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When navigating any water it's crucial to understand the give-way rules. These rules are put in place to keep all boaties safe and just like in a car we have rules of the road to follow, it is the same as on the water in a vessel. When two boats are approaching each other, one has the right of way. The other boat must give way and pass astern (behind). To determine who has right of way, consider the vessel type:
If Power Meets Power
Powerboats must give-way to those on the starboard (right) side When meeting head on, powerboats must turn starboard

With exception to specific displays, powerboats must give way unless the craft is overtaking.
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If Sail Meets Sail Give Way When Overtaking
A sailing boat must give way to another sailing boat if the wind is blowing from its port (left) side or if it is windward (upwind) to the other sailing boat. Make early and obvious manoeuvres so there is no confusion. If the give way boat fails to give way, you must make every effort to avoid a collision. Be prepared to make substantial alterations to your direction and to slow right down or stop.
If you approach another vessel in a 135° sector at its stern, you are considered to be overtaking and must give way.