Wednesday June 9, 2010
$1.00 inc GST E INSID
Grassroots P25
Regional school news P13
Volume 4 Edition 39 ISSN 1834-0318
property muster
Pages 14 - 17
Cooma joins statewide ‘knit in’ Cooma knitters joined a statewide knitathon at Cooma Bowling Club on Monday. The knit-in, organised by the ABC, was sponsored in Cooma by the Cooma CWA branch. Bega ABC manager Ian Campbell came to Cooma for the event. More than 30 knitters attended the event, all knitting squares which will be sewn together to form rugs which will then be sent to Wrap with Love, to assist underprivileged people both in Australia and overseas. Only last week, 98 rugs were sent from Cooma for this cause. Right: ABC personality Ian Campbell is pictured with Cooma CWA president Kaye Anderson and publicity officer Beaty Russell at Monday’s knit-in.
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Bellgard Cooma Monaro Town & Country Real Estate
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Dirt & Grime like
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Wednesday June 9, 2010
Mobile: 0418 620 626 Cooma: (02) 6452 1598 Sydney : (02) 9521 2238 Fax Cooma: (02) 6452 1583 Fax Sydney: (02) 9521 2237 Email: Professional and Reliable service for 30 years Local * Country * Interstate Weekly service Sydney to Snowy Mtns and all points in between
Trashing Jindabyne Shame, shame on the Jindabyne local litterbugs who left these beer bottles and cans on their way to the town’s watering holes, beside the pathway in the park parallel with Kosciusko Road and between the Uniting Church and Thredbo Terrace during the last two weeks. Unfortunately the concerned resident who
has lobbied Snowy River Shire Council to put a garbage bin in this area for a number of years now, did not have a shopping bag available to fill a fourth bag.
SNOWLINER Free essential children’s vision TRAVEL screening available
PH : 02 6452 1584 FAX : (02) 6452 7001 Drum Tao: 13 July The Man in Black (Johnny Cash Story): 1 July Jersey Boys: 25-26 Sept 2010 NZ Tour Both Islands: Oct 23 Michael Buble: 14-15 Feb 2011
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Greater Southern Area Health Service (GSAHS) is reminding families of free vision screening available from qualified health staff across the region. The Statewide Eyesight Preschooler Screening Program (STEPS) identifies vision problems early in childhood to prevent longterm vision and learning difficulties. GSAHS STEPS Coordinator Allison Zucco said children rarely complain of symptoms related to their eyes and may not realise they cannot see well. “Parents, carers and health professionals often can’t detect a problem simply by observing a child’s behaviour or appearance,” Ms Zucco said. “Local health staff can do a monocular visual acuity assessment at Community Health free of charge to detect abnormalities early on,” she said. The two most common childhood vision problems are amblyopia (or ‘lazy eye’) and refractive error.
STEPS targets four year old children to prevent vision impairment or blindness. Health professionals provide a universal point of access to children to identify and follow-up vision treatment. STEPS dates for the next year are usually advertised in preschools and daycare centres but is open to all families with four year old children. Parents need to sign a consent form before their child is eligible to undertake the free 10 minute assessment. “We strongly encourage families with four or five year old children to take advantage of the free clinics,” Ms Zucco added. Families with children who do not attend preschool or daycare and will be starting school in 2011 can arrange an appointment at the nearest Community Health Centre or by phoning 4476 2344. For more information visit:
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Wednesday June 9, 2010
Promoting our area
Cnr Massie & Vale St,Cooma Ph 6452 2003
Carlton Draught
VB Stubbies
$39.99 TSM executive officer Jo Larkin is pictured with board members Steve Redden, Nicholas Kennedy and chairman Gary Grant.
The Snowy Mountains Region Tourism is a major industry for every local government area in the Snowy Mountains Region. • Each year more than 1 million visitors come to the region. • They spend more than $650 million in the region, each year • Importantly, domestic overnight visitors to the region increased by 1.6 percent in 2009, despite a 6.3 percent statewide decline. Day visitors increased by 13.6 percent , more than double the statewide increase of 6.5 percent . • There are 1,000 tourism related businesses in the region. According to the Tourism and Transport Forum’s (TTF) Tourism Employment Atlas, 2006: “In 2004-05, the tourism sector provided 2,406 direct tourism jobs (in the Snowy Mountains Region) which equates to 13.8 percent of total employment in the region. The Snowy Mountains is the second highest tourism intensive region in NSW.”
local government area. The TTF’s Tourism Employment Atlas, 2006 indicated that there were 291 people directly employed in the tourism sector in the Cooma Monaro Shire in 2004-05. This represented 6.1 percent of the Shire’s workforce. Visitors to Cooma Monaro Most of the areas visitors come from NSW • Regional NSW – 43 percent • Sydney – 33 percent • Interstate – 31 percent They come for leisure purposes: • To visit family and friends – 43 percent ; • For holiday/leisure purposes – 37 percent ; or • Other (business, sports) – 27 percent They stay mainly: • In hotels, motels or resorts – 44 percent • With friends and relatives – 42 percent ; or • In caravan parks, caravans or camping – 14 percent More than three quarters of visitors will stay for two nights or less – 76 percent . However 30 percent will stay for three nights or more. Nearly all visitors (99 percent ) arrive by car. and for 60 percent of them Cooma Monaro was their main destination. The other 40 percent stayed in a number of towns during their trip to or from Cooma. The Cooma Monaro area attracts both the young and young at heart: • 15-44 year olds – 56 percent • 45-64 years of age - 36 percent • 65+ years of age – 15 percent Most of visitors are: • Young, midlife singles or couples – 39 percent • Parents with children – 33 percent • Retirees – 18 percent • Older, but still working – 17 percent Nearly half (48 percent ) travel with family or friends. However 32 percent travel alone. Another 24 percent are couples. While in the area, visitors will do many things: • Eat out at restaurants – 49 percent • Visit friends and relatives – 48 percent • Go for a drive or walk around – 33 percent • Go to the pub or clubs – 30 percent
Cooma Monaro Shire Vital Facts Cooma Monaro receives nearly 270,000 visitors pa: • 107,000 domestic overnight visitors • 160,000 day visitors They spend more nearly 250,000 nights in the area. These visitors spend nearly $40 million in the local community each year. This spending supports more than 400 full time equivalent jobs in the shire. There are more than 350 tourism businesses in the
For further information on tourism in Cooma Monaro see Tourism Research Australia’s site at: government/Pages/default.aspx For Further Information on tourism in Snowy see Tourism NSW at: Tourism_Statistics_p625.aspx And Tourism Research Australia at: tourism/Pages/default.aspx Tourism is everyone’s business.
About 30 people attended an informal meeting at the Greenleigh Motel, Cooma last Wednesday night to listen to a presentation by Tourism Snowy Mountains (TSM). TSM was represented by its board of directors and the presentation was given by executive officer, Jo Larkin. Ms Larkin explained the structure of TSM and its marketing role in regional tourism. Ms Larkin said recent advertising campaigns had seen an increase in tourism numbers to the region. She explained the most recent campaign, funded by a dollar for dollar grant from the NSW Government, allowing $604,000 to be spent on print and electronic advertising. The aim of the campaign is to entice visitors to the region, where they can then explore all options available. Ms Larkin explained how the whole region can be represented by TSM. Local operators asked how they could assist TSM to market them. There was general agreement that local operators should work more closely together to promote their product under TSM’s marketing campaigns. One operator, Jenny Culkin from the Nebula Motel, gave an interesting overview of tourism in the region:
Jack Daniels 4 pack
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Shoot down to the local!
Funds Distributed by
Cooma Hotel & Cellars
Wednesday June 9, 2010
University experience for rural students Students from Bombala High School recently travelled to Sydney to experience university life, courtesy of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Macquarie University. Brad Mackerras, Jackson Standen, Shannen Talbot, Jessie Morgan and Tahlia Bedingfield were invited by their school and the Monaro Education Foundation to attend the University Experience Program, as part of the Foundation’s membership with the Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEFA). CEFA received generous funding from UTS and Macquarie University to make the trip possible and to expose the students, some of whom had never travelled to Sydney, to the city lifestyle and the realms of possibilities open to them in applying to attend university once they finish high school. UTS Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Teaching, Learning and Equity Professor Shirley Alexander said it was important that universities, industry and regional communities work together to provide country and regional school children
with city-based university experiences. “Coming from a NSW regional town myself, I really appreciate how important it is for young people to be challenged in creative, positive ways to think about where life could lead them after the HSC,” Professor Alexander said. The students flew to Sydney and stayed at the Sydney Central YHA, an inner city location, with 33 students from seven other rural NSW schools. They spent one day visiting the UTS campus at Broadway, taking part in faculty workshops of their preference, meeting students from Sydney schools and current university students and touring the self-contained student accommodation. The following day, they travelled by coach to the Macquaire University campus in North Ryde to explore another university. Whilst at Macquarie, the participants enjoyed various workshops, saw the collegestyle accommodation and sporting facilities and were even treated to an ice-skating adventure. According to Macquarie University Pro-Vice-Chancellor ADVERTISEMENT
(Social Inclusion) Professor Gail Whiteford, the university visits intended to broaden students’ perceptions of the educational possibilities open to them and the career options available by choosing higher education. “When you’re in a rural environment, choice can seem limited. In addition, you may be the first in the family to attend a university and there may be financial concerns and worries about what life would be like in a large city. Both Macquarie and UTS would like to be able to offer these students a place to study, the potential for a scholarship and a place to live at the same time,” Professor Whiteford said. The four-day trip also included a visit to the Apple Store for the students to learn about various techniques for compiling and producing their video diaries of the excursion using loaned Apple i-pods and Macbooks, an new initiative to this program supported by the NSW Department of Education and Training. Additional activities included dining at Malaysian, Italian and Chinese restaurants to allow the students to taste a variety of cuisines; catching the monorail for a tour of the city area; visiting Darling Harbour; performing in a very talented talent quest and even meeting some celebrities! Jessie Morgan, a year 10 student at Bombala High School, said of the University Experience Program, “I’m pleased that I had the opportunity to attend the program because it was really worthwhile. I learnt lots of interesting things and met lots of new friends. The trip was a great experience.”
National 2010 Savewater!awards
Our tax system needs to change. The first step is to make it simpler and fairer for everyone. We all know that we live in a time of rapid change. We see it happening all around us. Our population is ageing. New challenges arise almost every day. So it’s important for us to have a tax system that is able to meet those challenges. By making our tax system simpler and fairer for individuals and business, the proposed tax reforms are an important first step towards making our economy stronger and preparing us for the years ahead. Increasing our super By 2050, one in four Australians will be over 65. We need to plan for that and make sure everyone has enough super for a comfortable retirement. That’s why raising the superannuation guarantee and contributing more to super is so important. Better tax on savings Under the current system, interest income is taxed higher than many other forms of savings. To make it fairer, there will be a tax cut on bank and other interest income. This will reward Australians who put money away for their future. Making tax simpler Tax will be made simpler for individuals by introducing standard deductions, and for business by simplifying depreciation rules. Cutting tax for small business Small business is one of our biggest employers. So anything that makes it easier for small business to grow and do business is good for all of us. Giving small business companies an early tax cut is a good start. And instant write-off of assets up to $5,000 and simplified depreciation for all small business will improve their cash flow and cut down on paperwork. A fairer share of our resources wealth Before the last mining boom, the Australian people received $1 in every $3 of mining profits through royalties and resource charges. By the end of that boom, our share had fallen to just $1 in every $7. Changing the way we tax mining profits will ensure everyone shares in the benefits of our natural resources. The proposed reforms will affect all of us, so it’s important that you know what’s on the table.
To find out more, call 1800 614 133 or go to
Water savers from around Australia and internationally are being called to enter the national 2010 S a v e w a t e r ! a w a rd s ® to be honoured for their conservation achievements. Nominations are now open for the Australian Achiever category. This award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to water conservation through initiative and leadership. You can nominate yourself or someone you know for the Australian Achiever Award. Awards are presented in the following seven categories: • Australian Achiever • Business • Community Groups • Educational Institutions • Government •
Product Innovations (open internationally) • Photographic (open internationally) For the Photographic award, fantastic prizes are on offer, including digital cameras and iPod shuffles, with selected images to be used in water conservation campaigns around the world. Entries for the S a v e w a t e r ! a w a rd s ® competitions are now open and close at 5pm on Monday August 9. Winners will be announced at a gala ceremony in Sydney on Friday November 12. To enter or for further information on individual categories and the photographic competition, visit www. c o o m a . n s w. g o v. a u click on ‘Residents & Community’ then ‘Water’ then the ‘savewater!’ logo.
Brigitte Mackay's exhibition
Beyond the Garden Gate Saturday 29 May on till 20 June 2010 Paintings featuring gardens the artist has visited locally and overseas.
Raglan Gallery & Cultural Centre 9-11 Lambie Street COOMA
Wednesday to Sunday,9.30 to 4.30
Ph:6452 3377 Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra.
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Children learn about Ghana at preschool The children from Lambie Street Pre-school were treated to a special performance from Sam Derchie last Wednesday. Sam is from Ghana and he tells stories, plays music, dances and gives the children an insight into the Ghanaian language. Dressed in traditional clothing Sam mesmerised the children with his stories and involved the children in dance, chanting and playing some percussion instruments. Pictured at left, children at Lambie Street Preschool join in the performance last week.
Seminar on weather forecasting tonight The Australian Bureau of Meteorology is running a free community Weather Seminar tonight, Wednesday June 9, in Cooma to discuss changes to the Snowy Mountains and Southern Tablelands forecasts under a new forecasting system being introduced later this year. The seminar will be held at the Cooma Ex-Services Club, starting at 7pm and lasting for approximately two hours. This will be the first community event in NSW associated with the project. As well there will be an educational session about using our web radar images.
Substantial changes to the way the Bureau produces and delivers our weather forecasts to the community are happening soon. For more information and registration go to http://www. Or forecasts/about-graphical-forecasts.shtml
Hotondo Homes Building & Display Centre
GRAND OPENING! Find out more about the exciting opportunities that Hotondo Homes have to offer.
Join us for a ‘cuppa’ and go into the draw to win a NEW OMEGA DISHWASHER! Or go into our lucky door prize to WIN A FOUR NIGHT FAMILY HOLIDAY to the sunny Coffs Coast staying at The Lorikeet Tourist Park or The Waterside Cabins at Woolgoolga OR a two night family holidayy to SnowyGums chalet in Perisher. y
OPEN DAY - Saturday 12th June 10:30 - 2:30pm at 56 Sharp Street, Cooma
56 Sharp Street, Cooma Ph: 6452 7403
∙ 73 Sharp St, COOMA NSW 2630∙Ph 64526399 ∙ Fax 64526160 Email: Web:
the pet pdst Proudly brought to you by the Cooma Pet Shop and The Monaro Post
Helping Your Fish Thrive in the Cooler Months
During cooler months, fish can become stressed, leading to health problems. Follow these simple tips to help your fish thrive during winter. 1. Avoid drafts: Make sure that your fish tanks are not exposed to cold drafts at night - it may pay to shut doors to reduce this. 2. Check Temperature: Check the temperature of your tank with a thermometer. Heaters sometimes stick and their thermostats break down. If your heater does not appear to be working, replace it. 3. Check the size of your Heater: Check that your heater is big enough for your tank, if your not sure just ask our friendly staff. 4. Check Water Parameters: Ensure that your water quality is correct. Purchase a quality water test kit and test your water regularly. Keep the tank clean, and check that your filters are fully operational. 5. Avoid Large Water Changes: Filling the tank with cold water can reduce the temperature significantly, leading to stress and disease. Try more frequent, but smaller water changes instead. As a general rule, a good filtered tank needs a water change at least once a month. Always use a gravel syphon when doing water changes as accumulated waste is then also removed. 6. Treat with Medication as Needed: Fish under temperature stress can commonly suffer from fungal disease or whitespot. Keep an eye our for these, and treat with medication as needed. 7. Feed a Nutritious Diet: Make sure that you feed a nutritious diet to boost your fish' immune system. Ensure that it is a quality food such as Tetra. Cheaper brands do not always contain all of the nutrients that your fish require. Frozen foods can also be a big help in adding vitamins and minerals to the diet.
For new arrivals, listen to Sandra live with Gerry on the local breakfast radio 2XL AM 8:20am every Thursday.
More Rewards For VIP's
Wednesday June 9, 2010
The tale of a man and his dog The bond between man and animal can be very strong and should never be underestimated. This bond can be accentuated in stressful conditions, and in the case of a war or conflict, the bond becomes complete. Man has used animals in war and conflict for centuries, as a recent exihbition at the Australian War Memorial highlighted. Today, the Australian Army still uses animals, such as sniffer dogs to work with our soldiers in various fields of operation. In April last year, The Monaro Post reported on the situation concerning local soldier Peter Lawlis. Two years before, Sapper Peter Lawlis had left Australia with his mate, sniffer dog Merlin, for a six-month deployment to Camp Holland, Tarin kowt, Orugzan Province, Afghanistan. In October 2007, Peter returned to Australia, but Merlin did not – he had been killed while on patrol on August 31. Peter was unable to organise Merlin’s repatriation, so a burial service was held in Afghanistan, conducted by Chaplain Craig Potter. Merlin was buried with wattle and gumleaves sent over by Peter’s mother, Jenny, so he would have a little bit of Australia with him. Peter returned to Townsville, where a plaque was erected in Merlin’s honour. Peter left the Army in January 2008 and returned home to Bredbo. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Merlin had been part of the family and was not forgotten. Peter was concerned that although he had taken Merlin to Afghanistan, through no fault of his own, he had been unable to bring him home. A handler and a dog are a team – when miles away from home in a desolate war zone, your dog is your best mate, your confidante and back warmer on cold nights in the desert. Peter and Merlin had been together in East Timor and also served at the Commonwelath Games in Melbourne. It was very hard for Peter to be home and not have his mate with him. In March this year a campaign was started to bring Merlin back
home. Merlin was, after all, a serving member of the Australian Army, Sapper EDD 439, and deserved to be repatriated. epatriated. Through the efforts of Peter Attenborough, Luke Kain and Jenny, with the he support of many in n the community, including ncluding the Member for or Eden-Monaro, Mike Kelly, the campaign succeeded and on May 27, Merlin arrived back in Australia. Last Monday, Merlin was handed over to his mate Peter by Lt Col Jan Phillips,at a brief ceremony at Bredbo. After many months, a lot of heartache, Merlin was home. Peter did not know about the he campaign until everything was in place. “All through the process we were scared something would happen
to prevent it”, Jenny said. But now man and dog are rest reunited and Merlin can res in peace on home soil.
Exclusive to VIP's only Spend $50 or more and go into the draw to win the prize of the month! This will be a monthly event.... just another way for us to say "Thank You For Shopping Locally"
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69 Commissioner Commissione Street, Cooma NSW 2630 P: 6452 2622 F: 6452 2633 E:
CU’s plan to develop Cooma Following the successful public meeting called by Cooma Unlimited (CU) to look at ways of increasing Cooma’s population and stimulating economic development, CU now has a list of 24 items and ideas from that meeting. Chairperson of Cooma Unlimited, Dugald Mitchell, said “CU proposes to hold a second meeting on Thursday June 7 at 5.30 pm in the BEC Training Room in Bombala Street to form sub-committees to put together an “action plan� on each of these items. There is no reason why that activity can’t start now! “Cooma Unlimited notes Cr Jack Nott’s comment, that neither the meeting nor CU could direct the council or councillors to take part. We fully understand that, but we think the council staff and the councillors should play a role at the highest level as progress will greatly depend on co-ordination with council. “All these action plans will of course be public documents, and we would ask locals to put forward any thoughts they have to either the local media or to CU at PO Box 1239 Cooma NSW The list, as it came from the forum’s white boards is as follows. Priorities will evolve as participants take items up. Progress will be coordinated by Cooma Unlimited. 1. town 2. 3.
Physical Appearance of town, clean up Cooma as an educational centre National Broadband
4. Use of LEP to attract business, settlers 5. Rural Land Use 6. Local Tourism – promotion of local destinations 7. Using Surplus Accommodation - Houses, shops, Hotel/motel Beds, Industrial sites 8. CBD parking signage 9. New Retirement Village in Cooma North 10. Information packs for region 11. Increase hospital services including greater use of operating theatre. 12. Improve transport and their interlocking timetables. 13. Retail Business encouragement and town planning input 14. Better communication especially between Shire, and Councillors, and Community 15. Grow the regional Artist Community 16. Grow the uses of Polo Flat Airfield 17. Rejuvenate Polo Flat Industrial, including setting up specialist areas 18. Bike paths through out the Shire – use the disused railway? 19. Adopt a town personality 20. Work with Government - Federal, State, and Local (including neighboring ones). 21. Green Power 22. Planning successful future shire Development 23. Finding the accurate populations figures for the Shire. 24. Town Planning Department
Call to support Cooma Jobs The newly appointed Labor Minister for Small Business should reverse the flawed decision to withdraw funding of the Snowy Enterprise Centre as a matter of urgency Nationals candidate for Monaro, John Barilaro has claimed. Mr Barilaro said the Snowy Enterprise Centre is key to a vibrant small business sector in Cooma and the surrounding region. “The Keneally Labor Government recently appointed Frank Terenzini as the sixth small business minister since April 2007 - That’s nearly a new Minister every six months,� Mr Barilaro said. “It’s very disappointing to see that the small business portfolio is ranked among the most junior in the state by Labor and nothing more than a political football to be passed on in quick succession. “What sort of message does that send to the small business owners of Cooma and other parts
of Queanbeyan and the Monaro? “NSW Liberals & Nationals Shadow Minister for Small Business Don Page has already visited the centre and I have sought an undertaking from him that he will come again and sit down and talk with the people affected by Labor’s funding cuts. “Labor just aren’t genuine about representing small business and local jobs in the Cooma region. “A long list of Labor Ministers either displayed complete ignorance on the issues affecting the Snowy Enterprise Centre or refused to answer the many questions put to them in Parliament.� “And during all of this Labor’s Steve Whan stood idly by looking on and did nothing,� he said. The Snowy Monaro Business Centre was established by the Fahey/Armstrong Government in 1993 to provide expert advice to small businesses, but has struggled in recent years to get support from NSW Labor.
Ph: 6452 2412
82 Sharp St, Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 3183 Fax: (02) 6452 3134
rear door forced open by a screwdriver, a digital Police A search warrant was executed on the evening camera was stolen from the house. of Friday June 4 in the Chakola area. Police seized A 21-year-old Cooma male was caught driving unlicensed firearms from the property and their while suspended on Saturday evening near KFC enquiries are continuing. on Sharp Street Cooma. A break and enter occurred in Wangie Street on A two-vehicle accident occurred in Mittagang Friday June 4, sometime between 8am and 5pm. The thieves gained access to the garage where Road on Sunday afternoon. One vehicle rolled they stole a mountain bike, wipper sniper and over in the collision, but no persons were injured. Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade attended the other power garden tools. scene. There was a fuel and oil spill, which was Also on Friday a property in Bent Street had its cleaned up by the fire brigade
" " "
Weather impacted on appeal who waited patiently for a caller who did not arrive and invite those who missed out to make their donation at the Salvation Army Family Store during this week, where Manager Rod will be happy to issue a receipt. If anyone living locally would like to donate but is unable to get to the store we will be happy to discuss arrangements to collect their donation. To those collectors who did brave the weather we give our heartfelt thanks. Their selfless assistance will help many who struggle with burdens greater than most of us will ever know.
Polo Flat Rd, Fax: 6452 1537 C ooma NSW 2630
Emergency service report
What a mammoth task it is recruiting and coordinating up to 100 members of our local community to doorknock for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal throughout the Cooma-Monaro region each year! The inclement weather over the weekend, unfortunately, took its toll on our collection teams this year. Many of our families and older or more frail collectors were unable to brave the cold, wet and blustery conditions on Sunday and consequently some areas missed out on the doorknock. The Salvation Army Cooma would like to apologise to the members of the community
6 days a week from 5pm
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Think F res
Wednesday June 9, 2010
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Post & Rail
Wednesday June 9, 2010
In support of Bronnie Editor, Having had 10 years as Local State Member for Monaro and seven years on the local council, I continue to take an active interest in politics and government management at all levels. This year we have a Federal Election and I will be activley supporting Tony Abbott and the Nationals team to defeat the Rudd Government. Next year I will campaign to have the corrupt and incompetent Labor Government defeated in NSW. To do that I will support John Barilaro as the Nationals Candidate. So I am a confirmed and acknowledged conservative and Member of the Nationals. My flag is firmly pinned to the wall of the Coalition. My interest in Local Government elections is entirely different. I object to Party politics entering the Council
Chambers and can say with authority that we are blessed to have a nonpartisan council in Cooma-Monaro, where decisions are based on merit, not Party lines . In my time in Local Goverment at no stage did I ever use my Party allegience to sway a decision. There may be factions develop from time to time but they are not aligned to any political party. This is good for council and good for the community. The reason I have gone to such lengths to explain my position on this issue is that I want to endorse Bronnie Taylor as my preferred candidate in the forthcoming Cooma-Monaro Council byelection, not because she is a member of The Nationals, but because she is the best candidate who has the most to offer. I actively supported Bronnie in her quest for preselection with the Nationals for the Legislative Council for the same
reason. She is an active and energetic community member who will contribute intelligent nonpartisan debate on behalf of the community in Local Government. Bronnie Taylor has made a very real mark on behalf of the Community in the very important issue of health and in particular the McGrath Foundation. Bronnie has the time, the enthusiasm and wisdom to fulfil that very important role in our council relating to health, which in the past was aptly undertaken by Cr Narelle Davis. The opportunity to capture an individual with such experience is rare and the community would be doing itself an injustice not to put Bronnie Taylor number one on their ballot paper. Peter Cochran (Former State Member for Monaro and Mayor of Cooma Monaro Shire) Yaouk.
Convenor rapt with rugs
EDITOR Gail Eastaway - 02 6452 0312 0408 930 180
ADVERTISING & SUBSCRIPTIONS Tracy Frazer - 0429 321 869 Narelle Allen - 0403 352 867 Louise Platts - Bombala/Jindabyne - 0428 586 688
DESIGN & PRODUCTION Libby Goggin Steven Gibson Jessica Plumridge
PHOTOGRAPHY Gail Eastaway Tracy Frazer
Editor, A special thanks to Jenny Evans and the passengers on Last week Monaro Freight transported four boxes of rugs, Snowliner tours for the 35 rugs which helped make up the 98 containing 98 wraps (free of charge) to Wrap with Love at their rugs. warehouse in Sydney. Thank you Mark Revelant. Betty Mattner AM Once again the people of Cooma and district showed how Convenor- Wrap with Love, much they care for the homeless in Australia and overseas. Cooma
Narelle Allen
PUBLISHER Monaro Media Group Pty. Ltd.
Accounts: 02 6452 0318
Luke at this...
postman calls
Another week, another crisis for the NSW Government. “I’m nobody’s girl” will soon be “I’m nobody’s Premier”, it seems. Ms Keneally, let’s cut to the chase - your government is truly beyond help. Just call an early election and end your own suffering…not to mention that of
the general populace. Please! Someone broke through the “Don’t call’ register last week to ask question about the State Government’s environment policy. The caller didn’t like the answer – firstly, how can you call a registered do not call number and secondly, that’s
not a state government – it’s an embarrassment Speaking of political unrest – the PM is not his usual smily Milky Bar Kid or late. With the polls telling us the Feds are also on the nose, can we electors get a special cut-rate election if we have a state and federal affair on
the same day? We could just embrace anarchy, of course. More on animals..Simba is missing. Simba is a pinky ginger five-month old male kitten, missing from Denison Street.
His ‘mum’ would like to have him back. He is very friendly and has a distinctive meow. If you see him, give The Monaro Post a call and we’ll advise his family. With the long weekend coming up, The Postman offers the following advice – drive safely and stay warm.
Post & Rail
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Time for Feds to fund Highfire study
An Open Letter to Dr Mike Kelly Member for Eden-Monaro Dear Dr Kelly, On Saturday May 29, I joined the queue waiting to talk to you in Cooma’s Centennial Park but due to another engagement was unable to stay the distance. My concern is the Federal Government decision to withdraw funding from bushfire research in the Snowy Mountains and in particular on Snowy Plain, an island of freehold land bordering National Park and Wilderness areas in the foothills of the eastern slopes of the Snowys. As representative of one of those landowners, most of whom are dedicated collaborators in this important research project, I am only too aware of the growing threat of disaster facing Monaro when climate conditions similar to those in the summer of 2003 return. You will remember that 70 percent of the Park was destroyed at that time. Clearly mountain fires are growing in both scale and ferocity as demonstrated by the 2003 event and more so by horrific loss of life in Victoria last year. So much so that in the Snowy Mountains millions of eucalypts, renowned for their ability to survive most bushfires, were killed. The dead timber remaining fortifies the rebuilding of the fuel load to an extent now estimated by fire authorities to be seven (7) times the load that fed the fires of 2003.
Countless bushfire enquiry reports have nominated fuel load reduction as a major tactic for fire prevention and control but little change in official policies has occurred. The Highfire Research Project will answer how, where and when fuel loads can be reduced or accumulation prevented without inflicting environmental damage, threaten biodiversity, cause erosion, reduce carbon sequestration or impair clean water yield for hydro power and a healthy river system. Obviously such research must be long term. Atypical wind patterns saved Monaro in 2003 but we cannot expect our luck to hold. It could well be that most of your electorates will face destruction next time. Please demand reinstatement of funding for the Highfire Research Project and rigorously promote continuation of this most vital endeavour.
GLAMOROUS NAILS · prescription nails · acrylic nails · gel nails Phone 0431 245 061 to book an appointment.
Yours sincerely,
HIGH COUNTRY AUTOMOTIVE - 66 Sharp Street, Cooma P: 6452 1077 F: 6452 1142 E:
James Litchfield Myalla COOMA NSW 2630 1 June 2010
10 News Nimmitabel SES out in force some people who called for help, as they were unable to be reached until the following day. They were kept in contact with throughout the night, by phone until the SES could reach them the following day. There were no injuries to anyone or stock losses in this deluge, just some cleanup work. The Nimmitabel SES commenced operation in the late 1980’s, they assist the public in a wide range of activities and should be commended for the job they do. If you need their assistance during storms, natural disasters or an emergency you can call them on 6452 6222 or 132 500.
CWA Monaro Group members on their way home following the 2010 State Conference in Port Macquarie.
Cooma Public School Where every day is Open Day Come and visit our school and see Technology at its best. Make an informed decision about education for your child in 2011 Enrolment forms are available from the school office or phone 6452 1933
T-BONE STEAK $17.50 kg LAMB 4 QUARTER CHOPS - $8.99kg Available
Fatz Cutz Quality Meat 22 Bombala St, Cooma
Ph: 6452 1634
CWA cares for men’s health Supporting research into aspects of prostate cancer will be the target of fundraising for medical research by Country Women’s Association of NSW over the next three years. This decision was one of the many made at the recent 4-day Annual Conference of the Association at Port Macquarie, which was attended by over 800 delegates from across NSW, and included 33 women representing the Monaro branches. With a state-wide membership of over 10,325 members, which is a increase over the previous year, it remains the largest voluntary organisation in NSW. Mrs Elaine Armstrong of Oura branch of the Riverina Group, was voted to lead the organisation during the next three years. Caring for others is one of the fundamental roles of CWA and apart from in-kind contributions to community life, the combined total sums of money raised and donated to other worthy causes is staggering. During the past year the Association allocated $31,261 for medical research, $48,923 for the CWA Emergency Fund, $43,000 for Association projects, $50,00 for the Victorian Bush Fire Appeal and $20,000 was donated to the Northern NSW/ Southern Queensland Floods. A net profit of $85,600 was raised at Sydney’s Royal Easter Show tea rooms to assist CWA in their charity work. At branch level, $500,067 was donated to other causes within regional communities. The coveted CWA Past President’s Award for significant service to the community was presented to Jindabyne branch for its Jindy Mums & Bubs progamme, the First Aid Course for Kids and service within its community. Many Monaro Group members were proud to receive CWA of NSW Awards for Excellence in the following areas of friendly competition: International: International Doll – First Prize: Monaro Group (Natalina Casarotti, Berridale Branch). Land Cookery: Neapolitan Cake - First Prize: Barbara Skein, Canberra Branch; Boiled Carrot Cake - Highly Commended: Gillian Petersohn, Dalgety-Numbla Vale Branch; Handicraft : Wool Award (Poster) – Second Prize: Cooma Branch. Quilt – First Prize: Leonie Kelley,
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Dalgety-Numbla Vale. Past State President from Dubbo branch, Mrs Ruth Shanks AM, who is serving her second threeyear term as South Pacific Area President of the Associated Country Women of the World, opened the Conference. At the International segment of the Conference, she spoke of the changes, challenges and champions from Christmas Island to Samoa. Ruth advised that branches may send unwanted coins left over from overseas trips, to Head Office. This will raise funds for desperately needed canulas and feeding tubes for Port Moresby Hospital. The inspirational guest speaker and NSW Woman of the year, Christine Weston is well known for Renta-Farmhouse for a $1-a-week Scheme, which has rejuvenated the town of Cumnock. Only people with children were eligible to apply. In a short period the population had dropped from 550 to 295 and the school enrolments tumbled from 105 to 35. On launching her scheme, Christine had 1,800 hits on her web-page in the first 24 hours. Shortly Cumnock’s population rose 10 per cent in one month, school enrolments rose to 60, and the about-to-be cancelled school bus was reinstated. Nineteen other communities are now emulating the scheme. The next project to keep Cumnock on the map was a local sculpture competition, “Animals on Bikes Paddock Art”, which resulted in local welding courses being designed and run. (See www. Happy Monaro Group members returned home on the Cooma Bus, having found time to enjoy themselves at social activities as well as attending to the serious business of Conference which included debate and resolving that 12 motions of the 15 presented, be presented to the heads of various government departments and organisations in the hope of improving conditions in rural and regional NSW. Dates for the Diary: Inaugural CWA Awareness Day – Wednesday 8 September 2012. Next year’s conference Monday – Thursday 16-19 May 2011 at Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre, Nowra. The favourite car sticker seen en route during the 2010 Conference trip was ‘You toucha my car, I give you my twins’.
© Service One Credit Union Limited, operating as SERVICE ONE Members Banking. ABN 42 095 848 598, AFSL 240 836.
Last week’s storms and strong winds had the Nimmitabel SES out in force for the weekend. They attended to seven jobs over a 24-hour period, all with a team of five. Wind gusts of up to 135km/h along the coast blasted up the mountain, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The school had its fence taken out by a tree, rural/residential roads were flooded and blocked and several houses had damage to their roofs. Nimmitabel also recorded the states heaviest rainfall of approximately 200mm over the weekend, which had followed on from 100mm earlier in the week, making for very wet conditions. Flooding caused major delays for
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Supporting the local community for over 50 years
council catchup
brought to you by
Cooma-Monaro Shire Council is constructing a new 6.6 megalitre water reservoir. To facilitate this work, Council has prepared a Planning Proposal under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to amend the Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 1993 – (Urban) to reclassify Lot 1 DP 901952 from Community Land to Operational Land pursuant to Section 27 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
There is a call for entries to all those interested in entering the Tourism Awards.
The Planning Proposal can be inspected at: • Cooma-Monaro Shire Council administration of¿ces at 81 Commissioner Street Cooma • Monaro Regional Library and Information Service (temporary of¿ces) at SMEC Headquarters 220 Sharp Street Cooma • Cooma-Monaro Shire Council’s website
A booklet containing lots of information about the NSW Tourism Awards is available for downlaod from Please direct any enquiries to NSW Tourism Awards.
WATER RESTRICTIONS Nimmitabel is currently on
Level 3 Water Restrictions until further notice
Monaro Regional Libraries website has a community information database where anyone can Ànd out what’s happening in and around the Monaro, who to contact to play sport, learn bridge, be arty and crafty, or just locate a group to share your common interest. You can search the community information database by keyword, organisation or subject at The library is always looking for new groups to add and importantly looking for updated information when the contact details of groups change. Contacts for sporting groups across the region can be especially challenging to locate. So if you’re in Bombala, the Mountains, Michelago, Cooma or anywhere in between now is a great time to contact the library with your groups name, email or phone number. You can do this simply by: • Àlling out the online form • email or • phone 64551 730
Submissions are to be in writing and received by CoomaMonaro Shire Council no later than 4.30 pm on Wednesday 16 June 2010. Submissions are to be addressed to:
Werri-Nina Aged Care Management Committee Nominations are being called for expressions of interest from Community members for the formation of a management committee for the Werri-Nina Aged Care Centre
General Manager Cooma-Monaro Shire Council PO Box 714 COOMA NSW 2630
Closing Date: 17 June 2010 Nomination Forms: (or additional information) will be available from Mark Williams, Manager of Community Services & Environmental Health , Cooma-Monaro Shire Council, 81 Commissioner Street, COOMA NSW 2630, Phone: 02 6455 1903, Fax: 02 6455 1799.
If you wish to discuss this matter please contact Sue Robb or Ron Dakin on 6455 1777. JOHN VUCIC GENERAL MANAGER
June 9, 2010
81 Commissioner St (PO Box 714) COOMA NSW 2630 The MacLaughlin River Bridge on the Old Bombala Road Council’s roads once again suffered major damage as an easterly storm passed through the Shire on 30 May. Pictured above and below are three of Council’s roads that were storm damaged. Winds of up to 130kph were reported as well as some areas measuring over 250mm of rain. All roads are now open and motorists are asked to drive to the conditions of the road.
PO Box 714 COOMA NSW 2630
PROPOSED ROAD NAMING - PRIVATE ROAD Council proposes to name a private road which is through Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 DP843295 off Tinderry Road, Michelago, approximately 500m west of Egans Road. The proposed name is Pollards Lane. Submissions on this proposal are invited and will be accepted by Council until 16 June 2010.
A wet surface on Micalago Road Tactile markings have been installed at the Massie Street pedestrian crossing to assist vision-impaired pedestrians. The improvements have been listed as a high priority by Council’s Access and Equity Committee, and fully funded by Council.
Pictured is John Black, Trainer and Council TrafÀc Control Red Licence class
There are four trafÀc control licences which all provide different skill levels.
COUNCIL ROAD WORKS Weather permitting the following works will be carried out in June • Badja Road Construction & Shoulder Re-sheeting • Tinderry Road, Fire Restoration • Billilingra Road Maintenance Grading • Polo Flat Road, Heavy Patching • Horse Flat Creek Bridgework, Kybeyan Road • Town and Rural Sign Maintenance
6455 1777 6455 1799
General Manager, John Vucic Director Corporate Services, Daryl Hagger
Council staff have been undergoing trafÀc control training during May. The RTA requires all trafÀc control staff to be retrained every three years.
Murrumbidgee River – Billilingra Road Director Engineering, David Byrne Director Environmental Services, Peter Smith
AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS Recreation Water Wastewater Roads Parks & Gardens
0427 011 144 0417 278 056 0419 251 378 0447 415 150 0427 011 144
This licence provides staff with the skills to:• Explain the requirements of a TrafÀc Management Plan • Describe the set out and close down of a TrafÀc Control Plan • Conduct a risk review for a trafÀc control plan • Make minor site speciÀc modiÀcations to approved trafÀc control plans • Inspect an approved trafÀc control plan.
Mayor, Cr Dean Lynch Deputy Mayor, Cr Tony Kaltoum Cr Martin Hughes Cr Jenny Lawlis Cr Stephanie McDonald Cr Roger Norton Cr Winston Phillips Cr Jack Nott
0428 484 843 6452 1730 0405 209 685 6454 4127 0408 425 430 0411 885 775 0421 331 639 6452 2354
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Claire’s Carousel
• Curtains made to measure • 100’s of Patchwork fabrics • Best prices on the Monaro • EFTPOS available
TRADING HOURS Monday: 9:30 - 4:30 Tuesday: CLOSED Wednesday: 9:30 - 4:30 Thursday: 9:30 - 4:30 Friday: 9:30 - 4:30 Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00 Sunday/Public Holidays: CLOSED
Other times by arrangement. Phone Merilyn on 0449 818 948 Cooma North Shops - Binalong St, Cooma Ph: 6452 1371
Welcome, readers, to Claire’s Carousel where I invite you to explore some of the social events and community happenings in our region. If you would like to tell me of your special occasions or have community events coming up please phone me on 64523137, mobile 0434352992 or email spray5@ OVERSEAS TRIP Readers, may I take this opportunity to say goodbye to you for four weeks while I have a holiday overseas. There will be no Carousel until July 14 – do save up your news for me and stay safe and healthy until my return. INTERESTING VISITOR Last weekend saw previous Cooma resident Mark Pearson return to visit relatives and friends in Cooma during his two-week vacation in Canberra. Mark is First Secretary and Consul for the Australian Embassy in Seoul South Korea. He was born and educated in Cooma and began employmemt with Department of Foreign Affairs when he was 16. He has
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worked at Embassies in Vanuata, Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, and now South Korea. Mark was awarded the Order of Australia for his work in Bali after the Bali bombings. Mark said Seoul has a population of 21 million – can you believe it just one city!! He also told me that during winter the swimming pools at some hotels are turned into skating rinks where he often takes his staff for an evening out – sounds great! Have a safe return trip Mark. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARMEN Many happy returns of the day to Carmen Henkel for her birthday last week. One of Carmen’s many celebrations was a luncheon at her home with 13 of her friends Leonie Snell, Irene Ramm, Tanya Beckman, Vera Beckman, Janette Stone, Robin Mould and others. Guests enjoyed a delicious three course luncheon and also a walk around Carmen’s property with its panoramaic views and being a sunny day was very enjoyable for her guests. Best Wishes for a happy year to follow Carmen! FUNDRAISER INVITATION Cooma North Public School P & F invite you to a “Movie Night” Sex and the City 2 on Thursday June 10, at 6.30pm at the Savoy Theatre.
Champagne, nibbbles and entry to movie is just $20 and tickets available by phoning 0419 018 627 or at the door (if any left). Sounds like a great night!!! BOOK LAUNCH Cooma residents love a Book Launch and Raglan Gallery is proud to advise Christopher Holt will be launching his new book The Gate of Tears on June 24 at 5pm. All are very welcome and wine and nibbles will be served to make this a friendly and entertaining evening. Christopher is a former Cooma school teacher and we are all looking forward to meeting up with him again. CALLING FOR VOLUNTEER SKI GUIDES Disabled Winter Sport Australia are running three training courses at Thredbo and Perisher June 19 to 20, June 24 to 25 and July 3. If you ski/snowboard at an intermediate level they would love to hear from you. Please contact Paul on 0414 7648 903 if you can assist even one day volunteering would be a great help and think of the satisfaction of assisting people with a disability and giving them pleasure of enjoying the snow.
A joint celebration The sixth birthday of Jindabyne’s Snowprint Bookshop was celebrated with the book launch of “A Few Right Thinking Men” by Sulari Gentil, on Friday May 28. “A Few Right Thinking Men” is a crime novel combining politics and history centred around the the 1930s Depression years when political extremism was rampant with the communist movement posed a dire threat to the fascist right wing party. The principal character – a rich art student – comes into conflict with his heart and his passion. The death of an uncle brings him to make a stand. ‘Rowland Sinclair is an artist and a gentleman. In Australia’s 1930s, the Sinclair name is respectable and influential, yet Rowland has a talent for scandal. ‘Even with thousands of unemployed lining the streets, Rowland’s sheltered world is one of exorbitant wealth, culture and impeccable tailoring. He relies on the Sinclair fortune to indulge his artistic passions and friends ... a poet, a painter and a brazen sculptress. Mounting tensions fuelled by the Great Depression take Australia to the brink of revolution.’ Sulari Gentil came to Australia via Zambezi, Snowprint Bookshop’s Sharon Ellis and Sulari Gentil at the age of six and grew up in Brisbane. She celebrate the bookshop’s sixth birthday and the has a background of art, law, astro physics launch of Sulari’s book “A Few Right Thinking Men” and grows truffles in Batlow. Married to an Junee historian who is keenly interested in the is researching in the mountains for her third novel pro fascist movements of the 1930s and when when the hero comes to the high country in the extremes gave rise to extreme actions, she claims early 1900s and stays at Rules Point, overlooking that all historical facts in her story are accurate. Long Plain – a time of Rolls Royces, sports days A second crime fiction book by Sulari will lead on and wild cattlemen. from the “A Few Right thinking Men”. Just now she
2010 Little Black Book The 2010 edition of the Little Black Book: A Seasonal Worker’s Survival Guide is now available. Produced annually since 2005, the Little Black Book provides seasonal workers with important information about accessing local health and well-being services, and staying safe during their time on the snow. The new book is also divided into chapters and fully indexed, making it easier to use and more accessible that ever before. This year’s Little Black Book was sponsored by the Department of Health and Ageing, Snowy River Shire Council, and a generous donation from Perisher. Copies are available for free to all seasonal
staff and can be obtained from the Snowy Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, the Kosciuszko Visitor Information Centre, both the Berridale and Jindabyne Council Offices, and from local doctors, pharmacies, and real estate agents. Organisations and businesses interested in obtaining copies of the Little Black Book for winter staff, and anyone wishing to obtain more information on the booklet, can contact the Snowy River Shire Council’s Youth Development Worker Meghan Quinn on 02 6451 1506.
BREW MASTER CHUCK HAHN presents Beer Degustation wine challenge @ THE BANJO PATERSON INN
Tuesday June 22
7 Beers, 2 Clancyʼs Wines & 3 courses for $50 pp
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Ph: (02) 6456 2372 - 1800 046 275
Class Corner
Wednesday June 9, 2010
What’s Lucky about?
Convincing communicators
Australian culture gets a Hollywood makeover in the St Patrick’s school musical, Lucky, opening on June 17 at the Cooma Little Theatre. L u c k y and Byron are young Australian film makers passionately devoted to turning our history and heritage into an epic motion picture. But when s l e a z y producer Dingo steals their baby, the script is hawked to Hollywood and cultural sensitivity goes out the window in favour of box office bonanza. Ned Kelly becomes a shoot-em-up action hero, the Eureka Stockade turns kung fu, The Man from Snowy River goes comic book superhero and undead zombie schoolgirls invade a picnic at Hanging Rock. There’s even a Bollywood dance number when the First Fleet hits an iceberg and winds up in Bombay! With an extraordinarily embarrassing premiere looming, Lucky must race
Mock Trial team on the steps of Cooma Courthouse: (L to R) Lauren Gregory, Morgan Wecker, Sarah Kleven, Nicole Goggin, Lauren Sullivan, Kelsey Jamieson
Recently, Cooma saw evidence that you do not have to live in a large metropolitan centre for local school students to experience challenge and success against much larger education institutions. Students from St Patrick’s Parish School were successful in rounds of the Mock Trial competition and the ACT Debating Union competition. The Year 10 Mock Trial team were up against competitors from Canberra Girls’ Grammar and the case at Cooma Courthouse involved the Department of Primary Industries charging a person with illegal abalone fishing on the south coast. The legal argument was particularly probing, with cross-examination of the defendant being a key feature. Students are required in this competition to act out courtroom roles of barristers, solicitor, witnesses and court officer. The winning margin to St Pat’s was 233 to 201. Another night in Canberra presented another opportunity for the St Patrick’s Year 7 debaters to gain a hard-fought victory against a team from Radford College in the ACT. The Year 7 debaters convinced the adjudicator that ‘voting should not be compulsory’ by a narrow margin. On the same night a Year 8 team from St Pat’s narrowly missed a win against the muchfancied Melrose High School. The skills developed in debating in the early years of high school often lay the foundation for success in later years in competitions such as Mock Trial, a competition involving more than 400 schools across NSW and the ACT.
Year 7 Debating Team From back (l to r) Joshua Steinke, Daniel Hopkins, Louise Fletcher, Oscar Thomas, Vendulka Wichta
Beauty and the Beast Monaro High School presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast”. Continuing a very proud tradition in the performing arts, Monaro High School will stage Disney’s Beauty and the Beast at 7.30pm on June 9, 10 and 11. It promises to be one of the biggest productions to ever be staged in the Monaro as well as the first time a full scale officialy sanctioned Disney musical will be performed in Cooma. It has wonderful tunes such as “Tale as Old as Time” and “Be our Guest” which complement and enhance an engaging storyline. The plot follows Belle, a strong determined young woman who feels like an outsider in her rural village. One day her father disappears into an old castle that is governed by the much
feared Beast. This is no ordinary beast nor are the occupants of the castle typical as they all live under a spell that will see them condemned to inanimate objects unless the Beast can find true love. Also in Belles life is the arrogant Gaston who wants Belle for his wife and cannot accept that a woman can say no to him. Based on an old legend the show is full of humour and energy .Producer Ian Greig says, “this show will engage the whole family. We have a wonderfully talented group of performers and an amazing production team of staff and students. I believe this will be a professional show that will be a special experience for all that attend.” Tickets are just $20 and $15 with a special family ticket of $60. All tickets are available from the Monaro High School Office.
nd Of Financial Year Sale ???? tocktake Sale ??? une Long Weekend Sale ???
We can’t make up our minds so we are having one sale!!
the clock to convince her fellow film makers that Aussie culture is worth fighting for! The Lucky cast consists of 97 students from Stage 3 to Year 10 and live music by the St Patrick’s Performance Group. Tickets are on sale at The Fabric Salon in Vale Street.
OPEN ALL WEEKEND Little Outlaws Nuggets Crossing, Jindabyne (Next to Gloria Jeans) Phone: 6457 1522
Till the end of the month we have got:
40% off Ladies Winter Fashion
30% off Men’s Winter Fashion
50% off 2009 Ski Wear
Great New 2010 Ski Wear in store
20% off Sat 12th, Sunday 13th, Monday 14th Shop 8 Nugget’s Crossing · Jindabyne NSW · Tel/Fax (02) 6456 2989 ·
property muster
Canberra Commuter Dual Occupancy You could relax and soak up the peace and quiet as you take in the views from this carport and numerous sheds set on 100 acres good grazing country with plenty of water architect designed, one owner, 4 bedroom (all with BIW’’s), 2 bathroom home with from 5 dams and six water tanks only 200 metres from sealed road and commutable spacious open plan lounge, kitchen, dining room with cathedral ceilings, beautiful massive from Canberra in approximately half an hour. P.O.A. exposed beams and plenty of windows to take in the stunning views of undulating, tree 223 Baroona Rd, close to Michelago. studded countryside and the distant hills AND A SECOND, council approved, single bedroom home with beautiful large living area, practical kitchen, large walk-in pantry, OPEN FOR INSOECTION SUNDAY JUNE 13 - 11:30am - 2:30pm generous sized bedroom, immaculate bathroom, gas heating and views from every room To make your appointment to inspect by phoning Kath or Tom for visiting relatives or friends. All this plus a great entertainment Bellgard on 64522122, today from Bellgard Town & Country Real area, lovingly landscaped gardens around both houses, double garage, Estate.
Family Home, Large Block
Property Sth Delegate on large block. 3 bedrooms, 2 room studio, large covered deck, workshop garage. River frontage.
ASKING $120,000
144 Maybe St, BOMBALA NSW 2632 PH: 02 6458 4455 F: 02 6458 4772
House 2
Tracy Boller
3 Nuralda Place $115,000 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 2 Car
Graeme Boller A/H: 6452 4726 Craig Schofield A/H: 0414 865 922
House 1
81 Bent Street $239,000 3 Bed, 1 Bath, 2 Car
BOLLER & COMPANY Your property people
House 1
172 Sharp Street, Cooma Phone: (02) 6452 4155 email:
Monaro Property Muster - Wednesday, June 9, 2010
BOLLER & COMPANY Your property people
property muster
Solid Brick Investment
the monaro’s leading property guide
Never Ending Memories Make an offer you may be surprised!!
and premium product range culminating in a variety of choices from giftware, home wares and furniture. The vendors are very motivated to sell and have drastically reduced the price Create your own memories with this very to include all stock, fixtures and fittings. The popular local business. building offers a large floor space, storage area, two bathrooms and parking at the rear.
All offers will be considered.
Positioned in a very busy shopping area of Cooma Never Ending Memories has been a highly successful business over a number of years with a reputation for customer service
For more information or to arrange an inspection phone Boller & Co on 6452 4155
Unit 2/55 West Street
So Many Features
48 Egan Street
Ooh! Ahh! Woolalla
Own a small portfolio with a big return Here lies a great opportunity for the investor to buy 2 units in an always desirable location for tenants. All on one title they comprise 2 X 2 bedroom units, both with lockup garages and fully fenced back yards. One unit has recently been freshened with new carpet, paint, blinds
and both have wood heating. Current rent on unit 14A is $160 per week while 14B returns $145 per week. The complex offers the investor a tidy return for a small outlay.
For more information or to arrange an inspection phone Boller & Co on 6452 4155
25 Woolalla Street
Distinctive and Individual
3 Woolalla Street
BOLLER & COMPANY available Apply within
Tracy Boller
Graeme Boller
M : 0414 867 958
A/H: 6452 4726
Craig Schofield A/H: 0414 865 922 MP060808
monaro property muster
14A & 14B Bradley Street $265,000
Monaro Property Muster - Wednesday, June 9, 2010
property muster
the monaro’s leading property guide
Quality Monaro Basalt Grazing & Farming Country BOBUNDARA ROAD, COOMA 1626ac – 658ha AUCTION: WED 23rd JUNE 2010, 1pm COOMA EX SERVICES.
# Water is supplied via a newly developed bore rated at 400 g/h that can be connected to existing piping and pumped between the 3 tanks on the property and reticulated to the troughs through the property. In addition to this, there is frontage to the Cottage Creek, plus a spring that has been excavated and concrete liners inserted.
Outstanding quality basalt formation farming and grazing country located in a central location just 40km south / west of Cooma. This property provides an excellent opportunity to buy sound country which offers great versatility with approx 900 ac available for a mixture of cropping and pasture country and the balance of country more undulating to hill grazing. This property comprises well established pasture, including lucerne, phalaris, cocksfoot, rye grass and clover along with a mix of native species. Boasting a strong fertilizer history dating back to the 1960’s where this country was regularly fertilized with sulphur.
# This is a property that does not come with any improvements, but does hold a current dwelling entitlement allowing the purchaser to build a home along with farming infrastructure to suit. There is power running through the property along with frontage to two council maintained roads offering excellent access.
# The soils on “Darling Downs” & “Front Creek” range from heavy black to red arable basalt developed country on the area known as “Darling Downs” which makes up approx 970ac, to native grassed red and chocolate soils in the “Front Creek” section of approx 723ac.
Contact Bill Wilkinson Agencies on 6452 1027 for more information or to arrange an inspection.
Inspections are greatly recommended on this property that is ideally suited to all that the Snowy Mountains and is location has to offer. A block that would ideally suite as an add on to existing country without having to pay for unwanted or needed improvements. źӅҍӅOH 4ҿSȲʚ $ΕΝNǣ /ȪӮ H -̨ҭ̢O
/JͽLǣ 1MBDȺ $ΕΝNǣ /&8 13*$&
Beautifully appointed brick-veener home, offering modern style & comfort. • Spacious open plan design, featuring 3 large living areas. • 4 spacious bedrooms, built ins, lge ensuite & WIR in main. • Zone control underfloor heating throughout + Roof & Wall Insulation. • Modern design spacious kitchen. • Beautiful outdoor entertaining area with nat gas for BBQ. • Stylishly decorated and very appealing throughout. • A complete home for any family!!!!!
FAMILY WANTS IT SOLD NOW!!!!!! • Brick and tile home situated in a very well presented street on 931 sqm • Very spacious with 4/5 bedrooms, • Built-in wardrobes in 3 b/rooms, main with walk-in and ensuite. • 2 large living areas with natural gas & wood heating. • Spacious & modern kitchen, flowing into dining & family room. • Outdoor undercover entertaining area looking over large fully fenced yard. Outstanding Investment Option at a great price with excellent rental prospects!!!!
• Lovingly maintained home situated in a quiet leafy street. • Constructed of brick & tile, standing in very good order both inside & out. • 3 generous b/rooms all with builtin wardrobes. • Lounge with separate bar. • Neat kitchen & dining area. • 3-way bathroom in great order. • Zone controlled under floor heating throughout the whole home. • Single garage with electric door. • Established lawns & gardens. • Covered outdoor entertaining area.
Beautiful position with extensive modern renovations!!! • Fully renovated and extended home. • Offering modern style & comfort with 4 huge bedrooms & 2 living areas. • Massive modern kitchen, s/steel app, gas cooking. • Fully ducted n/gas heating throught. • great location backing onto the bush. A great opportunity to buy a house with modern renovations throughout as an investment, 1st home or family home. CURRENTLY TENNANTED @$280p/w VENDOR BOUGHT ELSEWHERE!!!
M: 0429 788 143
A/H: 02 6452 7802
monaro property muster
/JͽLǣ 1͡ $ΕΝNǣ /&8 13*$& #͝JH̛ 4ӂ $ΕΝNǣ "4,*/(
Monaro Property Muster - Wednesday, June 9, 2010
property muster
the monaro’s leading property guide
Bill Wilkinson Agencies P/L Confirm The Sale Of A Noted Monaro Grazing Property The sale of the property ‘PINELEIGH’ BUNGARBY, has been confirmed with an exchange of contracts taking place in late May. The property was advertised for auction on the 5th May 2010 but was withdrawn and consequently sold on that day to a consortium of local farming families for a figure close to the advertised price range of $700 per acre. ‘PINELEIGH’ is made up of approx 3311 acres and has been well regarded throughout
the district for the livestock that come off the property. A highly pasture improved holding with approx 80% of the country being basalt soil. Improvements are well catered for with 2 homes and extensive working improvements.
Number One Call Ryan
Contact Bill Wilkinson Agencies on 6452 1027 for more information.
HE SELLS HOUSES 1800 FOR SALE - Buyers find us 7 days at:
02 6452 4043 |
9 9 9
45 ac Building block with magnificent bush setting. 5 acre building envelope, views to die for and peaceful setting. Creek frontage & easement to Murrumbidgee River. Under 10mins to Cooma CBD!!!!
BIDDERS GUIDE $130,000 - $150,000
9 9 9
20 ac building block with peaceful alpine feel. 5 ac building envelope with Murrumbidgee valley views Low maintenance acreage, just a great place to live! Easement for water from Murrumbidgee River.
9 9
20 ac building block fully fenced, Spectacular Mtn views. Just 5 mins to Cooma & 800m from Golf Course. Great building sites, warm N/W aspect & 2 Dams.
BIDDERS GUIDE $140,000 - $160,000
BIDDERS GUIDE $110,000 - $130,000
Contact: Shannon Fergusson - 0429 788 143
monaro property muster
09/06 wednesday
Entertainment abc1
6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Count Us In. (G, R) 10.15 Naturally Australia. (G, R, CC) 10.30 BTN. (G, R, CC) 10.55 Australians. (G, R, CC) 11.00 Big Ideas. (CC) 12.00 Report. (CC) 12.30 Press Club Address. (CC) 1.30 Talking Heads. (G, R, CC) 2.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 6.05 Cheese Slices. (G, CC) 6.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (G, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The 7.30 Report. (CC) 8.00 The New Inventors. (CC) 8.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG, CC) 9.00 Lowdown. (Final, M, CC) Alex unwittingly meets reality TV star Joss Miller while on holiday and falls in love with her. 9.30 Psychoville. (CC) 10.05 At The Movies. (CC) 10.35 Lateline. (CC) 11.10 Lateline Business. (CC) 11.40 Spooks. (M, R, CC) 12.30 Movie: The Dark Mirror. (b&w, PG, 46, R, CC) 1.55 Bush Bands Bash. (G, R, CC) 2.25 Big Ideas. (R, CC) 3.25 National Press Club Address. (R, CC) 4.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 5.00 Something In The Air. (G, R, CC) 5.30 The New Inventors. (G, R, CC)
6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30
6.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.30
6.00 7.00 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
friday 11/06 1106
9.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 5.30
Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Holby Blue. (M, R, CC) All Saints. (M, R, CC) Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) Raggs. (P, R, CC) It’s Academic. (C, CC) News At 4.30. (CC) M*A*S*H. (G, R) Deal Or No Deal. (G, CC) News. (CC) Today Tonight. (CC) Home And Away. (PG, CC) Border Security: Australia’s Front Line: Dog Special. (PG, CC) Surf Patrol. (Final, PG, CC) A girl is left with potentially serious injuries after she collides with Surf Carnival competitor. Police Under Fire: Mad Max. (M, CC) A gripping account of the events that led to the 1986 gunfight between police and fugitive gunman “Mad” Max Clark. Maneaters. (PG) Most Shocking. (PG, CC) The First 48. (M) Home Shopping. (G) Early News. (CC)
10.30 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.30 5.00 5.30
Today. (CC) Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) The View. (PG, CC) Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) Alive And Cooking. (G, R) Hi-5. (P, R, CC) Pyramid. (C, CC) News. (CC) Antiques Roadshow. (G, CC) Hot Seat. (G, CC) News. (CC) WIN News. (CC) A Current Affair. (CC) Hey Hey It’s Saturday. (PG, CC) 20 To 01. (Return, PG, CC) Host Bert Newton counts down 20 of the greatest Aussie stars with chart-topping albums. Underbelly: The Golden Mile. (M, R, CC) Entertainment Tonight. (CC) WIN News. (CC) Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) Antiques Roadshow. (G, R, CC) Global Shop. (PG) Danoz Direct. (G) Good Morning America. (CC) Early Morning News. (CC) Today. (CC)
9.30 10.30 11.15 12.00 1.00 1.30 4.00
6.00 10.00 10.15 10.20 10.40 11.00 12.00 12.30 1.30 2.00 3.00 6.05 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
6.00 9.00 11.00 12.00
6.00 7.00 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 9.00
Wednesday June 9, 2010
10.25 11.00 11.30 12.20 2.05 3.55 4.30 5.00 5.30
Children’s Programs. For The Juniors. (G, R, CC) Telling Tales. (G, R, CC) Being Me. (G, R, CC) Like It Is. (G, R, CC) How The Earth Was Made. (G, CC) Midday Report. (CC) Jeeves And Wooster. (PG, CC) Collectors. (G, R, CC) The Bill. (PG, R, CC) Children’s Programs. Grand Designs Revisited. (G, CC) News. (CC) The 7.30 Report. (CC) Catalyst. (G, CC) Voyage To The Planets. (G, CC) In this episode, the grand tour of the solar system moves on to Mercury and Venus, the planets closest to the Sun. The American Future: A History By Simon Schama. (G, CC) Part 3 of 4. Lateline. (CC) Lateline Business. (CC) Live From Abbey Road. (M, CC) Movie: Macbeth. (b&w, PG, 48, R, CC) Movie: Ruthless. (b&w, PG, 48, R, CC) Can We Help? (G, R, CC) Shortland Street. (PG) Something In The Air. (G, R, CC) The New Inventors. (G, R, CC)
11.30 12.30 5.30
Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Holby Blue. (M, R, CC) All Saints. (M, R, CC) Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) Raggs. (P, R, CC) It’s Academic. (C, CC) News At 4.30. (CC) M*A*S*H. (G, R) Deal Or No Deal. (G, CC) News. (CC) Today Tonight. (CC) Home And Away. (PG, CC) The Matty Johns Show. (PG, CC) Criminal Minds. (M, R, CC) After a self-confessed serial killer turns himself in, the team has to work quickly to locate a missing mother and her children before it’s too late. The Amazing Race. (Final, PG, CC) With the $1 million prize on the line, racers come face-to-face with an evil villain. Teams drop all pretence of friendliness after queue jumping costs another group time. Hosted by Phil Keoghan. FlashForward. (M, CC) Home Shopping. (G) Early News. (CC)
1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
9.30 11.00 11.30 1.30 2.00 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30
Today. (CC) Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) The View. (PG, CC) Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) Alive And Cooking. (G, R) Hi-5. (P, R, CC) Pyramid. (C, CC) News. (CC) Antiques Roadshow. (G, CC) Hot Seat. (G, CC) News. (CC) WIN News. (CC) A Current Affair. (CC) Getaway. (PG, CC) Sea Patrol. (M, CC) Dutchy’s traumatic experiences during the Gulf War return to haunt him, endangering Kate’s life. The Footy Show. (M, CC) NRL. WIN News. (CC) The Footy Show. (M, CC) AFL. Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) WWE Afterburn. (M) Danoz Direct. (G) Good Morning America. (CC) Early Morning News. (CC) Today. (CC)
10.00 11.00 11.45 12.30 1.30 4.00
6.00 10.00 10.15 10.30 10.45 10.55 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30
6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30
6.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30
6.00 7.00 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.00
1.30 2.30 3.00 6.05 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
10.05 10.06 10.35 11.15 12.05
Children’s Programs. Take On Technology. (G, R, CC) Behind The News Specials. (G, R, CC) Atoms Alive. (G, R, CC) Me Voila! (G, R) A Table! (G, R) Catalyst. (R, CC) The New Inventors. (G, R, CC) Midday Report. (CC) Enough Rope With Andrew Denton. (G, R, CC) Cranford. (G, R, CC) Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) Children’s Programs. Meerkat Manor: Young Blood. (CC) Can We Help? (G, CC) News. (CC) Stateline. (CC) Collectors. (G, CC) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple. (M, R, CC) Miss Marple receives a request from the estate of a recently deceased man to investigate a “possible crime”, with the only clue being her fellow passengers on a coach tour. Beached Az. (G, R, CC) 30 Seconds. (New series, M, CC) Lateline. (CC) The Graham Norton Show. (R, CC) Rage. (M)
Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Holby Blue. (M, R, CC) All Saints. (M, R, CC) Delish. (G) Raggs. (P, R, CC) It’s Academic. (C, CC) News At 4.30. (CC) M*A*S*H. (G, R) Deal Or No Deal. (G, CC) News. (CC) Today Tonight. (CC) Home And Away. (PG, CC) Better Homes And Gardens. (G, CC) Five gardening myths are put to the test. Find out how to make an easy trophy cabinet. Meet the pet parrot who hates being sent to his room. Learn how to get rid of backyard snails. 8.30 Ghost Whisperer. (PG, CC) As Andrea prepares to do stand-up at a local comedy club, Melinda encounters a bevy of dead comedians engaging in their own comedy act. 9.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 12. North Melbourne v Carlton. From Etihad Stadium, Melbourne. 1.00 Home Shopping. (G)
Today. (CC) Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) The View. (PG, CC) Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) Alive And Cooking. (G, R) Hi-5. (P, R, CC) Pyramid. (C, CC) News. (CC) Antiques Roadshow. (G, CC) Hot Seat. (G, CC) News. (CC) WIN News. (CC) A Current Affair. (CC) Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 14. Gold Coast Titans v Manly Sea Eagles. From Skilled Park, Gold Coast. Movie: Transformers. (M, 07, R, CC) Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox. A teenager becomes entangled in an epic battle between two groups of alien robots after they land on Earth in search of an artifact of tremendous power. WIN News. (CC) Movie: Malibu’s Most Wanted. (M, 03, R) The Baron. (PG, R) Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) Good Morning America. (CC)
sbs one Early News. (CC) Toasted TV. (G) Totally Wild. (C, CC) Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) News. (CC) The Circle. (PG, CC) Dr Phil. (PG, CC) The Oprah Winfrey Show. (PG, CC) Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) Judge Judy. (PG, CC) Infomercials. (PG, R) Huey’s Kitchen. (G, CC) The Bold And The Beautiful. (G, CC) News. (CC) The Simpsons. (G, R, CC) Neighbours. (G, CC) The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) MasterChef Australia. (PG, CC) Lie To Me. (M, CC) Lightman is convinced one of his mentor’s students is a psychopath and could be dangerous. Law & Order: Criminal Intent. (M, CC) News/Sports Tonight. (CC) David Letterman. (PG) The Shield. (M) Sex And The City. (MA15+, R) Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) Religious Programs. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Movie: By The Pricking Of My Thumbs. (PG, 05, R) 2.50 Even Pigeons Go To Heaven. (PG, R) 3.00 Rough Science: Mine. (G, R, CC) 3.30 Nerds FC. (G, R, CC) 4.00 A Fork In Africa. (G, R, CC) 4.30 The Journal. (CC) 5.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 6.00 Global Village: India School – Howzat! (G, CC) 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7.35 Inspector Rex. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Every Family’s Nightmare. (M, CC) Follows efforts by the family of 15year-old Perth student Patrick Waring to have him freed after he was wrongly accused of rape. 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 10.00 The Killing. (Final) The police pursuit of the killer reaches its climax. 12.10 Movie: Cold Light. (MA15+, 04, R, CC) 1.50 WorldWatch. CLASSIFICATIONS: (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions
sbs one Early News. (CC) Toasted TV. (G) Scope. (C, R, CC) Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) News. (CC) The Circle. (PG, CC) Dr Phil. (M, CC) The Oprah Winfrey Show. (M, CC) Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) Judge Judy. (PG, CC) Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) Huey’s Kitchen. (G, CC) The Bold And The Beautiful. (G, CC) News. (CC) The Simpsons. (G, R, CC) Neighbours. (G, CC) The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) MasterChef Australia. (G, CC) Glee. (PG, CC) Law & Order: SVU. (M, CC) An illegal immigrant is an important witness in a sexual assault case but is reluctant to testify for fear of being sent back to her home country. Medium. (M, CC) News/Sports Tonight. (CC) David Letterman. (PG) Buffy The Vampire Slayer. (M, R) Infomercials. (PG, R) Religious Programs. (PG)
6.00 1.00 1.30 2.30 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 6.00 6.30 7.30 8.00 8.30
9.30 10.00
11.40 12.45 2.35
WorldWatch. Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R) Insight. (R, CC) Inside The Bombay Railway: Dreams. (PG, R, CC) Nerds FC. (G, R, CC) Feast Greece. (G, R, CC) The Journal. (CC) PBS NewsHour. (CC) Global Village: Bahrain – Pearl Of The Arabian Gulf/Camel Police. (G, R, CC) World News Australia. (CC) Italian Food Safari. (Final, G, CC) Costa’s Garden Odyssey. (Final, CC) Albino United. (CC) Follows efforts by Oscar, a respected Tanzanian businessman, to end the rash of murders and mutilations of the albino community in his homeland by forming an all-albino soccer team. World News Australia. (CC) Movie: Tsotsi. (M, 05, R) Presley Chweneyagae, Terry Pheto, Kenneth Nkosi. A young Johannesburg gang leader cares for the baby he finds in the back seat of a car he has stolen. After Mandela. (R) Movie: Zulu Love Letter. (M, 04, R) WorldWatch.
sbs one Early News. (CC) Toasted TV. (G) Totally Wild. (C, CC) Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) News. (CC) The Circle. (PG, CC) Dr Phil. (PG, CC) The Oprah Winfrey Show. (PG, CC) Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) Judge Judy. (PG, CC) Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) Huey’s Kitchen. (G, CC) The Bold And The Beautiful. (G, CC) News. (CC) The Simpsons. (G, R, CC) Neighbours. (G, CC) The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) MasterChef Australia. (G, CC) NCIS. (M, R, CC) The death of an NCIS agent leads Gibbs and Tony into the desert to locate a woman who holds the answer to the mystery. Numb3rs. (M, CC) News. (CC) Sports Tonight. (CC) David Letterman. (PG) Friday Night Lights. (M) Infomercials. (PG) Bayless Conley. (PG) Jesse Duplantis. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 2010 FIFA World Cup Official KickOff Celebration Concert. (PG) 4.00 Classical Destinations: Germany – Leipzig And Mainz. (G, R, CC) 4.30 The Journal. (CC) 5.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 6.00 Global Village: India School – Exam Fever. (G, CC) 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7.30 JFK’s Women: The Scandals Revealed. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever. (New series, G, CC) Comedians Santo Cilauro, Sam Pang and Ed Kavalee present a left-field review of overnight action from the FIFA World Cup in South Africa. 9.00 The 2010 FIFA World Cup Show. (New series, CC) 10.00 2010 FIFA World Cup Opening Ceremony. The opening ceremony of the 19th FIFA World Cup tournament. 12.00 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. South Africa v Mexico. From Ellis Park, Johannesburg, South Africa. 2.00 2010 FIFA World Cup Opening Ceremony And Match 1 Highlights. 4.00 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. Uruguay v France.
598 9.40
12.40 1.10 3.00 4.00 4.30
10.00 11.00 11.30 12.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.30
Wednesday June 9, 2010
6.00 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 3.00
6.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30
6.00 Go, Diego! Go! (G, R, CC) 6.30 Dora. (G, R, CC) 7.00 Weekend Today: Saturday. (CC) 9.00 Saturday Kerri-Anne. (G, CC) 10.00 Kids’ WB. (G) 10.05 Ben 10: Alien Force. (G) 10.35 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (G, R) 11.00 Dennis & Gnasher. (C, CC) 11.30 Stormworld. (C, CC) 12.00 Mortified. (C, R, CC) 12.30 Lockie Leonard. (C, R, CC) 1.00 The Saddle Club. (Final, C, R, CC) 1.30 Danoz Direct. (PG) 2.00 Movie: The Train Robbers. (PG, 73, R, CC) 4.00 Talk To The Animals. (G) 4.30 Out Of The Blue. 5.00 Fishing Australia. (G, CC) 5.30 Postcards Australia. (G) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (G, CC) 7.30 Movie: Charlotte’s Web. (06, R, CC) 9.35 Movie: Monster-In-Law. (M, 05, R, CC) Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda, Michael Vartan. A woman faces opposition from her obnoxious future mother-in-law who is determined to prevent her son’s wedding. 11.40 Eclipse Music TV. (M) 12.10 Movie: Firefox. (PG, 82, R, CC) 2.45 Movie: Carry On Cruising. (PG, 62, R) 4.30 Danoz Direct. (G) 5.00 Creflo A Dollar. (G) 5.30 Fishing Australia. (G, R, CC)
6.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 3.00 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.30
5.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.25 8.30 9.15 9.20
11.00 11.55
Rage. (PG) Poh’s Kitchen. (G, R, CC) Message Stick. (PG, R, CC) Stateline. (R, CC) Australian Story. (R, CC) Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) Can We Help? (G, R, CC) Pilot Guides. (G, R, CC) Rugby Union. Shute Shield. Eastern Suburbs v Sydney University. From Woollahra Oval. Bowls. International Test. Men’s Triples. Australia v England. Highlights. Planet Food. (G, CC) Gardening Australia. (G, CC) News. (CC) Doc Martin. (Return, PG, CC) News. (CC) The Bill. (M, CC) Commander Kennedy’s son is placed at the scene of a violent assault. News. (CC) Midsomer Murders. (M, CC) When two old friends clash over plans to cut down a local wood, their disagreement turns to tragedy after one of their wives is found dead. Silent Witness. (M, R, CC) Rage. (M)
2.35 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.30
12.30 2.30
The Saturday Club. (G) Weekend Sunrise. (CC) Saturday Disney. (G, CC) Legend Of Enyo. (C, CC) Trapped. (C, R, CC) V8 Xtra. (G, CC) Rookie Vets. (PG) Beauty And The Geek Australia. (PG, R, CC) Movie: Inspector Gadget 2. (G, 03, R) What’s Up Down Under. (G, CC) Guide To The Good Life. (G) Sydney Weekender. (G) News. (CC) Islands Of Britain: The North. (New series, PG, CC) Rugby Union. (CC) Test Match. Australia v England. From Subiaco Oval, Perth. Hosted by Gordon Bray and Wallaby legends Tim Horan and Dan Crowley. Movie: Live And Let Die. (PG, 73, R, CC) Roger Moore, Yaphet Kotto, Jane Seymour, Clifton James. James Bond tries to stop a big-time criminal who plans to saturate the United States with free heroin. Movie: Cabin Fever. (AV15+, 02, R, CC) Home Shopping. (G)
12.30 1.00 4.00 4.30 5.00
sbs one Toasted TV. (G) Sumo Mouse. (C, CC) Scope. (C, CC) K-9. (C, CC) Hit List TV. (PG) Landed Music. (PG, CC) Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG, CC) The Barefoot Investor. (G) Out Of The Blue. (PG) Movie: Field Of Dreams. (PG, 89, R) News. (CC) Sports Tonight. (CC) Malcolm In The Middle. (G, R, CC) Monk. (PG, CC) Football. (CC) AFL. Round 12. Port Adelaide v Sydney. From AAMI Stadium, Adelaide. Movie: Children Of Men. (AV15+, 06, R, CC) Clive Owen, Michael Caine, Julianne Moore. In 2027, with humanity facing extinction due to its inability to procreate, a disillusioned former peace activist agrees to safeguard the world’s only pregnant woman. Cops. (M) Infomercials. (PG, R) Bayless Conley. (G) Leading The Way. (G) Hour Of Power. (G)
6.00 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. Uruguay v France. Continued. 6.30 The Contenders. 7.00 2010 FIFA World Cup: Morning News. (CC) 7.30 WorldWatch. 1.00 Concert Schönbrunn. 2.30 JMW Turner. (PG) 3.30 Tim Marlow Meets… (G, R) 4.00 Living With The Future. (G, R) 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 5.30 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. Match Of The Day. Highlights. 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7.30 Monster Moves: Massive Machines. (PG, CC) 8.30 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever. (CC) 9.00 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. South Korea v Greece. From Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 11.30 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. Argentina v Nigeria. 2.00 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. Uruguay v France. Replay. From Green Point Stadium, Cape Town, South Africa. 4.00 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. England v USA. From Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg, South Africa.
sbs one
6.00 Rage. (G) 6.30 Children’s Programs. 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 Business. (CC) 10.30 Offsiders. (CC) 11.00 Asia Pacific Focus. (CC) 11.30 Songs Of Praise. (G, R, CC) 12.00 Landline. (CC) 1.00 Gardening Australia. (G, R, CC) 1.30 Message Stick. (G, CC) 2.00 Travel Oz. (G, R, CC) 2.30 The House Of Windsor: A Royal Dynasty. (G, R, CC) 3.30 Being John Banville. (PG, R, CC) 4.20 Unfed. (G, R, CC) 4.30 Art From The Arctic. (R, CC) 5.30 Art Nation. (CC) 6.00 At The Movies. (R, CC) 6.30 Treks In A Wild World. (PG, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Doctor Who. (CC) 8.15 Doctor Who Confidential: Cut Down. (G, CC) 8.30 News. (CC) 8.35 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG, CC) 10.05 Compass: The Mission Pt 3. (CC) 10.35 The Brothers Warner. (PG, R, CC) 12.10 Movie: Advise & Consent. (PG, 62, R, CC) 2.25 Movie: Make Mine Laughs. (b&w, G, 49, R) 3.30 Talking Heads. (G, R, CC) 4.00 First Tuesday Book Club. (G, R, CC) 4.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 5.00 Something In The Air. (G, R, CC) 5.30 The New Inventors. (G, R, CC)
6.00 6.30 7.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 2.00
6.00 6.30 7.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
6.00 Mass For You At Home. (G) 6.30 Hillsong. (G) 7.00 Animalia. (C, R, CC) 7.30 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 8.00 Meet The Press. (CC) 8.30 The Hit (G) 9.00 The Benchwarmers Oz Made. (G) 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 12.00 John Edward Presents: Life After Death. (PG) 1.00 Orangutan Diary. (G, R) 1.30 Motor Racing. Australian Rally Championship. Round 3. Coffs Coast Rally. From New South Wales. 2.30 Netball. ANZ Championship. Round 13. Adelaide Thunderbirds v West Coast Fever. From Distinctive Homes Dome, Adelaide. 4.30 Discover Downunder. (G, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Sports Tonight. (CC) 6.00 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Merlin. (PG, CC) 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (PG, CC) 8.30 The Good Wife. (M, CC) 9.30 House. (M, CC) 10.30 Movie: Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan. (MA15+, 06, R, CC) 12.05 Movie: The Naked Gun: From The Files Of Police Squad! (M, 88, R, CC) 1.40 Video Hits Up-Late. (G, R) 1.50 Motor Racing. FIA F1 World C’ship. Race 8. Canadian Grand Prix. 4.00 Religious Programs. (PG)
6.00 Soccer. 2010 FIFA World Cup. England v USA. Continued. 6.30 The Contenders. (CC) 7.00 World Cup: Morning News. (CC) 7.30 WorldWatch. 11.00 Footy: The La Perouse Way. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Tales From A Suitcase. (G, R) 12.00 First Flower. (G, R, CC) 1.00 Football Mission. (G, R, CC) 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 Football Asia. 4.30 Futbol Mundial. 5.00 Road To The World Cup. (R, CC) 5.30 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Match Of The Day. Highlights. 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Ron Barassi. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Cup Fever. (PG, CC) 9.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Algeria v Slovenia. 11.30 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Serbia v Ghana. 2.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. England v USA. Replay. 4.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Australia v Germany. Match Lead-In. 4.20 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Australia v Germany.
5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.30 8.00 8.30
10.50 11.25 12.00 12.30 5.30
Garner Ted Armstrong. (G) Life Today. (PG) Weekend Sunrise. (CC) AFL Game Day. (PG) Inside Super Carrier. (G, R, CC) Movie: Cool Runnings. (G, 93, R, CC) Football. AFL. Round 12. Western Bulldogs v Brisbane Lions. From Etihad Stadium, Melbourne. Destination New Zealand. (G, R) Mercurio’s Menu. (G, CC) News. (CC) Sunday Night. (CC) Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R, CC) The Force: Behind The Line. (PG, CC) Movie: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. (M, 08, CC) Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis, Russell Brand. After being dumped by his celebrity girlfriend, a man goes on holiday to Hawaii and is surprised to run into his ex and her boyfriend. Scrubs. (PG, R) Russell Brand’s Ponderland. (Return, M) Room For Improvement. (G) Home Shopping. (G) Early News. (CC)
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
9.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 2.30 3.30 4.00 5.00 5.30
Go, Diego! Go! (G, R, CC) Dora The Explorer. (G, R, CC) Weekend Today. (CC) Wide World Of Sports. (G) The Sunday Footy Show. (G) Sunday Roast. (PG) Gilligan’s Island. (R) Men In Trees. (PG) Rugby League. NRL. Round 14. Broncos v Rabbitohs. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. News. (CC) Customs. (PG, CC) Send In The Dogs. (PG, CC) 60 Minutes. (CC) Underbelly: The Golden Mile. (M, CC) Corrupt cop Dennis Kelly betrays his best mate to the Royal Commission, with tragic results. CSI. (M, CC) Crime Investigation Australia. (M, R, CC) Afterlife. (M) Rugby League. Super League. Round 17. Wolves v Rovers. 20/20. (CC) Danoz Direct. (G) GMA: Sunday Edition. (CC) Early Morning News. (CC) Today. (CC)
6.00 11.00 12.00 12.30
6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00
6.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 12.00
6.00 7.00 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 12.00 1.00 2.00
1.30 2.00 2.45 3.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.20 9.35 10.35 11.10 12.05 1.45 3.25 4.30 5.00 5.30
Children’s Programs. Landline. (R, CC) Midday Report. (CC) The Return Of Sherlock Holmes. (CC) The Cook And The Chef. (G, R, CC) The Bill. (PG, R, CC) Mr Bean With Rowan Atkinson. (R) Children’s Programs. Travel Oz. (G, CC) Talking Heads. (CC) News. (CC) The 7.30 Report. (CC) Australian Story. (CC) Four Corners. (CC) Media Watch. (G, CC) Q&A. (CC) Lateline. (CC) Sin City Law: Bourbon Strip Pt 2. (M, R, CC) Movie: The Moon Is Blue. (b&w, PG, 53, R, CC) Movie: The Thing From Another World. (b&w, PG, 51, R, CC) Bowls. International Test. Men’s Triples. Australia v England. Highlights. Shortland Street. (PG) Something In The Air. (G, R, CC) The New Inventors. (G, R, CC)
2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
9.30 10.30 11.00 12.00 1.00 5.30
Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Movie: Though None Go With Me. (G, 06, R) My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri’s Story. (PG, R, CC) Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) Raggs. (P, R, CC) It’s Academic. (C, CC) News At 4.30. (CC) M*A*S*H. (G, R) Deal Or No Deal. (G, CC) News. (CC) Today Tonight. (CC) Home And Away. (PG, CC) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Secrets Revealed. (New series, PG, CC) Desperate Housewives. (M, CC) Angie’s ex-boyfriend Patrick returns. Gaby and Susan go overboard when their kids compete against each other in a fundraising contest. Brothers & Sisters. (Final, M, CC) Scrubs. (PG, R) Trauma. (M) The Mole. (PG, R) Home Shopping. (G) Early News. (CC)
2.00 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30
Today. (CC) Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) The View. (PG, CC) Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) Alive And Cooking. (G, R) Hi-5. (P, R, CC) Pyramid. (C, CC) News. (CC) Antiques Roadshow. (G, CC) Hot Seat. (G, CC) News. (CC) WIN News. (CC) A Current Affair. (CC) Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) The Big Bang Theory. (PG, CC) The Mentalist. (M, CC) CSI: Miami. (M, CC) CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) Entertainment Tonight. (CC) Rugby League. Super League. Round 17. Crusaders RL v Bradford Bulls. From Racecourse Ground, Wrexham, North Wales. Matlock Police. (M, R) Danoz Direct. (G) Good Morning America. (CC) Early Morning News. (CC) Today. (CC)
5.00 5.30 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
11.00 11.45 12.30 1.30 4.00
6.00 10.00 10.25 10.35 11.00 12.00 12.30 1.30 2.00 3.00 6.05 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
6.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.00
6.00 7.00 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
9.30 10.00 10.30 11.05 11.35 12.20 12.35 1.05 2.05 3.00 3.55 4.30 5.00 5.30
Children’s Programs. Behind The News. (G, CC) Our History. (G, R, CC) The Australian Experience. (R, CC) Big Ideas. (CC) Midday Report. (CC) World’s Worst Disasters. (PG, CC) The Einstein Factor. (G, R, CC) Parliament Question Time. (CC) Children’s Programs. Time Team. (CC) News. (CC) The 7.30 Report. (CC) Foreign Correspondent. (CC) Greatest Cities Of The World With Griff Rhys Jones. (New series, PG, CC) QI. (PG, CC) Artscape. (G, CC) Lateline. (CC) Lateline Business. (CC) Four Corners. (R, CC) Media Watch. (G, R, CC) Chaser’s War On Everything. (M, R, CC) Parliament Question Time. (CC) Island Life: Barrow Island. (G, R, CC) Big Ideas. (R, CC) Good Game. (M, R, CC) Shortland Street. (PG) Something In The Air. (G, R, CC) The New Inventors. (G, R, CC)
11.30 12.00 12.30 5.30
Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Movie: Prairie Fever. (M, 08) All Saints. (M, R, CC) Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) Raggs. (P, R, CC) It’s Academic. (C, CC) News At 4.30. (CC) M*A*S*H. (G, R) Deal Or No Deal. (G, CC) News. (CC) Today Tonight. (CC) Home And Away. (PG, CC) Australia’s Got Talent. (Final, G, CC) Grey’s Anatomy. (M, CC) Alex treats a troubled teenager, whose bizarre behaviour leads her parents to suspect she is schizophrenic. Meredith reveals her suspicions about Owen to Cristina. Private Practice. (M, CC) Violet and Amelia treat a woman with a brain tumour whose treatment will result in poor quality of life. Sheldon vies for Charlotte’s affections. Scrubs. (PG, R) Trade Wars. (PG) Home Shopping. (G) Early News. (CC)
9.30 10.30 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30
Today. (CC) Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) News. (CC) Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) The View. (PG, CC) Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) Alive And Cooking. (G, R) Hi-5. (P, R, CC) Pyramid. (C, CC) News. (CC) Antiques Roadshow. (G, CC) Hot Seat. (G, CC) News. (CC) WIN News. (CC) A Current Affair. (R, CC) Top Gear. (PG, CC) Australian Druglords: The Syndicate. (M, CC) Australian Families Of Crime: Mr Bigs – Lenny McPherson And George Freeman. (M, CC) 30 Years Of Origin. (PG, CC) Entertainment Tonight. (CC) WIN News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) Division 4. (b&w, M, R) Danoz Direct. (G) Good Morning America. (CC) Early Morning News. (CC) Today. (CC)
9.30 10.30 11.15 12.00 1.00 1.30 4.00
sbs one Early News. (CC) Toasted TV. (G) Totally Wild. (C, CC) Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) News. (CC) The Circle. (PG, CC) Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) The Oprah Winfrey Show. (PG, R, CC) Football. (CC) AFL. Round 12. Melbourne v Collingwood. Malcolm In The Middle. (G, R, CC) News. (CC) Neighbours. (G, CC) The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) MasterChef Australia. (PG, CC) Good News Week. (M, CC) Guests including NCIS star Pauley Perrette, Liz Ellis, Wil Anderson and Sammy J and Randy. Glee. (PG, R, CC) Mr Schuester splits the choir into teams, challenging Kurt and the girls to express themselves through the music of Lady Gaga, while the boys perform a piece from the glam metal band Kiss. News/Sports Tonight. (CC) David Letterman. (PG) Burn Notice. (M, R, CC) Infomercials. (PG, R) Religious Programs. (PG)
6.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Australia v Germany. Continued. From Durban Stadium, Durban. 6.30 The Contenders. (CC) 7.00 2010 FIFA World Cup: Morning News. (CC) 7.30 WorldWatch. 3.30 Insight. (R, CC) 4.30 The Journal. (CC) 5.00 Rough Science: Power. (G, R, CC) 5.30 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Match Of The Day. Highlights. From South Africa. 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7.30 MythBusters. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever. (PG, CC) 9.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Netherlands v Denmark. From Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg. 11.30 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Japan v Cameroon. From Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein. 2.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Australia v Germany. Replay. From Durban Stadium, Durban. 4.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Italy v Paraguay. From Green Point Stadium, Cape Town.
sbs one Early News. (CC) Toasted TV. (G) Totally Wild. (C, CC) Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) News. (CC) The Circle. (PG, CC) Dr Phil. (PG, CC) The Oprah Winfrey Show. (PG, CC) Ready Steady Cook. (Return, PG, CC) Judge Judy. (PG, CC) Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) Huey’s Kitchen. (G, CC) The Bold And The Beautiful. (G, CC) News. (CC) The Simpsons. (G, R, CC) Neighbours. (G, CC) The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) MasterChef Australia. (PG, CC) Modern Family. (PG, CC) NCIS. (M, CC) In order to save the lives of his colleagues, Gibbs must make a devastating choice. NCIS: Los Angeles. (M, CC) News/Sports Tonight. (CC) The Late Show With David Letterman. (PG) Law & Order. (M, R, CC) Sex And The City. (MA15+, R) Infomercials. (PG, R) Religious Programs. (PG)
6.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Italy v Paraguay. Continued. From Green Point Stadium, Cape Town. 6.30 The Contenders. (CC) 7.00 2010 FIFA World Cup: Morning News. (CC) 7.30 WorldWatch. 3.30 Nerds FC. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 5.30 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Match Of The Day. Highlights. From South Africa. 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7.30 The Brain That Changes Itself. (G, CC) 8.30 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever. (PG, CC) 9.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. New Zealand v Slovakia. From Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg. 11.30 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Ivory Coast v Portugal. From Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth. 2.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Italy v Paraguay. Replay. From Green Point Stadium, Cape Town. 4.00 Soccer. (CC) 2010 FIFA World Cup. Brazil v North Korea. From Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg.
W BUSINESS OF THE WEEK H ELGAS Cooma and Snowy Mountains O’ S
Elgas Cooma Snowy Mountains is a team of dedicated staff with an area that stretches from Williamsdale in the north to Bonang Victoria (south of Delegate) in the south and Yarrangobilly Caves in the west to Bombala in the east.The staff of Elgas Cooma Snowy Mountains have a combined experience of 70+years in the LPGas industry. All staff are locals who know the area like the back of their hands and are dedicated to providing quality service and technical skills. Elgas operates tankers out of both Cooma and Jindabyne depots, the tankers service the requirements of both bulk and domestic Easygas customers. Ron Goggin, Adrian Studley and Paul Rawson are highly experienced operators who are well known in their patches. The Cooma delivery driver
P ? O L O
Cooma Sand & Concrete Pty Ltd
Country Wide Wool Pty Ltd
Stumpy Wallis, a man with a ready smile, is charged with the responsibility of delivering LPGas cylinders for new installations, exchange and swap and go customers. If you are after technical expertise, Alan Kelly with over 30 years experience has a wealth ready knowledge. And in the Cooma office Carol Robinson is tasked with fulfilling customer and appliance sales inquiries. Tim Corkill, the manager, has the enjoyable task of directing operations. To assist with providing the best quality local service, Elgas also has local cylinder exchange and appliance sales agents based in Cooma, Jindabyne, Dalgety, Nimmitabel and Delegate. And if you are after LP or Natural gas appliance sales you can contact 131161 to get the latest catalogue and advice.
Wool Buyers
New trading hours 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday
41 Holland Rd, Polo Flat PO Box 46 Cooma 2630 P: 02 6452 3360 F: 02 6452 3422 M: 0428 360 637 E:
(02) 6452 1660 Polo Flat Rd, Cooma
Phone: David Abraham P. 02 6452 2262 M. 0417 431 966 F. 02 6452 4448 18 Holland Road, Polo Flat Cooma
Quality Construction Material Suppliers
various shed sizes available very reasonable rates fully secured premises long or short term rental Packing boxes, plastic sheets and wraps now available for all your packing requirements
For enquiries phone Cathy:
Mobile: 0413 133 681 Phone: 6452 7833 Fax: 6452 7933
Mob 0417 274 010 • A/H 6452 1511 • 1 Airstrip Rd, Polo Flat EFTPOS & CREDIT CARD FACILITIES AVAILABLE
68 Polo Flat Road Polo Flat Cooma NSW 2630
E S T A ?T E
10 4 11
2 5 9
12 8
3 7
Who’s at Polo Flat?
1. 2. 3. 4.
Summit Smash Repairs Country Wide Wool C & C Wassink - Self Storage Cooma Sand & Concrete
5. 6. 7. 8.
High Country Kitchens Elgas Snowy Sheds Southern Service Centre
9. 10. 11. 12.
Monaro Wool Services Monaro Freight Monaro Panel Beaters MGM Industries
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Riposte Lisa Ashurst I remember saying once that the art of letter writing was almost dead. I’m talking about actual hand written ones here and I also remember swearing on my favourite metallic turquoise gel pen that I would never succumb to the tendency to just email and be done with it. Ditto the typed personal letter with a signature on the end. Okay, so I admit that I do email sometimes (because I only have an email address for some of my contacts but I use a nice friendly-looking font in a nice colour) but I have to come clean on the fact that I have typed the odd personal letter since making that vow because I was pressed for time and it was my turn to write back and I was out of pretty stationery etc, etc. I still did the friendly colour font thing though which somehow took the “typed” edge off it and it did make my hand-signed name at the end look less out of place and so far no one
appears to have taken offence either, as none of my letters have ever been returned blotched with angry tears and torn to shreds. I’ve also found a way around any twinges of guilt by applying a craft punch to the corners of each page and before you can say “holy cuss word” that baby almost looks like I penned it myself on some special paper. So why didn’t I? Because I can type faster than I can write, the corner punch goes through paper like a hot knife through butter and it’s still quicker when I need to write back to someone who I should have written back to weeks ago and even the plainest paper looks good with punched corners. Well you did ask! So anyway, do I ever feel like I’ve broken my vow? Well not really because I still do hand-written ones too, so as vows go, I’ve only bent mine a bit and have convinced myself that “bent” is just another word for “flexible” and in a technological world, flexible is good! Technology just has a way of catching up with you and you have to go with it, if you know what I mean. But why bring this up now? Because I just printed out a letter to a friend (“Brush Script ITC” in a nice teal blue) and felt a little niggle about doing it. I know he won’t mind or anything but what can I say? My pen ran out of gel (sigh).
ation For more inform 6 phone 6452 495
STIHL Shop Cooma - 44 Sharp St Ph: 6452 4956
?Who’s @ ? Polo?Flat industrial ? ? ? Estate?
Everybody Needs a Shed!!! Carports, Garages, Homes, Farm and Industrial Sheds.
Wool Buyers & Wool Brokers Office & Wool Store 54-56 Polo Flat Road, Cooma NSW 2630 Phone: 6452 4494 Fax: 6452 4464 or Ben: 0428 445 064
9 Polo Flat Rd, Polo Flat
Phone: 6458 3720 Robert Kerrison
Suppliers of bulk and cylinder LP gas for commercial or domestic applications servicing the Monaro and the Snowy Mountains For appliance sales Jindabyne Plumbing Supplies Lot 23 Baggs Rd Leesville, Jindabyne 6456 1842
Bombala Woolstore Cnr Forbes & Badgery Street, Bombala NSW 2630 Fridays 9am - 5pm
Ph: 6452 7540 Mob: 0407 362 307
When it comes to clean, efficient energy... you can’t beat
Phone: 131 161
Wool Marketing - Not just wool selling
MTA • LMD 12556
Specialising in Farm Machinery - Sales & Services
Gregory Abraham ANIAME For appliance sales Cooma Plumbing Supplies Cnr Commissioner & Bradley Sts, Cooma 6452 2559
1 Kaiser Street, Polo Flat
Proprietor 40 Polo Flat Road Cooma, NSW 2630 Ph: 02 6452 1605 Fax: 02 6452 3485
MONARO PANEL BEATERS t 2VBMJUZ t 4FSWJDF t $PNNJUNFOU t 1SJEF 24 Hour Tilt Tray Towing Service Insurance & Private work Car-O-Liner Measuring System All Types of Spray Painting From Touch-up to Full Resprays Specialising in Baked Enamel Finishes Windscreens Fitted
Ph 6452 1568 Fax 6452 2307 Carlaminda Rd, Cooma
General Road Freight Service COVERING
Polo Flat Rd, Cooma NSW 2630 Ph: (02) 6452 2412 Fax: (02) 6452 1537
· Motorbike Repairs & Services · Spare Parts & Accessories · Tyres & Oils
· General Machining · Drilling · Welding/ Fabrication
Specialising in 4 wheeler, dirt bike and road bike repairs.
Directory Guide
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Tell them how good a job you can do! Dog Grooming
Funeral Services
43 Denison St Cooma NSW 2630 Phone (02) 6452 2094, Mobile 0412 650 144 Alan & Catherine Dodd
Jenni Power
Phone and leave a message
Providing a professional and understanding service
6456 3521
Visioncare and DVA suppliers
11 Dalgety Rd - Berridale
171 Sharp Street Cooma Ph/Fax 6452 1048 1800 678 880 Mob 0412 439 550
With convenience of arrangements In your home or at our premises 24 hours 7 Days FDA Assurance of Quality
COOMA’S $2.00
Not just a cake shop It’s a delight shop
Hains Centre Cooma
Ph : 6452 2853 Email :
Only Use Licenced & Insured Tradesmen You Can Trust Businesses. Continuous Screening confirms: - Workmanship - Reliability - Service - Fair Pricing
- Driveways - Footpaths - Slabs for houses/sheads - Stencil concreting “Why Would You Use Anyone Else?�
John Bujalski Mobile: 0427 778 917 Phone: 6452 4443 Lic No: 51487C
Car & Truck Rentals
Maypole Motors 48 Sharp St, Cooma NSW 2630
PH: (02) 6452 3348
LIC NO: 37754
Carpet Cleaning, General Cleaning
Magiclean WINTER SPECIAL Carpet and Upholstery STEAM Cleaning and Protection Window Cleaning, Domestic & Commercial Cleaning. Hard Surface Strip & Polish, (Tiles, Lino & Slate) Leather Cleaning & Conditioning
24 Hour Emergency Flood Relief
0402 205 987 Ph/Fax: 02 6452 7648
ONLY $77
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*INCL. GST apply
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404 Monaro Hwy PO Box 981 Cooma NSW 2630
Ph: 02 6452 5250 Fax: 02 6452 5549 Mob: 0414 484 180
Directory Guide
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Tell them how good a job you can do! Carpet Cleaning, General Cleaning
McMahon’s Earthmoving
PO Box 661 Cooma NSW 2630
Ph : 0406 995 228
Email :
Inner Health
When the Body talks to itself it can heal itself...
Body Talk
Massage Therapy Healing Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.
Wendy Rees: 11 Egan St.Cooma. 2630
Ph. 6452 2851
PH: 6454 1142 MOB: 0427 270 492 Insurance
Dance School
All workmanship and materials guaranteed. Licensed Water Bore Drillers
Mailing Resumes Surveys Database Updates
ABN 76001 313 499 SERVICING THE LOCAL AREA FOR 49 YEARS! Member of Australian Drilling Industry Association
Directory Guide
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Tell them how good a job you can do! Realestate
Music Lessons
Rock guitar lessons now available. What ever music you’re into we’ll have you playing like a pro in no time. Metallica, ac/dc, red hot chili peppers, green day, Jack Johnson...
¡ Jo Giles: Sales Support /Property ¡ Amanda Rook: Sales ¡ Don Peterson: Proprietor ¡ Ryan Kimber: Sales ¡ Chrissy Humphreys: Property Manager.
We teach all these guitar styles and more: - Contemporary rock, - Hits from the 90’s, 80’s, 70’s, 60’s & 50’s - Country - Blues - Classical
A new location and a new fresh approach to property management and sales.
Individual private lessons tailored to suit your goals.
Shop 3 Centennial Plaza, Cooma Ph: 6452 4043
Shop 2 Parkview Arcade 123 Sharp Street COOMA Ph: (02) 6452 6067
Proprietors: Kim Simpson
Phone/Fax: 6452 1705
DDean Hooper H p
Owner Operator Insured
4 Vale Street, PO Box 916 COOMA NSW 2630
Whats new: Hedge Trimmer
20m Cherry Picker 12m Tipper 5.5 Tonne Excavator with Grab Stump Grinding Available.
Coming soon: Stump Grinder
NIMMITABEL NSW Covering all areas
The Highcounrty Hyundai under 10s were looking for a home ground advantage last Saturday when they played Brugmann. Last time they played Burgmann it was their first game ever and they lost, so they were out for revenge. A great defensive game was played by Bailey Rogers, Zac Ingram, DJ and Will Crofts, who was playing his last game for the club before he moves to Western Australia. Matt Swain and DJ were constantly on the attack and helped to prevent Burgmann from getting over the line. Pierre Wall, Joe Rossiter, Paddy Evans and Zac Ingram all ran forward and made some great breaks with Deuchar Allen making a catch me if you can run to score under the posts. The final score was 30-10, another good win for the under 10’s and takes them into the top four, after a slow start to the season. The Burgmann coach was wondering why our coach Campbell Young was going on to play, much to Campbell’s distaste! Special mention this week to Zac van der Plaat and Colby Evans for always trying their hardest. James Hayden made his debut for the Devils and impressed the boys with his speed in the paddock. Points this week went to 3- Joe Rossiter, 2- DJ, 1- Archie Allen.
Under 12s The Mainstreet under 12s were also at home playing the development squad from Broulee. They had lost when they played Broulee last, so were looking to even the score. In a tough well matched game the forwards showed their strength by continually lifting and moving the scrum past the one and a half metre mark, against the larger Broulee boys. Blake Rixon may not be the biggest boy in the team, but what he lacks in height he more than makes up for determination and guts. He took on the largest boy from Broulee and came away with the pigskin firmly entrenched in his grip, even if his feet were off the ground!
Half time saw the score at nil all and for the first time EVER coach Chris Allen was speechless. He had no advice for the boys, except to keep doing what you are doing, you’re going great. The second half was nearly a carbon copy of the first half with both teams trying desperately to get over the line. Just before the full time whistle Luke Rixon did a kick, run down the sideline, kick and Liam Allen did his pick and drive and the boys were unlucky not to score. The final score was nil all. The Broulee coach came over and congratulated the boys on an excellent game and said they deserved the try at the end. The points went to 3- Blake Rixon, 2- Henry Schofield, 1- Jordon Chenery and Hugh Allen.
vision A di
PLAAT HOLDINGS of van der P.T.Y. L .T.D.
Under 10s
Junior rugby union
Dean 0417 671 062 Michelle 0488 040 843
FURNITURE A.C.N. 001907099
A & A JOINERY Anthony van der Plaat Lic No 65236C Director
Mobile: 0412 574 540 149 Rhine Falls Rd COOMA NSW 2630
Next week there are no games because of the Queen’s birthday long weekend, but the club does have a few boys playing rep duties in Orange and Sydney and we wish them the best of luck. Under 16s The Cooma/Jindabyne Monaro Freight Under 16s travelled to Canberra to meet Daramalan on Saturday and recieved a rugby lesson from a well-drilled side. The Bush Devils let Daramalan in for two quick tries early in the game before regaining their composer. The boys held Daramalan to 26-12 with 15 minutes to go when the rugby lesson began, their forwards starting controlling the ball in every sense, allowing their back line to demonstrate what speed and size can do to a side when throwing the ball wide. The final score 58-12 the best for the Bush Devils being Kaile Baillie (Jindabyne) getting the three points.
Wednesday June 9, 2010
NSW Budget focus should be food security The NSW Farmers’ Association says enhancing NSW’s food producing capacity and logistical efficiency must be a key consideration of the upcoming State Budget. NSW Farmers’ Association President Charles Armstrong says food security has emerged as one of the major issues facing NSW primary producers. “According to the United Nation’s, with overall demand for food expected to more than double by the mid-century, global food production will need to increase by 70 percent by 2050 if we are going to be able to feed a more urban and wealthy global population,” Mr Armstrong said.
“In our Budget Submission we have highlighted a number of policy imperatives needed to help NSW meet this challenge,” he said. “These include increased investment in agricultural research and development, increased funding for rural infrastructure and services, better farming systems for fluctuating environmental conditions and the removal of global trade barriers. “To improve long-term productivity growth, it is important for government and industry to support R&D. Farmers will also need security of investment through property rights and be provided with adequate incentives to increase
their production and productivity. “Meeting the growing demand for food requires prioritising climate change adaptation strategies throughout the food chain,” he said. The Association applauded the NSW Government’s recent recognition of the urgency of this issue with the announcement of the ‘Research for Action – Productivity and Food Security’ plan. At the release of the Plan, the then Minister for Primary Industries stated “now, more than ever, it’s time we start working on solutions to sustain our harvest.” “What we want to see is this strategic scope expanded to include other solutions,”
Budget must recognise transport challenges
Galloping towards health better horse hoof Owners and riders of horses and ponies will benefit from a new report released yesterday on laminitis – the second largest killer of horses and ponies in Australia. The RIRDC report Equine Laminitis – Managing pasture to reduce the risk provides owners with practical information on managing their pastures to reduce the risk of laminitis in horses and ponies. Laminitis is the second biggest killer of horses after colic and is the most serious disease of the equine foot. It causes the coffin bone of the foot to become detached from the inside of the hoof wall, and sometimes penetrate the sole of the foot. Laminitis causes dreadful suffering and in severe cases euthanasia is necessary. The report outlines how horse owners can reduce the level and concentration of sugar, starch and fructan in their pastures. High levels of these carbohydrates can cause laminitis in horses and ponies. Most pastures in Australia are tailored for dairy cows, beef cattle and sheep, and are high in sugar, starch and fructan. When these types of pastures are exposed to intense sunshine, drought and cold stress, these carbohydrates can increase three-fold. But with good pasture management, these conditions can be minimised. Director of the Equine Laminitis
Research Unit at the University of Queensland and co-author of the report, Professor Chris Pollitt, says this report represents an important step forward in the understanding of pasture associated laminitis. “While there are still significant gaps in our knowledge about laminitis, a source of great frustration to horse owners and veterinarians alike, we do know that what the horse or pony has eaten over the last few days, weeks or months may trigger laminitis,” Professor Pollitt said. “Pasture management techniques such as timely slashing, proper fertilising and avoiding species that are high in sugar, starch and fructan can go a long way to reducing the risk of horses developing laminitis.” This painful and crippling
he said. The Association has identified three key funding areas to meet this challenge including food security and climate change; transport and infrastructure and rural services. “The impending global food security crisis will offer considerable opportunity for export focused primary producer nations, such as Australia. “For NSW to be at the fore, we need the vision and the commitment from our State leaders. We hope to see the NSW Government deliver this in next Tuesday’s budget,” Mr Armstrong concluded.
condition, often called “founder” can affect all breeds of horses, but ponies and horse breeds such as Arabs, Fjords, Morgans and Andalusians are more prone to the condition. The report was launched yesterday at the Australian Equine Science Symposium by RIRDC senior research manager Dave Alden, and is the latest in a series of RIRDC reports focussing on improving horse health. The principal author is US based agronomist, Kathryn Watts. Equine Laminitis – Managing pasture to reduce the risk is available at
The NSW Government must address the State’s transport and infrastructure needs in the State Budget, if each Australian farm business is to meet the challenge of feeding 800 to 1000 people in the near future. For farmers in NSW to meet the global food demand expected by 2050, NSW Farmers’ Association President Charles Armstrong said an efficient transport infrastructure network is desperately needed. “Such networks are integral for the movements of agricultural produce to both domestic and export markets with supply chain costs amounting to approximately 20 percent of farm gate
returns,” Mr Armstrong said. Since the 1970’s, national investment in transport infrastructure has dropped from around 7 percent to just 3.6 percent of GDP. “The standard of infrastructure in NSW has been allowed to degrade over a number of years, and considerable investment is now required to bring it up to a suitable standard,” Mr Armstrong said. More information regarding transport and infrastructure needs for NSW can be found in the Association’s State Budget Submission at www.
Below: some horse breeds are more susceptible to founder than others.
“Husqvarna’s got what it takes”
Chainsaw Kit
Valued at $150* with the purchase of selected Husqvarna chainsaws
† *
Available for selected Husqvarna Chainsaw models only – 440e, 445e, 450e, 455R, 460, 365, 570. Offer available from 1st June – 31st August 2010, Available only at participating dealers.
*The Chainsaw Kit includes: cludes:: 1x Chain Filing Kit / 1x Clear Sa Safety ffety Glasses / 1x Garden Earmuffs / 1x 0.95ltr bar oil / 1x Chainsaw Case. Total RRP value $150 incl GST
69 Commissioner Street, Cooma NSW 2630 P: 6452 2622 F: 6452 2633 E:
Wednesday June 9, 2010
SURGERY Dr Phillip Nguyen (B.D.S Syd Uni) 83 Sharp Street, Cooma
Ph: 6452 2213 Alpine Dental Surgery would like to thank all patients and clients for their support over the last few years. We would like to announce and introduce you to a female dentist Dr Courtney Kim, graduated from Sydney with many years experience. Courtney will be working here in Cooma full time Tuesday - Friday. Dr Phillip Nguyen will continue to provide dental services on Mondays and Saturdays only. For appointments with our surgery please call us on (02) 6452 2213
• Modern Equipment & Technology • Minor Oral Surgery & Wisdom Tooth Extraction • Root Canal Therapy including Molar Tooth • All Dentures • Teeth whitening include in surgery 1hr bleaching• Tooth Coloured Fillings, Crowns, Veneers & Bridges • Digital Radiography including OPG up to 90% less radiation
Credit Cards, EFTPOS & HiCAPS Health Funds No Gap participating provider (HCF)
COOMA Twin Cinema 76 Commissioner Street Thursday 10th June – Super Tuesday 15th June 2010
SEX AND THE CITY: Rated MA 2 hrs 26 mins Screening: Thursday – Fundraiser for Cooma North Public School 6.30pm Supper – 7.30pm Movie – Tickets from Ileen on 64525154 Friday & Tuesday @ 5.30pm & 8.15pm, Saturday, Sunday & Monday @ 12noon, 2.45pm, 5.30pm & 8.15pm
BEANEATH HILL 60: Rated M 2 hrs Screening: Friday & Super Tuesday @ 6pm, Saturday, Sunday & Monday @ 2.15pm & 6.30pm
CLOSED Monday & Wednesday
PRINCE OF PERSIA: Rated M 1 hr 47 mins Screening: Friday & Tuesday @ 8.30pm, Saturday, Sunday & Monday @ 12.15pm, 4.30pm & 8.45pm, Sunday @ 3pm & 7pm
JINDABYNE Cinema Snowy Region Visitors Centre Friday 11th June – Super Tuesday 15th June 2010
THE A-TEAM: Rated M 2 hrs 5 mins Screening: Friday & Super Tuesday @ 6pm & 8.30pm, Saturday, Sunday & Monday @ 11.15am, 1.30pm, 6pm & 8.30pm
CLOSED Thursday & Wednesday
WHEN IN ROME: Rated PG 1 hr 31 mins Screening: Friday & Super Tuesday @ 4.15pm, Saturday, Sunday & Monday @ 4pm
Movie Info Line 64571 777
Claire’s gardening notes for June with Claire Caldwell of Cooma Gas and can still have some interesting splashes of colour and a charm all of it’s own. Some trees provide Gardens. Winter is upon us along with the end of another financial year as June arrives. The shorter winter days are with us with it becoming quite dark by 5.30 in the evening. We will have cold nights and days to contend with in the coming months. Let’s hope that there is also plenty of rain to come as well. The skiers and many local businesses will be hoping for heaps of snow leading up to and following the long weekend. June and July can be very busy months in the garden for the Grow Your Own Brigade with the arrival of the bare root plant stock that includes fruit trees and berry plants. Winter planting. The main focus at planting at this time of year is the bare root plants that include fruit trees, ornamental deciduous trees, berries and roses. These plants will begin to arrive in the nursery over the next weeks and all garden bed areas for planting your bare root stock should be well prepared before hand. Many customers have pre-ordered fruit trees etc to be sure of getting the plants they want. Examples of plants available as bare root include apples, pears, cherries, peaches, nectarines, plums, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. For those wanting to grow their own fruit now is the time to get prepared. These plants need special care prior to planting as their roots are not covered by any soil, so the roots must be kept moist and not allowed to dry out at any time. Once you have collected your plants please plant immediately into the previously well prepared planting area and water in well. If you haven’t prepared your beds prior to collecting your plants, then “heeling” them in to a temporary area will be necessary. This means digging a hole in a vegetable bed and making sure all the roots are covered by moist soil until the permanent planting area is ready. NB All our bare root stock arrives in very good condition and is sold this way so care should be taken to keep them in this condition as once the stock leaves the store it becomes the responsibility of the customer. Using Seasol or similar seaweed plant tonic prior to planting (soaking roots) and then again once planting is done, watering in the roots will help the plant/plants settle in and help reduce transplant shock. Continued use of Seasol solution is recommended until plants become well established.
beautiful bark eg Silver Birch, Golden Ash – some have quite beautiful buds eg Manchurian Pear and Golden Ash. Shrubs evergreen and deciduous can provide sparks of colour – the leaves on Nandinas turn to wonderful shades of red in winter and the stems of some Dogwood shrubs are red and some bright yellow. There are many conifers (miniature or dwarf varieties are best) that can provide colour contrasts in winter with their foliage. Native plants can also provide foliage colour and textures that take the boring leafless look away from the garden. Not many plants will provide flower colour during this time of the year. Pansies and violas are the exception. These are great in pots, hanging basket and for garden bed borders. If you plant when they are in flower then they should provide some flowering during the winter. Seedlings may take until spring before coming fully into flower. Bulbs. There are still some spring flowering bulbs available for planting immediately and if you have some hiding in a cupboard then they will need to be rescued and planted immediately. A couple of other essential jobs to do are making sure that anything that needs water gets some, especially potted plants. Evergreen potted plants may need more attention than deciduous potted plants. Plants can suffer from frost damage if allowed to dry out but also be aware that over watering is nearly always a death sentence for many plants. Collect up and mulch the remaining autumn leaves – broken down composted autumn leaves are an invaluable addition to your garden soil.
Keep regular checks for any outbreaks of pests and disease that can still plague some plants even in winter. *Spray stone fruit trees when the leaves have all fallen with copper spray to help protect against curly leaf and bacterial canker. *Check pansy, viola, helleborus plants for attacks from aphids – these will cluster on the underside of the leaves. Spraying with a systemic spray eg Confidor should take care of them. *Keep on top of weed growth as weeds can harbour many problem insects and diseases that will soon migrate from the weeds to your special plants and cause even more problems. *Check your cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprout plants for the dreaded caterpillars ROSES. These are another plant group that of the white cabbage moth. can be successfully planted out as bare root stock. Same principles apply as for fruit trees – Grow Your Own. The GUO’ers may be lucky at NO time must the roots be allowed to dry out. enough to have a hot house, and if so, can try Unless you have pre-ordered your rose varieties growing lettuce and other leafy vegetables through all our roses will be potted up. We have a list of the winter. If not, then think about investing in one rose varieties that have been ordered and if you for future winters to grow your own. A hothouse would like yours bare root then please check out is also great for getting a head start on the spring our list. season by getting seeds germinating earlier and Last seasons roses are all 25% discounted plants growing a bit quicker. Why not think about including standards. Despite what the TV shows going organic if you are going to grow your own and old habits may dictate DON’T prune your – we have many products suitable for organic roses in this area until towards the end of August. growing from seeds to fertilisers to pest control. Pruning too early stimulates new growth that in turn can be burned badly by the heavier frosts So here’s to plenty of rain for us – snow for the over the next few months. mountains and to a hot chocolate or two while planning what to do in the garden, checking out Colour for Winter. Most people think that winter the latest gardening trends in the magazines and in the garden is devoid of any colour but with on the telly. some careful planning and planting the garden
COOMA GAS & GARDEN 8 Vale Street, Cooma 1I t 'BY
gue o l a t Nothing’s too hard. Ca w o n t ou SALE ENDS JUNE 13
A S E C N Casua C asu ual C Cleaner le A R F A O E L C E S – Classifieds TION UCTION HOU P M R SALE 0
P aila pr e op pro on y ffer e avpr eaet o . Thpro ndon seodffe ishoe h th o ap a ns s m y yre t t oceosm poonrs gryebs a boiulirt e wi . i in t C sainti ptaunn slai opl eam c e t uired at a Fre Fred d Billmans lmansd a lifi m i r pe a A casual cleaner is require se qua e co and ted rt of e a a n th c Bathroom Centre App proxximately p imately ly 4 hours a
A/c EJ Freebody ‘Lincluden’
(Minimum qualification Diploma of Community ServicesChildrens Services)
Monaro Family Day Care Inc registers and supports local home-based child care providers and is looking for an enthusiastic and energetic scheme coordinator, to be employed in a permanent full time position. Applicants must be able to meet the requirements in the selection criteria and position description which is available from the schemes office at 67 Soho Street, Cooma 2630, email or telephone 02 64521740.
Clearance Sale of Vehicles, Workshop Equipment, Furniture, Antiques & Sundries Saturday 19 June 2010 Commencing 11am
Ring Eric: 6454 6122 AUCTION
Applications to: The Secretary, Monaro Family Day Care Inc., PO Box 615, Cooma, NSW, 2630 by 4 pm Tuesday 15th June 2010.
Plant & Machinery: Lyco Powertech hydraulic Wool Press, 2006 Nissan Navara STR 3.0DI table top ute 90,000km Rego 2/11; 1973 Series IIA SWB Land Rover-hardtop; Dunlite 6.5 KVA generator with 12.5HP motorportable on wheels; Oxy trolley gauges & hoses; Electric auger; Freighter tipper trailer B; 2 old hand pieces; 2002 Honda motor bike; Spray tank; 8 tonne silo, 3PL double ripper, 3PL Carryall; feed bin, 3PL jib, Murray 38” cut ride on mower; Dalgety meat saw; Arlec welder; metal tool box; Electric workshop compressor; pipe bender; 3 x Davey fire fighter pumps; Grindstone with electric motor; post borer; drill press; oregan electric chain saw sharpener; gold dredge -5HPmotor; James coolroom; 2 electric mincers; steer band saw; meat slicer; qty meat tools; feeders; loading race; 2 old farm trailers; 3 ground fuel tanks & pumps; Husqvarna & Echo chain saws; jetting plant; 2 wide hand pieces; 2 stock saddles; endless chain; qty bee boxes & bee hive equipment; workshop tools; socket sets; fencing tools; pipe fittings; drag chain; qty electric tools; large qty nuts, bolts, steel; sundry timbers; tongue & groove flooring; sundry iron; gates; sundry fence wire & steel posts; cast bath tubs; 2 whipper snippers; Antiques & Furniture: Large pine dresser; 2 kitchen dressers; early cedar meat safe; cedar sideboard; pine dressing table; early kettle & stand; chest drawers; carved mahogany sideboard; pewter tea set; meat platters; qty English china; sundry ornaments; table lamps, collection old games; collection old toys; crystal & cut glass vases; early pedal car; shaving mirror; writing bureau; approx 30 pieces early matchbox toys; upright freezer, 3 piece lounge, sundry chairs & furniture pieces.2 cast kettles; early hand seed sower; boot lasts; camp ovens; fountains; old records; tin trunks; cross cut saws; drench kettle guns; split cane fishing rods; cream can; demijons; harness & haymes; old irons. Outside Vendors: Mercedes Benz 900, 1983, 90 HP good condition, tyres 90%, 5600 hrs, Hardi Pump & boom, 1200 litre tank, ideal spray unit. Directions: follow Bobundra Road from Cooma, turn left onto Myalla Road – approx 24 kms Lincluden on left-follow signs.
We are looking for a hard working & self-motivated person to join our team. If you have kitchen and food preparation/handling skills please give us a call. If you have an understanding of pastry & cakes, even better. This is a full time position with 7am starts Mon-Fri. Salary package rewarded to the right person. Pls Ph: 64546169
Discovery Holiday Park - Jindabyne · Service Station Attendant: casual position, ongoing all year. · Receptionist: casual position, ongoing all year. · House Keepers Required: just for the 2010 ski season.
Phone Peter & Janette - 6457 1301
PUBLIC NOTICES COOMA LITTLE THEATRE INC Open invitation Have you ever wished to try your hand at acting??? Now is your opportunity!!! In early June there is an opportunity to take part in some short skits and sketches. They can be read from the scripts – no need to practice lines! And will be performed in front of a small but supportive and appreciative audience of CLT members at a CLT Clubnight. Open to teenagers and adults. Please phone Sue on 0418 253 537
COOMA LITTLE THEATRE Inc Expressions of Interest are invited from people keen to be involved in the production of a Pantomime to be staged in November this year - “The Wizard of Oz”. Actors and technical crew are required (no experience necessary).
Some singing and dancing involved. Males and Females aged from approximately 16 years. Please phone Jayne 6453 3447 or Sue 6452 2797 by June 22.
OHS TRAINING White card (general induction) OHS training in Cooma Wednesday June 23. Ring Suzanne on 6452 6414 to book.
MOTOR VEHICLE FOR SALE 2000 NISSAN PULSAR · 5 Speed manual · Air-conditioning · 17” mag wheels · Good kms · Rego NEL811
$8,000 ono
Contact 6452 4742 (AH) 0410 348 784 (AH)
YEAR 10: 1986 - YEAR 12: 1988 Where: Aussie Hotel, Sharp St Cooma Date: November 13, 2010 Time: 7:00pm Please contact Wendy Van Lint (Raffaele), Please if you know anyone from school pass this on and if you need any info contact: Wendy (02) 6297 9587, 0411 053 126, 0430 674 233
We are still missing heaps of people. Do you know where any of these people are? Chris Kugler, Tony Lane, Ben Slater, George Skarentzo, Vera de bortoli, Steven Hodzic, Renee Jones, Jason Gauld, Phillip Stewart, Jason Stockheim, Adrian Hall, Phillip Majerski, Jason Rangi, Jenny Davis, John McDonald, Gay Legan, Matthew McQuire, Deborah Lambert, Dianne Coyne, Phillip Hunt, Paul Garment, Natalie Jones, Charles Willis, Christine Strong, Kylie Steel, Michael Starr, David Staples, Adrian Chilcott, Curt Schmeissing, Sam Smith, Mark Dobson, Priscilla Martin, Mark Auterson, Douglas Skillicorn, Matthew Lewis, Darren Rigby, Karla Phillips, Jason Carmody, Mandy McInerney, Andrew Parker, Jason Reid, Douglas Ryan, Rowena Curlewis, Simon Hassall, Julia Brooking, Rudi Waters, Simon Guan, Warwick Hills, Geoffrey Pontefract, Ben Pullin, Richard Brassil.
If you know where any of these people are, let me know or Kathy Anderson know and tell them about the reunion on Saturday 13th November 2010 at the Aussie Hotel Cooma at 7pm...Cheers! Wendy 0411 053 126 or 0430 674 23
TENDER NSW RURAL FIRE SERVICE The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) is seeking the registration for selection and deployment of Heavy Plant (HP) including earthmoving, floats, water-carting, refuelling tankers, etc. during firefighting operations and mitigation works on a ‘Call When Needed’ basis for both the RFS and other firefighting agencies. Companies wishing to apply for consideration to carry out this work will be required to complete a ‘Request For Proposal’ (RFP) application. For an information package please email Applications close 30 June 2010.
COMPETITION WINNERS Congratulations to Michelle Hunt and Sharyn Stokes for winning the 2010 Perisher Season Lift passes.
Further particulars contact the selling Agent. Outside entries received and recommended Terms strictly cash or approved cheque on day of sale ID Drivers License. Number purchasing system, Local catering Further particulars contact the selling Agent Go to for further photos and details:
Office – Tel: 02) 6452 1027 Fax: 02) 6452 3261 Bill Wilkinson - 0427 005 682 A/H 02 6452 2984
THANK YOU Marie Cox, together with daughters Julie and Dianne and their families would like to thank everyone for their condolences on the passing of their beloved Ron. We have been strengthened in our sadness by your kind and loving expressions of sympathy.
MCCR says thanks The Monaro Committ Committee for Cancer Research would like to thank the following for their co contribution to making Dancing with the Cooma Stars such an ou outstanding and fun community fundraiser. Stars and Dancers – Mar Walters and Luke O’Sullivan Mary Doug Rendoth and Kim Neville Do Brad Frazer and Jo Brown Jono Forrest and Shara Jones Jo Gordon Litchfield and Michelle Russell ssell Br Brian Coyte and Karen Klima Lurch Manthey and Katie Thompson on Jane Cay and Andrew Wilkinson Jan n Dr Andrew An Egan and Holly Menchin hin Dean Lynch and Donna Bailey Bridget McCosker and Mark Nolan n Louie Elia and Michelle Mantheyy Craig Schofield and Shannon Schofield field MC Jim Walker Broose, Cooma Car Club, Monaro High Year 12 helpers, Brendan Bogatek Boga for video bloopers and DVD. Laine Swain, Kerry and Deanne Baines, Baines Vicky Pearce and Sabrina Forrest for hair and makeup. All voluntary food and bar waiters Voluntary JJudges, Kayla Ross, Rosie O’Sullivan and Lisa Brooks. Scorers, Michelle Ardle, Michelle Thomas, Jo Anne Jones ones and Brad Austin. Monaro Sponsors – Schoos Studio, South East Printing, Cooma-Monaro ck, Fosters Express, The Monaro Post, 2XL Snow FM, Brendan Bogatck, wer Shop, Beer, Cooma Hotel, Tom Brown, ACT PA Hire, Cooma Flower Jane Cay, Trading in Design, Glenys Davies, Cooma Trophy hy & Gifts, Frostbite Foods, Highlife Interiors, Penny Litchfield & The Art rt of Living, Rosie O’Sullivan School of Dance, Cooma Dance Centre, TLE LE Electrics, Sue Walsh, Cooma Tool & Plant Hire, Alpine Hotel, Lingeri Catering, Cooma Ex-Services Club, Leo Percy Newsagency, Monaro Milk & Juice Juice, Verrent Couriers, Leesville Laundry Jindabyne, Office Plan, Cooma Sports Store, Cooma Monaro Race Club, Blue Star Laundrette, AXE Cleaning.
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Wednesday June 9, 2010
$2000 to Adaminaby RFS Last Friday, Emergency Services Minister and Member for Monaro Steve Whan presented a grant of $2000 to the Adaminaby Rural Fire Brigade. Mr Whan met volunteers from the Brigade to thank them for their hard work for the community and hand over the grant from the Keneally Government “As Minister for Emergency Services I understand how important it is that our RFS volunteers have the best equipment to ensure the safety of the wider community. “I also understand how volatile conditions in our region can be and how essential proper fire preparation and safety is. “The Adaminaby Brigade is an invaluable asset to the local community,” Steve Whan said. “The Government is pleased to support the volunteers with this grant that may go towards the purchase of life saving equipment, such as an upgraded defibrillator, or other useful equipment.”
Minister Whan said the State Government had committed record funding of more than $1.8 billion to the RFS over 15 years. “Our volunteer firefighters generously give their time to protect the community and the Government will continue to support them in their vital work, ensuring they have the facilities, training and equipment they need.” Mr Whan said members of the Adaminaby Brigade not only protected the community in their local area but had also assisted crews further afield when the call for help had gone out. “Our local firefighters play an integral role in the community, whether fighting bush fires or assisting during other emergencies such as floods, storms and road accidents. “They demonstrate a steadfast commitment and willingness to go out and help protect other communities as well as their own. “We owe them a great debt of gratitude for their hard work on behalf of us all.”
Learning how to work dogs
An informative two days at ‘Akuna’ Dalgety last weekend taught about 16 people how to handle their working dogs. The school was conducted by Greg Prince, a renowned dog trainer. The aim of the two days was to teach handlers how to work with any dog. Organisers said it had been a
good turnout even though it rained on Saturday and then absolutely poured on Sunday. Everyone was very keen and motivated, even the kids. Monaro dog club catered for the event and there was plenty of interest from locals and from far and away. It is hoped to be able to conduct another clinic.
Cryptic Clues Across
Down 2. Ill-defined plans cite an unknown number inside (7) 3. Caught lion tearing apart Caesar's mistress (9) 4. Trim a tree (6) 6. Make merry with little merry-go-round (8) 7. Fit out in a fit of pique (5) 8. Fare provider allows tree surgery in his vehicle (7) 9. Filming celebrities with heavenly bodies (8,5) 16. Concerned with smell outside oil plant (9) 17. Breathing passage beneath the street steps (8) 19. I love to be in a play, or a small scene at least (7) 21. A horse, a brain, a temper (7) 22. Having already seen five in wilds of Judea (4,2) 24. Some of the magic, some of the time (5)
Quick Clues Across 1. Pirate's sword (7) 5. Pus-filled infection (7) 10. Aboriginal instrument (10) 11. Cutting remark (4) 12. Outstanding musician (8) 13. Whiten, using chemicals (6) 14. Eagle's nest (5) 15. Native of the Eastern Roman Empire (9) 18. Pathos (9) 20. Investigate (5) 23. Affluence (6) 25. Drink taken before a meal (8) 26. Branch (4) 27. German-born explorer who disappeared on a trans-Australian journey (10) 28. Romp, frolic (7) 29. Asserted, but not proven (7)
Down 2. Usefulness (7) 3. Electrical discharge during a thunderstorm (9) 4. Church lecture (6) 6. Intimidate, threaten (8) 7. Thick rope or wire (5) 8. A Muslim, to the Crusaders (7) 9. Quirky, individualistic (13) 16. Abort (9) 17. Unmarried man (8) 19. Monumental Egyptian pillar (7) 21. Spotted with brown, grey or black (7) 22. Fatal (6) 24. Defamatory publication (5)
Monaro Family Day Care Inc.
1. Talk about spearheading a field event (7) 5. Doctors since chose ends of a body of knowledge (7) 10. Seer fancied bowman will become a 5-across worker (10) 11 and 26. Depending on escort being in the latest fashion (2-2-4) 12. Made chap go without alphabet soup (8) 13. Tennis official in centre court's prime position (6) 14 and 20-across. International hostility at software error (5,2,3) 15. Party committee is part of the furniture (9) 18. Commercial vehicle gate crashes benefit (9) 23. Inverted snob first-class at Japanese art (6) 25. Religious leader that retains core constituents (8) 27. Prized employee whose performance justifies halo with those in charge (10) 28. Dingles in very small streets (7) 29. Union in Botany organised and kept afloat (7)
Childcare in a family environment
67 Soho St, Cooma
Ph/Fax:6452 1740
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Red Devils surprise Eagles The Red Devils travelled to Nicholls on Saturday to take on the might of the Gungahlin Eagles. The undefeated Eagles looked as though they would be a tough ask for the Cooma side with the damp conditions and a big forward pack enough to give Gungahlin the edge. Also, last week’s bruising encounter with Hall saw three changes to the starting line-up. From the kick off, Gungahlin showed solid play with their forwards securing good clean ball which allowed the backs ample time to run and so dominate the first 10 minutes of the game. Early missed tackles out the Cooma side under pressure and this pressure led to Gungahlin’s first try to give them the lead. It could have been easy for Cooma to drop their heads a bit after the start that had been put to them, however the boys lifted their intensity, began to make the tackles count and minute by minute played themselves back into the game. Cooma’s lightweight but mobile forward pack began to put some heat on the big Eagles players who found the trench warfare hard going and something that they were not used to. After continued pressure, Cooma was rewarded with a try to Tom Moxon to level the game at five all. The rest of the half saw an even tussle and when the halftime whistle
blew, both sides knew they were in a dogfight. The change of ends gave Gungahlin the view of the afternoon sun and a mistake by them from the kickoff put the Cooma boys on the attack early. Once again, the Cooma forward pack was controlling the ball well and when the ball was given back to the backs, they consistently got over the advantage line and maintained possession. All this pressure finally turned into points when the ball was thrown wide for Sam Zumba to streak down the right side of the field and score in the corner. Cooma’s backs, now with a bit of clean ball, started to make some ground with Will Nichol at fly half cleverly choosing between kicks and backline runs to keep the defence in two minds. Ryan Morgan put in his best display for some time with solid defence and strong running. At 10 points to 5 it was still anyone’s game, so Cooma went right back on theattack. With space on the edges, Cooma got the terroritorial advantage and sustained pressure led to the third try of the afternoon to Leighton Bates. At 15 points to 5, Cooma had some breathing space but this was quickly narrowed as Gungahlin scored soon after to have it back at a five pioint ball game. Possession and a territory was
ROUND 14 now the key and Cooma was able to get the game back into the Eagles half. A penalty gave Cooma an eight point buffer with as many minutes to go. As with all good epics, there is a twist at the end and Gungahlin threw everything at Cooma. Dogged defence fought back raid after raid but eventually, Cooma’s line was crossed to edge Gungahlin closer. The final three minutes seemed to take forever but when the whistle blew, Cooma thoroughly deserved their victory. In a whole team effort, Phil Johnson showed his class with three-point display, try scoring machine Tom Moxon picked up two points and players player and flankers Leighton Bates and Curtis Watkins scored an point each. Harry Mitchell, another young gun coming on, made his first grade debut late in the match. Next weekend there is a general bye in the competition and the following week, Cooma will travel to ADFA to play the defence academy. The Reserves also met Gungahlin, but were outplayed, going down 43-nil. However, despite the loss the Reserves know they have the basis of a strong and capable team. Point scorers were, Chris De Rooy 3, Zeb Learoyd 2 and Fergus McCosker 1. Zeb was players’ player.
Opens This age group had their semi finals. Jindabyne 17’s 37 defetead Team 5 26 in a fast game. Team 5 were competitive despite
Broncos v Panthers Bulldogs v Titans Knights v Eels Eagles v Rabbits Sharks v Dragons Storm v Cowboys Tigers v Raiders Bye: Roosters, ,Warriors
JASON ROUND 14 Points: 94 6452 2011
being one player short. Shell Shampas 57 defeated Fuschias 31 in a nice clean game. There are no games next week due to the Long Weekend. Games for June 19. Netta’s 12pm All teams playing. Games as per your draw. 12’s Hot Chilli Peppers go straight into the Grand Final 11am Lime Leopards play the Cherry Ripes 14’s/Cadets Season is over. Opens Shell Shampas straight into the Grand Final. 3pm Fuschias play Jindy 17’s
Rabbits Cowboys Knights Storm Titans
Broncos Raiders Knights Roosters Eagles
Points: 94 6452 1500
Broncos Raiders Knights Roosters Titans
LOUIE Points: 96
Broncos Cowboys Knights Storm Titans
6452 2003
ROUND 14 Points: 90 6452 3302
Broncos Cowboys Warriors Storm Titans
Cadets It was also Grand Final Time for this Grade. The Pink Panthers 35 defeated the Ninjas 13 in a fairly played grand final. Congratulations to the Pink Panthers!
Broncos v Rabbits Cowboys v Raiders Knights v Warriors Storm v Roosters Titans v Eagles Bye: Dragons, Eels, Bulldogs, Panthers, Sharks. Tigers
Cooma netball results Netta Black Devils played the Magpies in an enthusiastic game with both teams showing their improved ball skills. The Black Devils shot some lovely goals. The Pink Jelly Beans played the Honey beans in a fun game with both teams playing well. Under 12’s This age group had their semi finals. Hot Chilli peppers 15 defeated the Lime Leopards 13 in a hard fought and closely contested game. The Hot Chilli peppers played well in the last quarter to win the game. Cherry Ripes 15 defeated the Jumping Fleas 3. 14’s The Grand Final for this division was played today. The Dynamites played the Pandas in a fast, action packed game. The scores were very close at the end of each quarter. The teams were drawn at the end of full time so the game went into extra time. The Dynamites score 3 goals in extra time and managed to keep the Pandas scoreless. A fantastic effort by all the girls. Congratulations to the victorious Dynamites! The Dynamites, pictured right, are Tamara Natley, Larissa McElroy, Sara Johnson, Lara Sav, Natasha Pidcock, Zoe Bradbury, Jessica Nightingale and Lucy Wiles
The Monaro Post NRL footySport competition29
PH: 6452 1386 45 Vale Street, Cooma
Wednesday June 9, 2010
from the Pig Pen
More Rep Players from Jindabyne Kurtis Atkinson and Connor Duncombe have been selected as squad members for the ACT Brumbies Junior Representative Teams. Both players are Jindabyne locals and have been members of the Jindabyne Rugby Club for some years and had to make the Brumbies Squad via a very competitive selection process that had them regularly attending training camps on the South Coast and ACT.
Bushpigs clock up another win The Jindabyne Bushpigs made the long trip to Harden on Saturday to attempt to win their second game of the season. With limited players available for the match, there were a lot of players playing in unfamiliar positions. The game started off well for the boys with them making easy yards through some good hard running from inside centre James Lloyd. The Bushpigs were awarded a line out 10 metres out from the opposition try line which they mauled over and flanker Dirk Wilkins put the ball down to score the first points of the game. Scrum half Andrew McDonald converted. Score 7-0. After dominating the opposition for the first 15 minutes the Bushpigs fell apart, giving away silly penalties and missing easy tackles. This allowed the Harden Red Devils to score two easy tries and put themselves 12-7 up at half time.
The start of the second half saw the Bushpigs lift their intensity and put immediate pressure on the opposition play makers forcing them to drop the ball. Fly half Matt Caldwell scooped it up and ran 50 metres to score near the posts. McDonald converted putting the Bushpigs back in front 14-12. The Jindabyne boys were now dictating the pace of the game. They were making easy metres through the forwards, the backs were finding holes in the defensive line and the forwards were winning the majority of their opponent’s line outs. With the Bushpigs having good field position, Caldwell found the defence slacking off which allowed him to put winger Ryan Mugridge in the open and score in the corner, conversion unsuccessful. Score 1912.
Kaile Baillie in action for the U/16s against Daramalan.
Junior Results U/10s defeated Marist 44 - 0 U/11s lost to Gungarlin 15 - 41 U/12s defeated Marist 12 - 5 U/14s defeated Vikings 73 - 5 U/16s lost to Daramalan 12 - 58 U/18s lost to Daramalan 12 - 1
U/10 Piglets celebrate their latest victory to remain undefeated and top of the table. After the kick off tempers rose and a fight broke out in front of the Red Devils bench which resulted in fullback Liam Pepper, Jeremy Witherdin and a Harden centre all being sent off for 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes the Bushpigs lifted and Caldwell scored his second try of the game and the fourth for the Bushpigs. Score 24-12 After the kick off Jindabyne kicked the ball out in the opposition half. Second rower Ian Vagg won the lineout and the Bushpigs went straight on the attack. After a number of phases Mugridge yet again found himself with the ball and scored in the corner narrowly missing the corner posts. Conversion unsuccessful making the final score 29-12. Players’ player went to Matt Fish. Best and Fairest points 1 point went to Matt Fish, 2-Matt Caldwell and three points were shared by Dirk Wilkins and prop Isaac Maw. The Jindabyne Bushpigs now have three weeks off before they take on RMC in Canberra.
Kurtis Atkinson and Connor Duncombe after being awarded their representative kit
The Monaro Post AFL 2010 Tipping Competition ROUND 12 North Melbourne vs. Carlton Hawthorn vs. Adelaide Essendon vs. Geelong Port Adelaide vs. Sydney Richmond vs. West Coast West Bulldogs vs. Brisbane Lions Fremantle vs. St Kilda Melbourne vs. Collingwood ROUND 13 Hawthorn vs. Essendon Carlton vs. Fremantle Brisbane Lions vs. Richmond North Melbourne vs. Port Adelaide West Coast vs. Western Bulldogs St Kilda vs. Geelong Sydney vs. Collingwood Adelaide vs. Melbourne
Ian Cat’s Supporter Points: 108 Round 12 Nth Melbourne Hawthorn Geelong Pt Adelaide Richmond Bulldogs Fremantle Collingwood
Vicki Schoo’s Studio Points: 104 Round 12 Carlton Hawthorn Geelong Sydney West Coast Bulldogs Fremantle Collingwood
Damien Points: 108
Round 12 Carlton Hawthorn Geelong Sydney Richmond Bulldogs Fremantle Collingwood
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Daniel Dodds Hotel Points: 118 Round 12 Carlton Hawthorn Geelong Sydney West Coast Bulldogs St Kilda Melbourne
Jacko Cat’s Supporter Points: 114 Round 12 Carlton Hawthorn Geelong Pt Adelaide West Coast Bulldogs St Kilda Collingwood
SCHOO’S STUDIO 27 Bombala St, Cooma NSW Ph: 6452 1282
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Cooma Colts score some impressive wins Under 8s The Colts Under 8s played at home this weekend against the Queanbeyan Roos. Despite the great defence by Eddy Clarke, Hudson Laird and Marshall Bowerman pushing the Roos back into their half and busting runs from by Braith Fitzgerald, Josh Lyons, James Dyball and Jarrod O’Brien the Queanbeyan Roos proved to strong for our boys defeating us 38-18. Congratulations to the Cooma Colts under 8s for all their hard work at training which appears to be paying off. Try scorers for the Cooma Colts were two apiece to tearaway runs from Tyler Rees and Will Cahill conversion James Dyball. Man of the Match this week was Aiden Childs (c). Under 9s Cooma Colts under 9s played Queanbeyan United Blues, the boys knew that the game that layed ahead was going to be a hard one but they still went in hoping to make it six wins in a row. Queanbeyan were to strong all round, and showed Cooma that there is a lot of room for improvement. Under 9’s went down to Queanbeyan 46-0. This week’s Medal went to Noah Saddler and the McDonalds award went to Damon Fanning.
Under 10s The under 10s Cooma Colt’s played North Canberra on Sunday winning 28 points to 10. With a slow start to the game, the boys took awhile to get it together, but with a few big strong runs from Dylan Van Gemert and Joel Saville led to the first try by James Hill. James Cahill was quick to follow scoring and then converting his own try making the score 10 points to 0. Sean McDonald, Jack Reid, Josh Dwyer/Gersak and Bill Zammit all had strong runs as well as lots of tackling leading to the next try to be scored by Lachlan Inskip. Lachlan Inskip scored again after running around the opposition, leading 18 points to 0 at half time. Tyrone McDermott, Matthew McDonald, Thomas Hain, and Cameron Faulkner came on in the second half with strong tackling leading to the next try by Dylan Van Gemert, with super boot Chris McDonald converting. A fired up Connor Inskip made some outstanding tackles leading to the opposition loosing the ball helping Lachlan Inskip score the final try making the score 28 points to 10 at full time. Award went to Joel Saville for losing his hot dog bet and Matthew McDonald for a great game. Player of the week went to James Hill for his consistency through out the game with tackling and talking to the boys. Thank you to Bernie McDonald (league safe) Peter Gersak (lines man), Marlene Bottom and Amber Zammit (FAO). Under 11s The Under 11s played North Canberra.
reserves and had to make some late positional changes to the side. The worst possible start happened with the opposition scoring from the kick off. This was a big wake up call to the Colts and they started organising themselves quickly to come back with a try of their own and then to go on to win 26 to 12. This was a great effort by the boys and it was the first time we have beaten North Canberra in four years. Try scorers were Zac Saddler 3, Alex Swan 1 and a conversion, Mathew Chelin 1 try and a conversion, Timothy Gregory with a conversion. Under 12s The Colts Under 12s travelled to Crookwell on Sunday and recorded their fifth win of the season. After an early start (6.30am) and difficulty finding the opposition’s home ground, play finally got away at 10 am. Crookwell had the early possession but the Colts defence held fast. After about 5 minutes Dan Swain out sprinted the defence to open up the scoring with Damo Hayden converting for the Colts to take an early 6 points to 0 lead. Further tries to Damo and Rolfy ably converted by Tyler and Dom soon made the Score 18 points to Nil. Soon after Crookwell scored a converted try to put them back in the game. Right on half time Dan Swain crossed again with Harry Nichols converting to make the half time score 24 point to 6. The second half saw Crookwell score the first two tries before Dan Swain crossed for his third try which he converted to put the Colts ahead 30 points to 16. A late try to the Crookwell boys saw the final score 30 points to 22 in favour of the Colts. The Percy’s Award went to Chris Evans, The McDonald’s award went to Harry Nichols and Will Bottom and the Medal to Mitch Rolfe. Special thanks to Jonny McMahon and Steve Swain for their expert bus driving. Under 14s Fresh from a bye, Cooma were determined to maintain the form that won them their last game. Forwards Ned McDonnell, Kurt Rindermann, Richard Bensley, Jamie Clifford and James Robinson took the ball up hard to Queanbeyan United White’s line and didn’t back off in their defence all match. Centres Ben Bruce and Peter Craze neared the top of the tackle count, highlighting the huge effort Cooma put into this part of their game. Austin Willis-Reynolds showed some pact to put the first points on the board for Cooma with Josh Hogan kicking a magnificent goal from near the sideline. Nick Rosten, Josh’s McDonald and Hogan tackled and harassed Queanbeyan all around the ruck whilst James Minards and Dean Blyton covered the few breaks made by Queanbeyan. Mitchell Sagodi-Hogan and Luke’s Johnson and Platts came off the bench to add variety in attack with some covering defence. Queanbeyan scored to level with Cooma at half time 6 all but Cooma successfully attacked with Jamie Clifford and Luke Johnson scoring a try each whilst Josh Hogan and Luke Johnson converted to take the final score to 18 to 6 in favour of Cooma. Peter Craze received the Team Medal for some outstanding tackles whilst Jamie Clifford earned the McDonald’s Encouragement Award for his all round effort.
Under 15s The Under 15s travelled to Kaleen to take on the North Canberra Bears in which was sure to be a close game and the scoreline certainly indicated that. From the onset the colts were pumped and completed two sets of six, and coach for the day Mark Weston couldn’t have asked for anything better. Unfortunately that was short lived as the boys then had a downhill run in completions and with We had no dropped balls and inconsistent refereeing
decisions the Colts felt the world were against them. The second half saw the boys come back even thought there was no relief from the bench, they were on a mission but the time ran out. The fulltime score read 24 points to 22 in favor of the Bears. Tries were scored by Blake Jones (2), Kalhem Jones and Glen Payne. With Glen taking the man of the match award again this week. Under 16s The boys travelled to Goulburn last Friday night with the odds stacked against them. Due to injury we could only muster 12 players. Despite this disadvantage the boys put on what can only be described as a heroic performance. The Goulburn side quickly raced in three tries and we trailed by fourteen points. Undeterred we counted with a try to Lochie Fraser, who finished off a backline move and then, a few minutes later later, Mitchell Hynes plucked a wayward pass from the air and raced 30 metres to score under the posts. At half time we were behind only 14 to 12. At the break coach Mark Williams praised the boys but also told them not to run one out, use rehearsed moves and play with more structure. That is precisely what the boys did and in the second half they rattled Goulburn on many occasions. With our energy levels flagging and no respite from the bench Goulburn raced in another three tries and the final score was Goulburn 32 and Cooma 12. All boys played well and Tom Harmy, Mitchell Hynes, Lochie Fraser, Jesse Jackson and Jake Byrne were outstanding while Mitchell Hynes claimed the “Man of the Match” title. The boys have a rest next week before taking on the Valley Dragons at home.
SCHOOL HALL STARTS AT 10:30AM - 2:30PM Monar o High Sc hool Mittagang Rd, Cooma • Ph: 6452 4611
BUILDING BLOCKS CHILDCARE CENTRE Building Blocks Quality Childcare is a family owned and operated small business that aims to provide the highest quality childcare service available to Cooma residents. After extensive renovations Building Blocks on Mittagang Road will be opening on June 28. Offering childcare for children from 0 to 6 years, professionally qualified local staff supported by nationally accredited Succeed Consultancy will design a fun filled learning program to suit the needs of each individual child. With a new kitchen, baby cots, and a bright new look inside, Building Blocks staff will combine modern child development practices with a safe, caring, home-like environment. Your children will laugh, play and learn in the vibrant new centre. Building Blocks will also supply children with hats and sunscreen so they are able to safely enjoy the sandpit and great outdoor area covered by sun-shades. Future expansion will include an improved and enlarged outdoor bike track, cubby house and further additions to the outdoor play equipment. Quality childcare would not be achievable without the input and participation of parents and families. Building Blocks’ staff will actively encourage parents and families to spend time with their child at the centre whenever possible and to assist in developing a unique program suited to their childs’ needs. Because Building Blocks is a relatively small centre with 29 places owner Milka Pupulkovska believes they will be able to offer a more personalized service than that available at larger childcare franchises. “We aim to provide better childcare services than you will find in Canberra at nearly half the price and in a family friendly, atmosphere. Our operating hours have changed to assist residents of Cooma who work in Canberra and who might prefer to have their children cared for close to home rather than the alternative of forcing them to sit in a car for two hours per day”. If you feel you are not currently receiving this level of service then call us to discuss how we can assist you and your child in achieving quality childcare. Enquire on 64521531 or alternatively complete an enquiry form on our website
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Bowlers enjoy improved weather Better weather conditions have allowed eight matches to be played in the Cooma Bowling Club’s minor championships. Six matches were decided in the minor singles with two minor pairs games played. The highlights were two nail biting matches played on Sunday – one in each of the pairs and singles championships. In a remarkable clash in the minor pairs Cobber Seears and Geoff Venables needed a shot on the last end to escape with a win over Max Povey and Bob Lahy after they had held an 18 shot lead after just 10 ends! Seears and Venables had a great start and seemed to be cruising to a big win when they raced to a 20 – 2 advantage after 10 ends. After 13 ends they were in front 22 – 6. Povey and Lahy then turned the game on its head. They won the next seven ends and in doing so picked up 16 shots to tie the game up at 22 all with one end to play. On the 19th end Lahy had managed to turn a six or seven shot deficit into four shots for his side with a fantastic bowl. The last end was very closely contested with first one side then the over holding the shot. Venables stepped to the mat with the last bowl with his side down by one shot. Holding his nerve he was able to draw the shot to give his side a 23 – 22 win. There was an equaling exciting finish in the singles match between Don Jarvis and Sergio Roncelli. The game was tight throughout with the players sharing the ends. Roncelli was able to hold the advantage on the scorecard as he scored more heavily on his winning ends. He also managed to restrict the shots Jarvis was able to score on his winning ends. During the game Roncelli would build up a good lead only to see Jarvis fight back to narrow the gap before Roncelli would again establish a lead. After 20 ends Roncelli led by just 21 – 20 before he
Coolamatong golf
Sunday’s presidents Roger White’s team versus captains Brian O’Halloran’s team event was a victory to the president’s team. Best score for the ladies was Michelle White on 74, Carolyn O’Byrne 75, Carolyn Major 75, and Maureen Roberts 75. For the men Ross Thompson 69, Steve Edgington 70, Roger White 71 and Chris Bevan 72. Nearest to the pin for the ladies Maureen Roberts and for the men Ross Thompson. On Wednesday for the men Ross Thompson on a winning run for the week won with 70 nett on a count back from Drew Buckby 70. Ball winners Drew and Roy Gabriele 71. Nearest the pin on the sixth Malcolm Brown and on the eighth Drew.
moved to a 28 - 22 advantage after 28 ends. Jarvis narrowed the score 28 – 26 but once again Roncelli pulled away to be on the verge of victory at 30 – 26. Jarvis then staged the decisive fight back. He won the next three ends, including a three shot haul on the last end, to take the game by the narrowest of margins at 31 – 30. The other six matches had more clear cut results. Mario Frezza and Giulio D’Amico became the first team into the final of the minor pairs when they accounted for Simon Schoon and Keith Goodwin by 24 – 13. The winners were able to dominate the match with their excellent draw bowling and never really allowed their opponents into the game. Sergio Roncelli had to hold off a determined mid match revival from George Davidson to win their singles game. Roncelli dominated the first third of the game to lead 11 – 1 then 14 – 6. Davidson gamed some momentum and after 22 ends he had not only reduced the margin but he had taken the lead at 18 – 17. Roncelli then dominated the last third of the game winning nine of the next 10 ends to win the match 31 – 19. Peter Marsicano was able to handle a mid match revival from Cobber Seears before he won their match 31 – 17. Jack Sajina raced to a 21 – 1 lead over Ignazio Mondello but found the last 10 shots harder to score. He won 31 – 15. Peter Harris was too experienced and consistent for Mick Meillon and Geoff Venables had a big win over Steve Lapham. Play will continue in the minor singles over the long weekend. The scheduled matches are R Lahy v X Cottam; C Roberson v J Thompson; G Venables v J Sajina (S Lapham marker); M Frezza v P Harris (S Roncelli) and S Wallis v N McGregor. There will be social bowls on all three days of the long weekend.
For the ladies on Wednesday Elfie Doran won the day. Ball winners Carolyn Major and Jan O’Halloran. Nearest the pin went to Jan. The ladies pennant team played the final of the pennant round at Bega on Friday against Merimbula, not a successful day but a good day was had by all, congratulations to Merimbula and also to our own team making it to the final. Players please take note that there has been a change to the program. The mixed foursomes Championships have been rescheduled from Saturday June 12 and Sunday June 13 to Saturday June 19 and Sunday June 20.
Cooma Rifle Club
Shooting on the Cooma Rifle Range on Saturday AGM will be held in the club house after the shoot was 400yds in conditions very hard to read in fog on June 9. Results of last Saturday’s competition, after two that did not lift until after 9am.
The day’s shoot was for the June stage of the NRA Medal, plus last month’s stage of the Club Championship that had been delayed by bad weather. Club members wish vice capatain David Jordan a speedy recovery after he suffered a leg injury while on an overseas holiday with his wife. We trust we will see Dave back on his feet soon. The club secretary reminds members that the
downs of 10 shots each match for total points of 100: , Noel Barrett, 994.4; 2. Wayne Rolfe, 92.4; 3, Don Robb 91.4; 4. Frank Toth 89.1; 5.Liam Robb 85; 6.Graeme Crundwell 84.3; 7. Brian Bradley; 8. Richard Lapham; 9. L Thompson. With handicaps added, the first three placegetters were the same. Next Saturday shooting will be from 500yds for heat one of the spoon for June.
Zeb in Brumbies schoolboys squad Creating Foundations
Centre hours 7.00am – 6.00pm · Open 52 weeks of the year Quality Childcare Centre · New Proprietor · Qualified Staff · Caters for 0-6years · Preschool Program Call us to find out what Building Blocks can do for you and your children!
Staff will be at the Centre from 21 June (10.30am – 3.00pm) for inspection and enrolments. Building Blocks provides a professionally staffed, fun, caring, home-like environment to promote the development of your child. Parents are actively encouraged to participate in shaping our programs to suit your child’s needs. If you feel you are not currently receiving this level of service then call us to discuss how we can assist you and your child in achieving quality childcare. Quality Childcare means giving your child the opportunity to develop in a fun, caring, home-like environment where the parent participates in creating learning programs to suit each child’s individual needs. Call us to discuss how we can assist you in providing quality childcare on 6452 1531.
Mittagang Rd, Cooma Ph: 6452 1531
Year 12 Monaro High School student Zeb Learoyd has been selected for the ACT Brumbies schoolboys team to play for the National Championship in July at Brisbane Grammar School. Zeb was selected from the initial squad of 80 that was further reduced to 40, before the 23-man squad was finalised. Trial matches will be held against NSW Country Under 18’s in Orange on June 6 and Victorian schools at St Edmund’s College, Canberra on June 12 and 13. Zeb was a late starter in terms of when he commenced his rugby playing. He didn’t start until the under 14’s, playing for the Cooma Red Devils after his father suggested he might like it better than soccer. Like it he did and he has gone from under 14’s to playing rep and now schoolboys. In 2008 Zeb was selected in the South Coast/Monaro team who travelled to Melbourne for the competition. He started playing on the wing but moved to inside and outside centre for club rugby. Once selected for rep duties he started playing flanker, as dad had once again suggested. When he plays for first grade in Cooma he is usually on the wing and for reserve grade Zeb plays at number 7. Zeb’s father David is quoted as saying “He’s
always loved throwing himself at people. I don’t know if this has helped.” Not only does Zeb play Rugby, but he is also in the school play, has performed in the Cooma Little Theatre, plays the saxophone and has played basketball twice in New Zealand for Monaro High School. This multi-talented young man has already completed some of his HSC last year, giving him a little more time for rugby this year. Once he finishes his HSC this year he will commence at the Australian Defence Force Academy in January, where he has been accepted. As the Cooma Red Devils don’t have an under 18’s team this year, Zeb’s main plan for trying out in Canberra was just to get his forms signed so he could play in the senior teams for Cooma as he is still only 17 years old. When Zeb found out he had been selected he said he was “Stoked, pretty excited, I didn’t expect it. It offers fantastic opportunities being selected, I’ll be learning new skills and be involved in elite training, actually I’m just happy to b e playing rugby!”
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Tigers premier results The Cooma Tigers arrived at the Woden playing field full of energy, chanting the Cooma slogans and eager to reverse the result that saw them denied three points the week before against Tuggeranong. The first goal for Cooma came at the 17th minute. The ball was played exquisitely by Marcial, a centred ball that was beat home by the head of #11 Gecic. He flew into the ball with his head, as it was a low, dangerous cross that was redirected past the goalkeeper who could not do enough to save it despite being at full stretch. In the 40th minute Marcial dribbled through two defenders after a pass from #6 Josifovsky and placed the ball with elegance into the corner scoring the second goal
for Cooma. The first-half finished with a 2 goal advantage for the visiting team. The third Goal for Cooma (according to the matchcard) came in the 59th minute, and was created by # 9 Barsley. In the 62nd minute Gecic went past a defender with a half-turn loop, sending the ball into the air and over the Woden Valley player’s head. As the ball came back down on the other side he headed the ball over the keeper who once again stretched backwards in a hopeless attempt to stop the magnificent fourth goal for Cooma. The best of Woden Valley came from a 70th minute strike from the centre back Banweni, and from this shot onwards
the game was balanced and Woden had better chances. It was the brilliant defending of Soza, Phil and Felipe that kept Woden at bay. The fifth Goal, came at the 75th minute. Josifovski picked up a ball from Jair that was delivered after an attempted clearance by Woden. Without reservation he rocketed the ball into the net; the keeper had no reaction towards the thunderous shot. The victory elevates Cooma to fifth Place, one point away from Canberra City (our next opponent) and Monaro panthers, who are with 13 points.
of the Tigers strengths resulting in only six goals conceded in five games. Lawrence Redmond has joined the team this year as goalkeeper and has shown great judgement and skills in the box. Reagan too has proved a great addition to the team with plenty of pace and a cool head when put under pressure. Later in first half, another newcomer to the team, Luke Bracher, scored the first of two goals after pushing a rebound from a corner over the defenders heads. Improved fitness this season has allowed Cooma to dominate more in mid-field with Matt Bruce fighting hard for every ball and Rowan feeding plenty of balls forward and to the wing. Luke and Daniel’s fast pace up front often beat
the opposition defence to long balls forward and when Luke managed to maintain control of a long ball early in the second half to get a shot on target a great goal was the result putting Cooma 3-1 up. There was little second-half goalie Ben T could do against a great shot from 10 m outside the penalty box that brought Gungahlin back in the game but Ben did well under pressure, particularly in the last 10 mins when the Tigers began to tire and Gungahlin pushed forward to try to get an equalizer. The Tigers held out though and three wins and two draws, puts them in second place in Div 1.
Tigers U14 unbeaten The new additions to the Under 14 Tigers line-up have settled in fast and after hard-fought 3-2 away win against Gungahlin last Saturday the team has maintained their unbeaten start to the season. Cooma took a little while to settle in to their game and some quick accurate passing by Gungahlin wore down the defence resulting in an early goal. This setback seemed to fire the Tigers up. Blayre showed great tenacity, not letting the physical game of Gungahlin put her off and fighting hard for every ball. The Tigers first goal came from pressure in the box by Cooma, and Ben C cleaning up a spilled ball from the keeper to place it high in the back of the net. Strong and fast defence continues to be one
Tigers division five
Division four Tigers The division four tigers played some of their best football at their home ground last Saturday against Woden. In front of a large crowd, the Tigers were determined to come out with their first win. A few tactical changes in the line-up proved extremely beneficial, and the Tigers kicked off with raging fury. Dave D’Amico moved into the midfield and provided the framework for some good passages of play. Nick Stubbs, playing his last game of the season, displayed his usual unwavering attitude by winning most of the 50/50 challenges. Unfortunately the first goal came from Woden, when a split second mind lapse from the defence gave Woden one of very few chances, upon which they capitalised. The second half of the game only brought more frenzy to the Tigers and once again Woden found themselves on the back foot. An indirect free kick inside the box gave Riley Mitchell the chance to smash a thundering volley,
only to be repelled by the far post. The Tigers pressed on, with some good runs coming from the wings, and solid defence from stand-out Michael Corcoran. Brendan Bogatek and Cameron Wall provided some much needed pace in the forward line which gave the opposition defence plenty to worry about. The Tigers put on their best game that day, but clearly fate had its own plans. A questionable handball inside the Tigers box was paid out, and the resulting penalty was converted. Despite the loss, coach Damian Knight was proud of the effort the boys put in on the day. “We’ve worked really hard in training over the last few weeks, with Nestor Ibarra coming onboard and offering some fresh perspective. The desire and determination is there in the team, and I can’t fault their commitment. We are so close to turning things around; we just need a little bit of luck to go our way.”
With division four watching on, the other half of the sqaud in division 5 were keen to get a result and give the home crowd an entertaining game. Cooma started off with great structure throughout the team; the boys looked very confident with the ball at their feet and were knocking a lot of good passes around. Cooma found themselves down by 1 at half time, but a stern chat from coach Walker put Cooma back on track for the second half. Five minutes of magic from a player who is new to our code, in Lachlan King, put Cooma ahead. They were two superb finishes; one with the head and the second with a classy
Riley Mitchell.
Cooma Tigers ladies 3-2 win Cooma Tigers ladies turned around a 4 nil defeat to come away 3-2 winners against Gungahlin on Sunday. The girls put in the best first half performance for the year in what onlookers described as outstanding. Ball movement, passing, good positional play, & outstanding defence were all on display; but it did not start well for Cooma after star sweeper Grace Daley came off early due to injury. Her shoes were filled by 13 year old young gun Kailey Tonini, who performed very well in a pressure situation. Great build up through the half line to the wings & then to our forwards led to Letitia Newman scoring the first goal. The momentum continued after that as the Cooma Teams’ defence gave no chances to the traveling team. Some more good team play saw the ball fed out to the skillful Bethany McMahon, who crossed a brilliant ball to on-rushing midfielder Tina Caffarelli to score the second goal. It must be the best goal she has ever scored, blasting the ball into the back of
0 lTr0 ade-in
strike. Cooma were on fire, and dominating, in front of a massive Cooma crowd and playing some very enjoyable football. With minutes to go Cooma conceded an equaliser after keeper Mark Chenery lost his footing whilst clearing a ball. The boys were happy with getting a point out of a tough game; best on field Steven Murphy, Ben Baker, Kabir Lawal, and Lockie King A big thankyou to all the support for our squad and to Gerrard, Stubbs and Nigel for helping us out. Special mention must go to Lockie King with his two goals - keep them coming.
the net with a blistering shot. Half time saw Gungahlin come back very hard showing why they are positioned so high up the ladder. They scored through very strong midfield work, putting pressure on the Cooma Girls for the rest of the afternoon. Step up Bethany McMahon with a contender for goal of the season; a twist, a turn, and a left footed belter low into the corner. 3-1 to Cooma, but once again Gungahlin came back immediately, scoring another goal to make the score 3-2. The rest of the game saw close calls at both ends, but Cooma held on for a 3-2 victory. Special mention for outstanding games to Annie Crofts, Bethany McMahon & Emma Gerrand, but all girls should hold their head up as they performed tremendously well.
Deanne Baines for Cooma.
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Wednesday June 9, 2010
Rainsford wins vets trophy Cooma golf with Max Turner The 2010 Veterans Championship was played at the Cooma Golf Club on Saturday on a very cold day for golf. Play commenced for the early players with a thick fog covering the course. With the course playing long and a few tight pin placements, Mark Rainsford mastered conditions well to win the championship with a 79 from Bruce Burton on 80 and Brian Turner on 81. Full results on the day were Mark Rainsford Veterans Champion division one championship Norm Marshall, division two champion Bruce Burton, division three champion Brian Turner, division four champion Max Turner, division five champion Gordon Weston, the division six championship was not contested. Steve Young shot an excellent 68 net to win the A Grade Monthly Medal from David Stewart who collected the runners-up prize with 68. Matthew Devereux, with the best score of the day, a 66 net, took out the B Grade Division Medal from Gino Cerro on 71 on a count back. Geoff Bohringer continued his great form with another victory in the C Grade Division of the Monthly Medal. The super-fit Bohringer shot 67 net to win from Jacob Levy on 68. Saturday’s ball competition winners were John Harris 69, Bruce Burton, and Brad Burke 70, Gavin Brown, Campbell Childs, and Brian Searl 71, Bark Joseph, Matthew Walters, Graeme Russell, Sam Patricks, and Trevor Bailey all on 72. Saturday’s nearest the pin winners were Brian Searl and Geoff Bohringer. The Long Drive winners were David Crawford A Grade, Graeme Russell B Grade and Sam Levy C Grade. A pleasing field of
70 players competed in Saturday’s Stroke Round. Another excellent field competed in Sunday’s round of the Super Stableford and round two of the District Stableford Championship. The weather once again was not kind for the players with sleety rain for most of the day. Phil Patricks fired a fine round to win the A Grade Division with 39 pts from Peter Smith on 35 pts. Denis Minehan mastered the conditions to win the B Grade Division with an excellent round of 41 pts one point ahead of the long hitting Lachlan King on 40 pts. Sam Levy, an early morning starter, played well with 41 pts which gave him victory in the C Grade Division from Jim Darley on 38 pts. Jim collected the runners-up Trophy. Nearest the Pin winners were David Stewart and Colin Langdon. Ball winners in the ball competition went down to players with 32 pts. Long Drive winners were Trevor Bailey, Lachlan King, and Benny Bowerman. Brian Alexander mastered the conditions to edge out Heikki Evans on Wednesday to win the competition on a count back after both players finished on 41 pts. Lindsay Blewitt finished in third position on 37 pts on a count back from Kerry Blencowe who collected the fourth placed prize. Balls in the ball comp went down to 34 pts. Nearest the pin winners were Girts Kalninis and Brian Alexander. Ucoming Events Saturday June 12 Bradley Trophy Round 1 Sunday June 13 Super Stableford + District Stableford Championship Saturday June 19 Bradley Trophy Round 2
Cooma basketball news Junior Girls Tuesdays. There is still room for girls in this competition (aged 10-14yrs). If you are interested be at the stadium this Tuesday at 4pm. Results week 1 Fireballs 37 (K. Hynes15 E. Fogarty 8) d Vanilla Coke 28 (R Taylor12 J Brown12). PB&J’s 34 (A Fremanis 16 S McGufficke 8) d Cheeky Babes 28 (T Adams 12 N Corey 10) Week 2 Fireballs 28 (K Hynes 8 E Fogarty 8 T Miners 4) d PB&J’s 18 (K McDonald 8 S McGufficke 4). Cheeky Babes 24 (N Corey 14) d Vanilla Coke 20 (J Brown 6 R Taylor 6) Junior Boys Friday week 1 Nike Knights 36 (Z Saddler 12 L Rixon 12) d Stinging Bees 14 ( T Pielli 8). Cobras 26 (T Wall 10 J O’Connor 6) d Wolves 14 (L Smith 10). Week 2 Cobras 30 (S Saxon 6 T Wall 10) d Stinging Bees 24 (T Pielli
12). Nike Knights 25 (L Rixon 8 Z Saddler 14) d Wolves 18 (D Tucker 6 L Smith 6). Week 3 Wolvers 16 (D Tucker 6) d Stinging Bees 12 (T Pielli 8). Nike Knights 26 ( B Rixon 8 D Swain 5) d Cobras 17 ( J Sopniewski 7 J Louis 4). B women Thursdays results week1 Diamonds 12 (C Allen 4 E Parakalis 8 H Truter 2) drew with Diehards 12 (L Minton 4 K Rourke 4 B Thompson4 S Lehrman 2). Rebels 24 (J Thompson 10 S McGufficke8) d Hopefuls 18 ( A Stephens 6 N Corey 6). 50/50’s 50 ( C Devereux 18 K Connolly 12) d Blueberries 10 ( S Theunissen 4). Week 2 Hopefuls 30 ( A Stephens 8 K McDonald 6) d Diamonds 14 (A Kain). Diehards 34 (S Waddilove 16 S Minton) d Blueberries 18 (T Singh 10). 50/50’s 40 ( L Barron 16 S Connolly 10) d Rebels 24 ( S Kleven 12 J Laundree 6)
Monaro Air Rifle Club Last week, Ron Evans made a move up the ladder, posting a credilble score of 300. Results – Tim Deamer 533/600; Dean Messerer 322/400; Ron Evans 300; Mick Sullivan 291; Warwick Scarlett 287; Eddie Tierney 259;
Sam Scarlett 255; Jenny Sullivan 247; Bruce Steward 238; Jayden Heidtmann 238. Training this week – John Coombes, Wayne Hampton, Mitch Messerer.
Stallions dominate in three grades from page 36
Everyone was checking the clock and only minutes to spare, Palmer raced through a gap to score, Cooma coming out winners 28-20. Cooma was best served by Harry, Elton, Findlow, Jones and Boller, plus good defensive performances from Dietrich, Venables and Kaufline. Unders 18 best game Coming up against quite a big, strong looking Cobargo outfit the Coona team didn’t worry about it and played the best game of the day and season, comprehensively defeating the Eels 366. Led magnificently by 5/8th Zach Smith, whose kicking game was a treat to watch, they continually rebuffed any
Cobargo attack with powerful defence. When they had the ball, they played with great confidence, putting on moves, backing up and the tries came. Fullback Lynch had a bottler of a game, scoring three good tries while his forwards, led by Stores, Martin, Clarke and Bodycott-Pielli were way too good for the Cobargo side. Young Tim Williams shone on the wing while Johnson, Miners and halfback Tredigo looked really good all day. Well done, Under 18s. Next weekend there is no football due to the holiday break and the week after, Cooma travel to Merimbula.
COOMA PHYSIOS ON THE MOVE Cooma Physiotherapy Centre is moving 100 metres up the road to modern, purpose-built rooms within the Bombala Street Medical Centre, from Monday 7th June. The new rooms, at 62 Bombala Street, are incorporated in the expansion of the Bombala Street Medical Centre. "Cooma Physiotherapy Centre has operated from its existing location for over 20years.We welcome the many opportunities this move will provide for our existing patients and new patients," Cooma Physiotherapy Centre's Renee Dubois explained. "We will be under the same roof as local and visiting doctors, the podiatrist, and ulrasonographers. We look forward to the opportunity to work even more closely with other members of your health care team The new, purpose built rooms have excellent access. And we have more opportunity to provide immediate service to patients referred to us by doctors working in the complex.” "We also have room to expand as demand requires. We have room for additional physiotherapists to join our team, and room to provide a greater range of physiotherapy services." "Our aim at the new clinic is to continue to provide the highest possible level of physiotherapy service to residents of Cooma and surrounding areas," Ms Dubois added. Appointments with Cooma Physiotherapy can be made by phoning 6452 4203 between 8am and 6pm on Mondays to Fridays and from 8am to 12-noon on Saturdays. No doctor's referral is necessary, and Cooma Physiotherapy Centre provides access to HICAPS and Eftpos Accompanying photograph: Renee Dubois, Physiotherapist with Cooma Physiotherapy Centre.
Wednesday June 9, 2010
Cooma Cats’ spirit faces testing time It will be a tough few weeks for the Cooma Cats as they try and rebuild after a disappointing loss to Cootamundra on the weekend and then face up to consecutive clashes against competition front-runners Goulburn. On what promised to be a great day for local AFL footy in Cooma and the Snowy Mountains, the Cats followed the script to the letter in the first half of their much anticipated clash against the Cootamundra Blues at Snowy Oval on Saturday.
But they then forgot their lines completely in the second half going down 6-9-45 to 9-16-70. Cooma Cats club president David Paterson was at a loss to explain the Cats’ second half fade out which saw the Blues kick eight unanswered goals and run out worthy winners in a determined display of confidence-based football. “Full credit to Cootamundra on running out with the game the way they did after we were up by five
goals at half time. They showed a great deal of spirit and tenacity,” Dave said. The Cats ran out on to Snowy Oval determined to get a seasondefining win at home and set themselves up well for what promises to be a difficult month ahead. Led by Mick Johnston at centrehalf forward and Peter Stockton in the forward pocket, the Cats were easily the stronger side in the first half and steadily built up a handy
SuperCats win in a thriller The Snowy SuperCats Under 14 AFL team won a thriller against Western Creek at Snowy Oval on the weekend. With the lead changing a number of times in the last quarter, the SuperCats ran out winners 1112-78 to 9-8-62. SuperCats’ coach Marty Currie described the win as one of the team’s best and was largely attributed to the efforts of the backline which remained strong throughout the game. “The backline really hung tough and toughed it out, particularly in the second quarter. They then managed to get the ball out into our centre, and from there we got it into the forward line and managed to get some important goals,” Marty said. The SuperCats, coming off a bye, were slow to start and Western Creek kicked a quick four goals to nothing to jump out to a 24 point lead in the first quarter. “We seemed a little slow to start, but to their credit the guys switched on and worked their way back into the match,” Marty said. “And then in the last quarter, they all stepped up to the challenge of a close game and managed to wrestle the lead from Western Creek and then hold on to it to win by a great two goals,” he said. The close win was made all the better noting that the SuperCats lost their last game by two points.
44-48 Bombala Street Cooma
Phone: 6452 1500
Marty said his side continued to improve each week, and the developing skills of the players is one of the most notable features of the games this year. “It’s great to see the improvement and we now have a strong core of players forming the basis of the team,” Marty said. “There were a lot of players last year still learning the basic skills of kicking and hand balling, and now those same players are really developing into skilled players,” he said. Marty also noted the benefits of a joint training session his young players had with the Cooma Cats’ senior team last week. “My players really enjoyed training with the seniors; they took away a number of key lessons from the experience, including learning a bit more about self discipline,’ Marty said. “This really showed in the second quarter, when the boys showed a lot of discipline to hold the game up and take back control,’ he said. Marty was also appreciative of the great local crowd support. “The home crowd support certainly spurred the boys on, and it made a real difference,’ he said. The SuperCats have a bye next weekend, then they travel to Canberra to take on Marist on July 19. Right: John Hukin fights for the ball against a Western Creek defender.
lead of five goals by half time. But the loss of Cats’ ruckman Darren Turner with an ankle injury late in the second quarter proved a significant turning point in the match as it saw the local team without any tall men. The club’s regular “big three”, Lee Mason, Shaun Allen and Brad Schmabl, were already out with injuries and the Cats’ lack of height across the field was to prove costly. “We just had no height across the centre or up forward and after the loss of (Darren) Turner, we couldn’t compete and Cootamundra punished us hard,” Dave said. The Cats are going to have to dig deep over the next few weeks. In a fixtures quirk, after next weekend’s Queen’s Birthday bye, the Cats face competition leaders Goulburn in back to back games. “It’s a bizarre feature of this year’s fixtures and playing Goulburn two weeks in a row is really going to test the spirit of the players, particularly after the disappointment of this weekend’s result,” Dave said. While there were not many positives from Saturday’s game, it was nevertheless a game of significant milestones for two Cats’ players. Mal Paterson celebrated his 50th senior game, while Rob Stapleton was presented a medallion in recognition of playing 100 senior games. “While Mal (Paterson) will continue to become one of the club’s key developing players, we will sadly farewell Rob (Stapleton) soon as he heads to Tasmania. Rob will be greatly missed not only because of his great playing skills and consistency, but also because he has been a great member of the
club both on and off the field,” Dave said. Dave also played tribute to the Cats’ backline who battled hard all day, especially in the second half when Cootamundra took total control of the game. Jimmy Russell was again inspirational. Notwithstanding the disappointment of Saturday’s loss and the difficult month ahead, Dave said the Cats’ strong club spirit would get them through. “The Cooma Cats are known for their tough spirit. We’ve struggled before, and we’ll no doubt struggle again. That’s football in this part of southern New South Wales. What’s important to note is that as a club, the Cooma Cats are as strong as they have ever been, well regarded in the community and totally focused on giving people of the Monaro and Snowies the chance to play AFL footy,” Dave said. “We’re still in the first half of the season, and the boys will bounce back on the field and continue to show the signs of improvement we have shown so far this season. “I’m proud of the boys, and everyone associated with the club, and I’m sure after next weekend’s break in the competition, we’ll be back and determined as ever to continue playing good AFL footy that everyone can be proud of,” Dave said. Best players: Darren Turner, Jimmy Russell, Dave Maxwell, Peter Stockton and Daniel Shirvington. The Cats’ have a bye next weekend, then play Goulburn in Goulburn on Saturday June 19.
Left: Mal Paterson has recorded 50 games for the Cats.
on the Monaro
Stallions dominate Group 16 Cooma Stallions dominated the wintry conditions at Cooma Showground last Sunday to win in all three grades. The club is rding on the back of a very determined and professional group of
players, numbers being excellent and obviously rubbing off, with Cooma again too strong in all grades. The Firsts, who at times needed guidance, came home a little stronger
against last year’s premiers to win 48 to 30. Leading 32 to not much at half time, they suffered a few major injuries and at times struggled to contain an enthusiastic Narooma side.
Johno Clarke, who can virtually play any position asked, was unstoppable and was relentlessly backed up by Clay Clear, Kimber Dunne and Issa, while Stokes is just starting to hit his straps in the centre. Nick Moon was safe as a “Sussex Freeway” while fullback while new recruit Kimber shone. Mick Bottom was very good in the backs along with Schofield, Stewart and Kelly and the forwards were led strongly by captaincoch Jeff Donald and hard workers Bruce Boller while old man emu, Russell, just seems to love it game after game. Next week Cooma enjoys the long weekend bye and a number of players will be thankful, hopefully recovering from any first grade injuries. Reserves sneak in Cooma Seconds, also fresh from a week’s break, raced to a quick16 point lead against Cobargo Eels and possibly should have scored at least another two or three times but for bad handling. Fullback Jamie Harry was unstoppable and every time he handled the ball there seemed to be a break coming up. By half time Cooma led easily and started well into the second before Cobargo, pushing forward relentlessly, scored one then two soft tries to be back in the game. Cooma seemed to forget they had an opposition and before long, Cobargo was on the doorsteps, behind just 22 points to 20.
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Published by Monaro Media Group Pty Ltd ACN 121 288 060 of 220-227 Sharp St, Cooma NSW 2630. Postal Address : PO Box 1227, Cooma NSW 2630 Printed by Spotpress Pty Ltd ABN 13 002 063 676 at 24 Lilian Fowler Place, Marrickville NSW 2204
Continued page 34