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Art of the Everyday by Christine Southworth

Art of the Everyday


by Artist Christine Southworth

Art of the Everyday - the title of work I needed to complete - and the Covid 19 lockdown both occurred at the same time. Unable to go out or to my studio, I was compelled to work from home. Luckily, I had been collecting vintage books over previous months. These treasures were once loved but now discarded, and this project was saving them from their final destination - the rag man.

The anonymous wear and tear added to their desirability and each one provided a unique challenge. Some had to be deconstructed and rebuilt with gold leaf and elaborate patterns, while others required a simpler approach, using paint and collage to restore their beauty. The original title or part of the narrative was the starting point for all, and extended into the background.

Each one had its own handmade frame which dignified and transformed this common everyday object into an object to be desired again. Books are in themselves beautiful things; I feel so sad when I see them badly treated and thrown away. Producing this work has made me feel very happy. I hope this shows in the finished pieces. © Christine Southworth

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