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The 27th and 47th Masonic Districts
caused by a recent job loss or serious illness. Financial assistance is provided with the anticipation that financial hardship can be resolved fairly quickly and is typically provided for a period of one to six months.
Financial assistance requests for both programs are presented to the Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors on an anonymous, case-by-case basis. Monthly and one-time payment assistance may be considered.
Examples of monthly assistance include, but are not limited to: x Monthly assistance with the cost of assisted and independent living
x Monthly assistance with quality of life items in a skilled facility (beauty shop, telephone, incontinence supplies, etc.)
x Monthly assistance to help pay essential household bills and expenses (food, utilities, etc.
One-time payment assistance can be requested for expenses that do not occur on a monthly basis such as: x Hearing Aids x Eye Glasses x Medical Bills x Dental Bills x Insurance Payments
There are Age and Length of Membership requirements, per the Masonic Home’s By-Laws, which are the same for both programs:
Applicant Age when Raised as Master Mason or Initiated as an OES member Continuous Good Standing Requirements prior to application
Prior to the age of 40 40–49 years 50–59 years 60+ years 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years
Children’s Outreach Program The Children’s Outreach Program provides financial assistance to the legal dependents of Missouri Master Masons or Missouri female members of the Order of the Eastern Star. Legal dependents must be 21 years of age or younger or over the age of 21 with a physical or mental disability. Assistance provided through this program may help with medical care and services such as dental, hearing, vision, therapy and equipment.
The parents or legal guardians of the child must demonstrate a financial need and complete the financial application on the child’s behalf.
Age and Length of Membership requirements are different for this program, as the parent or legal guardian only needs two years of Missouri Masonic membership prior to application to qualify.
Partnership Programs The Masonic Home’s Partnership Programs help the Missouri Masonic community strengthen connections with its members in need. These programs include Masonic Family Cares, Creating-A-Partnership, and Partnering to Honor.
Masonic Family Cares The Masonic Family Cares Program helps facilitate connections between Lodges and Chapters and the Masonic brothers and sisters in their communities. Sometimes, the Masonic Home receives requests from Masons or Order of the Eastern Star members, but the assistance needed is a helping hand or a visit from the local Lodge or Chapter. The Masonic Home can act as a liaison between the member and the Lodge or Chapter, connecting the two.
A Lodge or Chapter may find that a Missouri Mason, his wife or widow, or a female member of the Order of the Eastern Star has a need that the Lodge or Chapter can assist with, but there is a financial component. For example, a Brother might need a ramp for wheelchair access to his home. The lodge Brothers would like to build the ramp, but the Brother cannot afford the cost of materials.