BAR Studio 3
Claybrook Interiors 16
Bette 20
AvroKo 8
Blink Design Group 8
Concrete 15
8M 16
David Grace 5
Avalon Collective 1 Avalon Collective 18
Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Capella Hotel Group 7
Burega Farnell 22
Asset World Corporation 2
1508 London 3
Aston Design 1
AB Concept 9
1508 London 2
Blink Design Group 15
Asset World Corporation 8
AvroKo 9
Big Ass Fans 19
Christopher Guy 18
Avalon Collective 8
Avalon Collective 22
Benoy 21
Company Table
5th Ave Designs 5
August Design Consultant 28
BAR Studio 2
Blink Design Group 17
Avalon Collective 25 Avalon Collective 20
AIM Architecture 15
City Development Limited 21
Aston Design 6
AvroKo 2
Greymatters 12
Five Scale Design 18
Galaxy Entertainment Group 3
EDG Design 21
Hunat Glass 15
Inu LLC 6
HBA 20
Hilton Worldwide 17
Design Basis 18
Denniston 10
Des.Wood Pte Ltd. 28
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts 10
Gessi 27
Epilogue Studio 23
KKS Group 28
Greymatters 21
Fidem Holding 26
Hilton Worldwide 25
Geberit 21
EDG Design 28
EDG Design 22
HBA 23
Company Table
HBA 17
IN-dulge 2
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts 3
Interface 12
Kerry Hill Architects 15
Hilton Worldwide 21
KKS Tokyo 28
JUNG Asia 25
HBA 27
Hilton Worldwide 12
ICE International 27
Marina Bay Sands 23
Marriott International 2
Marina Bay Sands 9
Pan Pacific Hotels Group 7
Resorts World Sentosa 12
Olson Kundig 10
Kristina Zanic Consultants 12
Marriott International 12
Company Table
Matthew Shang Design Office 16
Normal & Maison Sagan 9
Michael Fiebrich Design 22
Pan Pacific Hotels Group 12
Pontiac Land Group 22
Potato Head 10
Marina Bay Sands 6
Mitchell Eades 3
Oliver Marketing 7
PT. Ramawijaya International Design 11
Pan Pacific Hotels Group 26
LTW Designworks 1
Luxe Interiors 23
Latitude Agency 7
Mitchell Eades 9
Marina Bay Sands 10
KulörGroup 20
KulörGroup 3
Peter Silling & Associates Hotel Interior Design Ltd | PSA 8
LMA Estate 26
Lux & Beyond 28
Music Concierge 27
Pontiac Land Group 2
LTW Designworks 18
Marriott International 9 Marriott International 8 Marriott International 21
Wood Couture Industrial Group 26
Zaha Hadid Architects 6
SCDA Interiors 22
Sleeper Media 16
Unscripted 1
Suede Interior Design 3
The Dandy Collection 16
WATG + Wimberly Interiors 5
Smallwood Inc 26
Studio Carter 1
Standard International 15
Villeroy & Boch 5
Silverfox Studios 6
RH Contract 3
RH Contract 8
Rumah Intaran 11
RH Contract 2
WATG + Wimberly Interiors 20
Shangri-La Singapore 12
Riant Capital 8
Sleeper Media 10
Riant Capital 2
Studio Lotus 25
Tuuci 22
Studio Ongarato 16 Studio YuYeon 27
Worldwide Hotels Group 21
SelinaRED 28
WATG + Wimberly Interiors 6
Swire Hotels 9
RH Contract 9
Riant Capital 3
Silverfox Studios 25
Company Table
WATG + Wimberly Interiors 1
Riant Capital 9
Wood Couture 26
Chia Belinda Marriott International 21
Černý Lukáš LASVIT 18
Chan Aaron Riant Capital 2
Chirnside Lucas BAR Studio 3
Asri-Grba Alicia Villeroy & Boch 5
Barki Zarra Hilton Worldwide 25
Beck Sabine HBA 27
Bardo Milad Standard International 15
Boh Charmaine Kerry Hill Architects 15
Chung Christine P WATG + Wimberly Interiors 5
Choo Angeline Luxe Interiors 23
Ariani Sherly EDG Design 22
Bejasa Pola Avalon Collective 1
Chan San-San Latitude Agency 7
Barr Alan Greymatters 12
Chan Elaine Pan Pacific Hotels Group 26
Bayley Graham Villeroy & Boch 5
Chan Brandon Riant Capital 3
Chew Alyssa Big Ass Fans 19
Surname First Name Company Table
Burke Tonya Michael Fiebrich Design 22
Burton Evan Marina Bay Sands 23
Chong Simin Shangri-La Singapore 12
Cheung Janet Peter Silling & Associates Hotel Interior Design Ltd | PSA 8
Cheng Kelley AIM Architecture 15
Aw Benjamin Pontiac Land Group 2
Choksi Ankur Studio Lotus 25
Choo Pauline Pontiac Land Group 22
Chou Albert Riant Capital 9
Chua Christopher KulörGroup 3
Chow Pamela Pan Pacific Hotels Group 26
Chong Veanne Luxe Interiors 23
Dalos Natasa HBA 17
Fung Kenneth Lux & Beyond 28
Daniel Priya Five Scale Design 18
Geduriagao Cherielyn David Grace 5
Gathy Anita Denniston 10
Daisuke Endo TOTO 17
Edwards David Aston Design 1 Eeles Claire RH Contract 2
Godfrey Chris HBA 17
de Beer Bart Concrete 15
Della Casa Poalo Wood Couture 26
Goenka Tanuj Kerry Hill Architects 15
Goh Aileen Blink Design Group 8
Surname First Name Company Table
Foo Ameline Avalon Collective 25
Ding Sam Capella Hotel Group 7
Goh Andrew Marriott International 12
De Simone Paolo WATG + Wimberly Interiors 1
Diamse Edgar Avalon Collective 18
Dittrich Guy Sleeper Media 10
Frehner Ralph Marriott International 2 Fujimoto Misako Inu LLC 6
Gathy Jean-Michel Denniston 10
Eades Samantha Mitchell Eades 9
Clausen Soren RH Contract 3
Cui Lisa Lux & Beyond 28
Goh Phyllis Shangri-La Singapore 12
Foong Ngai Keong City Development Limited 21
Goodman Michael The Dandy Collection 16
Georgiev Daniel Hunat Glass 15
Fang Caroline Bette 20
Fiebrich Michael Michael Fiebrich Design 22
James Gareth 1508 London 3
Jin Ting Lee FDAT 26
Hardy Keiran Claybrook Interiors 16
Hartawan Tuti Avalon Collective 20
Heng Susan Silverfox Studios 25
Ho Anh Smallwood Inc 26
Jaccard Cedric Avalon Collective 25
John Rengy Blink Design Group 15
Ji An Epilogue Studio 23
Ho Patrick HBA 20
Hudwalker Amy Tuuci 22
Haller Verena Standard International 15
Surname First Name Company Table
Harrison Kisa Christopher Guy 18
Havrda Vojtech LASVIT 6 Hay Karen IN-dulge 2
Hockin Rowena BAR Studio 2
Ho Hendra Marina Bay Sands 6
Janssen Marc ICE International 27
Ho Fiona WATG + Wimberly Interiors 6
James Charlotte 1508 London 2
Intaro Sukranchaya August Design Consultant 28
Goren Ronnen Studio Ongarato 16
Hiang Liang Tay Design Basis 18
Hickox Troy Galaxy Entertainment Group 3
Hill Christian LTW Designworks 1
Hill Nicole AvroKo 8
Ho Ren Yung Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Hana Sarah Marina Bay Sands 10
Isaac Susan Avalon Collective 25
Hung Rochelle Pontiac Land Group 22
John Binu HBA 20
Surname First Name Company Table
Lee Glenn Big Ass Fans 19
Kondo Puna Marriott International 21
Lee Sun 5th Ave Designs 5
Lee Lim Wee Pan Pacific Hotels Group 12
Lam Marion RH Contract 8
Lim Elsie Burega Farnell 22
Kresna Gede Rumah Intaran 11
Jones Zach Oliver Marketing 7
Kalpravidh Keerati Asset World Corporation 8
Karnik Shweta WATG + Wimberly Interiors 6
Khoo Billie Hilton Worldwide 12
Kumar Manoj LTW Designworks 18
Lin Chun-Li Asset World Corporation 2
Lin Eva AvroKo 9
Li Mandy TOTO 17
Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Kastl Jon Marina Bay Sands 9
Krajickova Michaela LASVIT 6
Lim Soo Chin Hilton Worldwide 21
Lim Jasmine Geberit 21
Lee Alan Resorts World Sentosa 12
Liang Shi’ai Marriott International 9
Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Kusumadi Dharmali
Kudriashova Alena AEDAS 18
Kwee Evan Capella Hotel Group 7
Lai Tommy GHM 3
Lee Alan Hilton Worldwide 17
Leetavorn Pannisa Standard International 15
Kamsari Azmi
Lee Cindy Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Low Melissa JUNG Asia 25
Manlapaz Abigail Marina Bay Sands 6
Mendis Sathis WATG + Wimberly Interiors 20
Miyoga Nyoman PT. Ramawijaya International Design 11
Mabuhay Ryan WATG + Wimberly Interiors 20
Ng Edward KKS Group 28
Mizeráková Kamila PRECIOSA 23
Martinez Roberto KALDEWEI 1 McDonald Simon EDG Design 22
Mizerak Roman PRECIOSA 23
Lopez Alyson Music Concierge 27
Moon Sun Mi 8M 16 Moon Doug Marina Bay Sands 23
Ning You Nan Des.Wood Pte Ltd. 28
Ng Connie Avalon Collective 22
Marolt Andreja Kristina Zanic Consultants 12
O’Callaghan Paula HBA 5
Meenakul Sirinate Pan Pacific Hotels Group 7
Mitchell Hayley Mitchell Eades 3
Lin YuYu Studio YuYeon 27
Meka Ronnachai Avalon Collective 25
Minoura Rie Blink Design Group 17
Surname First Name Company Table
Noack Sebastian Bette 20
Morin Charlotte Capella Hotel Group 7
Mlcakova Nikola LASVIT 18
Ng Brian Gessi 27
Martelli Samuele Benoy 21
Minicozzi Fabio Gessi 27
Ng Ed AB Concept 9
Sagulku Parima August Design Consultant 28
Prayoga Lingga PT. Ramawijaya International Design 11
Park Jinou Normal & Maison Sagan 9
Pun Miu Studio Ongarato 16
Redondo Alonso Alba SCDA Interiors 22
Rauberg Ole RH Contract 9
Parwani Hemanshu Olson Kundig 10
Png Andy Avalon Collective 20
Salvador JennyVee Big Ass Fans 19
Surname First Name Company Table
Quirol Jolina HBA 27
Park Wookie Greymatters 21
Puspita Olivia Capella Hotel Group 7
Ong Aldwin LTW Designworks 1
Qua Janelle Latitude Agency 7
Rinaldi Cristiano Capella Hotel Group 7
Ong Jeffrey Avalon Collective 8
Quarrill Ben Matthew Shang Design Office 16
Romanova Anna Villeroy & Boch 5
Ratnarajah Rajiv Hilton Worldwide 12
Ron Rene Salzberg Fidem Holding 26
Ong Jonathan Hilton Worldwide 25
Puar Connie HBA 17
Orselli Federica Gessi 27
Robinson Stewart BAR Studio 2
Odawara Yuka KKS Tokyo 28
Ong Sook Ling Avalon Collective 18
Sam Florence Interface 12
Reda Maryam 8M 16
Rip Clifford Suede Interior Design 3
Ong Emily Epilogue Studio 23
Stampfer Rainer Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts 10
Tan Eric Big Ass Fans 19
Surname First Name Company Table
Sweat Betsy RH Contract 9
Sona Filippo Wood Couture Industrial Group 26
Smith Toby Swire Hotels 9
Shen Rob EDG Design 28
Tan Lyon Big Ass Fans 19
Teo Applelynn Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Shah Mohd Music Concierge 27
Shao Selina SelinaRED 28
Shang Matthew Matthew Shang Design Office 16
Tan Joanne Aston Design 6
Studholme Kirsty Sleeper Media 16
Tay Derek Potato Head 10
Suyeon Lee Studio YuYeon 27
Sujanto Maureen Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Tadesse Kesate AvroKo 2
Tan Michelle 5th Ave Designs 5
Teo Kevin Hilton Worldwide 17
Teo Roland Geberit 21
Tamin Reinaldi KulörGroup 20
Soon Valerie Avalon Collective 8
Soh Natalie HBA 27
Shanbhag Raghavendra WATG + Wimberly Interiors 5
Sentell Stephanie Marina Bay Sands 23
Sunde Ivan Interface 12
Tan Wan Yeen Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Tan Raymond Marriott International 8
Semple Paul Matthew Shang Design Office 16
Tan Yew Kong Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 11
Yong Chiew Shi Big Ass Fans 19
Zong Ying Chia FDAT 26
Whitty Retno Hilton Worldwide 17
Yu Simon Zaha Hadid Architects 6
Woo Samuel Riant Capital 8
Zhang Deborah Big Ass Fans 19
Ugarte Luis RH Contract 8
Tourjeman Plia Ollech
Teo Hazel Worldwide Hotels Group 21
Tsai Jane Studio Carter 1
LMA Estate 26
Tsui Helen Silverfox Studios 6
Yap Kevin Big Ass Fans 19
Yukiko Uchiida KKS Tokyo 28
Yeong Kai Ru Big Ass Fans 19
Wong Jace TOTO 17
Toh Michelle David Grace 5
EDG Design 21
Williams Kelly HBA 1
Wiste Paul Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts 3
Yang Katie HBA 23
Yudhawan Alfons AEDAS 18
Wagemans Rob Concrete 15
Thamchariyawat Piya
Yeong Krista FDAT 26
Wei Judy HBA 20
Yap Sabrina Big Ass Fans 19
Waring Patrick Silverfox Studios 25
Worthington Alicia Unscripted 1
First Name Company Table
Turner Matt Sleeper Media 10