Mediterranean Match Innside by Meliá joins forces with Gino D’Acampo to bring authentic Italian cuisine to its growing portfolio of UK hotels. Words: Catherine Martin
hen it comes to partnerships between hotels
And so after months of planning, a strategic partnership
and chefs – particularly if both are already well
was announced earlier this year, with Innside hotels in the
established in their own right – success often boils
North of England the first to fly the Gino D’Acampo flag. In
down to being a good match for one another, whether it
Manchester, which opened in 2015, D’Acampo and his team
be personality, vision or standards. So when Meliá Hotels
have taken over F&B operations to launch First Street Bar &
International were looking for a chef to curate a series of
Kitchen, investing £250k into new kitchen facilities as well
new restaurants for its Innside brand, it wasn’t only the
as an extended terrace for al fresco dining. In Newcastle
cuisine that was a deciding factor. “Gino’s is a very popular,
– a 161-key newbuild that made its debut in the summer –
well-respected, and well-loved brand with a reputation for
there’s a spacious restaurant and bar occupying a prime spot
good quality and a fun dining experience,” explains Garry
on the Quayside. And in Liverpool, a 200-cover open-plan
Fortune, Cluster General Manager at the Spanish hotel group.
restaurant, bar and lounge on the ground floor celebrated its
“The Mediterranean cuisine is a great fit and Gino will also
opening just a matter of days ago.
be spending time in each of the hotels so guests can actually
D’Acampo has personally been involved in the development
see him in the kitchen and around the restaurant – this was
of all three, overseeing everything from the curation of the
key for us.”
menus to setting the atmosphere. “As a chef, my number
A preliminary meeting between Laura de Vega González,
one priority is of course the food, but there’s so much
Meliá’s Head of Global F&B Development, and Gino D’Acampo
more that goes into making a great dining experience,” he
Hotels & Leisure a number of years ago lay the groundwork
explains. “You need to satisfy all the senses to create the
for a possible partnership, but it wasn’t until 2021, with
perfect environment. I’m not a designer but you can see
the ramping-up of development for the Innside brand that
my influences throughout my restaurants, from the colour
things really progressed.
palette – inspired by my favourite yacht company – through
“My restaurants are very much about creating a lifestyle
to the playlist.”
experience so it has always been my aspiration to establish
D’Acampo is also involved in the selection and training of
a partnership with a hotel operator,” says D’Acampo, adding
the team, with each site operating with its own executive chef
that there are plenty of parallels between his company and
and brigade, all trained to the highest standards under Andy
Meliá. “We’re both committed to delivering the highest
Owen, Executive Head Chef, and Jason Wass, Head of Back of
levels of service and we share the same vision; together we
House Operations. D’Acampo believes that both back- and
want to set a new standard for accessible, modern dining.”
front-of-house contribute to the overall guest experience,