Sleeper 97

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A Market in Flux As London emerges from lockdown, the hard-hit hospitality sector reviews performance, profit and pipeline in the hope of a post-pandemic rebound. Words: Catherine Martin



hen a little-known virus


“Getting our world-leading hospitality industry

began its spread across a

With its shopping, sporting events and world-

back on its feet will be vital for London, but also

far-flung city in China, the

class tourist attractions, London has long been

the UK’s economic recovery as we emerge from

rest of the world could be

on the bucket list for travellers. From heritage

lockdown,” Khan said in a statement regarding

forgiven for passing over

sites and royal connections to some of the most-

staff shortages.

the news item with little

visited museums and galleries in the world,

UKHospitality has been vocal on the impact

concern for their everyday life. Back in the

the UK capital has plenty to offer the leisure

the pandemic has had on business too, and has

early part of 2020, no-one could have predicted

traveller, while exhibitions and conferences

been busy producing guidelines and FAQs to

the impact that SAR-CoV-2 – now commonly

cement its place as a hub for global business.

help those struggling to navigate the changing

known as Coronavirus – would have. Not in

In 2019, London welcomed a record-breaking

regulations. CEO Kate Nicholls was hugely

living memory has there been such a deadly,

21.7 million inbound visitors, accounting for

disappointed at the recent delay to easing

disruptive turn of events.

53% of all visits to the UK. Tourist spending

restrictions, stating: “The hospitality sector

Away from the devastating cost to human life

also hit a new high with accommodation and

has already lost more than £87bn in sales in

and the personal challenges so many have faced,

dining amongst those benefitting. As such, the

the pandemic leaving businesses deeply in debt

the impact on business has been far-reaching.

value of the sector to the economy shouldn’t be

and at risk of suffering economic long-Covid

The hospitality sector has been particularly hard

underestimated. According to UKHospitality – a

without further support. Hospitality is desperate

hit. In fact, it’s been catastrophic. In the UK,

trade body that represents independent hotels

to get back to what it does best and can play a

lockdown after lockdown has seen businesses

and large multi-national groups as well as

key role in the economic recovery of the UK.”

encourage working from home, dramatically

bars, restaurants and visitor attractions – the

reducing footfall in major cities and therefore

wider sector has a £130bn turnover representing


demand for high street dining; mixing with

5% of GDP – a greater contribution than the

Steady growth in tourist arrivals over the past

others was banned, causing bar and restaurant

automotive, pharmaceutical and aeronautic

decade has been the driving force behind new

bookings to plummet; and holidays have been

sectors combined. It is also the UK’s third

hotel development in London, and despite an

cancelled, forcing hotels to scale back services

largest employer with 3.2 million workers –

increase in supply, the city has historically

or close their doors altogether. It came as no

that’s 9% of the total workforce.

performed well in terms of the key performance

surprise then when analysts and hoteliers

These figures, coupled with the fall in

indicators. According to data from STR,

declared 2020 the worst in living history. What

spending, has prompted action from Mayor

occupancy has stayed above 80% for the past

should have been a record year for performance

of London Sadiq Khan, who has pledged to

decade, peaking at 83.4% in 2019, while RevPAR

and new supply, became record-breaking for a

use all the powers at his disposal to tackle the

averaged £115.99, again recording its highest

very different reason.

challenges facing the city’s hospitality industry.

rate (£128.44) in 2019.

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