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Working with Dreams for Psychic Development by Val Tobin

Working with Dreams for Psychic Development

by Val Tobin


Dreams have always fascinated people. Many believe that dreams have significance and provide guidance. Edgar Cayce, also known as “the sleeping prophet,” dreamed of cures for people, helping them to recover from serious illnesses. He would also sleep with books under his pillow in order to learn their contents.

Some dreams can connect you to departed loved ones or to people who are living but are far away. When I was taking a class with a psychic development instructor, she told us she would provide further teaching in our dreams, and I had two dreams since that time where I was in class and learning from that instructor once again. If you are working on developing your psychic abilities, dreams are an important tool to help you do so.

Dreams as Guidance and the Unconscious as a Source of Wisdom

At the very least, dreams can be used for guidance. They let you know what percolates in your unconscious. The unconscious is of primary importance in dream or inner work because it is during our dream times that the unconscious mind takes over, suppressing the conscious mind. According to Robert A. Johnson in his book Inner Work: Using Dreams & Active Imagination for Personal Growth, dreams are one of two ways we can connect the unconscious and the conscious minds. The second way is through the use of imagination.

He explains that the unconscious needs to be in balance and communicating with the conscious mind or conflicts and neuroses can develop. As a resource, the unconscious should be tapped for the wealth of wisdom and intelligence it contains. Johnson goes on to say that in modern society, the unconscious has completely split from the conscious and there are consequences. One way or another, the inner world must be acknowledged, otherwise, some believe, it manifests as psychosomatic illness, neuroses, or pathologies.

When you track your dreams in a dream journal, you can use them for guidance and as insights about yourself. They can draw your attention to existing worries or problems, and they can also help you to recognize hidden talents and untapped potential. Recurring themes in dreams alert you to what is most important to you during a specific period in your life.

Psychic Dreams and Precognitive Dreams

Some dreams you have may be clairvoyant, meaning that they contain images that are psychic messages. Some of these images relay information about loved ones or present solutions to problems. Other dreams may be precognitive, meaning that they foretell the future.

Precognitive dreams can be difficult to recognize and, even if they are recognized, can be difficult to act upon. Abraham Lincoln is said to have foreseen his assassination in a dream days before Booth killed him. The warning did not prevent the event from occurring. However, Craig Hamilton-Parker points out in his book Remembering & Understanding Your

Dreams that some people backed out of going on the Titanic based on dreams they had, which did save their lives. He also assures us that precognitive dreams only indicate a potential future—one it is possible to change.

Dream Mediumship

When you dream of a person who has passed, you may have connected to someone who is in the spirit world and are communicating with him or her. When you are in the dream state, it is easier to be at the vibration that allows you to connect with spirits, and when your loved one wants to communicate with you, it is easiest for him or her to get in touch with you when your conscious self or ego is out of the way.

In my novel The Experiencers, I include a scene where one of the characters dreams of a departed loved one. This scene is based on a true story, fictionalized and used with permission in my novel, of something that happened to someone close to me. Not only did my friend see her recently deceased husband as if he were in a hospital, but she also saw three robed figures behind him.

After she told me this story, I read that robed figures help recently deceased people transition to the other side, often in a hospital setting. Shortly after that, a psychic I chatted with told me she could see this person who’d recently passed in a hospital with robed figures around him. I hadn’t told her about this person or the dream his wife had had—the psychic brought him into the conversation when she saw him in a vision. Her description of him was accurate, and the scene was as my friend had dreamed it. To facilitate communication with a departed loved one in your dreams, James Van Praagh recommends in his book Talking to Heaven: A Mediums Message of Life After Death that you think about your loved one before falling asleep. This sets the intent to connect with him or her when you dream.

While not all dreams are relevant or significant, many are, and the only way to tap into this resource is to track the dreams in a dream journal over a period of time. The more dreams you can record, the more insights you will gain into yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and your psychic side.

According to Hamilton-Parker, Cayce taught that all people without severe brain damage dream and can learn to recall their dreams. He also stressed that dream recall should not be an end in itself. The information that comes from it should be acted upon. This is similar to guidance received from angels and spirit guides. Receiving such guidance is not enough. You must act on what you receive for it to be worthwhile.


Image: Krystn Palmer Photography, Sleeping Beauty Cayce, Edgar, My Life as a Seer: The Lost Memoirs, New York: St. Martins Press, 1997. Hamilton-Parker, Craig. Remembering and Understanding Your Dreams, New York: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc., 2000. Johnson, Robert A. Inner Work: Using Dreams & Active Imagination for Personal Growth, New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1986. Van Praagh, James, Talking to Heaven: A Mediums Message of Life After Death, New York: Penguin Putnam Inc., 1997.

Val Tobin writes speculative fiction and searches the world over for the perfect butter tart. Her home is in Newmarket, Ontario, where she enjoys writing, reading, and talking about writing and reading. Discover more about Val on

Mom’s Favorite Reads website: https://moms-favorite-reads.com/moms-authors/val-tobin


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