Children’s Mental Health Week Home Learning Ideas Express Yourself Monday
Go for a nice walk with an adult you live with and when you are out collect some natural items you could take home and use on arts & craft work
Create a card for someone you know and write a nice message inside. This could be given to someone you live with, someone at schools or someone you haven’t seen for a while.
Create a calm space at home that’s free from noise. You could use pillows and blankets to make a den and some cushions to sit on. Be in the present and take time for yourself.
Pick 4 or 5 different exercises such as star jumps and bunny hops and see if you can describe which part of the body they are working?
Play a game of charades with your family. Can you guess the songs, books, action or films they are trying to demonstrate without speaking?
Put your favourite songs on and dance along to the beat. Can you move your body in different ways, can you incorporate an object (teddy, toy, doll). Can you dance to slow and fast music? Can you make up and remember some dance moves.
Have a sort out. Are there any toys or clothes that you don’t wear or play with anymore. Could you put them in a box and arrange to send to a charity shop or give to another child who might use them?
Touchstones TV. Learn about the past by watching one of the videos on Touchstones TV. Discover Anglo Saxon Britain and how the Roman Warriors lived.
Decorate a large box and turn it in to a treasure chest. Cut one or two holes in the side to put your hands through. Ask someone in your house to place an object inside. Using your hands can you guess what it is by the way it feels? Describe the shape and materials?
Look through family photos and discuss who all the different people are. How do the photos look different/similar to ones taken today? Can you recreate some of the photo poses?
Did you know the food you eat can affect your mood? Could you try something new with your breakfast, lunch or dinner today that you haven’t tasted before? What was it called, what did it feel like, and what did it taste like?
Play a game of hot and cold. One person hides an agreed object somewhere in the room. The other person then needs to find it. Use the word hot if they are getting near the object and cold if they are going away from the object.
Click on the picture to watch the video Take part in one of Link4Life’s Online Yoga sessions and see how many yoga poses you can carry out.
Click on the picture to watch the video
Can you help someone in your house with a task? This might be holding the door open for someone, helping to carry something upstairs, picking something up for someone.
Head out into the garden and see if you can count all the different plants. Get some seeds and using an old milk carton or egg box, plant the seeds in some soil. Over the next couple of weeks watch the seed start to grow