Missouri Freemason Magazine - v58n04 - 2013 Fall

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Volume 58 No. 4 FALL 2013 Official PublicatiOn Of the Grand lOdGe Of MissOuri a.f. & a.M.

Those Who can Do More . . . “Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” A quote by Missouri Mason Mark Twain, author and humorist. These are great words for all men to live by... especially a Brother Freemason. When we took our several obligations to become Masons, we promised to act with honor and to bring glory to the Fraternity. When we wear a Masonic ring, a pin or an emblem on our shirt, we are a representing ourselves as Freemasons. Whether we like it or not, our actions while wearing these symbols put a public face on Freemasonry and therefore those actions should be above reproach. These generous principals are to extend further. With the growth and expansion of the Internet, the world as we know it is changing. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are being used every day by millions of people. These sites provide a wonderful opportunity for people to share their lives with friends and loved ones. Local Lodges are using these tools in positive ways to inform their members of Lodge meetings, special events or to just stay in touch. The Grand Lodge of Missouri also maintains a Facebook page (facebook.com/missouriFreemasons) as does the Missouri Lodge of Research (facebook.com/ MissouriLodgeofResearch). By “liking” those pages you can get regular posts and updates about our Craft. Many Freemasons have personal Facebook sites and Twitter accounts and use them appropriately. However, when we as Masons post things in these venues, we must always be aware that the public reading our posts may mistakenly believe our personal thoughts and actions are representative of those of Freemasonry. We must remember that while we are not a “secret” society, we are a private society whose members take an oath to protect our rituals and traditions. Therefore it is important that our messages always be reflective of the morals and values that are at the heart of Masonry. As I close this chapter in my life, I offer a heartfelt thank you to you, the Missouri Masonic Family for the wonderful opportunity you gave me to serve as Grand Master. The friends I have made

and the memories I have of the many events during this year will forever be a part of me. I also offer my thanks to the Grand Lodge Officers that I have had the pleasure to serve with over the last nine years. I had the opportunity to learn from those that went before me and sincerely hope that I have been able to pass some of that knowledge on to those that follow me. Regardless, I know the future of our craft is in good hands. While I won’t try to single out all of those who have touched my life during this journey, I must offer a special thanks to a few people. First of all, MWB Dr. Elmer E. Revelle who appointed me as Senior Grand Marshall and started me down this path. It is my hope that I have lived up to his expectations and to the high standards he set during his year as Grand Master. Secondly, my thanks go out to our Grand Secretary, RWB. Ron Miller and the staff at the Grand Lodge office. They did their best to keep me out of trouble and for the most part succeeded! Last but not least, I offer my thanks to my wife of 39 years, my Lady Friday. Over the last nine years, she has traveled countless miles with me, eaten lots of Masonic green beans and always offered me her unwavering support. I close this last article as I have the previous ones, with a quote from another famous Master Mason. This Brother became famous for providing the “voice” to many a beloved cartoon character, great memories from my youth. His work still brings laughter to children today. And, so I close with a quote from Porky Pig voiced by Mason and Shriner Mel Blanc, without Porky’s famous stutter! “That’s all folks!” Thanks for the memories! Fraternally yours,

David L. Ramsey 2012-13 Grand Master

Committee on Masonic Publications David W. Haywood, Senior Grand Warden C. Brent Stewart , Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman

day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November.

Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-558-0436 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org

Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. oFFice oF PublicaTionS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO

The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be e-mailed to editor@momason.org, not later than the first

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Submit articles to:


65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. PoSTMaSTer: Please send address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite b, columbia, Mo 65202-6535. SubScriPTionS: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $12.00 annually. PerMiSSion To rePrinT: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. PleaSe, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change at 573-474-8561

the missouri FreemAsoN

the missouri freemason


vol. 58 no. 4

Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri FALL 2013 Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications

contents 88 Meet Your Grand Lodge Staff 90 Very Special Communication at Jefferson Lodge #43 90 Alton G. Roundtree Featured as Truman Lecture Series Speaker 91 Operative to Speculative 92 Grand Master's Breakfast Held in St. Louis 92 Missouri Lodge of Research Presents Robert L.D. Cooper 93 What Does Your Appearance Say About You? 93 Alpha Lodge Plans Move to New Building 93 Missouri Freemason Deadlines 94 MoCHIP IDs 175,000th Child 94 A Brother's Grandfather 95 Scheduler's Remorse 96 The Story of Hiram Abif 97 192nd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri Invitation and Information 97 Grand Lodge of Missouri Featured at George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association in March 98 Being Rich is Difficult 99 Wife Appreciation Luncheon 99 Job's Daughters 100 Rainbow Girls 101 Missouri DeMolay 103 Masonic Home of Missouri Executive Director Keith Neese Retires, Barbara Ramsey Appointed Masonic Home Executive Director 104 Make Your Impression Today! 104 Alpha Lodge Assists Veterans Organization 104 Missouri Lodge of Research presents Robert L.D. Cooper 105 The Work of our Craft 108 Masonic Service Awards

From The Editor’s Keyboard Robert Johnson is an Illinois Brother who hosts a Masonic Internet radio show, Whence Came You. We've never met, but have come to know each other as contributors to a Masonic blog, The Midnight Freemasons at http://midnightFreemason.blogspot. com. Brother Robert stopped me in my tracks the other day when he mentioned me on his program and said, "Brother Steve mainly writes about Masonic history." It wasn't the fact he mentioned me that set me back (I had been warned that would happen). What got me was the fact he said I was known for writing Masonic history. I had never really consciously thought about this before, but it's true. I write about a lot of Masonic subjects, but if you added it all together, the bulk of what I have produced is historical in nature. There are lots of reasons I do this. First, I simply enjoy it. That alone would be reason enough, but there is more. I'm just biased enough to believe Freemasons, famous or not, have a high purpose, a characteristic which leads them to do noteworthy things. Simply put, I find the lives of these Brothers interesting and worthy of remembering. I've had the privilege of knowing a few famous Freemasons personally; among others, Sammy Regenstrief, known as "The Dishwasher King," and Jimmy McClure, my friend, adviser and mentor who won no less than five world table tennis championships. A little "inside information" and personal knowledge certainly provides inspiration. It also makes it more compelling to chronicle and preserve the accomplishments of these Brothers. Unfortunately, the list of famous Freemasons I have known runs short pretty quickly. But none of this is the main reason I write about Masonic history. The real reason relates to the fact that other history writers often seem to ignore the connection of historical events and Freemasonry. MWB Harry Truman is a perfect example. His dedication to the craft is legendary, but most historians almost completely overlook the fact he was a Freemason. Even in the definitive book about him, Truman by David McCullough, in 1,100 pages the author never once mentions the fact that Truman was the Grand Master of Missouri. This, despite the fact that on several occasions, Brother Truman said, "The greatest honor that has ever come to me, and that can ever come to me in my life, was to become Grand Master of Masons in Missouri." That, my Brothers, is an incredible oversight; and that is one of the main reasons I and other Masonic authors write a lot about Masonic history. Masons have played a far bigger role in history than non-Masonic historians disclose. Our mission is to set the record straight. Our Masonic heritage is worth preserving. For the record, information on Brother Johnson's informative program is at http://www.wcypodcast.com. It's worth checking out. Steve Harrison, Editor

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Meet Your Grand Lodge Staff As you prepare to attend Grand Lodge in Columbia next month a lot more in the way of preparations is going on at the Masonic Complex there. Conducting an annual Grand Lodge meeting is a lot of work and the Grand Lodge Staff provides the support necessary to ensure each annual meeting goes off without a hitch. Staff members do a lot more, also. There is an office to run, bills to pay, correspondence to handle, billing duties and a host of other responsibilities to keep the Grand Lodge functioning on a day-to-day basis. All staff members will be at Grand Lodge in a few weeks to help make your experience there a pleasant and productive one. Stop by, say hello and thanks to these people who provide so much support to your Grand Lodge of Missouri. Shown on the cover are, front row (left to right): Carrie Fischer, RWB Ron Miller. Back row: Barb Winn, Jane Shook Floyd, Adriene Price and Christi Casey. RWB Ron Miller, Grand Secretary — RWB Ronald D. Miller has served as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri since 1997. He has been a member of the Masonic Education Committee since 2007 and has served as Chairman of Grand Lodge Achievement Award program. A member of Adair Lodge #366 since 1980, he served as Master in 1990 and is a dual member of Ashland Lodge #156. He served as District Deputy Grand Master, 2nd District, 1992-94. He led each of the York Rite bodies in Kirksville , and has received the KYCH designation. RWB Ron is a member of the Scottish Rite, 33°, Columbia. He is a member of Molia Shrine Temple, St. Joseph, and a member of the local Shrine Club in Columbia. He is a Past Patron of Kirksville Chapter #184 and Ashland Chapter #309, Order of Eastern Star. He has served as Associate Guardian of Bethel #30, Job's Daughters. He is also a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research, (serving as Secretary /Treasurer), Allied Masonic Degrees, Red Cross of Constantine, York Rite College, Knights Cross of Honor, National Sojourners, Heroes of ’76, Rainbow Grand Cross of Color, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, Order of High Priesthood and the Grotto. RWB Miller received a BSE Degree from Truman State University, Kirksville, in 1964 and an MA Degree in 1967. In addition to his Masonic service he has been active in many community and church activities. Adriene Price, Office Manager — Adriene has worked for the Grand Lodge of Missouri since April of 2002. A native of St. James, Missouri, she moved to Columbia in August of 2001, after retiring from 20 years as a private piano instructor and several years as an elementary music teacher. At the Grand Lodge office, Adriene has filled every role 88 Fall 2013

from receptionist to her current position as office manager. Adriene attended Central Methodist University and Webster University, majoring in Music Education and Secondary English Education, both majors upon which she still relies heavily. (When she is not busy at the Grand Lodge, she is directing the Chancel Choir and hand bell ensemble at the historic First Christian Church in downtown Columbia.) Adriene has three grown children: Lauren lives in Columbia. Jonathan and Ted reside in the Denver, Colorado area. In her spare time she enjoys gardening, reading, playing piano and traveling. As office manager, Adriene oversees the online membership program, Lodge consolidations, committee reports and Proceedings, the Annual Communication, and staff coordination. She says she loves her work at the Grand Lodge Office and her time spent assisting the Brethren and Lodges of Missouri, and that the current employees of the Grand Lodge Office are the best group of people with whom she has ever worked. In December of 2011, Adriene was initiated into Ashland Chapter #309, Order of the Eastern Star, where she is completing a year serving as Chapter Organist. Says Adriene of her work at the Grand Lodge Office, “It is crucial for each of us in the office to remember we are here to assist the Brothers, and we owe it to them always to help in a courteous and respectful way. I think this staff understands just how important that is.” Barbara Winn, Annual Returns — Barbara Cayou Winn works at the Grand Lodge on annual returns, public relations assessments, membership data, histories, degree ritual awards, Grand Lodge ritual awards, achievement awards, and endowments. She enjoys working at the Grand Lodge because the people she works with are like family. Barb states they laugh a lot and all-around enjoy each other’s company. Barb’s home family consists of her husband, Gene Winn, and together they have four boys: John Cayou, married to Erica; Daniel Cayou, married to Jessica; Jacob Cayou and Justin Winn. Daniel and Jessica have blessed them with four grandchildren: Elisabeth, Benjamin, Grant and Beatrice. Barbara is the first-born child of her parents, James and Katherine Miller of Macon, Missouri, and she has three brothers and one sister: Mike Miller, married to Diane; June

See Grand Lodge Staff, next page … the missouri freemason

Grand Lodge Staff, from previous page … Harvey, married to Larry; Mark Miller, married to Sherri; and William Miller. She also has lots of nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews and fantastic in-laws. Barb enjoys spending time with her husband, her sons and their wives, and her grandchildren, as well as her parents and the rest of her family. She feels truly blessed with the family she has. Her husband and she enjoy going to their place in Macon at Long Branch Lake just to be lazy. Barbara likes working at the Grand Lodge because she has been around Masons and Eastern Star most of her life. Her dad will receive his 50-year pin in October and two of her brothers are Masons. Barb also has an uncle who has already received his 50-year pin and several of her cousins are Masons. Her great-grandmother was Eastern Star and both her parents are Eastern Star as well as her sister. Barbara was initiated into Censer Chapter #50 on June 2, 1970 and became a dual member with Centralia Chapter #195 on September 27, 2001. In 2010, she was Worthy Matron of her Centralia Chapter and on February 16, 2009, she was initiated into Temple #7, White Shrine of Jerusalem. She is currently Worthy High Priestess of her Temple. Barb has greatly enjoyed the company and service with the people she has met through Eastern Star and the Grand Lodge and looks forward to many more adventures. Christi Casey, Product Orders and Billing — Christi Casey was born on December 30, 1981, in Columbia, Missouri. She was raised in Sturgeon, Missouri, by parents Jack and Linda Lind, and grew up with younger brother Jeff, with whom she is very close. Christi still resides in Sturgeon with her two daughters, Maddie, age 9 and Kaylee, age 6, and her boyfriend Michael Hanks, a recent graduate of the Law Enforcement Training Center in Moberly. In her spare time Christi enjoys anything involving family and friends, as well as bonfires and hiking/rock climbing. Christi has worked at the Grand Lodge office for nine years, joining the staff in August of 2004. Her job duties include address changes; fifty-year recognition; scholarships; Installation of Officers reports; Grand Master’s coins sales; Lodge dues cards; DDGM/DDGL Reports; 5% Membership Increase/three line signers recognition; Order of the Past Master; C2A classes; January and November packets and the St. Louis area Grand Master’s Breakfast. Christi is continuing her education through Columbia College online and will graduate in March of 2016, with a BS in Human Services. Jane Shook Floyd, Accounting — Jane has been a resident of Columbia for 14 years. She and her husband Joe have

been married for 16 years, and together they have a 13 year old son. Jane stays busy as treasurer of her son’s Boy Scout troop. She and her family are big fans of University of Missouri athletics, particularly Mizzou football, and can be found on fall weekends at the stadium, cheering for the Tigers. Jane has a Bachelor of Science degree from Columbia College and has over twenty years of experience in accounting and office work. Jane serves as staff accountant for the Grand Lodge office, keeping the business portion of the fraternity running smoothly. She also maintains the books for three of the four Grand Lodge charities: the Missouri Lodge of Research, the Masonic Children’s Foundation and the Missouri Masonic Scholarship Fund. Jane assists with the membership and newsletter for the Lodge of Research, handles the tracking of Lodges’ 990 filings, takes care of authorizations for Masonic license plates, and helps with special projects as needed, along with the other great ladies. She has been a part of the Grand Lodge office team since March, 2010. Carrie Fischer, Out of State Correspondence — Carrie Fischer is the newest addition to our Grand Lodge staff, starting in December of 2011. She was born March 7, 1980, was raised in Ashland, Missouri, and comes from a Masonic family of many generations. Carrie is a Majority Rainbow Girl, an active member of Ashland Chapter #309, Order of the Eastern Star, and a member of Goshen Primitive Baptist church. She graduated from Southern Boone County R-1 High School in Ashland, and continued her education at Merrell University, School of Cosmetology in Jefferson City, Missouri, receiving her license in 1999. After working full time in the Cosmetology field for 14 years, Carrie decided to broaden her career and is thankful for the opportunity to work at the Grand Lodge. She says that she really enjoys working with such a great group of people. Carrie’s responsibilities include all out of state correspondence, dispensations, Ritual Subdivision cards, and Missouri Lodge of Research. Carrie and her husband of 13 years, Cory Fischer, reside in Ashland and are the proud parents of 3 children: Boston (born December 2002, died at the age of 3 due to a rare Metabolic gene deficiency), Jackson, 4, and Emerson, 2 months. In her spare time, Carrie enjoys spending time with family, playing cards, and following the St. Louis Cardinals.

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Very Special Communication at Jefferson Lodge #43 State Senator and Brother, Dr. Rob Schaaf (Lincoln #138), had a great idea. Several Missouri State Legislators are members of the Craft. The 97th General Assembly is in session in Jefferson City at the Capitol from January to May. Why not get the Brethren together one evening to attend Lodge and initiate a new Brother? It would be a chance to briefly set aside political differences, have Masonic fellowship and take a break from the pressures of the legislative session. All that would be needed: find a night when the Jefferson City Lodge building would be available, arrange for a meal, find a worthy and well qualified candidate, have him petition the Lodge, be investigated and his petition balloted on, coordinate schedules, practice the ritual, call a Special Communication, identify and invite all brothers serving in the legislature — and make sure both the Missouri Senate and House of Representatives go into recess and then not reconvene that night until after the Lodge meeting was concluded. Almost an impossible undertaking, but after much effort and cooperation, the necessary designs were drawn upon the trestle-board and on April 9, 2013, Jefferson Lodge #43 held a Special Communication to initiate Senator Mike Kehoe into the Mysteries of Freemasonry with over sixty Brethren in attendance. That evening the Senate recessed just after 5:30 p.m. upon the motion of Senate Majority Floor Leader, Brother Ron Richard (Fellowship #345). The House followed suit shortly thereafter thanks to the efforts of several State Representatives including, among others, Worshipful Brother Ken Wilson (Temperance #438) and Brother Caleb Jones (California #183). Upon arrival at the Lodge the Brethren were treated to a full German meal catered from Das Stein Haus Restaurant and provided courtesy of Brothers Jeff Davis (Caruthersville #461/Polar Star-Rose Hill #79) and Richard McIntosh (Lincoln #138).

Worshipful Brother Michael Rohman and the officers of Jefferson Lodge opened the Lodge on the first degree of Freemasonry in due form just after 7:00 p.m. RWB Brent Stewart then assumed the East for the First Section of the degree, assisted by Senator Bob Dixon as Junior Warden, Senator Rob Schaaf as Senior Deacon, and Senator Jay Wasson as Senior Steward. The lecture was given by RWB Robert Floyd, Grand Lecturer, followed by remarks from Most Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey, Grand Master. The Lodge then was closed in due form and the Senate and the House called back into session just before 9:00 p.m., with the Brethren returning to their labors at the Capitol only a few minutes late.

Pictured from left to right, first row: Senators and Brothers David Pearce (Corinthian #265), Brad Lager (Lincoln #138), Jason Holsman (Grandview #618), and Jay Wasson (Friend #352); RWB Brent Stewart, Junior Grand Warden; Senator and Brother Mike Kehoe (Jefferson #43); Most Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey, Grand Master. Center row: RWB David Haywood, Senior Grand Warden; Worshipful Brother Michael Rohman (Master, Jefferson #43); Brother Scott Stacey (JD, Jefferson #43); Senator and Brother Bob Dixon (Solomon #271). Back row: RWB Richard L. Smith, Senior Grand Deacon; State Representative and Brother Eric Burlison (Solomon #271); RWB Robert Floyd, Grand Lecturer; Senator and Brother Dr. Rob Schaaf (Lincoln 138); RWB Thomas L. Truman, Grand Chaplain; and RWB Ty G. Treutelaar, Grand Chaplain. Not pictured: State Representative and Brother Bryan Spencer (Polar Star-Rose Hill #79); RWB Jon B. Broyles, Deputy Grand Master; and RWB Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary.

Alton G. Roundtree Featured as Truman Lecture Series Speaker Presentation provides insights on Prince Hall Freemasonry On May 4, Brother Alton G. Roundtree was the featured speaker at the Missouri Lodge of Research meeting at the Masonic Complex in Columbia. Brother Roundtree spoke to a capacity crowd gathered for the spring edition of the Lodge of Research's acclaimed Truman Lecture Series. During his presentation he shared fascinating stories regarding the history and development of Prince Hall Freemasonry. Alton is, along with Paul M. Bessel, author of the bestseller and internationally acclaimed book, Out of the Shadows: The Emergence of Prince Hall Freemasonry in America (Over 90 Fall 2013

225-years of Endurance). He is also author of The National Grand Lodge and Prince Hall Freemasonry: The Untold Truth. Alton is in the process of completing a book on the history of Prince Hall Freemasonry in the District of Columbia. He is also in the process of completing a book on the History of the Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters. Brother Roundtree is the President of KLR Publishing. He retired from the United States Air Force after a 20 year career. After retiring from the Air Force, he worked for the Mitre Corporation and Northrup Grumman. the missouri freemason

Operative to Speculative

An Evolution of Freemasonry From Ancient to Modern Times By RWB Wesley F. Revels Masons, historians and theological critics alike wrestle with the question how Masonry as we know it today came into being. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, describes a group called "Culdees," Christian priests distinguished for their pure and simple apostolic religion. The Culdees trace their traditions and teachings long before Abraham, the first Patriarch of Israel, and Pythagoras of Samos, but in the current Age originating when Joseph of Arimathea and the Apostle John traveled to Britain from Israel around AD 63, and there introduced Christianity to the Gaelic speaking people. The word Culdee is an Anglicization of the word "Céili Dé" meaning, client/companion of God. To the Céili Dé, the Christ path is rooted in a contemplative search for the Divine Reality Within, with deep reverence for the creations of God, leading toward Christ Consciousness fulfilled in unconditional love. In AD 546 St. Columba, an ordained Culdee Priest founded with a college or fraternity of Operative Masons, an abbey at Derry Ireland. Seventeen years later in 563 he, with 12 Brethren called the Apostles of Ireland, founded a monastery at the Isle of Iona in Scotland. Both the abbey and monastery exist to this day. The Royal Order of Scotland (ROS), a Masonic order from Iona is its descendant and Freemasonry as we know it today from the Grand Lodge of England descended from the Royal Order of Scotland — the earliest Lodge of which can be found at Edinburgh, Scotland, Edinburgh Masonic Lodge #1, the oldest surviving Masonic minutes there being recorded July 1, 1599. The two patron saints of the Culdees are Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Divine. Saint John the Baptist was primarily known as the person who conducted the initiation ceremony of Baptism to new Christians. Saint John the Divine was the person who declared Jesus The Christ, the "Logos" or "Word" which is found in John 1:1-9 (KJV): "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." An early account of Hiram Abiff and the building of King Solomon's Temple, the archetype for building the Spiritual Temple of man, is found in the writing of fourth century

Christian Mystic, John Cassian. In his 11th book, The Conferences, he writes in detail about symbolism in the three Degrees of monks. Throughout the Ages, Masonry has professed two sciences, one being Speculative or Symbolic and the other being Operative. The path here described is Speculative, for it would not be possible to write at any reasonable length a description of them together, although both Operative and Speculative are intertwined throughout history in the "Old Charges" of Operative Freemasonry. References to Operative guilds in antiquity are found in the Holy Bible. In Mark 6:3 we find, "Is not this the [Tekton], the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us?" The English translation "carpenter" actually in Greek is Tekton meaning construction worker or stone cutter. In the original Greek language there is no word "carpenter." Justin Martyr, AD 165, wrote that Jesus made yokes and plows. This verse also clearly refers to the family of Jesus. In 2 Samuel:5-11, "Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys [Masons] to King David to build him a palace." First Kings 5:17,18 and 6:1-38; First Kings 7:1-51; also Amos:7-7, "Thus he shewed me. And the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand …". The histories of the old and new charges of Masonry evolve through the teachings that include King Solomon and Prophets of the Old Testament, The Christ Jesus, his family and Disciples, Euclid and Pythagoras, and the ancient philosophies of Egypt, Persia and India. Indeed Masonry spans the entire evolution of human culture. But with the Industrial Age superstructures were now made of iron rather than stone and Operative Masonry fell into decline, and officially came to a close by edict during the construction of St. Paul's Cathedral at London in AD 1703, when Christopher Wren, then Grand Master, resolved, "That the privileges of Masonry shall no longer be confined to Operative Masons, but be free to men of all professions, provided they are regularly approved and initiated into the Fraternity." The Edict was instituted four years later in 1707. Manuscripts of Operative Masonic Fraternities are mentioned throughout antiquity. Surviving documents resembling what we recognize today as Speculative Craft Masonry in Britain include, among others, the Regius Manuscript dating to not before AD 1390 and the Matthew Cooke Manuscript, dating not later than the fifteenth century current era. Both the Regius and Matthew Cooke Manuscripts are prototypes of Masonic Ritual recognized today. Written in poetic form, they are Codes of Moral Duties, using Euclid and GeSee Operative, next page …

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Grand Master's Breakfast Held in St. Louis On Sunday, April 2, 2013, three-hundred Masons gathered at the Moolah Shrine Center in St. Louis for the 6 st annual St. Louis Grand Master's Consecration Breakfast honoring MWB David L. Ramsey. MWB Ramsey was escorted into the ballroom by his son RWB Timothy Ramsey, Jr. Grand Marshall and was accorded the Grand Honors. The Flag of our Country was presented by an honor guard from the Albert Pike Camp Heroes of ’76 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Prior to the breakfast, Past Grand Master, Dr. J.C. Montgomery, conducted an Inter-Faith prayer service. Following the meal, Past Grand Master, Dr. Elmer E. Revelle delivered an inspiring educational presentation. Thirteen Past Grand Masters, the full Grand Line, the heads of most of the appendant bodies, the Masonic Home Board as well as representatives from thirty Lodges in and around St. Louis attended the event.

Operative, from previous page … ometry in symbol, presenting the Points and Articles for the well governed Rule of a Heavenly School in the guise of a Philosophic Trade Guild on Earth. In AD 1717, in London, after the suppression of the first Jacobite uprising, with the resolution declared by Christopher Wren, four Old Lodges met to reestablish Freemasonry under new Charters. The Goose and Gridiron Ale-house, Crown Ale-house in Parker's Lane, Apple Tree Tavern and Rummer and Grapes Tavern, with Lodges meeting at the Apple Tree Tavern formed a Grand Lodge. "Some old Brothers met at the Apple-Tree, and having put into the Chair the oldest Master Mason, constituted themselves a Grand Lodge pro Tempore and forthwith revived the Quarterly Communication of the Officers of Grand Lodges, resolved to hold the Annual Assembly and Feast, and then to choose a Grand Master from among themselves, till they should have the Honor of a Noble Brother at their Head." In 1721, George Payne, being the current Grand Master, compiled from ancient charter documents a series of charges and regulations based on the "Charter of York", a constitution written previously in AD 926 by Edwin, the grandson of Alfred the Great, and Grand Master of the fraternity. It was prefaced with a history saved from the fires and pillage of the invading Danes of Scandinavia. Payne submitted his document to a committee of 14 containing the body of law and doctrine for use in Lodges of England. Dr. James Anderson, a Presbyterian born in Aberdeen, having a Master's in the liberal Arts at Marischal College, under the direction of the committee wrote Anderson's Constitutions, and included a telling of the legendary history of the Old Charges of Masonry. It is important to note that Operative Masonry developed over the globe throughout the millennia of time, separating 92 Fall 2013

Itself from religion and politics. The New Charges making Freemasonry more accessible to the masses however brought new challenges to the fraternity. As with any human endeavor to exemplify the supreme perfection of our Creator, there also is the corruption of humanity's failing when individuals or groups develop oligarchies to elevate their egos or control humanity under the cover of politics and religion. May we ever remember that Freemasonry's Moral Tenets have always been Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. "It may be said that Truth is the Column of Wisdom, whose rays penetrate and enlighten the inmost recesses of the Lodge of society; Brotherly Love, the column of strength, which binds us as one family in fraternal affection in the world; and Relief, the column of Beauty, whose ornaments, more precious than the lilies or pomegranates that adorn the pillars of the porch, are the widows tear of joy and the orphan's prayer of gratitude." (Mackey) It is the interior and not the exterior quality that is important to Freemasons.

Tickets available now at http://www.MOLOR.org Join us at Grand Lodge, Tuesday, September 24, 7AM, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia.The $20 cost includes breakfast and lecture. Master Masons, their ladies and guests are invited.

the missouri freemason

What Does Your Appearance Say About You? By RWB Alan E. DeWoskin In Freemasonry, some things will not change. Yet other things will change or evolve. Our attire is one of those things. You walk into a room filled with people you have never met. Where does your attention go? Some people will stand out. Some people will blend into the crowd. Which one are you? Can you afford to blend in? Or even make a negative impression? You have six seconds to make a first impression. What kind of impression will that be? Your dress may have little to do with being competent, but it has everything to do with how others perceive your capabilities. In the past, we could tell a lot about a person by what kind of clothes he wore. In the 1940s, a man always wore a hat and ladies wore gloves and heels. In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, Masonic Lodges were opened with all the officers wearing formal clothing. No one came to Lodge in jeans or tattered clothes. Today, our attire has evolved to a more casual mode. How does the casual nature of our world reflect upon us in Lodge? Does it change the way we approach Freemasonry? Does our clothing reflect our intent or what we are doing in Lodge? Today things are less formal in the world around us. In the business world, casual Fridays and holidays are becoming the new normal. No one dresses to travel on airplanes any more. No one dresses to go out to dinner or to a show on Saturday night. When our world was more formal, we looked at our

Lodge in a different way. There was reverence and awe as to our ritual and core beliefs. What does this mean for clothing in the Lodge? We can be more accepting of casual clothing, but to an extent. It is important to remember that we are still here to practice and embody Freemasonry, which means wearing our nicer clothes. Times have changed; styles have changed. We struggle with what is appropriate and not appropriate. The officers and our leaders need to think about what we are wearing when we are leading others. We are leading and performing the ritual on behalf of the entire Lodge, not just for ourselves. Our clothing needs to reflect the honor given to us as leaders of our Lodge. This is where what is appropriate “on the street” might not be appropriate in the Lodge. What does our appearance say about us? Our clothes do indeed reflect who we are and should reflect our intent. Each of us should wear clothing that reflects honor and respect for our Lodge, Freemasonry and most importantly respect for ourselves. Alan E. DeWoskin is Past Master of Cosmos Lodge #282 and currently serves as Secretary of Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79. Among other Masonic affiliations, he is a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research, National Sojourners and Heroes of 1776, the St. Louis Valley of the Scottish Rite and Moolah Shrine.

Alpha Lodge Plans Move to New Building The home of Alpha Lodge #659 was razed on June 20, 2013. Alpha Lodge, chartered in 1921, had occupied the building at 2105 Iron, North Kansas City, for the last 60+ years, after purchasing it from the Methodist Church. Many memories and Brethren passed through its doors. It is and was a difficult task to let go of the sentiments that came from a building that served Alpha Lodge so well for so long. But just as with all things mortal, buildings too must pass. Thus ended a chapter in the life of Alpha Lodge #659 and the beginning of a new one. Alpha Lodge's new home at 2121 Gentry, North Kansas City is still being renovated and the Lodge is presently meeting at Rising Sun Lodge #13, thanks to its members gracious hospitality. Once renovation is completed Alpha will begin its new chapter, in a new home and with renewed vigor and excitement.

The old Alpha Lodge Building at 2105 Iron in North Kansas City as it looked just prior to demolition on June 20.

✮ Missouri Freemason Deadlines ✮ Winter, 2013 October 1, 2013 Spring, 2014 January 3, 2014

Summer, 2014 April 1, 2014 Fall, 2014 July 1, 2014

Email all articles and pictures!

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MoCHIP IDs 175,000th Child

Milestone reached on the 4th Anniversary of MoCHIP ID Awareness Day The FREE child ID program, MoCHIP, sponsored by the Masonic Children’s Foundation reached another major milestone on Saturday, June 22, at Ronnie’s 20 Cine, St. Louis, Missouri. This child ID event coincided with the observation MoCHIP Child ID Protection and Awareness Day, an annual event sanctioned by the proclamation set forth by Governor Jay Nixon on June 23, 2009. Meet our 175,000 child: her name is Molly and she is 12 about to be 13 shortly. We will not provide her last name to further insure her safety, however Molly and her family moved to St. Louis a year ago and she and her two siblings went through the MoCHIP program just before heading in to see a movie. Incidentally, Molly’s sister was 174,999 and her brother was 175,001! It is important to note here that both Molly and her older sister are teetering on the side of being considered “too old” to be ID'd according to tweens, teens and even some parents. We beg to differ. Statistically, GIRLS and BOYS ages 11-21 are most susceptible to become missing. And a hearty congratulations goes to the event coordinator, Craig Skinner with the help of his team members, MoCHIP’s team #2, who volunteered their time and expertise to execute the FREE event along with George Washington and Meridian Masonic Lodges, co-hosted with Ronnie’s 20 Cine, and the students from Missouri College. Molly’s father, a Missouri transplant, was so impressed by the MoCHIP program and the charitable endeavors of Missouri Freemasons, that he requested a petition to join the fraternity. MoCHIP events are held any given Saturday throughout Missouri, though Wehrenberg Theatres has teamed up with MoCHIP with 12-15 events each year (since 2007) at theatres in St. Louis, St Charles, Osage, Cape Girardeau, and Springfield, helping financially and providing resources. The fact that the 175,000th child was identified at a Wehrenberg

Shown left to right: Rodney Kline, Tech; Nick Cichielo, MoChip State Coordinator; Molly; Craig Skinner, MoChip Regional Coordinator.

Theater event certainly made the Chairman and CEO, Ron Kruger very happy. Prior to this event, Mr. Kruger had this to say, “We have a long, proud history with MoCHIP. The fact MoCHIP is nearing this milestone shows what an important service it provides. The fact it could happen at our flagship theater is an honor.” This milestone is not only a measurement of MoCHIP’s success, but also a clear indication of the increasing value parents place on the MoCHIP program and having their children identified. According to MoCHIP’s State Coordinator, Nick Cichielo, there is a significant increase in repeat customers, parents who bring their MoCHIP packet back to an event to be updated. With attendance up steadily each of the almost eight years in existence, it is evident that MoCHIP is considered an essential safeguard for children as the threat of child abduction forever looms. Please visit the MoCHIP website (www.mochip.org) for more information, to find an event in your area or to schedule an event.

A Brother’s Grandfather By Todd Weber, Senior Warden, Chaffee Lodge #615 It all started when I was sleeping. I was working midnight shifts and in jest told my oldest daughter that if I was awakened before my alarm went off, her brother or sister had better be either dying or bleeding. There was a knock on my bedroom door at 3 PM when my alarm was set for 4. Naturally, I got a little angry, but my daughter said in a calming voice, “Dad, I am so sorry for waking you, but there is someone at the door for you.” I asked her who (thinking it was someone soliciting for a religious or political group) and she said she wasn’t sure but thought he said something about a Past Master. Well, that got my attention. I went to the front door and was greeted by a couple I didn’t know. I asked if I could 94 Fall 2013

help them and he introduced himself as a Past Master of Naval Lodge #87 in Vallejo, California. My first thought was “What is a PM from California doing at my doorstep?” I soon found out from his stunning answers. He explained that his grandfather had lived in Chaffee and he wanted to find some more information on him. He had been to see his grandfather’s old house, complete with a tour. He was told that his grandfather was a Past Master at Chaffee Lodge #615. He said he would like to visit our Lodge and get more info on his grandfather. We all went to the Lodge building, looked through old records, and discovered that his grandfather was not a Past Master in our See Grandfather, next page … the missouri freemason

Scheduler's Remorse By RWB Robert Floyd, Grand Lecturer Did you ever have scheduler's remorse? That is an in- buffs? WHAT DO THEY LIKE? We should match them stance where you agree to be at an event and put it on your up with those areas of Ritual that apply to them. If a men calendar, later to wish you had not done so. I had exactly that are meticulous, you should get into all the details about the after I said I would attend the North American Conference work; the whys and hows and where-it-comes-froms and be of Grand Masters. I was regretting the drive, the laborious prepared to answer a lot of questions. Are they fun-loving? meetings, the lack of something to do — I was regretting it Give them more than just an introductory position. Tell them all. What does this have to do with Ritual? Stay with me. We stories about the funny instances you have had in Lodge and will get there. I am so glad I went. The event was extremely they will attach themselves to the thought that the Degree well organized, jam-packed with useful information and of- work is fun. These are the Brothers you can put in charge of special events, too, and they will shine! Are fered experiences I surely would have regretted they history buffs? Give them the background missing. of the work. For them, it is more than just DeI attended a breakout session regarding mengree work. They crave a tie to the past. Match toring and membership and decided to convert them with a veteran member and see how much this information to our Ritual teachings. The bathey enjoy the conversation. They might enjoy sic idea is that we all want to belong to a group; presenting some historical Ritual findings in a family, if you will. How we bring people in open Lodge. and make sure we match them up with others Those are just examples. People are differdetermines whether they enjoy the experience ent and we should treat them as individuals, and whether they stay. My apologies to especially regarding Ritual. Make sure they do Think about Ritual — our practices, our regJ.M. Flagg, original not have scheduler's remorse when it comes to ular work, our Degree work — and it reveals a creator of the poster of Uncle Sam, 1917. Lodge meetings. Screaming at people when lot. How well are we helping Brothers, not only with the basics, but also being in touch with what they LIKE? they forget what to do is a sure-fire way to make them want How are we bringing them in to the circle of Ritual? The un- to stay at home. The warmth of a recliner needs to be eclipsed fortunate part of today's lifestyle is our time constraint. We by the warmth they get from us. In the Degree work, let it want to show them what we think they need to know and flow. Stop trying to make changes while the Degree is being move on. I say to you, "We are not imparting the knowledge conferred. After the Degree, I would encourage you to help they need to feel comfortable." Instead of concentrating on those who are struggling. You did not start out automatically just changing the rod and the floorwork, we should make knowing the Ritual and they will not either. Offer to meet the effort actually to ASK them what they WANT to do. If them "as soon as possible" to bring them into your Ritual men are new to the Fraternity, they probably will not know circle. After all, they already knocked. Let them in and help what they want, so it becomes our job to find out about them. them be better Ritualists. I have a funny feeling you will be Are they meticulous? Are they fun-loving? Are they history a better one, too.

Grandfather, from previous page … Lodge, but was our first secretary! His grandfather’s picture was not on our Past Masters’ wall. His name was Henry Clay Campbell. He then asked me if there might be any pictures of his grandfather in the archives of the Lodge. I looked in a cabinet where some photo albums were stored, hoping that by some slim chance I could find a picture of his grandfather. Before I could grab the photo albums, something caught my eye. There sat an old ledger book with Masonic records dating back to the late 1800s. Our Lodge was founded in 1911. After going through the book we found his grandfather’s page, dating before 1900. Chills went all through us. Unfortunately, the pages were so brittle that we could not make any copies. We did see that his grandfather was initiated March 24, 1908 in St. Mark’s Lodge #93 (Cape Girardeau), passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on April 28, 1908 and

raised to the degree of Master Mason on May 12,1908. He transferred to Chaffee Lodge U.D. on June 12, 1911, which means he was a charter member and must have been immediately elected Secretary at this meeting of the Lodge before it was chartered on September 28, 1911. We were all taken aback some after seeing this history right in front of us. Dues back then were only $3. We handled the transcripts very carefully in order not to damage them. After all, they were over 120 years old. All this got me thinking — Freemasonry has changed very little over the years, but I would love to have seen the way it was done 100 years ago. Imagine — coming halfway across the country from California to a town of 3,000 and finding your grandfather’s Masonic page in history. I am very pleased that I could help my fellow brother in his quest and glad I could share this with all of you.

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The Story of Hiram Abif By Robert Wheeler One of the most popular events in ancient history is the building of King Solomon’s Temple back around 1000 BCE at Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. This story and the role of Hiram Abif is central to Freemasonry not just as a connection with ancient history, but because it represents philosophies and morals that constitute important teachings of the craft. Hiram Abif was the chief builder of the Temple who possessed the secret Word of the Grand Master Mason. Three of his workmen tried to get him to give them the Word, but he refused and in the process of attempting to extract it, he was killed. The ruffians were apprehended and executed, but the Word was lost, so King Solomon established a substitute word to be used until the true Word could be recovered. This story has been a focal point in Freemasonry for at least three hundred years, and during that time it has been extensively studied and interpreted by scholars and historians. But, today the pageantry associated with the story has clouded its allegorical message, and many times conduct of the pageant takes precedence over understanding the underlying meaning. There is a question about when the story was first used in Freemasonry. Some scholars say it was a carryover from ancient stone mason Lodges that traced their craft to the building of King Solomon’s Temple, but others say it was adopted around 1700 when Freemasonry was flourishing in Great Britain. In any case, the story became a dominant theme around 1717 with the formation of the Premier Lodge of England and attempts at that time to standardize procedures and ceremonies. It must be recognized that the story is a legend built on two passages of the Old Testament Bible. A detailed account of the building of King Solomon’s temple is given in the books of 1st Kings and 2nd Chronicles where Hiram is described as a widow’s son, a wise and cunning artisan from the nearby country of Tyre, sent to help in constructing and furbishing the temple. That is the extent of recorded history about Hiram. The story is called a legend because all else has been added without historical backing in order to convey important messages. And, what are these messages? They involve perennial issues that have always been concerns of thinking humans: what is the source of our existence and what lies beyond it? Because the answers are elusive and mysterious, they are symbolized in the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Biblical Book of John). The Word is frequently portrayed as a password, but in the Hiram Legend it has a much deeper significance representing ultimate reality which is referred to as divine Truth. We do not know the full nature of ultimate 96 Fall 2013

reality at the present time, and a major task is to continue to search for it or for its recovery. In Freemasonry that effort is symbolized as the desire for light, more light, further light, and increased knowledge through progressive science. The famous Masonic teacher, Manly Hall, describes the Hiram Legend as a timeless allegory with ancient parallels in the Egyptian Osirian rites, pagan rituals, and other traditions that provide hope of resurrection and enlightenment. The teachings are secret because they are personal to each individual and can be understood only through personal experience. There are many elaborations and interpretations of this basic theme. Many Lodges in Europe pass on the Master’s Word in the 3d Degree ceremony. In the United States there are advanced degrees in appendant bodies that provide for recovery of the Word through use of the Enoch Legend. This legend is thought to have been introduced into British Lodges in the seventeenth century to allow some closure on the search for truth. The most popular interpretation depicts Hiram Abif as a symbol of the human soul and his work is a symbol of the work we all have in organizing, directing, and supervising the conduct our lives. The temple represents our spiritual character that must still be completed. The three ruffians symbolize ever present lusts, passions, and adversities that interfere with that work. In another popular version, the three ruffians represent ignorance that produces fear and subservience, ambition that produces tyranny and despotism, and fanaticism that produces intolerance and persecution. The weapons used by the ruffians also represent adverse factors that need to be overcome. But there is hope, and we can overcome the ruffians and rise from self defeat to self mastery for continued progress in our work. Our major task is to overcome our passions and adversities in order to continue search for ultimate reality and divine truth. The building of King Solomon’s Temple and the Hiram Legend provide a rich story that exemplifies conducts, morals, and principles important for the well-being of individuals and societies. Ceremonies and rituals depicting the story can be entertaining and inspiring; however, it should be remembered that they are more than interesting pageantry, and that for them to fulfill their major purpose the underlying messages must be considered and experienced. Dr. Bob Wheeler is Past Master of St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1, Past President of St. Louis Chapter #22 National Sojourners, Past Commander of Albert Pike Camp Heroes of 76; and a member of St. Louis Valley Scottish Rite, Missouri Lodge of Research and Alhambra Grotto.

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Brethren: June 22, 2013 On behalf of M.W.B. David L. Ramsey, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M., 2012-2013, I would like to extend to you an invitation to attend the 192nd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F.&A.M. The event is to take place at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, 2200 I-70 Drive SW, Columbia, Missouri, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, September 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2013. Room reservations may be made by calling the Holiday Inn at 573.445.8531. Please inform the hotel at the time of your reservation that you are attending the Grand Lodge Session so that you will receive the Grand Lodge of Missouri group rate. Other nearby hotels include the Drury Inn (573.445.1800) and the La Quinta Inn & Suites (573.445.1899). Ladies of the membership are welcome to participate in the Ladies’ Luncheon and Masonic Complex tour on Monday. Ticket prices will be announced at a later date. Tickets for the All-Masonic Monday Night Banquet may be purchased at a cost of $35.00. Achievement Awards will

be presented immediately following this meal. On Tuesday morning, Master Masons and their Ladies are invited to attend the Missouri Lodge of Research Breakfast and Truman Lecture Series, featuring Guest Speaker Brother Robert L.D. Cooper, author and historian. The breakfast will begin at 7:00 a.m. with the lecture immediately following. Ticket price is $20.00. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your stay in Columbia, please feel free to contact the Grand Lodge Office at (573) 474-8561 or by E-mailing Ron Miller at rmiller@momason.org or Adriene Price at aprice@ momason.org. We look forward to meeting you in Columbia, and want to assure you that each of you is a valuable member of the Grand Lodge of Missouri.

Sincerely and Fraternally, Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary

In March, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association in Alexandria, Virginia, featured the Grand Lodge of Missouri in a display in its lobby. The display, flanked by the US, Missouri and Missouri Masonic flags, highlighted Missouri's nationally recognized MoCHIP program.

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Being Rich is Difficult By Sam L. Land, LEO Jefferson Lodge #43, 32°, KT My Brothers, how many times have we asked ourselves how we can have or heard friends express the desire for a closer relationship with God? How about just to be a better man? How many altars must we kneel before and how many truths must we find in the rituals until the answer breaks through our hard hearts and we begin to relax our necks and listen to the yearnings of our hearts? A story might give us some enlightenment. "A certain ruler asked him (Jesus), "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone." (My emphasis) "You know the commandments: 'You shall not commit adultery; You shall not commit murder; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; you shall love your her and mother.' " He replied, "I have kept all these since my youth. When Jesus heard this, he said to him, " There is still one thing lacking; sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come follow me." But when he heard this he became very sad; for he was very rich. Jesus looked at him and said. "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God. Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Luke 18: 18-25, The New Revised Standard Version of the Oxford Annotated Bible) So, how many times have we read this Bible passage or how many times have we heard the story? It is not easy for rich men to learn, either. We hear this and instantly begin blanking it out as we know that it is not about us. We are not rich. It should be easier for us to get into heaven, right? Sorry to tell you this but each one of us is rich beyond belief and those riches may well keep us from a companionship with God and all of our fellow citizens. "Ah," you will soon think, "I do not have money, cars, homes, vacations, boats, motor homes, or airplanes. How can I be considered rich?" As we have discovered through these series of articles, we are talking about two different things. Material riches do not interest God in the least. He does not understand why those who have material riches do not share them with their fellow man so all can be more comfortable, have a place to stay, food, water, and heat: the material things we need just to exist on this earth. He gives us so very much there should be enough to go around. What God considers riches is loving and being loved and caring and being cared for. He stated it

very clearly when He said we should love him with all our hearts and we should love our brothers as ourselves. When we Freemasons say we "Take good men and make them better," this is what is meant: we attempt to help each individual look deeply inside himself and discover material things are not riches. They are not even a way of keeping track. They are just things that enable us to keep going until we reach our goal of walking with God. We need to share those things with our Brothers to make the trip a bit easier for everyone. The sharing of those things helps a great deal toward moving our minds and steps in the direction to companionship with God. Now we need to take the steps that will move us toward our goal. We must learn to love. God. Each other. How do your children attempt to learn what is good for them to do? They copy what you do. In the same way we must learn to copy what God does and learn to be like Him. After a while of learning about God and His way, we can learn to trust Him and believe what He says without arguing and trying to prove Him wrong. But this alone is not enough. We must also learn to love others. Every relationship is a relationship of love. There is not just a single type of love but a vast array of love to fit every occasion. They will all be important. Try to sit down for a few moments and consider what would be your list of importance of love relationships. Something like: God, family, community, state, nation, other nations, and all living things. Now for the fun part. Try to decide why you chose the list in the order you did. Are you sure it is right? Make changes. Work at it until you are satisfied. Check it from time to time to see if your priorities have changed. You are truly rich with time, love, and purpose. What else is needed? If we take the time away from materialism and apply it to our loving relationships with God and others, how can we lose? It is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven because material things can be so entertaining that we are blinded to what is really important. The choice and the work must be made and accomplished by each individual person but the trip does not have to be lonely. Support is available at the Lodge of your choice. Good brothers are there to help you to see your opportunities and to support your choices. Put your trust in God and you will fear no danger as you follow your conductor about the task of becoming the better you.

Abif, from page 96 … Selected References Hodapp, C. (2007). Solomon’s Builders. Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press. Holy Bible (King James Version). (1976). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Hutchens, R. (1995). A Bridge of Light. Washington DC:

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Lawrence, C. (2010). The Key to Modern Freemasonry. Surrey, England: Hamilton House. Linton, K. (1983). Sons of Light. Melbourne, Australia: United Grand Lodge of Victoria. Mackey, A. (1921). Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Revised). NY: Masonic History.

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Hi there Missouri Masons! I hope you kept cool in the hot and humid Missouri summer. It was blazing, but Missouri Job’s Daughters made the best of it. We had our 89th Annual Grand Session on June 19-23, in Jefferson City at the Capitol Plaza Hotel. Our members had an amazing session participating in competitions, meetings, activities and spending quality time developing their friendships and sisterhood. I am Amy Bush from Bethel #49 in Crestwood (in St. Louis), and I was installed as the Grand Bethel Honored Queen. I will be serving alongside Mom Julia Wallace (Bethel #7, Smithville), Grand Guardian and Dad Gary Dryer (Bethel #1, North Kansas City), Associate Grand Guardian. In addition, all of our Grand Bethel Officers, Representatives and Grand Guardian Council Officers were installed into new offices at our session. We are looking forward to this term and improving Missouri Job’s Daughters to be the absolute best we can be. My counterparts and I look forward to visiting all of the Masonic family organizations throughout our term and visiting with you. I especially look forward to representing Missouri Job’s Daughters at Grand Lodge. Please stop by our table to learn more about Job’s Daughters International and to see how you can get involved, help support our members or even just to chat. In July, we had a Grand Guardian Council/ Grand Bethel Workshop to prepare our daughters and adults for the expectations for the ensuing term. And we may have had a little fun, too. I also had the tremendous pleasure of representing our jurisdiction in Oakland, CA at our Supreme Session. Our Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter and Grand Bethel Junior Princess, Brianna Hall, wonderfully represented our state in the Miss International pageant, as well. August brought Masonic Youth Day, which I had the pleasure of participating on the planning committee. Thank you to the Grand Lodge for hosting this fantastic event for its Masonic youth! I know we all enjoy the hospitality and day of fun and friends. Also, we promoted our organization at a River City Rascals game by singing the National anthem. September will be busy as Bethels return to business and have Lincoln/Truman HIKE, where we will raise funds

The Grand Bethel trio: Kaarin Hoogstraten, Grand Bethel Senior Princess; Amy Bush, Grand Bethel Honored Queen; Brianna Hall, Grand Bethel Junior Princess.

for our philanthropy, Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment (HIKE) with Illinois Job’s Daughters. I encourage all of you to join us for our Miss Missouri Pageant at the Scottish Rite in Kansas City on October 5, and our French Toast fundraiser breakfast and Worship Service on October 6, 2013. I hope to see some of you there. Lastly my mascot, peacocks, inspired my theme “proud as peacock to be a Job’s Daughter.” This theme is meant to inspire the members to be proud of their Masonic heritage, and membership in not only Job’s Daughters but also as a member of a Masonic youth group. Personally, I am incredibly proud of my multiple sources of Masonic heritage and membership in Job’s Daughters; and we would not be able to be as proud as we are without you as Missouri Masons. I sincerely encourage any of you, if you haven't already, to see what your closest Bethel is doing and how maybe you could help support it. And, as always, please encourage your daughters, granddaughters, nieces and so on to consider membership in our awesome organization. We are so thankful for all of the support, help and great bond we have with our Missouri Masons. Sincerely, Amy Bush, PHQ Grand Bethel Honored Queen of Missouri

Wife Appreciation Luncheon Sampson Masonic Lodge #298 held its annual "Wife Appreciation Luncheon" on Saturday, May 11, at Vaught's Restaurant in Gainesville. During the luncheon the Lodge made a special presentation, the Community Builders Award, to Dr. Aaron Newton. The award recognizes Dr. Newton's contribution to the Theodosia community through his medical practice, his many years of service with the Theodosia Area Volunteer Fire Department, his current involvement in the training of search and rescue personnel and his work as President of Ozark County's Fire Protection Mutual Aid Association. Worshipful Brother Bill Merideth, a long time resident of Isabella, received a standing ovation from the 40

people who attended the luncheon, when it was announced that he had recently celebrated his 87th birthday. Bill's career in the United States Army included service during World War II, Korea and Viet Nam. Bill is a Past Master of Sampson Lodge, Past Worthy Patron of Eastern Star Chapter #130 in Theodosia and Past Commander of VFW Pictured from left to right: Len Modlinski (Master of Post #5366 in Isabella. Sampson Lodge), Dr. Aaron Newton and his wife Lucy.

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Hello Missouri Masons! What a Summer! On July 1, 2013, I was crowned the Grand Worthy Advisor, State of Missouri, International Order of the Rainbow for the Girls. My name is Rachel DeLashmit, I am from Rolla and I am nineteen years old. I joined Rainbow at the age of 11 and just love it! Have you been to a Rainbow meeting? My favorite stations at Rainbow Initiations are Charity and Service. In my free time, I love to go shopping with friends, go on adventures, and will read anything I can get my hands on. My theme this Grand year is "The Circle of Life" and the great Mufasa, the Lion King, is my symbol. I have chosen shades of purple and the scripture verse, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7, to reflect on during my year in office. Grand Assembly was truly grand and glorious. From the practices to the banquets to the renewing friendships to the sad partings, I believe everyone had a wonderful time. (And so much more went on but there isn't room to share it). The Grand Representatives gave a beautiful drill featuring the flags from many of the Jurisdictions across the world where Rainbow is located. Our darling little Pledges (ages 7-11) stood right up and belted out memory work that astonished most. There was a warm and heartfelt Memorial Service and an equally moving Majority Service for all of our sisters "aging out" — turning 21 and no longer able to be an active Rainbow Girl (but we're looking forward to their adult leadership in the future). Were you there to participate in the Macarena? Or maybe the Harlem Shake was more your style! Missouri Rainbow boasts one of our largest registrations in years and we're glad each and every Mason that could be present came. Miss Chelsea Thomason ended a jam-packed year on a high note — she and the State Dean serving with her, Bobbie Harris, spearheaded over 3,000 books being donated to Missouri's Scottish Rite Clinics. I want to take this moment to wish her the very best as she retires from the Grand East. As is our tradition, I will be serving with the State Dean of the Grand Cross of Color (like our Honor Society group). This year the State Dean is Emilee Rickard from Mexico and her theme is "Cherish every memory, Love every moment, Embrace every possibility." Her symbols are willow trees and treasure chests and she's surrounding herself with muted colors of the Rainbow. She has chosen lilies as her flowers, her scripture verse is Joshua 1:9 and her chosen song is "God Gave Me You." Emilee and I have selected nursing homes throughout Missouri and the Gift of Life organization as our State Service Projects. Each Rainbow Assembly is being encouraged to adopt a nursing facility and provide tray favors, birthday cards, toiletries, organizing games, and giving their time to residents. Many elderly people are often lonely and overlooked, and it is Rainbow's goal to spread joy to those residents. Please step forward and let us know how 100 Fall 2013

Pictured left to right: State Dean Emilee Rickard, Supreme Inspector Catherine Dent, Grand Worthy Advisor Rachel DeLashmit.

you can help. The Gift of Life organization builds awareness for organ and tissue donation and provides assistance to patients who have had transplants. More than 100,000 men, women and children are awaiting a life-saving transplants and 3,000 of them are in Missouri. One person is added to the national waiting list every 13 minutes while 17 people per day will pass away due to the lack of available organs for transplant. (Please feel free to share this information at your next Lodge meeting). For more information on the Gift of Life organization, please visit www.giftdonor.org. By the time you read this, Masonic Youth Day will be but a fun and exhausting memory and my visits will have begun. On August 10, we celebrated my first Reception in Branson with Taneycomo Assembly and District 3 welcoming us. Next on my schedule will be to see you at Grand Lodge. PLEASE stop and say "hi" to me — I know I'll be nervous and your welcoming smiles and wise words will be needed. The rest of my calendar can be found at www.moiorg.org and some really great information about Rainbow Girls can be found at www.gorainbow.org. Looking forward to our year together! Miss Rachel DeLashmit Grand Worthy Advisor 2013-2014 State of Missouri International Order of the Rainbow for Girls the missouri freemason

Missouri DeMolay recently held its annual State Conclave over the Memorial Day weekend in Jefferson City. This is undoubtedly the biggest event for Missouri DeMolay, and one of the most anticipated by our members. I’m proud to say that this year’s Conclave was a success with over 500 in attendance throughout the weekend, including over 15 initiates. Not only were we able to add members into our DeMolay program, but also numerous young men decided to join the Squires.

members from all across the State together. I have always valued the chance to build new relationships through DeMolay, and I can truly say that my most enduring friendships have come from events such as Conclave. Not only does this give an opportunities for DeMolays to come together, but also all of those involved in the Masonic family. And this year we were truly graced to have so many representatives of many different Masonic bodies. This included Most Worshipful Brother David Ramsey. Grand Master Ramsey, along with numerous members of the Grand Line, brought greetings from the Masons of Missouri. It is great to see the support of the Masons, and this year was exceptional. I do believe the young men of Missouri DeMolay immensely appreciate this support, and the number of DeMolays joining Lodge proves this. I would like to thank the Masons of Missouri for all of their support to Missouri DeMolay, and helping us provide outstanding events like Conclave. It is this support that allows Missouri DeMolay to flourish and provide the high quality of our program. I look forward to seeing everyone throughout the year, and look forward to the rest of the term!

Brother Brandon Rarey, a Master Mason for Waynesville Lodge #375, chaired this Conclave. Serving as Deputy State Master Councilor for the year it was his duty to ensure Conclave was a success and provide the absolute best experience for our members. This Conclave proved to be truly exceptional due to the hard work of the committee. An amazing feature of Conclave, and DeMolay in general, is it allows the young men of the Order to plan and execute the events. Being able to plan and take ownership of an event or program is one of the best lessons for leaderships, and I know I am thankful for the opportunities DeMolay has afforded me. Another exceptional part of Conclave is that it brings

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Royal Hawaiian from back page … of Hawaii, John O. Dominis (ob. August 30, 1891), was one of the first two Scottish Rite Masons in Hawaii to receive the 33º AASR (SJ) on July 14, 1878. His petition for initiation was received April 30, 1858 in Lodge le Progres de l’Oceanie while King Kamehameha IV was Master of the Lodge and he was raised August 15, 1858. He served as Master of the Lodge in 1863, 1864 and 1868. Kamehameha V (December 11, 1830 – December 11, 1872) was king of Hawaii from 1863 – 1872. He was the first full-blooded Hawaiian to be made a Freemason. His petition was read in Hawaiian Lodge #21 on June 10, 1853. This was the first American Lodge to be instituted in the Sandwich Islands (later named Hawaii), under the Grand Lodge of California.. He Kamehameha V was elected June 13, initiated June 15, passed December 8, 1853, and raised February 27, 1854. At the time he was Prince Lot Kapuaiwa Kamehameha, who ascended the throne as Kamehameha V on November 30, 1863 upon the death of his brother. He was present on January 14, 1857, in Lodge Le Progress de l’Oceanie #124 (under AASR constitution) when his brother King Kamehameha IV was initiated. This Lodge was the first Masonic Lodge established on the Islands when, during the reign of Prince Lot’s uncle, King Kamehameha III, it was chartered April 8, 1843, by the AASR for the Supreme Council of France. Because of a conflict between the affiliations of the two Lodges, Kamehameha V dimitted from the Lodge on March 2, 1857. He was always treated as a Freemason and upon his death both Lodges joined in the Masonic funeral ceremonies. Kalakaua (David La’amea Kamanakapu’u Mahinulani Nalaiaehuokalani Lumialani Kal’kaua) was born November 16, 1836 and reigned from February 12, 1874 until his death on January 20, 1891 in San Francisco. He saw parallels between Freemasonry and ancient ali’i practices. Not only was he an enthusiastic Freemason, but he tried to create corollary Hawaiian organizations, such as Hale Naua, an exclusive society established for the study of ancient Hawaiian traditions. Alexander Liholiho Keawenui ‘Iolani (February 9, 1834 – November 30, 1863) was the grandson of Kamehameha I, first monarch of the islands, and nephew of Kamehameha III. He assumed the throne as Kamehameha IV on Alexander Liholiho January 11, 1855, at the age of 20. Keawenui ‘Iolani Denslow gives this account of his 102 Fall 2013

entrance into Freemasonry: “On Jan. 14, 1857 he was initiated and passed in the Lodge Le Progress de l’Oceanie #124 (under AASR jurisdiction, later #371 under Calif.). His raising was deferred until Feb. 8 of that year, at which time he passed his examination in open Lodge in full on the two degrees he had taken, to the surprise and admiration of the Brethren present. R. G. Davis, Master of the Lodge at the time, wrote: ‘Seldom have I witnessed the impressive ceremonies of this degree conducted with such solemnity. The candidate, divested of all regal honors, standing before a large assembly of Brethren, many of them decorated with rich jewels, and all in Masonic clothing, gave the Lodge a striking appearance and left an impression on our minds not soon to be effaced. It was a lesson in humility.’ The Lodge was closed at 11 p.m. and the Brethren repaired to the king’s palace where they were entertained in a truly royal manner. At five minutes after midnight, they toasted the king’s 22nd birthday. Kamehameha took immediate interest in Masonic activities. He was installed as junior warden, Sept. 9, 1857, and as Master the following January. He served as Master for three years. A crowning act of his reign, and a monument to him, was the founding of the Queen’s Hospital, the cornerstone of which he laid, July 17, 1860, with Masonic ceremonies….Alexander Liholiho Council of Kadosh #1, AASR (SJ) of Honolulu is named in his honor.” In The Northern Light 43.4 (November, 2012) Mark Lovell reports that a permanent exhibit now at Iolani Palace features the Masonic lifestyle of King Kalakaua, including a portrait of the King in full 33º regalia. This exhibit was established by Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie and the curatorial staff of Iolani Palace. Included in the exhibit are the ceremonial trowels, level, plumb, and square which in 1879 commemorated the laying of the palace’s cornerstone, as well as King Kalakaua’s Past Master’s Jewel. The Honolulu Star Advertiser (March 4, 2012) reported how some of these artifacts were discovered. When renovating the Makiki Lodge building in Honolulu, workers found hidden under a stairway a safe, in which were found Masonic documents and artifacts, signed by such notables as King David Kalakaua and John Dominis, Queen Lili’uokalani’s husband. The documents showed John Dominis that many of the best-known leaders during the royal era were Freemasons. [Sources: William R. Denslow, 10,000 Famous Freemasons (1957-1960); The Northern Light; Honolulu Star Advertiser; www.hawaiiFreemason.org; Herbert G. Gardiner, PG Secretary, “The First Full Blooded Hawaiian Freemason.”] the missouri freemason

Corporate Offices 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A • Columbia, Missouri 65202 1-800-434-9804 ~ 573-814-4663 ~ 573-814-4660 (fax) www.mohome.org

Masonic Home Executive Director Keith Neese Retires The Masonic Home of Missouri has announced the retirement of the Executive Director, RWB Keith Neese. Brother Neese retired July 31, 2013. Over the past five years of leading the charity, Brother Neese has seen many changes, including the closure of the Western Unit, the expansion of the Outreach Programs and the growth of the organization as a whole. "I have been involved in Masonry since the 1970s and have been honored to know some truly outstanding men through my membership," recalls Brother Neese. "When I was asked to take the reins of this wonderful charity, I just knew I had to give back to those within the Fraternity who were in need. We have consistently worked to provide for those who needed financial or resource assistance within the State." Barbara Ramsey, Director of Outreach Programs for the past 12 years, replaced RWB Neese as the new Executive Director. Mrs. Ramsey has been a driving force behind the Outreach Programs and she believes the programs will continue to strengthen and evolve to meet the always changing needs of the fraternity, "We have added a Financial Counseling

Program this past year, and the Creating-A-Partnership Program has grown by leaps and bounds. The Widows Program has also launched our Ladies Luncheons & Teas, which help our Masonic wives, widows, and Order of the Eastern Star ladies to learn more about how our Outreach programs operate and can assist them." One of her first projects will be to lead the activities commemorating the Masonic Home of Missouri's 125th anniversary celebration next year. The staff is working on plans to celebrate throughout the 2014 calendar year, but is particularly excited for the Open House Celebration Event that will be held on June 14, 2014, at the Masonic Complex in Columbia, Missouri. "We have many exciting ideas for next year's big celebration," explains Mrs. Ramsey. "We will have several traveling timelines of the history of our organization, and we are excited to partner with Lodges and chapters throughout the state to bring them to your community to share the story of the Masonic Home, past and present. These exhibits will be on display in areas throughout the State and then will rotate on a monthly basis, so everyone can view them. We are also working to restore and display the incredible stained glass windows that the Order of the Eastern Star donated for the chapel located at the Masonic Home in St. Louis. The ability to celebrate 125 years of compassionate giving by the fraternity to help those in need is an extraordinary opportunity." Mrs. Ramsey lives in Columbia, Missouri, with her husband Jason. They have two children, Olivia and Isabelle. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Missouri in Columbia. Brother Neese plans to stay active in Masonry but has a large list of "honey-do projects" waiting for him at home. He plans to spend time with his wife, children and grandchildren and, once again, become active in hobbies that he enjoys, including camping and competitive skeet shooting. The Masonic Home of Missouri's Board of Directors and staff would like to express their appreciation for Brother Neese's leadership and wish him well in his retirement.

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Make Your Impression Today! The Square & Compass Courtyard is located behind the Masonic Complex in Columbia and offers a unique way for donors to leave a lasting impression. Personalize a stone for yourself, a family member, your Lodge/Chapter, or someone close to you. Stones are cut from high quality granite and are available in three sizStone # es: 12x12, 18x18 or 24x24. Benches in the Courtyard are Size Characters also available for engraving.

12 x 12 18 x 18 24 x 24

40 70 100

Order Online To place your order online at www.mohome.org, please enter your stone inscription information in the comments section at checkout. Below is an estimate of the number of characters/symbols that are included on each size of stone. If your stone includes extra lettering or artwork, an additional fee may be required. Please be as specific as possible when entering the information. If you prefer to draw it out and send it to us, please note in the comments section that you will be mailing or faxing the artwork. Once your order is received, you will be sent a first draft

of your artwork to review for placement on the stone. Once approved, it will be sent to our engraver for an official draft design. You will then have the opportunity to make final changes to the artwork before the stone is engraved. Once we receive your final approval of the artwork, you can expect it to take approximately 6 # Masonic weeks for your stone to arrive at the Masonic Complex. Symbols Price

1 2 2

$300 $550 $800

Order By Mail Simply print the Square & Compass Courtyard Order Form that appears on our website at www.mohome.org or request a form by calling our office at 800-434-9804 and mail with payment to: Masonic Home of Missouri - Attn: Development Office 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A, Columbia, MO 65202 If you have questions, please contact Julie Wiecken, Donor Relations Specialist at 800-434-9804.

Alpha Lodge Assists Veterans Organization

Missouri Lodge of Research presents Robert L. D. Cooper

On April 6, 2013, members of Alpha Lodge #659 in cooperation with AMVETS Post 181, Heroes at Home and Christmas in October worked moving and cleaning up the building at 1519 Main Street in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, in preparation for its rehabilitation. AMVETS recently leased/purchased the building to turn it into a facility to provide public education and to promote public awareness on the benefits gained by supporting our veterans. The facility is intended to provide a safe, friendly entertaining environment for the public, our returning veterans and their families. The building will serve as a assembly point for returning veterans. There, they can meet and find help seeking employment or job training. They can also learn to deal with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and receive drug rehabilitation, suicide prevention services and transition from military to civilian life. The building will bear the logo, “Post 181, The Welcome Home Post.” Prior to commencing the cleanup of the building the members of Alpha Lodge received a short educational program on the problems veterans face when returning home to civilian life, particularly drug rehab and suicide prevention. The members of Alpha Lodge proudly donated six hours to help this organization accomplish its goal and to show Lodge members' appreciation and respect for those who have served our country and community. In addition, Alpha Lodge donated its cast iron stove, oven and griddle to AMVETS to be used in the building.

The Missouri Lodge of Research will present Robert L.D. Cooper as the Fall 2013 Truman Lecture speaker at its annual breakfast at Grand Lodge. As a regular visitor to the United States, Brother Cooper was struck by the absence of references to Scotland (and Scottish Freemasonry). There are numerous publications on Italian Americans, Irish Americans, Chinese Americans, German Americans and so on... This presentation will provide Freemasons with insights into the contribution of Scottish Freemasonry to the USA with suggestions for further reading and study.

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When: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Where: Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Missouri Time: 7:00am Price: $20 (Breakfast and Lecture). RSVP prior to the event by calling the Missouri Lodge of Research at 877 226 2766. Brethren, Ladies and Guests Welcome! the missouri freemason

On Saturday, July 6, Bonhomme Lodge #45 held a public installation of officers. Pictured from left to right: Chuck Shufeldt, RWB Ray Vollmar, Derrick Young, WB Nick Jackson, Troy Galloway, WB James Goddard, RWB Mike Apple, Ron Laboe, Matthew Lowe, WB George Arellano.

Hannibal Lodge #188 hosted its first outdoor degree work in the rock quarry south of Hannibal near Salt River on July 13. The event was well attended and three were raised to the Sublime Degree. The setting created a perfect theme and the Lodge hopes to make it an annual event. LEFT: Branson Masonic Lodge members considered their second annual golf tournament a success because of support from Branson and the surrounding community. That support included teams, hole sponsorship and donation of silent auction items. The Lodge is grateful to the businesses and community members for their assistance on this and other fundraising projects it regularly holds. The Lodge also recognizes WB Greg Pryon for his role as Master of Ceremonies, Ronnie Hastons for coordinating the silent auction and Judy Terrill for registering the teams. Tri-Lakes Petroleum won the tournament with the Thompson and Herschend teams placing second and third. Pete Leonard won the longest drive contest and Robin Carlock won the closest-to-the-hole competition.

Union Masonic Lodge #593 presented WB Bruce E. McGlasson a certificate of appreciation for his continuous service since 2005. WB McGlasson served as an officer and Worshipful Master for three years, during which time he led the Lodge to receive two Honor Achievement Awards and a Bronze Ritual Award. Brother McGlasson also served simultaneously as President of the Union Temple Association, President of the Union Booster Club and in various capacities with Naomi Chapter #296 of the Order of the Eastern Star.

Branson Masonic Lodge's Charity Breakfast on Saturday May 18, 2013 was accomplished through the support of the community and the hard work given by the members. Because of caring individuals in the community Branson Lodge is able to help needy families at Christmas time by giving out over 70 dinner baskets. The Lodge also conducts a Create-APartnership program with the schools, assisting children with donations of clothes and school supplies.

Branson Masonic Lodge at its meeting Monday June 17, 2013, presented RWB Tim Thomas, Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, a check for $1,000. The funds will aid victims in Missouri and other areas which have been devastated by tornadoes and other related storms. The Masonic fraternity over the last few years has donated millions of dollars in aid to disaster victims. Branson Masonic Lodge would like to thank the community for supporting its Golf Tournament, Charity Breakfast and other fundraisers that allow the Lodge and the community to help others in need.

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On Saturday May 11, 2013, Pauldingville Lodge #11 in Wright City hosted a MoCHIP event at Diekroeger Park in Wright City, identifying 70 children from the Warren County area. Shrine clowns and the Rich Helton and Circle of Friends band entertained the attendees, who also enjoyed hot dogs, chips and sodas. Special thanks to the local chapter of the Widow's Sons, the Wright City High School Student Council, the Warren County Ambulance District, Warren County Sheriff’s Department and the Wright City Police Department for their assistance.

On May 27, members of California Lodge #183 and Prince of Peace Commandery of Jefferson City joined with VFW Memorial Post #4345 for the annual Memorial Day Observance in California, Missouri. At the graveside services Worshipful Master James Dearing spoke on the importance of remembering those who have served both as veterans and Master Masons. A bell ringing ceremony was conducted for the 20 veterans who have passed during the past year with three of them being Master Masons. Following the graveside service the Lodge and Commandery members retired to the Memorial Area of the Masonic Cemetery for the annual remembrance of MWB Samuel Owens who helped in the formation of California Lodge #183 and served as Grand Master of Masons in Missouri in the 1870s.

Last May, RWB Robert C. Floyd, Grand Lecturer of the State of Missouri, conducted a school of instruction that had something for everybody. Twenty-nine Brothers, representing four different Lodges, attended the event at Branson Lodge. RWB Floyd highlighted changes that have come to the ritual over the past few years as well as providing additional instruction. Brother Mel Pulliam prepared food for the crowd.

Mountain View Lodge #637 recently assisted Mountain View Elementary school counselor Beth Davis in her efforts to provide clothing and health items for students at the school. Through its fundraising efforts, Mountain View was able to make a $600 donation to the school.

Branson Masonic Lodge presented Pam Davis, Assistant Superintendant of the Hollister School District, a check for $500 on behalf of the Create-A-Partnership Program to help needy school children with school supplies such as clothes, shoes, glasses, backpacks and other items.

On May 19, 2013, MWB David Ramsey and other Grand Line officers joined with California Lodge #183 and the Board of Directors of the Masonic Cemetery, to dedicate the recently constructed Memorial Area at the Masonic Cemetery in California, Missouri.

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Brother Ken Smith became an Entered Apprentice On April 18, 2013, the last Brother initiated in Alpha Lodge's old Building in North Kansas City. Alpha Lodge #659 held its last stated communication in that building on April 22. Pictured (front row, left to right): Steve Schnare, RWB Dennis Spears (Master), Keith Smith (Entered Apprentice), Bill Moffet and RWB David Tinsley. Back row: WB Rusty Krueger, WB Bob VanVacter, WB Bill Perry.

The Widows Sons Throttle Masters chapter presented $300 to the Missouri Honor Flight on May 19. The funds will sponsor a World War II Veteran on the Central Missouri Honor Flight. Shown (l to r): Phil Davidson; Gene Kearney; A.J. Ward, Throttle Masters Secretary; Greg Yuhas, Throttle Masters President; Mary Paulsell, President of the Central Missouri Honor Flight Board of Directors.

The Missouri Child Identification Program (MoCHIP) at the Hollister YMCA on Saturday April 20, 2013. registered 75 children. This provided parents with Amber Alert ready information if needed. Branson Masonic Lodge thanks Pappa John's Pizza, Krispy Kreme Donuts and Culver's for their donations for the 44 workers. Thanks to Officer Bobby Smith with the Hollister Police Department who assisted with the fingerprinting part of the program and Mandy Woodward, a registered nurse, for being there to assist with the DNA part of the program.

Shown are candidates and their sponsors from Christian Lodge #392 in Oak Grove for the multi-state reunion of the Scottish Rite in Kansas City. Front row (left to right): candidates Dale Creswell, Mark Creswell and Ronnie Larson. Back row: RWB Harvey Wells, RWB Kenneth Crawford, Bob Kurth and his son Adam Kurth. Mark has less than 2 years in Freemasonry (and now serves as Christian Lodge's Junior Warden); Ronnie has been a Mason less than 6 months. Dale has been a member for several years and used this opportunity to advance with his brother.

Amsterdam Lodge #141, AF&AM, held an open installation on June 18, 2013. The following officers were installed (shown left to right): Virgil Hughes, Treasurer; Ralph Smith, Senior Warden; Kelly McLaughlin, Worshipful Master; Carl Stanfill, Secretary; Ray Cummings, Junior Warden; Greg Purdon, Junior Deacon. Freeman Stanfill presided over the installation.

The Senior and Junior Deacons of Sampson Lodge #298 in Theodosia, Missouri have been involved in the student mentoring program at Lutie School since it was initiated earlier this year. The Masons meet with their assigned students in the lunchroom of Lutie School, located next to the Lodge, and share breakfast or lunch with the boys and discuss matters that are of interest or concern to the youngsters. The interaction has proved to be rewarding for both the students and the mentors. Pictured from left to right - Lewis Nauss (Senior Deacon); Nichole Hamilton (School Counselor); Elaine Butler (Principal of Lutie School); Al Croom (Junior Deacon).

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Brother Henry Bressman received his 50year pin at Mt. Washington Lodge #614 on March 22, 2013.

On March 12, 2013. Kansas City Lodge #220 presented Brother Andrew Casey with his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri.

RWB Carl Terry of East Gate Lodge #630 received his 60-year pin from RWB Glenn Burrow on March 18, 2013.

On June 13, Farmington Lodge #132 presented WB Lloyd Lamb his 50-year jewel. Pictured are RWB Dan Ward, WB Lamb and his daughter, Susan Hedgcorth.

On April 21, 2013, MWB John W. Hess presented RWB Thomas Henry Hamlett his 50-year award at Troy Masonic Lodge #34. RWB Hamlett was initiated an Entered Apprentice on May 21, 1962, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on July 23, 1962 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on August 25, 1962. Several Missouri Grand Lodge Officers were present. Friends and others representing numerous Masonic Lodges attended. All were treated to a catered dinner after the ceremony, peace and harmony prevailing.

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Most Worshipful Grand Master David Ramsey presented Noble Lodge #684 & Tuscan Lodge #360 Past Master Ronald P. Krueger his 50-year pin on Sunday, April 21st at the Grand Master's Breakfast at Moolah Temple in St. Louis. WB Krueger has actively supported the MoCHIP program financially and has made his Wehrenberg Theaters available for MoCHIP events. RWB Richard Smith directed WM William Emerson of Tuscan Lodge #360 and WB Steve Bukovic of Noble Lodge #684 to present WB Krueger at the alter. RWB Nicholas Cichielo asked the blessing of our Almighty Father, and MWB David Ramsey told the crowd of over 500 of Ron's achievement and dedication to our fraternity. WB Ron is a Past Potentate of Moolah Shrine Temple, a member of the DeMolay Legion of Honor, a 33° Scottish Rite Mason and a member of the Royal Order of Christian Knighthood Red Cross of Constantine. On May 27, 2007 he received the DeMolay Hall of Fame Award.

RWB Chris Harrelson, DDGM of the 19th Masonic District, presented three brothers of Christian Lodge #392 with 50-year Pins in open communication on June 27, 2013. WB Paul Clampitt was raised in Christian Lodge #392 on May 5,1963. He was pinned by his son Ron. WB Jim Henning and WB Don Dennis were raised in Christian Lodge #392 on June 19, 1963. WB Henning was pinned by his wife Pat and WB Dennis was pinned by his daughters Carolyn Carlton and Donna Gower.

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Country Club Lodge #656 presented James E. Meyer his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri in June RWB Dennis Abernathy presided.

Huntsville Masonic Lodge #30 Worshipful Master Gene Young presented a 65-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri to Billy J. Mott on May 7, 2013.

Master Masons representing six Lodges from south central Missouri and north central Arkansas assembled at Robert Burns Lodge #496 in Gainesville on April 18 to witness the presentation of a 50-year pin and Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Glen D. Boland, a member of Robert Burns Lodge. Brother Lewis Nauss served as Senior Deacon for the ceremony. RWB Royce Wheeler, District Deputy Grand Lecturer of the 42nd Masonic District of Missouri read the Masonic record of Brother Boland. RWB Wayne Calhoun, District Deputy Grand Master of the 42nd District, made the presentation. Pictured from left to right: RWB Royce Wheeler, Glen Boland, and RWB Wayne Calhoun.

Brother William R. Crotty receives his 60-year pin from his wife at Grandview Lodge #618 on January 13, 2013. Brother Crotty is one of possibly only two Brothers still living who sat in Lodge with MWB Harry Truman.

On May 28th, 2013. Kansas City Lodge #220 presented Worshipful Brother Eugene Peak with his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri.

On June 13, 2013, at Wayne Lodge #526 in Piedmont RWB Randy Jones presented RWB Marion Luna his 50-year Masonic Pin. RWB Luna has served on many Masonic committees, including 30 years as the Grand Lodge Treasurer. RWB Luna is a true asset to the Masonic fraternity and has given countless hours in the name of Masonry. We are very fortunate to have a Brother like RWB Luna in our Masonic family.

On March 19, 2013, WB Oliver E. Wade Sr. received his 50-year membership pin at St. Charles Lodge #241. DDGM James Wion conducted the ceremony and Mrs. Lois Wade presented the pin to WB Wade, Sr.

Brother Ralph Smith received his 50-year pin from his wife Patricia in a presentation at Amsterdam Lodge #141 AF&AM on June 18, 2013. Worshipful Master Kelly McLaughlin presented Brother Smith’s pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge.

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Brother Keith G. Stever, Strafford Lodge #608, received his 50-year pin and certificate from WM Bill Chapman at an open ceremony held at his residence on Saturday, May 11, 2013.

Members of Hermann Lodge #123 celebrated the 50-year milestone of Brother S. Carl Lensing on May 25, 2013 at the Lodge hall in Hermann. Present were many Brethren, family and friends who enjoyed dinner and fellowship. Pictured are Brother Doug Lensing with his father Carl.

On January 15, 2013, at Hebron Lodge 354, Mexico, Missouri, RWB Jared Price presented Dale Eisele with his Grand Lodge 50-year award. His wife Mary presented the pin before family, friends and Brothers. After the presentation cake and ice cream were served in the Temple Dining Room.

California Lodge #183 presented the 50-year Award and Certificate to Brother David H. Lehman in April. He was accompanied by his wife Rosalee.

Brother Jack Stinson's wife, Sandra, presents his 50-year pin on June 10 at Solomon Lodge in Springfield. Missouri Grand Master Dave Ramsey conducted the ceremony. Brother Don Haden is shown assisting. Photo by David J. Eslick

Grand River Lodge #276 presented Marlin Hunt with his 50-year jewel on April 8, 2013. Shown (left) is RWB Ray Adams presiding while Brother Hunt's son Gregory Hunt presents the jewel. Robert Winchel, Senior Warden, is shown in the background.

On June 24, Paul Anderson of Pendleton Lodge #551 received his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Pictured are WB Jim Moses, Brother Anderson and RWB Dan Ward.

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On April 18, 2013, Brother Gene Bass of Henderson Lodge #477 received his 50-year Pin & Certificate from Most Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey. His wife Joann is shown presenting him with the pin.

Samaritan Lodge #424 presented a 50-year pin to WB Marvin Bess on April 18. Pictured are PDDGM Dale Newcomer, Johanna Bess and Marvin Bess.

Forsyth Lodge #453 awarded WB Norman Eastman his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri in April. His wife Delores presented the pin with RWB Johnnie Essary presiding. WB Noel Campbell read Brother Eastman’s Masonic history.

Fellowship Lodge had the distinct pleasure and great honor of presenting Brother Norman D. Johnson his 50-year certificate and pin at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Lodge on Thursday, April 11. RWB Bob Davis, conducting the ceremony, presented Brother Johnson with his 50-year certificate and commemorative pin recognizing his milestone accomplishment. Pictured (left to right) are Brother Johnson’s wife, Patty, Brother Norm and RWB Bob Davis.

William Maurice McCain received his 60-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri in a special ceremony held at Hidden Lake Care Center, Raytown, in June of 2012. Brother McCain, who passed away a few weeks after the ceremony, was a member of Temple-Gate Lodge #299. He was also a 32nd degree member of the Scottish Rite and a member of the Legion of Honor of the Ararat Shrine Temple.

On March 18, 2013, Brethren, their ladies, friends and acquaintances of Brother William “Mike” Younger gathered at Troy Masonic Lodge #34 to witness one of Masonry’s most honored ceremonies — the presentation of Brother Younger’s 50-year Masonic membership pin. RWB James E. Wion, District Deputy Grand Master of the 26th Masonic District of Missouri, conducted the ceremony. Brother Younger was Initiated an Entered Apprentice on November 26, 1962, Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on February 11, 1963 and Raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on March 11, 1963. The many guests present were treated to refreshments in the Lodge dining room after the presentation, peace and harmony prevailing.

the missouri FreemAsoN

Fall 2013 111

POstMaster: Please send address forms 3579 to Grand secretary, 6033 Masonic drive, suite b, columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.

royal Hawaiian Freemasons Dr. e. otha Wingo, PDDGl 38, FMlr About thirty years ago I learned of a young artist in Honolulu, whose artist father was a worker on the restoration of Iolani Palace. As the original slate roof was being removed in order to replace it, the father was given permission to retain some of the slate, which was being dumped. Both father and son were scrimshanders (scrimshaw artists). Readers of Herman Melville’s 1851 novel Moby Dick will remember the reference to scrimshander in Chapter 57. Traditionally scrimshaw is the art of carving or scratching designs by sailors on various forms of ivory, especially the tooth of a sperm whale. These Hawaiian artists

Iolani Palace

were experimenting with using scrimshaw techniques on the slate from Iolani Palace. I commissioned this artist to make several pendants using this slate with an exclusive design. The slate was taken from the original Iolani Palace, which was dedicated on December 31, 1879, by King Kalakaua, who, as Master of Lodge Le Progres de

otha.wingo@gmail.com l’Oceanie, laid the cornerstone with full Masonic rites. Present at the ceremony were fifty Freemasons and fifty Kahuna (traditional Hawaiian priests). It was completed in December, 1882, by King David Kalakaua as the Royal Palace for himself and for his sister and successor Queen Lili’uokalani. The palace was used for official functions, since both the king and his successor followed their predecessors’ policy of using a different building nearby as their primary residence. Iolani Palace was confiscated by United States government officials, when Queen Lili’uokalani was deposed and the Hawaiian monarchy overthrown in January, 1893. The government officials occupied it from 1893 to 1969, leaving it in a state of disrepair after years of abuse and neglect. It took nine years to completely restore the building and replace many of the original furnishings, which had been removed and sold. It was opened to the public in 1978. The website of the Grand Lodge F&AM of Hawaii gives a brief account of its history: In 1852, Hawaiian Lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge of California and all Hawaii Lodges became part of that Grand Lodge from 1902 until May 20, 1989, when the Grand Lodge of Hawaii was established. Previous Lodges were from France and Scotland. Currently there are eleven Lodges and about 1,700 members in Hawaii. Hawaiian Freemasons have labored under four different forms of government: a kingdom until 1893; a republic (1894-1898); a U.S.

David La’amea Kamanakapu’u Mahinulani Nalaiaehuokalani Lumialani Kal’kaua

territory (1898-1959); and statehood after 1959. Its members have included three kings (Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V and Kalakaua), four governors and six chief justices of the Hawaii Supreme Court. The husband (therefore “prince consort”) of Queen Lili’uokalani, last queen See Royal Hawaiian, page 102

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