MARCH / APRIL 2016 | 26.3
ASC’s Managing Director discusses the company’s growth,
Everything from projections to LED screens to lighting fixtures.
Audio processing in its numerous forms.
X8, LIVE MONITOR - L-ACOUSTICS X SERIES In creating the X Series, we brought all of the experience gained in designing the K2 to bear on a new series of reference coaxials. Optimized design, ergonomics, acoustical performance and weight make the X Series the most advanced coaxials on the market. Four distinct enclosures with format, bandwidth, SPL and coverage angles perfectly adapted to short throw rental or install applications, the X Series offers studio monitor sound quality, compact design, consistent tonal balance, no minimum listening distance and exceptional feedback rejection.
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12/10/2015 11:43:47
it’s time to rethink
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ON THE COVER Provocateur Dubai, UAE Photo: LEDsCONTROL GENERAL MANAGER Justin Gawne EDITOR Rachael Rogerson-Thorley ASSISTANT EDITOR Sam Hughes SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER Jamie Dixon ACCOUNT MANAGER Laura Iles INTERN Will Kirkman ACCOUNTS Amanda Giles GENERAL ENQUIRIES PRODUCTION David Bell, Mel Robinson, Dan Seaton GROUP CHAIRMAN Damian Walsh MONDIALE PUBLISHING Waterloo Place, Watson Square, Stockport SK1 3AZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 161 476 8340 Fax: +44 161 429 7214 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES (7 ISSUES) UK: £30.00 / Europe: £50.00 / Rest Of World: £65.00 Two year rates are available on request. Subscribe online at or call +44 (0)161 476 5580 ISSN: 1476 4067 Mondo DR (ISSN 1476 4067) is published in January, March, May, July, September, November and December by Mondiale Publishing Limited, Waterloo Place, Watson Square, Stockport, SK1 3AZ, United Kingdom Subscription records are maintained at Mondiale Publishing Limited, Waterloo Place, Watson Square, Stockport, SK1 3AZ, United Kingdom
I recently said goodbye to my twenties and hello to the dirty thirties, so people keep calling it. Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes and gifts, it really goes to show we are a people industry. Having spent more than two-thirds of the last decade here at Mondiale Publishing, I’ll be honest and say at the very beginning, I couldn’t have predicted that I’d still be around now… but here I am and what a ride it’s been. At this point in reminiscing, I guess it would be a good opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to my mondo*dr journey so far. All that’s left to say is, thirties you’ve got one hell of a job on your hands to live up to the twenties - do your worst! On the subject of milestones, this issue could be described as one, as it’s physically one of our biggest editions ever at a staggering 188 pages. It’s jam packed full with features from the Video & Visuals Report to our DSP Product Guide, a new category for the section and our usual round-up of venues. There might even be a couple of sneak previews ahead of Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt among the pages, but I’ll let you seek those out yourself. Speaking of which, we’ll be there in full force for the duration, so please get in touch to arrange an appointment for the show. After being put on hold for a little while - due to staff shortages, prior to Sam’s arrival, of course - we hope to be able to deliver some further details about the mondo*dr Awards during Prolight+Sound, so if you are interested to hear more, please feel free to drop by our stand - our new location is Hall 4.1, Stand FOY09, between halls 3.1 and 4.1. On a final note, I’ll give a nod to this issue’s leader photo, which you’ll notice features the full mondo*dr team looking rather dapper! It was taken at the TPi Awards at Evolution last month and what a successful night it was. Well done to all our colleagues for putting on such a spectacular event. For those of you that cross between the live and install industries and therefore joined us on the night, we hope that you had as much fun as we did.
RACHAEL ROGERSON-THORLEY EDITOR Printed by Buxton Press, Palace Road, Buxton, UK
Real-time media network
Network based intercom application
Digital wireless intercom
See us at hall 4 level 1 stand D40
LEIF WITTE A man who embodies the spirit of the industry, Leif discusses his career, which has led him to the position of Managing Director at ASC.
IN DEPTH 22 INTERVIEW Leif Witte - Amptown System Company 30 REPORT Video & Visuals
62 PARK CHINOIS Restaurateur, Alan Yau’s latest lifestyle project boasts opulence and indulgence, which is further enhanced by a Coda Audio sound system.
60 OLAVSHALLEN CONCERT HALL Trondheim 62 PARK CHINOIS London 72 CKK JORDANKI Torun 80 MIDDLE EASTERN FORTUNE Doha / Abu Dhabi / Dubai 90 CALA San Francisco 92 SILVER FOX Chihuahua 102 ORPHEUM THEATER Louisiana
110 TOP 5 Singapore
SILVER FOX With three separate venues in one location, all with a very different theme, Silver Fox proved to be an intriguing project when it came to the audio, lighting and visual upgrades.
112 A FUNKTIONAL FEAST Singapore 126 CHI BANGKOK Bangkok
IN BUSINESS 136 FACILITY OPENING Electronics & Engineering 138 NAMM Anaheim 142 ISE Amsterdam
136 ELECTRONICS & ENGINEERING To celebrate its 65th anniversary, E&E has opened a new warehouse and logistics centre in Singapore.
156 IN DETAIL HK Audio, LedGo, Pioneer Pro Audio 163 PRODUCT GUIDE DSP & Loudspeaker Management 176 PRODUCT DIRECTORY 186 LAST PAGE INTERVIEW Chandan Mahtani, Adam Hall Asia
J’ai récemment dit au revoir à la vingtaine et salué la « vilaine trentaine », comme on dit souvent. J’ai passé plus du deux tiers de la dernière décennie ici à Mondiale Publishing, et pour être honnête, au tout début je ne pensais pas être encore ici aujourd’hui... mais voilà j’y suis toujours et quelle expérience ç’a été ! Longeant l’allée des souvenirs, je pense qu’il serait temps que je remercie tous ceux qui ont contribué à mon voyage mondo*dr jusqu’à présent. Tout ce qui me reste à dire c’est : « la trentaine, tu as un sacré travail à faire pour rester à la hauteur de la vingtaine » — quel défi ! En ce qui concerne les jalons d’ailleurs, ce numéro pourrait également en être un, car il est matériellement l’une de nos plus grandes éditions. Il est bourré tout plein d’éléments du rapport Vidéo & Visuels et de notre Guide des produits DSP, en plus d’une nouvelle catégorie pour la section et notre tour d’horizon habituel des lieux. Il pourrait même y avoir quelques infos en avantpremière de Prolight + Sound à Francfort, mais je vais vous laisser les trouver vousmême. Au sujet de Francfort, nous serons là en force et pour toute la durée du salon, alors contactez-nous pour organiser un rendez-vous.
Doughty 165 Duratruss 127 Dynacord 147 Eagle Stage Equipment 103 EAW 99 Elation 53 EM Acoustics 159 Equipson 153 Fenix Stage 113 Fine Art 5 Focusrite 121 Fohhn Audio 13 Full Fat Audio 117 Funktion One 51 Genelec 157 Global Truss 88 & 89 GLP 133 Green Hippo 37 Haze Base 169 HK Audio 17 Interal 173 K-array 171 Kling & Freitag 167 KOBA 134 Kuzar 179 KV2 133 Kvant 97
L-Acoustics 2 Laser Animation 43 Lawo 54 Le Maitre 81 LedGo 33 Lighting & Sound Distribution 123 LiteLEES 4 Look Solutions 25 LPS 183 LSC 157 LTM 166 Lynx Pro Audio 177 MA Lighting 27 Madrix 169 Martin Audio BC MBN 83 & 85 Mega Systems 45 Meyer Sound 11 MiCS 185 Milos 55 & 169 Moose Audio 165 Music & Lights 49 & 165 Nexo 121 NEXT-proaudio 107 Osram 101 Palm Expo China 162 Philips Entertainment 75
Philips Lighting 115 Pioneer DJ Europe 131 Powersoft 85 & 177 PR-Lighting 15 BPM | PRO 58 Pro Tapes 167 Prolyte 71 Renkus-Heinz 173 RGB Link 161 Riedel 8 Robe 119 SHS Global 181 Sommer Cable 31 Spotlight 109 Starway 149 Steinigke 38 & 175 Strictly FX 179 Studio Due 187 Sunlite 10 Syncrolite 114 Tech Team 151 Turbosound 151 TW AUDiO 87 VMB 171 Wireless Solution 3 XTA 153 YODN Lighting 4
Kürzlich habe ich mich von meinen Zwanzigern verabschiedet und die Dirty Thirties, die „schmutzigen Dreißiger”, willkommen geheißen, wie sie noch immer genannt werden. Ich habe mehr als zwei Drittel des letzten Jahrzehnts hier bei Mondiale Publishing verbracht. Um ehrlich zu sein hätte ich es am Anfang nicht für möglich gehalten, dass ich nach so langer Zeit noch immer dabei bin, doch hier bin ich und was für ein Parcours liegt hinter mir! An diesem Punkt meiner Erinnerungen vermute ich, ist der Moment gekommen, all denen zu danken, die dazu beigetragen haben, dass meine mondo*dr Reise so weit gegangen ist. Alles, was es jetzt noch zu sagen gibt, Dreißiger, Ihr werdet verdammt viel Arbeit haben, um den Zwanzigern gerecht zu werden - macht da Beste daraus! Bezüglich Meilensteinen, diese Ausgabe könnte als einer beschrieben werden, da sie eine der dicksten ist. Sie steckt voller Merkmale der Video- und Bildberichte für unseren DSP-Produktführer, einer neuen Kategorie für den Abschnitt und unserer gewöhnlichen Runde der Treffs. Zwischen den Seiten könnte es sogar einige Einblicke auf die Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt geben, doch ich lasse Sie diese selbst ausfindig machen. Apropos, ich werde dort die ganze Zeit über sein, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte für ein Treffen auf der Messe.
Recentemente ho detto addio ai miei vent’anni e benvenuti agli sporchi trenta, così come la gente continua a chiamarli. Dopo aver trascorso più di due terzi degli ultimi dieci anni qui a Mondiale Publishing, sarò onesta e lo dico proprio all’inizio, che non avrei mai pensato che sarei stata ancora qui adesso... ma eccomi qui e che esperienza è stata. Arrivati a questo punto, credo che sarebbe una buona occasione per ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno contribuito al mio percorso a mondo*dr finora. Tutto quello che resta da dire è: “trenta, avete avuto un sacco di lavoro per le mani per vivere oltre i venti; fate del vostro peggio!” In tema di pietre miliari, questo problema potrebbe essere descritto in un solo modo, essendo questa fisicamente una delle nostre più grandi edizioni di sempre. È marmellata impacchettata, piena di caratteristiche: dal Video & Visuals Report alla nostra DSP Product Guide, una nuova categoria per la sezione ed il nostro solito giro per locali. Tra le pagine ci potrebbero anche essere un paio di anteprime furtive del Prolight + Sound di Francoforte, ma ve le lascio scoprire da soli. A proposito, saremo lì in piena forma per tutta la durata, quindi teniamoci pure in contatto per prendere un appuntamento per lo spettacolo.
Acabo de despedir a mis veinte para recibir a mis treinta o dirty thirties, como aún la gente los sigue llamando. Habiendo pasado más de dos terceras partes de la última década aquí en Mondiale Publishing, les seré honesta y les digo que en el comienzo no podría haber predicho que aún permanecería, pero acá estoy y vaya viaje que ha sido. En este punto de rememorización, pienso que sería una buena oportunidad para agradecerle a todos los que han contribuido con mi viaje en mondo*dr hasta el momento. Todo lo que resta por decir es, treintas tienes un tremendo trabajo en tus manos para igualar a los veintes - haz lo peor! En el tema de los hitos, esta edición podría ser descripta como uno de ellos, ya que físicamente es una de nuestras ediciones más grandes. Está repleta de prestaciones del Informe de Imágenes y Videos para nuestra Guía de Productos DSP, una nueva categoría para la sección y nuestros usuales puntos de encuentro. Incluso podría haber un vistazo previo antes del Prolight+Sound en Frankfurt entre estas páginas, pero dejaré que ustedes las busquen por sí mismos. Por cierto, estaremos allí en plena vigencia, así que por favor contáctense para coordinar una cita para la muestra.
Advertising Index Absen 37 Adam Hall 105 Adamson 20 ADJ 65 Amphenol 83 Antari 69 APIA 161 ArKaos 39 ASC 137 Audiocenter 7, 76 & 132 AUDIOFOCUS 95 Audio-Technica 77 Avolites 34 & 35 Camco 155 Chauvet 129 Chromateq 143 Clair Brothers 141 Clay Paky 145 Clear-Com 159 Coda 67 Coherent 79 d&b audiotechnik 41 D.A.S. Audio 29 d3 50 Daslight 6 DiGiCo 124 & 125 Digital Projection 123
© Ralph Larmann
The LEO Family provides power and clarity for nearly every application, from intimate performance spaces to the world’s largest outdoor festivals. LEOPARD, the smallest in the family, is gaining a following for being the most lightweight and versatile line array in its class. It’s no wonder top tours around the world trust the LEO Family for a flawless performance, night after night.
Learn more about the LEO Family at Prolight + Sound, Hall 3.1 Stand A71
Meyer Sound Laboratories Inc. • 2832 San Pablo Ave. • Berkeley, CA 94702 • 510 486.1166
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PUBLISTING Mondo March/April 2016 Issue Creative: Believe It - Artists
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THE CONVERGENCE OF IT AND AUDIO ENGINEERING Focusrite Product Manager, Will Hoult, discusses the relationship between IT and audio technology, looking at how the two will continue to merge in the near future. It’s hard to think of an area of technology that has not been influenced by, or indeed one that does not take advantage of networking. Whether it’s computers, mobile telephones, televisions or home automation; they are all using networking to achieve their goals - you can even buy a kettle that is WiFi enabled. So it stands to reason that real time audio transport should be no different. From a product development point of view, audio-overIP - that is audio carried by an IP network - is wonderful; we can take advantage of a very low cost ubiquitous infrastructure, we can use the technological advances of an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars and, of course, we can deliver a more flexible system with increased value to users. For those deploying and using systems, the benefits can be wide ranging; a decrease in the cost of cabling by reduced need for analogue multicore, reduction in cabling weight therefore saving on freight costs and simplified interconnects as remote control data shares the network with audio. It can also open up scenarios that simply weren’t possible previously, such as having performers in different parts of a campus or even in a different city entirely. The trouble is that audio engineers have a stressful enough time focussing on the core element of their job - delivering the best quality sound possible. This is often under great pressure, due to both limited time and simply the magnitude of the event. As a result, it’s important the IT technology and audio engineering converge and not collide. Fortunately, for even relatively large channel counts a robust system can be easily established without the need for a degree in networking. Various different audio-over-IP implementations
• Above Will Hoult, who is also the Chairman of the Marketing Workgroup within the Media Network Alliance.
exist, from open-technology standards to proprietary licensed protocols. At Focusrite, we decided to deploy Dante from Australian company Audinate for our line of RedNet products. There are various reasons why this was our choice, but ultimately the majority of audioover-IP implementations attempt to achieve a similar result; high quality, low latency audio using standard, off-the-shelf hardware and cable - or, indeed, fibre optics. One feature stands out as more important than all others - ease-of-use. Ultimately, if the network starts getting in the way of delivering a great performance, recording or broadcast, we’re all going to return to older point-to-point analogue systems despite their limitations. As a result, it’s important that we get it right. It is possible to build an audio network, which features products from multiple manufacturers. This has been the case for quite a few years in fact: Yamaha consoles, paired with Focusrite I/O and processors from Lab.gruppen being a common sight; all unified by Dante. The difficulty arises however when attempting to use devices based on differing audio-over-IP implementations - cue AES67. Published in 2013, AES67 is an Audio Engineering Society standard for interoperability between different IP-based audio transport systems. It allows equipment based on Dante, Ravenna and QLAN for example to transfer audio between themselves in real time. Another topic worthy of mention is that of control and discovery of devices, as in what protocols should be used so that devices can be remote controlled, and such that they can be ‘aware’ of each other. It is here that AES70, standard for audio applications of networks, is focussed - the intention being to solve the interoperability of control of devices through a common
protocol. We’re still a short way away from having a fully interoperable platform that delivers the ease-of-use of any single implementation - for example, a universal device-discovery method, or unified control and routing software. However, industry bodies such as Media Networking Alliance and Open Control Architecture Alliance are working toward this very attainable future. This brings the day where we can specify ‘audio-over-IP equipment’ and know that it will all be interoperable - much like the ever-present XLR - ever closer. One thing is clear to me, the core principles of audio production and mixing will not change, so it is vital that we continue to develop a generation of engineers who are grounded in the fundamentals of sound. But, do I think that audio engineers will need a degree in IT networking in the future? No. Will a decent understanding and experience in networking be advantageous? Absolutely. The Media Networking Alliance is an industry body comprising multiple audio equipment manufacturers and protocol developers focused on promoting the adoption and development of AES67, both by other manufacturers and end users. The OCA Alliance is a non-profit corporation formed to secure the standardisation of the Open Control Architecture (OCA) as a media networking system control standard for professional applications.
The opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and not necessarily of mondo*dr magazine.
Hearing does not have to be seen.
Why must sound systems be large and black, a lot? Is it not time for highly efficient transmissions of speech and music to strike another tone? It is. LINEA LX - HYBRID LINE ARRAY TECHNOLOGY BY FOHHN –
Asbury UMC Lighting Director, Tim Ottley, chose ArKaos to create a welcoming environment for the congregation of Asbury United Methodist Church, Tulsa, in the build up to Christmas. Using environmental projection mapping, he created visual backdrops across the church’s 300ft wide by 60ft tall walls, which became awash with a series of imagery based on the Christmas story - depicted in colourful visuals, reminiscent of stained glass. “We achieved this using ArKaos MediaMaster 4.0 software running on an ArKaos Stadium Server, controlled by a Jands Vista S3 lighting,” said Tim. “How else could I cover a 300ft wide wall so easily without ArKaos?”
ARKAOS ArKaos is a leading developer of media servers and software products. Its vision is to develop a product portfolio based on operational simplicity and accessibility for all users - a philosophy that sets it apart from other manufacturers. The company has spent over 20 years developing real-time visual processing technologies that integrate and synchronise video and music to perfection. Its unique software and hardware have earned a well-deserved reputation for an unrivalled performance in speed, effects, manipulation of simultaneous high-definition video streams and rock-solid reliability.
Badlands Pawn Pawn shop, gold foundry and television station by day, Charles Brennan’s Badlands Pawn transforms into a music venue at night, hosting rock giants like Europe, KISS and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts. Las Vegas LD, Drew Giancarli, called for a unique lighting system that was visually stunning with a rock ‘n’ roll look. In an industry first, Blue Planet Lighting outlined the entire truss system with LED pixel tape and pixel mapped it via ArtNet using ArKaos MediaMaster PRO software to run full videos and effects across the entire rig. “Arkaos was the first and only choice for our Badlands server,” said Drew. “The pixel tape gave it that wow factor and MediaMaster ensured ease of integration, versatility and execution of the many videos we ran through it.”
Full Stage Productions Scott Guenther of Full Stage Productions chose ArKaos MediaMaster Pro 4.0 to help create the atmospheric backdrop to aerial performances from Dallas-based dance academy, Dance Xpress. The production, entitled Smooth Operators, was a tribute to the music and work of English singer-songwriter, Sade. Scott used a single projector to project a mélange of imagery onto the back wall of the performance space, mixing live and pre-recorded content. He synchronised this footage with the performers, using MediaMaster to slow down and speed up the pre-recorded content to match the movements on stage. Scott also used MediaMaster’s edge-blending feature and its ability to control different layers of an image during the closing number. “ArKaos MediaMaster is so easy and flexible. I’ve used it on shows with a simple single surface, to extremely complex setups with multiple projectors or LED walls.” said Scott.
AWARDS The mondo*dr Awards 2016 is a new online platform to recognise the best installations in our industry from around the globe. Come and find us at Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt to find out more details of how you can get involved: Hall 4.1, Stand FOY09
“After months of planning, testing and finding the perfect sound solution for a venue, for me it’s all about that moment when a project truly comes to life.”
THE SOUNDMAKERS > VISIT US AT PROLIGHT+SOUND HALL 3 LEVEL 1 BOOTH #A81 HK Audio is the German pro audio brand offering the easiest way to the best sound. From portable to professional live sound to install solutions for over 30 years, we build PA systems for those who are fascinated by the energy of sound. Giving them a stage. Giving them a home.
20-21 JULY
24-27 MAY 13-16 MARCH
22-23 JUNE
20-22 JULY
8-10 JUNE
13-15 APRIL 26-28 APRIL
28-30 MAY
6 -8 JULY
10 12 MAY
23-25 AUGUST
11-13 AUGUST
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Born and raised in Flensburg, northern Germany, alongside his younger brother, Leif Witte was more a man of action than the academic type, but as he now holds the position of Managing Director at Amptown System Company, he’s demonstrated that you don’t have ride the highest waves during your childhood years in order to steer the biggest ships.
Š Amptown System Company
© Amptown System Company
Despite his mother being a teacher, Leif Witte was always more interested in sporting pass-times as a child, but at the same time, he had a strong work ethic, which he took from both his mother and his father, who was an interior designer and upholsterer. As soon as he had completed his compulsory education, Leif was keen to enter the world of work. He remembered: “I didn’t go to university, instead I took a job as a transport manager - a position which specialised in logistics and freight forwarding - where I would learn a different type of education. I became successful at the company and quickly progressed, and discovered my talent for sales and marketing. In that position, I learnt how to bring people together, how to get them to talk to each other, and how to understand processes and make them more efficient.” A quick learner with an eye for business, it wasn’t long before Leif was promoted to Head of Sales for the company, which again acquired him more skills. But ultimately, Leif had huge ambitions as a young professional and so he soon outgrew the regional company and set his sights further afield. “I had a friend living
in Hamburg,” he continued. “He was working in the rental and staging market, putting on shows but he didn’t have a sales department. So, he asked me - back in 2000, I think it was - if I wanted to head the sales, and my response was… I’d love to do that.” Around the turn of the millennium, Leif moved away from his hometown of Flensburg to Hamburg, began working in the rock ‘n’ roll industry and travelling around the world. “One of my first gigs was the 2000 Sydney Olympics,” he recalled. “It was the first time I really smelt the spirit of the industry.” Some years later, Leif was on a delegate trip in Shanghai, where he met Peter Matthes - co-founder of German system-integrator Amptown System Company (ASC) - they got on well and formed a friendship, but none of them could have predicted at the time that their paths would cross again in the future. Leif said: “The meetings on the trip were a little bit boring, so it was all about the nightlife, and once we’d found the good bars we had a good time and a great laugh together. But after the trip, he went back to his job and I to mine.”
• Above Ulrich Mueller, Leif Witte and Peter Matthes. • Opposite Top Anthem of the Seas. • Opposite Bottom Ultra-modern media technology in Two70°, show lounge of the Quantum class cruise ships, offers a transformative experience during night and day.
“Peter said to me, ‘do you like driving to and from Cologne every week?’ To which I replied, well Hamburg would be better.”
© Royal Caribbean International
Fog is our passion! Prolight+Sound Frankfurt, 5.-8.04.16, hall 3.0, stand B89 It‘s worth to drop over: next to our well-known, proved program of professional haze-, fog- and low fog generators we will launch an Ethernet controllable 3kW machine with a novel, extremly silent nozzle and Touchpanel!
Tiny S, Tiny FX, Tiny CX, Power-Tiny
© Royal Caribbean International
Battery-operated fog generators, 30 W/70 W/400 W
After a stint in the UK at video company, Creative Technology, expanding its European business model, Leif returned to Germany and took up another sales for a Cologne-based company in 2008. A year later, he met Peter at PLASA and had an entertaining chat. Leif said: “Peter said to me, ‘do you like driving to and from Cologne every week?’ To which I replied, well Hamburg would be better.” And no sooner had he said it, Leif was offered the idea of a position as Business Development Manager at ASC based in Hamburg. Clearly, Peter had seen a spark in Leif during their first meeting in Shanghai and the two had always remained friends, but in 2010 the company was ready for Leif and he was ready for ASC. Prior to Leif ’s arrival at ASC, the company had been through many guises. Established in 1973 by Peter, a musician who brought audio equipment home to Germany from London, as he realised there was a market to sell it. Five years later, Amptown Lichttechnik was born, adding a lighting element to the company. A name change came about in 1990 from the original Amptown Electroacoustics to Amptown Sound & Communication.
Later, it was renamed again to Amptown System Company due to the fact that the ‘system concept’ became a main objective. In 2013, it merged with Amptown Lichttechnik to form a single company name that housed all technical disciplines under one roof. Today, it is most often referred to simply as ASC. There were around 50 employees at ASC when Leif came onboard, today there are more than 180 people. Business was very regional with the head office in Hamburg and just one subsidiary in the German capital, Berlin that was founded in 2001. Leif was keen to expand the business geographically and financially, as well as open up new market sectors. Since his appointment, an office in Frankfurt was opened in 2014 and one in Stuttgart, established in 2015. “I could see so much potential,” said Leif. “And Peter gave me full permission to seek out other business aspects ASC could get involved with.” Leif was impressed by ASC’s commitment to installing entertainment technology on cruise liners and asked founders, Peter and Ulrich Mueller, ‘why do we only do system solutions for AIDA cruise ships?’, to which Peter answered, ‘we haven’t
Unique 2.1 Haze generator, 1500 W
Viper S, Viper nt, Viper 2.6 & Orka Fog generators, 650 W, 1300 W, 2600 W, 3000 W & 9000 W
Cryo-Fog & Cryo-Gate Low fog generator, 2300 W and Attachment to produce low fog with any professioprofessio nal fog generator
Pumping station Fluid allocation from one place
Look-Fan DMX Powerful fan 850 W, DMX controllable
Look Solutions Fog machines made in Germany Buenteweg 33 · DE - 30989 Gehrden Phone: +49 - (0)5108-91 22 10 · Fax: 91 22 111 ·
• Above clockwise Audi City Lab Berlin exhibition in DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum; one of 400 conference rooms at Vodafone Campus Duesseldorf; the show floor ‘Force Field at Hager Forum, Obernai; and the scientific exhibition center Klimahaus®
Photo courtesy of Vodafone Campus Duesseldorf
© Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° Ost
© Hager Group - Jan Bitter
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft
made contact with any of the others’. After some research and deliberation, Leif thought it was time to embark further in the cruise liner market and make ASC a top player in that industry. He proposed to make contact with the global decision-makers personally, with the aim of receiving first-hand information. “The cruise business is typically a people’s business. In Miami, we came into contact with the right people, gathered all the information we needed, and got into discussions as a full-service provider. The trump card was that ASC had continuously increased its name and knowhow due to being the successful service provider for entertainment technology for the AIDA fleet.” It wasn’t long before other cruise liner companies such as Star Cruises and more recently, Royal Caribbean International,
started to follow suit. Although Leif will quite rightly take the credit for initially establishing ASC in the cruise liner industry, he says it is down to the second co-founder, Ulrich to bring the projects to fruition - he is the technical genius, according to Leif. “I’m responsible for opening the doors and selling our brand,” he said. “But Ulrich is the one who looks at the designs and works out what we can do better and how we can reduce costs, all of which go down favourable with the cruise companies. Of course, he works alongside other engineers, but he is the main brains behind it all.” Two years after joining ASC, Leif was promoted to Managing Director alongside Peter and Ulrich and he claims the trio are not only great friends, but also great businessmen. Each of them has a
role within the company and new kid on the block, Leif, is providing some fresh insights into the 25-year-old company. “I took a critical view towards some of the established procedures at ASC and communicated this opinion to Peter,” said Leif. “I think it seemed a bit strange at first, and I was one of the first people to question the methods, but Peter quickly saw the company grow under my leadership with customer relations and management of the business, therefore, he was confident in my methods.” Stepping into such an influential role in a 25-year-old company could be a daunting experience, but Leif tackled it head on. “Amptown was always a name I’d heard of and seen at exhibitions. I loved the spirit of the company, they seemed professionally cool and full of empathy. I feel proud to be part of the development process
THE ESSENCE of MA Lighting
The new Range of Lighting Control Solutions from MA Lighting:
UK Distribution: Ambersphere Solutions Ltd 路 Phone: +44 (0) 208 992 6369 路
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12.02.16 10:14
© Amptown System Company
for the company,” said Leif. The imminent development is ASC’s latest campaign, which dips into the realms of field events and IT - in particular, IT control, programming and content management systems. The company recently pitched for an IT infrastructure project with additional media equipment - a central distribution system for a number of offices - in a German bank and won the contract above the bank’s in-house IT department. “We asked why we had won the contract over the bank’s internal team,” said Leif. “And we were given the answer of, ‘IT minded people find it difficult to enter into the world of loudspeakers and everything that goes along with them, but for a system integrator, it is easier to enter the world of IT.” Of course, not just any integrator can make the crossover, but ASC had clearly demonstrated it was more than up to the job. Once this project was complete though, Leif needed to find a way to communicate this broad portfolio offering ITknow-how, system-integration of media and entertainment technology, as well as network skills to the outside world, with the aim of replicating the domino effect he created in the cruise ship industry. He, along with the marketing team at ASC, decided to deliver the message via a clever campaign that introduces ASC as a ‘people’ company. Believing that connect-
• Above The ASC stand at Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt, 2015, when the company celebrated its 25th anniversary.
ing with the audience on a personal level is more effective at getting the message across. “It is also important to be different when communicating a message,” explained Leif. “You always have to be professional, of course, but authenticity, sympathy and differentiating yourself from the rest are also key points. “Our employees have a passion for technology, and as management, we like to direct this potential for the good of the company. It’s the team that counts after all. The technological outlook at ASC is 70% of our staff work in technical professions, 20% in commercial management and 10% in administrative functions.” Looking ahead to the future, Leif pointed out that Peter in now in his late 60’s and therefore will be taking a step back from the company in the not too distant future. Although Leif is truly grateful for the leadership Peter has provided, his retirement will provide Leif with a new challenge. He is confident, he has found the company he wants to stay with for the next 15 years - at least - of his career so is keen to focus his energy there. “We have a concrete plan for the next five years,” he said. “This is in terms of expanding the company financially, as well as physically by adding to the team. We always want to engage with people and educate those who have a passion for this industry. “One particular new team member, Malte Polli-Holstein has been working
in the cruise liner industry for more than 20 years, and he is a real asset. He stands for our consistency policy - that we want to be as close as possible to the customer and to be tangibly experienced,” explained Leif. “It’s a people business shaped by long-term relationships and shared experiences and we want to be a key-mover and shaker on the scene.” Besides the maritime business, ASC is also successful with corporate projects. Leif said: “We integrated the media technology for more than 400 conference rooms at Vodafone Campus Duesseldorf. We were able to deliver this due to our experience of logistical challenges in demanding timeframes. We can offer the benefit of an independent and structured style of working in terms of all technical disciplines for many projects. Some of our previous memorable installations to date include Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost, DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum, and Hager Group.” Established in the business fields of entertainment, maritime, digital cinema, education, corporate events and hospitality as a provider of technology infrastructure, ASC also delivers service packages and manufacturers bespoke solutions. Already a master of many trades, yet Leif ’s determination to extend the business model even further is plain to see, so don’t be surprised if you hear the name ASC pop up somewhere unexpected.
artec 300 series
Installation systems for quality sound in any type of venue
The new D.A.S. Audio Artec 300 series loudspeakers are designed for use in a wide range of fixed sound reinforcement applications. They are presently available in 8 passive models comprising 6”, 8”, 10”, 12” and 15” two-ways, a double 6” two-way, a double 10” line array and a passive double 12” subwoofer. Offering an elegant design and exceptional performance, the new Artec 300 series is a great choice for everything from elegant nightclub installations to educational facilities. D.A.S. Audio, S.A. C/ Islas Baleares, 24 46988 Fuente del Jarro Valencia - Spain Tel. +34 961 340 860
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Provocateur Dubai is one of the most exclusive nightclubs in the UAE and the first dedicated electronic music venue in the city. In keeping with the seductive ambiance of the company’s flagship location in New York City, LEDsCONTROL designed a sophisticated light scheme that incorporates pulsing symmetric lines to highlight the club’s interior design. More than 15,000 LED pixels were embedded into signature wood panels that accentuate the venue’s glamorous ambience. A one-of-a kind dynamic lamp cut like an exquisite diamond serves as Provocateur Dubai’s iconic
centrepiece. In addition to highly versatile LEDs, the venue boasts more than 40 moving lights, including Rush MH2 Washes and Rush MH4 Spots from Martin Professional and some four-in-one beams, too. Together, the fixtures cast narrow 5º beams that create spectacular light shows and fill the club with colour and texture. The moving heads run on an Avolites Tiger Touch console. The entire installation is complemented by two high-resolution LED screens, which are controlled by Madrix software. /
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A modern building set amongst greenery in a prime water-side location in Port Charlotte, Florida, the Gulf Cove United Methodist Church looks as appealing outside at it does inside. Providing a beautiful environment for worship, the homely feel and lightly coloured décor of its sanctuary makes it a welcoming venue, while the close seating and open layout offer the sense of community that’s vital to communal prayer. However, with an old and fairly limited lightshow installed, Gulf Cove was in serious need of a lighting makeover. That’s when lighting designer Russell Byas of Creative Sound Solutions was called upon. And he decided to bring in a series of ADJ fixtures to provide an all-encompassing, flexible lightshow worthy of this stunning sanctuary. A key element of Russell’s game-plan was to create a lightshow whose effects could be felt throughout the venue, drawing church members together during
worship, in keeping with the community ethos of Gulf Cove and the close-knit feel offered by its snug seating. Russell chose to incorporate 22 ADJ COB Cannon Wash units and, inspired by the type of expensive pendant lighting often seen in churches, decided to hang them from the ceiling, providing impressive coverage of the whole room thanks to their ultra-wide 80-degree beam angles. “Pendant lighting has always been popular in churches, in sanctuaries. But the LED solutions that have come out in recent years are really expensive - don’t get me wrong, they’re high quality, but the price range is out of a lot of churches’ budgets,” explained Russell. “I don’t know if these [ADJ COB Cannon Wash] fixtures were ever designed to be pendant lights, but with the casing and the yolk the way it is we were able to utilise them as pendant lights and with the long-throw beams we were able to get nice coverage on the floor. So, for a
small budget, we were able to meet the church’s needs and get rid of the nasty fluorescent house lighting previously used during services.” It wasn’t just the floor-filling coverage that made the COB Cannon Washes the perfect units for the job, but also their ability to create smoothly-mixed customised colours and sleek warm-white washes. “We get a nice warm-white out of it, but then we can also change the colours to match the stage or create a mood during the service, during worship,” said Russell. “They have a lot of ambient light in the sanctuary, which is tough. But we were able to overcome most of that. And for the budget we were on it was perfect.” Elsewhere in the sanctuary, above the stage, Russell utilised a selection of 5P Hex and 12P Hex par units, providing coverage of the stage from the front and sides: “We put the Hex pars on the stage, which was really nice,” Russell said. “Before [the church] just had
Turn your Interior into an Experience with LedGo Interior Panels
Image by Arnoldo Offermann
the old ADJ R64s, but not enough to light the whole stage. So we used the 12P Hexes on the front bar and the 5Ps on the side bars.” Showing that lighting plays an essential part in the day-to-day events of modern churches, Gulf Cove also boasts a neat front of house area at the rear of the sanctuary, where myDMX 2.0 - combined with an Elation OPTO Branch DMX-splitter - is used to control the new ADJ lighting. While the church’s volunteer lighting programmers do have limited experience, the accessibility and user-intuitive design of myDMX 2.0 means they have no problem operating it, and Russell has programed various lightshows which the volunteers can easily trigger using the software. Thanks to Russell’s vision and the versatility, power and uniqueness of ADJ products, Gulf Cove United Methodist Church now has a low-cost but highly effective lightshow that’s perfectly suited to its stunning water-side sanctuary. It’s this seamless integration between venue and lighting which makes projects such as this so worthwhile and a pleasure to be involved with.
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The spectacular rooftop WHITE Club Dubai, located at Meydan Racecourse Grandstand just off the city’s famous main strip, is a high-tech and ultra-modern space designed to provide a night full of energy, thumping music and an overall feel-good vibe. “White club in Dubai stands above many other venues in Dubai due to its relentless focus on a superior audiovisual experience,” said Rami Harfouch from Procom Middle East. “Every season, the club’s audiovisual design changes, offering a brand new experience and keeping customers coming back. Lighting and video shows enhance
the clubbing experience and they attract large audiences. The experience justifies paying premium and staying longer. Great shows are posted online and go viral, which attracts even more clients.” Procom delivered the opening party’s audiovisual spectacular on the request of Addmind, the venue’s owner and manager. It teamed up with club lighting designer, Dave Parry of Most Technical, lighting programmers Ross Chapple and Tony Chidiac, and Immersive’s John Munro and Martin Harvey to create the awesome event. Two Avolites Ai S4 media servers were specified to control over 150 sq metres of LED screens and over 200 pixel
bars. Immersive created the spatial design of the installation and produced all the custom video and animation for the venue. “The large amount of LEDs made of 36 separate facets had to be efficiently arranged over three processors which made the Ai S4 perfect for the complex task of mapping,” said John. “It meant that we could run multiple layers of a 3.2K custom content while simultaneously mixing effects and using live capture in different ways. “The S4 was configured to a MIDI controller, to be able to mask out any of the screens with a hit of a button, as well as playing each layer like a piano
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keyboard,” John continued. “We wanted the experience for the VJ to be seamless and for the server to be an extension of their body’s rhythm.” The club featured more than 350 fixtures including Cyclops Zoom 37 and CPX436-MZ, and Showline SL NITRO 510C strobes. An Avolites Expert Pro with Touch Wing controlled the entire lighting rig, with two Avolites Titan Net processors expanding the universes controlled and providing increased reliability and control over the massive set-up. “My role on the project was to program all fixtures using the Expert Pro and Touch Wing, in a way that would make sense for an in-house operator
to use over the course of the season,” programmer Ross Chapple explained. “The Expert Pro was the ideal desk for this - its wealth of faders being one of the primary reasons. This is also expanded on significantly when a Touch Wing is introduced. Having to store palettes on the expert faders would have meant storing playbacks across more pages, which in a club environment where fast paced busking is key - having to frequently change back and forth between pages is not the ideal scenario. The new Key Frame Shape generator was also put to good use, making the creation of more complex shapes quicker and easier.”
“The relative ease of mapping video on uneven surfaces is giving increasing importance of video in hospitality venues,” concluded Rami. “I can see a future of increased integration between lighting and video in venues such as WHITE.” “The relative ease of mapping video on uneven surfaces is giving increasing importance of video in hospitality venues,” explained Rami. “I can see a future of increased integration between lighting and video in venues such as WHITE.”
Light & Video
Tel: +44 (0)20 8965 8522 Email:
The WHITE Club, Dubai
Images © AV Stumpfl
The popular T-Rex Café at Disney Springs, formerly Downtown Disney Marketplace, at Lake Buena Vista, Florida is a monster-sized, Palaeozoic-themed restaurant that bills itself as a ‘Prehistoric Family Adventure’. The theming is extensive and spectacular, and certainly includes enough pre-historic atmosphere to stir the imaginations of dinosaur enthusiasts of all ages. Highlights include a vast and impressive ‘crystal cave’ that constantly sweeps through a range of intense backlit colours and thickets of cretaceous jungle foliage around smoke-emitting tar pits. All of this provides a backdrop for the stars of the show, the cast of 23 fully-articulated animatronic prehistoric creatures that include such usual dinosaur suspects as tyrannosaurus rex, apatosaurus, triceratops, mastodons, and a woolly mammoth family, together with pteronodons and an 11-metre giant octopus suspended over the bar and the heads of the diners. A star ceiling and suspended models of the planets provide an outdoor nighttime atmosphere to a large section of the dining area. Several times an hour, this tranquil night sky is disturbed by a massive meteor shower which agitates the animatronic beasts who are further terrified when a massive asteroid crosses the sky and smashes into the earth, shaking the building with 8kW of sub-bass rumbles and crashes. Cinematic quality HD video content for the meteor shower was created by AVHD Visual Solutions, Canada. This is the famous Cretaceous–Paleogene event, which is thought
to have brought on the extinction of the dinosaurs and the rise of us mammals. Although the entire attraction has been running successfully and reliably for many years, some improvements were needed. “In particular, the five 4K-lumen projectors blended to deliver the meteor and asteroid show, together with a single projector in the retail area, needed occasional replacement lamps and realignment of overhead projector blends after each re-lamping,” said Kevin Zevchik, US Manager at AV Stumpfl Inc. AV Stumpfl and local integrator Zanim8tion came up with a powerful solution for the lamp issue and an ingenious one for the projector alignment, bringing the T-Rex Café from prehistoric audiovisual to the brink of what’s possible today. First, the five ageing projectors were replaced with just two of Digital Projection’s 11K ANSI lumen, laser-powered HIGHlite WUXGA projectors with an operational life of 20,000 hours before requiring re-lamping. Based on their current usage cycle of a two-minute show every 20 minutes, the projectors are estimated to be able run for about 56 years before the lasers will need replacing. Despite their effectively-infinite lamp life, the projectors will still require regular maintenance visits to clean the optics and change the dust filters, which will inevitably have some impact on their alignment. This where the café’s new AV Stumpfl Wings VIOSO system that controls the projector blends and media replay
comes into its own. “Once the maintenance crew has finished handling the projectors, Wings VIOSO uses a small, dedicated camera pointed at the ceiling to automatically realign the images and the blends, and have the show ready within five minutes of completing projector maintenance. Nobody is going to miss the tedium of projector alignment,” said Kevin. The other big step forward in the upgrade was to replace the faithful early-model AV Stumpfl SC-Master show controller with a system that would allow the programming of custom dinosaur shows for such occasions as corporate events and educational tours that are planned to extend the range of activities for the T-Rex Café. In addition to the audio, video and projection elements controlled by the new Wings Engine, the new AV Stumpfl AVIO network has 12 Wings IObox relay controllers tasked with running the 192 movement controllers that drive the animatronic models. The flexibility and ease of programming of the Wings AVIO system has allowed the development of new movement sequences and the independent programming of individual dinosaurs for the educational tours. By taking advantage of the new Wings Touch user interface system the entire replay system can now be controlled from simple tablet devices when staff need to conduct tours or customise the entire venue for specific events and applications.
Version 4 bears the fruit of Green Hippo's dedication to software development including FlexRes, built in 3D visualiser, SHAPE integration, all new output management and a re-designed user interface. Every V4 system features front panel indications of system status, as well as removable hard drives as part of the STRATA Caddy System. Inside, Hippotizer V4 includes all Solid State Drives as standard and the latest graphics technology to deliver unmatched performance. WINNER
Par4Keet combines class-leading video playback at 4K resolution and beyond along with true realtime media manipulation and multi-screen configurability in a robust casing. WINNER WINNER WINNER
TMH FE-1800
RGBW Moving Head flower with rotating lens and 18 x 12 W LEDs • • • • • •
Room-filling flower & narrow single beam Zoom movement down to 6.5° Powerful 216 watts LED power Rotating lens 12 watts per COB LED RGBW color mixture
Located in the small Dutch city of Kerkrade, The Netherlands is an Earth Theater in the shape of an inverse planetarium. Dutch audiovisual system integrator, Lagotronics Projects has equipped the unique planetarium with top-notch visualisation technology to help visitors see the earth in crisp, bright colours - as if they really were an astronaut. The Earth Theater is located in Columbus, a spherical building half of which protrudes above ground and half of which is hidden beneath it. The inverse planetarium occupies the lower half, where a spectacular, 18-metre wide, hollow projection sphere can be viewed from two rings of glass balconies. “We wanted to show the world in a different perspective and let the visitors really experience it all, instead of merely watching it,” said Director of the planetarium, Hans Gubbels. “We knew that smart technology would be needed to achieve that lofty ambition. When comparing the different proposals, Lagotronics Projects proved to best meet our requirements.” “To visualise the images of planet earth as realistic as possible, we set up a 4K video solution that is really a first in Europe”, explained Mark Beumers, CEO of Lagotronics Projects. “Barco’s 35,000 lumens HDQ-4K35
projectors were just what we needed, as they deliver the sharpest, brightest of images, allowing us to show the earth with vibrant, rich colours.” The Columbus Earth Theater is part of the lofty Museumplein Limburg district in Kerkrade, which bundles three museums that combine technology, science and design. To keep pace with the brand-new Columbus and Cube museums, the existing Continium discovery centre got a dramatic overhaul, too. Lagotronics Projects also equipped the Time Warp Theater, which invites visitors to travel through time and space, with new audiovisual technology. Seven Barco RLM-W14 projectors project images on a 13-metre wide circle, thus creating a truly immersive experience. Mark concluded: “We’re so proud that we got the chance to smartly combine Barco’s leading projection technology to help Kerkrade realise this exceptional project. Lagotronics Projects had the lead in this project, but of course we could not have done it without the suppliers we trust to offer high quality products. And Barco is certainly one of them.”
Since its opening, E11EVEN nightclub in Miami has featured a procession of superstars and with a packed line-up, the management decided to expand stage space by booking some acts to perform up on the open, airy cabana style Rooftop Terrace over the second floor. This decision ultimately led to a new look being created on the terrace by world-renowned club designer Michael Meacham of iDesign, using a collection of LED moving fixtures from Chauvet. “The club knew it had to create a different atmosphere up on the roof to support the acts it was bringing there during the Winter Music Conference, this is when they brought me in,” said the LD. “After the conference was over, the people at E11EVEN realised they liked the lighting so much they asked me to do something permanent.” The team at E11EVEN didn’t want to duplicate their club show atmosphere up on the roof. Their goal was to have something engaging and sophisticated that created the kind of atmosphere that made guests want to stay.
Michael delivered what E11EVEN was looking for by blanketing the rooftop area in soft, richly coloured light, courtesy of Rogue R2 Washes from Chauvet Professional and Chauvet DJ Intimidator Spot LED 350 moving fixtures. He positioned 16 of the Rogue washes and six Intimidator Spots on perimeter truss that measured 40ft long by 20ft wide. He also used truss warmers to accent the structure, which surrounds much of the terrace. “Basically, you have coloured light all around you when you’re on the terrace,” said Michael. “But this isn’t distractive light and it doesn’t take away from the views you get from the terrace. It’s light that supports the good mood there and makes you feel that this is a special place in special club.” The new lighting rig does more than just serve up soothing colours, however, it also actively engages guests with motion. Not only did Michel position the Chauvet LED fixtures on the truss that runs around the periphery of the terrace, he also positioned Rogue washes
on shorter truss lines that run perpendicularly into that peripheral structure. “We are able to create some very interesting looks by blending the wash light from the Rogues with the Intimidator’s spots, and have them come at each other from different angles,”’ he said. “This allows us to create a very engaging layered look.” The 12°-49° zoom range of the Rogue R2 Wash allows Michael to cover widely different-sized areas with his wash lights. “This is a very versatile rig,” he said. “It isn’t just putting out some pretty light; it’s engaging people with subtle but interesting looks. “The lighting rig has been a success in every way,” he concluded. “Since we put it up, people are staying on the Terrace longer and buying more food and drinks.”
Welcome, Dante.
The new DS10 Audio network bridge provides a unique integration of networked audio with d&b systems. d&b users can now directly interface with other Dante enabled products further up the signal chain. The integrated 5-port Ethernet switch offers unparalleled network flexibility and access to d&b amplifiers using a laptop via the d&b R1 Remote control software. Additionally, the unique DS10 transmits Dante meta data information including Dante channel labels to the d&b amplifiers.
Welcome to System reality.
When the Ars Electronica Center (AEC) first opened its doors, its agenda was set. The Museum of the Future wanted to bring visitor interaction and participation to the fore, to bridge the gap between art and science by becoming an atelier and experimental laboratory in one. The museum’s central exhibit - Deep Space - was recently completely refurbished. The aim of the renovation was to tranform the existing 16-metre by nine metre wall and floor projections using 3D visualisations with an 8K, a 120Hz frame rate and stereo 3D technology. Andreas Bauer, the Head of Ars Electronica Center, explained: “At the centre, visitors move right through the exhibits themselves. The viewing distance is very small - not at all like that of normal cinema projections. This makes larger spaces between pixels much more noticeable.” It therefore made sense to not only replace the projectors, but to also upgrade the current technology with a state-of-the-art 8K resolution. Media planning, supply and installation was provided by Christie’s longtime partner Ton+Bild Medientechnik from Traunkirchen, Austria. “We already knew the Ars Electronica Center well thanks to our previous collaboration on temporary
installations, so we were familiar with the architectural constraints and unique nature of the Deep Space experience. As a result, we could make a move on the project with a relatively short lead time for project planning and product decisions,” said Robert Cicek, MD of Ton+Bild. The company opted to install eight Christie Mirage 304K 3DLP projectors. “For this special installation, the projectors needed to be 3D-capable, with high-performance lighting and a 4K resolution. In addition, the installation needed to meet a certain level of operation safety, because the room will receive a continuous stream of visitors and host presentations.” It was especially important for the 3D stereo projection that the projectors be able to play 120Hz frequencies using the Christie TruLife Electronics platform: “Where 3D stereo projectors are concerned, images have to be played for each eye at high speed in order to guarantee a homogeneous picture quality with rich colours and extraordinary clarity. This was all the more important due to the narrow distance between the viewers and the projection surfaces,” explained Robert. The projectors were equipped with short-throw objectives (0.9:1) with a fixed focal length.
ROMA N QUAR RY OF ST MA RGAR E T H E N COMPANY: PICTURALL LOCATION: ST MARGARETHEN, AUSTRIA The Roman quarry in St Margarethen, Austria is one of the most beautiful and imposing open-air arenas in Europe. The spectacular venue recently played host to an award-winning production of Puccini’s Tosca. Averaging around 4,000 spectators per performance, nearly 100,000 people in total flocked to see the multimedia opera thriller organised by Arenaria. Integration and production company, Habegger AG was in charge of the visual aspect, which included huge projections on 340 sq metres of LED wall run on powerful Picturall media servers. Habegger implemented the production completely from a technical point of view including sound, light, live cameras, LED and multimedia technology with video content courtesy of Media Apparat. At the heart of the system were two Picturall Octo servers, with four outputs per server outputting media in full HD onto a gigantic, 340 sq metre LED wall comprised of 10mm pixel pitch LEDs for maximum resolution and ultra-sharp definition. Moveable LED walls and
LED doors added even more dramatic impact to the production. A total of 270 video cues were controlled from a MA Lighting grandMA full-size lighting console over ArtNet whilst the camera feeds from the two live cameras on the show were processed directly in the Octo server without having to use a separate video mixer. The entire show was essentially run on one Octo server, but Habegger demanded full redundancy for all technical aspects of a production of this magnitude, hence the second server which was supplied by Picturall’s German distributer, Videlco Europe Ltd. “Picturall Octo was the incontestable choice of media server for this show,” said Mike Waldeyer, MD of Videlco Europe. “It’s sure-footed performance and high quality playback were a must for this project, as well as total control of everything through one box. Octo takes the stress out of managing multiple outputs for HD playback, running complex projects with ease.”
For the new Deep Space 8K exhibition, the company didn’t just upgrade its hardware. It also completely reimagined its content and underlying software ahead of the re-opening. “As there were only very few applications and videos designed for an 8K resolution, we created our own, tailored content in our Future Lab that could be adapted to high-resolution video,” explained Horst Hörtner, Senior Director of the Ars Electronica Future Lab. To visualise the new point clouds for 8K, the Future Lab developed an enhanced point cloud renderer that would make the content appear even more realistic to visitors. “In combination with high-performance hardware and our newly developed software, we were able to achieve a never-before-seen point density, meaning visitors will no longer be able to discern individual points.” By implementing different algorithms and technologies, it was also possible for the company to present content in real time with 120Hz and in higher resolutions. It also used the new technology to greatly simplify additional features like virtual camera tours and navigation within visualised objects.
Absen America has recently furnished the main entrance to Pearl River Resort’s Casino with its permanent indoor panels. Making a good first impression is imperative in making guests feel welcome and Pearl River Resort does this with added flair using Absen’s products to light up the way. The 101 panels spread across 410
sq ft of dazzling visual landscape, act as an outlet for various full HD content to adorn its walls. Absen’s partnership with PSX AudioVisual Technology has proved that anything a client wishes for can be made a reality. With the intent to truly wow guests and the powerful technology to back it up, Absen and PSX have
taken LED applications to a whole new level. The customisation that Absen and PSX has brought to Pearl River Resort exemplifies the dedication both companies have to the creative vision of the client. Guests only need to look up to appreciate its radiance.
The world famous Val d’Isère ski resort has been making good use of Airstar lighting solutions for its Airstar Night Light for many years. Every Thursday night in the city centre from December to March, Val d’Isère Tourisme and an Airstar dedicated team deploy dozens of balloons that light up various animations, such as ice sculptures, concerts and musical performances. Just before this sought-after event kicks off, the Club des Sports de Val d’Isère organises its own event, the Critérium de la Première Neige, a yearly competition that sees the world’s best skiers compete for the Audi FIS Ski World Cup. In order to mark the 60th anniversary of the event, the Club des Sports was looking for a reception structure which would be the go to area for spectators to rally the bottom of the Giant Slalom and Alpine Combined races. Vincent Jay, Director of the Club des Sports
and former Biathlon Olympic champion, was looking for an aesthetic structure, with the highest standards of safety to cater for an average of 400 people. David Hemesdael, Event and Animation Manager at Val d’Isère Tourisme and organiser of the Airstar Night Light, immediately suggested that Vincent Jay get in touch with Airstar. Overseeing both the Airstar Night Light and the Critérium was Gautier Vissy, Airstar European Network (AEN) Manager for the Rhône-Alpes region. He recalled: “The Club des Sports wanted this structure to act as a rallying point where people could buy tickets to the race, grab a snack, be entertained and buy souvenirs. Quite naturally, we recommended our brand new dome Dune, which was launched in 2015.” It only took a mere five hours for the Airstar team to erect a 34-metre by 15-metre by eight-metre version
made up of four elements - two quarter spheres on each side connected by two centre bridges. It was the first time that this new double partition dome had been used in France, hosting 5,000 people each day. LED bars were fitted between the partitions to light up and animate the structure, while eight 150W Crystal LED lighting balloons welcomed visitors outside the main entrance. “Many holidaymakers come back every year, so for us, it’s absolutely critical to be able to renew the theme from one season to another, and the depth of offering in the Airstar lighting solutions helps us do just that,” concluded David. “We are entirely satisfied with the work and our relationship with Airstar, they are always very reactive and they constantly listen to our needs.”
See control in a new light Introducing Lumen8, a complete line of professional lighting consoles that are both intuitive and powerful. Lumen8 offers a professional interface with a more visual approach to lighting control. Forget overcomplicated platforms and see control in a new light with Lumen8.
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Key Features
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Singapore’s Science Centre recently launched a fully digital exhibition hall. The new E3 installation, or ‘E-mmersive Experiential Environments’, lets visitors explore the concepts of virtual reality and immersion through a huge, digitally projected environment and interactive exhibits. The ambitious project, which also examines different teaching-learning methods, was completed in just seven weeks, and is the brainchild of the Science Centre Singapore and Singapore-based Digimagic Communications.
The new E3 exhibit at Science Centre Singapore features six 7.5-metre by 14-metre high full-wall projections, with a freestanding six metre by nine metre projection-mapped cube in the centre of the hall. Visitors enter the environment and are immediately enveloped by this new world - which they can also influence and explore through interactive elements such as track ball, leap motion, an RFID rotary table, and Oculus Rift. Dataton’s WATCHOUT multi-display system is used to create the seamless imagery and cube mapping powered by 29
Panasonic laser projectors, plus show control. “WATCHOUT is the main system used for the whole setup/project,” explained Donald Lim of Digimagic, the content creators and creative/digital consultants for the exhibit. “We created layers and layers of interactive that are live captures with backgrounds chromakeyed out so that they appear seamlessly integrated within the background of the entire animated scene. Some of the interactive stations control WATCHOUT inputs and auxiliary timelines as visitors interact with them. An
additional master control system was installed to schedule and automate the daily operations of the whole exhibition.” A new concept for the Science Centre Singapore, E3 called for collaboration from several companies and technologies. Exhibit builder SPACE logic and Digimagic worked closely with the client in terms of construction, digital and creative direction. Ars Electronica integrated its 3D theatrical experience within the cube mountain, known as Deep Space theatre. The Science Centre Singapore also brought
in Somniac’s Birdly adding a nice touch to the entire virtual reality experience, in addition to the Oculus Rift. Science Centre Singapore has been both pleased and inspired by the audience reaction to the E3 exhibit. Visitors across the board have been keen to try the Oculus Rift and virtual reality station. Adults are captivated by the cube mountain projection-mapping show, headlined: “What is real and what is not?” Younger visitors especially enjoy being able to interact with more than one player,
as well as seeing the instant effects on the wall projection area. Among the most popular stations are the track ball which lets the player roll a heavy boulder and leap motion where visitors control a school of fish. “We introduce concepts of sensory interaction in the virtual world,” said Donald. “The exhibition seeks to give visitors a sense of immersion, and its potential, transporting them anywhere.”
Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome recently played host to singer Marco Borsato to celebrate his Symphonica in Rosso concert series. During the video-intensive shows, d3 partnered with CAST Software’s BlackTrax live tracking and the Notch realtime effects generator to create realtime video effects on the interactive stage floor. The goal of lighting designer, Carlo Zaenen, was to create a big theatre look within the Ziggo Dome for the first round of concerts. The set design was a clean stage look with LED video banners in front, and orchestra pits to the left and right of the stage. There was also a guitar-shaped catwalk, including a 55 sq metre Kindwin LED floor with BlackTrax interactive video. d3 has been the media server of choice for Borsato’s lighting and video team for a number of years. For the latest Symphonica in Rosso concerts, the team deployed four d3 4x4pros with close to 3TB of content.
“We chose d3 for its flexibility to play interactive content, to follow the artist on stage and to trigger timecode and rapidly visualise high-resolution stage views,” said Jo Pauly, the d3 programmer and operator from Belgium-based Visual Solutions. “With d3, we could make the complete output map in our studio then, upon arriving at the Ziggo Dome, we just plugged the fiber cables into the LED wall and were technically ready to go.” Carlo agreed that d3’s “reliability and proven ease of use on a large show with a complex video setup,” made it the logical choice for the concert series. “We never even thought about using another media server,” he said. “Once we finished the first drawings, it was clear to us that d3 would do the job.” Jo took advantage of Notch (formerly known as demolition), the revolutionary realtime effects generator, which can be used on request exclusively with d3 media servers. Borsato’s team wanted to live track the singer on stage to obtain realtime
positioning data on the catwalk. The data would be used in d3 to trigger realtime video effects on the interactive stage floor as Borsato moved up and down the catwalk. “Through BlackTrax and Notch we were able to simulate the live tracking quite accurately in prepro,” Jo reported. “We could see how the content would react, how fluid the effect would be. Since there were a lot of surfaces filled with content, it was very helpful to simulate them in a realtime process that required no rendering.” Jo asked for d3 and Notch support during the concerts to ensure smooth delivery of the large-scale shows. “It was necessary because we were also using d3’s newly released r12 software with some custom plug-ins. We worked closely with d3 for six months before the concerts began to find the right solution for our live tracking needs, and it was a splendid cooperation.”
Recently, Philip Morris International organised a series of unique gala dinners in Lausanne, Zurich, Bern and Geneva in Switzerland. Combining image projection with 360° projection mapping and immersive audio, the company aimed to create compelling atmospheric experiences involving all the senses. To ensure the audience’s full immersion in sights and sounds, Barco’s state-of-the-art IOSONO sound technology was deployed. The dinners - each of which were attended by some 50 guests - were adorned with urban as well as natural landscapes. This was made possible by means of no less than 22 projector and eight media servers, which created a mesmerising pro-
jection mapping show on a customised table. But visuals alone weren’t enough to create a truly immersive experience, so the organisation also decided to deploy an impressive audio set-up consisting of 64 d&b audiotechnik loudspeakers, including eight table loudspeakers. These were set up in four layers to create a holographic sound experience. The 3D audio content and sound design was created by Soundtrack Unlimited. The combination of high-end projection mapping and immersive 3D audio created the impression of being right in the middle of the story. Each course of the dinner was not only a culinary tasting, but an atmospheric experience for all the
senses. In the nature theme, for example, the table became a forest floor and guests could hear forest animals and a babbling brook. The accompanying dish was served in a moss-decorated wooden box. JEFF Communications designed the concept of the media production and partnered Habegger AG for the technical realisation. “One of the highlights of the show was Barco’s IOSONO sound, which added the finishing touch,” explained Olaf Stepputat, Director Audio Solution, Barco Audio Technologies.
Las Vegas Fashion Show shopping centre, located in the heart of the strip, has received a face-lift with nearly 10,000 sq metres of LED screens on its façade, front columns holding up the Cloud canopy and marquee pylon display. Owned by General Growth Properties Inc (GGP), the shopping centre attracts over 10 million visitors worldwide and features 250 boutique shops, restaurants and year-round events. Brian Henry, in collaboration with Show+Tell, designed the concept for the dynamic LED video displays, created and developed by LED leading manufacturer Daktronics. The digital signage screens feature Daktronics’ proprietary LED video display technology, with a specially-blended formula designed for the Las Vegas environment. The LED screens have to compete with increased brightness and sun-cutting contrast to mitigate wash-out. In total, the signage encompasses more
than 12 million LEDs, more than four million pixels, approximately 7,000 LED modules, a colour capacity of 281 trillion colours and 69 loudspeakers on 68 amplifier channels capable of 48,000W at maximum output. The displays cover the entire plaza and are organised into 20 zones to provide customisable coverage for everything, from localised background music to small concert level performances. “The Fashion Show Mall screens are today one of the largest and brightest of the Las Vegas strip. But size and brightness doesn’t begin to explain the significance of our proprietary technology. Daktronics engineering guarantees a brighter and resilient display that will still be impactful in years to come,” said Ed Wasserman, Daktronics Special Projects Director. Content is always king, and considerable focus was directed to ensure the delivery of premium video and
imagery. The video material was provided by a variety of content creation teams. New York City-based Show+Tell, in partnership with Brian Henry Design, created a full menu of programming for the platform. “Fashion Show’s new LED displays are an immense and unique digital canvas,” said Phil Lenger, President / Chief Creative Officer of Show+Tell. “Multiple screens, curved surfaces, and colossal scale require a whole new visual language. Storytellers and marketers relish the challenge and the opportunity to craft compelling content through the use of imagery, colour, scale, motion, and interactivity in the animations and videos that are now part of the Fashion Show on-screen show. The Fashion Show’s new plaza has transformed the experience for all visitors to the Las Vegas strip.”
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To the delight of classic car lovers everywhere the Petersen Automotive Museum, which anchors Los Angeles’ famed Miracle Mile, just had its grand re-opening after undergoing a $125millon renovation. To properly illuminate the rare and luxurious vehicles inside the famed museum, the renovation necessitated a complete overhaul of the lighting system and controls. The project utilised a total of 850 Miro Cube WNC fixtures, six colour-mixing Miro Cube 4C fixtures and nearly two miles of Rosco DMX Data Track to illuminate the exotic cars on display. The Scenic Route undertook the management of the renovation, along with the integration of all its design elements. According to Ron Gould, Creative Director at The Scenic Route, their goal was to give the museum the future-proof solutions and technology required to create a dynamic environment that would allow them the flexibility to constantly move and shift their exhibits as-needed. Perhaps the most important aspect of the design strategy was the decision to install a broad grid comprised of Rosco DMX Data Track above all three floors of the
museum. The Rosco Data Track allows easy, streamlined installation of Rosco’s Miro and Braq Cube LED fixtures by combining power and DMX control into one single track. Frank Janesh, Project Manager for The Scenic Route, commented on that strategy: “This grid allows the ultimate flexibility in placement of lighting fixtures, which will complement the museum’s plans to rotate cars into/out of the exhibit. In addition, ongoing special events in the first floor promenade can be illuminated easily and in-step with the museum’s overall lighting design using Rosco Miro Cubes.” Chris Werner Design was selected to create the lighting scheme for the museum. When asked about specific lighting design challenges presented by the Petersen Automotive Museum project, LD Chris referenced a number of issues including the avoidance of glare when illuminating the highly reflective car surfaces and allowing close visitor interaction to the exhibits without compromising the effective illumination. He noted that his concept for the lighting system necessitated LED-based, individually addressable, track mountable fixtures that were lightweight and
easy to move around the space. Other critical features included tuneable colour-temperature, flicker-free dimming and complete beam shaping capabilities. Given the dynamic environment requirements sought by The Scenic Route and the design aesthetic envisioned by Chris, Rosco’s Miro Cube WNC, coupled with the its DMX Data Track, quickly presented itself as the best solution to fulfill all of the project’s requirements. The mix of warm, neutral and cool white LEDs inside the Miro Cube WNC provided a rich colour spectrum that allows the cars and exhibit pieces to really dazzle the museum’s visitors. The WNC will also provide the museum’s design staff with the capability to change the colour temperature in order to fit the ever-changing needs of its exhibits. The fixture’s convenient track mounting capability, individual DMX addressability, and lightweight and compact form-factor make the Rosco Miro Cube an extremely nimble light source that lends flexibility to the museum as its exhibits change in the future.
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Woodhorn Museum & Northumberland Archives is located at the heart of the original colliery at Woodhorn. No.2 winding house was created to house a second winding engine providing a second exit for the men working underground. It is the last Victorian engine house in Northumberland to still contain a working winder. LamasaTech was asked to plan, design and create a dedicated exhibition interpretation area for No.2 winding house that would be informative, engaging and accessible to all visitors. Three unique projections were designed and developed for the exhibition, all of which were engaging, educational and historically sound. The first digital feature is an animated mine shaft, projected onto one of the original brickwork walls, providing the perfect backdrop for this authentic content. The projection creatively visualises exactly what a mine shaft would look like, featuring animations and movements of the men, materials and the cage shown moving up and down the shaft. Maps of the mines were used to accurately create the mineshaft scale and create realistic movements of the cages and suspension
ropes based on travelling speeds. Facts and creative guides fade in and out flawlessly, naturally educating the visitor at each step. All of this coupled with an immersive soundscape recorded from the winding machinery itself and archived soundtracks, which really brings this feature to life and transports the audience to a different time. For the second projection, LamasaTech filmed and directed an interview video in which two ex-windermen are featured. LamasaTech planned, directed, filmed and fully edited this film clip adding independently recorded audio to create a realistic and immersive soundtrack. For the third projection, archived audio images and video media were used to create a storytelling timeline to engage and inform the audience from a firsthand perspective. The integrated video, audio and lighting presentations are activated using a single push button and the entire exhibition is powered using ShowMagic AV Plus integrated video server and show control software.
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ates 12 hours a day. For this reason, the venue needed projectors with a long life light source to ensure smooth running of the attraction. The HIGHlite laser was chosen due to its 20,000 hours of illumination and associated reduction in maintenance and down-time costs when compared with traditional lamp based projectors. The colour stability offered by laser projectors was also a key requirement, ensuring that the image was uniform throughout the whole installation. The projectors also had to be flexible enough to be mounted in a variety of extreme orientations, which aren’t possible with traditional lamp based projectors. The HIGHlite laser offers the flexibility of 360º orientation so were an ideal solution for this dome.
Photo: Gerben Duijster -
Based in Kunming, the capital of Yunan Province, is a new commercial and tourist complex. Colourful Yunnan - The City of Flowers complex has a floor space of 240,000 sq metres with the main attraction being the atrium in the projects main exhibition space. Located here is an immersive dome measuring 28 metres long, 15 metres wide and 4.8-metres high, which is currently Asia’s largest elliptical dome. The dome can accommodate 600 visitors at a time, who are immersed in stunning natural scenery from the surrounding areas. It uses 14 edge-blended HIGHlite laser projectors from Digital Projedction to illuminate the huge surface area with 10 projectors used on the perimeter and four on the cap. The video content runs in a 15-minute loop and oper-
Neushoorn is a new entertainment venue in the heart of Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. Its two main stages, the 350-capacity arena and the venues largest live performance space, The Big Room, feature all-LED Elation lighting rigs, as does a small performance space in the café. The Neushoorn lighting set-up was designed from a concept created by Klaas Visser, head of audio, video and lighting at the venue. He explained: “The
concept was to create a fixture combination that was rider-friendly and had the potential to create new and old style lightshows using LED lighting only. There were two LD’s who supported us in making the decision on which fixtures were best for us. Elation was the only brand that had the fixtures we needed at a good price.” Lighting supply and installation of the Neushoorn lighting system was undertaken by Elation partner
Lightco, the lighting sales division of the Ampco Flashlight Group. “Elation had what we needed across the board,” he said. “The competitors did have a few good fixtures, but were not close to the quality or quantity we required. “It was important that the lighting be all LED,” Klaas stated. “The local authorities wanted an environmentally friendly venue yet still get a lot of firepower from the lights, so LEDs were the only option.” The Big Room is outfitted with all LED lighting, including the ACL set-up. “It was very hard to find an LED replacement for ACL looks but the Elation ACL PAR 200 does the job,” Klaas commented. “It is a very nice ACL replacement with RGBW and has a nice beam that is strong enough to emulate an ACL.” Other fixtures in The Big Room include SixPar 300 LED PAR lights, Colour 5 Profile ellipsoidal spots, Platinum Wash ZFX Pro and Platinum Wash ZFX Pro XL moving heads, warm-white Lumina Matrix panels, Cuepix Blinder WW2 white light blinders, and Protron 3K LED strobes. Complementing some older fixtures in The Arena are SixPar 200s, six-colour LED PARs that include a UV LED that Klaas says is “excellent for club nights.” The Arena also has Platinum Spot LED Pro moving heads, as well as Cuepix Strip Tri’s. As a new cultural home for pop and youth culture, Neushoorn is thriving with its multi-functional theme, impressive variety of acts and not least its state-of-the-art LED lighting system. “
Primark, the international retailer, launched an immersive experience at its new 133,000 sq ft flagship store in Madrid. The four-floor iconic building featured 11 10mm transparent LED screens, two Aviary Par4Keet’s, an eight-channel surround sound speaking system and a Creston control system to create the multimedia installation. This project, delivered by Technomedia Solutions and Dalziel and Pow was designed and built to create an engaging environment for all customers in-store. Transparent LED technology provided a 360º canvas across all floors, transforming this incredible space into a unique, fully-integrated landmark. The content, created by Dalziel and Pow’s in-house creative team, was synchronised between the transparent screens, creating illusions of people walking, balloons and branding within the space. The content also combined navigational cues and a series of stories drawing the attention of customers of all ages.
This store, now a landmark for innovation and technology, showcased how creative you can be with both content and flexible playback devices, such as the Par4Keet. A single system was used to feed multiple screens due to its capability to drive four independent outputs all from a single 4K canvas. Eight-channel surround sound played back directly from the unit was used to add to the immersive installation. To update content, a networked drive was installed to receive new ultra-high resolution video files that are encoded into Green Hippo’s native FlexRes codec and distributed during the store’s downtime. The Par4Keets seamlessly integrate into the Crestron control system via its intuitive TCP/IP control command set. Based on the concept of an urban sanctuary, the immersive atrium is a now a stunning retreat from the busy Gran Vía shopping street, where innovative design meets unique art installations for one of Madrid’s most iconic buildings. /
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Adamson S-Series installed at Trondheim’s Olavshallen Concert Hall, home to the Trondheim Symphonic Orchestra.
Olavshallen Concert Hall, located in Trondheim, Norway, and home to the Trondheim Symphonic Orchestra, recently upgraded the main hall with an Adamson S-Series sound reinforcement system. The hall was long overdue for an upgrade as the existing system was installed back in 1989 when the concert hall opened. Stage Manager, Henrik Torgersen began exploring options, ultimately contacting regional audio distributor Benum to assist him in the process. The new Adamson system consists of two line arrays, each made up of 14 S10 modules, hung to the left and right of the stage, as well as 12 S119 subwoofers utilised to reinforce low end. Two stacks of three subwoofers are groundstacked stage left and right. The remaining six modules are hung
next to the main hangs in a front-back-front configuration to minimise onstage low frequency energy. In order to ensure even coverage for every seat in the house, a total of 10 Point 8 loudspeakers were distributed to cover the side, under-balcony seating areas and eight Point Concentric 5 compact loudspeakers are deployed as lip fills. With the new system in place, Henrik concluded: “Everyone who uses the system has nothing but good things to say and the feedback from the audience is the best we have had in several years. I am quite happy with the outcome; it was well worth the effort put forth to find the best system possible.”
Alan Yau, the restaurateur behind the hugely successful Wagamama, Hakkasan and plenty of other dining institutions, has described his latest venture as a ‘lifestyle project’, which seems fitting, as to give Park Chinois the simple label of ‘a restaurant’ would be a huge understatement.
Based in Mayfair, London - where there is plenty of competition when it comes to high-end dining - Park Chinois sets the standard, with a level of opulent decoration and theatrical indulgence that is almost preposterous. Once the red velvet curtain is pulled back, it’s as if you have stepped back in time to a glamorous 1920s dance hall, which is in line with Alan’s incredibly detailed vision and emphasis on quality. Over two floors, and stretching across 15,200 sq ft, Park Chinois’ dining rooms are structured around an elevated, U-shaped platform, which seats 300 for dinner, while there is also room for 50 guests at the two bars. In its focus on oldschool values, charm and elegance, Park Chinois offers entertainment to diners in the form of a singer and pianist on one floor and a seven-piece band on another. Such entertainment, paired with a luxurious design, including French silks, lavish red carpets, ornate Indian tiles and eye-catching chandeliers, meant that any
audio and lighting installations had to match. Twickenham-based installer, Viba Sound, took up the challenge after being invited by Alan’s sound consultant, Mickey Boyle, to draw up plans. Viba Sound had previously worked closely with Alan on his two other London projects, The Duck and Rice on Berwick Street and Babaji on Shaftesbury Avenue, so it was a natural choice after the success of those venues. However, the demands for Park Chinois were vastly different, with aesthetic perfection to consider, along with the high-quality audio installation. With the extensive range of entertainment on offer within the venue’s spaces, Viba Sound had to look into different loudspeaker sizes and characteristics, which led to a visit to Coda Audio’s state-of-the-art demonstration facility in Hannover, Germany. Peter Kellet of Viba Sound explained further: “It was Mickey who introduced us to the project – we’d worked on two
other projects for Alan before, so we already knew that he was great to work with. “Alan was really interested when it came to the audio, he did the research and really knew the intricate details. We gave him a list of the brands we were considering and Coda was at the top. We wrote down all the reasons why we wanted to use Coda, from the range, size and quality of the loudspeakers. “We flew out to Coda with Alan and went through the technology. After a few hours, Alan made the decision and said they were the products we were going to use,” continued Peter. After the final decision, Viba Sound got to work on installing more than 40 Coda loudspeakers across the two floors of Park Chinois. More than 30 ultra-compact, two-way K4 models, which are zonally controllable, were used throughout the venue for the main system. “When it came to using the Coda
• Above The stage area in the main restaurant.
“The loudspeakers send the sound down without being too distracting to those sat near.”
• Above Park Chinois can seat up to 300 people. • Right The private dining room.
“We had to modify everything so it was in line with the venue’s design. We had to customise virtually every bracket, even the Coda Audio loudspeakers - they’re mounted through mirrors, which is the only way they can be supported, because there’s a glass ceiling.”
loudspeakers in the venue, I was impressed with the cover rate, because we needed to get an even coverage in the dining area without it getting in the guest’s faces when they were next to the actual loudspeakers,” explained Mickey. “The loudspeakers send the sound down without being too distracting to those sat near. We knew that there would be seats nearby, so we went through the fine details to ensure there were no issues.” Park Chinois’ two stages, one on the ground floor and one in the basement area, used different audio systems that were specifically chosen to suit the style of performers that would be playing. The ground floor stage, which is used primarily for a piano, live singers and DJs, was equipped with two stage-mounted Coda Audio G15-SUB subwoofers, while two CoRAY4 ultracompact, two-way line source column loudspeakers were discreetly mounted on pillars. This combination worked perfectly for the whole area, delivering clarity, detail and a relaxed ambience for
the diners during service - even when it came to live performances, too. On the opposite side of the stage at the rear of the dancefloor, two Coda Audio G308 full-range, two-way loudspeakers were chosen as dancefloor fills. Downstairs in the basement, the brief detailed that there was to be more of a club environment when it came to the audio. So, along with the greater soundproofing for higher SPL, two larger Coda Audio G18-SUB subwoofers were chosen for the basement stage, which was to host a seven-piece band and DJs. There were also two ceiling-mounted Coda Audio D20 three-way point source loudspeakers as front fills and another pair of D20s used as rear dancefloor fills. Using this range of Coda technology allowed the team at Viba Sound to create an impressive bass response, which helped them meet the ‘club feel’ that was craved by Alan and the rest of the team at Park Chinois. Peter explained the reasons behind the choices for the basement area:
“The good thing was that Alan was great to work with, he could make a quick decision - he really got it and was nice to work with. We never had a cross word.”
“Downstairs, we wanted that disco feel, so for that system, we knew we had to use a different type of loudspeaker with a low clearance set - we used the Coda Audio D20 loudspeaker, which has got a sub bass in it. “It really can be used as a club down there. In fact, if you turn it up, it’s not that much quieter than any of the big nightclubs - the quality of sound is incredible.” With everything in place, it is clear that Coda Audio offer the best fit for each aspect when it came to the initial brief for Park Chinois. With such varied entertainment on show each night, from solo artists, live bands and DJ sessions, the audio system had to be adaptable without any compromise on the overall quality. Not only that, but with the design being so important to the venue, it made the install itself extremely complex. As well as the acoustic challenges that came with the project, Viba Sound had to consider the requirements from both an architectural and design viewpoint. “We had to modify everything so it was in line with the venue’s design. We had to
customise virtually every bracket, even the Coda Audio loudspeakers - they’re mounted through mirrors, which is the only way they can be supported, because there’s a glass ceiling,” said Peter. “There was a lot of reasonable challenges to overcome, though they were all done at a reasonable pace. It almost had to be done loudspeaker by loudspeaker and go through a process with the decorators and designers. “The good thing was that Alan was great to work with, he could make a quick decision - he really got it and was nice to work with. We never had a cross word.” Paul Ward, Sales and Marketing Director at Coda Audio, discussed the project at Park Chinois further: “Peter and I have known each other for 20 years and I think when he was looking at this project, he immediately thought this is perfect for Coda - and we knew that we had a very special product that would work.” “We spoke a lot about high-end frequency stuff and, as soon as we saw the plans, we knew the K4 loudspeakers were perfect for the place, as well as the sub bass, because aesthetically they have
• Above The club area, which is beneath the restaurant.
• Above The bar area in the basement.
“We spoke a lot about highend frequency stuff and, as soon as we saw the plans, we knew the K4 loudspeakers were perfect for the place.”
to look good. “It was a long process, with every loudspeaker placement drawn up by our side and then by the architect, though Alan always knew that it went beyond display. It’s a fact that if you go to any kind of show and you’re unaware of the sound system, it’s brilliant. “I think if it was something harsh to the ear, then they’d notice it, but with Coda they simply look around at the venue and think that the place is amazing, which is exactly what you need.” For Park Chinois to get that reaction
from its guests every time, much like the audio installation, the lighting also had to be perfect. When you consider the level of detail that had gone into the architecture and design, it was vital that the lighting setup accentuated the exquisite features, rather than dominate them. Willie Williams, the Lighting Designer for Park Chinois, contacted White Light to ensure that the venue received the best lighting support possible. From there, White Light’s Special Projects Director, Simon Needle, paid a visit to the site
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND 30 x Coda Audio K4 loudspeaker; 2 x Coda Audio CoRAY4 loudspeaker; 2 x Coda Audio G308 loudspeaker; 4 x Coda Audio D20 loudspeaker; 2 x Coda Audio G15-SUB subwoofer; 2 x Coda Audio G18-SUB subwoofer LIGHTING & VISUAL 10 x Ayrton MAGICBLADE-R batten; 38 x Elation SIXPAR 100 fixture; 30 x ETC Source Four Mini LED luminaire; 6 x Selecon PL1 LED luminaire; 2 x Martin Professional M2GO controller; 1 x Look Solutions UNIQUE 2.1 hazer; 1 x Look Solutions VIPER S fog machine
Park Chinois, situé à Mayfair à Londres, est la dernière aventure du restaurateur à succès, Alan Yau. Le lieu ambitionne visiblement d’établir la norme des restaurants, en offrant une décoration et une théâtralité des plus opulentes et qui semblent presque absurdes. Lorsque le rideau de velours rouge est tiré, on s’imagine remonter dans le temps vers une salle de danse de prestige des années 1920. Un tel divertissement associé à un design luxueux impliquait que toutes les installations sonores et d’éclairage devaient être assorties. Viba Sound, un installateur de Twickenham a relevé le défi en établissant que Coda Audio présentait la meilleure solution ; un système sonore adaptable et esthétiquement agréable qui ne compromettait en rien la qualité. En ce qui concerne l’éclairage, les responsables du Park Chinois ont consulté White Light, qui conseilla d’utiliser des éclairages Elation et Selecon afin d’accentuer la conception détaillée et somptueuse de la salle. Au bar, dans les salles à manger et sur les scènes, le son et la lumière sont impeccables, s’agençant parfaitement aux splendides et complexes particularités qui ont été choisies spécialement pour le lieu. Park Chinois est un bonheur pour les sens, présentant à ses visiteurs un extravagant hommage au design, à l’architecture, à la musique et à la gastronomie.
Park Chinois liegt in Mayfair, London, und ist das jüngste Vorhaben des sehr erfolgreichen Gastronomen Alan Yau. Der Treffs setzt sicherlich neue Maßstäbe für Restaurants, mit einem Niveau an opulenter Dekoration und theatralischem Luxus, das beinahe absurd ist. Sobald der rote Samtvorhang aufgezogen wird, ist es, als ob Sie eine Zeitreise begehen und in einen Tanzsaal aus den 1920er Jahren gelangen. Solch eine Unterhaltung, gepaart mit einem luxuriösen Design, bedeuteten, dass die gesamte Audio- und Beleuchtungsinstallation darauf abgestimmt werden musste. Der in Twickenham ansässige Installierer Viba Sound stellte sich der Herausforderung und beschloss, dass Coda Audio die beste Lösung anzubieten hatte und ein anpassbares, ästhetisch ansprechendes Soundsystem bereitstellten, das hinsichtlich Qualität keine Kompromisse eingegangen ist. Für die Beleuchtung zog Park Chinois White Light hinzu, die zu der Verwendung von Beleuchtungskörpern von Elation und Selecon rieten, um das üppige, detaillierte Design des Treffs zu betonen. Von der Bar, den Essbereichen und bis zu den Bühnen sind Beleuchtung und Audio einwandfrei und ergänzen perfekt die tadellosen, komplexen Merkmale, die speziell für den Treff ausgewählt wurden. Park Chinois ist ein üppiger Genuss für alle Sinne, der allen Gästen, die einen Besuch abstatten, eine extravagante Art bietet, Design, Architektur, Musik und feines Essen zu zelebrieren.
Park Chinois, situato a Mayfair (Londra), è l’ultima impresa del ristoratore di grande successo Alan Yau. Il locale stabilisce, certamente, lo standard per ristoranti, con un livello di opulenta decorazione ed indulgenza teatrale che è quasi al limite dell’assurdo. Una volta che si aperto il sipario di velluto rosso, è come se si fosse fatto un passo indietro nel tempo in una sala da ballo glamour del 1920. Tale intrattenimento, abbinato ad un design di lusso, ha fatto sì che tutte le installazioni audio-luci dovevano essere fatte su misura. L’installatore di Twickenham, Viba Sound, ha raccolto la sfida e ha deciso che fosse Coda Audio ad apportare la soluzione migliore, offrendo un sistema audio esteticamente piacevole che fosse facilmente adattabile, ma senza compromettere la qualità. Per l’illuminazione, Parco Chinois ha consultato White Light, che aveva consigliato di utilizzare delle apparecchiature Elation e Selecon per accentuare il sontuoso e dettagliato design del locale. Dal bar, alle sale da pranzo e dritto ai palchi, sia l’illuminazione che l’audio sono impeccabili, andando di pari passo con le immacolate, intricate caratteristiche che sono state appositamente scelte per la sede. Parco Chinois presenta un vasto intrattenimento in tutti i sensi, offrendo una celebrazione stravagante del design, dell’architettura, della musica e della gastronomia per tutti gli ospiti che pagano una visita.
“The brief was that the lights needed to be LED and discreet, due to the low ceiling and the fact that the stage is frequently used for a variety of performance acts. We decided to utilise lighting equipment from Elation, Selecon, ETC and Ayrton.”
Park Chinois, ubicado en Mayfair, London, es la última aventura del exitoso restaurador, Alan Yau. El lugar establece ciertamente el estándar para los restaurantes, con un nivel de decoración opulenta y lujo exagerado que es casi ilógico. Una vez que se descorre la roja cortina de terciopelo es como si se hubiera viajado en el tiempo a un glamoroso baile de salón de los años veinte. Tal entretenimiento, de la mano de un diseño lujoso, significa que requiere de instalaciones de audio e iluminación acordes. El instalador con base en Twickenham, Viba Sound, enfrentó el desafío y decidió que Coda Audio ofrecía la mejor solución – entregando un sistema de sonido adaptable y estéticamente agradable que no cedía en calidad. Para la iluminación, Park Chinois consultó a White Light, quienes les recomendaron utilizar artefactos de Elation y Selecon para acentuar el espléndido y detallado diseño del lugar. Desde el bar, las zonas gastronómicas y hasta los escenarios, la iluminación y el audio son impecables, yendo de la mano con las inmaculadas y complejas características que han sido específicamente seleccionadas para el lugar. Park Chinois es una sorpresa espléndida para todos los sentidos, ofreciendo una extravagante celebración al diseño, arquitectura, música y fina gastronomía para todos los visitantes que se dan una vuelta por el lugar.
during the construction to decide which lighting would be the most suitable. “We were asked to provide lighting for the small stage area of the restaurant,” said Simon. “The brief was that the lights needed to be LED and discreet, due to the low ceiling and the fact that the stage is frequently used for a variety of performance acts. “We decided to utilise lighting equipment from Elation, Selecon, ETC and Ayrton. As a result, the lighting not only provided an ambience to the performance area, but ensured that each act received the lighting support it required.”
From the bar, dining areas and right through to the stages, the lighting and audio is impeccable, going hand in hand with the immaculate, intricate characteristics that have been specifically chosen for the venue. This ambitious project from Alan is certainly one of the most decadent venues in London and much of that is down to the work of Viba Sound, along with Coda and White Light. Park Chinois is a lavish treat for all the senses, offering an extravagant celebration of design, architecture, music and fine dining for all the guests that pay a visit.
Coming soon
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The Cultural and Congress Centre Jordanki (CKK Jordanki) in Torun, Poland is located close to the Old Town on a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The multifunctional building stretches across 22,000 sq metres and was designed by world-renowned architect, Fernando Menis, who took the approach of creating something that was modern, aesthetically pleasing and functional, all at the same time. Home to the Torun Symphony Orchestra, the venue’s concert hall and chamber hall had to be equipped with nothing but the best state-of-the-art technology and so the project was put out to tender. There were many contracts to bid for, but one of the winning bidders was P.S. TEATR and, under guidance from the architect, the company outlined its intentions for the stage technology, stage lighting and stage construction including lighting bridges and a control system. Project Manager for P.S. TEATR, Paweł Ziomecki, took up the story: “As is usual in such cases, a considerable amount of time passed between the initial project details being decided and the realisation of lighting inventory in its final version. Before the tender procedure even started, the final list of lighting equipment was put together by an independent consulting company, in a close cooperation with the user’s representatives. Unfortunately though, due to spiralling costs, a recalculation of the planned budgets and expenses was necessary, which resulted in a minor reduction in the amount of luminaires that were specified. However,
the reduction brought about positives because it allowed us to implement the most state-of-the-art devices and technical solutions.” Typical lighting fixtures that were selected for the two performance spaces included the go-to theatrical profiles from ETC, the Source Fours, which sit alongside Selecon PL3 LED fixtures and Spotlight luminaires from its Vario range. Intelligent lights from Vari-Lite, DTS and Martin Professional make sure the lighting rig is ready for any eventuality. Paweł continued: “These brands were chosen at the beginning of the project as well as later in the realisation stage because of their modern design and reliability. It should also not be forgotten that CKK Jordanki is a very comprehensive facility that welcomes various stars, performing diverse repertoires, which is why it was necessary to elect products that would be recognised and accepted by lighting designers. In this case, products such as Vari Lite, Martin and DTS are unrivalled.” The control package comprises two ETC Eos Titanium consoles and two ETC Gio consoles. “ETC products offer high quality and a high reliability rate during long term operation. Another advantage is their modular design and a high filtration rate, which eliminates any disturbances in the network. And last, but not least from the user’s point of view, the ETC desks offer the ability to choose an independent mode for each of the available channels and offer flexible connectivity,” said Paweł.
INSIDER INSIGHTS NAME: Piotr Jankiewicz JOB TITLE: Project Manager LIKES ABOUT TECHNOLOGY: When it works. DISLIKES ABOUT TECHNOLOGY: When technical parameters overshadow the musical merits.
The delivery, assembly and commissioning of the electroacoustic system, the stage management system and video system was completed by Konsbud Audio, a second company that won during the bidding process. Piotr Jankiewicz, Director of the Design and Integration Department at Konsbud Audio, described how Manufaktura Technologiczna took charge of the design element, and he and his team executed the project according to the brief. However, he took charge of the optimisation of the system and the overcoming of any technical issues that arose. For the main PA in the concert hall, Piotr selected d&b audiotechnik’s V Series. Each of the main clusters comprise 10 V8 line array modules, which are extended by the use of V-SUB and J-INFRA subwoofers and T10’s for front and balcony fill. Piotr said: “Even though d&b V Series loudspeakers are lightweight and compact, they offer unquestionable sound quality and constant directivity dispersion control in a very wide frequency range. A newly added function - ArrayProcessing - ensures that every member of the audience benefits from the same remarkable quality of sound by enhancing the spectral consistency. With a defined level distribution, a consistent tonal balance has been achieved for each listener.” d&b audiotechnik continues in the chamber music hall, but this time the T Series was favoured, with a total of 14
T10’s in place. “These loudspeakers can be used both as a line array and as a high directivity point source loudspeaker. Due to their extraordinary functionality, these loudspeakers can be used one day as a line array system for concerts in a chamber hall, and the next day as a decentralised system comprising many point sources in a conference hall or in the foyer. This system is just perfect in terms of flexibility and, as any other d&b audiotechnik products, they provide the most superb sound quality. We’ve had no doubts considering them a right choice,” continued Piotr. Low frequency extension in the chamber music hall is provided by four V-SUBs and four MAX wedges for stage monitoring. The sound reinforcement systems on both stages can be modified and adjusted to any seating and stage configuration in order to cater for the different kinds of events that take place in the venue. Asked if an all-in-one solution is an advantage, Piotr offered: “All the loudspeakers including the MAX and M6 stage monitors are complemented by dedicated d&b audiotechnik D80 amplifiers. The advantages are obvious. It’s hard to imagine why anyone should use other amplifiers and turn away from all the functionalities and quality guaranteed by d&b audiotechnik. The systems installed in CKK Jordanki are designed to be portable. Using a single type of amplifier for all of the loudspeakers eliminates compatibility issues and makes it extremely easy and
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09/03/2016 15:51
• Above The lighting rig over the stage.
quick to adapt a system’s configuration to the needs of a specific event. Moreover, it is very convenient for technicians, as all sound reinforcement systems can be operated and monitored with single R1 control software.” Avid Venue Profile Systems feature throughout the venue. Each of the halls are equipped with two console systems FOH and monitor - with 48-microphoneinput stage racks. The audio systems of both the concert hall and the chamber hall can be additionally expanded with two portable 48-input stage racks and as a result, the console systems can provide up to 96 input channels when necessary. They were chosen due to their sound quality and reliability, and the fact that it’s a widely acclaimed music production solution around the world. “Most of
the events that take place at the venue are organised by impresarios, so it was crucial for the centre to own an audio mixer that meets technical riders,” explained Piotr. Konsbud Audio also implemented a Stagetec Nexus system, which is primarily responsible for two things. Firstly, the distribution of audio signals from the Avid mixing consoles to particular amplifiers. Thanks to the Stagetec Nexus system, it’s possible to send a signal from a mixing console in any location, not only to the FOH sound reinforcement systems in the same hall, but also to the PA system installed in the second hall or to the stage monitors’ amplifiers. This functionality was crucial because audience and stage configurations may vary depending on an
event. One of requirements of the project was to enable live transmissions from one hall to another, as well as the ability to combine both halls for big concerts, conferences or other corporate events. Secondly, due to the implementation of a digital audio network, signals can be easily routed between all parts of the venue. Additionally, some mobile devices of the Nexus system are equipped with audio inputs and outputs in several formats (analogue, AES/EBU, Dante, Madi) and can therefore easily be installed and connected through fibre lines to the system where required, which significantly increases the functionality of the entire system. Asked to sum up the challenges of the project, Piotr offered: “The size and the exceptional shape of the building, which
IT meet A-T
Introducing network Microphones with direct Dante™ Protocol Operating over a simple Ethernet connection, Audio-Technica’s new Network Microphones put you in control. The programmable user switch lets you trigger a video camera’s pan/tilt, a room’s lighting preset or any other function of a compatible Danteenabled device. Each mic comes equipped with a Red/Green LED to keep you informed of local mute status and other processes. And, of course, you still get the clear, articulate sound you expect from A-T. So plug it in, and introduce your network to its new best friend.
Le Centre culturel et des congrès Jordanki à Torun en Pologne accueille l’Orchestre philharmonique de Torun, donc le lieu a dû être équipé de la meilleure technologie du marché. Plusieurs appels d’offres ont eu lieu, et l’un des soumissionnaires retenus fut P.S. TEATR. Sous la direction de l’architecte, l’entreprise a exposé ses intentions en ce qui concerne la technologie de scène, l’éclairage de scène et la construction de la scène, y compris les ponts d’éclairage et le système de contrôle. Les éclairages types sélectionnés pour les deux salles de concert incluent des lyres de théâtres de chez ETC, des Source Four, qui siègent aux côtés de luminaires LED Selecon PL3 et de projecteurs de la gamme VARIO. Des luminaires intelligents de chez Vari-Lite, DTS et Martin Professional proposent un système d’éclairage prêt à toute éventualité. La livraison, le montage et la mise en service du système électroacoustique, le système de gestion de la scène et le système vidéo ont été complétés par Konsbud Audio, une seconde société sélectionnée au cours du processus d’appel d’offres. Piotr Jankiewicz, Directeur du Département de la conception et de l’intégration a choisis d’installer un système de sonorisation d&b audiotechnik, des systèmes de projecteurs AVID Venue et un système Stagetec Nexus pour la distribution audio.
Das Jordanki-Kultur- und Kongresszentrum in Torun, Polen, beherbergt das Symphonieorchester Torun und musste aus diesem Grund mit hochmodernster Technologie ausgestattet werden. Es gab zahlreiche Ausschreibungen, doch der Gewinner war P.S. TEATR und unter Anleitung des Architekten entwarf das Unternehmen seine Pläne für die Bühnentechnologie, die Bühnenbeleuchtung, den Bühnenbau einschließlich Beleuchtungsbrücken und Steuersystem. Normale Beleuchtungskörper, die für die beiden Performance-Bereiche ausgewählt wurden, umfassen Go-ToTheaterprofile von ETC, die Source Fours, die neben Selecon PL3 LED Körper und Scheinwerferleuchten aus ihrem VARIOSortiment eingesetzt werden. Intelligente Leuchten von Vari-Lite, DTS und Martin Professional garantieren, dass die Lichtanlage für jeden Fall gerüstet ist. Die Lieferung, Montage und Inbetriebnahme des elektroakustischen Systems, des BühnenManagementsystems und des Videosystems wurden durch Konsbud Audio komplettiert, einem zweiten Unternehmen, das während des Ausschreibungsverfahrens gewonnen hat. Piotr Jankiewicz, Direktor der Design- und Integrationsabteilung, entschied sich für die Installation eines d&b audiotechnik PA, AVID Venue Profile Systems und eines Stagetec Nexus Systems für Audioverteilung.
Sede della Torun Symphony Orchestra, il Centro culturale e congressi Jordanki a Torun (Polonia) doveva essere equipaggiato con nient’altro che una tecnologia all’avanguardia. Ci sono state molte aziende che hanno partecipato alla competizione per accaparrarsi il progetto, ma è stata P.S. TEATR ad avere la meglio. Sotto la guida del suo architetto, la società ha delineato le sue intenzioni per ciò che riguardava il palco dalla tecnologia all’illuminazione, alla costruzione, includendo dei ponti di illuminazione ed un sistema di controllo. Sono stati selezionati degli impianti tipici per i due spazi di performance, inclusi i profili teatrali della ETC, i Source Fours, posti a fianco di apparecchi a Led Selecon PL3 e riflettori che appartengono alla sua gamma VARIO. Le luci intelligenti della Vari-Lite, DTS e Martin Professional assicurano che l’impianto di illuminazione sia pronto per ogni evenienza. La consegna, montaggio e messa in servizio del sistema elettroacustico, il sistema di gestione del palco e il sistema video sono stati completati da Konsbud Audio, una seconda società che ha vinto durante il processo di offerta. Piotr Jankiewicz, direttore del Design e Integration Department ha scelto di installare un sistema PA d&b audiotechnik, sistemi AVID VENUE Profile ed un sistema di Stagetec Nexus per la distribuzione audio.
Siendo sede del Torun Symphony Orchestra, el Centro Cultural y de Congresos Jordanki en Torun, Polonia tuvo que ser equipado con lo último en tecnología. Hubo varias licitaciones de contratos, sin embargo una de las licencias ganadas fue la de P.S. TEATR y bajo los lineamientos del arquitecto la empresa delineó sus intenciones en relación a la tecnología del escenario, su iluminación y su construcción incluyendo los puentes para la iluminación y un sistema de control. Entre los típicos artefactos de luz que se seleccionaron para los dos espacios destinados a las representaciones artísticas, se incluyeron los perfiles teatrales de ETC, los Source Fours, que están situados junto los artefactos PL3 LED de Selecon y luminarias focales del su rango de VARIO. Las luces inteligentes de Vari-Lite, DTS y Martin Professional aseguran que la plataforma de iluminación esté lista para cualquier eventualidad. La entrega, el ensamble y el encargo del trabajo del sistema electroacústico, el sistema de manejo del escenario y el sistema de video fue llevado a cabo por Konsbud Audio, la segunda compañía en ganar el proceso de licitaciones. Piotr Jankiewicz, Director del Departamento de Diseño e Integración, seleccionó para la distribución del audio la instalación de un PA de d&b audiotechnik, sistemas Venue Profile de AVID y un sistema Stagetec Nexus.
does not feature parallel walls made things tricky. It was difficult to picture the final appearance of the rooms and a shape of the walls based on architectural plans alone and it proved an obstacle for routing cables. “The building is quite big, so distances between the rooms turned out to be problematic as well. For instance, the cabling route between the sound engineer cabin in the concert hall and the main control room was longer than 100-metres. This is why we’ve used fibre optic cables wherever possible. “Without doubt, it’s been a challenge to design a system that can be easily adjusted to any configuration depending on the needs of any given event. Apart from selecting appropriate devices and technological solutions, we had to carefully think through such issues
as mobile connectivity - modular connections integrating multiple media in one chassis or signal crossing, for example. The numbers speak for themselves. Around 75 kilometres of cable was used for installation. The stage in the concert hall is connected with the main control room with 270 microphone lines. In the building, there are around 160 video lines connecting devices and linking points with video matrix that comprises 64 inputs and 64 outputs. The whole Ethernet network control system covers around 200 linking points.” As with any Government funded project, the stakes were set high from the outset, and although a complex project, it appears that all contributing parties have pulled together to produce a concert hall fit for any touring artist or travelling theatre company.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND CONCERT HALL: 20 x d&b audiotechnik V8 loudspeaker; 4 x d&b audiotechnik V-SUB subwoofer; 4 x d&b audiotechnik J-INFRA subwoofer; 6 x d&b audiotechnik T10 loudspeaker; 12 x d&b audiotechnik MAX monitor; 10 x d&b audiotechnik D80 amplifier; 2 x Avid Profile mixing console; 2 x Avid FOH rack; 4 x Avid Stage Rack; 1 x StageTec Nexus system; Microphones from Shure, Audio-Technica, Sennhesier, Neumann and AKG CHAMBER HALL: 14 x x d&b audiotechnik T10 loudspeaker; 4 x d&b audiotechnik V-SUB subwoofer; 4 x x d&b audiotechnik MAX monitor; 3 x d&b audiotechnik D80 amplifier; 2 x Avid Profile mixing console; 2 x Avid FOH rack; 4 x Avid Stage Rack; Microphones from Audio-Technica and DPA Microphones LIGHTING 30 x Vari-Lite VL4000 Spot moving head; 26 x Vari-Lite VLX3 Wash moving head; 24 x Vari-Lite VLX moving head; 18 x Vari-Lite VL 1100 ERS moving head; 46 x Vari-Lite VL 1100 ERS moving head; 38 x DTS Nick NRG 1201 moving head; 4 x Martin Professional MAC Quantum Wash moving head; 32 x Selecon PL3 luminaire; 8 x Selecon PLCYC2 asymmetrical floodlight; 74 x Spotlight Evolution zoom profile luminaire; 36 x Spotlight Vario 25 PC luminaire; 34 x Spotlight Vario 12 PC luminaire; 2 x Spotlight Vedette 12 H CC LV luminaire; 2 x Spotlight Vedette 12 H CC luminaire; 3 x Showline SL NITRO 510 LED strobe luminaire; 22 x Spotlight Domino symmetrical floodlight; 30 x ETC Source Four PAR EA followspot; 2 x ETC Eos Titanium lighting console; 2 x ETC Gio 2K lighting console; 12 x City Theatrical Show Baby 5 wireless DMX transmitter
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1/26/16 11:47 AM
In an ever-expanding entertainment hub, staying ahead of the game is vital. TW AUDiO’s distributors and system integrators in the Middle East have being doing just that by equipping venue after venue with discreet, new sound systems from the German manufacturer to create the perfect setting in each and every establishment.
Often described as the epitome of luxury and opulence, eateries and nightlife hotspots of the Middle East tend to have a certain wow factor. A wealthy region that welcomes tourists all year round means competition to be the best is fierce and is constantly on a conveyer belt, if one establishment doesn’t meet its quota, there will be another one waiting in the wings ready to take over. A reason that can help make or break the success of a venue is the technology installed to create the perfect environment. A collection of restaurants and nightclubs recently gave this reason a lot of thought and came to the conclusion that selecting to implement sound systems from TW AUDiO and Powersoft would stand them in good stead. The first of the installations are housed in the gardens of the same hotel, Marsa Malaz Kempinski in Doha, Qatar. Located on The Pearl, a man-made island, the hotel boasts of premium European architecture, combined with traditional Arabian elements. The restaurants - Toro Toro, Antica Pesa, and Nozomi offer diners an unobstructed view of the Qanat Quartier and the azure waters of the Arabian Gulf. It was a two-month project for Al Isteklal IAC Qatar to design, supply, install and test the loudspeaker systems in the restaurants. “The client insisted on having a very decorative
• Above Left Antica Pesa • Above Top Nozomi • Above Bottom Toro Toro
small loudspeaker combined with a very compact subwoofer”, explained Project Manager Elie Salameh of Al Isteklal IAC Qatar. Elie selected 16 TW AUDiO M8 compact loudspeakers supplemented by eight TW AUDiO B15 subwoofers for each of the three restaurants. “The TW AUDiO M8 is a small, multifunctional loudspeaker for smaller venues. Combined with the B15 subwoofer, it is enough for a medium-sized lounge restaurant like Toro Toro. This type of speaker helped us in terms of the design and coverage for the restaurants.” Each system is powered by eight Powersoft K3 two-channel amplifiers. The main challenges during this project were the low ceilings and having to distribute the system into the various VIP rooms, then blending it in with the individual interior designs. “It was a big challenge for us and we are very happy
with its success,” said Elie. “The best thing for the IAC team though, was to win the trust of our clients.” Across the Gulf in Dubai, there is more of the same, but here, system integrator, Pulse ME takes up the story. Managing Director, Joe Chidiac said: “Over the past few years, we have built up a good reputation for the company, always accepting a new challenge in terms of designing, integrating and installing in unique places. Pulse ME is now becoming a reference for the nightlife scene in the UAE.” Located in Dubai Investment Park 2, Al Grissino Restaurant and Lounge lives up to its namesake in Milan. The space is split into three sections - main lounge, bar, and fine dining area - and has a capacity of 200 people, features a huge arch glass window that boasts impressive views of the Burj Khalifa. It has been equipped with 12 TW AUDiO M8’s and six B15’s, powered by five Powersoft K3 amplifiers. “It was a very positive sign for us to be
asked to do installations in restaurants, following the work we put into clubs. It shows that we are definitely on the right track with TW AUDiO. The quality of the products speaks for itself and obviously people notice this quality, resulting in a higher demand for these systems,” said Joe. Prior to the restaurant installation, Joe and his team had also completed another restaurant project at Étoiles in Abu Dhabi. Housed in the iconic Emirates Palace hotel, Étoiles greets diners with sophistication and prestige. To create a fitting ambience, Joe selected six TW AUDiO T24’s, two TW AUDiO M10’s, alongside four TW AUDiO B18 and four TW AUDiO B30 subwoofers, all of which run off six Powersoft K3’s. Subsequently, Cash Club at IBN Batutta Gate Hotel, Chic Club at the Grand Hyatt and Toy Room at Al Murooj Rotana Hotel, all in Dubai have also been given the TW AUDiO treatment. “Every installation offers its individual set of challenges and it was no different with
• Above Al Grissino Restaurant and Lounge.
“The client insisted on having a very decorative small loudspeaker combined with a very compact subwoofer.”
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• Above Étoiles in Abu Dhabi.
these club installations. Obviously the first challenge was to find out the client’s needs in terms of the system required for each particular venue. Basically the request of smaller loudspeakers with the highest possible output was top of the list,” said Joe. “First of all, we had to survey the clubs in detail, visitings the venues to carry out intensive listening tests in order to figure out the acoustical topology of each club, which is often quite difficult. Then, we began the process of selecting the right loudspeaker system for every club by simply testing various systems.”
The acoustic topology is very similar in each club - low ceilings, defined seating areas and a lot of reflective surfaces, so Joe used a combination of loudspeakers that would be able to overcome these difficulties and deliver a sound that is perfect and intelligible in each venue. The specific product list was consistent throughout though, all featuring TW AUDiO’s T24Ns - painted gold in line with the décor at Chic Club - M12’s and B18 and B30 subwoofers, as well as TW AUDiO C15’s for monitoring. Joe continued: “In Cash Club, we have a lot of decorative fabric, so we installed a
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND TORO TORO: 16 x TW AUDiO M8 compact loudspeaker; 8 x TW AUDiO B15 subwoofer; 8 x Powersoft K3 two-channel amplifier ANTICA PESA: 16 x TW AUDiO M8 compact loudspeaker; 8 x TW AUDiO B15 subwoofer; 8 x Powersoft K3 two-channel amplifier NOZOMI: 16 x TW AUDiO M8 compact loudspeaker; 8 x TW AUDiO B15 subwoofer; 8 x Powersoft K3 two-channel amplifier AL GRISSINO RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE: 12 x TW AUDiO M8 compact loudspeaker; 6 x TW AUDiO B15 subwoofer; 5 x Powersoft K3 two-channel amplifier ETOILES: 6 x TW AUDiO T24 loudspeaker; 2 x TW AUDiO M10 loudspeaker; 4 x TW AUDiO B18 subwoofer; 4 x TW AUDiO B30 subwoofer; 6 x Powersoft K3 two-channel amplifier CASH CLUB / CHIC CLUB / TOY ROOM: 24 x TW AUDiO T24N loudspeaker; 14 x TW AUDiO M12 loudspeaker; 2 x TW AUDiO C12 monitor; 14 x TW AUDiO B18 subwoofer; 2 x TW AUDiO B15 subwoofer; 16 x 8 x TW AUDiO B30 subwoofer; 23 x Powersoft K3 two-channel amplifier
lot more subwoofers than in the other clubs. We really needed to reinforce the sound here. Two B15A’s and 16 B30’s have been installed to guarantee perfect low frequencies. “The TW AUDiO systems have been proven to have a dedicated sound and are unrivalled in relation to performance and size. These aspects were very important to the club clients and, with TW AUDiO, we were able to match this requirement and more in terms of quality.” Mixing requirements at the clubs are taken care of by a combination of DiGiCo’s S21 and Midas’ M32. The S21
LIGHTING & VISUAL CASH CLUB / CHIC CLUB / TOY ROOM: Vision Pro Lighting 3.75mm LED screen; Vision Pro Lighting VPL7R moving heads; Vision Pro Lighting VPL14R spot wash beam moving heads; Vision Pro Lighting VPL-Extreme LED zoom moving heads; Vision Pro Lighting XS-3 three-in-one moving head; Vision Pro Lighting K20 wash effect moving heads lounges-and-bars/etoiles/
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• Above from clockwise Cash Club from two different angles, Toy Room, Chic Club.
“First of all, we had to survey the clubs in detail, visitings the venues to carry out intensive listening tests in order to figure out the acoustical topology of each club, which is often quite difficult.”
is the smallest console in the DiGiCo range yet still includes all the features and values DiGiCo is known for in terms of quality, ergonomics and style, but at an entry-level price point - ideal for these club installations. Midas’ M32 predominantly employs a space-frame construction, with parts of the sub-frame consisting of durable and lightweight carbon fibre and aluminium. Multiple alloys have been employed throughout to guarantee maximum component
efficiency and an improved performanceto-weight ratio. Again, a good fit for a club environment. The lighting and visual installations also bare a striking resemblance throughout the three venues. Vision Pro Lighting was selected as the manufacturer of choice and the equipment includes 3.75mm LED screens, VPL7R moving heads, VPL14R spot wash beam moving heads, VPL-Extreme LED zoom moving heads, XS-3 three-in-one moving heads and K20
wash effect moving heads. “We used the Vision brand because it seemed to be the right choice for the clients requirements,” concluded Joe. With all these installations, Joe is not only upping the ante for Pulse ME, but he is also further integrating the brands he represents into the region, equipping them with recognition and flagship venues to be proud of.
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Meyer Sound team up with Cala restaurant to create an exceptional dining environment using Constellation and Libra acoustic systems.
Meyer Sound made its San Francisco restaurant debut with Cala - celebrated Mexico City chef-owner Gabriela Cámara’s first US establishment - which is one of the first new restaurant projects to identify sound design as a key component. Meyer Sound has implemented Constellation and Libra acoustic systems into the restaurant to combine ease of conversation and the desired level of ‘buzz’ to create the perfect ambience. The Constellation system gives restaurateurs the opportunity to adjust the acoustics to create a dining experience for all the senses. With a simple swipe on an iPad, the staff at Cala can customise the acoustic environment through an array of tiny microphones and loudspeakers that work in sync with digital processing. This ensures a perfect balance for conversations, music and the general restaurant atmosphere. Meyer Sound’s Libra acoustic image system is critical to the creation
of the ideal sonic environment, beautifully uniting the art and science of acoustics. Libra’s sound absorptive properties offer extraordinary reverberation control, adding to the quality of the cutting-edge sound solution. “Until now, I’ve never thought much about the sound systems in my restaurants,” said Gabriela. “But, with Constellation, Meyer Sound has opened my eyes - or perhaps I should say ears? - to the possibility of a truly holistic dining experience at Cala.” John Meyer, founder and CEO of Meyer Sound, said: “Sound plays an integral role in the quality of our dining experience.” “Diners deserve to be able to hear the person across the table without sacrificing the fun of eating out at a buzzing restaurant. Constellation seamlessly improves the room’s acoustical properties, enhancing the experience for restaurant guests.”
Consisting of three separate venues, Silver Fox was certainly an intriguing and challenging project that required real creativity. Based in the north Mexican area of Juarez, Chihuahua, the Silver Fox Classic, Silver Fox Fuel and Silver Fox Terrace have a distinct, individual aesthetic, which had to be taken into consideration by Adimsa, which undertook the project.
Attracting a varied clientele, from young party-goers through to older, sophisticated diners, the Silver Fox is well designed with stylish interior quirks that are specifically tailored to the different audiences. So, to go along with this, the management at Silver Fox decided that a technical upgrade was needed to match. Adimsa, which is a Mexico-based lighting, audio, video and special effects installer, was tasked with bringing the Silver Fox venues to life after being recommended by ADJ - and it soon set about revamping technical setup. “To begin with the design process, we had to see what was already in place and what the plans were for the rest of the project,” explained Juan Hernandez, Architect at Adimsa. “They already had the concept for the Silver Fox Classic, therefore we only had to do the light and audio design. However, Silver Fox Fuel and Silver Fox Terrace were a different thing - we had to create the concept and design from scratch.” First up for Juan and Adimsa’s CEO Edson Rivera, was Silver Fox Classic - a stylish lounge bar and restaurant that caters to a refined audience. With a delicious dinner menu and quiet
• Above Left Silver Fox Classic • Above Silver Fox Fuel
background music, Edson was asked to create a space with an expensive, high-end feel, providing a sleek, relaxing environment in which to socialise over drinks or a meal. In terms of lighting, Edson explored all the options available for the 150-capacity lounge, which led to him choosing a range of ADJ and Elation fixtures. The idea was to further enhance features, such as smooth wooden décor, elegant bar seating and plush, high-backed couches, using subtle but effective lighting. “The lighting in the Silver Fox Classic needed to be not too aggressive, because the owner wanted it to be more like a luxurious lounge for people to relax, have a drink, chat and eventually have a group to perform live,” said Juan.
In the central circular seating area, Adimsa mounted eight ADJ Inno Color Beam Z7s, with their variable beam angle and motorised zoom allowing immersive washes and narrow cutting beams to be generated in a wide range of impressive colours - bringing the whole venue to life when needed. The space inside Silver Fox Classic is also flooded with ambient light by four ADJ Ultra Bar 12 units. Juan chose the units to allow real creativity, with access to an unlimited colour pallet that includes a plethora of hues, which genuinely enhance the architecture within the venue. Elsewhere, eight ADJ Inno Spot Pros were used for sharper beams, which work alongside an Antari Z-1200 fog machine to create atmospheric white and amber
“To begin with the design process, we had to see what was already in place and what the plans were for the rest of the project.”
INSIDER INSIGHTS NAME: Juan José Hernández Juárez JOB TITLE: Adimsa’s Architect in charge of design. LIKES ABOUT TECHNOLOGY: It gives us, the architects, the ability to create and design in a faster and more efficient way, due to the huge market of design solutions and software available. Now, it depends entirely on you, if you want to make more things easily, or stay with all the traditional methodologies. DISLIKES ABOUT TECHNOLOGY: That it’s not entirely available for everybody. Technology makes our life easier and better in so many ways, but, most of the time, the people don’t even know that there is some gadget or software that could help them to do something in a less time, meaning that we would have more time for other important things in our lives. THE NEXT BIG THING IN TECHNOLOGY WORLD: I think that we are entering the era where virtual reality is now very available, allowing us to create a lot of applications. That will mean that we can, in no time at all, watch a live show entirely from our bedroom in virtual reality, for example, or even create live renderings for our projects and show them to our potential clients, giving them the almost life-like feel with virtual reality.
hues. Adimsa finished the lighting design off in style with 120-metres of Elation Flex Tape - adding colour and character to the bar area. A Panasonic PT-LX300U projector was also chosen to offer fantastic visuals that would enhance the atmosphere within Silver Fox Classic. When it came to controlling the impressive lighting displays effectively, Adimsa opted for Elation’s reliable fourway DMX splitter, the Opto Branch-4. In terms of software, Edson decided on the Elation Compu Cue lighting control package, which allows for creative freedom to generate scenes, chases and lightshows with ease using DMX control “When it came to lighting control, we wanted to make it really simple for the users in all three Silver Fox venues,” said Juan. “So, with that in mind, we decided to use the Elation Compu Cue software for all of the lighting fixtures, mainly because we think it has the most simple user
interface, allowing anyone to take control and program without any hassle.” After creating an incredible visual experience with the lighting and special effects, Adimsa worked towards building an audio setup to match. Discussing the audio aspect of Silver Fox Classic, Juan said: “We wanted a balanced sound - something that would provide the sound quality we needed, but also the overall reliability for the club.” “We decided to use JBL Professional products and installed four PRX715 15-inch two-way full-range floor monitors and two SRX828SP 18-inch dual self-powered subwoofers as it is small venue. The sound from this system really is excellent – nothing too loud and overpowering, just a very good quality.” The audio processor chosen for Silver Fox Classic was the user-friendly DriveRack 260 loudspeaker management system from dbx, which is also used in Silver Fox Fuel and the Terrace, as it offers simple control and provides the tools for an
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• Above Silver Fox Fuel
exceptional audio performance. As for the mixing console, Adimsa opted for two models - the Claymore CLY24DX for the main audio in all three areas and a XDJ-X1 from Pioneer for the DJ in each area. Silver Fox Fuel is the sister venue of Classic and, as it is aimed at a younger audience; a different plan was required when it came to the audio, lighting and visuals. The 300-capacity nightclub plays dance music and chart hits, with music videos displayed on wall-mounted screens throughout the venue, meaning that Adimsa had to bring energy and club-style lighting to the fore. “In our company, we have a team
of architects and lighting designers that help with the design process and conceptualisation of ideas,” said Juan. “When it comes to creating a design for a venue like Silver Fox Fuel, we draft the overall idea on paper to see all the possibilities available to us. From there, we then translate that into a 3D model in order to see the most accurate picture of the final design with a 3D render.” The concept that Juan refers to for Silver Fox Fuel is the garage theme that runs throughout. The idea behind the design was to create the impression of being inside a mechanic’s garage, using elements such as exposed scrap metal, car parts and personalised paintings on the
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND SILVER FOX CLASSIC: 4 x JBL PRX715 loudspeaker; 2 x JBL PRX712 loudspeaker; 2 x JBL SRX828SP subwoofer; 1 x dbx DriveRack 260 processor SILVER FOX FUEL: 6 x JBL PRX715 loudspeaker; 2 x JBL PRX712 loudspeaker; 2 x JBL SRX828SP subwoofer; 1 x dbx DriveRack 260 processor; 1 x Pioneer XDJ-XR DJ console SILVER FOX TERRACE: 2 x JBL PRX712 loudspeaker; 6 x JBL SRX828SP subwoofer; 1 x dbx DriveRack 260 processor; 2 x Pioneer XDJ-XR DJ console
walls. The club was further enhanced by the use of custom-made chairs with flame patterns, as well as props and furniture made from car wheels and other recycled materials. With such a striking theme in place, Adimsa recognised that the lighting would be a fundamental part of the composition - combining with the décor to create the right atmosphere in every corner of the club. In complete contrast to the relaxed, sociable dining experience offered by its Classic counterpart, the management’s plan for Silver Fox Fuel was to offer a high-energy, memorable nightclub experience. So, to assist in adding a
LIGHTING & VISUAL SILVER FOX CLASSIC: 6 x ADJ Inno Color Q7 wash fixture; 6 x ADJ Vizi Spot LED Pro moving head; 22 x Elation Flex LED RGB tape; 17 x Elation LED tape driver; 1 x Elation Compu cue lighting software; 1 x Antari Z-1200 fog machine; Panasonic PT-LX300 projector SILVER FOX FUEL: 8 x ADJ Inno Color Q7 wash fixture; 6 x ADJ Vizi Spot LED Pro moving head; 8 x ADJ Event Bar pinspot fixture; 4 x ADJ COB strobe; 4 x ADJ Flat PAR 12 LED Par; 18 x Elation Flex LED RGB tape; 17 x Elation LED tape driver; 1 x Elation Compu cue lighting software; 1 x Antari Z-1200 fog machine SILVER FOX TERRACE: 30 x Elation SIXPAR 100IP RGB fixture; 6 x Elation SIXPAR 200 RGB fixture; 35 x Elation LED tape; 1 x Elation Compu Cue lighting software; 2 x Adimsa LED screen; 2 x RGBlink Venus X1 video processor
• Above Silver F0x Fuel
certain intensity, Adimsa selected six ADJ Lightning COB Cannons, which offer powerful pulse and strobe effects, as well as super-bright washes in striking cool-white – thanks to their high-output COB LED sources and expansive 33° beam angle. Six Flat Par QA12s – which work well with the exposed metal – are pointed at the small stage, which hosts bands and karaoke, to fill the area with vibrant colours for a modern, exciting, almostmetallic feel. Using the QA12’s quadcolour LEDs, which ensure smooth RGBA colour mixing with no shadows for a professional result, Silver Fox Fuel has the capacity for a versatile, varied colour creation. Not only that, but with colour strobe settings, too, the QA12s are also capable of working with the Lightning COB Cannons to bring highintensity strobing for the ultimate party environment that late-night clubbers crave. Also, to fill the venue with super-bright
white light - thanks to their white LEDs and controllable dimming - 10 ADJ Event Bar DMX units are mounted to the ceiling, which gives the venue the flexibility to generate intense, eyecatching strobing in new, creative ways. And, to complete the look, 50-metres of Elation Flex Tape was also used to turn the bar into a unique feature that grabs the attention of any visitors. Similar to the plan in Silver Fox Classic, Adimsa brought movement and colour to Fuel by using a selection of moving heads. With eight ADJ Vizi Spot Pros and eight ADJ Inno Color Beam Z7s, the venue has fast, flexible pan/tilt movement, as well as beam/wash effects in a whole range of striking colours, with the gold, blue, red and purple colours really complementing the metal interior. Also, as with the setup in Classic, the lighting design was accompanied by the Antari Z-1200 fog machine. “We chose the Antari Z-1200 fogger mainly because of its reliability, as well as the very good
quality of their liquids,” said Juan. “We found that the Antari delivers the right amount of fog needed to create an incredible visual effect.” The audio was a hugely important part of the installation for Silver Fox Fuel, particularly with its focus on high-energy dance music. “When it came to the audio installation for Silver Fox Fuel, we went from the same brand and series as we did for Silver Fox Classic. However, we needed to add more of them to create the nightclub sound,” continued Juan. Adimsa utilised six JBL Professional PRX715 15-inch two-way full-range loudspeakers, two SRX828SP 18-inch dual self-powered subwoofers and two PRX712 12-inch two-way fullrange loudspeakers, which delivers an incredible performance that is integral to the atmosphere and overall quality of the installation. Finally, for Silver Fox Terrace, Adimsa looked to combine lighting, audio
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Silver Fox se présentait comme un projet fascinant qui exigeait une réelle créativité en raison de ses trois sites différents. Basés à Juárez, au nord de l’État du Chihuahua au Mexique, le Silver Fox Classic, le Silver Fox Fuel et le Silver Fox Terrace dévoilent tous une esthétique individuelle distincte prise en considération par Adimsa, l’entrepreneur du projet. Attirant une clientèle variée, des jeunes noceurs aux gastronomes plus âgés, chaque site Silver Fox affiche des bizarreries intérieures qui sont précisément adaptées aux différents publics. Adimsa a tenu compte de ces aspects en sélectionnant des éclairages de chez Elation et ADJ afin d’améliorer les thèmes de chaque lieu. En ce qui concerne l’installation audio, Adimsa a utilisé une gamme de haut-parleurs de chez JBL et Community Professional, ainsi qu’un processeur audio dbx et une console de mixage Claymore, afin d’offrir un son de haute qualité qui convient parfaitement à chaque zone, du restaurant à la piste de danse. « Silver Fox est la première boîte de nuit offrant une telle qualité sonore — et dans une si petite ville, aussi », a conclu l’architecte d’Adimsa, Juan Hernandez. « C’était vraiment un projet incroyable et nous sommes ravis du résultat. »
Der aus drei separaten Treffs bestehende Silver Fox war ein interessantes Projekt, das viel Kreativität verlangte. Die im nordmexikanischem Bereich von Juarez, Chihuahua, liegenden Silver Fox Classic, Silver Fox Fuel und Silver Fox Terrace haben jeweils eine ausgeprägte, individuelle Ästhetik, die von Adimsa, der das Projekt in Auftrag genommen hatte, zu berücksichtigen war. Jeder Silver Fox Treff zieht eine unterschiedliche Kundschaft an, von jungen bis älteren Partygängern, anspruchsvolle Essen, jeder Treff hat Eigenarten, die spezifisch auf das unterschiedliche Publikum zugeschnitten sind. Adimsa behielt dies bei der Auswahl von Elation- und ADJ-Beleuchtungskörpern im Hinterkopf, um die Themen von jedem Treff zu betonen. Für die Audioinstallation verwendete Adimsa neben einem dbx Audio-Processor und einem Mischpult von Claymore eine Lautsprecherserie von JBL und Community Professional, um einen qualitativ hochwertigen Sound zu bieten, der sich für jeden spezifischen Bereich eignet, für die Essbereiche ebenso wie für die Tanzflächen. „Silver Fox ist der erste Nachtclub mit diesem Qualitätslevel - und dazu noch in solch einer kleinen Stadt,” schlussfolgerte der Architekt von Adimsa, Juan Hernandez. „Es war wirklich eine tolle Erfahrung, an diesem Projekt mitzuarbeiten und wir sind mit dem Ergebnis hochzufrieden.”
Composto da tre locali distinti, Silver Fox è stato un progetto interessante che ha richiesto una reale nota creativa. Con sede nella zona messicana a nord di Juarez, Chihuahua, il Silver Fox Classic, Silver Fox Fuel e Silver Fox Terrace hanno delle componenti estetiche distinte ed individuali, che sono state dovutamente prese in considerazione da Adimsa, che si è occupata del progetto. Attirando una clientela varia, da giovani festaioli a quelli più anziani che amano cene raffinate, ogni locale Silver Fox ha delle peculiarità degli interni che sono pensati specificamente per i diversi tipi di pubblico. Adimsa ha mantenuto questo in mente quando ha selezionato gli impianti luci della Elation e della ADJ per potenziare i temi di ogni locale. Per l’installazione audio, Adimsa ha utilizzato una serie di altoparlanti della JBL e della Community Professional, insieme ad un processore audio dbx ed un mixer della Claymore, per fornire un suono di alta qualità che si adattasse ad ogni specifica parte del locale, dalla sala da pranzo alla pista da ballo.“Silver Fox è il primo nightclub a questi livelli ed anche in una città così piccola” ha concluso l’ architetto di Adimsa, Juan Hernandez. “È stato davvero incredibile essere coinvolti in questo progetto e siamo molto soddisfatti dei risultati”.
Compuesto por tres lugares por separado, Silver Fox constituyó un fascinante proyecto que requirió de creatividad real. Con base en la zona norte Mexicana de Juárez, Chihuahua, el Silver Fox Classic, Silver Fox Fuel y Silver Fox Terrace cuentan con una estética diferente e individual que tuvo que tener en cuenta Adimsa, la empresa que llevó a cabo el proyecto. Al atraer una variada clientela, desde los más jóvenes hasta los más grandes, los sofisticados comensales, cada Silver Fox tiene una particularidad interior específicamente diseñada para los distintos tipos de público. Adimsa tuvo esto en mente al seleccionar los artefactos de iluminación de Elation y ADJ para realzar las temáticas de cada lugar. Para la instalación del audio, Adimsa utilizó una gama de parlantes de JBL y Community Professional, junto con un procesador de audio dbx y una consola de mezcla de Claymore para proveer sonido de alta calidad que se ajustara a cada zona específica, desde las áreas gastronómicas hasta las pistas de baile. “Silver Fox es la primera disco con este tipo de calidad - y en una ciudad tan pequeña, también.” Concluyó Juan Hernández, Arquitecto de Adimsa. “Ha sido un proyecto realmente asombroso en el cual poder estar involucrado y estamos encantados con los resultados.”
“When it came to the audio installation for Silver Fox Fuel, we went from the same brand and series as we did for Silver Fox Classic. However, we needed to add more of them to create the nightclub sound.”
and visuals to deliver a real, high-end experience that was, again, a world away from Classic and Fuel. In term of the lighting setup, Elation was the main choice, with 30 SIXPAR 100IP LED fixtures used, as well as six SIXPAR200 units and WW5050 LED tape for an incredible overall effect. To work alongside the lighting setup, Adimsa also focussed on the visual aspect when it came to the Terrace, which Hernandez explained further: “We wanted to create a visual impact, so, from the stage, we installed a 5.12-metre by 3.20-metre exterior LED screen. “We did this as we wanted the LED screen to be the visual centrepiece from all the surrounding areas, creating a real impact for visitors.” Along with the lighting and visuals, Adimsa looked to continue the exceptional sound quality from Classic and Fuel right through to the Terrace. The audio needs were somewhat different to the indoor venues, though JBL
Professional products were selected again, with six SRX828SP 18-inch dual selfpowered subwoofers and two PRX712 12-inch two-way full-range loudspeakers, as well as 18 exterior loudspeakers from the R.35-3896 series from Community Professional. Using these options allowed the Terrace to offer something completely different from its Silver Fox counterparts, all while continuing to maintain a highquality consistency. The success of Silver Fox is in the variety it offers, with three separate venues delivering a totally different experience. While this was a real challenge in terms of the audio, lighting and visual installations, Adimsa’s wide selection of versatile fixtures enabled Silver Fox to achieve the unique look required for each venue. “Silver Fox is the first nightclub with this kind of quality - and in such a small city, too,” concluded Juan. “The project really has been amazing to be involved with and we’re delighted with the results.”
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Having stood for almost 100 years, it’s no surprise that the Orpheum Theater has undergone a series of renovations, particularly after being severely hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Pyramid Audio Productions took on the project.
Originally built in 1918 and establishing itself as a theatre for vaudeville - a performance made up of a series of separate, unrelated acts grouped together on a common bill - in 1921, the historic venue was purchased in February 2014 and it has taken 18 months and US$13 million to restore the theatre to its former Beaux Arts-style glory. The theatre is well known for its great acoustics and for being home to the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, so the latest reincarnation had to be audibly and
visually spectacular. Significant improvements included an expanded marble-paved lobby, larger seats, eight new bathrooms, six permanent bars and an auditorium floor that can be raised when seating is removed for standing room concerts, parties, weddings, corporate group functions and catered affairs. General Manager, Kristin Shannon, described the importance of the renovation: “When the owners bought the theatre, the Orpheum had been vacant since before Katrina
• Above A gospel choir performance
hit, and the intent was to make it into a multi-purpose facility that wouldn’t have to rely solely on concert performances, but also generate revenue streams in between those shows to sustain the theatre going forward. “To that end, we added a kitchen in the basement, which gives us the capability to cater a seated dinner of up to 275 guests on the theatre floor,” Kristin continued. “We’ve also created additional space in the basement for entertaining, a smaller dining room space and skyboxes and suites in the top of the gallery to accommodate special groups and events. “We have a lot of beautiful spaces throughout the site because one of the inspirations was the architecture of the theatre itself. The ornate plaster work, the beautiful lobby spaces and the mezzanine bar, to name a few. So we wanted to make
those attractive in their own right. “The auditorium floor works great, it takes about eleven minutes to raise and lower but a bit longer to take out the seats, which are large and comfortable. The owners also refabricated the existing shell frames to create a new acoustic shell, which worked out wonderfully. It looks beautiful and sounds amazing. That’s why the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra is returning to what once was their hall, it’s the final piece of the process.” Pyramid Audio Productions took up the technology installation with Don Drucker heading up the team, he said: “We wanted the theatre to be capable of handling all types of entertainment, from live events, such as the symphony to rock and r ‘n’ b performances, to theatre and movie premieres. The sound system was installed to perform at different heights
and to adjust for the different types of events.” Don’s design process began by inviting high-end audio manufacturers to present a system design, which made use of each manufacturer’s in-house design team and ensured the best possible results for the theatre. “After selecting what we felt was the best manufacturer for the project, we re-engineered the design from our view point of personally knowing the theatre, and for what the theatre is known for. We redesigned and tweaked it to achieve the ultimate design,” said Don. “We also knew the system had to be of the highest sound quality, very controllable, aesthetically friendly and compatible to the space, while the response and articulation had to cover every seat in the house. We didn’t want to upset the hall’s acoustics and felt Martin Audio MLA
would have the best fit into the acoustic atmosphere of the theatre.” Kristin added: “Don helped us make the audio decisions with the understanding that in an acoustically sound structure, installing an amplified audio system needed to be done with care and an understanding of all the types of events being held at the Orpheum.” The main PA system comprises 24 Martin Audio MLA Compact line array cabinets, flown evenly left and right of the stage, plus four Martin Audio DSX subwoofers groundstacked underneath, which are used during high tempo performances. Front fill and delays are delivered in the form of 20 Martin Audio DD6 ultra compact loudspeakers that are mounted underneath the two balconies. There are nine Martin Audio LE-1200 wedges in place for monitors, too. Don furthered: “We feel the MLA system has performed to the ultimate spec of what was originally presented to us. It’s fulfilled all of the particular needs of different types of acts in various events and the marketing of attendants in the theatre. Obviously, you get different audiences for the Philharmonic, the rock bands, dance troupes and special presentations from a foreign country, and Martin Audio has shone in all of those areas. “The theatre has been set up to show major motion pictures in surround sound
with different rear speakers installed by another company, and we can easily reconfigure the existing system for those films. In terms of the concerts, FOH engineers for visiting bands have all used the Martin Audio MLA system and they love it. We haven’t had any issues whatsoever.” Kristin echoed: “The Martin Audio system has been showcased in many different scenarios and has been amazingly strong. From the opening party to Allen Toussaint’s funeral and concerts by Dwight Yoakam, Wilco and Billy Gibbons who performed with a Cuban percussion section, the system has sounded great. We believe we have the premier facility in the state of Louisiana and an important piece of that is how this building sounds for all of the performances. We’ve been continuously impressed and pleased with the Martin Audio system.” A BSS Soundweb London BLU networking system - including BLU325, BLUCARD in/out, BLU-805, BLU 326, BLU-50, BLUDIGITAL-OUT - was also installed, which allows for endless control and acts as an interface for the system. Additional processing is provided courtesy of a Martin Audio Merlin and a Martin Audio DX2 unit for the main PA and monitors, respectively. Mixing requirements are taken care of by a Midas PRO6 console at FOH and a Midas PRO2
for monitors. Sitting alongside the audio set-up is a wide array of microphones from Shure and Audio-Technica. The lighting was also upgraded as part of the project. The brief was to accomplish a design that would be suitable for all types of entertainment performances using incandescent and LED intelligent lighting, as well as LED non-intelligent fixtures. The products of choice included ETC Source Four LEKO followspots with varying degree angles, Chauvet Professional ColoRADO 1 quad zoom moving heads, Martin Professional MAC Quantum Profiles, Martin Professional MAC Aura LED Washes and Elation Platinum Beam 5R Extreme beam moving heads. The fixtures have been mounted across the upper balcony, the lower balcony and the dedicated lighting trusses over the stage. “We selected several different lighting manufacturers and this was based on the best fixture for the best results versus cost,” said Don. An Avolites Expert PRO with touchwing provides ample control for the fixtures, plus there is an ETC 48-channel Sensor Rack dimming system with D20 dimmers and R20 relay modules in place. To complete the new audiovisual set up the theatre also has a 15.6ft by 32.6ft projection screen and a Barco DP4K-23B cinema projector permanently installed for occasions when the theatre hosts
• Above The theatre has been designed to cater for all different types of events.
Ayant résisté au temps plus de 100 ans, il n’est pas surprenant que le Théâtre Orpheum ait dû subir d’importantes rénovations, en particulier après l’ouragan Katrina de 2005 qui l’a durement touché. Ce lieu historique, acheté en février 2014, a retrouvé la gloire du style Beaux-Arts au bout de 18 mois et de 13 millions $ de rénovations. L’entreprise Pyramid Audio Productions s’est chargée de l’installation des équipements, Don Drucker à la tête de l’équipe. Le système de sonorisation principal comprend 24 haut-parleurs MLA Compact de chez Martin Audio, répartis de manière uniforme à gauche et à droite de la scène, ainsi que quatre caissons de basses DSX Martin Audio placés au sol et utilisés pendant les représentations aux rythmes effrénés. Sous les deux balcons, les 20 enceintes DD6 ultra compactes basses fréquences et les haut-parleurs latéraux de scène sont de chez Martin Audio. Les produits d’éclairage de qualité incluent des poursuites de music-hall Source Four LEKO à angle variable de chez ETC, des zooms COLORado 1 de chez Chauvet Professional, des lyres MAC Quantum et MAC Aura LED de chez Martin Professional et des lyres asservies Platinum Beam 5R de chez Elation contrôlées via une console Expert PRO d’Avolites avec Touch Wing. « Nous nous sommes beaucoup investis depuis le début de ce projet - ce théâtre est un vrai bijou qui avait été oublié pendant de nombreuses années, et de le voir se transformer et revivre est magnifique » a conclu Don.
Das Orpheum Theater steht seit rund 100 Jahren und so ist es keine Überraschung, dass es renoviert werden musste, insbesondere nachdem es 2005 stark vom Hurrikan Katrina getroffen wurde. Das historische Gebäude wurde im Februar 2014 erworben und es dauerte 18 Monate und kostete 13 Millionen $ 13, um ihm seinen einstigen Glanz im BeauxArts-Stil zurückzugeben. Pyramid Audio Productions übernahm die Technologie-Installation mit Don Drucker als Teamleiter. Das HauptPA-System umfasst 24 Martin Audio MLA Compact Line Array Boxen, die gleichmäßig links und rechts von der Bühne strömen, sowie vier Martin Audio DSX Subwoofer, die darunter am Boden stehen und für Aufführungen mit einem hohen Tempo benutzt werden. Frontfill und Delays werden in Form von 20 äußerst kompakten Martin Audio DD6 Lautsprechern bereitgestellt, die unterhalb der beiden Balkone montiert sind. Ausgewählte Beleuchtungsprodukte umfassen ETC Source Four LEKO Verfolgerspots mit unterschiedlichen Grad-Winkeln, Chauvet Professional ColoRADO 1 Quad Zooms, Martin Professional MAC Quantum Profilen, Martin Professional MAC Aura LED Washes und Elation Platinum Beam 5R Extreme Strahlern, die über einen Avolites Expert PRO mit Touchwing gesteuert werden. Don ergänzte: „Seit Projektbeginn sind wir sehr eingebunden. Dieses Theater ist ein regelrechter Edelstein, der viele Jahre verloren gegangen war und zu sehen, wie es sich entwickelt und wieder zu neuem Leben erwacht, ist unglaublich.”
Dopo aver resistito per quasi 100 anni, non è una sorpresa che il Teatro Orpheum sia stato sottoposto ad una serie di lavori di ristrutturazione, soprattutto dopo essere stato duramente colpito dall’uragano Katrina nel 2005. La sede storica è stato acquistata nel febbraio 2014 e ci sono voluti 18 mesi e 13 milioni di dollari per il ripristino al suo antico splendore stile Beaux Arts. Pyramid Audio Productions si è occupata dell’installazione tecnologica con Don Drucker a capo del team. Il sistema PA principale dispone di 24 MLA Compact cabinets line array della Martin Audio, posizionati in alto a destra e sinistra del palco, più quattro subwoofer DSX Martin Audio posizionati per terra, che vengono utilizzati durante le esibizioni a ritmo elevato. Per il riempimento anteriore ed i ritardi, sono stati utilizzati 20 altoparlanti DD6 Martin Audio ultra compatti che sono montati sotto i due balconi. Tra i prodotti scelti per l’impianto luci, ci sono: seguipersona ETC Source Four LEKO con angoli di gradazione diversa; luci LED quad con zoom Chauvet Professional Colorado 1; Martin Professional MAC Quantum Profiles; Martin Professional MAC Aura Wash LED e Elation Platinum Beam 5R Extreme controllati tramite un Avolites Expert PRO con touchwing. Don ha concluso: “Siamo stati molto coinvolti fin dall’inizio di questo progetto. Questo teatro è un vero gioiello che era stato perso per molti anni, quindi vederlo crescere e tornare alla vita è stato sorprendente”.
Habiendo permanecido por casi 100 años, no es ninguna sorpresa que el Orpheum Theatre se haya sometido a una serie de renovaciones y cambios, en especial luego de haber sido azotado severamente por el Huracán Katrina en 2005. El histórico sitio fue comprado en Febrero de 2014 y le ha llevado 18 meses y $13 millones restaurar su anterior gloria de estilo de Bellas Artes. Pyramid Audio Productions se hizo cargo de la instalación de la tecnología con Don Drucker a la cabeza del equipo. El principal sistema PA está compuesto de 24 gabinetes en torre de la línea compacta de Martin Audio MLA, ubicados tanto a la izquierda como a la derecha del escenario, más cuatro subwoofers DSX de Martin Audio apilados al suelo por debajo, los cuales son utilizados durante las presentaciones con high tempo. Los rellenos y retardos desde el frente son entregados en la forma de 20 parlantes ultra compactos DD6 de Martin Audio los cuales se encuentran montados debajo de los dos balcones. Los productos de iluminación de elección incluyen focos móviles ETC Source Four LEKO con ángulos de niveles variables, quad zooms ColoRADO 1 de Chauvet Professional, MAC Quantum Profiles de Martin Professional, MAC Aura LED Washes de Martin Professional y haces Beam 5R Extreme de Elation Platinum controlados a través de un Expert PRO Avolites con touchwing. Don concluyó: “Estuvimos muy involucrados desde el comienzo de este proyecto. Este teatro es una joya que ha estado perdida por muchos años y verla desarrollarse y volver a tener vida ha sido algo asombroso.”
movie nights. Also contributing to its multipurpose capabilities, Don said the main floor of the theatre adds an extra dimension. He explained: “The theatre’s main level seating plane is designed to pivot. It pivots from the rear of the theatre allowing the floor to adjust to different angles. It can do tier theatre seating one night and the following night the floor can be level with the main stage or varying degrees inbetween for special events and to increase floor area.” The theatre reopened with a performance
of Mahler’s ‘Resurrection’ symphony by the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, a homecoming for the ensemble, which was once based in the theatre and had been on a 10-year odyssey around different venues in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina. Don concluded: “We were very involved from the beginning of this project. This theatre is a total gem that had been lost for many years, and to see it develop and come back to life has been amazing.”
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND 24 x Martin Audio MLA Compact line array cabinet; 4 x Martin Audio DSX subwoofer; 20 x Martin Audio DD6 ultra compact loudspeaker; 9 x Martin Audio LE-1200 wedge; 1 x BSS Soundweb London BLU networking system; 1 x Martin Audio Merlin processor; 1 x Martin Audio DX2 processor; 1 x Midas PRO6 console; 1 x Midas PRO2 console; Microphones from Shure and Audio-Technica LIGHTING & VISUALS 24 x ETC Source Four LEKO followspot; 31 x Chauvet Professional ColoRADO 1 quad zoom moving head; 8 x Martin Professional MAC Quantum Profile moving head; 6 x Martin Professional MAC Aura LED Wash moving head; 8 x Elation Platinum Beam 5R Extreme beam moving head; 1 x Avolites Expert PRO console with touchwing; ETC 48-channel Sensor Rack dimming system; 1 x 15.6ft x 32.6ft projection screen; 1 x Barco DP:4K23B cinema projector
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12/02/16 15.55
Orchard Road’s Top 5 upgrades with Robe Viva and Avolites Expert PRO.
Located on Orchard Road in Singapore - a lively stretch that boasts highend fashion boutiques, eateries, bars and dance clubs - is Top 5, a buzzing hotspot that welcomes party guests every night of the week. It recently received an upgrade courtesy of local distributor and installer, Lighting & Sound Distribution. Sales Executive, Richard Keung, explained the reason behind the overhaul: “There were a lot of discharge lamp fixtures installed previously, which meant high power consumption and regular maintenance. The high cost of re-lamping them wasn’t very convenient either, so we decided to go green and produce a design with lower energy consumption lighting using LED fixtures and low-powered discharge lamps instead.” Eight Robe Robin Viva spot fixtures - the latest Robe LED fixture to be produced featuring 270W white LEDs - have been installed above the stage backdrop (behind the drummer line), as well as six Robe’s Robin Mini Pointe on the stage steps - three per side - which were chosen for their
small footprint, low power consumption and their dynamic beam effects. These sit alongside eight Robe Robin 600 LEDWashes, which create an even wash field onto the stage and dancefloor, together with eight Robe Robin 300E Beams, which were installed five years ago to create downlight beam effects on the stage. Entertainment Manager at Top 5, Berg Ali, said: “I choose the Robe fixtures for their reliability and I really like the zoom angles on the new Robe Robin Viva Spot, I’ve never seen that before and I love the way I can wash the club’s interior walls with the Robe’s Robin 600 LEDWash fixtures.” An Avolites Expert Pro console was also supplied alongside the new Robe fixtures. “We were using Avolites before, so we were familiar with the company’s products. The new console is very easy to use, it identifies the fixtures easily without having to go through channel by channel,” continued Berg. The lighting programme for the venue was designed by Lighting Manager, Dave Rock and programmer, Tejay Yeo.
Despite having worked with Funktion One for a little while, Team 108 has yet to ‘officially’ announce its appointment as the distributor for Singapore and the neighbouring regions. But now with some flagship installations under its belt, the well respected company is ready to shout about it.
Originally from Perth, Australia, culinary extraordinaire Dave Pynt moved to Singapore three years ago to help set-up an Australian-style barbeque restaurant in a premises on Teck Lim Road. Burnt Ends offers casual dining with seating at a countertop table looking directly into the open kitchen, a concept that has proved a hit among the Singaporeans, and that is no easy feat in a market that boasts a plethora of dining outlets. With a successful restaurant in the bank, Dave decided it was time to take on a new challenge and this came in the form of an American smokehouse restaurant named Meat Smith, which resides on Telok Ayer Street. A Blacksmith-style
interior makes for intriguing décor, particularly the traditional stools that occupy the bar area, together with an informal atmosphere and delicious food, Meat Smith oozes cool kid glamour. To fully accentuate the rockabilly, smokehouse blues and California rock musical genre that Dave was keen to deliver at the restaurant, he wanted a high-end sound system to create the desired ambiance. “I don’t know a huge amount about sound but I’ve got a mate with a bar in London, who DJs a lot, we were talking and he was like ‘I can help with this’, so we went back and fourth and in the end we got what we wanted,” explained Dave. “For me, having good
• Above Meat Smith is an American smokehouse restaurant.
sound in a restaurant is paramount. When you’ve got 2,500-3,000 customers a month listening to the sound system, it has to be good quality.” What Dave wanted was Funktion One and so he made contact with the new distributor in Singapore, Team 108. Due to the low ceilings and the rafters, it was vital the correct system design was implemented at Meat Smith. After a couple of design alterations, it was decided that six Funktion One F81 loudspeakers distributed around the room was the best solution. “The system is very filling,” continued Dave. “It doesn’t bounce straight out of the door and then run down the road, it just stays where it’s
meant to stay, producing a great energy throughout the space.” The six cabinets are supplemented by a single Funktion One BR118 subwoofer, which does come into play night by night, but is also there to give the sound system added bass during parties, which usually take place once a month. Team 108 Technical Director, Mark James Tan said: “The sub placement was the biggest challenge. In a restaurant, you’re really trying to maximise the floor space and essentially there could be another table where the sub is placed, however, after hearing the system with the sub, Dave knew it was worth sacrificing two seats. You can move all around the room and there are no dead spots.” Dave added: “It turns into a proper party and the music is loud, but you don’t have to worry about breaking the speakers or blowing the sub because it can handle it.” The Full Fat Audio FFA 4004 amplifier to power the system is tucked away in the corner of the VIP area, however, the restaurant manager doesn’t even need to go near it because remote volume controls have been installed in the bar area. “The FFA amplifiers were deployed when Dave auditioned the system and he was so amazed with what he experienced and was even further
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND 6 x Funktion One F81 loudspeaker; 1 x Funktion One BR118 subwoofer; 2 x Quest MS801 loudspeaker; 2 x Full Fat Audio FFA 4004 amplifier
ll 3 A78
ght Ha li o r P t a s u See
• Left The FFA amplifiers. • Below The Funktion One BR118 subwoofer.
Xenon Experts You Can TRUST
impressed when the compact system delivered party mode levels beyond his expectations. In short, he heard it - loved it and insisted on it,” added Kevin of Team 108. Working with Team 108 has been a great experience for Dave, he said: “Seriously, we had no problems. They said they’d do things and they got them done on time and efficiently. There was always good communication. And since we’ve put in the sound system at Meat Smith, they’ve been very generous and allowed us to borrow DJ tables for our parties, which for me is huge in terms of building strong relationships.” In addition to the main Funktion One system, a couple of Quest MS801 loudspeakers powered by another Full Fat Audio FFA 4004 amplifier are installed outdoors at the front of the restaurant, where there is additional seating. Part of the Unlisted Collection Group of hotels and restaurants comprising three hotels and 17 restaurants - Meat Smith might be one of a kind but the likelihood of Dave being involved in yet another eatery opening in the not too distant future is strong. Look out for which direction he’ll take next.
Platinum lamps have always offered stage lighting designers exceptional creative freedom thanks to their compactness and powerful beams. The latest star of the range is the new Platinum 11R. With an arc working distance of 38.74 mm, the longest in the Platinum family so far, it allows fixture makers to optimize the optical design and design in more functions and effects. So you can create a razor-sharp and unique experience.
Photo credits: Ralph Larmann
Razor-sharp, pure Platinum enabling 3-in-1 fixtures
Philips MSD Platinum
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24-02-16 16:10
Men of a military age in the late ‘60s will remember Beach Road Camp, a collection of buildings that new recruits reported to before being enlisted to the army. While much of the army complex was demolished in line with modern day army recruitment procedures, three buildings remained and have recently been transformed into a hospitality and entertainment resort. The South Beach development comprises a new 654-room five-star hotel - designed by famous French designer, Philippe Starck - office spaces, restaurants, bars and clubs. The latter are housed in a pris-
• Above Vanity has a striking black and gold interior, which the F101’s blend into well.
tine white, two-storey building, formerly known as Block 1 - where weapons were once kept - and today known as South Beach Quarter, which is run by lifestyle group Massive Collective. Lounge bar, Vanity boasts an old-school glamour theme complete with luxurious powder rooms that have really set tongues wagging. A bridge separates this and members-only club, Suite 26, which has a bar stocked with high-end liquor brands, a central dancefloor and DJ booth surrounded by VIP booths. Vatos Urban Tacos, a popular Korean-Mexican restaurant brand from South Korea is also at home at South Beach Quarter, and gastropub The Armory will soon complete the line-up. Massive Collective was on the lookout for a new space in order to expand its portfolio - which already includes Empire, Bang Bang, Rootz and Sear to name just a few - and wanted a venue that could accommodate up to 300 people. So, when
South Beach Quarter became available, it was the perfect fit. Vanity and Suite 26 are both new brands but Massive Collective Director, Philip Poon and John Bosco Lopez aka Funk Guru, wanted to ensure people knew they were part of the group, in order to entice guests. With a target audience of young professionals, the design for the new lounge and club were similar to that of Massive Collective’s first club, Philip explained further: “It was a very popular club in its day, so with this new build, we decided to implement the same layout, the same seating, everything. We wanted to bring back some of that atmosphere.” John Bosco added: “We wanted the design to be glamorous, elegant. We selected an opulent black and gold theme for Vanity with a clean, modern twist. At the half way point in the design process, we invited Team 108 to come in, so they could combine the design with the audio requirements. Having known of Team
• Right The Power Room at Vanity. • Right Vanity’s entrance.
108 for so many years and the fact that they are still around and come highly recommended says enough of our choice of vendor. We’ve made the mistake before of carrying out the design first and then looking at where to place the speakers.” There are different music policies for Vanity and Suite 26, the former plays hip hop and r ‘n’ b, while the latter is more focused on EDM. Kevin of Team 108 explained how he got the gig: “As the biggest EDM club operator in Singapore, Massive Collective had received a number of requests to consider Funktion One. So, we were invited to facilitate a demo shootout with their newly-installed system in their flagship outlet. Only a pair of Res 2 and BR218’s were deployed against a much larger system. “Within minutes of the A-B comparison shootout, Funktion One’s output efficiency, extended audio bandwidth performance and ability to talk comfortably baffled Massive Collective’s team of evaluators. After going through an assortment of tracks familiar to the evaluating team, it was all smiles and we were officially invited to put in a bid for their newest outlet - Suite 26.” Successfully winning the shootout also led to Team 108 spec’ing Vanity too. Philip was quick
“At the half way point in the design process, we invited Team 108 to come in, so they could combine the design with the audio requirements.”
TECHNICAL INFORMATION VANITY SOUND 6 x Funktion One F101 loudspeaker; 3 x Funktion One BR118 bass unit; 2 x FFA-6004 Class-D amplifier with DSP
ROBE - Inzerce DL7S_236x333_(MONDO).pdf 30.1.2016 14:19:09
to state that Funktion One was competitive against other bids. Without any specific brief and with only a basic hand sketch, the preliminary system for Suite 26 was designed and configured by Mike Ingglesden of Funktion One. The final system comprises four Funktion One Res 2’s supplemented by two Funktion One BR218 bass enclosures for the main PA, as well as two Funktion One F101 loudspeakers and a further four BR218’s and two Funktion F1201’s for DJ monitoring. “There were no issues with having the two BR218 sub bunker below DJ console, as it ensured low end for the room. To avoid issues with the interior designer’s furniture layout and floor space constraints, the supporting four BR118 were suspended from the ceiling,” added Kevin. Funktion One’s John Newsham flew in from the UK to tune the system, he said: “Tuning was pretty easy in the main room, I checked everything for polarity and adjusted the hanging angles of the Res 2’s and F101’s a little then did a time alignment by ear to get the system sounding in time as a whole. Once this was, it’s as if the sound just follows you around the room. A well-timed system is less likely to need EQ and, in fact, we didn’t use any. We went back later at night when the club was open and made a few small final tweaks, the system sounded really
• Above The DJ booth at Suite 26 is centrally located and is surrounded by VIP booths.
“We went back later at night when the club was open and made a few small final tweaks, the system sounded really good, loud, clean, strong and involving - the owners were extremely pleased.”
good, loud, clean, strong and involving the owners were extremely pleased.” The sound system in Vanity needed to be more discreet due to it having more of a lounge-style concept. The owners ideally wanted the boxes to be hidden from the normal line of sight. Six Funktion One F101’s have been deployed around the periphery of the room, with low end taken care of by three Funktion One BR118 subwoofers. John continued: “The second room needed the same treatment, re-angling and timing, to accommodate for the speaker positions allowed by the architect. They called this the ladies room, so I think it’s aimed primarily at girls out together and wanting to chat, have fun and a drink, not so much a dance music club.” Systems in both rooms are powered by FFA amplifiers, five of the new FFA6004’s and a single FFA-1000 in Suite 26, alongside two Funktion One XO4A loudspeaker management systems, and two further FFA-6004’s for Vanity. “It was an obvious choice after the shootout - since it delivered beyond the owners’ expectations - to go for FFA and it has been doing an excellent job since it was installed,” said Kevin. After starting the collaboration with Funktion One, Team 108 was keen to establish some flagship venues within the region as a way to mark and announce
System designers love the focussed dispersion of NEXO speakers. It gives them the tools they need to achieve perfect coverage in any space. The new ID24 achieves smooth, full-frequency sound and high output from a cabinet measuring just 309mm wide, with a unique, user-rotatable horn providing unprecedented control over HF directivity. With an ‘a la carte’ selection of colours, grilles, directivity and connectivity, and compatibility with a wide range of mobile and fixed-installation hardware, ID Series delivers precision sound, right where it’s needed. #42128 - Resize Half ID Series Dispersion ad.indd 1
Thinking. Inside the box. 24/11/2015 11:38
• Left A full dancefloor at Suite 26. • Below John Bosco Lopez and Massive Collective Director, Philip Poon.
the distributorship and with these three venues, the company has done just that. Speaking of the new appointment, Business Development Manager at Funktion One, Bill Woods said: “When I joined Funktion One three years ago one of my objectives was to appoint suitable distributors in certain key territories. Although Singapore is geographically quite small, I had always felt it to be very influential in the South Eastern Asian market. During a few visits to the territory, I met different distributors and finally met the guys from Team 108, who immediately understood the opportunity that existed for our brand in the territory and who displayed the skill set, and logistics I was looking for, as well as sharing our passion for audio quality. “We agreed that Funktion One should design the systems based on information provided by Team 108 and the client. Funktion One is a very hands-on company, especially when it comes to system designs - and this strategy has helped to ensure that the award winning Funktion One sound is delivered consistently. Team 108, having discussed and agreed the design objectives with the client
locally, would then take care of the local installation and after sales service. This strategy has bought us success in other key territories. “We were delighted to have been approached by the guys at Massive Collective for Suite 26 and Vanity. It’s quite early days but our strategy seems to be working with more projects in the pipeline in Singapore as well as other countries in the region.” iConic in Bangkok, the Red Room & Skullduggery Lounge in Kuala Lumpur, N30 an.t.t @ CHIMJES (formerly known as Rakes) and Rebel Decibel in Singapore are just some of the projects on the horizon.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SUITE 26 SOUND 4 x Funktion One Res 2 loudspeaker; 4 x Funktion One BR118 bass unit; 2 x Funktion One F101 loudspeaker; 2 x Funktion One F1201 loudspeaker; 2 x Funktion One BR218 bass unit; 6 x Funktion One F81 loudspeaker; 2 x Funktion One XO4A loudspeaker management system; 5 x FFA-6004 Class-D amplifier; 1 x FFA-1000 amplifier
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01/03/2016 20:57
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Digital Mixing Consoles for Live Sound, Theatre and Broadcast
SD10 DiGiCo’s digital evolution really began with the release of the D5 Live – a breakthrough console that turned the pro-audio world on its head, and raised eyebrows across the industry. A super-powerful and slick piece of kit, with a massive feature set, which would set the standard for years to come. Fast-forward 5 years, and the first of the SD Series was born – another real trend setter, combining a quick and intuitive user interface, and sonic capabilities that are still yet to be beaten. Each console in the range retains that classic analogue feel, with the ultimate in digital processing. The SD Series raised the bar in many ways: not only in terms of power and flexibility, but creativity; never before had
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engineers experienced Super FPGA technology, which allowed for massive I/O capabilities, and the ultimate dynamic toolbox, easily accessible at the press of a button or via the touch screen. From the rackmount SD11, all the way up to the flagship SD7, and everything in between, there is an SD console suited to every possible audio application - and they all pack a similar punch. Be it a bar or club gig, a stadium world tour, or a massive broadcast event such as The Grammys or The Oscars, the SD Series is so often the go-to.
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SD11 But it doesn’t end there. DiGiCo has made quite a statement with its latest console, the S21. It’s a baby SD7, at first glance – and the two actually have a lot in common: the same core engine, the same dynamic processing, and even two touch screens. S21 packs all the power of its big brothers into a super-compact shell, and and keeps DiGiCo right on the cutting edge of the pro-audio industry. Also, the release of Stealth Core 2™ processing takes the SD series to yet another unsurpassed level of channels, busses and processing power.
DiGiCo UK Ltd. Unit 10 Silverglade Business Park, Leatherhead Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2QL. Tel: +44 (0) 1372 845600
10/03/2016 17:08
Bed Supperclub has been reborn under the new leadership of Daryl Scott, as CHI Bangkok. Jimmie Wing tells all of the resurrection located on Soi Sukhumvit 13.
Bangkok’s iconic Bed Supperclub closed at the end of August in 2013 after more than 10 years of operation, however, not before the farewell event went off with a bang. The owners had insisted that Daryl Scott - a well-known nightclub designer on the Bangkok scene - who was MC’ing the closing party, dress as a bride, but what they didn’t know was that he was concealing a blood-covered fake fetus complete with umbilical cord - beneath the dress and as the night was drawing to a close, he launched it into the shocked audience. It took a few days for the birth to register and a particular thought to
seep into Daryl’s mind: “Why not just move the entire structure to another location?” Almost seven weeks later, under the supervision of Daryl and Noom Chuchai, the chief engineer, chief contractor and interior design wizard who has been bringing Daryl’s insane ideas to life for the past 15 years, old Bed had been dismembered, numbered and colour coded, and moved to an aircraft hangar in outer Bangkok. Ironically, by the time they had discovered a new location just a few hundred metres away on Soi Sukhumvit 13, that
Images by Jimmie Wing © MMXVI
DuraTruss B.V. Junostraat 2 6468 EW Kerkrade The Netherlands Tel. +31 45 546 85 81
land owner had also purchased the plot on which Bed Supperclub had been established. There was no turning back now and how could Daryl resist the allure of opening a venue on Soi 13? “I wanted to create the kind of club I’d seen so many times in Chinese and Japanese kung-fu and gangster movies but had never actually found in real life. Well now we have it,” he said. Reanimation began in early 2015, after a prior five months of negotiating bureaucracy that included meeting building and safety standards that had changed drastically since construction of the
• Above Advised by a mysterious Chinese / Thai feng shui master, a dragon winds itself through the entire venue.
original venue 14 years ago. “Nowadays everything that’s going to be built requires six signatures. We had to dig 60 pilings 21-metres deep to meet Bangkok’s current building standards,” explained Daryl. Despite all these challenges, this was still more cost effective than building from scratch, plus there was the invaluable branding, which resulted from Bed Supperclub’s long-standing reputation. According to local media, ‘in terms of aesthetic innovativeness and originality, no other venue in Bangkok comes close’. Advised by a mysterious Chinese / Thai feng shui master, a dragon winds itself through the entire venue, its head overlooking the restaurant entrance instead of facing it, observing its tail and diving in and out of the washrooms. Infact, Chinese Feng shui has had such an effect on CHI that Daryl and his team have coined the term ‘Funk Shui’. As well as meeting building standards and exceeding safety requirements, ponderous thought, planning, time and money went into sound insulation. Six inches of biofoam, four inches of cellulose fibre, a two-inch air gap, then a layer of acoustic board encases the entire structure. Reportedly, this is Thailand’s most advanced club sound insulation to
“CHI is a show piece for us. The entire restaurant being Quest, the central processing being handled by a Symetrix Solus 8 and the club side being pure Nexo.”
• Above Chinese Feng shui has had such an effect on CHI that Daryl and his team have coined the term ‘Funk Shui’.
date, so it will be interesting to see how it fares with CHI’s spirited neighbours. The shape of the building has been causing major acoustic challenges for a long time so, based on a long-standing and friendly relationship, Daryl got in touch with Fuzion Far East to inspect what audio gear was left over from Bed Supperclub to ascertain what could be salvaged and refurbished. Benjamin Walters, Fuzion’s Project Manager, revealed: “With four Nexo PS 15R2’s needing nothing more than a couple of re cones and a bunch of MC2 amplifiers, we had a good starting point and a major chunk of the budget freed up. “We added not two but three LS 18’s to the club side and powered them along with the PS15’s using a Nexo NX 4x4. After the soft opening, it was pretty clear Daryl needed to up the sound dampening”. The building has two main areas, a spacious restaurant and a large club room. Interestingly, Benjamin elected to run the restaurant in mono because a stereo install would have resulted in only one sweet spot around the centre of the room. “Stereo really is pointless in an area like the restaurant at CHI. You would only get the stereo image for just a few people,” explained Benjamin. Additionally, most
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND RESTAURANT: 2 x Quest HPI 110 loudspeaker; 4 x Quest HPI 25 loudspeaker; 3 x Quest HPI 12 loudspeaker; 4 x Quest MS601 monitor; 4 x Quest BQM450A DJ monitor; 1 x Work Zenith 600 amplifier; 2 x MC2 Audio E45 amplifer CLUB: 4 x Nexo PS15R2 loudspeaker; 2 x Nexo PS10 loudspeaker; 2 x Nexo RS.18-PI Raysub 18 subwoofer; 1 x Nexo NXAMP4X4C powered digital TD controller; 1 x Nexo PS10 UTD-V3 stereo TD controller; 1 x Symetrix Solus 8 Open architecture DSP; 2 x Symetrix Arc 2e 8 character backlit display; 1 x Work WSE 81 Start sequencer; 1 x Fuzion 19-inch rackmount SPL metre LIGHTING & VISUAL RESTAURANT: 4 x Acme Samba moving head; 1 x Acme LED Par Can 64; 8 x Epson EB-X36 projector; Resolume Arena VJ software CLUB: 4 x Acme XP Series moving head; 1 x Acme LED Par Can 64
of the loudspeakers are placed on just one side of the room to create the ambience required for dining, yet the system is still adaptable for more boisterous after dining events. “CHI is a show piece for us,” he continued. “The entire restaurant being Quest, the central processing being handled by a Symetrix Solus 8 and the club side being purely Nexo.” Special thanks for the install go to Bond Saknarong Jumnonglert of AL Sound Production and Pok Sutat Kohkiat of Mr Team Productions, for tuning. Visually, CHI is so extraordinary that guests get stiff necks from ogling the vast 3D video mapped projections on the ceiling. To achieve this, Dutchman Wesley Bruijs of Kolour Kontrast was brought onboard based on his previous experience working with Daryl. Wesley and his team have carried out several 3D projection mapping projects and much of the CHI image content was custom created by the Kolour Kontrast team. Wesley explained the process: “We developed the 3D dragon based on the sculpture of the ‘imperial dragon’ hanging inside CHI. We also mimicked the curvature of the dome into other visuals, such as the opening / collapsing of the roof. Besides that we made wire frame mountains, which gives guests the feeling of flying through another world. And we make the ceiling come to life using 3D animation with movements which give the illusion that the roof has depth and seems to move.” One of Wesley’s biggest challenges was
working on an asymmetrical surface. To the common observer, the interior may appear to be symmetrical but it isn’t. “The roof is not a perfect dome but more an egg shape and the positions - where the projectors are mounted - are at a different height on each side as well. So, we had to align off centre in order to cover the maximum area we could on the roof,” he said. His first on site meeting was around late July 2015, work started in September and everything was up and running just in time for the soft opening on Christmas Eve. According to Wesley, Epson EB-X36 projectors were selected for a number of reasons: high contrast with medium brightness; a standard lens that enables full coverage of the total square metres to be projected upon within the limited distance; and limited installation space to angle them. And, of course, budget was a deciding factor. Resolume Arena VJ software was also used. “It’s my personal favourite and I’ve been using it since 12 years ago when I first started VJ-ing. The auto pilot settings range for this permanent installation is one of the reasons we chose this software. Also the user friendliness and, of course, the mapping with soft edge possibilities within Arena.” Wesley cut his teeth back in The Netherlands while still in college, VJ-ing as a side project. Later working for several audiovisual studios and and then creating his own company with a friend. After
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• Above The club area.
moving to Thailand, he became more focussed on 3D video mapping, saw that the local market was still developing and has been a major part of its progress within the Bangkok scene ever since. In the next few months, Wesley and his Kolour Kontrast team will update and extend the content at CHI to make the dining and party experience even more immersive. With a total surface of around 82 sq metres this is one of the biggest permanent projector based 3D video mapping installations in Thailand. Another Dutchman contributed one of the finishing touches to CHI’s stunning decor, the acclaimed painter Peter Klashorst has created a vivid seven metre mural covering the exterior of the washrooms. Meanwhile in the club room, 33 LED flameless votive candles behind the DJ console create such a pleasant ambience
it would have been a shame to overwhelm it all with an overabundance of intelligent lighting. That, together with the gob smacking projections in the restaurant, explained why Daryl decided to go with minimal disco lighting. “It’s all Acme,” said Daryl. Even though the votive candles are flameless, they are real wax. “We had to modify them and buy 33 special power supplies to link them all together so they can all be turned off all at once instead of climbing up each morning to turn them off individually.” A unique visual aspect of CHI’s exterior goes unnoticed by the casual observer because it’s only apparent by its absence. The black spaghetti tangle of electricity cabling strung dangling in front of most urban structures is one of Thailand’s well known eyesores. For a minimal investment, all CHI’s cabling has been placed underground. CHI is Thailand’s first Diageo club and
guests can enjoy a wide range of exotic and traditional cocktails concocted by in-house mixologists selected by Daryl himself. He added: “It’s extremely important that people understand CHI is not a nightclub as such, but a supperclub. It’s a place where people can come and enjoy amazing food.” And view five priceless warrior fish casually gazing back at them from a tank behind the bar. Can we expect the bride to return any time soon? “Oh, she already has,” Daryl declared. “We’re giving birth to a sister venue that will be one of the hottest beach clubs in Asia. CHI Phuket.” CHI Bangkok is a venue that, mainly thanks to the original concepts and ideas of Daryl Scott, now bears absolutely no resemblance to the ‘original’ Bed Supperclub. But CHI Phuket will have something in common with Amsterdam Supperclub - a Void sound system.
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Photo: | Lighting Design: Thomas Gerdon
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+49 (7248) 972 19 0
Pleas e Stand visit us a t ou G19 in Hall 4 r .0
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ELECTRONICS & ENGINEERING | WAREHOUSE & LOGISTICS CENTRE It doesn’t seem like five minutes ago since I was in Singapore celebrating the 60th anniversary of Electronics & Engineering (E&E), but that was actually in 2011. To celebrate the company’s 65th anniversary, 2016 kicked off with the opening of a new warehouse and logistics centre in Tuas, an industrial area of Singapore. Distributor of EAW, Allen & Heath, Shure, Symetrix, Ashly, Powersoft, Clear-Com and Apex, E&E is headquartered in Singapore, but also has branch offices in Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Vietnam. The company is a renowned solutions provider founded by the Goh family, currently being headed by Ronald Goh, the second generation but with the reigns being passed along to his son, Gary Goh, very much in line with this
company expansion. Located 30km from the main office on Outram Road, the new 3,000 sq metre warehouse and logistics centre has been in the making for almost 18 months. And although Ronald was dubious about the location initially, he was soon convinced after seeing the long-term plans for the area. He said: “I have seen the master plans for the Tuas area and it’s going to be massive. The plan is for it to be a city within a city and it’ll be home to a number of shipping companies.” E&E had to tender for the plot of land but once secured set about the design. The two-storey building comprises four separate seven metre high dehumidified clean-air warehouse spaces, which are served by a five tonne capacity goods
lift. The loading bay is equipped with dock levellers and can accommodate four container trucks. The building also houses our engineering workshop arm, Eng Kong Engineering Works, which is equipped with a three tonne travelling hoist. There are also two levels of office space, a multi-purpose area, a dormitory and an openair space that houses solar panels and cooking facilities. The new centre has implemented a racking system and a barcode system for all the equipment, which is the best way to keep track of stock, particularly now it is split between two locations. It also makes the process of loading and shipping quick, straightforward and efficient. “We are very pleased to be celebrating another milestone with
the opening of our new warehouse and logistics centre which will facilitate our expansion plans for our business in the region,” commented Gary. In terms of this building as a whole, for the company it means having the ability to take on multiple large projects simultaneously, which will ultimately increase turnover and profit. The company is continuing to move forward with a board of directors, which includes Gary and Joe Fong - a long term employee of E&E - and Ronald is clear this will be the driving force of the future. Ronald has a theory that the company celebrates a significant milestone every five years, with the opening of the new facility being the said event in this five-year period. Although he also says it is difficult to predict what the next landmark might be. “I believe that if we continue to do what we do and have the support of God, the right thing will happen for us,” he said. “In 2016, we will be doing some work overseas, but beyond that, I can’t predict. Come back in 2021 and we’ll talk again!”
138 EX P O
• Cliff Castle of Audix
• The Electro-Voice press call
• Laura Iles with Music Group’s Sarah Jane Thompson
• Shure announced the new KSM8
• Louis Hernadez Jr. presenting the Avid Market Place
• The Audiocenter stand
I kicked off 2016 with a trip to Anaheim something that has become somewhat of a regular occurrence for me - to visit the industry’s leading rock ‘n’ roll show, NAMM. Taking place at its usual home of the Anaheim Convention Centre, I was excited to star spot and to see what product launches were on offer. Despite being greeted by rain on arrival - come on America, we have enough rain back home in the UK - it didn’t dampen the mood, so TPi’s Kelly Murray and I began the trip by attending the pre-show activities hosted by a number of manufacturers. First up was Audiotonix, which began with the announcement of PLAYdifferently, a technology collaboration between Richie Hawtin and highly-regarded British product developer Andy Rigby-Jones. PLAYdifferently is due to launch its first product shortly and promises a new
• FBT’s Roberto Mataloni and Luigi Paoloni
level of uncompromising quality and intuitive functionality, combined with hand-crafted British design. The second lot of news came from DiGiGrid, with the launch of its new Desktop Series. The range includes the [Q] Headphone amplifier, [D] Desktop interface, [M] Musician recording interface, and [S] PoE Switch. These stylish, new devices are set to pack a powerful punch despite their small size, offering maximum flexibility and ease of use to the recording, monitoring, and creative development markets. DiGiCo also announced its intention to release Stealth Core 2, an upgrade to its existing Stealth Digital Processing. Stealth Core 2 will release additional processing from the audio core of every DiGiCo SD console, taking the complete range to a new level in terms of both processing
• The Riedel team
• Brian Dowdle and Alfred Gonzales of ADJ
channels and functionality, and can be fitted to all existing console surfaces. The company will release more details of this news in the run up to and during Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt. And finally, Allen & Heath presented its flagship dLive digital mixing series, as well as the new Qu Chrome Edition compact digital range, which adds major new features including Automatic Mic Mixing, a Spectrogram and additional monitor mixes. Several brand new models from the ZED range including the new ZEDi hybrid mixers also made their debut during NAMM. Next up was a press call by HK Audio, it announced the new LUCAS NANO 608i compact PA system, its first high-end all-in-one system with an iPad enabled wireless mixer and bluetooth. Wrapping up the day’s events was Shure, which released the new KSM8 Dualdyne
• The Sennheiser stand
139 EX P O
• Dowson Yew from JTS
• Chauvet’s Michael Brooksbank
• Nikke Blout, Robin Henlich and Miriam Clemens from Adam Hall
• The Roland DJ booth
• The Rane stand
• The D.A.S. Audio stand
• The beyerdynamic team
• Celestion’s John Paice
• The all-new Pioneer Professional Audio booth
• The SSL team
• Wesley Smith and Steve Oppenheimer of Presonus
• The Focusrite team
• Andreas Marx and Maria Flesch from HK Audio
• The guys from Renkus-Heinz
• The Furman team
• Don Denniston of Littilite
140 EX P O
• Tom Harrold of Audio Technica
• Frank Luppino of Blizzard Lighting
microphone, the world’s first dual-diaphragm handheld microphone. The first day of the show started with the customary Electro-Voice press event introducing the ND Series of microphone and the all-new demo room on the booth, which featured the ZLX, the EKX and the ETX loudspeakers. Avid followed with a live demonstration of how to use Avid’s Market Place and the latest version of Pro Tools. We found Harman in its normal place within the NAMM Arena. All of its brands were represented with the main stage once again kitted out with JBL, Crown, BSS, AKG and FOH controlled by Soundcraft. Kelly and I were lucky enough to catch Graham Nash’s spectacular performance. Vue Audiotechnik’s products also featured on three stages at the NAMM show this year, as well as at the Imperial Ball, a yearly fund raiser in Anaheim. DPA Microphones continued to expand its line of d:vote instrument microphones with the addition of three new mount options: a Clamp Mount with an especially strong grip that allows it to anchor to every instrument possible; a Microphone Stand Mount; and an Accordion Clip. Lectrosonics shared the DPA stand and its Digital Hybrid Wireless Technology was chosen to debut at the NAMM TEC tracks sessions. Audio Technica introduced a new instrument microphone, the Artist Elite AE2300. This new product features Audio-Technica’s double-dome
• Dan Page and Mick Anderson on the DiGiGrid stand
• Becki Barabas of JBL
diaphragm construction, which gives it a highfrequency and transient response. Yamaha launched over 100 new products at the show, from professional audio equipment to musical instruments - a staggering amount, good effort guys! Adam Hall presented its latest product innovations from brands including LD Systems, Gravity and Cameo. From Focusrite, the A16R, which brings 16-channel analogue I/O with redundancy to RedNet. The A16R is the latest addition to Focusrite’s range of Dante-based audio-over-IP interfaces and was available on the show floor for visitors to look at. This year saw a rise in the number of professional audio exhibitors, with new companies, including Dyne Audio, dbTechnologies, Apex and Pioneer Professional Audio, which had a separate booth to Pioneer DJ and was showing its brand new XPRS Series that was launched just before the show. On the professional lighting side, Elation launched its ACL 360i single beam moving effect luminaire and Protron 3K colour LED strobe and ADJ launched a total of six products; Airstream DMX Bridge, Crazy Pocket 8, Inno Pocket Spot LZR, Stinger II VMS5 and the WiFLY NE1 Battery. Chauvet DJ also launched new products including the Intimidator Spot 155 and the Ellipsoidal 100Z. The 2016 NAMM show housed more than 1,700 exhibitors - a record number - and featured over 6,000 different brands. Visitors flocked from all over
• Jack Kelly of Group One and Maria Fiorellino of DiGiCo
• Anne Berggrein from DPA
• The Future Sonics team
• Harman’s Eric Friedlander
• Rich Fleming from XTA with Laura Iles
the world representing 125 different nationalities. This year marks my third trip to the NAMM show and I have definitely seen it grow over the last couple of years especially on the professional audio and lighting side. To that end, there were rumours of an extra hall being added next year to accommodate the growth, but we’ll have to wait for next year to see if those rumours ring true. NAMM 2017 will return to the same exhibition centre on 19-22 January. For more information, go to: www.
• The GLP stand
• Gioia Molinari from RCF
*These people are not stock photography models. They are genuinely rocking out to the C15 at the amazing, new Fillmore Philadelphia.
142 EX P O
• The Anchor Audio team
• The Alfalite team
• The Absen team
• The team at Adam Hall
• Saverio Wonger and Leo Dani from Apia
• Allen & Heath’s d-Live console
Before my arrival at the ISE show, my first tradeshow in the industry, I’d been given various tips and advice from the rest of team on how to approach what promised to be a hectic few days. So, armed with the knowledge and a bag full of magazines, I boarded my early flight to Amsterdam and headed for my introduction to the world of audio, lighting and visual technology. The first thing that struck me as I arrived at the RAI was the sheer size of the venue, with thousands of visitors making their way to the stands packed with impressive technology. From there, I went straight into meetings with a whole host of companies from all over the world, learning about their history, the latest technology
• Tom Van de Sand from Audac
and all the exciting, new projects that are on the horizon. The passion within the industry is clear to see and, I have to say, it was a pleasure to finally meet so many people and learn so much in such a short space of time. This year’s ISE - which was the first four-day show - ran from 9-12 February, with 1,103 of the industry’s leading manufacturers and companies coming from all over the globe to fill the halls. Plus, with a final count of 65,686 registered attendees - a huge 6,338 (10.7%) increase on the 2015 edition - it officially makes ISE the world’s largest audiovisual and systems integration tradeshow. With the numbers increasing each year, it’s easy to see why the show has become such an integral
part of the calendar for all those in the industry - and also goes some way to explaining why the fourth day was introduced this year. The decision to add the extra day was an interesting one and, while the fourth and final day did see a reduction in those walking around the halls, the third day was most definitely busier than ever, with exhibitors often commenting on the vast amount of visitors they had to their stands throughout the day. “The volume of attendee traffic and its spread over the four days confirms our belief that the extra day was necessary and that it adds value for visitors and exhibitors,” said ISE Managing Director, Mike Blackman. “I’m delighted to say that the feedback has been overwhelmingly
• Kieran Walsh and Ervin Grinberg from Audinate
• AV Stumpfl’s CEO, Tobias Stumpfl
143 EX P O
• Ingo Gerhart (right) from Avid
• Stephanie Viegels (left) of Barco
• The ADJ stand
• Kamal Mahtani of beyerdynamic
• Jonas ‘Jones’ Wagner and Sara Sowah from d&b
• Florian Mahle and Stephen Richards from Amphenol
• Rob Houston with the Devio at Biamp’s stand
• Tim Shaxson from DiGiCo
144 EX P O
• Absen presented its L3 - a real-time monitoring outdoor display which provides crystal clear and vivid images. The IP65/54, 3.9mm pixel pitch connected display offers high brightness and auto adjustment features, while its integrated design makes it the ideal solution for advertisers looking for high-quality displays. • A.C. Entertainment Technologies showcased a selection of the very latest products available from its vast portfolio. Stand highlights included the Chroma-Q Inspire colour-changing LED house lights family, the Jands Stage CL LED and dimmers control console, the ProLights Eclipse full colour LED ellipsoidal luminaire, the AViary Par4Keet video player, the Philips Signage Solutions’ Q-Line range of LED large-format displays, and the Traxon e:cue LIGHTDRIVE aura wall-mounted DMX controller.
• Jordan Mclachlan and Edward Forth from Audio-Technica
• Adam Hall Group presented its innovations and highlights in audio and lighting equipment, with products and accessories on display from across the LD Systems, Palmer Pro, Cameo, Defender, Ram Audio brands. A special highlight in the brand-new CURV 500 series from LD Systems is the CURV 500 audiovisual set, which particularly appealed to ISE visitors, due to its flexible expansion options. • Analog Way presented the new VIO 4K, a premium multi-format converter, along with the NeXtage 08, the latest premium seamless switcher added to the LiveCore series. Also showcased on the booth was the new firmware version for the Vertige remote controller that brings outstanding new features. • Anchor Audio showcase the Bigfoot Line Array, which was created based on industry demand - the loudest and most powerful battery-powered PA ever engineered. • APart welcomed four new members to the REVAMP power amplifier family. These Class-D amplifiers all have a galvanic separated toroidal output transformer built in to avert external influences and disturbances. Reliability is guaranteed due to a wide variety of built-in protections. The company also presented the new and improved CM Series of ceiling speakers.
• Larry Beck and Marc Librecht from Elation
positive and I would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed.” ISE’s co-owners, Cedia and InfoComm International, both expressed their huge satisfaction with the event, too particularly the level of interest in the onsite educational programmes that were on offer at the event. David Labuskes, Executive Director and CEO, InfoComm International, said: “Yet again I can say how proud we are to be associated with ISE and the unique position it holds today.” Cedia CEO, Vincent Bruno, was equally impressed with the overall success of ISE 2016: “This year’s exhibition confirmed ISE’s importance for manufacturers and integrators for the home. It is simply a ‘must attend’ event.” Other features of the show included an all-day conference, Dante AV Networking World, run by Audiante, for the sixth consecutive year. The conference, featuring industry trends
• AV Stumpfl released a new feature update to Wings Engine Raw, which offers uncompressed 4K media serving and was recently deployed by MATRIXMANAGEMENT for Audi AG at the IAA Frankfurt Motor Show 2015. • Avid showcased its latest award-winning live sound consoles, including the modular and scalable, Avid VENUE | S6L, and the compact Avid VENUE | S3L-X. In the 10 years since Avid first introduced the VENUE live sound mixing system, the family of consoles has become one of the most trusted and requested live sound systems in the world. • Avolites launched its powered up new range of Ai R Series media servers. The Ai R Series is Avolites’ most powerful range of media servers to date, and comprises the Ai Infinity R4, Ai Infinity R8, Ai Infinity Rx4 and Ai Infinity Rx8. All servers in the range take advantage of the increased speed and power of the latest processors, solid-state drives and AMD graphics cards. Avolites also launched its new user designable control surfaces for Titan software. Especially designed for installers, this new API allows you to create your own touch control surfaces using basic HTML skills - a bespoke user interface tailored for your specific use, which then harnesses the power of the Titan software. • Biamp Systems unveiled its new Devio collaboration
• David Kelland and Mike Wheeler of EM Acoustics
• The Bose team
• The Avolites stand
• Juan Jose Vila of Equipson
Harmony needs balance, silence, and quality of light.
The sound of light
Music spreads into the surrounding silence, and a harmonious light radiates into the darkness of the scene. In a play on perfect symmetries, light too varies its tones. Balanced intensities, soft shades, vivid colours, perfect white, accurate wash, fancy shapes... Listen: this is the Scenius, the harmonious sound of light.
See us at Hall 3 - Level 0 - Booth D45
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08/03/16 17:12
system as part of Biamp’s 40th anniversary year of activities. Created specifically for huddle rooms and small gathering spaces, the versatile solution makes collaboration fast, simple, and intuitive. With Devio’s easy-to-connect device (Devio CR-1) and advanced beamforming microphone (Devio DTM-1), meetings are equipped with high-quality, laptop-based audio and video conferencing for enhanced user engagement and productivity. • Bose Professional announced significant enhancements to its ControlSpace Remote software with new version, 2.0. ControlSpace Remote allows integrators to distribute remote control of Bose Professional networked systems in any venue, for any user, across multiple devices. The company also expanded its F1 flexible array loudspeaker product line with a new passive full range model and a full suite of mounting brackets. The F1 Model 812 loudspeaker is the first portable loudspeaker that lets users control the vertical coverage pattern using the impressive FLEX array technology.
146 EX P O
• The Chauvet stand
• The GLP team
• Christie brought the audiovisual industry five new major new product launches and upgrades all announced early 2016 - from laser phosphor to processing. Among the products on show was the new, compact and quiet Christie Q Series models, which offer more brightness, greater image clarity and performance. The Christie DWU1052-Q and the Christie DHD1052-Q offer simultaneous blending and warping, combined with the ability to project in either portrait or landscape mode. This means that the Christie Q Series provides even greater installation freedom, whether its a fixed installation or a rental staging application. • While CODA is of course highly regarded for its touring systems, which have met with universal acclaim over many years, ISE provided the company with a platform to showcase the advantages offered to integrators by its comprehensive range of installation products. Featured products on the CODA booth included the HOPSi High Output Point Source loudspeaker system for small to medium venues, new LINUS-C four-channel DSP amplifiers and LiNET digital audio transport and distribution devices. • Community expanded the system design versatility of its flagship I SERIES engineered loudspeaker systems with the addition of five new Compact models, and weatherresistant options featuring breakthrough PolyGlas outdoor enclosure technology. I SERIES Compact loudspeakers are designed to match the performance, appearance and voicing of the larger I SERIES point source and subwoofer models. All Compact I SERIES have best-in-class LF extension, sensitivity and maximum output, ensuring high quality sound reproduction whether used as fill speakers or in distributed applications. • At the D.A.S. Audio booth, visitors had the opportunity to see new products such as the Sound Force Series, stateof-the-art dance clubs systems, Vantec Series, a versatile range of high-tech systems for live and installed sound and HQ Series, the point source systems for medium to large scale installations. D.A.S. Audio´s latest release, the new Artec 300 Series, designed for use in a wide range of applications at the installation market, was also shown for the first time in Europe at ISE 2016. • d&b audiotechnik had its ‘network corner’, giving visitors the opportunity to fully explore the advantages of the new DS10 Audio network bridge - the latest advancement in the d&b system approach. The award-winning V-Series was also on display, with one side of the cabinet open to reveal the innovative mid-range horn. Plus, there was hands-on interaction with the remote interface of the 10D and 30D installation amplifiers, and the integrated d&b software tools for planning, control and monitoring d&b systems.
• The Harman booth
• Christie’s projection display
• The Community stand
and research, insight from leading audio manufacturers, training sessions, and case studies, gave design consultants, system integrators, audio engineers and IT managers the tools they needed to get started with Audinate’s audio networking solution. ICT Manager at RAI, Bret Bas took to
• The HK Audio soundmakers
making a video testimonial to explain why Barco’s ClickShare is a great choice for his congress centre: “More and more people are bringing their own laptops, tablets or smartphones to the meetings here at RAI. While this is a great trend, of course, it is challenging to ensure that everyone can connect to the RAI
• Marc Vincent, Margaux Asteghene and Andrea Torelli from K-array
„The key to a good performance on stage is a good monitor“
AXM 12A No matter used as a small full range main PA, delay speaker, side or front fill and other similar applications there are a number of reasons to fall in love with the AXM 12A. The compact footprint demonstrates its versatility and how it can benefit the user where space on stage is at a premium. Acoustically the AXM 12A offers the ideal combination of a high quality 12” / 1.75” coaxial transducer with onboard
signal processing and 2-channel amplification. The DSP provides all necessary signal processing such as crossover, limiter and equalization using IIR and FIR type filters. Five factory presets for various monitor settings or main PA are available and can be easily called up via the backlit LC-Display and a one knob push-encoder. Outstanding sound performance and ultimate ease of use.
• d3 Technologies’ focus was firmly on integration in hardware, in processes and how d3 comfortably sits at the heart of any production or installation. d3’s display at ISE demonstrated all stages of an installation workflow from start to finish, beginning with the design stage in d3’s real-time 3D stage simulator, using their softwareonly product, d3 Designer.
148 EX P O
• Dataton showcased WATCHOUT, the fast track to creating spectacular presentations, from dynamic seamless backdrops for live events, to theatre and broadcast applications, flawless projection mapping and engaging digital displays. • Denon Professional announced the introduction of its versatile and innovative DN-508MX and DN-508MXA zone mixers. • Delta rolled out its innovative display and monitoring solutions on the ISE stand, which foster higher productivity in control room, indoor/outdoor display and colloborative education applications. Among the products showcased was the interactivity display system, the WOWBoard, which combiners Delta’s full HD ultra-short-throw projectors, multi-touch and wireless transmission capabilities for the ideal collaborative environment in meeting rooms and classrooms. • Digital Projection showcased some of the latest innovations in projection technology, including the second generation HIGHlite laser. The HIGHlite laser II brings a range of impressive improvements to the already popular HIGHlite laser model. While maintaining its unbeatable 20000 hours of illumination, the secondgeneration product boasts an impressive 13,000 ANSI lumens of brightness. • DPA presented a range of microphone solutions ideally suited to the conference and audio visual install markets, including elegant microphones for hanging, podium, table or floor stands, versatile bodyworn microphones and barely visible miniature microphones – all delivering DPA’s internationally acclaimed audio and build quality. • Elation Professional presented the latest in its line of versatile, energy-efficient LED and Platinum Series lighting solutions. A number of cutting-edge products were presented, including the powerful and multi awardwinning Platinum FLX hybrid moving head, while seeing its European debut will be the Platinum HFX - a new mid-sized addition to Elation’s hybrid family of beam, spot and wash luminaires. The ACL 360i, a new single beam moving effect luminaire in Elation’s ACL Series of high-output narrow-beam LED effect lights, also featured on the Elation stand, as did the ACL Bar, a full colour batten useful as a pixel bar or wash luminaire. ISE visitors were also able to see Elation’s much-discussed Emotion moving head digital ligh, with its next generation digital lighting technology. • FENIX Stage emphasised the ELV Series with legs that adapt to any surface due to the versatility of the outriggers’ positions; the AT Series, the most popular lifting towers for rising line array systems, trusses and LED screens; and the MEGARA Series, telescopic towers similar to ELV towers, but with a more traditional leg system. • Fohhn Audio presented the company’s latest developments in digital technology and system integration, along with new design opportunities for Fohhn line source loudspeakers. This included the full digital audio network, AIREA, which is a network-based active solution developed specifically for high-quality, flexible and future-oriented sound reinforcement applications. • Genelec offered visitors an exclusive preview of the 8430 – the latest member of the SAM Series
• The L-Acoustics team
• Sarah Jane Thompson from Music Group
• The Lawo stand
• Winnie Mejer from LedGo
meeting room infrastructure. Instead of letting people sort out the technological aspects of their presentation, I offer them ClickShare and a coffee. ClickShare is so easy to use that they can perfectly relax and prepare their session. If RAI can overcome the technology obstacles, people will go home with a good feeling, saying that ‘RAI had organised everything in a perfect way’.
So ClickShare is definitely worth the investment.” From the show floor, Marcel Albers, Director of Communications & Marketing at Ampco Flashlight Holding said: “We were thrilled to be back at ISE for 2016 to exhibit the state-of-the-art new products from our array of industryleading brands.” The company represents Allen & Heath, Clear-Com, d&b
• The D.A.S. Audio stand
• Jesus Fuentes and Ben Sinclair from Lynx Pro Audio
• The Dataton team
Pub_Mondo_333x236_0416 def.qxp_Mise en page 1 11/03/2016 13:12 Page1
E B Y international
Contact : Umberto Maurizio, export manager +33 670 895 096,
that launched at ISE. The 8430 is the world’s first commercially-ready AoiP studio monitor.
150 EX P O
• Green Hippo exhibited with both the Hippotizer and AViary ranges. For Hippotizer, the newly released software update 4.1 was showcased. For the AViary Video Tools range, there were some new features across the range and a new set of purchasing options to make the products more attractive than ever. • Harman presented attendees with the opportunity to explore, in a fully immersive way, the technological solutions available to them. Visitors saw the latest products from their favourite brands, including AKG, AMX, BSS, Crown, dbx, DigiTech, JBL, Lexicon, Martin, Studer, and Soundcraft. • HK Audio debuted its new LINEAR 5 LTS passive mid/ high unit and LINEAR SUB 4000 subwoofer. The company also showed off the rest of its install stable at the show, with loudspeakers from the ELEMENTS, LINEAR 5, CADIS and VORTIS ranges on display alongside the accompanying Lab.gruppen IPD controllers. In addition, portable PA enthusiasts can get hands-on with the brand new LUCAS NANO 608i, the first ever all-in-one-PA with an iPad-enabled mixer.
• The Fenix Stage stand
• K-array launched K-DANTE, an uncompressed, multi-channel networking accessory conducive to the transmission of digital audio and data across standard IP networks. • LANG AG had a 10-metre LED wall displaying films and pictures in sensational quality. It also introduced the new touch technology of onyxTOUCH a completely plane display free from visible sensor wires. • With a larger presence than ever before, Music Group brands - Midas, Turbosound, Klark Teknik, Tannoy, Lab. gruppen and Lake - showcased its integrated solutions for the installation market. Leading the charge was Lab. gruppen, which debuted the new additions to its E Series range of compact power amplifiers. The highly successful E Series will now include the line’s first four-channel models, the E 10:4 and the E 5:4, as well as the series’ fourth two-channel model, the highly cost-effective E 2:2. Klark Teknik also debuted its two new network modules, the KT-USB and KT-AES50, both compatible with the Klark Teknik DN9650 and DN9652 network bridges, as well as the Midas Neutron-NB expansion module. Tannoy brought its award-winning AMS Series of surface mount architectural loudspeakers, QFlex beam steering column arrays and also its CMS ceiling-mount speakers.
• Waring Hayes and Mark Bailey from MC2
• Johan Wadsten (left) and Chris Hollebone (centre) from Merging Technologies
• The QSC booth
• John McMahon and John Pellowe of Meyer Sound
• Martin Audio extended its award-winning CDD install series with the introduction of weatherised variants (CDDWR), which will start shipping in early April. • Since its introduction last year and having won three awards, Medialon Overture advances audiovisual control again with the release of Overture 2.0 at ISE. Medialon Overture is an enterprise class audiovisual control software which controls, monitors, and automates thousands of audiovisual devices in multiple locations, integrates with IT services, and provides personalised user interfaces to tablets and smartphones. • Florian Eustache from Nexo • Meyer Sound’s team of acousticians demonstrated the flexibility of their impressive Constellation acoustic system. Employing a fully integrated approach to variable active acoustics, Constellation precisely controls reverberation time, early reflections, and other key parameters vital to the sonic clarity, warmth, and resonance of a space. Constellation is installed in performance venues throughout the world, and offers increased intelligibility in a number of corporate and university conferencing and teaching spaces.
• The MA Lighting stand
• Powersoft showcased the Dante-supporting Ottocanali series of multi-channel amplifiers (12K4, 8K4, 4K4), which
• Lars-Olof Janflod during Genelec’s press call
Apple, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc.
has given them a platform for installers that, in turn, has enabled them to raise their profile significantly at the ISE show.
152 EX P O
• Renkus-Heinz demonstrated the very latest in groundbreaking loudspeaker technology. The entire line of the company’s acclaimed Iconyx series was on display, including new Dante-enabled versions of Iconyx and IC Live, as well as IC2 and the new VARIAi modular point source array system. • Riedel showcased a number of products on its stand, including the MediorNet MicroN. The MicroN is an 80G media distribution network device for Riedel’s MediorNet line of media transport and management solutions. There was also the Tango TNG-200, a fully networked platform supporting AES67 and AVB. The Tango TNG-200 represents Riedel’s first network-based platform supporting AES67 and AVB standards. Plus, the new RSP-2318 Smartpanel, which offers features and capabilities that enrich the user experience and change the way broadcasters and audiovisual professionals communicate. • Sennheiser demonstrated its new wireless conferencing solution, TeamConnect Wireless. One of two new additions to the TeamConnect family, TeamConnect Wireless delivers excellent sound quality and unmatched ease of use in a portable system for up to 24 participants. • Shure introduced several new products to the systems integration market. The show saw the debut of a new networkable conferencing audio solution, Microflex Advance, designed to dramatically improve the audio quality for modern conferencing applications where pristine speech intelligibility is of utmost importance. In addition, there was also other first-look launches of two-channel versions of the Microflex Wireless System, the Shure DIS-CCU and a new bodypack-version for ULX-D Digital Wireless Systems. • Sonodyne showcased three of its loudspeaker ranges. First, the IWO Series, which can be mounted on and in wall, for home theatres and custom installs in small rooms. The SRT Series of three way active loudspeakers, which deliver a loud and detailed sound in a shallow profile, were also on display. And, finally, the SRP Series, which are designed to deliver a high-quality performance for music, home theatre and business music solutions. • Vivitek announced NovoPRO, a wireless presentation and collaboration device, designed for modern interactive meeting rooms and classroom learning activities. NovoPRO supports true screen mirroring from iOS and Android devices. It features screen preview/ moderator control, 4-to-1 projection, video streaming, instant response system (IRS), file sharing, and access to cloud-based resources. Built-in, whiteboard-interactive features encourage meeting or classroom participation, and all Novo’s can be managed remotely over the network.
• Francesco Fanicchi and Marc Kocks from Powersoft
audiotechnik, DiGiCo, Martin Audio, MeTrao, Microtech-Gefell, Optocore, Powersoft and Renkus-Heinz. There was also the FRDY@ISE programme, including numerous visitor and exhibitor initiatives, which was designed to ensure that the new fourth day of the exhibition offered a unique, rewarding experience. A real highlight of the final day was the closing keynote given by leading physicist and futurist, Dr Michio Kaku, who spoke to over 700 attendees about the technological future, in which the internet is ‘everywhere and nowhere’ and artificial intelligence is woven into every aspect of our lives. As my first tradeshow, ISE really helped me get to grips with the industry, allowing me to understand the technology in a much clearer way. Once I found my bearings in the halls - and designated some key landmarks for those inevitable five-minute spells where I’d get lost - I really got into the rhythm and found it to be a enjoyable, valuable experience that I’m looking forward to participating in again.
• XTA’s Jason Kelly and Waring Hayes
• The Outline stand
• The RGBlink team
ISE 2017 will take place from 7-10 February at the Amsterdam RAI. For more information, go to: www.
• The NEXTproaudio team
• WORK PRO used ISE to introduce new and enhanced solutions that have been developed by the brand during the last year to help professionals in their shows and installations. The solutions on show at the stand included the new Smart speakers, new amplifiers - the PA1254 and the new PA 100 and PA 100 MX and the MD 82 AX, an eight channels digital mixer.
• The Tasker stand
• The Picturall team
• Yamaha Music Europe exhibited a number of innovative new products from the ever-expanding Commercial Installation Solutions (CIS) range at this year’s ISE. Leading the way in new products is the SWP1 series, the first range of network switches designed and produced specifically for the professional audio industry.
154 EX P O
• The guys from Renkus-Heinz
• The Riedel team
• The Music & Lights team
• The Shure press call
• The Seinnheiser press call
• The Symetrix stand
• The Sommer Cable booth
• The Yamaha team
• The Green Hippo stand
The Linear 5 LTS A long-throw system pairs the concept of an integrated line array with the physical format of a classic compact point source. This enclosure may be flown and deployed in ground stacks, although a single satellite achieves the long-throw performance of a conventional compact array. The Linear 5 LTS A’s special audio characteristics also allow users to set up acoustically correct head stacks and horizontal clusters. The two configurations may even be combined in a head-stack cluster. At the heart of the Linear 5 LTS A is the Multicell Transformer, which has been developed by HK Audio. The unique design offers three key benefits, first of which comes from the small apertures, which transform waves to boost sound pressure levels, so that a miniature horn is able to deliver SPL gains - much like those of big horns. Secondly, the multicellular design eliminates distortion in the audible range up to 20kHz. Finally, the nine horn cells’ varying lengths and surface areas of their exit apertures are configured so as to shape a + 5°/-30°
curved wave front, similar to that of a full multi-component array. The Multicell Transformer is also much shorter than a conventional horn, so it can be mounted axially in front of three 8-inch woofers in a horn-loaded array. This arrangement effectively precludes phase shifting and allows the 8-inch speakers to be placed at the perfect positions in the array to achieve remarkable volume levels, low-ranging frequency response, and powerful lowmids. Able to deliver unusually high SPL, with a long reach and minimal distortion, the Linear 5 LTS A is a most enticing alternative to conventional compact line arrays, in terms of both price and audio performance. It is an exceptionally efficient, easy-to-handle sound reinforcement tool for professional hire companies and is sure to impress when installed in clubs. Also, with custom stacking and rigging accessories, it’s an even more versatile multipurpose speaker, while a cover protects it from the rigours of touring and rental use. Data is available for Ease
• Above HK Audio’s Linear loudspeaker range
Focus simulation software, so systems are easily modelled for optimum installation. The Linear SUB 4000 A subwoofer enhances the Linear Series with a versatile bass bin that can serve as a sub-low addon to the SUB Linear 2000 A, as well as be paired with all Linear full range and satellite speakers. The chambers of this double-ventilated band-pass enclosure are tuned differently to serve these dual purposes. One channel is tweaked for ultra-low frequencies, starting at 30Hz and the other for the kick-bass range up to 100Hz. The Linear SUB 4000 A’s band-pass enclosure and electronics are designed to deliver phase-corrected response when paired with the L SUB 2000 A. This means it can be added to a legacy system without requiring additional outboard controllers. The preamp is stereo, too, so a single Linear SUB 4000 A may be deployed as a central sub-low bin for a stereo system. The Linear SUB 4000 A’s impressive performance makes it an excellent choice for demanding club installations, as well as low-end support for the Linear 5 LTS A.
Photo © Presson Oy
Audio Excellence for AV Installations Genelec is the leading loudspeaker brand amongst audio and music professionals. This position is built on products that deliver unrivalled sound accuracy and reliability, and Genelec 4000 Series brings these qualities to AV installations. Installation of Genelec loudspeakers is extremely easy. Our extensive selection of accessories provides you numerous mounting options.
4030 Four models 4010, 4020,4030, 4040 – pick a size to suit your project
All models in white or black
Wide range of installation accessories available
Compact and powerful loudspeakers
Environmentally friendly ISS™ (Intelligent Signal Sensing) also saves money for your client
Active loudspeakers that save on rack space and amplifier set up and cost Genelec also manufactures a range of active in-Wall and in-Ceiling loudspeakers for architectural installations
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LedGo is an international company operating in the world of video, LED and visuals - with a team of technical and creative professionals, it has been working with a variety of applications for LED video for more than 10 years. As experts in the field of set design, custom-made solutions for retail, shopping malls, design, architecture, signage, information and entertainment, LedGo understands that our behaviour is determined by what we encounter and experience. LedGo Interior Panels provide experiences at any time within any type of interior, allowing products to come to life and make an impact. With LedGo Interior Panels, users can create a wall, floor or ceiling comprising LED panels onto which various types of moving images, films or animations can be shown - converting any interior into an experience. Ceilings, floors and walls are no longer static surfaces - they can instantly be turned into media displays. Even when the advanced LED panels are turned off, they still have a decorative
appearance, with the front plate able to be produced in countless designs and colours. A front panel made of wood or a mirror is also possible. In addition, the LED panels can be used as a source of light. Due to the low weight and reduced power requirements, LedGo Interior Panels can easily be placed against a wall, in a floor or into a ceiling. The installation of the LedGo Interior Panels is really simple too, with the assistance of accessories, such as hanging bars, controllers and content - all of which can be supplied by LedGo. LedGo Interior Panels are patented under number: NL 201 4536. MAIN FEATURES: • Short viewing distance - with a new developed optical path in the interior panel, the viewing distance becomes less than one metre. • Perfect viewing angle - a new-patented technique increases the viewing angle to 180º. • No colour shift - LedGo Interior Panels have a patented technical solution,
•Top left A wall transformed using Interior Panels •Top right Interior Panels used for digital signage •Below A bar setting using Interior Panels
eliminating colour shift. • No moiré pattern - LedGo Interior Panels have a patented technical solution, eliminating moiré pattern. USAGE: Signage/Routing - Content can be adapted to the situation at any time, thus responding to continuously changing situations. Information - Perfectly matches the content in order to target the audience at any desired location. This method of providing information is well received. Advertisement / Product: Content can be customised and personalised at any time, whilst retaining more shoppers and providing relevant information. Moving images reach target groups better than ever. Architecture: Design and architecture acquire a new dimension by adding movement to walls, floor and ceiling, while the decorative appearance of the LED panels fits into every interior.
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M u s ic al, D ra M a o r sp o ken worD ,
we have a little blac k num be r t h at w i l l make you look go o d eve ry t im e .
lo u D s p e a ke r s r e D e F i n e D
New Version
Get the audience going with the XPRS Series of high-powered active loudspeakers from Pioneer Pro Audio. The compact, portable, wooden enclosure series combine Pioneer Pro Audio sound engineering with the reliable, energyefficient power of Powersoft amplifiers to create a versatile, plug ‘n’ play system that fills the room with a natural sound. The XPRS Series comprises the XPRS15 and XPRS12, which are two-way, full range loudspeakers, and the XPRS215S - a dual 15-inch subwoofer. All three are made using 15mm birch plywood enclosures for a dynamic sound that is designed to work across all musical genres. The XPRS15/12 have a 15/12-inch ferrite low frequency driver, a 1.75inch titanium diaphragm compression driver and Pioneer Pro Audio’s ‘AFAST technology’ to deliver a clear, clean
sound with a deep bass range. Users can enhance your sound using the four EQ modes with built-in DSP too. The dual 15-inch ferrite drivers and a versatile crossover switch, which allows you to adjust the low pass filter cut-off at stages between 80Hz and 150Hz, make the XPRS215S ideal for enhancing the low-end. The Powersoft Class-D amplifiers deliver a massive 2,400W output, with Power Factor Correction (PFC) ensuring a reliable, energy-efficient performance. The power has been taken into consideration, too, leading to extra attention being paid to protecting the amp and speaker - there’s thermal limiting, an input limiter, DC offset removal, AC mains protection and more. Plus, the auto-ranging power supply detects and adapts to the voltage without
•Top left The XPRS15 loudspeaker •Top right XPRS subwoofer •Below Pioneer Pro Audio XPRS Series
compromising the sound quality, making the XPRS Series a reliable performer in any environment. The road-ready XPRS Series is durable and easy to transport. The PA speakers’ handles are specifically placed to ensure the weight is distributed equally, while the sub comes with removable castors. The wedge-shaped XPRS15/12 can be placed on the floor and used as a foldback monitor for stage performances, or can be pole-mount with a choice between a 0º and 7º tilt to suit the set-up. The XPRS Series is available from May 2016. For more technical specifications and information on the XPRS Series from Pioneer Pro Audio visit: http://tinyurl. com/pioneerxprs
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digital•signal•processor [dij-i-tl sig-nl proh-es-er] n. Digital signal processors take real-world signals that have been digitised and then manipulates them. The signals are then processed so that the information they contain can be displayed, analysed, or converted to another type of signal. Converters such as analogue-to-digital turn the real-world signal into a digital format. DSP takes over by capturing the digitised information and processing it. It then feeds the digitised information back for use in the real-world.
“ N exo i s a b ov e a l l a c a b i n e t manufacturer, and our objective is always to get the best from our loudspeakers using proprietary electronic devices. But we still safeguard the practical interests of customers; our latest-generation controllers now allow users of thirdparty amplifiers to work with our compact loudspeakers. Win-win.”
“DSP is an excellent audio processing tool for loudspeaker management as well as routing functions and simultaneously solving specific issues in various audiovisual integration and applications. Symetrix loudspeaker management tools are built to form an extensive palette of filters, EQs, crossovers, delays, and dynamics modules. Symetrix delivers solutions for any loudspeaker management, routing and distribution with fully scalable range of Dante equipped DSPs and expansion hardware. System designers can use SymNet Composer to create an arrangement of distribution architectures for centralised I/O systems, loudspeaker management and groups of distributed end-points throughout a network.
“System designers now have the choice of AVB, CobraNet or Dante as the digital audio transport, using the Soundweb London digital audio bus to complement application-specific transports. Most importantly, system designers are able to deploy each of these transports using a single software application.”
Audac SMA & SMQ Series
Biamp Tesira
The Audac SMA and SMQ Class-D power amplifiers, which feature WaveDynamics audio processing technology, come in different output configurations with two or four channels and are available in output powers of 350W, 500W and 750W. Their great flexibility and different configurations make them the solution for nearly every system, whether it’s a fixed installation or a mobile application. The WaveDynamics DSP processor in combination with the 2.5-inch LCD display gives an unmatched user experience with intuitive functions overview for easy configuration. Acoustics can be optimised using the filters selectable between low / high and band pass and the seven-band equaliser, which both have adjustable frequencies and Q-factor. Other provided functions are delay and dynamic bass boost. These settings can be custom configured using the front panel of the amplifier, whereby access can be given in two different levels (user and administrator) using password or USB-key protection. Loudspeaker protection is provided by an output power limiter, which allows the maximum output power for every channel to be configured. Configuration is made simple by the loudspeaker presets and full system configurations, which can be selected from a library and uploaded with an USB flash drive. This ensures the best acoustical performance with bulletproof loudspeaker protection.
Biamp’s Tesira line of digital signal processors is a highly scalable media system for digital audio networking. The Tesira DSP line uses the IEEE’s Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) protocol to ensure that its networking capabilities are among the most flexible and scalable on the market. The Tesira line includes the SERVER (can be deployed as a redundant pair), SERVER-IO and TesiraFORTÉ, with each offering a variety of networking capabilities for different installation environments. Constantly evolving to the needs of the market, through the Tesira SERVER and SERVER-IO, the system can now use AVB (AVB-1 card), CobraNet (SCM-1 card) and Dante (DAN-1 card) in a single chassis - making for a powerful, future-proofed, robust network. Additionally, Tesira HD-1 dialler can be used as the physical dial interface on a Tesira VoIP device. Unlike most DSP-based media systems, Tesira is an enterprise-wide solution made up of intelligent network modules that share and boost performance. It is equipped with modular scalable inputs and outputs, DSPs and networked end-points, providing system design capabilities for unlimited scenarios, including Centralised, Distributed and Hybrid type applications.
BSS Soundweb London BLU-806 The Soundweb London BLU-806 offers configurable I/O, configurable signal processing, Dante audio and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus. The BLU-806 has open architecture which is fully configurable through HiQnet London Architect. A rich palette of processing and logic objects and a drag and drop method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment. This processor features Dante audio with primary and secondary ports for fault tolerance, with control through a separate Ethernet port. The BLU-806 also features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100-metres between compatible devices. Fibre optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km. Four card slots facilitate many different device I/O configurations. Each slot can accommodate any of six available I/O cards. Analogue input cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. A total of 12 control Inputs and six logic outputs allow the BLU-806 to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices.
Coda Audio LINUS Series Coda Audio is able to offer a completely integrated system solution, every part of which is designed and manufactured by the company’s own in-house team. In short, CODA can cater for every aspect of an audio installation beyond the mixing console. Coda’s proprietary LINET technology is used to transport digital signals whilst Coda’s LINUS DSP and amplification platform is designed to control all Coda loudspeaker systems. LINUS Live software offers innovative, flexible system design, tuning and monitoring. Coda offer a range of products ideal for touring or fixed installations on any scale. LINUS5-C and LINUS10-C DSP amplifiers are designed for fixed installations and small touring and portable applications whilst LINUS RACK20 and LINUS RACK40 provide complete housing and system connection solutions for all Coda Audio line array and SC systems. RACK20 and 40 are available in fixed installation and touring variants. These ranges are complemented by Coda’s digital audio transport and distribution products including LINET Master, LINET Switch and ATEC. The advantages of this holistic approach are clear - there are no third party issues involving design or compatibility since all the products are specifically designed to work together perfectly.
Hall 3.1 | Stand H85
Compact self-powered line array system driven by a powerful class D amplifier Fully programmable DSP with 5 selectable presets on the rear panel Each active LOOP18 can drive up to 4 (four) LOOP10 passive units Integrated rigging system for stacked, flown and pole mount configurations
Community dSPEC Community’s dSPEC is an advanced, network-enabled loudspeaker processor for single unit systems or large, networked applications, providing an astounding improvement in sonic quality, unsurpassed driver protection and highly functional remote control capability. dSPEC’s three models feature multiple EQ, delay, limiting and signal routing capabilities. Additionally, dSPEC includes Uniform Response (UR) Acoustic Power correction. UR provides 1024 bands of low latency Finite Impulse Response (FIR) equalisation that flatten the Acoustic Power Response of the selected loudspeakers to a high degree of precision. dSPEC also provides a unique Amplifier Calibration feature that precisely sets dSPEC’s three discreet stages of limiters (peak, program and long-term) for accurate driver protection. dSPEC’s Resyn software is intuitive and easy to use. With a library of Community loudspeakers, dSPEC assigns factory-recommended lo-pass and hi-pass filters and equalisation (including UR FIR filters) as well as protective limiters, phase compensation, bi-amp crossovers and more. In addition to the Community-specific UR FIR settings, these features may also be manually applied for non-Community loudspeakers. Choices include a 2x6 analogue I/O model, or models with optional expansion cards that increase the I/O capabilities. Community also offers optional remote control accessories for remote recall of dSPEC presets or remote level adjustments.
Electro-Voice NetMax N8000
d&b audiotechnik 10D, 30D, D20 & D80 The all-embracing functionality of the d&b amplifiers can be accessed via the d&b Remote network, via Ethernet, providing all the power to effectively control. All d&b amplifiers incorporate sophisticated digital signal processing capabilities for comprehensive loudspeaker management, switchable filter functions and userdefinable controls. The 10D, 30D, D20 and D80 provide two user-definable, 16band equalisers with parametric, notch, shelving and asymmetric filters, as well as up to 10 seconds of delay, all of which can be applied to each of the amplifiers’ four channels. All d&b amplifiers feature analog and AES3 digital inputs for each channel, not to mention system check, input and load monitoring, overvoltage protection, temperature and signal-controlled cooling and switch mode power supplies. The 10D and 30D are dedicated to installation systems and, as such, perfectly fulfill the needs of any permanent sound reinforcement requirement. Whether discreetly integrating inside a venue or operating in a rider-driven performance space, these devices provide installation-specific functionalities, including enhanced system status monitoring features and GPIOs for extended input routing capabilities. The amplifiers also incorporate active Power Factor Correction, which maintains a stable output when used with weak or unstable mains supplies. All-in-all, the amplifiers do more than drive d&b loudspeakers; they realise the full potential of the d&b system approach.
The NetMax N8000 system controller from Electro-Voice is a state-of-theart digital matrix system offering comprehensive management, system control and supervision of all aspects of professional sound reinforcement systems. Supporting both distributed and central processing, NetMax is a powerful physical complement to Electro-Voice’s extremely powerful IRISNet software, which gives designers and end users the industry’s most flexible routing, DSP and component-level system control and supervision. EQ, crossovers, dynamics, FIR-Drive loudspeaker optimisation – NetMax does it all with superior digital fidelity. Each 2RU NetMax chassis supports up to 1,900 MIPS of processing power and up to 32 local audio channels. The NetMax N8000’s processing power can be enhanced by simply plugging in an additional processor. Multiple N8000 units can be networked together to provide an extended ‘super matrix’ for complex audio processing tasks. The NetMax N8000 can be configured from the web, an Ethernet connection using the IRIS-Net supervision and remote control software, an RS-232 interface or a common USB link. With NetMax’s modular, field-configurable architecture, every system can be tailored to current needs without being locked out of future expansion. Designed for both installations and touring systems, NetMax is an indispensable tool for concert halls, houses of worship, hotels, casinos, convention centres, sporting arenas, and stadiums.
Kling & Freitag GmbH |
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Fohhn Audio Soft With all Fohhn active loudspeakers and amplifiers incorporated into one Fohhn-Net network, Fohhn Audio Soft - Fohhn’s powerful control software - offers convenient and intuitive handling. Using just one piece of software, various functions on up to 254 connected Fohhn audio devices with integrated DSP can be directly and remotely controlled. If required, any adjustments can be made it real time, too. The latest version of Fohhn Audio Soft has progressively improved, while remaining compatible with older Fohhn loudspeakers. A clear graphical user interface ensures rapid access to the speaker database and status display. New features in this year’s Version 4 release of Audio Soft include the ability to apply most of the functions to several channels and devices at once for more efficient operation and configuration and simultaneous use of different Fohhn-Net adapters, enabling parallel communication via several adapters, which results in better performance for more complex speaker systems. Furthermore, Version 4 includes the key functions of three former separate programs - Firmware Update, Amplifier Setup and Fohhn-Net Remote Configuration. Users also gain full control over the devices that are ultimately loaded - due to IDs 1 to 16 no longer being automatically added.
L-Acoustics LA4X The LA4X is an amplified controller based on a four input by four output architecture, combining the benefits of the self-powered speaker packages with the flexibility of outboard DSP and amplification. L-Acoustics loudspeaker enclosures can be driven by the LA4X in three different modes: á la carte - the four inputs / four outputs are allocated to passive enclosures in a one-to-one link; full active - a fully discreet power and DSP drive for active enclosures; and conventional - connecting multiple enclosures in parallel. The LA4X features a green SMPS power supply with PFC. Its high-efficiency Class-D amplification is capable of delivering 4 x 1,000W power at eightΩ or fourΩohms, with class-leading hold times. Other notable features include AES/EBU as standard and extensive DSP resources per output; 1,000 ms of delay; a comprehensive EQ station including the exclusive Array Morphing tool together with eight IIR, three FIR and air absorption compensation filters; and advanced L-DRIVE protection. All with Ethernet networking and a powerful, yet simple-to-use interface, backed by a firmware with ultrafast start-up time.
K-array KA14 The KA14 is a versatile amplifier that’s easily adaptable for small applications that doesn’t require a lot of power. Responding to the needs for a simple solution for those who do not have many additional resources, the KA14 is a complete system, with a mixer, processor and amplifier. The KA14 features four fully independent and configurable output channels (4 x 300W @ four ohms). The integrated DSP offers EQ, matrix, levels, delays and a limiter to avoid the need for external additional processors. The front panel has an easy-to-use touchscreen that gives access to all the basic functions for quick setup and corrections. The KA14 can be used as a mixer for fixed installations thanks to the XLR and RCA analog inputs. An onboard library preset with K-array speakers provides configuration for endless combinations of the Lyzard, Vyper, Tornado and Rumble loudspeakers. All DSP functions are remote controlled via the K-framework software over USB connector. The amplifier is built into a 2U lightweight, aluminum chassis, coming with a kit of removable rack adapters and four rubber pads for flat surfaces. KA amplifiers feature optical limiters and protection against overheating, overcurrent and short circuits.
Lake LM Series Lake LM Series of digital audio processors offer an unprecedented combination of core processing power, user-friendly control interfaces and multiformat connectivity. Within the LM Series, there are two models - the LM 26 and the LM 44 - that are both, essentially, identical in performance and features. The only difference between the two models is their analog and AES3 input / output configurations. Both the LM 26 and the LM 44 can accommodate either Lake Contour modules for crossover and delay functions, or Lake Mesa EQ for the industry’s most precise, flexible and sonically impeccable equalisation functions. Also, both incorporate proprietary Lake processing algorithms for Raised Cosine Equalisation, LimiterMax peak and RMS limiters, as well as linear phase and classic crossovers. Maximum available delay is two seconds. The LM Series’ easily programmable EQ and delay capabilities allow for quick reconfiguration for use with either self-powered loudspeaker applications or in multiway systems using separate power amplifiers. Audio performance is impeccable in every respect, with 24-bit AD/DA conversion, 96kHz internal sampling frequency and a 32-bit internal data path. The LM Series is suited for a wide number of different FOH applications, including as a mix-matrix and full system EQ - sitting between a mixer and virtually any high-end performance loudspeaker system - switching between console on large events, inserted EQ for monitor systems, FOH to stage digital transmission, line driver for self-powered systems, and as a Dante break-in / break-out box.
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Martin Audio Merlin & DX0.5 The Merlin from Martin Audio is a fully-featured four input, 10 output loudspeaker processor. It can be controlled via Ethernet using Martin Audio’s U-net software, freely available from the website. There is also front panel access to the main functions of the processor. Not only does it provide all functionality you would expect in a current DSP-based device, it is also the heart of a Martin Audio MLA system configuration, providing the conversion from Ethernet to the proprietary U-Net protocol used throughout the MLA range. The DX0.5 from Martin Audio is a simple-to-use, cost-effective two input loudspeaker processor with six outputs. With 24bit processing, a great audio quality is assured. The DX0.5 is really easy to control from the front panel, or via the front-mounted USB port that allows you to connect to a laptop running the bespoke DX0.5 control software. The software is available to download for free from the website. The DX0.5 is supplied with all settings for the Martin Audio CDD range on board - and the PC software includes all settings for the Blackline series as an alternative set of uploadable parameters. It is also fully user configurable with 24 memory slots to store your most common set ups.
Nexo DTD Controller & DTDAMP Nexo is releasing two four-channel amplifiers which partner with a new DTD Controller to create compact, intelligent, lowcost powering solutions for the installation and touring SR markets. The DTDAMP4x0.7 and DTDAMP4x1.3 are four-channel, 1U rack-mounting amplifiers in 700W and 1,300W models (4x4 ohms). Each unit weighs just 7.5kg. Both DTDAMP versions present high-efficiency switch mode power supply and amplifier channel design, channels can be independently bridged two by two, four Inputs on XLR, four outputs on SP-4. The DTDAMP offers all the sensors and protection that are mandatory for a professional touring amplifier, such as mains over / under voltage, over-voltage or DC output on each channel, short circuit. Variable speed cooling ensures a quiet and cool amplifier, while front-to-back cooling ensures compatibility inside racks where both DTDAMP and NEXO’s high-spec NXAMP are used together. DTDAMP four-channel amplifiers are the ideal companions for Nexo’s new DTD Controller, supporting best-selling Nexo cabinets including PS Series, GEO M6 and the ID Series of ‘super-compacts’. In a light 2RU, the units provide input/output patch bay, processing and 5kW of power for mobile and fixed applications. On its own, the DTD Controller confers new affordability and accessibility on Nexo loudspeakers by connecting them to third-party amplifiers of every size and scale.
Meyer Sound Galileo Callisto Meyer Sound’s Galileo Callisto loudspeaker management system is a hardware / software solution that provides the tools required to align simple and complex systems. It was built to complement Meyer Sound’s LEO Family of line array loudspeakers. The hardware is a 2RU unit that includes six inputs switchable between analogue and AES, and 16 analog outputs. The Callisto 616 AES offers outputs 1-16 as AES and outputs 9-16 as analogue. The processing and converter chips are high-quality components run at high resolutions, resulting in uncompromised audio. Callisto offers five bands of U-Shaping equalisation, purpose built to address the unique frequency response of line arrays. It also includes Delay Integration for fast and easy compatibility between all Meyer Sound loudspeaker models, traditional CP10 complementary phase parametric EQ on inputs and outputs, TruShaping EQ, and full matrix mixing and routing for system scalability. Callisto units can be controlled by Mac or Windows computers running Compass software, iPads with the Compass Go iOS app, directly from the front panel, and with Open Sound Control via controllers that include Crestron and the Lemur iOS app. The Callisto can be connected directly to SIM 3 analysers, providing complete measurement and control for integrated audio systems.
5-8 Apr.
Messe Frankfurt Hall 3.1 Booth A37
Designed for Perfection
Line array element, variable beam speaker
Powersoft Armonía Pro Audio Suite Powersoft’s new X Series of multi-channel power amplifiers integrates so much functionality that in addition to its innovative system of channel routing and universal balancing power supply, its USP is its revolutionary fully-featured DSP. The set-up parameters of the Powersoft X Series are fully integrated into the Armonía Pro Audio Suite, which offers an intuitive interface for parameter adjustment, comprehensive control over the digital audio processing and complete real-time monitoring of the system performance. An integrated Wi-Fi connection permits the Powersoft X Series to be accessed and managed via any smartphone or tablet through a user interface specifically developed for local monitoring. These new Dantesupporting devices have been further boosted with the release of new Armonia 2.7.0 software, enhancements for which include a new speaker preset library - that can also be copied directly on X Series amplifiers by using USB stick, a new interface to control the advanced features of the new Powersoft X Series and Ottocanali DSP+D, as well as improved functionalities such as live impedance, a new Dante output routing feature and frequency shaping on limiters. And, thanks to the LivingWorkspace, a component that allows a quick overview of the whole system status on the workspace, users can obtain information about signal presence, muting, gain reduction and clipping instantaneously. The new Armonía release is also designed to offers greatly improved functionalities for the M-Drive and Dsp4 + IpalMod models.
NEXT-proaudio LMS242 The NEXT-proaudio LMS242 loudspeaker management system brings a new level of audio performance and value to the world of fixed architecture DSP for live sound production and fixed audio installations. The state-of-the-art 96kHz, 40bit Floating Point DSP Engine, the highperformance 24bit converters and the precise algorithms all guarantee a high-end audio quality. It has two inputs and can be matrix mixed / routed to any or all four outputs; Ethernet, USB and RS232 connectivity for configuration. Also, software / firmware updates come as standard, while processor configuration can be accomplished in real time from the front panel or with a PC. Both of the two inputs offer 650ms delay, 31band graphic and eight parametric EQs, a complete filter section (max 48dB) and a compressor. All four outputs offer 650ms delay, an eight-band parametric EQ, a complete filter section (max 48dB) and a true RMS limiter. The LMS242 is an excellent choice for installers and live sound engineers who are looking for a full-featured, high-end audio quality processor.
RCF RDNet 2.2 RDNet 2.2 is RCF’s proprietary protocol for the remote management of professional loudspeakers. Users can manage up to 256 modules with one single RDNet Control and master unit. Every time it is turned on, the highly-advanced RDNet 2.2 networking board realises an accurate automatic scanning of each module. Another unique feature is the real-time monitoring function of each single way of every component, which allows for a strikingly easy and precise control of the system. Real-time monitoring also includes fans’ speed, temperature and cluster / module’s inclination. With the integrated DSP board on each unit, it is possible to address to single cabinets or groups of cabinets’ specific presets and modify all parameters. For additional convenience, the virtual curving of subwoofers only requires one cable. RDNet 2.2 is able to automatically correct each module’s equalisation for the values of air temperature and humidity through the internal DSPs, in order to compensate for the decay of high frequencies. The software can be downloaded from the RCF website.
Renkus-Heinz RHAON II Renkus-Heinz RHAON II is the next generation of RHAON (Renkus-Heinz Audio Operations Network), a dramatically reinvented approach to system design and implementation. RHAON II’s new and intuitive, device-centric UI delivers streamlined workflow, with an operation that’s over 200% faster for an intuitive, quick setup to help even the most challenging projects. RHAON II System Manager has been completely redesigned from the ground up, using highly structured modular code for greater stability and expandability. The result is a new, more robust RHAON technology. RHAON II is easy to program, easy to use and fully compatible with both Gen5 and legacy Renkus-Heinz Iconyx series products. RHAON II’s new, network-agnostic interface has been designed to work with tomorrow’s networking protocols, as well as today’s. Currently supporting AVDECC IEEE1722.1 and CobraNet, RHAON II has been structured to allow easy implementation of today’s and tomorrow’s emerging protocols. Support for multiple NICs and wireless operation (where supported) makes RHAON II easy to integrate into existing network infrastructure. RHAON II is fully integrated with all current Renkus-Heinz products, delivering the power of advanced beam steering algorithms and UniBeam Technology for dramatically more uniform coverage, increased output, as well as a faster setup and deployment.
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Symetrix Prism Joining the manufacturer’s line of Dante-enabled DSPs, Symetrix Prism has been developed to deliver cost-efficient, high-powered networked audio processing for a wide range of installed sound applications. Symetrix Prism is comprised of four products, varying only in I/O count and form factor. Prism 4x4 features four inputs and four outputs, power over Ethernet (PoE+), and a compact 0.5 rack format. Prism 8x8 (eight in, eight out), 12x12 (12 in, 12 out) and 16x16 (16 in, 16 out) utilise an external power supply along with a 1U form factor. DSP, analogue audio, and converter technologies are identical in all four products. Prism features the same digital signal processing power, mic preamps and AD/DA converters as Symetrix’s Radius and Edge products, delivering exceptional sound quality, while providing expansion via 64 channels of bi-directional Dante networking. Integrators can customise, connect, and configure Prism using Symetrix Composer, a highly-accoladed Windows-based CAD program. Prism can be controlled from Symetrix ARC wall panels, ARC-WEB browser-based interface and third-party touchscreens. An embedded web server enables remote audio metering and diagnostics of Prism hardware. Prism features an easy to read OLED display, while Symetrix ARC, Dante and Ethernet ports are standard issue.
XTA 4 & 5 Series XTA offer customers the pick of industry-standard speaker management systems with the best processing and equalisation, limiting and rock solid remote control in a variety of I/O formats. Both 4 and 5 Series processors are compatible with OEM presets designed by the manufacturers themselves, and both offer digital I/O with 96k processing throughout. The 4 Series is ideal for FIR processing capabilities (with huge power available on each of up to eight outputs), while the 5 Series augments the standard processing with incredibly powerful multiband dynamic EQ on every input - with fully featured compression on every output, too. You can control the units remotely with the lean, fast AudioCore software and network them together for line array control, grouped EQ and simple reliable set-up. Powerful security features allow individual presets to have bespoke locking, or use system-wide locking for extra safety. Use the DP4 Remote app (4 Series) to wirelessly control and monitor a system with up to 1,024 outputs. For installation applications, you can use iCore software to design your own custom panels and leave only controls you want available to the client. iCore and AudioCore are free to download now from the website. GPIO kits are also available to offer simple remote control with any system and Crestron compatible protocols are supported on all models.
Yamaha MRX7-D Since the launch of DME32 in 1999, Yamaha has maintained a long history of open architecture processors and recently released the MTX Series of fixed architecture signal processors as a part of its CIS (Commercial Installation Solutions) Series. As a compliment to this solid line-up of processors, Yamaha is pleased to introduce MRX7-D, for applications that require more complicated signal processing design and higher I/O counts. The MRX7-D signal processor is perfect for applications such as hotels, ballrooms, churches, schools, libraries, theatres, convention centres and conference rooms. For conference applications, the MRX7-D deploys a newly designed AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation) and is capable of being controlled from the Executive Elite products from Revolabs. The MRX7-D also features an automatic mixer designed by Dan Dugan Sound Design as one of the audio components. MRX7-D can feature a total simultaneous I/O count of up to 110 inputs and 104 outputs. It is equipped with eight mic/line analogue inputs, eight analogue outputs, two stereo RCA inputs, and 16 channels of YDIF I/O. The MRX7-D also features 64-channels of Dante I/O to allow simple integration with hundreds of Dante enabled products in larger system applications and I/O cards lot for easy integration with other formats.
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Hall 5.0 B
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the back of the venue, they can operate their XS Series fixtures - adjusting settings and triggering effects - from the palm of their hand.
1. Adam Hall Cameo ZENIT Z120 The Cameo ZENIT Z120 is an RDM enabled high output zoom PAR for demanding professional applications. It employs a single long-life 120W RGBW COB LED and 16-bit technology for vivid high-definition colour mixes with maximum uniformity and perfect dimming behaviour. Covering a range from 7° to 55°, the motorised zoom provides flexible illumination from tightly focussed, narrow beams to wide, diffuse washes. With a 3,600Hz refresh rate for flicker free operation and IP65 rating the ZENIT Z120 is eminently suitable in TV, film and outdoor use. The advanced features include colour temperature correction, variable white balance and four selectable dimming curves with adjustable response to mimic the ramp-down of halogen bulbs. Sporting seven modes of DMX control, the ZENIT Z120 is also capable of master, slave and standalone operation. A backlit four button display facilitates menu navigation and configuration while a security lock prevents unauthorised access. The Cameo ZENIT Z120’s heavy-duty metal enclosure utilises highly efficient convection cooling for silent operation. The multi-voltage fixture runs on 100V - 240V AC with Neutrik powerCON TRUE1 and five-pin X-HD connectors enabling mains and DMX daisy chaining. The adjustable twin bracket allows for easy rigging and doubles as a floor stand.
2. ADJ X Series ADJ knows how important it is for lighting users to be discovering innovative yet budget conscious new ways of exhilarating their audiences and making the events they attend memorable. That’s why ADJ has launched the new XS Series, which features a range of compact and cost-effective single and dual-axis moving heads that let users get super creative with their displays. Powered by 10W LEDs, providing a sharp 5° beam angle, and all capable of 360° continuous rotation and smooth RGBW colour mixing, the unique XS 200, XS 400 and XS 600 moving heads provide users with the tools to create attention grabbing displays of concise colour beams in a range of customised hues. Not only this, but the XS 600’s individual LEDs can be controlled using pixel-mapping, generating unique colour chase effects across multiple units to provide new levels of pure lighting excitement for audiences and guests, whether they’re down on the dancefloor or watching the stage from afar. Like a whole host of other new ADJ products, every fixture in the innovative XS Series is compatible with the separately sold UC IR wireless controller and the revolutionary new Airstream IR wireless control app for iOS devices. These versatile control options mean that whether users are tucked behind the booth, performing on stage or positioned at
3. ArKaos GrandVJ 2.1 ArKaos has produced a new accessory which instantly integrates the latest version of its renowned GrandVJ software with one of the industry’s most popular MIDI controllers, the Akai APC40 MkII. The new GrandVJ cover is a durable plastic overlay, which fits the face of the Akai APC40 MkII controller precisely. All the GrandVJ 2.1 features from the preinstalled MIDI template for the controller are clearly printed on the cover. The illuminated Akai control buttons remain clearly visible through special transparent sections of the cover. With glow-in-the dark elements for more effect, this is a perfect combination of practicality and style. All GrandVJ 2.1 features from the MIDI template can be seen at a glance while the appearance remains supremely funky. The GrandVJ cover has been designed specifically for use in live performance conditions, giving greater flexibility with more familiarity of control. As a GrandVJ 2.1 user, the combination of the Akai APC40 mkII and the GrandVJ cover will provide you a seamless integrated controller for your live performances.
4. Audac XMP 44 With the Audac XMP 44, a fully flexible structure with four SourceCon slots is at your disposal. Each slot allows implementation of any available module, selectable between Internet audio players, FM tuners, DAB&DAB+ tuners, contact and time triggered voice file interfaces as well as USB media players and recorders. This results in a solution that will live up to the needs of any user that takes high regard of crystal clear audio reproduction. Thanks to the 2.8-inch TFT display and the push rotary dial on its front, an unmatched user experience is achieved. In combination with four tactile pushbuttons even unexperienced users can make adjustments and custom configurations with great ease. A USB interface for each module (four in total) allows playback or storage of media and voice files, while pre-listening for each output is made possible through a built-in speaker. The XMP 44 is both RS-232 and TCP/IP controllable allowing implementation with home and industrial automation systems. Using the freely available app and webinterface, control and configuring can be done from any portable device at any location and at any time.
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1. Audix Performance Series Microphones
3. Christie HS Series
Audix announced the release of its Performance Series, a professional wireless system designed for vocalists, musicians, performers and presenters. The central component of the system is the easy two-step process of Scan and Sync. Pressing a hot key on the receiver instantaneously Scans for open frequencies. Within five to 20 seconds, depending on the intensity of other wireless frequencies in the area, the system will select an available frequency from a grid of pre-coordinated internal frequencies. Once the frequency is selected, the user holds the transmitter next to the Sync light on the receiver, and within one to two seconds the transmitter will lock to the receiver. If more than one system is required, the user simply repeats the one-touch Scan and Sync process. The Audix Performance Series is available in two performance levels: the 40 Series and 60 Series. Both series are packaged in durable metal housing that is both elegant and practical. The 40 Series is a diversity system with 32MHz of spectrum. It features 33% more frequencies than typical 24MHz systems offered by competitors in the same price/ performance range. There are 106 pre-coordinated frequencies available that will take into account the region and number of other systems in use. A total of eight systems (conservatively) can be used simultaneously. Dual channel systems are also available featuring an internal antenna combiner allowing the system to operate on just one set of common antennas and one power supply.
Christie has launched of the 1DLP laser phosphor projector - the HS Series, which is not only a 12,000 lumen 1DLP laser phosphor projector but also brings amazing colour balance with a new proprietary solution, BoldColor Technology. Featuring BoldColor Technology for richer, more vivid colours and a 3X colour wheel speed, the Christie D12HD-HS and Christie D12WU-HS respectively deliver HD and WUXGA resolution in a compact chassis that is the quietest 10,000+ lumens laser phosphor projector on the market. Christie has developed BoldColor Technology that - through a combination of laser light source, optics and software - enables the HS Series to produce excellent colours with exceptional colour balance. Building on the versatility of the H Series launched last year, the laser-phosphor HS Series is also extremely small, low profile, light and quiet. Ideal for those needing bright and rich images including rental stagers, corporations, hotels, public spaces, and entertainment venues, the Christie HS Series is capable of 360° orientation and portrait mode with colour matching and advanced blending, warping and stacking software built in, making it extremely flexible. The Christie HS Series also offers a full (six) lens suite covering 0.84:1 up to 7.2:1, 3GSDI and DVI-D loop through connections so signals can be daisy chained without external boxes, and optional fog filters.
2. Broaman Route66 Autorouter BroaMan has announced a new version of its Route66 video router, now offering AutoRouter and smart fibre patch bay. This additional functionality is powered by sister brand Optocore, making it ideal not only for installation (where there are multiple connection points, including mobile devices) but equally for live events or broadcast. The AutoRouter is compatible with Optocore and DiGiCo fibre loops, creating a redundant ‘star’ out of the advanced ring topology. The Route66 AutoRouter automatically finds mobile and remote devices and closes the Optocore loop even when unconnected wall boxes are found. It always switches the links automatically to establish redundancy. New I/O units or consoles are automatically discovered and linked into the system. Route66 can also be manually set-up to create a smart fibre patch-bay with the help of any software used in IT based workflow environments or using stand-alone software. Here it switches any protocol fibre streams, both proprietary ones like camera links, A-link, Hydra, CobraNet and standards like SDI, Optocore, MADI and Ethernet.
4. Cloud Z8 / Z4 MK4 The Z-Series of venue zone mixer from Cloud, first introduced to the market in 2005, is established as one of the the most reliable solutions for multi-zone audio applications in hospitality, leisure, retail and commercial markets. The Z-Series offers simple, intuitive control for end-users and straightforward installation for system integrators but with flexibility to provide independent zone source / volume selection per zone, paging per zone and independent remote input options per zone, all from a reliable, tried and tested analogue design. The new MK4 versions have been developed directly as a result of listening to existing installers and system integrators and adding features to improve this already popular model. Whilst the familiar front-panel remains almost untouched, the back-panel of the MK4 models have been re-engineered with a number of improvements. XLR-microphone inputs are replaced by balanced phoenix style connections for microphone one-two and analogue paging microphone, a new digital paging interface with gain control has been added and allows direct connection via RJ45 of all Cloud’s paging microphones and, if required, a link to multiple zone mixers.
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1. D.A.S. Audio Action 118A
3. DiGiCo SD9 Stealth Core 2
D.A.S. Audio has announced the introduction of a new single 18-inch subwoofer system into its popular Action Series of products. The Action 118A is a powered horn-bass subwoofer system designed to provide extended bass response for the Action full-range cabinets. A powerful 3,200W peak amplifier drives a single D.A.S. 18LX long excursion bass loudspeaker incorporating a four-inch voice coil for high power handling. The Action 118A is powered by a Class-D amplifier with switch mode power supply, digital signal processing and a 3,200W peak power rating. The amplifier has a unique EQ switch which allows the user to select a deep sub-bass response or a loud bass response. The system includes two balanced inputs with stereo filtered output connections for satellite systems. The variable crossover ranges from 100Hz - 160Hz and can be defeated to offer stereo loop through connections. A gain control and polarity reverse feature increase user control over the system.
With the announcement of DiGiCo’s Stealth Core 2 upgrade, you will soon be able to upgrade your current SD9 with the latest processing and application code. This upgrade will be an option for the company’s SD series digital mixers and is due to be released this summer across the range. Whilst the external architecture of the SD9 remains in its familiar form, Stealth Core2 will open up a massive additional amount of processing ability, thereby taking the complete range to a new level of processing and flexibility. The SD9 upgrade will include: an increase from 48 channel strips to 96; an increase from 24 output busses to 48 + Master + 12 x 8 matrix; an increase from eight to 154 DiGiTuBes; an increase from eight to 154 multiband dynamic options; an increase from eight to 154 dynamic EQs; digital effects rises from 8 to 12 units; and control groups rises from eight to 12 to control the increased channel count.
4. Elation RDMX6S
2. d3 VFC cards d3 has announced that their latest 3G-SDI Video Format Conversion (VFC) cards are now available, completing the trio of cards offering DisplayPort, DVI and now 3G-SDI output options for the 4x4pro platform. d3’s VFC output cards allow the media servers to offer the ability to switch between output signal types, or to gracefully transition from HD to 4K. Enabling users to drive up to 16x1080p outputs as DVI, 3G-SDI or 4×4K DP1.2 from a single d3 4×4pro system, d3’s VFC cards allow you to deliver large multi-projector shows with fewer machines, no downstream splitters or converters, and practically no signal latency, whilst always being perfectly in sync.
Elation Professional now offers the RDMX6S, an easy-to-use six-way RDM/DMX data splitter useful in maintaining proper data levels over long runs or several runs of RDM or DMX signal. The RDMX6S helps to correct disruptions in the signal by splitting the DMX/RDM data link into six separate branches while boosting the weak signal to its original output level before it becomes too low. RDM E1.20 compliant, the RDMX6S features opto-isolated DMX output ports with DMX loop through port with built-in termination. It houses five-pin XLR input, a five-pin XLR thru output, (6) five-pin XLR outputs and powerCON In connection. Wrapped in a rugged die-cast aluminum housing, a single-unit mounting bracket is included for truss/clamp installation and optional single and dual unit rack mount kits are available. Compact at 173mm x 170mm x 74 mm and light at 1kg, the unit’s universal multi-voltage auto switching power supply allows it to be used anywhere in the world.
FBT has announced the launch of a new addition to the FBT VERTUS range, the CLA active, portable line array system. Featuring high quality B&C neodymium drivers in steel reinforced birch ply housings and driven by advanced Class-D amplification, the VERTUS CLA system offers a stylish, highly versatile, easy to use line array for demanding applications. The new FBT VERTUS system is built around the CLA406A, a metal braced, birch ply enclosed line array column housing four custom 6.5-inch woofers and a 1.5inch large format B&C neodymium compression driver with a 2.5-inch voice coil - the combination operating across a frequency range of 65Hz-20kHz. The specially designed waveguide has a horizontal dispersion of 100° and 25° vertical. The height dimension of the waveguide allows excellent vertical control. The FBT VERTUS system is a truly professional line array that, despite its compact size, still delivers an impressive SPL of 133dB. It can be integrated elegantly and with minimal intrusion into any environment that requires high quality sound with powerful directional control.
GUIL’s ULK-XL models are designed to lift line array systems, truss structures and LED screens, made with heavy duty components and high quality raw materials to ensure piece of mind on safety and durability at all times. As with all GUIL products the ULK -XL models come fully equipped as standard with all the necessary components included. While others may boast about lightweight towers to lift heavy loads, GUIL believes that having a thicker steel base and supports and using more aluminium to offer a greater mast overlap makes the ULK-XLs sturdier so they you can effortlessly lift up to 400kg. To counteract the extra weight, heavy duty wheels are included for both vertical and horizontal manoeuvring.
2. Fenix Stage FSH SYSTEM FENIX Stage has launched for TRC ground support towers a new safety system pioneer in the industry, the FSH System (FENIX Security Hook), which provides optimum safety in ground support towers. The new FSH System, developed and manufactured entirely by FENIX Stage, has been subjected to the strictest quality and safety controls. The FSH System provides security to the tower, both in its elevation, descent and during use, preventing the sleeveblock from falling in case of cable failure. Its steel body is designed to act even in descent mode, because if the sleeveblock fell, the hook would always act blocking tower. In addition, the new FSH System has the advantage that even having performed and locked the tower, its release is done quickly and easily, with little manipulation and without endangering the operators.
4. Harmonic Design hd HLS24 Harmonic Design has announced the brand new hd HLS24, combining distinctive features of horn loaded loudspeakers and line array systems in a single ultra compact enclosure, setting a new benchmark in the multi-purpose double 12-inch class. With the latest high performance double 12-inch horn-loaded and super-vented design, the hd HLS24 is a top-notch full range loudspeaker capable of delivering frequencies below 60Hz in stand-alone mode. The hd HLS24 features high SPL and excellent dynamics of well known horn loudspeakers and complements the high-frequency range with its unique co-axial line-source units for consistent and unrivalled low distortion even at the highest levels and brings the features of a modern line array system into an affordable compact and easy to handle enclosure. HLS24 delivers a maximum SPL of 146dB and extends the throw distance up to 60-metres compared to existing compact horn loaded loudspeakers on the market. It is convincing with superb speech intelligibility, detailed and natural musicality and unachieved flexibility, as a single box, upright on a stand or as a vertical array of several enclosures. The hd HLS24 can be used for small, medium and large scale touring applications as well as within installations in clubs, stadiums or concert halls.
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1. Robe BMFL WashBeam
3. X Laser MAX MK2
Robe has officially launched the BMFL WashBeam. Delivering an incredible 300,000 Lux at five metres – BMFL WashBeam is the brightest BMFL range fixture to date. The BMFL WashBeam joins the BMFL Spot and BMFL Blade and BMFL Wash, ensuring that Robe offers the most comprehensive range of high powered, fully optimised 1,700W hybrid moving light fixtures on the market. It features four fast framing shutters to create individually angled positions within the framing module which rotates 90º – for quick sharp / soft focus, and the creation of complex in-air effects or crisp projected animations. It also has Electronic Motion Stabiliser (EMS) technology to absorb vibrations from music and audio sources, truss movement, sprung or suspended floors. Robe has engineered all the vital power, finesse and reliability that is characteristic of the game-changing BMFL range into a new truly multi-purpose fixture which complements the BMFL family.
The new Mobile Beat MAX MK2 allows mobile entertainers to craft both aerial beam shows and graphics displays without sacrificing brightness or precision - and without any compromising. With a watt of brightness from a far safer amount of raw power, along with precision graphics scanners, the new Mobile Beat MAX MK2 can produce stunning effects in venues that hold up to 1,000 guests. The MAX MK2 can also project huge graphics precisely, even at distances up to 100ft. For total creative control, the MAX MK2 offers ILDA input and DMX input and output along with its 12-channel DMX capabilities. The MAX MK2 can bring creative lighting concepts into reality without ever having to choose between aerial brightness and image sharpness. All users have to choose is what they want to create, and let the Mobile Beat MAX MK2 help make it happen.
4. YODN MSD 330C8
2. Vivitek DU8090Z Vivitek has announced that the DU8090Z laser projector. The DU8090Z is equipped with a laser light source which offers up to 20,000 hours of operation time in addition to an amazing 8,000 ANSI lumens brightness and a strong colour accuracy. This model is perfect for installations where the maintenance space is restricted, such as conference halls, auditoriums, theatres and all other large venues where access to the installed projector can be difficult. With built-in edge-blending, warping and portrait mode projection with 360°, the Vivitek DU8090Z is a truly versatile projector, designed for multiple applications. The DU8090Z benefits from a native WUXGA resolution and includes the DLP and BrilliantColor technologies from Texas Instruments to ensure highperformance projection. The DU8090Z delivers a high brightness up to 8,000 ANSI lumens with a contrast ratio of 10,000:1. In addition to the 3D compatibility and a wide range of interchangeable optical lenses, the DU8090Z features a full suite of connectivity options including HDMI 1.4a, DVI-D, Component 5BNC, 3G-SDI, and HDBaseT interface support for the distribution of HD video contents over a standard CAT5e/6 LAN cable.
YODN MSD 330C8 is a brand new concept of high brightness reflector lamp. With CRI 85, MSD 330C8 can not only provide spectacular light beams, but can also show the best colours on stage. YODN MSD 330C8 has high lumen output (14,000Lm) and its average lamp life is 1,500 hours. The compact design of YODN MSD 330C8 is perfect for small and lightweight moving heads. The lamp can be used flexibly in various applications of entertainment lighting, including wash, beam, spot and follow. Moreover, its outstanding performance can meet the standard needs of high-definition TV camera.
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“It made business sense to invest in a showroom in Singapore, as it has always been the gateway to countries in South East Asia.”
CHANDAN MAHTANI Director of APAC Sales at Adam Hall Asia How did you first get into the industry? In my early working years, I was more involved in the video broadcast industry. However, my interest has always been in professional sound and lighting. When I realised that there was a growing demand for good sound for the video market location sound, for example - I jumped onto that bandwagon and found a small marketplace for myself. When and why did you join Adam Hall Asia? I officially joined Adam Hall in July 2015. AH was not new to me - I have been involved with being a reseller for Adam Hall two years prior to joining the company. At that time, my focus was building a strong dealer network in Myanmar where I gained some very good contacts, which, in turn, started supporting Adam Hall brands for its projects. Having gotten to know the management team, I knew of their plans to expand in Asia. A senior member approached me to be part of this growing, dynamic company. I agreed, as I saw that both parties were on the same page and the synergy between us was excellent. What makes Adam Hall different to other companies? I have never worked directly for a manufacturer before, however, I have represented a number of them. I have never seen or felt such sincerity in a company. We at Adam Hall are very
true to ourselves - even in unfortunate circumstances, we will be the first to admit, rectify and apologise. This attitude and culture sets us apart from other companies - ‘0% ego tolerance’ is what I call it and I love it. Why did Adam Hall decide to open a showroom in Singapore and has it been successful? Adam Hall has been very active in the European markets since its existence. In the last decade, though, Asia has shown that there is growth in various industries, including ours. Studies showed that consumers in Asia were becoming much more open to the idea of non-Chinese products, if the prices were positioned reasonably. It made business sense to invest in a showroom in Singapore, as it has always been the gateway to countries in South East Asia. Due to its geographic position and airline connections, most South East Asians and Europeans prefer to fly out via Singapore to various European countries, making this a hub or a meeting point. Its stable economy sealed the deal. Our initial idea was to open the showroom by appointment only, but, truth be told, we never expected the showroom to generate so much interest among our clients. They fly potential clients, dealers or their own technical / sales team to spend the whole day at our showroom, which allows them to understand and learn about more of our products. Almost all of the products you see in our catalogues are displayed and
• Above Chandan Mahtani
demonstrated live in the showroom. What installations have Adam Hall Asia been involved with recently? I have seen various installs from schools, churches, pubs and cafes, and I recently heard that our latest state-of-the-art systems, like the CURV500 and the MAUI 5 are being installed in homes as well. I was delighted to hear that the numbers are increasing in this category, too. What are the future plans for Adam Hall Asia? We are keeping this under wraps for now. Tell us something we don’t know about Adam Hall? Adam Hall Group has been established since 1975. The company owns eight brands and we have our own R&D, engineering and design team for each of these. What three things would you take with you on a desert island? Assuming I will find food and drink on that island, it would be my iPod Classic, LD MAUI 5 loudspeakers by Adam Hall and my wife. What is your most prized possession? My 1984 Vespa scooter. Where is your favourite place in the world? Bali, Indonesia - I am certainly working towards retiring there.
graphics: Vilfredo Maria Ricci - © 2015 Studio Due
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