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NO V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 02 1


LICENSE II SCALE L-ISA PROCESSOR II Utilizing state-of-the-art object-based mixing technology, L-ISA Processor II provides sound creatives the ability to scale to their project by choosing the license that fits best. Upgrade from the standard 16 outputs license to either 32 for bigger events, 64 for large-scale installations and musicals, or hit the most significant projects at 128 outputs - all at 96 kHz for premium quality sound. As a Milan-certified device, L-ISA Processor II streamlines and secures audio distribution with a redundant AVB and elevates its reliability with a ruggedized 3U chassis and redundant PSU. Unlock the sound possibilities.

L-Acoustics_L-ISA_Processor_II_Mondo_236×333_IN.indd 1

03/11/2021 09:23:54

G i v eL i f et oA D S ESs er i esOutdoorFixed P3. 9/ 4. 8/ 5. 9/ 6. 9/ 7. 8/ 1 0. 4/ 1 5. 6

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25th edition

Dock Haussmann

Dock Pullman

Dock Eiffel

audio training





MONDO-DR 32.1 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2021 ON THE COVER The Cheetah Image courtesy of Adi Adinayev EDITOR Emma Davidson EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Peter Iantorno

mc2 36


Laura Iles DESIGN & PRODUCTION Mel Capper, Dan Seaton CEO Justin Gawne FINANCE DIRECTOR Amanda Giles CREDIT CONTROL GROUP CHAIRMAN Damian Walsh MONDIALE MEDIA Strawberry Studios, Watson Square, Stockport SK1 3AZ , UK Tel: +44 161 476 8340 Fax: +44 161 429 7214 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES (7 ISSUES) UK: £30.00 / Europe: £50.00 / Rest Of World: £65.00 Two year rates are available on request. Subscribe online at or call +44 (0)161 476 5580 ISSN: 1476 4067 MONDO-DR (ISSN 1476 4067) is published in January, March, May, July, September, November and December by Mondiale Publishing Ltd, Strawberry Studios, Watson Square, Stockport, SK1 3AZ, UK Subscription records are maintained at Mondiale Media Ltd, Strawberry Studios, Watson Square, Stockport, SK1 3AZ, UK Printed by Buxton Press, Palace Road, Buxton, UK


F R O M TH E EDI TO R... It’s been great to get back out travelling again recently, albeit around the UK, but chatting with so many from the industry and looking ahead to 2022, there’s a real sense of optimism. Every person spoken to has been rushed of their feet, so it’s great to see so many back doing what they love. I’m aware that we still have a long way to go, but there has certainly been a real positive shift recently in people’s approach to the pandemic. Onto issue 31.2! On the cover, we have The Cheetah, Miami’s renowned gentleman’s club that has recently had a visually striking upgrade, designed and installed by idesign. I sit down with hospitality entrepreneur and fellow Geordie, Nick McCabe, CEO of Pacha Group this issue, too, where we delve into his incredible career and (of course) our favourite Newcastle boozers. We also have a Report jam packed with bar and restaurant projects from around the globe, and a loudspeaker-focussed Product Guide. As this is our November/December issue, I want to lastly wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at MONDO-DR! Laura and I will be attending JTSE in Paris at the end of November, so if I don’t catch you there, I look forward to hopefully meeting you in 2022.

AT A GLANCE All-in-one audio production console – powered by A__UHD Core technology Built-in comprehensive I/O incl. Lawo-grade mic pre-amps Frames with 16, 32 and 48 faders 256 DSP channels 864 channels I/O capacity 48 – 96* kHz operation IP Easy – IP setup as simple as analog with Lawo HOME²36



48 fader version

* future release




Pub_Starway_Digital_LED_236x333_1121.qxp_Mise en page 1 29/10/2021 11:26 Page1

On November 23 & 24, visit us in Paris at the

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APERTA revolutionizes the LED Beam: opening angle of 2.65°, 60,000 lux at 5 m, 13 kg for a height of 47 cm, infinite Pan / Tilt, ArtNet and KlingNet compatible, progressive frost, 14 fixed gobos, 2 stackable prisms including a rotating and indexable 6-facet linear prism, as well as an 8-facet rotating and indexable circular prism.

LUSSO sublimates the LED Spot: a 320 W white LED providing an exceptional illumination of 34,900 lux (8° at 5 m). It has a zoom range of 8 to 40° supported by a CMY trichromy, 7 color filters + UV, and 3200° K, 5600° K, 6500° K correctors. LUSSO has also 10 fixed gobos, 8 rotating gobos, a progressive frost, an iris and 2 stackable prisms, for only 20 kg.

MODENA renews the wash moving head with its 7 RGBW LEDs of 40 W, its zoom range from 4.35 to 55° and its 3 cooling modes. MODENA is Flicker Free and Pixel to Pixel to generate patterns, both through internal programs and external DMX, ArtNet or KlingNet management.

DINO reinvents the LED Spot: 8,000 lumens, 11.5 kg for a height of 47 cm, a linear zoom from 10 to 25°, a wheel of 8 colors, a wheel of 6 rotating interchangeable and indexable gobos, a wheel of 6 fixed gobos, a 5-facet linear prism and a 6-facet circular prism, frost.

The magic of light









BIG INTERVIEW Nick McCabe, Pacha


REPORT Bars & Restaurants








HÔTEL DES LUMIÈRES Puy-en-Velay, France






IN DETAIL L-Acoustics, Datapath, Elation

86 PRODUCT GUIDE Loudspeakers 93 94




NOV 17-19

















A PR IL APR 13-14






M A RCH MAR 27-29







B E H I N D TH E D J B O O T H : TH E A RT, SC I E N C E A N D G OOD B U SI N E SS O F A V OI D I N G A U D I O F A T IG U E B y J oh n P owe ll, P re side nt of Alph aTheta Mu sic Ame ric a s’ Pione e r Pro Audio.

In an era of live stream concerts and performances, it can be easy to forget the critical role in-person events play in fulfilling and satisfying the human need for social interaction. Unlike digital live stream shows, in-person concerts and performances knit listeners together on an emotional and sometimes spiritual level. The performer and audience feed off each other’s energy to create an unforgettable experience. The catalyst to creating a memorable experience in a nightclub or bar environment is the DJ. A quality DJ analyses the environment and meticulously crafts a set to engage listeners from the moment they walk in the door to the last call. It is essential that the venue – whether a restaurant, bar, or nightclub – has the proper audio system to disperse captivating sound, ensuring the DJ can do their job effectively. A DJ needs accurate reproduction of the music in a venue for their mix to pique and carry listener interest throughout the evening. If a venue’s sound system cannot accurately replicate the acoustic dynamics of the mix then the sound emerges distorted. A distorted mix results in a compromised listening experience and places ‘audio fatigue’ upon the audience. AUD IO FAT IG UE What is audio fatigue? Why should venue managers care about it? Audio fatigue occurs when an audio system lacks the power and fidelity required to showcase the DJ’s work appropriately. A proper audio system expands upon a DJ’s musical artistry and complements their overall performance. For example, the highs in a song should be smooth and avoid harshness. The lows should dive deep yet fast, leaving little room for lingering muddy sound from slow-moving low-frequency drivers. This need is especially prevalent for electronic dance music. EDM, much like jazz, carries a fast tempo that develops into a short deep bass note before jumping the scale to a mid-range note. When a DJ’s mix distorts through the audio system, it’s not just the DJ experiencing the negative impact but also the venue. An unenergised guest is likely to purchase less food and beverage, or leave the venue entirely if feeling overwhelmed or underwhelmed by the venue’s sound performance. However, the detriments of audio fatigue extend beyond just the visitors. Staff working an event where the sound is poor and unintelligible are just as susceptible. Employee performance deteriorates as a result of low energy caused by the surrounding sound. This deterioration in turn hurts both employee health and retention – again, affecting the overall guest experience.


I N DI S C U S S I O N | W W W .M O N D O D R .C O M

PAR T N ER I N G AGAI N S T F AT I GU E These are challenges the audio-visual integrator, audio consultant, dealer, and manufacturer can overcome quickly and effectively with the right design, product, and support – and when all of these entities work together on a project, you can soon hear the results. One example is Halcyon, San Francisco’s only 24-hour licenced nightclub, which sees conquering audio fatigue as crucial to ensuring guests trance in musical bliss from dusk to dawn. Don Lynch of CAVS led the installation and utilised industry veteran and sound pioneer, George Starvo, to tune the system. Halcyon couples a soundproof ceiling and strategically placed Pioneer Pro Audio XY Series loudspeakers and subwoofers to deliver balanced and engaging sound coverage throughout the room. Quality sound enables DJs to perform confidently for extended periods – all with peace of mind that the audience and club staff are hearing the performance precisely as the DJ intends. D J R EAD Y When assessing a bar, restaurant, or club to gauge if the environment is ‘DJ ready’, there are two primary considerations: the room characteristics and the needs of the DJ. These elements help inform what type of system and what workflow will work best for the location. In turn, the system benefits the end user and its patrons. Unlike the audio system, which on-site operators can control, infrastructural components are not easily removable and distort how a system reproduces sound. For example, if a venue features flat reflective surfaces then audio reproduction is hindered as sound reflects off walls or other reverberant architectural features. When discussing this with venue managers, it can often be helpful to explain sound as a more tangible element, such as aiming a highpressure water hose at a wall. The water, which in this case is the sound, hits the wall and sprays off in all directions, including back at the operator of the hose or, in the case of a venue, the DJ, the guests, and the staff. While venue managers may be unable to renovate the infrastructure, solutions exist to help control sound reflection using absorbent materials. Be it carpet flooring, wall draping, or other acoustic treatments, it is up to the integration team – that critical collaboration of installer, audio consultant, dealer, and manufacturer – to ensure the room exceeds the audio system’s requirements. As noted, providing a



Satellite Projection Heads and RGB Modular Light Soruces



Hall 3 Booth K900

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The Visionaries’ Choice Mondo-Full-Page-ISE-2022.indd 1

04/11/2021 10:27

Right: Halcyon , Sa n F ra nc i s c o. Below: Pion eer’ s X Y Seri es lou ds pea k ers are a p erfect fi t for th e c lub .

DJ with the ability to reproduce a mix accurately is crucial. After room consideration and mitigation, if necessary, the next key element is the loudspeakers. With the right loudspeakers installed, you ensure natural and undistorted sound delivery. Loudspeaker performance is one of the most critical elements in a DJ’s performance and can truly make or break the guest experience. Quality loudspeakers provide the acoustic range and dynamic performance to keep pace with a DJ’s diverse musical setlist, including fast-moving tracks or slow musical numbers. There are other elements to the workflow, of course. Sound reinforcement is important. So too are the professional DJ media players, the turntables, the venue. That said, with a solid backbone of acoustic consideration and proper loudspeaker distribution, you set a client - and their music-loving visitors - up for success. C O L L AB O R AT I O N It’s been touched on a few times in this article already. Still, it is essential to reinforce this point: collaborating with partners interested in your long-term success is incredibly important. For the channel, this means working with manufacturers who understand the space, love live performance, and invest in its success. So too must the manufacturer and channel collaborate with the venue they serve – and invest in their success through design options, expert advice, and long-term support. Ensuring an environment is ‘DJ ready’ requires everyone to be onboard. This includes venue managers, consultants and audio experts from all areas familiar with audio systems for dynamic music such as EDM or Jazz. Audio systems that provide ample headroom or excess capacity – and allow DJs to push a system to its limits – help a business build a committed audience of advocates for their venue who keep coming back for more.


I N DI S C U S S I O N | W W W .M O N D O D R .C O M

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D T S L I GHTI NG DT S Lig h t i n g i s a n I t a l i a n c ompany th a t de s i g n s , e n g i n e e r s , manuf ac ture s a nd dist r i b u t e s l i g h t i n g p roduc ts and l igh ting e f f e c t s f o r e n t e r ta inme nt a nd a r c h i t e c t u r a l i n s t a l l ations. Th e com p a n y u s e s a d v a n c e d d e sig n tools a nd a ut o m a t i o n s y s t e m s , both f or th e des ign a n d t h e pr o d u c t i o n, ope ra te d by s kil l ed a n d c o n t i n u o u s l y traine d staf f .


I N S I DE V I EW - D TS | W W W .M O N D O D R .C O M

Italy-based lighting manufacturer, DTS Lighting began its journey in 1980 with the aim of designing high-quality lighting equipment capable of catering to a range of entertainment installations. The family-run business took its name from the three brothers that founded it; Dante, Tullio and Silvano Latteo. Over the years, the company has become internationally renowned, providing everything from the smallest to the most prestigious venues with high-quality lighting products, keeping its core family values close to its heart. At first, the company’s focus was on creating options for the entertainment industry, especially for live entertainment. Over the span of four decades, DTS has constantly kept in touch with the everchanging needs of its market, switching from halogen to LED, and implementing even more sophisticated technologies into its projectors. The company designs and manufactures all of its products in Italy – something that Sales Director, Raffaella Scaccia, thinks is important to the firm’s brand promise. “Our brand promise is ‘Italian professional lighting’. All our products are designed and manufactured in Italy. We’re well aware of what the ‘made in Italy’ trademark stands for: quality and attention to detail, and we’re incredibly proud to represent it in the world of lighting.” DTS’ vision is to bring innovative solutions to the professional lighting market, giving more space to the research and development of services and products with high technological value. With the aim of becoming a point of reference in this field, it promotes constant synergy with the industry stakeholders, recognising its strategic importance. DTS believes that improving lighting culture and training is at the basis of innovation, therefore the company promotes personal growth and entrepreneurial spirit to constantly raise the level of its business. Over the years, DTS Lighting has introduced many impressive products to its portfolio, including its Synergy moving heads and projector lines, which feature the Scena and Profilo Series’. In the past few years, DTS has developed its own architainment line, comprising projectors that are more suitable for indoor, outdoor and underwater applications, which has given the company the opportunity to broaden its horizons and satisfy most of the requests it receives from the market. “There wasn’t just one product that marked a significant change in our approach to the industry,” Raffaella continued. “Each one of our lines has a specific purpose and preferred application, so every time a projector is developed, we need to target a different market. Developing our architainment line was more of an

RAF F AE LLA SCA CCIA Sales Director, DTS Lighting.

D T S L I G HT I NG H Q DTS is located in Italy and strives for quality and attention to detail, something that it says the ‘Made in Italy’ trademark stands for.

SYNE RGY 7 This moving head from DTS has an output up to 55,000 lumens, which offers incredible versatility and freedom of use.


extension rather than a turning point, as it brought the opportunity to reach an audience that was completely unknown to us. “Although we develop all our products with the same quality and care, our entertainment line is the one where we shine the brightest. Developing an architectural line, though, has given us more creative opportunities than we could’ve ever imagined! It’s always fun to see what our projectors are being used for – that’s why we always ask our distributors to email us whenever they’re working on a new project. This way we can share each individual and unique story to hopefully inspire more people to use our products in creative ways.” With the COVID-19 pandemic causing most live entertainment to be cancelled, naturally DTS Lighting found itself with more time on its hands. Instead of dwelling on the negative, the company took the opportunity to strategise with its research and development team to expand its product line. “We also reached out to our international distributors and stakeholders, focussing on feedback we received and gaining a deeper understanding of each individual market’s needs,” furthered Raffaella. “What we thought would be a setback, really laid ground for what we’ll be focussing on in the next few years. “If anything, the past two years have taught us that the future is unpredictable. What we know for sure is that we’re committed to expanding both our architainment and entertainment lines, to be able to provide a high-quality lighting option for every need and research the latest technologies to provide modern equipment. Another of our long-term goals is to grow internationally as a company. We recently came back to the American market through a partnership with our distributor, Apex Technologies. Coming back to the United States was definitely a goal of ours, and we’re so proud of this achievement.” DTS Lighting has proven itself to be an innovative leader in the world of Italian lighting. With its range of products suitable for installations including concert halls, live shows, houses of worship and music festivals, the addition of its brand-new architainment line will only propel the company to more prestige and build on its incredible portfolio of projects. “I believe what makes us unique is our constant search for improvement while keeping the same level of quality,” Raffaella concluded. “We’re very proud to have kept our craftsmanship local, as keeping our company 100% made in Italy is one of our main selling points, and the reason most of our stakeholders keep investing in us. We can only hope to keep improving and growing more as a brand in the next few years.”


I N S I DE V I EW - D TS | W W W .M O N D O D R .C O M



BIG INTERVIEW Nick McCabe, Pacha


REPORT Bars & Restaurants


Rise Up. Reimagine. Ignite the Future. ISE 2022 unites and inspires AV professionals to meet the latest challenges with innovative solutions. The future begins in Barcelona.

Fira de Barcelona | Gran Vía 1-4 February 2022

A joint venture partnership of

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N ICK Mc C A B E C E O , P a c h a Group


IN T ERV I EW - N I C K M cC ABE | W W W .M O N D O D R .C O M




Image by Al Powers

With a career spanning some of the most sophisticated nightlife hotspots, Nick McCabe has cemented himself as a beacon of the industry since the early ’00s. The Newcastleborn entrepreneur established himself frequenting nightclubs around the North-East of England, catching the dance music bug of the ’90s and tuning into the eradefining beats of Pete Tong. From there, his career took him to the furthest corners of the world, working with companies such as Hakkasan Group, Track Entertainment, Angel Management Group, and, his current position as CEO of Pacha Group. Nick’s passion for music began during his time studying graphic design at The University of Teesside. Alongside his degree, he toured Newcastle’s social clubs playing in a covers band, immersing himself in the city’s music scene and partying in its venues at night. After connecting with a mutual DJ friend who needed a producer, he was snapped up when the song they collaborated on was played out at an old dance music jaunt, Madisons, in Newcastle’s Haymarket district. “The next morning, we were in the offices of Global Underground signing a deal, so I guess I got into the industry literally overnight!” he explained. “Things didn’t really work out musically for me, but me and my friends decided to move to Miami in July 1999 and one of them got a residency in a club called Liquid. At the time, I had no intention of getting into the hospitality industry, but we wanted access to all the great clubs on the scene. We were just a bunch of kids from Newcastle with no connections or anything. That’s when I decided to set up the nightlife website,, just to get into the clubs. I thought if I had a business card with a cool logo it might make it easier!” The Cooljunkie portal soon became a hit with the local scene in Miami and quickly spread to other areas of the US including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The website brought together dance music enthusiasts by setting out the most popular clubs, DJ interviews, upcoming events and a plethora of party pictures featuring those hitting the clubs at the time. “The website got very big very quickly and we built it up over a few years. When I lost my corporate job in the .com crash of the early 2000s, I was able to focus on Cooljunkie, growing it from a side venture into a fully-fledged business,” said Nick. “In 2005, I sold the business to a company called Track Entertainment in New York who then partnered with Neil Moffitt, the man behind Godskitchen, Global Gathering and Angel Management Group (AMG). We spent some time doing festivals together and then moved to Las Vegas to start on a new project.” When Nick moved to Las Vegas, the city was crying out for its very own club scene. It wanted its own DJs, clubs and electronic music, so Nick and Neil set up a hospitality consultancy business where Nick became Chief Creative Officer. During his time there, Nick oversaw numerous large-scale projects for well-known brands including Pepsi, Bacardi and T-Mobile. Following his role with Track, he created a series of extremely popular ‘B-Live’ music festivals for Bacardi in 2006. This inspired him to begin his own music marketing company, The Big Idea in 2007. Through this new business, he continued to work on Bacardi B-Live, before going onto join the AMG team full time. Nick worked as Vice President of Strategy at AMG for six years, overseeing company strategy and championing business development. After the business was taken over in 2013 by one of the most well-known, leading nightlife and hospitality brands, Hakkasan Group, his role progressed into President and COO, moving onto CEO in 2017, seeing him open US clubbing cultural institutions including;

Above: JEWEL Nightlcub, Las Vegas. Below: Pete Tong joined Pacha’s board of Directors in 2020.

“I had been stealing ideas fr om I bi za f o r y e a r s , s o w h e n th e op p o r t u n i t y a r o s e f o r me to intr o d u c e m y o w n , i t was ver y exc i t i n g ! ”

OMNIA, Jewel and Hakkasan. “There was no masterplan,” he explained, “I never expected to be a nightlife or hospitality guy as such, but I guess passion came into play and I knew it was my calling.” While Nick was there, Hakkasan Group created a powerhouse of premium hospitality offerings that included an impressive portfolio of global venues for seasoned partygoers. Hakkasan’s commitment was to ‘crafting remarkable experiences’ and with Nick at the forefront of the business, they did just that. His widespread experience in the nightlife sector played a significant role in his ability to navigate his way through the challenges faced by the industry at the time, leading the brand to worldwide status and recognition as one of the best in the world. “It was a huge honour and period of growth for me to oversee a global brand like Hakkasan. I was able to evolve

Image by Invision Studio



Image by Francis & Francis

from someone who was primarily focussed on nightlife into understanding all aspects of hospitality, and especially the elements required to maintain a luxury brand,” he added.

Above lef t: N i c k wi th DJ, Stev e A ok i . Above right : N i c k h elped open s om e of Veg as ’ mos t ren own ed ni g h tc lub s , including O MN I A .



‘ I H AD A GR AN D PL AN F O R PAC H A’ Pacha is a name synonymous with sophisticated nightlife, Ibiza sunsets and the world’s most dedicated dancers, however, the past year has proved difficult with the obstacles set down by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nick joined the company in early 2019, managing to get one full season of parties under his belt, but his focus soon had to shift to help the company navigate its way through the turbulence caused by the pandemic. “The impact on us was extreme,” he explained. “We were a little insulated as we’re a diverse business with hotels, bars and restaurants, too, so it wasn’t a complete shutdown for us a company. However, Pacha is our main brand, it’s the figurehead, so not being able to operate that has been impactful financially.” Pacha is a club that holds its community close to its heart, employing locals from the island, as well as welcoming worldwide clubbers, so alongside keeping the lights on and the business afloat, Nick wanted to do the right thing for the employees. “We tried our best to minimise the impact that the pandemic had on our employees by minimising the number of people who ended up on Spain’s ERTE furlough scheme,” he explained. As for everyone, the pandemic came as a total shock to Nick who was about to begin the next stage of his exemplary career. He left Hakkasan in 2018 looking for a new challenge after feeling he’d taken the company as far as he could, and the team at Pacha had big ambitions for the brand, alongside a vision that met Nick’s. All of that combined with an electronic music-obsessed Geordie




desperate to take control of the iconic cherries meant that the opportunity couldn’t be turned down. “I had been in America for a long time, so moving to Ibiza where the purest form of club culture began made complete sense to me,” he furthered. “I had been stealing ideas from Ibiza for years, so when the opportunity arose for me to introduce my own, it was very exciting!” When he landed the role, Nick had big plans for the brand, but decided to hold off on executing them at first, as he wanted to introduce himself to the island and get a flair for the culture. “I had a grand plan for Pacha and was looking at it from a long-term perspective, but when I came in, I wanted to learn about the business first-hand and introduce myself and my team to the island. At first, I was this glitzy Vegas guy that everyone thought would be making suits in clubs mandatory, so my aim for the first season was to just take it all in.” One of the key considerations for Nick was how he could expand on Pacha’s already well-established reputation in the clubbing world. When he joined, the company was already at an interesting crossroads, with questions being asked about which direction was best for the brand. There were some teams that wanted to keep Pacha smaller and more local, with others questioning whether it should be built into an even bigger, global phenomenon. In 2017, private equity firm, Trilantic Europe became a major shareholder in the brand after coming to an agreement with the franchise’s owner, Ricardo Urgell. In the first two years after the agreement, Pacha was without a CEO and Nick felt as though its shine had gone. “Pacha had franchises all over the world with very mixed results. There wasn’t a lot of brand equity management, so the first


IN T ERV I EW - N I C K M cC ABE | W W W .M O N D O D R .C O M

question was, how do we take control of this and elevate the brand back to where it should be? We began closing franchises, ending deals and thought about the best way to re-establish the brand in a cool way again.” To do this, Nick cemented his focus on the talent side of the business as key DJs, including David Guetta, had left prior to him joining. He reintroduced himself to DJs he’d previously worked with, aiming to improve the audience experience in the club, and looked at other key areas of the business including merchandise. “The merch was brilliant back in the day and there was a great magazine that existed, too. Pacha also had its own record label at one point, which took itself seriously and put out some great releases. So, you have all these brand extensions, which made sense and helped build Pacha, but they’d all been left to the wayside. “We decided it was important to start thinking about those things again. We brought in Pete Tong as a board member and music advisor last year, too. Our aim was to look at the golden years of Pacha and learn from what happened, what built the iconic brand and how we can restart that process.” Pacha Group isn’t only synonymous with great nightlife, the brand also owns hotels, bars and restaurants across the globe. It was a logical extension for the company back in the ’90s, with the first Pacha hotel outside of Spain opening in 1993, and now reaching other islands including Formentera. The idea was to capture people before and after nightlife hours, too, giving people the full Pacha experience with the same unmatched hospitality. “The opening of Casa Pacha in Formentera last year was a big moment for me as CEO and for Pacha Group as a brand,” said Nick. “It’s a bucket-list destination for so many people, so when we visited it for the first time, I knew we

A bove Lef t: Pach a ’ s m erc h a ndi s e has been s ynonymous wi th th e b rand s ince it s inc epti on . A bove Middle: Th e ori g i na l P a c h a ni ght club op ened i n 1 9 6 7. A bove Right: An ea rly prom oti ona l pos t er for t he clu b .

had to have a presence there.” Secluded on Formentera’s longest beach, Migjorn, the hotel consists of 16 rooms and suites, named after people and concepts from Pacha’s history, including; Hippy, Lío and Ricardo. Casa Pacha also has its very own ‘Chiringuito’ beach bar, where guests can wine and dine with delicious Mediterranean food focussing on locally sourced and sustainable produce. “It’s captured the imagination of Pacha and has been so well received by everyone who has been able to make the trip this past year. Of course, we’d love to have the music element there, too, but we have to be careful about that as the restrictions are constantly changing due to COVID.” Pacha Group’s recent expansion has been focussed on its hotels and Lío venues, with Nick approaching the nightclub side of the business with caution. “The pressure of opening a club stamped with the iconic cherries is huge, and people expect it to be done right,” he explained. “So, for the moment, we’re taking our focus away from the nightclub side of the business and looking at what we can do with the hotels, and our Lío venues.” This summer, Pacha Group branched out into Mykonos, opening a Lío and Destino on the edges of its crystal blue seas. Nick also has plans to open a beach club in 2022, as the island provides yet another picture-perfect setting for Pacha’s loyal following. “We’re also hoping to open a Lío in Dubai early next year, as well as one in London, which will come a bit later. There’s plenty going on, less so with the Pacha brand for the time being, but on the hotel side, we’re really interested to see where that goes,” he said. The past year has been difficult not only for Pacha Group, but the entire hospitality and events industries. The COVID-19 pandemic halted live gigs, club nights,


“ T h e f irst nig ht we open Pacha a f te r th e re novation s, we wan t to sh ow it of f ! We wan t it to be f ull of auth e nt ic en er gy, which is wh y we ma d e the d ecision to ope n ne xt ye ar . ”

B e l o w : A r e c e n t i m a g e of Pa c ha , I biz a .

theatre and most bar and restaurant activity, having a devastating impact on owners. Ibiza’s clubs opened again on the 8 October this year, but the current restrictions mean that venues have to operate at 75% capacity with masks required indoors. For Pacha, this isn’t feasible as the intimacy felt within its walls is at the heart of the clubbing experience. The venue is also in the middle of a refurbishment that will see its audio-visual systems reinvented and interior updated with high-end, comfortable furniture and storage space for guests, with the grand reopening planned for early 2022. “We want people to have the full Pacha experience, without restrictions and with a DJ that feels comfortable playing in a safe environment. The first night we open Pacha after the renovations, we want to show it off! We want it to be full of authentic energy, which is why we made the decision to open next year when there’ll be a real thirst for it,” concluded Nick. With a career any committed clubber would be jealous of, Nick McCabe is set to carry Pacha Group out of the post-pandemic fog, reinventing the brand by bringing it back to its roots. With his impressive portfolio of party destinations, the Newcastle-born raver is living proof of what can happen if you follow your passion. From listening to Pete Tong’s Radio 1 show as a teenager in the ’90s, to fronting up global brands such as Hakkasan and Pacha, his admirable adventure is sure to inspire the next generation of electronic music’s eager entrepreneurs.



MXE Series


The MXE5 is the first member of the MXE matrix mix engine series. The 24 x 24 crosspoint performance audio matrix offers both routing and mixing functionalities, with 12 analog mic/line inputs and


eight line outputs. At the same time, the MXE5 serves as a communications hub for all IP-based peripherals and provides comprehensive supervision of all system-wide commands.

Delivering the highest audio quality kHz


The MXE5 benefits from advanced DSP, providing outstanding audio quality and dynamic range. This is ensured by a sampling rate of 96 kHz and one of the industry’s lowest audio latency of less than 0.22 ms.

Ready for a wide range of applications The MXE5 is designed for consultants, production companies, specifiers and system integrators who demand the highest-quality BGM and uncompromising live performance sound.

Built on comprehensive software The MXE5 integrates completely with Dynacord’s SONICUE sound system software, one of the most powerful software interfaces in the industry, offering comprehensive control and easy, intuitive operation.

Made for mixing and routing The MXE5 offers a variety of functions beyond being a powerful crosspoint matrix; it also works as both a system manager and an OCA controller with complete monitoring and supervision abilities.



Sound System Software

DC_MXE5_Print_Add_236x333mm_ENG.indd 1

19/08/2021 14:57:04

B A R S & RE S TA U R AN TS E ye-ca tch i n g a n d i n n o v a t i v e a udio-visua l ins ta l l a t i o n s f r o m b a r a n d re sta urant p r o j e c t s a r o u n d t h e world.



T he I mpo r ta n c e of G ood -Q u a l i t y Audi o i n Ba r s a n d R e sta u ra n t s COMPANY: GENELEC

Venues need to be welcoming. From décor to lighting and sound design, each element has its place as part of a carefully crafted whole. As an integral part of the experience, sound is clearly an area in which choosing the right solution can have a huge impact. We’ve all been in bars and restaurants that have looked amazing, but for some reason you just can’t have a comfortable conversation with the person next to you – either you can’t make yourself heard over the ambient noise levels or you feel you need to whisper because you have no privacy. Perhaps you’re seated too close to a badly placed loudspeaker with a bothersome output, drowning out your conversation. Whatever the problem, the outcome is the same: an experience that leaves something to be desired and perhaps a venue to which you might not return – particularly if it was a high-class establishment with prices to match! Keeping the customer happy, comfortable and relaxed therefore requires careful consideration. Once upon a time, sound tended to be something of an afterthought, but these days most venue owners accept that if they want to deliver a premium experience at every level, then that involves all of the senses. In a restaurant, for example, music can make all the difference to the overall atmosphere, and it should be unobtrusive, allowing comfortable conversation, but easy to hear. When the sound is perfectly suited to the space, there is no need to strain the ears. Audio design, therefore, should not be neglected and ideally should be incorporated at the venue planning stage. We’re still a long way from that happening every time, but it is becoming more frequent. The second scenario is venue refurbishment or simply an upgrade of existing equipment in order to bring the audio experience into line with today’s expectations. With so much choice on the market, customers have become increasingly discerning, so it’s up to restaurant and bar owners to make sure they deliver. Bars present numerous challenges for audio, whether at the design stage or as part of an upgrade. Firstly, each space differs – from size and shape, to acoustic environment and style of music. A premium audio system should adapt to both the room and the application, especially if the requirements change as the bar moves from a relaxed daytime mode to a pumping night-time ambience, perhaps even with a DJ. Genelec has made significant inroads into the installed audiovisual market over the past decade, with a dedicated range of installation loudspeakers that combine the same crystalline audio quality with beautiful aesthetics. Consequently, Genelec loudspeakers are being specified all over the world into establishments that want to elevate the customer experience. The company has paid particular attention to addressing the pain points of customers and integrators alike: firstly, from an integrator’s point of view, no-one will knowingly specify equipment that is difficult to install or maintain. Active loudspeakers are therefore an excellent choice as they remove the need for bulky external amplifiers and

associated cabling. Genelec’s 4000 Series is a range of active loudspeakers available in four different sizes, from the ultra-compact 4010 to the powerful flagship 4040, which is capable of delivering precise, studio-quality performance for applications requiring higher playback levels and greater low-frequency extension. All 4000 Series loudspeakers benefit from rear panel room compensation switches, which provide the ability to adapt to challenging acoustic environments, ensuring clean, intelligible, non-fatiguing audio whatever the playback level. A comprehensive range of mounting accessories means they can be installed quickly and conveniently in almost any location. Audio aside, 4000 Series loudspeakers are also beloved of venue owners for their beautiful, curved aesthetic which blends seamlessly into any environment, and if that’s not enough, they are also available in any of 120 RAL colours as well as an edgy ‘RAW’ finish, which works very well in environments with a more industrial feel. Another element that resonates increasingly with venue owners today is the issue of sustainability. Genelec has been committed to sustainable development and manufacturing processes since the company was formed over 40 years ago. Genelec products, since the very beginning, have been manufactured to last. This is a quality that is extremely appealing to owners and integrators alike. Rock-solid reliability 24/7 that is pretty much guaranteed for decades is a plus in everyone’s book. Added to that is the knowledge that the carbon footprint of each Genelec loudspeaker has been kept to a minimum thanks to locally sourced manufacturing materials, loudspeaker enclosures made from recycled aluminium, and efficient energy and recycling processes. The recent development of Genelec’s Smart IP loudspeaker series takes the concept of sustainability a step further. It is also a real game-changer in the field of networked audioover-IP solutions. Smart IP technology allows Genelec to bring its renowned audio quality to IP installations and makes active loudspeaker system design and installation significantly faster and easier than ever. Based on IP and Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) technology, the Genelec platform utilises a proprietary internal power supply that delivers remarkably higher SPLs than was previously possible via any conventional PoE. In fact, Smart IP is powerful enough to run small to medium sized systems – a world first – and all over a single standard CAT cable that delivers power, audio, calibration, control and monitoring. For integrators, the ability to have everything delivered over just one cable greatly simplifies the installation process and frees up both time and resources. Furthermore, a Smart IP solution can even run off the existing IP infrastructure if it’s planned at the design stage, for even greater savings. Whatever the scenario, Genelec Smart IP systems provide true, sustainable profitability for all installation projects.



The up-and-coming neighbourhood of Brickell is not only recognised as the financial district of the city, but it is rapidly developing into a stylish and much sought-after residential area. Enter 8Street Brickell – a boutique bar owned and operated by Mark Meram with a capacity to host exclusive VIP parties and DJ sets, whilst also offering an intimate hangout for locals, as well as international and national tourists. Mark’s vision was to create a sophisticated modern twist on a classic speakeasy style, with the interior of the venue creating a homage to the design ethos of the 1920s, including wood and button tuft upholstery and a soaring and undulating ceiling enhanced with LED lighting. 8Street Brickell was designed by Callin Fortis and his team at Bigtime Design Studios as part of a brand-new condo complex. “From the offset, we knew this venue was going to be something special,” explained Callin. “Equally it was going to demand a high-level audio installation which would complement, not detract, from the overall look and feel of the bar. In particular, because of the complex LED-mapped ceiling grid we were designing as a focal point of the bar’s architecture. It was a natural fit for us to work with high-end integrator Paul Van Puffelen and his team at Southern Technical Support Inc in order to help us realise Mark’s distinct vision of a modern-day speakeasy.” Mark was clear on what he wanted for the audio specification. “We were looking for a versatile audio system which would be well received by guest DJs for special events, but would also provide reliable perimeter and distributed audio coverage for our daytime service, as well as our lounge night concept. We wanted loudspeakers that would accentuate the space and act as part of the design, becoming a piece of art. We had Void Acoustics in mind long before we appointed our consultants.” System design integrator, Paul Van Puffelen from Southern Technical Support Inc, worked in close conjunction with audio partner, Mike Harris of Harris Audio Systems, to specify the Void Acoustics installation. Together, they answered the design brief for the high spec, sleek-looking audio system with a turnkey solution, including the installation and programming of a full Void system including the iconic Void Acoustics signature Air Motion loudspeakers accompanied by Air 8 and Airten V2



fixtures, and the IP-55 rated Cyclone 55 for the outside patio, completed by Stasys 218 subwoofers with Bias Q2 and Bias V9 amplifiers. All products were enhanced with a custom pantone matte black colour finish to reflect the designer’s project look. Paul reflected: “The main challenge was specifying and installing a highend audio installation into a brand-new venue during a pandemic! There were numerous delays during 2020 which, in the end, served us well, as it allowed the individual trades to come in and perfect each aspect of the installation without any real-time pressure, because all venues were closed at the time. Most importantly, it allowed us the time to implement a strategic acoustical treatment. We ended up with as much time as we felt we needed to tune the room and ensure there was no negative impact to the quality of the sound system resulting from any mechanical noises, air conditioning units and other structural elements of the build.” Whilst the Brickell neighbourhood has a plethora of bars and restaurants, there is nothing like 8Street Brickell in the vicinity and the bar offers something truly unique. Mark is thrilled with the outcome: “My wish was to create an approachable, but entirely unique and memorable experience for anyone stepping foot inside 8Street Brickell. In fact, offering our customers a chance to step back in time and celebrate that moment in history where the speakeasy was THE place to secretly meet. The sound system was one of the most important aspects of the space. A futuristic and quality Void Acoustics sound system helped create this intrigue and our guests’ first reaction when they walk in is instantly one of awe and curiosity in the sound system.” Mark also credits the expertise, hard work and dedication of the Southern Technical Support Inc team as central to him achieving his vision. He saw them deliver his goals seamlessly, whilst also keeping the integrity of the bar’s design intact. “We couldn’t be happier with the look and sound of the Void Acoustics system. I have always been an avid fan of Void Acoustics and knew that they were the only loudspeakers on the planet that would give us the sound quality and look we so desperately desired for the venue.”


Situated on a pedestrian plaza in the heart of Jersey City, just steps away from the Grove Street Pathe Station and seven minutes from Manhattan, The Ashford has become a popular destination for drinking, eating, and dancing. One of the most unique spaces in New Jersey, it features a series of linked areas, each with their own unique ambiance. On the ground floor is a restaurant and sports bar, with soaring ceilings, striking chandeliers, leather banquettes, and glamourous gold and red accents. On the second floor is The Gallery, a room surrounded by mirrors and the heart of the venue’s weekend ‘After Hours’ parties. The Parlor features a dedicated bar and restrooms, and can be hired for private events, while the The Study offers lush sofas and big windows for daytime lounging, and can also be transformed into a private dining space for up to 30 guests. The exclusive Balcony has access to The Veranda rooftop space above, as well as a commanding view of the main bar and restaurant below. Finally, the venue offers two dedicated premium spaces; The Parlor Alcove, a secluded seating area offering VIP bottle service reservations for groups of 10 to 15, and The Perch, a private VIP table for 8 to 10 guests raised up high above The Ashford’s main bar area. New York-based integration company, Canal Sound and Light, supplied The Ashford with 46 of ADJ’s Saber Spot RGBW LED pinspot fixtures. Each utilising a 15W four-in-one quad colour LED light source, these compact lighting instruments generate a razor sharp 4º beam of light but are also supplied with 10º and 45º lens options, making them extremely versatile fixtures. In The Ashford, they are used to illuminate the main bar, from the striking metal cage positioned above it, as well as to downlight strips of wall. A significant number of fixtures have also been attached to the wooden beams high up in the ceiling to illuminate the main walkway that runs down the length of the space between the bar and main seating area. Additional fixtures are used to light the stairs leading to the mezzanine spaces, ensuring that routes through the venue are safely lit while maintaining an intimate atmosphere. “The client didn’t want too much light and preferred the idea of spots with narrow beam angles for lighting the key features and walkways,” explained Canal Sound and Light’s Uriel ‘Chicken’ Coria, who served as Project Manager and Lighting Designer on the installation. “Based on that brief, the ADJ Saber Spot RGBW was the perfect choice. It’s very small, which made it easy to install, and cost-effective, which meant that the quantity of fixtures we needed to cover the whole venue fit within the client’s budget. The output is great, and the four-in-one LEDs allow for smooth colour mixing with lots of options. The client particularly liked the shade of amber we were able to create with them. The sharp 4º beam angle was perfect for the walkways and bars, but we also made use of the 45º frost filters for the ones we installed over the DJ booth. In that area we needed a wider wash to light the DJs, and they also worked well for that purpose. They are very flexible.” Further wash lighting in the main space is provided by ADJ’s UB 6H, UB 9H and UB 12H linear LED fixtures. Each loaded with 6W HEX (RGBWA+UV) colour mixing LEDs, these units feature magnetic interlocking end caps, which allow fixtures to be easily connected for seamless LED spacing. They are ideal for enveloping large swathes of walls or ceilings with vibrant colour washes. At The Ashford, the Canal Sound and Light team used them to illuminate the entrance lobby, main bar area, and large sections of the corrugated metal roof. ADJ’s Mega Hex Par fixtures are used to light the various upstairs spaces. Each featuring five 6W HEX LEDs, these compact par-style units



offer a useful 25º beam angle and versatile dual hanging bracket, which makes them equally suitable for event production and permanent installations applications. Completing the venue’s line-up of atmospheric wash lighting, a mixture of ADJ’s 18P HEX IP and 7P HEX IP fixtures have been used to illuminate the exterior of the venue. These tough, IP65-rated LED pars feature 18 and seven 12W HEX LEDs, respectively, with a beam angle of 30º, and are designed for use outdoors in any weather. Six of the smaller 7P HEX IP fixtures are used to downlight the venue’s outdoor curbside seating area, while four of the larger 18P HEX IP units uplight the brick wall above. Finally, two 18P HEX IP fixtures, as well as 17 more UB 9H LED battens, have been installed in the venue’s rooftop space, The Veranda. As part of this upgrade that now allows The Ashford to transition into a full-on lounge nightclub for its After Hours events, Canal Sound and Light supplied and integrated 25 ADJ moving head fixtures throughout the venue, as well as two strategically placed mirror balls (one M-2020 and one M-1616). to enhance the exclusivity of The Parlor Alcove VIP space, they also installed one of ADJ’s distinctive Starship fixtures above the seating area. A modern take on the classic centerpiece effect, this unique unit features six motorised bars loaded with powerful quadcolour LEDs that generate a range of intense moving and colourchanging mid-air beams. All of the moving head fixtures installed in the venue are from ADJ’s Focus Series. Four of the powerful Focus Spot 4Z units take pride of place in the main restaurant/bar area, while a mixture of compact Focus Spot Twos and Focus Spot Ones cover the low-ceilinged upstairs areas. Programming of the lighting system was carried out by ‘Chicken’, who used ADJ’s myDMX 3.0 software, running across three DMX universes. To make day-to-day operation of the lighting easy for The Ashford’s DJs and managers, he configured three ADJ myDMX RM hardware interfaces to provide control of the system at the touch of a button. Each of these rack mount units features 16 touch buttons, which can each be assigned a lighting program via the myDMX software, which is then stored to the myDMX RM for standalone playback with no computer required.


Equipson’s loudspeaker products were the perfect choice for Spanish company, TecnoSonido when it was tasked with installing a new audio system at a five-star hotel on the Costa Blanca. With a customer profile that includes both national and international guests, the SH Villa Gadea hotel in Altea, Alicante, was keen to ensure that its new restaurant, The Purple Rain Lounge, delivered a sophisticated and enjoyable ambiance. Sound was a key part of this requirement as the hotel wanted to ensure that customers could hear music being played, but not at the expense of their conversations. “When we go to a restaurant for dinner, we don’t want to listen to loud music,” said TecnoSonido’s Managing Director, Alexis Roldan. “What we are looking for, in addition to a good dish, is a pleasant atmosphere for all the senses. This is where sound plays a very important role.” TecnoSonido’s brief for the Purple Rain Lounge project was clear. The hotel wanted a sound system that allowed every diner to hear the music, no matter where they were seated. The system also needed to have independent volume control for each area of the restaurant – and the loudspeakers had to be sufficiently discreet that they didn’t spoil the aesthetics of the room. “Every detail of the restaurant was taken into account,” said Alexis. “From the paintings on the wall, which all have a bold touch and lots of personality, to the carpet and the absorbents placed in the columns to improve sound quality. And, of course, the restaurant’s gastronomy and cocktails are some of the most demanding on the market.” To achieve the desired audio effect, TecnoSonido used 25 WORK PRO C PRO 6 ceiling loudspeakers, which have paintable grid covers, making it easy to disguise them once they are installed. These twoway loudspeakers are suitable for 70/100 V line or low-impedance installations and once in place, the tweeter can be rotated to control directionality, thus enhancing the audio experience. Alongside the ceiling loudspeakers, TecnoSonido also specified six WORK PRO NEO 5 IP two-way passive loudspeakers that offer exceptional audio quality and are simple and quick to install. “We chose

Equipson because it has a wide range of products, many of which we are already familiar with,” Alexis commented. “It also has a good quality to price ratio, which allows us to compete in this market.” To ensure that the audio system could deliver independent volume to each area of the restaurant, Alexis and his team also installed a WD 421 audio signal distributor. In addition, they adapted to new ideas introduced by the hotel management during the construction phase. “Our client wanted the option of bringing in a DJ on certain occasions to set the atmosphere,” furthered Alexis. “The area chosen for this had eight built-in loudspeakers, so to take advantage of what we already had, we changed the amplification and installed two WORK PRO NEO S8 A ambient subwoofers, which give us a full-range system.” SH Villa Gadea has various restaurants and bars on site, each giving guests a difference experience. For the new Purple Rain Lounge, the hotel was starting from scratch and had to identify where it wanted to locate the restaurant before starting the construction work. It chose TecnoSonido as its AV partner because of previous good experiences with the company. “We have been handling corporate events for the SH Villa Gadea hotel for several years, so we were already familiar with the location chosen for the Purple Rain Lounge,” continued Alexis. “With projects like this, we always say that we are one of the first to start and also one of the last to finish because initially we have to run cables and coordinate with the electricians, masons and so on, then we have to come back and install all the audio-visual materials.” The Purple Rain Lounge was no exception, as the first phase of this project involved running corrugated pipes and wiring through the ceiling and making the circular cut-outs necessary to recess each WORK PRO C PRO 6 loudspeaker. The second phase involved regulating and setting up the whole system, including the outdoor terrace area, where six WORK PRO IP 65 in-wall loudspeakers were installed. SH Villa Gadea opened its new restaurant in July, in time to make the most of the 2021 summer season.



Tiger’s Milk is a popular Kitchen/Bar which serves a selection of lagers and ales alongside a menu that takes pizza, grills and burgers to the next level. It is a part of the prominent Life & Brand Portfolio, a group that runs a variety of bars, bistros and restaurants across South Africa, unified behind a passion for delivering authentic food and beverage experiences. For this project, a new establishment located in the chic Johannesburg suburb of Bedfordview required a zoned audio solution to handle BGM playback throughout the premises, which blended with Tiger’s Milk’s characteristic black interior. Timelines were extremely tight as the work needed to be finished in time for the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and re-opening of the hospitality industry in South Africa. The job was originally procured by Output AV, which specified and purchased the AUDAC equipment, before sub-contracting K2 Innovate for the integration. All the hardware was supplied by Stage Audio Works (SAW), AUDAC’s South African distributor. Following a series of installations across South Africa, AUDAC has established itself at the forefront of multi-zone distributed audio solutions. AUDAC systems are designed with solid reliability, ease of installation and user experience (UX) as a priority. Furthermore, the scaleable nature of the system at a cost-effective price point makes it appealing to businesses of all sizes. In this instance, an end-toend AUDAC solution was chosen: K2 Innovate had previous experience installing the equipment and AUDAC’s offering of white and black colour runs on the relevant models was essential in preserving the aesthetic of the Tiger’s Milk brand. The AUDAC system covers seven distinct zones, including four key areas of seating, the bar, outside and the bathrooms. AUDAC’s sleek ATEO range of loudspeakers with their innovative CleverMount wall mounting technology, were specified for the bar and seating areas, supplemented by WX502 universal wall-mount loudspeakers. The fluid lines of the ATEO range combined with high-quality components and wide dispersion make them an excellent choice for high end hospitality environments such as Tiger’s Milk. Furthermore, the CleverTouch mounting system combines elegance with functionality – once the wallplate has been installed in the desired location, it’s a matter of seconds to clip the loudspeaker onto the wallplate, which blends seamlessly with the loudspeaker design, and the system is ready to go. Six weatherproof AUDAC WX502-O were implemented in the outside seating area, designed to function optimally in outdoor environments with integrated advanced protection network that protects the tweeter



against overload. The materials and finish also make it resistant to extreme weather. For the bathrooms, K2 Innovate installed full-range CENA706 ceiling loudspeakers to provide ambience, whilst remaining visually discreet thanks to their borderless grille. Their SpringFit fixing system offers super-fast installation time. The entire system is controlled via an AUDAC MTX88 eight-zone audio matrix, which enables source selection and level control for each of the seven designated audio zones. Remote control is provided by the AUDAC Touch app, which allows restaurant staff to control levels from their mobile phones. The installation was not without its challenges, notably in adhering to the client’s stipulation that the system should remain as visually discreet as possible in an environment with a large variation in ceiling height. Karsten Hinrichsen, the owner of K2 Innovate, explained how they countered this: “We mounted the subwoofers as high as possible to keep them out of sight, and the same for the loudspeakers where possible, angling them downwards to maintain high-quality audio output. Certain mounting methods and loudspeaker orientations worked better for different zones.” Additionally, due to the tight opening deadline, many contractors were working on various aspects of the Tiger’s Milk site simultaneously to ready it for launch, making the process more hectic. “AUDAC’s unique bracketing systems really came into their own here: we installed all of the brackets first, trying not to get in the way of the other contractors on site, and then once the dust had settled, we simply went back and clipped all of the loudspeakers into place.” Summarising the success of the project, Karsten explained: “We’re really happy with the complete solution, and the client is, too. In the face of a tight deadline, we have delivered a solution that meets and exceeds the criteria.” He continued: “An AUDAC solution is an ideal choice for this type of application, giving us a large amount of choice and flexibility at an extremely attractive price point. We provided a well-distributed system that delivers high-quality audio, even in areas where we installed loudspeakers higher up. Installation is quick and easy, and for the client, management of the system and the various zones is straightforward and hassle-free, with the MTX backend and app-based control.” Matthew Billet, Events Manager of the Life & Brand group echoes this positivity: “We’re thrilled with the outcome. Our new AUDAC audio system has elevated our restaurant to the next level, improving the user experience for employees as well as visiting patrons with its unbelievable clarity and headroom. Great work from everyone involved!”


Presented by True Grit Hospitality Group, the organisation behind the Calaveras Cantina, Voodoo Bayou serves southern Cajun cuisine and craft cocktails in a vibrant atmosphere reminiscent of classic Louisiana architecture. The restaurant comprises a first-floor dining room with a bar and stage for live shows, as well as a mezzanine level with a second bar overlooking the dining area. To provide high-quality sound and enable staff to easily adjust levels in different areas, Voodoo Bayou required a sophisticated audio system with a simple, portable control interface. To achieve these goals, Laudio Technology equipped the restaurant with an assortment of JBL loudspeakers powered by Crown amplifiers and a BSS signal processor with the HiQnet Motion Control app for convenient iPad control. Faced with a variety of ceiling heights and surfaces that presented a challenge when mounting loudspeakers throughout the space, Tim Law, Owner, Laudio Technology deployed a wide range of JBL Control Series loudspeakers suited to different applications. For full-range sound in the main dining area, Tim hung Control 67 P/T pendant loudspeakers and Control 60PS/T pendant subwoofers from the 18 ft ceiling. In the areas under the mezzanine, Control 65 P/T pendant loudspeakers provide additional coverage. On the mezzanine level, Tim installed in-ceiling Control 47 C/T loudspeakers and Control 40CS/T subwoofers for discreet sound coverage. In the outdoor patio area, weather-resistant Control 28-1 and Control 25-1 wallmounted loudspeakers provide full-range sound while being protected from the elements. The bathrooms feature compact Control 14C/T ceiling loudspeakers, while the kitchen sports a single Control 28-1 wall-mounted loudspeaker for staff communication. Finally, Tim equipped the stage with four JBL PRX835W powered three-way PA loudspeakers, positioning one pair to cover the first level and a second angled upward toward the mezzanine level. Two four-channel Crown CDi 4|600BL amplifiers power the majority of the house loudspeakers, while a single two-channel JBL CSA 240Z amplifier powers the kitchen and bathroom loudspeakers. Signal is sent to the amplifiers by a BSS BLU-101 signal processor, which features separate inputs for background music, TV audio and outputs from a stage mixer. An additional input for the kitchen microphone is fed only to the kitchen loudspeakers. Tim grouped loudspeakers into multiple zones for discreet volume control in the main dining area, mezzanine, under-mezzanine, patio, kitchen and bathrooms. An additional two zones control the two sets of stage PA loudspeakers. Using the HiQnet Motion Control iOS app, staff can adjust levels for individual input sources and loudspeaker zones as they walk around the restaurant. True Grit Hospitality Group liked the new sound system and convenient control so much that they subsequently hired Laudio Technology to retrofit their previous restaurant, Calaveras Cantina, as well. Additionally, the group commissioned Laudio Technology to equip their next two restaurants, another Voodoo Bayou and Calaveras Cantina, with similar HARMAN Professional audio systems.



La Citi is not the kind of dining experience you normally expect to find in a shopping mall. The outdoor rooftop space is the newest attraction in Barcelona’s popular La Maquinista retail centre. It is a celebration of the city and the wider region’s culinary diversity and quality pop-up and foodtruck dining, featuring a selection of vendors more commonly found at festivals and in street food markets. Downtown, the group behind the creation and management of the 1,000 sq metre experience, represent years of experience and involvement with local food trucks markets and some of the coolest restaurants on the region’s culinary scene. Their creation features gastronomic kiosks and pop-up stalls that showcase vendors offering everything from British fish and chips to Asian tapas, paella and mahi mahi burritos, South American barbecue sandwiches, American buttermilk and spice fried chicken, artisan pizza, craft beer, creative cocktails, and much more. In designing the space, Downtown required a high-quality BGM sound system throughout the site, able to operate constantly 12 hours a day, seven days a week in an outdoor environment. For that they came to Barcelona’s loudspeaker manufacturer, Amate Audio, whose very latest G7 premium commercial audio design provided a ready-made solution. Working with Downtown in project managing the installation was Amate Audio’s Industrial Designer, Guiu Llusá, who was integral in the inception and design of the G7. “The G7 was chosen by Downtown for its exceptional aesthetics and sound quality, as well as ease of installation and the capability of the

Diam o nd H il l Resor t & S pa Roofto p Lounge Ba r COMPANY: Martin Audio LOCATION: VLORË, ALBANIA


design to withstand inclement weather,” he said. “It is an ultra-compact design that combines the highest standards of robustness and reliability, required of a commercial audio loudspeaker, with levels of sonic performance rarely, if ever, attained with an injection-moulded design.” Exceptional performance in the G7 was attained by meticulous matching of premium custom components within an extensively researched and developed proprietary mould, entirely the work of Amate Audio’s design and engineering team, resulting in both a highly advanced internal acoustic architecture and distinctive styling. The resultant output level and frequency response are comparable with larger wood constructed cabinets with considerably larger drivers; resulting in a lesser number of cabinets in an installation and a bass response that does not necessitate the addition of sub bass cabinets. Coverage of the entire site was achieved with 18 G7 loudspeakers, powered by just two Amate Audio HD4000 ‘high dynamic’ power amplifiers with control from a single LMS608 digital loudspeaker management processor. Jordi Amate, Head of Sales at Amate Audio, said: “We did not want to come to this product segment with an equivalent product to what is already in over supply from Far Eastern manufacturers. In the G7, we have something else – something that allows installers to offer a better customer experience, that represents the highest quality to performance to price ratio ever achieved with a plastic cabinet.”

Part of the Diamond Hill Resort & Spa, the new 400-capacity Rooftop Lounge Bar in the Albanian city of Vlorë has been fitted out with a high-power Martin Audio sound system, comprising components from the BlacklineX and CDD series, which was supplied and installed by their territorial distributors, Prosound. Offering breakthtaking, panoramic views, the lively venue delivers a combination of house music from DJs interspersed with performances from live bands by night, and BGM during the daytime. Prosound had been contacted by the venue’s architects to provide a solution, “but the procurement process was similar to that of a tender since the client also received offers from other providers,” acknowledged Prosound’s Technical Director, Endrit Veleshnja, who recommended Martin Audio and designed the system around it. Explaining his reasons, he said: “BlacklineX Series has continuously shown that it offers the ideal loudspeaker models in situations where quality sound with moderately high SPL levels is required. Another consideration was that the


system needed to be affordable. “As for the CDD series, offering premium sound quality and weather protection, it was the perfect choice for the terrace.” Installed inside the venue are 10 Blackline X8, along with a pair of X10 and four SX210 subwoofers, ground stacked. Outside on the U-shaped terrace, which bends around the indoor perimeter, are 10 CDD6 and four SX110 subwoofers, suspended from the small terrace roof. In addition, Prosound installed the mixing console and the matrix system that divides the sound zones (which is also controlled by a smartphone/tablet). They also installed the entertainment lighting system on a small stage in the middle of the indoor venue. This stage is located inside the bar and sits on a glass frame, with views down through six storeys. Kliton Gjika, CEO of Prosound, reported that both the client and his customers are delighted with the results. “Also, the different live bands that have performed at the venue during this summer season have provided very positive feedback about the quality of the sound system.”

Fog is our passion! Cobra 3.1


Adding to Brighton’s rich musical backdrop, Socialite is a lifestyle restaurant, bar and roof terrace specialising in quality food, drink and entertainment. A project three years in the making, Socialite has gained significant popularity since its recent opening. While serving contemporary British dishes and cocktails with global influences, using the freshest local ingredients with a Brighton touch, the real hook remains in the ’70s and ’80s soul/funk classics pumping through building. With the aim of being an all-in-one bar, the space needed an AV system that could occasionally simmer into the background, allowing conversation to flow, while also being able to support live music and DJ events. Thanks to Dynacord’s MXE5 Matrix Mix Engine and TPC-1 touch panel controller, Socialite now has total control for hosting both intimate and large-scale events, with a user-friendly AV solution, installed by Flipside Soundsystem. Programmed using SONICUE Sound System Software to achieve the best results, the customised GUI on the TPC-1 gives staff control over volume levels and source selection for the different zones around the venue. The solution is then powered by a pair of Dynacord C Series amplifiers for fixed installations. Equipped with a feature-rich onboard DSP, C Series also features FIR drive, a premium feature yielding a level of performance that is hard to come by at this price point. Electro-Voice EVID-S Series surface-mount loudspeakers have been deployed around the venue to deliver the combination of live and recorded music. The EVID-S loudspeaker Series offers the installer ease-of-installation, sturdy weather resistance, a modern and delicate look, and flexible mounting options. The installation features eight-inch and five-inch versions wall-mounted around the DJ areas, with four-inch models for the downstairs bar and IP-rated versions installed in the rooftop terrace. While a restaurant wouldn’t usually require subwoofers, Flipside felt it necessary to give the DJ nights an extended bass foundation and installed a pair of Electro-Voice ZX-1 subwoofers. For the main L-shaped seating area inside, the loudspeakers needed to work among the furniture layout of banquette seating with tables placed sporadically, all the while meeting one of the main briefs for guests to be able to hold a conversation. “With the seating being along the wall, we simply decided to wall-mount everything because the sound ends up going over-head and more into the centre of the room,” added James Cooper, Flipside’s Managing Director. “It would have been trickier if there were tables in the middle of the room – this way, the music can be appreciated, and you can still be involved in a discussion.” The final audio-visual setup has left Socialite in a position to host events both intimate and large-scale, as James concluded: “It’s given me a lot of confidence in all of the equipment that we used – particularly with the EVID loudspeakers. The reports back to us have been really encouraging, so much so, that we’re currently quoting them a new system design for another venue.”

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Powersoft’s Dynamic Music Distribution (DMD) solution is at the heart of the audio system providing the soundtrack to Kent’s newest sports and entertainment destination. With Dynamic Music Distribution, Powersoft offers the ability to scale inputs and zones conveniently and efficiently with dynamic routing capabilities embedded on its amplifier platforms. This makes it simple to dynamically route music and other signal sources along with control signals between different zones and across multiple amplifiers – all independently of source location and without the need for a centralised DSP. Two Mezzo 604 ADs - Powersoft’s four-channel, 600W compact amplifier - are powering the entirety of the 250-capacity Matches Sports Bar. Tucked away behind the counter, a single 4.3-inch wall-mounted Powersoft WM touchscreen, gives complete control of the entire DMD system, including Mezzo’s embedded dynamic routing capabilities. “By using Powersoft’s Dynamic Music Distribution solution, we could keep our design simple all the way, from designing the project to handing it over to the client,” explained Ashley Bond, Managing Director of system designer and installer, MADE Worldwide. “The client is then left with a powerful start-to-finish solution from a single industry leading manufacturer, providing them with a safe and secure audio system that’s really going to push through.” Matches Sports Bar – located at Elwick Place in Ashford – opened in June and has been doing roaring business ever since. With a single four-channel Mezzo amplifier now able to drive up to four independent zones of audio, thanks to Powersoft’s new ArmoníaPlus 2.2 software release, the DMD ecosystem was the natural choice to bring to life Jon Shephard, Matches’ Owner’s vision for the venue, he explained: “We have three semi-private self-pour beer areas. In those areas, whilst customers want to be able to hear the experience, the volume still allows them to have a conversation with others across the table. We also have other semi-private areas, such as the snug area and in the private room, where customers are all-encapsulated in high-quality, 3D surround sound. “In the main bar area, we wanted a system where customers could really feel like they’re in the stadium watching the match live. However, once



that match is finished and we turn the [TV] sound off, we want to get the music pumping – to turn it up loud and have no loss in quality with regards to the audio.” The two Powersoft Mezzo amplifiers are responsible for managing the audio throughout Matches, including in the corridor and washrooms. Powersoft’s UK distributor, CUK Audio, supplied MADE with the Mezzos and WM Touch, as well as the AUDAC loudspeakers (ATEO wall-mounted loudspeakers, CIRA ceiling loudspeakers, and BASO10 and NOBA8 subwoofers) the amplifiers power. Its installed audio-visual channel manager, Steve Barton, said multiple output options like those on the Mezzo 604 AD were essential for a venue like Matches, where a single amplifier is able to power both Lo- and Hi-Z loudspeakers. “DMD was key here,” said Steve, “because it provides a cost-effective and stylish way of routing audio around venues like this. Here, we need small amounts of power going to smaller zones, like the toilets or corridors, and a large amount of power to provide high-quality, pumping audio to get the atmosphere going in the bar area. This is where the Mezzo amplifier running the Dynamic Music Distribution system shines. “One of the challenges on this project for us was to keep everything nice and tight with a small-rack install,” added MADE’s Ashley. “Because the Mezzos are so small in the rack, we were able to fit three satellite boxes, and an AUX input, so we could come in and throw [sound] around in different zones and make it easy for the client to use.” Despite its high spec, the Powersoft system is so competitively priced that recommending it to MADE for the Matches project was very straightforward, continued Steve: “Dynamic Music Distribution is very easy to justify to integration partners and end users because it offers supreme flexibility while being cost effective,” he explained. “When you look, in terms of money and size, how much power, processing capabilities and content you’re getting out of it, it’s a no-brainer.” Jon said he is “delighted with the AV system we have in Matches”, which made its public debut ahead of the UEFA Euro 2020 football championship this summer. “The WM Touch system is user-friendly – we have a control panel behind the bar, which any of our staff can log on to and change the audio in a couple of clicks. Plus, the training [from MADE] only took a minimal amount of time – no more than half an hour – because it’s so simple to use. “The system is automated as far as it can be, and that’s based on the fact that we used the Dynamic Music Distribution system by Powersoft. It’s made our lives easier because we know that the customer benefits from a user-friendly system.” In fact, so impressed were the MADE team by the system installed at Matches that the company is already speccing an almost identical system for several upcoming projects. “That’s off the back of how strongly it has performed at Matches,” Ashley continued. “It’s become our go-to solution for hospitality projects – so much so that we even hold stock of it just to have it when we need it.” Equally important as its equipment’s technical prowess are the people at Powersoft, added Ashley of CUK, which has been distributing the brand in the UK since 2008. “It’s not just about the products – it’s about the relationships, and the guys at Powersoft are fantastic,” he concluded. “They’ve demonstrated time and time again that they’re approachable, personable and flexible, which is exactly what you need in a working relationship. And it’s a rare combination to find a top-level manufacturer that has such fantastic people working for them.”









HÔTEL DES LUMIÈRES Puy-en-Velay, France






IN B RI E F Ch r is tie P r o v i d e s P r o j e c t i o n for A r t E x h i b i t i o n S h o w c a s i n g H is tor y of D e o k s u g u n g P a l a ce Christie is providing projection support for a contemporary art exhibition that recounts the history of Deoksugung Palace, one of the five royal palaces situated in central Seoul, through its beautifully manicured gardens. Titled Deoksugung Project 2021: Garden of Imagination, it is inspired by the late Joseon Dynasty’s culture of ‘uiwon’, meaning ‘a garden of one’s mind’. Christie supplied a D13WU-HS 1DLP laser projector for a digital art installation named Dream Journey to a Garden in Hamnyeongjeon, the living and sleeping quarters of King Gojong – the last ruling monarch of the Joseon Dynasty. The displayed content was created by animator Yong-bae Lee in collaboration with Jong-sang Sung, a landscape architect, to depict picturesque garden scenery that King Gojong had wished to enjoy while living an isolated life in Hamnyeongjeon until his death in 1919. The D13WU-HS projector was installed by Christie’s local partner, SNC Alliance Co., Ltd, which was also involved in the 2021 Delight Seoul exhibition. Thanks to Christie’s BoldColor Technology and HD resolution, the D13WU-HS fulfilled the requirements of the artists, who had placed much emphasis on brightness and colour accuracy of the projected visuals.


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IN B RI E F E l ektr a Lig h t i n g I l l u m i n a t e s Le e ds’ Queens H o t e l w i t h L E D F l e x The Queens Hotel in Leeds is an impressively grand building, dating back to 1937. With an awe-inspiring Art Deco-style elegance, the Grade II listed building is one of the city’s most famous landmarks. Owners, QHotels Group invested £16m into a major renovation of the hotel, with the new-look Queens Hotel being revealed in summer 2021. As part of the refurbishment to the hotel’s reception and Grand Pacific Lounge, alongside a redesign of the exterior façade lighting, Elektra Lighting was commissioned to create the lighting scheme. Working in collaboration with the lighting designers, LEDFlex designed a series of bespoke linear lighting solutions. These have been integrated into the public areas of the hotel, which include the Reception, Lobby, Café and the Grand Pacific bar and restaurant. While the 4mm wide Nano Flex 264 was used in narrow joineries and shelving, Eco Flex 180 was used for subtle cove lighting. LEDFlex’s Flexi Grazer Narrow 20 was further used for interior wall grazing to accentuate feature walls. Elektra Lighting opted for warm colour temperatures, which aligns with their key design principles of making hospitality welcoming and relaxing.


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P ho t o s: L o ui s e S ti c k l and



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Middl e s e x S o u n d & L i g h t ing r ev a m ps E s s e x’ s po pula r nigh t c l u b w i t h b r a n d - ne w, a u d i o - v i s u a l s y s t e ms. Belo w : Fa c e s’ ma i n da n c e r o o m .

Frequented by familiar faces from hit reality TV show The Only Way is Essex, Faces is a staple of the Southern nightlife scene. Mirroring Ibiza-style parties, the venue became a popular night-spot in the ’90s, operating firstly as a members-only club, which went on to welcome the likes of Pharrell Williams and Lindsay Lohan. Recently, the venue revamped its guest experience with an all-new interior restyle and an audio-visual system designed and installed by West London-based, Middlesex Sound & Lighting (MSL). Thirteen years since its last refurbishment, club owner, John Clark, was keen to move away from its dated interior: “Lockdown has been particularly hard on nightclubs, as Faces was shut from the 23 March 2020 to July 2021. It was during this time that I decided to refurbish the club, giving it a completely new look and feel. “Using MSL we were able to design a new sound, lighting, laser and visual experience to take us forward into a new era.” MSL has been involved with the venue since its onset back in 1993, so when the team were approached by John about the upgrade, they were keen to get involved. “We were approached by John to have a meeting and discuss the new layout of the club. We bounced a few ideas off each other and a new concept and design was quickly realised. We were then asked to supply all elements of the venue’s audio-visual systems,” explained Toby Jones, Audio-visual Designer at MSL. The JBL Professional sound system inside Faces had served its time well, and the venue wanted to shift to a new, multi-zone setup with an easy-to-use, touchscreen interfaced system that would have the ability to control both the audio and video source selection. MSL designed the system so that it was split into seven zones, with each having multiple top boxes with subwoofers for the low frequency extension. In the reception area, MSL installed two KV2 Audio ESD5 two-way loudspeakers and a single ESD1.10 10-inch passive subwoofer. The front audio zones each have four independent ESD25 loudspeakers and a single ESD1.12 subwoofer for low frequency extensions. In the rear seating zone surrounding the dance floor, MSL supplied eight ESD25s, along with two ESD1.12 subwoofers. “We wanted to supply KV2, having used these boxes in other venues. We knew they’d be perfect for the job, and after carrying out a demo live in the venue, John took an instant liking to them,” furthered Toby. Installed on the main dancefloor are four KV2 Audio ESD12 12-inch two-way top boxes with four single ESD1.18 subwoofers clustered in the middle at the back of the dance floor. The DJ booth is served with two ESD10 two-way loudspeakers and a single ESD1.12 subwoofer for DJ monitoring. “The whole system sounds incredible. There’s so much definition with no distortion - something that KV2 pride themselves on,” said Toby. Multiple Powersoft M Series and K Series amplifiers were also specified for the project, along with existing amplifiers from QSC, including its PLX1202, PLX1602, PLX1804 and PLX2402 products. The


whole system is controlled by one BSS Audio BLU-100 signal processor, two BSS BLU-BOB audio output expanders and one BSS BLU10 programmable wall controller. “We also supplied the venue with new DJ kit comprising one Pioneer Pro Audio DJM 900 NXS2, and two CDJ 2000 NXS2s,” he said. “Pioneer provides the best club equipment and is the most well-known within the DJ community, too.” The lighting side of the project was to play a major part in the reopening and what the space has to offer to its customers. The brief from the team at the venue was to take the club to the next level and provide an exceptional visual experience for guests, working in conjunction with the club’s multiple four cell video walls. Toby detailed the technicalities of the lighting: “We installed over 350-metres of LED tape into the ceiling coffers and booths around the venue. Six CHAUVET DJ Intimidator Spot 260 moving heads were installed in the front areas, with 20 Prolights Pixie Beams installed in a grid format above the dancefloor. Six CHAUVET Professional R1X Wash fixtures surround the perimeter of the grid and a single Prolights SunBlast 3000FC strobe and Kvant Burstberry full colour RGB laser add the icing on the cake. All the lighting inside the club is also enhanced by a Look Solutions Unique 2.1 hazer. Lighting control comes from a SHOWCAD lighting server with a large format touchscreen, which we chose for its ease of use.” The video elements of the club are what brings it into its new era, with MSL installing multiple 55-inch NEC video panels across the whole venue. Split into separate zones, the supply consists of single screens in the reception area, with rear seated areas treated to three 2x2 video wall combinations. A Panasonic 6,500-lumen WUXGA laser projector and a three-metre electronic screen on the dancefloor can also be used for showing large sporting events. “All video switching is controlled via a Wyrestorm eight-way matrix that is controlled by a Soundweb London BLU10 touchscreen interface. Resolume Arena 7 Software provides all


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“The whole system sounds incredible. There’s so much definition with no distortion - something that KV2 prides itself on.”

A b o ve : Th e a u d io a n d light in g mixin g b o o t h i n s i d e t he clu b.

© Photo by Mihály Podobni

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graphics and content for the screens and reacts to audio triggers from the sound system, which creates a very dynamic and interactive look,” explained Toby. With its brand-new audio-visual systems, Faces is ready to welcome back guests after a turbulent year for hospitality. With nightlife previously on hold, the club couldn’t showcase its refurbished systems and brand-new look that foreshadows a new era of the Faces experience. “This was a great project that allowed us to enhance a staple of the Essex nightlife scene with some outstanding audio-visual technology,” concluded Toby. “The feedback from the venue owner and those that have attended the club has been incredible! We look forward to working on more nightlife projects as business starts to reopen.”

TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND 2 x KV2 Audio ESD5 loudspeaker; 23 x KV2 Audio ESD25 loudspeaker; 2 x KV2 Audio ESD10 loudspeaker; 4 x KV2 Audio ESD12 loudspeaker; 1 x KV2 Audio ESD1.10 subwoofer; 5 x KV2 Audio ESD1.12 subwoofer; 1 x KV2 Audio ESD1.12 subwoofer; 4 x KV2 Audio ESD1.18 subwoofer; 2 x QSC PLX1202 amplifier; 1 x QSC PLX1602 amplifier; 1 x QSC PLX1804 amplifier; 1 x QSC PLX2402 amplifier; 2 x QSC RMX2450 amplifier; 2 x Powesoft M30D amplifier; 1 x Martin Audio 9.6K amplifier; 1 x Powersoft M50Q amplifier; 1 X BSS BLU-100 signal processor; 1 X BSS BLU10 wall controller; 1 x Pioneer Pro Audio DJM900 NXS2 mixer; 2 x Pioneer Pro Audio CDJ 2000 NXS2 multi player LIGHTING & VIDEO 20 x Prolights Pixie Beam luminaire; 4 x CHAUVET Professional Rogue R1X spot light; 6 x CHAUVET DJ Intimidator Spot 260 moving head; 1 X Prolights SunBlast 3000FC strobe; 2 x CHAUVET COLORado Solo batten; 1 x Kvant Burst Berry Full Colour laser system 350M RGBW 24V LED tape; 1 x Look Solutions unique hazer; 1 X ShowCAD control system; 15 x NEC 55-inch video wall panel; 1 x Panasonic 6500 lumens WUXGA laser projector

L e f t : F a c e s u s e s K v a n t l a ser s t o b r i n g t h e v e n u e t o l i fe.


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T h e i m m e r s i v e s pe c tac le unve ils two n e w s h o w s w i t h h e lp f rom Modulo-Pi, O pt o m a and Ne xo.


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On 26 June 2021, the digital art centre and UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hôtel des Lumières unveiled two new immersive rooms. The art centre, which was inaugurated in June 2020, sits inside the Hôtel-Dieu, built up against the cathedral of Puy-en-Velay, France. A striking structure that welcomed pilgrims during the 11th and 12th Centuries, the cathedral founded a hospice to care for the most disadvantaged patients. Now, the building is used to house art exhibitions and installations, with the Hôtel des Lumières project designed and installed by French integration company, VLS, with help from Artistic Director, Gilbert Coudène and production company, Light Event Consulting. The technical installation relies on 67 video projectors from Optoma and Epson, and 15 Modulo Player and Modulo Kinetic media servers from Modulo Pi. This is combined with audio from L-Acoustics and Nexo, and lighting from Oxo lighting to create an audio-visual spectacle that draws on the venue’s rich history. The Hôtel des Lumières’ two new immersive spaces consist of the Compostela show in the heart of the old chapel of the Hôtel-Dieu, with projected frescoes painting the walls and vaults of the edifice, and the Salle des Cuves (The Vats Room), which offers an overview


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of the main sound and light shows in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. In the Compostela, VLS installed 25 7,000-lumen Epson projectors, powered by the Modulo Kinetic media server solution from Modulo Pi. The kit includes a Kinetic Designer workstation, five Kinetic V-Node servers equipped with four outputs, and a Kinetic V-Node server equipped with six outputs. A 3D scan of the chapel was carried out and imported into Modulo Kinetic, with VLS utilising the 3D calibration feature to ensure that the projected media match the ribbed vaults of the chapel. Yoann Bernard, Technical Manager of the Hôtel des Lumières, explained: “Modulo Kinetic allowed us to easily position the video-projectors thanks to the 3D modelling. During the installation, we decided to change the location of one of the projectors, which could be done very easily without having to export the images again.” Show control is also managed through the media server, and custom panels have been created in Modulo Kinetic’s UI Designer to control the installation. “The software is great. I really like the part that allows us to create our own remote controls for an iPad, for example,” explained Yoann. “On the panel, each room shows the location of the projectors so that everything can be managed through the iPad

A b o v e: The ‘hea r t of t he ea r t h’, o n e p a r t of t he exhibit ion .



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TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND 6 x L-Acoustics X8 loudspeaker; 1 x L-Acoustics SB15M subwoofer; 2 x L-Acoustics LA4X amplifier; 8 x Nexo PS-8 loudspeaker; 2 x Nexo L15 loudspeaker; 2 x Nexo NXAMP4X1MK2 amplifier VIDEO & LIGHTING 18 x Optoma ZU606Tste projector; 40 x Epson EB-L1075U projector; 7 x Optoma ML1050ST projector; 3 x Optoma ML750E projector; 5 x Modulo Pi four output media server; 4 x Modulo Pi six output media server; 1 x Modulo Pi Kinetic Designer; 5 x Modulo Pi Kinetic Vnode four output media server; 1 x Modulo Pi Kinetic Vnode six output media server; 4 x Oxo Lighting Colorbeam lighting fixture; 12 x Oxo Lighting Pixiline 150W LED bar; 5 x Oxo Lighting Pixiline 75W bar; MA Lighting grandMA2 lighting console

L e f t : M o d u l o Pi b r i n g s t he historic site to life.

when I’m away from site. Without having a great deal of knowledge, people who will oversee the venue can easily start or turn off the projectors.” In addition to the mapping and media playback, Modulo Kinetic ensures the distribution of the soundtrack, and the control of the lighting scenography that accompanies the projection. Four Nexo PS-8 loudspeakers, one L15 subwoofer and one NXAMP4X1MK2 amplifier were installed as the sound system in the Compostela. Cyril Toussaint Technical Director at VLS, explained the selection: “As the projection is 360°, the audience had to be immersed in the sound as well. We installed the loudspeakers high up to reinforce this sensation without interfering with the projection.” Lighting consists of four Oxo lighting Colorbeams, 12 Pixiline 150W LED bars and five Pixiline 75W bars. Cyril added: “We installed Oxo Colorbeams to light the wooden parts of the chapel, as well as the back vault. The Pixilines light the walls around the altar and the LED strips were installed around the public area to highlight the benches along the walls. For lighting control, we programmed with an MA Lighting grandMA2. We then we recorded this program in the kinetic designer with a DMX Enttec Ode MK2 ethernet interface to be able to play it back without the console during the show.” Another room inaugurated in summer 2021, the Salle des Cuves (The Vats Room) reconstructs emblematic buildings, such as the Saint-Flour Cathedral and the Basilica of Fourvière in Lyon in 3D models for a miniature projection of each site’s show. The projection relies on eight pico projectors from Optoma and two Modulo Player media servers from Modulo Pi. These new spaces join the two


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Double the brightness | Double the color Quadruple the resolution | Unrivaled experience © 2021 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved.

“ A s the pr o j e c t i o n i s 3 6 0°, th e audie nc e h a d to b e i m m e r s e d i n t he sound a s wel l . W e i n s t a l l e d t h e l o u dspe ake rs h ig h up to r e i n f o r c e t h i s s e n s ation with out inter fer i n g w i t h t h e pr o j e c tion.”

Right: Eps on a n d O ptom a p roject ors i m m ers e g u es ts .


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L e f t & b e l o w : H ô t el d es Lu mièr es t a k es it s v i s i t o r s o n a s u r rea l, st u n n in g j ou r n ey.

immersive rooms of the Hôtel des Lumières inaugurated in 2020. In each of the 200 sq metre rooms, an immersive 22-minute show is offered to visitors. The public embarks on an imaginary journey in the style of Jules Verne’s novels. The impressionist light shows immerse the audience in the greatest masterpieces of Monet, Pissarro, Sisley, Van Gogh, and many others. Video is projected on the walls and floor thanks to 17 Epson and Optoma video projectors in the first room, and 16 projectors in the second room. Soft edge blending, 2D mapping, show playback, and show control are provided by seven Modulo Players from Modulo Pi. “Everything is preprogrammed to automatically start video projectors, launch shows, and shutdown projectors every day,” said Yoann. The audio and lighting in room one consists of six L-Acoustics X8 loudspeakers, one SB15M subwoofer and two LA4X amplifiers. Room two uses the same sound system as the Compostella, comprising four Nexo PS-8 loudspeakers, one L15 subwoofer and one NXAMP4X1MK2 amplifier. Custom control panels were also created using the UI Designer embedded in Modulo Player to facilitate daily operations. “The biggest advantage is that I can change whatever I want. We recently added a night session at 9pm, where I was able to turn on the projectors, launch the show, and turn off the projectors remotely from my iPad,” furthered Yoann. “When a group of visitors are late, I can do a ‘stop show’ and ‘start show’ at the desired time from my tablet.” The digital art centre completes the immersive experience of Puy de Lumières available at night-time. Launched in 2017, Puy de Lumières sublimates the city’s exceptional architectural heritage through projections on its most symbolic buildings. Amongst the nine illuminated sites, the cathedral of Puy-en-Velay, the Crozatier Museum and the Rocher Saint-Michel come to life at nightfall. The brand-new additions to the Hôtel des Lumières create another level of projection mapping, providing guests with unique, visual treats. The Hôtel des Lumières is currently closed, but will reopen again during the All Saints and Christmas holidays.



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IN BR IEF C olora do’s St Andre w U nited Method ist C h urc h Insta lls TW AU DiO EL L A When Colorado’s St Andrew United Methodist Church evaluated the effectiveness of its installed sound system, it encountered a problem that will be familiar to houses of worship all over the world. While the style of worship practised at the church had changed over the years to fully embrace musical celebration including live performances and playback, the ageing sound system was no longer fit for purpose. Crucially, the new system needed to deliver unsurpassed audio quality and flexibility without requiring any major construction changes to the church itself - a challenge that was given to leading regional systems integrator, Equalized Productions. Working closely with the TW AUDiO engineering team in Germany, Equalized Productions set about creating a system design that would exceed the expectations of St Andrew United Methodist Church. The completed solution now comprises two hangs of eight cardioid ELLA6 elements per side flown in a L-R configuration, which addresses the room’s irregular shape, plus a single M8 for side-fill and a cardioid subwoofer centre-hang of one S32i. Power for the system is courtesy of two Powersoft Quattrocanali 8804 Dante + DSP amplifiers.

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id es ign g i v e s At l a n t a ’ s most r enowned g e n t l e m a n ’ s c l u b its f ir s t a ud i o - v i s u a l r e n n o v a t ion i n 3 0 y e a rs. Bel o w : The Che e t a h n ow b o a s t s vi de o c u b e s wi t h c u s t o m de si g n e d c on t ent .

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Situated in Atlanta’s bustling midtown and surrounded by lofts and highrises, the Southeast’s most renowned gentlemen’s club, The Cheetah, recently underwent an extensive renovation for the first time in 30 years. The revamp included a lighting and visual system from Cameo, GLP, and grandMA in addition to a new and vastly more capable sound reinforcement system, designed and installed by idesign. At the heart of the new sound system are loudspeakers drawn from the E11EVEN Sound and Vantec catalogues of Valencia, Spain-based DAS Audio. idesign, a full-service, Miami FL-based lighting, video, and audio company that caters to upscale establishments such as nightclubs, lounges, hotels, resorts, and restaurants worldwide, was contracted to design and deploy the new audio-visual setup at The Cheetah. Working in close coordination with John Fiorito, DAS Audio of America’s National Sales Manager for Nightclubs and Hospitality for the sound reinforcement portion of the project, idesign’s owner and lead lighting/ video designer, Michael Meacham penned a breath-taking setup, comprising video cubes, strobes, lasers, and video screens in addition to the DAS E11EVEN Sound and Vantec loudspeakers. “The Cheetah’s Main room / DJ stand is at the heart of all the activity,” Michael reported. “These areas use a combination of live and DJ-sourced music. Here, we deployed a combination of four E11EVEN Sound ES112 three-way passive point source loudspeaker enclosures – each consisting of a 12-inch horn for the midrange, an M-75N neodymium compression driver, and two bullet tweeters for the high end. These are mated with eight E11EVEN Sound ES-215 passive subwoofers, with each enclosure holding two 15-inch neodymium transducers. Completing the setup are four E11EVEN Sound ES-221 2 X 8800W ground stackable subwoofers – each outfitted with twin 21-inch transducers and six-inch voice coils in a crossfire enclosure configuration.” For the DJ booth, there are a combination of four DAS Audio VANTEC20A active curve sourced line array enclosures serving as the monitors. “Each enclosure is outfitted with a low frequency driver, a high frequency driver, plus a horn/waveguide,” Michael continued. “These are accompanied by two VANTEC-18A-powered subwoofers, each enclosure outfitted with an 18-inch transducer.” The task of piping music throughout the restaurant area is handled by eight DAS E11EVEN Sound ES-26 two-way passive point source enclosures. Each enclosure consists of a combination of twin sixinch transducers mated with a DAS Audio M-34 compression driver. Completing the setup, the various E11EVEN Sound loudspeaker systems are driven by a total of 14 DAS Audio EP Series Class D power amplifiers working in conjunction with four DAS IO48 digital signal processors. When queried about the E11EVEN Sound loudspeakers, Michael discussed the attributes that he felt really stand out: “They are a premium product designed specifically for venues such as The Cheetah. They produce very high SPLs with the utmost clarity,” he noted. “The


loudspeakers are custom made and have a variety of horn coverage patterns available to ensure there are no dead spots and superb coverage throughout the venue.” With sophisticated installations such as the one at The Cheetah, questions invariably arise. For this reason, responsive and capable support services are crucial to keeping a project on track. In this regard, Michael was very complimentary of DAS Audio. “DAS Audio provides direct support for the installation dealer, including design, project management, and on-site visits, while ensuring the sound system is perfect and the customer is 100% satisfied,” he said. “Their products also have a five-year warranty with immediate replacement should anything fail, with no cost to the client.” ‘CREATIV E A N D UN IQ UE ’ Alongside the DAS Audio sound system, idesign installed a mesmerising lighting package to enhance The Cheetah’s guest experience and encapsulate its performers. As the club hadn’t been renovated for over 30 years, its owner, Jack Braglia, knew that the entire space needed something special and unique to align with its high-end performances.


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idesign installed custom transparent one-metre x onemetre video cubes as the main ceiling feature as well as adding a range of lighting and visual fixtures including Cameo Lighting Opus S5s and Azor B1s, GLP JDC-1 Line strobes, Kvant Club Max 6800 lasers, a front entrance 2mm HD video screen and a 3mm DJ booth video screen. “When I first saw Cameo at LDI a few years ago, I instantly knew they were a fantastic lighting manufacturer,” Michael explained. “I was really impressed with the quality of the fixtures as well as the quality of lighting to price point ratio. It was at this LDI that I met William Brieva, Cameo’s Business Development Manager. He has been remarkable in getting us everything that we need , supporting idesign, and our projects. Cameo Opus S5 is a feature rich fixture with full colour mixing. The Azor B1s were chosen as a bright, LED tight beam fixture that would be the punchy centre light for the cubes. “For the strobes, I wanted a fixture that’s creative and unique. I have always loved the GLP JDC1 strobes – they are the perfect choice, being compact with bright pixel segments in the centre and RGB pixels on each side.” For the lighting control, Michael selected an MA Lighting

grandMA2 Light console for its reliability and customisation features. As The Cheetah’s visual programming is deeply macro based, it gives the operator more time to focus on running the desk, instead of preprogramming most of the content. “The back-up feature is also great as if the console crashes, this will make sure the show still goes on,” said Michael. “The grandMA2 Light with NPU expansion controls everything via DMX and Art-Net.” When it came to working on the visual side of the club, Michael started the design process with a 3D model of the venue and added each of the different elements individually. “It’s very much like a painting or writing a song,” he said. “After designing the Penthouse Club in Tampa, Florida, with a double-sided, diamond-shaped 120 ft transparent video screen, I had been kicking around the idea of creating transparent LED cubes ever since. With the creative possibilities in Cheetah Lounge, I knew that this would finally be the perfect venue,” he furthered. “After the 3D model was built in Vectorworks by Jim Rood and


V EN U E - A M ER I C AS | W W W .M O ND O D R .C O M

A b o ve : i d e s i gn c r ea t ed r en d er s of t he c l u b d u r in g t he d esign pr ocess.

ModuloPi-Mondo dr-NovDec2021.pdf 1 21/10/2021 10:38:46










Real-time fully integrated media server solutions 3D study & simulation • Generative content • 2D+3D mapping • Soft edge blending Video playback • Live mixer • Interactivity & tracking • Show control • VR


“ P r o j e c t s like th is a re ve ry c omple x and ta ke an i m m e n s ely long time to put tog e th e r. F ortun ately, we h a v e a re ma rkably skille d te am.”

Right: T he Ch e e t a h has an a rra y of outsta n di n g aud io- vi su a l techn ol og y.

myself, I then exported the .Obj file into Syncronorm’s Depence D2. While I was getting close to the final design, we provided the owner, Jack, with an Oculus VR headset and exported the VR renders showing the space from all different angles including video, lighting and laser looks. The VR renders from Depence D2 are insane! This software has been a game-changer in our industry. As the designs were updated, Jack would receive updated renders to view in Oculus VR.” Michael and Ruben mapped the video cubes in three different ways. The first map sees each side of the cube running individual custom content created by visual designer, Akel Issa. The second option is a videomapping performance that displays the same content on all sides of the cube. The third video-mapping technique plays one continuous video through all of the cubes, creating a unique, abstract spectacle for guests. The video cubes are controlled by Avolites Ai mapped by Ruben Laine from Creative Integration Studio. “idesign and the venue owners are so happy with the final outcome of using the 3D cubes but the production process proved to be very challenging,” furthered Michael. “Our team had to build the cubes to be able to service the transparent modules without taking the entire cube apart, easily access the Cameo moving light inside of it, and integrating


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all of the wiring components between the modules, fixtures, and LED strips. Holmes Ives, idesign’s Project Manager, along with our idesign team meticulously assembled custom hardware solutions to create the transparent cubes. They spent roughly a month building the lighting and video systems alone.” Projects such as The Cheetah are an extremely collaborative venture, with Michael wanting to extend his gratitude to all that worked on the renovation. “Projects like this are very complex and take an immensely long time to put together. Fortunately, we have a remarkably skilled team,” he reflected. “My business partner, Christine Wilhite, handles all the ordering, shipping, and logistics. Holmes takes the detailed drawings and figures out how to bring the design to life. Our idesign technicians, Steve Watson, Jeff Giancaspro, Ben Sahagun, and Eric Guyton built this lighting and video system to perfection. John Fiorito from DAS Audio and the idesign audio technicians always deliver a clean-sounding, welltuned professional system. idesign has the ability to deliver high-profile projects like this because of our expert team,” he concluded.

TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOUND 4 x E11EVEN Sound ES-112 loudspeaker; 8 x E11EVEN Sound ES-215 subwoofer; 4 x E11EVEN Sound ES-221subwoofer; 4 x DAS Audio VANTEC-20A; 2 x DAS Audio VANTEC18A subwoofer; 8 x E11EVEN Sound ES-26 loudspeaker; 14 x DAS Audio EP Series amplifier; 4 x DAS Audio IO48 digital signal processor VISUAL & LIGHTING 20 x custom transparent video cube; LED cube; 22 x Cameo Azor B1 moving head; 22 x Cameo Opus S5 moving head; 16 x Cameo Q-Spot RGBW spotlight; 4 x Kvant Club Max laser; 10 x GLP JDC1 strobe; 10 x Elation SixPar 200 strobe; 1 x MA Lighting grandMA2 Light lighting console; MA expansion wing; MA NPU; 1 x Avolites Ai server; 1 x NovaStar 4K processor; Look Solutions hazer


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76 OPEN DAY Visualization 80 SHOW REPORT PLASA 82

IN DETAIL L-Acoustics, Datapath, Elation

86 PRODUCT GUIDE Loudspeakers 93









Visualization showcased its complete projection solution to invited industry guests at a recent open day at Digital Projection’s head office in Manchester. Held on 23 September, The Future of Projection gave attendees a behind-thescenes look at where Digital Projection designs, engineers and builds its awardwinning products, as well as exhibiting the manufacturer’s new Satellite Modular Laser System (MLS). Several of Visualization’s other brands – including SY Electronics, SEADA Technology, VIZBOX Enclosures, Projecta, Da-Lite and B-Tech AV Mounts – also exhibited their products at the open day, with SEADA and B-Tech taking over the Digital Projection reception and Legrand (Projecta and Da-Lite screens), SY Electronics, VIZBOX projector enclosures, and Digital Projection projectors on display in the main room. In addition to the product showcases, visitors to The Future of Projection – some of whom


SECRET RECIPE FOR SUCCESS A hint of saffron yellow, a dash of paprika red and... POOF! Every ingredient at your fingertips to create the perfect recipe. Mix any flavor of white or color to taste with LED fixtures from Elation.

Color version C/100 M/50 Y/50 K/50 C/98 M/88 Y/22 K/18 C/0 M/0 Y/0 K/0





FUZE PROFILE™ Grayscale version C/50 M/50 Y/50 K/100 C/0 M/0 Y/0 K/0

Black version C/50 M/50 Y/50 K/100



had travelled from as far away as the south coast – were given behind-the-scenes tours of the Digital Projection facility with the company’s staff, who talked them through the design, build and manufacturing process. Nick Pidgeon, Visualization’s Managing Director, explained that the company chose Digital Projection’s HQ for the event to showcase the best of British R&D and manufacturing. For Visualization, the main purpose of The Future of Projection was to showcase the company’s complete projection solution for integrators and resellers, who can utilise Visualization’s expertise to quote, specify, install and support through one relationship. “We were able to educate attendees that




the uniqueness of Visualization’s technical expertise and services as a distributor allows us to support their projects like no other distributor,” Nick added. Following the success of the first open day, Visualization is planning a second event in March 2022, which will be held at Visualization HQ in Maidenhead, Berkshire. “The behind-the-scenes tours really added to the experience, to see how and where DP products are designed, manufactured and tested, and comments from attendees were that it was a highly insightful and interesting day,” concluded Nick. “We’re already looking forward to next open day and hope you can join us in Maidenhead next March.”

G Livelab Music Venue, Tampere

“Smart IP is every installer’s dream” Santtu Sipilä, Bright Installers around the world are embracing the exceptional sound quality and single-cable convenience of Genelec Smart IP networked installation loudspeakers. With PoE, AES67 and Dante compatibility, plus sophisticated loudspeaker management all supported via a standard CAT cable, Smart IP delivers simplicity and cost effectiveness – even in the most complex installations. Find out more at

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On 5 September 2021, Olympia London opened its doors to the bustling audio-visual community once again at PLASA Show after a year out due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The tradeshow welcomed back companies from far and wide to showcase products and get back to face-to-face networking. Yamaha and Nexo exhibited together this year, with Yamaha showcasing its new RIVAGE PM5 and PM3 digital mixing systems, alongside its D series Active PA products and the STAGEPAS 1K high quality, all-in-one portable PA. Nexo unveiled its ePS Series of loudspeakers for professional installation. Three two-way passive cabinets and two partner subbass units are the first models in a new range. Anolis showcased its Ambiane range of interior lighting products, which has been designed and developed for illuminating indoor spaces and environments needing high-quality ambient and mood lighting. Robe took the opportunity to showcase


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a range of its newest products, and a timecoded lightshow based on a mixtape of epic West End production numbers utilised the products on its stand. There was a heavy emphasis on the T11 Profile fixture and the recently launched T2 Profile and Fresnel luminaires. CHAUVET Professional showcased its Maverick Silens 2 Profile and the Ovation Rêve lighting fixtures on stand E-23, and took home a PLASA Innovation Award for its Maverik Silens 2. Chamsys previewed the versatile MagicQ MQ250M, as well as its MagicQ Stadium Connect, a PC-based programming interface with the same programming keyset and dual crossfaders as the MQ250M and MQ500M. DiGiCo revealed the SD12T for theatre. The ‘T’ software for the SD12 has found great favour in the live music market to the auditoriums of theatres around the globe. Shure focussed on its Axient Digital ADX5D and Sennheiser brought its Evolution Wireless Digital (EW-D), the brand-new UHF digital system with increased bandwidth,


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the highest input dynamic range and lowest latency of any digital wireless system currently available on the market. KLANG announced the KLANG:conductor at this year’s show, its most powerful and versatile immersive in-ear mixing processor, delivering connectivity that is ready for today and tomorrow, and EM Acoustics triumphed, walking away with a PLASA Innovation Award for its new Reference Series R10 loudspeaker. KV2 Audio’s demo rooms allowed visitors to experience a selection of KV2’s exceptional range of products, with the brand showcasing its VHD2.0 high performance point source touring and installation system and the VHD4.21 subwoofer system. Astera highlighted its three newest product innovations on the booth of its distributor, Ambersphere Solutions this year, the PixelBrick, AX2 PixelBar and the AX9 PowerPAR. ETC returned to the show for its joint ‘comeback’ industry event with the ABTT. The company presented in-depth product seminars and showcased newly launched fixtures. Backup announced the launch of a free


Mental Health First Aider course sponsored by Unusual Rigging in memory of Alan Jacobi who was a long-serving and valued Backup Trustee. ALPD brought a new identity to PLASA that proclaimed its representation and inclusivity of the full lighting team, and Avolites celebrated 45 years of business, while also highlighting the power of its new flagship Diamond 9 console, which features vast screen real-estate and unique media integration that combines the control of all visual aspects of a show. Martin Audio celebrated its 50th anniversary this year with open days that coincided with the show, and Audio-Technica returned to PLASA exhibiting products from distributed brands Optimal Audio and Audio Pro Business for the first time, alongside its own live eventoriented microphones and wireless systems and Allen & Heath digital mixing solutions. PLASA 2021 brought together an industry torn apart by the pandemic. The Show set a benchmark for the return to networking ‘normality’ and all who attended left with smiling faces, feeling positive about the future.


1 The Robe team 2 The Harlequin Floors team 3 The Alcons booth 4 The team at Sennheiser SBS and Steve with the Avolites team 5 6 Simon on the GLP stand 7 Dave and Robin from TiMax 8 Our very own Emma with the team at Shure 9 Mary-Beth and colleague on the L-Acoustics booth 10 Mike and the EM Acoustics team 11 The Ambesphere team 12 Cat and Colleague from ETC 13 The RCF team 14 Sebastian and the guys from Madrix The Solotech booth 15 16 The team at Glensound 17 Area Four Industries stand


L-A COUSTI CS L-ISA PROCESSOR II Extending spatial processing to a wider range of productions and venues, L-Acoustics now rolls out the next generation of its 3D audio processing engine, L-ISA Processor II. The new processor offers users more power, performance and flexibility, and is available in four different output configurations through a one-time, tiered licence fee. Similar to its predecessor, L-ISA Processor II is a hardware solution that provides advanced object-based mixing for the most demanding immersive audio productions. While both units offer control of spatial audio processing and virtual acoustics for up to 96 audio objects based on loudspeaker positioning information and mixing parameters – including pan, width, distance, elevation, and aux send. The new L-ISA Processor II doubles the original unit’s potential output count of 64 up to 128 outputs for greater power and versatility on larger, more complex events. Seeing that most productions are unlikely to utilise 100-plus outputs, L-Acoustics is offering L-ISA Processor II in a choice of four output counts – 16, 32, 64 or 128 – from the same device, with various capacities accessible via different lifetime licences at tiered pricing levels. For example, a small club or theatre may need no more than 16 outputs, while a mid-sized house of worship or performing arts centre might require as many as 32. With L-ISA Processor II, those customers now have access to all of the very same immersive tools, 128 inputs and premiumquality 96 kHz sampling as large-scale musicals or massive tours running triple-digit outputs, but at a scalable cost. Housed in a rugged 3U chassis equipped with Neutrik connectors, L-ISA Processor II is the road-worthy and reliable heart for any L-ISA project, remotely controlled by L-ISA Controller software. Boasting a powerful multi-core architecture, the new device is equipped with Milan-AVB dual-network redundancy eliminating the need for a secondary unit in mirror mode, further optimising budget. The product also features MADI connections, allowing signals to come in on MADI and exit via Milan-AVB. Perfectly paired with L-ISA Studio software, allowing users to create immersive designs for the stage and studio on their laptops, both iterations of L-ISA Processor are also compatible with DeskLink, which places direct control of L-ISA objects on the channel strips of DiGiCo, SSL and Yamaha mixing consoles. Partnerships with vision-based tracking systems like BlackTrax, Robert Juliat’s SpotMe, Modulo Pi, and Zactrack continue to be supported by the new product as well. Currently in pilot phase, L-ISA Processor II will begin shipping to customers in the first quarter of 2022.



DATAPATH Fx4 Advancements in digital signage requirements mean that customers demand greater freedom in creating and deploying small, medium and large-scale signage projects. Datapath designs and produces high-quality wall controllers that allow for quick and easy display wall set up. Its range of multidisplay controllers are sold worldwide through the company’s global distribution network. Through the x-Series, users can display high-quality content from almost any source, in any creative configuration, on multi-screen display walls of any size. Datapath’s Fx4 has a choice of inputs, high bandwidth loopthrough and four genlocked outputs in either DisplayPort or HDMI. At the forefront of Datapath’s x4 range, the Fx4 offers the perfect solution for the most creative video walls of any scale. It is a multi-faceted stand-alone display controller that supports a choice of inputs, high bandwidth loop-through, and four genlocked outputs in either DisplayPort or HDMI. Datapath’s x-Series offers up to HDR 10-bit colour clarity, 4K60 resolution and audio support. The Fx4 features a DisplayPort1.2 main input and two HDMI1.4 inputs. The intuitive UI allows users to determine which input is used. Dual Ethernet ports allow users to add the device to their networks. Ethernet loop through support on the second port means only one device in the chain needs to be connected. A dedicated BNC connector allows users to SYNC with third party hardware, and a dedicated DisplayPort1.2 loop through output allows users to link multiple devices. Designed to prevent any loss of resolution, the original capture signal is unchanged. Datapath’s well established, award-winning Wall Designer software is a great solution to create the most creative display projects of any scale. Created to work seamlessly with Datapath’s complete range of x-Series multi-display controllers, Wall Designer allows project builders to easily design complex displays of all sizes and configurations. When transmission speeds are paramount to project success, Datapath’s multi-display products offer a great solution. Even the largest, most complex video wall installations are possible. With the ability to loop multiple products together, management is kept simple with Datapath’s Wall Designer software.



Equipped with professional features and Obsidian’s DYLOS pixel composition engine, the NX 4 runs the innovative ONYX lighting control platform and is designed to handle large shows. With a combination of motorised and manual faders, along with an array of playback buttons, it offers 44 total playbacks in a compact yet powerful package. The NX 4 includes a highbrightness, 15.6-inch, fullHD multi-touch screen with support for two external 4K touch displays. Eight assignable parameter encoders, a dedicated Intensity encoder, an assistive mini-touch screen, full keypad and command section, and a dedicated grand master make for an intuitive control surface. Two independent playback sections offer instant access. The main playback with 10 motorised faders plus 10 play-pairs allow for quick page changes, while the sub playback with 12 faders and 12 button playbacks means important cues are always ready. The console houses a powerful Intel Hexa-Core processor, high-

speed NVMe SSD drive and 16GB of DDR4 RAM. Fast boot times, instant operation, and the ability to process 64 Universes results in unprecedented power. The NX 4 is also ergonomic with motorised playback faders, short depth, easy screen access, full ONYX command and keypad section, and bright, adjustable HD touch screen. With four DMX ports, Timecode, MIDI and dual Gigabit ports for up to 64 Universes of Art-Net, sACN plus the ONYX X-Net protocol. DYLOS is the first of many exciting steps for the ONYX platform to provide a toolset of dynamic fixture animation, exciting content generators and powerful media playback, easily accessible through a user interface. Based on a full 3D environment and powerful DirectX graphics processing, DYLOS has been designed for power and performance. ONYX is a powerful yet easy-tolearn lighting control platform designed for both hardware consoles and PC systems.




Alcons Audio QRP20 The QRP20 is a two-way column loudspeaker to be used as a vertical sound system, for both permanent and portable applications. Its slim design packs a perfectly natural, dynamic sound reproduction with superb intelligibility, coverage and throw. It is specifically designed for applications where ultimate fidelity response needs to be projected with wide horizontal and narrow vertical coverage, ideal in acoustically challenging environments, or applications where intelligibility-over-distance is required. Loaded with the RBN401 four-inch pro-ribbon driver on a ‘Morpher’ lens, the system offers an exceptional SPL-independent throw-efficiency and projection control, due to the pro-ribbon’s all-natural cylindrical (isophasic) wavefront. The patented horizontal dispersion offers a wide and consistent audience coverage up to the highest frequencies. Its fast impulse response, ‘compression-less’ principle and unusual high peak power handling (800W @ 200ms) cater for a perfect intelligibility from the lowest to the highest SPL with a 1:15 dynamic range, while offering a maximum ‘gain-before-feedback’. The RBN401 driver is mounted in a D’Appolito loudspeaker configuration with four subwoofers in a sealed cabinet. The custom-design fiveinch subwoofers feature Active Coil technology for extremely low-distortion, low-frequency reproduction, a perfect match with the pro-ribbon technology. The frequency response roll-off enables an excellent partnering with an additional subwoofer. The QRP20 is available with two different projection patterns: 90° x 15° (QRP20/90) and 120° x 15° (QRP20/120) dispersion.

APG iX Series APG’s iX range of compact fixed installation loudspeakers are perfectly suited to a wide variety of indoor and outdoor applications and venues, including theatres, concert venues, bars, restaurants and conference rooms. Comprising five models - iX5, iX6, iX8, iX12 and iX15 - the iX range boasts acoustic two-way loudspeakers loaded in bass-reflex for low frequency extension. From an acoustic point of view, the iX range offers stunning musicality down to low-mid and even low frequencies. The non-diffraction baffling creates a flawless linear acoustic response, substantially reducing feedback without the need for equalisation. This series is compatible with APG’s subwoofer range and can be combined with the highly popular Uniline and Uniline Compact systems from the French manufacturer. Characterised by its coaxial technology, the iX range provides a consistent acoustic field, suitable for many applications. The iX range of loudspeakers are ergonomically optimised to make them as compact as possible, with smart accessories available for discrete installation, customisable colours and a weatherproof finish, fitting seamlessly into any indoor or outdoor venue.

Biamp Desono EX The Desono EX surface mount loudspeakers from Biamp provide excellent acoustic performance for a range of indoor and outdoor distributed applications. The EX Series includes three full-range models and one matching enclosure subwoofer. The EX-S6, the smallest member of the series, is a 6.5-inch two-way loudspeaker that provides discreet, distributed sound in applications requiring exceptional audio clarity with a small visual footprint. The eight-inch EX-S8 is an excellent fill or distributed loudspeaker for systems where pristine voice clarity, higher output and more bass is desired. The largest member of the EX Series, the 10-inch EX-S10 provides excellent musicality with deep low frequency extension and is suited as the FOH in small venues or used in distributed applications. And finally, the EX-S10SUB is a 10-inch subwoofer that provides additional deep bass to Desono EX systems for full-range, foreground music playback. The Desono EX Series delivers high voice intelligibility, wide bandwidth and exceptional uniform coverage.




Designed for easy and fast installation, Biamp’s innovative, patented ClickMount brackets included with EX Series loudspeakers provide installers with two distinct mounting options. The ClickMount Pan-Tilt Bracket provides indexed aiming control and allows for mounting the loudspeaker quickly in either vertical or horizontal orientation without moving the bracket position, while the ClickMount U-Bracket is available for low-profile mounting or exterior use and includes the ClickPlug with an integrated gland nut for weatherresistant applications. Both brackets are theft and tamper resistant.

EAW MKD1200 Series

d&b audiotechnik XSL System The new d&b XSL System scales the industry-leading features of the SLSeries into a smaller, lighter-weight, even more energy efficient, package. XSL encompasses all the comprehensive features of its SL bloodline, from outstanding broadband directivity control and extended low frequency performance, to comprehensive rigging, cabling and transportation. The XSL System delivers cardioid performance across the full frequency spectrum, resulting in; reduced audio spill onto open mics on stage, improved clarity and impact of individual instruments, and less coloration of mid-range build up in venues and on broadcast and recording feeds. Less spill from the main PA to the stage, and backstage, improves the creative experience for performers, while giving more control to monitor engineers, particularly in the mid to low frequencies. XSL loudspeakers achieve broadband directivity using patented SL-Series cardioid techniques to control low frequency dispersion. The XSL System’s performance and clarity is achieved with this unique pattern control and enhanced further with d&b Enabling technologies including d&b ArrayProcessing. The System comprises installation specific and mobile touring variants. XSLi for permanent installations, is ideally suited to venues with a high dependency on the clarity of spoken word, together with the need for high power, full spectrum performance. The XSL mobile version addresses the needs of the broadest range of touring applications. The XSL system is suitable for the broadest range of applications.

EAW’s MKD1200 Series of three-way, full range loudspeakers have been created specifically for installation applications ranging from stadiums to small music venues. The MKD1294 and MKD1264 are engineered to produce high output levels and outstanding fidelity, while maintaining broadband pattern control. Featuring a dual-subwoofer design, EAW’s MDK1200 Series increases low-frequency output by as much as 6 dB, while notably improving beamwidth along the axis. Both models incorporate dual 12-inch low frequency transducers with three-inch vented voice coils, and coaxial 3.5-inch voice coil midrange and 1.75-inch voice coil high-frequency compression drivers. Nominal beamwidth of the MKD1294 is 90º horizontal x 45º vertical, while that of the MKD1264 is 60º horizontal x 45º vertical. The large-format horn utilised in MKD1200 Series loudspeakers may be rotated for increased versatility in pattern control. All MKD Series loudspeakers employ EAW Core Technology, including Beamwidth Matched Crossovers that eliminate polar irregularities in the crossover region, and Focusing, which uses advanced DSP to refine the impulse response of the loudspeaker in the time domain to eliminate horn ‘honk’. Frequency response for the MKD1294 and MKD1264 ranges from 47 Hz to 20 kHz, and maximum SPL is 145 dB and 147 dB, respectively. Audio input is via rear-panel terminal block connectors, and both models may be operated in passive or biamped modes. MKD1200 Series loudspeakers feature enclosures constructed from Baltic birch and are available in standard black or white finishes with options for custom colours, as well as weather protection for use in outdoor venues.

Electro-Voice EVOLVE 50M Available in black or white, the EVOLVE 50M column loudspeaker system combines state-of-the-art industrial design and Electro-Voice-engineered components to deliver best-in-class sound quality. The full-range column array and its eight lightweight 3.5-inch neodymium drivers provide ultra-wide, full-bandwidth 120° coverage via proprietary waveguides; array-formed 40° asymmetrical vertical coverage ensures acoustic output is directed towards both sitting and standing audience members. A 12-inch subwoofer is housed in a 15mm wood enclosure with a high-efficiency laminar-flow vent design, for enhanced rigidity and acoustical performance. The array and subwoofer are connected via a symmetrical aluminum pole with internal wiring and magnetically assisted latching. An advanced Class-D amplifier provides up to 1000W of power. The EVOLVE 50M’s ‘M’ designation refers to its integrated fully configurable eight channel digital mixer featuring multiple inputs (four XLR/TRS combo mic/line inputs, one XLR/TRS combo stereo line input, one RCA, one 3.5 mm stereo, one Hi-Z instrument input) with professional grade preamps and mix functions. Highresolution, low latency Bluetooth streaming ensures excellent results for music playback or accompaniment. QuickSmart DSP allows the navigation and adjustment of all audio, effects and mix functions via an LCD with single-knob control or via the QuickSmart Mobile app, as well as multiple options for signal routing and inputs. Functions include four presets (Music, Live, Speech, Club), three-band system EQ, seven-band graphic EQ, five user-programmable presets, phantom power, visual limiter status, input level control and metres, and a master volume control to optimise gain structure.

EM Acoustics R10 The R10 is the first loudspeaker in the Reference Series. Suited to any performance environment requiring ultra-high quality sound reinforcement in a versatile, low-profile package, the R10 is a three-way passive system that is as at home on a theatre proscenium, as it is in a live music or corporate sound reinforcement setting. The slim, elegant enclosure contains a pair of state-of-the-art three-inch (76mm) voice coil 10-inch (254mm) neodymium low frequency drivers, and a four-inch (100mm)/2.5-inch (64mm) coaxial medium frequency / high frequency compression drive unit. The R10 is unique in that it is supplied as standard with two waveguide options; a wide dispersion 110° x 50° for shorter throw applications and a narrower dispersion 80° x 50° option for controlled coverage over longer distances, offering excellent flexibility for rental users and installation customers alike. The architecture and construction of the R10 combined with EM Acoustics’ state-of-the-art FIR processing liberates each component to achieve high levels of sonic performance.




Fulcrum Acoustic AHS Series The AHS Series is a modular, scalable system targeted at applications where very high output and precise pattern control are required. This new series of products represents a leap forward in achieving digitally configurable coverage for long-throw applications, all within a compact envelope. Building on Fulcrum Acoustic’s AH family of high-sensitivity, high-output systems, AHS packs a lot of output into a 36-inch wide x 31-inch tall package. AHS high-frequency sections were specifically conceived to provide the extreme high-frequency output necessary to combat air loss, which can be substantial in stadium-scale applications. Four high-frequency horns (AHS440) or three high-frequency horns (AHS460) are each paired with a coaxial compression driver; the horn stack is coaxially mounted in the mouth of a low frequency horn. The low-frequency horn is driven by four high-power 10-inch subwoofers loaded by Oculus phase plugs. The Compression Head extends the low-frequency horn length, allowing for low frequency extension to 60 Hz in a modest 28-inches of depth. There are currently two available AHS models, the AHS440 with 45° horizontal dispersion and the slightly wider AHS460 with 60° horizontal dispersion. The horizontal patterns were specifically chosen to optimise the coverage for stadium-type applications without requiring an excessive quantity of loudspeakers to cover a typical stadium horizontal footprint. Fulcrum Acoustic’s TQ processing combined with beam-forming DSP algorithms configure AHS vertical dispersion to match a venue’s specific geometries and throw distances. AHS modules are designed to be stacked as needed to increase projection and control.

Glensound Divine The Divine is an award-winning Dante/AES67 network audio loudspeaker with PoE. As well as power, the network cable connection provides four audio sources from the network. There are no less that 22 configurable parameters on the Divine, with the main control by the Glensound Windows 10 remote application called GlenController. The Priority Input allows you to select an input to have priority over the others. You can set the priority order of all four inputs in this way - fire alarm input, paging, background audio for example. Another interesting feature is grouping. If an adjustment is made on one loudspeaker or on the remote, all other loudspeakers in the same group will adjust at the same time. There are various EQ settings for a flat sound or more appealing settings for music. You can also set specific voice EQ separately per input which really creates extra punch for speech material. The rear features a standard 75mm VESA mount allowing use of the hundreds of different types of VESA mounts available at a very low cost. For desk or stage mounting, there is also a full-size mic thread on the base to allow use with mic stands.

Funktion-One SB8A/F5 System Funktion-One’s SB8 bass loudspeaker is now available with integrated amplification (SB8A), equipping it to comfortably power a pair of Funktion-One F5 loudspeakers. This self-sufficient system brings Funktion-One’s unique sonic qualities to a wide range of installation applications, including bars, restaurants, retail environments, conferencing, compact public address and studios. The Funktion-One SB8A amplifier has been carefully designed to meet Funktion-One’s exacting standards of audio fidelity and reliability. The shock mounted module houses an analogue signal processing board with active crossover and limiter, a three-channel pulse width modulation (Class D) amplifier and universal switch mode power supply. It is an extremely compact, yet powerful and convincing bass unit. The dynamic and musical SB8 features a high-sensitivity eight-inch bass driver and requires no EQ or controller, only crossover filters. The Funktion-One F5 is a unique loudspeaker innovation, which offers an extremely balanced and natural sound quality, at a performance level that’s rarely found in loudspeakers of its size. Its compact dimensions and high output make it a very attractive option for smaller applications. The F5 features a Funktion-One bespoke wide-range, high-sensitivity five-inch driver, an integrated high pass filter for low frequency protection, angled cabinet design for desktop use and a three/eight-inch microphone stand mount.

L-Acoustics K3 The K3 is the smallest, full-range line source system ever made by L-Acoustics, delivering big sound for mid-size events from 1,000 to 10,000 people. With the signature DOSC waveguide for long-throw capability and bandwidth from 42 Hz to 20 Hz, K3 stands alone. Without the need for a flown companion subwoofer, K3 is designed to reduce amplifier needs. The two-way active K3 has all the hallmarks you expect from the industryleading K Series: optimised mechanical design for reduced weight, laminar vents for powerful and linear low-frequency response, and time-tested effortless rigging. Panflex technology provides a choice of four horizontal directivity patterns: 70° or 110° symmetrical or 90° asymmetrical on either side.

Meyer Sound LEOPARD-M80 Meyer Sound’s LEOPARD‑M80 narrow coverage compact linear line array is a new variant of the LEOPARD loudspeaker designed for focussed coverage and long-throw applications. LEOPARD-M80 is identical to the existing LEOPARD design but provides a precisely controlled 80° horizontal pattern instead of the original 110° coverage. The narrow profile and limited weight make LEOPARD an ideal choice for mid-sized touring acts and fixed installations where portability, scalability, and ease of rigging are essential. Because the vertical coverage and rigging hardware are identical to the original LEOPARD, the new LEOPARD-M80 may be configured in mixed arrays of both loudspeaker variants. LEOPARD-M80 loudspeakers in the upper array section provide focussed long-throw coverage, while LEOPARD loudspeakers below spread horizontal coverage for closer seating sections. Arrays configured with only LEOPARD-M80 loudspeakers can offer a long throw with reduced spill to the sides of the array. This can be advantageous in narrow venues with reflective side walls, as well as in outdoor applications where side spill into adjacent areas must be minimised to conform to noise regulations. LEOPARD-M80 provides exceptional phase coherence and accurate and consistent 80° coverage, adding greater flexibility and accuracy to LEOPARD systems. LEOPARD-M80 can be used wherever narrow, more controlled coverage is needed in LEOPARD arrays, such as at the top, or even as the full array in some out fill applications. Because LEOPARD-M80 matches the acoustical characteristics and vertical coverage of LEOPARD, transition is seamless.

NEXO ePS Series NEXO unveils its ePS Series of loudspeakers for professional installation. Three two-way passive cabinets and two partner subbass units are the first models in a new ‘utility’ range, which delivers NEXO’s high-quality European engineering at a cost-effective price that will galvanise budget-sensitive projects. Drawing on 25 years of success with the legendary PS Series, NEXO engineers have taken a no-frills approach to this new range, slimming down connection and mounting options, and taking advantage of new manufacturing techniques and driver design to hit unprecedented price points for its industry-standard point source products. ePS models will provide a way for many public and private installation projects to access a NEXO-badged system without breaking the bank. Designed specifically for fixed installation, the ePS Series packages all the NEXO hallmarks of high output, superior coverage patterns, directional control and musical performance into compact trapezoidal-shaped wooden enclosures, with steel grilles for IP54 (and IP55) certified weather resistance. The ePS range features three lightweight point source models, in six-inch, eight-inch and 10-inch iterations. Each cabinet includes a 1.4-inch high frequency driver and lightweight low frequency driver, with NEXO’s trademark rotatable horn design offering dispersion options to the user. All NEXO loudspeakers are partnered by a dedicated sub-bass option, although they are phase-compatible with any model from the NEXO range. In the case of the ePS Series, two powerful compact subwoofers are being released - the single-12-inch eLS400 and single-15-inch eLS600, which match the aesthetic of the full-range cabinets.




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Evolution Series A series of high-intensity touring and installation loudspeakers, engineered for even coverage, outstanding control and unforgettable audience experiences.

QSC K12.2 The QSC K12.2 is a full-range loudspeaker, offering a number of significant features. It is equipped with a 2,000W amplifier module that combines with elegant design and advanced DSP to deliver pristine sound quality and smooth pattern control across the listening area. The QSC K12.2 powered loudspeaker represents the best-in-class loudspeaker for today’s demanding audio professionals. The combination of elegant design, high audio performance, functionality, simple and intuitive operation, and genuine QSC reliability, the K12.2 delivers extraordinary results for users in portable and installed applications.

Renkus-Heinz DC12/2 Renkus-Heinz recently announced updates to its ultra-compact, steerable DC12/2 loudspeaker. The upgrades, which will be available in Q4 2021, bring improvements to multi-unit configurations and a new ‘full range’ performance mode. This comes as part of a firmware and software update and will apply to all DC12/2 units. The DC12/2 is an ultra-compact steerable array that brings clarity, intelligibility, and control to various applications. Designed for tight control and discreet aesthetics, the DC12/2 addresses the needs of smaller, more challenging installations. The DC12/2 allows configuration via a smartphone and tablet app. This software-backed component of the loudspeaker allows for an easy upgrade path. Simply update already installed DC12/2 loudspeakers through the app. Units shipped after the update launches will include the new features natively. The new update includes the ability to connect to and configure multiple units at once. Using WiFi Station Mode installers can quickly and efficiently program multiple loudspeakers without manually connecting to and disconnecting from each device. End-users now have the ability to select the new ‘full range’ mode for improved lowend extension, giving more full-range sound for installations without a subwoofer.

Void Acoustics Venu 208 The Venu 208 subwoofer incorporates the key elements of the Venu V2 range in a compact and stylish, loudspeaker enclosure. It is suitable for multiple applications including bars, clubs, hotels, restaurants and lounges, as well as high-end domestic installations. The Venu 208 offers flexibility for smaller and more intimate venues or even domestic settings. It is designed to offer ease of installation in a wider variety of places including under-bench, on-wall or on- ceiling. It has the benefit of being able to be placed flush against a wall with a recessed rear connector panel built into the design. It is also perfect for full channel utilisation, and very high-efficiency transducers mean that at only 300W the loudspeaker can be driven from a single channel on the small Bias Q1 amplifier from Void Acoustics, keeping the cost of powering the product very modest.

1. Analog Way Midra 4K Presentation Switchers

Tailored to small/medium-sized fixed installations and live environments, the Midra 4K Series offers highreliability, low-latency, simplicity, optimal image quality and state-of-the-art live 4K processing features. The range includes four products; QuickVu 4K, QuickMatrix 4K, Pulse 4K and Eikos 4K. With the 2.0 software release, the Midra 4K Series now offers an IP streaming functionality, allowing any input or output to broadcast over IP. The streaming feature could be used to feed an online web service, distribute the content over a private network, display the content or edit it thanks to software like OBS Studio. The Midra 4K switchers also can now be operated by the powerful RC400T event controller designed to greatly increase the level of operational efficiency and give instant access to crucial functionalities such as screens, layers, sources and memories. Additionally, with the 2.0 software release, live sources can now be used in the background set for the Pulse 4K multi-layer video mixer and seamless presentation switcher. Many other improvements are available in this version, such as the integration of high frame rates up to 144HZ, new HDCP policy management, support of the https protocol and more.

2. Audio-Technica 3000 Digital Series Wireless System

The 3000 Digital Series wireless system features 24-bit/48kHz processing, a wide dynamic range of 120dB and 60MHz tuning range to ensure both exceptional audio performance and flexibility, with analogue-balanced audio outputs achieving a latency of just 2.5msec. The 3000 Digital Series receiver is Dante-enabled and ready to slot into any Dante network. Up to five ATWDR3120DAN dual-channel receivers can be connected to allow a single pair of antennas to feed up to 10 channels of wireless. Control of the system is made straightforward via software monitoring that gives access to frequency co-ordination, charging status and log display information. In terms of transmitters, the ATW-DT3102 handheld transmitter is equipped with an industry-standard thread to allow use with Audio-Technica’s interchangeable microphone capsules, as well as other compatible options. A unique multifunction button on the transmitter body can be used to switch immediately to a backup frequency on both transmitter and receiver should interference be encountered. In addition to the handheld microphone transmitter option, the ATW-DT3101 body pack transmitter is also available, with a four-pin locking connector and 80Hz/120Hz/160Hz high-pass filter.

3. CHAUVET Professional onAir IP Series

CHAUVET Professional’s new all-weather, onAir IP Series is suited to move from indoor to outdoor projects. All three models in the onAir IP family have a 90+ CRI and TM-30 score, as well as +/- Green adjustment, and onboard emulated red-shift control via CRMX wireless control and DMX. The largest of the three, the onAir IP Panel 2, is a 2x1 format 372W panel that delivers 23,000 peak lumens. Next in size is the 200W onAir IP Panel 1, which is a 1x1 format panel that provides over 12,000 peak lumens, while the smallest fixture in the family, the 49W onAir IP Panel Min, produces over 2,500 peak lumens and has a removable PSU. Engineered for real world applications, the onAir IP offers unique drop-in access to allow quick and easy swapping of diffusion and intensifier filters without tools. The panels also make it easy to use either a pin mount or truss clamp during set up, and offer a direct 28v connection. RDM (Remote Device Management) and CRMX Wireless Control provide added flexibility. Fixtures in the ultra-quiet onAir IP series offer a variety of features that make it possible to achieve nearly any colour in the visible colour space, while delivering an extraordinarily bright output. The onAir IP panels have precise colour temperature replication. Presets make it fast and simple to adjust colours, and the panels fade rather than step between colours. Software updates can be made easily with no need for an uploader thanks to a USB port and readily navigated on-board control. The panels can also be controlled via integrated CRMX wireless, Art-Net and sACN networking, as well as a five-pin DMX, making it easier for users to run them in any environment.

4. Tasker Digital Audio and Video Application over LAN Cables Tasker presents its range of Ethernet cables, distinguished into different categories; 5e, 6A and 7, according to the transmission speeds and types of shielding applied to the single cables. Depending on the type of shield, the unshielded pair cables are indicated as U.T.P (Unshielded Twisted Pair), and if they have a shielding on the grouping they become S-U.T.P. (Shielded - Unshielded Twisted Pair). There are also shielded cables with aluminum foil, the F.T.P (Foiled Twisted Pair) and those with double shielding, which add a tinned copper braid on the grouping, the cables S-F.T.P (Shielded Foiled Twisted Pair). Tasker proposes a new range of cables for mobile installation; C725 (Cat. 5e, S-U.T.P), C728 (Cat.6A S-F.T.P.) and C726 (Cat.7, S-F.T.P). These cables are extra flexible thanks to elementary stranded formation and available with PVC jackets, LSZH or PUR, specific for external applications. For fixed installation, however, cables with monofilar conductors such as C727 (Cat.7, S-F.T.P) are available with different types of outer sheaths. The last product is the Tasker C722 B2ca, a LAN Cat.6 S.F./U.T.P., 4x2x0,25 mm² section with multiple operative applications and approved for the maximum risk class as the CPR legislation states.



When the company began back in 1991, what did it want to bring to the industry? When ULA began, the supply of technology in our sector was very limited. I was trying to bring to the industry more competitive offerings and new brands, as well as some unique products. I wanted to also develop a national supply and service network and offer better customer service and support. What was the company’s philosophy and how has this changed over the years? The company’s philosophy has always been the same and has never changed in terms of customer satisfaction. It has always been about relationships, understanding what the customer wants to achieve and offering the best product in class that is fit for purpose. What sets us apart is that we have a global presence with a family approach. No one is above or beneath us. We always work towards a positive outcome and we sit side by side with everyone we work with. The bottom line is we are always approachable, and we stand behind every statement we make. My door is always open. My motto is ‘you never forget where you came from or how you started’. It is all about finding the solution, finding the favourable outcome in any situation. What are your favourite projects to work on and why? The ULA Group business model is based on providing solutions to bring people’s vision to life. The Gateway bridge is a perfect example. The design brief was to use neon in a linear format to create a glow under the bridge. However, the technology was turning to LED at that time and the builder wanted to provide the latest technology. There were a number of challenges – distance, the harsh salt air environment, the combination of metals, light pollution to the major airport and shipping port, serviceability, and longevity. So, this is where myself and the ULA Group team perform at our best. As a manufacturer and distributor of the world’s leading technology, we can partner with our clients and the designers to bring their vision to life, whether it’s lighting, vision or control. Our business is not based on doing installations, our business



is about exactly what I just mentioned - we know the capability of our technology the best, as we should, and we like the challenge of large-scale iconic projects. Marina Bay Sands had a similar challenge, and the architects were not convinced that LED technology had the light output at that point in time and we had to prove this by conducting onsite tests. We adapted the technology optically and the end result is what you see marketed across the World today. One of my favourite times is when my own children were on a school excursion and drove over the Gateway bridge and were telling their friends and teachers: “This is the bridge my Dad lit up. Look at the lights!” It made me very proud. It is the old cliché, but it is true that we light up people’s lives. How have you witnessed the industry changing during your 30 years of business? The industry in relation to the technology has 100% improved for the better. The feature set from products today and the diversification has opened up so many new opportunities. The products can go from the club scene, to the corporate scene, to exhibition. Digital displays have opened so many more opportunities in every part of the World. In relation to manufacturing, I feel that there are fewer passionate people in the industry as the focus has turned more to revenue, so the balance is no longer there. It has been sad to see the reduction of manufacturing across Europe and the US. What have been some major milestones for the company over the 30 years? Expanding the business across the east coast of Australia, including different warehouses and offices, and opening the new office in New Zealand was very significant. Moving into the architectural lighting space was also great, as well as setting up manufacturing of architectural lighting in Europe. We also opened up our Digital Division, which was huge for us – the creation of VuePix and setting up manufacturing of VuePix Infiled LED screens in Shenzhen, and expanding distribution of LED screens across 100 countries.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Cuono Biviano, Managing Director of ULA Group Architectural lighting of Brisbane City Hall VuePix Infiled AO digital sign for Australia Open Architectural lighting of the Bolte Bridge in Melbourne VuePix Infiled screens at Tomorrowland Festival 2018, Belgium Cuono with Eric Loader, Director of Sales & Marketing at Elation Professional Architectural lighting of Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Architectural lighting of Elizabeth Quay precinct in Perth











How have you dealt with the problems you’ve encountered due to COVID-19? COVID-19 raised many challenges for us at ULA group. Thanks to our diversification and being in the business for 30 years, we were in a strong position to deal with the stop to the entertainment and exhibition industry. We consolidated all our costs and overheads and, in particular, we looked at the entertainment and exhibition sector. We continued to support and liaise with our suppliers and clients to establish the best ways to support each other, too. We made sure that we continued being active in our marketing and our doors always remained open and ready for business. Our sales into the project industry and educational sector continued as normal and in some cases grew. A great positive was that the film industry grew in Australia and New Zealand, due to the low Covid cases. We also launched our ULA Health Care division early last year, which spawned from our current manufacturing partners. This saw new opportunities and business arise. The key factor from the point Covid pandemic hit the World for us was to review all parts of the business, reduce any fat, make the company lean and use the opportunity to restructure and implement new processes, upgrade our ERP system and place the company in more dynamic and flexible position to handle unprecedented conditions. What direction do you see the industry heading post COVID? The industry to me from the supply side will be rather conservative for the next few years, while companies try to recoup working capital and will utilise the technology that they have



already invested in. We have seen a number of production companies unfortunately close, which also places an abundance of product out in the market. Manufacturers will have to reduce their product range, with the products they manufacture offering a more universal feature set and value for money. The most wellestablished companies will continue growing and getting stronger, but it will be a tough time for anyone new. I believe there will be a lot more outdoor festivals and people wanting to get out to shows and venues, so I think it will be healthy, provided the governments don’t shut these events down. Where do you see ULA Group heading in the next 30 years? The ULA Group will continue on its current path, however I see the digital visual space growing, our health care solutions expanding, and film and TV lighting and outdoor architectural lighting and outdoor production growing. The digital space will continue to grow exponentially, as this technology is advancing at a rate of knots, just as mobile phone technology did. We are expanding our reach daily, which gives us more opportunities for all the other parts of our business. I would also like to sincerely thank all of my team and our global manufacturing partners and especially our clients and designers and everyone that have contributed to make ULA group successful for the last 30 years. Without you all my vision would not have been a reality. The journey to date has both been forthfilling and one that I could never have imagined. I look forward to continuing working with you all for the next 30!


What do you think will be the biggest shift in the industry across the next 30 years? I think there will be various shifts in our industry. I believe that there will be fewer manufacturers, however, many of them, who have not already, will follow the Amazon model of selling direct to the marketplace. The outdoor events space will continue to grow. There will be a growth in weatherproof lighting fixtures. I also forecast that the last of the major private manufacturers will get sold to public firms or merge with others. Ultimately, technology will get smarter, lighter and thinner and be more versatile, offering a greater ROI.


Illuminated Qantas Plane at the Qantas Founders Museum in Longreach.

The XSL System.

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The newest addition to the SL family. All the unparalleled features only SL-Series provides: Full broadband directivity control, extended low frequency response, innovative rigging. More SL, nothing less. Let’s talk about X:

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09.09.2021 14:53:02

AD I N D E X Absen 71 Adamson 87 ADJ 29 Amate 98 Antari 3 Arno 5

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Audiotek 25 Chauvet 37 Christie 61 Chromateq 89 CLF 92 d&b audiotechnik


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DTS 83 Duratruss 55 Dynacord 33 Elation 77 Funktion-One 91 Genelec 79 ISE

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