Brand Book

Page 1

Brand Book 1


Brand Book 3


Table of contents 07 Lets start 08 Brand promise 15 Our story 17 Mission, Vision and values 19 Brand position

40 41 42 44 45

Music Name it Website Newsletter PR

20 How we look 24 Logo 27 Typeface 29 Colours 30 Cards 32 Stationery

46 How we feel 50 Pictures 52 Clothing 58 People 64 Art 71 Inspiration

34 How we sound 39 Brand voice

72 Who we are 77 Us



Lets start The following Brand Book is designed to present basic elements that create the frame for The Little Showroom. It is designed to help you get to know us a little better. We share a passion to present our fashion brands the right way using any form of communication, whether it’s in print, online or by PowerPoint, in a way that helps to bring consistency to The Little Showrooms brand. The book is for customers, collaborators and simply people who are in to fashion and want to be a part of a company that creates new ways and limits for the international fashion industry. The Brand Book gives you the tools necessary to achieve our common goals. In the following pages you will find a wealth of resources for items in our brand and the standards and guidelines that are designed to support them. The success of The Little Showroom depends on the brand that we all communicate with impact, clarity and efficiency. Love


Brand promise

“A little business creating big dreams� The Little Showroom


A little business creating big dreams We are just as exited as you are, to show the way we want to impress the audience. Everything in this book is for you to understand who we are, what we want and how you can be a part of this. Our brand promises is a single statement that captures the essence of our experience. We are a little business with a lot to offer, our employees are personal ard kind. Our dream is for our customers to offer, a universe where everybody can come and be inspired and feel at home. The dreams of creating new ways to see clothes. The presentations therefore always tell the story behind our brands. This story from us is a way to help customers find their own way. Its “behind the scenes� and how we see and express every piece of our clothes. Every time we choose a brand, is it important that the brand has a dream behind it, a story. This story is about people, art and friendship. The dreams are what this little business wants to tell you and everybody who wants to listen. Let your creativity be your guidiance.

The Little Showroom is a way of thinking out of the box. If you want to cooperate with us, its important that you understand us. It is important that you feel us. Now, to give you an idea of what you are going to read the next 20 minutes. This is the way we live, the way we look and feel. Be prepared to see and experience things you have never seen before. Be openminded and try to feel the way we think. To be like us, you have to feel us. Every touchpoint in this book, are examples of how we and you could get inspiration, what is important for us and how you can create a The Little Showroom, of your own. What this book attempts to do is to define what makes The Little Showroom special and give the same tools to help us articulate. express and evaluate the brand in the daily work.


Let your creativity be your guidiance 10





Our story The little Showroom was founded in 2010. It’s a fashion company, distributing clothing in Skandinavia. Ever since the start Lars Wiberg has been the creative mind. The little Showroom shows pieces of clothes in a way never seen before. This is the ground for TLS’ strongest marketing. It finds creative ways to impress the audience. We invite and welcome you in our world. The inspiration for the themes of the rooms come from what we love with no limits; friendship, family and travels. Our inspiration is diverse and wild. We want to inspire you and share the unique and personal style with you. Above all, we want you to feel at home, where love and warmth is always present. Yet be prepared to see and experience things you have never seen before. Welcome to the world of The Little Showroom.


“The only thing that's worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision.� Citat Helen Keller


Mission, vision and values Mission TLS wants to be the preferred showroom and distributor by providing a good framework for development and innovation. TLS sells personality, inspiration, and putting together individual solutions for each customer. TLS’s thinking around solutions and not just in products. Vision TLS vision is to be inspiring, innovative and first movers, a vision to give the customer a good experience, create an attractive environment for a universe that suits the overall brands. Værdierr Personality is one of the values ​​which until now have carried TLS ahead. Personality through staff and presentations as the design of the showroom and newsletters. Professionalism, accountability and commitment are key values for ​​ TLS.



Brand position The Little Showroom prioritizes creativity over all. Put individuals in control and shape the future of the fashion industry, a new way of thinking. Positioning provides details around the inspiration and creativity we offer our customers. The level of details is important when developing ideas, communication or making decisions that reflect on the brand.


How we look 20




Rule 2. Never use this logo with any shadows it will distract the fine lines presented, and confuse the audiance.

As seen in the first site, this is our logo. which we are extreemly proud of. It tells a story of being minimalistic and extravagant at the same time. Rule 1. This logo can be used in 4 different colours. But never use the logo, in colours which are not cited in this brand book. Look at the next pages to see the colours.


Rule 3. If you want to use the logo in pictures, always use it in black, otherwise, the logo will disapear. And if it matches lightened colours in the picture to emphasize the logo. Rule 4. In pictures always place the logo in left side. Rule 5. If you choose to use the logo in one of the mentioned colours, always leave some space around. Rule 6. Do not use other fonts to present the logo. Rule 7. Do not rotate or transform the logo.

Logo Our logo is a very valuable part of who we are. Therefore we give you some guidelines for how to use it. Our vision is to create a creative invironment, but our logo is an important thing to hold clean and nice. The creative invironment is around the logo.

Logo This is the visual ilustration of the dos and donts. The most important thing to remember is that the logo can not be transformed in any way. Only colours that can be used, is the colours in page 29.



1 & 5.



2, 6 & 7..





3 & 4.


Through the physical form we want to express the minimalistic versus the extravagant. This we do like in the logo. You have to learn to love the logo, if you want to love the form The Little Showroom presents itself. In the next pages we will give you some tools if you want to learn how to use the form, colours, typography and style of pictures. Learn to dream, learn to create. Also we want to introduce you to the “remembrence frame�. This frame is to indicate something you want to remember, it is also used to make a connection to every touchpoint The Little Showroom sends out. Use it for every printed material, and around pictures in online material. It is a good start for recognition.


Our typeface

AB AB 1.

This is our two typefaces. The primary font “Edwardian Script” is used for larger outlines. The 2nd “GeosansLight” font is used for all body text. The typefaces are very similar with the typefaces in our logo. This is chosen because of the story behind everything we do is to start minimalisk in our framework and end with the extravagant use of pictures and art.

abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvxyzæøå


abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvxyzæøå


The colours are to express the way we want to be. In clothes we are colourfull. But every brand is represented by a different universe of impressions. But because of the very unsimilar impresseions of brands. The picture style is black and white. These colour represent the company as a contast to the black and white pictures. This is an important part of the presentation of The Little Showroom. But to use the colours right, you have to know them better.


Colours The colours besides black and white are the colours used in newsletters, presentation cards, website etc. The colours may never be presented in directl contact with eachother. We want a clean presentation of the colours. Because the colours themselves are very eye catching and take a lot of attention.

Pantone Pantone



Pantone 3252C

Pantone 340C

TLS Purple CMYK: 49/100/16/2 RGB: 146/37/124 HSB: 312/74/57

The colours may be used with an opacity in max 50 %.

TLS Orange TLS Blue CMYK: 40/0/27/0 RGB: 151/212/197 HSB: 165/28/83

CMYK: 0/21/57/0 RGB: 35/49/100 HSB: 255/205/128

TLS Green CMYK: 80/10/57/0 RGB: 152/74/71 HSB: 0/166/140


Business card 1,3 cm

1,3 cm

2,3 cm

2,3 cm 7 cm

7 cm

Lars Wiberg

1,3 cm



The Little Showroom Rosenvængets Allé 8 DK - 2100 Copenhagen

The Little Showroom Rosenvængets Allé 8 DK - 2100 Copenhagen

P.: +45 50 705 705 E.:

P.: +45 26 818 138 E.:

1 cm

5,5 cm 2,3 cm

A little business creating big dreams


Camilla Hjorth

1,3 cm

1 cm

5,5 cm 2,3 cm

A little business creating big dreams

Business card 1,3 cm

2,3 cm

1,3 cm

2,3 cm

7 cm

7 cm

Kimie Suell-Schubert

1,3 cm

Marie Louise Wissing


1,3 cm


The Little Showroom Rosenvængets Allé 8 DK - 2100 Copenhagen

The Little Showroom Rosenvængets Allé 8 DK - 2100 Copenhagen

P.: +45 77 340 499 E.:

P.: +45 27 478 193 E.:

1 cm

5,5 cm 2,3 cm

A little business creating big dreams

1 cm

5,5 cm 2,3 cm

A little business creating big dreams


Stationary In our printed material we like to be colourful, but in a way, as mentioniced in “colours” presented more like one by one. In visitcards we have given every employee a colour, which represent their kind of work with The Little Showroom. Orange is for fun, humor and play, it’s the selling process. Blue is the more serious colour which represents the trust, stability, loyalty, intelligence, hope, creativity and excellence, stands for every presentation material. The green is for a good foundation and is the office colour. Purple is luxury, sophistication and femininity. Purple represent the service process for buying customers.


Stationary Customer name Streetname and number Postcode and cityname

The Little Showroom Rosenvængets Allé 8 DK - 2100 Copenhagen

Dear kundenavn Date: Day. month year


Page 1/1

Ris mos ut audis deris enis doluptatiam et la consectur alit, excesequo doloreped qui sae lam quam, quidebis atioreium ipsuntur, ium, name molore parum quam num atas acest eictatur, sum solore, velenie ndereictiam, officim inciend ipicidis et am, inis rem repellam, imus suntist, aut quis audae eumqui berfernata verunt, velenim porentis evelis abo. Igendelitia dio core vellis eatectiis voloratemod et ut que este eatibust, ex eatiaeria quaspid quatus, eatent facesci alicae veruptium Afsender: The Little Showroom Rosenvængets Allé 8 2100 Copenhagen - Denmark

ventium, ut maximagnim nonet est fugiti am sapiet debitat quid quatet laute

Yours Sincerelly Marie Louise Wissing Head of Office P.: +45 77 340 499 E.:


How we sound 34




“Ayour brand that captures mind gains behavior. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment.� Citat Scott Talgo


Brand voice We hold up valued expressions of the brand to help evaluate the work. this is the language that is fluid and generative. This is the language that embodies the promise of “a little business creating big dreams�.


Music Eveything we do, we do to make the audience feel comfortable and relaxed. This is because, if you feel relaxed, like home, you take your time and open your thoughts more. So with a comfortable environment, you will becoe more open for new experiences and feelings. Our music is to make you more relaxed. We value the good time we have with you, and you have to feel it. On the other hand the music is not for throwing yourself on the couch relaxing, this is a source for inspiration as well. We chose loung music with a twist. Make the audience feel relaxed and moved.


The Little Showroom is described with words like colorful, creative, personal and innovative. All words are based on the good presentation, therefore it is important in The Little Showroom language policy. All digital and printed materials should present these words. The language must be personal and based on humor and seduction. In order to seduce and entertain, the The Little Showroom uses imagery in its storytelling. The language is designed to appeal to the customer’s feelings by using value-laden words like “love”, “no limits”, “inspiring” and “share”.

Our inspiration are diverse and wild

Name it

feel at home nice warmth fashion


cozy Unique passion

Personal 41

Every day Home



Our crew

The Little Showroom Rosenvængets Allé 8 2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark The little Showroom P.:Rosenvængets +45 77 340 499 Allé 8 F.:2100 +45 77 340 498 Copenhagen Ø


Sales Lars Wiberg P.:+45 +455077 M.: 705340 705 499 +45 77 340 498 Camilla Sales Hjorth M.: +45 26 818 138 Wiberg E.:Lars

Contact Contact


Customer login

As an example, the personal lanuage policy is used in the website in form of headlines in the sites.

Head of office Marie Louise Wissing M.: +45 27 478 193 E.:

Head of office

Marie Louise Customer serviceWissing Kimie Suell-Schubert M.: +45 27 478 193 M.:E.:+45 77 340 499 E.: Customer service Kimie Suell-Schubert M.: +45 77 340 499 E.:

M.: +45 50 705 705 E.: Camilla Hjorth M.: +45 26 818 138 E.:



Every day Home





Words are a way to express yourself, like sound and pictures. We think words are a part of making our stories personal in written material, to express our dreams right.

Customer login

Feminity and contemporary art

Femininity and contemporary art Otatescia cullaborio minctatem faccaeprae velicim que maximo optibus dus eaqui untis re voluptat illa velestet laborio cumquuntin pa que possitatur sime diae et volupti isquund ucium, que ex essim volor ra nusapel enimusc ipsant, offictus etur sanisimolut laccum quo quidus. Obis idust, quam, sollabo rporest poreriat. Odignis aditectust explit prem lab incillupta qui as quaspid eum rerum lacerum deliciam ium ut et unt re sequosam, occum fugiam veruptaqui











Every day Chech Check out out our our new new website website Now we are more online than ever. The world of The Little Showroom is getting more inspiring, passionate and exiting. Our insiration are diverse and wild. We now have integrated a customer login-login, with every thing the heart could wish for. We want to make it easyere for you and for us. You meen the world to us. Be prepared to see and experience things you have never seen before. Call us today at +45 77 340 499 or mail us at Lars@ and get your new username and passworld. Have a nice travel in the world of The Little Showroom. Love from us The Little Showroom 44

We find the words just as important as the pictures we present our brands through. This is an examole of a newsletter, with the storytelling way of writing.

Every day We want to make the audience “feel us”., so we speak directly to the audience’s feelings, through imagery words.. This is an example for a headline on a PR..

roroom w o h S T d he Little al war be like a person

um ad les vetr moditai c o d t us Urist poriatiam quibusam e quia Nam quatet estibus maganitaodis vevroalut tqeumissimi, s t ute D e l mo cea si vole Ciliquundditipqiduuasm. I,taaquae prleest fuga. Et plaut m. Olor apissinullab illupta ve

nonsendio lloripaedit voluptaqimil i m u Tiore c e gnim inullab uas Ecum quumi uqtueamsppeicdiuism cit miuasam quiiasimendaondre Rectem volum fugiaest, onsen is At lam, ipsapedi acerum n

t voluptibust vent e Net quam, sendi ulparun tinaqui ad magnimus, et t Ximincto voluptaturio doluppta sitiam si aut ma u r r Molore, ut dolupta epe inullab ore m quia Rectem volum fugiaest, iusaonseni simesinadandis ut ma n am At lam, erum ta siti Molore,ipustadpoeludpi taaceperrup


How we feel 46





Pictures In every picture we represent who we are. Any inspiration comes from things around us. Get inspired, through clothes, people and art. Feel the passion. You have to feel it, to understand The Little Showroom, who we are.


Pictures Every picture is presentet in black and white, to make different expressions more similar to eachother. Find your way, make it happen. This is the little business creating big dreams. Let the creativity be your guidiance.


Clothing 52






People 58






Art 64







“If you would create something, you must be something.� citat Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Inspiration This guideline was presented for you to learn to understand our way of thinking. The little showroom is much more than just a fashion business. Our inspirations are diverse and wild.


Who we are 72




“If you don’t get noticed, you don’t have anything. You just have to be noticed, but the art is in getting noticed naturally, without screaming or without tricks.” Citat Leo Burnett


A little business creating big dreams The Little Showroom prioritizes creativity over all. Put individuals in control and shape the future of the fashion industry, a new way of thinking.

Personal Unique Fashion Creative Innovative Inspiring


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