Teacher's/Reader's Guide by

I'm Fishing with Pop-Pop Today tells the story of Rosie. who is spending an enjoyable day with her grandfather fishing. But, Pop-Pop is doing everything. Rosie wants to "...hold HER own fishing pole. Bait HER own hook. Cast HER own line. CATCH HER OWN BIG FISH! Resourceful Rosie finds a way to take matters into her own hands and is rewarded with not only a big fish but a day with Pop-Pop that she'll never forget.
I love I'm Fishing with Pop Pop Today because it's a warm hearted book about the joys of fishing and spending time with those special people in our lives.
Who doesn't remember, as a child, wanting to do something all by yourself intead of just watching someone else have all the fun. Rosie, respectful and resourceful, finds a way to get a fishing rod into her own hands and catch a fish all by herself.
I love the comfort found in this story, from peanut butter and banana sandwiches to the loving relationship between Rosie and her Pop Pop.
What a lovely book to share with future anglers or a special grandchild!
©Leslie Eva Tayloe & Austin Macauley.
Look at the book cover or view the book trailer and complete a See/Think/Wonder activity. What does the phrase, "going fishing," mean to you?
Describe your experiences with participating in enjoyable experiences with family members and/or friends.
During Reading:
Allow children ample time to study the illustrations.
After Reading:
How would you describe Pop-Pop? Give evidence from the text to support your claim.
©Leslie Eva Tayloe & Austin MacauleyWhat surprised you most about this story? What parts of this story could really happen?
Use the "Two Word" strategy to reflect on your understanding of the story.
Vocabulary/ Social-Emotional Learning: Looking at the cover and interior pages, hypothesize the emotion portrayed on Pop-Pop's face and Rosie's face. Write each emotion on a separate index card.
In the story, Rosie wants to fish and not just watch Pop-Pop fish. Are there things that you want to do but are not allowed to do yet? Do you feel that's fair or unfair. Why?
Rosie feels a sense of accomplishment by the end of the story. What are some activities that give you a sense of accomplishment.
What are your favorite things to do with older adults in your life?
©Leslie Eva Tayloe & Austin Macauley.
Ice Fishing Game: Scatter hulahoops across the room. These are the "fishing holes." Hide laminated fish under one of three lilypads within each hula-hoop. Students relay, one at a time, using a pool noodle to look under the lily pad to find a fish.
Fish Art
A variety of fun fish-themed crafts here.
©Leslie Eva Tayloe & Austin Macauley.
Writing: Students should write and/or draw about a special time with an older adult. Use the title of the book as a mentor: I'm _____ with ________
Today. Students can write or orally share fantasy fish stories about an extraordinary fish that they caught. Create colorgul fish to illustrate the story or to hang in the classroom.