Word Quest Test

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contest: an event in which people compete.


”Stanley really thought his story would win the writing contest." -from Stanley and the Wild Words

contest: call to witness

Morphological Relatives: Meet the family…

detest: "execrate, hate, dislike intensely," also "to curse, to call God to witness and abhor”

Etymology: con + test con Latin testis “with, together” “witness”

protest: bear witness publicly

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary


intestate: without a duly witnessed will testimony: evidence of a witness

Morphological relatives will share the same base element and meaning.

contest à con + test


A grapheme is a written symbol (letter or string of letters) One of its jobs may be to represent a sound (phoneme). What phoneme, if any, does each grapheme represent?

prefix base element

What phoneme, if any, does each represent?grapheme

Say the word, “contest.” How many phonemes do you hear?


c o n bt e s t

What was surprising about the“contest” investigation?

Explain what the following quote mean to you:

Word Quest completed! Whatnew questions do you have?

“Life is not a contest.”popularity

A. D. Parker


"Stanley squeezed between a slumbering SLOTH and a curious QUESTION."from Stanley and the Wild Words

question: eager to know or learn.


Source: Online Etymology Dictionary

Morphological Relatives?


Meet the family…

quest: seek question: ask questions: questioner: questioning: request: asking for something, a seeking back

Morphological relatives will share the same base element and meaning.

Etymology? quest + ion Latin quaere “seek, ask”

question à quest + ion


How many phonemes do you hear when you say, “quest”?

Note:represent?Aphoneme, like <qu>, can consist of more than one phone (sound) .


A grapheme is a written symbol (letter or string of letters) . One of its jobs may be to represent a sound (phoneme). What phoneme, if any, does each grapheme

Word Quest completed! What new questions do you Whathave? was surprising about the Explaininvestigation?“question”whatthefollowing quote mean to you:

“Life’s persistentmostand urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

Martin Luther King, Jr.


curious: eager to know or learn.


"Stanley squeezed between a slumbering SLOTH and a curious QUESTION."from Stanley and the Wild Words

Meet the family…

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary

curious: giving attention to curiously: curiosity: incurious: cure: heal by attention or care accurate: exact due to sufficient care secure: safe and free from care


Morphological relatives will share the same base element and meaning.

cure + i + ous Latin cura

“care, attention”

Morphological Relatives?

curate: a priest taking care of his congregation; taking care of a collection



curious à cure/ + i + ous


Say “cure.” How many phonemes do you hear? What job do you think the <e> grapheme has in <cure>?

A grapheme is a written symbol (letter or string of letters) . One of its jobs may be to represent a sound (phoneme).


Explain what the following quote means to you:

Word Quest completed! What new questions do you surprising about the investigation?“curious”

“Be curious, not judgmental.”


Walt Whitman



belligerent: hostile and aggressive.

-from Stanley and the Wild Words

"Stanley sidestepped to avoid BELLIGERENT."

rebels: rebellious: rebellion: Morphological relatives will share the same base element and meaning.

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary

Morphological Relatives


bell + i + gere + ent Latin bellum gerere “war” ”bear, carry”

rebel: to make war against someone oppressive

Meet the family…


belligerent: carrying on in a warlike manner




It can be interesting to note the stressed syllables within a word and across a morphological family.

“As a rough rule of thumb,I would say the smallerthe pond, the morebelligerent the fish.”

-Craig Brown

Explain what the following quote means to you:

Word Quest completed!What new questions doyou Whathave?was surprisingabout the investigation?“belligerent”



”Questions about words will lead you to magical places."

-from Stanley and the Wild Words

magical: related to magic; delightful.


Meet the family… magical: magic: magician:

Morphological relatives will share the same base element and meaning.

Old Persian magush “power”

mage + ic + al

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary



Morphological Relatives?


magical à mage/ + ic + al

It can be interesting to investigate how a grapheme may be represented by different phonemes across a word family.

A grapheme is a written symbol (letter or string of letters) . One of its jobs may be to represent a sound (phoneme).

Say the following words: magic, magical, magician. What phoneme does the grapheme <c> represent in each word?


Word Quest completed! What new questions do you have?

“The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”

Bertrand Russell

What was surprising about the “magical” investigation?

Explain what the following quote means to you:

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