The Pack - Vol. 21, Issue 1

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The Pack’s

DECLASSIFIED School Surivival


329 Campus Dr.│Louisville, Colorado│ 80027 Volume 21 Issue 1 October 2018

Spill the Tea(chers) Staff gives advice to pass your classes this year By Hahn Park


Language Arts


“Go to class as much as possible. Ask

“In my class, if you’re doing your work,

homework. Come in for Tutor Time

questions when you don’t understand.

turning things in on time, putting in a lot

if you’re struggling. Try to do all the

Students will say, ‘I’m not good at writing

of effort, and studying for your tests, you’ll

problems. Putting together logical

and reading,’ but they don’t practice it.

do just fine in science class.”

arguments is unique for geometry, so it’s

Writing and reading is like any other

- Science teacher Ms. Courtney Van der

related to other careers like being a lawyer,

muscle. The more you use it, the better


scientist, or engineer.

you become. - Language Arts teacher Ms.

- Math teacher Mr. Kenneth Leader

Mystayn Barnes

“You just need to keep up with your

What's In Your Bag?

How to master your pack without breaking your back By Maddie Stilson and Hahn Park

Folders/Notebooks: Another Computer: Most classes have content

necessity, they keep both your head and backpack organized.

Pens/Pencils/Highlighters: Well, duh, don’t forget the essentials! You can’t write without these basics.

online, plus the freshmen got sweet new deals with the new chromebooks. Earbuds: Essential for classroom related videos or music during your free time. FOB: You’ll need this to get in the building during lunches, off periods, and to keep up with the safety measures Index Cards: These are super Food and Snacks: Along with

helpful in studying, quizzing

Water Bottle: Stay hydrated!

water, food will give you that

yourself or your friends, and in

Water will keep you feeling

extra boost of energy.

some cases, grademakers.

energized and focused.


Class of 2019 dishes straight facts By Jamie Thompson

What’s our legacy as the graduating class of 2019?

How do you want the classes under us to carry our legacy?

“I believe that the legacy of

What’s one thing you wish you knew as a freshman that you know now?

the class of 2019 is the lasting

“Freshmen! Your grades

traditions our class was able

do count. They reallly do.

to bring back to Monarch

You can’t just not try your

this year. Last year, we

freshman year. That’s what I

know the lack of safety and

did, and I had to work really

responsibility caused trust

hard my sophomore, junior,

issues between the staff and

and even this year, which is

students. However, Connor,

supposed to be my easiest

Lainey, and the respectful


class of 2019 were given

- Sheema Satar ‘19

“I want to leave a huge mark on Monarch. I want to show the

the opportunity this year to

younger grades what a real senior class looks like. I want to

bring back traditions such as

do this by throwing as many events as possible and bringing

tailgates and bumpin’ in B Hall

everyone together. Monarch is famous, and I want all the

Fridays after school.”

younger grades to remember that and carry on what the grades

- Hayden Reeder ‘19

What event are you most looking forward to as a senior?

before us have. Above all, they need to carry on the traditions

“Graduation! I’m excited to

that have been set.”

end the past four years with

-Connor Moore ‘19

the people I’ve grown up with.” - Jane Stark ‘19

MoHi takes the Gram

The five instagram accounts you need to follow now @monarchdeca



One of Monarch’s most

Monarch’s account

Our very own account

Find updates on every

exciting and popular

for all things business.

for updates on anything

Monarch sport here.

school events and

clubs. Follow for their

Follow their journeys

you need to know about

Follow to support your



and competitions.

MoHi events.

fellow coyote athletes.



Here you will find information for all

Lunch Break

If your stomach is feeling queasy, grab something quick and easy

By Jonah Speyer

Our Pick Chick-Fil-A “Waffle Fries and sauce to die for.” Star rating 5 Qdoba “Best Queso in town.” Star Rating 4.5 Jersey Mike’s “Their sandwiches are hot.” Star Rating 3.5

Jersey Mikes Monarch c

Starbucks Qdoba

Starbucks “(Pumpkin) spice up your day.” Star Rating 5

Mad Greens Chick-Fil-A

Mad Greens “Keep up the health kick.” Star Rating 4

On The Other Hand... Why staying on campus benefits students As winter approaches, the roads become slick and icy and may be dangerous. “You are safer on campus than off campus. Car accidents and

Taleea Jones ‘21 had a few reasons for staying in. “Safety, and it helps students save money,” she said. Monarch provides a cheaper selection for lunch when

weather is something to think about,” security guard Ms. Roxy

considering going off campus as the price of fast food can take a

Rivera said.

bite out of your budget.

The parking lot is full of anxious juniors and seniors ready to

Sophia Narod ‘19 weighed in. “Teenagers in general are broke,

leave for a quick bite. This also brings up safety when trying to

so it’s important to save money, especially for juniors and

come out of the parking lot.

seniors who are thinking of college,” she said.

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