Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine June 2021

Page 74

Golden Skies and Insomniac by Stan Phillips Golden Skies I shall melt into your mind, and dance with your words. Embrace your wisdom. And become your second soul. You are the poem I write. And the song I sing. The dawn of my day. You are the setting of my sun. You are the free bird of my yearning that flies in golden skies of Spring

Insomniac I awoke in the night and walked to my window. Beyond the glass the shadows of the branches moved against the scudding clouds. No sound was heard. Just the barking of a distant disconsolate dog echoed on the air. Unseen small creatures used the darkness as their home. But their way is alien to me. And they do not know I exist. And the night stretched ahead lonesome. And sleep would not come. Just the small despair of the insomniac. And I stood there watching the darkness. Made some chamomile tea. Wrote a poem. Listened to some Schubert. Saw the dawn break full of promises. All is well.

Stan Phillips is a poet, musical podcast maker, part-time wannabe male model, and occasional stand up comedian. “I used to be a psychotherapist/counsellor when I had an honest job. I was born into prewar London, and attended 17 schools (my father believed they couldn’t hit a moving target) and I eventually finished up here in Ireland. Still wondering what I will be when I grow up — but enjoying writing my quirky poetry as I do so.” Discover more about Stan on Mom’s Favorite Reads website: - 74 -

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Articles inside

Chagall (Blue Circus) by John Greeves

page 82

Connections eMagazine

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Genealogy: Meet My Ancestors by Hannah Howe

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It’s Not Rocket Science by Father Ian Maher

pages 76-79

Europe by Book by Hannah Howe

pages 56-57

3 Move Puzzle—Supplied by

page 75

Golden Skies | Insomniac by Stan Phillips

page 74

Laughter is the Best Medicine! by Hannah Howe

page 73

Campfires and Practical Crafts—Interviewed by Sylva Fae

pages 68-72

Out of Africa—A Literary Pilgrimage by John Greeves

pages 66-67

The Ring of Mystery by Penny Luker

pages 64-65

Lady Anne’s Way 110m by Alan Southworth

pages 59-63

Mom’s Favorite Reads Author — Hannah Howe

pages 50-51

The Door by Maressa Mortimer

pages 54-55

Organise Us? In Dreams! by Christine Larsen

pages 52-53

A Family Camping Trip by Chantal Bellehumeur

pages 25-41

Dragon Village Nightmare by Ronesa Aveela

page 43

Beyond the Hills by Maressa Mortimer

page 42

by Allison Symes

pages 8-15

Lexie Conyngham: Mystery Writer — Interviewed by Wendy Jones

pages 46-48

Bone Dragon—Legends of the Once and Future King by Susan Faw

page 44

Fairy Bells of Blue by Sylva Fae

pages 17-24

Monday to Friday by Stan Phillips

page 16
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