Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine June 2021

Page 76

Its Not Rocket Science: Love One Another by Father Ian Maher Today’s reading continues a section of John’s gospel in which Jesus is giving an extended discourse to his disciples. Jesus is making them aware of the fact that there are difficult days ahead, not only for himself as he faced his impending arrest and crucifixion, but also for those who follow him. No-one can ever accuse Jesus of sugar-coating what it means to be a disciple. He does, however, also give them clear advice about how to live lives that reflect the kingdom of God in the world, as he himself taught and embodied it. ‘This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.’

called to march to the beat of a different drum. The supreme example of such loving service was offered by our Lord in bearing the sins of the world on the cross and setting us free from the power of death. Jesus calls us who are his followers, in turn, to love others just as he loved us, even to the point of laying down our lives for others. For some, following that command to love as Jesus loved, might well mean paying the ultimate price, and sometimes we hear of such selfless acts.

A little earlier in chapter 13 of John’s gospel is the account of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. This was a powerful example of just what Jesus meant. He became the least among them, fulfilling the role of a servant, and turning expectations on their head. It was a very different picture to the norms of a world in which power and authority are exercised in a very different way, yet this is the nature of the kingdom which Jesus ushered in. Those who recognise it are

Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewole, the young man who died trying to rescue a woman from the Thames last week springs to

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Articles inside

Chagall (Blue Circus) by John Greeves

page 82

Connections eMagazine

pages 85-88

Genealogy: Meet My Ancestors by Hannah Howe

pages 80-81

It’s Not Rocket Science by Father Ian Maher

pages 76-79

Europe by Book by Hannah Howe

pages 56-57

3 Move Puzzle—Supplied by

page 75

Golden Skies | Insomniac by Stan Phillips

page 74

Laughter is the Best Medicine! by Hannah Howe

page 73

Campfires and Practical Crafts—Interviewed by Sylva Fae

pages 68-72

Out of Africa—A Literary Pilgrimage by John Greeves

pages 66-67

The Ring of Mystery by Penny Luker

pages 64-65

Lady Anne’s Way 110m by Alan Southworth

pages 59-63

Mom’s Favorite Reads Author — Hannah Howe

pages 50-51

The Door by Maressa Mortimer

pages 54-55

Organise Us? In Dreams! by Christine Larsen

pages 52-53

A Family Camping Trip by Chantal Bellehumeur

pages 25-41

Dragon Village Nightmare by Ronesa Aveela

page 43

Beyond the Hills by Maressa Mortimer

page 42

by Allison Symes

pages 8-15

Lexie Conyngham: Mystery Writer — Interviewed by Wendy Jones

pages 46-48

Bone Dragon—Legends of the Once and Future King by Susan Faw

page 44

Fairy Bells of Blue by Sylva Fae

pages 17-24

Monday to Friday by Stan Phillips

page 16
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