2 minute read

Where are You Now by Stan Phillips

Where Are You Now?

by Stan Phillips


You were walking through the trees with blossoms, scented like the dawn, a carpet beneath your feet. A wild and free vagabond child you were that once upon a time day, long lost upon the contrary ebb and flow of the years. Like a flower you walked amid the floral wonder of the morning in your summer frock, the colour of sunshine. And your eyes reflected the glory of the day, so bright did they shine. You stood awhile to peer at the miracle of cobwebs strung like necklaces, small ephemeral jewels, upon the fragile wild rose bushes. And breathed in the smell of that one unique and unrepeatable day. Laughed and danced in the clearing amongst flowers and weeds, without knowing which was which, or needing to, so lost you were in the glory of creation. And lost you became as days tumbled down. And years rolled heavy away into dust clad memory. Lost to me you are now. Child of long ago and far away. My child. Remembered as you were on that one shining, gone, and diamond studded day, that sparkles still in a fading memory. My child. Grown and gone now. And I wonder where you went? My child, and all the other millions of bright and gleaming new lives that trembled once on the brink of forever. Before you all grew up. And went away. Will you tell me where you are now?

Stan Phillips is a poet, musical podcast maker, part-time wannabe male model, and occasional stand up comedian. “I used to be a psychotherapist/counsellor when I had an honest job. I was born into prewar London, and attended 17 schools (my father believed they couldn’t hit a moving target) and I eventually finished up here in Ireland. Still wondering what I will be when I grow up — but enjoying writing my quirky poetry as I do so.”

Discover more about Stan on Mom’s Favorite Reads website: https://moms-favorite-reads.com/moms-authors/stan-phillips

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