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District 15 held a District School of Instruction
expected to last one to six months. This could include non-essential workers who are unable to earn a paycheck due to stay-at-home orders or social distancing practices but anticipate having a job to return to when it is safe to return to business-as-usual or a Mason working in an essential role who is unable to work for an extended period of time due to infection or exposure to COVID-19.
Long-Term Financial Assistance is also available to eligible senior adults who experience a hardship that is anticipated to last longer than six months.
If you or a Missouri Mason, Missouri Masonic widow, or female member of the Order of the Eastern Star you know are in need of financial assistance during this time, our Outreach caseworks may be reached by emailing outreach@mohome.org. If you do not have access to email, you may also call our offices at 800- 434-9804 and leave a message at extension 217.
Many Masons and their families may be lucky enough to have a continued income during this crisis, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worried about their financial futures as the pandemic continues. If you need help making financial plans, the Masonic Home of Missouri provides free financial counseling by an accredited financial counselor to all Missouri Masons and Eastern Star members.
While we are here for you and your family, don’t forget to reach out to your Masonic brothers and sisters. A phone call with a caring, human voice may go a long way to raise someone’s spirits, and this gives you an opportunity to make sure they are not lacking in resources. While it is best to reach out to all of your Masonic community, some people may need more care than others during this time. This includes, widows and widowers, high-risk individuals, non-essential workers, healthcare workers, and people who live alone.
The elderly, people with chronic respiratory issues, and individuals with compromised immune systems may not feel comfortable going shopping to stock up on essentials, or may have run out of a basic need. You can offer to make a porch drop-off or find a store offering shopping hours dedicated to those at high risk to help.
Non-essential workers are particularly vulnerable to wage loss. When calling to check in on them, you may find they are experiencing financial hardships. You can refer them to the Masonic Home at outreach@mohome.org to apply for assistance to help with the cost of housing, groceries, medications, and other basic necessities. If they are not comfortable reaching out themselves, you may also make a referral via email.
Heathcare workers are also facing additional stress during this time as they worry about becoming infected or infecting their families. Lending a listening ear can help. So can offers of sewing masks or other PPE that are in shortages.
Living alone can always present obstacles to remaining socially connected, but in today’s world, this is increasingly true. These individuals may benefit from more frequent check-ins, or even organizing social events via Zoom.
If you need financial assistance or help with financial planning due to job loss or illness, email outreach@mohome.org