mondo | stadia #021 - December/January 2021/22

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A new Fulcrum Acoustic audio system delivers state-of-the-art sound to Worcester Red Sox’s home ground.

A venue first at the famous racecourse with the introduction of Amazon’s Alexa for Smart Properties.

We speak to the E-V team about the recently-launched MTS Series, which sets a new standard for stadium audio.

We showcase sporting venue projects and state-of-the-art products from the lighting industry.




ur final issue of 2021 sees us head into 2022 with some uncertainty still surrounding the industry. While it’s certainly better than this time last year, the news of postponed matches, events and conferences is a stark reminder that we’re still navigating our way out of this pandemic. However, we’re remaining positive and looking forward to seeing everyone in the new year on a much more regular basis. In ISSUE 21, our cover story is Stadium, which I was lucky enough to visit last month to take a look at the impressive, new NEXO audio system installed by Vaughan Sound Installations. You can read more about the project on page 34. Over in the US, we’ve covered Polar Park’s new Fulcrum Acoustic setup and, a bit closer to home, there’s a feature on Pro Audio Systems’ work at EnviroVent Stadium. In this issue’s Kick Off, there’s a focus on lighting, with impressive venues from the likes of Signify and Musco Lighting. Definitely one to check out. Don’t forget to read our interview with the Electro-Voice team, too they’ve given us the inside track on the new MTS Series, which promises to set a new standard for stadium sound. I was lucky enough to hear it in person at Wigan Athletic’s DW Stadium... it’s seriously impressive. Finally, I just want to take the opportunity to wish you all the best for Christmas and New Year. Stay safe and enjoy the break. See you in 2022!


Sam Hughes Editorial Director






Cover Image: Swansea City AFC / Athena Picture Agency Ltd Editorial Director Sam Hughes

Commercial Director Jamie Dixon

Digital Content Manager James Robertson

Design & Production Dan Seaton

Dave Bell

Finance Director Amanda Giles

Credit Control

Group Chairman Damian Walsh


006 Dan Smith, LG Business Solutions USA MONDO | STADIA is published by Mondiale Media Limited, Strawberry Studios, Watson Square, Stockport, SK1 3AZ, UK Tel: +44 161 476 8340

Printed By Buxton Press


048 Polar Park | Worcester, USA 052 EnviroVent Stadium | Harrogate, England



010 Europa-Park Stadium | Freiburg, Germany

056 ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup | Dubai, UAE



012 Lighting

060 Venue Tech Directory


062 In Detail | TSL Products

INTERVIEW 024 Electro-Voice | MTS Series

THE FULL PITCH 034 Stadium | Swansea, Wales 040 Bryant-Denny Stadium | Alabama, USA

063 Event Diary 064 Full Time | George Vaughan, Ascot Racecourse

DAN SMITH - VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LG BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA The Age of DVLED: How Bigger, Brighter, Bolder Displays Shaped the Sporting World Images: LG hen arena and stadiums first

with light bulb-based signs, and text-only

2000s and 2010s, the latest DVLED innovations

began featuring direct view

functionality was standard for several decades.

are introducing significant performance

LED (or DVLED) displays as

As manufacturers and researchers made use of

benefits and rewriting the rules of where and

scoreboards, they represented

new color options, developed multi-coloured

how any content can be shared in a sports

the apex of digital display technology. Today,

DVLED signs, and integrated computerized


innovative engineers and manufacturers have

control, new operations such as basic graphics

Currently, one of the biggest advantages of

pushed DVLED display technology to once-

and the illusion of moving text or images

DVLED technology is the ability to customize

unimaginable heights, with individual LEDs (or

revolutionized the value of the technology.

the design to fit nearly any specific need,

pixels) now being produced at sub-millimeter

As with many technologies, the devices shrunk

resulting in virtually unlimited size and

size and enabling the design of ultra-high-

in size and grew in capability as the decades

viewing distance. Whether an arena needs

definition video displays in nearly any size or

passed, adding more sophisticated controls,

a sharp, bright display that is 20 feet long

shape with performance equal or superior to

delivering new possibilities and eventually

and two feet tall or a stadium wants a round,

any other technology.

becoming quite ubiquitous throughout arenas

triangular, or otherwise custom-shaped video

and stadiums. From menu boards to giant

display, DVLED can do that. There’s virtually

How It Started

concourse displays, direct view LED is now

nothing that cannot be achieved with today’s

The original monochromatic DVLED signs were

used virtually everywhere a fan can look.

DVLED tech, whether the need is indoors,


used in a variety of situations and locations


outdoors, on a ceiling or floor, wrapped around

where text was valuable, such as scoreboards

How It’s Going

columns or fitted to curved walls.

and jumbotrons where arena/stadium

Fast forward to 2021, and the evolution

In addition to obvious customisation options

operators could display scores and stats, and

of DVLED displays and technology is

such as size, shape and brightness, the LEDs

that basic design remains an effective eye-

striking. While the intervening decades

themselves, the tiny diodes that emit colored

catching piece of technology with copious uses

saw the popularisation of cathode ray tube

light, have advanced so far that millions of

more than 50 years later.

televisions and computer monitors, multi-

them can be packed onto single displays,

Focusing purely on the technology, these

bulb and eventually laser projectors, and the

offering custom resolution and pixel count.

displays’ ‘resolution’ has remained on par

indomitable ‘flatscreen’ technologies of the

The cost of individual LEDs goes up as they






shrink in physical size, so stadiums and arenas

successfully engineered such high-quality

large displays, high brightness capabilities and

can maximize the value of their spending by

components that they are rated to last up to

easily replaceable modules which eliminate the

determining the exact required resolution,

100,000 hours at full brightness, and even

need for entire displays to be discarded when

size, aspect ratio and even curvature to meet

longer at real-world usage brightness. For

a single component fails, it becomes clear that

their needs. With industry-wide LED costs

quick reference, 100,000 hours of operation

continued DVLED research and development

and the cost of DVLED manufacturing falling

would be 24 hours a day for more than 11

is a vital mission for the arena/stadium

reliably year-over-year, DVLED is now an

years. It’s no surprise, then, that DVLED

development industry.

affordable option for just about any need.

displays are coveted for use in large sporting

One of the final remaining improvements

LG’s direct view LED also offers other


to be made is simplifying construction and

meaningful user benefits, including ambient


installation for DVLED displays. Many of

light sensors that automatically adjust display

What the Future Holds

today’s models require several days to install,

brightness for changing conditions when a

If current trends and needs continue, we

configure, and integrate with digital video

display is installed outside an arena/stadium.

may well find ourselves in a world where

delivery systems. But fear not! The great

Accessories (sold separately) can enable touch

DVLED displays become as ubiquitous as flat-

minds behind all the advances discussed here

and distance-interaction tools which turn an

panel LCD displays are now. Throughout its

are already solving this problem and launching

entire DVLED display into an interactive digital

evolution, DVLED tech has developed contrary

all-in-one DVLED displays which are easier to


to CRTs, LCDs and projection, starting out

install and program.

Considering growing global trends toward

physically large and becoming smaller over

If we zoom out and look at the full range

eco-consciousness and extending product life

time. The industry is at an inflection point

of display technologies in operation and

cycles to reduce e-waste, DVLED technology

where these displays are now becoming more

production today, DVLED has significant room

offers another major benefit: typically the

competitive with LCDs in size, resolution, and

for growth and innovation, and may even

longest performance duration of any current

even cost and installation simplicity.

enable arena and stadium applications that

display technology. In the top range of

When we consider the remaining benefits,

have not yet been imagined.

DVLED display products, manufacturers have

which include energy efficiency, thin builds for


EUROPA-PARK STADIUM Freiburg, Germany Image: HPP Architects

he Europa-Park Stadium, designed by HPP Architects for its client Stadion Freiburg Objektträger GmbH & Co. (SFG), was created as the home venue of SC Freiburg. Work on the site, with an area of approx. 44,300 m², has been in full swing since 2018 – now the completed stadium has been filled with life for the first time. The venue was officially opened on 7 October 2021 with an opening ceremony followed by a friendly game against FC St. Pauli. On 16 October, the atmosphere in the stadium will reach fever pitch for the first time in a Bundesliga game against RB Leipzig. “The new SC stadium is a wonderful fit for Freiburg and it suits the club perfectly. It is not only functional, but also convincing in terms of urban design and architecture. The stadium sits in naturally between ‘Wolfsbuck’, the airfield and the university where it is easily recognizable. It will be another centre of identification for the SC fans, and also for all citizens of Freiburg”, summarised Freiburg’s mayor responsible for the building authority, Prof. Dr. Martin Haag. SC Freiburg took the decision to create a new stadium some years ago in order to remain competitive over the long term and further establish itself in the Bundesliga. In a consultation process in 2017 the general contractor Köster GmbH and HPP Architekten GmbH won the commission for realisation and planning of the new stadium. The coherent and timeless elegance of the finished construction ensures that it blends seamlessly into the gentle topography of the Wolfswinkel in the west of Freiburg. Due to its proximity to the airport and the associated height limitation, the stadium is designed with flat orthogonal roof geometry, whilst external diagonal tension rods lend an unmistakable character. In response to the basic octagonal shape of the stadium’s interior, the main access




points are situated at the corners, creating a dynamic effect and sense of identity. The architecture focuses on the essentials: clear structure, functionality and cost-effectiveness, but also above all on sensory experience with an abundance of openness and transparency. The Freiburg stadium unites a wide range of sports and non-sports event areas under one roof. The business, conference and event areas are designed in such a way that they can be operated independently during and outside the football matches. Sustainability was also given due consideration in the retrofitting of the whole roof with 15,000 m² photovoltaic panels. “The slightly raised aspect on an elevation suggests the motif of a place of pilgrimage – the stadium becomes an eye-catcher and attraction”, explains HPP Senior Partner Antonino Vultaggio. Apart from using a clear architectural language, a shared experience for the fans was focused right from the start. A viewing gap between the upper and lower tiers makes it possible for fans to experience the interior of the stadium as soon as they enter. Through this permanent reference to the playing field, the surrounding promenade becomes a place for the public to linger and engage with one another - before, after and during the game. The promenade offers everyone - whether walking or sitting in a wheelchair - an equal stadium experience. Also the grandstands are arranged in such a way that the spectators can enjoy a perfect view of the pitch from any direction and immerse themselves in the roiling atmosphere. In the south, the promenade principle gives way to the fan wall: “Here, a continuous tier from the base all the way up to the roof provides space for up to 8.700 standing spectators to celebrate and perform their tifos,” said HPP Senior Partner, Antonino Vultaggio.




KICK OFF | LIGHTING A closer look at products and projects from the world of lighting.

SIGNIFY OPTUS STADIUM | ALLIANZ STADIUM | WANDA METROPOLITANO At Signify, we have spent the last 80 years thinking about how to continually improve the live sports experience. Formerly Philips Lighting, we are the world leader in providing professional customers and consumers with quality, energy efficient LED lighting and connected systems. We pride ourselves on providing long term engagement with sports venues, working hand in hand with them to build a complete fan experience; from the architectural stage to health and safety, as well as working directly with broadcasters to ensure the perfect lighting for television. Our connected lighting brings data to devices, apps and people – redefining what light can do and how you use it. We have established ourselves as a trusted lighting partner for top sporting venues all over the world, continually finding innovative ways to improve the live event experience. The benefits of our lighting reach beyond the fans, as sports teams begin to explore the use of biodynamic lighting in the dressing room to help improve the mood of the players and enhance performance. The last couple of years have been tough for live sporting events. One part of ensuring health and safety for sports venues is having an appropriate disinfection protocol - lighting can help with this. UV-C lighting, known for its viral and bacterial disinfectant properties has been historically used in locations like hospitals and schools. Our UV-C products are now being used by professional sports teams, like PSV Eindhoven, RB Leipzig and English Gallagher Premiership Rugby Union Club Harlequins,



in the dressing rooms and in fan areas to go beyond the basic ‘mop and wipe’ approach in disinfecting surfaces. By turning to technology like this, sporting venues can safeguard their staff, fans, and players. Sports venues must also look to their role in bigger issues like sustainability. New innovations in lighting – 3D printing, energy efficient LEDs, intelligent IOT connectivity, to name a few – can dramatically reduce a stadium’s carbon footprint. In 2020, we achieved carbon neutrality for our own global operations and have set course to double our positive impact on the environment and society by 2025. Here are just some of the sports organisations that we have worked with around the world, to show how lighting can help achieve both revenue and climate goals. Optus Stadium (Perth) The lighting system includes more than 22,000 controllable LED light fittings which are managed through Signify’s Interact Sports lighting management software. Interact Sports has the flexibility to create a completely immersive lighting experience for fans at the 60,000-capacity venue, making it ideal for a wide variety of events. It enables remote reconfiguration and monitoring of the LED connected lighting to create a multipurpose arena for fans to watch anything from their home football and cricket teams to


world-famous rock bands. Music and lighting can be merged together in advance, making it easy to create visually stunning pre-match and half-time light shows. The LED floodlights meet all the requirements for HDTV broadcasting standards for sports lighting. Hospitality areas and offices inside the stadium are also lit with LED lighting that can be added to the remote management dashboard giving easy control of the whole stadium’s lighting via a cloud-based system, accessible from any location over any networked device. Allianz Stadium (Juventus FC) The iconic arena now boasts 396 Philips ArenaVision LED fixtures installed on the roof and on the technical walkways. By upgrading the pitch lighting to the highest standards, the Allianz Stadium can elevate the entertainment experience to a whole new level during football matches and events. The pitch lighting system meets the needs of TV broadcasters and football federations for Ultra HD television and super slow motion action replays. In addition, it requires no warm-up time and is flexible enough to allow illumination of specific parts of the pitch before a football match or as part of a light show. Bowl lighting is controlled by a touch panel, enabling control and synchronisation with music, graphics and video. The system can be used to extend the match day experience and increase engagement with fans, while also supporting other types of events, which increases flexibility and provides new revenue potential. Hospitality areas are illuminated with warm white and dynamic lighting. As a result, the stadium is able to create a more prestigious and unique fan environment, engage new fans and further improve the profitability of hospitality areas. Wanda Metropolitano (Atletico Madrid) Wanda Metropolitano was the first 100% LED lighting stadium installation in the world. Connected LED lighting offer unique opportunities for synchronisation and integration of different stadium systems. The primary objective of the project was to enhance the fan experience for those enjoying the game in the

stadium, and those watching a live or recorded broadcast at home. Signify’s Interact Sports software gives control of the fully connected and integrated LED lighting for the entire stadium including façade, pitch, hospitality and also exterior parking area lighting. The spectacular roof structure above the pitch is equipped with dynamic Philips Color Kinetics architectural lighting, creating dazzling light shows for visitors. The lighting on the façade can be synchronised via Interact Sports scene management software with the lighting in the parking area, helping to create a fully immersive experience. The façade lighting ensures the structure can be seen from afar and has become a city landmark and tourist attraction. The new lighting in the pitch area guarantees maximum quality for television transmission and meets the latest LaLiga, UEFA and FIFA broadcast standards. The pitch lighting can also be switched on and off instantaneously or integrated with other light shows on the façade or bowl. Maximum impact of each type of event is key and therefore the lighting can be easily configured over Interact Sports software to meet the requirements of a wide variety of events. The Atletico Madrid Premium ‘Neptuno’ and VIP hospitality areas are also equipped with the latest and most efficient, high-quality LED lighting. The new LED lighting and control system is expected to deliver energy savings of more than 60% compared to conventional technologies. The overall result is that visitors feel welcome and enjoy themselves from entry to exit, while the flexibility offered opens up new revenue streams for the stadium to increase profitability and expand its appeal as a venue. Alex Rowe, Commercial Lead - Sports & Arena Lighting




MUSCO LIGHTING TOTAL LIGHT CONTROL—TLC FOR LED™ TECHNOLOGY AND MINI-PITCH SYSTEM™ For over four decades, Musco Lighting has led the way in designing and engineering sports lighting solutions at venues around the world. From grassroots pitches and training academies, to world-class stadiums and venues, to international events - Musco’s TLC for LED system continues as the solution of choice for clubs and organisations across the globe. One of Musco’s more recent innovations is enabling professional clubs to utilise their stadiums—which feature custom TLC for LED systems—and the areas around them to serve as social and recreational hubs to engage local communities, families, and youth. The Mini-Pitch System™ modular sports solution transforms unused and underutilised areas into a high-quality soccer pitch that includes lighting so activities can extend into the evening hours. In addition to Musco’s TLC for LED lighting, the mini-pitch includes fencing, goals, benches, and lockable storage. In just the past year, professional clubs in the U.K., U.S., Latin America, and Asia that had already partnered with Musco for their stadium lighting have had mini-pitches installed in locations adjacent to their venues. The new pitches provide outstanding play spaces and outlets for the clubs to engage their fans, enhance the match day experience, and connect with the local community through weekly activities and programs. After partnering with Musco on a custom-designed TLC for LED system at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, club leaders moved ahead with the installation of two mini-pitches on the southeast side of



the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium campus. Tottenham Hotspur utilises the mini-pitches as a talent ID center for the club’s Academy and Global Football Development Team, hosting fan activities on match days, after school programming, fitness and exercise sessions for local residents, and for disability sports provisions. At Lynn Family Stadium in the U.S., home to Louisville City FC of the United Soccer League, a similar endeavor was undertaken with the installation of a Mini-Pitch System on the northeast side outside of the venue. In addition to exciting match day activities in coordination with Louisville City FC, the mini-pitch will serve as a new recreational hub for youth and families in the neighbourhoods around the venue. “It means a lot to our organisation to partner with the Louisville community in such a meaningful way, bringing a new level of excitement to Lynn Family Stadium and expanding recreational opportunities for local kids and families,” said Brad Estes, President of Louisville City FC. “We couldn’t be happier with the solutions and expertise Musco provided to help make that happen.”











NETWORK As venue integration and production technologies develop into all IP-based protocols, Pro Media is at the forefront of design to provide converged network solutions that incorporate data management, high density Wi-Fi, and the backbone for the installed integrated audio, control and video network.

LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN Pro Media designs AV and Life Safety Systems that are innovative and operate on integrated and redundant network platforms, coupled with electro-acoustic design solutions to meet with building standards requirements. The designs are project managed and implemented within large-scale stadiums, arenas and corporate AV venues that require both high quality performance and life safety systems.

AUDIO SYSTEM DESIGN We have been revolutionising the design and application of both professional and commercial audio systems for over 55 years, so it is no surprise that our global-based expertise in providing large format distributed and point source sound reinforcement systems for a large range of venues is unrivaled.

ELECTRO-ACOUSTIC DESIGN At Pro Media, we have a team of highly qualified and experienced in-house electro-acoustic design engineers that create loudspeaker solutions that work both technically and commercially to address all aspects of our clients’ requirements, vastly increasing the efficiency of the development process. We also provide on-site measurement and analysis of audio systems performance, room acoustics and development of 3D acoustic models.


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For centuries, metal halide lights were the standard choice for sports stadiums. However, this is starting to change. Today’s stadiums rely more and more heavily on LED lighting, and for several beneficial reasons. From energy savings to time savings, making the switch to LED makes sense for today’s stadiums. LEDs can also create a fan experience with integrated lighting that can add colour and excitement to the event with RGB capabilities controlled by DMX. That makes LED lights valuable to stadiums because they can be used for multi-purpose events. As LED technology has improved, RGBA/RGBW capabilities in bigger facilities as become a reality. This allows facilities to set dynamic scenes for a goal celebration, player intros, & hype videos not only for indoor arenas but also big outdoor stadiums. Create an environment that engages the fans with the action on the field. Whether you want to colour the outside of the building to lighting up the field of play in different colours, you can create something truly unique in your facility. The full spectrum LED colour capabilities brings events into the new decade with a new fan experience that will make people eager to come back to your facility. The visibility of your space also improves when you switch to LED. LED light tends to render colours more accurately and to produce less glare than other lighting options for stadiums. This means a better player and spectator experience. AEON LED Luminaires have some of the best visibility on the market, with no glare and accurate colour rendering, giving you the most benefit. This increased visibility means that the lights are better for broadcasts, including 4K broadcasts. LED lighting from AEON LED also has a wide beam angle so that you can light more of your space with fewer lights. However, you want even light coverage and with our photometric studies AEON LED can provide you with a solution that exceeds broadcasts standards. With the multiple beam angles, you don’t have wasted light spreading beyond the designed beam angle. That means more efficient lighting! Stadium managers are making the switch to LED because LED



lighting has an instant-on function. This means the moment you switch the lights on; they are as bright and vibrant as they will be when you switch them off. You do not have to wait for the lights to warm up, which can delay gameplay. AEON uses HyLink, which is a wireless lighting control solution that enables considerable energy savings and lowers operating costs by automating, customising and controlling the behavior of lights. You can control a couple of lights or hundreds of lights from your laptop, tablet or smartphone. The most obvious reason that someone will switch from metal halide to LED lights is to save energy, which leads to saving money. LED luminaries like those from AEON can save 75% or more in energy use and costs. Since stadium lights run for hours on end most of the season, this can add to a significant amount of saving. Most stadium managers find that the energy savings offset the higher installation costs very quickly. Another perk of LED lighting is the longer lifespan compared to other types of stadium lighting. Since changing stadium lights involves quite a bit of work, LED luminaires can last for many years without fading or burning out. AEON LED Luminaires have proprietary technology built into each light that reduces the risk of damage from heat as well, so you end up with lights that have a 100,000-hour rating, which means many years of use. You will spend less time and energy replacing lights and can focus those resources on other aspects of your facility’s maintenance. With dimming capabilities, you can go to 75% when you don’t need all the lights on at one time. Stadiums need proper lighting for safety and enjoyment. If you are looking for new lighting options for your stadium, consider making the switch to LED. It’s time to your stadium lighting and start enjoying the benefits of LED.


EQUIPSON LIGHTSHARK LightShark, Equipson’s award winning range of multiprotocol control products, have already revolutionised the entertainment industry by delivering powerful intermediate tools that are not limited by their features. This versatile range gives lighting engineers working in all types of venues – from small theatres to large stadia - hardware and software control of up to eight DMX universes and 4000+ DMX channels, all completely integrated via smartphones and tablets. The range is also fully compatible with other manufacturer’s equipment because the products work with industry-standard DMX and Artnet lighting protocols, as well as any Operating System (Android, Linux, Windows and macOS). Heading the LightShark range is the LS-1, an easy to use hardware lighting console that offers a great price/performance ratio. With assignable faders, rotary controls and a full suite of connection and interfacing options, the LS-1 marries LightShark’s powerful FX software engine with an intuitive, ergonomic hardware control surface. Four encoders, 10 master playbacks, a colour builtin display and a complete set of RGB buttons give users a full console platform that can easily cope with shows of all sizes and complexities. What’s more, LS-1 is tiny and very portable – small enough to fit into airplane carry-on luggage. LightShark’s range also includes the LS-Core, the world’s smallest 8-universe lighting console and the only console of its size to offer completely integrated hardware and software control via up to three smartphones and/or tablets. This stripped-back version of the LS-1 has the same lighting control software and processing hardware but without the console and with fewer hardware controls. It does, however, offer every feature a customer needs



to manage a total of 4192 DMX channels - and because it has an open interface, it can be controlled by external automation systems using UDP commands or even MIDI pad buttons. LS-Core also has its own built-in software, so there is no need to install anything onto a computer. All users need is a WiFi-enabled device to access the LS-Core’s in-built app via a web browser. Completing the LightShark range is the LS-Wing, a multi-protocol, multi-functional hardware controller that can take charge of virtually every lighting, music, video and media server software in use today. The unit sends OSC commands via ethernet networks to any device or software controlled by the OSC protocol and also uses ethernet networks to send UDP/IP commands. Developed as a 3 In 1 product, LS-Wing can be configured in three different modes - a straightforward fader wing, an OSC hardware controller or a standalone MIDI console for any device that accepts MIDI control via USB. In all three modes, LS-Wing has a built-in ArtNet/sACN to DMX converter node offering two Direct DMX universes. All DMX consoles in the LightShark range included a potent FX engine that allow users to create and synchronize effects on multiple parameters, and position fixtures on a grid so that the engine can automatically apply effects at the right point in relation to these fixtures. Spectacular lighting makes all the difference to the success of a show or an event and with LightShark, users now have the right tools - at the right price – to quickly and easily achieve all their creative ambitions.


“We embarked on a process of turning everything upside down and looking for new approaches to the problem of creating an extremely highoutput speaker that sounds great.” Bob Rieder Senior Global Product Manager, Installed Sound Electro-Voice




ELECTRO-VOICE | MTS SERIES Bob Rieder - Senior Global Product Manager, Installed Sound Nolen Ryba - Senior Design Engineer Richard Leadbitter – Sales Manager, Installed Systems Arthur Achard - Sales Manager, Specialised Audio UK/IRL

Going back to the very beginning, can you give us

approaches to the problem of creating an extremely

some insight into Electro-Voice’s history in the

high-output speaker that sounds great. We spoke

sporting industry?

with specifiers and a cross section of people who were likely to use the loudspeaker to really understand what

Bob Rieder: We have a long history of working with

they needed from it. How loud does it need to be? At

stadiums – it goes way back to the very origins of

what distance? How far do you need it to throw? What

the company. The famous Notre Dame football coach

sort of bandwidth is needed? What kind of directivity

Knute Rockne, who was based close to Electro-Voice


HQ in South Bend, Indiana at the time, wanted to find

We took that vast amount of information and turned it

a way of not having to scream at his players on the

into specifications – and they became our targets for

practice fields. The company founders gave him an

the MTS Series.

early loudspeaker system and he called it his “electric voice” – so the company was named by a guy using an

What were those targets you were working towards?

EV speaker in an early stadium application. BR: There were four key targets. First of all, the SPL What made Electro-Voice decide to come up with this

– it had to be a long-throw box, so clearly you need

new MTS Series?

output. Looking at the competition and crunching the numbers from the consultants, the target we came up

BR: Around 20 years ago, we had a leading position

with was 150 dB peak output, or better.

in stadium sound with a line of high-output horns called the MH Series. There are probably many of these

Second was the coverage - we wanted to have two

systems still installed in stadiums worldwide, but the

patterns. Most people said they could work with 60° x

series was discontinued for reasons that had nothing to

40° and 40° x 30° coverage patterns, but our approach

do with performance or demand. For several years, we

was not just to deliver pretty frequency response

didn’t have a successor to those models and we really

and directivity plots on axis. Instead, our goal was

wanted to create something that would update them in

to ensure that there would be minimal performance

terms of the technology. So, around 10 years ago, we

variation across the entire coverage area, so everybody

set out to come up with a replacement and went down

would have a similar sonic experience.

a couple of cul-de-sacs. We had a good product, but not something that we considered ground-breaking.

The third target was to make MTS a full-range loudspeaker. In stadiums, all kinds of music is pumped

About three years ago, we embarked on a process of

through the loudspeakers, and if they deliver enough

turning everything upside down and looking for new

low end, they can be used without subwoofers in many



installations. We also wanted to drive the high-frequency output so it plays to the upper end of the audio spectrum. I think it’s assumed that air absorption will work against the top octave in outdoor settings, so there’s no point in putting

“The target was to ensure the MTS Series was full range. In stadiums, all kinds of music is pumped through the loudspeakers, so it had to work with plenty of low end, allowing it to be used in lots of different applications without a subwoofer.” Bob Rieder

that high-frequency energy out there, but we beg to differ! The final target was full-bandwidth directivity control – and that’s why we offer two cardioid versions. We think people will be really impressed with how well the integrated cardioid module reduces output behind the loudspeaker. In fact, during a recent demo, someone commented that with the cardioid box and cardioid subs playing – even at high levels - you can stand behind the array and easily participate in a conference call. Can you explain in terms of the technology why the MTS Series is ideal for stadiums and large venues? Nolen Ryba: It can be used in any application where you need significant output at a significant distance. As you can imagine, with a super-high-output box like this, you need a bunch of transducers and they all need to work together in a constructive way. One of the key aspects of this is getting multiple high-frequency drivers to produce the desired




coverage. The way we achieve that is through the horn and waveguide design. It’s a constant-directivity horn, but the source to it is an arc strip, rather than a circle. Then, the two waveguides couple the compression drivers onto that horn. BR: In a sense, the horizontal horn is the size and shape it wants to be and the arc strip fools the vertical aspect into thinking the horn is longer than it actually is. NR: The mid-high drivers feed into the horn through the waveguides. The design of those is not trivial –they are specifically designed to transform the circular plane wave into the arc-strip shape required for the horn. The drivers themselves are non-trivial technology, too – they’re coaxial with dual-annular diaphragms. One is optimised for midrange and one is optimised for high frequencies, so you get a lot of efficiency. There are four 15-inch woofers in there and those are also co-entrant on the same horn, so the device has a constant acoustic centre across all frequencies. They get the benefit of the horn loading as well – and that’s why you get the incredible mid-bass out of it. They are also ported through the perimeter of the horn, which gives you the best-case extension and directivity control on the bottom end. The real engineering challenge is making all of those transducers work together. You can throw them into the box in different ways, but unless you do it properly, it’s just not going to work to a very good standard at all. All the little details have to be dialled in just right for it all to work together – and the development of the whole MTS Series project is basically just trying to get all that stuff right. The proof is in the pudding! In your research meetings with various consultants, was there anything in particular that was a surprise in terms of what they were requesting? NR: For me, the cardioid was a surprise. It’s always been something on our radar, of course, but I can tell you that I was a little bit surprised by how much that was requested.




Also, specifically out of our UK demo, we were surprised by the reaction of people saying that it could be used by live event production companies, who could just wheel it into a venue and aim it up into the stands. What was the feedback like in terms of the size of the MTS Series? It’s a larger box, but its quality does mean less is needed when it comes to installing in a venue… NR: That’s a great question, as the size was something that we felt was going to be a sensitive issue. However, for the most part, people weren’t Especially when you consider that there aren’t really many products in

particularly concerned – the overriding sentiment was if you’ve got the

this class that have it already. It did seem like there was a real desire for

output, you could make it big. The weight is not an issue, as mechanical

it, which stood out to me.

assistance will be used to put it in place anyway.

BR: I’d say the reason behind that request – and especially in the EU,

Richard Leadbitter: When we presented the semi-finished MTS Series to

where there are many noise restrictions – is that they want to keep the

consultants, one of the things that came back to us was the importance

sound from going outside the venue. If you’re shooting from the back,

of sustainability in stadiums and venues. The SPL was important in

the cardioid will reduce the energy that’s going outside the stadium.

the US, as you wouldn’t necessarily have a roof you can suspend things

But, by the same token, if you’re covering from the front, you don’t

on, but you may have a scoreboard from which you’ll need to fire a

want to excite the acoustics of the stadium behind the speaker to create

long way. But, with the control across the full bandwidth, and the real

additional echoes and reverberation. If you’re trying to keep all the

low-end extension, you can cover a larger area with fewer boxes. Plus,

sound contained inside the bowl, the cardioid prevents the rear radiation

you wouldn’t need subs, which means fewer channels of power and

from slapping off the far side of the stadium and adversely affecting

processing. That was a real positive for consultants, and it does offer

intelligibility, frequency balance and everything else.

stadiums a way to be eco-friendly when it comes to the sound system.

Another surprise for us is related to the fact that we assumed that this

In terms of the demos, what has the feedback been like so far? And

would just be an outdoor box, so we have fully weatherised and partly

what kind of interest has there been from clubs wanting the MTS

weatherised versions. However, we’re also getting requests for using it

Series in their venues?

indoors and it’s not necessarily because they need the output. It’s nice


to have, of course, but the interest is there due to how well the pattern

Arthur Achard: For our demo, the stadium manager came out as soon as

is controlled. People can see it in the graphs and they can hear it, too

he heard the MTS Series in action and was very interested, which was

– it’s tighter than what people are used to. That was one of Nolen’s

a great sign! But even from a couple of videos we put on social media,

design goals and something he really worked on, so it’s great to see that

we’ve had a number of venues really keen on finding out more, so we’re


very confident that it’s going to make a huge impact within the industry.



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BR: We’ve been talking about these speakers with specifiers and consultants for about a year now. We showed them design details and measured results, so expectations were high. But, with something like this, you can present all the data and information you want – at the end of the day, they want to hear it. More recently, we’ve been holding larger demos and those are really pushing it to a new level in terms of interest from specifiers and installers. We had our ideas for where we thought the MTS Series would fit and those have been confirmed. The number of quote requests goes up in every region we demo it, which is a great sign. So, for now, I can tell you that we’re looking at multiple projects, ranging from scoreboard systems with two to four boxes, right up to a stadium that is planning for 42 boxes. It’s a wide range of projects that we’re seeing develop, but the early signs are very positive in that regard. AA: We’ve got a couple of larger venues in the UK who are looking to upgrade, and they’re very interested in seeing how the MTS Series performs in comparison to our current offerings. It’s not necessarily about the cost, they just want to know how much they can get out of the MTS. RL: There’s a bit of a tendency to use a line array solution for a stadium by default, I think. It’s a case of hearing with your eyes – you see the line array and assume you’ll get concert-quality sound straight off the bat. But, in terms of sound and accuracy, the MTS Series could be the correct solution. BR: We’ve done some comparative designs in which we’ll do a venue with a line array, and then see how we could cover the same venue with the MTS Series. Depending on which line array of ours we’re working with, our simulations find that we can replace between three and six line array boxes with just one of the MTS Series.




034 Stadium | Swansea, Wales 040 Bryant-Denny Stadium | Alabama, USA


SWANSEA.COM STADIUM Swansea, Wales Images: Swansea City AFC / Athena Picture Agency Ltd, MONDO | STADIA


pened in 2005 to provide a home for Swansea City and Ospreys Rugby, the Stadium is a venue the city can be proud of. Built on the site of the former Morfa Athletics Stadium and playing fields, the 21,000-capacity stadium has

become one of the foremost sporting venues in the country. With two hugely successful sporting teams, the ground also regularly plays host to international sporting fixtures, numerous sell-out concerts and thousands of conferences and events each year. With an array of matches, concerts and events at Wales’ third-largest stadium, the whole ground was in need of a full audio revamp to modernise the facility and enhance the atmosphere for the fans. Gordon David, Facilities Manager at Swansea City Football Club, takes up the story: “The decision to upgrade the existing audio system, which had been in place since the stadium opened in 2005, was taken in early 2020. The reasons behind that were partly down to the age of the system, but also, more importantly, to ensure it remained compliant to the necessary British standards. This was a challenge with the original system, as some of the infrastructure was obsolete and available spare parts were difficult to procure.” The club enlisted the help of Vaughan Sound Installations (VSI) for the project, having previously worked with them before on other projects at the ground, as Operations Director, Richard Vaughan, explained further: “We were first involved back in 2005, working on some of the suites as we did the screens for the hospitality areas, but we weren’t involved with the PA system back then. I attend most games, too, so we had a few contacts and heard a whisper that they were looking at upgrading. So, from there, we did a bit of research and finally got the invitation to tender, which meant we started our conversations with NEXO. “I think it got to the point where the club needed to do something to improve the audio, so working with ourselves, NEXO and Medialease, they did just that.” There were two elements to the project at Stadium, with a new audio system for the main bowl, as well as a public address and voice alarm system for back of house. “What we needed was a fully integrated public address and voice alarm system that ensured safety and evacuation messaging was clear, concise and integrated into our fire alarm system,” said Gordon. “The bowl system needed to have more intricate control and zoning ability to allow us to tailor announcements and messaging to specific areas if required, plus it needed to add high-quality audio for the fan engagement delivery on event days for both football and rugby.” Richard added: “The infrastructure in the ground was good – they’ve got







a great fibre network flowing around and all the switches

with NEXO that we’ve built up over the years and that’s

are excellent. However, the PA system is a completely new

hugely important as you want to trust who you’re working

installation, which included taking out the old kit, though

with on big projects like this to ensure the best results

we were able to use the rack rooms with everything being in

possible. Plus, NEXO has the reputation they do from what

place. So, with a couple of designs and tweaking things here

they have successfully delivered in the past as well. We

and there, we came up with a solution that was the ideal fit

always had the confidence when it came to working with

for the stadium.”

Andy Simmons (NEXO’s UK & EIRE Sales Manager) and

After looking at various options, NEXO became the clear

Gareth Collyer (NEXO’s Sales & Marketing Director).

choice for Swansea City’s new audio system, particularly

“NEXO were also able to deliver very good technical

after listening to the quality delivered in other stadiums, as

submittals, which crosses the credibility gap when you’re

Gordon explained: “We looked at several options in terms of

dealing with a club – basically, the system delivers what it

brand and decided to go with NEXO based on the quality and

claims to on paper. That’s really important for us when it

specification of they were offering. We needed to ensure that

comes to modelling spaces such as Stadium, as

the system we were proposing was not only fully compliant

it’s quite a difficult acoustic space to fill.”

and future proof, but that it would allow us more intricate

Andy added: “We’re very strong on providing technical

control in all areas. After physically visiting other venues

support from the design stage onwards - we’ve got a team

with a NEXO system, we made the decision to go with them.”

of 20 people in our engineering support department. We

VSI’s relationship with NEXO was a vital part of the project,

not only designed the system according to the client’s

too, as Richard explained: “We’ve got a great relationship

specifications, but we also insist on coming in afterwards


to prove the concept and make sure it complies with the

the centre of the stand, too. It really drops off as soon as you

specifications set out at the design stage.

get onto the pitch as well. So, overall, they are absolutely

“For this project, that was hampered by the pandemic, as

perfect for this stadium.”

we couldn’t get people over from France, which is what we

Elsewhere, a TOA VX-3000 system was utilised for the fully

normally we actually called on the services of a consultant

integrated public address and voice alarm setup, which works

that we know in the UK, who came along and produced

in conjunction with the NEXO loudspeakers.

an independent report – and that showed that the system

Ian Bridgewater, Director at TOA, explained further: “The

actually complied with the current UEFA standards, so we

TOA system is based in a de-centralised VX-3000 system,

were very pleased with that.”

covering all areas apart from the main stadium bowl. There

NEXO’s P12i loudspeakers from the new P+ Series were used

are three VX-3308WM wall-mounted systems in three of the

for the main audio system at Swansea City, which everyone

stands and a floor-mounted VX rack in the Southwest Stand.

agreed were the ideal choice right across the board.

“The racks are connected via a Fibre Optic network and

Andy added: “The P12i loudspeakers are great for this project

there is a fire emergency microphone and a general

– they actually utilise an asymmetric PS horn similar to that

paging microphone, which allow routing of real time

used in our older PS Series. One of the advantages of the P

announcements, as well as pre-recorded messages. The

Series is that the horn flares are interchangeable, so you can

system allows routing of music to any location, with the

change the dispersion characteristics. The P12i’s in place at

complete system having a battery backup for emergency

the front are pointing quite steep, which allows for great


coverage of the front row of seating, but also aims it towards

“Putting the public address and voice alarm system in was




the easier side of the project, but we just reconfigured the

the project management and they delivered the new, fully-

hospitality suites and levelled it, so the club were able to

compliant system in line with our requirements, which was

evacuate floor by floor. We isolated the player areas and

to be fully operational ahead of the 2021/22 football season.”

changing rooms, too. In the control room, everything can be

Overall, the NEXO system has been a huge success for the

done via a touchscreen system. We also have a Yamaha TF1

club, particularly in terms of the fan experience.

mixer, which is used for the matchday entertainment, as well

“The feedback has been very good overall with no complaints

as some Sennheiser radio mics. Everything is running off a

received, particularly once the system was fine tuned

QSC core processor, too, with a Dante network also,” said

when we welcomed fans back into the ground. It was


difficult to tune the system in an empty stadium during the

Andy furthered: “All our amplifiers have Dante modules in

commissioning stage as the absorption and background noise

them and we also have a QSC Q-Sys software plug-in, which

that fans create was not present, hence the reason for the

basically links up our system with the Q-Sys system for fault

fine tuning during our first events,” said Gordon.

reporting and load monitoring.”

“The new system has certainly improved the way we deliver

Completing such a large project during a global pandemic

front end fan engagement on event days and we now have a

wasn’t without its difficulties, though there was also a

much better user interface that allows us to use the system

planned pitch renovation to navigate, which meant that

in many different ways that we were unable to do before.

communication between VSI, NEXO and the club was key.

For example, we can now tailor announcements to specific

“Working with VSI was a professional process throughout and

areas, rather than the whole footprint, which is a huge

they delivered the project in the timeframe over two phases,”


said Gordon. “Obviously, the project had some operational

The end result has received positive feedback all round, as

issues, such as the Covid-19 pandemic that halted work.

Richard concluded: “We’ve had great feedback from the club.

Also, when we were able to recommence the project, we had

We tweaked things and improved everything once the whole

a planned pitch renovation take place, which hindered some

system was in, but everyone is impressed with the finished

access to the areas of install.

project. That’s on both the football and rugby sides, which

“That being said, the VSI team worked with me closely on

are obviously very different, so that’s great to hear.”

BRANDS: NEXO, TOA, QSC, Yamaha | INSTALLER: Vaughan Sound Installations | WEBSITES:,,,, 038





P+ Series dual-concentric, point source cabinets deliver trademark NEXO performance with the versatility venues and productions need to succeed in a changing world. Four Main Cabinets with up to 141dB SPL Variable Directivity FOH or Wedge


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BRYANT-DENNY STADIUM Alabama, USA Images: Danley Sound Labs


think they can hear this music in the blimp,” said Chris Fowler, ESPN analyst, during the live broadcast of the University of Alabama and Louisiana State University (LSU) college football game on November 6, 2021. “They

did not put in cheap speakers when they redid [the stadium].” “Game ops has never been a bigger deal in college football or in sports than right now,” said Kirk Herbstreit. “If you’re looking to visit, visit this stadium and come listen to a seminar on game ops. They’ve got it figured out here.” Fowler adde:“They make the experience fun for the fans. A lot of times, [the university] relies on the brand, but now the fans want a show.” During the broadcast, Fowler and Herbstreit were referring to Bryant-Denny Stadium, the University of Alabama’s outdoor stadium, home of the Alabama Crimson Tide football team and host to over 100,000 college football fans on any given Saturday in the fall. Just 36 days earlier, Danley Sound Labs commissioned 24 J7-95 Danley loudspeakers and 12 TH118XL subwoofers in the stadium’s lower bowl seating area. This new installation replaced the all Danley system in the lower bowl and compliments the existing all Danley system in the upper







bowl and in use for the stadium’s on-field sound needs. In

Athletic Event Technology at the University of Alabama.

addition, the sound system for the Walk of Champions at the

“I was at Alabama at the time, and we were moving these

north end of the stadium was also upgraded. As the team

portable rigs out for the team’s during pre-game. We

enters two hours prior to the game, they’re treated with the

couldn’t get the rigs out in time for pre-game which was

sound of a J7-95 loudspeaker and 2 BC215 subwoofers.

always a problem. A friend had recommended Danley

Over the past three years, the University of Alabama’s athletic

following an installation of a Danley system in their church,

department has spent over $100 million in renovations

and we scheduled a demo.

to Bryant-Denny Stadium. While stadium upgrades are

“During the demo, they brought just one box and it covered

a constant in college football, these renovations were

the whole playing surface – only 3dB down on the opposite

substantial. These upgrades included replacing the existing

field’s end zone. It blew my mind - that’s when I fell in love

video boards with larger screens, a new elevator bank on the

with Danley.”

west side of the stadium, reconfiguration of the Alabama

Since that initial on-field coverage system was installed

locker room, expansion of the recruiting room and an

– comprised of a single Danley GH-60 loudspeaker paired

additional 10,000-square foot social area. The press box was

with a TH-212 subwoofer – the University’s sound needs

also relocated to the east side of the stadium and replaced

continued to grow.

with new luxury suites. The new lower bowl sound system

“In the initial full install back in 2014, time was of the

has also been added, but Bryant-Denny’s relationship with

essence,” said Mike Hedden, Chief Steward in Charge at

Danley Sound Labs has been longstanding.

Danley Sound Labs. “There was a short time window to

“15 years ago, we were using a portable rig for field

complete the installation and we were actively working

coverage,” said Harold Sexton, Customer Relations Manager

on building speakers for another major install at Churchill

of Sports for Danley Sound Labs and former Director of

Downs – home of the Kentucky Derby.”






Partially because Danley builds all of their loudspeakers

Cooper Hedden, Southeastern Regional Sales Manager for

and subwoofers in the United States, they were able to meet

Danley Sound Labs. “Because of the back reflection in the

both deadlines simultaneously – producing 400 to 500

new luxury suites, we had to be really careful to not add too

loudspeakers in just four weeks.

much low-end and create too much reflection in the suites.”

Bryant-Denny Stadium’s upper bowl continues to use forty

Even with these minor limitations, the upgrades have made a

distributed OS-80 weatherproof loudspeakers - two at each

significant difference.

of 20 locations - with every other OS-80 cluster paired with a

“It’s always great for our staff to be recognized for their

Danley OS-115 weatherproof subwoofer for low-end support.

work,” said Rand Harris, Associate Athletics Director of

“In the initial install, we were able to reduce total weight by

Information Technology at the University of Alabama.

several tons and our system required 52 fewer amplifiers and

“Over the past few years, we’ve worked diligently to ensure

signal processing than the prior system,” said Mike. “The

that our alumni, faculty, staff, students and fans all have

new lower bowl installation uses even fewer speakers and

the best experience possible. The new Danley Sound Labs

adds low-end.”

installation is certainly a meaningful part of that improved

“With the upgrades to the lower bowl, we added 12 TH118XL

fan experience.”

subwoofers which weren’t present in the initial install,” said

COMPANIES: Danley Sound Labs | WEBSITES:







AUDIO 048 Polar Park | Worcester, USA 052 EnviroVent Stadium | Harrogate, England

BROADCAST 056 ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup | Dubai, UAE


POLAR PARK Worcester, USA Images: Fulcrum Acoustic


hen the Pawtucket Red Sox baseball team, the Triple-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, relocated from Rhode Island to Massachusetts, a home venue was needed for the now Worcester Red Sox, which led to the city building Polar Park.

The 9,508-seater stadium was designed by Worcester’s very own Tommy Quirk of D’Agostino Izzo Quirk Architects (DAIQ), with assistance coming from consultant, Janet Marie Smith, Executive Vice President of Planning and Development for the LA Dodgers. The ballpark is the centrepiece of $240 million redevelopment of the city’s Kelley Square and Canal District, which also includes 250 apartments, two hotels, office space and 65,000 square feet of shops and restaurants. Construction of the Worcester Red Sox’s new venue began in July 2019 and, despite a seven-week hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic in April 2020, everything was completed in time for the first ball of the Triple-A season in May 2021. Part of the preparation for the official opening of Polar Park was ensuring that there was an audio system to match the city’s impressive, new stadium. With this in mind, the Polar Park design team hired renowned consulting firm WJHW (Wrightson, Johnson, Haddon, Williams) to design the audio system. The key requirement from the client was for a highly efficient system that could deliver a full range of sound and strong intelligibility. WJHW responded with a distributed design, requiring high output, high fidelity, and good pattern control from a compact system. Central Communications Systems of Boston was awarded the installation contract and turned to Fulcrum Acoustic’s TQ Install range to provide the loudspeaker solution for Polar Park. Vin Maiuri from Central Communications spoke to MONDO | STADIA about how he became involved in the project: “We were approached by a long-time installing partner, Ostrow Electric, to provide a joint venture price to bid for the project at Polar Park. As this is a completely new baseball stadium, we were asked to provide the best performance to meet speech intelligibility and provide exceptional low end frequency response when music was playing.” The Central Communications team mounted seventeen of Fulcrum Acoustic’s FH1566 Full Range Coaxial Horns along the sunshade, wrapping around the stands from first base to third base. The FH15s produce extremely high output using a single amplifier channel, creating an efficient method of providing coverage to the lower level of seating







within the bowl. Their coaxial design produces

microphones and BGM is done through a Yamaha

broadband pattern control to contain sound within

QL1 mixing console. We used a QSC Core 510i

the stadium and focus coverage directly on the

processor, too. We had redundancy requirements

fans for superior intelligibility while minimising

for the life safety mass notification, as well as

size. Three of Fulcrum’s FH1565 loudspeakers

redundant Dante networks – and Q-SYS handled

covered the left field lawn seating from their

this very well. A third Core 510i handles the back

position above the scoreboard.

of house systems also.”

“Fulcrum Acoustic’s FH is easy to power and

The team at Polar Park are delighted with the new

offers great low frequency response,” added Vin.

Fulcrum Acoustic system, as Vin explained further:

“Polar Park wanted full range sound from their

“Our previous experiences with Fulcrum Acoustic

system and the FHs are more than enough to

made it an easy choice when it came to the venue

make the stadium come alive.”

– the quality and service support they offer is

Fifty-five compact CX826 eight-inch coaxial

impeccable. The voicing and coverage pattern are

loudspeakers, together with a pair of CX1277 12-

absolutely perfect for Polar Park, too.

inch enclosures delivered coverage for the bar area

“The feedback overall has been excellent. They

and seating for fans with disabilities shaded by the

actually want to add Dante routing between the

overhang of box seats above.

PA and video production systems next to allow for

Discussing the audio configuration at Polar Park,

more routing flexibility for non-sporting events.

Vin added: “At the heart of the system is QSC

But, with everything in place in terms of the

utilising Q-SYS DSP and amplification, while the

audio, Polar Park has become a real destination

end user interface for the PA announcer, wireless

venue for Central Massachusetts.”



BRANDS: Fulcrum Acoustic, QSC, Yamaha | INSTALLER: Central Communications | WEBSITES:,, WWW.MONDOSTADIA.COM



ENVIROVENT STADIUM Harrogate, England Images: Pro Audio Systems


n August 2020, Harrogate Town FC were promoted to the English Football League (EFL) for the first time in their history thanks to a 3-1 victory over Notts County in the National League play-off Final at Wembley. With promotion came new responsibilities. The

league’s regulations precluded the use of the club’s Wetherby Road (EnviroVent) stadium’s synthetic pitch, and, as a narrow window of time did not allow the work on a replacement to be completed before the start of 2020/21 season, Harrogate Town arranged a temporary ground-share at Doncaster Rovers’ Keepmoat Stadium. Comfortably maintaining their new league status during a season largely played in empty stadiums due to Covid-19 restrictions, the club, with work on a new grass pitches completed, prepared to return home. Other EFL infrastructure criteria also had to be met at the EnviroVent, one of which was provision for a permanent public address system, which according to the League’s regulations required ‘… adequate speaker output to relay information to all spectator areas, as required by the local authority, with the ability to interrupt for safety announcements from the stadium control room’. With the possibility of a future further development of its facilities, the club sought to install a high quality, future-proof system that could be expanded if required. Sheffield-based technical services specialists, AVLS Technical, who had previously supplied temporary pre-match PA requirements on a hire basis, were engaged by the club to consult over the permanent installation. The club’s plan at this stage was to upgrade audio provision in four of the ground’s six distinct areas, and work with their existing set-up in the remaining two. Tom Vickers, Partner at AVLS explained: “When we took a close look at what was required, it was quickly apparent that it wasn’t a simple case of dropping in a few speakers, so we spoke to Pro Audio Systems for some advice. They came highly recommended, and our contact turned out to be Dave Simpson, who we’d worked with many years before when he was at a different company. It felt like completing a circle! Dave and his team focused their attention on supplying us with the best tools for the job, and after explaining his thinking, suggested that he discuss a potential system with RCF. It definitely turned out to be a good call.” Dave Simpson, Projects Director at Pro Audio Systems, duly recommended a system based around RCF’s range of loudspeakers. RCF have a long history of supplying audio for stadia around the world and offer a comprehensive range of products to suit every scale and type of stadium application. Confident in his selection of the brand, Dave then worked closely with Francesco Venturi of RCF’s Engineering Support Group, who assisted the project by providing design options for the different areas of the stadium’s stands and communal areas, using EASE prediction software. The chosen system predominantly comprised products from RCF’s compact,







lightweight and weatherproof P Series. These rugged

in quality between the new system and the remainder of the

IP55 rated enclosures deliver excellent music and speech

existing system was significant. Tom takes up the story:

intelligibility, and were deployed in three out of the four

“Once we’d completed the initial job, we were immediately

principle areas to be covered. In the Main Stand, AVLS

asked questions about the huge quality gap between the

installed six P3115T cabinets, whilst the greater depth of

new system and what was left of the old one. It had been

the Black Sheep Brewery Stand required 12 P2110T for even

picked up by everyone, from the fans to the chairman - and

coverage. The EnviroVent Stand was catered for with two

the decision was quickly taken to design a second phase to

P3108 cabinets, and 20 MQ80P (which will be redeployed upon

the upgrade. Dave Simpson and Jake Brown from Pro Audio

further development) completed the picture in the Myrings

Systems visited the site and were able to swiftly draw up

Terrace area.

some costings for the club.”

Dave recommended Yamaha PX Series amplification for the

Once approved, this second phase saw 10 RCF P3108 speakers

project, based on build quality and reliability, controlled by a

deployed in the Wetherby Road Stand with six P3108 added

QSC Q-Sys Core 110f processor.

in the AON Stand. Another three P3108 in the AON Stand and

On match days, the stadium announcer uses a small personal

four additional P3115 positioned in the Main Stand took care

mixer with a microphone and line feed to address the

of the pitch area. As with the first phase, all amplification was

whole ground and play background music, whilst in the

by Yamaha. To complete the picture and ensure total coverage

security office the club’s safety officer has an iPad with a

of the ground and comfortably meet every safety requirement,

custom built user control interface designed to replicate

AVLS installed Ecler 100v line speakers in all concourse

the stadium layout. This intuitive setup enables him/her to

and walkway areas. The club invested in two Sennheiser

override the entire system and/or individual stands, as well

Evolution Digital radio microphones for match day pitch-side

as allowing the storage and playback of pre-recorded safety


announcements. In the event of future expansion of the

Tom reflected on the completed installation: “What started as

system, the Core 110f had ample capacity for additional I/O,

a one-off visit to supply a temporary sound system developed

something that subsequently proved useful.

into a comprehensive permanent install. Dave and Jake

At the point where AVLS had completed the originally planned

acted as sounding boards throughout the project, and RCF

installation, it became apparent to the club that the difference

themselves had major input on the system design. They too


were very helpful throughout the whole process. The selected

system in place, we know we can rely on this at every home

products and system design have achieved everything we


set out to do across both phases of the job, and I’m glad we

For Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Barry and Operations

spent time at the beginning of the project finding the correct

Director, Dave Riley, meeting the highest standards of ground

supplier. At AVLS, we put a real emphasis on service and

safety was imperative - both are agreed that not only have

quality, so to have that mirrored in the support we received

the necessary criteria been more than met, but that the

was great. We look forward to continuing our relationship

new system significantly adds to the supporters’ match day

with both the club and Pro Audio Systems.”

experience. Sarah commented: “Tom and his team have

Most importantly of all, Harrogate Town FC is delighted

been superb, totally reliable, professional and flexible about

with their new system. It has attracted favourable comments

working with us around fixtures, which for a football club

from a variety of quarters, comparing its quality with that

is essential. The quality of the system is fantastic; we’ve

of leading Premier League clubs. Stadium announcer, Alan

had excellent feedback from supporters already. Ours was a

Toothill, is impressed: “The new system is easy to use and

significant investment that will last us many years to come so

makes my job so much easier! Before it was in place I would

it was very important we chose the right company who could

regularly get supporters telling me they missed things, or

advise us from the design to installation. The Service we have

that the announcements weren’t loud enough, but now the

received from Tom and AVLS has been first class from the

message comes through loud and clear. We can get important

initial site survey to final completion.”

information out about future matches and events, so the fans

Dave Simpson of Pro Audio Systems had the last word: “The

know exactly what’s going on.”

success of the project was based on identifying what products

His enthusiasm is shared by the club’s Assistant Manager,

would work best within the club’s budget without any

Paul Thirwell: “Having that buzz on a match day is massive

compromise on quality, and then working closely with both

to us. When the lads are walking out, the music is blaring

RCF and AVLS to ensure that the system delivered exactly

and the fans are all on their feet - it gives us all a massive

what was required. Judging by the response of everyone at the

lift. In the warm-ups, having the music on nice and loud is

club, the project can be considered a great success, and one

something we always wanted, and now we have the new PA

that we’re very proud to have played a part in delivering.”









s Australia were crowned the new ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Champions, the events of the historic final against New Zealand at the Dubai International Stadium were broadcast to the world with the help of RTS intercoms.

Due to a challenging COVID-19 situation, the month-long tournament moved from its original host nation of India to Oman and the UAE and broadcast from a variety of stadia across the two countries. To make the production as smooth as possible, three crews and four fly-packs were deployed to deliver the same production values at each venue. “We have had to deploy 51 RTS keypanels with a mixture of legacy RTS equipment and KP-4016 panels,” explained Comms Engineer, Michael Southgate. Utilising wide angle TFT displays for quality resolution and longer display life, the KP-Series keypanels have been used over various areas including the main broadcast control room and commentary production area, as well as the edit facilities and match officials’ areas. Providing enhanced digital audio quality, free of noise, delay and other artifacts, the RTS panels ensure all communication is perfectly clear, ideal for a live sporting event. At the heart of the system is the ADAM matrix frame, providing fully redundant communication with dual-purpose ports for both keypanel and four-wire audio. The modular matrix intercom utilizes a patented time-division multiplexing (TDM) technique, meaning it grows linearly as users are added. For the purposes of live broadcasting, the ADAM system supports redundant controllers, allowing for automatic changeover in the event of failure. The combined RTS system ensured a flawless production across the different venues. The OMNEO IP-based media networking architecture meant the solution could be easily combined with other elements in workflow, such as the audio console and that every member of the crew could benefit from crystal-clear comms.





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VENUE TECH DIRECTORY 060 Sporting Venue Technology

IN DETAIL & EVENT DIARY 062 TSL Products 063 Conferences & Exhibitions

FULL TIME 064 George Vaughan | Ascot Racecourse

VENUE TECH DIRECTORY A closer look at some of the latest, state-of-the-art technology for sporting venues.


Fully embedded control solution. Date & time triggers. HTTP [Open API]. RJ45 or five pin DMX. Eight Universes. Enlighten [MEMO Core Engine Software].


• •



Compact line array, point source loudspeakers and subwoofers designed for use on cruise ships, in stadia and other outdoor permanent installations that face extreme weather conditions. The IS Weatherized includes the same audio performance as the trusted IS Series, but features structural steel elements that are made of a high yield strength stainless alloy that offers 100% corrosion resistance. These new models also include an interior and exterior coating with a distinctive smooth finish that provides a water resistant seal and allows for easy cleaning and removal of dirt, grime, salt water or sand. Cabinets are rated to IP55 while connectors are rated to IP68.


A leader in advanced weapons detection for security screening, securing the world’s most iconic venues and companies. Evolv’s mission is enabling a better experience and better security for venues, creating a safer world to work, learn, and play by transforming physical security to make everywhere safer. Gives sports fans, theme park visitors, concertgoers, shoppers, employees, students, and others peace of mind so that they can gather without fear of violence. Security screening has scanned more than 100 million people Evolv technology combines powerful, advanced sensors with proven artificial intelligence (AI), security ecosystem integrations, and comprehensive venue analytics to reliably detect threats 10 times faster than traditional metal detectors.



• • • •

Professional wireless intercom system that features wideband 7K audio and advanced RF to insure exceptional range and expandability while providing dependable, consistent connectivity. Durable (IP67-rated) small, comfortable, and easy-to-use two- and four- Volume Radio Packs available. Flexible RF platform that supports license-free 900MHz and 2.4GHz frequency bands, with no frequency coordination needed. CrewWare - intuitive and easy-to-use system set-up, control and monitoring included. Highly configurable with customisable conferences, user profiles and assignable wireless ISO.

CV568 MARSHALL • • • • • •

New 1/1.8” Global Shutter Sensor with 25% larger pixels Broadcast quality video up to 1080p at 60, 59.94, 50fps with true-colour. Tri-Level Genlock Sync for faster, more accurate LIVE camera switching. Durable body design with rear panel protection wings for reliable connections. Remote adjustable settings to match with other cameras in production. Simultaneous 3GSDI & HDMI for multi-purpose workflows.






TSL PRODUCTS | MPA1 DANTE AUDIO MONITORS hen it comes to the fast-paced environment of sports productions, it’s crucial for broadcasters to deploy reliable, high-quality audio monitoring solutions, so they provide viewers at home with a flawless listening experience, ensuring they don’t miss a single call. TSL Products’ range of MPA1 Dante audio monitors, including the MPA1 MIX Dante and MPA1 SOLO Dante, have been specifically designed for use where operators need to create a custom mix or solo sources on a Dante network. With easy-to-use controls, the MPA1 range of audio monitors is trusted by operators and engineers worldwide. These compact and cost-effective audio monitors offer an accessible solution that can enhance any broadcast workflow without breaking the bank. Providing high-quality audio monitoring of 64 Dante and 64 MADI audio channels, MPA1 units feature an audio level meter display of up to 16 Dante or MADI audio channels for quick storeand-recall of up to 16 monitor mixes. With its easily accessible front panel display, complete with pan/balance information, efficient audio monitoring of up to eight unique audio sources can be achieved seamlessly. Source labels can be automatically read from the Dante network, or manually entered using the web UI. MPA1 Dante audio monitors are flexible enough to meet specific and demanding workflow requirements. Simple and intuitive scroll-and-listen capabilities allow users to seamlessly monitor multiple audio feeds, and the high-quality, full-range internal loudspeaker system ensures operators hear a crystal-clear stream




of audio. MPA1 Dante audio monitors can also be connected to external loudspeakers using the line level balanced analogue outputs. There is also a headphone output with selectable loudspeaker muting behaviour, further enhancing operator workflow. The MPA1 SOLO Dante features intuitive scroll-to-listen capabilities, designed for use in sports broadcast or outside broadcast application where fast audio QC is needed. Users can instinctively scroll through the available inputs, switching between mono or stereo with a single button push. The audio monitor also features a ‘Zoom View,’ showing larger metering for the chosen audio pair, including phase metering. The MPA1 MIX Dante enables the creation of a custom mix on the fly using the independent source gain encoders, from any of the sources available, regardless of I/O type. This audio monitor features a source label and a monitor mix label display, so operators can seamlessly access and monitor the necessary audio sources, as well as accurate peak metering. With today’s broadcast workflow, it’s more crucial than ever for broadcasters to be able to access dependable solutions for remote configuration of audio signals. The MPA1 Dante’s built-in web server allows for remote setup, control and monitoring through a web browser. It also comes included with SNMP support, allowing comprehensive real-time remote configuration and control over a network.


EVENT DIARY ISE 1st - 4th February, Barcelona

Hosts & Federations Summit 12th - 14th April, Lausanne

IBC Show 9th - 12th September, Amsterdam

MONDO | STADIA presents AGORA 3rd February, Barcelona

NAB Show 23rd - 27th April, Las Vegas

WFS Europe 28th - 29th September, Seville

UK Events Summit 23rd February, Manchester

Prolight + Sound 26th - 29th April, Frankfurt

SPORTEL Monaco 24th - 26th October, Monaco

SPORTEL Rendez-vous 14th - 15th March, Miami

InfoComm 4th - 10th June, Las Vegas

International Sports Convention 23rd - 24th March, London

ALSD Conference & Tradeshow 10th - 12th July, New York


ASCOT RACECOURSE Voice and NFC – two trends ready to make life easier in a post-pandemic world George Vaughan, Head of Technology, Ascot Racecourse

s the hospitality sector seeks to adjust to the post-pandemic world, an event that has not only changed the landscape for customer engagement but also had a profound impact on staffing within the industry, venues are once again looking to technology for solutions. Over the last four years, Ascot Racecourse has been undergoing a technology transformation as part of its “Smart City” program, introducing new systems and even AI driven solutions to better aid the customer experience and help streamline the operational process. We caught up with Head of Technology, George Vaughan, for an update on where Ascot is on its current technology journey and to get some insight on an exciting new, venue-first project focused on the world of voice activated devices: “It’s been a challenging time for our sector. I don’t believe anyone truly appreciated the global impact of the pandemic and it isn’t an exaggeration to say that in many ways it has changed the way we live and work forever. For a large proportion of society, things will never go back to the way they were before – and this shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a negative. Out of every adversity there are always positives to be had. “When Covid struck, Ascot had the systems and infrastructure in place to immediately migrate everyone to remote working and for a business with over 300 years of history behind it, this proved to be a relatively painless and issue-free transition. A great deal of this was down to an engaged workforce and a supportive and progressive board but I am also fortunate to have a very talented and responsive Technology team, without whom none of this would have been possible. “The world may have stopped for many people during the pandemic, but, where possible, we carried on with our development plans, which included moving into the final stages of our audio upgrade, overhauling our core




infrastructure, launching our Kappture in-box solution, introducing pre-order to our customers, developing our CRM roadmap, enhancing our NFC technology solutions for entry and redemption and even working on Alexa for Smart Properties with Amazon” Can you tell us a little more about the work you have been progressing with NFC, as I know we covered the start of this journey with you back in 2019? NFC has proven to be a great solution for Ascot and one that we have uniquely tweaked to great success over 2020, when we were forced to host Royal Ascot behind closed doors. It saw the emergence of the Golden Ticket campaign and provided the platform for us to introduce the Ascot Fan Pass. Great credit goes to our partner, Pronto CX in this regard, as they have helped to articulate our unique vision for this technology as well as the continued support from Apple and Google. The next part of this journey is the launch of NFC redemption for race card, food and drink vouchers and parking and the first two elements of these are already tested and ready to go live. It’s about customer adoption through understanding. There’s nothing new in the suggestion that mobile is the way to engage with customers, but we specifically went with NFC because it was safer, more secure and already familiar to anyone who has used Apple/Google/ Android Pay or a digital boarding pass when travelling. Does NFC really differ that much from other digital ticketing solutions? Anything digital is always preferable to a physical asset because it is less open to fraud, more convenient to use and much more sustainable. However, the key benefits of an NFC ticket over

barcode or QR code are that it cannot be copied with screenshots and distributed to unknown users. Also, customers don’t need to search through the wallet or an app to find the pass as NFC is automatically read when held near a reader, regardless of whether the ticket is opened or not. Admittedly rotating barcodes/QR codes do solve this to a degree, but it adds a level of complexity – and unfamiliarity – that can be avoided by NFC. Additionally, NFC offers a one-tap, payment and reward service, doesn’t require a customer to be onboarded via an app, has no need of WIFI or LTE connectivity and perhaps quite crucially for smoothness of operations, isn’t impacted by direct sunlight in the same way that QR or barcode tickets are. Our view is that customer experience sits above all else and with this in mind, when you focus on speed, security and ease of use, my view is that NFC wins hands down. You recently piloted a venue first solution with Amazon’s Alexa for Smart Properties. Can you tell us a little more about this? This was one of the most exciting projects I’ve worked on over the last couple of years and represents another example of repurposing familiar, mainstream tech to offer something new to our customers. We worked with Amazon on their recently-launched Alexa for Smart Properties, utilising the MyHudson skill to deliver a whole new series of services to customers over a twoday period during the November racing weekend. Covering a dozen boxes each day, Alexa for Smart Properties allowed customers to order food and drink to their boxes, purchase from the retail store, request a staff member to come and take a bet as well as offering venue and race day information. All this information was displayed on a live, dashboard monitored by the operational teams so our staff could respond dynamically. It offered up some fascinating insights on requests,





NFC passes powered by Pronto CX.

behaviour and response times. In addition, we were able to communicate messages to customers, either by box, selected boxes or to all boxes, enabling us to schedule audio notifications for things like special offers, last order times and next race details.” Were there any security concerns about deploying Alexa for Smart Properties? Security is a key requirement for us at Ascot and privacy is foundational and core to how Amazon designs all of their devices and services, including Alexa for Smart Properties. Echo devices are designed to detect the chosen wake word (Alexa, Amazon, Computer or Echo). When Echo devices detect the wake word or when the Action button, available on some Echo devices, is pressed to activate Alexa, a visual indicator appears on the device to show that the device is recording your request to stream to the cloud. For example, a light ring on the Echo will turn blue or a blue bar will appear on Echo Show. No audio is stored or sent to the cloud unless the device detects the wake word (or Alexa is activated by pressing a button). Additionally for Alexa for Smart Properties, all utterance history, voice activity, and personal data 066


are not stored and neither the integrator, property manager, or other third party has any access to personal data about the customer. Here at Ascot, we are excited about being the first venue anywhere outside of the US to trial Alexa for Smart Properties in hospitality and then first globally to be running the MyHudson service. Are there plans to expand the solution further or integrate the platform into other systems? We learned a lot in the pre-launch testing phase and during the live pilot and many of those learnings have already been programmed into the system and will be operational for our Christmas Race Weekend. The intention is to expand the solution to more boxes for December and introduce a service window so customers can report any service requests around TVs, air conditioning or audio that will then be fed directly through to our helpdesk. Finally, we are midway through an exciting integration with our POS provider, Kappture that will allow us to bring seamless ordering, payment and delivery to customers in the New Year. That’s ground-breaking stuff for our sector but again something already familiar to customers at

home who use both voice-activated tech and the integrated services of companies like Uber and Deliveroo. It’s not about re-inventing the wheel it’s simply about re-purposing the familiar. In my time at Twickenham one of my greatest successes was moving the payment platform away from cash to contactless because that was the common behaviour already adopted by customers when they travelled, shopped or dined out. I see something similar happening again, partly driven by the pandemic but also by the fact that the way people consume their content is constantly changing. Today, it is all about the service coming to the customer and even we as venues need to be wary of complacency. If you see the way streaming services have changed music and movie consumption at home and are now having a profound impact on cinema, who is to say the same challenges won’t come our way in the near future. No matter who you are, even the very biggest stadiums can only accommodate a fraction of their fan base at any one time and we should always keep one eye firmly fixed on that majority that engage with us at home from the comfort of their armchairs.





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