohn l\{' Reed * C. D. W. Johnson.* M:ay, 1850 fohn F. Ryla.nd .. - B. W. Grover * P. Draper * S. F. Currie *" J. T. Johnson " ' * C. D. W. Johnson.* ,May, 1851 .•••• B. W. Grover ••••• * E. S. Ruggles * S. F. Currie .•...... '*' T. H. Turner J. T. Johnson * C. D. W. Johnson.* lfay. 1852 ••••• B. W. Grover, •••• * S. F. Currie .I. H. Turner " S. H. Saunders * J. T. Johnson .•.... * A. O'Sullivan.· June. 1853 .•••• Wilson Brown .•• 1* L. S. CornwelL * .J. W. Chenoweth .. * R. C. Hill :I: .Joseph Foster * A. O'Sullivan.· t 0 May, 1854 •••• L. S. Cornwell P. ""'allingfol'd .. * James H. Britton .. * ** .Joseph Foster * A. O'Sullivan.* ~{a}\ 1855 •••• L. S. Cornwell. . . .• . ** 1. 'W. Cheno,,'eth .. * H. E. Van Orsdell. ~ John D. Daggett. .. ::: A. O'Sullivan.· May, 1856. " 0 _ Benjamin ~harp.. • -. A. Cunni CO' • • 'S. H. Saunders * .Marcus BOYd * John D. Daggett * A. O'Sullivan.* May. 1851 ••••• S. H. Saunders .. . . .. . .;>farcu~ Bo}'d.. ".•..• .Tohn F. Houston '*' .John D. Dag'g'ett .. ;:. A. O·Sullivan.* May, 1858 ••••• ~. H. Saunders .. * \far Bo'YtT7~."-.~~ ••• * Tahn F. Houston.,. * .Tohn Decker ....•.. * .Tohn D. Dag'g'ett ..• ~ A. O·Sullivan. * ~fa)p, 1859 ••••• "Marcus BoYd • . . . . H. l\lcFarland .. * W. R. Penick......• * John Decker * .Tohn D. Dag-g-ett. .. ~ A. O'Sullivan.* May. lSRO ..... 1\,. ll". McF and.· W. R. Penick ...... • .John Decker." ..... * Samuel ~f. Hayes .. * John D. Daggett ... * A.O'Sullivan.* § Was not lnltalled. //

Oct.• Oct., Dec., Oct.. ¥X


D. Grand











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LIST OF ELECTED ~_____ Date Election





Gra.nd }'Iaster

APRIL 23. 1821 Grand J. 'Varden

G. Semor 'Varden

Grand Treasurer

~I":''''';''';'';;'--=_'C~~~~~~'''''''- ,-,""eo. Whitcomb..... * A.. L. 1{cGregor ...• * • H. Turner •••. * Wm. X. Loker .•.•. * Samuel Russell. .... * 18G3 .•••• John H. Turner •• • m. N. Loke .~ •• * .John D. Vinci! ..•.. * A. L. :McGr~gor•... * 1864 ••••• John F. Houston. John D. . eil. •.•• *' A. L. McGregor..... * :YIartin CollIns... , •.,*

Grand Secretary

Daggett ... * A. O'SulliYan.* Daggett. .. * A. O·Sullivan.* Daggett. .. * A. O'Sullivan.* Loker ..... * A. O'Sullivan.* 1865 ••••• John F. Houston.*.J . Vincil ...•• ·Martin Collins .....• * R. E. Anderson..••• * Loker .•... * A. O'Sullivan.* :\fay. 1866 .•••• John D. VincU.. . E. Dunscomb~"",K R. E. Anderson..... * A. L. McGregor * Wm. N. Lolrer ..... * A. O'Sullivan.*t Oct.• 18B7 .•••• W. E. Dtln~comb.· C. A. Rowle~·.-.. • E. Garrett- .....• \:Vm. D. Mutr * Wm. N. Loker .•... * G. Frank Gouley.*t (let.• 1~6R •••• John D. VincU.•.• * R.E. . . .•.. \Vm. D. Mnir..•.... * Alex. M:. Dockery .. : Wm. ~. Loker ..... * G. Fran!\: Gouley* Oct.• 1869 ••••• William D. Muir - . Ga tt ••• c •• * A. M. Dockery .•••• * Sam H. Owens .•••• Wm. N. Loker ••••• * G. Frank Gauley. Oct., 1870 ..... Thos. E. Garrett. R. E~ der£l5}1b"~iT am H. Owens •••• • John E. Ryland....• * Wm. N. Loker ..... • G. Frank Gouley. Oct., 1871"••••• Thos. E. Garrett •.• R.. .~'@rs~Il. !!~~*.am H. Owens ..•• * John E. Ryland •••• * Wm. N. Loker ••••. * G. Frank Gouley. Oct., 1872 ••••• Sam') H. Owens. ':ch R~lan«";~i?;"'::"::,*~ohn W. Luke ..... * Jas. E. Cadle ...... : Wm. N. Loker ••••. : G. Frank Gauley. Oct., 1873 ••••• R. E. Anderson. ~ ~uka,••• i . {fas.E. Ca.gl~~~h"'~ enophon Ryland.. Wm. N. Loker..... G. Frank Gouley. Oct., 1874 .•••• John W. Luke .•• /J}n'OlJlfon RYland.,J,~. .Ia8r'-m:-c-adle .••••• * Thos. C. Ready •••• * Wm. N. Loker ••••. * G. Frank Gouley* Oct•• 1875 ..... James E. Cadle •. Xe ~ .... _ '. cos. C. Ready •••. * Xoah M. Givan •••• • Wm. N. Loker. G. Frank Gouley. Oct., 1876 ••••. Xen. Ryland ••. ~ . a y •••• * Noah M. Glvan •••• * M. G. Hubble •.••••• Wm. N. Loker ••••• • G. Frank Gouley*.n Oct., 1877 ••••• T. a.Ready •••••• Noah M. Givan .••• t Jos. S. Browne ••••• * W. R. Stubblefield.· Wm. N. I"'oker ••••. * John D. Vincil* Oct., 1878 •• " ' Noah M. Glvan •• * Joseph S. Browne. * W. R. Stubblefield.· Jas. E. Carter ••••• * John W. Luke ••••• • John D. Vincil* Oct., 1879 ••••• JOB. S. Browne •• t W. R. Stubblefield.· Jas. E. Carter •••• Alex. ltI. Dockery •• John W. Luke •••• ',* John D. VincU* Oct., 188() ••••• W. R. Stubblefield- Alex. 1\1. Dockery •• * Chas. C. \Voods •••• Lee A. Hall •••••••• t .John 'V. Luke *l1 John D. Vinctl* Oct., 1881 ••••• \lex. 1lf. DockerY •• * Chus. C. Woods •••• * Lee A. HalL ••••••• • Robt. F. Stevenson. * John 'V. Luke •••.• 1 John D. Vincn* Oct., 1882 ••••. Chas. C. \Voods ••• * Lee A. Hall •••••••• - Robt. F. Stevenson.* James W. Boyd •••• * Samuel M. Kennard* John D. Vinci1* Oct., 1883 ••••• Lee A. Hall •••••• • Robt. F. Stevenson. * .James W. Boyd •••• * Geo. R. Hunt •• Samuel Y. Kennard. John D. VincU* Oct., 1884 ..... Robt. F. Stevenson. 4 James W. Boyd •••• George R. Hunt .••• * Wm. M. Williams •• * Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vincn* Oct., 1885 ••••• James 'V. Boyd••• t George R. Hunt ••.• * Wm. M. WiJltams .• * James P. Wood •••• * Samuel :M. Kennard* John D. VincU* Oct., 1886 ••••• Geo. R. Hunt •••• - W. M. Williams •••• • James P. Wood •••• • •••••••••••.•••••• *. Samuel M. Kennard* John D. VincU. Oct., 1887 •••• Wm. M. ·WIlliams· James P. Wood •••• t Theodore Brace •••• * Geo. E. Walker •••• * Samuel M. Kennard* John D. Vinci}* Oct., 1888,.: •• Tames P. \Yood... _... ff Theodore Brace Geo. E. Walker •• , •• B. H. Ingram •••••• *Samuel M. Kennard*John D. Vincll. Oct., 1889 ••••• Theodore Brace ••• Geo. E. Walker • B. H. Ingram •••••• t .John R. Parson ••••• Samuel M. Kennard. John D. Vincll* Oct., 1890, •••• Geo. E. Walker •• • B. H. Ingram •••••• * .John R. Parson •••• * Harry Keene •••••• • Samuel M. Kennard- John D. Vincll* Oct., 1891 B. H. Ingram • John R. Parson .••• Harry Keene J. B. Thomas • Samuel M. Kennard- John D. Vincll* Oct., 1892 John R. Parson ••• * Harry Keene .1. B. Thomas • A. M. Hough •••••• * Samuel M. Kennard* John D. Vincil* Oct., 1893 ••••• Harry Keene •••• *J. B. Thomas .••••• t A. M. Hough •••••• * D. A. Jamison ••••• * Samuel M. Kennard- John D. Vlncll* Oct., 1894 ••••• J, B. Thomas .... • A. M. Hough. * D. A. Jamison ...... F. J. Tygard * Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vincll* Oct., 1895 ••••. A. M. Hough •• , ,. D. A. Jamison ••••• * F. J. Tygard •••••• * E. F. Allen , * Samuel M. Kennard* John D. Vincn* Oct., 1896 D. A. Jamison., •• F. J. Tygard ••••••• * E. F. Allen .••••••• t C.H. Briggs I. Samuel M. Kennard* John D. Vfncn* Oct.. 1897 F. J. Tygard •••• t E. F. Allen * C. H. Briggs .••••• Campbell Wells .••• - Samuel M. Kennard* John D. Vlncfl· Oct., 1898 ••••• E. F. Allen. C. H. Briggs •••••••• Campbell Wells •••• t .Tosepll C. Finngin ••. Samuel M. Kennard- John D. Vinell* Oct.• 1899 ••••• C. H. Briggs •••••. Campbell Wells ..... t Tosellh C. Finagin ••• * John C. Yocum •••• - Samuel M. Kennard- John D. Vincn* Oct., 1900 ••••• Campbel~ 'Vells •• Joseph C. Finagin ••. * John C. Yocum •••• t \Vm. F. Kuhn •••••• * Samuel M. Kennard" John D. Vlncll* 1l.fay.


~fay. ~Iay. ~lay.

John John John "Vrn. Wm.

D. D. D. N. N.

e ••• •




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11 • • •




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Oct., Oct.. Oct., Sept., Sept., Se})t., Sept., Sept., Sept., ~eIJt.,

Sept., Sept., Oct., Sept., Sept., Hept., Scnt., Sept., Sel)t., Sellt., Sept., Oct., Oct., Q(.t.,

Oct., Oct., Oct.. Sept.} Rept.} Oct.. Sept.,

Joseph C. FinagJn.* John C. yocum •••• • \Vm. F. Kuhn •••••• * Leroy B. Valllant •• f Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vincll* John C. Yocum •• * Wm. ]'. Kuhn ••••••• Leroy B. Valliant .• • A. ~. Houston ••••• * Samuel M. Kennard· John D. Vincn* \Vm. F. Kuhn ...... Leroy B. Valliant •• • A. S. Houston ..•••• ~ D. 1\1. \YilSOll •••••• lf. John R. Parson * John D. VincllLeroy B. Vaillant· A. S. Boustoll ..•... * D. 1.1. 'Vllson '< Howard Watson .•..•.John R. Parson .John D. Vincil*ITU A. S. Houston * D. :M. 'Vilson. * John T. Short * H. R. Kreeger Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parsollt:l:* D. ~L 'Vilson * John T. Short. * R. R. !{reeger William A. HaIL * Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* John T. ShorL * R. R. Kreeger \Villiam A. HaIL * Clay C. Bigger * Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* R. R. Kreeger \VInlam A. Hall * Clay C. Bigger * Arch A. Johnson Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* \Vm. A. Hall * Chu' C. Bigger * Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert * Alphonso C. Stewart* .John R. Parson* uno Clay C. Bigger........• Arch A. Johnson Jacob Lampert Van Fremont Boor Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* 1911. Arch ,t\. Johnson h'icob Lampert. * Van Fremont Boor Chesley ,A. :Mosman * Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* 1912 Jacob Lampert * "an Fremont Boor Chesley A... :Uosman..* Tolman 'V. Cotton....•. Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* 1913 VarrFremont Boor.. Chesler A. i\Iosman.. * 1'0lman W. Cotton Frank R. Jesse _ * Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* 1914 Tolman Cotton.. Frank R. Jesse Edward trlgbee \Vm. A. Clark. Alphonso C. Stewart* John R. Parson* 1915 Frank R. Jesse * Edward Higbee * \Vm. A. Clark John 'V. Bingham * Al})h. C. Stewart..*** ,John R. Parson* uno Edward Higbee * \YIn. .A.. Clark. _ .John \Y. Bingham * Julius C. GarrelL \Vm. A. Hall * John R. Parson* 1917 'Vm. A. Clark John 'V. BIngham * Julius C. GarrelL \Vm. F. Johnson * 'Ym. A. HalL. * .John R. Parson* 19UL rohn 'V. Bingham..* .fulius C. Garrell \Vm. F. Johnson * O L\. Lucas * 'V 111. A. Hall * ,John R. Parson* 1919 rulins C. GarrelL '''m. F. Johnson * O. .A. Lucns ~ * Bert S. Lee \Vm. A. HaIL * .Tohn R. Parson* 1920 '''m. F. Johnson * O. A. Lucas * Bert S. Lee Jos. S. l\Iclrrtyre \Vm. A. HaIL * .fohn R. Parsontt* 1921. O. A. Lucas _•...* Bert S. Lee Jos. S. :MclnU·re Orestes :Mitchell 'Ym. A. HaIL * Frank R. Jesse* 1922 Bert S. Lee Joseph S. ~Iclntyre Orestes ~ntchell 'Yo 'V. lIartin 'Vm. A. HaIL * Frank R. Jesse* 1923......••••. Tosepll S. :Mclntyre.. Orestes i"lltchell \V. ,Yo l\{artll1 John Pickard \Vm. A. Hall * Frank R. Jesse* 1924 flrestes l\IltcheIL ,,~. ,Y. :Martln John Pickard A. F. Ittner \Vm. A. Hall *ttt Frank R. Jesse* 1925 'V. ,Yo J\lartin ·John Pickard A. F. Ittner B. E. Bigger E. E. l\Iorris Frank R. Jesse* 192f1.. John PIckard A. F. Ittner ~ B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet _ E. E. :Morris Arthur l\fatherttt 1927 \nthony F. Ittner B. E. Bigger S. R. Freet. .;. \Vm. R. Gentry, Sr E. E. l\Iorris Arthur l\Iather 1928 Byrne E. BIgger S. R. Freet _ \Vro. R. Gentry, Sr Ray V. Denslow E. E. l\Iorris Frank R..Tesse**tt 1929••••...••• Samuel R. Freet. 'Vm. R.. Gentry Ray V. Denslo\V~ Thad B. Landon E. E. l\Iorris Arthur i\Iather Ul30 Wm. R. Gentrs Ray V. Denslow Thad B. Landon.......... Frank C. BarnhilL E. E. :Morris................. Arthur 1\Iather Ray V. Demdow Thad B. Landon Frank C. Barnhill Duval Smith E. E. :Morris Arthur :Mather 1931. 1901 1902 1903 1904 1!JU5.....•...•. lUOu 19u7 1908 1909








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*UeeeHsed. *tDied August lIth, 1866., while in otTi{'e. +;ApllOinted .August 13th, 1866, by John D. Yincil, G. ~r. **!lDied April 11th, 1817, while in office. *flUDled October 12, 1904, while in otTice. ***Died Anril 22. 1916, while in office. *IIJohn \V. Iluke served, by appointment, as Grand Secretary, from April 11th. 1877. to October 11th, 1877, and dIed October, 1888. ~Died within one week after his installation.

OFFICERS ED\\'AnD BATES. 'Yorshipful )Iaster. JOSEPH Y. GARNIER, Treasurer.

ttThere was no Communication in 1835, owing to the anti-ltlasonic [excitement. **\Yithdrawn from~Iasonr~" tt*..: \ppointed October 22, 1904, by Leroy B. Valliant, Grand l\Iaster, tt*Designed :\Iny 20, 1921. aQcount ill health. *tttDied November 7, 1924, while in office. ***Appointed October 22, 1904. b~' Leroy B. Valliant, Grand :Master. **ttDied Au~ust 29, .1927, while in office. t tt Appointed Sept. 1, 1927, by John Pic]{ard, Grand l\Iaster.






n ~



'VILI.lIAl\I BATES, Junior \Varden. ABRAM BECK, Secretary.

..p.. \0






Alabama George A. Beauchamp lVlontgomery Arizona R·arry A. Drachman Tucson Arkansas Fay Hempstead Little Rock California John Whicher San Francisco Colorado Wm. W. Cooper Denver Connecticut Winthrop Buck Hartford Delaware John F. Robinson Wilmington District of Columbia J. Claude Keiper Washington, D. C Florida Wilbur P. Webster Jacksonville Georgia Frank F. Baker Macon Idaho Curtis F. Pike Boise Illinois Richard C. Davenport Harrisburg Indiana Wm. H. Swintz Indianapolis Iowa Charles C. Hunt Cedar Rapids I{ansas Elmer F. Strain Topeka Ken tucky Fred W. Hardwick Louisville Louisiana L. E. Thomas New Orleans Maine Charles B. Davis Portland Maryland George Cook Baltinlore lVIassachusetts Frederick W. Hamilton.. BostoIl MichigaIl Lou B. Winsor Gral1d Rapids Minnesota John Fishel. St. Paul Missouri. Arthur Mather St. Louis Mississippi. Edward L. Faucette Meridian Montana Luther T. Hauberg Helena Nebraska Lewis E. Smith Omaha Nevada V. M. Henderson~ Carson City New Hampshire Harry M. Cheney Concord New Jersey lsaac Cherry Trenton New Mexico Alpheus A. Keen Albuquerque New York Fredrick J. Milligan New York North Carolina J. H'. Anderson Raleigh North Dakota Walter L. Stockwell Fargo Ohio Harry S. Johnson Cincinnati Oklahoma ·..·.·..·C. A. Sturgeon Guthrie Oregon ,D. R .. Oheney Portland Pennsylvania John A. Perry Philadelphia Rhode Island Harold L. McAuslan Providence South Carolina · ·.O. Frank Hart Oolulllbia South Dakota George A. Pettigrew Sioux Falls Tennessee T. E. Doss Nashvil1e Texas W. B. Pearson Waco Utah ,sam H. Goodwin Salt Lake City Vermont Archie S. Harriman Burlington Virginia James M. Clift Richnl0ud Washington Horace W. Tyler Tacoma West Virginia ·..··Geo. S. Laidley Charleston \Visconsin Wm. F. Weiler Milwaul\:ee '\Vyoming J. M. Lowndes Casper Alberta J. H. W. S. Kemmis ., Calgary British Columbia W. A. De Wolf Smith New WestIninster Canada Wm. M. Logan Hamilton, Onto Chili (at Santiago) Augustin I. Palnla Santiago




Cuba Denmark Eclectic UnioIl Egypt England France (National and Independel~t Grand Lodge of) Gernlany (National) Ireland Manitoba Netherlands New Brunswick.. New South Wales New Zealand Norway Nova Scotia




Jose F. Castellanos Havana Raslllus O. NIelsen Copenhagen Philip Hertz Frankfort-on-l\Iain A. M. Younis Cairo Sir P. Colville Snlith London ')~ DougIas W arne............. .... P aI.'IS fl08 Boulevard Sebastopol. Wm. Wald ,Henry C. SheIlaI'd James A. Ovas A.. F. L. FaubeL John Twining Hartt David Cunningham George Barclay R. Rosenquist J ames C. Jones





Vlctor Jesurun

Philippine Islands Porto Rico

Newton C. Conlfort. Jose Gonzales Ginorio

Prince Eel'ward Island Quebec Qneensland (ITnited Grand Lodge of)

Ernest I{enlp W. W. Willianlson

Berlin Dublin \\Tinnipeg The Hague St. Johu Sydney Dunedill Christiana Halifax Panalna City ) Box 350


\.. Rep. of Pallanla

Leslie P. Marks


lVIanila, Box 990 San Juan Box 747 CharlottetO\Vll lVIontreal

Brisbane Box 675 .

Royal York of Prussia G. Mitzlaff San Salvador Tomas Soley Saskatchewan W. B. Tate Saxony Rudolph Gottschall Scotland ThonlasG. Winning South AustraIia Chas. R. J.Glover Sweden Nils Flensburg Tasmania W. H. Strutt Three Globes Erich Meyssner United G. L. of Victoria William Stewart Western Australia J. D. Stevenson York <?rand Lodge of A,. Percival Hughes ) MexIco, F. & A. M ZurEintracht. J{. I{aI11ert Zur Sonne Herlnan Bhul1el


Berlin San Salvador, C.A. Regina Dresden Edinburgh Adelaide Stockhohn Hobart Berlin Melbourne Perth ~ P. 0:. Box. 1986 11VfeXICO CIty Darmstadt Bayreuth



Corona H. Briggs, 1332 Cherry St., Springfield Robert R. Kreeger, 3404 Morrell Ave., Kansas City Arch A. Johnson, Landers Bldg., Springfield Van Fremont Boor, 1'2,01 Comnlerce Bldg., I{ansas City Tolnlan W. Cotton, Van Buren Wm. A. Clark, Jefferson City Julius 10. Garrell, 725 Greeley Ave., Webster Groves Bert S. Lee, 1224 Washington, Springfield Joseph S. McIntyre, 3637 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis Orestes Mitchell, Corby Bldg., St. Joseph Wnl. W. Martin, 5351 Delmar Blvd., St. Lonis John Pickard, Columbia Anthony F. Ittner, 1530 Telephone Bldg., St. Louis Byrne E. Bigger, Court House, H'annilbal. William R. Gentry, 717 Loudernlan Bldg., St. Louis

1899-00 1908-09 1911-12 1913-14 1914-15

1917-18 1919-20 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-2,6

1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1930-31


Ray V. Denslow, Grand Master, Trenton. Thad B. Landon, Deputy Grand Master, 1902 Power & Light Bldg., Kansas City.

Frank C. Barnhill, Senior Grand Warden, Marshall. Duval Smith, Junior Grand Warden, Corby Bldg., St. Joseph. Ednlund E. Morris, Grand Treasurer, Fid. Sav. Trust, Kansas City. Arthur l\iather, Grand Secretary, 3681 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis. James R.McLachlan, Grand Lecturer, Kahoka. Emmet L. Robison, 'Gr.. Chaplain, 2813 S,acramento Ave., St. Joseph. Samuel Thurman, Grand Chaplain, 420 Melville Ave., St. Louis.. 'Xl. W. Pierce,Grand Chaplain, Carthage. Jalues W. Skelly, 'Gr. Senior Deacon, 3637 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis. Geo. W .. Walker, Gr. Jr. Deacon, 627 Good Hope St., Cape Girardeau. H. L. Reader, Grand Senior Steward, 743 Fairview, vVebsterGroves Henry -0. Chiles, Grand Junior Steward, Lexington. Elwyn S. Woods, Grand Marshal, Landers Bldg., Springfield. Karl M. Vetsburg, Grand Marshal, 1530 Telephone Bldg., St. Louis. H. S. Truman, Gr. Sword Bearer, 219 N. Dela,vare, Independence. H.. C. Johnston, Gr. Pursuivant, Kenlper Military Acad., Boonville. Walter Willianls, Grand Orator, Columbia. George Coslow, a,rand Tyler, Marquette Hotel, st. Louis.




Setting, M. E. M. Degree (In use by lVlitcbell Chapter No. 14, St. .Joseph)




No. 116

Albany Appleton City Ash Grove Bethany Bolivar Bonne Terre Boonville Brookfield Brunswick

90 80


129 60 41 37

California Cameron Canton Cape Girardeau Carroll ton Carthage Caruthersville


67 88

75 24 61 135



Charleston Chillicothe Clinton Columbia

19 30 73 17

De Kalb De Soto

6 33 95

Eldon 128 Excelsior Springs 127 Fayette

Fredericktown Fulton

54 94 130 49





Hamilton Hanniba.1 Harrisonville Higginsville Holden

Jefferson City








No. 12 71




Location Independence


7 68 106 65

Kahoka Kansas Kansas !{ansas Kansas Kansas

City City City City Ci ty

Kennett Kirksville

126 28 102 134 136

139 117 53

101 64 ~ 10 Liberty.................. 3 Louisiana 86 I..4anlar Lebanon Lexington ;,

],\Ifacon l\1:ansfiel d

l\farceline M:arionville

22 122 118 97


74 96 77 29 27 ...............•.•.... l03

IV£aryville l'tIaysville l\fernphis l\Iexico IVfUan

Moberly l\fonett IVrtn. Grove l\ft. Vernon

79 113 137 81.

Location No. Plattsburg 120 PI easant HilL......... 43 Poplar Bluff 114 Rich Hill 105 Richmond .............• 36



Ro lla


St. Charles St. Joseph St. IJouis

111 14 1 8 25 50 78 132 138 140 115 133 .;.. 83 18

St. Louis

St. Louis St. Louis ._ St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Salem Salisbury

Savannah Sedalia Shelbina Slater Springfield SI)ringfield


Trenton Troy


112 15 110 ~







Warrensburg Neosho ..................... 52 Nevada


Palmyra Paris _ Platte City

16 21


66 85

\Vebb City

vVebster Groves Wellston Wellsville Weston West Plains

26 119

131 138 93 " 108










Boonville Boonville oo. oo Fayette 5 Fayette 6 Fayette Fayette oo Brunswick .oo oo 9 I Brunswick 91 MeridIan Barn· 11 Jefferson City oo .Tefferson City 11 Jefferson City Tefferson City 13 I Huntsville oo Huntsville 14 [ St.•Toseph .oo St..Toseph 11 Columbia •...••...••... Columbia ..•..•••.•..••. 18 Savannah Savannah 19 Davenport 'Vest Port 19 Charleston Charleston 20 Monticello •..•.•.....•. 'Monticello 21 I Melody Platte City .....•. oo.oo • • 23 1 Bond ..••••... oo J~otIisiana oo. 26 De Molay oo • • • • • • • W'arrensburg 31 Greenfield ...•.....•... Greenfield .oo oo.oo • • 31 I'Vest PraIrie................ Clarkton •.• oo • • oo • • oo 31 I Princeton. (a) Princeton , 1.111. Grange .•.....•...•• T~n Grnrrge .......•.•. oo • • 35 Concord •••..•...•.•••. Concord ..•.... oo 39 . Agency Agency ' 40 Keystone (b) ..••...... ,St. 1;oul8 oo..... 42 1 I~angdon ••.•......•.... Cotton Plant ..•• oo 44 Gentryville ...••..•..•.. nentr)'viIle •.••. oo oo • • • 46 !{eystonc . •. .oo. • • • • • Mound City 47 Horel> ...•.•.....•..••. Osceola oo. 48 Eusebius .•.•.•......••. Ha:\-'nesville 51 I Temple (c) .•...• , ...•.. Rt. I;ouis 51 , Corinthian Bloomfield , " •••. oo. 57 \Vhlte Stone •....•.•••• ::;nJisbury oo oo 62 Edina oo. Edina ., 63 1 Eureka ••. oooo Knoh Knoster 69 Palestine "•• Miami 70 Golden Ark ". St.ockton oo. 13 Adoniram .••.....•..•. , Shelbina " 14 St. Charles ••.....•.••. St. Charles 82 Prairie Kahoka oo.oo • • • • • .. • 84 l\fontgomery .....••.••• Montgomery ...•. oo.oo • • • • 81 . Tuscumbia Pleasant Mount 92 I Flo\lrnoy ...• . . . .. . . • .. TAn)leus oo oo oooo... 98 I Stanberry (e) , , Stanberry.................... 100 I Jerusalem .••... '" .• Poplar Bluff' 104 I :l\fonroe City ••...• oo • • • • Monroe City 107 I JJfltllrop (t') ••••• , •••.••• T,Iflthrop ...•.....• , , .. 109 El Dorado .•.....•••.•• EI Dorado Springs 121. Twilight Lewi3town





Date of Arrest of Chart.er

May 18, 1865. October 5, 1816. May 19, 1854. :May 19, 1854. l\fay 7, 1880. May 23, 186l. May, 1850. May 4, 1882. Consolidated. May 18, 1865. 1\fay 23, 1861. l\fay 23, 186l. May 7, 1885. May 7, 1880. May 7, 1880. April 27, 1893. 1\{ay 19, 1864. 1\Iay 19, 1864. October 4, 1876. December 8, 1927. October 5, 1816. October 10. 1878. May 7. 1880. Consolidated (g) ~{ay 12, 1881, September 5. 1881. 'fay 12, 1881. 'fay 12, 1887. May 7. 1880. Consolidated. October 4, 1877, February 11, 1904. April 25. 1923. 'fay 1. 1880. May 7, 1885. April 23, 1919. May 9, 1873. October 3. 1872. May 7, 1880. May 13. 1886. April 23, 189!. April 27, 1893. Consolidated. April 23, 1891. AprlI 29, 1898. Cons(}lidatt~d.

May 10, 1888. April 26. 1911.

(b) !{eystone Chapter No. 40. consolidated with BellefontaIne Chapter No, 25, under their name, number and charter, November 26, 1900. (c) Temple Chapter, No. 51, consolidated with St. I",ouis Chapter, No.8, under their name, number nnd charter, in January, 1905. (d) St. .Toseph Chal')ter No. 14. consolidated with Mitchell Chapter. No. 89, December 6th, 1911, and Mitchell Chapter is granted the number 14 in 1912. (a) Princeton eha-pter, No. 31, consolidated with No. 66, Deeember 8, 1921, (e) Consolidated, 1924, with Albany, No. 116. (f) Consolidated with PIl\ttshur~Chnpter No. 130, l\1arch 12, 1!l28. (g) Previous to 1897 was O'Sullivan No. 40.











Oct J. W. S. Mitchell Wm. Hurley.... Parker Dudley .. 1 Jos. Megquier •. Oct. 1847 'J. W. S. Mitchell Wm. Hurley.... Parker Dudley.. Jos. Megquier •• Oct. •... 1848*Thos. H.. Capers Joo. D. Daggett J05. Megquier ••• Chas. H. Bowen. May .. 1849 John D. Daggett James Millar '" A. Lightburn ". Cyrus Osborne.. May .. 1850 ~John D. Daggett A. Patterson •.. R. S.. Leveridge. W. M. Rush.... May .. 1851 ~G. H. C. Melody Rich.. R. Rees .•. Juo. W. Crane .. W. M. Rush.... May .. 1852 ~Jno. F. Ryland .. Jno. D. Daggett. J. W. Chenoweth W. D. Marmaduke. May •. 1853 *Th'n Grimsley•• J. F. Truslow.. A. O'Sullivan ... G. C. Swallow •• May · .1854 *P. H. McBride •. T. S. Miller ... R. R. Rees .•... J. W. Chenoweth May · .1855 *Thos. S. Miller. J. W. Chenoweth D. DeHaven O. F. Potter May · .1856 *J. W. Chenoweth D.DeHaven ••. J. S. Tisdale Edward Lea May •• 1857 *D. DeHaven .•.. Philander Draper Marcus Boyd Jno. F. Houston. May .. 1858 *Marcus Boyd Jno. F. Houston. D. T. Wainwrigr..t Wm. R. Penick. May •. 1859 *Marcus Boyd Jno. F. Houston. D. T. Wainwright Wm. R. Penick. May .. 1860 *Jno. W. Crane .. Samuel Russell . James Carr ••• ,. Geo. R. Hunt .,. May .• 1861 *Wm. R. Penick. James Carr .•.. Geo. R. Hunt .. W. J. Jackson .. May .. 1862 *James ·Carr •.•• Samuel Russell . Wm. Burden ... Jas. F. Gilliam .. May · .1863 *Jas. N. Burnes. ·Wm. N. Loker .. W. A. Cunn'ngh'm J. A. H. Lampton May .. 1864 *J. A. H. Lampton B. N. Crump .. W. J. Jackson .. Jas. E. Drake .. May .. 1865 *Thos. E. Garrett Samuel Russell. R. E. Anderson .. Martin Collins .. May .. 1866 *Sam'l Russell ••. Martin Collins .. R. E. Anderson .. Jos. Tallman ... Oct. 1867 *Martin Collins .. R. E. Anderson. *Jas. E. Drake- .. L. F. Weimer .. Oct 1868 tOren Root, Jr... R. E. Anderson. L. F. Weimer .. L. W. Mitc~el1 .• Oct 1869 *Jno.F. Houston. Wro.E. Glenn •• W. M. Rush ••• A. M. Dockery •. Oct. 1870 *J. M. Fox ....• .Wm.. M.Rush •. T. M. Wannall •. ]. E. Carter .... Oct.•... 1871 t]. M. Fox..••... las. E. Carter .. R. E Anderson .. C. F. Leavitt •.. Oct. •... 1872 *] as. E. Carter... Xe". Ryland.... H M. Rhodus .. C. F. Leavitt ••. l


Jno. S. Watson.. Joseph Foster •. Joseph Foster .. Joseph Foster .. Joseph Foster .. Joseph Foster .. Joseph Foster .. Joseph Foster .. Joseph Foster .. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jna.D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Juo. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D: Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett. Jno. D. Daggett.


Fred L. Billon. Fred L. Billon. *Fred L. Bilton. George Meyers. Jno. D. Taylor. Jno. D. Taylor. Jno. D. Taylor. *Jno. D. Taylor. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. i\. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. li. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. *A. O'Sullivan Geo. F. Gauley. Geo. F. Gauley. Geo. F. Gauley. Geo. F. Gauley. Geo. F. Gauley. Geo. F. Gouley.





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Oct 1873 *Xen. Rylar:d ... Oct 1874 *R. E. Anderson .. 1875 *C. F. Leavitt... Oct. Oct 1876·*Jos. S. Browne.. Oct 1877 *W.R.Stubblefield Oct..•.. 1878 *Noah M. Givan.. May .. 1880 *Jas. E. Cadle .... May .. 1881 *Samuel H.Owens May .. 1882 *Erwin Ellis ..... May .. 1883 *Alex.}..II. Dockery May .. 1884 *Chas. C. \Voods May •. 1885 *Lee A. Hall .... May .. 1886 *R. F. Stevenson. May .. 1887 *Reuben Barney .. May .. 1888*Wm. B.vVilson .. April .. 1889 *Jas. P. Wood .•. April .. 1890 *Jas. B. Austin ... April .. 1891 *Ira V. McMillan. April .. 1892 *Jno. R.Parson .. April .. 1893 *Allan McDowell. April .. 1894 Corona H. Briggs April •. 1895 *Alvin Haynie ••. April .. 1896 *1. M. Abraham .. April .. 1897 *\Vrn. F. Kuhn... April .. 1898 *Chas. S. Glaspell April .. 1899 *H. L. Bosworth. April .. 1900 *Arthur M. Hough April •• 1901 T. B. Duncan... April .. 1902 John T. Ruffin ..




R. E. Anderson .. H. M. "Rhodus .. Jos. S. Browne.. W.R.Stubblefield N. M. Givan Jas. E. Cadle Sam'! H. Owens. Erwin Ellis ..... A. M. Dockery.. C. C. Woods Lee A. Hall R. F. Stevenson Reuben Barney. Wm. B. Wilson .. Jas. P. Wood ... Jas. B. Austin .. L V. 11:cMillan .. Jno. R. Parson .. Allan McDowell. C. H. Briggs Alvin Haynie I. M. Abraham .. Wm. F. Kuhn ... Chas. S. Glaspell H. L. Bosworth. Arthur M.Hough T. B. Duncan •.. Jno.. T. Ruffin. R. E. Bainbridge


H. AtL Rhodus ... C. F. Leavitt... W. R.Stubblefield N. M. Givan ..... J. W. Bedford .. M. A. Fyke Erwin Ellis A. M. Dockery .. C. C. 'vVoods .... Lee A. Hall.... R. F. Stevenson. Reuben Barney.. Wm. B. Wilson .. Jas. P. Wood Jas. B. Austin 1. V. 1:IcMillan .. Jno. R. Parson .. Allan McDowell C. H. Briggs... Alvin Haynie ... I. M. Abraham .. Wm. F. Kuhn ... Chas. S. Glaspell H. L. Bosworth. Arthur M. Hough T. B. Duncan ... John T. Ruffin .. R. E. Bainbridge Lewis F. McCoy








C. F. Leavitt ... Wm. N. Loker.. Geo. F. Gouley. W. R.Stubblefield Wm. N. Loker.. Geo. F. Gouley. N. M. Givan.... vVm. N. Loker.. Geo. F. Gouley. J. W. Bedford Wm. N. Loker .. *Gea. F. Gauley. Jas. E. Cadle *Wm. N. Loker .. *John W. Luke. Sam'l H. Owens. Jno. R. Parson.. Wm. H. Mayo. A. M. Dockery .. J. W. Luke..... Wm. H. Mayo. C. C. Woods .... ]. W. Luke .0 Wm. H. Mayo. Lee A. Hall..... J. W. Luke W m. H. Mayo. R. F. Stevenson. Noah M. Givan... Wm. H. Mayo. Reuben Barney .. Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. \Vm. B. Wilson. Noah M. Givan.. Wrn. H. Mayo. Jas. P. Wood .•. Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. Jas. B. Austin ... Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. 1. V. McMillan .. Noah M. Givan .. Wm. H. Mayo. John R. Parson. Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. W. F. Howard .. Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. C. H. Briggs Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. Alvin Haynie Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. *W. H.J{ofmeister Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. 11:ayo. Wm. F. Kuhn .. Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. Chas. S. Glaspell Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. H. L. Bosworth. Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. Arthur M. Hough Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. T. B. Duncan ... Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. John T. Ruffin .. Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. R. E. Bainbridge Noah M. Givan.. Wm. H. Mayo. Lewis F. McCoy Noah M. Givan. Wm. H. Mayo. N. J. Swetland .. Noah M. Givan. Wm. H. Mayo.

~ n








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APr. 1.'1 April April April April April

April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April A.pril April A.pril April April .A.pril April April April



•• 1.9.03 R.. E. F. Bainbr. id..ge •. 1904. 1*Lewis McCoy. •. 1905 *N. J. Swetland .. •. 1906 *Tandy A. Dunn. •. 1907 *David IvI. \Vilson .. 1908 Alfred H. White •. 1909 Van F. Boor ... .. 1910 F. H. Trimble .. .. 19111*Austin L. McRae .. 1912 *L. E. Vogelsang .. 1913 *\Vrn. F. Johnson .. 1914 *11. T. Balsley... .. 1915 *Olaf A. Lucas .. .. 1916 *Geo. T. Burnhanl .. 1917 *A. E. Diamant •• .. 1918 Thomas F. Hurd .. 1919 Ray V. Denslow .. 1920 Herb. W. Powers •. 1921 Bert S. Lee .... •• 1922 Ed. E. Morris . 1923 John Pickard ... .. 1924 '\T . . A.. 11cCullah. .. 1925 O. H. Swearingen .. 1926 E. \V. Tayler .... .. 1927 J as. A. Kinder .. .. 1928 B. L. \Valdron .. .. 1929 E. F. ,ron Gunden. .. 1930 Fred O. Wood .. .. 1931 Leroi Beck . .. 1932 Harold L. Reader t



Lewis F. McCoy Nat. J. Swetland Tandy A. Dunn. David M. Wilson AI£. H. White.. Van F. Boor .... F. H. Trimble.. Austin L. McRae

N.). Swetland.. Tandy A. Dunn. David M. \Vilson AI£. H. White .. Van F. Boor.... F. H. Trimble .. Austin L. lNfcRae L. E. Vogelsang. Wm. F. Johnson 11artin T. Balsley Olaf A. Lucas.. Geo. T. Burnham A. E. Diamant.. Thomas F. Hurd Chas. A. Truitt.. Ray V. Denslow Bert S. Lee..... Ed. E. 11orris.. . John Pickard... W. A.McCullah. O. H. S\vearingen E. "\T. Tayler.... Jas. A. Kinder ... B. L. vValdron .. E. F. Von Gunden *J os. E. Davidson .. Leroi Beck...... Harold L. Reader. T. A. Harbaugh. \i\lillis J. Bray..

L. E. Vogelsang. vVm. F. Johnson Martin T. Balsley Olaf A. Lucas.. Geo. T. Burnham A. E. Diamant.. T. F. Hurd.. . . . . Chas. A. Truitt.. H. W. Powers.. Bert S. Lee..... Ed. E. Morris.. John Pickard .. \'1. A. :NIcCullah O. H. S\vearingen E. \101. Tayler ... Jas. A. Kinder.. B. L. \Valdron .. E. F. Von Gunden Fred. O. \Vood.. Leroi Beck...... Harold L. Reader T. A. HarbauQ"h.

1'andy A. Dunn. David lvL Wilson AI£. H. White .. Van F. Boor .... F. H. Trimble .. Austin L. 11cRae L. E. Vogelsang Wm. F. Johnson


Noah M. Givan. Noah M. Givan. Noah M. Givan. Noah M. Givan. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett.

11artin T. Balsley Geo. L. Hassett. Olaf. A. Lucas .. Geo. T. Burnham A. E. Diamant .. Thomas F. Hurd Chas. A. Truitt. Ray V. Denslow H. W. Powers .. Ed. E. 11orris . John Pickard . W. A. McCullah. O. H. Swearingen E. 'vV. Tayler .. .las..A.. Kinder .. B. L. \Valdron .. E. F. Von Gunden Jos. E.Davidson Fred O. \Vood ... Harold L. Reader. T. A. Harbaugh .. vVillis]. Brav ... Guy C. Million

In ]878 tIle sessions of tIle Grand ChaIlter were changed from October to May, 1880.




Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo. L. Hassett. Geo.L. Hassett. Geo. Coslow..... G"eo. Coslow..... Geo. COSIOVI..... Geo. Coslow ..... Geo. Coslo\v..... Geo. Coslow..... Geo. Caslow..... Geo. Coslow ..... Geo. Coslow..... Geo. Coslo\v..... Geo. Coslow . . . .. Geo. Coslo\v..... Geo. Coslow..... Geo. Coslo\v.....

No meeting in 1879.


Wm. H. Mayo. Wm. H. Mayo. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. *R. F. Stevenson. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslo\v. Ray \T. Denslo\v. Ray V. Denslo\v. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslo\v. Ray V. Denslow






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r.n ,....,








Oct Oct

Grand l\farshal


Grand Pro Sojourner



OCTOBER 16, 1846, TO DATE. Gr. Royal Arch Capt.


1846 John D. Daggett 1847 John D. Daggett


G. M. Third Vell




Second Veil .


~~;::::::~~~~ ~~~. ~a~c~~i~.~~:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: l\fay

1850 J. H. Turner


::f::::j~H :: t路 ~8~~~~~~:::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~: : : : : : : : : : : : I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Grand Capt. Host

Apr May May May May May May

May l\fay May Oct

1854 D. DeHaven 1855 G. W. McLane 1856 Robert Canan 1857 Chas. Levy 1858 Sam'} M. Hayes 1859 Sam'l 1\1:. Hayes 1860 Sam'} M. Hayes 1861 Wm. Burden 1862 Josiah Hunt 1863 T. E. Garrett 1864 T. E. Garrett 1865 Joseph Tallman 18ti6 Ja路mes E. Drake 1867 WIn. Ellis Glenn


1868 A. M:. Dockery

R. H. Huzza


Oct Oct Oct Oct

1869 D. N. Burgoyne 1870 I. W. McDonald 1871 C. F. Knight 1872 JOB. S. Browne

A. lVlcDowell R. L. Fisher R. P. Faulkner........ .. Geo. T. King

. ..

May May May


Chas. Levy T. E. Sllepllerd H. E. Peebles Wm. R Penick N. 'Sutherland Chas. Levy R. T. Nesbit John B. Clark, Jr T. E. Sllepherd R. E. Anderson H. J. Drummond John H. Leeper Thomas Burns John Glenny


. . . . . . . . ..

Pi ~
















(j) ~ """


. j



(j) ....:]



.. 1

. .

~ H en o





Grand Capt. Host


Grand Pro Sojourner


Gr. Royal Arch Capt,


G.]\f. Third Veil


G. M. Second Veil

g~L::::ig~:~S'M~' ~Jvo:n~~:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,?e~. iied~~~t:::::::::: '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. Oct 1875 Jeff. W. Bedford Jas. E. Cadle Oct Oct Oct IVfay May May IVraY May lVfay l\iay IVlay May Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr

1876 Jas. E. -Cadle 1877 M. A. Fyke................. 1878 El-win Ellis 18 80 C. C. Woods D. A. Ely 1881 Lee A. Hall R. F. Stevenson 1882 R. F. Stevenson Reuben Barney 1883 Reuben Barney Wm. B. Wilson 1884 Wm. B. Wilson Jas. B. Austin 1885 J. P. Wood 1. V. l\1cMillan 1886 J. B. Austin I. V. McMillan 18817 L V. McMillan Jno. R. Parson 1888 Jno.R. Parson W. F. Howard 1889 W. F. Howard Seynlour Hoyt 1890 Seymour Hoyt Alvin Haynie 1891 Alvin Haynie I. M.Abrahanl 1892 I. 1\1. Abraham Chas. S. Glaspell 1893 1. 1\'1. Abraham Chas. S. Glaspell 1894 Chas. S. Glaspell. H. L. Bosworth 1895 H. L. Bosworth Arthur M. Hough 18-96 Arthur M. Hough T. B. Duncan 1897 T. B. Duncan John T. Ruffin 1898 John T. Ruffin R. E. Bainbridge 1899 R. E. Bainbridge Benj. F. Nelson 1900 Benj. F. Nelson Lewis F. McCoy 1901 N. J. Swetland Tandy A. Dunn 1902 Tandy A. Dunn David M. Wilson 1903 David l\{. Wilson Alf. H. White 1904 AIr. H. White Van F. Boor i

lVI. A. Fyke Jas. W. Allen Jas. -VV. AlleIl Jno. A. Dolman Reuben Barney Wm. B. Wilson Jas. B. Austin Lewis Slaughter Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Parson W. F. Howard Seynl0ur Hoyt Alvin Haynie L M. Abraham Chas. S. Glaspell Hy. lVI. Heller WU1. F. Kuhn Arthur M. Hough T. B. Duncan John T. Ruffin R. E. Bainbridge Benj. F. Nelson Le,vis F. McCoy N. J. Swetland David lVi. Wilson All. H. White Van F. Boor F. H. Trimble


. . D. C. Kennedy Wm. B. Wilson Jas. B. Austin Lewis Slaughter r. V. McMillan W. F. Howard W. F. Howard Seymour Hoyt Alvin Haynie 1. M. Abraham Chas. S. Glaspell Hy. M. Heller Jop.n W. Farris H. L. Bosworth T. B. Duncan John T. Ruffin R. E. Bainbridge B. F. Nelson.: Lewis F. l\1eCoy N. J. Swetland Tandy A. Dunn Alf. H. White Wm. M. Treloar F. H. Trimble Austin L. McRae

R. F. Stevenson. Jas. B. Austin. Lewis Slaughter J. C. Hearne. J. P. Wood. Seymour Hoyt. Seymour Hoyt. E. H. Hutchinson. I. M. Abraham. C. S. Glaspell. Hy. 1\1. Heller. Jno. W. Farris. Janles F. Rhea. A. M. Hough. John T. Ruffin. R. E. Bainbridge. B. F. Nelson. Lewis F. l\1:cCoy. N. J. Swetland. Tandy A. Dunn. David M. Wilson. Wm. M. Treloar. Van F. Boor. Austin L. McRae. L. E. Vogelsang.



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Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr ..4..pr Apr .A.pr .i\.pr

Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr . .t\.pr .A.pr Apr

Apr Apr A.pr

1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911

GrandCal}t. Host



Grand Pro Sojourner


1846, TO

Gr. Royal Areh Capt.

Van F. Boor F. H. Trimble Austin L. McRae L. E. Vogelsang Wm. F. Johnson IVI. T. Balsley Olaf A. Lucas 1912 Geo. T. Burnham 1913 A. E. Diamant 1914 Thos. F. Hurd 1915 Chas. A. Truitt 1916 Ray V. Denslo\v 1917 H. W. Powers 1918 Bert S. Lee 1919 John Pickard 1920 W. A. IVlcCulIah 1921 O. H. S\vearingen 1922 Ed\v. W. Tayler 1923 Jas. A. Kinder 1924 B. L. Waldron 1925 E. F. Von Gunden 1926 J. E. Davidson 1927 Fred O. Wood 1928 Leroi Beck 1929 Thos. A. Harbaugh.. 1930 Willis J. Bray 1931 Guy C. Million

Thos. F. Hurd Chas. A. Truitt. Ray V. Denslo\v H. W. Po\vers Bert S. Lee Ed. E. 1\1:orris W. A. McCullah O. H. Swearingen Edw. W. Tayler Jas. A. Kinder B. L. Waldron Wnl. A. Cristy J. E. Davidson Fred O. Wood Leroi Beck Harold L. Reader Willis J. Bray Guy C. Million Frank P. Briggs

1932 Frank P. Briggs

George C. Marquis.. E. F. Hannah


F. H. Trimble Austin L. McRae L. E. Vogelsang Wm. F. Johnson M. T. Balsley Olaf A. Lucas \VIn. F. Sewell


H. H. Getman


00 0\





Third Yeil

Austin L. McRae Louis E. Vogelsang.. Wm. F. Johnson lVi. T. Balsley Olaf A. Lucas Wm. F. Se\vell Geo. T. Burnham

L. E. Vogelsang Wm. F. Johnson M. T. Balsley Olaf A. Lucas WU1. F. Se\vell Geo. T. Burnham H. H. Getman A. E. Diamant Thos. F.Hurd ~ Chas. A. Truitt Ray V. Denslo路w路 Ray V. Denslo\V" H. W. Powers H. W. Po\vers Bert S. Lee Bert S. Lee Ed. E. Morris Ed. E. lViorris John Pickard John Pickard W. A. McCullah O. H. Swearingen E. W. Tayler Edw. W. Tayler Jas. A. Kinder Jas. A. Kinder Bion L. Waldron B. L. Waldron "Vm. A. Cristy Wm. A. Cristy E. F. Von Gunden E. F. Von Gunden Jos. E. Davidson Fred. O. \Vood Leroi Beck Leroi Beck H. L. Reader Harold L. Reader Thos. A. Harbaugh.. Thos. A. Harbaugh .. Willis J. Bray Guy C. Million F. P. Briggs Frank P. Briggs George C. Marquis.. George C. IVlarquis.. E. F. Hannah

Robert L. Barger

G. 1\1. Second Veil

WIn. F. Johnson. M. T. Balsley. Olaf A. Lucas. Wnl. F. Sewell. Geo. T. Burnham. H H. Getman. A. E. Diamant. Chas. A. Truitt. H. W. Po\vers. Bert S. I.Jee. Ed. E. Morris. John Pickard. W. A. McCullah. O. H. Swearingen. Janles A. Kinder. Bion L. Waldron. Wm. A. Cristy. E. F. Von Gunden. J. E. Davidson. Fred O. Wood. H. L. Reader. Thos. Harbaugh. Willis J. Bray. Guy C. lVIillion. Geo. C. Marquis. E. F. Hannah. Robert L. Barger.

Carter W. Atkins.

~ ~




.t'Ii H






C r:n


~ H if;





f fJJ f-7










Oct Oct Oct l\1ay IVlay May May IVlaY Apr MaY



1847 1848,

1849! 1850

18,51 1852 1853 1854 18551 1856



l\lay May May l\1aY 11:aY May May


1863j 1864



May Oct Oct Oct Oct. Oct. Oct Oct Oct Oct. Oct

1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871

1859 1860

1861 路 1862 1

1872 1873

187 tf 1875 1876

G. ~f. FIrst Yell

Grand ChaplaIn

E. T. E. E.

C. Hutchinson H.Capers C. Hutchinson C. Hutchinson N. Hall F. L. B.Shaver J. F. Truslow W. H. HOpS011 S.C. McConnell. J. F. Truslo\v E. S. DU.lin J. F. Truslow Jas. E. Drake.. Jas. E. Drake Jas. E. Drake W. 'Vhite W. White W. IVI. Rush W. \V1lite John D. Vincil P. rvr. Pinckard P. 1\1. Pinckard Jolln D. Vincil JOlll1 D. VillCil L. Burrows TIloa. E. 'Shepherd Thoa. E. Shepherd Thos. E. Shepherd WIn. Willmott. D. T. Wainwright C. C. Woods w

Grand Sentinel


Grand I.lecturer

. . George Wilson C. T. Payllter C. T. PaylItel"' C. T. Payllter C. T. Payllter C. T. Paynter ~. Stille A. Stille A. StH..18 A. Stille A.. Stille A. Stille \.. Stille A.. Stille A. Stille A. Stille t\.. Stille Thomas Harris Thomas Harris Thomas Harris

Jas. X. Allen .las. X. Allen Geo. Thorn

Geo. H. C. 1\lelody. Foster D. Taylor D. Taylor D. Taylor D. Taylor O'Sullivan O'Sullivan A. O'Sullivan A. O'Sullivan A. O'Sullivan A. O'Sullivan A. O'Sullivan A. O'Sllllivan A. O'Sullivan : A. O'Sullivan A. O'Sullivan Geo. F. Gouley Geo. F. Gauley Geo. F. Gauley Geo. F. Gouley Geo. F. Gouley Geo. F. Gauley Gea. F. Gauley Geo. F. Gouley Geo. F. Gouley Geo. F. Gouley Geo. F. Gouley Geo. F. Gouley

. . . . .


J. J. J. J. A. A.

Jos. Foster. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. J. A. H. Lalllpton. Will A. Prall T. E. Garrett. Allan McDowell. Allan McDowell. Allan McDowell. Allan McDowell. Allan IVlcDo,vell. Allan McDo,vell. Allan 1\1:cDo,vell.





t:1 ,t-4





o q






7j t-i



Iw ...., .> ..., t-i


...., H









Oct Oct May May May May May May May

l\1:ay IV拢ay Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr



First Yeil

1877 1878 1880 Wm. J. Jackson 1881 John R. Walker 1882 J. C. Hearne 1883 1. V. McMillan 1884 \V. F. Howard 1885 E. H. Hutchinson 1886 E. H. Hutchinson 188'1 Alvin Haynie 1888 C. S. GlaspeIl 1889 F. L. Schofield 1890 James F. Rhea 1891 C. P. Kingsbury 1892 C. P. !{ingsbury 1893 David M. Wilson 1894 R. E. Bainbridge 1895 B. F. Nelson 1896 Lewis F. McCoy 1897 N. J. S'vetland 1898 Tandy A. Dunn 1899 David M. Wilson 1900 Y. P. Roch"rell 1901 Van F. Boor 1902 F. H. Trimble 1903 L. E. Vogelsang 1904 Wm. F. Johnson 1905 M. T. Balsley

Grand Chaplain

C. C. Woods C. C. Woods Geo. W. Penn Geo. W. Penn Geo. W. Penn Geo. W. Penn C. H. Briggs C. H. Briggs C. H. Briggs C. H. Briggs C. H. Briggs C. H. Briggs C. H. Briggs Wm. A. Hatch Wnl. A. Hatch Wm. A. Hatch WIn. A. Hatch Wm. A. Hatch John H. l\tliller W. P. George W. P. George W. P. George W. P. George Ry. B. Boude Ry. B. Bonde Hy. B. Boude Hy. B. Boude Hy. B. Boude

Grand Sentinel

Geo. Thorp Geo. Thorp Geo. Thorp John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. O'ven John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. O'\1en John W. O\ven John W. O'ven John \V. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen JohnW. O\ven John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. O\ven John \V. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen


John Wm. Wm. Wnl. Wm. Wnl. Wnl. Wnl. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wnl. Wm. WIn. Wm. Wm.

W. Luke H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo If. l\fayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo H. Mayo WU1. H. Mayo Wm. H. Mayo Wm. H. Mayo Wm. H. Mayo Wm. H. Mayo R. F. Stevenson

Grand Lecturer

Allan McDowell. Allan lVlcDowell. Allan McDowell. Allan McDowell. Allan McDo\vell. Allan McDo\vell. Allan McDowell. Allan McDo,vell. Allan McDowell. Allan McDo,vell. Allan McDo,vell. Allan lVlcDo,vell. Allan McDowell. W. R. Stubblefield. W. R. Stubblefield. W. R. Stubblefield. W. R. Stubblefield. W. R. Stubblefield. W. R. Stubblefield. W. R. Stubblefield. Wm. F. Kuhn. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson.

~ n 1-1



t-' t'i


Z o





p:: H




~ H




UJ t-j

> l-j H


l-j H

n >t-t


Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr



First Veil

1906 Olaf A. Lucas 1907 \Vm. F. Sewell 1908 Benj. P. Miles 1909 H. H. Getman 1910 A. E. Diamant 1911 Thos. F. Hurd 1912 Ray V. Denslow 1913 Bert S. Lee 1914 Ed. E. Morris 1915 John Pickard 1916 v..r• A. McCullah 1917 O. H. Swearingen 1918 E. W. Tayler 1919 Bion L. Waldron 1920 Wm. A. Cristy 1921 E. F. Von Gunden 1922 Jos. E. Davidson 1923 Fred O. 'Vood 1924 Leroi Beck 1925 Thos. Harbaugh 1926 Willis J. Bray 1927 GUY C. lVIillion 1928 Frank P. Briggs 1929 E. F. Hannah 1930 Robert L. Barger 1931 Carter W. Atkins 1932 Walter J. ~ Bublitz

Grand Chaplain

Hy. B. Boude Hy. B. Bonde Hy. B. Boude Hy. B. Boude Jas. P. Pinkerton Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Chas. A. Weed Wm. C. Atwood Wm. C. Atwood Z. M. Williams Henry Marcotte Harold L. Reader Burris A. Jenkins E. L. Robison Chas. H. l\forton Wm. L. Meyer R. B. Kimbrell J. R. Gregg E. L. Robison Walter Langtry

Grand Sentinel

John \V. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John W. Owen John "V. Owen H. A. Krueger H. A. Krueger H. A. Krueger H. A. Krueger H. A. Krueger H. A. Krueger H. A. Krueger H. A. Krueger H. A. !{rueger H. A. Krueger August !{ron August Krall August Kron August Kron August Kron August Kron August Kron August Kron August Krollu

Correspollden t

R. F. Stevenson....... R. F. Stevenson R. F. Stevenson John H. lVliller John H. Miller John H. Miller John H. Miller John H. Miller John H. l\filler John H. l\1iller John H. Miller John H. lVIiller John H. Miller John H. Miller John H. Miller John H. Miller John H. Miller D. 1\'1. Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M.. Wilson Corona H. Briggs Corona H. Briggs Corona H. Briggs Corona H. Briggs Corona H. Briggs Corona H. Briggs

Grand Lecturer

Corona H. Briggs. Louis E. Vogelsang. Louis E. Vogelsang. Louis E. Vogelsang. Louis E. Vogelsang. Louis E. Vogelsang. Louis E. Vogelsang. Louis E. Vogelsang. Louis E. Vogelsang. A. Horace Mann. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. l\1arquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. l\1arquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis. Geo. C. Marquis.


H (J).


P1 t"'i t"i


















(f). ~

> W I-j

J-3 H


> t"'i 00








Mileage & Per Diem !AJlIlealS & Grievance路1

Chapters U. D.


Returns of Chapters


:Masonic Home


i~:~::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i"D:"D~'~~~tt:::::::: S:"w:'i:"c~~~~~; S:"W:"B:'C~~~~'~;I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

1848 1849

Geo. Meyers

Joseph Foster

1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859

H. Dresher J. F. Truslow M. Boyd SHauck M. Boyd J. F. Houston Jas. Brooks I. Lander 1860 J. W. Crane 1861 Joseph Foster 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872

G. H. C. Melody.. G. H. C. Melody.. Geo. l\1yers A. Patterson . R. R. Rees J. F. Truslow N. B. Giddings N. B. Giddings Joseph Foster G. H. C. Melody.. G. H. C. Melody A. O'Sullivan J. W. Clleno1vetll J. W. Clleno1vetll Chas. Levy A. Patterson A. Patterson . S. Houck J. D. Daggett Jno. D. D.aggett.. J. "\V. Crane J. F. Truslow J. F. TrtlSlow O. F. Potter Janles Carr James Carl" S. lVI. Hays O.F. Potter O. F. Potter路 .. ................................. \ J. W. Crane Sanl'l Russell Sam'} Russell 1 1 James Carr James Cal"r James Carr Wnl. Burden T. E. . Shepllerd.. T. E. Sllepllerd E. O. Sayle J. A. H. Lanlpton J. A. H. Lampton J. A. H. Lampton W. J. Jackson W. J. Jackson .. E. McIntyre Martin Collins l\lartin Collins H. J. Drummond.. T. E. Shepllerd T. E. Shepherd Wm. E. Glenn \Vm. E. Glenll Peter B. Grallt E. S. Wetmore Oren Root, Jr Oren Root t Jr T. E. Sllepherd J. M. Fox J. M. Fox T. M. Wannell C. F. Leavitt C. F. Leavitt James Carr S. H. Owens S. H. Owens S. 'V. O\vens G. R Hllnt G. R. Hllnt

Geo. Myers Joseph Foster A. Patterson W. D.路 Marmaduke R. R. Rees

路 I




. . . .. .

.. ..



.. . . .. .

. .. .

.. .






& Per Diem IAPpealS & Grlevancesl

1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1880 1881 A. M. Dockery 1882 R. F. Stevenson 1883 R. F. Stevenson 1884 R. F. Stevenson 1885 R. F. Stevenson 1886 Jos. S. Bro\vne 1887 Geo. F. Rogers 1888 F. J. Tygard 1889 F. J. Tygard 1890 F. J. Tygard 1891 F. J. Tygard 1892 F. J. Tygard 1893 F. J. Tygard 1894 F. J. Tygard 1895 J. H. Frame 1896 F. J. Tygard 1897u. F. J. Tygard 1898 F. J. Tygard 1899 Campbell Wells 1900 Campbell Wells 1901 Campbell Wells 1902 Jno. J. Steele Campbell Wells .. 1903 Jno. J. Steele Campbell Wells .. 1904 Jna. H. Wiles Campbell Wells .. u

R. E. Anderson N. M. Givan N. M. Givan Sam'l H. Owens.. Sanl'l H. Owens.. Sanl'l H. Owens.. Sanl'} H. Owens.. Jos.S. Browne R. E. Anderson R. E. Andersoll Xen. Ryland Xen.Ryland C. C. Woods R. E. Anderson R. E. Anderson R. E. Anderson R. E. Anderson R. E. Anderson R. E. Anderson Jno. J. Pierron Jno. J. Pierron A. M. Dockery R. E. Anderson R. E. Anderson VanF. Boor Seymour Hoyt E. T. Miller R. E. Anderson.. D.W. Wallace D. W. Wallace Jno. T. Harding..

Chapters U. D.

Jos. S. Browne S. A. Gilbert J. E. Cadle Orson Davis R. F. Stevenson.. C. C. Woods Lee A. Hall \Vrn. A. Prall Jos. S. Bro\vne Jos. S. Bro\vne J08. S. Browne Jos. S. Browne P. G. \Vood Seymour Hoyt .. Wnl. J. Terrell SeJ,TIllOUl" Hoyt U. Sclll1eider U. Sclllleider U. Schneider F. A. Kage Seyulour Hoyt Seymour Hoyt Jos. S Browne B. F. Nelson A. A. White Z. T. IVfartin Ed. M. Allen Howard A. Gass .. Jno. P. Gass C. H. Tietsort Jas. H. Frame


Returns of Chapters

Jos. S. Browne S. A. Gilbert J. E. Cadle 01'8011 Davis R. F. Stevensoll C. C. Woods Lee A. Hall Jolln Shepllerd J. W. Farris J. W. Farris Erwill Ellis B. P. Bailey S. E. Waggoner Phil. Rodan Jas. A. Gordon A. P. Oliver A. P. Oliver A. P. Oliver G. W. Deatherage. JaB. G. Howe E. P. Wakefield Van F. Boor John R. Parson J. W. Farris John H. Barr Reuben Barney .. L. E. Vogelsang.. Henry Lihou Henry Lihou Henry Lihou E. F. Hartzell



................................. /

C. C. C. C. C. C. C.

H. H. H. H. H. H. H.

Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs

1tlasonic Home

. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . ..


Wm. F. Kuhn. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. 1. V. McMillan. 1. V. McMillan. H. Hohenschild. E. F. Hartzell. J. B. Thomas. Reuben Barney. E. F. Hartzell. Pres. Randolph. Pres. Randolph.





Mileage & Per Diem IAPpealS & Grievancesl


1905... 1\1. T. Balsley...... Campbell Wells .. A. C.Warner...... 1906... M. T. Balsley...... Campbell Wells .. C. J. Blackburn.. 1907... Canlpbell Wells .. E. F. Allen............ John H. Barr...... 1908... A. M. Dockery.... Campbell Wells .. H. H. Getman...... 1909 ... E. F. Allen............ Campbell Wells .. R. E. Bainbridge Campbell Wells .. V.Falkenhainer.. 1910... E. F. Allen.... 1911... A. 1\1:. Dockery...... Campbell Wells .. E. E. Morris........ 1912... A. M. Dockery.... Campbell Wells .. Robt. A. IVlay...... 1913... F. H. Haskins...... Campbell Wells .. Geo. F. Rixey...... 1914... C. MacQuaid ...... Campbell Wells .. J. R. McLachlan.. 1915... S. ~1:. Daniels........ Canlpbell Wells .. J. M. Sandison.... 1916... W. A. Craven...... Call1pbell Wells .. L. J. Eads ............ 1917... Gib. W. Carson.... H. H. Vogts.......... J. P. Griebel. ....... 1918... J. H. Clawson...... Jas. A. Kinder.... T. H. Reynolds.... 1919... J. H. Clawson...... W. R. Shrodes.... T. H. Reynolds.... 1920... J. H. Clawson...... W. R. Shrodes.... T. H. Reynolds.... 1921... J. H. Clawson...... W. R. Shrodes.... T. H. Reynolds .... 1922... J. H. Clawson...... W. R; Shrodes.... T. H. Reynolds .... 1923... J. H. Clawson...... W. R. Shrodes.... T. H. Reynolds .... 1924... B. C. Hunt............ W. R. Shrodes.... R. E. Kavanaugh 1925... B. C. Hunt............ W. R. Shrodes.... Frank R. Jesse.... 1926... B. C. Hllnt............ W. R. Shrodes.... O. A. Lucas.......... 1927... B. C. Hunt............ Sam. Gilliland .... O. A. Lucas.......... 1928... Gib. W. Carson.. W. R. Shrodes.... W. H. Blacksha,v 1929... A. F. Ittner.......... Ollie Lear, Jr...... W. H. Blackshaw 1930... Curtis J. Neal...... S. A. Gilliland.... W. H. Blackshaw 1931... B. C. Hunt............ Cecil Sanderson.. Thad R. Smith.... 1932... B. C. Hunt............ Thad R. Smith.... TJew Gallant ........ H






Chapters U. D.


Geo. T. BU1~nham. Geo. T. Burnham. Geo. T. Burnham. Geo. T. Burnham. Geo. T. Burnham. L. J. Eads............ E. E. Truex........ A. H. Mann.......... A. H. Mann.......... S. M. Daniels...... Wm. W. Mantz.... R. L. McHenry.... Wm. A. Cristy...... Benj. P. IVliles...... Jas. A. Boone...... W. E. Johnson.... J. E. Roark.......... T. S. Evilsizer.... I' B. S.Deatherage J. R. Webb.......... T. J. Wornall, Jr. .T. P. Skerrett...... W. J. Bray............ E. A. Caton.......... E. M. Canlpbell.. Oliver Cuddy .... G. D'Amato ........ Louis J. Graue....

Returns Of· Chapters


lnger .. 'tzell...... ies , ...... arson.... arson.... Iall........ rruitt.... :ofy........ Iall........ Iall........ Iall........ .1 l1 II II l1 II

C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.

.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ~ick........ C. ~ick........ C.

nall, Jr. Drtnlan. ,son........ on.......... ~

••• I ••••••••

man man man p mall

.... .... .... ....

C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.


H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H.

.1Iasonic Home

Briggs........ Reuben Barney. Briggs........ Reuben Barney. Briggs........ Pres. Randolph. Briggs........ Bert S. Lee. Briggs........ C. E. Prettyman, Briggs........ R. R. Kreeger Briggs........ R. R. I{reeger Briggs........ ................................. Briggs........ .............................. .. Briggs........ .................................. Briggs........ .................................. Briggs........ ................................... Briggs........ .................................. Briggs........ ................................... Briggs........ ................................... Briggs........ ................................. Briggs........ .................................... Briggs........ Briggs........ .. ................................. Briggs........ .................................... Briggs........ ., ............................... Briggs........ ................................. Briggs........ .................................. Briggs........ .................................... Briggs........ ................................. Briggs........ .................................. Brigg~....... ................................. Briggs......................................... ,..

• • • • • • • 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



& Treas. Books


Creden Uals

IReport of Hr. Offlcersl



Unfinished Business




i~:~:::I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::P:"'D~di~';"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: IF:··i·.. ·Bii"i~~~~:::::~::~~: I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

1848 Geo. IVlyers

Fred. L. BiIlon

1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874

E. Owens A. Patterson J. H. Turner W. M. Rush A. O'Sullivan John D. Daggett O. F. Potter S. Houck Chas. Levy Chas. Levy Chas. Levy James 'Carr James Carr ' JOBiall Hunt W. White H. J. Drulnmond J. D. Vincil D. T. Wainwright Jolln G. Foss L. \V. Mitchell R. L. Fisher \V. F. Tuttle H. M. Rhodus H. M. Rhodus Allan McDowell.. ' H. :1\1. Rhodus

Geo. 1Vlyers J. D. Taylor J. F. Truslow N. B. Giddings A. O'Sullivan A. O'Sullivan S. Houck R. Canan P. Draper D. T. Wainwright Chas. Levy· R. M. Henderson.

James Carr Josiall Hunt Jas. N. Burnes T. E. Garrett lVIartin Collins Wm. O. Flavell.

G. Myers (R. of H. P.)

T. P. Wilkinson



JolIn D. Daggett . J. D. Taylor . J. W. Crane B. J. Van Court. John D. Taylor Joseph Foster. Chas. Levy Joseph Foster. J. B. Davenport F. A. Garlicks. O. F. Potter Jno. D. Daggett. G. H. C. Melody C. M. Stebbins. E. Barbee B. N·. Crump. T. P. Howe J. W. Crane. W. B. Morrison J. F. Houston. James Carr Joseph Foster. A. O·'Sullivan JOI1D D. Daggett. Josiah Hunt L. W. Mitcl1ell. Jas. N. Bttrnes W. White. E. McCune J. Green. \Vm. B. Corbyn John D. Vincil. Jas. E. Drake Jas. McDaniel. \Vrn. M. Dean R. E. Anderson.. Sam'l Goslee. A. Weigle M. C. Hawkins James G. Howe. T. F. Houston . Oren Root, Jr Geo. R. HUllt Sanl'l RtlSSell. Oren Root, Jr J. E. Carter T. M. Wanllall. Allan McDowell.. T. M. Wannall G. W. Tindall. Allan McDowell.. A. M. Dockery C. F. Leavitt. Allan McDowell.. W. A. Prall C. F. Leavitt.



Isecy. & Tress. nooksl

1875 1876 1877 1878 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 18,85 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 ' 1894 1895 1896 1R97 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902

Credentials J08. S. Browne Ed. T. Walker J. H. Brown Lee A. Hall R. F. Stevenson Reuben Barney Reuben Barney Seymour Hoyt John D. Abbe



IReport of Gr. OlTiCers!

OCTOBER 16, 1846, TO DATE.



Untlnlshed nusiness



JolIn Ralls W. R. Stubblefield C. B. Randloph Jas. E. Cadle B. P. Bailey S. E. Waggoner.. B. P. Bailey :J\f. A. Fyke J. A. Dolllllan John W. Luke N. M. Givan J. E. Drake N. M. Givan Letvis Slallg11tel~ N. lVI. Givan JolIn T. Ruffill J. E. Cadle C.A. Williams Asa Maddox A. M. Dockery C. S. Glaspell Henry Kase R. E. Anderson Seymour Hoyt .. O. E. Hannah A. Woodward Tames Cal~r Z. T. Martin J. P. Woods Geo. F. Rogers James Carr C. S. Glaspell B. P. Bailey Geo. F. Rogers Xen. Ryland Gl'allt Wyatt B. P. Bailey Geo. F. Rogers C. C. Woods Grant Wyatt B. P. Bailey Geo. F. Rogers C. C. Woods Jas. A. Harris J. H. Alexallder Geo. F. Rogers C. C. Woods R. E. Bainbridge. R. Barney H. L. Henderson I. V. MclVlillan H. G. Clark S. T. Lyne J. P. Smith I. V. McMillan R. H. Mallning H. F. Hoppins J. P. Smitll I. V. McMillan J. H. Barr Henry Lihou A. S. 路Cowdell C. H. Briggs R. F. Stevenson Erwin Ellis J. P. Smith Allan McDowell.. R. F. Stevenson. T A. Dunn Campbell Wells L. F. Ottofy C. C. Woods Allan lVlcDowell.. Wm. W. Ross Edwin V. Kyte L. F. Ottofy Allan McDowell R. F. Stevenson. C. J. Lewis Henry Lihou G. W. Whitcomb. Chas. S. Glaspell. I. V. McMillan Wm. A. Hall Henry Lihou J. P. Smith 'Vnl. F. Kuhn Allan McDowell.. J. H. Frame J. B. Thomas J. P. Smitll Reuben Barney .. A. M. Hough J. H. Frame


M. L. D. N. Allan Allan B. P.

Cohn. Burgoyne. McDowell. McDowell. Bailey.

. . .

Martin CollillS. Martin Collins. Juo. R Parson. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .


1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932


Sees, & Treas.



IRe1lort .of Gr.



J. P. Smitll T. B. Duncan I. V. l\fcMillan J. P. Smitll Jno. T. Ruffin Olaf A. Lucas J. P. Smitll Allan McDowell Olaf A. Lucas J. P. Smith Le,vis F. l\fcCoy.. P. R. Flitcraft H. W. Powers Lewis F. McCoy.. P. R. Flitcraft J. Heckenlively .. T. A. Dunn \Vm. F. Kuhn Bert S. Lee D. M. Wilson F. H. Haskins Bert S. Lee A. H. White D. M. Wilsall Bert S. Lee Van F. Boor D. M. WilsOll Bert S. Lee F. H. Trimble D. M. "'V\7ilson J. W. Bingham A. L. McRae Frank R. Jesse John Pickard L. E. Vogelsang.. A. M. Hougll J. P. Griebel "V\7m. F. Jonson Frallk R. Jesse A. P. F. Pico 11. T. Balsley Frank R. Jesse C. C. Gardner O. A. Lucas Frallk R. Jesse E. C. W. Ortman. Geo. T. Burnham. Frank R. Jesse E. C. W. Ortman. A. E. Diamant Frallk R. Jesse Wm. J. Vannix Thos. F. Hurd Frank R. Jesse M. H. Hodgson Ray V. Denslo'v.. Frank R. Jesse J. E. Cavin Ray Denslo'v.. Frallk R. Jesse J. E. Ca'rin Bert S. Lee Frallk 路R. Jesse Willis J. Bray John Pickard Henry C. Chiles.. A. H. Mann W. A. l\1cCullah.. Henry C. Chiles.. A. H. Mann O. H. Swearingen. Henry C. Chiles.. A H. lVlann O. H. S\vearingen. Henry C. Chiles.. W. Niestrath E. W. Tayler Henry C. Chiles.. P. F. Wilson J. A. Kinder Henry C. Chiles.. P. F. Wilson B. L. Waldron Henry C. Chiles.. T. J. Evers E. F. Von Gunden. Henry C. Chiles.. S. A. Gilliland Leroi Beck Henry C. Chiles



Unfinished Business



J. H. Frame H. B. Carswell J'. H. Frame J'. H. FI~ame E. F. Hartzell J. H. Dunmire Wnl. H. Piper B. L. Waldron Madisoll Millel~ Jolln Pickard JolIn Pickard Frank R. Jesse J. C. Senate Mark H. Mairs Jno. W. Qualls



Geo. W. Custer


Sam'l S. Cox S. 1\1:. Dalliels James Price E.' lVI. Roseveal

H. W. Insley E. E. B. Turner E. C. A. Swenson E. C. A. Swenson E. J. W. Mays E. Thad R. Smith E. Gunard F. Kling.. E. T. H. Reynolds E. E.

. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . ..

E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E.


Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.) Morris (Tr.)

. . . . . .. .. . . . . (Time & Place) r. A. Harbaugh. W. J. Bray





1850 1851 , 185'2: 1853 , 1854 1855 , 1856 1857 1858 lS59 , 1860 , 1861, 1862 1863 1864 , 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 , 1870 1,871...... . 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1880 1881 , Allan 1882 Allan 1883 Allan 1884 Allan 1885 Allan 1886. Allan


1925 19'26 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932


,\Vays and Means

J. W. Crane Joseph Foster Joseph Foster N. B. Giddings G. W. McLane.. J. S. Tisdale Marcus Boyd J. F. Houston Chas. Levy ~ S. M. Hays Josiah H'unt J. D. Daggett W. A. Cunningham P. B. Groat R. E. Anders,oD P. M. Pinckard L. F. Weimer I. W. McDonald W. E. Glenn S. A. Gilbert Allan McDowell Xen. Ryland Xen. Ryland J. E. ,Cadle Xen. Ryland N. M. Givan D. P. Wallingford.. J·ohn A. Dolman A. M. Dockery H

Pay Roll

J. D. Taylor. J. H. Turner. J. P. Horr. J. F. Truslow. O. F. Potter. O. F. Potter. J. S. Tisdale. J. S. Tisdale. G. H. C. Melody. J. F. Houston. J'o.hn D. Daggett.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. M. Givan. D. P. Wallingford. John A. Dolm,an. A. M.Dockery..

McDowell McDowell McDowell McDo·well McDowell MeDo·well


Perkins Pefikins Pel'lkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Pefikins Perkins

& & & & & & & &

Co Co Co Co

. . . . . .

Royal Arch Rist.

Bert S. Bert S. Ray V. Ray V. ICO ••••••.••. Ray V. ICO Ray V. Co Ray V. Co ·Ray V.

Lee Lee Denslow Denslow Denslow Denslow Denslow Denslow

J{uhn Memorial

E. E. E. E. E.

E. E. E. E'. E.

Morris. Morris. Morris. Morris. Morris.

. . .



Grand Representati'L'es. A list of the Grand Representatives appointed to represent the Grand Chapter of l\1issonri in other jurisdictions, and those appointed by other Grand Chapters to represent then1 in this jurisdiction. The Grand Representative systen1 did not COll1e into general use until 1870. The dates given are those of appointment. (The last named Companion is the present Grand Representative.) GRAND REPRESENTATIVES FROM MISSOURI

ALABAMA: 1870, Peleg Brown, Mobile; 1896, Newton N. Polk, Pratt City; 1907, Wm. E. Bingham, Tuscalooia; 1916, W. E. Bingham, Tuscaloosa. ALBERTA: 1919, James B. Sutherland, Macleod; 1927,0. A. MacPherson, Calgary. ARIZONA: 1898, Daniel Nicholson, Phoenix; 1914, Nathan A. Morford, Phoenix; 1923, Clarence V. Cully, Phoenix. AKANSAS: 1870, Elbert H.. English, Little Rock; 1885, Fay Hempstead, Little Rock. BRITISH COLUMBIA: 1922, Thos. McClymont, Prince Rupert. CALIFORNIA: 1870, Lawrence C. Owen, San Francisco; 1875, Chas. Marsh, San Francisco; 1876, Wnl. A. Davies, San Francisco; 1902, John E. Youngberg, Alameda: 1916, John Mossholder, San Diego; 1923, Jasper N. Davies, Eureka. CANADA: 1870, Thos. B. Harris, Hamilton,Ollt.; 1874, W. J . B.McLeodMoore, La Prairie, Quebec; 1892', Daniel F. McWatt, Barrie, Ont.; 1894, D. F. McWatt, Barrie, Ont.; 1898, Wm.Gibson, BeamsvilIe, Ont.; 1915, Alex. G. Horwood, Toronto, 1928, W. J. Tow, Toronto. COLORADO: 1876, WIn. N. Byers, Denver; 1881, Judson E. Cole, Buena Vista; 1890, Wm. W. Roller, Salida; 1917, Horace T. DeLong, Grand Junction. CONNECTICUT: 1870, Jos. K. Wheeler, Hartford; 1895, Harvey S. Abel, Stafford Springs; 1916, John Wilkinson, West Haven; 1931, Thos. C. Baleonl, Norwalk; 1932, James Richlllond, South Manchester. DELAWARE: 1870, W . F .. Goodwin, Milford; 1896, John B. Book, Clayton; 1911, Leon Walker~ Wilmington. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: 1870, B. B. French, Washington; 1875, Edwin B. MacGrotty, Wasbington; 1900, Francis J. Woodman, Washington; 1910, Wm. W. JermaIle, Washington.



FLORIDA: 1870, Edw. Bradford, rrallahassee; 1875, D. L. Oakley, Monticello; 1890, James W. Boyd, Bartow; 1922, Cary B. Fish, Sarasota. GEORGIA: 1870, Sanluel La'wrence, Marietta; 1896, Max Meyerhardt, Rome; 1923, W. D. Morton, Waycross. IDAHO: 1910, Eugene M. Gillette, Moscow; 1913, Homer David, Moscow. ILLINOIS: 1870, Jalues M. lVliles, Chicago; 1892, Edw.C. Pace, Ashley; 1904, Almond L. Hamilton, South Chicago; 1907, Everett R. Turnbull, Carlinville. INDIANA: 1870, Thos. Newby, Cambridge City; 1897, Robert A. Woods, Princeton; 1916, Elias J. Jacoby, Indianapolis. INDIAN TERRITORY:

1896, James A. Scott, Muskogee.

IO\VA: 1870, Wm. B. Langridge, Muscatine; 1884, Joseph S. Green, Cherokee; 1901, R P. Rowley, Keosauqua; 1916, R. T. Warner, Haulpton. KANSAS: 1870, John H. Bro\vn, Leaven\vorth; 1896, Will C. Chaffee, Topeka. KENTUCKY: 1870, Philip Swigert, Frankfort; 1875, Rev. Lansing Burro\vs, Lexington; 1888, Henry .B. Grant, Louisville; 1913, Edw. J. Schlanlp, Henderson; 1920, Innes R. Ross, Carlisle. LOUISIANA: 1870, John A. Stevenson, New Orleans; 1904, rl'hos. R. Reynolds, Lake 路Charles; 1906, James B. Adams, HanlIDons; 1923, Edwin P. Dameron, Hammond. MAINE: 1870, Josiah H. Drummond, Portland; 1904, Joseph E. Moore, Thomaston; 1920, Edw. W. Wheeler, Brunswick. MANITOBA: 1927, Frank E. Sinullons, Brunswick. MARYLAND: 1870, Chas. H. Ohr, Cumberland; 1904, Daniel T. Ordeman, Frederick; 1908, Chas. E. Cochrane, Baltimore.


MASSACHUSETTS: 1870, Chas. Moore, Boston; 1875, John Dadmun, Winthrop; 1896, Harry Hunt, Melrose; 1914, Janles S. Blake, Boston; 1928, Milo G. Robbins, Lowell.


MICHIGAN: 1875, Hugh McCurdy, Corunna; 1923, Wm. W. Watts, St. Louis, Mo. MINNESOTA: 1870, Wm. S. Combs, St. Paul; 1891, R. S. Miles, Glenco; 1920, Wnl. J. Works, DUluth; 1928, Robt. R. SInith, Worthington; 1931, Albert 111m, St. Paul. MISSISSIPPI: 1870, Robert B. Mayes, Yazoo City; 1897, IVI. M. Evans, 'Vesson; 1906, Frederic Speed, Vicksburg; 1908, Walter N. Conner, Hattiesburg; 1923, John E. DeLoach, Vicksburg. MONTANA: bury, Helena.

1919, Enlil fL Renisch, Butte; 1932, G'eorge W. Pad-



NEBRASKA: 1870, D. H. Wheeler, Plattsmouth; 1883, H. E. Palmer, Plattsmouth; 1911, Burt L. Spellman, Beatrice. NEVADA: 1878, 'V. Huffaker; 1896, Inan L路evy, Virginia John P. Donnelley,

Philip, SeIdner, Virginia City; 1882, Granville Gustave A. Krenkel, Plattsmouth; 1900,' HerCity; 1915, Wm. B. S. Park, Las Vegas; 1920, Reno; 1922, Henry C. Schmidt, Tonopah.

NEW BRUNSWI'CK: 1901, Christopher P. Harris, Moneton; 1915, A.. E. G. McKenzie, Campbellton; 1920, Herbert B. McDonald, Chatham. NEW HAMPSHIRE: 1870, Horace Chase, Hopkinton; 1878, Clark T. Rowell, Keene; 1904, Frederick W. Sawyer, Milford. NEW JERSEY: 1870, Thos. J. Corson, Trenton; 1880, James H. Durand, Rahway; 1900, Geo. C. Woolson, Passaic; 1902, Wm. H. Campbell, Passaic; 1926, Frank C. Priess, Orange. NEW SOUTH WALES: 1912, Fred G. Hosking, Sydney, Aus.; 1918, Frank Muller, Sydney, Aus.

NFJW YORK: 1870, John W. Sinlons, Ne\v York; 1891, F. E. Barnes, New York; 1895, Chas. E. Lansing, Ne,v York; 1906, Samuel S. Forster, Schenectady; 1913, James A. Beckett, Hoosick Falls; 1920, Chas. Peppel, New York; 1928, Gee. E. Hatch, Rochester; 1927, C. J.Schwalenstocker, Attica; 1931, Ursil A. Ferguson, Oneonta. NEW ZEALAND:


Fred Kearsley, Auckland.

NORTH CAROLINA: 1870, Thos. B. Carr, Wilnlington; 1882, 'V. L. Wall, Durhaln; 1898, John W. Thompson, Raleigh; 1902, DeWitt E. Allen, Charlotte; 1910, J. F. RheI'n, New Bern; 1928, Wm. F.Randolph, Asheville; 1931, R. 1-1. Boyer, Asheville. NORTH DAKOTA: 1896, Thos. Kleinogel,Fargo; 1905, Melvin S. Mayo, F-'argo; 1906, Frank J. Thompson, Fargo; 1909, Melvin S. Mayo, Fargo; 1931, Wm. F. BO'ardsch, Fargo; 1932, A. M. Anderson, Wahpeton.

NOVA S'eOTIA: 1873, Geo. T. Smithers. st. John's; 1897, Adam J. McNutt, Halifax; 1919, Henry S. Theakston, Sydney. OHIO: 1870, Cha.s. C. I{iefer, Dayton; 1881, John D. Caldwell, Cincinnati; 1890, '\Vm. 'V. Savage, Wilmington; 1906, Edwin Hagenbuch, ,Urbana; 1929, Elijah J. Jordan, New Philadelphia. OKLAHOMA: 1910, Ja.mes A. Scott, lV1uskogee; 1929, Tom M. 'VeIls, Enid. OREGON: 1870, R. P. Earhart, Salelll; 1894, John R. Irvine, Canby; 1909, Milton L. Meyers, Salenl. PENNSYLVANIA: 1870, James H. Hopkins, Pittsburgh; 1897, flenry J. McCarthy, Philadelphia; 1904, David M. Kinzer, Pitts.. burgh; 1924, Albert S. HouldsVlfTorth, Philadelphia.



.QlTEBEC: 1878, vV'rn. M. LeMessurier, Montreal. QUEENSLAND: 1924, vV. Lindsay Ma,rquis, Brisbane; 1931, Holgen ~. Love, Brisbane. RHODE ISLAND: 1870, Thos. A. Doyle, Providence; 1896, James H. Armington, Riverside; 1911, Arthur B. Tyler, Pawtucket. SASKATCHEW..L\.N: 1928, Gordon Setter, Kamsack.

SCOTLAND: 1902, James Smith; 1911, Samuel Duncan, Edinburgh; 1931, Wm. Richardson, Dumfrieshire. SOUTH CAROLINA: 1870, Robert S. Bruns, Charleston; 1875, M. B. 1\I10ses, Charleston; 1897, Eduard Scholtz, Newberry; 1902, W. P. Smith, Spartanburg; 1906, Jacob T. Barron, Columbia; 1908, Wm. A. Giles, Graniteville; 1920, Calvin J.Ramage, Saluda; 1927, Kenneth Baker, Greenwood; 1931, 'Calvin J. Ramage, Saluda. SOUTH D'AI{OTA: 1896, James E. McDowell, Huron; 1900, John Banks, Huron; 1914, ,Chas. A. Christopherson, Sioux Falls. TENNESSEE: 1870, John Ainslee, Memphis; 1878, J. S. Pride, Nashville; 1882, J. C. Wasson, Rhea Springs; 1898, John L. Greer, Loudon; 1932, Hugh Edwards, Nashville. TEXAS: 1871, W. ,G. VeaL Veal's Station; 1882, Z4 E. Coombes, Dallas; 1896, John F. Patterson, Cisco; 1924, Thos. M. Bartley, 'Vaco. UTAH: 1913, Walter Daniels, Salt Lake City; 1927, Roscoe Bailey, Ogden. VERMONT: 1871, Chas A. Mills. Brattleboro; 1878, Albert L. Clark, Brattleboro; 1886, Samuel Terrill, Rutland; 1894, Eugene S. Weston, Newfane. VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA: 1898, E. Rodda; 1918, }4'rederick J. ':radgell, Essendon; 1923, Wm. A. Whitehead, Stowell. VIRGINIA: 1871, John P. Little, Williamsburg; 1897, Sol L. Bloomburg, Richmond. WASHINGTON: 1910, John R. Thompson, Seattle; 1927, J. T. Forsythe, W. Seattle. WEST VIRGINIA: 1.875, Odell S. Long, Charleston; 1904, James D. Baines, Charleston; 1911, 1. H. Clark, Kyle; 1932, Richard K. Mohr, Cameron. WISCONSIN: 1871, A. V. H. Carpenter, MilwaUkee; 1896, Jacob S. Block, Platteville. vVYOMING: 1911, Joseph M.Loundes, Casper. GRAND RltPRESENTATIVES TO MISSOURI

ALAB..4\.MA: 1875, Thos. E. Garrett, St. Louis; 1906, David M. Wilson, Milan; 1927, Thos. A Harbaugh, Webb City.



ALBERTA: 1918, Wm. K. Davis, West Plains; 1927, Claude Fichthorn, Marshall. ARIZONA: 1895, 1. M. Abraham, Harrisonville; 1904, Edwin A. Krauthoff, Kansas City; 1912, James L. Heckenlively, Springfield; 1931, Don Chaplnan, Chillicothe. ARKANSAS: 1875, James Carr, Hannibal; 1895, Wm. F. Kuhn, Kansas City; 1897, Allan McDowell, St. Louis; 1907, Harry P. Belding, St. Louis; 1913, Robt. A. O'Neil, St. Louis; 1919, George C. Marquis, Independence. BRITISH COLUIVIBIA: Leroi Beck, St. Joseph.

1922, Alex. M. Dockery, Gallatin; 1927,

CALIFORNIA: 1876, Wm. Wilmott, Hamilton; 1885, P. G. Woods, Versailles; 1920, Chas. C. Gardner, Kirksville; 1928, Edw. W. Tayler, Marceline. CANADA: 1875, Geo. F .. Gouley, St. Louis; 1881, M. A. Fyke, Clinton; 1894, Erwin Ellis, Lebanon; 1901, Thos. R. Morrow, Kan* sas City; 1918, Orson H. Swearingen, Kansas City. COLORADO: 1876, Chas. F. Leavitt, Springfield; 1890, 1. V. McMillan, Maryville; 1915, Edmund E. lVlorris, Kansas City. CONNECTICUT: 1873, Geo. F. Gouley, st. Louis; 1881, J. R. Parson, St. Louis; 1925, Ernest Rosevear, Webster Groves; 1929,

Julius C. Garrell, \~rebster Groves; 1'931, C. J. Stout, Gallatin. DELAWARE: 1878, J. R. Parson, St. Louis; 1881, Wm. H. Mayo, St. Louis; 1898, Nathan J. Swetland, Chillicothe; 1916, Frank R. Jesse, vVebster Groves; 1928, Curtis J . Neal, Cape Girardeau. DISTRICT OF COL,UMBIA: 1875. Wm. N. Loker, St. Louis; ] 885, C. S. Glaspell, Trenton; 1903, Emanuel F. Hartzell, St. Joseph; 1920, Percy B. Eversden, St.Louis; 1927, Rev. E. L. Robison, St. Joseph; 1931, A. Loy Jones, Shelbina.

ENGLAND: 1912, John Pickard, Columbia. FLORIDA: 1881, C. C. Woods, Kansas City; 1928, Frank P. McAtee, Springfield. GEORGIA: 1875, Geo. R. Hunt, Warrensburg; 1898, C. A. Shep* ard, Warrensburg; 1912, Olaf A. Lucas, Kansas City; 1929, Wm. H. Blackshaw, Hannibal. IDAHO: 1909, Chas. E. Prettyman, Neosho; 1927, Henry C. Chiles, Lexington. ILLINOIS: 1872, Geo.F. Gauley, St. Louis; 1881, Wm. H. Mayo, St. Louis; 1897, Alvin Haynie, Clinton; 1901, David W. Wallace, Independence; 1904, Austin L. McRae, Rolla; 1923, Z.. M. Williams, Versailles. INDIANA: 1870, John F. Houston, Richnlond; 1875, James E. Carter, Jefferson City; 1881, Noah M. Givan, Harrisonville; 1908,



Geo. T. Burnham, Milan; 1921, Lewis F. McCoy, Independence; 1922, Gib. W. Carson, St. Louis; 1923, J. Enlmett Cavin, Springfield; 1931, Thos. P. Bedford, Fayette. INDIAN TERRITORY:

1896, H. H. Hohellschild, Rolla.

IOvVA: 1875, Xenophon Ryland, Lexington; 1898, Janles H. Frame, Kansas City; 1918, John Pickard, Columbia.

KANSAS: 1875, Joseph M. Fox, St. Louis; 1885, W. F. Howard, Boonville; 1896, John T. Ruffin, Clinton; 1897, Wm. F. Kuhn, Kansas City; 1925, Richard P. Dorris. Jefferson City; 1927, August Kron, St. Louis. KENTUCKY: 1875, Janles E. Cadle, Chillicothe; 1891, Alvin Clinton; 1897, Jo11n T. Ruffin, Carthage.


LOUISIANA: 1870, Allan McDowell, Greenfield; 1897, Wm. H. Mayo, St. Louis; 1904, Francis H. Trim~le, Liberty; 1918, Geo. \V. Wa.lker, Cape Girardeau. MAINE: 1876, Sarnuel H. Owens, California; 1885,Chas. L. Mayo, Pleasant Hill; 1895, W. H. Hofmeister, St. Louis; 1898, Lewis F. McCoy, Independence; 1918~ Allan MeD. Hoyt, Independence; 1927, Harold Reader, Webster Groves. MANITOBA:

1926, Frank P. Briggs, lViacon.

MARYLAND: 1875, Johu D. Vincil, Mexico; 1890, Theo. Brace, Jefferson City; 1895, H. L. Bosworth, Springfield; 1904, Alf. H. White, 81.. Louis. MASSACHU'SETTS: 1875, Rufus E. Anderson, Palnlyra; 1910, Herbert H. Getman, Kansas City; 1915, Chas. A. Truitt, St. Louis; 1924, Carl A. Swenson, Mountain Grove. MICHIGAN: 1891, Seymour Hoyt, Greenfield; 1923, Wnl. M. McClure, Kansas City; 1924, Fred O. Wood, Kansas City. MINNESOTA: 1876, James N. Burnes, St. Joseph; 1891, H. M. Heller, Greenfield; 1898, Van F. Boor, Kansas City. MISSISSIPPI: 1873, Geo. F. Gouley, St. Louis; 1881, Wm. A. Prall, St. Louis; 路1888, J. R. Middleton, Chillicothe; 1898, H. W. Belding, St. Louis; 1918, Henry M.Guitar, St. Louis; 1931, Kipp C. Johnson, Poplar Bluff. MONT.t\.NA: 1919, Lewis Hill, 81. Louis; 1924, Robert Wheeler, Brookfield; 1931, Ernest L. Harrison, Harrisollville. NEBRASKA: 1876, Wnl. R. Penick, St. Joseph; 1894, Rev. C. H. Briggs, Springfield. NEVADA: 1881, John W. Luke, St. Louis; 1885, J. P. Wood, New London; 1896, Thurston B. Duncan. Louisiana; 1913, Wm. F. Johnson, Boonville; 1925, Emil Treiber, Nevada; 1928, John J. Bowman, Bonne Terre.



NEW BRUNSWICK: 1901, Stephen Chapnlau, Jefferson City; 1915, Thos. 1:i\ Hurd, Paris. NEW HAM'PSHIRE: 1881, W. H. Fox, St. Louis; 1898, Herbert W. Powers, St. Louis; 1923, John H. Barr, Kansas City; 1931, Robert L .. Barger, Ironton. NEW JER'SEY: 1874, Geo. F. Gauley, St. Louis; 1878, H. C. Duncan, Kansas City; 1881, J. S. Browne, St. Joseph; 1904, Louis E. Vogelsang, St.. Louis; 1927, Frank A. Marshall, Kansas City; 1931, Cecil Sanderson, Kansas City. NE'\V SOUTH WALIDS: 1912, Geo. A. Nees, Bonne Terre; 1921, Ernest M. Rosevear, Webster Groves; 1926, Marvin W. Ewing, Trenton.

NEW YORK: 1870, G路eo. F. Gouley~ St. Louis; 1881, Wm. H. Mayo, st. Louis; 1908, A. S. Houston, Mexico; 1922,~' Wm. C. At\vood, Brookfield. NEW ZEALAND: 1912, Thos. A. Milburn, Kansas City; 1920, Guy C. Million, Boonville; 1922, Edward F. Von Gunden, St. Louis. NORTH CAROLINA: 1881, Alex. M. Docl\:ery, Gallatin; 1922, James A. Kinder, Ca.pe Girardeau; 1928, Guy C. Million, Boonville. NORTH DAKOTA: 1896, R. E. Bainbridge. Kansas City; 1923, Joseph E. Davidson, Albany; 1931, Frank A. Miller, St. Joseph. NOVA SCOTIA: 1870, Geo. F. Gouley, St. Louis; 1881, R. F. Stevenson, Jefferson City; 1926 1 Oeo. F. Boothe, Sedalia. OHIO: 1870, Geo. F. Gouley, St. Louis; 1881, J. S. Browne, St. Joseph; 1907, Reuben Barney, Chillicothe; 1918, Wm. J. Vannix, St. Joseph; 1931, Claude Bartlett, Jefferson City. OKLAHOMA: 1910, H. H. Hohenschild, Rolla; 1913, Martin T. Balsley, Joplin; 1920, John E. Moats, Joplin; 1922, Janles Price, Kansas City. OREGON: 1873,Geo. ~..,. GouleY1 St. Louis; 1881, J. W. Luke, St. Louis; 1885, L. F. Wood, California; 1897, Lee A. Hall, St. Louis; 1900, Henry Lihou, St. Louis; 1906, rrandy A. Dunn, Bethany; 191:3, Bion L. Waldron, Hannibal. PENNSYLVANIA: 1874, John D. Daggett, St. Louis; 1867, Oren Root, Jr.; 1881, Reuben Barney, Chillicothe; 1904, Arthur Conger, Harrisonville; 1921, Edw. W. Tayler~ Marceline; 1927, Willis J. Bray, Kirksville.

QUEBEC: 1878, John W. Luke, St. Louis; 1885, W.M. Williams, Boonville; 1918, Wnl. H. Hutchison, Carrollton; 1921, Matthew H. Hodgson, St. Louis; 1924, Will M. Sanls, Kansas City; 1931, E. M. Campbell, Neosho. QUEENSLAND:



Y.Bean. Springfield.



RHODE ISLAND: 1878, James B. Austin, St. Louis; 1900, Edgar L. Schleiffarth, St. Louis; 1915, W. Ed. Johnson, Joplin. SASK..L\TCHEvVAN: 1928, Arthur Mather, St. Louis. SCOTLAND: 1903, Wnl. M. Treloar, Iv1exico; 1911, Edwin V. Kyte, St. Louis; 1915, Ray V. Denslow, Trenton. SOUTH CAROLINA: 1870, Geo. F. Gauley, St. Louis; 1881, James VV. Allen, St. Louis; 1890, James 'V. Boyd, St. Joseph; 1918, Albert C. Behringer, Louisiana; 1922, Albert Diamant; 1923, Henry C. Elberg, Kansas City; 1924, Caesar Wollman, Jefferson City. SOUTH DAKOTA: 1896, B. F. Nelson, St. Louis; 1901, Zachary T. Martin, Lathrop; 1912, Campbell Wells, Platte City; 1918, Willis A.. McCullah, Marionville. TENNESSEE: 1869, Martin Collins, St. Louis; 1909, Bert .s. Lee, Springfield. TEXAS: 1876, Noah M. 'Givan, Harrisonville; 1908, James G. Ho\ve, l\tlacon; 1920, Sanford M. Daniels, Kansas City; 1931, E. E. Angle, Louisiana. UTAH: 1913, Walter A. Craven, Excelsior Springs; 1921, Wm. A. Cristy, Joplin; 1925, Gaetano D"Amato, Wellston. VERMONT: 1871, Albert D. Hager, St. Louis; 1878, Xenophon Ryland, Lexington; 1895, A . M. Hough, Jefferson City; 1921, James W. Carmean, Caruthersville; 1923, Thos. H. Reynolds, Kansas City. VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA: 1898, F. J. Tygard, Butler; 1912, Julius C. Garrell, St. Louis; 1924, S. S. Cox, Wellsville; 1932, Walter J. Bublitz, Kansas City. VIRGINIA: 1897, John H. Miller, Rich Hill; 1924, Thos. J. Wornall, Jr., Liberty. WASHINGTON: 1891, A. H. Wal1is~ St. Louis; 1910, A. Horace IVlanu, Kansas City; 1922, Wm. M. Campbell, St. Joseph.. WIDST VIRGINI..4..: 1876, Janles E. Cadle, Chillicothe; 1891, Cas. B. Stark, St. Louis; 1921, Harry A. Krueger, St. Louis; 1926, Thad. R. Smith, Palmyra. WISCONSIN: 1875, W. R. StUbblefield, St. Louis; 1909, Robt. A. May, Louisiana; 1921, George Coslow, St. Louis. WYOMING: 1910, James R. McLachlan, Kahoka.



Gell_eral Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, United States of America

(The General Grand Chapter of the United States of An1erica includes all of the Grand Chapters of the United States, with the exception of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Texas. It also has subordinate Chapters in ..t\.laska, Hawaii, Cuba, Panan1a, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands.) Officers elected at the Forty-first Triennial Convocation at Tacoma, \Vashington, August 28-29, 1930, for the term of 1930-1933 : John William Neilson, General Grand High Prie,st, 'Concordia, Kansas. William T. S. O'Hara, Deputy General Grand High Priest, 740 Nicholas Building, Toledo, Ohio. ,Mattison Boyd Jones, General Granel King, 12-27 Citizen's National Bank Building, 路Los Angeles, California. John Huske Anderson, General Grand Scribe, Raleigh, North Carolina. Gustav Adolph Eitel, General Grand Treasurer, Masonic Tenlple, Baltimore, Maryland. Charles Arthur Conover, General Grand Secretary, 95 West Chicago Street, Coldwater, Michigan. George Allison Holland, General Grand Captain of the Host, Lexington, I{entucky. William Edward Goff, General Grand Principal Sojourner, 93 North Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan. Ray Vaughn Denslow,General Grand Royal Arch Captain, Tren.. ton, Missouri.

V\TUbur Allen Scott, General Grand Master of Third Veil, 87 Wey/bosset Street, Providence, Rhode Island. Early R'. Johnson, General Grand Master of Second Veil, Oourt House, COIUID'bus, Georgia. Edward W. Spottswood, General Grand Master of First Veil, MiSSOUla, Montana.

Harry Warner Harvey, General Grand Custodian of Work, 7211 University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.







'Vhere Held

When Held


General Grand High Priests Elected





1797 1798 1798 1799 1806 18[6 1819 1826 1829 1832 1835 1838 1841 1844 1847 1850 1853 1856 1859 1865 1868 1871 1874 1877


Boston,. Mass Hartford, Conn Middletown, Conn Providence, R. I. Middletown, Conn New York City New York City New York City New York City Baltimore, Md Washington, D. C Boston, Mass New York City New Haven, Conn Columbus, Ohio Boston, Mass Lexington, Ky Hartford, Conn Chicago, 111. Columbus, Ohio St. Louis, Mo Baltimore, Md Nashville, Tenn Buffalo, N. Y I


Oct. Jan. Sept. Jan. Jan. June Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. Dec. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. C;ept. <3ept. Sept. C;ept. Sept. Sept. Nov. Aug.

24 24 19 9 9 6 9 14 10 28 7 11 14 10 14 10 13 9 13 7 15 19 24 21.

Convention to organize Ephriam Kirby Ephriam Kirby Ephriam Kirby Benjamin Hurd, Jr DeWitt Clinton DeWitt Clinton DeWitt Clinton Edward Livingston Edward Livingston Edward Livingston Paul Dean Paul Dean Paul Dean Robert Pinkney Dunlap Robert Pinkney Dunlap Robert Pinkney Dunlap Charles Gilman Albert Gallatin Mackey John Livy Lewis James 1\1cMurray Austin Josiah Hayden Drummond.. Elbert Hartwell English John Frizzell



3 Chapters Litcllfield, Conn Litcllfield, Conll Litchfield, Conn Charlestown, Mass New York City Albany, N. Y Albany, N. Y New Orleans, La New Orleans, La New Orleans, La Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Boston, Mass............... Brunswick, Me

Brunswick, Me Brunswick, Me Baltimore, Md............. Charleston, S. C Penn Yau, N. Y New York City Portland, Me Little Rock, Ark Nashville, Tenn

. . Died Oct. 20, 1804 Died May 5, 1821 Died

Died 路 Died

; Died Died Died Died Died Died Died Died

.. . Feb. 11, 1828. . . May 23, 1836 . . Oct. 1, 1860 .. .. Oct. 20, 1859 Sept. 7, 1861 June 20, 1881 June 11, 18819 Dec. 3, 1881 Oct. 25, 1902 Sept. 1, 1884 Nov. 30, 1894

m t-<



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Ir.n..., > j

r.n ..., H


> t"i



1883 1886 1889 1891 1894 1897 1900 1903

1906 1909

'\llere Held

Detroit, l\1ich Denver, Colo Washington, D. C Atlanta, Ga Minneapolis, l\iil1n Topeka, Kan Baltimore, Md Cincinnati, Ohio Little路 Rock, Ark Boston, Mass Savannah, Ga

1912 1915 1918 1921 1924 1924 1927 1927

Indianapolis, Ind San Francisco, Calif Baltimore, Md Asheville, N. C Portland, Me Portland, Me


TaCOlna, Wash

Albany, N. Y

Denver, Colo


When Held

Aug. 24 Aug. 13 Sept. 28 Nov. 20 July 22 Aug. 24 Oct. 12 Sept. 25 Oct. 6 June 19

Nov. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 1



Sept. 28 Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Feb. 1 Sept. 28 Aug. 27


General Grand High Priests Elected

Robert Farmer Bower


I{eokuk, Iowa Boston, Mass Washington, D. C David Fisher Day Buffalo. N. Y Joseph Potts Hornor Ne,v Orleans, La George Lewis McCahan Baltilnore, Md Reuben Compton Lemmon.. Toledo, Ohio James Washington Taylor,. Luthersville, Ga Arthur Gayton路 Pollard Lowell, Mass Joseph Edward Dyas Paris, Ill. Nathan Kingsley Austin, Minn , Bernard Gratz Witt Henderson, Ky. .. George Ed~ar Corson \Vashington, D. C Frederick W. Craig Des lVloilles, Iowa William Frederick I{ul1n Kansas City, Mo Charles Northrup Rix Hot路 Springs, Ark John Albert Blake Boston, Mass Henry DeWitt Hanlilton New York, N. Y Charles Clark Davis Centralia, .111 John W. Neilson Concordia, I{au Alfred F. Chapman Noble Danforth~ Larner



Died May 19, 1882 Died Mar. 20, 1891 Died Mar. 19, 1903 Died Aug. 21, 1900 Died Jan. 24, 1893 Died July 30, 1902 Died Sept. 6, 1905 Died Dec. 15, 1925 Died June 4, 1930 Died Sept. 2, 1920 Died Sept. 8, 1918 Died Jan. 5, 1929 Died July 20, 1927

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. Died Sept. 1, 1924 Died Sept. 2, 1927 Died Nov. 27, 1926




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Died Nov. 12, 1931




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00 00 CoN



Grand Chapter Convocations (Annual Convocations of the Grand Chapter of l\ilissouri, year, date, place of n1eeting, city in which held, and Grand Officer presiding.) Year



1847 Oct. 1848 Oct. 1849 May 1850 May 1851. May 1852 May 1853 May 1854 Apr. 1855 May 1856 May 1857 May 1858 , May 1859 May 1860 , May 1861 May 18162 May 1863 May 1864 May 1865 May 1866 May 1867 Oct. 1868 Oct. 1869 Oct. 1870 Oct. 1871 Oct. 1872 Oct. 1873...... Oct. 1874 Oct. 1875 Oct. 1876 Oct. 18177...... Oct. 1878 Oct. 1880 May 1881 May 1882 May 1883 May 1884 May 1885 May 18,86 May 1887 May 1888 May 1889 Apr. 1890 , Apr. 1891 Apr. 1892 Apr.


Masons Hall. Masons Hall. Masons Hall. Masons Hall 14.. Masons Hall 12.. Masons Hall 11.. Masons Hall 5.. Masons Hall 23.. Masons Hall 21.. Masons Hall. :: 20.. Masons Hall : 19 .. Masons Hall. 18.. Masons Hall 23 .. Masons Hall 22.. Masons Hall. 21.. Masons Hall 20.. Masons Hall 18 .. Masons Hall 17.. Masons Hall 23.. Masons Hall. 9.. Masons Hall 7.. Masons Hall 7.. Freemasons Hall. 5.. Freemasons HalL 5.. Freemasons HalL 10.. Freemasons Hall 9.. Freemasons HalL 8.. Freemasons Hall 7.. Hall of Life Assn 5.. Hall of Am. Assn 4.. Freemasons Hall 10.. Freemasons Hall 6.. Freemasons Hall 5.. Freemasons Hall. 4.. Freemasons Hall 3.. Freemasons Hall 8.. Freemasons Hall 7.. Freemasons Hall 13.. Freemasons Hall 12.. Freemasons Hall 10.. Freemasons Hall 25 .. Freemasons HalL 24 .. Freemasons Hall 23 .. Freemasons Hall 28 .. Freemasons Hall 11.. 11.. 16.. 15..


St. Louis St.. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Lexington St. Louis St. Louis st. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis


J. W. S. Mitchell

Jos. Megguier John D. Daggett John D. Daggett .John D .. Daggett R. R. Rees John F. Ryland Thornton Grimsley J. W. Chenoweth J. W. Chenoweth J . W. Cheno\veth D. DeHaven Marcus Boyd D. T. Wainwright. J. W. Crane James Carr Wm. Burden James N. Burnes J. A. H. Lanlpton Samuel Russell Martin Collins Martin Collins Oren Root John F. Houston Jos. M. Fox , .los. M. Fox James E. Carter Xenophon Ryland Rufus E. Anderson Chas. F. Leavitt J as. S. Browne Jos. S. Browne Noah M. Givan. James E. Cadle Erwin Ellis

Erwin Ellis Alex. M. Dockery C. C. Woods Lee A. Hall Robt. F. ,Stevenson

Reuben Barney B. Wilson James B. Wood James B. Austin Ira V. McMillan WUl.



1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904



Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

27.. 26 .. 25.. 23 .. 22.. 28 .. 27.. Apr. 25..





Freenlasons Hal1. Masonic Hall. Freemasons Hall.

St. Louis Kansas City

St. Louis

Corona H. Briggs

Imp. Club Hall


St. Louis St. Louis Kansas City

Alvin Haynie Isaac M. Abraham Wm. F. Kuhn' Chas. Glaspell Arthur M. Hough

St. Louis

Arthur M. Hough

Jefferson City

Thurston B. Duncan

St. Louis

John T. Ruffin

St. Louis

R. E. Bainbridge

Freemasons Hall. Freenlasons Hall Freema~ons HalL Freemasons HalL Apr. 24.. Freemasons Hall. Apr. 23.. House of Rep Apr. 22.. St. Nicholas Hotel.

St. Louis

John R. Parson Allan McDowell

Apr. 28.. Tenlp. Frat.,

World's Fair

1905..... Apr. 25 .. Convention Hall, Schuyler M. H St. Louis 1906 Apr. 24.. Masonic Hall. Kansas City 1907 Apr. 23.. Scottish RiteCath St.. Louis 1908 Apr. 28.. Masonic Hall. Springfield 1909 Apr.. 27.. Scottish R.Hall. Joplin 1910 Apr. 26.. Scottish Rite Cath.. St. Louis 1911 Apr. 25 .. Scottish R. Temp Kansas City 1912 Apr. 23 .. Masonic Temple St. Louis 1913 Apr. 22.. Masonic Temple Kansas City 1914 Apr. 28.. Scottish Rite Cath St. Louis 1915 Apr. 27.. Scottish Rite Cath Joplin 1916 Apr. 25.. Masonic Temple Kansas City 1917 Apr. 24.. Masonic Temple St. Joseph 1918 Apr. 23 .. Masonic TeIllple St. Louis 1919 Apr. 22.. Masonic Temple Kansas City 1920 Apr. 27.. Masonic Temple St. Louis 1921 Apr. 26.. Masonic Temple Sedalia 1922 Apr. 11.. Masonic Temple St. Joseph 1923 Apr. 24.. Scottish Rite Oath St. Louis 1924 Apr. 22.. 路Women's U. Gym Columbia 1925 Apr. 28.. Christian Church Excelsior Spgs. 1926 Apr. 27.. Teacher's College Kirksville 1927 Apr. 26.. H. S. Auditorium.. , Marshall 1928 Apr. 24.. Presser Hall Hardin College Mexico 1929 Apr. 23.. Masonic Temple Hannibal. 1930 Apr. 22.. City Auditorium Monett 1931 Apr. 28.. K. P. Hall Boonville 1932 Apr. 26 .. Court ROOIll " Cape Girardeau.

Lewis F. McCoy Nathan J. Swetland Tandy A. Dunn David M. Wilson Alfred H. White Van F. Boor F. H. Trimble ~ustin L. McRae L. E. Vogelsang Wm. F. Johnson Martin T. Balsley Olaf A. Lucas f}eo. T. Burnham Albert E. Diamant Thos. F ..Hurd Ray V. Denslow Herb. W. Powers Bert S. Lee Edmund E. Morris .Jno. Pickard W. A. McCullah O. H. Swearingen Ed. W.Tayler

Jas. A. Kinder Bion L. Waldron Ed. Von Gunden

Fred O. Wood Leroi Beck




Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut...... 7. Delaware ~. 8. Dist. of Columbia 9. Florida 10. Georgia 11. Illinois 12. Idaho 13. Indiana 14. Iowa 15. Kansas 16. Kentucky......... 17. Louisiana '. . 18. Maine 19. Maryland 20. Massachusett! 21. Michigan 22. Minnesota 23. Mississippi 24. Missouri 25. Montana 26. Nebraska.......... 27. Nevada 28. New Hampshire. 29. New . Jersey 30. New Mexico 31. New york 32. North CaroHna .. 33. North Dakota 34. Ohio 35. Oklahoma 36. Oregon 37. Pennsylvania 38. Rhode Island...... 39. South Carolina 40. South Dakota 41. Tennessee 42. Texas 43. Utah 44. Vermont 45. Virginia 46. VVashington 47. West Virginia 48. Wisconsin 49. Wyoming Gen. G. Chap., U. S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Guy T. Smith Harry ..A... Drachnlan.. ] ohn Q. Wolf........ Thos. A. Davies Wm. W. Cooper Geo. A. Kies John W. Mackleln J. Claude Keiper Wilber P . Webster W. J. Penn, Jr James E. Jeffers Ed,!V. H. Way....... Robt. A. Woods O. F.. Graves EItner F. Strain G. Allison Holland.... John A. Davilla Conyers E. Leach Gustav A. Eitel Raynlond T. Sewall Charles A. Conover John Fishel Edward L. Faucette .. Ray V. Denslo\v Luther T. Hallberg.. Lewis E. Snlith...... Frank D. I(ing Harry M. Cheney Chas. D. McCracken .. Alpheus A. Keen Charles C. Hunt John B. Griggs 'Valter L. Stockwell.. Mont. C. Hanlbright .. T. B. I<irkland D. R. Cheney Toseph E. Quinby.... Wilbur A. Scott O. Frank Hart Geo. A. Pettigrew.... T. E. Doss T. M. Bartley......... John M. Dunlap Archie S. Harrinlan Tames M. Clift Wesley C. Stone Geo. M. Ford \\1111. F. '''"eiler Richard H. Repath Chas. A. Conover O'


Montgomery Tucson, Box: 238. Batesville. San Francisco, 421 Mas. Tern. Denver, 319 Mas. Tern. Hartford. Wilmington, P. O. Box 94. Washington, New Mas. Tern. Jacksonville. Macon. Springfield, Box 656. Boise, Box 1253. Princeton, 226 E. B'way. Harlan. Masonic Ternple, Topeka. Lexington. New Orleans, Mas. Tenl. Portland. Baltinl0re, 11:as. Tetn. Boston, 209 Mas. Tenl. Coldwater. St. Paul, Mas. Hall. Meridian. Trenton. Helena, Box 896. Omaha, Mas. Tern. Reno. Concord. [,arnbertville. Albuquerque. New York City, Mas. Hall. Elizabeth City. Fargo. Springfield. Muskogee. Masonic Temple, Portland. Philadelphia, lIIas. Tern. Providence. Columbia, 1545 Main St. Sioux Falls. Nashville, S. R. Tern. Waco. Salt Lake City. Burlington Ric1unond, 1fas. TCtl1. 412 Hyde Bldg., Spokane Wheeling. 790 N. V. Buren, 11ihvaukee. Cheyenne. Coldwater, Mich.





Clifford E. Wentzel

British Columbia Canada

J.. W. Prescott


, ,. P. Colville Smith...


England and Wales ..... Maj. Thomas G. LUll11ey-Smith Ireland.,.,..,.,. .. ,.,. . ,..,. ,. Manitoba .,. New Brunswick ,.,.

H. C. Shellard ... ,.. Geo. SYlne.,........ J. Twining Hartt .. ,.

New South Wales

F. R. Sinden.....

New Zealand Nova Scotia Quebec .. ,.





~ Calgary,

1 809 9~

Str., N. W . Vancouver. 603 Hastings St., W. Freemasons' Hall, { Great Queen St., London, W.o C'. {Free.masons' Hall. Great Queen St., London, \AI. C. Freem's Hall, Dublin. 11as. Tenlple. \tVinnipeg. St. John, Ritchie Bldg. Sydney, Manchester {. Unity Building, 160 Castlereagh St. '\VelIingtoIl, Box 236.

Chas. A. Neilsen .. Brenton l~. Porter .. Truro, Box 596. vVtTI.. W.\Villiatnson Montreal, Box 3172. 5 Box 425-F, Queensland R. W. T. Kendrick. i Brisl)ane, Q. ~ 312 \Vestman Saskatchewan.,. F. B. Reilly.,.,. . 1 Chanlbers, Regina.. ~ 75 Queen St., Scotland ,. .•..... Geo. A. Howell 1 Edinburgh. S. Australia ,. Chas. R. ]. Glover. ~ Freemasons' Hall, 1Adelaide. 366a Bourke S.t., Victoria. Sup. Gr. Chap. Chas. 1(. Cahn..... Cromwell Bldg. { Melbourne, Aus.

Western Australia

John C. Strickland.

5 No.7, Warwick


House, Perth.


00 00


TO MISSOURI Grand Representative Thos. A. Harbaugh .•••••••• Claud Fichthorn ....•••.••• Don Chapman •••••••••••.•• George C. lVlarquis ..••..•.••• Leroi Beck•.••••••••••••••• E. tV. Tayler ..•••••••••••• Orson H. Swearingen .•.••••• Edmund E. :Morris ....•...•• C. J. Stout .•.••..........• Curtis J . Neal .•••••••..•... A. Lo~' .Tones . Frank P. ~fcAtee.•..•••.••. '''m. H. Blackshaw . Henry C. Chiles ••..•......• Zachariah lI. 'VilUams . Thos. P. Bedford •......•..• John Pickard ••...•..••.•.• August Kron..•••••.• John T. Ruffin .•••••.•.•.•• George "... \Yalker .•.•••.... Harold L. Reader ••••.. Frank P. Briggs. AIr. H. "llite......•.•••. Carl A. Swenson .•...•.•.... Fred O. ''''ood.......•.•...• Yan Fremont Boor ..•.•••••• Kipp C. Johnson Ernest L. Harrison . Corona H. Briggs .••••.••••• John J. Bowman •. Thomas F. Hurd .•••. Robert L. Barger ••.•....... Cecil Sa nderRon .••.••.•..•. :\faryin \V. Ewing." \Vm. C. Atwood .••.•• Edw. F. Yon Gunden ••••.••• I




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Grand Representative




I."'" "'" I I •• I


\Vebb City....... A.labama. ••.•...•.• •••• Alberta ••••...•.•. Chillicothe .• Arizona . Independence Arkansas . St. Joseph ..•• British Columbia. l\farcellne ••.••............ California •.••.•.••. Kansas City .• Canada • Kansas City............... Colorado ••.•••••.. Gallatin Connecticut ..•....•• Cape Girardeau ......•..... Delaware •......... Shelbina District of Columbia ...•.. Springfield Florida •.••••••.•• Hannibal. . . . . . . .. ...•..•.... Georgia ..••....•.. Lexington •••• • •. .•......•.•. Idaho .•......••.. 'Yebb City....... Illinois .•.•..•..•. Fayette ••. . . . • .. . . • . . . . . . .. Indiana .•. Columbia .•.•.••. .....•.....• Iowa .....•...•.• St. Louis .••••••. ..•..•.•..• Kansas .•......... Carthage .. . . . .• ...•.•...• Ii:entucky .••...•••• Cape Girardeau •• ....•.•••. Louisiana ••• \Yebster Groves... ....•...••. l\laine •••.••.•.•. ~lacon ..••••.• •• . •.•.•• l\Ianitoba . St. Louis...... •. .....•.... l\faryland •..•...... l\Hn. Grove....... ..••...• l\Iassachusetts •.•••.•. Springfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • .• :Michigan .•.••.•.•. Kansas City...... l\Iinnesota . Poplar Bluff..... l\fississippi •........ Harisonville ..........•...• M:ontana •••...•..• Springfield .• Nebraska .•.•.•..•. Bonne Terre...... ...• Nevada .•.••••..•. ~farshall







••••••••••• •











•••••• I





I. I


"'" I









•••••••••• I









New Brunswick .•....•

Ironton New Hampshire ..•.... Kansas Clt:r •• New Jersey •.••• Trenton New South Wales ....•. Brookfield • • • • •• .•...•••• New York •• St. Louis. t. New Zealand .......• I








••• "' •


\Vm. E. Bingham ••••..••••. 'fuscaloosa. C. A. ~IacPherson.......... Calgary. Clarence Y. Culley......... Phoenix. Fay Hempstead .•.......••. Little Rock. Thos. :McClymont •••.••••• Prince Rupert. I

J. Tow .•....•.•...•... Horace T. DeLong .••.•..•.• James Richmond ........•... Leon \Valker ••.•.••••.••••• 'Vm. 'V. Jermane ..•••••••• Cary B. Fish ...•.....•...• 'V. D. l\:Iorton .....•......•. Homer David . Everett R. 'l'urnbull .•.•..... Elias J. Jacoby ...•.•.•...•. R. T. \Varner ....••••.••••. lVill C. Chaffee ..•.••.•.•••. rnnes B. Ross .•••..••..•••• Edwin P. Dameron .••••••••• Edward ,Yo \Vheeler .•••••••• Frank E. Simmons .•.•... Chas. E. Cochrane .• Milo G. Robbins. 'Vm. \Valter \Vatts ..•. .'1lbert Ihm ......•..• John E. Deloach ....•......• Geo. 'V. Padbury . Burt L. Spellman ....•.. Henry C. Schmidt ...•.•... Herbert B. ~fcDonald..•.... Frederick W'. Sawyer ..•••• o. Frank C. Priess. Frank Muller ...•....•.•••• Ursil A. Ferguson ...•....... Fred Kearsley .•.•••. "~am.




•• I



••••••• 0











Toronto. Grand Junction. So. ,Manchester. \Vilmington. \Vashington. Sarasota. \Varcross. Moscow. Carlinville. Indianapolis. Hampton. Topeka. Carlisle. Hammond. Brunswick. 'Vinnipeg. Baltimore. Lowell. St. Louis. St. Paul. Jackson. Helena. Beatrice. Tonopah. Chatham. Milford. 44 Ridge St' Orange Sydney A.ustralia. Oneonta. Auckland. J



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T() ..:t\ND FROnl THE GRf\ND CHf\PTER OF l\1ISSOURI (Continued. )

TO MISSOURI Grand Representative


Guy C. Million . Frank A.. :Miller ~ ••.• "' .••.• George F. Boothe •.••.••• Claude Bartlett. . James Price .......••.. Blon L. 'Valdron .•.••• ,YUUs J. Bray ..• E. ?tI. Campbell ...••....... ""ro. Y. Bean .




Grand Representative

'I'... .

R. H. Boyer . A. 1'1. Anderson . Henry S. Theakston . Elijah J. .Jordan . Tom M:. 'VeIls.........•.... :Uilton I,. ~Ieyers . Albert S. Houldsworth .•.••. \Vrn. 1\1. Le :Messurier ....•• Holgen N. Love .

Joplin • Rbode Island St. Louis......... . .• Saskatchewan •••••••• Trenton •• Scotland .••••••••• Jeft'erson City •.•.•...• South Carolina Aurora ••• South Dakota........ Springfield Tennessee •••• Louisiana. . • . . . . .. . ••... Texas ••.• . . . . . .. Gaetano D'Amato ..••..••••• \Vellston. . . • . . • •. ...•........ Utah .•••..••.... Thomas H. Reynolds ••••.• Kansas City ..•. .•.......• Vermont Kansas City...... Victoria. Australia ...•.. 'Valter J. Bublitz ....• Liberty .•. Virginia ••..••..... Tbos. J. '''ornall. Jr. \Vro. ~r. Campbell ••.•••.•.•• St. Joseph \Vashington •...•.... Palmyra West Virginia • ~ Thad R. Smith .• George Coslow ••..• Wisconsin •..•. 81. Louis James R. ~{cLachlan ....• Kahoka "' "' • • • •• .•..••.••• Wyoming ••.•..••..

Arthur B. Tyler •..•.••..•.• Gordon Setter •••• \Villiam Richardson ••....... Calvin J. Ramage .•.•. Chas. A. Christopherson ..••• Hugh Edwards ....•..... Thomas 1\:1. Bartley ••.•.•••• Roscoe E. Bailey . Eugene S. \Veston . \Vm. Alex \Vhitehead . Sol. L. Bloomburg .•........ John T. Forsyth ...•... Richard K. :Mobr . Jacob S. Block. .T oseph M:. Loundes .



"' •

1.1 •••









\V. Ed. Johnson ••. o • • • Arthur :Mather.....•..•..•.. Ray V. Denslow. Caesar 'Vollman ...•...•••. \Vi111s A. McCullah ••.•.•.• Bert S. Lee . E. E. "'\ngle . I


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0 •••••



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0 ••••••••••











() trj. ~

Boonville North Carolina St. Joseph. "' •••••.•••...• North Dakota Sedalia .. . . . • . .. ~ova Scotia. .•.•..... Jeft'erson City.... .•......•... Ohio Kansas City Oklahoma Hannibal ••.•. o. Oregon Pennsylvania •••• Kirksville •.••..••....... Neosho .•. Quebec .•.•••.•.•• Springfield Queensland ." •••.•..





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Asheyille. \Vabpeton. Halifax. New Philadelphia. Enid. Salem. 1619 N. 55th, Phila. 43 Com. St., l\Iontreal. Goodwood St., N., Brisbane. Q. Pawtucket. Kamsack. Annan. DUmfrieshire. Saluda. Siou..~ Falls. Nashville. \Vaco. Park City. New Haven. Stawell. Richmond. Seattle. Cameron. PIa tteville. Casper.





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Date of Charter

High Priest



~ tQ



1 2 3 • 5 6 1 8 10

ZA )l\iissouri ••••• IPalm)"ra. ••••• ILiberty •••••• I,veston •••••• Bolivar •••••• lRingo • • • • • ••



1St. Louis •••• ILexington ••• 11 IGallatin ••••• 12 IIndependence • 14lA1itchen ••••• 15 Springfield ••• 16 Monroe •••••. ]7 Columbia ••. 18 ISedalia ••••• 19 ICharleston •.. 21 ,Platte City •• 22 Macon •••..•• 24 \Geo.'Vasbington 25 IBellefontaine • 26 !Del\Iolay ••.•• 21 ·11\fexico •••••• 28 IKansas City • 29 ,Eastern Star • 30 Lone Star •. , 32 lRolla ••.••••• 33 Cope Stone •• 3. IJetTerson City.


Eo 15~

St. Louis ••••• Sept. 18, '26 Julius A. SeideL........ Palmyra. •••••. Sept. 14, '38 F. G. Carlsted Liberty ••••••• Oct. 16, '41 James C.. Heston \Yeston ••••• " Oct. 16, '41 Geo.Cooper Bolivar ••••••• Oct. 4, '17 T. H. Dunnegan, Jr DeKalb •••.••. ,May 23, '63 'Vm. C. Call HannIbal ••.•.. May 24, '61 Harry ~r. Greene St. Louis ••..• Oct. 16, '47 Ernest P. Brinkman Lexington ••.•. Oct. 13, '48 Geo. A.. :UcKean Gallatin •••••• Oct. 10, '61 Roy E. TroxeL Independence •• Oct. 13, ',48 Philip Landfried St. Joseph •.•• ~fay 23, '49 D. 'Vesley I.lentz Spr~ngtield •••• May 16, \Vilmer SPiC.k.ard Parls •••.••..• May 16 , 01 Jas. F. Hohelmer Columbia ••••. Oct. 10, '67 Arthur L. 'Vestcott Sedalia ••••••• Oct. 24, '87 Thos. Aulgur........ Charleston •.•. April 22, '97 Erwin R. Lash ~latte City •••. ?tIay 3, '83 Herman Klein Macon •••••••• May 23, '54 \Vrn. H. Burkhart...... Carrollton ••••• May 23, '56 'Vade 'V. :l\faupin 81. Louis .••••. M.:ay 23, '56 Carl \Vesterhaus 'Varrensburg •. Oct. 10, '61 Paul R. Uit Mexico ••••••• bIas 22, '58 Louis J. Graue Kansas City •• ~Iay 19, '59 'Valter J. Bublitz Memphis •••••• blay 19 , :59 I~a S. S,:tlisbury Chillicothe •••. May 19, 59 Wm. G. Kent Rollp, ••••••••• May 24, '66 Harry Osborn DeSoto ••..•••• Oct. 4, '11 .T. Perry \Velch Jefferson City •• May 24, '66 Edson A. ~leyers



Uoy A. Dickie K. S. Bailey Edgar Archer James, H. Turner Jos. ,Yo Gravely Hallie Y. Redmon

. . . . . .

Bion L. 'Yaldron


\Villiam L. 'Vhipple . \Valter R. Eckle .

\V. O. Tague


Ben F. 'Vallace . Victor T. Cummings.. ·Merritt F Smith . \Villiam ". Barnes . John P. Davis . Geo. F. Boothe . Jas. A. Boone . Ma.x Jonea . Luther E. \Vilhoit . E. Sanford Leach . August Gundlach . v~ T. \Vood . B. C. ·Denton . A. H. }[ann _ . Shas. B. ~Iye~...•...... heorge A. SmIth . B. 'V. Humphrey . D. L. Rouggly . R. L. Gwinn .


~:;5 ~ 'g .~~ 'g



~~ ............ MP-t;::: -~~ ~ S oS .~ ~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~z ~ ~ ZQ

'g ....

~ ~


31 3




lui 321

Time of Stated Convocations

11··.... 1 201 1028 2d-4th 1\1 1······1 11 98 1st F. . 4 193 3d 1\I. 1 1 \ ) ? 65 2d Th. 316, ·.1 .wI 6i> 2d l\Ion. 37 1 1 1 1 :;\...... !5 ..,,45 3~ 3d Sat. 331\ 2 ,.. 61 41 In :J 3It> 1st-3d Tu. 1460 7 1 6 631 84 1 211 1305 tst-3d Fr. 2131 51·...··\·.. ···1 7\ 16!...... 3\ 192 1st Tu. 2581 21 11 11 21 281...... 31 229 3d l\I. 3281 131 2\ 131 3\ 281······· 5 320 2d-4th Th. 9101 24 1 3 10 391...... 9 880 1st-3d 'V. 905 4 1 4 9 54 1 9 841 1st l\L 11 281...... 3 83 1st II£. 346 \ 21 3\ 81 27\...... 4 312 1st-3d Th. 5691 51...... If 9 23 ...... 11 532 2d Th. 191 1...... 5 '11 26 •..... 166 2d-4th Th. 551 1....•...•.•. 1 41········1······ 2 49 3d 'V. 196\ ··1· \ 1 9 1 21 .•.... 21 165 2d-4th 1\f. 1841 5 1 1 11 81...... 1 179 4th :M. 1585 1 21 1 81 31 15\ 45i...... 4111516 2d-4th ~L 193, 5...... 11 3 31...... 3 190 2d-4th Mon. 2721 51....··1 21 31 1611...... 41 256 2d Tu. 24541 151 7/ 221 28 32,...... 251 2413 1st-3d Fr. 2181 101 1\ 1 31 101...... 4 213 2d Fr. 2351 21...... 21 81 311...... 6\ 194 2d-4th Tu. 320) 41. 1 51 1 1_..... 2 327 2d--4th Sat. 2131 131. 1 1 11 81...... 21 215 4th Sat. 3041 91 21 1 31 21.·····1 31 307:!d AI. 961 209





11~1 J.....






(A satisfactorycostun1e for tllP. Chapter degrees)








Date or Charter

:;~ ~~ High Priest



ltichmom] ••••• Oct. Brunswick •• •• Oct. Greenfield ••••. Oct. Brookfield •••• Oct.

Pleasant HUI •• Hamilton ••••. Fulton •••••••• 50 IKUwlnnlng ••• St. Louis ••.• 52 I'l'yrian •••••• Neosho .•••••. 53 lcald.well ••••• IOrksville •••.•


55 LUaUs •••••• •• Center ••••••• 56/Nevad1l •••••• Nevada. ••.•••• 58 Californhl •••• California •••• 59 lZerubbabel •• Rockport ••••. 60 Boon ville • • •• Boon ville • • • •• 6] Meridian Sun • Carthage .••••. 64 Lebanon ...... Lebanon ••.•.• 65 Haggai •••••• Holden ••••••••

Oct. Oct. Ort.


Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 54 Tabernacle ••• Faucett •••••.• Oct.

Oct. Oct.

Oct Oct. Oct.

8. '68 CI)'de R. 'Vhite 8, '68 Claude S. BUtker S, J68 Robert M:. George...... 8, J68 Everett J. :Moore........ 8, '68 H. F. Jerard 8, '68 Sherman Henkins 1, '69 John R. 'VestlJrook 1, '69 \Vm. V. Kopfsteln...... 1, '69 E. C. Coulter 1, '69 Cl1as. \V. Roy 1, '69 Squire S. Connett 6, '10 Cash C. Beavers 6, '10 ,V. E. \Vilcox ft, '70 R. \V. Heck G, '.0 Glenn C. 1tirNalL 6, '70 Frederick .T. Marston.. 6, ;10 Fay D. Pingree 6, 10 .Tames A. Buster 6, '10 Oscar T. ?tIiller

••.••• Oct. 6, 'iO George S. Carnes 61 Icameron ••••• Cameron •• . • .• Oct. 6, '10 \VUey A. Shewey

66 'frenton •••••• 'l'renton 68 Sig.ne. t

6., '70 Ernest I,. Rarrison ';, '11 Smith T. Goff Oct. 1, '11 Richard H. "roods

••.••••• lIarrisonvlJle •• Oct. Oct.

71 Midian .•••••• Ironton ••••••• 12 VersaIlles •••• VerS'nllles ••••. 73 .Clinton •••••• Clinton ••. "'" 1~ IS~llne ••••••• Mansha.ll ••••• 1a "ilson .•••••. Cape Girardeau. 7~ IMiaml ••••••• Butler ••••• " .•

IRussell ... ,oriental ••••• Moberly •• "' •• IBethany ••••••

Ma)'sville ••••• St. lsOuis ••••• !\[oberly • • •••• Bethany •••••. IMt. Vernon "' Aft. Vernon •• ISavarrnah •••• Savannah ••••. 11.'roy ••••••••• Troy • • • • • • • •• I



86 )Plke ••••••••• Louisiana


Oct. Oct. Oct.


L 11, 11, 11, 9,

Oct. 9, Oct. 9. Oct.9. Oct. 8,

Oct. Oct.

••••• Oct.

8, 1, 1,

'75 '12 '12 '72 '73 '73 '73 '13 ''[4. '74. '75 '15

.Julian Vance Claude L. Fic11thorn "'alter H. Oberheide.. Howard A. EllIs........ '1'hos. P. Randolph Ben F. Beckman Turner D.Barnes .lames O. :McQuarry.. Dwight Richardson .. Fred H. J{urz

A. T. Norton Davis Benning







36 ICyrus .••..•.•. 31 Houston....... 38 Greenfield ••••. 41 Linn.......... 43 \Yyomil1g...... 45 Hamilton••..•. 49 Orion.........

1, 18 79 80 81 83 85


~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 'TjQ




'g ~~ ~









~~ ~~ ~(;? cig ~r-i


~§ ~ ~

A. B. Conrow . 104 1 1.••... 1 6/ 1 Soren P. Sorensen . 9GI I..•...I...... 21 R. H. 1\Ierrlll . 116 1 1 1 1 \ Lee Bond . 2151 11 1 .1 1 Claude Headen . 801 3\ 1 1 ·.\ Lewis E. Allee . 1311 2 1...... 6 'V. L. aIeng . l73!. 1 11 \ 6\ f..ewis Hill . 5761 141...... 31 241 Frank \Vaymire . 1731 31 11 1 21 Clyde V. :Music . 2861 51 31 81 5 Hugh }f. :McCauley . - 111 21 1 1/ 1 G. C. Layne . 641. { 2 ...•.. 1•.....1 Heo.. A. Kaupp . 1891 6, 21.. 1 11 F. H. Hert . 2191 31 21 1 31 John E. 'Velch . 1141 1 If 11 21 2171 61 21 11 11 Clarence L. Hurt . 1801 61 11 41 21 Moritz C. Allgeier . S. A. Casey...........•.•-. 1031. 1 11 1 21 James T. Glass. Jr . 941 31. 1 1 1.. Marvin \Y. Ewi:ug . 3651 ..•.•.••1 1 31 21 891 21 1 71 J. Foster Poland . 1101 31.. 1 1......•1 \Vm. P. McCooL . 9~' 31 11 \.. 1 Ancel J. '~Vl1ite . D. Gabriel _ . 421 61 1. 1 1 1901 51 1 41 71 Carter C. Canan . 2011 11 1/ 1 17/ Geo. H. Fuller . 4391 91 11 11 'ii Louis G. Stovall. . Luther R. Twyman . 681 1 \ 1 31 1121 31.. 1 11 John R. Hancock. . 493} 5L I I 61 R. H. Caftan . John \V. Tate . 3111 31 11 1 41 931.. 1.. 1 11. 1 C. T. Bridges . 531 31.. 1 41 31 E. A. Smith . Geo. E. Lambright.... 1291 51. 1 1 3 1 911 2\ 11 \ 51 Otto Hanni . 1331 61 1\ 11 21 \Vrn. H. yager .


11/ .1. 35 Ill





1 1



, \




49\...... 13

11······1 21 251 ••.••• 1 71

1··.···1 21 .1 1 11







Time of Stated

5 1 11 .1 11 1

81 71 ..1 II 131 .1 11 101 .•....1 21


87 ~nd ~rues.

94 108 185 70 121 163

1st Fr. 1st 'I'u.

Ist-3rd Th. 1st 1\1. 2d 'I'u. 2d Fr.

507 2d-4th ~"r. 112 1st-3d 1\1.

265 2d-4th Fr. 72 2d Sat. 65 1st 1\'1.

188 2d 1\1. 220 1st-3d 10'5 1st-3d 217 Ist--3d 175 1st-3d 90 3d Tn.

l!'r. 1.'h. Fr.


97 2d-3d Tn.

31 •••••. 1 41

359 2nd-4th 'flu\1's.


78 2d lH. 107 2nd Fr. 95 1st-3d 'fu.

\ 11 61. 1 ··1 51 .•.... 1 21 51 •..... 1 11 131. 1 11 13/ 1 21 311 , 31 31•••.•./ 21

42 178 112 403 60 1...... 31 III Hil 1 91 468 301.. 1 31 218 61......) 11 R7 51. f...... 1 52 .1. 1 11 130 191...... 11 69 11...... 1 31 135

2d Fr.

1st Fr. 2d Th. 1st-3d '1'u. 2d Th. 2d-4th '1'h. 1st-3d ~rhu. Ist-Hd Fr. 1st 1\1. 2d Fr. 2d-3d Thu. 3d :M. 2d-4th 'I'u.

38 ,canton •••••• Canton • • • • • •• Oct. 6, 90 IJ;eo. l!'. Gouley Appleton City • Oct. 10, 91 .Joplin •••••••.Joplin •••••••• May 1, 931'11riUlle •••••• \Vellsville ••••• May 5, 94 Fayette •••••. J!~asette May 5, 95 (Dixon •••••••• Dixon ••••••••• May 4, 90 IOwens ••••••• l\IuryvlIle ••••• May 4, 91 IhfarlonvlUe •• Marionville •••• May 3. 99 IShelhl.na •••••• ShelbIna •••••• ~Iay 8, 101 IIJumar ••••••• Lamar .••••••• May 3. 102 lOrient. .•...... Kansa.s City •• 1\[ay 3, Milan ., May 8, 103 IMllan , 105 fIUCh Hill ltich Hill .•••. Ma,r 8, lOG Higginsville •. IIigginsvllle ••• i\Iny 8, l081\vesf, I'lnlns •• \Vest I)lains ••• May 7, 110 VincH ••••••• Sprhrgfleld •••• jlny 10, 111 St. Charles •• St. Charles ••• April 25, 112 SInter Slater •••••••• April 24, 113 'St. Alban •••• Monett ••••• ,. April 24, ll41poPlar Dluff . Poplar Dluff •• AprIl 21, 115 Salem ••••••• Salem ••••• ,.. AprIl 26, ll6 Alhany •••••• Albany ••••••• AprIl 22, lli .}Helm •••••••• Kennett •• , •••. April 22. ) 18 Marceline •••• !\Iarceline ••.•• April 26, U9 I'Vehb City ••• \Vebb City ••••• April 25, 120 ,Platlshurg ••• Plattsburg •••• April 23, 122 IMunafleld, ., .. ManSfield. • •• ,. Aprll 29, 123 IL)utnam •••• , Unionville .•.• , Aprll 26, ]24 lAsh Grove •.. Ash Grove ••.. April 25, 125 f:andalia ••••• \:andalia •••••• April 25, 126 h.'tho)en •••••• ''\ahoka, ••••••• April 25, J27 lJ~xce]sior ••••• gXCelslo.f Sprgs. AD. ril 24, 128 II~ldon ••..... gldon •••.•• " llpril 29, 129 JUel ••••••.•. Bonne Terre .. April 21, 130 ISolomon ••.•. Fredericktown . AprH 27, 131 fRlluhoni ••••• "'ebster Groves .•-\prH 23, 132 IShechinah ••• St. Louis ••••. A}>rU 28, 133 ISalisbury •• ,. Salisbury ••••• April 26, 13~ \\'estport . • •• Kansas City •• AprIl 25, 13a !carutherSl'lIle, CnTlltheTsvllle • April 28, 136 fEast Gate •• , Kansas City ••• Aprll 12, 137 IMountain Grove 1tfountaln Grove AprIl 12, 138 IWeIlslon" ••• , WeIllrtoll •••••• April n, 139 IWm. F. Kuhn. Kansas CItro ••• April 25, 140 fCabany ..••. , •. St. Louis...... April 28,


'76.r. IJloYd Zimmerman.. '18.r. Earle Alexander '80 G. C. Spooner '81 S. E. Adams '81 \Valter E. Ackerson '82 Ashley 1 Veasman '82 It'rallk R. :Marcell '83 S. P. Compton '83 Dan A.. Turney '83 Alonzo C. :Markwick.. '83 Sidney G. Hurd '84 Wayne Burditt '84 J. D. Pearson '84 Benj. L. HilL

'85 '88 '89 '90 '90

Lee R. Dudley Karl T. 'Valter Edw. H. Darklage Frank L. Skinner Harold B. Gleaves '93.T. 'V. Clarke '94 Louts L. l\fcSpadden.. '97 Chas. A. StockwelL ·99 R.. Q. Jennings '00 Chas. A. Underwood.. '01 \V. E. Stone '03 Ralph ,V. Hayward '04 Lewis F. LIl'lngston.. '05 Ott E. Paullin '06 J. R. Spake '06 A. L. l\{otley '06 Homer G. l\IcDaniel. '07 John A.o Schumacher.. '08 Geo. C. Yanosdol!. '09 Orner Hendrix '10 JOh.n l\I. Rose '13 Albert J. Shands '14 Daniel W. Bagbv '16 Thos. H. Edwards '11 Victor II. Remley '20 J. W. lfcCloske\· '22 Floyd R. Smith~ '2% Yale }\!vers '22 .lames p. Rlekerd '23 Earle B. Potter ·26 Edwin C. IJuedde

M. Fred Burrows...... Troy A.Koloslck........ EdwIn T. Perkins...... Geo. H. Barton............ Paul Dinkle Frank T~ Burton........ u. S. \~right.............. [ra D. M:cCullah........ Robert T,I. Thomas...... J. 'V. Hagny................ Alfred D. Ludlow...... Frank D. Schoene.... H. D. Philbrick.......... Alfred H. Hoefer........ J. Orval Carter.......... Lewis N. Cot:!ley........ Ernest R. Engholm...... Gordon G. Norvell...... Frank 1\1. Shriver...... Groyer G. Curtis........ Joseph J. Norton........ Harry A. Smith.......... Elmer Hicklin ........•... \Vm. E. Parks............ D. C. ~Iorris................ Geo. R. Bryant............ Chas,. A. Stephens.... J. U. Brown................ Tos. Ho Turk................ \Vo H. :M:clntire.......... }{arshaU Story............ \Valter ,A. Craven.... Tohn lV. Layne.......... Virgil A. Smith.......... Tames 'V. Andrews.... R<)bt. R. Gast.............. Wm. C. Rese................ John ].Iode _... Henry C. Elberg........ L. W. DtlImll.Il............ Ernest ,Yo Berry........ A. Hoffarth............ Irvin .T. Frelherger.... O. Calvin Cooner........ Harry G. Nicks.......... u



138{ 10\ 143 2461 7/ 203 1 2 151 1 751 1. 1451 81 2331 31 90 1. 31 891 21 IS91 9



1•••.•. 1

31 11 11 571







141 4th 1\1.


238 1st-3d 'j'u.

\ 11 138 2d 'V.


31 •....... 1·

1 1 260 1st Tn. 41··..·.1···.··1 1462d Tu,

1 1 21 67 1st Sat. 1 1...... 81 \ , 21 7\ 61...... 81 134 2d-4th :M. 190 1st-3d 1\'1. 11 61 2 501······1 11 , , 8\ 21 83 1st Tn. 1

1 •..•.. ,

7~· 491

81 2d-4th M:. 1 31 \ 39\ 1799 2d-4th Tu. \ 11 124 2d-4th Th. 1291 3\...... 21 21 / 21 129 1st ~L 623d :U. 691 1 1 1 El! 21 1 2601 11 11 1 31 111· 1 31 239 2d Fr. 52] 1st Th. 5551 81 2/ 11 61 331····.. / 61 1191 11 1 1···..·1 12...... 11 107 2d-4th Tu. 1401.·······1······1..····1 11... ..1. 21 1312d M. 3361 '; 1 2 11 441 11 61 2932d-4th l\f. 2981 5\ 11 11.·····'l········\······l 61 299 1st-3d Tu. 1321 3 3\...... 1 j•••••.••••• ·1 1372d Tu. 1831 31.. 1··.···1 11 41 .1 3\ 178 1st-3d Tn. 931 81.. 1 7 , 1\ 3\ 104 2d-4th Ttl. 2271 11 1 61 11 331...... 2\ 198 1st-3d Ttl. 193/ 21 1 \ 11 151· ··1 31 1162d-4th 1\£. fi9!.. !. l 11 2! 19! 1 11 382d 1\1. 85/ 11 1 1 ··1 11 1 1 851st Tu, 79 1st 1\1. 85/ 1 1 .1. 1 31...... HI 962d Tn. 9RI... 11 3\ 40 3d Tu. 401. ..1 1 .1. .1 \ 1 1232nd Mon. 1301.. !...... 41 11 11 145 2d-4th A'I. 162l. -' 41 1 61 14 1 1 1st-3d Tu. 1341 61 II , 41 71 ·1 1 129 2001 2 11...... 21 91 ·. 21 190 2d-4th Tu, 43 2d-4th Ttl. 501. ; " 11·····.1 RL ;)27! 51. 1...... 131 17! \ 4\ 4982d-4th Frt 1781 21 41 1 31 71 1 61 168 2d-4th Th. 1151 31······1..····1 1/ 151. 1 21 100 2d-4th Th. 6701 31 41...... 91 53/. 1 10 605 2d-4th l\f. 1241 41 ' 11 21 31·.. ···1·..··· 124 ~d--4th 1\1. 5011 141 2 21 3/ 17/...... 81 491 2d-4th Th. 233 2d-4th Th. 2651 91 11...... 71 331 1 2 3231 71 11...... 71 11 ·1 21 321 2d-4th Tu. 1542d-4th Ttl. 1611 41 2\ 51 21 16/ \ , 1551 41 1 1 51 II...... 1 153 2d-4th Th. I I I I I I I I Totals I 302011 4281 8~12HO~526115171 41423'28484


11 \ 1 41 11 341










.I. \



Statistics of It-fembership A table sho\ving the u1embership by year, exaltations, affiliations, reinstaten1ents, dinlissions, suspensions, expulsions, deaths, increase or decrease., fron1 1852 to 1931, inclusive. The statistics are those presented to the Grand Chapter at the Annual Convocation and are for the year ending Decetnber 31st.



1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 186,2 1863 1864

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .




1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871. 187'2 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890

. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . : . . . .


2141 271 409


95 125 1

549 539

97 124 1







703 88'2 717 583 1 6441 1

6271 13871 20141 2411



71.. ······1 21········/ 41 .. ······1 121.. ··· .. ·1

161....····\ 291·.. ·····1

1381 621 231····· .. ·1 351 51··.. ··.. 1 107 98 1 9 .. 1 174 18[ .


188 1 32'1 ..····.. '2921 581 111 370 751 61


393 1 821 4781 821

2859 1 46:21 340'61 3310


/ 41 19 1 ! 191·..·· ..·1


382\ 412

76.1 751 721 821









91 181 141 211 2:71 18l


223 110 124 141

146 123

80 110 60 131




2 .1 9

31 4 6

21 91 11 21 11


6·1 31 31 11

101 11 \ 9

.......... 1



81······1 21 21



70 1 741 561 19\ 58! 151 731 341 431 2:61· 681 36 781 25 95 1 411

61 31

10 2 114



61 11 11 21

37 1


.......... 1

301 151



488 1


41 130



41 12 24

123 125






501861 5113




4151 2791 2681 431

36 35 54


37501 39501 40001 46001 4586:1 47651 47861

3751 3451 1931



306 2871




4014\ 39711 37871 39331 3877\

471 551 2161 521 175 461 245 1 731

23 58

61······/ I! 41······1

lS! .. ····1 221 31 81 51 391 61 251 131

311 31

661 81 1271 111 961 51

921 61 71


58!····.. 1



781·.. ···1


1151······1 77/······1 1191 ! 126/..··.. 1


1631·..··· 1671·..·.. 1





111 181



271 1 409 138 549 130 539 685 653



.. . . . 32

7601 107 . 7031........ 57 8821 179 . 7171.·...... 165 5881........ 134 6441 611 . 6271........ 17 834\ 2071 . 10251 191 .

171 13871 3421.···.·.. 13l 20,141 6471· .

181 24111 3971·


30l 28591 4481 271 34061 547

. .

291 33101........


43j 36591 349 . 701 4014\ 355 ....•... 55! 39711 , 43 38! 37871 , 184 521 3933 146/ . 38771 ..•. ·•·· 56 74 37501 1 127 39501 200! ......•• 57 40001 501 . 441 46001 4211···.····



59l 45861 1651

541 476.51 1791 451 47861 21!

. ..


691 51CO! 3141 ··· 75/ 50861 1 14 661 51131 271········ 65, 52651 1521 ........ 651 55621 2971·..···..






1891............ 1892'............ 1893............ 1894............ 1895............ 1896............ 1897............ 1898............ 1899............ 1900............ 1901............ 1902............ 1903............ 1904............ 190'5............ 1906............ 1907 1908............ 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917............ 1918............ 1919 1920............ 1921............ 1922 1923............ 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929............ 1930 _19_3_1._ •.._.._ _ 40 • • •



556.21 48311 144/ 43/ 147 136/ 1.' 59' 5805 243 . 58051 596 1421 301 162 1151...... 75 62:68 463 . 62681 3871 851 32 178 121 1 93 6377 109 . 37611021 261 12'3 221 1 1 73 6.485 108 . 6377 64851 489 131/ 451 138 1601...... 89 6681 170 . 668 1 1 3411 681 331 148 233 1 99 ~66551 261 . , 66551 3551 861 561 132 2391...... 9316786 1051 . 67861 4481 901 391 16.0 206 41 83 6924\ 138 . 69241 48 9 1 1401 52.1 150 196! 4 100 71571 2331 . 7157/. 5841 2181 45 269 94131122'1 75181 361 . 7518 6771 1351 411 145 162! 1181 79391 421 . 7939! 8011 1421 551 192 1771 1 1311 84371 501\ . 84371 769j 1291 651 155 1651 1 1431 9022\ 5631 . 902'21 694\ 1681 481 208 20.2 1..•... \ 1431 93601 357\ . 93601 8291 2~681 531 261 1491 61 151 99431 5821 . 99431 7441 1651 551 207 2051 31 156.10335 393 . 200 1 71 1591108091474\ 10335i 854\ 1381 511 185 . 108091 941! 1251 581 158 181 6 I 160111428 619 . 114281 94211411 621 239 272 1\ 156111905 477\ . 209 1 6 1 1.53112.64917441 119051 1175 1271 551 245 .. 126491 9261 1181 681 243 228. 6 i 201113083 4341 . 130·88\ 10281 1821 401 2124 2501 111 190113658 5751 . 136.581 1028l 1691 591 303 3211 71 180114103\ 4451 . 141031 10,601 1271 541 232 2141 5\ 190!14703\ 600,1 . 147031 1191/ 1651 55/ 2'57 3.89 1 101 2211152371534\ .. 4031 51 227116016 7791 . 152371 1475/ 2111 691 341 160161 13081 Ill! 721 206 282 1 81 214116797 781J . 167971 15031 851 90\ 140 2461 51 ~3091177751 9781 . 177751 37411 2061 1471 296 2581 31 215 21097!33221 . 210971 51181 190/ 1451 262 2211 51248/2581414717 . 258141 43781 354! 1351 381 2891 142165129732.13918 . 29732! 33501 249! 1251 334 3851 9 28032448,2716 . 324481 36791 176! 1351 415 5701 357!3508612638 . 350861 18651 2851 1281 422 8651 17 35413570SI 6201 . 357061 15111 1851 1481 463 9661 161 329135776 701 . 357761 13441 2471 2291 486. 11001 1413961356001 1176 356001 992'11541 2351 475 14401 81 4021346561........ 940 34&561 8891 1651 2W! 431 16261 101 41.2 133441 11215 33441j 6941 1261 284! 408 14851 41 43111322171 1224 322171 65211111 2231 472 2039 J 31 482 30207 2010 30,2071 428 891 2301 5._26_ _ __1_5_1"'_''_4_1_4_2a_:2_8_4_84_L__.._.. ~'_11"l'_'2_~3 1 .......·.. 1596i618019!3684\13617 l787(; 129HI9050! ! I . 1







Corona H. Briggs, 1332 Cherry St., Springfield 1894-1895 Thurston B. Duncan, 1216 Foren1an Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif..1901-1902 John T. Ruffin, 612 N. Byers, Joplin, Mo 1902-1903 1904-1905 Lewis F. McCoy, 3600 Paseo, I<ansas City Alfred H. White, Fairn10nt Hotel, St. Louis 1908 -1909 Van Fremont Boor, 1201 Comtnerce Bldg., Kansas City 1909-1910 Francis H. Trimble, 120 N. Water St., Liberty, Mo.......•. 1910-1911 Thomas F. Hurd, Par.is 1918-1919 Ray V. Denslow, Trenton 1919-1920 Herbert \"1. Powers, 3807 w. 2d St., Los Angeles, Calif 1920-1921 Bert S. Lee, 1224 Washington Ave., Springfield 1921-1922 Edmund E. Morris, 907 Walnut St., Kansas City 1922-1923 John Pickard, Columbia 1923-1924 vVil1is A.. McCullah, Aurora, 110 1924-1925 Orson H. S'wearingen, 1204 Grand Ave. Tetl1ple, Kansas City .. 1925-1926 Edward Wiln10t "rayler, Marceline 1926-1927 Janles A. I(inder, Cape Girardeau 1927-1928 Bion I \Valdron, Hannibal, 1\10 1928-1929 Edward F. Von Gunden, 5241 Paulian Pl., St. Louis 1929-1930 Fred O. Wood, 600 W. Chase St., Springfield 1930-1931 Leroi Beck, l<ing rIill Bldg., St. Joseph 1931-1932 GRAND CHAPTER OFFICERS 1932-33.

Harold L. Reader, Gr. High Priest, 743 Fairview, "'''"ebster ·Groves. Thoa. A. Harbaugh, Deputy Grand High Priest, Webb 'City. Willis J. Bray, Grand King, I{irksville. Guy C. Million, Grand Scribe, Hotel Frederick, Boonville. George Coslow, Grand Treasurer, Marquette Hotel, St. Louis. Ray V. Denslow, Grand 'Secretary, Trenton. Frank P. Briggs, Grand Captain Host, Macon. Geo. C. Marqui,a, Grand Principal Soj., 114 E. Ruby, Independence. E. F. Hannah, Grand R. A. Captain, Springfield. Robert L. Barger, Grand Master 3d Veil, Ironton. Carter vV.Atkins,Grand Master 2d Veil, 7445 Kingsbury, St. Louis. Walter J. Bublitz, Gr. Master 1st Veil, 612W. 70th St., Kansas City. '\Valter Langtry, Sr., Grand Chaplain, 7631 Forsythe Blvd., St. Louis. .A .ugust KrOll, G-rand Sentinel, 2707 N. Grand Blvd., St. Lonis. George C. Marquis, Grand Lecturer, 114 E. Ruby St., Independence. Claude Fichthorn, Grand Organist, Marshall.




THE KING (A satisfactory costume for this character)



Order of High Priesthood Constitu.tion. (The Constitution and Rules of the Grand Convention of . : \nointed High Priests of the State of l\Iissouri.) 1. The style and title of this body shall be "The Grand Convention of Anointed High Priests of the State of Missouri."

II. The Grand Convention of Anointed High Priests shall consist of the following officers and members: 1. OFFICERS.-Most Excellent President, Excellent Vice-President, Excellent Chaplain, Excellent Treasurer, Excellent R_ecorder, Excellent Master of Cerenl0nies, Excellent Conductor, Excellent Herald, Excellent Steward and Excellent Sentinel. 2. ME~1BERS . -All those High Priests and Past High Priests who have been, or l11ay hereafter be, anointed, consecrated and set apart in this Grand Convention to the Order of High Priesthood, and \vho still renlain tneInbers in good standing of S0111e regular Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. 3. AFFILIATION.-Past High Priests \vho have been la\vfully anointed in the Order of High Priesthood, n1ay be elected to membership by a unanitllous ballot, provided they are affiliated tnenlbers of some subordinate Chapter in this jurisdiction.

III. This Grand Convention shall have and exercise jurisdiction over the Order of rligh Priesthood within the State of 1Iissouri..

RULES. 1. The Stated Convocations of the Grand Convention shall be held annually on the evening of the first day's session of the Grand Chapter of Missouri. Special Convocations Inay be caned at the discretion of the 1105t Excellent President. 2. The election of officers shall be held at the Annual Convocation. 3. All petitions for the ()rder of High Priesthood shall be accompanied by a proper certificate of the ap;plicant's having been duly elected to the office of High Priest of a subordinate Chapter of this jurisdiction. 4. It requires a unanitnous ballot to elect an applicant for the Order' 0'ÂŁ High Priesthood. 5. The fee for anointing in the Order of High Priesthood shall be fi ve dollars.

(Gr. Chapter Proc., 1884, p. 58.)









~ .....



1854 1855 1856

1857 1858

1859 1路860 1861 1862

1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878

Geo. H. C. Melody Geo. H. C. Melody Geo. H. C. lVlelody Geo. H. C. Melody Geo. H. C. Melody Joseph Foster Joseph Foster Joseph Foster Joseph Foster Joseph Foster Joseph Foster James l\fcDaniel. D. T. Wainwright

Thornton Grimsley A. Patterson

J. D. Daggett E. Barbee J. D. Daggett D. DeHaven Sam'! IV!. Hays J. W. Crane J. W. Crane J. D. Daggett J. D. Daggett D. T. Wain\vright T. E. Shepherd


A. O'Sullivan.

J. F. Truslow J. F. Truslo'v J. F. Truslo'v J. F. Truslo'v D. T. Wain\vright D. T. Wainwright. D.T. Wainwright. T. E. Shepherd W. M. Rush William White W. 1\1. Rush W. W. Robertson

J. D. Daggett J. D. Daggett Geo. W. Belt Jas. N. Burnes J. D. Daggett Wm. N. Loker

A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.

t=1 t-t

O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan.







~ .....




~ H



. . /T. T. T. fT. l T.

E. E. E. E. E. IT. E. E. I T. E. E. T. E.

IT. !T.

Garrett Garrett Garrett. Garrett. Garrett Garrett Garrett. Garrett Garrett Garrett

J. A. H. Lampton J. A. H. Lampton C. F. Leavitt. C. F. Leavitt. Allan McDowell Allan McDowell Allan IVlcDowelL Allan McDowell Allan 1vlcDowell Allan McDowell

D. T. Wain\vright D. T. Wain'vright Isaiah Forbes Isaiah Forbes Isaiah Forbes Isaiah Forbes Isaiah Forbes Isaiah Forbes Isaiah Forbes Herman C. Duncan..

Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Jno.

N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. R.

Loker Loker Loker Loker Loker Loker Loker Loker Loker Parson

J. F. Houston. J. F. Houston. Hy. M. Rhodus. Hy. :tV!. Rhodus. Hy. IVI. Rhodus. Hy. IV!. Rhodus. Hy. M. Rhodus. Hy. 1\1:. Rhodus. Jas. H. Tolman. Jas. H. Tolman.


(f). ~

> 1-3



1-3 .....






1880 1881.

T. E. Garrett. T. E. Garrett


T. E. Garrett. T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett IT. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett. T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett. T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett. T. E. Garrett T. E. Garrett. T. E. Garrett.

1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890· 1891. 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896. 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 190·6 1907


Allan Allan Allan Allan Allan Allan Allan Allan

Allan Allan Allan Allan Allan Allan

McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowelL McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell

Allan Allan Allan Allan McDowell Allan McD{)well Allan McDowell Allan McDowell Allan McDowell Allan McDowell Allan McDowell


Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Lee A. Lee A. Lee A.

Forbes Forbes Forbes Forbes H·all. Hall.


Lee A. H·all. Lee A. H·al!. Lee A. R·all

Lee A. H·all Lee A. H·all Lee A. R·all LeeA. H·all Lee A. H·aIL Lee A. R·all Rev. ,C. H. Briggs Rev..C.H. Briggs Rev. C. H. Briggs Rev. ,C. H. Briggs Rev. C. H. Briggs Rev. C.. H. Briggs Rev..C. H. Briggs Rev. ,C. H. Briggs


Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Pars{)n Jno. R. Parson Jua. R. Parson Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Pars,on Jno. R. Parson Juo. R. Pars·on Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Parson Jno. R. Parson.~ Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan Noah M..Givan

Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan


Wm. H. Mayo. H. Mayo.

Wnl. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm.


Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. Wm. H. Will. H. WIn. H. Wm. H.

Allan McDowell D. M. Wilson A. M. Hough

Rev. C. H. Briggs A. M. Hough Alt. H. \V11ite


U1 ()

.J::::j. ~


















Iw ~

> r-3


H (f}



H ()




' T. E. Garrett C. H. Briggs D. M. Wilson


H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo. H. Mayo.


Noah M. Givan Noah M. Givan Van F. Boor

Wm. H. Mayo. Wm. H. l\'1ayo. R. F. Stevenson.















~ n ~


1908 1909 1910 1911 1912' 1913

1914 1915 1916

1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923

1924 1925 1926

1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932

D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson :. D. M. Wilson -. D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson :. D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson ~ D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson -. D. M. Wilson :. D. M. Wilson :. D. M.Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson D. M. Wilson Alfred H. White :. John Pickard J. R. McLachlan J. R. McLachlan ::"..• Y. R. McLachlan R. McLachlan


Alf. Alf. Alf. Alf. Alf. Alf. Alf. Alf. Alf. AIr. Alf. Alf. Ali. Ali. Alf. Alf. Alf. All.

H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White H. White AIr. H. White John Pickard J. R. McLachlan Ed. E. Morris Ed. E. Morris Ed. E. Morris Ed. E. Morris

M. T. Balsley 1\1. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley M. T. Balsley John Pickard John Pickard John Pickard John Pickard John Pickard John Pickard John Pickard Harold L. Reader Harold L. Reader Harold L. Reader Harold L. Reader Harold L. Reader Harold L. Reader

Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van Van

F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F.

Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor Boor

R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R.

F. F. F. F. F. F. F.

Stevenson. Stevenson. Stevenson. Stevenson. Stevenson. Stevenson. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. R. F. Stevenson. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslow. Ray V. Denslo,v.

Pi t'i t'"l

















(f) .....::J

> t-1

~ ..., H


> toot


1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870....... 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1880 1881 1882


Master of Cere.




Joseph Foster R. R. Rees (Mar.) F. A. H. Garlichs S. H路ouck D. DeHaven Wm. McLane rv1arcus Boyd D. DeHaven Jno. S. Tisdale Edward Lea J. W. Chenoweth JQseph Foster l\larcus Boyd J.W. Crane l\larcus Boyd Joseph Foster L. S. Cornwell L. W. Mitchell N. F. Jones Sam'l M. Hays Marcus Boyd J. W. Crane Lucien l\lcDowel.. A. B. Hoy Sam'} Russell W. R. Penick Geo. R. Hunt James Barry Sam'l Russell. W. R. Penick Wm. Burden L. W. Mitchell Sam'l Russell D. P. Wallingford J. A. H. Lampton T. B. Howe W. Cunningham.. W. N. Loker B. N. Crump J. E.Cadle Geo. W. Belt JaB. E. Drake T. E. Garrett Sam'l Russell J. A. H. Lampton W. N. Loker J. F. Houston J. A. H. Lampton Martin Collins John G. Foss



J. W. Chenoweth Solomon Houck F. Gallup T. Howe S. R. Rnssell. R. T. Nesbit Wm. Burden Jas. T. Gilliam W. N. Burden T. B. Howe Jos. Tallman l\f. L. Cohn ~

1\1. Collins M. Collins J.. H. Fairchild J.H. Fairchild J. A. Lampton Xen.Ryland Xen. Ryland Xen. Ryland Xen. Ryland J. A. H. Lampton

Sam'l Russell J. H. Fairchild Geo. T. King Geo. T. King Ed. Spencer J. B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin Sam'} H. Owens.. J. B. Austin Sam'l H. Owens.. J. B. Austin W. R. Stubblefield J. B. Austin

M. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn lVI. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield M. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn Jos. S. Browne

D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne D. N. Burgoyne Wm. H. Dale Wm. H. Dale Wm. H.Dale

J. E. Cadle ~

W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield M. L. Cohn M. L. Cohn W. R. Stubblefield A. Newmark A. Newmark A. Newmark

. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . .





pj {'-f ~

:> Z


o q





W I-j

o?j H





> ..., H

en t-3













of Cere.







~ n H

1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 路1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896. 1897 1898 1899 1900, 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905

1906 1907

W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R. W. R.

Stubblefield Stubblefield Stubblefield Stubblefield Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield \V. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield \V. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield W. R. Stubblefield J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith

J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith

J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J.

B. B. B. B. B.

Austin Austin Austin Austin


B. Austin B. Austin B. Austin B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin J.B. Austin J. B. Austin J. B. Austin C. S. Glaspell C. S. Glaspell Van F. Boor V'an F. Boor

Jos. S. Browne M. L. Cohn J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Snlith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith J. P. Smith ~ Seymour Hoyt Van F. Boor A. M. Hough A. M. Hough

H. Dale J110. E. Jones H. Dale Jno. E. Jones H. Dale Jas. W. 'Allen H. Dale C. D. Kelly H. Dale C. D. Kelly H. Dale C. D. Kelly H. Dale C. D. Kelly H. Dale C. D. Kelly.. ~ H. Dale C. D. !{elly H. Dale C. D. !<:elly H. Dale C. D. Kelly \Vll1. H. Dale C. D. Kelly Wnl. H. Dale C. D. Kelly Wm. H. Dale C. D. Kelly Harry A. Krueger C. D. Kelly Harry A. Krueger C. D. Kelly Harry A. Krueger Phil. Rodan Arthur M. Hough Phil. Rodan ~ Arthur M. H,ougl1 Phil. Rodan R. F. stevenson.. Wnl. A. Hall. R. F. Stevenson.. Wm. A. Hall.

Wnl. Wm. Wnl. Wm. Wm. Wm. Will. "Vm. Wnl. Wm. Wnl.

Van F. Boor Van F. Boor

A. M. Hough R. F. Stevenson.. Wnl. A. Hall R. F. Stevenson.. Wm. A. Hall H. W. Powers

Will. A. Hal!.

Austin L. McRae H. W. Powers

M. T. Balsley


. .. . .. .

.. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .

. .. . . . . .






Z o C r.n





Ul f-j


~ H



Im ~

>-t-3 H








1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1:91G: 1917 1918 1919 1920 19,21 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932'

I J. J. J. J. J. L. L.

Master of Cere.

P. Smith P. Smith P. Smith P. Snlith P. Snlith E. Vogelsang.. E. Vogelsang.. J. R. l\1:cLachlan..





Wnl. A. Hall Austin L. licRae Jno. W. Heist. John W. Toppass Wnl. A. Hall Austin L. l\rIcRae Jno. W. Heist W. R. Anthony \Vnl. A. Hall Austin L. lVIcRae Jno. W. Heist. W. R. Anthony L. E. Vogelsang.. Austin L. l\icRae Jno. W. Heist W. R. Anthony L. E. Vogelsang.. Austin L. lVlcRae Jno. W. Heist W. R. Anthony P. Wm. A. Hall. Austin L. l\lcRae Jno. W. Heist W. R. Anthony P. Wm. A. Hall Austin L. McRae J. R. McLachlan.. R. R. Kreeger P. Wm. A. HalL Austin L. McRaeEllis Atkinson L. J. Eads P. Wm. A. Hall Austin L. l\1cRae Ellis Atkinson L. J. Eads P. J. R. McLachlan.. Chas. C. Gardner Ray V. Denslow.. 'Vnl. J.Vannix Harry A.Krueger P. J. R. I\1:cLachlan.. Chas. C. Gardner John Pickard H. W. Powers Ray V. Denslow.. P. J. R. McLachlan.. Chas. C. Gardner John Pickard H. W. Powers Harry A. Krueger P. J. R. McLachlan.. Chas. C. Gardner Austin L. McRae Ray V. Denslow.. Harry A. Krueger P. J. R. McLachlan.. Chas. C. Gardner Austin L. McRae Ray V. Denslow.. Harry A. Krueger P. J. R. I\icLachlan.. Chas. C. Gardner Ray V. Denslow.. Willis J. Bray Harry A. Krueger P. J. R. l\icLachlan.. Chas. C. Gardner Ray V. Denslo,v.. Willis J. Bray Harry A. Krueger J. R. lvlcLachlan.. Geo. C. J\1arquis .. Wm. Y. Bean Willis J. Bray Harry A. Krueger J. R.I\1cLachlan.. Geo. C. IV[arquis .. Wm. Y. Bean 'Villis J. Bray Harry A. Krueger J. R. ~lcLachlan .. Geo. C. l\1arquis.. Wnl. Y. Bean 'Villis J. Bray Harry A. Krueger J. R. l\1cLachlan.. E. F. Von Gunden Wm. Y. Bean \Villis J. Bray Ed. A. Caton C. E. E. l\forris E. F. Von Gunden'Vnl. Y. Bean 'Villis J. Bray Carl A. Swenson.. C. \Vm. Y. Bean E. F. VOll Gunden Willis J. Bray S. A. Gilliland Carl A. Swenson.. C. E. F. Von Gunden Wm. Y. Bean Willis J. Bray S. A. Gilliland Carl A. Swenson.. C. E. F. Von Gunden Wm. Yo Bean Willis J. Bray S. A. Gilliland Carl A. Swenson.. C. E. F. Von Gunden Wm. Y.Bean Willis J. Bray S. A. Gilliland Carl A. Swenson.. C.


.. . . . B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.

Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden. Eversden.

Fichthorn. Fichthorn. Fichthorn. Fichthorll. Fichthorn. Fichthorn.


() ~




Z o















. . . . L. L. L. L. L. L.

~ H



w. .-j :>

t-3 H


I-j H









Order of High Priesthood List of ll1enlbers since organization, showing date on \:vhich Order was conferred and r.~,~,L1~,~~..,_2"t.~"拢llpdidate at the tinle. The list is complete to Decenlber 31, 1931. -A*Abbe, John D *Abell, Hannibal F *Abraham, Isaac M Ackerson, W:alter E tAdams, David B *Adams, James A Adams, James W Adams, John W Alderman, Dale V Alexander, J. Earle tAlexander, Joseph H *Alexander, Joshua H Alexander, Willis W *Allee, Janles V t Allen, Chas. C tAllen, Ethan *Allen, Ethelbert F Allen, Jasper T *Allen, James W Alley, Abijah A Allgeier, Harry V *Anlbler, Edwin P *Ambrose, Joseph S Amerman, Paul tAmos, Chas. E Anderson, Benj. B Anderson, Horace J Anderson, Jay T Anderson, Charles *Anderson, Rufus Easton Anderson, Virgil F Anderson, Virgil W *Andreen, Oscar Andrews, James W Angle, E. E Anthony, Walter R tArnold, Eugene I{ tArnold~ ,rrhos. F Asher, Walter Atkins, Carter W *Atkinson, David t Atkinson, Ellis Aulgur, Thos. W Austin, Cllas. S Austin, Elmer H *Austin, Janles B *Austin, John M * Dead 't Din1itted :t.

May 6, 1880 Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 24, 1895 Apr. 26, 1932 Apr. 27, 1892 Oct. 11, 1872 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 27, 1920 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 28, 1931 Apr. 23, 1890 Apr. 22, 1891 Apr. 24, 1928 Oct. 11, 1872 Oct. 10, 1873 Oct. 9, 1878 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 26, 1927 Oct. 7, 1875 Apr. 26, 1921 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 25, 1900 May 5, 1881. Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 24, 1895 Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 23, 1929 4..pr. 22, 1924 Apr. 22, 1930 Oct. 15, 1879 Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 25, 1911. Apr. 26, 1921 Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 28, 1905 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 23, 1912 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 25, 1911 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr.. 26, 1932 Apr. 24, 1928路 Apr. 22. 1924 May 23, 1874 Oct. 9, 1874 Suspended

Bolivar Versailles Harrisonville Fayette Cameron Columbia Webb City Eldon St. Joseph Appleton City St. Charles Troy Trenton Versailles Carthage Lexington Kansas City Warrensburg St. Louis Princeton Mt.Grove St. Louis lSpringfield St. Joseph St. Louis Kansas 'City Marionville Joplin Kansas City Hannibal Springfield ~ Marionville Lexington Fredericktown Louisiana Kansas City Butler Lewiston Rolla St. Louis St. Joseph Joplin Sedalia Carrollton Eldon St. Louis St Joseph


*Austin, Oroar Dexter Ayers, Joseph F

May 8, 1874

Apr. 24, 1923

907 Butler Rolla


*Bader, Herbert Baer, Samuel E *Bahrenburg, Wm. N *Bailey, Benjamin Peter Bailey, Knott S ~Bailey, Willis B *Bainbridge, Robert E tBaker, Chas. E *Baldw'in,James W Baldwin, Paul tBall, Frederick "'*Balsey, Martin T Banks, Chas. . *Barbee, Elias Barbee, Joshua F *Bare, Henry W Barger, Robert L Barker, Julius M *Barker, Stephen M Barker, Washington D Barklage, Edwin H *Barnes, Alonzo *Barnes, John W Barnes, Orton A Barnes, Robert M Barnes, Wm. E *Barney, Reuben Barney, Reuben, Jr Barnhill, Frank C Barns, Janles H :l:Barr, John H Barre, Wm.. T *Barrett, Jesse W *Barry, James W *Bartlesmeyer, Wm.. . Bartlett, Claude G tBartlett, E. P Bartley, Don P Bass, Wm.. B Bassett, WIn. H tBatcheller, Josiah W Bates, George H tBates, Karl W Bates,R. L *Batson, Chas. A tBatterton, David L *Baum, Joseph Bauman, L. Ernest. tBaumgardner, Earl R Bean, Wm. Y Beasley, JosephH * Dead t Dhllitted

Apr. 23, 1918 Apr. 28, 1914 Apr. 27, 1892 May 5, 1881 Apr. 28, 1931 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr.. 22, 1891 Apr. 25, 1911 Oct. 6, 1870 Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 23, i902 Apr. 23, 1902 Apr. 24, 1917 May 20, 1857 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 22, 1891 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 25, 1894 May 7, 1885 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 24, 1917 Apr. 24, 1923 Oct. 5, 1877 Apr. 24, 1906 Apr.. 27, 1909 Apr. 23, 1929 Apr.24, 1895 Apr. 23, 1929 May 6, 1880 May 23, 1861 Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 24, 1923 Oct.. 6, 1871. Apr. 25, 1916 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 24, 1895 May 9, 1888 Apr.. 23, 1918 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 26, 1893 May 5, 1881. Oct. 5, 1876 Apr. 23, 1929 Apr.. 23, 1929 Apr. 24, 1906 Apr. 26, 1927 :t. S\\spen<.1ed

8t. Louis Springfield 8t. Louis Fulton Palmyra Clinton Kansas City Sedalia 8t. Louis Kennett Springfield Joplin Kirksville VV.,.eston Marshall Albany Ironton Brunswick Wellsville Shelbina St. Charles Higginsville Memphis Memphis Memphis Liberty Chillicothe Chillicothe Marshall Moberly Kansas City Mexico Canton St. Louis Mt. Vernon J efferson City 0sceola Fulton Faucett Paris 8t. Joseph Lexington Ex(~elsior Springs Excelsior Springs 8t. Joseph Columbia Kirksville Milan Rolla 8t. Louis 81. Louis



Beatty, John E Beavers, Cash C ~Beazell, Benjamin If ~Beck, Geo. S Beck, Leroi Beckett, Ellsworth C Bedford, Edwin J tBedford, Jefferson W Bedford, Thos. P *Beggs, John S Beiser, Philip tBelding, Harry P *Belding, Henry ,V Bell, Ed. L Bell, John T Bellis, AnlOS G *Belt, Geo. W Benjamin, David W *Benson, Wm. H *Bergman, Axel F *Bethune, Jaules H Bigbee, Wnl. T *Bingham, John W Bird, Wnl. D Bishop, Grover C *Black, Samuel H ~Black, Wm. A *Blackburn, Churchill J Blackford, N. W Blacknlal1, John R *Blackluer, Rollin C Blackshaw, Wnl. H *Blackwell, Alex C Blair, Roy W Blake, Ralph N Blakeulan, Henry E Blakemore, Thoa. H Blankenship, Otto W *Bliss, Ellis W ~ Blonlberg, ehas. F *Boatwright, Bolden B *Bode, Louis F Bohnenkanlp, Wm. A Boas, James E Bobb, Willianl Boggess, Emerson O Boggess, Harry L Boisseau, Marvin ID Bond t Enlett Scott Bond, Franco G Bond, Lee *Bond, Richard T *Bonfils,EugeneN Bonnett, Nelson N Boon, Jan1es M * Dead t Dhl1itted

Apr. 24, 1917 Kahoka Apr. 26, 1932 Center Apr. 26, 1921. Chillicothe Apr. 26, 1910 Faucett Apr. 22, 1919 St. Joseph Apr. 28, 1931. Carrollton Apr. 22, 1924 Fayette Oct. 8, 1874 Lexington Apr. 22, 1930 Fayette Apr. 24, 1889 8t. Louis Apr. 27, 1920 8t. Louis Apr. 22, 1903 8t. Louis Apr. 22, 18'96 8t. Louis Apr. 26, 1927 DeSoto Apr. 23, 1918 Slater June 24, 1913 Philippine Islands May 23, 1868 Weston Apr. 27, 1926 Kansas City Apr. 28, 1914 St. Louis Apr. 25, 1916 Excelsior Springs Oct. 7, 1869 St. Louis Apr. 28, 1908 Springfield Apr. 25, 1911 Milan Apr. 24, 1928 Charleston Apr. 26, 1921 Caruthersville Apr. 26. 1893 Liberty Apr. 24, 1923 Mansfield Apr. 25, 1905 1VIarshall Apr. 24, 1928 Shelbina Apr. 23, 1929 Chillicothe Apr. 29, 1914 St. Louis Apr. 27, 1926 Hannibal lVlay 25, 1866 Carrollton Apl路. 22, 1919 Troy Apr. 26, 1927 Moberly Apr. 6, 189.3 California Apr. 27. 1909 St. Louis Apr. 28, 1931 Kansas City Apr. 23, 1902 DeSoto Apr. 24, 1906 St. Louis Apr. 23, 1912 Bethany Apr. 22, 1924 St. Joseph Apr. 24, 1901 St. Louis Apr. 22, 1924 Kansas City Apr. 26, 1921 Joplin Apr. 22, 1930 I iberty Apr. 28, 1931 Liberty Apr. 22, 1930 St.. Louis Apr. 27, 1909 Dixon Apr.. 26, 1932 PoplarBluff Apr. 24, 1928 Brookfield Apr. 25, 1911 Fayette May 5, 1881 Troy Apr. 24, 1917 St. Joseph Apr. 22, 1919 Carrollton :I: Suspended


Boone, Janles A Boor, Van F Booth, Herbert R Boothe, Geo. F BorgnlaU, Henry A Born, C. Wnl ~Boswell, Geo. V *Bosworth, Henry Loren *Boude, Henry B Bowen, Frank E *Bowles, Wnl. A Bowling, Pearl C Bowmau, Adanl R *Bownlan, Albert B Bowman, John J *Bowman, Michael Bowser, George C *Boyd, Marcus Boyer, Jer0111e W ~Brace, Theodore Brackman, Louis *Bradlyford, Henry Bradshaw, Jere Brandenburg, Morris W Brant, Enlory H Brashear, H. C *Braun, Augustus F Bray, Willis J Breckenridge, Chas. A *Brent, Henry M BreWington, Geo. F Briggs, Corona H Briggs, Frank P Brill, John H Brinkman, Ernest P *Bristow, Wnl *Brittingham, Chas. G :l:Broadbent,. Samuel Broadbere, Geo. R tBrobeck, WIn. P *Brock, James E Brock, Wnl. R *Brocltnlan, Clinton O *Brooks, Churchill G tBrooks, Kennedy Brooks, H.alph J Brookshier, Archie E *Brotherton, Wm. S *Brown, A. T Brown, Edgar C Brown, Geo. A Brown, Jalnes W *Brown, Janles Wrn Brown, Julius A

*Brown, ThoIllas

* D(~ad



Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. May Apr. May Apr. Oct. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.


22, 1903 Charleston 22, 1896 Kansas City 27, 1920 Hamilton 28, 1914 Sedalia 28, 1914 8t. Louis 23, 1918 8t. Louis 25, 1911 Butler 5, 1881 Springfield 23, 1902 California 11, 1922 Monett 27, 1909 Neosl1o 28, 1925 Kirksville 28, 1908 Springfield 24, 1895. 8t. Louis 22, 1913 Bonne Terre 6, 1879 Weston 25, 1916 Albany 22. 1856 Springfield 22, 1919 West Plains 11, 1872 J efferson City 23, 1929 DeSoto 6, I880.. Pleasant Mountain 22, 1919 Canton 27, 1910 Albany 23, 1918 Maysville 26, 1927 Mexico 24, 1889 St. Joseph 27, 1920 Kirksville 27, 1915 Mt. Vernon 22, 1896 St. Louis 24, 1906 Macon 22, 1891. Fayette 28, 1926 Macoll 24, 1928 Weston 26, 1932 St. Louis 24, 1889 Hanlilton 28. 1908 Eldon 22. 1919 St. Louis 28. 1925 Kansas City 23, lSI90 Rich Hill 26. 1893 St. Louis 26, 1910 St. I.Jouis 23, 1918 Eldon May 7, 1885 Jefferson City Apr. 28, 1914 Joplin Apr. 28, 1925 Springfield Apr. 27, 1920 Gallatin May 12, 1887 Jeffersoll City Apr. 24, 1928 St. Louis Apr. 11, 1922 Mt.Vernoll Apr. 28, 1925 Versailles Apr. 24, 1923 Mariollville May5, 1881. ~St. Lonis Apr. 26, 1927 Hannibal May 8, 1884 ~ St. Louis u





Brown, W. Saleul Brown, Ulla M Browne, Edward B *Browne, Joseph S *Brummall, Clarence E Brummall, Harold H *Brummall, Jefferson D :t:Bruton, Leander D *Bryan, Chas. S tBryant, Robert H BUblitz, W,alter J *Buchanan, Thos. J efferson *Buckbee, Thos Buckland, Thos. A *Bucklew, Andrew J tBudd, John H Bull, Frank Bulow, Carl *Burch, Lynlan J Burckhardt, Chas. A Burkhart, Edgar C. M

*Burden, Wm. . Burg, Chas. S *Burgoyne, David N Burns, Geo. W Burns, Linford ,," Burns, Merle C *Burnes, Janles N *Burns, Thomas Burnett, Ernest B *Burnham, Geo. T tBurris, Chas. R Burroughs, J. Virgil tBurrows, Lansing tBurrows, Oscar G Bushnell, Collins E *Butler,Geo. W Butler, Joe B Buterbaugh, Basil *Butts, Henry B *Byarly, Arthur A Bynum, John C Byruln, Paul R

Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Oct. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr.

1914 1930 1923 1872 1921. 1926 1916 1907 1866 1922 1932 7, 1875 15, 1879 24, 1901 25, 1894 25, 1894 26, 1910 24, 1917 6, 1871 23, 1902 28, 1925 23, 1861 28, 1931 7, 1869 26, 1927 24, 1928 28, 1925 23, 1862 25, 1866 27, 1926 23, 1907 25, 1916 22, 1924 6, 1870 25, 1900 23. 1918 23, 1918 28, 1925 28, 1931 10, 1873 28, 1898 12, 1887 28, 1931

Kennett Louis Springfield St. Joseph Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Mansfield Chillicothe Hamilton Kansas City Pleasant Hill Carthage St. Louis Stanberry Springfield St. Charles Poplar Bluff Rich Hill California Macon St. Louis Bethany St. Louis Appleton City ICansas City Kansas City St. Joseph Macon Holden MiIan Eldon Marshall Lexington Kansas City Bolivar Macon Rolla Carthage St. Louis St. Joseph Maysville Kansas City

May 19, 1864 May 3, 1883 May 8, 1884

Chillicothe Carthage Paris St. Louis St. Louis Kahoka Lebanon Savannah


May lVray

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr.

Apr. Apr.. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. May Apr.

28, 22, 23, 11, 26, 27, 25, 23, 25, 11, 26,


-c*Cadle, James E *Caffee, Amos II *Caldwell, .Geo. B Calhoun, John V\7' Calhoun, Leslie D

Calvert, Geo. V Callaghan, Wm. H *Camp, Cloyd A :t:Canlpbell, Charles Campbell, Elliott L • Dead 't Din1itted

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

*S uspenc1ed

24, 28, 22, 27, 28, 25, 28,

1928 1925 1919 1909 1925 1911 1925

Faucett Neosho


*Campbell, Rufus B Apr. *Campbell, Walter B Apr. Canlpbell, Wm. M Apr. 't'Cannady, Chas. E Apr. Cannady, Wyatt Apr. Cannoll, Harry M Apr. * Cardwell, WIn. J Apr. Carey, Qeo. R Apr. Carl, Bruce J Apr. *Carlton, Albert E ,..Apr. Carmean, James W Apr. *Carnegy, Stephen W. B May tCarpenter, Daniel Oct. *Carr, James May Carroll, Lee Apr. :t:Carroll, Linus A Apr. *Carson, Gib. W Apr. *Carswell, Harry B , Apr. *Carter, Allison FJ 路 Oct. *Carter, James E Oct. Carter, Williain Apr. Carter, Wnl. C Apr. :t:Carthrea, Lewis Apr. Caruthers, Wnl. P Apr. Carver, PatrickP Apr. Casey, Shedric A Apr. Cash, Horace M Apr. *Cash, Janles G Apr. :l:Castle~ Jo11n Wnl Apr. Caton, Edward A Apr. Catton" Geo. H Alpr. Cavin, .J. Enlnlett Apr. Cavin, Roy A Apr. CaVitt, Samuel Apr. *Cessford, AndrewG Apr. Chadwick, Bert W Apr. Chalkley, Dr. A. Judson Apr. *Chambers, Paschal H May Chapman, Don Apr. Chapman, Edwin F Apr. Chappell, Frank F Apr. Chase, J. A Apr. "Cheney, Danforth Oct. *Chenoweth, John W May Chewning, Earnest W Apr. Chiles, Henry C Apr. Christeson, Paris Apr. Christensen, Julius O Apr. Christian, Chas. H Apr. *Christopher, Henry C May *Christopher, Janles H May Chry.sler, Norman M Apr. *Clark, Chas. C Apr. Clark, Frederick M Apr. Clark, Lee Apr. * Dead tDinlitted :j: Suspended u


25, 1911... ~ 25, 1911 22, 1919 23, 1902 28, 1914 28, 1909 22, 1913 28, 1931. 28, 1931 24, 1923 27, 1920 20, 1854 7, 1869 23, 1862 28,' 1926 23, 1912 24, 1895 23, 1890 6, 1871. 6, 1870 22, 1930 22, 1924 27, 1892 26, 1921 26, 1921. 26, 1921. 22, 1930 23, 1890 24, 1906 23, 1918 26, 1932 22, 1919 26, 1927 28, 1925 22, 1891 23, 1918 22, 1930 7, 18185 24, 1928 24, 1928 28, 1925 24, 1928 7, 1869 26, 1855 28, 1925 22, 1919 22, 1924 27, 1920 26, 1921 3, 1883 7, 1885 22,. 1930 24, 1923 24, 1917 27, 1926


Appleton City St. Joseph St. Joseph Monett Marionville Butler Kansas City Kansas City Columbia Kansas" City Caruthersville 'Canton Liberty St. Louis ~St. Louis Unionville St. Louis Kansas City Bloomfield Jefferson City Kansas City California Higginsville Cape Girardeau St. Joseph Lebanon Warrensburg St. Louis St. Joseph Cape Girardeau Eldon Springfield Springfield Charleston Lamar Joplin Lexington Lexington Chillicothe Webster Groves Canton Mountain Grove Brookfi路eld Springfteld Harrisonville Lexington Dixon Kansas City Fulton St. Louis Warrensburg St. Louis Canton Savannah Liberty


*Clark, Samuel W *Clarke, Honten W Clarke, J. W *Clawson, Jalnes H Clay, Geo. A tClayton, Benj. F Clemens, Roe *'Clingan, F. E

*Cloudsley, James *Clouser, Daniel W *Clyde, James M Cochran, Robert H Cochran, Henry S *Codding, Elroy E *Cohen, l\tL L tCohenour, Jacob A *Coker, Edward *Colbert, Geo. W Cole, Geo Coleman, Garrett F Collins, Earl T *Collins, IVIartin *Collnan, Andrews J Compton, Albert I-I Conlpton, S. P Cook, John """ Cookson, Chas. L Cooper, O. Calvin Coppinger, John C tCorbett, WIll. W *'Cornell, Wm. Henry tCornett, Edward C *Cornwell, L. S Cory, I-Jarry T tCosby, Byron Coslow, Geo Courtway, Cla.ud C t'Cowdel1, Albert S Cox, Sanluel S Craig, Herman W Craig, Thos. O C1"an1er, Oliver *Crandall, Orestes A *Crane, John W路 tCraven, Elven L Craven, Walter A *Craven, Wm. J *Cravens, Elisha B Crawford, Wiley C Creech, Brevator J Creek. Joe *Cristy, Wn1. A Crooks, Chas. W *Crooks, Joseph *Crossan, Canlpbell * })Had t Dinlittetl

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May

Apr. Apr. May

Apr. Apr. Apr. May

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

Apr. May

Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. l\ilay Apr. Apr. Apr. 1'rfay Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. l\Ifay May :/: Suspencled

23, 27, 26, 22, 22, 22, 28, 24, 25,

1900 Albany 1909 Jefferson City 1932 Poplar Bluff 1913 Trenton 1930 Pleasant Hill 1924 Chillicothe 1931. Lexington 1928 Gallatin 1900 Albany 6, 1870 Faucett 27, 1899 Sprillgfield 22, 1930 Carrollton 22, .1913 Charleston 25, 1911 'Sedalia 25, 1866 St. Louis 27, 1915 Joplin 23, lS90 West Plains 5, 1882 Troy 23, 1929 St. Louis 26, 1927 Webster Groves 24, 1917 Eldon 25, 1866 St. Louis 23, 1890 Platte City 25, 1916 Marionville 28, 1931 ~ Marionvil1e 27, 1915 Webster Groves 26, 1910 .I{ansas City 27, 1926 Kansas City 11. 1922 Liberty 28. 1925 Caruthersville 5, 1877 St. Louis 25, 1911 \Veston 22. 1858 War1"ensburg 25, 1900 Colunlbia 23, 1918 Kirksville 23, 1918 St. Louis 22, 1924 Charleston 22, 1891 Springfield 28. 1925 \Vellsville 22, 1924 Brookfield 24, 1923 Kansas City 24, 1889 Brookfield 22, 1891 Sedalia 21, 1857 St. Louis 22, 1919 Excelsior Springs 23, 1912 Excelsior Springs 27, 1909 Excelsior Springs 23, 1863 Kansas City 27, 1920 Liberty 25, 1916 Troy 28, 1H31 Memphis 27, 1915 Joplin 27, 1!115 Mt. Vernon 25, 1860 St.. Louis 3, 1883 Bethany


*Crossen, Howard H Crouch, William tCrowell, Frank H Crum, W. H *Crunlp, Benjanlin N Cuddy, Oliver F Culbertson, Benjamin F Cummings, Victor T tCunningIlam, W. A t'Cunningham, Ward Curtis, Grover G *Cushing, Wm. W Custer, Geo. W *Daggett, John D tDailey, Arthur L Dakin, Horace E *Dale, Wm. Henry :t:Daltol1,Richard D' Amato, Gaetano Daniels, San'ford M Darr, H. C *Davidson, James F *Davidson, Joseph E Davidson, Wnl. A Davis, C. M Davis, Eugene A *Davis, John P Davis, John P DaVis, Joe E Davis, Louis B tDavis, Orson Davis, W. Ernest *Davis, Wnl. K Davis, Wm. L *Day, Paul A *Day, Thos. E Deal, ~Jdwin J., Jr Dearmont, Russell L Deatherage, Belljalllin S *Deatherage, Geo. vV DeCardoville, Alex V *DeHaven, D Decker, Ernest E Deichnlan, Oscar E Delano, Lewis A DeLeon, C. Garcia *Dennis, Eli Denslow, Ray V Denton, Benj. C Dentzer, Rufus A *Deskin, John C Deutsch, 'Vnl. J DeVinna, Lawrence E * Dea.d t Dinlitted

Apr. May Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

-0May Apr. Apr. May Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.. ~:



11, 9, 28, 23, 21, 22, 22, 28, 24, 27, 24, 26, 28,

1922 1888 1914 1929 1857 1930 1913 1925 1856 1899 1923 1893 1914

Eldon St. Louis Butler Eldon Hannibal St. Louis Rolla St. Joseph St. Joseph DeSoto Poplar Bluff Marionville Springfield

20, 23, 23, 7: 5, 28, 28, 28, 9, 27, 25, 24, 27, 26, 23, 22, 28, 7, 11, 28, 24, 28, 26, 24, 26, 11, 7, 27, 26, 27, 22, 23, 28, 25, 26, 27, 2:3, 22, 25. 24,

1854 1918 1929 1875 1876 1925 1914 1925 1888 1920 1916 1928 1926 1910 1912 1924 1925 1875 1922 1914 1928 1908 18 93 1907 1932 1922 1888 1915 1855 1926 1919 1918 1931 1881 1910 1926 1929.u 1924 1911 1923

8t. Louis Richmond Hannibal 8t. Louis Center Wellston Kansas City Bethany Hannibal Albany .ISedalia Alhany 8pringfield Memphis Colulllbia


Carthage Neosho Columbia

Carthage West Plains Webb City Springfield Mexico

Charleston Cape Girardeau Kansas City Carrollton Joplin Boollville Rolla St. Louis Bonne Terre Wellstol1 Gallatin Trenton Mexico Webster Groves Kansas City Kansas City Versailles



*Diamant, Albert E tDiehl, John Disbrow, Chas. H Dixon, Jas. E *Dixon, Original S *Dobbins, Wm Dobyns, Wm. R *Dockery, Alexander M *Dolman, John Ashton tDonovan, Henry Doughty, Chas. L *Dougherty, 'V. W *Douglas, Alexander T Dowell, Geo. B Downs, Wm~ *Drake, Albert M *Drake, James E *Draper, Philander Drehnlann, Chas. F *Dresher, Henry *Drescher, John W *Dudgeon, Wm. A Dudley, ~Tames H Duff, Alexander W *Dulaney, John K tDuncan, Herman C Duncan, Thurston B Dunford, Douglas A Dunlap,. Wm. C Dunlap, W. P Dunmire, John H *Dunn, John W *Dunn, Tandy A Dunn, W. Lee Dunnegan, Thos. H. B *Dunnegan, Willard B Dunsford, Walter A Durret, D. G Duphorne, Frank S Dye, Alexander E Dysart, Earle S tDyer, Trusten Polk

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Oct. Apr. Apr. l\tlay May Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Apr. May May May Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May


22, 24, 22, 22, 24, 22, 24, 28', 22, 13,

1877 1894 1929 1!J20 1927 1907 1885 1891 1923 1896 1909 1928 1930 1928 1914 1930 1886

Kennett Kirksville St. Joseph Lexington St. Louis iSt. Joseph Marshall Gallatin St. Joseph Butler Carthage Liberty St. Louis Rich Hill 'Canton Carthage Carrollton Louisiana St. Louis Palmyra Palnlyra Fayette Troy Neosho Slater Kansas City Mexico Lexington Faucett Warrensburg Kennett Lamar Bethany Brookfield Bolivar Bolivar Lexington Marshall Brookfield Salem Columbia :St. Louis

28, 23, 24, 7, 27, 25, 22, 26, 22, 24, 24,

1908 1907 1917 1875 1915 1866 1924 1921 1924 1923 1928

Hamilton St. Louis Lexington Chillicothe DeSoto Mexico Kansas City St. Louis Kansas City Kennett Cape Girardeau

27, 2'6, 24, 28, 23, 24, 27, 6,

9, 22, 22, 25, 20, 11, 27, 23, 23, 21, 24, 25, 22, 5, 22, 27, 28, 5, 25, 23, 27, 26, 23, 7,

1909 1921 1923 1925 1890 1906 1899 1870 1878 1903 1930 1866 1857 1922 1909 1902 1862 1857 1923 1866 1891 1881 1913 1915 1925.~

-EEads, Lee J *Eckert, Mahlon W Eckle, Walter R Edgerton, Wm. Wilbur Edwards, Melzar C *Edwards, Samuel M Eichman, Arthur F Elam, Clyde B Elberg, Henry 'C tElkins, Everett L Ellis, Earlie P • Dead t Din1ittec1

Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. :j:



*Ellis, Erwin Elliston, Chas. E Ely, A. Victor tEly, David Allen, Jr *Ely, David Allen, 8r *Ely, Moses :f:Ely, Richard W Endsley, 8. F Engelskind, Theo. J England, Richard E Erath, Frank Evans, John A Evans, John T Evans, Clyde C tEvans, Paul Evans, Raymond A :f:Everinghanl, Joseph Evers~ Frederick W Evers, Theo. J Eversden, Percy B Evilsizer, Thos. S Ewing, Marvin W Ewing, Morris E


Oct. Apr. Apr. Oct. Oct. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Nov. Apr. Apr. Apr.

15, 1879 22, 26, 5, 7,

1924 1927 1881 1875 15, 1879 23, 1918 22, 1930 28, 1931 11, 1922 24, 1917 28, 1914 27, 1909 22; 1930 22, 1924 27, 1920 8, 1884 28, 1908 26, 1927 23, 1911 26, 1921 28, 1914 22, 1930


Lebanon Bolivar Palmyra Kirksville Kirksville 8t. Louis Kennett Lamar 8t. Louis Cape Girardeau Albany Kahoka Joplin Trenton Mountain Grove )Savannah Butler 8t. Louis 8t. Louis Milan Kansas City Trenton Morrisville

-F*Fagin, 1. Delbert *Fairchild, J. H Fake, Chas. H *Falcon, Albert *Falkenhainer, Victor H *Farrar, Daniel C *Farris, John W *Faulkner, Ro bt. B Faus, Oliver H Fegert, E. J tFeldenheinler, Chas. . Fellison, VvT • Harry Fichthorn, Claude L *Finch, Fred E Finley, Henry I-I Fischer (Fischlowitz) V. K *Fish, Hiram R *Fisher, R. S Fitzgerald, Chas. A Flack, Wm. D Flelning, Harry C *Flint, John D *Flitcraft, Penlbrook R Flowerree, John R *Forbes, Isaiah *Ford, Lewis E *Ford, Martin A *Forrest, Lawrence Fortune, Geo. D *Foskett, Warren B

* Dead

t Dhnitted

Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. May Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr.

:t Suspended

22, 1903 7, 1869 23, 1912 27, 1899 28, 1908 12, 1887 26, 1893 6, 1871 27, 1915 26, 1927 22, 1891 27, 1926 28, 1925 28, 1925 25, 1900 22, 1924

24, 1898 7, 1869 22. 1924 26, 1921 24, 1928 22, 1891 7, 1885 27, 1920 20, 1857 11, 1922 24, 1889 3, 1883 22, 1913 27, 1892

Lathrop 8t. Louis Bonne Terre Appleton. City 8t. Louis Bolivar Lebanon Rolla Trenton Lexington Moberly St. Joseph Marshall Webb City Greenfield Rolla Versailles Kennett Wellston Excelsior 8prings Monett St. Joseph St. Louis Ralls St. Louis Trenton Bethany Cameron Hannibal St. Louis



*Foss, John G *Foster, Joseph *Foster, Dries J *Fowler, Richard H *Fowles, Wm. S Fowlkes, Robert L *Fox, Joseph lVI. tFox, Warren Hastings Fram, Robert S Frazer, Robert E Frazier, Robert E *Freeman, Frederick A Freiberger, Irvin J Freese, John H *Frey, John W *Fritsch, Wm. J :j:Fritz, Harry R :j:Frisbey, Chester G *Fulks, Wnl. J Fuller, Wilbur N Fulks, Thos. l\'!. }l'uller, Geo. H Funston, Thos. N *Fyfer, John T

May 25, 1866 May 20, 1854 Apr. 26, 1927 Oct. 6, 1870 Apr. 21, 1897 Apr. 26, 1927 Oct. 7, 1869 Oct. 9, 1878 Apr. 25, 1911 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 28, 1931 May 13, 1886 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 27, 1909 May 6, 1880 Apr. 27, 1915 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 23, 1890 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 25, 1911 Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 22, 1896

Hannibal St. Louis Marceline Mexico St. Joseph Charlestol1 Sedalia St. Louis Joplin Webb City Boonville Kansas City St. Louis Gilliam Webb City St. Louis Po,plar Bluff

Independence .'California St. Louis California Marshall Mtn. Grove Colunlbia

-GGabriel, Dick *Gaines, Henry. L路 Gallatin, J01111 M

Gallant, C. Lew *Gallie, John B *Gallup, F Ganz, August C Gardner, A. N Gardner, Chas. C *Garlich, F. A.H Garner, Royal L Garman, John E Garrell, J'ulius C tGarretson, Richard Field *Garrett, Thos. E Garside, Alex *Garth, Walter W *Gass, Howard A Gass, John P Gates, Wilson O Gatschett, A. A Gay, Ernest W *George, Floyd W *George, Harry Lewis Gerding, Herbert L *Getnlan, Herbert H tGettler, Jacob *Gibson, Edward A Gibson, James A * Dead t Dhnitted

Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr.

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

Oct. May

Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. :j: Suspended

22. 1924 7, 1869 27, 1920 27, 1920 26, 1921 23, 1857 23, 1912 23, 1929 27, 1915 26, 1855 27, 1926 27. 1920 23, 1902 5, 1877 18, 1865 27, 1920 9, 1874 22, 1892 26, 1921 23, 1929 23, 1929 22, 1924 28, 1925 15, 1879 26, 1921 27, 1909 28, 1908 24, 1893 22, 1918

Versailles Bruns\vick Chillicothe St. Louis Sedalia

Westport Louisiana Wellsville I{irksville

Liberty Milan

Jefferson City St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis

Marionville Colunlbia Jefferson City

9,edalia Monett California .'Slater Appleton City St. Joseph St. Louis I{ansas City Platte City

Marionville Columbia


*Gifford, Frank Mead *Gillespie, Wnl *Gillespie, WIn. D * Gillianl, Jarnes T :I:'Gillidett, Chas. \V tGillidett, MilesSherman Gilmore, Joseph S Ginn, Alvertice O *Givan, Noah M *Glancy, Wm. H Glascock, Jeddie B *Glaspell, Chas..S Glassen, Benj. A Glenn,Wnl. C *G1enn, Wnl. E tGoben, Grandison A *Godfreynl, Peter *Goldslllith, Thos. G Gooch. Enlil *Goldsteill, Sanulel Golladay, ID. Le\v :I:Goodcling, Wnl. A Goodnlan, Honler *Gordoll, James A Gordon, Wm. C *Gore, Geo. W Goult, Alfred H Grahanl, E. B :I:Grahanl, JaInes I( *Granthanl, Clinton B. F Graue, Louis J *Gray, John P. H Gray, John vV tGreen, Jalnes F *Gregg, Eli H Greenleaf, Robert W Gregory, Benj Griebel, Henry W Griebel, John P Griffith, Geo. H Grigsby, Joe Grinlbley, Chas. B *Grimsley, Thornton *Grissom, Burns \i\t,. :I:Grissolll, Milton A *Grove, F. A *Groves, Hiralu D Gualtney, Thos. W Guitar, Henry M Gurley, Chas Gunn, SUlnpter E tGurney, \Valter R Gwinn, Richard L t I)ilnitted :t: * Dead

Oct. May Apr. May Apr. May Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. May Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. l\!ay Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. lVIay ~pr.

Apr. Oct. Apr. ~pr.


Apr. Apr. Apr. Apl\ Apr.


9 1878 7, 1885 24, 1923 25, 1860 26, 1893 8: 1884 28, 1931. 27, 1926 11, 1872 25, 1905 22, 1924 9,~ 1888 28, 1925 28, 1908 7. 1869 25, 1911 9, 1874 26, 1910 22, 1930 23, 1918 22, 1930 5, 1882 22, 1930 5, 1882 25, 1911 3, 1883 23, 1929 28, 1981 25, 1894 23, 1918 26, 1932 8, 1884 24, 1928 22, 1896 22, 1894 23, 1929 23, 1929 27, 1926 28, 1908 22, 1919 24. IH28 27, 18H9 20, 1854 23, 1918 28, 1908 11, l872 25, 1905 28, 1981. 27, 1909 26, 1927 22, IH80 25, 1916 26, 1921


Edina St. Louis St. Louis Mexico Bethany Bethany St. Joseph Trenton Harrisonville St. Louis Vandalia Kansas City Salisbury Webb City Rolla Kirksville Fulton Springfield Mexico St. Louis Holden Columbia Mt. Vernon .lVlarshalI Marshall Joplin Kansas City Fredericktown Faucett Stanberry Mexico California Lanla.r ~ DeSoto Kansas City Liberty I{ansas City 'California Independence Memphis Boonville St. Louis St. Louis

St. Louis Cape Girardeau Kirksville

Fayette Charleston St. Louis St. Joseph Eldol1 Milan Jefferson City



Haas, Henry H *Haenssler, Reinhardt C Haeussermanu, Reinhold Hafford, Thos. E *Hagenstein, Fred W Hager,. Stanley M Haines, Lamar F Haley, Frank C., Jr *Hall, Chas. B tHall, Erasmus C Hall, John T *Hall, Lee Alexander *Hall, Wm. A *Hall, Wm. A *Hall,Wm. G tHallam, Joseph Hamilton, Clinton R Hamlin, Edwin F *Hanna, Pike N Hannah, E. Fount tHannah, Orlando E *Hannum, Philip E Hansman, Eugene Harbaugh, James E Harbaugh, Thos. A *Harbison, Geo Harcum, Glen E ~ *Harding, Jos. E · tHardy, Jas. Richard Hargate, Oliver S Hargis, James R ·· Harkness, James G Harlan, Alamander M Harris, Edward I *Harris, James A *Harris, Samuel L Harrison, Oscar S Harrison, Ernest L *Harrison, V. H tHart, Aaron tHart, Chas. S Hartley, Robt. L *Hartzell, Emanuel F tHaseman, Leonard Haskins, Frank H *Hassett, Geo.L *Hatch, Barna Lewis Hatch, John F Haumueller, Albert C *Hawken, Wm. H Hawkins, Jesse M Hawkins, Lawrence W Hawkins, Leo W *Hay, Wm. V lie




-HApr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. u

Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Oct. Apr.. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. · Oct. May Nov. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. ••

:j: Suspended

28, 1914

27, 1909 27, 1920 22, 1930 25, 1894 24, 1928 26, 1927 26, 1910 26, 1921 24, 1906 26, 1910 9, 1878 23, 1890 24, 1895 8, 1884 11, 1922 25, 1905 28, 1908 24, 1917 22, 1919 7, 1885 27, 1915 28, 1925 23, 1918 24, 1923 22, 1891 24, 1923 5, 1882 8, 1878 11, 1922 24, 1928 26, 1921. 26, 1921 28, 1914 13, 1886 13, 1886 28, 1908 22', 1930 11, 1872 12, 1887 23, 1911 28, 1908 27, 1892 27, 192'6 23, 190 2 28, 1914 5, 1877 22', 1924 23, 1902 28, 1898 28, 1931 22, 1930 26, 1921. 25, 1894 1

Cape Girardeau St. Charles Hannibal Carthage DeKalb Mexico Slater Louisiana Lamar Plattsburg St. Louis St. Louis Springfield St. Louis St. Joseph St. Louis Hannibal Maryville Canton Springfield Moberly Carthage Sedalia Moberly Webb. City St. Louis Springfield Nevada Springfield St. Louis Springfield Kahoka Sedalia I


St. Louis Chillicothe Kennett Harrisonvi11e West Prairie Butler Milan Stockton St. Joseph Columbia St. Louis M,oberly Cameron St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Ironton Rolla 1Slater Lamar


*Haynie, Alvin Hays, Ralph E tHays, Sauluel M Hayzlett, Chas. L tHazen, Solon G tHearne, Joseph C *Heaston, David J :f:Heaston, Wm. C Hecht, Wm. F Heck, R. W *Heck, Wm. . Heck, Wm. C Heckel, Frederick Heckenlively, James L Hefley, Heury C Heflin, Harry E *Heist, John W *Heller, Henry l\f. Hellmers, Chas. C *Helwig, Milton tHenderson, Alexander L Henderson, Benjamin E Henderson, Henry L tHenderson, Robert M *Henry, Benjamin F

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. May

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

*Henselmeier, Wm. H tHequernhourg, Murry E Heringtoll, Andrew W *Herman, Otto *Hert, Fred· Hert, Fred H Heydenberk, W. A Hibbard, Joseph F *Hickerson, John C Hicks, John H Hicks, Wm. E *Higdol1, John Riley Hildreth, John C Hill, Ben. L Hill, Frederick L


Apr. Apr.. May Apr.. Apr. Apr.. Apr. Apr.

Hill, Lewis Hiller, Harrod E tHines, Jonathan D


Hines, Thos. H Apr. *Hitt, Samuel Apr. Hodge, Geo. R Apr. Hodges, Wm. !i·\..................•............ Apr. Hodgson, Matthew H Apr. Hoefer, Alfred H Apr. Hoffarth, Willis A Apr. *Hofmeister, Wm. H Apr. tHoge, Moses W Apr. *Hohenschild, Henry H Apr. Holloway, Epp S Apr. Holloway, John Apr.. u

• Dead




:j: Suspended

24, 23, 22, 26, 23, 5,

1889 1918 1859 1927 1918 1882 7, 1885 25, 1905 27, 1926 2'6, 1932 28, 1914 26, 1910 28, 1925 28, 1908 27, 1909 27, 1926 23, 1902 24, 1889 22, 1913 11, 1872 23, 1907 24, 1917 26, 1893 20,· 1857 25, 1911 23, 1912 11, 1922 24, 1923 21, 1897 22, 1891 23, 1929 26, 1932 26, 1910 6, 1880 23, 1929 24, 1928 8, 1884 27, 1909 28, 1931 28, 1931 23, 1912 27, 1920 25, 1866 27, 1920 24, 1895 28, 1925 26, 1921 27, 1920 27, 1920 24, 1928 22, 1891 21, 1897 22, 1891 22, 1924 22, 1913


Clinton Brookfield Platte City Carthage Weston Hannibal Bethany Bethany Wellston California California California St. Louis Springfield Carthage Kansas City Fayette Kansas City Maryville Marceline Lathrop Moberly St. Louis Lexington Kirksville St. Louis Charleston Milan DeSoto

California Rockport Lamar

Kansas City u

Moberly Mtn. Grove Hannihal Poplar Bluff


Carthage Higginsville

Fredericktown St. Louis Kahoka IlldependenCe California CapeGirardeau Kansas City

Canton 8t. Louis Higginsville Mtn. Grove St.. Louis Fulton Rolla

Kjrksville Pleasant Hill



tHolton, John H Holt, Louis R Hooker, Henry G Hoopes, John E *Hoover, John W *Hopkins, Henry ·S tHoppe, Frederick H *Hoppius, Herman F :I:Horine, Arthur W Hoshor, John C Hoskins, T. W *Hotchkiss, Wnl. Henry Houck, Richard C *Houck, Solomon *Hough, Arthur M tHough, Weaver E Houk, Wm. F Houlle, Alfred A House, Lee R *Houston, Algernon S *Houston, John F :f:Howard, Alfred D :I:Howard, Wm. N *Howe, James G *Howe, Thos. B *Howell, Geo. Alex *Ho,yt, Alla.n McD Hoyt, Seymour *Hubbell, Clarence G tHubbell, Orestus Huey, Samuel J tHuffaker, Washington Huggett, Albert H tHuggett, Walter G Hughes, Henry P Hull, E. G

Humphrey, Brighton W HUll1phreys, Ira J Hunt, Bernard C *Hunt, Geo. R *Hunt, Josiah Hunter, Harry P *Huters, Wm. H *Hunter, Wilber C tHunter, TIlos. W tHurd, Fred A Hurd, Sidney G Hurd, Thos. F Hurt, Clarence L IIurtt, Jolly P tHutcheson, Wnl. R tHutchinson, Edward H HutchisOll, J. R Hutchison, Wm. H *Huters, Wnl. H

* Dead





Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May Apr. Apr. Apr. ~ .. Apr. Oct. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Oct. May Apr. Apr.

May May Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. :I: Suspended

25, 1911 28, 1925 24, 1923 24, 1928. 7 9, 1888 3, 1883 8, 1884 26, 1893 23, 1918 11, 1922 24, 1928 5, 1876 24, 1923 26, 1855 25, 1900 26, 1927 11, 1922 24, 1928 26, 1921. 22, 1896 21, 1857 25, 1894 22, 1919 7, 1869 22, 1858 24, 1906 26, 1921 6, 1880 8, 1884 7, 1875 22, 1913 5, 1877 27, 1909 28, 1925 24, 1928 22, 1930 26, 1921 24, 1923 26, 1921 22, 1859 23, 1862 24, 1928 26, 1910 25, 1905 27, 1899 25, 1916 26, 1932 27, 1909 27, 1920 11, 1922 24, 1906 8, 1884 22, 1924 22, 1913 26, 1910

Kirksville Fulton Dixon • ········St. Joseph Moberly St. Louis :Chillicothe St. Louis Springfield Savannah S1ater St. Louis Webster Groves Boonville Jefferson City Joplin Rolla Wellston Appleton City Mexico Richmond Boonville Cape Girardeau Macon Macon Albany Inclependence Greenfield St. Joseph St. Louis Excelsior Springs Haynesville Chillicothe Chillicothe Greenfield California Rolla St. Charles Columbia Warrensburg Hannibal Rolla

Cape Girardeau Trenton Marshall Fulton Kansas City Paris Boollville Sedalia Dixon JeffersonCity

Webb City Carrollton Cape G-irardeau


*Huzza, Robt. H tHylton, Joseph A *Hymer, Frank W *Hyslolp, Charles

- - - - - , 1869 Apr. 25, 1911. Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 23, 1912


St. Louis Mansfield Platte City Maryville


Ingels, Wm. F tlnglish, Chas. G :l:1nnes, David A Innis, Clarence R :t:Insley, Herbert W Irwin, Edgar H Isaacson, Albert E tIsabell, WUl. R Iselin, John C Israel, Elmer C Ittner, Anthony F

Apr. 11, Apr. 23, Apr. 23, Apr.28, Apr. 22', Apr. 27, Apr. '25, Apr. 22, Apr. 11, Apr. 23, Apr. 27,

1922 1902 1890 1914 1924 1915 190·5 1924 1922 1929 1909

Appleton City California Carthage St.. Joseph Rich Hill Carthage Faucett Monett St. Louis Memphis St. Louis

1901 1929 1922 1880 19,21 1914 1920 1928 1930 1891. 1923

St. Louis Independence St. Louis Palmyra Canton Plattsburg Fulton Harrisonville Eminence St. Louis S1ater Charleston Kennett DeSoto Pleasant Hill Mexico St. Louis I{ansas City Louisiana IJexington Cape Girardeau St. Louis Milan Kansas City Sedalia Savannab Poplar Bluff Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon J oplin Boollville Carthage Boonville Joplin St. Charles Shelbina


Jackson, Chas. C Jackson, Grant N *Jackson, John l\L *Jackson, Wnl. J Jacobsen, Theodore H tJames, EIllsley C :f:James, John J'ames, Lee A JanliesoD, A *Jamison, Dorsey A Jaycox, James A Jennings, Dee Jennings, R. Q tJenson, ·Harry .Jerard, H. R *Jesse, Frank R *Jewett, Geo. N t John, 'I'honlas Irving *Johnson, Dr. .~. D Johnson, ClaUde W Johnson, Edward A *Johnson, Francis .Johnson, Francis M Johnson, Frank R. B *John50n, John H *Johnson, Joseph W Johnson, Kipp, C *.Johnson, Laurence Johnson, Rex () ohnson, Wnl. Ed *,Johnson, Wn1. F Johnson, Willis S Johnston, H:arris C :t:Johnston, John lVI. Jolly, Benjanlin H Jones, Arthur L * Dead t Din1itted

Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. t Suspended

24, 2'3, 11, 6, 26, 28, 27, 24, 22, 22, 24, 23, 28, 23, 28, 27, 25, 8, 22, 26, 21, 26, 26, 24, 26, 22, 23, 28, 22, 26, 22, II, 23, 25, 26, 23,


1931. 1912 1931 1915 1900 1884 1930 1921. 1897 1893 1910 19·23 1910 1891 1918 1914 1930, 1910 1913 1922' 1929 1905 1921 1929






*Jones, Henry L tJones, :Hubbard F Jones, James L *Jones, John Ernest. J'ones, Kleber C Jones, Max t Jones, Nick F *Jordan, Herbert B Jordan, Horace H Jordan, Robert Jordan, W. S Joslyn, Clarence L *Joy, Ellis W Julian, Vance J

Apr. May Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr.

26, 1921. 6, 1880 24, 1928 5, 1876 2'4, 1928 11, 19'22 22, 1859 27, 1926 24, 1923 28, 1931 26, 1927 27, 1920 5, 1882 28, 1931

:Charleston Neosho Kansas City St. Louis Versailles Platte City Springfield Jefferson City Charleston Nevada Jefferson City ,Charleston Savannah Clinton

-KKage, ]-'rederick A I{allmeyer, Adolph H :}:Karns, Cloyd H Karthens, Nicholas A *Kase, Henry Kavanaugh, E. H Kabanaugh, Roscoe E }(e111, Chas. F Keil, Wm. T tKeithley, E. A !{eller, Calvin M *Kellogg, Frank E *Kelly, .Courtland D *!{elly, vV路nl. H *Kennedy, Daniel D Kennedy, Harry A I{ellnedy~ Marvin G Kennedy, Wm. E tKennerly, John H Kenney, Claude B !{ennon, Sid B Kent, Fred W *Kent, Lewis J Kent, Wm. 'G *!{enyon, John W *}<:epner, John \V Kernahan, John R *Kerr, Samuel Nathaniel. *Kesler, Jacob Keyes, L. vV *Kice, Robert Brancent Kienker, I-Iarry B Kienzle, Fred W *KiessIing, Christian G Kilgore, Wm. J Killam, Samuel C !<:illbuck, Wnl. H tI{imball, Richard S *Kimlin, Thos * .Dead t I)hnitted

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. ~


22, 24, 26, 23, 13, 24, 27, 27, 23, 22, 24, 22, 7, 23, 5, 27, 11, 24, 25, 22, 24, 27, 26, 26, 26, 26, 22, 5, 26, 22, 5, 11, 28, 23, 24, 25, 23, 26, 9,

1891 1895 1921 1929 1886 1928 1920 1920 1918 1930 1928 1891 1885 1890 1881 1926 1922 1923 1894 1930 1928 1920 1910 1932 1910 1910 1919 1877 1910 1930 1876 1922 1910 1912 1917 1911 1918 1921 1874

Cape Girardeau Wellsville Fayette Bonne Terre Chillicothe Clintoll Trenton Mexico St. Louis New I..Iondon Moherly Rich Hill St. Louis Carrollton :Springfield St. Louis Richmond St. Louis St. Louis Joplin Sedalia Carthage Springfield Chillicothe Bethany Kansas City Trenton Kansas City ~St. Louis Clinton Richlnond St. Charles Excelsior Springs Eldon Rolla Albany Springfield Clinton Trenton

M ISCItLLANEoUS- H ISTORICAL-STATISTICAL Kinder, Janles A *King, Geo. T :f:Killg, Janles R King, John G *Kingsbury, Calvin Kingston,Wnl. H :f:Kinney, Noel Asa. Kinney, Olin W Kinslow, James G Kinsman, Monroe B tKipp, Elmer D *Kipp, John tKirkpatrick, Chas. E *I{ise, Geo. A Kizer, David T Klages, Henry L tKleintopf, Adolph Kling, Gunard F *Knapp, Granville L *Knappenberger, John Knauer, Herlnan C :t:Knight, Chas. E Koch, Hugo E I{oelsch, Wm. C Koenig, John H Koessel, Arthur W Kohn, Louis *Koontz, Elnler L Koontz, Janles A Kopfstein, Wm. V Kratz~ Arthur W Krauthoff, Edwin A Kreeger, Robert R Krieger, 'Chas. F Krietenleier, Chas., Jr *!{rippen, John Henry Kropp, C. A *Krueger, Harry A Krunlnlel, Clyde H *Kuhn, WIll. F *Kyte, Edwin V

Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

28, 1914 6, 1871 27, 1909 27, 1915 12, 1887 27, 1926 22, 1896 24, 1928 27, 1920 28, 1925 27, 1897 22, 1903 -26, 1910 May 24, 1856 Apr. 28, 1908 Apr. 22, 1913 May 7, 1885 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 27, 1892 Oct. 6, 1870 Apr. 22, 1930 Oct. 6, 1871. Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 24. 1923 Apr. 28, 1914 Apr., 24, 1928 Apr. 26, 1921. A,pr. 28, 1914 Apr. 23, 1907 Apr. 26, 1932 Apr. 24. 1923 Apr. 28, 1898 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 23, 1929 Apr. 23, 1929 Oct. 9, 1878 Apr. 22, 1930 May 5, 1882 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 27, 1892 Oct. 10, 1873


Cape Girardeau St. Louis St. Louis Hamilton 'St. Joseph DeSoto Rolla Carthage Stanberry Boonville Butler St. Louis Charleston Lexington Springfield St. Louis tSt. Louis Albany Mt. Vernon Brllllswick DeSoto St. Joseph Hannibal St. Louis Eldon St. Louis St. Louis Fulton Carrollton St. LOllis Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Rich Hill ,st.Louis St. Louis WelIsville St. Louis Carthage Kansas City St. Louis

-LLaBerge, Wnl. L *Lacatr, Theodore :t:Lacey, Albert rr tL,add, Geo. E Ladd, llalph I. tLaird, John A *Laker, Frederick W *Lanlpkin, E .. P *Lampton, Jalnes A. H Land, LYIllan T Landfried, Philip Lane, James W * Dead 1'Dirnitted

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Oct. May Apr. Apr. Apr. j:


11, 2'1, 22, 24, 22, 28, 8, 6, 23, 21, 26, 23,

1922 1897 1924 190'1 1930 1898 1884 1871 1863 1897 1932 1929

St. Louis Nevada Fredericktown Rolla Memphis St. Louis Springfielcl Clinton St. LOllis Higginsville .Indepenc1ence Webb City



tLane, Josiah May 13, 1886 *Lang, John E Apr. 2'5, 1894 LangleY,L. E Apr. 26, 1932 Langley, Wm. E ; Apr. 24, 192'8 Lanyon, Edgar D Apr. 27, 19 15 *Larmer, Chas. V Apr. 23, 190路7 Laughlin, Jalnes A Apr. 28, 1913 *Laughlin, Jasper C Apr. '27, 1909 Lawrence, Henry F Apr. 28, 1908 Lawrenceson, Frank R Apr. 23, 1918 Lawson, Emery C Apr. 28, 1925 Layne, G. C Apr. 24, 19,28 *Lea, Edward May 22, 1856 *League, Edward W May 5, 1882 J.Jear, Ollie, Jr Apr. 23, 1929 *Leavens, Milton E Apr. 2'8, 1908 *Leavitt, Chas. F Oct. 7, 1869 Lee, Bert S Apr. 24, 1901 Lee, J. Thomas Apr. 24, 1928 Lee, Wm. B ; Apr. 11, 1922 L,entz, D. Wesley Apr. 26., 1932 Lewis, G. B Apr. 23, 1929 *Levy, Henry Apr. 23, 1902 *Le,vis, Chas. J Apr. 22, 1896 tLewis, Chas. O Apr. 24, 1901 Lewis, Harry H Apr. 22, 1930 Lewis, J. Best Apr. 24, 1928 Libby, Harry J Apr. 23, 1929 *Liddil, Jalnes M May 3, 1883 Lihou, Chas Apr. 27, 1899 *Lihou, Henry Apr. 24, 1895 *Liliger, Frank Apr. 25, 1905 *Linzee, Erskine P May 5, 1881 Little~ }Iubert S Apr. 11, 1922 *Livingston, John May 8, 1884 Lober, Andrew J Apr. 26, 1921 tLoehr, Chas. E Apr. 24, 192路3 Loffer, James S Apr. 27, 1909 ~Logan, 'Charlie P Apr. 28, 1925 tLogan, Ellis L Apr. 2,2, 19'24 *Loker, Wm. N May 23, 1862 *Long, Arch M Oct. 1(}, 1873 Long, David S Apr. 27, 1920 Long, Francis Apr. 26, 1921 tLord, Wnl. Alexander May 5, 1881 Lorenz, Robert Apr. 21, 1922 ~Love, .Geo. L May &, 1880 Love, .William Apr. 23, 1929 *Low, Marcus A Oct.. 7, 1869 Lucas, John J Apr. 26, 1921 *Lucas, Olaf A Apr. 28, 1914 Ludlow, Alfred D Apr. 22, 1919 Luedde, Edwin C Apr. 26, 1932 *Lul{e, John W M.ay 23, 1874 *Lundsford, Wnl. T Apr. 22, 1903 * Dead t Dirnitted :I: Suspended 1

Rich Hill Carthage Poplar Bluff Joplin Carthage Albany Marshall Appleton City Cameron Canton Trenton Center Louisiana St. Louis Slater Fulton Springfield Springfield iCalifornia Bolivar St. Joseph Palmyra Moberly Hannibal Fayette ,Kahoka Palmyra Shelbina Nevada St. Louis St. Louis St. Joseph Mt. Vernon Holden Cameron Weston Carthage Eldon Mexico Marionville St. Louis Greenfield Harrisonville DeSoto St. Joseph Kirksvil1e Pleasant Hill H路annibal Hanlilton St. Louis Kansas City Kansas City , St. Louis St. Louis Albany


Lynch, Arthur G *Lynds, Benjamin :j:Lyne, Sanford T Lyons, Earl


Apr. May Apr. Apr.

11, 12, 2'2, 28,


1922 1887 1891 1925

Brunswick St. Louis Kansas City Higginsville

Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 26, 1927 May 20, 1854 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 27, 1926 May 9, 1888 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 25, 1905 May 8, 1888 Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 22, 1913 May 5, 1881 Apr. 25, 1894 May 22, 1859 Apr. 24, 1917 Apr. 24, 1917 Apr. 22, 1924 May 19, 1865 Apr. 25, 1916 May 25, 1866 Oct. 6, 1870 Oct. 8, 1884 Oct. 25, 1860 Oct. 7, 1875 Apr. 28, 1931 Oct. 5, 1876 Apr. 28, 1908 May 5, 1881 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 25, 1911 May 13, 1886 Apr. 27, 1915 Apr.24, 1928 May 19, 1865 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 27, 1915 Apr. 26, 1932 Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 23, 1912 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 28, 1931 Apr. 27, 1909 May 26, 1885 Apr. 25, 1916 Apr. 25, 1911 Apr. 26, 1910 May 3, 1883

Webster Groves Kansas City Columbia Cape Girardeau Independence Faucett Eldon Monroe City KansasCity Marionville Marionvil1e Marionville St. Louis St. Louis Bethany Hannibal Faucett Faucett Sedalia Hannibal Kansas City I{ansas City St. Louis Greenfield Chillicothe Greenfield Webster Groves Troy St.Louis Appleton City Poplar Bluff Fulton Wellsville Marionville Vandalia Memphis Kansas City Edina Lexington Wellsville Poplar Bluff Kirksville California Kahoka St. Louis Eldon Eldon Rockport Maryville

-MMacQuaid, Craig IVIcBride, Albert L *McBride, PriestlyH McCain, W. Glenn McCarroll, John P McCauley, Hugh M McClennen, Edward :j:McClintic, Wm. IShields *McClure, Wm. M McCullah, Ira D *McCullah, John A McCullah, Willis A McCully, Thos. R *McCully, Wm. . *McCurry, Manson W *McDaniel, Albert G McDaniel, Eli P McDaniel, Daniel L McDaniel, ILG *McDaniel, James *McDonald, Alexander *McDonald, Isaac W *McDowell, Allan *McDowell, John W *McDowell, Lucian *McDowell, Wm. Greene McElhinney, Robert W tMcElwee, John Jas *McElwee, Lucian C tMcFarlane, Janles C McGee, E. L *McGregor, John *McGrew, Sanford T *McHenry, Ralph L McIntire, Wnl. H tMcIntyre, Erastus McJilton, Bert tMcKay, Chas. F McKean, Geo. A .. McKibben, P. G *McKinney, Otto A McKillney, Rolla B McI{night, T. B McLachlan, James R tMcLane, Wnl *McMeans, Elnler E McMeans, Ray S McMichael, Austin *McMillan, Ira V u

* I)t~ad



:I: Suspended



McMinn, Robert H *McMulIin, Richard W *McMullin, Thos.H IVlcNeel, Henry W tMcNutt, Isaac N *McNutt, Wm. B McPheeters, Roy *McRae, Austin L McSpadden, Louis L McVey, Geo. W Maberry, Thos. H Madden, Arthur J Madden, Chas. W *Magill, Baughman *Mairs, lVlark H tMallery, James W tManchester, Erastus T Manifold, Geo Mankin, Ernest C Mann, Alfred H Mann, Horace L *Manning, Richard H Mannist, Harry tManring, Ahira tManring, Maschil Mantz. Wnl. W Marble, B. A Marbut, Wm. N tMarch, Richard W *Markham, Harry :Markwick, Alonzo C Marquis, Geo. C *Marshall, David *Marshall, Frank A *Martin, Alvin N Martin, Geo. N *Martin, John T Martin, Maple S tMartin, Robert S Martin, Wm. C Martin, Wm. T *Martin, Zachary T Mason, Hubert R tMason: John T

Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr.

Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct.

Mason, 路Wm. P Massey, Wm. B tMatheny, Janles H tMathers, Edward A *路Matthews, Geo.T Matthiesen, Emil G IVraughs, Wnl. C May, Robert A May, Warren H Mayhew, E. J *Mayo, Wm. H t Dinlittec1 * Dead



11, 1922 Springfield 24, 1889 DeSoto 5, 1882 DeSoto 25, 1916 Lexington 24, 1895 DeSoto 12, 1887 St. Joseph 28, 1931. Mexico 22, 1903 Rolla 27, 1920 Salem 22, 1913 Sedalia 23, 1918 Mt. Vernon 11, 1922 Webster Groves 24, 1923 Excelsior Springs 5, 1876 Carrollton 25, 1916 ~ Milan 27, 1909 Jefferson City 7, 1885 Jefferson City 28, 1931 Canton 27, 1926 Kansas City 2'7, 190,9 Kansas City 23, 1912 Brunswick 22, 1913 Kansas City 22, 1913 8t. Louis 11, 1872 Gentryville 6, 1870 Gentryville 28, 1914 West Plains 26, 1927 Slater 23, 1912 Mt. Vernon 26, 1921. Rich Hill 9, 1888 Brookfield 26, 1932' Lamar 25, 1916 Independence 3, 1883 Pleasant Mountain 22, 1919 Kansas City 22, 19Q.3 Lebanon 27, 1899, St. Louis 25, 1866 DeKalb 28, 1931 Cape Girardeau 24, 1917 Troy 27, 1920 Troy 11, 192路2 Albany 22, 1896 Fulton 27, 1915 Marceline 23, 1912 Mexico 22, 1930 Kirkwood 24, 1928 Bonne Terre 23, 1863 Weston 25, 1911 8t. Louis 23, 1902 St. Louis 28, 1931 St.Louis 24, 1928 Fulton 28, 1908 Louisiana 23, 1929 Louisiana 24, 1928 Marionville 15, 1879 St. Louis I


M ISCELLANEODS-H ISTORICAL-ST.ATISTICAL Mays, Chas. S *Mays, J. Weston tMehaffey, Asa *Melody, Geo. H. C Merkel. Chas. F ~eyer, Albert C Meyers, Edson A *Michel, John *Middlecoff, JohnG Middleton, Chas. A tMiddleton, Frank *Middleton, John R *Milburn, Thos. A Miles, Benj. P *Millan, Henry F *Miller, Alpheus L Miller, Egbert Miller, Frank A *Miller, John W *Miller, Julien G Miller, Robert W *Miller Thos, S Million, Guy C Mills, Marion L Milton, Wnl. T *Minor, John L *Mitchell, Albert P *l\1:itchell, Carl D tMitchell, L,le\vel1yn J tMitchell, Loroll *Mitchell, L. W *Mix, Eli H *Moats, John E Mobley, W. Paul. *Monroe, Jackson Montgomery, Fred T Montgomery, Harry B Montgonlery, Sherman A Moore. Chas. ..~ *Moore, Chas. J Moore, Del. C Moore, Janles N Moore, Jesse W Moore, Seigle C tMoore, WIll. D Mopps, Honler tMorgan, Edwin C




Oct. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

Morgan, Geo. E *Morgan, John Wm *Morgan, Wm. \V Morris. I)avid C Morris, Ednnlnd E tMorrison, Guy T tMorrow, C. C *Mothersead, Chas. H III I)ead t DirnUted

Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr.


2'2, 22, 21, 20, 27,

19,30 1930 1897 1854 1920 24, 1917 26, 1932 25, 1894 22, 1891. 2'2, 1913 28, 1908 5, 188'2 27, 1909 28, 1908 25, 1811 7, 1875 24, 1923 22, 1930 9, 1888 23, 1918 27, 1915 20, 1854 22, 1924 26, 19 21 22, 19,24 7, 1885 25, 1894 28, 1908 26, 1910 7, 1875 21, 1857 2:~, 1890 22, 1919 24, 1917 24, 1895 25, 1911 25, 1911 22, 1924 24, 1923 22, 1903 23, 1918 28, 1908 28, 1931 23, 1929 25, 1916 23, 1929 22, 1913 1

28, 1914

24, 24, 28, 28, 27, Oct. 11, Apr.. 23,

:I: Suspended

1889 1895 1931 1905 1920 1872 1918


Faucett" Albany Poplar Bluff Boonville St. Louis Mt. Vernon J efferson City 8t. Joseph

Clinton Unionville Unionville :Chillicothe Kansas City 8t. Joseph Kirksville St. Louis Mexico 8t. Joseph Carthage 'Cape Girardeau St. Louis Hannibal Boonville I{ansas City De8oto Rich Hill Bolivar

Charleston Mexico

E. 8t. Louis 8t. Louis Moberly Joplin St. Louis Boonville

Fultoll Kahoka Maryville Faucett Charleston Sedalia Ash Grove St. Louis Trentoll St. Louis Poplar Bluff Chillicothe Ksnsas City Moberly Shelbina Webb City Kansas City Lexington Warrensburg Albany



*Mothersead, Davis E Mueller, Fred L *Mueller, Otto Emil. Muntz, Walter S Murphy, Sanluel R Murray, Samuel A Music, Clyde V Myer, Orvel E Myers, Chas. B *Myers, John R Myers, Yale

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr.

24, 1917 28, 1925 26, 1910 22, 1913 24, 1923 26, 1921. 24, 1928 28, 1931 24, 192'8 9, 1878 26, 1932

Weston P'oplar Bluff St. Louis Kansas City Savannah Holden Neosho Independence Memphis Salisbury Mountain Grove

Oct. 6, 1871 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 27, 1920 Apr. 26, 1932 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 25, 1894 Apr. 25, 1905 Apr. 27, 1892 May 22, 1859 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 22, 1891 Apr. 25, 1905 Apr.l1, 1922 May 25, 1866 May 8, 1884 Apr. 27, 1920 Apr. 27, 1899 Oct. 6, 1870 Apr. 27, 1915 Apr. 27, 1915 Oct. 5, 1876 Apr. 26, 1910 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 2G, 1910 lVlay 6, 1880

St. Louis Marshall Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Bonne Terre St. Louis Chillicothe Memphis Menlphis Fulton Hannibal Springfield Kansas City Weston Troy Mt. Vernon St. Louis St. Louis Neosho Webb 'City Independence St. Louis Columbia St. Louis Kansas City WebsterGroves Louisiana Lexington Chillicothe

-NtNathan, Edward Naylor, W. W Neal, Curtis J Ne'al, John F *Nees, Geo. A *Nelson, Benjalllin F *Nelson, Stephen R tNesbit, Janles P :j:Nesbit, Robert Neukomm, E. F *Newberry, Dowler B tNe,vbill, John G Newhanl, Turner A *Newhouse, B. F *Newland, Janles Marion Newman, Stephan A *Newman, Wm. T *Ne,vmark, Abraham Newton, Eldridge E *Nichols, Robert S *Nickerson, Edward Jackson Nicks, Harry G *Niemann, Louis路 F Niestrath, Walter H Nix, Wm. T Nolan, John A Nord, Peter F *Norfolk, Robert F tNorris, Stephen Oberheide, Walter H Ohlhausen, Martin M

*Oliver, Alfred H. B Austin P tOliver, Marvin W O'Neal, Duval *O'Neil, Robert A *Orear, Belvard J *Orear, Leslie Orr, Matthew OSlborll, R'arry ~Oliver,

* Dead

t Dimitted

-0Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. t\.pr: :j: Suspended

26, 1932 11, 1922 25, 1894 9, 1888 25, 1911 24, 1923 26, 1910 22, 1918 27, 1893 28, 1925 26, 1932

Cape Girardeau Weston St. Louis ,St. Louis Mansfield St. Louis St. Louis Marshall Marshall Kansas City Rolla


Osborne, Lewis W *O'Sullivan, Anthony tOttofy, L. Frank Overholser, Milton P Owen, Harry }i-, *Owen, Hunt *O\vens, Samuel H

Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. May Oct.



1922 1854 1896 1894 1924 1883 1871

Kirksville St. Louis St. Louis Harrisonville Excelsior ISprings St.Louis California'

22, 1930 22, 1919 5, 1881 5, 1881 22, 1896 22, 1891 25, 1911 5, 1877 28, 1908 28, 1925 11, 192'2 6, 1871 22, 1930 9, 1878 6, 1880 27, 1915 28, 1925 20, 1854 24, 1917 23, 1918 24, 1923 22, 1930 28, 1892 12, 1887 26, 1910 23, 1918 28, 1925 28, 1914 24, 1928 23, 1929 25, 1860 28, 1914 24, 1923 28, 1908 2!2, 1930 22, 1896 27, 1920 25, 190n 6, 1871 9, 1889 13, 1886 28, 1931 25, 1900 22, 1913 28, 1914 25, 1911

Rich Hill Bonne Terre Butler Canton VersaHles Carrollton ;Kennett St. Louis Chillicothe West Plains Salisbury Louisiana Carthage St. Louis Edina Kansas City Marceline Lexington Mansfield St. Louis Caruthersville Rich Hill Kansas City Rockport Independence Salem Moberly St. Louis Liberty Troy St.' Joseph St. Louis St. Louis Hannibal Springfteld -. Monett Webster Groves Albany Memphis St.Louis 0ar1"o11ton Hlgginsville Rich Hill Rich Hill St. Louis Neosho

11, 20, 22, 25, 22, 3, 6,


Padgett, Robert A Page, Erwin L *Page, Wm *Page, 'Vnl. S *Painter, James H Painter, Wnl. R *Pankey, David B tParcels, Robert Wright tPardonner, Jonathan E Park, Janles F *Parks, James B *Parks, Wm. O Parshley, Stephen A *Parsoll, John R *Parsol1s, }Ienry R Patrick, Howard S tPatrick, Philip L *Pattersoll, Archibald Paul, Horace B Pauly, Fred Peal, Elnler Pearson, James D tPeck, John W *Peck, .JosiahW Peck, Roy R Peck, Wm. R Peery, Carter H *Pelter, John G Pence, Gilbert Pendleton, 'L *Penick, Wm. R *Peuning, Herluan E Pennington, Geo. A Percy, Charles Pernlar, John C *Perrott, Nicholas J Perry, Earle C *Perry, Erastus L *Perry, Janles T *Peterson, Mogens *Pettit, Henry M Pevestorff, WIn. H *Philbrick, Harrison tPhilbrick, Ira P Phillips, Carl Phipps, Walter A

* Dead

t I)irnitted


Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Oct. May Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. May May

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. :j: Suspended




Pickard, John Pico, Albert P. F *Pierron, John Jay tPiersol, John C Pigott, John C *Pilcher, Arthur M Pile, Schuyler W *Pile, Oscar F Pimp ell, Frank J

Piner, Wm. A Pingree, Fay D *Pipe, Edward *Piper, Wm. H *Plant, Levi M *Plunkett, James T *Pocoke, Horace Wm Poole, Clyde S Popper, Morris : *Porter, John A Porter. Newton 'I' *Porterfield, John D tPorterfield, Robert E *Poteet, Geo. A tPotts, Wm Potter, Wm. H Potts, Chas. D Powell, Enno E Powers, Herbert W Presnell, Geo. W Pressler, Leland P Preston, Willis S *Prettyman, Chas. E Price, James Pryor, W. Bruce Pultz, Wnl. H Pyle, Chas. E *Price, Chas. W


*Price, James I{

Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Oct. May Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. IVIay Apr.

25, 24, 5, 13, 2'3, 27, 28, 26, 22, 2'4, 26, 5,

28, 7, 12, 7,

23, 25, 26, 11, 22, 24, 27, 25, 28, 24, 26, 21, 25, 28, 27, 27,

28, 22, 22, 28, 6,


1911. 1917 1884 1886 1902 1920 1908 1910 1930 1928 1932 1881 1908 1875 1887 1875 1902 1911 1910, 192 2 1896 1906 1892 1900 1925 1923 192'1. 1897 1911 1931 1909 1915 1914 1930 1930 190'8 1880 190路8 1

-QApr. 27, 1909 Apr. 27, 1915

:t:Quachenbush, L\.lfred J Qualls, John W


,Kansas City St. Louis Monroe City Boollville Canton Kahoka

Memphis Macon St. Joseph Carthage St. Louis ,Kansas City St. Louis Brunswick St. Louis J oplin St. Louis Kahoka Plattsburg Cape Girardeau Kennett : Kansas City Salisbury Palmyra Wellston

Louisiana St. Louis

Fredericktown Shelbina DeSoto Neosho Kansas City Independence Chillicothe DeSoto St. Louis

Louisiana Milan

Webb City

-RRadick, William Ragland, Roy R tRaley, Robert T *Ralls, John

*Ramlose, Christian E *Ramsey, Alfred V *Randall, James F tRandolph, Chas. Baclrman *Randolph, Preston Ray, Fielding O Reader, Harold L : lie


'I" Ditl1itted


Apr. 24, 1917 Apr. 22, 1919 May 5, 1881 Oct. 10, 1873 Apr. 23, 1890 Apr. 28, 1908 Apr. 22, 1924 Oct. 7, 1875 Apr. 21, 1897 Apr. 27, 19,26 Apr. 28, 1925 Suspended

Faucett DeSoto

Harrisonville Center St. Louis St. Louis

Albany St. Louis Chillicothe Neosho Webster 路路路Qroves

1\-1 ISCl~LLANEOUS- H ISTORICAL-STATISTICAL Rector, Wnl.E Apr. Reed, W. H., Jr Apr. tRees, Michael May *Rees, Richard R May *Reese, Wm. W Apr. Reid, Chester Apr. *Reifsnider, Calvin K May Reiley, Karl W Apr. Remley, Victor H Apr. Rennicks, Arthur W Apr. Renshaw, Waldo P Apr. Rese, Wm. C Apr. tReynolds, Alfred Apr. Reynolds, Dorsey B Apr. *Reynolds, John S ,Apr. Reynolds, Thos. H Apr. Reynolds, Wnl. L Apr. *Rhea, Janles F Apr. *Rhoades, Wnl. R Apr. *Rhodus, Henry M Oct. *Rice, Niles C May *Rice, Richard A May *Richardson, Jack Phillips May *Richardson, WIll. May Richart, Richard S Apr. *Richmond, Manley (t Apr. *Rickart, Wesley P Apr. Rickerd, James P Apr. *Roache, Robert Q ,May *Roark, Joel E Apr. Riley, Homer }4'•••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• A.pr. Ritchey, Henry M Apr. Rixey, Geo. F Apr. Roan, James T Apr. Roberts, Harry E Apr. Roberts, James W Apr. :t:Roberts, Jos. F Apr. Roberts, Roy Apr. *Robertson, W. W May Robertson, Wm. H Apr. Robinson, Frank P Apr. *Robinson, Griffith l\L Oct. Robison, Emmitt L Apr. Rodan, Philip May tRodman, Wnl. W Apr. *Rogers, Andrew W May Rogers, Canl. . Apr. *Rogers, Geo. Frank Oct. Roose, R. C Apr. Rosevear, Ernest M Apr. *Ross, Asa L Apr. tRoss, Geo. A Apr. *Ross, Wm. W Oct. Roth, Edward L Apr. ·Roth, James S Apr.

* Dead



:t Sus!)ended

22, 1913 23, 19'29 25, 1860 20, 1854 24, 1923 22, 1924 12, 1887 28, 1925 26, 1932 26, 192'7 23, 19'29 28, 1925 27, 1909 22, 1924 28, 1908 25, 1916 27; 1920 23, 1890 25, 19'11. 6, 1870' 8, 1884 5, 1882 8, 1884 8, 1884 22, 1903 27, 1899 2·7 1909 26 1932 7, 1885 26, 1921. 23, 1929 26, 1921 25, 1911 27, 1926 23, 1929 22, 1924 28, 1925 27, 1926 25, 1866 11, 1922 28, 1925 10, 1873 27, 1920 5, 1881 26, 1893 5, 1881 24, 1928 7, 1875 26, 1927 27, 1920 27, 1920 25, 1905 10, 1873 24, 1917 25, 1894 J


Slater W·ellsville Huntsville Independence Ironton Warrensburg St. Louis Lamar Kansas City Sedalia Springfield St. Louis Joplin Springfield Joplin Kansas City St. Louis Dixon S1ater St. Louis California St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Marshall St. Louis St. Louis Wellston \California Sedalia Kahoka Neosho Gallatin St. Louis Marshall Savannah Liberty Fayette Fulton Webb City Carrollton Carthage Brookfield St. Louis Monett Warrensburg Shelbina Hanlilton Dixon Webster Groves Versailles Mexico Butler California California u







Roth, James W Roth, John H., Jr Roth, Oscar N Rouggly, E. L tRowland, Wm. Cowan *Rowley, C. A Rucker, Booker H *Rucker, Edward W *Rucker, Geo. W Ruffin, Jno. T tRupprecht, Geo. C tRnsh, ··Wm. M Russell, Robert W *Russell, Samuel R *Ryland, Jno. F *Ryland, Xenophon Ryle, Corle E

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. May Apr. May May Oct. Apr.

22', 23, 22, 26, 5, 7, 24, 23,

1924 1918 1924 1932 1877 1869 1906 1907 25, 1911 9, 1874 27, 1915 19, 1865 28, 19'25 22, 1859 20, 1854 10, 1873 23, 1929

California St. Joseph California De Soto Warrensburg St. Joseph Rolla Fayette Brunswick !Clinton Springfield

Apr. 23, 1918 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 22, 1896 Oct. 6, 1870 Apr. 24, 1923 .lVlay 6, 1880 Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 27, 1920 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr.25, 1911 Oct. 15, 1879 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 2'2, 1913 Apr. 11, 192:2 Apr. 28, 1914 May 9, 1888 Apr. 24, 190 6 Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 21, 1897 Apr. 28, 1898 Apr. 26., 1921 Apr. 2'2, 1919 Apr. 27, 1899 Apr. 26, 192:l Apr. 24, 1923 May 3, 1883 Apr. 23, 1929 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 27, 1915 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr.. 2'2, 1924 Apr. 22, 1903 M·ay 6, 1880 Apr. 24, 1895

E'ldon Fulton Bethany

Weston Cameron St. Joseph

Lexington L·exington Kansas City

-5:I:Salisbury, Jallles ,. Sallee, John E *Sallee, John M tSallee, J. W Sanlas, WIll. M *Sampson, Frank A Sanders, ]"Iredericlr O Sanderson, Cecil R *Sandisoll, Jack M Sappington, John H *Sargent, Geo. M *Satterlee, Aaron J Sauerbier, Le01Joid W *Saunders, Henry W Sawyer, David H Sayler, Edward D *Saylor, Horatio N :t.Saylor, Walter B Scanlman, Willard S Scarborough, James H *Schenck, Wm. H *Schleiffarth, Edgar L Schmidt,· Albin J Schmidt, Louis G Schmidt, Maxilnilian E tSchnlorleitz~ Geo Schneider, Harry E *Schneider, lJlrich Schnider, Arnold J Schooley, Chas. E *.Schulte, Michael C Shutte, Frederick H Scott, Cecil C *Scott, Edwin J *Seal, TIlos. . tSeamon, Wnl. H • Dead t Dimitted




Columbia Kansas City Sedalia

Savannah Kansas City Moherly Springfield Kansas City Bntler .Independence Maysville Chillicothe

Clinton St. Louis Carthage Rockport Warrensburg Brookfield St. Louis

Boonville St. Louis

Boonvi11e St. Louis

Hannibal St. Joseph Jefferson City Bolivar : St. Louis Marceline Springfield St. Louis St. Louis Rolla


Sears, LeeA

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. .Apr.

1921 1913 1910 192,6 1908 26, 1932 27, 1926 28, 1908 2'4, 1895 Apr. 28, 1908 May 25, 1866 May 3, 1883 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 26, 193'2 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 25, 1894 Apr.. 24, 1889 Apr. 2:2', 1913 Oct. 5, 1877 Apr. 28, 1908 Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 25, 1894 Apr. 26, 1927 Oct. 6, 1870 Oct. 7, 1875 Oct. 7, 1875 May6, 1880 May 20, 1854 Apr. 25, 1894 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 28, 192'5 Apr. 26, 1~21 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 24, 1917 Apr. 27, 1909

Seaton, Sylvester E *Seclwick, Robert C Seewoster, Walter E *Segul", Frederick '\V Seidel, Julius A Selsor, Frank C Senate, John C Senor, Samuel D :I:Sewell, Wm. F *Shaefer, J. C *Shafer, Levin W *Shamblin, Melvin D Shamrod, Frederick Shands, Albert J Shannon, Lee O Sharp, David A tShartle, Ralph W *Shaw, Edward J *Shaw, Jesse J Shaw, Wm. R *Shawly, James Gay *Shelton, Janles C Shelton, LaVega R ,Shepard, Chas. A *Shepard, I~lmer *Shepherd, Abrahanl L *Shepherd, Bilbie tShepherd, Carl Levant

tShepherd, John *Shepherd, Thos. E *Sherer, Tobias B Sherwood, Lafayette J Sherwood, Sanl C Shields, Bernard

Shirley, Samuel Shore, Dodson M *Short, John T Shriver, Frank M Shrodes, Walter R

Siegenthaler, Geo. M *Sigler, James W * Silvester, Henry *Silvey, Ledru 路Simpson, Janles G Simpson, Joshua B 路Sinauer, Henry

May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

5, 23, 27,. 27, 26, 23,

1882 1890 1915


1921 1929 Apr. 25, 1911

*Sitterman, Frederick '\V Skelly, Jalnes \V Skerrett, John P Skinner, Frank L tSlaughter, Le'\vis *Sloan, John A tDirnitted

Carthage Macon

Mt. Vernon St. Louis Kansas City St. Louis Carthage Milan

st. Joseph St. Louis Huntsville Greenfield Bethany St. Joseph

WebsterGroves St. Louis Liberty Poplar Bluff St. Louis Troy Kansas City Memphis

Lexington Dixon Warrensburg St. Louis Kirksville Ironton

Garthage Macon

Buffalo Bethany Kirksville Excelsior Springs

Fayette Sedalia

St. Louis Jefferson City

Monett MiIan

Apr.25, 1911 May 3, 1866 May 23, 1874

Singer, Joseph Sisk, Odus

* l)(~ad

26, 22, 26, 28, 28,

Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 26, 1932


5, 1882

May 23, 1874 :j:



Bethany Shelbina St. Louis u


Bolivar Charleston Lexington St. Louis Excelsior Springs

St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Slater Richmond St. Louis

934 Smith, tSmith, *Smith, *Smith, Smith, Smith, tSmith, :f:,Smith, tSmith, *Smith, *Smith, *Smith, 'Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,


Benj. F Benj. J Claude E. B Earl Elmore O Erasmus B Ernest P Frank F. Coleman Frank W Frederic A Geo A Harry C Howard J Howard P James B ~Smith, J. Percival. *Smith, James A., Jr Snlith, Mason F *Smith, Mitchell C tSmith, N. M *Smith, Richard H Smith, Richard R Smith, Rolland R *Smith. Thos. M Smith, }Sherman A Smith, Thad. R tSlnith, Westley M Smith, Wm. H ~Smith, Wm. P *Snethen, Alfred C tSnider, Floyd L Snow, Alonzo F *Snuggs, Arthur tSnyder, Abram H Snyder, Chas. J Snyder, Everett O *Solomon, SignlUnd Sone, Bay H *Southgate, John McK Spake, Joseph R *ISparks, John R Spangler, JamesM Sparks, Grover C *Spencer, Edward *Spencer, John R tSpieler, JohnO ' Spillman, James A Spiro, A. . Spooner, G. C fSpratt, Jno. F ·Spraul, Fridolin A ·Springmeyer, Gustav A :1:Sprinkle, Hascue C * Dead t Dhnitted

Apr. 24, 1917 Marionville Apr. 2'8, 1898 Louisiana Apr. 27, 192:6 Fulton May 6, 1880 DeSoto Apr. 2'2, 1924 Memphis Apr. 27, 1920, Kansas City Apr. 24, 1895 Salem Apr. 26, 1910 'Columbia Apr. 2;2', 1891. Miami Apr. 22, 19'13 Butler Apr. 25, 1911. Palmyra Apr. 2'7, 1899 St. Louis Apr. 23, 1918 Chillicothe Apr. 23, 1929 Hannibal Apr. 11, 1922 Palmyra Apr. 26, 1910 Palmyra Apr. 26, 1921. Faucett May 5, 1882· St. Louis Apr. 2'5, 1911. St. Louis Apr. 28, 1914 Kansas City Apr. 28, 1908 Springfield Oct. 7, 1869 Gallatin Apr. 23, 1912 Milan Apr. 11, 192·2 St. Louis Apr. 26, 1927 Kansas City May 6, 18801••••••••••••••••••••••••• Memphis Apr. 28, 1931. Joplin Apr. 26, 1927 Palmyra May 5, 1881. Rolla Apr. 23, 1907 Webb City Apr. 2'5, 1905 Troy May 5, 1881 Troy Apr. 24, 1917 Marceline Apr. 27, 1909 \California Apr. 26, 1910 St. Louis May 5, 1882 Stockton Apr. 26, 19'2'7 Marionville Apr. 24, 1923 Salisbury Apr. 11, 1922 Monett Apr. 24, 1928 Jefferson City Apr. 2'7, 1920 Rolla Apr. 28, 1925 Ash Grove Apr. 21, 1897 Marshall Apr. 28, 1914 Clinton Apr. 22, 1919 Savannah Oct. 10, 1873 St. Louis Apr. 27, 1926 W'ellston Apr. 24, 1895 California Apr.25, 1911 Rolla May 6, 1880 St. Louis Apr. 26, 1932 Joplin May 9, 1888 Hamilton Apr. 23, 1890 St. Louis Apr. 24, 1895 St. Louis Apr. 22, 1896 Springfield




lVI ISCELLANEOUS-HISTORICAL-STATISTICAL tSquire, Eugene C. H *Stafford, Stephen *Staley, Fred Stanfield, Wm. W *Stansbury, WIn. H 'Stanton, Delbert Stark, Jonathan Starling, E. Forest St. Clair, Lawrence L Stearns, Willia.rd A Steele, Chas. D tSteele, John J Stegner, Geo. P Stein, Arthur :f:Steinberg, Abraham M *Steinmann, Cl1as. . *Steinmann, Peter tSteinmann, Peter J Stephens, Howard L Stephens, Robert T Stevens, D. R Stevens, Harry *StevenSOll, Robt. F *stewart, Cornelius R Stewart, Joseph D *Stillwell, John W Stinsoll, Harry !.J Stockwell, Chas.. A *Stockwell, Wnl. S Stork, A. Clyde tStone, Wnl. Henry Stout, C.. J Stovall, Louis G Strader, Robert B tStrong, Edward A :I: Stroud, David *Stubblefield, Wm. R Sullivan, Knowles C *Sumnlers, John C Summers, S. W tSunderwirth, Henry G *Suppan, Benj. A Surridge, Frederick Swearingen, Orson H Swenson, Carl A *Swetland, Nathan J Swift, Chas. C :J:Swope. Claude E *Swope, Joel

Apr. May Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.


2'3, 1902 24, 1856 23, 1902' 27, 1926 6, 1880 25, 1911. 28, 1925 24, 1928 26, 1927 11, 192,2 27, 1926 24, 1901 28, 1931 23, 1929 5, 1877 22, 1891 13, 1886 21, 1897 24, 1923 27, 1920 24, 1928 27, 1915 5, 1877 22, 1891 22, 1924 26, 1893 28, 1931 26, 1932 5, 1881. 22, 1930 5, 1876 24, 1928 26, 1910 22, 1924 28, 1908 24, 1923 11, 1872 24, 1923 6, 1870 27, 1926 22, 1924 5, 1882 28, 1914 27, 1915 28, 1925 27, 1892 24, 1917 28, 1925 23, 1874

Joplin Carrollton DeSoto Maryville Harrisonville KansasCity Maryville Eldon Maryville Savannah Slater Mexico California St. Louis H路olden St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Eldon Excelsior Springs Dixon St. Joseph Kansas City St. Joseph Chillicothe

Apr. 24, 1928 Apr. 23, 1902 May 9, 1888 Apr. 22, 1924

St. Louis


Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May

Carrolltoll Maryville

Albany Salisbury Canton

Clinton Gallatin Cape Girard,eau Independence Sedalia Kennett St. Louis Colunlbia St. Louis Milan Appleton City St.. Louis St. Louis Kansas City Mtn. Grove Cllillicothe Menlphis Carthage St. Louis

-TTacke, Chas. W *Talbott, Rudoll)h *Talbutt, Mason Talley, Geo. D

* Dead




Butler Greenfteld .lVlexico



*Tallman, Joseph Tanner, D. Lear Tanner, Paul A *Tarrants, James H Tatman, Bernal L Tayler, Edward W :j:Taylor, Henry W Teague, Owen A *Tefft, Jonathan E Templeton, Samuel W Tendick, Harry L Thierfelder, Frank L Thomas, Henry L *Thomas, Joshua B Thomas, Wilson *Thompson, Alexander H *Thompson, Alfred Bower Thompson, Robert L *Thoms, Wm. A Thomson, Jno. W Thornton, Leslie M *Thorp, Alonzo V *Thorp, Coriolanus *Tillotson, H. L Tindall, Jefferson W Tindall, Walter R *Tinton, Elijah J *Tisdale, John S Todd, Isaac A *Tolman, James H *Toppass t Jno. W *Townsend t Chas. W Townsend, Geo. S tTownsend, Wm. U Trainer, Philip *Trammel, Samuel F tTravers, Oliver H *Travis, James M Treece, Eskew, Allen *Trieber, Emil E *Trigg, Geo. Wasson Trimble, Francis H Trueblood, Alva F Truitt, Chas. A Trundle, Roger T *Truslow, J. F Trusty, Haskell O Tucker, Robt. W Tucker, Samuel L Tulloch, Isaac E Turk, Wm. H Turley, Edward E *Turner, Emil B *Turner, Horatio Nelson *Turner, Robert

* Dead




May 19, 1864 Apr. 26, 1927 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 26, 1921 Apr.24, 1923 Apr.25, 1911 Apr. 24, 1889 Apr. 28, 1931 Apr. 22, 1896 Apr. 27, 1920 Apr. 2:3, 1918 Apr. 28, 1931 Apr. 22, 1913 Apr. 25, 1900 Apr. 24, 1928 Oct. 6, 1870 Oct. 7, 1875 Apr. 24, 1917 Apr. 26, 1893 Apr. 22, 1919 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 25, 1905 Apr. 28, 1908 Oct. 6, 1871 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 22, 1919 Apr. 23, 1902 May 22, 1856 A.pr. 23, 1912 Oct. 7, 1869 Apr. 24 t 1889 Apr. 28, 1898 Apr. 24, 1895 Apr. 27, 1920 Apr. 23, 1929 Apr. 25, 1916 May 5, 1881 ~pr. 28 t 1898 Apr. 22, 1930 Apr. 23, 1902 J.\ilay 8, 1884 Apr. 25, 1911 Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 26, 1910 Apr. 24, 1923 May 26, 1855 Apr. 23, 1929 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 23, 1929 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 27, 1915 Apr. 24, 1923 Oct. 9, 1878 Apr. 27, 1920

t Suspended

St. Louis City Charleston Liberty Wellston Marceline !St. Joseph Kansas City Springfield Louisiana St. Louis Chillicothe Faucett Albariy Cameron Sedalia Moberly St. Louis Springfield Carthage Kansas 'City California Weston Nevada Fayette Salisbury Albany Savannah JopIin St. Louis Chillicothe St. Louis Troy Bolivar Clinton Salisbury

~ .. ~Kansas



Green:field Poplar Bluff California RichmOtnd Liberty Kansas City St. Louis Ple3.sant Hill Sprillgfield J oplin Kansas City Kansas City Maryville Mt. Vernon Bonne Terre Boonvi1le St. Joseph Joplin


Tussey, Harry H Tutt, Arthur M :l:Tuttle, WilburF *Tygard, Flavius J tTygard, Wnl. F *Tyler, .Jno. A

Apr. 28, 1931 , Apr. 27, 1926 Oct. 6, 18 70 May 9, 1888 Apr. 23, 1890 May 5, 1882 1

937 St. Louis Liberty St. Louis Butler Rich Hill Nevada

-uUhl, Neil W Utz, Wm. H

Apr. 27, 1920 Apr. 26, 1910

Cameron St. Joseph

-vValentine, Thos B *Yalliant, Leroy B tVan Cleve~ Chas. P Van Fleet, Herbert N *Yan Gieson, Aaron R Van Gorkonl, Chas. L Van Houtin, Henry A *Van Osdell, TIlos. Jayne Yanosdoll, Geo. c Vannix, \Vnl. J *Vardenlan, Jeremiah B tVerink, Henry L Vaughn, Berthul E Viernow, Morice F Vogel, WU1 *Vogelsang, Louis E Vogelsanger, Jno. F Vogts, HerlUal1 H Yon Gunden, Edward F

Apr. Apr. Apr: Apr. Apr. Apr.. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

28, 1914 27, 1892 27, 1909 26, 1921 23, 1902 23, 1929 28, 1931 9. 1878 26., 1932' 25, 1916 6, 1871. 22, 1896 24, 1928 24, 1906 24, 1923 25, 1905 23, 1912 28, 1914 22, 1919

Unionville St. Louis Macon 'Carthage LebanolIl St. Joseph DeSoto Greenfield Eldon St. Joseph Center Monett Kansas City Carthage DeSoto St. Louis Cape Girardeau Kansas City St. Louis

Apr. 28, 1931 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 27, 1920 May 21, 1857 May 24, 1895 Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 27, 1909 Apr. 26, 1910 Oct. 10, 1873 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 27, 1915 May5, 1881 Apr.. 22, 1930 Apr.. 26, 1910 Apr. 27, 1915 May 3, 1883 May 20, 1854 May 9, 1888 Apr.. 26, 1932 Apr. 24, 1923 Apr. 22, 1930

Lexington Lamar St. Louis Memphis Monticello Kansas City

-wWaddell, C. B Wagaman, Jno. H *Wagner, Wm Wagner, Wm. W *Wainwright, Daniel T *Wakefteld, Edgar Walden, Thos. M Waldron, Bion L *Walker, Edward W *Walker, Elijah T Walker, Eustace L Walker, Geo. W *Walker, Jno. R Walker, Lee Otis Walker, Thos J Wallace, Benj. F *Wallace, Jno. S *Wallingford, D. P tWallis, Anthony H Walter, KarIT Walters, Geo. L Walters, Virgil E

* Dead



:t: Suspended

Columbia Hannibal Rolla

Carneron St. Louis C:ape Girardeau Boollville Webb 'City Independence Independence Brunswick St. Joseph St. Louis 'Springfield Wellston




Walther, Gus C Wanglin, Byron C *Wannall, Thos. M Ward, Geo. E *Ware, Spencer H *Wark, Janles H *Warner, Louis B *Wash, Milton H Watling, Arthur J *Wats'on, Howard tWatson, Richard Wattenbarger, Nove J

tWatts, Porter B *Weaver, Alfred P *Weaver, Wm. G Webb, Janles R Weber, Geo. L Weber, Henry D Weinheimer, Geo. J *Weir, Wm. A Welch, Geo. V W~elch, J. Perry *Wellmeyer, Francis H *Wells, Canlpbell =tWells, Harry T Wells, Wnl. S *Wells, Zachary T *Wenkle, Ferdinand

Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

May Apr. Apr. May Apr. Oct.

*Wern'wag, Wm. T


Werrenleyer, Arthur S *Weseloh, Henry Westcott, Arthur L· *Westerman, Oscar H tWestlDoreland, Jno. A Whaley, Jarnes E Whaley, Moiston P Whaley, Otis T Whaley, Wnl. W Wharton, Janles H.oy Wheeler, Robert L Wheeler, Rolla L

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

tWherry, Frank P Whipple, Wm. L White, Alfred H W'hite, Alonzo *White, Isaac N *White, Wnl .*Whitley, Thos. Jefferson Whitlo\v, WID. B

*Whituler, David P =tWhorton" John J Wiednler, WIn. E

Wiehoelter, Hernlan Wiggins, Walter Wikke, Orla B •


'1' Dhnitted

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. A.pr. Apr. Oct.

May Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. t Suspended

22, 27, 7, 24, 27, 22, 28, 6, 22, 25, 5, 26, 27, 26, 6, 23, 28, 26, 22, 11, 28, 26, 6, 21, 27, 13, 27, 5,

1924 1920 1889 1923 1920 1919 1902 1870 1913 1902 1882 1921 1926 1921 1880 1918 1931 1921 1919 1922 1925 1932: 1870 1897 1909 1886 1915 1877 22, 1924 11, 1922 25, 1905 26, 1932 28, 1914 6, 1870 27, 1926 23, 1912 26, 1927 22, 1896 24, 1917 11, 1922 27, 1926 24, 1889 27, 1915 25, 1900 25, 1905 6, 1871. 19, 1864 5, 1876 22, 1924 9, 1874 24, 1928 22, 191.9 2:~, 1929 23, 1929 24. 1928

Cape Girardeau Webb' City St. Louis Lamar Salem Kansas City Salisbury St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Milan

Marshall :

Eldon Bolivar

Mariollville St. Louis Poplar Bluff St. Louis \St. Joseph

DeSoto De Soto St. Louis Platte City

Lamar Savannah Springfield Louisiana

Lexington St. Louis

St. Louis Columbia

Lexington Independence

Hannihal Albany Albany 1Vlt. Vernon Colunlbia Brookfield Moberly SL LOllis St. Louis St. Louis Pallnyra Roekport Mexico St. Louis Fulton RichIllond

1Iolden St. Louis St.Charles l\Jlacon I{allsas City


tWilcox, Chas. S *Wilcox, Wm. A Wildernlan, Walter G Wilhoit, Luther E *Wilke, Henry, Jr *Wilkerson, Burrell G Wilkerson, Ray M *Wilkins, James H *Wilkins, Paul J Williams, Chas. H Williams, Edward E Williams, Edwin A Williams, Frank E *Willialns, Jno. E *Williams, Jno. T Williams, Minor F *Williams, Philip H Williams, Rowland Williams, Sanulel H Willianls, Thos. l) Williams, Zachariah M Willianlsoll, Stephen D Willock, David B tWilmot, Nathaniel H *Willmot, Wnl. . *Wilson, David M Wilson, David M., Jr Wilson, Harley L Wilson, Henry S tWilson, Jno. .. Wilson, Jno. H WilSOll, Percy F Wilson, Robt. M *Wilson, Walter L *Wilson, Wm. B *Winkler, Otto M *Winsor, Horace Wilson Winterton, .lames E Wiselogel, Robert F *'Vithrow, James M. Z

Witte, Carl F Wittrup, Inlanuel Wittler, FredericW Wohradsky, Jno Wolf, ID. Hugo Wolf, Fred H Wollman, Caesar Wolz, Florian Wood, Fred O *Wood, Janles F *W,oO(l, . T ames P Wood, 1no. J *Wood, Lashley F WoodrUff, Janles N WoodrUff, Robert I.J

* I>NHl


Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Oct. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Oct. Apr. Oct.

27, 21, 25, 11, 8, 6, 22, 2:3, 25, 22, 27, 26, 28, 26. G, 26, 22, 28, 27, 28, 24, 22, 24, 6, 9, 9, 28, 26, 28, 22, 24, 24, 24, 7, 10, 28, 5, Al)f. 22, Apr. 23, Apr. 27,

Excelsior Springs St. Louis St. Louis Macon St. Louis Sedalia Fulton Poplar Bluff Rolla Clinton Maryville Boonville Monett California Moberly Joplin St. Joseph 190~ Richmond 1926 Excelsior Springs 1908 Maysville 1917 Lexington 1919 Mt. VernQ11 1923 Kansas City 1882 St. Joseph 1874 Hamilton 1888 Milan 1925 Milan 1921 Columbia 1908 Mansfield 1896 Dixon 1928 Trenton 1928 St. Louis 1917 Milan 1885 Dixon 1873 Cape Girardeau 1908 St. L,ouis 18'77 Higginsville 1924 St. Louis 1918 St. Louis 1915 Neosho Apr. 23, 1902 St. Louis Apr. 24, 1923 Marshall Apr. 27, 1915 St. Louis Apr. 24, 1928 St. Louis Apr. 28. 1931 Bonne Terre Apr. 2:3, 1903 St. I~ouis Apr. 23, 1918 leffersoll City Allf. 26, 1927 St. Louis Apr. 24, 1923 KaIlsas City Apr. 25, 1900 I{ansas City May 7, 1885 Center Apr. 26, 1921 Mexico lVlay 6, 1880 California Apr. 23, 1912 Kahoka Apr. 28, 1918 Kahoka

:t. Suspendpd

1909 1897 1911 1922 1884 1871. 1924 1902 1905 1896 1915 1927 1931 1921 1882 1932 1903





*Woods, Chas C Woods, Chas. L Woods, Elwyn S *Wbods, Peter G Woods, Richard H *Woods, Washington T *Woodward, Alexander Woodward, Ernest B *Wooldridge, Edward W Workman, M. B -. Wornall, Thos. J tWray, Daniel E Wright, Chas. H *Wright, James P *Wright, Loren K *Wright, Robert R *Wright, W. E Wright, Ulysses S ~Wyatt, Grant *Wyatt, Wm. J *Wyman, Orin T Wyrick, Taylor B Yates, Chas. . Yates, Henry C *Yates, Thos. L Young, Chas. H Young, David H Young, Paul N "'Vounger, Chas. S

Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. May Apr. Apr. Apr.

22, 1891 St. Louis 11, 1922 Rolla 23, 1929 Springfield 22, 1891. Versailles 26, 1921 Versailles 22, 1863 Weston 13, 1886 Kansas City 24, 1923 Maryville 28, 1908 Springfield 23, 1929 Kennett 22, 1924 Liberty 6, 1880 Versailles 23, 1929 Kansas :City 27, 1915 Fulton 27, 1909 Mt. Vernon 11, 1922 Mexico 6, 1880 Mt. Vernon 28, 1914 Maryville 9, 1888 Rockport 23, 1902 Hamilton 25, 1911. Excelsior Springs 27, 1915 St. Louis

-yApr. 11, 1922 Apr. 28, 1908 Apr. 11, 1922 Apr. 26, 1910 Apr. 24,. 1889 Apr. 23, 1912 May 5, 1881.

Faucett Faucett Faucett Springfield Fulton St. Joseph Stockton

-zZelch, John E tZinn, John E Zion, John A * Dead l' Dimi tted

Apr. 28, 1925 Apr. 27, 1926 Apr. 28, 1925 :j: Suspended

St. Louis Lamar Holden




She'chinah Chapter, St. Louis. Mo.






Albany BonneTerre Cape Girardeau Carthage


I<ansas City Kansas City

36 .4 3 20 .41


24 38



.4 4 26

Location Rolla St. .Joseph.......... St. Louis St. Louis Sedalia





lVrountain a·rove



32 30

Poplar Bluff



Jefferson Joplin




No. 39 9 1 AO .42





3 4


1 8 5

\Yestoll ., . Marion . Moutieello . LeavenwC>l·th.., Clarkton .

.. . . .. .




l:{ 14


15 16 17 18 19

HoIL Areana 1\lelody , H(·llron ,

. . . ,.


. .

8 10 11

\Veglon , . Hannibal . Mcmt!ecllo . Leavenworth. Run ..


\Vashlngton . Atehisou, I{t~n I.lR.wrenc.·c . I.. uwrelH'e, Killl Sedalia IJangdon Charleston Hiram* Cryptic



Kinz:r Solomon







NtUue 2

Sedalia Cotton Plnnt.. C1utrleston 8t. Louis 'Yn rrcnslmrg.. ,'" Ro('k Port " St. I.J()ui~ Knob 'Noster Oregon Hnrrison villt~.. , Columbia }'\Ult<Hl Cameron Kansas Cit ~'

. . ..

. . .. , .. .. .. .

. . .. .. . .. . .

Dnto of Chart"r

O(~tober Octol)(~r

n t UHia .... . 11. UW7 May 24, 18taL .. May 24, 18(HL .. Odohcr 11, IRWi , Oetober II, lRB7 .. O(~toher 11, IRBI . ()(·tober H. 18{;8 . O(·toher 8, 18HH . ()('tober fi, 1871... Oetober H, 1871 . October H, 1871. . O(~tober n, 1871. . Oet()b(,~r H, 1871. . Oetoher 6. 1871.." O{~tober H. 1871. . Oetober 6, 1871. .. Oetob<.,r 11. 1872 . O('tober H, 1814 . Oetol)(~r 9, 1874 . Odoher 5. 1877 M.ay fi, 1881. .. l\Ia:y 7. 18~H ".


Charter Arrosted

Oetollcr U. lsiu. O('toher H. 1876. Of·toher G. 1816. \Vithdre\v to G. C. Kan. 'Vithdrew to G. C. Kan. Odober· H. 187'H. \Vithdrtnv to G. C. Kan. Oetober H. 187U. :\lay 9. 18S8. ~hlY 5, 1882. Cou'ldated with No. 1. .January 9, lSH4. April I H, HH2. 8ur'(1 l\:Iay fl, 18S1. .Tanunry 15, 188!. .January 15. 1881. August 28, 1.911. ~1~l.Y r;, .lmHHlr~~


15. 188l. Mny 5, 1882. .lnnuary 15, 1881.

.rannary 8. IHI7. . Butl(~r li'lt'hruary 21, 1889. .. Cn.rthage . A11rH 27. H~nR. . Avril 2:1. 1902. .. l{irksvUle S(>dalhL , ,. April 2:~, HH12 .. .Tnly 18, 1911. l{in~ David . ~n Numbl'r~ 5. 7 and 8 wore dUlilh~n.ted htH~ntlS(~ th() thrt.~e COlUldls of Kllnsas whkh hore those nmn})t'rs originally. withdrew to form tlw GrandCouneU of





I\:nnsns. *St. I..ouls Connell No.1, nnd Hiraul C(Hlndl No. 10. w{'re on July 17. 1888, eonsolidated under the title ()f HIram Coun<"U!'o. 1, Royal ~ul(l St~lect l\lasters.

ELECTIVE OFFICERS OF THE GRAND COUNCIL SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION. Year. l\I a)' , 1864 •••••••• t:May, 1866 .• "' October, 1867 ••••• October, 1868 •••••• October, 1869 •••••• October, 1810 •••••• October, 1811. .•••• October, 1812 •••••• October, 1813 ..•••• October, 1874 .••••• October, 1875 .••••• October, 1816 •••• October, 1817 October, 1818 •••••• tl\fay, 1880 ••••••••• ~fay, 1881 .••• ~Iay, 1882 .•••••••• ~fay, 1883 .•••••••• :May, 1884. ~fay, 1885 ••••..•.• Afay, 1886 .•••••••• May, 1881 ••••••••• May, 1888 .•••••••• April 1889 •••••••• April, 1890 •••••••• April, 1891 .••••••• April, 1892 •••••••• April, 1893 •••••••• April, 1894 .••••••• April, 1895 ..•••••• April, 1896 .•••••.. April, 1891 .. April, 1898 . April, 1899 April, 1900 .••••••• April, 1901. ••••••• April, 1902 •••••••• April, 1903 •••••••.• April, 1904. .••••••• I

•••• I











M. Ill. G. Master.



Anthony O'Sullivan *Anthony O'Sullivan *Thos. E. Garrett.. §George 'V. Belt. Martin CollinS'.••• *Martin Collins ••.• *'Yilliam A. Prall .• *Allan McDowell .•• *Joseph S. Browne. Garth •••••• *Noah M. Given .... .\Vm. R. Stubblefield. *\Vm. R. Penick .••• *B. Peter Baile}' ..•• *John A. Dolman . *J obn R. Parson . *\Vm.. B. 'Vilson . *'Vm. G. Hall .. *'Ym. H. Dale ..•••• *P. R. Flitcraft.••• §Wm. A. Lord . II

.'V. 'V.

*\Vm. H. Stansbury .. *H. C. ChrIstopher .• *Jno. J. Pierron .••• *F. J.. Tygard .. *Thos. Seal *Ulrich Schneider •• . *\Vm. F. Kuhn *Wm.. Richardson .. Fred A. Kage . *Emanuel F. Hartzel. *Elijah H. Phelps .. \Vm. Y. Bean . *David :M. \Vilson .• *John H. Murphy .•• *Reuben Barney ..... §Cyrug H. Jones .••• *Robt. F. Stevenson. c


*Gib. 'V, Carson ...•

\0 ~

Dep. G. Master.

G. P. C. of Work

Grand Recorder.

Grand Treasurer

*James K. Burnes....... :Martin Collins .••••• Wm•. N. Loker .•••••• *Joseph Foster. Geo. Frank Gouley. McDaniel .•••• *J. F. Houston .•.••••• \Vm. N. Loker .•••••• *J. A. H. Lampton ..... John G. Foss . \Vm. N. Loker .. Geo. Frank Gouley. Martin Collins .•••..• Bennett :Marshall •••• \Vm. N. Loker .•.•••• Geo. Frank Gouley. . John G. FosS' . John Glenny Geo. Frank Gouley. 'Vml N. Loker •••.••• ,.Hobert L. Fisher .••• Allan McDowell .•.•• Geo. Frank Gouley. 'Ym.N. Loker ••••••• )faurice L. Cobn •••• Allan !\{cDowell. .•.• Geo. Frank Gouley. \Vm. N. Loker ••••••• George R. Hunt .•••• Geo. Frank Gouley. \Vm. N. Loker ••••••• *John Luke .•.•••• *Thos. 'Yannall. . Noah ~I. Givan ••.••• \Vm. N. Loker •••••.• Geo. Frank Gouley. Noah 1t(. Givan . Henry 11. Rhodus .•.• Geo. Frank Gouley. \Vm. N. Loker••••••• Cbarles B. Randolph. Elijah T. Walker •••• \Vm. N. Loker .. Geo. Frank Gouley. Orson Davis .•••.••• B. Peter Bailey .•••... 'Vm. N. Loker .•••.•• *Geo. ]'rank Gouley. B •. Peter Bailey .•••• John A. Dolman ••••• *\Vm N. Loker ..••••• *John Luke. John R. Parson .•••.• Wm. H. :Mayo. John A. Dolman ..••. §Rev. H. C. Duncan .. John R. Parson ..••• 'Vm. B. \Vllson •••••• Wm. H. :Mayo. John Luke ••••••. Geo. R. Hunt.••••••• John 'V. Luke ••••.•• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. \Vm. B. 'Vilson .. 'Vm. H. Dale .•••••• *John \V. Luke ...•••• 'VID. H. :Mayo. \Vm. G. Hall •••••••• Wm. J. TerrelL ..... \Vm. R. :Mayo. Noah 1\1. Givan•••••• 'Vm. H. Dale •....•.. NoahM. Givan .•••.• 'Vm. A. Lord...•••• 'VID. H. :Mayo. 'VID. J. Terrell .....• Wm. H. Stansbury ••• C. G. HubbelL . Noah 1\1. Givan ... \Vm. H. :Mayo. R. C. Christopher .••• Noah M. Givan•••••• 'Vm. H. Stansbury .•• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. H. C. Christopher . Jno. J. Pierron ••..•• Noah :rtf. Givan ...••• 'Vm. H. l\fayo. Noah 11. Givan ...... -Wm. H. 1.fayo. F. J. Tygard •• Jno. J. Pierron . F. J. Tygard .. Thoa·. Seal ...••••••• NoahM. Givan •••••• 'Wm. H. :Mayo. Noah M:. Givan .••••• 'Vm. H. l\layo. Ulrich Schneider••• Thos. SeaL . \Vm. H. l\fayo. Grant Wyatt .•.••••• Noah 1\1. Givan•••••• Ulrich Schneider.••• \Vm. Richardson .•••• \Vro. H. Mayo. Edwin E.Roby •••••• Noah M:. Givan .•.••• \Vm. H. :Mayo. F. A. Kage. N oah ~I. Givan.•••.• 'Vm. Richardson . F. A. Kage . Emanuel F. Hartzell. NoahM. Givan •••••• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. Elijah H. Phelps. Noah M. Givan .••••• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. Emanuel F. Hartzell. Elijah H. Phelps . *J. Percival Smith •••• Noah M. Givan •..•.• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. D. M. \Vilson ••••••• Noah 1\f. Givan •••••• 'Vm. Y. Bean . 'Vm. H. :Mayo. John H. Murphy •••• David M. 'Yilson . Noah 1\1. Givan .•.••• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. Reuben Barney.•.... John H. ~furphy .•••• Noah 1\1. Givan .••••• 'Vm. H. 1\iayo. C)cTUS H. Jones •••••• \Vm. H. 1\Iayo. Reuben Barney ...•.• Noahll'I. Givan ...... Cyr115 H. Jones .••••• Robt. F. Stevenson .• Noah :M. Givan •••••• 'Ym. H. :Mayo. Gib. \V. Carson ..•••• Noah l!. Givan •••••• Robt. F. Stevenson ..• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. ~fartin T. Balsley ••• Noah 1\-1. Givan .••••• 'Villa H. :Mayo. Gib. "". Carson .••••• \VID. H. :Mayo. Noah 1\1. Givan .•.••. l\fartin T. Balsler ..•



t No Assembly in 1865 or 1879.




If •••









~ H W


8 t'i ~











~ H



Iw ..-j




.-oj H





~ n

(j) ~I.


Ill, G. :Mastel'

Dep. G. :\Iasler

Grand Treasurer

G. P. C. of 'Vork

Grand Recorder




pril, 1905. pril, 1906 ••.••••• pril, 1901 •••••••• pril, 1908." pril, 1909 .•••••• pril, 1910 ••••• 0 ••••••


••••• 0

to • •

pril, pril, pril, llrH, prill pril, A pril, Aprll, prill .t pril, A prlI, A pril, pril, April, April, A pril, April, A [lril. .A pril, i\. pril. April,


A prH,

1911 •••••••• 1912 •••••••• 1913 •••••••• 1914 .••••.•. 1915 ......... 1916 •••••••• 1917 •••••••• 1918 •••••••• 1919 •••••• 1920 ....•... 1921 •••••••• Of

1922 ••••••••

1923 ••• 1924......... 0 0


1925 •••••••• 1926 ••••••••

1921. 1928 •..•••.. 1929 .••••••• c


IH30 ..•.....

1931 ....•... 1932 ...•.... *Dead.

*Afartin T. Balsley ••

....... , ................


T: B~;Jili~~:

*George T. Burnham. Thomas .A.. Milburn. *Thomas A. 1\iUbnrn. 'VHliam R. Brock •• \Villlam R. Brock ••• Bert S. Lee .••••••• Bert S. Lee. I f • • • • • *Herbert H. Getman. Henry Schroeder •••• \Vm. H. Herrick •••• *William H. Herrick. 'Valter R. Anthony. Walter R. Anthony.. John C. Senate••••• J. L. Heckenlively •• V. H. Falkenhainer. *V. lIt Falkenhainer. Sanford M. Daniels. Sanford M. Daniela. \Vlll1am J. YanniA •• 'Villiam J. Vannix •• John Pickard~ •.•• o. John Pickard •••••• \Villiam C. Glenn ••• \VUliam C. Glenn ••• Louis AIoller ••.••••. *Louls :M:oller James Price .•.••••• \Vm. M:. Campbell ••• James Price •••••••• 'Vm. ~1. Campbell •• Geo. 'V. 'Valker •• Geo. \V. Walker .••• James R. 11cLachian Jas.R. McLachlan .. Bernal L. Tatman •• Bernal L. Tatman •• J o1ln M. 'Valler •••• Frank P. }IcAtee. *John M. 'ValIer ..••• Frank P. :McAtee ••• Thos. H.Reynolds .. Thos. H. Re)Tnolds •• Kipp C. Johnson .... Kipp C. Johnson ..• Henry C. Elberg •••. BenT\' .C. Elberg ...• \'1. Ed. Johnson .... Carl A. Swenson .•. W. Ed. J ohmon .... Carl A. Swenson .... Ralph T. FInley .•.•

tResigned Jan. 1, 1923.



Noah 1\1. Givan••••• Geo. T. Burnham .•. Noah M:. Givan .•••• Thomas A. :\Iilburn . 'Vm. R. Brock•••••• l\'Iartin Collins •••••• Gibbon \V. Carson •. Bert S. Lee..•••.•• Herbert H. Getman. Gibbon Carson .• Henrj1 Schroeder ...• Gibbon 'V. Carson •• Gibbon tV. Carson •• Walter R. Anthony .• Gibbon 'V. Carson •• John C. Senate .•••• Jas. L. Heckenlively. Gibbon 'V. Carson •• Gibbon Carson •• Sanford 1tf. Daniels. \Vll1lam J. Yannlx •• Gibbon 'V. Carson .• Gibbon 'V. Carson •• John Pickard ....... Gibbon 'V. Carson. 'Vm. C. Glenn •••••• Gibbon 'V. Carson •• Louis Moller •••••• Gibbon 'V. Carson •• James Price •••••••• Gibbon 'V. Carson •• 'Vm. M. Campbell .• Gibbon 'V. Carson •• George 'V. 'Valker •• Gibbon \V. Carson •• James R. McLachlan Gibbon \V. Carson •. Bernal L. Tatman •• Gibbon W. Carson •• John :M. \VaEer ••.• Frank P. sIcAtee ••• Gibbon •'V. Carson •• Thomas H. Reynolds fiibbon \V. Carson .. Kipp C. Johnson ••• Gibbon 'V. Carson .. Henry C. Elberg ...• Gibbon 'V. Carson .. Gibbon 'V. Carson .• \V. Ed. Johnson ...• Gibbon 'V. Carson .. Carl A. Swenson ••. Ralph T. Finley .... *Gibbon 'V. Carson •• Albert Linxwiler .... Chas. Gurley .......





F. Stevenson. }'. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. St~venson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F. Stevenson. F Stevenson. V. Denslow. Y. Denslow. V. Denslow. V. Denslow. V. Denslow. V. Denslow. V.· Denslow. V. Denslow. V. Denslow. V. Denslow.

Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. Robt. tRobt. Ray

Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray

Ray Ray Ray






c: UJ












W J-j



H ffj

~ H



\0 ~







TO lVIISSOURI Grand Renresentati\'e






~ H (f).



t"-1 t"i







~ I-! (f;


o?;j H





> """' t-3 I-!


t-3 H








Arizona , Arl{ansns.................................. Cllliforrria............ Canada Colorado CcIlnecticut Delaware District of Columbia England nnd 'Vales Florida

. \Vilbur P. 'Vebster.......... . \Y. .J. Penn, Jr . Oeo. 'V. Wnr\·elle..............

Georgia IllInoIs

Indiana Io"..a Kansas l(entuck~·

Louisiana Maine Maritinle Provinces 1\Iary]and Massachusetts :M]chigan 1t'linrresota 1\l1S5Iss11)1>L ]\iissouri. IVCoxltana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswi(~k New Hamnshire New.Jersey New york

GUY T. Smith.....•............... 'Montgomery Box: 238, 'Tucson Little Roek

Harry A. Drachnutn . Fay Hempstead . '1'hos. A. Davies . Henrs I. Orr . \Vln. W. Cooper . l'hos. 'V. l\1organ . Marshall l\L Carpenter.. .John A. Colborn . l\1aj.'rhos. G. Lumley-SmiU


. , . . . . .

. .. . . . ·..·. ··.· . ··.· .. .. . . ·.·..

North Carolina North Dakota........................... Ohio........................................... Oklahoma................................. Oregon Penns:\tlvllnia.......................... Rhode Island Scotland South Carolina........................ South Dakota.......................... Tennessee................................. Texas l1tah Vermont................................... Wnshington.............................. Wisconsin................................. Genernl G. Connell of n. S...

Robt. A. 'Voods D. M. Brownlee................ I~llller F. Strain................. G. Allison Holland.......... .TohnA. Davina.................. Edw. K. Gould AlbertC. IJcmmoIl............ Gusta.v A. EiteL Raymond 1'. SewnIL Chas. A. Conover John Fishel. I~. JJ. Faueette Rny V. Denslow I"uther T. Hauberg IJowls E. Smith George 1.4. Swartz \V. 1". Ellis Harry:M. Cheney fl. .A. ·l)utnam ~ Gao. Edward Hatch

. ;.. .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .

San FrancIsco, 1\1. '1'. Box 631, London, Ont. Denver Hartford, Box 1121 Wilmington, Box 245 837 Quebec St., \Vashlngtoll 'l\'Iark :Mason's Hall, Great Queen St., IJondon, 'V. C. 2. Jacksonville l\lacol1 Chicago, Mas. 'l'em. Princeton Sioux City Ma.s. 'l'emple, 'f'ovel{(1. Lexington~ew Orleans Rockland 89 :Metcalf St., St. Johns, N. B. Baltimore Mas. Temple, Boston Coldwater St. Pnul Meridhtll'

'l"renton Helena, Box 8HO Omaha, Mas. 'l'em. Elko ::52 Prince, \V. St~ John

Concord 115 'Vood.~ide Ave., 'rrenton 846 IJin(~oln Alliance Bnnk Bldg., Rochester John B. (~rIggs................ J;Jllzabeth City 'Valter YJ. StockwelL.... Fnrgo \V. T. S. O"'Hara.............. Toledo r. B.Klrklalld ~{l1skoA'ee .T. H. Ridnnond................. 100 Peacock Lane~ Portland n. T. HUI!\lS..................... 1st N. BIt., .leanette Edw. M. Wheeler.............. 510 Public St., Providence Oeo. A. Howell................ 76 Queen St., Edinburgh O. ]"ra.nk Hart................. Columbia Oeo. A. Pettigrew............ SiOllX Falls T. E. Doss S. R. 'l'em., Na.sh "UIe T. 1\1. Bartley................... \V:tco John 1\11. Dunlap Salt IJake City Archie S. Hurrimtul.......... Burlington Horace 'V. Tyler............... Tneoma 'VIlle :F'. \Veller 190 N. Van Buren, Milwaukee O. 'Frank Hart Mas. 'rem .• Colnmhin. S. C. n.











~o .cO';

Date of Charter



~ r-«."



~ Z




Shekinah IZabud

.6, 27, 25, 25,


21, 25, 23, 24, 28, 26, 25, 25, 25, 10, 10, 10, 10, 25, 22.

'71., '92 '94 '94 '95 '97 '00 '02 '06 '08 '20 '21 '21 '21 '22 '22 '22 '22 '24 '29

.l\iaPle .S. l\far.,tin•..••... Paul R. Byrum Robert H. :M:cM1nn.....• Leman E. Atherton .T. Henry Maize Frank L. Thierfelder.. Sherman A. Smith Claude G. Bartlett. \V. 'V. Pool. Roy R. Wright. Elmer Rirt J. Garvin \Vhiteley Clarence J. Stout Eben. S. Thresher F.loy \V. \Vebb Robert Nerli!'h \Valter B. Pingree Linden L. Jones \Vm. G. Dow Alfred N. Gardner

L.,O. Ui.S G. Sto.valL........ 'Vm. S. Lane................ l\Ierritt F. Smith........ 'Vm. C. Atwood.......... Thos. F. Ra)·................ Geo. A. Smith.............. \Vm.C. Glenn.............. Caesff1' 'Vollman AI. B. 'Vorkman........ Homer L. Pruett.......... 'V. A. Hoffarth............ Gunard F. Kling........ :Marvin lV. Ewing........ Henry C. Elberg.......... B.: HumP.hrey........ 'Vm. Buchmueller ~[oritz ·C. Allgeier...... Sam Shirley................ Vir~il A. Smith.......... \\"lllis J. Bray............






~ ro






c~~~wso j

69.5\ 513







I I \ 14\

36\ 9 1 29 81 1 531 · 31 1464 14 2 91/. 251 1260 81 1 5 871 1 181 340 5 61 31 1961 21 I\.... 5f 3351· ··..1 11 21 101 981.... 151 43!'ij 101 51 1 51 430 9 II........ 51 2531.. \. 1 3\. 1 911 1 221 11651 15 1 15\ 531 1411 1 121 1871 2 1...... 41 201. 1 11 78 2 141 1 1 2311........ 2 1 2 61 I 4181 1 1 h.... 1 501. \ 5\ I23i........ 1··.·.·t······\ 171.... 1791 2 2 21 61 7 146! 5 1 1 8 101.... 2 4201 4 3 21 1 71 128\ 11. 1 1 11 9\.... 1 11 84' 11 21 1 1 2\.... 1 21 H!i311 1071 141 3r.I16RI 8401 211521

4511151 ..1. 11

23\ 5 8\ 19 9 11

..111 11 11








Time of Stated Assembly

• a;;



C,',.ape Girarde.a. u Oct. Kansas City April Springfield April lSolomon ·Milan April jPoplar Blull. Poplar Blull April JChillicothe Chillicothe April 30 IJaS'{)er Joplin , April 32 IEzra _ Je1Jerson Cit~· April 33 IPunkey Kennett April 34 ICentralia Centralia April 35 IFidelity ~£ountain Grove April 36 IJosephus Albany April 37 ITrenton Trenton............•.... April 38 '''!'estport Kansas Citr April 39 fRolla ROll.a A.prll 40 Iyork. St. Louis April 41 ICarthage Carthage........•...... April 42 ISedalia _ Sedalia•................. April 43 IBonne Terre Bonne Terre April 44 'Kirksville Kirksville April 2.0 24 25 26 21 28

+:l.~ ~



~(l):::::~ ~ ~ ~~I~°1 '0 red ~ S .5 rgZ ~ .~



I . 1 fHiram St. Louis July 11,'83 Ernest ·P.. Brinkman.. Chas. F. Blomberg...... 9 St. Joseph St. Joseph Oct. 6, '71 Chas. E. Branson Victor T. Cummings..

rJ)l""l ~e:tJ








J 11



631 1st 'V. 481 4th \V. 402.. 4t.'h .Tues. 1346 2d \V. 1159 3d Tn. 210 1st Th. 191 1st W. 225 1st & 3d Th. 421 1st Th. 433 2d Fr. 143 2d & 4th Tu. 989 3rd !\Ion. 164 3d Th. 612d 'I'u. 22.5 1 &3 Mon. 36~ 3d l\f. 106 2d Th. 167 3rd Tu. 133 1st Tu. 413 3d Th. 118 2d Th. 83 1st Fri. 8525 - - -


t"-I .t""i

:> Z o





0:: H







Iw ~

:> t-j H


(f) H

n :>








Fred A. Kage, Cape Girardeau 1895-1896 W m. Y. Bean, Route 4, Springfield 1898-1899 WIn. R. Brock, 457 N. Kingshighway, St. Louis 1909-1910 Bert S. Lee, Springfield 1910-1911 Henry Schroeder, St. Marys 1911-1912 \Valter R. Anthony, 302 Ridge Arcade Bldg., Kansas City: 1913-1914 ]. L. Heckenlively, 508 Landers Bldg., Springfield 1914-1915 S. M. Daniels, 108 E. St. Vrain St., Colorado Springs, Colo 1916-1917 V\Tm. ]. Vannix, 208 I ogan Bldg., St. Joseph 1917-1918 John Pickard, Cohlnlbia 1918-19'19 \V111. C. Glenn, 326 H. St. N. VV., trliaIlli, Okla 1919-1920 James Price, Packers' Sta., Box 86, Kansas City, I<ans 1921-1922 Wlll.1,f. Catnpbell, Ballinger Bldg., St. Joseph 1922-1923 Geo. W .. Walker, Cape Girardeau 1923-1924 James R. McLachlan, Kahoka 1924-1925 Bernal L. TatIl1an, 3639 Olive St., S1. Louis 1925-1926 Frank P. lvIcAtee, vVoodruff Bldg., Springfield 1927-1928 Thomas H. l~eynolds, 1900 Fidelity Bank Bldg., Kansas City .. 1928-1929 Kipp C. Johnson, Poplar Bluff 1929-1930 Henry C. Elberg, 39th and Broadway, Kansas City 1930-1931 W . Ed. Johnson, Box 360, Joplin 1931-1932 GRAND COUNCIL OFFICERS 1932..33.

earl A. Swenson, Grand Master, Mountain Grove. Ralph T. Finley, Deputy Grand Master, 705 Olive St., St. Louis. Chas. Gurley, Grand P. C.. Work, c/o Western Tab. Co., St. Joseph. Albert Liuxwiler, Grand Treasurer, Jefferson City.. Ray \l. Denslow, Grand Recorder,Trenton. Jno. M. Gallatin Grand Captain Guard, Chillicothe. Robert w. Hedri(~k, Grande. of Council,' Jefferson City. F. Olen Hunt" Grand Chaplain, Mountain Grove. CarlWesterhaus, Grand Marshal, 4514 Adelaide Ave., St. Louis. Walter A. Higbee, Grand Steward" I.. an(~aster . .A.ugust Kron, Grand Sentinel. 2707 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis.



General Grand Council Officers 1930-1933 Walter L. Stockwell, General 'Grand Master, Fargo, N. Dak. Robert A. Woods, General Deputy Grand Master, Princeton, Ind. Nelson Willia,ms, General Grand Princi'pal Conductor of Work, Hamilton, Ohio. Charles N. Fowler, General 'Grand Treasurer, Salina, Kans. O. Frank Hart, General Grand Recorder, Columbia, S. C. Arthur D. Prince, General Grand Captain of Guard, Lowell, Mass. Bert D. Ashbrook, General Grand Conductor of Council, EI Reno, Okla. Charles H. Johnson, General Grand Marshal, Albany, N. Y. Roy G. We'bb,General Grand Steward, Spencer, Iowa.






No. 60 54

Bethany Bol ivar Boonville Brookfield Butler

42 43

Cameron Canton _ _ Cape Girardeau Carrollton ._.__ Carthage Caruthersville Chillicothe Clinton

21 37

53 14 30

55 45

31 69 32 34



De Soto


Excelsior Springs.. 64 Fayette 38 Fulton





Location No. l\!oberly _ _. 25 l\lonett _ 58 l\lountain Grove 66

Location No. Hannibal ..._....._...... :> Harrisonville ._ 26 Independence


.Tefferson City .Toplin _


__ 39

Neosho Nevada

I{ansas City _._.. 10 !{ansas City _._ __ 35 I{ansas City 68 Kansas City 70 I{irksville _ 22 I amar _. 46 Lebanon _ 33 I...texington 3 Liberty..................... 6 Louisiana 65 l\facon _ 7 Mal(h~n

6t 63



_ 36

IVTaryville IVfemphis lVrexico lVTilan

40 41 _ 23 52

_ _ 57 _ _.. 15

Richmond Ro lla _

' H . ' . " " . ' __

Sedalia Slater




_. .





108ep h

St. Louis St. Louis

. _ _. ..

St. I.Aouis St. Louis Trenton


'\Varrensburg 'Veston 'Vest Plains

19 2 48


Date of



Date of Arrest of Charter

Date of Consolldntion with another

Date of ~urrender

of Charter

COll1mtln· dt~ry

:~ !I..texington

Lexington Sent. 10, '56 :May 41St.•Joseph.... St.•J()st.~ph......... l\lay 2:J, '60 4 lHugh de Pa~~ens St.•Toseph......... Oet. 7, '67

I.. y. re.nc 131C 21 Constantine.. 13 Cyrene



Berna.rd de

I..onisiana Oet. BO'wling GreE.m. May



5, '1fi ()et.2, 'lH




. .



44 ParsifaL

23, '67


May 10, 'R7 MllY 10, '87 1871................ '9. Od.. 5, '75 :l\lay '84 1\lar.

4HIMt. Ollve....... IJamar




1.. 0\118 St. I..ouls.......... Platte City St••Joseph


5, '60 "". :\far. 21, '82 :~. '82 Al)ril 2fi, 'OH


Tremelay 50 lBaldwin uniSt. Bernard 41St. "Tm-;eph

16, '65

5. 'R5



8. '12 31. '17 ,......................




:\Iar. No\'.

'95 2. '9U

• De~'.



4, '11

. '

" ..

No. 21 Chartel" r(~st()red May 20th, 1920. No. 29 W~tS gh'(~n:\o. 4, O('tober 3rd. 1876. No. 46 Charter restored 1\IllJ~25th. l!)21. No. 4~) WtlS ·(~()ns()liduted with No. 50 WflS ('onsolldated wIth No. 1. No. 51 was given No. 4 and old chnrtt\f restored )\[uy 2Uth, 1912.

No. 18.





l\f. RUNYAN, President.

Grand Commander.


Dep. G. Commander. \


G. Generalissimo.

G. Capt. General


U1. ~

R. RINGO, Recorder.


G. Senior Warden.




J-Iay, 1860..... ]rIay, 1861..... tl\fay, 1863..... May, 1864..... May, 1865..... .May, 1866..... October, 1867.. October, 1868.. October, 1869.. October, 1810.. October, 1871.. October, 1872 .. October, 1873 .. October, 1874 .. October, 1875 .. October, 1876.. October, 1871.. October, 1818..

Geo. W. Belt ...••..• Geo. W. Belt.•...... Geo. 'V. Belt.•...... *Geo. 'V. Belt . *Thomas :M. 'VaInlall. Geo. Frank Gouley .. *Geo. Frank Gouley .• James F. Aglar .•.•. *James F. Aglar ..•.• *Jno. D. Vinci!. •.... *Francis 1\1. Tufts .... ttOren Root ....••.... ttJohn Ure . ttSam A. Gilbert. . ttJohn C. Bloomfield ••. §Fred B. young ..•... *John R. Parson .•..• ·Carroll J. Atkins .••• t~{a}', 1880.... *801. E. 'Yaggoner .•. :May, 1881.... *\Vm. G. HalL ..•.... }{ay, 1882 .••. tt\Vm. J. TerrelL ...•. l\fay, 1883.... *Flavius J. Tygard ... May, 1884.... *John A. Sloan .•.... }{ay, 1885.... *Geo. F. Rogers ....•. :May, 1886.... *Josepb S. Browne•.. l\fay, 1887.... *Eli H. :Mix .•..••••. l\lay, 1888.... *Allan :McDowell .••.. April, 1889.... *Robt. l\IcCulloch ..•.. April, 1890 ..•. tt'Valter J. Hilton.••.. April, 1891.... *Noah ltL Givan ..... April, 1892.... *David W. Wallace .•. April, 1893.... *Chas. S. Glaspell ..•. AprIl, 1894.... *Thos. R. Morrow .••. tNo Conclave In 1862 or 1819.

R. l\I. Henderson . *\V. R. Penick . *B. :NI. Run)1an . *Thos. :M. \Vannall . *Geo. Frank Gouley ..• Lewis F. 'Velmer .••.• *Lewis F. \Yeimer ..•. John D. Vincil. . *John D. Vincilo ••.•.. Joseph l\f. Fox . 'Vilbur F. Tuttle .....• John Ure ...........• Sam. A. Gilbert ..... Jno. C. Bloomfield ...• Fred. B. young ...•.. W. W. Anderson . Thos. 'V. Park . W. Garth .••••..•• \Vm. G. Hall .••....•• Wm. J. Terrell ......• *R. E. Anderson . John A. Sloan . Geo. F. Rogers . Jos. S. Browne . Eli H. ~fix . Allan 1tfeDowell..•.•. *Robt. l\lcCulloch ..•.. 'Valter J. Hilton .•... Noah ~I. Givan ....•• David 'V. Wallace . Chas. S. Glaspell . Thos. R. Morrow . Leslie Orear . ttDimitted. *Dead.


*Jno. W. Crane ..•..•.. Jacob C. Rineheard... *\Vm. N. Loker....... *Geo. Frank Gouley... *Josiah Hunt James F. Aglar...... James F. Aglar...... James Carr .....•... *James Carr *'Vm. H. Stone ..•.... John Ure ........•..• Sam. A. Gilbert...... Jno. C. Bloomfield.... Fred B. young....... 'Vm. 'V. Anderson.... Thos. 'Yo Park....... *James N. Burnes..... *John B. :Maude .•..••. 'Vm. J. TerrelL...... John A. Sloan....... J. R. Hardy......... Geo. F. Rogers....... JoS. S. Browne....... E. H. l\fix........... Allan lfcDowell...... *Robt.l\IcCulloch...... 'VaIter J. Hilton...... Noah :M:. Givan...... David 'V. 'Vallace.... ttJoseph C. Hearne... Thos. R. l\{orrow..... Leslie Orear......... Ira V. :M:cl\Hllan...... §Dropped.

*Henry Flynt .•..•••• *Jno. ,V. Crane . \V. A. Cunningham . James F. Aglar . James F. Aglar ..•... James ~lcDaniel. ••.•. James Carr . *D. P. \Vallingford . *Samuel Russell .•••• Francis M. Tufts ..... Oren Root, Jr......•.. Jno. C. Bloomfield ..•. Fred B. young . \Vm. \V. Anderson . Thos. 'V. Park..•.... Jno. R. Parson ..•.... 'V. 'V. Garth .••..•••• *'Ym. H. Hotchkiss .•. John A. Sloan . F. J. Tygard •••..•... F. J. Tygard .. Joseph S.· Browne . E. H. l\Iix .••••.•••.•. Allan l\fcDowell . *Robt. 1tfcCulloch ..•.. W. H. Stone .....•.... Noah l\I. Givan •••••• David 'V. 'Yallace .... Joseph C. Hearne .•... Chas. S. Glaspell. .... Leslie Orear .....•... Ira V. :McMillan ..•..• John Gillies .

*"\Ym. N. Loker. Paris S. prouts. Jas. F. Aglar. *D. N. Burgoyne. :Martin Collins. *Martin Collins. Samuel Hardwicke. Peter B. Grant. 'Vm. Ie Spinney. John Ure. \Vm. Bosbyshell. Fred B. Young. \Vm. '\V. Anderson. Burwell G. Wilkerson. Burwell G. \Vilkerson. Burwell G. \Vilkerson. *John B. l\faude. Sol. E. \Vaggoner. *.Tames Carroll. E. H. :Mix. E. H. :Mix. E. H. :Mix.

Allan :McDowelI. Noah 1\1. Givan. \Vm. H. Stone. C. C. Allan. David 'V. 'Vallace. Joseph C. Hearne. Chas. S. Glaspell. Thos. R. ~forrow. I. V. l\IcM:illan. John Gillies. Morris Fred. Bell.


tri ~

~ ~

Z t=:


C if;.



H (fJ






Iw t-3

> t-3 H

m t-3

H ()







Date. 1895., •• 1896 •••• 1897 .••. 1898 .••• 1899 .•.. 1900 .••• 1901. ••. 1902 ..•. 1903.... AprIl, 1904.... May, 1905 ...•. May, 1906 •.••. :May, 1901 ••••• May, 1908 .•••. May, 1909 ••••. lIR)', 1910 •••• :May, 1911..... Mas·, 1912 •.•.. Afay, 1913 .•••. liay, 1914..•.. May, 1915 ..•.• May, 1916..... May, 1911 .•••. lfay, 1918 ..... Ma}T, 1919..... May, 1920..... May, 1921. •.•• ~fay, 1922 ••• "' May, 1923...... May, 1924. :May, 1925..... Maj·, 1H26..... }fa~', 192...... ~'taj·. 19~R ..... lvIay. 1929..... liay. 1930...... April, April, April, April, AprIl, April, April, April, April,


Grand Commander.

Dep. G. Commander.

·LesJie Orear ••.•••••• *Ira. V. McMIllan•••••• *John Gillies ••••.••.• *~f. F. BelL ...••••••. *John Greenough .••.. *Reuben Barney ••••• *Horace G. Clarke ..•.. *John F. Eaton....•... *Emanuel F. Hartzell. *\Vm. A. HalL •..••••. *Wm. H. Huters ..•••.. *Campbell \Vells ••••• *Glb. \V. Carson ..•.•• *'VilUam Harvey .••••• *.Atthur M. Rough •••• *\VIn. F.Kuhn. Bert S. Lee ..•.••.... *Mlllard F. Faulkner .• ·\Ym. H. Glancy ••••• *Isaac H. Hettinger .•.. *Ernest Fowkes ..••••. Cbas. F. Blomberg ••.

Ira V. McMillan •••• Jobn GUIles .....•••. Morris Fred. BelL ••. John Greenough .. , ••• Reuben Barney ..•.... Horace G. Clark••••• John F. Eaton . Emanuel F. Hartzell..

I •••••


*\Vm. K. Davis •.••.•..

*Hel'bert A. Hatfield .• Herman ~{auch ....•. G. Goodson \Vrlght ••• Arthur T. Nelson ••••• \Villiam Y. Bean ••••. Arthur C. Daily . Wm. S. Campbell. ••. Thos. H. Reynolds •••• Curtis J. NeaL •••••. George C. :Marquis ... WalterL. Eshelman •• Frank H. DeCou ..••. Ta)·lor B. 'Vyrick ..... MaY, 1931..... Albert Linxwiler •.•.. )!ay, Ht:l2 ..... ''''HIlum C. Gordon ... I

* Dead.

•• f

\Vrn. A.Hall .•••••••• H. Ruters .•••..

,,,ro. Campbell


G. Senior \Varden.

G. Generalissimo.

G. Capt. General.

John Gillies . )lorris Fred. Bell ••.• John Greenough ..••.• Reuben Barney .•••• Horace G. Clark . John F. Eaton . Emanuel F. Hartzell .• \Vm. A. Hall ..•...... Wm. R. Ruters . Campbell 'Vells . Glb. \V. Carson ..•.•• 'VllUam Harvey ..•••• Arthur AI. Hough ..••• \Villiam F. Kuhn ..•.• John T. Nixon .•.... l\Hllard F. Faulkner .. "V. H. Glancy ..•.•..• Isaac H. Hettinger .• Ernest Fowkes .••••. Chas. F. Blomberg .•• \Villiam K. Davis ..••• Herbert A. Hatfield .. Herman Mauch . G. Goodson \Vrlght . Arthur T. Nelson.••.• William Y. Bean .. Arthur C. Daily ..•.• \Vm. S. Campbell ...•• Thos. H. Reynolds .•.. Curtis J. Neal ••• I. "" Geo. C. ~Iarquis .•.•. \Valler L. Eshelman.. Frank H. DeCou ....•. Taylor B. Wyrick. ", Albert Linxwiler .

Morris Fred. Bell .•• John Greenough .••.•. Reuben Barney ••••• Horace G. Clark .•.•.• John F. Eaton . Emanuel F. Hartzell .• \Vm. A. Hall . *George ?vI. l\fcGuire •• Campbell 'VeIls • Glb. 'V. Carson ..•... \Vm. Harvey •••..••.• Arthur 1\:[, Hough .••. \Villiam F. Kuhn .•.•. John 'f. Nixon .••.....


\Vells ••... Glb. 'V. Carson .•.••• \VilUam Harvey ..•••. Arthur l!. Hough •••• Wm. F. Kuhn •••••••• Bert S. Lee ..•.••••.• Millard F. Faulkner .• \Vm. H. Glanclt • • • • • • Isaac H. Hettinger .••• Ernest Fowkes .•••••• Chas. F. Blomberg .•• \Vllliam K. Davis .•.. Herbert A. Hatfield... Herman lIauch •...•• G. Goodson \Vrlght ..• Arthur T. Nelson ..••• \Vil1iam Y. Bean .•••. Arthur C. Dally .•••• \Vm. S. Campbell ..••. Thos. H. Reynolds .••.. Curtis J. Xeal. .••... Geo. C. :Marquis ..... ""alter I~. Eshelman.. Frank H. DeCou ••••• Taylor B. \Vyrick .•.. A.lbert I,i~wner ..•••. \VUUam C. Gordon . 'Vllllam C. Gordon .••. Theo. J. Eyers .•.••.. Theo. .T. Evers . Alex S. Rankin . to





Bert S. Lee ....•...••

\V. H. Glancy ..• Isaac H. Hettinger ••• Ernest Fowkes .... Charles F. Blomberg. \Villiam K. Davis .. Herbert A. Hatfield ... Herman l\{auch ..•.... G. Goodson \Vright ... Arthur T. Nelson•••.. \Villiam Y. Bean ••••. Arthur C. Daily .•••• 'Vm. S. Campbell .... Thomas H. Reynolds. Curtis J. NeaL ••• Geo. C. Marquis .•••. 0



o ••




\Valter L. Eshelman ..

Frank H. DeCou . Taylor B. \Vyricli ..•. Albert Linxwiler ••••• \Vm. C. Gordon . Thea. J. Evers . Alex S. Rankin .•....• B.


Hunt .....•..••

John Greenough. Reuben Barney. Horace G. Clark. John F. Eaton. Emanuel F. Ha.rtzell. Wm. A. Hall. Geo. AI. l\fcGuire. 'Vm. H. Huters. Gib. W. Carson. \Vm. Harvey. Arthur :M. Hough. 'Vm. F. Kuhn. John T. Nixon. Bert S. Lee. *Jolln H. Babcock. Isaac H. Hettinger. Ernest Fowkes. Charles F. Blomberg. \Vm. K. Davis. Herbert A. Hatfield. Herman Mauch. G. Goodson 'Vright. Arthur T. Nelson. \Villiam Y. Bean. Arthur C. Daily. \Vnt. S. Campbell. Thomas H. Reynolds. Curtis J. Neal. Geo. C. :Marquis \Valter Ilo Eshelman. Frank H. DeCou. Taylor B. \Vyrick. Albert Linxwiler. \Vm. C. Gordon. Thea. .T. Evers *Elroy J. Pratt. B. C. Hunt. R. B. Rtrnder.





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Date. May, 1860 •••• May, 1861.... tMa~', 1863.... May, 1864 .••. ltIay, 1865 •••• May, 1866.... October, 1867.. October, 1868.. October, 1869.. October, 1870.. October, 1811.. October, 1872.. October, 1873.. October, 1874.. October, 1875 •. October, 1876.. October, 1877 .. October, 1878.. tMay, 1880 May, 1881.... May, 1882.... ~{aY, 1883.... lfaY, 1884.... AfaY, 1885.... May, 1886 ..•. ?tfaY, 1881.... May, 1888.... April, 1889.... AprIl, 1890.... AprIl, 1891.... April, 1892.... April, 1893.... April, 1894.... April, 1895.... AprIl, 1896.... eo • •

Grand Prelate

Grand Treasurer.

Geo. \Y. Culver .••.•• I.tudwell R. Ringo .••.• Jas. H. Matheny ••••• Edward S. Dulin .•.•• E. O. Sayle .••.••.••• Thos. E. Garrett•••.• *John Glenny •.•.••.. Thos. E. Garrett •••.. *J. A. H. Lampton .•••• Jno. D. Vincil. .••.•. B. F. Newhouse .••.•• Jno. D. Vincil. B. F. Newhouse ..•..• P. :M. Pinckard .••••• \Vasbington Jones .... *P. l\i. Pinckard . G. W. TindalL .•..... Wm. ~I. Rush .....••. D. 'V. 'VeIls ••••••••• *\Ym. ~f. Rush ..•..... J. J. :McElwee .••.•••• *Jno. D. Vincll .•••••• \Vm. 'V. Anderson ..• R. :U. L. :McEwen .••. Burwell G. \Vilkerson. *\Ym. 'Vilmott .....••. David Goodfellow ..• *C. H. Foot ••..•••••.. *Davld Goodfellow ••••• Geo. C. Betts .••••• H. C.Frost •••••••••• Geo. C. Betts ••••• *Wm. II. Hotchkiss .••. Geo. C. Betts. J. R. Hardy ••••••••. Geo. C. Betts. Geo. Lambert .••.•••• Geo. C. Betts ..•..••. Geo. F. Rogers .•.•••. Geo. W. Penn .••. Geo. F. Rogers ....••. Geo. W. Penn .••••..• Allan ~{cDowell•••••• *Geo. W. Penn ..••••. Noah 1\1. Givan .••••• Chas. C. \Voods ...... \Valter J. Hilton •••••• Chas. C. \Voods .••••• C. C. Allen . Chas. C. Woods .••••• J. H. Brown .•••.•••• Chas. C. 'Voods •••• Joseph C. Hearne .•••• Chas. C. \Voods Chas. S. GlaspeU .•••• Chas. C. Woods .•• Thos. R. :Morrow ..•.. Chas. C. \Voods ..•... Leslie Orear ••• Chas. C. \Voods .•.... John Gillies Chas. C. "Toods •• ~forris Fred. BelL •••• Chas. C. Woods . John Greenough ••.••. Chas. C. \Voods .••••. Reuben Barney .••... Chas. C. 'Voods ..•... Horace G. Clarke ..•.. Chas. C. Woods ..•..• I

•• I








1.1 ••••














••••••• I



.John John John *John 'Vm.

Grand Recorder.

D. Daggett...... D. Daggett......

D. Daggett......

D. N. N. N. N. N. N.

Daggett. •..


Loker........ 'Ville Loker .••..•.• 'Vm. Loker .• \Vm. Loker........ \Vm. Loker........ \'Vill. Loker........ 'Vro. N. Loker........ \Vm. N. Loker........ I


\Vro. N. Loker........

,Vill. N. Loker........

\Vm. 'Vm. *\\Tm. .Tohn \Vm. \Vm. \Vro. \Vm. \"\?m.





N. Loker........ N. Loker........ N. Loker........ R. Parson...... P. Mullen...... P. Mullen...... P. lfullen P. ~Iul1en...... P. 1tIullen .• \~rm. P. 1vfullen...... \Vm. P. 1\Iullen...... *\Vm. P. Mullen ... I • • Flavius J. Tygard.... Flavius J. Tygard .• Flavius J. Tygard.... Fla vius J. T}'gard.... Fla vius J. Tygard.... Flavius J. Tygard.... Flavius J. Tygar<l.... Fia vius J. Tygard .. Flavius J. Tygard....

I... I


G. Standard Bearer

E. E. A.

G. Heriot ..••.••. O. F. Potter~ G. Heriot ..•..•.. Robert Hale. O'Sullivan .•...••. John E. Ryland. A. O'Sullivan... • . *J. A. H. Lampton. A. O·Sullivan . Hampton \Voodrutf. *.A.. O·Sulli\ran ...•.••. Hampton 'VoodrutT. A. B. 1\1. Thompson .•• Peter B. Grant. Geo. Frank GOldey ..• F. H. Lewis. Geo. Frank Gouley .•. \Vm. Bosbyshell. Geo. Frank Gouley . 'Vm. Bosbyshell. Geo. Frank Gauley . John C. Bloomfteld. Geo. Frank Gouley .•. Burwell G. \Vilkerson. Geo. Frank Gouley ... John H. Brown. Geo. Frank Gauley ••• John H. Brown. Geo. Frank Gauley ••. John H. Brown. *Geo. Frank Gouley ••• S. E. \Vaggoner. Wm. H. :M~ayo .•.••••. John H. Brown. Wm. H. :Mayo •••••• 'Vm. J. Terrell. \VDl. H. :Mayo ..•••.•• C. E. Ballard. Geo. J. Tyrrell. WDl. H. Mayo .• ·\Vm. H. Mayo ..•••••. \Vm. A. Hall. lVm. H. Mayo .•.•..•. Asa l\{addox. 'Vm. H. M:ayo ..•••... Asa ~Iaddox. \Vm. H. 1\fayo .••••••• C. S. Glaspell. John H. Brown. 'Vm. H. :Mayo 'Vm. H. M:ayo.I •••••• E. B. Overstreet. 'Vm. H. l\layo .••••.•• C. S. Glaspell. John T. 'Villiams. 'Ville H. 1\fa}'o. \Vm. H. :Mayo .••••••. Leslie Orear. Ira V. Mc~nllan. Wm; H. 1\faYo .•.• 'Vm. H. ?tlayo ...•.•.. ~Iorris Fred. BelL \Vm. H. lIayo .•..••.. John Greenough. 'Vm. H. lIa:\'o .•...... Reuben Barney. 'Vm. H. Mayo ..••••.• Horace G. Clark. 'Vm. H. :\fayo ...•.•.. John F. Eaton. I.'









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Date. April, April, April, AprlI, April, April, April, Aprll, ?tIny,

G. Junior Warden.

1897. Jno. F. Eaton •.•...•. 1898 .••. Emanuel F. HartzelL. 1899 ••.. Wm. A. Hall. •.••••.. 1900 .•.• *Benj. F. Nelson .•••.. 1901. ••. \Vm. H. Buters .••.•. 1902 ..•. Campbell Wens .••••. 1903 .••. \Vro. Harvey ..•.••.•• 1904: •••• Arthur M. Hough .••.. 1905 .... Wm. F. Kuhn ..••••.. :May, 1906 .... John T. Nixon .•.••.•• AIay, 1901 •••. Bert S. Lee .••••••••• ~fay, 1908 .... J obn H. Babcock .• " •• lIas, 1909 .••. AlinaI'd F. Faullmer .. lfay, 1910 .... Ernest Fowkes .•..••• 1\ia}', 1911. ... Chas. F. Blomberg..• May, 1912." .. '''ro. K. Davis .••..•. M:ay, 1913 .... Herbert A. Hatfteld .•. }\{ay, 1914 .... Herman Mauch ••••.•• :May, 1915 .... G. Goodson 'Vrlght••• Mal', 1916 .•.. Artbur T. Nelson ••••• lfay, 191i .... 'Vm. Y. Bean ..•••••. :May, 1918 .... Arthur C, Daily •.•.•• May, 1919 .... 'Vm. S. Campbell .•••• AIR)', 1920 .••• *Jerome G. \Ving •••••• .Alns, 1921. ••• Curtis J. NeaI. .•..... :M:ay, 1922 ..•. George C. Marquis ... )~Ias, 1923 .... '''alter L. Eshelman... lial', 1924 .... Frand H. De Cou •••. ?flay, 1925 .•.. Taylor B. \Vyrick •••• :May, 1926 ..... Albert Linxwiler ..... .'May, 1927.." . 'Vm. C. Gordon .•.•.. May, 1928 •••• Theo. J. Evers ..••.•• ~Iay, 1929 •••. Elroy J. Pratt ........ liay, 1930 ..•. Alex S. Rankin ....... May, 1931. ... R. Burns Strader.•••. ?tiay. 1932 ..•. James A. Kinder ..... *Dead. tResigned. 0"

Grand Prelate f

John H. :Mlller ••••.•. John H. Miller ••••••• John H. MIller ••••.•• John H. Miller .••••.. John H. :Mlller ..•.••. John H. Miller .•••••. John H. l\UUer .•••••. John H. Miller ....•.• John H. Miller .••••.. John H. Miller .••.... John H. Miller ..••••. John H. Miller .•..... John H. Miller ....... John H. Miller •••••.• John H. Miller ••••••• J obn II. Miller .••..•. John H. Miller ••••••• John H. Miller ....... John H. MUler .•••.•. John H. MIller .••.... John H. Miller .••••.. John H. Miller .••••.. John H. MIller ..•.... John II.. l£lller .•••••. John H. Miller ...•.•. *John H. :Miller ..•..... Corona H. Briggs .... Corona H. Driggs .... Corona H. Briggs .... Corona R. Briggs .... , Corona H. BrIggs ...•. Corona H. Briggs ..... Corona H. Briggs .•.. Corona H. BrIggs .... Corona H. Briggs .••. Corona H. Briggs ..•.

Grand Treasurer. f

Grand Recorder. f

Flavius J. T)ogard •••• \Vm. H. M~ayo .••.•••. Flavius J. Tygard •••. \Vm. H. )Iayo .•.•.... Fiavius J. TJ·gard ..•. '''m. H. :Mayo .••.•••• Flavius J. T)·gard •••. 'Vm. H. ?tIayo •••••... FlavIus J. Tygard ..•. \Vm. H. ?tIayo •••••••. Flavius J. Tygard ..•. Wm. H. l\{ayo .•••••.• Flavius J. Tygard .••• 'Vm. H. :Mayo. Flavius J. Tygard .... 'Vm. H. :Mayo ........ Flavius J. Tygard .••. *\Vm. H. :Mayo ..•...•. Flavius J. Tygard ..•. Robert F. Stevenson .. *Joshua B. Thomas ... Robert F. Stevenson .. Tandy A. Dunn .••.•• Robert F. Stevenson .. Tandy A Dunn ••••.• Robert F. Stevenson .. Tandy A. Dunn ..•..• Robert F. Stevenson .• Tandy At Dunn •••••• Robert F. Stevenson .. *Tandy A. Dunn •••••. Robert F. Stevenson .. Frank C. BarnhilL ••. Robert F. Stevenson .. Frank C. Barnhill..... Robert F. Stevenson .. Frank C. Barnhill..... Robert F. Stevenson .• Frank· C. BarnhilL ••. , Robert F. Stevenson .. Frank C. Barnhill.••. Robert F. Stevenson., Frank C. BarnhilL ... Robert F. Stevenson .. Frank C, BarnhilL ... Robert F. Stevenson .. Frank C. BanlhUl. ... Robert F, Stevenson .. Frank C. BarnhilL ... Robert F. Stevenson .• Frank C. BarnhilL ... tRobert F. Stevenson. Ray Y. Denslow ...... Frank C. BarnhilL ... Frank C. Barnhill.... Ray V. ·Denslow ...... Frank C. Barnhill.... Rar Y. Denslow ...... Frank C. Barnhlll.. .. 1 Ray Y. Denslow ...... Frank C. Barnhill.... Ray V. Denslow ...... Frank C. Barnhill.... Ray Y. -Denslow ...... Frank C, BarnhIlL •. Ray Y. Denslow. , , • , . Frank C. Barnhill.... Ray V. Denslow ...... Frank C. Barnhill,... Ray V. Denslow ...... Frank C. Barnhill.... Ray Y. Denslow ...... 0





Standard Bearer.

E. F. Hartzell. 'Vm. A. Hall. Benj. F. Nelson. Geo. ltL 1tlcGuire. *Alson A. \¥hite. Gib. \V. Carson. Arthur )1. Hough. \Vm. F.Kubn. John T. Nixon. Bert S. Lee: John H. Babcock. ~fillard F. Faulkner. \Vm. H. Glancy. Charles F. Blomberg. Wm. K. Davis. Herbert A.. Hatfield. Herman :M:auch. George G. \Vright. Arthur T. Nelson. \Villiam Y. Bean. Arthur C. Dally. Wm. S. Campbell. Jerome G. 'Ving. Thomas H. Reynolds. George C. Marquis \Yalter L. Eshelman. Frank H. De Cou Taylor B. 'Vyrick. Albert Linxwiler. \Vm. C. Gordon. Theo. J. Evers. Elroy J. Pratt. Alex S. Rankin. B. C. Hunt. James A. Kinder. Leo H. Johnson.





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G. Sword Bearer.

M:ay, 1860 •••• Sam. 1\1. Hays .••.••. fA-fa.y, 1861.... Geo. Beardslee ..•• 1tlay, 1863.... Ed. Dutton .....•.•... ~lay, 1864.... Ed. G. Brooke.•••••. ~Iay, 1865.... Jas. :McDaniel. .•..••. ~fay, 1866.... 'Vm. Bosbyshell ..•.•. October, 1861.. 'Vm. Bosbyshell .•••.• October" 1868.. 'Vm. Bosbyshell ..•••. October" 1869.. J. E. R. :Miller ••••••• October. 1870.. J. J. lfcElwee .•..•... October. 1871.. Fred B. young .....•. October. 1872.. J. A. Tyler ....••..•. October, 1873.. 'Vm. E. 'Vhlting .••••• October, 1874.. T. 'V. Letton •.•••••. October, 1875.. Henry C. Frost .••.•• October, 1876.. JrI. S. Clemmens .•••. October, 1877.. E. J. Nickerson .••.•. October, 1878.. John A. Sloan .•..••. fMay, 1880.... R. O. Carscadin .••••• 1.lay, 1881.... Erwin Ellis ....•••.•. May, 1882.... Robt. Taubman ..•..• :May, 1883.... Wm. A. Hall . ~{ay, 1884.... Wm. A. Hall .....•.•. May, 1885.... Chas. C. Allen ..••.•. ~fay, 1886.... Seymour Hoyt .•••••. May. 1881.... Joseph· C. Hearne., ••. :May, 1888.... Ralph Muir ..•.•••••. April, 1889 .•.. Jno. Farris ..•••.• April, 1890.... Ira V. Mc1\Iillan .•.•. April, 1891.... John Gillies ....••... AprIl, 1892.... John Greenough .••.•• April, 1893.... Reuben Barney •..••. April, 1894.... Chas. J. Lewis .....•. April. 1895.... John F. Eaton ..•.... tNo Conch\ve in 1862 or 1879.



Grand 'Yarder.

Grand Capt. of Guard

Corresponden t.

A. D. Hoy .•.•••.••.. Jos. S. Browne..•..• D. N .. Burgoyne ..•.•• W. T. \Voods .•..•..• \Vm. H. Stone ..•••.•• \Vm. H. Stone .••••... 'Vm. H. Stone ..•••.•• 'Vm. H. Stone . 'Vm. H. Stone..•....• Oren Root, Jr . 'Vm. 'V. Anderson . JohnA. Dolman . Henry C. Frost ..•.••• John R. Parson .•.••. John R. Parson ...••. Jeff. Bedford ..•.• Sol. E. Waggoner ...•. Robt. :M:cCulloch ....• Geo. F. Rogers .....•. H. C. Litchfield .•.... John T. Ruffin .••..•. Geo. J. Tyrrell .•••••. Geo. J. Tyrrell .•...•• Seymour Hoyt ..••.•. Jno. J. Baulch ..•.•.. DavId 'V. 'Vallace ..•. *Oeo. F. Putnam.••••• Arthur AI. Hough .••.. John Gillies . ~forris Fred. Bell .••.. Reuben Barney .•..•.. Chas. J. Lewis .••••... John F. Eaton .••••.• Wm. M:. Treloar ..•..• *Dead. §Dropped.

H. T. Shlossner .••••• *H. T. Shlossner •.•••• A. Stille ••....•..... *A. Stille ........•... Thos. Harris .•••.••.. Thos. Harris .••..•.•. *Geo. B. Brua ••••••.•• Juo. Geekie .•........ Jno. Geekie .•••..•••• Jno. Geekie...•...•.•. §Jno. Geekle . Jas. X. Allen . Jas. X. Allen ....•.... Jas. X. Allen . J as. X. Allen •.••..... Geo. Th.orp . Geo.Th.orp ...••.••... Geo. 'I'horp .....••.... l'Geo. Thorp ..••.•••••. John W. Owen ••••••• John Owen .•••••. John Owen .•.•••. John W. Owen ..•.... John \V. Owen •...••. John Owen . John Owen ....••• John Owen .•.•... John 'V. Owen .•..... John Owen . John Owen .•••••• John Owen •••.••• John \V. Owen ..•.•.. John Owen .••.... .John \Y. Owen .

A. O·Sullivan ..•.••.. Jas. N. Burnes ..•.... A. O'Sullivan........ A. O'Sullivan........ A. O'Sullivan........ *A. O'Sullivan........ A. B. :M. Thompson.. Geo. Frank Gouley... Geo. Frank Gouley ... Geo. Frank Gauley... Geo. Frank Gouley... Geo. Frank Gauley... Geo. Frank Gouley... Geo. Frank Gouley... Geo. Frank Gouley... *Geo. Frank Gouley... 'Vm. H. :M:ayo........ 'Vm. H. :M:ayo........ 'Vm. H. :Mayo....... . 'Vm. H. 1rlayo........ 'Vm. H. Mayo........ \Vm. H. :Mayo........ 'Ville H. Mayo........ \Vm. H. :M:ayo........ 'Vm. H. ~{ayo........ 'Vm. H. ~fayo........ 'Vm. H. :Mayo........ 'Vm. H. 1rlayo........ 'Vm. H. :M:ayo........ 'Vm. H. Alayo........ \Vm. H. Mayo........ 'Vm. H. Mayo........ 'Vm. H. AIayo........ ''''ro. H. :Mayo........


'V. 'V. ''VV.. 'V. 'V. 'V.




G. Drill Master.

~ r-t U1

A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. A. O'Sullivan. *A. O'Sullivan. Jas. F. AgJ ar. John D. Vincil. *John D. Vinci!. C. B. Randolph. 'Vm. H. Stone. C. B. Randolph. C. B. Randolph. C. B.· Randolph. Thos. M. 'Vannall. C. B. Randolph. C. J. Atkins. E. J. Nickerson. John R. Parson. Allan 1rlcDowell. John A. Sloan. John R. Parson. John R.Parson. John R. Parson. John R. Parson. John R. Parson. John R. Parson. Jobn R. Parson. John R. Parson. John R. Parson. John R. Parson. Sol. E. Waggoner. Chas. E. Sargent. 'Vm. A. Thoms.

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G. Sword Bearer.

April, 1896.... April, 1897 •• 0. April, 1898....

Emanuel F. Hartzell.. Wm. A. Hall ..••••••• Chas. C. \,,"oods .• April, 1899. Geo. M. l-IcGulre .•••. April, 1900.... Wm. H. Huters .• April, 1901.... Campbell 'VeIls •••.•. April, 1902 .•.. Wm. Harvel' ..••.••.. April, 1903.... \Vm. F. Kuhn ..•.•... .Aprll, 1904.... John T. Nixon .•••••• May, 1905.. .. Bert S. Lee . :May, 1906.... John H. Babcock . Afar, 1907.. .. Millard F. Faulkner .• May, 1908.... \Vm. H. Glancy .••••• lIar, 1909.... Isaac H. Hettinger •.. lIay, 1910.... \Vm. K. Davis .. May, 1911.... Herbert A. Hatfield ••• May, 1912.. .. Herman Mauch .•••••. May, 1913.... Geo. G. Wright .•••••. lfay, 1914.••• Arthur T. Nelson .••. May, 1915.... \Vllliam Y. Bean ..•.. Afay, 1916.... Arthur C. Daily ....•• May, 1917.... \VnUam S. Campbell •. May, 1918 .•.. Jerome G. Wing ....•. May, 1919 ••.. Thomas H. Reynolds .. ~lay, 1920.... Curtis J. Neal. .••••• 1\{ay, 1921.... 'Valter L. Eshelman .. :May, 1922.... Frank H. DeCou. 1\Iay, 1923. • •. Taylor B. \Vyrick.•.. ?\fay, 1924•••• Albert I-linxwiler .•.••. :May, 1925 .••• 'Vm. C. Gordon ••••••. )!aS J 1926 ..•. Theo. J. Evers . ~ray, lU27.... Elroy .T. Pratt. . :May, 1028 .•.. Alex S. Rankin ..••.• :May, 1929... .B. C. Hunt ......•••• ?\1 a)' , 1930.... R. Burns Strader ..... May. 1931.... Leo H. Johnson .•.••• May. 1932 .... John 'V. Calhoun .... -Emeritus. ·Dead. 0





Grand \Varder.

Grand Capt. of Guard

Vim. A. HalL •••••••• Chas. C. \Voods .•.•.• Beni. F. Nelson .••••• Wm. B. Butera.•.•••. Alson A. "1Jlite .••••. Glb. \V. Carson .•••.. Arthur If. Hough •••.. John T. Nixon •.•.•.. Bert S. Lee . John H. Babcock ..•.. 1tIiUard F. Faulkner .. William H. Glancy ••• Vasco H. Roberts ••••. Alvin N. Martin .•..•. Herbert A. Hatfield ... Herman :Mauch ..••.. George G. \Vrigh t .•.• Arthur T. Nelson .... \ViUiam Y. Bean .•.•• Arthur C. Daily . \Yilliam S. CampbelL. Jerome G. 'Ving .••... Thomas H. Reynolds .• Curtis J. NeaL .•.••.•

John 'V. Owen eo. John 'V. Owen........ John W. Owen •••••••• John W. Owen ....•••. John \V. Owen •••••••• John 'V. Owen........ John \V. Owen .••..•.• John 'V. Owen •••••••. John W. Owen .••••••. John 'V. Owen .••••••• John \V. Owen........ John W. Owen........ John \¥. Owen........ John 'V. Owen........ John 'V. Owen........ John W. Owen........ John 'V. Owen........ John \V. Owen .• Harry A. Krueger... Harry A. Krueger... Harry A. Krueger .•. Harry A. Krueger .•. Harry A. Krueger... Harry A. Krueger... Harr~' A. Krueger...

George C. Marquis •••

Frank H. DeCou ..•••. Taylor B. W')Tick ....• Albert Linxwiler ..••.. 'Vm. C. Gordon .....•. Thea. J. Evers •••••• Elroy J. Pratt. . Alex S. Rankin . B. C. Hunt. . R. Burns Strader . James .A... Kinder ..•.. John 'V. Calhoun . Thos. A. :Matney .

to to ••



Krueger ...

Harry A. Krueger... °Harry A. Krueger .•. August Kron .•••..••• August Kron ......••. August I{ron......... August I\:ron.........

August Kron......... August August August August

Kron Kron......... Kron......... Kron.........


Grand Instructor

. Arthur ?tI. Hough. ?tiayo •••••••. H. L. Verink. :Mayo ..•.••.. Jas. H. Frame. )fayo .•....•. John R. Parson. Mayo ••••••.• Clarence A. Sinclair. \Vm. H. lfayo •...••.. Clarence A. Sinclair. Wm. H. Mayo .••••••• Isaac H. Hettinger. Wm. H. !\{ayo ...••••. Isaac H. Hettinger• Wm. H. lfayo .•..•••• Isaac H. Hettinger. Wm. H. Mayo .•••...• Isaac H. Hettinger. Robert F. Stevenson .. Isaac H. Hettinger. Robert F. Stevenson .. Isaac H. Hettinger. Robert F. Stevenson .. Isaac H. Hettinger. 'Vesley P. Rickart .•.. Wm. Y. Bean. 'Vesley P. Rickart. •.. \Vm. Y. Bean. \Vm. F. Kuhn .••••.•• 'Vm. Y. Bean. Wm. F. Kuhn ....•••• \\Tro. Y. Bean. \Vm. F. Kuhn . Wm. Y. Bean. Wm. F. Kuhn .•..•.•. 'Vro. Y. Bean. 'Vm. F. Kuhn .••••••. 'Vm. Y. Bean. \Vm. F. Kuhn ....•••. \Vm. Y. Bean. 'Vm. F. Kuhn .•••••.• Wm. Y. Bean. \Vm. F. Kuhn .•...... Wm. Y. Bean. \Vm. F. Kuhn ..•..•.. \Vm. Y. Bean. 'Vm. F. Kuhn ..•..... 'Vm. Y. Bean. \Vm. H. Mayo

\Vm. Wm. \Vm. 'Vm.

H. H. H. H.

\Vm. F. Kuhn •.....••

'Vm. F. Kuhn .... : ... \Vm. F. Kuhn ••.••...

*'Vm. F. Kuhn ...•.••• Ray V. Denslow .•.•.• Ray V. Denslow . Ray 'Yo Denslow . Ray V. Denslow .•...• Ray V. Denslow ...••• Raj' Y. Denslow .•..•• Ray V. Denslow . RaJ" Y. Denslow .

'Vm. Y. Bean.

'Vill. Y. Bean. \Vrn. Y. Bean. "Vm. Y. Bean. 'Vm. Y. Bean. \Vm. Y. Bean. 'Vm. Y. Beall. 'Vm. Y. Bean. 'V111. Y. Bean. 'Vm. Y. Bean. 'Vm. Y. Bean. "~m. Y. Bean.

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Grand Encampment Officers, 1931-1.934 Perry Winslow Weidner, Most Eminent Grand Master, '929 South Hope' Street, Los Angeles, California. Harry Clay Walker, Right E,minent Deputy Grand Master, 801 Kilmer Building, Binghamton, New York. Andrew Davison Agnew, Right Eminent Grand Generalissimo, 815 Title Guaranty Building, Mil waukee, Wisconsin. Mark Norris, Right Enlinent 'Grand Captain General, 1107 Grand Rapids Savings Bank, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Harry Gilmore Pollard, Right Enlinent Grand Senior Warden, 144 Merrimack street, Lowell, Massachusetts. John Camp'bell, Right Eminent Grand Junior Warden, 108 First Avenue, South, Seattle, Washington. David Logan Wilson, Right Eminent 'Grand Prelate, 808 Middle Street, B'ath, Maine. Louis Lincoln Em,mersol1, Right Eminent Grand Treasurer, State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois. Adrian Hamersly, Right Eminent Grand Recorder, ,Chamber of ,Commerce, Indianapolis, Indiana. Charles Noah Orr, Right Enlinent Grand Standard Bearer, 1126-1136 Minnesot'a Building, S1. Paul, Minnesota.

Joseph Hercus Milans, Right Eminent Grand Sword Bearer, 408-413 McGill Building, Washington, D. C. David Leon GTiffith, Right EnlinentGrand Warder, 1437 Peabody Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee. Fred'eric Fries B'ahnson,Right Eminent Grand Captain of the Guard, 1001 South Marshall Street, WinstonwSalem, North Carolina.




State 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

42. 43.

44. 45. 46. 47.



Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado

Guy T. Smith Anthony A. Johns Fay Hempstead Thos. A. Davies Wm. W. Cooper Connecti~ut Willis N. Barber Dist. of Col. r. Claude Keiper Florida Wilber P. Webster Georgia Charles S. Wood Idaho TJe\vis W. Ensign Illinois _ 'Vm. H. Jennings Indiana Wm. H. Swintz Iowa David M. Brownlee Kansas Elmer F. Strain Kentucky E. C. Sellers Louisiana A. B. Davis _~ Maine Conyers E. Leach _ Maryland Gustav A. Eitel. Mass. and R. I M. J. Pleschinger Michigan Chas. A. Conover Minnesota Tohn FisheL Mississippi. E. L. Faucette Missouri. Ray V. Denslow Montana I~rancis I). Jones NebraRka r.le~v·is E. Sn1ith Nevada Wm. Sutherland New Hampshire.. Harry M. Cheney New.Tersey Wm. IVr. Muschert New Mexico Alpheus A. Keen New york ., .rohnB. l\fullan North Carolina John B.Griggs North Dakota 'Valter I Stockwell Ohio Henry Schaefer Oklahonla Harold B. Downing Oregon D. B.. Cheney Pennsylvania A. Howarcl Thomas South Carol ina Joseph Lindsay................ South Daltota Qeo. A. Pettigrew Tennessee T. E. Doss _ Texas Jno. C. Kidd 'Utah .Jacob H. Eoperson Vern1ont Archie S. Harriman Virginia r:!. Vernon J1'Jddy Washington 'V"esleyC. Stone West Virginia Henry F. Srnith _ Wisconsin .John H. FertIg \Vyoming Richard H. Rel)ath u

Grand Encampment


Montgomery. Box 391. Tucson. Little Rock. 421, Mas. Tem., San Fran. Denver. Meriden. Mas. Ten1nle, \Vashing·t.on. Jackson vi11 e. Savannah. Boise. 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg-., <:hicag-o Indianapolis, Mas. Ternple Sioux City. lV[as. Te-n1 pIe. Tone ka. Coving-ton, Box 4. New Orleans, IV[as. Temple Portland. Baltimore. IVras. Tenlple. Boston, Masonic Temple. Coldwater. St. Paul. Meridian. Trenton. Box 874, HelE"~na. Omaha. IVfns. 'l'em. Reno, P. O. 481. Concord. Trenton, Box 553. Albuquerque. 608 1"1€.H"lIl. Bldg-.. Rochest.el\ Elizabeth City. Fargo. 850 Spitzer Bldg., Toledo. 01(]ahoma City. Portland, Masonic Temple. Philadelphia. Chester. Sioux Falls. S. R. Temple, Nashville. ·Houston. 408 2tHl1 St.. Ogden. Burlington. · vVil'lchester. SpoI,ane. Fairmont. 790 N. Va.n Buren, 1Iihvatlkee Cheyenne.

Aclrian Hamers!).". Indianapolis, Ind. FOREIGN JURISDICTIONS

CountrIes Canada

\V. H. A. Eckhardt

England & 'Vales

T. G. Lul:nley-Smith

Ireland Scotland

'T. J. HaJres \V. A. A. Balfour





Montreal, 687 Querbes Ave Mark Masons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London, W. C. {Freetm aSStOn'StHnal1, M ·•· ales .. war. h ree,. u b I i n. 74 Queen St., Edinburgh.



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1 St. Louis

2 'Yeston 3 Delfolay

• • • • • • •• 4 Hugh de Payens •• 5 Excalibar • • • • • •• 6 r.. lberty

711Emmanuel ••.•.••

8 Ivanhoe • .. • • • .. . .• 9 Belt IOIKansas City ••••• 11 St. Orner 1218t. Graal • • • • • •• 141Coeur de Leon ..•. 1510'suHivan ••••••• 16 Ascalon ••••••••• 171paleStine •••• • • •• 18 St. AJdemar .•.••

19IMar). .

20 st. .Tohn's ••..••• 21 Kadosh •••••.•••• 221Ely • • • • • • • • • • • •• 231Crusade •..••.••• 241Godfrey de Bouillon 25 Tancred •••••• .. •• 26 Bayard •••••••••• 27 Constantine .••••• 28 Calvary .•• , ........ 29 Prince of Peace.. " 30JGOUley 31.Tnsper •••••••.••• 321Paschal • • • • • .. • •• 33JLebanon 34JBoanerges


Date of Charter




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~ r.i .~ o cp s::

'47 A. J .. '\Vestermeyer 'R. H. Caffall ~........... '53A. Doyle Da.vis E. d.Win. L .. va.ughn...... '~9Douglas A. Dunford.. \':alter R. Eckle.......... 67 C. L. Van GorkOlll \V. Harry Fellison...... '65 J. Arthur Ihrig Alex. K. Love............ '66 Harry L. Boggess.u Edgar Archer............ '61 Otho J. Cleaver Luther E. 'Vilhoit...... '67 Alfred .A. HouIle Aug. Gundlach '68 }{ax Jones :. George H .. Hatton........ '68 Ray I. KUne A. Horace M:ann '68 Geo. F. Boothe Leo. S. Harris............ John P. Davis '69 Elmer C. HilL :69 L,ee Bond A. \\T•. KUrfl:S....•..........•. 70 Chas. C. Hawken George A. Kaupp........ '70 Francis J. BuUivant Sam. R. Stevenson.... '11 \Vm. E. l\{essenger Ben F. Wallace.......... '11 Carter 'V. Atkins Alex D. Grant............ :12 Paul R. Utt. v~_aden T.Wood.......... 72 Harlan C. Boehm Lewis N. Cogley........ '12 G. Roy .Sloan \va. Iter N. Darby....... ;13 James 1\1. De'Vitt. H. E. Gates.................. 13 Fred B. Kent. B. C. Denton.............. '74 Fredrick ,V. Asman Alvertice O. Ginn........ '74 Jesse 0. Kent John ,V. Tate............ '15 Levi Smith, Jr \Vin Russell '75 Hiram J. Sherrow Rich. H. l\ferrill............ \V. L. l\feng................ '71 John R. Baker '18 Arnold J. Schnider R. L. Gwinn................ '78 Charles A. Auen·.·· R. Twyman.... ;80 Basil Buterbaugh ~loritz C. Allgeier...... 81 John R. Blackman George A, Smith........ '81 B. F. :McComb J. H. Easley.................. Charles H. \Villiams. '81 X. I. Stebbins




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105t 5431 3 3 8 7 216 3 3 4 1261 11··..·.ul.·.···I 1 801 1 1841 6 2 1 5 381 1 1 2 ··.·.···1 1623/ 51 41 13 181 1 3481 3 1 1 7 1811 1 1 1 2........ 701 ••.• ..1. 11 146 1 11...... 1 8691 61 1 1 20 1981 41 1 9 31........ 7421 61....•... 1...... 141.. 1 ~61 31 / 1 11 1 8 1ft I 31 3 31 12/. \ 60\ •••.. .1. 1 31 1\ 3\ 4 1 18... 1 1 1 \ 2281.. 1. 1. 1 1\.. .1 2321 1 11 11 611 t ~..... I .1 601 1 1.•....1.•..../........


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St. Louis ••• Sept. 18, \Veston ...•••. Sept. 19, Lexington .. •• Oct. 5, 1, St. Joseph •• Oct. Hannibal • •• May 16, I~iberty • • • •• ~{ay 21, lIaeo. n • • • .. •• Oct. 8, St. LouIs ••. Oct. 8, Platte City •• Oct. 6,. Kansas City .. Oct. 6, Sedalia • • • Oct. 6, Columbia •••• Oct. 5, Brookfield ••• Oct. 5, Nevada ••••• Oct. 4, St. Louis •••• Oct. 4, Independence. Oct. 3, St. Louis •••• Oct. 3 t \Varrensburg .• Oct. 8, Springfield •. Oct. 8, Cameron • • •• Oct. 8, Inrksville ••• Oct. 7, Mexico ..•••• Oct. 7, Trenton ••.•. Oct. 6, Moberly ••.•• Oct. 6, Harrisonville., Oct. 5, Greenfield ••• O~t. 5, Fulton ...... Oct. 2, Jeft'erson City. Oct. 8, Butler •• • • •• Oct. 8, Carthage •••• May 4, ChilUcothe •• Aiay 3, IJebanon •••• May 3, Clinton ..••• May 3.

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514 lst-':3d :U. 1 .44 4th-Tbu. 2 21 4th Tu. 22 9 519 1st-3d :M. 7 4 207 1st-3d Th. 81...... 3 116 1st 1\1. 41...... 11 77 2d-4th Th. 14 12 762 1st-3d 'rho 11 34 1st Tu. 161 1588 1st-3d 1\1. 24 71 314 1st Tu. 11...... 31 168 2d-4th Fr. 58. Th. 31 ··.\ 41 139 2d Tu. 301 1 281 798 1st-3d Sat. 14 1 31 191 1st-3d Th. 23\ \ 13\ 698 2d-4th Sat. :;..1 31 95 2nd-.4th MOll. <)0 1 141 812 2d-4th ~L 52 4th ~r. 171...... 3 155 2d-4th 1'11. 41.. 1 3 176 4th Tu. 81.. 1 1( 218 2nd-4th Thurs. 231 ! 21 208 2d-4th 'fu. 41.. /...... 58 4th Fr. 5l. L 1 56 3d Tu. 11.. 1 21 79 Hh Fr. 21······1 4\ 202 4th AI. 41...... 54 4th Th. ~21. 1 1 125 1st-3d Th. ...21.. \ 51 118 2d-4th ?tIe 41. 1 11 41 2d Tu. 17/ 1 21 67 1 3d Fr.


1\..···.1 231......

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·.···1 91









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:i5JOriental .•.•••••• J61Missouri ...•..••• 37JH.tlt. r .Of. Bethlehem 381TemPle 39 Ascension • • • 4011\.~arY. v·iIle '.' 41 M:emphls •••••••• 421Bethany ••• {31St. Elmo • 451Nuvarre • I • I . ' • • • 46/Mt. Olive •••••••• 47 RiChmond.. • . • • • •• 48 'Vest Plains •••••• 52 St. Bernard . 53 Olivet. 54 Aurora .•••••••••• 55 Cape Girardeau •• 56JI?e . Soto •. • • • • •• 571Neosho ..•••.•••• 58 Hnrmony 59 Rolla 60 Albany •••• '.'.0' ~p.faJden Plattsburg ~~J:avre de Grace .•• B " t. Arnand • 6~rrriumJ>hal .••••••• .. (fountain Gro"e • 61 Poplar Bluff...... 681'Vestport. .••... 69J*Carutbersvllle ••• iOIEast Gate .•....•.. ilISallne .••••.••.... .0 ••••• 0



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* Charter






Date o f . Charter Commander





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~Iay M •.. 80y


~{ay ~.fay May May May

May May May May April Aprfl April AprIl April Aprll AprIl April April April May ~Iay Alay

Albany Malden Plattsburg ••. ~farceUne Excelsior Spgs. Louisiana. ..• May Mount'n Grove MAY Poplar Bluff. Alay Kansas City .. Caruthersville. Kansas Citr •. May Slater.••••..• 'I


~{ay ~'Iay


3. 3, 3. 3. 3.


1, I, 6, 5, 5, 1.1. 10, 23, 23, 22, 22, 21, 24. 24, 24. 22, 2;, 23. 28. 25. 25. 28, 23, 26, 24, 23. 14.

'81 '81 '82 '82 '82 :83 83 '83 '84 '85 '85 '86.. '87 '89 '89 '90 '90 '91 '94 '94 '00 '02 '04 '06 '07 '10 '10 '12 '17 '20 '22 '23 '24

Roy E. Jones Chas: R. Evans B. :U.' Bradshaw Charles Eaton .Jay T. Anderson Howard Strong Elmer C. IsraeL Chas. B. Treasure Sidney B. Hutcheson.. .John A., HeIns David M:. Craig Ra.lPh. '. Ogg John C. Evans Bert Hagan Chas. \v Forner W. Burl RIckman S. P. Dalton Kirkwood Jones Earl J. PrIce Frank E. "'UUams Joe B. Butler M:el Atherton L. O. Wlseea.ner Elmer 'Yeakley Alden L. Lyle Odus Sisk \Varren R. ~{ay ~ John H. Hicks Carl Bulow Robert 'V. Tucker Elmer peal I. Browne Nichols Thos. W. Hoskins

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Kansas Cltr •• M<arshall •••• canto.n •••••• Fal'ctte ••.•. JopUn •• ~{aryvllle o • • Memphis 'I' o. Bethan}- •••.• Bolivar . Cnrrollton •.. Lamar .. , Ri. Ch.mo.n.d .•.

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z Ci

Alfred D. Ludlow 11681 5 71 3 26 271·.. 271 1103 John T. 'yells.............. 1231...... 1 1 4 11' · 11 119 C. L. Chapp.e.n............. 541••....•..••...,....... ......•. 2 \...... 5.2 Paul Dinkle 511•............. 1...... 1 fiG John B. Johnson........ 1981 1 3 13 ··.···1 31 182 ulysses S'. "·.right...... 63 /........ 1 1 6 31 ~~ Chas. B. :Myers 129 1 1 1 1 31...... 2 loJl) Chas. T.. Bridges........ 55 1 11 41 1 1 52 Joseph 'Yo Gravely 173 1 1...... 35 1 3 136 J. Earl Evans................ 116 3\........ 4/ \ 108 A. C. llarkwick.......... 45 ......1/...... 1 6 / 21 37 A. B. oDro.. w............... 8.1 4 74 .I. Orval Carter............ 1681...... 1 1 10 1 157 Robert 1£. 'Vilson........ 93 , 9 1 83 Clarence. L .. Hurt........ 153 1 2 ·.1 4 1 1.} 149 A. 'v. Burchard.......... 114 1 1 11........ 33 ._ 1...... 82 Louis G. Stovall.......... 185 2 2 1 9\ \ 31 176 Anton F. Karte.......... 124 7 1 2 6 1 21 122 Arthur 'V. Culkin...... S:ll. I. I.. .1 31 .1. 1 1 3} 71 Frank ~I. Shriver 1 21·.··..··1 33 3 196 B. F. Culbertson........ 175 2 1 1 2 21 175 Gunard F. Kling........ 17 1 3 1 1 74 Le.nzle C. Stevenson.. 1011.. 01........ 10 1 93 George R. Bryant........ 441.. 1........ 10 1 1 33 '\'ro. E. Parks 1001. ,........3 ,I 13 1 88 \Valter A. CraveR........ 1241...... If...... 51 ·. 91 , 21 109 \'rm. H. Green............ 631 11 1...... 2/. 1 1 1 11 61 'VI A. Hoffarth 1881 8 1 1\.. .1 161 , 178 I D. L. Sanders 102 11 t...... 91 1 2 1)7 Henry C. Elber g 1 1 3 20 1 7 300 J,. W. Dillman /... ./ 49 1......1 49 Ernest ,Yo Berry 248 4 2 4 11 1 51 234 John T. Bell................ --1 11..._..1 11 11 1 Totfl) 144271123\ 39112012241.. 1 6931 1\250{13540









2271 11........


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l 11





..1. ..1...'""'

Time of


1st-ad }'r. 3d Th. 2d 1\1. 4th Tu. 2d-4tl1 1"u. 1st-3d Itf. 3d Fr. 3d rru. 1st }'r. 2d Fri. 2d-4th 1\lon. 1st Th. 3d Tu. 1st-3d Thu. I.st-3d 1.'U. 3d Ttl. 2d-4th Fr. 1st Th. 1st-3d l\f. 2d-4th Fr. 1st-3d j'h. 2d-4th :M: I 2d-4th l\{' 1st Tu. 2d-4th Th. 1st-3d Th. 2d-4th Fr• 1st-3d Fr. 2d-4th 'Ved. 2d-4th Th. 2d-4th M. 1st-3d Th. 1st-3d Th.



Bert S. Lee



Springfield, 1224 Washington


Charles F. Blomberg St. Louis, 819 Chestllut 1916-1917 HerInan Mauch ·······St. Louis, 604 N. Broadway 1919-1920 G. Goodson Wright Newton, !(ans 1920-1921 Arthur T. Nelson .Lebanon 1921-1922 William Y. Bean Springfield, Route 4 1922-1923 Arthur C. Daily Springfield, 512 Boonville St 1923-1924 Wm. S. Campbell St. Louis, 510 Fed. Com. Trust Bldg.. 1924-1925 Thos. H. Reynolds Kansas City, 1900 Fidelity Bk. Bld 1925-1926 Curtis J. Neal. Cape Girardeau 1926-1927 George C.Marquis .Tndependence, 114 E. Ruby St 1927-1928 Walter L. Eshelman St. Joseph, 117 S. 6th St .1928-1929 Frank H. DeCou .IZansas City, 3410 Wayne Ave .l929-1930 Taylor B. Wyrick St. Louis, 3503 Pestalozzi St 1930-1931 Albert Linxwiler ] efferson City 1931-1932 *0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Wm. C. Gordon, Grand COlnnlander, Marshall. Theo. J. Evers, Dep. Grand Commander, 1442 N. 8th. St., St. Louis. Alex. S. Rankin, Gr. Generalissimo, 3622 Park Ave., Kansas City. Bernard C. Hunt, Grand Captain General, Columbia. Burns Strader,Grand Senior Warden, 1141 S. l\iain, Independence. JamesA. Kinder, Grand Junior Warden, Cape Girardeau. Corona H. Briggs, Grand Prelate, 1332 Cherry Street, Springfield. Frank C. Barnhill, Grand Treasurer, M,arshall. Ray V. Denslow, Grand Recorder, Trenton. Leo H. Johnson, Grand Standard Bearer, Neosho. John W. Calhoun, Gr. Sword Bearer, 3523 Longfellow BI., St. Louis. Thos. A. Matney, Grand vv"rarder, 1302 Far,aon, St. Joseph. August Kron, Gr. Oapt. Guard, 2707 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis. "\Vm. Y. Bean, Grand Instructor, Route No.4, Springfield.

INDEX Pages 1-564 are to be found in Vol. 1. Abrahanl, Isaac M.: photo, 686; C0111111ittee to revise by-laws, 694; biog-

raphy, 742. Acacia Fraternity: history, 481. Acclamation: 111ethod not approved, 481.

Acklin, Graff M.: visits Grand Chapter, 130.

Address of Grand High Priest: first committee on, 89, 597; first, 593.

Pages 565-964 in Vol. II.

587, 595, 633~ 643, 68'2; adjourned to later date, 90; suggested change, 115; extension of tinle, 125; numbering of, 125, 486; see "Convocation"; see "Triennial"; first called "Colunlullications", 589; interfer'ence with, 660; lengthened, 700; proceedings of first a.nnual, 817; see HAnnual Communication", 530.

Annual Dues: see "Dues". Annual Returns:

required, 82;


"Returns". Adoniranl Chapter No. 73: historical sketch, 371; see "Shelbina No. 99"; extinct, 418.

Anti-Masonry: agitation in Missouri, 51; Chapter XV, 211, 488.

Advancement: qualifications for, 48'2; no exanlinatioll required, 524.

Appeal: first to Grand Chapter, 598; right of, 628.

Affiliation: Dlethods and custOlllS, 483; ruling, 657,670; requisites for, 685.

Appendix: 803; "A", 821; "B", 853; "e", 897; "D", 941; "E", 951.

Agency Chapter No. :39: historical sketch, 367; extinct, 408. Albany Chapter No. 116:


sketch, 377. Alexander, W. B.: fined, 19; lnember in 1826, 20; officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Alexandria, Mo.: laid out by J. W. S. Mitchell, 70.

Anlendnlents: how made, 485, 628. Anlple Form: use of term. 485.

A.nderson, Rufus E.: reference to conditions, 113; member of ritual conl" mittee, G. G,. C., 157; O'Sullivan resolution,

329; photo, 626; .decisions,~40; conlmittee to revise bylaws,rr6; biography, 724. .A.Illlual C0l11111Unicatiol1: once a Chap..

ter term, 485. Annual Convocations: first annual, 64; change in tinle of, 84, 88, 116,

A.ppleton City, Mo.: see "Geo. F.Gouley Chapter". Apron: bill for, 14; adoption of of.. ficial, 91; cerenlOny of investiture, 164; official ciescription, 227; purchased for Grand Chapter, 228 ; Grand Officers, 299; symbolism of, 229; adoption, 601; photo ofG. H. P., 784. Ark: specified, 2:33. Ark and its Symbolism: address of Wnl. P. George, 128. Ark of the Covenant: eXhihit, 233; de.. struction, 339; synl boUsnl, 446; description, 447. Ark of Noah: history, 452. Arkansas

Territory: 24.



1110VeS to, Arnold~

Vl'ro.: death of, 16; Missouri Chapter, ~~6.

Asboth Military Chapter : by Illinois, 10:3.

H. P .




Ash Grove Chapter No. 124: historical sketch, 379.

Bates, Edward: comnlittee on burial ground, 16.

Atkins, Carter W.: biography, 797; photo, 798.

Bates, Wm.: death of, 16.

Atkinson, Jacob D.: nalned in dispensation Hannibal Chapter, 58. Auditor: employed annually, 526. Aurora, Mo.: photo Masonic Tenlple, 46. Austin, James B.: photo, 671; administration, 687; biography, 736. Avery, Shubael: applicant for Palmyra dispensation, 59. "Ayes" and "Noes": inlproper, 490. Ayres, Lewis: Chapter, 11.



Bainbridge, Robert E.: troubles with Mayo, 274; photo, 706; biography, 750. Ballot: nlethods of.. 490. Balsley, Martin T.: quotation, 461; photo, 737; biography, 762. Baltimore Convention: Missouri's part in, 72; Foster attends, 257, 259.

Bard, Rev. Andreas: luemorial address, 144; tribute to Kuhn, 468. biography, 795;

Barney, Reuben, Sr.: photo, 662; decisions, 682; biography, 735. Barr, John H.: manufactures jewel, 226.

Barry, Mo.: see "Meridian Chapter". Bartley, Thos. M.: 474, 477.

return of

Beck, Abraham: first Scribe, Missouri Chapter, 8; first death in Missouri Chapter, 16; officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Beck, Leroi: photo, 780; biography, 783.

Bell, J. C.: member Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Bellefontaine Chapter No. 25: charter, 91; made returns 1862, 99; nlenlbership, 141; historical sketch, 363. Belshazzar: history, 344.

Babylon: captivity at, 340.

Barger, Robert L.: photo, 795.

Beaufort Chapter, N. C.: jewels to, 105.



Baseball: clubs disapproved, 491.

Basye, H.: member Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Bates (?): healing, 13.

Bernard, Joab: H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36. BerrYlnan, N. G.: nanled in dispensation St. Louis Chapter, 59. Bethany Chapter No. sketch, 372.



Bethany, Mo.: photo of Masonic TenlpIe, 250. Billon, Frederick L.: member in 1826, 20; officer Missouri Chapter, 36; letter from Boonville, 67; death o~, 120; biography, 267.

Biographies: J.W. S. Mitchell, 69 ; use of, 491, 693; Chapter XXXIII, 707. Blanchard & Storrs: provided entertainment, 19.

Blindness: see "Qualifications". Blood, Sullivan: melllber in 1826, 20; officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Bloomfield, Chapter".

Mo. :



Bloomington Chapter No. 22: dispensation, 89; charter, 90; made returns, 1862, 99; historical sketch, 363.



Blue Laws: declaration, 492. Board of Education: for orphan children, 89; of Grand Chapter, 492.

Bowen, John H.: dispensation Hannibal Chapter No.7, 58.

Board of Relief: see "ReHer'.

Bowen, S. A.: applicant P'almyra dispensation, 59; represents No. 7 at organization of G. C., 359.

Bolivar Chapter No.5: dispensation for convocation, 139; historical sketch, 358.

Bower, Chas. H. : officer Hannibal Chapter No.7, 58.

Bond Chapter No. 23: charter, 91; made returns, 1862, 99; historical sketch, 363 ; see "Louisiana, Mo."; extinct, 404.

Boyd, Marcus: fails to appear, 92; quotation, 435; biography, 712. Bradley, Rev. J.: to deliver address, 24.


Bond, Richard: named in dispensation St. Louis Chapter, 59.

Bray, Willis J.: photo, 788; biography 787. '

Bonds: investment in WaJ;, 135, 137, 140; carelessness, 256; use of, 492; Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, 651.

Bretz, John: member Weston Chap路 tel' No.4, 62.

Bonne Terre, Mo.: photo of Masonic Tenlple, 302; see "Uel Chapter". Boon, Hampton L.: first H. P. Jefferson City Chapter. 68. Boonville Chapter No.3: dispensation fronl G. G. C., 54; paYlllent of dues to G. G. C., 55; copy of charter, 56; represented at 1846 cOllvention, 63. Boonville 'Chapter No.5: represented at first Con vocation, 64 ; letter to Secretary, 67; recolnmends Jefferson City Companions, 68; no returns 1862, 100; historical sketch, 358; extinct, 38'4. Boonville Chapter No. 370.



Boonville, Mo.: Masonry in, 472. Boor, Van F.: provides trolley ride, 129; refers to Honle, 319; photo, 722; biography. 756. Boss, D. C.: petitions Missouri Chapter, 11; healing, 13. Bosworth, H. L.: absence noted, 128; biography, 745. Bothick, Thos.: irregularity in membership, 12. Boude, Henry B.: history, 474.

Briggs,. Corona H.: and war, 139; nlember of ritual comlnittee, 164; Grand Lecturer. 279, 287 ; Foreign Correspondent, 301; quotation, 460; photo, 680; conlnlittee to revise bylaws, 694; biography, 741. Briggs, Frank P.: photo, 792; biography, 791.

Brookfield, Mo.: photo of Masonic Tenlple, 250; see "Linn Chapter". Brown, Bestor G.: visits Grand Chapter, 131. Brown, B. B.: officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Browne, Joseph S. :menlber of ritual comnlittee, G. G. C., 157; refers to O. H. P., 208; photo, 632; conlmittee to revise by-laws, 646; b:ography, 726. Bruce, George B.: exaltation, 35. Bruff, Major Janles: first recorded Royal Arch Mason, 39 ; sketch of life, 39; military record, 39; testimonya t Burr trial, 40; letter fronl General Wilkinson, 47; conduct of, 49; character of, 48, 50. Brunswick Chapter No.9: represented at first convocation, 64; granted dispensation, 67, 83; charter, 68, 83; historical sketch, 359; extinct, 386.



Brunswick, IV[o.: see "Houston Chap· ter"; photo of Masonic Temple, 540. Bublitz, Walter J.: photo, 799.

biography, 798;

Buckner, Stanton: Secretary 1846 Convention, 63; drafts by-laws, 577. Budget in use by Grand Chapter, 526. Burgoyne, D. N.: conlll1ittee to revis e by·laws, 63l. Buri-al: of anti·Mason, 213; disobedience of Orient Chapter, 375; by Chapter, ~~,8.

Cadle, Jaules E.: death of, 119; report on Colorado Inatter, 307; photo, 641; biography, 728. Caldwell 'Chapter No. 53; historical sketch, 368. California: telegranl frOIn representative, 119; gold fever, 497. California Chapter No. 58: historical sketch, 370. California Emigration: Inentioned, 92. Call, Qeo. W.: charges against, 34; officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

Burial Ground: committee to purchase, 16; Missouri Chapter pur· chases, 35.

"Calling Off": prohibition, 60l.

Burial Place: early Masonic, 473.

Canton Chapter sketch, 373.


Cape Girardeau, Chapter H •

Mo. :

Burial Service: unnecessary, 493. Burnes, James N.: addresses Grand Chapter, 101; refers to war, 102; quotation, 436; photo, 59 6; biography, 715. 1

Burnham, IGeorge T.: alludes to World \iVar, 135; photo, 743; biography, 763. Burr, Aaron: testimony of Major Bruff at trial, 39. Burrows, Rev. Lansing: biography, 494; elected to G. G. C., 495; mem· bel" of special conlmittee, 636. Burtis, J. J.: petition for charter Liberty, 31. Busby, Daniel: charges again.st, 31. Butler, Mo.: see "Miami -Chapter".

Calneron Chapter No. 67: historical sketch, 371. 88:


see "Wilson

C'apers, Thos. H.: officer St. LOUis Chapter No.8, 59; election and 'in£tallation, 84, 85; failure of adnlinis· tration, 85, 86; photo, 572'; shortest term, 587; biography, 708. Capitular Masonry: address of Rev. George, 127. Card Index: Grand Chapter, 498; conlpletion of, 533, 534. Carlock, Wm. B.: visits Grand Chap· ter, 131. Carnegy, Stephen W. B.: attends Bal· tiInore Convention, 72; Inention 257.


Carondelet, Mo.: see "Tenlple tel" No. 51".


By-Laws: Weston Chapter No.4, 59; South Carolina adopted for Missouri, 64; revision of 1901, 128; 1911, 131, 559 ;:flrst revision, 589; 18'61, 622; 1870,631; 1880, 646; 1885, 664; 1904, 694, 702; see "Amendments" ; Grand Chapter, 495; committee to draft, 577; adoption of, 579; changes in, 630, 654; comparison, 702.

Carson, Gibbon W.: no jewe1 227.

Cabany Chapter No. 140: historical sketch, 380.

Carter, Janles E.: photo, 620; biography, 723.

Carr, James: fails to appear, 100; reference to war, 100; photo, 594; committee to revise by-laws, 646; biography, 715. Carrollton, Mo. : see "George Washington Chapter". 7

INDEX Carthage, Mo. : photo of Masonic Tenlple, 356; see "Meridian SUll Chapter" ; removal of G. C. fronl, 498.

Caruthersville Chapter No. 135: historical .sketch, 380. Casey, Matthew: healed, 35.

Cass County: dispensation renewed, 88.


Chart: early use, 504. Charter: application froln Missouri Chapter, 20; lVlissouri Chapter No. 1, 21; fee for, 81, 582; nature of, 505; H. P. the custodian, 506; effect of arrest, 595. Charter Oak: presented Chapter, 91, 507.



Cassillis, Earl of: photo of, 42; visit of, 475.

Chenoweth, John W.: presides G. H. P., 91; quotation, 432; photo,58G; biography, 711.

Catholic Church: objection to Masonry, 214, 215.

Childs, Nathaniel, Jr.: petition for charter, St. Louis No.8, 30.

Center, Mo.: photo Masonic Temple, 208; see "Ralls Chapter".

Chiles, Henry C. : nleIll bel" special conlnlittee, 6; author of chapter all Jurisprudence, 6, 569.

CerneaUiS111: ill Missouri, 498. Certificate of Good Standing, use of, 499, 507; dinIit, 518. Chalnberlain, grees, 29.




Chaplnan, Lebbeus: COllll11Ul1icatiol1 to Missouri Chapter, 21. Chapters: unwritten law as to nanle, 380; extinct, 383, 856; illegal to call off, 498; may not Ineet, 501; business managelllent, 501; lllUSt exemplify degrees, 501; "on wheels", 502; title of, 503; meeting place, 503; office in, 503; U. D., 503; charity, 503 ; no fOiln forinspection, 535; installation fornl, 536; institution, 5:l6; nlay provide life n1en1 bership, 541; jurisdiction over petitioners, 585; adlnissiol1 of visitors, 585 ; by-laws of, 586; decision by Lall1pton all 111ilitary, 6aO; laws for government of, 652; rules governing, 655; alphabetical list of, 855; tabular statenlent, 89 O.

Charges: no路 trial without, 586; must be specific and full, 637. Charity: in Missouri Chapter, 17; reference to, 123; need for, 4a2; nature of, 503; origin 路ofcomnlittee, 590.

Charleston Chapter No. 19: historical sketch, 362; extinct, 402..

Chillicothe, Mo.: photo of Masonic Telnple, 146; see "Lone Star Chap~


Cholera: epidelnk~, 507.

Chorn, JallleS 1\1.: represents No. 5 at organization of G. C.~ :384. Christianity: in Masonry, 570. Christy, "Tnl. A.: llleDlorial to, 144. Cipher Rituals: proposed, 159. Civil Courts: for, 145.

fraternal nlatters not

Civil Law: a last resort, 508. Civil War: eondition of Chapters at beginning, 93; Chapter VII, 95; re~ Dlarks of G. I~I. P. Crane, 95; renlarks of A. O'Sullivan, 95, 98, 100, 101; relllarks of "rIlL R. Penick, 97; address of J. N. Burnes, 101, 102; reference to by Lalupton, 104; return of lVIasonic je\vels, 105; referenee to by Gouley, 105; referenee by Mackey, 106; Collins refers to, 107; condition of Chapters follo\ving, "107; reularks. by Gouley, 108; statistics, 109; eft:eet of Triennial, 247; record of Mayo, 272. Clark, Henry L.: l11ember of conlmittee, 34; officer IVIissouri Cha.pter, 36.

\'h INDEX \


Clark, Capt. WID. : nlentioned in trial, 45.


COlumunications: styled, 589.





CI ar kt on, Mo :..' see "West Chapter". Clegg, Joseph: healing, 13.

Prairie \\',, ompanions: use of term, 443. Concord Chapter No. 35: historical sketch, 366; extinct, 408. :C,

Clinton Chapter No. 73: historical sketch, 371; photo of Temple, 420.

Concurrent Jurisdictions: isdiction".

Clinton, DeWitt: grants dispensation to Missouri Chapter, 7; letter of authority, 17; issues charter to Missouri Chapter, 23; authorization to Melody, 23; death reported, 23.

Conferences: see "Advisory Board"; advantage of, 510.

Cole, Elrick C.: visits Grand Chapter, 13l. Coleman, Norman J.: gift to Home, 316. College: see "Masonic College". Collins, Martin: assists in restoration of jewels, 105; refers to war, 107; first Grand Representative, 304; chairnlan O'Sullivan commission, 329; quotation, 437; election in G. G. C., 477; photo, 608; biography, 718. Colorado: dispute apology, 307.




Columbia -Chapter No. 17: dispensation continued, 84; suspends labor, 101; dispensation renewed, 88; chartel',' 88; removal to Rocheport, 91; restoration of, 91; no returns 1862, 100; historical sketch, 362; extinct. 395; invades jurisdiction, 597. Columbia, Mo.: 1924 Convocation, 474; photo of Masonic Tenlple, 480. Commanderies: alphabetical list, 953; extinct, 953; tabular statement, 962.

Commandery: Chapter quisite to, 508.



Conservators: in Missouri, 206, 510; Garrett a member, 511. Constituent : definition, 511. Constitution: confirmed by circuit court, 118; see "Amendments"; in Missouri, 512; revision, 559; source and development, 569; first, 624; amendment, 654; adoption of, 666; Order of High Priesthood, 899. "Call vening": a proper ternl, 485.

Convention: prelinlinary to forlnation of Grand Chapter, 63; list of representatives, 63; minutes of first, 815. Convocation: see "Annual Convocation"; special, 171, 562; see "Stated". Cope Stone Chapter No. 33: historic'll sketch, 366. Corinthian Chapter No. 57: historical sketch, 369; extinct, 413. Cornerstone: no cerenlony for, 513. Cornwell, Love S.: H. P. DeMolay U. D., 405. Correspondence: first conlmittee, 581; orIgIn of committee, 591; printing of report, 663. Corson, George E.: no Visitation, 137.



Comlnercialism: of Masonry, 441. Committees: Grand Chapter business handled by, 509; change in policy, 681; list of Grand Chapters since organization, 866.

Coslow, George: wrong jewel, 227; biography, 255, 266, 790; photo, 790. Cotton Plant, Chapter".

Mo. :



Council Degrees: cODlmittee considers control, 116; connection with Chapter, Chapter XII, 173.


Council Masons: Chapter luade, 186. Councils: alphabetical list, 943; extinct, 943; tabular statement, 948. County LInes: see '''Jurisdiction''.

Craft, Dr. J. P.: quotation, 471. Craig, Emmett J.: presents Kuhn bust, 144; models bust of Kuhn, 333; makes death mask, 513. Craig, Frederick W. : visits Grand Chapter, 131; attends banquet, 139. Crane, John W.: named in dispensation St. Louis Chapter, 59; remarks on Civil War, 95; photo, 590; conlmittee to revise by-laws, 622; biography, 712. Credentials: first COlunlittee, origin of conlmittee, 590.



Dade, John: dispensation to, 54; mention, 514. Daggett, John D.: member in 1826, 20; assists in reorganization of Missouri Chapter, 25; petition for charter St. Louis -Chapter No" 8, 30; member of committee, 34; H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36; resolution to organize Grand Chapter, 64; installs Capers, 85; tribute to, 112;. death of, 113; receives O. H" P., 201; mention, 255, 257; biography, 259, 708; quotation, 432; photo, 574; proposes resolution to form Grand Chapter, 577; drafts by-laws, 579; delivers address, 593.. Dallam, Richard B.: bill against Missouri Chapter, 14; petition for charter St. Louis Chapter No.8, 30; officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

Crepe: use of, 16.

Danger: in prosperity, 420; in prog路 ress, 431.

Cressy, Rev. E. H.: H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36.

Daniel: history, 343.

Cross, Jeremy L.: adoption of text book, 68; series of Chapter lectures, 71; text book made official, 83 ; monitor, 150; associate of Cushnlan, 259; confers degrees, 514. Cryptic Degrees: control, 606; opinion of Missouri, 607. Cryptogram:



Culver, ,G. W.: Dlember Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Cunlmins, John: nlember Chapter No.4, 62.


Darius: history, 344.

Davenport Frontier Chapter No.. 19: charter, 88; suspends labor, 101; no returns for two years, 100; historical sketch, 362; extinct, 399; Santa Fe Trail, 399.. Davis, 'Charles C.. : visits Missouri, 146. Deaths: first record" 16; expense of Grand Officers, 529. DeCamp, Sergeant G.. J.: member committee. 11 ; officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

Cunningham, A. G.: menlber Weston Chapter No.4, 62.

Decisions: right to render, 600..

Currency: character of early, 514.

Degrees: danger in conferring, 429; teachings of, 437; constitutional, 515; levity in, 515.

Cushman, James: instructor of Foster, 259. Cyclone: at Richmond, 366; St. Louis, 372; Marshfield~ 543" Cyrus: history, 344, 345. Cyrus Chapter sketch, 366..




DeHave,n, D.: quotation, 434; photo, 588; biography, 711. DeKalb, Mo.: see 4'Ringo Chapter". Demit: see "Dimit"..

DeMolay: origill, 516.



DeMolay Chapter No. 26: dispensation, 91; charter, 91; suspends labor, 101; no returns 1862, 100; historical sketch, 364; extinct, 405. Denslow, Ray V.: elected in G. G. C., 146, 254; member of ritual committee, 168; biography, 267, 277, 767; conlmittee to revise by-laws, 702;

photo, 791. Deputy Grand High Priest: a fifth wheel, 219; character of position, 517; origin of office, 570. Deputy Grand Lecturer: appointment, 517. De Soto, Mo.: see路 "Cope Stone Chapter". Dewey, Almon R.: visits Missouri, 250. Diamant, Albert E.: comnlents on World War, 137; photo, 746; biography, 765.

Digest: of 1869, 518. Dimit: see "Certificate of Standing"; Grand 'Chapter, 518; no affiliation without, 587; vote unnecessary, 645; necessity for, 673; effect on Chapter nlembership, 679.





Chapter, 35.


Douglass, James: Chapter, 36.



:Douglass, Stephen A.: enlploys Gauley, 271. Douglass, Thompson: first King of Missouri 'Chapter, 7; opens first M'ark Master Lodge, 9; member of

committee, 1; installed H. P. Missouri Chapter, 17; fined, 19; menlber in 1826, 20; H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36. Dual Membership:

disapproved, 520.

Dudley, Parker: presents resolution to Convention, 63. in Missouri Chapter, 14; anlounts collected, 131; annual, 486; necessity for, 520; membership dues, 521; renlission of, 521; penalty for nOll-paynlent, 551; fixed by


law, 582.


Duncan, Thurston biography, 748.



Duncan, Wnl.: petition for charter at Liberty, 311.

Dunn, Tandy A.:

photo, 713;


raphy, 753.

Dispensation: to Missouri Chapter, 7; history of lVlissouri Chapter under, 8; restriction upon favored, 90; nature of, 519; restriction of, 519; necessary for public appearance, 557; necessary for re-ballot, 557.

I:dstricts: attenlpt to divide, 520. District Lecturers: see ctDistricts". Dixon Chapter sketch, 374.

Douglass, Alexander T.: petition for charter St. Louis Chapter No.8,




Dockery, Alexander M: and the Masonic HODle, 117; extract fronl address of, 117; reception while Governor, 128; represents Missouri at Menlorial Association, 133; receives bust, 145; chairnlan Home Committee, 311; represents Missouri, 333; gives reception, 474; photo, 650; biography, 730.

Dunning, Edward: officer of Hannib:ll Chapter No.7, 58. Dunscomb, WIn. E.: first Scribe Jefferson City Chapter, 68; represents No 11 at 1848 convocation, G. C., 389. Duties: .Masonic, 435; of nlem bers, 441; of Royal Arch Masons, 445.

Dyas, Joseph E.: visits Missouri, 249, 251.

Eastern Star Chapter No. 29: charter, 92; suspends labor, 101; no returns 1862, 100; historical sketch, 364. East Gate Chapter No. 136: photo of Temple, 157; historical sketch, 380.

Eastman, E. D.: nlember Chapter No.4, 62.


INDEX Easton, Rufus E.: mentioned in Burr trial, 43, 44; character of, 48, 49. Edina Chapter No. 62: sketch, 370; extinct, 414.





525; effect 676.

fornl of punishment, Chapter melllbership,


Extinct Chapters: 38 3; list of, 856.

Chapter XXVIII,


Education: lllUSt be unshackled, 462. Educational Comluittee: report, 147. Eldon Chapter sketch, 379.




EI Dorado Chapter No. 109: historic3-l sketch, 376; extinct, 426.

EI Dorado Springs, Mo.: see "EI Dorado Chapter". Election:

in Missouri Chapter, 13 ;

nlethod of, 522; special, 522 ; an~ nual, 522; in Grand Chapter, 522; eligibility, 523. t? Elevator: use of, 116. Ellis, Erwin : photo, 647; 663; biography, 729.


England: Royal Arch System in, 464. Chapter

N 0.63:


sketch, 370; extinct, 415. Eusebius Chapter No. 48: historical sketch, 368; extinct, 412. Eversden, Dr. Percy B.: first Grand Organist, 131; author Masonic Orpheus, 143; work ill O. H. P., 210.

Exaltation: fee to G. G. C., 20; fee for, 81, 524, 581; fee for repealed, 92; largest nunlber, 142; what constitlltes, 52a; large nUlnber of, 524; no fee, 652; failure to fix fee,660. ExalninatiOll:

Extinct Councils: list of, 943. Extinct Lodges: list of, 837. Extraneous Matter: ",,"hat constitutes, 525; penalty for use, 525. Extraneous Societies:



Ezekiel: history, 343. I~'airchild,

.J. H.:

revives O. H. P.,


Faith, Hope and Charity, 4aO. 1V10.: see "1"abernacle Chapter". Fayette Chapter No.6: see ULafay~ ette Chapter"; represented at 1846 convention, 6:3; represented at first convoeatioll, 64 ; arrest of charter, 91; histori(~al sketch, 358; extinct, 385; represented at organization of G. C.. by J. S. Mitchell, 385. li"'ayette Chapter No. H4: historical sketch, 374 Fees: in Missouri Chapter, 15;. renlissioll of, 35; character of, 525; nlininl unl, 587, 627; mininl tlnl raised, 630. h"'erriu, J. C.: visits Missouri, 474.


Enlergency Fund: creation of, 523. Eureka

Extinct Conlmanderies: list of, 953.

not required

for ad.. vancenlellt, 524; of visitors, 524.

Excelsior Chapter No. 127: historical sketch, 379.

Excelsior Springs, Mo. : see sior Chapter".


Executive Mansion: reception at, 474. Exemplification: what constitutes, 524; at Grand Chapter, 525.


Fichthorn, Claude L.: biography, 80l. Fielding, John H.. : receives degrees, 2~L


see "Bonds";

report for


139; rapid increase, 142; strong condition, 147; see ,lGrand Treasurers", 255; history of, 526; report for year 19:~O..:31, 526; origin of cOlnnlitte~~ ou, 5HO; conunittee

elilllinated, 625.. Fines: for nOll-attendance, 19; tOUl


of, 47:3.

Fire: St. Louis, 75; Kansas City, 375; record of, 528.



Fiscal Year: of Grand Chapter, 528, 652.

Garlichs, Frederick: petition for charter Liberty Chapter, 31.

Flournoy Chapter No. 92: historical sketch, 373; extinct, 421.

Garnett, John: 'applicant Palnlyra dispensatioIl, 59.

Forbearance: necessity for, 430.

Garrett, Thos. E. : financial difficulties~ 119; heads O. H. P., 207; oration, 271; Grand Lecturer, 279, 284; O'Sullivan oration, 329; member of Conservators, 511; photo, 602; biography, 717.

Foreign Correspondence: ordered abridged, 130; Chapter XXII, 291; first committee, 291; advantage of, 292; abridgment proposed, 298. Foreign 'Correspondent: eligibility, 130; see "Foreign Correspondence".

Gedaliah: history, 342.

Foster, Joseph: to carpet hall, 28 ; anointed, 35; petition for charter St. Louis Chapter No.8, 30; H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36; attends Baltimore Convention, 72; would endow college. 87; receives O. H. P., 201; biography, 255, 256; iGrand L,ecturer, 279, 280, 597; Foreign Correspondent, 296; committee to revise by-laws, 622.

General Grand Chapter: grants dispensation to Missouri Chapter, 7; legalizes healing, 13 ; authorizes election in Missouri -Chapter, 13; Melody attends, 20; memorial fronl Missouri Chapter, 20; exaltation fee to, 20; Missouri Chapter applies for charter, 20; petition from Franklin, Mo., Companions, 24; conlnlunication fronl Missouri Chapter, 27 ; first reference to Missouri, 52; dispute as to payment of dues, 55; charters to Hannibal No. 7 and St. Louis No.8, 55; nlisunderstanding with G. C. of Missouri, 65; renloves irregularities of Missouri G. C., 66; Mitchell's opinion, 75; resolution to dissolve, 88; dissolution, 92; 1868 triennial in St. LOUis, 111; invitation for 1903 triennial, 128; Missouri adopts ritual of, 142; Missouri exemplifies Royal Arch, 143, 145; Ray V. Denslow elected to line, 146; Patterson attends, 151; refusal to supervise ritual, 151; avoids discussion, 154; Missouri uses ritual, 156; Allan McDowell member of ritual comnlittee, 157; ritual proposed for Missouri, 160; exemplification of ritual by Orient Chapter, 163; Missouri adopts ritual, 164 ; and Council degrees, 173-175, 179. 181-187; surrenders 'Council degrees. 177; refuses to consider O. H. P .. 202; report on nOluenclature, 220; Chapter XVIII, 235; constitution. 235; Missouri opinion of, 236; report of Archibald Patterson, 236; conlpensation of officers, 237; opinions of value, 238, 239; right of appeal to, 241; duties, 242; powers, 243; restriction of power, 244; dis-

Four-Chapter Meetings: 146. Fox, Joseph M.: photo, 617; biography, 721. Franklin, Mo.: petition for Chapter, 24; dispensation from G. G. C., 52. Fredericktown, Mo.: see "Solomon Chapter"; photo of Tenlple, 450. "Freemason": publication of, 273. Freemasonry: perpetuation of, 430 ; see "Masonry". Freelnason's Hall: first meeting in, 247. Full Moon: ,Chapters meet in, 528. Fulton, Mo.: see "Orion Chapter". Funds: see "Emergency"; character of Grand Chapter, 529. Funerals: 529; see "Burial Service". Gagle, W'nl. H.: Chapter, 36.



Gallatin Chapter No. 11: historical sketch, 360; photo of Temple, 464. Gamble, Archibald: member committee, 11; healing, 13.

Gems of Thought: chapter XXIX, 429.

INDEX solution, 244, 245; vote on power of, 245; vote to retain Past Master degree, 245; Missouri would withdraw, 246; hospitality of St. Louis, 247; per capita tax, 248; Past Grand High Priests adlnitted, 248; Allan McDowell, chairnlan of ritual conlmittee, 249; Wm. H. Mayo elected in, 249; invitation from Kansas City, 250; influence of Kuhn, 252; Missouri exemplification, 252; election of Ray V. Denslow, 254; see "Triennial"; M'ayoelected to Third Veil, 273; 1868 in St. Louis, 476; election of Martin Collins, 477; election of Rev. L." Burrows, 495; early history, 569; establishment of, 571; enlargement of powers, 571; 1846 constitution, 575; beconles a Confederation, 577; recognizes J. W. S. Mitchell, 577; attempt to dissolve, 601, 603; arguments against, 603; and the Cryptic degrees, 606; Missouri criticises inaction, 610; argunlent over, 616; Wm. R.Penick opposes, 621; nleets in St. Louis, 622; first payment of per capita to, 637 ; historical information. 881; list of officers, 881: places and tinles of ll1eetings, 882. General Grand Council: fornlation proposed, 175; organization of, 610; list of officers, 950. Gentryville Chapter No. 44: historical sketch, 367; extinct, 410.

Geo. F. Gauley Chapter No. 90: histor.. ical sketch, 373. Geo. Washington Chapter No. 24: dis.. pensation, 90; charter, 90; suspends labor, 101; no returns for two years, 100; hIstorical sketch, 363. Geo. Washington National Mel1l0rial:

appropriation, 333. Geo. Washington National Menl0rial Association: Dockery represents Missouri, 133; donation, 134.

George, Rev. Wm.. P.: address, 127; address on Ark and Synlbolisnl, 128; quotation, 455.

Getman, Herbert H.: death of, 133.


Gilbert, S. A.: proposes Honle resolution, 117..


Giddings, Napoleon B.: petitioner for dispensation, 68; H. P. Savannah Chapter U. D., 398. Givan, Noah M.: biography, 255, 264, 727; quotation, 443; photo, 638.

Glaspell, Chas. S.: member of ritual committee, 160; refers to Home, 318; quotation, 446; photo, 692; committee to revise by-laws, 702; biography, 744. Glenn, 145.



Christy memorial,

Golden Ark Chapter No. 70: historical sketch, 371; extinct, 417. Gouley, Geo. Frank: refers to war, 105; attitude on physical qualifications, 108; criticises war hysteria, 108; death of, 115; opinion of Past Master degree, 191, 193; would abolish Past Master de~ree, 248; report on substitutes, 248; assistant to O'Sullivan, 270; biography, 267, 271; proposes meillorial pages, 271; adva.ntages of correspondence, 293; foreign correspondent, 297; dispu+e with Albert Pike, 297; quotation, 441; tribute to, 442; would eliminate Past Master degree, 615; comnlittee to revise by..laws, 631. Grand Chapter of Missouri: eighth in size. 5; conditions fa Yorable for organization, 37; conditions ante.. dating formation, 51; establishment of, 54; dispute with G"G. C., 55; organization of, 63; resolution to organize, 64; election of first officers, 64; comnlittee to draft code. 64: report of recognitioIl. 65; nlisunder.. standing with G. G. C., 65; irregularities in formation renloved, 66; dispensation fee fronl Palnlyra, 54; dispensation to Liberty, Weston, Boonville, Fayette, Hannibal, St. Louis, 54; first installation,. 68; problems of organization, 79 ; nlenlbership in 1846, 80; title, 81 ; anDual meeting,. 81; exaltation fee, 81; per capita tax, 81; charter fee, 81; voting in, 81; law as to proxy, 82; annual return tOy 82; who constitut-



, ed, 81; standing committee, 81; duties of officers, 81; revenues, 8'1; COlnmittee to procure jewels, 84; jewels presented, 87; rejects Grand Lodge loan, 90; Oharter Oak presented to, 91 ; refusal to recognize Military Chapters, 104; remits dues of subordinate, 108; entertains G. G. C., 111; erects monUlnent to O'Sullivan, 112; incorporation, 117, 593; finances at low ebb, 119; assists Masonic Home, 123; condition of subordinates, 127; member of Temple of Fraternity, 128; Home representation, 130; Masonic Home refuses recognition, 131; largest membership, 142; largest number of exaltations, 142; rank in U. S. 142; Missouri team exenlplifies, 142, 145; visit of Sir Alfred Robbins, 144; address of Walter Williams, 144; approves renloval Grand Secretary's office, 145; visit by Chas. C. Davis, 146; address of O. Frank Hart, 147; visit of John V路l. Neilson, 147; adopts G. G. ,C. ritual, 164; attitude toward Council degrees, 177~ 179, 180, 183, 184; purchase of jewels, 225, 226; official apron. 227; purchases paraphernalia, 233; and the G. G. C., 235; would withdraw from G. G. C., 246; representatives G. G. C., 249; exemplification .at G. G. :0., 252; see "Grand Treasurers", 255; difficulties with Mayo, 273; photo of seal, 278; erection of monunlents, 325; by-laws, 495; use of cODlnlittees, 509; removal froll1 Carthage, Mo., 498; governed by constitution, 512; dimits, 518: annual election, 522; see "Finances"; resources, 528; fiscal year, 528; character of fllnds, 529; see "Grand Officers"; incorporation of, 535; index proceedings, 535; jewel, 540; jurisdiction of, 541; affiliation from another jurisdiction, 552; see "Proceedings"; issues publications, 557; see "Seal"; appeared in World's Fair, 564; see "Temple of Fraternity"; study of constitution and laws, 569; sovereignty, 569; origin, 571; origin of powers, 571; jurisdictioll, 571; organization ot 575; irregularity of, 576; establishnlent, 577; cOlllnlittee to d.raft by-laws, 577; adoption of by-laws 579; origin of nanle, 579;

compostion of, 579; annual convocations, 580; eligibility to office, 580; standing cOlllmittees, 581; revenues, how derived,581, 652; rules of Order, 583; first appeal, 598; first constitution, 624; general regulations, 624; official name, 646; PO\Vers, 646; minutes of first convocation, 817; Grand Officers since organization, 857; committees since organization, 866; list of years,places of meeting and presiding officers, 884; Grand Secretaries, 886; present Grand Representatives, 888; tabular statement of Chapters, 890; statistics of membership, 894; list of living Past. Grand High Priests, 8'96; present Grand Officers, 896. Grand CODlmandery: officers since organization, 954; see "Grand Encampment"; Grand Recorders, 961; living Past Grand Comnlanders, 964; present Grand Officers, 964. Grand Council: officers since organization, 944; living Past Grand Masters, 949; Grand Representatives, 946; Grand Recorders, 947; present Grand Officers, 949. Grand Encampnlent: Mitchell's opinion, 73; Mayo elected Grand Recorder, 273; connection With, 530; present officers, 960. Grand High Priest: life of J. W. S. Mitchell, 69; first C01Ulllittee 011 address of, 89; term of office, 531; salary of, 531; jewel, 531; authority in interinl, 530; what constitutes, 530; method of election, 531; early duties, 581; first address of, 593; committee on address of, 597; right to render decision, 600; authority, 625; abridgnlent of power, 640 ; powers of, 649. Grand Lecturer: loan to, 87; to be elected annually, 90; appointment Inarks epoch, 123; appointment, 150, U]t 628; Archibald Patterson, 151; resolution for election, 152; proposed, 1.59; pa.raphernalia appeal, 231; re-establishment of position, 597. Grand Lecturers: Chapter XXI, 279.


INDEX Grand Lodge: formation of, 8; asks tenlporary loan, 90; visits of Grand Masters, 483; list of elected officers since organization, 847; Grand ISecretaries, 850; living Past Grand Masters, 852; present Grand Officers, 852. Grand Masonic Hall: attenlpt to build, 87; charter, 8'7. Grand Officers: elective and appointive, 216, 531, 648; titles of, 218 ; jewels, 224; change in, 624; Grand Lodge since organization, 847; present Grand Lodge officers, 852; Grand Chapter since organization, 857; present Grand Chapter officers, 896 ; Grand Council since organization, 944; present Grand Council, 949 ; Grand Conlmandery since organization, 954; present Grand Conllllandery, 964. Grand Organist: creation of position, 131, 532.

Grand Recorders: list of GrandCouneil, 947; list of Grand Comnlandery, 961. Grand Representatives: C hap t e r XXIII, 303 ; first reference, 304 ; cause of difficulty, 305,306; Systenl opposed, 308; method of removal, 309; form of conlmission, 812; list since establishrnent, 873; present list Grand Chapter, 888; list of Grand Council, 946. Grand Secretaries: Chapter XX, 266; list of Grand Lodge, 850; Grand Chapter, 886.

Grand Secretary: office renloval approved, 145. Grand Secretary Stevenson, 277.




Grand Sentinel: how filled, 532; origin of position, 581. Grand Treasurers: Chapter XIX, 255.

Greenbaum, J.: appeal to Grand Chapter, 415. Greene, R. Frank: letter to Gauley, 402.

Greenfield Chapter No. 31: dispensation, 92; 'charter, 92; made return 1862, 100; historical sketch, 364; see "Greenfield Chapter No. 38"; extinct, 405. Greenfield Chapter No. 38: historical sketch, 366. Grinlsley, Thornton: menlber in 1826, 20; receives charter Missouri Chapter, 21; named H. P. Missouri Chapter under charter, 21; record of installation, 23; witness in ti-ial, 33; H. P. Mis~souri Chapter, 36 ; receives O. H. P., 201; photo, 580; biography, 709. ' Guy, John R. : first petitioner Missouri Chapter, 11; healing, 13.

Gwynn, W'nl., Jr.: applicant Pallnyra dispensatiol1l' 59. Hacker, WIn.: history of High Priesthood, 197.

Haggai: history, 347. Haggai 'Chapter sketch, 370.




Halbert, John: petition for charter Liberty Chapter, 31. Hall, John: officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

Hall, Lee A.: refers to Past Master degree, 118; photo, 656; comnlittee to revise by-la\vs, 664; biography, 733. Hall" Sergeant: healing, 13. Halls: joint occupancy, 541.

ftanlilton Chapter No. 45: historical sketch, 367, 368.

Hannah, E. photo, 795.


l>iography, 794;

Hannibal Chapter No.7: dispensation from G".Gi. C., 54; dispensation fee paid, 55; receives charter, 55; fOr111 of dispensatioIl, 58; represented at first convocatiOll, 64; recognized by Orand Chapter, 67; charter issned, 83; made returns 1862, 99; historical sketch, 359.



Hannibal, Mo.: photographs taken at Grand Chapter, 32; photo of Tem~ pIe, 169. Harbaugh, Thos. A.: photo, 786; biography, 786. Harrisonville, Mo.: photo of Temple, 365; see "Signet Chapter". Hart, Geo. C.: applicant Palmyra dispensation, 59. Hart, O. Frank: addresses Grand Chapter, 147; quotation, 471. Hassett, George L.: biography, 255, 265. Haynesville, Chapter".




Haynie, Alvin: member of ritual conlmittee, 160; photo, 583; committee to revise by-laws, 694; biography, 741. . I Hays, J obn: petition for charter Liberty Chapter, 31. Healing: in Missouri Chapter, 12; record of, 13; legalizing by G. G. Chapter, 13; Matthew Casey, 35 ; Companions from Pennsylvania, 147; how accomplished, 532. Helm Chapter sketch, 378.




Helm, Sam J.: visits Missouri, 474. 477. Hempstead, Fay: visits Missouri, 474.

Hettinger, Isaac H.: heads monument committee, 333. Higgins, Richard T.: visits Missouri, 251. Higginsville Chapter No. 106: historical sketch, 376.

Higb Priest: represents Joshua, nature of position, 532; who try, 533; rights of, 533; priesthood not necessary, 613; not be King or Scribe, 640.

219; may high need

Historical Register: see" Card Index"; completion of, 534.

Hodge, Wm.: communication from, 30. Holden, Mo.: see "Haggai Chapter". Holladay, Benj.: nlember Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Holladay, Dandridge: petition for charter Liberty Chapter, 31; member Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Home: tribute, 444. Honorary Member: Sir Alfred Robbins, 144. 479; Thos. M. Bartley, 479; J. C. Ferrin, 479; Wilbur C. Hadley, 479; Sam J. Helm, 479; Fay Hempstead, 479; Geo. E. Masters, 479. Hopkins, Wm. H.: member in 1826, 20; H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36; receives O. H. P., 201.. Horeb Chapter No. 47: historical sketch, 368; extinct, 411 Hotels: custom of advertising, 534. Hough, Arthur M. : quotation. 455; photo, 695; comnlittee to revise bylaws, 702; biography, 747.

House of Representatives: meeting held in, 128. Houston Chapter No. 37: sketch, 366.



Houston, John F.: resolution to adopt official apron, 91; historical, 112; death of, 113; appointed Grand Representative, 304; last work of, 415; quotation, 440; apron resolu~ tion, 601; photo, 614; decision as to substitutes, 636; biography, 720. How, B. W.: named in dispensation Hannibal Chapter, 58. Hoyt, Seymour: conlnlittee to revise by~laws, 702. Bela M.: member Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Hunt, Ezra: applicant Palmyra dispensation, 59. Hunt, Wnl. Gibbs: visited by Dr. Mitchell, 71. Huntsville Chapter No. 13: dispensa~ tion continued, 84; historical sketch, 361; extinct, 391.



INDEX Hurd, Thos. F.: comments on World War, 137; photo, 749; biography, 765. Hutchinson. E. C.: H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36. Hyde, Arthur M.: Masonic address, 479. Incorporation: of Grand Chapter, 117, 535, 593; 1881, 661; articles of, 805.

Jamison, James L.: officer Missouri Chapter, 36. January, Augusta: relief case, 17. Jefferson City Chapter No. 11: char~ tel" issued, 84, 90; dispensation, 89; no returns for two years, 100; historical sketch, 360; see "Jefferson City Chapter No. 34"; extinct, 389. Jefferson City Chapter No. 34: historical sketch, 366; see "Jefferson City Chapter No.. 11".

Independence Chapter No. 12: char~ ter issued, 84; asks restoration of charter, 92; suspends. labor, 101; informal return 1862, 100; photo of Temple, 178; historical sketch, 360.

Jefferson City, Mo.: application for dispensation, 68; photo Temple, 290.

Index: s~e "Card Index"; of ings, 535, 965.

Jehoiachin: history, 344.


Individual: keynote of success, 438.

Jehosadek: history, 344.

"In God We Trust": origin of, 466.

Jerenliah: history, 339.

Initiation: 669.

J erusalenl: return of captives, 345.

Injunction: renloval of offices, 508.

Inspection: no forIn



Installation: early record in Missouri Chapter, 17; secrecy of cerenlony, 19: ceremony work of O'Sullivan, 270. Installed Master: English degree, 187. Institution: cerenlony of, 536. Instruction: district system, 155 State Chapters of, 159; Chapters 500. Insurance: recomlnended, 536. Insurance Societies: growth of, Sa7. Intelligence: necessity of, 431.

Jerusalem Chapter No. 100: historic3.1 sketch, 374; extinct, 422. Jewels: photo of P.G. H. P., 53; committee to procure, 84; presented Grand Chapter, 87; adoption of P. G. H. P., 129; Chapter XVII, 223; description of, 224; Past Grand High Priest, 226; lost, 227; G. G. C. adopts, 249 ; presentation speech, 460;. use of, 540. J~wish

People: our dE1bt




Joint Convocd.tioBS: 478.




story of,

Johnson, 路Wnl. F.: menlorial to, 144; quotation, 460; photo, 734; biography, 760. Joint Occupancy: see "Halls".



Ironton, Mo.: see "Midian Chapter".

J ones, John: petitions Missouri Chapter, 12; healing, 13,.

Ittner, Anthony Ii'.: quotation, 471.


Ivanhoe Masonic Teluple: photo of interior, 94, 172; photo, 120. Jaccard, Louis: Chapter, 36.



Chapter sketch, 373.




Joplin, Mo.: photo Masonic Temple, 114. Joshua: history, 347.



Jurisdiction: invasion by Scotland, 132'; concurrent, 509; county lines, 513; invasion of, 539 ; of Grand Chapter; 541; affiliation from another, 552; length of residence, 591; first invasion of, 597; waiver to Kentucky, 629; lodge luembership not considered, 631; concurrent, 634; no permanent, 642.

Kilwinning Chapter No. 50: historical sketch, 368.

Jurisprudence: chapter on, 569; list of chairmen, 704.

I{ingsley, Nathan: visits Grand Chapter, 130.

Kahoka Chapter No. 126: historical sketch, ,379.

Kirk, .John E.: case remanded, 414.

Kahoka, Mo. : see "Prairie Chapter No. 82". Kansas City Chapter No. 28: dispensation, 92; charter, 92; no returns 1862, 100; suspends labor, 101; menlbership, 141; historical sketch, 364.

Kansas City, Mo.: photo, 9th and Harrison Temple, 78; first annual convocation to be held in, 119; photo Ivanhoe Temple, 120, 172; joint convocation, 143; photo fornler hOlne Orient Chapter, 152; photo East Gate Temple, 157; invitation to G. G. C., 250; see "Davenport Chapter No. 19"; see "Orient Chapter"; see "Westport Chapter"; see "East Gate Chapter"; photo of Ridge Bldg., 510; see "Wnl. F. Kuhn 'Chapter"; photo W'nl. F. Kuhn Chapter, 804. Kansas Excitement: mentioned, 92. Kennett, Mo.: see "Helm Chapter". Kerr, Leander: member Weston tel' No.4" 62.


!{eys: use prohibited, 154. Keystone: photo of floral, 22; floral, 121; symbolism¡ of, 352; lnust bean individual, 47l. Keystone Chapter, Nebr.: given Missouri dispensation, Ill. Keystone Chapter No. 40: historical sketch, 367; extinct, 408. Keystone Chapter No. 46: historical , sketch, 368; extinct, 410 1 •

Kinder, James A.: conlluent on conditions, 145; photo, 770; biography, 779.

King: represents Zerubbabel, satisfactory costume, 898.


Kirksville, Mo.: see "Caldwell 'Chapter". Kline, Edward: officer Missouri ChapM tel', 36. !{lunk, Joseph: bill against Missouri Chapter, 14. !{nights Tenlplar: establishnlent in Missouri, 75; Chapter unites with, 311. I{nob Knoster, Chapter".




Kron, August: photo, 800; biography, 800. Kuhn, Wm. F.: growth of Missouri influence, 5; photo of bronze plaque, 15; photo in Royal Arch chorus, 26; address of welcome, 120; election nlarks new era, 125; prediction, 127; publication of pamphlet, 133; substitutes for Thos. R. Marshall, 139; convocations in honor of, 143; oil painting, 144; memorial tribute, 144; presentation of bust, 144; educational pamphlet, 147; introduces cipher, 159; menlber of ritual committee, 160, 161; ritual change proposed, 163; urges new ritual, 165; approves ritual, 170; train in honor, 253; Grand Lecturer, 279, 287, 288; refers to HOlue, 316, 317, 320; proposes Mitchell nl0nument, 325; photo of bust, ~~32; portrait, 333; quotation, 445, 460 ; Bard's tribute, 468; death mask, 513; photo, 689; administration, 691; committee to revise by laws, 694, 702; decisions, 700; biography, 742.


INDEX Wm. F. Kuhn Chapter No. 139: his.. torical sketch, 3.80; photo of tem-

ple, 804. Lafayette Chapter No.5: dispensation fee paid, 54; payment of dues, to G. G. C., 55; copy of charter, 57; historical sketch, 358; extinct, 385. LaGrange Chapter No. 33: historical sketch, 365; extinct, 407. Lanlar Chapter No. 101: historical sketch, 374. Lampton, J. A. H.: refers to Military Chapter, 103; reference to Civil War, 104; Grand Lecturer, 279, 283; quotation, 436; photo, 599; decision on Military Chapters, 630; commit.. tee to revise by-laws, 631; biography, 715. Landmarks: preservation essential, 432..

Lane, Hardage: draf'ts ulenloriaI, 20; reports death of Clinton, 23. Lane, .laDles S.: Chapter, 36.



Langdon Chapter No. 42: historical sketch, 367; extinct, 409. Lathrop Chapter No. 107: historical sketch, 376; extinct, 423.

Letter "G": an essential, 462. Letter "S": inlportant part, 458. Level: SYl11bolism, 225. Levy, Charles: llanled in dispensation St. Louis Chapter, 59. Lewistown, Mo.: see "Twilight 'Chapter". Lexington Chapter No. 10: granted dispensation. 67, 83; charter issued, 84; nlade returns, 1862,99; photo of Temple, 157; historical sketch, 360. Lexington, Mo.: photo of college, 18. Liberty Chapter No.3: dispensation fee paid, 54; photo of charter, 56; absent first convocation, 68; no returns for t'\\"o years, 100; historical sketch, 357. Liberty, Mo.: reconlmendation for a new Chapter, 31; photo of Masonic Temple, 384. Life: a pilgriIuage, 438. Life Menlbership: not 路recommended, 541; nlay be withdrawn, 542.

Lavielle, Joseph C.: healing, 13.

Lightbourne, A.: petition for charter Liberty Chapter, 31; dispensation to, 54.

Lawrence, David: member in 1826, 20.

Lighting: character of, 473..

Laws: see "by-laws".

Linn Chapter sketch, 367..

Leadership: necessity for, 472. Leavitt, Chas. F.: suggested change in Annual Convocation, 115; quotation, 442; photo, 629 ; biography, 724..

Lebanon Chapter No. 64: historical sketch, 370. Lectures: unauthorized, 155..

Lee, Bert S.: meInber of special conlmittee,6; General Grand Master, 145; committee to revise by-laws, 702; photo, 755; biography, 771. Letcher, Isaac A.: irregu11rity in election. 11: member in 1826, 20; officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

Linneus, Mo.:




see "Flourlloy Chap..


Little, Jesse: petition for charter St.. Louis Chapter No. 8,30; nlenlber of committee, 34. Lodges: alphnbeti(~al list, location, districts, 823; roll of dead, 837. Loker, Wnl. N.: death of, 121; biography, 255, 261.

Lone Star Chapter No. 30: .dispensation,91; dIspensation continued, 91; charter, 92; no returns for two years, 100; historical sl{et(~h, 364.



Louisiana, Mo.: photo of Temple, 169; see "Bond Chapter"; see "Pike Chapter". Louisiana Pu.rchase Exposition: Grand Chapter nleets at, 128. Louisville Chapter No.5: H. P. of installs Missouri officers, 17. Lucas, Olaf A.: quotation, 462; photo, 740; biography, 763. Luke, John W.: biography, 255, 264, 267, 272; Foreign Correspondent, 297. Lyons Chapter: see "Pike Chapter". McBridge, Priestly H.: first petitioner O. H. P., 204; petition for charter, 362; photo, 582; biography, 710. McConnill, Samuel C.: named in dispensation Ha.nnibal Chapter No.7, 5.8. MeCoy, LewisF.:- biography, 750. McCullah, Willis A.: photo, 764; biography, 777. McDonald (1): member in 1826, 20. McDowell, Allan: committee on ritual, 116; member of ritual committee, G. G. C., 157, 249; member of G. C. committee, 160; resolution Council degrees, 183; chairman committee nomenclature, 221; Grand L,ecturer, 279, 284, 285; photo of _. monument, 330; committee to revise by-laws, 664, 702; biography, 739. McKinley, Robert L.: visits Missouri, 251. McKinley, Wm.: visit to, 542. McKinney, Richard T.: member in 1826, 20; named Scribe Missouri Chapter under charter, 21. McLaughlin, Michael: deposited medal, 35. McMillan, Ira V.: photo, 674; decisions, 688; biography, 738. McRae, Austin L.: quotation, photo, 7281; biography 757.


MacAaron, Walter S.: quotation, 472. Mackey, Albert G.: assists in return of jewels, 105; refers to war, 106; opinion of Past l\1aster degree, 191; visits O. H. P., 207; not authority, 542. Macon Chapter No. 22: historical sketch, 363; see "Bloomington Chapter". Magazine : Grand Chapter considers publication, 130; adverse report, 131; discussion, 542. Maimed tions".




Majors, Alex: member of Davenport Chapter No. 19, 401. Malone, Henry C.: petition for ter Liberty Chapter,31. Mann, A. Horace: 279, 288.


Grand Lecturer,

Mansfield Chapter No. 122: historical sketcb, 378. Mansfield, Mo.: dispute with Mountain Grove, 134. Marceline Chapter No. 118: photo Temple, 184; historical sketch, 378. Marionville Chapter No. 97: historical sketch, 374. Mark Master Degree: first record of, t2; symbolism of, 350, 351.. Marks: origin of, 351, 352. Marmaduke, W. D.: named in Hanni.. bal Chapter No.7 dispensation, 58.. Marquis, George C.: -statement of conditions, 139; member of ritual committee, 168; tribute, 171; work in O. H. P. 210,; Grand路Lecturer, 279, 288; photo, 793; biography, 793. Marshall, Mo. : photo of Masonic Temple, 324; see "Saline Chapter". ,Marshall, Thos. R.: Dr. Kuhn substitutes for, 139. Marshfield. Mo.: cyclone relief, 543. Marvin, Rev. Enoch M.. : represents Palmyra Chapter, 543.



Maryville, Mo.: see "Owens Chapter". Masonic Calendar: 811. 'Masonic College: photo of scholar.. shi;p certificate, 10; photo of building, 18; J. W. Smith, president, 64; establishment of, 72; burden on Grand Lodge, 73; a problem, 80 ; charter, 87; discussion, 87; seal certificates donated, 88; Board of Education, 492; history, 543.

elected in G. G. C. of 249; biography, 267, 272; Foreign Correspondent, 298; quotation, 443, 455; committee to revise by-laws, 664. Maysville, Mo.: see "Russell Chapter". Meetings: see "Convocation". Megguier Joseph: letter to, 67; letter to Billon, 67; presides in 1848, 84.

Masonic Conservators: see "Conserva路 tors".

Meigs, R. J., Jr.: statement at Burr trial, 47.

Masonic Hall: consecration of St. Louis Masonic Hall 28; cornerstone laid, 111, 545; erection in St. Louis,

Melody Chapter No. 21: historical sketch, 363; extinct, 403.


Masonic Hall Association: incorpora路 tion, 593. Masonic Home: proposed by S. A. Gil.. -bert, 117; assistance of Grand Chapter, 123; attempt to secure representation, 130; refuses recognition, 131; beginning of Missouri, 263 ; Chapter XXIV, 311; dedication, 312; circular letter, 313; pledges, 314; sep'aration urged, 318; attempt to secure representation, 319, 820, 323; appropriations by year, 321 ;estab. lishment of endowment fund, 322; rights of O. E. S. 323; speech at dedication, 456, 545. 1

Masonic Orpheus: publication of, 143. Masonic Signet and Mirror: establishment, 75. Masonic Statistics: see "Statistics". Masonry: see "Freemasonry"; not a religion, 440, 459; improvement in, 443; purpose of, 455; true spirit of, 456; needs for the路 future" 457; a model secret society, 470; rebuilds, 471; in Boonville, 472. Masters, George E.: visits Missouri, 474.

-Melody Chapter No. 22: charter, 90; no returns for two years, lO(}. Melody, Geo. H. C.: visits Missouri Chapter. 9; petitions Missouri Chapter, 12; instructs Missouri Chapter, 14; attends G. G. C., 20; Chapter funds at disposal of, 20; member in 1826, 20; delivers charter to Missouri Chapter, 21; authorization from Clinton, 23; presides O. B'. P., 23; assist in re-organization of Missouri Chapter, 27; member of committee, 34; feeling against Companion, 34; quec;tions comulittee report, 35; officer Missouri Chapter, 36; applicant Palmyra dispensation, 59; installed as lecturer, 85, 86; regrets rapidity~ 88; note~ 89; presidesO. H . P., 90; note cancelled, 90; presents bits of charter oak, 91; outstanding ritualist, 150; O. H. P. 202; calls Convention 0 .. H. P., 204;" designs apron, 227; Grand Lecturer, _279; visits Fayette, . 386; quotation, "42'9; photo, 576; appointed as Grand Lecturer, 587; biograP.!tl:~~0:8. Membership: in 1846, 80; largest, 142; transfer of, 499; see "Life MembershiP"; see "Roster"; essential in lodge, 592; pre-requisition for, 669; continuation of lodge, 675; Chapter statistics, 894.

Masters of Veils: not always Grand Chapter officers, 81-

Memorial P age s: proposition of Gouley, 271; in proceedings, 546.

Mayo, Wnl. H.: represents Grand Chapter, 129; nomenclature, 222;

Memphis Chapter: dispensation, 92; see "Eastern Star Chapter"..

xx Memphis, Mo: Chapter".





Meridian Chapter No.9: historical sketch, 360; extinct, 388. Meridian Sun Chapter No. 61: historical ,sketch, 370. Mexico Chapter No. 27: charter, 91; m'ade returns 1862, 99; historical sketch, 364; photo of Temple, 365. Miami Chapter sketch, 372.




Miami, Mo.: see "Palestine Chapter". Midian Chapter No. sketch, 371.



Milan Chapter No. 103: photo of old lodge room, 60 ; tabernacle, 233; photo Masonic Temple, 242; historical sketch, 375. Milburn, Thos. A.: 'World's Fair, 129.



Mileage and Per Diem: reduction, 119, 687; question of payment, 416; ho'w and to whom paid, 547; adoption, 587. Military Chapters: mentioned, 103; Missouri deplores, 103; not recognized by .Missouri, 104:. condemned, 4715; not recognized, 630. Miller, James: member Chapter No.4, 62.

W est 0 n

Miller, John H. : address at SemiCentennial, 123; comments on World War, 137, 140; Foreign Correspondent, 300; quotation, 456, 458, 459, 461, 462. Miller, Thos. S.: named in dispensation Hannibal Chapter,58; failed to appear as G. H. P., 90; petitioner O. H. P., 204 ; photo, 58'4 ; biography, 71l. 1'vfillion, Guy C.: photo, 789; biography, 789. Adaln L.: Chapter, 36.




MInisters: remISSIon of fees, 16; exemption, 29.

Minneapolis, lVlinn.: joint convocation, 479. Minutes: object, 548. Mission: to reconstruct, 436. Missouri: first reference in G. G. C., 52. Missouri Chapter No.1: organized 1819, 5; history of, 7; disp'ensation from G. G. C., 7; first meeting, 7; copy of dispen.sation, 7; history un~ del' dispensation, 8; meeting place of, 8; Melody Visits, 9; adoption of by-laws, 9; purchase of furniture, 9; waives by-laws, 11; revision of by-laws, 11; first petition, 11; heal~ ing, 12; elections in, 13; Missouri Lodge account. against, 9; bill of JOg'. Klunk,14;' use of ,paraphernalia, 14; bill of Dallanl, 14 ; MelodY in~ structs, 14; bill for apron, 14; dues, 14; ritual of, 14; fees, 15; laxity of, 15; purchase of burial ground, 16; first record of death, 16; charity, 17; installation in, .17; officers installed by Edward Tyler, 17; installation of T. ])ouglass as H. P., 17; Clinton's authority .to install, 17; secrecy of installation cerenl0ny, 19; observance of festivals, 19; fine for non-attendance, 19; records transcribed. 19; represented by Melody at G. G. C., 20; nlemorial to G. G. C., 20; application fo~ char~ tel", 20; funds at disposal of lVlelody, 20; menlber.ship in 1826, 20; receipt of charter, 20; records of first meeting under charter, 21: conllllunication from Lebbeus Chapman, 21; charter delivered by Melody, 21; charter issued by DeWitt. Clinton, 23; special convocations, 24; byla\vs dispensed With, 24; recomnlends chapter at Frg nklil1,Mo., 24; request from Howard Chapter, 25; during anti-,Masonic period, 25; petition from Bernard Pratt, Jr., 25; re-organizationof, 25; legality of reorganization, 2'7 ; Daggett presides at re-organization, 27; secures new quarters, 27: hall rented from St. Louis Lodge, 27; janitor bill of Owens, 28; hall to be carpeted, 28; cans~cration af new hall, 28 ; amen ds by-laws, 28; change in


INDEX stat.Ad meetings, 28; fees for degrees fixed, 28; dues reduced, 28; Tiler's compensation fixed, 29; ref~eshments paid for, 29; revision of by-Ia WS, 29; advance in exaltation fee, 29; use of summons, 29; exemption of ministers. 29; part in fornlation of otner chapters, 30', 31; comnlunicatioll from Wm. Hodge, 30; trials in, 31. 34; audit of books, 34; loans, 35 ~ installation, 35 ; archives, 35; adjourned for fire, 35: purchase of ground, 35; publication of notices, 35 ; healing, 35; remission of fees, 35; bill . for diplomas, 35; officers 1820-49, 36; part in organization of Grand Chapter, 37; character of membership, 37; payment of charter fee, 52; payment of dues to G. G. C., 55; invitation to form Gr.and Chapter, 63; represented at 1846 convention, 6.3; represented at first cOllvoeation, 64; made returns 1862, 99; first reference to ritual, 149; charter, 150; O. H. P. need, 201; suspends labor, 211 ; paraphernalia, 223 ; purchase of jewels, 223; charges against Mayo, 275; historical sketch, 357. Missouri Chapters: historical sketches, Chapter XXVII, 357. Missouri Lodge No.1: successor to No. 12, 8; account against Missouri Chapter, 9. Missouri Lodge No. 12: Lodge hall used by Missouri Chapter, 7; succeeded by Missouri Lodge No.1, 8.

Mitchell Chapter No. 14: historical sketch, 361; see "Mitchell No. 89". Mitchell Chapter No. 89: historical sketch, 373; see "Mitchell Chapter No. 14"" Mitchell, J. W. S.: attends 1847 triennial, 55; offers resolution, 55; dispensation to, 54; named in dispensation. st. Louis Chapter, 59; report to frst convocation, 65; invites triennial to St. Louis, 67; grants dispensations to Grunswick and Lexington, 67; historY,Chapter V, 69; first H. P. st. Louis Chapter, 73; knighted, 73; death, 77; his works,

'Z6, 77; report as G. H. P., 82; accounting demanded, 84; committee to inquir~'" into eonquct, 84; statement to Grand Chapter, 86; note cancelled, 9G;'death, 113; comnlittee settle with, 269; monunlent proposed, 325; photo of monument, 326; description of monument, 327; recognized by G. G. C., 577 ; drafts by-laws, 577; biography, 707. Miter: synlbolism, 225. Moberly Chapt8r No. 79: historical sketch, 372; photo of Masonic Temple, 522.

Monett, Mo.: see "St. Alban Chapter". Monies: method of payment, paynlent of, 600.


Monitor: .early use of 150; prepara~ tion of, 161; publication of, 548. Monroe Chapter No. 16: Charter, 87; made returns 1862, 99; historical sketch,362; jurisdiction invaded, 597. Monroe City Chapter No. 104: historical sketch, 376; extinct, 422. Montgomery Chapter No. 84: historical sketch, 373; exti11ct, 419. Monticello Cl1apterNo.20: dispensation, 88; charter, 90; no returns 1862, 100; historical sketch, 362; extinct, 403.

Montgomery, J. J.: nanled in dispen.. sation St.. Louis Chapter, 59. Monuments: erected by G. C., Chax)ter XV, 325; photo of l\1itchell nlonument, 326; photo otO'SulIivan monument, 328; <ledicationa f O'Sullivan nlonument, 329; photo of McDo\vell monUlnent, 327; proposed McDowell, 331 ; description MeDowell monunlent, 331.

Morehouse, A. P.: tribute



Morgan, vVm.: reference, 25, 51; see " Anti-1V!asonry". Mormon 'Var: reference, 363.



Morris, Edmund E.: presents Kuhn portrait, 144; ritual resolution, 161; photo, 758; biography, 773. Morrow, James W.: first King Jeffer son 'City Chapter, 68.


Morton, George: member in 1826, 20; officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Most Excellent Master Degree: first record of, 12 ;elaborate presentation, 143; development, 171; symbolism of, 353; proper understanding, 463; see "Joint Convocations"; photo of setting, 854. Mound City, Mo.: Chapter No. 46".



Mountain Grove, Mo.: dispute with Mansfield, 134; photo of Masonic Temple, 540. Mt. Vernon Chapter No. 81: historical sketch, 372.

Nomenclature: Chapter XVI, 217; Missouri conforms to G. G. C., 221, 690.

Non-affiliation: regulations, 551, 679. Non-Attendance:' penalties for 551. Non-Payment of Dues : see "Dues". Nourse, Gilbert: H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36.

IMyers, George: King of St. Louis Chapter No.8, 59; biography, 267, 269.

Mystery: secret of success, 437. National Masonic Convention: "Baltimore Convention".


Nebraska Territory: dispensation to Chapter, 111, 550. 337,

Objection: right of, 552; distinction in, 667; when to be made known, 684.

Odeon Building: photo of, 98. Odessa, Mo.: attempt Chapter, 129.



Office: desire for, 433; clamor for, 436; injunction against removal of,

Music: use in degrees, 549, 691.


H. P., 206.

Nodaway Chapter: changes name to Owens, 117.

Numbers: no value in, 432.

Mountain Grove Chapter No. 137: historical sketch, 380.


New York: criticism in conferring O.


341, 343.

Necrology: committee, 550. Negro: ,Mitchell's story, 73. Negro Masonry: reference causes dispute, 306; clandestine, 550. Neilson, John W.: visits Grand 'Chapter, 147; quotation, 471. Neosho, Mo.: photo Masonic Temple, 846.

Nevada Chapter No. 56: historical sketch, 369; photo of Masonic Temple, 494.


Officers: names and titles, 218; jew.. els, 224 ; care in selection of, 433; appointive, 490. "Oliver, ,Dr.": 350. Order of Eastern Star: Home, 323.



Order of High Priesthood: secrecy of installation, 19; anointing of T. Grimsley, 23; first convention, 90 ; investment in liberty bonds, 136; comparison with Past Master, 193; Chapter XIV, 197; first mention of, 197; character of, 197; history, 198. 207; ritual, 199, 200; nomenclature, 199; first mention of in Missouri, 201; formation of Missouri Convention, 204: rules, 204; history in Missouri, 206: revision of Constitution, 207; National Convention, 208; oldest living menlber, 209; reward and not a right, 203; special Convocation, 206; visit of Albert G. Mackey, 207; Topeka Convention, 208; proceedings,路 555; not requisite,


INDEX 613; constitution, 899; list of officers since organization, 900; list of members since organization, 906.

Oregon, Mo.: see extinct "Keystone Chapter No. 46". Orient Chapter No. 102: banquet, 139; membership. 141; photo of former home, 152; historical sketch, 375. Oriental Chapter No. 78: historical sketch, 372. Orion Chapter sketch, 368.




Osceola, Mo.: see "Horeb Chapter"'. O'Sullivan, Ant h 0 n y: Mitchell's friendship, 75; remarks on Civil War, 95; reference to Civil War conditions, 98. 100, 101; visits Northeast ~Iissouri, 103; L,.!~ttends triennial, 111; death of, 111t~~) monument to, 112; Secretary O. H.P., 204; anti-Masonry, 212; letter of Foster, 257; biography, 267, 269; Grand Lecturer~ 279.. 280, 282, 283; Foreign Correspondent, 297; erection of nlonument, 327; photo of monument, 328; dedication 0 f monument, 329; quotation, 431, 432, 434, 436; committee to revise bylaws, 622; photol' 810. O'Sullivan Chapter: see extinct "Keystone Chapter No. 40". Ott, Ralnh: paints Kuhn portrait, 144, 333, 552. Owens Chapter No. 96: nanle changed from Nodaway Chapter, 117; historical sketch, 374. Owens. Esroln: H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36. Owens, Samuel H. : death of, 117; photo, 644; biography, 729. Palestine Chapter No. 69: organization. 113: historical Sketch, 371; extinct, 415. Palnlyra Chapter No.2: dispensation fee to G. G. C., 54: dues to G. G.C., 54; has original charter, 55; authority to confer Select Master degree,

55; petition for dispensation, 59 ; represented at first convocation, 64; made returns 1862, 99; photo of Temple, 310; historical sketch, 357; represented by Bishop Marvin, 543. Paraphernalia: in Missouri Chapter, 14; Chapter XVII, 223; humorous description, 231; Grand Chapter requires, 232. Paris, Mo.: see "Monroe Chapter". Parrott, Elias: mem,ber committee, 636.



Parson, John it.: biography, 255, 262, 738; letter concerning Home, 316, 317; photo, 677; decisions, 690. Past Grand Commanders: list of living, 964. Past Grand High Priest: photo of jewel, 53; adoption of jewel, 129; jewel, 226; purchase of jewels, 227; list of living, 896. Past Grand Masters: list of living, Grand Lodge, 852; list of living, Grand CounCil, 949. Past Hie-h Pri~~t: who entitled to rank, 523; affiliation in Grand Chapter, 552; '\vho may rank as, 552. Past Master Degree: first record of, 12; an infringement. 88; re~erence byG. H. P. Hall, 118; resolution to abolish, 133; dropped byPennsylvania. 146; objections to, 153; Chapter XIII. 187; Grand Lodge abandons. 187; in Pennsylvania, 188 ; oninion of Albert Pike, 191; opinion of Albert G. Mackey,. 191; opinion of Geo. F.. Gouley, 191: Mark Master degree requisite, 194; revision propos'ed, 195; attenlpt to eliminate, 196, 612; value of degree, 245; vote to retain, 245; elimination, 248; restriction, 249; vote of Foster, 257; abridgnlent, 615; elinlination in Lodge, 615; restriction, 627; eligibility, 682. Past Masters: actual and virtua.l, 12, 187, 612; rights of actual and virtual, 188. Past Officers: no titles, 218.



Patterson, Arc h i b·a 1d: represents Grand Chapter 1850, 87; Grand Lecturer, 151; history, 360; report on hall, 545; committee to revise bylaws, 589. Paynter, Charles: Chapter, 36..



Peck, W. B.: remission of fees, 16.

Peirce City, Chapter".





Penick, Wm. R.: reference· to Civil War, 97; photo, 592; opposes G.G. C., 621 ; biography, 714. Pennsylvania: petition·.from Vandalia, 111., 30; drops Past Master degree, 146; healing of Cd"mpanions from, 147; Past Master degreei-n, 188; abridgnlent of ceremony, 192; advantage ·of correspondence, 295.

Per Capita~ Tax: fee, 81; reIn ~ssion of soldiers, 137, 552;' see "Dues".

<~etition: re~uis~£es,91; object and form of, 553; ~hange in time, 628; limitation as to residence·, 643; high pressur.e used, 681. .. Petitioner: re.striction on, 595; qualifications' for, residence, 627; eligibility, ·655. ·Pettus, Wm. G.: active in IVIissouri Chapter, 9.

Photographs: al tar, 186; Chapter apron, 50; crow, pick, spade, 77; Cryptogram,· 234; Earl of Cassillis, 42; floral keystone, 22; gavel, 93: G. G. C. charter, 56; G. H. P. apron, 784; In lVlemoriam, 802; in proceedings, 120; King's costume, 898 ; Kuhn bust, 332; Kuhn 'Plaque, 15; M;cDoweU··monument, 332; nlap Missouri Chapters, 70; Masonic College, 18; Masonic College certificate, 10; Masonic groups, 32; M. E. M. setting, 8:54; Mitchell monUDlent, 326; O'Sullivan nlonunlent, 328; Past G. H. P. jewel, 53; Royal Arch chorus, 26;. seal Grand Chapter, 278; Semi-Centennial medal, 110; seven branch candle stick, 62; Sir Alfred Robbins, 38; Sir Alfred Rob-

bins' membership certificate, 74; Sojourner's costume, 891; trowel, 289; Isaac M. Abrahanl, 686; R. E. Anderson, 626; C.W. Atkins, 798; Janles B. Austin, 671; R. E. Bainbridge, 706; M. T. Balsley, 737; R .. Barney, Sr., 662; R. L. Barger, 796; Leroi Beck, 780; Van F. Boor, 722; W. J. Bray, 788; C. H. Briggs, 680; F. P. Briggs, 792; J. W. Browne, 632; W. J. Bublitz, 799; J. N. Burnes, 596; G. T. Burnham, 743; J. E. Cadle, 641; J. H. Capers, 572; J. Carr, 594;.J.. E . Carter, 620; J. W. Chenoweth, 586; M. Collins, 608; G. eoslow, 790; J. W. Crane, 590; J. D. Daggett, 574; D. DeHav·en, 588; R. V. Denslow, 791; A. E. Dianlant, 746; A. M. Dockery, 650; T. B. Duncan, 698; T. A. Dunn, 713; E. Ellis, 647; J. M. Fox. fi17: T. E. Garrett, 602; N. H. Givan. 638; C. S. Glaspell, 692; T. Grimsley. 580; L. A .. Hall~ 656; E. F. Hannah. 795: T. A. Harbaugh, 786 ;A.Havnie. 683; A. M. Hou~h, 695: J . F. Houston, 614; T. F. Hurd, 749: W. F. Johnson~ 734; J. A. Kinder, 770; A. Kron,. 800; W. F. Kuhn, 689; J. A. H . J.ampton,599: C. F. Lpa"ritt, 629; B. S.. Lee, 755; O. A. Lucas, 740; P. H. McBride. 582: W. A. McCullah, 764; 1. V. Mcl\iillan, 674: A. L. McRae, 728: G. C. Marquis, 793; G. H. C. Melody, 576; T. S. Miller, 584; . G. C.Million, 789; F1. E. Morrh::;~ 758 A. O'Sullivan, 810; S. H. Owens. 644: J. R. Parson. 677; W. R. Penick, 592: J. Pickard. 761: H. W. Powers, 752 ~ H. L. Read8r, 785: O. Root, Jr.. , 611; J. T. Ruffin, 701; S. Russell, 605: J. F. Ryland, 578; X. Ryland, 623; R. F. Stevenson, 659 ; W. R. Stubblefield, 635; O. H. Swearingen, 76(); N. J. Swetland, 710; E. W. Tayler. 768; F. H. Trimble. 725; L. E. Vogelsang, 731; E. F. Von Gunden. 774: B. L. Wa.ldron, 772; A. H. White. 719: D. M. Wilson, 716; W ..B. Wilson. 665; F. O. Wood, 776; J. P. Wood, 668; C. C. Woods, 653. 1


Photographs, Masonic Temples: .AIbany, 228; Aurora. 46; Bethanv, 250; Bonne Terre, 302; Brookfield, 250; Brunswick, 540; Cameron.


INDEX 198; Canton, 202; Cape Girardeau, 258; Carrollton, 208; Carthage, 356; Center, 208; Charleston, 286; Chillicothe, 146; Clinton, 420; Colunlbia, 480; Eldon, 214; Fredericktown, 450 ; Gallatin, 464; Hannibal, 169; Harrisonville, 365; Independence, 178; Ironton, 220; Jefferson City, 290; Joplin, 114; Kahoka, 134; Kirksville, 132; Lexington, 158; Liberty, 334; Louisiana, 169; Marceline, 184; Marionville, 476 ; Marshall, 324; Mexico, 365; Milan, 60, 242; Moberly, 522; .Monett, 66; Mountain Grove, 540; Neosho, 846; Nevada, 494; Palmyra, 316; Platte City, 522; .Pleasant Hill, 334; Poplar Bluff, 428; Richmond, 382; Rolla, 190; Sedalia, 556; Slater, 393 ; Springfield, 82, 85, 89; st. Charles, 406; Versailles, .268; Warrensburg, 164; vVebb City, 202; Webster Groves, 126; Wellston, 381; Weston, 164. In Kansas City: 9th and Harrison, 78; Ivanhoe, 94, 120, 172; 15th and Grand. 152; East Gate, 158; Westport, 220; Ridge Bldg., 510; Wnl. :F'. Kuhn, 804. In St. Louis: Odeon Bldg., 98; 7th and Market, 102; Mt.Moriah, 274; Chapter Hall, new Masonic Tenlple, 140; Shechinah Chapter, 942; new Masonic Temple, 564. Pickard, John: diplonlatic resolution, 131; nlember r1tual conlmittee, 168; Home resolution, 320; quotation, 463; photo, 761; biography, 775.

Pleasant Hill, lV1o.: photo Masonic Tenlple, 334; see "Wyoming· Chapter". Pleasant Mount, Mo.: see "Tuscumbia Chapter". Plumb-rule: symbolisnl, 225.

Pococke, Wm. H.: petitions Missouri Chapter, 12; healing, 13; remission of fees, 16. Politics:


not engage in, 553.

Polk, James K.: visit to widow of, 553. Poplar Bluff Chapter No. 114: histor* ical sketch, 377.

Poplar Bluff, Mo.: see "Jerusalem Chapter"; photo of Tenlple, 428. Porter, John S.: nlember Chapter No.4, 62.


Portraits: use of, €H3.

Portsll1outh Naval Lodge No. 100: Foster a ll1enlber of, 259. Potter, John C.: petitions Missouri Chapter, 12; renlission of fees, 16; officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Pov.."ers, Herbert biography, 769.




Prairie Chapter No. 82: historical sketch, 372; see "Kahoka Chapter"; extinct, 419.

Pike, Albert: opinion of Past l\raster degree, 191.

Prall, VV. A.: 283, 284.

Pike Chapter No. 86: historical sketch, 373 ; see "Louisiana, Mo.'t

Pratte, Bernard, ,Jr.: officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

Pilgrinlage: life and, 438.

Pre-requisition: lodge nlembership a requisite, 249; Co.mnlandery 1"e.. qu.ires Chapter Inembership, 508,

Platt, Abram Chapter, 36.




Platte City Chapter No. 21: dispensation, 89; chartered as Melody Chapter, 90; historical sketch, 363. Platte City, Mo.: see "Melody Chap.. ter"; photo of Masonic Telnple, 522. Plattsburg Chapter No. 120: historical sketch, 878.

Grand Lecturer, 279,


Price, Stephen: officer Missouri Chap..



Princeton Chapter No. 31: historical sketch, 365 ; extinct, 406. Proceedings: history and nature of, 553; how secured, 555; report of, 559.



Profanity: a delusion, proval of, 556. Profession:


440; for




Proficiency: resolution to require, 91, 556. Proficiency Lectures: la w never observed, 598. Progress: danger of, 431.

Recognition: method of, 557. Records: Missouri Chapter transscribed, 19; once necessary to produce, 557; should be correct, 684. Red: symbolism of, 229. Red Cross: donation to, 136, 137, 138. Rees, Richard R.: resolution concerning college, 87; incident, 583. Regalia: Chapter XVII, 223.

Prosperity: danger in, 429. Proxy: definition of, 556; limitation of, 600. Publications: Grand Chapter issues, 557.

Public Appearance: dispensation necess'ary, 557. Punishment: see "Suspension" ; see "Expulsion". Putnam Chapter No. 123: historical sketch, .378. Qualifications: attitude of Gauley, 108; blindness, 492; maimed persons, 542: Masonic, 545; for petitioner, 597; physical, 694. Quality: the first essential, 436.

Reinstatement: manner of, 558; petition for, 558; rejection, 558. Relief: Missouri aids in flood, 132 ; European war sufferers, 133; war donatIon, 134; Red Cross donation, 136; Salvation Army donation, 138; Y. M. C. A. donation, 138; gifts to G. C. Board of, 492; cyclone, 543; instances, 558; earthquake donation, 560. Religion: Masonry not, 440, 459. Removal of Office: injunction against, 508.

Rennie, John: member Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Repeal: right of, 489.

Reporter: necessity for, 559. Quorum: G. G. Chapter changes, 116 a II fixed by G. G. C., 249'; necessity of,~Reprint: of proceedings, 559. 557; number to constitute, 591. t,~O bJ'J ./ Resolution: growth of legislation by, Rabboni Chapter No. 131: historical 588; see "Standing Resolutions". sketch, 379. Resources: Grand Chapter, 528. Railroads: tendered thanks of Grand Returns: nature of, 487; amendments, Chapter, 115. 688..

Ralls Chapter sketch, 369.




Ralls, J o11n : represents Hannibal Chapter No. 7 at organization of G. C., 359.

Rankin, Hugh: Chapter, 12.



Reader, Harold L.: photo, 785; biog路 raphy, 785. Rehallot: dispensation necessary, 557. Receipts: standard form, 557.

Revenues: how derived, 581, 652. Revision:



"Constitution" ;



Reynolds, Thos. H.: comnlittee to revise by-laws, 702. Riblah: location, 341. Rice, Samuel D.: officer Chapter No.7, 58.


Richardson, W. P.: applicant Palmyra dispensation, 59..


INDEX Rich Hill Chapter¡ No. 105: historical sketch, 376. Richmond, Mo.: see "Cyrus Chapter"; cyclone, 366; photo of Tenlple, 382. Ringo ehapter sketch, 359.



Ritual: standard in 1827, 14; committee to prepare work and lectures, 68; adoption of text book, 68; committee, 83, 116; period of development, 123; adoption of, 142; Chapter XI, 149; first reference in Missouri, 149; committee appointed, 150; lack of uniformity, 152, 153, 155; Royal Arch provided, 154; Missouri committee appointed, 157; proposed cipher, 159; committee report, 159; Missouri edition printed, 160; appointment of committee, 161, 164; exchange, 162; adoption of G. G. C., 164; dissatisfaction with, 166, 168; resolution to reject, 167; committee. 168; report of committee, 168, 169; Missouri experi.. ence, 170; of O. H. P., 200. Robbins, Sir Alfred: photo of, 38; photo of certificate of membership, 74; visits Missouri G. C., 144; address, 463. Rocheport, Mo.: dispensation to brethren, 111; removal of No. 17, 397. Rockport, Mo.: see "Zerubbabel Chapter". Rolla Chapter No. 32: historical sketch, 365. Rolla, Mo.: photo of Tenlple, 190. Roll Call: obsolete, 559. Roman Catholic Church: objection to Masonry, 214, 215.

Royal Areh Degree: first record of,. 12; Missouri teanl exenlplifies at G. G. C., 142, 145; exemplification of 1857, 154; change in, 156; use of substitutes, 248; symbolism of,. 355; use of substitutes, 562; fae-simile of first records, 836. Royal Arch History: comlnittee reports, 147; Chapter XXVI, 335. Royal Arch Mason: first record of, 39; necessity of intelligence, 431; sojourners, 442; duties, 445. Royal Arch Slides: list of 560. Royal and Select Master Degrees: authority to confer; 55, 56; condition of degrees, 87; not to be listed in dispensation, 88; conference with Council officers, 116; see "Council Degrees". Ruffin, John T.: oldest member of O. H. P., 209; photo, 701; biography, 748. Ruggles, Elijah S.: objection to committee report, 35. Rules and Order: 583. Rules and Regulations: 1850, 806. Rush, Rev. Wm. M.: represents No.

14 at G. C., 393; comnlittee to revise by-laws, 589. Russell Chapter sketch, 372. Russell, Samuel: 111; quotation, biography, 717.




return of peace, 437; photo, 605;

Ryland, John F.: anti-Masonry, 211; photo, 578; decisions, 640; biography, 709.

Ryland, Xenophon: and Mayo, 275; quotation, 441, 442; pIlato, 623; Root, Oren. Jr.: H. P. White Stone I~:;;::ei~" biography, .•. \723 1 I'", U. D., 413; quotation, 439; photo, "1~1Wfi"f',l 'i"'~: .'It . ~, .. .~, "'I\""~,,.!~ ~ 611; member of special committee, Salenl Ch~pfer No. 115: historical 636; biography, 720. sketch, 377. Roster: discontinued, 559. Saline Chapter No. 74: historical sketch, 372. Rowe, Joseph: officer Missouri cha.pter, 36. Salisbury Chapter No. 133: historical sketch, 379; see "White Stone Royal Arch Club: discontinuance of, Chapter". 560. "W,

xxviii Salisbury, Mo.: Chapter''..


"White ,Stone

Saloon: renloval of saloonkeeper, 539. Salvation Army: donation to, 138. San Francisco, Calif.: earthquake donation, 560. Santa Fe Trail: see "Davenport", 399;

Shelbina Chapter No. 99: historical sketch, '374; see "Adoniram Chap" ter". Shelbina, Mo.: see "Adoniram Chapter". Shepard, Elihu: summoned, 29; feeling against companion, 34; H. P. Missouri Chapter, 36; presides at 1846 convention, 63; receives O. H. P., 20I.

Savannah Chapter No. 18 : dispensa, tion"renewed, 88; charter, ,88; no . returns for two years, 100; historical sketch, 362; see "Savannah Chapter No. 83"; extinct, 398.

Shepherd, J. E.: petitioner O. H. P., 204. Shererf John: presents floor chart, 504.

Savannah 'Chapter No. 83: historical sketch, 373.

Shore, John: officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

Scarritt, Rev. Nathan: member of No. 19, 401.

Sight: illegal to make R. A. Mason at, 561..

Scotland: invasion of jurisdiction, 132; advantage of correspondence, 295; visit of CassilUs, 475; invasion by, 560.

Signet Chapter sketch, 371.

Scottish Rite: Mitchell's description, 73.




Simonds, John: member of committee, .34; officer lVtissouri Chapter, 36.

Scribe: represents Haggai, 219.

Simons, Edw. Chapter, 36.

Seal: committee to secure, 68; photo of, 278; purchase, 560.

Singleton, H.: petition路 for charter St. ,Louis No.8, 30.

Sedalia Chapter No. 18: historical sketch. 362; photo of Masonic Temple, 556.

Singleton, Wm. R.: exaltation, 267; reminiscences, 561.

Segur, Fred W.: committee to revise by-laws, 702. Select Master Degree: Palmyra Chapter authority to confer, 55. Semi-Centennial: pIloto of floral keystone, 22; photo of bronze medal, 110; anniversary, 120-124; proceed" ings, 121: address of John H. Miller, 123, 56l. Sharp, Alex. A.: visits Grand Chap" ter, 13I.




Slack, Henry: nanled in petition St. Louis Chapter, 59. Slater Chapter No. 112: historical sketch, 376; photo Masonic Temple, 393.

Slides: see "Royal Arch Slides". Smith, J. Worthington: Convention, 64.

present at

Smith, Thad R.: menlber of special committee, 6. Smoking: prohibited, 561.

Shealtiel: history, 344.

Sojourner: photo of costume, 891.

Shechinah Chapter No. 132: historical sketch, 379; photo Masonic Temple,

Solicitation: prohibited, 561.


Solomon : history, 336.

INDEX Solon1on Chapter No. 130: historical sketch, 379. South Carolina : by-laws adopted for IV[issouri, 64. Special Convocations: 562. Spencer, Janles P.: member in 1826, 20; named King Missouri Chapter l.:nder charter, 21. Springfield Chapter No. 15: charter1 87; anti-Masonry, 213; historical sketch, 362. Springfield., Ill.: re1comnlendation frolll IV[issouri Chapter, 31.

Springfield, Mo.: photo Masonic Temple, 85; photo Shrine Temple, 8'9; Seuli-Centennial at, 121; see "Vincil Chapter"; see Springfield Chapter".


St. Joseph, Nro.: joint convocation, 143; see路 "Mitchell Chapter"; see HSt. joseph Chapter". St. Louis Chapter No.8: . owner of l\fasonic College certificate, 10; application for dispensation, 30; dispensation from G.: G. C., 54; dispensation fee paid, 55; receives charter, 55; fornl of dispensatioll, 58; represented at first "convocation, 64; recognized by Grand :Chapter, 67; charter issued, 83; made returns 1862, 99; record nunlber of exaltations, 131; niembership, 141; torical sketch, 359.


St. Louis Fire: 75. St. Louis Lodge No. 20: borrows of Missouri Chapter, 35.


Stanberry Chapter No. 98: historical sketch, 374; see "Albany Chapter" ; extinct 421. Standing Resolutions : effect of, 588. Stated: definition of ternI, 562.

state Rights: doctrine, 618. Statistics: 1860,路 92; Civil War period, 109; Chapters in IT. S. 1870, 113; 1916-26, 141; Masonic, 813; Chapter luembership, 894; Council nlembership, 948; Commandery nlemb3rship, 962. St. Alban Chapter No. 113: historical sketch, 377. St. Charles Chapter No. 74: his~orical sketch, 371; see HSt. Charles Chap.. ter No. 111"; extinct, 419.

St. Charles Chapter No. 111: historical sketch, 376; see "St. Charles Chapter No. 74".

St. Louis Masonic 'I'enlple Association: donation to, 144; ,vithdrawal from, 144, 546; melnbership in, 545. St. Louis, Mo.: see "Missouri Chapter"; N e\v Masonic hall, 28; invitation to hold triennial, 67; photo of Odeon Bldg., 98; photo Masol1ie Tenlple, 7th and ~Iarket Sts., 102; secures 1868 triennial, 111; photo Chapter Hall, l\iIasonic Telnple, 140; joint convocation, 143;0. H. P. ritual conlnlittee nleets in, 200; triennial 1868 held in, 246; photo Mt. Moriah Temple, 274; se~ "Bellefontaine Chapter"; see Keystone Chapter No. 40"; see "Kilwinning Chapter"; see "Temple Chapter"; see "Oriental Chapter"; see "Shechinah Chapter"; see "Wellston Chapter"; see "Cabal1Y Chapter"; fire, 75; cyclone, 372; entertains G. G. C.. 476; hall proposed 1850. 544; see "St. Louis l\JIasonic Telunle A.s~o('iatioIl'f; photo Masonic Tenlple~ 564.

St. Charles, Mo.: petition for dispensation. 30: photo interior Masonic Tenlple, 406.

Stevens, R.G.: D1ember Weston Chapter No.4, 62.

St. John's Day: observance of, 562; decision, 634.


St. Joseph rhanter No. 14: nlade returns 1862, 99; extinct, 392.

StevensoIl, Robert F.: death of, menlber ritual committee, 160, opposes ritual. 165; biography, 276, 733; Grand Lecturer, 279, Foreign Correspondent, 298; tation, 443; photo, 659.

145; 267, 287; quo-



Stewart, .Wm. S.: petition for charter St. Louis No. 8, 30; member of committee, 34; officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Stockton, Mo.: see "Golden Ark Chapter". Striker, S. P.: officer Missouri Chapter, 36.. Stubblefield, Wm. R.: Grand Lecturer, 279,286; photo, 635; decisions, 645; biography, 726.. Stygl, John D.: H . P. Missouri Chapter, 36. Subordinate: definition, 511; use of term, 562.


Substitutes: early record, 35; use路 of, 562, 636.

Success : measured by contribution, 471. Summons: use in Missouri Chapter, 29; misuse of, 562; character and use, 645. . Sunday: respect for, 563. Suspension: observations on, 4581; care in, 461; definition of, 563 ; change in method, 645; effect on Chapter membership, 676, 678. sutton, D. A.: petition .for charter Liberty Chapter, 31; member Weston Chapter No.. 4, 62. Swearingen, Orson H.: biography, 777. S,vetland, Nathan biography, 751.


photo, 766; photo,


Taylor, John D. : officer Missouri Chapter 36; biography, 267, 269; foreign correspondence resolution, 292; Foreign Correspondent, 297; quotation, 430. Teel, B. V.: d~spensation to, 54; member Weston Chapter No.4, 62.. Temple: .history... of King Solomon, 335; destruction. of, 339; rebuilding 345. ' Temple Chapter No. 51: historical sketch, 368; extinct, 412. Temple of Fraternity: Grand Chapter a member of, 128. Tennessee : appoints first Grand Representative, 304" Texas: commission from Republic of, 34; advantage of correspondence, 295; edict against, 477. Thomas, Benedict: petition for charter, Liberty Chapter, 31. Thornburgh, John: member Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Thorpe, George: resolution of appreciation, 117. Titles: see "Nomenclature"; in other jurisdictions, 218; indiscriminate use of, 222; high sounding, 455. Topeka Convention:' see llOrder of High Priesthood". Tracy, Lewis: member Weston Chap-

~1'1 ter\~o:. \~i~路62.

Sword: symbolism, 225. Symbolism: basis of ritual, 149; miter, level, .plumb-rule, . sword, 225; Chapter XXVI 335路 Ark of the Covenant, 446.' , Tabernacle: exhibit, 233; 348; use of, 348.

Tayler, Edward W . : photo, 768; biography, 778.



Tabernacle Chapter No. 54: historical sketch,369. Table of Contents: Vol. I, 3; Vol. II, 567.


Trenton :<jh'apter No. 66: illuminated Ark, 233; historical sketch, 370. T' 1 . .. rIa s: In MIssouri Chapter, 31, 34; under first constitution, 585; law for, 627. Triennial: held in St. Louis 1868, 111, 246 ; Missouri represented 1847, 45, 55; 1877, 116, 249; 1880, 117, 249; 1883, 249; 1889, 119, 249; 1891, 119, 249; 1894, 249; 1897, 126, 249; 1900, 250; 1903, 129; 1906, 129, 251; 1909, 130, 251: 1912, 132,


251; 1915, 251; 1918, 136, 251; 1921, 132, 252; 1924, 145, 253; 1927, 145, 254; 1930, 254; limitation of Missouri representatives, 253; Missouri invitation anticipated, 253; see "General Grand Chapter"; advantage of,' 455; once Septennial, 571; attendance, 685..

Triennial Fund: provision 131; foundation, 690. Trinlble, -Francis H.: quotation, 457; photo, 725; biography, 757.. Triple Tau : symbolism of, 229.

Triune Chapter sketch, 374.. Troy Chapter sketch, 373.







Truth: Masonry asserts for, 352. Turnbull, Ever.ett R.: Chapter, 130.

visits Grand

Turner, Enlil B. : J ohuson memorial, 145. Tuscumbia Chapter No. 87: historical sketch, 373; extinct, 420. Twilight Chapter No. 121: historical sketch, 378; extinct, 426.

Tyler, Edward: installs Missouri Chapter officers, 17; payment of expense, 19. Tyrian .Chapter No. 52: dispute, 214; historical sketch,' 368.

Underhill, Charles: member Weston Chapter No.4, 62. Del Chapter sketch, 379.




Unionville, Mo.: see "Putnam Chapter". Unusual Incidents: Chapter XXX, 473. Vancourt, Alexander: named in dispensationSt. Louis Chapter, 59.

Vancourt, Benj. J.: Scribe of St. Louis Chapter No.8, 59; committee to revise by-laws, 589. Vandalia Chapter No. 125: historical sketch, 379.


Vandalia, IlL: recommendation for 'Chapter at, 30; violation of understanding, 30. Versailles Chapter No. 72: historical sketch, 371. Versailles, Mo.: photo Masonic Temple, 268. Vincent, Rev. James G.: remission of fees, 35. Vinci! Chapter No. 110 : historical sketch, 376. Vineyard: parable of, 352. Virginia: Councils surrender degrees to Chapter, 177.

Visitation: right of, 563, 672. Visitors: examination of, 524; admission of, 585. Vogelsang, Louis E.: resolution, 131; record number of visitations, 131; Grand Lecturer, 279, 288; photo, 731; biography, 760. Von Gunden, Edw. F.: biography, 781.

photo, 774;

Voting: in Grand Chapter, 81; how acconlplished, 564; each Chapter entitled to three votes, 582, 633; method of, 645. Wainwright, D. T.: special dispensation, 384. Waldron, Bion L.: photo, 772; biography, 781. Walker, Benjalnin: officer Missouri Chapter, 36. Wall, John: petitions路 Missouri Chapter, 12. Wallingford, D. P.: petitioner O. H. P., 204. Walls, John: officer Missouri Chapter, 36.

War Bonds: see "Bonds". Warrensburg, Mo.: photo Masonic Tenlple, 164; see "DeMolay Chapter". Watson, John S.: officer Missouri Chapter, 36; biography, 255..6. Ways and Means: origin of comnlittee, 590.



\Vebb City Chapter No. 119: historical sketch, 378. "\Vebb, Thomas Srnith: instructs 1\1:e1ody, 150. Webster Groves, Mo.: photo interior lVrasonic Temple, 126; see "Rab boni Chapter". "\Veed, Charles A.: objects to resolution, 136. Wellington, Edward vV.: visits Grand Chapter, 131. "\Vellston Chapter No. 138: historical sketch, 380. vVellston, Mo.: photo ~Iasollic Telnple, 381; see "Wellston Chapter". Wellsville, N1o.: see "Triune Chap~ tel'''. \Vent"worth, C. R. T.: Inernber \Veston Chapter No.4, 62. \Veston Chapter Nc. 4: dues to G. G. C., 54, 55; dispensation fee l1aid, 54; by-la\vs, 59; nlade returns 1862, 99; photo l\ITasonic Telnple, 164; inquiry as to regalia, 182; historical sketch, 358.

\\irest Plains Chapter No. lOS: historical sketch, 376. 'Vestport Chapter No. 134: historical sketch, 379.

Westport, 1v10.: see "Davenport Chapter No. 19". West Prairie Chapter No. 31: historical sl\:etch, 864; extinct, 406. Wheeler, Amos: first H. P. Missouri Chapter, 7; death of, 16; fI. P. Missouri Chapter, 36; nonlenelature, 217.

\Vhite, Alfred H.: ,vould abridge correspondence, 299; photo, 719; biography, 754. ""Vhite Stone Chapter No. 57: histor-

ical sketch, 369; extinct, 413. \Vilkinson, Gen'l James: connection vdth Burr trial, 40; reference to l\'lajor Bruff, 47. \V'illianls, ",Vaiter: addresses Chapter, 144; address, 4f>8.



Chapter £ketch, 372.




Wilson, David ::.\'1. : l11eln bel" ritual COlll111ittee, 161, IH4; appoints l\farqUis, 288; Foreign Correspondent,. 301; speech at Honle. :321; address at lVlasonic Honle dedieation. 456; C0111nlittee to revise by-Ia "'''8, 702; photo, 716; biography, 753. ''''rilscn, .John: petition for charter Liberty Chapter, 81; applicant Palnlyra dispensation, 59; IDenlber We~lton Chapter No.4, 62.

,Vilson, vVm. B.: photo, 665; sions, 682; biography, 735.


'Vise, F. A.. : applicant Pallllyra dis-

pensation, 59. v\ritt, Bernard G.: visits Grand Chapter, 1a1.

"load, Fred 0.: presides at banquet,. 1:39; quotation, biograph}\ 782.




'Voad, Janl€S P.: photo, 668; biography, 7:36.

'Vood, Cell'l Leonard: attends Orient banquet, 139. \Voods, Chas. C. : quo~,ation, 444 ; photo, 65:~; biography, 7:32. \Voods, .Terell1iah: Dlelnber "Teston Chal)ter No.4, 62. '",7' oods, Re\'". Sarshel: s\vord, :~63. \V·orld's Fair: (jrand Chapter appeared in, 564; see "Telnple of Fraternity". World "Tar: and l\1issouri Grand Chapter, 185; investnlent in bonds, 185; COlnment ofG. I-I. P. Dian1ant,. 137; conunent of .John if. l\liller, 1:37, 140; COIllInent of 'rhos. F. Hurd, 137; our attitude, 46l. \Vyorning Chapter No. 48: historieal sketel1, 3(i7. Y. IVL C....~.: donation to, 138. Zeal: a test for qualification, 4:~8. Zedekiah: history, 3:38, :34l. Zerubbabel: history, 344, :34H, 347. Zerubbabel Chapter No. 59: historical sketch, 370.

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