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BNS Drive-in Concerts
Universal Sound Productions deploys JBL Professional VerTec Series for Sri Lankan drive-in shows.
Hosted by pop duo Bathiya and Santhush, BNS Drive-in Concerts was the first live music experiences since the COVID-19 outbreak for both Sri Lanka and South Asia, with Universal Sound Productions providing an audio backbone including an array of JBL Professional VerTec Series loudspeakers. The large-scale events, was held at the Colombo International Airport and enforced strict health and security guidelines.
“T he stage was directly facing massive aircraft hangers and many of them were made of metal structures, so we had to work with JBL Line Array Calculator (LAC) to get rid of all the slap back with accurate measurement,” stated Universal Sound Productions’ Malinda Lowe. “Towers were not an option as they would obstruct the view, so we managed to deliver the required vertical coverage despite the heavy surrounding wind.” The other challenge for the production was to match the PA feed with the broadcast feed. “The JBL Performance Manger software and Soundcraft ViSi Remote app played major roles in accomplishing this task,” commented Lowe.
Un iversal Sound Productions deployed 40 JBL VT4888 3-way highdirectivity loudspeakers. Both the left and right arrays comprised of 12 speakers, while the remaining 16 were equally divded and positioned in four ground stacks. For powerful, accurate low-frequency repsonse, Universal Sound Productions positioned 24 VTX G28 dual 18-inch subwoofers across the front stage and eight VT4882 midsize subwoofers on the sides. The system also featured eight SRX712M 12-inch two-way stage monitors and one PRX618S 18-in self-powered subwoofer.
Po wering the system were nine Crown VRack 4X3500 HD amplifer racks as well as 20 Macro-Tech i Series and six XTi 6002 power amplifiers. JBL LAC was “essential” in designing and configuring the system to achieve ideal coverage and SPL, while Performance Manger helped Universal Sound Productions tune the system. The show was mixed through a Soundcraft Vi3000 digital console, while a Soundcraft Realtime Rack and two dbx DriveRack 4800 loudspeaker managerment systems ensured peak sound quality throughout the concerts. TPi Photo: Chamal Goonawardena www.pro.harman.com
Photo by Claire P on Unsplash
A Ghostlight burns in empty theaters as a beacon against the dark and as a promise to soon retake the stage.