Rosie Kay's 5 Soliders PROGRAM | Wednesday-Friday, February 26-29, 2020

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Rosie Kay’s 5 Soldiers The Body is the Frontline Wedensday–Friday, February 26–28, 2020 Vanderhoef Studio Theatre, UC Davis

A discussion session with the performers and panelists will follow each show: Wednesday, Feb 26 Jay Brookman, Lt Col, US Air Force (Ret) Yolanda Faye, US Air Force (Ret) Thursday, Feb 27 John Kraft, US Air Force (Ret) Robert Van Ostrand, US Marine Corps (Ret)

Friday, Feb 28 Kathleen Taylor, US Air Force (Ret) Katy Campi, US Army (Ret) Abbie Luck, US Air Force (Ret) Saturday, Feb 29 Yolanda Faye, US Air Force (Ret) Abbie Luck, US Air Force (Ret)



We should take a moment to acknowledge the land on which we are gathered. For thousands of years, this land has been the home of Patwin people. Today, there are three federally recognized Patwin tribes: Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community, Kletsel Dehe Wintun Nation, and Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation. The Patwin people have remained committed to the stewardship of this land over many centuries. It has been cherished and protected, as elders have instructed the young through generations. We are honored and grateful to be here today on their traditional lands.



Rosie Kay’s 5 Soldiers The Body is the Frontline Choreographer & Director Producer Rehearsal Director Dancers Composer Dramaturg Lighting Designer Lighting Designer

Rosie Kay James Preston Harriet Ellis Olly Bell, Harriet Ellis, Frankie Hickman, Alan Hunte & Jonathan Mewett Annie Mahtani Ben Payne Mike Gunning Chris Heigham

North American Tour Direction 2Luck Concepts Thank you RKDC Board: Frances Clarke (Chair), Sima Gonsai, Stella Hall, Simon Hill, Stefan G Kay, Emily May, Monique Mehra, Shivaji Shiva. Eleanor Oldham & John Luckacovic Lt Col Wendy Faux


’m extremely thrilled to be presenting 5 SOLDIERS for its 10th Anniversary Tour in the U.K. and U.S.

The show has grown and developed over the past years, since its original premiere in 2010. While the wars with such direct engagement as Iraq and Afghanistan have ended, the show still resonates with a universal message about the training and preparation for war, and the physical and mental effects of war that last long into the future. The show’s subtitle is still as apt as ever— the body truly is the frontline, in past, present and future wars. 5 SOLDIERS has developed over the past decade with some sections re-worked choreographically to bring out the individuality of the characters more deeply however the overall structure remains unchanged. The work follows the following pattern: Part One: Drill—made up of marching, repetition and complex drill patterns that demand huge concentration and discipline; Part Two: Hurry Up and Wait— explores games, play, larking about and darker aspects of relationships, humiliation and sexual tensions; Part Three: Contact, Wait Out—transports us to an enemy terrain, the enemy unseen, the threat ever present; Part Four: Rehab— puts injury into sharp focus; the risk of this job is clearly demonstrated.

Authenticity and integrity are woven through this work; not only did I train with The 4th Battalion, The Rifles, I also secured secondments to Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Headley Court and the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine. The cast have also all spent time training with the army. This integrity also includes my independence and freedom to portray the army in my own artistic way. The army in no way has influenced the content of this show, and I hope that this shines through. We look at the good, the bad and the ugly, as well as celebrating strength, teamwork and leadership. I’d like to thank everyone who has supported us in helping us research, maintain and produce 5 SOLDIERS—the British Army, the promoters and venues, the funders and sponsors, all the talented dancers who have been part of this show, and particularly the board of (Rosie Kay Dance Company (RKDC) who are committed to seeing the company grow in the U.K. and abroad. We hope you enjoy the show, and do please join us for the post show talk with myself and the cast. —Rosie Kay, February 2020

The artists and fellow audience members appreciate silence during the performance. Please be sure that you have switched off cellular phones, watch alarms and pager signals. Videotaping, photographing and audio2019 recording strictly forbidden. Violators are subject to removal. MONDAVI CENTER –20 are | 3

BIOGRAPHIES ROSIE KAY DIRECTOR & CHOREOGRAPHER Rosie Kay (BA Hons) FRSA, MCR St Cross College, Oxford, born in Scotland, danced from a very early age, then trained at London Contemporary Dance School, graduating in 1998, before a career as a dancer in Poland, France, Germany and the U.S. Kay returned to the U.K .in 2003 and set up Rosie Kay Dance Company in Birmingham in 2004. Kay’s works include the multi-award-winning work 5 SOLDIERS— The Body is the Frontline (2010–present) based on intense research with the British Army and screened live online by BBC Arts, touring the U.S. and Denmark (2019), U.K. and U.S. (2020), and the largescale development of the work, 10 SOLDIERS (2019). Other works include: Rosie Kay’s Fantasia (Top 10 Dance of 2019, The Guardian); MK ULTRA (2017–18), a work about conspiracy theory and pop culture made with BBC film-maker Adam Curtis; Motel (2016), a collaboration with visual artists Huntley Muir; Sluts of Possession (2013) created with rare archive material from the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford; There is Hope (2012) exploring religion; Double Points: K (2008), a collaboration with Emio Greco| PC and Asylum (2005) based on research with asylum seekers. Kay recently choreographed the live BBC Commonwealth Games Handover Ceremony (2018), watched by over one billion people worldwide and has worked in film as the choreographer to the feature film Sunshine on Leith (2013). Outdoor works include Modern Warrior (2017), The Great Train Dance (2011) and Ballet on the Buses (2007) made with Birmingham Royal Ballet. Kay was the first choreographer appointed Leverhulme Artist in Residence at the School of Anthropology, University of Oxford (2013). Awards for her work include Best Independent Company (2015) and nominated for Best Choreography for 5 SOLDIERS (2015), National Dance Awards and nominated for Best Independent Company 2012 and 2017, a Royal Society for Public Health Award for support to military communities, and the Bonnie Bird New Choreography Award. Kay has a five-year old son and lives in Birmingham with her film-maker husband. JAMES PRESTON PRODUCER Preston trained in Drama and Theatre Arts (specializing in Directing) at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh where he began his career as a theatre producer with shows at The Bush Theatre and The Traverse Theatre. From 2006–13 he was Communications & Development Director at Dance Base, Scotland’s National Centre for Dance, where he met Rosie who was performing during the Fringe festival. Preston was the National Project Manager for the Get Scotland Dancing initiative, a part of the Legacy and Culture 2014 programme of Glasgow’s 2014 Commonwealth Games.

& 2018), MODERN WARRIOR (2018), 10 SOLDIERS (2019) and Rosie Kay’s Fantasia (2019). OLLY BELL DANCER Born in Leeds, Bell began his dance training at the Centre for Advanced Training at Northern Ballet before transferring to Northern School of Contemporary Dance. At 18, he continued his training at Trinity Laban where his highlight was performing alongside Punchdrunk at Selfridges. After his third year, Bell joined EDGE Postgraduate Company to perform in an international tour of works by choreographers: Tamsin Fitzgerald (2Faced Dance Company), Ben Wright, Athina Vahla and Phillipe Blanchard. Since graduating, Bell has worked on a number of different projects with Motionhouse, The Royal Opera House and Mercurial Dance. He joined Rosie Kay Dance Company in 2019 for 10 SOLDIERS. HARRIET ELLIS DANCER & REHEARSAL DIRECTOR Ellis trained at Bird College and graduated in 2016 with a BA (Hons) in Professional Dance and Musical Theatre receiving the “Best Contemporary Female” Award. Ellis joined Rosie Kay Dance Company in 2017 and has performed in MK ULTRA (2017 & 2018), 5 SOLDIERS (2017 & 2019), MODERN WARRIOR, 10 SOLDIERS (2019) and Rosie Kay’s Fantasia (2019) as well as working with Rosie on research and development for new work. Harriet was also a dance leader and performer for the Commonwealth Games Handover Ceremony 2018. Additionally, she has also worked with Keneish Dance Company, performing in High I’m and Balbir Singh Dance Company, dancing in The Creative Spirit of John Curry and The Boy with the Rollerblades. Harriet was also tipped by dance critic, Luke Jennings, as one of the “18 for 18 talents tipped for the top in 2018” in The Observer. FRANKIE HICKMAN DANCER Hickman is a freelance artist based in the West Midlands. He graduated from the London Contemporary Dance School Contemporary Dance School in 2017 where his highlights included working with Liz Aggiss, Lea Anderson and Bruno Guillore. At present he is practicing in circus aerial skills and contemporary dance with a focus on physical theatre. He is looking to develop a stronger link between positive mental well-being practice and contemporary dance, stemming from projects by Resoke (“Man Up” and ACAB “Abattoir” in 2018–19). 5 SOLDIERS is his first appearance with Rosie Kay Dance Company ALAN HUNTE DANCER Hunte was born in the Scottish Highlands. He was first introduced to dance at age 16 after moving to Gordonstoun School. After two years of juggling both rugby and dance, Hunte trained for four years at the Scottish School of Contemporary

Preston joined the board of Rosie Kay Dance Company in 2011 and has worked with Rosie since 2014 producing 5 SOLDIERS (2015 England & Wales, 2016 Scotland, 2017 national tour, 2019 & 2020 international tours), Double Points: K, Motel (2016), MK ULTRA (2017 MONDAVI CENTER 2019 –20 |


Dance and Kingston University. During this time he was a member of the Scottish Ballet Youth Exchange and the National Youth Dance Company of Scotland. He has worked internationally with a number of creators including Yael Flexer, Matthew Bourne, Maxine Doyle, Marc Brew, and Anna Kenrick, and joined Rosie Kay Dance for 5 SOLDIERS and 10 SOLDIERS in 2019. JONATHAN MEWETT DANCER After graduating from the University of Chichester with a First Class (Hons) degree in Dance, Mewett toured as a member of mapdance, performing works by Richard Alston, Motionhouse, Liz Aggiss, Lila Dance and ildance. Upon completion of his formal training, Mewett has been performing professionally across Europe. Credits include: Protein Dance, Gingerline, C–12 Dance Theatre, Lila Dance, Maxine Doyle, Hit the Ground Running Dance Theatre Company, Flexer & Sandiland, Alfred Taylor-Gaunt, Salah El Brogy and Katie Dale-Everett Dance Company. Jonathan joined Rosie Kay Dance Company in 2018 for the research and development period of 10 SOLDIERS and performed in the premiere of the show in 2019. CHRIS HEIGHAM TECHNICAL STAGE MANAGER Heigham studied Music Technology at Leeds Metropolitan University. He returned to Bristol to try his hand at working in radio and tv edit suites before settling on live sound and technical theater. Heigham moved to London and after some questionable gigs, spent the next three years at the Southbank Centre. He recently spent two years in Vancouver as head carpenter in a presenting house on the east side of the city, but has since returned to make Bristol home again. He joined Rosie Kay Dance Company in 2019 for the premiere and tour of Rosie Kay’s Fantasia.

SESSION PANELISTS Jay Brookman, Lt Colonel, USAF (Ret) is the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor at Vanden High School in Fairfield. Prior to retirement, he was a Combat Search and Rescue Navigator in the MC-130P aircraft at the 129th Rescue Wing, Moffett Federal Airfield, California. He served as the Commander of the California National Guard Counterdrug Program and was instrumental in supporting the response to many domestic emergencies and disasters such as the Los Angeles Civil Disturbance, Y2K and Hurricane Katrina. Katy Campi served as a U.S. Army medic from 1997 to 2001. She received a Ph.D. in biological psychology at the University of California, Davis and teaches psychology at Sierra College. For over a decade, she has been providing community education in biological psychology in elementary and middle schools as part of Brain Awareness Week. She is a facilitator for Veteran Women’s Voices and is part of a community of women giving voice to the unique female veteran experience.

other military families and veterans with the hardships of numerous deployments, military moves and military sexual trauma. John (Buzz) Kraft, Lt Colonel was an Air Force pilot who served for 25 years, including combat tours in the air and on the ground in Afghanistan in 2002. Since retirement, he has held several jobs, including cargo airline captain, State Director of Veteran Outreach, and he now substitute teaches in the Davis School District. Buzz enjoys performing arts with the UC Davis Chorus and Sacramento Light Opera Theatre. Abbie Luck, US Air Force (Ret) Lieutenant Colonel retired from the USAF in Dec 2010 after serving 20 years. Her last position was the Mental Health Flight Commander, 81st Medical Operations Squadron, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. She commanded the second largest Mental Health Flight in the Air Force, consisting of adult and child outpatient services; behavioral health psychology; neuropsychology, medical consultation liaison; substance abuse assessment and rehabilitation and the Drug Demand Reduction Program; and the Family Advocacy Program. A social worker for 30 years, Lt Col Luck currently serves as program manager for the USAF’s Family Advocacy Program, which works to prevent and treat domestic violence. Kathleen Taylor is an Air Force Veteran and the Founder of Veteran Women’s Voices. Kathleen is a social-cultural psychologist, published writer and storyteller in the role of Leader and Administrator of VWV. She has facilitated veteran writing groups since 2010 and is lead facilitator at all VWV retreats. She served in the USAF from 1979–1986 as a flight-line mechanic. Kathleen has a Social Psychology Ph.D. from UC Davis and is a Professor at Sierra College. Robert Van Ostrand served in the United States Marine Corps as a Rifleman, which included deployment for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2007, and later transitioned to become Data Network Specialist as a Reservist. Currently the Commander at VFW Post 6949 in Davis, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry (Bio-organic Track) as a researcher of Sheila David’s Lab in the Department of Chemistry at UC Davis. His research in the David Lab involves using chemistry to discover how a DNA repair protein finds the DNA damage it helps mend.

PANEL MODERATOR: Ruth Rosenberg directs the Mondavi Center’s Arts Education & Engagement programs, including the School Matinee Series, residency activities by touring artists and local teaching artists, pre-performance talks and Q&A sessions with the artists, the Mondavi Center’s partnership with the Esparto Unified School District, its Dance for Parkinson’s program as well as student engagement initiatives for UC Davis students. Rosenberg started her career as a dancer. She was artistic director of the Sacramentobased Ruth Rosenberg Dance Ensemble from 1990–2001, and performed with Sacramento Ballet, Capitol City Ballet and Ed Mock & Dancers of San Francisco. She is featured in the 2017 documentary Unstoppable Feat, The Dances of Ed Mock.

Yolanda Faye is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and served on active duty for four years. She was the recipient of the Air Force’s prestigious Angel Award, Biloxi’s Woman of the Year and several other awards in recognition for her significant contributions to military life. She dedicated much of the past 28 years assisting MONDAVI CENTER 2019 –20 |


Thank you to our 2019–20 sponsors CORPORATE SPONSORS

The Art of Giving The Mondavi Center is deeply grateful for the generous contributions of our dedicated patrons, whose gifts are a testament to the value of the performing arts in our lives. Annual donations to the Mondavi Center directly support our operating budget and are an essential source of revenue. Please join us in thanking our loyal donors, whose philanthropic support ensures our ability to bring great artists and speakers to our region and to provide nationally recognized arts education programs for students and teachers. For more information on supporting the Mondavi Center, visit or call 530.754.5438. This list reflects donors as of February 13, 2020.


$50,000 AND ABOVE James H. Bigelow† Patti Donlon† Richard and Joy Dorf Dean and Karen† Karnopp* M.A. Morris*


$25,000–$49,999 John† and Lois Crowe* Merrilee and Simon Engel Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Wanda Lee Graves and Steve Duscha Bill and Nancy† Roe* The Lawrence Shepard† Family Fund


$16,500–$24,999 Thomas and Phyllis† Farver* Nancy McRae Fisher Anne Gray*† Mary B. Horton* Clifford A. Popejoy† and Antonia K. J. Vorster Darell J. Schregardus, Ph.D. Rosalie Vanderhoef*



Dr. Jim P. Back Wayne and Jacque Bartholomew* Ralph and Clairelee Leiser Bulkley* Chan Family Fund† Andrew and Judith Gabor Benjamin and Lynette Hart* Clarence and Barbara Kado Gordon Klein° and Nancy Lawrence†

Debbie Mah* and Brent Felker Diane Marie Makley*† Grace† and John Rosenquist Raymond Seamans and Ruth Elkins Les and Mary Stephens De Wall Helen and Jerry Suran Tony and Joan Stone

BENEFACTOR CIRCLE $7,500–$10,999

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Asanté Catering El Macero Country Club J. Lohr Vineyards and Wines Robert Mondavi Winery The Porch Restaurant

Carla F. Andrews Terry and Susan Eager† Karen Broido* Allen and Sandy Enders Susie† and Jim Burton Charles and Catherine Farman Janlynn Fleener† Martin Camsey and Randy Reynoso Sandy and Chris Chong* Friends of Mondavi Center Tony° and Ellie Cobarrubia* Karen Heald and K.C. McElheney Hansen Kwok† Michael and Kevin Conn * Friends of Mondavi Center MONDAVI CENTER 2019 –20 | 6

Garry Maisel† Gerry and Carol Parker William Roth Celestine and Scott Syphax Joe Tupin* Claudette Von Rusten Yin and Elizabeth Yeh

†Mondavi Center Advisory Board Member

° In Memoriam

PRODUCER CIRCLE $3,750–$7,499

Lydia Baskin* Daniel R. Benson Cordelia S. Birrell Jo Anne Boorkman* Karen Broido* California Statewide Certified Development Center Mike and Betty Chapman Michele Clark and Paul Simmons Bruce and Marilyn Dewey* Wayne and Shari Eckert In Memory of Elliott and Sol In Memory of Flint, Ella and Marley Jolán Friedhoff and Don Roth In Memory of Henry (Hank) Gietzen The John Gist Family Ed and Bonnie Green* Charles and Ann Halsted John and Regi Hamel Judy Hardardt Dee Hartzog Donine Hedrick and David Studer In Memory of Christopher Horsley* In Memory of Nicolai N Kalugin Teresa Kaneko* Barry and Gail Klein Jane and Bill Koenig Brian and Dorothy Landsberg Edward and Sally Larkin Drs. Richard Latchaw and Sheri Albers Linda Lawrence Allan and Claudia Leavitt Nelson Lewallyn and Marion Pace-Lewallyn Patricia Lewis Robert and Betty Liu Yvonne L. Marsh Judith E. Moores in Memory of Eldridge M. Moores Barbara Moriel Misako and John Pearson Joanna Regulska and Michael Curry Warren G. Roberts and Jeanne Hanna Vogel* Roger and Ann Romani Liisa A. Russell Neil and Carrie Schore Carol J. Sconyers* Kathryn Smith Tom and Meg Stallard* Tom and Judy Stevenson* Brian K. Tarkington and Katrina Boratynski Rosemary and George Tchobanoglous Ed Telfeyan and Jeri Paik-Telfeyan Ken Verosub and Irina Delusina Georgia Paulo John D. Walker Dick and Shipley Walters Patrice White Judy Wydick And 5 donors who prefer to remain anonymous

DIRECTOR CIRCLE $1,750–$3,749

The Aboytes Family Ezra and Beulah Amsterdam Russell and Elizabeth Austin Robert and Susan Benedetti Don and Kathy Bers Edwin Bradley Richard Breedon, Pat Chirapravati, and Rosa Marquez Marguerite Callahan Cantor & Company, A Law Corporation

Margaret Chang and Andrew Holz Allison P. Coudert Jim and Kathy Coulter* Terry Davison Gwendolyn Doebbert and Richard Epstein Joyce Donaldson* Matt Donaldson and Steve Kyriakis Noel Dybdal Karl Gerdes and Pamela Rohrich David and Erla Goller Dr. Eva G. Hess Sharna and Mike Hoffman Ronald and Lesley Hsu Martin and JoAnn Joye* Barbara Katz Nancy and John Keltner Robert and Cathryn Kerr Joseph Kiskis and Diana Vodrey Charlene R. Kunitz Thomas Lange and Spencer Lockson Francie and Artie Lawyer* Hyunok Lee and Daniel Sumner Bob and Barbara Leidigh Lin and Peter Lindert David and Ruth Lindgren Richard and Kyoko Luna Family Fund Natalie and Malcolm MacKenzie* Dennis H. Mangers and Michael Sestak Susan Mann Betty Masuoka and Robert Ono Janet Mayhew In Memory of William F. McCoy Sally McKee Mary McKinnon and Greg Krekelberg Katharine and Dan Morgan Craig Morkert Augustus B Morr Rebecca Newland John Pascoe and Susan Stover J. Persin and D. Verbeck Nancy Petrisko and Don Beckham Linda and Larry Raber Kay Resler* Marshall and Maureen Rice Dwight E. and Donna L. Sanders Christian Sandrock Ed and Karen Schelegle Bonnie and Jeff Smith Janet Shibamoto-Smith and David Smith Edward Speegle Maril and Patrick Stratton Geoffrey and Gretel Wandesford-Smith Rosalind Ramsey Tyson* Dale L. and Jane C. Wierman Susan and Thomas Willoughby Verena Leu Young* And 3 donors who prefer to remain anonymous

ENCORE CIRCLE $700–$1,749

Drs. Ralph and Teresa Aldredge Michael and Shirley Auman* Laura and Murry Baria In Memory of Marie Benisek Al Patrick and Pat Bissell Muriel Brandt Craig and Joyce Copelan Robert and Nancy Crummey Gayle Dax-Conroy In Memory of Jan Conroy Dotty Dixon* Anne Duffey John and Cathie Duniway Melanie and Robert Ferrando Doris Flint Jennifer D. Franz Cynthia Gerber Florence Grosskettler Mae and David Gundlach Robin Hansen and Gordon Ulrey

Rick and Zheyla Henriksen Leonard and Marilyn Herrmann Ralph Hexter and Manfred Kollmeier B.J. Hoyt James and Nancy Joye Peter G. Kenner Paul Kramer Paula Kubo Ruth M. Lawrence Michael and Sheila Lewis* Shirley Maus Robert Medearis Roland and Marilyn Meyer John and Carol Oster Celia Rabinowitz John and Judith Reitan C. Rocke Joan Sallee Elizabeth St. Goar Sherman and Hannah Stein Karen and Ed Street* Eric and Pat Stromberg* Mont Hubbard and Lyn Taylor Cap and Helen Thomson Virginia Thresh Roseanna Torretto* Henry°and Lynda Trowbridge* Rita and Jack Weiss Steven and Andrea Weiss Dan and Ellie Wendin Kandi Williams and Frank Jahnke Paul Wyman Gayle K. Yamada and David H. Hosley* Karl and Lynn Zender Karen Zito and Manuel Calderon de la Barca Sanchez And 3 donors who prefer to remain anonymous


Dorrit Ahbel Susan Ahlquist Andrew and Ruth Baron Paul and Linda Baumann Mrs. Marie C. Beauchamp Delee and Jerry Beavers Carol Benedetti Jane D. Bennett Robert Bense Ernst Biberstein Robert Biggs and Diane Carlson Biggs Brooke and Clay Brandow Meredith Burns Anne and Gary Carlson* Bruce and Mary Alice Carswell* Simon and Cindy Cherry Dr. Jacqueline Clavo-Hall Mr. and Mrs. David Covin Doug and Joy Daugherty Daniel and Moira Dykstra Nancy and Don Erman Helen Ford Edwin and Sevgi Friedrich* Joyce and Marvin Golman Paul N. and E.F. (Pat) Goldstene Tom Graham and Lisa Foster Darrow and Gwen Haagensen Sharon and Don Hallberg* Marylee Hardie Dione and Roy Henrickson Michael and Margaret Hoffman Jan and Herb Hoover Robert and Marcia Jacobs Don and Diane Johnston Weldon and Colleen Jordan Susan Kauzlarich and Peter Klavins Helen L. Krell, M.D. Bill and Laura Lacy Allan and Norma Lammers Ellen J Lange Larkin Lapides Sevim Larsen Carol Ledbetter Randall Lee and Jane Yeun Barbara Levine

Ernest and Mary Ann Lewis Bunkie Mangum Joan and Roger Mann Dr. Maria I. Manea-Manoliu David and Martha Marsh Katherine F. Mawdsley* Susan and David Miller Elaine and Ken Moody Robert and Susan Munn William and Nancy Myers Margaret Neu* Suzette Olson Frank Pajerski Sue and Jack Palmer Jill and Warren Pickett James D. and Lori K. Richardson Ms. Tracy Rodgers and Dr. Richard Budenz Ron and Morgan Rogers Sharon and Elliott Rose Shery and John Roth Bob and Tamra Ruxin Roger and Freda Sornsen Tony and Beth Tanke Robert and Helen Twiss Ardath Wood Iris Yang and G. Richard Brown Wesley Yates Melanie and Medardo Zavala And 9 donors who prefer to remain anonymous


M. Aften Elizabeth Allen* Penny Anderson Nancy Andrew-Kyle* Elinor Anklin Alex and Janice Ardans Antonio and Alicia Balatbat* Charles and Diane Bamforth Michele Barefoot and Luis Perez-Grau Carole Barnes Jonathan and Mary Bayless Lynn Baysinger Lorna Belden Merry Benard Kristen and Alan Bennett Bevowitz Family Dr. Robert and Sheila Beyer Elizabeth Ann Bianco Roy and Joan Bibbens* John and Katy Bill Sharon Billings and Terry Sandbek Dolores Blake Dr. Caroline Bledsoe Fredrick and Mary Bliss Judith Blum Brooke Bourland* Jerry and Verne Bowers—Advent Consulting Services Jill and Mary Bowers Carol Boyd* Melody Boyer and Mark Gidding Dan and Mildred Braunstein* Linda Brown Alan and Beth Brownstein Mike and Marian Burnham Dr. Margaret Burns and Dr. W Roy Bellhorn William and Karolee Bush Edward Callahan Nancy Callahan Richard and Marcia Campbell Nancy and Dennis Campos* James and Patty Carey Ping Chan* Bonnie and LeRoy Chatfield Amy Chen and Raj Amirtharajah Carol Christensen* Lesli and John Chuck* Craig Clark and Mary Ann Reihman Gail Clark Linda Clevenger and Seth Brunner James and Linda Cline Stuart and Denise Cohen Sheri and Ron Cole Steve and Janet Collins Richard and Katie Conrad Karen Cook*

MONDAVI CENTER 2019 –20 | 7 Center †Mondavi Center Advisory Board Member * Friends of Mondavi

°In Memoriam

Terry Cook Nicholas and Khin Cornes Fred and Ann Costello Catherine Coupal* Victor Cozzalio and Lisa Heilman-Cozzalio Crandallicious Clan Tatiana and Virgil Cullen Fitz-Roy and Susan Curry Laurence Dashiell Doug and Joy Daugherty* Nita A. Davidson Relly Davidson Judy and Mike Davis Judy and David Day Ann Denvir* Carol Dependahl-Ripperda Robert Diamond Linda and Joel Dobris Marjorie Dolcini* Jerry and Chris Drane Karen Eagan James Eastman and Fred Deneke Laura Eisen and Paul Glenn Carol Erickson and David Phillips Robbie and Tony Fanning Eleanor E. Farrand* Michael and Ophelia Farrell Les and Micki Faulkin Janet Feil Cheryl and David Felsch Robin and Jeffrey Fine Maureen Fitzgerald and Frank DeBernardi Dave and Donna Fletcher Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher Glenn Fortini Daphna Fram Marion Franck and Bob Lew Marlene J. Freid* Larry Friedman and Susan Orton David Fudala In Memory of David Gatmon Barbara Gladfelter Ellie Glassburner Marnelle Gleason and Louis J. Fox* Mark Goldman and Jessica Tucker-Mohl Pat and Bob Gonzalez* Drs. Michael Goodman and Bonny Neyhart Joyce and Ron Gordon Karen Governor Halley Grain Jeffrey and Sandra Granett Jim Gray and Robin Affrime Paul and Carol Grench Don and Eileen Gueffroy Abbas Gultekin and Vicky Tibbs Cary and Susan Gutowsky Wesley and Ida Hackett* Myrtis Hadden Bob and Jen Hagedorn Jane and Jim Hagedorn Kitty Hammer William and Sherry Hamre

M. and P. Handley Jim and Laurie Hanschu Susan B. Hansen Alexander and Kelly Harcourt Kay Harse Anne and Dave Hawke Mary A. Helmich Rand and Mary Herbert Calvin Hirsch, MD Clyde Hladky and Donna Odom Pamela Holm Steve and Nancy Hopkins Daniel and Sarah Hrdy David Kenneth Huskey Lorraine J Hwang L. K. Iwasa Diane Moore and Stephen Jacobs Vince Jacobs and Cecilia Delury Ron and Cheryl Jensen Karen Jetter Mun Johl Gary and Karen Johns* Michelle Johnston Andrew and Merry Joslin David Kalb and Nancy Gelbard Shari and Tim Karpin Stephen and Beth Kaffka Steve and Jean Karr Patricia Kelleher* Sharmon and Peter Kenyon Leonard Keyes Nicki King Ruth Ann Kinsella* Camille Kirk Don and Bev Klingborg John and Mary Klisiewicz* Kerik and Carol Kouklis Sandra Kristensen Roy and Cynthia Kroener C.R. and Elizabeth Kuehner Kupcho-Hawksworth Trust Leslie Kurtz Kit and Bonnie Lam* Nancy Lazarus and David Siegel Peggy Leander* Evelyn A Lewis Barbara Linderholm* Motoko Lobue Joyce Loeffler and Ken McNeil Mary Lowry and Norm Theiss Karen Lucas* Melissa Lyans and Andreas Albrecht Ariane Lyons David and Alita Mackill Dr. Vartan Malian and Nora Gehrmann Drs. Julin Maloof and Stacey Harmer Theresa Mann Pam Marrone and Mick Rogers J. A. Martin Leslie Maulhardt* Keith and Jeanie McAfee Karen McCluskey and Harry Roth*

Artistic Ventures Fund

We applaud our Artistic Ventures Fund members, whose major gift commitments support artist engagement fees, innovative artist commissions, artist residencies and programs made available free to the public. James H. Bigelow Ralph and Clairelee Leiser Bulkley John and Lois Crowe Patti Donlon Richard and Joy Dorf

Nancy McRae Fisher Wanda Lee Graves and Steve Duscha Anne Gray Barbara K. Jackson° Rosalie Vanderhoef

Endowment Giving

Thank you to the following donors whose support will leave a lasting impact on Mondavi Center programs. James H. Bigelow Karen Broido Chan Family Fund Sandra Togashi Chong and Chris Chong John and Lois Crowe Richard and Joy Dorf

Mary B. Horton Barbara K. Jackson° Dean and Karen Karnopp Debbie Mah and Brent Felker Diane Marie Makley Rosalie Vanderhoef Verena Leu Young

Jim and Jane McDevitt Tim and Linda McKenna Thomas R. McMorrow Karen Merick and Clark Smith Joe and Linda Merva Cynthia Meyers Beryl Michaels and John Bach Leslie Michaels and Susan Katt Maureen Miller and Mary Johnson Sue and Rex Miller Vicki and Paul Moering James Moorfield Hallie Morrow Marcie Mortensson Rita Mt. Joy* Robert and Janet Mukai Bill and Diane Muller Robert Nevraumont and Donna Curley Nevraumont Kim T. Nguyen R. Noda Jay and Catherine Norvell Jeri and Clifford Ohmart Allyson Oide* Jim and Sharon Oltjen Andrew and Sharon* Opfell Mary Jo Ormiston* John and Nancy Owen Mike and Carlene Ozonoff Thomas Pavlakovich and Kathryn Demakopoulos Pete Peterson The Plante Family Jane Plocher Bonnie A. Plummer Harriet Prato Otto and Lynn Raabe Lawrence and Norma Rappaport Olga Raveling Catherine Ann Reed Fred and Martha Rehrman* Maxine and Bill Reichert David and Judy Reuben Ralph Riggs* Russ and Barbara Ristine Kenneth Ritt and Pamela Rapp Jeannette and David Robertson Denise Rocha Jeep and Heather Roemer Ron and Mary Rogers Maurine Rollins Carol and John Rominger Richard and Evelyne Rominger Warren Roos Janet F. Roser, Ph.D. Cathy and David Rowen* Cynthia Jo Ruff* Paul and Ida Ruffin Joy and Richard Sakai* Jacquelyn Sanders Elia and Glenn Sanjume Fred and Pauline Schack

Patsy Schiff Leon Schimmel and Annette Cody Dan Shadoan and Ann Lincoln Jeanie Sherwood Jennifer Sierras Jo Anne S. Silber Teresa Simi Paula Smith-Hamilton and John Hamilton Robert Snider and Jak Jarasjakkrawhal Jean Snyder Nancy Snyder William and Jeannie Spangler* Curtis and Judy Spencer Tim and Julie Stephens Judith and Richard Stern Daria and Mark Stoner Deb and Jeff Stromberg George and June Suzuki Bob Sykes Yayoi Takamura and Jeff Erhardt Stewart and Ann Teal Julie Theriault, PA-C Virginia Thigpen Henry and Sally Tollette Victoria and Robert Tousignant Justine Turner* Ute Turner* Sandra Uhrhammer* Ramon and Karen Urbano Ann-Catrin Van In Memory of Lewis Vance and Philip Acton Barker Diane Vandepeute (in memoriam) Marian and Paul Ver Wey Richard Vorpe and Evelyn Matteucci Craig Vreeken and Lee Miller Kim and James Waits In Memory of Carl Eugene Walden Andrew and Vivian Walker Don and Rhonda Weltz* Doug West Martha S. West Robert and Leslie Westergaard* Nancy and Richard White* Sharon and Steve Wilson Janet G. Winterer Suey Wong* Jessica Woods Jean Wu Timothy and Vicki Yearnshaw Jeffrey and Elaine Yee* Dorothy Yerxa and Michael Reinhart Chelle Yetman Phillip and Iva Yoshimura Phyllis and Darrel Zerger* Marlis and Jack Ziegler Linda and Lou Ziskind Dr. Mark and Wendy Zlotlow And 24 donors who prefer to remain anonymous

Legacy Circle

Thank you to our supporters who have remembered the Mondavi Center in their estate plans. These gifts make a difference for the future of performing arts and we are most grateful. Wayne and Jacque Bartholomew Karen Broido Ralph and Clairelee Leiser Bulkley John and Lois Crowe Dotty Dixon Nancy DuBois° Jolán Friedhoff and Don Roth Anne Gray

Benjamin and Lynette Hart L. J. Herrig° Mary B. Horton Margaret Hoyt Barbara K . Jackson° Roy and Edith Kanoff° Robert and Barbara Leidigh Yvonne LeMaitre° Jerry and Marguerite Lewis Robert and Betty Liu Don McNary°

Ruth R. Mehlhaff ° Joy Mench and Clive Watson Trust Verne Mendel Kay Resler Hal° and Carol Sconyers Joe and Betty° Tupin Lynn Upchurch And one donor who prefers to remain anonymous

If you have already named the Mondavi Center in your own estate plans, we thank you. We would love to hear of your giving plans so that we may express our appreciation. If you are interested in learning about planned giving opportunities, please contact Nancy Petrisko, director of development, 530.754.5420 or Note: We apologize if we listed your name incorrectly. Please contact the Mondavi Center Development Office at 530.754.5438 to inform us of corrections.

MONDAVI*CENTER 2019 –20 Friends of Mondavi Center| †8Mondavi Center Advisory Board Member

°In Memoriam

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