Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine April 2021

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Things to Celebrate in April by Poppy Flynn Every day of month has some kind of official celebration and usually more than one! It might be big; it might be small…it might be wacky or downright bizarre!

April 5th - Go for Broke Day

There are over 1500 National Days throughout the year, here’s just one observance of the many for each day in April 2021.

April 6th - Sorry Charlie Day

Is there something you always wanted but never acted on? A job, relationship, a move? Today is the day to gather your courage and take that risk.

I’m sure everyone must know this one. A day for indulging in practical jokes.

We’ve all been rejected at some time in our life. Didn’t make the team, didn’t get the girl or the job or mortgage or a hundred other refusals. Today is a day to accept that whatever happened we survived and learned from the experience.

April 2nd - Children Book Day

April 7th - World Health Day

Of course, this should be every day, but today is a reminder to encourage reading and promote the love of books.

World Health Day has been celebrated since 1950 and celebrates the founding of the World Health Organisation on April 7th, 1948. Each year different countries host events which highlight a chosen health issue.

April 1st - April Fool’s Day

April 3rd - World Party Day

April 8th - Zoo Lover’s Day Before Covid, this would have been an easy day to celebrate. This year, perhaps we should remember that zoos have had a difficult year. There’s often a lot of controversy surrounding these establishments, but the fact remains that some world species would have become extinct if it wasn’t for their work.

World Party Day dates back to 1996 and was established under the premise that people have a right to peace and happiness through social positivity and fun with the underlying concept that party is opposite of war, not peace.

April 9th - Name Yourself Day

April 4th - World Rat Day

In 1849. Inventor Walter Hunt was in debt by the amount of $15 and decided the way to get out of debt, was to invent something that he could sell. He came up with the Safety Pin and on April 10th he applied for the patent which he later sold for $400 paying back the dept and pocketed the remaining $385, which was a great deal of money at the time.

This is a day designed to promote rats as pets. Having had one myself (well, not me, but my kids) I can confirm that they are indeed a great pet.

Hate your name? Want to be called something different? Well now you can change it…but only for the day. April 10th - Safety Pin Day

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