Nutritional Support 5-DAY FOOD DIARY
Dear Member, Thank you for taking part in the Fitness plus Nutritional Support. You have just made a huge leap forward in understanding your daily nutritional intake and steps to help you achieve the body and mind you always wanted.
Why use a food diary?
Food diaries are a key way to help you become more aware of your eating and activities habits. A food and activity diary will also encourage you to make conscious choices about what you eat and do – writing it down gives you the chance to think twice before you act. This is one of the most useful things you can do to help you gain control of your weight.
. Write down everything you eat and drink over the day. It is vital when using a food and activity diary that you give as much detail as you can throughout. For example, a cup of tea just doesn’t explain enough, we need to know you had a cup of earl grey with a little semi skimmed milk and 2 teaspoons of sugar.
Portions sizes are very important, so please let us know the weight or portion of everything you eat. For example, spaghetti Bolognese would be 250g of lean mince, ½ jar of pasta sauce, 150g of whole meal pasta and ½ of garlic bread. Remember the more honest you are, the more it will help you. It can take a little while to get used to and sometimes it may seem like a waste of time, but it's worth the effort.
People who successfully lose weight and keep it off monitor what they eat and how active they are. This could be in the form of a diary, or in their head. It’s a matter of finding out what works best for you. Please complete the personal information on the next page, followed by the food diary.
Kind Regards,
fitness plus team *Please print the document off and hand this completed diary to one of the Fitness Team on your next visit. Thank you.
First Name
Email address
Height Measurement Preference?
Stones, Pounds and Inches
What is you current activity level?
Very Sedentary
What do you want to do?
Gain Weight
Kilogrammes and Centimetres Moderately Sedentary
Moderately Active
Maintain Weight
Pounds and Inches Very Active
Lose Weight
What is your goal weight? What is your desired 250g/ ½lb rate of weight loss/gain? per week
500g/1lb per week
750g/1.5lb per week
1kg/2lb per week
Thank you for completing all of your personal information, please use the following pages to keep your food and activity log.
Food & Drink Log Monday Breakfast
Serving Size
Serving Size
Serving Size
Tuesday Breakfast
Serving Size
Serving Size
Serving Size
Food & Drink Log Wednesday Breakfast
Serving Size
Serving Size
Serving Size
Thursday Breakfast
Serving Size
Serving Size
Serving Size
Food & Drink Log Friday Breakfast
Serving Size
Serving Size
Serving Size
Saturday Breakfast
Serving Size
Serving Size
Serving Size
Food & Drink Log Sunday Breakfast
Serving Size
Serving Size
Serving Size
Activity & Exercise Log Monday Activity
Trained With
Trained With
Trained With
Trained With
Tuesday Activity
Wednesday Activity
Thursday Activity
Activity & Exercise Log Friday Activity
Trained With
Trained With
Trained With
Saturday Activity
Sunday Activity
Please hand this completed diary to one of the Fitness Team on your next visit.
Thank you